Vi'p llir.'OKiiii 39002002935329 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Biographical History of Massachusetts Biographies and Autobiographies of the Leading Men in the State Samuel Atkins Eliot, 'A.M., D.D. Editor-in-Chief Volume I With opening chapters on What Massachusetts Stands for in the History of the Nation By Edward Everett Hale, S.T.D., LL.D. MASSACHUSETTS BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 1909 Copyright, 1906 By M. E. Jambs .411 rights reserved Ch 3i.H The Plimpton Press Norwood Mass. U.S.A. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OF MASSACHUSETTS SAMUEL A. ELIOT, A.M. D.D. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ADVISORY BOARD HON. JOHN L. BATES . Boston Ex-Governor of Massachusetts HON. JOHN Q. A. BRACKETT Arlington Ex-Govemor of Massachusetts HON. HENRY K. BRALEY Boston Associate Justice Supreme Judicial Court KENYON L. BUTTERFIELD, A.M Amherst President Massachusetts Agricultural College EDWARD H. CLEMENT, Litt.D Boston Editor Boston Transcript, 1881-1906 HON. WILLIAM W. CRAPO New Bedford President Wamsutta Mills HON. JOHN 0. CROSBY Pittsfield Associate Justice Superior Court SAMUEL A. GREEN, LL.D Boston Vice-President Massachusetts Historical Society THE MOST REV. WILLIAM H. O'CONNELL, D.D. . Boston Archbishop ot Boston HON. A. C. RATSHESKY Boston President United States Trust Company HON. JOHN R. THAYER Worcester Ex-Congressman CALEB B. TILLINGHAST, A.M Boston State Librarian CARROLL D. WRIGHT, Ph.D., LL.D. . . . Worcester President Clark College Former U. S, Commissioner of Labor CONTENTS. VOL. I BIOGRAPHIES AND FULL PAGE PORTRAITS ENGRAVED ON STEEL !IEL JACOB ABBOT )MER ALBERS )WIN FARNSWORTH ATKINS :,EDERICK AYER )LLIS RUSSELL BAILEY HN BASCOM MUEL AUGUSTUS BIGELOW ^THEW CD. BORDEN lANKLIN CARTER CORGE WHITEFIELD CHADWICK XEB CHASE JY WILBUR COX INTHROP MURRAY CRANE 'EPHEN MOODY CROSBY iHN GIFFORD CROWLEY lYETTE SAMUEL CURTIS CHARD HENRY DANA DMUND DOWSE WILLIAM BRADFORD HOMER DOWSE CHARLES WILLIAM ELIOT HENRY HARDWICK FAXON THOMAS JOHN GARGAN WILLIAM GASTON ' WILLIAM ALEXANDER GASTON LEWIS NEWTON GILBERT EDWIN GINN JOHN M. HARLOW JOHN CUMMINGS HAYNES DANIEL COLLAMORE HEATH CHARLES EDWARD HELLIER WILLIAM HENRY HILL JOHN HOPEWELL ANDREW HOWARTH JOSEPH JEFFERSON ANDREW JACKSON JENNINGS PRESTON BOND KEITH WILLIAM HENRY LINCOLN THOMAS DIXON LOCKWOOD HENRY CABOT LODGE JOHN DAVIS LONG THORNTON KIRKLAND LOTHROP GEORGE AUGUSTUS MARDEN WINTHROP LIPPITT MARVIN ROBERT McNEIL MORSE WILLIAM HENRY NILES ROBERT TREAT PAINE FRED STARK PEARSON JAMES JOSEPH PHELAN SAMUEL LELAND POWERS ABBOTT LAWRENCE ROTCH JOSEPH BALLISTER RUSSELL HARVEY NEWTON SHEPARD JOHN SHEPARD SAMUEL A. D. SHEPPARD THOMAS SHERWIN CHARLES FRANCIS SMITH JOHN H. STORER EDWARD AUGUSTINE TAFT WATERMAN ALLEN TAFT GEORGE ARNOLD TORREY EDGAR VAN ETTEN GEORGE WASHINGTON WELLS DANIEL BAIRD WESSON JOHN WILSON WHEELER EDITOR'S PREFACE IT is a perfectly legitimate curiosity with which people ask about the facts and motives and incentives of a notable life. In every man of distinction men see what is possible for all humanity. A life first lived, then written, and then read, is the best source of inspiration for other lives. We do not know the real history of any age or country until we have clearly seen its characteristic men. To know the heart of any event we must see it revealed in the achievements, passions, and hopes of individuals. The men whose struggles and successes are described in this book are not all men of great historic signiiicance, or of special and peculiar gifts. They are men who have displayed the virtues that have made Massachusetts the sturdy and self-reliant Common wealth that it is; men who possess the healthy and universal qualities of human nature that are close to the heart of all sorts and condi tions of men. These lives are near enough to the average life of humanity to have lifting power. . The reader of these brief biographies will find his own resolutions and ideals reinvigorated; his own intentions realized, and his own manhood, not swamped, but vitalized and given new direction. He will broaden his horizon and learn how to enter into sympathy with occupations and pursuits that before seemed uninteresting. One realm of human endeavor after another will become vivid as it is seen through the enthusiasm of men who have there worked and suffered and won. The selection of the names included in this and the succeeding volumes has been made by the Advisory Committee. Most of the men described are now active in business and professional careers, but a few sketches have been added of men whose achievements are still fresh in memory. The biographies have been prepared by experienced writers, and are in no small degree autobiographical, EDITOR'S PREFACE for each man, in answer to questions, has described in his own way his inheritances and environment, and the facts of his career. The portraits in this book increase its value. Said Thomas Carlyle: "Often I have found a portrait superior in real instruction to half a dozen written biographies, ... or rather, let me say, I have found that the portrait was as a small lighted candle by which the biographies could for the first time be read, and some human interpretation be made of them." The volume is submitted to the public in the confidence that the careers herein described will be found stimulating to patriotism and potent to cheer and inspire other lives. QJCU^i>t.<.*.c^ <2, tJi^, INTRODUCTION WHAT MASSACHUSETTS STANDS FOR IN THE HISTORY OF THE NATION THE popular institutions which grew up almost of them selves in Massachusetts, succeeded so well that they became, one may say, the object lessons for the different American States, as they came into being. For this continent, Massachusetts became somewhat what Switzerland became in Europe, — an ex ample of Government of the people, for the people, by the people. After the death of Winthrop till the outbreak of the Revolu tionary War, no special Leader of the people can be named who directed or gave form to the political or religious institutions of the colony and province. But when an exigency came that exigency was met as well as they knew how to meet it. If a plan for finance or commerce, or manufacture worked well, why it worked well and it became permanent. If it did not work well, why, it did not work well, and it was forgotten. What followed was that the quaint charter of a trading company developed into the government of a State which was independent. The appointment by the Crown of a Governor-general of New England became merely the occa sion of petty local controversy, but the State governed itself. Mr. Choate was quite within the strictest bounds of history when he said that she showed to the world a church without a bishop and a State without a king. What she had of the rights and privileges of an independent na tion appeared when she declared war against George Third, who thought himself the strongest monarch of his time. In the war which followed this State swept the sea with her ships and crippled the commerce of England. For long periods in the war, Massachu setts had more seamen engaged against King George's navy than were serving in that navy against her. As history is made up by the lives of the men who direct history, the volumes in the reader's hands are offered as a valuable contri- INTRODUCTION bution to the history of the three centuries which have passed since Captain John Smith pronounced the home of the Massachusetts Indians to be the Paradise of New England. The name Massachu setts seems to appear first in literature when the Massachusetts Indians are thus spoken of by him in 1615. He names the Massachusetts Indians among forty or fifty other communities which he had seen or heard of in his voyage along the shores of what he called Massachusetts Bay. He sometimes spells the word with u in the third syllable and sometimes with the let ters ew. The name was then applied to a group of Indians who lived around what we call the Blue Hills, — Malta and chusett, meaning the Great Hills. Smith says that "their home is the par adise of those parts." The name of the bay has extended since in familiar use so that it now comprehends the great bay between Cape Ann on the north and Cape Cod on the south-east. Gosnold had coasted the shore of that bay as early as 1602, But he does not use the name Massachusetts, The natives of those shores were ac quainted in a way with Europeans from the visits of French and English fishermen. In 1621, when the Pilgrim Fathers were established by a resi dence of a few months in Plymouth, they sent a party to explore the shore north-west and north of them and they speak of this voy age as their voyage to the Massachusetts. The phrase meant to them what it meant to Smith, the region immediately west of the present city of Boston. And nine years later, when in 1630, John Winthrop came up the bay to judge of its resources for his colony, he speaks of going "from Salem to Massachusetts." The company under whose charter he had led out his party of emigrants had been called the Massachusetts Company in that char ter two years before. The Massachusetts charter was granted by Charles the First to a company of Puritan adventurers who fur nished the capital for the undertaking. Some of them were from London, and the east of England, and some more were friends of John White, of Dorchester, in the south-west of England. They had purchased from an older company, named the New England Company, such rights as they had in the premises. The charter of 1628, which laid the foundation of the present State of Massachu setts, gave what we should call sovereign rights to a territory run ning from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Its boundary on the north INTRODUCTION was to be a line three miles north of the Merrimac River, and on the south, a line three miles south of Charles River. From the geo graphical points which showed the northern limit, and the southern hmit of this grant, the boundaries were to run west till it struck the South Sea, the name then given to the Pacific Ocean. South ward, from the very beginning, it was understood that the northern boundary of the old colony of Plymouth was the southern boundary of Massachusetts. In fact, no very accurate account was kept in London of these grants. And when it subsequently proved desirable to assign to the Duke of York that territory which is still called New York, its eastern limit ran north to Canada, and thus were extinguished practically, our claims by royal patent to the States of Michigan and Wisconsin and other sovereignties west of them as far as Ore gon. The kindred title of Connecticut to territory west of her sur vived far enough to give to that State the property which is still called "the western reserve" in the State of Ohio. The colony of Massachusetts Bay thus chartered was united with the colony of Plymouth under the second charter in the year 1691. As the province of "Massachusetts Bay" with which was connected the Province of Maine, Massachusetts declared war against the King in the next century. When in 1780 she estab lished her own constitutional government, the word bay was dropped from the title and it is as the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that she is one of the United States formed by the Federal Constitution in 1787. The space occupied by the State upon the map is not consider able. As Mr. Everett said on a celebrated occasion of the domin ions of the House of Hapsburg, it is but a speck on the map of the world. But from the very first she has made herself known in the rest of the world, and her sons feel that the rest of the world has profited by what she has taught them. In the volumes in the reader's hands some attempt is made to show her influence in the development of the civilization of the world as some of her dis tinguished sons have lived for mankind. It should be remembered by all who read American history or American biography that the colonists who came into Massachusetts Bay with Winthrop and those who followed them in the next ten years were led by idealists who had very distinct views as to the INTRODUCTION government, whether of the church or of the State. These views were the advanced views of their time, and that reader is very much in the dark who supposes that the radicalism of these men is to be traced simply in their theological or ecclesiastical opinions. No! They were Independents of the Independents; they were such men as Cromwell delighted in. Those of them who chose to go back to England to join in the great contest of the century generaUy allied themselves at once to Cromwell's party, the party of the Independ ents. In many instances they led that party. As their ecclesias tical leaders in the Westminster Assembly proved to be leaders in the proposals for the church, so such men as Hopkins and Sedgwick proved to be leaders in the direction of the war and of Cromwell's administration. Edward Hopkins, the same whose prizes are now distributed at Harvard College every year, the godfather of Hopkinton in Massachusetts, was the head of Crom well's Board of Admiralty, which continues as the Board of Admi ralty of England to this day. It was under his direction, for instance, that the English took Jamaica which they hold to-day. The accurate reader should recollect that the term New England for the States which grew up east of New York is first used by John Smith after his voyage of 1614. It is now of no great importance but it is worth remark that the name Mattachusetts with tt instead of ss in the first syllable is retained in ofiicial documents almost al ways for the first century. In the Algonquin dialects these letters are sometimes interchanged, as where Miss-issippi means the great river to this day. The root is the same as that used in Massachu setts, — the great mountain. About ten thousand persons crossed the ocean westward under the impulse given by the Massachusetts Company within the first ten years after John Winthrop's voyage. But when in 1642, Har vard College sent out eight young men with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, four of them "returned home," as they would have said, meaning to England. They went back to play their part in the country in which they were born, so soon to lose its name as a king dom. And in the twenty years which followed, one of the writers of the time says that more persons had emigrated from New England to old England than had come westward expecting to find homes here. So close was Cromwell's interest in the New England of that day INTRODUCTION that after his conquest of Jamaica, he wrote an official letter to the magistrates of Massachusetts to propose to them that the New England Colony should remove to Jamaica. In a conversation with Governor Leverett, of which we have Leverett's account in detail, "His Highness, the Protector" urged his plan upon the New Eng landers. Leverett replied sturdOy that in no plantation of Eng land were settlers so well established as in New England. And the General Court, at Leverett's suggestion, wrote a respectful letter to the Protector on the 12th of October, 1656, declining his proposal. From the whole of the interesting correspondence it is evident that the State of Massachusetts was well established, that its rulers were confident that they could hold their position, and that while they wished to deal with the Protector with all courtesy, they felt that they were in no way dependent upon the home government. Their complete satisfaction with this position appeared definitely when Philip's War broke out in 1674. They never asked the gov ernment of England for a soldier or an ounce of powder or of lead, nor for the slightest assistance of any sort by which they should maintain their position here. The reader must remember from the date of the very first settle ment that every Englishman in Plymouth or in Massachusetts was here because he did not want to be in England. They did not like the way in which things were done in England. They came here because they did not like it. And they found very soon that they had white paper to write upon. If the English forms were disagree able, why, they could drop the English form and who should say nay? An amusing instance is that of the halberds which poor Governor Winthrop tried to use in his escort on state occasions. The halberds were "unpopular," as we should say to-day. Winthrop had to order his own servants to carry them, and from that moment there were no halberdiers. It is true that they could hardly appeal to the authority of Eng land if they would. Often, the early settlers were six months with out news from England. But we must observe also that they did not want to appeal there. Years after Winthrop's settlement, when they were asked to show the royal colors on the arrival of one of the King's ships, they had no royal colors to show. They did not want to have any. This is to say, in other words, that they could carry out their INTRODUCTION own plans for self-government. And they did. When the hun dred persons who established Plymouth arrived in Provincetown, in August, 1620, they met together and the men signed the compact which has become famous, by which they agreed to obey their own governor and to make their own laws. Very soon they had to make deeds and wills which transferred real property from one owner to another. Now, this matter of probate of wills was one of those which in England was left to the ecclesiastical courts, — and is left so to this day. But these people had come here because they detested the English church and its establishments. The people, therefore, established their own courts of registry and for the pro bate of wills. The system which they established has gone over all America and no ecclesiastic, as such, has anything to do with it. Cases not unlike this turned up constantly in the early legisla tion of the General Court of Massachusetts. That court attended to such affairs and very soon had to make their own code. As early as May, 1635, it was agreed that a committee should " frame a body of grounds of laws in resemblance to a Magna Charta which being allowed by some of the ministers and the General Court should be received for fundamental laws." In 1641, what is now known as the "Body of Liberties" of Massachusetts had got itself prepared. Nineteen copies of it were made and they were sold to the separate towns for ten shillings a piece for each copy. The session of the General Court for December continued three weeks and established the code by authority. But this code did not satisfy the people and from year to year the "Body of Laws" was enlarged and im proved upon until they were printed in 1660. Now of this Body of Laws, as Hon. Francis Calley Gray says " in the main, it is far in advance of the times and in several respects in advance of the common law of England to this day." The author, John Ward of Ipswich had studied the English law carefuUy. He knew what he was about, and if he went beyond its requisitions, so much the worse for the common law of England. The common law of New England meant to go farther. From the restoration of the royal family in England, down to the outbreak of the American Revolution, there intervenes a cen tury of history in which so far as political allegiance went the men of Massachusetts were not apt to repair to England to establish their homes. For, simply, while the principles of feudalism had, on INTRODUCTION the whole, prevailed in England, the principles of the Common wealth had prevailed in New England. Thfe Anglican Church was the Established Church of old England, the Congregational Church was the Established Church of New England. Such reasons there were for chilling the ardor with which the New Englanders of the first generation "went home" as a resident on the Pacific coast to-day may go back to the Atlantic coast to die. But the commercial relations of New England with Old England were stiU very close. The first governor of Massachusetts had had the wisdom to see what were the remarkable facilities of the bay for the building of ships. He tempted some of the first shipbuilders of the time to come to America, and from this time, for a hundred and fifty years, the export of ships was a great feature in our in dustries. When Lord Bellomont became the Governor-general of New England, at the end of that century, he wrote home in an official letter that the maritime commerce of the port of Boston was larger than that of all Scotland, that more ships were built and owned here than sailed from all the ports of Scotland. The colonies, however, were still receiving most of their man ufactured articles from England. Inventories and advertisements show that after the year 1700 the Massachusetts people were reading English books and were sometimes reprinting them. Bunyan tells us that the first edition of the "Pilgrim's Progress" was reprinted in America. Alas, not a single copy of the edition seems to have escaped the destructive hands of so many readers. Cotton Mather printed the "Magnalia" in London. The first edition bears the date of 1702. Its circulation, however, was of course, principally in New England and no American edition was printed until 1820. Among theologians, Jonathan Edwards's work on "The WiU" had attracted attention in England and was reprinted there. It was, then, with a certain surprise that the thoughtful men in England read the first American State Papers which appeared in 1760 and later down regarding the subjects at issue between the Province of Massachusetts and the King of England. Papers written by such men as the two Adamses, James Otis, and Frank lin might challenge comparison easily with any writings of any Eng lishmen of their time. And these papers came from a colony which had been most known in General Wolfe's despatches and which sent to England ships and furs and potash and fish. As Sir George Tre- INTRODUCTION velyan has recently shown us, the friends of America in England at that time were more in number than the advocates of the Crown's proposals. Among them there was a little handful of officers who had served in the colonies who were not surprised by the dignity and effectiveness of the State Papers which came from America in the next thirty years. This ignorance was due not simply to the condescension which Mr. Lowell observes with which to his time all Europe regarded all America. It was the personal ignorance in each continent of the inhabitants of the other. Illustrations of this ignorance may be found even in Lord Chatham's well-known speech in which he re views the American State Papers and in Edmund Burke's acknowl edged surprise when he studied the resources of New England. It is pathetic, indeed, to read in the diaries of the loyalists who took up their homes in London while the Revolution went on, that the men of England regarded them with a sort of pity, only too plainly expressed, and wondered what was their business in England. Such considerations, although briefiy stated, are enough to account for the pride with which Massachusetts men look back on their own history. They have been encouraged in their pride in the history of the Commonwealth by thoughtful men in all parts of the world. Carlyle said truly that "Democracy announced on Bunker HUl that she is born and will envelope the whole world." And in one way and another, that statement is assented to by the modern students of history. I was in London in 1859, when we heard the news of John Brown's attack on Harper's Ferry. At that time the London Times was the most constant enemy of lib eral institutions; and yet that journal, in a leading editorial said, "the sympathy of the people of Massachusetts has a title to the consideration of the world. No community of which we have any knowledge approaches in enlightenment or morality to the inhab itants of this part of the Union." "Had it not been for the Puritans, political liberty would prob ably have disappeared from the world." This is the brief summary by Mr. John Fiske of the demonstra tion with which he shows that the settlement of Plymouth and Massachusetts was not simply one little chapter in the series of in teresting adventures, but that it laid the foundation of what we caU constitutional liberty in aU the world. In the carefully considered INTRODUCTION chapters in which this distinguished philosopher introduces his book on the beginnings of New England, he justifies completely the epigram of Rev. Mr. Zincke to which Charles F. Adams and Edwin D. Mead have called such wide attention. Every event in history is to be judged of more or less importance according as it is more or less closely connected with the voyage of the Ma-yflower. The leading men in Massachusetts and the men who have written their biographies in these volumes are well aware that for victory Massachusetts is different in foundation and in principle from the history of any other part of the world. They are apt to acknowl edge, with a proper pride, this distinction of their position. They are often charged with arrogance because they are willing to acknowl edge it. But we cannot help that. History is history. And we of Massachusetts gladly accept its verdict with the belief that Gov ernment of the people, for the people, by the people, as it is attempted now in the world finds some of its earliest and most important lessons in our history. cr^,.3..jr- tT A^ ', r i- ''-¦/';/¦ -.^-¦.- -i J3.-.. • A/y^ f /^^^^i^^ ABIEL JACOB ABBOT ABIEL JACOB ABBOT, treasurer of the Abbot Worsted Company of Westford, Massachusetts, and a member of the executive committee of the National Association of Wool Manufacturers — the powerful organization which guards the interests of this great textile industry — is a business man of envi able standing in his part of Massachusetts. He was bom in Westford in 1850, on January 8, the anniversary of Jackson's memo rable victory at New Orleans, and has hved in Westford nearly all of his business life. Mr. Abbot's father was a lawyer, John W. P. Abbot, distinguished not only for his professional knowledge but for his business sagacity and public spirit. The mother of Abiel Jacob Abbot was Catharine Abbot. The family name in Massa chusetts was first borne by George Abbot, who emigrated from England about the year 1636, and settled in Andover. It is one of the sterling families of the country — a race of devout, thrifty, energetic New Englanders. They have been successful in material affairs, but not so much engrossed by them as to be unmindful of the duties of citizenship. Public spirit has always characterized the line to which Mr. Abbot belongs. His famUy, too, has always been possessed of more than average intellectual strength, and has con tributed to the State more than its quota of scholars and profes sional men. Mr. Abbot's father believed in teaching his son the importance of business methods and the value of economy. He did not wait until the youth was about to enter life on his own account, but inculcated these principles at home, and their effect upon the busi ness success which Mr, Abbot has since won is great and manifest. The influence of his mother in shaping his character and stimulating wholesome ambitions in the youth was also very strong. He went for the finishing of his education to the academy at Exeter, New Hampshire, to Westford Academy and to the Highland MUitary School at Worcester, Massachusetts. At eighteen years of age, by ABIEL JACOB ABBOT his own wish — not desiring to undertake the profession of his father — he entered the office of the Robey Manufacturing Company of Chelmsford, Massachusetts. His training at home and at school, his private reading and study and the acquaintance which he had already gained with men in active life gave him a good equipment for the exacting business of manufacturing. Until 1873 Mr. Abbot remained with the Robey Manufacturing Company at Chelmsford. Then he returned to Westford and went into business there in the house of Abbot & Company. In 1876 he became a partner in the firm of Abbot & Company, and held this partnership until 1900, when he became treasurer of the Abbot Worsted Company, the post he holds at the present time. From 1892 to 1898 Mr. Abbot served as chairman of the school committee of Westford, and from 1892 to the present time he has been a mem ber, as has been said, of the executive committee of the National Association of Wool Manufacturers. Mr. Abbot is a Unitarian in his religious faith, and for twenty- seven years has served the First Parish Church of Westford as its clerk and a member of the executive committee. He is a Republi can in politics, but has contented himself with upholding by his vote and influence the principles of the party to which he is devoted, and has not desired to secure political office. A gentleman of scholarly tastes, Mr. Abbot is particularly well informed in English history, the plays of Shakespeare and the biog raphies of eminent men, and he has broadened his mind through imusual opportunities of observation as a traveler. He has visited every State in the Union east of the Mississippi, and most of the Western States, Canada, Mexico, and the islands of the Atlantic. He has journeyed extensively also in Europe and in Egypt, and for a number of years has made it his practice to go abroad every second year. At his home Mr. Abbot finds pleasure in many out-of-door sports. He is fond of sailing, canoeing, baseball, riding and tennis, and for the sake of health and the all-around development which these pastimes give he devotes to them no small share of his time outside of the exactions of business. Mr. Abbot was married on April 22, 1880, to Mary Alice Moseley, daughter of Edward S. and Charlotte Moseley, who is descended from John Maudesley, or Moseley, who came from England with the first ABIEL JACOB ABBOT pioneers to Dorchester in 1630. Mr. and Mrs. Abbot have three children — Edward M. Abbot, who is engaged in manufacturing, John M. Abbot, who is in the banking business, and a daughter. Mr. Abbot's sons have their father's success in business as an example and encouragement to them. His advice to the young men of his community is " to be diligent in all things, upright in business, scrupulous in speech and habits, and unselfish, thinking not always of themselves but of their obligations to their feUow- men and their duty to be helpful to the community about them." This is not only Mr. Abbot's counsel to others, but the substance of the principles on which he has sought to order a life which has proved to be one of beneficence to his native town and State. HOMER ALBERS HOMER ALBERS, a Boston lawyer with a reputation for handling cases of large importance, formerly a member of the Faculty of the Boston University Law School, and lecturer on Business Law at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology, was born at Warsaw, Illinois, February 28, 1863. His father, Claus Albers, who was born November 25, 1817, and died January 23, 1892, was the son of John Dietrich and Sophia (Lange) Albers, and in 1836 came from Zeven, in the Kingdom of Hanover. On March 5, 1839, he married Rebecca Knoop, who was born Decem ber 26, 1818, immigrated to America from Zeven in 1838, and died July 9, 1896. For many years Claus Albers was a prominent flour manufacturer at Warsaw. He was a man of great uprightness and exactness in his life and his dealings with others, and of thoroughness in his work. The training of his sons, which received first the strong moral and spiritual infiuence of their mother, hadalso his own earnest atten tion. To teach them the value of money and that no honest work is degrading, he gave them no allowance untU they went to coUege, but paid them for manual labor at his country place, house and flour mill. To gain something they had to do something — a practical schooling, the value and importance of which they were able to appreciate in later years. In due time Homer Albers attended the public schools — inclu ding the High School of Warsaw. He then entered the Central Wesleyan College at Warrenton, Missouri, and after the usual com-se he graduated in 1882 with the A.B. degree, receiving the honorary A.M. degree in 1885. From the age of six years he had expressed a determination to become a lawyer. With this purpose stiU m view, he went from college to the Boston University Law School, and graduated from this institution in 1885, receiving the LL.B. degree. It was while at the Law School that he encountered his first real difficulties. His father failed in business, and from that £''if,iy £".£? mi/nkirja AMrc AT HOMER ALBERS time he was obliged to pay his own expenses, which he did by work as evening librarian of the Social Law Library of Boston and by tutoring in law. He was admitted to the Suffolk County Bar in 1885, when his work began as attorney-at-law in Boston. At the autumn term of that year he was engaged as instructor in the Boston University Law School, and soon thereafter was made a member of the Faculty and a lecturer in the same institution. His marked success in teaching and in practice soon gained him distinction. In 1900, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology having established a Depart ment of Business Law, Mr. Albers was selected as eminently fitted to conduct the course, which he has continued to do from that time to the present. He has declined offered professorships in law in Michi gan University at Ann Arbor and in the Northwestern University. He was appointed a member of the State Ballot Law Commission in 1899, and reappointed by successive governors until the expira tion of the term in 1905. When the Massachusetts Legislature created two additional justices of the Superior Court in 1903, there was a lively contest for the new places. The appointment of Mr. Albers was strongly urged by Judge James R. Dunbar and other prominent men of the bench and bar, and he was named in the first appointment of a justice ever made by Governor Bates. Mr. Albers, however, felt obliged to decline this unsought honor. As attomey for Thomas W. Lawson, Mr. Albers has had a varied experience with many intricate and perplexing affairs; and he has also acted as attomey for C. I. Hood & Company, the Wells & Richard son Company, and other houses having important legal business. He conducted the celebrated gas cases in the Legislature. He has had numerous trade-mark cases in different parts of the United States, and a great variety of other business calling for legal acumen, ability and discretion of the highest order. Mr. Albers is a steadfast Republican in politics. He is well known in professional and social life, and is a member of the Uni versity Club of Boston and of the Boston Art Club, the old Massa chusetts Club, and the Brae Bum Country Club. He attends the Episcopal Church. He is fond of travel, from which he gets his most delightful relaxation, but also finds enjoyment in such sports as golf. His residence is now in Brookline; his office in Boston. He was married June 26, 1889, to Minnie M. Martin, daughter HOMER ALBERS of Charles H. and Sarah (GoodeU) Martin, granddaughter of Hiram and Salome (Dunham) Martin, and of Harry and Lucinda (Weaver) GoodeU. One so successful as a teacher and a practical business man is unusually well qualified to offer suggestions for the strengthening of sound ideals in our American life. To young people Mr. Albers would advise: "First, good character; second, work; third, more work." And he adds: "Don't merely do enough work to fill your position; if that is aU you do, you are not entitled to a better position." ¦7^ 5l^S ^ ^¦^/¦'¦'."^s ^B--:7 7\n-' EDWIN FARNSWORTH ATKINS EDWIN FARNSWORTH ATKINS, merchant, sugar planter and manufacturer, capitalist, was born in Boston, Massa chusetts, January 13, 1850. His father, Elisha Atkins, was a son of Joshua and Sally (Snow) Atkins, grandson of Samuel and Ruth (Lombard) Atkins and a descendant from Henry Atkins, the Pilgrim, who came from England to New England in 1639 and settled in Plymouth; of Edmund Freeman, the Pilgrim, who came from England about 1650 and located in Sandwich, Plymouth Colony. Elisha Atkins was a merchant in Boston and married Mary E. Free man, daughter of WUliam and Elizabeth (Shepherd) Freeman, granddaughter of Elkana and Mary (Myrick) Freeman, and a descendant from Elder WUliam Brewster of the Mayflonver, the Pilgrim father of the English settlement in Leyden, Holland, 1608, and of the Plymouth settlement in America in 1620. Edwin Farnsworth Atkins was brought up largely in the country, instructed in private schools in Boston and became a clerk in his father's office, in Boston, in 1867. He adopted the business of his father through personal preference and he spent much of his life in Cuba devoted to the development of sugar planting and manu facturing. He became the owner of the Soledad Estate at Cienfuegas, Cuba, and personally managed its large interests, both as a producer on Cuban soil and as a shipper. As a sugar refiner he was for ten years the president of the Bay State Sugar Refinery Company of Boston, and later a director of the Boston Sugar Refining Company; after the death of his father in 1888, he succeeded him as a direc tor and vice-president of the Union Pacific RaUway system, which position he held up to the time of its reorganization. He is president of the Soledad Sugar Company; the Trinidad Sugar Company, Cuba; the Boston Wharf Company (real estate); the Aetna MUls (woolen); and a director of the Eliot National Bank, the American Trust Company, the Guarantee Company of North America, and the West End Street Railway Company. He is a director of the Boston EDWIN FARNSWORTH ATKINS Merchants' Association. The Degree of Master of Arts was con ferred upon him June 24, 1903, by Harvard University. He was married October 11, 1882, to Katharine, daughter of Frank and Helen (Hartshorn) Wrisley, of Boston, and the three chil dren born of this marriage are Robert Wrisley, June 2, 1889, Edwin Farnsworth, Jr., April 21, 1891, and Helen Atkins, June 28, 1893. Mr. Atkins's home is at Belmont, Massachusetts. He generally spends the winter months on his plantation in Cuba. His political affiliation is with the Republican party, in the counsels of which he is an aggressive champion of tariff reform. His religious faith is that of the Unitarian denomination. He is a member of many of the social, business and political clubs of Boston, New York and Cuba. dji^y-hcy^ a, ¦UiA^ FREDERICK AYER FREDERICK AYER was the son of Frederick Ayer, a com missioned officer in the War of 1812, a man highly esteemed by his fellow citizens on account of his fine character and integrity. On his father's side he descends from John Ayer, who came from England and settled in Haverhill in 1632, removing to Saybrook early in the eighteenth century. His mother, Persis (Cook) Ayer, was a descendant of the Cook family which came from England and settled at Cambridge, later moving to Preston, Con necticut, where she was born. Mr. Ayer was born on the eighth day of December, 1822, and at an early age was sent to the public schools in Ledyard, Connecticut, and completed his education at a private academy in Baldwinsville, New York. He then entered the store of John H. Tomlinson & Company, of the latter place, as a clerk. Soon, however, he was sent to Syracuse, New York, as manager of a store belonging to the same firm, which later took him into partnership. Three years later he formed a partnership with Hon. Dennis McCarthy, under the firm name of McCarthy & Ayer, which continued about eleven years, Mr. Ayer withdrawing from this firm in the spring of 1855 for the pvirpose of joining his brother, Dr. James C. Ayer, in the manage ment of the business of Ayer's Proprietary Medicines, the firm being J. C. Ayer & Company; later, on the death of Dr. Ayer, incorporated as the J. C. Ayer Company. Mr. Frederick Ayer was elected the first treasurer of this corporation, holding this office until 1893, when the pressure of other interests forced him to resign. In 1871 with his brother, James C. Ayer, Frederick Ayer bought a controUing interest in the stock of the Tremont MiUs and Suffolk Manufacturing Company of Lowell, consolidating the two companies under the name of the Tremont and Suffolk MiUs. In June, 1885, Mr. Ayer purchased at auction the entire property of the Washington Mills at Lawrence, Massachusetts, and subse quently formed a corporation known as the Washington MUls Com pany, and became its treasurer. FREDERICK AYER The American Woolen Company was organized by Mr. Ayer on March 29, 1899, he being the first president of this corporation and continuing in that office until 1905. Mr. Ayer has had many diversified interests and has assisted largely in the development of new enterprises, for which his advice and cooperation are much valued. He was one of the organizers of the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, and served as one of its directors until 1896, when he resigned from the board and was succeeded by his son. Mr. Ayer was one of the organizers and for several years treasurer of the Lake Superior Ship Canal Railway and Iron Company, which owned upwards of four hundred thousand acres of timber and mineral lands in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and was one of its direc tors untU its property was taken over by the Keweenaw Associa tion, on whose board of managers he remained for some years when he resigned and was succeeded by his son. He was also one of the buUders of the Portage Lake Canal, which runs from Keweenaw Bay across Keweenaw Point, Michigan, connecting Keweenaw Bay with Lake Superior. This canal was afterwards sold to the United States Government. To-day Mr. Ayer is vice-president and director of the American Woolen Company (New Jersey); president and director American Woolen Company, of New York. Director Boston Elevated Railroad Company; vice-president and trustee Central Savings Bank, of Lowell, Massachusetts; director Columbian National Life Insurance Com pany; director and vice-president of the International Trust Com pany; director American Loan and Trust Company; president and director J. C. Ayer Company; president and director Lowell & An dover RaUroad; director Tremont and Suffolk MUls; director United States Mining Company. He was one of the organizers of the Lowell and Andover Railroad, and has ever since been its president. He is a member of the Algonquin Club, Beacon Society and Country Clubs of Boston. His favorite exercise is horseback riding. In 1858 Mr. Ayer was married to Miss Cornelia Wheaton at Syracuse, New York. She died in 1878. There were four chUdren of this marriage, Ellen W., James C, Charles F. and Louise R. Mr. Ayer was married again to Miss Ellen Banning at St. Paul, Minnesota. The chUdren of this marriage are Beatrice B., Katharine and Frederick, Jr. £n!r i-l, r & .'"'/'.7;-.v-^..- sBrr A/y- \^iez, {^. 6c^ee HOLLIS RUSSELL BAILEY HOLLIS RUSSELL BAILEY, lawyer, chairman of the board of bar examiners of Massachusetts, was born in North Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts, February 24, 1852. His father, Otis Bailey, lived in the old Governor Bradstreet house, once the home of Anne Bradstreet, the first female poet of America. He was a farmer and butcher, a deacon in the Unitarian Church, held several town offices and was a man of public spirit, integrity and frugality. He married Lucinda Alden, daughter of Alden Loring and Lucinda (Briggs) Loring, of Duxbury, Massachusetts, and a descendant of Thomas Loring, of Axminster, England, who came to Hingham about 1635, and of John Alden of the Ma-yfloiver, 1620. James Bailey, the progenitor of the family to which Hollis Russell Bailey belongs was born in England about 1612 and came to Rowley about 1640 and his descendant, Samuel Bailey, Jr., was kUled in the battle of Bunker Hill, June 19, 1775. Hollis Russell Bailey was a strong and active child, fond of out-door life, including fishing and hunting, and from his earliest years was constantly engaged on the farm in strenuous manual labor when not in school. He claims that this mode of life had the effect to make him strong, self-reliant, industrious and persistent. His mother's influence in these early days also made for truth, sobriety and willingness to work. His models and ideals of great men were derived from reading biographies and autobiographies and his study of Goodwin's Greek Moods and Tenses helped him in writing clear English. He was obliged to eam money while in college to meet his expenses. He attended Punchard Free School, Andover; John son High School, North Andover; Phillips Academy, Andover, where he was graduated in 1873, and Harvard University, where he gained his A.B. degree in 1877, LL.B. 1878, and A.M. 1879, the latter degree being given after a post-graduate year at the Harvard Law School. He also studied law with Hyde, Dickinson and Howe. Speaking of his choice of a profession he says: "I had no strong HOLLIS BUSSELL BAILEY bent for the law. I could have pursued medicine or engineering with equal pleasure. The influence of my oldest sister. Miss Sarah Loring Bailey, largely determined my choice and first roused my ambition to seek for success in the legal profession. Outside my own fam ily, my college associates were possibly the most helpful factors in stimulating and shaping my life." He was admitted to the Massachusetts Bar in 1880 and began a general practice throughout New England, with an office in Boston at No. 30 Court Street. He served for a short time as private secre tary to Chief Justice Horace Gray of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. He was married February 12, 1885, to Mary Persis, daughter of the Hon. Charles H. Bell and Sarah A. (Gilman) BeU, of Exeter, N. H. Her father was at one time governor of New Hamp shire and United States Senator. One child was born of this mar riage, Gladys Loring Bailey. They lived in Boston up to 1890 when they removed to Cambridge. He served as chairman of the City Committee of the Non-Partisan Municipal party of Cambridge, for one year, 1902; is conveyancer for the Cambridge Savings Bank; clerk of the First Church in Cambridge (Unitarian); in 1900 became a member of the board of bar examiners of Massachusetts, and in 1903 became chairman of the board. While in Harvard he was elected one of the "first eight" to the Phi Beta Kappa in 1876, and was second marshal in 1877. He was also elected to membership in the Cambridge Club; the Colonial Club of Cambridge, where he served for a time as a member of the committee on admission; the American Free Trade League; the Bailey-Bayley Family Associa tion, serving as its president; the Bostonian Society; the American Bar Association. He left the Republican party when James G. Blaine was nominated for president in 1882, and from that time has acted with the Democratic party. His youthful athletic exercise was playing baseball and his recreation fishing and hunting. At college he was a track athlete, entering the three-mile walking race and earning second place. He failed to pass the bar examination in June, 1879, but was successful in January, 1880. He says: "Every lawyer loses some cases. I have always tried to be what is called a 'good loser.'" To young men he says: "Be honest; be truthful; be pubhc-spirited; be tolerant; be industrious." ^. JOHN BASCOM THOMAS BOSCOMBE emigrated from England and settled in 1635 in Roxbury. As the population of the State in creased his descendants went, by slow stages, farther west. In the sixth generation, Aaron Bascom, a graduate of Harvard CoUege, was called as the first pastor to the Congregational Church in Chester, Hampshire County. Here he spent his entire life, a forceful man of the Puritanical type. He had a family of eight chUdren. Three sons, Samuel, John and Reynolds, graduated at Williams College. John Bascom graduated in 1807, and at Andover Theological Seminary in 1811. He married Laura Woodbridge, the daughter of Major Theodore Woodbridge, of the Revolutionary Army. The Woodbridges were a distinguished family of Connecti cut, of long standing and especially associated with the ministry. He became a home missionary, first in Northem Pennsylvania and later in Central New York. He was located during the later years of his life at Genoa, Cayuga County. He died early, leaving a family of small children in straitened circumstances. After a little, the family left its country home and removed to the adjoining village of Ludlowville. The daughters were Harriet, Mary and Cornelia. The son, the subject of this sketch, was John. Mary was imusually ambitious and pushing. She secured admission to the Willard Seminary, Troy, paying expenses, according to the custom of the school, by the proceeds of instruction given later. She secured the admission of her two sisters, and all three taught for a series of years in the South. They made the way open and easy for the education • of their younger brother. John was bom in Genoa, May 1, 1827. He prepared for college at Homer Academy, of which his sister Mary was at that time the woman principal. The widowhood of his mother and the limited resom-ces of the family gave him, in all his earlier years, an abundance of work at home. The local libraries of New York, just being estab lished by the State, served him an excellent turn. He graduated JOHN BASCOM at Williams in 1849, in a large class, which has produced able men. He spent the first year after graduation in Hoosick Falls as princi pal of Ball Seminary. The second year was spent in the study of law at Rochester; and the third in Auburn Theological Seminary. He was then called to a tutorship at Williams, which he occupied one year and part of the succeeding year. His eyes then failed him, and it re quired a half dozen years before he gained even a partial use of them. He completed his theological course at Andover, and was invited to the professorship of rhetoric at Williams in 1855. This position he held for nineteen years, and was then called to the presidency of the University of Wisconsin, where he remained between thirteen and fourteen years. Finding the duties more burdensome than he could bear, he resigned in 1887 and returned to Williams, where he has since given instruction in political and social subjects. He married Abbie, the daughter of Rev. Sylvester Burt, of Great Barrington, in 1853. She dying shortly after, he was married to Emma Curtiss, daughter of Orren Curtiss, of Sheffield, a woman especially resourceful and aidful, and who had achieved a position as a successful teacher. They have celebrated their golden wedding. There are three living children, George, Jean and Florence, all gradu ates of the University of Wisconsin. Florence was the first woman to receive the degree of Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins University, and the first to be appointed on the United States Geological Survey. She is professor of geology at Bryn Mawr College. The earlier instruction given by Professor Bascom at Williams College was successful, but not as successful as that given at the University on subjects more congenial to his taste, those associated with psychology. On these topics he was able to make a deep and permanent impression. In his college course he was proficient in mathematics and physics. Not tiU senior year did he show that taste for philosophy which has been his predominating intellectual quality. He has been an extended author, chiefly under this philo sophical impulse. He has published a number of books which have grown, directly or indirectly, out of the instruction given by him: a treatise on Political Economy, on Rhetoric, on Esthetics, on Psy chology, — later rewritten and published as " Science of Mind " — on Ethics, on Natural Theology. In connection with his later in struction in Political Science he published " Growth of Nationality in the United States." He has added to these pubhcations a num- JOHN BASCOM ber of volumes expressive of his religious thought : " Science, Phi losophy and Religion "; " The PhUosophy of Religion "; " The Words of Christ "; " The New Theology "; " Evolution and Religion "; " the Goodness of God." The first of this series was given as a course of Lowell Lectures; the last, as lectures before the Divinity School at New Haven. The book on English Literature was also delivered as Lowell Lectures. To these volumes he has added others prompted by his interest in philosophy :" Problems in Philosophy ";" Gro wth and Grades of Int el- ligence"; "An Historical Interpretation of PhUosophy." His interest in sociology has been the outgrowth of the religious and philosophical temper and has given occasion to two volumes: "Sociology and Social Theory." These books have been chiefly published by Putnam's Sons. To these more lengthy works he has added more than one hundred and forty published addresses and articles for quarterlies and reviews. They have all sprung from a constant study of the serious problems of life and reflection on them. His infiuence on young men could not but be colored by these earnest processes of thought, nor fail with many of them to be of a lasting character. He added to fifty years of teaching the equivalent of about twelve years of ministerial work. In his earlier instruction at WUliams he had charge of a church in the neighboring town of Pownal. The open spaces in these occupations were covered by writing. Not being a man of robust endurance he maintained his health and discharged his duties by promptitude, rigid temperance and much activity in the open air. His relaxations were gardening, tramping, riding — many miles on horseback. Starting with a severe orthodox faith he occupied his life in reshaping it, not to suit the times, but to meet the growing knowl edge of the world. Though he encountered the sharp, nipping atmosphere which comes to those who change their religious views more rapidly than their neighbors, he has maintained his connection with the Congregational Church, suffering no open censure. His chief educational work and personal labor has been in philoso phy. Starting with intuitionalism, he has been led to interpret, correct and expand it in direct contact with the facts of the world. His chief merit lies in this reconciliation of empiricism with the rational insight of the mind, yielding neither element to the other. While his composition, much of it philosophical, cannot be said to JOHN BASCOM be popular, his spoken words have met with much acceptance. His habit of mind has chiefly prepared him for close contact with intelli gent and eamest students. He has paid little attention to degrees, or to membership in clubs and societies. The degree of D.D. was given him by the College of Iowa, and the degree of LL.D. by Amherst, Williams and Wisconsin. He has been able to show that a Puritan can change his opinions without forgetting his Puritanic strain; that a religious man can be constantly busy in shaping his beliefs and lose no particle of faith; that a philosopher may occupy himself with suiting his principles to the growing revelations of human conduct and thereby forfeit no sense of the value and reliability of truth, which lies in this change able conformity of our conceptions to the world which embraces us. His first vote was cast in connection with the Free SoU party. He was a zealous supporter of the Republican party and remained in connection with it till it seemed to him to have drifted off into general and personal politics. He then claimed the liberty of a Mugwump, more frequently voting with the Prohibitionists. He has been indifferent to no reform, but has come to understand how slow the pace of the world is and must necessarily be. He has always been interested in town affairs and was for a con siderable period on the school committee. During this service the districts were reformed, new school buildings erected and general methods improved. He was active in securing the Greylock Reser vation, and since its commencement has been chairman of the Greylock Commission. He has also been attentive to village im provement; helping to organize and maintain the association for that object. While he has not sought official work, he has brought an intelligent, critical temper to social relations, aiding those who conceived of them as a Kingdom of Heaven to be framed into, and built upon, the world. He has striven to correct theory by practice, and to give scope and force to practice by the over-shadowing encouragement and guidance of theory. His word to young men is : " Attach more importance to the quality of your work than to its reward. Be not unduly distressed by hard work; hard work is, for the most part, the school of manhood. Do not barter inteUectual freedom for any form of emolument, intel lectual freedom means personal power, emolument at the most means a recognition of that power." ^^^^^^-^^^^ ^ y^jJLc^ SAMUEL AUGUSTUS BIGELOW SAMUEL AUGUSTUS BIGELOW has been connected for many years with the hardware industry of America. Many men have been interested in his views and ideas concerning the trade because they have felt that his influence was to eventually benefit them, and they have learned to trust and depend upon his advice. He is a pioneer in the business, and wisely chosen by his colleagues for every position of honor or importance that they have conferred upon him. The golden anniversary of his career in the business world, which occurred on October 12, 1905, was a testimony to the universal esteem in which he is held by his friends all over the country. Over fifty years of uninterrupted experience gives him preeminence as an expert in his line. He was brought up at Nonantum Vale on the Faneuil estate. Enjoying as he did a life of freedom he naturally sought what was most to his liking. His adventurous spirit soon disclosed to him the resources within his reach. He indulged his redundancy of good health and spirits in out-of-door sports and with the presage of youth investigated the mechanical realm. His experiments with tools delighted and entertained him. Mr. Bigelow inherits the marked business characteristics of the father whose name he bears. Samuel Bigelow, the father, who was largely interested in real estate, was a very successful man. He was accredited as possessing marked shrewdness and discernment. He was born August 22, 1807, and lived untU October 11, 1901. His earliest ancestor, who came to this country and settled at Watertown, Massachusetts, in 1630, was John Bigelow. Mr. Samuel Augustus Bigelow's mother was Anna Jane (Brooks) Bigelow, who was a decendant from Captain Brooks, who came to America and settled in Concord, Massachusetts, about 1630. Mr. Bigelow's an cestors were represented in many of the Colonial Wars, and con tinued through each succeeding generation to respond to their country's call. At Lexington and Bunker HUl their names were SAMUEL AUGUSTUS BIGELOW recognized as belonging to the heroes who were famous in the his tory of those times. The records of the State of Massachusetts show these families to have been prominent in law, medicine and as mer chants. The date of Mr. Samuel Augustus Bigelow's birth is November 26, 1838. His native city is Charlestown, Massachusetts. His mother, so highly esteemed for her gentleness and sincerity, was always his best authority in distinguishing between right and wrong, and her influence is a lasting legacy which she early bequeathed to him. To her example and advice, he refers in the most glowing terms, and asserts that " they have always been a guiding influence for all that is good." His education was obtained in the public schools of Brighton, which now forms a part of Boston. He finished the high school course, and prepared himself for further advancement in a college course, but his desire to mingle in the business world asserted itself, and he gave up the idea of going to coUege. In the year 1855 he entered the hardware house of Eaton & Palmer, then located on Congress Street, Boston. He worked in the capacity of errand boy, shipper and general assistant in the office, doing whatever he undertook with accuracy and despatch. His attitude was always one of confidence that he would succeed in whatsoever he attempted. In 1856 this firm consolidated with Lovett & Wellington, forming the house of Eaton, Lovett & Wellington. Mr. Bigelow was the only clerk in the old house that remained with the new. He was radiant with hope, and although he started on only fifty dollars per year, and worked for three years with an increase to one hundred and twenty-five dollars per year, he soon became a prosperous sales man, and the time sped rapidly until 1864, when the firm of Homer, Bishop & Company was founded in which he became a partner in 1866. He traveled for eight years over the states of Vermont and New Hampshire, making many stanch and reliable friends and establishing a large and profitable business, much of which remains in connection with his present company. It was in the fall of 1872, when the appalling conflagration of Boston destroyed every jobbing hardware house in the city, that the firm of Homer, Bishop & Com pany, was dissolved, and the new firm of Macomber, Bigelow & Dowse was founded. Through necessity they were forced to occupy cham bers in Batterymarch Street, as there were no avaUable quarters on the ground fioor left after the fire. In 1873 Mr. Bigelow assumed SAMUEL AUGUSTUS BIGELOW exclusive control of the buying department, and through his general sagacity and courteous bearing he has greatly enhanced the oppor tunities of the business, and formed for it a valuable circle of friends who hold him in highest respect. In 1884 John F. Macomber retired on account of illness, and the new firm of Bigelow & Dowse was founded, composed of Samuel A. Bigelow and Charles F. Dowse. In 1894 this firm was incorporated under the laws of the Common wealth of Massachusetts, as the Bigelow & Dowse Company, which stUl continues. One night in January, 1903, the business house of the firm, which had prospered so steadily and surely, was destroyed by fire, but Mr. Bigelow and his partner were not long in mastering the situation. In temporary quarters they were soon in a position to fill all their orders which poured in upon them from their old customers as uninterruptedly as though nothing had interfered with their fulffiment. Such was the confidence established with their customers and the manufacturers, that but little depression was caused by the catastrophe, and almost immediately their new store was rebuUt on the old site and ffiled with a new and complete stock. A meeting of a few hardware jobbers in 1893 resulted in the New England Iron & Hardware Association of which Mr. Bigelow was elected first president. He established the precedent of holding office only one year, which custom stUl prevails. He was then chosen to represent the Association in the Boston Associated Board of Trade. In this capacity he served untU 1899, when he was again elected to the Boston Associated Board of Trade, completing his term in October, 1903. In 1894 he was the only representative from New England at that first meeting at Cleveland, out of which grew the National Hardware Association. At that meeting he was elected a member of the executive committee, which office he held continuously, with the exception of one year, until the meeting in Atlantic City in November, 1903. There he was elected president. He had expressed a wish that his services be exempt from this re sponsibUity, but the overwhelming earnestness of the members of the association and of his many friends from near and far who were present, prevaUed, and he quickly rose to the occasion with his response of generous acquiescence to their wishes, and assumed the duties and honors pressed upon him with a gracefulness and willing ness that endeared him to the hearts of all assembled. He made SAMUEL AUGUSTUS BIGELOW many intimate and lasting friendships as president and member of the executive committee. He was reelected president in 1904. In 1905 he was elected a permanent member of the Advisory Board. Mr. Bigelow has seen many changes and evolutions in the hardware trade, and settled many problems for himself and others that tended to elevate its standard. He states that the hardware man's limited sphere has enlarged until now, "he has more need to use his head than his hands" to make his business successful. Mr. Bigelow belongs to the Republican party, to which he has always remained loyal. He is one of the founders of the Anvil Club, afterwards changed to the Hardware Buyers Association; also master of the lodge of Eleusis; a member of the Eastern Yacht Club; Exchange Club; Athletic Club and others. He married Miss Ella H. Brown, daughter of Harriet B. and Seth E. Brown, on November 7, 1867. Their only chUd is Samuel Lawrence Bigelow, now a professor of chemistry. Mr. Bigelow states that his motto in life is to " Follow the Golden Rule." % MATHEW C. D. BORDEN MATHEW C. D. BORDEN, cotton manufacturer, was born in Fall River, Massachusetts, July 18, 1842. His father, Colonel Richard Borden, was a son of Thomas and Mary (Hathaway) Borden, grandson of Thomas and Lydia (Durfee) Bor den, who were the founders of the family in Fall River, and a descendant in the seventh generation from Richard Borden, the immi grant, who was born in Borden, Kent, England, where the family first settled a.d. 1090, and with his brother, John Borden, came to New England in 1635 and settled in Portsmouth Island, Rhode Island Colony, in 1638. His son Mathew was the first white chUd born in that settlement. Colonel Richard Borden was born in Free town, now FaU River, April 12, 1795, became the owner of a flourish ing grist -miU in that town and in company with Bradford Durfee, a ship-builder, engaged in building and equipping saUing vessels. The iron and wood used in constructing the vessels were both worked out in their yards. This enterprise resulted, in 1821, in the formation of the Fall River Iron Works Company. Associated with Richard Borden and Bradford Durfee in the business of manufacturing iron, building sailing vessels and shipping and trading with Providence and other neighboring ports were Holder Borden, David Anthony, William Valentine, Joseph Butler and Abram and Isaac Wilkinson, of Providence. The original capital stock of 124,000 was depleted soon after the inauguration of the enterprise by the withdrawal of $6,000, invested by the Wilkinsons, and the remaining partners ran on with $18,000 capital. In 1825 the association was incorporated under the laws of Massachusetts with a capital of $200,000, increased in 1845 to $960,000. This increase was taken from the earnings of the business and still left of the earnings not so applied, $500,000. All of this had resulted from the use of the $18,000 originally paid in as capital stock. This result was largely due to the skUl and fore sight of Colonel Richard Borden, the agent and treasurer from the beginning. MATHEW C. D. BORDEN The Iron Works Company was thus enabled to become one of the largest stockholders in the Wautuppa Reservoir Company, organized in 1826; in the Troy Cotton and Woolen Manufacturing Company; the FaU River Manufactory; in the Anna wan MiU, which it buUt in 1825; in the American Print Works, leasing to that corporation the build ings they had erected in 1834; in the Metacomet MiU, built in 1846; in the Fall River RaUroad, opened in 1846; in the Bay State Steam boat Line, established in 1847; in the Fall River Gas Works, buUt in 1847, besides buUdings erected in various parts of the city leased to manufacturers and others. Colonel Borden inspired the building, in 1827, of the first steam boat, the Hancock, run between FaU River and Providence, Rhode Island, to which hne the King Philip was added in 1832, the Bradford Durfee in 1845 and the Richard Borden in 1874. He also constructed various branch railroads to benefit the trade of Fall River, including the Cape Cod RaUroad from Middleborough to Cape Cod, subsequently absorbed by the Old Colony RaUroad Company. In 1847, with his brother Jefferson, he organized the Bay State Steamboat Company with a capital of $300,000, built the Bay State and chartered the Massachusetts, building the Empire State in 1848, and the Metropolis in 1854. This was the beginning of the Fall River Line, which was absorbed by the Old Colony Railroad Company through Colonel Borden's suggestion and approval. In 1834, in cooperation with Jefferson and Holder Borden and the Durfees, he organized the American Print Works Company and the works were enlarged in 1840 and the output doubled. In 1857 the business was incorporated and Colonel Borden was made president of the corporation, the Bay State Print Works being added to the plant in 1858. In December, 1864, the buildings of the print works were destroyed by fire entaUing a loss of $2,000,000, but were speedUy rebuilt. In 1874 Colonel Borden died, his death following on the disasters felt by the business of Fall River on account of the panic of 1873. This necessitated the first contribution of new capital to the Borden enterprises, for the profits of the business had furnished the capital used up to that time, including the great fire loss. In 1879 the corporation was obliged to ask favors from creditors, and at the same time Mathew C. D. Borden who had been the New York City MATHEW C. D. BORDEN agent came to the front in conjunction with his brother Thomas J. Borden, as responsible for the future guidance of the business of the Print Works. In 1886 Thomas J. disposed of his interest to his brother and Mathew C. D. Borden became the sole owner of the great property. He at once added to the business of printing, that of manufacturing the cloths to be printed, and thus became inde pendent of the exactions of print-cloth manufacturers. For this purpose he utilized the unused property of the Fall River Iron Works Company, on which the print works stood, and he at the same time secured control of the water privileges which the charter of the Iron Works Company embraced by purchasing a controlling interest in the stock of that company. To meet the future exigencies he also secured control of contiguous land by purchase, thus securing deep water and dock privileges on his own property. In 1889 he built MiU No. 1. In 1892 he built MUl No. 2. MiU No. 3 arose in 1893; No. 4 in 1894. The four miUs afforded a fioor space of 840,000 square feet; were equipped with 265,000 spindles, 7700 looms and 375 cards tuming out 53,000 pieces of cloth per week, spun and woven from 1000 bales of cotton. This plant at present, 1908, includes seven mills with 13,057 looms and 459,000 spindles. From this immense plant he produced calicoes which established the market prices of the world for that class of goods, and he was at once inde pendent of any combination print-cloth manufacturers could make, as he could seU at a less cost than any other printer in the United States, which came to mean in the world. The achievements and benefactions of this remarkable man are best described in the work accomplished which testifies to the power that wrought so much and so well. FRANKLIN CARTER FRANKLIN CARTER was bom in Waterbury, Connecticut. His father. Preserve Woods Carter, was a native of Wolcott, Connecticut; born November 14, 1799, died February 1, 1859. His mother was Ruth Wells Holmes. The grandfathers were Preserve Carter and Israel Holmes. His early ancestors, Hop kinses and Judds, came from England, the Hopkinses settling in the neighborhood of Boston about the middle of the seventeenth century. The father. Preserve Woods Carter, was a manufacturer, puritanic in his convictions and actions. In early life the subject of this sketch was occupied with the customary work of a New England lad, caring somewhat for the garden and contributing his share to the ongoing of the family life. He owes much, both intel lectually and spiritually, to the influence of his mother; also to a saintly half sister, Esther S! Humisston, who drew him closely to herself. The character of his youth is expressed in the books which quickened his purposes during his school life, Todd's "Student's Manual," Beecher's "Lectures to Young Men," and Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress" and other similar writings. He fitted for college at PhUlips Academy (Andover) , spent nearly two years at Yale College, and leaving that institution because of physical weakness was graduated at WUliams in 1862. He received the degrees M.A. and Ph.D. from Williams, and the degree of LL.D. in 1904; the degree of A.M. from Jefferson 1864, and Yale 1874; LL.D. Union 1881, Yale 1901, and South Carolina College 1905. Home influence concurred with personal associations and early companionship to make him a teacher. This employment also promised a successful line of labor. He received the appointment of professor of the Latin Language and Literature at WUliams College in 1863 and went immediately to Europe where he spent eighteen months in study. This position he held untU 1872. Then he became professor of the German Language in Yale, spent another year in Germany and remained at Yale untU 1881. His departure JUy^^u^J^^^t^y^^ ^o~^GJ^ FRANKLIN CARTER from Yale was greatly regretted and he received numerous letters from the most eminent men connected with that university urging him to continue his work in New Haven. But he regarded it as his duty to accept the presidency of WUliams, his alma mater, and held this position for twenty years, untU 1901. His resignation of the presidency closed his work as an instructor, with the exception of lectures on Theism delivered for several years at WUliams. His career as president of WiUiams College was one of distin guished success, as is evident from the foUowing statement taken from the letter addressed to him by the faculty of the college in June, 1901. " In comparing the state of the college to-day with that of twenty years ago we find that the invested capital has been nearly quad rupled, and that half a million of dollars (actually $675,000) in addition has been expended in new buildings and real estate; that the number of students has increased by sixty-three per cent., the number of instructors by over one hundred per cent. In conse quence of these changes and of the enlargement and enrichment of the courses of study the opportunities for instruction have been greatly improved, whUe at the same time the standard of scholarship has been gradually raised." Extracts from the resolutions adopted by the trustees are here added: "The trustees desire to commumcate to President Carter and to place on record the profound and grateful appreciation of the ability, faithfulness, high aims and whole-hearted devotion with which for twenty years in the midst of many difficulties he has spent himself in the review of our beloved alma mater. As a loyal son he has freely given her his best. He has been a skUful and inspiring teacher, and a wise and conscientious leader, seeking always the truest in terests and zealous for all the noblest traditions and loftiest ideals of the college. " No hasty experiments have been tried; no obstinate adherence to outgrown methods has been insisted upon, but the college has been at once generously conservative and truthfully progressive. In aU this the trustees gratefully recognize the usefulness, scholarly aims and love of good learning with which he has presided over the college. FRANKLIN CARTER "Great changes have been wrought in society during the past twenty years, especially in respect to religious beliefs and experi ences. But though outward manifestations have greatly altered, the conviction abides that under President Carter's administration the college has been steadily loyal to the great essentials of faith and conduct. This is a supreme thing and awakens the gratitude not only of the trustees but of the great body of the alumni." Similar resolutions were passed by the society of New York alumni, by the larger general body of the alumni, by the under graduates, and by special classes. He was appointed a memberof the Massachusetts Board of Educa tion in 1897, and was chosen presidential elector of the First Massa chusetts District in 1896. While rendering many incidental services to his town and State, the great bulk of his labor has been educational. He published a text-book, "Goethe's Iphigenie," when teaching at Yale in 1878; and a life of Mark Hopldns in 1892. He has also furnished numerous newspaper and mazagine articles. He is a member of the American Oriental Society; American PhUological Society; Modern Language Association; University Club of New York; Colonial Society of Massachusetts, and Fellow of the American Academy. He was president of the Massachusetts Home Mission ary Society for many years; was elected president in 1896 of the Clarke School for Deaf Mutes, which position he still holds, and was the first president of the Modern Language Association of America. He was also for many years trustee of Andover Theo logical Seminary and is still a director of the Berkshire Industrial Farm and deeply interested in its work. He is a raember of the Republican party, and has from youth been connected with the Congregational Church. He is a corporate member of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. The amusements with which he has relaxed this active life have been golf, fishing and hor seb ac k-ridin g. He married February 24, 1863, Sarah, daughter of C. D. and E. L. Kingsbury. There have been four chUdren of this union. Edward P. is a physician in Cleveland. Alice R. was married to Paul C. Ransom, head-master of the Adirondack-Florida School. The youngest son, Franklin, is a graduate of Yale, both from the academi cal and law departments. FRANKLIN CARTER Dr. Carter has been much in earnest in his handling of life, and very desirous of making the important labors with which he has been connected successful and useful. In this effort he has spared no exertion, and has shown conspicuous ability. As a teacher and executive officer he has been characterized by insight, comprehension and push. His labors have been large, especially for a man not possessed of a strong physical constitution. He was self-denying in personal expenditure, and anxious to understand and relieve the pain and misery of his fellow men. These were the methods and purposes which he strove to impress on young men. But he believed strongly in the value of culture for its own sake. He writes for the readers of this work: "I should advise every young man to take up early in life, whatever the main line of profession or business is to be, one auxiliary object of thought and interest, and carry it on with energy until the end. It might be the study of flowers or birds, or the collection of engravings or early editions of the eminent writers, or chemical investigation, or even the playing of one musical instru ment, some pursuit, at least partly intellectual, which should come in as a source of recreation and enjoyment apart from the main work of the day. Nothing promotes more pleasantly the usefulness of life than devotion to some such pursuit. If our successful men com monly cultivated some such interest in the home, it would greatly broaden social relations and add much to the influence guiding the children into a serene mastery of themselves. And when the main business is laid down, it would bring delight to the ' last days,' and help to make them truly 'the best.'" The death of Mrs. Carter broke up the home. He was married a second time on February 10, 1908, to Mrs. Frederic Leake, widow of Frederic Leake and daughter of the late Dr. H. L. Sabin of WiUiamstown. He still continues his lectures on Theism in the college and resides in Williamstown several months in the year. GEORGE WHITEFIELD CHADWICK GEORGE WHITEFIELD CHADWICK, student of music in Boston and Germany, organist, composer, conductor and teacher of music, director of the New England Conservatory of Music, was born in LoweU, Massachusetts, November 13, 1854. His father, Alonzo Chadwick, was a schoolmaster and afterward a business man in Lawrence. His Revolutionary ancestor was Edmund Chadwick, of New Hampshire, a soldier at Bunker Hill. His mother died when he was an infant. He was passionately fond of music from his chUdhood. He attended the public schools of Lawrence, to which place his father removed after the death of his wife and gave up school teaching for business affairs. When he was eighteen years old he went to Boston to study music under Eugene Thayer, having already developed a remarkable talent for the piano and organ. He studied under Thayer for three years, and in 1876 went to Olivet College Conserva tory of Music, Olivet, Michigan (established two years before), as professor of Piano, Organ and Theory. He remained at Olivet one year, when he went to Germany and studied at Leipzig under Jadas sohn and Reinecke, 1877-78, and at Munich under Rheinberger, 1878-79. His first overture: "Rip Van Winkle" he composed just before he left Leipzig, and he was honored by its performance at a Conservatory concert. He returned to Boston in 1880 and his overture was given at a Handel and Haydn festival in that city, Mr. Chadwick conducting. He was at once made instructor in harmony and composition at the New England Conservatory of Music, and in 1881 he conducted the music of CEdipus in both Boston and New York. In 1887 he was selected as conductor of the Boston Orchestral Club and in 1890 became conductor of the Springfield Festival Association. On the organization of the Columbian Exposition at Chicago in 1891 he was selected to compose the music of the Ode to be used at the dedication of the buUdings of the Exposition at the open- ¦/ £ ^ J^^/sa^ns ii^rc: AF/^ CZ>A.^^< GEORGE WHITEFIELD CHADWICK uig of the Fair. He submitted his "Symphony in F Major" in competition for the three hundred doUar prize offered by the National Conservatory of Leipzig to be contested in New York, and he won the prize. He composed the music for the comic opera "Tabasco" presented by the Cadet Corps in Boston in 1894. On the resignation of Carl Faelten as director of the New England Conservatory of Music in 1897, Mr. Chadwick was selected as his successor and he stiU holds the position. In 1897 he received degree of M.A. from Yale and in 1905 LL.D from Tufts. He was elected as one of the vice-presidents to membership in the Institution of Art and Science; in the Society of the Sons of the American Revolu tion and of St. Botolph Club, Boston. His recreation he found in yachting, tennis and bicycling. He is the author of: "A Treatise on Harmony" (1897), which had in 1904 passed through ten editions. His choral work includes the following pieces: "The Vikings' Last Voyage"; "Phcenix Expirans"; "The Lily Nymph"; "The Lovely Rosabelle"; "The PUgrims' Hymn"; "Judith," a lyric drama, and "Noel," a Christmas Pastoral, composed for the Litchfield County (Connecticut) University Club. His orchestral works besides " Rip Van Wmkle," "Euterpe," "Adonais," "Thalia and Melpomene" overtures, are three symphonies, two suites, a symphonic poem "Cleopatra," his symphonic sketches for orchestra, and twelve songs from Arlo Bates's "Told in the Gate," besides many songs, pianoforte pieces and choruses for mixed and female voices. CALEB CHASE THE career of Caleb Chase presents a happy combination of the work of an old-school Boston merchant with that of a Twentieth Century business man. Born of Cape Cod stock, he inherited the pluck and energy and integrity character istic of that sea-going section of New England. He was born in Harwich, Massachusetts, December 11, 1831. His father was Job Chase, a shipowner and seafaring man in early life, who afterward kept a country store in Harwich until about twenty years of his death, which occurred at the ripe age of eighty- nine. He was a public-spirited man of more than local influence, one of the original stockholders of the old Yarmouth Bank, and prominent in the public enterprises of his day. Mr. Chase's mother was Phoebe (Winslow) Chase. Caleb Chase was educated in the public schools of Harwich, and early went to work in his father's store, where he remained until he reached his twenty-fourth year. But he was not the type of man to live out his life and satisfy his ambitions in a Cape Cod country store. Striking out for himself, he came to Boston and entered the employ of Anderson Sargent & Company, at that time a leading dry goods house of the city. After about five years with this firm, during which he traveled in its interests, first through the towns of Cape Cod, and later in the West, he became connected with the wholesale grocery house of Claflin, SavUle & Company, beginning in September, 1859. He remained with this house until January, 1864, shortly after which he engaged in business for himself as a member of the firm of Carr, Chase & Raymond then formed. In 1871 this firm was succeeded by Chase, Raymond & Ayer, and in 1878 the present house of Chase & Sanbom was organized for the importation and distribution of teas and coffees exclusively. Mr. Chase has been for many years the head of this house, which ranks among the largest importing and distributing tea and coffee houses in America. Large branch houses are also established in Montreal and Chicago. CALEB CHASE Mr. Chase's name is widely known through the remarkable suc cess of the business house which he formed, and of which he is justly proud. It is in his business that a fine combination of integrity and enterprise has found scope. Naturally conservative, he has ever been jealous of his own good name, and of the reputation of everything with which he might be connected. This conservatism and integrity has helped to make the firm name the synonym for business honor. With integrity, Mr. Chase has coupled a rare spirit of enterprise which has enabled him to seize the opportunity for business success opened by modern legitimate advertising. He knew his goods were right, and he wanted all the world to know it. The Boston merchant of the old school was honest, but he was not always enterprising. Mr. Chase is a Unitarian in religion and a liberal supporter of that faith. In politics he is a stanch Republican, and while he has often been urged to seek public office, he has invariably declined, preferring to devote his leisure to his home and his energies to his extensive business interests. He is a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery and a member of the Algonquin Club. Caleb Chase has not been a mere money-maker. He has made money that he might use it. WhUe he has been modest to the verge of timidity in allowing the use of his name, he has for many years lived with an open hand for every good cause. His benefactions have been wide and very generous. WhUe he is extremely reticent, he is known to have been one of the early benefactors of the Frank lin Square House, and a generous giver to the churches of his town, and to the American Unitarian Association. He was married in 1866 to Miss Salome Boyles, of Thomaston, Maine. They have no children. GUY WILBUR COX GUY WILBUR COX was born in Manchester, New Hamp shire, January 19, 1871. His father, Charles Edson Cox, born December 16, 1847, now retired, is a man of high moral character in business and in private life. The mother of Guy W. Cox is Evelyn M. (Randall) Cox. His grandparents were Walter B. Cox (1816-1878) and Nancy (Nutter) Cox, and Thomas B. Ran dall (1807-1848), and Mary (Pickering) RandaU. He is a descend ant from Moses Cox, who came from England about 1640 and settled in Hampton, New Hampshire; on his mother's side from John Pickering, who came from England as early as 1633 and settled at Strawberry Bank, now Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The Picker ing famUy has had a prominent place in the history of New Hampshire from the time of Capt. John Pickering, who settled at Portsmouth in 1636, from whom all of that name are descended. In 1680 he was a member of the first assembly held in New Hampshire, and in 1690 he was a delegate to the convention which prepared a constitution for the colony. Guy WUbur Cox had an early taste for music and mathematics. He was able without special difficulty to gratify his desire for a college education. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1893, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. He held in college high rank in general scholarship, especially in the classics, sciences and mathe matics, and was valedictorian of his class. In regular course he received the degree of Master of Arts. He was appointed a teacher in the Manchester High School, where he gave instruction in Chem istry and Physics. He held that position from 1893-94. From 1896-99 he was an instructor in the Boston Evening High School. By his own preference he chose the profession of the law for his life- work. His circumstances and the varied influences which surrounded him confirmed his choice. He entered the Law School of the Bos ton University, where he graduated 1896 with the degree of Bachelor of Law, Magna Cum Laude. He was at once admitted to the Bar ^ ''^s^-.^-r^fg^/J; \}^.j\\su^ GUY WILBUR COX of Suffolk County, and became a partner in the law firm of Butler, Cox & Murchie. He entered upon his profession with his inherited and characteristic energy, and he has been rewarded with the suc cess which he has earned. He has continued in his practice, giving special attention to insurance and corporation law and to the laws relating to street raUways. His field has been broad and his pro fessional calling has given full exercise to his talent and wide training. Mr. Cox regards the influence of home, of contact with men in active life, of school, of private study, of early companionship, all as having a strong influence upon his own success in life. He is a Republican in politics and has been honored by election to public office, where he has rendered good service which has been recognized. In 1902 he was elected a member of the City CouncU of Boston from Ward 10. He was chosen a member of the Massa chusetts House of Representatives in 1903-04, and in 1906-07 a member of the State Senate from the Fifth Suffolk District. In the House of Representatives he was a member of the important com mittee on cities, and took a leading part in its deliberations and in the advocacy of its recommendations. He was also a member of the special committee on the relation of employers and employees. In the Senate he was chairman of the committees on election laws, metropolitan affairs, and taxation, and a member of the committee on education and mUitary affairs. At the close of the session of 1907 he was made chairman of the State commission on taxation, appointed to consider the whole subject of taxation and to revise and codify the laws relating thereto. At a later time he was ap pointed by the governor, chairman of the committee to represent the state at the National Tax Conference. His legal knowledge and ability have in this way had their natural extension in a wise and serviceable citizenship. His rare training and experience have the promise of continued employment for the benefit of the public service. Mr. Cox is connected with numerous societies: The Dartmouth Alumni Association; the University Club of Boston; the Wollas ton Club; the Republican League Club; the New Hampshire Club; the Order of Odd Fellows; the Phi Beta Kappa and others. He finds recreation in golf and music. He resides at the Hotel West minster, Boston. WINTHROP MURRAY CRANE A PUBLIC man who has stepped at once into a commanding position in Washington, and yet whose national career has scarcely begun, is Winthrop Murray Crane, senator from Massachusetts. Though long a leader in the executive coun cils of the Republican party, Mr. Crane was known to the country at large chiefly as a notably wise and successful governor of Massa chusetts, until his entrance into the Senate Chamber to fill the place left vacant by the death of the venerable George F. Hoar in, 1904. No senator of this generation has grown more rapidly in solid influ ence and enduring fame within the first years of service. Mr. Crane is a fine exemplification of the truth that many of the ablest and most sagacious public men of to-day are products not of the law but of exact, practical business. He was a manu facturer by profession when he entered upon public life, and he had been steadily engaged since boyhood in this calling, a heritage from his fathers. It was his grandfather, Zenas Crane, who had founded the first paper-mill in western Massachusetts. In 1801 this pioneer, who had learned his trade in the mill of his brother at Newton Lower Falls, near Boston, and at Worcester, established by the clear waters of the Housatonic a new industry in the town of Dalton. Forty years later he transferred his business to his sons, Zenas Marshall and James Brewster Crane, who were his partners. Winthrop Murray Crane is the youngest son of Zenas Marshall Crane and of his wife Louise Fanny (Loomis) Crane. He was born in Dalton, Massachusetts, on April 23, 1853, and educated in the Dalton schools and in Williston Seminary in Easthampton, Massa chusetts. At seventeen he began to work in his father's paper-mUl, which was an important concern. The Crane paper, made with honest thoroughness and the most painstaking skill, had won the highest reputation in America. It was the handiwork of this firm which was utilized by the Treasury Department, and while a very young man Mr. Crane himself went to Washington to demonstrate JV ii,i-s,'K/,;a.,.,s J£r-n \(\(i (y^ou\si WINTHROP MURRAY CRANE the value of the silk thread in this government paper production. The secret of the success which the Crane business had achieved was that its managers had been consummate masters of their art and had given close personal attention to every process of their industry. Mr. Crane himself, as a young man, knew every detail of the business, and, as in the days of his fathers, every item of the work was done on honor. The Crane family added woolen manu facturing and other interests to its original occupation of the paper industry. The relation of these able and far-sighted manufacturers to their employees was the ideal one of friends, counselors and benefactors. There was an ever-present sense of comradeship, of genuine, whole-hearted cooperation. This relation has remained to the present day. Winthrop Murray Crane from his youth has been an interested and active Republican. Long ago his wisdom in counsel came to be recognized by the leaders of the Republican organization in Massa chusetts. Years before he himself had entered public life it was a fact that no important step in party management in his own State was taken without his approval. Soon his fame as a sagacious political leader and manager extended to broader fields. In 1892 Mr. Crane, though averse to official position of any kind, was elected a delegate at large to the Republican National Conven tion in Minneapolis which renominated President Harrison, and he was chosen as the Massachusetts member of the Republican National Committee. In that circle of keen, practical, sagacious men, his remarkable ability gained prompt recognition. In 1896 and again in 1904 Mr. Crane was reelected the Massachusetts represen tative in the national organization. In these same years he was again a delegate at large to the Republican National Conventions. Meanwhile at home Mr. Crane had steadily advanced to posts of commanding leadership. He was nominated and elected lieutenant- governor of Massachusetts, serving as such with the honored and lamented Governor Roger Wolcott in 1897, 1898 and 1899. Then Mr. Crane himself was nominated and elected governor for three successive terms, for 1900, 1901 and 1902. He gave the State a memorable administration. The Massachusetts state government has been a good and sound one for many years. Its policy has been liberal and progressive. Many important metropolitan improvements have been carried WINTHROP MURRAY CRANE through, and though these have all been amply justified, yet the cumulative cost of them had begun to be a serious burden when Governor Crane became chief executive. The State debt had increased from $6,140,000 in 1896 to $16,869,000 in 1900. In his inaugural address in that year, Governor Crane, speaking of the various items of indebtedness, said: "It wUl be found in almost every instance that the object is a worthy one, and I have no doubt that the Commonwealth has received full value for the moneys ex pended," but he added, "The question for us to consider, however, is not the propriety of past expenditures, but how to take heed of the conditions which now confront us. The Commonwealth needs a breathing-space for financial recuperation." This needful breathing-space Governor Crane, with his prestige as a man of business, readUy secured. His administration was characterized by prudence in financial affairs, rigid scrutiny of new undertakings and yet encouragement of all that were essential to the well-being of the Commonwealth. His influence with the Legislature was extraordinary, and his breadth of view and gracious, conciliatory temper so impressed the people of the State that the minority party made only the most perfunctory opposition to his reelection. Retiring from the governorship after the accustomed three terms, at the end of 1902, Mr. Crane returned to the management of his great manufacturing industries in Berkshire County. There he was engaged when, after the death of Senator George F. Hoar, in October, 1904, Governor Bates appointed him to fill the vacancy in Washington. This choice was so natural and merited that it won at once the unanimous approval of the Commonwealth. It might fairly be said of Mr. Crane that he had no rival, because the men who might have been his rivals recognized his preeminent qualifi cations for the post and his rich deserving of its honors and re sponsibUities. Senator Crane took his seat on December 6, 1904. In the follow ing January he was duly elected by the Massachusetts Legislature to fiU out the term of Mr. Hoar, which expired March 3, 1907. The Legislature, on January 15, 1907, elected Mr. Crane senator from Massachusetts for the full six-year term, from 1907 to 1913. Several members of the opposing party in both branches of the General Court cast their baUots with the Republicans for the election of Mr. Crane as WINTHROP MURRAY CRANE senator — a distinction unusual in the annals of the Common wealth. Before he became a senator there had come tempting oppor tunities to Mr. Crane to enter the national service in Washington. When Secretary Gage resigned the Treasury portfolio in December, 1901, President Roosevelt was desirous that he should be succeeded by the sagacious governor of Massachusetts. This Mr. Crane felt obliged to decline. He could not then easily arrange a transfer of the control of his manufacturing industries which had long held important connections with the Federal government. The senatorship, however, made a more powerful appeal to him, and he was this time enabled so to arrange his affairs at home that he could devote his extraordinary energies and abilities to the national service. The United States Senate is popularly regarded as the closest of close corporations, into whose inner circles of actual control no man, however able and powerful, can hope to make his way until after years of residence in Washington. Yet there have been exceptions to this potent rule, and the most conspicuous ex ception in recent times is that of the junior senator from Massa chusetts. His fellow senators knew him before he came as one of the foremost men of business in America, a man of genius for organiza tion, management and leadership. Senator Crane justified this reputation. Without aspiring to oratory, and bearing himself ever modestly. Senator Crane won instant recognition as a vital force in the affairs of government. His attitude toward public questions may well be described as that of a progressive conservative — an attitude which exactly befits Massachusetts. Mr. Crane happened to come to Washington when the radical temper was high and strong and threatening to sweep everything before it. He met it not in the spirit of a reaction ary, but with courtesy, conciliation, broad and enlightened judg ment. He proved to be the man of all men for the occasion and the hour, and before many months his fame was nation-wide and Massachusetts gladly, but without surprise, heard him acclaimed as one of the most powerful men in Washington. This was, after aU, only a confirmation of what had long been known of Mr. Crane in his own Commonwealth. Senator Crane has a beautiful home at Dalton in the Berkshires, where he is known to every one and where every one is proud to hold WINTHROP MURRAY CRANE him as a friend. His interests, business and political, take him frequently to Boston, but during the sessions of Congress he is con stant in his attendance to his pubhc duties. Although young in years and service among the senators, he is a member of some of the most important committees of the Senate. In 1908 he was elected a delegate-at-large to the Republican National Convention at Chicago, which nominated Taft and Sherman. Williams College honored Mr. Crane with the degree of A.M. in 1899, and Harvard University with the degree of LL.D. in 1903. He is a Congregationalist in his religious affiliations. Mr. Crane was married on February 5, 1880, to Miss Mary Benner, daughter of Robert and Mary Benner, who died February 16, 1884, leaving one son, Winthrop Murray Crane, Jr., now engaged in the ancestral industry of paper manufacturing. Senator Crane was remarried on July 10, 1906, to Miss Josephine Porter Boardman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Boardman, of Cleveland and Washington, descended on the one side from Elizur Boardman, United States Senator from Connecticut, and on the other from Joseph Earl Sheffield, the founder of the Sheffield Scientiflc School, of Yale University. A son has recently been born to Mr. and Mrs. Crane. ';;^^y-ay-y STEPHEN MOODY CROSBY STEPHEN MOODY CROSBY was born in SaUsbury, Massa chusetts, August 14, 1827. His father was Nathan Crosby, of Sandwich, New Hampshire, born February 12, 1798; his mother was Rebecca Moody, born June 18, 1798; the grandfathers were Asa Crosby (July 6, 1765- April 12, 1836) and Stephen Moody (July 21, 1767-AprU 21, 1842). The grandmothers were Betsey Hoit (1776-AprU 2, 1804) and Frances Coffin (February 5, 1773- March 22, 1858). The father was a lawyer with a judicial mind, clearness of thought, integrity of purpose and unfailing good temper. He was the descendant of Simon and Ann Crosby who, with their son Thomas, came in the Susan and Ellen in 1635 from Lancashire, England, and settled in Cambridge. In boyhood Stephen Moody Crosby spent a few months in a news paper office, and in a bookstore. This gave him an opportunity to indulge his taste for reading. His moral nature was strengthened by his mother's influence. He had the range of his grandfather's old-fashioned library and access to the works of Scott, James, Marryat and Cooper. He prepared for college in the Boston Latin School and the Lowell High School, and received the degree of A.B. with the class of 1849, at Dartmouth College. He was admitted to the Massachusetts Bar in 1852. Personal tastes and early surroundings united to determine his profession, in which he was supported by his contact with men. He has been associated in business with the Manchester (N. H.) Print Works (1854), Hayden Manufacturing Company (1857), and Massa chusetts Trust Company (1873). He was a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1869, and of the Senate in 1870-71. He has been State director of the Boston and Albany Railroad, and was commissioner of the Hoosac Tunnel. He was major-paymaster in the United States Army, and Brevet-Lieutenant-Colonel (1862-66). He is a member of the Boston Art Club; of the mUitary order STEPHEN MOODY CROSBY United States Legion of Honor; Cincinnati Society; University Club and Unitarian Club. Of these organizations he has been president in turn, and of the Boston Art Club, ten years. His political rela tions have been with the Whig and Republican parties in an unbroken line. He is connected with the Second Church, Boston (Unitarian). In early life he found hunting and fishing profitable amusements. He was married October 12, 1855, to Anna, daughter of Joel Hayden and Matella Weir Smith, granddaughter of Josiah Hayden and Ester (Halleck) Hayden, and a descendant of John Haidon, who came from England to Braintree in the Mary and John, 1630. There are no children. His counsel to young men is: "Do well each day's duties and take each day's pleasures as fully as you can, and wait patiently for results. Be temperate in all things." r-T? '-.j £ G »W/.»"'5 -dBra -VJ-" JOHN GIFFORD CROWLEY JOHN GIFFORD CROWLEY, son of Thomas and Mary Ann (Gifford) Crowley, was born in Plymouth, Massachusetts, February 19, 1856. His father was a sea captain, and look ing out on the blue waves it was no wonder that all his dreams were of the sea, and what was beyond where the sky closed down. He had but a hmited opportunity for education. There were seven children, and John the oldest must work hard. It was work, he says, that was all he knew in early life. His grand father and grandmother on both paternal and maternal sides had come from that stormy land, Newfoundland, and he, the scion of hardy stock, would show his grit in life's battle. At the tender age of eleven, frail of hand but firm of heart, he bravely began his part. Stepping on board the vessel of which he was later captain, he began in the cook's galley. Rising from there, and staying on the same ship, he passed the successive grades of ordinary, able seaman, mate, and at last at the age of twenty was captain. Deprived as he had been in all these years of all that school gives the mind, yet he had not been idle. The remembrance of the in tellectual strength and moral rectitude shown by his parents were his inspiration in all his way upward. His principal reading had been that which related to his calling. He felt that that American inven tion, the fore-and aft-vessel, the schooner, had not yet come to its true place in the world's commercial activity, but with his guidance it should. When his young eyes looked out on the Gurnet and the white sails passing by it, he saw only "two stickers," as the utmost that progress had given in the way of a fore-and-aft ship, since when, in 1713, down the ways went the first fore and after, and an enthusiast cried, thus giving forever after the name to that type of craft, "There she scoons." From the time that vessel slid into the water at Gloucester, for fifty years the farthest reach in the progress of the fore-and-aft craft toward carrying the coastwise commerce of our country had been a vessel which, at the utmost, carried per- JOHN GIFFORD CROWLEY haps two hundred and fifty tons. There were very few three masted schooners on the coast the day he entered the galley of his first vessel. Under his guidance, however, and directed by his courage, mast after mast was added, each the seamen said " to be the last. " But he said each time, " One more stick." And one more it has been until now we see the seven-master under her 14,000 feet of canvas, instead of the paltry 500 feet spread by the largest schooner on the coast when, in 1867, young Crowley began life on the sea. The development of the coastwise trade, its success, as competitor with the raUroads in carrying coal from the ports nearest the mines to the seaboard of New England, has been accomplished through the wise and far-seeing guidance of this man. Captain Crowley has been twice married: first, October 28, 1879, second, September 8, 1902. Of the four children born to him, a son and daughter are now living. The son is in college at Dartmouth and the daughter at home. He is in religious faith a Baptist, and while not being active politically, has always voted the Republican ticket. Fraternally, he is a Mason. He is now, at the age of fifty-one, treasurer, secretary, director and member of the executive committee of the Coastwise Transporta tion Company, director of the Eastern Fishing Company, general manager of all vessels owned by the Coastwise Transportation Com pany. This company owns many vessels that up and down our coast set on their six and seven masts their monstrous spread of canvas, and all because of the genius of John Gifford Crowley, the boy who at eleven, friendless and unaided, stepped into the galley as cook. Captain Crowley's words of advice to young men are to be "in dustrious, honest and upright in all their dealings." ¦ -dy £ (;^ '¦^//i.T^j S-Br^-' //T^ FAYETTE SAMUEL CURTIS FAYETTE SAMUEL CURTIS, vice-president of the New York, New Haven and Hartford RaUroad Company, was born on a farm near Owego, New York, December 16, 1843. His par ents were Allen and Catharine (Steel) Curtis. His father was a farmer, esteemed for his industry, patriotism and purity of purpose, who emigrated from Massachusetts to the southern tier section of the Empire State which was then but sparsely settled. His mother was a woman of fine mind and character, who exerted a strong influ ence for good upon the intellectual and moral life of her family. His earliest known ancestor in America was Henry Curtis, one of the Puritan settlers in Massachusetts Bay Colony. The original emigrant of that name with his wife arrived in Massachusetts from Stratford-on-Avon in 1643, removing to Windsor, Connecticut, and later to Northampton, Massachusetts, where he died in 1661. When Fayette Samuel Curtis was old enough to work he had tasks that were common to boys on a farm. His health was good and conditions for its maintainance were favorable. While indus trious in his work on the farm he was inclined to be studious. The school terms were short, but such opportunities as they afforded were carefully improved. He was anxious to secure a liberal education, but before he was ready for college he decided to become an engineer. After receiving his early education at the public and private schools of Owego and taking a course of civil engineering at the Owego Academy, he became a practical student of engineering, starting in 1863 at small pay as flagman with a surveying party for the Albany and Susquehanna Railroad. Later, as transit man, he demonstrated such skill and ability that he was soon promoted to the head of that branch of the service. Soon after his services were sought as leveler for the Southem Central Railroad of New York in the Lehigh Valley section. Changing his location to New York City he was for two years associated with Gen. George S. Green, a prominent member of the engineering corps then engaged in the work of surveying and FAYETTE SAMUEL CURTIS laying out the roads, streets and avenues of what is now the important section of the Borough of the Bronx. Mr. Curtis entered the service of the New York and Harlem RaU road in 1870 as assistant engineer. He held the position but a short time being promoted to that of chief engineer of the New York and Harlem Railroad, afterwards division engineer of the New York Central Railroad, then chief engineer of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company up to May 1, 1900. Since that date he has held the position of second vice-president of that Company with headquarters at Boston. Mr. Curtis' career has been one of steady advancement. Besides being vice-president of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company, he is trustee of the Boston Terminal Company; a director in the New Bedford, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket Steam Boat Company; New England Rail road Company; New Haven and Northampton Railroad Company; New York Connecting Railroad; Old Colony Railroad Company; Providence Terminal Company; also president and director Union Freight RaUroad Company. His club affiliations include the En gineering Club of New York City; Country Club of New Haven; Union Club of Boston; Tioga Club of Owego and Quinipiac Club of New Haven. Mr. Curtis is affiliated with the Masonic fraternity, being a member of the Friendship Lodge of Owego, New York; Jerusalem Chapter of Owego, New York, and Constantine Com mandery Knights Templars of New York City. r^ (Xlux.^ RICHARD HENRY DANA RICHARD HENRY DANA, lawyer, philanthropist, political reformer, was born in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massa chusetts, January 3, 1851. His father, Richard Henry Dana (1815-1882), was a son of Richard Henry (1787-1879) and Ruth Charlotte (Smith) Dana; grandson of Francis (1743-1811) and Elizabeth (Ellery) Dana, and John Wilson and Susanna (Tillinghast) Smith of Taunton, Massachusetts, great-grandson of Richard (1700- 1772) and Lydia (Trowbridge) Dana, and of William Ellery, the signer, and a descendant from Richard and Ann (Bullard) Dana through Daniel their youngest son and Naomi (CrosweU) Dana, his wife. Richard Dana, the emigrant and progenitor of the Dana family in America, was probably of French descent. Richard settled in Cam bridge by or before 1640 and died in 1690. Richard (1700-1772) of the third generation was graduated at Harvard 1718, was a Son of Liberty, and subjected himself to the penalties of treason by taking the oath of Andrew Oliver not to enforce the Stamp Act (1765). He was Representative to the General Court and was at the head of the Boston bar. He married Lydia, daughter of Thomas, and sister of Judge Edmund Trowbridge of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, one of the first to wear the scarlet robe and powdered wig. Francis Dana (1743-1811), Harvard 1762, was a Son of Liberty, delegate to Con tinental Congress from November 1776 to 1780 and 1784-85, signer of the Articles of Confederation; U. S. minister to Russia 1781-83; judge of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts 1785-91 and chief justice of Massachusetts 1791-1806; a founder and vice-president of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, LL.D, Harvard 1792. Richard Henry (1787-1879) was the author, poet and essayist. He was one of the founders of the " North American Review." Richard H. Dana (1815-1882) was the defender of Sims and Anthony Burns, fugitive slaves; counsel of United States government before the International Conference at Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1877, growing out of the Geneva Award of 1872; author of "Two Years before the RICHARD HENRY DANA Mast" (1840) (1869); "To Cuba and Back" (1859); "Annotations to Wheaton's International Law" (1886), etc. Richard Henry Dana (born January 3, 1851) was prepared for college in public and private schools of Cambridge and St. Paul's School, Concord, New Hampshire, and was graduated at Harvard University, class orator and A.B., 1874, and at the law school of the University LL.B., 1877. He was stroke oar of the Freshman crew 1870; for three years stroke oar and for two years captain of the University crew, and during his law course at the University he had the advantage of extended travel in Europe where he carried letters of introduction that brought him into contact with persons of dis tinction in society and statesmanship in every city he visited. He continued the study of law in the office of Brooks, Ball & Storey and in 1879 made the trip in a sailing vessel from New York to San Fran cisco, in which voyage he visited many of the scenes so graphically described in his father's "Two Years before the Mast." He declined the position of secretary of legation at London, proffered by President Hayes in 1877, and on January 6, 1878, he was married to Edith, daughter of Henry Wadsworth and Frances (Appleton) Longfellow and one of the "blue-eyed banditti" of the poet's "Children's Hour." Six children, four sons and two daughters, blessed this union. Mr. Dana's law practice soon became extensive and his service in behalf of various religious, charitable and civU service reform organizations was freely given. He became a regular contributor to the "Civil Service Record," which he edited 1889-92, and he was an uncompromising advocate of tariff and political reform. He was for many years secretary of the Massachusetts Civil Service Reform League. In 1884 he drafted the act which became the Massachusetts Civil Service law; in 1888 he drew up the act which resulted in the adoption of the Australian Ballot by the Commonwealth of Massa chusetts, the pioneer movement in the United States in that direction. He planned the scheme of work of the Associated Charities of Boston, 1878-79 and was chairman of its committee of organization. He served as president of the board of trustees of the New England Conservatory of Music 1891-98, and during that time raised $165,000 for the institution. He has been president of the Cambridge Humane Society; president of the Boston Young Men's Christian Association (1890-91) and he was active in trying to introduce into Massachusetts the Norwegian system of regulating the sale of liquors. He served as RICHARD HENRY DANA president of the Cambridge Civil Service Reform Association 1897- 1901. He was a member of the Standing Committee of the diocese of Massachusetts and was elected a substitute delegate to the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America held in Boston in 1904, serving as chairman of the General Convention com mittee. He was made trustee and treasurer of the Episcopal The ological School of Cambridge in 1894, and he has held the office of president of the Alumni Association of St. Paul's School, Concord, New Hampshire. In 1901 Governor Crane of Massachusetts ap pointed him one of three commissioners to inquire into the question of constructing a dam at the mouth of the Charles River, and the favorable report of the Commission made in 1903, which led to the accomplishment of the great project, was written largely by Mr. Dana. In 1901 he was appointed by the board of overseers of Harvard University on the visiting committee in the department of philosophy, and organized the movement for raising funds for building Emerson Hall which resulted in procuring about $165,000. He is a member of the executive committee of the Cambridge Good Govemment Club and the Massachustets Election Laws League, was president of the Massachusetts CivU Service Reform Association, and is chairman of the Council of the United States CivU Service Reform League. He is a vice-president of the Massachusetts Reform Club; a member of the New York Reform Club; president of the Library Hall Association, organized for the improvement of the municipal government in Cambridge. His social club affiliations in clude the Union and Exchange Clubs of Boston; the Essex County Club; the Oakley Country Club of Watertown, of which he was presi dent, and the Harvard Club of New York. His trusteeships have included the New England Conservatory of Music; the Oliver BuUding Trust; the Washington Building Tmst; the Delta BuUding Trust; the Bromfield BuUding Trust and the Congress Street BuUding Trust. He is the author of "Double Taxation Unjust and Inexpedient" (1892); "Double Taxation in Massachusetts" (1895); "Substitutes for the Caucus " (Forum, 1886) ; " Workings of the Australian Ballot Act in Massachusetts" (Annals of American Academy, 1892); "Ad dress on the One Hundreth Anniversary of the town of Dana" (1901); and other papers and addresses on civU service reform, taxation, ballot reform, election expenses and better houses for working men. EDMUND DOWSE IN the midst of the second war for independence, on September 17, 1813, there was born in the village of Sherborn, Massa chusetts, a child who was destined to live on as an old man into the succeeding century and to bear an active and conspicuous part in its affairs. Edmund Dowse was the son of Benjamin Dowse, a leather dresser, manufacturer and farmer of Sherborn, and of Thankful (Chamberlain) Dowse, his wife. The family was one of stalwart old New England stock, tracing its origin back to the year when Winthrop brought his pioneers over seas and the town of Boston was founded in 1630. Lawrence Dowse, who came from Broughton in Hampshire County, England, made his home not in Boston proper, but in the village of Charlestown, on the opposite riverside. Here he and his descendants lived until the stirring events of the Lexington fight and the siege of Boston. Their home was burned by the British in the battle of Bunker Hill, where three of the family fought side by side with the men of Prescott and Stark. The family home was then removed to Sherborn. The Dowses of Sherborn were men of scholarly tastes. Thomas Dowse, especially, is remembered for the gift of his valuable library to the Massachusetts Historical Society. This hereditary love of learning drew young Edmund Dowse, after he had filled the measure of the schools of his native town, to the broader curriculum of Wrentham Academy and then to the doors of Amherst College. He graduated at Amherst in 1836 with the degree of A.B., and, choosing the honorable profession of the clergyman, he studied theology with Rev. Dr. Jacob Ide, of West Medway, Massachusetts, and with a famous teacher of his day, Rev. Dr. Nathaniel Em mons. Two years after his graduation, in 1838, the pastorate of his own home church, the PUgrim Church of Sherborn, became vacant. He was called to the church as its minister, and that same post in his own town he retained for sixty-seven years thereafter, an unbroken EDMUND DOWSE single charge almost, if not quite, without a parallel in the eccle siastical annals of Massachusetts. In these times when the clergymen of most denominations are practicaUy itinerants, always on the move, restless and yearning for a change after a service of three or four or half a dozen years — and with their flock sometimes yearning for a change also — it is not easy to understand how one pastor could preach from the same pulpit, and preach, moreover, in the town where he was born and lived as a child, for well-nigh the threescore and ten years of allotted existence. But Edmund Dowse did this, and he did more, too. He was a patriot, alert to the interests of government, a man who did his duty at the ballot box and town meeting as well as at the prayer meeting. His activity in public affairs and aptitude for public service led to his election, in 1869 and 1870, as a member of the Massachusetts Senate. And when his term had finished as a Senator, his fellow Senators paid him the distinguished honor of electing him as their chaplain. That post of chaplain in the Massachusetts Senate Mr. Dowse retained unbrokenly for twenty-five years — the longest period during which one minister has acted as chaplain of the Senate in the history of the Commonwealth. Early in his life the young minister had become interested in the educational work of Sherborn, and for sixty-five years he was chair man of the school committee of the town. He saw old educational methods change to new and an army of children pass through the Sherborn schools in those sixty-five years. And all the time his was the controlling power that molded the training of this host of youth for after life. Now if it be asked, how a minister could serve his people so long and acceptably, the public schools so long, and the Massachusetts Senate for a quarter of a century, the answer is in the manner of the man that Edmund Dowse was and the kind of life he lived. He was a fervent Christian, an earnest, interesting and convincing preacher, a most faithful pastor of his people, benignant, sympathetic, devoted in an extraordinary degree. He had a great brain and a great heart with it, and he threw himself with all his energy into every associa tion of life and everything he had to do. The joys of his people and his friends were his joys; their sorrows and anxieties were his also. He saw the little children of his flock, when he began his pastorate, grow up through youth and manhood and womanhood to old age, EDMUND DOWSE while he still ministered in the PUgrim pulpit. This unusual experi ence, the warmth of his heart, his tactfulness, his power of discern ment, his fine, strong New England common sense, and, above all, his enrapt devotion to his calling as a teacher of religion and a minister of Christ, enabled him to live his long life among familiar scenes and to do an amount of good work which can be credited to few men of any land, in any century. In 1886, on the fiftieth anniversary of his class of 1836, Amherst College, his alma mater, bestowed upon Mr. Dowse the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity, in recognition of his life of rich achieve ment. The New England parish minister of the years through which he had lived belonged to what has well been described as a genuine peerage, our one American nobility. The fiftieth anni versary of the pastorate of Dr. Dowse over the Pilgrim Church of Sherborn was celebrated on October 10, 1888, by a great and notable gathering, not only of leaders of the Congregational denomination, but of chief public men of the State. Ex-Governor Long, ex-Gover nor Claflin, Govemor Brackett and several Congressmen sent their congratulations. At this anniversary meeting Dr. Dowse said of himself in modest reply to the many fervent felicitations : " My early inclinations were toward some form of literary and professional life. Before I became interested in religion, so far as to regard myself a Christian, I secretly formed the purpose to obtain an education in the schools and enter the profession of the law. This feeling was so strong that I was willing to sacrifice the ordinary amusements and sports of the young that I might have the means of pursuing a course of study, and acquiring a knowledge of men and the world. But when in the good providence of God I decided to become a follower of Christ my mind was turned toward the work of the Christian ministry. This was in the way of my literary taste and at the same time promised me a field for the exercise of that love of God and man which seems now to possess my soul." At this same time a classmate of Dr. Dowse at Amherst — the class of 1836 was a large and distinguished one, ex-Governor Alex ander H. Bullock, of Massachusetts and Roswell D. Hitchcock, of New York, and other eminent men were members — gave some interesting personal reminiscences of him at college, saying: "I remember that he had a good physical development, an average EDMUND DOWSE size, a fresh countenance, and a rather large head. He was quite studious and soon took high rank as a scholar. He was always genial and pleasant as a companion, and his deportment was such that I am sure he never got into any scrapes, or incurred the disci pline of the Faculty. Mr. Dowse inherited a physical system re markably well-balanced in all its parts. His body must have been sound and healthy in every organ so that, like a perfect machine, all its operations would work harmoniously, resulting, with care, in uniform good health. His brain is relatively large and equally well developed in every part, giving harmony and consistency of charac ter. This furnishes the groundwork for strong, social and domestic affections as well as for energy and decision of character. This development of brain results also in such a manifestation of the observing and reflecting faculties as to give a nice sense of pro priety, sound judgment and good common sense. Then, with such a brain, the moral and religious faculties are so developed and exercised as to give a decided, harmonious and consistent moral character. Let external religious influences of the right kind be brought to bear upon such an organization, always taking the lead, and we have a beautiful, consistent Christian character." Again, on October 13, 1898, the sixtieth year was observed with equal or greater impressiveness. On that occasion one of the eulo gists. Rev. Dr. F. E. Sturgis, said: "Dr. Dowse is the youngest octogenarian I ever knew; no spectacles, no ear trumpet, the hair of his youth, erect, vigorous in mind, his natural force hardly abated, still in the pulpit, still at the front of every good cause, still interested in all the affairs of the State and the Nation. In all our ministerial fellowship I scarcely know a man more companionable, more fresh in enthusiasm. Through cold and heat and flood and gale he goes regularly to his duties at the State House. His modern life is shown in his mastery of all present-day educational themes and methods. His religious catholicity is shown in his perpetual office of chaplaincy in the Senate, elected year after year, for his broad and brotherly spirit, for the brevity and appropriateness and beauty of his prayers. " Instead of Dr. Dowse it should be Bishop Dowse, if not Arch bishop Dowse, for he is the patriarch, the metropolitan of all our churches. On his shoulders has rested the care of so many of our parishes when they have been without pastors. No minister here- EDMUND DOWSE abouts is so often called upon for services outside his parish, in marriages, in funerals. He has served the living and the dead in all this section of the country for sixty years, going rught and day, whenever and wherever requested, and without reward. He is the most widely known, the most beloved, the most universally honored minister in this part of the State. In how many of our homes and churches is his name a household word, spoken with children's reverence and remembered with tenderest gratitude. His character is an inheritance of faith, charity, righteousness in all this eastem Massachusetts. His life has ever been a manifestation of love, patience, graciousness, friendship." Dr. Dowse continued to serve his parish devotedly to the end of his life, on April 27, 1905, and deep was the grief of his people of Sherborn and of his friends throughout the Commonwealth when they realized that the venerable pastor was no more. Dr. Dowse was at that time the oldest Congregational minister in New England and the oldest living graduate of Amherst CoUege. The honored family name has a conspicuous living representative in the only son of Dr. Dowse, William Bradford Homer Dowse, named for a classmate of his father, who has won reputation as a patent lawyer in Boston and New York and is the president of the great Reed & Barton Corporation of Taunton, Massachusetts. A surviving daughter of Dr. Dowse is Mrs. Deborah Perry Coolidge of Sherborn. Dr. Dowse was thrice married — to Miss Elizabeth Reeves Leland in 1838; some time after her death to Miss Elizabeth Bowditch in 1843; and after her death, in the anxious years of the Civil War, to Miss Caroline D. Davis in 1865. From the birth of the Republican party Dr. Dowse was an earnest believer in its princi ples, and he rendered usefiU service in the struggle for the Union cause in the work of the Sanitary Commission in the South. .T9 6u I .^ f'lM'm'^s -A,£r^ I'T-' WM. BRADFORD HOMER DOWSE TO come of distinguished lineage and to add to that distinc tion is to be doubly fortunate. A man thus circumstanced has the most substantial cause of pride and thankfulness. WiUiam Bradford Homer Dowse, eminent patent lawyer of Boston and New York, and president of the famous Reed & Barton Corpo ration of Taunton, is the son of one of the most celebrated of Mas sachusetts clergymen, Rev. Edmund Dowse, D.D., who lived to be ninety-two years old and yet was always accounted young; who served sixty-seven years as pastor of one church, the PUgrim Church of Sherborn, and was for twenty-five years the chaplain of the Mas sachusetts Senate. Mr. Dowse, the younger, was born at his father's home in Sher born, Massachusetts, Febmary 29, 1852. His mother, Elizabeth (Bowditch) Dowse, daughter of Galen Bowditch, was a fit coworker in home and parish for her husband. Their son had the sound character and the physical sturdiness of an ancestry which, from the foundation of Boston, had borne an honorable part in the affairs of Massachusetts. Three of the boy's forefathers fought in the battle of Bunker HUl. The family had lived in Charlestown from 1630 to 1775. Their home was burned and their property destroyed when the British fired the town on that battle day of June 17, and they removed to Sherborn. Here, in this fine, characteristic New England rural community, the son of the beloved minister had opportunities both for enjoy ment and for profit that are denied to city lads. He was fond of out-door life, and he early developed a keen aptitude for mechanics. He could wield the carpenter's tools skUfuUy, and was exert in vari ous kinds of metal work. One task or another kept him constantly employed, but such was his industry that they seemed not tasks, but pleasures. His early education he procured easUy in the Sher born schools, but when his own ambition and his father's wish led him to fit for college he had to walk six mUes a day to attend a pre- WILLIAM BRADFORD HOMER DOWSE paratory school and, in addition, for several years rode twenty miles on the raUroad back and forth from his father's home. From Allen's English and Classical School he entered Harvard University, winning the degree of A.B. in 1873, and of LL.B. in 1875. He was a quick and receptive scholar, and was particularly fond of autobiographies of distinguished men and of works on history, travel and explora tion. Mr. Dowse had no difficulty in choosing a profession. The law was his own preference and his strong tastes for the mechanical sciences drew him naturally enough into the important field of patent law, where he promptly achieved distinction. He began his active practice as a patent lawyer in 1876 in both Boston and New York City, and he followed this career assiduously from 1876 to 1898, with offices in New York and Boston. Other and even weigh tier interests have attracted him. He is president of one of the world famed American manufacturing industries, the Reed & Barton Corporation of Taunton, Massachusetts, with large salesrooms in New York. This comjDany has long had an enviable reputation for the beauty and finish of its designs of sterling silver and electro plate, and is one of the American houses which have elevated manu facturing to the dignity of a fine art. Mr. Dowse is active and conspicuous also in other large business affairs. He is president of the United States Fastener Company, of Boston, the Consolidated Fastener Company, the Booth Manufactur ing Company and other concerns. He has taken out a number of metal working patents of o-riginality and merit. Not often does one man display so much versatility and win such success in both profession and business. In one of the loveliest neighborhoods of West Newton Mr. Dowse has an elegant home, Eswood House, where he and his wife dispense a charming hospitality. Mr. Dowse was married on June 20, 1883, to Miss Fanny Reed, daughter of Henry G. Reed and Frances (Wil liams) Reed, of Taunton, Massachusetts. Three chUdren have been born to them — Dorothy P., Margaret and Beatrice. Mr. Dowse is a member of the Boston Merchants' Association, the Home Market Club and the National Association of Manufac turers. In social life also he has wide and important associations. He is vice-president of the Brae-Burn Country Club of Newton, and a member of the Masonic Order; the University Club and the Ex- WILLIAM BRADFORD HOMER DOWSE change Club of Boston; the Country Clab of Brookline; the Newton Club of Newton; the Neighborhood Club of West Newton; the Com modore Club of Maine; the Manhattan Club; the University Club; the Harvard Club of New York City and the Massachusetts Auto mobile Club. Mr. Dowse is a vigorous Republican, and has represented his influential Republican city at many of the important conventions of his party in this Commonwealth. His religious affiliations are with the Unitarian Chiirch. He and his family have a host of friends in their home city of Newton and in Boston. Mr. Dowse retains to the full his boyhood love of out-of-doors, and is an enthusiast for golf, riding, fishing, shooting and auto-touring. These wholesome recreations, he believes, "are a part of the strength of the life of a successful business and professional man — as much a part of his equipment as a liberal education." A splendid line of long-lived ancestry, crowned by the distinguished clergyman, his father, who lived to be four score and twelve and was remarkable for physical as well as mental activity, is strong confirmation of the soundness of Mr. Dowse's philosophy of living. CHARLES WILLIAM ELIOT CHARLES WILLIAM ELIOT, president of Harvard Uni versity, and the foremost educator in America, is of Bos ton birth and distinguished Massachusetts lineage. He was born on March 20, 1834, the grandson of one of the famous mer chant princes of the New England capital and the son of Samuel Atkins and Mary (Lyman) Eliot. His father was one of the most eminent public men of the Commonwealth, having been mayor of Boston, a member of Congress, and the treasurer of Harvard Col lege. The family was descended from Andrew Eliot, who came from Devonshire, England, about 1632, and settled in Beverly, Massachu setts, very soon after the first Puritan migration. To have sprung from such a sterling race is more honor than kinship with any titled aristocracy. Through every generation the men of the Eliot name have justified their heritage. No youth could have had a more fortunate or inspiring environment than that of the Boston home whence young Eliot went to the Boston Latin School and to Harvard College. His was the class of 1853. Graduating with the degree of Bachelor of Arts and an enviable reputation for scholarship, second in rank in his class, Mr. Eliot remained at the college as a tutor in mathematics, studying chemistry meanwhile with Professor Josiah P. Cooke, and in 1856 receiving the degree of Master of Arts. For two years more he continued to be an instruc tor in mathematics, applying himself at the same time to research in chemistry, but in 1858 he became assistant professor in mathe matics and chemistry in the Lawrence Scientific School at Harvard. He had taken up his profession with enthusiasm, and these earlier years of precise scientific application and the daily teaching of exact truths had a most important effect upon his character. In 1861 Mr. Eliot relinquished one part of his double professional duty to become assistant professor of chemistry alone, holding this post for two years. From 1863 to 1865 he studied chemistry and investigated educational methods in Europe. Returning to America, £'^ iffS. iT MAUfna /3.a.ri. //y^ c^tAj/j". CHARLES WILLIAM ELIOT he became professor of analytical chemistry in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, then a young institution brought into being by the progress of New England and the need of a more thorough scientific knowledge in the industrial arts. For four years, from 1865 to 1869, Mr. Eliot continued in the Faculty of the Institute of Technology, passing parts of the years 1867-1868 in France. His career at the Institute was one of broaden ing success, and his executive capacity, alertness and power of leader ship began to draw attention to him as one sure to be a potent factor in the educational development of America. Through the stormy years of the CivU War the urgent problem of American higher education had been thrust aside, but it came to the forefront as soon as the war had ended. There was much of dissatisfaction and unrest at Harvard. New methods and new men were demanded. The election of a new president of Harvard was impending when Professor Eliot printed in the Atlantic Monthly, two vigorous and stirring articles on "The New Education," which stamped him at once as an iconoclast in the judgment of conser vative Massachusetts. But there were powerful men of progress to whom these new ideas appealed, and Professor Eliot, in 1869, was elected by the Harvard corporation as president. The overseers at first refused to concur, but finally yielded, and Dr. Eliot began his great work of educational reformation. His path for a long time was beset with difficulties. Those of orthodox religious faith dreaded him as a champion of free thought. He was not a clergyman and the ancient traditions of New England held that none but a minister was fit to be a college president. He was a scholar, indeed, but a practical man of affairs also, with such conspicuous business talent that he had been besought to take the management of a great mercantile corporation. All of these things jarred on New England conservatism. The position of the new president of Harvard was an exceedingly delicate one, and impos sible to a man without some leaven of tact in his courage and ambition. President Eliot, once seated, began straightway to broaden the currictUum of the university and to give the individual student some freedom of choice in the courses which he should pursue. This was a perilous attack on immemorial custom. Latin, Greek, mathe matics, a smattering of modem languages and a smattering of some CHARLES WILLIAM ELIOT of the sciences had been the prescribed higher education of New England ever since the beginnings of education there. Regardless of individual characteristics and regardless of the careers which they were to pursue, the yoimg men of one academic generation after another were passed through the same mold and rigidly re quired to learn the same things, or try to learn them, whether the topics interested them or not. President Eliot changed all this, but the process required years of patient endeavor. The "elective system," as it came to be called, did not win a complete triumph at Harvard until about 1884. Yet there was progress from the first; the broadening which the new president began was never halted. The graduate school was de veloped, and "That truth should be the final aim of education and that without liberty the attainment of truth is thwarted " became the guiding principle at Harvard. At the same time. President Eliot gave his splendid energies to the allied task of making Harvard a genuine imiversity. There were law and medical schools, a divinity school, a scientific school and a school of dentistry, but the organiza tion was loose and sprawling, and Harvard in 1869 was still a uni versity only in name. The new president sought to bring these scattered departments genuinely together after a new plan which was not European, but American. "A university in any worthy sense of the term," he said, "must grow from seed. It caimot be transplanted in full leaf and bearing. It cannot be run up, like a cotton mill, in six months, to meet a quick demand. Neither can it be created by an energetic use of the inspired editorial, the ad vertising circular and the frequent telegram. Numbers do not constitute it, and no money can make it before its time." One of the first points upon which President Eliot insisted was that the departments of the university should have a common treasury and a uniform and efficient system of govemment. He carried his point, and then went on to modernize the methods of instruction in the various schools. He gave his personal attention and presence to the various branches of the university. "Well, I declare," said Governor Washburn, when the new president first appeared officially in the law school, "the president of Harvard College in Dane Hall! This is a new sight." Within a few years President Eliot had brought about a thoroughly new, centralized plan of administration, which has been the model of the organiza- CHARLES WILLIAM ELIOT tion of American universities. The doubters and cavillers were gradually silenced. Harvard grew steadUy in numbers, authority and wealth. Its affairs, administered on sound, progressive busi ness principles, won for the university the confidence of business men and a great stream of intelligent and liberal benefactions. In justice to the older Harvard it must be said that the progress which President Eliot has wrought, while by no means easy of accom plishment, was not so difficult as it would have been elsewhere, for even the older and conservative Harvard had responded more quickly than other American colleges to the quickening of new and better thought. Some of the changes which President Eliot worked out had been initiated before his administration. Yet the honor of inspiring most of these changes and of guiding and perfecting all of them is unquestionably his. His influence has not ceased with his own great university. He has been a leader and a reformer in the educational thought of all America. He has successfully ex horted other universities to follow the development wrought out at Harvard. He has been a prophet and a guide to other coUege presidents, conquering ancient prejudices and winning in these later years the utmost regard, gratitude and admiration. In 1902-1903 Dr. Eliot was the president of the great National Educational Association. The university and its high and noble work has not absorbed his entire energies. His genius has helped to shape the advance of primary and secondary education. He has been a severe but beneflcent critic of the public schools and academies, and he has lived to see his exhortations heeded and the soimdness of his ideas recognized in the common school systems of a considerable portion of the American continent. This coordinating of the higher education of the university with even the humblest rural schools, this emphasizing of the idea that the work of education wherever it is undertaken is a noble one, deserving of the considera tion of the wisest men among us, is not the least of the great services which President Eliot has rendered to his nation and his time. The leadership of President Eliot in American education has been frankly and graciously recognized abroad as well as at home. He is an officer of the Legion of Honor, of France, and correspond ing member of the Institute of France. In this country he is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a member of the American PhUosophical Society and of many other organiza- CHARLES WILLIAM ELIOT tions for intellectual and social advancement. WUhams College and Princeton, in 1869, conferred on him the degree of LL.D.; Yale in 1870, and Johns Hopkins in 1902. In the midst of his administra tive labors he has found time for much notable literary work and for a great number of scholarly addresses and orations. Indeed, as a public speaker, critical judges regard President Eliot as in the first rank of Americans, and his addresses as examples of the most finished English of our time. His published works are many. Among them are "Five American Contributions to Civilization and Other Essays" (The Century Company, New York, 1897); "Educational Reform" (The Century Company, 1898); "Charles Eliot — Landscape Archi tect" (the biography of a beloved son, Houghton, Miffiin & Company, Boston, 1902); "More Money for the Public Schools" (Double- day, Page & Company, New York, 1903); "John Gilley" (American Unitarian Association, Boston, 1904); "The Happy Life" (new edition, Thomas Y. Crowell & Company, New York, 1905); "Four American Leaders" (1906). Throughout all the years of his ad ministration Dr. Eliot's annual reports as president of Harvard, have been treasure-houses of the best educational thought. No truer message can be given to young Americans than these words of the great leader of our modern education: "Cultivate the habit of reading something good for ten minutes a day. Ten minutes a day will in twenty years make all the difference between a culti vated and uncultivated mind, provided you read what is good. I do not mean a newspaper; I do not mean a magazine. I mean by the good, the proved treasures of the world, the intellectual treasures of the world in story, verse, history and biography." President Eliot has been keenly alive to political tendencies in America and outspoken in his views of public men and public policies. His personal course has been one of political independence. His religious faith has always been that of the Unitarian Church. In youth and maturity his physical vigor has been maintained by wholesome out-of-door exercise, of which he is very fond, by bicycle riding, saUing, walking and driving. Dr. Eliot was married first to Ellen (Derby) Peabody, who died in 1869, and afterward to Grace Mellen Hopkinson. < di/£ e:? ii^^//,a.^s &B/-!r./^fyr 4 CU/^^M^ , HENRY HARDWICK FAXON HENRY HARDWICK FAXON was born in Quincy, Massa chusetts, September 28, 1823, and died there November 14, 1905. He was the son of Job and Judith B. (Hardwick) Faxon. The name appears frequently on the town records, as borne by substantial farmere and trusted town officers, and runs back to Thomas Faxon, who came from England at some time previous to 1647, and settled in that part of Braintree now known as Quincy. Job Faxon was a farmer, industrious and frugal, and brought up Henry to the hard work befitting a farmer's boy. After a common school education, he was, at the age of sixteen, apprenticed to a shoe maker and worked at this trade five years. At the end of this period, he, together with one of his brothers, began the manufacture of boots and shoes. After three yeai-s he gave up manufacturing for mer cantile life and opened a retaU grocery and provision store in Quincy, where he had a successful business for seven years. In 1854 he dis posed of this business and became a member of the firm of Faxon, Wood & Company, retaU grocers in Boston. This firm afterwards was changed to Faxon Brothers & Company, and the business from retaU to wholesale. In 1861, just before the breaking out of the Civil War, he retired from this firm and engaged in stiU larger commercial ventures. In Boston, or traveling South to New Orleans and Cuba, Mr. Faxon bought and sold in large quantities all sorts of merchandise. It was at this time that, with his quick preception of the situation of affairs, he anticipated a sharp rise in the price of liquors, and placed in store, and later sold at an advance, several hundred barrels. This single transaction is the foundation of the charge that Mr. Faxon made his money by seUing mm. It was not an inconsistency, for up to that time he was not a temperance advocate. His fortune was made in ordinary mercantile ventures and in real estate dealings. As a business man Mr. Faxon seemed to know intuitively the state of the future as well as current markets; and the boldness of his HENRY HARDWICK FAXON operations, and the manner of his purchases, though unerringly clear to himself, seemed to others audacious, even wild and reckless, and astonished his associates by their successful issues. On November 18, 1852, he married Mary Burbank Munroe, daughter of the Boston merchant, Israel W. Munroe and Priscilla (Burbank) Munroe. To them was born a son, Henry Munroe Faxon, who ably continues his father's public spirited activities. Mrs. Faxon died in 1885. Mr. Faxon's claim to distinction rests mainly upon his incessant and uncompromising opposition to the liquor traffic. As he entered middle life, those restless energies which, in earlier years, had been devoted to the acquisition of a competence, took on a moral earnest ness and launched him upon a new career. In 1864 and again in 1872 he was elected to the Massachusetts Legislature. He had been bred a Republican and remained so nominally, although he never hesitated to bolt a party nomination if the interests of temperance, on which his heart became finaUy set, made such a course advisable. In the beginning of his legis lative life he took no special interest in the question of liquor selling. He was appointed, however, a member of the committee on liquor laws and there took a position favoring restrictive measures. As he beeame interested in the question, his conviction deepened as to the wickedness and folly of the traffic, and he entered into a war upon it, which occupied him for the rest of his life. To this contest he brought all his native energy and versatility, and his accumulated fortune. He soon became distinguished as the most aggressive, independent, practical and tireless temperance reformer in the Commonwealth. It was in his own town that he made his chief success. Quincy was a stronghold of the liquor trade and in the year 1881, with a popula tion of about eleven thousand, granted forty-two licenses for the sale of intoxicants. Mr. Faxon got himself appointed constable and it was largely through his efforts that the State law was amended the same year so that the question whether " licenses be granted for the sale of intoxicating liquors in this town," could be presented squarely to the voters. The result was that in 1882 there were 1057 who voted "No" and 475 who voted "Yes." The no-license era thus begun, was resolutely maintained year after year, largely at the expense and often at the bodily peril of this "millionaire policeman." HENRY HARDWICK FAXON He did broader work. He planned political campaigns, he took active part in conventions and caucuses in advocacy of temperance, and by speeches and broadsides and money contributions, kept up unceasing agitation. On more than one occasion, the course of the Republican party was shaped by his moral persistence. At the critical time when Hon. John D. Long was nominated for governor, it was Mr. Faxon who was instrumental in turning the weight of the temperance vote in his favor. At his Boston office he collected an almost inexhaustible store of temperance literature. One of his most valuable publications is a compilation of all the State liquor laws and the Supreme Court decisions thereon. PersonaUy, Mr. Faxon was a man of many peculiarities, but on the whole they served him well and helped him win many a victory. Frank and fearless of speech, unsparing in his attack on individuals, deaf to the sarcasm and ridicule that assailed him, he was ready to expose himself to physical danger for his cause. Much of his security and success was undoubtedly due to his imperturbable good nature. He enjoyed giving and taking blows. He kept his temper in defeat. He was never malignant, vindictive, or bitter. While many dis believed in his methods and even in his aims, few could deny that he was a gallant fighter, honest, sincere and fair. His nature was direct, impatient of the insincerities and hypocrisies of many men in public life, and the only way he knew of carrying his point was that of open, specific and often drastic attack. Yet he only said what he believed to be true and was absolutely fearless of consequences, — an example of old-time independence and courage. With all his plainness of speech, he was of a tender heart and all his efforts were bent toward social betterment. He bore no ill-will and was desirous of the good-wUl of others. Young people had a large place in his affections and many were the gifts he made them through the Sunday schools of the town. He coveted little self- gratffication; his tastes and habits were simple, but his great delight was to make some one happy through his generosity. Mr. Faxon was a member of the Massachusetts Total Abstinence Society, the New England Free Trade League, the Norfolk Republi can Club, and was connected with the First (Unitarian) Congrega tional Society of Quincy. He was a generous helper of his own church and a constant attendant on its services. He took little interest in theological doctrines, but showed quick appreciation HENRY HARDWICK FAXON when such subjects were presented as temperance, good citizenship, civic righteousness. He supported all good causes, contributed largely to the work of the other churches, Catholic and Protestant, and to the charities of his town, while the extent of his personal and quiet benefactions will never be known. He laid his own town under permanent obligation, not only for what he accomplished in stamping out the liquor evil, but also in the gift of thirty-three acres of land, including a part of the old homestead on which he was born and bred, for public recreation, to be known as "Faxon Park." By his public spirit, his imselfishness, his humanity, his tireless efforts to advance all genuine reforms, he made a lasting impression upon his native town and State. \Wj^ (XA/OOwx^ THOMAS JOHN GARGAN THOMAS JOHN GARGAN, lawyer, city official, state legis lator, publisher, orator, was born in Boston, Massachusetts m 1844. His father, Patrick Gargan (1806-1856), was a son of Patrick and Rose (Garland) Gargan who came from Ireland in 1827 and settled in Boston. Patrick Gargan, Sr., was a patriot and, for participating in the rebellion in Ireland in 1798, had his property confiscated by the British government. Patrick Gargan, the immi grant, was a mason and buUder, a man of rugged honesty, and from his great love of reading was known as "Patrick the reader." Thomas J. Gargan was a pupil in the Phillips Grammar School of Boston imtU he reached his fourteenth year when his father died and he left school to give his help toward supporting the famUy. Speaking of these school days Mr. Gargan says, "To my mother I owe every thing, intellectually, morally, spiritually. After school I studied nights taking up Latin, French, history and phUosophy under the direction of a Jesmt priest. I worked for Wilkinson, Stetson & Company, wholesale wool merchants, and for A. & W. Sprague Manu facturing Company, and the discipline taught me habits of industry. I read Gibbon's ' Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire,' Mayne's ' History of the Middle Ages,' Plutarch's ' Lives,' the works of Edmimd Burke, the 'History of England,' Motley's 'Dutch Repub lic,' Bancroft's ' History of the United States,' Adam Smith's 'Po litical Economy,' and phUosophical works." He took up the study of law whUe acting as agent for A. & W. Sprague Manufacturing Company, but remained with that corporation until he was twenty- two years old. He graduated at the Boston University Law School LL.B. 1875, and became an attomey-at-law in Boston. He took up the pro fession of law from personal preference and the influence of his home. The knowledge gained from private study and his contact with men in active business life largely contributed to his success. He served his native city as overseer of the poor 1875; as chairman of the board THOMAS JOHN GARGAN of license commissioners 1877-78; member of the board of police 1880-1881, and as a member of the Boston Transit Commission from 1894; his reappointed term expiring in 1909. He served in the State Legislature as a representative 1868, 1870 and 1876. He served his country in the Civil War as a soldier, withthe rank of second lieutenant, enlisting for three months' service in 1861. He was married September 19, 1867, to Catherine, daughter of Lawrence and Catherine McGrath, and secondly, December 29, 1898, to Helena, daughter of William Nordhoff, a native of Germany. He was elected to membership in the University Club, the Papyrus Club, the American-Irish Historical Society, of which he was presi dent, the Charitable Irish Society, the Old Colony Club, the Knights of Columbus, the Economic Club, the Democratic Club, the Catholic Summer School, of which he was a trustee, the Catholic Union of Boston, of which he was vice-president, and the New England Catho lic Historical Society. His biography appears in "Bench and Bar of Massachusetts" "One of a Thousand," "Irish Race in Boston," "Boston of To-day." He is a director of the Columbian National Life Insurance Company and of the United States Trust Company, and president and director of the Pilot Publishing Company. As an orator he became well known and popular. He delivered the Fourth of July oration in Boston in 1885. He also pronounced the eulogy of Govemor Gaston in 1894, and of Mayor Collins in 1905. To young men Mr. Gargan gives this message: "Cultivate early in life a high idealism, the practical will arrive in due time, love of good reading, moderate thrift, not love of money for money's sake, indus try, thoroughness and a belief in something." Mr. Gargan died in Berlin, Germany, July 31, 1908. The fol lowing is one of the many tributes to his memory: "He was from the first a dUigent and faithful guardian of the business interests committed to his care, but we shaU miss stUl more the personal virtues for which he was so well and widely known in this city of his home. To the community at large he was a courageous and pubhc- spirited citizen and faithful public official, frank in opinion, eloquent in speech, and of large and pervading charity in thought, word and act. Beneath and beyond these more conspicuous qualities were the cheerful and sunny temperament, sparkling wit, and sincere fel lowship which radiated from him wherever he went." /-/I, ii-ll/jr,.,/ / „,,,,/, ,„,, /,, /;, WILLIAM GASTON FEW men have been held in such high regard as William Gaston, and still fewer have enjoyed the confidence of their citizens in so manjf and varied ways as he. His life was a constant series of successes, and multitudes cherish the memoryof his services. He was born in Killingly, Connecticut, October 3, 1820, and died in Boston, January 19, 1894. He descended on his father's side from the French Huguenot, Jean Gaston, and on his mother's from Thomas Arnold, who came from England and settled in New Eng land in 1636, joining Roger Williams in Rhode Island in 1654. William Gaston came naturally by his political sagacity and abU ity to call men to his standard, for both his father and grandfather had been popular leaders and served in the Legislature of Connecti cut. WUliam Gaston was of a studious habit of mind and stood well in his classes whUe at Brooklyn and Plainfield (Connecticut) Academies, and when he graduated from Brown University in 1840, his famUy rejoiced because he carried honors with his diploma of graduation. Mr. Gaston was admitted to the bar in 1844, and from 1846 to 1865 practised his profession in Roxbury. From 1857 to 1865 he was a member in the firm of Jewell, Gaston & Field in Boston. He became known far and wide for his abUity and fidelity. In 1853-54 and 56 he was representative at the General Court, and later a Senator. Dur ing the years 1861 and 1862 he was mayor of Roxbury, for five years previous serving as city solicitor. In 1871 and 72 he was elected to the position of mayor of the City of Boston, and then, in recognition of his rare abUities as executive and his wise statesmanship, he became the choice of the Democratic party for governor of Massa chusetts in 1874. He was elected handsomely, although the State was naturally Republican by many thousand. His administration was successful from every point of view, though both branches of the Legislature were in majority against him. Governor Gaston was so much of a man, had such resourcefulness of mind and charac- WILLIAM GASTON ter, that friend and foe united in respecting and commending his efforts as governor. Both Harvard and Brown Universities honored themselves by giving Governor Gaston the degree of LL.D. On May 27, 1852, in the town of Roxbury, Mr. Gaston was united in marriage with Miss Louisa Augusta Beecher, daughter of Laban S. and Frances A. (Lines) Beecher. From this union three children were born, Sarah Howard, Theodore Beecher and WUliam Alexan der Gaston, who is prominently identified with political and business institutions, an able lawyer and president of the National Shawmut Bank of Boston, the largest financial institution in New England. Governor Gaston was a fine example of the gentleman, scholar, and man of affairs. He succeeded in many lines of activity and always maintained the confidence of the people. His integrity was as unquestioned as his intellectual ability. WILLIAM ALEXANDER GASTON WILLIAM ALEXANDER GASTON, lawyer, publicist and president of the National Shawmut Bank of Boston, the largest financial institution in New England, was born in Roxbury, now Boston, Norfolk, now Suffolk County, Massachusetts, May 1, 1859. His father, William Gaston (1820-1894), was a son of Alexander and Kezia (Arnold) Gaston of Killingly, Connecticut, and a descendant from Jean Gaston, born in France about 1590, a French Huguenot, who fled from religious persecution to Scotland; through John Gaston, a grandson of the French emigrant, who was born in Ireland in 1703, and came to America, landing at Marble head, Massachusetts, and settling in Voluntown, Connecticut, where he died in 1783. His maternal ancestor, Thomas Amold, came to New England with his brother, William Arnold, about 1636, and in 1654 joined his brother William, who had accompanied Roger Wil liams to Rhode Island. Alexander Gaston, a merchant in Killingly, Connecticut, and his father, John Gaston, bom 1750, were both members of the Connecticut legislature for many years. The parents of William Gaston, the future governor, removed to Roxbury, Massachusetts in 1839, and the son was graduated at Brown University in the class of 1840. He was a lawyer in Rox bury, serving as city solicitor for five years and as mayor, 1861- 1862. He removed his law office to Boston, 1865-92; was mayor of Boston, 1871-1872; a Whig representative in the General Court of Massachusetts, 1853-1854, and Whig and Fusionest representative, 1856. He was elected by the Democratic party to the State Senate in 1868 and in 1874 to the govemorship. In 1870 he was the de feated Democratic candidate as representative to the Forty-second Congress. He received the honorary degree of LL.D. from Harvard in 1875 and from Brown University the same year. He died in Boston, January 19, 1894. His wife, Louisa Augusta (Beecher) Gas ton, daughter of Laban S. and Frances A. (Lines) Beecher, was WILLIAM ALEXANDER GASTON the mother of three children, Sarah Howard, William Alexander and Theodore Beecher Gaston. WUliam Alexander Gaston was a strong chUd, brought up in the city, and he had the best advantages for acquiring an education in the public schools and Harvard College. His mother was a woman of strong intellectual, moral and spiritual force and imparted both by precept and example these attributes to her son. He graduated at the Roxbury Latin School and then at Harvard College, where he was a member of the class of 1880. Among his one hundred and thirty-five classmates was Theodore Roosevelt. He graduated at the Harvard Law School in 1882, entered his father's law office as a student and on October 1, 1883, was admitted as a partner with his father and Charles L. B. Whitney as Gaston and Whitney. He was married April 9, 1892, to May Davidson, daughter of Hamilton D. and Annie (Louise) Lockwood, of Boston, and of the five children bom of the marriage, four were living in 1908. He was the unsuccessful Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts in 1902 and 1903; was delegate at large from Massachusetts to the Democratic National Convention of 1904 at St. Louis and was the member from Massa chusetts in the National Democratic Committee in that canvass. In 1905 he was named by the Democratic caucus of the legislature of Massachusetts for United States Senator and he received the full legislative vote of the party. His public service as a director of corporations includes: Manu facturers National Bank; E. Howard Clock Company; Colonial National Bank; Eastern Audit Company; Shawmut National Bank, where he served on the executive committee as he did on the board of the Commonwealth Trust Company; and the American Loan and Trust Company, Fore River Ship Company; Columbian National Life Insurance Company, where he was a member of the finance committee; Boston Elevated Raihvay Company, serving as chair man of the board of directors and president of the corporation; National Rockland Bank; Real Estate Exchange, serving as presi dent of the corporation. He has also been trustee of the Forest Hills Cemetery; Institution for Savings in Roxbury and vicinity; Simmons BuUding; City Association and Central Building. He is director in several other financial companies, and trustee of a dozen or fifteen private estates. His club affiliations include the Somerset, Algonquin, Curtis, Exchange, Athletic, Tennis, and Racquet clubs of WILLIAM ALEXANDER GASTON Boston; the Country Club of Brookline; the Manhattan and Har vard Clubs of New York City; the Bostonian Society; Massachusetts Horticultural Association; Roxbury Military Association; the Har vard Law School Association ; the Boston Bar Association. He served on the staff of Governor William E. Russell, 1890-93. A promi nent leader of the Democratic party, when that party was in a hope less minority in the State; his fidelity and unswerving allegiance endeared him to the party and he was honored by the highest nomi nation within its gift. LEWIS NEWTON GILBERT LEWIS NEWTON GILBERT, one of the foremost among American textile manufacturers, a progressive and public spirited citizen of the old school, was born at Pomfret, Con necticut, January 25, 1836. He is in the eighth generation in the line of John Gilbert, who came from Devonshire, England, about 1630, was in Dorchester, Massachusetts, in January, 1635, was made freeman of the Plymouth Colony in December, 1638, and was elected deputy from Cohannet (now Taunton) to the first General Court which assembled at Plymouth in June, 1639. Benjamin GUbert, in the sixth generation, was bom August 17, 1767, and died January 8, 1835, his wife having been Betsey Pierce. Joseph Gilbert, their son, who was born May 20, 1800, and died February 13, 1882, was an energetic, industrious and conscientious farmer of excellent habits, and he married Harriet Williams, daughter of Zephaniah and Olive (Howe) Williams. Three children were born to them — two daughters and a son, all of whom are still living. Lewis Newton Gilbert, the second of these children spent his early years on his father's farm, where his time was largely given to farm work of all kinds, — such as milking, plowing, harrowing, hoeing, and spreading and raking hay, — and in spring and summer his labors began at four o'clock in the morning. He attended the common schools in his native town, Woodstock Academy and an academy in Danielson. At the age of fifteen he left the farm, and going to Ware, Massa chusetts, he entered the woolen mUl of his uncle, George H. Gilbert. At that time — August, 1851 — the establishment was employing about one hundred hands. He applied himself diligently to his duties, learning the details of manufacture thoroughly, and on reaching his majority, in 1857, he was taken into partnership. The firm then became George H. GUbert & Company. The business prospered, extended very rapidly during and immediately after the Civil War, additional mUls were buUt at GUbertvUle, and in 1867 a Cx^t^yln/!. LEWIS NEWTON GILBERT corporation was formed under the present title of the George H. Gilbert Manufacturing Company. The number of hands employed had reached about six hundred. In 1869 George H. Gilbert died, and Lewis N. Gilbert succeeded him as president of the company, which position he still retains, after having held it neariy forty years In 1876 he was made a member of the board of managers for Massachusetts at the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia, and with well-considered enterprise, he arranged for an important exhibit by the Gilbert Company, extending still more widely the reputation tor a high standard that their products had been steadily gaining The progress has contmued. At the mUls in Ware and Gilbertville not less than 1400 hands are now kept at work, and there are 28 sets of woolen machinery, 12 worsted combs and 450 broad looms m constant operation. The manufactures include both men's and women's goods of worsted and woolen. At the present time the capital stock is $1,000,000 and the value of goods manufactured yeariy is $2,800,000. Ahhough the demands upon his energies of this rapidly growing mdustry have been great, Mr. Gilbert has been able to fill many places of trust and honor. He has been a trustee of the Ware Savings Bank since 1869, and since 1892 has served as its president. He has been a director of the Ware National Bank since 1887. He was chosen a director of the Worcester Mutual Fire Insurance Company in 1884, and in 1901 became its president. In politics he has taken a prominent part as a Republican. He was early elected a member of the Repubhcan State Committee, and at different times has served three terms of one year each. He was a State Senator from his district in 1877 and in 1878. In these two years he was appointed on important committees, including those on public charitable institutions, prisons and raUroads, and was chairman of the committee on manufactures. He was a mem ber of the Board of Trustees cf the State Primary School at Mon son for five years, and chairman of the board for three years. He has repeatedly declined to be a candidate for any town office, but as moderator at the annual town meetings for twenty-seven consecutive years he has wielded a potent influence, and has presided over many stormy debates with justice and impartiality. Most of the public improvements that are the pride of the town have been brought about by these meetings. LEWIS NEWTON GILBERT Through the early influence of his mother, Mr. GUbert has always taken an active interest in the religious life of his community. He is a regular attendant at the Congregational Church at Gilbertville, which is a beautiful stone memorial building erected by the Gilbert famUy in 1881. He has been a delegate to four Triennial National CouncUs of Congregational Churches and to one International Coun cil. He has been a member of the executive committee of the Massachusetts Home Missionary Society for twelve years, and a vice-president of the Massachusetts Bible Society for twenty-six years. He is a Mason, a member of Eden Lodge. Mr. Gilbert was married December 21, 1864, to Mary D. Lane, daughter of Otis and Miranda (Hamilton) Lane, and granddaughter of Rev. Otis and Elizabeth (Payne) Lane and of Joshua and Minerva (Reeves) Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, who have no children, occupy a handsome residence on South Street, Ware. Mr. Gilbert's counsel to young Americans are summed up in his own words. " Be industrious, be persevering, be honest, be faithful, so as to make the person in whose employ you are feel that he cannot afford to lose your service, and you wiU obtain a good position in life." £'n.7 i'-.fE'.^, ^///M"£f ^«Z EDWIN GINN EDWIN GINN was born in Oriand, Maine, February 14, 1838. His father, James Ginn, farmer and lumberman, was a man of remarkably good judgment. He often acted as arbitrator and referee in cases of dispute and had great influence in the com munity in which he lived. His ancestors came from England and were among the early settlers of Maryland and Virginia. His mother, Sarah Blood, daughter of Daniel and Esther (Rideout) Blood, was descended from Puritan stock, and through John Putnam, brother of Israel Putnam, claimed descent from John and PriscUla (Gould) Putnam, emigrants from England about 1630-34, settling in Salem. Edwin, although a rather delicate boy, was bent on obtaining an education. As a child his advantages in this direction were very limited, as his home in the country was far removed from good school privileges. His ambition to obtain an education he inherited largely from his mother, his keen business insight from his father. His early childhood was passed on the farm — where the customary chores were a part of his daily duties — in a logging camp, and on a fishing schooner to the Grand Banks of Newfound land. In the winter he attended the district school. At the age of sixteen his father gave him his time and fifty dollars with which to gain an education. He then began to attend the country high school, so-called, but as the teacher could not instruct him in Latin he entered the Seminary at Bucksport, two miles and a half from his home, walking to and from school each day. Later he went to Westbrook Seminary, where he finished his preparation for coUege. He graduated from Tufts in 1862, and later received the degree A.M. In 1902 his alma mater conferred upon him the degree of Litt.D. He is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa coUege fraternity, of the Twentieth Century Club, and of the Boston Merchants' Association. While in college his eyes failed him and his health broke down. The professors urged him to drop out for a year but he objected. EDWIN GINN saying that if he left his class he should never retum. His class mates lent a helping hand by reading his lessons to him and he suc ceeded in graduating even above the middle of his class. Mr. Ginn had hoped to devote himself to purely literary work but, physically handicapped as he was, he abandoned this purpose and determined to enter the publishing business. In coming to this decision he was actuated largely by a desire to influence the world for good by putting the best books into the hands of school chUdren. On leaving college he engaged in a small way in a school-book agency, buying his books outright, and thus was under obligation to no one. His first independent venture was the publishing of CraUi's English of Shakespeare, which he obtained from the house of Crosby and Ainsworth. The study of Shakespeare had just begun to be taken up in colleges and secondary schools, and the young publisher realized that it was an opportune time to put out this book. A little later he secured the services of the Rev. Henry N. Hudson, who edited for him twenty-one plays for the use of the schools and the Harvard edition of Shakespeare for libraries. His second work of importance was Allen's Latin Grammar, a book which was very well received. The success of this book led the young publisher to apply to Professor Goodwin of Harvard for a Greek Grammar. He called upon the professor and made known his errand, who at once said to him, "The manuscript you wish is in my desk at this moment, well-nigh finished." Professor Good win's "Moods and Tenses" had already established his name among Greek scholars, and almost immediately upon its publication his Greek Grammar found an entrance into nearly all the leading classi cal schools and colleges in the country. The popularity of Allen's Latin Grammar, however, was of short duration. It was soon found that the brief course was not sufficient for the schools, that a fuller treatise was necessary for the intelligent study of the texts. Therefore Professor J. B. Greenough was called in to revise and enlarge this book, and to prepare editions of the Latin texts, Csesar, Cicero and Virgil. Professor Goodwin also en larged and revised his Greek Grammar, and he and Professor John Williams White began the editing of the Greek texts. These Latin and Greek books laid the foundation for the success of the house of Ginn and Company. Among other early publications of special importance might be EDWIN GINN mentioned Luther Whiting Mason's National Music Course, the first successful attempt to introduce music into the public schools; the series of mathematics by Professor George A. Wentworth of Exeter, New Hampshire, which for neariy a quarter of a century has been the most popular and extensively used series of books ever published in America; Alexis E. Frye's series of geographies, which have revolu tionized the study of that subject; and Myers', Montgomery's and Allen's histories, which for years have led all other text-books on these subjects in this country. The limited space reserved for this sketch forbids a detailed account of the many valuable publications on Ginn and Company's list, which numbers over one thousand volumes. We would mention in passing, however, Collar and Daniell's Latin books, Whitney's Essentials of English Grammar, Young's Astronomies, Bergen's Botanies, BlaisdeU's Physiologies, Kittredge and Arnold's Language Series, Lockwood and Emerson's Composition and Rhetoric, the Stickney, Jones and Cyr Readers and Smith's Arithmetics. One of the most important works of Ginn and Company along educational lines is the editing and publishing of the Classics for ChUdren, the first volume of which, an edition of The Lady of the Lake, was issued nearly a quarter of a century ago. This series of books now consists of fifty-seven volumes, the masterpieces of standard authors like Scott, Lamb, Irving, Dickens, Kingsley and Ruskin issued as nearly as possible in complete form. The volumes are specially annotated and adapted for the use of children of the grammar-school grades. They have supplemented the work of the ordinary school readers, which are composed of brief selections, taken largely from the writers of the day and which for generations were the only source of literary culture open to the grammar-school pupil. The part which these classics play in the development of youthful minds is important beyond measure, since about nineteen out of every twenty school children complete their education in the grammar school. Ginn and Company are also the publishers of a large number of interesting nature books, prominent among which are Mr. Long's studies of animals. Among the books and authors that have been most helpful to him in his life-work Mr. Ginn counts the following: Plato, Marcus Aurelius, Plutarch's Lives and Morals, Epictetus, Shakespeare, EDWIN GINN Bacon, Combe's Essay on the Constitution of Man, Pope, Swift, Burke's Speeches, Scott, Thackeray, Goldsmith, Ruskin, Words worth, Theodore Parker, Sumner, Wendell Phillips, Beecher, Brown ing, Whittier, Gladstone, and the historical works of Guizot, Prescott and Motley. Philanthropy of all kinds has always appealed to Mr. Ginn. He has given especial attention to the housing of the poor in model tenements and to the cause of peace and arbitration looking toward the disarmament of the world's great armies. This last he counts as his greatest effort for the good of mankind and to this work he is giving a large amount of time and money. He is now bringing out a series of books which it is hoped may prove the foundation stone for "An International School of Peace," to be organized on broad lines for the education of the peoples of all nations to nobler and wiser methods of settling disputes. Mr. Ginn's political affiliations have always been with the Repub lican party, but of late years he has differed with his party, especially with regard to the tariff, voting independently on several occasions. His family were Universalists, but his connections are now with the Unitarian Church. He was married in 1869 to Clara, daughter of Jesse and Martha (Bartlett) Glover; and again in 1893 to Francesca, daughter of Carl Christian and Maria Christina (Vitriarius) Greb^, of Germany. By his first wife he had four chUdren, Jessie, Maurice, Herbert and Clara; and by his second wife two, Edwin, Jr., and Marguerita Christina. . &!.. ^~ /-.- KCU,i,^3 ,3 Br.' J^/}:' JOHN M. HARLOW JOHN M. HARLOW was born in Whitehall, New York, Novem ber 25, 1819, and died at his home in Woburn, Massachusetts, May 13, 1907. In boyhood he attended the common schools of his native town, and later he fitted for college in West Poultney, Vermont, and in Ashby, Massachusetts. He engaged for a whUe in teaching and took up the study of medicine in 1840. He pursued a special course in a School of Anatomy in Philadelphia, and graduated at the Jefferson Medical College in the same city in 1844. He was patient, accurate and conscientious in the endeavor to learn all that can be known about the human constitution and the best means of relieving the many ills that human flesh is heir to. His first out look upon the world was in a country of hills and lakes and streams of living water. He caught the sunshine of the hills and carried it with him through a long life, shedding brightness and good cheer upon the paths of all who traveled with him to the end of the joumey. The early lessons learned in the great school of nature did much to give him serenity of mind and constancy of hope amid all the changes that awaited him. He began the practice of his profession in Cavendish, Vermont, in 1845, and there he continued for fourteen years, carrying health and good cheer to the homes of the people living along the Black River and under the shadow of Ascutney Mountain. The villagers in the workshops along the river and the farmers in the fields learned to look upon the coming of his carriage, as he flew along the winding and wooded roads, as a harbinger of help to the suffering and of hope to the afflicted in their scattered homes. While engaged in the practice of his profession at Cavendish, Dr. Harlow had one case of extraordinary interest to all persons who knew of it at the time, and indeed of world-wide repute among medical men to this day. A young man was engaged in blasting rocks on the Rutland and Burlington RaUroad. By some mistake in tamping the charge of powder, it took fire while he was sitting JOHN M. HARLOW on the rock, and the force of the explosion drove the tamping iron, a bar three feet and a half long and an inch and a quarter in diameter, through his head, just in front of the angle of the jaw on the left side. The bar pierced the brain in the middle of the head, carried away a portion of the bony case at the back of the left eye, and landed several rods away from the seat of the wounded man who still re mained upright on the rock. He spoke lightly and jocosely to his fellow workmen immediately after the shock, and with a little help from them he walked to an ox cart that stood near by, mounted and rode in that rude ambulance to Hyde's tavern where he was board ing, a distance of half a mile. Leaving the cart, he walked up the long stairway to his chamber and deliberately removed his blood stained garments and prepared himself for the bed. There Dr. Harlow found him. He immediately applied all the resources of medical skill known at the time, although he had little hope of secur ing a recovery for the young man from such a desperate condition. The patient himself, however, was so sure of rising to his feet again that he sent word to his fellow workmen that he would be back with them again in a few days. Dr. Hariow gradually grew into the hope which animated the patient and joined with him in cherishing the expectation of re covery, although he had never heard an instance of a man coming again to the full use of his faculties of body and mind after such a rude missile had been shot through his brain. Two months after the accident the wounded man was walking again on the street. In another month he drove thirty mUes to his own home in Lebanon, and was none the worse for the journey. The dreadful wound in the head had closed, and he was able to pursue his ordinary occupa tion. With a slight change in character and disposition he seemed as well as he was before the accident. The recovered man went about the country for a few years, ex hibiting the iron bar which had passed through his brain, and telling the story of the terrible accident to crowds of people who came to hear and who were slow to believe what they heard. At his death the bar of iron and the skull of the man whose brain had been pierced were placed in the Warren Museum of Harvard Medical School, and there they may be seen at this day. Dr. Harlow modestly ascribed the wonderful recovery to the extraordinarj^ vitality and the uncon querable will and endurance of the patient. Dr. Harlow's narrative JOHN M, HARLOW of the case was received with great applause when he read it to a large gathering of physicians and surgeons at the Massachusetts General Hospital, twenty years after the occurrence. After fourteen years of hard and exacting service in Cavendish, Dr. Harlow was so much reduced in health that he was obliged to leave the field which he had learned to love, and to spend three years in rest and quiet study and travel, occupying most of the time in Minnesota and in Philadelphia. In 1861 he resumed practice in Woburn, Massachusetts, and there he continued to hold a foremost position both in his profession and in business and social life till the close, forty-six years afterwards. In the discharge of the duties of his profession, Dr. Harlow was prompt and untiring, accurate and conscientious, his extensive experience and close observation and thorough knowledge of the human constitution made him a welcome and trusted visitor where ever the sick and the suffering needed his aid. He was honored and trusted alike by his associates in medical practice and by the common people, who looked upon him as the beloved physician in sickness and the sympathizing and helping friend in time of need. Both in professional and in every-day life he showed himself to be a man of large heart, high purpose and very unusual practical sagacity in meeting all the demands of individual service for the welfare of the community about him and for the world at large. He held many important posts as senator, councilor, director, trustee, president of bank corporations and medical societies and in them all he was found to be a man wise, suggestive, discriminating and conscientious in things least and greatest. He knew how to accu mulate property for himself and to use it well for the good of many others. He received by descent the great and good inheritance of character, and he made it better by the best use of the enlarged knowledge and opportunities of his time. The best blood of the New England fathers was in his veins, and it made him firm in pur pose and opinion, energetic in action and expression, generous and self-den3dng in spirit and untiring in devotion to the public welfare. His memory will stand as an extraordinary record in medical prac tice, an example of high and honorable citizenship in the State, a precious treasure in the hearts of all who knew him. JOHN CUMMINGS HAYNES JOHN CUMMINGS HAYNES, head of the house of Oliver Ditson Company of Boston, was born in Brighton, Massachusetts, September 9, 1829 and died in Boston May 3, 1907. His father, John Dearborn Haynes, son of Elisha and Betsy (Bartlett) Haynes, grandson of John and Olive (Weeks) Haynes, and great grandson of Matthias and Hannah (Johnson) Haynes, and a descendant from Samuel Haynes, a farmer who resided in Shropshire, England, and emigrated with a colony of his neighbors to New England in 1635. He was a prominent dissenter and helped to organize the First Church at Strawberry Bank (afterwards Portsmouth) New Hampshire, of which church he was made a deacon. John Dearborn Haynes married Eliza Walker, daughter of Joseph Stevens and a descendant from the GUpatricks who went from Scotland to the North of. Ireland and thence to America. John Cummings Haynes was a pupil in the public and Enghsh High Schools of Boston, but his parents needing his assistance as a bread winner he was forced to leave school when fifteen years of age. In 1845 he entered the emplpy of Oliver Ditson, music publisher, as an errand boy. He learned the business and be came so valuable to his employer that on January 1, 1851, Mr. Ditson gave him an interest in the business and on January 1, 1857, he was made a full partner, the firm name being changed to Oliver Ditson & Company. The death of Oliver Ditson, the founder of the house, in December, 1888, led to further change in the business which was incorporated as The Oliver Ditson Company with Mr. Haynes as president and Mr. Ditson's son, Charles H. Ditson, as treasurer. Several of the young men who had grown up in the business were admitted to the corporation as stockholders. Besides the house established in Boston of The Oliver Ditson Company, music publishers, and John C. Haynes & Company, musical instrument manufacturers, branch houses were established in New York and Philadelphia; the New York concern being known as Charles H. Ditson & Company, and the Philadelphia house as J. E. Ditson & Company. ¦^V^ '-'-/ ^ -^ my/,^^r ^Bj-o A^y^ J^trU^ -^_ /ua^^^^ JOHN CUMMINGS HAYNES The business of the corporation showed a remarkable growth from its formation and in the line of publishers of music outclassed all its competitors and called for great executive talent in managing its business. Mr. Haynes supervised the erection of an immense build ing in New York City on the corner of Broadway and Eighteenth Street, and their Philadelphia store was located at 1632 Chestnut Street. In 1864 he assisted in the organization of the house of Lyon & Healy of Chicago, music dealers and manufacturers of musical instruments, and the houses were closely allied from that time. Mr. Haynes was married in 1855 to Fanny, daughter of the Rev. Charles and Frances (Seabury) Spear, of Massachusetts, and their chUdren were: Alice Fanny Haynes, who married Marcus Morton Holmes; Theodore Parker Haynes, deceased; Lizzie Gray Haynes, who married O. Gordon Rankine; Jennie Eliza Haynes, deceased, who married Fred O. Hm-d; Cora Marie Haynes, who married Isaac Wellington Crosby; Mabel Stevens Haynes who became a physician, afterward marrying Konrad Heissig, Captain in the Austrian Army, and Edith Margaret Haynes, who married Frederick H. Pratt. Few men have carried larger business responsibilities than has Mr. Haynes. Yet busy as he has been, at times apparently fairly absorbed by his vast responsibilities, few men of affairs have found more time for interests which concerned the larger life of the com munity. He was an original member of the Franklin Library Asso ciation, a life member of the Mercantile Library Association, of the Yotmg Men's Christian Union, of the Woman's Industrial Union, of the Aged Couples' Home, a director and vice-president in the Massachusetts Homeopathic Hospital, president of the Massachusetts Homeopathic Dispensary, a director and treasurer of the Free Re ligious Association of the United States, and a trustee and vice- president of the Franklin Square House, the great home for working girls and student girls in Boston. Here seemed, to the casual observer, to be a man who was pre eminently a money-maker. But John C. Haynes was also a money- spender, both in large and small ways. Simple in his tastes to the verge of austerity, he had little interest in spending money for osten tation and never for himself. But there was scarcely one of the many charitable and religious societies with which he was connected, to which he was not a liberal contributor, while to some of them he was literally a benefactor. For example, his gifts to the Homeopathic JOHN CUMMINGS HAYNES Hospital and Dispensary probably aggregated considerably more than $100,000, while he gave to the Franklin Square House alone $130,000, and it is not too much to say that to his benefactions in the beginning this great philanthropy owed its existence. But generous as he was to these two institutions, he was not less generous toward the institutions associated with the name of Theodore Parker. One of the latest of his larger gifts, amounting to many thousands of dollars, had for its object the publication of a complete edition of Theodore Parker's works. The benefactions of Mr. Haynes were not limited to his splendid gifts to institutions. His private charities were numberless. Originally associated with Theodore Parker in the anti-slavery movement, he was particularly generous toward the colored race. Many of their schools of the South knew his kind ness, and many a colored man and woman in the North was helped over a difficult place by his generosity. His relations to Theodore Parker alone would make a romantic story. Originally a pupil in a Baptist Sunday school, in 1848 he became interested in the preaching of Parker, who had formed an independent church, known as the Twenty-eighth Congregational Society. Mr. Haynes joined this society and for many years served as chairman of its standing committee. After the death of Mr. Parker, Mr. Haynes was an active factor in erecting the Parker Memorial Building in Boston, and was also instrumental in transfer ring the building to the Benevolent Fraternity of Churches in Boston in order to perpetuate the memory of Theodore Parker and his chari table, educational and religious work. He was likewise one of the organizers of the Parker Fraternity of Boston and of the Parker Fraternity course of lectures which was sustained for nearly twenty years. Mr. Haynes' financial affiliations included trusteeship in the Franklin Savings Bank and directorship in the Massachusetts Title Insurance Company. His political affiliations were first with the Free Soil party, he voting in 1852 for the candidacy of John P. Hale for president and George W. Julian for vice-president. In 1856 he followed the Free Soil party into the ranks of the Republican party and remained a faithful adherent to the policy of that party during his entire life. In the days when the city of Boston thought it worth while to call responsible men to its service, Mr. Haynes was chosen to serve on the Common Council for three terms. He served JOHN CUMMINGS HAYNES the city of Boston as a member of the Common CouncU 1862-65, and helped to advance the cause of the Union by firing the patriotic spirit of the members to a prompt filling up of the quota of volun teers apportioned to the city. WhUe a councUman he also strenu ously advocated the opening of the Public Library on Sunday, a radical departure at the time and one which was adopted soon after the close of his term of service as a member of the City Council. Mr. Haynes was never a club man in the ordinary sense of the term. If he was a member of certain associations, it was on account of something beside mere social intercourse that they stood for. For example, he was a member of the Unitarian Club, the Home Market Club, the Massachusetts Club, the Boston Merchants' Asso ciation, and the Music Publishers Association of the United States, but in every case he had at heart, not his own amusement, but the promotion of some great interest which he regarded as vital. DANIEL COLLAMORE HEATH DANIEL COLLAMORE HEATH, long and widely known as a leading educational publisher, was president of the D. C. Heath & Company publishing house from its foundation in 1885 to his death. Mr. Heath was always a most loyal son of his native State of Maine,, but from the time he began his college course at Amherst, in 1864, his activities and his interests were largely centered in Massachusetts. He was born in Salem, Franklin Coimty, Maine, October 26, 1843, and died in NewtonvUle, Massachusetts, January 29, 1908. He was the second son of Daniel Heath (1814^1902) and Mila Ann Record (1816-1907); and grandson of Benjamin Heath (1788-1870) and Ruth Hinkley Heath (1790-1859) on the father's side, and Henry Record (born 1785) and Mercy Bradley Record (born 1778) on the mother's side. . His ancestprs were among the early settlers of Massa chusetts, coming from England in 1632 and in succeeding years. Mr. Heath's boyhood was passed at Salem and Farmington, Maine. His father was a man of rugged qualities, both physical and mental,- full of energy, courage, humor and sterling common sense. He was a farmer and blacksmith, was active in his community as postmaster, town clerk, and selectman, and was colonel in the State militia. After some years in the local schools and in Farmington Academy, Mr. Heath went to the Nichols Latin School at Lewiston, Maine, and to the Maine State Seminary (now Bates College), where he finished his college preparatory work. He was graduated at Amherst in 1868 and received the degree of A.M. in 1871. Of his early interests and occupations Mr. Heath wrote: "I did such work as my father's occupation demanded. I have done all kinds of farm work, have helped in making horseshoes and ox-shoes, and have shod oxen. This work was clearly wholesome in its influ ence on my character and habits. Application to tasks of suitable responsibihty I count one of the best things for any boy. I read fiction very little, finding books suggested by my text-books and Bng. /'« £, 'J, TA-,//,^^.; A,Bro-N?yr \ JW\Jn ^^^^B p^ ' ';'^ b^' ^ ^m^ ^ i ¦i \ B-'r, h^B'l^.^/y/.y-,^ d-Br^-ATr' JOSEPH JEFFERSON appeared with her husband in PhUadelphia, Pennsylvania, Washing ton, District of Columbia, and Richmond, Virginia. He was pro nounced by competent critics, themselves professionals, "the funniest comedian of the age in which he lived." Joseph Jefferson, the third noted actor of the name and the fourth generation of actors in the Jefferson famUy in America, had delicate health as a child and showed an early inclination to paint and to act. He had no home life, his waking hours being spent mostly be hind the scenes of a theater. He had, however, the tender care of a devoted mother who had a potent influence over his intellectual, moral and spiritual life. He never attended school, but was in structed by his mother and other interested professional friends, who willingly answered his questions in his process of self instruction. His active life began as a property baby; when three years old he was "Hercules Strangling a Lion" in a living statue scene. At four years "Jim Crow" (Thomas B. Rice) emptied him out of a bag, dressed as a negro dancer, and he imitated Rice in his various antics. When eight years old he was a "pirate" to another lad "sailor " in a sword combat. In 1838 the Jefferson family took charge of a thea ter in Chicago, Illinois, and this proving unprofitable, they became strolling players, Joseph and his father painting signs and decorating the ceilings of theaters and private residences to help out the support of the famUy when they had no audiences. They followed the United States Army into Texas and Mexico, 1846-47, and in 1848 returned to Philadelphia, where he played low comedy parts. He was married May 19, 1850, to Margaret Clements Lockyer, an actress under engagement at the Chatham Theater, New York City. He played Marrall to the elder Booth's Sir Giles Overreach in "A New Way to Pay Old Debts," in 1851, having in 1849-50 been a stock actor at Chanfrau's New National Theater, New York City. He was actor and stage manager in different cities in the South and secured for his theater such talent as Agnes Roertson, Dion Boucicault, Edwin Forrest, Edwin Adams and other notable actors of the time and also produced novel stage effects and show-pieces. He was in Europe, 1856, playing in London and Paris, and opened at Laura Keene's Theater, New York City in September, 1857, as leading comedian, making his first appearance as Dr. Pangloss in "The Heir at Law," when he was severely criticised for interpolation which he excused on the ground of its being "good art." From October 18, 1858, he JOSEPH JEFFERSON played one hundred and forty consecutive nights as Asa Trenchard in "Our American Cousin." This play he owned and in this part made his flrst bow to the public as a star, when twenty-nine years old. He acted the part of Caleb Plummer in "Cricket on the Hearth" under the engagement with Dion Boucicault in 1859, and the same year was one of the principals in "The Octoroon." In 1860 he appeared in California in "Our American Cousin," and in the East in his own version of "Oliver Twist," taking the title role. His wife died in March, 1861, and he left his native land for Australia, where he starred, 1861-65, as Asa Trenchard and Caleb Plummer; as Rip in an old version of Rip Van Winkle and as Bob Brierly in "The Ticket of Leave Man" where his audience included over one hundred actual ticket of leave men. On reaching England in 1865 he revised "Rip Van Winkle" in collaboration with Dion Boucicault, Jefferson working over much of the piece and entirely rewriting the third act in accordance with his own conception of the legend as narrated by Irving. Boucicault was responsible for the ending of the first act and of the recognition of Rip by his daughter in the third act, bor rowed from Shakespeare's "King Lear." The revised play was presented to a London audience at the Adelphi Theater, September 4, 1865, and it was an immediate success, running one hundred and seventy nights. On August 31, 1866, be brought the play back to its' home at the Olympic Theater, New York City, where it was most heartUy wel comed. After enjoying a long run East it was taken to Chicago August 31, 1867, where at McVicker's Theater he had a profitable four weeks' nm when it was withdrawn to make room for "The Rivals" with Jefferson as Bob Acres. Mr. Jefferson was married secondly on December 20, 1867, to Sarah Isabel, daughter of Henry and Sarah (de Shields) Warren, and in 1869, with the proceeds from his successful starring tours, he se cured an estate near Tarrytown, on the Hudson River, not far from Sunnyside, the home of Washington Irving, who had been dead only ten years, and also a farm at Hohokus, New Jersey, and a plantation on Bayou Teche, an island west of New Iberia, Louisiana, where his fondness for hunting and fishing could be fully satisfied. He was in New York from August 15, 1869, to December, 1870, producing at Booth's Theater, "Rip Van Winkle," which was witnessed by over one hundred and fifty thousand persons from all parts of the JOSEPH JEFFERSON world. He acted only a part of each season, spending his summer vacations at his farm in New Jersey and his winters in Louisiana. Later in life he made his summer home at Buzzard's Bay, Massa chusetts, where President Cleveland became a neighbor and com panion in fishing and in social enjoyments. His avocation for many years had been painting in oUs, and when he retired from the stage in 1904 he continued to indulge in his favorite pastime. The products of his brush were highly prized by his friends, fortunate enough to be favored with a landscape from his easel. In 1900 he placed on exhi bition at Fischer's studio in Washington a considerable number of his paintings, and his friends made the occasion one of the social events of the Washington season. Of the eleven children born of his two marriages seven were living in 1905, as were also fourteen of his grandchildren. Mr. Jefferson's characters in the order of their popularity probably stood: Rip Van Winkle, Bob Acres, Caleb Plum mer, Dr. Pangloss, Asa Trenchard, Dr. Olapod, Bob Brierly, New man Noggs, Jack Rockford, Goldfinch. He wrote his autobiography for the Century Magazine in 1889-90, and it was issued in book form in 1891 : He also wrote " Reply to Ignatius Donnelly on the Sha,kes- peare-Bacon Argiunents," and contributed articles on the stage to magazines. He received the honorary degree of M.A. from Yale University in 1892 and from Harvard University in 1895. He was affiliated with the Masonic fraternity and belonged to no policital party, but voted for "the man and the issue." He was a member of the Society of Psychical Research, and his recreations were chiefly gardening, fishing and playing with his gra-ndchildren who made their home with him at Buzzard's Bay, Massachusetts. To young men he says: "Industry and earnestness have helped me." ANDREW JACKSON JENNINGS ANDREW JACKSON JENNINGS, lawyer, legislator, cotton- mill director, was born in Fall River, Bristol County, Massa chusetts, August 2, 1849. His father, Andrew M. Jennings (1808-1882), was a son of Isaac and Susan (Cole) Jennings and a descendant from John Jennings of Plymouth Colony. Andrew M. Jennings was a machinist noted for his industry, firmness and honesty. He served as foreman in the machine-shops of Hawes, Marvel & Davol for about thirty-five years. His family consisted of eight children, four of whom died in infancy, and his eldest son, Thomas J. Jennings in 1872, leaving Andrew J., George F., and Anne P. (Mrs. J. Densmore Brown), of Milford, Connecticut, with his widow to survive him. Andrew Jackson Jennings attended the public school, his school attendance being liberally interspersed with hard work, his boy hood tasks giving him health, strength and an experience in accomplishing things by facing and overcoming obstacles. His mother greatly infiuenced his moral and spiritual life. He was prepared for college in the classical school of Mowry & Goff, in Provi dence, Rhode Island, and graduated in 1868, matriculating the same year at Brown University where he graduated with special honors in 1872. While at college he was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, and was prominent in the athletic field, being captain of the class and of the university nine. While attending college he taught night school two winters. He pursued a course in law at Boston University after having taught the high school at Warren, Rhode Island, from September, 1872, to July, 1874; was a student of law in the office of James M. Morton, of Fall River, during the fall of 1874 and graduated at Boston University School of Law in 1876. His adopting the law as a profession was entirely from personal preference. He began the practice of law in Fall River in partnership with his preceptor, Hon. James M. Morton, and this partnership con- ANDREW JACKSON JENNINGS tinued up to 1890, when Mr. Morton went upon the bench, and he then formed a partnership with John S. Brayton, Jr., as Jennings & Brayton. His position at the bar was one of marked prominence "as an able, painstaking and energetic lawyer and advocate." He was a member of the school committee of Fall River, 1875, 1876 and 1877; a Representative in the Legislature of Massachusetts, 1878 and 1879; State Senator, 1882, declining reelection. In the House he was a prominent member of the judiciary committee and chairman of the joint committee on the removal of Judge Day by address of 1882. He was active in securing the passage of the civil damage law and in introducing the school house liquor law in the Senate. He was married December 25, 1879, to Marion, daughter of Cap tain Seth and Nancy J. (Bosworth) Saunders, of Warren, Rhode Island, and their children are Oliver Saunders and Marion Jennings. Mr. Jennings affiliated with the Baptist denomination, and he has been president of the Young Men's Christian Association, FaU River, since 1893, clerk of the Second Baptist Society of Fall River since 1884. He was president of the Brown Alumni in 1891 and 1892, and vfas elected a trustee of Brown University. He is a member of the QuequechanClub of Fall River, Massachusetts, and the University Club of Providence, Rhode Island. His law practice is extensive and he has conducted many notable cases, the largest advertised being the Lizzie A. Borden trial for homicide in 1893, he being counsel for the defendant from the first. He served the State as district attomey for the southern district of Massachusetts from November, 1894, to fiU a vacancy, and from 1895 by reelection to fuU term of three years. Mr. Jennings is a director in several cotton-mill corporations. He is also a trustee of the Union Savings Bank of FaU River. To young men seeking to attain true success Mr. Jennings would give this message: "Keep in good health; work and play equally hard; try to diminish your desires; be square, and helpf lU to everybody who needs help." PRESTON BOND KEITH PRESTON BOND KEITH, manufacturer and bank president, was born in North Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massa chusetts, October 18, 1847. His father, Charles Perkins Keith, son of Charles S. and Mahitable Perkins Keith, and a de scendant from the Rev. James Keith, who came from Aberdeen, Scotland, to Plymouth, in 1644, and settled in Bridgewater. His mother, Mary Keith Williams, was a daughter of Josiah and Sylvia (Keith) WUliams of West Bridgewater. Preston Bond Keith was brought up in the country and grew up a strong and healthy boy fond of play. He was compelled to form habits of industry, essential to every successful life, by working in his father's shop when not attending the district and high school, and he early displayed a greater fondness for manual labor than for school instruction. .His mother largely influenced his moral and spiritual life and grounded him in the evangelical faith. He began independent life as a clerk in a Boston boot and shoe store on Pearl Street in 1866 and he married December 8, 1869, Eldora Louise, daughter of Josiah W. and Margaret (Dunlap) Kingman, of Cam- pello, and the one child born of this marriage was living in 1905. They made their home in Campello village, Plymouth County, and he has been a justice of the peace, city alderman of Brockton, 1883 and 1884, a boot and shoe manufacturer there from 1871, president of the Home National Bank of Brockton from 1894, a director of the Brockton Savings Bank, and a member of the Commercial Club of Brockton. Mr. Keith is a Republican in politics and a member of the South Congregational Church. His recreation is in horseback riding and playing golf. To young men he commends the principles that made Joseph's life in Egypt a success as applicable to-day: "Faith in God and a determined purpose to be faithful and earnest in the discharge of every duty will remain the cardinal principles. Willingness to apply them is where the rub comes." WILLIAM HENRY LINCOLN WILLIAM HENRY LINCOLN, son of a Boston shipping merchant; student in public and private schools; secretary of the Boston Y. M. C. A, four years and vice-president one year; president of the New England Shipowners Association for several years; member of the school committee twenty-two years, and chairman sixteen years; member of the Brookline Park Com mission nine years; bank president twenty-four years; member of the Massachusetts Nautical Training School Commission four years and chairman two years; president of the Boston Commercial Club three years; president of the Boston Chamber of Commerce four years; trustee of the Episcopal Theological School from 1894; director of the Episcopal City Mission from 1894; member of the corporation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1895; trustee of Wellesley College from 1898; president of the Economic Club, of Boston irom 1902, — was bom in Boston, Massachusetts, June 13, 1835. His father, Henry Lincoln, son of Rev. Henry Lincoln and Susannah (Crocker) Lincoln, was a shipping merchant, member of the Boston City Council, director of the Insane Asylum of Boston, a man of integrity and Christian character. His mother, Charlotte A. Lewis Lincoln, was the daughter of Leonard French Lewis. His first paternal ancestor in America, Samuel Lincoln, came from Hing ham, England, to Hingham, Massachusetts Bay Colony, in 1636. Samuel Lincoln was also the ancestor of President Abraham Lincoln, Govemor Levi Lincoln, of Massachusetts and Governor Enoch Lincoln, of Maine. William Henry Lincoln is also descended from the Rev. John Robinson, of Leyden, the pastor and leader of the Puritans. He began his active business life as a clerk in his father's office when eighteen years of age as a matter of duty, his father needing his services and he recognizing the beginning of an opportunity to carry out an ambition to be useful to the community in which he lived. He remained as clerk and from 1856 a partner, with his father in the management of a line of sailing packets between Boston and New WILLIAM HENRY LINCOLN Orleans, MobUe and Galveston up to 1861, when the CivU War interfered with their business and the partnership was dissolved. Young Lincoln then formed a partnership with Frank N. Thayer and the firm of Thayer & Lincoln continued up to the time of the death of Mr. Thayer in 1882. Mr. Thayer vi^as engaged in the ship chandlery business on Lewis Wharf and Thayer & Lincoln organ ized a line of sailing ships which they built at Newburyport, Massa chusetts, and Kennebunk, Maine, and acquired as many more by purchase. They traded with all the principal parts of the world, and the last ship they built, the John Currier, cost $120,000, and was the last wooden ship launched in Massachusetts. Mr. Lincoln, perceiving that the days for wooden ships were numbered, secured in 1872 the winter agency of the Dominion Line of steamers for Boston, the ice preventing their reaching Montreal, and in 1876 the firm completed arrangements with Frederick Leyland, under which a fortnightly line of Leyland steamships was estab lished between Liverpool and Boston. Thayer & Lincoln became the American agents and subsequently Mr. Lincoln the resident director of the Leyland Line of Steamships. In 1877 the business made a weekly sailing necessary. This experience made Mr. Lincoln anxious for the supremacy of American shipping and he was an earnest advocate of the repeal of the navigation laws, so as to enable Americans to purchase vessels abroad and put them under the American flag. As president of the New England Shipowners Association he called a national conven tion of shipowners in 1883 to consider the subject. As president of the convention he spoke with authority in favor of free ships, but the majority of the convention opposed the proposition. He was secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association, 1857-61, also serving as vice-president of the association in 1860, which was his first experience in office. In 1873 he was made a member of the Brookline school committee, serving in that capacity for twenty-two years, and as chairman of the board for sixteen years. In 1877 he was made president of the Brookline Savings Bank and held the office twenty-seven years. He was elected president of the New England Shipowners Association in 1880 and served by reelection for several years. As president of the Boston Commercial Club his service ex tended from 1883 to 1886 and as vice-president of the Boston Chamber of Commerce, 1885-87 and 1899-1900, and as its president from 1900 'XS B-j^ &y B B ^i5fi}f«™7 £? Bre. AO"^ WILLIAM HENRY LINCOLN to 1904. In 1904 he was in active association with the Boston Insur ance Company as a director, having been a member of the board from 1881. He served the Episcopal Theological School at Cam bridge as a trustee for ten years; the Episcopal City Mission as di rector for ten years; the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a member of its corporation from 1895; Wellesley College as a mem ber of its board of trustees about six years; the Mercantile Trust Company as a director from 1900; the Economic Club as president for two years and the Bostonian society as a director. He was married April 21, 1863, to Cecelia Frances, daughter of James W. and Elisa N. Smith, of Boston, and they make their home in Brookline, Massachusetts, and have four children. He was a member of the Independent Corps of Cadets, of Boston, during the period of the Civil War and was for a short period in the United States service at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor. His club and society membership includes the Commercial and Economic Clubs, the Bostonian Society and St. Andrews Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. He was always a liberal Republican in politics. His church affiliation has been with the Protestant Episcopal Church. To young men starting out in life he says: "Remember life is short at best. True success does not consist in amassing wealth. Cultivate high ideals; read lives of men who have been the greatest benefactors to mankind and made the best use of tirae. Be diligent, honest and upright — faithful in little things. Cultivate a love for the good, the beautiful, the true. Be public spirited, unselfish and stand for what's right and just. Make yoiu-self a master of your business or profession." THOMAS DIXON LOCKWOOD THOMAS DIXON LOCKWOOD, though so long a distin guished leader in the peculiarly American art of telephony, and an electrical expert and inventor of typical Yankee push and versatility, is a native of Smethwick, Staffordshire, a suburb of Birmingham, England, where he was born, Deceraber 30, 1848. He is a son of a plate glass manufacturer, and his early craving for knowl edge appears to have developed in later life into a general aptitude in varied fields of labor. The father, John Frederick Lockwood, was bom November 14, 1819, and died in July, 1879, and was the son of James Lockwood (1803-1863) and Mary Ann (Barton) Lock- wood; he raarried Mary Dixon, the daughter of Thomas Dixon (1784- 1854) and Esther (Rogers) Dixon. The story of the career of Thomas Dixon Lockwood reads like a romance. With very little education before beginning his active work, he yet early acquired a taste for mineralogy, biography, his tory, engineering and chemistry, and by industry and indomitable perseverance gained a wide general acquaintance with these sub jects, long ago becoming a recognized authority in his special elec trical branches of study. For a short time he attended a day school attached to Messrs. Chances' glass works at West Smethwick. His studies here were ended at the age of ten, and since then he has had no further instruction, his varied accoraplishraents having been self-acquired by home study and practical experience. His first employraent was washing eraery at the Birmingham Plate Glass Works, which he began in 1859. He entered the machine- shops of the factory in 1861, and worked there, learning and practis ing the trade of machinist, untU 1865. In that year he immigrated with his father's family to Port Hope, Ontario. Here he was em ployed at first in a machine-shop and then in a tannery, but soon learned telegraphy, and in 1867 becarae the first operator at Port Hope for the Provincial Telegraph Company. Here and in subse quent telegraphic positions he preferred night work as affording /jyB B ^-T/.^-^-.- d>Br,, /-nr ^ ^^<=--/iixy-7^rr-^ ' THOMAS DIXON LOCKWOOD better opportunity for the study of electricity, which he continued steadUy and effectivel}"^, so that on the invention of the telephone, by BeU, he was thoroughly equipped to take a leading part in the introduction and improvement of the new instruraent. The tele graph company by which he was originally employed having faUed, he sought other employment, becoraing finisher in the raills of the Smith Paper Company, at Lee, Massachusetts. In 1869 Mr. Lockwood went to New Albany, Indiana, where he aided in establishing works for making polished plate glass. This was the first American plant of the kind, and he ordered the first machinery to be imported for such work. As the Star Glass Works, this factory afterwards contributed to the great fortune from which W. C. DePauw endowed DePauw University. On the creation of this industry, Mr. Lockwood wrote a four-coluran article on plate glass manufacture for the Scientific American, and thus began the literary labors that since then have been so productive. Working his way East in 1872, he tried life on the railway in Connecticut and New Jersey, serving in varied capacities for the Housatonic Railroad and the Delaware, Lackawanna and Westem Railroad. Within a few months he was successively ticket clerk, freight clerk, telegraph operator, chief clerk and paymaster in the master-mechanic's department, signal operator, and even brakeman, and engineer on trains. Going to New York in 1875, he first became inspector of a private fire-alarm service, frora which he was soon called to iraportant positions with the Gold and Stock Telegraph Corapany and the American District Telegraph Company. In this work, which he fol lowed until 1879, he had unusual advantages for improving his practical knowledge of telegraphy, and he made the raost of the experience. In 1879 he joined the company of electricians that was being enlisted by the telephone industry. He was at first technical in spector of exchanges for the National Bell Telephone Company, which soon afterwards reorganized as the American Bell Tele phone Company; but in 1881 he was placed at the head of a new bureau of patent and technical information which the corapany had decided to establish. In this position he has found his great op portunities. For nearly thirty years he has continued his invalu able services for the American Bell Telephone Company, and, at THOMAS DIXON LOCKWOOD the headquarters in Boston, he still acts as patent expert and tele phone engineer. Mr. Lockwood is the author of several important books on elec trical subjects, and has written innumerable technical articles and papers. His clear, forcible and entertaining style would have in sured him success as a technical journalist if he had not found a far more lucrative field. The first of his books was "Information for Telephonists" (New York, 1881), which contains several articles of practical value, and was very favorably received. The "Text- Book of Electrical Measurements" (New York, 1883) followed. "Electricity, Magnetism and the Electric Telegraph" (New York, 1885) is a treatise in the form of questions and answers, and was admirably planned to give a general survey of the theory and prac tice of electricity and magnetism up to the date of its appearance. He edited a translation of "Ohm's Law," which was published in 1890. Among the more noteworthy of his other writings may be mentioned a series of articles on "Practical Telephony," that ap peared in the Western Electrician in 1887. "History of the Word 'Telephone,'" in the Electrician and the Electrical Engineer, in 1887; and "Telephone Repeaters or Relays," in the Electrical World, in 1895. He has made many inventions in electrical methods and appa ratus. These include the Automatic Telephone Call, patented July 11, 1882; and Means for Preventing Telephone Disturbances due to Electric Railroads, patented November 20, 1888. He has given sorae attention to burglar alarms and alarm systems. Mr, Lockwood is a public speaker of much ability. He is in demand for papers at society meetings and as a lecturer, and a reten tive and quick-acting memory gives hira great facility of expression in exteraporaneous addresses. He was lecturer before the Lowell Institute, on the Telegraph and Telephone, in the winter of 1883. He was Associate Professor of Telegraphy, Telephony and Patent Law at the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, in 1904^05; and he has been an occasional lecturer at many colleges. He belongs to the Masonic fraternity. He is a member of the Algonquin and Exchange Clubs, Boston; Engineeer's Club, New York; American Institute of Electrical Engineers; Institution of Electrical Engineers, London; Imperial Institute, London; and honorary member of the National Electric Light Association and THOMAS DIXON LOCKWOOD the Association of Railroad Telegraph Superintendents, and life member of the American Geographical Society. He has been raana ger and vice-president of the American Institute of Electrical Engi neers. He is identified with no political party, but has always been an independent in public affairs. He is actively interested in the First Baptist Church at Melrose, Massachusetts, the suburban city which has been his home for many years. His recreation takes diversified form, and he finds relaxation and pleasure in whist, traveling, read ing, astronomy and chess. In reading he found early inspiration in the optimistic biographies of Samuel Smiles, especially in the "Lives of Engineers." He has owed much also to "The Araerican Telegraph" of Pope, "The En cyclopedia Britannica," Crecy's "CivU Engineering," "The Pilgrim's Progress" and Dick's "Christian PhUosopher." His needs, tastes and opportunities have led hira to give rauch attention to the collec tion of a reference and technical library. This has grown to much importance, and is especially rich in works relating to telegraphy, telephony and electricity. It seems to Mr. Lockwood that the youth of the present day are, to a large extent, educationally pampered. The road to mature life is often made too easy to develop strength and hardiness of character, but such suggestions as the following, which he has offered for young people, are of a kind to be helpful, under any condition, to those seeking true success: "Don't be always looking for a 'good time.' During the educational period, be it long or short, make the most of it. Be earnest in whatever is undertaken, and do whatever you have to do with your might. Be considerate of others. Cultivate self-knowledge, self-reliance and self-control. Be receptive, or open- minded. It is better to change one's raind than to continue to hold to a wrong view. Don't value riches, except for what can be done with them. Be economical, but don't put money in the first place." Mr. Lockwood was raarried October 29, 1875, to Mary Helm, daughter of George Helm, late of Port Hope, Ontario; of two chil dren born, the survivor is Arthur Lockwood, who is with the West em Electric Company of New York and Chicago. HENRY CABOT LODGE HENRY CABOT LODGE, the senior Senator pf Massachu setts, is a native of Boston, and of ancestry identified with all that is most characteristic of the Commonwealth. He was born on' May 12, 1850, the son of John EUerton and Anna (Cabot) Lodge. He was named after his maternal grand father, Henry Cabot, a descendant of John Cabot, who came to Araerica frora the Island of Jersey about 1680. Mr. Lodge's father was a raerchant of Boston, a son of Giles Lodge, who came from England to New England in 1792. A youth of this race and environment in Boston turns easily and instinctively to scholarship or the public service. Master Dixwell's famous private Latin School gave Mr, Lodge his training for Harvard College, whence he graduated with the degree of A,B, in 1871, In clining first to the law, he took his professional course at the Harvard Law School, securing the degree of LL,B. in 1875. He was duly admitted to practice at the Suffolk Bar in 1876, but the study of history had peculiarly appealed to hira. Following post-graduate stud ies in history at Harvard, he was given the degree of Ph.D. in 1876 for a thesis on "The Land Law of the Anglo-Saxons," and for three years thereafter remained at Harvard as an instructor in history. His historical research bore notable fruit in a Lowell Institute course of lectures in Boston in 1880 on "The English Colonies in America." Meanwhile Mr. Lodge had broadened his activities through ser vice as editor of the "North Araerican Review" and the " International Review," and in 1880 he definitely entered public life as a Repre sentative in the Massachusetts Legislature. Mr. Lodge addressed himself to his work with a seriousness of purpose which commanded recognition from the older political leaders of the State. In the memorable national campaign of 1884, which was very close and exciting in Massachusetts as in the country at large, Mr. Lodge bore a conspicuous part, and two years later he was elected to the National House of Representatives, and took his seat in the Fiftieth Congress. In Washington Mr. Lodge, with his scholarly attainments, his )^-C^^^ Co^^^-r^- HENRY CABOT LODGE thorough knowledge of political history and his growing reputation as an orator, came rapidly forward into a position of leader ship. Those were difficult years for the Republican party. It had managed to win the national election of 1888, but it suffered a ter rible reverse in the congressional elections of two years afterward. Mr. Lodge had developed a reraarkable power as an incisive and aggressive debater, and he became one of the most trusted and effective lieutenants pf the great Speaker, Thomas B. Reed. At home in Massachusetts Mr. Lodge had acquired a more and more comraanding influence. His career in the National House gained for him a national reputation, and on January 17, 1893, the Massachusetts Legislature elected him to the United States Senate to succeed Henry L. Dawes, who had grown old in the public service. Mr. Lodge entered the Senate a young man, in his forty-third year. He was fortunate in a great and unusual opportunity, and he rose instantly to the level of it. He proved himself anew in the Senate, as he already had in the House, to be a keen and vigorous debater, quick to detect the weak points in an adversary and mas terly in his power of analysis and reasoning. Moreover, in the seri ous and elaborate oratory on great themes and great occasions, wherein the Senate stUl instructs and delights the country, Mr. Lodge achieved distinction as one of the most eloquent and com pelling of American public men. Mr. Lodge has studied and traveled widely in Europe, and as a member of the committee on foreign relations has dealt authori tatively with public questions affecting the international affairs of the United States. He has believed from the beginning of his public career that a steadfast and virile foreign policy was the only policy consistent with the safety as well as the honor of the American people and their government. He has earnestly and successfully advocated the developraent of a strong navy in which Massachusetts has an historic interest, and he has been one of the public men who have insisted that the nation must meet with patience, flrmness and courage the unexpected and far-reaching responsibilities that have sprung from the Spanish War. Through the administration of President Roosevelt, Senator Lodge has pccupied a place of especial responsibility in Washing ton, because of his long and intimate personal friendship with the president and because of the close agreement of their views upon HENRY CABOT HJUiib^ many of the largest and most urgent public questions. But before Mr. Roosevelt carae to the presidency, Mr. Lodge had achieved unquestioned recognition as one of the leaders of the Senate, and indeed one of the leaders of the Republican party in the nation. In the organization of the Senate, Mr. Lodge has long held the im portant post of chairman of the coraraittee on the Philippines, and has had the working out of sorae of the most difficult problems relating to the East Indian archipelago, which the American people are endeavoring to prepare for eventual self-government. Mr. Lodge is a member also of the committees on foreign relations, immigration, military affairs and rules. He has given much of his best thought and effort to the problem of immigration and how to regulate and restrict it, and he succeeded in procuring the passage of the important bill providing for an educational test, which failed to override the veto of President Cleveland. Mr. Lodge is a member of the present Imraigration Commission, and he served also as a meraber of the Merchant Marine Commission of 1904-1905, and of the Commission on Alaskan Boundary, appointed by President Roosevelt. To the political affairs of his own State of Massachusetts, Senator Lodge has given close attention throughout his service in Washing ton. He has always had great influence in shaping the policies of his party at horae, and his counsel has carried weight in the noraina tions for the largest public offices. Together with the junior senator of Massachusetts, Hon. Winthrop Murray Crane — and the two senators admirably complement each other — Mr. Lodge has held a leading part in successive Massachusetts political campaigns, which in recent years have alraost invariably brought triumph to the Republican party. He has seen the opposition in Massachu setts try candidate after candidate and issue after issue in vain, until the Republican strength in the old Commonwealth has come to be regarded as well-nigh impregnable. Senator Lodge has also wielded a powerful influence in the broader field of national party management. He was permanent chairman of the Republican National Convention which nominated Taft and Sherman at Chicago in June, 1908. His address as presiding officer, concise and yet comprehensive, with its orderly marshaling of the vital issues of the carapaign, its precise and scholarly English and its passages of distinct eloquence and beauty, was hailed throughout the country as a noble oration, worthy of the best of American traditions HENRY CABOT LODGE and worthy of the great theme and great occasion. This convention was a vast tumultuous gathering, difficult to control, exacting the utmost tact and decision from its presiding officer. This was not his firat experience of the kind, for Mr. Lodge had been perraanent chairman of the Repviblican National Convention which nominated McKinley and Roosevelt in PhUadelphia in 1900, and chairman of the committee on resolutions of the Republican National Convention which nominated Roosevelt and Fairbanks in Chicago in 1904. He had previously been a conspicuous figure at all of the Republican National Conventions between 1884 and 1896. Throughout these many years of arduous public service in posts of the very greatest responsibility, Mr. Lodge, with his alertness of intellect and habits of systematic industry, has steadUy pursued literary activities which, of theraselves, would have given him en during fame. His first published book was devoted to the career of a distinguished kinsman, the " Life and Letters of George Cabot," which appeared in 1877, when Mr. Lodge was instructor in history at Harvard. Three of the most scholarly and altogether notable biographies in the "American Statesmen" series, "Alexander Hamil ton" (1882), "Daniel Webster" (1883), and "George Washington" (1889), have come from his busy, exact and powerful pen. More over, Mr. Lodge edited the works of Alexander Hamilton in nine volumes, published in 1885. In 1881 he had written a " Short His tory of the English Colonies in Araerica." He published in 1886 "Studies in History," and in 1891 the "History of Boston" in the "Historic Towns" series, published by Longraans. In 1892, "Historical and Political Essays," and a volume of selections from speeches appeared; and in 1895, in cooperation with Theodore Roosevelt, Mr. Lodge published "Hero Tales frora Araerican His tory." Another volume, "Certain Accepted Heroes and Other Essays," appeared in 1897; and in 1898 the "Story of the Revolu tion," in two volumes. In 1899 Senator Lodge published the "Story of the Spanish War," which remains the raost vivid, stirring and just narrative of that brief but momentous con flict. In the same year, 1899, "A Fighting Frigate and Other Essays," was printed; and in 1906 "A Frontier Town and Other Essays." The historical research which first stirred the iraagination of Mr. Lodge and absorbed his post-graduate years at Harvard has HENRY CABOT LODGE I interested him through all the years of maturity. He is a member of the Massachusetts Historical Society, the Virginia Historical So ciety, the New England Historic Genealogical Society, and the Amerian Antiquarian Society. He is a member also of the Ameri can Academy of Arts and Sciences. During his service in the House and again in his service in the Senate, Mr. Lodge has been a regent of the Smithsonian Institution. The honorary degree of Doctor of Laws has been conferred upon him by Williams College, Clark University, Yale University, and Harvard University. These distinctions of the senior Senator, like the siraUar distinctions of his long-beloved colleague, George F. Hoar, have brought deep gratification to the people of Massachusetts. Mr. Lodge was married on April 6, 1872, to Anna Cabot Davis, daughter of Rear Adrairal Charles H. Davis, of the United States Navy, and of Henrietta Blake Davis, a daughter of Hon. Elijah Hunt Mills, who frora 1820 to 1827 was United States Senator from Massachusetts. Mr. and Mrs. Lodge have three chUdren — George Cabot Lodge, John EUerton Lodge and Mrs. Constance Gardner, the wife of Congressraan Augustus P. Gardner, of Hamilton, Massa chusetts. Mr. George Cabot Lodge served in the navy as an ensign through the Spanish War. Besides the fervent patriotism of his father, this son has the inheritance of literary power, and his writings bear unmistakable irapress of a true, poetic genius expressed in a style of scholarly distinction. The Massachusetts home of Senator Lodge and his family is in the ocean town of Nahant, a splendid proraontory, thrust out into the Atlantic, north of Lynn Bay and Boston Harbor. Senator Lodge first took his seat in the Senate on March 4, 1893. He has twice been reelected, in 1899 and in 1905. In the brief, strenuous weeks of a political carapaign it might seem that Mr. Lodge had many enemies in his native State, but these irritations pass and the salient fact reraains that the people of Massachusetts generally regard their State as fortunate in its representation inthe upper House of Congress by a public man of the first rank who is also a scholar of the first rank, maintaining thus a most cherished tradition of the Commonwealth. The career of Senator Lodge demonstrates, as indeed does the career of President Roosevelt, that the student in our modern Araerican life may also be preeminently a leader of practical affairs, a man of action. 7^ JOHN DAVIS LONG "/^^ OVERNOR LONG," as Massachusetts affectionately calls ^^T him, though since he was the chief executive here he has held other lofty posts, is a native not of this State but of Maine, so closely associated with it and for many years a part of it. He was born in the town of Buckfield, Oxford County, in Maine, on October 27, 1838. His father was Zadoc Long; his mother Julia Temple (Davis) Long. The father was a man of marked natural abilities, a fine conversationalist, who read much, wrote well in prose and verse, kept a diary for fifty years, and was altogether the most cultivated man in his region. The mother was a woman of high character, and an influence in molding that of her son. Mr. Long the senior was a local merchant in Buckfield. He kept a village store, was a Justice of the Peace, and in the meraorable Harrison campaign of 1840 was a Whig elector. Two years before he had been the Whig candidate for Congress in his district but had been defeated. The family on both sides was of the oldest and sturdiest of New England lineage, descended on the part of the father from James Chilton of the Mayflower, and Thomas Clark of the Ann, and on the part of the mother from Dolor Davis who came to New England in 1634. The Buckfield home was one of comfort, and Mr. Long as a youth did not know those grinding struggles to gain an education through which so many New England lads of his time were forced to fight their way. However, his parents, like all thrifty New Englanders, set a high valuation upon industry, and their son was taught to perform the usual boys' chores, chopping at the woodpile in winter, driving the cows, milking, etc. These tasks, though useful, were not arduous. Mr. Long as a boy was a strong, robust lad of a stocky figure, fond of exercise and play and fond, too, of his acaderaic studies. He was fortunate in his household environraent. The com panionship of his father, with his unusual practical and literary in formation, his clear, shrewd mind and his conversation covering many JOHN DAVIS LONG topics and illuminating all, was, in itself a stimulus and an education to an active and inquiring boy. The father had more than the usual books of such a village, and was hiraself fond of good reading. He was determined that his son should have the best training that New England could provide, and he was able to send him through the academy and through college. The son was an industrious student. He developed quite a knack of writing verses, and he was eager and ambitious beyond his years. Frora the Buckfield village schools he went to Hebron Academy in Hebron, Maine, and in 1853, at the age of fourteen years, he presented hiraself for entrance to Harvard College. Of course the requireraents for admission were not so nuraerous and exacting then as they are now. But to have attained these at fourteen was a reraarkable task, and Mr. Long was yoimger than raost of his classmates. Indeed, he has said since, "I entered col lege too young to form those associations which are the best part of college life." He has come since into contact with the chief men of his State, and with raany of the chief raen of America, but this kind of an acquaintance has been a result or an accompaniment of his success rather than a cause of it. His early companionship, outside of his own fortunate horae, was in no way reraarkable. At Harvard Mr. Long was a raeraber of the Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, and of the Phi Beta Kappa. Then, as now, he found especial delight and instruction in history, English and American, and in fiction, with an old-fashioned liking for Scott, Cooper, Dickens, Thackeray, TroUope, etc. Graduating in 1857, at the age of eighteen, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, Mr. Long, after a practice fre quent in that day and not infrequent now, taught school for a whUe in Westford Academy, Westford, Massachusetts, for two years, 1857- 1859. Then, as he puts it, "I drifted into the law; I had no special taste for it, though successful in jury practice. In my boyhood, college seemed to lead to one of the three professions, and I had no inclination toward medicine or the pulpit." No strong irapulse to strive for the great prizes of life moved the young graduate. He "always had a feeling that the future would take care of itself." In 1860-1861 Mr. Long took a post-graduate course in law at Harvard, and practised law in his native town of Buckfield for one year following. Then, leaving Maine in the fall of 1862, he started in the law in Boston, where his professional home has ever since JOHN DAVIS LONG remained. In 1869 he took up his residence in Hingham, Massachu setts, a beautiful old town on the southern edge of Boston Harbor, quiet and restful and yet not too remote from the great city's activi ties. His intellectual strength and his gracious personality steadily won friendly recognition for the young lawyer. When he was well established in his profession he turned naturally and easily to public life. In his home town of Hingham he was moderator and a raember of the school coraraittee, and in 1875 he entered the Massachusetts House of Representatives. In the following year Mr. Long was honored by election as Speaker of the House. He proved to be erainently qualified for this position, which he held for three succes sive years. Massachusetts was not slow in realizing that the young Hingham lawyer was destined to become a public man of the first rank. In 1879 he was chosen lieutenant-governor of Massachusetts, and in the following year, governor, holding that post also for three years in succession. Govemor Long showed hiraself a clear-headed, courageous, highly efficient executive, sustaining the best traditions of the Cora raonwealth. As speaker of the Massachusetts House he had corae into deraand on public occasions all over Massachusetts, and as governor he greatly enhanced his reputation as an easy, graceful and delightful orator. And Governor Long was not more felicitous on social occasions than in the sterner and more difficult work of the hard-fought carapaigns through which Massachusetts began to pass with the rise of General Butler and the unfortunate division in the Republican party consequent on the presidential nomination of Mr. Blaine. Governor Long, though a Republican, had sup ported the Greeley independent raoveraent in 1872. In 1884, how ever, he believed that the best course and the wisest course lay in loyalty to his party's regular noraination, and his exaraple was one of the raost potent influences which saved Massachusetts, in that year of strenuous revolt, to the Republican party. It was, perhaps, the more effective because at the Republican National Convention he had opposed the nomination of Mr. Blaine and had there made a speech nominating Mr. Edraunds, of Vermont, an address which was much praised at the time. Relinquishing the governorship in 1882, Mr. Long, in 1883, entered the National House of Representatives in Washington, and JOHN DAVIS LONG reraained through three terms. He was as successful in that broader field as he had been in Massachusetts. He was recog nized in Washington as an ideal representative of the old Common wealth, and he came at once into a position of leadership and of close friendship with the great men of the House. He was a polished and effective debater, and in the routine business of Congress, exceed ingly iraportant though not spectacular, he performed with skill and thoroughness every task assigned to him. His fame as an orator had preceded Mr. Long to Washington, and it was broadened and confirmed by many a scholarly and eloquent utterance. The Na tional House is often a turbulent and seldom an attentive body, but it was always glad and eager to listen to the silver tongue of the ex-governor of Massachusetts. To the keen regret of his eonstitutents and of all of the people of the State, Mr. Long withdrew in 1889 from what had become a brilliant career in Congress, and, returning to Massachusetts, resumed actively the practice of the law which his public life had so seriously interrupted. He came at once to the forefront of his profession, renewed old associations here and greatly widened his acquaintance. His practice is and has been of the very best and highest character, and the most important business interests of the State have been proud of his counsel and assistance. But there could be no such thing as complete retireraent from public duties for a man so erainently qualified to meet thera. When the growing demands of the state government compelled the buUd ing of a large addition to the historic State House, Governor Long was sought for commissioner to control this work, and everybody was assured of what the result proved — that the undertaking would be efficiently carried out within the bounds of estimates and appro priations. But a far greater honor and responsibility was in store for Mr. Long. President McKinley, who had known and admired him in Congress, offered to him the post of Secretary of the Navy in his first Cabinet. This was a distinction well deserved both by Governor Long himself and by the State of Massachusetts, which has always been foremost in encouraging and upholding our sea defenses. Entering the Navy Department on March 5, 1897, Secretary Long remained there for an unusual period, or until May 1, 1902. Though he knew it not when he accepted this service, his was to be the great JOHN DAVIS LONG task and privUege of general direction of the war fieets of the country through a brief though brilliant naval war. Mr. Long, a lover of peace, did not hail this conflict but he did not shrink when it became inevitable. The splendid efficiency of the American navy in Manila Bay and off the coast of Cuba was due in very large degree to the administrative talents, the high civic ideals and the fine, practical judgment of the Massachusetts Secretary of the Navy, who gave the best work of a perfectly ripened life and noble character to the ser vice of his country in that war year of 1898. When Spain surrendered and peace came there were left great and manifold probleras for the governraent in Washington, and in all of these Secretary Long was one of the lieutenants on whora Presi dent McKinley most securely relied. The secretary felt as few other men the shock of the tragic death of the President, with so much of his greatest work unfinished, but he stood to the post in which he was indispensable untU he felt that he could be spared frora the Cabinet of President Roosevelt, on May 1, 1902. Then relinquishing the Secretaryship of the Navy to another Massachusetts man, Hon. WUliam H. Moody, Mr. Long came home to receive the acclamations of his beloved Massachusetts. Here, once more after long absence Mr. Long resuraed his pro fessional work, which has since fully coraraanded his activities. He has been honored by election as president of the board of over seers of Harvard University and by many other tokens of the con fidence and affection of his people. Harvard and Tufts have both bestowed upon him the degree of LL.D. He is the president of the old and famous Massachusetts Club and a member of the Union Club, the Middlesex Club, the Mayflower Society, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and many other organizations. Mr. Long is one of the most distinguished of Unitarian laymen and a leader in the great, far-reaching work of the American Unitarian Association. No citizen of Massachusetts has more friends; none has fewer enemies. His is a busy and a fruitful life between his Boston law office and his hospitable horae in quaint old Hingham. Walking is Mr. Long's favorite exercise, but his great delight is a return to the Maine woods or to the farm in Buckfield which was his grandfather's, a mile from the village on its high hUl, with its barn and fields and woods and river, and the renewal of old associations with the towns people and his boyhood mates. JOHN DAVIS LONG In 1903 an important historical work, "The New American Navy," from the pen of Mr. Long was published by the Outlook Company. He had previously written a translation of the ^Eneid, published in 1879 by the Lockwood Book Company, and "After Dinner and Other Speeches," published by Houghton, Mifflin & Company in 1895. From time to time he has also written notable magazine articles. Mr. Long was married first to Mary Woodward Glover on Sep tember 13, 1870, and after her death to Agnes Peirce, on May 22, 1886. Four children, three from the first and one from the second marriage, have been bom to him, and there are two now living. Always Governor Long has been a noble exaraple and inspiration to the young people of Massachusetts. His present message to thera is to value above all things " clean hands, a pure heart, industry, courtesy always, courage, good associations with raen and books, elevated ideals, self-respect." Govemor Long would emphasize especially the need of a young man's "at once putting himself into contact with the best personalities." "He starts with a raodest notion that raen in upper station are beyond him. He should feel that they quickly appreciate and respond to any who worthUy (but not bumptiously) seek them. It is just as easy to get in with the best and the highest as the meanest and lowest, and the failure to know this often keeps a young man down on low levels." ¦ H7/A-.^~. SBr^ a: THORNTON KIRKLAND LOTHROP THORNTON KIRKLAND LOTHROP was born in Dover, New Hampshire, on the 30th day of June, 1830. His father, Sarauel Kirkland Lothrop, was born October 13, 1804, and died June, 1886. His mother's maiden name was Mary Lyman Buckminister. The naraes of his grandparents were John Hiram Lothrop and Rev. Joseph Buckrainister, Jerusha Kirkland and Mary Lyraan. The vocation of Mr. Lothrop's father was that of the ministry, being an able, syrapathetic and helpful clergyman, es pecially known for his ardent syrapathy for all sorts and conditions of men. On the side of his paternal ancestry the Rev. John Lothrop, an Englishman, came to this country and settled in Scituate in 1634. It is thus seen that the choice of the ministry was rather deep seated in this distinguished family. The mother of Thornton K. Lothrop was endowed with spiritual insight and profound moral principles. In these qualities she exerted a deep impression upon her son whose life becarae largely molded through her noble influence. In matters of education Mr. Lothrop was fortunate beyond raany of his fellows in that he found few if any difficulties in gaining the training of the best schools. Born and bred in a family of education and refine- raent, it was natural that he should have both opportunity and in centive in the direction of liberal culture. He graduated first from the Boston Latin School, and then from Harvard in 1849. Continu ing his education by teaching in Philadelphia for two years, he then entered the Harvard Law School for a two years' further course, being admitted to the bar in 1853, and prior to this receiving the degree of A.M. in 1852. Mr. Lothrop's professional career was entered upon because of his own choice and predilection and not through the influence of famUy or friends. He felt that in this field of effort he could do his best work, and therefore entered upon his work with zeal and determination to succeed. WhUe his professional career has taken time and energy without abatement through many years, Mr. Lothrop THORNTON KIRKLAND LOTHROP has not left uncultivated the social side of his nature. He is a mem ber of the Somerset, Union, St. Botolph, Technology, University (N. Y.), University (Boston), Essex County Clubs; Massachusetts Historical Society; Massachusetts Society of Cincinnati, holding the position of vice-president in the latter. In 1859-60 he was also a member of the Massachusetts Legislature, and from April 18, 1861 to July, 1865, was assistant United States Attorney for Massachusetts. In 1896 Mr. Lothrop finished his " Life of Seward" and it was pub lished during that year; a book worthy of its great subject, reflecting more than usual credit upon its author. At a glance it is easy to perceive that Mr. Lothrop has been a very industrious raan, endowed with marked versatility, a worthy representative of the distinguished family whose name he bears. In politics he has always been a Re publican, finding in that party the best available means by which to give expression to his political opinions and desires. In the year 1866, on the thirtieth day of April, Mr. Lothrop was united in raarriage with Anne Marie, daughter of the Honorable Sarauel and Anne (Sturgis) Hooper, granddaughter of Honorable Will iam and Elizabeth (Davis) Sturgis. Of this union there have been four children, three now living in 1908, viz. : Miss Mary B. Lothrop, Mrs. Algernon Coolidge, and Thornton K. Lothrop, Jr., a well-known attorney. Mr. Lothrop resides on Coraraonwealth Avenue, Boston, and his horae is raarked by the hospitality of refined generosity, the atraosphere of culture and kindliness which have ever distinguished the homes of the best type of New Englanders. In the life of this successful and high-minded man we have both example and inspiration for the youth of America who seek the best ways to attain success and gain the best possible in their daily activities. " Industry, a high sense of honor, cultivation of mind and heart," these are the distinguishing graces which raark the life of this man who has developed the art of true and noble living. Bn^.bi.f B. > Wy.'.^-^.s .^-Br'j jVy , l/f , nAzOl^^djL.^....^^ GEORGE AUGUSTUS MARDEN IN the little town of Mount Vernon, New Hampshire, on the ninth of August, 1839, Mr. Marden was born. His father was Ben jamin Frankhn Marden, of English descent, whose forefather, Richard Marden, took the oath of fidelity at New Haven, Connect icut, in 1644. It is presumed he carae directly from England or Wales. Mr. Marden's great-great-grandfather, David Marden, was born in Rye, New Hampshire, and died in Bradford, Massachusetts, August 30, 1745. Nathan Marden, grandfather of George A., of New Boston, married Susannah Stevens, daughter of Calvin Stevens and descendant of Colonel Thomas Stevens, of Devonshire, England, a signer of instructions to Governor Endicott, who contributed fifty pounds and sent three sons and one daughter to Massachusetts Bay Colony. Calvin Stevens fought at Concord and Bunker Hill, enlist ing as a private April 23, 1775, in Captain Abasha Brown's Com pany, and Colonel Thomas Nixon's regiment, serving from AprU 1, 1776 to March, 1777. The mother of George A. Marden was Betsey Buss, daughter of Stephen Buss, who was a grandson of Stephen and Eunice Buss. Her raother was Sarah Abbot, a descendant of the tenth generation from George Abbot, one of the first settlers and promoters of Andover, Massachusetts. From George the ancestral line coraes through four generations of John Abbots, of whom the last was coraraissioned captain in the French and Indian War, was chosen member of the comraittee of safety of Andover, November 14, 1774, and held a captain's coraraission on an "Alarra" corapany just preceding the Araerican Revolution. It was Mr. Marden's good fortune to receive his preliminary education in Appleton Academy, Mount Vernon, and later to gradu ate from Dartmouth College in the class of 1861, being the eleventh member in a class of 58. He became president of the trustees of the Academy and he was the commencement poet of the Phi Beta Kappa Society in 1875, and delivered the commencement poem before the Dartmouth Alumni in 1877. GEORGE AUGUSTUS MARDEN At an early period of his career Mr. Marden was taught the shoe maker's trade by his father, working at this trade at intervals whUe he was fitting for college and during college vacations. At the out break of the CivU War, Mr. Marden enlisted in Noveraber, 1861, as a private in Company G, second regiment of the United States Sharp shooters. Subsequently transferred to the first regiment of Sharp shooters, April, 1862, he was made second sergeant and continued with this regiment during the Peninsula Campaign. On July 10 of the same year he was raade first lieutenant and regimental quarter master and served in that capacity until June 1, 1863, when he became acting assistant adjutant-general of the third brigade, third division of the third corps. He served in this position through ChancellorsvUle, Gettysburg and Wapping Heights, and was then ordered to Rikers' Island, New York, on detached service. Soon after, at his own request, he was sent back to his regiment remain ing there until raustered out in 1864. Returning to New Harapshire Mr. Marden entered a law office at Concord to study law. He also wrote for the Concord Daily Monitor. In November, 1865, he located in Charleston, West Virginia, and purchased a weekly paper, the Kanawha Republican, editing it dur ing 1866, when he again returned to New Hampshire to engage in editing and compiling a history of each of the raUitary organizations of the State during the CivU War. MeanwhUe he wrote for the Concord Monitor and was the Concord correspondent of the Boston Advertiser. On January 1, 1867, he became the assistant editor of the Boston paper, and in September, conjointly with his classmate. Major E. T. Rowell, he purchased the LoweU Daily Courier, and the LoweU Weekly Journal, both of which he conducted the reraainder of his life. In 1892 the partnership of twenty-five years was superseded by a stock corporation known as the Lowell Courier PubUshing Cora pany, the two proprietors retaining their interest. Since 1895 the Courier Corapany has been united with the Citizen Corapany, under the caption, the Courier-Citizen Corapany. The Citizen was raade a one cent morning paper, and Mr. Marden edited both publications. Mr. Marden cast his first vote for President Lincoln. After 1867 there was no election, state or national, that he did not serve his party by public speech. In 1896, with several notable raen, he carapaigned in the Middle West, traveling some eight thousand mUes through fifteen States and addressed upwards of a million people. On GEORGE AUGUSTUS MARDEN great occasions of patriotism he has been in constant demand as an orator. He has been prominent in Massachusetts public life since entering the Legislature in 1873. He was elected speaker, 1883 and 1884, making a notable record as a presiding officer. In 1885 he was a member of the State Senate. In 1888 he was elected treasurer and receiver general of the Commonwealth and for five consecutive years, the constitutional limit of right to this office, he was enthusi astically elected by his fellow citizens. He was a delegate to the Republican Convention held in Chicago in 1880 and supported General Grant with enthusiasra. In 1899 President McKinley ap pointed him Assistant United States Treasurer at Boston, and Presi dent Roosevelt subsequently appointed hira for a second terra of four years. Mr. Marden was married in Nashua, New Harapshire, December 10, 1867, to Mary Porter Fiske, daughter of Deacon David Fiske, of Nashua, of English descent, and Harriet Nourse, of Merrimack, also of English lineage, stretching back through raany generations. Mrs. Marden's ancestry contains many notable naraes of men and women who have made substantial impress on their times. There were bom of this union two sons, Philip Sanford, born in Lowell, January 12, 1874, who graduated from Dartmouth College in 1894, and from Harvard Law School in 1898; and Robert Fiske, born at Lowell, June 14, 1876, who graduated at Dartmouth in 1898. Mr. Marden was an unusual man, versatile, strong, able. He filled the many positions he was called to occupy with credit to himself, and honor to others. He was a citizen of the higher order; keenly intelligent and profoundly patriotic. He was a maker of friends, and multitudes loved and trusted him. His eventful life closed December 19, 1906, and his memory is cherished by all who knew him. WINTHROP LIPPITT MARVIN WINTHROP LIPPITT MARVIN, of Boston, journalist and author, formerly CivU Service Commissioner of Massachu setts and secretary of the Merchant Marine Coramission, was born on May 15, 1863, in the island town of Newcastle that walls Portsmouth Harbor and its naval station from the sea, and forras the eastward end of the brief and rugged coast of New Harapshire. The Marvin faraily had been one of sea-loving and sea-faring stock for many generations. The first of the race in New England carae from his island home of Guernsey in the English Channel and sailed from Newcastle and Portsmouth in the deep sea fisheries and in the carrying trade to Virginia, the West Indies and South Araerica. These voyages in the fishing craft to Newfoundland and Labrador and in the freighting ships far southward continued to be pursued in the Marvin name so long as the industry reraained active and prosperous beneath the Araerican flag. Captain William Marvin, succeeding to the business of his uncle. Captain Thomas Ellison Oliver, whose career as sailor, ship owner and merchant reads like a romance, had a considerable fleet engaged in this characteristic New England coraraerce down to and during the Civil War. Winthrop Lippitt Marvin is the grandson of Captain Williara Marvin, and the oldest son of Colonel Thoraas Ellison Oliver Marvin and Anna Lippitt Marvin. His boyhood was passed at his parent's horae in Portsraouth, where his father. Colonel Marvin, was long an . active raan of affairs and mayor of the city in 1872 and 1873. Ports mouth in those years was stUl a ship-buUding and ship-owning cora munity, launching and sailing not only coast craft but swift and stately East Indiamen, and Winthrop Marvin in childhood was more keenly interested in the sea and its life than in anything else, though he was an attentive student in the Portsmouth schools and an eager reader of the books in his father's library and the old Portsmouth Athenseum. His raother, a native of New York, and a member of the Lippitt faraily that carae from England in the early settleraent of iyB 6^ P-VtY,,,,^^ ^,_g.-^ j^C^r "l WINTHROP LIPPITT MARVIN Rhode Island, encouraged the scholarly ambitions of her son, and persuaded him to tum from the sea to college. After a careful preparation in the Portsraouth High School and the Roxbury Latin School, Mr. Marvin entered Tufts College, and graduated with the degree of A.B. in 1884. Resolved to write, he had directed his college course to that end, pursuing especially economics, history and literature. His first journalistic work was done while still an undergraduate, for the Boston Transcript and the Boston Advertiser, and throughout his senior year he served as a regular city reporter on the Advertiser, then edited by Mr. Edwin M. Bacon. A few weeks after graduation Mr. Marvin becarae the night city editor of the Advertiser, and in a few months assistant night editor. In March, 1886, he resigned from the Advertiser to join the staff of the Boston Journal, as New England news editor. In 1887 Colonel Williara W. Clapp, editor and publisher of the Journal, appointed Mr. Marvin an editorial writer. For sixteen years thereafter ]\Ir. Marvin gave his raain attention to the editorial departraent of the Journal, in which he becarae in 1895 chief editorial writer and associate editor. As an editor Mr. Marvin has always believed in leading rather than in following public opinion. His first active and aggressive editorial work, in 1887 and the years following, was the advocacy of a strong navy, in which New England has a vital interest. A thoroughgoing civil service reforraer, an earnest protectionist — maintaining that a prosperous home trade is the best possible basis for a great foreign trade — and a charapion of a resolute and just foreign policy, an efficient array and stout coast defenses, he gave positive expression to these views year after year in the colurans of the Journal, and had the satisfaction of seeing these ideas more and more completely accepted by New England and the Nation and erabodied in the laws and practice of the govern ment. Not only as an editorial writer but as a contributor to magazines, Mr. Marvin has dealt constantly with large pubhc questions, especially with those relating to the ocean and its ships of war and ships of commerce. In 1902 Charles Scribner's Sons, of New York, published an important work written by Mr. Marvin, "The American Mer chant Marine: Its History and Romance," which has been cora raended as the raost authoritative book upon this subject, and a graphic and stirring narrative. WINTHROP LIPPITT MARVIN While busUy engaged in his editorial duties Mr. Marvin was honored in 1901 by Governor (now Senator) Winthrop Murray Crane, with appointment as the Boston raeraber of the Massachusetts Civil Service Commission. Two years later when the Boston Journal passed to a new ownership and the editor and publisher, Mr. Stephen O'Meara, and those long associated with him retired frora control, Mr. Marvin resigned the editorial chair which he had held since 1887, to take up raore directly the advocacy of the interests of the raer chant raarine. As secretary of the Merchant Marine Coraraission, established by Congress on the recommendation of President Roose velt, Mr. Marvin was engaged in 1904 and 1905 in the thorough and irapartial inquiry which this commission made into the decline of our ocean shipping, and the best raethods of upbuilding it, and he has since been active in keeping this great and urgent question, involving not only our coraraerce but our defense, before the attention of Congress and the country. In 1903 Tufts College, his alma mater, gave to Mr. Marvin the honorary degree of Litt.D. He is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Delta Chi; National Geographic Society; Massachusetts Club; Horae Market Club; Republican Club of Massachusetts and Ports mouth Yacht Club. Mr. Marvin was married in 1885 to Miss Nellie Meloon, of Ports mouth, New Harapshire, and he has two sons, David Patterson and Theodore Winthrop, and one daughter, Anna Barbara. His resi dence is at Newtonville and his office at 131 State Street, Boston. /./.J.I .,f MarK ,.-. M.^ ^k-^V<^. ^^, ROBERT McNEIL MORSE ROBERT McNEIL MORSE, lawyer, was born in Boston, August 11, 1837. His father, Robert McNeU Morse, was a son of Ebeneza and Henrietta H. (Sciveriy) Morse, grand son of Rev. Ebeneza and Perses (Bush) Morse and a descendant from Samuel Morse who came from England to New England in 1635 and settled soon after m Dedham, where he was treasurer and select man, 1640-42. Robert NcMeU Morse, Sr., was a respected merchant m Boston. He married Sarah Maria, daughter of Fessenden and Nabby (Nyo) Clark, of Boston, a descendant from Thoraas Clark, who came to Plymouth about 1630. Robert McNeU Morse, Jr., was prepared for coUege in private schools and the Jamaica Plain High School and was graduated at Harvard, A.B., 1857. He began the study of law in the office of Hutchins & Wheeler in Boston in 1857-58; was teacher in the Eliot High School, Jamaica Plain, 1858-59 and in March, 1859, entered the Harvard Law School where he was a student for two terms. He was admitted to the Suffolk Bar upon examination in February, 1860. He and his classmate, the late John C. Ropes, began practice together, but later he formed a partnership with Charles P. Greenough, which continued for several years. Mr. Morse early took a leading position in the State and United States courts and there have been few im portant trials in Massachusetts for the last forty years in which he has not been engaged, while the record of his arguments before the Supreme Court extends from the third volume of Allen's Reports, published in 1862, to the present time, one hundred and nine vol umes in all, and includes a large proportion of the most important cases. Among the famous causes which he has conducted are Wilson v. Moen, the Armstrong, Codman, Hayes, Wentworth, Houghton and Crocker will cases, suits involving the value of water supplies for Braintree, Quincy, Brookline, Lynn, Newburyport, Gloucester, Fra mingham, Falmouth, Hyde Park and other cities and towns and of ROBERT McNEIL MORSE lands taken for park and other public purposes and much complex litigation affecting gas, telephone, banking, railway and other cor porations. He has avoided political life, but he was State Senator in 1866 and 1867, and Representative in 1880. While in the Senate he introduced and carried through the bill for the repeal of the usury laws and was chairraan of the special comraittee on the prohibi tory law before which John A. Andrew appeared to favor its repeal and he raade the report providing for a license law. In the House he was chairman of the committee on the judiciary and was promi nent in securing the revision of the general laws known as the Public Statutes, the grant of the land on which the Boston Public Library was built and the enactment of the first law authorizing a great capitalization of the Bell Telephone Company. In 1880 he was a delegate from the Eighth Congressional District to the Republican National Convention at Chicago. He was a member of the board of overseers of Harvard University, from 1880 to 1899, and of the Union, University, St. Botolph, Apollo, Uni tarian and Country Clubs of Boston and of the Harvard Club, New York, serving as vice-president of the Union and University Clubs and as president of the Unitarian and Apollo Clubs. He was married November 12, 1863, to Anna Eliza, daughter of James L. and Jerusha A. Gorham, of Jamaica Plain, and they have had seven chUdren: Mabel, born August 10, 1864; Arthur Gorham, born October 15, 1865, died October 15, 1866; Harold, born Septem ber 13, 1866, died Septeraber, 1868; AUce Gorham, born November 19, 1867; Sarah Clark, born August 12, 1872; Robert Gorham, born August 23, 1874 (H. C, 1896) ; Margaret Fessenden, born November 28, 1877. WILLIAM HENRY NILES IN the village of Orfprd, New Harapshire, Deceraber 22, 1839, is the recprd of the birth of this well-known man, and Mr. Niles points with pride to the fact that both he and his wife, their parents and grandparents and great-grandparents were born in the old Granite State. Samuel Wales NUes, the father of Williara Henry Niles, was bom August 22, 1798, and died Deceraber 6, 1843. His raother's narae was Eunice Newell. The earliest paternal ancestor of the faraUy, so far as known, was one John NUes, born in Wales about 1603, settling in Braintree, Massachusetts, in 1640. He is beUeved to be the ancestor of all persons bearing the name of NUes in America. Nathaniel NUes, great-grandfather of WUliara, was a soldier in the Revolu tionary War, as was also John NUes, the grandfather, the former serving as a lieutenant. The father, Sarauel Niles, was much inter ested in religion, zealous in promoting agriculture, and deeply in terested in all the affairs of his town. When not in school, William Henry NUes worked at farming dur ing the years of his youth, always filling his vacations in this raanner. He testifies that the habits of industry then acquired have aided all through life. In speaking of the influence of his mother, he affirms emphatically that in morality, industry and thrift, she helped him greatly. It was with much difficulty that Mr. Niles succeeded in gaining an education, but by persistence and industry he was able to progress from day to day and is stUl an earnest student in the line of his pro fession. Beside the training he received at the public school he studied four years with the Rev. R. W. Smith, four years at Provi dence Conference Seminary, and pursued a course in law under the direction of Caleb Blodgett, late Justice of the Superior Court. Mr. NUes began the practice of his profession, the law, in Lynn, Massachusetts, and occupies still the office on the ground where first he began practice. He has never regretted that he entered upon WILLIAM HENRY NILES this line of work, to which he was strongly influenced by the advice of Justice Blodgett. Mr. Niles has for several years been president of the Essex Bar Association and still retains that honorable position. He is also a raeraber of the Araerican Bar Association, a director of the Manu facturer's National Bank since its incorporation in 1891, and served also several years as member of board of education of the city of Lynn. In politics, Mr. Niles is a Republican. For recreation Mr. NUes inclines to out-of-door life and finds great help from horseback riding and driving, and the general in terest and activity of country life. In this way he renews himself physically and mentally, and so is able to carry on his exacting pro fessional and other labors without breaking of health or irapairment of faculties. Mr. NUes was raarried September 19, 1865, to Harriet A., daughter of Lorenzo D. Day and Harriet Stevens Day, granddaughter of Manley and Lavina Stevens. From this union three children were born, all daughters. They all married and are Mrs. Florence Moulton, Mrs. Grace Henderson and Mrs. Ethel Farquhar. Residing at Lynn, Mr. Niles enjoys the returns of a successful, well-spent life. He is still actively engaged in his professional duties and each day finds him at his desk in his well-known office. So with friends and clients and the blessings of a happy family, he passes his days with the feeling that each one counts much in the making of his life successful in the best way, because each day is a real contribution to the welfare and happiness of others. The old adage, "The safety of the throne is the welfare of the people" raay be paraphrased by saying the safety of the Republic is in the probity, uprightness and industrious thrift of the people. Here we have a fine example of this type and can well hope that many like him raay arise in days to come for the security and pros perity of the Nation we cherish. -'i/ 'I-r/ XAjTara s,- f? ROBERT TREAT PAINE ROBERT TREAT PAINE, lawyer, publicist and philan thropist, was born in Boston, Massachusetts, October 28, 1835. His father, Charles Cushing Paine, was graduated at Harvard in 1827, and practised law in Boston. He was the son of Charles and Sarah Sumner (Cushing) Paine; grandson of Robert Treat and SaUy (Cobb) Paine and of Charies and Elizabeth (Sumner) Cushing, and married Fanny Cabot, daughter of Judge Charies Jack son (1775-1855). Robert Treat Paine (1731-1814), the Signer, was a noted jurist, a fpunder of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences of Boston, and he married SaUy, daughter of Thomas and Lydia (Leonard) Cobb and sister of Gen. David Cobb, aide-de-camp to General Washington, and major-general of Massachusetts militia in Shay's rebeUion. The Signer's father, the Rev. Thomas Paine, was pastor of the church at Wejmiouth, and subsequently a mer chant in Boston, married Eunice, daughter of Rev. Sarauel and AbigaU (WUlard) Treat, granddaughter of Robert Treat (1622-1710) lieutenant-govemor and govemor of Connecticut for thirty years; prominent in the Charter Oak incident and as comraander of the Connecticut forces in protecting the settlers of western Massachusetts during King Philip's War, and of the Rev. Samuel Willard, colleague of the Old South Church, Boston, vice-president of Harvard College, 1700-01, acting president from the retirement of President Cotton Mather to January 14, 1701. The Rev. Thomas Paine was the son of James Paine, a member of the expedition against Canada in 1694, and grandson of Thomas Paine of Eastham, an only son who with his father, Thomas Paine the elder, eraigrated (according to tra dition) from the North of England in 1624, and settled on Cape Cod. Robert Treat Paine is also descended from Richard WUlard, who came from England and was one of the founders of Concord in 1634; of Austin Cobb, who received a deed of a farm in Taunton, Massachusetts in 1679; of Jonathan Jackson; and of James Tyng, of Tyngsboro, Massachusetts. His chUdhood was spent, six raonths ROBERT TREAT PAINE in Boston and six months in the country at Beverly, Massachusetts, and he was carefully nurtured by a wise and pmdent raother, who permanently shaped both his inteUectual and his moral and spiritual life. He was prepared for coUege at the Boston Latin School, gradu ating at the age of fifteen and entering Harvard the sarae year. He shared the honor of the head of his class with Francis C. Barlow, and in the class were Alexander Agassiz, Phillips Brooks, Theodore Ly raan, James Tyndall MitcheU, Frank B. Sanborn and others, since faraous in the world of letters, science, law, theology and medicine. His father, both grandfathers, his four great-grandfathers and fpurteen earlier ancestors were graduates of Harvard. He was led to practise law through his own inclination, the influence of his parents and the tradition of the f amUy. He studied law for one year, 1855-56, at the Harvard Law School, then passed two years, 1856 and 1857, in travel and study in Europe and on his retum entered the law office of Richard H. Dana and Francis E. Parker, of Boston, and in 1859 he was admitted to the Suffolk Bar. He practised law in Boston, 1859-72, and when he retired in 1872 to take up phUan thropic work he was possessed of sufficent wealth to enable him to fully gratify his wishes in that direction. Writing of this purpose and the irapulse that prompted it Mr. Paine says: "I cannot reraem ber the time when I did not have a strong desire to make my life useful." His zealous churchmanship pointed out various ways to promote the welfare of his fellow man and his experience as a worker in the missions where he was a lay-reader prompted many of his future benefactions. He had been made a member of the sub committee of three to direct the buUding of Trinity Church, of which he was a vestryman from 1874, becoming junior warden in 1904. He was most active in raising funds and buying the land that made possible the present Trinity Church, at the time of its completion pronounced to be the noblest ecclesiastical edifice in Araerica. The inspiration of PhUlips Brooks, the rector, the skUl and artistic dis cernment of H. H. Richardson, Massachusetts' great architect, and the industry, persistence and financial judgment of Mr. Paine, were the three most powerful forces that accomplished this great work. Mr. Paine was elected the first president of the Associated Chari ties of Boston, when that movement took shape in 1879; was made a trustee of the Episcopal Theological School at Cambridge, Massa chusetts in 1883, and served as president from 1898. He was elected ROBERT TREAT PAINE president of the American Peace Society in 1891. His work in behalf of working raen and woraen began to take institutional form in 1878, when he was chiefly instrumental in organizing the Wells Memorial Institute in Boston and in 1890, he built the Peoples Institute for Working Men and Woraen in Boston. In 1888 he established the Workingmen's BuUding Association and the Workingmen's Loan Association in connection with the Wells Memorial Institute and held the office of president of the last four-named corporations from their beginning. He also organized the Workingmen's Cooperative Bank, of Boston, and served as its president frora its organization in 1880 up to 1903. He also built more than two hundred small houses for working men and sold thera at moderate prices and on easy credits. In 1887 he endowed the Robert Treat Paine Fellowship in Social Science with $10,000 at Harvard College for "the study of ethical problems of society; the effects of legislation; governmental administration and private philanthropy; to ameliorate the lot of the mass of raankind" and in 1890 together with his wife he estab lished a trust of about $200,000, called the Robert Treat Paine Asso ciation, to maintain institutes for working people; to provide model houses for working people; and otherwise to iraprove their condition. He could not content hiraself by giving away at his death what he could no longer use, and so had the pleasure of bestowing his wealth while living, and witnessing the ripening fruit of his benevolence. He represented the town of Waltham in the General Court of Massachusetts in 1884. His club membership included the Twen tieth Century, Round Table; Thursday Evening; Union University and St. Botolph Clubs, of Boston; and the Reforra and City Clubs, of New York City. He was a Republican in political faith up to 1884, when "the Democratic national platform seemed more patriotic and I could not follow Mr. Blaine and from that time was classed as a Democrat, but was always independent." He was the unsuccessful Democratic and Independent candidate for Representative from Massachusetts to the Forty-ninth Congress in 1884. He was married in Boston, Massachusetts, April 24, 1862, to Lydia Williams, daughter of George Williams and Anne (Pratt) Lyman, of Boston; and of the seven children bom of the marriage five were living in 1908, the mother dying early in 1897. The eldest, Edith Paine, married John H. Storer; Robert Treat Paine, Jr., a trustee and associated with his father in phUanthropic work was the ROBERT TREAT PAINE unsuccessful candidate of the Democratic party for governor of Massachusetts, in 1903; George Lyraan Paine became a clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal Church; Lydia Lyman Paine married Charles K. Curaraings, and as both sons also married, the grand father rejoices in a troop of fourteen grandchildren. Mr. Paine's published writings erabrace seventy subjects, issued as pamphlets, in cluding reports, addresses, papers, discussions, leaflets and circulars issued between 1868 and 1908. His biography has been published in "One of a Thousand" (1890); "Boston of To-day" (1892); "Massa chusetts of To-day" (1893); "Professional and Industrial History of Suffolk County" (1894); "Men of Progress" (1896); "Judiciary and Bar of Massachusetts" (1898); "Representative Men of Massa chusetts" (1898); "Who's Who in America" (1899); "Universities and their Sons" (1900); "Lamb's Biographical Dictionary of the United States" (1902); "Contemporary Araerican Biography" (1902). To young men he offers the following suggestions as gath ered from his own experience: "I should say that in 1872 and there after the conviction was forced upon my mind that we only have this life in this world once, and that I was not wUling to devote it to business when noble uses of it could be found to make the world a bit happier around rae. In carrying out these airas my life has been very happy. No raan should be so absorbed in the business affairs of life that he cannot devote some share of his interest and energy in other and nobler directions." FRED STARK PEARSON THERE are so many examples of men winning success in spite of obstacles, that a father who should wish to see his sons evolving sterhng character raight well pray not for a forttme to distribute araong them but for difficulties to be overcome. If a young man has ability and health and a good start in the path of education nothing else seems to be needed. A most striking illus tration of this principle is afforded by the career of Fred Stark Pear son, who has risen to the very top of his profession, and though a comparatively young man, has won fame and fortune. He was born on the third of July, 1861, at Lowell, Massachusetts, where his father, Ambrose Pearson, a well-known railway engineer, was temporarily settled while employed on the Boston and Lowell RaUroad. Through his father, Ambrose, his grandfather, Caleb, and his great grandfather, Thomas, he was descended from John Pearson, who emigrated from Yorkshire, England, in 1637, and settled in Salem Colony. His mother was Hannah, daughter of Samuel and Eliza Edgerly. He began his education in the primary schools of his native town, but as his father, on account of his professional work in the con struction of railways, not only in New England but also in the Westem States, was frequently obliged to change his residence, his schooling was continued in various places. Between the age of eleven and fourteen he was at WUton, New Hampshire, and there his father died in 1876. Fred, the elder son, had up to this time cherished the intention of pursuing a college career, but his hopes were dashed by this bereave ment as he found that the support of his widowed mother and younger brother devolved largely upon him. They removed from Wilton to Charlestown, and at the age of sixteen he secured the position of station-master at Medford Hillside on the Boston and Lowell Rail road. His family moved to Medford for his greater convenience, since the work began before six-twenty in the morning when the first FRED STARK PEARSON train left for Boston and the last one left at ten-twenty in the evening. The duties were not very arduous as there was no freight service or telegraph station at that point. It occurred to him after he had enjoyed a year's experience as station-agent that he raight utUize the spare raoments between trains to continue his studies. Tufts College was situated less than a mile from Medford Hillside station, and he went to President Capen and asked if he could be permitted to attend classes and, when the train-duties called him away, allowed to leave the class-room so as to be at the station to sell tickets. The intervals between trains varied from forty rainutes to an hour and a quarter. The president and Faculty, liking the young man's spirit and enterprise, granted his request, and for two college years he attended classes, every day walking seven tiraes each way between the station and the recitation rooms. He has never ceased to hold in grateful reraerabrance the cordial and friendly interest manifested by the raerabers of the Faculty whose recitations he attended, and attributes no sraall part of his success to the education which he thus acquired and which he would have been unable to acquire had his soraewhat unusual request been refused. He devoted his attention principally to chemistry and at first intended to adopt that branch of science as his profession. He be came extreraely proficient and at the end of two years was offered a position as instructor in qualitative analysis and assistant to Pro fessor William Ripley Nichols at the cheraical laboratories of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He held this position for a year, and then wishing to obtain a broader education he decided to retum to Tufts College and follow the course of civil engineering. As it was necessary for him to earn his own living besides helping his faraily during all the tirae required for this course, he applied for the position of post-master of the station at College HUl. He was still under age and was therefore incapable, in accordance with the postal regulations, of holding this office, but it was secured for him in his mother's name. Here, though the salary was not large the duties were not exacting and he had plenty of tirae to pursue his studies. With no less zeal and energy than he had shown in his other undertakings he now took up the course of civil engineering and by dint of arduous work succeeded in accomplishing the three years' course in two, graduating in 1883 with a "summa cum laude," and receiving the degree of civil engineer. During this time he de- FRED STARK PEARSON voted his attention especially to higher mathematics, in which science he showed remarkable aptitude and took the keenest interest. This resulted in his being offered the position of Walker Instructor of Mathematics in Tufts. He decided to accept this and for three years held it, stiU continuing his studies in electrical and mining engineering and mathematics, so that in 1884 he received the degree of Electrical Engineer and the following year that of Master of Arts. He now abandoned his acaderaic position to take up a more active line of work. He found his opportunity right at hand. The Soraerville Electric Light Company was just organizing and his training adapted him to become a valuable factor in the installation of all its practical appliances. He was appointed its general manager. His success in this new position attracted attention and he was shortly afterwards asked to assist in establishing the Woburn Electric Light Company. Here again he proved his extraordinary ability both as an organizer and a practical worker in the newly developing fleld of electric lighting and power. At this time Henry M. Whitney, Esq., was engaged in effecting the consolidation of the numerous lines of the West End Street Railway of Boston, Massachusetts, and was contem plating the instaUation of an electric equipment for the entire system. The plan was almost wholly experimental, its universally wide spread success and adoption since being one of the scientific miracles of the century. But then only one or two comparatively insignificant street railways in this country had tried electricity as a motive- power and of course only on a small scale. But Mr. Whitney found in the young Tufts College instructor the very man whom he had ^ been searching for and at once engaged him as chief engineer to undertake this tremendous task. Before a year had elapsed his perspicacity had been corapletely justified. Mr. Pearson had made himself so indispensable that he was Mr. Whitney's practical partner as chief engineer in the organization of the first great electrical street railway system in the world. His grasp upon the multifarious and complicated details and his extraordinary intuition in foreseeing and overcoming difficulties astonished the veteran master of street railway promotion, and Mr. Whitney's readiness to carry out in detaU any suggestion emanating from his resourceful assistant at tested the confidence which the elder man felt in the superior engineer ing skill of the younger. The success attaining the electrification of the street railways of FRED STARK PEARSON Boston was properly attributed to the chief engineer and he was immediately overwhelmed with most flattering offers from other cities which stood in need of his help under simUar conditions. He resigned his position as acting engineer and becarae consulting engineer for the West End Street Railway, thus being free for undertaking siraUar work elsewhere. In 1890 he became interested in the street railway company of Halifax, Nova Scotia, and organ ized a syndicate for the purchase of this property and for its electrical equipment. While engaged in this enterprise he looked into the coal-mining industry of the province and saw the great possibilities of an intelligent and scientific exploitation of the mines. On his return to Boston he laid his plans before Mr. Whitney. From this resulted the organization of the Dominion Coal Company, with Mr. Whitney as president of the corporation and Mr. Pearson in general charge of the manageraent. As soon as the Dominion Coal Com pany was in successful running order, Mr. Pearson again undertook the business of general consulting engineer and was eraployed in this capacity by the street railway corapanies of Toronto, Montreal, St. John, New Brunswick and Winnipeg, Manitoba. He was also consulting engineer for raany similar enterprises in the United States, among the most important being the extensive system that was planned to meet the needs of Brooklyn, New York, and now con solidated in the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company. His reputation crossed the Atlantic and he was summoned to England as consulting engineer for the Birmingham tramway sys tems and was also engaged by the municipality to report on the tram ways of Liverpool. From there he was recalled to New York City as chief engineer of the Metropolitan Street RaUway Corapany. Here he developed and installed the underground slotted condiut system which is now in use there. His next sumraons came from a stUl more distant country than England. He was asked to go to Sao Paulo in Southern Brazil, and there he organized the Sao Paulo Tramway Light and Power Company, Liraited. In connection with this enterprise he con structed at a distance of twenty mUes from the city a large hydraiUic power station of 10,000 H. P. capacity, which furnishes the electric power for the operation of the street railways, electric lights and manufactories. This company with a capitalization of $15,000,000 has been a most successful enterprise frora the start. FRED STARK PEARSON In 1903 he was called to Mexico and there completed the organiza tion of the Mexican Light and Power Company, for which he superin tended the construction of an imraense hydro-electric plant of 48,000 H. P., situated about one hundred miles from the city of Mexico, to which power is transmitted over high tension lines. This corapany owns all of the electric light companies in the city and is now developing a second station of about 50,000 H. P., capacity, the capacity of the first having been speedily absorbed by the power- consumers. Niagara Falls next attracted his attention and he was engaged to utilize the water-power on the Canadian side of the river for the benefit not only of the City of Toronto eighty miles away, but also of the neighboring places in Ontario. His experiences in Mexico and Brazil made him invaluable as consulting engineer in charge of the great enterprises known as the Toronto and Niagara Falls Trans mission Company and the Electrical Development Corapany of On tario, for which he designed and superintended the construction of a power-station, planned to produce 125,000 H. P. He was also consulting engineer in the organization and construction of the Wiimepeg Power Company with a power-station of 20,000 H. P., and transmission lines sixty railes in length. At the same time he was entrusted with engineering projects for electric light, tramways and power in raany other cities in South Araerica, Mexico and Canada. Araong these may be mentioned the Mexico Tramways Company, controlling the entire street railway system of the City of Mexico. In 1904 he corapleted the organization of the Rio de Janeiro Traraway Light and Power Corapany with a capitalization of $50,- 000,000, and as its Adce-president has had charge of the develop raent of this great enterprise. This company controls the larger part of the street railway systems of Rio de Janiero as well as of the entire electric lighting and power business and the gas and telephone companies of that great and flourishing city, and has constructed an hydro-electric power-station of 50,000 H. P. capacity, fifty-one miles from the city of Rio, to which the power is delivered by means of high tension transmission lines. Probably no other American has had a creative hand in so many immense industrial enterprises. His ability was recognized by Tufts College, which followed his career with justifiable pride, and granted him in 1900 the degree of Doctor of Science and five years FRED STARK PEARSON later that of Doctor of Laws. President Capen in conferring upon the distinguished graduate the highest honor of his alraa mater characterized him as "scholar among engineers." He married, in 1887, Miss Mabel Ward, daughter of WUliam H. Ward, Esq., of Lowell, Massachusetts. Doctor and Mrs. Pearson have three children — two sons and a daughter. He has recently purchased an estate of about ten thousand acres araong the Berkshire Hills of western Massachusetts where he has abundant opportunity to carry out his ideas of scientific farming and the breeding of high- grade farm aniraals. There he has a fine herd of beautiful Guernsey cattle and Shropshire and Dorset sheep. He takes great delight in country life. He has devoted rauch tirae and thought to restock ing the wilder regions of western Massachusetts with such small game as hares, squirrels and partridges as well as English pheasants, a large number of which he has imported and tumed loose to breed and multiply. His professional attainments have secured for him merabership in the Institute of Civil Engineers, of London; the American Society of Civil Engineers; the Araerican Society of Electrical Engineers; the American Institute of Mining Engineers and the Society of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineers; also life-membership in the Araerican Society of Mechanical Engineers. He is socially affiliated with the Engineer's Club, of New York City; the New York Yacht Club; the Larchraont Yacht Club and the University Club. His financial investraente have made him a director in the Sao Paulo Tramway Light and Power Corapany; in the Rio de Janiero Tram way Light and Power Corapany, of which he is president; the Do rainion Iron and Steel Corapany, Limited; the Mexican Light and Power Company, Limited, of which he is vice-president; the Mexico Tramway Company of which he is president and many other corporations with which he has been professionally coimected. T ^ mr/,^"^^ d, Bj-i^ Arr^ JAMES JOSEPH PHELAN RARELY has a man of his age attained, through his own efforts and perseverance, the prestige in the business world which James Joseph Phelan, member of the firm of Hornblower and Weeks, bankers and brokers, of Boston and New York, now holds. He was born in Toronto, Canada, October 14, 1871, the son of James W. Phelan, of Kilkenny, Ireland, and Catherine (Colbert) Phelan, also of Ireland. His ancestors were Patrick Elliot Phelan, James Colbert, Catherine Forbes, Ellen Hayes, prominent in their tiraes, and from them he probably inherits his capacity for financial affairs. His father's reputation as an accountant was widely known. James Joseph Phelan attended the public schools until he reached the age of fifteen. Then through his own inclination he entered the business world. In 1887 he becarae a raessenger on the floor of the Boston Stock Exchange which raarked the beginning of his successful career. After leaving school he was still an earnest student and, adding to the raoral and intellectual influence which his parents exercised over hira, continuous reading and research, he becarae fitted for his chosen occupation. Evincing at once energy and direct ness of purpose, Mr. Phelan soon became installed in the offices of E. T. Hornblower & Son, where, through his untiring efforts and close application to duty, he won the confidence of all with whom he was connected. Recogiuzing his opportunities, he worked faithfully and well, giving his best efforts to whatever he undertook. He made many valuable business friends, and profited greatly by his contact with men in active life. In January, 1900, after continuous advancement, he entered the firm of Hornblower & Weeks, which in 1888 had succeeded that of E. T. Hornblower & Son. He is also a member of the Boston Stock Exchange, Boston Chamber of Com merce, serving as one of the managers gratuity fund and Chicago Board of Trade. He helped to organize the Federal Trust Com pany, of Boston, and is its vice-president, and member of the board of directors, serving on the executive committee. To this JAMES JOSEPH PHELAN organization he has always rendered invaluable service. He is a director in the Peoples National Bank of Roxbury; trustee of the Union Institution for Savings, Boston; director in Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Corapany; director of the Big Ivy Tiraber Company, of North Carolina; member Advisory Committee of busi ness raen, Boston High School of Commerce. Mr. Phelan is a loyal Democrat and has never failed to exert his influence for the cause of his party whenever occasion demanded. He belongs to the Roman Catholic Church and has been president of the Catholic Literary Union of Charlestown. He is also a member of the following clubs and societies: Econoraic Club of Boston; Roxbury Historical Soci ety; CathoUc Club of New York; Point Shirley Club; Boston Athletic Association; Clover Club; Exchange Club; City Club; meraber of Finance Committee; Catholic Literary Union of Charles town, and a life raember of the Bostonian Society, as well as being interested in nuraerous charitable institutions. Mr. Phelan's advice to the young is: "Add to the standard virtues the word hustle, and never be afraid of hard work. My belief is raore raen die from too little work, rather than overwork." All out-door sports appeal to him, and for nearly three years he was a member of the Massa chusetts Naval Brigade. On June 19, 1899, he was married to Miss Mary E. Meade, daughter of John and Caroline I. (Green) Meade, of Boston. Their three children are James J., Jr. (six), Katharine (five), and Caroline J. (three). ^ <^^<^<-^^ ^ L,y^^'y^'^-^^^* / __>- r\ EDWARD AUGUSTINE TAFT EDWARD AUGUSTINE TAFT was born at Uxbridge, Massa chusetts, April 8, 1845. His father, Augustine C. Taft, was a physician, whose early death, at the age of forty, was an in estimable loss. His mother was Dora MiUett Taylor, daughter of the famous Rev. Edward T. Taylor the "Father Taylor" of the Seaman's Bethel, whose originality, eloquence and wit araounted to positive genius. He received an education first at a school at Framingham and afterwards at boarding school at Hopedale. In 1861, at the age of sixteen, he enlisted in the United States Navy, and was appointed paymaster's clerk and, attracting attention by his quickness and accuracy, was proraoted as captain's clerk. He served on the United States Gunboat Cambridge and the United States Sloop of War Tuscarora. The Cambridge arrived at Hampton Roads on the eighth of March, 1862, when the famous Merrimac appeared and destroyed the Cumberland and Congress. The Cambridge proceeded under orders from the coramanding offi cer to tow the sailing frigate St. Lawrence to its position for action against the Merrimac off Newport News. They found the Cum berland and Congress sunk and the Minnesota aground as a result of the first day's encounter. On the next day he, with the other members of the crew, witnessed the tremendous and epoch-raaking encounter between the Monitor and the Merrimac. At the end of the war, in 1865, he entered the express business with the Merchants' Union Express Corapany until it was absorbed by the Araerican Express Corapany. In 1872 he undertook the organization of the New York and Boston Despatch Corapany in which at various periods he has been raanager, vice-president and president until the end of 1905, when he removed to New York. During that third of a century he was indefatigable in organizing and incorporating various other companies for the purpose of engag ing in the carrying business, all of which have been notably success ful. In 1878 he was one of the incorporators of the Kinsley Express EDWARD AUGUSTINE TAFT Company, of which he was director and president. In 1882 he was the organizer and one of the incorporators of the Armstrong Trans fer Express Corapany of Boston, and was a director and its general manager untU 1889 when he resigned. In 1886 he was the organ izer and one of the incorporators of the Boston Cab Corapany, which eight years later was reorganized and incorporated as the Charles S. Brown Company, and in this he is director and president. This same year he became one of the board of managers of the Erie Ex press Company, a joint stock association, the business of which was afterwards merged in the Wells-Fargo & Corapany's Express. He is a director in the Rand-Avery Supply Company. In 1887 he was one of the incorporators of the Boston Parcel Delivery Company and has since been director and president. In 1905 he resigned his position as director-president and general manager of the New York and Boston Despatch Express Corapany in order to accept an appointment of assistant to the president of the Adams Express Corapany. On April 23, 1908, effective May 1, 1908, Mr. Taft was appointed raanager of express departments of the New York, New Haven and Hartford RaUroad Company, Central New England Railway Corapany, the New England Navigation Company, the Hartford and New York Transportation Company, the Connecticut Corapany, the New York and Staraford Railway Corapany, the Rhode Island Corapany, with offices in South Station, Boston. The exigencies of such wide-spread and yet concentrated inter ests have not prevented hira from taking a part in social life. He is a member of the New England Society of New York; the Merchants' Club in New York City; of the Algonquin Club of Boston; the Country Club of Brookline; the Beverly Yacht Club, and the Old Colony Club. He was married in May, 1870, to Adelaide Larrabbee, and has three children, two daughters, Mrs. Alice Taft Herrick, Mrs. Cora Taft Bryan and a son Edward Augustine, Jr., who is now engaged in the practice of the law. Mr. Taft is a conspicuous exaraple of a successful specialist. When the history of the express business in this country coraes to be written, Mr. Taft's share in its organization will be found to be one of its factors. Biif £':j B ^ ^-^^/'^^^ '^-i. WATERMAN ALLEN TAFT WATERMAN ALLEN TAFT was born at Crown Point, Essex County, New York, on August 11, 1849. His father, Albert Taft, was a farraer, and carpenter and biulder, and later in life active as a raanufacturer of doors, sashes, blinds and general house finish. His raother was Mary Ann (Cura raings) Taft. The Taft faraUy in this country runs back to the pioneers of New England, and Albert Taft and his son are descended from Robert Taft, who came from England to Uxbridge, Massachu setts, about 1650. Waterman Allen Taft lived as a boy on the farm of his father, who was an active, aggressive, persevering man — a man who be lieved in incessant industr-y and practised it. This farm life was a good schooling. The experience was good for character and habits. The associations brought- a knowledge of huraan nature, and the regular daUy tasks, though they seemed irksorae soraetiraes to a lively boy, were the best foundations for a business career. Young Taft had to struggle for his education and appreciated it none the less on that account. He was helped and encouraged by his mother, who taught hira, too, that though learning was a valu able thing it was, after all, not so indispensable as sound and whole sorae character. The boy attended the Hudson River Institute at Claverack, New York, and Castleton Serainary at Castleton, Verraont, but he did not graduate. He left school at fifteen years of age and began his business life. From the time he was fifteen until he was eighteen young Taft remained in the country store at Crown Point. Then a new field attracted him, and he went to WhitehaU, New York, and worked as a telegraph operator, first there and then at Platts burg, New York, and subsequently at 145 Broadway, New York City. From the age of twenty to twenty-three he was engaged in a general house finish factory at Burlington, Vermont. At twenty-three Mr. Taft connected himself with the large house of Bronsons, Weston, Dunham & Company, of Burlington, Verraont, WATERMAN ALLEN TAFT and Ottawa, Canada, to learn the general luraber business. He remained with this large house for seventeen years, serving in various capacities and finally undertaking the management of the Boston office of the house and the general direction of their sales. In 1889 Mr. Taft resigned and took an interest with the Export Lumber Company, of New York, Boston, Montreal and Ottawa, Canada — an extensive concern whose operations covered a wide area. In later years this company became interested, through sorae of the wealthy principals, in business foreign to the lumber industry, which, through unforeseen circumstances, necessitated a general re organization of the interests involved, which resulted in receivership proceedings in 1902, at which tirae Mr. Taft, who for raany years had been a leading flgure in the operations of the corapany, was appointed receiver for the purpose of liquidation. The affairs of the Export Luraber Company under his able management have been conducted in such an efficient manner that with the approach of a final adjust raent of its affairs the creditors of that company express themselves as extremely gratified at the prospect of receiving their entire clairas in full. Mr. Taft and his associates have now organized a new Export Luraber Corapany, of which he is the president. Mr. Taft holds a comraanding position in the luraber trade and has a wide acquaintance among the strong business men of Boston. He is a raeraber of the Algonquin Club and of the Exchange Club of Boston. Mr Taft is also a raeraber of the Oakley Country Club of Watertown, of the Hermitage Country Club of Worcester, and the Down Town Club of New York City. He is a Republican in politics and is affiliated with the Congregational Church. He is particularly fond of horesback riding, golf and automobUing. Mr. Taft was raarried on Deceraber 5, 1878, to Sarah E., daughter of Jaraes and Clara J. Doughty, a descendant of Edward Doughty, one of the faraous corapany of the Mayflower, who came from Plyraouth in the Old World to Plyraouth in the New, in 1620. Mr. and Mrs. Taft have three chUdren, Clara Curaraings Taft, now Mrs. R. S. Farr, Helen Taft and W. Allen Taft, Jr. The son has followed his father in the lumber business. Like most raen of deeds, Mr. Taft is not a man of many words. His counsel to the young is summed up vividly in this: "The price of success is natural abUity, character, health, system, economy and eternal vigilance." m H J!;.a ,h., e ,;• m//,a,„^ sBr,.\'y- ^, ^ GEORGE ARNOLD TORREY GEORGE ARNOLD TORREY, lawyer, corporation counsel, State Senator, was born in Fitchburg, Worcester County, Massachusetts, May 14, 1838. His father, Ebenezer Torrey, son of John and Sally Torrey, was a lawyer, bank president, State Representative and Senator, member of the governor's council, treasurer of the City of Fitchburg, a man of integrity, ability and industry. His first Araerican ancestor, Captain WiUiara Torrey, came from Weymouth, England, in 1640, with his wife, Jane (Havi land) Torrey and settled in Wessugausett, Plyraouth Colony, Massa chusetts, being among the earlier settlers. He was a prorainent man in the colony, serving as representative and as commissioner of the peace. Ebenezer Torrey married Sarah, daughter of WUliam and Hannah Arnold, of Smithfield, Rhode Island. George Arnold Torrey was brought up in the vUlage of Fitchburg. He was largely influenced for good by the excellent example of his mother, as well as by her precepts and superior wisdora. He at tended the public schools and Leicester Academy, where he was prepared for college; and he was graduated at Harvard University, A.B. 1859; LL.B., 1861; A.M., 1862; delivering an oration at Cora raenceraent; and being elected, by virtue of his standing in the class, a meraber of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. He was married June 21, 1861, to Ellen M. Shirley, daughter of Daniel H. and Charlotte E. Shirley, of Boston. They had no chUdren. Mr. Torrey took the place of his father as a partner with Nathaniel Wood, at that time one of the leading lawyers in Worcester County. The firra of Wood and Torrey had a large and successful practice, and continued until 1873 when Mr. Torrey reraoved to Boston where he has since practised alone. The general practice of the firra soon developed into the more specific channels of corporation and railroad law, to which Mr. Torrey has successfully devoted himself since the dissolution of the firm. In 1887 he was elected general counsel of the Fitchburg Railroad Company, and had the exclusive manage- GEORGE ARNOLD TORREY ment of the legal business of that corporation until the lease of the road to the Boston and Maine RaUroad in 1900, since which period he has served as consulting counsel for the latter corporation. He has been counsel in raany of the leading railroad cases in Massa chusetts, and has gained an enviable reputation and high standing at the bar. He was a raeraber of the Massachusetts Senate from Worcester County in 1872-73, serving as a member of the coraraittee on judici ary and towns in the forraer year, and as chairman of the committee on judiciary and federal relations in 1873. He took a prorainent part in the enactraent of the general railroad law in 1872, and at a special session which was convened on account of the great Boston fire in the same year. He was one of the directors of the Boston, Clinton and Fitchburg Railroad, now a part of the Old Colony system. His religious affiliation is with the Unitarian denomination and his social affiliation with the Algonquin Club of Boston. >" >*'«&»ar BBj'ir ABB EDGAR VAN ETTEN EDGAR "VAN ETTEN, president of the Cuba Eastern RaUroad, and also president of the Long Acre Electric Light and Power Corapany, of New York, is a descendant of early colonists who left their ancient horaesteads in Etten, Holland, about 1650, to cross the seas, landing at Esopus, New York. Edgar Van Etten, born at Milford, Pike County, Pennsylvania, April 15, 1843, was the sonof Amos and Lydia (Thrall) Van Etten. Hisfather was a merchant of the old sphool, "Live and let, live; give and for give," was his favorite saying, and to a great extent his rule of living. His son enjoyed a horae life in which physical corafort and refine ment went hand in hand with a sincere religious sentiment and love of practical knowledge. A certain amount of work was expected and willingly given, and athletic sports and fishing were his favorite out-of-door diversions. He was an omnivorous reader, with per haps an especial liking for the works of Dickens. He found the study of the Bible both interesting and instructive. In his opinion it is "the best book that a young man can read." At an early age he took up the duties of a clerk in a general store and served thus until the great Civil War broke out, when he at once becarae a soldier of the Union. Before he had reached the age of eighteen he was coraraissioned lieutenant and was engaged, or with the troops held in reserve, in most of the great battles of the Array of the Potomac. At the close of. his service, circumstances and a personal prefer ence for railroad life irapelled him to engage as a brakeman on the old Erie Railroad. Frora this position Mr. Van Etten rose, by his ability and ambition, his conscientious service and personal and prompt performance of duty, his uniforra consideration for the feel ings and rights of others during forty years of railroading, to his present prorainence. Nearly twenty years of his railroad life has been with the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad, which he served as general superintendent and vice-president, resigning the latter position January 1, 1908, to becorae president of an Electric EDGAR VAN ETTEN Lighting and Power Plant in New York City. In the long period so utterly devoted to one great specialty, it is natural that Mr. Van Etten's inventive powers should concentrate on contrivances to improve or expedite railroad transportation. Several patents for improveraents of this kind have been taken out by Mr. Van Etten. His literary tastes have, for the most part, been rather those of a reader than a writer, but Mr. Van Etten is now engaiged upon an autobiographical work "Reminiscences of a Railroad Man," which will have a general interest outside of the army of trained and intelligent raen who raanage the great transportation systems. Mr. Van Etten is a member of the Holland Society of New York, and holds in reverence the memories of those devoted Hollanders who dared and suffered so rauch for a free kirk and the rights of free men. He is also affiliated with the Colonial, Transportation, and Ardsley Country Clubs. He is a raeraber of the Algonquin, Eastem Yacht, and Brookline Country Clubs, of Boston, Massachusetts. Mr. Van Etten is never happier than when enjoying manly sport; such things have kept him young, fearless, self-reliant and ready for aught that raay befall. Mr. Van Etten is a Democrat in politics, but is ever ready to ignore an unworthy candidate or oppose a raischievous policy. In religion his faraUy traditions and affiliations are naturally with the Reforraed Dutch Church, but Mr. Van Etten himself leans toward the Uni tarian belief. He married, in 1864, Miss Emraa Laurence, of Port Jervis, New York, who died in 1895, leaving two daughters, now Mrs. Charles Riselay, of Soraerville, and Mrs. Charles Slanson, of Chicago. On June 30, 1897, he raarried Frances, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Ezra Crarablett. There are no living children born of this union. Mr. Van Etten gratefully bears testiraony to the influence of his mother, Lydia (Thrall) Van Etten, in directing and inspiring his inteUectual acquirements, and the forraation of his raoral and spiritual tendencies. Her love, ambition, and encouragement not only founded all that made for sterling character, but implanted raera ories which were a tower of defense against teraptation. Mr. Van Etten's words of advice to the young are: "Live by the Golden Rule and let your success stand upon this, together with ability and ambition; be just, conscientious, and interested in your work; ' Always taking the message to Garcia yourself instead of sending it.' " GEORGE WASHINGTON WELLS GEORGE WASHINGTON WELLS is descended from English stock. Both his paternal and maternal ancestors came from England less than a score of years after the historic landing of the Mayflower. The doings of the generations of the Wells and Cheney families are chronicled with all detail in the pub lished genealogical records. Mr. Wells's grandfather, Henry Wells, was a captain in the Continental Army and his great-grandfather, Batchelder, on his raother's side, was also a Revolutionary soldier. His father, John Ward Wells, who died in 1872, at the age of seventy-eight, was a carpenter, surveyor and farraer, a man of strong, active and decided raind, extreraely fond of raatheraatics and a great reader. He lived in Woodstock, Connecticut, where his son, George Washington, was born April 15, 1846, the youngest of nine chUdren. At the age of four years, a severely sprained ankle, followed by a fever sore, confined Mra to the house for a year, and compelled him to go on crutches for nearly eight years more. Dur ing this period his raother, Maria Cheney Wells, died, leaving hira to the charge of his sister Lizzie, who was a mother to him ever after. Her later life was spent at his horae in Southbridge, where she died October 13, 1905, aged seventy-two years. At the age of thirteen he had a severe run of typhoid fever, which held hira for three months. His education consisted substantiaUy of six terms in the district school and one term at Woodstock Academy. His youth was largely employed in farm work; and when he was sixteen, his father being disabled, the responsibUity of carrying on the farm rested whoUy on his shoulders for two seasons. At the age of seventeen he started out for the first time to earn his own living, having eight dollars in cash, and fifty doUars left him by his mother, in the savings bank. He taught school for twelve weeks at Navesink Highlands, New Jersey, for which he received one hundred dollars. He returned to Woodstock in March, 1864, and the next month went to Southbridge, GEORGE WASHINGTON WELLS where he accepted a position as one of the eleven employees in the optical works of R. H. Cole & Corapany. This mechanical business proved the key to his subsequent success. Under the instruction of his brother, Hiram, Mr. Wells began iramediately the raaking of silver spectacles, without the usual three years' apprenticeship. There being no work at the shop the follow ing suraraer he worked at haying for Daniel Perry, of Charieton, about seventeen days, for which he received thirty-five dollars and his board. Mr. Perry then secured hira a position in the machine- shop of the Hamilton Woolen Company, at Globe Village, at one dollar per day. In April, 1865, he came back to the optical works of R. H. Cole & Corapany, where he soon learned the trade of steel spectacle-mak ing. In the fall and winter he worked with E. Edmonds & Son, but in February, 1866, returned to the old corapany, by whora he was eraployed principally in the raaking of dies, tools and machinery. About a year later he decided to visit his sister, Lizzie, then in California. He sailed January 10, 1867, by the way of Panama, there being then no railroad across the plains, arriving at San Fran cisco, February 2. Before leaving Southbridge, he had invested what small funds he had in gold and steel spectacles, which he sold in San Francisco at the sarae norainal prices he had paid for them in Southbridge. But as California was then on a gold basis, the profit was about thirty-three per cent., enough to pay his entire traveling expenses. He raade his horae there with his uncle, the late David B. Cheney, D.D. He obtained employraent in a large machine-shop, at four dollars a day in silver. His uncle's faraily having decided to return East, he concluded to corae with thera, but before leaving took a hurried trip to see the big trees, and the geyser at Hot Springs. He arrived again at Southbridge in August, 1867, and resuraed his old position with R. H. Cole & Corapany. In the spring of 1869 he purchased a controlling interest in the firra of H. C. Araraidown & Corapany, raanufacturers of optical goods, and with his brother Hirara, decided to start a new firra in that business. Having accepted an offer to join the old firra, a new cora pany was incorporated in 1869, under the narae of the American Optical Corapany. Mr. Wells was chosen clerk of the new company and raanager of the steel departraent, and has continued in the ser vice of the company ever since. He was director for many years, GEORGE WASHINGTON WELLS and elected treasurer, November 21, 1879. He was chosen presi dent, February 16, 1891, and held both offices tUl February 8, 1903, when his son, Channing, was chosen treasurer. Beginning, as we have seen, at the very bottom of the ladder, he has thus risen to the active charge of the whole business; and it is admitted by all that the success of the company is largely due to his raanageraent. When he went to Southbridge in 1864 there were but eleven persons in the town engaged in producing optical goods, exclusive of the three members of the firm; now there are two thousand seven hundred, the greater portion of them being in the employ of the American Optical Company. Its factory buildings have undergone constant enlargeraent and iraproveraent, until it is now the largest establish ment of the kind in the world and equipped with every up-to-date ira proveraent. For thirty years past its goods have been accepted as standard and models in Europe, Araerica, Australia and the Orient. The company exports to nearly all countries. Its office in London, located in Hatton Garden, surpasses all others in its line, not only in elegance but in the extent, variety and beauty of the goods displayed. Hardly a generation ago practically all the lenses, test cases, etc., used in this country were iraported from Europe. Now most of the American deraand is supplied by American producers and not an inconsiderable portion of the foreign deraand; not because the American goods are cheaper but because they are better. This great success has been due in no small degree, Mr, Wells believes, to the protective duty on these high-cost goods, and in proof that when there is large domestic competition the duty is not added to the price, he cites with pride the fact that since the goods have been made here in large quantities the prices have fallen thirty-three to fifty per cent. Possessing to an unusual degree the qualities of natural mechanical skill, joined to industry, judgraent and energy, Mr. Wells's career could not be otherwise than successful. Men who know testify that he stands in the front rank of the "Cap tains of Industry" of this country. From his special interest in all mechanical lines, Mr. Wells has naturally been a constant and thorough student in matters pertain ing to his particular business, and has taken out many patents in connection with the same. He has thus come to be considered for many years a patent expert along the lines of optical goods. His business trips in the interest of the American Optical Company GEORGE WASHINGTON WELLS have taken hira into nearly every State of the Union, and have thus secured him a large acquaintance among the optical people of this country, and also in Europe. He has been able to combine pleasure with business, and has made three extended trips to Europe, accorapanied by Mrs. Wells. Naturally, and almost of necessity, Mr. Wells has made a thorough study of tariff questions in relation to American industries, espe cially his own, and has appeared raany tiraes in Washington before the tariff coraraittees of both House and Senate, iraparting infor raation necessary to forming the tariff schedules in regard to materials used in the optical business, and has thus forraed a very pleasant and valuable acquaintance araong the leaders of both branches of Congress. His election to the presidency of the Home Market Club was not sought by him, and his third election in 1907 was an unprecedented honor. All his predecessors had been among the most prominent business and protectionist leaders in Massachusetts. Another honor which carae to hira unsought, was the giving of his name to a six- masted schooner, which was built in Caraden, Maine, and is one of the finest vessels of that class ever built in the United States. In politics, Mr. WeUs is a straightforward Republican; not an office-seeker, or wire-pulling politician, yet few raen can do as much as he by proper raethods to secure right action in important town affairs, whenever he judges best to exert his influence. The high esteera in which he is regarded by the business raen of Southbridge and vicinity may be, in part, suggested by the following offices held by him mostly for raany years: president, Araerican Optical Com pany, Southbridge National Bank, Central Mills Company; director, Southbridge Water Supply Company, Harrington Cutlery Company, Warren Steam Pump Corapany, Worcester Trust Corapany, Worces ter Manufacturers' Mutual Insurance Company, National Shawmut Bank, Boston; trustee and raeraber of Investraent Coramittee of Southbridge Savings Bank; trustee Worcester Academy. In 1888, at the special request of his old friend, Hezekiah Conant, he accepted the appointment as meraber of the Board of Trustees of Nichols Acaderay at Dudley, Massachusetts. He was also ap pointed by Governor Wolcott, and again by Governor Crane, as one of the trustees of the Worcester Insane Asylum. Mr, WeUs has for many years been an active and highly esteemed GEORGE WASHINGTON WELLS member of the local Masonic bodies, also of the Worcester Com mandery, and has attained the thirty-second degree in the Massa chusetts Consistory. Septeraber 27, 1869, Mr. George W. WeUs and Miss Mary E. McGregory, of Southbridge, were raarried. In 1894 the twenty- fifth anniversary of this event was celebrated by a large gathering of the principal people, not only of Southbridge, but of the neighbor ing towns. They have three sons and one daughter. The sons are all active workers, holding prorainent offices in the American Optical Company: Channing M., director and vice-president; Albert B., director and treasurer; J. Cheney, director and clerk; the daughter, Mary E., being the wife of Frank F. Phinney, treasurer and raanager of the Warren Steam Pump Company. There are at the present tirae six grandchUdren. Overlooking the river and valley of the Quinebaug and the extensive works that he has been so largely instruraental in building up, Mr. Wells and his wife enjoy a beautiful home, characterized by simple elegance and good taste, near which are the attractive horaes of his three sons, whose children are alraost as rauch at home in their grandfather's house as in their own. The devotion of his sons to business and their efficiency in the different departments are araong the triuraphs which Mr. Wells conteraplates with solid satis faction in the ripeness of his career. May 1, 1864, Mr. WeUs united with the Baptist Church in South- bridge. He was a raeraber of the church choir for considerable tirae, and has been one of the principal supporters of the church ever since. When the Young Men's Christian Association was started in Southbridge, Mr. Wells was chosen its first president, holding the office for eleven years; and has also served ten years as a member of the Massachusetts State Committee of the Young Men's Christian Association. The chief factors which must be established in the cultivation of true Araericanisra, are, according to hira, — "Honesty, temper ance, industry, determination, perseverance, a horae and famUy if possible in early life, a clean and healthy body and mind, developed and sustained by needed recreation in which mother, wife or chU dren can join; with these things," he says, "everything is possible, and life must be a success." DANIEL BAIRD WESSON DANIEL BAIRD WESSON was born in Worcester in May, 1825, and died at his home in Springfield, August 4, 1906. Behind the personality, the strenuous force that makes cir cumstances rainister to the accoraplishraent of desired results, lay inherited ability as an inventor. Of English origin, the family of Wesson has flourished in America for fully two centuries, its early home being in New Hampshire. In the history of Fitzwilliam (Cheshire County) mention is raade of Jonathan and Molly Wesson, and of their children Jonathan, Polly, and Josiah, all born between 1784 and 1786. Rufus Wesson, the father of Daniel B. Wesson, was a grandson of Abel Wesson of New Hampshire, and he himself was a native of that State. Attracted to Massachusetts by the fascinations of the great workshops there, the father of D. B. Wesson settled at Worcester in early manhood, and shortly became famous in the region for the excellence of his plows. These implements were of wood, and yet their construction was so thorough that their work was entirely satisfactory to the agricultural community. The skill of the inventor and raaker was especially shown in the carving of the convexed curves, and while furrows were turned with shares of wood the Wesson found high favor. When the deraand for these implements fell off, owing to the advent of the cast-iron plow, Mr. Wesson abandoned their manufacture and took up farming. A man of brains as well as skill, he never lost his interest in the mechanic arts. He died at Worcester in 1874, aged eighty-seven yeara. Rufus Wesson married Betsey Baird, of Worcester, who came on both sides of old local families. Of the sarae sturdy stock as her husband, she too reached a green old age, dying at the horae of one of her chUdren in Worcester two yeara subsequent to her husband's deraise, being then in her eighty-eighth year. There were five sons and five daughtera. The boys all inherited their father's love for mechanics. Edwin, the oldest son, apprenticed himself to the ..C- iismi^ J* y^ '101^ jy^T^: DANIEL BAIRD WESSON trade of gun-making under Silas Allen of Shrewsbury, an expert in this line. When out of his time he set up for himself at North boro and acquired considerable reputation as the manufacturer of a firearm of his own invention known as the Wesson rifle. He died about 1850. Rufus and Martin, two younger sons, engaged in shoe manufacturing. Daniel B. Wesson shared with his father and elder brothera the taste for mechanics and invention. Until he was eighteen yeara of age he lived at home, devoting his time about equally between duties on the farm and schooling, slighting neither, yet nuraing a hope that he might soon be free to follow the bent of his inclination. His father seemed to think that the shoe business afforded a fine prospect for him and urged him to master it under his brothers, Rufus and Martin. WhUe Daniel did not relish this field he was constrained to enter it, but he soon found it uncongenial and went back upon the farm. There he essayed some boyish pistol-making, with the old flint-lock of his father as a model. Wooden stocks patiently whittled, and barrels molded from abandoned vessels pf pewter, were deftly put together and fearlessly tested. The lad hoped to be sent off to the shop of his brother Edwin, but his father did not readUy entertain the notion of a second departure, and in the end Daniel had to pay for his time to gain his freedom. He was eighteen when he raade this bargain, and finding that his father valued his time untU attaining his majority at one hundred and fifty doUara, he paid him that sum out of his savings and went off at once to join his eldest brother. It was a good school for the arabitious lad, since it opened the opportunity to master the trade of gunmaking in every detail. In three years he had completed his apprenticeship. He then worked for a time as a journeyraan under his brother, firat at Northboro, then at Hartford, Connecticut, being a partner and superintendent of the shop at the last-naraed place. It is interesting to note that one of the improveraents which was used at this period was the invention of the late Alvan G. Clark, the world-famous telescope maker, who received a liberal royalty on it. This was a small funnel-shaped appliance which was attached to the muzzle of a rifle when loading and shaped the "patch" or bit of cloth in which the bullet was placed before it was rammed home. Upon the death of his brother Edwin, in 1850, Mr. Wesson DANIEL BAIRD WESSON formed a partnerahip with Thomas Warner, a master armorer of acknowledged skill, who had long resided in Worcester. Mr. Warner retired from business about two yeare later. Mr. Wesson then joined his brother Frank, who had a gun-making establishment in the town of Grafton, and there devoted himself to the manu facture of single-barrel target pistols. Thus, step by step, he ac quired a practical mastery of the armorer's craft, and ripened his inventive powera in the school of daily experiment and experience. About this time a Mr. Leonard began to make a stir with an improvement in firearms. Having capital at command he organized the Leonard pistol raanufacturing company with shops at Charles town, Massachusetts. Mr. Wesson was called to his aid as super intendent of the factory and found a somewhat erratic set of inventions submitted for treatment at his skilled hands. Mr. Leonard had sorae idea of a rapid-firing gun, but his plans did not produce an arm that could be discharged with regularity or handled with safety. He had better success with the old "pepper-box," the cluster of barrels fired by a revolving hamraer. As the weapon had no center of fire it was, of course, inaccurate and useless for target practice; yet it obtained sorae vogue and its manufacture was continued at Windsor, Vermont. The change released Mr. Wesson, who was now called to Worcester by the firm of Allen & Luther, who sought his assistance in turning out gun-barrels. It was while with this firm that he became ac quainted with his subsequent partner, Horace Smith. An experi ment about this time carae very near costing Mr. Wesson his life. It was not raade with one of his own constructions, but with the invention of a Colonel Porter, who had come up from the South to find sorae gun-maker capable of making practical his so-called magazine firing arm. The practical eye of Mr. Wesson saw at a glance that the weapon was a thing which no skUl could render available; but pressed by the colonel he undertook to experiment with it and even to exhibit it before a board of ordnance officera. Notwithstanding every percaution in handling it, one of the cham- bera went off independently, sending a bullet whizzing through Mr. Wesson's hat; while another chamber, pointed directly at his body, narrowly missed fire. WhUe giving his days to labor, Mr. Wesson devoted a large part of his nights to thought and study. Out of his refiections and DANIEL BAIRD WESSON experiments came the invention of a practical cartridge that ren dered percussion caps a superfluity. But men without ample means at command are forced to go slowly. Mr. Wesson was brooding over his invention — convinced of its incontestable merit — when Courtland Palmer of New York came forward with a bullet hollowed out in part to receive a charge of powder which was held in place by a plug of cork, the latter perforated to perrait the flash from a primer to ignite the explosive. Although believing his own to be the better invention, Mr. Wesson felt constrained to accept the offer of Mr. Palraer to enlarge his business as a pistol raaker, pro vided the Palmer invention was given the preference. While study ing the Palmer cartridge Mr. Wesson made an improvement on it for which he received a patent. This improvement was the addition of a steel disk on which the hammer could explode the fidminate, thus doing away with the primer. It was in working out this plan that Mr. Wesson became asso ciated with the late Horace Sraith, with whom, in 1852, he formed a partnerahip and established a factory at Norwich, Connecticut. It was here that the two men worked out the principles of the arm now known as the Winchester rifle, an arm which has been much improved, but which in its main points is practically unchanged to-day. They made this rifle for a tirae at Norwich, and later applied a similar principle to pistols and other small arms. Even tually they disposed of their patents to the Volcanic Arms Com pany. In 1855 Mr. Smith retired frora the business and becarae otherwise engaged in Worcester. Mr. Wesson was at once called to the position of superintendent for the Volcanic Arras Company — to which the Winchester Arms Company has since succeeded, and under its auspices the Smith & Wesson cartridge — the first self- priraed raetallic cartridge that had proved practical — was put into use. This cartridge was used in the Spencer rifles during the CivU War, although the government was slow to adopt either cartridges or rapid-fire guns. For yeara the inventors received a royalty on it. Experimenting and testing his ideas incessantly, Mr. Wesson at length succeeded in perfecting a revolver — the peculiarity and merit of which consisted in the fact that the chambers ran entirely through the cylinder. The opportunity for its manufacture came upon the reorganization of the Volcanic Arms Company, who wrote Mr. Wesson as follows: DANIEL BAIRD WESSON New Haven, Feb. 8, 1856. Daniel B. Wesson, Esq., Dear Sir: By vote of the Board of Directors of " The Volcanic Repeating Arms Company" I am hereby instructed to inform you of their acceptance of your resignation of the office of Superintendent of said Company, to take effect on Monday next. And also to acknowledge their appreciation of your services as a mechanic, and the conscientious discharge of your duties as a man. With respect, I am. Very truly yours, Sajil. L. Talcott, Sec, Freed from his engagement, Mr. Wesson joined again with his old partner, Mr. Smith. They hired premises on Market Street in Springfield, in 1857, and with twenty-five workraen began opera tions. In 1860, success having attended their efforts, they built a large factory on Stockbridge Street, where, owing to the heavy deraand for their weapon starting during the Civil War, they came in time to employ six hundred workmen. The governraent, it is true, supplied only the old-fashioned arm with percussion caps; but the public with less conservatism and more wisdom deraanded the improved weapon. In 1870 the attention of the wide-awake ordnance officera of the Russian government was attracted to the Sraith & Wesson revolver, and the result was a contract to supply the Russian army. Two hundred thousand were required for this purpose, and four years were consuraed in filling the contract. In 1874 Mr. Sraith retired, selling out his interest to Mr. Wesson, who, however, did not care to change the style under which the busi ness is conducted. The contract with the Russian government was but the prelude to a succession of contracts frora governments and firms all over the world, and the fiUing of these not only brought wealth to Mr. Wesson, but prosperity to hundreds of skUful work raen and incidentaUy to the city of Springfield. Since 1874 the plant has been materially increased, and it is to-day probably the finest and largest in America for pistol manufacturing, and a model in point of neatness, order, and thoroughness, presenting the most pleasing aspect whether viewed frora without or within. Mr. Wesson was a raan of unflagging industry, and in this respect his habits reraained practicaUy the same as when he was struggling to make his place in the world. His efforts and studies to improve his inventions were never relaxed. Out of these came a number DANIEL BAIRD WESSON of notable improvements which make the weapon of his inventipn indisputably firat pf its kind. One of the most important of these is the automatic extractor which expels the cartridge shells. An other is the safety device in the handle which makes it necessary to apply force in two directions to fire the weapon, although no additional effort is required, a means of preventing the accidental discharge of revolvere applied in what is now known as the " hara- merless safety revolver." Since their introduction in 1887 at least 300,000 of these arms have been placed upon the raarket. The device consists in placing the hammer of the arm entirely within the lock frame so that no external force whatever can be applied to it; and, second, by so arranging the trigger that it cannot be pulled except at the instant of deliberate firing and only by this means. A pistol of this kind cannot possibly be discharged by an ordinary child under eight yeara of age — thus elirainating one painful source of calaraity, and in the hands or on the peraon of an individual of even a lower grade of intelligence the weapon is scarcely any more dangerous to the one carrying it than if it were a block of wood. The invention known as the "rebounding lock" is an additional source of safety and protection which lends extra value to this perfect construction. Fully one third of the yearly output is of the 38-caliber. The other principal models are the 32, 38, and 44, or army size. Single- and double-action weapons are raade; also target pistols and a central fire repeating rifie. All parts are raade to gage and are interchangeable. Reloading and dismounting tools are also raanufactured. The self-lubricating cartridge— long desired and upon which Mr. Wesson expended great thought — was per fected by hira and placed on the raarket. Through its use the highest degree of accuracy is secured with practically no fouling of the barrel. Two of his sons were associated with Mr. Wesson in business; Walter H. Wesson was admitted as partner in 1883 and Joseph H. Wesson in 1887. Both have won their place in the coramunity. The younger son has an especial bent for mechanics, and to him some improvements in raachinery are due. One in particular, bearing on the drilling of gun-barrels, makes it possible for one man to do what it formerly required three to accomplish. The loyalty and devotion of the sons was a reenforcement which any father would value. Mr. Wesson was married in 1847 to Miss DANIEL BAIRD WESSON Cynthia M. Hawes, daughter of Luther Hawes, of Northboro. They had four children: Sarah Janette Wesson, who was married to Dr. Bull of Montreal; Walter H. Wesson; Frank Wesson, whose untimely death was mourned by all who knew him, and Joseph H. Wesson. Mr. and Mra. Wesson had always been much to each other, and the long years of their life together had created an unusual sense of mutual dependence. The chief relaxation from business which Mr. Wesson allowed himself was in driving with his wife. They were intimately acquainted with all the drives about Springfield, and in Northboro, where they had their beautiful summer place, and both were fond of nature. Two large and perfectly equipped hos pitals will constitute enduring raeraorials of husband and wife. Together they joined, early in 1900, in establishing the Wesson Memo rial Hospital in their house on High Street, which they left for the splendid mansion on Maple Street. The hospital building was erected by the side of the forraer High Street home, and on the grounds there is the Maternity Hospital, which Mr. Wesson pro jected. Both of these hospitals, one provided to serve the homeo pathic school of medicine, and the other to raeet the general need of the community, are equipped at all points equal to the best insti tutions of their kind anywhere. The homeopathic hospital was completed at a cost of $350,000, and the forraer Wesson house, valued at $50,000 is used as a horae for nurees. The Maternity Hospital on Myrtle and High Streets cost $400,000. Masterahip in the invention, development, and perfection of modern sraall arras, during an active business career of over half a century, raade Daniel B. Wesson notable. He belonged to the school of men who preferred to let their work speak for itself, and are ever "diligent in business." The Smith & Wesson revolver is known wherever firearms are used, and the reticent New Englander who devised it and studied out the iraproveraents which one by one have gone to making it the most complete modern arm of its kind was content with that. Mr. Wesson had his share in developing other local enterprises, while his investment interests were extensive. He was president of the Cheney Bigelow Wire Works and was one of the foundera of the Firat National Bank of Springfield, and for many yeara was one of its directora. In political views he was strongly Republican. A man of pronounced views on temperance, he has embodied his sentiraents in two raassive drinking fountains. DANIEL BAIRD WESSON He enforced temperance in so far as he could among his employees. His independence of character made him outspoken and free from sham and pretence in social life, business, or religion. Mr. Wesson was able to give play to his love for architectural construction. He buUt in Northboro a handsome sumraer residence upon an attractive estate, the old homestead where Mrs. Wesson was born and lived untU her marriage. It is a landmark in central Massachusetts, and an object of admiration and pride to the people of that region. His Maple Street house in Springfield is one of the finest in New England. As an inventor and mechanic, Mr. Wesson took his place among the exceptional men. In hira was the unusual union of an inventor who was also a competent manufacturer. Mr. Wesson being of a retiring nature never cared to talk about himself, and it was not easy to get at the facts of his career. The facts of this sketch were obtained from Mr. Wesson and verified by him. They consti tute a most interesting contribution touching the beginnings and development of an industry of international scope. JOHN WILSON WHEELER JOHN WILSON WHEELER is a notable example of what a person endowed with intellect, with good physical equipment and with a high purpose may accomplish in spite of unfavor able circumstances hampering the beginning of his career. He would probably decline to admit that they were unfavorable cir cumstances, since the energy eraployed in overcoming them becomes the most valuable factor in success. Given two boys of equal abUity, one furnished with every facility that raoney, fanuly connections and influence can procure, and the other with only arabition, stead fastness, and good principles, the odds are that the boy with the handicap of circurastances will corae out ahead. Born of good New England stock — the narae of Holraes, Warden, Dexter and Harrington occurring araong his iraraediate ancestry — he typifies that adrairable class of the sturdy yeoraanry of this coun try, the fine flower reaching up into an aristocracy of character and dignity and rewarded with all the blessings which abundant means and honors from his feUow raen can bestow. The career of such a man is an inspiration. His father, WUspn Wheeler, whose life covered a good part of the last century, was a carpenter and builder in the town of Orange, in the western part of Massachusetts. In addition to his trade he served as constable and collector of taxes and for many years was deputy sheriff for eastern Franklin County. His wife was Catherine H. Warden, of Worcester. There was no race suicide dreamed of in those days and though a family of nine strained the resources of the parents it was a burden cheerfully borne. Naturally the boys and girls, as they developed, began early to help in the exacting labors of a country horae. John Wilson Wheeler was next to the oldest; he was born Novem ber 20, 1832. From his father he inherited a well-built figure, a robust constitution and remarkable powers of endurance, but his facial characteristics reserabled those of his raother's faraUy. He JOHN WILSON WHEELER made the most of the extremely liraited educational advantages that the town offered. The terras of the district school were short, but he was an apt scholar and assimiliated the simple but efficient and wholesorae instruction there given in the old-fashioned manner by the teacher that boarded around. His formal education, to misuse a term, was polished off with a few weeks at a select school, taught by Beriah W. Fay, of New Salem. The months when school "didn't keep " could be hardly called vacation. Every day and every wak ing hour was fiUed with chores and the variegated work required of a healthy boy in such a family. Young Wheeler found time, even when qmte young, to earn a little supplementary money by driving the cows of sorae of the neighbors to and frora pasture. Afterwards he obtained chances to work out and was thus enabled to buy his own clothes. He learned the carpenter's trade, but neither carpentering nor farming was very congenial to him, until two years after he had at tained his majority did he find any opportunity to exchange the car penter's bench for commercial life, which seemed to be raore in the line of his instincts and tastes. At last, when he was twenty-three, he was offered a position as clerk in a grocery store in Fitchburg, at a salary of one hundred and twenty-five dollars a year and board, but his employer was so well satisfied with his services that he voluntarily gave him an additional twenty-five dollars. In 1856 he returned to Orange and entered the general store of Daniel Poraeroy with whora he reraained three years and whom he succeeded. When his business was settled at the end of another three years he found that he had made but little beyond his living expenses; but he had won a reputation in the community as a young man of ability and unimpeachable integrity, so that when, at the end of a year's service in the Claira Agency office of D. E. Cheney, an opportunity arose for hira to purchase a grocery store, fully stocked; three gentleraen, including his eraployer, advanced hira the necessary funds. This venture fully warranted the confidence which his friends had shown and he only relinquished it in 1867 when he en tered the firm of A. F. Johnson & Corapany, who had established in a small way the business of manufacturing sewing-machines at Orange. This was the turning-point of his life. It was no easy position, although the firm at that time employed only about forty workmen. JOHN WILSON WHEELER The sewing-raachine was as yet only in its experiraental stage; there were all kinds of improvements to be made and troubles regarding patents made difficulties. Mr. Wheeler, who was then thirty-five years of age and in the prirae of his vigorous manhood, took hold with tremendous energy. For a long time he did the work of several raen in the office and when the business was made a corporation in 1869, under the narae of "The Gold Medal Sewing Machine Com pany," he was selected secretary and treasurer. In January, 1882, the narae was changed to its present title — "The New Home Sewing Machine Company." Of this, as well as of the previous organiza tion, Mr. Wheeler has been the secretary and treasurer, and from 1882 to 1898, vice-president as well as secretary and treasurer. In this latter year he was elected to the presidency, consequently the secretaryship was given to another. He still holds the office of president and treasurer. He has had the satisfaction of seeing the business grow from a limited output to a capacity of not less than six hundred raachines a day, eraploying an army of over eight hun dred workmen in the various departraents. Of late years he has been soraewhat relieved of the details of the raanageraent which outstripped the energies of any one man and the affairs of the com pany are now carefully administered by a corps of assistants. Being somewhat freer he was enabled to take an interest in other enterprises tending to the growth and welfare of his native town. He is president of the Orange National Bank and, until the new State law compelled him to relinquish one or the other, was president of the Orange Savings Bank, of which he still remains a trustee. He is president of the Leavett Machine Corapany, which has been one of the very successful enterprises of Orange. He has been president of the Orange Board of Trade, and in order to foster industry he himself built a large factory by the railroad and supplied it with steam power. It is rented to the New England Box Company which gives employraent to a large nuraber of hands. The suburb where these eraployees are housed in corafortable dwellings, built especially to accoraraodate them and in convenient access to the mill, perpetuates the name of the public-spirited citizen who has done so much for thera. Another enterprise in which he takes just pride is the laying out of a large tract of land, north of the vUlage, into streets and building lots. This is known as Orange Highlands, and from the advantages of its situation it cannot help becoming the favorite JOHN WILSON WHEELER residence portion of the town. Nor have his activities been con fined to his native Orange. He is president of the Boston Mutual Life Insurance Company which it has been his ambition to make the safest and most reliable in the world, and also he is a director in the Boston Securities Company. He is one of the directors and stockholders in the Athol and Orange Street Railway Company. He was one of the founders of the Orange Lodge of Freemasons in 1869, and was its firat secretary and afterwards its treasurer. He is a member of the Crescent Royal Arch Chapter and gave several years service as its treasurer and he is also a member of the Orange Commandery of Knights Teraplars. Mr. Wheeler, as might well be supposed, has taken an active interest in politics. Since the organization of the Republican party he has been a consistent upholder of its principles and yet, in spite of his zeal in proraoting its welfare and his prominent cooperation in assuring its success, he has in large raeasure raodestly refrained from accepting the high public offices which his fellow townsmen would have been glad to confer upon him. From 1861 until 1867 he served as town clerk. He has been one of the selectraen of Orange and in 1876 was elected to the Massachusetts Legislature from the First Franklin District and on taking his seat was chosen as a member of the committee of finance. In 1888 he was elected as one of the delegates from the Eleventh Massachusetts District to the National Republican Convention at Chicago, where Harrison and Morton received the noraination as presidential candidates. In 1904 he was elected alternate delegate to the National Convention at Chicago, which placed in noraination Roosevelt and Fairbanks. In 1904 Mr. Wheeler was elected one of the governor's councU frora the Eighth Councilor District, serving with Governor Williara L. Douglas, and the following year, when Curtis Guild, Jr., was elected governor, he was reelected to the same honorable position and served one year with his adrainistration. In 1908, being the unaniraous choice, he was elected delegate from the Second Massachusetts Congres sional District to the National Republican Convention at Chicago. Although Mr. Wheeler is extremely social by nature, he has been so absorbed in his great financial undertakings that he has had com paratively little tirae to devote to the deraands of society. But when he has been able to put aside the cares of business he has taken keen pleasure in intercourse with his friends whom he is fond JOHN WILSON WHEELER of meeting in an informal manner. It is the universal verdict that at such times he is a most interesting companion. One of his strongest traits is his affection for his native town and he is always devising sorae raeans of benefiting its citizens in some practical way. Few men of his raeans and with so raany teraptations to take up a residence in Boston or sorae larger city have resided so continuously in their birthplace. His elegant house is one of the finest in western Massachusetts. It has been Mr. Wheeler's boast that never more than twice, and that when he was a mere youth, beginning to make his way, has he been absent from Orange for as much as a twelvemonth. He has never crossed the ocean, but he has traveled extensively in this country, his widely-extended interests taking him to many distant cities. Mr. Wheeler was married October 9, 1856, to Almira E., one of the seven daughters of Daniel and Almira Porter Johnson, of North Orange, at whose house the cereraony was performed by the Rev. Levi Ballou. Of the three children born of this union only one, the oldest, Marion L., survives, and with her husband, Everett L. Swan, continues to have her home with her parents. The other two, Clara Jane and Rosa A., died in infancy. Mr. Wheeler has always been temperate and free from the injuri ous habits that undermine the health and morals of raany raen. He is fond of saying: "When once a habit is forraed it is not an easy matter to relieve yourself of it." "A young man should give thought to what calling in life he is best fitted for, and if it is clear to him and the conditions are favorable he should associate himself with that line of work as early as possible and stick to it. He will then succeed and life wiU not seem one of slavery; on the contrary, he will enjoy his work." He fully believes that no great results can be attained by any one without earnest faithful effort in sorae one direction. He says that a man " raust have sorae laudable aira in life. Strive to make one's self useful. Select good associations, be willing, if congenial em ployment is offered, to commence the labor, even if it appears near the ground fioor, then there will be something to aspire to higher up the ladder. No one needs to expect great lasting success if he waits, expecting to begin at the top without experience. The tongue needs to be guarded in its use; it is not weU to divulge to everybody all your thoughts and plans, work them out thoughtfully and silently; JOHN WILSON WHEELER if success has attended the efforts you have something of merit to present; boasting of what one is going to do rarely produces any thing worthy of credit." He realizes that what he has acquired has corae through being loyal to the best interests of whatever he under took. One of his most characteristic qualities has been his power of application, his ability to stick to his purpose through thick and thin, no raatter what discouragements may have for the time arisen. When he first began life, the work which was laid out for him was not all congenial. He felt that in such a vital matter his own desires and wishes should prevail and rather than go on in what he knew would prove increasingly distasteful to him, he turned his back on his trade, "burnt his bridges" behind him and without asking any one's counsel he took up commercial life, knowing in his own heart that he was better fitted for that than for raechanical pursuits or farming. And he was abundantly justified, not only in the success that has attended him, but also in the never-failing pleasure that he has taken in going regularly to the engrossing routine of his busi ness. Yet it raust not be thought that he despises farraing. On the contrary, he possesses a large farm, named from the beauty of its location " Grand View," not far from his place of business. He can, from the broad veranda of his home, overlook the business part of his town, and the residence section as well; and here he often re tires to enjoy the quiet and charm of Nature and the luxuries of a country diet. When a man has capacity to carry out all the details of vast and coraplicated enterprises and to win success frora all sorts of diffi culties his methods are worth studying. It wUl be seen that Mr. Wheeler has had splendid vigor, indefatigable energy, keen insight, a knowledge of men, and above all a sense of honor which coordinated all his dealings with his fellow men. He thus won their respect, their admiration, their hearty cooperation. Strict attention to his duties, perfect faithfulness to every requirement, signal ability, honesty and the courage of his convictions are his distinguishing qualities. Life when properly observed is a great university, and the training that a man receives in such a career as Mr. Wheeler's is the very best kind of education. Happy is the town and the State that can number such men as he among those whom they can honor. ni_t. ui^xvL.i\^J.|. T a39002 002935329b