• Wft tr»I->'-t*' ''•JU l.».t,j»t*i 4.^,^ -. 1911 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES IN THREE VOLUMES VOLUME in DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES SECRETABT OF THE NAVY UNDER LINCOLN AND JOHl^SON WLTH AN INTRODUCTION BY JOHN T. MORSE, JR. AND WITH UiUSTRATIONS VOLUME m JANUARY 1, 1867— JUNE 6, 1869 BOSTON AND NEW TORK HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY ^{)e Stiberiiibe pK0 CambntiQe 1911 COPYRIGHT, 1909, AND I9IO, BY EDGAR T. WELLES COPYRIGHT, I9II, BY EDGAR T. WELLES AND HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Published October iqh CONTENTS XLV JANUARY, 1867 Cabinet Discussion of the Message vetoing the District of Columbia Reorganization Bill — The Bay of Samand. Purchase Scheme meets with DiflBculties — Congress overrides the Veto — Representative Ashley of Ohio introduces a Resolution to impeach the President — Seward submits to the Cabinet the Articles of a Proposed Treaty with Prussia — An Amnesty Proclamation agreed upon — The President asks the Opinions of the Cabinet Members in regard to Territorializing the States — Senator Grimes as Chairman of the Naval Committee — General Grant's Position on the District of Co lumbia Suffrage Bill — His Lack of Political Principles — The Sen atorial Fight in Pennsylvania results in the Nomination of Cam eron — Roscoe Conkling nominated in New York — Cabinet Dis cussion of the Right of a Territory to organize itself as a State — The Senatorial Elections — Conkling, Cameron, and Trumbull — The Italian and Chilian Missions — Motley resigns as Minister to Austria — Seward's Calls at the Capitol — The Cabinet decides not to sell out the Dunderberg to the Contractor — The Swatara re turning from Nice with Surratt — Action of the House in regard to the Ship Idaho — The President vetoes the Colorado and Nebraska Bills — The Army moving to get Possession of the Indian Bureau — A Committee from North Carolina submits a Reconstruction Pro posal to the President, 3 XLVI FEBRUARY, 1867 The Circumstances attending Motley's Resignation discussed in Cab inet — The North Carolina Plan published in the Richmond Papers — The Matter of the R, R, Cuyler, bought by the Colombian Gov ernment and seized by the United States — Failure of the Samand. Negotiations — Thaddeus Stevens's Proposal to establish Military Governments in the Southern States opposed in the House — Banks leads the Opposition — Stanton's Sensational Report on the En forcement of the Civil Rights Act — Plain Talk with the President about Stanton — Stevens's Bill passes the House — Sherman's Sub stitute adopted in the Senate — The House makes Further Amend ments — Impeachment discussed in the Cabinet — The Tenure-of- OflSce Bill condemned in the Cabinet 34 vi CONTENTS XLVII MARCH, 1867 Seward and Stanton prepare the Veto Message on the Tenure-of-Office Bill — Vetoes of this and the Military Govemment Bill sent in — Reverdy Johnson's Extraordinary Course — Butler's Animosity towards Grant — The Chances of Impeachment — The Close of One Congress and the Beginning of Another — The Powers of the Military Governors — The President's Exclamation in regard to Impeachment — Ex-Congressman Law of Indiana on Andrew Johnson — The President's Reticence — Randall's Conciliatory At titude towards the Radicals — Stanton apparently to select the Military Governors — Sickles among the Generals chosen as Gov ernors — Wgil^Street's Influence in Congress — The Alaska Pur chase Treaty^^^TJealE of Charles Eames — His Career — Senator Foster and the Austrian Mission — No Opposition to the Russian Treaty in the Cabinet — The ex-Confederate Admiral of the Peru vian Navy to be saluted by American Officers — Indian Affairs — The President wishes to offer the Austrian Mission to General Blair — Judge Blair's Story of the Action of General Grant and General Dick Taylor against Seward and Stanton — Private Secre tary Moore's Relations with Stanton — Congress refuses to adjourn — The Alaskan Treaty signed — Seward tells ex-Minister Bigelow how he shaped Lincoln's Cabinet 54 XLVIII APRIL AND MAY, 1867 Union Success in the Connecticut Election — Seward seeks to reward a Political Trimmer with the Cuban Consul-Generalship — The Pre sident receives Word that an Injunction against him is to be asked from the Supreme Court — Conversation with General Butler on Public Affairs — The Senate confirms the Alaska Purchase Treaty — Attempts to fill the Cuban Consul-Generalship — ¦ Admiral Goldsborough seeks through his Wife to be retained on the Active List — Senator Wilson electioneering in the South — Thaddeus Stevens denies Wilson's Authority to make Promises — Governor English of Connecticut — Most of his Message to the Legislature written by Secretary Welles — A Delegation of Japanese visits the President — The House Judiciary Committee seeking Evidence on which to impeach — McCulloch talks plainly to the President about — Stanton — The French buying War Vessels in the United States — Seward considers acquiring Snake Island in the West Indies — Wilkes Booth's Diary — The Price of the Danish West Indies — Attorney-General Stanbery examining the Military Government Act — The Indian Troubles — The Japanese conclude to buy the Ship Stonewall — The President to visit North Carolina .... 77 CONTENTS vii XLIX JUNE, 1867 The President goes to North Carolina, accompanied by Seward and Randall — Chief Justice Chase to hold Court in North Carolina — The Judiciary Committee decides against Impeachment but reports a Resolution of Censure against the President — A Visit to the Naval Academy with Admiral Farragut — Parting with Farragut — Far- ragut the Great Hero of the War — Sheridan's Removal of Gov ernor Wells of Louisiana — Stanbery's Liberal Interpretation of the Military Government Act — Talk with Governor Pease of Texas — A Faction in Colombia proposes to tax Foreign Residents — Sew ard's Presidential Ambitions and Craze for the Acquisition of Ter ritory — The Attorney-General's Opinion on the Reconstruction Bills an Able Document — Mrs. Goldsborough presses the Admir al's Claims to Retention on the Active List — The President invites Secretary Welles to accompany him on a Journey to Boston — Cabinet Discussion of the Attorney-General's Opinion on the Mili tary Govemment Law — Commander Roe's Action in seizing Santa Anna — The President starts for Boston — The Publication of Cabinet Proceedings — Sheridan's Insubordination — The President's Faltering Conduct — His Administration a Failure — General Sickles's Letter against the Secretary of the Navy — The President courteously received in New England — Grant's Probable Candidacy — Montgomery Blair's Opinion of Grant as a General — Admiral Farragut sails for Europe with two of the Secretary's Sons accompanying him — Conversation with the President on his Return from the South 101 JULY, 1867 Seward proposes to purchase Two Islands from Denmark for $7,400,000 — Cabinet Discussion of Sheridan's Letter to Grant — Maximilian shot in Mexico — Congress meets in Extra Session — General Hal leck proposed as Commissioner to go to Alaska — Seward justifies Commander Roe in the Capture of Santa Anna — Stanton ignores the President in addressing a Communication directly to the Speaker of the House — Reconstruction Bill passed — The Influ ence of Seward and Stanton on the Administration — Conversation with a Member of the British Pariiament on Constitutions and Re construction — The President vetoes the Reconstruction Bill with out consulting the Cabinet — Congress passes a Resolution of Sym pathy with Cretan Insurrectionists — General Banks calls to urge a Removal and an Appointment — The President's Leniency in Mat ters of Pardon — Troops sent to Tennessee — Grant's Change of Views — General Rousseau proposed for Sheridan's Place — Pro- viii CONTENTS posal to appoint Frederick Douglass to the Head of the Freedmen's Bureau — The President receives Papers revealing a Conspiracy to manufacture Evidence against him — Sheridan removes Gov ernor Throckmorton of Texas and appoints E. M. Pease in his Place — McCulloch discouraged at the Political Outlook 124 LI AUGUST, 1867 The President consults with his Cabinet as to the Advisability of removing Sheridan — The Conover AUegations — McCuUoch's Compromises — His Great Ability as a Financier — Grant depre cates the Removal of Sheridan — Grant going over to the Radicals — Conversation with the President as to the Possibihty of Stanton's Retirement — Postmaster-General Randall asks for Leave of Ab sence — The President requests Stanton to resign — Stanton re fuses — The Tenure-of-Office Act in Relation to the Question of Stanton's Removal — Randall's Shakiness — Thurlow Weed's At tack on Chase — Secretary Welles advises the President to remove Judge-Advocate-General Holt with Stanton and to appoint one of the Blairs Secretary of War — The President discusses the Matter with Montgomery Blair — The Jury in the John H. Surratt Case disagrees — The President suspends Stanton and appoints General Grant ad interi-m — General Sickles prohibits Civil Process in his Military Department — Alleged Conspiracy against Judge-Advo cate-General Holt — Stanton's Dismissal makes Little Commotion — Correspondence between the President and General Grant re lative to the Removal of Sheridan — Gfinvf-^jjitinp ""t^ ^'•anti "" the Subject of Reconstruction — A Po1it,i(;;al Tfrnnra.Tinii!^ — General Sickles announces his intention of obstructing the United States Court — Passage between Grant and Assistant Attorney-General Binckley in Cabinet — Suspicions in regard to Randall — A Reor ganization of the Cabinet talked of in the Papers — Conversation with Montgomery Blair about Grant — Grant, insubordinate in Cabinet, is rebuked by the President — The President's Strength and Weaknesses 149 LII SEPTEMBER, 1867 Grant's Insubordination — Form of a Proclamation of General Pardon — Newspaper Rumors of Differences between the President and Grant — Amnesty proclaimed — Newspaper Reports of an In tended Prorogation of Congress in case of an Attempt at Impeach ment — Exercises at the Antietam Battle-Field — Governor Geary's Followers try to turn the Affair into a Radical Demonstration — Death of Sir Frederick Bruce — The President consults with Lewis CONTENTS ix V. Bogy of St. Louis — Jeremiah S. Black as an Adviser of the President — The Case of Paymaster Belknap — The Sale of Iron clads discussed in Cabinet — General Sickles asks for a Court of Inquiry — The Question of the Power of State and Municipal Courts to discharge Men enlisted in the United States Service — The Attorney-General consulted on the Subject — The Matter dis cussed in Cabinet — Stanbery's Views as to the Habeas Corpus Writ — Admiral Godon on the Naval Battle at Port Royal . . .193 LIII OCTOBER, 1867 Attorney-General Stanbery reads his Opinion on the Habeas Corpus Case — The President calls General Sherman to Washington — Colonel Cooper on the Political Situation in New York State — A Sketch of Party Politics in New York — James A. Seddon's Appli cation for Pardon — Governor Cox of Ohio mentioned for the War Portfolio — General Blair's Qualifications for the Position — Sher man's Relations with Grant — Election Returns from Pennsylvania and Ohio indicate an Overthrow of the Radicals — The President has a Frank Talk with Grant, who assures him that he should ex pect to obey Orders — Boutwell disavows any Intention of attempt ing to arrest the President 218 LIV NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER, 1867 Cabinet Discussion of the Question of Arrest — The President's Mes sage — The Judiciary Committee of the House reports in favor of Impeachment — The President's Message to the Senate giving Rea sons for suspending Stanton — The Alabama Claims discussed in Cabinet — A Complaint from Alabama against General Pope's Op pression — Grant's Presidential Aspirations — Senator Nye intro duces a Bill to establish a Board of Survey to supervise the Naval Bureaus — Admiral Porter thought to be behind it — Porter's Services and Ambition — Thurlow Weed moving for Grant — The Retirement of Captain R. W, Meade, U.S.N., called up for Re vision — Raymond and the Philadelphia Convention 237 LV JANUARY, 1868 Senator Grimes wishes to reorganize the Engineer Corps of the Navy — Jealousy between the Line Officers and the Engineers — The Indian "War" — Stanton's Case in Congress — Charles Francis Adams resigns the Ministry to England — The President considers appoint- X CONTENTS ing General McCIellan to the Place — John Sherman's Instability — Grant leaves the War Department — His Explanation of his Course, made in Cabinet — Will Stanton resign? — The Naval Estimates and the House Committee on Appropriations — Grant keeps away from the White House — Mrs, Welles's Reception — Grant's Interview with Stanton — The Political Situation in Con necticut — Grant writes the President denying the Reports of his Action in abandoning his Position as Secretary of War ad interim . 252 LVI FEBRUARY, 1868 Grant's Treachery — Conversation with the President on the Subject of Preparation for an Emergency — Proposal to make Washington a Military Department and order Sherman to it — Excitement over the Correspondence between the President and Grant — Grant's Account of his Interview with Stanton — Grant's Dislike for and Subjection to Stanton — - His Indifference to Human Life — Stan ton goading the Radicals to Impeachment — He dreads being out of Place — The President sends to the House the Account of his In terview with Grant, with the Statements of the Cabinet Members — Hancock remonstrates against an Order of Grant's — General Lorenzo Thomas ordered to resume his Duties as Adjutant-General at Washington — A New Military Department created at Wash ington and Sherman placed in Command — Sherman asks to be ex cused from coming to Washington — The President removes Stan ton — McCIellan nominated as Minister to England — Excitement in Congress over Stanton's Removal — Adjutant-General Thomas arrested — The President nominates Thomas Ewing Secretary of War — Stanbery an Honest Lawyer and Faithful to the President, but too Dependent on Precedents in an Emergency — Jeffries, Reg ister of the Treasury, ad-vises the President to use Strong Measures — Officers summoned from an Evening Party — General Thomas's Unfitness for the Place of Secretary of War ad interim — The Ques tion of the Tenure of the Four Hold-over Members of the Cabinet — The House votes to impeach the President — Conversation with John Bigelow on the Situation — Repugnance of the Conserv ative Senators to the Possibility of Wade's becoming President — General Lorenzo Thomas arrested and then discharged — Sugges tions as to the Democratic Candidate for the Presidency — A Nitro- Glycerine Scare in Congress — Stanbery considers resigning to de vote himself to the President's Cause 269 LVII MARCH, 1868 Preparations for the Impeachment Trial — The Notice of Impeach ment served on the President — Selecting the President's Counsel CONTENTS xi — Stanbery determines to resign his Cabinet Position before under taking the President's Case — Stanton fortified in the War Depart ment — Radical Victory in the New Hampshire Election — A Sketch of New Hampshire Politics — Stanbery hands in his Resig nation — The President's Ill-considered Talks with Newspaper Men — Senator Sherman "srishes a Naval Lieutenant court-martialed for using Disrespectful Language of Congress — ¦ The President's Un- communicativeness — Judge Black on Seward's Handling of the Alta Vela Affair — The Impeachment Proceedings open with Little Excitement — ¦ Judge Black withdraws from the President's Case — Probable Reasons for his Course — A Spirit of Mischief in the Ha waiian Islands — Black's Letter to the President withdrawing from the Case and denouncing Seward's Conduct in the Alta Vela Matter — Wilson and Sumner and the Nava,! Appropriation Bill — Gen eral Butler's Opening in the Impea,Bfim^nt Trial 300 LVIII APRIL, 1868 Gloomy Political Outlook in Connecticut — English reelected, how ever, by an Increased Majority — Curtis opens for the President in the Impeachment Trial — Consultation as to the Introduction of General Sherman's Testimony — The Need of a Lawyer who can meet Butler and Bingham on their own Ground — Sherman's Testimony admitted — Secretary Welles on the Stand — Manager Wilson's Elaborate Speech interjected into the Proceedings — The President nomi"''^'?P General Schofield n.a Het^retarv of WaiT— Kfenator Grimes on the Impeachment Trial — Surmises as to the President's P'"'Bf>rif *'"'' "fiminatine Schofield — Vice-Admiral Porter said to be fishing for the Secretaryship of the Navy — The Speeches of Thaddeus Stevens and Thomas Williams — Stanbery, though ill, is confident of Success — Evarts's Speech 328 LIX MAY, 1868 A Visit to Mount Vernon — The President's Disappointment at Black's Desertion — The Outcome of the Impeachment hanging in the Bal ance — The Doubtful Senators — The Carpet-Bag Constitutions of Arkansas and South Carolina transmitted to Congress — Bing ham's Closing Speech for the Prosecution — Congressional Inquiry into the Sale of the Ironclads Oneota and Catawba — The Case of the Hannah Grant — An Exciting Afternoon and Evening in the Senate — Speeches of Sherman, Grimes, Trumbull, and Fessenden — Hopeful Outlook — The Vote on Impeachment postponed — Illness of Senator Grimes — Public Opinion manufactured in Wash ington by the Radicals — The Vote on the Eleventh Article fails to xii CONTENTS convict the President — A Call on Senator Grimes — Attack on Ross of Kansas for his Vote in favor of the President — The Candi dates before the Repubhcan Convention at Chicago — Grant and the Radicals — Rumors of Cabinet Changes — Japanese Affairs — Grant and Colfax nominated at Chicago — The Acquittal of the President — The News comes to the Cabinet in Session — Charges of Corruption — Stanton leaves the War Department — His Char acter and Abilities and his Administration of the Department — Schofield's Appointment as Secretary of War sticks in the Senate — A Seminole Chief on the Written Constitution 343 LX JUNE, 1868 Whites and Blacks in the Washington Election — Death of ex-Pre sident Buchanan — His Character — Oregon goes Democratic — Stanbery, renominated as Attorney-General, is rejected by the Sen ate — The Senate compliments Stanton — The Powers of the Comptrollers and Auditors in the Treasury Department — Chase talked of for the Presidency — Burlingame and the Chinese Am bassadors — City Election in Washington — Chase's Candidacy for the Democratic Nomination to the Presidency — Hopelessness of President Johnson's Desire for the Nomination — Admiral Porter and the Controversy between the Line and Staff Officers of the Navy — The Intelligencer attacks McCulloch — Congressional In quiry into the Sale of the Ironclads Oneota and Catawba — The House accepts the Arkansas Constitution over the President's Veto — The Attack on McCulloch instigated by Seward — Evarts nom inated Attorney-General — Intimations of Another Impeachment Movement 374 LXI JULY, 1868 A Proclamation of General Amnesty read in Cabinet — Jefferson Da vis the only Person excepted — The President draws' up another making no Exception — The New York Convention nominates Horatio Seymour and Francis P. Blair — An Unfortunate Nomina tion — The Result brought about by the Tammany Managers — Disappointment of the President — Seward Close-mouthed on the Nominations — Conversation with the President in regard to Seward, Stanton, and McCulloch — Doolittle invited to become an Independent Candidate — The President prepares a Message recommending Certain Changes in the Constitution — Cabinet Dis cussion of it — A Talk with Montgomery Blair — The Blairs and the President — Evarts takes his Seat in the Cabinet — The Two New Cabinet Members, Schofield and Evarts — John A. Griswold CONTENTS xiii claiming Credit for the Monitor to the Exclusion of the Navy De partment — Congress, instead of adjourning, takes a Recess till September 21 — Seward reads in Cabinet a Proclamation relating to the Fourteenth Amendment — General Banks and the Navy Yard Appointments — Conditions in Georgia 393 LXII AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, 1868 A Tour of Inspection of the Navy Yards — Talk of an Extra Session of Congress — The Railroads and Congress — Sanford E. Church and Dean Richmond (the younger) on a Political Mission from New York — The Power of State Sheriffs to call on Army Officers for Assistance — Death of Thomas H. Seymour — His Career and the Part played in it by Mr, Welles — Radical Gains in the Maine Election — The "Alexandrine Chain" — Senator Morgan and Representative Schenck issue a Call for Congress to reassemble — Congress meets and adjourns — General John A, Dix's anti- Seymour Letter — His Character and Political Views — Marriage of Robert T. Lincoln — The Pacific Railroad 422 LXIII OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER, 1868 Dahlgren's Management of the Ordnance Bureau — The Political Out look — Getting the Election Returns — Proposal to withdraw Sey mour and substitute another Democratic Candidate for the Pre sidency — The Democratic Mistake and how it came about — The Governor of Arkansas asks for Arms — Troops to be sent to Mem phis — Seward's Table of Treaties — Dinner of the New York Bar to Attorney-General Evarts — Grant's Spite against Members of the Cabinet — Minister Washburn in Paraguay — Minister Rev erdy Johnson submits a Protocol on the Alabama Claims — Discus sion of the Subject 445 LXIV DECEMBER, 1868 Report on the Pacific Railroad — The New York Evening Post on Van derbUt and the Merrimac — The Alabama Claims — Congress as- "sembles — Senator Trumbull makes an Unreasonable Request — The President's Annual Message and its Reception in Congress — Proposal to annex San Domingo — Attorney-General Evarts and the Law relating to Courts Martial — Grant's Probable Course as President — Discussion of the Finances of the Country — Fox's Conversation with Admiral Porter — Formal Acquisition of League xiv CONTENTS Island for the New Navy Yard — Bowles of the SpringfiM Repub lican arrested at the Suit of Fisk — Relations of Grant with Pre sident Johnson and Members of the Cabinet — Cabinet Discussion of the Currency Question — The End of an Eventful Year . . . 472 LXV JANUARY, 1869 The President's New Year's Reception — Grant's Failure to call on the President — The President decides not to attend Grant's Inaugura tion — The Naval Surgeons seeking to be made Commodores — Death of General Rousseau — The Tenure-of-Office Repeal Bill passes the House — Seward concludes his Fifty-sixth Treaty — Evarts favors abandoning Confiscation Proceedings — Senatorial Elections — The Alabama Claims Treaty discussed in Cabinet — Fenton defeats Morgan for the Republican Senatorial Nomination — Seward's Subserviency to Grant — Senator Grimes introduces a Bill to reorganize the Navy 496 LXVI FEBRUARY, 1869 Students of Georgetown College visit the President — John P, Hale as Minister to Spain — General Schofield advocates consolidating the War and Navy Departments — President Lincoln's Clemency to wards the Defeated South — Did Grant and Sherman aot under In structions from him in making the Terms of the Surrender? — Sena tor Morrill of Vermont compliments the Administration of the Xa"vy Department — Insurrection in Cuba — The Butler and Bingham Factions among the Radicals — General Dix resigns as Minister to France — Hawley urged for Grant's Cabinet — The Panama Canal Treaty — Grant's Nepotism — Simeon Johnson and Coombs's Claim — Johnson's Ignorance of the Duties of the Departments — Grant's Cabinet still in Doubt — The Question of governing Alaska — The Course to be followed by President Johnson and his Cabinet on Inauguration Day 518 LXVII MARCH, 1869 Discussion of the Inauguration Ceremonies — The President's Last Reception — Good-byes at the Department — How President Johnson and his Cabinet spent the Last Moments of the Adminis tration — The Inaugural Ceremonies and Procession — Grant's Cabinet — A.T, Stewart illegally nominated Secretary of the Treas ury — Sumner's Wrath at Grant's Course in regard to his Cabinet CONTENTS XV — Stewart, after offering to trustee his Business, finally declines the Secretaryship — Pressure for BoutweU as Secretary of the Treasury — Mr, Faxon and Mr, E, T, Welles leave the Navy Department — Hamilton Fish succeeds Washbume as Secretary of State and the Latter is appointed Minister to France — General Rawlins made Secretary of War — Admiral Porter, in charge of the Navy De partment, appoints Chief Engineer King in Isherwood's Place — Porter's Management of the Department — Debate on the Repeal of the Tenure-of-Office Act — Grant's Scheme of reorganizing the Navy — Moses H. Grinnell made Collector at New York — Porter's Intrusion in the Navy Department — The Story of his Appointment as Vice-Admiral — • Butler expresses Contempt for Grant — Ex-President Johnson in Tennessee — Montgomery Blair on Colonel Moore and other Associates of Johnson in Washington — Butler outgeneraled and the Tenure-of-Office Repeal Bill com promised 536 LXVIII APRIL, MAY, AND JUNE, 1869 The Compromise on the Tenure-of-Office Bill passes Both Houses — Porter as "Lord of the Admiralty" — Connecticut goes Radical in the State Election — Possibility of War with Spain — Congress adjourns after placing the Matter of Reconstruction in the Pre sident's Hands — Morton's Amendment requiring the Adoption of the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution before a State is given Representation — Corruption not confined to one Party — A Gen eral Sweep of Official Inciimbents — Diplomatic Appointments — Motley goes to England, Washbume to France — The Senate re jects the Alabama Treaty after a Speech against it by Sumner — Regrets at leaving Washington — A Courtesy from Vice-Admiral Porter — Reflections on relinquishing Office — The Retum to Hart ford — CaU on Admiral Farragut in New York — The Admiral suffering from Official Neglect — Changes in Hartford in Eight Years — Getting settled — Grant's Unfitness for the Presidency — Secretary Borie a Nonentity — Admiral Porter's Order to change the Names of Men-of-War — The Alabama Question and the Brit ish Public 568 INDEX 591 ILLUSTRATIONS Andrew Johnson Photogravure frontispiece James W. Grimes 14 Gideon Welles 86 Ed"win M. Stanton 158 Ulysses S. Grant 260 William M. Evarts 308 William Pitt Fessenden 360 William Faxon 386 James R. Doolittle 402 David D. Porter 650 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES VOLUME III JANUARY 1, 1867— JUNE 6, 1869 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES JANUARY 1, 1867 — JUNE 6, 1869 XLV Cabinet Discussion of the Message vetoing the District of Columbia Reor ganization Bill — The Bay of Samand. Purchase Scheme meets with Difficulties — Congress overrides the Veto — Representative Ashley of Ohio introduces a Resolution to impeach the President — Seward sub mits to the Cabinet the Articles of a Proposed Treaty with Prussia — An Amnesty Proclamation agreed upon — The President asks the Opinions of the Cabinet Members in regard to Territorializing the States — Senator Grimes as Chairman of the Naval Committee — General Grant's Position on the District of Columbia Suffrage Bill — His Lack of Political Principles — The Senatorial Fight in Pennsylvania results in the Nomination of Cameron — Roscoe Conkling nominated in New York — Cabinet Discussion of the Right of a Territory to organize itself as a State — The Senatorial Elections — Conkling, Cameron, and Trumbull — The Italian and ChiUan Missions — Motley resigns as Minister to Austria — Seward's CaUs at the Capitol — The Cabinet decides not to sell out the Dunderberg to the Contractor — The Swar tara returning from Nice with Surratt — Action of the House in regard to the Ship Idaho — The President vetoes the Colorado and Nebraska BiUs — The Army moving to get Possession of the Indian Bureau — A Committee from North Carolina submits a Reconstruction Proposal to the President. January 1, 1867, Tuesday. I neither called on the Pre sident nor did I receive this New Year's Day. My nephew, Robert G. Welles, was buried this p.m. Funeral at his father's in Glastonbury. January 4, Friday. At the Cabinet to-day the President read his veto message on the bill reorganizing the District of Columbia, which excluded those who had given comfort to the Rebels but allowed negroes to vote. I was not aware until to-day that the bill had been sent him. When I last 4 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [JAN. 4 conversed with him, about a week since, he said he had not received it. He had, moreover, requested the Cabinet to consider the subject, for he should wish then: "written opin ions. I was therefore surprised, when, without ofl&cial Cab inet consultation or opinion, he to-day brought forward his proposed message. The document is one of length, too much on the defensive of himself and the Supreme Court, and does not, I think, take hold of some of the strongest poLats for a veto. Seward gave it his approval and made quite a random general speech "without much point. Said he had always advocated negro suffrage and voted for it in New York. Here and in the States where there was a large preponder ating negro population it was different, — if they were not in a majority they were a large minority. That eventually universal suffrage was to prevail, he had no doubt. AU gov ernments were coming to it. There are to-day represent atives in service in Egypt elected, etc., — but he approved the message. McCulloch approved the message because he was op posed to giving this pri"vilege to the negro. That was the sentiment of his State, as well as of himself, and he had always voted in conformity to it. Stanbery occupied much the same position. Had as a member of the Ohio Legislature voted against negro suf frage. Should do the same to-day if there, and beUeved that on the naked question there were at least one hundred thousand majority against it in that State. Stanton took from his portfoUo a brief and carefuUy prepared written statement, to the effect that he had examined the bill and could perceive no constitutional objections to any of its provisions; he therefore hoped the President would give it his approval. I read from some rough notes that the bill proposed to do something more for the blacks than to raise them to an equality with the whites, — it proposed to elevate them above a certain class of whites of admitted mteUigence and 18671 THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA BILL 5 character who, heretofore, were entitled to and had exer cised suffrage. If suffrage is claimed for the blacks on the ground that they are rightfully entitled to it as citizens of the United States, then to deprive the white citizens of that right which they now enjoyed is to inflict a punish ment upon them and subject them to a forfeiture, and it is proposed to do this without due form of law, — that is, without trial and con"viction, they, by an ex post facto law, are to be condemned. The Constitution would thus be •violated in two of its most important provisions, deemed essential to the preservation of liberty, and the act, if sanc tioned, wiU stand as a precedent for any similar violation hereafter, etc. On the other points I agreed with the gentlemen that Congress ought to pass no such law until the States had at least gone as far, — that the people of the District (the white people) ought to be heard. I expected that Stanton would have met me defiantly, but he said not a word. Browning was opposed to the bill for the reasons stated in the veto, and so was Randall. After all had expressed themselves, Attorney-General Stanbery inquired how long the veto could be delayed. The President said until Monday. Stanbery remarked that would not be sufficient for his purpose. He had rea son to believe the Supreme Court would give its opinion on the test oath question on Monday, which he thought would embrace the point which I had raised. He had not turned his mind to the constitutional question, but be Ueved the objection well taken. Stanton still said nothing. I thought, however, that he was of Stanbery's opinion. General Grant, who was present by invitation, was very emphatic against the biU, not because it disfranchised Rebels, for he said he rather liked that, but he thought it very contemptible business for Members of Congress whose States excluded the negroes, to give them suffrage in this District. I agreed with him, but remarked there were other and 6 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 4 stronger reasons also, which, in a difference between the President and Congress, should not be overlooked. McCuUoch said he doubted if it would be politic to bring forward the constitutional objection at this time, for the Radicals would seize hold of it and insist that we were in sympathy with the Rebels. Randall was also decisive against it. The message was just right; he would add nothing nor take anything away. I stated I had no controversy in regard to the message, but that if there was a constitutional point against a bill which was to be vetoed, that point ought, in my opinion, never to be omitted. Ten members of the Arkansas Legislature were in waiting when the Cabinet met, and the President proposed to intro duce them. They had been appointed a committee to "visit Washington and ascertain the views of the Govemment. The interview was brief. Seward requested them to dine with him to-morrow evening and in"vited the Cabinet to come also. I promised to call in the course of the evening, but asked to be excused from the dinner. McCuUoch and Stanbery concurred. Not being satisfied that the President should omit the constitutional point in his veto message, I caUed on him this evening for further conversation. Stanbery was "with him. The President produced a file of letters of Forney, Clerk of the Senate, "written while he was paying court to the President, strongly urging him to take the position he has pursued, praising and complimenting him. Yet this fellow is now attacking, abusing, and misrepresenting the President summarily in his "two papers, both daily." The President heard my suggestions in regard to the constitutional objection; agreed with me; admitted, as I urged, the importance of it and of his concurrence "with the Court ; but did not say, nor did I ask or expect him to say, whether he would make that point in his message. I am inclined to think he will not. The question of expediency raised by McCulloch and Randall, and the point not hav- 1867] SAMANA SCHEME IN DIFFICULTIES 7 ing been original with himself , as all are aware, have their infliiehce. Yet he hesitates. This is his great infirmity. The President has fimmess, but is greatly wanting in prompt decision. He is unwilUng to take a step, but when it is once taken he does not recede. We discussed the whole subject of suffrage and civil rights after Stanbery left, — the views of Jefferson and others. I quoted from Jefferson and he wished to know where he could find the passage. I could not tell him and promised I would give it to him in the morning. January 5, Saturday. Seward's scheme to purchase the Bay of Samand, St. Domingo, meets with untoward dif ficulties. His son, who is to be the negotiator, started in the Gettysburg, which got hard aground before she had proceeded three miles from Annapolis. The Don was then ordered round from New York, which took on board pass engers, etc., from the G. and proceeded to sea. The Gettys burg got off directly after and was ordered to Hampton Roads, Norfolk. To-day Admiral Porter telegraphed me that the Don encountered a gale, lost her mainmast, and had returned to Norfolk for repairs. He now wants the Gettysburg. Directed him to take her. I am not in favor of this purchase. It is a scheme, personal and political, on the part of Seward. A tub thro"wn to assure Thad Stevens and Fessenden. Gave the President the passage quoted from Jefferson. It is in the first volume of Jefferson's works, — his Autobi ography, page 29. It is quoted by De TocqueviUe. I again ad"vised that the constitutional objection should be pre sented in his message. Went with McCulloch to Seward's and spent an hour or two with the Arkansas gentlemen. Told them I knew of nothing they had to reconstruct. If Congress admitted them to their rightful representation, in accordance with the Constitution, all was weU with them. In regard to the Constitutional Amendment, assured them I was opposed 8 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 5 to it as a Northern man as weU as Southern. As an Ameri can citizen I wanted no such interpolation' in the Consti tution. McCulloch teUs me that General Grant urged upon them to adopt the Amendment; said the North was in favor; that they had decided for it in the late election; that if not adopted the Government would impose harder terms. What nonsense! What business has Congress to impose terms upon States? General Grant, not very enUghtened, has been led astray, I trust un"wittingly on his part, by Stanton and Washburne. January 7, Monday. The veto went in to-day. But a party vote overrode it, as was expected. The message was courteous in terms, and the argument and reason very well, though not as strong and exhaustive as could have been wished; sufficiently so, however, to have satisfied aU who are not partisans or fanatics. No cahn, considerate, and true statesman or legislator can believe it correct to im pose this bill upon the District against the unanimous voice of the people. The ignorant, "vicious, stupid negroes who have flocked hither cannot vote inteUigently ; are unfit to be jurjrmen. The States and constituencies from which these came would oppose it within their own jurisdictions. I In the House of Representatives fanaticism, prompted by partisanship, ran wUd. The reckless leaders were jubi lant ; the timid followers were ab j ect and obedient . Ashley ^ introduced a resolution to impeach the President, or to authorize inquiry, and by an almost strict party vote it was adopted and referred to the Judiciary Committee under the previous question. It "will never result, even under party drUl, in an impeachment and conviction, but it is disreputable and demoralizing that a packed party major ity should so belittle the government and free institutions as to entertain such a resolution from such a source. But he has not done it without consulting others. ' James M. Ashley of Ohio. 1867] PROPOSED TREATY WITH PRUSSIA 9 January 8, Tuesday. Seward submitted the articles of a proposed treaty between the United States and Prussia, proposing an arbitrament of claims of citizens of the two governments, which had been prepared and agreed upon by himself and Baron Gerolt, the Prussian Minister. It was asked, first I believe by Stanton, whether it embraced or excluded those Prussians who were domiciled in the Rebel region and who had sustained losses by the War. Seward made a long talk, claiming it did not, because such persons could not come under the law of nations. Bro"wn- ing undertook also to say the commissioners who would be appointed would be sensible men, and would not give such cases consideration. I asked why not, then, insert an arti cle excluding such. Stanton said that if a man were to claim his house and was wUling to submit to arbitration to decide if the title was in him, it did not follow that he (S.) would consent to arbitrate. After a long, full, and free dis cussion the opinion was unanimous against the treaty as presented. Browning, perhaps, finally expressed no opinion either way. Randall was absent. It was one of the frequent mistaken schemes of our Secretary of State, who is not a diplomatist, not a "wise statesman, and is always unsafe, not"withstanding he has plausible talent. The President brought forward the question of issuing a proclamation for more extended amnesty; referred to Mr. Lincoln's successive proclamations, beginning "with that of September, 1862, and showing consistency and imiformity of proceedings and views. Stanton stated that he had this morning received a copy of the act which had just passed the legislature of North Carolina, granting amnesty and oblivion; said that all our oflBcers and soldiers were Uable to be harassed and arrested through the Southern States for trespass and injury; thought it would be well there should be reciprocal am nesty. The suggestions struck aU favorably and wiU, I think, receive consideration and action. Another matter the President remarked he wished to 10 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 8 bring forward, and that was, in view of what was taking place around us, especially on the subject of dismantling States, throwing them into a Territorial condition and an nulling their present organization and govemment, he con sidered it important he should know the opinions and "views of each member of the Cabinet. If we are imited, that fact would carry weight with it, here and before the country; if we were not united there was weakness. I had observed through the whole sitting that the Pre sident was absorbed and prepared for an energetic move ment, and from what he had said to me on Saturday, I an ticipated what his purpose was. But he had been slow, and procrastinated, and until he broached the subject I had not, after previous experience, much faith that we should reach it to-day. When he commenced, however, his coimtenance indicated firm and fixed resolution. He was pale and calm, but no one could mistake that he was determined in his purpose. I doubt if any one but myself was aware of what was passing in his mind. Perhaps McCulloch may have thought of it, for I told him on Saturday evening of my interview. He said he had repeatedly spoken to the President, and had similar intimations, but he had little confidence. Seward was evidently taken by surprise. Said he had avoided expressing himself on these questions; did not think it judicious to anticipate them; that storms were never so furious as they threatened; but as the subject had been brought up he would say that never, under any circum stances, could he be brought to admit that a sovereign State had been destroyed, or could be reduced to a Terri torial condition. McCulloch was equaUy decided that the States could not be converted into Territories. Browning, who sat next to him, began to express his views, —a discourtesy which he not unfrequently commits but I think will not again, —when Stanton intermpted him and requested him to wait his tum. 1867] TERRITORIALIZING THE STATES 11 Stanton said he had communicated his "views to no man. Here, in the Cabinet, he had assented to and cordially ap proved of every step which had been taken to reorganize the governments of the States which had rebelled, and saw no cause to change or depart [from it. Stevens' proposition he had not seen, and did not care to, for it was one of those schemes which would end in noise and smoke. He had con versed with but one Member, Mr. Sumner, and that was one year ago, when Sumner said he disapproved of the policy of the Administration and intended to upset it. He had never since conversed with Sumner nor any one else. He did not concur in Mr. Sumner's "views, nor did he think a State would or could be remanded to a Territorial condition. I stated my concurrence in the opinions which had been expressed by the Secretary of War and that I held Con gress had no power to take from a State its reserved rights and sovereignty, or to impose terms on one State which were not imposed on all States. The President interrupted. He said the power to pre scribe terms was one thing; the expediency was another. I said I was opposed to the whole subject or theory of pre scribing or imposing terms external to the Constitution on sovereign States on the score of expediency as well as of want of power. If there was no power it certainly could not be expedient. I confessed I had not been as reserved as the Secretary of State and Secretary of War in express ing my opinions. When friends had approached me and conversed on these or indisputable fimdamental questions, I had not refrained from stating my "views, especially to those who had consulted me. It seemed to me proper that we should do so. I had conversed with Mr. Sumner in the early part of last session, about the period that the Secre tary of War had his interview, and then Sumner had taken exception to the omission to give negro suffrage, and for that reason, and that only, he had opposed the President's policy of Reconstmction. Stanbery said he was clearly and unquaUfiedly against 12 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 8 the whole talk and theory of territoriaUzing the States. Congress could not dismantle them. It had not the power, and on that point he would say that it was never expedient to do or attempt to do that which we had not the power to do. Browning declared that no State could be cut down or extinguished. Congress could make and admit States, but could not destroy or extinguish them after they were made. The resolution to impeach the President, Seward and others treat Ughtly. My impressions are that it will not result in a conviction, although infamous charges,infamous testimony, and infamous proceedings wiU be produced as easUy, honestly, and legally as Butler could get spoons in New Orleans; but, the preliminary step ha"ving been taken, backed by strong party vote, the Radicals are committed. Ashley, who introduced the resolution, is a calculating fan atic, weak, designing, fond of notoriety, not of very high- toned moral calibre. I do not think, however, that he is, as some suppose, a tool of others entirely, — certainly not an unwilling tool. He seeks the notoriety and notice, and hounds like Boutwell and Williams of Pittsburg edge him on. Colfax, though feeble-minded, is Speaker, seeks to be foremost, and has been an ad"viser "with Ashley and pion eered the way for him to introduce the resolution. Stevens, much shrewder and abler than either, keeps in the back ground, though the chief conspirator. It is a necessity for the Radicals to get rid of the Pre sident. Unless they do, they cannot carry out their plans of dwarfing the States under the torture of Reconstruction with the judiciary opposed to their revolutionary schemes. At present the Senate is not prepared to con"vict, even if the conspiracy to impeach should pass the House. But there is not much reliance on the present Senate. The hon est instincts of a majority are against the whole scheme, but a considerable portion of them are without moral cour age or high integrity. Perhaps they may herd together and 1867] AN INTRIGUE OF SENATOR GRIMES 13 hold out; but, individuaUy, very few of them can stand up against the dictates of party. January 9, Wednesday. Mr. Eames was yesterday touched with a sUght fit of apoplexy when arguing the case of the Grey Jacket in the Supreme Court. Called upon him this evening and found him better than I apprehended. Sent in repUes, one to the Senate and one to the House, through the President. The first called for detailed orders issued to officers, mechanics, laborers, etc., in all the na"vy yards and all correspondence at the Norfolk Yard. The response to this call embraced probably two thousand pages. Most of it mere routine orders, and the whole call is an abuse and valueless. The object was to get at a certain communication from the Radicals at Norfolk, who, while employed at the navy yard, had been active partisans, — had attended, whilst receiving pay from the Government, the sectional Southern delegation at Philadelphia, been displaced or suspended by Admiral Rowan, and his action had been confirmed by the Department. Clements, one of the dismissed men, had been employed here on the Capitol for two or three years, had formed partisan acquaintance with Radical Members of Congress, and believed he could compel the Department to reinstate him. Senator Grimes, to whom he appealed and from whom I have reason to be Ueve he had assurances of support, did not like to appear in the matter, and he therefore induced Senator Hender son of Missouri to offer the resolution. Admiral Smith, who was a good deal disgusted with the unnecessary parti san call, knowing some of the facts, charged Grimes with ha"ving instigated the movement. Grimes, who is jealous, suspicious, and intensely sectional in party matters, but proud and ambitious, was enraged to leam that his intrigue was known to and understood by the Department. Under high impulse, immediately on getting to the Senate, he introduced a resolution for discontinuing the Norfolk Yard and putting it in charge of the Commandant of Marines. 14 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 9 This was to get rid of Rowan, whose course I approved. It was a pitiful exhibition of spite, maUce, and e"vU passion, of which I have no doubt he will in due time be ashamed; but it shows the course of action, personal and party motives, and narrow and vindictive malevolence of one of the ablest of the Radical leaders. Strange that a man and Senator of his good sense should so give way to party! Senator Grimes is ambitious, dissatisfied, always sus picious, and at times ungenerous. He is intelUgent, has moral courage, but is not always bold to act. Beyond any other one man he is responsible for the present calamitous condition of affairs. Sumner and Stevens are open and un disguised in their hostility and "without aid from Grimes they could accomplish little. Yet Grimes does not respect them or their motives and to me invariably condemns them. He knows his own abUity and is vexed that Johnson, an old associate Senator but not a Radical, is in a higher position than himself. Fessenden and he act in concert, and Wilson of Iowa is stimulated, counseled, and controUed by him. The course of the Radicals has received its direction more from Grimes than almost any other man, and yet others, for whom he has not high regard, instead of himself have the odium and the honor also of friends or opponents of the measure. This irritates and vexes him, but he would get angry with any one who should openly teU him the truth and give him his right position. I regret that Admiral Smith should have informed him of what we know of his movements. I have hitherto got along very well with Grimes, for he has flattered himself that I was not aware of his operations and intrigues, be cause I have not put myself in his way. As chairman of the Naval Committee, with such a Congress as we now have, with such a chairman as J. P. Hale through the War, there has been no alternative but to submit in a degree to the disposition of measures which he might propose. By yield ing to his suggestions I was sometimes able to modify his .JAMES ^Y. GKIMES 1867] GRANT ON THE DISTRICT BILL 15 opinions when we counseled together, if he was not pubUcly committed. January 10, Thursday. The New York Times correspond ent states, tolerably correctly, the position of General Grant on the suffrage bUl of the District of Columbia. He condenmed the Members of Congress for imposing negro suffrage on this District until their States had adopted the principle. The worst thing in the bill, he said, was that which violated the Constitution. Punishing Rebels by an ex post facto law was right; condemning them "without trial he did not object to. Yet General Grant will very likely be the next President of the United States. I do not think he intends to disregard the Constitution, but he has no rever ence for it, — he has no poUtical principles, no intelUgent ideas of constitutional government, and it is a day when the organic law seems to be treated as of less binding authority than a mere resolution of Congress. Dined this evening with the President, the Cabinet, and their families. General Grant and the Tennessee delegation and their wives being present. Mrs. Taylor, wife of the Member from the Eastern District of Tennessee, says she buried her dresses to keep them from the Rebels, and the one she wore this evening she o"wned before the War and had buried it for over four years. Occasionally she un earthed her clothing, evenings, to air and preserve it. Col onel Hawkins said aU his wife's dresses, save what she wore at the time, had been stolen from her, and what the Rebels could not carry away they had torn up and destroyed. Mrs. Taylor said she carried arms and was at all times "ready with her shooter." The people of Tennessee, particularly those of East Tennessee, were great sufferers during the Civil War. January 11, Friday. Senatorial nominations were made last evening in several of the States. That in Pennsylvania, in place of Cowan, excites most interest. The competing 16 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. ii Radical candidates were Thad Stevens, Cameron, Govern or Curtin, Forney, and Judge Kelley. The two latter with drew some weeks since, and their combined strength was concentrated on Stevens. The Radical press in that State and throughout the country generally also favored him. Governor Curtin, however, had a distinctive and active newspaper and party support. Stevens, "with some parade and an announcement of the fact on the floor of Congress, left his seat in the House and repaired to Harrisburg to superintend his own election. Forney left the Clerk's desk to aid him. Both Stevens and Curtin addressed a caucus of the Members. A single ballot was taken, at which Cameron was nomin ated, getting 46 votes, Curtin 23, and the combined forces of Stevens, Forney, and Kelley but 7, — a few scattering. Forney last week made a violent attack on Cameron in his paper, the Philadelphia Press. The result surprises all, more in the fact that Stevens was so feebly supported than that Cameron succeeded. While I have not a high estimate of Cameron in many respects, I think him greatly prefer able to either of his competitors. No worse man than Stevens could be elected. Curtin is Umber, deceptive, and unreliable. Cameron is not great but adroit; his instincts are usually right, but he will sacrifice the right for selfish purposes. He is, however, equal to an average of the Senate. Is a politician of the second class. In New York, Conkling is nominated to succeed Judge Harris, who has been sly and manoeuvring and has de feated himself. Conkling is vain, has abiUty "nith touches of spread-eagle eloquence, and a good deal of impetuous ardor. He may improve and he may not. At present he is an intense Radical. If he has real sense he will get the bet ter of it with experience. Conkling and Horatio Seymour are brothers-in-law, and either is a fair offset to the other. Both are ambitious and intense partisan politicians, but of opposing parties. Little of interest at the Cabinet to-day. In a conversa- 1867] A SELF-PERPETUATING CONGRESS 17 tion with McCulloch he did not conceal that he was dis couraged. The condition of the country is indeed deplor able, — that, I said, should make us the more resolute. But the great majority of the Radicals who are making war on his financial policy and striving to embarrass him, he says correctly, makes it a hard struggle. That the Presi dent is so slow in coming to a decision he feels to be a weak ness in administration. The South is becoming rapidly de moraUzed. I expressed myself gratified that the President had, the other day, got Stanton unequivocally committed for the poUcy of the Administration and against the theory of territorializing the States. McCulloch says that Stanton, whenever it becomes an object, will deny this, or modify and change his "views to suit his purposes; that S. is false and treacherous, and, he believes, a steady spy upon all of us. I apprehend there is much in McCuUoch's suspicions. Although the President has committed no act that can subject him to impeachment, and is in many respects one of the best and most single-minded Executives we have ever had, I have little doubt that the Radical leaders intend to try to get rid of him. This they feel to be essential to con summate their usurping schemes. There is a conspiracy maturing. How can they reduce the States to the condi tion of corporations, territorialize them, deprive them of their original, reserved, and guaranteed constitutional rights, "without the aid of the Judiciary? How can they get control of the Court except by enlarging its numbers? If the number is to be increased, how can they get Radicals, except by displacing Johnson and getting Wade or one Uke him in his place? January 12, Saturday. A law has passed the two houses convening the next Congress on the 4th of March. We have passed through the pressure and difficulties of the War "without any such necessity, but Radicalism, which is striv ing to exclude certain States from participating in the gov emment and to consolidate aU power in Congress, like the 3 18 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 12 Rump Parliament, desires a perpetual session to override the Executive. We are Uving in a revolutionary period, and the character of the govemment is undergoing a strain which may transform it into a different character. Erastus Corning writes me, eamestly, pressing that Cap tain De Camp may be made a commodore, and sends me the copy of a letter from Vice-Admiral Porter, stating that he ought to have that rank, that he (Porter) voted for him in the Board of Admirals and was disappointed he had not received it. This statement, if genuine, is a breach of con fidence and of regulations; is unjust and unfair towards his associates; for the Board did not recommend De Camp; is, moreover, grossly wrong to the Department, and in every way unworthy of Vice-Admiral Porter. De Camp is one of Porter's pets, — a triffing, disap pointed, lazy officer, but popular good feUow with his cronies; ought to have been long since on the retired Ust and would have been but for some imderhand intrigue. January 14, Monday. It is given out that Senator Grimes intends making an assault on the Na"vy Depart ment, or, in other words, an attack on the Secretary for dismissing Radicals from the Norfolk Na'vy Yard. His "viru lent and sectional hate, which has warped his better sense and led him to secretly push on others, compels him to now come forward, he being chairman of the Naval Committee, and show himself when one of his troop is removed. The man for whom he is interested went to Philadelphia to attend a sectional party convention; the money to pay his expenses was raised, or a part of it, in the Na"vy Yard, against regulations. Admiral Rowan suspended him, and I confirmed it, but being an intense Radical, Grimes would shield and sustain him. January 15, Tuesday. The President submitted three bills, — one relating to suffrage in the Territories, one to the meeting of Congress on the 4th of March, and one cover- 1867] THE RIGHTS OF TERRITORIES 19 ing the repeal of a clause in the amnesty law. This last was considered as of no moment, — it neither enlarged nor dim inished the authority of the President. The second, al though a mere party scheme, unwise and uncalled-for and of mischievous intent, was not such a biU as the President, under the circumstances, could very well veto. I suggested that no necessity for such an early session had existed dur ing the War and there was certainly none at this time. On the first proposition, or bill, there was considerable debate. Browning insisted it was operative no longer than the people of a Territory formed their constitution. I asked, if, in framing this constitution, they changed the principle and excluded the negroes, whether the application for admission into the Union would not be confronted with this law, and admission denied them because they disregard it. He thought not, because the people of the Territory would decide this matter for themselves. Stanton came to Brown ing's assistance and said the constitution of a Territory or State was no law until Congress had sanctioned it. I dis sented from this doctrine. The people in their sovereign capacity framed their local organic law, and if they had the sovereign abiUty as well as the sovereign power, they might maintain their position. The Federal Government would refuse to admit such State into the Union, but if their constitution did not conflict with the Federal Consti tution, they might, if sufficiently powerful, remain a State without the Union. Such a conflict was not probable, but should not be invited. The President did not commit him self, but was evidently not in accord with Bro"wning. The tone and language of the press and of considerate men are against the impeachment project; but the Radical leaders have a purpose to accomplish and intend to press the subject. Not to do so, after what they have said and done, would check the conspiracy and be a defeat that would in all probability injure them as a party. Whether it will not injure them more to proceed and fail, they do not pause to consider. They are vindictive and restless, 20 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 15 regardless of right, and constitutional restraint and ob Ugations. Thus far they have been successful in exercising arbitrary and unauthorized power, and they wUl not hesi tate in the future, as in the past, to usurp authority, — to try without cause and to condemn without proof. Nor will they scruple to manufacture evidence if wanted. There is nothing judicial or fair in this proceeding. It is sheer partisanism with most of them, a deliberate conspir acy with the few. The subject was taken up in caucus. A farce was then gone through with. A committee is sitting in secret, — a foul conspiracy, — trying to hunt up charges and e'vidence against as pure, as honest, as patriotic a chief magistrate as we have ever had. It is for his integrity they conspire against him. I see by the papers this evening that the Radical legis latures of one or two States are taking the matter in hand, and urging impeachment without any facts, or fault, or specified crime, as a mere party measure, but it is all in character, — a conspiracy against the Constitution and the President for adhering to it. January 16, Wednesday. An election of Senators took place in several States yesterday. Conkling was chosen in place of Judge Harris in New York. The Judge has been a cunning manager, as he thought; has, against his 0"wn con victions, gone with the Radicals and received his just re ward. Conkling is vigorous and vain, full of spread-eagle eloquence and Radical violence. Time may temper his zeal and conduct, but this can hardly be expected under this recent success. In Pennsylvania, Simon Cameron was elected in place of Cowan. The latter is a good lawyer and fair and weU- meaning legislator. A man of talent and right instincts, a safe Senator, but not a politician or statesman of the first class. Until his election as Senator he had confined his studies to the law. Cameron is an adroit and bold party operator. He does 1867] THE SENATORIAL ELECTIONS 21 not attempt to deny that he uses money, party influence, legislative abuses, and legislative grants to secure an elec tion. In carrying his points, he is unscrupulous and cun ningly audacious. His party tools he never forgets, so long as they are faithful in his cause and interest, and he freely gives his time, labor, and money to assist them. He is ac curate and sharp, but has no enlarged view or grasp of mind; is supple as well as subtle and resorts to means which good men would shun. Against him were combined Thad Stevens, a man of as little principle as, but vastly niore genius than, Cameron, and Forney, and Kelley, who sup port. Stevens. The entire strength of this formidable com bination commanded seven votes in the legislative Repub lican caucus. I have not thought Kelley corrupt, though a flaming and intense poUtician, but Stevens and Forney are infinitely worse than Cameron. Stevens has higher culture, more genius, learning, and education than Cameron, but less party tact and sagacity. He would sacrifice a prin ciple, a constitutional question, for a joke, yet by his sar castic power and the necessity of using him he is extolled in Forney's Chronicle and Press as the "Great Commoner" and controls the legislation of the country. Trumbull was reelected in Illinois after something of a struggle in the Radical Party. Trumbull has abiUty and culture, but is querulous, captious, and freaky. He has changed his principles within a year. I had a long conversation with the President to-day and warned him that the leaders intended, if possible, to press impeachment, and inquired whether he had marked out the line of policy he should pursue; told him I thought it should be understood by the friends he could trust and that it should be bold and decided. January 17, Thursday. In the Senate, Henderson of Mis souri made his attack on me. It was based on a letter of mine to Rear-Admiral Rowan in command of the Norfolk Navy Yard, in which I informed him that the Department 22 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan.17 gave no encouragement to disunionists, whether secession ists or exclusionists. Henderson had neither the manliness nor the fairness to give the whole letter, but he may make the most of the extract which he tears from the body of the letter. The sentiments expressed I have always avowed, and the doctrine I shall maintain so long as I Uve and there is a Union. As to the employment of workmen, I have left that to the officers of the yards. Before the suppression of the RebelUon none who were Secessionists were employed if their views were known. Many poor men who lived in Norfolk and Portsmouth had worked to support their fam Uies and been pressed into the Rebel service, though neu tral Unionists. Appeals in behalf of these poor men were made to me by the best Union men in Virginia, and it was on their appeal that the letter was "written. There was a pleasant reception this evening at the Pre sident's, which was very generally attended, except by the more vindictive partisans in Congress who are conspiring against him. I was glad to "witness it, for the President is vilely slandered and greatly misunderstood by many. January 18, Friday. A fire early this morning consumed the greater part of the conservatory buUding and destroyed most of the plants at the Executive Mansion. At the Cabinet-meeting the President submitted bills which had passed Congress for admitting Colorado and Nebraska with certain fundamental conditions as to the qualification of voters. All the Cabinet, except Stanton, were opposed to them, not only because they had not suf ficient population, but because of the constitutional ob jection against the fundamental proposition. The want of statesmanship and of intelligence with the demagogism exhibited in these bills is lamentable. The population of the Territories is not sufficient for one Congressional Dis trict, yet it is proposed to give them two Representatives and four Senators in Congress. While they are doing this for the sparsely peopled Territories on the frontier, the 18671 A FRAUDULENT CONTRACTOR 23 same Members of Congress refuse to permit Georgia, with a mUUon population, to have her constitutional right of representation; and so of other States. A long discussion took place on the case of C , a fraud ulent contractor now in the penitentiary, having been con fined nearly three years. The Attorney-General and the Secretary of War argued the case, the former for his release and the latter opposed. Ithink from the representation C. is a great rascal and so stated, but if he would pay the judg ment I would leave the matter of clemency to the Pre sident, — merely as an act of clemency to an old man who had already been severely punished. The example had done its work, — the War is over. I would not be vindictive. Seward and McCulloch were for clemency; Browning and RandaU, with Stanton, opposed. Stanton was ferociously vindictive; was for holding the prisoner the whole period, etc. A letter to General Dix on Mexican matters, with docu ments, was submitted by Seward, and one on Indian dif ficulties by Browning. I rode with Stanton back to Department. He said he wished this matter of vetoes might be over. I said it was unavoidable whilst Congress passed unconstitutional laws. Told him that in my opinion there must be equality of rights among the States, or we should have an unequal union or no union. He said he had no doubt on that sub ject as regarded the ten States, but he was not so clear on the question with Territories. I remarked that while Territories they might be govemed, but that when they became States they were endowed with the same political rights as the other States. He repUed that he had not given that question so much consideration as he desired, and for that reason had waived any expression of opinion on that point until he had examined the subject. Sumner has been making a violent denunciatory speech against the President, which he "will be ashamed of if he Uves many years. It would hardly be excusable in a party 24 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 18 gathering if made by a demagogue filled with whiskey, and is wholly unworthy of one of the pretensions of Sumner. Loon of Missouri has delivered himself of a counterpart in the House. Colfax, the Speaker, with his heartless, ever lasting smile and slender abihties, decided Loon to be in order, and the House, of course, sustained the little dema gogue. A more selfish and aspiring feUow is not to be found in either house, or one more unscrupulous, though always skulking from frank and open responsibiUty. January 19, Saturday. The mails from the North are detained by a great snow-fall, which the high wind has drifted in places to the height of twenty feet. I saw it stated a few days since that Senator Foster was to have the ItaUan Mission, and asked the President if such was the fact. He said it was the first time the subject had been mentioned to him and proceeded to say that some hasty and inconsiderate appointments had been made. The Chilian Mission he particularized as one of that char acter. I remarked that I was glad he had spoken of that, for it always appeared to me to be one of those unfortunate New York movements which were harmful. General KU- patrick had that place given him by Seward at the instiga tion of Thurlow Weed, more to spite General Slocum, a true friend of the Administration, than to reward K. Motley has tendered his resignation in a pet. One of Seward's spies had reported, it seems, that some of our foreign ministers and consuls were free in their censures of the President. Without going to the parties impUcated, Seward appears to have forwarded extracts to all. Motley has evidently spoken freely and improperly and felt him self cornered, and, after a petulant letter, tendered his re signation. The President, instanter, as Seward closed read ing the document, ordered the acceptance, without remark or word from any one. Perry, consul at Tunis, sends his resignation under similar circumstances. 1867] DELIRIUM AMONG THE RADICALS 25 Seward stated yesterday that E. Jay Morris, our Min ister at Constantinople, was at variance with Brown, Secretary of Legation, and called the attention of Attomey- General Stanbery to the subject, who, it seems, is an old friend of Brown. He (Stanbery) thought there should be no hasty action against B., who is a competent man, long a resident at Constantinople, had been the efficient man with aU our ministers for years. Seward, with a manner not very unusual, but which is very offensive, said he had but one course to pursue m cases of this kind, and that was they must settle their difficulties or both quit. This was about what he had done with Hale and Perry at Madrid and had brought them to their senses very soon. I remarked that I did not approve of the policy of put ting the good and the bad on the same level; that one or the other of the parties in each of them, and in most other controversies, was chiefly in fault, and from my knowledge of the principals I should believe they were culpable; that Hale was notoriously unfit for his position. The occurrences of the week have not improved the prospect of affairs. There is a wild delirium among the Radical Members of Congress which is no more to be com mended and approved than the Secession mania of 1860. In fact it exhibits less wisdom and judgment, or regard for the Constitution, whilst it has all the recklessness of the Secession faction. Bythe exclusion of ten States a partisan majority in Congress, under the machinery of secret cau cuses controlled by an irresponsible directory, has posses sion of the Government and is hurrying it to destruction, breaking down State barriers and other departments be sides the legislature. Whether some of the better-disposed but less conspicuous men among the Radicals will make a stand is uncertain. As yet they have exhibited no independ ence, or political or moral firmness. In the mean time the President, conscious of his right intentions and from habit, holds stUl and firm. Seward, relying on expedients, is dancing round Stevens, Sumner, 26 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 19 Boutwell, Banks, and others. Runs to the Capitol and seats himself by Stevens in the House and by Sumner in the Sen ate. This makes comment in the galleries, and paragraphs in the newspapers, and, Seward thinks, "wiU, through their leaders, conciliate the Senators and Representatives to wards himself, if not towards the President. Sumner is easily and always flattered by attentions and notice, though he will not relinquish what he esteems his great mission of taking care of the negroes and subordin ating and putting do"wn the Southern whites. Seward is wiUing the negroes should have all Sumner would give them, for he sets no high estimate on suffrage and citizen ship. Stevens has none of the sincere, fanatical fervor of Sum ner, nor much regard for the popular element, or for pubUc opinion, but, having got power, he would exercise it arbi trarily and despotically towards aU who differ "with him. He has no professed respect for Seward, but feels compU mented that the Secretary of State should come into the House of Representatives and sit do"wn by and court the " Great Commoner." It is an observance that gratifies his self-esteem, a homage that soothes his arrogance. Stanton continues to occupy an intermediate position on some important questions, differing "with the President but almost obsequiously deferring to him. McCulloch says he is treacherous and a spy. He does not, however, I think, make regular report to any one. The Radicals receive his subtle advice and promptings and give him their support. The President understands him, but still consults him as fuUy as any member of the Cabinet. Seward and Stanton continue to cooperate together. Seward, I think, has doubts of Stanton's "divinity," yet, in view of his Radical associates, considers him more than ever a power and im presses the President with that fact. Gradually the Radical Members are pressing on impeach ment. Under the lead of the New York Herald and Forney's Chronicle, the Radical presses are getting into the move- 1867] THE CASE OF THE DUNDERBERG 27 ment. Yet the exclusionists, or centralists, have doubts if they can succeed, though earnestly striving to that end. Violent partisanship but no statesmanship, no enlarged or comprehensive "views, are developed in either house. The States which were in rebellion are each organized and in full operation as before the Rebellion, but Congress did not do this nor have any part in it. The people them selves in the respective States did it, and the lesser lights in Congress are told that they must assist in undoing the work which has been well and rightly done by the people interested, and compel the States to go through the process of disorganizing in order to organize. The President remains passive and firm, but with no de clared poUcy if the Radicals pursue their design to impeach and suspend him during trial. He said to me one day what he would do in a certain contingency, but it was rather thinking aloud what he might do than declaring a policy. What General Grant and certain others might do, were Congress to proceed to extremities, neither the President nor any of his true friends are aware. I doubt if Grant him self knows. The Radicals, who distrust him, are neverthe less courting him assiduously. January 23, Wednesday. The question of reUnquishing the contract for the Dunderberg was to-day before the Cabinet. Seward brought it forward by request of Webb, the builder, who finds he has a losing bargain with the Na-vy Department and wishes to sell the vessel, he says, to Colombia. To this Seward states there is no objection, or "violation of neutrality. If this is the case, the Secretary of State has nothing to do with the matter, though Seward introduced it with pomp and reference to the Attorney- General and myself. I stated that I had on two or three occasions presented this subject to the President and Cabinet by request of Mr. Webb, who has proposed in various ways to repay the Govemment for all advances and take the vessel into his 28 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 23 possession, "with a view of reimbursing himself by dispos ing of her to some other government. No arrangement has ever been agreed upon, for he has wanted credit imtU he disposed of the vessel. But after ad"visement "with our naval constructors, I would not object to recei"ving back our money and permitting Webb to take her. It is repre sented to me by our constructors and experts that there is much green timber and that there are other defects. I doubt if he can effect a sale, but would release him on retum of the money which had been advanced. Stanton objected to gi"ving up the vessel. Was apprehen sive that England or France would get her. One million and a quarter dollars was nothing, in his estimation, even if she had green timber and rotted down in half a dozen years. McCulloch thought best to keep the vessel, and Browning concurred. The President thought best to post pone the subject to Friday. January 25, Friday. The subject of the sale of the Dun derberg, or the relinquishing of the vessel to the contractor, was considered. Mr. Webb had proposed to me to take her and refimd to the Government the amount which had been paid, or, if that was not done, he desired that there should be a committee appointed to say what should be paid him on his losing contract. He called on me yesterday to con verse on the subject. I advised him to put his views or propositions in writing, which led to the letter as above. As the contract with the Government stipulated the price, neither I nor the Administration could vary the contract, or authorize a committee to do so. Stanton and McCulloch were very earnest and decided against selling, though each declared himself ready to defer to my opinion, which I had freely stated; but I requested that the subject should be disposed of by the Government in Cabinet. We could build a better vessel than this, but it would require time. Over three years have been given to the Dunderberg. 1867] SURRATT ON HIS WAY TO AMERICA 29 It was concluded not to sell, and I so informed Webb. Letters from Admiral Goldsborough inform the Depart ment that the Swatara left Nice on the 8th of January with Surratt on board. She may arrive at any time, but cannot reach Washington at present, the Potomac being closed by ice for forty miles below. Baltimore and Annapolis Harbors are also closed. It is urged by Seward and Stanton that the Swatara remain at Hampton Roads with Surratt on board until further orders or till the ice disappears from the river. The House of Representatives has passed an act direct ing the Secretary of the Navy to receive the Idaho at $550,000. We have offered her to Forbes, the contractor, for $275,000. We could not get for her $150,000. Forbes sought this contract ; said he could make a better and faster vessel than any in the Na"vy and in less time; guaranteed fifteen-knot speed; was to have delivered the vessel in about a year; was to have but $300,000 until completed. The vessel was not completed to time, cannot make over eight or ten knots; Congress long ago ordered $250,000 to be paid in addition to the $300,000 which had been paid. The whole is a failure, and Congress now steps in to relieve the contractor from the liabilities of his folly, error, and imprudence. January 26, Saturday. Congress does not make much progress in the schemes of Reconstruction and impeach ment. The Radical portion of the Republicans are as keen as ever and will continue to be so, especially on impeach ment, but the considerate hesitate. It is a party scheme for party purposes, not for any criminal or wrong act of the President. On Reconstruction, as it is called, there are differences and doubts and darkness. None of the Radicals have any clear conception or perception of what they want, except power and place. No well-defined policy has been indicated by any of them. Stevens wants a stronger govemment than the old Union. 30 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 26 Violence of language has broken out two or three times during the week. The Speaker, whUst ready to check the Democrats, permits the Radicals to go to extreme length. The President is denounced and vilified in the worst and most vulgar terms without any restraint or intimation of impropriety from the presiding officer, yet Mr. Colfax wishes to be popular. His personal aspirations warp his judgment, which is infirm, and, like most persons, in striv ing to reach a position for which he is unfitted he fails. Those who may be pleased for the moment "with his parti san leanings wiU not confide in him beyond the moment. January 28, Monday. The President sent in his veto on the Colorado Bill to-day, gi-ving cogent and sufficient rea sons why that Territory should not "with the present popu lation be admitted as a State. A veto on the admission of Nebraska will go in to-morrow. Both these vetoes have been looked for. January 29, Tuesday. The Army desires to get posses sion of the Indian Bureau, and the Interior Department is not disposed to relinquish it. Stanton professes to care nothing about it, and thrusts forward Grant and other military men as the movers. I can perceive that they have in him a prompter and "wUling coadjutor. As the Rad icals are in sympathy with Stanton and not with Brown ing, the question "will be likely to go "with the War rather than the Interior Department, whatever may be the merits involved. It is a great mistake to change good Indian agents, if any there are. Political party adventurers and speculators, without conscience or principles, seek these positions to enrich and elevate themselves at the expense of the poor Indians. The old, single-hearted agents studied the char acter of the Indian, studied his habits, and interested themselves in his welfare. Military men are to a great ex tent natural enemies of the Indian, and if intimacy brings 1867] THE ARMY AND THE INDIANS 31 them into friendly relations, it can last only for a brief period, when they and their commands are ordered away to other duty. They are sojourners, not residents, and do not, like old and faithful agents, become identified with any Indian policy. January 31, Thursday. The President sent for me this P.M. to call if convenient and when I could spare the time. When I met him, he inquired as to the arrival of the Swatara and Surratt and when they might be expected. I replied at any time, yet they might not reach Hampton Roads for ten days. At present the boat could not ap proach Washington on account of the ice, and she would necessarily be detained till it disappeared. The President remarked that no good could result from any communication "with Surratt, and that the more reck less Radicals, if they could have access to him, would be ready to tamper with and suborn him. The man's life was at stake, he was desperate and resentful. Such a person and in such a condition might, if approached, make almost any statement. He, therefore, thought he should not be allowed to communicate with others, nor should unauthor ized persons be permitted to see him. In these views and suggestions I coincided, and told the President what Admiral Goldsborough had communicated and that the orders were stringent. Passing from this subject, the President alluded to the condition of the country and the importance of bring ing about an early reestabUshment of the Union. The Constitutional Amendment, which had been the policy of Congress, so far as they had a policy, was a failure, and something was now requisite to be done. He asked what I thought of a proposition from one or more of the excluded States for a compromise, — how would it be received? I replied that would depend, of course, on the character of the proposition; but that I knew of nothing which was 32 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 31 required of those States but submission to the Constitu tion, and that they had made. Indi"viduals were amenable to the laws which they had violated, but I knew of nothing which the States were to do as States, beyond acquiescence, which they had already done. The President assented, but asked whether, in the ex cited condition of the country and the party feeling which prevailed, it would not be well to take some steps which might be considered a compromise. Let the Rebel States themselves make a tender. Some Constitutional Amend ment might be proposed which might be satisfactory and could, perhaps, unite all. In order to more clearly indicate his object, he wished to submit to me a paper which he had. This he brought from the library, and, sitting do"wn together, he requested me to read it aloud. It was a series of resolutions which the State of North CaroUna proposed to adopt, and a committee, he said, was waiting to get from him an expression in regard to them. It was for this purpose he had sent for and desired to con sult with me. The document had been prepared "with some care, and there were interUneations in red ink which had been made. I do not mention the details of this paper be cause the President said, after ha"ving my brief criticisms, "To-morrow is Cabinet day, and likely the subject had then better be discussed. Moreover, if adopted, they wiU hereafter be published, altered and changed, perhaps, in some features or detaUs." In one or two suggestions made by me, one seemed to strike the President "with force. A proposed Constitutional Amendment declared in effect that no State should retire from the Union and that the Union should be perpetuated. I proposed to amend by saying that no State should volun tarily withdraw or be excluded from the Union, or deprived of its constitutional right of representation, but that the Union should be perpetual. This was the idea; as regards the phraseology I was indifferent; but it seems to me, after past and present experience, and with the centralizing 1867] PROPOSAL FROM NORTH CAROLINA 33 schemes and intrigues now upon us, that the organic law should not only be against the voluntary withdrawal of a State, but against its exclusion by the arbitrary desire of any accidental party maj ority in Congress. As the Radicals act from no fixed principles, but from party impulse and greed of power, they will object. XLVI The Circumstances attending Motley's Resignation discussed m Cabinet — The North Carolina Plan published in the Richmond Papers — The Matter of the R. R. Cuyler, bought by the Colombian Government and seized by the United States — FaUure of the Samani Negotiations — Thaddeus Stevens's Proposal to establish Military Governments in the Southern States opposed in the House — Banks leads the Opposition — Stanton's Sensational Report on the Enforcement of the Civil Rights Act — Plain Talk with the President about Stanton — Stevens's BiU passes the House — Sherman's Substitute adopted in the Senate — The House makes Further Amendments — Impeachment discussed in the Cabinet — The Tenure-of-Office BUl condemned in the Cabinet. February 1, Friday. The President did not bring forward the document which he submitted to me yesterday, nor make any allusion to it. A number of gentlemen from the South, committeemen from their respective States, are here, or have been recently, many of whom have caUed on me, and each has had something to say on the unhappy condition of affairs. The Radical leaders look upon them and all the Southem people not as feUow countrymen, but treat them as though they had no rights and as if they did not intend they should be considered as equals, or as citi zens who have, or are entitled to, a voice in the Govem ment. Seward spoke of the caU which had been made or was being made on him for the letters and author of the accusa tions against Mr. Motley and others. He was, as usual when in difficulty and especially conscious that he may have made a mistake, very talkative, almost garrulous. The letters which passed between Seward and Motley, end ing with the resignation of the latter, have been pubUshed, and very generally the Secretary of State has been cen sured and severely condemned. Men and papers of all parties are against him. Although his method and maimer 1867] MOTLEY'S RESIGNATION 35 might have been different, I do not think this the most objectionable act which he has committed. His informant, who, he says, is an American gentleman traveling in Eu rope, told him that some of our representatives abroad are denouncing the Administration, particularly the President, and expressing views that are un-American and offensive. To have taken no notice of such a communication, coming from a person of position and character, would have been reprehensible, yet such it is generally claimed by his opponents would have been his proper course. Senator Sumner, who has been conspicuous in this mat ter, is indignant that an obscure person, as he assumes this informant to be, should have received a moment's atten tion when making statements affecting Minister Motley, the historian. But if less notorious than Motley, he may be as inteUigent, patriotic, and worthy, and entitled to as much consideration as the official who, in a foreign land, slanders the Govemment. "A cat may look upon a king," and a patriotic American citizen can hear and disapprove and make known the objectionable and offensive utter ances of one of his countrymen who is officially clothed and recognized as a representative. Mr. Motley denies a portion of the letters, and that part of it, if Mr. M. is one of the offenders alluded to, consti tutes a question of veracity between the informant and the Minister. As Mr. M. disavows the opinions, he should have the privilege and right of relieving himself. If, how ever, he has been censorious or offensive, or careless in his language and utterances, why should not the fact be com municated? He speaks of his right to express his opinions within his own walls. Such would be the case undoubtedly were he a private citizen ; but a public man with stranger guests, the representative of his Govemment at a foreign Court, is not to be justified in defaming before a miscel laneous company the public authorities at home. This subject has not been, perhaps, managed discreetly and courteously, such as becomes the Secretary of State, 36 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. i but he could not have passed the matter without notice. Supposing the whole statement were true and admitted to be tme by M. himself, woiUd he be justified or excused because he is a writer and historian, and the informant an obscure man, as Senator Sumner declares? How was the Secretary to know without inquiry, and in what way so well as by direct appUcation to Motley himself? Seward says he shaU answer the caU of the Senate by giv ing the whole letter and the name of his informant. I said that was not, in my opinion, right imless his informant con sented; that I did not Uke this tamely responding to calls which neither house had a right to make, if the commim- ication was given in confidence. Seward, without stating whether his informant was or was not "wUling, repUed that it was best to throw the whole matter before Congress; that, if we decUned, it would only make them the more noisy and peremptory. I repUed that I would act on no such principle. Some one interrupted by asking the name of the informant, and he said it was, I think, McCracken, a gentleman of character and large wealth, the former proprietor of Fort Washington, New York. There may be circumstances and facts desirable to be made pubUc, and the informant may consent to the sur render of his name, but I apprehend not, and if not, the disclosure is impoUtic and wrong. I have so Uttle confid ence in the judgment, discretion, and courage of Seward that I shaU feel imcomfortable until I know more. He is timid when cornered, and does many things that are strange. He stated to-day, among other things, that when he a few weeks ago brou^t forward Mr. Motley's letter of resignation, he had in his portfolio a soothing letter in reply, to the effect that his tender of resignation was perhaps inade without due consideration, he would please recon sider, etc. This letter, he says, by some inadvertence had been sent off to Mr. M., the President, in the mean time, having accepted the resignation and nominated another person. 1867] NORTH CAROLINA PLAN PUBLISHED 37 AU this may be so, yet there is something in the man agement and way of doing things that is suspicious and strange, to say the least. Mr. Motley may, on reading this unauthorized letter expressing softly the sentiments of Mr. Seward, become reconciled to him personaUy and doubly ¦vindictive towards the President. February 5, Tuesday. Seward handed me in Cabinet a dispatch from Mr. Hovey, our Minister to Peru, inclosing correspondence "with Admiral Dahlgren relative to Tucker, a Rebel deserter, formerly Commander in our Na"vy and now Admiral in the Pem"vian Na"vy, and wished I would try to get the matter adjusted. It is a troublesome dif ficulty and not easy to dispose of, though not of great moment. Seward also read McCracken's letter concerning Motley and other ministers and consuls abroad who are out spoken Radicals and, he says, objectionable and officious in other respects. I again asked if McCracken was wiUing to have his name given to the pubUc. Without answering my question direct, he said if men wrote letters concerning public men and public business, they must take the risk of their being published. McCracken,' Seward says, is a New- Yorker of wealth, a relative of Charles 0' Conor, has influ ence, and if Sumner and his men want to fight the down- to"wn bugs, damn them, let them. This is, I suppose, sec ond-hand from Thurlow Weed. The Richmond papers have the Southem proposed plan which the President showed me a few days since. It was not my suggestion to set off exclusion and secession. This, I think, shows want of judgment and tact on the part of those who have the subject in hand, nor do I think it wise to pubUsh the plan before it has even been submitted to the legislature of any one State. There is an undercurrent in this, as in the Philadelphia Convention, that I dislike. As regards the project itself, I do not admire it as a whole, or as a compromise. In fact, I am not disposed to tamper 38 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 5 with the Constitution at any time, but if changes are to be made, let the whole country participate, and let there be deliberation and consultation and comparison of opinions. I am apprehensive that we may be on the eve of great and serious movements which are to affect our govemment and institutions most deeply. February 8, Friday. The Secretary of the Treasury brought forward the question of the seizure of the R. R. Cuyler, a steamer once owned by the Govemment, but which had been sold to private parties after the close of the War. Recently she has been contracted for by the Repub Uc of Colombia, and was seized by our Govemment on the eve of sailing. It seems by the contract she was to leave under the American flag and that the transfer was to take place at a Colombian port. The Colombian Minister, Sa- langer, protests against the seizure and claims the transac tion to be legal and in good faith. Seward says the sale is fictitious or a cover; that the vessel is to be converted into a privateer, or passed over to the Pem"vians; and that no attention should be paid to Salanger, who is a weak man and can be easily imposed upon. He, therefore, justffies the seizure and proposes to tum the whole matter over to the Attorney-General and the courts. I remarked that I had given the question no study, but from the statement of the Secretary of State I doubted the propriety of these proceedings. If the Colombian Govem ment is not at war with any other power, she has an un doubted right to purchase; the acts of her representative, or minister, are her acts. These int.erpositions to check and embarrass the sale of vessels, on mere suspicion, would injure an important branch of industry, and our mechan ical and business interests were already greatly depressed. Under the circumstances, I thought the Colombian Min ister was to be respected and his Govemment must be responsible for his acts. Stanton desired me to repeat what I said in regard to 1867] THE MATTER OF THE R. R. CUYLER 39 shipbuilding and mechanics, which I did. He said he took an altogether different view. We had complained of Laird and the builders of Rebel vessels at Glasgow. But the Eng lish Government claimed their mechanics had a right to build and sell Alabamas. This was the very matter now in issue with that Government, and we must not embarrass the State Department, which had those negotiations, by committing a similar wrong. I denied that the cases were parallel. The Rebels were belligerents, waging war against a Government in friendly relations with Great Britain; but Colombia was not a bel ligerent, and had as good a right to buy of us, and we as good a right to sell to her, as England or France. The Attorney-General and Browning fully concurred "with me, and in answer to a remark of Seward's that these South American states were poor and their ministers, some of them, indifferent men, Mr. Stanbery said we were not the conservators of those states. They are entitled to the comity of nations. Stanton and Seward reiterated their claims, the former repeating that it was a question for the Secretary of State and that he would defer to him. Seward said it was a legal question and should be left to the Court ; he therefore pro posed to tum the matter over to the Attorney-General. If there were legal points and nothing else, I said, that might be well, but I insisted this is a political question between us and a foreign government; that it devolved properly on the Secretary of State and should not be treated as a legal question. Like many others, most men perhaps, Seward is dis posed to evade responsibility when there is uncertainty and an impending storm. In this matter of the R. R. Cuy ler, there is, in my opinion, no justifiable reason for her de tention. Our shipbuilders and shipowners ought to be able to sell to a neutral govemment at peace; otherwise we shall drive all our customers away and into other markets. There is want of energetic national feeling in the State 40 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 8 Department which is emasculating the country of aU vigor. The subject of the R. R. Cuyler being disposed of, I brought up the case of the Dunderberg. Mr. Webb, the contractor, claims he can sell her at a great advance to a foreign government and wishes to refund advances and take her. To this, individually and officially, I would not object, but others of the Administration do. My own im pression is that Webb will find difficulty in disposing of her, and if we refuse him the opportunity he will come back for a gratuity or advance award above the naval contract. Mr. Seward brought his son Fred, Assistant Secretary, to state the result of his mission, which is a faUure. The Dominicans are not disposed to sell. I am glad of it. We can, if at war with them, capture when there is necessity easier than we can purchase, or cheaper at all events. Dur ing the Civil War it would have been convenient to have had a station in the West Indies. But in case of a foreign war with England, France, or Spain, we can capture with out difficulty one or more of these islands. Seward and Stanton had made arrangements to send General Meigs to Denmark to purchase or negotiate for St. Thomas. I doubted the necessity; but the President ended the matter by saying he was opposed to the prac tice, which was being introduced, of sending officers on traveling excursions for their personal benefit at the Government's expense. General Meigs ^is a worthy man and a good officer, but a pet of Seward's and too much disposed to pander to him. I was, therefore, gratified at the prompt and emphatic decision of the President. February 9, Saturday. The House has been excited for a day or two. A proposition submitted by Stevens from the Reconstruction Committee, proposing to establish mil itary governments over the Southem States, meets with opposition from many Republicans who are not yet Radi cals. There has been but little legislation this session in the 1867] THE MILITARY GOVERNMENT BILL 41 [proper] sense of the word. A Radical party caucus decides in relation to the course to be pursued on all important questions. Two thirds of the Republicans and all of the Radical partisans attend. A majority of them follow Stevens and company. Those who hesitate or are opposed have neither the courage nor the abiUty to resist. The measure, however offensive or even unconstitutional, hav ing the caucus sanction, is brought into the House, the previous question is moved and carried, and, without de bate, adopted. But on the matter of these "vice-royalties, a stand was made against Stevens, and the previous ques tion was not sustained. Governor Banks appears to have been the leading man in opposition, but he had no plan or poUcy to propose. To-day, I am told, he introduced some rude scheme for a commission to take charge of each of the ten States which are imder the Radical ban of exclusion. These commissions are to disorganize the States and then reorganize them. There is neither wisdom nor sense in the House, but "wild, "vicious partisanship continues and is increasing. February 11, Monday. Eliot of Massachusetts, chairman of a committee sent out by Congress to New Orleans, made a report for upsetting the State Govemment of Lou isiana and converting the State into a province or Territory, over which there is to be a governor and council of nine, to be appointed by the President and Senate. These Rad icals have no proper conception of constitutional govem ment or of our republican federal system. On this absurd scheme of Eliot and Shellabarger, both centralists, the House has ordered, without debate, the previous question, — prostrating a State, tearing down our governmental fabric, treating States as mere corporations. February 12, Tuesday. The subject of the R. R. Cuyler was reported upon by the Attorney-General, who thought the vessel should be surrendered to the parties, they giving 42 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 12 bonds as required by statute. The conclusion was right, and Seward and Stanton acquiesced. Webb, builder of the Dunderberg, called on me yester day in relation to his vessel or contract. He wants more money. Senator Morgan was with him, and will, I suppose, introduce a resolution for a committee. Webb has thought I might exercise equity power, but this I shall not do, al though the Attorney-General has given an opinion to that effect, for the power, I conceive, is not given me, but the law and contract must govern me. Equity power is with Congress. February 15, Friday. A call was made, on the 8th of Jan uary, on the President for any facts which had come to his knowledge in regard to failure to enforce the Ci"vil Rights Bill. When the resolution reached the President, he brought it before the Cabinet for answer, and it was re ferred to the Attorney-General on the suggestion of Stan ton, that he should forward copies to the heads of Depart ments for answer. On receiving the resolution I answered immediately, without an hour's delay, and so, I think, did the other members, except Stanton. The subject had passed from my mind and I supposed had been reported until to-day, when Stanton brought in his answer to the President. It was a strange and equivocal document, ac companied by a report which he had called out from Gen eral Grant, and also one from General Howard. Grant's report was brief, but was accompanied by a singular paper transmitted to him by Howard, being an omnium-gatherum of newspaper gossip, rumors of negro murders, neighbor hood strifes and troubles, amounting to 440 in number, — vague, indefinite party scandal which General Howard and his agents had picked up in newspapers and all other ways during four weeks, under and with the assistance of the War Department, who had aided in the search. There was but one sentiment, I think, among all present, and that was of astonishment and disgust at this presentation of 1867] STANTON'S SENSATIONAL REPORT 43 the labors of the War Department. The Attorney-General asked what all this had to do with the inquiry made of the President. The resolution called for what information had come to the knowledge of the President respecting failures to execute the law under the Civil Rights Bill, and here was a mass of uncertain material, mostly relating to negro quarrels, wholly unreliable, and of which the President had no knowledge, collected and sent in through General Grant as a response to the resolution. Two or three expressed surprise at these documents. Stanton, who is not easily dashed when he feels he has power and will be sustained, betrayed guilt, which, how ever, he would not acknowledge, but claimed that the in formation was pertinent, was furnished by General Grant. If, however, the President did not choose to use it, he could decUne doing so. Subsequently he thought the Attorney- General should, perhaps, decide. Seward undertook to modify and suggest changes. I claimed that the whole was wrong and that no such reply could be made acceptable under any form of words. Randall thought the letter of Stanton and the whole budget had better be received, and that the President should send in that he knew nothing about them when this Senate resolution was passed, but that, having since re ceived this information, he would have it looked into and thoroughly investigated. Stanton, who showed more in countenance and manner than I ever saw him, caught at Randall's proposition. Said he would alter his report to that effect and went to work "with his pencil. Seward indorsed RandaU. Said he thought all might be got along with if that course was pursued. I dissented entirely and deprecated communicating this compilation of scandal and inflammable material, gath ered by partisans since the action of Congress, and repre sented tobe a matter of which the President had knowledge when the resolution was passed. It would be said at once 44 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 15 by mischievous persons that here was information of which Grant complained, but of which the President took no notice; that Congress had caUed out the information and Grant communicated it, and that there is maladministra tion. [I said] that this was the purpose of the call; the design probably of the Members who got it up. Stanton looked at me eamestly. Said he was as desirous to act in unison "with the President as any one, no matter who ; that this information seemed to him proper, and so, he said, it seemed to General Grant, who sent it to him; but if others wished to suppress it they could make the attempt, but there was little doubt that Members of Con gress had seen this, — likely had copies. Finally, and with great reluctance on his part, it was arranged that he should, as the rest of us had done, give aU the information called for which had come to his know ledge in answer to the resolution, and that the reports of Grant and Howard should, with the rumors, scandal, and gossip, be referred to the Attorney-General for investiga tion and prosecution if proper. It was evident throughout this whole discussion of an hour and a half that all were aUke impressed in regard to this matter. McCulloch and Stanbery each remarked to me before we left that here was design and intrigue in con cert with the Radical conspirators at the Capitol. Stanton betrayed his knowledge and participation in it, for, though he endeavored to bear himself through it, he could not conceal his part in the intrigue. He had delayed his answer until Howard and his subordinates scattered over the South could hunt up all the rumors of negro quarrels and party scandal and malignity, and pass them, through Gen eral Grant, on to the President. It would help generate difference between the President and the General, and, if sent out to the country under the call for information by Congress, would be used by the demagogues to injure the President and, perhaps, Grant also. Seward obviously saw the intent and scope of the thing 1867] PLAIN TALK WITH THE PRESIDENT 45 and soon took up a book and withdrew from the discussion. His friend Stanton was in a position where he could do Uttle to relieve him. Randall played the part of trimmer to extricate Stanton, who avaUed himself of the plank thrown out. Seward made allusion to the difficulty between our naval officers and Tucker, the unpardoned Rebel whom the Peru vians have made rear-admiral, and wished the members of the Cabinet, exclusive of him and myself, to consider and be prepared to act upon the subject at the Cabinet- meeting on Tuesday. February 16, Saturday. Had a brief conversation with Browning, who was at my house at reception last evening, concerning the proceedings yesterday. He expressed his amazement at the course of Stanton. Said he listened and observed without remark till the close, and was compelled to beUeve that there was design and "villainy, if not ab solute treachery, at the bottom. It was "with reluctance he came to this conclusion, but it was impossible to do other wise. I have been so disturbed by it and by the condition of affairs that I made it a point to call on the President and communicate my feeUngs. I told him that it was with re luctance I was compeUed to express an unfavorable opin ion of a colleague and that I would not do so except from a sense of duty. I adverted to the occurrences of yesterday and told him I had carefully and painfully pondered them, and my first impression was fully confirmed by reflection, that the details of Stanton's report, the introduction of Grant and Howard, with their catalogue of alleged mur ders and crimes unpunished, which had been industriously gathered up, was part of a conspiracy which was on foot to destroy him and overthrow his Administration; that it was intended the statement of reported murders should go abroad under his name, drawn out by Congress, and spread before the country on the passage of the biU estabUshing 46 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 16 miUtary governments over the Southern States as a justi fication for legislative usurpation. That report was to be the justification for the act. There had been evident pre concert in the matter, and Radical Congressmen were act ing in concert with the Secretary of War. I alluded to the manipulation of officers by the War Department, and men tioned how improper men had been placed at important points, being first impressed with the views of the Secre tary, which we all knew to be Radical and hostUe to the President's poUcy. I said that I could perceive Grant had been strongly but unmistakably prejudiced, — perhaps seduced, worked over, and enlisted, — and that gradually the Administration was coming under the War Depart ment. The President listened and assented to my observations; spoke of the painful exhibition which Stanton made of himself; said he should, but for the rain, have sent for Grant to know how far he really was involved in the mat ter, etc. ; that as regards the miUtary governments, they were not yet determined upon, perhaps would not be. He still hesitates, faUs to act, retains bad ad"visers and traitors. February 18, Monday. The session of the Senate on Sat urday continued through the night and imtil 6.30 yester day morning. The subject under consideration was the establishment of military governments over the South ern States. A biU to this effect was introduced by Thad Stevens from the Reconstruction Committee, and was carried under his management and dictation through the House. Very few attempt to indorse or justify the meas ure, yet all the Radicals and most of the RepubUcans voted for it. There is very little finnness or moral courage in the House. The Members dare not speak nor act according to their convictions. Indeed, their convictions are feeble and there is little sincerity in them. In the Senate, Wade, Sumner, and company undertook 1867] THE MILITARY GOVERNMENT BILL 47 to force through the bill at the Saturday's session. A stand was made by the minority against such precipitate and un reasonable legislation on so important a measure. Various amendments were offered and voted do"wn, but at length, on Sunday morning, Mr. Sherman offered a substitute which was adopted. It is in one or two respects less offens ive than the House bill, but is still an outrage upon the Constitution, the rights of the people, and the rights of the States. Sumner was violent, and Grimes tells me swore savagely when Sherman's substitute was adopted. He left the Senate in a rage. Grimes and Sumner, though both Radicals, are not friends or on speaking terms. Of course Grimes is enjoying Sumner's disappointment. Stevens, Boutwell, and the extreme Radicals are as indignant as Sumner, and will make fight against the bill in its present shape and likely secure amendments. The RepubUcans, though disliking and mistrusting each other more and more each day, are not yet prepared to break. There is no shrewd man among the Democrats to take advantage of or to manage their rising differences or to lead his own party wisely. Seward and Stanton confuse and bewilder the mind of the President, prevent him from pursuing a straightfor ward and correct course and from taking and maintaining a bold, decisive policy. They are weakening the executive power daily and imdermining the constitutional fabric. Seward acts, as usual, from no fixed principles, but from mere expediency, his own self-wisdom, not with a design to injure the President or to help the Radicals. He tries to resuscitate, vitaUze, and perpetuate the old Whig Party and to undo and destroy the Democratic Party, each for the glory of Seward. Stanton is deep in the Radical in trigues, but contrives to get along with and to use Seward and his superficial "wisdom, and is so far successful as to keep his place, although the President knows his mischiev ous designs and purposes. The country is in poor legislative hands and the prospect 48 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 18 is sadly foreboding. The Constitution and the great prin ciples of union and free govemment on a federal basis are disregarded. February 22, Friday. The poUticians in and out of Con gress have been busy for several days on the subject of gov erning the Southem States. Sherman's amendment went down to the House, was disagreed to, and some abomin able additions were made. Partisans, and factions, and fanatics, and demagogues were each and all at work. Fin ally a bill was adopted establishing military governments and martial law in and over those States. Where Congress gets the power to do these things no one attempts to point out. The Members of Congress e"vidently confoimd mar tial law with military law, and know no distinction. Con gress has the undoubted right to enact miUtary laws for the govemment of the land and naval forces; but martial law exists and is in operation where there is no law. The will of the mUitary officer in command is supreme. He can order courts martial or miUtary commissions to try citizens as well as soldiers, but citizens cannot be tried by mUitary law. Martial law aboUshes jury trials; Congress cannot abolish them. Martial law may abridge freedom of speech and of the press, but Congress cannot. When there is a congress or legislature to enact laws, there can be no martial law. It would be a solecism. Yet this Radical Congress has undertaken to enact martial law. In other respects the bill is subversive of govemment, de stroys titles, and introduces chaos. The President, as commander-in-chief of the Army and Na"vy, exercised the power, which devolved upon him when the Rebellion was suppressed, and the miUtary forces occupied the Rebel States, and there was no law, and chaos reigned, of appointing provisional governors and ordering other measures to estabUsh order and system and reintroduce law. Congress could not do this. It had no authority or power. AU its powers are derived from the 1867] TWO BILLS BEFORE THE CABINET 49 Constitution, the organic law; but when martial law pre vaUs, municipal law is suspended. To-day the President laid this bill, and also the one re specting the tenure of office, before the Cabinet. The bill for the mihtary government of the States was the only one considered. On this there was the usual uncertainty. No one of the Cabinet ad"vised the President to approve the bill but Stanton. He said that, though he would have framed the bill differently and altered it in some respects, he should give it his sanction, and ad"vised the President to give it his approval. FoUowing him, I wholly dissented, and plainly and directly ad"vised the President to put his veto upon it. Reverdy Johnson, the Senatorial trimmer, gave his vote in the Senate for this infamous bill. Stanton quoted him as an example and an authority. How long will the President be able to go on with such an opponent at his councU board? February 25, Monday. I read some suggestions on the Tenure-of-Office Bill to the President. " They were prepared in response to an opinion of the Attorney-General some months since, but are applicable to the bill. The Pre sident was pleased with them. I also left with him some "views on the bill for the military government of the South em States. These "views, which relate to the strange plan of enacting martial law by Congress, chimed in with his opinions. On taking the paper, the President alluded to the Cab inet council on Friday and the pitiful exhibition which Stanton made of himself, and wondered if he (S.) supposed he was not understood. The sparkle of the President's eyes and his whole manner betokened intense though sup pressed feeling. Few men have stronger feeling; still fewer have the power of restraining themselves when evidently excited.. I remarked that it was but part of the drama which had 3 50 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 25 long been enacting and asked what was to be the condition of things, if impeachment were pressed and an attempt to arrest him was made. This subject the President himself had brought forward at the Friday meeting. Seward and Stanton wished to give it the go-by, though each had his own theory. Seward said it was not wise to anticipate such a thing, — to discuss it even among ourselves, — had an anecdote to tell, and his experience on the McCracken correspondence. I differed with him, and thought it both wise and prudent to be prepared for an emergency which was threatened and had been undoubtedly discussed. Others agreed with me and the President eamestly. Thus pressed, Seward said it might be considered a law question, coming particularly within the province of the Attorney- General whenever it came up, but if the Attorney-General should advise the President to submit to an arrest before conviction, he would demand the immediate dismissal of the Attorney-General. I asked if the demand would be made on legal or poUtical groimds. Stanton tried to evade the matter; did not believe that impeachment would be pursued; the session is near its close, etc. The President was e"vidently not satisfied with this treatment of the subject when we had our conversation on Saturday, and was now a good deal indignant. But whether he will make any demonstration in that direction remains to be seen. I have little expectation that he will, although, had I not previously had sunilar strong intimations with out any result, I should from his expressive manner have expected a change. February 26, Tuesday. At the Cabinet the subject of the Tenure-of-Office Bill came up. It had been postponed at the request of the Attomey-General on Friday. He said he had not read it until to-day, but he required no time to express his unquaUfied condenmation of it. In this the whole Cabinet were united. Stanton was very emphatic and seemed glad of an opportunity to be in accord with his 1867] VETO OF TENURE-OF-OFFICE BILL 51 colleagues. The President said he was overwhelmed with many pressing matters which must be disposed of, and he would be glad if Stanton would prepare a veto or make suggestions. Stanton asked to be excused, for he had not time. The Attorney-General said it was impossible for him to do the work. The President turned to Seward, who said he had not recently given these subjects attention, but he would take hold if Stanton would help him. The President suggested that both the War and Navy must help in this matter, and McCulloch expressed a special de sire that I should participate. I saw that Seward was not taken with that proposition. Some general discussion followed, and, before we left, Seward spoke across the room to Stanton and requested him to call and enter upon their duties; but no in"vitation was extended to me. The President turned to me and in an undertone remarked that I had given this subject a good deal of thought and he reckoned I had better pre pare a paper. I told him I would have no objection to contribute to the document, but it had gone into hands that seemed willing to grapple "with it, and I apprehended after what had been said that they would do it justice. If, however, anything was wanted of me, I would be ready to contribute at any time. Febrvary 27, Wednesday. I called on the President to day with a brief communication to the House of Represent atives, declining to furnish certain information which had been caUed for at the instigation of a claim agent, which response I thought had better pass through the President. The anterooms were very much crowded. In the council- room, at the President's table, was a gentleman busily writing, who did not lift his head while I was in the room^ but who, I am confident, was Judge Jeremiah Black. My interview with the President was necessarily brief, for I saw he was engaged and none were admitted. I have no doubt that Black is assisting in preparing the veto message 52 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 27 on the MiUtary Government Bill, stating some of the legal objections. This evening, just before I left the Department, Seward's clerk Smith, his legal clerk, called and said Mr. Stanton was with Mr. Seward and they wished to know where they could get a copy of Mr. Webster's speech on removals from office, to which I had made reference in some of our discus sions. I told him I could not get the volume at that time, nor did I know whether it was pubUshed in Webster's Works, but that it was in the great debate on Calhoim's resolution in 1834. He said that could not be, that the speech must have been in 1830; they had searched for it through 1830, 1831, and 1832. I told them they had not looked late enough, that Calhoun was then Vice-President and not a Senator. No invitation came for me to participate. This is best. Our views are so different in many respects that it is weU I should be absent. The principles of Seward and Stanton and their party education were different, and aU may work out well, — better than if I were with them. February 28, Thursday. Yoimg Ruger, of Janes"vUle, Wis consin, who was nominated postmaster at that place, was rejected by the Senate and has come on here. In an inter- "view with Senator Howe, that gentleman said to Ruger the Senate would confirm no man for any office who did not vote for Lincohi and Johnson. Mr. RandaU, Postmaster- General, thinks it best to nominate only such RepubUcans as will be confirmed, and so told Ruger. Under such course and practice the President will have very little opportunity to strengthen himself or maintain his rightful authority. Randall was confirmed by the Senate under suspicious cir cumstances. There are many indications that he is under bad influences. Some of his associations are bad. Sumner and Chandler made a gross and indecent attack on McCulloch in the Senate, and were rebuked by Sher man and Fessenden. The condition of the country is de- 1867] ATTACK ON McCULLOCH 53 plorable when such men, in such positions, thus exhibit themselves. Chandler's instincts are low and debasing, always. Sumner is domineering, arrogant, insolent, and presuming. He is angry because a brother-in-law was removed for malconduct. Chandler is mad because he cannot dictate all the Michigan appointments. High Sena torial duties are discharged by men who in their official acts are govemed by narrow personal considerations. Little regard is felt for the country, while private resent ments are all-controlling. I am not certain that judicious selections are always made, but I do know that good and judicious men are rejected for no cause. XLVII Seward and Stanton prepare the Veto Message on the Tenure-of-Office BUI — Vetoes of this and the Military Govemment Bill sent in — Reverdy Johnson's Extraordinary Course — Butler's Animosity towards Grant — The Chances of Impeachment — The Close of One Congress and the Beginning of Another — The Powers of the Military Governors — The President's Exclamation in regard to Impeachment — Ex-Congressman Law of Indiana on Andrew Johnson — The President's Reticence — Randall's Conciliatory Attitude towards the Radicals — Stanton ap parently to select the MUitary Governors — Sickles among the Generals chosen as Governors — Wall Street's Influence in Congress — The Alaskan Purchase Treaty — Death of Charles Eames — His Career — Senator Foster and the Austrian Mission — No Opposition to the Rus sian Treaty in the Cabinet — The ex-Confederate Admiral of the Peru vian Navy to be saluted by American Officers — Indian Affairs — The President wishes to offer the Austrian Mission to General Blair — Judge Blair's Story of the Action of General Grant and General Dick Taylor against Seward and Stanton — Private Secretary Moore's Relations with Stanton — Congress refuses to adjourn — The Alaskan Treaty signed — Seward tells ex-Minister Bigelow how he shaped Lincoln's Cabinet. March 1, Friday. Seward and Stanton have prepared and handed to the President the veto message on the bill for the tenure of office. They did not see fit to submit it to me, and I hesitated whether to inform the President of the fact. Amidst other multitudinous duties he supposes, I have no doubt, that I have participated in and re"vised the message. On the whole, concluded to say notliing unasked. But little was done in Cabinet. Some little discrepancies between Stanbery and Black, who has been consulted, have delayed the veto on the Military Govemment BiU, which is the absorbing measure in this exciting time of extraordinary measures. Business of importance has been as usual delayed to the close of the session. Office and place have been the en grossing subjects of the Members. Legislation by which the appointments may be transferred from the Executive 1867] TWO VETOES SENT IN 55 to Congress^ by which Radicals in office may be retained in place, or that "will secure Radical appointments, has been a primary object. To break down State independence and State rights, to undermine and destroy the character of the executive and judicial departments of the Govern ment, are great purposes with the Radical leaders. There is no doubt that the Government is to be subverted and constitutional limitations are to be swept away, provided the Radicals can succeed. Hate of the Rebels and of all whites, whether Rebels or not, if they Uved in the Rebel States, "with intense love for the negro, the "wards of the nation," for whom the rights and feelings of white men are freely sacrificed, characterizes Congress. March 2, Saturday. The President is greatly pressed "with business. Sent in to-day his two vetoes. That on the establishment of military governments over the ten States was received with deep interest. The opinions of a major ity of the Republicans are undoubtedly against the prin ciples of the bill, but they have not the independence and moral courage to act in conformity to their convictions and confront the Radicals. Party subjection overpowers them. Thad Stevens and the discipline of the caucus are potent. In the Senate, as in the House, party dominates over country. Fear comes over the feeble-minded, who com prise nearly one half of the Senate. If two or three hesi tated, the recent extraordinary course of Reverdy Johnson decided them to submit to the demands of party. Johnson knows and says the bill is unconstitutional and "wrong, yet he "violates his oath and votes for it. His justification is that the Radicals, in their fury, will impose harder terms if these are not accepted, and he wants the coimtry should have repose. It is known, however, that his son-in-law is an earnest candidate for the office of District Attorney of Maryland, and he could not, under existing circumstances, expect to be confirmed by this Senate, were the President to nominate him. This apostasy of Johnson will insure the 56 DIARY OF GIDEON. WELLES [march 2 son-in-law's confirmation, provided he gets the nomination, and Reverdy, to say nothing of other malign influences, fancies that his position as Senator and one of the judges of the President in case of impeachment will secure the selection. I have no doubt this old poUtical prostitute has been govemed by these mercenary personal considera tions. He has a good deal of legal abiUty, but is not over burdened with political principles. This conduct occasions less surprise on that account. Sad is the condition of the country when such men influence its destiny. March 3, Sunday. Spent two or three hours at the Pre sident's this morning. McCulloch and Browning caUed for me. Seward and Randall were there. The President was calm, but I thought more dejected than I had almost ever seen him. Not that he expressed himself despondingly, but his air and manner were of that appearance. Perhaps it was because he had had but Uttle sleep, for he spoke of transactions past midnight. While the President was absent for a short time in the library. Browning remarked that he felt disturbed by the state of things. "How," said he, "is Grant? Does any one know his opinions, and what stand he takes?" Seward; said he would know to-morrow at 2 p.m., or perhaps at 2 p.m. on Tuesday. Browning pricked up his ears and opened his eyes. "How," inquired he, "shaU I know?" "Why," repUed Seward, "Benjamm F. Butler will be sworn in by that time, and his animosity towards Grant is so much greater than it is towards the President that he will make his opinions known and understood upon the floor of the House. When that is done, you wiU aU understand where Grant stands." This was delivered very oracularly, and I have no doubt Seward has turned this matter over in his mind and come to the conclusion that the President will have a fast friend in Grant in consequence of the disagreement between him and Butler. Whether Stanton has helped to impress this 1867] THE CHANCES OF IMPEACHMENT 57 on Seward is uncertain. I am inclined to think he has been instrumental in practicing on the too ready creduUty of the Secretary of State in this matter. He is too ready to be Ueve what he wishes, if he has even but slight authority. RandaU thought there was not much probability that the impeachment scheme would be pressed any further. Encouraged by this, Seward said nothing would be done. "But," remarked Bro"wmng, " provided they should go on, what have we to depend upon?" Seward evaded a direct answer; spoke of the discontent of the business men; said the Members were also disturbed. Randall took the same "view; said Congress would not consent to this thing. I said that was the common-sense view, and if there were any reliable inteffigence and firmness in Congress there would be an end of the matter at once. But, unfor tunately, there was neither good sense, ability, nor inde pendence among the Radicals. There is no individuality among the weU-meaning Members. A few leaders and the Radical cohorts had entire control of the whole mass of Re publicans. Stevens, Butler, Boutwell, Schenck, Kelley, and a few other violent partisans led the positive element, and in revolutionary times such as these the positive and the "violent always controlled. If the men I had named and a few others willed it, the House would unquestion ably impeach, whether they foimd a reason therefor or not. I, therefore, thought Browning's inquiry pertinent and that the subject should receive attention. Seward admitted that the positive element invariably bore sway, and told of some who had dined "with him the past week and swore they would not vote to impeach, but he told them they would despite their assertions, if Stevens demanded it, — that they were dra"wn on step by step. Randall made no further remark. I have a distrust of him that I can't remove. I regret it and hope I am mis taken. He is not treacherous, that I am aware, to the Pre sident, but he is on terms with the President's enemies and has bad associates. ... 58 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 3 The President said he had last night, after one o'clock, a letter from Reverdy Johnson requesting that his son-ui- law, Ridgely, might be nominated District Attorney. This, the President remarked, was about as cool a piece of as surance as he had ever vsdtnessed. It does not surprise me. What will the President do? March 4, Monday. Went at half-past nine to the Capi tol. The President directed the Cabinet to meet at that time. I called at the Executive Mansion on my way and found the President very busy. He had signed all the biUs sent him save three. One was the Army Appropriation Bill, the second section of which, as weU as some others, was objectionable, — so much so that I could not advise him to sanction it. Another was the Woolens BiU, which I had not examined, but which McCuUoch thought the President had better sign with a protest. The two houses were in session until after meridian. Time was set back. The session was called as of the 2d of March, Sunday being dies non. The houses had each taken frequent recesses without adjourning. It was the only evidence of regard for the Constitution which I witnessed, and this was a fiction. I looked briefly into the Senate, where the new Senators were being sworn in. It is the only time I have seen the Senate in session since I was there at the adjournment last July. I could not respect the body or many of its members. They are, in their intense faction hate of Southern whites and zeal for the negro, determined to pull down the piUars of the Republic. Foster and I met in the passage as I was going into the Senate. He was looking disconsolate, but I wasted no sympathy on him, and in the few words which passed I was not hypocrite enough to express any regret that his term had closed. I was sorry that Cowan, frank and bold, hon est as regards measures, though not always correct in his estimate of men, should leave. The Senate in its meanness 1867] POWERS OF MILITARY GOVERNORS 59 did not act on his nomination to Vienna. It neither rejected nor confirmed him. Reverdy Johnson's son-in-law was nominated and con firmed to be District Attorney for Maryland. So much for disregarding principle, conviction, and duty. Who influ enced the President in this matter I know not. Seward, I am satisfied, assented to it, if he did not advise it. Johnson was frequently in and out, and I saw Cowan with him. Not unUkely the good-natured Senator was persuaded to ap peal to the forbearing President. I went with McCulloch to the House of Representatives, which was crowded. The Clerk was just commencing to call the roll for Speaker, and I left. Some changes take place in this body. Ten States are excluded and unrepre sented, but the Radical fragment will press forward all all the more eamestly for mischief. March 5, Tuesday. Some of the Radical revolutionary measures were discussed to-day in Cabinet. The legisla tion and action of Congress have thrown several hundred officers out, and the public funds are in jeopardy. Intent on office, place, and power, the real interests of the coun try have been neglected or not considered by the Radicals. Want of comprehension of consequences and a feeling of irresponsibility have been manifest throughout. A question came up as to the power and jurisdiction of the military governors who were to be placed in charge of the Southem States. Stanton said they must be subordin ate and accountable to their superiors who were in charge of the military departments. Stanbery doubted the cor rectness of this view. I put the distinct question whether, if there were conflicts of opinion between the mUitary gov ernor and his superior, — as for instance if the brigadier governor of Georgia and Alabama should take a position, or issue an order which was disapproved by Major-General Thomas, in command of that military department, would he override and annul the order of the military governor? 60 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 5 Stanton said General Thomas' order would control. I questioned it and claimed that the special authority con ferred by the act, if the act was of any vaUdity, made the brigadier independent of General Thomas in goveming the States to which he was assigned. This seemed the prevaUing opinion, but at Stanton's request, decision was deferred untU Friday, he promising in the mean time to investigate the subject. March 6, Wednesday. I was "with the President on a little business, and Stanbery was present at the early part of our interview. The subject of yesterday's decision on the powers of the brigadiers was introduced by S., who said he had not a shadow of a doubt in regard to it; he thinks Stanton and his friends have overshot the mark. After Stanbery left, the President continued the conver sation on the same topic, and if he intended to enforce an unconstitutional law in regard to the importance of select ing the right men for military governors, I urged him to be certain in regard to his men for those positions and to have an interview with each before gi'ving them orders. He assented fully. I then alluded again to the condition of things here in Washington. In the event of the Radical leaders succeeding in their intrigue to procure an impeachment, the first step after impeachment should be voted would be to order his arrest. If he was not prepared to submit to an arrest, was he prepared to meet it? Whom could he confide in? Who of the miUtary men, or of the War Department, would stand by him against an order issued by Congress, or the Senate as a court, under the signature of the Chief Justice, com manding his arrest? I had on two or three occasions, I re marked, introduced this topic, not that it was pleasant or interesting to me, but it was unportant to him and the country. Once he had himself brought forward the sub ject, but a direct and positive answer by the Cabinet or some of the Cabinet had been evaded by the Cabinet 1867] THE PRESIDENT'S HESITATION 61 or some of the members. The President said yes, he was aware of it, but he would bring the subject to a decision next Friday. I told him it was in my opinion due to himself, although Mr. Seward had said it was not best to anticipate. But it has been the misfortune, the weakness, the great error of the President to delay, — hesitate before acting. It has weakened him in public estimation, and given the impression that he is not strong in his own opinions. Yet I know of no man who is more firm, when he has once taken a stand. But promptness, as well as firmness, is necessary to inspire pubUc confidence. March 7, Thursday. The Radicals are divided in opinion on the subject of impeachment, and also as to the adjourn ment. Some wish a continuous session, some wish to adjourn to May, others until October or November. The Senate seem determined to adjourn over until the fall, whUe the extreme Radicals vnsh to continue in session, al though there is no business requiring their presence. But they desire to administer the govemment and impeach the President. Not that he has committed any wrong or that any offense can be stated; but they have had a committee searching the country to find, if possible, some mistake, some error, some act which can be construed into a polit ical fault and thus justify his removal, because he is an obstacle in the way of RadicaUsm. March 8, Friday. Very little was done to-day in Cabinet. It was expected, I think, by all that the President would bring forward measures in relation to the Military Govem ment Act, and, therefore, they had omitted pressing any business except such as was absolutely necessary from the Departments. But the President made no allusion to the subject. He said he was very much engaged, as he must be, not only on that of the military govemment but other matters which should be immediately disposed of. 62 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 8 After the meeting, or the regular session, was over, Mc Culloch reached over the table, at the end of which the President was sitting, I being as usual on his left, and Browning came and seated himself on the opposite side and said something in a low tone which I did not hear, or which passed out of my mind in consequence of what subsequently occurred. He said it — his suggestion, what ever it was — would check the impeachment movement. The President replied hastily: "I "wiU do nothing to check impeachment, if there is any wish to press it. I am tired of hearing allusions to impeachment. God Almighty knows I will not tum aside from my pubUc duties to attend to these contemptible assaults which are got up to embar rass the Administration. Let the House go forward and busy themselves in that matter if they "wish." There are rumors as to the persons to be selected as miU tary governors, and I think the President is, unfortunately for himself, consulting with General Grant. How far Grant confers with Stanton, I know not, nor does the President, — if he confers at all. That Grant may be biased by Stan ton and Holt, "with whom he has constant, intimate inter course is not improbable. However, my impression has been that Grant is himself rightly disposed, though there are some things which indicate subtlety and dupUcity. March 9, Saturday. Law of Indiana, who was a Mem ber of the Thirty-seventh and Thirty-eighth Congresses, called on me, being on a visit to Washington. We have been good friends since our first acquaintance. He said he had just paid his respects to the President and reminded him of an incident. In the summer of 1861, he, L., was at the Burnett House in Cincinnati on his way to Washing ton in pursuance of the call of President Lincoln for an extra session. He had just finished his meal, — breakfast, I think, — and came out on the piazza, when a troop of horse, both riders and animals somewhat jaded, rode up, and opening in line, a citizen, in citizen's dress much dusted, .1867] ;eX-CONGRESSMAN LAW ON JOHNSON 63 came forward and dismounted. That man, exhausted and covered with dust, was Andrew Johnson, a Senator from Tennessee on his way to Washington under the caU of the President, and the military authorities had dispatched a troop of horse to escort and guard him across the State of Kentucky. "I little thought," said Law, "that I should ever hear Andrew Johnson denounced as a Rebel, or a sym pathizer with Rebels; that partisan malice would ever accuse hinn of want of fidelity to the Union; but God only knows what we are coming to in these Radical times. Such a patriot as Johnson," said Law, with tears running down his cheeks, "a man who has suffered and done so much, deserves better treatment from his countrymen." March 11, Monday. Senator Morgan says Nye returns from Connecticut, where he has been making political speeches, very much alarmed at the prospect, and if extra efforts are not put forth, Deming will lose his election to Congress. Were the election to take place at this time, I am inclined~t6 think the Radicals would be beaten, but much can be done in three wee^U Stanbery and myself were with the President a short time this morning. Business disposed of, some conversation foUowed in regard to the selection of military governors. We both dwelt on the importance of judicious, good, re liable men. The President assented and said he hoped to finish up the matter to-day, but he made no intimation as to the persons whom he should designate. I had no desire to ask, and Stanbery seemed Ukewise disposed. The President is without doubt too reticent "with his Cabinet ad"visers, and perhaps "with all his friends, although inclined to much public speaking and free utterance on matters that are public. From his silence on the subject of military governors I do not anticipate a judicious selec tion, and shall not be surprised if Grant, in whom he still has confidence, and possibly Stanton, are the only persons whom he consults. If so he "will have trouble. / 64 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [makch 12 March 12, Tuesday. Current matters of no special inter est to-day in Cabinet. Appointments and rejections were talked over. I do not leam that the President and some of the Departments have any system in this matter of appointments and removals. Randall equivocates, trims, and gives in to the Radicals. It is said he was confirmed with that understanding. He has no backbone or power. If the Senate rejects a good man because he is friendly to the President and adheres to the Constitution, RandaU is content to present another of an entirely different charac ter, a tool of the Senate, an enemy to the President, a "wild Radical. Of course no party can succeed under such man agement, and the Administration is consequently making no headway. McCulloch is a different and much better man than Randall in every respect; but, overwhelmed with the financial difficulties of the country, he is for conciliating the Radicals, yields too much, and Randall and others increase that infirmity. The tendency is aU wrong. Nothing was said by the President in Cabinet on the subject of military governors. He took Stanton aside and had a conversation of some fifteen minutes "with him, while the rest were waiting. At the close Stanton was unusually jubilant, had a joke or two "with McCuUoch and could not suppress his feelings. I shaU not be disappointed if Stan ton selects or controls the military governors, and I think Seward has advised that he should. These two men have contrived to break do"wn the Administration, — Seward without intending it. Thurlow Weed has been in to"wn for a day or two, almost as much at the War as at the State Department. His counsel is always pernicious. March 13, Wednesday. Judge Field called on me to-day. He is very sound and correct on the great questions before the country. He concurred with me as to the peculiar char acteristics of the President and the misfortunes which he has brought on himself and the country by failing to act 1867] SICKLES ONE OF THE GOVERNORS 65 promptly on his own convictions, and by listening to the advice of those who are not his friends. Judge Field has no confidence in Stanton and fears he wUl influence bad appointments for military governors, and expressed a strong hope that General Sickles would not be selected. The paper this morning announces the generals who have been designated, and Sickles is one of them. Sickles is a favorite of Stanton, who defended him for murdering Key. I do not think the selections in several respects ju dicious. That of Sickles accounts for Stanton's exuberant feelings yesterday and confirms my impression that he has been instrumental in selections, some of which will be likely to cause difficulty. It would not be easy, however, to go among the mUitary men and choose five in whom to repose full confidence. In listening to Stanton the President has made no friends. The War Department has made itself felt in the appointments. "The slime of the serpent is over them all." General Grant has apparently borne himself under all influences as well as could be expected, yet I think he is to some extent affected and has been swayed by Radical influence. March 14, Thursday. McCulloch spent some time with me this evening. He is a good deal desponding. Says Congress is very corrupt. Certain Wall Street operators know daily what is done in the Finance and Ways and Means Committees. He gets information of the trans actions of that committee by way of Wall Street before the committee reports to or ad"vises with him, and his o"wn movements are also in that way betrayed. These Radical patriots are swindling the country while imposing on its creduUty. The want of prompt and decisive action on the part of the President, who is deceived by Stanton, aided by Seward, who supports Stanton, we both lamented. It has made the Administration a faUure and transferred power 3 66 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 14 from the Executive to Congress, which is now omnipotent and unrestrained. On every hand the Executive has been hedged in and crippled. It annoys McCuUoch that Stan ton should have the ear and confidence of the President, while to him it is obvious that the President is betrayed; the rest of the Cabinet, who are faithfully dischargmg their duties, are assailed, while Stanton, who is faithless and treacherous, escapes, — has aU the appropriations he asks. But McCulloch does not reaUze what is ob"vious to me, — that Seward has the ear and the confidence of the President, and is the man who by his efforts and repre sentations retains Stanton. These two men have sacri ficed the President. He has permitted it and thereby made his Administration impotent. March 15, Friday. Seward produced a treaty for ac quiring the Russian possessions in North America. All assented to submitting it to the Senate. The subject of naval courtesies with Tucker, the Rebel deserter, whom Peru has made admiral of her na"vy, came up. No one stood by me, of the Cabinet. The President patiently listened. Stanton declared his heart and sym pathies were "with me, but the question of intemational courtesies he thought should be left with the Secretary of State and Attomey-General. This lugging in the Attomey- General on international law and political questions and committing them to him I do not like. It is to enlist Stanbery and relieve Seward of responsibiUty in a matter which belongs to the State Department. I could perceive that the Attomey-General had been consulted, and was prepared to give an opinion as the Secretary of State "wished. As usual the Secretary of State disregards not only the national punctilio but the national points [sic], — surrenders all when the easy work ing of his own Department is concerned. Stanton, who has heretofore, and, as he declared, de- 1867] DEATH OF CHARLES EAMES 67 Uberately, agreed with me, fell away at the crisis. This did not disappoint me. He always goes with Seward. They are one. March 16, Saturday. Charles Eames died this after noon. He was in many respects a very superior man, and, though a private citizen, his death is a public loss. I con sider him to have been the best-read and most correct admiralty lawyer in the country, and the best authority on questions of maritime law. I have seen but little of him for a year past, — he has been so immersed in busi ness, — but I have made it a point to get his opinion on important questions when I had doubts and when I dif fered with others whose opinions I thought of value. Twenty years ago we became acquainted during Polk's Administration. He was a clerk for a short time in the Na"vy Department. Appleton was then Chief Clerk. Both, though my juniors, are now dead. Eames became editor of the Union, ^ was commissioner to the Sandwich Islands, Minister to Venezuela, etc. His attainments placed him, though unpretentious, high as a publicist and statesman. As a poUtician he lacked force, but was an excellent ad"viser. His poUtics were democratic Republican. As a critic he was acute and accurate. Marcy, Everett, and Guthrie submitted to him some of their most important papers before gi'ving them publicity. He was the young est and best scholar in the most renowned class which ever graduated at Harvard. Buchanan treated Eames shabbily, and when I came here at the commencement of Lincoln's Administration, he was low in finance and business and somewhat de jected. We soon renewed our acquaintance, became so cial, and I was enabled to assist him. He was a politician in the best sense of the word and did not love the practice of the law, but necessity impelled him, and, being thrown out of public employment by the perverse action and * A Washington newspaper. 68 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 16 opposition of Seward and the cold dupUcity of Chase, he applied himself to the profession. The prize cases brought him forward, and the Treasury availed itself of his abUity. Not endowed with a strong constitution, he broke do"wn under the pressure of certain great cases intrusted to him. His physical system was not equal to his mental power and the demands upon him. Farewell, old friend! There is no one to supply your place to me. March 18, Monday. Senator Foster caUed on me to day to aid him in obtaining the mission to Vienna. Says Seward advised him to consult me. Seward knew that, though I had personal regard for Foster and appreciated his qualities, I did not think this a judicious appointment at this time and under existing circumstances. He assured me that nothing had, up to that time, been said to him by Foster, nor would he entertain the matter without consulting me. I have no doubt that he is turning his thoughts to Foster for this mission and has ad"vised this call. I could give F. no assurance, nor yet was I prepared to tell him flatly I would oppose him. For Seward has, not unlikely, consulted and enUsted the President, and if the point is already determined, to resist it would be foolish ness. Foster, after recent occurrences, has certainly no claims on the Administration. He has not, it is true, been "vindic tive and acrimonious like some Senators, but he has been steady in his opposition, the slave of factious party dis cipline, often, as I have reason to beUeve, against his own conviction. He timidly threw away his 0"wn chance for reelection and sacrificed those who stood by him. March 19, Tuesday. Had the Russian treaty on the tapis. No division of opinion as to the measure. The question of courtesy to Tucker, the Rebel deserter, whom the Peruvians have, discourteously to us, made admiral and consequently outranking his seniors in our 1867] INDIAN AFFAIRS 69 service who were not Rebels, was brought forward by Seward. I stated that my opinion had undergone no change, but that I should, of course, although it might be humili ating to American officers, conform to the decision of the President and Cabinet. If, however, we yielded to the discourtesy, we should, besides doing an act tending to demoralize our Na"vy, be setting a bad precedent. Stanton again repeated that his feelings and sympathies were with me, but as it was an intemational question, he should defer to the Secretary of State. Browning gave up the question without understanding it and was very earnest for Peru. Under the circumstances and with the united opinion against me, the President thought Dahl gren had better give up the point. I am, therefore, to in form him that the President has directed that Paragraph 96 of Na"vy Regulations, which I had authorized him to waive, would be hereafter observed by the South Pacific Squadron. A long discussion followed between Stanton and Bro"wning, gro"wing out of the attempts of the military to interfere in Indian affairs. Browning claims that the agents, if respected and not interfered "with by the army officers, "vrill save us from an Indian war. Stanton thinks army officers are better judges as to the treatment of the Indians than the traders and agents. He protests against their selling arms and ammunition to the Indians. Brown ing says it is necessary for their existence that they should have firearms. My "views were and are "with Browning. With firearms I believe the Indians are less furious than with bow and arrow and tomahawk. The attempt to prevent them from ha"ving arms they would naturally consider unfriendly and hostile. Stanton attempts to fortify hiniself behind Grant. March 20, Wednesday. In an interview with the Pre sident, after disposing of other matters, I read to him a 70 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 20 letter from Connecticut on the approaching election, in which a very strong wish was expressed that Foster should not receive the appointment to Austria, as reported in the papers he had, — at all events, that it should not take place until after the election. The President was much pleased with the tone and spirit of the letter and remarked that the "writer might rest easy as regarded Mr. Foster. He said Seward had proposed Foster's name this moming, shortly before I called, and "I asked him," said the President, "what in God's name F. had done that we should select him. There are others, as good and as capable men as he who have stood firm and done service that should be remem bered. Mr. Foster has no preeminent qualifications for the place; he has been here all "winter voting for these abominable measures which we pronounce unconstitu tional, and beUeve and know to be so, and so does he; and now, when thrown out of place by his 0"wn weakness, we are expected to take him up. What can be thought of our sincerity if we do this? If Mr. Foster is "with us, why don't he go home and take a manly part in the elections? Why is he lingering here?" "What," inquired I, "did Mr. Seward reply?" "Not a word," said the President. "He took up his budget and left. I am sick of such things." I informed him that Mr. Foster had caUed on me also and I could not otherwise than inform him of the object of Mr. F.'s visit; but after his remarks it was unnecessary to say more on the subject. Some conversation as to the expediency of sending in General Blair's name followed. March 21, Thursday. Wrote letter to Admiral Dahlgren on the subject of courtesies to Tucker in obedience to in structions from the President. Sent it to Seward for his perusal. Also sent him the correspondence which had passed between Admiral Goldsborough and E. J. Morris, 1867] THE AUSTRIAN MISSION 71 our Minister at Constantinople. The latter has been urg ing Admiral G. to send a ship to Candia to transport the Cretans to Greece, — a direct infringement of neutrality. Morris justified himself on the ground of assurance from the Secretary of State. March 22, Friday. There was no meeting of the Cabi net to-day. A severe snowstorm through the whole day. The President on subject of veto of supplemental bill to the miUtary governments. March 23, Saturday. Read to the President my letter of instructions to Rear-Admiral Dahlgren relative to interchange of courtesies with Tucker, the Rebel, late Commander in our service, now Admiral in the Peruvian Na"vy. Told him I had nothing to say after the discussion which had been had. He remarked it was a matter which he did not Uke, but the Secretary of State seemed' to con sider it important, and others coincided with him. I re marked that, as a general thing, I paid little attention to what I called Mr. Seward's qualities. That his opinions on intemational law had never impressed me; that the national honor seemed of Uttle concern to him and never stood in the way of his schemes of expediency; that this might be a troublesome precedent in the future. So far as Peru was concerned, she had bestowed her highest honors on a man who had been false to his country and flag. We had a few words in regard to the Austrian Mission. The President said he had sent in no nomination, that he had sent to Judge Blair to ad"vise with him in regard to the nomination of General Blair, but the Judge had not since called on him. I said if he was to communicate with the General, it might be difficult, for he was in Connecti cut. March 25, Monday. I called this moming on Judge Blair pursuant to an understanding with the President 72 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 25 on Saturday to ascertain if he had heard from his brother. He said he had not. I then expressed an opinion that the President had better nominate Frank and let the Senate dispose [of the measure. If they confu-med him and he refused to accept, it were better that he knew notliing on the subject, — if the Senate rejected, or adjoumed without action, he would not be dishonored. The Judge agreed with me and I subsequently saw the President, who adopted the suggestion. In my interview with Judge Blair he again expressed dissatisfaction with the President for retaining Seward and Stanton, and said some things were to him inex plicable. He informs me in confidence, that nearly a year ago General Dick Taylor 1 was in Washington and had spent some time with General Grant. The two discussed very fuUy the condition of affairs, and both concurred in appro"ving the President's policy, but [thought] that to carry it out, he must rid himself of Seward and Stanton. With these views they saw the President and had a fuU and free interchange of opinion "with him, and the Pre sident responded to them favorably, eamestly, and de cidedly. On the day follo"wing, Stanton caUed on General Grant, I think at his house, where he had never pre"viously called, for he was not on intimate terms "with the General; but on this occasion he opened his mind fully to Grant, and was ready to unite "with him and Taylor in sustaining the Pre sident and his policy, even to the sacrificing of Seward. General Grant knew not what to make of this and com municated the conversation to General Taylor, who re fused to have any connection with Stanton whatever, and immediately sought the President and told him that they had been betrayed, that Stanton had become possessed of their views and was ready to unite "with them, pro"vided he could retain his place in the War Department. But this, ' Richard Taylor, son of President Zachary Taylor and a lieutenant- general in the Confederate service. 1867] PRIVATE SECRETARY MOORE 73 Taylor declared, was out of the question, for he had no confidence in Stanton and would not be connected with him. The President, he said, seemed confused, but there the matter dropped. Blair thinks the President commun icated the subject to Stanton, and it gives him distrust and dissatisfaction. Revolving the subject inmy mind, I question whether the President is in fault, yet there are some singular circum stances which seem to confirm it. Again my attention turns to Colonel Moore, the President's confidential sec retary, who was turned over to him by Stanton, who is an officer of the War Department, and whose grateful feelings may influence him when Stanton is in danger. It is mere vague surmise on my part. I am and have been favorably impressed by Colonel Moore, who has appeared to me to be an honorable man in all my intercourse with him and who seems invaluable to the President. But there have been some singular things in the President's course which are wholly beyond my comprehension, and which I cannot reconcile or account for satisfactorily in any way except that he is betrayed. March 29, Friday. Congress has been making itself a reproach to the country and to free government by its course in relation to adjournment, by its assaults on public men, by its rejection of some of the best men nominated for public position, and its efforts to invade and destroy the executive department of the Government. The lowest and most vituperative partisanship is exhibited, towards the President especially, who is denounced as a traitor and pubhc enemy. One ob j ection raised to an ad j ournment until next December is that the Radical majority mitsi see the laws executed. The Constitution makes it the duty of the President to see the laws executed, but the Radical maj ority openly usurp this power and propose a perpetual session in order to cripple the Executive and concentrate all power in 74 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 29 Congress. Propositions to adjourn from month to month, to adjourn and authorize the presiding officers to convene the two houses, or to adjourn them without meeting, have been made and supported by leading Radicals "with a shameless disregard of their duty and oaths. If the public necessities require, the Constitution makes it the duty of the President to convene Congress in special session. It is stated freely and "vpithout contradiction that Stanton and Grant both were on the floor of the two houses, beseeching the Members not to adjourn over to next winter and thus leave the administration of the government with the President. I was un"willing to be lieve this, particularly of Grant, but fear it is true. The Senators show an unfriendly feeling towards army officers whom the President nominates for civil position, and Grant cannot have failed to see there is jealousy of the military among aspiring politicians. I am not sorry to see this, not that I approve of the proscription of men because they have been officers, or because they are friends of the President; but there is a disposition on the part of the miUtary to be clannish and to grasp poUtical office and power, which should not overshadow ci"vU merit. We had to-day a long discussion over Indian affairs. The military officers have assumed the control of matters which the law confides to the Indian agents, and have issued orders which conflict with and subjugate the agents. To this the Secretary of the Interior, who has charge of In dian affairs, objects and demands that the military orders be revoked. The Secretary of War thinks the officers are to be justified and brings forward Generals Grant and Sherman as his backers. Seward is for compromising and after long discussion opposes the revocation of the order. McCulloch concurs with him because the army is there to protect the agents and settlers. Stanton is very emphatic the same way, of course. I dissented from the three who preceded me and took a different view from McCulloch. The military are 1867] THE ALASKAN TREATY SIGNED 75 there subordinate to the agents and the law, and should not control. All who followed me concurred with me. Stanbery made quite an argument. March 30, Saturday. Dined with Seward to meet Bigelow, our late Minister to France. None present but Mrs. W., B. and wife. Senator Cattel of New Jersey, and Seward and family. Congress adjourned to-day, until next July, when if a quorum is not present, presiding officers wiU adjourn then over to December, — a silly attempt to evade and get round the Constitution, which confides the subject to the Pre sident. The President and Cabinet were at the Capitol at 10 A.M. and remained untU twelve, when the adjournment took place. Seward and myself were first on the ground. He told me that he and Stoeckel signed the treaty for the cession of Russian America at four this moming, ha"ving been up all night for that purpose. The consideration is $7,200,000. He had informed Sumner, and the treaty was to be sent in as soon as the President arrived. I suggested that Sum ner might, as he was opposed to adjournment, avail him self of the occasion to delay adjournment. Seward was a good deal startled for a moment; said he hoped there was no need of prolonging the session. I asked what pro"vision had been made for payment. He said that would not take place immediately, but could be made next "winter. He then called in, one at a time, four or five Senators and made special confidants of each, beginning with Cole. I was somewhat amused and not a little disgusted with the little acts and overpowering egotism he exhibited. The last is a growing infirmity. Dining with him this evening, the whole time was spent in talking of himself and his doings, and his plans. Bigelow, I perceive, is very much taken with him and 76 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 30 credulous in his belief of what he says, on all subjects. Attendance at Court has had an influence on B., greater than I should have believed. Among other things Seward undertook to tell Bigelow how he had shaped the Cabinet of Mr. Lincoln, after it was formed. He commenced by saying that he had no thing to do with being brought into the Cabinet, of which, however, I knew more than he was aware. But, vie"wing the condition of the country in March, 1861, he perceived, he said, the necessity of entire imanimity and concert in the Cabinet council and his great object was harmonious action among all the members. This he succeeded in bringing about. Blair had sometimes been a Uttle cap tious and Chase ambitious. The latter wanted to compete for the Presidency against Lincoln, which he (Seward) knew would not answer. The truth is, no member was so meddlesome and in triguing as Seward; he was making more difficulties and committing more errors than all the others. They toler ated him because Mr. Lincoln did, and because it was necessary, as he says, in the then condition of the country. He complimented the Cabinet as the ablest and best that the country had ever had; said that Jefferson and Hamilton, who were in Washington's, could never have carried the country through the War and the difficulties and the embarrassments we have had. The diary of Jeffer son he condemned as imworthy. Bigelow says Jefferson's letters from France are infimtely inferior to Franklin's, who preceded him. He was astonished at the contrast. XLVIII Union Success in the Connecticut Election — Seward seeks to reward a Political Trimmer with the Cuban Consul-Generalship — The President receives Word that an Injunction against him is to be asked from the Supreme Court — Conversation with General Butler on Pubhc Affairs — The Senate confirms the Alaska Purchase Treaty — Attempts to ffll the Cuban Consul-Generalship — Admiral Goldsborough seeks through his Wife to be retained on the Active List — Senator Wilson electioneer ing in the South — Thaddeus Stevens denies WUson's Authority to make Promises — Governor English of Connecticut — Most of his Message to the Legislature written by Secretary WeUes — A Delegation of Japanese visits the President — The House Judiciary Committee seeking Evidence on which to impeach — McCulloch talks plainly to the President about Stanton — The French buying War Vessels in the United States — Seward considers acquiring Snake Island in the West Indies — Wilkes Booth's Diary — The Price of the Danish West Indies — Attomey-General Stanbery examining the MUitary Government Act — The Indian Troubles — "The Japanese conclude to buy the Ship Stonewall — The President to "visit North Carolina. April 1, Monday. The annual election took place to-day in Connecticut. It has been a severe struggle, warmly contested on both sides. /The issues were those which the Radicals in Congress have forced on the coun- / try, and the importance of the result was generally feltTJ In the selection of candidates the anti-Radicals showed wisdom ahd^shrewdnessT There were old party organiza tions, and prejudices and impracticables to encounter, but objectionable candidates were avoided and ol)hoxious individuals were ISepfTf oih "the" meetihgs. The few re turns sent forward this evening leave no doubt that the Union men, who support the Administration and disap prove the~Cohgjessional usurpations and innovations on the^onstitution, have been successful, electing English and three of the four Members of Congress. In the last Congress all were Radicals. ~ I went to the President with the first dispatch received 78 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aprili and told him I was satisfied the Radicals were defeated in the State and three Congressional districts. He was much gratified and said it was the tum of the current. April 2, Tuesday. The Connecticut election creates quite a commotion among the politicians. It is the jfet loud knock which admonishes the Radicals of their in evitable doom. Seward attempts to taUi sound phUosophy and to account for the result, which he says could not have been obtained a month ago. I think, and so told him, that we should have done quite as weU a month ago. The speech and vote of Reverdy Johnson, who had be come a renegade, and the acquiescence of the South, or -their submission rather, had been discouraging and de pressing to the true Constitutional men in Connecticut. Very httle aid had reached them from "without the State. April 3, Wednesday. When at the Cabinet yesterday, Seward informed me that the consulship at Panama is vacant and asked if Earl Martin or some good Connecti cut man did not want it. He felt anxious, he said, to give recognition to Connecticut for the good work she had done. As I have no personal acquaintance with Martin, I could not advise him, but said I did not feel anxious to send a good man to a place where the yeUow fever was raging and which was always unhealthy. This evening he called at my house "with Senator Dixon and said they had come to consult with me in relation to the place of Consul-General to Cuba. Governor Minor has sent in his resignation. Seward received it, he says, yesterday afternoon, after seeing me, and, accidentaUy meeting Senator Dixon, that gentleman had proposed Gideon Hollister for the position, but he thought proper before coming to a final conclusion that he should see me, and had, therefore, got Mr. Dixon to call "ndth him. Dixon, being quite deaf and engaged in reading the Hartford 1867] THE CUBAN CONSUL-GENERALSHIP 79 papers, did not listen or understand Seward's conversa tion, further than he knew its general purport, until I called him to Usten. I told them I was not prepared to advise the appointment, that it did not strike me as par ticularly favorable in a political point of view, or that it would be received by the people who had elected English as a special compliment to them. Our conversation was not very extended, but was such as led them both to suggest that the subject should be further considered, and Dixon is to call on me to-morrow morning in regard to it. Hollister is a personal adherent and crony of Dixon, a sly and sUppery partisan who has run himself ashore by Uttle intrigues. Personally I have always been on terms with him, but the election of mere office-seekers who have no distinctive principle does not beget confidence. The Democratic and conservative papers are jubilant over the election, and the Radicals are extremely bitter. Hawley vents his grief and disappointment in a rancorous article in his paper, denunciatory of me and spiteful towards Dixon. April 4, Thursday. Dixon called this a.m., rather late, in regard to the consulate at Havana. I think he has in the mean time seen Seward. I told him I had thought a good deal on the subject since last evening's interview and that my opposition to it had increased; that Hollister was in no sense a repre sentative man of the party or people who had just achieved a "victory in the State; that I had not heard of him through this hard-fought campaign; that I did not even know that he voted for the Administration, though I presumed he did for most of it, not from any deep conviction, . but because he (D.) was for it; that the appointment would injure him (D.), for it would be at once said he had availed himself of the labors of others to get an important posi tion for a personal friend; that the appointment would 80 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [april 4 not strengthen the Administration or do it any good at home. He was evidently impressed with my suggestions. Said he feared he had been hasty; that he supposed I had been consulted by Seward before he knew anything of the case; that Seward had sent for him and he met hun after receiving the note, and at once and without much thought named Hollister; that Seward had repUed, "Very weU," but subsequently proposed that I should be seen. In the mean time, Dixon says, he wrote inconsiderately to Hol lister that he could have the place, relying on what Seward said. As it is, he thinks the appointment had better not go to Hartford, he has become so imfortunately compUcated, but as Hollister may decline, the subject had better remain quiet for a day or two. I was with the President in the course of the afternoon and introduced the subject of consul-general to Cuba, informing him, as I had Dixon, that a different man, like Judge James Phelps or Hovey of Norwich, would be a stronger and better appointment, and that EngUsh and others should be consulted. The President agreed with me, and said when Mr. Seward called on him to make the appointment he inquired what I thought of it, and said it would be proper to get my "views. All of this Seward has concealed from me, and strove to get Dixon committed with him without informing me. When the President sent him to me, he came with his story of accidentally meeting Dixon, but D. assured me, and twice repeated, that Seward had sent for him, — written him a note. Such is Seward. A great "victory achieved by the friends of the Administration is per verted to personally enrich and reward a trimmer. April 5, Friday. President called the Cabinet to a special session at 9 a.m., relative to notice given him of a motion which was to be made to the Supreme Court for 1867] TALK WITH GENERAL BUTLER 81 an injunction on him and general order to stay proceed ings under the military biU for constructing the Rebel States. Attomey-General was directed to object to the mo tion, — the President, as the representative of the United States, cannot be sued. General Butler called on me yesterday, ostensibly on some Uttle matter of business. When it was disposed of, he asked whether he was to congratulate or condole with me on the result of the Connecticut election. I replied that I was gratified at the result and, of course, had no need of condolence; that I congratulated myself and others on what had taken place. This opened the subject of our public affairs, on which we had a pretty free and apparently imreserved conversation, though he is neither frank nor reUable. He is not, I perceive, satisfied with his position, nor with his treatment by a portion of the Radicals. I spoke of the election as being favorable to the President, Mr. Johnson, whose policy I approved; the policy had commenced "with Mr. Lincoln, and I believed it correct. I asked wherein he could except to it. He said that per haps Congress should have been consulted, — he thought so. I inquired by what authority Congress could inter vene. Congress was the legislative, not the executive, de partment of govemment, had none but granted powers, and where was the power conferred on Congress to con struct or destroy a State? He answered there is no grant, but it grew out of the War; the Rebel States were conquered States; the President had no more power than Congress. "Therein," said I, "we differ. I hold, as did Mr. Lin coln and as does Mr. Johnson, that when Lee and Johns ton surrendered, martial law prevailed from the Potomac to the Rio Grande, and the President, as commander-in- chief, had the undoubted right under the war power to govern those States, temporarily, and to bring order out of chaos. He could have turned the matter over to General Grant and other miUtary subordinates, but he preferred 3 82 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [april 5 to do it himself. He appointed a provisional governor, first in North CaroUna and subsequently in other States, as you. General Butler, being in chief command in the Gulf, appointed Deming a provisional mayor in New Or leans. Mr. Lincoln had no intention of callmg on Congress to assist in this matter. Every one knew this, who had any knowledge of Mr. Lincoln. Mr. Colfax was here on the day of his death to bid him good-bye, for he was in tending to cross the Plains and be absent untU October. As Speaker he would not have absented himself, had there been any intention of convening Congress. "Then," said I, "these miUtary despotisms over the States, — the assembling of the State Governments, — I don't see. General, how you, if a democratic RepubUcan, can sanction such measures." "I had nothing to do with them," said he. "They were enacted before I took my seat." "But," said I, "you are identified with that party and those acts." "Begging your pardon, I do not indorse those acts nor approve them. I am not identified with them, nor responsible for them." I remarked that I was glad to hear him say so. "Why," he asked, "does not the President test them? Why does he submit to such laws and attempt to carry them out? He declares them imconstitutional. If so, they are no laws. Why does he obey them?" I called his attention to the constitutional require ment, that he should see all laws faithfully executed. "But it is no law," said Butler; "the President says it is no law. He is one of the departments of the Govem ment and must decide for himself. If, however, he wants to get a decision from the Court, there is no difficulty. Let a suit be instituted in Virginia and brought at once before the Supreme Court now in session." He then went on to detail the modus operandi. On the whole, I am satisfied that Butler is dissatisfied. 1867] THE SENATE REJECTS NOMINATIONS 83 April 17, Wednesday. My time has been so occupied that I could make no record of daily occurrences in this book. Important events have occurred; some of the details should have been jotted down. The Senate continues in session, rejecting the nomina tions which the President sends in, — not that the nom inees are not competent and faithful, but because they are his friends and support his measures. Some of the Senators declare they wiU vote to confirm no man who is not a Radical. Dixon teUs me that Sumner made his boast, in extra session, that he had aUowed none but Radicals to be appointed to any office in Massachusetts, where the Senate has a voice. I have little confidence in Randall as Postmaster-General, imder such circumstances. He gives in, trims, lacks vim and strength, if nothing else. I apprehend his course has some influence on McCul loch, who, loaded down with the financial difficulties, wants to conciUate. It requires some courage to meet a not overscrupulous body of men clothed with authority, and who can, if they choose, embarrass the Govemment without financial accountabUity. The President has held his own very well, considering his surroundings. Seward he probably consults most, and Seward has, as Mr. Clay said of him, "no convictions," — is an egotist and selfish aspirant. RandaU, whose confirmation is understood to have been secured by pledges to Radical Senators, is greatly under Seward's influence, and the President cannot, with his reticence, avoid committing errors with such ad"visers. The result is the President is appointing more enemies than friends, and his Administration is thereby weakened. Seward seldom selects or makes a good appointment. He thinks he is helping himself and cares little about helping the President, except as it may ultimately benefit himself and his former Whig friends. The treaty for the acquisition of Russian America was finally confirmed, only two Senators voting against it, though qiute a number spoke against it. Some de- 84 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [april 17 nounced it with violence, but voted for it at last, — mere partisans wanting in legislative wisdom and moral cour age. The New York Tribune, Mr. Greeley, made a ferocious attack on the treaty, ridiculed and denounced the ac quisition, but foimd he had no influence where he thought himseU aU-powerful. Dixon has urged me to unite "with him in behalf of Gideon H. Hollister as Consul-General to Cuba. I have decUned. Told him I was not aware Hollister was a repre sentative of those who carried the late election; that I considered him a party trimmer without much regard for principle. Dixon says he has become compUcated. Repeats that Seward wished him to caU and see him, asked him to nominate, and he supposed I had been consulted and was aware of the steps Seward had taken. Seward caUed "with Dixon on me after all this had occurred, and opened the subject to me in confidence, wanted us to unite, etc. My "views were fully expressed in his presence at that time, and it was subsequently that Dixon told me how Seward had first approached him. A day or two after the two had paid me a "visit, the President spoke of the appointment, said Seward had brought him HoUister's name and he asked if I had been consulted. Seward said he had consulted the Senator from Connecticut, and the President desired that I should be seen. It was this order which had brought about the interview between S. and D. "with me at my house. I stated finally, after repeated calls from Dixon, who has behaved well enough so far as I am concerned, that I would give HoUister's true character to the President and there leave it, for he and I ought not to be in con flict. The result is Hollister has been nominated. He is a hanger-on to Dixon, writes sonnets to Mrs. D., has a bad poUtical record and no force. 1867] THE SENATE ADJOURNS 85 April 20, Saturday. Hollister was promptly rejected. I then proposed Judge James Phelps, whom I had first named. Dixon assented, but afterwards suggested that Phelps' appointment would create a vacancy which the Radicals would fiU. Ferry wrote Faxon a note that Phelps would be confirmed, but that Lippitt of New London, whom I had suggested "with Phelps, would prob ably be rejected. On this state of facts, "with a disposition to be kind to New London, where the people had been made sore by Brandegee and others on the Na"vy Yard question, I ad"vised sending in Lippitt's name. He was at once rejected. The President then proposed to go else where than Connecticut, and I could not object. Kilby Smith was nominated, and his name laid on the table. So the consulate is not filled, nor is the Austrian Mis sion, and several other places. The Senate adjoumed on Saturday, the 20th, at 9 p.m. From day to day, and on Saturday from hour to hour, the adjournment was postponed, in order to arrange for the offices. The President yielded to some extent as he has done before, which I regretted, for tampering "with enemies and surrendering his constitutional prerogative weakens his position. In their usurpations. Senators claim the right to dictate in regard to appointments for which the President and not the Senators is responsible, and he, without acknowledging their right, yields to their usurping pretensions. Rear-Admiral Goldsborough continues to press his claims for four years' addition to his time on the active list. He "will in January have been an officer of the Na"vy fifty-five years, but as he did not from sheer favoritism receive orders for sea until four years after his appoint ment he now claims that those four years should not count against him. He has had the benefit of them for more than fifty years, giving him priority over others. Were he here to attend to his own case personally, I could get 86 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [april 20 along, but, being absent, he stimulates and pushes for ward his wife, the daughter of Attomey-General WiUiam Wirt, a very worthy woman and very devoted to him, and with her there is no reasoning. She is satisfied that her husband is the best officer in the Na"vy, has done more service than any other, and, being not only the wife of a Rear-Admiral, but the daughter of an Attomey-General, there is no convincing her. I do not controvert the facts which she assumes in regard to her husband. No one could. And her law is as good as his war statements. She has consulted Chief Justice Chase, her former in structor and friend, Attomey-General Stanbery, and Reverdy Johnson, successor of Wirt, and some others, who all, without knowing the facts, assure her that her husband ought to be continued four years longer on the active Ust. Mr. J. P. Kennedy, late Secretary of the 'N&'vj, also favors Goldsborough, and has "written a book, which has been printed, to prove that G. should continue to receive extraordinary favors. April 29, Monday. The injunction cases in behalf of Georgia and Mississippi have been before the Court and are still pending. Attomey-General and Mr. O'Conor made arguments on Friday. The latter is evidently more of a lawyer than statesman, studies law more than constitu tions, cases more than governmental principles. Nothing will be got from the Court, I apprehend, and there are embarrassments in the case. The Attorney-General's positions cannot be subscribed to in all respects. Why O'Conor and his associates make no use of the recent decision of the Court in MilUgan's case I don't imderstand. Congress, under color of law, cannot invest brigadiers with power to abolish jury trial or to suspend the pri\'ilege of habeas corpus in time of peace. Senator Wilson is electioneering through the Southem States, stirring up the blacks, irritating and insulting the whites, promising the people recognition and that they GIDEON WELLES 1867] SENATOR WILSON IN THE SOUTH 87 may have their constitutional rights, provided they will submit to the unconstitutional and unwarranted dictation of the Radicals. Thad Stevens has issued a card denying Wilson's au thority to make promises for the Radicals. He, Stevens, intends to play the part of tyrant and dictator to the South for years, wUl not permit them to be represented, intends to exclude them and to confiscate the property of the Rebels. These differences among the Radical leaders may have the effect of bringing considerate men in the North to their senses, lead them to examine the principles on which the govemment is founded, and cause them to look again to the Constitution which they have thrust aside for some time past. The North must retrieve itself from its errors growing out of resentment and e"vil passions, and in retrieving it self wUl extricate the country from the slough in which the Radicals have plunged it. May 1, Wednesday. A delegation of Japanese have arrived here for some purpose. Seward sent Chilton, one of his clerks, to take them in charge, and they have been brought to Washington. Their arrival hastened Seward's retum from Auburn, where he had gone to make his semi annual visit and, it was said, to make his semi-annual speech. HappUy the Japanese, or some other cause, saved the inffiction. May 2, Thursday. Th^new Governor of Connecticut, EngUsh, was inaugurated yesterday. His message is dif ferent in sentiment and principle from the views of his predecessor. Governor Hawley.^J do not think, however, that H. has any well-defined opinions or convictions on great govemmental or political questions. / If^o he does not consistently adhere to them. He_began his career as an AboUtionist and was earnest and enthusiastic with probably more sentimentality than principle. As the 88 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [mat 2 cause expanded, he became bewUdered, but clung to his _humanitarianism as the Alpha and Omega of party. Since the emancipation and suppression of the RebelUon, he has floated with the current, impulsive by nature, yet Republican rather than Radical. . . . .- The Radicals of Connecticut and of New England are narrow-minded party men of Puritanic-Cal"vinistic notions in politics and religion, intolerant and prejudiced in their ^opinions. Hate, revenge, and persecution enter largely into their composition. They think, — or believe, for they do not give so much thought as they should to the sub ject, — they believe that force, oppression, compulsion are necessary to govern the South and that the Radicals of the North should govern them; that the people of the South must be discipUned; that since the RebelUon they are without the pale of the Constitution and should be less tolerated than if they were aliens. These fanatics want a God to punish, not to love, those who do not agree with them. "" May 3, Friday. The President compliments the message of Governor English, and the Radical editors, "without -controverting it, call it names. Governor English has been a successful merchant in New Haven and represented his to"wn and district in the legislature, without any marked distinction, but "with a degree of fairness that led to his election to the Thirty- seventh Congress and his reelection to the Thirty-eighth. His course in the national legislature had, of course, no thing brUUant, but he acquitted himself during that try ing and turbulent period in a manner that was more acceptable to men of all parties than that of either of his colleagues. Although a Democrat, he supported the Ad ministration in most of its War measures, and voted "with the Republicans on some of the test questions of party without forfeiting the confidence of his associates, or polit ical constituents. The good judgment he displayed rather 1867] A JAPANESE DELEGATION 89 than any shining quaUties or marked genius led to his nomination and election as Governor .|Most of the message which the President commends, and which the Radicals condemn, was written by me, but of this the President knows nothijig, and I apprehend EngUsh himself is not fully informed. Jit was written with a view of calling pubUc^ttention to the vital poUtical questions before the country. \ Senator WUson extends his joumey South, making of fensive speeches, which are permitted, because the man liness as well as the haughty arrogance which once char acterized the South is broken and completely subdued. They seem to have no spirit in them. It can scarcely be doubted, however, that the slumbering "vsrath will yet be aroused. But Wilson's success has started out another set of Radical orators, who are going South to enkindle party animosity, arouse the ignorant blacks, and excite them against the whites. This is the Radical process of Reconstruction. Seward had the Japanese to see the President to-day. Spoke of them in Cabinet. Says they have not yet dis closed their object; supposes they "wish to buy ships; likely may want to make some inquiry about the two that were buUt for them by Weed and Lansing, to whom they in trusted funds ; but that all is friendly. I hope that everything may prove satisfactory to them and that they have not been wronged; but have my appre hensions that they have been cheated and swindled badly. Seward knows that I have not fallen in with the course he has pursued towards them. We could have their friend ship and their commerce, — we may have it still, but it is in jeopardy, for they have not been well and fairly treated by us. I have already, and in former pages, made mention of these circumstances, and my official letters to Seward have expressed my opinions. He looks upon me, I think, with some distrast in this matter. I know his friend Weed does. 90 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [mat 4 May 4, Saturday. I offered Commodore Lee to-day the Naval Observatory. He decUned it. Said he had a house of his 0"wn and to take the observatory would lessen his percentage in consequence of the house there which he should have to take. I asked him if he would like the Norfolk Navy Yard. He said no, he would not, but he should be glad to have the Ordnance Bureau, which Wise was about leaving. I told him that I was not aware that Wise desired to relinquish that position. My impression was that he did not. Lee said that Mrs. Wise had given out that her husband was going to Eirrope and would give up the Ordnance. That, I remarked, was woman's talk. He said if Wise was not going to give up the bureau, he wished a day or two to think of the other matter, to which I assented. He is mercenary and avaricious to a wonder ful extent. The Judiciary Committee of the House has reassembled in Washington to pursue inquiries and see if they cannot obtain something on which to impeach the President. No facts, no charges, no malconduct are kno"wn or pre ferred, for the sUp-slop of Ashley was long since discarded, but a standing committee is advertised and has assem bled to ascertain whether something cannot be found which may be tortured or twisted against the President, whom they cannot induce to go "vsdth them in their revolution ary schemes, and who is, consequently, in their way. A more scandalous villainy never disgraced the country. McCulloch tells me he has had a talk with the President and told him he had brought these troubles upon him self by the hesitating course he had pursued; that he had retained a man in his Cabinet who is notoriously op posed to his Administration, a man who, from the begin ning, has been an embarrassment; that there was never any free interchange of opinion when that member was pre sent, but there was reserve ; yet in many of the important measures and movements that false member had a con trolling voice and often was the only person consulted. 1867] JAPAN WANTS TO BUY SHIPS 91 McC. instanced the appointment or selection of the mili tary governors, which had been made without consultation with any member of the Cabinet, save the false and un faithful one. The President listened and assented to the remarks, but having, under the influence of Seward, com menced in error, he will be likely under the same influence to continue in weakness, as regards Stanton. I have seen all these errors, have adverted to them when opportunity presented, have had my opinions indorsed, but there the subject has ended. Seward, and RandaU, whom he uses, are not elements of strength, but they are different from Stanton, for whom they apologize and whom they justify and sustain. They are weak; he is wicked. By weak I mean their course and counsel, politically, are worse than worthless. They have no sincere convictions, — no treacherous intentions, but are full of tricks and expedients, which accomplish nothing, while they beget distrust. May 6, Monday. Dined at Seward's on Saturday with the Cabinet and the Japan Embassy. Senator Sumner and others were present, among them Madame Juarez, wife of the President of Mexico, and daughters. Each of the Cabinet and some others were introduced to them and to each of the Japanese. One of their number talked English, and others understood it. To-day Seward called on me with some of the Japanese, who want to purchase naval vessels. A serious rebellion prevails in Japan. They profess to seek advice and assist ance. Say they "wish to act in good faith in carrying out the treaty. Seward had informed them that we had various kinds of vessels. They wanted monitors, but had leamed it was difficult handling and navigating them. I told them we could well spare some monitors, but it would be scarcely possible to get them to Japan. Any vessels which we could spare I would be glad to have them possess. 92 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [mat 6 Seward and myself called on the President on their be half, and I have detaUed Commodore Jenkins to go "with the commission to Annapolis, examine the school and ves sels, and have an interview with the superintendent. May 7, Tuesday. Webb, builder of the Dunderberg, informs me he has made sale of that vessel to an agent of the French Government. And Quintard has also sold that Govemment the Onondaga. Secor and Swift apply to purchase five more monitors, doubtless for sale to foreign governments. Their proposition is to resume or retake the vessels, refunding to the Govemment the amount we have paid. Seward and the Cabinet were taken aback when I in formed them that the French were purchasing our naval vessels. Seward had stated that Berth^my, the French Minister, had called upon him to remonstrate, or inquire into the sale of war vessels to Prussia, and he had some thing of a querulous story to teU. When he had got through and I told him what the French were doing, he stood in amazement. I submitted the proposition of Secor and Swift for the five vessels. He seemed disposed to sell, but Stanton, who objected, would sell none of these vessels. Others pro posed to commit the whole subject to my discretion. I informed them it was not a matter for me to decide, but for the President, "with the advice of the Cabinet, to dis pose of. I was, however, indi"viduaUy decidedly in favor of selling so far as I had a voice. May 11, Saturday. Thomas Ewing called on me at the solicitation of Mrs. Dahlgren, who insists on going out to her husband in the South PacUic. She wants a pubhc vessel to convey her, her two infant twins, their nurses, etc., from Panama. A great pressure has been made upon me from the time Admiral Dahlgren received his orders, and Mr. Ewing has on one or two former occasions spoken 1867] OFFICERS' WIVES ON SHIPBOARD 93 on the subject. It has been before the Cabinet. At this time the matter comes up in a new form. The yeUow fever prevails at Panama, and Mr. E"wing says that Admiral D. represents it is on board the packet ships. I asked if that was not an intimation that he deemed it inexpedient and ill-advised for Mrs. D, to leave the country with her infants. It has been the policy not to send women out in naval vessels, and I think it unfortunate that the ladies go abroad to their husbands on foreign stations. In this instance I remarked it appeared extremely injudicious, for Dahlgren had but a year and a half to serve. If Mrs. D. should be with her family at Lima it would, unavoid ably, influence the movements of the Admiral and the squadron. Mr. Ewing assented to the correctness of my ¦views, but said Mrs. D. was resolved to go if she had to take the sickly steamers. Stanton yesterday made an exhibit of the requisitions for expenditures by the military governors, or satraps, in the territoriaUzed States. They wiU draw largely on the Treasury. Sheridan especially "goes in with a rush" as they say. He is brave and patriotic, but not an adminis trative officer whom I should select for civil duties. But the officers are less blamable for this military government, whether well or poorly administered, than the Congress which passed the laws creating it. May 13, Monday. Have talked with several naval officers on the subject of taking their wives on naval ves sels, and found them generally opposed to it. There are, however, exceptions, and most of them admit there may be occasions abroad when it would be pleasant and ex cusable, perhaps, to give them passage, but it nevertheless disarranges and invariably causes discontent. I have under the circumstances given a permit to Mrs. D. to go on a public vessel from Panama. May 14, Tuesday. Attomey-General Stanbery read a 94 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [may i4 number of pages of his opinion on the subject of registra tion and suffrage, under what is known as the military bill for governing the Rebel States. It is very elaborate and has been carefully prepared. He promises the re mainder at the next Cabinet-meeting on Friday. He will give much more extended suffrage to the whites than was intended by the Radical concocters of the law. Stanton was somewhat annoyed by it, and I was satisfied from his remarks that his intimacy "with that bill has been early and thorough. I have little doubt that he was consulted, if he did not ad"vise, perhaps originate, the measure. May 15, Wednesday. Returning from the Department this P.M., I met Seward, who was going with his sons to call on me. I got into his carriage and rode with him, as he had a matter to communicate. Some New-Yorker has informed him of an uninhabited island, called Snake Island,^ near St. Thomas, which has a capacious and ex cellent harbor. His informant occupied the island prior to the War and was engaged in making sugar-hogsheads. The island, he says, is low and weU timbered. I asked why, if it had such excellent harbor, it had remained unoccupied. Seward could not inform me, nor what nation claimed it, but he supposed the Spaniards. I apprehend there must be a want of water. Seward promises to send me the papers. I advised, if the facts were as stated, that his New York friend should resume possession and that we would defend him in his rights. If Spain should claim jurisdiction, we must adjust the matter with her. I told him I much pre ferred this to buying St. Thomas. May 16, Thursday. Was at the President's on a Uttle matter of business when the Metropolitan poUce came for review. RandaU and myself supported the President. ' The island of Culebra (Spanish for "snake") is between St. Thomas and Puerto Rico and belongs to the latter. 1867] PRICE OF DANISH WEST INDIES 95 Afterward Randall read to us his testimony before the Judiciary Committee. The President submitted to us the letters of Judge Holt and Stanton in regard to Booth's diary and a copy of the contents, and inquired what we thought of its pubUcation. I asked what objections there could be. It was a great mystery and was construed to mean whatever any diseased imagination might conceive. Randall thought as I did. The President said Stanton was violently op posed to its publication. May 17, Friday. Seward had a long tale to teU in regard to his testimony before the Judiciary Committee. He makes himself, I perceive, the hero with Stanton of Mr. Lincoln's Administration. I shall be curious to see that testimony when published. Many things in regard to Reconstruction and organizing the provisional govern ments of the Rebel States occurred whUe he was sick and unable to attend to his duties. May 21, Tuesday. Seward presents a telegraphic cor respondence with Raasloff,! now at Copenhagen, and a memorandum given to Senator Doolittle relative to the purchase of the Danish West India Islands. Denmark wants $15,000,000 for the whole or $10,000,000 for St. Thomas, with consent of the inhabitants to the transfer. Seward sent a dispatch to Yeaman, our Minister, to offer $5,000,000, ultimatum $10,000,000. Any expression of inhabitants must be before treaty. McCulloch and myself expressed surprise that more than $5,000,000 had been or should be offered. McCul loch said he believed something had been said about going up to $7,500,000 for the whole. I stated that I pre ferred not to purchase even at $5,000,000. At all events, would not go beyond that. During the War I had felt » General Raasloff was Danish Minister to the United States. The nego tiations for the purchase of the islands had been conducted through him. , 96 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [mat 21 that a station in the West Indies was desirable, but we should experience no such want again. We are now as weU accommodated as if we o"wned St. Thomas. In case of a war with either of the great powers, — British, French, or Spanish, — we could seize one of these islands. In the condition of our Treasury I did not care to buy. Attomey- General Stanbery preferred to take Snake Island than to buy an inhabited island. Seward is anxious to make a purchase somewhere. Has loose, indefinite, and selfish notions. It is more the glory of Seward than the true interests of the country, I appre hend. He craves constant notoriety, and the purchase of the Danish Islands for $15,000,000 or even $10,000,000 would, I think, give him more than he expects, or perhaps would want. The Attorney-General presented another installment of his opinion on the MiUtary Govemment BiU. Stanton criticized it closely, controverted some of the points, is friendly to the bill, and probably had much to do in its preparation if he did not originate the measure. He defended it with all the earnestness and tenacity of an author, and took ground such as would suit the strongest Radicals. As the act and supplemental act are palpably and clearly imconstitutional, I see nothing substantial or valuable in the opinion which the Attomey-General has been, and is, elaborating, unless in the fact that he is gi^'ing a more liberal or enlarged scope to suffrage than the Radicals intended. More whites will be aUowed to exercise their rights than was designed by the Radicals. All blacks, of course, are to vote, though they have no such right, nor has the Central Government authority to confer it. Hear ing Stanton controvert positions, dissent from the opinion, tell what is the proper construction and meaning of an act which is no law, because unconstitutional, is highly absurd. Almost as absurd is the leamed attempt of Stan bery to expound their acts. 1867] THE MILITARY GOVERNMENT ACT 97 I have asked what is the status of the people in the proscribed States. Are they foreigners? If so, not one of them can vote until naturalized. There must be a uni form system of naturalization. Are they citizens? They cannot be disfranchised nor their States overthrown, nor jury trials abolished, nor can they be tried and condemned by mUitary commissions. No one answered my questions. The Attorney-General says the unconstitutionality of the law is beyond question. That point he does not touch. But that is the great essential, the foundation of all argu ment. If there is no foundation, how can he build? He has an insoluble problem and undertakes to give a result. Stanton never touches the question of constitutionality, neither assenting nor dissenting, nor discussing it. May 22, Wednesday. The Japanese have concluded to buy the Stonewall. Webb wants me to let him have the Dunderberg on his depositing government securities, delaying payment for a year. He has produced an opinion from Lowry, indorsed by Evarts, that this is the intent of the law. When I de clined considering the proposition, Webb became quite vexed and excited. He is selfish, jealous, and grasping. His object is to get the interest on a million and a quarter of dollars for a year. May 23, Thursday. A special Cabinet-meeting. Seward submitted a modified proposition to Denmark for the purchase of her West India Islands, making $7,500,000 an ultimatum. McCulloch, Stanbery, and myself thought it best to guard the Treasury at this time; that we wanted money more than West Indian people. Seward was very earnest. It was necessary to get these islands, or a foot hold in the West Indies, as a preservative measure, — as a means of security. It would insure peace. He had talked with the Senators. Grimes and Wade were earnest for it, and of course others were. 3 98 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [mat 23 Stanton, Randall, and Browning went with him. I stated we had no need of a station in time of peace. We could take any of the islands from any power with which we might be at war. A further installment from Mr. Stanbery was read on the Reconstruction or MiUtary Govemment Act. Seward and the members generally expressed themselves as satis fied. Stanton dissented. I thought Stanbery had done as well as one could who was compelled to try to make sense out of nonsense, law out of illegality. The act is admitted by everybody to be unconstitutional; of course, that being the case, it has no validity. It is a fraud perpetrated by a majority of a fragmentary Congress. I, therefore, cared not to comment on the opinion, and attempted practical work ings of the bill. Why strive to solve an insoluble pro blem? The Indian troubles were discussed at some length without coming to a conclusion. General Grant was sent for and was present. He and Stanton are in sympathy with the military men on the Plains, and there seems a de termination to have an Indian war. Were there no troops there, or only a few at the posts to sustain the agents, we should probably have no war, but the miUtary claim to supersede the agents and are sustained by the War De partment and General Grant. Letters were read from Colonels Wynkoop and Leaven worth, stating the destruction of three hundred lodges with all their contents, — tools, utensils, buffalo robes, etc., — constituting not only all the wealth of some fifteen hundred Indians, but the necessary means of shelter and subsistence for themselves, their women and children. The only excuse for this destruction which brings misery to so many is that the women and children fled from the lodges as the troops approached and could not be per suaded to return. Fear, it is admitted, influenced them in running away. 1867] THE INDIAN TROUBLES 99 May 24, Friday. Jere Black, Buchanan's Attorney- General, called relative to the claim of Rear-Admiral Goldsborough for four years' additional continuance on the active list. After a pretty full and frank discussion, I think he became satisfied there was little law and merit in Golds- borough's claim. We then had a long and interesting conversation on the condition of our public affairs. Our views in the main coin cided. Some of my positions appeared to be new to him, or were presented in a way that seemed to impress him, I thought, with a stronger conviction. He said it would be weU for the President to prepare a calm and considerate address to his countrymen, something in the character and strain of Washington's and Jackson's. I was not pre pared to urge this or even adopt it. Had the President been more calm, made no speeches or harangues, it would be different. But his weak talk has weakened him, and his silence for the last five months leaves little doubt that he is aware of it. May 25, Saturday. The Japanese conclude to buy the Stonewall. There will be trouble in getting her to them. The Na"vy Department will have to take the labor, care, etc., of all this, and the State Department will take credit, should there be any. May 27, Monday. The opinion of the Attorney-Gen eral on Reconstruction is published and seems to stir up the Radicals, who know not what to say of it. May 28, Tuesday. The Indian matters occupied over two hours. It is evident the military intend to control Indian affairs to the annihilation of the whole race. Hancock admits the destruction of the three hundred Indian lodges and all the utensils and household gods and goods. His excuse is that the women and children fled 100 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [mat 28 when the chief said they should not; that they would not retum, were afraid of the troops; all of which was in bad faith. I listened to the numerous dispatches of the Indian agents to the Interior Department in behalf of the Indians, and those of the military to the War Department, and the discussion on both sides, with painful interest. General Grant was present, and his sympathies and feelings were naturally with the military, but he was more reasonable than Stanton. Seward was querulous and pointless and meaningless in some sprawUng remarks intended to conciUate Grant and Stanton. Nothing patriotic, or humane, or just escaped him. May 31, Friday. The President concludes to go to Raleigh, North Carolina, and wiU be accompanied by Seward. At one time it was understood he would be ac companied by some of the members of his famUy and one or two of his personal staff, but that none of the Cabinet would go with him. To-day it is stated that Seward "wUl be his companion and that none of his famUy "wiU be of the party. It is unfortunate for the President that he permits himself to be absorbed by Seward, who is, not "without some cause, so universaUy distrusted and disliked. He is delighted with traveling, feasting, notoriety, and both he and Stanton make the President a convenience and help to themselves in aU matters where they can. XLIX The President goes to North CaroUna, accompanied by Seward and Randall — Chief Justice Chase to hold Court in North Carolina — The Judiciary Committee decides against Impeachment but reports a Resolution of Censure against the President — A Visit to the Naval Academy with Admiral Farragut — Parting with Farragut — Farragut the Great Hero of the War — Sheridan's Removal of Governor Wells of Louisiana — Stanbery's Liberal Interpretation of the Military Government Act — Talk with Governor Pease of Texas — A Faction in Colombia pro poses to tax Foreign Residents — Seward's Presidential Ambitions and Craze for the Acquisition of > Tem tory "=-The Attorney-General's Opinion on the Reconstruction BUls an Able Document — Mrs. Golds borough presses the Admiral's Claims to Retention on the Active List — The President invites Secretary WeUes to accompany him on a Journey to Boston — Cabinet Discussion of the Attorney-General's Opinion on the MUitary Govemment Law — Commander Roe's Action in seizing Santa Anna — The President starts for Boston — The Publication of Cabinet Proceedings — Sheridan's Insubordination — The President's Faltering Conduct — His Administration a Failure — General Sickles's Letter against the Secretary of the Navy — The President courteously received in New England — Grant's Probable Candidacy — Mont gomery Blair's Opinion of Grant as a General — Admiral Farragut sails for Europe with two of the Secretary's Sons accompanying him — Conversation with the President on his Return from the South. June 3, Monday. Admiral Farragut came on Friday and is stopping "with me for a few days. I called with him on the President on Saturday and dined at Seward's that evening with him. The President got off on Saturday. Seward and Randall went with him. McCulloch expressed his regret that any of the Cabinet had gone, but, as Seward went, was rather glad Randall had gone also. I take a different view, but it confirms my impressions of Randall and his affinity with Seward. Chief Justice Chase told me Saturday evening that he intended going to North Carolina on Monday to hold court. Martial law being established by Congress and military governments in full sway, he can now, after 102 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [june 3 evading and avoiding his duties for two years, hold court there. He is very aspiring and in some respects an un suitable man for his position. The municipal election was held to-day in Washington. It was an abuse and a farce. The negroes, under Radical training, have controlled the result, and negro votes will be sought and managed in the future of the South. All this strife, or usurpation, is in flagrant disregard of the principles on which our govemment and institutions are founded, as it is in disregard of and detrimental to in telUgent citizenship and enlightened freedom. Under the pretense of elevating the negro, the Radicals are degrading the whites and debasing the elective franchise, bringing elections into contempt. June 4, Tuesday. The Judiciary Committee have, by a vote of five to four, decided against impeachment, but by a strict party vote passed a resolution of censure against the President. A more shameless and disgraceful proceed ing than this whole impeachment conspiracy has never been enacted. For many months a committee, composed mostly of extreme partisans, has been in session "with extraordinary powers to send for persons and papers, and with the public treasury and an army of pubUc scavengers to assist them, to find, if possible, some act or transaction or expression which would justify or excuse an arraignment of the Chief Magistrate. His pubhc and his private acts have been scanned, his household affairs, his domestic life, his bank accounts, his social intercourse, as weU as all his speeches, conversations, and doings as a man and President, have been scrutinized. Failing in their intrigue, scandal and defamation have been set to work to palliate these outrageous proceedings. Most of the members of the Cabinet and, I believe, all but myself, have been sum moned before this committee, as well as his private sec retaries and members of his family. Why I was spared, I know not. I have an impression and intimations in fact 1867] A VISIT TO THE NAVAL ACADEMY 103 that Stanton proposed and ordered I should not be called. Both he and Seward, in a conversation which took place as to disclosing proceedings in Cabinet, thought the matter might be got along with by answering pretty fully all questions that were put without any allusion to the fact whether it was or was not a Cabinet subject. I doubted whether it was right to disclose what had occurred in Cabinet to such a committee, — perhaps to any one at present. I went with Admiral Farragut, Commodore Jenkins, my wife and two eldest sons, and a few other friends to Annapolis to visit the Academy. The board of visitors now in session will probably close their labors to-morrow. The visit was gratifying in all respects. Vice-Admiral Porter, with some weakness, is in many respects a proper man for the position. No one appreciates it more highly than himself. In some respects he is a hard officer for the Secretary; his demands and requisitions are great and such as Congress might decline to sanction. The improvements are very considerable, and the money spent to repair the waste and injury of the military and improve the place has been in the main judiciously expended. The midshipmen are a credit to the country, and will do honor to it in the future, as they are a credit to it now. Foreign wars are likely to be in the future almost ex clusively maritime, yet a large portion of the politicians and people seem not aware of it. There is, on the part of the more intense party men, a rigid parsimony and re luctance to make grants to the Navy, while appropriating immense sums to the military branch of the service. I shall always regret that the naval school should not have been established at Newport News on the beautiful sheet of water at Hampton Roads. There would have been more ample accommodations and space, deeper water, — an abundance of it, — with every facility for such an institution. But Grimes and others, with a narrowness 104 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [june 4 of feeling that surprised me, while admitting these ad vantages, would not consent to transfer the school so far South as Virginia. Porter first favored the measure, but was silenced by the Maryland authorities, deserted me, and helped to influence Grimes. June 7, Friday. Admiral Farragut went home to-day. He has been my guest for a week. Gave him yesterday his orders to the European Squadron, and he expects to sail within a fortnight. In bidding him good-bye I was more affected than he was aware, and I perceived that he was to some extent similarly affected. We have both reached that period of life when a parting of two years may be a parting forever on earth. Circumstances have brought us together, and we are under mutual obUgations. I selected him for important duties, and he proved him self worthy of the trust and confidence. In addition to his great service to the country, unsurpassed, he has given just fame to my administration of the Na"vy, and I honor him for his unassuming modesty as well as for possessing the heroic qualities which I expected. I trust we may Uve to meet again on earth and enjoy memories of the past. If not, God's will be done. I esteem the choice of Farragut to command the Gulf Squadron the most judi cious and best selection which could have been made in the entire service. I consider him the great hero of the War, and am happy in the thought that I was the means of carrying him to the head of his profession, where he had an opportunity to develop his power and abUity. June 8, Saturday. The President and party retumed to-day from North Carolina. All appears to have passed off well. There is much talk and feeling in regard to Sheridan's movements, which are arbitrary, tyrannical, and despotic. His removal of Wells, the poor Governor of Louisiana, is justified by most of the Radicals, although it is an outrage 1867] TALK WITH GOVERNOR PEASE 105 on our laws and institutions. The trimming course of Wells and his want of honest character paUiates Sheri dan's conduct, which, however, is wholly indefensible. June 11, Tuesday. Attomey-General Stanbery read so much of his opinion on the powers and duties of the miUtary governors as he has written. It follows out his former opinion and softens the hard features of the bill in some respects in its execution. He claims that the miUtary governor and force are there to support order and the provisional governments, not to destroy them, etc. Stanton dissented; claimed the governors were omni potent, that martial law existed by authority of Congress, which made the generals supreme There is no doubt this was the intent of Congress, and I have so construed the act, taking the same view as the President in his vetoes. It is, however, a solecism for the Congress or the legislature to enact martial law, but the whole law is an absurdity, unconstitutional, abomin able. If the Attomey-General can modify it and so con strue it as to make it less odious, very well. June 12, Wednesday. Governor Pease of Texas called on me. We had a very earnest talk on the condition of the country. He attempted to justify or excuse the Recon struction bills, but, finding he could not, threw himself back upon the whole subject. He preferred despotism, if it would give security to persons and property, rather than a continuance of the condition of things which had ex isted in Texas for the last six years. The Union people have undoubtedly suffered greatly. I asked if he could not peaceably enjoy his property in Texas if he remained pass ive. He admitted he could, but said that was despotism. He could not freely express his opinions and have open discussion. I asked him if he could have that under a despotism. The condition of the Unionists is undoubtedly 106 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [june 12 unpleasant in Texas, but time and forbearance wUl bring relief. June 14, Friday. An extended Cabinet session. Seward read a long dispatch which he had prepared to the Ameri can Minister to Colombia in relation to a tax which one of the parties there propose to le"vy for belligerent pur poses on foreign residents, as well as their o"wn citizens. In his dispatch Seward says the citizens (American) must protest and that the naval authorities will see that our countrymen are not compelled to submit to exactions by either faction. The Attomey-General asked what he meant by either faction, and which and what is the legitimate govemment. Seward said he recognized no legitimate govemment; that the President had usurped power and dissolved Congress, and that the opposing faction was going to war "with him. I inquired how naval officers could interfere. They could not go on shore and undertake to resist forcibly the ci"vil authorities. Seward said things would never reach that point. We had only to let them know what we would do and that would end the difficulty. I expressed my dis sent to such proceedings, to mere threats, and gasconading blasts to a weak government and people. The Attorney- General was very emphatic on two or three points. Stanton excepted to certain positions taken in regard to civil war. No one seemed to second Seward, and he took back his dispatch to modify it. There was mischief under it. Seward has really the Presidential fever and flatters him self that he can swim on the current of acquisition of terri tory. The accession of Russian America, which is really not his work, although he has been the instrument, or agent, on our part in that transaction, has made him de lirious. He is now crazy on the subject of obtaining terri tory, and his aim is to be a candidate on that specialty. 1867] SEWARD'S_ CRAZE FOR TERRITORY 107 — the enlarging of our territory. The Isthmus of Panama, he thinks, may be obtained. The revolutionists have pos session of the government in that State. He therefore proposes we shaU resist them and at the same time re fuse to recognize Mosquera, the President, whom he calls a usurper. In this state of things he himself disclosed his purpose inadvertently by saying there was a strong party there desirous of annexation to the United States, which, of course, will be likely to increase in numbers, if we make forcible and successful resistance against excessive taxes. If we reUeve those who are under our flag, all will wish to come under it. There is no mistaking the design of Seward, who is not scrupulous where he has power and is without convictions or principle in such matters. The Attorney-General read the remainder of his opinion on the Reconstruction bills. It is a document of ability and "will cause the Radicals to resist. Not unlikely it may insure the assemblage of Congress, and an attempt to im peach the President if he carries into effect the policy marked out, — and I have little doubt he will. That is, he will disapprove the removal of the governors and judges, the prohibition against the assembling of legislators, the substitution of codes of law prepared by the military commanders, and ordered to go into effect as substitutes for the enactments and laws of the States, some of them in execution for more than two centuries. His efforts to preserve law and popular govemment will cause him to be denounced, and his impeachment wUl be demanded. The conspirators are watching their opportunity. June 15, Saturday. Mrs. Admiral Goldsborough called on me to-day in great excitement and under much feel ing, in regard to the retirement of her husband, which goes into effect next Tuesday, on which day he will have been fifty-five years in the service. It was a most unpleasant interview. She accuses me of cmelty and injustice, threat ens that her husband wiU go to Congress, accuses me of 108 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [june 15 prejudice against him for some cause she knows not what, says I have some favorite whom I wish to promote, etc. Until withm a few months she admits I have been friendly and kind, but smce this question has come up, I have been obstinate and unreasonable. She said she had been to the President and he told her I had never submitted the case to him, which she thought very cruel; that I had once or twice talked over the case "with him, but had not submitted it for his decision. It was in vain that I tried to explain to her that there was nothing for the President to decide; that the law controlled in this matter; that these cases were never submitted to the President; that when an officer attained the age of sixty-two he went on to the retired list, imless he received the vote of thanks, in which case he was not retired untU he had been fifty-fi"ve years in service; that Admiral G. would have been fifty-five years in service next Tuesday. She denied it, and under her strong appeals I told her I would present the case to the President, and I did so this p.m. In an interview of more than one hour I went over the case "with him. He had evidently been seen. Mrs. Goldsborough told me that Judge Beach, her at torney, had seen the President on the subject. Reverdy Johnson, she said, had faUed her; some officers had in fluenced him, but she did not teU me who. While we had the subject under discussion, Seward came in. He said Mrs. Goldsborough had been to him. He declined to act. She said it would come up in Cabinet, and he told her if so he woiUd give it consideration. The President asked what he had to do "with the matter anyhow. I replied he was expected to reverse my conclu sions if "wrong, or if he supposed them wrong ; that I had brought the subject to his notice by special request of Mrs. G. and because the Admiral himself was absent; that the law was to my mind clear and explicit, but that for myself, while I had no doubts on the subject, I should not feel aggrieved if overrode and my action set aside, farther than 1867] STANBERY ON RECONSTRUCTION 109 as it might affect the service. PersonaUy I have none but friendly feelings towards Admiral G., but I do not think he is entitled to fifty-nine years, as he claims. The President, as I was about leaving this long inter view, spoke of his proposed journey to Boston; ^ asked how long since I had been to Connecticut, and intimated very strongly a wish that I would accompany him. I told him I should, of course, obey any order. He said he could give no order in these cases; he was invited and it would be pleasant to have me along as companion. Seward and RandaU had volunteered to go to North Carolina "with him. I told him I regretted it and would have preferred he should have gone only "with his family and personal staff. I thought it would be much better if none of his Cabinet went with him to Boston. The Masons had in"vited him, but none of the Cabinet, and I thought we should be considered intruders. Besides, I believed the impression would be better if he went without any of us. I know the Boston Masons don't want Seward. June 20, Thursday. The week has been one of incess ant, unremitting labor. Cabinet-meetings of protracted length have been held daily, requiring constant and earnest attention in addition to current business. The chief sub ject of dehberation in Cabinet has been the Attorney- General's opinions on Reconstruction. The President, unfortunately I think, yielded to Mr. Stanbery, who naturaUy believes his professional children remarkable and worthy of universal nursing, and assented to a proposition to have a record of Cabinet proceedings kept and the vote of each member on each point recorded. No one could object to this course, if the President re quired it, although I said to one or two that I preferred the old course, — let the President require in "writing the opinion of each member. Then if either wishes to state ' President Johnson attended the laying of the comer-stone of a new Masonic Temple in Boston, June 24, 1867. ., 110 DMRY OF GIDEON WELLES [june 20 his reason for the opinion he entertains and expresses, he has the opportunity. But Stanbery had another course. I think the plan was concocted by both. The President is nervous and ap prehensive. He has, not without cause, an aversion to the reassembling of Congress during the regular vacation, for he knows the object is war upon himself. Striving to do right, intending to do no wrong, he is assailed and de nounced for laboring to carry into effect the strange, wicked, abominable, unconstitutional Reconstruction acts, as they are called. In a few conversational remarks on the introduction of the subject on Monday, I repeated what I have before said on one or two occasions, — that the Reconstruction acts were so abominable, so flagrantly imconstitutional, that I did not feel inclined to have anything to do with them ; but the President had a duty to perform and it was a duty on our part to ad"vise and act when he required us. The Attorney-General had labored to raise an edifice which has no foundation, had worked out a system which seemed consistent with itself and the laws, and I was wilUng to acquiesce in his opinion in the detail or the aggregate. He had done more for popular rights, under a law which despotically deprived the people of their undoubted guar anteed rights, than I had supposed possible, and, while I was opposed to the Reconstruction laws, I assented to his expositions if the law was to go into effect. McCulloch said something similar. Seward said he did not know about giving the entire credit of the exposition to Stanbery. During the discussion and criticisms and agreements which occupied us for four days, it was ob"vious to my mind that Stanton was an original adviser if not the originator of these laws. He may not have drafted them, but he, and probably Holt in consultation with him, de"vised the plan of military, despotic government to rule the South. It was equaUy obvious that the President was most solicit- 1867] DISCUSSION OF STANBERY'S VIEWS 111 ous to conciliate and bring Stanton into harmonious action with hunself and the rest of the Cabinet. But for past observation and experience, I should have concluded that we had reached a crisis and that we should now be united, or we should part. Such may have been the Pre sident's thought and intention, as it has been before, but it will end in nothing. Stanbery was chief fugleman. Submitted his summary, pioneered, advocated, controverted, and managed his case. Stanton was antagonistic. Seward was pliable, plausible, often querulous, sometimes sensible, seldom earnest. Randall followed Seward, of course, especially when he was in harmony with the President. The views of McCuUoch and myself have been stated. We were, under the circumstances, for acquiescing in the opinion and pro positions which Stanbery had elaborated, though they were not our views. Stanton took direct issue with Stanbery. Their differences were fundamental. On the second day Stanton brought in a paper defining his position. He claimed that the laws established mUitary governments and in vested the commanders with absolute power. That they could displace and appoint officers in the civil or pro visional State Governments, etc. I shall not particularize the differences in detail. Stanton did not attempt to justify the laws or to claim they were constitutional, but was for rigidly enforcing them, and for maintaining the despotic authority of the military governors; denied that the President could control them, and claimed that Rebels were disfranchised without conviction and without a law condemning them to disfranchisement for treason. I listened to these differences over laws that were in direct confiict with the Constitution and without war rant from it. At the close I stated to the President and Cabinet that I had listened attentively to the discussion, but I wished to be distinctly understood as in no way giving my sanction to the bill; that I considered him as placed in an extraordinary and embarrassing position; 112 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [june 20 that he had sworn to support the Constitution and also to see the laws faithfully executed; that the two were incompatible; that in appointing miUtary govemors the President has done all, perhaps, that could be expected of him. But the govemors disagreed, were not united in opinion, were embarrassed how to proceed, and had applied to him for instruction. He had very properly referred the subject to the law officer of the Govemment, who had given a very elaborate and able opinion, which I was willing they should accept and carry out. But I was quite as "wilUng the President should go no farther than send it out as the opinion of the law officer of the Govemment, his construction of the act, and leave the generals to carry on their respective governments, for I concurred "with the Secretary of War in the opinion that the majority of the fragmentary Congress which enacted these laws intended to strike do"wn popular or ci"vil governments and estab lish military supremacy, had undertaken to enact martial law, — an absurdity and a solecism. During the War, extraordinary power had been necessarily exercised, and what was a sad necessity then had begotten this mon strosity now. The time has come when this defective, arbitrary, un constitutional, impracticable law is to be put in operation. The President may attempt it, but he cannot succeed. The Attorney-General has presented his ideas, and they are condemned. A reassembling in July of the Congress which enacted these usurping laws, is demanded. We are threatened with this, if the "will of these miUtary govern ors, — viceroys, — who cannot interpret the act alike, is interfered with. I have little doubt that Congress will come together, and am wiUing they should. Let them pass a declaratory or explanatory law of their o"wn act. There can be no unity among themselves unless opposed. They disregard or set aside all constitutional limitations or landmarks, all constricted restraints, and have substituted their own will as omnipotent and above and beyond the 1867] DISCUSSION OF STANBERY'S VIEWS 113 Constitution. Let them carry out their weak and wicked enactments. It is as legitimate for them to execute as to enact such laws. The President was, I perceived, impressed with my remarks. Seward looked at me, amazed and thoughtful. Stanton for the first time seemed troubled. Stanbery said that matters were pretty much as I stated, but the President must act, — must see the laws executed, — there is no evading that. I replied I did not propose evasion, but the President could send his, the Attorney-General's, exposition for these generals; that the Cabinet had assented that the views taken by him should go out as the view which the law officer of the Government took. McCulloch asked if we had not gone too far to stop now. 1 answered no; that my opinions and convictions had undergone no change in consequence of any action taken or argument presented. I considered the law unconsti tutional, and therefore action under it nugatory. It is defective and impracticable, aside from its unconstitu tionality. The Attorney-General, to whom the President properly referred the subject, has worked out a theory which I assent to, so far at least as to advise the President to send it to the military governors, in response to their inquiries, as the opinion of the law officer of the Govem ment, and that there may be uniformity in their proceed ings. Not that I cared to give the monster shape; no harm would follow conflicting action on the part of the govern ors under the bUls, or difference of interpretation. The fact that there are differences — that no two of them can agree as to the meaning and proper construction of these acts — was a commentary on such legislation. Now let Congress convene and tell what they really do mean. I have no doubt they intended to give the governors ar bitrary and absolute power, to give suffrage to the negro, to exclude and proscribe most of the white population, to •.authorize refusal of jury trials for alleged offense, aU of 3 114 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [june 20 which are unconstitutional, revolutionary, and can have no sanction or approval from me. This being my position on the laws, I was "wiUing the opinion and theory of the Attomey-General should go out as his exposition, but I did not wish the President to give his sanction to the law, or be committed to it. Randall said he did not see why that might not be done; that it might be said, whereas the generals were embar rassed in executing these laws, and had asked for instruc tions, the President had referred the subject to the At torney-General and taken ad"vice of the Cabinet, and had come to the foUowing conclusion. Stanton and Stanbery each wrote a preamble. I objected to the word "conclusion" in Stanton's, which, after emendation, I thought preferable to Stanbery's, which was an executive order adopting his opinion and theory. Seward, who seemed shocked when I said Congress would in my opinion assemble on the 3d of July, appeared relieved after Stanton's preamble was read. It was Ran dall's, he declared. It was able, just the thing. This matter would go over, and all come right, he had no doubt of it. June 21, Friday. The President left this moming for Boston. Seward accompanied him, and RandaU, who left last evening, is to join him in New York. The papers this morning contain a statement of proceedings, or rather votes, in the Cabinet on the several points embraced in the summary of the Attorney-General. I did not under stand that publicity was to be given to our doings in de tail, though I care nothing about it, personaUy. A record of Cabinet doings is, itself, a novelty. I cannot say that I am pleased with the innovation. I should have pre ferred that the President call upon the members to give each his opinion in writing, and then that he should decide for himself. In that way the position and reasons of each member would be stated by himself. This published record states correctly my votes, and the votes of others 1867] COMMANDER ROE AND SANTA ANNA 115 also, on Stanbery's exposition and theory. It may be the true and accepted interpretation of the law; never theless the men who passed it, intended differently. They designed to break down the State Governments, to divest the President of all power except that of designating the mUitary commanders and passing upon the death penalty, of which the legislative majority could not deprive him. I should have been wiUing to leave this bad law to its 0"wn working, without devising a plan or system to carry it into effect. This was my suggestion, and the President, perhaps, intends to leave the subject in the form pre sented in these publications. It has, however, as the case now stands, an unfortunate aspect for the President, — indicating timidity, a desire to have others share the responsibilities which belong to him. All this impairs his strength before the country. The President should make himself felt and understood as a power, should stand out prominent above others. But Seward and Stanton have dwarfed him, I fear, — made him hesitate and doubt when his own nature is to be firm. I "wrote hastily, and when tired and exhausted, a sketch of Cabinet proceedings on the matter of the Attorney- General's opinion. I took to the Cabinet and read a strange dispatch from Commander Roe of the Tacony, who, under the ad- "vice of the American and British Consuls, took upon him self to seize Santa Anna,' place him on the ship in which he came to Vera Cruz, escort him twenty miles to sea, and forbid his retum. It was an extraordinary proceed ing, and I made it a point to read the whole dispatch in Cabinet. Seward said, "That was all right," and asked me to send him the dispatch, or a copy, for he wanted to keep the record. No one else seemed to trouble himself about the matter, except the President, who remarked ' The well-known Mexican general and president, at this time a revolu tionary against the French. 116 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [June 21 that the Mississippi and the levees were givmg us much trouble by the overflow, and he thought it might be a blessing if the waters could go on and drench Mexico and wash out her faithlessness. I regret that Roe should have permitted himself to be a tool of the consuls, though I doubt not his intentions were right, but I apprehended that some exceptions would have been taken to Roe's conduct, and that I might have to recaU and take action in the case. As it is, I think the Admiral must give his attention to Mexican affairs. June 22, Saturday. The President and party got through very well to New York, and aU passed off pleasurably by accounts on board the Franklin, Admiral Farragut's flagship, which he visited. He passed directly through or past Philadelphia without stopping, the city author ities having failed to extend to him an in"vitation. It is a specimen of the old Whig spite of former days. The Radicals are the baser materials of that bygone party. Their Reconstruction acts, their disregard of constitu tional obligations and limitations, and the general demor alization and corruption crop out, — are parts and parcels of the old bank-debauchers of 1834, and the Hard-Cider poUticians of 1840. I cannot but regret that President Johnson is so much under the influence of Seward, who is a man of expedients and not of sterling, fixed principle. His publication of Cabinet proceedings amuses me the more I reflect upon it. McCulloch tells me that he was as much surprised as myself when he saw that record in print; that he had no conception the President intended to pubUsh it. On Thursday evening, as I was riding out, I met Seward near Columbian College. He called to me, I being on horseback, and said that he thought the President had better get out his paper to-morrow (Friday) morning. It had been understood and agreed that he would issue an order to the military governors, in answer to their call 1867] SHERIDAN'S INSUBORDINATION 117 for information, communicating the summary of exposi tions of the Attomey-General. This I had thought would relieve him of embarrassment in consequence of his ve toes, in which he had taken different views. Moreover, as he had pronounced the acts unconstitutional, and was sworn to support and defend the Constitution, he could send out the opinion of the Attorney-General, the law officer, as a guide for the generals and as conducive on their part to uniformity of action. But this pubUcation of Cabinet proceedings is a differ ent phase and, I think, an unfortunate one. I am appre hensive that Seward, in his interview on Thursday evening, achieved it, although he made no intimation to me of such a purpose, farther than to speak of that "paper" instead of that "order." Stanbery, who is a good la"wyer, lacks certain qualities as a pohtician. He sometimes wants tact, and is too sensitive for a pubhc man. It would be in char acter with him to ad"vise the publication. His opinion has been "violently assailed, and it soothes him to find that the Cabinet, with one exception, sustains, or more properly submits to and acquiesces in, his exposition. He was ad- "vising to, if not the originator of the proposition of making a record of the views of each of the heads of the Depart ments. The results he feels to be a relief, and persuades himself, perhaps, that the publication will relieve him before the pubhc. June 24, Monday. Animpudentanddisrespectful, if not disobedient, letter of Sheridan's is published on the sub ject of registration, in which he puts himself in opposition to the President and his order to keep open registration till August. I am apprehensive that the President "will not promptly detach him. How Stanton and Grant will act and advise, I shall be glad to know. They cannot, it appears to me, do otherwise than re commend his removal. Grant thinks much of Sheridan as a brave, dashing officer, but he is unfit for the dehcate 118 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [june 24 duties of civil govemor, nor is his judgment in civil matters worthy of much weight. He, Grant, may, in his partiality, think reproof and a peremptory order sufficient. Stanton knows that, were he in the President's position, a telegram for Sheridan's removal could not get to New Orleans quick enough, but what he "will do and ad"vise under the circumstances is a question. For twenty months the President has submitted to humiliation from the War Department, has been tame, passive, and submissive under palpable wrong, has seen the military officers and the Army gradually alienated from him by intriguing and cunning manipulation. So far as delicacy and propriety would permit, he has been warned and advised, has many times determined that he would act resolutely, but at the crisis has from some malign influ ence faltered and failed until his Administration itself is a failure. The President is no longer regarded as a power, the head of the Govemment, because he fails to exercise his undoubted authority in vindication of what he knows to be right, but defers, delays, and suffers. The Army and officers generally were "with him in his Reconstruction policy at the commencement, as they were with Mr. Lincoln, who initiated it. Stanton was not, and Howard was not, — though the latter was not contuma cious, — and Holt was not. Stanton and Holt were in Buchanan's Cabinet; had been mixed up with the Seces sionists for a time, and the hostilitj- between them and the Rebels became implacable. Hate was mutual. Neither Stanton nor Holt desired immediate reconcilia tion or an early restoration of the Union, for that would necessitate their retirement. Their policy, therefore, never was and could not be the poliej' of the President, for he desired speedy peace, harmony, and good "will be tween States and sections. All their efforts, all their influ ence, has been in another direction. Yet the Secretary of War, exercising this influence, using and abusing his power and patronage, aided by Seward, has been able to hold his 1867] THE PRESIDENT'S BOSTON TRIP 119 place and so far to control, not only his Department, but in a great degree the Administration. Seward, who has not been, like Stanton and Holt, op posed to an immediate restoration of the Union, has never theless been the constant supporter and friend of Stanton, has constantly impressed upon the President the necessity of retaining that gentleman in his Cabinet as essential to his Administration. The two — Seward and Stanton — have steadily played into each other's hands, Stanton all the time strengthening and fortifying himself and all the time weakening the President and bringing the Adminis tration and its measures into disfavor. June 25, Tuesday. The papers pubUsh a letter from General Sickles to Senator Wilson, in which he says the Secretary of the Na"vy "will do nothing in favor of the Re construction laws. Congress appropriated $500,000 to carry into effect Reconstruction; $5,000,000 will be re quired. Only a smaU appropriation was made to begin "with, in order to delude and cheat the people into acqui escence, but miUions will be expended. To make up the deficiency, money and means are to be stolen from other sources, other appropriations, and other Departments. Sickles sent to me for two steamboats to be placed at his service. I had neither boats, officers, crews, nor money for him. Congress had placed no appropriation at my disposal for such purpose. June 26, Wednesday. The President has been courte ously and properly received by the people of New England, — a striking contrast "vnth some portions of the North west. None of the govemors have run away, — absented themselves like Morton, Oglesby,* and others. Sumner and Wilson do not appear to have been present, or mingling with the authorities. The President has spoken less than when he went West. It would be better were he and all 1 Governors of Indiana and IlUnois respectively. 120 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [june 26 Presidents to avoid addressing miscellaneous public as semblages. And so of the Secretaries. Seward in his speeches indicates an intention of being a candidate for President and to mn on the territorial acquisition claim. The purchase of Russian America has demented him in this direction, and he reaUy flatters hunself, though doubt- ingly, that the people wUl raUy around him. He has, how ever, no party, no popular strength, and his retention in the Cabinet has greatly injured the President. It is un fortunate that the President does not reaUze this and that the constant companionship of Seward is a mistake for both. A telegraph from Calcutta informs us of the "wreck of the Sacramento in the Bay of Bengal, CoUins commanding. This is a misfortune, but no loss of hves, thank Heaven. Collins is an honest, straightforward, patriotic man. He has not, I think, particular love or aptitude for the service. June 27, Thursday. Montgomery Blair has become quite indifferent in regard to the fate of President John son. Says he is completely under the dominion of Seward and Stanton, who have demoralized him; that the Pre sident has listened to them until he has become nervous and apprehensive, "without resolute courage to carry out or maintain his conviction, and that he is in constant dread of impeachment. Blair is shrewd and observing, though of strong pre judices. He thinks it absolutely necessary to re"vive the Democratic Party and its organization in order to rescue the government from centraUzing hands. This has been the policy of himself and some others for some time past. The policy has its disadvantages as well as advantages. One cause of the failure of the Union movement a year since was the attempt to bring forward as leaders and candidates those Democrats who had made themselves obnoxious for their extreme partisanship, and especially their opposition to the measures of the Government for 1867] GRANT'S PROBABLE CANDIDACY 121 the preservation of the Union. The people were not dis posed to invest Copperheads, Rebel sympathizers, and Rebels "with power while the soil was yet wet with the iDlood of patriots, and Blair and others injure themselves at this time in pressing forward prematurely that class of persons. In the conversation to-day we spoke of Grant in connection with the Presidency, and from present in dications I expressed the opinion that he was disposed to be a candidate, and if so, he would probably be elected. Blair said he could not be if he was the Radical candidate. I said Grant would endeavor to be the Army and Union candidate; "without much political intelligence or principle, he had party cunning and would strive to be a candidate but not strictly a party candidate; that the Radicals did not want him, but they could not help themselves, nor perhaps could Grant. They felt that they must nominate him in order that they might succeed; he felt that he could not reject their candidacy, if they took him up, but really prefers the Democrats to the Republicans. Blair has been and still is friendly to Grant, but per ceives that G. is becoming alienated from old friends and getting in "with new ones, and it arouses his opposition. I asked whom he would have for a candidate in opposi tion to Grant. He said he cared not who it was. Nor I, was my reply, but whom can you present? He said Mc- CleUan. That, said I, insures defeat. The people will not, and I think ought not to, rally under him. We then had some talk on the War and the generals. Grant, he said, was after all the only real general we had. Not that he had the genius and mental resources of Sher man, but he had dogged courage, unwavering persistency. No other general had these qualities. His remarkable conduct in the campaign, and the slaughter between the Wilderness and Richmond, Blair admitted were horrible. Still, Grant never flagged or doubted. Having got in the neighborhood of Richmond, he smoked his cigars and waited, until Sherman reached the seaboard and was 122 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [june 27 coming up through the CaroUnas, when the Te Deum of the nation, which was singing hosannas to Sherman, roused Grant to the necessity of doing something lest there should be another and greater hero who would eclipse him. This led to Grant 's final blows, for, Wilmington having been captured. Grant could have remained quiet and Sherman would have marched steadily up in the rear of Richmond. In that event, it would have been Sherman's name, not Grant's, and this, though Sherman's friend, he would not permit. Blair says he once inquired of Grant why he moved at all when there was no necessity, and the final close was inevitable. Grant was a Uttle puzzled to answer for a moment, but repUed that he did it, not from mUitary necessity or any strategic purpose, but to suppress sec tional animosity. All the hard fighting and successes had been by Western men; the Army of the Potomac was dis tinguished for no great success; they had remained cahn before Richmond, having all in their grip, it was true, but if the Western army, after marching to the sea, came up and captured Richmond while the Eastern army was in camp, there would have been jealousy and sectional feel ing growing out of it. It was the selfish jealousy of Grant himself, whose feeUngs towards Sherman exceeded those of the sections in the West. June 28, Friday. A committee to inquire into the ord nance transactions of the War and Na"\'}' Departments, composed of as unprincipled a set of scoundrels, with scarcely an exception, as is in Congress, is in session. I have told Wise, Chief of Ordnance in Naval Bureau, to give them every faciUty for inquiry; if he, or any one had done wrong, I desired it should be exposed. This startles Wise, who is nervously excitable, and not over-profound and firm, and who, I have sometimes thought, was a little too intimate with some of the larger contractors, — not that I have ever believed him corrupt or pecimiarily interested. 1867] FARRAGUT SAILS FOR EUROPE 123 How he "will succeed before the committee, who wiU try to confuse and bewilder him, is uncertain. He is pretty sagacious, but mentally timid, though not, I apprehend, wanting in physical courage. Of the transactions of the Ordnance Bureau I have kno"wn less than of any others. Their contracts are excepted from advertisements, their business a specialty. President Lincoln busied himself in that branch and Wiard and Ames, two disappointed contractors whom he favored, are pets of the committee. June 29, Saturday. Admiral Farragut sailed yesterday from New York in the Franklin for Europe, to take com mand of the European Squadron. My two youngest sons have gone with him. I know no better man to whom to intrust them. One is his private secretary; the other is clerk to Pennock, who is Captain of the Franklin. The President and party are expected home to-day. They have had, apparently, a pleasant tour. Too much speaking, but less than in the Chicago jaunt last year. June 30, Sunday. Called this moming on the President and congratulated him on his safe retum and in apparently improved health. He was very cordial, disposed to talk. Was not fully posted on occurrences and events of the last ten days. Talked of Sheridan, of Congress, of Stan bery's opinions, etc. In regard to Stanton, he expressed himself convinced that he had played a part for himself, had an understanding with the violent Radicals, had em barrassed the Administration and thwarted its policy; and he was surprised that Stanton should persist in hold ing on to his place, and mixing with us. I remarked it was now of httle consequence. He had so managed with the Radicals as to cripple the Administration until it was powerless, and he might remain on to the close, or he might leave soon. The President assented; presumed Stanton intended to be a candidate. Seward proposes to purchase Two Islands from Denmark for 87,400,000 — Cabinet Discussion of Sheridan's Letter to Grant — MaximiUan shot in Mexico — Congress meets in Extra Session — General HaUeck pro posed as Commissioner to go to Alaska — Seward justifies Commander Roe in the Capture of Santa Anna — Stanton ignores the President in addressing a Communication directly to the Speaker of the House — Reconstruction BiU passed — The Influence of Seward and Stanton on the Administration — Conversation with a Member of the British Par liament on Constitutions and Reconstruction — The President vetoes the Reconstruction Bill without consulting the Cabinet — Congress passes a Resolution of Sympathy with Cretan Insurrectionists — General Banks calls to urge a Removal and an Appointment — The President's Leniency in Matters of Pardon — Troops sent to Tennessee — Grant's Change of Views — • General Rousseau proposed for Sheri dan's Place — Proposal to appoint Frederick Douglass to the Head of the Freedmen's Bureau — The President receives Papers revealing a Conspiracy to manufacture Evidence against him — Sheridan removes Governor Throckmorton of Texas and appoints E. M. Pease in his Place — McCulloch discouraged at the PoUtical Outlook. July 2, Tuesday. At the Cabinet-meeting to-day Seward brought forward a proposition to purchase of Denmark the two smaller islands in the West Indies for $7,400,000. Stanton and Randall strongly supported him. McCul loch doubted; was willing the subject should be presented and submitted to the Senate, though, if himself a Sena tor, would vote against it. Stanbery claimed not to be sufficiently posted to act, but his impressions were against it. I was perhaps strong est in opposition of any; stated we wanted these islands for no present purpose; that, St. Thomas being a free port, we had every facility we could have were these islands ours; that the population is not American; the possession would be costly to keep and maintain; that the country was enormously in debt and needed the mil Uons more than these islands; that in the event of a for- 1867] PROPOSED WEST INDIAN PURCHASE 125 eign war we could easier and at less expense capture one or more islands than hold them. Seward, a little nettled by my "views, said we wanted a station in the West Indies for naval coaling purposes, and we could not have Samand, — that was ended. I said I was glad of it; I had never wanted Samand, and I wished this Danish matter was ended also. Still, as the others as sented, and the Secretary of State xrrged its importance for ulterior purposes which he claims the Senate will sanction with unanimity, I would not oppose its going to that body. McCulloch took much the same view. The truth is, Seward has become almost a monomaniac on the subject of territorial acquisition, that being the hobby on which he expects to be a candidate for Pre sident. It shows itself in everything. The subject of Sheridan's insulting and impertinent, disrespectful and disobedient letter to General Grant, which is in the newspaper, was brought forward by the President, who said he had received no official notice of the letter, — knew nothing of it save what he saw in the newspapers and the remarks of others. The Attomey-General was emphatic against the letter; said it was insolent and insubordinate, and could not be passed without notice. Stanton said the letter had not been communicated to him officially; that, if authentic, as he did not question it was, Sheridan had, perhaps, been rebuked already by General Grant for his impulsiveness; that the letter might have been stolen from the telegraph by some of the news paper correspondents and published without the know ledge and against the wishes of Sheridan. He would advise that the matter should pass without producing any inquiry. Seward said he had very little doubt that the matter had got into the papers as Stanton suggested, and prob ably without Sheridan's knowledge. It was published in the Herald on Sunday, and they had in some way got hold of 126 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 2 it. He never noticed newspaper articles; would not notice this. I said it was not a newspaper article, but an official document from Sheridan's headquarters and signed by Sheridan hunself. While I was not prepared to say what course had best be taken in regard to it, I by no means assented to the suggestion that the document had been surreptitiously obtained or that it was not written expressly for publication. No man could read it and say he beUeved it was a private, unofficial communication to General Grant. It was intentionally disrespectful to the President, and had been so received and considered by friends and opponents. Stanton said it was an improper letter, and if it had been addressed to him, he should have rebuked Sheridan, not only for what he said of the President but for the al lusion to the Attorney-General, the head of a Department. McCulloch thought we had better get along vrithout taking much notice of the letter, as the President had never received it officially. To move in it would stir up excite ment without doing any good. I was aware from pre"vious conversation with McCuUoch that he "wished to avoid col lision "vsdth Congress, and that he had very Uttle confidence that the President would take a stand against Sheridan and persist in it, backed as he would be by Stanton and Grant. He said to me that Stanton would control the President on this or any subject that had a miUtary bearing or connection, sooner than the true men in his Cabinet. I was therefore more grieved than surprised at McCuUoch's remark. Randall said very little, but did not know what could be done, though the letter was very improper. Stanbery and Stanton differed essentially and discussed some points. The President produced a dispatch from Sheridan of the 29th ult. , stating he should continue regis tration until August as ordered. As the Secretary of War had not the correspondence between Grant and Sheridan, the President thought it best to defer the farther discus- 1867] SHERIDAN'S LETTER DISCUSSED 127 sion of the subject until it was procured, and he would probably call a special Cabinet-meeting for its considera tion. Delay, of course, destroys the effect, if it does not pre vent any action. I remained with the President to dispose of some Department business after the others had left, and said to him that promptness and decision were im portant in matters of this kind; that in postponing action he was suffering before the country, and in a few days nothing could be done. He agreed with me, and said he would have sent for Grant when Stanton made kno"wn that he had not the correspondence, but the session had been so long that he could not have got him to the council in season. Then, as regards Stanton's remark that he had no copy of the letter, — that it had not been commun icated to him, — "Do you suppose," asked the President, "that there has been communication between Grant and Stanton about that letter?" I replied that it could hardly be otherwise than that they should have conversed and interchanged views on such a paper which was before the public, and probably there was an understanding between them that it should be kept back and officially commun icated. And that was the foundation of Stanton's pro position that the subject should pass without pressing any inquiry. The President's hesitating and irresolute disposition and the influence of Seward and Stanton will be very likely to prevent any special Cabinet-meeting, and perhaps any ¦farther steps in this matter. McCulloch is hopeless. RandaU "will fall in "with Seward. Stanbery feels wounded personally, as well as being indignant that the President should be treated with such disrespect. He may rouse the President to vindicate himself and his office. I have said in the Cabinet and in private all that is proper I should say, "without much effect. July 3. On Sunday evening I received a dispatch from 128 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 3 Commander Roe that Maximilian, the quasi Emperor of Mexico, was shot on the 19th of June. It is one of the mistakes of that unhappy and distracted coimtry. Ap prehensions are entertained that the European powers will attempt to avenge his death, but I do not participate in those apprehensions. Europe has learned a lesson on the impolicy of interference in the fate of MaximiUan and the results of French intrigues in that country. Vera Cruz still holds out. No exceptions have as yet been taken to Roe's course in seizing Santa Anna. As he has been since taken from the Virginia at Sisal by the Mexicans, they may sum mar Uy dispose of him, though for a generation he has, Uke a cat, alighted on his feet when thrown, seemingly, do"wn a precipice. Congress met to-day. A quorum was present, though I am sorry to see many, perhaps most, of the Democrats are absent. There is, it is true, not only no pubhc neces sity for the meeting of Congress, but a public injury from its coming together. Still, as the majority had desired it, with them be the responsibiUty. Members indi"viduaUy should do their duty. There is a malignant and revolutionary spirit among the leading Radicals, who continue to be reckless and ut terly regardless of the Constitution. These men "will de sire to push measures to extremes, in the behef that they can thereby retain their party ascendancy. But it "will not surprise me if the means to which they must resort shall react and overthrow them. Indeed, I expect it. They cannot go on "with these "violent and prescriptive measures without rousing indignation, and if any regard for the Constitution remains, the people, though strangely in different, will rally to its defense. July 5, Friday. Yesterday, the 4th, was a quiet day, more quiet than Sunday. It was to me a day of rest, and I enjoyed it. No matter of special importance was to-day before the 1867] RECONSTRUCTING RECONSTRUCTION 129 Cabinet. Seward and McCulloch arranged for a revenue cutter to Sitka. Stanton proposed that Halleck should be the Commissioner, and Seward concurred. I did not like it, for I do not lUie Halleck, but I said nothing. Neither did the President nor any other member of the Cabinet. The President made no allusion to Sheridan's order and his correspondence with General Grant. In Congress but little was done except to determine to reconstruct Reconstruction. Sumner and some of the extreme Radicals were not satisfied with this conclusion, and there is really so little sense and "wisdom in Congress that there is no certainty they will adhere to their determina tion. They evidently know not what they want, nor how to do it. On the 2d of March they passed their Reconstruction BUl, — their first step since the fall of Richmond. Two years were wasted in intrigues how not to reestablish the Union. The succeeding Congress, which met two days after promulgating the Reconstruction Act, passed a sup plemental bill to correct deficiencies and weaknesses, and another bill, limiting expenses to five hundred thousand dollars. Three bills in less than one month, and now Con gress is again assembled to further legislate on the subject, and declare they will take up no other subject. They have no confidence in themselves. Generals Schenck and Logan have undertaken to exclude all the Kentucky Representatives from the House because they are not Radicals. These two la"wyer generals are Rad ical electioneerers. Schenck opposes Bamum of Con necticut, whose election is disputed because he used money. I have no idea that he used more if as much as his Radical opponent, and Schenck knows that Indiana and some other States have been secured to the Radicals by fraud and corruption. This move is to tum attention from their own "villainies to another quarter, and to throw discredit on their opponents. The use of money is destroying confidence in our elections. 130 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 9 July 9, Tuesday. The dispatch of Sheridan was not alluded to. As Congress is in session, and calls for corre spondence are made, the omission is not singular, but I apprehend the whole will be shuffled over. The House of Representatives made haste, by a strict party vote, to pass a resolution of thanks to Sheridan for insolence and insubordination. No official communication, no report of any committee called for thanks, but his dis courteous and highly improper letter had been published, — the publication being itself an act of insubordination, — and a vote of thanks is given him by the Radical legis lators in the House of Representatives. The Senate has not sunk quite to the level of the House, and the resolution has been checked in that body. Some differences are manifested among the Radicals in both houses. Some of the more inteUigent and saga cious have mustered sufficient courage to oppose the extremists. July 10, Wednesday. The loose, reckless violence and inconsiderate action of Congress make it irksome and pain ful for me to read their proceedings. How Uttle regard have the members for their oaths and their country's wel fare! The worst principles of tyranny and outrage they avow and encourage. The President is coarsely, falsely, and vindictively assailed by leaders as well as by foUowers, who are secretly prompted. The Constitution and its limitations are ridiculed and condemned. Senator Wade equivocates and backs down from his recent aggressive speech. Instead of a step in advance, as he boasted, he takes a step to the rear. A curious letter in the New York Herald, reciting a con versation and certain avowals of Thad Stevens, is attract ing attention, and he to-day on the floor of the House made remarks on the letter. Almost all which this "vicious old man does is premeditated, dramatic, and for effect. The letter was evidently carefully prepared by himself. 1867] SEWARD JUSTIFIES ROE 131 Not that he wrote it, but the correspondent had the catechism and answers furnished him. Stevens is perhaps a worthy leader for such a party, — the "Great Com moner." July 11, Thursday. Some discourse in the House to day, followed by votes, indicates a division in the House on the subject of impeachment. There is no cause, excuse, or justification for the long, labored, and shameful pro ceeding on this subject. The President differs with the Radicals, and justly and properly views their course with abhorrence. He sometimes expresses his burning indigna tion against measures and men that are bringing untold calamities upon the country. July 12, Friday. Seward read a long document on the subject of the capture of Santa Anna, fully justifying Commander Roe, and appro"ving his course and that of our consul at Vera Cruz. Stanton presented two communications, which he pro posed to send to Speaker Colfax, asking an appropriation of $5,000,000 for Indian wars and an additional $1,600,000 for Reconstruction. This latter was so worded as to create a false impression, leaving it to be supposed that this is the whole sum, whereas there was already half a million appropriated for the latter purpose, making over two millions. Much of this, a considerable percentage, will be expended in Radical electioneering. I objected to the head of a Department addressing communications of this character to the Speaker and claimed that application for such appropriation should properly go through the President. No one differed from me but Stanton, who said very little. Seward saw that Stanton was vexed, and he put in a garrulous mess of pottage, about his always sending to Congress through the President, and believed it was proper for the heads of Departments generally to do this. But sometimes, he 132 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 12 said, the Secretary of War had occasion to go direct to Congress, and on the whole, he thought it was weU enough, — perhaps best; he approved of it. I insisted that it was neither respectful nor right to ignore the President at any time, and especially now, when Congress was trying to degrade and belittle the office. I thought no head of a Department should encourage the schemers by passmg by the President. The President, I saw, felt hurt, and made a remark or two, but concluded by telling Stanton that the Secretary of War would do as he thought best. "Then," said Stan ton, " I wiU send both communications to the Speaker." "Very weU," said the President. Pshaw! This is the way things go on. Congress has got another edition of Reconstmction law about completed, which robs the President of his constitutional rights, transfers his powers to the General of the Army, the miUtary gov ernors, and the Secretary of War. Seward, who is chief counselor and Stanton's supporter, "wiU not dissent from this, but, if he says anything, will ad"vise acquiescence. Stanton is in concert with the Radicals in these aggressive matters, as the President knows, and has himself said to me. I do not expect, therefore, that any becoming stand will be taken to "vindicate the executive prerogative, and it is perhaps too late, if there were energy and decision, to attempt it. Steady, constant aggression, and tame, passive yielding under the assuming and calculating Stanton and the pliant, flexible Seward have effectually broken down the Administration. I shaU be thankful if it does not break down the government. July 13, Saturday. Seward overtook me this evening as I was riding out on 14th Street, and says he has sent me a copy of his long statement in regard to the capture of Santa Anna. He evidently thinks it a great paper, and prides himself on its properties. I understand the two houses have passed their Recon- 1867] RECONSTRUCTION BILL PASSED 133 etruction BUl. Thad Stevens took occasion to sneer at those who still clung to the remnants of the shattered Con stitution, which he ridiculed as a thing of the past. He is one of those who never regarded it as more obUgatory than the resolutions of a last year's party convention. Its over throw and destruction he would consider a party triumph. This is the spirit and feeling of the "Great Commoner," the Radical leader. July 15. There is among the Congressional majority who caU themselves Republicans or Radicals a wide dif ference, but there is want of patriotism with some, and of tact and talent with all. They are incompetent and "vicious. The "violent leaders are coarse and "vulgar; the more con servative are weak and cowardly. The former defy, ridi cule, and disregard the Constitution; the latter dare not defend it. Both can unite against the Administration, which adheres to the great principles of the fundamental law and maintains the rights of the States and the union of the States. Unfortunately for the President, his chief ad"viser has no faith in the principles which the President most regards. Seward has no faith, nor has he any strength. To the Presi dent the Secretary of State is an element of weakness. The people have no confidence in him and they doubt and dis trust the President, who has. His association with Lincoln weakened the power of the Administration. Still Seward does not oppose, resist, or attempt to coerce the President, but the latter knows he is from the great State and erro neously beUeves him the chief of a great party. Stanton is more positive; but would often fail were he not aided by the sinuous, pliable, flexible Seward. The two hunt in couples, and, though of different temperaments, are both of them subtle and have a full understanding to stand by each other. Both are playing a game, and the cunning, wUy Mephistophelesis outwitted by Mars. Stan ton is treacherous. Seward is not, though a dissembler. 134 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 15 Stanton, while a part of the Administration, acts vrith the Radicals, and in a great measure directs their movements. They trust him ; they hate and despise Seward. To the President, Seward is always pliant and yielding, yet he contrives to do much towards shaping the Pre sident's course and often sadly misleads him. Stanton sometimes plants himself in opposition to the President, and, when honest and sincere, not infrequently carries his point, though its rectitude may be question able. When, however, he perceives that the President is resolute and determined, Stanton becomes as humble and obsequious as Uriah Heep. The President, who is courte ous and attentive to all, is extra so to Stanton, — is more particular, I think, to salute him than any one else. This is more formal than earnest, and the poUteness is reciprocal. Stanton is sometimes more presuming because he knows he has a supporter or friend in Seward who wiU apologize for and excuse him. Between them the President has been prostrated and his Administration made powerless. From this, Stanton may, in certain contingencies, profit; but Seward cannot. Both these men played a double part during the closing months of Buchanan's Administration. WhUe ostensibly opposed, they had a secret understanding and were in con stant communication. Stanton betrayed the South, and they know it. He knows that they know it, and hence he is not anxious that they should have power or influence in the Govemment whilst he is here. Whatever the President does, or proposes, to reestabUsh the South is secretly, some times openly, counteracted and defeated; the measure is resisted, and he is denounced as a traitor to the party that elected him, — not to the country, — as sympathizing with traitors, because he strives to ameliorate the condition of the people of the South, to promote general harmony, and to reestablish the people and the States that have rebelled in the Union. 1867] CONVERSATION WITH MR. CAVE, M.P. 135 July 16. The President is disinclined to appoint Otter bourg, the German, or German Jew, Minister to Mexico, although Seward is very persistent for him. Randall orig inaUy proposed Otterbourg and would be pleased to have him promoted, but, seeing the President's hesitancy, does not press it. Seward, however, holds on vigorously. Judge Chase has had it published that he has gone to Albany to attend a wedding. It was a moming wedding in the family of Judge Harris. This pretext of Chase is to cover an electioneering tour. He still at times has the Presidential mania. Wade, who is also diseased with the Presidential fever, has lost his "vivacity and form, — is tame and passive; — his "jump forward" in anticipation [?] has apparently broken his knee-joints or backbone. The Japanese indemnity was again up. They request delay in last installment. Seward is not disposed to grant it, and was anxious to push the matter by, without much talk or explanation. Although unpleasant to always op pose, or to express dissenting opinion, I again spoke of my regret that we were mixed up with England and France in that matter, and thought we should suffer no wrong by extending to them this favor which they asked. I read my letter to the Speaker in answer to a resolution introduced by Schenck, calling for information touching the retention of Rear-Admiral Goldsborough on the active Ust beyond fifty-five years. Schenck's brother. Commo dore S., is, like other officers, affected, and dissatisfied that my decisions and the usage of the Department are over ruled. Seward, I saw, was disturbed; thought Stanton should examine the letter and suggest alterations. S. and I both declined. In a conversation with Mr. Cave, a member of the Brit ish Parliament, who called on me with Chevalier Wykoff, some conversation took place in regard to what is called the British Constitution and our own, the two governments and that of Mexico, France, etc. I remarked that the great 136 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 16 difference between the Teutonic and the Latin race consisted in the fact that the former had faith and the latter had not, — that Anglo-Saxons trusted each other, adhered to their traditions, observed and preserved the great principles of freedom; if there were abuses and departures from the great landmarks, a speedy retum to first principles was required and exacted by the people; that these underlying princi ples were what was called the Enghsh Constitution, un written but understood, adhered to and loved by the Eng Ush people, who had made them the basis on which their governmental superstmcture was built. We Americans had embodied the great principles of freedom in a written constitution which all could read and understand, and from which those who were intrusted "with legislative, ex ecutive, or judicial authority could not ignorantly wander. But, unhappUy for us, our written Constitution is at this time no check or barrier against legislative abuse. The organic law is violated. A fragment of Congress has usurped the powers of government, trampled on the Con stitution, and is exercising undelegated authority. This fragment had overthrown the constitutions of ten States and estabUshed miUtary governments in their stead, had broken down the rights and power of the Executive and virtuaUy declared themselves onmipotent and supreme. In due time I tmsted and beUeved these abuses would be remedied and the Constitution restored. A reaction usuaUy foUows excessive action, and our countrymen would before long correct Congressional errors and usurpations. The Latm race, unlUie the Teutonic, had not fixed, stead fast principles. Theu* changes are impulsive and revolu tionary, and their governments are estabUshed and main tained by force. The popular element had no abiding faith, no well-recognized prmciples around which the people could rally. In other and plain words, they had no fixed principles embodied m a written constitution like the American, or unwritten but well-grounded and known law like that of England. 1867] RECONSTRUCTION BILL VETOED 137 What is most to be apprehended among us, perhaps, is a change in the habits, thoughts, and character of our peo ple, brought about by a mixture of races, resulting from emigration and from the present attempt to bring the negro race into the government. Neither the emigrants nor the negroes understand or can comprehend the foundation principles of American and British freedom. The Radical Party in their humanitarianism were striv ing to establish universal equality and individual liberty, without conventional rules, and regardless of constitu tional freedom and constitutional restraints and limita tions. In order to promote, and with a view of exalting, the negro, the Radicals did not scruple to trample on the rights of the white men, rights inherent and secured by all that was sacred and inviolate in the organic law. July 22. Congress adjoumed on Saturday. The Pre sident sent in his veto on the supplemental bill on Friday. It is stated that all the Cabinet except Stanton gave the veto their approval. For my 0"wn part, I neither saw it, heard it read, nor knew its contents until I saw it in the newspapers. McCulloch says the same, and I have reason to suppose this of others. My opinion is that no one but Stanbery was cognizant of it. He probably had the principal preparation of it, though the President himself does more in the preparation of these documents than is generally supposed. Stanbery is a good la"wyer and takes a professional or la"wyer's "view of questions rather than a statesman's or politician's. Sometimes he is a little too technical, and too much inclined to exhibit the attomey's knowledge and capacity. Seward always defers to him. I do not remember when he has dissented, though he may have been embar rassed and compelled to trim if Stanton arrayed himself in opposition, as he often does. The veto is, in its general features, essentially as I sup posed it would be. Had I leave to advise, I would have 138 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 22 counseled brevity. There was no necessity of extended argument to such a Congress. No reasoning or truths, however cogently presented, would influence a single Member. The leading Radicals were predetermined, and their followers had not the moral courage to act out an honest, independent opinion. The bUl, like its prede cessors, is flagrantly unconstitutional, anti-repubUcan and despotic, but there is the essence and spirit of Radical ism. There is extreme bitterness among the Radicals, which manifested itself in the Senate and the House. Chandler, coarse, vulgar, and violent, assaUed Fessenden, who was indignantly cowardly and apologetic to his furious anta gonist. July 23, Tuesday. Seward had a proclamation prepared against Mexican filibustering. The House had passed a resolution calling for it. I excepted to the paper, and es pecially to that part of it which said, "Now, therefore, I, A. J., being satisfied, etc., etc.," unless the President or Secretary of State had such information and was satis fied. If they had, or there was any necessity for a pro clamation, I regretted that there should have been delay. , . . The President said he was aware of no reason for the step. Seward said there was nothing serious, nor did he suppose there would be, but he thought it prudent, under the circumstances, to send out the paper. A more embarrassing subject was a resolution which had passed the two houses expressing sjTnpathy with the insurrectionists in Crete, and requiring the Administra tion to communicate this fact to the Turkish Govemment. It was one of those loose, indiscreet measures which an inconsiderate Congress fooUshly enacts. Seward had put his letter to the Minister in as unexceptionable a form as he could, but it can hardly be otherwise than offensive. The President regretted his attention had not been called to the subject, for he would not have signed the resolu- 1867] THE CRETAN INSURRECTION 139 tion. Seward said he knew not how the resolution origin ated. I told him that it originated "with Morris, the Min ister to Constantinople, and if it resulted in his recall or a request for him to leave, good might come of it. For months he had made himself busy in trying to induce our naval officers to break through neutraUty and interfere in this insurrection. July 24, Wednesday. General Banks called on me to day with S. P. Hanscom in order to procure the removal of Mr. Hart, Naval Constructor, and the appointment of Isaiah Hanscom to the Charlestown Navy Yard. I told him I knew of no reason for a change; that Mr. Hart was discharging his duties faithfully and well, so far as I was ad"vised. He said the people there were opposed to Mr. Hart, who was no naval constructor, but a mere boat swain, — that he govemed the yard. I asked what he meant by saying Hart was not a constructor, but a boat swain. He had passed his examination first as an assistant constructor, and then as a constructor, — was educated a constructor. Hanscom was not. Well, he was unaccept able to the people. I asked wherein, — he was not a partisan as I had once heard. Banks said he busied him self in matters and things, and the people of the yard were against him. I said no such information had ever come to me; that Commodore Rodgers would have been likely to advise me if such were the case. He said Rodgers was under the influence of Hart. "Am I to understand that you decline to remove hun? " said B. in a loud voice. "Certainly I do, as at present ad"vised," I replied; "but I will inquire more particularly into this matter, and if you have any facts, — anything specific, — I should be glad to have you communicate them." He said that was unnecessary; if I would not remove Hart, he must take other measures. "Very well," said I, "a good officer cannot be removed 140 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 24 without cause. I regret the ilhiess of Mr. LenthaU, Chief of the Construction Bureau, but I "wiU myself look into this case farther. At present I shaU not dismiss Hart." July 25, Thursday. The President sent for me. He wished to dispose of the case of Major Field of the Ma rines, who was court-martialed last April and con-victed, and was again subsequently court-martialed and again convicted. As the case is, in every "view of it, bad, and the President has long hesitated, delaying from time to time acting, I had left the whole subject "with him to dispose of when 'ready, expressing myself decidedly against Field. . . . Sam RandaU has once or twice approached me, but I told him neither party nor personal feeling should be permitted to intrude; they would not "with me; they ought not with the President. One of the greatest defects of the President, as Chief Magistrate, is a reluctance — an apparent incapacity — to discriminate in matters of pardon, or rather a faUure to act on general principles. His sympathies for the criminal are easily enlisted in behalf of any man whom he has power to relieve. He lets off the drunkard, breaker of regulations, slanderer of the court, etc., etc., without reflecting on the demoralizing effect of his mistaken len iency on the service and the country. July 26. The President showed me a telegram from Grant at Long Branch to Stanton. Grant says General Thomas has been ordered to Memphis; thinks it un necessary for him (Grant) to go to Nash"ville; teUs of troops that will be gathered at Memphis. The President said he was glad that regulars were mo"ving into Tennessee, for it would have the effect of checking the movements of Bro"wnlow's militia, who were striving to control the elec tions ; but he compared the conduct of Stanton and Grant in the Tennessee election with that pursued by them in 1867] TROOPS SENT TO TENNESSEE 141 regard to Maryland. Last faU neither of them could get any armed force to Baltimore. I recollect that Stanton was extremely sensitive at that time about overawing elections with troops. Grant, I think, had the impression that he, personally, could do better than soldiers, and deemed it more important that he should remain here and take charge of local elections than that he should go with Campbell to Mexico. I remarked to the President that Grant had, uncon sciously perhaps, very much changed his views within a year; that it was perceptible; that I had frequently al luded to this change; that Stanton, and Holt, and perhaps others had succeeded in twisting or modifying Grant's opinion and action. It had been with them a study, and he, the President, had permitted it to go on until they more than he were, in some respects, the Executive. The President recognized the truth of my remarks, and said, yes. Congress had conferred more power on the military govemor than the President had ever exercised. "That," said I, "is but a part of the system. I know not that General Grant has been in the intrigue to cripple the Pre sident, though he has been, and is, used by the intriguers, — in my opinion, willingly used. You are advised to send General Halleck to Sitka. Seward has several times urged it. I do not think highly of Halleck, or his management, and do not wish the Administration to indorse him, or to give him additional reputation. He has got himself fast ened on the Govemment for life, at high pay, without ha"ving rendered any valuable service." In answer to the President as to who there had best be selected, I told him it was difficult to say, for most of the military officers had been gradually dra"wn into the Rad-" ical or Congressional policy through the manipulation of the War Department. But General Rousseau had been recently appointed, had borne himself weU as a civilian, was, I imderstood, to go to Washington or Oregon. Why not let the transfer of Russian America be made to him? 142 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 26 The President hesitated a moment and said: "Rous seau is now at New Orleans. Here is a telegram from him, saying affairs are in a terrible condition there, and advising immediate correction. What would you, then, think of substituting hun for Sheridan?" "If Sheridan is to leave, my impression is that you cannot do better than select Rousseau, as things are. It is a pity, however, that this could not have been done earlier. The Radicals have been at great pains to enhst public opinion for Sheridan, in the full beUef that he would, and conscious that he ought to, be removed. They have encouraged his insolence and insubordination in order to compel his removal, or to show that the Admin istration was too weak to "vindicate itself. The managing Radicals know Sheridan's unfitness for administrative duties, but he is a brave and distinguished officer whom they are using, — availing themselves of his military re putation before the country. Had he been summarily disposed of when his insolent letter was written, or when he removed that trimming Govemor Wells and the judge,' the people would have justified the act, and the Admin istration would have been strengthened for a righteous exhibition of energy. But the time has gone by for that display. There may be other causes." The President again asked me what I thought of put ting Fred Douglass at the head of the Freedmen's Bu reau, instead of Howard. I said if he proposed to appoint negroes to any office, that perhaps would be as appropriate as any. Howard is a very good sort of man, but loose in taking and appropriating pubUc property, and so intensely Radical that I wished him removed, and an overturn in the management of the Bureau. But I was not prepared to appoint or recommend to be appointed to so responsible a position a person because he is a negro or a mulatto. Mr. Sumner and others have ¦ Judge Abell, who had declared the Louisiana convention of 1866 an illegal body. 1867] THE CONOVER ALLEGATIONS 143 expressed a hope that negroes would fill public and tmsted positions, but I cannot. They may succeed, under their despotic and oppressive laws, in getting a few negroes into Congress, but there would, in all probability, be a sequence to this partisan negro philanthropy which would be calamitous to the poor negroes themselves. July 30, Tuesday. But little of importance at the Cab inet-meeting. After we were through, the President re quested me to remain for a few moments. Seward and Stanbery were not at the meeting, and are absent from the city. Mr. Hunter, who represented the State Depart ment, was present for a short time, but had left, and Stan ton was allowed to depart. McCulloch, Randall, Browning, and myself remained. The President said he had invited us to stop for a few moments, for some papers had just been placed in his hands of a character which seemed to him to deserve consideration. It was, he said, proper for him to state that a woman representing herself as the wife of Conover, ' now in prison, had called upon him, on, I think, the preceding Saturday evening, in behalf of her husband. She said promises and assurances of pardon had been held out to him by certain parties on condition he would do certain things, but he had been put off and tantalized until they (C. and his wife) knew not what to make of it. They had, however, ' Sanford Conover, alias Charles A. Dunham, convicted of perjury in connection with the trial of Jefferson Da"vis for complicity in Lincoln's assas sination. The first communication referred to here, dated July 26, 1867, and received on Saturday, the 27th, was a petition for pardon accom panied by recommendations to clemency from Congressman Ashley, Judge- Advocate-General Holt, and A. G. Riddle, on the ground that while in jail Conover had disinterestedly aided in the prosecution of John H. Surratt. The communication of July 29, received on the 30th, was an extraordinary letter purporting to reveal a conspiracy into which Conover had entered with Ashley, Riddle, Holt, and B. F. Butler, to suborn testimony to show that President Johnson had been a member of the conspiracy to assassin ate Lincoln. These papers were published on August 10, but they were regarded with some suspicion and Conover did not receive his pardon till February 9, 1869. 144 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 30 got a paper from Riddle,^ indorsed by Judge-Advocate- General Holt, commending him to clemency. With this paper, there was, inadvertently, mixed up a note from Ashley, the impeaching Representative from the Toledo district, caUing for the document. "Perhaps," said the President, "the best way will be to read the whole papers, but it will be proper to say that this note of Ashley led to further inquiry, which resulted in her bringing me this morning a petition from her husband and simdry papers, which I have detained for you to examine, and to give me your ad"vice as to what had best be done "with them." He then called on Colonel Moore from the Ubrary "with the papers, and directed him to read them. As they wiU doubtless be printed, I need say no farther here than that they furnish conclusive e"vidence of an atrocious conspiracy to impeach the President by manufactured testimony, which was to be furnished by this man Conover, alias Dunham, who was to be released from prison on condi tion he procured persons to testify as the parties de sired. When these papers had been read, and the surprise of all expressed, — not so much at the conspiracy, for none of us had any doubt of the "vUlainy of the impeach ment conspiracy (it is nothing else), but at the folly of Ashley and others in lea"ving traces of their intrigue and wickedness, — the President asked what should be done. I advised that authenticated copies of the papers should be taken and lodged "with different parties, and that the original should be carefully preserved. In this aU con curred. The question then was as to disclosing the papers, — when and where. McCulloch and myself advised prompt publication. RandaU ad"vdsed delay to get other facts and testimony, — certain names and documents referred to. Browning hesitated, but was inclined to an early publication, and the President incUned to as Uttle ' Albert Gallatin Riddle, an ex-Congressman, one of the counsel for the prosecution of Surratt. 1867] THE CONOVER ALLEGATIONS 145 delay as possible. Randall walked the room a few times and then came into that view also. Conover, alias Dunham, after ha"ving been kept here by the court for months, had been suddenly hurried off to the penitentiary at Albany, so that he could not be seen. I told the President that was in consequence of Conover's wife having called on him, — that it satisfied me of what I had long beUeved, there were spies upon him and in his household. The fact that she had called on the President had been communicated to the conspirators, and C. was immediately hurried off to prevent him from having communication with any friend of the President to whom he might make disclosures. It was concluded that we should meet again to-morrow, and in the mean time, each was to revolve the matter in his mind and bring the results of his reflections to the meeting. The President expected Mrs. Conover to call upon him to-morrow, and would ascertain if she had other papers or facts, but she would make no promises to pro cure them. July 30. At the meeting to-day the President and the four members of his Cabinet who were together yester day again took up the subject of the conspiracy and Cono ver's disclosures. Randall was again very earnest for postponing any publication until the names of the two witnesses referred to in Conover's petition could be ascer tained and also the memoranda of the testimony which was wanted, and which they were to swear to, were pro cured. Ashley alluded to those papers in one of his notes, and is e"vidently anxious to get them. Randall says that as soon as it is known that C. has betrayed them, they will hasten to get these papers and to bribe these men. Mc Culloch gave in to these suggestions and was for delay, in order to make a perfect and complete thing of it. Brown ing was disposed to take the same view. I suggested that a delay and failure to procure the 3 146 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 30 papers and names would weaken the case, and it would be well to look at all sides of the question. Would not the pub lication be likely to draw out other testimony and lead to these very disclosures which we wanted? A frank and prompt pubUcation carried weight in itself. Delay and hesitancy, in the hope of something more, would be losing an opportunity. If Randall could be perfectly successful in his scheme, and get the names and papers, it might justify delay. Was it advisable to run this risk on such an uncertainty? RandaU proposed to go himself to-night to Kinderhook and there meet Reynolds, a lawyer friend of his in Albany, to whom he would immediately telegraph. Mrs. Conover should go on to-night also in order to see her husband, and get from him the names. R. would be his lawyer and perhaps see C. "with his wife. The plan appeared to meet with favor, and R. was so confident of success, and so ready to go and get his lawyer and detectives at work that one could not weU object. I thought there seemed a Uttle overanxiety on the part of Randall to figure and operate, but sometimes such men accomplish more than is expected. General Sheridan has removed Govemor Throckmorton of Texas and appointed my old friend E. M. Pease to be Govemor of Texas in his place. This is a good selection, provided the change could be legally made; but I deny the authority of General Sheridan to do this, — deny that Con gress can give him authority to do it. Pease was here two or three weeks since on his way to Texas, and I have Uttle doubt that he was called thither for the purpose of receiv ing that office. It is a step in a conspiracy of which he is not cognizant. In a contest between Throckmorton and Pease for the office of Governor some twenty months since, the people of Texas elected T. by a vote of six or seven to one over P. This was then the voice of Texas. This is probably about the present position of affairs with the legal voters. 1867] McCULLOCH DISCOURAGED 147 In my opinion Pease is the best, wisest, and safest man, but the public whom he is to govern are of a different opinion. He has, from the Rebellion and the policy pur sued, become warped in mind, and his principles are unset tled, but he will, I think, commit no imprudent or oppress ive act. I regretted he was not elected, and regret the President did not originally appoint him pro"visional gov emor instead of Hamilton. He was presented by me at that time, but the President listened to bad men here, ap pointed one of them, who was the tool of the "vicious gang who then were commencing an intrigue against him, and this appointee Hamilton became a traitor to the President and an ingrate. Stanton, who did not know Pease, I have no doubt took him up on my old recommendation, — a twofold object. July 31. Had a short evening walk and talk with Mc Culloch, who is, not without reason, a good deal discour aged. A crowd of sharpers, mercenary party plunderers from Pennsylvania, — Flannigan, Sawyer, and others, — are crowding around the President, declaring their in tention to so organize the Republican Party that it will not unite with Democrats. They all want offices for them selves or want to sell offices to their friends. The President has, McC. says, listened to these sharpers and thereby in jured himself and his Administration in the estimation of good men. The revenues have been and are being defrauded by miserable partisan appointments, and the President sadly imposed upon. McCulloch proceeded to tell me how arrangements have from time to time been made by him self with the Radicals for dividing the offices, — a pernicious arrangement, — that sometimes they have in the Senate come up and confirmed appointments thus arranged, and the President has then failed to carry out the agreement. I told him I should be sorry if the President ever broke faith, but I must frankly say to him I disliked the bargain ing, — dividing with the trafficking, greedy, unprincipled 148 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 31 Radicals. McC. said it was necessary, we could not get along without it. The offices would not be filled. I told him that a firm, steady hand from the beginning would have avoided this; there had been temporizing, con ceding to factions, surrendering executive rights to the enemies of the President, mistaken arrangements, aU of which had weakened the Administration and encouraged and stimulated the Radicals; that we could never make a stand, — have a poUcy, — nor could the Executive be the head, or a power in the Govemment, whUe we pursued such a course. This has gone so long and so far, however, that I know not that much can be done to retrieve the error and strengthen the Administration, but I would not di"vide nor surrender the executive power, patronage, authority, prerogative, rights, and duties to them. LI The President consults with his Cabinet as to the Advisability of removing Sheridan — The Conover Allegations — McCuUoch's Compromises — His Great AbUity as a Financier — Grant deprecates the Removal of Sheridan — Grant going over to the Radicals — Conversation with the President as to the Possibility of Stanton's Retirement — Postmaster- General Randall asks for Leave of Absence — The President requests Stanton to resign — Stanton refuses — The Tenure-of-Office Act in Relation to the Question of Stanton's Removal — Randall's Shakiness — Thurlow Weed's Attack on Chase — Secretary Welles advises the President to remove Judge-Advocate-General Holt with Stanton and to appoint one of the Blairs Secretary of War — The President discusses the Matter with Montgomery Blair — The Jury in the John H. Surratt Case disagrees — The President suspends Stanton and appoints Gen eral Grant ad interim — General Sickles prohibits CivU Process in his MUitary Department — Alleged Conspiracy against Judge-Advocate- General Holt — Stanton's Dismissal makes Little Commotion — Cor respondence between the President and General Grant relative to the Removal of Sheridan — Conversation with Grant on the Subject of Reconstruction — A Political Ignoramus — General Sickles announces his Intention of obstructing the United States Court — Passage be tween Grant and Assistant Attomey-General Binckley in Cabinet — Suspicions in regard to RandaU — A Reorganization of the Cabinet talked of in the Papers — Conversation with Montgomery Blair about Grant — Grant, insubordinate in Cabinet, is rebuked by the President — The President's Strength and Weaknesses. August 2. After the adjournment of the Cabinet and Stanton had left, inquiry was made of Randall if he had been to Albany, or whether any steps had been taken in relation to further developments of the conspiracy for impeachment. He said no, that Conover's wife declined to go, and wanted his pardon on the documents already produced. The President here remarked that as those of us who were present could each freely speak his views, he wished to know our several opinions in regard to the removal of Sheridan. McCulloch at once declared he thought it would be 150 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. 2 injudicious, — would strengthen the extreme Radicals, who really wanted the President to take this step in order that they might make successful war against him. It would discourage the conservative portion, who were becoming much disquieted with the leaders, and who would, if not shocked by any rash step, defeat the impeachment move ment. The Radicals were becoming di"vided among them selves, and if we abstained from any movement, they would hush up. Browning eamestly pressed the last idea. Let them go on "with their violent and obnoxious measures, — their usurpation and tyranny, — and it would break them do"wn. The better portion of them were already sick of their measures. I asked, pro"vided such were the fact, — which I did not believe, for the conservatives are cowards, — if it were proper administration to stand quietly by and per mit such outrages upon the States and people to go on, or whether the Executive had not some duties to perform be sides temporizing "with corruption? We must not suppose we could escape responsibUity. The idea of our doing nothing when great "wrongs were being committed by the military govemors would not answer. What have we done to prevent it? I think Sheridan ought never to have been put in such a position ; I never ad"vised it, nor that of Sickles, a different man. Being, then, in a responsible position for which he had no proper qualifications, I think he should have been promptly removed when he took upon himself to oust State officers and to appoint others in their places. I so stated on the day of their occurrence and had always regretted that he had not been at once displaced and sent the other side of the Mississippi after his insolent letter. I have no animosity towards Sheridan, who is a brave soldier, and whose gallantry and services I honor, but he is unjust and made vain by his miUtary successes, and absolutely spoiled by partisan flattery and the encourage ment of the conspirators. The more he defied the President, and the greater the outrages on the people of Louisiana and 1867] REMOVAL OF SHERIDAN DISCUSSED 151 Texas, the more would he be praised by bad men who were imposing on his weaknesses. From the tame, passive course which has been pursued, the Administration had lost confidence and strength. It has to-day no positive, established, successful policy; dis plays no executive power and energy; submits to insults; and we are now discussing no measure of the Administra tion, and it is assumed that we ought to have none, — that we must suppress our convictions, abdicate our duty, and in our helplessness tmst to division among the Radicals, who have a policy, and who by their presumption and our sub mission have crippled the Executive, encroached upon his prerogative, and deprived him of his constitutional rights. Randall became excited and advocated turning "the Uttle fellow" out. The President warmed up under my remarks; his eyes flashed. "What have we to expect from long keeping quiet? Will the Republicans, the conserv ative portion of them, come into our views? They are always promising, but they never perform. It may be said this "will enrage them and that they will then go forward and impeach me. If they would impeach me for ordering away an officer who I believe is doing wrong, — afflicting and oppressing the people instead of protecting and sus taining them, — if I am to be impeached for this, I am prepared." I asked the President if he had any information from those States as to the sentiments and feelings of the people, — whether anything but the removal of the Governor of Texas and the overthrow of the municipal government in New Orleans had come to his knowledge. It would not be ad"visable to move in so important a matter without cause. These were sufficient. But weeks ago the same acts had been committed as regards the Govemor of Louisiana, Attomey-General, judge, etc. The President said there was nothing additional now, but there was universal complaint of disorganization, confusion, insincerity, and oppression. 152 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. 2 McCulloch said he should deprecate the removal of Sheridan, because he was exceedingly popular, and it would bring down violence on the Administration. He had a talk with WUson of Iowa before he left for home, who said if the President did nothing rash, and — alluding to this very movement — would not disturb Sheridan, all would go along well, and the extreme Radicals would be defeated; a division would certainly take place. "What," said I, "if Sheridan should proceed to hang some of the prominent and best men in Louisiana who differ from him? Would WUson expect, or you advise, that he should still be continued?" The President was called into the adjoining room, and McCuUoch, turning to me, said he was afraid my remarks would produce great harm. "To do our duty wiU produce harm! How," I exclaimed, "are we subdued and hum bled!" On the subject of Conover's disclosures some further discussion took place. The President was incUned to pardon him on the application of Holt and Riddle, and let the reasons and documents follow wliich led to the par don. But the rest of us were united in the opinion that the pubUcation of the documents should precede pardon, and to postpone the pardon for a short time at aU events. It was also understood that Sheridan's case would be delayed for the present. August 3, Saturday. McCulloch called on me early this moming. He was very much exercised in regard to the removal of Sheridan. It had disturbed him through the night, and as he was intending to be absent for a day or two, he besought me to see the President and prevent hasty action. The conservative and timid Republicans and some Radicals have been intimate with McCuUoch and impressed him with their cowardly, shrinking "views. He has been persuaded by them to compromise, and to bargain in regard to office. In all this he has been actu- 1867] MCCULLOCH'S COMPROMISES 153 ated by good, though I think mistaken, motives. The bad features of the Radicals may have been softened at times, but their "violence and strength have not been impaired thereby. On the contrary, they have been fortified and made more powerful by their success in invading the Ex ecutive, while the Administration has been weakened. It has for the time being made matters more easy for the Secretary of the Treasury, who has, indeed, a difficult task to perform, but eventually these concessions to timid men who sustain wrong acts of their leaders "will be dis astrous to the Administration, which has been putting its opponents in place, — establishing, as it were, little Radical fortifications in almost every Congressional dis trict, to batter us down. They retain and exercise all the powers granted them, usurp the powers of the Executive, and we yield to them in fear. I ad"vised McCulloch to call himself on the President and freely communicate his views. But he seemed to think it would be of little avail. I sometimes am inclined to beUeve the President does not so fully appreciate the value of McC.'s services as he should, for I think him the best financier we have had for years in the Treasury, with a difficiUt part to perform were he supported instead of opposed by Congress. If he possessed the firmness and poUtical experience of Guthrie, he would be his equal in every respect. But he is politically timid and is wanting in political tact, persistency, and force. In this matter of Sheridan, I told him I could not answer the President otherwise than I did when he put the in quiry to us whether Sheridan ought to be detached. There is no question in my mind that it would be right to relieve the people of Louisiana and Texas of an officer who has so little discretion, such infirm judgment in civil matters, and who knows so little how to exercise power. The law itself is an outrage, a "violation of the Constitution, and Sheridan outrageously administers it, removing and mak ing appointments at will. It cannot be otherwise than he is 154 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. 3 secretly backed up and supported by some power, for he is accustomed to obey, not to disobey. I called on the President, as McC. requested, and had a free conversation with him. Said to him that whUe Sheri dan deserved rebuke and removal, I would not be obstin ate but defer to him. It might, as things were now, be impolitic or inexpedient to make the removal; it would undoubtedly lead to a violent assault upon him; the con spirators — extreme Radicals — would avaU themselves of the act to be more "vindictive and ferocious, and the timid would be more cowed and submissive to them; whUe I had an inherent confidence in the great principles of right as the rule of action, there was no doubt it often tried the most resolute and required moral courage and steady persistency to make the right prevaU. "What," said the President, "have I to fear, what to gain or lose by keeping this man who delights in opposing and counteracting my "views in this position? It is said that the weak Radicals — the conservative ones — wiU join the ultras to impeach me. If Congress can bring them selves to impeach me, because in my judgment a turbulent and unfit man should be removed and because I, in the honest discharge of my duty to my country and the Constitution, exercise my judgment and remove him, let them do it. I shall not shun the trial, and if the people can sanction such a proceeding, I shaU not lament the loss of a position held by such a tenure." I remarked that Sheridan was reaUy but a secondary personage after aU in the business. He would never have pursued the course he has if not prompted and encouraged by others to whom he looked, — from whom he received advice, if not orders. Little woiUd be attained if only he were taken in hand. The President said there was no doubt of that, and he was giving the subject attention. He said he had had a long interview with General Grant, ... in which inter view they had gone over these subjects, but Grant was 1867] GRANT GOING OVER 155 hesitating. He then went to his desk and brought me a letter of Grant's, elicited by the conversation which had passed between them. Grant deprecated the removal of Sheridan, who, he says, possesses immense popularity; thinks it is not in the power of the President to remove the Secretary of War since the passage of the Tenure-of- Office Bill, and that it would be unwise as well as inex pedient to make these movements just when Congress has adjoumed. The letter was not such as I should have at one time expected from Grant, — was not discreet, judicious, nor excusable even from his standpoint. If not disingenuous, he has, "without perhaps being aware of it, had his opinions warped and modified within a year. I remarked as I finished reading the letter, "Grant is going over." "Yes," said the President, "I am aware of it. I have no doubt that most of these offensive measures have emanated from the War Department." "Not only that," said I, "but almost aU the officers of the Army have been insidiously alienated from your sup port by the same influences. If you had been favored with an earnest and sincere supporter of your measures in the War Department, the condition of affairs in this country- would this day have been quite different. It is unfortun ate, perhaps, that you did not remove all of the Cabinet soon after your Administration commenced; certainly some who have made it a business to thwart and defeat your measures ought to have been changed." He assented, with some emotion, to the last remark, but expressed a doubt whether he could have got rid of Stanton. It would, he said, be unpleasant to make the attempt and not succeed. He presumed Grant had com municated the conversation which had taken place, and that the suggestion came from Stanton himself. I doubted if Stanton would persist in holding on as an ad"viser when he understood the President wished him away, or he was requested to relinquish his office, although 156 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. 3 it was obvious he was very tenacious of his place, and clung to it from personal considerations. Yet I was not sure but things had about reached the point when he was prepared to leave. He was in close friendship with the Radicals who had the control of Congress ; through that fac tion was as much a favorite of the conservatives as of the extreme Radicals. Congress ha"ving taken the whole gov emment into its keeping, and he being a favorite, he might think it would conduce to his benefit to be dismissed, com pelled to leave. They would be dissatisfied to have him retire; Seward and Holt would oppose it, and probably Grant also now, though he had at one time favored it. The conversation on this point closed with his repeating the remark he had twice before made, — that he intended to bring this matter to a conclusion in a few days. The President said he was annoyed by RandaU's course. He seemed imsettled, anxious to be running about the country, lea"ving his duties to McCleUan,^ who was filling aU the post-offices with Radicals, perhaps "with R.'s con sent, certainly "without his opposition. Now he comes "with a request to be absent and to leave the country for six weeks. "I told him," said the President, "it appeared to me no time to be absent, that he was wanted at his post now, if ever." But R. thought he could be absent; his wife was abroad; he could, ha"ving a free pass, go for her without expense; to send for her would cost him six hundred dollars. The President repeated to him that he thought his duties were here, but he should leave the subject with him after what had been said. In the matter of Sheridan, I do not get any sufficient cause for mo"ving now that has not existed for weeks and months. The removal of Throckmorton is follo"wing out the first step, the removal of Wells. The insulting letter has got cold. Still I have not a word for Sheridan. August 5, Monday. 1 called on the President this a.m., * George W. McCleUan, Second Assistant Postmaster-General. 1867] STANTON REQUESTED TO RESIGN 157 and, after my errand, mentioned that no publication of Conover's case had yet been made. He said he had, after consideration, given that matter a different tum. It was an appUcation for pardon, and he had passed over the papers to the Attomey-General, and given it the same direction as other applications for pardon. I inquired if Stanbery had returned. He said no, but the assistants were quite as competent for this case. I asked about the Sheridan case, remarking that I was glad, as things are, that he was giving the subject de Uberate thought. He said he had dropped Sheridan for the present and gone to the fountain-head of mischief, — that he had this morning sent a note to Stanton requesting him to resign. "It is impossible," said he, "to get along with such a man in such a position, and I can stand it no longer. Whether he "will send in his resignation is un certain. What do you think he vrill do? " "I think he will resign," I repUed, "and not intrude himself upon you, and longer embarrass you; yet his friends are the ones who have tried to tie your hands." "Yes, and he instigated it. He has, I am satisfied, been the proUfic source of difficulties. You have alluded to this, but I was unwilling to consider it, — to think that the man whom I trusted was plotting and intriguing against me." "Well," said I, "it is better, if you are to act, that this course should be taken. Sheridan is only a secondary man in these matters, and to smite him would only aggra vate and excite, without accompUshing any good beyond punishing insolence to you, and wrong to the people over whom he has been placed. He has been sustained and encouraged by other minds." I do not see how Stanton can do otherwise than resign, and yet it wiU not surprise me if he refuses. Should he refuse, the President may be embarrassed, for Stanton has contrived, I suspect, to get a controUing influence over General Grant. Judge Cartter is a creature of Stanton, 158 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. 5 and his court is under subjection to the same influence. The President has, against aU admonitions and warnings, been passive and impenetrable, untU he is powerless. I do not perceive any benefit to himself by remo"ving Stanton at this time. One year ago it would have been effective, and he would have retained Grant and the Army; he would have had a different Congress; the country was then with him, and would have continued so. But the conspirators and intriguers have boimd him hand and foot; he has permitted his prerogative to be despoiled, the executive authority and rights to be circumscribed, untU he is weak and powerless. Stanton may defy him, and shelter himself under the Tenure-of-Office Bill, which contains a clause in relation to Cabinet-offlcers, introduced by his friends and for the special purpose of retaining him in place. When this sub ject was before the Cabinet, no one more strongly repro bated this flagrant abuse or more strongly declared that the law was unconstitutional than Stanton. He protested with ostentatious vehemence that any man who would retain his seat in the Cabinet as an adviser when his ad"vice was not wanted was unfit for the place. He would not, he said, remain a moment. I remember his protestations, for I recollected at the time he had been treacherous and faithless to Buchanan. I knew, moreover, he had since as well as then betrayed Cabinet secrets. August 6. Before the session of the Cabinet commenced this moming, the President in"vited me into the library and informed me that he had a note from Stanton refusing to resign. I was a good deal astonished, though since yester day my doubts in regard to his course have increased. His profuse expressions of readiness to resign, declarations that any gentleman would decline to remain an intruder, etc., etc., when the Tenure-of-Office Bill was under con sideration were mere pretenses to cover his intrigues. The President had requested Seward, Stanton, and myself EDWIN M. STANTON 1867] STANTON'S TENURE 159 to prepare a veto on that bill. Neither of them consulted me farther than to send to me for information concerning the debates. The President asked if he had better communicate the correspondence to the Cabinet at this time. I advised it by aU means. All the Cabinet except Stanbery were present. When the correspondence was read a good deal of surprise was mani fested, and felt, not only with the invitation but the re fusal. Stanton did not attend, and considers himself, it would seem, not of the Cabinet. Seward immediately inquired when Stanbery would be back. The Tenure-of-Office Bill was examined and com mented upon. Doubts were expressed whether the Pre sident could remove a Cabinet-officer. Seward thought it indispensable that Stanbery should be here. It was a question of law, and the law officer was the proper person to expound it. The President seemed embarrassed how to act. As the law is, in the opinion of the whole Cabinet, including the Attomey-General, unconstitutional, I said this was a poUtical as well as a legal question; that the Chief Magis trate could select and remove his ad"visers; that the legis lative department could not take away the constitutional rights of the Executive; that the power of removal belonged to the President of right; that there has been too much concession to legislative usurpations. I do not consider that the President is imder obligations to be an instru ment in these "violations of the Constitution, — to cripple the executive department by a fragment of Congress. After an hour and more of discussion, the subject was postponed, and the Conover subject taken up. "The Act ing Attomey-General had embodied into a report, or opinion, the petitions of Conover, alias Dunham, the notes, etc. This it was thought ought to be printed at once. McCuUoch came to see me this evening. He is a good 160 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. 6 deal disturbed. Laments that the President had not taken this step in regard to Stanton at least a year ago. Thinks it now too late to do any good, and fears Stanton, aided by the Radicals, wiU make successful war and overcome the President. Much vrill depend on the President him self, and he would come to right conclusions and carry them out but for Seward, who is bevrildered and has not Weed here to advise him. If he listens to Seward, who has been taken by surprise, all "will be frittered away, no de cisive stand will be taken and held, but the honest purpose of the President "will be defeated. Stanton, assisted by the Radicals in Congress, has been active in preparing himself for this event by crippling the President on every hand and in every way and by fortifying himself. He has got Grant and other army officers. He has got the court in this District. Judge Cartter, I am told, spent an hour or two with Stanton after he received the President's note, in the War Department. He is a coarse, "vulgar Radical in the hands of Stanton; has complete control of his associate Fisher. OUn and WUey are different men, but I know not how they would act at this time. August 7. Nothing new has developed to-day. The Conover matter is not pubUshed, nor has anything been done with the Secretary of War. The present idea of the President is to suspend Stanton and order General Grant to take charge ad interim, but though Grant was willing and earnest when proposed a year ago, he would, I think, be reluctant now. I know not how he would disobey. Not unlikely Seward "will try to patch up some sort of arrange ment to gratify and soothe Stanton. Herein is the President's danger. His strength, power, energy, and force are destroyed by Seward. He can do nothing to extricate himself while Seward has a directing influence. Stanbery, influenced by Seward, takes also a narrow view of things. My own advice would have been, had the President 1867] A LOST OPPORTUNITY 161 asked it, not to have executed the unconstitutional Re construction law, — to have assigned no military com manders to govern States in time of peace. If for this they attempted an impeachment, or sought by party drill to carry the unconstitutional law into effect, I would have gone to the people, appealed to them to uphold the Govern ment and the Constitution, to stand by the Executive. It would hardly do for me, unasked, to suggest these things, to advise the President to offer himself a sacri fice, yet I wished it, — wished I could have been in his place in that emergency. It would have been a glorious privilege to have seized the horns of the altar, planted one's self on the Constitution, rallied the patriotism of the nation, immolated himself, if necessary, in defending the Govemment of his country and the integrity of the Union. But before asking the several opinions of his Cab inet, he announced that he should execute the law, and I saw it was under the advice of Seward, Stanbery, and Stanton, — for Stanton was then a busy counselor, di rectly and indirectly, through Seward, in all measures, insidiously working to destroy the power and influence of the President while professing friendship. The President informs me that the Conover matter wiU be published and appear on Saturday. I saw Gobright, the general correspondent of the Associated Press, in the Secretary of State's rooms, and presume Seward has suc ceeded in procuring the document, which is quite long, to be sent forward to New York to appear simultaneously with its publication here. This was unnecessary, for these papers would readily have copied it. Now the whole thing "will have something of the appearance of having been gotten up for effect, which is not true. Things may be overdone. I met RandaU at the council room. While waiting for the President, I spoke to him concerning certain changes, loudly called for, and which he had promised should be made, in a few post-offices. He said Dixon was urging 3 162 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. 7 him to tum out some good men, friends of the President. I asked if he knew this to be so, — if he were acquainted with the facts and men personally. He said he knew they gave money freely for the organization. I inquired when and what organization. Did they assist in electing Govemor English, and Hotchkiss Member of Congress, or did they oppose both? He confessed he did not know about that, which I told him was important, if support of the Administration was to be considered. I had no doubt that some changes should be made, as Dixon recommended, for other than party reasons. I saw that he did not like my comments, and he soon went out. Before lea"ving, he told me his wife was sick, and he thought he should have to cross the Atlantic for her, and it would be best for the President to fill his place. This was said haU-slyly, half- eamestly, and satisfies me that he is shaky. I have been for some time convinced there is foundation in the rumor that his confirmation was received by pledges to Radical Senators, who do not like Dixon and would not strengthen him by appointments at home. August 9. Stanton's course and what is to be done with him were discussed. Seward is extremely anxious to get the opinion of the Attorney-General, who is absent, before coming to any conclusion. Some one remarked that it was reported one of Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet, and who is now of Mr. Johnson's, sympathized with Stanton, and might resign if he did. I told them I had not heard the rumor, but they were at liberty to say to any one and to all that I was not the man to leave the Cabinet for that reason, but if the President ever invited me, I should not decline his invitation to leave. The debates in the Senate on the Tenure-of-Office Bill and Senator Sherman's strong declarations were quoted. I remarked that they were not stronger than the declara tions of Stanton himself to us at this board, as they would all remember. He had, with Mr. Seward, prepared the veto 1867] THURLOW WEED'S ATTACK ON CHASE 163 on the Tenure-of-Office BUl, but that was much milder than his declarations of the unconstitutionality as well as impolicy of that biU. Seward said but little, and Randall was reserved. Perhaps there was no reason to sharpen my suspicion; but it is evident they are not forward in the measure or in efforts to encourage the President. The removal of Stan ton was undoubtedly a surprise and disappointment to Seward, who has sustained him. Weed has been making some more assaults on Chief Justice Chase, accusing him of getting rich whUe Secrer-V tary of the Treasury. I have heard these charges before;" There were some strange proceedings in granting permits^ and Chase had in Harrington and some others strange associates; but this charge, at this time, is, I have little doubt, in concert with Seward, who has been to^ Auburn and met Weed there. I am aware of no reason to suspect Chase of adding to his fortune after entering the Treasury. Weed has, I know, become wealthy since 1861. Things have taken a turn which disappoints both Seward and Weed. Seward has thought of fishing for the Presidency and supposes Chase one of the obstacles. Neither of them stands any more chance of reaching the Presidency than of being created Sultan of Turkey. After the others had gone out, I had half an hour with the Pre sident, who requested me to stay. Advised him to remove Holt with Stanton. It would be more effective and proper to remove the two together. I looked upon both as con spirators, as having contributed more than any others to the embarrassments of the Administration. They had each a personal interest in preventing a restoration of the Union, for, ha"ving been associated in Buchanan's Cabinet, where one played, to say the least, an equivocal, and the other a treacherous, game towards the South, they dread a reconciled Union. I suggested that the time was not inauspicious to strike an effective blow against Radical usurpations. The delay 164 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. 9 had, it was true, matured the plots, schemes, and intrigues of the conspirators, by which the South was prostrated and the whole country had become demoraUzed. But he could now in a measure rouse the South and the better portion of the country, and to some extent retrieve past error, by sweeping out the whole batch of generals who were goveming the States of the South in "violation of the Con stitution and had made themselves part of the usurping conspiracy. There is a deUberate conspiracy to subject the executive department to the legislative. Congress has, in defiance of the Constitution, passed a law which is subversive of the States and the Federal Govemment, and they have designated the President as the instrument to destroy the Constitution which he has sworn to defend. Why consent to be that Ulegal instrument? He had en deavored to carry out the Reconstruction Act under the theory of the Attomey-General, whose construction of the law was that the military were a mere poUce force, subordinate to the civil authorities, or to act cooperat ively "with them; but since Congress, at its late session, had placed the military above the ci"vil power, "virtually assailed the State Governments, and openly trampled on the Constitution, he would be justified in refusing to be their instrument or to take part in that outrage. They might in this Radical House, under their gag rules, prefer articles of impeachment; possibly the Senate might, in its partisan violence convict, but I doubted it. At all events, the great questions, invol"ving the welfare of the govemment and the preservation of the principles on which it was founded, would be fully discussed, pubUc attention would be dra"wn to the subject, and the danger understood. At present, the people seem dull, passive, and indifferent to what so nearly concerns them. At the worst he would be sacrificed for adhering with fideUty to the Constitution, but his historic record would be worth more than any office. If his appeal to the country could not be responded to until there was an election, he need 1867] F. BLAIR FOR SECRETARY OF WAR 165 have no fear of the verdict which his countrymen would ultimately render. The President listened to me attentively, earnestly, occasionaUy interrupting me with afiirming exclamations, and with expressions of contempt at impeachment threats. I suggested the appointment of one of the Blairs to be Secretary of War. Seward, Thurlow Weed, and his tribe hated and had abused the Blairs and tried to get up a prejudice against them, but they were bold, fearless, honest men whom Stanton feared. Were Frank Blair appointed, Stanton, who, though a blusterer, is a coward, would fiy out of one door as Frank entered at the other. The President laughed and cordially assented. August 10, Saturday. Gave the President some papers left with me by Doctor Duhamel ^ and Captain Chandler concerning Conover, alias Dunham. The Intelligencer this A.M. contains the report of Assistant Attomey- General Binckley and documents referred to him in that case. Talked with the President about the case, and also the course of Stanton. Again repeated my "wish that he would not permit himself to be made an instrument to break down ^^^ Constitution and destroy the character of the govemment. If for this Congress would impeach, let them. But in order to meet this question he would need a new Secretary of War, one who is reUable and true. "Who," asked the President, "is the man?" He read to me a telegram from Senator Dixon, ad"vising the removal of Stanton forthwith, and the appointment of Steedman. I asked if Steedman was better than Frank Blair. He answered no, but hesitated, and looked inquiringly at me. I comprehended his meaning and admitted there is a pre judice against the Blairs, created in a great degree by Seward's man Weed, in which others of that school had ' Doctor WUUam Duhamel, chief physician in the United States prison in the District of Columbia. 166 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. lo joined and prejudiced the country. "But is it for you or me, to Usten to, or be influenced by, this prejudice and injustice? Have you better, more reliable, and, in the main, more intelUgent and trasty friends than the Blairs? True, they are party poUticians, but they are poUticians in the higher sense also." He said they were among the best and most sensible men in the country. "Then," said I, "they should not be dropped to gratify their enemies, who are not your sincere friends. I do not mean to press any one for tiie Cabinet, — no one should. The selection should be yours entirely, — men in whom you have con fidence, — and the dismissal of any one should also be the President's own act." "Where is Frank at this time?" he inquired. But I could not teU him, though I informed him it could be ascertained with little difficulty, for Montgomery had retumed from Virginia for a few days. The President said he would seiid for Montgomery, and began "writing a note, when I told him I would do the er rand. He might not be at his house, and it would be neces sary in that event to look him up. He thanked me and wished me to find Montgomery and in"vite him to caU at the White House. I went immediately to Blair's house; he was, fortunately, in and his father also. I told M. the President wanted to see him, and ad"vised him to go directly, but did not disclose his purpose. Later in the day, I saw M., who told me he had the inter"view but nothing definite had taken place. The con versation had been prolonged, and he, M., had been frank and free in his remarks. He says the President is intensely ambitious and all his thoughts are bent on a nomination and election; that Seward, ha"ving the same object in "view for himself, was using the President, and creating enmity between him (the President) and General Grant. The trial of Surratt terminated to-day, having been in hand about two months. The jury did not agree. This 1867] THE JOHN H. SURRATT CASE 167 was expected. I have not read aU the evidence. That Surratt was in the conspiracy to kidnap I have always beUeved, but I have had the impression that when the con clusion was to kUl, he flinched, and his mother favored his absence, in order that he should not be under the influence of Booth. But this may be all a mistake on my part. The judge was disgracefully partial and unjust, I thought, and his charge highly improper. The senior Bradley ^ was irascible, "violent, and indiscreet, — some difficulty brought him and the judge in colUsion almost, — and the judge, at the conclusion of the trial, ordered his name stricken from the roU of attorneys, an arbitrary act. August 11, Sunday. Saw the President this p.m. He teUs me he has seen General Grant and had a pleasant, social, and friendly inter"view. They had come to a mutual understanding. "The President wished to know if there was any aUenation, or substantial difference, between them. Grant repUed there was not, except that he had not last faU concurred in the President's opposition to the Constitutional Amendment. The President assured him that Stanton must leave the War Department, and he desired him, ad interim, to discharge the duties. Grant said if Stanton's removal was decided upon he had nothing further to say on that point. As regarded himself, he always obeyed orders. He seemed pleased "with the proposed arrangement and withdrew. The President thinks he had better suspend Stanton without reference to the Tenure-of-Offlce Bill, and he perhaps is right under the existing embarrassments. He seemed anxious to have me satisfied on that point, and we talked over the whole subject in detail. I expressed a beUef that it would strengthen the Executive were both Stanton and Holt to retire, for they have been wiUful, intriguing mischief-makers, and sectional exclusionists — * Joseph H. Bradley, senior counsel for Surratt. His associates were R. T. Merrick and Joseph H. Bradley, Jr. 168 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. ii reaUy disunionists — from the time the Rebels surrendered. Their study has been to produce hate and alienation, and beyond others they have prompted the "violent Rad icals, — conspired "with them. In talking of Stanton's course, the President expressed a desire that the fact that Stanton with Seward prepared the veto of the Tenure-of-Office BiU should be made pub lic, and also Stanton's emphatic remarks against that biU, its principles, and its unconstitutionaUty. This desire he has before expressed. McCulloch tells me he weU remembers Stanton's op position to the bill and that he quoted Buchanan. August 12, Monday. Montgomery Blair caUed on me this moming and desired me to procure an interview with the President for his father. I assented, though just at this time, and with the President's peculiar temperament, it is a Uttle embarrassing and will Ukely cause comment. The President consented to receive Mr. B. at any time. He showed me the letters which he had prepared to Stan ton, and also to Grant. They were decisive and proper. He said the question should be closed to-day. In our inter"view yesterday, he told me that Bingham ^ had caUed on him, very pleasant and friendly. Said he had, however, some of the facts of Conover's disclosures six weeks ago; that Matchett ^ was a suspicious feUow; doubted if much could be made of him. The whole of Bingham's talk was singular, and the President said he beUeved in his heart the fellow was sent by Seward to soften away the disclos ures made. He expressed himseU emphaticaUy against S. as a weak, unsafe man, etc., etc. Before leaving him this moming, Mr. Seward and Gen eral Rousseau came in with the instructions in regard to • John A. Bingham, Member of Congress from Ohio, previously a special judge-advocate in the trial of the Lincoln conspirators. ' Rev. D. F. Matchett, who, according to Conover, was Ashley's "man Friday" in the negotiations. 1867] GRANT ACTING SECRETARY OF WAR 169 the duties of General Rousseau as Commissioner in effect ing the transfer of the Russian territory. They wished me to remain, but after a Uttle talk it was concluded best that the Secretary of the Treasury and General Grant should also be present, and we left, agreeing to come together at 1 P.M. After the consultation "with those gentlemen, and Seward and General Grant had withdrawn, the President handed me Stanton's letter. He is furious, blustering, denying the President's authority to act without the consent of the Senate, but as General Grant had accepted, he had "withdrawn "with a protest. August 13, Tuesday. General Grant attended the Cab inet-meeting, also Assistant Attomey-General Binckley. I can perceive that Grant is not at all displeased with his new position; on the contrary there is self-satisfaction very obvious. Stanton is disappointed in him; I doubt his sincerity to the President. He is braced up, I per ceive, and committed to the imconstitutional law of Re construction, has been persuaded it is his duty, and feels that he must stand by the miUtary governors. All this does not disappoint me. He will be likely, however, though not very inteUigent on civU matters, to exercise some common sense, which "will modify action; at all events, being a soldier, he will not foment Radical intrigues. I am at a loss as to the policy of the President, and have some doubts if he has finally determined in his own mind what it shaU be. On some minor questions that came up to-day. Grant was very prompt to express an opinion that the law must be executed. If, said I, the law is palpably unconstitutional and destructive of the govemment and of the Constitution itseU, and if a part of that law makes the President the instrument to destroy the Con stitution, which he has swom to protect, how is he to act? "Who," said Grant, "is to decide whether the law is unconstitutional?" I replied that I had said "palpably 170 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. 13 unconstitutional," and I answered by saying the Execu tive is as distinct and independent a department of the government as Congress, and if compelled to act, he must decide for himself on so grave a matter whether he wiU permit himself to be coerced into a conspiracy against the Constitution. Here the subject dropped. An order of General Sickles, prohibiting civU process in his mUitary department has been construed by some of his subordinates to authorize them to interpose and prevent the United States Marshal from discharging his duty. Sickles has been "written to, to explain his order, but faUs to answer. Grant said, clearly he had no authority to do this, and he would immediately instruct hun on the subject. He accordingly wrote the substance of a dispatch, which he read, but, it being a little rough, said he would complete it at the Depart ment. Sickles has no more power to prevent ci"vil processes in the State Courts than in the United States Courts. Mr. Seward handed a communication from Mr. Riddle, implicated in the Conover matter, to the Assistant Attor ney-General for him to file or dispose of as he thought best. He said Mr. R. wished to have it published or to publish it himself, and the Attomey-General could do what he pleased. I inquired why such a paper should be brought here? Mr. R. could, if he pleased, pubUsh any docu ment, without asking permission of the Administration. Seward was disconcerted, — told how he did with papers and acted queerly. The President and most of the Cabinet thought the paper out of place. Seward was persistent, and the President ordered the paper read. This, I saw, annoyed S. still more. It was a curious document in some respects, and disclosed the fact that R. had been employed by Seward to hunt up, or manufacture, testimony against Surratt. Why the State Department should busy itself in that prosecution is not clear. Riddle, in this letter, says he never saw Conover but twice, that Conover never gave him the name of a single witness, never furnished him 1867] HOLT'S REMOVAL CONSIDERED 171 a solitary fact. Why, then, did Riddle apply to the Pre sident for a pardon for C, and base his application on the ground of service rendered in the Surratt trial? The President expressed to me a wish that the state ment of a correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette, who proposes to give details of a Cabinet-meeting when Stan bery's exposition was under consideration, might be cor rected. I and others were misrepresented and misstated. He also repeated a wish, often made, that the fact that Stanton prepared, with Seward, the veto message on the Ci"vU Tenure-of-Offlce Bill might be made public. I ad vised that he had only to indicate his wish, or direct pubUcation, and it would be made. August 14. The President called my attention to the different laws creating the office of Judge-Advocate- Greneral and the Bureau of Military Justice, with a view to the removal of Holt. I remarked that both Holt and Stanton had early anticipated their probable removal, and each had endeavored to fortify himself in place by special legislation. That, in my view. Congress had not the constitutional power to make public officers independent of the Executive. The Constitution had specified what officers should be independent, viz., the judges, but all other officers held their places at the will of the President. To make them otherwise would be to make a multiplicity of executives, each independent of the other. But the President was, by the organic law which controlled the different departments of the Govemment, made respons ible for the due execution of the laws, and he could not be held to that responsibility if his subordinates and agents were independent of him. The President apparently acquiesced in this, but I per ceive he hesitates about acting on that principle, which will bring him in confiict with the Radicals in Congress, and seeks, therefore, some other method of getting rid of an obnoxious officer, who, he is satisfied, is conspiring. 172 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. 14 intriguing, and using his official position to injure the Ex ecutive and weaken his influence and authority. This reluctance to act in defense of a high and undoubted con stitutional right is weakness and impairs his strength. If Congress were disposed to impeach him for maintaining the prerogative of the Executive, let them do so, or try to do so. These Congressional usurpations must be stopped, or the government will undergo a radical and fatal change. August 16, Friday. At the close of the Cabinet session to-day, Mr. Binckley, the Acting Attomey-General, sub mitted a copy of the New York Times of yesterday, con taining a statement and sundry affidavits of parties who swear they have been bribed or suborned by Roger Pryor, Ben Wood, and others, to destroy the character of Holt. These affidavits, it is said, are filed in the office of the At tomey-General or War Department and office of Military Justice. General Grant hastened at once to oppose any call on Judge Holt for either an avowal or disclaimer of any such files as Mr. B. requested. He said no head of a Department could know all the papers which were filed in his. He knew of no such files in the War Department. B. explained that this was not the point, — he had furnished a statement in which he declared that all the papers in the Attorney- General's office relating to that subject were produced. Here was an attempt to impugn him and his veracity. Seward attempted to enlighten the subject, but oiUy confused it. He saw, as all did, that Grant was unusually earnest, without fuUy understanding B.'s object of tracing these documents to the Bureau of MiUtary Justice. I proposed that an inquiry should be first made to ascertain whether the papers were in Judge Holt's office before proceeding farther. This did not suit B., who said Holt would abstract papers were he not instantly removed. " Suppose," said I, " that on inquiry it is ascer tained there are reaUy no such papers in any office or 1867] STANTON'S DISMISSAL 173 bureau, — that the whole is a fiction, got up by the news paper correspondents or other mischievous persons." This suggestion seemed to strike Grant favorably, and all fell in "with it except B., who said he had no doubt where the originals were, and as little doubt that others could be manufactured or abstracted, as Holt felt would be for his interest. Browning read a letter from Stanbery, received this a.m., expressing gratification with what had been done with Stanton, which should, however, he says, be soon followed by removal. This is sensible and positive. I like it. • August 17, Saturday. The dismissal, or suspension, of Stanton creates no commotion. None but certain Radical politicians regret his expulsion. The President seemed sur prised that so few cared about him. One would have sup posed from the Radical press that an earthquake would follow Stanton's retirement, and he undoubtedly expected a sensation. The truth is that Stanton, whose manner is brusque and ways subtle, is generally disliked by the best men of the Army, — is hated and detested by many of them. The people have little regard for him anywhere. Certain conspiring politicians, in Congress and out of it, with Forney and a few others connected with the press, have puffed and extolled their coadjutor in the Cabinet to giye him power and influence. With his accustomed duplicity he has managed to deceive both the extreme and conservative Radicals, the latter especially. Fessenden, in particular, has been his dupe. Horace Greeley, so often misled, for a wonder has for some time past appeared to have a little insight into Stanton's true character, but whether it was from sagacity as regards the man, or from opposition to Weed, who, as well as Seward, is devoted to Stanton, I am not able to' say. Probably the latter. The President has been made to believe that the removal of Stanton would break down his Administration. 174 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. 19 August 19, Monday. A long letter from Viceroy Gen eral Pope to Grant shows the progress of despotism. If men will neither talk, write, nor think different from Pope and the Radicals, he is sure all will go on well in Reconstruction as Congress wishes. But there are certain "pestilent fellows" who will not hold their tongues, and "banishment" seems to be Pope's remedy in their case. Get all who differ from him out of the way, and aU will go well enough. The affidavits which have been published impUcating Pryor and Ben Wood are undoubtedly false and fraud ulent. Whether gotten up by Holt himself, or by some one in his interest, is not yet ascertained. Holt publishes an adroitly worded letter, which, in its cunning, discloses the rogue, and leaves little doubt who is the real originator of these fraudulent affidavits. August 20, Tuesday. The President showed me the correspondence between himself and Grant relative to the removal of Sheridan. Grant objects to the removal, — thinks it contrary to the wishes of the American people. The President responds, compliments the soldierly quali ties of Sheridan, but thinks he has not the cahn judgment, civil qualities, and ability of General Thomas for such a position, and as to the vrishes of the people, he is not aware that they have been expressed. There is no doubt but that the Radical poUticians wiU bellow loud over the removal of Sheridan, whose fighting qualities and services are great. Their editors and speakers have undertaken to control the course of the Government as regards Sheridan, and Grant, if not a participant with, has been led away by, them. Undoubtedly many people have read the papers and come to the conclusion that the President could not — dared not — remove Sheridan, and his insubordinate and rash conduct has been commended for its ability. General Grant has, not without reason, personal regard 1867] THE REMOVAL OF SHERIDAN 175 for Sheridan, though the judgment and administrative qualities of this cavalry officer. Grant does not, or did not, think of a high order. But the successes of Sheridan's government, the hurrahs and applause with which his arbitrary and violent conduct have been received by the boisterous Radical press, have made Grant doubt whether, after aU, Sheridan has not greater capacity and executive ability than he supposed.' The decision and promptitude of Sheridan, even though wrong, have made him strong with the people, who love bold and resolute action. Were the President to display more of these qualities, he would be more popular, but he is accused of rashness when he delays. On the whole, I think the President appears to advantage in this cor- ' At a later period I became satisfied that Sheridan had been secretly prompted and influenced by Grant in his reprehensible course in New Orleans and Texas. Most of the viceroys, or military governors, had secret telegrams, or oral instructions from the General-in-Chief, who was in coUu- sion with Stanton (whom, however, he disliked) and the chief Radical con spirators. In all this period. Grant with great duplicity and vulgar cunning succeeded in deceiving not only the President but the rest of us. Sheridan was flattered by the confidential communications, and encouraged in his insolence and insubordination towards the President by his superior ofiicer, who had become enlisted in the conspiracy against the Chief Magistrate. Grant untU the faU of 1866 was a decided and avowed supporter of the Administration and of the Lincoln-Johnson policy of reestablishing the Union, but, flattered by attention, he began to have aspirations for political promotion, with very little political inteUigence and no political experience. Some men of both parties, though aware of his incapacity and imfitness for the performance of ci"vil duties, thought his military 6clat might make him available as a candidate for President. Sensible men who came in contact with him were aware that he was destitute of all aptitude and experience to quaUfy him for the position, and declined committing themselves to the intrigue for his elevation. But the Radical conspirators were desperate, and in the belief that they could mould him to their wishes and views, his ignor ance of and indifference to political and civil affairs made him more accept able. Grant, however, hesitated for some time before he openly deserted the Administration, and contrived, even after he was secretly acting in concert with the Radicals to deceive and beguile the President, to receive his confidence and office at his hands. It was at this period, and whUe the Pre sident was in daily communication with him, advising with him as freely as any of the Cabinet, that Grant was writing secretly to Sheridan and to the viceroy generals, counteracting the measures of Administration. — G. W. 176 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. 20 respondence, because it displays energy as well as correct intentions. The removal of Sheridan will break no bones; had it been earlier done it would have been more popular. He ought never to have been detailed to command that department and govem those States in the first place, but, having been detailed, should have been removed on the first exhibition of his unfitness. Sickles should also have been cleared out some time since. The President showed me after the Cabinet adjoumed an impertinent and presuming letter from King Sickles, who insists on obstmcting the Federal Courts and setting them at defi ance, because if he and the other four viceroys, or little monarchs, cannot set the courts aside, the courts will set the little monarchs aside. I advised the President to make short work with King Sickles. August 22, Thursday. Had this a.m. an hour's conver sation or more with General Grant. It was the first time I had met him in the War Department since he entered upon the duties of Secretary, and I congratulated him on his new position. He thought he ought to decline recei"ving congratulations on that account, but they were ob"viously acceptable. I begged to differ from him and inquired why he should decUne congratulations on a change which had been so well and favorably received by the whole country. ' ' Well, ' ' he said, " I do not know about that ; these changes that are going on, striking do"wn men who have been faith ful through the War, I do not like." "So far as the War Department is concerned," said I, "the country on all hands believe that as good and faithful a War man is in the place as we have had at any time." He disclaimed aUuding to that change. "If," said I, "you have Sheridan and Thomas in your mind, there is no denying that Thomas is in every respect as good a War man, with better ad ministrative powers than Sheridan, whom I would by no means disparage." With this opening, we went into a general discussion 1867] CONVERSATION WITH GRANT 177 of the condition of the country and the affairs of the Government. It pained me to see how little he understood of the fundamental principles and structure of our Govem ment, and of the Constitution itself. On the subject of differences between the President and Congress, and the attempt to subject the people to military rule, there were, he said, in Congress, fifty at least of the first lawyers of the country who had voted for the Reconstruction law, and were not, he asked, the combined wisdom and talent of those fifty to have more weight than Mr. Johnson, who was only one to fifty? Congress had enacted this law, and was not the President compelled to carry it into execution ? Was not Congress superior to the President? If the law was unconstitutional, the judges alone could decide the question. The President must submit and obey Congress untU the Supreme Court set the law aside. I asked him if Congress could exercise powers not grant ed, powers that the States, which made the Constitution, had expressly reserved. He thought Congress might pass any law, and the President and all others must obey and support it untu the Supreme Court declared it unconsti tutional. "You do not mean to say. General, that Congress may set aside and disregard aU limitations, all barriers that are erected to guide and control their action?" He did not know who could question their acts and laws until they came before the Court. "The Constitution," said I, "prescribed that the Pre sident and Senate shall appoint ministers, consuls, etc., but Congress may, by law, confer inferior appointments on judges, heads of Departments, or on the President alone; but it nowhere authorizes Congress to confer on generals the appointing power." "It authorizes Congress to confer appointments, you say, on the heads of Departments. Are not those districts under General Sickles and other generals Departments?" said Grant. 3 178 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. 22 "Not in the meaning of the Constitution," said I, "and you can hardly be serious in supposing the provision of the Constitution alluded to, had reference to military districts, or any particular territory parceled out and called Departments." He did not know, he said, he was not prepared to say about that. The wiU of the people is the law in this country, and the representatives of the people made the laws. "The Constitution gives the pardoning power to the Executive. Do you suppose that Congress can usurp that power, and take it from the President, where the Constitu tion placed it?" To this he repUed that President Johnson once re marked in the Senate, in regard to talk about the Consti tution, that it was well to spot the men who talked about it. It was, he said, just before the War, when the Seces sionists talked about the Constitution. "The remark," said I, "was opportune, and well put at the men and the times. The Secessionists claimed, and many of them honestly believed, that their States had the right to secede, — that there was no constitutional power to prevent them. So feeling and so belie"ving, they searched the Constitution and appealed to it for any prohibition against secession. The appeal was absurd, according to your and my views, because the Constitution would not and could not have a clause empowering a fragment, a single State, to destroy it. Secession was a delusion which had its run, yet the men were generaUy scrupulous to observe in other respects the organic law, and, while meditating and preparing for the overthrow of the Govern ment, their persistent appeals to the Constitution pro voked the remark of Mr. Johnson to which you allude. While, however, the Secessionists professed to, and gen erally did, regard the Constitution, the Radicals openly trample upon it, and many express their contempt for it. The Secessionists claimed that they violated no principle 1867] CONVERSATION WITH GRANT 179 or power or limitation in their act of secession. The Rad icals do not claim, or pretend, to regard any principle or power or limitation of the Constitution when they estabUsh military governments^over States of the South and exclude them from their rights. When President John son made his remark, it was to contrast their appeals to the Constitution in all other respects, while Secession itself was destructive of the Constitution which they held in reverent regard." "Would you," said he, "allow the Rebels to vote and take the government of their States into their own hands? " I replied that I knew not who were to take the govem ment of those States in hand but the inteUigent people of the States respectively to whom it rightfully belonged. The majority must govem in each and every State in all their local and reserved rights; other sections are not to govem them. A majority of the voters — and they de cide for themselves who shall be voters — is the basis of free government. This is our system. Georgia must make her own laws, her own constitution, subject to the Con stitution of the United States, not to the whim or will of Congress. Massachusetts has no power to prescribe the form of govemment of Georgia, or to govem the people of that State as a State. Nor is Georgia to give govem ment to Massachusetts. Grant said he was not prepared to admit this doctrine; it was something of the old State-Rights doctrine, and he did not go to the full extent of that doctrine. He looked upon Georgia and the other States South as Territories, like Montana and other Territories. They had rebelled, been conquered, and were to be reconstructed and admitted into the Union when we felt that we could trust them. It was for Congress to say who should vote, and who should not vote in the seceding States as weU as in a Territory, and to direct when and how these States should again be admitted. That I told him was not only a virtual dissolution of 180 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. 22 the Union, but an abandonment of our repubUcan federal system. It was establishing a central power, which could control and destroy the States, — a power above and beyond the Constitution, and I trusted he was not pre pared to go that length, but if he was, I hoped he would avow it. For my part I clung to the old system, the Con stitution and the Union, and favored no Radical theories of central power. "Well," he said, he did not believe we could either con- "vince the other, and we had better dispose of our business. I remarked that one of us was right and one "vsTong, and that it should be the object of each to put himself right, regardless of all partisanship, commitments, or precon ceived opinions. This he admitted most fully. There were other points which in this hasty memoran dum, "written immediately after its occurrence, I have not penned, but the essential points I have sketched, and have, as far as I could, used the very words. On the whole, I did not think so highly of General Grant after as before this conversation. He is a political ignoramus. General Grant has become severely afflicted "with the Presidential disease, and it warps his judgment, which is not very intelligent or enUghtened at best. He is less sound on great and fundamental principles, vastly less informed, than I had supposed possible for a man of his opportunities. Obviously he has been tampered with and flattered by the Radicals, who are using him and his name for their selfish and partisan purposes. In our conversation, when I asked if our Govemment and Union were to be maintained by force, his only answer was the Rebels must be put down and kept under. "Will that," I asked, "make friendship and unity? Must we not, in the different States, be equal in political rights? Is not our govemmental system voluntary and not com pulsory? Can we have a reestablished Union, and be one people by enforcing, under the bayonet, upon certain sections and an unwilling people (who are our countrymen, 1867] CONVERSATION WITH GRANT 181 our equals, and who have their own laws and institu tions), governments and laws not of their ovra choice and which are repulsive? Proscription, alienation, exile will not promote reconciUation and harmony. The Rad ical pohcy is to proscribe the intelligent, the wealthy, the moral portion of the South, and to place over them the ignorant and degraded and vicious." He said he did not think Jeff Davis and Benjamin ought to be put on the same footing and have the same voice and influence as those of us who had maintained the Union. I replied they had not so good a record, and their influence and success in future would depend on their o"wn acts. We might lessen ours; they might improve theirs. As we now stood, I thought we had nothing to apprehend. It appears to me he was somewhat excited and stirred up by appeals of the Radicals and fears that he might lose their good will. None but Radicals, and the most mis chievous of them, are hounding and stimulating and cau tioning him. Anxious, as I am satisfied he is becoming, for the Presidency, he fears to fall out with them. Hence, be- he"ving, as he does, that a majority of the country which is represented is with Congress, he is rather vexed, dissat isfied, and somewhat confused, has listened to Radical faUacies and is strangely ignorant of the true character of men as well as the real principles in issue. I went over and saw the President, and stated my inter- "view, and my apprehensions that Grant was weaker and a Uttle farther astray than I had apprehended. [I said] that I thought our conversation would perhaps do some good, — enforce some ideas which he had not previously enter tained, and perhaps correct some that were in a measure erroneous. He is, however, a man of little reading or reflection. I also called on Judge Blair, and requested him to see Grant, talk with him, get others who are right-minded to talk with him also, and write him, — enlighten him. He needs instruction. 182 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. 23 August 23, Friday. Have dispatches to-day from Ad miral Bell of the Asiatic Squadron, detailing the attack on the natives of Formosa. Also a long statement from Carter, reporting affairs at Borneo, and the burning of the house of the consulate, which I think was set on fire by the consul himself. At the Cabinet quite a discussion grew out of a dispatch of an extraordinary character from General Sickles, insist ing he would obstruct the power of the United States Court, and, alleging, as a reason, that if he did not, the Court would soon pass on the Reconstruction acts and pronounce them unconstitutional. Mr. Binckley, the Assistant Attomey-General, said that it had been his intention to present a written opinion on this subject, and he should not have attended the meeting to-day had not the President sent for him. He expressed his surprise that General Sickles, who is a lawyer, and could not be ignorant of the consequences that must foUow an attempt to make the civil power subordinate to the military, should put himself in opposition to the Chief Justice and resist the processes of the Court. General Grant said he had sent an order to General Sickles not to obstruct the United States Court, as he promised he would, but, after thinking of it, he had come to the conclusion that General Sickles might have his reasons for what he was doing, and as there are always two sides to a question, he had countermanded his order, that Sickles might have an opportunity to be heard. Congress had put in his (Grant's) hands the execution of this law, and he intended to see it was executed, but he was wiUing to hear, or see, Mr. B.'s written opinion, when it was Inade out. There were some rather flippant, overbearing, and un generous remarks of Grant towards Binckley, which were unworthy of him, when the positions of the two men were considered. Binckley, though a little excited, was more than a match for the General in such a discussion, and 1867] RANDALL'S SOUNDNESS SUSPECTED 183 did not allow himself to be put dovm by what was really arrogance and intentional insult. I am glad that I made no remark on the subject of Grant's declaration that he should see the law executed, for Congress had put it into his hands. He e"vidently supposed that it was his province, exclusively, to decide in regard to this whole subject, but B. coolly said he supposed the General expected to execute it in subordination to law and authority. August 24, Saturday. 1 inquired by way of suggestion, or I, more properly, suggested by way of inquiry, of the President the subject or expediency of general amnesty. There might be individual exceptions, but it seemed to me it would be well, before voting commenced in the proscribed States, that the people should have amnesty. He said he had thought much on the subject and should before long have something definite to say in regard to it. AUuding to the discussions yesterday, he coinplimented Binckley, but he inquired what I thought of Randall, and if his conduct was not somewhat singular of late, on some of these important questions. I had noticed that Randall said but Uttle, and that little was evasive, but the President saw and noted more in that quarter than I did. In submitting a certain document, Seward said he had desired to bring it before the Cabinet, in order that it might be borne in mind, should he not be here to explain. There was, I thought, something significant in the remark imder the circumstances. I also observed that he very much wished Randall to take an excursion of a few days with him on the river and coast. R. could not go, however, but no other one was invited to supply his place. Seward e"vidently feels the absence of Stanton. The papers speak of a reorganization of the Cabinet. This has not been unusual but is periodical. Just at this time it has more than ordinary significance, and the Intelligencer, which I know speaks not unadvisedly, had one or two 184 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. 24 emphatic articles on the subject of an entire change. The fire has been more particularly directed to Seward, though McCulloch has been attacked by harpies. The rest have come in for sUght attacks, but all except Mr. Stanbery are named to go. It may be best. August 26, Monday. Montgomery Blair called to sug gest the name of D. D. Field for Secretary of State, should Seward resign, which he seems to suppose a fixed fact. I gave him to understand that it did not strike me with particular favor. But Blair knows Field to be very right on present questions, — is from New York, was a Barnburner in 1848, something of a favorite, etc., etc., and he is recom mended by WUliam B. Reed. This last information did not strengthen the matter in my estimation. Reed is a man of talents but impracticable, and of erratic principles and politics. Blair tells me he has sent Reed's letter to the President. In all my conversation with Blair he has been persistent in pressing General Grant as a man of shrewdness and of unusual popularity. He urged, I know, G.'s appointment to the War Department, and told me last week he was pre paring an article for the New York World in favor of Grant for President. I have not been hasty to commit myseU to this suggestion, for, whatever may be Grant's popularity, growing out of military successes and services, I see no evidence of ci"vil capacity, administrative abiUty, or general intelligence. He is stolid and stubborn, but has been tam pered with, and I believe seduced, by the Radical conspira tors, who have the start of Blair in this idea of availability and mean to use him as their candidate. He has been will ing to be courted, but is not quite prepared to have it published that the parties are engaged and to be married. The President is still reluctant to believe that Grant is unfaithful. I have uniformly stated that Grant, while apparently simple-minded and perhaps honestly disposed, — though I have misgivings on that point, — has fallen into 1867] TALK WITH MR. BLAIR ON GRANT 185 the hands of Radical rogues, who are imposing upon him, not unwillingly. They have him in their keeping, I fear. I spoke of these matters to Blair; asked what could be said or thought of Grant's course in regard to Sickles' Order No. 10, proclaiming a stay-law in the Carolinas, and ob structing, by military force, the judgments and processes of the courts. Grant himself has said he thought this wrong as regarded the United States Courts, and has issued an order annulling so much of the Order No. 10 as applied to the United States Courts. Within two days, however, he countermanded his own order and permitted Sickles to go on in his lawlessness. Of course Radical advice and intimacy had overcome his own better judgment. Grant is an insincere man, I fear, very ambitious, has low cunning, and is unreliable, perhaps untruthful. I gave Blair to understand that my confidence in Grant, in his intelligence and even honesty, was less than his, — that it was, indeed, very much shaken. I am not prepared to condemn him as a bad man, but I consider him an in sincere one. He has no political experience, has not studied, nor made himself familiar with, our Constitution or the elementary principles of ci"vil government even, but has permitted himself to be flattered, seduced, and led astray by men who are bad. Unless he can be extricated and that soon, he will, because he has a War record, be made an instrument of evil. The people admire military men, and are grateful for military services. Grant has power and position without the knowledge to use them properly. I instanced several matters. Blair heard me and frankly admitted that with these facts he gave Grant up, — that he had gone over to the Radicals, and we could hope nothing from him. I am unwilling to give him wholly up if there is any good in him. Let him have a chance to retrieve himself if he wiU, — not that I would make him President. August 27, Tuesday. The correspondence between the 186 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. 27 President and Grant in relation to the removal of Sheridan has been published. There has not yet been time to get response. Of course the Radical press will indorse and extol Grant, but he certainly does not in this matter appear to advantage. His letter is weak, his logic is weak, the thing is feeble. The letter was written plainly for publication, but the President's reply is dignified and conclusive. At the Cabinet to-day, a question came up respecting the Govemor of Idaho, who is represented as a cheat and swindler. Another was nominated and confirmed as his successor at the last session, but the Senate reconsidered the vote, and the subject remained unacted on. Over two hundred thousand dollars of Indian amnesties are due, but the Secretary of the Interior decUnes putting the money in the swindler's hands. The question was raised whether a successor could be appointed under the Tenure-of-Offlce Bill. If G. is ap pointed, and B., the incumbent, refuses to give up the offlce, what is to be done? Should B. resist by force, McCulloch said, call on the mUitary. General Grant said in that case the military would not respond. They would sustain the Tenure-of-Offlce Bill, which Congress has enacted, until the judges said it was unconstitutional. General Grant addressed the President, remarking that he had received his order directing General Sheridan to proceed forthwith to Kansas and relieve General Hancock. In the mean time the duties of the offlce would devolve on the next in command. But that officer was sick. No word had yet been received from General Thomas. It was kno"wn, however, he had gone to the Springs for his health. But he thought it would be injudicious to take General Hancock from the Plains, where he had varied duties. It would be better to carry out the original order. Let Sheri dan remain, therefore, until General Thomas can relieve him. When Sheridan is relieved from his present com mand. Grant "wished him to have leave and visit Washing ton. He had hardly been home since he graduated, and it 1867] GRANT REBUKED BY PRESIDENT 187 would be well to have him come here. Furthermore, the law placed the execution of the Reconstmction acts in his. Grant's, hands. He had not been consulted when he re ceived orders, and those orders counteracted, in their terms, some of his orders. While he had no wish to come in conflict "with any one, he had a duty to perform. He must see the Reconstruction law executed. The President was very cool, calm, and deliberate in his reply to this studied and premeditated speech. He reminded General Grant that he himself had brought the surgeon's certificate in regard to General Thomas' health, had stated it was such that he thought it imprudent for General T. to go at this time to New Orleans, and had asked to have the order suspended. That, as regarded a leave to Sheridan, that could as well be granted after he reported on the frontier as before. Let him repair to Leavenworth or Denver and relieve General Hancock, then, if he can be spared for a "visit, he can take his time and the several orders would be carried into effect. "Gen eral Grant will understand it is my duty to see the laws are executed, and also that when I assign officers to their duty my orders must be obeyed. I have made this arrangement and performed this work deliberately, and it will go "with as little delay as possible." Grant was humbled by this great rebuke and changed the subject. He said if General Sickles was to be detached, no better man than General Canby could succeed him. Canby could not, however, be very well spared from here, where he was familiar with details, and above all his serv ices were important on the Board of Claims. As regarded General Sickles, two of his orders, the one intended as a stay-law and one establishing a code, were unauthorized. Both were good in themselves, but General Sickles had no authority to issue such orders. There might also be other objectionable orders. The President said he was glad there was concurrence of views m regard to the future of General Canby, and as for 188 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. 27 the matter of his being one of the Board of Claims, it would not weigh a feather. The board itself was of Uttle import ance, — had no final action. General Grant also remarked, in a subdued manner, that he wished to say that while it was proper he should discharge the duties ad interim of Secretary of War, he was no poUtician and preferred not to be mixed up in poUtical questions. He would, therefore, prefer not to sit at the Cabinet consultations and pass opinions on the subjects which came up for consideration and decision. The Pre sident told him that was at his own option. The General said he would wish, then, to be excused, for he had much to attend to at the Department; and he accordingly withdrew. August 29, Thursday. The President narrated the par ticulars of proceedings and consultations between himself and General Grant. He says that G., after stating on Tues day that he wished to discharge his duties as an officer, but wished to be excused from taking any part in, or expressing any views or opinions on, political subjects, proceeded to write a long and very weak letter to him, most of it on matters purely political. It was such a letter as he would wish him to write, if he was disposed to pursue a course that would embarrass the Administration, for he could be annihilated by a reply. Under the circumstances, however, he thought it best to send for Grant. The President was frank and blunt with him, — told Grant he should speak without reserve, but intended no offense. He then took up each position in the letter, pointed out his errors and faUacies, and so satisfied was Grant himself of his untenable positions, and the mistakes of his letter, that he asked to "withdraw it. The President told him he might do as he pleased about it, but continued the conversation, during which Grant reached over, and, folding down the letter, took it and said he would send a note withdrawing it, but desired to take it 1867] GRANT'S LETTER AND BACK-DOWN 189 personaUy. Grant had persisted in his old error that Congress had superseded the President and conferred on him (Grant) executive authority over the ten Southern States. He had, therefore, in this letter taken exception to the President's order detaching Sheridan and ordering Hancock to the Fifth District; supposed he could origin ate measures and rules for those States, make appoint ments, etc., instead of the President. The Constitution, as well as the President, was suspended by Congress. But he was soon satisfied, after having seen the President, that he had mistaken his duties, — that he was not the officer he supposed himself to be, and that he must back down. The President caUed my attention to an article in this morning's Chronicle, showing that the writer of the edi torial was aware of the contents of Grant's letter, — that there had been consultations in its preparation and that the commencement of the awkward "withdrawal was also corrected. I am glad that Grant has permitted himself to be con"vinced to the extent mentioned, for he is, to use a "VTilgar phrase, somewhat pig-headed, having in his ignorance been inspired with certain strange notions by the Radicals, without resources of his own to correct them, or the intelligence necessary to carry him through. He would not have allowed himself to be con"vinced by any other person of the Cabinet, — probably by no sup porter of the Administration, — but respect, deference, discipline made him Usten to the President, his superior, and, listening, his faculties were stimulated and he com prehended the fact that he was making a sorry exhibition of himseU. In the course of their conversation, the President in formed Grant that he (Mr. Johnson) was not a candidate for the Presidency. Grant replied that he was not. I bowed acquiescence and neither expressed regret nor a "wish, that he, the President, should be a candidate. Per haps he was disappointed that I did not. 190 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. 30 August 30, Friday. There was a pleasant Cabinet- meeting to-day. Stanbery and Browning were absent. Grant was present and communicative, with a mind much softened, and more disposed to feUowship than at some recent meetings, particularly at the last. He has wholly revised his stand in regard to Sickles, and is decided against his Order No. 10, and also the order relating to the code. August 31, Saturday. Had a pleasant talk "with the President this evening. He has great capacity, is convers ant with our public affairs beyond most men, has much experience, possesses great firmness, sincere patriotism, a sacred regard for the Constitution, is humane and bene volent. Extreme men and extreme measures he disUkes; secession and exclusion are aUke repugnant. The Radicals accuse him of being irritable and obstinate, but the truth is he has been patient and forbearing, almost to an infirm ity, under assaults, intrigues, and abuse. Had he been less yielding, less hesitating, more prompt and decided, met Radical error and misrule at the threshold, checked the first innovations on his prerogative, dismissed at once faithless public officers, he would have saved himself and the country many difficulties. It is one of his greatest weaknesses that he has no con fidants and seeks none. No man should hold such a posi tion without tried and trusty friends to whom he can unbosom himself, and with whom he can consult and ad vise freely on all questions. To me, perhaps, he has been as free and as communicative as to any one, and yet there has been constant reserve. Many of his most important steps have been taken without the knowledge of any of his Cabinet, and I think without the knowledge of any person whatever. He has wonderful self-reliance and immovable firmness in maintaining what he believes to be right ; is dis inclined to be familiar with men in prominent positions, or to be intimate with those who fill the pubhc eye. There are 1867] QUALITIES OF THE PRESIDENT 191 around him too many little busybodies, almost all of whom are unreUable, and often intentionally deceive him. It is a misfortune that he permits them to be so famiUar; not that he means they shall influence him on important questions, but in appointments they sometimes have influence and mislead him. He does not make these fellows his confidants any more than greater men, but they are intrusive, glad to crowd around him, when men of mind and character will not intrude uninvited, — and he invites none. Yet he will ingly Ustens, receives information and suggestions, but without reciprocating. Coming into the Presidency under peculiar circum stances, he has hoped to conciliate Congress and those who elected him, without making proper discriminations as regards men and the conflicting views of his supporters on fundamental questions. Many of the Republican Mem bers were kindly disposed towards him and believed in the Lincoln policy, which he adopted. These he could and should have detached from the extremists. They were not leaders, — not Radicals at the beginning; like himself, they were sincere Republicans, but, not having the faculty of recei"ving and giving confidence, these passive men were treated coolly, as were the Radicals who constituted the positive element opposed to him as well as to Mr. Lincoln before him. Stanton, who conformed to this policy in Mr. Lincoln's time, has been in constant intrigue with the Radicals to thwart the President. Seward and Weed under took, with Raymond and partisans of this school, to make a division, but Raymond was so fickle, wavering, uncer tain, and unreliable, that the really honest and worthy men, while acknowledging his genius, despised his pusiUan- imity. Like Seward himself, Raymond became a source of weakness, a positive injury. For a time he assumed, under Seward's management and givings-out, to be the organ of the Administration on the fioor of the House, but under the irony and sarcasm of Thaddeus Stevens, who ridiculed his conscientious scruples, he soon stood alone. 192 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. 31 The President really had no organ or confidential friend in the House, no confidant who spoke for him and his poUcy among the Representatives. Seward and Weed, to whom he listened, alienated the Democrats and almost aU of his friends. LII Grant's Insubordination — Form of a Proclamation of General Pardon — Newspaper Rumors of Differences between the President and Grant — Amnesty proclaimed — Newspaper Reports of an Intended Prorogation of Congress in case of an Attempt at Impeachment — Exercises at the Antietam Battle-Field — Governor Geary's Followers try to turn the Affair into a Radical Demonstration — Death of Sir Frederick Bruce — The President consults with Lewis V. Bogy of St. Louis — Jeremiah S. Black as an Adviser of the President — The Case of Paymaster Belknap — The Sale of Ironclads discussed in Cabinet — General Sickles asks for a Court of Inquiry — The Question of the Power of State and Municipal Courts to discharge Men enlisted in the United States Service — The Attorney-General consulted on the Subject — The Matter discussed in Cabinet — Stanbery's Views as to the Habeas Corpus Writ — Admiral Godon on the Naval Battle at Port Royal. September 2, Monday. General Grant has issued an order forbidding the district commanders from appoint ing, in other words reinstating, any of the removed civil officers displaced by themselves or their predecessors. This order is in bad taste and in a bad spirit, prompted, without doubt, by Radical advisers. The manifest intention is to keep Sheridan and Sickles appointees in place, to defy his superior, to antagonize him, to defeat his intentions, pro- "vided he (the President) thinks it proper and correct for the public interest to reappoint one or more of the local State offlcers who may have been unfairly displaced. It is the essence of insubordination by the General of the Amer ican armies, who should be an example of obedience. General Grant is more intensely partisan than I was aware, or perhaps than he himself supposes. One of these days, when he calmly re"views his conduct, he will, if honest, be ashamed of this order and of the spirit which prompted it. I read to the President the form of a proclamation of general pardon to the Rebels. He was pleased with it, and requested a fair copy to be made, and at the same 3 194 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [sept. 2 time showed me the draft of one already prepared. It takes milder ground than the one I presented, and I am apprehensive he will not make his work as effective as I wish. He too often fails to come full up to the occasion. In our conversation he did not dissent from my "views and positions in any respect, and persons not acquainted "with him would have supposed he adopted them aU; but this is not his way. He listens, but, unless he squarely and em phatically disapproves, is disinclined to controvert. This trait has led many to misunderstand and to misrepresent him. They make statements themselves which he does not deny or dispute, and he is consequently represented as entertaining the "views of his auditor or ad"viser. September 3. Received dispatches to-day from the com manders of all our squadrons except the South Pacfflc, — all satisfactory. General Grant did not attend the Cabinet-meeting to-day. There was not much of special interest be fore it. McCulloch presented the case of a Collector and Assessor in Virginia, and recommended that they should be sus pended. They have received repeated bribes to the amount of over thirty thousand doUars. I inquired why they should not be removed, and he said the Tenure-of-Office BUl inter posed. I thought, and so stated, that removal in such flagrant cases as these was not only justifiable but proper, and if Congress, or the Senate, took exceptions, let the facts go before the country. The people "will judge and decide rightly in such an issue, and better understand the value of present legislation. The President, I see, con curs with me, — is pleased with my views, — but I am not certain how he will do when compelled to act. His opinions and mine of the Tenure-of-Office Bill are alike. I hope he wiU not surrender the right but wUl act upon it. He would but for wrong influences and an attempt to reconcile contradictions. His faith is sound; I wish his 1867] SEWARD'S PERNICIOUS INFLUENCE 195 works were in accordance with his faith on these constitu tional questions always. If Congress "wish to impeach him for opposing unwar ranted innovations on the Constitution, for firmly and fearlessly maintaining the constitutional rights of the Executive, they will injure themselves more than him. It is not for me to urge him to be a martyr, if he is disinclined to encounter the warfare that will be waged by Radical partisans; but had he at the beginning resented these encroachments and innovations, the war would have been avoided that he now must encounter if he resists. September 4. Montgomery Blair called to tell me that he had a long talk with the President. He was at my house Monday evening, ha"ving retumed from Virginia that day, and was disturbed to find no farther changes had been made, — that things seemed at a standstiU. Said nothing could be done for the President and Administration if Seward remained in the Cabinet. Showed me a dispatch from CaUfornia and his reply. WhUe Seward has very Uttle personal popularity, and his ad"vice and influence are often harmful, the President considers him the head of a powerful party — old-time ViTiigs — whose support is necessary for the success of his Administration. Seward has impressed him "with this, but I cannot take part against him. There is very little sympathy or confidence between us as politicians or party men, and has never been. We have different temperaments, different principles, different associates and Unes of action, but seldom, and never of late, any controversy. So long as the President yields to Mr. Seward's views and schemes and chooses to continue us as colleagues, I cannot personally oppose him. Blair knows my estimate of Seward; knew it when we were all associated in the Cabinet of Mr. Lincohi; would be glad to have me take an active part against Seward now, but I cannot. To-day he sent his California dispatch to the President 196 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [sept. 4 and had quite an interview. He says he talked plain and blunt to the President; showed him a letter from Cassidy, of the Albany Argus, denouncing Johnson, declaring the Democrats could not and would not be identified with him so long as he retained in his counsels their avowed opponents. He says the President was equally frank and blunt. Said too many changes — too much yielding — would cloy the Democrats. They did not elect him, and though on principles of govemment and administration agreeing with him, they were reluctant to support him, etc., etc. September 5. There is rumor of sharp differences be tween the President and Grant in an interview yester day, and the sensationaUsts have got it in the papers. I should not be surprised if there were decided differences between them on some points, but nothing which has a semblance of altercation. They are not men for such scenes. Grant has less inteUigence and comprehension on poUt ical and civil matters than is generally supposed, and is more in the hands and under the control of active Radical party managers than he or the country is aware. Hence he is misled, blunders, misconceives, and takes feeble positions. I think he is committed to the Radicals and is prompted by them, but gets his lessons imperfectly. Not unlikely the President may have exposed his infirmities to him, told him his errors, and vrith his natural perversity, and ignorance. Grant may have been pig-headed and re sisted the attempt to beat or screw intelligence into him. When he got back to the Department, or to his house, and was listened to, and schooled and drilled by Schenck, Cook, Shanks, and others, he recounted to them what had taken place at the White House, and it was in a few moments repeated "with exaggerations at the hotels and in the papers. Grant was willing, probably intended, it should be understood that he and the President differ. 1867] THE AMNESTY PROCLAMATION 197 It is Grant's cunning; he has sly cunning, if but little knowledge. September 6. Most of the time of the Cabinet was taken up with the subject of amnesty and pardon. The two forms of proclamation were submitted and discussed. Seward's was approved by all, and no exception taken to the paper which I presented, but it was more decisive and presented certain impregnable points, which milder men would rather avoid. The drafting of a proclamation is more especiaUy the pro"vince of the Secretary of State. I there fore presented a paper to the President at his own request, as I suggested, for him to adopt or reject, in whole or in part. September 7, Saturday. Was at the President's this p.m. Seward was about leaving. Colonel Moore, Private Secretary, was transcribing the Proclamation, which the President had remodeled, and Seward was criticizing. Some of my suggestions were incorporated; some which I think would have given it more character and popu larity were omitted. The subject of relieving from dis franchisement was incorporated. It was one of the points urged by me as important, before the Proclamation was decided upon. In the document read to me this p.m., the subject of personal rights was omitted, while the rights of property had received special attention. I mentioned the omission, and the President thanked me, said im munities were intended. In the discussion yesterday, I noticed that the lawyers dwelt on the rights of property, but gave Uttle heed to the rights of persons. I would in the proclamation have alluded to the report of General Grant in December, 1865; would have brought out the fact of Congressional amnesty which was on the statute-book at the time the Rebels surrendered, and which they received and we in good faith promised, though Con gress has since in bad faith repealed; would also have 198 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [sept. 7 more pointedly and distinctly brought out the divine attribute of mercy. But the document is the President's; I had made my suggestions; he knows my "views; I would not urge them farther. Seward would not, of course, favor them, for they had not occurred to him, and he would not wUUngly admit that I should prompt or cor rect him in a matter which belongs pecuUarly to the Secretary of State. Further he prefers what he beUeves to be expedient to what he knows to be right. September 9, Monday. The Proclamation is printed in this morning's papers. Some modifications have been made since Saturday. There is a httle obscurity, perhaps, on the subject of amnesty and pardon, of which the Rad icals will try to take advantage. I endeavored that this difficulty should be avoided. The President has the power by the Constitution to grant pardons, but not amnesty. In Great Britain, to whose laws and usages we look for precedents, the King grants pardons to indi"viduals, the Parliament grants amnesty or general pardon to the masses. Here no such distinction exists. The entire pardoning power is with the Executive ; none is conferred on Congress. But that body of lawyers is so imbued with British law and British precedent that it assumes for Congress the powers of Parliament. As regards amnesty, or oblivion, there is no such action adapted to our govemment. Here we have no attainders, forfeitures of blood, successions to the crown, requiring oblivion; hence it does not properly enter into our system. September 10, Tuesday. At the Cabinet-meeting some discussion took place in regard to certain removals and appointments necessary to be made, but any action that may be taken brings the Executive and all concerned within the penalties of the unconstitutional Tenure-of- 0|Bce Bill. The Senate having refused to confirm, or to 1867] THE AMNESTY PROCLAMATION 199 act on certain appointments, the functions of the govern ment seem in those cases to be suspended. The partisan, reckless, unauthorized legislation of the last and present Congress is hurr5dng the country on to anarchy. I was glad General Grant was present at the discussion. It seemed to impress him in a degree with the folly and wickedness of Congress. September 11, Wednesday. The Radicals are full of sen sation and malignity over the "Amnesty" Proclamation. They see in it incipient monstrosities, and the 'leaders declare that the President shall now certainly be im peached. He has pardoned Rebels, as he had the undoubted right to do, and this will allow them to vote, which Con gress has no authority to prevent. General Butler is here. I saw him at the War Department, but he avoided Gen eral Grant. General Banks has been here on the invitation of Seward, who is very apt to get up little by-plays for his own ends. In this instance he is posting Banks on the purchase of the Danish islands. September 12, Thursday. The New York World to-day has a very ungenerous and in a political view I think injudicious article, casting off President Johnson, for whose acts, they claim, the Democrats are not responsible, de claring he is the Republican President, etc., — all for party, nothing for country. Such a course is calculated to and ought to injure any party. The repelling principle is not a wise one for minor ities to act upon. The Democrats in New York and every where else should strive to recruit, and not drive off, forces. But the New York Democratic leaders of these days are smaU men with sUght patriotism and have but little sagacity. The election this fall may be carried in spite of their folly, the good sense of the people is so shocked with Radical misrule; but the policy and views of the Democratic leaders, whose selfish anxiety for power and 200 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [sept. 12 place is so perceptible, may continue the Radicals in power. The President may not have been as discreet, wise, and decisive in some respects as he should have been. He has thrown away opportunities, neglected to strike at the right time, often has omitted — strangely omitted — to strike at all. Thus he injured himself and strengthened his opponents. I met to-day, as I was going to the Treasury, several Pennsylvanians, — Packer, CampbeU, Judge Patterson, etc. These men, McCulloch informs me, came to Washing ton expressly to see the President, had waited two or three hours in the ante-chambers, had seen a number of little, busy, partisan letter-"writers admitted, and finaUy left in disgust, but he, McC, had persuaded them to retum. McCulloch besought me to stop and see the President and procure them an inter"view. This I did "without any in quiry into the object of their mission. They are men who should be treated with consideration and respect. The President remarked, when I spoke to him, that he had sent out for them, but was told they had left; that per sons must have their time, etc. These are, however, men entitled to consideration, who should not be postponed for letter-writers and newspaper correspondents. September 13, Friday. General Grant was not at the Cabinet-meeting. Stanbery was present, — the first time in some six weeks. Very little was done; the session was brief. September 14, Saturday. The New York Herald and some other papers have Washington letters stating the design of the President to prorogue Congress, etc., in case that body undertakes to proceed with impeachment. I think from certain indications that the writers of those letters had some authority for their statements. I there fore made it a point to call attention to the Herald's 1867] ANNIVERSARY OF ANTIETAM 201 letter, after concluding a little matter of business. The President said, with a laugh, he had seen the letter and there were some good points in it. I spoke of the proroga tion. He remarked it was difficult to tell what might take place. September 18, Wednesday. Went yesterday, the 17th, with the President and others to the battle-field of An tietam, it being the anniversary of that battle, fought five years ago. It was an interesting time, and we had a pleasant miscellaneous company, of politicians and mili tary, — the latter much given to politics, — foreign legations, etc. Not having been absent from the District for a year, excepting the single occasion of going over to Annapolis, part of a day, on an official visit, and never having passed over any part of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad west of the Relay House, and never having visited any battle ground east of the James River, I very "willingly accepted the in"vitation to be present. The route up the Potomac is not interesting. At the Point of Rocks, where the canal and railroad crowd in under the ledges upon the river, there is local interest, — the naked stone piers which stand as monuments of the Rebellion, the wooden superstruc tures having been burnt, are there. The Monocacy battle-field, of which we once heard so much, and other points still have evidence of the ravages of the War. We reached Keedysville, where we left the cars, soon after noon. At the time it began to rain, which continued untU we nearly reached the place selected for the occasion. This was on one of the highest Antietam hills, the place where Lee had his headquarters during the battle. As the papers contain the proceedings, no record is nec essary here. There was a large gathering of weU-behaved and well-appearing people, who listened attentively to the proceedings. After the close of the oration of Govemor 202 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [sept. 18 Bradford,^ a loud and evidently preconcerted and pre arranged cry went up for "Geary, Geary," from fifty or a hundred voices. Govemor Swann, the President of the Day, attempted to be heard so far as to assure them that when the programme was completed. Governor Geary ^ and other men should have an opportimity to address them. But this did not satisfy the mde, ill- mannered feUows who had accompanied Geary from Penn sylvania for the purpose of making a Radical demonstra tion. As Geary sat near me, I saw that he was by no means dissatisfied with this disgraceful scheme to interrupt proceedings, but that he well understood and approved the row. At length he stepped forward, and informed his boisterous followers that he and others would address them when the " programmatical" order was completed. We left as soon as the "programmatical" proceedings closed, and, being delayed in getting the cars started, which were detained for those engaged in the party har angues, we did not get home until nearly two o'clock in the moming. The Govemors of Maine, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Maryland were present. With the exception of English^ and Swann, these are Radicals, and some of them small, very small, party politicians. Geary was on the ground with party designs and made a Radical partisan's speech in a national grave yard. Fenton,* slow, deliberate, affected, and Ught in mental calibre, was far more decent in his bearing. He, Fenton, called on me to-day and was quite civU and patronizingly condescending; wanted to patronize me by asking an office for one of his staff. Governor EngUsh, with Ingersoll, Adjutant-General, and one of his staff, called. He has no confidence in Postmaster-General ' Augustus W. Bradford, the War Governor of Maryland. He was succeeded by Thomas Swann, 1865-67. ' Of Pennsylvania. He was a brigadier-general of volunteers in the War. ' The Governor of Connecticut. • Governor Reuben E. Fenton of New York. 1867] DEATH OF SIR FREDERICK BRUCE 203 RandaU, and would be glad to have Seward a permanent resident in Auburn. Rejoices in Stanton's removal, but would be particularly pleased if Randall were also removed. September 19, Thursday. Sir Frederick W. A. Bruce, the British Minister, died this a.m. in Boston, of diphtheria, or something else. A fortnight since, I saw him in apparently full and "vigorous health. He told me he was going to take a little run for relaxation, and quietly urged it upon me also as a necessity. It was the last time I saw him. He claims to be a relative, perhaps a descendant, of the Bruce. Was a pleasant, fine-appearing man of popular manners. A much more sprightly and affable man than Lord Lyons, his predecessor, but of less mental strength. September 20, Friday. Weather has been excessively warm the last two days. Many persons in town. The approaching elections excite much interest. There are vague and indefinite rumors of changes. Blair informs me that the President has invited Bogy ^ here from St. Louis for consultation. I think it singular. Bogy was rejected by the Senate last winter or spring as Indian Commissioner, — a position which he fiUed very creditably. He is earnest and apparently sincere, — not always judicious and dis criminating, nor does he always read men and movements correctly. He tells Blair that the President assures him he intends to remove Seward, McCulloch, and Randall; in timates that he shall perhaps make Horatio Seymour Secre tary of State. This is, or would be, a strange movement, — a specimen of New York partyism which is about played out. Blair is probably right in imputing the intrigue to Seward. I trace it to Weed, but the two go together, and the present great object of the master spirit. Weed, is to defeat the New York Democrats. The movement would injure the President, and it would assist the Radicals. I can hardly beUeve he will commit so grave a mistake. ' Lewis V. Bogy, afterwards a Democratic Senator from Missouri. 204 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [sept. 20 In "view of this information, I remained after the others left the Cabinet-meeting, and in a desultory conversation cautioned the President against the intrigues of Weed, who I assured him was laboring to defeat the Democrats in New York, regardless of any effect it might have on the Admin istration. He said Weed would get nothing farther here. Thought Wakeman ought to be removed. I reminded him that Weed and Seward were one. I reminded him that Kilpatrick was stiU holding two offices, — Minister to ChiU and a commission in the regular Army. At all events I had never heard that he had relinquished either place, though I had understood it had been ordered. He said that should be done, — should not pass the next Cabinet-meet ing. I told Blair that I questioned the expediency of remov ing McCulloch, which some were urging; that I could not only advise, but should object, if I was aUowed to know be fore a movement was made or attempted. Blair says Mc Culloch has fallen under Seward's influence. I should not be surprised if that were so, to some extent, yet I cannot think it very great. He feels it necessary to carry on his Department, and is glad of help from any quarter. McCul loch may be imposed upon, — the "victim of Seward's and Weed's New York superfine party management, — but if so, it is because he does not understand the intrigues and their object. Blair says Bogy told him the President did not express himself satisfied "vrith any of his Cabinet but me, but that he complimented me. I yesterday dined at the President's with General Hancock and General Mitchell, his Chief of Staff, Jere Black, and Colonel Cooper ^ of Tennessee. General H. talks very well, and I hope will act sensibly in Louisiana. The Radicals are a little disconcerted on account of his be ing here when they wish to make a partisan demonstration for Sheridan, whom Hancock supersedes. At the theatre ' Edmund Cooper, who represented a Tennessee district in the Thirty- ninth Congress. 1867] JEREMIAH S. BLACK 205 on Saturday evening the audience cheered Hancock, while Sickles and Forney were in an adjoining box unbeknown to H. General Mitchell is a Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, boy, known to our relations there. Jere Black is spending much time with the President of late. He was Buchanan's Attorney-General, and Secretary of State after Cass resigned. He has legal ability and is a poUtician of more than ordinary power, but I distrust that class of politicians who really promoted rebelUon when they declared themselves paralyzed and unable to coerce a State. I do not consider him a good and sound adviser for the President, and am sorry that he is so much con sulted and deferred to, when there are sound and good men outside of the Cabinet — if he is driven there — whom he might consult. I shall not be surprised if there are some changes of an important character in contemplation and strong measures taken. The President, I know, has such intentions, but he hesitates, — delays executing his good intentions. Whether Black's advice will be judicious if it is sought, is questionable, yet he has a good deal of sagacity and shrewdness. Colonel Cooper was a member of the last Congress, but was defeated by the negro vote in the recent election. He thinks Brownlow "will be elected to the Senate, and both he and Patterson ^ think him, "with all his coarse roughness, a better and honester man than Maynard and Stokes.2 Senator Thomas ' of Maryland and ex-Mayor Berrett * made a formal caU to-day in behalf of ex-Paymaster Bel knap, who was dismissed, or went out of the service, several years since as a defaulter. There was a mysterious robbery 1 Da"vid T. Patterson, one of the Senators from Tennessee. ' Horace Maynard and WUliam B. Stokes, Representatives from Ten nessee. ' Philip Francis Thomas was at the time Senator-elect from Maryland, but in the following February he was refused a seat on the ground of " hav ing given aid and comfort to the Rebellion." * J. G. Berrett, Mayor of Washington, 1858-62. 206 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [sept. 20 of some hundred and thirty thousand dollars in the Brook lyn Navy Yard, when he was Paymaster of the Yard, for which he could not account, and after some two years or more . . . he was dismissed, having in the mean time, through the influence and activity of powerful friends, had oppor tunity to go before Congress. A few months since. Marshal Murray and a Treasury detective brought a parcel of thieves and burglars here, who, they said, confessed them selves to be the robbers. But as the case was outlawed by lapse of time, no punishment could be inflicted on the "wretches if actually guilty, which is questionable, to say the least, and as they had no characters, their acknow ledgments I consider unreliable and unworthy of credit. In bringing up the case to-day, Mr. Berrett said one rea son for the delay in pressing the subject before Congress was the difficulty which he experienced in getting the act of March 2, 1865, through Congress. This act says, if an officer is dismissed by the President, he may demand a court martial, and if not granted "within six months, he shaU be reinstated. I asked if Belknap procured that law to be passed, and he said he with others did. "Then," said I, "he expected after lea"ving the ser"vice that a court martial could reappoint him. The Constitution gives all appoint ments to the President and Senate, but Congress may by law give inferior appointments to the President alone, heads of Departments, or judges. It does not confer this authority on courts martial, and as Belknap is out, and has been out for several years, I am not prepared to say that he is restored because there has been no court martial in his case." Senator Thomas said this was anew view of the case, and the two left, Berrett saying the case should be submitted. September 24, Tuesday. At the Cabinet-meeting Seward proposed that it should be understood that we had no more ironclad or naval vessels to sell. He said the Turks were making apphcation and it would be annoying. I said 1867] SALE OF IRONCLADS DISCUSSED 207 more annoying to me than any one else, for the Greeks were also appljdng. The Greek Minister has called on me; wanted to get the small ironclads for about three hundred thousand dollars, and wished credit for one half until May next, perhaps longer. I told him to put his proposition in writing and I would give a written answer. One thing he might understand at once, — that we could sell no vessel elsewhere than in the United States. McCulloch thought it not advisable to refuse to sell any of our vessels, particularly ironclads. I said we might sell and ought to sell if we had an unobjectionable purchaser, but that we were not in the market. I so said to the Ger man Minister. The truth is they are expensive to keep and vrill soon go to waste unemployed on our hands. General Grant presented the case of General Sickles, who asked a court of inquiry. Some discussion followed. Stanbery seems not to understand these matters. Grant thought an officer could demand a court of inquiry. I queried whether he could have one unless the President deemed it advisable. In this instance the court was asked, not for military, but civil reasons. General Sickles dis liked the views of a ci"vil officer of the Government, and disliked the act of the President detaching him. For these reasons he wanted a court of inquiry, — in other words, wanted to try the President and Attorney-General for disappro"ving his conduct. The President suggested that the elections in the pro scribed States should be upon the same day. Grant inter posed difficulties. Some of the States had closed registra tion, fixed the day of election, and could not well go over the process. Thought it would cause difficulty. I perceived that he and the President had conferred on the subject, and I also perceived that others had had some conference with him. I went to a party at General Grant's this evening, given in honor of the generals now here. There was quite an attendance of army officers and others, and also of most 208 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [sept. 24 of the Cabinet. I went early and left early, — as soon as I could see Sheridan and Sickles. If Hancock came, it was after I left. September 25, Wednesday. Had a long interview vrith Rear-Admiral Godon, who gave me at great length his troubles with our Ministers in South America, particu larly with General Webb.^ Mr. Roselius of New Orleans called on me this evening. Deplores the condition of affairs in Louisiana and through the whole South; is ready to submit to any govemment that wUl give security to person and property. This "will become the general cry and petition there and elsewhere if the mad partyism of the Radicals is not checked, as I trust it will be. There are indications that the sense and reason of the people are moving in the Northern States, I trust in the right direction, but partyism is stronger than patriotism. The extreme Democrats seem to consider their obUgations to party greater than to their country. In this respect they are surely better than the Radicals, who are partisan in the extreme. The Democrats do not, however, in aU their excitement, ignore or trample on the Constitution, as the Radicals do, in order to attain party ends. Received a telegram from Commodore SeUridge, asking that instructions be sent District Attorney in relation to refusal to submit to habeas corpus in State court, or to be arrested for such refusal. There has been a difficulty aris ing for some time past in relation to enlistments, — vari ous contrivances to withdraw the enlisted party from the custody of the United States Government and Courts. There are, I believe, two or three naval cases and one army case pending, the latter being first to be tried. Com modore Smith came to me a few days ago with a telegram from Selfridge, asking what should be done when the writ was served, supposing it related to one of the recruits on ' James Watson Webb, New York journalist, Minister to BrazU, from 1861 to 18C9. 1867] A HABEAS CORPUS CASE 209 the receiving ship. There are many whom a ring of petti foggers are constantly striving to retain after they have drawn advanced pay. I said he must not let the officer come on board to serve the writ. Faxon, who was present, said, "Resist him by armed force." I told the Commodore to call on the legal officer, who had charge of these matters and would advise him how to proceed; that we had written to the District Attorney some months since, anticipating this trouble, but had received no answer; that he seemed timid, afraid to meet the case, or did not know how to act. This telegram shows that the trouble has commenced. The question whether the State or municipal courts can interpose and discharge men enlisted in the United States ser"vice should be settled, and if I had confidence in the energy and abiUty of the District Attorney at Philadelphia, I would as soon have it disposed of now as ever. Were the Attorney-General a firm, decided man, less a technical lawyer and more of a statesman, so as to instruct and inspire Gilpin, I should feel more assured. September 26, Thursday. Presented Admiral and Mrs. Godon to the President this morning, and took a long ride vrith them this evening. The Philadelphia papers this morning have a report of the proceedings before Judge Pierce^ in the habeas corpus case, George Gormel, all of which was discreet and proper, save the coarse and "vulgar speech of Mann, the District Attorney. A dispatch from SeUridge also asks instruction. My first thought was to send a letter of instructions to Commodore S., but when it was prepared, I thought it better to submit it to the Attomey-General and get his opinion whether it was proper and correct, and also get from him an opinion con cerning the case, — whether a body of troops on the march or a naval vessel getting under weigh could be stopped by a local municipal judge. I had very little confidence that I should procure anything definite or satisfactory, and was therefore not disappointed when he began to express doubts 3 210 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [sept. 26 and to hesitate. "It is a great writ, Mr. Secretary," he repeated half a dozen times at least. I did not controvert this, but told him this was a great country, that we were a great people, and the naval ser'vice itself was something; perhaps all could be checked and thrown out of gear by a personholding office under a different jurisdiction than that of the United States. I called his attention to the Booth case in Wisconsin, where the Supreme Court said the marshal should not give up a prisoner who was in the cus tody of the United States. Referred him to Judge Holt's book. After reading twice the article on habeas corpus, he looked more "wise and unbent a little, — inquired about the case. Who sued out the "writ? Was he accused of crime? He must know the particulars. I told him that it did not seem to me necessary, — no particular case was the sub ject of my inquiry. The question is, can the Govemment — can the United States — be impleaded? Can a State court require the United States to show cause why it has a per son in custody, — inquire into the vaUdity of an enlist ment? In answer to his question, however, I stated I sup posed the writ was sued out in this instance by the father of the enlisted man. "Yes, this is a great "writ, Mr. Secre tary, a great writ. If he were a murderer, or criminal, the State would demand him." "That," said I, "is not denied or questioned; he is neither. But if the writ can be sued out in this way, great pubhc injury may follow. A vessel on the point of saiUng — going, perhaps, on an important errand for the Govemment, one affecting peace or war — may in this way be stopped by factious parties and de tained for days and weeks. The Govemment is powerless, if it has not the control of its enlisted men. Such an abuse is not to be thought of." After rubbing his face and hands, looking up, and then at the fire, he said the question was important, required time. ' I said that was not allowable, for, the judge had delayed the matter only until the 28th, Saturday, and I wished to answer Commodore SeUridge to-day, and 1867] COLLISION AT NASHVILLE FEARED 211 I desired the District Attomey, or his assistant, Mr. Valen tine, who appeared to manage the case, might be advised. He then asked for the proceedings, — the steps which have been taken, — and I told him I would send over the correspondence and some suggestions. He desired I would do so and said he would give the subject prompt attention. On getting the correspondence from the Bureau, I find it pretty taut, — a httle more belUgerent in some respects than it would have been had it been submitted to me, — but Commodore Smith says his letter of instruction was obtained from the War Department. In so important a matter I should reaUy have been more consulted, as things tum out. It is unfortunate that he went only to the SoUcitor or Judge-Advocate of the War Department. The truth is none of these telegrams and orders have been submitted to me untU the conflict came on, except in the single instance when I referred Commodore Smith to the law office for advice as to the usual form and course of proceedings in similar cases. September 27, Friday. The apprehensions of a collision at Nash"vUle was the principal topic of discussion in the Cabinet. The municipal authorities claim the right of conducting the election under their charter, which has not been altered. Brownlow, the Governor, insists they shall not, but that negroes and others shall vote and that the polls shall be opened and conducted by his instruments. He has caUed out the miUtia to enforce his plan. The city author ities have organized an armed police to maintain their rights. The President directed General Grant to order General Thomas "vrith regulars to Nashville that he might assist in preserving the peace. General Grant read to-day the correspondence between himself and Thomas, which will probably result in giving the whole question to Brownlow. The regulars are not to interfere, and probably could not, except upon appUcation of the Govemor, and he wUl not 212 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [sept. 27 make that application if he can succeed without. If he can not succeed, then he will take the necessary steps to call General Thomas and the United States troops to his aid, if the President, to whom B. disUkes to appeal, wiU permit. Thomas inclines to the Radicals; at the beginning of the Rebellion he inclined to the Secessionists. These people, the Radicals, will not regard the rights of NashvUle if they conflict with the negro. I brought up the subject of a conflict of authorities at Philadelphia, and remarked that I had placed the subject in the hands of the Attomey-General, who would, perhaps, state the case. With a wave of the hand and a shake of his head he said yes, I had called on him, but had not fully informed him as to the particulars, and until he had all the circumstances he would not undertake to give an opinion. The "writ of habeas corpus is a great writ, and there was but one course that he was aware of, when it was sued out, and that was to produce the body. "What," said I, "if the judge or court has no jurisdic tion?" "But," said he, "the court has jurisdiction; the body must be produced in all cases." I repUed this was not done, and could not be done vrithout bringing the Federal authority into contempt, and discouraging and demoralizing the service. ' ' What , ' ' said he, " if the habeas corpus is for a murderer? ' ' "Then," said I, "the man would be given up to be tried, and so would any man charged with crime without the habeas corpus. When, however, there is no crime, but a question of the validity of an enlistment, I apprehend a local State judge cannot interfere. The United States are not servable, and if not servable, how are enlisted men to be brought before a Pennsylvania judge, for him to decide whether the contract is proper and acceptable?" General Grant remarked that this question had given the Army great trouble, but he believed the question was pretty well settled, though there was just now a little fuss 1867] THE HABEAS CORPUS QUESTION 213 in Philadelphia with one of their officers. It would not do, however, to have petty courts setting the soldier free. "But," said Stanbery, "they must reply to the writ of habeas corpus and produce the man." Grant said he thought the Army was not doing this to the State judges. Seward told Stanbery he did not believe he could get off from this question without investigating it; that the writ was a great one, but great questions were involved which could not be set aside by mere remarks that the body must be produced. McCulloch, Randall, and Otto,i all main tained that they thought the Federal authority should be maintained. Finding himself sustained by none and that the ques tion was not to be evaded, the Attorney-General said he. was "wUling to look into it, but he must have time. He' wanted to know all the facts and circumstances, and "wished I would let him have them. I told him it had never appeared to me necessary to travel over the details of any particular case. We wanted a principle settled. The ques tion is. Can the United States be sued in the State courts? WUl the habeas corpus Ue against an officer acting under orders, who returns that the prisoner or person is in his custody by authority of the United States? I had given him the respectful answer of Commodore Selfridge to the "writ, and had also sent him the correspondence. He said he had not seen this; his clerk ha"ving lost a chUd, his papers were behindhand. I remarked that the case was adjoumed until to-morrow and Commodore Selfridge was expecting and entitled to in structions. He wished me to inform the Commodore that he was investigating the case and would give an answer at the earliest moment possible. I declined ; told him that would not be satisfactory ; that, the case having been put in his hands, it was for him to make that application or request. He hesitated, — demurred a little. I told him I would, if he wished, forward it ; that he might address a line to me, 1 William T. Otto, Assistant Secretary of the Interior. 214 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [sept. 27 expressing his wish for time, and I would send that. He assented and wrote the note. "What," said I, "if this is unavailing, and the judge refuses, as I think likely he will, to postpone? " He said he could not, in that event, ad"vise. "But," said I, "I must, — advise and dissent." September 28, Saturday. I called on the Attomey-Gen eral tolerably early and found him and his clerk busy hunt ing up authorities for the habeas corpus case at Philadelphia. We had pretty earnest talk on two or three points. Like all lawyers, he is stuffed full of English law and EngUsh precedents, and most of his books were EngUsh authorities. He read to me from several volumes regarding the writ. I told him I was not ignorant of its importance, especiaUy in England at an earlier period than the present, and that it was not without value in these days and in our ovra country, but was now and here perhaps overestimated. "This case," said I, "could not come up in this form in England, to which country you are so intently looking for authorities, for they have not, like us, two sovereignties. Here there are two jurisdictions, and the lesser assumes to pass judgment on the superior in a matter affecting the latter. Commodore Selfridge, under direction from the Navy Department of the United States, and, for that mat ter, under the President himself, denies jurisdiction, has returned a respectful answer to the writ, and his action is to be approved or disapproved. If his retum is imperfect, let us perfect it; if in error, let us put him right; but I deny the jurisdiction of the quarter-session court of Philadelphia to pass judgment on the United States." He admitted the correctness of my suggestions; said he had thought of most of them himself, but we must, just at this time, move very cautiously. Our opponents were charging us with taking too much power now. I told him that he and I knew how false and groundless these charges were. The error had been in the opposite direction. " I am a State-Rights man, and I am also for Federal rights. The 1867] STANBERY ON HABEAS CORPUS 215 authority conferred by the Constitution on the Federal Government I shall assert and maintain as sacredly and inviolably as the rights of the States which are reserved. But the error of this Administration has been that it has dwarfed, belittled itself, — failed to exercise the authority conferred by the Constitution on the executive depart ment. We have been passive and shrinking, — have not maintained the national rights and authority intrusted to us by the Constitution. It is not for me to say who have been ad"visers of this poUcy, or who have opposed it. I, as a Federal officer, support without transcending Federal authority. In the matter now before us, my Department is involved, and I have thus far sustained, and so far as I have a "view I intend to sustain, the authority of the Department and the Government against encroachment. I deny the jurisdiction of the State courts. I deny that the United States are suable in those courts, and the time must come when the Administration must declare and maintain its authority. On you, Mr. Attorney-General, much depends." He answered me that he should thoroughly look into this question, and believed he should give an opinion that would be satisfactory to me. " But the fact is, in this great writ one thing is always and forever essential, — the person must be produced in court. He may be at once discharged by Judge Pierce, and that would end the controversy." "Suppose he is not discharged," said I, "what then?" "Ah! weU, that to be sure; then we should have to carry the case up," said he. "Has Judge Pierce any business with this case?" I asked. "Can he try it? Was it not his duty, when applica tion was made to him, to have said to the parties he had no jurisdiction, — that they must go to the United States judge?" Without answering my question, he said, "Supposing Commodore Selfridge had seized a citizen of Philadelphia 216 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [sept. 28 and confined him in the Yard, — a person who had not enlisted, — could not Judge Pierce grant a writ of habeas corpus for the production of that citizen? " "Most certainly he could," said I, "but that is not the present question." "Then," said he, "supposing Commodore Selfridge had retumed that the man was enlisted, when he was not en listed?" "In that event, Selfridge himself would have been liable. It would have been a wrong of T. O. Selfridge individually, — not the Commodore officiaUy, — for which he would have been personally responsible. He would in such case be no more acting for the United States than if he had stolen the man's watch and denied the theft." These are some of the points which passed between us, and I think the discussion had a beneficial effect. The Attorney-General started wrong; he intended to have put aside the great question; he is a Uttle professionaUy con ceited, but means to do right, — is a Uttle annoyed when I raise points, or controvert his positions, as I sometimes do. Often, without arguing the question, he resorts to technicalities, subtleties of the law, pleadings, etc., as if great truths can be hidden or disposed of by such means. He really injures himself by these de"vices, — I wiU not say tricks, — the la"V7yer rather than the statesman ap pears at such times. His habeas corpus ideas are purely English, not American. But the structure of the two governments are different, — one central, the other federal. It will be a little mortifying to him to come over entirely on to my ground, and I ought not, perhaps, to expect it; but I think his views on the subject of habeas corpus have been modified, and as he has a good deal of ability, vrith his pedantry, I hope he will give us a fair opinion. September 30, Monday. Admiral Godon and wife dined with me yesterday. They have been some days in W., have driven out with me, etc., etc. Godon tells me some 1867] ADMIRAL GODON ON PORT ROYAL 217 facts in relation to Du Pont of which I had not previously been informed. They had been intimate and particular friends, but Du Pont e"vinced the little jealousy which was one of the banes of his life. At Port Royal, Godon placed his vessel, the Mohican, in a position where she en filaded the Rebel batteries and literally drove them from their guns. Du Pont, instead of thanking, he says, in sulted him for it. The attack by sailing in a circle was, Godon says, not part of the original plan but an expedient, an afterthought, when it was found more convenient to move from under fire than to remain. This movement was made by Stringham at Hatteras, and I have no doubt that steam vessels, which can be always in motion, prompted the idea. Little credit is due any officer for originating what would have been a culpable piece of stupidity to have omitted. I caUed on the President and showed some of the au thorities and stated some of my reasons in the Philadel phia habeas corpus cases. He appeared to enter into my "views, and I am in hopes will encourage Stanbery in the right way. The court at Philadelphia postponed the hearing until next Saturday, in order to give the Attorney-General an opportunity to investigate the case. Mr. Courteney, Dis trict Attomey at New York, has written a pretty smart letter in reply to Mr. Mann, the Philadelphia la"wyer in this case, a copy of which he sent me. LIII Attomey-General Stanbery reads his Opinion on the Habeas Corpus Case — The President calls General Sherman to Washington — Colonel Cooper on the Political Situation in New York State — A Sketch of Party Politics in New York — James A. Seddon's Application for Par don — Governor Cox of Ohio mentioned for the War Portfolio — Gen eral Blair's Qualifications for the Position — Sherman's Relations with Grant — Election Retums from Pennsylvania and Ohio indicate an Overthrow of the Radicals — The President has a Frank Talk with Grant, who assures him he should expect to obey Orders — BoutweU disavows any Intention of attempting to arrest the President. October 1, Tuesday. Full attendance at Cabinet. Judge Otto appeared for Browning, who is stiU at the Virginia Springs. Some appointments being under consideration, there was little inclination to move in them by reason of the Tenure-of-Office BiU. I had a talk with Stanbery on the habeas corpus case. He is still hesitating and uncertain. Thinks the body must be produced in court, even if the court has no juris diction. Is overwhelmed with English law and English precedents, though our system of general and State gov ernments is fundamentally different from theirs, and con sequently a different rule must prevaU. I have reverence for the privileges of the writ of habeas corpus and am for the sacred observance of the rights reserved to the States, but I am also for maintaining Federal rights and Federal authority unimpaired. There are difficulties in this case, — an apparent conflict of jurisdiction. It would have been well to have made a specific con cession in the Constitution that the habeas corpus should not be issued by State authorities to persons in the mili tary or naval service of the United States. But this was not done, and it is now a question to be met, and I assume 1867] STANBERY ON HABEAS CORPUS 219 that it is incidental and essential to the sovereignty of the Federal Government that it should have full and ab solute control over the military and naval forces; that there would not be that full power, if the local State and municipal judges can interpose and decide on the validity of enUstments and set soldiers and sailors at liberty. DemoraUzation and weakness would follow from such a state of things. A person in the service who claims that he is improperly detained is not without remedy. The courts of the United States are open to him and to his friends. They have undoubted jurisdiction, and they alone. These are my conclusions, and I think "without prejudice. At this time, when the Radicals are breaking down all constitutional barriers, — confounding and ignoring all rights. State, Federal, Departmental, and individual, — it is the duty of those who are in position to be cautious but courageous, to abstain from assumptions, but to fear lessly assert the powers vrith which they are invested. Congress is disposed to usurp all the powers of govern ment, and take into its o"wn hands not only the making but the execution of the laws, — to adjudicate and carry into effect its judgments. The President has passively submitted to have the executive department step by step encroached upon and crippled. Concession and submis sion have been advised, until the Govemment is a mass of weakness, losing its character. If Stanbery fails me, I shaU have none to stand by me in the Administration. Sam Randall and some of the politicians have been here, fearing a decided course may affect the elections. The case is a Radical trick. October 4, Friday. The Attorney-General to-day read his opinion, prepared with much labor and at great length, on the habeas corpus case. I was not disappointed, though somewhat annoyed, with his conclusions, — that the prisoner or enlisted man must be produced in court 220 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [oct. 4 and that the Commodore must not resist the decree if the prisoner is discharged, that the local court has juris diction, etc. [He said that] if discharged, he, the Attor ney-General, should instruct the District Attomey to carry the case to the Supreme Court. I inquired why he would carry it there, if the local courts had jurisdiction; and if their decision was not final. And I asked how he was to get the case before the Supreme Court? He replied that he had not much doubt that G. would be retained and remanded to custody, but if not, he should have no difficulty in getting the case to the Supreme Court, though he knew not the precise features of Pennsylvania law. He went on to say, in answer to my former inquiries and remarks, that it was time this ques tion should be settled by the highest judicial tribunal, because, if the local courts could interfere in military and naval cases, some immediate legislation would be neces sary. I asked if Congress could legislate away a constitu tional power. The local courts either have or they have not the right to issue this writ calling for the production of enlisted persons. If they have this right under the Constitution, Congress cannot deprive them of it; if they have not this right, I cannot see how they can demand the production of this person. Without meeting the points, he went off into a disserta tion on the distinction between the custody of a prisoner under judgment of a court and custody under an enlist ment in the Army and Na"\^. I asked if an enlistment was not a contract to which the United States is a party. He admitted such was the fact. I then inquired whether the United States was suable. He said no, but a judge in Pennsylvania had, under the laws of that State and under the habeas corpus provision, authority to demand the production of the person enlisted, until Congress passed laws prohibiting State interferences. 1867] SHERMAN CALLED TO WASHINGTON 221 Seward and Randall each thought there should be im mediate legislation since hearing this opinion. The Attomey-General produced a telegram which he had prepared for me to sign to Commodore Selfridge. The President remarked, if this, which was the first business of Cabinet, was disposed of, we would proceed to other matters. I was sorry that so important a question should have passed off without a more full and general discussion, and expression of opinion by others. Important principles are involved which should not be thus lightly disposed of. The liberty of the citizen, and the rights of the Federal and State Governments are involved, but no disposition was evinced to defend, discuss, or touch them. There was no favoring response to the Attorney-General, whose argument, I thought from his single reading and from what passed between us, is narrow, without original thought, power, or grasp, — a skuUdng from the real question under the precedents of local courts. That Mr. Stanbery is a la"wyer of acquirements and ability may be admitted, while denying him the higher and nobler qual ities of a statesman. He is, moreover, timid and shrinks responsibiUty. Colonel Cooper informs me that he is to remain in Washington as a companion and friend to the President. It is well. The President needs such a friend, and it is to be regretted, if Cooper is such, he was not invited earlier. I fear it is now too late, and so told Colonel Cooper. He says General Sherman has been called to Washing ton by the President and will be here by Sunday next. Both the President and he think Sherman may influence Grant by reason of their intimacy. There is no doubt that Sherman has more general intelligence and know ledge of the govemment than Grant, but he is sometimes erratic and uncertain, whilst Grant is prejudiced, aspiring, reticent, cunning, and stolidly obstinate in his ignorance. The two men will work weU and advantageously together 222 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [oct. 4 when they agree, but when they differ, the stubborn wiU and selfishness of Grant vrill overpower the yielding genius and generous impulses of Sherman. These are my "views of the two men, and I so told Colonel C. That Sherman has a mortal antipathy to Stanton and is really in sym pathy with the President, I can weU suppose, but when he associates with Grant, I apprehend from what I have seen and understood he wiU be powerless. Had he been here for the last fifteen months, his influence upon Grant, who is subordinated by Stanton, whom he dislikes, might have been salutary. He can now do but Uttle. October 7, Monday. The opinion of the Attomey-Gen eral in the habeas corpus case does not appear to have been welcomed by any portion of the community thus far. It has not, however, been much criticized, but has been received indifferently, without comment or respect. On reading it, my impressions of Friday are confirmed. It is a mere lawyer's brief, not a statesman's "views. He and I have had the misfortune to differ several times on funda mental questions, and this fact may have had its influence upon him. Colonel Cooper called again to-day. He has seen Gen eral Sherman, and so has the President. Colonel C. says S. feels and talks well, but the suggestion that I made that, in any difference between the President and Grant, Sher man would yield and go with the latter impresses him strongly, and he so said to the President. Though natur ally sanguine and hopeful, C. is a good deal despondent. Says the elections to-morrow will decide the matter. What he meant by this I could not comprehend, and so said to him. To me it is uncertain how the Radicals will be affected, whichever way the elections may terminate. If the Radicals are defeated, they may feel discouraged and change their tactics, or they may be more vindictive and spiteful than ever. If they are successful, they may be content to let what they deem well enough alone, or 1867] TALK WITH COLONEL COOPER 223 they may recklessly push on their usurpations and assaults upon the President still farther. What then, I asked C, could the elections of to-morrow decide? He admitted it was difficult to tell what would be Radical action in either event; but there was evidently something which had been discussed which he did not disclose. In our conversation on Friday, he expressed his great disappointment over the condition of things in New York. He has just been there and mixed in' freely with their lead ing men. Saw Tilden, who showed him my letter. Tilden talked well, but the tendency was to maintain a New York party organization and to cut clear of the Administra tion. It is a party, not a patriotic, scheme, and will fail. Tilden's partyism is weakness and does not surprise me so much as it does Cooper. The President is too much identified "vrith Seward, has been too much ad"vised by him, to gain the affections or even the good will of the New York Democrats. There was intentional rebuke of the President by the managing New York Democrats — Seymour, Tilden, etc. — in omitting the President's name in their late State Convention, or any allusion to him. In this they were ungenerous and committed a mistake which they may regret. Their selfish ambition is overleaping itself. The political organizations of New York from the foun dation of the govemment have had an important influence on pubhc affairs in that State and the country. Hamilton and Burr, in the early days of the Republic, were antagon istic and shaped parties. The break-up and dissolution of old parties, which began in that State in 1812 under the lead of DeWitt Clinton, who became a candidate for the Presidency against Mr. Madison, was completed twelve years later at the close of the Monroe Administration. Adams, Crawford, Jackson, Clay, and Calhoun were op posing candidates in that election. Crawford was the can didate of the large fragment of RepubUcans who adhered to the Republican organization, but Adams was successful. 224 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [ocT. 7 A new organization of parties, based on new issues, which the decadence of old parties and the growth and progress of the country rendered necessary, was instituted. There was, at that period, a combination of powerful minds associated in the govemment of New York, who were Republicans of the Jeffersonian school, but anti- Clintonians, although Clinton was of the same school. This combination was stigmatized as the Regency, and their party was called Bucktails, from the fact that they for several years went to the polls wearing in their hats a buck's tail to distinguish them from the CUnton Repub licans, who had been their party associates prior to 1812, but who subsequently coalesced and voted vrith the Feder alists in support of DeWitt Clinton. The Regency and the BucktaU Party very generaUy supported Crawford for President in 1824, but a union of the friends of the other candidates against them caused their defeat, and eventuated in the election of J. Q. Adams, whom they had opposed. Although Mr. Adams was successful in obtaining a large portion of the electoral vote of New York, he was not a favorite with a majority of the people of that State. The Federalists who supported Clinton were gratified with Mr. Adams' election, but the Republican CUntonians and Clinton himself were not satisfied. In the general chaos of parties that prevailed during the first two years of the J. Q. Adams Administration, the Regency was not idle, but in the midst of their operations a new party organization sprang up which sunk all other party ties, principles, and distinctions in its opposition to any candidate for any office who was connected with the Masonic institution. Govemor Clinton was a promin ent Mason, and the anti-Masonic movement took from him a large portion of his supporters. It was at this juncture that the Regency exercised and developed its ability, tact, and sagacity in organizing from fragmentary and opposing elements a party which for 1867] NEW YORK PARTY POLITICS 225 many years controlled and possessed the government of New York, had deservedly the confidence of the people of that State, and exercised a powerful influence for more than twenty years in national affairs. The men comprising the Regency and who were the leaders of what became thenceforth the Democratic Party were Van Buren, Marcy, Flagg, Sam Young, and Wright.-^ At a later day, Dix and others of less vigor and power succeeded the original Re gency, but they had not the abiUty to combine and main tain the organization of their predecessors. New questions arose which they could not successfully grapple, lax prin ciples, abuse of power, devotion to party and adherence to it right or "wrong; a decreasing poUtical morality weakened pubUc confidence and ultimately caused their defeat. But the Regency, which organized the party to "victory in 1828 and success for many succeeding years, was an association of politicians and statesmen of wonderful mental capacity, whose integrity is unquestioned and who, while main taining ascendancy, exerted themselves to administer the govemment for the good of all. Van Buren was the acknowledged and admitted chief of that Regency, and his sagacity, shrewdness, judgment, and forecast probably entitled him to be so considered. He was cahn, self-possessed, and deUberate in the most trying emergencies, cautious and prudent almost to timidity, al ways safe as a projector and counselor, never impulsive, with admirable self-control on all occasions. Marcy, "vrith less reserve and with a more mgged intel lect, had greater courage and daring than Van Buren, but was always not so politic. He had the excellent, though rare, quaUty of frankly and boldly expressing his opinions to his friends when he thought they erred, and telling them wherever he dissented from them. This made him a valued and inestimable critic and adviser in that circle of which Van Buren was chief. Later in life and after considerable * Martin Van Buren, WUliam L. Marcy, Azariah C. Flagg, Samuel Young, and SUas Wright. 3 226 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [oct. 7 experience, Marcy, in public and as a pubUc man before his countrymen, was not so bold as he had been vrith the friends who knew him and could make proper allowance for his sometimes rude speech. It was Marcy who, in the Senate of the United States, said, in the matter of appoint ments and removals, "To the "victor belong the spoils." No man was more unsparing and unrelenting in his party action and exactions than Marcy. Flagg, who was of similar temperament and a rigid party discipUnarian, permitted no party dissenters, and avowed as a rule of political action that he would "shoot all deserters." Both he and Marcy were intolerant in their party discipline and management. Near the close of their united action at Albany, Marcy, who, "vri th his father-in- law, Knower,^ Treasurer of the State and a minor append age of the Regency, became pecuniarUy embarrassed by injudicious speculation and wavered in his principles and party fideUty, — fiinched in his support of the national administration, Mr. Van Buren being President, — had failed in rigidly maintaining, if he did not openly oppose, the " independent Treasury" and financial measures of the Government. Coolness, if not alienation, foUowed, and the cordial intimacy which had pre"viously subsisted was never again fully restored. Sam Young, more radical and more rash, was less reU able and had less influence than the others. Wright, the youngest, had the best qualities of all and the confidence of all and was most esteemed and regarded by men of all parties. In the highest sense he was a politician, statesman, and patriot. Commencing public life at the formation of the Democratic Party, trained and disciplined by his seniors in the severe requirements that the period called for, he may sometimes have yielded too much to the demands of party, but he was catholic, generous, and tolerant in his views, and would not permit himself to kno"wingly do wrong or depart from what he believed to be right. ' Benjamin Knower. 1867] NEW YORK PARTY POLITICS 227 Such were the components of the famous New York Regency. Before the death of Mr. Wright, who though the youngest was the first to die, the members of the Regency no longer concentrated at Albany; the organization insti tuted in 1828 had become enfeebled, divided, and lost character. The National Republicans, or Whigs, of New York soon began to imitate the Democrats and attempted a similar organization for party ascendancy with little regard for principle. Thurlow Weed, the master spirit, had been a conspicuous anti-Mason, and, finding success impracticable on that narrow and prescriptive basis, he and most of his anti-Masonic associates coalesced with Masonic Feder alists and other cliques, and, by the free use of money, which was obtained in abundance from the merchants, manufacturers, and others in the city of New York, made themselves a formidable though not a compact nor, until the Democrats began to fail, a successful party. But the central directing power, a Regency composed of several superior minds combined and united in the government and possessing the confidence of the people, was wanting. Weed, whose mental strength and power compared with Marcy and whose energy and industry were unsurpassed, removed to Albany and estabUshed the Journal, a paper in opposition to the Argus, the recognized organ of the Regency. Both papers were conducted with ability. Weed was almost alone in his political operations, while the editor of the Argus, surrounded and guided by others, became loose in his politics, and, like Marcy, indulged in pecuniary speculations that were unfortunate, enlisted, as did his antagonist Weed, in corrupt schemes, was a legis lative lobbjdst, lost confidence, and by his mismanagement contributed to the defeat of his party. Weed had no such backers and associates as the editor of the Argus, but he found a ready and able coadjutor in Mr. Seward, who just at the period of his removal to Albany entered upon his pubhc career. There were men of intellect and abiUty in 228 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [oct. 7 other parts of the State associated with them, but they were not of Albany nor at Albany, and a mistrust and dis trust of Weed which was general, the odor of comiption attending his acts, his trickery and deception, made him suspected and failed to win confidence. But similar infirm ities in the Argus, the frailties of its editor and the failure of Marcy on the financial measures which were then the absorbing and test questions of party, enabled the con glomerate of anti-Masons and Federalists under the name of Whigs to triumph. Mr. Seward was elected Govemor and "with Weed and some newer personages established a sort of Whig Regency, where Weed was both corrupt and despotic and govemed the heterogeneous organization with almost arbitrary power. Successive defeats and successes foUowed. Dissen sions and enmities prevailed in each of the parties, which each constantly labored to reconcile and conceal. Marcy's defection did not cause immediate and entire estrangement, but it was instrumental in the defeat and ultimate prostration of Van Buren and his friends. Wright was sacrificed, and for a time implacable and violent hos tilities existed. Marcy, though in a smaU minority of the Democrats, did not identffy himself "vrith the Whigs and by an adroit and skillful intrigue was brought into Polk's Cabinet, where he in a measure regained strength, and by similar services under Pierce became again a prominent but not fully trusted leader. In the mean time Seward, pressed forward by Weed and his associates as the ostensible chief of the Whigs, became conspicuous in national poUtics as a Senator and repre sentative of that party in the great State of New York. Tilden in these movements was, although a younger man than Wright, a very active and sincere friend and supporter of Van Buren in the Regency, went with the Barnburners or Free-Soilers in the great break-up, and opposed Marcy and the Hunkers, as that branch of the party was called. It was a contest of great acrimony, in which both factions 1867] NEW YORK PARTY POLITICS 229 suffered, and the effect on the leading poUticians when they finally effected a reunion was to make them more intensely partisan and warmer adherents to organization. To maintain the ascendancy in national affairs and regain influence at the South, the Democrats of New York, who clung to the organization without planting themselves fimQly on immutable principles, became the apologists of the Secessionists, vrithout, however, to any considerable extent adopting that theory. The consequence was the overthrow of the Democratic Party when Lincoln was elected, but the extreme men, determined to preserve the organization, while they did [not] subscribe to Secession, opposed the Administration, which.struggled to put down that heresy and maintain the national existence. When the War was over, and the question [arose] of re instating the States which had undertaken to secede in the Federal Union, vrith harmony and fraternal feeling, a Radi cal faction sprang up among the RepubUcans to prevent it, who taking "stand outside the Constitution," denied the equal poUtical rights of the States and put imder the ban of proscription the whole people of the South. President Lincoln, and President Johnson, who succeeded him, were Union men, but the former was assassinated early in that contest. President Johnson, an original Democrat, enforced the doctrine and principles which Lincoln had initiated. They were the "views of the Democrats everywhere and of aU RepubUcans who were not of the Radical faction; but the Democratic organization, vrith Seymour and Tilden as leaders, failed to support and identffy themselves with the Administration. Party was with them paramount to country. They did not oppose President Johnson, but they held off and declined to be recognized as his supporters. They approved his views and principles, but they had not voted for him and their opponents had. October 8, Tuesday. In a dispatch to Van Valkenburg, which Seward read to-day in Cabinet, he instructed the 230 DL^RY OF GIDEON WELLES [ocT. 8 Minister to remonstrate with the Japanese Govemment in regard to their treatment of Christians. The sentiment was well enough as a sentiment, but I asked if there was any improper treatment of our countrymen or foreign Christians or whether it referred only to their own people. He said it was only the Japanese Christians that were harshly treated, and they not so severely as formerly. I questioned the propriety of pressing upon that govemment too far in a matter which belonged exclusively to them selves, — we as a govemment and people are not reUgious propagandists. They may have a national reUgion, and if so, might deem our interference in their domestic affairs impertinent and offensive. As his letter was a remon strance, I suggested that it might be weU to cite our non interference and our tolerance of all reUgious beUefs as an excuse for presenting our "views. Seward, who dislikes prompting, perceived the applicability of the suggestion, said he should have introduced that point but for the fact that Van Valkenburg had made mention of it. An application from Mr. Seddon ^ of Richmond for a pardon was presented by the Attomey-General. Seddon says he had opposed extreme measures, was in retirement when invited to the War Department of the Confederacy, did what he could to mitigate the calamities of war whilst in that position, made himself unpopular thereby, had taken the Union oath, etc., etc. Seward thought it best to postpone the subject until after the election, when it might be well to grant the pardon, for Seddon was a harm less old man * and undoubtedly true to the Union. I said that I had no spirit of persecution in me; that two and a half years had passed since the Rebellion was suppressed, and I thought it unwise and unjust to con tinue this proscription; I was, therefore, ready at any time to consider favorably such an application as Mr. Seddon's. ' James A. Seddon (1815-80), Confederate Secretary of War. • Mr. Seddon was only fifty-two at this time, but he had been in feeble health. 1867] SEDDON APPLIES FOR PARDON 231 General Grant said very curtly and emphatically that he was opposed to granting any more pardons, for the present at least. This seemed to check the others, who expressed no opinion. I remarked, if as a matter of poUcy it was deemed expedient to delay three or four weeks until the November elections had passed, I would not object, but I thought the time had arrived for the display of some magnanimity and kindly feeling. A year since. General Grant expressed to me very dif ferent "views from those he now avows. Said he was ready to forgive the Rebels and take them by the hand, but would not forgive the Copperheads. He is pretty strongly committed to the Radicals, — is courting and being courted. After the Cabinet adjoumed, Stanbery, Browning, and myseff remained with the President and had twenty min utes' talk on the condition of affairs. Browning said that Govemor Cox ^ was spoken of as a suitable man for Sec retary of War, provided he would take the place. Stan bery said he had not before heard Cox's name, but he thought it would be an excellent selection. Grant being ad interim, it was important the change should take place and Stanton be removed. Cox would hold on to the close of the session. I inquired if he was firm and reliable, and if he would stand by the President against Congress and General Grant if they resorted to revolutionary meas ures, which from certain indications are not improbable. On that point neither of them was assured. I named Frank Blair as a man whom Grant respected and Stanton feared, who, with some infirmities, had courage and energy to meet any crisis, and who would be a fearless and reliable friend of the President and of sound constitutional prin ciples. Brovraing responded favorably; Stanbery said nothing. The President, after the others left, expressed himself ' Jacob Dolson Cox, Governor of Ohio (1866-67) and afterwards Secre tary of the Interior under Grant. 232 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [oct. 8 favorably to Blair. I urged the point farther. Told him Seward would be likely to object, but that, I thought, ought not to infiuence his action. I did not hesitate to tell him my apprehensions of Sherman, — that if Grant opposed the Administration, Sherman would be likely not to support it. Something had been said of Tom Evring, senior, for a Cabinet officer, but he is too old and clumsy for such a period as this; but I thought him right on present questions, and if here, he might have influence with Sherman, who had been his ward and who married his daughter. I doubted, however, whether he would de tach Sherman from Grant. The President spoke of Sher man's superior intellect to Grant. I acknowledged that he had more genius and briUiancy, but had not the firm ness, persistency, and stubborn wUl which are the strong points of Grant, who is not a very enlightened man. When ever the two are associated. Grant's obstinacy wiU make his the master mind, and if there were to be antagonism vrith Grant, the President might have to depend on some other man than Sherman. The President said that Grant had gone entirely over to the Radicals, and was with Congress. I told him that was my opinion, and I was fearful he was so far involved that he could not be withdrawn from mischievous influ ences. The elections of to-day may have their influence, however, in this matter. October 9, Wednesday. The President showed me to day General Sickles' letter demanding a court of inquiry, with Grant's favorable indorsement and the draft of a reply. The latter did not suit me, and I suggested changes. The returns of the Pennsylvania and Ohio elections show most extraordinary results, and indicate the overthrow of the Radicals and the downfaU of that party. The reports are hardly credible. Montgomery Blair called this evening and is jubUant 1867] GRANT AND SHERMAN 233 over the election news, but expresses his mortification and chagrin that the President should have called Sher man home, whom he denounces as a Radical, — treacher ous, ambitious, and no friend of the President. Blair's prejudices are deep and often mar his general good sense. October 10, Thursday. I wrote the form of an indorse ment to be put on Sickles' application, or demand, for a court of inquiry, which I handed to the President. He was pleased with it, and it was certainly preferable to his extended document. I took the occasion to again express my distrust of Sherman as his reliable friend for such an emergency as was anticipated; and advised most earnestly that he should, if he had not already, have a frank and unreserved con versation vrith Grant. The time, I assured him, had arrived when this subject should receive prompt and decisive attention; there could be no impropriety, but it was a matter of duty on his part, to have a thorough under standing "with his immediate friends, and especially with his Secretary of War and General-in-Chief; that I knew not how freely he had communicated with Grant, but I thought G. loved office and was pleased with his posi tion, was gratified with confidence and attention. There are indications that he is under Radical influence ; if com mitted to these, we should know it. I reminded him that on one occasion he had persuaded, or convinced. Grant that he was "wrong, and caused him to recede and with draw his letter. I reminded him also that Grant occupied, after himself, the most important post in the country; that he was and would be a tower of strength to any party; that without him the Radicals and Congress could do nothing. I ad mitted that he had not as enlarged and intelligent "views as was desirable on political and govemmental questions, that he was too much under the influence of little and un- 234 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [oct. 10 worthy men, but I trusted, though selfish, he was at heart honest, patriotic, and desirous of doing right. If so, and his views were correct without poUtical aspirations, kind attention, persuasion, argument, and tmth from the Pre sident would not be lost upon him. The President Ustened attentively, received my sug gestions kindly, thanked me for them, and assured me he would have an interview with Grant, — to-morrow, if possible, though to-morrow is Cabinet day. October 19, Saturday. Time has been wanting for some days to enter occurrences. The President informs me that he called on General Grant in pursuance of my advice. He went to the War Department last Saturday, a week to-day, and consulted in a friendly way with General Grant; told Grant he could not be ignorant of the schemes and threats that were made, and must be aware that it was his (the President's) duty to be prepared to "vindicate the rights of the Executive and maintain the Constitu tion, and resist invasions and usurpations. Should an attempt be made to depose or arrest him before trial or con"viction, — if impeachment were attempted, — he de sired to know if he would be sustained and whether officers in high position would obey his orders. He says Grant met him frankly, seemed to appreciate fully the question and the object of his inquiry; said he should expect to obey orders; that should he (Grant) change his mind he would ad"vise the President in season, that he might have time to make arrangements. Under these declarations the President thought he might rely on General Grant. He could, after this avowal, press the point no farther. In this I think he was correct. Grant vrill make good his word, and act, I have no doubt, in good faith. I so said to the President, and expressed my gratification that the interchange of views had taken place. At the same time I requested him to continue and increase his intim- 1867] GRANT AND THE RADICALS 235 acy with Grant, who is not intelUgent, — seems to be patriotic and right-minded, but the Radicals of every description are laboring to mislead him. Defeated in the recent elections, and vrith public opinion setting against the obnoxious measures, the scheming intriguers begin to rally around Grant, — speak of him as their candidate for President, — not that they want him, but they are fearful he will be taken up by the Democrats. October 23, Wednesday. Randall says that Boutwell disavows any intention of arresting, or attempting to arrest, the President before impeachment and convic tion. Says it cannot be done, and does not favor the scheme of Stevens to that purpose. If this is so, the con versation of the President with General Grant is already ha"ving its effects. Boutwell is a fanatic, a little insin cere, "violent, and yet has much of the demagogic cun ning. He has been, and is, for making Grant the Radical candidate for President. He has the sagacity to see that vrith Grant opposed to them the Radicals would be annUulated. Grant had therefore, I infer, admonished BoutweU that he cannot be party to any movement for arresting the President before trial and con"viction, and "vrill not be an instrument in such a work. This accounts for Boutwell's declarations to Randall. I so stated to the President this afternoon, and he seemed struck with my explanation. When the Cabinet adjoumed yesterday, the President requested me to remain, and submitted to me a letter of some length addressed to the heads of Departments. It made mention of the condition of pubhc affairs, the attempt that was to be made to arrest him, etc., etc., and concluded vrith requesting of each member his opinion on the subject, and in what manner each would advise him to proceed. I told the President the subject was important and that I thought he would be justified in ascertain ing the opinions and views of his Cabinet fully and ex- 236 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [oct.23 pUcitly, especially if the subject was pressed. I suggested that in this stage of the proceedings, it was perhaps better to put the subject hypotheticaUy than to make a positive assertion of what the Radicals intended. Their intrigues may be checked or modified, or abandoned. He concurred, and wUl hold the matter under consideration. LIV Cabinet Discussion of the Question of Arrest — The President's Message — The Judiciary Committee of the House reports in favor of Impeachment — The President's Message to the Senate giving Reasons for suspending Stanton — The Alabama Claims discussed in Cabinet — A Complaint from Alabama against General Pope's Oppression — Grant's President ial Aspirations — Senator Nye introduces a Bill to estabhsh a Board of Survey to supervise the Naval Bureaus — Admiral Porter thought to be behind it — Porter's Services and Ambition — Thurlow Weed moving for Grant — The Retirement of Captain R. W. Meade, U.S.N. , called up for Revision — Raymond and the PhUadelphia Convention. November 30, Saturday. A long and serious illness has prevented me from recording some important events. Yesterday, though weak and debilitated, I for the first time in four weeks attended a Cabinet-meeting. When last at the councU room I was quite ill; came home and went on to my bed, which I did not leave for twenty-one days, except once, on the seventh, for a few moments, which did me no good. Thanks to a good God, my health is restored, for which I am indebted to the faithful nursing of the best of vrives and the kind attention of my physician. Little of interest was done in Cabinet yesterday. The President and all the Cabinet manifested great pleasure on seeing me. Each of them has been friendly in calling during my illness, the President sometimes twice a day. To-day the President laid before us his Annual Message. A sound, strong, good document. After its perusal, and running criticism, he submitted a letter addressed to the Cabinet, stating the condition of affairs, — the proposed impeachment and the proposition to suspend the President, or any officer when impeached, until after his trial, and judgment by the Senate. There was great uncertainty of opinion on the subject in the discussion. That the President should submit tobe tried if the House 238 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [nov. 30 preferred articles was the opinion of all. That he should consent to, or permit himself to, be arrested or suspended before conviction was in opposition to the opinion of each and all. General Grant said it would be clearly ex post facto to pass a law for suspension in the case of the President, and, unless the Supreme Court sustained, it ought not to be submitted to. If Congress should pass a law directing that offlcers should be suspended whenever the House impeached the offlcer, that would be a different thing. Then it would be the law, knovra in advance. I agreed with General Grant that a law in the Presi dent's case would be ex post facto and therefore to be re sisted, if attempted. But I went farther and denied that Congress had authority to suspend the President, — the Executive, a coordinate branch of the govemment, — on the mere party caprice of a majority of the House of Representatives. Mr. Randall was very emphatic in denouncing such a movement as destructive to the govemment. General Grant said he thought a mere law of Congress would not justify suspension or authorize it, but that there should be an amendment of the Constitution to effect it. We all assented that if the Constitution so ordered, submission was a duty, but not othervrise. A few days since, the Judiciary Conunittee, who have been engaged by direction of the House to search the Union, ransack prisons, investigate the household of the President, examine his bank accounts, etc., etc., to see if some colorable ground for impeachment could not be found, made their several reports. A majority were for impeachment. Until just before the report was submitted, a majority were against, but at the last moment, ChurchUl, a Member from the Oswego, New York, district went over, without any new fact, to the impeachers. Speculators and Wall Street operators in gold had expected that a re solution for impeachment would cause sudden rise in gold. 1867] COMMITTEE REPORTS IMPEACHMENT 239 Unfortunately for them, no rise took place, but there was a falUng-off . If Churchill was influenced by the speculat ors, as is generally supposed, his change did not benefit them, and in every point of view was discreditable to him. Boutwell, who made the report to the House, is a fan atic, impulsive, violent; an ardent, narrow-minded parti san, vrithout much judgment; not devoid of talents, with more industry than capacity, ambitious of notoriety, with a mind vrithout comprehension nor well trained; an ex treme Radical, destitute of fairness where party is involved. The report was drawn up by Thomas Williams of Pitts burg, a former partner of Stanton's, a rank disorganizer, a repudiator, vindictive, remorseless, unscrupulous, re gardless of constitutional obligations and of truth as well as fairness, who was put upon the Committee because he had these qualities. The other three gentlemen of the majority may be called smoothbores, — men of small calibre but intense partyism. The report and its conclu sions condemn themselves, and are likely to fail, even in this Radical House. Whether such would have been their fate had the elections gone differently is another question. The voice of the people has cooled the Radical mania, and checked their vrild action. December 3, Tuesday. There was a brief session of the Cabinet to-day. The Message is generally well received not"withstanding its decision and firm tone. Some of the ex treme Radicals are angry and excited by reason of the calm and unanswerable argument of the Democrats. I have been surprised that some of the Radical journals have received the Message so meekly. They try to excuse or reUeve themselves by declaring that the President is ir ritable, ill-tempered, and that in opposing the military governments and schemes to establish negro supremacy he is putting himself in antagonism to Congress. December 10, Tuesday. Am slowly recovering strength. 240 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [dec. lo Little of special interest was done in the Cabinet. We are receiving shocking accounts of earthquakes and storms in the West Indies. Two of our naval steamers, the Monon- gahela and the De Soto, are reported to have been wrecked, — throvvm ashore and left high and dry by the receding waves. Over a hundred shocks of earthquakes are said to have taken place. Our accounts are by telegraph and not entirely reliable. December 12, Thursday. The President requested me by note to call on him at eleven to-day. Stanbery and Brovra ing were also there by in"vitation. The President sub mitted a message to the Senate, communicating some of his reasons for suspending the Secretary of War. (No removal has yet taken place.) It is an able document. He first asked my opinion, and I so stated, but in -view of the traits and pecuUar attitude of Grant, in whom the President had not lost all confidence, suggested that it would be well to inform the Senate that the Secretary ad interim had performed the duties acceptably, and that the reforms he had made and the economy he had practiced were of benefit to the coimtry. He says he has dismissed some forty supernumerary clerks. Both S. and B. con curred in the suggestion. S. said it was a "wise suggestion. A brief statement was accordingly added to the close. I should have made it more fuU and declared that General Grant had my confidence thus far in administering the offlce, if such is the fact, and thus have hitched him to the Administration. It would have made an issue between him and the Stanton Radicals. Governor Dennison, who is here, tells me that when Stanton was suspended, he coaxed and wheedled the com mendatory letter from Grant, when taking possession of the Department, but did not make the retum which Grant expected. December 13, Friday. After disposing of business in the 1867] DISCUSSION OP ALABAMA CLAIMS 241 Cabinet, spoke to the President in regard to the commun ication to the Senate concerning Stanton's refusal to re sign. He said he by no means intended it should be with held from the public. I suggested that the Radicals did not intend his communication should appear until Stanton could reply and in some way weaken or stave off the effect of his statement. Some days since, Seward submitted his last correspond ence with Lord Stanley relative to the Alabama claims. Stanley declines to submit the action of the British Govem ment to arbitration. Seward insists that everything shall be included. Mr. Stanbery inquired whether we had not a case strong enough vrithout insisting on the second point. Seward said, whether we had or not, he wanted that point should go vrith the other. Stanbery asked if we were not weak on the second point. Seward thought not. Some discussion took place in regard to the Queen's Proclama tion and the recogmtion of belligerent rights, which Seward denounced. Stanbery could not recall the facts. I stated that the declaration of blockade, which was an intema tional question, instead of a closure of the ports, which was a domestic question, was claimed in accordance vrith the views, and a justification of the action, of the British Gov emment. "That is the distinction," said Stanbery, "the point that was in my mind." December 17, Tuesday. The President to-day read a communication which he proposed to send into Congress, commending Hancock for the views expressed in his gen eral order and his deference to the ci"vil law. Should he send it in, he vrill exasperate the Radicals, but it may have the effect of inducing a contrast between the action of Hancock and the other military generals now at the head of departments. December 19, Thursday. Having dispatched some busi ness to-day with the President, I was about leaving, when 3 242 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [dec. 19 he requested me to remain. He had, however, nothing special to commimicate, but e"vidently desired a few mo ments for conversation. We ran over several subjects. His communication respecting the suspension of Stanton, I took occasion to compliment, and [I said I thought] that its effect on the public mind was good. He spoke of his message in regard to Hancock, which he e"vidently thinks is a skillful movement. I spoke of it as less effective than the other, and [said] that the Radicals, finding themselves weak with Stanton, would make fierce attack on this; but that would lead to criticism on the other viceroy generals to their disadvantage. Yes, he added, and would bring out before the country the weakness of General Grant, who, he was sorry to per ceive, was becoming identified vrith the tyrannical and oppressive measures of the miUtary commanders. This is true, and I have no doubt that this consideration had its effect in producing the Hancock Message. He told me, what he has before repeatedly said, that Grant had ex pressed his dislike of Stanton, yet he had been induced to write him (the President) that improper letter, which has just been published. I informed him that I was satisfied that Grant had been seduced by Stanton to write that letter. Govemor Dennison had told me of the letter and of Grant's regret that he had been persuaded to write it, — a fact which had reached him through some of Grant's staff by way of Garfield. In no other way could D. have known of such a letter, for he gave me this information some time before Grant's private letter was published. December 20, Friday. Whilst in Cabinet-meeting, the President handed me a letter from Forsyth of Alabama, imploring him to grant and extend to the people of that military district relief from the malgovemment, oppres sion, and outrage of General Pope. He subsequently handed the letter around to some others. I heard Stanbery say to Bro"wninghe wasglad to see this; that the tme course 1867] GENERAL POPE IN ALABAMA 243 was to let it go on; that the country would overwhelm Rad icalism as soon as it could be reached. Seward, Grant, and Randall left immediately on the completion of the necessary official business. Stanbery and Browning had put on their overcoats and taken their hats to leave, when I felt that there really should be something said respecting the con dition of things in General Pope's dominions, and asked the gentlemen if they had read Forsyth's letter. Stanbery promptly repUed that he had; that everything was working weU; that the President must not move a finger; let the Radicals have their own way, they are killing themselves, etc. To aU this Browning assented. I inquired what in the mean time was to become of the people of Alabama. We were not bearing iMir suffering. Is the President dis charging his duty, and we ours, if we quietly vritness these wrongs, these palpable "^dolations of constitutional rights, and the subversion of society and govemment, without trying to prevent it? Both S. and B. insisted that it was best and most poUtic to let these enormities go on; the indignation of the country was rising. I said the indigna tion of the suffering South, but the non-suffering North were not indignant. McCulloch said there were two sides to the question. He had his doubts whether the President should remain pass ive, and, aUuding to a remark of mine that the President should always do right, — that he must not permit or do evil that good might come, — McC. said he had been alarmed when the President removed Sheridan, a meas ure which I advised but which he and others opposed; that he had apprehended the measure would be disastrous to the Administration, but it had not injured, it had strengthened, the President and damaged the Radicals. In "view of the effect in that case, he was not prepared to say it was not best to deal in like manner vrith Pope. Stan bery and B. were vehement and eamest in their protests; claimed the responsibility and odium was wholly on the Radicals. I again asked, if the President could relieve 244 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [dec. 20 them and did not, if he was released from responsibiUty. What would be the judgment of the people and the record of history, if the President, knovring these wrongs and having it in his power to remove the tyrant, failed to do it? As a poUtical move, they said, it would be injudicious, and left, I have no doubt, with the behef that I am a rash and injudicious adviser. It is, however, the old difference. They are Whigs; I am a Democrat. They are afraid to trust the people on a question of right; I hold it our safety and strength. December 24, Tuesday. A few Members of Congress re main in the city, but most have left for Christmas vacation. The adjournment and an interview vrith their constituents may do them and the coimtry good. The elections of the year and the unmistakable e"vidence of condemnation by the people have annoyed them, but there is not among them the patriotism, ability, and independence to extricate themselves from the control of intriguing conspirators, who by secret caucuses have made it impossible for them to retrace their steps, and try to do right. Among the Radicals there is little statesmanship. They are striving to retain their usurped power by outrageous measures and violence. Chief Justice Chase still aspires to be the Radical candi date for President, but few, however, of the Radicals are disposed to gratify his aspirations. Among bankers, speculators, and a certain class of capitalists he finds sup porters, and he has a quasi strength among the Southem Radicals and negroes. The RepubUcans, or the conserva tive element of what was the Republican Party, are favor ing General Grant. Comprising the largest segment, they vrill be likely to control party action to the disgust of the earnest Radicals, who, however, dare not oppose the move ment. Grant himself is not only willing but grows daily more and more anxious ; his aspirations, although he strives to conceal them, are equal to and even surpass those of the 1867] GRANT'S ASPIRATIONS 245 Chief Justice. His reticence is all a matter of calculation; he fears to commit himself on anything lest he should lose votes. But popular opinion moves him. A year since he believed that the country was fully committed to Radical ism, and under that conviction he became identified with the Radicals, changing his previously expressed opinions and acting with them until the recent fall elections. Those results astonished no man more than Grant, and he has felt uneasy under his hasty committals, while striving to be reserved. Stanton, whom he dislikes, has managed to get him committed, which he would not have done had Grant better understood pubhc sentiment. But in Wash bume and other Uttle Radicals he has had surroundings that controlled him. I am becoming impressed "with the idea that Grant may prove a dangerous man. He is devoid of patriotism, is ignorant but cunning, yet greedy for office and power. In discussion, from time to time in Cabinet, when he has been necessarUy to some extent drawn out, this shadow of mUi tary absolutism has crossed my mind. It struck me more forcibly to-day when the military govemment of the South was under consideration. General Hancock thinks he shaU want another regiment or battalion of white troops. Gen eral Canby writes a doleful account of destitution and need of help for the poor. General Ord vrishes tobe relieved. I could see that Grant was not displeased that Hancock caUed for more troops, and also that the wish of Ord met his approval. He gave Ord the credit of being very hon est, but imsteady and fond of change. Thought it best to send him to the Pacific and recall McDonald to supply his place. In the mean time. General Gillem would discharge the duties. The President asked if Gillem could not as well fill Pope's place as Ord's. Grant, who knew the President's purpose, grinned and said he did not know how that was. On the necessity of feeding the freedmen, especially re ferred to by Canby, and aUuded to by the others, with a very teUing letter from General Gillem on the condition of 246 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [dec. 24 affairs, there was much said, a good deal of which was not pertinent. Grant remarked he had seen General Howard, who had some funds which would hold out untU Congress came together, when, undoubtedly, provision would be made. Stanbery said the people of the South were in a deplorable state, and he could see no permanent reUef for them except from the Treasury, which the people would not long stand. Seward said there were always disturbances in times of scanty pro"vi8ions; that this was always felt most in the cities and often ran into riots. He told a story of a man who "wished on a stormy night to send a message and prof fered a guinea, the usual fee, to the messenger, who wanted two. This he refused to give, and the two parted in high anger with each other. After several hours the gentleman gave in, tendered the two guineas, and the messenger, who wanted the money, accepted it and did the duty. The planters and negroes, he guessed, would after a whUe feel the need of each other and come together. I expressed dislike of the "views taken, for only temporary and superficial reUef was talked of, or proposed, for an en during evil. The whole fabric of ci"vil govemment, indus trial employment, and social society has been overthro"wn, upturned, and prostrated by the penurious, partisan legis lation of Congress, and the talk of reUef by feeding the lazy and destitute negroes for a few weeks was an absurdity. There was no probabiUty that the planter and the negro would come together and act harmoniously whUe the Fed eral Govemment was exerting its power to make them an tagonistic. Grant once or tvrice intermpted me, and I could see did not like my remarks. So also vrith Seward, who is always a temporizer, but Grant is acting vrith a purpose, and in concert with Radicals and the mUitary. I see by the paper that Stanton has retumed. He has been in Washington but little since his suspension. It is said he fears personal chastisement from persons whom while in office he has insulted and wronged. This, I think. 1867] NYE'S BOARD OF SURVEY BILL 247 can hardly be the case, for he knows himself to be still in offlce. He cannot do otherwise than make some answer to the President's communication respecting him. The President informed me a few days since that Stan ton's bull against Sherman for the treaty vrith Johnston was "without his authority or knowledge. That being the fact, it was a piece of arrogance and impudence which at the time ought to have been rebuked. Supposing it to have been issued vrith the sanction of the President, I had with others submitted to it as an administrative measure and attempted to justify it. The House of Representatives soon after Congress met passed a resolution to curtail work at the navy yards. It came opportunely, for we were about issuing orders to reduce work, which always creates distress at this season. I was not unvrilUng that Congress, which is captious towards the Department, should take its share of respons ibUity when its resolution was uncalled-for and passed for seU-glorification. As I expected, the dismissed workmen are full of complaints and suffering, and to some extent have annoyed the Members. Senator Nye introduced while I was sick a bill to estab Ush a Board of Survey, in other words a Board of Admir alty, to be composed of the Admiral, or Vice-Admiral, as president, and two rear-admirals. This Board is to super vise and control the bureaus, and virtually supersede the Secretary. It is to perform no labor and to be exempt from all responsibility. I have no difflculty in tracing the origin of this bill to Vice-Admiral Porter, who is uneasy, scheming, ambitious, wasteful in expenditure, partial and prejudiced as regards officers, a most unfit administrator of ci"vil affairs, though brave and full of resources as a com mander. For two or three weeks he had charge of the Bureau of Detail, and his action was demoralizing and injurious. As Superintendent of the Naval Academy he has been efficient, because there has been much to do, and he has 248 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [dec. 24 been enabled to make large expenditures. But I have been compelled to check, Umit, and to some extent regulate these matters. I am held accountable for expenses; he derives credit for whatever is done. This is right enough, if rightly understood. I have aUowed him to have his selec tion of officers, almost without restraint, and cliquism is the result. His officers are, in his opinion, the only good officers in the service, and those who have been associated with him and under his immediate command he com mends indiscriminately; and, in "violation of regulations, he gives them individually, one and aU, indorsement, to the great embarrassment of the Department. In war and afloat. Porter is, though always presuming, one of the best officers in the service and gaUantly won his position. I have always given him, full credit for his services and shovra my appreciation of him as an officer. At the Naval Academy he has done weU because there has been much to do, but, as the work is being completed and he is relieved from employment, he grows restless and desires action in a sphere to which he is not adapted. This crude bantling of his, which Nye has introduced, is a miserable contrivance to get place and power for himseU at Wash ington. During the War, when we were buUding a hundred vessels yearly, had five hundred vessels in commission, and fifty thousand seamen in service, no such board was needed; they would have been a positive drag and hin drance. Now, when we are building no new vessels, launch ing but two or three a year of those commenced and on the stocks, the idea of such a board is absurd. Our Admiral and Vice-Admiral wUl be wanted on active duty in war, when such a board, if of any use, would have most to do. It is bureau, not naval, ser"vice that is sought. December 27, Friday. Great complaints of distress and suffering at the South are made, not without cause. Gen eral demoralization is the result of vicious partisan legisla tion. There can be little doubt that Greneral Grant, though 1867] WEED MOVING FOR GRANT 249 secretive, is fully, and probably irretrievably, committed to the Radical policy, and there are unmistakable indications that he was in the original movement to overthrow the States and establish martial law by Congressional enact ments. General Ord asks to be reUeved from his place in Mississippi and Arkansas. General Grant says he has asked this repeatedly for four or five months past, and he. Grant, now advises and urges that he may be relieved. Why Grant should be so extremely urgent now, whUe he has never before mentioned it, I cannot tell. The President, while he seemed not anxious to relieve Ord, who appears to be conscientious, said he must get rid of Pope. This Grant did not oppose, but he did not readily concur in or advise. J. F. Babcock of New Haven gave me some days since an account of an interview he had vrith Thurlow Weed on the day preceding the Grant meeting at the Cooper Institute. Babcock and Weed have been old friends for more than thirty years, personal and pohtical. The two met in New York, and W. asked B. to call upon him, which he did, and found W. busy giving directions to persons in regard to the meeting, enjoining the necessity of having Stewart to pre side, — that it must be personally seen to, etc., etc. After the others had left, the two entered upon political matters, — the Grant movement, the meeting, etc. Weed said he had taken up Grant as he did General Taylor; had told him, as he told Taylor, to make no declarations, to write no letters, and, if he strictly followed his advice and directions, he would elect him. B. asked if the country was not getting tired of the military, — if the miUtary govem- ments of the South were not sickening the nation. For his own part, B. said, he was tired of generals for civU service, — wanted some other material for President. Weed be came excited, accused him of being misled, etc., etc. I am reminded of this by seeing a caU for Grant meetings by Stewart and others of the Cooper Institute meeting. The caU says they vrish to take the Grant movement out of the hands of poUticians. Yet the whole proceeding is com- 250 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [dec. 27 menced, fed, and carried on by the most scheming, intrigu ing, and unscrupulous partisan politician in the country, who has cunningly contrived to persuade Stewart, Vander bUt, Moses Taylor to be used without their knovring who used, or is using, them. December 31, Tuesday. The retirement of R. W. Meade ' was called up to-day for revision. The Attomey-General had his law-books and documents, was anxious to find some book or authority to justify the President if he would order a re"view or reexamination of the case. He made quite an argument ; went into specialties on certain sections of the acts of 1862 and 1864; thought the President could exercise authority, etc., etc. I could perceive from certain promptings and suggestions of the President that he and the Attorney-General had been in consultation on the sub ject, ha^dng been urged thereto, not only by Captain M. and his family, but by his brother-in-law. Judge Meigs, and especially by his brother, General Meade. It was the old question over again of favoritism and family influence at the expense of good administration and established usage. I told them that Captain Meade was retired by law; nevertheless the President could, if he chose, order a reexamination, but after aU I did not see how it could affect the case, or how it would if another board had immediately been ordered. Should we now have another board, let the result be as it might, whether like that of the former board or opposed to it, a commodore is to be appointed, for there is a vacancy. Meade is not at the head of the list. The President must either nominate him in opposition to the report of the board or he must override their report and pass Meade for the next man. The Senate is to act on the case, and I have little doubt what would be its action. I should be sorry to see the usage of the Department set aside in any case, very sorry to see ' Captain Richard Worsam Meade was a brother of General George G. Meade. He had been retired on December 11. 1867] THE CASE OF CAPTAIN R. W. MEADE 251 it in such a case as this, which has really no merit or claim whatever. It would be a bad precedent, which the Presi dent would have cause to regret. These exceptional cases, whatever naight be the influence of family or friends, should not be permitted. But the result, which I foresaw from the first was to be the case, was a reexamination by order of the President. The Attorney-General, instead of rightly advising the President, has been flattered by General Meade's atten tions and solicitations and those of others. So it was in Goldsborough's case. The Administration loses respect by giving way when its duty is plain to stand firm. After Cabinet-meeting, the President intimated a wish that I would remain. The subject of the removal of Pope and the manner in which it has been received was talked over. I asked the President if he had seen Raymond's letter in regard to the Philadelphia Convention and his subse quent action. He said he had. I remarked that it did not, as he knew, disappoint me to learn that Rasrmond had helped destroy the good effects of that convention and that he relapsed into Radicalism. DooUttle and others were deceived in that matter. I was satisfied of it when the call was issued. Postmaster-Gen eral Randall was the tool of Seward, who was himself in fluenced by Weed, to mislead those who commenced in good faith. Cowan and Doolittle were with me in their con"victions. But Randall, with a set of fellows, tools of Seward and himself, whom I never before or since met vrith in any consultation, carried their point. Doolittle thought it a great thing to secure Raymond and the New York Times, and, to get hun enlisted, the call was softened, principles were omitted, and in the end Raymond and the Times directed us, having first duped men who should not have been deceived. LV Senator Grimes wishes to reorganize the Engineer Corps of the Nsivy — Jealousy between the Line Officers and the Engineers — The Indian "War" — Stanton's Case in Congress — Charles Francis Adams re signs the Ministry to England — The President considers appointing General McCIellan to the Place — John Sherman's Instabihty — Grant leaves the War Department — His Explanation of his Course, made in Cabinet — WiU Stanton resign? — The Naval Estimates and the House Committee on Appropriations — Grant keeps away from the White I House — Mrs. Welles's Reception — Grant's Interview with Stanton — The PoUtical Situation in Connecticut — Grant writes the President denying the Reports of his Action in abandoning his Position as Secre tary of War ad interim. January 1, 1868, Wednesday. Mrs. WeUes and myself paid respects "with the rest of the Cabinet and the Judiciary to the President at eleven this moming. The arrange ments for reception at the Executive Mansion not very well systematized, but better, I think, than last year. The morning was unpleasant, and after the severe snow storm of yesterday, the streets were not in good condition. About noon the weather came off pleasant. Received company until nearly 4 p.m., commencing at twelve. Some four hundred calls. Found myself very tired and exhausted at the close, not having fuUy recovered my strength after my recent illness. January 2, Thursday. Some talk vrith Senator Grimes of a general character concerning naval matters. He is in tensely hostile tolsherwood and the whole Engineer Corps, being stimulated by Porter, and has in "view the prepara tion of a bill for the thorough reorganization of the corps. I do not find, however, that he has any well-defined plan. Thinks there are too many engineers. Says there are fewer in the French service; but the French have an auxiliary 1868] GRIMES AND THE ENGINEER CORPS 253 force called mechanicians who answer the purpose of our second and third assistants. Grimes has imbibed aU the prejudices of certain line officers against the engineers, who are becoming a formid able power and rivals with the line officers in the ser"rice. His nephew Walker, now attached to the Naval Academy, infiuenced by Porter, is the moving spirit vrith Grimes. The differences which are grovring up between the line officers and the engmeers, fostered by Porter, who has but little administrative capacity or sense, can be prevented in but one way, and that I have suggested in my reports two and three years since. The officers must themselves become engineers as well as saUors, — be able to direct the motor power below as well as above the deck. This proposition did not meet vrith favor on the part of most of the line officers. I hardly supposed it would, for they had become too gld to leam, or had no talent for mechanism or learning. Still, the necessity of the case I hoped would lead to sensible conclusions. The engineers were as averse to being absorbed as the officers to absorb ing them. It is, I think, the only true solution of a great difficulty, but to accompUsh it time, energy, perseverance, and wiU are requisite, backed and sustained by Congress and by better counsel than Porter's among naval men. A younger man than myseff must embark in this conffict, and the policy, once commenced, must be carried forward by suc ceeding Secretaries. I should have pressed the subject, which I had initiated, but, besides encountering the op position of officers and engineers, Congress became so constituted and other questions so interwoven, that the subject could not at this time be successfuUy carried for ward. I have no idea that Grimes can present a successful plan. He may reorganize the Engineer Department, sift it of some of its old and trashy members, but he cannot have a steam na"vy vrithout engineers, and they are, and will be, 254 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 2 a body to be in constant rivalry and colUsion with the naval line officers. January 3, Friday. Little of interest in Cabinet. Dined vrith Mrs. W. at the President's. The dinner was complimentary to General Sherman. Only he and his daughter, his father-in-law Thomas Ewing, Stanbery and lady, who were old tovraship acquaintances of Sherman's, were present, except the President and his daughters. It was a pleasant party. General Sherman says it is the first time he has ever dined at the Executive Mansion. The President is desirous of making close friendship vrith Sher man, and may succeed, but he cannot detach him from General Grant, even if disposed. Although the two men are unlike, there is between them close identification. January 7, Tuesday. After council, at which nothing of special interest occurred, some conversation took place relative to the banquet to-morrow evening. The Attomey- General concludes to go and come out squarely. I had previously advised it, and told him I made no secret of my position. He said, "We are aU aware of that." I have this evening written a brief letter to the banquet. These letters are always troublesome, but the committee made special request, and I perceived that the President wished it. January 10, Friday. Brovraing submitted and read ex tracts from the report of the Indian Commission, which has been in session, composed of Grenerals Sherman, Har vey, Terry, etc. It shows that the Indian war was no war at all; that our people, not the Indians, were in fault; that in the struggle which took place in the Cabinet months ago between Stanton and Bro"wning, the latter was right, — that Stanton really desired an Indian war. After aggressions on the part of the white?, the Indians killed a number, and our army succeeded in killing six Indians. 1868] STANTON'S CASE IN CONGRESS 255 This war wUl cost the country scarcely less than fifty milUons. The people wUl in due time learn the value of "Carnot," the di"vine Stanton. Senator Howard has pre pared an elaborate reply to the President's communication stating the reasons for removing Stanton, which he calls a "Report." This he has given to the public before either the Senate or his committee has seen it. He now complains that certain newspaper correspondents have been guilty of breach of confidence. But he is the first and chief crim inal in this matter. His argument states a falsehood in re lation to the New Orleans telegram. He asserts that "at once" was interpolated. This is not true; I have seen the telegram which Stanton sent the President, and it contains these words. January 11, Saturday. Senator Doolittle called at my house early this moming and says the Radicals are de termined to press a vote in Stanton's case to-day. The Committee, except himself, adopt Howard's argument, and exhibit an unwUUngness to give him an opportunity to reply or permit a minority report. He asked me to go with him to the President and have an immediate interview. The President promptly received us and heard D.'s state ment calmly. I thought he did not seem displeased that the Radicals were hasty and violent. "But," said he, "does the Senate propose to proceed in this matter with out submitting the argument and statement of Senator Howard?" I suggested to D. that he had best present a resolution that Howard's document, or a copy, should be sent to the President for any comment he might be pleased to make. This both considered proper. D. says that they have stmck out that portion which related to the mutilation of the New Orleans telegram; but they must not be let off so. Howard's falsehood has gone abroad to the country, and should be officially corrected. The President brought for ward the original telegram given him by Stanton, and also 256 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. ii a certified copy of what was received at the War Depart ment, containing the words alleged to be interpolated. Doolittle had to hurry away to meet his committee. McCulloch came in just before he left, and while we were there a telegram was recieved by the President from Gov emor Jenkins of Georgia to the effect that General Meade had ordered him to issue a warrant on the Treasurer of the State for the payment of the bogus Convention, and threat ening the Governor vrith removal in case he refused. I ex pressed my astonishment and a hope that Meade would be asked to show by what authority he issued such order and by what authority he assumed to depose the Govemor of a State. McCulloch said nothing. The President was morti fied and chagrined that he should have been disappointed in Meade, who follows in the wake of Pope. These generals show their unfitness for civil position, and their ignorance and disregard of constitutional obUgations and ci"vU and individual rights. This is, I am satisfied, current among these generals and a secret moving power behind them. As McCulloch and I were lea"ving, the President re quested me to remain. He said he wished to inform me that Mr. Adams had sent in his resignation as Minister, to take effect on the first of April, or May, he was not certain which, and asked me who I thought would be a proper per son for the place. He had, he said, an indi"vidual in his mind, and his object was to see whether my mind took the same direction. I remarked that the subject took me by surprise, but his intimation that he had a person in his mind made me think of Mr. Seward. Not that Mr. Seward would be my selection were the field open, but, talking vrith him frankly and vrithout reserve, we both knew that Mr. S. was a weight upon him, and that the Democrats would not give their confidence to an Administration which retained him in the Cabinet. As a political move, I thought it might be effected, provided S. was willing to take it, which was, perhaps, uncertain. Before I had concluded, I saw by the expression of his 1868] C. F. ADAMS'S RESIGNATION 257 face and by his manner, that our minds were not in ac cord, — that Seward was not the man whom he proposed to appoint ; and he said S. was not the man whom he had thought of. Bunning hastily over prominent characters, no one struck me as particularly fit, whom the President would be likely to appoint, and I so told him. He asked me what I thought of General McCIellan. I told him I had not had time to consider the subject in all its bearings, but it appeared to me a bold stroke and perhaps an effective one. [I said that] he had received the votes of nearly one half of his countrymen for Chief Magis trate, which was an indorsement not to be treated lightly; that he had the affection of the Army at one time more devotedly than Grant or any other officer; that he had education and ability; that his nomination, whether con firmed by the Senate or not, would be conciliatory and particularly acceptable to a large portion of the people who were now on the Union side. His dilatoriness as a general would, perhaps, commend him as a diplomat, but it would be urged against him; and his unfortunate letter from Mal vern Hill to Mr. Lincoln was not to be excused; but none are exempt from error. I then told him of a conversation I had vrith General Sherman at Admiral Dahlgren's nearly two years ago, which I noted in my journal at the time, and which was an extenuation of McClellan's tardy movements. The President said he had mentioned the subject of Adams' resignation to no one. Mr. Seward knew it. The resignation came through him, and he had named two or three for the place, the most prominent of whom was Hamilton Fish. I told him such an appoint ment would not be objectionable, but would have no significance except for Mr. Seward, who was vrilling from personal considerations to honor Mr. Fish. The President "wished me to consider the subject of McClellan's appointment, and communicate with him soon. In the mean tijne he vrished it a confidential matter be tween us, for he had not named McC. to Seward even. 258 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. ll Some farther communication took place in relation to J. P. Hale, Cassius M. Clay, Burlingame, and others, who he said had all better come home. January 13, Monday. The Senate did not get to a vote on Stanton's case on Saturday, but they doubtless vrill to day or to-night from what I learn. There is little doubt the whole subject is concocted and understood by the Radicals. Some of them may dodge, like Sherman and Williams,* who are committed by speeches which they made on the Tenure-of-Office Bill. It would matter Uttle vrith Sher man, however, who often makes an argument and votes against it, is not steadfast in principle, lacks stability, and is unreasonably partisan in his votes. In the House, under the discipline and stimulation of the Radical leaders, there is manifested a revolutionary and violent spirit. Part of the conspiracy is a scheme to change the character of the Supreme Court, which Stevens and his fellows find is against them. A new Recon struction bill, an act to legislate Hancock and Rousseau out of offlce, is among the topics which were before that body. Strict party tests were applied and enforced, and from this I have httle doubt that Stanton vriU have every party vote of the Radicals in the Senate. I cannot but think, from what I see and hear, that General Grant is acting in concert with them, though the President on Saturday was unwilling to believe that Grant was false and was de ceiving him. McCulloch expressed his behef on Saturday that Stanton, if reinstated, would immediately resign. I took issue with him, for I have no doubt Stanton will strive by every means in his power to retain the offlce. He may get up some hollow pretext of wUUngness to resign, but it will be untrue, a mere pretext. Stanton wants the of fice, which he will recklessly and unscrupulously use, to keep himself in power. And the funds of the nation wUl enter largely into the elections. Had Stanton been in the ' Senators John Sherman of Ohio and George H. Williams of Oregon. 1868] GRANT LEAVES WAR DEPARTMENT 259 War Department last autumn, election results would prob ably have been materially different. Grant did not, and would fear to, use money that Stanton would use vrithout hesitation. January 14, Tuesday. General Grant attended the Cabinet-meeting to-day, but stated it was by special re quest of the President. The Senate had notified him last evening that the reasons for suspending Mr. Stanton were insufflcient, and he had therefore gone early to the War Department, locked the doors, and given the keys to the Adjutant-General. Subsequently he had sent General Comstock to the President with a letter and a copy of the resolution of the Senate, and had received a request through General Comstock when he returned to be pre sent to-day, and had therefore come over, though he was now at the Headquarters and considered himself relieved of the duties of Secretary. The President asked if this proceeding conformed to pre"rious understanding, etc. General Grant, without answering directly, said he had promised sometime ago that he would give the President notice before relinquish ing the offlce; but that he had not then examined closely the second and fifth sections of the Tenure-of-Offlce Bill. He was not willing to suffer five years' imprisonment and pay ten thousand dollars fine, but preferred to give up the offlce. The President asked why, when he had read the sec tions and come to the conclusion to leave he had not in formed him as agreed and remarked that he would under go the whole imprisonment and fine himself, which might be adjudged against General Grant and said he so told Grant on Saturday when he spoke of apprehensions. The General said he was not aware of the penalties in the Tenure-of-Office Bill, until he saw the discussion in the papers; did not know when he had his first talk vrith the President; and he came over on Saturday expressly 260 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 14 to take up this subject. Had spoken of these difficulties at that time, and expected to see the President again on Monday, but he was busy vrith General Sherman, and had a good many little matters to attend to. He did not suppose the Senate intended to act so soon. " Was not our understanding — did you not assure me some time ago, and again on Saturday, that if you did not hold on to the office yourself, you would place it in my hands that I might select another ? " said the President. V" That," said Grant, " was my intention. I thought some satisfactory arrangement would be made to dispose of the subject. Mr. Johnson (Reverdy) and General Sher man spent a great deal of time with me on Sunday. Didn't Mr. Johnson come to see you? I sent General Sherman yesterday after talking the matter over. Did n't you see Sherman?" The President said he saw each of them, but he did not see what the interview with either had to do vrith gi"ving back into his hands the place agreeably to the understand ing. "Why did you give up the keys to Mr. Stanton and leave the Department?" General Grant said he gave the key to the Adjutant- General and sent word to the President by General Comstock. "Yes," said the President, "but that, you know, was not our understanding." Grant attempted some further apologies about being very busy, stammered, hesitated, said Sherman had taken up a great deal of his time, but he had intended to call on the President on Monday; asked to be excused, and left. This is, as near as I recollect, the substance of the con versation as it occurred. I do not claim to give the pre cise words, though in many instances I probably have done so. My intention and wish is to do injustice to neither, but fairly present what took place and the remarks of both. I write this on the evening of Tuesday, the 14th, while the subject is fresh in my mind. ULYSSES S. GRANT 1868] GRANT'S DEFENSE OF HIS COURSE 261 ^ The President was calm and dignified, though manifestly disappointed and displeased. General Grant was humble, hesitating, and he evidently felt that his position was equivocal and not to his credit. There was, I think, an impression on the minds of aU present (there certainly was on mine) that a consciousness that he had acted with dupUcity — not been faithful and true to the man who had confided in and trusted him — oppressed General Grant. His manner, never very commanding, was almost abject, and he left the room with less respect, I apprehend, from those present than ever before. The President, though disturbed and not wholly able to conceal his chagrin from those familiar with him, used no harsh ex pression, nor committed anything approaching incivility, yet Grant felt the few words put to him, and the cold and surprised disdain of the President in all their force. After Grant had left, the President remarked that it had been said no man was to be blamed for having been once deceived, but if the same person a second time imposed upon him the fault and folly were his. He said that Reverdy Johnson and General Sherman had called on him, after the consultation with Grant alluded to, and wanted him to nominate Governor Cox of Ohio, whom they had selected to be his Secretary of War. They thought the Senate might be induced to consent that he might have Cox, and in that way dispose of Stanton. There is no doubt that Grant has been in secret intrigue in this business, acting in concert with and under the di rection of the chief conspirators. He did not put the office in the President's hands on Saturday, because the Senate had not acted, but he anticipated, as I and others did, that they would. If, therefore, the subject was delayed until Monday it would be too late. But the Senate came to no conclusion on Saturday, as he expected; he therefore avoided seeing the President on Monday, as he promised. On Tuesday he yielded to Stanton. 262 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 14 All the members of the Cabinet present were astonished and declared themselves unquaUfiedly against both Grant and Stanton, except Seward, who was very reticent, but expressed an opinion that no action should betaken hastily. On grave and important questions he always preferred to take a night's sleep. January 15, Wednesday. The President informs me that Grant and Sherman called on him this morning. Grant is disturbed with an editorial in the Intelligencer of this moming, which describes occurrences of yesterday and the equivocation and bad faith he exhibited. He attempted to explain, but, the President says, only reafflrmed the fact that he had not been true to the un derstanding and his pledged word. January 17, Friday. No allusion was made to Stanton or Grant during the session of the Cabinet. After it closed, some general conversation took place. Seward hastened away. I had put on my overcoat to leave, when Colonel Moore brought in a scrap-book and whispered a word to the President, who requested us to be seated. He de sired to ascertain if the recollection of the members of the Cabinet in regard to the inter"view between himself and General Grant on Tuesday corresponded vrith his own. His impressions were embodied in an article in the Intel ligencer of Wednesday, which he requested Colonel Moore to read from the scrap-book. Each of the gentlemen present — McCulloch, Randall, Browning, and myself — concurred in the correctness of the statement, which was a compend rather than detail. Browning said he had a more full report, which, however, corresponded with the statement in the Intelligencer. He farther volunteered to remark that he was accustomed to make a record of what occurred in Cabinet-meetings. I stated I had also a memorandum of what took place on Tuesday, made that evening. 1868] WILL STANTON RESIGN? 263 January 18, Saturday. The proceedings of the Sen ate in reinstating Stanton, Stanton's obtrusions, and Grant's conduct are none of them weU received by the country, and I think all concerned in the company are dissatisfied. There appears to be a general beUef and expectation that Stanton will resign. To this I am not a convert, un less he becomes con-vinced that the Radical Senators vrill not sustain him. They wiU come to no such conclusions. Morgan, Fessenden, the MorriUs, Patterson, and other limber-backed Senators have not the independence to demand such a step. Senator Sherman, whose brother. General Sherman, has been insulted and wronged by Stan ton, has not seff-reUance, self-respect, and strength of mind sufflcient to do his duty. It is reported that Generals Grant and Sherman have said to Stanton that he must resign. They may have done this together, but I doubt if Grant has taken such a stand by himself, for he is cowed and submissive before Stanton. Sherman, if he has had an interview, would- be likely to have expressed himself with some freedom and boldness. The President told me on Wednesday that Seward said to him: "You observed my reticence yesterday. I was sUent because I beUeved you would before this [Wednesday noon] have had Stanton's resignation." This remark of Seward has, I think, an influence on the President, who is daily looking for a fulfillment of Seward's prediction. Seward probably vrishes Stanton would take himself out of the way. He may say as much to Stanton, but if the latter bluffs him vrith an oath and rough expression, there will be no further remark, for Seward droops at once under rebuff from the "divine Camot." Yet the President re lies much on Seward; is inflamed by his ad captandum assertions and ffippant prophecies, which are blundering guesses and mistakes. It was an error to suppose Stanton would resign, cowardly to keep silent. 264 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 20 January 20. Doolittle called last evening and read me the concluding portions of a speech which he proposes to deliver on Wednesday if he can or soon thereafter. The speech is very well got up. Colonel Babcock called a little later and spent two hours on various matters. Wanted my views on the subject of Senator. Says Dixon is anxious. I advised that the subject should not be agitated until after the election. I said the same to A. E. Burr yesterday. Burr is here, and speaks confidently of carrying Connecticut for the Democrats by an increased majority, and of securing a majority of the legislature. Others are ahke confident, and I trust their expectations may be verified, for our country is in an unhappy condition, and I am not vrithout apprehension of a civU convulsion. There is among the Radicals neither statesmanship, sagacity, norlsenseT Hate, revenge, thirst for power govem them. To oppressand" persecute the white population of the Southem States is their delight; to place negro governments over them by the aid of the military is their intention. January 25, Saturday. The week has been a busy one, and I have found Uttle time and less inclination to open this book. A venomous and malignant spirit actuates cer tain of the Radical leaders, and I and the Navy Depart ment come in for our share of their spite. The naval esti mates, made out when I was sick in bed, for the ensuing year are large, unusually large; but when submitting them I had no expectation that the appropriation would reach the amount of these estimates, nor would I have advised it. But the Bureaus really in that way made their sugges tions for improvements as well as for current expenses, and I, erroneously and sick, allowed their presentation to go forward without curtailment, expecting to review the whole when well with the Naval Committees. The es timates for men and supplies were larger than is required, and I intended should be reduced in the appropriations; 1868] THE NAVAL ESTIMATES 265 but I was sick and confined to my bed and thought best to submit the whole to Congress. In so doing, however, I gave the petty demagogues an opportunity to attack and misrepresent me, and it is right I should be rebuked even by them for putting myself in a false position. The House of Representatives in November passed a resolution to stop work on the vessels which are building. The Naval Committee informed that the force would be limited to 8500 men, — a reduction of nearly one half, — that they are opposed to farther improvements in the navy yards, etc. Under these circumstances I have re- "riewed and reduced our estimates nearly one half, and have sent in this re"vised estimate with a letter to the Speaker. It seems to have caused E. B. Washburne great unhappiness. He had been at work, without data or facts, slashing our original estimates, but had not perfected his onslaught when our revision went in. A day or two later he presented his proposition, or report, in the form of a bUl from the Committee on Appropriations, and in doing so let off a little pent-up self and party glorification as to what a Republican Committee of a Republican Con gress had done when compared with a Democratic Secre tary of a Democratic Administration. Spaulding of Ohio, a Republican member of the Appropriation Committee, corrected and quietly rebuked him for his injustice to the Department. Went one evening for an hour to Mr. J. A. Griswold's, there being a gathering by invitation to witness the pre sentation of a watch which belonged to Roger Sherman to General W. T. Sherman. It was, in a measure, a Connecti cut affair, and all passed off very well. General Sherman was not very near kin to Roger Sherman, who was a third or fourth cousin of Daniel Sherman, the grandfather of the General. It was the first time I had gone out of an evening since my illness, or since October. January 28, Tuesday. After close of official matters in 266 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 28 Cabinet, and some little conversation of a general character, Mr. Seward remarked to the President that if there was nothing further he would leave. I suggested that he had better remain until we all left, for, having gone a little in advance of the others a few days ago, he failed to get his name into a discussion when he as well as the rest of us was cognizant of the facts. "Ah, yes," said he, "I read in the papers that there had been consultation here when I was notinvited." "WeU, then," said I, "remain now. Iwanted you to bear testimony to the interview which we aU vrit- nessed, and as you have read the statement, to affirm whether it is, or is not, substantially correct." He evaded a direct answer, hoped he should be present when the sub ject was again discussed. I told him this would not answer, and unless he controverted, or questioned, the statement or some part of it, he must be considered as afflrming it. Without making any reply, he went for his overcoat. The President remarked with a smile, after Seward left, that I was not inclined to let Seward go vrithout shovring his hand with the rest. He said he had not seen Grant since he returned from Richmond. Whether he felt that he had not done exactly right, or that he did not want an interview until he ad"rised Stanton to resign, or from what cause, he could not say, but he had absented himself. The President then related the interview between himseff and Generals Grant and Sherman, also produced a letter from the latter, apologizing for not having seen Stanton as pro mised, because he was obliged to go to Annapolis to fulfiU an engagement and Grant was obliged to go to Richmond, but the subject should receive attention when they re tumed. January 29, Wednesday. The first general reception of Mrs. Welles took place last evening. There was a large and pleasant company. All appeared to enjoy themselves. The President and his daughter, Mrs. Stover, with ladies visit- 1868] GRANT'S INTERVIEW WITH STANTON 267 ing at the Executive Mansion, were present. Foreign Min isters, Senators, and Representatives, as well as Cabinet Ministers, were among the crowd vrith ladies, comprising the ton of Washington society. All seemed and declared themselves pleased, which made the occasion pleasant to us, who vrished to entertain them. January 30, Thursday. Confess is .malignantly Radical. The party-servers are aU-potent. Not a man of the party has sufficient independence to act on his own individual opinions and convictions. Some of them will whisper in confidence their disgust and dissatisfaction, but yet when the test is appUed they succumb. Senator Doolittle's speech has greatly disturbed the whole Radical nest, who are hissing and snapping like vipers. Evidently they are not satisfied with themselves. I hear that some of them are incensed vrith Stanton because he does not resign. They expected he would at once leave on being reinstated. General Grant is disturbed; feels bad; has made a fool of himself; is afraid of Stanton and overawed by him. He vrishes Stanton out of the way; dislikes him; has pro mised to see him and ad"rise him to resign, but there are yet no evidences that Grant has fulfilled his promises in this respect. Am told he went to see Stanton; that S. had some information of his intention, and was in apparent rage when Grant called. After waiting some time for Stanton to subside, Grant left without daring to make known the object of his mission. The State Convention yesterday in Connecticut re^ nominated the present ticket and passed some pretty good' resolutions. Govemor English made, or read, a good speech, which some one has prepared for him. Affairs are looking/ very weU in Connecticut. j January 31, Friday. After the close of the Cabinet- meeting the President submitted some letters from Gen- 268 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 3i eral Grant which confirm more fully his duplicity and sub serviency to Stanton and the small politicians. He wanted a verbal order of the President reduced to writing, but when he received it, cavilled and said Stanton had not been noti fied. He also wrote a long letter to the President, denying his words and acts in abandoning his position as Secretary ad interim. To this the President had prepared a reply which was in its rough state a recitation of the facts. Some suggestions and modifications were made by the members severally, and Seward indorsed the whole, making the five Cabinet members who were present at the interview vrith the President united. There was no mistake as regards the conversation. Grant was confused and embarrassed, hesi tated, and was conscious of his bad faith towards the Pre sident, — which perhaps caused him to disremember. This is the most charitable view. LVI Grant's Treachery — Conversation with the President on the Subject of Preparation for an Emergency — Proposal to make Washington a MiUtary Department and order Sherman to it — Excitement over the Correspondence between the President and Grant — Grant's Account of his Interview with Stanton — Grant's Dislike for and Subjection to Stanton — His Indifference to Human Life — Stanton goading the Radicals to Impeachment — He dreads being out of Place — The President sends to the House the Account of his Interview with Grant, with the Statements of the Cabinet Members — Hancock remonstrates against an Order of Grant's — General Lorenzo Thomas ordered to re sume his Duties as Adjutant-General at Washington — A New MUitary Department created at Washiagton and Sherman placed in Command — Sherman asks to be excused from coming to Washington — The President removes Stanton — McCIellan nominated as Minister to England — Excitement in Congress over Stanton's Removal — Ad jutant-General Thomas arrested — The President nominates Thomas Ewing Secretary of War — Stanbery an Honest Lawyer and Faithful to the President, but too Dependent on Precedents in an Emergency — Jeffries, Register of the Treasury, advises the President to use Strong Measures — Officers summoned from an Evening Party — General Thomas's Unfitness for the Place of Secretary of War ad interim — The Question of the Tenure of the Four Hold-over Members of the Cabinet — The House votes to impeach the President — Conversation with John Bigelow on the Situation — Repugnance of the Conservative Senators to the PossibUity of Wade's becoming President — General Lorenzo Thomas arrested and then discharged — Suggestions as to the Demo cratic Candidate for the Presidency — A Nitro-Glycerine Scare in Con gress — Stanbery considers resigning to devote himself to the President's Cause. February 4, Tuesday. A resolution was introduced yes terday by Hubbard of West Virginia, calling for corre spondence between the President, Secretary of War, and General Grant. The resolution was introduced about an hour before the last letter of Grant reached the President. The whole shows an intrigue and conspiracy on the part of Stanton, Grant, and certain Radical leaders. The Presi dent to-day submitted to the Cabinet the correspondence. It is throughout highly discreditable to Grant's integrity. 270 DL^RY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 4 honor, ability, and truth. He is in this matter the tool of Stanton and the victim of his own selfish aspirations. He has "vxilgar cunning, is deceptive and unreUable. . . . The correspondence shows that he played a false and treacherous part vrith the President throughout. From the first, he has studied to deceive the man who trusted him. This he "virtually admits; says he was afraid the President, in selecting his mUitary ad"viser, would choose a man not acceptable to the Army. Denies that he agreed to see the President on Monday, the 20th, although he tvrice ad mitted it on Tuesday in Cabinet-meeting and made his excuses and apologies for not fulfiUing his promises. Pre varication and downright falsehood, vrith deception and treachery towards his chief, mark the conduct of U. S. Grant. These things and other occurrences fuUy convince me that there is a conspiracy maturing for the overthrow of the Administration and the subversion of the govemment and our federal system. The Radicals are using Grant as their tool ; he is prepared to use them for his purpose. As a general he was reckless of human Ufe and vritnessed the slaughter of his coimtrymen with composure ; he is equally callous as to all the sympathies and moral and friendly obligations which endear man to his fellow man, and make society dear. It will not surprise me, should cir cumstances favor him, if at no distant day he strives for military dictatorship and empire. February 5, Wednesday. The President showed me this P.M. a reply to Grant's last impudent and insubordinate letter. It was very well, provided he thinks best to con tinue the correspondence. I so said to him, reminding him at the same time of what I had said yesterday, viz., that I would direct the Private Secretary, Colonel Moore, to inform General Grant that his last letter was of such extra ordinary tone and character that no further commun ication or correspondence could be had with him on that 1868] THE CONTROVERSY WITH GRANT 271 subject. The President said he thought it best on the whole to reply. He also deemed it advisable that all the members of the Cabinet who were present at the last Cab inet inter"view with General Grant should state their own impressions. Colonel Moore called at my house this evening with a note from the President to this effect. I asked if he had called on the other members of the Cabinet. He said he had; that he had just come from Mr. Seward, who had de tained him long and dictated an answer while he was there. I asked to see it, but Colonel Moore said Seward was to have it copied and sent to the President. McCulloch and Randall, he said, would make brief replies; Browning would probably answer at length. I doubt if he has got anything definite from Seward; shall not be surprised if Seward per suades the President to give up these answers. In some way he vriU be likely to evade and get rid of a frank and ex pUcit statement, or I shall be mistaken; although he is fully and unequivocally committed, orally, to the President's statement of the conversation. Saw the President this evening; told him I would make my reply to his note brief, or detail my recollection. He told me to do as I pleased, but a short reply would be sufficient. I took occasion to express my apprehensions of public affairs, and of threatening impending calamities which were to be met. I reminded him that it was a duty for us all, and particularly for him, to be prepared for approach ing extraordinary emergencies ; reckless, unprincipled men in Congress had control of the govemment, were usurping executive authority, and would exercise these powers to extreme, and e"ridently beyond constitutional, limits. They had contrived to get General Grant, not unwiUing, I apprehend, in their interest. He had entirely changed his groimd. Having been suddenly elevated to position vrithout much culture, vrith no experience, knowledge, or correct information of the principles of government. Grant 272 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [per. 5 was intoxicated with his success and beginning to believe that with the Army he could make himself permanently supreme. The Radicals consider him an instrument in their hands. He thinks they are puppets in his. They are act ing together, however, at this time, and vrill until the crisis comes. I asked the President if he was prepared for that crisis. Should they attempt to seize the govemment, — to arrest him, — had he determined the course he would pursue? Such a step is, I know, meditated and discussed by some of the extreme Radicals. They have intended, by any meas ure, no matter how unprincipled and "violent, to get pos session of and to exercise the executive authority. Grant would help them. Congress, unmindful of the Constitu tion, will place the Army at his disposal instead of the President's. Who, I asked the President, had he got in whom he could confide, if a colUsion took place? The President became somewhat excited, arose, and walked the room. I had evidently touched on topics which had been in his mind. He spoke of Sherman as ha"ving been more emphatic in his language before he left, and sug gested that Washington might be made a military depart ment and Sherman ordered to it. Sherman, he knew, would take it. I expressed misgivings as to Sherman if Grant were to be his antagonist. He is friendly disposed, but would yield, I feared, and follow Grant rather than the President. I admitted that he was a man of superior intellect and of a higher sense of honor than Grant, but their military asso ciation and the ties and obligations of military fellowship and long personal intimacy and friendship would attach him to Grant, though I hoped not to the overthrow of the government. February 6, Thursday. Gave the President my answer to his note about eleven this moming. It was brief and direct. I again told him I would make it more extended if 1868] THE CONTROVERSY WITH GRANT 273 he wished, for I had pretty full notes; but he was satisfied with this. I asked if any others had sent in their answers. None had yet been received. Seward had promised, and so had the others. I shall not be surprised if Seward prevails on the President to omit signed testimonials from the Cab inet. If not, he wiU be likely to have a diluted and indirect reply, vrith many words and inoffensive and guarded com mittals. Browning will, the President thinks, give a de tailed statement. Says he made a full record of what took place at the time. February 7, Friday. The Cabinet-meeting was brief. Stanbery and McCulloch were not present. After business was over I asked the President if he had answers from the five gentlemen relative to Grant's conversation. He said he had, from aU, but as he did not continue the conversa tion or offer to submit them for perusal, I made no further remark. Browning asked me before I left if I had seen the letters. I repUed I had not. He said that was the case with himseK, but he thought we ought to see and compare them. He remained when I left, and may then have seen them. February 8, Saturday. There has been, and is, and will continue to be much excitement over the correspondence between the President and Grant. In reading it, my appre hensions and suspicions of Grant's dupUcity and full com mittal to the conspiracy are confirmed. . . . It is evident he has been in collusion vrith the Radicals, intriguing with them, and false to the President who has trusted him. Stanton he does not like, but yet, in the plot or intrigue against the President, he is Stanton's instrument and tool. Stanton's manner — bluffness and arrogance — subordin ates Grant, who fears him, — dreads him. RandaU said, a few days since, that Grant went to see Stanton and try to have him resign, but Stanton, knowing his object, put on an imperious and angry look, and spoke 3 274 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 8 loud and violently of some matter that offended him, which completely awed Grant, who sat and smoked his cigar, but preserved his remarkable quaUty of reticence for half an hour, when, without saying a word, he quietly left. I did not give much heed to the story until I saw the corre spondence, and find that Grant states he "did have an in terview alone with Mr. Stanton, which led me to the con clusion that any advice to him of this kind [resigning] would be useless." He was, as usual, speechless. While Grant dislikes Stanton, he is subjected to and controlled by him, — more overawed through others than directly, perhaps, for Stanton understands his man. The Radical politicians, some of them very small ones and oth ers sharp and cunning, if not great, are Grant's ad"risers. These Stanton uses. Washbume, who is godfather to Grant and for his own selfish purposes has constantly pushed him in Congress, has narrow, contracted, and grovelling ideas and is reached by Stanton through others, which throws off suspicion on the part of both Grant and Washbume. Bingham, a shrewd, sinuous, tricky lawyer, Stanton has extoUed to Grant as an extraordinary legal mind, and of course, what is said by B. is received as conclusive by Grant. The resolution calUng for this correspondence was of fered by an obscure and dummy member, Hubbard of West Virginia, an old lawyer acquaintance of Stanton when he practiced in that section. How comes he to know anything of a correspondence vrith the President and Grant? How came Stanton or any one acquainted vrith the fact? Grant had intrigued vrith the Radical Members and with Stanton, had tried to entrap the President under their direction, and wrote his insolent letters at their instigation, to irritate and provoke, if possible, the President into the commission of some rash or indiscreet act. . . . Grant ... is destitute of the feeUng of real friendship; is wanting in sympathy and the finer sensibil ities. Tlie slaughter of his soldiers he viewed with indif- 1868] GRANT'S INSENSIBILITY 275 ference, and the suffering of our men in Southem prisons did not excite his compassion. Mr. Fox, Assistant Sec retary, reported to me three years ago that Grant made use, to him, of the inhuman expression that we could not afford to exchange healthy Rebel prisoners for the skele tons at Anderson"vUle, etc. His march from this [city] to Richmond was reaUy a succession of defeats, and has been characterized, indeed, as a bloody swath. It has been said he made a macadamized road from Washington to Rich mond, which he paved vrith the skulls of Union soldiers. In a conversation among the Cabinet officers one day be fore the session commenced, on the subject of population, he asserted that the country had lost no population in con sequence of the War, — that many were killed, but others had come forward to supply their places, so that there were as many Uves to-day in the country as if there had been no war. Whether the assertion be tme or not, I stop not at this time to discuss, but the positiveness and indif ference to life vrith which the remark was made, struck me at the time most painfuUy. I thought of the charge that he was a butcher, which had been so freely made. So far as my observation extends, there was among the soldiers none of that enthusiasm or warm attachment for Grant that was shown towards McCIellan, Sherman, Sheridan, and other generals. The feeling was less marked as regards the officers. February 10, Monday. The Radicals continue vindictive and are beating about vrithout aim or intelligent purpose to get rid of the President. Their great object is, and has been, from the time they found that President Johnson would not give up his con"riction of duty to the demands of party, to possess themselves of executive power, and they are not scrupulous as to the means by which to obtain it. Stanton is goading them on to impeachment, but quite a number stiU hesitate. They have constituents behind them; he has none. His past "violent and arbitrary conduct 276 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [peb. 10 has made him enemies everywhere, and he dreads being out of place. In place he is tolerated, courted, and extoUed in a measure by many who hate and detest him, while the extremists applaud and encourage him as "Camot," the great War Secretary. February 11, Tuesday. The President this day sent in his letter with the statement of the members of the Cab inet, to the House, in answer to a caU. My letter was the first reply, and appears first of the Ust. It is the most brief and direct, and on the whole I am most pleased vrith it. McCuUoch's is almost as brief. RandaU's is direct, but recapitulates, which I thought unnecessary. Browning's is full and expUcit. He made memoranda at the time. Seward has a great many words, is diplomatic and ambi dextrous, and, on the whole, weakens rather than strength ens by trying to steer between parties. As we aU had the letter of the President to Grant read to us tvrice when to gether, and each and all criticized, suggested, and assented to the statements, it is ungenerous and almost untruthful on the part of Seward to now equivocate. He distinctly, emphatically, and unequivocaUy declared on the 31st ult. that he recollected the remark of General Grant that he "did not expect the Senate would act so soon." I know that remark was made. The others recollect it. But Sew ard says in his letter that he is not certain whether Grant made the remark or he (S.) had it in his own mind. Pshaw! the doubt is put to conciUate Grant, and help himseU. It is characteristic. He is never reUable in a crisis, and is not always as direct and truthful as he should be. Grant has written a letter which came while we were at the President's, in reply to that part of the President's let ter which speaks of his insubordination, disavovring such intention, etc. I presume he is surprised at his ovm folly and errors, and vrill, if he does not already, regret them. But he is now under the management and control of "vicious 1868] HANCOCK AND GRANT 277 and very bad men, who are using him for "ricious purposes, and he assents vrith bad intent. February 12, Wednesday. Mrs. Welles has had her last reception for the season. It was largely attended by the notables and the fashionables, the old and young. It is spoken of as the largest and pleasantest party which has yet been held this season, except perhaps the President's, which exceeded ours in numbers, and probably General Grant's, which were publicly advertised, and the whole pubhc were invited through the papers vrithout cards of in"ritation. The tone and excitement of the Radicals have moder ated. They are less boisterous and they evidently find difficulty in raUying their men to extreme measures. How far Grant's prospects as a candidate vrill be affected by recent developments and publications remains to be seen. With candid and thinking men he has sunk im measurably, but partisans do not think, and have not can dor. An acknowledgment on the part of the General of our armies, who should exhibit all the better qualities of the soldier and be the soul of honor, that he had deliberately and purposely deceived his superior, and accepted place, and imposed himseU on the confidence of the man who tmsted him, in order to cheat and deceive him, that man being the President of the United States, is humUiating and demoralizing. The President showed me to-day a telegram from Han cock, who has dismissed some negro aldermen in New Orleans who were elected under an improper and illegal order from Sheridan. General Grant has ordered Hancock to restore these negroes, — which he [Hancock] mildly remonstrates against, and if the order is persisted in, re quests to be relieved. I apprehend that Stanton is in this thing. It is a Radical movement. But Stanton means e"ril, and, while pushing Grant forward, intends to profit him seff by the General's weakness and baseness. I can hardly 278 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 12 suppose that Grant can rouse himself and recover from the delusion under which he now labors and which exhibits traits as bad almost as Stanton. Both have been treacher ous. February 13, Thursday. There is an attempt to estab lish a Radical ton, or condition of society, in Washington. General Grant, Stanton, Colfax, and others have shown signs of this. As Stanton is tabooed by the President and Cabinet, he is excusable in tabooing them in retum. Per haps Grant has something of the same aUment since the letters of the President and Cabinet were received, but his position is really unlike Stanton's, and he lets himseff down by imitating him. The two attended the last weekly reception of Colfax; the two were last night at Senator Chandler's. Neither of them attend receptions at the President's or members of the Cabinet. Stanton cannot, for he is not invited. It is different vrith Grant, though I have attended none of his receptions, and could not with my lame knee and restrictive orders of my physicians in regard to evening exposure. I have only been to the President's this season. But were it othervrise I would not go to the publicly advertised jams of Grant. As regards Colfax, he is light timber and would be glad to be sociable. If I went out to general gatherings, I might and probably should have called upon him, though I do not subscribe to Seward's dictum that he is the third officer of the Govemment. I know no such officer. I am told Grant looks dejected and dispirited. I have not seen him for a fortnight. His course with the Pre sident I cannot reconcile with my pre"rious opinion of him. I thought him truthful and as unselfish as could be ex pected, — though somewhat coarse, low-mannered, and devoid of very refined feelings, — but he confesses him self to have been false and faithless to the President. He has not a high appreciation of public intelligence ; has no deference to, or regard for, the Constitution, which he 1868] ADJUTANT-GENERAL THOMAS 279 considers less obUgatory than legislative enactments; has fellow-feeling with the factious majority of Congress because he considers them with him. I suggested to the President on Tuesday that it would be well to have a gentleman in the Adjutant-General's of fice who is true and faithful to him and not in fear of, or under the control of, Stanton. General Tovrasend, the Assistant Adjutant-General, is a worthy and estimable man, but stands in dread and awe of "Camot," who dom ineers over him. In fact, Stanton has taken all manhood out of Townsend, and I have often been pained to see with what humiUty the subordinate stood before the imperious tyrant. I spoke to the President of the importance of the office, through which military orders of the Department passed. He caught promptly and at once to the suggestion, and said General Thomas^ should be ordered to his old position. I asked ff he had not better see him before giving the order. He said he probably should, but he knew Thomas to be right-minded. That is my impression; he is right, but not strong, and there are so many who wilt dovra in these days, or whom we misunderstand, or who are weak or unreUable. Between Stanton and Thomas there has been a difference for five years. General Fry ^ is another under the power of the great intruder. To-day I leamed that orders were yesterday issued for General Thomas to resume his position and duties as Adjutant-General. Orders have also been issued to es tablish a new department. Sherman has been nominated Brevet General. The President has two or three times spoken to me of creating a new department and putting Sherman in command. I have always asked if Sherman could be depended upon in opposition to Grant. In other respects I consider him right. The President thinks he can rely on him. He can, doubtless, if Sherman enters upon the subject understandingly, but unless he fully ' General Lorenzo Thomas. ' General James B. Fry. 280 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 13 consents and agrees in advance, he will be likely, from old military associations, to cling to Grant. February 14, Friday. Some conversation took place in Cabinet to-day on the subject of communications to the Secretary of War. I asked, " Who is Secretary of War? " The President looked at me significantly and said, "That matter will be disposed of in one or two days." He then brought up the subject of removals and of authority on his part to assign the duties of one Cabinet officer to another. I asked him if he had seen a biU reported by Senator Trumbull on this subject, which was before the Senate yesterday and, from indications, I thought would be rushed through Congress. Of course, there is an object in this bill and this haste. None had seen the bill, which was published in the Republican, and on getting the paper and scrutinizing its pro"visions and preceding laws, it was e"vident it was another hedging-in of the President, which I should hardly have expected of Trumbull, though he is becoming extremely partisan. I think the President is prepared to take decided action with Stanton, and if he vrill do it promptly, all may yet be well. He should have removed Stanton before this, since his last intrusion. February 15, Saturday. Dined with the President yes terday. The Cabinet were all there with their families, and several Senators and others. It was a pleasant meet ing, and the first state dinner-party of the season. AU was pleasant and passed off cheerfully. Many calls to-day. Got off an elaborate letter to Pike and the Naval Committee, on the subject of appropria tions, and, incidentally, of estimates and the Navy gen erally. In the hands of a good chairman of the Committee the paper would be effective, but Pike is lazy and uncer tain. Tries to be shrewd; is devoted to party more than to the service or the country; and there is consequently 1868] SHERMAN'S BREVET APPOINTMENT 281 no certainty how much he will do. I intend, however, if the Navy is broken down, or impaired, that Congress shall be responsible for its acts. February 17, Monday. Senator DooUttle called at my house last evening and read me a prepared speech which he proposed to deUver on Reconstruction. It is well cal culated for effect among the people, and wUl be a little annoying to some of the Senators, who have changed their votes on this subject and on negro suffrage. Attended reception at the President's this evening. A very full and general attendance, except of ultra Rad icals, a few of whom were there. There is much spiteful- ness and hate among these men. February 18, Tuesday. No great matters of interest were to-day before the Cabinet. I did not know but that the President might communicate something in regard to the conferring of a brevet appointment on General Sherman and assigning him to the command of this depart ment, but nothing was said. It is rumored that Sherman refuses the brevet, and that he has written his brother. Senator Sherman, ff it is insisted upon, he vrill come to Washington and throw up his commission. I do not credit this, but he is erratic and uncertain. Not unlikely he decUnes the brevet, for he expects, if Grant is elected President, to be made his successor; probably he may also vrish to have duty elsewhere than here, because, as a friend of Grant, he vrishes to avoid any conflict; but I shall be disappointed if General Sherman has, as the Radicals represent, committed anything approaching inciviUty towards the President. In any matter personal between the President and Grant, Sherman wiU endeavor to stand aloof, for he respects the President, while intimate and friendly vrith Grant; but, if compelled to take part, his leanings vriU favor Grant. The President flatters himseff otherwise, but he is, I think, mistaken. 282 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb 18 In their war upon the Court, the Radicals, under the lead of TmmbuU, have under consideration an act prohib iting the Court from passmg judgment on political ques tions, and they have now a biU declaring what are political questions. These usurpations and mtrigues strain our govemment. February 19, Wednesday. The President informs me this P.M. that he received this moming a letter from General Sherman which was sent to him through Head quarters, where it has undoubtedly been read. He says the letter is friendly and respectful, but he (S.) vrishes to be excused from Washington, and ff he is detailed to command this department, asks that he may be permitted to have his headquarters in New York. In view of all the circumstances, — the rumors, which were not without some foundation, of his ha"ring tele graphed his brother Senator Sherman, his corresponding with the President, who is Commander-in-Chief, through General Grant, and his disinclination to come here, — the President says he telegraphed to him at once, reUe"ring him of the order and directing him to remain in his present command. The President thinks that, in communicating with him through Grant, Sherman aims to keep in vrith both sides and that he cared more to conciUate Grant than anything else. It is well these matters have taken this shape, perhaps, though it is difficult to come to any satisfactory conclu sion in regard to the President's movements and inten tions. Indeed, he does not declare his intentions, and there in fails, I think, in sometimes coming to the best decision that is to be attained. Perhaps the impeachment move ments and threats are over, but he certainly was not weU prepared for a crisis such as some of us apprehended and some of the extremists intended. He could not, it is now evident, have relied on Sherman, had there been a necess ity to resort to mihtary measures. Yet he has persuaded 1868] ADMIRAL PORTER'S INTRIGUES 283 himseff that Sherman would be his staff and reUance if Grant failed. How far he could have rehed on General Emory as miUtary commander of the district, I do not know; nor does the President, I apprehend. My impression is that E. is not to be depended on in civil matters, but he will be found where he thinks the power is. February 20, Thursday. The reports of the Commander and the Engineer of theWampanoag are gratifying. Isher- wood has exerted himseff wonderfully to make his engines a success and has been sustained by the Department in that effort. On the other hand, he has been vehemently and persistently opposed and denounced by a clique under Porter. There have been doleful predictions of failures of this vessel, but the predictions have proved false. I am glad, on Isherwood's account as well as on my own and that of the service, of this favorable result. Vice-Admiral Porter is indulging in many intrigues against Isherwood and the engineers and staff generally, and is scheming in a way that is not creditable to bring himseff into position in Washington. With some good quaUties as a naval officer, he has some great faults and is whoUy unfitted for administrative duties or place here. In his restless, suggestive nature, the Department would experience detriment and the country infinite evil. He should be kept afloat and in active service, but with a taut rein. February 21, Friday. Seward read a letter to-day in regard to the employment of O'Conor or Brady ^ to go out to England to defend the Fenians. He and the Pre sident have had an understanding on the subject, which has been up once or tvrice before. I question the propriety of sending out counsel in these cases. Still, there may be justification. * Charles O'Conor, who had been counsel for Jefferson Davis, and James T. Brady, who had defended General Sickles in his trial. 284 DURY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 21 After disposing of regular Cabinet business, as we were about rising, the President informed us he had this mom ing removed Mr. Stanton. He had, he said, perhaps de layed the step too long. At all events, it was time the dif ficulty was settled. Some one, I believe myself, inquu-ed who was to be his successor. The President said General Thomas, Adjutant- General, would officiate ad interim and untU a regular Secretary was appointed. I asked if Stanton had surrendered up the place and General Thomas taken possession. The President said General Thomas had called on S. and informed him of his appointment; that Stanton seemed calm and submissive; that some little conversation had passed between them as to removing his books and papers, and S. was willing that Thomas should act his pleasure. Browning said he had been informed that Stanton intended sending in his resignation to-day or to-morrow. A few remarks took place on this subject. I wholly dis credited it, and expressed the belief he would under no circumstances resign, except on the single contingency of an assurance that he would not have Radical support. I was surprised to hear that he had quietly surrendered to General Thomas, and should be glad to hear that he had left and that General T. was in the rooms, in pos session. McCulloch said he doubted if Stanton had resigned, or intended to. He and I had once differed. He had thought Stanton would resign as soon as reinstated. I then said he would not. The result McCulloch said had proved that I was right and he was wrong. He now concurred vrith me. Browning said he gave no credit to the rumor which he had heard. It came to him through Cox, his Chief Clerk, who caught everything afloat. The President said he had also brevet ted Major-General G. H. Thomas to be Lieutenant-General and General, or rather that he had sent in these brevets to the Senate. 1868] STANTON'S REMOVAL 285 He had also nominated General McCIellan as Minister to England, in place of Mr. Adams. These acts of the President wiU excite the Radicals, and the violent ones vrill imdoubtedly improve the opportunity to press on impeachment. Impulse, rather than reason or common sense, governs them. The President is vigor ous and active, but too late, and has attempted too much at once. February 22, Saturday. There was great excitement and many rumors last evening in regard to the President and Congress and others. Stanton, on getting notice of his removal, immediately sent it to the House of Represent atives through the Speaker, and fire and wrath were exhibited. The movement was not unexpected. The com munication was at once referred to the so-called "Recon struction Committee," vrith a resolution from cunning but ilUterate old Covode to "impeach the President." The Senate were promptly informed by the President himseff of the removal of Stanton, and the appointment of Thomas ad interim. That body at once stopped all business and went into executive session, where a fierce and protracted debate took place, extending far into the night. A resolution was finally adopted by a strict party vote, except Edmunds, who, though a central partisan, has a legal mind, that the President had no constitutional or legal power to remove the Secretary of War and appoint another, thus gi"ring an opinion in advance of impeach ment on a point for which the President may be presented to themselves for trial. A committee of Cameron, Cattell, Conness, and Thayer was appointed in a Radical caucus, hastily convened while the Senate was in session, who proceeded to the War Department, and counseled and conspired with Stanton, how to resist the Executive, and they afterwards called on General Grant, who was inclined to be "reticent." This moming General Thomas was arrested, on a writ 286 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 22 issued by Judge Cartter, a tool of Stanton, on a complaint by Stanton that General T. had violated the Civil Tenure law in accepting office against requirements of that law, which he, Stanton, had himself emphatically declared as unconstitutional. General Thomas readily submitted to the arrest and gave bail to appear next Wednesday. Stanton remained at the Department all night with a parcel of Radical Sena tors and Representatives, and is there now and has been all day, most of the time locked up. It was impolitic for Thomas, who is a subordinate and not an independent or self-reliant man, to have given bail. Better to have gone to jail and sued out a writ of habeas corpus. Better still, it seems to me, ff he had first got out process against Stanton. The people stUl have great deference to law and to legal proceedings. I called about noon on the President. He was in the library with the Attorney-General. We had a brief con versation on affairs, when the Attorney-General proposed to the President to ask my opinion on the subject they were discussing when I entered. The President said that was his intention, and I was asked what I thought of Thomas Ewing, Sr. , for Secretary of War. I asked if a person of his years was the man for the occasion, — the crisis was im portant. The President said he was sound and right on the questions before us, trastworthy, and, he beheved, reUable. I still hesitated and debated the subject, — his former standing, his relationship to Sherman, ' his great age, etc. Stanbery said McCleUan had just been nominated Minis ter to England from the Democratic side, if we now name Ewing from the old Whig ranks the two will go well together. The President smiled assent. I remarked that I thought it would be weU to get a nomination in early. The President said if we two approved, he would send in Mr. * Thomas Ewing was both adopted father and father-in-law to General Sherman. He was seventy-eight years old at this time and he had been Secretary of the Interior under Taylor and FiUmore. 1868] STANBERY A MAN OF PRECEDENTS 287 Evring's name at once. I said if that was his view, I should acquiesce cheerfully; he was unquestionably the man who should select his own advisers. The President directed Colonel Moore to immediately write a nomination, which he at once signed and sent to the Senate. But the Senate, although it had assigned this day to a speech from Senator Doolittle, met and adjourned vrithout doing any business, so that when Colonel Moore reached the Capitol the Senate was not in session. The day, I understand, was consumed by the Radical Senators in secret caucus. The Attomey-General, although a very good lawyer, is not the best adviser for administrative and exec utive service in such a time as this. There is a conspiracy against the Executive by Senators who are to adjudge him, and he, the Attomey-General, searches for precedents and authorities, when action, decision, and novel questions require a stand to be taken and a path to be stricken out vrith promptness. In the little conversation we had, and so on some former occasions, he seemed bewildered for pre cedents and undetermined how to act from the absence of previous authorities. In the mean time, whilst he is hesi tating and groping around among the books for precedents, the Radicals are acting regardless of precedents or law. The President needs, at this time, resolute and energetic surroundings, — men of intelligence and courage as well as of caution and prudence. With them he should counsel freely and vrithout reserve. I apprehend he has not suf ficiently fortified himself with such men. In his Cabinet, he has an honest lavryer in Mr. Stanbery, who wUl be faithful to him so long as he has law and precedent, but when new questions arise he is at sea and knows not how to steer. He is not, lUie Seward, calculating, unreliable, and selfish, but he vriU take no new step, nor enter into any untrodden path. In the mean time the Radicals are break ing over constitutional law and all legal restraints, and vrill, if they dare, arrest the President and his principal friends and imprison them. I do not anticipate this, yet 288 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 22 the scheme is agitated by leading conspirators and I shall not be surprised at any movement they may make. Returning from an evening ride, I called upon the Presi dent, hoping to find him alone, but McCulloch and Jeffries ' were with him. Jeffries was advising strong measures. Thought if the President were to send a communication to the Senate, or to Congress, saying he vrished the constitu tionality of the Tenure-of-Office Bill and the Reconstruc tion acts decided by the courts, — that he would submit the laws to them, and if they should decide against him, or that the laws were constitutional, he would resign, — such a proposition, J. thought, would carry the country vrith the President. If Congress would not acquiesce in such a submission or reference, but were to proceed to extrem ities, then resist, seize the principal conspirators, etc. Fifty armed men would be all that were necessary. The President made no reply, nor did he enter into any conver sation vrith J. on the subject. I merely observed that these theories would not be carried out, however plausible they might seem when not commenced. Congress would con sent to no reference of their laws and proceedings to any court. That would be a trial of the Legislature as weU as the Executive by the Judiciary; it was the purpose of the Legislature to try the Executive themselves. And then, as to the fifty miUtary men, what could they do? Here was the General of the armies in the conspiracy, secretly urging it on. He might be arrested if insubordinate, but who was to do it? Emory is in command of the District. Can the President depend on him in an emergency? I have but little confidence in him, but the President ought to know him, and I presume does. He should have the best friend he has got in the Army in that place. On asking the President in regard to Emory, he gave no satisfactory answer, but it was evident he did not fully confide in him. Jeffries, though a Marylander, knew little of E., but said Colonel Bowie, a true man, has great faith 1 Noah L. Jeffries, Register of the Treasury. 1868] GENERAL THOMAS'S UNFITNESS 289 in him, believes him true, etc., etc. I remembered he was false to the Union and pursued an equivocal course at the commencement of the Rebellion, and though there was en treaty and importunity to reinstate him, with many state ments and explanations of his error and pledges of his future fideUty, I had little faith in him then, nor have I much now. I called on the President this morning in consequence of an incident which took place at a party given by Mrs. Ray last evening. After the company assembled, an orderly appeared, requiring all officers of the Fifth Cavalry to appear at Headquarters. Shortly after, another orderly, requiring all officers under General Emory's command to appear at Headquarters. Both orders came from E. I asked the President if he had made preparations, — had issued orders to E. He said he had not. "Some one," said I, "has. Who is it, and what does it indicate? While you, Mr. President, are resorting to no extreme measures, the conspirators have their spies, — have command of the troops. Either Stanton or Grant or both issued orders which were proclaimed aloud and peremptorily at this large social gathering." The President was disturbed, but said very little. It is an error vrith him that he does not more freely commun icate vrith his Cabinet and friends. This whole movement of changing his Secretary of War has been incautiously and loosely performed vrithout preparation. The Cabinet was not consulted. His friends in the Senate and House were taken by surprise, and were wholly unaware of the movement. General Thomas proves himself unfit for the place of Secretary of War ad interim. He is like a boy, ready to obey orders, but cannot himself act with decision or direct others, — is a mere child or worse in Stanton's presence. Instead of taking upon himself the duties of Secretary of War and commanding Stanton, he submits to Stanton's orders, and is locked out of the Department, laughed at, and treated vrith contempt. 3 290 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 22 I am told he was weak and fooUsh enough last evening to attend a mask ball; was at Willard's Hotel, . . . that he talked openly and loudly of his being Secretary of War, — that he should to-day take possession, open the mails, etc. But he is snuffed out. February 24, Monday. Senator Doolittle and Attomey- General Stanbery called on me last evening. Their object was to ascertain my recollection of what took place in the Cabinet when the Tenure-of-Office Bill was under con sideration, especially on the point which related to the four first secretaries, who were appomted by Mr. Lincohi. I recollect that they were considered as holding office by a different tenure than the others, who were appointed by Mr. Johnson, but the remarks of the several members I could not recall. There was entire unanimity as regarded the unconstitutionaUty of the biU itseff, and this absorbed the minor questions. The distinctive point now aUuded to was, I remember, discussed. Mr. Seward, I think, alluded to it, and I well recollect that Mr. Randall made remark to the effect that the law appeared to carry out the four members by legislation, or there was a question ff it did not. The Attorney-General said it could have no such retroactive effect, even if the law was good for anything, but he was emphatic and decisive in pronouncing the law absolutely and beyond all question unconstitutional. Stanton was quite as emphatic, and I think every member declared his readiness to surrender his place, whenever the President should express a wish to that effect. Each of these gentlemen, as did also McCulloch, who called on me earUer in the evening, regretted that the President had not in this and other instances been more free and communicative vrith his friends, and advised with them without reserve. While reticent towards those with whom he should be most intimate, he has been hold ing free conversation with newspaper correspondents, and giving them his opinions, and an account of his actions 1868] RADICAL ALARMS 291 on the most important subjects of administration. I have long lamented this condition of things, but I know of no remedy. The President has his peculiarities in this respect, as he had in speechmaking when "swinging round the circle." I have sometimes been almost tempted to listen to the accusation of his enemies that he desired and courted impeachment. Yet such is not the fact. He is courage ous and firm, vrith great sagacity and wide comprehen sion, yet is not in many respects wise and practical. It may be that he is willing the Radicals should make them selves ridiculous by futile assaults, but he hardly could have expected this flurry for so peaceful and justifiable a movement. The Radical leaders have for some time striven to alarm and agitate the country by whispers and insinuations that the President was intending to make himseff dictator, and Senator Thayer ^ pledged his honor as a Senator that the President was about to assume regal power or some thing of the sort, in a pubUc speech last summer or autumn at Cincinnati. Forney, Secretary of the Senate, as deep in the conspiracy as the chiefs will permit, in his paper the Chronicle, which is the Radical organ, gave out that the President, vrith Governor Swann, was organizing the miUtia of Maryland to secure for himself absolute power. Others have tried to alarm the popular mind by similar siUy and absurd falsehoods. I this moming called on the President. There were many waiting. Randall and Mr. Ross were vrith him, but both soon left. Stanbery was in the hbrary, writing and re"rising a message, which the President sent to Con gress in a few hours, vindicating his course and removing Stanton. I had called because Mr. Stanbery and myself had an understanding to that effect last evening, beUeving it best the President should see all his Cabinet on the sub ject of his message or communication. But the President 1 John M. Thayer, of Nebraska. 292 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 24 said he thought it unnecessary to see any others than Stanbery and myself. The House this aftemoon decided by a vote of 126 to 47 to impeach the President. The alleged cause of impeach ment is the removal of a contumacious, treacherous, and unprincipled officer, who intrudes himself into the War Department under the authority of a law which he himself denounced as unconstitutional, a law to fetter the President and deprive the Executive of his rights. The impeachment is a deed of extreme partisanship, a deliberate conspiracy, involving all the moral guUt of treason, for which the members would, if fairly tried, be liable to conviction and condemnation. If the President has committed errors, he has done no act which justifies this proceeding. The President is innocent of crime; his accusers and triers are culpably guilty. In this "riolent and vicious exercise of partyism I see the Uberties and happi ness of the country and the stabUity of the govemment imperiled. The President has a reception this evening, and though neither my vrife nor myself are well, and the night is in clement, we shall, vrith all the famUy, be present. February 25, Tuesday. There is, I think, less excitement to-day. The weather, which is damp and dreary, perhaps contributes to it. A feeling of doubt and sadness per vades the minds of sensible men. Some of the less intense Radicals are dissatisfied with their own doings. A Uttle routine business was transacted in the Cabinet, princi pally from the State Department. The President, though calm, is not vrithout sensibiUty and feels the wrong and outrage of the conspirators, although he makes no com plaint. The debate which has taken place on the subject of impeachment is disgraceful, wicked, and maUcious. E. B. Washbume, the . . . man of little work for Grant, was mendacious and "riUainous. . . . 1868] JOHN BIGELOW ON IMPEACHMENT 293 r John Bigelow, late Minister to France, spent an hour vrith me this p.m. He has been here some ten days, a looker-on, and is a good and honest observer. The pro ceedings at the Capitol have greatly interested him. He complains, and perhaps vrith reason, that the President was in fault in not communicating to his friends in Con gress his purpose in removing Stanton, that they might have been prepared for the contest. The President's mea sures, he thinks also, should have been taken vrith delibera tion; he should not have permitted himself to be foUed by Stanton; Thomas, or the man who was to take the place of Stanton, should have ejected him at once. All this is very true. It is easy, now that the matter has passed, to say, that so great a scoundrel, so treacherous, false, and deceitful a man should not have been treated Uke a gentle man. The President has, from the first, extended to Stan ton a consideration and leniency that has surprised me, for he knew him to be false, remorseless, treacherous, and base. I expressed my disbelief in his quiet retirement last Friday, when the President announced his removal and T.'s appointment. Bigelow is confident, or rather has high hopes, that impeachment will fail in the Senate. Says that the large conservative force in the Senate, with the Chief Justice, look vrith repugnance and horror to the accession of Wade,* and would prefer to continue the President. Unless, therefore. Wade will resign and allow some good conserv ative Senator to be made President of the Senate, he thiiiks impeachment will be defeated. I encouraged his hopes, while I have very sUght expect ations. This is a party scheme, a conspiracy on a large scale, more offensive and reprehensible than that of se cession, but the conspirators, ha"ring taken the fatal plunge, caimot recede. There are Representatives who have qualms, but these very men wUl stimulate hesi- ' ' AsJPresident pro tem. of the Senate, Senator Benjaimin F. Wade of Ohio was next in Une of succession to the Presidency. 294 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 25 tating Senators to do as they have done, — get into the same boat vrith themselves. Radicalism vrill not only be dead, but vrill rot if they fail. They know this as weU as we know it, and, knowing it, they "give up to party what was meant for mankind." I fear no moral courage wiU be found among the Radical Senators, no indi"ridual independence; but shall wait events, calmly I hope, though it is difficult to restrain giving utterance to one's indignation at de Uberate vUlainy. February 26, Wednesday. General L. Thomas was ar rested last Saturday moming at the instigation of E. M. Stanton, on a writ issued by Cartter, Chief Justice of the District Court. General T. gave baU in S5000, and the case came up to-day, when he was prepared to submit to imprisonment, vrith a view of suing out a writ of habeas corpus and getting a decision from the Supreme Court on the constitutionality of the Ci"vil-Tenure BiU. This the Radicals and Stanton dreaded, and after various twistings and turnings. General T. was discharged. Cartter, in this whole proceeding, from its inception to its close, showed himseff a most unfit judge. He has secretly visited Stanton at the War Department, and his associate Fisher has spent much of his time since Thomas' arrest, with Stanton. A summons was issued for Stanton to appear as a vrit ness for Thomas to-day, and to produce his commission, but the quondam Secretary refused to appear. I, yesterday, and again to-day, suggested, not to say urged, that Judge Curtis * should be one of the President's counsel in the impeachment. The President assented to my suggestions, but whether he will engage C. is another question. Something vrill depend, vrithout doubt, on the disposition of the Attomey-General, and perhaps Black will also have a voice. The Democratic National Committee has been in ' Benjamin Robbins Curtis. 1868] PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES 295 session here, and, from what I leam, have not been over- wise, but somewhat conceited and weakly and foolishly partisan. Bigelow tells me that the intention is to make Horatio Seymour the Presidential candidate. Tilden thinks Seymour vriU run stronger than any man in New York, and that is a great State, — he does not look beyond it. I said to B. that it was important that Democrats should have a ticket which would draw recruits and not repel them; that Seymour was not an acceptable candidate out of the pale of party and not strongly popular vrithin it. It might be possible, under the mad conduct of the Rad icals, to elect a strict party candidate, but not certain. He asked who there was that could be taken up. Said that Tilden assured him DooUttle would not be acceptable in New York. I named Hendricks, Hancock, or, if they would go in for a man for the country, and relax as re gards party, there was Charles Francis Adams. He would be the third of the name and family, and would be at tacked for that reason, but the fact had also its strong side. There would be many who would, especially in these turbulent times, be glad to have peace and stability, such as the country had forty years ago under his father. He has not the popular element, would not be acceptable to the Fenians, and therefore would not be a party can didate; but the country would have in him a good pre sident, but "with some family infirmities. There is some mihtary feehng which might be made available for Hancock, who is better liked than Grant. February 27, Thursday. The feverish excitement has abated. Impeachment as a sensation has had its day. When the trial comes on in the Senate, it vrill be revived, perhaps, but vrith less intensity. Woodbridge of Vermont, one of the Judiciary Commit tee, who always opposed impeachment, came to see me to-day. He spoke deprecatingly of the movement; re gretted that he was compeUed to vote for it under party 296 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 27 demands, but his colleagues from Vermont aU went for it, they and the party at home were violent, and it would have been death for him to have resisted. He voted with reluctance and against his vrishes and convictions, for the President he knew to be honest and patriotic; and he so said to me. It is melancholy to witness such things. Woodbridge is but one of many who are guilty of this wrong. A moral infirmity or weakness. They dare not act in accordance with their convictions. A fear of party os tracism controls them. But their acts forfeit their seff- respect for the time, and sooner or later wiU lose them the respect of others. The whole impeachment scheme is a piece of party persecution, which, if successful to party, wiU be ruinous to the country. It is a deliberate and vricked conspiracy from its inception. February 28, Friday. Mr. Seward read to-day one of his strange, unstatesmanlike, and improper dispatches. It was addressed to Mr. Stillwell, our Minister at Vene zuela, in relation to certain of the crew of the Hannah Grant, a whaUng-schooner, who were unlawiuUy detained in that country. The dispatch was objectionable as a state paper, and was offensive because wanting in proper courtesy to the naval officer who might be ordered to La Guayra. Mr. StillweU was told that a naval vessel would be sent (without any reference to the Secretary of the Navy), that the naval office would be directed to commit no hostile act without his (StiUwell's) direction, etc., etc. In other, or plain, words, the Minister and naval officer were authorized at their discretion to declare war, or make war, on Venezuela. Mr. Stanbery took exception to this part of the dispatch, in which I j oined. Seward was annoyed by the criticism and objection, but finaUy professed to put in some pencil alteration. He would not presume to send a dispatch of this nature to Russia in regard to the recent outrages in the 1868] A NITRO-GLYCERINE SCARE 297 Sea of Okhotsk ' nor to England in regard to the Fenians, nor to France, but he can be arrogant to feeble Venezuela. I am inclined to think that a claim which his pet Sanford, our Minister to Belgium, has against Venezuela may influence him in asking for a man-of-war at Curagao, as much as the seamen of the Hannah Grant. Some laughter took place, after Cabinet councU, over the fortification and intrenchment of the War Depart ment, and the trepidation of Stanton, who has this mom ing doubled his guard. Kennedy, Chief of New York police, sent a letter to Speaker Colfax, that some nitro glycerine had disappeared from New York, and that shrewd, sagacious, and patriotic functionary knew not where it had gone, unless to Washington. The chivalrous and timid Speaker at once laid this tremendous missive before the House, and the consterna tion of the gallant band of Radicals became excessive. A large additional poUce force had been placed around the Capitol, but as it was still considered unsafe, an immediate adjournment was called for. Stanton, unfortunate man, could not adjourn. There was no refuge for him, save in the War Department, which is surrounded and filled vrith soldiers to protect against an inroad from old General Thomas. As Stanton, Grant, and the Radical Congress have assumed the entire control of the military, to the exclusion of the President, who is Commander-in-Chief, the apprehension seems to be that the Adjutant-General and his friends have resorted to nitro-glycerine. Browning inquired whether there should not be more free communication and interchange of opinion among the members of the Cabinet in regard to the measures before Congress. Seward promptly and in a manner that was intended to put a stop to this said the President would, he suppose, consult any member he pleased on any subject; that this matter of impeachment belonged more particu- ' A Russian sloop-of-war fired on an American vessel in the Sea of Okhotsk in December, 1867. 298 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 28 larly to the Attorney-General, and he proposed they (the President and the Attorney-General) should do what they thought best; he might, he continued, be called as vritness, and it was best to ward off any charge of conspiring, etc., etc. I dissented whoUy from this view, as did the Attorney- General and indeed every other member. I regretted that we had not been more free in expressing our views to each other at all times, — though it was felt we could not, so long as Stanton was with us, be frank and friendly. McCulloch took the same view. Browning said he had, perhaps, done wrong in bringing the subject forward; it was not his intention to intrude on the President, but the times demanded the united counsel of all. Seward, after remarking that "too many cooks usually spoiled the broth," expressed his readiness to meet and consult at all times. The subject of counsel in case of a trial was then intro duced. Every man advised the retention of Judge Curtis. O'Conor was mentioned. McCulloch objected that he was counsel for Jeff Davis, and that party antipathy would counteract his ability. Evarts was mentioned and rather pressed. I admitted his abUity, but feared his want of heart in the measure. He had united himseff vrith the Radicals when their cause seemed strong; it must have been from no mental and moral workings of such a mind as his; in that act he was not true to his nature and to what he knew to be right. Seward, who has always heretofore been steadfast for Evarts, gave in to the correctness of my remarks, but said he knew not how far he had gone with the Radicals. He was a very cold man. After further talk it was agreed we would come together on Saturday evening at half-past seven. Grant has overruled General Hancock, and reestab lished, or reappointed the negro aldermen in New Orleans. He is implicated in the conspiracy against the President, — a willing party to it. ... 1868] STANBERY CONSIDERS RESIGNING 299 February 29, Saturday. The impeachment committee have printed ten articles. Nine of them contain a mount ain of words, but not even a mouse of impeachment ma terial. The tenth is even weaker than the other nine, and has a long taU from General Emory. I never had faith in the firmness and honest stability of this man, who was false in 1861, and whimpered back into the service which he had deserted. His willing, volunteered testimony has been evidently procured and manufactured, and yet is nothing. The President had sent for him on the 22d in conse quence of information and suggestions from myself, and questioned him. Emory puts the questions in the form of averments by the President, and throughout exhibits him self a Radical partisan for the time being. Mr. Stanbery says that Judge Curtis vrill be here on Tuesday evening next. There is, Stanbery thinks, an intention on the part of the managing Radicals to exclude him from taking part in defense of the President before the court of impeachment because he is Attomey-General. He queries whether he had not better resign forthwith, and devote his whole time to the case. To this we were each and all opposed, or to any resignation unless he were compelled. A writ of quo warranto is to be sued out, but with the Court in the District whoUy under the influence of the Radical conspirators, action vrill be delayed as long as possible, for there is nothing they so much dread as a decision of the Supreme Court on their unconstitutional laws. There is no "high crime or misdemeanor" in these ar ticles that calls for impeachment, and those who may vote to convict upon these articles would as readily vote to impeach the President had he been accused of stepping on a dog's tail. But any pretext vrill serve unprincipled and unscrupulous partisan vengeance. He would not lend him self to a series of unconstitutional measures and to get rid of him is imperative. LVII Preparations for the Impeachment Trial — The Notice of Impeachment served on the President — Selecting the President's Counsel — Stan bery determines to resign his Cabinet Position before undertaking the President's Case — Stanton fortified in the War Department — Radical Victory in the New Hampshire Election — A Sketch of New Hampshire PoUtics — Stanbery hands in his Resignation — The President's IU- considered Talks with Newspaper Men — Senator Sherman wishes a Naval Lieutenant court-martialed for using Disrespectful Language of Congress — The President's Uncommunicativeness — Judge Black on Seward's Handling of the Alta Vela Affair — The Impeachment Pro ceedings open with Little Excitement — Judge Black withdraws from the President's Case — Probable Reasons for his Course — A Spirit of Mischief in the HawaUan Islands — Black's Letter to the President withdrawing from the Case and denouncing Seward's Conduct in the Alta Vela Matter — WUson and Sumner and the Naval Appropriation BUl — General Butler's Opening in the Impeachment Trial. March 3, Tuesday. The journals of the day and pub lished proceedings will be a record of what occurs in mat ters of impeachment. I do not, therefore, record details of official transactions, but such only as seem to me proper with individual movements. The spirit which has led to the impeachment movement and its consummation in the House is strange and various. A considerable portion of those who voted for it did violence to their own convdctions. There is another large element which had no convictions, but are mere shallow, reckless partisans who would as readily have voted that the President should be hung in front of the White House as that he should be impeached in the Capitol, pro"rided their leaders — Stevens, Bout well, and others — had presented papers in form for that purpose. Another and different class, hke Boutwell, seek and expect notoriety and fame. They have read Macau- lay's interesting history of the trial of Warren Hastings, and flatter themselves they are to be the Burkes and Sheri- 1868] PREPARATIONS FOR THE TRIAL 301 dans of some future historian. MaUgnant party hate and unscrupulous party thirst for power stimulate others. A shameless, brazen effrontery and vUlainy mark certain Senators. Howard and Chandler of Michigan, Sumner, Cameron, Conkling, and others have already made them selves parties against the man whom they are to adjudge, — have some of them, if not all, connived in secret to urge on impeachment. They have broken down the barriers of the Constitution, whUe the President has striven to de fend them, and for his defense he is to be tried and con demned by these violators, conspirators, and perjurers. March 4, Wedn,esday. Chief Justice Chase has sent a letter to the Senate which disturbed the Radicals. It was not of great moment, and vrill be swamped by leading im peachers who are anxious to hurry on their work. Stevens, vrith his arrogance, insolence, and vicious despotism, threatens every Senator who shall dare to vote against his party; tells them they are committed by their votes. It must shame and mortify some of the intelligent minds in the Senate to be held in subjection and compelled to receive the excoriations and threatenings of this vricked and bad man, but it is questionable whether they have the moral courage and independence to do right, when the terrors of this party tyrant are before them. Seward and I met in the councU room, and, while wait ing for the President, allusion was made to our meeting seven years ago yesterday, and of events which have since transpired. He says it is nineteen years this 4th of March since he entered the service of the United States, seven years since he became a Cabinet Minister. "How few of aU the men," said he, "vrith whom we have been associated, have proved faithful ! — how many have disappointed us ! " This was said in connection with present transactions, and had particular reference to Stanton. The Cabinet met last evening at half-past seven instead of at noon. But little official business was done. We had 302 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 4 a two hours' talk of the condition of public affairs, and especially of the great question now before the country. Judge Curtis was expected to-day. He is associated with Mr. Stanbery as one of the counsel of the President. Other names were talked of, but no conclusion come to. McCulloch expressed a hope that the President would go to the Senate on the first day, but not afterwards. Seward said if he went the whole Cabinet ought to ac company him. I objected to either. It would give dignity and imposing form to the proceedmgs, which the conspira tors wished, but we did not. The managers undoubtedly desired that the President should exhibit himself there, and ff surrounded by his advisers it would make the scene more imposing. Men, and women too, would come from a distance, and gather at the Capitol to see the victim, if he should consent to gratify them. March 5, Thursday. The Cabinet met this evening. Seward brought forward the removal of Timothy Picker ing from the office of Secretary of State in May, 1800, by John Adams, as a case in point. His clerks had hunted up this precedent, and if Congress was in session, as Seward says, it is in all respects like the present case, except that the Tenure-of-Office Law had not then been enacted. The movement which had been made by the RepubUcan Senators in 1862 to procure the removal of Seward was brought under discussion. At that time, these Senators called on President Lincohi to make his Cabinet a unit by removing an objectionable minister, as they considered him. Judge Curtis has arrived. When I went to the Presi dent's this evening, no others of the Cabinet were there, but I found Mr. Groesbeck ^ of Cincinnati with him. He was and is most eamestly opposed to this conspiracy and with ' William Slocomb Groesbeck, a liberal Republican who had been a dele gate to the Philadelphia Convention. He was retained as counsel for Pre sident Johnson. 1868] NOTICE OF IMPEACHMENT SERVED 303 the President, and there has been mention of his name as one of the junior counsel for the President. His being here, however, at this time was accidental, — was for other and business reasons. David D. Field was spoken of compUmentarily by Browning from the representation of others. Seward did not concur; said Field was the greatest small man he had ever knovm. ^ Stanbery thought he spread himself too largely, had too many points, was a book man, not an original. March 6, Friday. A brief Cabinet-meeting. Browning brought his diary, detaUing occurrences and remarks in the Senatorial Republican Caucus of 1862 for removal of Seward, he being at that time a Senator from Illinois. General Thomas was present at the Cabinet-meeting this evening, but no business was transacted, nor was there a disposition to have much free discussion while he re mained. I was sorry the President invited him, unless it is necessary to carry out explicitly the ad interim ap pointment. March 7, Saturday. The President was served vrith notice of impeachment this evening. I was at the White House a few moments after the copy was left. We had a Cabinet-meeting this evening. I was the first who ar rived. The others came in soon. Mr. Stanbery is sensitive on the subject of retaining the office of Attomey-General while defending the President. Thinks exception may be taken to his appearance by ex treme partisan Senators, and proposed to anticipate their movement by a resignation. Says that it will involve the necessity of wholly giving up all attention to official busi ness during the trial, for that and that alone shall occupy his mind. But this can be got along vrith by tuming over ' > David Dudley Field, the eldest of four distinguished brothers, was a very large man physicaUy. 304 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 7 current official matters to his Assistant. He is, however, sensitive to any imputation from any quarter, and is pretty much determined to resign. All the members preferred he should not. I think, and said, if he found it a point to be met, he could, when challenged or when decision was had by the Senate, present his resignation. The effect, it seems to me, would be good, if so presented. Let the Rad ical Senators sitting as judges hound down the President, — object, if they please, to his having one of his poUtical family, his legal selected adviser, to defend him. In the consultations which have been had by the counsel thus far, Stanbery, Curtis, and Black have participated. At the last meeting, Stanbery says. Black suggested that his (B.'s) appearing might prejudice the case, and whUe he was extremely soUcitous to participate he would by no means act if it were supposed his doing so would be injurious to the President. Both S. and C. had appre hensions it might be unfortunate, but desired the Cabinet to express their "riews, and, above all, that the President himself might decide on this subject. McCulloch promptly expressed his opinion against the retention of Black as one of the counsel. Said that Senator Hendricks had said to him it would be injudicious; that the Democrats in the Senate would all be right, he had no doubt, but that the Republicans were hostile to Black. Seward was inclined to believe that this was the case, and perhaps some one as capable and not so obnoxious might be found. Several names were suggested. I asked if it would be wise or poUtic to exclude from the managing counsel any pronounced Democrat whatever. It appeared to me important that there should be one such lawyer among them, and while I had no great intimacy with, or partiality for, Black, I knew of no one who was, under the circumstances, in all respects his equal. We wanted something more than a mere lawyer for such a case as this, — a politician and statesman, one who made the Constitution and public affairs a study. Still, if Black 1868] SELECTING COUNSEL 305 was personaUy or by reason of his party entanglements and associations so offensive as to aUenate any of these Sena torial judges, I would not press him. But no man was fit to be a Senator or a member of the court, whose judgment would be biased by his personal or party dislike of counsel. I cautioned them to remember, however, that the friends and supporters of the President were almost all Demo crats, and the ground-swell of pubUc opinion would have its influence on the Senators. There was a general opinion that the third man should be a Democrat, and Thurman of Ohio was named. Seward favored him, and McCulloch also. Stanbery compUmented him but did not expUcitly commit himself for him. Brown ing inclined to Black, ff not so objectionable as to injure the cause before the Senate. I stated my opinion of Thur man was favorable from what I had heard of him, but he had no such national reputation as Black. March 9, Monday. I called on the President this mom ing and informed him I had reflected much on the subject of his counsel, and although there was opposition to Black, it appeared to me he ought not to give way to it, provided B. had his confidence. He thanked me and said the re tention of Black was not an open question and he had so informed Mr. Seward who called last evening and vrished to dissuade him. The President attributed the hostUity of Seward to the fact that Black had been opposed to Seward in the Alta Vela matter.^ I have understood that Thurlow Weed was interested in that question, and his interest in that questionable transaction was in conse quence of his intimacy and well-known influence vrith the Secretary of State, and I so informed the President. For ' This was the claim of Patterson and Murginendo for damages on ac count of the seizure by the Dominican Republic of Alta Vela, a guano island off the coast of the island of Hayti. The island was occupied in 1859 or 1860 by United States citizens and taken possession of in the name of the United States, and the seizure was regarded by some as a casus belli. The claim was finaUy dismissed. 3 306 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 9 a little matter, Seward has manffested the deepest anxiety in the Alta Vela business. I do not think he has any pecuniary interest in it, but he is solicitous for his friend Weed, who has. The President asked me if I knew Swett ^ of Illinois. I do slightly, but am not particularly favorably impressed with the idea of his being one of the counsel. I thought neither his abihties nor standing in the country would justify such a selection. The President said he knew very little of Swett, but Seward urged him because he was the special friend of Mr. Lincohi, and to retain him would gratify Mr. L.'s friends. I besought him to be influenced by no such representations, and expressed my regret that they had been made. We had a Cabinet-meeting this evening. In a desultory conversation at the beginning of the session, some one, I think Browning, stated some fact in regard to Chief Justice Chase which indicated his opposition to impeach ment, and that his influence would be against it. Seward denied that Chase had any influence; there was not, he said, a Senator, or a press, or a community where his opinion weighed a feather, or was of the slightest consequence. He went on in one of his rambling, dogmatic dissertations, which seemed to astonish and awe Browning. I took ex ceptions and insisted that Chase had official, poUtical, and moral influence, that should not be Ughtly throvrai away. Seward became excited. "Name a man — name a Sena tor — whom he can influence." I mentioned Fessenden, at which S. phewed, — said he had more influence with F. than Chase had. I congratulated him on his good opinion of himself vrith F., but assured him that / knew he was mistaken. The truth is, Fessenden has great admiration of Chase, but very little respect for Seward. No one sustained Seward, who went on dogmatizing and prophesying. He claims to know how both the New York Senators feel on the subject of impeachment. ' Leonard Swett, an intimate friend of Lincoln's and during his Admin istration employed on government cases. 1868] SELECTING COUNSEL 307 The question of the counsel of the President was dis cussed. Stanbery, Black, and Curtis were decided upon favorably. Seward informed the President that he had telegraphed for Evarts, who would be here to-morrow moming. The President looked at me, and saw perhaps that I did not respond to that selection vrith alacrity, and said to Mr. Seward, "His coming here does not insure that Mr. Evarts vriU be retained." "No," said Seward, hesitating, "but you cannot do better." AU concurred in that opinion but myseff. I admitted his high standing as a lawyer, his intellectual capacity, his fidelity, if he engaged in the cause, but this cold, calculating, selfish man was destitute of enthusiasm, magnetic power, or pohtical influence; had abandoned the Administration vrith which he had been associated without cause and gone over to the Radicals. Ought such a man, though unsur passed as a lawyer, technical, legal, but in his politics a mere calculator, to be selected in such a case as this? In deserting the Administration when he did, he exhibited weakness, — vrith aU his legal lore, — want of conscience, want of fidelity to principle. Seward admitted Evarts had taken a strange course. I named Samuel Glover, of St. Louis, as a lawyer and orator, if the President was intend ing to select another Western man. He said Mr. Seward had named Swett, and others had spoken of him. I asked Browning, who knew them both, as to the two men. He said they were not to be named together, — that Glover was incomparably superior. I asked Seward what were the particulars of Swett's CaUfornia transactions, — there were imputations upon him coincident vrith those matters. McCulloch said Blair told him that Swett was a tool of Stanton's. Seward denied this, and said the hundred thousand dollars which Swett obtained was his (Seward's) doing; that Swett was such a man as the President wanted; everybody knew of his intimacy with Lincoln, and it would bring them into good relations vrith the President were he to retain Swett. , 308 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 9 No one seconded Seward in this matter. He evidently is using the occasion for his own personal benefit more than the President's. I should almost think he is in Stanton's interest. Evarts and Swett he has imposed on the Pre sident in sly interviews. After an hour and a half's discussion, we went below to the President's evening general reception, which was well and fashionably attended. March 10, Tuesday. At the Cabinet-meeting this noon, Mr. Stanbery named, as the counsel who would probably be retained, himself. Black, Curtis, Evarts, Groesbeck, and Nelson of Tennessee, whom the President has invited here, and who was introduced to us. Field seems to be excluded, which is Seward's doings, and vrill be a disap pointment to many, — as much as the retention of Evarts. I spoke freely of Evarts, and the objections to him. It may be, however, that he vrill acquit himseff vrith credit. I shall be disappointed if he does not, for he has abffities and the occasion is a great one. Mr. Stanbery says he must resign his place as Attomey- General in order to devote his whole time to this case. He is unvrilUng to be trammeled, or have his mind disturbed by any official duties, obligations, or embarrassments, and says it vrill undoubtedly be urged against him that, as the prosecuting officer of the Govemment, it is his duty to sustain rather than oppose the articles of impeachment. I am not impressed with his views. As the constitutional legal adviser of the President, — one of his ci"ril house hold and officially andpersonally a part of the Govemment, — I think he would find no difficulty in sustaining him self before the Senate, and the very fact of opposition to him on account of his being a member of the Cabinet, the legal adviser of the Administration, would have a good influence before the country. I so expressed myself. But Mr. Stanbery is sensitive and timid. Herein, I fear, he will faU before the insolent, reckless, and audacious WILLIAM M. EVARTS 1868] NEW HAMPSHIRE POLITICS 309 Radical Managers and conspiring Senators who are to sit in judgment. Stevens and Butler will take pleasure in bluffing and insulting, and he is too courteous, gentle manly, and dignified to meet and boldly rebuke them. Stanton is still making hunself ridiculous by intrench ing his person in the War Department, surrounded by a heavy guard. This is for effect. He is, it is true, an arrant coward, but can have no apprehension of personal danger requiring a miUtary force to protect him. Some of his wise Senatorial advisers, doubtless, in their conspiracy to defeat executive action, counseled and advised the redoubtable Secretary to hold on to the War Department buUding, and to fortffy himself in it. Thayer, Conness, and Cameron would have minds for such work. March 11, Wednesday. The election in New Hamp shire yesterday resulted in the success of the Radical ticket by probably about the same majority as last year, on a great and unaccountably increased vote of both parties. The effect of this will be to elate the Radicals, far more than it vrill discourage the Democrats, for the former have no faith in their cause while the Democrats are full of con fidence in the rectitude and ultimate triumph of their principles. The popular element in New Hampshire is pretty stable and fixed. People do not easUy change their party relations. For a long series of years the men of the Isaac Hill class of politicians had a controlling infiuence in the Granite State. Their principles were sound, and the management of the State was judicious. A younger set of men of the same poUtics came forward and took and were awarded high official position by the country in consequence of the firm and persistent political character of the State. But they have not the qualifications of their predecessors and seniors. The firm foundation laid by Hill, Harvey, Woodbury, and others continued to uphold the party for years; but at length it was undermined and gave way. 310 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march ii Pierce, Atherton, and Burke were mere politicians, wholly incapable of building up or maintaining a party. Their weakness and impracticability led to vigorous antagonism, and events favored their opponents, who had been schooled in adversity. Pierce, a vain, showy, and pliant man, was made President by Jeff Davis, R. J. Walker, Gid PUlow, and others, and by his errors and weakness broke dovra his Administration, and his party throughout the country. How could such a man and his associates impart strength and vigor to any party anywhere? In the mean time, a set of younger men of opposite poU tics came forward and established an efficient and energetic organization in New Hampshire, which swept the State. The repeal of the Missouri Compromise, the svrindUng "rillainies in Kansas, the flagrant disregard of the principles of their party, their debasing subserviency to the arrogant and insolent assumptions of the imperious Southem leaders — even to countenancing and affiliating vrith the Seces sionists — demoralized and broke down the Democratic Party, which for a quarter of a century had held suprem acy in New Hampshire. The rising young politicians of the opposite party assimilated with those Democrats who opposed central aggressions and avaUed themselves of the advantages which the feeble and weak Democrats who clung to organization regardless of principle threw into their hands. Chandler, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; RoUins, Revenue Commissioner; RoUins, Member of Congress; Ordway, Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of Representa tives; Fogg, late Minister to Svritzerland, and others have, for the last dozen years, been as efficient and powerful as Isaac HUl and his associates in other days. Their or ganization and the discipUne of party have prevented the State from securing its rightful position at this time; but the change is upon them. The Radicals are extremists or disunionists, and as much in fault as the Secessionists, and the rising young Democrats will take advantage of 1868] STANBERY RESIGNS 311 their centraUzing and disunion heresies to overthrow the RepubUcan Party. March 12, Thursday. At a special Cabinet-meeting the matter of Stanbery's resignation was considered. The general vrish was that he should retain the office and act as counsel; but he prefers to be untrammeled, and has his heart much set on the trial. The President has re cently had a conversation with a newspaper correspondent (the World's) in which he disclosed Pickering's case, who was removed by John Adams, — a point on which the counsel were relying and which we all had studiously kept secret. Stanbery, having presented his resignation and the matter being adjusted, was about leaving, when he stopped, addressed the President, and resumed his seat, "You are now, Mr. President," said he, "in the hands of your lawyers, who vrill speak and act for you, and I must begin by requesting that no further disclosures be made to news paper correspondents. There was in the papers, yester day or this moming, what purported to be a conversa tion between the President and a correspondent, in which the Pickering correspondence was brought out and made pubhc. This is aU wrong, and I have to request that these talks, or conversations, be stopped. They injure your case and embarrass your counsel." Mr. Browning foUowed in the same vein and more at length. The President was taken aback. He attempted some apologetic remark. Said the correspondence was in the books, accessible to all, etc. But no one justified, apologized for, or attempted to excuse him. He saw that there was general disapproval. Some of these proceedings of the President are unac countable and inexcusable. He seems to take pleasure in having these "talks" of the President with this or that correspondent pubUshed. It is in his position hardly a pardonable weakness. 312 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 12 Seward has gone to New York and vrill visit Albany and Auburn before he retums. Why he selects this time to be absent, I cannot tell. It is not unusual for him when some crisis, some development, some of his own intrigues are about ripening to leave Washington for a few days. The impeachment hearing comes on to-morrow, and, though a postponement will take place, I know not why he should be away. He says he will see friends in New York and can help the President more there than here. March 13, Friday. Impeachment was the order of the day. The reports render description and detail unnecessary. Of course the President was not there, nor were any of his Cabinet. The hollow farce has no friends, — hardly any vrith the Radicals, beyond mere pretense. An attempt to proceed forthwith to trial was made, and the Senate had a Star-Chamber sitting on the measure, from which aU but Senators were excluded. Little of interest took place at the Cabinet-meeting. Senator John Sherman sends me three affidavits, stating that Lieutenant Day used very improper and disrespect ful language against Congress and General Grant, and demands that he shaU be court-martialed. Day is off duty — on leave — at home among his friends — and in some discussion at a gathering, cross-roads, or railroad depot, expressed himself strongly and unbecomingly. Others may have done the same. WhUst this was reprehensible, and perhaps may justify admonition and reproof, since attention is called to it by a Senator, I do not consider it a military offense requiring a court martial. If aU officers are to be court-martialed for expressing their condemna tion of Congress, or any department of the Government, we shall have our hands full. It is bad enough to bring them before a court for too free utterance against their su periors when on duty, but to attack them for free, though erroneous and improper, speech at home, when off duty, in regard to the Government or any department, is hardly 1868] THE OUTLOOK AS TO THE TRIAL 313 to be thought of. Senator Sherman would revise the sedition law and put a gag in the mouths of his countrymen — especially its naval and mUitary men — who should venture to give free utterance to their opinions of the bad acts of himseff and associates. But neither Congress nor General Grant are above or beyond criticism. March 14, Saturday. I was confined to my house by order of Doctor H[orvritz] in consequence of a severe cold which threatened congestion of the lungs, but went a short time this evening in a close carriage to the President. Browning and RandaU were there; no others. The President indi cated more uncomfortable and uncertain feeling than I had before vritnessed. He has great calmness, great fortitude, great seff-reUance, but it is evident these qualities are put to a severe test by late proceedings. Brovsming is also disquieted, though not prepared to confess it. Randall, who mixes more vrith all classes and has better opportun ities of feeUng the pulse of the pubhc here in Washington than others of us, expresses the strongest conviction that the President vrill be sustained and that the impeachment vriU fail. I should have no doubt myself of such a result in an ordinary case in ordinary times, or were the Senators above fanatical partisan prejudice and influence, — were they statesmen and independent patriots. But, I am sorry to say, I have so little confidence in a majority of the Senators that I make no reliance upon an acquittal. Should a sufficient number evince moral principle and independence to discharge their duty honestly, he may not only be acquitted but have a majority in his favor. I have seen none of the counsel since the session of yesterday. They asked for forty days to prepare. The Sen ate went into secret session and gave them nine. This has a bad look. Only nine days for so great a cause, affecting the Chief Magistrate and the Nation itself! Men who would so limit time in so grave a matter, even under secret caucus stimulant, can scarcely be considered worthy to 314 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 14 sit in judgment in such a case. The charges are indeed frivolous, contemptible, but, the House of Representatives having preferred them, the President should have been allowed ample time for his defense. But a majority of the Senators have prejudged the case, and are ready to pro nounce judgment without testimony. It is evident that the Radicals in Congress are in a con spiracy to overthrow not only the President but the govern ment. The impeachment is but a single act in the drama. Alabama is to be admitted by a breach of faith and by violence to honest, fair legislation. By trick, imposition, and breach of courtesy an act was slipped through both houses repealing the laws of 1867 and 1789, the effect of which is to take from the Supreme Court certain powers, and which is designed to prevent a decision in the McCardle case.^ Should the Court in that case, as it is supposed they wiU, pronounce the Reconstruction laws unconstitutional, the military governments vriU fall and the whole Radical fabric wUl tumble vrith it. Only one course can prolong the miserable contrivance, and that is a President like Wade, who vrill maintain the miUtary governments re gardless of courts, or law, or right. Hence I have very Uttle expectation that the President vrill escape conviction. His deposition is a party necessity, and the Senators have not individually the strength, ability, nor honesty to resist the Radical caucus decisions which Stevens, Ben Butler, and other chief conspirators sent out. March 17, Tuesday. The Cabinet met in the Ubrary, the council room being occupied by the President's lawyers ' This was a habeas corpus case alleging unla'wful restraint by military force, appealed by WUliam H. McCardle from the Circuit Court for the Soutliern District of Mississippi. The act referred to repealed so much of the Act of 1867 amending that of 1789 " as authorized an appeal from the judg ment of the Circuit Court to the Supreme Court of the United States, or the exercise of any such jurisdiction by said Supreme Court on appeals which have been or may hereafter be taken ' ' ; and the Court accordingly dismissed the case for want of jurisdiction. 1868] THE PRESIDENT'S RESERVE 315 preparing for the impeachment trial. There was little of interest. General Thomas was present as the ad interim Secretary of War. The President is anxious and more than usually abstracted. I trust he communicates freely with his counsel, though always inclined to be reserved. It has been, and is, his misfortune that he has tried, and still does, to carry on this great govemment vrithout confidants, — vrithout consulting or advising, except to a very limited extent, with any. It wears upon him, and his measures are not always taken vrith the caution and care that wisdom dictates. In his movements the President is irregular. Sometimes he is inexcusably dilatory; sometimes he appears to act from impulse. His best friends expected the removal of Stanton two years earlier than it was made. So far as he communicated anything on the subject, I supposed on several occasions that change would take place. But he delayed until Congress passed a law to prevent Stanton's removal and the President from acting. The conduct of Stanton was not gratifying to the Rad icals, or to one vring of the Republican Party, the more moderate. Theywere becoming tired of him. A little skill ful management would have made a permanent break in that party. But the President had no tact himself to effect it, he consulted vrith no others, the opportunity passed away, and by a final hasty move, vrithout prepara tion, vrithout ad"rising with anybody, he took a step which consoUdated the Radicals of every stripe, strengthened Stanton, while it weakened his supporters, and brought down a mountain of trouble on himself. Had he unbos omed himself to his Cabinet, received their suggestions, and canvassed fully and deUberately the subject, results would have been different. March 18, Wednesday. There is a strange, duU apathy in the pubhc mind, when measures of great moment are so imminent. The proposed impeachment of the President 316 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 18 creates but Uttle excitement, nor does the vrild, heedless, partisan legislation of Congress appear to disturb even the commercial interests. The Radical press is vociferous for impeachment, not because the President has committed any crime, but for party considerations. The Democratic press is cool and comparatively indifferent, because they apprehend that impeachment vrill ruin RadicaUsm. The welfare of the country, the true interests of the govemment, the salvation of the Union, the stability of our institutions, do not affect seriously the discipline of the two great parties. Neither party means to abandon its organization, but neither of them reaUzes the terrible consequences that must result from the extreme and revolutionary proceedings of the conspirators. At a brief Cabinet-meeting this evening, nothing was done. The President was calm and uncommunicative as usual, — perhaps with more than usual reason. Judge Jere Black called on me this moming and had a strange talk about Alta Vela. Represents Seward as be having badly and to the discredit of the country in that matter. Told him I knew little of it, that I had been the confidant of neither party. Black inquired in regard to the naval vessels, — whether there was not one or more at St. Thomas which could be ordered to protect American interests, which Seward was abandoning. I did not like the direction which Black seemed disposed to give the affair, — the half threat of making the President ac countable and responsible for Seward's errors or mis management just at this time. It would be deplorable. Black said, and I would undoubtedly have an interview with the President in the course of the day on the subject. I remarked that nothing would be done, of course, until Seward returned, as it was a subject vrithin his Depart ment, and he had studied it thoroughly, whatever might be his views. This, I saw, did not suit Black. March 19, Thursday. The President is making some 1868] THE ALTA VELA AFFAIR 317 movements, but the scope and object he keeps to himself. Perhaps it is best, if he intends extreme measures with the conspirators. General Hancock is expected this evening. He has not been treated as he should have been by Grant. There is a mmor that Hancock wiU be assigned to this military department and that Gordon Granger vriU take the place of General Emory here in Washington. If such be the fact, I know nothing of it, nor, I apprehend, do other members of the Cabinet. The changes, if made, wUl be likely to stir up the conspirators, and are made too late to be effectual. These precautions should have been taken long ago, if taken at aU. I do not believe that the President, unless personally assaUed, intends seriously to resort to military assistance to maintain his position; and miUtary officers who are his friends can now do little for him, if he even wishes it. The President has a policy known only to himself. Honest, patriotic, devoted to his duties, he has failed to attach to himself a party. He would not lend himself to the Radicals to exclude the States, nor to the Democrats to secede from the Union, but has stood as it were alone on the constitutional policy of Lincoln and himseff. I hope he is frank and confiding vrith hislavsyers; he has not been sufficiently so with his Cabinet. Black caUed on me again this moming and inquired ff the President had given me any orders in relation to Alta Vela. I told him no order had been received. He in quired if I had seen the President since his and my inter view yesterday. I replied that I had, but nothing had been said to me concerning Alta Vela. Black expressed astonish ment, appeared vexed, said the President could not go on in this way, yet he was sorry to leave him just at this time. I remarked that he would not. But he turned short and left. His son was vrith him. An hour or two after, S[imeon] Johnson, who writes for the Intelligencer, but who is a special friend and admirer of Black's, called on me in alarm on account of a disagreement between the President and Black. Says the President has not kept his 318 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 19 word with Black, and the latter has told him so. He says Black will not go on vrith the trial ff the Alta Vela matter is not arranged. I discredited this and so told Johnson. The thing looks to me very suspicious. If Black is inter ested, as I suppose he is, largely, in the Alta Vela affair and thinks to take advantage of the President's necessities to effect an object, he is mistaken in his man. The Pre sident is about the last man who would be moved under compulsion of such circumstances. That Black is deeply interested and has a large pecuniary stake in the results of the Alta Vela affair I am compeUed to believe, and there is something that indicates a like deep interest on the part of Seward. I have supposed it was Weed who was inter ested and who influenced Seward. March 20. No matters of great moment before the Cab inet. Seward is stiU absent, but Fred represented him. This is always persistently and particularly done. Fred is the first on the ground at Cabinet-meetings and the last to leave. He hears, sees, watches, and catches aU. Bring ing his assistant did much to impair the efficiency and con fidence of Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet, and so of Mr. Johnson's. Stanton told me he would never bring forward an important matter when an assistant was present. The President has a severe cold and is, I see, affected by the impeachment. How could it be otherwise? I had a little talk with him, which gratified him. He asked me if Black had been to see me. I told him he had, tvrice. "Yes," said the President, "he seems to be absorbed with Alta Vela. Seward has also been devoting a good deal of time to it." I remarked I had never investigated it or been asked to. When the subject was up some time ago, Seward had politely informed us that he required the attention of no one but the President and Attorney- General, and I had therefore made it a point to avoid the question. Here the subject was dropped by the President, and I left. 1868] JUDGE BLACK'S WITHDRAWAL 319 March 23, Monday. There was some effort for dramatic effect and crowded galleries to-day to witness the impeach ment trial. But there was no great excitement nor intense or absorbing interest in the subject. It is one of the re markable and sad events of the times that a subject of such magnitude, an outrage so flagrantly and vindictively par tisan, a deliberate conspiracy against the Chief Magistrate of the nation, should be treated with such indifference here and elsewhere. There is idle curiosity with many, some of the busy actors fancying they will be the Burkes and Sheridans at this trial. The Radicals are so demoralized and depraved, are so regardless of their constitutional obUgations and of their oaths and their duty, that nothing good can be expected of them. But there are unmistakable indications that the Democratic leaders — a set who think more of party than of country — secretly desire the con viction and deposition of the President. Not that they are inimical to him, not that they beUeve him guUty of any crime deserving of impeachment, not that they will vote against him, but they look upon the act as perfectly suicidal to the Radicals. They seem not aware that their own unvrise conduct is scarcely less suicidal and may save the Radicals from annihilation. The President's defense is a studied and well-prepared paper, wanting, perhaps, in power and force in some re spects. There was, I am told and from what I read, a great contrast between the attomey for the President and the Managers. Black, I perceive, did not appear, and I judge has abandoned the case. If so, there is something more than is apparent in his course. Alta Vela is the pretext, but there is perhaps a deeper cause, a selfish or a party one. Black has been named as a Democratic candidate for Pre sident, and this may have influenced him. Blair said to me early that Black was strong and ought to be one of the President's counsel, but that he was in collusion with Stanton, and could not be relied upon to bring out Stan ton's viUainies, for he fears Stanton. 320 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 20 The Judges of the Supreme Court have caved in, faUen through, failed, in the McCardle case. Only Grier and Field have held out like men, patriots, judges of nerve and honest independence. These things look ominous, and sadden me. I fear for my country when I see such abasement. Fear of the usurp ing Radicals in Congress has intimidated some of these Judges, or, like reckless Democratic leaders, they are vrill ing their party should triumph through Radical foUy and vrickedness. These are indeed evil times! Seward has on more than one occasion declared that he controlled Judge Nelson. Whether he is, or has been, intriguing in this matter, or taken any part, is a problem. The New York World of to-day has not a word in its editorial coliunns on impeachment, — a question of mo mentous importance to the country. It has a variety of articles on hght and insignificant subjects. But the World has more than once proclaimed that it was in no way iden tified with the President nor responsible for his election. They approve his principles, but he is not their man nor of their organization. Its editors fear that, if they were to become the vigorous champions of Johnson against his persecutors, the people would compel his nomination. Hence they are putting their cause and professed principles in jeopardy by failing to do right. But the most deplorable, or one of the most deplorable features in all these proceedings is to vritness party as semblages, conventions, and legislatures in distant States passing resolutions approving of the unpeachment of the President and urging his conviction, vrithout any fact, or specification, or alleged crime, or any knowledge whatever on the subject. Some of these proceedings are sent to Con gress and received by the Senate, which sits in judgment. It is not difficult to see the near downfall of a govemment which shall long pursue a course such as the Radicals are initiating for mere party purposes. 1868] THE IMPEACHMENT TRIAL 321 March 24, Tuesday. The impeachment movement was again before Congress and the Court. The Managers on the part of the House were ready with their replication, and there is reason to suppose it was prepared before the President's reply was received. On the part of Butler and some others there is an inclin ation to play the part of buffoons, and display levity in a matter of the gravest importance to the nation. Sumner and certain Senators do not conceal their readiness to pro ceed at once to judgment and condemnation without proof or testimony. In their unfitness and vindictive partisan ship and hate, they would not award the President rights or privileges granted criminals for the court of errors or give him time for preparation. They are really unwilling to allow him to make defense. These usurpers and conspirators — for they are such, truly and emphatically, having arrogated power without authority, excluded States and people from their constitu tional rights of representation — are now deUberately at tempting the destmction of another department of the govemment by the unlawful exercise of these usurped powers. Were all the States represented, as they should be, and would be, if not vrickedly and wrongfully excluded by an arbitrary, usurping faction, there could be no con viction, and would have been no impeachment. But the President is arraigned for doing his duty and striving to defend the Constitution in conformity with his oath. The Constitution-breakers are trying the Constitution- defender ; the law-breakers are passing condenmation on the law-supporter; the conspirators are sitting in judgment on the man who would not enter into their conspiracy, who was, and is, faithful to his oath, his country, the Union, and the Constitution. What a spectacle! And if successful, what a blow to free govemment! What a commentary on popular intelligence and public virtue! Mr. Seward, having retumed after a strange absence at this critical period, was present at Cabinet-meeting, as were 3 322 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 24 all the members, including General Thomas, ad interim of the War. Among the matters submitted by Seward was a long dispatch in relation to Captain Rejmolds and the Lackawanna, addressed to the Hawaiian Minister. The positions taken were, I thought from the reading, very well. There is a spirit of mischief among those Islands, aggravated, I have little doubt, by Reynolds, and they have sent here a thick-headed, garrulous Minister who has no clear and distinct opinions, and who is obviously the tool and instrument of the EngUsh and French intrigues at the Sandwich Islands. After the Cabinet-meeting, had some conversation vrith the President on the impeachment. Suggested the ad interim appointments of Mr. Lincoln when Chase resigned, and also when Fessenden resigned. Congress being in ses sion on both occasions; but an ad interim appointment be came necessary until a permanent appointment was made, in order that the current business of the Department and Govemment might go on. I then remarked that Black did not appear among the managers and asked if he was beha"ving badly. The Presi dent said he had vrithdrawn from the case, and he thought was behaving very badly indeed. [He said] that he had a letter from B. which he vrished me to read. It announced his withdrawal in justice to his clients in the Alta Vela case; regretted if it should injure the President, whose course he justified and approved in these persecutions; de nounced Seward's conduct in the Alta Vela matter, whose little finger was more potent vrith the President than the loins of the law, etc., etc. I said that from the letter and Black's career I judged he had undertaken to compel him (the President) to make himself a party in a private suit, and because he would not, he had lost the service of Mr. Black, and was also so far damaged as the vrithdrawal of one of his leading counsel at a critical moment might in jure him in public estimation. The President said that was true, but if Mr. Black had for a moment deceived himself 1868] BLACK'S LETTER OF WITHDRAWAL 323 by supposing that he would deviate a hair's breadth from his duty in order to retain his services or prevent convic tion even, he was a sadly deceived man. As regarded the Alta Vela, he had not decided against Black's clients; he had thought there might be merit, or the color of merit, in the claim. The Secretary of State, whose special duty it was to look into the question, had investigated it and was against Black, whether rightfuUy or wrongfully he could not say. The whole subject, however, had been called for by Congress, and at this time and under present circum stances he could not take any step, nor was he inclined to make himself a party in the matter. I doubted if Black's withdrawal and non-appearance would operate injuriously to the President before Congress or the country, — certainly not if the facts were known. We both thought that Black's political aspirations might have influenced him in this step. He is very ambitious, and, as is often the fact, not the best judge in his own case, though undoubtedly a man of great legal abUity and of strong mind and power. I think Stanton controls him. March 25, Wednesday. The Cincinnati Gazette, an ex treme Radical paper, has a letter from its correspondent, Reid, from Washington, imputing to General Howard the scares and alarms which have terrified Stanton and led Emory to extra "rigilance in his commands. He has been filled vrith suspicions and frights, which he has commun icated to Stanton, who is easily alarmed. Howard, at the beginning of the War, was a religious man of smaU calibre, but has become a pious fraud. March 26, Thursday. The action of Congress and par ticularly the Senate in taking from the Supreme Court certain powers to prevent a decision in the McCardle case is shameful, and forebodes an unhappy future to the coun try. There is no exercise of reason, judgment, intelligence, or patriotism by the Radical majority on any subject " 324 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 26 whereby their party is liable to be affected. Truth, justice, right, law, and Constitution are broken down and trampled under foot by Senators. I say this in sorrow. March 27, Friday. Very little of importance at the Cab inet. Every member, I think, considers con"riction a fore gone conclusion in the impeachment case. The Senate seems debauched, debased, demoraUzed, vrithout inde pendence, sense of right, or moral courage. It is, to aU intents and purposes, a revolutionary body, subject to the dictation of Sumner, who is imperious, and Chandler, who is unprincipled, — both are disliked and hated by a con siderable portion of the Repubhcans, who nevertheless bow submissive to the violent extremists. I cannot come to the conclusion that the Senate, feeble and timid as it is, will convict the President of high crimes and misdemeanors and depose him, yet I have no con fidence whatever in the fairness or justice of that body. There is a party necessity to obtain possession of the execu tive, in order to put a Radical in the office of President next year. Fraud and force will be resorted to, ff necessary, to accomplish this end. Hence impeachment is a necessity. Johnson must be removed, for he vriU countenance no fraud or wrongdoing. And men vrill surrender their consciences, violate their oaths, be recreant to every honest principle and instinct, and make a victim of an honest man for doing his duty. It is like slaughtering, shooting down, the faithful sentinel because of his fideUty in standing to his post. We are, in fact, in the midst of a revolution, bloodless as yet, a revolution not of arms but of ideas and govemment, more effectual and complete than that of the armies of the Rebellion. It is a question whether the Union and the Constitution can be retrieved and restored, though I do not yet permit myself to despair of the Repubhc. I have not faith in the Senate, j'et ff the President should be con victed and deposed, the names of those Senators who shall declare him guilty will go dovra in infamy, and be recorded 1868] THE NAVAL APPROPRIATION BILL 325 in history as the betrayers of truth and traitors to justice and freedom. March 28, Saturday. The Senate yesterday had under consideration the Naval Appropriation Bill. Unfortunate ly, Grimes, the Chairman of the Committee, and Anthony, the only two men famUiar with the subject, were absent. Wilson and Sumner betrayed gross ignorance as well as maUgnity in the debate. The latter I expected, but there is no excuse for the former. Both of them and the New Hampshire Senators professed to be actuated by disinter ested and proper motives and were profuse in their denunci ations of party appointments, yet those Senators have done and said more, and importuned me harder, than any and all other Senators to make party removals and appoint ments. Wilson represented that the masters whom I ap pointed were all from the Navy, — old salts, who knew nothing of the trade of mason, blacksmith, etc., placed over civiUans who were unfit for the duty. Notwithstand ing this assertion, no such appointments have ever been made; the statement is false. In order to prevent any abuse of that kind, which I have understood sometimes has existed, I established a regulation that no person should be appointed until after he had passed an examina-' tion before a competent board. In giving expression to his party malignity, Wilson said the administration of the Na"vy Department for the last two or three years had been wasteful and extravagant beyond any other Department of the Government. This from the Chairman of the Military Committee, where mill ions upon millions have been profligately wasted, while I have been accused of miserly economy in expenditures. But this is only a specimen of Radical truth and fairness. WUson and Sumner are put up to this by General Banks and his creatures, the chief manager being Simon P. Hans com, an office-broker, who professes to, and I believe does, act vrith the Democrats, and who whispered in my ear a 326 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 28 few months ago, while cooperating vrith Banks, that the scheme was Democratic, but that Banks did not know it. The Natick cobbler is a dupe as well as an ignoramus and falsifier on naval matters. Blundering, plundering Nye,^ vrithout honesty or integ rity, but who has some pretensions to coarse humor, got in a fog and bellowed about the engineers and their rivalry with the officers. The poor fellow knew not the difference between the civil engineers of the yard and the steam engineers. March 30, Monday. The opening speech of General Butler in the impeachment trial is variously spoken of. As he has talents of a certain kind and has prided himseff in getting to be one of the Managers, where there is rivalry, and as he wants notoriety, he cares but Uttle of what kind, and as he has impudence and audacity and the employ ment is familiar, I presume he made a speech vrith some strong and forcible language. As to his facts, his history, his law, and correct application of principles, there is room for criticism and doubt. Though a Radical favorite, he is an unscrupulous and, in every respect, a bad man. The intelligent Radicals do not seem to be satisfied vrith his performance, while the Democrats do not feel that Butler has made much headway against the President. March 31, Tuesday. Nothmg but current busmess at the Cabinet. The President requested us to meet him and his counsel this evening at eight. Just before leaving I was subpoenaed as a witness to appear to-morrow at twelve before the court of impeachment. Seward, after getting at the President's, said that it was Mr. Stanbery's summons for myself and others of the Cabinet. Mr. Stanbery, Evarts, and Groesbeck met us at the Pre sident's. Talked over certain circumstances and incidents in the past. Seward said he knew nothing of Stanton's ' James W. Nye, Senator from Nevada. 1868] MUTTERINGS AGAINST CHASE 327 suspension, was absent at the time. Had early seen dis agreement between the President and Stanton, and had exerted himself to prevent a rupture. This had been his course, he said, with each and every member of the Cab inet from the time he became connected with the Adminis tration in 1861. He supposed the President had avoided consulting him, because of his earnest efforts to retain Stanton. Had never asked the President before, but did now. The President did not give a direct and expUcit answer, but yet it was essentially affirmative. A difference occurred in the Senate to-day, involving the power of the Chief Justice and his right to decide on questions subject to the decision of the Senate, in which he was sustained by ten majority. The extreme Radicals are greatly incensed, and have mutterings against Chase. There are growing differences between the Radical and Conservative Senators. The latter lack courage; the former lack sense. LVIII Gloomy Political Outlook in Connecticut — English reelected, however, by an Increased Majority — Curtis opens for the President in the Im peachment Trial — Consultation as to the Introduction of General Sherman's Testimony — The Need of a Lawyer who can meet Butler and Bingham on their own Ground — Sherman's Testimony admitted — Secretary WeUes on the Stand — Manager Wilson's Elaborate Speech interjected into the Proceedings — The President nominates General Schofield as Secretary of War — Senator Grimes on the Impeachment Trial — Surmises as to the President's Reasons for nominating Schofield — Vice-Admiral Porter said to be fishing for the Secretaryship of the Navy — The Speeches of Thaddeus Stevens and Thomas Williams — Stanbery, though ill, is confident of Success — Evarts's Speech. April 1, Wednesday. The aspect of the campaign in j Connecticut does not suit me. Burr writes that_we^wUl I carry the State ticket, but probably lose the legi^ature. This is a let-dovsm from all previous statements, and I am apprehensive there may be a further let-dovpn in the re sult. The New York World, the Democratic organ in that city, has hurt the Democratic Party and cause in Connec ticut. When it declared Johnson was not elected by the Democratic votes, that the impeachment was a contro versy between the President and those who elected him, etc., etc., it damaged the cause and may hav-e lost us the State. It is easy to perceive that they would not grieve to have the President convicted, because they beUeve it will ruin the Radicals and dispose of Johnson. WhUe if they made fierce and just war against this Radical out rage and persecution, it would, in their apprehension, enlist public sympathy for the President, who, they fear, may be a candidate. Sumner attempted to get a rule estabUshed that the Chief Justice should not vote or give an opinion, but was voted down by six majority. 1868] THE CONNECTICUT ELECTION 329 April 2, Thursday. Impeachment progresses, but I do not see that the impeachers have yet made an impeachable case. Still it is a question whether there is sufficient courage in the Senate to do right, under the threats of the Radical papers, party meetings, etc. April 3, Friday. My brother, ColoneL Babcock, and John Cotton Smith write me with confidence in regard to the election, yet each speaks of the closeness of the contest, and the efforts being made by each party. ( The Radical papers speak with much more confidence tnairlast year, and the editors have, I think, persuaded themselves they wUl win. This confidence is in itself strength.", . . April 7, Tuesday. Am pressed for time. Jhe Connec ticut election has resulted in the reelection of English by an increased majority, but the Radicals have both branches of the legislature, which will give them a Senator in Con gress in place of DixonT^It will be a great political battle, and has cost the Radicals a great amount of money for speakers, to say nothing of corruption expenditure. The result is a great disappointment to the Radipal leaders here, who^Jiad persuaded themselves they should carry Connecticut. On the whole, the battle has been hardly and~skUTfully fought on both sides. Michigan has gone, unexpectedly, against negro suffrage by an overwhelming majbrity7~ " ~~ ~~ " 'Mr. "Stanbery came upon us while in Cabinet-meeting, and questioned us on many points, and brought his own recollection and ours to bear on matters relating to im peachment. April 10, Friday. Many occurrences pass which I have not time to note down. Am busy till late at night. Seward gave me, in Cabinet-meeting, papers from Honolulu, forwarded from that Govemment, exposing a spy on board Reynolds' vessel, the Lackawanna. The spy is his own private secretary. 330 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [april io Mr. Curtis opened the case yesterday for the President and finished to-day. A very finished legal argument, but I doubt if as effective as might have been made by some others. Perhaps it is because I am more eamest and in dignant over this infamous and infemal "rillainy, which is treated so gingerly by the professional friends of the Presi dent, and so infamously and audaciously by his opponents. April 13, Monday. Mr, Stanbery sent me word to meet him last evening at the President's at eight. Was punctu ally there and found the President's counselors in impeach ment matters there except Mr. Stanbery. His wife had been taken suddenly ill, and he was thereby detained. Having no occasion to remain, I was about leaving, when the President invited me to wait. The lavi^ers were ex amining documents most of the time. Judge Curtis and Evarts read over the letters of General Sherman vrith great care. Groesbeck examined certain Department documents. Nelson sat quietly by, saying little and doing nothing. The conversation was chiefly on the point of pressing the further introduction of Sherman's testimony, and es pecially the letters which they had just examined. These letters contained some expressions which they, Curtis and Evarts, thought would do as much harm as the letters themselves would do good. Both these gentlemen thought the President had a perfectly good case as it stands, without farther testimony. Judge Curtis said he feared every new witness; that the other side were fishing for evidence. Evarts concurred. I was not altogether satisfied vrith their reasoning or conclusion, but I am not, of course, as capable of framing an opinion as these legal gentlemen who are in the case. It is not, however, a legal but a political question, and the conspirators are the triers. The Managers have a feeble case or no case at all. There are no grounds for impeach ment; there were none from the beginning, yet every Rad- 1868] JUDGE CURTIS'S OPENING 331 ical in the town voted for impeachment, and a large portion of the Senators are ready to-day to vote to convict. They were as ready to give the same vote when the trial, as it is caUed, commenced. They had caucused on the subject they were to adjudicate and are still caucusing. The Sen ators are many of them incapable of candid judgment, or intelUgent judgment. Judge C. makes a mistake, I think, in resting where he is. Were they, the Senators, as good lawyers as the Judges of the Supreme Court or govemed by any rules, the case might be considered safe. But Butler gives rules to the Senatorial judges, and tells them how to vote, and they obey. Unfortunately they are not legaUy vrise, nor honest, nor candid. They are less safe as triers than an ordinary intelligent jury. The latter would give heed to the clear mind of an intelligent and impartial judge. These Senators are judge and jury in a case of their own, prejudiced, self-consequential, and incompetent. Such a tribunal, it appears to me, is to be treated pecul iarly, and not upon trust. They must have it made to appear to them that they are in the wrong. Eamest, vigorous, unwearied efforts are wanted. Scholarly, re fined, legal abihty are not alone sufficient vrith men who were tested before trial was ordered and who meet in secret caucus daily. I made a few suggestions to this effect after the others left, and stated a few points that appear not to have been touched upon. One was that Stanton, for whom the con spirators were contending, never had called on the Pre sident, met at his council-board, or consulted vrith him or others of the Cabinet, since last August, — had been use less as an advdser, head of a Department, or executive officer. On the suggestion of Judge Curtis, I called this moming on Mr. Stanbery at his rooms in the Metropolitan, and Judge Curtis was there. He, with Mr. S., went over the same ground as last evening in regard to General Sherman ; but Mr. Stanbery dissented from his associates and thought 332 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [april 13 with me they should, at all events, try to get the General's testimony. If refused, let the consequences be vrith them, and the refusal go out to the country. Mr. Stanbery questioned me on one or two points; thought he should not want me for some two or three days, and said Edgar could go to New York. I feel the want of a man of different metal from either of these lawyers on the part of the defense, — one who has audacity, can meet Butler and Bingham ^ on their own ground and with their ovra weapons. Still the courteous and accomplished attorneys may fight the battle, but before this tribunal different metal is also wanted. April 14, Tuesday. There was an interesting time yes terday in the Senate, and that body, after vacillating, finally admitted General Sherman to testify in answer to Senator Reverdy Johnson, as to the object of the President in tendering him the appointment of Secretary ad interim. The remark of the President that he. General S., need have no apprehension of or from Stanton, who is cowardly, came out. Mr. Stanbery is sick to-day, and the Court adjoumed over until to-morrow in consequence. Seward and Randall spent last evening vrith him, when, as they report, he appeared to be well, but his brain was active and excited. Browning caUed at my house this evening and says Stanbery is better. It appears to me impeachment has lost ground in pubhc estimation during the last few days; stiU I have no con fidence in the partisan Senate. There are men there of ability sufficient to know what is right, to act independently, and who should have enough honesty and moral courage to do right. I trust they will, yet I do not rely on them in this excitement. As for the crowd of little creatures who are out of place in the Senate, and who ought never to have been there, — like Chandler, Thayer, Morgan, Nye, ' Congressman John A. Bingham of Ohio was one of the Managers of the trial on the part of the House. 1868] ON THE STAND 333 Conness, Cameron, and others, who are neither statesmen, enlightened legislators, nor possessed of judicial minds, — no one expects from them justice or any approach to it. But the question is whether the abler minds will be whoUy carried away by chief conspirators who hold in their hands the great amount of partisan small trash. April 16, Thursday. Was subpoenaed to-day as a vrit ness before the high court of impeachment, and attended about 1 P.M. I was not, however, placed upon the stand. Cox and Merrick ^ were examined, and cross-examined by Butler. More time was consumed by the Managers in objections to exclude the truth than by witnesses in testi fying to facts. At a late hour Butler made a violent, in decent party harangue, which disgraced the Senators who faUed to caU him to order and listened to his tirade with satisfaction. April 17, Friday. At the court of impeachment most the day and for two or three hours on the stand. Nearly every question put was objected to and discussed. The Chief Justice presided with fairness, and the Senators, in most cases by a majority, voted against the Managers. About twenty are "riolent partisans, as much interested in the prosecution as the Managers, and some of them taking an active part vrith them. Cameron, Conness, Howard, and others manifest this. There is another set of stupid, stolid creatures, Uke Morgan, Chandler, etc., — the latter violent, the former time-serving, — who vote uniformly and always to exclude all testimony for the President, and are, and have been, ready from the first to vote to convict. In point of morality, I put these fellows on a par with the thief and the murderer. The fear of punishment and 1 Walter S. Cox, a lawyer of Georgeto"WTi, District of Columbia, who had been consulted by the President in connection with General Lorenzo Thomas's appointment, and Richard T. Merrick, a Washington lawyer, who had been employed by General Thomas. 334 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [april i7 the opinion and judgment of others vrill restrain them from committing those crimes, not any sense of moral justice or obligation. Morgan has become debased, and, after first taking a manly stand, has become dragooned by leaders, fears his associates, whom he now follows like a whipped spaniel. Chandler is more coarse and free-spoken than Morgan, but quite as contemptible. . . . As my testimony vrill appear in the proceedings, I shall not attempt to here recapitulate it. Should have been glad to have been permitted to state my knowledge on the points, vrithout being restricted to narrow questions and answers. I perceived that the Radical leaders, as well as Managers, were becoming disturbed and discontented by the course things were taking, and, under apprehension that a pend ing question might go against them, there was a concerted movement to adjourn. A caucus and discipline were neces sary. The Managers directed it. I saw it whispered and passed from one to another. Judges! O what judges!! April 18, Saturday. The court of impeachment opened this morning with an elaborate speech from Manager Wil son,^ crowded in on an interlocutory question, which con sumed over an hour and was read from a carefully pre pared manuscript. This, I soon perceived, was the speech which he had been weeks preparing and hoped to deUver at the close of the trial, but, being denied the opportunity by the secret caucus arrangement and decree last ev^ening, it was here injected into the Senate, or court, proceedings. My suspicions were at once aroused that there had been caucusing, or both caucusing and drilling, overnight, to exclude, after listening to aU hearsay evidence and scandal against him, the President's testimony refuting the lies and manufactured evidence. The suspicion was fully con firmed by the day's action. Nothing from any member of the Cabinet was permit- ' Representative James F. WUson of Ohio. 1868] TESTIMONY EXCLUDED 335 ted, from a conviction e"ridently that it would exculpate and exonerate the President. Sumner, therefore, who has to this time voted to admit all testimony, because he was predetermined to convict, absented himself now when votes intended to cut off evidence were to be taken. Mor ton was not present at all. Sherman, FreUnghuysen, and the equivocal men had been last night whipped in. I was put forward by the counsel for the President to receive and answer the test questions, or to be opposed and rejected. This relieved Seward and yet annoyed him. It did not displease him that the testimony of Cabinet officers was prevented. He had, he said, been on friendly terms vrith Stanton, and for that reason President Johnson had not consulted him so freely as others. He claims he was the confidant of President Lincoln, and advised with him in certain removals. For these reasons, he declares, he did not vrish to be placed on the stand, though Judge Curtis and Evarts apparently wished it. When the Cabinet was in consultation with the counsel a few mornings since, I mentioned the particulars under which the President announced the removal of Stanton and appointment of Thomas. Seward undertook to say he was informed before we met, but T. went to the War Department just as we met, and retumed while we were in session. It was not a judicious appointment, whether advised by him or not. April 20, Monday. I did not attend the Senate. The session of the court of impeachment was brief. The fac tious Radical majority, regardless of law, justice, and right, having decided on Saturday to exclude aU testimony for the President, there was little to be said or done. I re marked to the President to-day that I thought it would have been well to place Seward on the stand, that he might at least testify in regard to the preparation, by him and Stanton, of the veto message on the Tenure-of-Office Bill, and that he counseled the selection of General Lorenzo Thomas to take the War Department, if such was the fact. 336 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [april 20 He said he regretted that evidence had not been introduced respecting that message and that there were several things which he wished were different. Strange that he should permit himself to be misled and deluded! April 21, Tuesday. Little of interest in Cabinet. There is no disposition to press forward matters just at this time. Congress neglects and abandons all public business in mere party tricks and intrigues. No case has been made against the President ; therefore it would seem the greater necessity for the conspirators to disregard decency and resort to false and infamous means and statements. It is easy to perceive that the constitutional plan of impeachment vriU be a failure in revolutionary times or in periods of high factious and party excitement Uke these. Perhaps any plan would be, when a corrupt faction, led and managed by such men as Stevens and Butler, etc., gets in power and conspires to overthrow the Constitution. It is melancholy and ridiculous to see such men as Mor gan, Chandler, and other small Ughts sit in their seats and overrule the Chief Justice on law points and questions essential to develop truth. Seward says Morgan got off soundings when he left him and Weed; that he has been floating about ever since without chart or compass, in a very uncomfortable condi tion. He (Seward) represents that he made Morgan. No doubt Weed contributed much to his election, and Morgan has broken away from his creators when they were right. April 22, Wednesday. When I was coming up H Street this evening, between 4 and 5, 1 came upon Conkling and Benjamin F. Butler, who were in close conversation on the comer of 15th Street. It was an ominous and discredit able conjunction, — the principal Manager, an unscrup ulous, corrupt, and villainous character, holding concourse vrith one of the Senatorial triers, a conceited coxcomb of some talents and individual party aspirations. They both 1868] DEPARTMENT MATTERS 337 were, as Jack Downing says, stumped, and showed in then- countenances what they were talking about and their wish that I had been on some other street, — or somewhere else. I am, among other matters, getting up an answer to a resolution of inquiry presented by Starkweather ^ in rela tion to the alleged detention of the apprentice-ship Sabine at New London. Such little things are often annoying and require considerable labor to answer. To recall trivial and almost forgotten incidents and to analyze the subject cor rectly makes a demand on one's time, and taxes his recol lections. I think Mr. Starkweather, who is a petty parti san, may wish he had not offered this resolution. He has got on a false scent and discovered a mare's nest. Things are blended in his mind, and have been mixed up and become confused and foggy in the party excitement, local interest, orders to the Sabine, detailing her commander, and the elections. April 23, Thursday. Made a selection of seven or eight youths for midshipmen vrith the President, and afterwards had a long talk on public affairs. Suggested to him the propriety of an address from someone or more of his coun sel or from some other, setting forth the facts he and they were prepared to present, which the Chief Justice has de cided were relevant and competent, but which the Senate refused to hear or receive. April 24, Friday. No Department business in Cabinet. General conversation on current topics. Seward professes to have knowledge that the President will not be convicted. I place Uttle dependence upon it, for his judgment is good for nothing in such matters. Nevertheless, it is his nature to pry and set machinery to work to get at the designs and purposes of men and tribunals. After the others, except McCulloch, had left, we had twenty minutes vrith the President. He showed us an 1 Henry H. Starkweather, Member of Congress from Connecticut. 3 338 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [april24 order from Grant to Emory, issued by request of Stanton, for a guard at the War Department to preserve documents, etc., issued on the 22d of February. These conspirators will have their works uncovered sooner or later. The Pre sident yesterday, and again to-day, said this man Emory ought to be removed from the command of this district. I said that he ought some time since to have left, but it might not be judicious at this moment. McCulloch to-day took the same view. April 25, Saturday. The argument before the court to day by Mr. Groesbeck is highly spoken of by aU. The President yesterday sent in the nomination of General Schofield for Secretary of War in place of Stanton. I knew nothing of it until I saw it in the papers, nor do I think more than one, and perhaps none, of his Cabinet knew of it. This movement is a concession, and I apprehend has been prompted from a friendly quarter, but I am not sanguine that it will be successful. When Fox was here ten days or a fortnight since, he in formed me of a conversation vrith Grimes, who was to him outspoken in his disgust at the impeachment. There are several Senators who revolt at the intrigue, but, from party faction at home. Grimes said that there was, however, much embarrassment on the part of conservative men what to do. Their political friends expected they would vote to convict, regardless of the merits or demerits of the question, but if any should not, and were to give an honest, judicial vote to acquit, they might be overwhelmed by the President's subsequent acts. Could they be assured that the President would be guilty of no indiscretion, that he would commit no rash act, would consult with and Usten to the advice of his Cabinet or a portion of it, he thought there would be little doubt he would be acquitted. Whilst I am convinced the President would have saved himself much trouble, and the country also, had he more freely consulted with reliable friends, — communicated 1868] GENERAL SCHOFIELD'S NOMINATION 339 and received opinions, — I nevertheless think his impetu osity or rashness is much exaggerated. He has good judg ment and honest intentions, although subjected to great misrepresentation. His indiscretions and errors I do not conceal, but they are venial. This movement for Schofield, or the movement which has resulted in his nomination, has its origin, I conclude, in some such prompting as that suggested to me through Fox. Seward, or RandaU, probably the former, were more ready than myself to make an effort, and the President has yielded. His doing so may bring a friendly retum, and it may not. It is going far on his part, for it is not a week since he spoke to me of the Radicalism of Schofield, which, if not as offensive as that of Sickles or Sheridan, was bad enough. April 27, Monday. As I was about getting on my horse yesterday p.m. for my daily evening ride. Senator Doolittle caUed, and, after a brief conversation, proposed we should go to the President. We found him alone and had about an hour vrith him. Had either of us been alone, he would doubtless have been more communicative. Certainly he would have been vrith me. On the subject of General Schofield's nomination he talked pretty freely vrithout communicating particulars or motives beyond a desire to reUeve himself of Stanton. Schofield would not have been his choice if he could have made a free selection, but Scho field, besides being a military man, occupied that peculiar position which would be likely to .secure a confirmation. I cannot suppose, however, nor can he. that the Senate vrill act whilst impeachment is pending. I inquired if he was satisfied Schofield would stand and not decline the nomination. The President said he appre hended no difficulty in that respect, — that he felt assured there was, on Schofield's part, no partiality for Stanton. General Grant vrishes Stanton out of the way, and will so differ from his associates as to acquiesce in, if he is not 340 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [april 27 gratified with, Schofield, although the latter is not specially devoted to Grant. For my own part, I have little confidence in any of the military governors. This movement is one of that singular class that has sometimes astonished me, as exhibiting a want of administrative ability when I should expect en tirely different qualities. It is Sewardism in all its aspects, whether Seward is in it or not. Doolittle and myself visited Govemor Randall after leaving the President. If R. has had any knowledge of Schofield's nomination he did not disclose it. I judge he is as ignorant as myself, but his conclusions are like mine. He is confident the President vrill be acquitted, and says the Radicals are becoming afraid of that result. I have not that confidence, for a majority of the Senate is composed of very indifferent men, who will, under caucus dictation, vote as partisans, not as judges. He thinks the Senate vrill not come to judgment until after the Chicago Convention, but this, I take it, is mere conjecture. There may be some talk among party men to that effect, but no such conclu sion. Washington is great for rumors at aU times, and the credulous and interested listen. Vice-Admiral Porter has been here several days, the guest of General Grant. Rumor says he is fishing for the place of Secretary of the Navy. This is likely to be the case, for he is ambitious, restless, and intriguing. He is a very unfit man for Secretary, and would soon turn things upside down and destroy all unity and disregard systematic and practical economy. April 28, Tuesday. The speech of Thad Stevens yester day was characteristically abusive, but displayed less abil ity than I expected. I do not think he has injured the Pre sident so much as he desired, though he has spent great labor and time on his speech, which has been three times rewritten and revised. His nephew, who boards at Will ard's with Faxon, told the latter that he was assisting his 1868] STANBERY CONFIDENT OF SUCCESS 341 uncle in reading his third printed proof of what he intended to say. Thomas WUUams,* who followed, is prolix, a poor reader, and wiU not make a favorable impression. . . . He was, I have understood, a quasi partner of Stanton in Pittsburg, and has been much devoted to and much used by him in Congress. Only necessary current business done in the Cabinet. Seward, Randall, and Browning expressed great confidence of the acquittal of the President, but gave no particulars. McCulloch is more hopeful than I have seen him since the impeachment movement commenced. I called last evening on Mr. Stanbery. He is very feeble. Says he has com pleted his argument, but I advised him not to undertake to deliver it, and I think he will not. He expresses great confidence of acquittal, and so, he says, does Evart^. There could be no doubt of it, were the triers uncommitted, — honest, candid, and capable men. All depends on the fact whether there are a sufficient number of such inde pendent Senators. Poor E. B. Washbume cannot sufficiently vent his spite and venom against the Navy Department. My reply to Starkweather's resolution disappointed him. He found a mare's nest and set Starkweather cackling, but the eggs were addled. To-day he introduced a resolution of inquiry into the corrupt sale of ironclads. He will find his head in a bag, or against a stone wall in that matter. I presume Washbume has heard of my contempt for him and his mock economy, — his proverbial meanness and the way in which he lives off Grant, to whom, and for whom, he toadies. He partakes of Grant's dinners, swallows his whis key, smokes his cigars, rides his horses, travels as a dead head, and eats and drinks every day of his life at the pub lic expense. I have seen and sneered at his penuriousness and meanness, his little regard for truth, and his many infirmities. Some Radical go-between has informed him^ » Of Pennsylvania. 342 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [april 28 I have no doubt, of my expressed and real contempt and disgust of him, and of his shallow pretensions, and he means to show proper resentment by lying statements in resolutions concerning Navy management. If the reply shows its falsity, his misstatements have nevertheless gone out ahead. The lie will travel some distance, and get in some corner where it will not be exposed. April 30. There is but little doing by Congress. Im peachment is the question. Mr. Evarts' speech is interest ing and able, and men and women of all parties are greatly interested in it. There is an impression that the Radical cause is grovring weaker, and indication that the Radical leaders have apprehensions. The arguments of the Pre sident's lavpyers have alarmed them, have shown them they have no case, that though they have deceived them selves into the belief that they can deceive the country, there are truths which cannot be covered up and "wiU en danger their future. The conspiracy — for it is nothing else — is an excess of party zeal and hate, vrithout any foundation whatever. It will overwhelm them vrith in famy. In their present state of party discipline, party power, and party terror, votes may not be changed, but conviction has struck some of them. Grimes says there will be no conviction, and he is one of the best judges and most sensible men in the Senate. But Fox, who is here for a few days, says that in circulating around among Senators and others of all parties, he finds the prevaiUng opinion seems to be that the President vrill be condemned. LIX A Visit to Mount Vernon — The President's Disappointment at Black's Desertion — The Outcome of the Impeachment hanging in the Balance — The Doubtful Senators — The Carpet-Bag Constitutions of Arkansas and South Carolina transmitted to Congress — Bingham's Closing Speech for the Prosecution — Congressional Inquiry into the Sale of the Ironclads Oneota and Catawba — The Case of the Hannah Grant — An Exciting Afternoon and Evening in the Senate — Speeches of Sher man, Grimes, Trumbull, and Fessenden — Hopeful Outlook — The Vote on Impeachment postponed — Illness of Senator Grimes — Public Opinion manufactured in Washington by the Radicals — The Vote on the Eleventh Article fails to convict the President — A Call on Senator Grimes — Attack on Ross of Kansas for his Vote in favor of the Pre sident — The Candidates before the Republican Convention at Chicago — Grant and the Radicals — Rumors of Cabinet Changes — Japanese Affairs — Grant and Colfax nominated at Chicago — The Acquittal of the President — The News comes to the Cabinet in Session — Charges of Corruption ¦ — Stanton leaves the War Department — His Character and AbUities and his Administration of the Department — Schofield's Appointment as Secretary of War sticks in the Senate — A Seminole Chief on the Written Constitution. May 1, Friday. I went vrith my family, a few visitors, and a small party of friends to Mount Vernon. It is the first time I have ever landed there, though I have often passed the place, and have always intended to perform a pilgrim age to the tomb of the Great American Patriot. We had a pleasant company, and the day was pleasant. I enjoyed the excursion as an excursion, but it was not the way and manner that would have suited me to discharge a duty. Alone, or with my wife and children, or perhaps three or four chosen friends, not more, I should have felt a melancholy pleasure in such a pilgrimage. May 2, Saturday. A short interview with the President. Completed selections to Naval Academy, — always an un pleasant and unwelcome duty. After this was disposed of. 344 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [mat 2 had a little talk on general subjects. He says the Alta Vela letters of Black were not obtained from him or any one at the White House. They must have been furnished by Black himself, perhaps through his son or partner. The conduct of Black has surprised and affected him more than that of almost any other person. It was unexpected, un generous, and a betrayal or desertion at a critical period, and when the President was relying more on Black than any one else as a counselor, confidant, and friend. The President is by no means desponding. I think his faith is in an honest and sincere consciousness that he has been, to the best of his ability, faithful, that he has done his duty, and that a good Providence vriU not permit him to be sacrificed under these circumstances. While I am reluctant to believe in the total depravity of the Senate, I place but little dependence on the honesty and truthfulness of a large portion of the Senators. A majority of them are small lights, mentaUy weak, and wholly unfit to be Senators. They are neither inteUigent legislators, wise statesmen, capable judges, nor good patri ots. Some are vulgar demagogues . . . some are men of wealth who have purchased their positions . . . men of narrow intellect, limited comprehension, and low partisan prejudice. . . . With the party appeals and party demands from the Radical press and Radical leaders throughout the country, the narrow views and inexcusable ignorance of Radicals generally in regard to our govemment, its structure and scope, their readiness to sacrifice the govemment and coun try for mere party ends, I have but shght expectation of an acquittal. May 4, Monday. On Friday and Saturday there was a disgraceful but characteristic exhibition of Radical not ables in the House, — Butler and Logan on Friday, and Donnelly of Wisconsin and Washbume of Illinois on Saturday. 1868] THE DOUBTFUL SENATORS 345 Butler was exposed and flogged by Brooks severely. Washburne was more coarsely and frankly punished by Donnelly, a brother Radical. Had he been less loose and vulgar, his speech would have been more effective. Wash burne, though the oldest member, is more universally de tested for his supercilious pretensions, manners, insolence, disregard of truth, and malignity than any man in the House, and all enjoyed the inffiction he received. Bingham commenced the closing argument in the impeachment case to-day. It does not appear to have excited much admira tion, although there is reported to have been a large attendance. May 5, Tuesday. In general conversation before busi ness commenced at the Cabinet, Seward taunted Bro"wning for being shaky on the question of impeachment. Brown ing confessed his doubts, said he had expressed them to con fidential friends and thought it best to do so. Seward did not agree with him as to his policy, but said he had no doubts as to an acquittal, and wished to wager a basket of champagne, which B. declined, and S. then offered two to one. McCulloch, who came in just at the close of the banter but did not hear it, was as decided in his opinion of an acquittal as Seward, and offered to bet a bottle of wine vrith B. I could, however, get no facts to justify the confidence of the State and Treasury, farther than that they have talked pretty freely vrith Members. It seems to be generally conceded that Fessenden will oppose impeachment. McCulloch has hopes that Morton will do the same. I have little expectation in that quarter, though the hypocrite has sagacity enough to see that a mistake is made. Seward quotes Banks for authority, who says Fessen den and Morrill of Maine have each written arguments, have had one interview and are to have another with their written documents. Much of this Banks gets from the Maine Members who have tried to influence F. but with- 346 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [mats out success. There may be something to base this upon, but I do not give it the credence which Seward does. UntU the argument is closed and the whole case committed, F. would not be likely to declare his opinion. I have sup posed he would vote against conviction, although a de cided Radical, for he has intelligence and a character which he wishes to preserve. I have had the same opinion of Trumbull for the same reasons. Both are crotchety and uncertain, and I therefore do not consider it sure by any means that they vrill go for acquittal. Other Senators, like FreUnghuysen, the MorriUs, and others, should vote for acquittal, but it is most likely, from aU I hear and see, that they will abase themselves. I therefore am less sanguine than either Seward or McCulloch. The last has, until recently, beheved that conviction was probable. What facts have changed him I fail to learn. Seward is not to be relied on for accuracy in such matters; he catches at shadows. Grimes is chairman of the Naval Committee and strong in his political views and prejudices, but he has a legal and discriminating mind, and sincere respect for the President's honesty, though very little confidence in his tact and judgment. He will not commit so unjust an act as to vote to impeach, and Fessenden usually goes with him. Neither of them has much love for Sumner or regard for Thad Stevens, which will strengthen them to act right when others fail. I should have no doubt of Trumbull if he had not done himself and his principles injustice on certain test questions. The Radical Senators continue to hold their secret meetings at Pomeroy's to discipline and strengthen each other to do an illegal and wicked act, while sitting as judges in the high court. Seward says Morgan will go for acquittal, provided it is clearly ascertained in advance that there can be no con viction. In this I think S. is more correct than in many of his oracular assertions. The President was not present during the greater part of this conversation, which, how- 1868] BINGHAM'S CLOSING SPEECH 347 ever, was continued after he came in, canvassing many of the Senators. Some of them, through friends, had made known their doubts and perplexities ; the friends of some were confident that this or that Senator was personally kindly and senatoriaUy rightly disposed, and would op pose the outrage, if certain appointments were made. The President said he was tired of these things and wished they were over. Some conversation took place between McCulloch, Browning, and myself in regard to sending in immediately the nrew carpet-bag constitutions of Arkansas and South Carolina. They urged that it should be done immediately. I asked what of the actual, existing constitutions of those States, which Congress assumed to annul. Both took alarm, hoped the President would not oppose Congress, oppose the Reconstruction law, etc. I expressed the hope that he would do his duty faithfully. The President had come in from the library during the discussion and seated himself at the desk, my back being towards him. He sent in a brief message which he had prepared for Congress, merely informing that body he transmitted such papers as he had received. This avoided difficulty, for it expressed no opinion. Under the circum stances this, perhaps, is the best he can do, and is not Uable to attack. May 6, Wednesday. General Rousseau called on me. His visit to Alaska has not impaired his health, and his quick joumey from Oregon has given him a rough and hardy appearance. He has been here three or four days and mingled freely with Congressmen and others, and ex presses the fullest confidence in the acquittal of the Pre sident. StUl I get no facts; no names are given. May 7, Thursday. Bingham has closed the final argu ment of the Managers, and at its close there was a scene in the gaUeries got up especiaUy for the occasion and a part 348 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [mat 7 of this Radical drama. I have not read all of B.'s speech, but, from the examination given it, I do not think it great, and his friends seem disappointed. The subject is post poned untU Monday, and the Court has agreed to come to a vote on Tuesday. If the Senators regard their oaths, and act as judicial officers and statesmen, there vrill be an acquittal; if partisan action controls all the Radical Sena tors, or most of them, conviction is likely. The movement has been a partisan one from its inception. Judge Harris, late New York Senator, called on me, and, discussing the great topic, tells me he had a long conver sation vrith a prominent Radical Senator, a reUgious, con scientious man, who said to him there was nothing against the President which could be called a crime or misdemeanor, but the President was a troublesome man, was an impedi ment, and he thought the majority would be justffled in availing themselves of a technical advantage in getting rid of him. Although Judge Harris caUed no names, I inferred from his remarks that Frelinghuysen was the Senator who made these discreditable remarks. May 8, Friday.' The Retrenchment Committee, of which Senator Edmunds is chairman, held a session at the De partment this morning to inquire into the sale of the iron clads Oneota and Catawba, under a resolution of E. B. Washburne, directing inquiry into the "alleged fraudulent sale." I had directed copies of all the papers to be prepared so that there need be no delay. The Committee chose to examine me orally, also Faxon and LenthaU. Not ex pecting to be called, I had not given the subject any close attention, but was willing the Committee should know every item of the transaction, satisfied there had been no fraud, but that Congress by its injudicious management had hurt this sale and probably prevented others. There was supercilious arrogance and great ignorance displayed by eome of the gentlemen of the Committee, as well as the general disposition of this Congress to usurp executive and. 1868] THE CASE OF THE HANNAH GRANT 349 indeed, aU power. They wished me to stop the sale, to prevent the boats from sailing, etc. Simpletons ! I wish we could sell all. At the Cabinet-meeting Seward read a dispatch re quiring the Venezuelan Government to make indemnity for the Hannah Grant, a whaling-schooner, whose voyage had been broken and some of her crew detained. I said that I had doubts whether the subject should be pteued; that the captain and men of the H. G. were perhaps as culp able as the Venezuelan coast-guard. Our men could not speak Spanish nor the guard Enghsh, and before they could come to an understanding the H. G. sailed off and left her men. Seward was taken aback; said the Venezue lans would be let off lightly, but some notice must be taken of the difficulty. Great confidence was expressed by all the Cabinet that the President would be acquitted; and such also seemed his impression, but I could get no fact, — perhaps ought to expect none. It was said Fessenden was in great distress, — had offered to resign, but the Maine delegation would not listen to it. The vote of Henderson of Missouri is re lied upon through the influence of Miss Foote,^ to whom he expects to be married. Sprague is counted upon through Mrs. S. and her father, etc. These are frail staffs to lean upon, yet they are taken in the absence of better. There may be other circumstances, or facts, which are confiden tial, but they are not communicated, if there are such. Colonel Halpine (MUes O'Reilley) and Mr. Roosevelt called on me. They are feeling for information, while pro fessing to communicate. I am satisfied they know notliing certain. Halpine and R. also speak most contemptuously of Morgan, who seems to have sunk in every man's esti mation. May 9, Saturday. There is a good deal of deep feeling; yet no boisterous excitement. The impeachers are less con- 1 Daughter of Judge Elisha Foote, Commissioner of Patents. 350 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [mat 9 fident than they were, yet express full belief in conviction. Their reliance is on the force, discipline, and necessities of party, not on crime or misdemeanor on the part of the President. How far the Radical Senators who have pre tensions to statesmanship wiU debase themselves to party dictation is the only question. If they are really legis lators, judges, and statesmen, men of independence and moral courage, the President vrill be acquitted; not other wise. More than one half of the Senators are demagogues and blockheads, party tools, who regard not theu- oaths nor the welfare of the country. Numbers influence party men, so that iifferior intellects often control superior minds. Fessenden and Morton and TrumbuU are fearful of consequences ff they boldly and considerately do their duty. I have no faith whatever in Morton, though McCulloch has hopes of him, but McCul loch is deceived. His speech at the beginning of the session exhibited a mind whose moral stamina was gone. . . . The President tells me this aftemoon that he has no doubt that Fessenden will vote for acquittal. I did not ask his newest evidence. Riding out this evening, I met Mc Culloch, who assures me, emphatically, of an acquittal. Says Grimes, Fessenden, Trumbull, and Van Winkle vrill vote to acquit, and others also. I conclude he has sources of information which are reliable. I get no facts. Of Grimes', Fessenden's, and Trumbull's honest opinions I have no doubt, but there is a terrible pressure upon them. Of Van Winkle I know nothing. May 11, Monday. Dixon came in yesterday. Has heard the President intends to resign, if it shall be clearly as certained that he will be convicted. Told him I gave the rumor no credit, and he said he would not, but that the President once made a remark which the rumor had brought strongly to his mind. In an interview with the President on Saturday, he told D. he wished to know with certainty WILLIAM PITT FESSENDEN 1868] AN EXCITING DAY IN THE SENATE 351 the result on Monday. "Why on Monday," says D. to me, "unless he has an object in view?" Doolittle called this morning, feeUng, as aU do, interested, not to say excited, but craving information. I had none to give. Neither he nor Dixon has confidence. They have no facts. Both, like me, believe that several of the leading minds on the Radical side are against conviction, but whether they have the courage and moral firmness to do their duty is a question. Dixon tells me of two conver sations he had with Fessenden, who gave him no assur ance, but yet talked in a way that left but little doubt on his mind, — said he did not wish to do an act which would disturb him the rest of his life, wanted always to wake in the moming with a clear conscience. The afternoon and evening have been exciting. The Senatorial Court sat to-day with closed doors, the mem bers expressing and discussing their views on the articles of impeachment. As they made their speeches, respectively, their opinions got outside the doors. Sherman declared himself opposed to the first article, but would vote for the second. In other words the President had the right to re move Stanton, but no right to order another to discharge the duties. Poor Sherman! He thiiiks the people fools; they know him better than he does them. Grimes boldly denounced all the articles, and the whole proceeding. Of course he received the indignant censure of all Radicals; but Trumbull and Fessenden, who followed later, came in for even more violent denunciation, and more wrathful abuse. This evening the Radicals are greatly crestfallen, and have hardly a hope, whUe their opponents can scarcely restrain their elated feelings over the probable defeat of an infamous and dastardly conspiracy. A marvelous change has come over both parties. McCulloch came in overjoyed, and vrished me to go with him to the President's. We found he had all the news, but was cahn, though gratified. He showed us the notes he 352 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [math had from time to time received through the p.m. and evening. Groesbeck soon came in; said the work was accomplished, but there must be no exulting outbreak. Both he and Mc Culloch declare there is no question of acquittal. Randall soon joined us, and is even more sanguine. Says the vote will stand at least 22 to 32, likely better than that. I would rather see the votes, though I have no cause to question his accuracy, except he is not an accurate man. The Senate is in session this evening; and will be, prob ably, most of the night. A motion was made to recon sider the vote ordering the vote to be taken to-morrow, but failed. Still I am apprehensive. The Radicals have a majority and are alarmed, for there are some who refuse to be disciplined into doing a viTong act. May 12, Tuesday. The Radicals, fearful of the result of the vote which they had ordered should this day be taken on impeachment, have postponed the question until next Saturday. The excuse for this is the illness of Howard,^ one of their members, who is said to be delir ious, — the brain fever, — some say delirium tremens. I suppose he is really ill, though many think not. Had it been one of the Senators friendly to the President, there would have been no four days' postponement, — nor even with Howard's sickness, had they [not] been limited to a two-thirds vote. When Attorney-General Stanbery was taken ill, the leading Radicals would not consent to delay a day, although he was the principal counsel of the President. The postponement did not greatly surprise me. It re quired only a majority vote, and very Ukely a still further postponement will take place, if the Senatorial conspir ators have not sufficient force to convict. There is little honor, justice, or truth with the impeaching judges. If by any trick or subterfuge they can succeed, the Radicals will resort to it, however unprincipled. The President was, ' Jacob M. Howard of Michigan. 1868] ILLNESS OF SENATOR GRIMES 353 I think, more disturbed by the postponement than I have ever seen him, but he soon ralUed. Great consternation prevaUs among the Radical impeach ers, who have never permitted themselves to doubt for a moment the conviction of the President, whether guilty or not. It was a foregone conclusion, a party decree; any one who disobeyed was to be denounced. Such men as the late Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Chandler, are almost frantic. I have long assured McCulloch that Chand ler was playing a double game and deceiving him; but McC. was incredulous, and retained him long in office. . . . Doctor Horwitz tells me Chandler called on him some days since, and said he had made caUs on all the members of the Cabinet, which he designed as farewell visits, for he would feel unpleasant to call on them after the President's con"riction. I recoUect that he called with his wife some ten days since, and other members of the Cabinet also inform me that they remember a similar visitation, but they had no thought of the purpose of his visit. It is an evidence of the confidence of Radicalism. May 13, Wednesday. There is great rage among the conspirators and leading Radicals. The Tribune, Chron icle, and other organs, howl over their defeat, and are very abusive of four Senators whom they denounce as recreants, apostates, Judases, etc., etc. Their greatest violence is against Grimes, a man of strong feelings and acute sensibUities, who was this afternoon struck with paralysis. I trust it may not prove fatal or even serious, but he has for some weeks undergone great mental excite ment in consequence of the estrangement of old associates, and maUgnant assaults from his political friends, for a firm, honest, and conscientious discharge of his duty. This abuse has been trying to his system. While he has a right appreciation of these attacks, he is nevertheless sensitive, and feels it to be a vricked and ungrateful retum for many years of faithful party and pubUc service. 3 354 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [mat 13 The flippant remarks of a class of superficial writers, who have Uttle knowledge of the govemment or the proper working of our political system, is disgraceful, and it is lamentable that so many should be infiuenced and misled by them. Veteran legislators and statesmen who have grown old in the public service, and who have given thought and mind, and time and labor, to great questions are libeled and defamed by the slanders. May 14, Thursday. One of the tricks of the whippers-in to influence the doubtful Senators is to send abroad for letters and telegrams favoring and cra"ring impeachment in order to sustain the party; to get Members of the House to call on the Senators and urge them to vote to convict, right or wrong, and in every possible way, by extra means, to extort a decision adverse to the President. This mon strous prostitution of the conspirators is acquiesced in by the Radicals, who seem to think it proper, so utterly are they demoralized; and men making pretensions to char acter participate in the abuse. Butler, Stevens, and men Uke them, taking advantage of prejudices and as yet unfor giving hate grovring out of the War, do not attempt to cover up intended villainy. One of the schemes now on foot is to admit the bogus Senators, elected under the bogus constitutions which the carpet-baggers, aided by negroes under military dictation, have imposed on the Southern States. Strengthened in numbers by these inter lopers, they hope to carry conviction. How long can a government stand which is in the hands of such profligate and unprincipled wretches? Grimes is no better. I fear the worst. StUl I hope he may recover and that soon. But he is of a famUy subject, I am told, to sudden death, and has himseff been appre hensive that such might be his fate. It was this, I am in formed, which led him to decline a reelection. Howard is reported better. Conflicting rumors and opinions prevail in regard to the final result of impeachment. I appre- 1868] IMPEACHMENT IN THE BALANCE 355 hend but Uttle is known, and nothing with certainty. The doubtful men do not avow themselves, which, I think, is favorable to the President, and the impeachers display distmst and weakness. StiU then: efforts are unceasing and almost superhuman. But some of the more considerate journals, such as the New York Evening Post, Chicago Tri bune, etc., rebuke the violent. The thinking and reflecting portion of the country, even RepubUcans, show symptoms of revolt against the conspiracy. May 15, Friday. Only pressing and necessary public business is being done in these days by the Government. Suggestions or recommendations by the Departments are received vrith distrust by the Radical Congress, and useful and necessary measures are opposed and often rejected without consideration, so that it is better to be quiescent than active. The Radical leaders are revolutionary, and many of their associates of better mind and temper have become tainted, corrupted, and distempered. They have called the President so many vile names, applied to him such "rile epithets, that they persuade themselves he must be in fault, yet they designate nothing, except that he does not lend himseff and the Govemment to their party schemes and usurpations. They denounce him as a traitor because he adheres to the Constitution, holds firmly to his own belief, and refuses to surrender his own judgment to their dictation. The Managers of the impeachment on the part of the House have summoned witnesses before them to testify in regard to the views and opinions of the Senators and the President. This wholly illegal and unauthorized inquisi tion, even by this presuming and usurping House, shows the spirit wliich prevails, and how personal rights are dis regarded. In a very short time these men, ff not checked, would break up the foundations of the govemment and of the whole social system. Strange that such men should get the ascendancy over their associates, but it is by party 356 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [mat 15 organization and discipline, through secret caucuses, and the tyranny imposed by the majority rule, sharpened by the angry remnants of the Rebellion which stiU linger and compel the timid, passive, and obedient to violate law. Constitution, equity, justice, morality, right, and any and all the fundamental principles of government. Abject subserviency! A few matters of current interest were disposed of in Cabinet. Some conversation on the topic which comes up in every meeting of two or more, viz., impeachment. The same general confidence was expressed by Seward, Mc Culloch, and Randall of acquittal whenever a vote shaU be taken, but there is doubt whether another postponement wiU not take place to-morrow. It is a question whether the sick men will be then in attendance. Doctor H., his physician, tells me that Grimes wiU ride up, though at some risk, if the vote is to be taken. I do not yet get from my associates, who express them selves so confidently, any positive assurance of seven Senators from the Republicans. We can count up pretty suirely five, perhaps six, but where and who is the seventh or eighth? Is Anthony, or Sprague, certain for acquittal? Pretty certain, at least on most of the articles. How stands Frelinghuysen? How Van Winkle, and WUley? How is Ross, and how are Corbett and Cole ? Not one is vouched for when pinned down, though there seems a general im pression that Van Winkle and Fowler may be depended upon.^ To me the result looks exceedingly doubtful, although I have an inward faith that Providence vrill not permit so great a wrong or outrage as conviction to be committed. There is some good sense, some seff-respect, some integrity ' In the final vote Henry B. Anthony and WUliam Sprague of Rhode Island, Frederick T. FreUnghuysen of New Jersey, Waitman T. WUley of West Virginia, Henry W. Corbett of Oregon, and Cornelius Cole of Cali fornia went for conviction, but Peter G. Van Winkle of West Virginia, Edmund G. Ross of Kansas, and Joseph S. Fowler of Tennessee for acquit tal. 1868] MANUFACTURING PUBLIC OPINION 357 and patriotism remaining among a few of the Radicals even, as we see by the course pursued by Grimes and others. These Senators are being vilified and denounced with un sparing maUgnity by leading Radical presses and politi cians, who assume to dictate to them what the party de mands should be their vote or judgment in this case. For a conscientious discharge of their official duty and a regard for their oaths, the ablest Senators of long experience are assaUed with bitterness as apostates and renegades by the Secretary of the Senate, Forney, through his two papers, and by others. May 16, Saturday. The day has been one of excitement. Such was the outside pressure and such the confidence of the Radical majority, after many secret meetings and much caucus discipline, that the Senate was brought to vote on impeachment. There has been constant caucusing daily and tvrice a day by these triers — these judges — since Tuesday. Letters and telegrams have been pouring in, especially to the doubtful, and so-called recreant, Sena tors, aU prompted from here. Schenck, chairman of Ways and Means in the House and also of the Congressional Radical Committee, has sent off telegrams, — it is re ported a hundred, — calling for instructions from Loyal Leagues to influence the Senatorial judges. Governor Burnside, the weak and feeble general whose silly and in competent orders at Fredericksburg caused the slaughter of 50,000 men, responded to Schenck, whose telegram was pubhshed in Rhode Island and another, verbatim, in West Virginia. They show beyond doubt that public opinion is manufactured here in Washington by the conspirators. Two caucuses of Radical Senators were held yesterday at Senator Pomeroy's, called by Theodore Tilton, a whipper- in on impeachment, — the first at noon, the other in the evening. At this last, the members became satisfied under the sanguine representations of Tilton they would succeed on the eleventh article, provided that would be put first. 358 DURY OF GIDEON WELLES [mat 16 Judge Harris of Albany, who called on me this morning on business, said he met Van Horn, Representative from New York, who informed him the vote on impeachment would be taken to-day. They could not afford to delay longer. The necessities of the country and the caU of the Party required immediate action. At twelve-thirty I went to the President's. McCulloch was there, and a messenger with a telegram entered as I did. The telegram stated a vote on the eleventh article had been taken, and the President was acquitted. Soon after, Edgar came in with the particulars on that vote, which had been made the test, and on which the Radicals considered themselves strongest. It was the sheet anchor of Stevens. The Senate was full, so far as the usurpers have permit ted, and the vote was 35 to 19. Seven Repubhcans voted with the Democrats. Ross, who had been less strongly relied upon than some others, voted for acquittal, while Willey voted guilty. This last was quite a disappointment to the President. He had also hoped for Anthony and Sprague and was not without hopes for Corbett and Cole. Willey, after being badgered and disciplined to decide against his judgment at a late hour last night, agreed to vote for the eleventh article, which was one reason for re versing the order and making it the first. Ross, it is said, had promised he would go for unpeachment, basing his action on the first article, which was the basis for the movement. This, however, he did not communicate, but what he said reUeved him from farther importunity, and the great effort was made upon Willey. Bishop Simpson, the high-priest of the Methodists and a sectarian pohtician of great shrewdness and abiUty, had brought his clerical and church influence to bear upon W. through Harlan, the Methodist elder and organ in the Senate. While Willey's vote disappointed the Democrats, the vote of Ross disap pointed the Radicals. When the result was knovim, Williams of Oregon, a third-rate lawyer who got into the Senate from that re- 1868] VOTE ON THE ELEVENTH ARTICLE 359 mote State, moved a postponement of farther proceedings until the 26th inst. The Chief Justice declared this not in order, but his decision was overruled by the majority, on an appeal taken on motion of Conness, a man of about the capacity, and as weak and corrupt, as Williams. Rules, orders, regulations are wholly discarded and disregarded by the Radical revolutionists. Their getting together in caucus, on a judicial question, is a specimen of Radical policy, character, integrity, and sense of duty. May 18, Monday. The wrath of the conspirators and their creatures the Radicals continues with little abate ment, but it has, so far as Senators are concerned, turned most "rindictively on Ross, who is their latest disappoint ment. There is, however, a determination on the part of the leaders to formally expel the recreants from their party, and to do this at their Chicago Convention. But for the great folly here, I should hardly beUeve such folly there. In excited times like these, it is to be remembered that the violent, the impulsive, the inconsiderate, the positive element prevails over the passive and the considerate. Whether there will be cool and reflective men in their convention of sufficient influence to check the madness of party is a question. As regards the seven Senators themselves, I have doubts. They are intelUgent, and, I think, conscientious, but it remains to be seen whether they will have the firm ness and moral courage to maintain their position inde pendently through the fiery conflict in the near future. Whatever may be the doings at Chicago, these Senators are marked and spotted men so far as the Radicals are concerned. Yet I am incUned to think that some of them flatter themselves they have not lost caste, — that they vriU regain their party standing by being more radical than their party. A shallow delusion, which other men, their equals, have fallen into before them. Senator TmmbuU has made haste to report the bogus 360 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [mat 18 constitution of Arkansas with all its enormities, in order to demonstrate his Radical fidelity. Doctor Horwitz tells me that in an interview at Grimes' room with Trumbull, Grimes expressed some concern or made some inquiry in regard to this movement, when T. said it was for effect, that the President would let it slide, with a protest, per haps, and they [who are] now called the apostates would get the inside track on Reconstruction, and thus prove themselves the most skillful managers. I asked Doctor H. if they deceived themselves by believing the President could in any way assent to such a scheme. He says Trumbull seemed to so consider it. These men do not know the Pre sident. There are rumors, asserted with great positiveness and apparent sincerity, that when impeachment is dis posed of, there is to be a renovation or a reorganization of the Cabinet. It is too late to be productive of any good ff attempted, and there is no probability that it vriU be at tempted. Whether the rumor is set afloat by the Radicals to take off the sharp edge of their disappointment, or by zealous friends of the President to conciUate the Radicals and help over the trial next week, the 26th, I know not, nor is it of any consequence. I called this evening on Senator Grimes, and felt sad to see him so afflicted, yet gratified to find him so cheerful and his mind so clear and vigorous. It is a great pubhc calamity that he should have been stricken down at this time, when his services are so much wanted. A number came in while we were there, — too many I thought, — among them Fessenden, whom I was glad to meet. There is great friendship between him and Grimes. Both of them smart under the attacks which are made upon them, and each tells me he is in daily receipt of atrocious letters. These they wisely cast aside and destroy without reading more than what is sufficient to know their contents. They have, however, many cheering and encouraging letters. Fessenden says he reads no newspapers. Pike,' who came ' Frederick A. Pike, a Representative from Maine. 1868] A CALL ON SENATOR GRIMES 361 in later, had some talk in defense of impeachment. Said he took a different view from Grimes and others. He was for removing the President without regard to the charge, and for mere poUtical party reasons. Grimes took from his table a piece of paper and read aloud the oath he had taken as one of the court, said it was not the first time such appeals had been made to him, and asked Pike how he would dispose of that oath. This was a stumper, but Pike undertook to say that he could get along with that. I said that such getting along showed the demoralization which was going on, and which actually pervaded Congress; that if he and his party could succeed in removing the President for mere party considerations, regardless of oaths and the Constitution, one of two re sults must follow, the overthrow of his party, or the gov ernment; that the govemment could not survive such shocks ten years, probably not five. Grimes concurred vrith me. Pike attempted to whistle away the remarks, but I saw they affected him. May 19, Tuesday. The Senate adjourned over to Thurs day, and vrill then do nothing until their friends get through at Chicago and return, in other words not till the 26th inst., when impeachment will be again taken up, for I do not believe the reckless men, the real conspirators, intend to give up the question, though the sensible men of their party wish it. Threats and vengeance are abundant against the seven "recreants," and thunders are threat ened from Chicago, but better counsels will be likely to prevail, — not better feeling, for there is intense and, for the present at least, unforgiving hate by the conspirators towards them. Our friends in the Cabinet pronounce impeachment dead. I prefer to see the vote. One man would have turned the scale on Saturday. How he will vote on the 26th remains to be seen. It is a thread on which the result hangs. 362 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [mat 19 Ross is abused most. He is to be investigated by the House, or his acts are, and the Senate wiU submit to the indignity. I have no idea that there has been any corrup tion, as is insinuated and asserted. It is claimed he was pledged, that he has broken his promise, etc. Who tam pered with him? Who got his pledge? Who received his promise in advance to give judgment? The enemies of the President who are going to investigate Ross' conduct. The Managers are sitting as a committee to investigate the Senators under authority of the House, and Butler, vile and unscrupulous, is calling men before him and compelling them to disclose their private affairs. Last night he spent several hours at Jay Cooke's bank, overhauling private accounts. These outrages are tamely submitted to, and are justified and upheld by Radical legislators, patriots, and statesmen. Heaven save the mark! May 20, Wednesday. Senator Henderson went before one of the House committees and submitted to impertin ent interrogatories, but refused to go before Butler and the impeachment Managers. Private individuals do not get off so easily. There is a perfect inquisition by Butler and the chief conspirators, where individual rights are stricken down, and the outrage is sanctioned and enforced by this Radical Congress. The mass of telegrams sent by the public in confidence has been seized by these inquisitors. Men are required to teU how they expended their money, what were their pecuniary transactions, and also explain their correspondence. Nothing is private, nothing sacred. May 21, Thursday. The Chicago Convention is the sen sation of the day. As Grant is to be nominated President, the scuffle is over the Vice-Presidency. Wade, Colfax, Wilson, Fenton, and Hamlin are the candidates, with little disposition on the part of either to give way to the other. There is not much to be said in favor of either. Wade has become demoralized, and is not the plain, single-minded, 1868] THE CANDIDATES AT CHICAGO 363 honest, unambitious man he was a few years since. His employment as one of the Committee on the Conduct of the War, his association vrith Stanton, who was indifferent and regardless of individual rights, and vrith Chandler, coarse, vulgar, . . . have blunted the better feeUngs, affected the habits, and tainted the principles of bluff old Ben Wade. The others are very common men, with no decent pre tensions to the second position in the Government, though either for ci"ril service is superior to Grant. The office of Vice-President is vrithout responsibility, patronage, or any duty worthy of honorable aspiration. The Connecticut delegation are reported as bartering the vote of that State to Fenton, if New York wUl make Hawley president of the Convention. Judd and Logan of Illinois assert that Grant urged impeachment. This has been said of him by others, and accords vrith what I have understood. He is a man of low instincts, not of a nice sense of honor nor of proper seff-respect, is wanting in truthfulness and sincerity, and is grossly, shamefully ignorant of the Constitution and of the structure of the govemment. Yet he is the designated candidate, ff not the choice, of the Radicals for the office of Chief Magistrate. A feeUng of gratitude for military serv ices, vrithout one thought of his capacity, intelligence, or experience in civU affairs, has enUsted popular favor for him, and the conspirators have availed themselves of it, though the knovring ones are aware of his unfitness for administrative duties. They expect to use him; he intends to use them. They can intrigue, but he is, with low in stincts, a man of cunning and is destitute of affection out of the family circle. . . . The War brought him again into the Army, and E. B. Washbume, his Representative in Congress, made it his study and business to indorse, extol, and advance Grant. . . . Circumstances favored, and he was promoted to be General, — Major-General, Lieutenant-General were not sufficient. There was an attempt to make him Commander-in-Chief over the Pre sident, to which Grant was nothing loath, and finally. 364 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [mat 20 uniting with the Radicals, he entered into the conspiracy to impeach the President and was slyly active in that intrigue. I have Uttle doubt that the Radicals intend to make him President the next four years by fraud and force if neces sary. Their moral sense is blunted, and poUticaUy they are unprincipled. ; They have Congress, which opens and de clares the vote; they have the General of the Army, who is their candidate; and if they can by any means secure the President before the vote is counted next February, they will not hesitate to override the popular verdict, should it be against them. The bogus Senators and Represent atives, from the States which have bogus constitutions, will, in the mean time, be admitted to seats, and how is the country to rid itseff of the imposition? Bold, honest, firm, and resolute minds are wanted for the work, — some one master-spirit, vrith tact, courage, and energy, capable and willing to take the lead in rescuing the govemment from the usurpers. Who is he? There are some rumors of change of Cabinet and change of policy on the part of the Administration. I do not give them credit, and yet there are some singular and ominous movements which give colorable indication that the ru mors are not wholly groundless. I should sooner beUeve a change might be made in the Cabinet than there would be a change of poUcy on Reconstmction, were the Pre sident to act out his own convictions. But' at this day nothing honorable to himseff or beneficent to the coimtry is to be obtained by these rumored changes, and I there fore cannot believe they vrill be made. To give in to the Radical doctrine of destroying the States and infiicting on them new constitutions, repugnant in some respects to the people on whom they are imposed, would be an abasement and abandonment of all principle. I shall not be surprised, however, ff some of his friends advise these measures, and are preparing for them. It is said that Evarts is to take Seward's place. He would be 1868] JAPANESE AFFAIRS 365 the man whom Seward would select for a successor, and the announcement may be a feeler. Some of the RepubU can Senators who voted against impeachment are opposed to Seward; they brought in Schofield. It is said Seward some days or weeks since tendered his resignation. Not unUkely. He scents trouble and danger in the distance. No man of sagacity or reflection can be unmindful of it. The scheme of depriving the ten Southern States of their rightful governments and imposing sham substitutes will not be permanent, and ff not quietly disposed of by an overwhelming vote in the Northern States next fall, may, if the Southern States are not too exhausted, be followed in the vrinter and spring by violence and bloodshed. In the latter event, Seward would be less unpleasantly situated in Auburn, or abroad, than in Washington. Perhaps the same could be said of and for each and aU of us who are stri"ring to do our duty. May 22, Friday. Seward brought forward Japan dif ficulties, — the detention of the Stonewall by Commander Brown under our flag until the civil war in Japan is ended, the payment of a draft on the Barings for some $25,000 to pay expenses of the vessel, etc. I made some queries in relation to the management of our affairs in Japan for the last seven years, and as to the regularity and legitim acy of present proceedings. In his dispatch to our Minis ter, Van Valkenburg, written in answer to a telegram, via San Francisco, giving a brief and not very clear state ment of affairs, Seward wrote that his proceedings, and his draft were "approved." I preferred "acquiesced," "assented to," or some different word, because until we knew the facts we could not well approve, and might, when the whole circumstances were known, actually disapprove; but, confiding in our representative, we could with pro priety, on such information as we had, acquiesce in what he had done. Seward at no time likes criticism, and is a correct, though verbose, writer; and he is sensitive on Japan 366 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [mat 22 matters, and to some of his acts I have heretofore taken exceptions. McCulloch saw he was annoyed and thought to relieve him by saying he did not see much difference in the words, and if he preferred "approved" would retain it. I merely remarked that it carried a responsibiUty vrith it which might be unpleasant in certain contingencies, from which the Administration might wish itseff relieved. I asked about the money which the Japanese had paid the Western Powers, and in which we had participated, I thought unfortunately, for the Japanese were willing to give us commercial advantage over others. In the scuffle at Chicago, little man Coffax beat his com petitors and on the fifth baUot was put on the ticket vrith Grant. There was some manufactured enthusiasm in the convention, but very Uttle earnest feeling; none for country, but calculations for party. Grant's name is not magnetic, while Colfax has a feeble and superficial hold on sound and enduring public opinion. The candidates were serenaded this evening, but the attendance was slight. Colfax is near my house and I could at my window hear his speech. The impeachment Managers are prosecuting their in quisitorial inquiries in the basement of the Capitol, and the public are submitting to the outrage with a tameness that is surprising. Outrages are so frequent and enormous, however, that the people look vrith indifference and even composure on new vUlainies. Reckless and lawless men like Stevens and Butler, clothed with authority, are ready to abuse it and trample down the Constitution, and law, and individual rights. Their party associates do not ob ject, but lend themselves to the proceeding, provided the outrages and abuses are directed toward their pohtical opponents. These things cannot be long continued, but may be submitted to until the grievance becomes intol erable. Strange how a few bad men in position, sustained by party, can damage society, pervert government, and inflict disorder and evil upon a country! . 1868] THE OUTLOOK FOR ACQUITTAL 367 May 25, Monday. There is deep feeUng but no noisy excitement on the subject of impeachment. There is cau cusing and canvassing among the Radical Senators for conviction, but it is not allowable for any two men to con verse on the subject of acquittal. Butler, violent, cunning, unscrupulous, devilish, has control of the Managers and of the House and is carrjdng on an extraordinary game of inquisitorial prosecution and persecution. In view of the action of the Court to-morrow, he made a partial report to-day of broken testimony from several witnesses that the inquisitors had before them in secret. It made, as intended, something of a sensation, and may, as intended, lead to a further postponement. This seems the present object; but there are some Radicals, in the Court and out of it, who vrish this matter brought to a conclusion, and they may, united with the anti-impeachers, be able to bring on a decision, when the facts and truth, now with held, may to some extent appear. It is, however, hardly probable, for the party discipline is strong and severely hostile to tmth. The impression among all parties is that there will be an acquittal; but, with the evident determination to convict for the good of the party, I by no means consider acquittal certain. Intrigues pervade the whole atmosphere. I hear of no one but the seven "recreants" who can be relied upon, and it is not certain that Ross will vote for acquittal on every article. He is not expected, I believe, to go for ac quittal on the first, which relates to Stanton's removal, and it is claimed he is committed for the second and eighth. Should he faU on these two, the probabilities are strong for conviction. There is some talk of Anthony, Corbett, and WUley, or at least one of them, on these, but I doubt if there is any foundation. Sherman and Howe, it is sup posed, will vote against the first article, and if this is strongly defeated it may affect the final result on all. May 26, Tuesday. The Radical Senators held a caucus 368 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [mat 26 this morning and resolved to postpone further voting on impeachment for four weeks. But all their number did not attend, and no one of the seven "recreants" was invited. The result was that the extreme Radicals could not carry all their friends with them, and after several votes the conclusion was to come to a decision. But here again the indecency and partisanship of the Senatorial impeachers appeared. WiUiams of Oregon moved to take the vote on the second article instead of the first, and the motion was, of course, carried. Ross had, on matters of postponement, voted with his party through the moming, but when the test came on the second article, and excitement was high, the attention of Senators, spectators, and all concen trated on him, and he in the hush and stUlness that pre vailed said, "Not guilty." A sense of relief to some and of wrath to others was perceptible. It was Cabinet day, and a telegram brought us word promptly of every motion made, and every vote that was taken. We had considered matters pretty secure, when word reached us that Ross was voting vrith the Radicals. This was for a few minutes a damper, but the next tele gram announced the vote on the second article to be the same as it was on the eleventh, an acquittal. This was followed by a like vote on the third article, and this by an abandonment of the case, and an adjournment of the Court, sine die. The Cabinet were aU present vrith the President when the various votes were announced. His countenance Ughtened up and showed a pleasant and satisfied smUe, but the same cahn, quiet composure remained. He had never believed otherwise than in acquittal. Butler's report yesterday is printed. It is artful and malicious. Only such testimony or parts of testimony as he and his Radical associates choose to disclose is brought out. There is no Member not of Radical politics or views on the Committee, and the Managers can there fore distort, pervert, and falsify to any extent, and But- 1868] AFTER THE ACQUITTAL 369 ler and most of the Managers are not nice in their means. \ By seizing the telegraphic dispatches, these unscrupul ous men have obtained a clue to the transactions of every person who trusted to that means of communication on any subject in those days, and, finding many things to them inexplicable, they have formed their own conclu sions, often erroneous and mere fallacies. All the dispatches which are private and have to them a suspicious appear ance and they cannot understand or explain, they charge to impeachment. The lobby men, claim-agents, gold- gamblers, and the whiskey ring who gather about Con gress, hke buzzards around carrion, use the telegraph extensively, and the Managers have, I doubt not, thrust their noses into the nests of these unclean birds. Not unlikely there were large bets and stock-gambling on the result of the trial, and this flock, like others, entered into speculation and wagers, and had their feelings and purses enUsted. Some of them may have tried to seduce moneyed fools to make them advances for improper purposes, and some may have used impeachment as a blind to cover other operations. But neither the President nor I believe any one of the seven Senators who refused to go with their party for convriction gave or received one cent for their vote. No intelligent, honest, candid man who regarded his oath would have voted otherwise than these seven Senators. Those Senators who voted for conviction are either partisan knaves, or weak, timid blockheads, the tools of knaves. There is not a man among them who is not conscious that he is guilty of wrong in the vote he has given. That Thurlow Weed should have been sought by the gamblers and tricksters would be expected; but he was too cunning and sagacious to have his name mixed up in the proceeding. I do not think him too honest, provided the matter was feasible and necessary for his purpose. But the Managers give only a part of his testimony, and 3 370 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [mat 26 Butler is as great a rogue as Weed and more criminal. I therefore, without any confidence in either, think full justice may not be done W. in this instance. Stung and angry over their failure in the court of im peachment, the Managers and Radicals returned to the House filled with venom, which they expended on the witness, Woolley,' whom they have under arrest, and after partisan ruling by the Speaker and spiteful voting by the majority he was destined to confinement. May 27, Wednesday. The Chicago nominations create no enthusiasm. Neither Grant nor Colfax has the abihty or power to magnetize the people. Grant has lost moral strength by his untruthfulness, and Colfax is very weak and superficial. Stanton has cleared out of the War Depart ment mad, and "relinquished" all to Assistant Adjutant- General Townsend. Last August he defied the President and refused, for the public good, to resign when requested, and five months since he crawled back into the Department and has held on to the place under Senatorial sanction vrithout discharging its duties, or advising or communi cating vrith the President or any member of the Adminis tration. He was told to "stick," and the public business has in consequence been obstructed, the Govemment and country been subjected to great inconvenience and loss, and lo! the result. He goes out without respect, except on the part of ignorant and knavish partisans. His ad ministration of the War Department has been wastefuUy extravagant and a great affliction to the country. Stanton has executive abUity, energy, and bluster. He is imperious to inferiors and abject to superiors. Wanting in sincerity, given to dupUcity, and with a taste for in trigue, he has been deep in the conspiracy and one of the • Charles W. Woolley of Cincinnati, a lawyer engaged in Washington on whiskey cases, who had been arrested as a recusant witness, having refused to testify before a committee of the House. He was suspected of bribery or attempted bribery in connection with the impeachment trial. 1868] NO SECRETARY OF WAR YET 371 chief instigators of the outrageous proceedings of Congress, a secret opponent of the President's from the commence ment of his administration. A host of puffers and toadies have ministered to his vanity by giving him undue praise, and Seward made himself ridiculous by lauding him as "Stanton the Divine," the "Carnot of the War." His administration of the War Department cost the country unnecessarily untold miffions of money and the loss of thousands of lives. There was some efficiency, but it was not always well directed. May 28, Thursday. There are strange but almost posi tive rumors of resignations by Randall, Seward, and others. I am incredulous, not prepared to believe them. The nomination of General Schofield to be Secretary of War in place of Stanton removed, which the President sent in sometime since, does not get through the Senate. The extremists do not like to say, by their votes, "Stanton removed " ; he was, when Schofield was nominated, holding the place vrith their sanction. He has since "relinquished" the office. I asked the President if he thought Schofield reliable. He said it depended on the turn things might take. If we were likely to be successful, he would be with us ; ff the Radicals succeeded, he would be with them. In other words, Schofield is for Schofield. I regret that the President was compelled to select and appoint such a man, nor do I know under what influences the appointment was made. Schofield wiU likely be under the influence of Grant and the Radicals, and as one of the military govemors has done things that cannot be justified. May 29, Friday. Some talk but little done in Cabinet. No Secretary of War yet. General Thomas attends Cabinet- meetings, and is in the way, — doing no good, perhaps not much harm. Is sometimes a little obfuscated and gar- mlously intrusive, and prevents free, social interchange of views, for he talks too much abroad. McCulloch says 372 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [mat 29 Fogg and Chandler of New Hampshire are in a quarrel. I told him I was glad of it and was sorry it had not opened sooner; that there was a New Hampshire clique that was very mischievous, and which he had never rightly ap preciated. Of this clique his Assistant Chandler was one of the worst. McCulloch was a Uttle nettled, for I have for two years warned him of these feUows. He said there were some troublesome men in Connecticut. I replied a good many; that I had nothing to say in their justification. Some discussion of candidates for the Court of Claims took place. Browning and McCuUoch pressed Otto, As sistant Secretary of the Interior. I spoke weU of Otto, but remarked that ex-Senator Foster was a candidate and was well quaUfied for that position. While this had to be admitted, they objected that New England had already its representative on the bench of the Court of Claims. This I did not controvert, but thought if section or locality was to govem, we should select from the South, and for myself I preferred, if the right man could be found, he should be appointed from that quarter. Seward did not attend until all the members but myseff had left. My business was soon concluded, and I vrithdrew without waiting for him to open his portfoUo, — for I was satisfied he wished a Mephistopheles interview. There has been money raised in New York, I have no doubt, to assist the President in defraying his expenses in the im peachment trial, and Seward has been the channel of communicating, etc. I was struck with the observation of a Seminole chief at a late conference (1868), when told that for wampum paper was substituted, on which was vsrritten the promises we mutually pledge ourselves to perform. "I," said the Seminole, "would trust the inviolable faith of wampum sooner than the written promises of your Constitution. Wampum has the faith and devotion of the Indian, while your written Constitution is a mere matter of calculation 1868] A SEMINOLE CHIEF 373 and bargain, no longer regarded than your interest and conscience dictate." He was opposed to equality of representation on the part of the tribes. He wanted tribal distinction. Would consent to federation, but not to consolidation. The Chero- kees. Creeks, and Choctaws numbered 45,000, while the Seminoles, Ghickasaws, Sacs and Foxes, and the smaller tribes had scarcely half the number. What security had the smaller tribes against absorption and destmction by their greater brethren, ff numbers were to control? It would make the great tribes greater; it would extinguish the smaller. He loved his people and would preserve them. LX Whites and Blacks in the Washington Election — Death of ex-President Buchanan — His Character — Oregon goes Democratic — Stanbery, renominated as Attomey-General, is rejected by the Senate — The Senate compliments Stanton — The Powers of the Comptrollers and Auditors in the Treasury Department — Chase talked of for the Pre sidency — Burlingame and the Chinese Ambassadors — City Election in Washington — • Chase's Candidacy for the Democratic Nomination to the Presidency — Hopelessness of President Johnson's Desire for the Nomination — Admiral Porter and the Controversy between the Line and Staff Officers of the Navy — The Intelligencer attacks McCulloch — Congressional Inquiry into the Sale of the Ironclads Oneota and Ca tawba — The House accepts the Arkansas Constitution over the Pre sident's Veto — The Attack on McCulloch instigated by Seward — Evarts nominated Attomey-General — Intimations of Another Im peachment Movement. June 1, Monday. The election in Washington, D. C, took place to-day. There has been considerable excite ment, tending to conflict between the whites and blacks. Although this is but the beginning, the separation has taken place. Those who did not vote vrith their own color were exceptions. A very few, generaUy of the more modest and well-behaved, blacks voted with the whites, but they were very few in number. Those whites who consorted with the blacks were to a great extent office-hunting demagogues. Ex-President Buchanan died this aftemoon at Lancas ter. He belonged to a past generation of statesmen and was himself of no mean ability. Without warm attach ments himself, he failed to strongly attach others, yet he was courtly, dignified, and studiously correct in his deport ment and social intercourse. He was not a man of im pulse but of calculation, and relied on intellect to manage and shape his actions rather than on rightful instincts or established principles. What in his estunation was best for Mr. Buchanan he adopted and pursued, regardless of 1868] OREGON GOES DEMOCRATIC 375 others or of his country, — not that he would do wrong or intentionaUy injure the country when no benefit was to inure to himseff. June 2, Tuesday. The anti-Radicals made yesterday a pretty successful contest in this city and carried a majority of the wards. It is uncertain who is elected mayor, but doubtless Bowen, the Radical, will be declared elected. This is perhaps best, for otherwise this Radical Congress would pass some outrageous law striking down popular rights still farther, and install ignorance and the blacks in power. The election in Oregon has gone Democratic by a de cided majority, electing a Democratic Representative to Congress in place of the present Radical, and decisive majorities in both branches of the legislature. This is the first response to Chicago nominations, — the first Repre sentative to the next Congress. General Schofield, Secretary of War, was at the Cab inet-meeting. Little of interest was discussed. June 3, Wednesday. The Senate, in its spite, has re jected the nomination of Mr. Stanbery as Attorney-Gen eral. There is in this rejection a factious and partisan exhibition by Senators which all good men must regret to vritness. I know not the vote, but am unwilling to believe that some of the better class of Radical Senators could have been guUty of so unworthy an act. Yet after the result of the impeachment and the proceedings which took place at the trial I can believe almost anything of that body. It will not surprise me greatly if Trumbull opposed the con firmation, and perhaps others who voted to acquit the President, but I hope not. Some of them, and I think Trum bull in particular, are extremely desirous to reinstate themselves in their party, and therefore in matters of party go with the extremists. It is a mistake, as they wUl learn. 376 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [june 3 The President sent for me this evening. The House of Representatives has appointed a committee to attend the funeral of Mr. Buchanan to-morrow at Wheatland, and he raised the question whether some of the members of the Administration should not also pay respect to the departed statesman. The suggestion did not strike me vrith favor, and I expect I showed my feelings in my looks. I asked him if he proposed going. He said that was one of the questions. He had thought that Mr. Seward and myself might do well, perhaps, to consider the subject. [He said] that Mr. Kennedy had spoken to him respecting it and gone to my house and also to Mr. Seward's, but that we were both out, taking our evening rides. I remarked that ff Mr. K. called again I would be able to give him an answer. He has not, at this time, past 10 p.m., caUed, so I trust the subject has been dropped. I should, under the circum stances, have been compelled to decline and to advise him also to decline. There has been nothing personal or poUt ical in the course of Mr. Buchanan which requires extraor dinary services from either of us on this occasion. All proper honors to a Chief Magistrate, Uving or dead, should be rendered, and these have been ordered. There have been Presidents whose obsequies I would have gone far ther than Lancaster to have attended, but there is, on my part, no heartfelt grief nor reverence for James Buchanan which calls for this effort; his feeble and erring Adminis tration was calamitous to the country. June 4, Thursday. The House manffested little feeling and intended slight and disparagement in regard to Mr. Buchanan, but finally appointed a committee to attend his funeral at 2 p.m. this day; but the House refused to adjourn over, as is done for every worthless fellow of their own body who dies here or far away. The Senate ad journed, but, I beUeve, appointed no committee. The de ceased had no strong hold on the affections of his country- 1868] THE SENATE THANKS STANTON 377 men of any party, and manifestations of sorrow, like his politics, are artificial. The Senate passed a complimentary resolution to Stan ton. It was an unusual proceeding, and done in the spirit of factious partyism. His administration of the War De partment was energetic, but not always well directed. By nature he was impulsive, wayward, cruel, unjust, and in his administration was often wasteful and extravagant. To his chiefs, one and all, he was faithless. His intrigues against Buchanan and Johnson are known, but those against Lincoln were less palpable. Had Lincoln's life been spared, some of his duplicity would have been developed. Though long associated with him, I have had no very profound respect for him as the "War Minister." He has considerable legal abihty, but when he has a pur pose to accomplish very Uttle rectitude of mind. With a different Secretary of War, the War would have termin ated sooner, and, I think, with a great saving of life and treasure. For the present he escapes censure because he has identified himself with the extreme men of the domin ant party. A vote of thanks would have been given him by those men, had his atrocities been ten times greater. Fessenden took occasion to show that he was in principle and feeling as Radical as any. At this time the "Reconstruction" acts are under con sideration, — all in violation of the Constitution. Con gress is trampling on State and personal rights and usurp ing power in all these proceedings. Trumbull justifies and excuses himself for voting for and supporting these male volent and vricked enactments on the ground that, being unconstitutional, they are good for nothing, — no law. Others of the little statesmen, who are great factionists, arrogate to themselves authority to make and unmake States, to confer power upon them and to deprive them of inherent and constitutional rights, as if States were mere corporations, subject to the whims and caprices of Congress. 378 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jhne 5 June 5, Friday. At the Cabinet-meeting to-day McCul loch submitted some papers relating to a claim of a road in Kentucky which had been aUowed $170,000 toll for army transportation by the War Department. This sum they had received under protest and claimed much more, and the Kentucky delegation had waited on him, the Secre tary of the Treasury, and requested that the claim should be referred to the Attorney-General. I asked what business he had with the subject under any circumstances, the matter belonging to and having been adjusted by the War Department, — whether he and the Attorney-General were to revise the other Departments and overrule their decisions. McCuUoch said he preferred to send it back to the War Department for it to refer the matter to the Attorney- General, if it thought proper, and would so inform the Kentucky delegation. Browning said it was not a legal question, but an administrative one which belonged to the War Department alone. After some discussion the papers went to the Secretary of War. Subsequently General Schofield presented an act passed in February last, conferring very extraordinary powers on the Comptroller and Auditors. The law, he said, would cause embarrassment in the War Department, for whom, it seems, the law is to operate. McCulloch undertook to go into some explanation, which showed a lamentable want of correct information of his own duties and of the rights of other Departments of the Govemment. He as sumes that an Auditor or Comptroller can set aside the decisions of any Department, if they think proper, or can alter these decisions; in other words, administer the government or supervise those who do administer it. The truth is, the First Comptroller, who is probably an honest man, is manifestly ignorant of the structure of the govern ment, and consequently and measurably of his own posi tion and duties. He does not learn them and will not, be cause the Secretary of the Treasury is afraid of him and is 1868] CHASE TALKED OF FOR PRESIDENT 379 to a great extent in certain important particulars gov erned by him. This man Taylor, First Comptroller, was for some time Treasurer of the State of Ohio, where his word and ruling on financial matters was supreme. There were no checks on his action, no departments, as in the Federal Govemment, exercising executive powers, and, having the control of the finances as well as the custody of the Treasury, he was a little autocrat. He has the same conception of his duties here, but they are very unlike. "Why," says McCulloch, "you would make the Comp troller and Auditor clerks." I told him they were clerks, and I did not intend myself to be a clerk to them. I re marked that his labors had been so absorbing that he had not looked into the making of his Department, but had submitted to his subordinates, and I advised him to in form himself on a subject so essential to the Government; told him that from the beginning of his administration of the Department he had failed, I thought, in not thor oughly examining this question and keeping his subordin ates in their places, instead of taking their assumptions; requested him to read Crittenden's opinion when At tomey-General, etc. June 6, Saturday. An apparently strong demonstration is being made for Chase for President, particularly in New York. It is not sincere, nor is it a move in the right direc tion, and the strength which the movement has acquired is itself evidence of poUtical demoralization among Demo crats. It is New York party management and means Sey mour. Not unlikely Chase has modified his creed since the Radicals have adopted another and different commander, but he was one of the originators of RadicaUsm, and the promoter of its vagaries, heresies, and wrongs. Whatever may be the popular sentiment, the New York leaders won't have Chase. June 8, Monday. Made a retum caU on Mr. Burlingame, 380 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [june 8 who, vrith the Chinese ambassadors, visited me a few days since at my house. He thinks we might learn some things useful of the Chinese, as weU as they of us, in matters social and civil. Their practice of extinguishing annually all in debtedness he thinks would be weU and have a good effect if adopted here. A man who does not extinguish his debts at the close of the year, so as to commence the new year with a clean record, loses caste and drops io a lower grade. Their civil war of thirteen years, in which over ten millions lost their lives and which was desolating in its effects, closed up vrithout any national debt. June 9, Tuesday. The arbitrary and outrageous con duct of Butler and the impeachment Managers begins to tell upon a portion of the Radicals. They cannot justffy the imprisonment of Woolley, who seems, however, to be a profligate fellow, and was by his own confession on a de bauch when a large portion of the $20,000 for which he fails to account disappeared. He and his associates were prob ably conniving in intrigues and briberies with Members of Congress, and, not unlikely, they may have attempted to svrindle and dupe some persons into advances under the pretense of influencing Senators. ... It is a corrupt Congress, and the most corrupt put on the loftiest pre tensions. The President dined the Chinese, members of the Cabi net, some of the principal foreign ministers, and a few friends of note. Neither Grant nor Sumner was present, though I am confident Grant was invited. The President is studiously regardful of official courtesies. June 10, Wednesday. At the late city election the Rad icals claim to have elected the mayor, but their opponents, the Democrats and conservatives, carried five wards, which gives them a majority against the mayor. This result has disconcerted the Radicals in Congress, who have been modifying and changing the charter of the city. 1868] CHASE'S CANDIDACY 381 Nearly every black man in the city voted for Bowen, the Radical candidate, while probably four fifths of the whites voted for Given, the Democratic candidate. Since the election there have been strange doings to get the posses sion of the city government, and Congress is very much disposed to interfere and give the government into the hands of the Radicals. They are educating themselves in fraud and villainy, and their leaders intend by such means to disregard and set aside the Presidential election, should they not be successful at the polls. There are some strange indications in regard to the selection of a Democratic candidate for President. In New York a busy and noisy demonstration is made for Chief Justice Chase, who, with Sumner, is really the father of Radicalism, not of Republicanism. Reconstruction and ne gro suffrage in the States have been pet measures of Chase, yet the opponents of these measures in New York profess a vrish to make him their candidate. The New York Herald is really casting aside its principles, or the principles of the Democratic Party, and teaches acquiescence in the usurpa tions and outrages which have imposed negro suffrage and bogus constitutions on the Southern States. All this is designed to pave the way ostensibly for Chase, but there is a deeper intrigue behind, perhaps the nomination of Seymour, — New York partyism. June 11, Thursday. The States are preparing for the July nominating convention in New York. Connecticut, New Jersey, and Maryland have just chosen their delegates and left them free to act. Many of the States have im properly tied the hands of their delegates. Such a course is in conflict vrith the very object and purpose of a con vention. Woolley is finally released. Congress has disgraced it self in permitting Butler to imprison this man; but Con gress itself is at this time a body without character or ability or any value. 382 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [june 12 June 12, Friday. Seward has gone to Auburn. Hunter ^ appeared for him in Cabinet-meeting, vrithout anything to present. I am getting embarrassed by the course of the Academic Board at Annapolis. Some of their decisions are repre hensible. The Examining Board, which attended recently, have permitted themselves to be made instruments to read me a lecture on certain subjects. Unfortunately we have no man in Congress who is at all conversant with naval affairs, and all legislation and aU Congressional action is in a wrong direction. Men having selfish schemes and purposes adapt themselves to party ends, and find ready supporters, regardless of the service. June 13, Saturday. Was last night at a review at the marine barracks. Had a call to-day from Govemor Eng lish. He apologizes in regard to his message. Says Inger soll and Osborn desired to tone down my strong points and make it more local and less national, etc., etc. Al though possessed of pretty good common sense, I perceive he has a touch of the fever which gets among aspiring politicians, and is timid and weak in consequence. June 15, Monday. The papers pubUsh the proceedings of a Chase meeting in Philadelphia.^ It is represented that Doolittle, Dixon, Jeffries,^ and others were of the meeting, but none of them were present. Doolittle has been to New York and says the talk for Chase is strong, yet he cannot suppose the leading men can be eamest. Blair says Bel mont and the bankers are the instigators, — that it is a money scheme. I look upon it as an intrigue for Seymour, who months ago announced himself not a candidate. Since then we have been told he was friendly to Pendleton, and latterly that ' William Hunter, Second Assistant Secretary of State. ' On June 10. It was a private conference. ' General N. L. Jeffries, Register of the Treasury. 1868] AN INTRIGUE FOR SEYMOUR 383 he thinks well of Chase, but all this means Seymour, who is subtle, artful, and not always sincere, and has a ring of special admirers, or cronies, who think much of manage ment. The aspect of things when the Convention meets may be such that Seymour will absolutely decUne, but if so, it will be because the prospect is hopelessly adverse. He means to be, and his friends mean that he shall be, nominated, and their side moves are false and deceptive. His brother-in-law is a Senator and resides in the same town vrith him, which operates against his Senatorial aspirations. Still, if the Presidency is not attainable or is doubtful, and his friends can make the Senatorship cer tain, he may acquiesce in that arrangement. I called with Doolittle on the President this evening, and we had half an hour's talk on Presidential matters. I expressed freely my views in regard to Chase and Sey mour, to which they both assented. Doolittle concurred most fully. The President was more cautious and re served; said it was strange and curious to witness popular movements. During the last two years and more a great political contest has been going on for the Government and the Union, involving their existence, but neither Sey mour nor Chase had done anything to sustain those who were battling for the country. They were antagonistic: Sejrmour, a Democrat, had given no support to the Ad ministration; Chase had thrown his influence with the Radicals, yet there were Democrats who were seriously advocating his claims. Probably Seymour was not. The tenor of his remarks leaves Uttle doubt on my mind that the President's aspirations have been, or are, in that direction. It has always been so with his predecessors. But, if indulged, it is an idle dream on his part. I do not think he cares so much about the office as an approval of his acts. The retention of Seward in his Cabinet has alien ated the Democrats, particularly those of New York, from him. He could not expect to gain their confidence and sup port when his chief minister is their lifelong opponent. 384 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [june 15 In keeping Seward and refusing for two years to commit himself to the Democrats, or to give them countenance, he wilted down his influence, weakened his position and his Administration. For a year he has bestowed some favors on Democrats, but Seward was still vrith him. It is im possible that he should be nominated at New York. June 16, Tuesday. This is the thirty-third anniversary of my marriage. Not much done in Cabinet. McCulloch had a letter about the ironclads at New Orleans which have been sold, and which demagogues and speculators have represented as striving to escape surreptitiously. Wanted the President to issue an order on the subject, for fear the Collector could not detain them. I told him there was no necessity for calling on the President; he could apply to the War and Navy Departments, or the Secretary of State could institute action for their detention ff there is any violation of neutrality. June 17. Am told of intrigues and combinations and cliquism among certain naval men who should be in better business. Vice-Admiral Porter is restless by nature; has his favorites, and uses and presses any and all who vrill yield into his schemes. He has some good professional qualities, but little administrative talent. Raymond Rodgers has abilities and culture, but not individuaUty or independence, and makes himself a voluntary dependent. Porter uses him, and he likes to be used. Junior officers at the Academy are drawn into the schemes of Porter, who has been injured by too rapid promotion, and desires to control the Navy. Members of Congress are imposed upon, and Porter, who is fond of politics without understanding them, and thinks himseff shrewd, has covertly, as he supposed, allied himself with the Rad icals. There has been a gathering here of some of these spirits, and the Naval Committee has given them a hear ing. The principal topic was, I understand, the contro- 1868] NEWSPAPER ATTACK ON McCULLOCH 385 versy between line and staff officers. There has been folly and unvrise management on both sides in that matter, but this sly intrigue is sovring the seeds of mischief which the authors themselves vriU repent. June 18, Thursday. The Intelligencer is making strange and unjustifiable attacks on Secretary McCulloch. There is something mercenary and vicious in this. While McC. has made mistakes and been imposed upon by Radical intriguers in his appointments, his integrity and intentions are correct, and as a financier he has had no equal since Guthrie. In politics and poUtical training he was unfortu nate, but his instincts were right, and experience has con tributed to correct, in a measure, the errors resulting from early association. He told me some days since that he had been threatened by Coyle of the Intelligencer, a mischiev ous fellow who makes himself too intimate with the Pre sident, with an assault, because he would not prostitute himself to do wrong for Coyle's benefit. This he had re sisted, and Coyle's extravagance — for he lives in princely style — was undoubtedly giving him (C.) trouble which the Treasury could not stand. June 19, Friday. Statements, which seem authentic, are made in regard to the political opinions and views of Chief Justice Chase which indicate quite a change. These statements come from those who claim to have had inter views and free intercourse vrith him. I am glad to see these improved opinions; hope they are true, and that he will vigorously maintain them. But I cannot believe he will obtain the Democratic nomination, however sincere and thorough his conversion. Yet he is very much talked of, and very eamestly pressed, in some quarters where I should not have expected it. I should be sorry to see him nominated, and yet more sorry to see Pendleton, who is prorninent, but whom the New York managers no more intend than Chase. Neither is the man for this emergency, 3 386 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [june 19 provided he could be elected, but either would be likely to put the election in jeopardy, and thus elevate a worse man. The intrigues for Seymour will be apt to elect Grant. In looking over some bills which were on the President's table for his signature, I took up an act relieving Butler of Tennessee from liabilities and disabiUties for having par ticipated in the Rebellion, restoring to him his civil rights, and modifying the ironclad oath so as to permit him to take his seat in the House. I asked what that act was but a pardon, and whether the President ought, by signing it, to sanction the legislative interference with his prerog ative. The President, while expressing no opinion, indi cated by his manner and words that he was pleased by my suggestions and inquiry. No one of the members, however, squarely came up to the mark. Browning said the act was undoubtedly a pardon, and the President alone had the constitutional pardoning power. All but myseff seemed to think it was not best for the President to interpose and assert the rights of the Executive. I cited a case which I knew of in General Jackson, who declared Congress should never intrude on the executive prerogative whUe he was President. Randall said General Jackson had a power in Congress which enabled him to do this. I replied he had the power because he firmly maintained the rights of the Executive and would not permit them to be trespassed upon, and I had no doubt that if the same course had been pursued by this Administration we should have had strength in Congress. Here the subject dropped; it was getting serious. The President, who is accused of obstinacy, has often been too yielding, has tried to conciliate, and the greater his effort the more intrusive and the greater the resistance. A usurping and domineering Congress has absorbed the rightful constitutional power of the President in many respects, and crippled his authority in others. Some have advised and encouraged this yielding to wrong; I have never been guilty of it. WILLIAM FAXON 1868] A CONGRESSIONAL INQUIRY 387 J«ne 20, Saturday. The Reconstruction [= Retrench ment?] Committee to which was referred a scandalous resolution of E. B. Washburne, relative to an alleged fraudulent sale of the Oneota and Catawba, two ironclad vessels which have passed into the hands of the Peruvian Government, made report yesterday, about as scandalous as Washburne's resolution. The Assistant Secretary is directly charged with fraud, and "perhaps" the Secretary of the Navy. No honest, fair-minded man, with fair in tentions, would make this base insinuation, or charge fraud on Faxon. ^ By misrepresentation and one-sided and dis colored testimony, the committee may cast an imputation on F., but it is without foundation. Congress ordered, or authorized, the ironclad vessels of a particular class or classes to be sold, at not less than the affixed value to be made by five naval officers, after public advertising. The Board, consisting of Winslow and others, examined the vessels, affixed a price, the vessels were advertised, six or seven bids were made for the Oneota and Catawba. Every bidder failed; some were bogus. Eventually Svrift & Co., the original builders, bought them at their affixed value. There were six other vessels of the same class and model, — five of which cost the Government more than these two, — for which mere nominal prices were offered, not one tenth their value. Swift & Co. and their associates have sold these vessels to the Pem-rians — had undoubtedly contracted for them or for two of that class previously — at a much higher price than they gave. Of this, however, the Department knew nothing. No one supposed that any man or firm would invest half a million in an ironclad, as a matter of private speculation. But, because the parties purchasing received a large advance from Peru, the Retrenchment Committee insinuate fraud. The Govemment got the price at which these vessels ' William Faxon, formerly Chief Clerk of the Department, had been made Assistant Secretary on Captain Fox's going to Russia, in 1866. 388 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [june 20 were valued by a board of its own ordering, a board whose integrity and capacity no one questions; any person or persons might have had them at that, or a higher price. There are six more of this class of vessels, the same model, equally good, which any one can have, but nobody wants at the same price. Yet this Retrenchment Commit tee insinuate wrong. This is debased partisanship. It so happens that Faxon and the parties are all Republi cans, or there would have been stronger assertions in all probability. The wretched committee of partisans were distressed because they could find no vulnerable point to assail me, and, while unjustly assailing Faxon, they say "perhaps the Secretary" had an understanding, — "willing to wound but yet afraid to strike." These dirty, scandalizing patriots, who devote their time to scandal and party electioneering instead of legitimate legislation, do not hesitate to insinuate falsehoods or traduce character. The President put a veto on the Arkansas bogus con stitution, and the House, unable to controvert his position, hastened to accept it by a two-thirds vote. One cannot but be ashamed at the debased and subservient partisan ship which could not exhibit a single independent mind in behalf of the Federal Constitution and of the great prin ciples on which our poUtical system is founded, among the Radical majority. June 22, Monday. Mr. Merritt came to see me yester day. Was in a good deal of distress in consequence of the attempts to belie and misrepresent me for his transaction. Knowing, as he did, my entire ignorance of the whole trans action attending his purchase and sale, — that I was not even aware of his connection with Swift & Co., or that the vessels were for Peru, — ignorant himseff, as I verily believe, of any wrong, he seems shocked at the malignity and defamatory exhibition of his poUtical party friends. I assured him that the slanders and insulting assaults 1868] THE ATTACK ON McCULLOCH 389 would not seriously disturb me, although I claimed no exemption from sensitive feeUngs under such calumnies. Letters were received to-day from the European, North and South Atlantic, and North Pacific Squadrons. All in pretty good condition and doing well. The midshipmen had a merry week at West Point. Miss Loyal, who was there, writes Mrs. Welles that she was mortified to hear Mrs. General Grant speak with confidence of her occupying the White House next season. But she is an ambitious and outspoken woman; her husband has more cunning and more reticence. Vice-Admiral Porter exhibits a good deal of duplicity. He and the Board reported strongly against a young or phan boy who has no relatives. I ordered him to join the practice ships. Porter, who had resisted this, writes to B 's friend Mrs. Ann Stephens, that it was his act, etc., etc. His double-dealing in De Camp's case I do not forget, and there are repeated instances of his insincerity and untruthfulness. June 23, Tuesday. Seward was at Cabinet-meeting. He returned Sunday morning from Auburn. Has been absent about a fortnight. The attacks of the Intelligencer on McCulloch commenced while S. was absent. He gener ally contrives to get away when one of his explosions is to take place. McCulloch is friendly to Chase and wants him nominated and elected. Seward does not, and would be willing to see any active friend of Chase's stricken down. I am inclined to think that McCulloch is more earnest for Chase than he would care to have known, — more than he, perhaps, is aware of. But Seward and Weed are im placable in their hostility to the Chief Justice, and McC.'s adroitness in his behalf is more than counteracted by the two old stagers. But I question if McCulloch knows, or even suspects, the source of the intrigue against him. The President, I apprehend, has an idea prompted by the same set that it would benefit him were McCulloch to 390 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [june 23 leave the Cabinet; but in this he is mistaken. That Mc Culloch has erred, greatly erred, in appointing to and re taining in office a herd of violent, vindictive, and offensive Radicals there is no doubt. I have repeatedly cautioned him on this head; but I don't think Seward has done so, and McCulloch has always beUeved, and still does per haps, that Thurlow Weed was his special friend. He has also believed that Seward was friendly, and has had no suspicion that his support of Chase could cause any aUen ation. Govemor Buckingham of Connecticut has been quite sick in Illinois. Under the impression that he might die, the Radicals made haste to legislate so as to secure the office ^ to a partisan. A large portion of the legislation of this, and also the last. Congress, was mere party scheming, while great public interests have been neglected. In the case of Govemor Buckingham, he is likely to save them trouble by recovering from his illness. The papers report that he is much better, and about going to Chicago, where he can be better served. June 24, Wednesday. The President has nominated Mr. Evarts to be Attorney-General. It is doubtful whether he will be confirmed, and yet there is no reason why he should not be. I am surprised that the President should nominate him, and surprised that he should accept the office. But the finger of Seward is in this. As a lawyer Mr. E. is at the head of the bar; as a politician he is the opposite of the President. He can, however, accommodate himself pretty readily to any party and any set of principles, — views them much as he does his cUents. The Senate might con firm him without question, for he has avowed himself a Radical and opposed to the President's policy, although he was one of his counsel in the impeachment case. Mr. Pruyn tells me that Seymour or Chase will be nom- ' William A. Buckingham, the War Govemor of Connecticut, had been elected Senator to succeed Dixon. He took his seat March 4, 1869. 1868] THREAT OF ANOTHER IMPEACHMENT 391 inated at New York. "But, "said I, "Seymour has per emptorily and repeatedly signified his refusal." "Well," said he, "that is so, but if the Convention should nominate him, I have no doubt he would yield." Pruyn is of Albany, one of the leading Democratic minds of New York, and he speaks, I have no doubt, the purpose and intention of the leaders of that party in that State, which does not mean Chase. I am sorry there is not more sincerity, frankness, and straightforward conduct among New York party leaders. A good and righteous man, such as we now have, should not be injured by such duplicity. June 25, Thursday. The President has nominated Col lector Smythe of New York Minister to Austria, — an appointment that should not have been made, and I cannot suppose vrill be confirmed. In this, as well as Evarts' nomination, I see the finger of Weed and Seward. Perry Fuller, an improper selection for such a place, is nominated Commissioner of Internal Revenue. These nominations and some other movements leave little doubt on my mind that the President has hopes of a renomination, and there are those around him who encourage the delusion. I look upon it as beyond the bounds of probabiUty, almost of possibUity. He desires to be victor over the conspirators, more than the office. June 26, Friday. Seward opened his budget to-day with statements in regard to three or four unimportant consuls. Grave matters for the Cabinet, while important appoint ments are slipped through in a different manner! But the President himself is not without fault in this respect. Some strange and singular appointments have been made from time to time without consulting any one, — certainly none of his Cabinet. Intimations of another movement for impeachment by Thad Stevens are thrown out, — it is said, however, not with any expectation that the House will adopt the charges, but 392 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [june 26 that Stevens may make a speech, and that the charges may be suspended over the President. I doubt ff the maUg nant and vicious old man vrill make this demonstration, but he likes notoriety and power, and his threat exhibits both to his satisfaction. LXI A Proclamation of General Amnesty read in Cabinet — Jefferson Davis the only Person excepted — The President draws up another making no Exception — The New York Convention nominates Horatio Seymour and Francis P. Blair — An Unfortunate Nomination — The Result brought about by the Tammany Managers — Disappointment of the President — Seward Close-mouthed on the Nominations — Conver sation with the President in regard to Seward, Stanton, and McCuUoch — DooUttle invited to become an Independent Candidate — The Pre sident prepares a Message recommending Certain Changes in the Con stitution — Cabinet Discussion of it — A Talk with Montgomery Blair — The Blairs and the President — Evarts takes his Seat in the Cabinet — The Two New Cabinet Members, Schofield and Evarts — John A. Griswold claiming Credit for the Monitor to the Exclusion of the Navy Department — Congress, instead of adjourning, takes a Recess till September 21 — Seward reads in Cabinet a Proclamation relating to the Fourteenth Amendment — General Banks and the Na'vy Yard Appointments — Conditions in Georgia. July 1. Much confusion prevails among Democrats re lative to a candidate for President. Delegates to the Con vention which meets at New York on the 4th, and many who are not delegates, have passed through Washington; others are now here. The aspect of things does not please me. There has been mismanagement and weakness in New York, and little vigor or right intention anywhere. A per sonal demonstration, and extremely partisan too, has been made for Pendleton, who vriU probably have the largest vote of any candidate at the commencement, but who will not be allowed to be nominated. He may, in the excess of party feeling, demonstration, and excitement, be nomin ated, though it seems hardly possible for sensible men to make such a blunder. Chase, who is conspicuous as an opponent of the Democrats, as a negro suffragist, and, untU recently, as a Reconstructionist, is strongly pressed. The New-Yorkers appear to have surrendered all principle in a feeble, sprawling anxiety to triumph, and wUl thereby 394 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult i endanger success. Possibly they have overmanaged in re gard to Pendleton, who has been fostered as an auxiliary, merely, to New York. The President, I perceive, has strong hopes of a nomina tion. But what he might have made a certainty is, by him self and his course, placed beyond the confines of possibil ity. He has said nothing to me direct, and I am glad of it, for it would be a subject of extreme embarrassment to me. Hancock seems a fair man. I know not his mental strength, but have a favorable opinion of it. In many respects he would make a good candidate; he has a good military record, and the military feeling is prevailing at this time. His indorsement of Stanton two or three years ago in New York is to his discredit. I have no doubt it was procured by Stanton himself through Jere Black, — a political manoeuvre in which H. was used. Hendricks would unite as many as any one, perhaps, and is a poUtician as good, perhaps, as any suggested of the anti- War Demo crats. He and Hancock have appeared to me most likely to strike the Convention favorably, provided it is com posed of sagacious, fair-minded men, unshackled by per sonal favoritism, and if the majority can swing clear of the great tidal wave of New York which moves for party and not for country. Doolittle is a fair and good man, whom I should name, if by so doing he would be made President. But he is young and less prominent than others, and the party Democrats are making too much haste to get power for such a man. The President has read to us a form of proclamation prepared by Seward for general amnesty. As usual, the paper is a little verbose and less direct than I like. Excep tion was made of such persons as are under indictment. The President, I saw, was not pleased with that part of the document ; asked how many there were under indictment, why prolong this unhappy controversy by such a clause. Seward thought that was as restricted as we could make 1868] PROCLAMATION OF AMNESTY 395 it. There were but two men, — Davis and Surratt. I asked if exceptions were to be made, and there were but two, why not name them. I thought, however, Surratt was arraigned for a criminal, personal matter, rather than treason. The President said that was so, and there is really but one man, — Davis. After the others left. Browning and myself remained and went over the papers again. I suggested that the pre amble did not bring out as distinctly as I wished the fact that since the proclamation of May, 1865, — his first pro clamation for amnesty, — there had been no armed or organized resistance to the Federal authorities. Browning agreed with me, and the President took the idea. He said he should re"rise the document and wished us to reflect upon it and make suggestions. He particularly desired we should consider the subject of an unqualified amnesty to aU, without any exception. July 2, Thursday. The New York Convention absorbs more attention than Congress, which, in fact, is little else than a party convention. I give little heed to the many strange rumors that prevail; but, looking on, I am con strained to beUeve there is not much candid, enlightened inteUigence as yet displayed. The New-Yorkers have over- refined. Have held up, restrained, and not concentrated sentiment. In the anticipation that there would not be unity they have designedly left matters loose, and they continue so. If they supposed they should thereby eventually control the result and have their own man, they may have failed. Chase or Pendleton may have be come too strong to be controUed. Our New York friends purposely scattered, and may not be able to rule, the ele ments. The President to-day laid before Browning and myself his proposed proclamation. It is essentially different from Seward's paper, and is vrithout "exception." Browning thought this a mistake, said they would try again to im- 396 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 2 peach, etc. The President wished to know if they would frame an article based on his amnesty. I saw he was de cided, and remarked he must, for himself, judge of the expediency. There was this fact: if Jeff Davis were tried and not convicted, we should have a strange and unsatis factory result. Could he be convicted by any jury where he can be legally tried? July 6, Monday. Went to Hampton Roads, the Capes, and Norfolk on the evening of the 3d and returned this morning. A pleasant ' respite on the 4th and Sunday. Fox, Faxon, Commodore Jenkins, etc., etc., were of the party. Commodore Kilty, Rodgers, ^ and others were glad to see us at the Norfolk Yard, and came vrith us to Fortress Monroe on the evening of the 4th to vritness the mihtary display of fireworks. A great crowd were assembled in and about the fort. General Barry, who is now in com mand, and his friends received us most hospitably and kindly. July 7, Tuesday. While at the President's, two tele grams were received from the Convention in New York, stating the result of the ballots to nominate candidate for President. Pendleton leads, as was expected, and the President was next, which was not expected. Most of his votes must have been from the South. The vote of New York was given for Sanford E. Church. This, I told those present, was a blind and meant Seymour, that the New- Yorkers intended Seymour should be the candidate, and Seymour also intended it, provided he became satisfied he would secure the nomination; but, unless certain, he would persist in declining. New York, I said, had been playing an insincere game; had, though the headquarters and management of the party was in New York, de signated no one; had not tried to concentrate, but had endeavored to scatter, and, for effect, have several names » Captain C. R. P. Rodgers. 1868] THE NEW YORK CONVENTION 397 presented. Puny efforts for local candidates hke English of Connecticut, Parker of New Jersey, Packer of Penn sylvania, as well as Church of New York, were encouraged, but all this frittering away strength meant Seymour. New York vriU control the Convention. McCulloch and Browning thought that the Pendleton men would control, — that they probably would not get two thirds for him, but that they could say who should or should not be the man. "If they move in a body," said I, "but that they will not do. When they break from Pendleton, they wiU scatter, and ultimately be gathered for Seymour." Seward during the conversation said nothing, and he made a point to leave early. The President was evidently gratified vrith the vote he received, and the cheers when it was announced. July 8, Wednesday. The platform of the Convention is not so good as I expected. The Pendleton policy controls, but it is pretty certain he wUl not get the nomination. If the New-Yorkers cannot carry Seymour they will Ukely go for Chase, though he gets no nomination or support at present. At the close of the day's session the run was for Hancock and Hendricks. The fear that Hancock might succeed prompted an adjournment, and there will be intrigue to-night, — perhaps a union on Chase, though I can hardly believe it. Seymour, if nominated, will be defeated. Hancock, if the candidate, will be elected. Some speculations are thrown out for English, but it is mere flummery, though the Connecticut delegates do not under stand it. They have done better than New Jersey, which stiU holds out for Parker. The President's vote is falling off. There has never been any intention to nominate him, except by a few earnest friends in Tennessee and perhaps a few in some of the Southem States. Seward is a stumbling-block for him. July 9, Thursday. Horatio Seymour and F. P. Blair, Jr., 398 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 9 were nominated President and Vice-President at New York. Ohio dropped Pendleton and went unanimously for Seymour. This was followed by other States success ively, ending in a unanimous vote. "A spontaneous move ment," say Seymour's friends, "Unexpected," "A general recognition of the first statesman in the country," etc., with much similar nonsense. The threatened demonstra tion for Chase appears to have alarmed the Pendletonians, who dislike him. All worked as New York intended. The friends of Pendleton were unwilhng, I judge, that Chase, Hendricks, or any Western man should be selected, lest it might interfere vrith P.'s future prospects. We shall know more in a day or two. I do not consider the nomination a fortunate one for success or for results. Seymour has intellect, but not courage. His partyism predominates over patriotism. His nomination has been effected by duphcity, deceit, cunning management, and sharp scheming. He is a favorite leader of the Marcy school of Democrats in New York, if not of the Van Buren and Silas Wright school. A general feeling of disappointment vrill prevail on the first reception of the nomination, discouraging to Union men, but this vriU be likely to give way in the exciting election contest to the great questions involved. The Radicals will take courage for a moment from the mistakes of the Democrats. I was at the President's when the telegram announcing Seymour's nomination was received. The President was calm and exhibited very little emotion, but I could see he was disturbed and disappointed. He evidently had con siderable expectation. The nomination of Blair with Seymour gives a ticket which is not homogeneous. Blair is bold, resolute, and de termined; has sagacity as well as wUl. His recent letter enunciates his policy and the underlying principles of the present contest. Seymour, more timid and calculating, does not take the ground openly; but the Radicals will force the Democrats to accept or reject the doctrines. In 1868] THE NOMINATIONS 399 nominating Blair after the publication of his letter, the Democrats are committed to his views, if there be anything in partyism. Throughout the whole proceedings prelim inary to and attending this convention to its close, there has been, on the part of the New York politicians, a selfish ness that has narrowed their vision and a want of sagacity and enlarged and comprehensive views that is surprising. The end has not yet been reached. They have put in jeopardy an election which they might have made certain. When President Johnson refused to adopt the plans and schemes of the Radicals to exclude the Southern States from Congress and to impose upon them constitutions, laws, and governments by Federal authority, he caused a rupture of the Republican Party which, had he been cordially seconded by the Democrats, would have insured the defeat of the Radicals, for the better portion of the Republicans concurred with hun and the Democrats. His course was so correct on the subject of Reconstruction, the rights of the States, and kindred measures that the Democrats were generally disposed to sustain him and identify themselves with his Administration, but the man aging Tammany men of New York, apprehensive that this might affect the organization and discipline of Tam many, while they encouraged and supported the Presid ent's policy, were careful not to identify themselves with and indorse the President himself, to whom they and the country were so much indebted. Confident that the senti ment of the country was against the Radical usurpations, and glad to avail themselves of that sentiment, they feared that the President, who boldly fought those intrigues, a man whom they did not elect, might become popular; they were distant, cold, reserved towards him. Most of the Democratic managers had been opposed to the War and War measures, had opposed the election and reelection of Lincoln and Johnson, had sympathized vrith the Secessionists, and, in their national convention, declared the War a faUure. Their unpatriotic and dis- 400 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 9 union course had kept them in minority for years, from which they now, by the folly and extreme measures of the Radicals, who had become disunionists not by seces sion but by exclusion, expected to be relieved, and they were impatient to be in power. But while a large majority of the people were opposed to the vicious, usurping, and centralizing schemes of the Radicals, they were not ready to place a Copperhead or anti- War Democrat at the head of the Republic. The great mistake of the New York Democratic managers was in supposing that the Radical measures were so atrocious that the people would accept and vote for almost any man, even those who were on the opposite extreme. The memories of the War were not, however, forgotten; there was dis like and distrust of the men who opposed it, and there was still a strong miUtary feeling prevailing. Neither of these elements could give a cordial support to Seymour or any one like him. But the New-Yorkers had neither the tolerance, tact, nor judgment to wait events, give resentment time to cool, and permit a War Democrat to be chosen. They would not allow Hancock or even Hendricks to be nominated. They feared Johnson might be. There was an excuse for the New-Yorkers' not supporting Johnson, because he had retained Seward, whom they abominated, and to whom they could not be reconciled. But why oppose and exclude Hancock, a much more popular man with the mUitary than Grant, a man of more intelUgence, and greater ca pacity, and who, if nominated, would be elected? The reason was that the Tammany politicians were deter mined to have Seymour, who was neither a mUitary man, nor a friend to the War for the Union. What, therefore, might have been a certainty, the New York managers have made an uncertainty. They have professed to have no candidate, — were wilUng to unite on whoever was nominated, — but have intrigued through out to prevent any man from beipg nominated but Sey- 1868] THE TAMMANY MANAGERS' MISTAKE 401 mour. As capable poUticians, New York being the great State and New York City the headquarters of the party, to have designated and united on one or two men who would have been acceptable to the country would have brought success. Instead of this they professed indifference, en couraged Chase, fostered Pendleton, mentioned Hendricks, and, having the matter in their own hands, voted for Sanford E. Church, whom they intended should not be nominated, and who had not been mentioned. Had the Tammany managers who make party a trade been sufficiently disinterested and patriotic to have stood back and let a War Democrat opposed to Radical usurpa tions be nominated, Seymour might, four years hence, be brought forward with success, for he has intellect, but it is given more to party than to country. If he fails now, he faUs forever, and I fear our Federal Union will fail also and consoUdation obtain an enduring ascendancy. July 10, Friday. The President was, I thought, more affected to-day than yesterday, but was quite reticent on the nominations. McCulloch and Browning expressed, and e"ridently felt, great dissatisfaction, — said Seymour was, next to Pendleton, the worst selection which could have been made. I said it was not, save in financial mat ters, preferable to Pendleton; that P., though a demagogue, had played no double game, or cheated and bamboozled his friends, but Seymour and the New York managers had. McCulloch lamented the failure of Chase, who, he says would have certainly succeeded had not Seymour been taken up, but it was foreordained that Chase should not, and Seymour should be, nominated. I told him I had no regrets for Chase, though I greatly preferred him to Seymour. Browning united with McCulloch in the belief that Chase would have got more popular votes than any other man. There is a strange desire to make these matters personal. Leading politicians are almost invariably in fault in that 3 402 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult lO respect. They fancy the people are led away by a promin ent orator or poUtician, regardless of principles. A great mistake. They vrill abandon a favorite who is in error. But when a favorite agrees with them in principles, there is a feeling of enthusiasm around that is irresistible. Sey mour can arouse no such enthusiasm, because, though in feeling and conviction he may now be with the people, he is timid and insincere. "There is a tide in the affairs of men," but just at this time the tide, I fear, is not with Seymour, though he has got the nomination. Seward was very close-mouthed, and got away as soon as he could. I shall not be surprised ff he goes for Grant. Yet his friend and crony Thurlow Weed has left the coun try, as I have sometimes thought to avoid taking part in this campaign, when Seward cannot perhaps go vrith him. They were both accused of favoring Seymour, covertly, against Wadsworth for Governor in 1862. July 11, Saturday. Senator DooUttle caUed this mom ing to breakfast, having just arrived from New York. He is sore, and dissatisfied with New York trickery and management. We went together to the President, vrith whom I had an appointment at ten. They both mani fested feelings almost of resentment. I felt as much disgust towards the proceedings and towards Seymour's nomina tion as either of them, but said: "Here is Grant, ignorant, untruthful, and unreliable, as we all know, and behind him is the important question of State rights as against central despotism. Much as we may dislike Seymour and the disingenuousness of our New York friends, our course is plain. Sejmaour, though a heartless pohtician, timid, selfish, and the devotee of party discipline and party management, will be compelled to go with his friends, whom he has the sagacity to know to be right. Grant we know to be wholly incompetent." To this both assented. The President spoke with some bitterness, I thought, of Blair's letter, as overturning things, etc. I inquired if J.4MES R. DOOLITTLE 1868] TALK WITH THE PRESIDENT 403 they were not to be overturned, — whether these fraud ulent governments imposed on the States by a usurping Congress were to be sanctioned and legaUzed, or whether the legitimate governments were to be permitted in time to regain their place. The President went into the library vrithout a word. Doolittle conversed vrith me. On other occasions, when I have brought forward these points, the President has been disinclined to discuss them. They have never been matters of Cabinet discussion, — that is, the future of these Reconstruction questions. I have no doubt that Seward is for submission, acquiescence, although he has never said so in words, but that is the bent of his mind; and he easily influences the President. After Doolittle left and we had finished business, the President seemed inclined to talk. Said Seymour had not Ufted a finger to sustain us through our three years' strug gle, that those of us who had maintained the government and its true principles were whoUy ignored, that the Demo cratic Party had for twelve years acted as ff demented, and seemed determined to continue in error. I assented to the fact of their erroneous and factious course, and to their present mistakes; but remarked, in justice to the mass of the New York Democrats and those of some other States, that they could not and would not give their confidence to Mr. Seward and were unwilling to identify themselves with an administration where he was a ruling spirit. Neither he nor Seymour could win the confidence of party opponents. The nominations being over, we might look at this subject truthfully and philo sophically. The President was a little annoyed, I observed, that he had introduced the matter, and that Doolittle, before he left, had said the great error was in retaining Stanton, when over two years ago we knew he was intriguing against us. The President did not controvert my remark, but, as if by way of defense, said there had been more complaint 404 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult ll against McCulloch and the Treasury than against all others. He did not mean to say there was cause for it, or that it was justifiable, but he mentioned the fact and the difficulties he had to encounter. I repUed that McCulloch was himself a capable financier and an honest man, but he had committed a great error in retaining Rollins,^ Chandler, and other Radicals here, and permitting them to crowd in swarms of Radicals all over the country. I believed him, however, a true friend of [the President] personally, and of the Administration. I again remarked that I spoke freely, as he had intro duced the subject; that, the issues and the tickets of the two great parties being made up and before the country, it could not be supposed I had any motive to influence those questions, and I supposed that the two men (Seward and McCulloch) would continue vrith him to the close. Without expressing either assent or dissent in words, he left the impression that such was the case. July 14, Tuesday. The Democrats and conservatives do not yet get reconciled to the New York nominations. It was undoubtedly a mistake, but they must support it as preferable to Grant in his ignorance and RadicaUsm in its wickedness. It will not do to sacrifice the country from mere prejudice against, or partiality for, men. I judge from what I hear that Chase and his friends felt a degree of confidence that he would be the nominee. He had, I have no doubt, the money interest in his favor. When I went to Cabinet to-day, only Seward was in the council room. He said, jocosely, that he understood I was for the New York nominations and he opposed to them. Said the papers so stated. I observed that I had not seen the statement, but I had no hesitation in saying I was opposed to Grant and the Radicals, and, consequently, I had, under the circumstances no alternative but to go for ' E. A. Rollins, Commissioner of Internal Revenue and, Uke Chandler, a New Hampshire man. 1868] DOOLITTLE DECLINES TO RUN 405 Seymour. I tried to draw from him some expression but without success. Others came in, and he turned the con versation. The President submitted the Edmunds law excluding the electoral vote of certain States. Seward declared him self very explicitly opposed to this, and so did every mem ber present. Browning wanted a short message of not more than ten Unes. The President said he was willing any of us should prepare a veto. No one volunteered. From Sew ard's remarks I supposed he would do it, if requested, and he so said before we left, and though his reasons and mine would not be in all respects alike, I could not compete with him. The President would, in any event, make Seward's the groundwork of his message, if S. prepared one. July 17, Friday. The weather has been so intensely warm that I have tried to keep cool, and, in those dark evenings vrithout a light, have been disinclined to write, although I feel guilty in not noting occurrences as they take place. Some are of interest and may be adverted to hereafter. There is, apparently, unappeasable discontent with the New York nominations. Perhaps I hear more of the complaints than others. Senator Doolittle a day or two since stated he had a letter from a number of persons in Pennsylvania, expressing dissatisfaction with the candi dates — they could not vote for Seymour — and inviting Doolittle to be a candidate. He wished to consult me as to his answer. I said there was but one course and that was to decline. I was more and more satisfied the nomination of Seymour was not judicious, but there is now no alternative but to support and try to elect the ticket. That would save the government, reconcile sections, and give us peace. He said he concurred with me, and had a letter partly pre pared which he intended to have brought with him. The President read a veto which he had prepared on the Edmunds Bill excluding certain States from casting elect oral votes, or, if cast, to prevent them from being counted. 406 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 17 The veto is very well done and, I think, is the President's own work. He afterwards laid before us a message suggesting sundry alterations of the Constitution. I was uncomfort able while it was being read, for I could perceive it was a favored bantling which he had prepared vrith some care. Seward, at once, and on its conclusion, met the subject frankly and candidly. Said he made no objection to the document as an exhibit of the President's own personal views, but he did object to its giving-out as an Admin istration or Cabinet paper. He could readily assent to some of the propositions, to others he could not, and, as a general thing, did not admire changes of the fundamental law. He did not wish the Presidential term lengthened, nor did he vrish there should be a prohibition to reelect. McCuUoch said as a general thing he was against consti tutional changes, but thought it well for the President to present his views. He rather hked extending the term. Browning had never given the subject much thought, but was favorably impressed with the suggestions that were made. Schofield and Randall said very Uttle. I concurred gen erally in the remarks of Seward, but excepted, which he did not, to the encroachments proposed to be made on the fed eration features of our system. I was not for taking away from the States the single sovereign vote in case there was no election on the first trial. It was not, I think, the ex pectation, when the Constitution was framed, that the elect ors would be chosen by the people, but that they would be appointed by the legislatures of the States respectively. That feature had proved a failure, however. The legisla tures had surrendered the choice of electors to the people, and I should prefer that the people should vote direct for the candidates than through the making of an electoral ticket. If there was no election and the choice went back to the people, I should, in that event, wish each State to give one vote and but one vote, whether the State was 1868] THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE 407 great or small, thus avoiding aggregation or consoUda tion in the election and preserving the distinctive charac ter and equahty of the States. So, as regards the Senators, I preferred they should be chosen by the legislatures in stead of being elected by the people, as the President now suggested. The Senators were representatives of the States in their sovereign capacity. Members of the House were the direct representatives of the people. I would sacredly preserve the federation features of our system and did not care to popularize the Senators. And I long since had come to the conclusion that changes in the Constitution should be made with great care and caution. Perhaps I was not as full and emphatic on all these points as I vrished to be, for I was subject to constant in terruption. The President wished, evidently, no dissent to his suggestions. He has, I think, prepared this document under an impression that it will strike the popular pulse and possibly make him a candidate. Mistaken man, ff such are his thoughts ! This is no time to bring forward and encourage constitutional changes. There are other great and impending questions which su persede theories and speculations Uke these, — questions affecting the character and stability of the government that must be met and disposed of. The President is, no doubt, sincere in his propositions, but he evidently has not thoroughly examined and considered the subject in all its bearings. He has not reflected on the compromises which were made by the States when surrendering power and framing the Constitution, nor has he that deference and regard for the States and their dedicated rights, which are essential to union, that I should have expected. His pro positions, vrithout his intending it, are tending to a great consoUdated central govemment instead of a federal union. Some one — Randall, I believe — asked which of the parties would adopt these recommendations, or if he ex pected Seymour would adopt them. I did not fully catch 408 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 17 the inquiry, but the President, with some vim, said we did not go to them, they must come to us. He did not know that they supported our measures, and it would be well to understand how they stood on matters of principle, be fore troubling ourselves about supporting their ticket. This seemed very like Seward, and I think comes from him. He looked much pleased when the remark was made. I am apprehensive that in his disappointment the President will permit himself to be persuaded to take a course which may give him much after regret. Montgomery Blair came to see me last evening, and re ports matters at the New York nominating convention. He says Seymour was for Chase and so was a majority of the New York delegation. The final move for Seymour by the Ohio delegation prevented, he says, the nomination of Frank Blair, who was, he declares, the choice of the Con vention. They were tricked out of it, etc. I make all allow ance for Mongtomery Blair, for he is a very affectionate and devoted brother, and really thinks Frank the greatest man in the country. Frank has undoubtedly more courage than Seymour and greater sagacity and power than is generally supposed, but I cannot think he has any such hold on the popular mind as Montgomery supposes. A great many eminent men are favorable to him, — some that surprise me; but on the other hand there is a terrible prejudice against him by others. Thurlow Weed and Seward have done much to create this prejudice, and so have Chase and the Treasury agents, but Frank has unfortunately his own infirmities. The elder Blair is a remarkable man and has, in a long and political life, by his talents, power, and influ ence, incurred enmities; and the whole famUy, by their bold denunciations, have raised an extensive feeling against them. I have found them honest, positive, egotistical, but remarkably sagacious, early to detect and prompt to ex pose intrigue and fraud. The President is under great obligations to the Blairs, but Seward has succeeded in prejudicing him against them, — 1868] EVARTS IN THE CABINET 409 much to his own injury, I apprehend. Montgomery Blair does not conceal his defection from the President, who has treated his advice and warnings with but little respect, and in some instances has availed himself of information derived from Blair without giving credit and confidence in return. Blair says he thinks and hopes the President will oppose the Democratic ticket, and finally go for Grant. I do not, and I so told him. The President has been un generously treated by leading Democrats, but the people respect him. July 21, Tuesday. Mr. Evarts appeared in Cabinet councU to-day for the first time. He arrived in Washington on Sunday. This appointment makes Seward potent be yond what he has hitherto been with the President, but that fact vriU not strengthen the Administration. Neither of the political parties like Seward. He is disliked by both, has not public confidence, and there is no affection for him in any quarter. The President does not see this, nor will he; but from this time forward he will probably be too much under the combined influence of his Secretary of State and Attomey-General. Evarts is, naturally enough, much devoted to Seward, who has patronized, trained, and taught him, though Evarts is possessed of the superior intellect. The pupil is more of a man than his tutor, and it is no disparagement to Seward, who himself is not a common man, to say so. But Evarts, though a remarkably clear-minded man, a stiff, sharp logician, a lawyer of extraordinary ability, is not a sagacious politician, has not got hold of the popular heart, nor can he do so. He is foremost in his profession, but a centraUst in policy, with no political convictions. The important movement has brought Schofield, the war rior, and Evarts, the lawyer, into the Cabinet. Both stand deservedly weU in their professions, but, I apprehend, neither will prove serviceable administrative officers. Fes senden and Grimes, without personal partiaUty but from 410 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 21 abundant precaution, desired, after the unfortunate selec tion of Lorenzo Thomas to discharge the duties of the War Department, that a discreet and judicious man should suc ceed Stanton, which led to the appointment of Schofield; Evarts was brought in by Seward and his friends; the President quietly yielding but not selecting in either case. To Grimes and Fessenden and to Seward also he justly feels under obligations, and has yielded to them in these appointments. I hope the President wiU not be induced to favor, in the least, the usurping Radical faction and their unconsti tutional Reconstmction schemes. He cannot any more than myself be a personal admirer of Seymour, and, were the approaching election merely personal, neither of us could be interested in the result. Among prominent pubhc men there are few in whom I have not greater confidence than Seymour. He is not a sincere man, and I cannot forget his persistent, wholesale, and disgraceful slanders of New England, his assaults on her population and institu tions, so unjust and so unworthy a statesman of his pre tensions, so uncalled-for and unmerited. His speech some years since at St. Paul, intended as a bid for the Presidency, had the ingredients of a low-class poUtician. It was the more inexcusable for the reason of his ha"ring intellectual qualities, and also because he is of New England stock. But although he is personally the most objectionable to me of all the proposed Democratic candidates, nevertheless he is the selected opponent of RadicaUsm. I therefore support him in preference to Grant. The President will, I am confident, take the same view and do nothing to help Grant, unless persuaded by others, and only two men can do that. They are in position, and Evarts has openly taken ground for Grant months since, but the President, who detests Grant, knowing him to be untruthful and false-hearted, has appointed E. I have been anxious that the President should hasten his action on biUs and send in his vetoes promptly, in order 1868] CARPET-BAGGERS IN CONGRESS 411 that Congress might adjourn early, but he seems disin clined to facilitate their departure. Says they have wasted time, that we are compeUed to wait here through the sum mer, and that they can endure the heat as well as we. Sim ilar remarks were made by Randall and Seward. I think it a mistake. July 24, Friday. The recklessness and disregard of the organic law and of the great principles of morality and right by the Radicals become daily more and more appar ent. Their own vrill, schemes, and intrigues they consider paramount to the Constitution. Tests and test oaths are manufactured with facility to exclude by legislative enact ments their opponents, and laws and usage are set aside vrith equal facility to favor their own partisans. A very large number of "carpet-baggers" are now ad mitted into each house of Congress, and the more consider ate of the Radicals begin to manifest apprehensions that these, vrith the extremists, will control all legislation. Seward declares that this has been his reliance, and that therefore he has advised to let them have their own way, fully satisfied they would not long harmonize. That he has abstained from opposition, and yielded, and urged the President to yield, until the Administration is powerless, and the govemment has become changed, are palpable facts. How the govemment is to right itself and the true principles of the Constitution be reinstated are matters beyond his grasp. His advice and influence in this regard have been neither profound, vrise, nor fortunate. The public do not get reconciled to the nomination of Seymour and Blair. The indifference, not to say aversion, is deeper, more extreme, and less easily reconciled than I anticipated. I trust it may not continue and thus lose the election. It was vrithout doubt an unfortunate selection, made under bad leadership, by a body which did not, and does not, realize the true condition of affairs. The occa sion demanded the sacrifice of aU personal considerations 412 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 24 for the good of the country, but New York intrigue and personal spite and disappointment of the Pendletonians defeated Hendricks and Hancock. The country was sacri ficed for personal considerations. I stUl have hope the people will rally to save the Constitution, — to rescue and restore it and to vindicate the cause of free government and self-government, — but it is not to be denied that our federal republic system is in danger. The election of Grant will ratify and confirm the usurpations which have been made, yet there are some, I fear many, good men who are not entirely divested of the War feeUng, and who, in con sequence of their dislike and distrust of Seymour, threaten to go for Grant or not vote at all. Little of special interest to-day in Cabinet, and the Pre sident was not communicative in relation to appointments, of which he is making many in which it is supposed we more or less participate. I am importuned on these mat ters outside, but, unless requested, I am not disposed to intermeddle out of my own Department, though one or two others do. July 25, Saturday. Received yesterday p.m. a resolution calling for the contract, payment, facts in relation to con struction, etc., of the original Monitor, and repUed at some length to-day. I participated in getting this resolution passed, in order to give the public the tme history of the case, now gravely misrepresented. John A. Griswold, a wealthy iron-master and Member of Congress, has been nominated a candidate for Govemor of New York by the Radicals, and there has been, and is, a persistent attempt to give him false credit in regard to the Monitor, and this by systematic and deliberate falsehood and injustice to the Department. Mr. Griswold is deserving of some credit. He was one of Ericsson's sureties and assisted in his finan cial necessities. As such he is deserving of praise, even if he went into the concern as a business operation, which I suppose he did. He and his associates, I have understood. 1868] GRISWOLD AND THE MONITOR 413 were willing to hazard each $10,000 in the confident ex pectation it would, as it did, prove a good investment. After the services of the Monitor at Hampton Roads, Winslow, one of the associates with Griswold, was very importunate and persistent in the claim that he and those associated vrith him should have the exclusive privUege of building all that class of vessels for the Government. Whilst treating hun poUtely, I assured him his demand could not be compUed with; that, if allowable, they could not of themselves furnish all the vessels that were wanted. He said they would sublet, and insisted they were en titled to this privilege as much as if they had procured a patent. The claim was preposterous, and I refused to recognize it, but they were given contracts for several vessels. General Benjamin F. Butler declared a few days since on the fioor of the House, and Mr. Griswold's biographers assert, that he advanced the money for building the Mon itor, that he had no remuneration until after the fight with the Merrimac, all of which is false. The work of building the Monitor was paid for as it progressed. Six payments were made between the middle of November and 3d of March, before the vessel was completed and delivered. The last and final payment, save the reservation which by contract was to be retained until after a satisfactory test, was made before she left New York on her trial trip. Yet the Hon. Mr. Griswold, knowing the facts, himself a party, sat quietly in his seat and took to himself this false credit without one word of explanation or any justice to the Navy Department. His biographers have, I am persuaded by his connivance, not only made the same statement as Butler, but have gone farther and tried to ignore the Navy De partment, or have slandered and belied it by declaring the Secretary was opposed, or only gave a negative support, to Mr. Griswold and his associates. Not only this; Chaplain Boynton, the historian of the Navy during the RebeUion, was subsidized — I have no 414 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 25 doubt — and induced to give a distorted and unjust state ment, in which praise and glory are given to Griswold to which he was not entitled. In this way a fictitious charac ter is manufactured for a party candidate by injustice to others. July 27, Monday. In conversation with Senator Doo little yesterday, he informed me that the President in tended to nominate Alexander Cummings for Commis sioner of Internal Revenue. He vrished to know if I was acquainted with Cummings, wished me to see the Pre sident, and suggested the name of Judge Bradley of Rhode Island. I called at the President's an hour or two later and among other matters brought up the subject of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Jeffries, who had earnestly sought the place and had the support of McCul loch, was rejected by the Senate on Saturday night by an overwhelming vote. At one time it was thought he would be confirmed, and there are various rumors in regard to him. He is accused of double-dealing, — of making promises to both parties, — there is scandal, etc., etc. I thought the President did not seem grieved greatly at Jeffries' rejec tion, and he said to me he proposed sending in the name of Cummings. I remarked that Cummings was a very par ticular friend of Cameron, and expressed a doubt as to his reliabihty, — particularly where Cameron was interested. There had, I added, also been rumors and charges hereto fore against him, but as he has since passed the ordeal of nomination and confirmation to a responsible office, I sup pose those charges must have been explained and dis proved. The President said he had heard something of those mmors, but he thought he could depend upon Cummings, even against Cameron. This morning, when at the Capitol with the President and Cabinet, I found Seward very busy about appoint- 1868] CONGRESS TAKES A RECESS 415 ments, and among others, about Cummings, whom he indorsed as a capital man for the place, — no better could be found. Witnessing his movements and hearing his re marks, I remembered old intimacies between Seward and Cameron. In this connecting link I can see how move ments are going on for Grant and the Radicals in quarters which the President does not suspect. Not that it is cer tain Cummings will support Grant. He likely will not, but, in the position of Commissioner, he might, if circumstances required, have been influenced by Seward and Cameron to have taken that course, the President not being a can didate. But few Members of either house called in at the Pre sident's room during the two hours we were there. In this respect, there was a strong contrast with similar occasions in former years. The Members who voted for impeach ment were generally shy and appeared ashamed to show themselves. There was, I thought, conscious meanness and abasement in their very looks. There was little to interest during the closing hours of the session, — less excitement than usual, and none of the great absorbing constitutional struggle, such as I have sometimes seen in other days. Statesmanship was wanting. The Members talked and acted as if in a village caucus. Petty intrigues, tricks, and contrivances to help the party were the great end and aim. Instead of the usual adjourn ment sine die to meet at the regular session in December, Congress took what they call a recess until the 21st of September. This was a scheme to cheat the Constitution and innovate on the executive prerogative, for it is the Pre^dent's duty to convene Congress, if public necessity requires. But it was not pretended there was any public necessity. The recess was to prolong the session, and watch and circumscribe the President in the discharge of his executive duties. There being no cause for assembling, the Radical Members, before lea"ring, knovring that an extra session was unnecessary, signed a paper to the purport 416 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 27 that they would not convene in September unless called together by E. D. Morgan, Senator, and Schenck, Repre sentative. These two men are chairmen of the Radical party committees of their respective houses, and on them was conferred the executive authority of caUing an extra session for party purposes. Such is Radical legislation — and Radical government. July 28, Tuesday. Judge Kelley and Stevens of New Hampshire, two of a committee who had visited the PhU adelphia Navy Yard in relation to the purchase of tools by the Engineering Bureau, called on me to make statements and exhibit portions of testimony which they had taken. Stevens made a few brief remarks and left. Ferry, the other committeeman, did not attend. Their investigation had of course been ex parte, and their showing against Teller certainly requires explanation. But the committee had come to no result, — made no specific charges, — had a rambling talk of matters in which Judge K. manffested a degree of warm partisanship. After listening to him over two hours, I requested him to let me have the report when made, or, if he could present the points, charges, specifica tions, in a form so that I could caU for an explanation from Engineer Teller and others, I would demand it. When I went to the Cabinet-meeting this noon, I found Seward and General Banks vrith the President. I seemed to have interrupted them, not unexpectedly to the President, who said, "Well, here is the Secretary of the Navy, and you [General B.] and the Secretary of State can come to an understanding with him." I inquired the subject- matter. General Banks said his object was to get me to conform to the law in na"vy yard appointments; that I did not obey the present law, nor the law of last year. I asked in what particular. He said I appointed master mechanics from the Navy, — that Navy officers filled the places, and not civilians who understood the trades. I repUed that he in the House and General Wilson in the Senate had each 1868] A PROCLAMATION OF SEWARD'S 417 of them publicly made that statement, but it was not true; that no officers except sail-makers were master mechanics in any of the yards. He said boatswains were employed as masters. "But," I added, "boatswains are not mechanics, sail-makers are, and the last year's law, enacted for party ends, not the public service, did not embrace master la borers." He insisted that no civilians were masters, but that naval officers were. I defied him to name one. He said he had no details, but he understood there was not a single civilian in place. I told him there were no others except sail-makers and boatswains; that since the War we had, to a considerable extent, dismissed masters in order to save expense and retained only foremen, the gangs being so much reduced. It was a matter of economy. Driven from this point, he asked if there could not be a change of Naval Constructor at Charlestown. I told him it might be done if there was sufficient reason, but Mr. Hart had commenced work which was unfinished, and it would be hardly fair to take him away and substitute another vrithout cause. With this we parted. Mr. Seward read a proclamation which he had prepared pursuant to act and directions of Congress in relation to what they call the Fourteenth Constitutional Amendment. I passed some criticism, or rather took some exceptions. Thought he was too compliant, identified himseff too much vrith the proceeding, and did not make his work appear as ff the act of Congress. The President fell in vrith my suggestions, and Mr. Evarts proposed one or two verbal changes to carry out my views. They did not come up to my ideas. Seward, however, was annoyed even with them. Said it was hard business for him at best, and he thought he ought to be satisfied with what he had got to sign. I re marked that was true, and was glad it did not devolve on me to put my name to such a paper; that I would not do it in that form. July 29, Wednesday. General Banks again called, with 3 418 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 29 Mr. Stewart of New York, a member of the Naval Com mittee. Banks had quoted him yesterday at the Presid ent's. Said Stewart told him, when he (B.) introduced the amendment concerning navy yards, that I would pay it no attention. Stewart said it was a mistake, — he had not stated the case so strong. Banks changed his ground somewhat. He had found himself at fault; admitted that the masters were civilians, but under naval officers. I told him that was true. The commandant of the yard, who had general supervision and the administration of the yard, was by law a naval officer. So were the constructor and the chief engineer. He said the commodore who commanded the Charlestown Yard was of no account; that he merely opened and closed the gates, and ht the gas, — nothing else; that he was afraid of Hart, etc., etc. I told him John Rodgers had been esteemed a man of courage, phys ical and moral. He claimed that the law required me to appoint masters of the several trades. I asked him to show me the law, and he pointed to the provision in the appropri ation bill just passed. I denied that the provision estab lished masters, — it merely required that masters should be civilians and not naval officers. I admitted I had not much regard for such legislation. Congress has no author ity to say what class of persons shall be appointed, and what class excluded from office. The Executive, not Congress, makes and is responsible for appointments. "Then," said he, "you do not mean to obey the law." I claimed he had no authority for that remark; that it was my intention to detach both the boatswains and sail- makers; that under the reorganization of the yards we needed no master laborers, nor was a master sail-maker necessary under the reductions. "Then," said he, "you mean to evade the law by ap pointing no masters." "That," said I, "is not correct. We have, and probably shaU continue to have, some masters of large gangs; but masters are not required for most of the trades; foremen and quarter-men will be suf- 1868] BANKS AND THE NAVY YARD 419 ficient." "That," said he, "is not the law." I asked what was the law. He pointed to the provision already mentioned. "That," said I, "merely requires me when masters are appointed to select civiUans, not naval officers. Some of the trades have but five, or six, or eight, or ten men. No masters are required in those cases. It would be a useless expense to have masters when not wanted." This he admitted, and wanted to know how many men required a master. I said none were really necessary at this time, but some may be convenient. He still insisted that I was obliged to appoint masters for each of the several trades and wished me to give him a line to the Attorney-General for an opinion. This I declined. Told him I understood the law without making an inquiry in any quarter. He still pressed me for a letter, and I still declined, but told him he could, ff he wished, converse with the Attorney-General. He said he had seen that gentleman already, but he de cUned to give an opinion without a written request from me, and he (Banks) now asked it of me. The request was almost in the nature of a demand. I, however, continued to refuse, but told him I had no objection to conversing vrith the Attorney-General when I saw him. He left in ill temper. Said he should remain in Washing ton until he accomphshed his object. July 30, Thursday. General Banks called again to-day. Said in reply to the usual complimentary inquiry as to his health that he was weary. Wanted to get away, but could not until there was some understanding in regard to navy yard appointments, but he now wished specially to know whether there was to be a change of Naval Constructor. He wanted Hart to be sent to some other yard, and Hanscom ordered to Charlestown. I required some cause for detaching Hart, who is discharging duties faithfuUy and satisfactorily, without complaint from any one but him, and he did not pretend that Hart was delinquent as a constructor. [I said] that, as regards Hanscom, he had 420 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jult 30 been recently sent to Portsmouth and I did not propose to disturb him. "Then send some other man," said he, "for Hart is a coarse, vulgar fellow, a tyrant, controls the yard, is insolent and incompetent." I questioned the cor rectness of his analysis; admitted that I thought Hart was sometimes arbitrary and positive, but told him I intended in a few days to visit the Charlestown Yard and would then make personal inquuy. July 31, Friday. Seward and Evarts are absent from Cabinet-meeting. Hunter, who was there for Seward, said the Spanish Minister was very uneasy about the Oneota and Catawba, fearing they would be permitted to leave New Orleans. Attention was called to a statement from nine Georgi ans who claim to have been illegally arrested, imprisoned, and cruelly treated. Schofield said the statement was un- tme, a pack of lies; that his brother had been sent down there to examine the subject, and he reported that the whole story was untrue. Browning said he hoped it was untrue, for, as de scribed, it was one of the greatest outrages he had ever heard of, and the credit of the Govemment, he thought, required it should be clearly and distinctly disproved, ff it was really untrue. I questioned whether it was an entire fabrication. There might be some exaggeration, — probably was, — but that these Georgians had been arrested illegally, carried to a distant prison, were closely confined, etc., could hardly be questioned. Schofield admitted he had not seen the statement, but there had been so many false reports, and his brother was so convinced of it, that he gave no credit to anything he heard. Besides, the state of society was such there that strong measures were necessary. The President produced the Intelligencer, and the state ment was read. It seemed to stagger Schofield, who, how- 1868] CONDITIONS IN GEORGIA 421 ever, stiff quoted his brother and cited the condition of the South. All, however, were emphatic against the extraor dinary proceedings, and thought there should be a thorough investigation, — except Randall, who said nothing. Schofield produced a correspondence between Meade and Grant. Georgia having been reconstructed, Meade finds himseff powerless, and wants instructions. Schofield thought the President should delegate authority to Meade to respond vrith his command to the Governor of Georgia. I objected and hoped the President would not interfere untU the power of the local authorities was exhausted and appUcation was duly and properly made. LXII A Tour of Inspection of the Navy Yards — Talk of an Extra Session of Congress — The Railroads and Congress — Sanford E. Church and Dean Richmond (the younger) on a PoUtical Mission from New York — The Power of State Sheriffs to caU on Army Officers for Assistance — Death of Thomas H . Seymour — His Career and the Part played in it by Mr. Welles — Radical Gains in the Maine Election — The "Alexan drine Chain "— Senator Morgan and Representative Schenck issue a Call for Congress to reassemble — Congress meets and adjourns — General John A. Dix's Anti-Seymour Letter — His Character and Polit ical Views — Marriage of Robert T. Lincoln — The Pacific RaUroad. August 27. I have been absent a few weeks inspecting the several navy yards and stations. Our yard boat, the Tallapoosa, having freight to interchange vrith the different navy yards, I improved the opportunity of going in her. Doctor H. and others advised it, and the rest, change, etc., I was satisfied would be of benefit. Commodore Jen kins, Chief of Bureau of Na"rigation, Admiral Radford, and others went with me. I had expected Admiral Smith to be of the party, but his health was so impaired that he was compelled to leave earlier. Doctor Horwitz and Mr. Bridge, of the Medical and of the Provision and Clothing Bureaus, were expected to join us. Mr. Bridge met us at Portsmouth and retumed with us. The trip was, throughout, pleasant. Senator Grimes came on board at Rye Beach, and we made an excursion on the coast of Maine as far as Mount Desert. The weather was cool and bracing. Much of the time we wore over coats. The passage among the islands was delightful. Off Rockland and its vicinity we fell in with the mackerel- fishing fleet of some three or four hundred vessels. At Portsmouth we witnessed the launching of the new sloop Alaska. The Kenosha was launched at Brooklyn, but an accident to our boiler detained us from it. The several navy yards were in good condition. But 1868] INSPECTING THE NAVY YARDS 423 little work is being done at any of the yards. There was, however, something to be looked after. I have not visited the yards since 1863, and as I shall soon yield up the ad ministration of the Department, I felt it a duty to give them this last inspection before making my final report. We returned safe and well on Monday last. Little of striking interest has occurred during our absence. I find on my retum some of the members of the Cabinet are absent, and there will be, for a month or more, some ab sentees. I am anxious to visit Connecticut for a day or two in September, but Mr. Faxon left to-day and will be gone probably for a month. There is a contrariety of opinion in regard to an extra session of Congress. The decision is not with the legally constituted Executive, who is responsible, but with an irresponsible partisan committee. The impression among the members of the Cabinet is that there will be no extra session. None is necessary. My opinion has been that, as the question is one of party expediency. Congress would probably be convened. I do not like the aspect of affairs. There are ominous prospects connected vrith the election. It is evident that the Radicals intend to secure the next President by fraud ulent means if others cannot prevail. In fact, all their Reconstruction schemes have had that end in view. The Democrats seem determined not to be defrauded, nor to submit to outrages. If Congress convenes in extra session, it will be vrith a design to resort to extreme and illegal measures to over power a legitimate expression of public opinion. An un checked partisan body like the present fragmentary Con gress, composed in part of usurping carpet-baggers, wUl, in the heat and fury of an excited national party contest, be a vrild, unscrupulous set, restrained by no constitutional barriers, or any principle of legal or moral right. There is no statesmanship or poUtical vrisdom in either branch, but there is much that is vicious and wicked. 424 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [aug. 27 At the Cabinet-meeting to-day, Seward read a letter from the late Mexican Minister, Romero, stating he would meet Seward at Vera Cruz and escort him to Mexico, etc., etc. Seward is alarmed for the future, and intends to escape from any participation in the approaching election. He read a letter from a Mr. Sherman of Utica, stating that Roscoe Conkling had recommended him, Sherman, for Collector. Seward indorsed the nomination and wanted Sherman appointed. It would gratify Conkling. I doubted its expediency without farther advice, but Sew ard was persistent. McCulloch is inclined to make the appointment on Seward's assurance. I have no faith in it. On the subject of alleged disturbances South, Schofield said they seem altogether exaggerated; that in Virginia there was now less crime than in Massachusetts. September 1, Tuesday. The subject of selling a gunboat to an agent of the Haytian Govemment was brought for ward. In a recent sale of vessels at Portsmouth, the Mara- tanza was bid off by a person who avers that he bought it for Hayti. I assumed that my duty was ended when the vessel was sold and we had the pay. Whether the State or Treasury Departments would object to granting him or others a clearance were matters not for me to determine. My views were approved in Cabinet, and Seward said no one could object, or would be heard in opposition, to a sale to the Haytian Government ; a sale to the rebels would be another thing and might raise a question. Seward expressed great desire to go to the Rocky Mountains. Urges the President to make the trip with him. I judge there has been previous conversation on the subject. The President gave no definite answer. Said he was embarrassed as to any movement by the proposed session of Congress which Morgan and Schenck might convene. He could go nowhere till that was decided. Seward said if they went to the Rocky Mountains that would be decisive. The Radicals would not come here 1868] THE RAILROADS AND CONGRESS 425 while he was away. When about breaking up, Seward again asked the President if he should make arrangements for the trip West. The President said he would give no final answer to-day. The subject of sympathy and aid for the Greek rebels in Crete was mentioned, and some other matters were in troduced relating to the Turks. The conduct of Mr. E. J. Morris, our Minister to Constantinople, was discussed. I expressed doubts of the wisdom and judgment of Morris. Seward says he has improved, and has modified and changed his opinions. Seward said every man, woman, and chUd in the United States were against the Turks. I told him he would please except the Navy and Navy Depart ment. The President said no nation had been more friendly and true to us during our difficulties than the Turks, and instead of interfering against them in their trials, we had better tum our attention to our own affairs and get our own people reconciled. Schofield fully assented to this; thought we had better attend to the affairs of our own household. Seward concurred, but said our consul at Candia was a troublesome man and was in the interest or feeling of the missionaries, who, as usual, were mischievous in the matter. The opinion seemed to be general that the consul had better give way. The Indian troubles and the plundering schemes of the Pacific and other Western railroads were considered. There has been wild and wicked legislation by Congress. Members are corrupt and dissolute. McCulloch says the ring of railroad men had monopoUzed that great interest and is controlling Congress. I mentioned a fact concerning Oakes Ames, Represent ative from Massachusetts, communicated to me by Pay master Bridge, who says the half-yearly dividend of Ames, paid a short time ago, was $81,000 on the Sioux City & Omaha road. This was just sixty per cent on his stock. I asked Bridge how he knew the fact. He tells me he got it from his nephew, who is president of the road. McCulloch 426 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [sept. 1 says he doubts whether Ames ever paid a dollar for his Omaha stock, but that his interest in that road is a trifle compared with his interest in the Pacific. This man, worth miUions, takes the position of Representative — seeks and gets it — for the purpose of promoting his private inter est. September 2, Wednesday. I asked the President to-day if he had really any intention of going to the Rocky Moun tains. He said he had not. I said that he would, in my opinion, do well to take a respite, if only for ten days; that I would recommend him to visit Tennessee, and, in doing so, go unaccompanied by any of his Cabinet, especially not by Mr. Seward; that Mr. S. was desirous of taking him somewhere, but it would be well for both that he should make one trip alone. The President smiled ; said he thought so, too; that he certainly should not go to the Rocky Mountains, never had thought of it for a moment seriously. Congress would probably prevent his going any where. Morgan and Schenck, under Radical usurpation, were in this respect the Executive and directed the actions of the Govemment. September 3, Thursday. The President in"rited me to go with him to the German Schiitzenfest this p.m. Although wholly unprepared and the weather unpromising, I went. It is the first of these festivals I ever attended. We were received with great good will and respect by the managers, escorted to various points, and taken through the grounds when the rain did not prevent. The President tried a shot, and was made a member of the association. We were invited to dine with the managing directors and hospitably entertained throughout. There was much good feeling and fellowship and everything was orderly. These associations are becoming numerous and popular over the country. They are of German origin, and the associations are composed chiefly of Germans or those of 1868] THE PARAGUAYAN MISSION 427 German descent, but others largely participate. I did not, however, observe any of our Irish brethren on the ground. September 4, Friday. Sanford E. Church of New York called on me and desired, after a little conversation on political matters, that I should go with him to the Presid ent, with whom he wished an interview. He is of the Silas Wright school of politics and has, personally, something of the manner of Governor Wright. Our views and opin ions corresponded on men and affairs generally. The President received him kindly, and after a brief conversation appointed to-morrow at 10 a.m. for a meeting. This being Cabinet day, and an hour having been assigned for the reception of the Austrian Minister, he would be occupied with these and other matters. S[eward] read a multitude of dispatches to Van Valken burg at Japan and one or two from him. They were not very edifying, although S. seemed to consider them so. His oral efforts to enlighten us were not very successful, although he had some of the strange names of the daimios, etc., by heart. He also read a long dispatch to Webb at Rio in relation to his course and that of Washburn in demanding as a right that the steamer Wasp might run the blockade. I respect fuUy differed from some of his positions; told him I was glad Washburn was coming home, although we now had too many of the family on hand, and I wished Webb was returning also. Told him and the Cabinet that I saw no necessity for sending a Minister to Paraguay, where there is not a single American resident, nor had they a Minister here. Seward repeated a remark heretofore made, that the mission disposed of one of the troublesome family of Washburn, who are now all provided for. McCulloch made some inquiries in relation to payments in coin to the Na"vy and others. He also asked for informa tion about moneys which, to a considerable amount, had been placed in the hands of Senator Pomeroy several years 428 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [sept. 4 since for the deportation of negroes. Seward said he re membered all about it, and went into something of a narra tive of a black colony sent to Cow Island,^ most of whom died and the remainder retumed in disgust. I told him he had only related the latter part of the movement; that the first was a scheme to send off the negroes to Chiriqui, in which Thompson first and Pomeroy subsequently figured. The subject was new to most, or all, of the others. Seward, in expatiating upon it, magnified his own doings. I do not remember that he took an active, or very active, part for it, but I am confident he took no part against it. In the early stages, when there was a speculating scheme to mine coal by negroes, I had to resist, but good old Mr. Bates was heartily with me, though an advocate for deportation of the negro. Then they were going to mine coal for the Nav^, and buy Thompson's grant from Central America, etc., which was finally checked when on the point of con summation by a protest from the Minister, who denied the legality of the Thompson title. ^ I observed that Seward cared to say Uttle or nothing of those transactions, and was sorry to see that he attempted to belittle Mr. Lincoln, who, he said, knew nothing or next to nothing of pubhc affairs except what related to army movements. In this he does injustice to Mr. Lincoln, who better understood things generaUy than Mr. Seward. Seward himself was constantly dipping into questions which he did not understand, — would get a sUght super ficial idea and nothing beyond. Much of this he obtained by hanging on to Mr. Lincoln and pressing him to make inquiries. Seward's blunders as regards the blockade, his ignorance of admiralty law and of some of the most essential duties of a first minister, were unfortunate for the Administra tion and the country. Yet his readiness, his suppleness, • He k Vache, Hayti. Mr. Charles K. Tuckerman gives an account of this unfortunate venture in the Magazine of American History for October 1886 2 See Volume i, pages 123, 150-52. ' 1868] TALK WITH SANFORD E. CHURCH 429 and his superficial knowledge answered a purpose. I see his object in these derogatory remarks of Mr. Lincoln, which he has made in my presence on one or two occasions that I remember, and how often on other occasions I know not. His purpose is to cast off his blunders and mistakes on the dead President, to whom he meant to impute all the faults of the State Department. I spoke of releasing the Oneota and Catawba, also the relief of the Glasgow, both of which were to have been at tended to some weeks since. He was unprepared and had evidently forgotten them for the time, but said he would be ready in a few days. September 5, Saturday. Mr. Church informed me this p.m. that he had had a very agreeable and satisfactory inter view vrith the President, and is to see him again to-morrow at 1 P.M., and wiU call after that at my house vrith young Mr. Richmond. September 7, Monday. Mr. Church came to see me yes terday. Spent over an hour vrith me. Young Dean Rich mond was vrith him. There is a strong desire to bring the Administration into the support of Seymour and Blair. Hitherto but little has been done in this direction. The leading Democrats of New York have not been cordial or really friendly to the President, but, while accepting his principles, they for selfish schemes preferred to be separ ated from him. I said to Mr. Church I could make reasonable allowance for this distmst, because the President had continued their old opponent Mr. Seward in his confidence. He at once eagerly and eamestly responded; asked how they could be in harmony with one who had no sympathy or principle vrith them. Church is, however, very cautious in what he says. He is here on a mission, somewhat diplomatic, and an observer and a vritness more than a communicative speaker. He has again called; has seen McCulloch and is 430 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [sept. 7 confident all wiU go well. I am not sanguine, nor does he express himself confidently, but has stronger hopes than I can yet command. The New-Yorkers have over-man aged, — a mistake of their party leaders for years. They have talked and still talk of and make the financial question prominent, but Reconstruction, as it is caUed, involving the structure and character of the govemment, is more important than even that. The New-Yorkers have tried to make this secondary, but that question should strengthen Mr. Johnson, who is at issue vrith the Radicals on Recon struction. This was before the nomination, and, ha"ving got the financial issue prominent, they continue it. So with Pendleton, who takes anti-Democratic ground. They are talking of the two currencies and in which of them the bonds shall be paid; but they should all go to work and let us have but one currency. There should be no unredeem able paper. The course and speeches of Pendleton make it clear that he is a disappointed and intriguing man, and that he does not take his disappointment kindly. His speeches, except in ability, are hke Webster's when he and Clay were competitors and Clay became the candidate. September 8, Tuesday. Seward had more of the Japanese matters. No one said a word but myseff. As usual, I ex pressed my doubts of the wisdom of combining with the Western Powers, though perhaps we had now become so much committed and involved that there was no ready way of extricating ourselves. In relation to the religious question, I trusted we were not to become propagandists. Schofield read a general order of General Buchanan, telling the officers under him that they must obey the order of the sheriff when he calls out the posse comitaius and they cannot quiet disturbances. I excepted most decidedly to such a doctrine, and so did Randall. Schofield said Attorney-General Evarts had so laid dovm the law. Seward defended the principle, or rather the order^ and 1868] DEATH OF THOMAS H. SEYMOUR 431 said Randall and myself ought to inform ourselves of Evarts' opinion, that the subject had been elaborately discussed when we were absent. I replied that I had opinions of my own on the subject, long since formed, principles in regard to the powers and duties of the Fed eral and State Governments differing from him and Mr. Evarts. I asked if a miUtary officer of the United States [became] a State officer when the President had, on the ap pUcation of a State, by its legislature, or by the Governor when the legislature was not in session, issued his proclam ation. Seward repUed yes. Both he and Schofield cited the Fugitive Slave Law. I said that law was not high au thority vrith me, but in that matter a U. S. Commissioner, ff I remembered rightly, was the officer, not the State sheriff. They both said that law and the principle were coming back to torment the inventors. I replied I had no vrish to torment any one, — certainly no one for his folly. In this instance, the order and action under it vrill be Ukely to have a good effect, for the very presence of troops vrill, perhaps, prevent disturbance. Nevertheless, the doctrine of Seward and Evarts is erroneous, and the order wrong. September 9, Wednesday. Colonel Thomas H. Seymour ^ died last week and was buried on Monday, the 7th, with great parade. He was sixty years old and had great pop ularity; was genial, affectionate, of pleasant manners and kindly nature. The papers eulogize him highly, and the crowd which attended his funeral attest the estimation or love for him that prevailed. The expectation that dis tinguished men, and particularly Horatio Seymour, would be present swelled the crowd to some extent. The eulogies contain some, errors . of, Jact,.- and ^"Kard him"qualities which he never possessed. He is represented as a distinguished lawyer, as having acquired a competence ' Governor of Connecticut, 1850-53, then for four years Minister to Russia. He was a Peace Democrat during the War. 432 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [sept. 9 in his profession, whereas, though admitted to the bar, it was by courtesy, not that he had legal knowledge or acquirements ; he never had a case or managed one, or made a plea in any court, save perhaps that of a justice of the peace. As to earning a competence, he never earned five dollars in any court. He is spoken of as a distinguished and successful editor. He undertook to edit a paper under very favorable circumstances, and utterly faUed, and^was dismissed by his publishers and friends in a few months. His miUtary zeal and efforts are highly lauded, and not without some desert. Instead of seeking service in the Mexican War, as stated, I procured his commission for him, unsolicited by himself, and he accepted it vrith some reluctance. I knew he was poor and desponding, and that he had a fondness for military parade and show. He was educated at Captain Partridge's Mihtary School, and we encouraged hun to drill, for a compensation, several miU tary volunteer companies, — as much to help him as the companies. When the New England regiment was raised for the Mexican War, I, then being in Washington, and the only man from our State of any position or infiuence, saw Govemor Marcy, then Secretary of War, and insisted that one of the field offices of that regiment should be given to Connecticut. He admitted the propriety of the demand, but he had committed himself in some degree to a gentleman in Maine, and no candidate had come for ward or been presented from Connecticut. He asked if I was prepared to name a man. It was before the days of telegraphs, and communication by maU was slow. The regiment was being made up. I gave him the name of T. H. Seymour on my own responsibility and wrote A. E. Burr and General J. T. Pratt that they must compel him to accept. It was a responsibility by no means pleasant to me, for, had he never returned, his death would have been charged upon me. Seymour did not, at the time, thank me, or make any acknowledgment, and I had no word or line from him until 1868] CAREER OF THOMAS H. SEYMOUR 433 after his arrival at Vera Cruz. Some years later, in 1852 I believe, he, in a public speech in Hartford, when he had been praised for his military services, declared his indebt edness to me for his military position. The Hartford Times published, on the day of it, a notice of this acknowledg ment. In 1833 I was nominated for Congress. Seymour was then editor of the Jeffersonian and had expected his father would be nominated Secretary of the State, for which he had been many years an unsuccessful candidate. But it was thought best by the nominating convention to have an entire new ticket. N. A. Phelps^ was the active man in effecting this change. Seymour, in his anger bepausejus father was not noniinaiedi immediately and violently op posed my election, and in connection witBTotliers," the chief of whom was N. A. Phelps, defeated, the ticketi When aU was over, SejTuour became aware of his error, — saw that he had been made a dupe by Phelps, and that he had done me injustice. This he ever after, tried. to re- trieve_j|ni..stQod-fiMQly~by-ia[ie td; subsequent party and personal conflicts. In 1835 I procured him to be appointed liidge of "probate. I had a controlling voice in the legis lature, of which I was a member, and the legislature then elected those judges. I was the same year elected Comp troller over Elisha Phelps, the uncle of N. A. Phelps. The candidate for judge of probate was Isaac Perkins. Both he and E. Phelps had two years previously been incumbents of the two offices ; both had been in the combination against me in 1833 and instigated and misled Seymour. I was glad of an opportunity to punish them and to heap coals of fire on Seymour's head, and succeeded. He felt and appreciated my kindness, and though we havelsince ¦dx^r^widely, I am not aware that he ever did aught against mepersonally. I have seen little of him, though always 'i^ndly, for the last fifteen years. When he re- * Noah Amherst Phelps, who was himself Secretary of the State of Connecticut in 1843-44. 3 434 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [Sept. 9 turned from Russia we vrere vridely estranged in politics, and I do not remember to have met him since niy residence in Washington. Amiable and kind-hearted, generous without means, indolent by nature, a lawyer who never had a case, retiring but proud, with an imaginative mind, a refined taste, sin cere in his convictions and tenacious to obstinacy in his opinions, he retained friends and acquired official distinc tion. Probably no man in Connecticut was more opposed to the War or more eamestly sympathized vrith the^Seces- sionists than T. H. Seymour, yet he did not mean to be unpatriotic or opposed to the Union. September 10, Thursday. Binckley, SoUcitor of Internal Revenue,^ has been to New York to ferret out frauds, of which there are untold amounts which seem to go un punished and undetected. There must be great remiss ness somewhere. Whether B. is the right man to unearth these villainies and bring the rascals to justice is another question. He and Courtney, District Attomey, have had a disagreement, and the whole world is dovm on Binckley. I think he may have been indiscreet, but beUeve him honest and zealous. September 11, Friday. A thin Cabinet-meeting. Only McCulloch, Schofield, and myseff present. A delegation from Tennessee was there on the subject of getting troops into the State. The report of Binckley was read. It seems he went on to New York by direction of the President, who had received advices from certain parties that viUainies could be uncov ered, provided a reliable person was sent there. B. thinks he has discovered great frauds and that the District Attor ney is implicated. This seems hardly credible. I should be sorry if such be the fact. There are circumstances against • John M. Binckley, formerly Assistant Attorney-General. 1868] REVENUE FRAUDS IN NEW YORK 435 Courtney, who claims to have been sUghted in the mili tary proceedings. Binckley says it was because he was mixed up in the frauds. The fact that he has done so httle is adverse to Courtney. The efforts, for two years, to ridicule and disparage B., vrith his not always well regu lated zeal, have got the current of prejudice against him, which is of course improved by all the rogues and cheats who are defrauding the revenue. They are with C. in this matter and shout loud against B. The differences between the two led B. to telegraph the Secretary of the Treasury for instructions. McCulloch, vrithout knowing the differences, replied that the law gave these matters to the District Attorney, but failed to re quest that B. should be associated with him on behaff of the Treasury. Courtney telegraphed Ashton, Assistant Attomey- General, who utterly ignored B. The result is that B. left New York, and came highly incensed to Washington and made report. The commission at his suggestion postponed the case for a week against the vrishes of C. and of the Whiskey Ring. McCuUoch feels unpleasant, and the President directs that C. be ordered to Washington, and ff he will not faithfully prosecute, he intends another shall. September 14, Monday. Intelligence received of a ter rible earthquake extending along the western coast of South America from Cape San Francisco, destroying cities, many thousand Uves, and hundreds of millions of property. Two U. S. naval vessels, the Wateree and the Fredonia, were wrecked, and every soul on board the latter but two was lost. Three of the officers were on shore and escaped. There are no'remains of the wreck. The Wateree was thrown one third of a mile on shore and must be removed. Re ceived dispatches from Rear-Admiral Turner on the sub ject and also from other officers.^ • This was the earthquake of August 13, 1868. The Wateree and the Fredonia were at Arica, ChiU. 436 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [sept. 15 September 15, Tuesday. The election in Maine took place yesterday. The Radicals elect their tickets by in creased majorities. Both parties put forth aU their efforts, and the vote is the largest, probably, ever given in the State. The relative increase is about the same of the two parties. The result confirms my impression that Seymour's nomination is unfortunate and likely to prove disastrous. There was too much dexterity on the part of the managers in securing the nomination, to inspire confidence and make the election certain. It is not a selection to draw recruits, when recruits are essential to success, and yet such has been the policy in making a ticket at this time. There is no enthusiasm for Seymour on the part of those who vote for him; tens of thousands do it reluctantly, but it is the only alternative to defeat RadicaUsm. The Democrats in their party zeal and inconsiderate haste have thrown away, I fear, a glorious opportunity, and postponed their triumph for at least four years. In 1864, when Stanton and Halleck were filled vrith terror and apprehension, they procured an appropriation of three hundred thousand dollars to place obstructions in the Potomac. Stanton was in constant terror, thought I was negligent, knew not how soon a Rebel steamer would come up the river and carry him and others off. As he got from Congress almost anything he wished, he found no difficulty in procuring this grant. He then appointed Colonel Alexander, an engineer, ... to invent or devise some plan of obstruction. He proposed a chain, and had one prepared four hundred feet long vrith twenty-three anchors, and a large number of floats. This crude and worthless contrivance now lies just below Alexandria, at Fort Foote. General Humphreys has written a letter to the Secretary of War inviting cooperation of the Navy to test the Alexandrine Chain; says that enough of the appropriation is, he thinks, unexpended to defray naval expenditures. General Schofield forwards the paper to me with his approval and invitation. ! 1868] THE ALEXANDRINE CHAIN 437 I brought the subject up in Cabinet-meeting. Stated my objection to re"riew and prosecute this matter now that the War was over and four years have elapsed, even if the scheme commended itself, but I thought it worthless, and to go on vrith it, a waste. Schofield thought we should pre pare for war, and not be taken at disadvantage as was the case in 1861, and as this device had been commenced, it had better be completed. I advised that we should stop where we were, save our money to pay our debts, and wait for better days, trusting to our ironclads and torpedoes rather than to Alexander's contrivance. His traps could remain where they were till our needs were less pressing. He admitted the times were not propitious and finally admitted that the subject had perhaps better be postponed. September 16, Wednesday. Some months since, Mr. Seward said Kilpatrick, Minister to Chili, had applied for leave to come home for three months. I remarked that he wanted to be here to electioneer in the coming election. Seward replied not, that he vouched for that, would guar antee he would not. We were both earnest. I told him I should remember his guaranty. I see by the papers Kilpatrick arrived on Monday and made an electioneering speech last evening in New York. Senator Morgan and Representative Schenck, both chairmen of Radical Congressional Committees, have is sued a call for Congress to convene — meet in extra ses sion — and do nothing. These gentlemen were designated by the Radicals in Congress as an authority to assemble Congress on the 21st inst., if they judged proper, or, in plain words, if the interest of the Radical Party in their opinion required it. The Committee say, virtually, in their call, that the public interest does not require it, for they advise an immediate adjournment, after the members shall have assembled, vrithout transacting any business. This is a specimen of Radical statesmanship and Radical regard for the Constitution. That instrument devolves 438 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [sept. 16 on the President the"duty of caUing extra sessions when the public exigencies require it. This is a device to defeat that provision and executive authority altogether, and to have an extra session if the party desires it. September 17, Thursday. The retums from Maine give a very decided victory to the Radicals. The Democrats have, it is true, greatly increased their vote, but so have the Radicals also, AU their Members of Congress are elected. The Democrats failed to get one, and in the legis lature they have a less number than last year. This does not surprise me so much as it grieves me. I am not so familiar with the public pulse as formerly, but in my view the prospect of success for the Democratic ticket in No vember is very remote. Great stress is laid on the cen tral belt of States, from the Delaware to the Mississippi. I confess to very little confidence in either of them. I hope, however, I am mistaken. September 18, Friday. Seward read a long document to-day on the transfer of the Oneota and Catawba, in which he is careful to embody the report of a partisan Congressional Committee, calumniating the Na"vy De partment and misrepresenting the facts in relation to the sale of these vessels. It was wholly erroneous, as I told him, but nevertheless characteristic. He concludes with permission for the owners to have a clearance, provided they will give a bond that the vesssls shall never be used against a govemment with which the United States are at peace. This I suggested was absurd. Mr. Evarts was at the Cabinet to-day. I have not seen him since July. He was here, however, a week or more in August when I was absent. All were present but Brown ing. The subject of the adjourned and party-called extra session of Congress was discussed and some of the em barrassments likely to result therefrom. These the Rad icals have not thought of. Should there be a quorum 1868] DEMOCRATIC MISTAKES 439 present and an immediate adjournment, it may be neces sary for the President to caU an extra session at once. The Pacific Railroad swindle was again on the tapis. Villainy and plunder are the great purpose of some of the Radical legislators. Members of Congress are very cor rupt. September 19, Saturday. I am apprehensive that the Democrats and conservatives are not managing in all respects wisely. They began wrong in selecting their can didate. He will, however, get the strict Democratic Party vote, but he will not draw one single recruit from the other side, and the War Democrats are indifferent or have very httle zeal. Many calm, considerate, conservative men will vote for Seymour, but with no earnest enthusiasm, while many who would cheerfully and earnestly have supported a War Democrat, or a Republican of Democratic ante cedents, wUl not vote for him. Most of this class will, I fear, vote on the other side. In caucuses and conventions, the noisy, violent, un thinking enthusiasts — the positive men — usually carry the day over the really wise, moderate, and sagacious. The New York Convention was composed of materials that would not tolerate a fair man like Hancock, or Doo little, or even Hendricks. Pendleton, cunningly led on by Tammany for a diversion, not a nomination, was the strongest in the convention, but the weakest of all before the country. One of the serious errors in Maine was that of calling Pendleton there to open the campaign. He made not a single convert, cooled good men by his false financial theories, and his going into that field at the beginning of the contest roused the whole Radical element, and all their energies were expended to make their victory decisive and complete. September 21, Monday. Govemor Swann came over 440 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [sept. 21 to-day from Annapolis at the instigation of Vice-Admiral Porter to get a change of orders for two more officers. By regulation, one third of the officers go out annually. On Porter's personal application, and assignment of reasons which might perhaps suffice to make their cases excep tional, two officers, Phythian and Matthews, vriU remain. He now urges that Luce and Sicard may also have their orders changed. It is wrong in Porter to give me this embarrassment. Not to grant his farther appUcation vriU be assumed by him offensive in all probability; to grant it vrill be "riolating a sound rule which should be rigidly adhered to. The officers themselves are in league with Porter in this matter. A clique has been growing up at Annapolis under his auspices which should be broken up. Besides, the best interest of the Academy and the service require triennial changes. Governor Swann, sent here by Porter, went first to the President on this subject and was referred to me. He was very persistent and has a good deal of address and man agement. Made the appUcation a personal favor to him self, as well as to Porter, and of great moment to the Academy. But I must do my duty. Montgomery Blair, who now devotes his time to elec tioneering almost exclusively, and who has honesty and good sense, assures me that the Democrats wiU carry In diana and Ohio at the October election, and he is also very confident of Pennsylvania. I hope he may not be mistaken, yet I candidly confess I have no confidence of such a result in either State. That should be the case, but the people yield passively to party discipline and to a surprising extent seem indifferent to the welfare of the govemment, and, stranger stUl, they submit with almost abject subserv iency to onerous taxation. What but the madness and blunders of party could have produced such a result as the late election in Maine? May we not expect like obtuseness in the Middle States? There is no love for Grant; there is positive dislike of Seymour. 1868] CONGRESS M^ETS AND ADJOURNS 441 There was a session of Congress pursuant to the sum mons of the chairmen of two Radical Party Committees, who stated in their call that nothing must be done, and that, therefore, the Members must convene and do it. I have seen but brief report, but the programme seems to have been carried out. What a burlesque on govern ment! The two or three Democratic Representatives who were present appear to have been bewildered or stupefied, and before recovering themselves a motion to adjourn was made and carried without a test vote or roll call to show that a quomm was or was not present. September 22, Tuesday. Judge Mason of AnnapoUs, one of the most sensible and best minds in Maryland, caUed on me and stated some facts in relation to the intrigues of Vice- Admiral Porter and his partisan conduct. Among other things he mentioned that when General Grant went to Annapolis, a few days after he was nominated at Chicago, Porter fired salutes and made great demonstrations. For two days there was polishing and great exultation. Until about the time of the impeachment movement. Porter had been an open friend, and frank but not partisan supporter of the Administration. But when impeachment was de cided upon, Porter became suddenly an intense partisan, scandalizing and abusing the President. About that time impeachment was considered certain, and the arrangement, as understood, was that Wade, if President, should make Porter Secretary of the Navy. Then, if Grant was elected. Porter was to be continued. Before Grant was nominated, he had never been received with salutes at Annapolis, though he frequently visited the Academy. All but Browning were present at the Cabinet-meeting. The Attomey-General mentioned the difficulties in rela tion to the appointment of District Attomey for the east- em district of Pennsylvania. Judge Cadwalader refuses to swear in or recognize O'Neal. Mr. Evarts says no other man can officiate. 442 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [sept. 22 McCulloch says he has been called upon bythe Retrench ment Committee in relation to the appointment of super visors. Told them Rollins named none but intense Radical partisans, while he wanted business men of integrity. I inquired if he asked by what authority Congress passed a law giving the appointments virtually to one of his sub ordinates, — whether it was competent for Congress to say that the Assistant Secretary of State should nominate to the President for appointment ministers and consuls. He said he did not question them on those points, they are so reckless of the Constitution and its restraints and re quirements. Evarts said that was one of the points in this question, whenever it comes up. I vrish McCuUoch had a little more nerve and push in those matters. September 23, Wednesday. General John A. Dix, Min ister to France, has written a rancorous and disreputable letter against Seymour and favoring the Radicals. WhUe I might not differ vrith him essentiaUy as to the quaUties of Seymour, I cannot commend the sense or principles of Dix, as disclosed by this ebullition of spleen and disappoint ment. There were some who spoke of Dix as a candidate for President. He evidently thought more of it than others did, and yet not to secure a vote, or be named even, in the Convention had given him great vexation. This letter is represented as private, but no one is so simple as to believe the statement. Every line is intended for pubUcation. But the letter destroys confidence in the sincerity of General Dix's political professions. As a Democratic State-Rights man he could not, if honest, vrish success to the Radical Party, which wholly and entirely discards every principle of the Democracy and strikes down the rights of States, yet he commits himself unequivocally to the Radical candidate. I long since distrusted General Dix's disinterestedness and sincerity. He has been an inveterate place-seeker. Silas Wright had regard for him, but he knew not Dix, who 1868] DIX'S ANTI-SEYMOUR LETTER 443 was obsequious and deferential to Wright. There were cir cumstances which occurred while Dix was in the Senate which caused me to hesitate and question his reliability. But he, like myseff, was then a thorough party man and had the indorsement of Wright. The people would not elect Dix. He strove hard to be Governor of New York. He tried under Pierce to go to France, and if his own state ments are to be relied on, — and I beUeve they are, — was cheated and deceived. During the RebelUon he was a major-general, vrithout ever entering the field, and while at Fortress Monroe, he cuddled and favored intercourse with the Rebels, not, I think, for his own personal pecuniary benefit, but under the influence of Ludlow, his aide, and an unscrupulous in timate. I do not think Dix pecuniarily dishonest, though he has appeared to me to be somewhat avaricious. But he fears and conforms to the opinions of men in power. His estimate of Seymour's character is pretty correct, but he was not called upon by any consideration for the display of petty spite and maUgnity which shows out in this letter, and which was intended to assist that party or combina tion of men who have been his political opponents and are now pursuing a policy inconsistent with all those cherished principles which he and I have supported in the past. I have always considered him intensely selfish. In reading this uncaUed-f or and discreditable letter, — discreditable from the position and former course of the writer, — I am painfully impressed vrith the fact of the in judicious and unwise nomination of Seymour. September 24, Thursday. The papers yesterday and to day are filled with reports of a discussion and altercation in the Cabinet on the occasion of Seward's avowing his intention to support Grant and Colfax. McCulloch and myself are represented as declaring ourselves for Seymour, etc., etc. There is no word of truth in the statement from beginning to end. The names of neither Grant nor Seymour 444 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [sept. 24 were mentioned, nor was there any allusion to parties. I have little doubt that Seward originated the report. It is one of those little manoeuvres which I disUke. September 25, Friday. Robert T. Lincoln, son of the late President, was married last evening to Mary Harlan, daughter of Senator Harlan of Iowa. There were but few present. Bishop Simpson of the Methodist Church offici ated. Young Lincoln has made my house his home when in Washington during the days of courtship. He and Ed gar are intimate. Regard for his father made him always a welcome guest, and I also highly esteem and respect Robert himself and have done so from our first acquaint ance in 1861, when he was here vrith his father at the inauguration. His deportment and character, then and always, impressed me favorably. The Pacific Railroad was the chief topic to-day in the Cabinet, and changes in the direction, and a board of engineers as commissioners, were ordered. A few men. Members of Congress and others, are sadly plundering the country, I apprehend. I do not admire the policy which Seward is pursuing in regard to our foreign relations, but it is useless to attempt to change it, or obtrude my opinions. He is aUowed to run his course, but certainly he has strange notions, and, it appears, little idea of the effect of his proceedings. LXIII Dahlgren's Management of the Ordnance Bureau — The Political Outlook — Getting the Election Returns — Proposal to withdraw Seymour and substitute another Democratic Candidate for the Presidency — The Democratic Mistake and how it came about — The Governor of Ar kansas asks for Arms — Troops to be sent to Memphis — Seward's Table of Treaties — Dinner of the New York Bar to Attorney-General Evarts — Grant's Spite against Members of the Cabinet — Minister Washburn in Paraguay — Minister Reverdy Johnson submits a Protocol on the Alabama Claims — Discussion of the Subject. October 3, Saturday. The country is absorbed with poli tics and parties. More of the latter than the former. Speakers are overrunning the country with their hateful harangues and excitable trash. I read but few of the speeches. Those of the Radicals are manufactured, so far as I have seen them, of the same material. Hatred of the Rebels, revenge, the evils of reconciliation, the dangers to be apprehended if the whites of the South are not kept under, the certainty that they will, if permitted to enjoy their legitimate constitutional rights, control the govern ment, — the Radicals vrill be deprived of power, — this is the stuff of which every Radical oration is made,'interlarded sometimes with anecdotes. No allusion to the really great questions before the country, — the rights of man, the rights of the States, the grants and limitations of the Con stitution. Had the Democrats made a judicious nomination they would have enlisted the good sense and patriotism of the people and had an easy "rictory. As it is, they have given the Radicals every advantage and, of course, are likely to suffer a terrible defeat. At all events, things appear so to me. Yet cool and sagacious men, who are abroad among the people and have better opportunities than I can have, express the fullest confidence in a Democratic triumph. 446 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [OCT. 3 Such ought to be the result. I hope they are right and my apprehensions groundless. Since Seymour was nominated, the Radicals have suc ceeded in getting up some feeling for Grant. There was none before, for he is not a man to evoke enthusiasm or win respect. The Democrats have yet much to leam. Advers ity has not softened, chastened, and corrected their arro gance and thirst for power, and they have endangered and probably sacrificed a good cause by not being more gener ous and forbearing. They have not leamed to humble themselves in order to be exalted. Why they should, so many of them, have been wilUng to accept Chase, as to almost lose control, can be accounted for only in one way. The money interest was for him in New York, and prin ciples gave way in that quarter to wealth. The Tammany leaders proposed to have no candidate in that State, — no choice, — and were taken at their word. Blair tells me that Samuel Tilden wanted to be the can didate of the Democrats for President. It is hardly credi ble, and yet in that way, better than any other, can his con duct and that of the New York Democratic politicians be accounted for. He and they had professedly no candidate, — could name none, — were, while holding the reins, as meek in their professions as Uriah Heep, waiting for others to move, and similar sUly pretensions were made when the country was in agony. Evarts is absent, attending courts in New York, while great legal questions are pending and the opinion of the Attorney-General is required. We must wait his retum and be held accountable for the delay. Charles L. Woodbury, Peter Harvey, and others of Boston and its vicinity send me a long hst of names of per sons whom they wish to have appointed to places in the Boston Navy Yard. No disposition is made of the in cumbents who are faithfully discharging their duties, — at least no complaint is made and these gentlemen prefer no charges against the men they, or I, would dismiss. They 1868] DAHLGREN AND THE ORDNANCE 447 would have me incur the odium and they have no respons ibiUty. If appointed, the men would thank them, not me; the men removed would blame me, not them. Both will be against me if I do my duty, which I will endeavor to discharge faithfully. Kilpatrick is making a fool of hunseff, running all over the country making partisan speeches, to the great annoy ance of Seward, who guaranteed he should take no part in the political contests. Yesterday he read a letter from K. that was as supercilious as egotistical, flippantly snapping his finger at the Secretary of State and defying him. I thought Seward desired that some of us should press a revocation of his leave of absence, but I was not disposed to gratify him after I had cautioned him of K.'s proper orders before leave was given. Dahlgren is trjdng to manage the Ordnance Bureau vrithout responsibiUty. In his selfish nature he would evade all responsibiUty whatever. He wants, however, undue credit. In everything he does he has Dahlgren and Dahlgren's interest in "riew. He is not a favorite with the officers of the Navy, who think, and not without reason, that he has been favored. He covets more favor, however, and that accounts for his anxiety to please all and to offend none. The pubhc money flows freely where he is, — not that he would appropriate it to himself; he is too proud to be dishonest in that way, though he loves money exceed ingly. But after great kindness to him in many ways, he would not hesitate to skulk from responsibility which honestly belongs to him and throw it upon me. Horatio Ames has a large claim for guns which have been rejected, and has besieged the Department for years in regard to them, — first belying and misrepresenting it, hounding Members of Congress and others for two years to get a contract, and at length getting an order from Mr. Lincoln; second, the guns not passing inspection, he has for three years been importuning for pay. Five years have been given to the lobby, — two to get an order, three to get 448 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [oct. 3 pay. I have no doubt he has expended a large amount of money in making the guns, and he doubtless thought he was doing good service to the country and himself. Under these circumstances, he has an equitable claim, perhaps, on the Government. But Congress is the branch of gov ernment which can grant relief. I have so told him for two years, and he finally went to that body. In the mean time a change has taken place in the Ordnance Bureau. Dahlgren has been placed at the head, and Ames appeals to him to reopen the case. Oakes Ames, his brother, is very rich and a Member of Congress, vrith a large circle of in fluential Members in his interest. Dahlgren brings aU of Ames' papers to me. I have stated to him, and he knows, that the case has been passed upon, — decided, — and unless he is satisfied or thinks his predecessor's decision is wrong, or that there is testimony not previously submitted, it should not be reopened. But he equivocates, and I at length indorsed on one of the documents, returning it, that the Department had disposed of it unless he recommended opening it or there was new evidence. He takes advantage of this and "recommends" a board to examine all the papers, etc., etc. I replied that I could not in that way relieve him of his legitimate duties, etc., etc. October 10, Saturday. Dahlgren sends me another letter, changing his position, — wants six guns examined and tested, etc., etc. Was compelled to write him a pretty pointed letter. I am not disposed to be used, or made an instrument, to relieve him of responsibility or to gratify his resentments. He is hostile to Wise, whom he succeeds in the Bureau, — not without reason, perhaps, for Wise has secretly reflected on Dahlgren's services. There is no love lost between them. But I am not to be made a parti san of either. It has been clearly Dahlgren's wish to have a board criticize and review Wise's acts in order to detect some error or mistake. This would humble Wise without Dahl- 1868] LOSS OF WATEREE AND FREDONIA 449 gren's implicating himself, though it would be his work. But while I have no exalted opinion of Wise, I shall not intentionally be an instrument in the hands of any man to treat him unfairly. Mr. Solicitor Bolles has been making pert decisions in regard to punishments under court-martial law; says they may sentence to death for any offense. Sent the case to the Attorney-General, who gives an opinion sustaining the Solicitor; but Evarts evidently did not prepare the opinion nor examine the case. He cites the opinion of At torney-Generals Black and Bates to sustain him, both of whom gave opinions before the law of 1862 was enacted. Secretary Browning attended- Cabinet-meeting last Tuesday for the first time in several weeks. The Pacific Railroad matters were brought forward by him on Tues day and yesterday. It is, I apprehend, a giant swindle. There is much gossip in relation to a projected marriage between Secretary Seward and a Miss Risley. He is in his sixty-eighth year and she in her twenty-eighth. I give the rumor no credit. Yet his conduct is calculated to make gossip. For the last six weeks he has passed my house daily to visit her, is taking her out to ride, etc., etc. Says he is an old friend of the family.^ Had last Friday a frost, and for two or three days quite cool weather. Mrs. Welles and Edgar left on Thursday for a week's visit to Irvington. Received results of court of inquiry relative to the loss of Wateree and Fredonia by the great earthquake at Arica. The conduct of the two commanders, Gillis ^ in leav ing, and Doty ^ in remaining absent from, his ship, is re prehensible. No motives of courtesy or of humanity should have caused either to neglect the men and vessel intrusted to him. It was neither humane nor right to be absent at such a time from the post of duty. ' Mr. Seward afterwards adopted Miss Olive Risley as his daughter, and she and her sister accompanied him on his journey round the world in 1870 and 1871. » Commander James H. GilUs. » T. W. Doty. 3 450 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [ocT.io A letter from General Schofield to General Grant, con gratulating him on his nomination and hoping for his elec tion, is published. It was written last May and confirms my impression that Grant was consulted by Fessenden and Grimes and participated in making S. a Cabinet officer. Schofield, like Grant, is shrewd and in the civil service acts with a view to his own interest in all he does. This is the fact as regards both. They each have astute ness, a certain kind of ability. Schofield is much the best- informed of the two, but Grant has more obstinacy and self-will. It was natural enough for Schofield to ally him self to his superior in command. Most of the army officers would be apt to do it. There is not, however, much en thusiasm for Grant. He has not many warm personal friends. Sherman is quite devoted to him, — sincerely, I think, — others because he is the lucky man, in place, and the Democratic nomination renders Grant's election almost certain. Both parties continue to speak vrith confidence of suc cess, and have generally persuaded themselves into the belief that their opponents will be defeated. As for the candidates on the ticket, I have little love or regard for either. Blair is the most of a man on either ticket. . . . Seymour, though temperate, is insincere and weakly and selfishly ambitious; was opposed to the Govemment and sentiment of the country, was at heart with the Rebels. His nomination has given the Rebels a grand opportunity to ring and prolong the War changes, and wiU be likely to insure Democratic defeat, when victory was, by a fair, discreet, and judicious course, within their reach. It was not a time to nominate a Copperhead. Concession should have been made. Colfax is a small man of narrow views and Umited capacity, superficial and light. The election next Tuesday will probably be decisive of the Presidential election, provided all the States go for either party. If the Radicals succeed in this they will be apt to carry their point in November. I am inclined to 1868] THE POLITICAL OUTLOOK 451 think they will take all three, although the Democrats express strong faith in a triumph in all; but they are over- sanguine and too grasping. They might with Hancock have succeeded. I vrill not discourage any with my un belief; but, really, I may to myself confess I have had no heart in this campaign since the nominations were made. This Saturday night, alone by myself, I make this jotting, not to prophesy, but to write down frankly my opinions. The elections wUl, I think, be adverse to the Democrats next Tuesday, and also in November. If so, a sad fate, I fear, awaits our country. Sectional hate wUl be established. October 12, Monday. Admiral Dahlgren called this moming. Says he thought I desired him to take up and take action in Ames case. I asked him how he could sup pose so when I had expressly told him I should not again take up the case if there were no new facts, or unless he should recommend it in consequence of some mistake, and even then I should take time to consider it. The tmth is he wanted to rap Wise with other men's knuckles. There is great excitement in Philadelphia in regard to the election and a threatened conflict of authority be tween the sheriff and mayor. The judges have been beha"ving scandalously. I shall not be surprised if there is riot and bloodshed. Each party continues to express undoubted confidence, and as nothing can be gained by round assertion to-day which the result to-morrow will contradict, the sincerity of their opinion is not to be doubted. But while the Demo crats have the best cause, they have sacrfficed an oppor tunity, — mismanaged, — and they have not, I fear, just now, in consequence of mismanagement and too grasping a course, the largest numbers. The Democratic leaders have very skillfully knocked out their own brains, or my impressions are wrong. October 13, Tuesday. Attomey-General Evarts was not 452 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [oct. 13 at the Cabinet. He has too much private professional business to do justice to his office. I vrished much to see him on some matters. John P. Hale, Seward's Minister to Spain, has acknow ledged the new govemment. I asked if Hale was author ized to do this ; Seward said he was. The Cabinet was not advised or consulted. We had some talk about Hale, when I expressed my opinion of him freely, — his unfitness for the place, and that he had Uttle moral principle. Seward assented; said Hale had threatened him. Edwards Pierrepont, one of Stanton's jockey lawyers, writes A. T. Stewart, inclosing, or tendering, $20,000 to assist in the election of General Grant, and Stewart duly acknowledges it. Such a donation is, of course, not dis interested or for an honest purpose. Pierrepont has been paid enormous fees by Stanton and Seward. He is a cun ning and adroit lawyer, but not a tme and trusty man. The Democrats of New York let themselves down when they made him one of the Sachems of Tammany. They are getting justly paid. Pollard ^ applies for permission to have access to the Rebel archives in writing the Ufe of Jeff Da"vis, whom he does not like. Schofield was disposed to deny him, and Seward also. I advised that he might, in company vrith a clerk, take or have taken copies under the supervision and with consent of the Secretary of War. Schofield said he was a prejudiced enemy of Jeff Davis and of the Union cause. I did not deny that, but was vriUing the Rebels should tell their own story. Thought Doctor Lieber an enthusiast and as much prejudiced as Pollard. Went this evening to the White House to get early election retums, as usual, on the eve of the election in the three great central States.^ Found McCulloch there. Only a single dispatch, and that of not much account, from ' Edward A. Pollard, author of Life of Jefferson Davis, vnth the Secret HistoT-y of ihe Southem Confederacy! and other books on the War. ' Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana. 1868] GETTING THE ELECTION RETURNS 453 Philadelphia, had been received. McCulloch was quite confident and hopeful. The President cheerful, but gave no opinion. He had asked me after Cabinet-meeting how things were going. I told him I would come over this evening and see. Remained about an hour, but no dispatches came. Un like former years. The coming men are the recipients of the news, — Seymour and Grant. I did not say this, but thought it, vrith something of sadness that human nature should show such qualities. About half-past nine Randall came in with a budget of confused returns, and some very good rumors. After a little time the President's Private Secretary came with retums less favorable but quite as much coiffused. McCuUoch's whole look and tone changed and he soon left. October 14, Wednesday. The election news is far from full and far from cheering. In Philadelphia the Demo crats have been successful, and generally, in all the States, should judge they had given a larger vote than ever be fore. The probabilities are that Hendricks ^ has succeeded in Indiana, though it is not yet certain. General Dunn * tells me the counting of the votes is a slow process and cannot be completed in many places until this evening. It is admitted the Democrats have made gains of Re presentatives to Congress in all three States. It could hardly be othervrise, for the Radicals have almost all in the present Congress. The President says this p.m. that he had no definite news, — nothing more than is in the papers. No one sends to him. Heretofore he has always had friendly telegrams giving results. He says Randall called just before I did and was feeling very blue, and when he left said he would tele- ' Thomas A. Hendricks, the Democratic candidate for Govemor of Indiana. He was defeated by the RepubUcan Govemor, Conrad Baker, by a very small majority. ' General William McKee Dunn of Indiana, afterwards Judge-Advocate- General. 454 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [oct. 14 graph TUden to get Seymour out of the way. It was pretty evident, the President said, that the present ticket could have little hope. Although guarded in his remarks, I could perceive the President was not greatly displeased with the tum things were taking, and I think begins to have hopes that at tention may yet be turned to himseff. But his intimacy with and support of Seward forecloses, ff nothing else would, any such movement. On that rock he split. It was Seward who contributed to the retention of Stanton; it was Seward who counseled him to submit and yield to Radical usurpation; and it was Seward who broke down his Administration; it was Seward who drove from him the people. The President is bold and firm when he has come to a decision, but is not always prompt in reaching it. The people would have stood by him against the usurping Congress, had he squarely met them at first and asserted the rights of the Executive and the Constitution. October 15, Thursday. Colonel Johnson, formerly one of the editors or writers of the Union, called and had a long conversation. He was the friend and editor of Buchanan. Tells me some incidents in relation to the Kansas matters. He is now pretty intimate vrith President Johnson, as are now many of that class. In the main [Colonel] Johnson's influence is not bad on abstract poUtical questions, for he has studied the Constitution and understands the situ ation of the govemment; is sounder and abler on these subjects than some men of higher reputation and distinction, but has been too long a lobbyist to have rigid ideas in pe cuniary transactions. His object was, I think, to sound me on the subject of withdrawing Sejrmour and Blair and sub stituting other names. I gave him no light, — no encour agement or discouragement. In fact, as things are, I can say little about it. Seymour is doomed to defeat, and at this late day a raUy for another can hardly be made, if attempted. 1868] THE DEMOCRATIC MISTAKE 455 I did not conceal from [Colonel] Johnson my views, — my regret that Seymour was a candidate, that I had never yet seen a man who approved it, that he had been a weight and drag on a good cause. The country required at this time a different candidate to conciUate and reunite differ ences. He spoke of the popularity of the President and of the zeal which some felt for Chase, especially the bank ing interest. I avoided saying much as regarded the former, but, whatever might be the banking views, expressed sur prise that Democrats should urge Chase. Why not take Sumner or Wade, whose position on Uving political ques tions — Reconstruction, negro suffrage, etc. — was much the same as his. There has been a good deal of talk through the day of throwing aside the ticket and taking Chase. The New York World and the Intelligencer favor it. Wall Street prompts the former, and the President does not dissuade the latter. But this talk is idle. It may not be difficult, since the late elections, to persuade Seymour to vrithdraw, but the substitution of Chase will not now make the ticket stronger. The talk about the President means nothing. There is no intention to make him the candidate, though there is a strong feeling in his favor among the masses who do not control organization. His name is used by a set as a bank-note for Chase and nothing else. I am sorry he Ustens to it. October 16, Friday. It is pretty generally conceded that the Radicals have a majority — not large — in the three great central States. This may be considered decisive of the Presidential contest in November. We have not gained so many Members of Congress as I expected, and on the whole I am prepared for a signal Democratic defeat. I have had Uttle hope that the Radicals would be defeated since Sejrmour was nominated, and am therefore not so much disappointed as others. The Democratic managers have thought more of party than of country and are reaping their reward. In June 456 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [oct. 16 there was every probability that the Radicals would be defeated. The country was against them, and there was no feeling or enthusiasm for Grant, who, whatever may be his military talents, has no civil capacity on political ques tions. There should have been great care to avoid making a War issue, unless a War candidate like Hancock was se lected, for therein is Grant's strength. Without a military opponent Grant is formidable. The only hope of the Radi cals was in an appeal to the prejudices on bygone questions of war, and the hatred which still lingers and is stimulated by them. With unaccountable stupidity, the Democrats took precisely the course which the Radicals vrished them to. They stifled the military and patriotic sentiment for Hancock, and brought forward a Peace Democrat, a man whom the soldiers throughout the land disliked, whose sympathies were notoriously vrith the Secessionists, and who said and did some foolish things which the Radicals would, of course, seize, exaggerate, and amplffy. Pendleton, an equally pronounced Peace Democrat, was an early and persistent candidate for the office and thought to avoid the great absorbing and real issue — that of pre serving the Constitution and the integrity of the Union — by bringing forward a weak and superficial financial scheme which captivated speculators and ignorant per sons and men of a low moral standard. He did not maintain the true Democratic doctrine on the currency and money issue, but based his movements on two currencies, — one of paper and one of specie. True Democrats are hard- money men, and can favor no paper which is not convert ible into money — coin — at the will of the holder. Paper is not money, but a promise to pay money. A broken pro mise by the Government is a breach of faith and disturber of confidence. Seymour, possessed of no nerve, of no courage, a parti san politician of culture and talent, occupying a prominent position in New York, a whilom candidate of his party, seemed to hesitate, shrank from the contest, played fast 1868] THE DEMOCRATIC MISTAKE 457 and loose, but finally, under the influence of Wall Street, assented to and apparently became an advocate for the nomination of Chase, the antagonist of the Democratic party and Democratic principles on the great issues of Reconstruction and strict construction now before the country. Chase was, and still is, the champion of negro equaUty and favors the Radical laws of Reconstruction. He was, with his committee, the author of the legal-tender system and the father of national treasury banks. In no sense could he honestly be the candidate of the Demo crats. Yet Seymour professedly, as did Belmont and com pany, earnestly favored his nomination. Pendleton, however, opposed him and opposed Hendricks because, were they elected, it might interfere with his aspirations in the future. No conservative War Democrat would they permit to be the candidate, and when it be came obvious to the Pendleton delegates in the New York Convention, and to the wild and turbulent crowd of out siders who had been sent on from Cincinnati to control the convention, that Pendleton could not be nominated, they selected and nominated Seymour for the clearly manifest purpose of excluding any conservative Democrat, like Hancock, Doolittle, or even Hendricks. It never entered the minds of these men that it was im portant to have a candidate who would draw and not repel recruits. They believed the Radical measures were so atrocious that they could elect whoever was nominated, and therefore, having the organization, passed by all War Democrats and nominated a Secession sympathizer. Thou sands and tens of thousands who would have gone in for a fair. Union, conservative War Democrat would not, and vrill not, identify themselves with Seymour, whose course during the War for the Union was as offensive as that of the Radicals now. A great opportunity has been thrown away, to the irre parable injury of the country. It does not seem possible that Seymour can be elected. The movement for Chase 458 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [oct. 16 appears to be earnest; but the first step for his supporters is to get Seymour to decline. There are rumors that he has put his resignation in the hands of the National Demo cratic Committee. If this be so, which I doubt, the Pre sident and his friends vrill be promptly thrust aside and Chase pressed vrith energy. I am not in the secret of these operations, but hear much of them. If Seymour has resigned or should resign, Hancock or DooUttle should be substituted. Were either of these men at once eamestly and most decisively pressed, possibly something might be accomplished, but a change of front at this late day would be a pretty certain precursor of defeat. I have Uttle faith in anything good being effected. It would gratify me to see the national nominating con vention system overthrown, as it would be were a candidate spontaneously taken up and elected. I asked Randall, who was uneasy during the whole Cabinet session, what was being done. He said nothing decisive; that the Blairs would rather have Frank on the ticket and be defeated than have any other man elected. This is Seward all over, and I noticed that Seward seemed in excellent spirits. He does not like Seymour or any Democrat, unless some one Uke Randall, an active, superficial, and super-service able schemer whom he can use. As Schofield had to remain after Cabinet session, Randall went round and said to the President he would come up this evening. I think Randall would, if he had the opportunity, go for the President. I asked who would be named, if Seymour decUned. He said Chase, or the President. I asked him what was to be gained by electing Chase, or making him the standard-bearer. It staggered him. "Nothing," said he, "but I want to beat Grant." So do I. October 17, Saturday. Under the circumstances the Democrats and conservatives have done weU in the late elections. They have been cheated and wronged to some 1868] THE ALABAMA CLAIMS 459 extent, I have no doubt. I am disappointed that the Dem ocrats did not elect more Representatives. Had Hancock been on the ticket instead of Seymour, we should have carried Pennsylvania and Indiana and, I think, Ohio. As it is, I am satisfied the popular majority for the Radicals is not great in either State. I think Seymour wiU not decline. The scheme did not take so easily as the Chase men anticipated, and the whole affair wUl blow over. October 19, Monday. The Democratic committees and Seymour hold out against any change of ticket. There is some attempt to denounce Belmont, but it is feeble. There are conflicting rumors as regards Chase. I have no doubt he would vrillingly have lent his name, but since the scheme has faUed he quite Ukely disapproves the attempt. The President, I am constrained to beUeve, has not been entirely indifferent in this matter. Second-rate men have been wUUng to please him by flattering assurances that the people wanted him and demanded the change in the ticket. He hstened with pleasure to their assurances, if he did not encourage them. October 20, Tuesday. Seward, RandaU, and Evarts were absent from the Cabinet session. I know not ff there is any pohtical significance in this. Hunter says Seward has gone up the Hudson to see about some real estate of his son's. The papers say he is to meet Peter Cooper and others about the canal across the Isthmus. Randall pro fesses to be engaged on some arrangement for the over land mail. Evarts has some important law-suits in New York. They are all of the same kidney. Hunter submitted a telegram in cipher from Reverdy Johnson,^ asking if the Alabama claims should be submit ted to the arbitrament of the King of Prussia. McCulloch '¦ Appointed by President Johnson to succeed Charles Francis Adams as Minister to England. 460 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [oct. 20 would not trust him because of his family relations with the Queen. I asked what was meant by the Alabama claims, — whether it embraced all similar claims and the other incidental questions. The President thought we should have the whole proposition in all its parts before us before deciding. Pacific RaUroad again occupied much attention. Con gressional fraud and corruption are, I am satisfied, in this immense swindle. There were extensive frauds in the late election, — per haps on both sides. The Radicals are steeped in them, and, not yet content, there are villainous plans to cheat Representatives clearly and fairly elected by the Democrats out of their seats. Dawes and company vriU be ready to help the fraud, as they have lent themselves to great rascalities in the present Congress. They are destroying public confidence in popular govemment. October 23, Friday. At the Cabinet-meeting General Schofield read a letter from the Govemor of Arkansas, expressing great apprehension of trouble from the people, who are armed, and requesting that he might have United States arms that are in the arsenal to put in the hands of the militia. The militia are understood to be Radical par tisans. General Schofield was very earnest in this matter; said the opponents to the Govemor were Rebels who re tained their arms when Kirby Smith surrendered; that they are orgamzed, and unless something was done, the loyal men would be overpowered and kiUed by the Ku- Klux. After hearing him for some time and a few com monplace expressions of concern from others, I asked if the Govemor of Arkansas was afraid of the people of Arkansas, — if General S. advised the arming of the Governor's partisans against their opponents, the people of that State. In other words, is popular government a faUure in Arkansas ? General S. said that he and the military gentlemen gener ally had believed there was but one way to establish the 1868] TROOPS TO BE SENT TO MEMPHIS 461 Reconstruction of the States South, and that was by mar tial law. I asked how long martial law should be contin ued. He said until those governments were able to sustain themselves. "Do you mean by that," I inquired, "until the black and the ignorant element controls the intelligent white population?" The General said he was not a politi cian nor intending to discuss the subject pohticaUy; he was speaking practically, how these governments were to be maintained. "And you come to the conclusion that force is requisite," said I. "There is," said he, "no other way to keep down the Rebels." "Then," said McCulloch, "if I understand you. Gen eral S., the Reconstruction laws are a faUure. The people in those States are incapable of self-government." Browning said it was plain there must be a standing army to carry out the Radical policy, and it would have to be kept up through all time. All agreed that it was not best to let the Govemor have the arms for his party. Seward proposed sending United States troops to Ar kansas. This Schofield thought would perhaps answer if we had the troops, but we had not got them. He urged that General Smith, commanding, might be authorized to issue arms if he thought it necessary. After a long and earnest but not satisfactory discus sion, the compromise of Seward was adopted by Schofield, who proposed to order the Twelfth Regiment, stationed here in Washington, to proceed to Memphis, and by the time they reached that point, it could be determined what disposition should be made of them. I objected to any giving-out of arms, or moving mUitary troops on the eve of an excited election. Claimed that from the showing there was no insurrection, nothing but the unreasonable apprehensions of a party leader who feared the people he professed to govem. He, with one of the bogus Senators, had undertaken a speculation in arms which had been destroyed, and he was in consequence very angry. We ought to keep clear of this party contest. 462 DL\.RY OF GIDEON WELLES [oct. 23 I could perceive that Schofield was dissatisfied with my views, that Seward plumed himself on havmg suggested a course that was to be adoplted. The President did not concur with Schofield nor fully with Seward, who, however, had his way. Our whole govemmental system is being overturned by the military and the Radicals. One after another of the scalawag and carpet-bag govemors is calling for arms and troops to help hun in the elections, and this Administra tion yields against its honest convictions on the sugges tions of a trimmer. Of course the people of Arkansas are to be borne down under the impression that the Federal Govemment is against them. God knows when aU this is to end! The President asked Browning, Randall, and myseff to stay after the Cabinet adjoumed, and Submitted a paper, carefully and elaborately prepared, on govemment ex penditures. It was a faithful exposition and, sent out at the proper time, would have a good influence. I could perceive that the President flattered himself it would be effective and perhaps redound to his credit, perhaps bring him forward as a candidate. He stUl has dreams, idle dreams, that he may be elected. The people may be with him, but party discipUne and party management and intrigue are aU-powerful. October 27, Tuesday. Horatio Sejrmour has gone West, making speeches. He talks very weU, but his speeches are likely to be unavailing. Nevertheless the spirit of the people who are opposed to RadicaUsm seems unbroken. Defeat in the great States has not disheartened or whoUy discouraged them. A few men, anxious for office, have fallen away, but not one honest man has wavered, so far as I have heard, yet many wUl not vote for S. General Schofield read a telegram from Colonel Camp bell of his staff, who had been to Arkansas, stating that it was not expedient to listen to or be governed by the 1868] SEWARD'S TABLE OF TREATIES 463 representations of the Govemor. The tone of Schofield is much moderated. There is disturbance in Louisiana, and the reconstructed Governor finds himseff incompetent to discharge the duties of the executive. RadicaUsm is there an uneducated, un regulated, and disorganized faction. The negroes are whoUy incapable of discharging police duties, and the Governor calls on General Rousseau to help him. Seward exhibits a table of the number of treaties which have been negotiated, under each administration, and promises the President that he shall have brought forward more than any of his predecessors. I do not think so highly of the doings in this respect as others. There is more or less comphcation and entanglement in these treat ies. Few and simple regulations are best; but Seward, not the most intelUgent and discreet diplomatist, will continue by help of Weed and his colleagues to make a good flourish and be extolled for his marvelous labors. October 30, Friday. Seward and Evarts are again absent. Likely both have gone home to vote. That is said and pub lished. Evarts would be glad of such an excuse to be ab sent and attend to his immense private business. He has been at but one Cabinet-meeting for five weeks; important opinions are consequently postponed and action delayed. November 17, Tuesday. Exhausted and fatigued with office labor during the day and with preparing my Annual Report and receiving company evenings, I have been un able to make note in this book for some time. But events of interest have transpired, and I regret that I did not from day to day make at least a brief memoran dum. There was excitement over the election, but acqui escence in the declared result. In New York and Phila delphia there was a great outcry of fraud by the Radicals, who as a party, now as in other days and under other names, were given to frauds. They denounce the vote of 464 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [nov. 17 intelligent whites of foreign birth, while they iUegally and by fraud polled hundreds of thousands of ignorant negro votes. The defeat of Seymour did not surprise me. There has been mismanagement and weakness on the part of the Democratic leaders, if nothing worse. The Democratic capitalists in New York were, under New York manage ment, committed for Chase, but with no sincerity on the part of the leaders, and when he was thrown out, the cap italists were indifferent or willing Grant should be elected. Pendleton and his friends have acted like disappointed partisans, very stupidly for themselves, very badly for the country, and as if they were afraid something might happen to hereafter defeat him. In nominating Seymour the War issue was unavoidably raised and the Democrats have been busy in trying to make people believe Seymour to have been a good War man. They did not convince the voters nor believe their own assertions. Of course, amid shuffling issues and in sincerity, all has been uphill work. There was no zeal for Grant until Seymour was nominated, — then men would have been busy had Hancock been his opponent. The Dem ocrats have not only thrown away a great opportunity and injured their party, but done the country irreparable wrong. Grant has retumed to Washington after loitering away several months in Galena and the region roundabout since he was nominated. Colfax has been back here also. He and Wade have again adjourned Congress, — a mockery upon the Constitution and honest govemment. A dinner is given by the New York Bar to Attomey- General Evarts this evening, to which aU the Cabinet men were invited. I omitted writing the committee until Saturday evening. McCulloch and Randall did not write imtil yesterday. The others wrote a week ago, declining. The papers state that Grant, who is in New York, declines to attend if Secretaries McCuUoch and Welles and Post- 1868] GRANT AND THE CABINET-MEMBERS 465 master-General Randall are to be present. This announce ment, publicly made, is from his factotum Adam Badeau, but by Grant's authority. When Seward came into the councU room this noon he spoke, before being seated, of his not attending the At torney-General's dinner because if he went he should have kept away another man. I remarked that writing an equivocal letter answered every purpose and propitiated offended dignity that disliked truth. Seward gave me a sin gular look and satisfied me he felt the remark. He said he went to New York last Thursday; that a very good friend who is usually at the depot told him that Gen eral Grant was occupying the Presidential car. He, S., said, "Very well, ff he wants to see me, he can come here." Soon after his friend came to him with General Grant's compliments, inviting him into his car. "Another tribute," said I, "to the equivocal manner of answering a plain and simple question." He proceeded to state the incidents, etc., of the joumey. I judge that his presence was not particularly acceptable to Grant and that the intercourse was formal. This, how ever, did not greatly disturb Seward, who ostensibly went to New York to attend the funeral of Mrs. Blatchford and was glad of the opportunity to get into Grant's company. He says he never has exchanged a word with Grant since the interriew at the President's last February. This, I find, is the fact as regards all who were then present. In trying a refined and subtle game the General was exposed, and, in an issue between himself and the President, those of us who were present were called upon to state the facts, and General Grant, it seems, in the exercise of his new social and official position, undertakes to proscribe those who cannot sacrffice the truth for him. The subject does not trouble me othervrise than, as a citizen, I regret the degradation of the highest office in the country. McCulloch said that had he been aware of any such revengeful feeling on the part of Grant, he would 3 466 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [nov. 17 certainly have gone to New York to have shut him off from the dinner. I said I would not have gone across the room to have either prevented or aided him in the matter. The General of our armies and the President-elect might make this exhibition of malignant spite against truth vrithout disturbing me in the least. Mr. Seward had a large budget of letters and newspaper slips relative to affairs in Paraguay and our late Minister Washburn, who has been extremely troublesome ever since he has been there or in that neighborhood. For some years he has been the persistent friend of Lopez, and the Secre tary of State aided him in his absurd claims of insisting on having a national vessel to mn the blockade of the alUes, in order to carry him back and forth. I have remonstrated against maintaining a mission in the interior of South America, among a half -savage people, where there are no citizens of the United States, no com merce, no intercourse of any kind, where no other govem ment sends a minister, and where we should have none. Washburn sometime since resigned, and General Mc- Mahon was appointed his successor. Mr. Seward said he had but a single dispatch from Washburn, but the papers are filled with his letters, — some of them very discredit able, — and his conduct appears to be reprehensible throughout. Seward said he had a letter from Webb at Rio, very well written, but Seward was careful not to read it. He had prepared a singular letter to me, however, which he did read, in which he proposed that the whole affair shall be communicated to Admiral Davis, who is to proceed with an adequate force to Paraguay and demand redress. I asked where McMahon, the representative of the Government, was, that he was not intrusted with this duty; why this responsibility was put on Davis, a naval officer. I was willing he should be directed to consult, cooperate with, and aid General McMahon, but the Admiral had no "adequate force" to send up the river and make the de- 1868] MINISTER WASHBURN IN PARAGUAY 467 mand, even were it proper. Seward said he had great confidence in Davis as a discreet man who would act pru dently, etc., etc. In aU this I see Mephistopheles, and do not mean to be bamboozled by him. The President and Randall expressed great regard for McMahon. November 18, Wednesday. In a brief interview with the President I told him I thought it the proper duty of the Minister we had sent to Paraguay to investigate and make demands, ff demands were to be made; that he might, and perhaps should, consult with Admiral Davis, but I thought it improper to impose the Minister's duties on the Admiral and make him responsible. The President concurred and wished me to advise vrith Seward. I remarked that we differed; that I had for several years thought we needed no minister at Paraguay, where we had no citizens, no com merce, etc. I received late this p.m. from Secretary Seward the letter which he read yesterday to the President and Cabi net relative to intrusting Admiral Davis to proceed vrith an "adequate force" to Paraguay, demand redress, etc. I drafted a rough letter but had not time to copy or complete. November 19, Thursday. Sent my instructions to Ad miral Davis, taking care to copy that part of Seward's letter which advised the President that the Admiral should proceed with an adequate force, etc., wishing he had such force. I also wrote Seward that I thought it proper General McMahon should be associated with the Admiral and share the responsibility. Every one seems disgusted vrith Grant's conditional acceptance of an invitation to the Evarts dinner. None of his friends attempt to defend him. The little man is exhibiting his tme traits. Very malignant, revengeful, because exposed in his equivocation and falsehood. An enemy of truth and of those who assert it, provided he is thereby discomfited. 468 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [nov. 20 November 20, Friday. Told Evarts I was glad I had not kept him or any invited guest from his dinner. He says there was a great strife among the Radicals whether Grant should be allowed to attend; that some extreme Radicals got up a counter-dinner uptown to draw Grant off; that the conditional acceptance was intended to relieve Grant if any of us attended, a cunning device that failed. As none of us attended, there was no escape but for him to give his presence to the Evarts banquet. Seward said he had received my letter in the Paraguay matter and would attend to my suggestions. Would in struct McMahon and request him to consult vrith Admiral Davis. Thought it very proper, etc. I asked htm to send me a copy of his instructions. Said he would. Gave him again my opinion of Washburn and of his mission. November 24, Tuesday. Seward came to Cabinet coun cil this moming vrith a queer expression on his countenance. We two were the first arrivals. On exchanging salutations, he said he was sick, quite sick. I asked his malady. He said he had got the damnedest strange thing from Reverdy Johnson for a protocol. Others came in to whom he made similar communication. He submitted the document to the President and Cabinet vrith a lugubrious look which cannot be described. Intended to be sad and grieved, but with a lurking laugh. The Alabama claims are to be sub mitted to arbitration; four commissioners, two by each party; if not unanimous, some sovereign to be selected by the two governments as umpire, etc. The whole thing, he said, was wrong, contrary to instructions, must be sent back. The members were surprised and made in quiries into the points of difference. He did not make himself clear, but said he would prepare and submit a dispatch at the next Cabinet-meeting. I was more inter ested with the distressed looks of McCulloch and Brown ing than with the muddy exposition. They had evidently expected the Alabama claims were about adjusted. I re- 1868] PROTOCOL ON ALABAMA CLAIMS 469 marked that I had not expected the English Govemment would ever consent to a reference of those claims to a com mission, that I had now little expectation the claims would be paid, that the commission was closely locked up. Sew ard said he would have better terms. I asked if all claims of either party since 1853 were submitted, including prizes and captured property. Seward did not give me a direct answer, and some incidental question from McCulloch furnished him an opportunity to drop it. When we left, McCulloch and myself came down to gether. He expressed his regret that there should be de lay in this matter, for the country would be disappointed. I told him I expected no settlement of those claims during this administration, — certainly not in our favor. November 25, Wednesday. Admiral Farragut and wife arrived late last night and are stopping at our house. They are both well and enjoy these excursions and their friends. He is guileless, simple-hearted, and as sincere as he is brave. Mrs. F. is devoted to him, proud of him, and very social. Received a note this moming early from the President, who vrished me to call on him. Found he was anxious about the treaty. Wished my views. Said he desired to accept and send in the treaty without fail, and he knew not why this was not in good shape. I said that I thought Mr. Seward had no disposition to hasten decision, that I had never supposed him much in eamest in this matter, and that as things are with us, he probably wished to prolong the negotiation. The English had never admitted they were responsible, and were so confident they would not be held responsible that they sometime ago had consented to arbitrament, but Mr. Seward had requested they should also submit their govemmental action. This they had refused, and I had expected they always would; but theyhad surrendered the point, though in a way that hedged them in against any advantage to us. I told him I was not 470 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [nov. 25 sanguine we should get anything, whoever might be the negotiator. The President requested me to read the three articles aloud, and we commented on each. I remarked it was difficult to come to a conclusion, for Mr. Seward care fully abstained from presenting his points, and we knew enough of the EngUsh to be aware they did not intend to be overreached. I asked if Seward had been with him on this subject and frankly stated the case. He said he had, and would be in again vrith a rough draft, and have his dispatch fully prepared by Friday. "Then," said I, "we shall have the case in full. Let us wait." November 26, Thursday. Spent the day at home socially with Admiral and Mrs. Farragut. The President and Mrs. Patterson dined vrith us, in company vrith the Admiral and Mrs. F. and Admiral and Mrs. Radford. November 27, Friday. Mr. Seward read his letter of instructions to Reverdy Johnson. They were not ap proved by the President nor any one of the Cabinet. I had expected he would have the support of Mr. Evarts and thought probably he had consulted that gentleman, but from the discussion I infer neither was the fact. I again inquired how much was covered, — whether claims for captures, destruction of property, prizes, etc., were to be permitted; if so a commission was not desirable. Mr. Evarts thought so too, and said our Alabama claims amounted to only about eight milUons, while the English would probably demand a hundred millions from us. I thought the latter not improbable if naval prizes were included, but should be surprised if our claims were not largest. McCulloch asked Seward whether, ff he could not get better terms, he would accept the protocol presented, but Seward avoided an explicit answer; was confident it would not reach that ultimatum ; the English would give in. The President thought it would be best to postpone a final decision on Seward's dispatch until Tuesday. This 1868] DISCUSSION OF THE PROTOCOL 471 disturbed Seward, who said he vrished to send off a cable dispatch this afternoon, and he should receive an answer in a week which he doubted not would be favorable. Before the meeting closed, the President requested me to go with him into the library, when he asked me what had best be done. Said he wished the subject disposed of during his Administration or that the Senate should be responsible for the delay. I again expressed my doubts whether Mr. Seward was anxious for an immediate dis position; asked what we were to gain by this treaty, — what were the advantages. Told him I had no idea that Mr. Seward or Mr. Reverdy Johnson would overreach the English negotiators. As the subject is in the hands of Sew ard, he would be dissatisfied if overruled by others and his views set aside, and that, if prepared to conform to him, it would be as well to let him have an opportunity to try Reverdy Johnson farther. This seemed to relieve him, as I supposed it would. On our return to the council room he told Seward to send his telegram and get his answer ff he could in a week. November 28, Saturday. When at the President's to day, relative to some Marine appointments, he reverted to the discussion yesterday. I asked him if he really under stood Seward's object; why he did not press the matter of the Alabama claims upon the British Government him self, and compel it to admit the rightfulness of the claim; why refer the principle to a commission. The English never, in my opinion, would have submitted to arbitra tion the attack on Copenhagen. Our claim should not be classed with theirs. November 30, Monday. The Attomey-General has given an opinion on the eight-hour law, and the payments under it, which is a specimen of attorneyship unsurpassed. If he is wiser after investigating the subject, he has imparted none of his wisdom to others. LXIV Report on the Pacific RaUroad — The New York Evening Post on Vander bUt and the Merrimac — The Alabama Claims — Congress assembles — Senator Trumbull makes an Unreasonable Request — The President's Annual Message and its Reception in Congress — Proposal to annex San Domingo — Attomey-General Evarts and the Law relating to Courts Martial — Grant's Probable Course as President — Discussion of the Finances of the Country — Fox's Conversation with Admiral Porter — Formal Acquisition of League Island for the New Navy Yard — Bowles of the Springfield Republican arrested at the Suit of Fisk — Relations of Grant with President Johnson and Members of the Cabinet — Cabinet Discussion of the Currency Question — The End of an Eventful Year. December 1, Tuesday. Most of the session of the Cabi net was consumed with reading a long report of the com mittee to examine and report on the Pacific Railroad. They report the road well built in the main, but that it vriU re quire six and a half millions to put it in proper order so far as built, — Muddy Creek. ^ December 2, Wednesday. Read final proof of my eighth and last Annual Report as Secretary of the Navy. It has been an irksome task. The composition of a report is more laborious than five times that quantity of ordinary writ ings, — so much detail, examination, comparison, etc., etc., with such a multitude of documents and statistics. But the work is done. Have had great assistance from Faxon. The newspapers are in quite a ferment over the case of Dick Meade, ^ who is in the lunatic asylum. Great sym pathy is expressed for him, none for his family. They, more than he, have suffered from his malady. I have for * In the southwestern comer of Wyoming. ' Richard W. Meade, U.S.N. , retired in 1867 as commodore, brother of General Meade. 1868] VANDERBILT AND THE MERRIMAC 473 some time been aware he had an unbalanced and erratic mind. It is painful that his suffering wife and chUdren should be dragged before the pubhc and misrepresented. December 3, Thursday. Had a letter from G. V. Fox in closing a slip cut from the New York Evening Post, giving credit to Stanton and VanderbUt and ignoring the Navy Department in relation to the Merrimac when she came out of Norfolk. The falsehoods are so palpable that it would seem no one could be deceived by them. Neverthe less false impressions are made on the pubhc mind. It is represented that Stanton's scouts had brought him word that the M. was coming down; that he sent for VanderbUt, who came on, went to Hampton Roads, asked the naval commander if the M. was coming, etc., etc. Stanton was not informed by any scouts, but I was; and expected the Monitor would be on hand. Fox went to Hampton Roads to meet her. Stanton was the most frightened man that I ever saw. He telegraphed to North ern Govemors and the Mayors of the principal cities his alarm, imparted his fears to Mr. Lincoln and all who saw and hstened to him, created a panic, was vexed at my cool ness. But aU this was on the day after the Merrimac had come down and sunk the Cumberland and Congress. He had not sent for VanderbUt, nor had he done anything before, for he knew nothing, expected nothing. It was an uncomfortable day for me, but I had no panic, and when I heard, as I did by telegraph (which was in operation from Fortress Monroe on that dark Sunday for the first time), that the Monitor was there, I felt relieved and was at comparative ease, while Stanton was flying about, really very much scared, and mad because I was not. He did telegraph, that night, I think, or the foUowing day, to VanderbUt, for he had no faith in the Navy officers nor me, nor any one else, but he knew VanderbUt had big steamers. VanderbUt came here and was closeted with Stanton in regard to naval and military defenses and the 474 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [dec. 3 security of Washington. They called on Mr. Lincoln, as he informed me. The bluster and management of Stanton made the panic seriously ridiculous. The steamer Vander- bilt and VanderbUt himself went to Hampton Roads; the steamer remained there two months or more, out of abund ant precaution, and so did the Baltic, and two or three other large and expensive steamers, but Mr. Vanderbilt's military services were earUer dispensed vrith. Stanton's scare cost the country more than half a milUon dollars. All his work and expenditure were after the Monitor had its fight, and had driven the Merrimac up Elizabeth River. But the lies and falsehoods sent out like this article in the Post make up history in these days. December 4, Friday. Seward expressed great confidence to-day in the success of Reverdy Johnson vrith his plan. I asked what the plan was. "Does it," said I, "embrace claims of Englishmen for cotton and other property cap tured or destroyed during the War?" He repUed emphat ically, "No, it does not." "And, of course, this shuts off any claim for prizes condemned in our courts," said I. "Shuts off all," said he; "they do not come vrithin the treaty." I was in this matter explicit, and have given, I beUeve, the words which each of us used. He went on vrith some other remarks, — that nothing which could come vrithin our admiralty or local jurisdiction was to be considered, and that they suffered like other belUgerents when vrithin enemy's limits. I hope his representations and under standings are all correct. It is a relief. The Pacific Railroad folks are here in force. Do not like any checking-up on their subsidies. Browning submitted a statement from Mr. Williams, showing that the man agers have received seventeen milUons more than they have expended. Still they are distressed for more money. Mr. Evarts thinks they might be accommodated by the Government. Talks like an attorney for them. 1868] CONGRESS ASSEMBLES 475 December 5, Saturday. The combination of newspaper correspondents centred here in Washington is an unscru pulous and corrupt combination. There may be and there are a few exceptions. For some days past these feUows have been busy vrith schemes to beg, bluff, steal, bribe, cheat, and in anyway get copies of public documents which are to accompany the President's Message. They almost Ued McCulloch out of his senses. Schofield caved in without a struggle and surrendered. Says General Grant advised it, who unfortunately knows no better. I would have nothing to say or do with them in a matter so improper and disrespectful to the President, who by the Constitu tion communicates information to Congress. Of course extra pains have been taken to get hold of my Report. In to-day's Tribune there is published what is caUed a sjmopsis. It is, undoubtedly, made up from one sheet and no more, stolen from the printer's. This probably was pro cured by a bribe to some poor printer, who perjured him self, broke his faith, and if found out, would forfeit his place. Such is the morality of the New York Tribune and of newspaper correspondents. The President informed me this p.m. that his Message was not fully completed. He is, he says, bothered with the Treasury statement of the public debt. The point which bothered him does not seem obscure to me, but I could not satisfy him. December 7, Monday. Congress assembled. Both houses pretty full. The President informed them he would trans mit his Message on Wednesday. I took to the President my Report and documents in duplicate for transmission. Randall was therewith copies of his Report just completed, but had not the appendix. I was glad the President de layed his Message until Wednesday and so told him. Randall says the Members are very uneasy and intend to do but little. 476 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [dec. 8 December 8, Tuesday. Senator Trumbull called this moming. We had about ten minutes' pleasant conversa tion, when he said he called principally in regard to an extension of leave to Midshipman Webster. He had writ ten me yesterday and received a reply that it could not be granted. I explained the case. Twelve midshipmen came home on the Franklin. Immediately after the vessel ar rived I directed that the midshipmen should have leave, and as the vessel did not go out of commission and was to be in port two months or over, six midshipmen should have one month's leave, and then they should relieve the other six, who should have like leave. Of course I could not give an extension of two weeks to one and deny it to the other eleven, unless there were special reasons which would make it an exceptional case. Mr. T. said there were no special reasons, but he had inquired and understood that I had sometimes extended leave. I told him not one of them had such extension. He said he did not mean these midshipmen, but extension was sometimes granted to offi cers. I said that was true in isolated and exceptional cases when the extension could be granted vrithout injury or marked favoritism, and there was reasonable ground for gratifying it. "Why, then," inquired he, "cannot Ihave an extension for this boy?" "Because," I replied, "there are twelve on the same footing, and aU must be treated alike; a leave to one would be unjust to eleven others, would cause discontent and work harm. The young men must have even-handed justice and be treated alike, and if so treated they would be satisfied, but special favor to any one would have a bad moral influence and impair the authority of the Department." He manifested at once great ill-temper. Said he asked no favors of this Administration; he had, however, humil- ated himself to request that a midshipman should have two weeks' leave of absence, as his vessel would not sail for a month or more, and it was refused. He would not have humiliated himself to ask it but for the fact 1868] AN UNREASONABLE REQUEST 477 that the boy's mother had attended Mrs. T. in her last sickness. I said that was considerate and kind on his part towards the lad, but surely he would not on that account wish me to break in on the rule and govemment of the service under the circumstances. He grew more excited, said he did not want to break regulations; he asked a favor for only one person; perhaps the Department would want a favor one of these days. He asked no odds. It was in his power to embarrass or annoy the Navy Department as much as the Department could annoy him. I told him he could hardly mean all that he intimated; that we were not here to annoy but to assist each other, and he ought not to exhibit the feeling he had; that I, perhaps, had not been fortunate enough to make the case fairly understood, and I would call Commodore Jenkins, Chief of Bureau of Navigation, who would state the facts and my course and principle of action. I sent for Commodore J., who has immediate charge of midshipmen, to whom Mr. T. presented the case a little strong, and was informed almost in my words of the cir cumstances, and told in his (J.'s) opinion no one of the boys ought to have an extension; that others were making similar applications and were denied. Trumbull still con tinued unreasonable, and I saw expected to carry his point by covert intimations and boisterous dissatisfaction. I therefore with some emphasis assured him that I must do my duty without favor, and if he did not, or would not, see the impropriety of giving to one of twelve six weeks and restrict the other eleven to four, I could not help it. I must do right, and maintain regulations, without par tiality or prejudice. He lowered his tone, but went off in a dudgeon. The President read, or rather Colonel Moore, his Secre tary, read his Message to the Cabinet this p.m. It was in print and I concluded had been seen by no one of the heads of the Departments. The document will be distasteful to 478 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [dec. 8 the Radicals and some portions of it not acceptable to the Democrats. His views on Reconstruction are sound. On the subject of finance he is not successful, but inexcusably weak and erroneous. This scheme to remodel the Consti tution is neither nice nor wise, striking down, as it does, some important features of the federal system. The lan guage and tone of the document are good, but the deter mined stand which he continues to maintain on matters when he differs from Congress will be assailed. Each head of a Department furnishes a synopsis of his Report which the President usually embodies or furnishes with sometimes a complimentary expression of his own. This has been the case with both Presidents Lincohi and Johnson on every occasion of an Annual Message. Seward has taken more than usual space this time. But little was said by any one when the reading was concluded. I think there was on the matter of finance and the Constitutional Amendments a feeling of disappointment and regret with all. When that portion which relates to the Navy was read, the President, referring to the exception taken to the reduction of interest from six to three per cent on the naval pension fund, said, "Congress has set the example, declared what the interest ought to be on the public debt. " McCuUoch said three per cent would pay the Navy pen sions. I remarked it was bad faith and unjustffiable. Mr. Browning, after a little time, got up and came round to the President, congratulating him on the ability of the Message; said he heartily approved every word of the first part of the paper, but that he did not indorse the proposi tions to amend the Constitution. No other member gave expression to his opinion. We could hardly do it unin vited, and the President asked no criticism, could make no change, for the document is in print, and is to be pre sented to Congress to-morrow. I would not say to the President that I approved all the first part of the Message, though there is much that I do approve and commend. But I am opposed to repudiation in any form, or any 1868] THE PRESIDENT'S ANNUAL MESSAGE 479 tendency to bad faith towards public creditors or others. I unite with Browning in disapproving the proposed Con stitutional Amendments. The President is not a financier, does not consider his project a breach of faith, but a suggestion or plan to dispose of the debt. It is the plan essentially of Butler and others. But the President will be violently attacked on that part of his Message, which is assailable, because in that way his opponents can vent their spite for the wholesome lecture administered on Reconstruction. December 9, Wednesday. As I anticipated, Congress ventUated its rage against the President. His Message, in its soundest portions, annoyed them. They felt his rebuke and knew they deserved it. Conness, who is innately "vulgar; Cameron, who is an imconscionable party trickster; and Howe, cunning and shrewd but not profound or wise, had their sensibiUties aroused. The President had no business to insult Congress by communicating his opin ions. It was indecorous to the Senate, and they would not permit it to be read. So they adjourned in a huff. The House permitted the Message to be read, and then denounced it as infamous, abominable, wicked. Schenck, the leader, was against printing, and others of about the same calibre ranted. They attacked most violently that part which suggests payment of the bonds not in conform ity vrith the original understanding. It is the most weak and indefensible. December 10, Thursday. The Senators have recovered their senses, and quietly submitted to the reading of the Message, after an exhibition of folly and weakness that would discredit a party caucus. All seemed ashamed. The House, however, prints only the legal number of the Mes sage and documents, — no extras. These displays of puerile anger by the legislative body are ridiculous. Men assuming to be statesmen, who are 480 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [dec. lo Senators if not legislators, are led away by such fellows as Conness and Cameron. They must all hang together. It is really pitiful. Their inconsiderate spite will have the effect of insuring for the Message a pretty general reading. December 11, Friday. There was little done by the Cab inet. Seward read a proposition to the effect that San Domingo wished to come under the protection of the United States. In the present condition of the country there can be Uttle done. Radical partyism must have its insane, shal low run. The real interests of the country are neglected, and it would be unvrise to attempt to consider the subject now, if ever. Neither San Domingo nor Africa, if an nexed or admitted, would strengthen the Union. ' Mr. Attomey-General Evarts has been engaged through the week in endeavoring to demonstrate the constitution ality of legal tenders, — that paper which is irredeemable in money, the equivalent of coin. When McCulloch ex pressed a wish that the Court would decide that only gold and silver were legal currency, — that irredeemable paper is not money, — Evarts said we had just got rid of civil disturbances, but we should be thrown into something worse if we did not sanction the right of the Govemment to issue paper money. He evidently thinks that he and the Court can patch up a system better than the Constitution. A rigid adherence to the fundamental law would be temporarily an incon venience and hardship, and therefore the wise lawyers must contrive to get round it. This man, like Seward and that class of politicians, has no political convictions, no fixed political principles. It is unfortunate for the country that there is such a preponderance of lawyers in our pubhc councils. Their technical training and extensive, absorb ing practice unfit them to be statesmen. They are ready to take either side of a case for a fee, and will labor as earnestly for the side which they know to be wrong as for the right. Their influence is often bad. They will, for party 1868] EVARTS AND COURT-MARTIAL LAW 481 ends, warp and pervert the plainest provisions of the Constitution. I have had for several weeks a perplexing case. A cap tain's clerk betrayed his principal, — treacherously ex posed his correspondence to the King and authorities at Honolulu. The Solicitor charged him with unofficial-like conduct, of which he was convicted and sentenced to ten years' confinement at hard labor in the penitentiary. No man can be sent to the penitentiary by a naval court martial, except for a capital [sic] offense under the statute. No one ever has been. Of course it became necessary to set the sentence aside. The Solicitor had his professional pride touched, claimed the court had the right to sentence to the penitentiary, and requested that the opinion of the Attomey-General might be obtained. Although the case was clear, I acceded to his request. The opinion of the Attomey-General was asked; considerable time elapsed before the opinion was received, when, to my astonish ment, it sustained the sentence. I called his attention to certain inconsistencies and fundamental points with which he was in conflict. He seemed embarrassed, said he would examine the subject thoroughly. I requested he should do it himself, for I told him the opinion which he gave me came from the SoUcitor of the Navy Department through Assistant Attomey-General Ashton. He admitted Ashton prepared the opinion. I told him I had heard it before Ashton ever saw it. I then added that the law was prepared under my own eye in the Navy Department; it was intended that none but for capital offenses should be sent to the penitentiary. After meditating for weeks, and pondering over the stat utes, he writes me he is confirmed in his opinion, it is strengthened by my adverse suggestions, etc. All of which means that Ashton, Bolles, and himself have studied to make a plain case obscure or to pervert it. To-day I put before him the military and naval laws, passed contemporaneously, one on the 16th, the other on 3 482 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [dec. li the 17th, of July, '62. He seemed, and was indeed, sur prised. Said he was aware of no such law; that it was ex plicit ; that his attention had never been called to it. Said I could dispose of the case by disapproving the sentence; that I had better do it. Now it is no plainer to me, nor to any fair-minded man, under the military law than under the naval law. The military were in the habit of sending soldiers to the penitentiary. The Navy never did. Con gress, to put an end to the military practice, prohibited the sending any person to the penitentiary except for capital offenses, by any court martial. The law officers of the Gov ernment, it seems, knew not of the law, and put their heads together to make law, and to defeat the statutes. To do this they had no regard for personal rights, — were ready to make me instrumental in throvring a poor fellow into the penitentiary against law and usage. As a class, lawyers do not respect personal rights, are not statesmen or good administrative officers. December 12, Saturday. The President is disappointed vrith the manner in which his Message is received. He did not expect Congress or the Radicals to be pleased with his reiteration of his views on the question of Reconstmction, but he had an idea that his financial suggestions would take with some of the Radicals. Not one, however, has yet stepped forward to defend him, and his friends strive to apologize and explain away his singular views. Colonel Moore asked me my opinion of the Message. I told him it was, like all the President's documents, calm, deliberate, statesmanlike, but his friends would not unite on his financial propositions, nor his proposed Constitu tional Amendments. The clamor of the stupid and ill- mannered dunderheads in Congress, and newspaper cor respondents and partisans out of it, who denounced the Message as infamous, and denied his right to lecture Con gress, or in plain words give an opinion against their party schemes, was absurd. 1868] GRANT'S PROBABLE COURSE 483 There are many, and some very whimsical, rumors and speculations concerning Grant's policy and Cabinet. As regards poUcy and measures, he has none. He can no more foreshadow, or anticipate, or design a course of political action than he can make a speech to a popular audience, or a plea of abatement, or a sermon on total depravity. Yet he has shrewdness and a certain amount of common sense, with avarice, selfishness, and ambition. Of the structure of the government, and a proper administration of its affairs, he is singularly and wonderfully ignorant. For personal rights he has as little regard as for the Constitution, — cares nothing for either. He has sustained all the wicked and vicious legislation, so violative of the Constitution, of the rights of the States, and of individual rights, which disgraced the last and present Congress, and has really no idea that the Constitution is any more re straint upon him as President than as General. He may be taught better by his friends, may learn the civil duties of Chief Magistrate, may apprehend and comprehend the powers and limitations of the fundamental law; but he does not now understand them so well as the generality of his countrymen and is stupidly indifferent to them. Nev ertheless, he is not destitute of judgment which, with a low order of common sense, enables him to get along by riding on the opinions of others and making them his own. Be cause he does not know the fundamental law or the stat utes, it must not be supposed that he disregards them, unless they are troublesome. . . . Horse-flesh has more charms for him than brains or intellect. He likes Bonner for his fast horses, not for his sharp transactions and business qualities. The race-course has more attractions for him than the Senate or the council room. He loves money, admires wealth, is fond of power and ready to use it remorselessly. . . . He does not in tend to labor like a drudge in office, does not propose to study public affairs, has no taste for books or intellectual employment. If I mistake not, he designs to let his Cabinet 484 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [dec. 12 perform each his own work, like department military commanders. He will approve or disapprove, Usten when convenient, but leave investigation and almost entirely the decision to them. Appointment of his friends to office is the extent of his ideas of administrative duties. . . . December 14. Had a Uttle talk with Senator Hendricks this morning on naval matters and political affairs. He is sensible and judicious, one of the best and most useful Members of Congress- Commodore Meade has been turned loose from the lunatic hospital by Judge Sutherland of New York. The press has been used to set him at Uberty, and the court yielded. Meade is certainly crazy at times and ought long since to have been cared for. When arrested, he had five or six loaded pistols, and threatened the lives of several of his own family and others; among the latter, I understand was myself. He is, with all his bluster, a great coward, and therefore will scarcely harm any one, yet, should he kill, no punishment can be inflicted, for it would be proved that he is a lunatic. The Radicals are not inclined to do much business this session. There is a disagreement among themselves, a want of confidence in each other, and they fear a spUt on almost any important measure that may be considered. December 15, Tuesday. Seward says that vrithin six weeks — probably less — after the 4th of March he in tends to be in the City of Mexico; that he will not remain one day in office after the expiration of Mr. Johnson's term. He has, probably, an understanding with Romero, late Mexican Minister. December 16, Wednesday. Admiral Dahlgren is too timid and selfish for his position. He will not, ff he can help it, give an opinion on any subject involving the slight- 1868] CONGRESS AND THE RAILROADS 485 est responsibiUty, for fear he shall in some way compro mise himseff, yet he is covetous of all honors. He wishes the navy yard here. I should be wilUng to put him al most anjrwhere, were I to remain. As it is, will make no change. Rear-Admiral BaUey called last evening. He also wants the navy yard; has been intriguing for it through McCulloch, who is a family connection. Not being suc cessful, now asks me to introduce him to the President. I understand his object. Told him there were others de sirous of the place who never yet had a na"vy yard. But he is regardless of the rights of others when they conflict with his objects and vrishes. He has been much favored and has little gratitude. December 17, Thursday. December 18, Friday. Browningread parts of reports on different railroads. The Government and people have been terribly swindled and plundered by schemers. Con gress has been lavish in subsidies, grants, corporations to favorites, and all sorts of favors for party ends. These are some of the means by which the prerogatives and rightsi of the Executive-have been crippled and the character of the govemment changed./ Seward read part of a memorandum concerning troubles in Corea and the project of a treaty vrith that country, which cannot at this time be effected. I said we were better vrithout a treaty than with one; that the case of the General Sherman, which had been destroyed in the Ping- Yang River, called for no action by the Govemment. This whole subject has been investigated by the naval authorities on that station and reported upon. The object of Seward is, I perceive, the future. He avails himself of naval in formation to place on record a statement of the facts, as if the results of reports to him and of his investigation. December 19, Saturday. There has been some discus- 486 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [dec. 19 sion on the finances in Congress, and also in the news papers. Almost the whole that I see is crude absurdity. Morton of Indiana has submitted propositions, and made a speech which exhibits some ingenuity and talent, but, if sincere, they evince little financial knowledge or abil ity. There are some clever things, of course. I do not, I confess, read much of the shallow, siUy trash that appears in the debates. There is not, so far as I can perceive, a single financial mind in Congress. Most of the editors are perfect blockheads -on the subject. The more ignorant give us the most words. Senator Doolittle is beginning to bestow attention on financial matters. He made some inquiries of me this even ing. I told him I had given the subject very Uttle thought for years. It has been painful for me to do so, from the time Chase commenced issuing irredeemable paper and making it a legal tender for debt. Where the crude, unwise, and stupid management of party schemers and speculators is to lead the country, God only knows. We have no fixed standard of value. Everything is uncertain. There is a redundant currency, all of irredeemable paper, and though Radical leaders may at any time increase it and make what is bad worse, there is no coin in circulation. In this, as in almost everything else, the country is drifting, and the government and all sound principles are Ukely to be v^Tecked. Morton is said to be fishing for the Treasury, but it would be a source of regret to see him appointed Secretary, yet I know not who Grant can select. There is talk of E. B. Washburne, who has no capacity for the place. He can — and so could any thick-headed numbskull — oppose appropriations without judgment or discrimina tion, but this affectation of economy from a notoriously mean man is no qualification for a financier. The whole pack of Radicals are, as I expected they would be, fierce in their denunciations of the President for his suggestions, yet many of their leaders have made quite as exceptional propositions. 1868] THE FINANCES OF THE COUNTRY 487 The President did not intend repudiation, although his financial scheme renders him hable to be so represented. I was sorry he made it. His scheme is virtually a plan to extinguish the public debt by paying the interest for six teen years and a fraction. But the creditors are entitled to the principal. If our financiers will bring around specie payments the debt can be reduced; loans at reduced rates could be negotiated to advantage. But there is no proposition yet made to effect the first, and until that is done we cannot expect to accomplish the other. So long as the Govemment discredits its own paper, there will be no resumption of specie payments. The first step to be taken is to stop the issuing of any more fractional currency. Call it in ; burn it up. The vacuum will be sup pUed by specie, which will come when invited, treated respectfully and according to its worth. Let the second step be a prohibition against all paper money below five doUars. This might be gradual. Coin would take its place. Specie vrill come when demanded. Supply and demand in^ this, as in other matters, will regulate themselves. These steps cannot be taken without an effort. Values are to be estabUshed and prices brought to a proper standard. They are now inflated. We are not to get a retum to specie . payments vrithout some embarrassment. But the move ment can be made, and carried much sooner and easier than is supposed. Senator Morton's plan of hoarding- specie until 1871 is ridiculously absurd. Instead of hoard ing in the vaults of the Treasury and the banks, let it go into the pockets of the people when demanded for ordin ary business transactions. Then there will be a basis for resumption. The gold and silver would be retained in the country, for here the demand would be greatest, until there was a supply. To discredit its own paper, compel it to be received as money and in payment of debt, and sell the specie which it collects is bad govemment. While the practice is pur- 488 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [dec. 19 sued we cannot expect resumption. Our wise Congress men think they can order resumption by law without any strain or pressure on the public, but they are careful to fix a distant day, and before it arrives they know and in tend it shall be further postponed and abandoned. If they would forbear persecution, hate, and oppression of the South, let war cease when none but themselves make war, give us real peace instead of constant strife, develop the resources of the country, they will contribute to the restora tion of confidence and a stable currency. December 21, Monday. Fox, who was at my house last evening, says he had a long conversation with Admiral Porter yesterday. He says Porter is a seriously sick man; that, in regard to a place in the Cabinet, he has never had an intimation or word from Grant. It is his wish to have a board of admiralty on which he may have a place. Probably he is fishing for both positions, and wUl be satis fied, for a time at least, with either. Fox says he asked P. if he understood the object of Edmunds' proposition to exclude Army and Navy officers from civil positions. P. said it was aimed at Schofield. F. told him it was more direct at him (P.). It is as much at Grant as either. Porter tells Fox that C. F. Adams will be Secretary of State. This may be so, but P. knows nothing about it. Simmer is much disturbed with this rumor. The truth is Grant him self does not know; he has little knowledge of men, of public affairs, or of his approaching duties. Reverdy Johnson is doing neither himseff nor the country credit in England. By last accounts he was corresponding and dining with Laird. There is, in much of his conduct, and especially in this, a degree of serviUty that is disgusting. Laird ten years ago was professedly an intensffied aboli tionist, — could not use sugar or anything else that was the product of slave labor. But when the slaveholders attempted to break up the Union to serve slavery. Laird hastened to help them. To injure the Union he was re- 1868] ACQUISITION OF LEAGUE ISLAND 489 conciled to slavery, and to fill his pockets was ready to serve slave-owners. December 22, Tuesday. The Mayor of Philadelphia, Mor ton McMichael, with a committee of the Council, made a formal call to present a title-deed of League Island. Some complimentary remarks were made by the Mayor, and a gen eral conversation took place. There was an obvious desire on the part of the committee that the proceeding should be more formal than I cared for. It was an opportunity for re viewing and reciprocating compliments, for we had each earnestly and persistently labored to consummate the trans fer and acceptance of this location for naval purposes. But while the Mayor was pleased to bestow upon me high com mendation for my action, and I was willing to award to the PhUadelphians proper acknowledgments for their munificent donation, I cared not to spend time or words on the sub ject. The place is eligible for naval purposes beyond any other locality that I know of, and in advising its acceptance I have been actuated only by a sense of duty, and yet for years I have been denounced and have received the most ungenerous abuse for faithfully discharging an honest duty. Professor Bache of the Coast Survey first called my atten tion to League Island. Congress, on my recommendation, voted to accept it, provided a board of officers deemed the situation available, but Senator Foster inserted a proviso that New London should be examined by the committee which the Secretary of the Navy might appoint. I se lected a board of such officers as were available without prejudice or partiaUty, for the duty was plain and re quired no mental effort. But a majority of them were naval officers who felt disposed to oblige me, and, knowing I was from Connecticut and partial to New London, they made choice of that place, which was destitute of some of the required advantages that were sought, in preference to Philadelphia, which possessed them. They were, more over, old-time men, with old notions that a naval station 490 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [dec. 22 should be near the sea. The result has been a long and angry effort on the part df a few speculators in New London to substitute that place for League Island, or the Phila delphia Yard. I was slandered and defamed because, a citizen of Connecticut, I would not give in to their schemes, and in consequence of their opposition the acceptance of League Island was postponed for years. Subsidies to Pacific Railroad were discussed in the Cab inet. Evarts was in their favor; Browning yields. The President, while doubting, has been seen, and the result is this monstrous concern controls all. I thrust in a doubt or two, but they were of no avail. December 23, Wednesday. Sam Bowles, editor of the Springfield Republican, was arrested and confined a night in Ludlow Street Jail, New York, at the suit of Fisk,^ one of the Wall Street adventurers, who is largely concerned in the Erie Railroad. The arrest and confinement was a sorry exhibition of petty spite on the part of Fisk that will injure him more than B. in the end, though the latter had been severe and cutting in his remarks. His paper is, how ever, more correct and more enlarged in its general scope and management than almost any of the party to which it belongs. A great outcry has been made by the whole press over his ill-treatment, which was scandalous enough, but most of those who are so indignant had no mercy or com passion for the hundreds who were seized and thrown into prison by Stanton and Baker,^ or later by the satraps of the South. December 24. A general clearing-out has taken place in anticipation of Merry Christmas. But few Members of Congress remain in the city, and many in the Departments have left. A dispatch from Rear-Admiral Davis of the South ' James Fisk, Jr., better known as Jim Fisk. * General Lafayette C. Baker, Chief of the Secret Service. 1868] GRANT AND THE PRESIDENT 491 Atlantic Squadron gives but little additional information concerning Paraguay, but from what he says I infer he has no great apprehensions as regards Bliss and Master- man.^ The papers announce the arrival of Webb and Washburn at New York, and we shall soon have fulmina- tions and declarations from these worthies. Seward has gone to Auburn with the British and French Ministers to spend Christmas. All his movements in these days are for political party effect. But his lifelong and de voted friend is reported a confirmed invalid, and he there fore cannot count on the assistance of Weed, which has been for him always potent and effective. December 28, Monday. The papers announce that Gen eral Grant leaves Washington with his wife to spend the New Year's Day in Philadelphia; that he does this to avoid calling on the President on that day according to custom. He has never called on the President, nor ex changed a word with him since the deception which he practiced in the Stanton matter and his detection and ex posure. I apprehend he has neither called on nor spoken to any of those who witnessed that occurrence; he has not with me. The President-elect proposes to fight truth; is mad that he was exposed. The correspondence be tween the President and General Grant ought never to have taken place. Certainly the President should not have permitted himself to be drawn into such an altercation, but having done it, we who were witnesses could not do otherwise than state the truth. I should not say that Grant had not spoken with any of the witnesses; Seward, who equivocated after having explicitly and unequivocally confirmed the President's statement, has debased and be littled himself to get in communication with Grant. The papers in Seward's interest speak of his being continued as ' Porter C. Bliss and George F. Masterman, United States citizens con nected with the Legation at Asuncion, arrested and confined on the charge of being Brazilian spies. 492 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [dec. 28 Secretary of State under Grant. Ido not believe it, or that any influence can be brought to make G. sincerely consider it. He never liked Seward and must despise his twistings and hesitancy to affirm what he had asserted and knew to be true. Seward and Weed may have flattered them selves with the idea that Grant could be persuaded to continue him. Grant is malignant and revengeful, is wanting in gener osity and magnanimity, for President Johnson showed him great favors and consideration. But for Seward, I question whether the two would have had their disagreement; Seward's temporizing policy and advice brought about misunderstanding, though unintentionally. It has been surprising to me that Seward, whose views are so unhke President Johnson's, should nevertheless have been so potent and influential in many essential matters. Seward procured the retention of Stanton for more than a year after the President had determined to dismiss him, and he succeeded in bringing Evarts into the Cabinet, and thereby strengthened his position. The two combined are powerful, and, when acting together, they usually carry their points. Yet neither of these men has eamest convictions, — honest, fixed pohtical opinions. They believe in expedients and believe they can best frame expedients. They trust to their own cunning rather than to right principle to effect a purpose. Both have ability. E. has the best legal mind and knowledge, yet he follows Seward, who has official standing and exper ience, — is a precedent and authority for E. Stanbery called on me last Thursday. He is looking very well and expressed himself hopeful, though unable to see how the country is to be extricated from the evils and mismanagement in which we are involved. December 29, Tuesday. Quite a discussion took place on the subject of the currency at the Cabinet-meeting. The President insisted, positively and with sincerity. 1868] THE CURRENCY QUESTION 493 that specie payment might be resumed to-morrow without difficulty or derangement, although believing that gold and silver, like other commodity, is regulated by demand and supply, provided there were no paper substitute. I could not assent to the feasibility of an immediate re sumption vrithout causing some embarrassment. It might be less, perhaps, than was generally believed, but whenever we did return to a specie standard there would be suffering and hardship. Fasting is essential to the restoration of health after a plethora. McCulloch came in while we were discussing the subject, and he and the President soon be came engaged, the President laying down certain propo sitions which I did not perhaps fully comprehend, to the effect, if I imderstood him, that if twenty-five per cent of the greenbacks were redeemed at once, their place would be immediately supplied by gold. McCulloch con troverted this, said the customs barely yielded sufficient coin to pay accruing interest and the requisitions of the State and Navy Departments. To resume at once, there fore, he declared an impossibility. The greenbacks and paper must be gradually retired, and had not Congress improperly interfered and prevented the withdrawal of the greenbacks, we should at this time have been near the point of resumption. The President insisted resumption could just as well take place now as if the withdrawal had gone on. Schofield protested it would be most unjust to the whole debtor class to resume without previous notice. I asked if injustice had not been already done the whole creditor class by cheapening the currency, by which they received really but seventy cents on the dollar. This view completely stumped Schofield, who evidently had thought and talked on only one side of the question. This subject is one of absorbing interest, and its right ful solution is of the utmost importance. It must nec essarily be attended with some hardships, but less, I ap prehend, than is generally believed. The great body of the supporters of Grant are not hard-money men. They 494 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [dec. 29 belong mostly to the old Whig Party, and, while full of expedients, have no sound or fixed principles on currency, finance, or any other subject. If Grant has any views in regard to currency or finance, they are not avowed or de clared. I doubt if he has any, and should feel quite as well satisfied to know that he had none as that he had, for he may, provided he is well advised, faU into a correct train, if not already committed to some one or more of the many wild and vague theories that are pressed. If he has any opinions on these subjects, my apprehensions are that his notions are crude, and that from ignorant obstinacy he will be likely to aggravate existing evils. The country needs at this time a firm, inteUigent, and able Executive, and he should be sustained in wholesome efforts by a decisive Congressional majority. A wise pol icy persistently adhered to is wanted. Our Members of Con gress are so weak and uninformed themselves — such dema gogues — that they will give way on the least pressure of hard times, and fluctuate and surrender to any demand for a change of policy, to obtain relief. If the Executive and Congress yield to the cry of more paper money, give up and sell the gold, and try a new path, it wUl be a "ricious one and there will be no hope. The standard, or measure of value, must be maintained to insure stabUity and con fidence. December 30, Wednesday. There was, last (Tuesday) evening, an interesting party of two or three hundred young folks at the Presidential Mansion, called thither to meet the grandchildren of the President in a social dance. It was the President's birthday, he being sixty years old this day. The gathering was irrespective of parties, and all were joyous and festive. General Grant, the President elect, would not permit his children to attend this party of innocent youths, manifesting therein his rancorous and bitter personal and party animosity. Not much that is good can be expected for the country from such a character. 1868] THE END OF AN EVENTFUL YEAR 495 December 31, Thursday. The closing hours of the year are stormy, with the prospect of an unpleasant day to morrow. The year has been eventful, and there is much that is painful in the recollection. I speak of political and public affairs. There has been much to impair confidence in the intelligence and integrity of the mass of the people to govem themselves. Under the influence of passion and led on by bad men, they hastily plunge into war. Our Con stitution, or frame of government, is wise and beneficent, ff adhered to and respected. But it is notorious and in controvertible that the Radical Congress, in the excess of party, have trampled the organic law under foot when party ends were to be subserved, have disregarded the fundamental law vrithout hesitation or scruple, assaulted and broken down the distinctive departments of the gov emment, and violated the reserved and indisputable rights of the States. In all this reckless wickedness they have been under party discipline, sustained by the people, and a majority of the next Congress is elected to support their vicious revolutionary proceedings. An amiable, forbear ing, and honest President, striving to uphold the govem ment, has been impeached in party hate, and barely es caped conviction. Representatives and Senators readily forswore themselves, became persecutors of the Chief Magistrate, conspired against him, and committed per jury in obedience to the dictates of party leaders who found him an obstruction to their revolutionary schemes. The President made errors, but they are venial, and he had done nothing to draw dovm upon him these assaults, except that he at first yielded too much to Radical demands, — hesitated and lost. LXV The President's New Year's Reception — Grant's Failure to call on the President — The President decides not to attend Grant's Inauguration — The Naval Surgeons seeking to be made Commodores — Death of General Rousseau — The Tenure-of-Office Repeal Bill passes the House — Seward concludes his Fifty-sixth Treaty — Evarts favors abandon ing Confiscation Proceedings — Senatorial Elections — The Alabama Claims Treaty discussed in Cabinet — Fenton defeats Morgan for the Republican Senatorial Nomination — Seward's Subserviency to Grant — Senator Grimes introduces a BUl to reorganize the Na"vy. January 1, 1869, Friday. A disagreeable, rainy day. The ground covered with snow, save where the heavy rain has melted and washed it away. At a little before eleven went to the President's with Mrs. Welles, my sons, and nieces. Found the house al ready filled with a miscellaneous crowd. The President and famUy had not yet made their appearance. Secretary Seward and Marshal Gooding had, as usual, got every thing confused and without order or system. The Presi dent had said on Tuesday that the Cabinet should be there a quarter before eleven, previous to the admission of any others. Seward, fond of notoriety, of precedence and show, secretly and without authority or consent in"rited the foreign legations there in advance of us, thus, vrith a crowd to look on, throwing everything into confusion. As soon as the President returned to the Blue Room, Seward, who had placed himself at the door to take precedence, called aloud for Baron Gerolt, the Senior Minister. The Baron, who better than Seward knew the proprieties of the day, was not ready, and Seward continued to call aloud, like a crier, for his appearance. His object was to lead in his crowd of some fifty ministers and attendants in advance of his Cabinet associates. I, with some others, passed him still calling for the Baron. The room was already pretty 1869] THE PRESIDENT'S RECEPTION 497 full, and in a few minutes was a jam of Cabinet Minis ters, judges, foreign representatives, and a multitude who had smuggled themselves in under Seward's disarrange ment. After exchanging compliments with the President and his family and other officials and friends, we left and, from meridian until past 4 p.m., received calls. It is a tedious, wearisome time to remain so long standing, interchanging civiUties, and yet is submitted to with pleasure, I believe, by most persons. Except as a matter of duty, I should pre fer to be excused. But few ladies called, the weather was so inclement. Men of all parties and stations in life came, were courteous, and seemed gratified. It is our last official New Year's reception, and I so spoke of it freely. January 2, Saturday. The weather is still unpleasant. Made a short business call on the President. He says General B. F. Butler called on him yesterday; Butler also called on me and I believe most of the Cabinet. It was impudent and vmlgar to intrude himseff on the President, the man whom he had vilified, slandered, and abused, for the President could not, if so disposed, treat him as he deserved. Butler undertakes to discriminate between the man and the President ; says he has no controversy or differ ence with Andrew Johnson, and the Senate, wiser than himseff, have acquitted the President of official misconduct vrith which Butler and his co-conspirators deliberately and maliciously charged him. The President, while conversing freely on Butler's call, was careful to express no opinion as to its propriety or otherwise. He says the visit was entirely unexpected, and was prompted as much by the absence of Grant as a desire to be courteous to him. In running away to Philadelphia at this time in order to avoid the interchange of civilities customary among of- ficialsat this season, in restraining his children from the juv enile gathering on Tuesday evening, and in shunning and shrinking from the President, his famUy, and others. Grant 3 498 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 2 was only bringing out in bolder relief his infirmities and vulgar characteristics. His own letters and correspondence developed his want of sincerity and truth, though he af fected to be offended that he had even been doubted m those qualities. If he had any cause to be offended with either the President or the gentlemen of the Cabinet, it was because they had not remained silent and suppressed the truth when he had equivocated and falsffied what had taken place. It is the consciousness of unsuccessful guilt and detected error, as much, perhaps, as weak and unhappy traits of character, which excites his animosity. He is deficient in some of the nobler qualities of mind. . . . Ten years ago he was a porter ... in a leather store; but for the War he would be there still. We concurred as to his attributes and weakness. I sug gested that with his narrow mind and intense maUgnity he might not consent to a pubhc inauguration in our pre sence. The President said he had given that subject a thought or two, and it might be well for us all to go to the Capitol together and leave it together. I asked why we should be present at all. If the President-elect was so dis respectful and wanting in courtesy as not to comply with common customary civilities and call, as was his duty, on the Chief Magistrate whom he was to succeed, I did not feel disposed, and hoped he did not, to be a part of the train on the 4th of March. General Jackson declined to call on Mr. J. Q. Adams when he came to Washington in 1829, and Mr. Adams and his Cabinet very properly declined to attend the inauguration. The President said he was not aware of that fact. It was a precedent for us which he was glad to leam. January 4, Monday. Mr. HubbelP and Judge B of Ohio called on me with an application from young B , formerly a lieutenant in the Navy, backed by a number of prominent citizens of that State, asking to be reinstated ' Probably James R. Ilubbell, Member of Congress from Ohio, 1865-67. 1869] A NAVAL REINSTATEMENT CASE 499 in the Navy. He had been dismissed nearly three years since for drunkenness and worthlessness, or rather had been retired. On a previous occasion he had been court-martialed, convicted, and sentenced to be placed at the foot of the list of lieutenants. Senator Sherman had called earUer in his behaff. The Judge appears to be a sensible man, is re presented as standing high, and I was assured that the ex- Ueutenant had reformed, that the whole Ohio delegation, of all parties, stood ready to sign papers in his behalf, that the President had been seen and was willing to nominate him, and all that was necessary to complete the business was for me to come into the arrangement. It is painful to have these cases presented. There was, however, but one course for me to pursue, and I therefore informed the father and Hubbell that I could not support their views, — that there were no vacancies of lieutenant- commanders, etc. They asked if there were not in lieu tenants, and, learning there was, he was willing to go to the foot of that grade. This I told them was derogatory and would be so considered by every right-minded officer. After a pretty free conversation, they withdrew, but retumed in haff an hour with an indorsement on the ap pUcation by the President, to the effect that he recom mended the case favorably, and, if consistent vrith usage, would, if I sent over the name, forward the nomination to the Senate. I informed the gentlemen that this was embarrassing, but I could not make out a nomination without an explicit order; that I would see the President on the subject to-morrow, but I would frankly inform them I would not recommend it. They were very eamest, again said the whole Ohio delegation would unite vrith them. I asked if the delega tion, vrith perhaps one or two exceptions, knew any more of the young man than I did. Told them where there was no responsibility it was easy to give names. The dele gation were friendly to the father and vrilling to oblige him vrithout regard to the weffare of the service. That duty 500 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 4 devolved on me, and, with feelings as kind and friendly as theirs, perhaps, there was on my part a duty to the service which I could not disregard, and I could not advise the appointment. January 5, Tuesday. I had some talk with the President, as I promised, on B 's case. He said he knew nothing of it, but had turned the parties over to me to dispose of. We had some conversation respecting Grant and others. The President said he had turned over in his mind the sub ject of attending the inauguration since our talk the other day, and he thought we owed it to ourselves to take the ground that we could not, vrith proper seff-respect, vritness the inauguration of a man whom we knew to be untruthful, faithless, and false, — a dissembler, a deUberate deceiver, — who, in order to extricate himseff from the difficulties in which he was involved by his equivocation and intrigues, had attempted to impugn the veracity of all of us. What ever may be said by him, and whatever prejudices and mis conceptions he may, for the time being, spread abroad, we, said the President, know him to be a liar, guUty of duplicity, false to his duty and his trust. Knowing these things, shall we debase ourselves by going near him, and thus assist in giving him a false character? In connection vrith this he brought forward the pub lished correspondence in relation to Reconstruction. Grant had sent in what appeared to be the whole correspondence, but last Saturday the President said he had obtained a letter written by Grant to Sheridan on the 4th of June, 1867, but which Grant had suppressed, in which he told Sheridan to do as he pleased in Louisiana and Texas vrith out regard to the letter of the Attorney-General. That letter, the President said, relieved Sheridan of much of the odium of his action, justffied him in his remark at St. Louis that he acted on the suggestions of Grant, and, had 1869] SURGEONS SEEKING NAVAL RANK 501 he carried out Grant's wishes, he should have gone much further than he did. This letter of the 24th of June Grant had withheld to conceal his treachery and guilt; this suppression itseff was equivalent to a falsehood. January 6, Wednesday. Mr. Hubbell called on me again to-day with a communication headed by Senator Wade and signed by all the Ohio delegation in behalf of B , whom they vrished to be reinstated. This is all done without knovring him. These men would, in sympathy, lend their names to demoraUze the whole service. I shall be glad when reheved from such miserable legislative infiuences. January 7, Thursday. The naval surgeons have for a long period been laboring to be made commodores and to have naval rank. It was known that, while I would give the whole staff personal recognition, I have not favored the schemes of the staff to take rank and title with the line. I therefore have not been consulted in their late move ments by either hne or staff. As there was much contro versy, I was glad to be excused by all of them. The line officers have, many of them, exhibited a want of manly frankness in the matter. They had not the moral cour age to resist what they knew to be wrong. Admiral Far ragut himself, in kindness of heart, has given them an approving letter that conveyed more than he really in tended, which was read on the floor of the House. Vice- Admiral Porter, who is opposed to extending recognition or even justice to the staff, I am told, gave them a favor able letter, but refused to have it made pubhc. O the du plicity and moral cowardice of some of our heroes ! He was here yesterday, and I doubt not his object. It was not to back up his letter, but the reverse. The doctors were in high glee this moming and confid ent of success in the House, but after a short debate the scheme was killed by a vote of two to one, and the whole was laid on the table. The end is not yet. 502 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 8 January 8, Friday. A full Cabinet. Among matters presented, Seward had a long document in regard to St. Thomas which he proposed to send to the Senate. He said it was a statement of the facts. The President did not re quire it to be read. This I regretted, for there vrill be likely to be some misunderstanding. I think that in the present condition of affairs we want the money more than St. Thomas, and the purchase has been inconsiderately pushed by Seward, certainly for no present pubhc necessity or purpose. We received to-day inteUigence of the death of General Rousseau at New Orleans. The Radicals, who forget all merit and all service in any man, however patriotic and de serving, and who have made war on R. and threatened to annihilate his office in order to get rid of him, because he was opposed to their wild notions, wUl now, perhaps, cease their opposition to him. He was brave and patriotic . In the early days of the War, had great and deserved influence in Kentucky, and rendered valuable service there and in the field. He was of the Presidential party in 1866 when we "swung round the circle," and the contrast between his presence and that of Grant — his lofty person and cheerful, joyous countenance beside the diminutive form and stoUd face of Grant — was marked. The crowds, when the two were seen together, were disposed to give homage to Rous seau rather than to Grant, which sometimes mortffied and annoyed the latter. January 9, Saturday. The President to-day spoke of comparing our Reconstruction plans, which were printed on slips and were before the Cabinet in 1865, in April, — Stanton's programme, first ordered by President Lincoln, with my amendments. I had informed the President I still retained my copy. In the aftemoon, an hour or two later than this conver sation, Garrett Davis^ and myself, among other matters, ' Senator from Kentucky. 1869] TENURE-OF-OFFICE REPEAL BILL 503 fell into conversation on the subject of the Reconstruction acts, — the version given by Stanton, etc., — when Davis, to whom I had related certain circumstances, expressed a strong desire that I would give the facts pubUcity. I doubted its expediency at this time, but he finally pro posed with the President's consent to introduce a resolution calUng for information in relation to the early Reconstruc tion proceedings. January 11, Monday. Had another long interview with Hubbell and B relative to the reappointment of the latter to the Na"vy. They dwelt chiefly on the fact that they had got in their behalf aU the Ohio delegation, of all parties. I told them I cared no more about the Ohio dele gation than any other equal number of respectable gentle men, unless they personally knew B and his case. They did not claim that more than two knew him, but Hubbell said B.'s father was a reputable man of great influ ence and it would benefit the President and his friends hereafter. Told him such considerations should have no influence. Colvocoressis ^ also called. His case is hard, I think, but there is no remedy. Wanted to examine the record. Congress, or the House, by a vote of 119 to 47 repealed the CivU-Tenure Bill to-day. This is a comment on Radical legislation, — the honesty, consistency, and regard for the j Constitution of the Radical majority. To embarrass Pre sident Johnson and break down the Executive while being honestly administered by a man to whom they were op posed was the moving cause of their partisan, superficial legislation in that enactment. I shall be glad to see Con gress retum to its duty and the govemment reestablished on right principles, but alas! I fear the latter can never again be restored. January 12, Tuesday. Butler, who yesterday carried the 1 George Musalas Colvocoressis, U.S.N., retired as captain in 1867. , 504 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 12 repeal of the Tenure-of-Office Bill through the House, made his long-promised speech to-day in favor of paper money and against specie. In plain words a preference of false promises over truth. Irredeemable paper is a lie: gold is truth. He is a controUing spirit in this Congress and vrith the Radical party. He is strong-willed when clothed with power; energetic, cunning, unscrupulous, and consequently dangerous; potent for good sometimes, for evil often. There is very little tme vrisdom or good sense in the House on matters of currency or finance. Seward had three or four treaties to send up to the Sen ate. He said, with a self-complacent air of triumph, that they completed the fifty-sixth which he had concluded, — about as many as had been made during the whole previ ous existence of the govemment. I could not resist re marking, "Entangling aUiances ! Our predecessors deemed it wise and prudent to have no more than were absolutely necessary." The remark vexed him. Evarts brought forward the subject of confiscation, which certain robbers. Radical disunionists, are pressing. He thought the subject had been pursued far enough. Seward wished he would make out a schedule of the amount which would probably accrue to the Govemment. Scho field thought this would be prudent in view of assaults that might come from those who stood ready to attack such a movement. I said there had been enough of persecution, — let us now have peace. I vrished the whole confiscating proceedings to cease, — to be abandoned. Browning and Randall concurred. So did McCulloch, but thought it well to guard against attacks. Schofield said ff the whole matter of confiscation had been dropped two years ago all would have been well, and much irritation and animos ity prevented, but as things were now situated, it would be best to let Congress take action on the subject, and decide what should be done. Evarts asked ff that view had not gone far enough. Why was Congress to absorb and take to itself the executive branch of the govemment entirely? 1869] SENATORIAL ELECTIONS 505 Were we doing our duty in yielding everything? This was a rebuke from the right quarter to a "ricious pohcy. I could not forbear giving my voice in approval. Seward seemed puzzled. He abandoned his wish for a schedule. Said it was a mere suggestion. The final unanunous con clusion was that the Attorney-General should abandon his pohcy, and end the suits which had been commenced, so far as it could be done in good faith. This stand by Evarts has surprised and delighted me. January 13, Wednesday. A great struggle is going on in some of the States for Senator, — Maine, New York, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Missouri, Wisconsin, and Minne sota. The Radicals have majorities in the legislatures of aU the States, but are divided among themselves, — not on any principle, but desire for office. In Maine, Hamlin and Morrill are contestants. The Springfield Republican styles the former a dirty-shirt demagogue. Morrill, a man of usually honest interests and intentions, debased himself, — first in the matter of unseating Stockton, and after wards in the impeachment vUlainy. In the Radical nom inating caucus, Hamlin got 75 votes, Morrill 74, and there was one blank. H., having one half the votes, claimed the nomination; Morrill's friends resisted. Good men will be glad to have both defeated. Fessenden, who for years has been aU-powerful in Maine and whose potential view would have decided for either in past years, is said not to have a friend in the legislature whom he can influence, and the suspicion that he favors MorriU hurts that gentleman vrith the Radicals. In New York and Pennsylvania money enters largely into the election, and the longest purse, if freely used, vrill prob ably win in the former. Cameron and the railroad interest have already secured the nomination of John Scott, the at torney for the great central road, a man unknown beyond the limits of his State. The raUroad controls Pennsyl vania, and Cameron has had the adroitness to secure it. 506 DL\.RY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 13 Here in Washington, as elsewhere, money, special priv ileges, luxury, and kindred "rices bear sway, and in the current events of the times we have reexhibited the decad ence of the Republic of Rome and the degeneracy of her people. The press is terribly in fault, — is weak and wicked, often corrupt and ignorant. Flippant and ready writers who read novels and magazines, but who are desti tute of reflection or profound thought, who have never studied the science of govemment, and who are deplorably ignorant of the structure of our own, are the editors and stipend correspondents who lead, or mislead, the people. January 14, Thursday. General Butler's financial speech does not meet the approval of his own party so far as I can perceive. In making the speech he must have had an object, but not a good one. No one but a knave or a fool would take the position he does, and Butler is not a fool. There is, however, very little good sound sense on financial matters in Congress. Indeed, want of statesmanship, want of ability, want of enlightened legislation are daUy more perceptible. January 15, Friday. Seward and myseff were a little in advance of others at the Cabinet-meeting. He told me he had got three treaties signed with Great Britain, and the press was not aware of the fact. One is relative to San Juan, one relates to naturalization or expatriation, one re lates to the Alabama Claims and all claims on either side. I asked if the English were to present claims for loss of property by their people during our Civil War. He said yes. I said such a treaty, including prize captures and cotton, is in every point of view adverse to us. The balance of account will be against us ; but why should we consent to submit to arbitrament at all the destruction of British property sent to assist the Rebels, or which was destroyed within Rebel lines? He said we could not have a treaty unless it included all claims on both sides. But why 1869] THE ALABAMA CLAIMS TREATY 507 permit, or admit, that such property captured on Rebel vessels or in Rebel territory can be recognized as a claim, — a matter of controversy? He asked if we did not claim for the Alabama captures. I answered yes, but that was a very different question. They had improperly interfered against our Govemment, with which they had treaties and were at peace, without cause, to our injury. We had done no such wrong towards them. While, therefore, we had a just and equitable claim, they had none. If they have con sented to arbitrament on the question of British muni cipal law in permitting the Alabama to be built, fitted out, and manned in England, they have done it to get an advantage of us in the matter of sovereignty and other particulars also. When Seward a short time after stated in full Cabinet he had made this arrangement, McCuUoch said the English would make a balance against us. He doubted, however, if these matters would be adjusted in our day, — they would pass down to another generation. Seward was an noyed, but said nothing. He looked at me as if he thought McCulloch and I had had consultation on the subject, which we had not, although we both took the same view. Browning expressed himself gratified that the Alabama claims were specifically mentioned, — a remark which soothed Seward. No other member of Cabinet gave any opinion; but the President said that, right or wrong, we would try it. He and Seward have evidently had previous consultations, and it may be that I have not right impres sions of the terms and conditions. Before we broke up, the President said to me he was so importuned and pressed in B 's case that he wished I would send over a nomination and he would let the Senate dispose of the matter. I told him it would be a singular proceeding, and without precedent; besides the Senate had the subject before it, the Naval Committee had sent to me for the facts. He said he understood it had not got to the Senate, and B 's friends were very importunate. When 508 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 15 leaving, I inquired ff I should send in B 's name for a lieutenancy, or for his position among his former asso ciates who were lieutenant-commanders. He said for Ueu- tenant. Browning, who stood by, remarked that it was against law and usage. It is unpleasant and bad in every point of view that the President should be persuaded into such a proceeding. I ordered the nomination made out and sent when I reached the Department, and wrote a letter to the President that it was by special direction, but Faxon advised against sending it. January 16, Saturday. Wrote a letter to Grimes and Naval Committee and sent documents and charts con cerning Midway Islands m the Pacffic Ocean.^ Stanton has written letters to Michigan for Chandler, and to New York for Morgan, to aid their elections. I can hardly suppose he can influence a vote in either State, — certainly not in New York. Chandler has been nominated, and wiU, of course, be elected. The Radicals at Albany hold their caucus to-night. The contest is narrowed down to Morgan and Fenton, with a general impression that M. will succeed. He has the most money, though F. is aided by M. O. Roberts, A. T. Stewart, and other capitahsts. January 18, Monday. Seward gave a party (dinner) on Saturday to which Grant was in"rited, and which he ac cepted. Thus ends the assumption that he would cut all those who convicted him of falsehood, and Seward has crawled abjectly to the man who for two months has not spoken to him. It is a pitiful exhibition of each. Grant ' Two small islands belonging to the Hawaiian group, but some fourteen hundred miles to the west-northwest of Honolulu. Secretary WeUes in his Annual Report of July 1, 1868, had recommended the acquisition of the islands by the United States on account of a good harbor inclosed between them. They had recently been surveyed by order of the Department, and the harbor was named Welles Harbor. The Midway Islands now belong to the United States, ha-ving been acquired with the Hawaiian Islands in 1898. They are a station of the Philippine cable. 1869] FENTON DEFEATS MORGAN 509 was convicted of an untruth; Seward was identified by letter, word, and thought with all who witnessed the in terview, but equivocated, shuffled, and was false to his coUeagues when put to the test. Grant, who professes to be, and doubtless is, offended because his veracity is im peached, shows his real regard for truth by associating and taking to himself this equivocal and faithless shuffler. Fudge on such pretenders! At the caucus of the Radical members of the New York Legislature at Albany on Saturday evening, Fenton beat Morgan by ten majority, to the surprise of every one. This is the fruit of Morgan's intrigues and labors since he commenced his deceit two or three years since. I am not surprised at this inglorious termination, though disap pointed at the result of Saturday night's caucus. Yet, reviewing the subject, now it is over, it is not marvelous. The papers state that Morgan, who was waiting the result in a private house in Albany near by, on learning the fact that he was beaten, proceeded with all haste to the Delavan House and extended his congratulations to his successful opponent Fenton. This insincere exhibition of magnanimity is despicable. It is well to extinguish ani mosity, not to retain resentments, to honor the success of an honorable competitor, but there is none of this in this case. Morgan has said to me in past years that Fenton was treacherous, a liar, an intriguer, in whom no confidence could be placed. What sincerity was there in his congratu lations to such a man, — one of whom he had such opin ions? Fenton is what Morgan said of him. He is cunning, false, seffish, is no statesman, but a shrewd politician of a bad school, a trimmer, industrious and pressing. Morgan is a preferable man, or was, but he has become sadly debased. No man ever had a better opportunity to obtain a high and honorable name, to have pursued a more quiet and useful career, to have in these days ren dered a greater service, but he has labored to forfeit all, and has succeeded. He knew what was right, but did what was 510 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 18 wrong, and he has got his reward. I am sorry that Fenton is elected, as he is, virtually, but am not sorry that Morgan is defeated.Morgan's course on the Reconstruction measures, be ginning with the Civil-Rights BiU, was unpatriotic, un wise, mistakenly seffish, partisan, and against his con"ric- tions of right. He knew better, for we then consiUted. But his most disgraceful and reprehensible conduct was in the matter of impeachment. When I remember how wickedly he voted to admit improper testimony against the Pre sident, who had always treated him kindly and who had committed no public impeachable offense, and how he servilely, stolidly, and doggedly voted against admittmg truth to be given in evidence which exculpated the Pre sident from false charges, I cannot regret that Morgan is defeated. No one who participated in the infamous con spiracy to impeach President Johnson ought ever to be trusted. January 19, Tuesday. Mr. Seward read his letter to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Senate relative to the proposed consolidation of several missions in South America into one, opposing the movement. I inquired whether it would not be advisable to abolish the Paraguay Mission, or embody it with some other. That country or people has no minister or representative here; we have no residents there, except persons attached to the legation, nor have we any commercial intercourse with Paraguay. Seward thought it important, in order to prevent Brazil from becoming too formidable, that we should continue the mission, though we had no special interest there. I excepted to any such ulterior purpose or supervisorship, which tended to entangle and embroil us and aheady caused difficulty. No one made any remarks on either side of the question, for the reason, I presume, that they had given it but little attention and knew little or nothing on the subject. The matter was dropped. 1869] SEWARD'S SUBSERVIENCY TO GRANT 511 A very sharp and ill-tempered letter from Bancroft to General Dix was read. Napoleon was annoyed by some remark said to have been made at a dinner in Berlin, when B. said that, in the event of a war between France and the North-German States, the United States would favor the Germans, for they had not forgotten the course of France towards us during the RebeUion. The French Minister complained to Dix, who thought B. had been misunderstood, or that, if not, the remarks were his per sonal opinions. But he communicated the complaint to Bancroft, and also wrote Secretary Seward. B. took fire and wrote a sharp letter to Dix, so personally offensive that the latter wUl scarcely have further intercourse with him. McCulloch feels sore and disquieted with Seward for his sneaking subser"riency to Grant. The latter had avoided all interviews with him, as well as with the Pre sident and the rest of us who had witnessed the last inter view between the President and the General, until Seward humbled himself in order to get on speaking terms with the man whom he had declared, as he was, guilty of false hood. Through the instrumentality of Evarts, Blatch ford, Grinnell,^ and others, Seward succeeded in procur ing a recognition, and a consent, on the part of Grant, to dine vrith him. McCulloch considered it not only de grading in Seward, but discourteous and a breach of faith towards his colleagues, and wrong and insulting to the President in whose Cabinet he sat. I agreed with him fully. Randall, who joined us, was full of disparaging remarks of Grant, whom he met at Seward's after dinner on Satur day, but who was churlish, reserved, and vrith whom he exchanged not a word. R. tried to palliate Seward's course; said S. told him he had always kept on speaking terms vrith Grant. This is not true, and I am not to be deceived by the pretense. • Moses H. GrinneU, " merchant prince " of New York. 512 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [Jan. 20 January 20, Wednesday. The President's first season's reception last evening was one of the pleasantest of these gatherings I have ever been at, and was generally attended by the officials of the Army, Navy, and Civil Service. Grant was not there, not was any one of his staff. Only a few of the opposition Members came. Some sense of shame restrains them. January 21, Thursday. Attomey-General Evarts gave last evening a reception. It was extremely crowded. A multitude of Members of Congress were there who were not at the President's the preceding evening. I was pre sent for a short time, but it was so uncomfortably close and crowded that I left early. January 22, Friday. Our reception last evening was very pleasant, and the guests professed and seemed to be highly pleased. We have never permitted party differ ences to influence us in the invitations which we send out, but some of the carpet-baggers and scalawags we did not ask. Van Wyck, a New York Representative, was not invited, because, whatever his position, he is a base and untruthful man with whom I want no association, yet the fellow had the impudence to intrude himseff. General Grant, having through his aide, Badeau, given public notice through the press that he would not attend a dinner given to Mr. Evarts in New York if I and certain others who vrit nessed his equivocation and humiliation when [he was] questioned by the President and he attempted to justify and apologize for his treachery, duplicity, and falsehood [were present], I would not permit myself to invite him, although he is President-elect, and although I am always disposed to treat with attention honorable and truthful public men in official stations, whatever may be their opinions. I should, as a matter of duty, extend to him the courtesies and civilities due to the President-elect, what ever might be my own opinions and convictions of him 1869] THE PAY FOR THE STONEWALL 513 as a man and officer, but he has rendered it impossible. Conscious guilt and abased feeling have influenced him, and self-respect governs me. We are strangers henceforth. Seward handed me to-day a memorandum in relation to the ironclad steamer Stonewall, sold to the Japanese for $400,000, of which they paid $300,000 at the time of transfer, and the State Department undertook to pay [sic] the remaining $100,000 through Van Valkenburg, the Minister. But a ci"vil war prevailed in Japan when the vessel reached that country, and our Minister, sanctioned by the Secretary of State, forbade her delivery, and as sumed to pay the expense of her detention. Seward now wished me to divert over $50,000 from the back pay which is due, to defray the expense which he and Van V. have incurred. I told him I had no authority to make such diversion; that it was due and should be paid; the non-delivery of the steamer was not a naval act; we were in no way re sponsible for it, etc., etc. He wished me to take the memo randum and consider it. It is a specimen of a certain kind of management and maladministration of which I cannot be the willing vdctim. I doubt if the money will ever be paid to the Navy or covered into the Treasury. January 23, Saturday. Had letters to-day from Rear- Admiral Davis of the South Atlantic Squadron relative to the difficulties with Paraguay, which he appears to have adjusted, and Bliss and Masterman, who were reported to have been tortured and murdered, have been delivered safe and sound on the deck of the Wasp. There has been a vast amount of empty indignation and ignorance ex hibited by the press and the public men in this matter, and our Ministers, Webb and Washburn, have demon strated unfitness for their position in regard to it, now as well as previously. Called with my brother on the President this evening and had an hour's conversation on various matters. He 514 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 23 has sound and correct views, is honest and patriotic, but has not the tact, skill, and talent to wield the admin istrative power of the government to advantage in times like these, with a factious maj ority in Congress against him. The opposition, managed by wicked and unscrupulous conspirators, aided by fanatics, has grown up on sectional hate and become powerful, while the Administration, de voted to reconciliation and peace, has fallen away and become feeble. January 26, Tuesday. I sent yesterday a letter to Seward returning a dispatch from Mr. Harvey, Minister to Lisbon. In the dispatch the Minister denounces naval officers for making purchases of Messrs. Abecassis, whom he vihfies as Jews, adventurers, tavern-keepers, etc. The monopoly of trade has been long previously enjoyed by certain Amer ican officials, who gave the trade to favored parties and received therefor a high commission. The brothers Abe- cassis made sales at less rates than those fumished by the officials, and hence their offense. It was first said the Abecassis could not sell coal at the rates charged vrithout cheating or unless it was a stock owned by Rebels. Now, since we had so supplied ourselves from Abecassis, it is said that coal can be bought cheaper. The Minister has, patriotically or for some cause, taken upon himself the supervision of the naval officers, and is violent against the Jew interlopers who have disturbed old arrangements. Admiral Farragut, Fleet Paymaster Bradford, Com modore Smith, and others speak highly of Abecassis; so do the Portuguese Minister and others. I have little confidence in Harvey, who was a mer cenary correspondent here prior to, and at the commence ment of, the RebeUion, a tool of Seward's who gave notice to the Rebels of the expedition to Sumter, and had his reward in the mission to Lisbon. His animosity and per sonal feeling betray themselves in his letter, and show unusual interest in contracts for a Minister. 1869] BILL TO REORGANIZE THE NAVY 515 The President gave his first State dinner for the season. There were present the Cabinet Ministers and their fam ilies, vrith those Senators who voted against impeachment. Fessenden and Grimes were not present. The former attends no parties, and Grimes is not well. Nevertheless, it is probable other reasons may have influenced them. Although these two men voted against impeachment, they are both strong Radicals and unvrilUng to be identffied in any manner with the President. It may injure them with their party. They seem not aware that they are aheady marked and for the time doomed men, or that the Radical organization, while it continues, will not recognize them or admit them to fellowship. These two Senators usually act in concert. Whether they would have declined a State dinner by the President-elect is a problem. Mr. Trumbull, who attended, left the table early, — long before the din ner was over. He had time to see who were his associate guests, and who were absent. After leaving the Presid ent's, Mrs. W., her sister, and M. C. went with me to the weekly reception of Sir Edward Thornton; his parties are pleasant and not overcrowded. Most of the foreign minis ters were therewith their famiUes, Chief Justice Chase, etc. January 27, Wednesday. Senator Grimes yesterday introduced a bill to reorganize the Navy. He did not con sult me in regard to it, nor show me the bill before intro ducing it, as usage and courtesy would seem to require, especiaUy if the bill comes from the Naval Committee. There are many things in this bill which I approve, and I am, on the whole, glad I was not consulted and have none of the responsibilities, and consequently ought to receive the blame of no one. StiU I shall be censured by many who will feel aggrieved ff the bill becomes a law, because they wUl very naturally conclude that, coming from the Naval Committee, I was consulted, — probably thmk I advised and prepared the bUl. I had, when we were together at Portsmouth last summer, one or two conversations with 516 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [jan. 27 Grimes, and some of my views are, I perceive, embodied in the act he has introduced. But I had no explanation of it then, and some of his propositions I do not indorse. January 28, Thursday. The correspondence in relation to Paraguay is published, or so much of it as Mr. Seward deemed proper. Some of Webb's rant is omitted. A few weeks since, our impetuous, heedless, almost senseless press was boisterous for war and fight. The Navy was de clared to be too slow and indifferent because it did not bombard their cities and take possession of their harbors, nine hundred mUes in the interior of South America. January 29, Friday. Had last night our last public reception. It was largely attended by a pleasant company, irrespective of parties. The company, male and female, was select; civil, naval, and military officers "with their families, and Members of Congress were present. McCulloch wants us to send a naval vessel to Alaska to protect the seals from extermination. Our appropria tions are so reduced by Congress that we have no super numerary force to aid the revenue department in that quarter. Seward said to-day that the Senate had confirmed a treaty with Mexico for adjusting claims vrith that country, which was the same, in words, vrith the Alabama Treaty. I asked if it involved the same principles, — whether we had a sunilar difficulty with Mexico as vrith England. S. did not thank me, I saw by his looks, for the inquiry. He said we had unrequited claims upon Mexico, which were left to commissions. But there were no national wrongs and a grievous injury inflicted or winked at by that Govem ment, said I, no controversies involving questions of public law analogous to that we had against England. He said all disputed points involved questions of public law. I perceived he did not wish points raised, but he invited them. He says there is an authorized agent here from San 1869] HAMLIN DEFEATS MORRILL 517 Domingo who vrishes that country to be annexed to the United States, on whatever terms we please. One of the Japanese princes wishes to sell out his territory to any one who wiU buy it. January 30, Saturday. Sent a letter to Senator Grimes in relation to defects in the appropriation bUl. My inten tion has been not to urge corrections after the full and explicit statements in my reports and other documents, especially as the Committee on Appropriations have not, in their partisan spite, the courtesy to consult me. But Faxon thinks we had best keep ourselves right on the re cord, and there is regard for the service and my successor, whoever he may be, that ought not to suffer from the faults and follies of his hasty friends. It is a misfortune that a man so ignorant, so wanting in civility as well as intel ligence as E. B. Washburne should be in the position he occupies. Stockton has been elected to the Senate, whUe Morrill of Maine, whose vote unjustly displaced him, is defeated by Hamlin. While I am sorry that Hamlin is elected, I am not sorry that Morrill, for whom I have had special re gard, is defeated. He and Morgan have, I am constrained to believe, voted against their convictions in the impeach ment conspiracy and usurping measures of the Radicals, and they have each got their reward. LXVI Students of Georgetown CoUege visit the President — John P. Hale as Minister to Spain — General Schofield advocates consoUdating the War and Navy Departments — President Lincoln's Clemency towards the Defeated South — Did Grant and Sherman act under Instructions from him in making the Terms of the Surrender? — Senator MorriU of Ver mont compliments the Administration of the Navy Department — Insurrection in Cuba — The Butler and Bingham Factions among the Radicals — General Dix resigns as Minister to France — Hawley urged for Grant's Cabinet — The Panama Canal Treaty — Grant's Nepotism — Simeon Johnson and Coombs's Claim — Johnson's Ignorance of the Duties of the Departments — Grant's Cabmet stiU in Doubt — The Question of goveming Alaska — The Course to be foUowed by President Johnson and his Cabinet on Inauguration Day. February 1, Monday. The students at the Roman Cath olic college in Georgetown visited the President this mom ing with their instructors. By arrangement of Father McGuire on Saturday, the Secretary of War and myseff were to be present. The President notffied us a Uttle before eleven, and I went over, but the Secretary of War did not come. The young men appeared very well, and their speakers, in a few brief remarks, well expressed, addressed the Pre sident, who replied at great length. Had his speech been but one third the length, he would have acquitted himseff with credit. He dwelt on the Constitution, the importance of limiting men in office, and of observing vrith scrupulous fidelity the fundamental law. General Grant, President elect, I am told, declined to receive the young men. February 2, Tuesday. The papers publish a letter of John P. Hale, Minister to Spain, complaining of the Sec retary of Legation, Perry, and attacking Seward, who, he represents, is concerned in improper speculation with P. He probably does S. injustice, but I could not forbear tell- 1869] J. P. HALE AS MINISTER TO SPAIN 519 ing Seward that he deserved all the good things Hale might say of him. Seward said he was unfortunate in some of his appointments, — alluding to Hale and Nicolay,^ Consul at Paris, whom the President inclines to displace. I, with out alluding to Nicolay, told him Hale was unfit for the position of Minister, was undeserving of it; that during the whole War, most of which time he was chairman of the Naval Committee of the Senate, he had, as Seward well knew, thwarted and opposed the Na"vy Department and tried to cripple and embarrass my efforts; that this was so palpable and so offensive that the Senate, without any re quest or motion from me, felt compelled to displace him; that his State refused to reelect him, although the legisla ture was overwhelmingly of the same party. In the face of all this, he (S.) had appointed Hale to a first-class mission abroad. I did not regret that he was manffesting his true character towards the Secretary of State. Seward did not deny, but admitted, that Hale was his selection. When the appointment was made, he put it on Mr. Lincoln, but I never doubted who was the author of that appointment. February 3, Wednesday. The marriage of General Com stock to Bettie Blair, which had been on the tapis for some time, took place to-day. Comstock is on the staff of Gen eral Grant; Bettie is the daughter of Montgomery, and niece of General Frank Blair, Democratic candidate for Vice-President. This brings the Blairs into court influ ence. Grant attended the wedding at church, and by some blunder got into the same seat as Mrs. Patterson, the President's daughter, and her husband Senator Patterson. Mrs. Grant was at Commodore Lee's party, the uncle of the bride. We met, but without recognition. Boyer of Pennsylvania, who is on the Military Com mittee, teUs me that General Schofield, Secretary of War, was before the committee to-day and advised the consol idation of the War and Navy Departments under one head. ' John G. Nicolay, Lincoln's Private Secretary. 520 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 3 This is a natural sequence of late measures, — a repetition of history long since told. A simple govemment is a mil itary department with one head; a republic is clumsy and troublesome. The Radical Congress, by usurpation, has undertaken to destroy the executive, one of the three constitutional departments of the government, by de priving the President of his rightful powers and to confer them by legislative enactment on the General of the armies. A Radical general was made Secretary of War. It is not strange that he should come to the conclusion that power should be consolidated, and that it should be vested in the military head, instead of the Constitutional Executive. My only surprise in this is that Schofield, who is shrewd and not frank when he is likely to be affected, should have expressed himself so far on the subject. I apprehend he did not expect it would get abroad, but was a supposed quiet effort to plant the seeds of central, despotic mihtary feeling. They are undoubtedly his convictions, and to those who have little faith in public intelligence and virtue, who believe in a government of form and not of opinion, who dislike the turbulence of elections, and who prefer the cahn, quiet regularity of despotism, the views of Schofield wiU be acceptable. Much can be said on that side of the ques tion, but men have not the courage to express their con victions if they are supposed to conflict with the directors of popular sentiment. It appears to me that, were I a centralist, I would openly avow it. I have no hesitation in saying I am opposed to the whole modem scheme of Congressional aggression, and that I have less faith in the exercise of general executive power by the legislative body than by one responsible head. February 4, Thursday. A telegram brings tidings of the death of my brother-in-law, John Mulholland Hale, who died this morning of typhoid pneumonia at Reading, Penn sylvania. His death is a great loss to his family and friends, and to them his loss is irreparable. He was endowed with 1869] LINCOLN'S TERMS TO THE SOUTH 521 great business capacity, and his life and principles were exemplary. Mrs. Welles, Mrs. Morgan, and Edgar left this evening for Reading to attend his obsequies and pay the last earthly duties to the departed. There was to have been this evening a large but select party at our house, which the death of Mr. Hale prevented. Forty-one and a half years ago, in the month of July, 1827, I alighted from the stage-coach in Lewistown, and among a crowd of men and boys I selected a black-eyed lad vrith a large black mole on his cheek, as my cousin John. He was a sturdy boy of twelve. After twoscore of years eventful to both of us, he has closed life's journey, and I must soon follow. February 5, Friday. Seward read the last of the tart and not very creditable correspondence between Bancroft and Dis. I have some time since ceased to be an admirer of these men, and this correspondence fails to restore my for mer high opinion of either. The weakness of a driveler and the impertinence of a pedagogue are the characteristics. Montgomery Blair tells me of an article which ap peared some four or five weeks ago in Wilkes' paper, ^ which he says was prompted by Grant. It relates to the terms of capitulation at Appomattox Court-House, and of Johnston to Sherman, which the article avers were pre sented by Mr. Lincoln to the two generals at Bermuda Hundred, when he was there in March, 1865. Blair called my attention to this article in Wilkes' paper in consequence of some remarks of mine, stating the sub stance of an interview which I had with Mr. Lincohi, soon after his retum from Richmond and only a day or two be fore his death, in relation to the authority he had given to General Weitzel to caU together the legislature of Vir ginia in order that they might repeal their secession ordin ance and enactments. I may have in my notes mentioned this matter. Lest I have not, — for I find many most > George Wilkes's Spirii of the Times. 522 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 5 important events are omitted, while some of little con sequence are mentioned, — I now state it. The proclamation, or order, of General Weitzel for re assembling the legislature of Virginia in the early part of April was received with great indignation, and was de nounced by Stanton, Speed, and others. Although it was authorized by the President, he was, on his retum to Wash ington, greatly annoyed by their opposition, and he either sent for me or in a business interview brought up the sub ject, and asked my view of it. In reply, I questioned the policy of his movement. He said his object and intentions were to bring about harmony and reconciliation at the earliest moment, and he should not stickle about forms; that it seemed to him best to meet the Rebels as men and countrymen who were to be trusted; the legislature was composed of leading men from the several counties, who must have a local influence, and he believed ff theywere to come together and undo their ovsoi work, it would hasten amicable feelings and better satisfy them and ourselves also. I suggested that they might not when assembled counsel submission but combine to resist. Besides, in recognizing them as a legislature, was he not giving them character and power never yet conceded them? There was, moreover, a skeleton organization under Pierpont, which we had tried to vitalize and maintain. How could we recognize another? The President said he had no fears of any further at tempts at resistance, — they were too thoroughly whipped and exhausted, — but there might be something in the other suggestion that we were countenancing the Rebel organization. He did not think much of it, however, but public prejudice must be considered, and the maimer in which the movement had been received by Stanton and others had caused him to hesitate and he had wanted my views, — complimenting me for calm consideration when others were impulsive. I related this interview to Blair, and remarked that I 1869] CENTRALIZATION SCHEMES 523 had long ago come to the conclusion that Sherman in his terms to Johnston had acted under instructions received from President Lincoln at City Point, and that the clem ency of President Lincoln was probably the cause of the mUd conditions extended by Grant to Lee and for which Grant takes credit. Blair tells me that the article in WiUces takes the same view. February 6, Saturday. The schemes for centralization are becoming stronger and increased in number in Con gress. Suffrage is to be wrested from the States and made national. Corporations are being multiplied and by the legislative branch of the government special privileges are granted to all the favored who ask. The government is being perverted, and its character destroyed. There is a strange conglomerate in the Senate, where arrogance, assumption, corruption, littleness — everything but states manship and vrisdom — are to be found. Lawyers of some smartness, like Edmunds of Vermont, and Howe of Wis consin, but who have not cahn, fair, deliberate minds, — necessary qualifications as legislators and statesmen, — profiigate fellows, like Nye and Pomeroy and Stewart; and expediency men, like Morrill of Maine, Ferry, Cattell, and Sherman; cunning, unscrupulous managers hke Butler and Cameron, preyail. It is useless to enumerate further. February 8, Monday. Senator Morrill of Vermont in a conversation to-day complimented my administration of the Na"vy Department in terms that were as unexpected as agreeable. The economy as well as efficiency was com mended, and the country, he said, would in time do me justice, notwithstanding the abuse that had been so abund antly and persistently inflicted for years. February 9, Tuesday. Seward read a long dispatch to the Vice-Consul at Havana, who is clearly with the revolu tionists in Cuba and wants our whole squadron there to 524 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 9 give them encouragement and perhaps aid. The accounts which we receive from Cuba are very contradictory. Under the censorship which the Governor-General has established, and the extraordinary efforts to suppress inteUigence in regard to the rebels, with whom there is but little outside communication, we cannot expect much reliable information. February 10, Wednesday. Congress to-day counted and declared the Presidential votes. There was nothing novel or interesting in the proceeding, save that certain States were excluded. The tmth is. Grant is elected by illegal votes and fraudulent and unconstitutional practices. He would not have had a vote south of Washington but for the usurping and inexcusable acts of Congress. The folly of the Democrats North in nominating Sey mour insured Grant's election and gave encouragement to the outrageous legislation to help them. Further schemes to tinker the Constitution are before Congress, and the Senate sat the whole night of Monday to force through the measure then before it, giving suffrage to negroes and fools by the Central Govemment in total disregard of the rights of the States, and of the funda mental principles of our system. How far these schemes are to be pressed, and whether they can be averted in season to save our system of govemment, is yet to be seen. February 11, Thursday. It seems there were some not very creditable proceedings in Congress yesterday when the two houses were in joint session, followed up by the House after the joint convention was dissolved. The sub ject has been continued and discussed to-day, though vrith less heat and rancor. Still there has been sufficient to show the antagonisms in the Radical Party which must break out before Grant shaU have been long in office. The hate between Butler and Bingham is intense. Both are un scrupulous and unprincipled; both are cunning and adroit. 1869] BUTLER AND BINGHAM 525 Butler has most talent, most will, most daring and per sistency; Bingham is more subtle and deceptive, has more suavity, is more snaky and timid with less audacity. Most of the members are with Bingham at present. He has also Stanton and Grant — who are afraid of Butler — to support him. The difficulties yesterday grew out of the Radical intrigue and viUainy to exclude the vote of Georgia, and treat her as out of the Union. These revolutionary and wicked proceedings are having their effect in more ways than one on their authors. I do not see how Grant, if he has the comprehension, which is doubtful, can reconcile these differences, and before his Administration will be haff served out, serious calamities are likely to befall the country. February 12, Friday. Seward sends me a letter from Harvey at Lisbon, showing a disposition to be impertin ently offensive and intrusive in the matter of purchases for the European Squadron. I directed Admiral Radford and the officers of the squadron to exercise their own judgment in obtaining supplies, regardless of Mr. Harvey. General Dix notifies of his resignation of his place as Minister to France, to take place in about two weeks. It will be well if others will imitate his example. We have a very feeble set of representatives abroad. Not unlikely Dix expects or hopes for a Cabinet appointment. He is an old political soldier. February 13, Saturday. The Congressional Committee officially waited on General Grant and informed him of his election. In reply he made the commonplace response which any ordinary person would make for a smaller office, of doing his duty, collecting the revenue, and practicing economy. This will, of course, be taken up and paraded as wonderful and most satisfactory by toadies of party, but when General Grant comes to act, he wUl, like others, do and fail to do. He wiU not be likely to enslave himself like 526 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 13 President Johnson, who has crowded the White House with clerks, and has rooms filled with records and files, but, while laboring on details and little matters of a clerical nature, and which belong more appropriately to the De partments, the weightier and more important concerns must suffer. Grant will generalize, if he does anything, and therein will do better than President Johnson, but most likely will tum over his duties to others, for he is inexcusably ignorant of the structure and workings of the Government. Marshall JeweU, the Radical candidate for Govemor in Connecticut, has been here for a few days in behalf of General Hawley. The effort is to put Hawley in Grant's Cabinet. Jewell got an interview vrith Grant through General Terry. In this interview JeweU took occasion to speak of the favorable influence on the Radical cause which would follow the selection of a Cabinet officer from Connecticut. He wished to insure his own election, and he wished to carry the First Congressional District. Grant said he perceived Dixon was to be a candidate in that dis trict, and hoped he would be defeated; said he had read the resolutions of the Radical State Convention and liked them. The Radicals are not satisfied with Grant. The Demo crats, in their folly, are trying to persuade themselves that he is as much their man as he is of those who elected him. Butler's demonstration on Wednesday was not successful. The Democrats could, perhaps, have made it so. The re sult is hard and distrustful feelings among the Radicals, but Butler is audacious and Bingham wiU yield. February 15, Monday. Caleb Cushing has retumed with a successful treaty, it is said, for a ship canal across the Isthmus. We shall have particulars, I suppose, by to morrow. There have been, and probably still are, some extensive private speculations in this movement, and some political and personal intrigues connected with it. 1869] GRANT'S NEPOTISM 527 Seward expects great glorffication and perpetual fame from it, — smoke, not substance. February 16, Tuesday. The President sent the nomina tion of one of the Dents ^ to the Senate for the Chilian Mis sion in place of Kilpatrick, one of Seward's and Weed's pets, who has been here for six months lecturing and speech- making through the country. The appointment of K. to that mission ought never to have been made. I so said in the day and time of it, but the President yielded to Seward and has been sorry ever since. I know not who prompted the nomination of Dent, but it is injudicious. It is rumored that Butler instigated it. Not unlUiely, but the President should not lend himself and office to seffish schemes of Butler nor any one else. Grant has been active in getting all of his relatives as well as those of his wife in place. His father is postmaster, his son a cadet, and how many brothers, brothers-in-law, etc., etc., in office I know not. Why the President should volunteer to send one of the tribe to Chili I am not advised. I regret such movements. No good can come of such temporizing. I would neither court Grant nor embarrass him, and some petty sugges tions in relation to appointments have found no favor vrith me. The Senate refuse to confirm necessary appointments. Two pension agencies, one at St. Louis and one at Brook lyn, are vacant, and great trouble and difficulty will ensue if there is no agent to make those payments which come due in March. But the Senate is recklessly partisan, and regardless of the necessities of pensioners when party ends are to be served. February 18, Thursday. Simeon Johnson, who is one of the board to revise the laws, appointed in place of Caleb Cushing, has been once or twice to see me in relation to a 1 Judge Louis Dent, one of Grant's brothers-in-law. He was not confirmed by the Senate, and Judson Kilpatrick continued in the office. 528 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 18 claim of Coombs for the steamer Louisville. Early in the War, Coombs, by some contrivance, got a permit from President Lincoln to go within the Rebel lines to trade. The Rebels seized the steamer, sent her on one or more trips to New Orleans. In the mean time, our Navy having captured that place and the river squadron coming down from the North, she could not be used, and the Rebels took her into Red River and laid her up. Then the force under Porter a year later captured her, had her appraised under the law, and took her into service. The case was sent to the Southem District in Illinois for adjudication, and was, I think, first condenmed as good prize, which was the fact. By some legerdemain she was subsequently condemned as captured or confiscated property, and the captors were awarded salvage, receiving about $12,000; the appraisal of the vessel was about $68,000. At a later period the court, without notifying the Department or the captors, reopened the case, had a new appraisal by parties in Springfield without their ever seeing the steamer, and had her valued at $150,000. For three years. Coombs, himself first and since by numerous agents, including Guthrie when Sen ator, Montgomery Blair, Eames, and various parties less worthy, male and female, has prosecuted this claim. Doubtless mention has been made in prevdous data of this diary of the proceedings. Johnson, who now comes, is a special friend and supporter of the President, and for that reason has the job. He was an editor of the Union under Buchanan and is an old claim agent. The call to-day was the second or third he has made on me with a request that I would send the case to the Fourth Auditor or Second Comptroller, or both, for adjudication or decision. I asked him what he meant by such a request. He said his object was to get a final disposition of the case; that he had had one or two interviews with the Second Comptroller, who thought it a clear case, and was ready to take it up and act whenever the Navy Department would submit it to him. If Johnson is sincere, it was an extraordinary application. 1869] DUTIES OF DEPARTMENTS 529 I expressed my astonishment at this gross ignorance of this intelUgent man on most subjects on mere routine duty, and his manifest want of knowledge ©f the powers and duties of the Departments and of the organization and principles of the govemment. He was abashed and em barrassed by my remarks, but at first made a stand and cited the course of the War Department and Third Auditor as his justffication. I asked him if his ideas of administra tion placed the Executive and the Departments under the control and direction of the accounting officers of the Treasury, — if he supposed that cases arising under the Departments and which it was the duty of the Secre taries to decide were subject to appeal and finally to be adjudged and disposed of by an auditor or comptroller or any other subordinate. He said no, but the duties of a head of Department were executive, not judicial. I said they were administrative, ministerial, executive, and if we erred, the remedy was with the courts, or Congress, not vrith the accounting officers of the Treasury. The strange, inexcusable ignorance which prevails among intelUgent men in regard to the working and organ ization of the govemment is amazing. I do not believe it to be ignorance on Johnson's part, whatever may be his protestations. Johnson says Attomey-General Evarts is no better informed than he is; probably not, and Mc CuUoch, I know, submits to the ignorant assumption of the First ComptroUer, who claims a supervision over the Departments. February 19, Friday. Seward says he intends to leave Washington on the 8th of March and go to Aubum. The President appears to think that the Cabinet should aU go out at noon on the 4th of March. This is my wish, and I beUeve that of most of the members of the Cabinet, and yet there is an apparent impropriety, if not a positive wrong, in abandoning our posts until there has been a reasonable time for our successors to quaUfy and take upon themselves 3 530 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 19 the duties. There is some embarrassment in the case, re sulting from Grant's conduct towards those of us who wit nessed the inlterview between him and President Johnson a year since, when his insincerity, deceit, double-dealing, duplicity, and want of truth were apparent, when, in plain words, he was detected in a deUberate falsehood. He affects to be in a miff because we stated the truth in regard to that interview, and has had intercourse with none of us, except Seward, who has demeaned himself and played an equivocal part to conciliate the little high official. For one I want not his favor and shun not his wrath. I do not wish to come under his orders, nor would I be dere lict of duty or propriety because he is vulgar. It would be unpleasant to remain one day in office under his ad ministration; it may be wrong, however, to leave imtil a successor appear. No intimation is yet made as to any one of the next Cabinet. There is nothing remarkable in this, though many think it strange. I doubt if Grant has fuUy deter mined in his own mind. It is not usual with him to make up his mind definitely until the last moment. He is com monly considered, or has the name of being, a judge of men, or that he knows those whom he can use. RawUns, Sher man, Sheridan, and others, all men of ability, he favors and encourages because they defer to him, have really made him what he is, and do not permit themselves to obstruct him or be in his way. George Thomas, Rosecrans, Han cock, and others are not favorites, though tolerated, and the latter he feels to be in his power. Mixed with jealousies and aspirations, he has constant suspicion and inveterate enmities. He is fond of power, never refuses or declines it, loves wealth, accepts and encourages gifts, is sly, shrewd, cunning, secretive, ambitious, and selfish, with some exec utive, but little administrative, ability ; knows how to ap propriate and avail himself of the talent and labor of others. At present he is cajoling the Democrats by letting them hope he may favor them and not the extreme Radicals. 1869] THE GOVERNMENT OF ALASKA 631 The Radicals distrust him and have apprehensions that he may go over to the Democrats. By these manoeuvres he strengthens his position; he weakens the Democrats and brings the Radicals into subjection. McCulloch brought up, as he has once or twice previ ously, the question of goveming Alaska. No govemment has yet been established there by Congress, — the Mem bers are busy in efforts to confer power and privileges on the negroes. Some conversation took place. I suggested that there need be no difficulty, — General Sickles, or one of the Reconstruction mihtary govemors, might be sent there, who embodied in himself all govemmental author ity, legislative, executive, or judicial. This touched Scho field shghtly, who again sneered at jury trials, asked if they had not better be established in Alaska, contrasted the ready nuhtary method of administering justice in the Southem States, vrith the slow, unending process of jury trial, when a verdict was matter of chance. February 20, Saturday. The President spoke to me sev eral days since in relation to the "Copper Bill" which had been presented to him for approval. I expressed very fully my disapproval of it and of the system of corpora tions and special privileges which Congress is estabUshing. He said he coincided with me, and I find the bill wUl be vetoed. Mr. Grimes, Chairman, has addressed me a letter from the Naval Committee concerning the transfer of a govern ment vessel for a school ship, to a charitable association in New York. Sent him a pretty full reply to-day. « Took occasion to express my repugnance to such donations, or uses, of pubhc property, while I am eamestly friendly to having and training young seamen. Regretted that Con gress at its last session had discouraged the apprentice system. Am importuned, as my exit is near, by retired officers for promotion. The old commodores are, many of them, ex- 532 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 20 ceedingly anxious to obtain the advanced grade. I am not surprised at it, although I cannot assist them. Congress has embarrassed the Department and excited these move ments by heedless legislation. I am also sadly troubled on the other hand by the President, who kindly yields to the appeals made to him and would, I verily believe, promote all, and pardon all. Had some talk vrith the President in relation to inaugur ation day. Something was said a few days ago about his going to the Capitol and remaining to the close of the ses sion to sign bills, etc. I advised him to do no such thing, but to remain at the White House and discharge his duties there. Unlike preceding inaugurals, the next Congress would assemble on the 4th, — there would be no interrup tion of business. He should, therefore, put himself to no special inconvenience, and was not requested to do so. February 22. I inquired how he was to dispose of him self, if at the Capitol at 12 meridian on the 4th prox. Would he go on the platform with the man who had de ceived him, been false to his trust, and who had insulted him (the President) because he had detected and exposed his falsehoods? Would he leave the Capitol and go down the steps in view of the throng of partisan spectators, who would be there assembled to witness the triumph of this ignorant, "vulgar man ? Would he think of leaving the Capitol by any other door than the one by which he en tered? To me it was plain he could not go near the Capitol on that day and preserve conscious seff-respect. He assured me he would not ; that he would close up his Administration in the room where we were. I do not think he can be persuaded to a different course, though Seward and others, fond of show and parade, vriU urge him to form part of the pageant. February 23, Tuesday. I asked Seward, whom I found in the council room alone this noon, when he proposed to 1869] PLANS FOR LEAVING OFFICE 533 leave the Cabinet and Washington. He said his resigna tion would take effect at noon on the 4th of March, and that he should leave Washington that day. This would be personally agreeable to me, but I queried as to the pro priety of abandoning our posts before our successors appeared, and were qualified. Later in the day, and in the evening at General Schofield's, where we all dined, the sub ject was renewed. McCulloch and Browning were very decidedly in favor of continuing at their posts until their successor appeared. Browning said he wished to be very civil and courteous, and proposed, if his successor was a man vrith whom he could associate on any terms, to go in his carriage and invite htm to the Department, introduce him to the clerical force, and initiate him as to his duties. I said, while I would omit no proper courtesy, I was not prepared to make, unasked, any such unseemly concession; that it would, in my view, be demeaning myself, and while I would receive my successor affably and kindly, I would not run after him. Mr. Evarts inclined to the opinion that we should wait and induct our successors. Seward and RandaU were very emphatic that they would not remain one moment after the termination of President Johnson's term, — that ff the third of March expired legaUy at meridian on the 4th, they then would leave. After this discussion, my impression is that, under the circumstances and with a man like Grant, we had best all go out vrith our chief. The Government and the country need suffer no detriment from our resignation and retire ment vrith the President. All is under the control of the President, who can, by dispensing with forms and parade, take the oath at twelve and at once appoint his Cabinet. He can retum proffered civility with churlish discourtesy, and would be likely to do it. I perceived there are move ments for a session at 3 p.m., and I also noted, in our discussion to-day, Schofield remarked that the President elect could, under the prescribed laws, be as well prepared and make his appointment of cabinet officers on the day 534 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [feb. 23 of inauguration as at any time. The subject has obviously been under consideration. February 24, Wednesday. Attomey-General Evarts called in behalf of a friend. Chaplain F , who wanted waiting-orders pay instead of furlough pay. Read to him the laws and told him I had no doubt he was receiving the legal pay. He said the Comp troller and Auditor thought differently, but did not like to pay extra vrithout the sanction of the Department, and were expecting I would get an opinion or write them. I remarked that, being satisfied, I cared not to pursue the subject; that I saw no cause to change the practice, or usage, or law; that ff the accounting officers were clearly satisfied I was wrong, they perhaps might, inthe days when the Treasury was being plundered, feel justffied in gi'ving extra pay to this man, who was already a pensioner vrith out having rendered service. This matter has been some time in embryo. Claim agents, and loose notions, and practices at the Treasury vriU likely accompUsh the svrindle. I so remarked to E., who took it very calmly; said F was poor; the amount would not be great on the Treasury. I said it was right or it was vsTong; his was not the only case pending, and his had no merit. He had rendered but small service, for which he has been amply paid, and was now a pensioner on the Govemment, doing nothing. Had he been wholly retired vrith one year's full pay, his case would have been finally disposed of. February 25, Thursday. February 26, Friday. An hour or two was spent in Cabinet over the Pacific Railroad. The two companies, one from the East (the Pacific) , one from the West (the Central) , are approaching each other in the vicinity of Salt Lake, 1869] PLANS FOR LEAVING OFFICE 535 and each is claiming subsidy over the same line. There are statements not wholly reliable, I apprehend, by each. In anticipation of these difficulties, and, if possible, to avoid them, the subject was considered last fall, and as there was then a dispute whether the road should cross Bear Bay or go around it, maps and reports were submitted, and it was decided the route should go round. It is now said that not only the route but the line of the road was decided. This was not my understanding. In conversing as to the course to be pursued on the termination of the Administration, it was understood that all would resign and leave with the President except Scho field, who said he had been invited and should remain for a brief period. Seward says he has had the files looked up, and finds the practice has not been uniform, that in some instances, and generally, the members of the Cabinet have tendered their resignation to the outgoing President, but some have remained and tendered them to the newly in augurated. This last, I apprehend, has been in those cases where there has been a mere change of President, but not a change of policy or of party. A good deal of speculation, some of it absurd, is going forward in regard to the new Cabinet. Not more, perhaps, than in preceding cases. A. K. McClure, an active Re pubUcan politician of Pennsylvania and a great friend of Governor Curtin, having leamed the fact that Grant had said he should select one member of the Cabinet from that State, hurried on here and [had an interview, in which by report Grant appears to better advantage than the Penn sylvania poUtician. LXVII Discussion of the Inauguration Ceremonies — The President's Last Recep tion — Good-byes at the Department — How President Johnson and his Cabinet spent the Last Moments of the Administration — The Inaugural Ceremonies and Procession — Grant's Cabinet — A. T. Stewart Ulegally nominated Secretary of the Treasury — Sumner's Wrath at Grant's Course in regard to his Cabinet — Stewart, after offering to trustee his Business, finally decUnes the Secretaryship — Pressure for BoutweU as Secretary of the Tresisury — Mr. Faxon and Mr. E. T. Welles leave the Navy Department — HamUton Fish suc ceeds Washburne as Secretary of State and the Latter is appointed Minister to France — General Rawlins made Secretary of War — Admiral Porter, in charge of the Na'vy Department, appoints Chief Engineer King in Isherwood's Place — Porter's Management of the Department — Debate on the Repeal of the Tenure-of-Office Act — Grant's Scheme of reorganizing the Navy — Moses H. Grinnell made Collector at New York — Porter's Intrusion in the Na-vy Department — The Story of his Appointment as Vice-Admiral — Butler expresses Contempt for Grant — Ex-President Johnson in Tennessee — Mont gomery Blair on Colonel Moore and other Associates of Johnson in Washington — Butler outgeneraled and the Tenure-of-Office Repeal Bill compromised. March 1, Monday. A special Cabinet-meeting was held in regard to the controversy between the Union Pacffic and the Central Railroad. An hour was spent, before taking up the subject, on matters relating to inauguration. Gen eral Grant, who eight years ago was employed to tend and sweep his brother's leather store in Galena, as a porter and sub-clerk, has given the Committee on Ceremonies, on the 4th of March, to understand he would not ride in the same carriage with the President nor speak to him. The Committee have, of course, been embarrassed how to pro ceed, and have finally a programme studiously arranged, which is for the President and President-elect to proceed in separate carriages. The President will pass through Pennsylvania Avenue, on the right, the President-elect, on the left, etc., etc. Seward and Evarts opened thesubject 1869] THE COMING INAUGURATION 537 of the procession and our attendance, and had evidently had some understanding with each other and with the Committee in regard to it. Seward said he did not know but they had intended to shut us off entirely, but since they have been polite enough to provide us a place, he beUeved he would remain over another day to perform his part. Evarts thought it best we should go in the procession, and he made inquiry about carriages. The President brought out a letter he had from the marshal, inquiring about carriages irfformally. I expressed a hope the President would perform no part in the parade, and advised he should remain at the Mansion until meridian, ready to discharge any and all duties. At that time his functions would cease, and ours would cease with his. A remark or two was made by Browning and McCul loch, each indicating a disposition to go in the procession. Seward offered Browning a seat in his carriage. The Pre sident said nothing. I stood alone. Randall expressed no opinion. Seward and Evarts became zealous. Seward was garrulous; told over several egotistical and stale stories, claimed the President and his suite had the post of honor, being on the right; appealed to usage, etc. I asked when, ever before, there had been such a pro gramme, — two processions, one on each side of the street. What did it indicate but division, and what would be the effect but to irritate and promote hostility? I disclaimed any neglect or want of courtesy, but, on the other hand, I would submit to none. There was a decency and proper self-respect to be observed. March 2, Tuesday. There are many strangers here to attend the inauguration, and a number called from curi osity to see the heads of Departments. This makes a con stant interruption, when time is wanted to clear up affairs. At the Cabinet much time was consumed as to the course to be pursued on the 4th. Seward and Evarts were 538 DIARY OF GIDEON^ WELLES [march 2 determined that the President and Cabinet should go to the Capitol and take part in the proceedings. I com bated this course, but no one sustained me except Randall, who, near the close, expressed a hope that the President would do nothing derogatory to himseff and his position. McCulloch, who has an itching to go, but feels its im propriety, said but little, yet what he did say evinced his feelings. Addressing himself to me, he said he thought it decidedly best that we should go to the Capitol and take part in the ceremonies. It would look small and be con sidered small if we did not. I remarked that on a somewhat similar occasion, J. Q. Adams and Henry Clay had decUned to attend the inauguration of General Jackson, and were not considered small men, nor was their refusal to attend considered a small affair. Those men were less exemplars [sic] to me than others who were unwilling to foUow their example. Mr. Evarts had the matter much at heart, and he and Seward proceeded to dispose of it as a matter of course and as if nothing further was to be said. They assumed for granted that things must be as they vrished and directed. The President hesitated, yielded in a measure apparently, and it was assumed that the question was decided. The President, however, did not wholly surrender, but said we would meet at nine on Thursday moming at the council room, and then determine. Evarts said we must bring our carriages, and with an understanding that we would go in a body to the Capitol. I claimed that was going further than the President had proposed or than I was willing to go. "We vrill meet here," said I, "on Thursday." "But," said Evarts and Schofield, "the Com mittee and managers should know in advance." "By all means," said Evarts, and he sat down and wrote a notice, which he read out to Schofield and then to the President, and the latter did not controvert it. So we are likely to form part of the pageant, — be a tail to the Grant kite. I have my doubts if I participate in that pageant. 1869] THE PRESIDENT'S LAST RECEPTION 539 It was concluded that we would consider the 3d as terminating at meridian on the 4th, if Congress did not order otherwise. General Dix's resignation as Minister to France is re ceived, and the indications are that he may go to the State Department. March 3, Wednesday. There was an immense gathering last evening at the Presidential reception. These "jams," as they are rightly called, are becoming severely oppressive, and ff Grant has the courage to effect a reformation he will deserve the thanks of the country. To permit the Ex ecutive Mansion and all its approaches to be crowded by the whole population who may choose to push themselves forward vrithout order or system, is preposterous. Hun dreds of friends and officials who desired to pay their respects, and whom the President and his family wished to see at this last reception, were driven aWay, unable to obtain entrance. The evU should be corrected. Some of the crowd came in with their overcoats, hats, and bon nets, and for mere idle curiosity. Not a few were the wUd, fanatical partisans who have busied themselves in slander ing, defaming, and misrepresenting the President. They, male and female, thronged the Mansion and its parlors, to the exclusion of social friends and poUtical associates of the retiring President. Went vrith the Chiefs of Bureaus and officers to the Ex ecutive Mansion to introduce each and give all an oppor tunity to bid the Chief Magistrate farewell. Rear-Admiral Joe Smith, the senior officer, who eight years ago, as now, walked by my side, then addressed President Lincoln with a few remarks, saying there were evidences of ap proaching convulsion, that "we (Navy officers) will per form our duty, and expect you to do yours." I now intro duced the officer to President Johnson with the remark that these are the men who, in war and peace, have stood fast by the Govemment and the Union. He received 540 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 3 them cordially, took each by the hand and bade them farewell. On returning to the Department, the Chiefs of Bureaus, the clerks, messengers, and employees came successively to take their leave, and express their regard and kind wishes for me and my future welfare. It was something beside mere formality. Some, more sensitive perhaps than others, or possessed of deeper . feelings, were unable to give utterance to their thoughts; others with tears ex pressed their regrets and spoke of lasting obligations. I, not less than they, was moved. Ties of friendship formed and many of them continued through eight active and eventful years cannot be easUy and Ughtly severed or forgotten. It was past four when, probably for the last time and forever, I left the room and the building where I had labored eamestly and zealously, taken upon myseff and carried forward great responsibffities, endured no smaU degree of abuse, much of it unmerited and undeserved; where also I have had many pleasant and happy hours in the enjojrment of the fruits of my works and of those associated with me. March 4, Thursday. I went at nine this moming to the Executive Mansion, agreeably to appointment at the last Cabinet-meeting. There was quite a crowd on the por tico and walks as I drove up and entered. Schofield was already in the council room, having preceded my arrival a few moments. The President was busy examining and signing bills. As I shook hands with him, he said quietly, "I think we will finish our work here vrithout going to the Capitol." I expressed my gratffication. Yesterday I had said to him that Congress had not been so courteous and kind and civil to him as to place him under ob ligations to dance attendance upon them. They, and General Grant also, had thought it expedient to have the incoming Congress convene on the 4th of March instead 1869] THE END OF AN ADMINISTRATION 541 of the first Monday of December, in order that the legis lative department of the govemment might be a check on the executive. If any legislation was omitted, the new Congress could remedy it. The President now said he thought it but right that the Congress should forward the biUs to hun here. This I knew would be a disappointment to my colleagues, and I had no doubt that a strong effort would be made to bring around a different result. Randall, who came next after me, was very well satisfied. Schofield discreetly said nothing, but I could perceive he was not pleased with the new phase of affairs. McCulloch was disappointed and disturbed. Browning said not a word. Evarts, who did not come in until about ten, was determined to change the programme; said the understanding was that we should go to the Capitol, that we were expected there. When the President occasionally left the room, McCulloch twice told E. that the President would not go to the Capitol unless he put in strong for him to do so. Evarts would not take off his overcoat. Seward came in last, smoking his cigar. Asked ff all were ready; meant to have come sooner; seemed to suppose we were waiting for him. The President con tinued busy at his desk, while Seward, Evarts, and others talked. At length Seward, who sat on the opposite side of the room from the President, asked aloud ff we would not be late, — "Ought we not to start immediately?" The President said he was inclined to think we would finish up our work here by ourselves. There was discomfiture, of course, and it was easy to perceive they thought me the author of their disappoint ment. McCuUoch came to me about twelve, and said, "WeU, you have carried your point." I disclaimed this, othervrise than in frankly giving my opinion whenever the subject was broached, but [said] that I had, at no time, introduced the topic. In this whole matter, I have felt that the President, after the offensive, sUly, arrogantj and insolent declarations 542 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 4 of Grant to the committees and others that he would not speak to his official superior and predecessor, nor ride, nor associate with him, could not compose a part in the pageant to glorify Grant without a feeling of abasement. These airs are put on by Grant to relieve himseff from conscious degradation which he must have felt for his treachery to the President and the odium of falsehood which he knows others heard, saw, and witnessed. But his insulting impudence to the President and others who witnessed that humiliating spectacle wiU never eradicate the knowledge of the dupUcity and falsehood of which he was guUty, — as well as of the ingratitude to the man who had trusted him. A few minutes past twelve the President said we would part. As he was to leave, it was proposed that we should wait his departure. He then shook hands vrith each of us, and we with each other and, descending to the portico, where our respective carriages were waiting, the President entered his, mine followed, and we drove away. At my house were the President's daughter, Mrs. Patterson, and her children, who had come over in the moming. They propose to remain with us a few days before going to Tennessee. The proceedings at the Capitol are represented to have been without order or system, and the immense crowd swayed and pushed aside the dignitaries. I am more than ever gratified that we did not attend. General Grant rode up in a dogcart with Rawlins. There was a long pro cession, mostly of negroes, — at least two thirds, I should judge. But few of them had muskets. Congress had passed a resolution authorizing and requesting that four thousand muskets should be placed in the hands of these vagabonds, and quite a crowd came from Baltimore and the country around, expecting each to obtain a musket. But President Johnson refused to approve the bill, which was to place over eighty thousand dollars' worth of arms in the hands of Bowen, the demagogue mayor, to distribute. Of course 1869] GRANT'S CABINET 543 great dissatisfaction is expressed by the colored crowd towards President Johnson for his meanness in withholding the guns. March 5, Friday. The city was fuU of strangers this moming. It was difficult for them to get off in the crowded trains last night and this morning, and there is an immense throng of party expectants, waiting the Cabinet nomina tions. These nominations were sent in about 2 p.m., and produced a rapid dispersion. The excitement had been great for some days and had reached fever heat, but there was a cold shower-bath on the announcement of the names. It is obviously a Grant Cabinet. The members belong to the Radical-Republican Party, but neither one, unless it be Creswell, would have been selected by that party. They are not the men the Radicals wanted, but they are such men as Grant wants. Washburne is coarse, compar atively ilUterate, a demagogue without statesmanship or enlarged views, with none of the accomplishments or at tributes that should belong to a Secretary of State. Jef ferson is the first; Washburne is the last. Hamilton, a man of talents and genius, was the first Secretary of the Treasury. He had financial skill and ability to develop the resources of the nation. Stewart, the last Secretary of the Treasury, has made a princely fortune in the trade of silks, calicoes, laces, and stockings. So of the others. From first to last there is not an experienced politician or statesman among them. Most of them are party men. All are Grant men. Creswell was a Secessionist in 1861, and, Uke Logan, raised a company to resist the Unionists. There is now not a more bitter and intolerant Radical in the country, but his Radicalism is obsequious and subservient to Grant. It is the plan of Grant to cheat both parties, and he is measurably successful. The Democrats rejoice because none of the Radical leaders have been selected. Sumner, 544 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 5 Wade, Schenck, Curtin, Griswold, Boutwell, and all of that class are ignored. None of the men in whom the Rad icals had confidence are chosen. Their minds did not concentrate on the jewels which have been dug up. Grant was the man to unearth and bring forth the brilliant lights which are to govem and illuminate the country, ff he acted intelligently and deliberately. He has been reticent; kept his secret well. The great men of the country were hid under a Radical bushel until he brought them forth. The Radicals are astounded, thunderstruck, mad, but, after taking breath, try to reconcile themselves and be composed that things are no worse, — that Grant has not, besides kicking them one side, selected Democrats. In this is consolation. They therefore try to praise the Cabi net and like it. The Administration is to be Grant's, based on Radical usurpations. Both parties are to be bam boozled, and ff he really has any policy, — which I doubt, — it is that the animosity of each is to be played off against the other. The inaugural address, a mess of trite, flat, newspaper partyism, in a day and time when noble utterances ought to be expected, is praised and extoUed by the Radicals. His support of the public credit of a specie standard, — of the payment of the debt, — ff such be honestly and squarely his purpose, is weU. His idea of digging the pre cious metals, — his strong-box figure, — to discharge the debt, indicates his narrow, barren thoughts, whUe some arrogant expressions weaken and do not strengthen it. Still, it is lauded as a remarkable state paper. It is not to be expected, however, that partisan editors, correspondents, and place-hunters would have — cer tainly they would not express — opinions against the in augural address, or the new Cabinet. They are here and everywhere to express approval, although the address is indifferent and the Cabinet distasteful. As regards the Cabinet, no statesman and patriot with right intentions would have selected it, or any other of 1869] STEWART'S APPOINTMENT ILLEGAL 545 untried men for such positions. If General Grant thinks he can take up five or six men, personal adherents, syco phants Uke Washburne, money-givers like Stewart and Borie, to discharge the highest and most responsible po sitions, and believes that such persons can successfully administer the government, he is himself unfit for the place of Chief Magistrate. But if General Grant has as pirations above and beyond the Constitution, he might well put in his Cabinet men without knowledge of, or ex perience in, public affairs, men who themselves mean well and have no unhallowed ambition, but who are ignorant of the structure and workings of our peculiar system. I impute no wrong motives to these men, with the exception of Creswell and Washbume. But, with the Umited ideas which most of them possess, they can be easily led into error by a cunning and ambitious man of ability and at the head of the govemment. Grant has both avarice and ambition. Two of the men have been liberal in their donations, and he appreciates their gffts. Washbume is servile and obsequious. Of Hoar I know little, and nothing to his personal disparagement. He belongs to the school of centralists, and is, I doubt not, committed to what are called the "Reconstruction" measures, by which States and people, in violation of the Constitution, are despoiled of their rights. Cox is patriotic, but with less ability, perhaps, than Hoar. March 6, Saturday. There is disturbance and trouble in the Radical camp. Mr. Stewart is not ready to give up his extensive business for the office of Secretary of the Treasury. Grant did not know that it was illegal for an extensive importer to be Secretary of the Treasury. A sagacious and honest-minded man would have seen the incompatibility of such a conjunction, even were there no legal objections. Had Grant been less secretive, he would have been wiser. His friends, had he consulted them, would have advised him properly. Stewart, of course, 3 546 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 6 knew no better. The Senate confirmed Stewart unan imously, supposing, probably, that it was arranged that he should give up his business to take the place. This was the general supposition. But to-day Grant sends in a special message addressed to the Senate only, asking Congress to permit the newly appointed Secretary of the Treasury to be exempted from the law; that the most conspicuous case of the propriety and necessity of the law in the whole United States shall be relieved from the disabiUties which the law imposes; that Mr. Stewart, the largest importer, shall have a privilege which the law was enacted to prevent and which is denied every other importer. This message is a more conclusive evidence of imfitness than the ignor ance of appointing. The first was from a want of know ledge; the second from a want of honest principle. It is said, however, he had Congressional advices in the last movement, and Patterson of New Hampshire and Sher man, two partisan Senators, showed an obsequious want of moral principle in their movements to relieve Grant from his dilemma. It is not strange that unscrupulous party papers should advise and urge an abandonment of the laws and regula tions which were enacted as safeguards to the country and which have existed from the foundation of the govem ment, to please the King, and there are Senators no better. Admiral Farragut teUs me that Grant told him that he gave the office of Secretary of State to Washbume as a compliment, — not that he is to continue in the place. Here is another evidence of the traits of character of our new Chief Magistrate. High places of the Govemment he considers his perquisites and he bestows them on personal favorites as a matter of compliment, without regard to fitness or the true interest of the country. March 8, Monday. Uneasiness, discontent, doubt pre vail in regard to the Administration. The Cabinet is weak. Whether the President is also weak wUl soon be 1869] STEWART'S PROPOSAL 547 more generally known. He is not gaining confidence and strength in the pubUc estimation, but, though ignorant of the structure of the govemment and of govemmental duties, he is not destitute of cunning and is intrenching himseff in position by the bestowment of govemmental favors. The Cabinet is his, and will be devoted to his use and purpose, whatever that purpose may be, or they will be compelled to give way to others. Stewart proposes, in order to retain the office of Secre tary of the Treasury, to put his immense business in the hands of trustees, and to dedicate all the profits to poor soldiers and their families. This extraordinary bid for the place leaves no doubt of his great anxiety to obtain and hold it. It can hardly be supposed he will be able to pur chase this high office under the affectation of benevolence. Mr. S. has never heretofore been renovsmed for his char ities. I have suggested that instead of putting his business in commission it might be better to put the Treasury in commission, and let the trustees manage the finances instead of Stewart's affairs. Faxon informs me he was summoned to the White House by the President, where he found Washbume, the other Assistant Secretaries, army officers, and a miscellaneous crowd. Grant was sitting in one comer of the fireplace, smoking his cigar. Washbume was at the table, writing orders apparently, and every few moments rising and run ning from one room to another. There was trouble and anxiety about some pardons which had been granted by President Johnson, which Grant desired to revoke. He ordered the Assistant Secretaries to send out no commis sions, and to do only necessary routine work; said his regular Cabinet days would be Tuesdays and Fridays, and directed the Assistants to attend untU the Secretaries entered upon their duties. Faxon informed him that no commission would go out which had not the President's signature. This seems not to have been known by him or his Secretary of State, Washbume. 548 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 8 No action was taken to-day in Congress on the Act of 1789, or Grant's message asking exemption for Stewart. Faxon tells me that Sunmer does not, when with friends, conceal his wrath and indignation at Grant's course; says that he (Sumner), the father of the Senate, chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations, was offered- nothing, was not even consulted in regard to the Cabinet, appoint ments abroad, or the policy which the Administration should pursue. March 9, Tuesday. The Intelligencer of this moming contained a very extraordinary leader, first under its head, double-leaded, laudatory of Stewart and Grant, because the former offers to give his income, some two millions a year, to the poor of New York, provided he can thereby be permitted to hold the office of Secretary of the Treasury and manage the finances. Every one on reading the article pronounced the paper purchased. I have no doubt of it, or of its readiness to be purchased for any pur pose. When the previous course of the paper is considered, there can be no question that it has been influenced by a consideration. Newspapers, as well as the poor for whom it affects great interest, are soothed by money. It is plain that Stewart wants position. Wealth does not introduce him into the first circles. He thinks official distinction wiU elevate him. The censorious insist that he will make more money than he gives, ff made Secretary of the Treasury. March 10, Wednesday. The papers published Stewart's deed of trust, and also his letter declining the office of Secretary of the Treasury. It was found, after inquiry and consultation, that the arrangements would not work, and that the rich man could not openly buy the place. To Grant and Mrs. Grant the misgo is a great disappoint ment. Stewart's silks and laces, scandal says, were potent in the appointment, and in other ways he had also given largely to Grant. Who shaU be substituted is now the 1869] PORTER IN THE NAVY DEPARTMENT 549 question. The friends of John A. Griswold are pressing him, but the gossiping rumor alleges he did not contribute so largely as others in proportion to his means, and there fore cannot succeed. He is, however, a better man and better qualified than Stewart. Boutwell is pushed most eamestly, but it seems, though the Radicals urge him, he has not been a free giver and consequently does not suit Grant. Boutwell was tendered the Interior Department, but Grant would not give him the Treasury. Still the demands and clamors of the Radicals are so loud and persistent, he may feel it necessary to yield. He has, moreover, been taken down and tamed by his blunders for Stewart. We shall see how matters operate. It is said he will not give way and the Radical pressure for Boutwell will only make hun more determined against that gentle man. It is also claimed that Hoar is from Massachu setts, and there cannot be two Cabinet officers from the same State. Grant has laid this down as a fixed fact, a cardinal principle, from which he will not swerve. But, it is said, this can be arranged by getting through a biU enlarging the number of judges, and putting Hoar on the bench. All of this trafficking and shuffling seems to be considered right and weU enough by the Radical leaders. There is no thought or even a conception that the public are entitled to consideration, — that they are to have a voice or wish worth a moment's attention, or that the public interest and welfare are to be consulted. Places for Grant to give and for Radicals to receive are their ideas of administra tion. Vice-Admiral Porter was telegraphed by Grant to come to Washington and take charge of the Navy Department yesterday, and he at once came over from Annapolis by a special train. Borie, the Secretary, who is here, waited his coming, and the two went to the Department arm in arm; Porter told Faxon and others that he had come to "nm the Department," that Borie wouldn't do much, 550 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march lo that Borie yielded to him. Faxon commenced to inform B. of the general routine, but Porter stopped him, and said Faxon could inform him (P.) and he would communicate to B., and B. submitted meekly. The War Department is put in the keeping of the General and the Navy Department is under the control of the Vice-Admiral. All things are tending to centraUzation and military supremacy. Faxon and E. T. WeUes took leave of the Department to-day. Their resignations were tendered on the 8th and accepted when a successor could relieve them. Faxon took the noon train to-day for Connecticut. He has been asso ciated with me the last eight years, and our intercourse has been always pleasant. I have found him ever faithful and useful, and cannot but feel regret at our parting. He tells me that Schofield is not pleased with the recent order placing the General over the War Department, and has asked to be speedily relieved. The ex-President, Johnson, goes to Baltimore to-morrow to attend a banquet tendered him by the city authorities, and has urged me to go vrith him, but I decluied; wish he had also, and hope he will attend no others. March 11. Grant has finally surrendered and nominated Boutwell for the Treasury. He would not at the beginning give him the place, but has been humbled and subdued in a measure by the exposure of his ignorance in the first in stance; by his readiness to cheat the law in the second; third, by his inability to procure a repeal of the enactment and being finally compelled to withdraw his grossly im proper proposition. The Radicals have been very clamor ous and violent for distinctive recognition as a power, which Grant has tried to evade, but he at last yields. He yields in another respect from his repeated declarations and immovable principles that he would not have two members of his Cabinet from one State. But it is reported that this difficulty will soon be corrected. The Supreme Court is to DAVID D. porter 1869] CABINET CHANGES 551 be enlarged, and Hoar is to be got rid of by being trans ferred to the bench. Bargains, intrigues, and arrangements are the order of the day; the country's welfare is of little consideration. There is an inaccuracy and readiness in these vicious proceedings which is startling. But the ' ' party of moral ideas" seem to consider the whole thing proper. Hamilton Fish of New York is appointed Secretary of State. Washburne held the office four days. He could not fill it. Grant told Farragut that he gave Washburne the place as a compliment. That was in character. Grant con siders the govemment offices his, not the country's. They are bestowed on favorites for their personal service and devotion to him, not for qualification of the recipient nor for the public weffare. Fish is a New-Yorker of medium talents, a man of wealth, of some experience and fair ac compUshments, a moderate RepubUcan, an old Whig, not an extreme man, will be rightly disposed, and be likely to do tolerably well, if things move rightly, but without energy or force to correct Presidential errors or to resent wrongs. He is a great improvement on the coarse, un cultured Washbume. This "fellow," as I once heard Mr. Lincoln call Washbume, is appointed Minister to France. He may represent correctly the man who appoints hun, but is no credit to the country. General Rawlins succeeds Schofield as Secretary of War. Of the three persons who figured not very largely eight years ago in the village of Galena, but who are now in the most prominent places in the Republic, I have always con sidered Rawlins as possessing the superior, though not great, mind. His health is not good, but I think his influence wUl be in the right direction, beneficial for Grant and the Administration. Porter has begun his career by an onslaught on Isher wood, who is superseded by Chief Engineer King. Isher wood has his peculiarities, but is mentally superior to any one of the chief engineers with whom I have come in con tact. He has not great business talents, but is devoted to 552 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march il his profession. His engines, which have been assailed and denounced by rivals and opponents, have rendered good service and given better satisfaction than any others. He, as well as the Engineer Corps generally, and all the staff have erred in their clamor for rank. Isherwood has not ihesuaviter in modo in his intercourse with others whom he believes wrong, he is no double-dealer, but speaks his mind, roughly and offensively at times. He holds a ready pen. There were rumors of his connection with the Martin boiler and Lowell's condenser that were never fully cleared up, and which his opponents have used vrith some effect against him. King, who succeeds him, is his antagonist; is smooth and never uses harsh language. Those who differ with him charge him with plausibility, insincerity, and not very great ability. He was at my house this evening, and says he knew nothing of and had no intimation of his selection until he saw it in the paper. . . . I hear of some new and strange orders issued, or about to be issued, by the Navy Department. Likely there is some foundation and some exaggeration. Porter wUl, from his nature, strive to do something di^ereni from what has been done, more likely to be evil than good; vriU issue some counter orders, adopt a contrary poUcy, effect something novel without much regard to its good or bad qualities. I have so detailed officers as to avoid cUques, and clannish aggregations, and therein have dissatisfied Porter, who is given to favorites and has dislikes and prejudices vrithout cause. In breaking up cliques, incipiently forming, and dispensing with those who were indulging in those per sonal factions, I know I have performed a benefit to the parties themselves, as well as to the service. But Porter is resentful because he had not his own way. March 12, Friday. Commodore Glisson called on me this evening. Is here in relation to League Island and the Iron sides, but says there is such confusion and bewUderment at the Navy Department that he can accompUsh nothing. 1869] ADMIRAL PORTER'S MANAGEMENT 553 It is time to make arrangements for letting the unoccupied lands. Had offers of ten thousand dollars for them for pas turing, to which the lands have been put for the last three years. But they prohibit him from pasturing them; say it is not proper that lands which are to be used for a navy yard, though not occupied, should be pastured. GUsson told them the crops would not be gathered as hay. They did not want it should be. He said to let the grass and weeds grow and perish on the ground would breed disease. But his views were disregarded. Porter, he says, is the man who answered him and gave the orders. Commodore Melancthon Smith called later in the even ing. He says Porter is trying to flourish and make a noise in order to be noticed in the papers. Has appointed a large number of boards to examine ships, engines, etc. Over looks the Bureaus, which can furnish all the information, but he wants officers to move about and report. Has Golds borough chairman of one board; has detached Stringham from a court martial and ordered him on another board; and has other boards in embryo. Tells Commodore Smith and other Chiefs, ff they want anything, to apply to him, not to the Secretary. The officers of the Navy and Army were presented to day to the President. He said there were so many Navy officers that he supposed Congress would be for reducing the Navy. There were about sixty of them, and over two hundred of the Army officers, but the Navy men say the President made no remarks to the Navy [sic] branch of the service indicating reduction. March 13, Saturday. John P. Hale, the worthless and worse than worthless Minister to Spain, is continued, and Perry, the efficient Secretary of Legation, is dismissed, provided the Senate consents. The papers contain ten or more general naval orders, most of them frivolous and captious, manifesting great zeal to differ with, or cast reflection on, the late Administration 654 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 13 of the Department. It is not difficult to trace them to Vice-Admiral Porter, who received many favors from that administration, to which he was always superciliously ob sequious until about the period of the Presidential election. Among the orders revoked is one suspending and repri manding Sawyer, a second assistant engineer who de nounced President Johnson as a traitor that ought to be impeached. Grant indorses the revocation, because Guyon, the principal witness, spoke disrespectfully of Congress. Neither the Vice-Admiral nor the President discriminates between denunciation of a superior, which is destructive of discipline, and denunciations of a legislature or other body. Both are improper, but one is criminal and mutinous, insubordinate, and a high military offense. Had Sawyer said that Admiral Bailey, his immediate com mander and commandant of the yard, was a traitor and deserved to be court-martialed, he would have been tried and punished, or had one of the Army subordinates said the same of Grant, he would have been tried and punished; but, according to this order, he might berate and assail the superior of Bailey and Grant, the Commander-in- Chief of Army and Navy, with impunity. Had charges been preferred against Guyon for disre spectful language towards Congress, he might or might not have been court-martialed, although it would not, in that case, have been a military offense, and he might not have been found guilty, as Sawyer was, of insubordinate and disrespectful language towards his superior. Party feeling has moved the President and his Vice-Admiral in the wrong direction. Two general orders are issued in the name of the Secre tary of the Navy, revoking the sentence of a court martial in the case of Collins and Bache, the former commander and the latter navigating officer of the Sacramento, which was wrecked in the Bay of Bengal, — a loss to the Govern ment of six or eight hundred thousand dollars. Collins was playing chess, and Bache smoking, forward, when she 1869] CIVIL-TENURE REPEAL IN SENATE 555 stranded. But the revocation says nothing appeared against the latter. He belongs to a distinguished famUy and is the nephew of Vice-Admiral Porter; why should not his sentence, and suspension, which has expired, be revoked ? March 17, Wednesday. This is St. Patrick's Day, and the Irish do not forget it. An interesting debate is going on in the Senate on the repeal of the civil-tenure law. Trumbull, who was an active partisan for its enactment, and who has forgotten or surrendered most of his old Democratic, strict- construction principles, is unwilling to repeal an unconsti tutional act which gives undue power to the Senate; but several of the Radical Senators are disposed to retrace their steps, admit the law was personal, passed to cripple the constitutional authority of the late President, etc. The confession is more candid and more creditable than the persistent wrong of TmmbuU and others, who, having by party usurpation and fraud got unauthorized power, are unwilling to relinquish it. Edmunds of Vermont, more of a lawyer than legislator or statesman, takes ground with Trumbull. Carpenter, the new Senator from Wisconsin, made his debut in a speech claiming that the power of re moval is with the Senate, but is wilUng to suspend the power. He is another lawyer who is regardless of the fun damental law and not a statesman or wise legislator. On the whole, the Radicals do not appear to advantage in this discussion, and the wickedness and injustice by which a usurping majority embarrassed and thwarted the late administration is apparent. A smart debate took place between Butler and Schenck, neither very scrupulous men. Schenck has, perhaps, more influence in the House, but Butler knows the most. The papers say that Attomey-General Hoar has given an opinion that Grant has no authority to revoke the pardons granted by President Johnson, which he had attempted. I know nothing of the merits of any of these 556 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 1 7 cases, and should not be surprised if they were not de serving of pardon, but that Grant should interpose and try, by straining and violating the law, to defeat an act of clemency on the part of his predecessor, displays male volence as well as ignorance, and is characteristic. I this evening parted with ex-President Johnson and his family, who leave in the moming for Tennessee. No better persons have occupied the Executive Mansion, and I part from them, socially and personally, with sincere regret. Of the President, pohtically and officially, I need not here speak further than to say he has been faithful to the Con stitution, although his administrative capabilities and management may not equal some of his predecessors. Of measures he was a good judge, but not always of men. March 18, Thursday. The Senate is still debating the Tenure-of-Office Law. There is great reluctance to yield power on the part of mankind generally, especiaUy ff im properly obtained, and the Radical majority of the Senate is no exception. Although the most stupid of them must be aware that the power and energy of the Executive are crippled, and that the public business, and especially the collection of the revenue, is thereby greatly impaired, still they cling to power. Office is really the great impelling motive of the Radicals, the alpha and omega of their acts. No regard for the Constitution or principle governs them. March 19, Friday. Honest John LenthaU, Chief Naval Constructor, called on me last evening. He feels unhappy over the condition of affairs at the Navy Department. Thinks Mr. Borie well disposed, but that he is feeble, timid, and inefficient. Porter, on the other hand, is offi cious, presuming, and meddlesome. Borie is dwarfed and overborne by the self-assuming and arrogant Vice-Ad miral. L. says P. displays a great amount of ignorance and puerility in his orders and assumptions; talks of economy but spends recklessly. Bridge (Paymaster) came in later 1869] CIVIL-TENURE REPEAL IN SENATE 557 in the evening. Listened attentively; hates Porter, but is afraid to say so. I was amused at his tunidity, and also disgusted with it. Grant sends in no nominations; holds up to compel the Senators to surrender their usurped power. Tells appli cants that he wishes the law repealed and holds himself under no obligation to remove incumbents whilst it re mains. He does not send in a message to Congress, boldly and explicitly stating these things, but does it, as he aided in the passage of the law, in whispers and behind-the-door conversations. March 22, Monday. The city is filled with a hungry crowd, wanting offices which they can't get. Grant uses them to compel the Senate to repeal the Tenure-of-Office Bill. But the Senators are reluctant to give up power; dis like to back down; are also mad. While Grant has now the right of this question, it is to his discredit that he was guUty of exerting himself to impose and continue that viUainy as an embarrassment to the Administration of President Johnson. The Radical Senators are getting much divided among themselves; have never had much confidence in each other, but still adhere together for power and plunder. March 23, Tuesday. There is some satisfaction in look ing on the movements, and feeling that one has no respons- ibffity for what is done or omitted. The strife here is great and the disappointments will be many. Some remedy should be devised for the great evil of office-seeking and the greater evil of Congressional intermeddling with appoint ments. The best men in the community for places of trust and responsibility are not those who rush here to get them. But where is the remedy? Congress itself is made up of vagabond adventurers to a great extent, fellows who seU their votes for money, and who intrigue for the worth less on receiving a consideration. There is but little moral 558 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 23 or political principle in Congress. The few who are not vicious and debased are destitute of independence, and yield to the discipline and tyranny of party. The supporters of the Tenure-of-Office BiU, finding that they were in a minority of the Senate but in a majority of the party, resorted to the device which they have prac ticed extensively for the last three years of calUng a caucus, to which they endeavored to transfer legislation, and then by party machinery enable the actual minority to decide the fate of the bill. Edmunds and Conkling, two fierce partisans, projected this scheme. The former is a mere lawyer legislator, vrith no conception of his duties, al though an attorney of some sharpness and abiUty. Conk ling has more legislative capacity, but is an egotistical coxcomb, with less political honesty than Edmunds, who would, at any time, sacrffice the right to benefit his party. The friends of repeal were not insensible to the trick which was sought to be practiced, would not be caught, and de clared in caucus they would not be bound by its proceed ings. This is a good indication. Party machinery and party tyranny may yet be broken. Morton and Conkling are reputed to have had a sharp passage in caucus. March 24, Wednesday. The bill to reorganize the Navy, which Grimes introduced into the Senate a few days since and hurried through that body without discussion, has been checked up by the Representatives. There was an intention of running it through the House without refer ence to a committee or any examination, but this did not succeed, and a reference took place. In the committee there was soon a conviction that so important a bill, and one involving such radical changes and such marked dis criminations, should be well matured. Porter and Borie went twice to the Capitol and presented themselves before the Naval Committee to urge immediate action, and Isher wood tells me they had a letter from Grant expressing a 1869] NAVY REORGANIZATION SCHEME 559 wish that there might be no delay in its passage, which they read to some of the members of the committee. It was the absorbing subject with the head, or heads, of the Navy Department, but the House Naval Committee came unanimously to the conclusion, after patiently listening to Porter, hearing Grimes, and understanding the wishes of Grant, that it was best to move slowly, and they there fore deferred the further consideration of the bill until next December. This is a sockdologer to Porter, who had made his arrangements, based on this bill. Without it he is UteraUy an intruder in the Department. The bill, among other provisions, establishes a Board of Survey to consist of three admirals, of which it is well understood Porter was to be the President. This would have placed him in the Department as superior or superintendent. It is obvious that the scheme of bringing Porter here to take charge of the Navy Department and the new Secretary also has been long since planned, and is a part of Grant's miUtary poUcy. When Porter, last autumn, in the midst of the election campaign, volunteered his testimony to the effect that Grant was a total abstinence man, it was a bid which was well understood, and which no man of position, unless a Porter, would make. Those who know Porter Well are aware he can certify to almost anything. It was easy for Grant to place the War Department under the military, but the Navy Department is dif ferently organized and some management was necessary. The selection of a man like Borie, without knowledge of, or experience in, public affairs, was made on personal grounds, vrith reference to the end to be accomplished. Weak, as regards the duties, but willing to oblige Grant, he became an instrument. Porter was summoned here by Grant, before Borie was permitted to enter the Navy Department, and B. was at once put in Porter's keeping. Porter came duly prepared, his pockets filled with general orders which he had been weeks preparing, — some of them on the most trivial subjects, others mere repetitions 560 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 24 or verbal alterations of existing orders. The Book of Regu lations — the uniform regulations, which would require a tailor some days to prepare — was at once established, a winter's work was at once introduced, and in all this poor Borie was a passive tool. He is now a mere clerk to Vice-Admiral Porter, not the Secretary of the Navy. This is Grant's work and purpose. The govemment is to be conducted on a military plan and system. Law, usage, and civil service are set aside. The Judiciary Committee in the Senate reported a biU on the Tenure-of-Office Law which is a perfect cheat and swindle. Grant is said to have been consulted by the committee and a compromise was effected. The lawyers duped and cowed him. The poor devil has neither the sa gacity and obstinacy for which he has credit, ff he assents to this compromise, where the Executive surrenders every thing and gets nothing. I shall not be surprised, however, if TrumbuU has in duced and seduced Grant. In heart and sentiment Trum bull has become a perfect Senatorial oligarch, and aims to concentrate all power in the Senate. His original Demo cratic principles — State-Rights and strict construction — he has almost totally abandoned, and seems to sup pose the powers of the govemment are lodged vrith the Senate; at all events, he wishes the Senate whUst he is a member to exercise them. March 25, Thursday. There was a rumor prevalent to-day that ex-President Johnson died last night from a sudden attack of paralysis. It was founded on the fact that he had a severe attack of disease of the kidneys, and that his physician. Doctor Norris, had been sent for. The President and his family arrived home at Green"viUe safely on Saturday, where they were received with greet ings cordial and sincere from their old neighbors and friends after their long absence. Moses H. Grinnell has been nominated Collector of 1869] GRINNELL NOMINATED COLLECTOR 561 the Port of New York. I am not surprised at it. He is proud, a man trained in the corrupt and corruptible school of New York poUtics, an old admirer of Daniel Webster. At one period he was one of the merchant princes; he still has a commercial standing and occupies a prominent social position, which wiU make him careful about prostituting himself or his office. His restraints wUl be due as much to his commercial standing as to his moral instincts and he will have a studied desire to guard his re putation. Like Hamilton Fish he was formerly devoted to Seward, and Uke Fish he has become estranged in a meas ure from his former leader. Both keep up the formahties of friendly intercourse, but there is no heart-feeling on their part, or Seward's. Commodore Jenkins tells me that Vice-Admiral Porter devotes his time apparently to criticism, — complains of, and picks flaws in, my administration. He has got his boards organized — by appointment of Borie, who is a mere puppet — to examine the hulls and engines that are building, or that were commenced during the War and have since been completed or suspended. Jenkins says he went into the Secretary's room, where Porter had the ledger and books, and Stribling, who is to be president of one of these boards, was examining them with Porter. Stribling manifested any other emotion than that of pride in his work, and, subsequently, in an apologetic way, made inquiries of Jenkins about the employment of workmen, the form of intercourse at the navy yards, the assumption of the Bureaus and their subordinates, and the want of proper deference to commandants of the yards. Jenkins advised him to examine the method of proceedings at the yards, — to make proper inquiries for himself before com ing to a conclusion, — and he would find he was on a false scent, and that he had been imposed upon. Stribling seemed mortified, expressed the greatest respect for me, but supposed that old usage had been sacrificed, that com mandants had not their rights, and that a worse practice 3 562 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 25 had been introduced. Jenkins said such was not the fact so far as his Bureau was concerned, nor did he beUeve such practice existed with any other; certain he was that I was vigilant and that, had any deviation been brought to my notice, it would have been properly corrected. This is a specimen of the low schemes and intrigues that are being practiced. I have done too much for Por ter, who is incapable of gratitude, and is eaten up with selfish ambition. The creation of the office of Admiral, which became necessary in order to have naval rank corresponding with that of the mihtary commander of the armies, necessitated the promotion of some one to the office of Vice-Admiral, made vacant by the appointment of Farragut to the highest grade. There was no Rear-Ad miral entitled to such promotion. Goldsborough, who was senior, had not a single qualification but size, belly, and lungs. Davis was literary and a scholar vrithout a strong naval fighting record. Dahlgren was cold, and so calcu latingly selfish that he feared to do anything lest he might injure his past reputation, which was on the "gun line," — not in their use but the manufacture or make of them. Porter, who had a mixture of good and bad qualities, was preferable, I thought, to either of them, but yet vrithout just claims for the distinction. He had acquitted himself very well at Fort Fisher by persevering in his efforts to carry into effect the wishes and "riews of the Na"vy Depart ment. I had placed him in command of the squadron after Farragut declined, because he had energy, ambition, and I knew he would feel that his future success would depend on accompUshing the work prescribed. When it was over, although there were many things which I dis' approved, I could not, when the vacancy occurred, do otherwise than give him the place over the heads of others, and after the War was ended, I placed hun in the eligible position of Superintendent of the Naval Academy. He had, I thought, some excellent qualities for the position at that particular time, and for two years he discharged the 1869] ADMIRAL PORTER'S INTRIGUES 563 duties well. The third year his restless nature began to develop itseff. Change, novelty, new schemes were intro duced. He first wanted the European Squadron when it was given to Farragut. Later the party intrigues and Presidential movements enUsted him. He had fostered a factious clique at Annapolis, and began to use the officers for himself and purposes. I did not accord to hun full sway, for I perceived his error. Among others he had Walker, a nephew of Senator Grimes, in the academic staff. I regretted the necessity of ordering Walker to the Academy, for I knew the use that would be made of him. Secret movements soon commenced against the De partment, and Grimes began to change his views. Walker came to Washington every few days, and Grimes became distant, changed his views, had new schemes such as he once disapproved. His broken health subjected him more entirely to the malign influence that was brought to bear upon him. Walker was the unconscious dupe and tool of Porter, and Grimes, in his feeble health, was subject to that influence. When Farragut retumed, and the time had arrived for Porter to have the European Squadron, as hehad requested, he asked to be excused; said his health was so impaired he could not discharge the duties; the routine at the Academy was pleasant and beneficial to an invalid who could not perform other duties. All of which I understood and was in no sense deceived. Though still obsequious to me, he was paying his court in another quarter. Grant was likely to be elected President and he had volunteered to testify to Grant's total abstinence, which by his published stand ard deserves reward. He had been accustomed to say to me that Grant was nothing unless associated vrith Sher man, whom of the two Porter admired most; that together they made a great general. Latterly nothing is said of Sherman. Gradually his calls on me have faUen off. His visits to Washington have been frequent during the fall and winter, but I have seen him only two or three times. 564 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 25 Grimes introduced a bill for a Board of Survey, — a scheme of Porter to get position in Washington. UntU Walker became the messenger of Porter, Grimes steadily opposed this Board. The refusal of the Naval Committee in the House to consider Grimes' biU until next Decem ber disconcerts Porter, who is at present a mere intruder in the Navy Department vrithout any legal status. March 26, Friday. The House by a majority of over twenty refuses concurrence with the Senate in its modffica- tion of the Tenure-of-Office Act, and insists on uncondi tional repeal. Grant is quoted as having surrendered to the lawyer intriguers, but the House, more sensible, more sagacious, and more firm, holds out. StiU Bingham, Schenck, and the scheming ultra-Radicals are in concert with the Senate intriguers, and, having made a dupe of Grant, . . . they will labor to have the Senate recognized as a part of the executive power, clothed with authority to check and control the President for party purposes. Trumbull and Edmunds, two Radical lawyers, are active in this scheme. Borie has sent a letter to the Naval Committee for the repeal of the eight-hour law. Though right in this, it was not wise or politic at this time. The demagogues in Con gress enacted the law regardless of the public interest, and dare not repeal it, whatever may be their convictions. March 27, Saturday. The President has rescinded that part of his order which placed the War Department un der the General of the armies. It was a part of a scheme for a military government that Grant has had in view, which neither Congress nor the country was yet prepared to sanction. The Navy Department was in like manner to have been organized, and may be yet. Porter is ready to take on himself any authority which others wUl permit, with law or without law. Doolittle tells me he has had a talk with General Butler, 1869] BUTLER'S CONTEMPT FOR GRANT 565 who says the House wUl to the end insist on repeal of the CivU-Tenure BiU. He, B., has seen Grant and tried to have a conversation with him and make him comprehend the features of this amendment. "But," said Butier, "he is stupidly dull and ignorant and no more comprehends his duty or his power under the Constitution than that dog," pointing to a small dog near them. Butler's expression of ineffable contempt, DooUttle says, cannot be described, when he alluded to Grant. I am also told by Doolittle that Stewart, when he found he could not be Secretary of the Treasury, requested as a special favor that Ethan Allen might be appointed Dis trict Attomey in New York. But Grant regretted to inform Stewart that he had promised that place to a Mr. Ford, the brother of one of Grant's cronies. This promise he had made last summer. Ford is an obscure lawyer, without standing or position. Poor Stewart is mortified and cha grined that he has made himself an ass and expended his money for nothing. Sprague, though not an orator, has been telling the Senators some truths. At first they were disposed to treat his attacks on, or exposure of, the lawyers with levity, and Nye . . . attacked him with severity, but though this amused the galleries for the moment, Sprague's remarks remain. March 29, Monday. Ex-President Johnson has re covered from the painful attack which prostrated him, and is announced to speak at Greenville, Nashville, and Memphis. He has been an effective speaker in Tennessee in former years, and may succeed again, but ten years have changed the character of the people, and the people them selves, nor is it likely that he remains unchanged. I shall not be surprised, therefore, if he is not as successful as in former years, and, under the sweeping proscription by which Brownlow and his faction have aimed to disfran chise all who are opposed to them, the ex-President may 566 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [march 29 find it more difficult than he apprehends to serve the State. March 30, Tuesday. Montgomery Blair came to see me. His brother Frank has sued the authorities in St. Louis, who refused his vote unless he would take the iron clad oath of Missouri, which required htm to swear that he had not opposed the administration of the general govemment nor the govemment of the State of Missouri, whereas he had opposed and defeated the Rebel govemor and Rebel organization of that State in 1861, and vrith General Lyon extricated the State from Rebel control. His vote being rejected, he brought suit, which was last week argued before the Supreme Court. Montgomery B. thinks the case was well presented, and they vrill gain their case. He is, however, a sanguine man, and never doubts that his brother Frank is always right. I think he is in this in stance, and is oftener right and has much greater sagacity than his opponents beUeve. Montgomery Blair regretted that President Johnson should have gone to Coyle's after leaving the Executive Mansion. The habits, practices, and character of C. should have prevented it. He says he found it difficult to get to the President, but he asked Rives, one of his aides, what he intended doing and where going when he left the White House, and R. told him where he was to go. As he did so, R. shrugged his shoulders. B. expressed his regret, and R. also. He said to Blair — what he declared he had said to no one else — that Coyle and too many like him had sur rounded the President during his whole term. Blair says they flattered and deceived him, . . . and Blair thinks the President could not have been entirely ignorant of facts that were so notorious. But Blair is censorious. He said, however, he imputed nothing corrupt or venal to Presi dent Johnson. The difficulty was he tolerated scoundrels around him, and permitted them to do what he would scorn to do himself. I remarked that I had inquired of him 1869] BUTLER OUTGENERALED 567 heretofore concerning Moore, who is a Washingtonian. Blair said that was some time ago and he had given no attention to the subject then, but since, and recently, damaging information had come to him, and that he now knew personally that Moore had played a false part and deceived Johnson. I had no reason, I said, to suppose he was unfaithful to the President, except the fact that Stanton had placed him there and that he had pre viously been in Stanton's employ. I never heard an ex pression from him against Stanton, even when Stanton's treachery was detected and exposed, and on one or two occasions some facts appear to have reached Stanton which I could account for in no other way than through Moore. In everything, aside from Stanton, it always ap peared to me he was true to the President and serviceable to him — and I could not say [sic]. March 31, Wednesday. The Tenure-of-Office Bill went to a committee of conference, on which was Trumbull, Edmunds, and Grimes for the Senate, Butler, Washburn of Wisconsin, and Bingham for the House. The opponents of repeal had the advantage, except that Butler was relied upon as equal to all opponents. But he was flattered by the association, cajoled, and failed his friends. Like other too cunning men, and men under the shade, he was too compUant and shrewd. He gained his points as regards ultimate removal, but yielded a principle. His sly, tricky management was outwitted and his fierce energy molUfied. Butler vanquished himself. He has congratulated him self that, if the public denounced him as a knave, no one asserted he was a fool, but this self-laudation is his no longer. He has been befooled, flattered, and made an ass of. I hear that the compromise passed both houses. Very likely, and each congratulated itself that it has beaten the other. Butler has been outgeneraled, has lost reputation for shrewdness. LXVIII The Compromise on the Tenure-of-Office BiU passes Both Houses — Porter as " Lord of the Admiralty" — Connecticut goes Radical in the State Election — PossibiUty of War with Spain — Congress adjourns after placing the Matter of Reconstruction in the President's Hands — Morton's Amendment requiring the Adoption of the Fifteenth Amend ment to the Constitution before a State is given Representation — Corruption not confined to one Party — A General Sweep of Official Incumbents — Diplomatic Appointments — Motley goes to England, Washbume to France — The Senate rejects the Alabama Treaty after a Speech against it by Sumner — Regrets at leaving Washington — A Courtesy from Vice-Admiral Porter — Reflections on relinquishing Office — The Retum to Hartford — CaU on Admiral Farragut in New York — The Admiral suffering from Official Neglect — Changes in Hartford in Eight Years — Getting settled — Grant's Unfitness for the Presidency — Secretary Borie a Nonentity — Admiral Porter's Order to Change the Names of Men-of-War — The Alabama Question and the British Public. April 1, Thursday. Secretary Borie has rescinded one of his illegal general orders, issued by direction of Porter. Some one has informed the [indecipherable] that it was not only without authority of law but in violation of law. It is not the only general order Uable to the same charge. But Porter never paid much regard to law or regulations at a time when either conflicted vrith his convenience, and, as for Borie, he seems to know nothing either of his duties or of law, nor cares to know. The compromise on the Tenure-of-Office Bill has passed both houses. All the Democrats and some of the most sensible and reputable Republicans voted against it. On looking at the subject more deliberately to-day, my last evening's impressions are confirmed. The only question is. Was Butler a treacherous knave or a silly, egotistical dupe? He has betrayed those who trusted him through either design or ignorance, and he is not a fool, though in this instance foolish. But Grimes and Washburne are equally 1869] PORTER LORD OF THE ADMIRALTY 569 implicated, though Butler was considered the leader. They each trusted the other, doubtless, and thought to patch up and heal a disagreement in the party. Commodore Jenkins has resigned his position as Chief of the Bureau of Navigation and is assigned to duty as Secretary of the Lighthouse Board. Rear-Admiral Har wood, who was secretary of that board, has been detached and is to be placed as one of the Retiring Board, which is hereafter to hold permanent session in Washington. It is easy to perceive that one object in this movement is to control the action of the retiring, or "ex," board in certain cases. Favorites wiU be treated lightly; those who are under the displeasure of the "Lord of the Admiralty," as Porter is now caUed, will be likely to fare hard. A factious clique aims to govem the Na"vy. Jenkins is one of the most faithful, industrious, labori ous, and best-informed officers in the service; better fitted for the position he occupied than any man of his grade. There were prejudices against him, deeply and cunningly introduced and magnffied by the man who has compelled his resignation. April 2, Friday. President Grant sent in quite a batch of nominations to-day. From this I infer that he acquiesces in the passage of the mongrel, bungling, exceptional piece of legislation on the Tenure-of-Office Bill which was rushed through the two houses. There was some expectation of a veto among his best friends, but it is not in him, and his Cabinet advisers have hardly the stamina for such a step. Besides, the matter is in such a shape that the whole thing is embarrassing.Butler and the extreme Radicals were defeated yester day on the Mississippi question by a union of the more considerate Radicals with the Democrats. It was a very handsome rebuke to the despotic demagogue. An order has gone out from the Navy Department re ducing the wages of workmen one fifth below outsiders in 570 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [april 2 consequence of the eight-hour law. The order is correct in principle, but will be fiercely resisted in Congress by the demagogues who passed it. Borie has sent a letter to the Naval Committee urging the establishment of a Board of Survey; says he shall be compelled to reduce the staff if it is not done, etc. The handiwork of Porter is perceptible in all this, and the threat may accomphsh the work. It is disgraceful that there should be such an intrigue in the Navy Department. Borie would not himself have attempted it, but Porter would not hesitate to instigate and pass it. Under men ace, the staff officers may yield, though I should be sorry to see it. April 3, Saturday. An opinion has been obtained from Attomey-General Hoar reversing the opinion given by Attomey-General Bates on which the action of the Depart ment was founded in March, 1863, vrith the approbation of President Lincoln, increasing the relative rank of staff officers. I have always doubted whether the regula tions could be maintained, if dissented to or opposed and brought to a legal test, and therefore advised the staff to have the regulations confirmed by Congress and then legalized. But they were not satisfied with the rank given them and therefore would not move, — not unlikely would have opposed legislation, had it been attempted. But the regulations have been in force six years, have been re cognized by the Executive and Congress, have become a usage, are equitable and right in themselves, provided there is to be assimilated rank, and no person avows hunself op posed to them. But the staff do not favor a Board of Sur vey, and without such a board, Vice-Admiral Porter has no legal status in the Department. The Naval Committee have decided they would not consider the subject of such a board until December, and this opinion has been ex torted from the Attorney-General, when overwhelmed with more pressing and important business, in order to gratify 1869] CONNECTICUT GOES RADICAL 571 the grasping aspirations of the Vice-Admiral. Having got Attomey-General Hoar's opinion, reversing that of Attomey-General Bates, Mr. Borie signs an order which had been prepared for him, reducing the rank of the staff. Not unlikely this Congress will be wheedled and dra gooned into Porter's schemes of a Board of Survey, by coercing the staff into an assent to that measure, provided they can secure the rank which was given them by me. April 5, Monday. Great excitement in Congress and New York on the subject of the Pacffic Railroad. I have looked upon the transactions connected with that road as in some particulars outrageously fraudulent. Durant, the manager, has the reputation of being a knave, and there are Members of Congress involved in the swindle. Fisk, an adventurer and operator in New York, had a fight vrith the concern, and, the board refusing to produce their books, the court has authorized the safe to be broken open, which has been finally done, after a day's labor, with sledge-hammers, crowbars, etc., etc. April 6, Tuesday. Grant yesterday signed the new Tenure-of-Office Bill. He has been defeated and over reached in this matter. This is not surprising. Thus far he does not promise a very wise or successful administration. The folly of making a Chief Magistrate of a man who is totally ignorant of civU affairs and destitute of statesman ship vrill perhaps be demonstrated to the satisfaction of all by the present Executive. "~ Retums from the Connecticut election, which took place yesterday, indicate the success of the Radical ticket. Party, not principle, has controlled. How soon the people vrill come out from Radical delusion and take care of themselves and their rights, God only knows. The people of Connecticut are as capable as those of any State to govem themselves and take care of their liberties, yet, in the madness and delusion of party, they vote away the 572 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [april 6 foundation principles of free govemment. They are bUnd, stupidly and inexcusably blind^ to their owa bestrnterests, when they strip their State of its sovereignty and transfer it to the Central Govemment. ' There has been less interest, apparently, in the election than usual, though great questions were involved, and there was some not very judicious management. The nomination of Dixon in the First Congressional District as the Democratic candidate was a mistake. He was the candidate of a party which, for a quarter of a century, had opposed him and he it. Although he has placed himseff squarely on the Democratic platform, and of late has pur sued a course which Democrats approve, stUl old antagon isms were not forgotten, and with them there was distrust, disgust, and lack of zeal. Dixon flattered himseff, and many Democrats deceived themselves, vrith the belief that he would secure votes from his old party friends and asso ciates, — a not uncommon mistake. Personal influence, under such circumstances, is of httle account. It is doubt ful whether he got ten such, whUe he lost hundreds which a different candidate would have secured. April 7, Wednesday. I hear of quite a number of vessels being ordered to be fitted for immediate service. Other vessels are ordered to join the North Atlantic Squadron. Their movements indicate trouble in the AntiUes, and especially in Cuba. It may be proper that the squadron may be reinforced since the disturbances in that island have assumed such magnitude, but great prudence and cir cumspection, as well as vigilance, are necessary. From the large force which is being fitted out, and the characteristics of Porter, who evidently has entire control of the Navy Department, is reckless of expenditure and ambitious to make a display, and from certain manffestations which I have heretofore observed in Grant, I am somewhat appre hensive that we may become involved in difficulties vrith Spain. In that case the whole of the maritime countries 1869] POSSIBILITY OF WAR WITH SPAIN 573 of southern Europe will sympathize with her. General Banks, who is chairman of the Committee on Foreign Re lations in the House, is not a suitable man for the position at any time, and especially not now. He is voluble and shallow, aspiring and pretentious. A war with so weak a govemment as Spain in the present unfortunate condition of our exhausted country would be lamentable. The Administration is in feeble and incom petent hands, — men who are partisans or nothings; the Union is disrupted by exclusion; States are plundered of their property and rights, and are govemed by force; an immense debt and unreliable measures make the prospect sad. But the people have brought these things upon them selves. They have not yet aroused to their true condition. In devotion to party they have to a great extent forgotten, or been inattentive to, their obligations to the country. WhUe the Administration is sending a large number of armed ships into Cuban waters, and we have rumors of Ulegal expeditions fitting out in our country to aid the insurgents there, and our countrymen are sympathizing with them, no proclamation enjoining neutrality is issued by the President. April 8, Thursday, and 9, Friday. Chief Engineer King caUed upon me this evening. Says he has had some dif ficulty vrith Vice-Admiral Porter. The late order reducing the rank of the staff he thought unjust, and he addressed a letter to Secretary Borie on the subject. This Porter did not like, — he tolerates no differences. I had been told by others of this disagreement, which was represented to be much sharper than K. mentions, and I am also told that P. said he was much disappointed in K. and cared not how soon he resigned. Commodore LenthalP also called. He laments the change that has been made; thinks the men at the head of the 1 Naval Constructor John LenthaU, as Chief of the Bureau of Construc tion and Repair, had the rank of Commodore. 574 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [Aprils govemment scarcely know what Porter and Borie are about. Orders upon orders are received of a most singular character. Commodore Selfridge, chairman of one of the boards, sent to the different navy yards to examine the vessels, has made reports recommending changes in the ves sels which exhibit his own incapacity, and at the same time his desire to please those who sent him on this examination. As a constructor, L. says he finds it necessary that he should take lessons of Selfridge to unlearn the lessons, teachings, and experience of a Ufetime. Porter was anxious that L. should adopt Selfridge' s recommendations, but L. said he could not adopt and make them his; if, however, explicit orders were given him, he should execute these orders. P. asked if he would not adopt some. L. said he could not. "Well, then," said P., "let them go." L. says, however, he has compUed with a request of P. that more saU should be placed upon vessels of the Algoma class. Each of these bureau officers is, I see, exceedingly dis satisfied, and my sympathies are with them and the staff, who are each subjected to improper treatment, and I freely, too freely perhaps, to them and others expressed my opinions and feelings. April 10, Saturday. Congress adjoumed to-day at noon, as agreed by resolution. Sumner, Butler, and some of the extreme Radicals were opposed and would be glad to have a continuous session. They desire to govem. The President sent a message to Congress on the sub ject of Reconstruction. Congress passed a resolution, or law, putting the subject in his hands. Morton^ put on an amendment that the States should not be admitted, or represented, until they adopted the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which is now pending. As if Congress could override the Constitution, dictate terms to a State, and prescribe conditions on which it should have repre sentation ! But this is all in character with the disunion ' Senator Oliver P. Morton of Indiana. 1869] THE FIFTEENTH AMENDMENT 575 proceedings of the Radicals. An amendment of the Con stitution, thus forced by a usurping Congress upon the country, is a nullity, and should be so treated whenever the govemment is rescued from Radical hands. The Senate is to continue in session to act upon appoint ments and treaties. But little good can be expected from that body with such a President and Senate as we now have. Office and power are the great end and aim of each. In vain do we look to them for relief and statesmanship. Overwhelmed in debt, no financial scheme is matured; none has been broached, even, which has received or is entitled to decent respect. The Union wrenched asunder by the Radicals, who professed regard for its maintenance. States denied their inherent, reserved, and guaranteed rights, the Constitution and its obhgations disregarded and trampled down by those who were elected to carry out its provisions and swore to support them, the country is in deed in a lamentable condition. The tyranny of party is vastly stronger than any ties of patriotism or the obliga tions of an oath. Some of the Radical Senators revolted at this new and villainous proposition of Morton and voted against it, but the carpet-baggers came opportunely to his support. A reaction must take place against these atrocious measures, which are a mockery of free govemment and enlightened public opinion. April 12, Monday. The Senate convened to-day at noon, and the President sent in quite a list of nominations, —many of them renominations, I suppose, that were not acted upon at the regular session which expired on Satur day. Ashley, the impeacher, was confirmed as Governor of Montana, after a long and severe stmggle in the Senate, by one majority. The nomination and confirmation of this corrupt wretch after the exposure of his profligacy and baseness in the appointment of Case to be Surveyor- General of Colorado, which he procured from President 576 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [april 12 Lincoln, and the wrong that he exacted in retum, — a share in the profits and plunder which the position gave, etc., etc., — is further evidence of the total debasement of the Radical Party. Some Republican Senators, it seems, opposed him, but. Grant having selected him, the ap pointment was confirmed. Had one or two more votes been wanting, they would have been forthcoming. The country is becoming, though very slowly, aware of the corruptions and abuses which are being practiced, but does not yet assume resolution to correct them. The people, carried away by party, try to justify or excuse their palpable enormities by declaring that degeneracy is general, and their opponents are as vricked and venal as their friends. I am sorry to be compeUed to beUeve that corruption is not confined to one party. It is the disgrace and wickedness of the times, imputable in part to the evils of war in the first instance and not checked, but encour aged, by the Radicals, who have made corruption common, and from which some of their opponents have not had the firmness and virtue to abstain. April 15, Thursday. The Administration appears to be making an unusual change or general sweep of aU of ficial incumbents, irrespective of party. Friends and sup porters, men who are faithful and efficient, many of whom have been for years, some of them a quarter of a century, in public employment, are summarUy ejected from office. One cannot but feel sympathy for these suffering individuals, who are unfitted for other employment after having spent a large portion of their lives in the faithful discharge of their duties, from which they have been unexpectedly and without premonition dismissed. But the country is a suf ferer as well as the dismissed officials. No new appointee can make good the place of many of these faithful servants in the Departments, who have the traditions of the serv ice and a familiarity with the law, usages, and routines. 1869] DIPLOMATIC APPOINTMENTS 577 which are only acquired by experience. There are many worthless fellows in bureaus and at clerical desks who should be displaced, but such are quite as likely to be retained as any in these party, ill-considered, and imprudent changes. The foreign appointments which are being made of ministers and consuls are, in many instances, discredit able. Scarcely one can be called a first-class selection. Mr. Motley, who has the first mission, that of London, is a literary man, a book-maker, a man of some reputation in that respect, but he has not the proper talent and abil ity for so important a mission as that of England, at so interesting a period as this. While at Vienna he displayed no diplomatic abihty, nor had he, perhaps, an opportun ity. He goes, therefore, to the first and most important mission abroad without experience, or any manifestation of diplomatic capacity, and is undoubtedly indebted to the "McCracken letter," and his petulant, querulous, in solent response, and to the controversy and notoriety which followed, for his present appointment. He is selected to spite Seward, — these are the lofty considerations which influence this Administration. Washbume, the vulgar and mean, represents the Ad ministration, not his country, to France. Then there is a Jones, whom no one knows but Grant and Washburne, ... is nominated to Belgium. His only recommendation is that he has been an active party electioneerer for Washbume, the contemptible. Pile, ^ an ignorant, prejudiced partisan, formerly a frontier Methodist ranter, is nom inated to Brazil. So of others. Small men with limited comprehension and limited capacity, but who are Radical Grant men, are hastily pressed forward by scores. Of their adaptabihty Grant himself is not competent to judge, nor could a man more famiUar with the necessary require ments for these positions have informed himself in so brief a period. ' William A. Pile. He was rejected by the Senate, but afterwards was made^ Govemor of New Mexico. 3 578 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [april 15 The consular appointments are most of them deplorable. The selections made by Seward, I thought, were many of them objectionable, but these now made are worse. Sickles and his friends aver that he was promised the Spanish Mission by Grant himself, yet the promise was broken and the place was given to Sanford,^ to the great disgust, as well as disappointment, of Sickles. It does not surprise me that Grant broke his promise, — not that he is an habitual liar, but he can prevaricate and violate the truth when his necessities are great with as much readiness as any man I ever knew. Nor ought I, perhaps, to be sur prised, when I see what is going on, that he should have promised a man of the character and reputation of Sickles, so high, and honorable, and responsible a place as the mission to Spain. Kingly, son-in-law of J. P. Hale, was nominated Secre tary of the Spanish Legation in place of Perry, between whom and Hale there has been a controversy.^ Hale requested his friend Washbume to oust Perry, and Grant ousted him, but has since revoked his action. Hale is charged with having prostituted his office as Minister to smuggling. The subject is undergoing investigation by the Spanish Govemment. Hale is a canting hypocrite, corrupt and base. He opposed me, and the Navy and Na"vy De partment, throughout the War and as long as he remained in the Senate, because I would not allow him to job the Department. ViUainy and baseness ultimately gets its reward. April 16, Friday. Sumner has made an able speech in the Senate on the Alabama Treaty, which received but one vote, that of McCreery of Kentucky. Thus end the labors of Seward and Reverdy Johnson on that important sub- ' Henry S. Sanford, the Minister to Belgium. He was rejected by the Senate, and General Sickles received the appointment. ' If this nomination ever actually reached the Senate, it failed of con firmation. John Hay was eventually appointed to the position. 1869] THE ALABAMA TREATY REJECTED 579 ject. I never thought that this was the time, or that they rightly appreciated the question, or that they were the proper men to adjust or to attempt the settlement of it. Better would it have been had they not made the attempt. President Johnson had wrought himself into a desire to arrange a treaty to close that controversy, and identi fied himself with his Secretary and Minister in the matter. The treaty was such, when first submitted, that I am in credulous as to the sincerity of Seward, and at no time have I believed the Senate would sanction it, — though Sumner would deprecate difficulty vrith England. This emphatic rejection is not peaceful, yet I do not in the least appre hend hostilities. I did not admire Mr. Seward's treatment of the subject of those depredations and the part taken by England during the War nor since. He exhibited, I thought, but feeble statesmanship and little knowledge of intemational law, and, although his present admirers and others award him great diplomatic skill and ability in his management of affairs vrith both England and France, I think he displayed very little. Sumner, then and now, showed more know ledge and talent and a more correct appreciation of the matter than Mr. Seward. There is more manly vigor and true statesmanship in this speech than in all of Seward's diplomacy with England. Sumner is better informed and better grounded on our foreign relations than on the tme principles of our govemment. April 17, Saturday. The Senate did not adjourn to-day, as many anticipated it would. It is now understood they vrill adjourn on Tuesday. There seems a strong disposi tion with some extreme Radicals to get away. Treaties and nominations are before them unacted upon; the Adminis tration is beginning to be understood and is gaining neither strength nor respect. Grant drove past my house in a dogcart this p.m. His wffe and two children were with him. I was sitting at the 580 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [april 17 window, and Mrs. Grant turned to me and made a low bow. I mention the fact because, though we have two or three times met, it is the first sign of recognition since the day her husband left the Cabinet. McCulloch called on me last evening, and regretted that I leave Washington. Thinks I would be better satisfied here than in Hartford, for eight years' separation from old friends at the latter place have weakened and severed most of the ties which once endeared the place, while here I have formed new friendly associations, and am generally known and properly regarded. There is much truth in these remarks, and I feel that I have an ordeal and trial to pass through for a few weeks to come which I would be glad to avoid. Blair was here this evening and expressed hunself even warmer and more feelingly on the subject of our approaching separation. I confess to the reluctance with which I part from the people and society of Washing ton, where I have experienced unremitting kindness, and especially from the circle of intimate personal and poUtical friends and associates vrith whom, through storm and sun shine, through trials and vicissitudes, in war and peace, under two administrations, I have had many pleasant and happy, as well as some sad and trying, hours. But it is best that the brief span of Iffe that remains to me should be passed in the land of my nativity. I have employed the week in preparation for my de parture, gathering up, vrith my wife and sons, our house hold effects and making ready to leave. Vice-Admiral Porter, who has charge and control of the Navy and Navy Department, has, with great courtesy, placed the Tallapoosa, dispatch boat, at my service, to convey my effects to Hartford, when on her way to Boston, which wUl save me much trouble and the necessity of transshipment. This act of the Vice-Admiral is, on his part, a recognition of friendly official benefits conferred, and for which he cannot otherwise than feel grateful. How far his liberality may be justffied and approved, is a 1869] LEAVING WASHINGTON 581 question which I shaU not scan, but the tender he has made I have been glad to accept. Not a feeling, or one single moment, of regret has crossed my mind on relinquishing office; in leaving the cares, re sponsibiUties, and labors which I have borne and tried faithfully to execute, I feel satisfying relief. I miss, it is true, the daily routine which has become habitual, but the reUef from many perplexities more than counter balances it. My duties were honestly and fearlessly dis charged. These facts are known by all who have any knowledge on the subject. They have passed into history. I look back upon the past eight years of my Washington official hfe with satisfaction and a feeling that I have served my country usefully and well. My ambition has been gratified, and with it a consciousness that the labors I have performed, the anxieties I have experienced, the achievements I have been instrumental in originating and bringing to glorious results, and the great events connected with them vrill soon pass in a degree from remembrance or be only sUghtly recollected. Transient are the deeds of men, and often sadly perverted and misunderstood. May 2, Sunday. Hartford, Allyn House. Two weeks have passed since I have opened this book. The days have been occupied in breaking up our establishment in Wash ington, closing our affairs, preparing to return, and in re turning to Connecticut. Friends called to express regret, many to urge and advise us to remain. Generally, I believe these friendly manifestations were sincere; and I confess to occasional misgivings in leaving W., where I have had many enjoyments, not unmixed with cares and anxieties, it is true. The climate is to me more genial than that of New England, — the springs and autumns in genial mild ness surpass ours, — and the society, in many respects is more agreeable and social. But regard for our children, the counsel of my wife, and many circumstances admon ished me to again retum to the State of my birth, the friends 582 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [may 2 of early years, and to pass my few remaining days in the land of my ancestors. Here I expect to, and shaU in all probability, end my earthly pilgrunage, here close the record of my Iffe, and here lie down beside my children who have gone before me. We left Washington on the moming of Tuesday, the 27th of April. Edgar remained to close up our affairs. Most of our effects were sent on board the Tallapoosa, which had been tendered me to transport my effects to Hartford; the remainder were sold on the day we left, at auction. Mrs. Welles and our sons were faithful and industrious in packing and preparing to leave. We have had a pleasant home in Washington. The house we occupied became our position, and in every respect matters were made to correspond. The depreciation of the currency and the great advance in prices have con sumed the salary paid me, and in a pecuniary point of view, I am probably poorer to-day than ff I had not been in office. My business affairs have been neglected, so that I have made no gains. AU my time has been faithfully given to the public service. We had a pleasant time from Washington to New York, and stopped with Mr. Morgan on Washington Square until the aftemoon of the 28th. I called on Admiral Far ragut, whom I found quite ill but sUghtly recovering. The impression at first was that I had better not see him, but he soon sent for me, and the interview, I think, bene fited him. His ailment is mostly nervous, the result, in a great measure, of official neglect and the condition of things at Washington. He feels acutely the slight that is shown him, and the orders and movements which were calculated to, and I am constrained to believe were intended to, annoy him. He and myseff have been subjected to similar sUghts by Porter, whom we both have favored. I would not permit the Admiral to dwell on these mat ters which so keenly and sorely affected him, but told him we must for the time being patiently bear with any injus- 1869] CHANGES IN HARTFORD 583 tice; that, in considering the subject, I phUosophized, and he better than myself could do so; that I had said to one or two friends who sought to cheer and comfort me that, in reviewing the past eight years, I was conscious I had done well, that I should be gratified if those who succeeded me would do better, satisfied if they did as well, and if they failed, the failure would be theirs, the credit would be mine. In a much stronger degree could he take this view. He need not fear that his countrymen and posterity would faU to do hun justice. My remarks soothed, comforted, and consoled him. We left New York at 3 p.m. and reached Hartford at seven, stopping at the Allyn House. Nearly four years have passed since I have been here, more than eight since I left and took up my residence in Washington. In that period I have only three times come back to Connecticut for two or three days on each occasion. Changes in that time have taken place. Hartford itself has greatly al tered, — I might say improved, for it has been beautffied and adorned by many magnfficent buildings, and the pop ulation has increased. These I see and appreciate; but I feel, more sensibly than these, other changes which come home to my heart. A new and different people seem to move in the streets. Few, comparatively, are known to me. A new generation which knows not Joseph is here. Of those that remain scarcely one responds to my warm greeting with equal warmth. Some that were most intimate are gone, to find homes elsewhere, or have left the scenes we loved, forever. In looking around in the few days I have been here, I leam that hearts which I valued have passed away. They are cold in the grave; others colder are out of it. May 3, Monday. The papers announce my retum and that vrith my friends I am at the Allyn House. No cordial welcome or word of approval appears. I came quietly, without previous announcement and without show or 584 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [mays ostentation; the moving busy throng have left me alone. I wished no herald to announce my retum nor any parade to give it 6clat. I should have been glad to have seen and taken by the hand some of the friends of other years, but only A. E. Burr and J. G. Bolles have yet called and wel comed me. I have met many in the street who greeted me kindly, expressed themselves glad to see me, and I doubt not were so; but it was commonplace gladness, for neither they nor their friends have caUed to see me or mine. This seems a cold retum for eight years' devoted service as un sparing and faithful as man ever gave to his country. But, while I cannot be insensible or indifferent to it, I do not impute the slight entirely to estrangement or indifference. The temperament and habit of the people have much to do with it. Nevertheless, it is unpleasant. I come almost as a stranger after years of absence, and vrish to rent or purchase a home, but among all my old friends not one extends any friendly aid or assistance, though some of them know my wants. Property is extremely high in price, and no purchase can be made except at a sacrifice. A Uttle friendly advice and assistance from old friends who are residents and who know values would be acceptable, but I do not get it. May 9, Sunday. The past week has been a busy one. With my sons I have roamed the city looking at houses, but find none for sale which are in all respects satisfactory. Prices are ruinously high to purchase, and yet I do not wish to rent, become familiar, and be again compeUed to move. Age is telling upon me. After considerable cogitation and search we have pretty much concluded to purchase the house ... on Charter Oak Place. It is a more expensive place than I can well afford, and in several respects not to my mind, but nev ertheless is perhaps the best which is immediately obtain able. 1869] GETTING SETTLED IN HARTFORD 585 I was the more easily persuaded into this large invest ment in real estate -in consequence of the unsettled and uncertain condition of the currency, owing to vicious legis lation and bad management of the finances. There is wUd ness in Congress; we are without stabUity or system; all is afloat concerning values. During the week old friends have called and welcomed me back, and I am not aware that any were turned away from me. The prompt cordiaUty of Washington is not a characteristic of Hartford, and my quiet, unannounced retum had doubtless some influence in restraining ad vances. My old friend Calvin Day was absent from the city when I arrived, and did not get home until midnight on Saturday. As soon as he knew I was here, on Monday moming, he called. H. A. Perkins, Mrs. Colt, Beach, Sey mour, etc., etc., called. Mark Howard is absent. Governor Hawley saw me at breakfast on Wednesday last and im mediately came and greeted me. He declared he knew no thing of my being in the city untU he saw me, although it was a week after my arrival had been announced in his paper. The government steamer Tallapoosa, which had my effects on board, drew so much water that the pilot feared to cross the bar at Saybrook, and they therefore were landed at New London on Saturday, the 1st, and brought by steamer thence to Hartford on the 3d. This misfor tune to me was the occasion of special exultation by party scavengers. The New York Tribune had two or three malicious articles on the subject. The Courant of this city imitated the Tribune in an article by its local contributor, which, however, Govemor Hawley, the editor, promptly corrected the following day. The love of scandal and malice is great with many, and the New York Tribune is not excelled in this regard. It has little followers. The General Assembly convened on Wednesday, and the Govemor, Jewell, was inaugurated. The day was pleas ant and the crowd in attendance great . In days long gone by 586 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [may 9 I enjoyed and participated in these ceremonies. It is many days since the mere ceremony and forms have given me interest, and to-day, when I see that by mere party force a majority gathered to debase the State and surrender the high attribute of sovereignty to central power, I not only have no interest in, but a positive disinclination to vritness, the pageant. The Governor (Jewell) is a pleasant business man, of light calibre, with no fitness or proper aptitude for the place. He has been pecuniarily successful, and wealth alone, without other qualffications, has given him the office. His intentions are probably well; but of the laws, institutions, wants, and necessities of the State and people he knows but little. His message was written chiefly by others, and its most important declaration of principles was from my teachings, and views, against corporations and special privileges. May 16, Sunday. A letter from McRitchie on the Tallapoosa, received last Sunday evening, informed us that our furniture and things were at New London. Edgar and John went there and retumed vrith them on the steamer Sunshine on Monday. We placed them in our recently purchased house on Tuesday. . . . May 30, Sunday. Two days of incessant employment and care, with family unsettled, effects, books, papers, etc., in confusion, with no servants, or with discontented ones, Mrs. W. disabled and confined to her room from injury by a fall, have made me, unused as I am to these matters, ex ceedingly uncomfortable. Two hundred and twenty-four boxes were received from Washington, four loads from Glastonbury, besides a considerable amount of furniture which had been left eight years ago with friends in Hart ford, have been brought to the house to arrange. To assist in this, with other cares, has left me neither time nor in clination to write. 1869] GRANT'S UNFITNESS 587 We came into possession of the house on the 19th inst., Wednesday. Our three sons at once commenced vigorously and earnestly to put the household in order, and have de voted themselves faithfully to that object since. Edgar left on Thursday for Saratoga via New York, to be present at the wedding of one of his classmates. Tom went yesterday to Granville with a fishing party. I have not been fifty rods from the house for a week until yester day, when I had to go to the bank on business. Met Mr. Hamersley on my way, who invited me to his store, where we had an hour, on political subjects chiefly. It is some where about fifteen years since we have had such and so long a conversation. So far as I have met and seen old friends, I have had every reason to be satisfied. Though not very demonstra tive, or forward in calling, they have without exception been cordial and apparently sincere. The little that I see and hear of public affairs confirms me in the opinion which I formed in daily personal inter views of the unfitness of Grant. He has no proper ideas of govemment, makes his Administration personal, does not comprehend nor care for great principles. Measures are to him of minor importance, and his views of government consist in displacing and appointing men to office, regard less of their qualffications and of the public interest. Grant has no sympathies, very little patriotism, but intense self ishness. His career previous to the Rebellion was not such as would be likely to elevate and ennoble his character, and his rapid and great advancement has intoxicated and intensified a naturally sordid mind. In his Cabinet ap pointments he has not been fortunate. One of his limited capacity and mental power should be aided by competent advisers. The Navy Department is strangely administered, but is much as Grant would have it. Borie seems to be a nonentity, and Porter a light-headed factotum, spoiled by favors too freely granted. To make a change from the acts 588 DIARY OF GIDEON WELLES [may 30 and poUcy of the last Administration, to do things differ ently and pursue a different course, though worse, seems to be the great end and purpose of those who now control the Navy Department. It is necessary to say those, for, though done in the name of Borie, these things emanate from Porter, and he desires to have it so understood. Many of the changes are frivolous and puerile; some may be well enough; some are not creditable but objectionable. The last order is to change the names of some of the men- of-war and give them tame, flat, and insipid English names instead of American or Indian. To ape, imitate, and copy the English is the object and pitiful course of too many Americans, and the present managers of the Navy De partment are of the number. To extinguish the native names as well as to exterminate the native race has been the narrow purpose of the bigots and fools of our country from the first. In making these changes vessels in actual commission are not exempted, and vessels which have been unfortunate or lost at sea have their names revived. It is obvious that Porter had intrigued and had an un derstanding with Grant (who does not know the man who uses him) long before the change of administration, and that through the winter he was preparing to take charge of the Department. Borie is evidently a convenient tool, who was substituted, as the nominal head, after the Sena torial intimation that miUtary and nav^al men should not be placed in charge of the civU administration of the De partments. June 6, Sunday. Another toilsome, troubled week has passed. Difficulty in obtaining good and willing servants is annoying and vexatious. To serve is no part of the in tention of a large portion of the hired help or assistants, — or only to serve according to their own pleasure, and on their own terms. The great object is to render the least possible service and to obtain the highest amount of wages attainable, with those who perform domestic labor. This, 1869] THE ALABAMA QUESTION 589 especially the shirking part, is particularly the case with the Irish, — more so than with American or other nation- ahties, — and the difficulties are on the increase. . . . There has been a class of demagogue politicians who have contributed largely to this state of things by which our domestic affairs are disturbed without benefit to the em ployers and the employed. The teachings and influence of the New York Tribune have been pernicious. General Banks and a class of demagogues in Congress have enacted what is called the "eight-hour law"; that is, workmen shall be paid wages for ten hours, though laboring but eight, when in the employ of the Govemment. The Alabama question has stirred up the British public since the rejection of the treaty and the publication of Sumner's speech. There is no doubt the English Govem ment and people feel and are fully conscious of the great wrong they have done us, and the attitude of affairs is to them anything but agreeable. They are more apprehensive of war than they are willing to confess, and hostilities may be nearer than our ovm people suppose. [Here ends the diary that my father had kept for seven years. He continued his habit of writing until the end of his hfe, but his later writings were chiefly in the form of contributions to periodicals upon subjects connected vrith the War and Reconstmction. — Edgar T. Welles.] THE END INDEX PHEPARED BY DAVID M. MATTESON Abandoned plantations. Cabinet discussion on control by Treas ury agents, 2, 148-150; bureau for, suggested, 150. Abecassis, Isaac, Portuguese mer chant, naval trade with, 3, 514. Abell, Edmund, removed by Sheri dan, 3, 142. Adams, C. F., Zerman letter, i, 300; as Minister, 301; protest against Laird rams, 406; ignorant of Brit ish intention to seize rams, 437; resigns, 3, 256; suggested as Presi dential candidate, 295; and State portfolio, 488. Adams, H. A., at Pensacola (1861), and Porter, i, 28-31; and Preble, 163. Adams, J. Q., diary, i, xxUi. Adirondack, wrecked, i, 109. Admiral, Farragut's commission, 2, 662, 563. See also Rear-admirals, Vice-admiral. Admiralty, Board of. See Board. Advertisement, official, 2, 490. Advisory Board, action on subord inate active appointments, i, 77. Agassiz, Louis, at Seward's, i, 506. Aiken, William, and Reconstruction, 2, 397. Alabama, rejects Fourteenth Amend ment, 2, 636. Alabama lS90), at Nassau, i, 109; depredations and pursuit, 165, 175, 179, 191, 207, 216, 224, 304, 316, 327; and Federal letters of marque, 253; WeUes and pursuit. 497; at Cherbourg, 2, 62; sunk, 65, 67, 138; rejoicing over sinking, 67, 70. See also Semmes. Alabama claims. Cabinet discussion of points. (1867), 3, 241; question of arbitration by King of Prussia, 459; Cabinet and Johnson's pro tocol, 468-471, 474; Johnson's treaty, 506, 507, 516, 579; Sum ner's speech, 578, 579; Senate rejects treaty, 578; English and rejection, 589. Alaska, purchase, 3, 66, 68, 75, 83, 84; commissioner, 129, 141, 169; protection of seals, 516; govem ment, 531. Alaska, launched, 3, 422. Albany Regency, career, 3, 224-227. Alden, James, at Norfolk Navy Yard, 1, 43-45; and Bureau of Navigation, 2, 357, 362. Aldie, engagement, i, 336, 338. Alexander, B. S., obstruction of the Potomac, 3, 436. Allen, , Editor of the Intelli gencer, and Connecticut election (1866), 2, 456, 460. AUen, C. M., and Georgia peace commissioner, 2, 125. Allen, Ethan, and district-attorney- ship, 3, 565. Allyn, J. P., and Arizona oflSces, 1, 409. Almaden mines, Halleck's interest, I, 397. Alta Vela affair, 3, 305, 316-318, 322, 344. 592 INDEX Altoona Conference, i, 153, 156. Amendments, Johnson's sugges tions, 3, 406, 407. See also amend ments by number. Ames, Horatio, claim for guns, 3, 447-449, 451. Ames, Oakes, graft in Pacific rail roads, 3, 425. Amnesty, Welles favors punishment of leaders, 2, 43; Cabinet discussion (1865), 294, 306; Johnson on par dons (1865), 358; reciprocal, 3, 94; question of general (1867), 183, 193, 197-199; Seddon's application, 230; Congressional acts of indi vidual, 386; proclamation of gen eral (1868), 394-396. Anderson, Robert. See Sumter. Anderson, Fort, capture, 2, 245. Andrew, J. A., on conduct of the War, I, 162; and coast defense of Massachusetts, 288; and pur suit of Tacony, 375; and Weld, 405; on Seward and Johnson, 2, 529. Andrews, R. F., removal, 2, 155. Ann Hamilton, trade permit, i, 637, 543, 544. Annexations, Seward's project for French West Indies, 2, 393; at tempted, of Danish West Indies, 466, 473, 3, 40, 95-98, 124, 125, 502; attempted, of Bay of Samand, 2, 631, 643, 3, 7, 40; Alaska, 66, 68, 76, 83, 84; question of Culebra Island, 94; basis of Seward's pol icy, 106, 125; Seward's desire for Panama, 107; desired by San Domingo, 480, 517; suggested, of Midway Islands, 508. Anthon, W. H., on conviction of Scofield, 2, 201. Anthony, H. B., impeachment vote, 3, 356, 358, 367. Antietam campaign, McCIellan com mands at Washington, i, 104, 109, 113; Confederates invade Maryland, 110, III; McCIellan in field, 114-117, 122, 124; Burnside declines command, 124; delays, 124, 129; South Mountain, 130; battle, 139, 140; Harper's Ferry, 140; Confederates escape, 140, 142, 145, 146, 156; Halleck's in decision, 153; inaction after, 176; fifth anniversary of battle cele brated, 201-203. Appomattox campaign, Sailor's Creek, 2, 276; surrender, 278. Arago, captures Emma, i, 445. Arbitrary arrests, Vallandigham case, I, 306, 321, 344, 347; sup pression of Chicago Times, 321; forged proclamation incident, 2, 36, 38, 67; ArgueUis incident, 36, 45; decision against, in Treasury case, 206, 207 ; Milligan decision, 242, 245, 471, 474, 476. See also Habeas corpits. Archibald,E. M.,and Peterhoff ma,ih, I, 266. ArgueUis, , arrest as slave- trader, 2, 36, 45. Argyle, Duke of, on Wilkes in West Indies, i, 299. Arid, captured, i, 207. Arizona, oflBcers for, 1, 409. Arkansas, delegation to Washington (1867), 3, 6; Reconstruction con stitution, 347; veto of constitution overruled, 388; disturbances, 460- 463. Arkansas, passes Union fleet, i, 72; destroyed, 7S. Arkansas Post, captured, i, 224. Army, grand review, 2, 310. See also Draft, Indians, Negro soldiers, Stanton, and campaigns and offi cers by name. Army and Navy Gazette, official con nection, I, 343. Army of the Potomac, McClellan's popularity, i, 105, 111, 113, 115, 116, 129; attitude of officers (1862), 118; demoralized after Fredericks burg, 226; responsibility for com manders, 440. See also campaigns and commanders by name. INDEX 593 Arnold, I. N., and naval cases, 2, 262. Arrests. See Arbitrary. Ashley, J. M., impeachment resolu tion, 3, 8; character, 12; Conover allegations, 143 ra., 144; Governor of Montana, 575; corrupt prac tices, 575. Ashton, J. H., and case of Brown, Navy Agent, 2, 345; and internal revenue frauds, 435. Aspinwall, W. H., and Sumter expe dition, I, 38; and emancipation, 163; steamer Ariel captured, 207. Atkinson, Edward, and war-time cot ton trade, 2, 66. Atlanta. See Fingal. Atlanta campaign, Resaca, 2, 33; capture of Atlanta, 135; bearing on Presidential campaign, 140. Atlantic cable, naval vessels and laying (1866), 2, 603, 604. Attorney-General, question of ap pointment (1864), 2, 183, 187, 192. See also Bates, Evarts, Speed, Stanbery. Augur, C. C, visit to Fort Foote, i, 474. Aug-usta, pursues Alabama, i, 179. AuUck, J. H., and promotion (1862), I, 75; and Ordnance Bureau, 386. Aulick, Richmond, excursion, 2, 65. Austria, and Mexico, 2, 479, 485. Averill, W. W., reported success (1864), 2, 100. Azuni, D. A., on use of neutral wa ters by belligerents, i, 464. Babcock, J. F., and Connecticut ap pointments, I, 81, 2, 597; and Johnson's policy, 424; in Connecti cut campaigns (1866), 457, 460; (1868), 3, 264, 329; and Senatorial election (1866), 2, 506, 508; on Weed and Grant (1868), 3, 249. Bache, A. D., and navy yard at League Island, i, 185; and Welles, 2, 117. Bache, G. M., and loss of Sacra mento, 3, 554. Bacon, J. G.(?), brings dispatches from Charleston fleet, i, 234. Badeau, Adam, Grant's factotum, 3, 465. Bailey, Theodorus, and captured mails, I, 270, 272; on Matamoras trade, 283, 289; and Mont Blanc incident, 302, 305, 417, 419, 422, 425-427; and Portsmouth Navy Yard, 2, 148; wants command of Washington Yard, 3, 485. Bailor, , pretended peace com missioner from Georgia, 2, 125. Baird, Absalom, and New Orleans riot, 2, 572, 573. Baker, L. C, and graft disclosures, i, 518, 522, 525; case against, for false arrest, 2, 206. Baldwin, C. H., cruise in "VanderbUt, I, 224. Baldwin, J. D., and Reconstruction, 2, 441, 442. Baltic, Weed's scheme for govern ment purchase, i, 155. Baltimore, Butler's rule, 2, 269; elec tion disturbances (1866), 620. Bancroft, George, oration on Lin coln, 2, 431; Dix incident, 3, 511, 621. Bankhead, J. P., on loss of Monitor, 1,215. Banks, N. P., Blair on, i, 126; force fitted out, 192; supersedes Butler, 209; as officer, 210; Sabine Pass, 441, 443; and cotton trade, 611; Red River expedition, 2, 18, 19, 26, 86, 178; character, 18, 26; nom inated to Congress, 381 ; and Radi cals, 381; and Navy Department, 381, 3, 325 ; and French Exhibition, 2, 469; and Mexico, 649; and first Reconstruction Bill, 3, 40; and re moval of Hartt, 139; and navy yard appointments, 416-420. Banks, Chase and circulation, i, 530. See also National banks. Barlow, S. L. M. (?), and McCleUan, I, 117, 2, 28. Barnard, J. G.,at Fort Foote, i, 474. 594 INDEX Barney, Hiram, on McCleUan, i, 116, 117; G. W. Blunt on, 405; and graft disclosures, 514. Barney, Mrs. Joshua, and dismissal of son, 2, 605. Barney, S. C, dismissal, 2, 605. Barnum, W. H., election contested, 3, 129. Barron, Samuel, and Seward's inter ference with Sumter expedition, i, 17-19, 36; character, loyalty doubted, 19, 20; joinsConfederacy, 36. Barry, W. F., visit to Fort Foote, I, 474. Bartlett, , and Welles, i, 184, 2, 269; and Bennett, 268. Bates, Edward, and Carrington, i, 66, 57; and movement to remove McCleUan, 100; and Cabinet-meet ings, 138, 320; and dismissal of Preble, 141 ; and appointment of | midshipmen, 146, 147; on coloniz ing of negroes, 152, 153; and eman cipation, 158; and HaUeck, 180, 397; and Senate committee on Seward, 195, 196; and admission of West Virginia, 205, 206; on cap tured mails, 290, 301 ; on draft and habeas corpus, 397, 432; Chase on, 413; and Admiral Milne, 468; and renomination of Lincoln, 500 ; and Fort PiUow massacre, 2, 24; and Chase's resignation, 63 ; and cotton trade, 66; on the Cabinet (1864), 93; on judicial control over prizes, 106; on abandoned plantations, 149; character, 162; and Taney's funeral, 176; resigns, 181, 183. Beauregard, P. G. T., and demon stration on Washington (1863), i, 359, 377. Beecher, H. W., and slanders of Johnson, 2, 454. Belknap, A. A., question of restora tion, 3, 205, 206. BeU, C. H., Sabine Pass, i, 441; and command of Gulf Squadron, 2, 116; to oommand \Vcst India Squadron, 299; report on For mosa, 3, 182. Belligerency, Welles on blockade and recognition, i, 86, 174, 414, 440, 2, 169, 160, 246, 254; withdrawn from Confederacy, 319. See also Blockade. Benham, H. W., and James Island, I, 160. Benjamin, J. P., and Jaquess, 2, 109. Bennett, J. G., peace with Weed, i, 78; and French mission, 2, 258. See also New York Herald. Benton, T. H., and Marcy's report on Fremont, 2, 42. Bermuda, prize, controversy over govemment purchase, i, 170, 304. Berrett, J. G., and Belknap, 3, 205. Bertinatti, Madame, claim, 2, 522, 526. Betts, S. R., Peterhoff mails case, i, 310. Bigelow, John, on attitude of France (1864), 2, 39; Charge, 205; and Mexico, 332, 336, 622; and Slidell (1866), 586; in Washington (1867), 3, 75; and Seward, 75; on impeach ment, 292, 293. Bigelow, Mrs. John, visits Blairs, 2, 328. Binckley, J. M., Conover case, 3, 165; and Sickles's actions, 182; and Holt, 172; fraud investigations, 434, 435. Bingham, J. A., and Civil Rights Bill, 2, 476, 479; and Conover al legations, 3, 168; and Grant- John son controversy, 274; as impeach ment manager, 332, 345, 347; and Butler, 524; and repeal of Tenure- of-Office Act, 564, 567. Birge, H. W., and Welles, 2, 313. Black, J. S., and Stanton (1861), I, 60; and veto of Reconstruction BiU, 3, 51; and Goldsborough's claim, 99; attitude (1867), 99; in fluence over Johnson, 205; im peachment counsel and Alta Vela INDEX 595 304, 305, 307, 308, 316-319, 322, 323, 344. Blaine, J. G., attack on Navy De partment, 2, 241, 250. Blair, Bettie, marriage, 3, 519. Blair, F. P., Sr., and relief of Sumter, I, 13, 2, 248; and Senate commit tee on Seward, r, 203; abandons home during Lee's invasion, 350, 364; on Stanton, 355, 356; and Presidential campaign (1864), 509; and Admiral (Captain) Lee's ad vancement, 633, 2, 243, 504-507, 612, 613, 569, 578; and prosecu tion of contractors, i, 541; and Early's raid, 2, 70; Richmond mission, 219, 221; political saga city, 364; and calling of Union Con vention, 628; and Johnson, 3, 168; character, 408. Blair, F. P., Jr., on Vicksburg cam paign, I, 406; character, 406; an tagonism to Chase, 510, 533, 2, 20; defends Navy Department, i, 631; retums to army, 2, 20; forged requisitions, 20; nomination as collector rejected, 601; and Aus trian mission, 3, 70, 71; and War portfoUo, 165, 166, 231, 232; Vice- Presidential candidacy, 397, 398, 408; suit against Missouri on oath, 566. See also Elections (1868). Blair, Montgomery, and relief of Sumter, i, 13, 2, 248, 304; antagon ism to Stanton and Seward, i, 66, 59, 203, 329, 340, 345, 365, 366, 398, 2, 84, 91, 102, 112, 369-371, 374, 378, 623, 528, 3, 72, 166, 195; and McCleUan, i, 95, 104, 2, 28, 322; on Pope, i, 104, 126; and colonizing of negroes, Chiriqui grant, 123, 150, 161; on War De partment under Cameron and Stanton, 125-128; on commanding generals, 126; and emancipation, 146, 159, 210; on killing of Gen. Nelson, 179; and admission of West Virginia, 191, 206, 206; and Senate committee on Seward, 195- 197, 203; influence on Lincoln, 205; character, 205, 2, 20, 370, 413; and McClernand, i, 217; and Chase, 231, 2, 45; on Seward's dif ficulties over captured mails, i, 274; and a fugitive-slave case (1863), 313; and Cabinet-meet ings, 320, 2, 17, 86; and Vallan digham case, I, 344; and Lee's in vasion (1863), 352; and Stephens's attempted mission, 360, 361; and promotion of D. D. Porter, 369; foresees end of War (1863), 376; excursions, 394, 2, 31, 65; on dis missal of army officers, i, 406; Re construction theory, 413, 467; on habeas corpus and draft, 432; and Speakership (1863), 481; and re nomination of Lincoln, 500; and cotton trade permits, 511, 2, 57, 66, 139; reception, i, 521; cam paign contribution (1864), 534; on Fort PiUow massacre, 2, 24; and date of Republican Convention (1864), 28; and Hamlin, 47; and Chase's resignation, 62, 63; and Early's raid, 70; house burned, 76, 80; and Radicals, resignation, 77, 80, 156-158, 174; Bates on, 93; and Greeley's peace negotiations, 94; on Grant as general, 94, 3, 121, 122; and politics in Brooklyn Navy Yard (1864), 136, 137; and col- lectorship at New York, 137; and Admiral (Captain) Lee, 146, 161, 172, 513; on Weed's antagonism to Welles, 155; and Chief-Justice ship, 181, 182; Senatorial aspira tions and removal of Hoffman, 195, 243; Richmond mission, 221; on Bennett and French mission, 258; and New York papers (1865), 322; and Mexico, 329, 333; and John son, 343, 414, 437, 3, 120, 409; and Maryland patronage (1865), 2, 343; addresses Democrats (1865), 382; at Grant's reception (1866), 478; expects second rebellion, 484, 552, 555, 556; and Union Con- 596 INDEX vention, 531, 574; in campaign of 1866, 613; and Austrian mission for brother, 3, 71 ; on Grant's prob able candidacy (1867), 121; and Field for State portfolio, 184; and Grant (1867), 184, 185; and ru mor of Cabinet reorganization (1867), 203, 204; on Democratic Convention (1868), 408; in the campaign, 440; and Coombs's claim, 528; on Johnson's associates, 566. Blair, Mrs. Montgomery, character, 2, 329. Blake, G. S., as officer, 2, 363. Blatchford, Samuel (or R. M.), and Federal office at New York (1864), 2,62. BUss, George, Jr., and trial of con tractors, I, 540, 2, 19, 57. Bliss, P. C, arrest as spy, 3, 491, 513. Blockade, Seward's interference and apprehensions, i, 74, 79, 82, 154, 165; trade permits through, es peciaUy at Norfolk, 166, 172-175, 183, 217, 227, 527, 536, 537, 543, 544, 648, 2, 56-67; reported raising at Charleston,!, 232, 234; question of raising at Galveston, 233; and Matamoras trade, 283, 334, 388, 443, 2, 4; Mont Blanc incident, capture in neutral waters, i, 302, 305, 416-427; French tobacco at Richmond, 338-340, 2, 9, 12; in structions to officers, especially as to neutral territory, 461, 464-456, 458-465, 535, 2, 34; character of blockading vessels, 1, 496; move ment to open certain ports, 510, 611, 514; detention of crew of cap tured runners, 517; raising at Brownsville, 529; ineffectual at Wilmington, 2, 127. See also Bel ligerency, Prizes. Blow, H. 'T., and Johnson's tour, 2, 689. Blunt, G. W., on Federal officers at New York (1863), i, 405; charac ter, 406; and speed test of naval vessels, 512; excursion, 2, 31; on Navy at Fort Fisher, 228; and Henderson case, 306; and appoint ment as Naval Officer, 532. Board of Admiralty (Survey), move ments for, 2, 233, 236, 240, 241, 3, 247, 570. Board of Survey. See Board of Ad miralty. Bogy, L. v., and Johnson, 3, 203, 204. Bolles, J. A., superstition, 2, 339; and Brown case, 345; and Semmes case, 410, 423, 424, 471; on court- martial punishments, 449, 481. BoHes, J. G., and Radicals, 2, 686; removed, 612. Bond, H. L., and Maryland election (1866), 2, 621. Booth, J. WUkes, question of pub lishing diary, 3, 95. Border States, and abolition, i, 402, 403. Borie, A. E., as Secretary of Navy, 3, 649, 666, 568, 587, 588; and re organization of Navy, 558; desires Board of Survey, 670. Boston, criticism of Welles from, i, 404, 405; Johnson's visit, 3, 109, 114, 116, 119, 123. Bounties, effect of army, on naval enlistments, 1, 546; in Marine Corps, 2, 174; biU (1866), 664. Boutwell, G. S., violence, 2, 634; and Reconstruction BUl, 3, 47; and impeachment and arrest of John son, 235, 300; character, 239; and Treasury portfolio, 549, 550. Bowen, S. J., candidacy for mayor, 3, 375, 380. Bowie, G. W., and Johnson, 3, 288. Bowles, Samuel, and Jim Fisk, 3, 490. See also Springfield Repub lican. Boynton, C. B., naval history, 2, 360, 366, 3, 413. Boynton, T. J., and Mont Blanc incident, i, 419. Bradford, A. W., and Altoona Con- INDEX 597 ference, i, 156; house burned, 2, 73; at Antietam anniversary, 3, 201. Bradford, Mrs. A. W., pass to South, I, 156. Bradley, Judge, of Rhode Island, and Internal Revenue Commis sioner, 3, 414. Bradley, J. H., Surratt case, 3, 167. Brady, J. T., and Fenian trials, 3, 283. Brandegee, Augustus, Chairman of Naval Committee, i, 484; and Welles, 509, 2, 250; and navy yard at New London, 446. Brazil, and capture of Florida, 2, 184-186, 197, 275. Breese, Samuel, as officer, i, 76. Bridge, Horatio, on Hamlin, 2, 345; inspection tour, 3, 422; and Porter, 556. Briggs, , and Trowbridge-Lamar plot, I, 492. Bright, John, on attitude of Eng land, I, 305. Brinkerhoff, Jacob, and Wilmot Proviso, 2, 386. Brooklyn Navy Yard, offensive par tisanship at, I, 178; and election of 1864, 2, 97, 98, 108, 122-124, 136, 137, 142-145, 175; ousting of Radicals, 616; Belknap's defalca tion, 3, 205. See also Navy yards. Brooks, James, political character, I, 524, 2, 22; and investigation of Treasury, 22; and McClellan's letter of acceptance, 140; and But ler (1865), 230. Brown, George, on conditions in South (1863), I, 316; and delivery of Stonewall to Japan, 3, 365. Brown, Harvey, removed, i, 406. Brown, J. P., trouble with Morris, 3, 25. Brown, S. P., and corrupt contracts, I, 640; question of reappointment, 2, 342, 344-346. Browning, O. H., and Union Con vention, 2, 533, 538, 574, 581; and Johnson's tour, 587; and Mexico, 624; and Fourteenth Amendment, 628; and welcome to Congress (1866), 632; and asylum for the Pope, 639, 640; on negro suffrage in the District, 3, 5; on Prussian Convention, 9; and first Recon struction BiU, 10, 12; and negro suffrage for Territories, 19; on re Unquishing of Dunderberg, 28; on seizure of R. R. Cu-yler, 39; and Stanton's report on enforcement of Civil Rights BUl, 45; and In dian affairs, 69, 74, 254; and Dan ish West Indies, 98; and removal of Sheridan, 150; and Conover allegations, 143, 144; and successor to Stanton, 231; on conduct of military governors, 243; and re moval of Stanton, 284; and im peachment, 297, 298, 346; on Johnson's talkativeness, 311; and Democratic nominations (1868), 401; and disturbances in South, 461; on Johnson's message (1868), 478; and holding over under Grant, 533 ; and inauguration, 537. Brownlow, VV'. G., and Fourteenth Amendment, 2, 557; character, 3, 206; Nashville disturbances, 211. Brownsville, Texas, raising of block ade, I, 529. Bruce, Sir F. W. A., and Stonewall, 2, 306; and Fenians, 454, 486; death, 3, 203. Bruzual, Bias (or M. E.), and pur chase of a vessel for Venezuela, 1, 474-476. Bryant, W. C, and charges against Henderson, 2, 60, 61, 78, 228; as editor, 61; and Administration (1864), 104. Bryson, Andrew, and Fenians, 2, 518-520. Buchanan, Franklin, and Secession ists, I, i9. Buchanan, James, and secession of South Carolina, 2, 256; and Sum ter (Dec, 1860), 273; death, 3, 598 INDEX ; 374; character, 374; Government and funeral, 376. Buckingham, W. A., reelections, i, 262, 2, 5; and draft, i, 406; Sena torship and illness, 2, 605, 3, 390. Budd, William, and Washington chair, i, 77; as officer, 2, 111. Buel, , of Bermuda, and Georgia's peace commissioner, 2, 125, 126. Buell, D. C, Perryville, i, 166. Bull Run, second campaign. Cedar HiU, 1,78; Pope awaits McCIellan, 89; fleet in Potomac, 91, 93; battle, McClellan's conduct, 93, 97, 98, 104, 107, 117, 122, 221, 225,226; re treat, 98, 100, 104; alarm in Wash ington, 99, 105, 106, 109; Pope's report, 109, 110, 114; Lincoln on, 116, 126; army demoralized, 117; Porter court martial, 220, 225, 229. Bullitt, Cuthbert, Union man, i, 81. Burlingame, Anson, on admirable Chinese customs, 3, 379. Burnett, D. G., elected to Senate, 2, 642. Burnside, A. E., and Navy, 1, 91; de clines command in Antietam cam paign, 124; Blair on, 126; com mands Army of Potomac, 182; Fredericksburg, 191-193; expected forward movement (Jan.), 226; army demoralized, 226; resigns command, 229 ; Vallandigham case, 306; suppression of Chicago Times, 321; arrival for Wilderness cam paign, 2, 17; and impeachment, 3, 357. Burr, A. E., on Welles and Senator- ship, 2, 501 ; and Connecticut poli tics, 3, 264, 328. Bushnell, C. S.. and Monitor, i, 214. Butler, B. F., rule at New Orleans, 1, 209; prospective command in Mississippi movement, 210; as officer, ',i7:i, 2, 223; and trade per mits, I, 530, r,U, 548, 2, 56, 57 preparation for \''irginia campaign 15, 10, 24; in the campaign, 35 and martial law at Norfolk, 81 character, 81, 365, 469, 3, 504, 523; and exchange of naval pris oners, 2, 168, 169, 171; Wilming ton expedition, 209, 210, 213-217, 222; and Grant, 214, 217, 222, 223, 226, 3, 56; dismissed, 2, 223; in Washington, and political rad icals (1865), 224, 226, 230; rule in Baltimore, 269; and Reconstruc tion (1865), 348, 349; (1867), 3, 81, 82; and trial of Davis, 2, 365, 367; intrigue in Gre-y Jacket case, 469, 492, 493; elected to Congress, 619; and Conover allegations, 3, 143 n.; as impeachment manager, 321, 326, 333, 336; pressure on doubtful Senators, 354, 362; in vestigation of vote, 366-368; calls on Johnson and Cabinet, 497; currency speech, 503, 506; and Bingham, 524; and repeal of Tenure-of-Office Act, 564, 567, 568; on Grant's ignorance, 664. Butterfield, A. G., and Mont Blanc incident, i, 419, 427. Byington, , sends news of Gettys burg, I, 357. Cabinet, Lincoln's, formation, i, xx, 81, 230, 325, 2, 388-392; Seward and proposal of regular meetings (1861), I, 6-8, 136-13S; Seward's attitude, 104, 124, 400; character of meetings, lack of consultations, 131, 134-136, 274, 320, 348, 351, 391, 401, 429, 526, 546, 2, 16, 17, 5S, 69, 62, 84, 86, 91, 98, 166, 203; and financial matters (1862), i, 168; assistants at meetings, 319, 3, 318; and renomination of Lin coln, I, 500; rumors of reorganiza tion (IS64), 2, 102; Fessenden and Seward-Stanton clique, 120; ru mors as to, for second administra tion, 194, 195, 247, 250, 251; Johnson retains Lincoln's, 289; im proved meetings under Johnson, 318; relations with Johnson, 481- 483, 487, 522-625, 543, 606, 611; INDEX 599 changes in Johnson's, 563, 554, 568, 563; direct communication by Secretaries to Congress, 3, 131; ru mors of reorganization of John son's (1867), 183, 203, 204; (1868), 364, 371; rumors as to Grant's, 488, 530, 535; Johnson's, and hold ing over under Grant, 529, 630, 532, 535; Welles on Grant's, 543- 549. See also members of the Cabi net by name. Cadwalader, John, Pasco case, 2, 400, 401; and O'Neal, 3, 441. Calhoun, J. C, and South Carolina aristocracy, 2, 312. Calhoun, captured, i, 360. Calvert, C. B., and Navy Depart ment, I, 187; and appointment of midshipmen, 234, 236. Cameron, Simon, delay in taking portfolio, I, 3; and Seward's in terference with Sumter expedition, 25; resigns, 57, 58; and appoint ment of Stanton, 59; Blair on, as Secretary of War, 126-128; de feated for Senate (1863), 223; on Seward's meddling, 242; patron age and political views (l865), 2, 349; selection to the Cabinet, 389; Senatorial election (1867), 3, 16, 20; character, 16, 20, 479, 523; and removal of Stanton, 285; and im peachment, 301, 333; and Senator ial election (1869), 605. CampbeU, A. F. (?), and politics in Brooklyn Navy Yard, 2, 122. Campbell, J. A., negotiations with Seward (1861), i, 26; Hampton Roads Conference, 2, 235, 238; seeks parole, 330; character, 330. Campbell, Col. J. A., on Arkansas disturbances, 3, 462. Campbell, Lewis, Mexican mission, 2, 501, 621, 649; instructions, 623, 625, 628. Canada, Confederate operations, 2, 151-153; Fenian raid (1866), 450, 451, 453, 454, 484, 486, 518-521, 523, 524. Canby, E. R. S., and cotton trade, 2, 159; Mobile, 165; as military governor, 3, 187, 245. Capture, legal, of private property used by Confederate Government, 2, 486. See also Blockade, Prizes. Carleton, J. H., report on Mexico, 2, 367. Carpenter, F. B., Emancipation Proclamation picture, i, 527, 549. Carpenter, M. H., and repeal of Tenure-of-Office Act, 3, 555. Carrington, E. C, candidacy for district attorney, i, 56. Carter, J. M., and navy yard for New London, i, 222. Carter, S. P., return to Navy, 2, 366; report on Borneo, 3, 182. Cartter, D. K., and assassination of Lincoln, 2, 286; and dismissal of son, 359; and Stanton, 3, 157, 160; and arrest of Thomas, 286, 294. Cartter, W. H., dismissal, 2, 359. Case, F. M., as Surveyor-General of Colorado, 3, 575. Case, Newton, and A. H. Stephens, 2, 332. Casey, Joseph, and speculation, 2, 314. Caswell, Alexis, at Seward's, i, 506. Catawba, sale, 3, 348, 387-389, 420, 429, 438. Cattell, A. G., and removal of Stan ton, 3, 285; character, 523. Cave, Sir Stephen, in Washington, 3, 135. Cavnach, , and Trowbridge-La mar plot, I, 492. Cedar HiU, battle, i, 78. Ceres, prize, mails, i, 491, 492. Chambers, J. S., question of removal, I, 218, 219. Chambersburg, Pa., Stuart's raid, I, 169. Chancellorsville, beginning of cam paign, I, 287; rumors, 290, 291; anxiety at Washington, 291-293; Stoneman's raid, 292-295; news 600 INDEX of defeat, 293; reception of news, 294; Sedgwick, 295; death of Jack son, 297; losses, 302; Hooker's irreverence and drinking, 336, 348. Chandler, L. H., and trial of Davis, 2, 614. Chandler, W. E., naval fraud cases, 2, 200, 218, 262; Pasco case, 400, 401; and Butler, 492, 493; and impeachment, 3, 353; and Fogg, 372. Chandler, Zachariah, Committee on Conduct of the War, 2, 198; and Butler (1865), 224; character, 633, 3, 52; attack on McCulloch, 52; and Fessenden, 138; and im peachment, 301, 332, 339; reelec tion (1869), 608. Charleston, preparation for naval attack on, i, 153, 216, 217, 263, 264; reported raising of blockade, 232, 234; Du Font's delay, 236, 237, 247, 249, 259; Administra tion's plan of attack, 237; rumors and anxiety as to attack, 262-265; repulse, 265, 267-269, 273; Du Font's failure to report, 273, 274, 276; failure of his operations and subsequent controversy, 276, 277, 288, 295, 302, 307, 476-478, 2, 7, 11, 14, 30, 133; question of renew ing attack, I, 273, 309, 313, 324, 338; Du Pont to be relieved, ques tion of successor, 311-318, 325, 326, 337, 341, 342, 346, 347; pro gress of renewed (Dahlgren's) movement, 372, 380, 415, 427, 449, 467, 520; Gillmore's force, 382-385; mutual relations of at tacking forces, 467, 474; captured, 2, 242; aspect (1865), 311. See also Sumter. Charlestown Navy Yard, appoint ments and politics, i, 374, 380, 2, 31, 33, 34, 143, 3, 417, 419, 446. See also Navy yards. Chase, Kate, and Sprague, i, 306. Chase, S. P., attitude towards Cab inet consultations, i, 7, 320, 525, 526, 546, 2, 17, 58, 166; and Cam eron, 57, 59, 127; and appoint ment of Stanton, 59, 61; intrigue for removal of McCleUan, 93-95, 100-106, 108, 109, 112, 114, 117, 119-122, 139; relations with Stanton and Seward, 101, 131, 139, 203-206, 231, 397, 402, 447, 536, 2, 174; and patronage, i, 78, 138; and Pope, 114, 221; and pro posed attackson Richmond (1862), 130; (1863), 349, 361; and Antie tam, 142; and coin for foreign drafts, 147, 2, 10, 29; on conduct of War Department (Sept., 1862), 1, 148; and Chiriqui Grant, 151; and emancipation, 169, 209; on conduct of the Administration (1862), 161; war-time trade, per mits, and agents, 166, 166, 175, 177, 183, 217, 610, 511, 622, 527, 537, 543-545, 548, 2, 33, 34, 36, 66, 258, 343; as financier, i, 168, 176, 494, 520, 525, 530, 2, 3, 13, 14, 54, 57-59, 61-63; on kilUng of Gen. Nelson, i, 17S; Seward- Chase resignation episode, 196, 201-205; and admission of West Virginia, 205, 207; on finances and party loyalty, 223; and Weed, 230, 231, 3, 163; bank biU, i, 237; and extra session of Senate (1863), 238; and letters of marque, 246, 247, 250; and John Gilpin prize case, 297; on a fugitive-slave case (1863), 313; and Lee's invasion, 331, 336; and Hooker, 335, 348, 349, 444; Presidential candidacy (1S64), 345, 413, 415, 498, 500, 525, 529, 633, 2, 30; and Ste phens's attempted mission (1863), 360, 361; and promotion of D. D. Porter, 369; and command at New York (1863), 373; and Whiting, 381; on draft and suspension of habeas corpus, 397, 432-434; on a departmental administration, 401; and Halleck, 402, 447; on slavery and Reconstruction, 402, 410-414; INDEX 601 and Lincoln, 413, 520, 2, 44; on Bates, I, 413; and Laird rams, 428, 435; and Ohio election (1863), 469; on Trowbridge-Lamar plot, 492, 494; animosity of Blairs, 510, 533, 2, 20, 46; and policy of open ing certain ports, i, 514; and cut ting of ship-timber in North Caro lina, 522, 527, 528; on Charieston operations, 520; on raising of BrownsviUe blockade, 529; favors bounties on immigration, 543; and gold premium (AprU, 1864), 2, 12- 15; and conduct of subordinates. Congressional investigation , 20-22 ; on Fort Pillow massacre, 26; and foreign-owned cotton, 40; and Presidential visits to headquarters, 55; resignation, 62, 63, 69, 93; Bates on, 93; failure to pay requi sitions, 114; support of Lincoln (1864), 120, 140, 187; character, 121, 183, 192, 366; and Preston King, 137; and control of aban doned plantations, 149; and Blair's resignation, 167, 158 ra.; appoint ment to Chief-Justiceship, 181, 183, 187, 192, 196; appointment and political activity, 196, 202, 251, 253, 304, 3, 135, 244; appre hended decision on arbitrary ar rest, 2, 242, 245, 246; and Blair's Senatorial aspirations, 243; and McCulloch, 246; Seward on, as Cabinet disturber, 246; and block ade, 246, 254; and radical Recon struction, 263; decision on cap tured cotton, 263; and negro suf frage, 304, 343, 369; and trial of Davis, 366, 368; selection to Cab inet, 391; and Johnson, 619; tardi ness in holding court in South, 3, 101; and impeachment trial, 293, 301, 306, 327, 328; Presiden tial candidacy (1868), 379, 381, 382, 385, 389-391, 393, 397, 404, 455, 457-459. Chattanooga, movement to rein force, 1,442,444; Welles on change in commanders, 447; importance, 473. Chattanooga, Robert Johnson's pro posed voyage in, 2, 472, 479, 491. Chenango, explosion, 2, 14. Cherokee, controversy over purchase, I, 516. Chesapeake, seizure and surrender, i, 490, 508, 509, 545. Chicago, Johnson at, 2, 593. Chicago Times, suppressed, i, 321. Chicago Tribune, and impeachment, 3, 355. Chickamauga, battle, i, 438, 441, 444, 446; rumor of Lee at, 439. ChUi, trouljle with Spain expected, 2, 357, 365, 495. Chimo, report on, 2, 52. China, mission to United States (1868), 3, 380. Chiriqui Grant, i, 123, 150-153, 3, 428. Church, S. E., and Presidential nom ination (1868), 3, 396; solicits Johnson's support of Seymour, 427, 429. Churchill, J. C, and impeachment, 3, 238. Cincinnati Gazette, attack on Navy Department, 2, 80. Circassian, cartel vessel, 2, 169. Cisco, J. J., Assistant Treasurer, 2, 62. Cities, Welles on free suffrage and corruption, 1, 523, 524. CivU Rights Bill, Welles on, 2, 459, 460; DooUttle's substitute, 463; veto, 463, 464; passage over veto, 475, 477, 479; TrumbuU on, 489; Stanton's report on enforcement, 3, 42-45. See also Fourteenth Amendment. Civil service, Cabinet and patronage, I, 138, 218; navy yards and poli tics, especially assessments, 178, 327, 374, 380, 2, 97, 98, 108, 122- 124, 136, 137, 142-145, 175, 376, 377, 380, 382; Senatorial confirm ation and "courtesy," i, 235; 602 INDEX campaign contributions, 534; gen eral political assessments, 2, 112; Lincoln and patronage, 195; iron clad oath and Southern appoint ments, 318, 357, 446, 450, 453, 464; Johnson and appointments, 343, 3, 64, 83-85, 147, 152, 412, 527; WeUes and New England patron age, 2, 356; patronage and split on Reconstruction, 398, 399, 585- 687, 596-599, 602, 616, 3, 52; Con gress and patronage under Johnson, 2, 426 n., 3, 557; appointment of ex-army officers, 74; rush of office- seekers (1869), 557; Grant's sweep, 676. See also Tenure-of-Office Act. Civil War, warnings ignored at Wash ington, I, 10; Scott's defensive- frontier policy, 84-86, 125, 172, 242; West-Pointism, 85, 125; en thusiasm (1862), 89; despondency (1862), 119, 129, 176, 209; progress to end of 1862, 211; conditions in the South (1863), 223, 316; lack of enthusiasm (1863), 324; Gettys burg, Vicksburg,'and termination, 371, 378, 428; character of Davis and termination, 376-379; popu lar attitude at end of 1863, 499; strain on Administration of open ing days, 549; Welles hopeful of termination, 2, 158, 177, 200, 208, 218; continued arrogance of Con federates (1865), 229; germ in South Carolina aristocracy, 276, 277, 312; mistaken estimates of opponents, 277; grand review of army, 310; official end, 473, 579- 581,583. See aJso Army, Finances, Foreign, Lincoln, Navy, Peace. Claims. See War claims. Clandaniels, , peculations at Philadelphia Navy Yard, 2, 200. Clark, , ot Auburn, N. Y., and cotton speculation, 2, 37. Clark, , editor of the Norfolk Regime, on Wilmington expedi tion, 2, 210. Clark, Daniel, on J. P. Hale and Navy Department, i, 507; ap pointment as judge, 2, 565. Clarke, Freeman, insubordination, 2, 463. Clay, Brutus, and Mrs. White, 2, 21. Clay, C. C, implication in assassina tion plot, 2, 363. Clay, C. M., discouraged (1862), i, 117. Clay, Henry, character, i, 606, 507. Cleveland, C. D., and Confederate ironclads, i, 436. Cleveland, E. S., and Connecticut election (1866), 2, 458, 461. Cleveland, Johnson at, 2, 593. Clifford, J. H. (?), of Massachusetts, and trial of Davis, 2, 365, 367. Clyde, captured, 1, 428. Cobden, Richard, on Wilkes in West Indies, i, 298; on attitude of Eng land, 305. Cochrane, John, and draft, i, 380; nomination (1864), 2, 41; political character, 43; withdraws, 166. Cole, Cornelius, impeachment vote, 3, 356, 358. Coleman, J. A., and naval chap laincy, I, 162. Coles County, IU., riots, 2, 81. Colfax, Schuyler, election as Speaker, 1, 481; character, 481, 3, 24, 30; and Navy Department and Welles, I, 482, 484, 2, 236, 250; and move ment to expel Long, 9; and Chase, 21; and assassination of Lincoln, 287; radical speech (1865), 385, 410; and impeachment resolution (1867), 3, 12; Vice-Presidential candidacy, 362, 366. See also Elections (1S6S). Collamer, Jacob, Senate committee on Seward, i, 194, 196, 198. Collins, Napoleon, and Mont Blanc incident, i, 417, 421, 423; captures Florida, 2, 184; trial, 276; and loss of Sacramento, 3, 120, 654. Colombia, seizure of R. R. Cuyler, 3, 38-42; tax on foreigners, 106. Colonization of negroes, schemes for INDEX 603 foreign, 1,123,150-153,162,3,428; Cox's domestic scheme, 2, 352. Colorado, Cabinet on biU admitting, 2, 502, 3, 22; veto, 30. Coltman, , Union man of Louisiana, 1, 81. Columbia, captured, 2, 242. Colvocoressis, G. M., retirement, 3, 503. Commerce. See Blockade, Trade. Committee on Conduct of the War, report, i, 262; purpose, 2, 198; summons Butler (1865), 224, 226; character, 226. Comstock, C. B., Wilmington expe dition, 2, 226; marriage, 3, 519. Comstock, J. J. (?), and command of the Baltic, i, 156. Confederate cruisers, squadron to in tercept, I, 109, 111, 122, 123, 134; coast defense against, 125, 288, 347, 364, 366, 375, 380, 436, 2, 266, 257; and Federal agitation for let ters of marque, 246, 248, 250, 253; proposed proclamation against, as pirates (1865), 2, 298, 300, 308. See also Alabama, Florida, Shenan doah, Tacony, Tallahassee. Confederate ironclads, Fingal, i, 72, 336, 341, 344; Arkansas, 72, 78; Laird rams, construction in Eng land, 245, 247, 250, 262; Seward's protest, 399; Dahlgren fears, 406; Chase urges preparation to seize, 428; private knowledge of British intention to seize, 429, 435-438; newspaper anxiety concerning, 435 ; detention announced, 443; contin ued anxiety, 448; building in France, 2, 35, 65; French, stopped, 254. See also Stonewall, Confiscation, Cabinet discussion (1869), 3, 504. Congress, Thirty-seventh: character, I, 186, 206, 224; Senate commit tee on Seward, 194-205; attacks on management of War, 224; and ap pointment of midshipmen, 224, 227, 234, 236; "courtesy" in Sen ate, 235; closing hours (1863), 244; naval bills, 245; Committee on Conduct of the War, 262. See also Hale (J. P.). Thirty-eighth: question of extra session of the Senate, i, 238; or ganization, naval committees, 481- 484, 490, 2, 193; naval affairs, i, 522, 528, 531, 2, 7, 11, 236-238, 240-242, 250 ; interference of Mem bers with navy yards, i, 482, 2, 224, 225; censure of Long, 9, 12; investigation of Navy Depart ment, 21, 22; of Fort Pillow mas sacre, 23; and Mexico, 39; and finances, 57; closing hours (1864), 62, 65; (1866), 251; House resolu tion against Seward, 202; Thir teenth Amendment, 234; Radicals and Reconstruction, 239, 242. Thirty-ninth: meeting, 2, 385, 392; ignores Johnson, 392; im pending war with Johnson, 412, 414, 421, 434; naval appropria tions, 430, 444; Stockton ousted, 464, 475; Colorado, 602; closing hours (1866), 563-565; (1867), 3, 58; wasteful grants, 2, 542; bounty bill, 564; second session, 626; Forney's reception and parade, 627, 630-632; probable action, 627, 632, 633, 635; Republican caucus (Dec, 1866), 6^3; annoy ance of Departments, 634, 637, 3, 13; leaders in Senate, 2, 636; treat ment of Johnson's adherents, 637; character, 644; Southern trip of Members, 649.^ See also Recon struction, Tenure-of-Office Act. Fortieth: sessions, 3, 17, 19, 61, 73, 74, 128, 415, 423, 426, 437, 438, 441, 464, 475; rejection of nomina tions, 83-86, 527; investigation of Departments, 122; indecision, 129; thanks to Sheridan, 130; character and revolutionary plans, 130, 133, 244, 267, 314, 321, 324, 506, 520, 523; resolution on Cretan insur rection, 138; naval affairs, 264, 604 INDEX 265, 280, 325, 341, 348, 384, 387, 515; closing hours of main ses sion, 415; and Johnson's final mes sage, 479, 482; do-nothing policy, 484; Tenure-of-Office Act, 503. See also Impeachment, Recon struction. Forty-first: Tenure-of-Office Act, 3, 665, 556, 558, 560, 664, 567, 568, 671; naval affairs, 558; adjourns, 574. Conkling, F. A., and appointment of midshipmen, i, 227. Conkling, Roscoe, Senatorial elec tion, 3, 16, 20; character, 16, 20, 558; and impeachment, 301, 336; patronage, 424; and repeal of Tenure-of-Office Act, 558. Connecticut, Federal appointments, I, 78, 81, 510; home guard, 375; coast defense, 380; and draft, 382; elections (1864), 2, 5; (1866), 427, 429, 433, 452, 454-462, 466, 468, 469, 474; (1867), 3, 77, 78; a868), 264,267,328,329; (1869), 571, 572; rejects negro suffrage, 2, 373, 375; Welles seeks to influence attitude (1866), 426; Democratic Party in, 427-429; Senatorial elections (1866), 601, 505-510; (1868), 3, 390; adopts Fourteenth Amend ment, 2, 541; delegates to Union Convention (1866), 667; political attitude (1867), 3, 63; Welles and Gov. "English's messages, 87-89, 382; character of Radicals, 88. Conness, John, and Navy Depart ment, 2, 234; and removal of Stanton, 3, 285; and impeach ment, 333; character, 479. Conover, Sanford, allegations, 3, 143- 146, 149, 152, 157, 161, 165, 168. Constitution. See Federal Constitu tion. Construction and Repairs, Bureau of. See LenthaU. Contract frauds. See Corruption. Cony, Samuel, and coast protection, 2, 256. Cook, B. C, and politics in navy yards, 2, 142-146. Cooley, Samuel, and Welles, 2, 313. Coombs, , Louisville war-claim case, 3, 528, 529. Cooper, Edmund, relations with Johnson, 2, 532, 3, 221; on Brown low, 205; on elections (1867), 222. Cooper, Samuel, forged dispatches, I, 176, 176. Copper biU, veto (1869), 3, 531. Copperheads, and Johnson, 2, 590. Corbett, H. W., impeachment vote, 3, 356, 358, 367. Corcoran, W. W., house taken for hospital, I, 99. Corning, Erastus, Lincoln's letter to, I, 323, 329; and De Camp, 3, 18. Corruption, in Navy Department contracts, i, 511, 512, 514, 522; Stover case, 514, 518, 524; Fox and investigation, Welles's attitude, 537-541; Henderson case, 540- 544, 547, 2, 5, 54, 60, 61, 78, 79, 82, 83, 220, 225, 306; Smith Bros. case, 7, 11, 15, 53, 55, 56, 60, 61, 90, 124, 238, 260-264, 334, 369; Scofield case, 57, 58, 176, 177, 199- 201 ; Philadelphia Navy Yard, 200, 205, 208, 224, 231, 238, 400-402; Stiners case, 279; Hoover case, 418; general (1869), 3. 576. Cotton, war-time trade, i, 498, 511, 2, 33, 34, 36, 37, 66, 138-140, 159- 163, 167; protection of foreign- owned, 40; captured French, 106, 107; participation of officers in trade, 173; disposal of Savannah, 219, 278; Sherman and foreign- claimed, 229; captured by Navy in Red River campaign, 255, 263; tax, 316. Couch, D. N., and Gettysburg, i, 358. Counterfeit drafts, 2, 567. Court martial, punishments by, 3, 449, 481. Court of Claims, candidates, 3, 372. INDEX 605 Courtney, S. G., and internal rev enue frauds, 3, 434, 435. Covode, John, and removal of Chambers, i, 218; character, 219, 2, 580; Southern trip, 580. Cow Island, negro colony, 3, 428. Cowan, Edgar, and Reconstruction, 2, 416; and Freedmen's Bureau Bill, 437; and Johnson's attitude, 482, 483; and Union Convention, 533, 538; loses committee position, 637; character, 3,20, 68; and Aus trian mission, 59. Cox, , of Georgetown, question of restoring property, 2, 414. Cox, J. D., and colonizing of negroes, 2, 362; and Reconstruction, 440; suggested for War portfoUo (i867), 3, 231, 261; WeUes on Cabinet appointment (1869), 646. Cox, W. S., impeachment trial wit ness, 3, 333. Coyle, John, and Johnson, 3, 566. Cragin, A. H., Senatorial election, 2, 61. Crater, battle, 2, 89-92. Craven, T. T., and Stonewall, 2, 261, 267, 392, 396. Crawford, M. J., Confederate com missioner, Seward intrigue, i, 26. Creswell, J. A. J., political record, 3, 543. Crete, insurrection, 3, 71, 138, 425. Crittenden, T. L., Chickamauga, i, 444, 446. Crook, George, in Johnson's tour, 2, 589. Crosby, A. C, and Radical patron age, 2, 685. Crusader, at Pensacola (1861), i, 26, 29. Cuba, assumption of six-mile mari time jurisdiction, i, 170, 367, 399, 467, 468; insurrection, 3, 523; American Navy and insurrection, 572, 573. Culebra Island, movement to an nex, 3, 94. Culpeper, cavalry fight, i, 326. Cumberland, at Norfolk Navy Yard, 1,42. Cummings, Alexander, nomination for Commissioner of Internal Rev enue, 3, 414. Cuniston, , spy, 1, 313. Curry, Azariah, master of Mont Blanc, 1, 419. Curtin, A. G., and Lee's invasion, 1, 330, 350; and Confederate raid (1864), 2, 89; and Fourteenth Amendment, 529; Senatorial can didacy, 3, 16; character, 16. Curtis, B. R., impeachment counsel, 3, 294, 298, 299, 302, 308, 330, 331. Curtis, S. R., asks aid of Navy, 1, 91. Cushing, Caleb, and Cabinet office, 2, 183; and naval contract fraud cases, 225, 227; and Grey' Jacket case, 493; canal treaty, 3, 526. Cushing, W. B., and capture of Fort Anderson, 2, 245. Custer, G. A., in Johnson's tour, 2, 589. Cutts, J. M. (?), and Blair, 2, 84. Dacotah, pursues Alabama, 1, 179. Dahlgren, J. A., and Merrimac scare, 1, 62, 64, 66; Lincoln's par tiality, 158, 163; and Du Font's campaign against Charleston, 168, 164, 277; and promotion, 163, 239; as officer and bureau chief, 164, 179, 317, 338, 341, 2, 7, 3, 447; and succession to Du Font's command, i, 311, 314, 315, 337, 341, 342; refuses subordinate command, 317; and guns for mon itors, 342; reports on Charleston operations, 372, 382, 434, 547; and Fox, 401; fears Laird rams, 406; and GUlmore, 434; complaints against, and troubles, 449, 474; Florida expedition, 632; visit to Washington, 534; and death of son, 536, 544, 545, 2, 7; asks to be relieved, 128; and Farragut, 134; and command of WUmington 606 INDEX expedition, 147; asblockader, 173; sends word of Sherman, 200; gun- casting controversy, 202; and Welles's visit to Charleston, 311, 313; return to Washington (1865), 320; ship visited by Johnson and Cabinet, 331; to command South Pacific Squadron, 604; Tucker episode, 3, 37, 69, 70; and Ames's claim, 448, 449, 451; wants com mand of Washington Navy Yard, 484; and vice-admiralship, 562. Dahlgren, Mrs. J. A., journey to husband's station, 3, 92, 93. Dahlgren, Ulric, on Lee's invasion, 1, 331; captures dispatches, 359; loses leg, 380, 470; raid and death, 636-638, 544, 545. Dakota, Federal politics (1864), 2, 153. Dana, C. A., on fall of Vicksburg, i, 371. Dana, R. H., and law of prize, 1, 531, 532. Darling, , of New York, and re lease of Scofield, 2, 199. Dart, W. A., and Fenians, 2, 518, 520. Davidson, Thomas, political com plaints against, 2, 144. Davies, Charles, seeks office for nephew, 2, 658. Davies, H. E., office-seeker, 2, 558. Davis, C. H., Mississippi operations, 1, 72, 75, 91; and W. D. Porter, 145; transferred, 157; as officer, 158, 351; of board on dismissal of Preble, 191; and Monitor, 214; promotion, 239; and letters of marque, 260; visit to Fort Foote, 474; and Du Pont, 2, 118; and command of Wilmington expedi tion, 147; and Paraguay, 3, 466- 468, 490, 513; and vice-admiral- ship, 562. Davis, Garrett, and Reconstruction, 3, 502. Davis, H. W., and Du Pont, 1, 478, 531, 2, 8, 30, 117, 118; and chair manship of Naval Committee (1863), I, 482; attacks on Navy Department, 505, 531, 2, 227, 236, 237; and movement to expel Long, 9; and campaign of 1864, 30; pro test, 95, 96, 98, 122, 239; inflated, 153, 202; and Stanton, 166; attack on Seward, 198, 202; and Butler, 224; as Radical leader, 247; and negro suffrage, 326; death, 409; character, 409, 438; memorial ser vices, 438. Davis, J. C, Cabinet on killing of Nelson, 1, 178. Davis, Jefferson, Stephens's mission to Lincoln, i, 358; and demonstra tion on Washington (1863), 359, 376; WeUes's estimate, 376; story of, by escaped slave, 515; and Jaquess, 2, 84, 109; and Blair's mission, 221 ; and Hampton Roads Conference, 238; and secession of South Carolina, 255; aUeged impli cation in assassination conspiracy, 299; captured, 306; custody, 308, 309; Cabinet discussions on indict ment and trial, 335, 337, 365-368, 608, 614, 616; condition in confine ment, 339, 365; not to be paroled, 358; attitude of Sumner and Welles (1865), 397; and general amnesty, 395, 396. Davis, Mrs. Jefferson, slave's story, 1, 515; at Savannah (1865), ^, 314. Dawes, H. L., and Smith Bros., 2, 56; and Stanton's plan of Recon struction, 291; in campaign of 1868, 3, 460. Day, B. F., disrespect for Congress, 3, 312. Day, Calvin, and Johnson's pohcy, 2, 426; and WeUes's return to Hartford, 3, 585. Dayton, W. L., and French media tion, I, 235; on Florida, 440; on attitude of France (1864), 2, 39; death, 205; Welles's association with, 205; and Lincoln's cabinet, 392. INDEX 607 Debts, payment of private, in South, 2, 356; repudiation of Confederate, 679. See also Chase, Finances, Paper money. De Camp, John, question of promo tion, 3, 18. Deity, recognition in Constitution, 2, 190. Delafield, Richard, and Norfolk Navy Yard, i, 46. Delano, B. F., on Alabama depreda tions, 1, 166; as naval constructor, 499; and politics in Brooklyn Navy Yard, 2, 146. Deming, H. C, political character, 2, 434; candidacy for reelection, 3, 63. Democratic Party, intrigue and downfall (1844), 2, 387; in Connec ticut, 427-429; and Union Con vention (1866), 540, 542, 545; and Johnson, 595, 598, 602, 603, 617, 619, 3, 196, 199, 223, 319, 320, 383, 399, 403, 429. See also Elections, Politics. Denmark, complaints against Wilkes, 1, 322, 325, 461; attempted sale of West Indian islands, 2, 466, 473, 3, 40, 95-98, 124, 125, 502. Dennison, William, and armored fleet for the Ohio, 1, 90; excursion, 394; in campaign of 1864, 509; and speed teat of naval vessels, 512; Postmaster-General, 2, 167, 168; and Chief-Justiceship, 182, 183, 192; and Chase, 183; and Pierpont govemment, 282; and assassina tion of Lincoln, 288; and inform ing of Johnson, 288; at funeral of Lincoln, 293; on Sherman's peace terms, 296, 297; and Hamlin, 345; and negro suffrage, 301; trip to Charleston (1865), 310-315; and Mexico, 333, 479, 486; on trial of Davis, 338; on post- War military arrangements, 362, 355, 356; and political assessments, 380; and Chase's appointment to Cabinet, 391; and Johnson's policy, 399, 419, 425, 537, 543; and Freed men's Bureau Bill, 434; and party split, 443, 446; on ironclad oath, 445, 450, 453; and Fenian raid, 451; and Civil Rights BUl, 464; and trial of Semmes, 467; and re port of Reconstruction Commit tee, 496, 497; and Atlantic cable, 603; on admitting Colorado, 603; serenade speech, 613; on Four teenth Amendment, 536, 537; resignation, 551, 553, 655; atti tude after resigning, political am bition, 577; on Stanton and Grant, 3, 240. Dent, Louis, appointment by John son, 3, 527. Desertion, exemplary punishment needed, 1, 232. De Soto, wrecked, 3, 240. Dickerson, E. N., assault on Isher wood, 1, 604; test of engine, 2, 346, 356, 361. Dickinson, D. S., and Vice-Presiden tial nomination, 2, 45. Dictator, launched, 1, 495; construc tion, 2, 35, 201, 207, 340. Dillon, , gunpowder invention, 1, 239, 240. District commanders. See Military governors. District of Columbia, appointments to court, I, 245; negro suffrage, 2, 422, 640, 3, 3-8, 15. See also VVashington. Dix, J. A., and New York politics (1862), 1, 154, 162; and Norfolk trade, 166, 172-176, 177, 183, 227, 318; and Weed and Seward, 231, 366; operations in Suffolk, 287; and demonstration on Richmond (1863), 349, 351; Lincoln's opin ion, 360; to command at New York, 373; and Vice-Presidential nomination (1864), 2, 45; arrest for suspending World, 67 ; nomin ated to Dutch mission, 666; Naval Office and French mission, 602, 607; Welles's estimate, 607, 3, 442, 608 INDEX 443; supports Grant, 442; Ban croft incident, 511, 521; resigns, 625, 539. Dixon, James, and Connecticut ap pointments, I, 78, 235, 239, 246, 610, 2, 012, 3, 78-80, 84, 161; and Welles, I, 81, 82, 509, 2, 307, 501; on Stanton, i, 206; Sumner and reelection (1863), 603; and spUt in party (1865), 2, 407; and John son's policy, 415, 449, 650; and Freedmen's Bureau BiU, 436; and Civil Rights BiU, 476, 479; and Crosby, 685; loses committee po sition, 637; and removal of Stan ton, 3, 165; defeated, 264; and im peachment vote, 351 ; and Chase's candidacy (1868), 382; Congres sional candidacy, 526, 572. Dixon, Mrs. James, and Mrs. Lin coln, 2, 287. Dolphin, at Norfolk Navy Yard, i, 42. Dolphin, prize, i, 302. Domestic servants, demagogic in fluences on, 3, 588. Donnell, R. S., and reunion, i, 407. Doolittle, J. R., and appointment of Howard, i, 236; on Hooker, 305; and cotton trade, 497; on Presi dential prospects (1863), 498; ex cursions, 2, 31, 547; and Indian affairs (1865), 362; and Recon struction, 379, 415,440; andFreed- men's Bureau BUl, 436, 437; and Civil Rights Bill, 463j on John son's irresolution, 480, 481; and Union Convention, 528-630, 533- 535, 638, 650, 681, j,, 251 ; and Dix's appointment to Holland, 2, 566; urges removal of Stanton, 581, 582; loses committee position, 637; on attaching Grant to the Administration, 646; relations to Johnson, 647; and suspension of Stanton, 3, 255; speeches (1868), 264, 267, 281; and Democratic Presidential nomination (1868), 295, 394, 402, 405; and impeach ment vote, 351 ; and Chase's can didacy, 382. Dorsheimer, PhUip, removed, 2, 598. Doty, T. W., and wreck of Fredonia, 3, 449. Douglas, S. A., on Seward and Se cessionists, I, 32-35. Douglass, Frederick, and headship of Freedmen's Bureau, 3, 142. Downes, John, court martial, 2, 162. Draft, riots in New York, i, 369, 372, 373; enforcement, 380; WeUes's opinion, 382 ; in Connecticut, 382; Lincoln-Seymour correspond ence, 396, 396, 399; and clerical force at VVashington, 396; exemp tion of petty officers of Navy, 407; habeas corpus suspension to pre vent interference with, 432, 433, 436; and naval enlistments, 498, 541, 2, 121, 129; consideration of new proclamation (1864), i, 541. Draper, Simeon, appointed collector, 2, 137; cotton agent, 219; charac ter, 220. Drayton, Percival, on attack on Charieston, i, 296, 307, 312; on fellow officers, 2, 351, 353; iUness, 352; death, 353; as officer, 353; funeral, 354. Dream, British vessel, outrage on, i, 308. Dred Scott decision, Welles on, 2, 184. Dudley, T. H., as consul, i, 154, 374; and Laird rams, 262, 436; and Shenandoah, 2, 411. Duhamel, WiUiam, and Conover, 3, 165. Dulce y Garay, Domingo, at Wash ington, 2, 526. Dunderberg, construction, i, 499, 2, 340, 341; question of relinquish ing, 596, 603, 604, 3, 27-29, 40, 42, 92, 97. Dunham, C. A. See Conover. Dunnington, J. W., captured, i, 224. Du Pont, S. F., as officer, character, I, 72, 160, 477, 2, 30, 133-135; and command of expedition against INDEX 609 Charleston, i, 158; preparation for attack, 216, 217; captures mail, 222; on reported raising of block ade, 234; shrinks responsibiUty of attacking, 236, 247, 259; tests ironclads before Ft. McAllister, 249; rumors of attack, 262, 263- 265; repulse, 265, 267-269, 273; faUure to report, 273, 274, 276; report, failure, and subsequent controversy, value of ironclads, 276, 277, 295, 302, 307, 311, 314, 320, 326, 344, 476-478, 2, 7, 11, 30; recaU, i, 288, 311, 312, 318, 320, 322, 326, 337, 346, 347; believed deranged, 307, 312; useless, 309, 311; Lincoln's opinion, 440; and Farragut and Porter, 477, 2, 119; and H. W. Davis, i, 631; early in trigues and cliques, 2, il7; Port Royal expedition, 118, 3, 217; as blockader, 2, 173; death, 320; re lations with Department during the War, 320, 321. Duval, Dr., excursion, 2, 340. Eads, J. B., in Washington, 2, 208. Eames, Charles, and Peterhoff mails, 1, 284; and Gurowski, 326; and i Welles's annual report (1863) , 479 ; and fraudulent contract cases, 2, 11, 53, 57, 69, 227, 260; and prize cases, 12; and Sumner, 363; and trial of Semmes, 423; apoplexy, 3, [ 13; death, 67; as official, and Welles, 67; and Coombs's claim, 528. Early, J. A., Shenandoah raid, 2, 68- 70; before Washington, 70-77, 80; pursuit, 86; new raid by, expected, 88, 89; defeated by Sheridan, 151, 153, 158. Earthquake in South America, 3, 435. Eastport, Maine, Fenians, 2, 484, 486. Eaton, A. B. (?), and election re turns, 2, 178. Eaton, W. W., defeated, a, 5. Eckert, T. T., and election returns, 2, 178; and assassination of Lin coln, 286. Edmunds, Judge, solicits campaign contributions (1864), i, 534. Edmunds, G. F., and removal of Stanton, 3, 285; and naval affairs, 348; character, 523, 658; and re peal of Tenure-of-Office Act, 555, 568, 667. Edmunds, J. M., and proposed re moval of Lines, 2, 148. Eggleston, Benjamin, pretended in terview with Johnson, 2, 649. Eight-hour law, Evarts's opinion, 3, 471; movement for repeal, 564; and reduction in wages, 569. Elections, 1862, 1863: New York, 1, 153, 164, 162, 171, 177, 219, 2, 27; results to Administration, i, 183; Connecticut, 262; Ohio and Penn sylvania, 469-471. 1864: McCleUan and Presidency (1862), 1, 163; Blair on candi dates (1863), 345; Chase's candi dacy, 345, 413, 415, 625, 529, 531, 533; prospects of candidature (1863), 498, 500; Lincoln and renomination, 621, 630, 2, 4, 44; meeting of Republican National Committee, i, 529; campaign con tributions and assessments, 534, 2, 112; date of Republican Conven tion, 4, 28, 30, 142; State, 6, 141, 176; conservative movement in Cabinet, 29; and resignation of Chase, 69; nomination of Fremont and Cochrane, 41-43; gathering of Republican delegates, 44, 45; Republican Vice-Presidential tim ber, 44, 384; nomination of Lin coln and Johnson, 46; Wade-Davis protest, 95, 96, 98, 122; navy-yard patronage and assessment, 97, 98, 108, 122-124, 136, 137, 142-145, 175; Republican despondency, 102, 103; attitude of New York papers, 103-105; interest in Democratic Convention, 120; Seward as poll- 610 INDEX tical manager, 120, 131; Chase's support of Lincoln, 120, 140, 187; Fremont's withdrawal expected, 120; and Smith Bros, case, 124; nomination of McCIellan, 129, 132; hopes for Lincoln's success, 132, 176; enthusiasm for McCIellan, 135; Democratic platform and capture of Atlanta, 135, 140; Mc Clellan's letter, 140; Seward's key note speech, 140; Forbes on issue, 141 ; and Sheridan's victories, 153; elements of Democratic Party, 153; Confederates and McCIellan, 164; resignation of Blair and re tirement of Fremont, 156-158; soldiers' and sailors' votes, 175; returns at Washington, 178; Sena torial tour, 186; Radicals support Lincoln, 187. 1865: Reconstruction issue, 2, 373; RepubUcan success, 381; Blair and Democrats, 382. 1866: State, 2, 427, 429, 433, 452, 464-462, 466, 468, 469, 474, 613- 615; politics and navy yards, 586, 596-699, 602, 616; Radical victory expected, 608, 613; Fourteenth Amendment as issue, 608-610; ef fect of Cabinet discord, 611, 613; results, 616-620; Maryland con troversy, 620. See also Presiden tial tour, Union Convention. 1867: Connecticut, 3, 77, 78; ex pected influence, 222, 232; results, 232. 1868: Grant's candidacy, 3, 121, 175 n., 180, 189, 244, 277, 363, 364; Johnson's candidacy, 166,189,383, 391, 394; Chase's candidacy, 244, 379, 381, 382, 385, 389-391, 393, 397, 404, 455, 457-459; Weed and Grant movement (1867), 249; State, 267,'309, 328, 329, 375, 436, 438, 450-453, 455, 458; meeting of Democratic National Committee, 294; Seymour's candidacy, 295, 382, 383, 390; Democratic timber, 295, 393, 394; Republican Conven tion, 362; Republican Vice-Presi dential timber, 362, 363; force and fraud for Grant if needed, 364, 423; nomination of Grant and Col fax, 366; Democratic Convention, nomination of Seymour and Blair, 381, 395-399, 408; Democratic nominations invite defeat, 398- 402, 436, 439, 440, 443, 446, 450, 455-458, 464; attitude of Johnson and Cabinet after nominations, 401, 402, 404, 408-410, 415, 429, 443, 450; attitude of Conserva tives, 404, 405, 411, 462; move ment for third candidate, 406; ex clusion of vote of certain States, 406; issues, 430, 445; movement to withdraw Seymour, 454, 458, 459; frauds in State, 460; results, 463; frauds in Federal, 463; electoral vote counted, 524; Grant officiaUy informed, 525; Connecticut (1869) as barometer of reaction, 571, 672. Eliot, T. D., report on Louisiana, 3, 41. EUa and Annie, captures Chesa-peake, 1, 508. EUet, H. W., and control by Navy Department, i, 180, 272, 273. Elliott, H. H., on New York senti ment (1862), 1, 119. Ely, J. S., removed, 2, 597. Emancipation, Lincoln's first refer ence, 1, 70; Cabinet on preUmin ary proclamation, 142-145, 158- 160; Lincoln serenaded, 147; effect of preliminary proclamation, 168; Cabinet on final proclamation, 209, 210; proclamation published, 212; Welles on importance, 212; prob able effect in South, 219; and Reconstruction, 403, 415, 2, 579; Carpenter's picture, i, 527, 549; Lincoln and compensated, 2, 237; Welles on results, 431. See also Slavery, Thirteenth Amendment. Emma, Queen, of Hawaiian Islands, at Washington, 2, 575, 577, 582, INDEX 611 596, 598; to return home in war vessel, 596, 598, 601, 604. Emma, prize, sale to Navy, i, 437, 438, 445, 446. Emory, W. H., pursuit of Early, 2, 85; on Red River campaign, 86; and removal of Stanton, 3, 283, 288, 289, 299, 338. Engineer Corps of Navy, movement to reorganize, 3, 252-254, 283, 385. See also Isherwood. Engle, Frederick, and Chiriqui Grant, i, 151. English, J. E., gubernatorial candi dacy and Reconstruction views (1866), 2, 427, 429, 452, 454-462, 465, 468, 474; elected (1867), 3, 77; messages (1867), 87-89; (1868), 382; poUtical career, 88; reelec tion, 267, 329. EnUstments, habeas corpus proceed ings (1867), 3, 208-222. See also Draft. Equipment and Recruiting, Bureau of. See Foote (A. H.) , Smith (A. N.), Smith (Melancthon). Ericsson, John, Passaic, 1, 179; Mon itor, 214; and guns for monitors, 342; and light-draft monitors, 2, 81, 108, 241, 350. Erie, Lake, Confederate operations (1864), 2, 151-153. Etheridge, Emerson, and Lincoln's Cabinet, 2, 390. Etiquette, official, 2, 251. Etting, F. M., and Fort Pickens, i, 30; and Norfolk Navy Yard, 43. Eutaw, test of speed, i, 512, 516, 519. Evarts, W. M., and Chief -Justice ship, 2, 181 ; and Attorney-Gener alship (1864), 183; Henderson case, 220; and trial of Davis, 365, 367; impeachment counsel, 3, 298, 307, 308, 330, 342; character, 307, 409, 492 ; and State portfolio ( 1868) , 364; Attomey-General, 390, 409; on use of troops as posse, 430; ab senteeism, 446, 451, 463; Cabinet and public dinner to, 464-468; and Alabama claims, 470; opinion on eight-hour law, 471; and Pacific Railroad, 474; and legal tender, 480; on court-martial punish ments, 481; on confiscation, 504; and Grant and Seward, 511 ; recep tion, 512; and holding over imder Grant, 533; and inauguration, 537, 538, 541. Everett, Edward, and Dahlgren, 2, 7; death, 225; Welles on career, 225. Ewing, Thomas, Sr., and Wilkes case, 2, 203; and Dahlgren, 3, 92; and Cabinet office (1867), 232; (1868), 286. Fairion, , master in Brooklyn Navy Yard, offensive partisanship, 1, 178. Farragut, D. G., Vicksburg opera tions, I, 72, 79, 218, 249, 274, 314; and W. D. Porter, 88, 145; and dis missal of Preble, 190, 191 ; and loss of Galveston, 230; as officer, 230, 237, 431, 2, 133; and command against Charleston, i, 311; at New York (1863), 396; visits to Welles, 431, 2, 223, 490, 3, 101, 469; Lin coln on, 1, 440; predicts defeat of Sabine Pass expedition, 441; and Du Pont, 477, 2, 119; Mobile Bay, 100, 105, 124, 133; how selected for New Orleans expedition, 116, 134; and command against Wil mington, 127, 146, 165; desires rest, 145; and cotton trade, 159; visits James River force, 230, 232; and Fox's presumptions, 232, 233; favors an Admiralty Board, 233; of Board of Promotions, 235; Craven court martial, 396; com mission as Admiral, 562, 563; in Johnson's tour, 584, 588; European cruise, 3, 104, 123; and line and staff differences, 501 ; ill and feels sUghted (1869), 582. Farragut, Mrs. D. G., in Johnson's tour, 2, 589. 612 INDEX Fast, national (1863), i, 288; (1864), 2,93. Faunce, John, captain of the Harriet Lane, i, 23. Faxon, William, Chief Clerk, i, 75, 92; illness, 250, 2, 80, 100; excur sions, I, 394, 2, 65, 3, 396; and Laird's statement, i, 401; and Welles's paper on neutral rights, 451; and captured mails, 491; Hale's animosity, 523; and frauds of contractors, 540, 2, 53; and re lief of naval contractors, 207; and Osborn, 219; vacations, 269, 3, 423; and Fox's official trip abroad, 2,509; andsale of ironclads, 3, 387; as official, 560; resigns, 650. Federal Constitution, recognition of Deity, 2, 190; sacredness, 3, 372; Johnson's suggested amendments, 406, 407. See also Reconstruction, and amendments by number. Felton, S. M., and Lee's invasion, 1, 332, 343; and Early's raid, 2, 69. Fenians, raid (1866), 2, 450,451, 453, 454, 484, 486, 518-521, 523, 624; counsel for trials in England, 283. Fenton, R. E., on partisanship in Brooklyn Navy Yard, 1, 178; and Johnson's tour, slights Seward, 2, 592; and Welles (1867), 3, -3»r Vice-Presidential candidacy, 362; Senatorial election, 508, 509. Ferry, O. S., election to Senate, 2, 605, 509; character, 3, 523. Ferry, T. VV., investigation of Phila delphia Navy Yard, 3, 416. Fessenden, W. P., and dismissal of Preble, 1, 162, 163, 188-190, 228; Senate committee on Seward, 196- 198; on Welles's administration, 228; and coast defense, 364, 366; wants prize court at Portland, 366, 491; and J. P. Hale, 491; and naval contract frauds, 641; Secre tary of the Treasury, 2, 64, 65; and cotton trade regulations, 66, 138, 162, 240, 258; and Greeley's peace negotiations, 84, 99; adver tises a loan, 86; and honoring of naval requisitions, 114, 141; and Seward-Stanton cUque, 120, 173, 3, 173; and coUectorship at New York, 2, 137; on control of aban doned plantations, 150; as finan cier, 163, 180, 239, 329; criticism of naval officers, 172; and Cabinet consultations, 203; and Draper, 220; and Nasby's book, 238; and successor in Treasury, 244, 245; attitude on Reconstruction, 415; relation to Radicals and to John son, 447-449; and Foster, 510; as leader in Senate, 635, 3, 14; and Bay of Samand, 2, 643; and Chandler, 3, 138; and Chase, 306; impeachment vote, 345, 349-351, 360; and successor to Stanton, 409;, loses political power, 505; and party fealty, 515. Field, D. D., and naval affairs, i, 112; and Evening Post, 2, 61; and State portfoUo, 3, 184; and im peachment counsel, 303, 308; Sew ard on, 303. Field, M. B., as official, 2, 62. Field, S. J., appointment to Su preme Court, I, 245; on Johnson, 3, 64, 65; McCardle case, 320. Field, T. Y., court martial, 3, 140. Fifteenth Amendment, in Senate, 3, 524; as prerequisite to Reconstruc tion, 574, 575. Finances, cost of foreign drafts, 1, 147; and military success, 520; differences on policy (1864), 2, 57; Johnson's message on (1868), 3, 478, 479, 482, 487. See also Chase, Fessenden, McCuUoch, Paper money. Taxation. Fingal, Confederate ironclad, i, 72; captured, 336, 341, 344. Fish, Hamilton, and English mis sion, 3, 257; Secretary of State, 551; character, 551. Fisher, G. P., and Stanton, 3, 160. Fisher, Fort. See Wilmington. Fisk, James, Jr., and Bowles, 3, 490. INDEX 613 Five Forks, battle, 2, 272. Flagg, A. C, as politician, 3, 226. Flambeau, brings news of attack on Charleston, 1, 266. Flanders, B. F., control of aban doned plantations, 2, 148, 149. Fleming, C. E., promotion, i, 77. Florida, Thayer's scheme to colonize, I, 206; Federal defeat in (1864), 531. Florida, {Oreto), discharged at Nas sau, 1, 109; passes blockade at MobUe, 140, 141, 230; question of blockading at Brest, 438, 440; pursuit, 2, 39; capture in neutral waters, 184-186, 197, 275. Flusser, C. W., death, 2, 17. Fogg, G. G., recall, 2, 388; on forma tion of Lincoln's Cabinet, 388- 392; political character, 699; Re construction views, 600, 601; and Chandler, 3, 372. Fontan6, P. H. W., on conditions in South, 1, 316. Foot, Solomon, and appointment of midshipmen, i, 227; resigns from Naval Committee, 227; and John Gilpin prize case, 297; and Re construction, 2, 415; death, 465; funeral, 466; Welles's relations, 466. Foote, A. H., as bureau chief, i, 74, 75, 92, 93; on Pope and Halleck, 120; Mississippi River operations, 167; of board on dismissal of Preble, 191; and letters of marque, 256, 260; and command against Charieston, 311, 314, 317, 318,325, 326, 346, 347; iUness, 334-336; Welles's relations, 335, 345, 2, 135; death, i, 345; as officer, 2, 353. Foote, Fort, useless, 1, 474. Forbes, J. M., on Wilkes in West Indies, 1, 298; and Lincoln's renomination, 2, 4; on issues of Presidential campaign (1864), 141; and Smith Bros., 263. Forbes, P. S., and Dickerson's en gine, 2, 346, 356, 361; contract for Idaho, 418, 3i 29. Forbes, R. B.,and purchase of Chero kee, I, 516. Ford, , and Indian affairs (1865), 2, 362. Ford, , and district-attorneyship in New York (1869), 3, 565. Ford's Theatre, movement to pur chase, 2, 317; closed by Stanton, 331. Foreign affairs, character of Grant's appointments, 3, 577, 578. rSee also Blockade, Neutrality, Seward, and nations by name. Forged proclamation incident, 2, 35, 37, 38. Formosa, attack on natives (1867), 3, 182. Forney, J. M., and Welles, 1, 386; and Hoover case, 2, 418; on Wash ington's Birthday speech, 438; and Stevens, 486; and Maryland election (1866), 620; reception for Congress, 627, 630-632; and John son, 3, 6; Senatorial candidacy, 16; and impeachment, 26. See also Washington Chronicle. Forrest, Moreau, brings news of attack on Charleston, i, 267. Forrest, N. B., Kentucky raid (1864), 2, 12; Fort PiUow mas sacre, 23-25. Forsyth, John, Confederate com missioner, Seward's intrigue, i, 26; on Pope's administration, 3, 242. Foster, J. G., captures Goldsbor ough, 1, 206; preparation against Charleston, 236, 237, 265; Lin coln's opinion, 350; operations in North Carolina, 381. Foster, L. S., and Indian affairs (1865), 2, 362; fails of reelection, 505, 507, 508; and Johnson, 510; and Italian mission, 3, 24; end of Senatorship, 58; and Austrian mission, 68, 70; and Court of Claims, 372. 614 INDEX Fourteenth Amendment, Welles on, 2, 516, 522, 549; amendment and passage, 526, 527; and Union Convention, 629, 534, 539; atti tude of Johnson and Cabinet, 532, 533, 535-537, 628, 630, 649; adop tion by States, 541, 667; as issue (1866), 608-610, 618; rejection in South, 636; Grant favors, 3, 8; proclamation of ratification, 417. Fowler, J. S., impeachment vote, 3, 356. Fox, G. v., and relief of Sumter, 1, 9, 14, 15, 21-23, 2, 248, 374; and Monitor, i, 64; at Portsmouth, 87; and J. P. Hale, 150, 485, 488, 2, 6; and ironclads, i, 179, 495; and Lord Lyons, 192; on question of Galveston blockade, 234; and pre parations against Charleston, 236, 265, 266; and letters of marque, 261; and failure before Charles ton, relations with Du Pont, 276, 302, 311, 344, 2, 8; and renewal of operations, and Dahlgren, i, 390, 313, 317; and Tacony, 327, 333; and guns for monitors, 342; ex cursions, 394, 2, 31, 65, 340, 3, 396; and Laird's statement, 1, 395, 401 ; weakness for seeming authority, other quaUties as official, 401, 2, 232,233,308,418; inspects CTi/de, 1, 428; and Welles's paper on neutral rights, 451; and Welles's annual report (1863), 479; and speed test of naval vessels, 511, 612; H. W. Davis's antagordsm, 531; and trade permits, 636; and naval con tract frauds, 536, 538-541, 647, 2, 5, 53, 64, 56, 58; and transfer of soldier seamen to Navy, 1, 646, 547; and Butler, z, 16, 17, 19; and light-draft monitors, 52, 81, 108, 241, 350, 361; on Presidential visits to headquarters, 65; vaca tion, 100; and D. D. Porter, 129, 235; and Wilmington expedition, 133, 146-148, 150, 209, 214, 215, 230; and Farragut, 134; and ex- changeof naval prisoners, 168, 169; and Admiral Lee, 172, 173; and politics in navy yards, 175; and relief of naval contractors, 207; and Osborn, 219; attacks on, 241, 247; reply, 248, 251; and Blaine, 250; trip to Havana, 267; and Stimers, 351; and Pendergrast case, 364; and Seward, 384; talks of resigning, 395, 418; official trip to Russia, 506, 509, 512, 514; on impeachment, 3, 338. Fractional currency, discussion in Cabinet, 1, 168. FraUey, J. M., and Jefferson Davis, 2, 308. France, mediation, i, 235; tobacco at Richmond, 338-340, 2, 9, 12; better attitude (1863), 1, 443, 445, 494,495; (1864), 2, 35, 39; ironclads for Confederates, 35, 65, 254; cap tured cotton claimed by, 106, 107; and Confederate privateering, 159; withdraws right of belligerency, 319; Seward and American pos sessions, 393; Exhibition, 462, 469; purchase of ironclads, 3, 92. See also Mexico. Franklin, W. B., Peninsular cam paign, I, 96; and Second Bull Run, 97, 104, 110. Frauds. See Corruption. Fredericksburg, battle, 1, 191-193. Fredonia, wrecked, 3, 435, 449. Freedmen's Bureau, lack of funds, 2, 413; bUl and veto (1866), 431- 437; second bill passed over veto, 564; headship (1867), 3, 142. See also Abandoned plantations. Frelinghuysen, F. T., and impeach ment, 3, 335, 346, 348. Fremont, J. C, candidacy (1864), i, 525; nomination, 2, 41; 1856 cam paign, 41; Benton said to have written his journals and War De partment report on (1848), 42; aa officer in War, 42; withdrawal of nomination expected, 120; with draws, 156. INDEX 615 French Exhibition, use of naval ves sels to transport exhibits, 2, 462, 469. Frontier policy, Scott's, for CivU War, 1, 84-86, 125, 172, 242. Fry, J. B., and Stanton, 3, 279. Fugitive Slave Law, late case in the District, i, 313. Fuller, Perry, nominated as Com missioner of Internal Revenue, 3, 391. Galiani, F. A., on use of neutral wa ters by belligerents, 1, 464. Galveston, captured by Confeder ates, 1, 220, 230; question of blockade, 234. Garcia y Tassara. See Tassara. Garfield, J. A., as Radical, 2, 247. Geary, J. W., at Antietam anniver sary, 3, 202. General, Grant's commission, 2, 562, 563; attempt to bestow brevet on Sherman and Thomas, 3, 279, 282, 284. See also Lieutenant- general. General Sherman, destruction, 3, 485. Georgia, supposed peace commis sioner, 2, 125, 126; desire for re union, 158; case of illegal imprison ment (1868), 3, 420, 421; vote excluded (1868), 525. Germantovm, at Norfolk Navy Yard, 1,42. Gerolt, Baron von, Prussian Minis ter, 1, 95. Gettysburg campaign, first rumors of invasion, 1, 328, 330; Milroy, 328, 330-333; insecurity and uncer tainty at Washington, 329, 338, 342, 343, 360, 351, 353; Curtin's alarm, 330, 360, 358; caU for vol unteers, 331; passivity of Federal army, 331, 335; invasion denied, 332; fight at Aldie, 336, 338; de pression of Administration, 340; Lincoln and Hooker, 344, 348; McCIellan rumor, 345; Meade su persedes Hooker, 348; question of counter-movement on Richmond, 349,351,359; Meade as comman der, 349, 351 ; Lee in Pennsylvania, 350, 352; poUcyof merely driving Confederates back, 352, 358, 363, 369; battle, 354, 356-358; Lee's es cape, 357, 363, 364, 366, 368-375; proposed demonstration on Wash ington by Beauregard, 359, 376; and draft riots and Stephens's mission, 369; Sickles on selection of field, 472. Gillem, A. C, and military govern orship, 3, 245. Gillett, R. H., interview with Taney, 2, 184. Gillis, J. H., wreck of fVateree, 3, 449. GUlis, J. P., Sumter expedition, i, 23. GiUmore, Q. A., Charleston opera tions, 1, 310, 317, 380, 382-385, 449, 475, 547; and Dahlgren, 434, 474; and Wilmington expedition, 2, 128, 133; and WeUes's visit to Beaufort, 313. Gilmore, J. R., mission to Richmond, 2, 109. GUpin, Charles, and navy-yard frauds, 2, 205. Given, J. T., candidacy for mayor, 3, 381. Glisson, O. S., and League Island, 3, 552. Glover, Samuel, and impeachment counsel, 3, 307. Godon, S. W., in Washington, 2, 317; and Paraguay (1866), 491, 543; and Webb, 3, 208; on Port Royal, 217. Godwin, Parke, and Henderson case, 1, 642, 2, 60, 104; as editor, 61. Gold, discoveries (1864) and cur rency problem, 2, 179, 180. See also Paper money. Gold biU, enacted, 2, 54. Goldsborough, L. M., and Wilkes's command in James River, 1, 73; fear of Merrimac, 142; and Early's raid, a, 73; and command of Wil- 616 INDEX ' mington expedition, 147; and pro motion, 604; and Surratt, 3, 29; and Cretans, 70; question of re tirement, 85, 86, 99, 107-109, 135; and vice-admiralship, 562. Goldsborough, Mrs. L. M., and re tirement of husband, 3, 107. Goldsborough, N. C, captured, 1, 206. Gooch, D. W., and Charlestown Navy Yard, i, 374, 380, 2, 31, 34; and Smith Bros, case, i, 640, 2, 53, 263; of Committee on Conduct of the War, 198; and Stanton's plan of Reconstruction, 291; and naval patronage, 325; and Boston coUectorship, 357; Naval Officer, 381. Gooding, D. S., excursion, 2, 330. Goodman, , of Connecticut, can didate for internal revenue office (1862), 1, 78. Goodman, , on guilt of Smith Bros., 2, 53. Goodrich, J. Z., position threatened, 2, 356. Goodwin, J. N., Arizona office, 1, 409. Govemors, Altoona Conference, 1, 153, 156; character of messages (1863), 219. Graham, W. A., and Lincoln's Cabi net, 2, 390. Grand Gulf, captured, i, 295. Granger, Gordon, Mobile Bay, 2, 114; and command at Washing ton (1868), 3, 317. Grant, H. A., appointment to col- lectorship, 2, 612, 651. Grant, U. S., WeUes's portraiture, i, xlvii ; Vicksburg, 308, 309, 31 1 , 314, 320, 324, 364, 371; intercepts sup plies from Texas, 379; and Navy, 379,2,6; and McClernand, 1,387; and drink, 388, 2, 214; and cotton trade, i, 511; at Lincoln's recep tion, Welles's first impressions, 638, 539; presentation of commission, 539; and Eariy's raid, 2, 68, 69; as commander, 68, 70, 73, 90, 91, 94, 276, 3, 121, 122; reported disagree ment with Stanton (1864), 2, 79; puts Sheridan in the Valley, 96; and WUmington expedition, But ler's command, 133, 146, 150, 214- 216, 222; and exchange of naval prisoners, 171; and dismissal of Butler, 223; and naval force in James River, 230, 232; goes to Fort Fisher, 230; and resumption of trade, 280, 281; on Stone's Riv er, 283; character, 283 n., 3, 274, 363, 530, 587; and Sherman's peace terms, 2, 294, 295, 310; and custody of Davis, 309; and Mexico, 317, 322, 333, 621, 624; and post-War army movements, 352, 356-357, 361, 362 ; Johnson's attitude (1865) , 367; Southem tour (1865), 397, 398; and Fenian raid, 451, 453, 618, 519; and Confederate paroles, 476; reception attended by both elementa (1866), 477, 478; and pro posal to oust Stanton (1866), 529; ^ commission as General, 562, 563; in Johnson's tour, 584, 588, 591- 593; and Union Convention, 582; on Johnson's Copperhead support ers, 591, 592, 595; and Indian af fairs, 613, 3, 98, 100; importance of political attitude (1866), 2, 646; and negro suffrage for the District, 3, 5, 15; and Fourteenth Amend ment, 8; and Constitution, 16; and revolutionary plans of Radicals, 27; and enforcement of Civil Rights BiU, 3, 42, 44; changing at titude towards Johnson, 56, 72, 141, 166, 184, 185, 196, 199, 232; and selection of military governors, 62, 63, 65; and Sheridan's letters, 117, 125-127; and Tennessee dis turbances, 140, 211; and Maryland election (1866), 140, 141; and re moval of Sheridan, 154, 174, 186, 187, 500; Secretary of War ad in terim, 160, 167-169, 240; and execu tion of Reconstruction Acts, 169, INDEX 617 182, 183, 185, 187-190, 193, 242, 277, 298; and charges against Holt, 172, 173; secret opposition to the Administration (1867), 175 n.; talk with Welles on Recon struction Acts, 177-181; Welles and Butler on, as political igno ramus, 180, 181, 565; and Cabinet- meetings, 188, 190; reception to generals, 208; and habeas corp-as proceedings on enUstments, 212, 213; and Reconstruction elections, 207; and court of inquiry for Sick les, 207, 232; Sherman expected to influence, 221, 232; opposes further pardons (1867), 231; let ter on Stanton, 240; Johnson's at tempt to have understanding with, 233-235; and question of arresting Johnson, 235, 238; Welles fears "man on horseback," 245, 246, 249, 270, 545, 559, 564; and rein statement of Stanton, Johnson con troversy, 258-262, 266-279, 465, 491, 500; and Radical society, 278; and currency question, 494; pro scribes Johnson and Cabinet, Evarts dinner, 464-468, 491, 494, 497, 512; Johnson and Cabinet and inauguration, 498, 500, 532, 536-538, 640-542; Welles fore casts character as President, 483, 525; Cabinet, 488, 530, 536, 543- 549; dines with Seward, 608, 511; attends a Blair wedding, 519; po litical attitude before inaugura tion, 526, 530; nepotism, 527; Johnson's Cabinet on holding over under, 529, 530, 632, 535; inaugu ration parade, 542; inaugural, 544; and Johnson's last pardons, 547, 555 ; and Tenure-of-Office Act, 557 , 569, 571 ; and reorganization of the Navy, 558-560; character of ap pointments, 5'75-578. See also Elections (1868), Virginia cam paign. Grant, Mrs. U. S., confident of hus band's election, 3, 389. Gray, J. G. C, and Evening Post, 2, 61. Great Britain, hostile attitude, 1, 74, 79, 299, 2, 431; and Confederate cruisers, i, 109, 111, 165, 175, 207, 245, 247, 250-252, 255, 262; slave- trade cruising convention, 155, 163, 166, 192, 193; and the Ber muda, 170; and captured mails, 180, 266, 269-289, 290, 302-304; and Wilkes in West Indies, 298; better attitude, 299, 305, 445, 495; ministry and Roebuck's motion, 374; and Federal successes, 379, 385; Laird rams, 399, 406, 428, 435-438, 443, 448; Mont Blanc incident, capture in neutral waters, 416-427; and sale of prize Emma to Navy, 438, 445, 446; WeUes on attitude and poUcy toward, 453; visit of Admiral MUne, 468, 469; Chesapeake incident, 490, 508; change in ministry threatened (1864), 2, 67, 71; and Confederate privateering, 159; question of re fusing hospitality to navy of, 319, 320, 327; withdraws right of bel ligerency, 319. See also Alabama claims. Greece, seeks ironclads, 3, 207. Greeley, Horace, on loss of Norfolk Navy Yard, i, 50, 51; and Welles, 2, 12, 260; peace negotiations, 83, 94, 99, 110, 271, 272; attitude to ward Lincoln (1864), 87, 104, 130; Lincoln likens him to an old shoe, 112; and Butler, 222-224; appetite for notoriety, 272 ; and formation of Lincoln's cabinet, 391 ; on Alaska, 3, 84; and Stanton, 173. Seejilso New York Tribune. Gregory, F. H., and ironclads, 1, 153; and Charleston expedition, 276, 311, 315; report on Chimo, 2, 52; as officer, 116. Grey Jacket, prize case, 2, 469, 492t 493. Grier, R. C, McCardle case, 3, 320. 618 INDEX Griffin, Charles, and Second Bull Run, I, 110. Griffin, J. Q. A., Congressional as pirations (1865), 2, 381. Griffiths, J. W., and frauds, i, 511. Grimes, J. W., and loss of Norfolk Navy Yard, i, 54; Senate commit tee on Seward, 196, 197, 206; on J. P. Hale, 227, 490; and naval affairs, 485, 488, 490,519, 2,11,3, 252, 515, 531, 558, 563, 564; and prosecution of fraudulent contract ors, 1,540, 641; excursions, 2, 31, 422; and relief of contractors, 207; attitude towards Radicals and to wards Johnson, 379, 447-450; Pre sidential aspirations, 405; attitude towards South (1866), 444; politi cal character, 447; and tariff, 642; on popular support of Congress, 632; as leader of Senate, 635, 3, 14; and Bay of Samand, 2,643; and dis missal of Radicals from navy yards, 3, 13, 18; and Danish West Indies, 97; and impeachment, 338, 342, 346, 350, 351, 360, 361; paralysis, 353, 354, 356; and successor to Stanton, 409; and party fealty, 615; and repeal of Tenure-of- Office Act, 567, 668. Grinnell, M. H., and Navy Depart ment, 1, 216, 512-514; and Seward and Grant, 3, 511; coUectorship, 560; character, 561. Griswold, J. A., defends Navy De partment, I, 531; excursion, a, 31; and Sherman, 3, 265; and Monitor, 412-414; and 'Treasury portfoUo, 649. Groesbeck, W. S., impeachment counsel, 3, 302, 308, 330, 362. Grover, Cuvier, at Savannah, 2, 313. Grover, Martin, and Wilmot Pro viso, 2, 386. Grow, G. A., and Welles, i, 482. Gulf Squadron, command (1861), 1, 76. See also Pickens, West Gulf Squadron. | Gurley, J. A., death, i, 408; and WeUes, 408. Gurley, P. D., at death-bed of Lin coln, 2, 288, 292, 294. Gurowski, Count Adam, character, 1, 187, 326, 2, 100; on Radicals and selection of Lincoln's cab inet, I, 325; diary, 2, 101; and Welles, 101; on Johnson's habits, 438. Guthrie, James, and restriction of movement of naval officers, 2, 494; and Coombs's claim, 3, 528. Gwathmey, Washington, and Fort Pickens, 1, 29. Habeas corpus, writ of, privUege sus pended, 1, 150; suspension to pre vent defeat of draft, 432, 433, 435; power to suspend, 433; post-War conditions in South, 2, 366; pro ceedings on enlistments (1867), 3, 208-222. See also Arbitrary ar rests. Hahn, Michael, in Washington (1864), 2, 99. Hale, Charles, excursion, 2, 31. Hale, J. M., death, 3, 520, 521. Hale, J. P., WeUes's portraiture, i, xxx; and loss of Norfolk Navy Yard, 48-54; and appointment of midshipmen, 146, 147, 149; rela tions with Welles and Navy De partment, 187, 206, 224, 227, 308, 384, 386, 505, 507, 609, 522, 523, 2, 5, 6, 51, 52, 193, 231, 234, 238.. 250, 261, 276, 3, 25; and chab- manship of Naval Committee (1863), 1, 482, 484, 490; Welles's plain speech with, 485-489; antag onism to Fox, 485, 488, 2, 6; and bribe, 1, 489, 522; and naval enlist ments, 499; Grimes's opinion, 490; and purchase of Cherokee, 516; and Faxon, 523, 529; fails of re election, 2, 51; and Farragut, 116; loses chairmanship of Naval Com mittee, 193; Minister to Spain, 255, 257; question of public ship INDEX 619 for, 268; as Minister, 3, 452, 518, 553, 578. Hale, R. C, death, 1, 354. Hall, , fugitive-slave case in the District (1863), 1, 313. Hall, J. C, at death-bed of Lincoln, 2, 286. HaUeck, master, and poUtics inBrook- lyn Navy Yard, 2, 123. Halleck, H. W., Welles's portraiture, 1, xxix; and Navy in James River, 83; and Second Bull Run, 93, 97, 99, 105, 122; Welles's opinion of, as general-in-chief, 107, 119, 134, 179, 180, 192, 209, 216, 218, 320, 324, 329, 364, 373, 376, 379, 383, 392, 442, 444, 471, 472, 2, 92; ori gin of general command, i, 108, 119, 221; and McCleUan, 116, 120, 122, 124, 179; and Navy, 121, 365, 2, 12; indecision after Antietam, I, 153; and Norfolk trade, 173; and forged Cooper dispatch, 176; and control over war vessels on Mississippi, 180; and McCler nand, 217, 388; and renewal of at tack on Charieston, 309, 324, 382, 383, 386; and Vicksburg, 314, 320, 324, 365, 367; Lincoln's reUance on, 320, 329, 364, 371, 526; and Gettysburg campaign, 328, 330, 331, 338, 342, 349-352, 358, 363, 366, 368-370, 373; Blair's plan for McCleUan to supersede, 345; and expedition into western Texas, 390-392, 442; and Almaden mines, 397; Chase's final antagonism, 402, 447; and Chickamauga, 438, 442; and commanders of the Army of the Potomac, 440; and Sabine Pass expedition, 441 ; and Chattanooga, 444, 447; and Meade's autumn campaign, 473; at presentation of Grant's commission, 539; and new draft (1864), 542; and transfer of men to Navy, 547; and Red River campaign, 2, 18, 27; and Early's raid, 69, 70, 72, 76-78, 84; Bates's antagonism, 93; and MobUe, 100, 165; and exchange of naval pris oners, 170; fears at second inaugu ration, 25i; and capture of Rich mond, 272; and Sherman, 309; and custody of Davis, 309; and Alas kan commission, 3, 129, 141; ob struction of the Potomac, 436. Halpine, C. G., and impeachment, 3, 349. Hamersley, W. J., and Welles, 3, 587. Hamilton, A. J., cotton-trade per mit, 2, 159, 162, 163, 167; as Gov emor of Texas, 2, 315, 316, 420, 580; character, 315. Hamlin, Hannibal, and Welles, I, 82; and coast defense, 364, 366; request for prize court, 366; ques tion of renomination, 2, 44, 46, 47; and reappointment of Brown, 342, 344-346; and Boston coUect orship, 356; and formation of Lin coln's cabinet, 389; Vice-Presiden tial candidacy (1868), 3,362; Sena torial contest (1869), 506, 517. Hammond, Henry, appointment, i, 610. Hampton Roads Conference, 2, 235, 236, 238. Hancock, W. S., Gettysburg, i, 472; Spottsylvania, 2, 29; and Indian troubles, 3, 99; as miUtary gov emor, 186, 204, 241, 242, 245, 277, 298; and Democratic Presidential nomination (1868), 295, 394, 397, 400, 456; in Washington (1868), 317. Hannah Grant, seizure by Venezuela, 3, 296, 349. Hanscom, Isaiah, and navy-yard position, 3, 139. Hanscom, S. P., and Banks, 2, 178; character, 653 ; and attack on Navy Department, 3, 325. Harcourt, Sir W. G. V., on captured mails, I, 315. Hardie, W. J., Savannah, 2, 208. Harlan, James, Secretary of the In terior, 2, 307; on ironclad oath, 318,445,450; and closing of Ford's 620 INDEX Theatre, 331; and Mexico, 333, 485; and trial of Davis, 338, 339; on Pope, 367; and poUtical as sessments, 380, 381; and Johnson's policy, 395, 419, 425, 481, 524, 537, 543; political aspirations, 405; on Freedmen's Bureau Bill, 434; on CivU Rights Bill, 464; on report of Reconstruction Commit tee, 497; and Fenian raid, 451; and Colorado Bill, 503; and At lantic cable, 503; on Fourteenth Amendment, 637; resigns, 563; and impeachment, 3, 358. Harlan, Mary, marriage, 3, 444. Harney, W. S., Indian Commission, 3, 254. Harper's Ferry, capture (1862), i, 140. Harriet Lane, Sumter expedition, 1, 16, 22; captured, 220; at Havana (1865), 2, 378. Harrington, George, and Bankhead, 1, 131. Harris, Clara W., and Mrs. Lincoln, 2, 287. Harris, Ira, Senate committee on Seward, 1, 196, 198; and Weed, 2, 154; Reconstruction views, 401; failure of reelection, 642, 3, 20; and impeachment, 348. Harris, John, reproved, 1, 89; death, 2, 31; and Marine bounty, 174. Hartt, Edward, attempt to force re moval, 3, 139, 417, 419. Harvey, J. E., and Confederate com missioners, 1, 32, 2, 248; and naval purchases in Portugal, 3, 514, 525. Harvey, Peter, and navy-yard ap pointments, 3, 446. Harwood, A. A., of Retiring Board, 3, 569. Hastings, Dr., displaced from marine hospital position, 2, 629. Hatch, J. P., and Welles's visit to Charleston, 2, 312. Haupt, Herman, and naval frauds, 1,511. Hautefeuille, L. B., on use of neutral waters by belligerents, 1, 464. HawaUan Islands, affairs (1868), 3, 322, 329. Hawley, J. R., question of army pro motion, I, 235, 535; and Dahl gren, 474, 535; and WeUes's visit to WUmington, 2, 314; restored to duty, 369; and negro equaUty, 369; poUtical views, 433, 3, 87; guberna torial candidacy and Reconstruc tion views, 2, 452, 454-462, 465, 468, 469, 474; and Cabinet office, 3,526; and Welles's retum to Hart ford, 585. Hay, John, at Port Royal, 1, 532; on Raymond's annoyance of Lincoln, 2, 176; and election returns, 178. Hayti, buys gunboat, 3, 424. Heap, G. H., and Porter, 1, 249; brings news of Red River cam paign, 2, 26. Heaton, David, and trade permits, 1, 527. Heintzelman, S. P., Blair on, i, 126; on McCleUan's treasonable intentions, 2, 204. Henderson, G. A., and graft, i, 518; reappointed, 2, 316. Henderson, Isaac, and naval frauds, arrest and trial, 1, 518, 540, 542, 2, 54, 59, 60, 78, 79, 83, 104, 185, 220, 225, 306. Henderson, J. B., resolution on civU service in Navy Department, 2, 633, 3, 13, 21; impeachment vote, 349, 362. Hendricks, T. A., as Presidential timber, 3, 295, 394, 397; guberna torial campaign (1868), 453; as Senator, 484. Hicks, T. H., and Maryland patron age, 2, 195, 196; death, 243. Hill, Isaac, as politician, 3, 309. Hillhouse, , and Assistant Trea surer at New York, 2, 62. Hillyer, W. S., and Grant's political position, 2, 646. Hitchcock, E. A., and exchange of INDEX 621 naval prisoners of war, 2, 169- 171. Hoar, E. R., Attomey-General, 3, 645; to go on the bench, 551; opinion on revoking pardons, 565; on relative rank of staff officers, 570. Hoffman, H. W., question of re moval, 2, 195. Hogan, John, and Johnson's tour, 2, 591. Holden, W. W., as governor, 2, 580. Hollister, Gideon, and Cuban Con sul-Generalship, 3, 78-80, 84, 85. Holman, W. S., assault on Navy Department, 1, 531. Holt, Joseph, holds over under Lin coln, 1, 3; and protection of Wash ington, 4; to review Scofield case, 2, 176; and Attorney-Generalship, 183, 187; and relief of Sumter, 274, 374; and implication of Davis, 299; Blair's attack, Welles's opin ion (1865), 370, 374, 423, 424; desires a court of inquiry, 601, 604, 616; and Reconstruction, 3, 118; Conover allegations, 143 ra., 144; Welles urges removal, 163, 167; removal considered, 171; affidavits of conspiracy against, 172-174. Hood, J. B., NashvUle, 2, 200. Hooker, Joseph, commands Army of the Potomac, i, 229; WeUes's opin ion, 229, 294, 329; and drink, 229, 230, 324, 336, 349; Lincoln visits headquarters, 263, 264, 294; Chan- cellorsviUe, 287, 290-295, 302; irreverence, 305, 336; and Lee's invasion, 331, 335, 340, 342; Lin coln's attitude during Gettysburg campaign, 344, 348; relieved, 348, 3^9; sent West, 444; leaves Sher man's army, 2, 93. Hooper, Samuel, and Charlestown Navy Yard, 1, 374, 380; and Smith Bros., 2, 224, 263; and collector- ship at Boston, 357. Hoover, Henry, movement to rein state, 2, 418. Horwitz, P. J., excursions, i, 394, 2, 31, 65, 80. Hovey, •, of Norwich, Conn., and Cuban Consul-Generalship, 3, 80. Hovey, A. P., and Tucker episode, 3,37. Howard, , of Brooklyn, and Laird's statement, 1, 291,395, 396, 401. Howard, J. M., Senate committee on Seward, 1, 196, 198; and bank bUl, 237; and Toucey, 365; character, 2, 633; report on suspension of Stanton, 3, 265; and impeachment, 301, 333. Howard, Joseph, forged proclama tion, 2, 37. Howard, Mark, nomination, i, 78, 81; and Welles, 81, 82; nomination suspended, 235, 239, 246. Howard, O. O., and escape of Lee, 1, 374; Gettysburg, 472; report on enforcement of Civil Rights Act, 3, 42; as head of Freedmen's Bu reau, 142; and Stanton's intrench ment in office, 323; pious fraud, 323. Howe, T. O., and Reconstruction, 2, 415; impeachment vote, 3, 367; character, 479, 523. Howell, , Matamoras trade per mit, 1, 300 n. Hubbard, C. D., and Johnson- Grant controversy, 3, 269, 274. HubbeU, J. R., and reinstatement of a naval officer, 3, 498, 501, 503. Hiibner, Martin, on use of neutral waters by beUigerents, i, 464. Humphrey, James, and politics in Brooklyn Navy Yard, 2, 122, 142- 145. Hunter, David, and James Island, 1, 160; and attack on Charleston, 216; in western Virginia (1864), 2, 61; and burning of Letcher's house, 87; retreat before Early, 87; relieved by Sheridan, 96. Hunter, R. M. T., Hampton Roads Conference, 2, 235, 238. 622 INDEX Hunter, William, on raising of Gal veston blockade, i, 233; and Peter hoff m&ils, 286; Secretary of State ad interim, 2, 289; and implication of Davis, 300; and Welles, 320; and Shenandoah, 411. Idaho, character of Govemor (1867), 3, 186. Idaho, construction, 2, 418, 3, 29. lie k Vache. See Cow Island. Illinois, Senatorial election (1867), 3,21. Immigration, proposed bounties, 1, 643. Impeachment, Welles's diary on, 1, 1; threats (1866), 2, 395, 399, 627, 636; Ashley's resolution, 3, 8; Cabinet discussion of resolution, 12; spirit and outlook of move ment, 12, 17, 293, 296, 300, 301, 313, 314, 321, 324, 329, 330, 332, 334, 336, 337, 344, 350; considera tion of resolution, 3, 19, 20; atti tude of Johnson and Cabinet towards, and arrest or suspension, 21, 27, 50, 57, 60, 62, 151, 200, 235, 237, 238, 291, 313; progress, 26, 61 ; vacation meetings of Judiciary Committee, 90, 95, 102; character of scrutiny, 102; attitude of House (July, 1867), 131; Conover aUe gations, 143-146; reports, 238, 239; House votes, 292, 295; coun sel for defense, 294, 298, 299, 302, 304-308, 319, 322, 323; Cabinet discussion on consultations, 297; articles, 299; precedents for Stan ton's removal, 302, 303, 311, 322; attendance of accused, 302; notice served, 303; Chase's importance and conduct, 306, 327, 328; John son divulges defense, 311; pre liminaries of trial, 312, 313; public apathy, 315, 319; attitude of Dem ocrats, 319; opening of trial, 319; Johnson's reply, 319; State reso lutions on, 320; replication, 321; Butler's opening, 326; consulta tions of defense, 329-332, 337; Curtis's opening for defense, 330, 331; General Sherman's letters, 330, 331; testimony, 332-336; Wilson's injected speech, 334; ac quittal in return for Presidential discretion, 338, 360; arguments, 338, 340-342, 345, 347; and nom ination of Schofield, 339, 340; acquittal expected, Welles's skep ticism, 341, 342, 345, 347, 349, 351, 356, 361, 367; doubtful Sena tors, pressure on them, 345-347, 349, 350, 354-356; poUcy ot con viction on general principles, 348, 361; rumors of Johnson's resigna tion, 350; secret session, opinions of Senators, 351; Johnson and ac quittal, 351, 352, 368; vote post poned. Radical consternation and rage, 353, 354 ; acquittal on eleventh article, 357; further postponement, 359; the seven Senators and party discipline, 359, 361; abuse and threats against them, 360, 362; investigation of vote, 362, 366- 370, 380, 381; attempt at furf;her postponement, 368; acquittal on other articles, 368; Johnson's ex penses, 372; Stevens and renewal, 391; Johnson and the seven Sen ators, 515. Indiana, State elections (1864), 2, 175; (1868), 3, 452, 453. Indianapolis, Johnson at, 2, 594. Indianola, Texas, plan to occupy, I, 391, 443. Indians, execution of Northwestern, I, 170, 186; army movements (1865), 2, 355, 367, 360-362; de partmental strife for control over, 3, 30, 74, 98-100; agents, 30, 69; report of Commission (1868), 254. Ingalls, Rufus, and WUderness, 2, 26. IngersoU, E. C, and Navy Depart ment, 2, 430. Ino, pursues Alabama, i, 179. INDEX 623 Interior, Department of. See Brown ing (O. H.), Harlan (James), Smith (C. B.), Usher (J. P.). Internal revenue, frauds (1868), 3, 434. International law. See Belligerency, Blockade, Maritime jurisdiction, NeutraUty, Prizes. Irish, and the army, 1, 324. Ironclads, construction for attack on Charleston, 1, 153, 179; in at tack, 217, 249, 265-269, 273, 295, 302, 307, 311, 314; seaworthiness, 225,226; WeUes's satisfaction with, 342, 351, 495, 499; guns, 342; Welles and navy yard for, 2, 17; light-draft monitors, 52, 81, 86, 108, 241, 349-361; loss of Tecum- seh, 101 ; Dictator and Puritan, 340 ; Dunderberg, 340, 341, 3, 27-29, 40, 42, 92; sale authorized, 2, 602; sale, 3, 92, 206, 341, 384, 420, 429, 438; investigation of sale, 348, 387-389; history of construction of Monitor, 412. See also Confed erate ironclads. Ironsides, in attack on Charleston, I, 265, 273; burned, 2, 643. Isaac Smith, captured, i, 231. Isherwood, B. F., at Norfolk Navy Yard, 1, 43, 44; Dickerson's as sault on, 504; as officer, 505, 3, 552; and speed test of naval ves sels, I, 611; and light-draft moni tors, 2, 349, 360; engines of Wam- panoag, 3, 283. Island Queen, captured on Lake Erie, 2, 152. Isthmus of Panama, Seward desires to annex, 3, 107; Cushing's canal treaty, 526. Jackson, Andrew, as general, 1, 86. Jackson, M. M., and Tallahassee, 2, 110. Jackson, T. J., Cedar HiU, 1, 78; death, 297. Jacobs, , and contract frauds, I, 516. James Island, affairs at, 1, 160. Japan, vessels built for, 1, 225, 2, 188-192, 561; joint expedition against, indemnity, 189, 210, 660- 562, 3, 135; delegation to purchase ships (1867), 87, 89, 91; Stonewall, 97, 99, 365, 513; treatment of na tive Christians, 230. Jaquess, J. F., mission to Richmond, 2, 83, 109. Jayne, William, and Dakota poli tics, 2, 153. Jeffries, N. L., counsels Johnson to resist (1868), 3, 288; and Chase's candidacy (1868), 382; internal- revenue nomination rejected, 414. Jenkins, T. A., as bureau chief, 2, 357, 362, 3, 569; and Japanese del egation, 92; excursion, 396; in spection tour, 422; on Porter at Navy Department, 561; trans ferred, 569. Jewell, MarshaU, and Hawley for Cabinet office, 3, 526; inaugura tion, 585; character, 586. John Gilpin, prize, 1, 297. Johnson, , and frauds, 1, 548. Johnsqp, Judge, of Ohio, on Wade- Davis protest, 2, 121. Johnson, Andrew, Welles's portrait ure, I, xlvii; Vice-Presidential nomination, 2,46, 384; address as Vice-President, 252, 253; informed of Lincoln's death, 288; takes oath, 289; first meeting with Cab inet, 289; temporary office, 289; favors punishment of Southern leaders, 291; at funeral of Lincoln, 292; and proclamation against Confederate "pirates," 298; dele gations to, 300; and opening of trade in South, 300; calls on Sew ard, 304; and negro suffrage, 304, 422, 580; faUure to generalize, 305; and Sherman's peace terms, 310 ra., 3, 247; and Texas affairs, 2, 315, 316; and blockade, 320; appointment of midshipmen, 317, 526; TmmbuU's attitude (1865), 624 INDEX 322; and Preston King, 323, 380; overrun with visitors, 323; and Radicals (June, 1865), 325; over work and illness, 327, 329, 342, 347, 348, 352; excursions, 329, 331, 340; use of patronage, char acter of appointments, 332, 398, 399, 484, 487, 565, 616, 3, 52, 64, 74,83,85,147,412,414; and Smith Bros, case, 2, 334; and trial of Davis, 335-337, 365, 366, 368; and Hamlin, 342, 344, 345; and Blairs, 343, 511, 513, 514, 578, 569, 3, 120, 165, 166, 168, 408; plan to relieve of extra burdens, 2, 364; amnesty policy and pardons, 358, 382, 3, 193, 197-199, 394-396; first in dications of opposition to policy, 2, 363, 381; Cabinet support of policy (1865), 364; and Chase, 366, 368, 619; and Reconstruction judges, 366; relations with Thomas and Grant (1865), 367; mtended visit to Richmond, 375; and politi cal assessments, 376, 379; and Amos Kendall, 376; on sufficiency of executive Reconstruction, 378, 379; Congress ignores on meeting, 392; annual messages (1866), 392; (1866), 628; (1867), 3, 237, 239; (1868), 475, 477-480, 482; Sumner and WeUes on policy and attitude of Cabinet (1865), 393-395, 397, 398, 400, 415, 424-426 n., 430; and refusal to admit Southem Con gressmen, 387; WeUes warns of intrigue, 396, 398; and rumor of Stanton's intention to resign (1866), 399, 400; and pardon of naval swindlera, 400, 401, 412; Stanton's espionage, 403 ra.; and caseof Captain Meade, 407, 3, 260, 251; receptions, 2, 408, 3, 3, 22, 252, 281, 496, 512, 539; on the Radicals (Jan., 1866), 409, 432; impending war with Congress, 412, 414, 421, 434; and trial of Semmes, 420, 423, 424, 432, 457, 467, 471, 474, 476, 477; Welles urges to public enunciation of pol icy, 421; and Holt, 423, 3, 171; evil influence of Seward and Stan ton, 2, 425 ra., 426 ra., 523, 527, 528, 532, 540, 544, 656, 666, 627, 630, 652, 3, 26, 47, 64-66, 72, 73, 83, 90, 100, 116, 118-120, 123, 132- 134, 160, 191, 195, 263, 383, 403, 411, 454, 492; veto of Freedmen's Bureau bUls, 2, 432-435, 437, 554; Washington's Birthday speech, 438-440, 647; and admission of Tennessee Members, 442, 443, 559; and party spUt, 443, 446, 454, 466, 480; and Grimes and Fessenden (1865), 448, 449; slanders on, 454, 461; and Connecticut election (1866), 454-461, 466, 474; veto ot Civil Rights BUl, 461, 463, 464, 475, 477, 479; and sea voyage for son, 472, 479, 491; proclaims end of Civil War, 473; at Grant's re ception (1866), 478; and Cabinet (1866), 481-483, 487, 498, 622-525, 527, 537, 543, 555, 656, 606, 611; effects of speechmaking, 488, 647, 648, 3, 99; and Cabinet opinions on Reconstruction Committee, 2, 495-498; and Atlantic cable, 604; and Fox's official trip abroad, 509, 612, 514; and Fenians, 518- 520, 523, 3, 283; and Fourteenth Amendment, 2, 527, 532, 533, 635; and calling of Union Conven tion, 528, 531, 534, 535, 538-541; and miUtary interference with Ten nessee legislature, 554, 557; reti cence, hesitancy, rashness, 558, 3, 7, 46, 61, 63, 64, 127, 148, 190-192, 200, 221, 289, 290, 293, 315, 338; and bounty bUl, 2, 564; and New Orleans riot, 572-574; WeUes on Reconstruction requirements and appointments, 579; and Stanton's opposition to Union Convention, 574, 575; and Queen Emma, 577, 582 ; and report of Union Conven tion, 581; and SlideU's desire to return, 585; character of support INDEX 625 (1866), 590, 595, 600, 602, 615, 3, 62; Democratic pressure on, for offices, 2, 598; and dismissal of Barney, 605; Gen. Sherman in dorses poUcy, 606; on legality of Congress, 616; and results of elec tion of 1866, 616-619; and Mary land election controversy, 620; and Mexico, 622-624, 3, 115, 138; con sistency of policy, 2, 629; and Bay of Samand, 631; Congress aims to destroy executive power, 637; and Doolittle, 647; and Reconstruction BiUs, vetoes, 650, 3, 9, 11, 51, 54, 55, 137; need of Washington or gan, 2, 653 ; vetoes District suffrage biU, 3, 3-8; and act convening Congress, 19; Sumner's speech de nouncing (1867), 23; diplomatic appointments, 24, 70, 256, 257, 285; and resignation of Motley, 24; vetoes Colorado and Nebraska biUs, 30; and Surratt, 31; and North Carolina's proposal of com promise on Reconstruction, 31-33; opposes official pleasure trips, 40; and Stanton's report on enforce ment of Civil Rights Act, 42-46, 49; veto of Tenure-of-Office Act, 51, 54, 55; dejection, 56; and Re verdy Johnson, 56, 58, 59; selection of mUitary governors, 60, 62-66; and Tucker episode, 69; Congress as watch over, 73, 74; and injunc tion against Reconstruction Act, 80; rejection of nominations, 83- 85; plan for calm address to peo ple, 99; trip to Raleigh, 100, 101, 104; execution of Reconstruction Acts, 107, 161, 164; and retirement of Goldsborough, 108; trip to Bos ton, 109, 114, 116, 119, 123; and Stanbery's opinion on Reconstruc tion Acts, 109, 110, 115; and Sher idan's letter, 125-127, 129; and in surrection in Crete, 138, 425; and Field court martial, 140; pardon of criminals, 140, 547, 555 ; removal of Sheridan, 142, 149-155, 157, 174, 186, 187; and Conover alle gations, 143-146, 149, 152, 157, 161, 168; character of associates, 147, 200, 566; suspension of Stan ton, 155, 157-160, 162, 163, 165, 167-169; dissatisfied with Randall, 156, 183; fatal delay in Stanton case, 158; candidacy for renomina tion, 166, 189, 383, 391, 394, 397, 398, 401, 402, 407; distrusts Sew ard, 168; and execution of Ten ure-of-Office Act, 171, 194; Grant's secret opposition (1867), 175 n.; ru- mots of reorganization of Cabinet (1867), 183, 203, 204; talk with Grant on Reconstruction Acts, 188, 189; disinclined to controvert, 194; and Democrats (1867-68), 196, 199, 223, 229, 399, 403, 429; at Antietam anniversary, 201, 202; and Jeremiah Black, 205; and Re construction elections, 207; and disturbances in Tennessee (1867), 211; effort to attach Sherman, 221, 222, 232, 233, 254, 272, 279, 281- 283; and successor to Stanton, 231, 286, 287; attempted under standing with Grant, 233-235; message on suspension of Stanton, 240, 242; and Hancock, 241, 242; and reinstatement of Stanton, Grant controversy, 255, 259-262, 266-279, 465,491,500; and WeUes, 266, 470; social relations with Rad icals, 278; removes Stanton, 280, 284, 285, 291; plans for crisis, 282, 288, 291, 316, 317; attempt to ad vance G. H. "Thomas, 284; need of energetic counselors, 287; accused of planning a dictatorship, 291; proneness for newspaper talks, 311; wrong action in Stanton case, 315; and Alta Vela affair, 317, 318, 322; political isolation and neglect, 317, 453; significance of nominations of Schofield and Ev arts, 338,409; and Reconstruction constitutions, 347, 388; rumored change of policy and Cabinet, 626 INDEX (May, 1868), 364, 371; and Bu chanan's funeral, 376; and Chinese ambassadors, 380; and Congres sional acts of pardon, 386; veto of bill excluding vote of unrecon structed States, 405; suggests Constitutional amendments, 406; attitude towards Presidential nom inations, 408, 410, 429, 454; at a Schiitzenfest, 426; and internal- revenue frauds, 434, 435; atUl hopeful of a nomination (Oct.), 454, 456, 469, 462; paper on gov ernment expenditures, 462; and Paraguay, 467; and Alabama claims, 469-471, 507, 579; and finances, 478, 479, 482, 487, 492; and Pacific Railroad, 490; Grant proscribes, 491, 494, 497, 512; chU dren's party, 494; and Grant's in auguration, 498, 500, 632, 536- 538, 540-542; faUure of Admmis- tration, 514; receives students of Georgetown CoUege, 518; labors over details, 526; nominates one of Mrs. Grant's relatives, 527; vetoes biU arming negroes for in auguration parade, 542 ; takes leave of Cabinet, 542; Baltimore banquet, 560; Welles's final opin ion, 556; illness, reported death, 660; reenters Tennessee poUtics, 565. See also Cabinet, Impeach ment, Presidential tour, Recon struction. Johnson, Edward, captured, 2, 29. Johnson, Reverdy, report on Union Convention, 2, 582; and Recon struction Bill, 3, 49, 56; and office for son-in-law, 66, 58; and John son-Grant controversy, 260, 261; Alabama claims negotiations, 459, 468-471, 474, 506, 507; and Laird, 488. Johnson, Robert, intemperance, pro posed sea trip, 2, 468, 472, 479, 491, 604, 605. Johnson, Simeon, and Black, 3, 817; and late nomination of Johnson, (1868), 454, 455; and Coombs's claim, 527-529. Johnston, J. E., after fall of Vicks burg, 1, 375, 379; Atlanta cam paign, 2, 33; Sherman's peace terms, 294. Johnston, W. F., and politics In navy yards, 2, 602. Jones, J. G., and Johnson's removals, 2, 598. Jones, J. R., Minister to Belgium, 3, 677. Jones, Laura, pass, 2, 207. Juarez, Madame Benito, in Washing ton, 3, 91. Judd, N. B., and Lincoln's cabinet, 2, 390. Kearny, Philip, letter on McCleUan, 1, 174. Kearsarge, sinks Alabama, 2, 65, 67. Keeler, , and contract frauds, i, 540. KeUey, W. D., defends Navy De partment, I, 531; and frauds at navy yard, 2, 224; WeUes's esti mate, 413; radicalism, 634; Sena torial candidacy, 3, 16; investiga tion of navy yard, 416. Kelly, Lieutenant, dismissed, i, 406. KeUy, James, postmaster at New York, 2, 155. KendaU, Amos, and Johnson, 2, 376. Kennedy, J. P., and Goldsborough, 3,86. Kenosha, launched, 3, 422. Kentucky, movement to exclude Re presentatives (1867), 3, 129. Keokuk, in attack on Charleston, i, 265. Keman, Francis, and resolution to expel Long, 2, 9. Kerr, Orpheus C. See NeweU (R. H.). Key, J. J., rebuked and dismissed, I, 146, 156. Keyes, E. D., demonstration towards Richmond (1863), i, 359. Keystone State, injured, i, 234. Kilpatrick, H. J., raid on Richmond, INDEX 627 1, 634; Chilian mission, 3, 24; return to electioneer, 437, 447; attempt to supersede, 527. King, J. W., report on Chimo, 2, 52; heads Engineer Corps, 3, 661; as officer, 551; disagreement with Porter, 673. King, Preston, and Welles, i, 82, 523; and Seward's resignation (1862), 194, 202; not to be re elected, 232, 233; trust in free suf frage, 623; and coUectorship at New York, 2, 137; poUtical opin ions (1864), 197; at funeral of Lin coln, 293; and Sherman's peace terms, 294; and reconstruction of North Carolina, 305; and Hender son case, 306; excursion, 340; and Johnson, 380; suicide, 385; importance in anti-slavery move ment, 385; insanity, 386; as Demo crat, 387. King, Rufus, and the Pope, 2, 638. Kingly, , and Spanish appoint ment, 3, 678. Kinney, Mrs., and Mrs. Lincoln, 2, 287. Kittery Navy Yard, and poUtics, 2, 143, 686. See also Navy yards. Knower, Benjamin, financial em barrassment, 3, 226. Koemer, Gustav, at Washington (1864), 2, 138. Koons, , and contract frauds, i, 540. Korea, relations with, 3, 485. Ku-KIux Klan, in Arkansas (1868), 3, 460. Laird, John, statement on Federal application for ships, 1, 291, 306, 394-396, 401; and slavery and CivU War, 3, 488. Lamar, C. A. L., supposed plot, i, 492, 494. Lamb, , appointment as assessor at Norwich, Conn., 2, 597. Lamon, W. H., trip to Charleston, i, 9;andChase, 2, 391. Lane, G. W., trade through blockade, 2, 56. Lane, J. H., solicits campaign con tributions, 1, 534; wants removal of Lines, 2, 148. Lansing, C. B., and vessel for Japan, 2, 188, 191, 192, 561. Lardner, J. L., commands West In dia Squadron, i, 309, 318, 319. Latimer, Captain, and Stover, 1, 515. La Verte, Madame, in Washington (1866), 2, 427. Law, John, and Johnson, 3, 62. Law, R. L., court martial, i, 505. Lawyers, bad influence in govern ment councils, 3, 480. League Island Navy Yard, contro versy over estabUshing, 1, 185, 207, 222, 227, 285, 2, 445; biU to estab lish, 547, 563; acquired, 3, 489; use of unoccupied land, 553. Leas, , on Matamoras trade, i, 388. Leavenworth, J. H., report on Indian war, 3, 98. Lee, R. E., autumn campaign (1863), I, 469-473. See also campaigns by name. Lee, S. P., and Norfolk trade through blockade, i, 166, 172, 173, 177, 318, 527, 536, 2, 66; on oper ations in Suffolk, I, 287; and Wil mington blockade, 306, 2, 127; and mission of A. H. Stephens, 1, 358, 360; F. P. Blair's efforts for promo tion, 533, 2, 161, 243; and export of French tobacco, 9 ; and command of Wilmington expedition, 146; trans ferred, 146, 147, 161; as officer, 161, 504; and M. Blair, 172, 513; and assignment to Mare Island, 504-507, 511-514; further troubles with, 569, 578, 3, 90. Legal tender. See Paper money. LenthaU, John, as bureau chief, 1, 74, 499; and Fox, 401 ; and Welles's annual report, 479; and light-draft monitors, 2, 87, 108, 241, 349-351; and relief of contractors, 207; and 628 INDEX turrets, 340, 341; and Porter in Navy Department, 3, 656, 673. Le Roy, W. E., and Morgan's inva sion, I, 379. Letcher, John, house burned, 2, 76, 87. Letters of marque, controversy over issuing, I, 155, 246-262; and atti tude of England, 248, 250, 266- 259; Welles's letter and views, 252-256, 262; Seward's attempt to involve Navy, 256, 260; Sy- bert's appUcation for, 260, 261; Confederate, feared (1864), 2, 158. Lewis, Judge (Ellis?), and removal of Chambers, i, 218. Lewis, J. v., as preacher, 2, 393. Lieber, Francis, and Confederate papers, 2, 335; on trial of Semmes, 407. Lieutenant-general, Grant's com mission, I, 539. See also General. Lincoln, Abraham, formation of Cabinet, i, xx, 81, 230, 2, 388-392; Welles's portraiture, i,xl-xlii; and relief of Sumter, 6, 9, 13-39; re luctance to offend South, 6, 40; convinced of necessity by Blair, 13; and Seward's interference with expedition, 16-18, 24, 39; and Fort Pickens, 25, 29; and D. D. Porter, 36, 158, 259, 369, 449; and Seward's assumption of leader ship, 37; and Norfolk Navy Yard, 41, 54, 84; appointment of Stan ton, 57-59; and Merrimac scare, 62, 65, 66; General Order No. 1, on McCleUan's "slows," 63, 95-97; on Stanton's "navy," 67; and Welles's administration, 69, 81, 428, 440, 451; Emancipation Proclamation, 70, 130, 145, 209, 210; and Wilkes, 73, 109, 2, 203; Seward's evU influence, i, 80, 131- 139, 204, 274, 2S4, 2S7, 526, 2, 36, 38, 86, 112, 130, 155, 160, 166, 176; and Louisiana Union men (1862), 1, 81; and patron age, 81, 510, 2, 137, 195; and new recmits (1862), i, 89; Stan ton's attitude, 98, 149; and Mc CleUan after Second BuU Run, 104, 112, 113, 122, 124; reliance on Halleck, 108, 120, 134, 179, 180, 320, 329, 364, 371, 526; and bringing east of Pope and Halleck, 108, 113, 120; visit to Scott (1862), 109, 120; on Second Bull Run, 116, 126; and colonizing of negroes, 123, 150-153; estimate of McCleUan, 124; and administration by De partments, 134; and Stanton, time spent at War Department, 134, 2, 55, 91, 92, 112, 203; and Cabinet- meetings, T, 136, 546, 647, 2, 17; and dismissal of Preble, i, 141, 162, 191, 236; serenaded after Emancipation Proclamation, 147; suspends privUege of habeas cor pus, 150; and Altoona Conference, 163, 156; Tod's confidence, 163; re buke of Key, 146 ra., 156; visits to army (1862), 157, 161; (1863), 263, 264, 266, 294; (1864), 2, 65, 58, 90; (1865), 264, 272, 274; and Dahl gren, 1, 158-163, 238, 315, 337, 341; and naval chaplains, 162; and NorfoUi trade, 165, 166, 183; and Scott's war pohcy, 172, 2, 615; and forged Cooper dispatches, i, 176; orders McCleUan to advance (Nov., 1862), 179; and admission of West Virginia, 191, 207; and Seward-Chase resignations, inter ference of Senate, 194-205; Blair's mfluence, 205; and Butler, 210; receptions, 212, 490, 501, 2, 15; and McClernand, 1, 217, 220, 387, 388; and removal of Chambers, 21S; aad negro troops, 218; and gauge of Pacific Railroad, 228; and Hooker (Jan.), 229; and prepara tions against Charleston, 236, 247, 259, 265; correspondence with Fer nando Wood, 237; and extra ses sion of Senate (1863), 238; and a religious meeting, 238; and pro- INDEX 629 motion of mUitary invention, 239; and letters of marque, 250, 256, 259, 261; and failure of Charles ton expedition, 268; and captured mails controversy, 270, 274, 275, 277-280, 282, 286, 287, 289, 302, 315; fears war with Europe, 275, 287, 398, 462; and Chancellors ville, 291-294; and John Gilpin prize case, 298; and Vicksburg, 308, 364; and fugitive-slave case in the District, 313; and Vallandigham case, 321, 346, 347; reply to Corn ing, 323, 329; and beginning of Lee's invasion (1863), 328, 331- 333, 340; on Orpheus C. Kerr, 333; and Hooker during Gettysburg campaign, 344, 348; and plan for McCIellan to supersede Halleck, 345; reUeves Hooker, 348, 349; on Dix and Foster, 350; and counter- movement on Richmond, 350, 351; and battle of Gettysburg, 354, 356; and attempted mission of A. H. Stephens, 358-363; and escape of Lee, 363, 364, 366, 370, 374; sere naded in honor of victories, 364 ; and Hamlin's request for a prize court at Portland, 366; and Whiting, 381; and Gillmore's force before Charleston, 382; correspondence with Seymour on draft, 395, 396, 399; and HaUeck and Almaden mines, 398; and instructions to naval officers on neutral rights, 398, 399, 409; Stanton on his let ter-writing, 399; and Gurley, 408; officers for Arizona, 409; Chase on character, 413; and Reconstruc tion, 413, 2,99, 179, 269, 279,281, 630; and Monl Blanc incident, i, 420, 423; and defeat of draft through habeas corpus proceedings, 431-435; secret knowledge of Eng land's intention to seize Laird rams, 437; and Chickamauga, 438, 446; despair over Meade's inac tion (Sept., Oct.), 439, 440, 471; and failure of chiefs of Army of the Potomac, 440; on Farragut, 440; on Du Pont, 440; and Emma incident, 446; and successor to Rosecrans, 447; and Schofield- Missouri Radicals affair, 448, 471 ; and Ohio election (1863), 469, 470; has varioloid, 480; and Colfax, 481 ; and renomination, 498, 500- 502, 509, 521, 530, 2, 4, 44, 46; and transfer of soldiers to Navy, i, 498, 546; popular trust in, 500; stories, 504, 506, 519, 528; on LoweU's article, 604; and sentence of R. L. Law, 606; as judge of character, 606; on Clay, 506, 507; on J. P. Hale and Navy Depart ment, 609; and policy of opening certain ports, 510; and cotton trade, 511, 2, 56, 66, 138, 159, 163, 167; official dinners, i, 512; and San Domingo, 520; and Chase's candidacy, 520, 525, 529, 531; Welles's estimate, 521,2,131; and raising of Brownsville blockade, i, 529; and Florida expedition (1864), 532; and promotion of Hawley, 535; and Dahlgren's raid, 536; Grant at reception, 538; presents commission to Grant, 639; and new draft (1864), 542; and French tobacco at Richmond, 2, 9; and finances, 11, 59, 65, 180; and fairs, 16; and failure of Red River cam paign, 18, 26; restores F. P. Blair to army, 20; pass for wife's sister, 21; and Fort Pillow massacre, 23; and news of Wilderness, 25; and politics in navy yards, 33, 175; appointment of midshipmen, 41, 626; resignation of Chase, 62, 64, 65, 93; and forged proclamation, 67; and Eariy's raid, 69, 74, 75, 77, 88 ; and naval contracts fraud cases, 78, 90, 124, 176, 177, 199, 201, 220, 225, 231, 260-262; and private peace missions, 83, 84, 94, 99, 109, 111, 271 ; and Wade-Davis protest, 95, 96, 98; and Mobile Bay, 100; factional assaults on (1864), 103; 630 INDEX attitude of New York papers, 103- 105; on Greeley, 112; and Georgia "peace commissioner," 126; mis takes in counselors, 130; and news mongers, 131; Welles expects re election, 132; and H. W. Davis, 163; and Senator Lane, 148; and control of abandoned plantations, 148, 150; and Dakota poUtics, 153; Weed's hold on New York patron age, 154; and Blair's resignation, 156-158; and admission of Ne vada, 163, 164; and land move ment against Mobile, 165; and ex change of naval prisoners of war, 168-171; and Marine bounty, 174; and naval votes, 175; and political managers, 171, 175; receives elec tion returns, 178; preparation of message (1864), 179, 190; and Chief-Justiceship, 181-183, 187, 192, 196; and vessel bmlt for Japan, 191; second Cabinet, 194, 195, 247, 260, 251 ; and disclosure of Wilmington expedition plans, 207 ; and the expedition, 210, 214; and law as to public records, 211-213, 220; and negroes in Confederate army, 222; on freedom of action after reelection, 227; and idea of peace negotiations, 232, 269; Hampton Roads Conference, 235, 236, 238; and compensated eman cipation, 237; and Nasby, 238; on State rights, 239; and Blair's Senatorial aspirations, 243; selec tion of Secretary of the Treasury (1865), 243-245, 251; and appre hended decision on arbitrary ar rests, 242, 245; and dictation of Radicals, 247; second inaugura tion, 251, 2.32; favors easy terms to South, 269 ; closes Southern ports (1865), 278; proclamation on naval reciprocity, 279; Virginia legisla ture incident, 279, 296, 3, 522; and resumption of trade with South, 2, 280; on position of Pierpont gov ernment, 2.S2; prescient dream, 282; assassination, 283-288; grief ofnegroes, 290, 293; funeral, 292- 294; implication of Davis and others, 299; trial of conspirators, 303-305; and TmmbuU, 322; con spirators sent to Tortugas, 334; Bancroft's oration, 431; Surratt case, 630, 3, 29, 31, 166, 167; Booth's diary, 95; Conover allega tions, 143-146; Seward's belittle- ment, 428; believed to have pre scribed Appomattox and Sherman's terms, 521, 623. See also Cabinet, Elections (1864). Lincoln, Mrs. Abraham, and public playing of Marine Band, i, 325; and Mrs. White, 2, 21; and assas sination of husband, 287, 290. Lincoln, G. B., and slanders on John son, 2, 454. Lincoln, R. T., and death of father, 2, 288; marriage, 3, 444. Lincoln, Tad, and death of father, 2, 290. Lines, C. L., removal proposed, 2, 147. Lippitt, A. J., nomination rejected, 3,85. Loan, B. F., denounces Johnson, 3,24. Locke, D. R. (Petroleum V. Nasby), Lincoln and writings, 2, 238. Lockport, N. Y., question of post master (1866), 2, 607. Logan, J. A., as Minister to Mexico, 2, 401 ; and Kentucky Represent atives (1867), 3, 129. Lombard, Captain, and Matamoras trade, i, 389. Long, Alexander, movement to ex pel, 2, 9; censured, 12; and Mc Clellan's letter of acceptance, 140. Longstreet, James, Chickamauga, 1, 439, 444. Loomis, , Treasury agent at Richmond, claim to Confederate naval material, 2, 336. Louisiana, Lincoln's policy, i, 81; poUcy of opening cotton trade. INDEX 631 611; Congressional report against government (1867), 3, 41; distur bances, 463. See also Sheridan. Louisville, War claim case, 3, 528, 529. LoweU, J. R., article on Lincoln, 1, 504. Lowrey, , and Henderson case, 2,5306. Lowrie, W. H., habeas corp-us pro ceedings on draft, 1, 432. Luce, S. B., Naval Academy assign ment, 3, 440. Ludlow, W. H., and Stephens's mission (1863), i, 369; and Dix, 2, 608. Lyons, Lord, and slave-trade con vention, I, 193; charges against WUkes in West Indies, 217; and captured maUs, 266, 270, 280, 288, 302; and prizes, 296, 297; and naval violation of neutral rights, 398, 399, 409, 451, 452; and free ships, free goods, 400; influence over Seward, 409; Mont Blanc in cident, 416, 419, 420, 424; and visit of Admu-al Milne, 467, 468; and Mexico, 493; and capture of Chesa peake, 508; and detention of crews of blockade-runners, 617; and English-owned cotton, 2, 40. McAllister, Fort, Ironclads attack, 1,249. McCall, G. A., Peninsular campaign, 1, 96; Second Bull Run, 99. McCann, W. P., and New Orleans riot, 2, 575. McCardle case, 3, 314, 320. McCauley, C. S., at Norfolk Navy Yard, character, 1, 43-46, 51, 52. McCleUan, G. B., Welles's portrait ure, I, xxviii; and New Orleans expedition, 60; and Stanton (1861), 57; Welles's estimate as general, 61, 107, 115, 118, 124, 209, 329; Lin coln's estimate, 63, 95-97, 124; Wilkes on, 81, 106; withdrawn from Peninsula, 83, 89, 97; Cab inet intrigue for removal, 83, 93- 98, 100-104, 108, 112, 117, 119, 129, 139, 221, 226; Pope awaits, 89; war pohcy, 92, 107, 117, 145, 156, 242, 2, 204; and Second Bull Run, 1,93, 97, 98, 100, 104, 107, 110, 116, 117, 122, 221; Stanton's review of conduct (Aug,, 1862), 95-97; and opening of Potomac (1861), 102, 103; confidence of army in, 105, 111, 113, 115, 116, 129; and Blairs, 126, 2, 28, 322; Tod's confidence, i, 153; Lincoln visits (Oct., 1862), 157, 161; and Eman cipation Proclamation, 163; and Stuart's raid on Chambersburg, 169; Kearny's letter on, 174; inac tion, 176, 177; ordered to advance, 179; relieved of command, 182; and Porter, 231; disrespect to Scott, 241, 242; Blair's plan for, to super sede Halleck (1863), 345; and Stanton after Seven Days, 356; political letter (1863), 469, 471; Lincoln's deference, 526; and Eng lish mission, 3, 257, 285. See also Antietam, Elections (1864). McCleUan, G. W., and Boston col- lectorship, 2, 356; and Radical control of patronage, 3, 156. McClernand, J. A., and Vicksburg command, i, 167, 217, 220, 386, 387; Arkansas Post, 224. McClure, A. K., and Grant's cabinet, 3, 535. McCook, A. McD., Chickamauga, i, 444, 446; defends Washington (1864), 2, 72,;75. McCracken, G. W,, and Motley, 3, 36, 37. McCulloch, Hugh, Secretary of the Treasury, 2, 245, 251 ; as financier, 253, 299, 576, 3, 163, 386; and draw ing on next year's appropriations, 2, 264, 266, 268; and Savannah cotton, 278; on resumption of trade with South, 280, 296, 299, 300; and assassination of Lincoln, 287; and informing of Johnson, 289; 632 INDEX first Cabinet-meeting with John son, 289; and implication of Davis 300; on proclamation against Con federate "pirates" (1865), 300 and negro suffrage, 301, 3, 4, 6 and trial of conspirators, 2, 303 and Treasury agents, 316, 343; on ironclad oath in South, 319, 367, 445, 453, 454; alarmed for the Treasury (1865), 328; and closing of Ford's Theatre, 331 ; and Mex ico, 333, 485, 622, 625; and trial of Davis, 336, 338; and right to Confederate naval material, 336, 337; and Indian affairs, 357, 3, 74; assumptions of subordinates, 2, 360, 3, 378, 379, 442, 629; and Johnson's poUcy (1865), 2, 393, 398; and Freedmen's Bureau Bill, 434; and movement for reconcilia tion, 446; and Fenians, 451, 619; sensitive on state papers, 453; and Civil Rights Bill, 464; and Grey Jacket case, 469; and Butler, 492, 493; on report of Reconstruction Committee, 496, 500; on Colorado Bill, 503; and Atlantic cable, 503; on attitude of Cabinet (1866), 622, 524, 625, 537; and Union Con vention, 531, 534, 538, 546, 582; on Fourteenth Amendment, 636; on bounty bUl (1866), 564; and Blairs and Admiral Lee, 569; and re moval of Dorsheimer, 698; on re linquishing the Dunderberg, 603, 604, 3, 28; and Dix as Naval Officer, 2, 607; removes BoUes, 612; and welcome to Congress, 630; and Bay of Samand, 631 ; and asylum for the Pope, 639, 640; and first Reconstruction Bill, 3, 10; discouraged, 17, 65, 147; and Stan ton's report on enforcement of civU rights, 43; attack on, in Sen ate, 52; and woolens biU (1867), 58; gives Radicals patronage, 64, 83, 126, 147, 152, 390; and ousting of Stanton, 90, 159, 284; and Dan ish West Indies, 95, 97, 124; and Johnson's trip to Raleigh, 101 ; and execution of Reconstruction Acts, 110, 113; on Sheridan's letter, 126; and Conover allegations, 143-145; and removal of Sheridan, 149, 152; rumors of retirement, 203; question of Seward's influence, 204; and sale of ironclads, 207, 384; and habeas co-rpus proceed ings on enlistments, 213; on'con- duct of military govemors, 243; on impeachment counsel, 304, 307; expects an acquittal, 345, 360, 352; Seward and attack on, 385, 389; and Chase's candidacy, 389; and Democratic ¦ nominees (1868), 401; and Johnson (1868), 404; and Johnson's suggested amendments, 406; on Pacific railroads, 425; and State elections (1868), 453; and Alabama claims, 459, 468-470, 607; and disturbances in the South, 461 ; Grant proscribes, 464, 466; and Bailey, 485; and resumption, 492; and confiscation, 504; on Seward's fawning on Grant, 611; and pro tection of seals, 516; and govem ment for Alaska, 631; and holding over under Grant, 533; and the inauguration, 637, 538, 541. McDougal, David, and Shimonoseki attack, 2, 660. McDowell, Irvin, Peninsular cam paign, I, 96; as officer, 373. Macedonian, practice ship, i, 324. McKay, Donald, on Navy Depart ment, 1, 519; and monitors, 2, 86. ISIcKean, W. W., and command of Gulf Squadron, 2, 116. McKinstry, J. P., and Robert John son, 2, 472, 487, 491. McMahon, M. T., Minister to Para guay, 3, 466-468. McMichael, Morton, and League Is land, 3, 489. Magrath, A. G., and ReconstruC'. tion, 2, 397. Magruder, G. A., and Secessionists, 1, 19. INDEX 633 Mails, controversy over captured foreign official, Peterhoff incident, 1, 180, 266, 269-290, 310; judicial or executive question, 266, 278, 279, 281; Seward's illegal conces sions, 269, 271, 279, 281, 300; Welles's letter of instructions and views, 270-272, 301-304; Lincoln and order giving up the mails, 274, 275, 280, 282, 284, 287; Earl Rus seU on, 300; precedent, 303, 310; newspapers on, 306; EngUsh view, 315. Maine, desires coast defense, i, 364, 2, 256, 257; elections (1864), 141; (1868), 3, 436, 438; Senatorial election (1869), 506, 617. MaUory, S. R., and Mrs. White, 2, 21 ; and exchange of naval prison ers, 168, 171; and Fort Sumter, 374; question of paroling, 395. Mansfield, J. K. F., defensive policy, 1, 84; killed, 140. Marble, Manton, as editor, 2, 322. Marcy, W. L., Benton and report on Fremont's explorations, 2, 42; as politician, 3, 225, 226. Marigold, charges against, 2, 34. Marine Band, Mrs. Lincoln and pub lic playing, i, 326, 327; character of selections, 368. Marine Corps, question of increas ing, 2, 6; successor to Col. Harris, 31, 51; unauthorized bounty, 174. Maritime jurisdiction, Spain's claim to six miles around Cuba, 1, 170, 367, 399, 467, 468. Marshall, C. H., and Navy Depart ment, I, 216, 513, 614. Marshall, D. D. T., retention of po sition, 2, 323. Marston, Gilman, on McCIellan, 1, 118; character, 118; and coast de fense, 375; and Reconstruction, 2, 584. Martin, Earl, office for, 3, 78. Marvin, William, and Mont Blanc incident, i, 417, 421. Maryland, political malcontents, 2, 153, 195, 243; Blairs and patron age, 343; election controversy (1866), 620, 3, 140, 141. See also Antietam, Early. Mason, Judge, of Annapolis, on Porter, 3, 441. Massachusetts, question of coast de fense, I, 288; Republicans and Johnson (1865), 2, 373, 381. Masterman, G. F., arrest as spy, 3, 491, 513. Matamoras, Confederate trade through, I, 283, 334, 388, 443, 2,4. Matchett, D. F., and Conover alle gations, 3, 168. Matthews, E. O., Naval Academy assignment, 3, 440. Maury, M. F., and Secessionists, 1, 19. Maximilian. See Mexico. Maynard, Horace, excursion, 2, 330; right to seat in Congress, 387, 388; fears dual government, 484; char acter, 3, 205. Meade, G. G., commands Army of the Potomac, i, 348; as command er, 349, 351, 382, 404, 469, 471- 473, 2, 91; Gettysburg campaign, I, 352, 354, 356-358, 363; escape of Lee, 363, 366, 368-375, 383; meets Cabinet, 404; Lincoln's de spair over inaction (Sept.), 439, 440; autumn campaign, 442, 444, 469-473; Lincoln urges to fight (Oct.), 471; and Fenians, 2, 486; and retirement of brother, 3, 250; as military governor, 256; and il legal imprisonment in Georgia, 421. Meade, R. W., suspension, 2, 401, 407; second trial, 432; retirement, 3, 250; insanity, 472, 484. Medicine and Surgery, Bureau of. See Naval surgeons. Meigs, M. C, and Seward's interfer ence with Sumter expedition, 1, 17, 23, 26, 38, 172, 2, 374; and Merri mac scare, i, 62, 64; reply to Wil- 634 INDEX kinson's attack, 224; and Seward's meddling with other departments, 243; and MUroy (1863), 332; and Early's raid, 2, 72; and assassina tion of Lincoln, 285; and purchase of Danish West Indies, 3, 40. Meigs, R. J., and suspension of Meade, 2, 401. Merccdila, rumored loss, 1, 232, 234. Mercer, Samuel, Sumter expedition, 1, 22; and Du Pont, 2, 118. Mercier, Henri, attitude (1863), I, 494. Merriam, M. H., and poUtics in Charlestown Navy Yard, 2, 31, 34. Merrick, R. T., impeachment trial witness, 3, 333. Merrimac, at Norfolk Navy Yard, ef forts to save, I, 42, 43; scare in Washington, 61-67, 3, 473; Golds borough's fear, I, 142. Merrimac, U. S. S., and pursuit of Tallahassee, 2, 111. Merrimac No. S, rumors concern ing, I, 72. Merritt, M. F., and Osborn, 2, 219; and sale of ironclads, 3, 388. Mervine, William, and rear-admiral- ship, I, 76; as officer, 76; com mand ot Gulf Squadron, 313, 2, 116. Mexico, Empire set up, i, 385; Sew ard's blundering policy, 493, 2, 393, 648; House resolution on Monroe Doctrine, 39; Cabinet dis cussions (1865), 317, 322,332, 333, 336; war over, feared, 348; Repub Ucan reverses, 367; better tone, 401; French to withdraw, 479, 485; Austria and, 485; paper blockade, 579; Sherman sent to, 621, 649; Cabinet on delay in departure of French, Seward's dispatch to Bige low, 622-626; seizure of Santa Anna, 3, 115, 128; execution of Maximilian, 128; filibustering, 138; claims treaty, 516. Miami, and Chesapeake, 1, 545. Michigan, rejects negro suffrage, 3, 329; Senatorial election (1869), 3, 508. Michigan, on Lake Erie, 2, 151. Midshipmen, troubles over appoint ment, 1, 82, 146, 147, 149, 188, 224, 227, 234, 236, 319, 393, 2, 41, 163, 317, 526. Midway Islands, acquisition favored, 3, 508. Miles, D. S., at Harper's Ferry, death, 1, 140. Military govemors under Recon struction Acts, powers, 3, 59, 106, 111; expenditures, 92; actions, 142, 146, 170, 176, 182, 186, 241-244, 256, 277, 298; removal of Sheridan, 149-152, 174, 186, 187; removal of Sickles, 187; Grant's order on ap pointments by, 193. See also Re construction. MiUigan case, 2, 471, 474, 476. Milne, Sir Alexander, visit to United States, I, 467, 468. MUroy, R. H., at Winchester, 1, 328, 330-332. Mississippi, executive reconstruc tion, 2, 315, 316, 366. Mississippi, loss, 1, 249. Mississippi River, naval operations, 1, 72, 75, 167; Porter commands squadron, 157, 167; control over war vessels on, 180, 272; pohcy of opening western bank to trade, 510, 611, 514. See also Porter (D. D.), Vicksburg. Mississippi Squadron. See Foote (A. H.), Porter (D. D.). Missouri, Radicals and Schofield, 1, 448, 471 ; delegation to Union Convention (1866), 2, 46; ironclad oath, 3, 566. Missroon, , contract frauds, i, 516. Mobile, land movement to capture, 2, 165. Mobile Bay, battle, 2, 100, 101, 105, 114, 124, 133; Stanton clauns credit for the army, 115. Mohawk, at Pensacola, i, 26. INDEX 635 Aforai7or, founders, i,213, 215; origin, 213-215, 3, 412-414. Monitors. See Ironclads. Monocacy Bridge, battle, 2, 71, 73. Monongahela, wrecked, 3, 240. Mont Blanc, prize case, i, 302, 305, 394, 416-427. Montgomery, cruise after Tacony, 1, 328. Montholon, Marquis, and appoint ment of Logan, 2, 401; large recep tion, 430. Moore, W. G., in Johnson's tour, 2, 589; question of loyalty to John son, 3, 73, 567. Morgan, E. D., and WeUes for Cabi net, 1, 82; not renominated for Govemor, 154, 162; on McCIel lan and Presidency, i 63; Senator- ship, 231, 232; alarm for safety of New York, 347; and draft, 380; on Hale, 484; Welles's estimate, 623, 3, 509, 510; and contract frauds, 1, 540, 2, 60, 306; and date of Na tional Convention (1864), 28; and cotton trade, 33, 138; and finances, 62; on Weed's antagonism to Welles, 155; poUtical tour (1864), 186; and Chief -Justiceship, 187; and Treasury portfolio, 240," 243- 245; Reconstruction views, 405, 521, 548, 549; Presidential aspira tions, 406; and Freedmen's Bureau BiU, 436; and CivU Rights BiU, 476, 477, 479, 547; and Johnson, 487; and Radicals, 633; and im peachment, 3, 332, 334, 346, 349; and Seward, 336; calls special ses sion ot Congress, 437; contest for reelection, 608, 509. Morgan, G. D., purchases for Navy, I, 487. Morgan, J. H., invasion of Ohio, i, 379. Morgan, J. S., and WeUes, 2, 599, 3, 582. Morgan, Fort, capture, 2, 124, 133. See also MobUe Bay. MorriU, J. S., and impeachment, 3, 346; on WeUes'a administration, 523. MorriU, L. M., and coast defense, i, 364, 366; and cotton trade, 2, 34, 138; political despondency (1864), 102; poUtical tour, 186; and im peachment, 3, 346, 346; candidacy for reelection (1869), 505, 617; character, 506, 523. Morris, Dwight, on draft, 1, 382. Morris, E. J., trouble with Secretary ot Legation, 3, 25; and Cretans, 71, 139, 425. Morrissey, John, elected to Con gress, 2, 619. Morse, F. H., report on Laird rams, I, 245. Morton, O. P., and Johnson's tour, 2, 594; and impeachment, 3, 335, 350; and finances, 486, 487; and Fifteenth Amendment, 574. Motley, J. L., and Mexico, 2, 485; resignation of Austrian mission, 3, 24, 34-38; Minister to England, 577; as diplomat, 577. Mulholland, John, cotton purchase, 2,40. Murfreesborough, battle, 1, 213, 216, 218; Grant on, 2, 283. Murray, Robert, and Trowbridge, i, 493; and arrest of ArgueUis, 2, 45. Myers, Leonard, on admission of Tennessee Representatives, 2, 446. Nahant, and great storm, i, 225, 226. Napoleon III. See France, Mexico. Narragansett Bay, effort for navy yard in, 1, 185. Nasby, Petroleum V. See Locke. NashvUle, battle, 2, 200; disturbance (1867), 3, 211. Nassau, and blockade-running, 1, 74; and Confederate cruisers, 109. National bank bill. Cabinet on, i,237. National Intelligencer, on Welles's an nual report (1862), i, 185; in cam paign of 1864, 2, 154; and official advertising, 490; character, 653 ; attack on McCulloch, 3, 385. 636 INDEX National Union Convention. See Union Convention. Naval Academy, success, i, 324; of ficial visits, 2, 34, 525, 3, 103; Porter as head, 2, 321, 353, 360, 362, 3, 103, 247, 662, 563; condi tion (1867), 103; Welles and Aca demic Board, 382, 440. See also Midshipmen. Naval code, question of making, i, 245. Naval Committee, chairmanship of House (1863), i, 482, 484. See also Grimes, Hale (J. P.), Rice. Naval surgeons, effort for naval rank, 3, 601. Navigation Bureau, Drayton as chief, 2, 353; question of his suc cessor, 357, 362. See also Davis (C. H.), Jenkins (T. A.). Navy, loyalty of officers doubted, 1, 5, 19, 20; hindered by the army, 71; attitude of War Department, 121; enlistment problems, 498, 545-648, 2, 3, 121, 129, 420; ques tion of withholding hospitality from English, 279, 305, 319, 320, 327 bill to reorganize, 3, 615, 558-560 and Cuban insurrection, 572, 573 names ot vessels changed, 588. See also Admiral, Blockade, Board ot Admiralty, Confederate cruis ers. Confederate Ironclads, Iron clads, Naval Academy, Naval Com mittee, Navy Department, Navy yards. Neutrality, Prizes, Retire ment, Staff, Welles, and campaigns, officers, and squadrons by name. Navy Department, suggested consol idation with War Department, 3, 519; Porter as actual head, 549, 661-556, 559, 561, 568, 570, 573, 574, 587, 588. See also Corruption, Welles, and bureaus by name. Navy yards, and politics, 1, 327, 2, 370, 377, 380-3S2; Welles visits, i, 428, 431 ; interference of Congress men, 483; for ironclads, 2, 17; ap pointment of masters, 379; Welles and political considerations in ap pointments, 686, 696-599, 602, 616, 3, 325, 416-420; work cur tailed, 247; condition (1868), 422; eight-hour law, 471, 664, 569; LenthaU on Selfridge's report on construction of vessels (1869), 574. See also Brookljm, Charlestown, Corruption, Kittery, League Is land, Norfolk, Philadelphia, Wash ington. Nebraska, bill for admission vetoed, 3, 22, 30. Negro soldiers, question ot employ ment, 1, 218; dependence on, 324; Fort Pillow massacre, 2, 23, 24; and exchange of prisoners of war, 168, 170; Liucoln on, for Confed erate Army, 222. Negro suffrage. Cabinet discussion (1865), 2, 301-303; Chase's atti tude, 304, 343; WeUes on, 324, 373, 3, 137; party demonstration (1866), 2, 324; Sumner on (1865), 330; Stanton's views, 364; advo cacy by Radicals, 369; Connecti cut rejects, 373, 375; for the Dis trict, veto, 422, 640, 3, 3-8, 15; at titude of Congress (1863), 2, 490; and Colorado and Nebraska bUls, 502, 3, 22, 23; and executive Re construction, 2, 580; for Territo ries, 3,19; in action in the District, 102, 374; Michigan rejects, 329; Fifteenth Amendment, 524. Negroes, foreign colonization, 1, 123, 160-153, 162, 3, 42S; problem of war government, 2, 222; grief for Lincoln, 290, 293; colonization in South, 352 ; Welles and Sumner on condition (1866), 431 ; story of kid napping for Cuban tearket, 570; Welles on appointments, 3, 142; destitution (1S67), 245, 246; at Grant's inauguration, 642. See also CivU Rights, Emancipation, Freedmen's Bureau, Fugitive, Ne gro soldiers, Negro suffrage. Slav ery. INDEX 637 Nelson, Samuel, negotiations with Seward, i, 27; controlled by Sew ard (1867), 3, 320. Nelson, T. A. R., impeachment coun sel, 3, 308, 330. Nelson, William, Cabinet on kill ing, 1, 178. Neutrality, Spanish complaint of violation, i, 308; instructions to naval officers on respecting, 398, 409, 460-466; violation of free ships, free goods, 400; Mont Blanc incident, capture in neutral waters, 416-427; altruistic assertion of rights, 2, 4; Florida case, 184—186, 197; sale of war vessels by United States, 3, 92, 206, 387-389, 424, 438. See also Belligerency, Block ade. Nevada, question of proclaiming ad mission, 2, 163, 164. New Hampshire, Senatorship (1864), 2, 51 ; State election (1868), 3, 309; history of politics, 309-311. New Jersey, Senatorial election (1866), 2, 464, 475. New London, efforts for a navy yard, 1, 185, 207, 222, 2, 446, 3, 489. New Orleans, Stanton and expedi tion, 1, 60; Butler and Banks as rulers, 209; selection of Farragut to command expedition, 2, 116, 134; riot (1866), 567, 569, 570, 572-576, 611. New York, election (1862), 1, 163, 154, 162, 171, 177, 219, 2, 27; Senatorial elections (1863), i,231, 232; (1867), 3, 16, 20; (1869), 508, 509; Democrats and Johnson, 2, 373, 3, 223, 229; political affairs (1866), 2, 607, 608, 610; history of poUtics, 3, 223-229. New York City, war sentiment (1862), I, 119; demand for coast defense, 123, 347, 435; draft riots, 369, 372, 373; evils of free suf frage, 523, 524; Federal appoint ments, 2, 62, 63, 137, 155, 484, 3, 560; and naval.enlistments, 2, 240. New York Commercial Advertiser, and WeUes, 2, 260. New York Express, and Welles, 2, 260. New York Evening Post, and Navy Department, 1, 184, 2, 185, 228; on Confederate ironclads, 1, 435; deterioration, 2, 61; and arrest of Henderson, 78, 79, 83, 104; poUti cal character (1864), i04; and im peachment, 3, 355. New York Herald, and Navy De partment, I, 184, 2, 269; vicious leadership, 103; and impeachment, 3, 26; and negro suffrage, 381. See also Bennett. New York Journal of Commerce, forged proclamation incident, 2, 35, 38, 67; and WeUes, 260. New York Times, Seward's control, 1, 123; and Navy Department, 184, 2, 87, 194, 260; on letters of marque, 1, 248; on Confederate ironclads, 435; political character (1864), 2, 104; and party unity, (1866), 533, 542, 644, 545. See also Raymond (H. J.). New York Tribune, on PeierAo.^ mails, I, 306; on Seward and Welles, 366; assault on Navy Department, 2, 87; and faUure of impeachment, 3, 353; advance publication of public documents, 475. See also Greeley. New York World, and Welles's report (1862), I, 185; forged proclama tion incident, 2, 35, 38, 67; char acter (1865), 322; and Union Con vention, 542; and Johnson, 3, 199, 320, 328. Newell, R. H. (Orpheus C. Kerr), Lincoln on writings, 1, 333. Newspapers, misrepresentation in Confederate, 2, 218; advance pub lication of public documents, 3, 475; degeneracy, 506. Niagara, cruise to Europe (1864), 2, 38, 39. Nichols, J. H., visits WeUes, i, 86. Nicolay, J. G., and playing of Marine 638 INDEX Band, i, 368; as consul at Paris, 3, 519. Niles, J. M., and Democratic Party in Connecticut, 2, 429. Norfolk, trade through blockade, i, 165, 172-175, 177, 183, 227, 318; martial law (1864), 2, 81. See also next title. NorfoUi Navy Yard, loss, i, 41-54; no troops for, 41, 45, 83; ships at, 42; Welles's efforts to save ships, 42-47; character of commander, 43 ; criticism of loss considered, 47- 54; loss and defection ot Union men, 84; controversy over dismis sals (1867), 3, 13, 21. See also Navy yards. Norris, Basil, and Robert Johnson, 2, 468. Norris, HamUton, contract frauds, i, 511. North Atlantic Squadron, question of commander (1864), 2, 127. See also Lee (S. P.), Porter (D. D.), WUmington. North Carolina, Federal operations (1861), I, 381; desire tor reunion, 410; disaster in (1864), 2, 16, 17; plan of Reconstruction, 301, 305; interference of Sickles (1866), 642; amnesty act, 3, 9; compromise Reconstruction proposal sub mitted to the President, 32; pro posal published in Richmond, 37. Noyes, W. C, and Henderson case, 2, 220. Nye, J. W., and admission of Ne vada, 2, 163, 164; and Reconstruc tion, 396; and Connecticut poli tics (1867), 3, 63; and Board of Survey, 247; and naval officers, 326; and impeachment, 332; char acter, 523. Oath, ironclad, and Southern ap pointments, 2, 318, 358, 445, 450; Missouri ironclad, 3, 566. Ocean Spray, and Fenian raid, a, 486. O'Conor, Charles, and Henderson case, 2, 220, 225; and Reconstruc tion injunction cases, 3, 86; and Fenian trials, 283; and impeach ment trial, 298. OdeU, M. F., and contract frauds, 1, 640, 2, 54, 60. Offices. See Civil service. Ohio, Morgan's invasion, i, 379; State elections (1863), 469^71; (1864), 2, 175; (1867), 3, 232; (1868), 452, 463, 455. Ohio River, Welles and armored fleet for, i, 90. Olcott, H. S., and contract frauds, i, 525, 536, 539-542, 547, 2, 6, 11, 15, 64, 114, 263, 265. Olin, A. B., and Stanton, 3, 160. OUver & Co., and trade permits, i, 536. O'NeiU, J. P., and district-attorney ship, 3, 441. Oneota, sale, 3, 348, 387-389, 420, 429, 438. Onondaga, sale, 3, 92. Opdyke, George, and Fernando Wood, 1, 237; alarm for safety of New York, 347; and Evening Post, 2, 61 ; suit against Weed, 208. Opequon Creek, battle, 2, 151, 163. Ord, E. O. C, attack on Petersburg Unes, 2, 272; as miUtary governor, 3, 245, 249. Ordnance, Dahlgren as head of Bu reau, I, 164, 3, 447; for monitors, I, 342; Wise and headship, 2, 7; efficiency of Dahlgren's smooth bores, 67; controversy over cast ing, 202; Congressional investiga tion of Bureau, 3, 122; Ames's claim, 447-449, 451. Oregon, State election (1868), 3, 375. Orcto. See Florida. Orr, J. L., question of amnesty, 2, 358. Orth, G. S., and resolution to expel Long, 2, 9. Osborn, , New York newspaper man, discloses plans of Wilming ton ejcpedition, 2, 205-209, 219. INDEX 639 Otterbourg, Marcus, and Mexican mission, 3, 135. Otto, W. T., at Cabinet-meeting, 1, 319, 2, 147; and habeas corpus proceedings on enlistments, 3, 213; and Court of Claims, 372. Ould, Robert, and A. H. Stephens's mission (1863), 1, 358; and ex change of naval prisoners, 2, 169. Owen, E. H., and Connecticut elec tion (1866), 2, 458, 459. Paciflc Railroad, Cabinet discussion of gauge, 1, 228; plundering schemes, 3, 425, 439, 444, 449, 460, 485, 571; report on progress, 472; payment of subsidies, 474, 490, 534. Page, R. L., surrender of Fort Morgan, 2, 133. Page, T. J. See Stonewall. Palmerston, Lord, Seward's opinion, I, 437. Panama. See Isthmus. Paper money, Welles's antagonism, i, 147, 148, 167-169, 232, 494, 520, 530, a, 10, 12-14, 16, 29, 55, 61, 180, 3, 486, 604; and payment of foreign bills, 1, 147, 2, 10, 29; pre mium on gold (1864), 12, 55, 61, 158, 163; gold premium and forged proclamation, 35; gold bill (1864), 54; Evarts on, 3, 480; Cabinet on plans of resumption (1869), 487, 492, 493; importance of question under Grant, 494. See also Finances. Paraguay, war and American mis sion, 2, 491, 492, 543, 3, 427, 466- 468, 491, 510, 513, 616. Pardons, Johnson and criminal, 2, 140; Grant and Johnson's final, 3, 547, 555. See also Amnesty. Parke, J. G., attack on Petersburg lines, 2, 272. Parker, W. A., Grant desires re moval, a, 230, 232. Parsons, L. E., Sumner denounces, 2, 398. Parsons, seized by Confederates on Lake Erie, 2, 162. Pasco, , of Philadelphia Navy Yard, pardon, 2, 400-402, 412. Passaic, construction, 1, 179. Patterson, D. T., in Johnson's tour, 2, 589; on Brownlow, 3, 205. Patterson, Mrs. D. T., in Johnson's tour, 2, 589; visits Welles, 3, 542. Patterson, J. W., and appointment of Stewart, 3, 546. Patton, W. W., and emancipation, i, 130. Paulding, Hiram, at Norfolk Navy Yard, 1, 46; and Breese, 76; and Washington chair, 77; and Mer vine, 313, 2, 116; and 'Trowbridge- Lamar plot, 1, 493; and Stover, 515; and pursuit of Tallahassee, 2, 110, 113; and Du Pont, 118; and politics in Brooklyn Navy Yard, 123, 137. Pawnee, Sumter expedition, i, 16, 22. Paymaster's accounts, confusion, 2, 265. Peace negotiations, Stephens's mis sion (1863), I, 358-363, 369; Gree ley's, 2, 83, 84, 94, 99, 111, 271; Jaquess and Gilmore's, 109; atti tude of Lincoln and Seward, 109, 231, 3, 521; "peace commissioner" from Georgia, 2, 125; Blair's mis sion, 219, 221; Hampton Roads Conference, 235, 236, 238; contro versy over Sherman's terms, 294- 297, 309. Pearson, Frederick, British decora tion offered to, 2, 209. Pearson, G. F., transferred from South Pacific Squadron, 2, 604. Pease, E. M., Governor of Texas, 2, 316, 3, 146; on conditions in Texas, 2, 568, 3, 105; on attitude of South (1866), 2, 641; character, 3, 147. Pease, J. J. R., seeks coUectorship, 2, 398. Peirpoint, F. H., his controversy with Gen. Butler, 2, 81; post-War 640 INDEX position of his government, 281, 282, 301. Pemberton, J. C. See Vicksburg. Pendergrast, Austin, suspended, 2, 364. Pendergrast, G. J., at Vera Cruz, i, 16; at Norfolk Navy Yard, 42, 46. Pendleton, G. H., Presidential candi dacy (1868), 3, 382, 385, 393, 396, 456; in the campaign, 430, 439. Peninsular campaign, naval force, i, 72, 81, 83, 86, 91, 121; troops with drawn, 83, 89, 97, 120; Stanton's review, 95-97; Wilkes on McCIel lan, 106; McCleUan accused of treasonable intentions, 2, 204. Pennock, A. M., in Washington, i, 431. Pennsylvania, State elections (1863), I, 469, 471; (1864), 2, 175; (1866), 613, 615; (1867), 3, 232; (1868), 451-453, 465; Confederate raid (1864), 2, 88, 89; Senatorial elec tions (1867), 3, 15, 16, 20; (1869), 605. See also Gettysburg. Pennsylvania Railroad, in politics, 3, 505. Pensacola. See Pickens. Perkins, Isaac, and Welles, 3, 433. Perry, Amos, resigns, 3, 24. Perry, B. F., and Fourteenth Amend ment, 2, 636; Sumner denounces, 398. Perry, H. J., and J. P. Hale, 3, 518, 553, 578. Perryville, battle, 1, 166. Peru, trouble with Spain expected, 2, 357, 365; controversy over Ad miral Tucker, 650, 3, 37, 45, 66, 68-71; purchase of ironclads, 387, 420, 429, 438. Peterhoff, captured-mails incident, 1, 266, 269-290, 299-304, 306, 310. Petersburg, Federal army before, 2, 64, 55; Crater, 89-92; final attack and capture, 272. Phelps, James, and Cuban Consul- Generalship, 3, 80, 85. Phelps, N. A., and Welles, 3, 433. Phelps, S. L., of board on dismissal of Preble, 1, 191; on Red River campaign and cotton speculation, 2,37. Philadelphia, and Johnson (1867), 3, 116. Philadelphia, trade through block ade, 2, 56. Philadelphia Navy Yard, frauds, 2, 200, 205, 208, 224, 231, 238, 400- 402; pressure for removal of Radi cals (1866), 596, 599, 602; investi gation (1868), 3, 416. See also Navy yards. Phillimore, Sir R. J., on use of neu tral waters by belligerents, i, 461; on prize crew as witnesses, 466, 466. PhUlips, Wendell, Welles's opinion, 2, 383. Phythian, R. L., Naval Academy as signment, 3, 440. Pickens, Fort, Seward and relief ex pedition, 1, 14, 25, 28-32, 172. Pickering, Timothy, precedent in re moval, 3, 302, 311. Pierpont, F. H. See Peirpoint. Pierce, Franklin, as President, 3,310. Pierrepont, Edwards, Henderson case, 2, 220; campaign contribu tion (1868), 3, 452; character, 452. Pike, F. A., as Chairman of Naval Committee, 3, 280; and impeach ment, 360, 361. PUe, W. A., nomination as Minister to BrazU, 3, 577. Pillow, Fort, Cabinet opinions on massacre, 2, 23-25. Pius IX, and asylum in United States, 2, 638-640, 642. Plantations. See Abandoned planta tions. Piatt, O. H., and Connecticut ap pointments, 1, 81. Pleasonton, Alfred, and escape of Lee, I, 374. Plymouth, at Norfolk Navy Yard, i, 42. Pocahontas, Sumter expedition, i, 22. INDEX 641 PoUtics, in Washington before out break of the War, i, 10, 34; indica tions of new alignment (1866), 2, 370, 372, 407; civil service assess ment, 376, 377, 380, 382; history in New York, 3, 223-229; history in New Hampshire, 309-311. See also Civil service. Elections, Union Convention, and parties by name. Pollard, E. A., and Confederate archives, 3, 452. Pomeroy, S. C., and Chiriqui scheme, 1, 123, 152, 3, 427; Senate commit tee on Seward, 1, 196, 198; and Chase's candidacy (1864), 529; slanders Johnson, 2, 454, 461 ; and Johnson's tour, 593; and im peachment, 3, 357; character, 623. Pontoosuc, pursuit of Tallahassee, 2, 111, 113. Poor, J. A., of Maine, and coast de fense, 2, 266, 257. Poor, C. H., promotion, i, 77. Pope, John, Cedar HUl, i, 78; awaits McCIellan, 89; battle, 93, 97, 98, 104; retreat, 98, 100, 104; Blair on, 104, 126; a faUure, 104; origin of eastern command, 108, 113, 120,1 221, 226; report, 109, 110, 114; on McClellan's generals, 110, 112, 220, 226; Lincoln's estimate, 116, 126; Foote on, 120; and execution of Indians, 170; Indian campaign (1865), 2, 357; as military governor, 3, 174, 242, 245, 249; removed, 251. Pope, Nathaniel, M. Blair on, i, 126. Port Hudson, faU, i, 372, 375. Port Lavaca. See Indianola. Port Royal expedition, preparation, 2, 118; battle, 3, 217. Porter, B. H., killed at Fort Fisher, 2, 226. Porter, D. D., and Seward's inter ference with Sumter expedition, 1, 17, 24, 25, 35, 38; character as Officer, 19, 87, 88, 274, 2, 215, 3, 384, 389; loyalty doubted, 1, 19, 20; at Pensacola, 28, 31; Lincoln's attitude, 36, 158, 440; commands Mississippi Squadron, 157, 167; and McClernand, 167, 220; and West Point training, 167; sends news of Arkansas Post, 224; an nounces captures on White River, 227; reports on Vicksburg opera tions, 238, 249, 259, 295, 311, 364, 367; caricatures, 249; Stanton's opinion, 273; directed to run past Vicksburg, 274, 285; and com mand against Charleston, 311; promotions, 369, 2, 235, 3, 562; Yazoo expedition, 1, 379; and Chattanooga, 473; on Red River campaign, 2, 18, 26, 178; and cot ton speculation, 37, 173, 228; at Washington (1864), 67; on Grant and Sherman as mutual comple ments, 92; and Farragut, 116, 134; and DuPont, 119; problem of com mand for (1864), 129; WUmington expedition, 146, 148, 150, 172, 209, 210, 213-216, 220, 226, 227; on Mrs. Davis and secession of South Carolina, 255; as head of Naval Academy, 321, 353, 360, 362, 3, 103, 247, 440, 562, 563; and Pen dergrast case, 2, 364; and Bay of Samand, 643, 3, 7; and De Camp, 18; and Board of Survey, 247, 248, 570; and Engineer Corps, 252, 253, 283, 385; and Navy portfolio, 340; sycophancy, 441; desire for civil position, 488; and line and staff differences, 501 ; as real head of Navy Department, 649, 551- 556, 568, 670, 573, 574, 587, 688; and reorganization of the Navy, 558; and Grant in the Presiden tial campaign, 559, 563; shirks European cruise, 563; courtesy to Welles, 580. Porter, F. J., and Second BuU Run, 1, 104, 110; court martial, 220, 225, 226, 229; unpopular, 231. Porter, W. D., not promoted, I, 77, 88; forged letter, 87; destroys Ar- 642 INDEX kansas, 88; reproved and retired, 145. Portland, Maine, and prize court, i, 366, 491. Portsmouth, N. H., additional de fenses, 1, 375. See also Kittery. Posse comitatus, use of troops in South, 3, 430, 431. Post. See Mails. Postmaster-General. See Blair (M.), Dennison, Randall (A. W.). Potomac River, WeUes and opening, 1, 61, 102, 103; flotilla (1862), 91, f. 93, 109; Fort Foote, 474; obstruc tions, 3, 436. Powhatan, and Sumter expedition, 1, 15, 22, 24, 27; at Pensacola, 31. Preble, G. H., allows Florida to pass blockade, i, 140, 141; to be dis missed, 141; attempt to restore, 162, 163, 188-191, 228, 235. Prentiss, G. A., on capture of John Gilpin, 1, 297. Presidential receptions, mismanage ment, 2, 408, 3, 496, 639. Presidential tour, plans and dangers, 2, 585, 587; itinerary, 588; party, 588, 3, 502; Johnson's speeches, 2, 589, 590, 593; attitude of offi cials and Congressmen, 589, 693, 594; Grant's attitude, 591, 592, 595; reception, 592; slight to Sew ard at Albany, 592, 593; Cleve land, 593; Chicago and St. Louis, 594; Indianapolis, 594; Seward's illness, 594. Preston, S. W., and WUmington ex pedition, 2, 210, 213, 216; kiUed, 226. Princess Royal, captured, i,231, 234. Princeton, trade permit, i, 527, 536, 537, 543, 544, 548. Prisoners of war, appearance of Con federate (1864), 2, 31; exchange of naval (1864), 168-171. Privateering. See Letters of marque. Prizes, question of judicial or execu tive control over, i, 296, 297, 302, 424-426, 452, a, 106, 107; John Gilpin case, i, 297; location of adjudication, 366; detaining crew of neutral, as witnesses, 451, 453, 457, 465; Grey Jacket case, 2, 469, 492, 493. See also Blockade, MaUs, Mont Blanc, Neutrality. Promotion, before retirement, 3, 531. Protestant Episcopal Church, and CivU War, 2, 382. Prussia, claims convention, 3, 9. Pruyn, R. H., and vessels for Japan, 1, 188, 225; and joint attack on Japan, 2, 560; on Seymour's candi dacy (1868), 3, 390. Pryor, Roger, and Holt, 3, 172, 174. Public records, right to copies, 2, 211-213, 220. Puritan, constmction, 2, 201, 207, 340. Pyne, Smith, fast-day sermon, i, 288. Quarantine, suggestion of national, 2, 480. Queen of the West, captured, 1, 240. R. R. Cuyler, Downes court martial, 2, 162; seizure, 3, 38-40, 42. Raasloff, W. R., and sale of Danish West Indies, 3, 95. Radford, WiUiam, and Confederate ship-timber, 2, 336; in Johnson's tour, 685, 588; and Bay of Sa- mand, 631 ; inspection tour, 3, 422. Railroads. See Pacific. Raleigh, Johnson's trip, 3, 100, 101, 104. Randall, A. W., and Union Conven tion, 2, 533-535, 574, 582, 617, 3, 251; Postmaster-General, 2, 563; and Johnson's tour, 587, 588; and Fourteenth Amendment, 609, 628; and Mexico, 622, 623, 625; on welcome to Congress, 632; and asylum for the Pope, 640; and negro suffrage for the District, 3, 6,6; and Stanton's report on en forcement of ci vU rights, 43, 45 ; use of patronage, 52, 64; and impeach- INDEX 643 ment, 57; Welles distrusts, 57, 64, 83, 91, 101, 162; and Danish West Indies, 98, 124; in Johnson's trip to Raleigh, 101; on Stanbery's opinion on the Reconstruction Acts, 111, 114; in Johnson's trip to Boston, 114; and Otterbourg, 135; and Conover allegations, 143-146, 149; and removal of Sheridan, 151 ; Johnson dissatisfied with, 156,183; and suspension of Stanton, 163; rumors of retirement, 203; and habeas corpus proceedings on en listments, 213, 221 ; and question of turest of Johnson, 238; and nomi nation of Schofield, 340; expects acquittal, 362; and election of 1868, 463, 458; and Seward, 458; Grant proscribes, 464; on Seward and Grant, 511; and holding over under Grant, 533; and the inau guration, 538, 541. Randall, S. J., and Field court mar tial, 3, 140. Rathbun, George, and Wilmot Pro viso, 2, 386. Rawlins, J. A., reports Vicksburg operations to Lincoln, i, 386, 387; character, 386, 3, 551; Secretary of War, 551. Raymond, , contract frauds, 1, 537. Raymond, H. J., poUtical character, as manager, 2, 87, 171, 175, 177; and political control of Brooklyn Navy Yard, 97, 98, 108, 122, 136, 142, 176; and general poUtical assessment, 112; and release ot Scofield, 199, 201; and WeUes, 201; and French mission, 205; and Re construction, 406; and CivU Rights Bill, 479; relations with Johnson, 517, 523, 549, 562, 555, 610, 613, 618, 3, 191, 251; and calling of Union Convention, 2, 530, 534; and Fourteenth Amendment, 541. See also New York Times. Read, C. W., career in Tacony, i, 327, 333, 342, 350, 375 n. Reagan, J. H., paroled, 2, 382. Rear-admirals, appointment on the retired list, i, 75-77. Reconstruction, value of WeUes's diary, i, xlii-1; theories, 400, 408, 410, 411, 414, 415, 429, 2, 84, 109, 197, 301, 349, 430, 568, 600, 645, 3, 81; Chase and Welles on slavery and (1863), i, 402, 403, 410-415, 429, 2, 234; need of a Constitu tional amendment, 1, 430; division of Cabinet on (1863), 467; ques tion of amnesty, 2, 43, 294, 301, 358, 3, 9, 183, 193, 197-199, 386, 394-396; Wade-Davis manifesto, 2, 95, 96, 98; Welles on difficulties (1864), 98, 99; Lincoln's proclama^ tion, 99; Lincoln's dilemma, 179; Thirteenth Amendment, 234; at titude of Radicals (1865), 239, 242; Lincoln's last speech, 279; Virginia legislature incident, 279, 280, 296, 3, 522; Stanton's plan (1865), 2, 281, 282, 291, 294, 301; plans and progress ot executive, 281, 282, 291, 301, 305, 316, 316, 379, 579, 580; Johnson's first atti tude, 291; negro suffrage, 301-304, 324, 330, 343, 364, 369, 373, 375, 422, 490, 602, 640, 3, 3-8, 15, 19, 22, 23, 102, 137, 329, 374, 524; Southem appointments and iron clad oath, 2, 318, 357, 445, 460, 453, 454; unfavorable tone in South (1865), 347, 352; (1866), 641; miUtary departments (1865), 355, 356; beginning of opposition to Johnson's policy, 363, 364, 381; Cabinet and Johnson's policy, Welles and Sumner on (1865), 364, 393-395, 397, 398, 400, 411, 415- 417, 419, 424-426 ra., 430; political issues (1865), 373; sufficiency of executive, 378, 379; exclusion of Southem Representatives, 387, 388, 392, 440-444, 446, 488, 489, 559; Grant's tour of South, 396, 398; Johnson on the Radicals (Jan., 1866), 410; tone of Governors' 644 INDEX messages (1866), 410; and party split, 412, 414, 421, 425, 434, 443, 446, 454, 456, 480-483, 485, 522- 525, 571 ; Freedmen's Bureau, 413, 431-437, 554, 3, 142; Welles fore tells effect of Congressional, 2, 420, 433 ; Welles urges Johnson to make a public statement, 421; Joint Committee, 436, 438, 441, 449; po litical errors of Radicals, 437; Johnson's Washington's Birthday speech, 438-440, 647; WeHes on necessity of action (1866), 449, 460; revolutionary plans, 451, 636, 653, 3, 12, 17, 25, 55, 86, 87, 128, 245, 314, 321; and State elections (1866), 2, 452, 464-462, 468, 469, 474; Civil Rights BUl, 459, 460, 463, 464, 475, 477, 479, 489; both sides seek Grant, 477, 478; dual govemment feared, 484, 562, 555, 557; Cabinet discussion of re port of Joint Committee, 494-601 ; Fourteenth Amendment, 516, 521, 526, 627, 529, 532-537, 539, 641, 549, 557, 558, 608-610, 618, 630, 636, 649, 3, 7, 8, 417 ; Union Conven tion, 528-531, 533-535, 538-542, 545-548, 550, 652-564, 567, 571, 673, 674, 576-578, 581, 608, 609, 617,3,251; Radical caucusand program (July, 1866), 2, 652, 555; New Orleans riot, 667, 569, 570, 572-575, 611; conditions in the South, 568, 569, 3, 34, 105, 208, 245, 246, 248; government by ma jority, 2, 576; character of John son's requirements and appoint ments, 679; inconsistency and ig norance of Radicals, 583, 645; character of Johnson's support (1866), 590, 595, 602, 603, 615; and Congressional election, 616- 619; Johnson's consistency, 629; probable action of Congress at second session, 635, 636; mUi tary interference with States (1866), 642, 644; Administration and first bill, veto, 650, 3, 10-12, 29, 40, 46-49, 51, 54, 55; Johnson and North Carolina's proposal of compromise, 31-33; report against Louisiana government, 41; inter pretation of Act, Stanbery's opin ion, 59, 60, 94, 96-99, 105, 107, 109-117; selection of military gov ernors, 62-65; injunction case against the Act, 80, 86; Wilson's tour in South, 86, 89; expenditures and appropriations under Act, 93, 119, 131; conduct of miUtary gov emors, 104, 117, 125-127, 130, 142, 170, 174-176, 182, 185-188, 193, 241-244, 256, 277; bungling action of Congress, 129; explana tory act, 132, 137; Welles's poUcy of non-execution of Acts, 161, 164, 169; Grant and Welles discuss the Acts, 177-181; Grant and execu tion of Acts, 182, 183, 185, 187- 190, 242, 298; date of elections, 207 ; signs of reaction, 208; disturb ances and requestsfor troops, 211, 424, 460-463; McCardle case, 314, 320; hampering ot Supreme Court, 314, 323; constitutions, 347, 360; rumors of Johnson's change of pol icy, 360, 364; question of future poUcy (1868), 403; exclusion of Presidential vote, 405; carpet-bag representation, 411; use of troops as posse, 430, 431; confiscation, 604; Georgia excluded, 525. Red River campaign. Porter's re ports, 2, 18, 26; Halleck on, 18; condemnation of Banks, 19; Lin coln on failure, 26; origin, 27; cot ton speculation, 37, 86, 173; dam, 37; naval complaints, 178; cap tured cotton, 255, 263. Reed, W. B., paper for Union Con vention, 2, 574; character, 3, 184. Republican Party, Welles on Whig element, 2, 122; preservation and Johnson-Congress conflict, 421, 425, 443, 446, 454, 456, 462, 522- 525, 528; character in New Eng land (1867), 3, 88; Welles foretells INDEX 645 Liberal movement, 624, 526. See also Elections, Politics, Union Convention. Repudiation of Confederate debt, and Reconstruction, 2, 579. Requisitions, held up, 2, 58, 59, 69, 106, 114, 264, 266, 268, 274. Resaca, battle, 2, 33. Resumption, Cabinet on (1869), 3, 487, 492, 493. See also Paper money. Retirement of naval officers, Welles's attitude, i, 532; Board, 2, 41; ef forts to escape, 3, 85, 86, 107- 109, 135, 250, 251; and promotion, 531; control of the Board (1869), 569. Reynolds, J. F., kiUed, i, 354. Reynolds, J. G., reproved, i, 89. Reynolds, WilUam, and Hawaii, 3, 322, 329. Rhett, Barnwell, character, 2, 312. Rhind, A. C, report on the attack on Charleston, i, 267; and iron clads, 268. Rice, A. H., on test of Eutaw, 1, 519; on conduct of J. P. Hale, 2, 6; and investigation of contractors, 7; as Chairman of Navy Committee, 11, 236; excursion, 31; and Smith Bros., 53, 56, 124; on differences in financial policy, 57; and Recon struction, 498, 499. Richardson, W. A., of lUinois, elec tion to Senate, 2, 153. Richmond, proposed attack (Sept., 1862), 1, 130; conditions (Jan., 1863), 223; and Stoneman's raid (1863), 295; Dahlgren raid, 534, 536-638; faU, 2, 272, 275; munici pal election (1865), 347, 348. Ricketts, J. B., and Second Bull Run, 1, 110. Riddle, A. G., Conover allegations, 3, 143 ra., 170. Ridgeley, A. S., appointed district- attorney, 3, 56, 58, 59. Riggs, G. W., and Southem sym pathy (1864), I, 521. Ringgold, Cadwalader, intrigue for vote of thanks, 1, 634. Risley, Olive, and Seward, 3, 449. Rives, J. C, Army and Navy Ga zette, I, 343; death, 2, 8; Welles's association witSi, 8. Rives, Wright, excursion, 2, 340; on Johnson's associates, 3, 566. Roanoke, at New York, i, 347, 435. Robert Anderson, and Matamoras trade, 1, 389. Roberts, M. O., and Fenton, 3, 508. Robinson, J. C, wounded, 2, 29. Rodgers, Q. W., death, i, 416. Rodgers, John, in James River, 1, 72; weathers storm in Weehawken, 226; capture of Fingal, 337; official congratulations, 344, 351; and Du Pont, 344, 373; on Butler and first Wilmington expedition, 2, 216; as head ot Charlestown Navy Yard, 3, 418. Rodgers, Raymond, as officer, 2, 353, 3, 384. Roe, F. A., seizure of Santa Anna, 3, 115, 128, 131. Roebuck, J. A., motion for recogni tion, 1, 374. Rolando, Henry, capture ot William Peel, 1, 548. Rollins, E. A., and Radicals, 3, 404, 442. Romero, Matias, Schenck corre spondence, 2, 527, 528. Roosevelt, R. B., and impeachment, 3, 349. Root, J. M., and Wilmot Proviso, 2, 386. Rosecrans, W. S., Murfreesborough, I, 213, 216, 218, 2, 283; Chicka mauga, 1, 438, 441, 444, 446; move ment to reinforce, 442; Lincoln loses confidence in, 447. Roselius, Christian, Union man, 1, 81; on conditions in Louisiana (1867), 3, 208. Rosen, Count, excursion, 2, 31. Ross, E. G., impeachment vote, 3, 356, 358, 369, 362, 367, 368. 646 INDEX Ross, Samuel, on draft, i, 382. Rousseau, L. H., and Pendergrast, 2, 364; in Johnson's tour, 589, 3, 502; and Alaskan commission, 141, 169; and military govemor- ship, 142; retum to Washington, 347; death, 502; as officer, 502. Rowan, S. C, Sumter expedition, i, 23; and Norfolk Navy Yard, 43; and Charleston, 276; on need of sailors, 645; and dismissal of Radi cals, 3, 13, 21. Ruger, T. J., and postmastership, 3, 52. RusseU, Earl, hostile attitude, i, 250; dispatch on English attitude, 298; lessened hostiUty, 299; on captured mails, 300; and Roe buck's motion, 374. Russia, visit of fleet, i, 443, 480, 481, 484; Fox's official visit, 2, 506, 509, 512, 514; sale of Alaska, 3, 66, 68, 75, 83, 84. Rynders, Isaiah, R. C. Winthrop and, 2, 154. Sabine, alleged detention, 3, 337. Sabine Pass expedition, i, 441, 443. Sacramento, wrecked, 3, 120, 554. St. Albans, Confederate raid, 2, 198. St. Louis, Johnson at, 2, 593. St. Thomas Island, Wilkes's viola tion of neutrality, i, 322, 325, 451; proposed purchase, 2, 466, 473, 3, 40, 95-98, 124, 502. SaUor's Creek, battle, 2, 276. Salgar, Eustorjio, and seizure of the R. R. Cuyler, 3, 38. Samand, Bay of, proposed purchase, 2, 631, 643, 3, 7, 40. San Domingo, Seward's embarrass ment (1864), 1, 519; proposed sale of Bay of Samand, 2, 631, 643, 3, 7, 40; protectorate for, 480; desires annexation, 517. San Jacinto, Alabama escapes from, 1, 191; and pursuit ot Tallahassee, 2, 110. San Juan Island, treaty on (1869), 3, 506. Sanders, G. N., and Greeley's nego tiations, 2, 83; implication in as sassination of Lincoln, 299. Sanford, H. S., desire tor passage in Niagara, 2, 38, 39; Venezuelan claim, 3, 297; and Spanish mis sion, 578. Santa Anna, A. L. de, seizure (1867), 3, 115, 128, 131, 132. Saunders, Reed, and captured mails, I, 222. Savage, J. L., fraudulent contracts, 1, 537, 2, 54, 78. Savannah, the Fingal, 1, 72; cap tured, 2, 208, 209; cotton, 220, 278; Stanton on conditions (1865), 228; aspect (1865), 313. Sawyer, G. F.(?), suspension revoked, 3,554. Schenck, J. F., and retiring board, 2,41. Schenck, R. C, Second Bull Run, r, 98; denies invasion by Lee (1863), 332; and chairmanship ot Naval Committee (1863), 482; and naval retiring board, 2, 41; and attack on Navy Department, 236; as Radical, 247; Romero correspond ence, 527, 528; and Kentucky Representatives, 3, 129; and re tirement of Goldsborough, 136; and doubtful Senators, 357; calls special session, 437; and Johnson's message (1868), 479; and repeal of Tenure-of-Office Act, 564. Schofield, J. M., and Missouri Radi cals, 1, 448, 471; nomination to War Department, 3, 338-340, 371 ; first Cabinet-meeting, 375; and case of arrests in Georgia, 420; and insurrection in Crete, 425; and use of troops as posse, 430; and test of the Alexandrine chain, 436, 437; supports Grant, 450; and Pollard, 452; and disturbances in the South, 460, 461, 463; advance publication of annual report, 475; INDEX 647 on resumption, 493; and confisca tion, 504; advises consolidation ot War and Navy Departments, 519; and holding over under Grant, 533, 536; and the inauguration, 541. Schoolships, Welles on government vessels for private, 3, 531. Schiitzenfest, Welles on, 3, 426. Schurz, Carl, and Chase for Cabinet, 2, 391; Southern trip, 580; poUti cal character, 580. Scofield, C. W., fraudulent contracts, 1, 537, 2, 19; trial, 57, 58, 60; sen tence, efforts for release, 176, 177, 199-201. Scott, John, Senatorial candidacy (1869), 3, 505. Scott, T. A., as Assistant Secretary of War, 1, 127; and Lee's invasion, 331. Scott, Winfield, and relief of Sumter, I, 3-8, 12, 15; protection of Wash ington, 4; and Fort Pickens, 26, 29; and defense of Norfolk Navy Yard, 41, 44, 45, 52, 83; defensive- frontier poUcy, 84-86, 242, 2, 515; Lincoln's interview (1862), 1, 109, 120; letter on Secession, 171; Mc Clellan's disrespect, 241, 242; and Lincoln, 526; death, 2, 514; character, 514. Seals, protection, 3, 516. Secession, Welles on impossibility, 1, 414, 429; armistice, 2, 374, 378. See also Reconstruction (theories). Second Bull Run. See Bull Run. Secor and Swift, bid for ironclads, 3, 92, 387. Seddon, J. A., application for amnes ty, 3, 230, 231. Sedgwick, C. B., and codification of naval laws, i, 245; and Laird's statement, 396; and fraudulent contract cases, 512, 518, 524; and prize law, 531. Sedgwick, John, Chancellorsville campaign, 1, 295; and escape of Lee, 374; kiUed, 2, 27. Segar, J. E.(?), trade permit, 2,257. Selfridge, T. O., Sr., not promoted, i, 77. Selfridge, T. O., Jr., pressure for re moval, 2, 597, 599; and habeas corpus proceedings, 3, 208-221; report on vessels under construc tion (1869), 574. Semmes, Raphael, question of arrest and trial, 2, 404, 406, 407, 410, 414, 420, 423, 424, 432, 436, 457, 467, 471; released, 476, 477. See also Alabama. Seven Days' Battle, Stanton and McCIellan after, 1, 355. See also Peninsular campaign. Seward, F. W., and Sumter expedi tion, I, 23; and father's resigna tion (1862), 194; at Cabinet-meet ings, 319, 3, 318; and trial ot Wilkes, 1, 530; assault on, 2, 283- 285, 291, 307; and Bay of Samand, 643, 3, 7, 40. Seward, Mrs. F. W., and assault on husband, 2, 284. Seward, W. H., under Lincoln: Welles's portraiture, 1, xxxii-xxxv; and relief of Sumter, 6, 9, 12-39, 2, 248; assumption ot leadership, I, 7, 12, 14, 36-39, 79, 133, 136, 198, 203, 2, 515,3, 428; expected to compromise with Secessionists, i, 11, 172, 355; and Confederate com missioners, 12, 26-28, 32-35; and Fort Pickens, 14, 25; and Harvey, 32; and appointment ot Stanton, 56, 58-60, 68, 127, 128; and Merri mac scare, 63; and emancipation, 70, 143, 144, 210; and Wilkes, 73, 109, 134, 298, 299, 304; and the blockade and belligerency, 74, 79, 82, 174, 414, 2, 160; and Norfolk Navy Yard, i, 84; and move ment to remove McCleUan, 100, 104, 112, 241; and Pope's report, 110; and Caleb Smith, 119, 193; and New York Times, 123; atti tude toward Cabinet consultations, 104, 124, 138,381, 390, 391, 400,2, 648 INDEX 16, 68, 203; and appointment of Cameron, i, 126; private influence over Lincoln, 131-139, 274, 284, 287, 526, 2, 36, 38, 86, 92, 112, 130, 156, 166, 176; interference with other Departments, i, 132, 137, 139, 241-243, 274, 290, 300, 305, 416,2,160,328;andStanton,i,135, 355, 447; and dismissal of Preble, 141 ; and colonizing of negroes, 152, 153, 3, 428; and New York elec tion (1862), 1, 154, 162, 177, 219; fears European combination against the blockade, 154, 155; and letters of marque, 155, 24&- 250, 252, 256, 269-262; and slave- trade cruising convention, 165, 163, 166, 193, 236; and pass for Mrs. Bradford, 156; and Confed erate cruisers, 165, 438, 440; and trade through blockade, 166, 177; and Spain's assumption of six-mile jurisdiction around Cuba, 170, 399, 467, 468; aa diplomatist, in considerate yielding to foreign demands, 170, 171, 181, 217, 269, 273, 398, 409, 445, 446, 451, 502, 2, 36, 164, 3, 444; hoaxed by forged Confederate dispatches, i, 175, 176; and captured mails, 180, 222, 266, 269-290, 300, 315; and Gu rowski, 188; resignation episode, Lincoln and the Senate commit tee, 194r-205; and Chase, 203-205, 536; and Welles, 204, 326, 366, 2, 156, 194, 384; and admission ot West Virginia, 1,205; and Butler at New Orleans, 210; and vessels for Japan, 225, 2, 190; Weed's alter ego, I, 231, 2, 105, 165, 548; de sire for Senatorship (1863), i,231; and reported raising of Charleston blockade, 232; and question of Galveston blockade, 233; igno rance of intemational law, 233, 285, 394, 2, 106; and French medi ation, I, 235; and extra session of the Senate (1863), 238; and Scott, 241, 242; and Matamoras trade and expedition to Texas, 283, 335, 387, 442; interference with judi cial control of prizes, 296, 297, 302, 305, 2, 106, 107; and Wilson, Sec retary of Legation at London, i, 301; Blaur's antagonism, 329, 345, 2, 91, 370, 3, 72; and French to bacco at Richmond, i, 338-340, 2, 9, 12; prevents restoration of Mc CleUan (1863), 1, 345; andrelieving of Hooker, 348; and Stephens's at tempted mission (1863), 358, 360- 363; and serenade after Vicks burg, 364; and promotion of D. D. Porter, 369; and Dix, 373; and Whiting, 381, 2, 85; creduUty as to foreign news, i, 374; and instruc tion of naval officers as to neutral rights, 398, 409, 450, 535, 2, 34; and Lakd rams, i, 399, 429, 435- 438, 443, 448; excursion, 404; Ly- ons's influence over, 409; avoids Reconstruction theorizing, 413, 467; Mont Bianc incident, 416-427; shirks responsibiUty, 416, 2, 392, 403, 409, 413, 518, 625, 628, 3, 424; on draft and habeas corpus pro ceedings, I, 432, 433; on Palmer ston, 437; Emma incident, 445; draft ot Thanksgiving proclama tion, 449; and Admiral Milne, 467, 468; and sale of a naval vessel to an unrecognized govemment, 474- 476 ; and visit of Russian fleet, 481 ; and Trowbridge-Lamar plot, 492, 493; and Mexico, 493; and renom ination of Lincoln, 500; and Sum ner, 503; entertains American Academy, 506; on Clay, 507; Chesa-peake incident, 608, 545; and cotton trade, 611, 2, 57, 66, 159- 163, 167; and GrinneU, i,513; and detention of crews of captured blockade-runners, 517; and San Domingo (1864), 519; and raising ot Brownsville blockade, 529; and defeat in Florida, 531; campaign contribution (1864), 534; and Grant at Lincoln's reception, 538; INDEX 649 and new draft (1864), 542; on bounty on immigration, 543; Wil liam Peel case, 648, 2, 4, 12; on the responsibiUty of opening days of the War, i, 549; and Banks, 2,18; and conservative movement (1864), 29; and forged proclama tion incident, 36, 38, 67; and atti tude of France (1864), 35, 39; ex tradition of ArgueUis for slave- trading, 36, 45; and Sanford, 38, 39; and foreign-owned cotton, 40; and Hamlin, 47; and Chase's resig nation (1864), 62, 66; and Early's raid, 74; and E. D. Smith, 83; and arrest of Henderson, 83; and Greeley's peace negotiations, 84, 99, 110; Bates on, 93; outburst in Cabinet, 106, 107; and Du Pont, 117; influence over Fessenden, 120, 173; as campaign manager, 120, 131; and Georgia "peace commis sioner," 126; easily imposed upon by intrigants, 126; Auburn key note speech (1864), 140; and date of Repubhcan Convention, 142; and Blair's resignation, 157, 158 ra. ; poUtical dishonesty, 160; and ad mission of Nevada, 163, 164; de nunciation by Radicals, 174, 198, 274; and naval votes, l75; hope ful of Lincoln's reelection, 176; and Taney's funeral, 176; and Chief-Justiceship, 182; and cap ture ot the Florida, 185, 186, 197; and Lincoln's second Cabinet, 194; constitutional views, 197; House resolution against, 202; on law as to public records, 211-213; and Butler (1865), 224; and idea ot peace negotiations, 231; Hampton Roads Conference, 235, 236, 238; favors Morgan for the Treasury, 244; and apprehended decision on arbitrary arrests, 246; on Chase as Cabinet disturber, 246; on John son's speech as Vice-President, 252, 263; and Hale's appointment to Spanish mission, 255, 257, 268; and flag-raising at Sumter, 267; goes to headquarters, 269; and proclamation closing Southern ports (1865), 275; accident, 275; attempted assassination, 283-285, 291, 307; speech on war-time ad ministration, 383, 384; and nom ination of Johnson, 384; selection to the Cabinet, 388-392; claim to have shaped the Cabinet, 3, 76. Under Johnson: views Lincoln's funeral, 2, 293; caU by Johnson and Cabinet, 304; and Stonewall, 306, 335; resumes work, 307; and opening of ports, 307; and procla mation on Confederate "pirates" (1865), 307; Mexican poUcy and action, 317, 332, 333, 336, 348, 367, 393, 401, 430, 479, 485, 486, 579, 622-626, 628, 648, 3, 115, 131, 132, 138; and purchase of Ford's Theatre, 2, 317; and withdrawal of belUgerency, 319; and refusing hospitality to English navy, 319, 320, 327; and CampbeU, 330; and closing of Ford's Theatre, 331; ex ercise of arbitrary power, 331; and trial of Davis, 335, 337, 339, 365; vacation, 348; plan to relieve John son of burdens, 364; and Spanish- Peruvian affairs, 357, 366; and ironclad oath, 358; and Johnson's policy and party preservation, 363, 378, 393, 399, 424, 425 ra., 426 n., 437, 516, 523, 525, 527, 528, 530, 533, 538, 540, 544, 645, 556, 566, 691, 595, 610, 3, 47; recalls Fogg, 2, 388; and Johnson's annual mes sage (1865), 392; trip to Cuba and escape from Congress, 392, 403, 406, 409, 413; desire for French West Indies, 393; and ru mor of Stanton's intention to re sign (1865), 399, 400; blunders, 404; Presidential aspirations, 405; and Shenandoah, 411; and Freed men's Bureau Bill, 434; and French Exhibition, 463, 469; and purchase of Danish West Indies, 466, 473, 3, 650 INDEX 40, 95-97, 124, 125, 502; and sea- trip tor Robert Johnson, 2, 472, 491; and Fenians, 484, 486, 518, 620, 521, 524, 3, 283; troubles with Paraguay, 2, 491, 492, 543, 3, 427, 466-468, 510, 516; on report of Re construction Committee, 2, 495, 498; and Atlantic cable, 603; and Fox's official trip, 609, 512; ha rangues, 610, 3, 87; and Mme. Ber- tinatti's claim, 2, 522, 526; and Schenck-Romero correspondence, 527, 628; and call of Union Con vention, 530, 534, 535, 538-541, 547, 548, 563, 609, 617, 3, 251; and Fourteenth Amendment, 2, 531, 632, 535, 541, 628, 3, 417; excur sion, 2, 547; and Japan, 560-562, 3, 87, 89, 91, 92, 135, 229, 366, 513; and bounty bUl (1866), 2, 564; and sending Dix abroad, 566, 607; dodges Union Convention, 675; and Stanbery, 575; proclamation of peace, 579, 580; and Queen Emma, 582; plans Presidential tour, 584, 687; and retum of SU deU, 685; in Johnson's tour, 588, 591; sUghted at Albany, 592; and Johnson's speeches, 594; illness on tour, 594, 598; and Senatorship, 607, 611; and arrest of Surratt, 630; proposed purchase ot Bay of Samand,, 631, 643, 3, 7; and wel come of Congress (1866), 2, 632; on asylum for the Pope, 638, 639, 642; and negro suffrage, 3, 4; and Arkansas delegation (1867), 6; Prussian negotiations, 9; and first Reconstruction BUl, 10; and im peachment movement (1867), 12, 60, 67; appointment ot KUpatrick, 24; seeks to placate Radicals, 26; and resignation ot Motley, 24, 34- 38; and relinquishment of the Dun derberg, 27; and seizure of the R, R, Cuyler, 38, 39, 42; and Stanton's report on enforcement of civil rights, 43, 44; and Tucker episode, 45, 66, 71; and veto of Tenure-of- Office BiU, 51, 52, 54; on Gract and Butler, 56; evil influence over Johnson, 64-66, 83, 100, 116, 119, 120, 132-134, 160, 191, 195, 263, 383, 403, 409, 411, 454, 492; pur chase of Alaska, 66, 76; and Foster for Austrian mission, 68, 70; and expediency, 71 ; and Indian affairs, 74; egotism, 75; and Connecticut election (1867), 78, 80; and sale of ironclads, 92, 438; desires Culebra Island, 94; before impeachment committee, 95; sycophantic to ward Stanton and Grant (1867), 100; in Johnson's trip to Raleigh, 100, 101; annexation fever and Presidential aspirations, 106, 120, 125; and tax on foreigners in Co lombia, 106; and Stanbery's opin ion on Reconstruction Acts, llO, 111, 114, 116; in Johnson's trip to Boston, 109, 114, 120; and Sheri dan's letter, 125; on direct depart mental communications to Con gress, 131; and Otterbourg, 135; and Cretan insurrection, 138, 425; and suspension of Stanton, 159, 160, 162, 163, 326; and Conover aUegations, 161, 170; Johnson dis trusts, 168; rumors of retirement, 183, 184, 203, 364, 371 ; Blau- urges dismissal, 195; influence over Mc CuUoch, 204, 389; and habeas cor- -pus proceedings on enlistments, 213, 221; as poUtician, 227, 228; and amnesty for Seddon. 230 ; Ala bama claims negotiations, 241, 468-471, 474, 506, 507, 616, 579; and conditions in the South (1867), 246; and EngUsh mission, 256; and Johnson-Grant controversy, 263, 266, 271, 276; arrogance towards Venezuela, 296, 349; and Cabinet consultations, 297; and impeach ment trial, 297, 298, 304, 306, 307, 308, 335, 337; official retrospec tions, 301 ; on D. D. Field, 303; and Alta Vela, 305, 316, 318, 322; and Chase (1868), 306, 389; on Mc- INDEX 651 Cardie case, 320; and Hawaiian Islands, 322, 329; and removal of Stanton, 336; and Morgan, 336; expects acquittal of the President, 345; attitude towards nominees (1868), 402, 408, 415, 443, 458, 459, 463; and veto of bill excluding electoral vote of South, 405; and Johnson's suggested amendments, 406; and nomination of Cummings, 414; plans trips (1868), 424, 484; and use of army as posse, 430; and Kilpatrick's return to electioneer, 437, 447; rumor of intended mar riage, 449; influence over RandaU, 458; and disturbances in the South, 461, 462; character of treat ies, 463, 504; and Grant after elec tion, 465, 508, 611; and dinner to Evarts, 465; and Korea, 485; and portfoUo under Grant, 491; offi cious disarrangements at New Year's reception (1869), 496; and confiscation, 504; and Hale as Minister, 5l9; and canal treaty, 526; and holding over under Grant, 532, 533, 535; and the in auguration, 537, 538, 541. Seward, W. H., Jr., wounded, 2, 71. Seward, Mrs. W. H., death, 2, 319. Seymour, Horatio, nominated for Govemor, i, 164; spirit of mes sage (1863), 219; Blair on Seward and, 345; speech on Fourth, 363; and draft riots, 372; correspond ence with Lincoln, 395, 396, 399; and State portfolio, 3, 203. See also Elections (1868). Seymour, O. S., defeat, 2, 5; charac ter, 5. Seymour, T. H., campaign for Gov emor, I, 262; speech on Fourth, 363; career and character 2, 5, 3, 431^34; and McCleUan's letter of acceptance, 2, 140; death, 3, 431. Sharkey, W. L., and Reconstruction of Mississippi, 2, 316, 316, 366. Shellabarger, Samuel, report on Lou isiana, 3, 41. i Shena-ndoah, disposal, a, 411, 417, 427. Shenandoah Valley, Early's raid (1864), 2, 68, 69, 87; Sheridan in command, 96; Sheridan's cam paign, 151, 153, 158. Sheridan, P. H., in Virginia cam paign, 2, 29; command in the Val ley, 96; Valley campaign, 151, 153, 158; Five Forks, 272; Sailor's Creek, 276; and Mexico, 333; on New Orleans riot, 569, 570, 572; and Indian depredations in Texas, 613; as military governor, 3, 93, 104, 117, 125-127, 130, 142, 146, 600; removal, 149-157, 174, 186, 187. Sherman, John, and exclusion of Southern Congressmen, 2, 440, 443; amendment to Reconstruc tion Bill, 3, 47; and reinstatement of Stanton, 258, 263; and impeach ment, 335, 361, 367; character, 523; and appointment of Stewart, 546. Sherman, R. U. (?), seeks collector- ship, 3, 424. Sherman, Roger, watch, 3, 265. Sherman, W. T., Vicksburg, 1, 220; and Johnston after Vicksburg, 375, 379; Atlanta campaign, 2, 33, 135, 140; as commander, 92, 242; reaches the sea, 200; at Savannah, 208, 209; and D. D. Porter, 221; plans of Carolina march, 221 ; and foreign-claimed cotton, 229; con troversy over peace terms, 294- 297, 309, 3, 247, 521, 523; indorses Johnson's policy, 2, 606; goes to Mexico, 621, 649; called to Wash ington to influence Grant (1867), 3, 221, 232, 233, 254; mission to the Indians, 254; and Johnson- Grant controversy, 260, 261, 263, 266, 272; presented with Roger Sherman's watch, 265; new de partment for, Johnson's efforts to attach, 272, 279, 281-283; letters as impeachment evidence, 330, 652 INDEX 331; testimony, 332; and War De partment after Grant's inaugura tion, 660, 564. Ship-timber, cutting in North Caro lina, 1, 622, 527, 528. Shubrick, W. B., reception, i, 521; and Du Pont, 2, 30, 118; and Far ragut, 116. Shufeldt, R. W., as officer, i, 434; on attack on Charleston, 466. Sicard, Montgomery, Naval Acad emy assignment, 3, 440. Sickles, D. E., on Gettysburg, i, 472; interference with North Carolina laws, 2, 642, 644; as military gov emor, 3, 65, 170, 176, 182, 186, 187; letter on Welles and Recon struction Act, 119; removed, 187; wants court of inquiry, 207, 232; and Spanish mission, 578. Sigel, Franz, defeat in the VaUey (1864), 2, 68. Silliman, Benjamin, at Seward's, i, 606. Simpson, Edward, Foote's fleet cap tain, I, 318. Simpson, Matthew, and impeach ment, 3, 358. Sisson, H. T., in North Carolina, i, 350. Slave-trade, controversy over cruis ing convention, i, 155, 163, 166, 192, 193, 236; arrest of ArgueUis, 2, 36, 45; story of, to Cuba (1866), 670. Slavery, Welles's attitude, 1, xix; and Reconstruction, 402, 403, 407, 410. See also Emancipation, Fugi tive, Negroes, Slave-trade. Slidell, John, desires to return, 2, 585. Slocum, H. W., on New York poli- tics(1866),2,606; and Weed, 3,24. SmaUey, D. A., and Johnson's re movals, 2, 598. Smith, A. N., heads Bureau of Equip ment, I, 343. Smith, Aslibel, letter on Texas af fairs, 2, 332. Smith, C. B., and movement to re move McCleUan, i, 94, 95, 100, 101; and Seward, 119, 193; on Banks, 126; on Pope, 126; on Cabi net-meetings, 131 ; and McClellan's delay after Antietam, 146; and colonizing of negroes, 150-152; on fractional currency, 168; threat ens to resign, 193;- and Seward's resignation, 203; selection to the Cabinet, a, 390. Smith, E. D., and Peterhoff mails, 1, 284, 310; and contract frauds, a, 78, 82, 114. Smith, E, K., supplies intercepted, 1, 379. Smith, F. W., coUector at Bridge port, and Connecticut election (1866), 2, 457, 460. Smith, FrankUn W. See Smith Brothers. Smith, Mrs. FrankUn W., and arrest of husband, 2, 61. Smith, G. C, Montana appoint ment, 2, 527. Smith, J. B., death, 1, 142. Smith, J. C, and Connecticut elec tion (1868), 3, 329. Smith, James, messenger ot Navy Department, 2, 283. Smith, Joseph, and Merrimac scare, I, 64; and ironclads, 179; and Monitor, 214; Hale's attacks on, 224, 2, 6; and Preble, 1, 228; and guns tor monitors, 342; and Fox, 401; and Charlestown Navy Yard, a, 31, 34; and contract frauds, 53; and Farragut, 116, 134; and relief of naval contractors, a, 207; and Grimes, 3, 13, 14; at Lincoln's first, and Johnson's last, recep tion, 539. Smith, Kilby, nomination, 3, 85. Smith, Melancthon, and Lane's trade permit, 2, 56; as exchange agent, 169, 171; and Bureau of Naviga tion, 357; heads Bureau of Equip ment, 697; and habeas corpus pro ceedings on enlistments, 3, 208j 211. INDEX 653 Smith, Tmman, and Reconstruc tion, 2, 434. Smith, Watson, report on Warring ton, 1, 510. Smith Brothers, charged with con tract frauds, 2, 7; arrest and trial, 53-57, 60, 90, 224; petition in be half of, 124; Lincoln's concern, 124; efforts for release, 231, 238; sentence reversed, 260-264, 334, 359; WeUes on guilt, 266. Smythe, H. A., collector at New York, 2, 484; and Connecticut Senatorial election, 507, 508; and Johnson, 668, 566; nominated to Austrian mission, 3, 391. South Atlantic Squadron. See Charleston, Dahlgren, Du Pont, Port Royal. South Carolina, humbled, 2, 242; aristocracy of, and cause of the CivU War, 276, 312; Reconstruc tion constitution, 3, 347. South Mountain, battle, i, 130. Spain, and Confederacy, i, 399; ap pointment of Minister to (1866), 2, 254, 265; trouble with Peru ex pected, 357, 365; and ChiU, 495. See also Cuba. Spaulding, E. G., and Du Font's in trigue, a, 7. Spaulding, R. P., and Johnson's tour, 2, 589; and Navy Depart ment, 3, 265. Speed, James, Attomey-General, 2, 192, 197; and law as to public rec ords, 212, 220; on govemment of negroes, 222; and State rights, 239; and apprehended decision on arbi trary arrests, 242, 245; on Chase and politics, 251; on Johnson's speech as Vice-President, 252; on drawing on next year's appropria tions, 264; and fall of Richmond, 273; and assassination of Lincoln, 287, 288 ; and informing of Johnson, 288, 289; first Cabinet-meeting under Johnson, 289; and amnesty, 294, 301; on Sherman's peace terms, 294, 296, 297; and trade regulations (1865), 299; and pro clamation against Confederate ' ' pirates," 300, 308 ; and negro suf frage, 301 ; and trial of conspirators, 303, 306; on ironclad oath, 318; and trial of Davis, 338, 365, 367, 368, 614; vacation, 348; and Re construction judges, 366; on Freedmen's Bureau Bill, 434; and trial ot Semmes, 467; as official, 480, 481; and Mexico, 486; and Fenians, 520, 524; and Johnson's poUcy, 524, 537, 543; resigns, 554, 555. Spencer, , of New York, and re lease of Scofield, 2, 199. Sperry, N. D., and Administration (1866), 2, 485; and Senatorial elec tion, 606. Spinner, F. E., on elected officers, 1, 406. Spooner, Thomas, and date of Na tional Convention (1864), 2, 30. Spottsylvania Court-House, battle, death of Sedgwick, 2, 27; news awaited, 28; battle reports, 29; anxiety, 33. Sprague, Peleg, and prize laws, i, 531, 532. Sprague, WUUam, and Kate Chase, I, 306; impeachment vote, 3, 349, 356, 358; attack on lawyers, 565. Springfield Republican, character, 3, 490. Staff officers, differences with line, 3, 252, 253, 384; desire ot surgeons for naval rank, 601 ; relative rank, 670, 673. Stahl, , master blacksmith, re moved, 2, 597. Stanbery, Henry, nominated to Su preme Court, 2, 487; Attomey- General, 558, 560; on bounty biU, 564; on New Orleans riot, 572, 573; and Seward, 575; and visit of Queen Emma, 677; and proclama tion of peace in Texas, 680; on Ten ure-of-Office Act, 583; and John- 654 INDEX son's tour, 587; and trial of Davis, 608, 614, 616; and Indian depreda tions in Texas, 614; and Mexico, 622; and asylum for the Pope, 639; on negro suffrage for the District, 3, 4, 6; on Reconstruction BiU, 11, 54; and seizure of the R. R, Cuyler, 39, 41 ; and Stanton's report on en forcement ot civil rights, 43; inter pretation of Reconstruction Acts, 59, 60, 63, 93, 96-99, 105, 109-117; and Tucker episode, 66 ; and injunc tion cases against Reconstruction Acts, 81, 86; and purchase of Dan ish West Indies, 97, 124; on tax on foreigners in Colombia, 106; and Sheridan's letter, 126; and veto of explanatory Reconstruction Act, 137; urges dismissal of Stanton (1867), 173; as Presidential ad viser, 209, 287; on habeas corpus proceedings on enlistments, 209- 222; and successor to Stanton, 231, 286; and message on suspension of Stanton, 240; and Alabama claims, 241 ; and conduct of military gov ernors, 242, 243; on conditions in the South (1867), 246; and retke- ment of Capt. Meade, 250, 251; on Tenure-of-Office Act and Lin coln's Cabinet appointments, 290; impeachment counsel, 299, 302, 308, 331, 341; counsel and resigna tion, 299, 303, 308, 311; and John son's talkativeness, 311; rejected for reappointment, 376; hopeful after election (1868), 492. Stanton, E. M., under Lincoln: Welles's portraiture, i, xxxi; and Seward, 12, 58, 203, 355, 356, a, 91; attitude towards Administra tion before joining it, i, 54, 56, 58; candidacy for district attomey, 56; antagonism of the Blairs, 56, 69, 125-128, 203, 329, 345, 355, 398, 2, 91, 102; appointment to Cabinet, i, 57-60, 68, 128, 355, 356; and McCleUan (1861), 67; .jiersonal relations with Welles, 60, 61, 64-67, 127, 128; and Chase, 61, 101, 402, 536; and New Orleans, expedition, 61 ; and Potomac oper ations, 61, 67, 3, 436; personal character and management of Department, 62, 68, 69, 125, 128, 148, 161, 442, 447, 2, 328, 331, 3, 309, 370, 377; Merrimac scare, 1, 62-68, 3, 473; and Lincoln's Gen eral Order No. 1, i, 63; intrigue for removal of McCleUan (Aug., 1862), 83, 93, 95-101, 104, 108, 109, 112, 118-122, 129; and Second BuU Run, 93, 105; and Lincoln, 98, 149, 2, 92, 112, 130; and New York Times, 1, 123; and Antietam, 142; and Chiriqui Grant, 151; and emancipation, 159; threatens to resign (1862), 160, 161, 202; and Norfolk trade, 165, 175, 178, 183; after Antietam, 176; and Navy_ Department control of Mississippi gunboats, 180, 272, 273; and Sen ate committee on Seward, 195, 200-202, 206; and admission of West Virginia, 205, 207, 208; and McClernand, 217, 388; and negro troops, 218; and Pope, 221; and capture of Queen of the West, 240; and D. D. Porter, 273, 369; and ChanceUorsviUe, 293, 294; and re newal of Charleston operations, 309, 385; and Cabinet consulta tions, 319, 320, 546, 2, 16, 17, 58; unpopular with army, i, 324; visits headquarters (1863), 327; and Lee's invasion (1863), 328, 330, 332, 338, 342, 353; and Army and Navy Gazette, 343; and relieving of Hooker, 348, 349; and counter- movement on Richmond, 351 ; and battle of Gettysburg, 354, 356, 358; and McCleUan after Seven Days, 355; and Stephens's attempted mission, 358, 360, 361; and fall of^ Vicksburg, 365, 367, 371 ; and es cape of Lee, 366, 370; and Dix, 373; and expedition to western Texas, 390, 442; and draft exemp- INDEX 655 tions, 397, 407; and HaUeck and Almaden mines, 398; and Lin coln's letter-writing, 399; proposes an excursion, 406; Reconstruction theory and plan, 413, 2, 179, 281, 282, 291, 294, 301; and habeas corpus proceedings on the draft, 1, 432, 433; and commanders of the Army of the Potomac, 440; and Sabine Pass expedition, 441; and Chattanooga, 444; and "Trow bridge-Lamar plot, 492; and trans fer of soldiers to Navy, 498, 546, 548; and renomination ot Lincoln, 500; and cotton trade, 511, 537, 2, 66, 139; at presentation of Grant's commission, 1, 639; and new draft (1864), 542; and Fort PUlow mas sacre, 2, 26; and forged proclama tion incident, 35, 38; and Presi dential visits to headquarters, 55; and Early's raid, 68-70, 72, 74, 77, 78, 84; reported disagreement with Grant, 79; and Whiting, 85; and the Crater, 89; no intention to re sign (1864), l02; influence over Fessenden, 120, 173; and WUming ton expedition, 128, 205-207, 209, 214, 215; and control of abandoned plantations, 149, 150; and Con federate operations on Lake Erie, 151-153; and Blair's resignation, 158 ra. ; and land movement against Mobile, 165; intimacy with Radi cals (1864), 166, 173, 247; and ex change of naval prisoners, 168- 171; and appointment of Chase as Chief-Justice, 192; uses Commit tee on Conduct of the War, 198; avoids responsibility, 206; and govemment of negroes, 222; on Savannah trip, 228; and Blair's Senatorial aspirations, 243; on Johnson's speech as Vice-President 252; and flag-raising at Sumter, 267; and capture of Richmond, 272; on Buchanan and Sumter (Dec, 1860), 273; Virginia legisla ture incident, 279; and resump tion of trade with South, 280, 281, 296; and assault on Seward, 285; and assassination ot Lincoln, 285; Seward on services, 384, 399; and contract frauds, 3, 23. See also Halleck. Under Johnson: and informing of Johnson, 2, 288; first Cabinet- meeting under Johnson, 289; atti tude toward, and influence over, Johnson (1865), 289, 290, 394, 398, 399,405; (1866), 424, 437, 623, 538, 541, 566, 557, 627, 652; (1867), 3, 26, 47, 72, 118, 119, 123, 132-134; Reconstruction plan, 2, 291, 294, 301; at funeral of Lincoln, 292- 294; Sherman controversy, 294- 297,309,3,247; and proclamation against Confederate "pirates," 2, 298, 300, 308; and impUcation of Davis, 300; and negro suffrage, 301, 303, 364, 3, 4, 22, 23; and trial of conspirators, 2, 303-305, 334; and custody of Davis, 308, 309; on ironclad oath and Southem ap pointments, 318, 319, 358, 445, 460; closes Ford's Theatre, 331; and favors for state prisoners, 332; and trial of Davis, 335, 338, 365, 614; and Mexico, 348, 486, 621, 622, 624, 625; illness, 352; and post-War movements of Army ,352, 355-357, 360-362 ; fears and body guard, 362; and Radicals (1866), 364; Blair'sattack (1865), 370; and political assessment, 380, 382; and parole for MaUory, 395; rumor ot intended resignation (1865), 399, 402 ; espionage over Johnson, 403 ra. ; Presidential aspirations, 403; and Cox house case, 414; and Freed men's Bureau BiU, 434, 439; and Fenian raid, 451, 453, 486, 518- 520; and Civil Rights Bill, 464; and trial of Semmes, 467; and national quarantine, 480; removal urged, 480, 481, 581-583, 606, 611, 613, 630, 3, 45, 49, 90, 91; and re port of the Reconstruction Com- 656 INDEX mittee, 2, 495-501; and Colorado BiU, 503; and Atlantic cable, 503; serenade speech, 513; and Mme. Bertinatti's claim, 622, 526; and Schenck-Romero correspondence, 528; and Thomas and the Tennes see legislature (1866), 554; and Grant's nomination as General, 562; and bounty biU (1866), 564; and New Orleans riot, 569-571, 611; and story of negroes kid napped to Cuba, 570; and final proclamation of peace, 680, 581; opposes Union Convention, 582; and Johnson's tour, 585, 587, 592; and return of Slidell, 685; and court of inquiry for Holt, 60I ; and reUnquishment ot Dunderberg, 604, 3, 28; and Indian depredations in Texas, 613; and Maryland elec tion controversy (1866), 620, 3, 140, 141 ; and Fourteenth Amend ment, 2, 628, 630; and arrest of Surratt, 630; and Bay of Samand, 631; and welcome to Congress, 632; and asylum for the Pope, 640; and Prussian convention, 3, 9; and reciprocal amnesty, 9; and Reconstruction bills, helps frame them, 11, 17, 49, 94, 96, 110; and control of Indian affairs, 30, 69, 74, 98, 254; and seizure of R, R, Cuyler, 38, 39, 42; and Danish West Indies, 40, 98, 124; report on enforcement of civil rights, 42- 46; and impeachment movement, (1867), 50; and veto of Tenure-of- Office BUl, 50, 52, 54, 158, 162, 168; and interpretation ot Recon struction Act, on Stanbery's opin ion, 59, 64, 105, 111, 114; and ap pointment of mUitary govemors, 64, 65 ; and Tucker episode, 66, 69 ; and sessions ot Congress, 74; and sale of ironclads, 92; and expendi tures of military governors, 93; and Booth's diary, 96; and Sheridan's letter, 117, 118, 125-127; direct communications to Congress, 131, 132;andTennessee troubles (1867), 140; responsibiUty for Sheridan's actions, 154; suspension foreshad owed, l65; refuses to resign, 157, 158; action on, considered, 159, 160, 162, 163, 165, 167; suspended, 168, 169; public reception of sus pension, 173; question of succes sor, 231; message on suspension, 240, 242; retum to Washington, 246; Senate disapproves of suspen sion, 255, 268, 259; Grant-Johnson controversy over reinstatement, 259-262, 266-279; question of res ignation after repossession, 263, 267; official taboo, 278; Thomas to watch,'279; removal, 280, 284, 289- 291; Senate on removal, 285; ar rest of Thomas, 294; Ewing nom inated to succeed, 286, 287; re moval and impeachment of John son, 292; quo warranto writ, 299; precedent for removal, 302, 311; intrenched in office, nitro-glycer ine scare, 297, 309, 323, 338; Scho field to succeed, 338-340, 371, 375; relinquishes office in ignominy, 370; Senate's complimentary reso lution, 377; political influence (1869), 508. Starkweather, H. H., and Connecti cut election (1866), 2, 468; and Senatorial election, 508; and Sa bine, 3, 337. State Department. See Seward (W. H.), and foreign nations by name. State-rights, Cabinet discussion (1865), 2, 239. See also Recon struction (theories). Steam Engineering, Bureau of. See Engineer Corps, Isherwood, Sti mers. Stedman, G. A., mortal wound and promotion, 2, 94, 96. Steedman, J. B., in Johnson's tour, 2, 589; and War portfoUo, 3, 165. Stephens, A. H., attempted mission (1863), I, 358-363; mission and draft riots, 369; Hampton Road INDEX 657a Sumner, Charles, advocacy of negro suffrage, i, xIvui-1, 2, 291, 302, 304, 330, 374, 3, 26; Senate com mittee on the removal of Seward, i, 196, 197; and Senatorial courtesy, 235; on attitude of, and towards, England (1863), 251, 263, 300, 305; opposition to issuing of letters of marque, 251, 252, 256, 262; on the Peterhoff mail controversy, 285-289, 292, 310; on Seward's ignorance of international law, 285; and coast defense for Massa chusetts, 288; confidence in Hook er's success at Chancellorsville, 292; and news of the defeat, 293; on Wilkes in the West Indies, 298; on Charles Wilson as Secretary of Legation at London, 301; and Laird's statement, 306, 394; on Hooker's intemperance and irre verence, 336; and Blair's views on Reconstruction (1863), 467; on WeUes's annual report (1863), 484; <1864), 2, 197; on attitude of Napoleon (1863), i, 494, 495; on Lincoln's candidacy for renomina tion, 501; character and states manship, 502, 503, 2, 197, 381, 393, 616, 649, 3, 26, 53; as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, i, 502; political ambi tion, 503, 2, 369; and Chase's can didacy (1864), I, 503; attitude towards paper currency, 2, 16; in terest in the Smith Brothers case, 61, 124, 224, 260, 262, 263, 266, 334, 359; and Wade-Davis protest, 95; centralist, 96; harm by, in the Presidential campaign (1864), 130; advanced by Winthrop's faU, 154; and Chase's appointment as Chief Justice, 196;' at deathbed of Lin coln, 287, 288; and Stanton's plan for Reconstruction (1865), 1291, 394; and Sherman's peace negotiations, 295; and proposed proclamation against Confederate ^cruisers as pirates (1865), 298; seeks material for oration on Lin coln, 304; and ironclad oath, 319; relations with Johnson and his Reconstruction policy (1865), 330, 363, 373, 393-398, 400, 405, 411; and Mrs. Eames, 363; and negro equality, 369, 410; at Worcester Convention, 373; and Banks, 381, 469; anti-slavery theorist, 385; Radical resolutions (1865), 388; (1866), 634; on Stanton's attitude (1865), 394, 500, 3, 11; and clem ency for Jefferson Davis, a, 397; Stanton on his views, 405 ; Seward's attitude toward, 406; and proposed trial of Semmes, 414; conversations with Welles on Reconstruction and attitude of Cabinet (1866), 415- 417, 418, 430; and admission of Tennessee Representatives, 434; Grimes on policy and character, 447; and shipment in naval vessels of exhibits for French Exhibition, 462, 469; on affairs in France (1866), 462; and unseating of Sen ator Stockton, 464; annual politi cal speech (1866), 616; marriage, 629; and displacement of brother- in-law, 629, 3, 53; relations with Fessenden and Grimes, a, 635, 636, 3, 14, 47, 346; and negro suf frage in the District, 2, 640; and Mexican diplomacy, 649; speech denouncing Johnson (1867), 3, 23; and resignation of Motley, 35, 36; and Reconstruction Acts, 46, 129; attack on McCulloch, 52; and annexation of Alaska, 75; and Johnson's appointments, 83; and Japanese Embassy, 91 ; and negro office-holders, 142; Radical leader ship in the Senate, 324; and naval affairs, 325; action during im peachment trial, 328, 335; father of Radicalism, 381; and Grant's Cabinet appointments, 488, 543; and adjournment of Congress (1869), 574; speech on Alabama Claims treaty, 578, 579. INDEX 657 Conference, 2, 235, 238; in cus tody, 308; Stanton's discourtesy, 332; not to be paroled, 358; pa roled, 382; at Grant's reception, 478. Stevens, A. F., investigation of Phil adelphia Navy Yard, 3, 416. Stevens, Thaddeus, opposition to Seward (1864), 2, 198; and But ler (1865), 230; and Navy Depart ment, 237; and Johnson (1865), 325; and exclusion of Southern Congressmen, 387, 388, 392, 440, 442; revolutionary designs, 432, 461, 633, 3, 87, 133; and veto of Freedmen's Bureau Bill, 2, 436; and Reconstruction Committee, 441 ; Grimes on, 447; at Grant's re ception (1866), 478; and distribu tion of Forney's Chronicle, 486; control of Radicals, 626, 3, 130; and Bay of Samand, 2, 643; and impeachment (1867), 3, 12; Sena torial candidacy, 16, 21; character, 21, 26; and Reconstruction BiU, 40, 47; as impeachment manager, 301, 340, 354; and renewal of im peachment, 391. Stewart, A. 1'., and Fenton, 3, 508; character, 523; and Treasury port foUo, 543, 545-548, 565. Stewart, Charles, and rear-admiral- ship, 1, 77. Stewart, W. M., and CivU Rights BiU, 2, 476. Stimers, A. C, and preparation against Charleston, 1, 247; Du Font's charges against, 307; and light-draft monitors, 2, 52, 81, 108, 241, 349-351; resigns, 349, 351. Stimson, , storekeeper at Kit tery Navy Yard, appointment, 2, 586. Stiners, , contract frauds, 2, 279. Stockton, John, ousted from Senate, a, 464, 475; return candidacy, 475; reelected to Senate, 3, 517. Stockton, R. F., and son's return to Senate, 2, 475. Stoeckel, Baron, and visit of Russian fleet, I, 481; Alaska treaty, 3, 75. Stokes, W. B., character, 3, 205. Stone, J. M., Congressional aspira tions (1866), 2, 381. Stone River. See Murfreesborough. Stoneman, George, raid (1863), i, 292-296; in Johnson's tour, 2,589. Stonewall, stopped at Corunna, 2, 264; watched by Niagara, 261, 267; in West Indies, 305-307; to be surrendered by Spain, 335; Craven court-martial, 392, 396; sold to Japan, 3, 97, 99, 365, 513. Stover, H. D., fraudulent contracts, 1, 614, 515, 2, 54; implication of others, 1, 518, 524; witness in Opdyke-Weed suit, 2, 208, 211. StoweU, Lord, on use of neutral wa ters by beUigerents, i, 461; on prize crew as witnesses, 465, 466. StribUng, C. K., and sale of vessel to Venezuela, 1, 474, 476; fight- house duty, 2, 678; and Porter's conduct of Navy Department, 3, 561. Stringham, S. H., and relief of Sum ter, I, 5, 8, 9, 12, 15; ordered to Pensacola, 16; and navy yard at League Island, 185; and Wise, 2, 7; and Charlestown Navy Yard, 34; and Du Pont, 118. Stuart, J. E. B., in Lee's invasion (1863), 1, 350; Chambersburg raid, 169; death, 2, 33. Stuart, William, and slave-trade cruising convention, 1, 165; and the Bermuda, 170; and captured mails, 181; and Emma incident, 445. Suffolk County, Virginia, operations (1863), I, 285, 287. Suffrage, Welles distrusts free, in cit ies, 1, 523, 524; under Recon struction Act, 3, 94, 96-99. See also Negro suffrage. Sumter, Fort, question of reUef, i, 3- ' 39, 2, 248, 374; scarcity at, i, 4; 658 INDEX Ward's plan, 5-10; Seward's un derstanding with Secessionists, 12; Seward and Confederate commis sioners, 12, 26-28, 32-35; Blair convinces Lincoln on relief, 13; Fox's plan, 14-16, 21-23; Seward's interference with plan, 16-21, 23- 26, 31, 35-39; Federal attack (1863), 427, 434; flag-raising (1865), 2,267; Buchanan's admin istration and (Dec, 1860), 273. Supreme Court, Field's appointment, I, 245; death of Taney, 2, 176; question of successor, Chase's ap pointment, 181-183, 187, 192, 196; apprehended decision on arbitrary arrests, 242, 245; on captured cot ton, 255, 263; MiUigan case, 471, 474, 476; Stanbery's nomination, 487; and Reconstruction Act, 3, 80; injunction cases against Re construction Act, 86; war of Radi cals on, 258, 282, 314, 323; Mc Cardle case, 314, 320. Surratt, J. H., arrest, 2, 630; sent to America, 3, 29, 31 ; Johnson's atti tude, 31; trial, 166, 167. "Swamp Angel," and foreign atti- ^ tude, I, 446. Swann, Thomas, and election con troversy (1866), 2, 620. Swatara, brings Surratt, 3, 29, 31. Swayne, N. H., and armored fleet for the Ohio, 1, 90; and Chief-Justice ship, 2, 182. Swett, Leonard, and Cameron, 2, 390; and impeachment counsel, 3, 306, 307. Swift & Co. See Secor and Swift. Sybert, , application for letters of marque, 1,260,261. Sykes, George, Blair on, i, 126; and escape ot Lee, 375. Tacony, depredations and pursuit, 1, 327, 333, 342, 350, 375 re. Tallahassee, depredations and pur suit, 2, 102, 105, 110, 111, 113, 119. Taney, R. B., Cabinet and funeral, 2, 176; Welles's opinion, 177, 184; on Welles's administration, 184. Tariff, Grimes on (1866), 2, 642; woolens biU (1867), 3, 58; veto of copper bill (1869), 631. Tassara, D. G. Garcia y, and assump tion ot six-mile maritime jurisdic tion, 1, 170, 399; complaint of violated neutraUty, 308; reception, 522; and Stonewall, 2, 307; dinner to Dulce, 526. Tatnall, Josiah, plantation, 2, 313. Taxation, Welles on necessity, 2, 3, 16; cotton, 316. See oiso Finances, Tariff. Taylor, Bayard, on attitude of Na poleon (1863), 1, 495. Taylor, Mrs. N. G., buries clothes, 3, 15. Taylor, R. W., and payments out of next year's appropriations, 2, 264, 266, 268, 274; as official, 3, 378. Taylor, Richard, and Johnson's pol icy, 3, 72. Taylor, Zachary, as general, i, 86. Tecumseh, loss, 2, 101. Telegraph, naval vessels and laying of Atlantic cable (1866), 2, 503, 504. Tennessee, exclusion of Representa tives (1865), 2, 434, 436, 441-444, 446; Gen. Thomas and legislature, 554, 557; ratifies Fourteenth Amendment, 557, 558 ; Representa tives admitted, 559; eastern, dur ing the War, 3, 15; disturbances, troops ordered to (1867), 140, 141, 211. Tenure-of-Office Act, Introduced, 2, 549; Stanbery and Welles on, 583; Cabinet discussion, 3, 49, 50, 158, 102, 163, 171; veto, 61, 52, 64, 55; and suspension of Stanton, 159, 162; execution, 194; effects, 199; and removal of Stanton, 285, 286, 288; Cabinet on status of Lincoln's appointees, 290; and impeachment, 292; consideration of repeal and INDEX 659 modification, 503, 555, 556, 558, 560, 564, 667-569, 571; Grant's attitude, 557, 560. Territories, negro suffrage, 3, 19. Terry, A. H., and Dahlgren, 1, 474; WUmington expedition, 2, 222, 226; Indian Commission, 3, 254. Texas, proposed occupation of west- em, and Matamoras trade, i, 387- 392, 443; executive Reconstruc tion, 2, 315, 316, 679, 580; condi tions (1866), 568; (1867), 3, 105; Indian depredations, 2, 613; change in Governors (1867), 3, 146. Thanksgiving, Welles on (1863), 1, 372; (1865), 2, 393; (1866), 628; draft of proclamation, 1, 449; Welles on State celebration, 450. Thayer, Eli, scheme to colonize Florida, 1, 206. Thayer, J. M., and removal of Stan ton, 3, 285; on Johnson's plans for dictatorship, 291; and impeach ment, 332. Thirteenth Amendment, passes House, 2, 234. Thomas, B. F., and trial of Smith Bros., 2, 90. Thomas, G. H., Chickamauga, i, 444; as successor to Rosecrans, 447; Nashville, 2, 200; Johnson's opinion, 367; Welles's opinion, 382; and Tennessee legislature (1866), 554, 667; and disturbances in Tennessee (1867), 3, 140, 211; and military governorship, 186; nom inated as Brevet General, 3, 284. Thomas, Lorenzo, and forged Cooper dispatch, i, 176; and removal of Stanton, 3, 279; Secretary ad irir- terim, and Stanton, 284, 289, 290; arrested, 286, 286, 294; and Cab inet-meetings, 303; character, 371. Thomas, P. F., and interests of Commodore Ringgold, i, 534; and Belknap, 3, 205. Thompson, A. W., Chiriqui Grant, 1, 123, 150-153. Thompson, Jacob, alleged impUca tion in assassination of Lincoln, 2, 299. Thornton, Sir Edward, reception, 3, 515. Throckmorton, J. W., and Indian de predations, 2, 613; removed, 3, 146. Thurman, A. G., and impeachment counsel, 3, 306. TUden, S. J., and draft, 1, 380; as poUtician, 2, 602, 3, 228; and Johnson (1866), 2, 602, 3, 223, 229; Presidential bee, 446. TUton, Theodore, and Civil Rights Bill, 2, 478; and impeachment, 3, 357. Tobacco, French, at Richmond, i, 338-340, 2, 9, 12; at Fredericks burg (1865), 257. Tod, David, hopefulness (1862), i, 153; spirit of message (1863), 219; character, 404; nominated as Se cretary ot Treasury, 2, 62, 63; de clines, 64; and Johnson's speeches, 594. Todd, J. B. S., and Dakota politics, 2, 163. Toombs, Robert, letter on Southern conditions (1863), r, 428; charac ter, 428. Torpedo, Confederate vessel, 1, 358. Totten, J. G., and relief of Sumter, i, 3; and WUmington, 307. Toucey, Isaac, and Chiriqui Grant, I, 151; treason, 355; and Sumter, 2, 274, 374. Townsend, E. D., and Stanton, 3, 279. Trade, proclamation closing South ern ports to foreign (1866), 2, 275, 278; plan of resumption with South (1865), 280, 296, 298-300, 308. See also Blockade, Cotton, Treasury agents. Train, C. R., and trial of Smith Bros., 2,90. Treason, Welles on punishment, a, 43. Treasury Department, Tod's ap pointment and declination, 3, 62, 660 INDEX 63; Morgan and, 240, 243. See also Chase, Fessenden, Finances, McCuUoch. Treasury agents, misconduct, 2, 33, 34; movement to abolish, 316; and Confederate naval material, 336, 337; demoralization, 343. See also Cotton. Trenholm, G. A., paroled, 2, 382. Trent affair, Seward and Welles and, I, 299; WUkes's mistake, 466. Trowbridge, N. C, supposed plot, i, 492, 493. Trumbull, Lyman, Senate commit tee on Seward, i, 196, 197; and bank bill, 237; and J. P. Hale, 490; and Dakota poUtics (1864), 2, 163; and Johnson's policy (1866), 322; and Lincoln, 322; and Radicals, 435; at Grant's reception (1866), 478; and Welles, 488; on Presi dential speechmaking, 488; on Southern representation, John son's conduct, Civil Rights BUl, 488^90; Tenure-of-Office BUl, 549; and bounty bUl, 564; and radicalism, 638; reelection, 3, 21; impeachment vote, 346, 360; vote and party fideUty, 359, 375; and Reconstruction, 377; and leave for midshipman, 476, 477; at John son's state dinner (1869), 516; and repeal of Tenure-ot-Office Act, 656, 567; deserts Democratic prin ciples, 660. Tucker, J. R., and American naval officers, 2, 650, 3, 37, 45, 66, 71. Turkey, insurrection in Crete, 3, 71, 138, 425; seeks ironclads, 206. Turner, L. C, and Key, i, 146. Turner, Thomas, and Norfolk trade through blockade, i, 184; and Dahlgren, 314; on monitors, 314; and Philadelphia Navy Yard, 2, 597; report on earthquake, 3, 435. Turner, W. F., Arizona office, i, 409. Twee Gebroeders, case, 1, 462. Tyler, E. B., reported capture, 2, 71. Union Convention, calling and pro bable control, 2, 528-631, 533- 535, 538-541, 645, 550, 608, 609, 3, 251; attitude of Democrats, 2, 542, 645; Cabinet letters on, 546-548, 552-554; Connecticut delegates, 567; prospects, 571; Stanton op poses, 573; papers for, 674; gather ing, 576; proceedings, 677, 678; report to Johnson, 581; ultimate result, 617. Union League, and radical Recon struction, 2, 444. Union men, Lincoln and Louisiana, 1, 81; and loss of Norfolk Navy Yard, 84; and Scott's defensive- frontier pohcy, 85, 86; engulfed, 219; WeUes's beUef in(1864),2,139. Upshur, J. H., brings reports of at tack on Charleston, i, 267. Upton, F. H., and Peterhoff mails, i, 285, 310; on prize crew as wit nesses, 466. Usher, J. P., and bank biU, i, 237; and HaUeck and Almaden mines, 397; Reconstruction theory, 413; on draft and habeas corpus proceed ings, 432; and visit ot Russian fleet, 481; and renomination of Lincohi, 600; and social affairs, 630; campaign contribution (1864), 534; and new draft (1864), 542; and bounty on immigration, 643; and finances, 2, 11; and Chase, 20; and conservative movement (1864), 29; and cotton trade, 66; and poUtics in Brooklyn Navy Yard, 137; anxiety about reten tion of portfolio, 195,251, 254; and Wilkes's case, 203; and assassi nation of Lincoln, 287, 288; and informing of Johnson, 288; and negro suffrage, 301. Vallandigham, C. L., Cabinet on mil itary trial, 1, 306, 321, 344; Lin coln on, 347; defeat, 470, 471; and McClellan's letter of acceptance, a, 140. INDEX 661 Van Brunt, G. J., and J. P. Hale, i, •> 308, 384. Van Buren, John, use of Scott's let ter on secession, i, 171. Van Buren, Martin, as poUtician, 3, 225. VanderbUt, Cornelius, and Merri mac, 3, 473. VanderbUt, cruise for Alabama, 1, 224, 304, 316; to convey Queen Emma, 2, 601, 604. Van Valkenburg, R. B., and Chris tians in Japan, 3, 229. Van Winkle, P. G., impeachment vote, 3, 350. Van Wyck, C. H., proscribed by Welles, 3, 512. "Varuna, inquiry concerning, i, 234. Venezuela, question of sale of naval vessel to, 1, 474r476; Hannah Grant seizure, 3, 296, 349; Sanford claim, 297. Verdi, T. S., attends Seward, 2, 285. Vice-admiral, grade created, 2, 204; question of successor to Farragut, 3, 562. Vicksburg, lost opportunity to cap ture (1862), I, 71, 218, 314; ram Arkansas, 72; McClernand and command against, 217; news of fighting (Jan., 1863), 218, 220; canal operations, 238, 259; Por ter's reports, 249; Farragut below (1863), 249, 274; Welles orders Porter to run past, 274, 285 ; Grand Gulf captured, 295 ; rumor concern ing Grant, 308; defeat of Pember ton, 309; rumor of capture (May), 311; pubUc anxiety, 314, 324; Cab inet discussion, 320; Halleck's atti tude, 320, 324; faU, 364, 367; re joicing, 365; Yazoo expedition, 379; Rawlins's personal report to Lincoln, McClernand and Grant, 387, 388. Virginia, Lincoln's desire not to of fend (1861), 1, 6,40; and secession, 39-41 ; Lincoln and calling of legis lature (1865), 2, 279, 3, 522; Cabi net discussion on Reconstruction, 2, 281, 282, 291, 301. 'Virginia. See Merrimac. Virgima campaign (1864), Navy and Butler's preparation, Welles on plan, 2, 16, 19, 24; Burnside's corps arrives, 17; anticipation, 22, 25 ; fitrst rumors, Lincoln's anxiety, 25, 26; first official dispatches of Wilderness, 27; death of Wads worth and Sedgwick, 27; news of Spottsylvania awaited, 28; Sheri dan's movements, 29; reports of Spottsylvania, 29; Confederate prisoners at Belle Plain, 31 ; anxiety at Washington during Spottsyl vania, 33; Butler's movements, 36; forged proclamation, 35; con fidence and slaughter, 44-46, 53, 92; army before Petersburg, 54, 78; Lincoln at headquarters (1864), 65, 90; (1866), 264; discourage ment, 61, 72; and the VaUey, 68, 69 ; Crater, 89-92 ; naval force, 230, 232; final actions pending, 271; capture of Petersburg and Rich mond, 272, 275; Appomattox, 276, 278, 3, 621, 623; Grant's reason for final movement against Rich mond, 122. Virginia MiUtary Institute, destruc tion, 2, 87. Vogdes, Israel, and Fort Pickens, i, 14, 29, 31. Wade, B. F., Senate committee on Seward, i, 196; and Early's raid, 2, 74; Wade-Davis manifesto (1864), 95, 96, 98, 122, 239; inti macy with Stanton, 166; and Lin coln, 198; Committee on Conduct of the War, 198; and Butler (1865), 224; attack on Welles's adminis tration, 240; on executive usur pation, 325; and Chase's appoint ment to the Cabinet, 391; and Johnson's appointments, 501; and first Reconstruction Bill, 3, 46; and Danish West Indies, 97; 662 INDEX hedges, 130, 135; and impeach ment, 293; Vice-Presidential can didacy, 362; later character, 362. Wadsworth, J. S., gubernatorial cam paign (1862), I, 154, 219, 2, 27; on partisanship in Brooklyn Navy Yard, i, 178; on escape of Lee, 374; killed, 2, 27; character, 27. Wagner, Fort, assault on, i, 380. Wakeman, Abram, G. W. Blunt on, I, 405; and politics in Brooklyn Navy Yard, 2, 122; appointed Naval Officer, 155. Walke, Henry, promotion, i, 77. Walker, J. G., as Porter's emissary to Grimes, 3, 563. Walker, W. M., question ot repri mand, 2, 403. WaUace, Lew, Monocacy, 2, 71, 73. Wampanoag, engines, 3, 283. War claims, early, 2, 411; British, 480; Mme. Bertinatti's, 522, 526; and Prussian convention, 3, 9; court, 372; Ames's case, 447-449, 451 ; Coombs's case, 528, 529. War Department, General of the Army in charge (1869), 3, 550, 664; Rawlins appointed Secretary, 661. See also Cameron, Halleck, Schofield, Stanton. Ward, J. H., and relief of Sumter, 1, 4-10,2,248. Warrington, Fla., effect of blockade, 1, 510. Washburn, C. A., difficulties of Para guay mission, 2, 491, 492, 543, 3, 427, 446, 513. Washburn, C. C, and repeal of the Tenure-of-Office Act, 3, 567, 568. Washburne, E. B., and Navy De partment, I, 234, 236, 2, 137, 430, 3, 265, 341, 517; and speakership (1863), I, 481; and Blair's resigna tion, 2, 157; and Grant-Johnson controversy, 3, 274; and impeach ment, 292; toadies to Grant, 341; character, and State portfolio, 345, 543, 545, 540, 551; and finances, 345; Minister to France, 561. Washington, George, chair, i, 77. Washington, measures to protect, 1, 4; political atmosphere before out break of War, 10, 34; Merrimac scare, 61-67, 3, 473; after Second BuU Run, 1,99, 104,105, 106, 109; during Gettysburg campaign, 329, 350, 351; Confederate plan tor demonstration on (1863), 359, 376; Eariy's raid, 2, 71-77, 80; and faU of Richmond, 272; elections under negro suffrage, 3, 102, 374, 375, 380; Radical ton (1868), 278. Washington Chronicle, and letters of marque, i, 248; and official adver tising, 2, 490; Radical organ, 653; and faUure of impeachment, 3, 363. See also Forney. Washington Intelligencer, See A'a- tional Intelligencer. Washington Navy Yard, graft, i, 483; contention, 2, 225. Wateree, wrecked, 3, 435, 449. Watkins, G. S., and Peterhoff mails, I, 284, 303; and trade permits, 536; and fraudulent contracts, 2, 53, 67. Watson, P. H., on Welles and Mc CleUan, 1, 98; as official, 127. Webb, J. W., and Napoleon III, 2, 410; and Paraguay troubles, 3, 208, 513, 616. Webb, W. A., and exchange of naval prisoners of war, 2, 168. Webb, W. H., and Xa^-j' Depart ment, I, 499; Dunderberg, 2, 341, 596, 603, 604, 3, 27-29, 40, 42, 92, 97. Webster, Daniel, pohtical character, I, 507. Weed, Thurlow, peace with Ben nett, I, 7S; and New York Times, 123, 435; and Cameron, 127; and New York election (1862), 154, 102, 219; Comstock and Baltic in trigue, 155; Welles's antagonism, 204, 230, 2, 155, 171, 175-177, 188, 189, 201; retirement from Evening INDEX 663 Journal, i, 230; and formation of Lincoln's Cabmet, 230, 2, 388- 391; Seward's alter ego, i, 231, 2, 105, 548; Senatorial intrigues (1863), 1, 231; (1866), 2, 607; po litical errand to Washington (1863), 1, 235, 236; and date of ReJiubUcan Convention (1864), 2, 28; and arrest of Henderson, 83; political position (1864), 105; po litical character, 142, 156, 3, 227, 228; hold on New York patronage (1864), 2, 164; and Blair's resigna tion, 157; and cotton trade, 160; and vessels for Japan, 188, 189, 191, 192, 561, 3, 89; and release of Scofield, 2, 200, 201 ; Opdyke suit, 208, 211; and Morgan for Treas ury, 244; and Johnson (1866), 333; and Seward's speech (1865), 383, 384; and party preservation and Union Convention (1866), 527, 534, 535, 538, 539, 545, 548, 609, 610, 3, 261 ; and Fourteenth Amend ment, 2, 541; and Dix's appoint ment to Holland, 566; effort to re gain power (1866), 610; and Kil patrick's appointment, 3, 24; at tack on Chase (1867), 3, 163; Cab inet mtrigue (1867), 203, 204; and Grant movement (1867), 249; and Alta Vela affair, 305, 318; and in vestigation of impeachment vote, 369; and McCulloch, 389, 390; and Presidential campaign (1868), 402. Weehawken, weathers great storm, i, 225, 226. Weitzel, Godfrey, and WUmington expedition, 2, 210, 213; and Vir ginia legislature incident, 279, 3, 522. Weld, , ot Boston, criticism of Navy Department, i, 405. WeUes, E. T., examines Clyde, i, 428; m Washington, 494, 2, 113; at Fortress Monroe, 17, 19; re turns to college, 23; trip to Ha vana, 267; in Johnson's tour, 589; leaves Navy Department, 3, 550. Welles, Gideon, Departmental affairs under Lincoln: as Secretary of the Navy, 1, xxi-xxiii, xxxviii-xl; and Fort Pickens, 14, 26, 28-32; Fort Sumter expedition, 15, 21-23; Seward's interference with it, 16- 21, 23-25, 37; and Norfolk Navy Yard, 41-64, 83; and Merrimac scare, 61-67, 3, 473; Vicksburg operations, i, 72, 274, 285, 364, 367; and reorganization of the Depart ment, 74, 75; appointment of rear- admirals, 75-77; and subordinate active appointments, 77; Seward's interference with the blockade, 79, 82, 132, 138; appointment of mid shipmen, 82, 146, 147, 149, 188, 224, 227, 234, 236, 319, 393, 2, 163; and W. D. Porter, i, 87, 88; and armored fleet for the Ohio, 90; and Potomac operations, 102, 103, 3, 437; pursuit of Confederate cruis ers, popular complaints, 1, 109- 111, 122, 123, 134, 179, 207, 216, 316, 327, 333, 342, 375, 438, 440, 497, 2, 67, 105, 110, 111, 113, 119; popularity of administration, i, 128, 206, 228; and dismissal of Preble, 140-142, 163, 188-191, 228, 235; and J. P. Hale, 149, 227, 308, 384, 386, 482-491, 505, 507, 509, 522, 523, 529, 2, 5, 6, 51, 52, 193, 231, 234, 238, 268, 3, 25; pol icy toward European attitude, i, 154, 155, 217, 235, 247, 250, 251, 255-259, 263, 299, 374, 379, 385, 399, 443, 445, 453, 495, 2, 7, 431 ; and letters of marque, 1, 166, 246- 262; and purchase of Baltic, 165; and slave-trade cruising conven tion, 165, 163, 166, 192, 236; and appointment of chaplains, 162; and trade through the blockade, 1, 165, 173-175, 177, 183, 217, 227, 318, 498, 527, 536, 537, 543, 544, 548, 2, 159, 162, 163, 167, 267; and six- mile maritime jurisdiction around Cuba, 1, 170, 467, 468; and the Bermuda, 170; opposition to block- 664 INDEX ade and belligerency policy, 174, 440, 2, 159, 160, 246, 3, 241; and politics in navy yards, 1, 178, 327, 2, 31, 34, 97, 98, 108, 122-124, 136, 137, 142-145, 175; and ironclads, 1, 179, 268, 295, 311, 342, 351, 495, 499, 2, 101; and captured foreign mails, I, 180, 222, 266, 269-286, 300-304, 315; and control over Mississippi gunboats, 180, 272; annual reports (1862), 184; (1863), 472, 479; (1864), 2, 187, 194, 197; and navy yard at League Island, I, 185, 207, 222, 227, 285; and complaints ot Congressmen, 187, 206; and the Monitor, 213, 214; and criticism and abuse of the De partment, 215, 404, 405, 496, 497, 499, 619, 522, 531, 2, 17, 37, 67, 79, 80, 87, 106, 114, 185, 236-238, 240-242, 250, 259; and vessels for Japan, i, 225, 2, 188, 191; and re ported raising of Charleston block ade, 1,232,234; question of Galves ton blockade, 233; preparations against Charieston, 236, 247, 249, 263, 264; anxiety about the expe dition, 263-265; on Lincoln's irre gular encouragement otinven tions, 239; ignored as to naval bills (1863), 246; and codification of (naval laws, 245; and Du Font's failure before Charleston, subse quent controversy, 267-269, 273, 276, 277, 288, 309, 311, 322, 344, 476-478, 2, 7, 11, 14, 30, 117-119, 320, 321; and Matamoras trade and expedition to check it, 1, 283, 334, 387, 443; and calls for naval coast defense. Navy and duties of Army, 288, 347, 364, 366, 376, 380, 435, 2, 256, 257; and Laird's state ment, 1, 291, 306, 394-396, 401; on judicial control over prizes, 296, 297, 302, 2, 106, 107; and John Gil pin prize case, 297, 298 ; and Wilkes in West Indies, 299, 304, 316, 322; and Trent affair, 299; and renewed operations against Charleston, suc cessor to Du Pont, 309, 312-318, 324, 337, 346, 347, 380, 382-385, 427, 449, 467, 520, 547; and Naval Academy, 324, 2, 34; and playing of the Marine Band, 1, 325, 368; and Foote, 336, 345, 2, 135; and French tobacco at Richmond, 1, 339, 340, 2, 9; and Army and Navy Gazette, i, 344; congratulates Rod gers, 344; on attitude of War De partment toward the Navy, 365, 519, 525, 2, 6, 13, 100, 115, 165; and location ot prize courts, 1, 366, 491 ; and promotion of D. D. Porter (1863), 369; and instmction of naval officers as to neutral rights, 398, 409, 450-466, 636, 2, 4; and Laird rams, 1, 399, 406, 429, 435- 438, 443, 448; Mont Blanc inci dent, capture in neutral waters, 416-427; official visits to navy yards, 428, 431; Lincoln on ad ministration, 440, 461; on Sabine Pass expedition, 441, 443 ; and purchase of the Emma, 437, 438, 445, 446; on visit of the Russian fleet, 443, 480, 481, 484; meets Admiral Milne, 467, 468; and sale of naval vessel to an unrecognized govemment, 474-476; paragraphs for annual message (1863), 480; and Colfax's committee appoint ments (1863), 482, 4S4; and fraud ulent contracts, trials, and par dons, 483, 511, 512, 514, 518, 522, 524, 537-544, 547, 2, 6, 7, 11, 53- 61, 7S, 79, 82, 83, 90, 124, 176, 177, 199-201, 220, 224, 225, 231, 260- 262, 266, 306, 334, 359, 400-402, 418, 3, 23; routine, i, 484; and Morgan's purchases, 487; Wilkes's insubordination and trial, 489- 491, 505, 515, 628, 530, 531, 544, 2, 6, 19, 21, 203; and surrender of the Chesapeake, 1, 490, 508, 509, 545; enlistment problems, draft complications, 498, 541, 646-548, 2, 3, 121, 129, 240; and Webb, 1, 499; advises policy of opening cer- INDEX 665 tain ports, 510, 511, 514; andspeed test ot naval vessels, 5li, 615; and M. H. GrinneU, 512-614; London Times on administration, 516; and purchase of the Cherokee, 516; and Congressional inquiries, 522, 628; and cutting ship-timber in South, 622, 527, 528; and raising of Browns viUe blockade, 529; and Florida expedition (1864), 532; and new prize law, 632; and retirement of officers, 532; solicitations for pro motion, Lee and Ringgold cases, 533, 534, 2, 147, 161, 243; and hi- crease of Marine Corps, 6; and navy yard tor ironclads, 17; and foreign-owned cotton, 40; and Commandantfor Marine Corps,51 ; on Treasury's failure to pay naval requisitions, 58, 59, 69, 106, 114, 141, 264-266, 268, 274; and Ught- draft monitors, 81, 108, 241, 349- 351; Bates's opinion, 93; on writ ing congratulatory letters, 106; on ignoring of the Department in naval victories, 115; discov ery ot Farragut, 116, 134, 135, 3, 104; selecting new commander for North Atlantic Squadron, 2, 127- 129; and Wilmington expedition, 127, 146-148, 194, 205-217, 219, 226-228; and Confederate opera tions on Lake Erie, 161-153; and exchange of naval prisoners, 168- 171; and Fessenden's criticism ot naval officers, 172; and unauthor ized Marine bounty, 174; and naval votes (1864), 175; Taney's praise ot administration, 184; and capture of Florida, 185, 186, 197; and relief of contractors, 202, 207, 227, 418; on his labors, 218; and Board ot Admuralty, 233, 240, 241 ; and Stonewall, 254, 261, 267; and closing of Southem ports (1866), 278. General affairs under Lincoln: early career, 1, xvii; as Democrat, xviii; and slavery, xix; appoint ment to Cabinet, xx, 81, 204, 230, 325, 2, 388; character of diary, 1, xxiv-xxvii; portraiture ot contem poraries, xxvii-xxxv, xlvii-1; own portraiture, xxxv-xxxviii; and so ciety, Iii; death, Iiii; and Seward and Confederate commissioners, 32-35; first meets Stanton, 54; per sonal relations with him, 60, 61,64, 83, 91, 127, 128, 447; and General Order No. 1, 63; and emancipation 70, 144, 159, 209, 212, 403, 416, 2, 237, 431; and captured Washing ton chair, 1, 77; and Connecticut patronage, 78, 81, 235, 239, 246, 510; relations with Lincoln, 81, 88; and Scott's defensive-frontier poUcy, 84-86; on West Point train ing, 86, 125; and movement to re move McCIellan, 94, 97, 101-104, 107, 112, 114, 115, 118, 124; and alarm after Second Bull Run, 99; and Pope's report, 110, 114; and colonizing of negroes, 123, 150- 153, 3, 428; and Blair, 1, 125, 181; and proposed attack on Richmond (Sept., 1862), 130; on paper money, 147, 148, 167-169, 232, 494, 520, 530, 2, 10-14, 16, 29, 66, 61, 180; and suspension of writ of habeas corpus, 1, 150, 432, 433, 435; on Altoona Conference, 163; on wives ot officers in camp, 170; and forged Cooper dispatches, 176; on kUling of Gen. Nelson, 179; on final re moval of McCleUan, 182, 220, 225; on execution of Northwest Indians, 186 ; on admission of West Virginia, 188, 191, 206, 207, 208; and Senate committee on Seward, 196, 198- 201; relations with Seward, 204, 366; and Weed, 204, 230, 235, 236, 2, 155, 171, 175-177, 188, 189, 201; review of the year (1862), 211, 212; (1863), 499; and Cameron, 223; on gauge of Pacific Railroad, 228; and Hooker, 229, 294, 348; and shooting of deserters, 232; and Hawley, 235, 535; and Chase's 666 INDEX bank biU, 237; and extra session of Senate (1863), 238; exhausted, 245, 249, 395; on Chancellorsville, 291, 293; and condemnation of a spy, 313; on arbitrary arrests, 321, 322; and Gurowski, 326, 2, 101; and Lee's invasion (1863), i, 328, 330, 331, 342, 343, 350, 352; and coun ter-movement on Richmond, 349, 352; and Gettysburg, 354, 356-368; and Stephens's attempted missiou, 358-363; and escape of Lee, 364, 366, 368-371,373; on coincidence of riots and Lee's invasion, 369; on mockery of Thanksgiving (1863), 372; on Jefferson Davis and con tinuation of War, 376-379; and the draft, 382, 397, 407, 432, 435, 541; and Forney, 386; excursions, 393, 394, 2, 31-33, 65; Reconstruction theory and plans, i, 402, 403, 407-415, 429, 2, 84, 98, 99, 109, 179, 190, 197, 239; meets Meade, 1, 404; on Secession, 414, 429; on Chickamauga, 438, 444; and suc cessor to Rosecrans, 447; on use- lessness ot Fort Foote, 474; and Gettysburg dedication, 480; and Trowbridge-Lamar plot, 492, 493; Christmas (1863), 494; receptions, 601, 621, 648, 2, 16, 238; and re nomination of Lincoln, i, 509, 529; and internal cotton trade, 511, 2, 33, 34, 36, 66, 139, 220; on tree suf frage and municipal evils, i, 523, 524; attends National Committee, 529; on suppressing news of de feats, 531; and Chase's candidacy, 533; and campaign contributions, 634; first impressions of Grant, 538, 639; at presentation of Grant's commission, 539; opposes bounty on immigration, 543; on fearful responsibility of opening days of the War, 549; on necessity ot heavy taxation, 2, 3, 16; and date of Republican Convention, 4, 28; and J. C. Rives, 8; at Capitol, 9, 251; on Fort PUlow massacre, 24; talk with Confederate prisoner, 32; and Fremont in 1856, 41; fa vors punishment of Confederate leaders, 43; and Hamlin, 44, 46; and ArgueUis incident, 45; and Presidential excursions to head quarters, 55; and resignation of Chase, 62; and nomination of Tod, 63; birthday, 64; and forged proclamation incident, 67; and Early's raid, 69-76, 80; and son's enlistment, 82; on indiscriminate destruction, 87; and peace negotia tions, 94, 97, 109, 271; and poUti cal assessment, 113; and Bache, 117; on Whig element, 122; and Georgia "peace commissioner," 125; and New York coUectorship, 137; movement for removal, 142, 155, 247, 260; and proposed re moval of Lines, 147; on abandoned plantations, 149; and resignation of Blair, 166-168; and Banks, 177; gets election returns, 178; and ap pointment of Chief-Justice, 181, 192; and Maryland patronage, 195; on law as to public records, 211-213; on need ot further pun ishment of Confederates (1865), 229; and choice for Treasury, 244, 245; on special passes, 258; and Bennett and French mission, 258; and flag-raising at Sumter, 268; and fall ot Richmond, 272, 273; and Savannah cotton, 278; and Virginia legislature incident, 279, 280, 3, 622; and resumption of trade with the South, 2, 280, 281, 296, 298; and reconstruction of Virginia, 2S1, 282; and Stanton's plan, 291, 301; and assassination of Lincoln, 2S3-2SS, 290, 292. Departmental affairs under John son: and proclamation against Confederate "pirates" (1865), 2, 298, 300; and Stonewall, 306; Dixon on administration, 307; and cus tody of Davis, 308, 309; appoint ment of midshipmen, 317, 526; INDEX 667 Department's claim to all Confed erate naval material, 336, 337; in new quarters, 339; and Dunder berg, 340, 341, 3, 27, 28, 42, 97; and assaults on the Department, 341; and Dickerson's engine, 346, 356, 361; selection of head for Naviga tion Bureau, 367, 362; and Pender grast case, 364; and political as sessment in navy yards, 376, 377, 380-382; annual reports (1865), 385; (1866), 628; (1868), 3, 472, 475; and Craven court martial, 2, 393, 396; and trial of Semmes, 404, 406, 407, 410, 420, 423, 424, 432, 436, 467, 471, 474, 476, 477; and Shenandoah, 411, 417; naval estimates and appropriations (1866), 430, 444; (1868), 3, 264, 265, 280, 325; (1869), 517; and League Island Navy Yard, 2, 445, 3, 489; and Fenian raids, 2, 451, 484, 486, 618-621, 524; and French Exhibition exhibits, 462; and sea- trip for Robert Johnson, 468, 472, 479, 491; Butler and Grey jacket case, 469, 492; Farragut visits, 490, 3, 101, 469, 470; Paraguay troubles, 2, 491, 492, 643, 3, 427, 466-468, 491, 510, 513, 516; and order restricting naval officers' movements, 2, 494; and laying of Atlantic cable, 503; trouble with S. P. Lee, 504U-507, 511-614, 669, 578, 3, 90; and Fox's official trip abroad, 2, 506, 509, 612, 514; and Naval Academy, 525, 3, 103, 382, 440; and promotions, 2, 559, 560, 662, 663, 671; and bounty bUl (1866), 564; and dismissal of Barney, 605; Congressional inquir ies and investigations, 633, 3, 13, 21, 122, 337; and Grimes, 14; and retirement of Goldsborough, 85, 86, 107-109, 135; and sale of ships to Japan (1867), 91; and sale ot ironclads, 92, 207, 348, 384, 387-389; and travel of officers' wives on naval vessels, 92, 93; and seizure of Santa Anna, 115; on di rect Departmental communica tions to Congress, 132; and retire ment ot Com. Schenck, 135; and interference of Congressmen with navy yards, 139; and Field court martial, 140; and Belknap case, 206; and habeas corpus proceedings on enUstments, 208-222; and pro posed Board of Admiralty, 247, 248; and relievement of Capt. Meade, 250; and differences be tween line and staff, 253, 283, 384, 501; on officers' right of free speech, 312; navy yard appoint ments, 325, 416-420, 446; tour of navy yards, 422; and Ames's claim for guns, 448, 451; and Alabama claims, 469-471, 506, 616, 579; and leave for midshipmen, 476, 477; and court-martial punishments, 481; and Congressional requests for reinstatement of officers, 498- 501, 503, 507; and Grimes's biU to reorganize the Navy, 515; J. S. Morrill on administration, 523; and Coombs's claim, 528, 629; on use of naval vessels as private school ships, 631; and promotion before retirement, 531; and re quest for illegal pay, 534; takes leave of subordinates, 640; rela tions with Porter, 562, 563; and relative rank of staff officers, 570; Porter tenders use of naval vessel to, 580, 586, 586; reviews his offi cial career, 581; no pecuniary gain, 682; philosophizes with Farragut over slights, 582. General affairs under Johnson: value of diary on Reconstruction, I, xiii; Reconstruction theory, 402, 403, 407-415, 429, 2, 84, 98, 99, 109, 179, 190, 197, 239, 430, 568, 569, 676, 600, 645, 3, 81; and in forming of Johnson, 2, 288; first Cabinet-meeting under Johnson, 289; and Stanton's plan of Recon struction, 291, 301; at funeral of 668 INDEX Lincoln, 292-294; and Sherman's peace terms, 296-297; and impli cation of Davis, 300; and negro suffrage, 301-303, 324, 373, 640, 3, 4, 6, 8, 19, 137; and trial ot con spirators, 2, 303, 304, 334; trip to Charleston and Savannah, 310- 315; and Gov. HamUton, 315, 316; on ironclad oath and Southern appointments, 319, 358, 445, 454; on withdrawal ot right of beUiger- ency, 319, 320; birthday, 327; and the Blairs, 328, 343, 364, 370, 513, 3, 165, 166, 231, 232; excursions, 2, 329, 340, 647, 3, 343, 396; and closing of Ford's Theatre, 2, 331; and Mexico, 333, 348, 479, 485, 623, 624; and trial of Davis, 335, 338, 339, 365; and Hamlin, 342, 344-346; and patronage, 356, 363, 398, 484, 487, 532, 612, 651, 3, 79, 80, 84, 85, 161; and Hawley, 2, 369; vacation, 372; and Demo crats (1865), 383; and Seward, 384, 3, 195; and annexation of French West Indies, 2, 393; and Johnson's policy (1865), 393-395, 397, 416, 419; on exclusion of Southern Congressmen, 396, 442, 446, 488, 489, 559; warns Johnson of intrigue, 396, 398; urges re moval of Radicals, 398, 399, 686- 587, 596-599, 602, 616, 3, 147; and Seward's trip to Cuba (1865), 2, 403, 406; and split in Union Party, 407, 421, 425, 481, 522-626; recep tions, 409, 3, 252, 266, 277, 497, 612 ; and Freedmen's Bureau BUl, 2,413, 431-433, 437; urges on Johnson public statement of position (Jan., 1866), 421 ; society sought by Con federate sympathizers (1866), 421; and Connecticut elections (1866), 426, 455-402; (1867), 3, 77, 81; and Democratic Party in Connec ticut, 2, 428, 429; apprehends ef fects of Congressional Reconstruc tion, 433; and movement for re- ^ conciliation, 446; and Civil Rights BUl, 469, 460, 463, 464, 488, 489; and Senator Foot, 466; and pur chase of Danish West Indies, 466, 467,473,3,95,97,98,124, 125;and national quarantine, 2, 480; and report of Reconstruction Commit tee, 497, 499; attitude towards Senatorship, 501, 508; and Color ado Bill, 502; on serenade ad dresses, 512; and Gen. Dulce, 526; and Schenck-Romero correspond ence, 628; and Union Convention, 528-531, 533-636, 638-541, 546, 652, 553, 574, 582, 583; and Four teenth Amendment, 536, 537, 649, 608, 628, 3, 7, 8, 417; and rela tions with Japan, 2, 661, 562, 3, 135, 230, 430; and appointment of Judge Clark, 2, 665; on New Orieans riot, 569, 572, 573; urges removal of Stanton, 582, 630, 662, 3, 46, 49, 91, 156; and Tenure-of- Office BiU, 2, 583, 3, 49, 51, 52, 64, 171, 194; and plan for Presidential tour, 2, 584, 587; and retum of SUdell, 585; in the tour, 689; on Presidential speechmaking, 2, 593, 647, 648; and J. S. Morgan, 599, 3, 682; and court of inquiry for Holt, 2, 601, 604; on results of the election (1866), 616-620, 632; and welcome to Congress, 630; and arrest ot Surratt, 630; and ac quirement of Bay of Samand, 631, 643, 3, 7, 40; on asylum for the Pope, 2, 639; and Sickles's interfer ence with North Carolina laws (1866), 642, 644; on need of an Ad ministration organ, 663; and the Prussian convention, 3, 9; and first Reconstruction Bill, 11, 48, 49; and impeachment movement (1867), 12, 21, 50, 57, 60; and proposal of compromise on Re construction, 31-33, 37; and seiz ure of the R. R, Cuyler, 3S, 39; and Stanton's report on enforcement of civil rights, 43, 45; at Capitol, 58, 59; interpretation of Recon- INDEX 669 struction Act, on Stanbery's opin ion, 69, 60, 63, 96-98, 105, 110- 115; and Indian affairs, 69; and Gov. English's messages, 87-89, 382; and purchase of Culebra Is land, 94; on Booth's diary, 95; not called before impeachment com mittee (1867), 102; and tax on for eigners in Colombia, 106; and Johnson's trip to Boston, 109; Sickles's letter on,and expenditures under ReconstructionAct, 119; and Sheridan's letter, 126, 127; on Teutonic and Latin races, 136- 137; and Alaskan affairs, 141, 531; and removal of Sheridan, 142, 150, 151, 153, 154, 166, 176; and appoint ment of negroes, 142; and Conover allegations, 143-146; and Gov. Pease, 146, 147; and suspension of Stanton, 157, 163, 167; urges non-execution of Reconstruction Acts, 161, 164, 169; and Holt af fidavits, 172; talk with Grant on Reconstruction Acts, 177-181; and general amnesty, 183, 193, 197, 198, 396; at Antietam anni versary, 201; and Fenton (1867), 201; fears Cabinet intrigue by Weed, 203, 204; and pardon for Seddon, 230, 231; urges Johnson to have an understanding with Grant, 233, 234; illness, 237, 313: and question of arrest of Johnson, 238; and message on suspension of Stanton, 240, 242; and conduct of miUtary govemors, 243; tears mil itary absolutism, 246, 246, 249, 270, 271, 645, 550, 559, 564; and conditions in the South, 246; and fiUing of the English mission (1867), 256; and Grant-Johnson controversy, 262, 266, 271-273; and removal of Stanton, 284; and Ewing for the War Department, 286; and preparation for the crisis (1868), 288; and preparation for impeachment trial, 294, 297; on candidates tor the Democratic nomination, 295; opposes Stan bery's resignation, 304, 308; on impeachment counsel, 304-307, 331, 332; and impeachment out look, 313, 324, 329, 330, 332, 334, 336, 344; and Alta Vela affair, 316, 322; subpoenaed, 326; suggestions for the defense, 331, 337; testi mony, 333; and nomination of Schofield, 340; and Reconstruc tion constitutions, 347; and Bu chanan's funeral, 376; supports Seymour, 402, 404, 405, 410; and Johnson's Constitutional amend ments, 406, 407; on use of troops as posse, 431; and career of T. H. Seymour, 432-434; and PoUard, 452; and disturbances in the South, 460-462; Grant proscribes and is proscribed by, 464, 465, 612; on Johnson's message (1868), 478, 479, 482; on resumption, 486-488, 493, 494, 504; review of 1868, 495; and confiscation, 504; suggests ac quisition of Midway Islands, 508; and holding over under Grant, 529, 530, 532, 533, 537, 538, 541; and the inauguration, 637, 538, 641; at Johnson's last reception, 539; Mrs. Patterson visits, 642; reluctance to leave Washington, 580; retum to Hartford, 583; qual ity of welcome, 584, 685, 587; pur chases a house, 684; getting set tled, 586-588. WeUes, Mrs. Gideon, and Mrs. Lin coln, 2, 290; in Johnson's tour, 589. WeUes, Hubert, death, i, 181. WeUes, J. A., in Washiagton, 2, 113; in Johnson's tour, 589. WeUes, R. G.. suicide, 2, 661, 652. WeUes, Samuel, injury and death, 2, 550, 661. WeUes, T. G., and Ulric Dahlgren's body, 1, 544, 545; desire for serv ice, 2, 24; in army, 71, 80, 82, 90, 271. Wells, J. M., removal by Sheridan, 3,104. 670 INDEX Welsh, John, and PhUadelphia Navy Yard removals, 2, 597. Wentworth, M.F., removed, 2, 586. West Gulf Squadron. See Farragut. West India Squadron, organized, 1, 109-111, 122, 123, 134; Wilkes's work, 217; and Confederate cruis ers, 255; England and Wilkes, 298; Bell to command, 299; Lardner commands, 309, 319; inadequate force, 363. West Indies, Seward and French islands, 2, 393; attempted pur chase of Danish, 466, 473, 3, 40, 95-98, 124, 125, 602; Culebra Island, 94. West Point, Welles on training, i, 86, 125. West Virginia, question of admit ting, I, 188, 191, 205, 206, 208. Whelan, WiUiam, attends Foote, i, 336. Whigs, Welles on, 2, 122. Whipple, H. B., sermon, 2, 5. Whiskey Ring, operations (1868), 3, 435. White, Mrs. , Mrs. Lincoln's half-sister, pass, 2, 21. White, Dr., attends Seward, 2, 285. White House, fire, 3, 22. White River, captures on, 1, 227. Whitin, L. F., and WeUes, 2, 208. Whiting, WiUiam, character and im portance, 1, 381, 544, 2, 85, 184; and Reconstruction, 1, 400, 408, 2, 84; and Seward, 1, 544; on Early's raid, 2, 77; and Smith Bros. case, 125; and Attorney-General ship, 183, 187; and negro suffrage, 437. Whittlesey, EUsha, and payments out of next year's appropriations, 2, 268. Wiard, Norman, and monitors, 2, 88. Wilderness campaign, anxiety at Washington, 2, 25; impression of success, 26; first official dispatches, 27. Wilkes, Charles, command on James River, i, 72, 73, 81, 83, 86, 91; as officer, 73, 87, 110, 2, 351 ; on Poto mac River, 1, 93, 109; on McCIel lan, 106; command of West India Squadron, neutral complaints, 109- 111, 134, 217, 298, 309, 322, 325, 451; diverts 'VanderbUt from pur suit of Alabama, 226, 304, 316; recall, 299, 304, 316, 318, 322; in adequate force, 363; Trent affair, 466; insubordination and trial, 489^91, 605, 515, 628, 543, 2, 6, 19, 21, 203; equivocates as to his age, 1, 505. WUkes, Mrs. Charles, and recaU of husband, 1, 323. WUkes, George, article in his paper on Lincoln and Sherman's peace terms, 3, 521. Wilkinson, M. S., Meigs's reply to, 1,224. WUley, W. T., impeachment vote, 3, 356, 358, 367. WilUam I of Prussia, and arbitration of Alabama claims, 3, 459. William Peel, capture, i, 548, 2, 4, 12. Williams, G. H., and reinstatement of Stanton, 3, 258; and impeach ment, 358, 368. WilUams, Thomas, and Johnson's pohcy, 2, 412; character, 633, 3, 239. WUmington, expedition against, put off (1863), I, 216; character of blockade, 306, 2, 127; plans to capture (1863), 1, 307; joint ex pedition considered (1864), 2, 127, 133, 146, 148, 160; responsibiUty for delay, 194; plans disclosed, 205- 209, 219; news of expedition await ed, 209; powder vessel, 209, 210, 222, 226; failure of first expedition, 213-217; organization of second expedition, 215, 220-222; naval force locked up by, 221; success of second expedition, 226-228. Wilmot Proviso, Preston King's serv ices, a, 386. INDEX 671 WUson, Charles, as Secretary of Le gation, 1, 301. WUson, Henry, fears army conspir acy, 1, 118; and coast defense, 364; and investigation of contractors, a, 7; and arrest of Smith Bros., 56; Reconstruction views (1865), 405; and spht of party, 421 ; and Grimes, 3, 14; in South, 86, 89; and naval appropriations (1868), 325; Vice- Presidential candidacy, 362. Wilson J. F., as impeachment mana ger, 3, 334. Wilson, Nathaniel, and prosecution of contractors, i, 540 ra., 543, 544, [ 547, 2, 5, 15, 19, 53, 55-68, 78, 82. Winans, Ross, Butler's plan to hang, 2, 270. Winchester, capture (1863), i, 328, 330, 331. Wing, , Tribune correspondent, brings news of WUderness, 2, 25. Winooski, and Fenian raid, 2, 484, 486. Winslow, J. A., Alabama fight, 2, 65, ^ 67; in Washington, 202; and New Orleans riot, 675, 678. Winthrop, R. C, in campaign of 1864, 2, 153; political character and mistakes, 153. Wise, H. A., and headship of Ord nance Bureau, i, 337, 343, 386, 2, 7; excursion, 31; and gun-cast ing controversy, 202; and Congres sional investigation, 3, 122; and Dahlgren, 448. Wood, Benjamin, R. C. Winthrop and, 2, 164; and Holt, 3, 172, 174. Wood, Fernando, Lincoln corre spondence, 1, 237; and corrupt govemment, 523; and McClellan's letter of acceptance, 2, 140; R. C. Winthrop and, 153. Woodbridge, F. E., and impeach ment, 3, 295, Woodbridge, Wylly, in Washington (1865), 2, 269. Woodbury, C. L., and navy yard appointments, 3, 446. Woodward, G.W., candidacy (1863), 1, 469, 471. Wool, J. E., alarm for safety of New York, 1, 347; and draft riots, 373, 405; to be reUeved, 373. Woolley, C. W., imprisonment, 3, 370, 380, 381. Worden, John, secret journey to Pensacola, 1, 30; first prisoner of war, 31; and Wise, 2, 7; and Bu reau of Navigation, 357. Wright, , and his abandoned plantation, 2, 148. Wright, H. G., at Norfolk Navy Yard, J, 46; defends Washington, (1864), 2, 72, 75; attack on Peters burg lines, 272. Wright, SUas, and Preston King, 2, 387; as politician, 3, 226. Wright, WUliam, and CivU Rights BiU, 2, 475. Wylie, Andrew, decision in Baker case, 2, 206, 207; and Stanton (1867), 3, 160. Wynkoop, E. W., report on Indian war, 3, 98. Wyoming, ordered to East Indies, 2, 267. Wytheville, Va., raid (1863), i, 382. Yankees and South-Carolinians, a, 277. Yards and Docks, Bureau ot. See Navy yards. Smith (Joseph). Yeaman, G. H., and negotiations for Danish West Indies, 3, 95. Young, Samuel, as politician, 3, 225, 226. ZeUin, Jacob, to command Marine Corps, 2, 61. Zerman, , C. F. Adams's letter to, I, 300. CAMBRIDGE . MASSACHUSETTS U.S.A YALE UNIVERSITY a39002 002937739b '$'m:^^ W ' ;-•-{' ';'. ¦ ".' •¦•:•/*¦.; 'S ¦¦¦¦'¦'' '¦' ¦ '.:'¦':' : : .<¦ ¦ ¦ ¦•¦• ¦:'.•;••• ¦' . •••:••¦¦• • f ,.- •¦ ¦ . ..:..: •:•:••; ' - j I " ' i-.-. '¦'. 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