I >'^ •'¦¦ , iC'i- .-•'¦. ^¦*.' .-^. •¦¦' '" \ t -i- "•' s "'- ¦<••¦ ':|:'' 1^- ¦"^ n^ i;~i COPY OF THE OLD RECORDS TOWN OF DUXBURY, MASS. TBOM 1642 TO 1770. MADE I^ THE YEAR 1892. PLYMOUTH : Avery & Doten, Book and Job Printers. 1893. PREFACE. The original of these copies consisted of partly bound books, and loose leaves, with the exception of the later dates, and have been arranged as nearly as possible, accord ing to the dates. Many of the records were destroyed by fire, as may be seen by the missing years. Record of births, marriages and deaths, are not here included. Also a very few of the unimportant Town meet ings have been omitted. Each item copied is marked on the original — in Eed — in this way — %/. All proper names are copied as written. Geoege Ethebidge, Copyist. DUXBURY RECORDS. LAND TRANSFERRED AND RECORDED. Aug. 4, Memorandum that Richard Bease, of Duxbery, 1642. planter, has sold unto Francis West, of Duxbery, Vol. a. carpenter, my lot of land, containing forty acres. Page 196. together with the housing thereon builded, with all appurtenances there unto belonging, lying on the south side of the Mill brook, in consideration whereof the said Francis West is lo pay the sum of eighteen pounds. In witness thereof I have set my hand, this the day and year above mentioued. The mark of Richard Bease, Transcribed this 23d of Jan'y, 1667. William Pabodie, Clerk. 1650. Be it known unto all men by these presents — that Jan'y 16. I, John Stacy, of Duxbnry, in the Colony of New Vol. a. Plymouth, do acknowledge to have made over, and Page 196. sold, all ray right, title and interest in four acres of meadow land, be it more or less, lying upon the North side of that land called Pine Point, from my heirs or assignes, unto Stephen his heirs, executors, administrators, or assignes of the same town of Duxbery, planter, for the which bill of sale, I, the above named John have set my hand and seal this, the 16th of Januaiy, in the year of our Lord 1650. Witness : J Wm. Brett. I John Shaw. Transcribed the 23d Jan'y, 1667. Wm. Pabodie, T. C. DUXBURY RECORDS. 1651. Witness these presents, that I, Myles Standish, of Dec. 10. Duxburrough, Mass., have bai'gained, and sold to Vol. a. Robert Barker of Duxburrough, Mass., a lot of land Page 198. which was granted to John Hidbie — and laid out at Namassakeiset, that is to say, ten acres laid out for a house lot, and twenty-five acres for great lot, be it more or less, to the said Robert Barker, his heirs and assignes forever, with all, and singular such part or portion of meadow as shall fall by proportion, with the profits that shall accrue, or any way apper tain to the aforesaid lands, to the which aforesaid bargain and sale of the said lands, and the appurte nances there unto belonging, 1 have set my hand, this 10th of December, 1651. Myles Standish. Witness here unto ( Alexander Standish. , ( Myles Standish jun. June 20, This above written, is a true copy of the deed, 1665. aud here recorded according to order, this 20th day Vol. a. of June, 1665. By me, Page 199. William Pabodie, Clerk of the town. June 20, Know all men by these presents — That I, John 1665. Willis of Duxburrough, have sold unto Robert Bar- Vol, a. ker of Mattakiset, fifty acres of land, ten acres for Page 199. a house lot, and forty acres for the great lot, with the meadow, and all appurtenances there unto apper taining. This is done with the consent of my wife, in witness thereof I set my hand. John Willis. Nicholas Robins. This above written is truly transcribed and have recorded according to order, this the 20th June, 1665. By me, AVm. Pabodie, Toivn Clerk. DUXBURY RECORDS. 1661. William Ford Sen. and his wife Ann, acknowledge May 27. the sale of their land lying in the township of Dux- Vol. a. bury, both upland and meadow land, unto Francis Page 197. West and his heirs forever. Before me this 27th day of May, 1661. John Alden, Assistant. Transcribed this 23d of January, 1667. William Pabodie, T. C. 1649. I, John Ferniside, have sold to Robert Barker, my Vol. a. lot at Mattikeset, house lot and great lot, with Page 199. meadow, and all that belongs to it, for forty-five shillings, and a quart of sack, to pay 20 shillings this next Michealmas, which is in the year 1649 the flrst payment, and the next payment in the year 1650. Whereunto I have set my hand. John Fernisiee. This the above written is truly ti'anscribed, and have recorded according to order, the 20th of Jan'y, 1665. By me, Wm. Pabodie, Town Clerk. May 11. Know all men by these presents. That I, Edward No year. Hunt of Duxburrough, have sold unto Robert Bar- Vol, a. ker of Namassakieset, a lot of land, ten acres more Page 200. or less, lying next unto the bay path on the south side of the River, for twenty shillings, flfteen shil lings already paid in cotton wool, the other five to be paid ac harvest in any good and current pay. Witness thereof we have here unto set our hands, this present May llth, also all appurtenances belong ing thereto with his wife's consent. John Rogers. 1651. These are to signify to all men whom it may 26 Dec. concern, that I, William Brett of Bridgewater, do Vol. a. surrender up all my right and privilege in the said Page 201. land given me at Namassakeesit, by John Tisdel of 8 DUXBURY RECORDS. Taunton, to Constant Southworth of Duxbury, to do with it as his own, to sell or otherways, as he shall see meet, in witness thereof I have set my haud 26th Deceraber anno — 1651. Wm. Brett. Whereas, the land above expressed in this writing was first given to John Tisdell, from him to Wm. Brett, from him to Constant Southworth, I do hereby surrender all my right and title nnto Isaac Barker. Witness ray hand, June 24th, 1665. Transcribed and recorded by me, Wm. Pabodie. 1663. This deed made this the fifth day of April, in the April 5. year of Our Lord one thousand six hundred and Vol. a. sixty-three, between William Pabodie of Duxbur- Page 203. rough, in the Colony of New Plymouth, iu New England on the one party, and Robert Barker of the eaid town on the other party, witnesseth, that I, the said William Pabodie for, and in consideration of Forty Pounds of current pay in New England, in hand paid unto me by the above said Robert Barker, which said sum of Forty Pounds, I, the above said William Pabodie do acknowledge myself to be fully satisfied the whole and every part and parcel thereof, and do for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators aquit the said Robert Barker, his heirs, executors and administrators for ever, and finally by these presents hath given, granted, bar gained and sold, assigned and set over unto the said Robert Barker all my lands at Namassakeesit, upland and meadow, given me by the town of Dux burrough, or otherwise purchased with my money, except ten acres, which was John Brown's garden lot, which I have sold unto William Tubbs, viz : A certain parcel of upland, bounded on the North by the land of Wm. Tubbs, and on the South by the land of Robert Barker, containing one hundred acres of land more or less, and twenty-flve acres of D UXB UR Y RECORDS. upland, and three acres of meadow, more or less, which I purchased of Elias Thomas, which appears by a deed bearing date together with twenty 1663. acres of upland on the north side of Pudding brook, April 1. bounded by two marked trees, also four acres of Vol. a. meadow, more or less, lying on both sides of the Page 203. brook, given me by the town of Duxburrough, together with two acres of meadow, more or less, at Robinson's creek, also all the land of .John Brown, upland and meadow, given him by the Court or town , which I purchased of him as appears by a deed bearing date excepting the above said (ten acres, which I have sold to Wra. Tubbs). All the above recited premises, viz. upland and meadow land, with all the privileges, profits and appurte nances there unto belonging, always excepting the above said ten acres sold unto Wm. Tubbs, as is above expressed, to have and to hold, unto the said Robert Barker, his heirs, executors, administrators and assignes, all the above said upland and meadow lands, from the day of the date of these presents, forever, to be the whole, and sole, and proper inher itance of said Robert Barker, and his forever without any let, molestation, disturbance or denial of me, of myself or any other person, or persons, clairaing in or under me, forever. In witness whereof, I, the said Wm. Pabodie have set my hand and seal, the day and year first above written. Wm. Pabodie. her mark X Elizabeth E. Pabodie. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Daniel Alden. WiUiam Pabodie and Elizabeth his wife acknowl edge the sale of those lands expressed in this deed unto Robert Barker, this the first of April 1663. Before me, John Alden, Assistant. 10 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1665. Whereas the town of Duxbury hath granted a June 29. parcel of land unto Mr. Johu Holmes, containing a Vol. a. hundred acres, be it more Oi- less, and lying at or Page 202. about a place commonly called Robinson's brook, bounded as follows, viz : On the north side, with the laud formerly granted unto Wm. Keerap and Mr. William Witherly and John Willis, (only there must be allowed 40 feet for a high way between the said lands to the commou side to the bay), on the west side it is bounded with the land foimerly granted unto Thomas Hayward Sen., and on the east, it is bounded with the meadow at Robinson's creek, and from the head of that meadow to the land of George Russel' s children, aud so along by the path that goes to the North, runs Southwardly so far as to a red oak tree marked by the path side, aud from that tree, to another red oak tree marked which lies west ward from that first marked tree, and so with a straight line westwardly till it meet with the bay path tliat lies at the head of the lands of Robert Barker, aud so along tiie said path, and the head of the lands of Robert Barker until it meet with the above said bouud of Hayward's land. These lauds were ranged, laid forth, and bounded by Mr. Con stant Southworth, Benjamin Bartlett and William Pabodie at the request of the town, aud recorded aud approved by the town, this Twenty-ninth of June 1665. by me William Pabodie, Town Carke. 1665. We whose names are below written, were empan- June 5. eled upon a Jury for the laying forth of a sufficient Vol. a. footway through the land of Moses Simons and Page 205. Samuel Chandler, the which we have done according to our best diseretiou, and bounded it as follows, that is to say, from the east side of the laud of Samuel Chandler, unto the west side of the laud of Moses Simons, marked out as follows, with six small saplings iu the land of Samuel Chandler, and so DUXBURY RECORDS. 11 unto four dry stakes in the land of Moses Simons, and so unto five green stakes, which reach the other way. George Sole, Sen. William Clarke. Phillip Dellano, Sen. Henry Samson. Experience Michill. Rogkn Glass. Edman Weston. Joseph Prior. Francis West. Samuel Hunt. Abraham Samson. John Sprague. 1665. Honored Sir: Mj' due respects presented. I July 24. received your letter where in I understand you have Vol. 5. sold unto William Tubs the ten acres of land at Page 205. Namassakeeset, that we had of Mr. Brewster, for forty shillings ; the which I have accepted, and do therefore intreat you would be pleased in his behalf to record the same in your town books, that I have sold him, the said Tubs, his heirs, aud assigns for ever, the said land all my right aud title — thereunto, as witness my hand, this the first of November 1655. HOPSLELE FORSIER. Transcribed by me July 24th, 1665. Wm. Pabodie, T. C. 1665. These are to certify and testify unto all men, that July 24. I, William Brett of Bridgewater, sometime an inhab- Vol. a. itant of Duxburrough, did srvme years past, sell all Page 206. my lands, meadow and upland, to John Rogers of Marshfield, now deceased, lying in Matakiset, which was given to me by the town, to him aud his heirs forever. In witness whereof, I have set my hand July the 3d anno 1665. William Brett. Witness : Thomas Hayward. Transcribed by me July 24th, 1665. AVm. Pabodie, Toivn Clarke. 12 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1665. These are to certify and testify to all men that I, July 24. Thomas Hayward of Bridgewater, planter, some- Vol. 5. times an inhabitant of Duxburrough, did some years Page 206. since, sell all my land, meadow and upland, to George Russell of Marshfield, now deceased, lying at Matakesit, (which was given me by the Court at Plymouth,) to him and his heirs forever. In witness whereof I have set my hand July 3d, 1665. Thomas Hayward. AA'^itness : ( AVilliam Brett. I TnoiiAS Hayward. Transcribed July 24th, 1665 — by me, Wm. Pabodie, T. C. 1665. Know all men by these presents, that I, William June 23. AA''etlierill of Scituate, do acknowledge that I sold to Vol. a. John Rogers, Sen. of Marshfield, now deceased, ten Page 206. acres of upland lying at the North west side of Namassakeetpit brook, on the left hand of the high way as you pass from Plymouth to the great swamp, for the which land, the said John Rogers hath many years ago, fully satisfied me. AVitness my hand June 23d, 1665. William Wetherill. Transcribed by me July 24th, 1665. AVilliam Pabodie, T. C. 1665. Know all men by these presents. That I, William July 24. Pabodie of Duxburrough, have sold unto William Vol. a. Tubs of Duxburrough, ten acres of land which was Page 207. the house lot of Johu Brown, lying on the North side of the brook at Namassakeesit, which was bought of Jolm Brown, by William Pabodie, now sold to the said AVilliara Tubs, to him, his heirs and assignes forever. Witness my hand this 24th of July, 1665. William Pabodie. DUXBURY RECORDS. 13 1665. Be it Known unto all men, by these presents, that July 24. I, John Cary of Duxburrough, planter, iu the Colony Vol. a. of New Plymouth, do acknowledge to have made Page 207. over, and sold, all my right, title, and interest in two acres of meadow ground, be it more or less, lying upon the Norlh side of that land called Pine Point, from my heirs and assignes unto Steven Briant, his heirs, executors, administrators and assignes, of the sarae town of Duxburrough, planter. To the which bill of sale this 16th Jan'y in the year of Our Lord 1650 — by me John Cary. AVitness : f William Brett. ( John Shaw. Transcribed by me, Wm. Pabodie, Toivn Clarke. 1665. The town have granted to George Partridge fifty May 20. acres about Mill brook, near Namassakeesit, and Vol. a. have ordered Mr. Constant Southworth and Wm. Page 207, Pabodie to lay it forth, who have done accordingly. 208. Beginning on that side the brook towards Namassa keesit, on the North west side of the path, the path being the bounds on the south west side from a white oak tree marked on four sides, by the path side, a little beyond the *™°|,'' and so along the path half a mile towards Matakesit, more or less, to a red oak tree marked on four sides on the northerly side the path, for the length, and from that red oak marked tree, north westward about fifty rods more or less, to another white oak tree marked on four sides, for the breadth, and from that marked tree to another marked tree distant from the first mentioned white oak tree, about fifty rods north eastward. — These afore mentioned trees and path, to be the bounds. May 20th, 1665. 14 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1665. It was granted by the town that John Rouse of Aug. 10. Marshfield, shall have sixty acres of land, near Vol. a. Namassakeesit opposite to Geo. Partridge, his lands Page 208. on the other side the path in that tract granted to Marshfield and Duxbery by the County, upon the condition that Duxbery shall have liberty to dispose of sixty acres more (within the same tract) to any of their inhabitants, and have appointed William Pabody on their pai't, to lay it forth unto him. July 29th, 1665. The land above mentioned was accordingly laid forth, and bounded. F'rom a white oak tree marked on four sides, standing on the south side of the path, about twelve rods more westwardly than George Partridge his most westwardly marked tree, and from the white oak tree marked, about Sixty rods Southwardly to a red oak tree marked on four sides, aud from the first mentioned tree along the path to Duxbery ward, about half a mile, more or less, to another tree, a red oak marked on four sides on the south side of the path, about twelve rods to the westward of George Partridge his most east wardly raarked tree, and from that last mentioned marked tree southwardly about 60 rods raore or less, to another red oak tree marked on four sides. This parcel of land thus bounded, coLtaining about Sixty acres, more or less, was laid forth by Anthony Snow of Marshfield and William Pabodie of Duxbury. August 10th, 1665. 1666. The town have ordered Mr. Sebury and William May 12. Pabodie to lay out unto George Partridge forty acres Vol. a. of land on the west side the brook that runs out of Page 209. Island Creek pond, beginning at the mouth of the pond, which accordingly they have done, and bounded it with the brook on the East side and the path that goes towards Namassakeesit, to be the bounds, on the north side until you corae to the first old cartway that turns toward Jolm Rogers his DUXBURY RECORDS. 15 house, there being a red oak tree marked on four sides in the corner between the two ways, and then that path or way to be the bounds on the west side until you come to a little red oak sapling marked on four sides, standing ou the east side of the path, about seventy rods distant from the path and marked tree, more or less, and from the said sraall sapling eastwardly under the brow of a steep hill somewhat to the southward of a line of a little pond, to a red oak tree marked on four sides, a little distant from the brook, and so uuto the brook, for the South bounds of the said forty acres of land. May 12th, 1666. 1666. Know all men by these presents, that I, William July 18. Pabodie of Duxburrough, for, and in consideratioD Vol. a. of ten shillings to me paid, did sell unto George Page 209. Russell of Namassakeesit, (now decased) ten acres of land at Namassokeiset, lying on the south side of the brook and path, which ten acres the town gave unto me, and do by these presents make over the said ten acres, with all the appurtenances there unto belonging, to be the proper inheritance of said George Russell, his heirs, executors, administrators and assignes forever, after the date hereof. Witness my hand this 18th of July, 1666. William Pabodie. 1666. Whereas, the towns of Duxbury and Marshfield June 26. have granted unto William Clarke of Duxbury, sixty Vol. a. acres of land within that tract granted them by the Page 210. Court, and ordered Anthony Snow and William Pabodie to lay it forth, have accordingly laid it forth on the east side the great pond above Mamasakesit, beginning the measurement on the north side the Indian fence, from a red oak tree marked on four sides, and along the pond side, to another white oak tree marked on four sides standing on the northeast corner of thejlpond, and from that tree to the nearest part of the pond, and from that tree to another white 16 DUXBURY RECORDS. oak tree marked on four sides, northerly, or there about, about seventy rods distant, more or less, for the breadth, and so to another red oak tree marked on four sides, standing about Northeast from the first red oak tree marked, and so unto the pond, which trees and pond are to be the bounds of the above said sixty acres of land. June 26, 1666. No date. The town have given unto William Tubs, a certain Vol. a. parcel of land, about five acres, more or less, Page 210. bounded with the lands on the south side the brook at Namassakeesit, that were given by the Court to AVilliam Brett, between the said land and the brook, all the upland between the brook and Creek lot, being marked with divers trees, until you come to a low brushed swamp upon the edge thereof stauds a white oak tree raarked on four sides, and from that tree to three spruce trees that stand near together, and so with a straight line much about west until it meet with the brook. 1664. Be it known to all men whom it may concern, that Mch. 31. I, Constant Southworth of Duxburrough in the Vol. a. jurisdiction of New Plymouth in New England, for Page 220. and in consideration of three pounds in current pay in hand paid uuto me ; have given, granted, bar gained, sold, assigned and set over unto Roger Glass of the same town, certain parcels of land lying in Duxborrow, viz : ten acres of land more or less, lying about Hounds ditch, which was once Johu Tisdall's, sold by him unto AA^illiam Brett, and sold by AA^illiam Brett unto me. Constant Southworth, and now sold by me uuto Roger Glass, together with another parcel of land lying ou the east side of north hill, containing about five or ten acres, more or less, sold unto me Constant Southworth by Wil liam Brett, and now sold by me unto Roger Glass, all the said parcels of upland with all and singular the privileges and appurtenances there uuto belong- DUXBURY RECORDS. 17 ing, (always excepting the meadow lands there unto belonging with the liberty for a cartway to the said meadow,) and do by these presents, give, grant, bargained, assigned, and set over all the above recited premises, together with all the privileges and appurtenances there unto belonging unto Roger Glass, his heirs, executors, or assignes for ever, and do by these presents bind myself, my heirs and executors for ever, after the date hereof, from any just molestation, or claim or title in or for any of the above recited parcels of lands. In witness thereof, I have hereunto set my haud and seal, this last day of March One thousand six hundred, sixty and four. Constant Southworth. her mark X Elizabeth Southworth. Philip Delano. Wm. Pabodie. 1666. Know all men by these presents. That I, Daniel made Hicks of Scituate, in the jurisdiction of New Ply- 1643. mouth in New England, planter, for in concederation recorded of a sufficient sum of money to me in hand paid July 10, before the sealing and delivering hereof, by Thomas 1666. Bird of Scituate aforesaid, husbandman, have by Vol. a. these presents, do bargain, sell, assign and confirm Page 212, from me the said Daniel Hicks, my heirs, executors, 213. administrators and assignes, to him the said Thomas Bird, and his heirs, administrators, executors and assignes forever, the one half of a fifty acre lot of land, lying at (Mattacheesit within the township of Duxbury) that being that half of the said lot of land that lyeth to the south, the said lot joining to the land of George Russell, aud on the west it bounds on the land of John Hudson ; it is bounded on the one side with a white oak tree, on the other side with the marsh. To have and to hold the said southerly half of the above said fifty acres of land from me the said Daniel Hicks, and my heirs to him, the said 18 DUXBURY RECORDS. Thomas Bird, and his heirs and assignes forever, with all the privileges and appurtenances there unto belonging, or in any way appertaining there unto, and all ray right, title aud interest in the premises, or any part or parcel thereof. To be holden of our Sovereign lord the King as of his manor of East Greenwitch in the County of Kent, in free and com mon socage and not incapite, nor by Knight service, nor by rent and service thereof, and thre by deed of right accustomed, warranting the said sale and title of the premises against all persons whatso ever, from, by, or under, on the said Daniel Hicks, or by my right or title, clairaing any right, title or interest in the premises, or any part or parcel thereof, and I, the said Daniel Hicks do further covenant, promise and grant by these presents, that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Thomas Bird, either by himself or his attorney to record and enroll these presents, or to cause them to be recorded and enrolled in the Court of New Plymouth, according to the usual manner of recording and enrolling eve- dence. In witness of these presents, 1, the said Daniel Hicks, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this twenty ninth day of September Anno Dom 1643. Daniel Hicks. Signed, sealed and delivered in sight and presence of f Anthony Dodson. \ Edward AVright. On the fourth day of Oct. 1664, Anthony Dodson and Ann, the wife of Thomas Bird of Scituate, late deceased, appeared in Court and testified that this deed and the land therein expressed, was freely given by the said Thomas Bird unto the church of Duxborrough. Attested by Mr. Nathaniel Morton, Clerk of the Court for the jurisdiction of New Plyraouth. The deed above written and the land therein expressed, that was given by Thomas Bird of Scit- DUXBURY RECORDS. 19 .uate, deceased, unto the church of Duxbory, afteiwards was given freely by the church of Dux- burroug, unto John Holmes of Duxburruh to be the proper inheritance of the above said John Holmes, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns for ever, which deed is here truly -transcribed and re corded by order from the church by me, Wm. Pabodie. July 10th, 1666. 1665. The town have granted Samuel Chandler, Sixty Oct. 21. acres of land between Indian head river, and the Vol. a. great Cedar Swamp, with the condition that he shall Page 214. not sell it except to a townsman, and have appointed Samuel West and Phillip Delano, to lay it forth. We whose names are underwritten were appointed by the town of Duxbery to lay out the aforesaid land unto Samuel Chandler, by the great swamp. This land lyeth between the swamp and the Bay path, the range of the breadth of it, runs South east and North west, at the end, beginning at a Spruce tree, and so between a small red oak, and a white oak, and so to the Stoney Swarap, for the length, and thence to a great white oak marked. Samuel West. Phillip Delano. 1665. Witness these presents. That the town hath given 1667. unto Edward Hall ten acres of land, lying at Aug. 3. Namassakeesit, between the brook and the house lot Vol. a. laid out, unto John Ridby, which lot of ten acres, Page 213. more or less, the said Edward Hall sold unto Robert Barker as he sayeth, who hath now peacably enjoyed the same the space of seventeen years, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, and is approved (by the five men chosen by the town for that pur pose) to be recorded to the above said Robert Barker, his heirs, executors, administrators and assignes forever after the date herein, August 3d, 1665. Transcribed this 23d January, 1667. By me, Wm. Pabodie, Clark. 20 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1669. This may certefy any whom it may concern. That May 3. Lucy, the wife of R(>bert Barker did acknowledge Vol. a. the sale of a parcel of land lying at Bluefish river. Page 214. that was sometime the land of Solomon Learned, to be now sold unto Abraham Samson of Duxbury, and did freely resign up unto him, all interest in the sarae. Before me, Josiah AA^inslow, Assistant. 1668. Know all men by these presents. That I, George Nov. 17. Partridge of Duxbery, in the jurisdiction of New Vol. a. Plymouth in New England, planter, For and in con- Page 218. sideration of Eight Pounds, in current payd to me in hand, have by these presents, bargained, sold, enfeoff and confirmed, and do by these presents bargain, sell, enfeoff and confirm unto Thomas King Jun. of Scituate in the same jurisdiction, all my lot of land given me by the town of Duxbery, at or about Mill brook near Namassakeesit, containing fifty acres, more or less, bounded by the path on the southwest side, and four marked trees on the four corners of it, as may appear by the town books, being or lying within the township of Duxbery aforesaid, to have and to hold unto the said Thoraas King, his heirs, executors, administrators or assignes forever, from me, the said George Partridge, my heirs, executors and administrators forever, to be liolden of our Sovereign lord, the King, as of his mauor of East Greenwitch, in the Couuty of Kent iu the realm of E-iglaud, with warranty against all people, from, by, or under the title of George Par tridge claiming any right, title or interest of or into the said fifty acres of laud, or any part or parcel or appurtenances thereof what so ever, and the said Oeorge Partridge doth further warrant by these presents, that it shall and may be lawful to, and for the said Thomas Kiug, either by himself or by his attorney, to record aud enroll, or cause to be so DUXBURY RECORDS. 21 Nov. 17. recorded and enrolled, the title and tenor of these Continued, presents, in his Majesty's Court at Plymouth, Vol. a. according to the usual order and manner of record- Page 217, iug and enrolling deeds and evidence, in such case 218. made and provided. In witness whereof I, George Partridge have hereunto set my hand and seal, this seventeenth day of November, in the year of Our Lord one thousand six hundred aud sixty and eight. The mark ^ of George Partridge. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of j AVilliam Pabodie. \ John Cooper. This deed is truly transcribed by me, AA'm. Pabodie, Clark of the town. Nov. 17th, 1668. This deed was freely and fully owned and acknowl edged hy George Partridge above said, and Sarah, his wife before Wm. Bradford, Assistant. Anno Dom 1668, Nov. 17th. 1669. This writing witnesses that I, William Brett of Mch. 30. Bridgewater in the Colony of Plymouth, have sold A^ol. a. unto William Pabodie of Duxborrough, all those Page 219. lands, upland and meadow, given rae by the Court, and laid out to me near the North Hill meadow, and lying upon the Brook usually called the South river brook, I say sold to him, his heirs, executors and assignes for ever, and by this writing give him full power to have it confirmed by the order of the Court ; these lands lying in the town of Duxbor rough, and the places above mentioned, with the consent of my wife. In witness whereof I have set my hand March 30th, Anno Dom 1669. Witness hereunto — j Thomas Hayward, Sen. { Thomas Hayward, Jun. 22 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1669. Know all men by these presents, that I, Samuel Aug. 17. Eaton of Duxbery in New England, on the one party Vol. a. (have sold unto Josiah Standish in the township of Page 221. Sandwich, in New England, on the other party) all my lands, housing, fencing, now belonging to me iu Duxbery, containing forty acres of upland, more or less, with three acres of meadow land, which I pur chased of Constant Brewster, lying against the lands of Henry Howland, by the bay side, all these lands with the orchard. Housing, fencing now upon it, with all the privileges and appurtenances there unto belonging, and do by these presents, in consideration of Twenty Pounds already paid in hand, bargained, given, sold and set over unto the above said Josiah Standish, all the above said lauds. Housings, fenc ings and orchard, all the immunities, privileges and appurtenances there unto belonging, unto the said Josiah Standish, his heirs and assignes, to have and to hold from the date hereof forever, and do by these presents bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators forever, from any let or hinderence, unto the above said Josiah Standish, his heirs, executors and assignes, frora the quiet peacable enjoyraent thereof forever, after the date hereof, in witness whereof I have set my hand and seal, this seventeenth day of August in the j'ear of Our Lord one thousand six hundred and sixty three. , The mark of Samuel (S) Eaton. The mark of Martha (C) Eaton. and a seal {[j Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of (' William Pabodie. ( Alexander Standish. Transcribed in 1669 by rae, William Pabodie, T. C. DUXBURY RECORDS. 23 Samuel Eaton and Martha his wife, acknowledge the sale of the land expressed in" this writing before me, John Alden, Assistant, the day and year above mentioned. 1669. May the third 1669. The town of Duxbery have May 3. granted that Antony Snow of Marshfield, shall have Vol. a. Sixty acres of land within that tract which was given Page 222. by the Court to both towns, aud have appointed Mr. Constant Southworth to join with one of Marshfield to lay it forth. December 30th, 1669. Laid out unto Anthony Snow of Marshfield, Sixty acres of land granted him by the towns of Duxbery and Marshfield, lying on the northerly side of the lands of Joseph Green, bounded on the northwest corner by a black oak marked on four sides, and so by Joseph Green's eastward by line, and so down to a red oak marked, standing on the brow of a hill on the eastwardly of a pond called Hobomacks pond, about a hundred and twenty rods, taking in a bit of two or three acres from the last mentioned tree, to a pine tree marked on two sides, and so to the pond, closing with Green's land, and from the first mentioned tree, about eighty rods towards the north east to a little oak, standing in a swamp, and then an hundred and twenty rods on the same point as the first line, to a white oak standing on a hill marked on four sides. Josiah Winslow. Constant Southworth. 1670. The town have given unto Experience Mitchil Oct. 10. fifty acres of land on the south side of rocky plain Vol. a. near Namassakeesit, and appointed Constant South- Page 215. worth and Wm. Pabodie to lay it forth, who accordingly did, and bounded it as follows, viz. : — From a spruce tree marked on four sides, standing on the edge of the swamp near Rocky plain, and ou the westwardly side of the bay path, and from that said marked tree, with a sti-aight line South and by 24 DUXBURY RECORDS. eastward by a range of marked trees and across the bay path to a little white oak tree marked on the top of a little plain on the eastward of the path, con taining about eighty rods, for the breadth, and from tbat white oak marked tree, East and by Northward, and along a range of marked trees extending about one hundred rods in length, to a tree marked on four sides, and frora that last named tree, along a range of marked trees North by AVestward to a red oak tree marked on four sides, standing on the top of a hill to the Northward of a little run, and so with a straight line west and by southward aloug the edge of the Rocky plain to the above said spruce tree. This is the bounds of the above said fifty acres of land, more or less, October 10th, 1670. William Pabodie,' Clark. 1670. The town have given unto Francis AVest, about Oct. 10. thirty acres of laud on the East side of Experience Vol. a. Mitchils lands near Namassakeesit, of the same Page 216. breadth with the said Mitcliels his land, and so extending Eastward to a marked tree near a little run in a swamp, about sixty rods distant from Mit- chels land, the tree marked is a maple tree. p William Pabodie, T. C. 1670. The town have granted, that William Tubs shall April 19. have about 30 acres of land, more or less, near Vol. a. Namassakeesit, bounded by the lauds given unto Page 223. AVilliam Tubs formerly by the Court, for the South wardly bounds, Matakesit brook the Westwardly bounds, and the lands formerly given by the town to AA^illiam Tubs, George Russell's for the Eastwardly bounds there being a range of trees marked, on the AA^estwardly side of George Russell, his land, the bouuds thereof. The above said laud was viewed and bound by Constant Southworth and William Pabodie. April 19th, 1670. D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 25 1670. Laid forth unto Abraham Peirce, about 30 acres April 19. of land joining uuto that land he bought of Thurston Vol. a. . Clarke, lying on the Westwardly side of Namassa- Page 223. keesit brook, bounded from the said land by the brook Southwardly, about 60 rods, and to a maple tree marked, and from that tree Westwardly to a white oak tree marked in the woods at the upper corner, and so with a cross line to his above said land bought of Thurston Clark. April 19th, 1670. Constant Southworth. William Pabodie. 1670. Whereas, the town have appointed Mr. Constant June 24. Southworth and Phillip Delano, and William Pabodie Vol. a. to bouud men's lauds. We the above named, have Page 223. ranged and bounded out unto Joseph Prior, ten acres of land lying between or beyond or towards the mill on the fresh marshes, as you go from the meeting house to the mill, that path being the bounds on the East side, and a piue tree marked on the path side of the land, and so from that tree we.st north west ward to a little red oak tree marked, standing upon the top of a hill, a little above the head of the old fleld, and East south eastward to the path that goes to the mill, and so along the path to the mill wards about 32 rods to another little red oak tree marked, and so along a west north west line to another red oak tree in the old fleld, and so aloug to another little red oak tree marked, above the old field, for the northerly bounds, the two uppermost marked trees, being the westwardly hounds of this laud, containing in length about 52 rods, and in breadth 32 rods. Transcribed by me, William Pabodie, Clark. 1672. The town have given uuto Experience Mitchill, five May 6. acres of Swampy meadow land, lying toward the Vol. a. head of Pudding brook, near Namassakeeset. The Page 216. town a,ppointed Eobert Barker and Wm. Pabodie to lay it forth unto him, who accordingly have done. 26 D UXB UR Y RECORDS. and bounded it by or with the said Pudding brook on the North side, and the upland on the South side, the East bounds are two trees marked, a little to the Eastward of a small run or creek, that comes from the swamp or mill brook and falls into Pudding brook, and from those two marked trees downward the said brook to a little red oak on the south side of Pudding brook and that said creek and a pine tree a little to the Southward, being the West bounds, containing six acres, more or less. May 6th, 1672. 1672. Whereas, Mr. Constant Southworth, Phillip Del- June 24. ano. Sen. and William Pabodie, were appointed by Vol. a. the town to bound out men's land. We the above Page 224. named have bounded out to John Holmes ten acres of land, bounded on the south by the land of Joseph Prior, and on the east end by the path that goes from the meeting house to the mill, and two marked trees on the north side ou white oak tree which stands about 16 rods frora the path, and a pine tree up in the woods west north westerly, and so with a straight line South south westward to a little red oak tree raarked, at the head of Joseph Priors land, for the Westward bounds. This parcel of land contains about 52 rods in length aud thirty-two in breadth, also another parcel of land at the head of John Washborn Sen, his land, from a little swamp or spring the south bounds, and the said Warshborn Sen, his land, the East bounds, and so along North wardly to a little red oak marked, standing upon a hill side, and from thence along a little ridge West wardly to a pine tree marked, and so to the mill path for the north westwardly bounds, and so along the path Southwardly, the said path being the West wardly bounds, till it comes to the path called Wyborns path, and a little red oak tree marked, and so along that path to three trees marked red oak all DUXBURY RECORDS. 27 upon one root in the said path, and so to the swamp or spring before spoken of. Transcribed by me, William Pabodie, Clark. June 24, 1672. 1674. A mutual agreement between William Papodie May 26. and Experience Michill, made and concluded by free Vol. a. consent on both sides, concerning bounds of land Page 224. between them, are as follows, (viz) From a small white oak marked by the meadow side, and from thence to a walnut tree marked, and from thence to a white oak marked, and from thence by trees marked, to a white oak sapling marked by the brook side, near Samuel Hunts field, and from thence the brook is the bounds between them upward. This agreement was made March, 74. This above written was, with the consent of both parties above named, here recorded, this 26th of May 1674. William Pabodie, Clark. 1679. We whose names are underwritten, do here by July 24. declare what we have acted by order from the town Vol. a. of Duxbury, which is in manner as followeth. The Page 225. land which we have layd out. is bounded as follow eth. Beginning at the land which was formerly Capt Churchs, it is bound with the Indian head river to the north, and so goeth along the Indian head river about three score rods, more or less, until it meet with a walnut tree, standing just by the river side, marked on four sides, and from that walnut tree with a straight line, about six rods, raore or less, southwardly to another walnut tree marked, and so with a straight line eastwardly to another tree marked, standing about twelve rods from the river, aud so bounded eastwardly by the land formerly sold to Capt Church, by the town aforesaid, which land 28 DUXBURY RECORDS. we have layd out to Jaraes Bishop by order of the- town of Duxbury, this 22d day of May, 1679. AA^itness our hands : Josiah Holmes. Francis Barker. This was recorded by order of the town of Dux bury, July 24th, 1679, by AA^iLLiAM Pabodie, Clark. 1679. Laid out unto Daniel Alden, forty acres of land' July 24. or there about, on the west side of South river, on Vol. a. both sides of the highway that ooeth over the river. Page 225. a little below the land of Cai)t Church, which laud lyeth on the east side of the river. Beginning to measure a little below the beaver dam, at a white oak tree, or bush marked, and so extending AA'"est north westwardly from the river by the bush afore said, about 60 rods to a pine tree marked, standing a little to the northward of the highway, and then from that said pine tree North north eastwardly through a corner of a swamp, and by the swamp' bounded on the west side until it meet the river, about one hundred and ten rods, below the above said white oak bush, a little below the beaver dam, the river being the eastwai'dly bounds of the said 40' acres of land. This was ordered by the town of Duxbury to be recorded July 24, 1679. AA^iLLiAM Pabodie, Clerk. A way to be allowed through it. By John Tracy, John Soule, AVm. Pabodie — July 9th, 1679. 1679. Laid out unto Johu Wadsworth, six acres of land July 24. lying on the west side of his meadow land at South Vol. a. River, beginning at a white oak tree marked, stand- Page 226. ing about three, or four rods from the said meadow,. and so extending westwardly from the meadow by the said white oak marked tree, two or four and. D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 29 twenty rods to a pine tree marked, standing on the top of a hill with some stones about it, and from that said pine tree southwardly, about fifty four rods, to a red oak marked tree, and then from that said red oak tree, with a straight line eastwardly to another little red oak tree marked, standing a little to the westward of the meadow, and so with a straight line to the said meadow, about twenty four rods, and by reason of this breadth of twenty four rods at each end, we allowed, upon consideration that the afore said meadow doth run into,, and so take away from the middle of the land, as much as we allow upon the ends. July 9th, 1679. John Soule. John Tracy. AVm. Pabodie. This was ordered, to be recorded, by the town of Duxbury, July 24, 1679. William Pabodie, Clark. 1679. Laid forth unto Nathaniel Cole, about twenty six July 24. acres of land lying on the east side of South river Vol. a. toward the head thereof, and joining to the lands of Page 226. Ralph Thacher on the south side thereof, and extending southwardly from the said Thacher's land four score rods, more or less, to a red oak tree, standing about four rods to the eastward of the river, and so running with a straight line from the said river by that said red oak marked tree to another red oak tree marked, standing about thirty rods from the said river, and so from that last said marked red oak tree with a straight line northwardly to another red oak tree marked, near Mr. Thacher's •land, to the above said river, being about twenty six rods from the last said red oak tree marked to the said river. This land was laid out and bounded, as abov« 30 DUXBURY RECORDS. said, the ninth day of July, by said John Tracy, John Soule, and AVilliam Pabodie. This was ordered to be recorded by the town of Duxbury, July 24th, 1679. Wm. Pabodie, Clark. 1678. Whereas the town of Duxbery May 25th, 1674, Sept. 23. gave unto Edward Southworth the liberty to change Vol. a. his two lots of land in the woods that were formerly Page 227. the lands of John Washborns, and to take the like quantity elsewhere where it might conveniently be had. Now so it is that we whose names are under written, being empowered on that account, have bounded out unto the above said Edward South- worth, a like quantity of land of the above said two lots, which were sixty acres, between the great cedar swamp at Namassakeesit and the old bay path and Indian head river, viz : We began to measure at two great walnut trees standing close by the said river side, there being a great rock in the river, and a cow track going over the said river, both a little below the said two walnut trees, and all near the northwest corner of the said great Cedar swamp, and we measured from the said two trees, westwardly, and by the said river 60 rods, allowing the said river to be the northerly bounds where we met with the old bay path, and there raarked a white oak tree for the head bounds, then we measured along the said bay path southwardly, eighty rods, and marked a walnut tree standing on the west side of the said path, there being a great stone about two feet to the west of the said walnut tree, allowing the said old bay path for the westwardly bounds. Again we measured from the above said two walnut trees standing by the river side, southwardly, about twenty rods, there marked a white oak tree, having a crotch with another tree fallen there in, for the southwardly cor ner bounds, and so a straight line being drawn from the said two walnut trees by the river side unto this last mentioned white oak tree with a crotch and DUXBURY RECORDS. 31 marked, we allowed for the easterly bounds, likewise also a straight line being drawn from this said oak tree with a crotch, and marked, unto the above said walnut trees standing on the west side of the old bay path and marked, we allowed for the south wardly bounds, also finding the northwest corner of the great cedar swamp to fall a little within the eastwardly bound line, and near unto the above said two walnut trees standing by the river side, therefor we allowed a cartway or a highway round the corner of the said swamp, uuto the river, that so there might be a free passage for carts on the narrow side of great cedar swamp, unto the Indian head river, and the reason why we allowed the eastmost line but twenty rods, and tho. westmost line along the old bay path, eighty rods_ is because we find the river to have a bow or considerable crooks in it towards the north, which gains land proportionably to what one line is shorter than the other. This parcel of land containing Sixty acres, more or less, is bound as above expressed, was done with the consent and satisfaction of Edward Southworth above said, this 23d day of September, 1678, by John Soule and William Pabodie. and so approved by the town, aud so be recorded. William Pabodie, T. C. 1680. Laid out unto Peter West, about thirty acres of Aug. 17. land upon the Southwest corner of Daniel Alden, Vol. a. his land, on the west side of South river, bounded Page 228. on the easterly side by a straight line from the path, and by a white oak tree on .four sides, standing southwardly of the path, about 10 or 12 rods, and so about a south southwest course or point to a red oak tree marked, standing on the side of a hill about 90 rods distant from the said path, for the length of the land on that side, and from that red oak tree marked on four sides with a straight line west north- DUXBURY RECORDS. westwardly about 60 rods, to a rock with stones up on it on the plain, there being a small pine tree raarked, standing about 8 feet to the eastward of the rock, for the south westwardly bouuds, and breadth of the land, and from that rock with a straight line north north-eastwardly, about 50 rods, to a red oak tree marked on four sides, standing on the south side of the path, for the westerly bounds, and then the said path to be the northwardly bounds, until it meet with the beginning of the first line. On the easterly side, this land was measured and bounded as above said, this 27th day of May, 1680. John Soule. AA'illiam Pabodie. Ordered by the town this day, 17th of August, to be recorded to him. . Aug. 17, 1680. William Pabodie, Clark. 1680. Laid out unto John Dillano, about ten acres of Page 228. land to the eastward of his house, viz. By the land Vol. a. of Edman Weston, on the east end, and by the path that goes from the mill to south river, on the north side, and by a white oak tree marked on four sides at the west end, and by the lands that were some time George Pollards lands, on the south side, being about 20 rods in breadth, and 80 rods in length. By John Soule and AVilliam Pabodie, and ordered by town this day, 17th of August to be recorded August 17th, 1680. William Pabodie, Clark. 1675. AA^'hereas the town of Duxbury, May 22d, 1675, May 22. granted that Nathaniel Brewster should have that A''ol a. grant of land formerly made to Joseph Rodgers, Page 229. about the old tar pits, laid forth uuto him, as near according to grant as may be, and did appoint Phillip Dillano, sen., and AA''illiam Pabodie to bouud it unto him. Now so it was, the above named per- D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 33 sons, Phillip Delano and AA''illiam Pabodie, have en deavored the same according to the best light we have, and therefore on May 22d, 1677, we the above named, went up to the old tar pit, and we began to raeasure on the west side the country road, a little southward of the tar pit, at a white oak tree, which we marked ou four sides, and from thence we meas ured westwardl}' and along the south side of the pond, about flfty rods, to a little red oak sapling, marked on four sides, standing on the south side of a little hole or pond of water, then again we meas ured from the above said white oak, marked tree, southwardly Six score rods, marked a range of trees on the north and south sides, till we came to a white oak tree, which we marked ou four sides for the length of the laud, and from that last said white oak tree we measured westwardly about Seventy rods, marked a range of trees on the east and west sides until we came to another white oak tree, which we marked on four sides, for the breadth of the land, then we marked a range of trees on the north and south sides, in as right a line as we could, be tween the last said white oak marked tree, and the red oak sapling marked, that stands by the little hole of water above mentioned, for the westwardly bounds of said land, containing in all, about fifty acres of land. Recorded according to order. AVilliam Pabodie, Clark. 1680. Where as the town of Duxbury January Slst, Jan. 31. 1680, did give liberty unto Josiah Holmes to Vol. a. exchange a parcel of that land formerly given by Page'230. the town to Mr. Holmes, situated, or lying upon the hills or raised plains, on the easterly end of Robert Barker, Sea., his land, near the head of Robinson's creek, and appointed John Tracy, John Soule and William Pabodie, or any two of them, to bound it out to him. 34 DUXBURY RECORDS. Now so it is that we whose names are under writ ten, repaired to the plains aforesaid, and there measured out unto the said Josiah Holmes, and on the southwest side of those lands formerly laid out unto George Russell's heirs, about twenty four acres of land, bounded at the head with a pine tree marked on four sides, being the southwest corner bound, and so with a straight line to a red oak tree marked, standing on the west side of the path that goes from Pudding brook to the head of Robinson's creek, which said tree was the south east corner bounds, of Mr. Holraes his land aforesaid, containing or extend ing in breadth on the south east end, about 52 rods and 36 rods in the narrowest end, and about 80 rods in length, upon consideration of the surrender of all those lands lying on the south east side of a little run of water that coraes from the lands of Robert Barker aforesaid, and falls into Robinsons creek, the said run uow being the bounds of the said Holmes's land, until it coraes to a red oak tree marked, standing on south east side of said run, and with a straight line to run to the above said red oak raarked tree standing on the westerly side of the path that goes from Pudding brook to the head of Robinsons creek, and so to the North river, contain ing ahout 25 acres more or less, which is to return and remain to the towns commons. These bounds were set, and lands measured, this, the first d.ay of May, 1682, by John Soule. AA'illiam Pabodie. By order of the town, AA'm. Pabodie, Clark. 1682. The town of Duxborrow have granted unto Wil- Aug. 26. liam Clarke of Duxberrow, about fifty or sixty acres Vol. a. of land lying a little to the westward of the South Page 231. river, and Goodman AVadsworths land in Duxbor row, always provided there shall be a highway DUXBURY RECORDS. 35 allowed through the said land, either where it now goeth, or as convenient, upon consideration that the said William Clarke shall surrender his grant of land about Matakeesit to the town, quantity for quantity. Whereas the town of Duxborrow Aug. 26th, 1682, granted unto AA''illiam Clark by way of exchange, a parcel of land lying on the westward of South river and Goodraan Wadswprths land, situated in Dux borrow. AVe, whose naraes are underwritten, being ordered 1682. by the town to bound and range lands as occasion Aug. 26. shall require, have bounded out the above said par- Vol. a. eel of land unto AVilliara Clark, viz : We began at Page 231. a red oak tree marked on four sides, standing to the eastward of William Clark's house, and a little to the southward of the highway, or path, and a little brook, where the brook and path cross each other, and from that red oak marked tree with a straight line, west south westwardly half a mile or 160 rods, to another little red oak tree marked on four sides with stones about it, and from that last said red oak marked tree, with a straight line north north west wardly to another small red oak tree marked on four sides with stones about it, about sixty rods, for the breadth of the said parcel of land, and then with a straight line from the last said red oak tree, to a stake with stones about it, standing upon the plain about 160 Rods distant, and about east north east from the last said tree, and about 60 rods, and about north north westward from the first said red oak tree marked, standing on the south side the above said brook and path. This parcel of laud was bounded and laid out the 14th day of November, 1682 — by John Tracy. Wm. Pabodie. and voted by the town of Duxborrow to be recorded. Mch 26, 1682-3. 36 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1682-3. AA'hereas, the town of Duxborrow did formerly March 26. grant unto Henry Samson, of Duxborrow, a small A'ol a. parcel of laud near Robinsons creek, in Dux- Page 232. borrow, and the record of the said parcel being burnt with the Clerks house, the said land should be again recorded in the towns books. The bouuds of said parcel of land are as followeth, viz. AVest- wardly it is bounded witli the meadow of Robert Barker, northwardly by the land of Robert Sprout, of Scituate, southwardly with the land formerly granted to George Russell's children, and so runs half a mile in length towards the south eastward, from the above said meadow at Robinsons creek or brook. by me, AA'illiam Pabodie. Ckii-k. 1682-3. Whereas, the town of Duxborrow, May 16, 1682, March 26. gave Lieutenant Robert Barker a small parcel of A'ol a. land lying ou the north side of his own land, ^^hich Page 232. lay on the north side of pudding brook, and ou the east side, the path that goeth frora pudding brook to Berstowe's bridge, and appointed John Tracy, John Soule and AA'ra. Pabodie, or auy two of them to lay it out unto him. AVe whose names are under written, the 2'Jth day of M.iy, 1(382, bounded out the said parcel of laud as followeth, viz. AVe began at the bounds of the said Barker's land by the side of the above said path that goeth from Pudding brook to Berstows bridge, aud along that path northwardly to a little white oak tree, which we marked ou four sides, standing a little southwardly on Marshfield highway, aud theu by a straight line eastwardly to a red oak tree, marked on two sides eastward and westward, and so right to another red oak tree, (and across Marshfield path) marked on two sides, eastward and westward, and then with a straight line north-eastward, about 55 rods, to a pine tree, marked on four sides, and then with a straight line south-eastward, about ten rods, to a D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 37 white oak tree marked ou four sides, and then with a straight line southwardly about flfty rods, by a piue tree marked on the North and South sides, to the above said Marshfield path, and then the said path to be the bounds eastward towards the head of said Barkers land. This parcel of land containeth about twelve or thirteen acres of land, more or less, was ordered by the town of Duxborrow, to be re corded in their town records. John Soule. March 26, 1682-3. AVm. Pabodie. Wm. Pabodie, Clark. 1683. This writing doth witness an agreement between June 4. Alexander Standish and AVilliam Pabodie, both Vol a. of Duxborrough, in the jurisdiction of New Plym- Page 178. outh in New England. Viz, the above said Alex ander Standish having a certain parcel of meadow land lying by the oay side, and on the south side the creek called the Eagle, partly against John Sprague's land, and partly against the above said Pabodie his land, and having no way to it by land, but over other men's land. Now, so it is, that the said Alexander Standish hath bought a way, or liberty with egress aud regress for cart or foot, over the said Pabodie's land to said meadow, and hath freely and fully, and absolutely given the said Pabodie about one acre of land for said way, the land joins to said Pabodie's land on the west side, and is bounded by the New highway that goeth be tween Thomas Boney's and the said Pabodie's land, till a little to the southward of Pabodie's land and spring, and then it is bounded by a white oak tree raarked on four sides, and then with a straight line, south-eastward to another white oak tree marked on four sides, and so with a straight line south-east ward to a red oak tree marked on four sides and on that said south-east line to a stone set in the ground a little to the westward of a white oak tree, which stone is the bouuds between the lands of William 38 DUXBURY RECORDS. Brewster. Alexander Standish and AVilliam Pabodie. This parcel of land, thus bounded as above said, containing one acre, raore or less. I, the said Alex ander Standish, hath given uuto the said William Pabodie, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, forever, with wood, water, stones, privi leges and appurtenances there unto belonging, on the other side I, the said AA'illiam Pabodie, hath freely, fully and absolutely given and granted liberty and privilege unto the above said Alexander Standish, he, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, forever, to pass over my land to his meadow laud, for cart and foot, for cutting, making and carting of hay, or anything about fencing of said meadow, forever, only if the said Paybode or any after hira shall see cause to fence in any land that lyeth right in the direct way to said raeadow, then the said Alexander, nis heirs and assigns shall pass on this side of the fence, or on that side the said fence where tl.;ey shall like best, but if they can not pass ou either side of said fence conveniently for hills or dirt, then they shall have liberty to pass through the said fence at gates or bars, which they who erect the fence shall make, and then the said Alexander shall pass on this side, or on that side, any corn, or plowed land within the said fence when there shall be left convenient room for carting, but if no convenient place be left for carting, then the said Alexander, he, his heirs and assigns, shall have liberty to cart over the corn or plowed land without any interruption of me, the said AVilliam Pabodie, my heirs and assigns, forever, provided still, that the said Alexander, his heirs and assigns, shall care fully at all times shut such gates, and put up such bars as they shall have occasion to open, or make use of in carting or passing to or from the said mea dow, that so the said Paybodie nor any that succeed him be not damnified there by, and further more, we the above said Alexander Standish and William Paybodie, have agreed to put this writing or instru- DUXBURY RECORDS. 39 ment, upon the public records of the towu of Dux borrough. In witness whei'e of we have here unto set our haud. Dated, June 4, 1683. Signed in the presence of David Alden, Alexander Standish. John Rouse. AA^illiam Paybodie. 1682. AVe whoes names are under written, being ordered Feb. 26. by the town of Duxborrough to bound the land for- A'ol. a. merly granted by the Court to Mr. AVilliam Collier Page 233-4. at North hill in the township of Duxborrough afore said, have accordingly done the same, viz : We began the bounds on the north side of North hill, at a hollow or low place where the water some tiraes runs out of a swamp on the east side, iuto a swamp on the west side, the swamp ou the east side being the bounds of the said land ; until it meets with a small strait of upland between two swaraps, where stands a white oak tree marked on four sides for the bounds, the place or strait of land is commonly called Bilingsgate. and so southwardly the swamp at the east side being the bouuds, until it comes to another strait or ridge of land, where stands a red oak tree marked for bounds, and so southwardly, a swamp beiug the bounds on the east and south east side, until it coraes to a hollow or low place on the southwardly side or end where the water some times runs out of the said swamp into North hill meadow, and then that said hollow or low place, to be bounds on the south and southwest side or end, the said hollow or low place hath three white oak trees marked ou the north side thereof, and then bounds to go from the most north westw.ard marked tree, with a straight line westwardly over a small neck of upland aud a small meadow swampy, to a white oak tree marked, ancl so along westwardly to a red oak 40 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1682-3. tree marked, then with a straight line westwardly to Mch 26. a rock, about one rod to the southward of the brook, A'ol. a. and so with a straight line westwardly to two small Pnge 233-4. maple trees standing together marked, and then witb a straight line, from said maple trees northwardly to a cedar tree marked on two sides. Southward and Northward, and then with a right line northwardly to a stake, aud then from that stake westwardly with a straight Hue, to a red oak tree marked, standing a little to the southward of the meadow, and then from that last s.iid red oak tree with a straight line north wardly, and across the meadow, to a small white oak tree standing on the north side of said meadow, and then from that last said white oak tree, the upland to be the bounds on the west side of the meadow all along northwardly until it comes to a pine tree marked, standing on the west side of said meadow, aud then from that pine with a straight line north eastward to a small maple tree marked, standing on the southwardly side a little run or brook, and then easterly by the run or brook, being the bounds on the northwardly side or end until it meet with North hill brook, aud theu the said North hill brook to be the bounds on the west side, until it comes to a maple tree marked, standing ou the east side, the brook, and then the upland to be the bounds on the East side, and so aloug southward till it conies richt against a small point of upland belonging to North hill, and then around a little swamp, the swamp 1682-3. being the bouuds of the upland, uutil it comes to the Mch 26. first said hollow, or low place where the water runs A'ol. a. sometiraes out of the East swamp, into the last said Page 234. swamp, being westward, there beiug a red oak tree marked, standing about oue rod to the southward of the said run or hollow place. This parcel of land was bounded the 26th day of February. 1682. by John Soule. AA'illiam Pabodie. aud allowed by the said town of Duxburrough to be recorded Mch 26th, 1682-3. William Pabodie, Clark. DUXBURY RECORDS. 41 1683-4. AA'here as, we whose names aie under written, are Feb. 23. appointed by the Towns of Duxburrow and Marsh- Vol. a. fleld to run the lines, and settle the bouuds between Page 235. the townships of Duxburrow and Marshfield, as by tlie records of the said towns doth appear. We have accordingly run the said lines and settled the bounds as followeth, viz : Frora the roek that is flat on the top near the house of Clement King, Northwest to the North river, and have marked several trees in the range, and about 12, or 15 rods North eastward of Samuel Hach's house we raised a heap of stones, and from the said rock South east to the cart way between Sarauel and Seth Arnolds, where we raised a heap of stones, and from thence to Green's harbour fresh, the path to be the bounds, and on the Elastward side of said fresh, just above where the said way goes through it, we raised a heap of stones, and from hence on a straight line to a tree of white oak, with the top broken off, called Poles, which said tree stands by the cart way, just where an old foot path turns out of it towards Carswell, and between tbe said ways, and from thence on a straight line to the Southwest side of Edward Bump's laud, so called where he formerly lived at Duck hill, taking in the said sand some times the said Edward Bumpusses to the township of Marshfield, and these bounds afore said to be the bounds between the said townshires of Duxborrow aud Marshfield for ever more. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands the three and twentyeth day of February, 1683-4. AVilliam Pabodie. Nathaniel Thomas. John Teacy. Samuel Sprague. Transcribed and recorded by me Rhodoi.phus Thacher, Clerke. May 22d, 1684. 42 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1684. May the third, 69. The town have sold unto June 17. Benjainine Church a certain parcel of meadow at A''ol. a. Namassakeesit, lying between Matakesit brook. Page 236. Indian head river and Sedar swamp, ten acres, for Six pounds, lying together and more to the of twenty acres for ten shillings an acre if he please, aud have chosen Mr. Constant Southworth aud Wil liam Paibody to lay it forth unto him, and give him a deed for the same in the Town's behalf. Transcribed and recorded by me, Rhodolphus Thacher, Clerk. June 17th, 1684. 1684. AVhere as the town, May third, '69, did sell unto June 14. Benjaraine Church, ten acres of meadow land for A'ol. a. Six pounds, and what more he would, not exceeding Page 236. ten acres, for ten shillings an acre, and he, at a town meeting May the twenty third 1670, desired but five acres more, that is fifteen iu all, AVe who were appointed by the town to lay it forth and bound the said land, have accordingly done, viz : The Eastward bounds Namassakeesit River from the mouth of Indian head River to the coming in of the Great Cedar Swamp brook into Mattakesit river, and up that said brook unto a white ash tree marked by the brook side, and from the mouth of Indian head river, to a point a little above a creek where there is a maple tree marked, Indian head river being the Northern bouuds, aud from that said marked maple tree, with a straight line to the above said ash tree marked, for the westwardly bounds. This laud was laid out and bounded as is above expressed, this first day of June 1670, by Constant Southworth and AA^m. Pabodie. Transcribed and recorded by me, Rhodolphus Thacher, Clerk. Juue 14, 1684. DUXBURY RECORDS. 43 1684. The bounds of George Russel and John Russels June 21. raeadow is as followeth, viz : ou the north westerly leaflet side with the raeadow of John Hudson, and the souta marked easterly side with a small white oak tree raarked, a. and so to run south west and by south by No page, stakes in said meadow to the river. John Soule. John Tracie. June 21st, 1684. 1684. The bounds of Lieut. Robert Barker's land on the June 21. North river, which was laid forth to Thomas Bird of leaflet. Scituate is as followeth, viz : frora a great white oak tree which is the bouuds of George Russels lot, so to run westerly to a tree raarked, ancf so on the same line to the meadow, and frora the above said white oak tree to run North and by East, to a sinall red oak tree marked, and from thence to run north west to a st.ike and heap of stones, and so to run westerly to a leaning white oak tree marked, stand ing by the river side, and the said river and meadow to be the westerly bounds uutil it meet with the first mentioned line. John Soule. John Tkasie. June 21st, 1684. 1684. The bounds of Robert Barker Sen'' lands, on the July 12. westerly side of Naraasakeesett brook is as foUow- leaflet eth, viz : On the south side, by the land of AVilliam a. Tubbs Jr and bounded at the head, a,t the Northwest corner with a red oak tree marked on four sides, and from thence running easterly to a stake with a heap of stones, from thence, more Northerly, to a red oak tree marked, and from thence running North East, and by East to a white oak tree marked on four sides, and so ou the same line to said brook which is the Northeasterly bounds. John Soule. John Trasie. July 12th, 1684. 44 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1684. The bounds of the lands of Robert Barker Sen"" July 10. lying ou the Easterly side of Namassakeesit brook leaflet or river is as followeth, viz : a. On the westerly side butted by said brook, and bounded on the southerly or south west side, with a rock by the highway near said brook, and so along said highway to a white oak tree marked, and so running South East nearest, by a range of trees marked, to a stake with a heap of stones, which is the southerly corner bounds, and from thence run ning Northerly for the head bounds by a range of trees marked, to a red oak tree marked on four sides, aud thence from said tree, running westerly to a great white oak tree marked on four sides aud 1684.* from said tree rnuuing with a straight line to a pine July 10. tree marked on four sides, which said tree is the leaflet corner bounds of John Hudson's lot, which said lot a. is the northerly bounds, till it coraes to said John Hudson's meadow, and frora said meadow to be the bounds till it meet with Pudding brook, and said brook to be the bounds till it falls into Naraassekeesit river, with all the meadow lands within these bounds, lying ou the Easterly side of said river. By us, John StiuLE. .John AA'adsworth. John Tracie. July 10th, 1684. 1684. The bounds of the meadow of George Russels is June 21. as followeth viz: Bounded ou the southerly side leaflet with Pudding brook, aud Easterly and Northerly, a. with the land of Robert Barker Sen"" till said laud, and said Pudding brook meet together, which said meadow is the three acres of meadow excepted in the record of Robeit Barker Jr. John Soule. John Trasie. June 21st, 1C84. DUXBURY RECORDS. 45 1684. The bounds of the lands of Thomas Rogers of Juue 21. Namassakeesett, and granted to Mr. AA'illiam AVis- wall, AVilliam Brett, Thomas Hayward an Thoraas Robins of Duxbury at Mattakesit is as followeth viz : Bounded on the Easterly by the brook or run, on the southerly side with a small red oak tree marked, and so luuuiug North north west by several marked trees iu said range, to a stake and stones, which is the south westerly corner bouuds, and on the north erly side by a maple tree marked, standing by the said brook, so running along by the high way to a small sassafras tree marked in a swamp with a heap of stones, which is the North westerly corner bounds. John Sjule. John Trasie. Juue 21st, 1684. 1684. The bounds of the lands of Robert Barker Sen"', June 21. on the north side of Pudding brook, is as followeth, leaflet. viz : Bounded on the northerly side with the land of George Russel, only extending more Easterly to a stake for the head bouuds, and from the said stake by a straight line crossing the road to the afore said brook a little below the bridge, and so bounded by the said brook, till it falls into Mattakesit river, which said river is the westerly bounds, with all the meadow within these bounds, excepting three acres of meadow lying next to Pudding brook. By us, John Soule. John Trasie. June 21st, 1684. June 21. The bounds of the meadow granted to William 1684. Tubbs Sen' now in possession of John Hudson is as leaflet. followeth : Bounded on the northerly side with Pud ding brook, and on the Easterly side with the land 46 DUXBURY RECORDS. of John Hudson, on the southerly or south west side, with the land of Robert Barker Sen"' till the land of said Barkers land and said brook raeet together. John Soule. John Trasie. June 21st, 1684. 1684. The town of Duxburrow have granted unto John Juue. Russel of the said town, twenty acres of land lying Vol. a. at a place coraraonly called Robinson's creek. Page 237. bounded Northerly or towards the North East, with the land granted unto Henry Samson, to the west or north west, partly the raeadow of Robert Barker, and partly with the two acres of meadow granted by the town of Duxborrow unto the said John Russel, Southerly or towards the South west, with the land that Josiah Holraes exchanged with the towu of Duxborrow which was formerly the land which was given unto Mr. Johu Holmes, and the said twenty acres of land is by the town graut to extend half a mile in length towards the south east together with one acre of raeadow, bounded ou the North, or towards the North East, with the raeadow of Robert Sprout, to the East or inclining to South Blast with the upland granted to Henry Sampson, to the south west, with the land of said Sarason, and to the AVest, or inclining to the North west, with the land of the afore said Henry Samson of Duxborrow. Recorded by m Ehodolphus Thacher, Clerk. the hands of those appointed by the town to order such matters, whose names are as follows : John Tracy. John Wadsworth. John Soule. This 17th of June, 1684. DUXBURY RECORDS. 47 1684. The town of Duxburrow having made choice of June 17. Ensign John Tracy, John Soule aud John Wads- Vol. a. worth, (as doth appear by the records of said towu) Page 238. to be a comraittee to run ranges, and to consider what are men's just and lawful rights and titles to land, and possessions, by such light as to them shall appear, that by order frora thera the above said committee, to the town clerk, the said land and pos sessions might be committed to public town records, where record doth not appear. The above said committee doth begin amongst the inhabitants of Matakeesit, or the lands adjacent there unto, June 17th, 1684. We run the head line of the fifty acre lot granted to AVilliam Tubs Sen, now in possessioii of John Hudson as followeth. Beginning at a pine tree marked on four sides, (being the corner bounds between Goodman Paibody's land, granted him by the town, and now in the possession of Lieu Robert Barker) and so frora the aforesaid pine tree to another pine tree marked on two sides, and so to a small white oak tree marked, and so to a small red oak marked, and so to a small white oak tree marked, and so to a stake with a ditch or trench, about it, and so by a straight line to the brook or meadow, and this line runs East north east nearest. by us .John Tracy. John Soule. John AVadsworth. 1684. The testimony of William Pabodie, aged 64 or June 4. there about, Saith that Mr. Constant Southworth Vol. a. and rayself being employed by the town of Duxbury, Page 238-9. to lay out a parcel of land for William Tubs, near Namassakeesit in the township of Duxbury afore said. We the above named, did bound it out unto him on the south side of Pudding brook, the said brook and meadow were the bouuds on the north 48 DUXBURY RECORDS. side, aud two trees which we marked were the bounds on the south side, and frora the meadow, which was the bound of the west end, it was to extend half a mile iuto the woods. The ahove written I shall tes tify upon my oath, if legally called there unto, as witness my hand .Tune 4th, 1684. AVilliam Pabodie. Transcribed and recorded by me, Rhodolphus Thacher, Clerk. 1684. The bounds of the meadow of George Russel and .July 10. Thomas Rogers of Marshfield is as follows, viz : — A'ol. a. Bounded on the northerly side by the meadow of Page 239. Robert Barker Sen, and AA^esterly by the upland, and Easterly by the brook, and Southerly by a white oak tree marked, standing by the upland, and from thence running South east and hy P^ast nearest, to a stake, aud so to the brook. John Soule. .John AA'adsworth. John Tracy. July 10th, 1684. 1684. The bouuds of the lauds of Thomas Rogers of June 21. Marshfield, granted to Mr. AVilliara AVitherel, AA'il- Vol. a. liam Brett. Thomas Hayward and Nicholas Robins Page 239. of Duxborrough at Matakesit is as followeth, viz : Bounded Easterly by the brook or River, on the Southerly side with a small red oak tree raarked, and so runuiug North North west by several marked trees iu the range to a stake and stones, which is the south westwardly corner bounds, and ou the North erly side, by a maple tree marked, standing by said running brook, so runuiug aloug by the high way to a small sassafras tree marked, in a swamp, with a heap of stones, which is the Northwesterly bounds. By us, John Soule. John Tracy. June 21st, 1684. DUXBURY RECORDS. 49 1684. The bounds of the land of James Bishop, is as Oct. 20. followeth, viz : Begining at a white oak tree marked Vol. a. on four sides, which said tree is the corner bouud of Page 240. said land, and from thence. North North East, with a range of trees marked on two sides, to a red oak tree marked on four sides, by the side of Abraham Pierce's laud, which said tree is <^^he corner bound of said Bishops laud, and from thence, westerly, to a spruce tree marked on four sides, and so to a black oak tree near the out side of Cedar Swamp and with said brook southwardly to the old bay path, whieh said path and brook are the corner bounds of said lands, and by the path to a white oak tree marked on four sides, and from thence Easterly nearest to tbe flrst said corner bound, the path being the south erly bounds of said land. July 10th, 1684. John Tracy. John Soule. John Wadsworth. Recorded by Rhodolphus Thacher, Town Clerk. this 20th Oct., 1684. 1684. The bounds of the land of John Rogers of Marsh- July 10. fleld, lying on the Easterly side of Namassakeesit Vol. a. brook or River, is as followeth, viz : butting westerly Page 240. upon said brook, and bounded on the North east side by the land of Robert Barker Sen. and on the south side by a red oak tree marked on four sides, and from said tree running north west nearest to said brook, and from the aforesaid tree south east nearest to a red oak tree marked, for the Southwest side corner bouud, and from said tree, by a north east line to a stake with a heap of stones, which is Robert Barkers corner bound, which is the head 50 DUXBURY RECORDS. bouud of this lot. This lot bath an allowance in the breadth for that the high way goeth through it. July 10th, 1684. By us. John Soule. John AVadsworth. John Tracy. 1684. The bounds of Lieutenant Robert Barker's land, June 17. is as follows, Begining on the North side of Pudding Vol. a. brook, where Plymouth road goes over the brook on Page 242. the eastern side the said road, and so bounded by the path, to a small white oak tree marked, from thence easterly to a black oak tree marked, from thence northerly to a pine tree marked, from thence easterly to a white oak tree raarked, from thence Southerly to a pine tree marked, there meeting with Marshfleld road, and so by an easterly line to a great pine tree marked on the north side, of Marshfleld road, from thence upon a square line to a spruce or white pine tree marked, and by the same line to Pudding brook, with all the meadow land on the north side of the brook within these bounds, as also all the meadow land on the south side of Pudding brook, from the afore said road up the afore said brook, to the upermost rock iu said brook, a little below Beaver Dam. June 17th, 1684. By us, John AVadsworth. John Soule. John Tracy. Transcribed and recorded by me, January 12th, 1684. Rhodolphus Thacher, Town Clerk. 1684. The bounds of Lieutenant Robert Barker's land July 12. at the North River, whieh was laid forth to Thomas Vol. a. Bird of Scituate is as followeth, viz : From a great Page 243. white oak tree which is the bounds of George Russel DUXBURY RECORDS. 51 lot, so to run westerly to a crooked tree marked, and so, on the same line to the meadow, and from the above said white oak tree, to run North and by East, to a small red oak tree marked, and from thence to run North AVest to a stake with a heap of stones, and so to run Westerly to a leaning white oak tree by a roek marked, standing by the River side, and so the River aud Meadow to be the Westerly bounds until it meet with the first mentioned line. June 21, 1684. By us, John Wadsworth. John Soule. John Tracy. Transcribed and recorded by me, Rhodolphus Thacher, Toivn Clerk. Jany 22, 1684-5. 1684. The bounds between the meadow of Lieutenant July 12. Robert Barker, and the upland of John Hudson, Vol. a. lying on the southerly side of Pudding brook, to the Page 242. easterly side of the road is as followeth, viz : Begining at a small white oak tree marked on four sides, standing square with the rock in the brook, which is the upermost bounds of said Barker's meadow, and from said marked tree to an ash tree marked, so to a maple tree marked, aud so to a spruce tree marked, and so to another spruce tree marked, and so another spruce tree marked, and so to a maple tree marked, and so to a white oak tree marked, and so to another white oak tree marked, and so to a birch tree marked, and so to said Pudding brook. The above mentioned bounds were made and con cluded by a mutual consent, and agreement betweeu said Barker and said Hudson. 52 DUXBURY RECORDS. In witness here uuto they have set their hands July 12th, 1684. The mark of (O) John Hudson. Robert Barker. Iu presence of us witnesses : John AVadsworth. John Soule. John Tracie. Transcribed and recorded hy me, Rhodolphus Thacher, Clerk. Jany 13, 1684-5. 1684-5. The bounds of Mr. AA'illiara Kemps at the North Jany 22. River is as followeth, viz : Vol. a. Butted and bounded on the Northern End and Page 244. Easterly side by said river and meadow, frora a heap of stones raised between two sraall trees marked, which is the AA'esterly bounds of said Kemp's lot, and the bounds between Mr. Williara Witherly's lot and said Kemp's lot, which heap of stones is near said North River, aud from thence, running with a straight Hue, East South East nearest, to a rock with sorae stones upon it, for the AVesteily head bounds, frora thence by a straight line, East North East, nearest, for the head line, to a walnut tree standing by the raeadow side, raarked on four sides, with all the raeadow lying and beiug on the Westerly side of said North River, from the Easterly bounds of Lieu Eobert Barker's raeadow, running down said River to bounds of the meadow of George Russel, lying near the niouth of a creek coraraonly called Robinson's creek. Juue 20th, 1684. By us, John AVadsworth. John Soule. John Tracy. Transcribed and recorded by rae, Rhodolphus Thacher, Clerk. DUXBURY RECORDS. 53 1684. The bounds of the meadow at Robinson's creek June 18. the line between George Russel's meadow towards Vol. a. the head of the creek, and the meadow of Robert Page 245. Barker Sen is frora a white oak tree marked by the meadow side, by a line running East South East nearest, across the said meadow to a r^d oak tree marked on the other side of the meadow, these are to be the bounds of Robert Barker's meadow toward the South west, aud the bounds toward the north east are from a red oak tree marked, by the side of Mr. Seabury's land, running East and by north to a maple stump marked, in the raeadow, and so to a stake, and so upon the sarae line to the creek, con taining all the meadow within these bounds. June 18th, 1684. John Wadsworth. John Soule. John Tracy. Transcribed aud recorded by me, Rhodolphus Thacher, Clerk. Jany 22d, 1684-5. 1684-5. The Bounds of the meadow of Robert Barker Sen, Jany 23. lying upon the North River, over against a place Vol. a. commonly called l-almer's Landing place, bounded Page 245. toward the East North East, from a tree stump with a heap of stones at the root, by a North North East line by two stakes in the meadow, to the afore said River, a little to the westward of the mouth of a little creek, and so up the River, untill the upland and the River meet together, containing all the meadow land within these bounds. June 18, 1684. By us, .John Soule. John Wadsworth. John Tracy. Transcribed and recorded by Rhodolphus Thacher, T. C. Junuary 23d, 1684-5. 54- DUXBURY RECORDS. 1684-5. The Bounds of the land of Robert Baker Sen, on Jany 23. the North side of Pudding brook, are as followeth. Vol. a. viz : Bounded on the Northerly side with the land of Page 246. George Russell, ouly extending more Easterly to a stake, for the head bound, and from the said stake by a straight line, crossing the road, to the afore said brook, a little below the bridge, and so bounded by the said brook, till it falls into Mattakesit River, which said River is the AA'estwardly bounds, with all the meadow within these bounds, excepting three acres of meadow lying next to said Pudding brook. Jan. 24, 1684. John AA^adsworth. John Soule. John Tracy. Transcribed and recorded by Rhodolphus Thacher, Clerk. Jany 23d, 1684-5. 1683. In the year 1659. At a towu raeeting the 19th May 21. day of January, The town granted to Mr. John Vol. a. Alden Sen, all that piece of coraraon land, from the Page 246. south of Phillip Dillano's, that is to say on the south side of his laud, and from the westerly bouuds of said side upon a south, and so along the head of the above said Johu Aldeu's lot until it comes to a point, uot running the whole breadth of his lot. Recorded by order of the town, 21st May, 1683. By me, Rhodolphus Thacher, Clerk. 1685. The Bounds of the lauds of Isaac Peirce, on the July 21. westerly side of Namassakeesit brook or River, are Vol. a. as followeth, viz : Bounded on the Easterly side by Page 246-7. said brook, and on the Southerly side by a red oak tree marked, near the said brook, so running west erly to a white oak tree marked on four sides for the DUXBURY RECORDS. 55 head bound, and on the Northerly side, by a red oak tree marked, near said brook, and so running AVest- erly to another red oak tree marked, and so to a stake, and from said stake running Southerly, for the head line, to the aforesaid white oak tree marked. These bounds were set by the free consent of Abra ham Peirce, July 13, 1684. Transcribed and recorded by ra Rhodolphus Thacher, Clerk. July 21st, 1685. 1684. The Bounds of the Upland of Samuel West, of Oct. 18. Duxborrough, forraerly granted to James Lendall, Vol. a. is as followeth, viz Page 247. Bounded on the easterly side by a white oak tree, standing near the Mill brook, which is the bounds of the land of Francis West, aud so by said land to an other white oak tree marked, and from thence by a square line for the head bound, to a red oak tree raarked, and so to the brook, and so bounded by said brook. Oct. 18, 1684. By us, John AA'adsworth, John Soule, John Tracy. 1684. The Bounds of the upland lauds, formerly granted Oct. 18. to William Hilier and George Poiard, and now iu Vol. a. possession of Samuel West, is as followeth, viz Page 247-8. Lying ou the south side of a swamp, and the west side of the Stony or Mill brook, running up said brook from the north side of said swamp, south and by west. Eighty poles for the breadth, and to a red oak tree marked with stones, from thence by trees marked running west south west to a white oak tree marked, for the corner bound, frora thence by trees marked with heaps of stones by them, ranging to a white oak marked, by Green's Harbour brook, with 56 DUXBURY RECORDS. a heap of stones by it, and from said tree, running eastwardly upon a straight line to a red oak tree marked, at the head of aforesaid swamp, and so running a long said swamp on the north side to the homestead, or house lots, with all the meadow land on the north side of said brook lying before the land. pet. 18, 1684. By us. John Wadsworth, John Soule, John Tracy. 1685. The Bouuds of the Meadow of Isaac Pierce, is as Dec. 25. followeth. Bounded westerly by the uplands, and Vol. a. northerly by the meadow of Abraham Pierce, and Page 248. easterly by a white oak tree marked, standing near said brook. July 10, 1864. By us, John Soule, John AA'adsworth, John Tracy. Recorded by me, Rhodolphus Thacher, Clerk. Dec. 25, 1685. 1685. AVe whose names aie under written being chosen Feb. 18. by the town of Duxborrough to lay out land, we Vol. 249. have Laid out unto AA'illiam Clark, fifty acres of land forraerly granted unto Stephen Briant, and since granted to Clark, and is bounded on the north east side by the line between Marshfield aud Duxburrow, and is bounded at the foot of a small red oak tree, marked, by Abraham Holmes' land for the north east corner bouuds, so running along said line to a pine tree marked, being in length 160 Rods, and DUXBURY RECORDS. 57 from said tree, running south west nearest, in breadth 50 rods to a red oak tree marked, for the south west corner bound, and by a red oak tree marked, for the south east corner bound. John Soule, John Tracy. This above written was approved by the town, and Recorded by me, Rhodolphus Thacher, Clerk. 1685. Duxburrough, Feb. 18, 1685. Feb. 18. The laud of Edward Southworth was Vol. a. ranged by us, viz John Soule, Abraham Samson, Page 250. Jun'' and Thomas Dellano, and it is as followeth. From a stake aud a heap of stones near the Ruins of Rose old house, and from thence by another line a little westerly 50 Rods to a red oak tree marked, and from said oak tree westerly to the old path that leadeth to Marshfield, and then by said path to the highway, lately set forch, and then by said road easterly to the land of Goodman Siraons, and then said Siraons' land to be the bounds with the points thereof to the Marshlauds, and then by the Marsh bouuded to the Mill brook, and by said brook and Mill pond, to the aforesaid stake and stones. The above written was approved by the town, and Recorded by me, Rhodolphus Thacher, Clerk. The land of Captain Church, laid forth by us, John Soule Abraham Sampson Jun"" and Thomas Delano, F'ebruary 18th 1685, and begineth at a stake and stones near the ruins of Rose old house, and then by another line, a little westerly 50 Rods, to a red oak tree marked, and then by a westerly line to another red oak tree marked, and from said red oak tree by a south line a little easterly to a stake and stones, near the upper part of the Mill pond, whieh said south line is the east side of Ed- 58 D UXB UR Y RECORDS. mond AVeston's land, and the AA'est side of Ed mond AA'eston's laud, begineth ou the north side of a swamp that leadeth down to the Mill brook, and a white oak marked, a distance from the swamp, and so by a north line a little westerly, to a great crooked red oak, and from thence to the red oak marked as aforesaid. The head of Captain's land. The above written was approved by the town and Recorded by me, Rhodolphus Thacher, Clerk. 1684. The Bounds of Mr. AVilliam Witherel's lot at the Jan. 20. North River, is as followeth, viz Bouuded on the Vol. a. easterly side by Mr. Keraps land, and south westerly Page 251. for the breadth, to a heap of stones between the laud granted to John AA^illis, and in possession of Lieutenant Barker, aud for the length, by a line running north north west to said River, and south south east to a stake by a swamp's side, and from thence east north east to a rock with stones upon it, which is the south west corner bouud of Mr. Kemp's lot. But finding this lot to be but twenty two rods in breadth, it is added at the head from the afore said stake, 32 rods to a stake standing in a swamp towards George Russel's laud, aud from thence 22 rods to another stake, and from thence more northerly 6 rods, to another stake, and frora thence by a square line to a stake by Mr. Kemp's head line. June 20th, 1684. By us, John AA'adsworth, John Soule, John Tracy, 1686. March 30, 1686. —AVe John Soule. Abraham Sam- Mch. 30. son, Jun''. aud Thomas Dellano, ranged the land of Vol. a. Elder Cushman, ot Plymouth, lying near Jones River Page 249. bridge in Duxborrough. Beginning on the north east corner, at a walnut tree marked, and so by a DUXBURY RECORDS. 59 west line unto the Marsh above tho bridge, where we marked a red oak, aud then bouuded by Marsh aud River, to the land of Joseph AA'adsworth, where we marked a red oak, and then by an east line to the mouth of the River aforesaid, aud so by the line where the walnut tree standeth, where we began as aforesaid. The above written was approved by the town, and Recorded by me, Rhodolphus Thacher, Town Clerk. 1685. AA''e whose names are underwritten, being a true Oct. 25. and lawful Jury, have according to order of Court, Vol. a. bounded out the road frora Marshfield bounds, to Page 241. Plyraouth road, which is in manner as followeth, Begining at Green's Harbour brook, there we marked a red oak ou the AVestwardly side of the road, so laying out the beaten road, or old cart way to the Mill Bridge, for the King's highway, bounded on the AA'esterly side with several trees raarked with three chops iu every tree, still keeping the beaten road until we came to the above said Plymouth road. Further also, we laid out the high way frora Jones' River Bridge, unto the North river bridge, near as the beaten road now Ij'eth, and Bounded it out with several trees marked with three chops in every tree, and heaps of Stone on the AA''estwardly side of said road or King's high way. Elnathan AVeston. Edward Southworth. John Sprague. Isaac Barker. Abraham Sampson. Francis Barker. Lieut. Barker. Cabet Sampson. John Russell. Benjamin Bartlett Jr. Josiah Holmes. This 24th Oct., 1684. Transcribed and Recorded by me, Rhodolphus Thacher, Toivii Clerk. Oct. 25th, 1685. 60 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1686. 1686, the 9th of December, AVe John Soule and A'ol. a. Thomas Delano, Laid out the land to John Thoraas. Page 251. Beginning at a heap of stones, and a stake on the Dec. 9. North west side of a path coming from Marshfield, to a place called Diugley s AVolf trap, and so from said stake by a south west by west line, a little west erly four score rods, to a pine tree marked, and then by a South east south, by a range of trees, to a small pine tree marked, and theu squaring, to a maple tree marked, and then by its square to the stake and stones afore said. The above written was recorded by me, Rhodolphus Thacher, Toivn Clericus. 1087. At a town raeeting 20th Sept. 1687. Sept. 20. The town did quit tbeir claira to Great AA'ood A'ol. a. Island, and gave tlieir consent to the recording of it Pcige 252. to Simon Rouse. B3' uie, Rhodolphus Thacher, Town Clericus. 1684. The bounds between the raeadow of John Hudson, July 12. and the upland of Lieut. Robert Barker lying upon A'ol. a. the North River aliove the bridge, raade and con- Page 254. eluded by a mutual consent, and agreement between the said Hudson, and said Barker, and is as follow eth, viz : Begining at a white oak tree marked on four sides ranging with a raaple tree, which is the bouud of the meadow, aud from said white oak tree running to another white oak tree marked, and so to another white oak tree marked, aud so to another white oak tree marked, and so to another white oak tree marked, and so to another white oak tree marked, and so to another white oak tree marked, aud so to another white oak tree raarked, and so to a raaple tree raarked, and so to another white oak tree marked, and so to another horn bound tree, and so to another horn bouud tree marked, and so to a maple tree marked, and so to another maple tree DUXBURY RECORDS. 61 marked, and so to a heap of stones by said river side. Aud in AVitness here unto they have set their bauds this July 12th 1684. In presence of us AA'ituesses John Soule. John AA'adsworth. John Tr.4.cy. The above wiitten was transcribed and recorded by me Rhodolphus Thacher, Town Clerk. 1684. The Bounds of the upland of AA'illiam Tubs Sen. .July 12. is as followeth viz : Vol. a. Bounded Easterly by the upland of John Russel, Page 256. and AVesterly by Namassakeesit brook or river, aud so said brook to be the bound up to a small brook, which brook falls into said Namassakeesit brook, which said small brook is the head bound, ranging Easterly till it meet with the land of John Russell, formerly granted to John Rouse Sen"' of Marshfleld. July 11, 1684. By us, John Southworth. John Tracy. Transcribed and Recorded by me, Rhodolphus Thacher, Town Clerk. 1683. AVhere as in the year forty the Bounds of Duxbor- May 14. rough was set by the Court of New Plymouth, and Vol. a. it was ordered by the said Court that the raeadow at P. 255-6 the Gurnet should belong to said Duxborrow, and about the year Sixty, the said raeadow was disposed of by the town of Duxborrough, as followeth To Frauds AVest, Edward Weston, Williara Clarke, Zacariah Soule, Joseph Alden, John Soule, and ordered Lieutenant Sarauel Nash, and Phillip Delano to lay it forth the said meadow unto the above said men ; which was accordingly done, and bounds made, and was recorded in the towu books ; But 62 DUXBURY RECORDS. since that time, the said books being burnt, these records were lost. But the fourteenth day of this instant, the new proprietors met together whose names are as followeth, Samuel Seabury, in the right of Francis West, Edward Southworth in the right of Edmond AA'eston, Samuel AVest in the right of Wil liara Clarke, Jonathan Aldeu in the right of Joseph Alden, -John Soule in the right of Zachariah Soule, Josiah Howland iu the right of John Soule ; And on the said fourteenth day renewed the bounds of the raeadow, which said hounds are as followeth : The first lot, Edward Soiithworth's, on the South of the Gurnet creek, and said creek to a rock aud a heap of stones, being the bounds thereof, and from said rock and stones, to a white oak and cedar marked, and stake aud stones by the creek, ranging with the high land of Saquaquash. To Joseph Howland, beiug the second lot, and from said oak and cedar, to a cedar stump and stones, and by a stake and stones to the creek. To Jonathan Alden beiug the third lot, and from said stump, and stake aud stones, to a cedar tree raarked, and by a stake and stones to the creek. To Samuel West, being the fourth lot, and from said tree and stake along the beach to a place where the salt pan stood, and by a stake and stone, and range of stakes to the creek that makes the Gurnet Island. To Samuel Seabury, being the fifth lot, and from said range of stakes, up the beach as far as the meadow doeth go. To John Soule, being the Sixth lot, leaving the Island to said proprietors undivided. Dated May Uth, 1688. The above written was transcribed and recorded by me, Rhodolphus Thacher, Town Clerk. 1684. The Bounds of John Hudson's meadow, is as fol- June 21. lows. Upon the North River above the bridge. Vol. a. running up the said river, bounded by the river and Page 262. the uplands to a maple tree marked, aud from said D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 63 tree to run South west and by South nearest, to a stake iu the raeadow, and so to said river. June 21st, 1684. By us, John Soule. John Tracy. 1692. Whereas there has been some controversy between Mch. 11. the Town of Duxborrough, and Major Josiah Wins- Vol. a. low of Marshfield respecting the bounds of marsh Page 252. between them. The said town of Duxbury having by an order of that town bearing date, the twenty- first of May 1674, enpowered Mr. John Alden Sen"^. Mr. Samuel Seabury, AVilliam Pabodie, John Tracy and John Soule, or any three of thera to treat with said Winslow, aud make a full issue and settlement of the said controversy as by the said order, is more fully expressed. Be it kuown that on the 16th day of June 1674, Mr. Samuel Seabury, AVilliam Pabodie, John Tracy 1692. and John Soule, above said, met together, and after Mch. 11. some agitation and treaty with the above said Josiah Continued. AVinslow, agreed as followeth. Thatthe bounds be- Vol. a. tween the said Major Josiah AVinslow aud Town of Page 252-3. Duxbury shall be and forever remain, and be known by these boundaries by us jointly set, and estab lished, viz. At the westerly, or south west corner of the said Major's marsh, by a stake and little hole cut in the marsh on the easterly side of Careswell creek, and so to another stake and hole cut iu the marsh, bearing easterly nearest, from tbe first stake and hole, and is by a creek that runs easterly into the creek or river that leads towards the said Major's house, being from that second stake bounded by that creek as it winds and runs to the mouth of it, or falling into the said Majors river, and then cross ing that river easterly, is still bounded by another creek alraost opposite to the former, going out of the said Majors river easterly, and is the creek that 64 DUXBURY RECORDS. runs a little to the northward of a little wood island, the said creek to be the bouuds as it flows, or runs up easterly or northerly, in its various turnings and windings, up to a hole cut in the marsh and stake pitched, near the said creek, and from that hole and stake, by a straight line to another hole cut in the marsh and stake near the river side, that runs up towards Gottom raeadow, and bounded by that river, one reach of the said river which runs, by estimation, north east nearest, about twenty or thirty rods, into a little creek on the easterly side of the last men tioned Gotom river. And frora the mouth of said little creek, by a -Straight line to the north west corner of the marsh of Johu AVashburn's or John Hobbes, and so as the said Hobbs, his marsh ruus to the cut creek. Aud have also agreed, that ou consideration of the above mentioned agreement and settlement, the town of Duxbury shall allow, ratify, and confirm the sale of a certain tract of meadow or marsh, by the said AVinslow, formerly sold unto William Pabodie and Johu AA''ashburn aforesaid, lying near the mouth of the above said cut creek. And finally, we the above mentioned Josiah Wins low, Samuel Seabury, AVilliam Pabody, John Tracy and Johu Soule, have agreed that this instrument being brought to public record, shall be a final and pupetual issue of the above said controversy. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hand the day aud year above written. Josiah AVinslow, Samuel Seabury, AA^iLLiAM Pabodie, John Tracy. John Soule. The instrument above written was transcribed aud recorded by me, Rhodolphus Thacher, Town Clerk. March 11, 1692. DUXBURY RECORDS. 65 1689. At a Towu Meeting in Duxburrough 22d Jany, Jan. 22. 1689. The town did give uuto AVilliara Tubs, thirty Vol. a. acres of land lying against said Tubs, his meadow. Page 254. upon condition that he the said Tubs, does bear his part to the maintenance of the ministry, and other town charges, if it be to be had on the lower side of the broad cart way to the broad meadow. By me, Rhodolphus Thacher, Town Clerk. 1693-4. In Reference unto the agreement of John Sprague Mch. 22. and his mother, (^ now Ruth Thomas ) at Plymouth, Vol. a. iu court June 6th, 1683, about the bounds of their Page 257. land in Duxbury. We whose names are underwrit ten, being employed about that business, have to the content and assent of both parties, settled the bounds of said land as followeth viz : From a white oak tree, with a straight line to a stake about the head of the creek, and so with a right or straight line from said tree up to a stake and stones, till it meet with the highway according to record Oct 8th, 1683. John Tracy, John Soule, Wm. Pabodie. The above written with the two words interlined ( and besides the three words scratched out ) was truly transcribed out of the original agreement, and recorded by order. By me, Rhodolphus Thacher, Town Clerk. This 22d March, 1693-94. 1690. The bounds of the laud of William Tubs jun'' on No date, the Westerly side of Namassakeesit brook is as fol- Vol. a. loweth, viz : Butted on the Easterly side and upon Page 257. said brook, aud ou the Southerly side by the road, to a small sassafras tree marked with a heap of 66 DUXBURY RECORDS. stones, and on the Northerly side with a birch stump near the mill, and so to a red oak tree marked, and so to a stake by a rock with stones upon it, which said sassafras tree and said stake and rock, is the head bouuds, and is recorded by order of the Com mittee to ruu ranges. pr me, Rhodolphus Thacher, Toivn Clerk. 1690. AA^e whose names are underwritten. Laid out unto Feb. 21. John Soule, Land formerly granted uuto Zachariah A'ol. a. Soule, beiug on the AA'est side of Pudding brook. Page 258. We began at a great white oak tree and run 40 rods AA^est by North, and raarked a red or black oak tree with 4 marks, and from thence. South by AVest 160 rods marking many trees, and at the corner of the lot on said line, we marked a tlrfif ing white oak, and from thence we ran East aud by South till we came to the brook aforesaid and the said brook the bound of the said land on one side 40 acres, raore or less, this 21st day of Feb., 1690. Recorded by rae, , Rhodolphus Thacher, Town Clerk. 1694. AA'here as Isaac Lobdin did unadvisedly cut down April 5. the Ancient Bounds mfii-^AjStite which was the cor- Vol. a. ner bound&aif}^oi\between Mr. Alexander Standish Page 250. his land, and tbe said Isaac Lobdin his land. We the above said parties, to prevent future differences and wrong, are mutually agreed, and have deter mined that the stump of the said Ancient bound marked tree, shall still -remain the same bounds as before, said Isaac Lobdin raising a monument of stones upon said stump and round about it, and fur ther, we the above named, are agreed and determined that the walnut tree marked on two sides, standing near the above said stump, shall always stand as a direction to the old boundary. Recorded by consent D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 67 and order of Mr. Alexander Standish and Isaac Lobdin this 5tb of April 1694. pr me, Rhodolphus Thacher, Town Clerk. 1694. The town have granted to Joseph Peterson, about April 25. 30 acres of land lying betweeu Philip Lenard's and A'ol. a. the South river. Page 259. By Alexander Standish, Town Clerk. 1694. At a town meeting, the town of Duxborrough have April 25. granted to AA''illiam Boney, about twenty or thirty A'ol. a. acres of laud lying betweeu Johu Boney's land and Page 259. Edward AA'eston's laud, by the old Bay path, leaving sufficient way for conveniency. pr. Alexander Standish, Town Clerk. 1694. By order from the town, AA'e, Thoraas Delano, Oct. 23. and Abraham Samson, laid out unto John Boney a A'ol. a. tract of land granted unto him by the town of Dux- Page 260. burrough on the back side of the Cedar Swamp. AVe began a little way from the third brook on the North side, where we marked a white oak tree by the path, and another by the swamp, for the South end, and then bounded by the path unto the fourth brook, where we marked a white oak tree, and so bounded by that brook to the swamp, being twenty five acres, or there about. Recorded by me, Alexander Standish, Clark. 1695. We whoes names are underwritten, laid forth unto May 13. James Bishop a sraall tract of swarapy land in Dux- Vol. a. burrough, viz. between three or four acres, lying Page 260. adjacent to Indian Head River, bounded as follow eth, viz : I]as.terly with the land formerly sold by the town of Duxborrough to Mr. Benjamin Church, 68 DUXBURY RECORDS. begining at the Southwesterly side of s.aid River and so it ruus fourteen rods Southwesterly with the line of the afore said land that was sold to Mr. Benjamin Church, and at the end of the fourteen rods, it runs about sixty rods with a straight line to an elm or live oak tree marked, standing about seven rods distant from the said Indian Head river, and with a straight line to a walnut tree standing by the said river side, and so bouuded with the said river downward until it meet with the aforesaid land of Mr. Benjamin Church now in possession of John Rogers of Marsh field, and others. Laid out in the day and year above written. By us, Ensigne Francis Barker. Josiah Holmes. pr Alexander Standish, Town Clerk. 1695. AA'e whose naraes are underwritten being appointed Oct. 30. by the Town to lay out 30 acres of land for Joseph A'ol. a. Peterson, lying upon the town line between the land Page 261. of Phillip Lenard and South River, and accordingly we have laid it out, and the bounds are as followeth : AA'e began and bounded it with a white oak.^stake and stones at the North East corner, and so makiug the corner line his bounds, till we came to a small black oak tree, which is marked on four sides, making the said tree his North west bound, and then Southwardly by a range of trees marked until we came to a red oak, which we marked for his South west corner bouuds on four sides, and from said tree we ran south east for his Southerly bouuds, until we came to a birch sapling being in a swamp which we marked ou four sides, and then making a straight line from the birch north, to the fore naraed stake and stones, for his Easterly bounds. Abraham Sampson. John Soule. pr Alexander Standish, Toivn Clerk. DUXBURY RECORDS. 69 1696-7. We whose names are underwritten, laid forth to Feb. 24. Josiah Kein, Sen, a tract of land containing thirty Vol. a. acres, the said laud, Josiah Kein, Jun" bought of Page 243. Francis West. The aforesaid land is bounded as followeth. To the south west of Pudding brook, and from the said brook with a straight line to a pine tree marked, and so runs away easterly with a straight line from the aforesaid Pudding brook and the pine tree, to a white oak tree marked, and from the said white oak tree, the same line to the land of Josiah Kein Sen, and so bounded easterly, with the land of Josiah Kein Sen, until it meet with the aforesaid Pudding brook. Laid out by us whose names are hereunto sub scribed. Francis Barker, Josiah Holmes. Recorded by Alexander Standish, Town Clark. 1698. The partition of the land between Duxburrough May 28. and Marshfield 1698. Vol. a. Witnesseth these presents. That where as the Page 263-4. late general Court of Plyraouth for raany year now , past, did give and graut unto the town of Dux borrough and Marshfield, a tract of land lying be tween the ancient bounds of Plyraouth and Dux burrough, and bounded as per said grant on record may appear, which said tract of laud ever since the tirae of the grant hath been held together by said towns in comraon, and undivided, wherefore to the intent that a perpetual partiton and division in the land raay be laid out, and raade between the inhabit ants of said towns, and to the intent that each town may know, and enjoy their own respective parts iu severalty. We the subscribers, agents for, and in the behalf of each said town by virtue of the power to us com mitted, have made, and hereby do make partision and division of the sarae in raanner following. Viz : 70 DUXBURY RECORDS. AA'e began our line at Plymouth line where piue brook crossith said Hue, and so by Pine brook as it goes up until it comes to the Cedar Swamp way, where it crosseth said brook, and thence, turning frora said place ou a straight line to the Indian weir, where Mattakesit brook flows out of herring pond, aud from said weir on a straight line, to a great roek 1698. on the hill, called Hart hill, and from the said rock May 28. to the mouth of a little brook that runs into a great Vol. a. pond .it, or near a corner of Isaac Oldhams lot. Page 264-5. thence on a straight line to a great rock on the westerly side of a little brook that runs from a dead swamp into Indian head river, said rock, being, by estimation, about twenty rods from the river, and from said rock on the same line till it comes to said river, the said town of Duxburrough for ever here after to have and enjoy as the proper right of said town all the land between said lines and their old bounds of said town, that is to say, Massachusets path, and said town of Marshfleld shall forever here after as the proper right of said town, have, hold and enjoy all that part of said tract of land lying be tweeu the said lines, and Plyraouth bounds, and the lands called the Majors purchase, and Indian head river. . In testimony whereof, AA'e the said agents of each respective towu, have hereunto subscribed, on the eleventh day of May 1698. John Soule. Isaac Little. • Seth Arnold. Sam' Sprague. Robert Barker. May 28, 1698. Recorded in the towu books. Alexander Standish. Town Clark. DUXBURY RECORDS. 71 1699-1700. AA'hereas formerly a tract of land was granted by Feb. 17. the town of Duxburrough to Joseph Chandler, lying Vol. a. between the meeting house road, and Plymouth road. Page 266. and was laid out to him, but now no record to be found of it, AVe Ensign John Tracy, Thomas Delano and Abram Sampson, being desired by Joseph Chandler, have laid out unto him twent3' acres of land, more, or less, bouuded on the East by the meeting house path to a red oak tree marked on four sides, and from said tree by a west south west line to a pine tree, which is the corner mark of the town land, and from said pine tree by the sarae line, a range of trees raarked, until we come to a cart road, where we marked a red oak sapling, aud then bounded by said path aud Plymouth road, aud by said road to the lotted laud of said Joseph Chandler, and so by Joseph Chandler's line to the meeting house path. This 17th day of February 1699-700. John Tracy, Sen. Thomas Delano. Abram Sampson. Alexander Standish, Town Clark. 1690. AVe whose names are underwritten, have laid to Feb. 21. Josiah Kein Jun'' a tract of land forraerly granted Vol. a. to the said Kein. AA'e began in a swarap at a spruce Page 268. tree marked formerly, and flnding another raarked, south west from said spruce, we run the line eight score rods by a range of trees marked, to a red oak tree raarked on the South west corner, on the south east corner we began at a maple tree aud ran North East eight score rods, until we came to a hill, and upon said hill a stake and a heap of stones for the north east corner, where was the former corner mark of said land, which is 60 acres more or less. Abram Sampson. Thomas Delano. pr Alexander Standish, Town Clark 72 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1695. We whose names are underwritten, being agents June 20. for the town, have sold unto Josiah Kein Sen'' a A'ol. a. certain parcel of land containing about twenty acres. Page 268. more or less, for 4 pounds in silver money, bounded as followeth : Begining at a red oak sapling at the South west corner of said Keiu's land, and from thence to a spruce tree marked, near a little run falling into Pudding brook, and so by said Pudding brook till it comes right to a maple tree at the South east corner of Kein's land. David Alden. John Partridge. Alexander Standish, Town Clark. 1699. AVhere as there was an Ancient grant of ten or Mch 7. Eleven acres of land granted to Thoraas Boney Sen'' A'ol. a. deceased, the towu at a town meeting March 7th, Page 267. 1699, did by a general vote, make a uew conflrmatie of the ancient grant, granted to Thomas Boney Sen"" deceased, to Thomas Boney Jun"", and appointed Thomas Delano and Abram Sampson, to lay it out uuto him, which accordingly was done, and We Thomas Delano and Abram Sampson laid out ten or eleven acres of land, more, or less. AA'e began at a path on the North east side, where we marked a red oak tree, and so bounded by the path, uutil we came to Plymouth road, southerly until we carae to a path that crosseth Plymouth road, and then, bouuded by that path until we marked a red oak tree on the left haud of the path, and by a straight line from said tree unto the tree where we began . This was done the twentyeth day of March, 1698-9, by Abram Sampson. Thomas Delano. Alexander Standish, Toian Clark. DUXBURY RECORDS. 73 1699. AVe whose names are underwritten, being consti- April 13. tuted, and appointed by the town of Duxburrough, Vol. a. have laid unto Aaron Soule of the sarae town. Page 270. Fifteen acres of land as it is bounded, be it raore or less, lying situated in the township of Duxborrow, at a place called Mattakeesit, bounded by the North side with the South end of a lot of land forraerly granted to Zachariah Soule of said town, now iu possession of Aaron Soule aforesaid, begining at the South west corner bounds of said lot, which is a white oak tree raarked, we measured 47 rods South erly, to the path or road that goes from Josiah Keins to Mattakeesit, l>onnded by the South, with the path, and so away Easterly, by the path until it raeet with the land of Josiah Kein, and so bounded with .fosiah Keins land, hence to the brook, and bouuded with the brook uutil it raeet with the South east corner bounds of the above named lot of land granted by the town of Duxborrough to Zachariah Soule, three acres of the above naraed fifteen the town hath given to Aarou Soule, the remainded of the above said tract we, the above said agents, have sold unto Aaron Soule for 40 shillings, and do hereby acknowledge that we the said agents, have received the 40 shillings iu full satisfaction, and thereof do acquit and discharge the said Aaron Soule and his heirs, forever. AVitness our hand : Francis Barker. Josiah Holmes. by Alexander Standish, Town Clark. 13th day of April 1699. 1699. In the month called August 1699 July 17. I, pursuant of a grant made to Phillip Lathely Vol. a. bearing date April 25th 1694, I, the subscriber have Page 272. bounded as followeth, begining for the corner bound, with the road as it now is, and a brook, called the third brook, and so upon a straight line to a hemlock DUXBURY RECORDS. marked, aud from that tree to three hemlock trees marked, ranging by the swamp, and the last being marked on four sides for a corner bouud, and then to ruu near South east to a spruce tree marked ou four sides for a corner bound by a brook side called the first brook, and theu the brook to be the bounds until it comes to the new road as it now lies, and theu the road to be the bounds until it coraes to the flrst corner bound. Robert Barker. pr Alexander Standish, Town Clark. 1684. To all people to whom these presents shall come. July 7. Josiah Holmes of Duxborrow in the jurisdiction A'ol. a. of ' New Plyraouth in New England in America. Page 276. Sendeth greeting Know ye that I. Josiah Holmes, for, and in consideration of a tract of upland, and a parcel of meadow, to me in way of exchange, by John Russel of Duxborrow aforesaid, raade over. and confirraed as by deed bearing date with these presents, given me under the hand and seal of the said John Russell doth, and may at large appear Know ye that in consideration of the premisses the said Josiah Holmes have given iu exchange, granted enfeoffed and conflrmed, and by these presents, for myself and my heirs, do clearly aud absolutely give iu exchange, granted and enfeoffed and conflrmed unto him, the said Johu Russell, his heirs, and assignes forever, all that my Six or Seven acres of upland, be the same raore or less, aud are situated within the tract of land that is iu p.artnership be tweeu the towns of Duxburrow and Marshfleld, and was sometimes the laud of John Rouse Seu""', aud is bouuded by several marked trees, A'iz, by a white oak tree standing by the brook side by Joseph Tubs, aud lyeth ou the southerly side of the old road that leadeth from M.ittakeesit to the County road, all whieh said parcel or tract of land of the said Holmes purchased of the said Rouse, as per deeds DUXBURY RECORDS. 75 under his haud aud seal appeareth, and also, all that parcel or part of my fresh meadow that is situated within the said township of Duxborrough, and is bounded eastward with Mattakeesit River, and so up a small brook that runs between the raeadow of Isaac Barker and the great ce DUXBURY RECORDS. Memorandum, That still the Town of Duxbor rough doth forever reserve a sufficient cart way for the towns use, through the above said land laid out for James Boney, through the said land, into the Cedar Swamp. As above written was voted by the town of Dux borrough to be here recorded. By me John AVadsworth, Town Clerk. 1706. November 27th, 1706. AA'e whose names are Nov. 27. under written did renew the bounds of the land that A'ol. a. is commonly called Clarks field. We did begin at a Page 36. red oak tree upon the South east corner, and run Northerly about 28 rods, to a. pine tree upon the brow of a hill, marked ou four sides, and from said tree, AVesterly. to a red oak tree marked on four sides, aud from thence near South west, across an arm of swamp to a white oak on the side of a hill, marked on four sides, aud from thence southerly to a poplar stump with a stake stuck in it. and from thence Easterlj'. to the tree where we did begin 6 acres more or less, and but a very little. Thomas Delanoe. Abraham Samson. The above written was ordered by the town of Duxborrough to be here recorded Dec. llth Anno Dom 1700. pr John AA'adsworth, Toivn Clerk. 1706. -'Lands sold to defray the charges of building the Sept. 16. Xeiv Mee f ing house." A'ol. a. Sold to Joseph Chanler Jr by Capt Seth Arnold Page 59. Mr. Johu Partridge and Mr. Thomas Loring who were chosen Agents by the town of Duxborrough at their meeting Sept 16th 1706, to sell common lands to defray the charges of building a new meeting house, a parcel of upland, and a parcel of meadow DUXBURY RECORDS. 79 land, bounded as followeth, viz The said upland contained about twenty four acres, and began at a white oak stump at the westerly corner of the said Chanler's shop, and thence it runneth upward aloug by the country road 82 rods, to a white oak tree marked, and from thence. South, 25 degrees East, to his home lot, aud thence bounded by that lot to the white oak stump first mentioned, excepting, out of this land the Tar-Kiln Pond, and said parcel of meadow laud contained three acres, more or less, and begineth at a stake and stone on the westerly side of a little brook that runneth into Pine brook, and thence it runneth AVest 19 degrees North 16 rods, to a black oak tree, and thence South 4 degrees AA'est 50 rods to a pine tree standing .by said brook, and thence by said brook to the stake and stones first mentioned. The said parcels of upland and meadow, were sold for fifteen pounds. Page 60. Au account of lands with the bounds thereof, sold aud laid out to particular persons by ohe above said Agents, is as followeth-;- Sold to Abrahara Booth four acres of land lying at the head of his land that he now lives on, begin ing at the Northerly corner of said Booth's lot, and so running twenty four rods north west to a red oak tree marked on four sides in the edge of the Cedar Swamp, and on a straight line from said oak, to a small maple tree marked on four sides, standing iu, or near James Bishop's line, and from said maple Eight rods in a South east line to a stake and stones, being said Booth's Westerly corner of his former lot. Sold to Benjarain Kein thirty acres more or less, bounded as follows — Begining at a maple tree on the south side of Pudding brook, marked on four sides, running South south east fifty six rods, to a stake with stones about it, from thence eighty rods running West south west to a stake with stones about it frora thence running sixty four rods. North North West, to a wild cherry tree marked, standing 80 DUXBURY RECORDS. about two rods from Pudding brook, and so from said tree to the nearest part of said brook, and bounded by said brook, to the first mentioned maple tree. Sold to Josiah Kein Jr. Nine acres more, or less, bounded as followeth — Begining at a white oak tree in the former range of his father's lot on the Southerly side of Pudding brook, from thence running ten rods East and by South, to a stake marked on four sides, and from thence South and by AVest fifty two rods, to a little red oak tree marked on fonr sides, and frora thence AA'est and by North forty six rods to his father's forraer range. Sold to John Bishop a piece of land about fifteen acres and a quarter, for six pounds and two shillings, and is bounded as followeth — We began at a rock in the brook which is John Boneys corner bounds of the land which he bought of the town, from thence we ran about fifty five rods by John Boneys Hue, to the Indian line, then we ran by the Indian line near South, about thirty four rods, to a bush marked by a flat rock, from thence we ran near North east and by North, ninty rods, to a walnut bush marked, by the path that lies by said Bishops house, and from thence running by said ¦path thirty four rods to the first mentioned rock. Sold to Sarauel Bradford, Thomas Loring, Elisha AA'adsworth and Jonathan Brewster, a parcel of land lying on the South side of dead Swamp, containing about fifty five acres, more, or less, for Eleven pounds, bounded Northerly by the said Dead Swamp, to a maple tree marked ou four sides, standing by Mill brook where the path goes over, and from said tree, down by the farm of Major WilHam Bradford, dec. to the head of the lot of AVrestling Brewster, deceased, and the heads of the lots to be the East erly bounds to the Dead Swamp. Sold to Aaron Soule twenty acres, more or less, bounded as followeth, Begining on the North west erly corner of his former- lot, at a black oak tree DUXBURY RECORDS. 81 marked ou four sides, from thence ruuning AA'est and by North a little Northerly, thirty rods, to a pine tree raarked on four sides, from thence South and by AVest, a little Westerly, to a white oak tree marked on four sides, a hundred and Eight rods, from thence East and by South, a little Southerly thirty rods to a white oak tree marked on four sides in his forraer range. Sold to Mathew Kein Six acres, more or less, bounded as followeth, Begining on the Northerly eide of his father's former lot, at a maple tree marked on four sides, standing by Pudding brook, and so running seventy two rods in his father's for mer range, to k spruce tree, marked on four sides, whieh was his forraer corner tree, and from said spruce tree running West aud by North, fifty rods, to a maple tree marked ou four sides, standing by Pudding brook and bounded by Pudding brook, to a little branch of said brook near the flrst maple tree, and so by said branch to the said maple tree. Sold to Josiah Soule and Jonathan Peterson, one hundred and fifty acres of land bouuded as followeth, viz, Begining at a white oak tree marked on four sides, and so ranging North East, one hundred and fifty rods to a white oak tree marked on four sides, standing by a brook side which runs to Kein's meadow, aud said brook to be the North west bounds of said land, and from said white oak tree. South East one hundred and sixty rods, to a small spruce tree marked on four sides, standing in the arm of a swamp which joins to Phillip's brook, and frora said spruce tree South West one hundred and fifty rods, to a sraall white oak tree marked on four sides, aud from thence North west one hundred and sixty rods, to first uamed white oak tree. Sold to George Williamson three acres of land, more or less, bounded on the West by his own land, and on the East, by the Bay road, for twenty shil- 6 82 DUXBURY RECORDS. lings, by us Agents chosen by the town of Duxbor row to sell land to defray the charges for building the new meeting house in said town, the receipt whereof we acknowledge. Seth Arnold. John Partridge. Thomas Loring. 1706. Sold to James Boney a strip of land, bounded as followeth, viz. Beginning at a maple tree marked Page 62. on four sides, at his westerdly corner, it being his corner tree of his former lot, and runs Sixty Eight rods to a red oak tree marked on four sides, about Eight rods from his Northerly corner. Sold to Isaac Pierce Sen'"', Eleven acres of land, more or less, for £4. 8'', which land is bounded as followeth, viz. Beginning at a great White Oak tree, beiug the corner bounds of Abraham Pierce's Jr, and from said tree, running westerly, about 24 Rods, to a stake aud stones, and from said stake and stones, ranging Southerly, 33 Rods to a Walnut tree being Thomas Parris's corner bounds, and then bounded *by Parris's land till it comes to the path that goes from said Pierce's house to said Parris's, and then is bounded by said path downward about 68 rods, till it coraes to a red oak bush marked on four sides, standing on the north side of said path, and from said bush northerly, about 4 rods lo a red oak tree marked ou four sides, aud then bounded by his forraer land, till it comes to the white oak tree first mentioned. 1706. Duxborrough December 27th 1706. Dec. 27. Isaac Oldham having bought a small tract of Vol. a. land of the Agents formerly chosen, and appointed Page 85. by the town aforesaid, to Lay out and sell such of their coraraon lands as said Agents should think most convenient, and thereby to raise moneys to de- DUXBURY RECORDS. 83 fray some charges arising in said town, the said Old ham desires conflrmatiou of the same by having it coramitted to the records of said town, with the bounds hereafter mentioned, which are as followeth. The Easterly corner begins at a white oak tree marked, said tree being a bound of his former lot, and to run toward the west from said tree till it comes to the line between Duxborrough and Marsh field, and is bounded on the northerly side, with a beaten cart way, on the west with said Marshfield line, and on the south with said Oldhams former lot, it being a triangle of about Six acres so bounded, be it raore or less — Seth Arnold. Francis Barker. Abraham Samson. Recorded by rae. John Wadsworth, T. C. 1709. We the subscribers being chosen by the towu of May 20. Duxborrough, to run ranges, and settle bounds, have Vol. a. run the line and the bounds of the head and Page 57. Westerly side of Abraham Booth's land or lot, as followeth, Begining the head line at a white oak tree, being the reputed corner bound of Isaac Bar ker's land, and from said tree ranging South west and by AVest nearest, 24 rods to a black oak tree formerly marked on four sides, for the breadth, and for the bounds of the westerly side, we ruu from said black oak, a straight line to a red oak standing iu the fence between said Booth's and John|Russel, and from said tree, by Booth's and Russel's former bounds to the brook. May 20th, 1709. Edward Southworth. Seth Arnold. 84 DUXBURY RECORDS. May 20. AVe ihe subscribers, beiug chosen by the town of 1709. Duxborrough to run ranges, and settle bounds, at Page 57. the desire of Abraham Booth and Abraham Peirce Sen'', of said towu, have run the line between said persons, as followeth — Begining at an old stump with a stake aud stones, near the brook, and from thence ranging near Norlh AVest and by AA'est, by several stakes, to a red oak tree standing in the fence between them, and so by a range of marked trees aud bushes, till it comes to the head of said Peirce 's lot. May 20th, 1709. Edavard Southworth. Seth Arnold. 1709-10. AA'e the subscribers appointed by the towu of Feb. 16. Duxborrough to run ranges, and settle bounds. A''ol. a. betweeu Towns laud, and lotted lands, desired by Page 193. Mr John Robinson, Aug 22d 1709 to settle the land bounds of his house lot lying between .Josiah AVor- raals and John Paitridge's lands, AVe have agreed that the head line of said lot, shall begin at a stone set iu the ground, which is his North AA'est corner mark, and running thence South and by AA^est to a stone set iu the ground near a red oak tree, which is his South west corner mark. Also the said Mr Robinson having a wood lot lying upou the South river, betweeu Nathaniel Cole's and Ichabod AA''adsworth's lauds, and partly bouuded on Common lands, AA'e have agreed that the head line shall run from a sraall red oak sapling, with a heap of stones at the root, which is his North East corner mark, aud theuce running near South to a large red oak raarked, and thence to a red oak bush with a heai) of stones about it, which is his South East corner mark, and theu rnuuing Westerly over the peeik of a large rock upou the hill, and thence to a stone set iu the ground uear the palh, and thence DUXBURY RECORDS. 85 to an old white oak raarked, and a stone set in the ground, and thence to another large stone set in the ground, which is the said Nathaniel Cole's northeast corner mark. Seth Arnold. Edward Southworth. recorded by me Saml Spi!A(iUE, T. C. Feb. 16tli, 1709-10. 1709. The bounds or Hue between jNUr John Robinsons Feb. 16. ou the one party, and Nathaniel Cole on the other Vol. a. party. The land lying near South river, above Page 192. Ichabod AVadsworth's land. Begining at a large stone set in the ground, being the North Piast corner raark of said Cole's land, and thence ruuning a straight line between us, to au old white oak tree marked, and stones set in the ground by it, thence to a walnut tree raarked, and a stone set in the ground, and thence upon a straight line to South river. The above said bounds were agreed on and settled by the above said Robinson and Cole on Dec. first 1709. Recorded by me, Saml Sprague, T. C. February 16th, 1709-10. 1709. The bounds of land between Mr Johu Robinson Jany 24. on the one part, and Ichabod Wadsworth on the Vol. a. other party, the lands lying in Duxborrough near Page 191. South river, which bounds were agreed on and settled by said Robinson and Wadsworth Deceraber first 1709. The bounds are as followeth, viz Begining at a red oak tree with a heap of stones at the root of it, 86 DUXBURY RECORDS. \ which is the head bounds of the range between them, and standeth near Nathaniel Brewster's land, and running thence to a stone set in the ground, thence to another stone set in the ground, thence to a small red oak tree marked and stones about it, on the west side of the path that leads from the meeting house over the South river to the four mile hill, thence to another small red oak marked, and a stone set in the ground on the top of the hill, thence to another red oak raarked, thence to another red oak raarked, and thence to a large stone set in the ground, and thence to a black birch tree marked, and a stone set in the ground by it, and thence through the swamp to the South river. Recorded by me Samuel Sprague, Town Clerk. 1710. North Hill divided by Edward Southworth and July 12. Benjamin Bartlet, viz As the fence went from Vol. a. Hunt's Cedar Swamp to a heap of stones upon the Page 169. hill, so toa plum tree Southward, thence westward as the fence went, to a red oak marked, so South ward to a heap of stones, so by the fence westward to a great white oak marked, so to the brook. 2d the neck or Island divided. Beginning at a stake, at or near the brook near the old cart bridge, so to a red oak marked on the point eastward by the upland, round to a white oak marked, at the foot of Barren Hill, so westward to a piue tree marked by the swamp side. 3 Barren Hill divided, from a white oak marked, with a heap of stones by it, so south westwardly to two white oak trees standing in a valley, which parts said hill from the Commons. 4 The meadow aud Swamp divided thus, beginning at a stake standing by the brook near the cart bridge first mentioned, so up the brook to a small cedar standing near the said brook, so to three small maples eastward, so to the upland, which is the DUXBURY RECORDS. 87 bounds of Southward first meadow lot, so up stream to a stake standing near the brook, so eastward to a small spruce, standing by a Cedar Swamp, so to up land called Barren Hill, which is the bounds between Bartlet and Southworths, upward lot, which lotment or division was made by AVilliam Pabodie and John Soule and lotted for by Edward Southworth and Benjamin Bartlet, the north side of North hill being Southworth's lot. Barren hill the east side Bartlet's and west Southworth's the north side of the Island Southworth's and the south Bartlet's. The above written was ordered to be here re corded. July 12th Anno Dom 1710. Recorded by rae, John Wadsworth, T. C. 1710-1. AVe the subscribers, being chosen by the Town of Feb. 24. Duxborrough to run ranges, and settle bounds with- Vol. a. in said town, being desired by George Williamson Page 194. to settle the bounds of his lot which he bought of AVilliara Brewster at a place called Tar Kiln Pond, have accordingly settled the eame as followeth. Beginning at a white oak tree marked on four sides, standing by the way side, near to Joseph Chanler's Shop, and from said tree running westerly 84 rods to a red oak tree marked on four sides, and from said red oak tree ruuning Southerly, about 120 rods, to an old white oak tree marked on four sides, standing ou the northerly side of a little brook called Brewster's brook, and from said tree running East erly, to a pine tree marked on four sides, standing on the Westerly side of the fore mentioned Way, and so bounded by said way, that is to say, where it formerly went, till it comes to the white oak tree first mentioned. Duxbury Feburary 24th Anno 1710-1. Seth Arnold. FLdward Southworth. Recorded by John AA'adsworth, T. C 88 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1711. This Indenture witnesseth a mutual agreement 17 Dec. between John Partridge, and James Partridge, both Vol. a. inhabitants of the Town of Duxborrough, in the Page 54. County of Plymouth, in her Majesties Provence of Massachusetts Bay iu New England. Know all men by these Presents, that whereas we, the said John Partridge and James Partridge, are owners and proprietors of a whole share of upland in a certain tract of land lying in the County of Plymouth afore said, coraraonly called by the uarae of the Majors purchase, which said share of upland belongeth to the thirty fifth and thirty seventh lots iu the said Majors Purchase, which said share of land as yet lyeth in partnership and undivided between us, the said John Partridge and Jaraes Partridge. AVe the said Jolm Partridge aud .James Partridge have agreed to divide the sarae, aud the division thereof to be as followeth, viz That the said John Part ridge shall have the whole of the upland belonging to the said thirty fifth lot. and one half of the up land belonging to the said thirty seventh lot, viz. The North Easterly end, or half thereof, to have and to hold the same to hira and his heirs and assignes forever, with all the profits privileges and appurten ances there uuto belonging, to his, and their own proper use, benefit and behoof, to iraprove or dis pose of as he or they shall see cause, forever, and that the said Jaraes Partridge shall have the residue of the upland belonging to said thirty seventh lot, viz One half thereof beiug the south westerly end or half thereof to have and to hold the sarae to hira, his heirs aud assignes, forever, with all the profits, privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, to his and their own proper use, benefit aud behoof, to improve and dispose of as he or they shall see cause, forever. Now the aforesaid division thus raade, we the said John Partridge and James Part ridge, do rautualy agree, shall stand and remain as a firra and full settleraent and division of the above DUXBURY RECORDS. 89 share of upland, for us our heiis and assignes, for ever, in witness whereof we the said John Partridge aud James Partridge have hereunto set our hand and seals this Seventeenth day of December in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Eleven. John Partridge (s) James Partridge (s) Signed Sealed and delivered in presents of Stephen Bryant, Jr. John Wadsworth. Recorded by rae, John Wadsworth, T. C. 1712. Duxborrough, October the 18th, 1712. Oct. 18. We the subscribers being desired by Isaac Siraons, Vol a. to lay out tliirty acres of laud granted to hira by the Page 53. towu, where his house now stands, have laid out the sarae as followeth, viz AVe began at a raaple tree marked on four sides, standing on the AVest side of the path near the brook, and run from thence North sixty rods, to a bunch of maples raarked, and from said maples we run East Eighty rods, to a red oak tree marked on four sides, and frora said red oak we run Sixty rods to a great spruce tree marked on four sides standing by the brook near where it parts, and from thence it is bounded by said brook on the Southerly side, till it coraes to the maple tree first mentioned. F]dward Southworth. Seth Arnold. Recorded by rae John AVadsworth, T. C. 1712. Duxburrough, Deceraber 24, 1712. Dec. 24. AVe the subscribers being desired by Saniuel Hills Vol. a. to renew the bounds of his land viz Of that which Page 55. was his father's Phillip Leonards, whieh we did as followeth — 90 DUXBURY RECORDS. AVe began at a swamp and stones — showed to us to be the corner bouud, and frora said stump, we run S. AV. by AA^. to a white oak tree raarked on two sides standing on the AA'esterly side of a branch of the spruce swarap, and then bounded on the North erly side by said spruce swamp, till it come near the end of the neck, where we raarked a spruce tree on four sides standing upon a ledge of rocks, and from said spruce tree raarked on four sides. Southerly 48 rods to a maple tree marked on four sides, standing by the side of the brook, and then bounded by said brook up stream through the meadow spot, and so by the Southerraost branch of said brook, till it comes to a red oak tree blown down, which was accounted to be the S. E. corner bounds of said lot, and from said oak tree on a straight line to the stump and stones first mentioned. Edward Southworth. Seth Arnold. 1712. Duxborrough, Dec. 27th, 1712. Dec. 27. We the subscribers being desired by Samuel Del- Vol. a. anoe to lay out 30 acres of land formerly granted Page 56. him by said town, have laid out the same as follow eth, AVe began at a red oak sapling raarked, standing about 4 rods to the South westward of Caleb Sarason's corner marks, and from said sapling. East South East 80 rods to a white oak marked on four sides, said line running within said Delanoes field fence, and frora said white oak tree South South AVest 60 rods to a bunch ot maples, standing in a swamp, and from said maples, AA^est by North AVest to a red oak sapling, and so ou the same line to a maple standing by a brook, and so on the same line till it comes to James Thomas his land, and then bounded by said Thomas his laud till it comes to the parting line between said Delanoe and Caleb Samson. Edward Southworth. Seth Arnold. DUXBURY RECORDS. 91 1712. Duxborrough, October 17th, 1712. Oct. 17. AA'e the subscribers being appointed by the town A'ol. a. to lay out thirty acres of land gi anted to John AA^es- Page 81. ton, have laid out the sarae as followeth, viz AVe began where Marshfield line crosseth the South river, and so ruu by said line fifty rods south east to Joseph Petersons corner bound, and frora thence we ran South South west ninety rods to a stake set into the gr<.und between two small rocks, and from said stake we run fifty rods North AA'est to a small pine tree, standing in the swamp near the South river, and so upou the same line to the river, and so bounded by said river till it comes to said Marshfield line. Edward Southworth. Seth Arnold. Reooiided by me John AVadsworth, T. C. 1712. Duxlwrrough, Deceraber 25th, 1712. Dec. 25. AA''here as the said town have voted to exchange a Vol. a. piece of laild with Caleb Samson, the said Samson Page 58. to have an addition at the foot of his lot next to Phillip Leonard's land, he throwing out land on the hill, for the same. Now we the subscribers have bouuded out said land as followeth — We began on tbe North East side of said Samsons land at the dividing line between him, and Samuel Delanoe, and measured Sixteen rods into said Sam son's land, to a heap of stones, and frora said heap of stones on a straight line to a pine tree with the top broken off marked on four sides, standing by the path, sixteen rods frora his Northerly corner, which land being about ten acres, be it raore or less, the said Samson threw up to the town, in consideration whereof, and of a high way to be through said Sam son's land, we laid out to him as followeth — We began at his lot on the North East side near his 92 DUXBURY RECORDS. fence, aud run uear his fence 32 rods to a stake and stones, on a straight line to a red oak tree standing iu the range of the land belonging to the Bourn's, being 32 rods from said .Samson's AVestwardly coiner. Edward Southworth. Seth Arnold. 1712-13. Alarch the 4th, 171-2-13. Mch -J. AVe the subscribers heing appointed by the Town Vol. a. of Duxborrough, or proprietors of the Comraon or Page 184. undivided laml aud belonging to the sarae, to agree with Lieut. Bradford relating lo the rights his father, Alajor Bradford, had in ihe Coraraon land in Dux borrough, have agreed with him as followeth, that is to say. that he shall have 60 acres of land laid out to him joining his own laud whereon he uow dwelleth, the cart way to be the bouuds on the Easterly side, the said Lieut. Bradford being at the charge of lay ing out of the sarae, and also to secure the town of Duxbury against the heirs of Major AVilliam Brad ford, relating to any right or claira he had in said Common lands. Seth Arnold. Francis Barker. John Partridge. 1713. At the request of Lieut. Sarauel Bradford of Dux- Mch 30. borrougli, and pursuant to au agreement between A'ol. a. said Bradford and the Agents of Duxborrough, Page 1.S4. bearing date March 4tli, 1712-13, I have laid out to the said Lieut. Snmuel Bradford, Sixty acres of land adjoining to Irs former land where ou he now dwell eth, which saiil Sixty acres of laud is bounded as followeth, begining at the stake aud stones whieh is the AVest corner of the lot of Jonathan Brewster's, and from thence ranging North 41 degrees westerly by the range of said Bradford's former land, fifty poles to two maple trees marked, standing near DUXBURY RECORDS. 93 together, being the North corner bounds of his forraer land, and from thence. North 15 degrees AVesterly, ninety seven pole to a great forked maple tree marked on four sides, and from thence AVest North west one degree westerly ; 134 poles to two sraall red oaks marked, together and a heap of stones lyiug by them, aud from thence North 53 degrees F^asterly S7 pole to a small red oak raarked with stones about it, by the South west side of the cart way which was the old Boston road, untill it coraes down to the head of the aforesaid lot of Jonathan Brewster, and frora thence by the head of said Brewster's lot, sixteen pole to the stake and stones first mentioned. Jacob Thomson, Survej'or. 1713-14. March the 1st Anno Doraini 1713-14. Mch 1. AVe the subscribers, to wit, Johu Delanoe Sen'' A''ol. a. and Pelatiah AVest of Diixbrough settled the bounds Page 52. betweeu the lands where on we now dwell as follow eth, viz, AA'e began at the brook to the Southward of the said Delanoe's house, at two small birch sap lings marked, ou the North side of said brook, thence we run up the said brook to two maple sap lings by the side of said brook marked, thence running up the swamp to a white oak tree marked, thence upward to a liornbouud tree marked, viz a horubound sapling standing iu said swarap, aud still up the said swamp to a maple tree marked, aud frora thence to a red oak tree on the South part of said swarap, from thence to a maple tree marked, in said swarap, and so to a raaple marked, at the head of a little swamp near, in a range with the former marks, and from thence on a straight line to a red oak sap ling marked, standing by the side of the path that leads from Deacon Alden's down to the said Dela noe's land. John Delanoe Sen''. Pelatiah AVe.st. 94 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1713-14. The bounds between the lands whereon John Del- Mch 1. anoe Seu and Elnathan AA'eston now dwell, are A'ol. a. settled and agreed upon by said Delanoe and Weston Page 52. as followeth, viz, Begining at a red oak tree marked, standing ou the South side of the path that comes down from Deacon Alden's to said Delanoe's, a little to the Northward of said Delahoe's barn, thence running on a straight line to the Southward of the East, to the North East corner of the said Delanoe's orchard to a stake with stones about it, thence on a straight Hue to two small birch saplings marked, by a brook, which are the bounds between the lauds of said Delanoe and Pelatiah AA'est. March 1st, 1713-14. Elnathan Weston. John Delanoe Sen''. 1713-4. These presents witnesseth a mutual agreement be- Feb 14. tween Jonathan Peterson and Josiah Soule, yeomen, A'ol. a. both inhabitants of the town of Duxborrough in tbe Page 64. County of Plymouth in her Majesties province of the Massachusetts Bay iu New England. Know all men by these presents, that whereas we the said Jonathan Peterson, and Josiah Soule. did jointly to gether purchase in the year of our Lord One thou sand Seven hundred and Eight, of Capt. Seth Arnold, Mr. .Fohn Partridge and Mr. Thomas Loring, as agents for the Town of Duxborrough, a certain parcel or tract of land containing an hundred and fifty acres, lying and beiug with the township of said Duxborrough aforesaid, bounded as may appear by records of said Duxborough, it being also that tract of land whereon we, the said Jonathan Peterson and Josiah Soule, do now dwell, we the said Jonathan Peterson and Josiah Soule have agreed to divide the said land equally betweeu us, that each of us might know his own respective part thereof, which agree- meut and division is as followeth, viz. Begining at a swamp oak tree marked, near Kein's DUXBURY RECORDS. 95 meadow brook, being the Northeasterly corner bound of the above said tract of laud, and from said tree, running South East, fifty Pole, to a stake and stones about it, standing in the line on the south west side of said land. Our agreement therefore is this, on the behalf of our selves, our heirs &c, that all tbe land belonging to said tract lying ou the Northwesterly side of the line running from the first above said stake with stones about it, directly to the second mentioned stake with stones about it, shall be the above said Jonathan Petersons proper part of the above tract of laud, with all and singular, the proflts, privileges and appurtenances there unto belonging, to belong, and appertain to the only proper use, beneflt and behoof of hira, the said Jonathan Peterson, his heirs, executors, administrators and assignes for ever, aud that all the residue of the above first mentioned tract of laud that lyeth on the South easterly side of the above said line, that runs directly from the first above mentioned stake with stones about it to the second above mentioned stake with stones about it, shall be the above said Josiab Soule's proper part of the above said hundred and fifty acres of land, with all, and singular the profits, priviliges and appurtenances there unto belonging, to belong and appertain to the only proper use, bene fit and behoof of the said Josiah Soule, his heirs, ex ecutors, administrators and assignes forever, always provided, and agreed that the said Jonathan Peterson shall have a cart way allowed him through gates or Bars, at said Peterson's charge, through the above said land of the said Josiah Soule's as followeth, viz The said cartway is to enter upou the land of the above said Josiah Soule, North East from the said Peterson's house, thence running East and by North to an oak tree marked on the North side, thence East and by South to the outside of the said Josiah Soule's land, and so upon the outside of the 96 DUXBURY RECORDS. said Josiah Soule's land till it comes to a pine tree marked on two sides, standing on the South East side of the brook which is the bounds between the laud of Elias Magoun and said Soule, and from theuce South and liy East to a pine tree, thence South and by AVest, till it comes off the said Soule's land. Now the above division thus made, with allowance of a cart way as above said, AVe the above said Jonathan Peterson and .Josiah Soule, do mutually agree, shall stand and remain as a flrm and full settlement and division of the above said hundred and fifty acres of land, for us, our heirs and assignes forever. In witness thereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this twenty fourth day of February in the twelfth year of Her Majesty's Reign, anno domini 1713-14. Jonathan Peterson (^s) Josiah Soule (s) Signed, .Sealed and delivered in the presence of Sam' Seabury. John Samson. 1714. AA'here as we, John Bradford, Jaraes AVarren and April 30. Nathaniel Thoraas, appointed Agents by the select Vol. a. raen of the town of Plymouth, aud we, John AA' ads- Page 144. worth, Johu Alden aud Thomas Loring, select men for the town of Duxborrough, being met together to settle the bounds aud division line between the said towns of Plymouth aud Duxborrough, have mutually agreed aud deterrained that the said bouuds or dividing line shall forever here after, be as followeth, viz Begining at a stake and stones on the beach, or high lands near the sea, thirty rods distant, and Northerly frora the middle of the fence that stands on the most Northerly part of the land now fenced in, on the Gurnet so called, and thence due East to the sea, and westerly to ruu on a straight line to the D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 97 rock that stands in the water, on the Northerly end or part of Clark's Island, and thence into Clark's Island channel, which comes from Powder Point, and thence down until it comes or meets with the channel that comes down from Jones' river, and thence up that channel to said river, and so up said River to the mouth of Stoney brook, and so up said brook uutil it comes to a creek that leads to the place called the Tussocks, and thence up said brook to the head of it, or the head of the Westerly branch thereof, and thence Northerly to a marked tree with stones about it, standing on the West side of the old bay path where the mill brook crosseth said path, which said brook runs into black water, and from that tree. Northerly, to another marked tree with stones about it, standing on the West side of said old path, standing about thirty rods distant from the other tree, and then West so far Northerly as on a straight line will extend, to the mouth of Jones's river pond where the brook issueth out of said pond, which last mentioned line divides between Plymouth and Duxbury so far up as Duxborrough town extends. In witness that this is our mutual agree ment and settlement of said dividing line, we have here unto set our hands this thirtieth day of April in the thirteenth year of Her Majesty's reign Anno Domini 1714. In presence of John Barker. Nathaniel Thomas. Stephen Clapp. John Wadsworth. John Bradford. John Alden. James Warren. Thomas Loring. April 30, Anno 1714. Recorded by me, John Wadsworth, T. C. 98 D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 1714. This agreeraent made this twentieth day of Nov. 20. November Anno Domini One ihousand Seven hun- A'ol. a. dred and fourteen, between us. Moses Soule of the Page 66. town of Duxborrough, in the County of Plymouth in New England, on the one part and Grace Sprague, widdow of AA'illiara Sprague late of said Duxbor rough, and administratrix of the estate of said AVil liam Sprague, on the other part. AVitnesseth, that whereas the said Moses Soule did formerly sell unto the aforesaid William Sprague, twenty acres of land in Duxborrough afore said, as may appear by a deed under the hand aud seal of said Aloses Soule, bear ing date the 7th of February one thousand seven hundred and nine, ten, which said twenty acres of land is that whereon the said Grace Sprague now dwelleth, and whereas iu the said deed the said Moses Soule reserved to himself and his heirs, what so ever was above twenty acres of land within the boundries mentioned in said deed, which reserve was to be set off unto him at the AA'esterly end of said land, wherefore we, the said Moses Soule and Grace Sprague (as administratrix as afore said) have mutu ally agreed to measure out the said twenty acres of land and run a dividing line between the said twenty acres of land, and the land which the said Moses Soule has reserved as afore said. Namely begining at a stake standing in the range of the Southerly side of said land, next the Commons, four rods to the Eastward of the cart way which is the bound of Thoraas Boney's land, and from the stake we run said dividing Hue North and by AVest by a range of marked trees, unto a stake with stones about it, by the cart way which is the bouuds of the Northerly side of said land, and we do by these presents mutu ally agree that all that part of the afore said land which lyeth on the Easterly side of said dividing line, shall belong unto the heirs of the aforesaid William Sprague, being twenty acres be it more or less, and that part of the afore said land which lyeth on the Westerly side of said dividing line shall belong unto D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 99 the aforesaid Aloses Soule. and his heirs and assignes, by virtue of the afore said reserve. Now, the afore said dividing line thus run, and by the division thus made, we do mutually agree shall stand aud remain as a full settlement of division between the said Moses Soule and the heirs of the said AVilliara Sprague, and their heire and assignes, for ever. In witness whereof we the afore said Moses Soule aud Grace Sprague, have here unto set our hands and seals the day of the year first above written. Moses Soule. (s) her Grace X Sprague. (s) raark Signed Sealed in presence of us, Samuel Sprague. Jonathan Delanoe. 1714. This agreeraent raade the twentieth of November Nov. 20. One thousand Seven hundred and fourteen, between A'ol. a. us, Moses Soule of the town of Duxborrough in the Page 67. County of Plymouth, in New England on the one part, and Nathaniel Brewster of said Duxborrough on the other part, Witnesseth, that where as the said Moses Soule did formerly buy of Robert Stau- forth and his wife, one lot of land, and the said Nathaniel Brewster did forraerly buy of George Williamson one lot of land, which said two lots of land did lay adjoining together on the Southerly side of AVaiting hill, and butting upon North hill marsh in Duxbury aforesaid, each lot containing by estima tion ten acres, but the bounds betweeu them the said two lots, being lost, we now by mutual agreement settled the bounds, and ruu a dividing line between the said two lots, as followeth — viz. Begining at the range of the Northerly side of the Northermost of said two lots, and from thence measuring Southerly twenty two rods and a half in breadth, unto a great red oak tree marked on four sides with stones about it, by the side of North hill 100 DUXBURY RECORDS. marsh, and frora said tree we run a dividing line West and by North, a quarter of a point. Northerly, by a range of marked trees unto a stake with stones about it in the head range of said lots, and we do mutually agree that all that part of the afore said two lots which lyeth to the Northward of the afore said dividing Hue, shall belong unto the aforesaid Moses Soule and his heirs aud assignes forever, and that all that part of the afore said two lots which lyeth to the Southward of the aforesaid dividing line, shall belong unto the aforesaid Nathaniel Brewster and his heirs and assignes forever. Now the afore said dividing line thus run and the boundries thus settled, we do mutually agree shall stand and remain as a full settlement of division betweeu us and heirs and assigues forever. In witness whereof we the afore said Moses Soule and Nathaniel Brewster, have here unto set our hands and seals, this twentieth day of November, One thousand Seven hundred and fourteen. Moses Soule. (s) Nathaniel Brewster. (s) Signed and sealed in the presence of Sam' Fisher. Edward Arnold. 1713-14. The bouuds between the lands of John Glass and Vol. a. Samuel Fisher were settled as followeth viz Page 53. Begining at a stake with stones about it, above Mch 22. the high way near the house that Benjamin Simons dwells in, thence ranging West by a range of raarked trees to a stake with stones about it, standing in the line of the ninth lot of the last division of upland belonging to Duxborrough aud Perabroke, which said stake is John Glass's Westerly corner bound, and Sara' Fisher's Northerly corner bound. March 22d, Anno Dom 1713-14. pr Samuel Fisher. John Glass. Recorded by me, John AA'adsworth, Town Clerk. DUXBURY RECORDS. 101 Upon the 30'^'' day of June Anno Domini 1714, 1714. We the subscribers, to wit, Benjamin Peterson Jun. 30. and Johu Wadsworth have run the dividing line and Vol. a. settled the bounds between the farms of land in Page 51. Duxborrough where on we each now dwell, as followeth, viz. We began at a stone pitched into the ground in the fence, within four or five foot of the foot path that goeth directly from the said John Wadsworths house to the meeting house, viz in the fence that is now the partition fence between us, the said Benjamin Peterson and John AVadsworth, and from said stone running North thirty four degrees AVesterly, upward to a Pine tree marked, and frora thence on the sarae line or course, by a range of raarked trees, to a stake aud stones by the highway that leads frora Duxbury meeting house to Plymouth, then we corae back to the first mentioned stone pitched in the fence and run from thence downward south thirty six degrees Easterly to another stone pitched in the ground on the brow of a hill, and from thence ou the same course through a swamp to a stake pitched in the salt marsh, and from thence, still the same course, down into a creek called Morton's hole. In presence of us Witnesses his Christopher (C) Wadsworth. raark her Mary (O) Samson. raark his Benjamin (X) Peterson. raark John Wadsworth. 1 02 D UXB UR Y RECORDS . 1714. To all people to whom these presents shall come April 13. Greeting &c. Know ye that we, John Robiuson Vol. a. and Ichabod Sampsou, both of Duxborrough in the Page 181. county of Plymouth, and province of Massachusetts Bay in New England, having a parcel of land in equal partnership, which land lyeth iu Duxburrough aforesaid, at the head of South river, adjoining to Nathaniel Cole's land, and is a part of the second division, and was laid out iu the year 1713 being two lots in said division being the twenty sixth and twenty seventh lots in number, for our mutual ben efit and advantage, have agreed aud concluded to divide said lots as followeth. A'idelicet, that the said John Robinson for, and in consideration of the sum of twenty shillings iu money in hand paid to said Sampson before the ensealing hereof is to have the twenty seventh lot as it is butted and bounded in the records of the proprietors of Duxburrough, and that part of Pembrook which was forraerly Duxburrough, with all the appurtenances, privileges and coraraodities to the sarae belonging or any ways appertaining to him the said Jolm Robinson his heirs aud assignes forever, to his aud their ouly proper use, benefit and liehalf forever, and I, the said Ichabod Sarapson, do by these presents, for myself and heirs. Executors aud Administrators, quit and renounce all claim, right, or title and interest to or in said twenty seventh lot, hereby makiug over the sarae from me, my heirs. Executors and administrators, to him the said John Robinson his heirs aud assignes forever, absolutely without any manner of condition. And it is further agreed and concluded that the said Ichabod Sarason together with the above said twenty shillings in raoney is to have the twenty sixth lot as it is butted and bouuded in the records aforesaid, with all the appurtenances, privileges and commodi ties to the same belonging, or in any ways appertaining to him the said Ichabod Samsou, his heirs and assignes forever, to his and their only DUXBURY RECORDS. 103 proper use, benefit and behalf forever, aud I the said John Robinson, do by these presents for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, quit aud renouuce all claim, right or title, and interest in, or to the said Twenty Six lot, hereby makiug over the same from me my heirs. Executors aud adminis trators, to hira, the said Ichabod Samson, his heirs aud assignes forever, absolutely, without any manner of conditious. Iu witness where of we have hereunto set our hands aud seals the twelfth day of April, in the thirteenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Anna, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland Queen, and in the year of our Lord one thousand, seven hundred aud fourteen 1714. John Robinson. (s) Ichabod Samson. (s) Signed Sealed aud delivered in the presence of Abrahaji Sampson. Abraham Sampson, Jr. 1714. Duxburrough Dec. 29th 1714. Dec. 28. \A'hereas I, the subscriber beiug guardian to my Vol. a. son Josiah Delanoe, I do by these presents, make Page 69. choice of my brother John Simons for to act iu the behalf of my afore said son, in dividing of the two lots of land in partnership between my husband and my aforesaid son, A'iz the 110 aud 116 lots iu the second division of Common lands in Duxburrough aud Pembroke. AA^itness my haud — Martha AVest. AVe the subscribers do hereby declare that we have been ou the above named lots, and we do agree that Samuel AA^est shall have the 110 lot aud that Josiah Delanoe shall have the 116 lot aforeuaraed. John Simmons. Samuel AVest. 104 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1714-15. An agreeraent between Wrestling Brewster of Jany 18. Plymouth, cordwainer, and John Glass of Duxbor- Vol. a. rough husbandman, both in the County of Plymouth Page 70. in the province of Massachusetts bay in New Eng land, is as followeth, viz Whereas we the said Wrestling Brewster, and John Glass, are the owners and proprietors of tvvo lots of laud belonging to the Second and last divi sion of the Coramons belonging to the towns of Duxburough and Pembroke in the County above, said lots being the one hundreii and Ninth and one hundred and Twenty fourth lots in number in the upland belonging to the said division, and were laid out in the year of our Lord oue thousand seveu hundred and thirteen, and are bounded as appears by the records of the proprietors of lands, &c belonging to the said division, AVe being the owners of the above said lots in equal proportion, have agreed upon a division thereof that each one might know his own respective part thereof. The division thereof is as followeth. Viz, That the said hundred and Ninth lot lying within the township of Duxbor rough above said, with all and singular, the profits, privileges and appurtenances there unto belonging, shall belong unto, and be the proper part of the above said Wrestling Brewster, to belong, and apper tain to the only proper use, benefit, and behoof of hira, the said AVrestling Brewster, his heirs, execu tors, administrators and assignes forever, and that the above said hundred and Twenty fourth lot, shall belong unto, aud be the proper part of the above said John Glass, to belong and appertain to the only proper use, benefit, and behoof of hira the said John Glass, his heirs, executors, adrainistrators and assignes forever, with all and singular, the profits, privileges and appurtenances belonging there unto, the said hundred and Twenty fourth lot is lying and being within the township of Perabroke above said. Now, the above agreement and division thus raade. We the above said AVrestling Brewster and John DUXBURY RECORDS. 105 Glass, do mutually agree shall stand and remain as a firra and full settlement, and division of the above said two lots of land, for us and our assigns forever. In witness whereof AVe the above said Wrestling Brewster and Johu Glass, have here unto set our bauds and seals, this eightenth day of January, iu the year of Our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and fourteen fifteen. John Glass. (s) AA'restling Brewster. (s) Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of John Robinson. John Wadsworth. 1715. AVe the subscribers, select raen of the Town of Mch 26. Duxborrough, have settled the bounds of several A'^ol.. a. high ways within said town, as followeth viz Page 97. Iraprirais. we began at the Captain's Nook at a fence which is the partition between the farras of Miles Standish, and Thomas Delanoe Jr, near a red oak tree raarked, a Httle within said Standish land, thence running near North, to two rocks about half a foot asunder, near a range betweeu Deacon Brews ter's and the said Delanoe, thence on a straight line to the Southerly corner of the fresh meadow lot of Benjamin Bartlet, Jr, thence to the North west cor ner of said raeadow lot, theuce as the way now goes, to the fence standing about fifteen foot to the west ward of the biggest barn on the farra of Sara' Bartlet dec, thence straight to a heap of stones ou a rising spot or knoll of land on the Piastward side of the path that leads out of said nook, thence straight to a heap of stones near the corner of Israel Silvester's land, by the uook gate, thence to a stone pitched in the ground a little to the Eastward of said Silvester's fence, as the way uow goeth up out of the Nook opposite against a ditch, or place gutted away by the rain down onto Mr. AViswells land, thence up to another stone pitched in the ground in said Silves- 106 DUXBURY RECORDS. ter's fence, where he turns down to his house, thence still upward on a straight line to the South westerly corner post of said Silvester's leanto adjoining to his barn, thence ou a straight Hne to a stone in his fence, viz still upward straight from the last men tioned stone, thence still upward as said Silvester's fence uow goes, till it comes to the land of Christo pher AVadsworth, thence to a stone pitched in the ground, which is the South East corner between the laud of Christopher AVadsworth and Benjamin Peterson, thence on a straight line to the upper corner of the land of said Christoijher AVadsworth, viz that corner of his laud which is a little to the Southward of the meeting house, said high way is to be thirty foot wide, aud to be allowed all the way on the left hand or side of all the afore said boundries, as the way comes out of said Captain's Nook to the last raentioned corner, and frora said corner to a heap of stones thirty foot about South west, and from said heap of stones the said high way is allowed thirty foot wic-le up to the road that leads from Marshfield to Plyraouth, aud to be ou the right hand or side of the bouuds set from the last mentioned heap of stones, which bouuds are as followeth, viz — from said heap of stones to a stone pitched in the ground, which is the bouud between the land of Benjamin Prior, and said towns lands, thence to the Easterly corner of said Priors barn, theuce still upwards to a heap of stones in said Prior's fence, thence to the corner of Benj Peterson's land, as the way now goes, thence upwards straight to a heap of stones iu said Petersons fence at a little turn of the way, and thence as the way uow goeth up to the road that leads from Marshfield to Plyraouth, keeping the left hand way where the way parts near the head of the lot of land of John AA'adsworth. The said way is allowed through gates or Bars from the Nook gate so called, downwart-l so far as it is l.iid out, and from said gate upward so far as it is laid out, to be an open high way. DUXBURY RECORDS. 107 Memo. That frora the partition fence above raentioned between the farnis of Miles Standish and Thomas Delanoe Jr a convenient cart way is allowed down to the Bay through the farm of said Standish, which is also allowed by said Staudish's consent. The above mentioned high way was laid out Mch 26, 1715 by us, Edward Southworth, John Simons, John Partridge, Select men, and ordered to be recorded. John AVadsworth, T. C. 1715. An account of a high way laid out in Dux- May 20. borrough May 20th 1715 by us the subscribers, A'ol. a. Selectmen of said town, is as followeth A^iz. Be- Page 99. giniug at a place coraraouly called the old landing place, we went upwards, A'iz, we began at or nigh the mouth of a small creek, thence running westerly by the stone wall fence of Abrahara Sarason Sen'', A'iz by the corner of said fence, theuce still upward aloug the Edge of the bank of upland, A'iz, below said bank betweeu said bank and the raarsh, till we came to two great stones lying upou the said bank, then turning up said bauk between the said two stones, thence upward as the way now goeth. South erly to the corner of said Abrahara Sarasons fence, thence over a little run of water that comes out of a great salt pond or mirey piece of raarsh, which we left on the right hand as we carae upward, said run of water ruus into a little narrow creek which comes out of Bluefish river, thence going upward as the way now goeth below the edge or low bauk of up land to the Southward of the house of Ichabod Sam son, and so still below the said bank only crossing a small point of upland of Fldward Arnold's as the way now goeth. to the Southward of the house of the said Arnold and the house of the said Abraham Samson, to a heap of stones at the lower end of the IOS DUXBURY RECORDS. lane that comes down to the landing place so called, thence about AA''est South west, to a small whitish rock flrm in the gioun(f, and still the same course, to a pretty big roek on a knoll of land near to Ed mond Chanler's meadow, and so by said raeadow fence, allowing all the ground on the Southerly side of the said fence to bluefish river channel, for a comraon landing place for said town, and then com ing to the lower end of said lane we laid out said lane for a highway up to the head of said lane, then turning a little AVesterly to the laud of Capt. John Alden as the way now goeth and still upwards on the Northerly side of said Aldens land, by his range, till we carae to a sraall hill or spot of rising ground, to a stake with stones about it, thence turning a little raore AVesterly, to a heap of stones on another hill to the Eastward, or South Eastward of Doctor Delanoe's house iu sight of said house, thence down said hill, a little winding to the Northward by several heaps of stones, by said Doctor Delanoe's door, A'iz, a little to the southward of his house, thence as the way now goes AA''esterly up to the road or high way, that leads from Marshfleld to Plymouth, saifl high way is 40 feet wide. Edward Southworth. John Simons Sen', John Partridge. Recorded by John AA'adsworth, Town Clerk. 1715. A mutual agreement between Josiah Soule, Joseph Aug. 4. Soule and Joshua Soule all of the towu of Duxbor- Vol. a. rough, in the County of Plyraouth, in the Province Page 71. of the Massachusetts Bay, in New England, is as followeth. viz — Know all men by these presents, That where as we the said Josiah Soule, Joseph Soule and Joshua Soule, have received by deed of gift frora our honored father John Soule late of Duxbury, Dec'', as raay appear by one deed under D UXBUR Y RECORDS. 109 his hand and seal, bearing date June the 13th 1701, a certain pai-cel of salt meadow lying, and being within the township of Duxborrough above said, at the North west part of great wood Island, and adja cent on the Easterly side thereof, to the raeadow of Abraham Samson, and on the Southerly side thereof by the meadow of Elnathan Weston, the said meadow, viz, the said tract of meadow beiug given as above said iu Equal proportion, aud as it now lyeth entire and undivided among us the said Josiah Soule, Joseph Soule and Joshua Soule, that each one might know his own respective right and proportion therein, AVe have agreed to divide the same into three lots, or parts which said division is as followeth — viz. The flrst lot or part of said tract of raeadow, is the South part thereof, viz of the body of said meadow, and adjoining to Elnathan Weston's meadow, and is divided by a line begining at a stake standing by a rock at, or near the North west corner of great wood Island, and thence ranging North west to a stake and stone at, or near Little Wood Island river, thence, the sarae course, to said river. The second lot, or part of said tract of meadow, is bounded on the South west side, by the flrst, and on the Easterly side thereof, it begineth at a stake near the edge of Great Wood Island, thence ranging North aud by West, Westerly, to a stake and stone near a creek, and the same course to said creek, and the third lot or part of said tract of meadow, is all the residue or remaining part thereof. Our agreement therefore is, that the above said tract of meadow thus divided into three lots or parts, the flrst of them shall belong unto the above said Josiah Soule, his heirs and assigns forever, and that the second shall belong unto the said Joseph Soule, his heirs and assignes forever, aud the third to the said Joshua Soule, his heirs aud assignes forever. To have and to hold each one his respective and particular part, or lot as is above expressed and discribed, in said tract of meadow, with all and sin- 110 DUXBURY RECORDS, gular, the profits, privileges and appurtenances there unto belonging to belong to their own proper use, benefit and behoof forever. Now the above Agreement and division thus made, settled aud done, we the above said Josiah Soule, Joseph Soule and .Joshua .Soule, do mutually agree shall stand and remain as a firm and full settlement aud division of the above said tract of salt meadow, for us our heirs, aud assignes forever. In witness whereof we the above said Josiah Soule, Joseph Soule aud Joshua .Soule have here unto set our hands and seals, this fourth day of August in the second year of the reign of our Soveiing Lord, George, by the Grace of God, of Great Britian, France and Ire land King, Defender of the Faith &c. Anno Domini 1715. Josiah Soule. (s) Joseph Soule. (s) Joshua Soule. (s) Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of Isaac Right. .Jedidiah Brown. No date, AVe the subscribers, to wit, Seth Arnold, Francis suppose Barker and Abraham Sarason, being chosen and em- to be about powered by the towu of Duxbury to make sale of 1715. such parcels of land as they the said agents should Vol. a. think convenient to be disposed of to raise money Page 186. for the defraying of sorae special charges arising in said town. AVe the aforesaid Agents have sold un to Isaac Pierce about Sis acres of land joining his cousin Abrahara's land, and begins at the head of said Abraham's land, and extends Easterly about forty rods to a marked tree, standing in said Abra ham's range, aud extends from the above said bounds, twenty and four rods .Southerly, to two other marked trees, the AVesterly tree being a small AValnut tree, and the Easterly tree a red oak, which trees are the Southerly bounds of said Isaac's land, and also four acres and a half joining to his home DUXBURY RECORDS. Ill lot and is bounded as followeth, on the Northerly side with his own land till it comes to a small red oak marked, standing by Middleborrow way, and is bouuded by said way. Southerly, to another raarked tree standing by the aforesaid way, and from the last mentioned tree Easterly to a white oak tree marked, stanrJing by the way that leads frora Joseph Roger's to Isaac Pierce's, aud by said way to said Pierce's old lot. The said Agents have sold unto James Bishop about five acres of land, begining where his sou John's ends, and extends near South west. Eighteen rods from his old lot to a sraall red oak tree marked, and from said tree lo Abraham Pierces Jr's AVest erly corner bounds, and is bounded by said Pierce's land till it coraes up with Jaraes Bishop's corner bounds, and by said Bishops land until it coraes home to his son John's laud, ouly there is reserved a way of thirty feet wide on the Northerly side of said land, for a high way for passing to Indian head river. AVe the afore said Agents have sold and laid out to Joseph Stockbridge about fifteen or Sixteen acres of land lying by the Indian head river, and is bounded ou the Northerly side with said river, and on the AVestward by said Stockbridge's old lot, and frora the Southerly corner of said old lot on a straight line, to the head of John Boney's swamp lot, being near the aforesaid river, the said Agents reserving half an acre of laud where the landing place now is, for a lauding place with a convenient way to the same to be taken out of said Stock- bridge's lot. Also we have sold unto the afore said Stockbridge a parcel of land being near Indian head river of about twenty five acres, aud is bounded as followeth, on the Northerly side with Slockbridge's land, on the Westerly side with Carver's land, and on the Southerly part with Wantons, and Eastward with the Cedar Swamp. 112 DUXBURY RECORDS. Joseph Rogers hath also bought of the said Agents, about .Seventeen acres of land, and is bounded as followeth, lyiug and being at Namaseke- set, on the Northerly side with Isaac Pierce's land, and on the AA'esterly side with the way that leads to Middleborrow till it corae to a small red oak tree, marked, and from the above said tree Easterly, to another sraall red oak raarked, standing by said Roger's fence, which trees are the Southerly bounds of said land and on the side with the said Rogers former land, till it raeets with the laud of Isaac Pierce aforesaid, with a small parcel of land lying within the said Rogers bounds, of about an acre. Further, we the afore said Agents have sold John Boney about Seven acres of land, bounded as fol loweth, Begining at a great rock standing by bis fence, and running AA'estward to a Walnut tree marked, and on the sarae course, to a lot of Edward AA'anton's, and by said lot to run Southerly to a marked tree standing in said Wanton's range, aud frora said range tree Northerly to a small chesnut tree marked, and from said chesnut tree to the Southerly corner mark of his former lot, and from thence to the aforesaid great rock, and so by the road as it now lyeth, till it comes to said Boney's fence, only there is reserved thirty feet through said land for a high way where the way now lyeth. AVe the aforesaid Agents have also sold unto John Boney of Duxburrough, about Eighteen acres of land and is bounded as followeth. We began at a chesnut tree wvich is his former bound mark, and so ruuning near South west by his line to Edward AA'an ton's lot, and then running near Sonth east by said AA'anton's line, aud from thence by Thomas Lam bert's Hue to his Easterly corner bounds, and from thence running a straight line near Northeast to a great rock lying in the brook upon the upper side of the cartway, which is by the Southerly corner of Phillip Lathley's land, and then ruuning by said Lathley's line to the afoiesaid chesnut tree, leaving DUXBURY RECORDS. 113 a way thirty foot wide joining to Phillip Lathley's land. Johu Bishop hath bought about three acres of the aforesjid Agents wluch is bounded as followeth ; on the AA'esterly end by the brook, on the Easterly side of Phillip Lnthley's, and on the South with the road as it now lyeth, till it comes up with a rock, that is the bounds betweeu said John and his father Bishop, and ou the north with his said father's land. AIlo we the said Agents, have sold unto Williara Tubbs about Seven acres of land lying at the head of his lot, aud is bounded Eastward with said lot, and extends westward to two trees raarked standing by the Cedar Swarap. 1716. Upon the 28th day of January Anno Dora. 1716-17 Jany 28. AA'e the subscribers, selectmen of Duxborrough, up- A'ol. a. ou request of Mr. Thoraas Fish of said Duxborrough, Page 100. and for said Fish's proper use, we have laid out a particular high way as followeth, viz. AVe began at the waste gate belonging to the saw raill in said Duxborrough, which standeth upon Green's Harbor brook, and run frora said gate Easterly as the old saw raill dam stood to the high way that leadeth to Duxborrough Grist mill, and we laid out the said way, thirty feet wide, the said Fish pleading his great necessity of the said way by reason that he had no way to pass from his lot of land which lyeth adjacent to said brook to the coraraon road, and that his said lot of land was an ancient court grant. John Partridge, John Wadsworth, Select Men. 1717. Duxborrough October 24th 1717. Oct. 24. Laid out to John Weston Eight acres of land by Vol. a. us the subscribers, and bounded as followeth, viz. Page 75. AVe began at a stake and stones by the path that goes to Samuel Sprague's, iu the range of land formerly belonging to Stephen Sarason, and so by 114 DUXBURY RECORDS. said range South South AA^est 51 rotis to another stake and stones, and from said stake aud stones we ran AVest and by North 24 Rods to a stake standing by a flat rock iu the ground, aud from said stake and rock we ran North North East 48 rods to said path, and then by said path 28 rods to the stake and stones flrst mentioned. Edward Southworth. Seth Arnold. 1718. These presents witnesseth a mutual agreement April 28. between John AA'adsworth and Ichabod AA'adsworth, Vol. a. both of Duxborrough in the County of Plymouth, in Page 74. the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Know all men by these presents. That whereas, AA'e, the said John AA'adsworth and Ichabod AA'ads worth are owners aud proprietors in equal proportion, of a certain parcel of salt meadow, lying in said Duxborrough, near a place called Green's Harbor which said raeadow was given to us by our honored father, Mr. John AVadsworth, late of Duxborrough, Dec'', as may appear by his last will and testament. AVe therefor being desirous that the said meadow shall be divided between us, that each one might know his own respective proportion, have agreed that the division there of be as followeth, viz Begining at the raouth of a creek that turns out of the river that parts the raeadow of Micheal Ford of Marshfield, aud the above said AA''adswoi-th's^meadow, said creek turns. out to the right hand of said river as the said river runs up to Green's Harbour so called, and said creek runs up till it comes near to a place called Rouses Huraraock, a little to the South ward of said Hummock, to a stake set in the middle of said creek, where said creek has grown very shoal, and grown over with sedge. Our agreeraent therefore is that the said creek as it now runs, to the said stake, aud from thence runuiug about South and by AVest to another stake set in the line between the D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 115 meadow of Pelatiah AVest of said Duxborrough, and the said AA'adsworth's meadow, be the partition or division of said parcel of salt meadow, and all that part of said salt meadow that lyeth to the Southward and AA'estward of said creek and stakes, shall be and belong to the said Ichabod AA'' adsworth, his heirs, and assigns forever, with all the profits, privileges and appurtenances there unto belonging, to his, aud their proper use, beneflt and behoof forever, and all that part of said salt meadow that lyeth to the Northwaril and Eastward of said creek, and stakes, and partition, shall be and . belong to said John AVadsworth, his heirs and assigns forever with all the proflts, privileges and appurtenances thereto belong ing, to appertain to his and their, proper use, beneflt and behoof forever. Now the above said partition and division thus m.ade, we the said John Wadsworth and Ichabod AVadsworth, do mutually agree shall stand and reraain as a flrra and full settleraent and division for us our heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof we have here uuto set our bauds and seals this twenty eighth of April iu the year of Our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and Eighteen. John Wadsworth. (s) Ichabod X Wadsworth. (s) his mark in presence of Benjamin Prior. Betiiiah Prior X his mark. 1718. Upon the 31st of December Anno Domini 1718. Dec. 31. Articles of Agreement between Moses Soule of Vol. a. Duxborrough in the County of Plymouth in the Pacre 155. Province of Massachusetts Bay, in New England, yeoman of the one party, and Christopher Wads worth of said Duxborrough, yeoraan, of the other party is as followeth, viz. Whereas the said Moses Soule hath au interest in the orchard, and fruit trees ou the farm whereon the said Christopher AVadsworth 116 D UXB UR Y RECORDS . now dwelleth, and said Christopher AA'adsvi-orth hath au interest and claim in the fire wood now standing on the farm whereon the said Moses Soule now dwelleth, the said Moses .Soule and Christopher AA'adsworth, have, and by these presents do make an exchange, viz. The said Moses Soule doth give, graut and make over and confirra to said Christopher AA'adsworth, bis heirs and assigns forever, all his whole right, title anHX AV.\dswohth. .John AA'aii>worth Jr. DUXBURY RECORDS. 117 1720. An agreement between lidward Southworth of Mch 29. Duxborrough in the County of Plyraouth in the Vol. a. Province of Massachusetts Bay in New England, Page 76. yeoman, of the one part, and Thomas Southworth of Duxborrough husbandman, of the other part, is as followeth, viz AVhereas we the said Edward Southworth. and Thomas Southworth are owners and proprietors in equal propcjrtion of two certain lots of land, lying and beiug within the township of Duxl)ovrough above said, said lots being the eighteenth and twenty fourth in nuraber iu the upland belonging to the second division of the Coraraon's which belonged to the towns of Duxborrough and Perabroke, in the County above said, and were laid out Anno Domini 1713, and are bounded as may appear by the records of the Proprietors of the laud &e, belonging to said division. AVe therefore, that each one raight know his own res[:)ective proportion and right, in the said two lots of land, have agreed upon a division thereof as followeth viz. That the said twenty fourth lot with all and sin gular, the profits, privileges, hereditaraents and appurtenances there unto belonging, shall belong unto, and be the proper part of the above said Thoraas Southworth, to belong aud appertain to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of hira the said Thomas Southworth, his heirs, executors, adrainis trators and assigns forever, and that the above said Eighteenth lot shall belong unto, and be the proper part of the above said Edward Southworth with all the profits, privileges, hereditaments and appurte nances there uuto belonging, to belong and appertain to the only proper use, beneflt and behoof of him, the said Edward Southworth, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. Now the above agreeraent and division thus made. We, the said Edward Southworth and Thomas Southworth do mutually agree, shall be, stand, and remain as a firm and full settlement and division of 118 DUXBURY RECORDS. the two above said lots of land, for us, our heirs and assigus forever. In witness whereof we the above said Edward Southworth and Thomas Southworth have here unto set our hands and seals the twenty ninth day of March in the year of our Lord God, One thousand Seveu hundred and twenty, 1720. Edward Southworth. (s) Thomas Southworth. (s) Signed sealed and delivered in presence of .Sam'l AA'eston. her Elizabeth X Delanoe. raark 1721. May 23 Anno Domini 1721. May 23. AA'e the subscribers, to wit, Josiah Kein Sen' Vol. a. of Pembroke, and Jonathan Peterson of Dux- Page 78. borrough, have settled the line or bounds between our lands at Keiu's brook so called, viz. The bounds between the 101^' lot in the upland, in the 2* division of the Coramons which belonged to the said towns of Duxborrough and Pembroke, and the meadow land of the said Kein, lyiug on Kein's brook, a little above the way that leads from said Peterson's to the said Kein's, as followeth, viz. We began at a stake and stones, standing near Kein's meadow, which is the Northerly corner bound of the said lOP' lot, and thence we ran Soutb and by AA'est, by several marked trees, about 13 rods to a bunch of sraall birch saplings marked with a heap of stones among them, and from thence Northwest and by AVest to said Keins brook which said settlement we do agree shall stand aud remain for us and our heirs forever. In wiiness whereof we have here unto set our hands, the day and year flrst above mentioned. his Josiah ± Kein Sen'"'. mark Jonathan Peterson. DUXBURY RECORDS. 119 1721-22. Upou the 3P' day of January Anno 1721-22. Jany 31. AVe the subscribers, select men of the town of Vol. a. Duxborrough, beiug desired by divers of the inhabi- Page 101. tants of the said town, to lay out high ways where there was necessity, have laid out sundry high ways as followeth, viz. AVe began at the high way that leads from Plymouth through Duxborrough to Marsh field, at a place where the way crosseth the said high way that leads frora Doctor Delanoe's up to the saw raill, standing upon South river, and we laid out a high way thirty foot wide, from said Plymouth road, up the brook of Benjamin Sirnons's as followeth viz. As the way now goes, frora a heap of stones to the brow of a little hill a little below Joseph Siraons's house, and there we turned out of the Common way to the right hand, and went through the short brush, by several marked trees, till wc came iuto the Com mou way again, a little before we came to Pelatiah AA'est's fence, and thence as the way uow goeth, on the Southerly side of said AVest's house and over the bridge upon the brook, then turning to the right hand, we went up a little hill, still as the way now goeth, by a sinall walnut tree marked, by the side of the said West's fence, and so as the way now goeth up. till we came to the pLce where the way parts that goes to John Partridge's and Benjarain Alden's, and there we turned out to the right hand, by a small red oak tree marked, aud so running through the woods by several marked trees, till we came into the way again that leads to the said saw raill somewhat before the way turneth to James Thoraase's, and thence as the way now goeth, over the said saw mill dara, and along by the Southerly side of the house of Nathaniel Cole Jr, and a little above the said Cole's house, we turned out of the way to the right hand, and went by several marked trees, till we came iuto the way again, and thence along the way till we came near a slough, and then we turned out to the left hand, and went by several raarked trees, till we crossed the way, and so went by several marked 1 -20 D UXB UR Y RECORDS . trees, tili we came over the last slough, iuto the way again, and thence as the way- goeth on the Northerly side of the house of .Samuel AA'est, till we came to Phillip's brook, so called, and thence as the way now goeth, up and over the brook, before Benjamin Siraons's door. It is always to be understood that the said way is to go over the said saw mill dam, so long as the proprietors there of shall keep up the said dara, and a passable way over it. AVe also laid out another high w.ay of thirty foot wide frora the corner of Pelatiah West's pasture, all along as the way uow goeth, up to the high way that is ou the Easterly part of the farra of Ichabod AVadsworth, that leads down to the said town's Aleeting house. AVe also laid out another high way of thirty foot wide from said Phillip's brook down to said town's Meeting house, all aloug as the way now goeth, by Ichabod AA''adsworth's and Nathauiel Brewster's. keeping the left hand way when we carae against Sprague's Swamp, aud so down by the Northerly side of the farm of Benjamin Prior, only against said Brewster's fence we turned out of the way to the right hand, by a little white oak marked, and carae along in an old path by several marked trees, till it comes into the path that leads down from Nathaniel Cole's Sen'" to said Meeting house. Benjamin Delanoe. Josiah .Soule John Wadsworth. Recorded by me, John AVadsworth, Toivn Clerk. 1722. Know all raen by these Presents, That we, to wit, April 17. Aaron Soule of Pembroke, and James Thomas of A'ol. a: Duxborrough in the County of Plymouth in the Page 103. province of Massachusetts Bay iu New England, yeoman, being equally owners aud proprietors oi four shares or fifth parts in a certain lot of salt meadow, lying and being withia the township of DUXBURY RECORDS. 121 Duxborrow above said, said lot is the ninth lot in nuraber in the salt raeadow which belonged to the sectjud division of the Comraons which belonged to the towns of Duxborrough and Perabroke, above said, which said raeadow wus laid out Anno Domini 1712, our propriety in said lot beiug upou the AVest erly part thereof, and til', this time has laid undivided betweeu us, AVe have agreed upon a division thereof, that each one raight know his own respective part or proportion therein, and the division thereof is as followeth, viz AVe began at a stake by the side of a sraall creek which is in part the bounds between the said ninth and the teuth lot in the sarae raeadows, uear the head of the said creek where it parts in two small branches, said creek coraes out of a bigger creek, which comes out of Little AVood Island River, aud we ran frora said stake. North AVest by North .ibout half a point Northerly into the said first men tioned creek, aud then coming back to the said stake, we ran a line from thence South East and by South about half a point Southerly, about ten rods to another stake set at the head of a little shoal creek or guzzle which coraes out of the Mill River, and thence by said little slioal creek, till it coraes to the Southerly bounds of said 9th lot. Our rautual agreeraent is, that all that part of the said ninth lot that lyeth to the AVestward of the above said bounds and line, shall be the said Aaron Soule's, and belong and appertain to hira. his heirs and assigns forever, and to his and their only proper use, beneflt and behoof forever, with all and singu lar, the profits, privileges and appurtenances there uuto belonging, aud that all that other part of the said Ninth lot which till now hath been owned by us in equal proportion, and lyeth on the Easterly of the above said Bounds and line, shall be the said James Thomas's, and belong and appertain to him, his heirs and assigns, forever, and to his and their only proper use, benefit and behoof forever, with all and singular, the profits, privileges and appurtenances 122 DUXBURY RECORDS. there unto belonging, James Thomas having the other fifth share of said lot lying on the liastward coruer thereof. Now the above said division of the above said four shares in the above said Ninth lot of salt raeadow, thus raade, AA'e the said Aaron Soule and Jaraes Thomas, clo mutually agree, shall stand ancl remain, as a full settlement and division of the above said four shares in the said Ninth lot in said salt meadow for us, our heirs aud assigus forever. Iu witness whereof we have here unto set our hands and seals the seventeenth day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and twenty two. Aaron Soule. (s) James Thomas. (s) AA'itness Mary Thomas. Hannah Thomas. 1722. A mutual agreement between Joseph Soule John July 23. Simons and Joseph Siraons, all of Duxborrough in A'ol. a. the County of Plymouth iu the province of Massa- Page 105. chusetts Bay iu New England, yeomau, is as follovveth, viz AA'e the said Joseph Soule John Simons and Joseph Siraons. being owners aud proprietors of the fourteeuth lot in the salt meadows in the secoud division of the Commons which belonged to the towns of Duxborrough and Pembroke in the County above said, viz, the said Joseph Soule being owner of three fifths parts, or shares, thereof, and the said John Simons and Joseph Siraons being owners of one fifth part, or share thereof each of thera, said lot lyeth in the township of Duxborrough above said, and was laid out Anno Domini 1712, and as yet hath laid undivided araong them, therefore they, to wit, the said Joseph Soule, John Simons and Joseph Simons, that each of them mighl know his own respective part or proportion therein, have agreeded DUXBURY RECORDS. 123 upon a division thereof as followeth, viz, that the said Joseph Soule shall have for his said three fifths shares, these three parcels next mentioued, 1" all that part of said lot which lyeth upon little wood neck, 2"'> all that little sedge flat (being part of said lot) that lyeth on the P^asterly side of Great AA'ood Neck, 3''i5' that part of said lot that is adja cent to the Northerly end of the 15"' lot in the said salt meadows, and begineth at a stake standing in the line of the said 15"' lot, on the westerly side of Great AA'ood Neck, and theuce running up little AVood Island river as said river goeth, until it coraes to Elnathan's River, to a stake standing near said river, and thence running South East and by East- three degrees Flasterly, to a stake upon the Easterly .side of great wood neck, and thence on the sarae course iuto the river, and so down stream as the liver goeth till it comes to a stake between two branches of a creek, theuce to the stake first raen tioned, aud that the said Joseph Siraons shall have for his said share in said fourteenth lot, this parcel ¦bouuded as followeth, viz, Begiuiug at the stake at the North west end of the last mentioned part of said meadow laid to the said Joseph Soule, standing by Pvlnatbans river, and thence running up stream as the river goeth, till it comes to a guzzle, and bouuded by that guzzle till it comes to a stake at the head thereof, and thence East South East to a stake, and thence, the same course, into the river, and so toy said river down stream, to Joseph Soule's last mentioneil piece of meadow, and that the said John Simons shall have for his said share in the said four teenth lot, all that part thereof that is not compre hended within the said Joseph Soule and Joseph Siraons's jiarts thereof, bounded and described as above. Now the above said division of said four teenth lot in the said salt meadows, thus made We the said Joseph Soule, John Simons and Joseph Simons, do mutually agree shall stand and remain as a firm aud full settlement and division of the 124 DUXBURY RECORDS. above saiii fourteenth lot in the said salt meadows, for us, our heirs and assignes, forever, and that each one shall have and hohl his own respective part or parts therein as is above expressed, with all and singul'ir, the profits, privileges and appurtenances there to belonginu to each of them, their heirs and assignes forever. In witness whereof we have here unto set our hands aud seals the twenty tbirtl day of July in the year of Our Lord God, One thousanil Seven hundred and twenty two, 1722. Joseph Soule. (s) .Joseph .Simons. (s) .John Sim.mons. (s) Signed Sealed and delivered iu presence of .Josiah Delanok. Cornelius Soule. 1723. An agreement between Christopher AA'adsworth of Nov 30. the one part, aud Grace Sprague, widdow, relict of A'(j1. a. AVilliara Sprague, late of Duxborrough, dec, of the Page 7',). (jtlier part, both of Duxborrough iu the County of Plymouth, in the province of ^Massachusetts Bay in New England, is as followeth — AA'here as we the said Christopher AVadsworth, and Grace Sprague, are at present in possession of the tenth lot in number, in the upland which belonged to the second division of the Coraraons which belonged to the towns of DuxOurrough and Pem brook, in the Couuty above said, and we being equally interested in said lot which till this tirae hath been in partnership and undivided between us, AA'e therefor, that each one raight know their own respec- ti"e proi)ortio;i in the said lot, have agreed on an equal division thereof as followeth, viz AVe began at a stake and stones, in the line of the said tenth lot, viz, the Hue ou the Southerly side of said lot, about the raiddle of the said line, and said stake standeth about three rods and a half to the AA'estwairl of a red oak tree raarked, which is the North corner bounds of the Ninth lot in the said) DUXBURY RECORDS, 125 division of upland, and standeth on the AVest side of North Hill way, and thence we rim North Sixteen degrees Easterly, Oy a range of raarked saplings, to a stake aud stones staiT^'ng in the range of the land of Benjamin Chanler. Now our agreement is, that all that part of said tenth lot wliich lyeth to the AVestward of the above said range of raarked saplings, which run North sixteen degrees Eastward from the first raentioned stake ancl stones, to the last mentioned stake aud stones, with all and singular, the profits, privileges, and appurteuauces thereto belonging, shall be the proper part of the said Christopher Wadsworth, to belong and appertain to the only proper use, benefit aud behoof of him the said Christopher Wadsworth, his heirs and assigns forever, and that all that part of said tenth lot, vvhich lyeth on the Easterly of the above range of raarked saplings which run North sixteen degrees Easterly, from the first mentioned stake and stones, to the last mentioned stake aud stones, with all and singular, the profits privileges and appurtenances there to belonging, shall be the proper part of the said Grace Sprague, to belong and appertain to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of her the said Grace Sprague her heirs aud assigns forever. Now the above said agreement and division thus made. We the said Christopher AV^adsworth aud Grace Sprague, do mutually agree shall be, stand and remain as a firm and full settle ment and division of the above said teuth lot of land, for us our heirs and assigns, forever. In witness where of we have here unto set our hand aud seals the thirtieth day of November in the year of our Lord God, One thousand Seven hundred and twenty three, 1723. Christopher X AA'adsworth. (s) his mark Grace X Sprague. (s) her mark Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of Jacob Thomson. AA'illiam Brewster. 126 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1723-24. Articles of agreement between John Partridge of Jany 16. Duxborrough, iu the Couuty of Plyraouth, in the A''ol a. Province of Massachusetts Bay in New EIngland, Page 117. yeoman, of the one part, and Benjarain Alden of said Duxborrough, yeoman, of the other part, are as followeth viz. AVhere as, we, the said John Partridge and Benjarain Alden, ai-e owners and pro prietors of a certain tract or parcel of swampy land lying witLiin the township of Duxborrough above said, on both sides of the South river, so called, said track of swampy land begineth at a place called Otter roek, and thence runneth down stream to the dam of the saw mill now standing on South river, aud we being owners in equal proportion of said swampy land, which till this tirae hath remained in partnership ancl undivided between us. have agreed upon a division of part ihereof, that each one might know his own respective proportion therein, and we divided all the swampy land frora said Otter rock down stream to the Northerly side of said Alden's laud, which lyeth on the Easterly side of the said South river, iuto two parts, as followeth viz AVe began at the AVesterly end of the line or partition fence which parts the farms whereon we the said John Partridge and Benjamin Alden now dwell, and theuce we ruu a AVest line across the said swampy land, and South river, to a stake and stones, stand ing on the AA'esterly side of the said swampy land, that is, on the AVesterly side of the said South river. Now our agreement is, the said John Partridge having paid to the said Benjamin Alden, the sum of Three pounds iu raoney, that all that part of the said swampy land on both sides of the said river up streara from said AVest line to said Otter rock, with all and singular, the profits, privileges, commodities. Hereditaments and appurtenances there to belonging, shall belong uuto, and be the proper part of the said Johu Partridge, to belong and appertain to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of hira the said John Partridge, his heirs and assigns, forever, and that DUXBURY RECORDS. 127 all that part of said swampy land oa both sides of said river, frora said AVest line down stream to the North westerly corner of the twenty three acres of land belonging to said Benjamin Alden, which is part of the 54th lot in the upland in Second division of the Commons which belonged to the towns of Duxborrough aud Pembrook in the County above said, and running frora said corner due AVest, across said swarapy land aud South river, with all and singular, the profits, privileges, commodities, hered itaments and appurtenances there to belonging, shall belong uuto, and be the proper part of the said Benjaraiu Alden, to belong and appertain to the only proper use, benefit, and behoof of hira the said Benjamin Alden, his heirs ar.d assignes forever. Now the above said agreeraent aud division thus made, we the said John Partridge aud Benj'" Aldeu, do mutually agree shall be, stand and remain as a full and firm settlement and division of the above said swampy land, viz, from Otter rock down the stream to said Northwesterly side of the said Alden's land as above said, for us, our heirs and assigns, forever, and shall be recorded in the records of the said Town of Duxborrough. In witness where of we have here unto set our hands and seals the Sixteenth day of January in the year of our Lord God, One thousand Seven hundred and twenty three or four. John Partridge. (s) Benjamin Alden. (s) Signed, Sealed and delivered in presence of •John Alden. John AA'.a.ds worth. 1723-24. Articles of agreement between Abrahara Samson Mar 23. Sen"'' of Duxborrough, in the County of Plymouth, Vol. a. in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, iu New Eng- Page 182. land, yeoraan, of the oue part, and Christopher AA'adsworth of said Duxborrough, yeoman, of the il^s' DUXBURY RECORDS. other part, are as follows, viz. AA''hereas we the said Abraham Sampson aud Christopher AVadsworth, are owners and proprietors in equal proportion of two certain lots of land, lying and beiug within the township of said Duxborrough, said lots are the forty fifth, and huu'ired and forth sixth lots iu num ber, in the upland belonging to the second division of the Comraons which belongestei-ly side of the tract of land which is first above here raentioned, and said stake and stones stands or bears South west and by South half a point Southerly, Sixty four rods aud a half frora a stake and stones which is the East .South Easterly corner bounds of said tract of land first mentioned, and frora said stake and scones first mentioned, we ruu the dividing line North alraost twenty six degrees AVest, to a red oak tree raarked, and so ou the sarae range to the brook called Keins brook, and from said stake and stones first men tioued, and so ou said line to said brook is Eighty nine rods and a half, and we the said Jonathan DUXBURY RECORDS. 149 Peterson and Reuben Peterson, do mutually agree that the above said line thus run, bounded and discribed as above, shall be a full and stated division of the tract and lots of land, and further our agree ment also is that all that part or half of said tract of land first raentioned, that lyeth on the Southwesterly side of said dividing Hne, together with one half of the Thirteenth lot above said, or all that part of said thirteenth lot that the said Reuben Peterson has not sold to Jaraes Thomas, together with one half of the dwelling house and Barn that came by our said father, shall be the proper part, or half of the said Jonathan Peterson, his heirs, executors, administra tors and assigns, forever, with all and singular, the profits, privileges aud appurtenances there unto belonging, to belong and appertain to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of him, the said Jonathan Peterson, his heirs, executors, administrators aud assigns forever, and all that part, tract, or half part of land that lyeth on the North easterly side of the said dividing line, together with the two second division lots above said, the hundredth and the hun dred aud first lots in number, together with one half of the dwelling house and barn, with half of the well, shall be the proper part or half of the said Reuben Peterson, with all and singular, the profits, privileges and appurtenances there unto belonging, to belong and appertain to the only proper use, ben efit and behoof of him, the said Reuben Peterson, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. And further it is to be understood that the said Jonathan Peterson is to have a good and suffi cient cart way of Fourteen feet wide, through gates or bars upon a straight line from said barn to said house, and so from said house as the way now goes, the sarae width out to the said Jonathan Peterson's part of his land, aud the said Jonathan is to have a sufficient way to the well frora said house and said well is half said Jonathan Peterson's and said Jona than Peterson is to have a cart way through gates or 150 DUXBURY RECORDS. bars fourteen feet wide from said house as the way uow goeth, out at the gate now standing, and it is to be understood that the said Reuben Peterson is to have a good and sufficient cart way through the said Jonathan Peterson's land above said where it may be most beneficial to said Reuben Peterson and least prejudicial to said .Jouathau Peterson, aud it is to be understood that the said Jonathan Peterson is not to pull down his part of said dwelling house or barn, or well whereby the said Reuben Peterson may be damaged. And now the above said division and agreeraent thus raade aud described as is above said, that we. the said .Jonathan Peterson and Reuben Peterson, do mutually agree that it shall stand, be, and remain as a firm and full settlement and stated division of the above said tract and lots of land and buildings, for us our heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. In witness where of we the said Jonathan and Reuben Peterson, have here unto set our hands and seals, this Eighteenth day of May. in the year of our Lord God Oue thousand Seven hundred aud thirty six — 1736. Jonathan Peterson. (s) Reuben Peter:?on. (s) Signed, sealed aud d'ld in presence of John AA'ai>-worth Jr. Martha X Mackf.a.rland. her mark 1735. Au agreement between Isaac Simons Sen"' of April 15. Duxborrough. in the County of Plymouth, in the Record province of Massachusets b.ay, iu New England, No. 5. yeoraan, on the one part, and Joseph Peterson Sen. P.age 15. of said Duxborrough, yeoman, on the other part is as followeth, viz. AVhereas we the said Isaac Simons, aud .Joseph Peterson are owners and pro prietors of the Seventy third lot in the uplands in the Secoud division of the coraraons, which belonged D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 151 to the Towns of Duxborrough and Perabrook, in the County above said, and the said lot till this time hath laid undivided between us, we therefore, that each of us raight know his own respective right and proportion therein, have agreed upon a division thereof as followeth, viz. AVe run from a Pine tree marked, in the head range of the said Peterson's farm whereon he now dwelleth. South nine degrees AVesterly, Twenty four pole, to a stake and stones about three or four rods iu the swamp, in the Easterly range of the said lot, aud at the said stake and stones we began a dividing Hue, and run from the said Stake and Stones North, Eighty three degrees westerly through the said lot, to another stake aud stones whieh is the Westerly corner bounds of the said Seventy third lot, and we do agree that the said line thus run from the first mentioned stake and stones to the last mentioned stake and stones, shall be a full and stated division of the said lot, aud our agreeraent also is, that all that part that lyeth on the Northerly side of the said dividing line, shall be the proper part of the said Joseph Peterson, with all and singular, the profits, privileges and appurtenances there unto belonging, to belong aud appertain to the only proper use, bene fit and behoof of hira, the said Joseph Peterson, his heirs and assigns forever. And that all that part of the said lot that lyeth on the Southerly side of said dividing line, shall be the proper part of said Isaac Siraons, with all aud singu lar, the profits, privileges and appurtenances there unto belonging, to belong and appertain to him the said Isaac Simons his heirs and assigns to his and their only proper use, benefit and behoof forever. Now, the above said Agreement and division thus .raade, we the above said Isaac Siraons and Joseph Peterson do rautually agree, shall stand, be, and re main as a firm and full settleraent and division of the said Seventy third lot of land, for us, our heirs and assigns forever. 152 D UXB UR Y RECORDS. In witness where of we have hereunto set our hands and seals this, the fifteenth day of April in the year of our Lord God Oue thousand Seven hundred and Thirty five. 1735. Isaac .Simons Sen'" (s) his Joseph (X) Peterson, (s) raark Signed, Sealed and delivered iu presence of Seth Bartlet. John AA'adsworth Jr. 1736. An agreement between Hezekiah Bradford of July 7. Kingston, in the County of Plymouth, in the Prov- Record ince of Massachusetts bay, in New Ihigland, j'eoraan. No. 5. in the one i)ait. and Blanie Phillips of Duxborrough Page 15. iu the County above said, yeoraan, of the other part, and said agreeraent is as followeth, viz. That where as, we the said Hezekiah Bradford and Blanie Phillips are owners and proprietors of the hundred and forty seventh lot of upland in the second division of the Coramons which belonged to the townships of Duxborrough above said, and Pembrook in the Couuty and Province above said, and we therefore, that each of us raight know his own respective right and proportion there in, have agreed upon a division thereof as followeth, viz. Begining at a stake and stones, standing iu the line on the AA'esterly side of said lot, and said stake and stones bears about South, Plight degrees Easterly, B'ifty three rods from a white oak tree raarked, which is the North westerly corner bounds of said lot. and from said stake and stones we ran North, Sixty seven degrees East, to a stake and stones standing in the line on the Easterly side of said lot. And we do agree that this said line shall be the said dividing line, and this said line thus run bounded and described as above said, shall be a firra and stated division of said lot, and our agree ment is, that all that part or half of the lower, or South South Easterly side of said dividing line, shall D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 153 be the proper part or half of the said Hezakiah Bradford, with all and singular, the profits, privileges and appurtenances there unto belonging, to belong ancl appertain to the only proper use, benefit, and behoof of hira, the said Hezakiah Bradford, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. And all that part or half of said lot that lyeth on the upper or North North AVesterly side of said dividing line, shall be the proper part of the said Blanie Phillips, with all aud singular, the profits, privileges and appurtenances there unto belonging, to belong aud appertain to hira the said Blanie Phillips, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. And uow the above said agreement and division thus made and described, as above said, we the above said Hezakiah Bradford and Blanie Phillips, do mutually agree shall stand, be, and reraain as a full and firra settleraent and division of the above said Hundred and Forty seventh lot of land, for us, our heirs, executors, adrainistrators and assigns, forever. In witness whereof we the said Hezakiah Bradford and Blanie Phillips, have here unto set our hands and seals this the Seventh day of July, in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Thirty six. 1736. Hezakiah Bradford. (s) his Blanie X Phillips. (s) mark Signed sealed aud did in presence of Ichabod Wadsworth. Phinehas Sprague. 1736. An agreeraent between Joshua Scule of Duxbor- Nov. 24. rough, in the Couuty of Plyraouth, iu the Province Record of Massachusetts Bay in New England, yeoraan, of No. 5. the one part, and Samuel Williamson of Marshfleld, Page 1 7. in the County and Province above said, raalster, of the other part, and said agreement is as followeth, viz. That whereas we the said Joshua Soule and 154 D UXB UR Y RECORDS . Sarauel AVilliarasou are owuers and proprietors of the Fift}' eight lot in number, in the upland belong ing to the Second division of the Commons which belonged to the townships of Duxburrough and Pembrook, in the Couuty above said, aud we, there fore, that each of us might know his own right and proportion therein, have agreed upon a division thereof as followeth, viz. Begining at a small Pine tree marked, which is the Southerly corner bounds of .James Thomas's lot, aud the West Northwesterly corner Ijounds of the said Fifty eighth lot, aud from thence South, Seventy eight degrees F^asterly to a stake and stones standing in the Hue on the East South Plasterly side of the said Fifty Eighth lot. And we do agree that the above said line, thus run, bounded and discribed as above said, shall be a full and stated division of said lot, and further, our agreement is. that all that part or half that lyeth on the AVesterly side of said dividing line of said lot, shall be the proper lot or part of the said Joshua Soule, with all and singular, the profits, privileges and appurtenances there unto belonging, to belong to and appertain to the ouly proper use, beneflt and behoof of hira, the said Joshua .Soule, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigus forever. And that all that part, or half of said lot that lyeth on the East North Easterly side of said dividing line, shall be the proper part, or half of the said Samuel AVilliarasou, with all, and singular, the profits, priv ileges and appurtenances there uuto belonging, to beloui; and appertain unto the only proper use, ben efit and behoof of him the said Samuel AA'illiamson, bis heirs, executors, aiiministrators and assigns forever. And now, the atiove said agreement and division thus raade, we the said Joshua Soule and Samuel AA'illiamsou do rautually agree that it shall stand, be, and reraain as a firra and full settlement and division of the above said Fifty Eighth lot of land, for us. our heirs, executors, adrainistrators and assigus forever. In witness whereof, we the said DUXBURY RECORDS. 155 Joshua Soule aud Saniuel AVilliamson, have here uuto set our hands and seals this the Twenty fourth day of November in the year of our Lord God One thousand Seven hundred and Thirty six — 1736. Joshua Soule. (s) Saml AA'illiamson. (s) Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of Joanna AVilliamson. Betty Low. 1738. Covenanted, concluded and fully agreed upon by July 5. Joshua Sarasim of Duxborrough in the County of Record Plymouth in the province of Massachusetts bay in No. 5. New England, husbandman, on the one part, and Page 22. Caleb Samsou Jr, of said Duxborrough, husband- raan, on the other part, as followeth, viz. Whereas we, the said Joshua Samson and Caleb Sarason, are owners and proprietors of two lots and a half of land, lying and being within the township of said Duxborrough, which said two lots and a half of land have soraetirae laid in partnership, and undivided between us, we therefore that each of us raight know his own respective part of the above said lands, have agreed to divided the sarae, and the division thereof to be as followeth, viz. One of the above said lots is the Fifty fifth lot iu the first division of the coramon lands in the town of Duxborrough above said, which were laid out Anno Domini 1710, and the above said half lot is half of the Fifty Sixth lot in above said division, and is Northerly part of the said lot, and the 55th and 56th lots lie contiguous each unto the other, and we divided the said lot and half of land, by a line be gining at a stone pitched iu the ground in the range between the said 55th and 56th lots, which stone is the Northwesterly corner bounds of the land of Phillip Chanler, viz his part of the said 56th lot, and from said stone running West, a little Northerly about three rods, to another stone pitched in the 156 D UXB UR Y RECORDS, ground, and fiom thence North, 19 degrees AVest to another stone pitched in the grouHd, in the line on the Northerly side or part of the said 55th lot. Our agreement is therefore, that all that part of the said 55tli and oGtli lots that lyeth on the East erly side of the said dividing line, shall belong unto and be the proper part of the said Caleb Samson, his heirs and assigns forever, with all the profits, privileges aud appurtenances tliere unto belonging, and that all the other part of the said 55"^ lot, shall belong unto, and be the propar part of the said Joshua Sarason, his heirs ancl assignes forever, with all the profits, privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging. Aud the other of the above raentioned lots IS the 168th lot iu number in the upland in the second division of the comraons which belonged to the towns of Diixboi rough and Perabrook in the County above said, whicli we also divided by a line begining at a Black Oak tree raarked, standing by the country road, below the four mile hill, being the oorner liound of the 52nd lot in the above said first division of lands, and thence ranging Forty three rods aud a half in the line of the said 52nd lot, to a stake and stones, and thence ruuning South 57 de grees, East 27 rods to a white oak tree marked, and thence South, 42 degrees East, to the range of the 53rd lot in the first division above raentioned, to a stake and stones. Our agreeraent is that all that part of the above said 168th lot lying ou the AVesterly side of said dividing line last mentioned, shall belong uuto, and be the proper part of the said Joshua Samson, his heirs and assigns forever, with all the proflts, privi leges and appurtenances there unto belonging, and that all that part of said 168th lot lying on the said parties, their heirs and assigus, through each others land, divided as above said, for the use and convenience of each other of them, their heirs and assigns forever. And now the above said agreement and division thus made, we the above said Joshua DUXBURY RECORDS, 157 Samson and Caleb Sarason, do mutually agree, shall Easterly side of said dividing line, shall belong unto, aud be the proper part of the said Caleb Samsou, his heirs and assigus forever, vvith all the profits, privi leges aud appurtenances there unto belonging. Also, our agreement that there shall be convenient ways al lowed through gates or bars, by each of the above staud, be, and remain a flrm and full settlement and division of the above said two lots and a half of land, for us, our heirs and assigns forever. In witness where of we have here unto set our hands aud seals, this Fifth day of July in the year of our Lord God One thousand Seven hundred and Thirty Eight. 1738. .Joshua Samson. (s) Caleb Samson. (s) Signed, Sealed ancV'd'ld in presence of .Joshua Soule. Phillip Chanler. 1740. AA'e the subscribers having laid out to Benjarain Aug. 25. Prior a sinall parcel of land contiguous to the farm Record whereon he now dwelleth, by virtue of a grant by No.*5. the said town of Duxborrough to the said Prior, at a Page 30. town meeting August 25"' A. D. 1740, the said grant was as followeth viz, four acres of land, but not exceeding that. The said parcel of land is bounded as followeth viz. Begining at a stake aud stones standing on the Westerly side of the town road, said stake and stones is the South easterly corner bound of the farm whereon the said Benjarain Prior uow dwelleth, and from thence running South, a little Westerly, by the Westerly side of the said road, till it comes to the land of Moses Soule, and from theuce North 70 degrees AVest, 19 rods and a half, to a stake and stones, and from thence North 45 degrees AA^est, 30 rods and a half to the line of the said Prior, and from thence South, 78, East, 45 rods, along by said 158 DUXBURY RECORDS. Prior's land, to the stake and stones flrst mentioned, containing three acres and sixty rods, which the said Prior accepted iu full for the above said town grant. Gamaliel Bradford. Saml AVeston. 1740. AVe the subscribers, being chosen and appointed Dec. 3. by the town of Duxborrough, to settle the bouuds of Record their salt meadow lying in said Duxborrough, after No. 5. notice given to the several persons that has meadow Page 30. adjoining to the above said town's meadow, whicb were present, or have since consented to the bounds as they are herein settled or described, we proceeded to do this on the 3'' day of December Anno Domini 1740, and Begining on the North side of Carswell river at the mouth of the ditch that is the bouuds between the meadow of Benjamin Chanler, and said town's meadow, and run with the ditch North eighteen degrees AA'esterly 5 pole, to a stake stand ing on the East side of said ditch, thence we run the line between said town's meadow, and the meadow of Thomas Hunt, North, 48 degrees Easterly, 28 pole, to a stake standing in the range of Samuel Seabury's meadow, and from thence we run the parting line between said Seabury's meadow and the above said town's meadow. South, 18 degrees East erly, 31 pole to a stake, thence on the same course 12 feet, to another stake standing in the side of a slough, thench it runneth North, 67 degrees Easterly, 4 pole, to the head of a small creek or guzzle, by which it is bounded on the Easterly side until it comes to the raouth of said creek, where it runneth into the Mill river, by which river it is bounded up stream to Carswell river, and from thence it is bounded by Carswell river up stream till it comes to the first mentioned ditch or bounds. Joshua Soule. MosES Simons. DUXBURY RECORDS. 159 1736. An agreement between Christopher Wadsworth, .April 15. George Partridge and Robert Stanford, all of Dux borrough, in the County of Plymouth, iu the prov ince of Massachusetts Bay, in New England, yeo raen, and the said agreeraent is as followeth, viz. That whereas the said Christopher AVadsworth, George Partridge and Robert Stanford are owners and proprietors of the eleventh lot, in nuraber of up land in the second division of the commons belong ing to the townships of Duxborrough and Pembrook in the County above said, and we therefore, that each of us might know his own respective right aud pro portion therein, have agreed upon a division thereof, and said division thereof is as followeth, viz. Begining at a great white oak stake, which is the South Easterly corner bounds of said lot and the bound between the Eighth and Ninth lots, and from thence. North, Sixty degrees Westerly, 31 rods to a small pine tree marked, standing by the side of the hill in the line on the South westerly side of said lot, and from thence North 33 degrees Easterly, about 38 rods, to a stake aud stones, and from thence South, 68 degrees East, 29 rods, to a stake and stones standing in the line on the North Easterly side of said lot, and from thence South 30 degrees Westerly 42 Rods, to the stake first mentioned, and all this Southeasterly corner of, or part of said lot of land, bounded and described as above said, shall be the proper part of the said George Partridge, with all and singular, the profits, privileges, and appur tenances there unto belonging, to belong and apper tain to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of him, the said George Partridge his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. And the said Christopher Wadsworth's part of said lot, is bouuded as followeth, viz. Begining at a small pine tree marked, before mentioned, which is the Southwesterly corner bound of George Partridge's tract of land, or his part of the said lot above said, and from thence North, 60 160 DUXBURY RECORDS. degrees AVesterly 57 rods, to a great pine tree marked, in the North AA'est side of the swamp near the upland, and so home to the upland at North hill lands, and from theuce the Northwest side thereof is bounded by said North hill lands, till it comes to a small Black Oak tree or shrub raarked near an old stump a little out of the swarap by the side of the hill, and the said tree or shrub, bears about South 115 degrees AVest 12 rods, from a small AVhite Oak marked, in a valle}- which is the Northerly corner bound of said lot, and from said tree or shrub. South 4 degrees AA'est. about four or five rods, to a stake standing in the swamp, and from thence South 65 degrees East, about 39 rods, to a stake and stones, by au old blind path, and from thence North, 29 degrees East, 17 rods, to a stake and stones, standing on the side of the hill in the line on the Northeast side of said lot, aud from thence. South 74 '''ST' Easterly 34 rods, to a red oak tree marked, by the AA'est side of North hill way, which is tbe Easterly corner bound of said lot. and from thence South 30 degrees AVesterly, 8 rods, to a stake aud stones standing in the line on the South easterly side of said lot, and frora thence North 'b><' degrees AA'est, along by said Partridge's part of land, 29 rods, to a stake aud stones which is the Northerly corner bound of said Partridge's part or tract of land abovesaid, aud from thence .South, 33 degrees AA'esterly, about 38 rods aloug by said Partridge's part, or tract of land above said, to the small pine tree marked, first mentioued. And all this tract oi- raiddle part of said lot, with the Easterly and AA'esterly parts or corners of said lot, bounded and described as is above said, shall be the proper part of the said Christopher AA'adsworth, with all, aud singular, the profits, privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, to belong and appertain to the only proper use, benefit and be hoof of hira, the said Christopher AA'adsworth, his heirs, executors, adrainistrators and assigns, forever. D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 1 61 Aud the said Robert Stanford's part of said lot is bounded as followeth, viz. Begining at a stake and stones, standing in the line on the Northeast side of said lot, and frora thence South, 65 degrees West 34 rods, to a white oak tree marked, which is the Northerly corner bound of said lot, frora thence South, 65 degrees West, 12 rods to a sraall Black Oak tree or shrub, raarked near an old sturap a little way out of the swamp by the side of the hill, and from thence South, 4 degrees AVest, about 4 or 5 rods to a stake standing in the swamp, which is oue of the bounds of said Christopher Wadsworth's above said laud, aud frora thence South 65 degrees East, about 39 rods, to a stake and stones, standing near an old blind path in the line of the said Christopher Wadsworth's land above said, aud from thence North 29 degrees Jiast, 17 rods by said AVadsworth's land above said, to the stake and stones first men tioned. And all this above said Northerly and Northeast- ¦erly tract of land or corner of said lot of land bounded and described as above said, shall be the proper part of the said Robert Stanford, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever, with all and singular, the profits, privileges aud appur tenances thereunto belonging, to belong and apper tain to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of hira the said Robert Stanford, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, forever. And now the above said agreement and division thus raade, and described as is above said, that we the above said Christopher AVadsworth, George Partridge and Robert Stanford, do mutually agree, that it shall staud, be, and remain as a firm and full settleraent and division of the above said Fileventh lot of land, for us, aud our heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, forever. In witness where of we the above said Chris topher Wadsworth, George Partridge and Robert Stanford, have here unto set our hands and seals 1 1 162 DUXBURY RECORDS. this the 15th day of April, in the year of our Lord God. One thousand Seven hundred and Thirty Six, 1736. Christopher X W.\dsworth. (s) his mark George Partridge. (s) Robert Stanford. (s) Signed Sealed and d'ld in presence of John AA'adsworth Jr. Mary AA'adsworth. 1741-2. An agreement between Thomas Phillips Sen"' and Mch 1. Thomas Phillips Jr, both of Duxborrough, in the Record County of Plymouth, in the Province of Massachu- No. 5. setts Bay in New England, housewrights, and their Page 35. said agreement is as followeth. That whereas we the said Thomas Phillips Sen'"' and Thomas Phillips Jr are owners and proprietors of the one hundred and sixty fifth lot in number, of upland in the second division of the Commons which belonged to the townships of Duxborrough and Perabrook in the County and Province above said, and therefore, that each of us might know his own right and respective proportion, have agreed upon a division, and have run the dividing line, which is as follows, viz. Begining at a stake and stones standing on the Northwesterly side of a cart way in the line on the Easterly side of said lot, bearing North 8 degrees aud three quarters Westerly, about 52 rods from a black birch tree marked, which is the South easterly corner bouud of said lot, and from thence South 85 degrees West, to a large red oak tree marked, stand ing on the side of a hill near the meadow ground of Pine brook, and from said red oak tree Soutli, 75 degrees West, down across the meadow ground, till it comes to Pine brook, and our agreement is that all the upland and raeadow of said lot that lyeth on the Northerly side of said dividing line, shall be the proper part or right of the said Thomas Phillips D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 1 63 Sen"'' with all and singular, the profits, privileges and appurtenances there uuto belonging, to belong to the said Thomas Phillips Sen"'' his heirs, executor, administrators and assigns, forever, and all that part of the upland and meadow of said lot that lyeth on the Southerly side of said dividing line, shall be the proper part or right of the said Thomas Phillips Jr, with all and singular, the profits, privileges and appurtenances there unto belonging, to belong and appertain to the said Thomas Phillips Jr, his heirs and assigns forever, and now we do mutually agree that the above said line thus run bounded and described as is above said, shall be a full and flrm settlement and division for each of us, our heirs &c forever. In witness whereof we have here unto set our hands and seals the 14"' day of Janry A. D. 1741-2. Thomas Phillips Sen. (s) Thomas Phillips Jr. (s) iu presence of John Wadsworth Jr. Uriah Wadsworth. 1743-4. AVhere as we, the subscribers, to wit, John Wads- Mch 19. worth and Sam^ Weston, select men of the town of Record Duxborrough and Gersham Bradford and Robert No. 5. Bradford select men of the town of Kingston, being Page 39. met together to run the line, and renew and settle the bounds between the towns of Duxborrough and Kingston, have run the said line, and settled the said bounds, as followeth, viz. We began at a heap of stones which was a corner bound between the towns of Plymouth and Duxbor rough, which is a little to the Northward of Mill brook, and about thirty six rods to the Northwestward of the dwelling house of Mr. Hezekiah Bradford, and from thence running North 72f West, to Pine brook to the North east corner of the farm of Elna than Fish, deceased, within two rods of the South 164 DUXBURY RECORDS. AVest of a pine tree, which we marked, standing upon the upland ou the Northeasterly side of Pine brook within about two or three rods of the said brook, and then we came back to the heap of stones where we flrst began, and thence we run South 26 degrees East about two hundred rods, to a stake and stones standing on the upland, about a rod above the Tus sock meadow swamp, so called, and so into the Tussock brook, aud thence by said brook down stream into Jones' River, and thence by said river, into the Salt bay, and the above said line run and bounds settled as above said we do mutually agree and determine shall remain to be the settled bounds between the towns of Duxborrough and Kingston, forever. In confirmation whereof we have here unto set our hands the Nineteenth day of March in the year of our Lord God One thousand Seven hundred and forty three or forty four. 1743-4. .John AA'.vdsworth. Gersham Bradford. Sam' AA'eston. Rob' Bradford. signed in presence of Barnaba.s Tuels. Abigail Bisbe. 1743. To all people to whom these inav come. Know ye, Mch 5. Whereas the bounds between the salt raeadow for- Record raerly in the possession of Colonel Jolm Alden and No. 5. Deacon Benjamin Alden in Duxborrough, deceased, Page 40. said meadow lying on the Mill river in Duxborrough, on one .--iile, and by the upland uow iu pussession of Joshua Delanoe and Bereah Delanoe, on the other side, said bounds were then agreed upon by said Colonel Aldeu and Deacon Alden, but by neglect as yet to record it no record is made of their division, and agreeably to their intent, we hereby establish said bounds, and they are as followeth viz. Begining DUXBURY RECORDS. 165 by the Northwest corner of Joshua Delanoe's upland by said raeadow, on the East side of the cart way leading into the raeadow, and from said corner it runneth about North west by the way into said meadow, unto the North end of a small Island called the cart Island, to a stone in the ground, which is now, one Bound of Jonathan Petersons marsh, and from said stone, it runneth North 20 degrees East, unto a heap of stones on the gravel at the West point of a long Island near Mill river, and from said heap of stones, running Easterly, ou the South side of said Island, and by said Island unto the Mill river at the East end thereof, and all the raeadow lying on the Easterly side of said lines, are the raeadows of Sarauel Alden, and on the West are the heirs of Deacon Alden, which above bounds we ratify aud conflrra by virtue of these presents, and order the sarae to be recorded in Duxborrough town records, and are to reraain so forever, for us our heirs and assigns. In witness where of we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this Fifth day of March, One thousand Seven hundred and Forty three 1743. Bbioos Alden, Attorney. David Alden. Jonathan Peterson. Peleg Sprague. JosHi a Delano. 1743. July 4th 1743. Where as we the subscribers, July 4. selectmen of the town of Duxborrough, being Record requested by the inhabitants of the North end of No. 5. said town, to lay out a high w.ay through said North Page 41. part of said town, have laid out a high way as fol loweth viz. Begining at the country road in the range betweeu Edward Arnold Esq and Deacon Jaraes Arnold where a path called the cord wood path, comes into said country road, the said cord wood path is the high way till it coraes to two oak 166 DUXBURY RECORDS. trees marked, about 12 rods to the AA'estward of the lane by Hazadiah Delanoe's, and from said trees it goes about South west to a red oak tree marked, theuce to a pine tree raarked, standing in the range between Mr. Caleb Samsou aud .Jesse Delanoe, and from said pine tree in a range between said Samson aud said Delanoe to the old path, and then in said path to Liu'' Thomas's fence, then by said fence, to two oak trees standing in Crooked lane, thence as the path goes, to the land of Benjarain Southworth, and then across Southworth's land to the AVestward of his barn, and to the Eastward of his house, to the land of .Samuel Barker, theu across said Barker's laud to a black oak tree formerh' marked, standing near a causway. called .Joseph Peterson's causway, aud thence over said causway, as the path now goeth, till it comes to ili . Isaac Siraons's fence, and through said fence np to the Easterly end of his house, theuce between the said house and orchard, as the path uow goeth, to the land of Joseph Peter son, and iu said path as it now goeth, to the land of Sarauel Barker, theu through said Barker's land, as the path now goeth, to the land of Mr. John Thomas aud Gideon Thomas, then in a range between said .John and Gideon to the land of Thomas Ford, thence in the rauge betweeu said Gideon Thomas, and said Thomas Ford, till it comes to a red oak tree standing iu said range, and thence, turning a little Northward iuto the path to the South river, aud over said river as the way goes, to the AVesterly side of the hill by Isaac Keiu's saw mill, then over said saw mill dara to said Kein's field fence, and through said fleld where the way formerly went, and theu as the path now goes, to the land of Hezekiah Kein and AA'illiam Howland, theu iu a range between said Keins and said Howland. to the AA'esterly corner of said How- laud's laud, thence ou a straight line to a stake and stoues by Robert Howland's fleld, thence through said fleld to a white pine, uear the former path, thence in said path to Pembrook line. The above DUXBURY RECORDS. 167 said way is to go through gates where the proprietors of the land shall have occasion to set them. Gamaliel Bradford. Samuel AA'eston. 1719. Know all men by these presents. That whereas Mar 1. there was a certain tract of land sold by the Town Record of Duxborrough unto Liu' Samuel Bradford de- No. 5. ceased, Mr. Thoraas Loring deceased, Elisha AV ads- Page 44. worth aud Jouathau Brewster, all of Duxborrough aforesaid of the County of Plyraouth in New Eng land, lying between the head of the Tussock brook, aud a swamp called the dead swamp, bounded as by record raay appear, where of it reraains that a division be made, and whereas the moety or one half of said land doth uow of right belong unto the Heirs of the said Thomas Loring, he having in his life time, purchased said Brewster's right, and the other half doth now belong uuto Elisha AVadsworth and the Heirs of the above said Samuel Bradford in equal pioportion, we whose names are underwritten, having obtained a surveyor, have agreed upon a division, and drawn our lots as followeth, viz. In the first place, we diviiied the same into two lots, having had respect as well to quality as to the quantity of each lot, the Easter most lot containing about 44 acres, fell to the Heirs of Mr. Thomas Loriug and is bounded as followeth, viz. Begining at a stake with stones about it, standing uear the range of the heads of the old lots, about 4 poles Northerly of the old way to Duxborrough, and from thence ranging North 25 degrees Westerly about 144 poles to two maples marked, growing out of one root, standing in the edge of the dead swamp so called, and frora thence on the Northerly side is bound by said swarap, aud on the Easterly side by the heads of the old lots, till it comes to the stake first mentioned. The other half we divided into two parts having respect as well to the quality as the quantity of each lot, the Eastermost lot adjoining to 168 DUXBURY RECORDS. the afore said Loring's land, being 23 poles in breadth fell by lot to Elisha Wadsworth, and is bounded at the Northerly end next to the afore said Dead Swamp, with a pine tree marked, and from thence ranging South 25 degrees Easterly, about 166 poles to a pine tree marked, standing near the range of the heads of the said old lots, the AA'estermost lot fell by lot to the heirs of the said Samuel Bradford, being 23 poles in breadth, and is bounded Easterly by said AA'adsworth's lot, and Westerly by the range between Plymouth and Duxbon-ough. Now the above said tract of land being thns divided, we whose naraes are here under written, viz, Elisha AVadsworth, Hannah Bradford Executrix to the will of Mr. Samuel Bradford dec, and guardian for the Heirs of said land, aud Deborah Loring administratrix to the estate of tbe said Thomas Lor ing, and guardian to the Heirs of said land, do each of us rautually agiee aud hereby firmly oblige our selves, and our heirs, that the above said division shall be a full settlement between each of us, our heirs and assigns for ever. In witness where of we have set our hands and seals this f day of March in the year of our Lord 1719. Elisha Wadsworth. (s) Hannah Bradford. (s) Deborah Loring. (s) Signed and sealed in presence of John Briggs. Joseph Southworth. 1746. Au agreement between Joseph Freeman of Dux- Mch. 16. borrough iu the County of Plymouth, iu the prov- Record ince of Massachusetts, in New England, yeoman, on No. 5. the one part, and Jaraes Partridge of Duxborrough Page 47. afore said, yeoraan, of the other part. Witnesseth, that whereas the said Joseph Freeman and James Partridge have agreed to run a line, and for to settle the bounds between the farm where on the said Joseph Freeman now dwells, and the farm that the said Jaraes Partridge now owns, and is in posses- DUXBURY RECORDS. 169 sion of, adjoining to said Freeman's on the easterly side of said Freeman's and therefor that each of us might know this line of partition, or division be tween us, we have rautually agreed to run said line, and to settle the bounds as followeth, viz. Begin ing at a large white oak tree marked standing in the edge of the upland by the South Easterly side of the swamp in a line of Mr. Samnel Seabury, and was the former reputed corner bound between us at the lower, or South Easterly ends of our said farms, and from thence North 38 degrees and a half West, along by stakes we set np, and by raarked trees or running paralel with the line of Mr. Sarauel Seabury ou the other side of said Partridge's farm, till it coraes to a stake and stones standing on the North AVesterly side of the Country road, and frora thence North 51 degrees East, till it coraes to a stake aud stones, standing and bearing North 39 degrees West, 20 rods frora a stake aud stones standing on the side of a hill, which is the Westerly corner bounds of the horaestead Farra of the said Sarauel Seabury, and we do agree that the land lying on the Westerly side of said line of partition, shall be the lawful right or part of the said Joseph Freeman, and all that land lying on the Easterly side of said line of partition, shall be the lawful right or part of the said James Partridge, and we the said Joseph Freeman and James Partridge, do mutually agree that the above said line thus run, bounded and described, as afore said shall be the full, aud firra, and staked line, and bounds of partitions or division for each of us, our heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. In witness whereof we the said Joseph Freeman and Jaraes Partridge, have here unto set our hands and seals the sxiteenth day of March in the year of our Lord God One thousand Seven hundred and Forty Six or Seven. 1746-7. Joseph Freeman (s) Jamks Partridge (s) Signed sealed and delivered in presence of Eben'' Bartlet. Benj'" Loring. 110 D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 1746. Articles of agreement made and rautually agreed Jany 21. upon the Twenty Second day of January, One Record thousaud Seven hundred and Forty Six — by and No. 5. araongst us, namely, John Southworth, George Par- Page 47. tridge, .Joshua Delanoe and Eleazer Harlow, all of Duxborrough, in the Couuty of Plyraouth, iu New England &c. AVhere as, the said .Southworth is at present, the s(jle owner of a Grist Mill together with stream and lands that are or raay be flowed, and .all the appur teuauces thereto belonging in said Duxborrough, called Southworth's Mill &c, and whereas said Mill is become very poor, aud unfit for service. Now he the said .Southworth being freely willing that the said stieara raay be forever used in the service of a Grist Mlil in the first place, and afterwards to improve the water coming from her b}- any sort of Mill or water works, the owners think most proper to erect below said Grist Mill, aud said Southworth hath set forth oue half acre of upland between Mendora's Spring and the Mill rocks so called, a house lot to accoraraodate a Mill, or Mills with all privilege of dainraing, digging, flowing ways, to and from said Mills together with the whole of the new Grist Mill &c, and for the whole of the Old Mill privilege of pond and ponding, dara and damraing, and necessary ways, and the half acre of land with all appurtenances that's needful, the whole is agreed to be worth One hundred and Sixty pounds, old tenor, and we are to improve by flowing dowu stream if we please, about two rods below Mendora's spring, so that there may lie a way to jiass at all times for Southworth's creatures below the pond to his land on either side of the streara, and not be stopped by any of our works &c forever, of which said premises said Southworth hath given .-aid Partridge, Delano and Harlow, a deed of three quarters of the whole, aud is one quarter for himself. Now. we the subscribers, agree forthwith to build a new Grist Mill, and a Fulling Mill, and to set the D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 1 "tl Grist Mill near the new dara, and the Fulling Mill a little below Mendora's Spring, and that they shall be both built and completed, fit 'or service, within eight months next after the above date, each mau is to own, and carry on one quarter part of said costs arising thereon, and when they are done, that then the whole charge ou them shall be computed and equally paid by us or onr heirs &c. AA'e also agree that neither of the owners at any time forever shall sell his part unto any person, until they have first given the other owners the preference of sale, and on their uot complying to give as much as another, then shall the sale be free. AA'e further rautually agree that at any tirae here after if we or our heirs shall think it proper to build a house on said half acre of laud, the better to accommodate said mills, that theu the major part of said owners agreeing there to, shall build such house or housing as they judge most convenient to accoraraodate said affairs, and at the cost of all the owners, and the same with all Mills and such like works shall be improved in, or by such a lay or hiring out of the same as shall be judged most beneficial by the raajor part of the owners, frora time to time and at all times forever. Also, we further hereby bind and oblige ourselves, our heirs and assigns, each unto each other, that we will truly and faithfully observe, keep and perform each and every of the articles included iu this paper, and we rautually agree that who ever of us said par ties, clo not faithfully coraply with and fulfill their respective promises here iu agreed on, shall forfeit and pay unto the other owners the sura of £50 in money on the Province of Massachusetts Bay in New England so often as the sarae is uot by any of us our heirs or assigns coraplyed with, forever. Aud we also further agree, that this instrument shall be recorded on Duxborrough Towu records, and there to remain forever, so that all whom it may concern raay know where to find the same, and in 172 DUXBURY RECORDS. testiraony here of, we the said parties have here unto set our hands and seals the day and year as raen tioned on other side — John Southworth. (s) George Partridge. (s) Joshua Delanoe. (s) Eleazor Harlow. (s) in presence of Abishai Soule. Abigail Soule. 1747-48. A jMutual Agreement between Benjaraiu Prior Jr Feb. 25. of Duxborrough, in the Province of Massachusetts Record B.ay, County of Plyraouth — in New Pingland, tanner. No. 5. of the one part, and Nathaniel Delanoe of Duxbor- Page51. rough afore said, laborer, of the other, part, AVitnesseth that Whereas, we, the said Benjamin Prior and Nathaniel Delanoe are owners and propri etors of oue half part of the P^ighth lot in number, in the upland of the Common of the second divisiou which belonged to the Townships of Duxborrough and Perabrook, aud therefore that each raight know his own respective right and proportion, have agreed to divide the same, and to rnn the line and to settle the bounds between us, which is as follows. Begin ing at a stake and stones standing in a line of Jethro Sprague, bearing North 40 degrees AVest, 72 rods in said Sprague's line from the road, Northwesterly side of the country road, which is the .Southeasterly corner bound of said Jethro Sprague, aud from the first mentioned stake and stones. North 50 degrees East, across said lot to a stake aud stones, standing by the side of a hill in the line of AVilliam Brewster, and our agreement is, that all that part of the lot that lyeth on the North westerly side of the above said Hue, shall be the proper part or right of the said Benjarain Prior, and his heirs aud assigns, forever, and all that part of the lot that lyeth on the South erly side of the aforesaid line, shall be the proper DUXBURY RECORDS. 173 part or right of the said Nathaniel Delanoe, aud for his heirs and assigus forever- And we do agree, that the above said line thus run, and bounded, and described as above said, shall be a full and firm set tlement, and division, and partition for each of us, our heirs and executors, administrators and assigns, forever. In witness whereof wo the said Benjarain Prior, and Nathaniel I^elanoe have here unto set our hands and seals the Twenty fifth day of February, in the year of Our Lord Oue thousand Seven hundred and forty Seveu or Eight 1747-48. Benjamin Prior. (s) Nathaniel Delanoe. (s) Signed sealed and dl'd in presence of John Delanoe. Abiather Alden. 1750. Know all raen by these presents. That I Isaac Mch 18. Siraraons of Duxborrough, in the County of Ply- Record mouth, in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, in No. 5. New England, yeoraan, ara holden, and stand firraly Page 114. bound and obliged unto Phillip Delanoe of Duxbor rough, in the County and Province above said, yeoraan and treasurer in the full and just sura of oue thousand pounds current lawful silver raoney of New England, to be paid to the said Phillip Delanoe, or .to his successors in said office, to and for the use of said town of Duxborrough above said to the which payment well and truly to be made, I bind rayself my heirs, executors, and administrators flrmly by these presents. Sealed with ray seal, dated the 18"' of Mareh 1750. The conditions of this present obligation is such, that wheu as Priscilla Simmons, a person non campa mentis and sister to the above bounded Isaac Sira raons, and is in no ways capable to support and maintain herself, and she is an inhabitant of the town of Duxborrough, said town is obliged by law 174 DUXBURY RElCORDS. to support and maintain said Priscilla, and now the above bounden Isaac Siraraons, he and heirs and administrators, or any of them, shall well and truly support and maintain the said Priscilla, both in sickness and in health, and free the said town from any charge, cost, or trouble that hath or shall arise toward the maiLtainance of said Priscilla, during her natural life, then this present obligation shall be void, other wise to reraain in full force and virtue. Isaac Simmons. (s) John Thomas Reuben Carver, vs .Jr., ) IVER, j Witnesses. 1750. I, the subscriber for the consideration of the sum Jany 5. of Ten Pounds Six Shillings and Eight pence, lawful Record money to rae iu hand paid by the select raen of No 5. Duxborrough, do bind rayself, ray heirs, executors Page 115. and adrainistrators to free the town of Duxborrough from any charge or trouble they shall be at or may arise by any support of David Boardman a poor Negro man, for the space of flve years next ensuing from the date here of till five years is expired, exclu sive of Doctoring if auy shall be wanted. In witness where of I have here unto set my hand aud seal, this Fifth day of January 1750. Hezekiah Keen. (s) Signed sealed and delivered in presence of George Partridge. Peabody Bradford. *1682-3. The town have granted to Abraham Peirce, a Mch 26. sraall quantity of land at the head of the said Peirce's Bound Vol. land at Namassakeeset, in consideration of the high Page 30. way that is laid out, cut over the said Peirce's land at Namassakeeset, and have appointed Abram Holmes and Isaac Barker, to lay it forth unto him, for quantity according to their judgment, provided that Marshfield be willing thereunto. AA'illiam Parbody, Clerk. March 26, 1682-3. »This record was found too late to be printed in its proper place. DUXBURY RECORDS. 175 TOWN MEETINGS. 1686. At a Town meeting held in Duxburrough February From 16th, 1686 The Town made choice of Seth Arnold old & John Soule to serve on the petty jury, & John pamphlet Partridge & Tho'" Dillancy to serve at the Court of Book assistants. A 1686 At this Town meeting. The Town agreed to give to Abraham Samson Junior liberty to improve three 1700. acres of land lying upon the South side of the way Page 4. that goes to Bluefish river, as long as he sees cause to improve it by planting or sowing. At this Town raeeting the Town did give unto Samuel Dillancy, & Caleb Samsou, each of them, thirty acres of land on the Northerly side of Greeu harbor brook & a swamp that goes to Dingley's wolf trap, to them and to their heirs forever, provided that they settle upon it, otherwise it is to return to the town again. Also, the Towu have granted unto Seth Arnold that the line between the land of Capt Thomas which he purchased of Edmond Weston, and the land of Seth Arnold, shall be contiuued from Green Harbor brook until it meets with the land of Abram Holmes, and so bounded by said Holmes land until it meet the Hne that is between Marshfleld & Duxborough, though it comprehends more land than formerly did belong to Seth's lot, and the above said line to remain good to said Arnold and his heirs forever. 176 D UXB UR Y RECORDS . 1686. Frora Bouud Vol. Page 6. At a Town meeting held iu Duxborrough May 24"' 1686, The town granted to .John Simons 4 or 5 acres of land, or thereabout, lyiug between his father's land, and AA'illiam Thomas's land. Recorded by Ale.xandek Standish, Town Clerk. Same date. According to a grant of laud by the Town, given to John Siraraons at the head of his land, to run his lines until he raeets with the land of Mr. AVilliam Tbonias, it was accordingly done by us, from bis coruer raarks on the South AVest side, which was a white oak tree, to a white oak tree, to a swamp, and by the said swamp to the laud of AA'"' Thomas on the North East side, by the line of said Siraone's land, untu we carae to the land of \A'illiara Thomas returned by us. Thomas Delano. John Soule. Ale.xander .Standish, Town Clerk. 1G86. At a Town meeting held in Duxburrough Aug. Frora 25"' 168(1. The Town raade choice of Robert Barker Pamphlet, jun. and P^dward Southworth, to serve in the petty Page 5. jury at the Couuty Court. Josiah Kaine Jun. took the oath of fidelity Aug. At this Town meeting, the town m.ade choice of David Alden and AA'illiam Hobes to serve y' petty •lury at the Court of assistants to be in Oct 1686. 1687. The Towu made choice of Sergeiit Bartlet, Ensign June 2. Tiasey and Johu AVadsworth, for their select men Page 5. for this year. The towu chose Isaac Barker and From Joseph Howland for their constables for this year ; Paraphlet. AVrestle Brewster, Robert Barker jun. aud Elnathan AVeston, surveyors for this year. DUXBURY RECORDS. 177 1687. At a Town raeeting held iu Duxburrough June June 2. 2''/67 The town gave to Joseph Chandler's son Paraphlet. John, who by Gods Providence has lost his hand, 50 Page^6. acres of land, lying ou the Easterly side of the South river, and Northerly side of the place called the Rocks ; Provided that his father shall have liberty to sell, or otherwise iraprove the land for the beneflt of the afore said child. 1687. At a Towu raeeting (by virtue of a warrant from Aug. 12. John Usher treasurer) The town raade choice of Page 7. Mr. Alexander Standish to be their Commissioner for assessments. Also at this meeting, the Town of Duxborrough agreed that no grass should be cut at the Common Meadows until the 18"' day of this instant month upon the penalty of the loss of all the grass that any mau shall cut before the time afore said upon the Common Meadow. Aug. 12. Know all men by these Presents, That the Town Page 8. of Duxburrough has agreed to let, lease and set over unto John Thomas and Peter West, a certain tract of meadow, and we, the inhabitants of the town, do by these Presents, Let, Lease, aud Set over unto John Thoraas and Peter West afore said, the tract of raeadow betweeu Gotum river and the Cut river, the full time of seven years from the date hereof : Provided that said John Thomas & Peter West do pay or cause to be paid Thirteen Shillings pr Annura to the Town of Duxburrough, or their order without trouble, and further, said raen do hereby debar themselves frora cutting any grass any where else upou the Comraon Meadows, during the terra of this lease. And hereby John Thoraas and Peter AVest aforesaid, do engage to keep the afore said Meadow sufficiently fenced during the full term of seven years frora this Twelfth day of August One thousand Six hundred Eighty seven. 12 178 DUXBURY RECORDS. The aliove written was tbe mutual agreement of the parties within named and Recorded by their orders — by rae. Rhodolphus Thacher, Toioi Clerk. 1688. At a Town meeting held in Duxburrough, 2P' of May 21. May 16>>8. Lieut. Alden, Francis Barker and Mr. Pamphlet. Edward Southworth, were chosen by said town for Page 9. Select raen, and added to the forraer for this year. At this town raeeting, the town raade choice of Mr. Alexander Standish to be their Coraraissioner for this year ; AVrestle Brewster, Joseph Turner and Eoger Glace, surveyors. John Soule and Joseph Eogers were chosen constables for this year. At this Towu meeting the town agreed to raise their minister's salary by a Rate, as in times past, and have also appointed the Select men to make their minister's Rate this year. At this meeting May 2P' 1688 the towu granted that the two acres of raeadow, forraerly called Moses Simonsou's. and lying below Jaraes Thoraas is upon the South river, that it shall be laid forth and recorded to .John Siraonsou. The Town at this meeting have agreed to lay out a piece of meadow, formerly called Bumps meadow. to be iraproved for the benefit of their rainister, as the house and upland that was set apart for that use formerly. At the same town meeting, the town did also by vote, agree to leave the disposal of the Common Meadows for the benefit of the Town, to the Select raen, that is to be understood, by hiring it out, pro vided they do uot exceed the terra of Seven years, and to be let to such as are inhabitants of the town, and do empower the above said Select men to take some effectual course for the preservation of the Town timber, bark, and cord wood. At this town meeting the town did vote to give to Thoraas Dil- DUXBURY RECORDS. 179 lancy, that part of the swamp before his door that was Common, But so as that the high way is not damaged thereby. 1689. At a Town raeeting in Duxburrough a piece of Mch 1. land was allotted to be layed out and sold by Samuel From Delano and Peter West, to Edward Southworth, and Bound their return to be made to the Town, which was Vol. accordingly done, and does run as follows : From marke a red oak marked by end of Sarauel Wests ground A 1644. by a straight line to a red oak — between the swamp Page 6. marked, and from the tree by a straight line to a bound marked tree by the lower raarsh, which was valued to be worth twelve shillings, which was paid to the town by the aforesaid Edward Southworth in Silver money. Transcribed by rae, Alexander Standish, Town Clerk. April 30. At a Town meeting held in Duxburrough, April From 30, 1689. The town made choice of Benjamin Paraphlet Bartlett Sen. and Deacon Wadsworth to be their a. agents, (upon the request of Mr. Thoraas Hinkle) Page 10. and together with the agents of other towns, to settle a Council to consider of such things as raay be expedient for us under the present juncture of Providence until our forraer tirae of election, which useth to be on the first Tuesday in June. AVe the inhabitants of the town of Duxburrough do desire that Mr. Hinkle and the rest of the old raagistrates that do yet survive may be present Council according to the former liraitation, and no other, and farther, our desire is that all those that have liberty to vote in our town raeetings for the choice of deputies and others, raay have liberty to vote in choice of Governor ancl Assistants, and if the Countys continue that all such may have power to choose their County assistants. We do also desire, that all our records may be recalled and secured by the present Council for us. 180 D UXB UR Y RECORDS. May 2.S. At a Town raeeting held in Duxburrough May 28, Paraphlet. 1689 The town chose Mr. Edward Southworth and Page 11. Mr. Seth Arnold, to be their deputies, Lieut. Alden, Ensign Tracy, and Mr. .John Wadsworth to be their select raen. Roger Glace and Francis Barker, to be their Constables for this year. Josiah AA'orraall and .Josiah Kaine to be their Grand jury raen, Joseph AA'adsworth, .John Simonson and Johu Russel, to be their surveyors for this year. Aug. 8. Roger Glace, Joseph Chandler-, Thom^ Dillanoy Pamphlet, and Abraham Pears desiring to take up their free- Page 12. dom, were approved by the Town, May 2S. 1689. 1689. At a Towu meeting held in Duxburrough the 8"" From ?S of August 1689, The town made choice of Mr. Paraphlet Edward Southworth, and Mr. Seth Arnold, to be a. their deputies for the following Court, and the Page 11. remaining part of the year. Frora At a Town meeting held in Duxburrough the 13"' Pamphlet of December 1689^ The town did agree to empower a. the Town Council to make an order as firmly as they Page 12. can against the Stray of all Town wood and timber, Dec. 13/89. by sending it out of the town, and to empower men to see that the order so made is executed. And farther, the town does forbid any man to presume to cut either cord wood, or tiraber, except for their own particular use, upon the town Coraraons, from this day. until the town Council have published their order, upon the forflture of all such wood, or tiraber so cut. The town did engage to AVrestling Brewster, that if he in courtesy did take Nathaniel Cole into his house, they would secure him from being burdened with keeping hira, said Cole. DUXBURY RECORDS. 181 1690. At a Town meeting held in Duxburiough May 21*^* From 1690 The town raade choice of Serg' Bartlett, Paraphlet Ensign Tracy and Deacon AVadsworth, for their a. select men ; Mr. Johu AVadsworth, and Mr. David Page 12. Alden, for their deputies, James Partridge James Bishop, and John Trasy jun. for surveyors. The town chose Stephen Sarason and Johu Russell for their constables for this year, Josiah Holmes and Josiah Wormall were chosen grand jnry men. Jurors for the County Court, John Russell and John Thomas, and the town chose for the Court of Assist ants, John Simonson and Joseph Turner to serve upon the petty jury. Dec. 9. At a Town raeeting held in Duxburrough the 9"' 1690. of Deceraber 1690 — The town raade choice of Page 13. Ensign Trasy, Ensign Barker aud Thomas Dillanoy Pamphlet for their ralers. a. At this meeting the Town did agree, and deter mine, that young men, such as are for themselves, and not house keepers, shall be Rated at ten pounds a head for their heads, and add their estates to it. The town also agreed that, such as have cut cord wood upon the town Comraons this year, shall be rated — P-6'' upon the cord, as the town raters have information thereof ; and for bark, rails, cooper stuff, timber, to be rated for at half the value thereof, and to be valued by the Raters. 1691. February 18'" 1691. The town of Duxburrough Feb. 18. being met together, the raajority of the town by From vote, did agree to send to England in order to obtain Pamphlet a charter, by raanifesting their willingness so to do. A. The town did agree that if the select raen of the Page 13. town, or any nuraber of men in the town, will lend the town Twenty Pounds in Silver money, to be repaid in the same specie in one year's time from the date hereof, then the town do engage to see the select men of the town, or any such men as shall be helpful therein, paid to their content the sura above 182 DUXBURY RECORDS. expressed, at the time before mentioned. Or the Towu does engage, that if the select men can and do borrow Twenty pounds in their behalf, to send to England towards procuring a charter, that then the town will see thera repaid in a twelve months time, (in the same specie,) understand it from the date hereof, which is, this, the 18"' day of February 16fi. The town have raade choice of the Rev. Mr. Ichabod AA'iswell to be their agent, and desire that power may be given him to improve whora he sees cause to gather with hiraself for ' the end above mentioned. This tovvu meeting above mentioned was, in obedi ence to an act of Court holden 11*'' February, to consider what thej- would do in order to the procuring of charter, and also what instrument they would iraprove. and raoney they could raise toward the Public charge, which was thought to be £700 in New England money. Sept. 10. At a Town meeting held in Duxburrough Sept. 1691. 10/91 The town made choice of Ensign Barker and From Josiah Holmes to serve as petty jurors at the County Page 15. Court, of Mr. Alexander Standish and Phillip Dil- Pamphlet. lanoy to serve as jurors at the Court of assistants. At this town meeting the town did agree, that Goodman Boney should have a pair of shoes, bought with part of the rent due for the Common Meadows. 1692. Page 19. Pamphlet. At a Towu meeting held in Duxburrough Nov. 24"' lfi92 The town agreed to raise Mr. AViswell's maintenance, viz 50 pounds as expressed in the Town agreement, by rating the inhabitants of the town, iu order there unto. At this town meeting the town agreed that the rent due to the town for the use of the Comraon Meadows this j-ear, should be improved to procure wood for Mr. AViswald, by the select men. DUXBURY RECORDS- 163 Town charges for this year, as follows £ ,s D Ten Sliillings for sweeping the meeting liouse 10 — To Mr. Wadsworth for 23 clays at Court 4 12 To Peter West for three clays as Grand juror 7 To Mr. Southworth at Court 1 00 00 1692. The town reconed with Mr. Southworth at this Nov. 24. towu raeeting, and his acco. with thera is balanced. Pamphlet, that is concerning Mr. AA'iswald's house, and the Page 19. glassing of the meeting house also. 1693. At a Town meeting in Duxbury May 10"' 1693, May 10. The towu made choice of Mr. Edward Southworth Paraphlet. for an asserably raan for this year. Of John Siraon- Page 20. son and Sarauel Seabury to serve as petty jurors, at the Quarter Session. At this meeting, the town have given liberty to Robert Barker, his heirs aud assignes, to make a Dara, and raise a pond upon Pudding brook, about a place commonly called Beaver Dam, and to keep it up during the tirae that they, or either of thera shall see cause to keep up the mill. At this meeting. The town do hereby empower their present select meu, to run the line, and settle the boundry between the towu of Plyraouth and theraselves, and do promise to defray all necessary charge that shall arise about the premises. At this Town meeting, the towu do corarait to the Select raen, the making of prudential laws for pres ervation of the tiraber upon the Towns Coramons. At this Town meeting, the town do agree, that if the fisher men of Duxbury, shall clear Island Creek brook, that said raen shall have liberty then to get herring for bait from time to time, without molesta tion ; and to that end the town do agree, that if any, either English or Indian, do hinder thera herein, by making of weirs, or hindering the fish from coming to the Pond, or going down, they shall thereby forfit flve shillins for every time they so do, to be taken by distraint (frora the person so transgressing) by 184 DUXBURY RECORDS. the Constable, which the coraplainer shall have for his pains. At this meeting, the town are agreed that, if any man of the towu do dig of the Towns Iron ore on the Commons, they shall give an account thereof to the Select men of the town, giving Six pence a ton for all ore so dug, to the town's use. 1694. At a Town meeting, October 24, 1694. Oct. 24. The town have raade choice of Ensign Barker, Paraphlet. Lieutenant Arnold and Lieutenant Barker, or any Page 28. two of thera, to join with Marshfield to raake division of the land between Duxburrough and Marshfield. Therefore, we the towu of Duxborrough, have voted and ordered that no person whatsoever shall cut any wood or timber, on the land belonging to Marshfield and our towu, until those lands be divided, on penalty of twenty shillings a tree, or part of a tree, one half to the informer that shall sue for the sarae, and the other half to the town, provided the land be divided by the last of April next, provided the owner does not infringe the liberty of any former grant. 1694. The town made choice of Sarauel Bartlet and Dec. 17. AA'illiara Brewster for Grand jury raen. Paraphlet. Also the town have made choice of Thomas Page 38. Thacher and Johu Prior to serve upon the petty jury. Also at the same time Dec. 17"' 1694, Mr. John AVatlsworth Sen. raade his demand of £6, 15* due to him frora t'he town for serving the town inthe Assemblv at Boston. 1695. The town have made choice of Captain Alden aud May 20. Mr. John AVadsworth to give Mr. AA''iswald a deed Pamphlet, of tlje town house, and land, he now lives in. and to Page 31. settle the bounds. And at the same town meeting the town have given to Mr. AViswald, half the meadow belonging to the ministry, to him and his > heirs forever, and the use of the whole, his life time. DUXBURY RECORDS. 185 Oct. 29. At a town meeting the town have agreed with Pamphlet. Wrestling Brewster for the feeding of Thurston Page 30. Clark, a quarter of a year, for fifty shillings, and what clothing he is at charge for hira, the town does engage to be responsible for it. Also at the same town raeeting, the town have appointed the select men to enquire into Thurston Clark's estate, andthe town to defray the charges. The town have appointed the town treasurer to provide 20 cords of wood for Mr. AA'iswald for the ensuing year. 1696. At this town raeeting, the town chose Thoraas Mch 5. Thacher and James Magoone, constables, Elnathan Pamphlet. Weston, AVrestling Brewster and John Keine sur- Page 38. veyors of the high ways, William Brewster town treasurer. The same town meeting empowered W" Brewster still to provide wood for Mr. AViswald, and engage to pay him the next town rates. 1696. May 17. The town have granted to John Weston Sen, eight 1696/7. acres of land between the head of Steven Sampson's Bound Vol. land and Joseph Chandler's land, in exchange for a. Page 6. the land the town gave hira at the marshes. 1695. AVe whose names are underwritten being appointed June 26. as agents for the town of Duxburrough to run From ranges, and settle bounds of land belonging to the Bound town of Duxburrough, do hereby declare what we Vol. have acted and concluded in reference to the laud Page 31. formerly granted unto Henry Sarapson, deceased, and to the land forraerly granted to John Russell, both of the town aforesaid, viz We began at the raeadow of Robert Barker, deceased, now in the possession of his heirs, and measured out half a mile, by the supposed line of Robert Sprout of Scit uate, raaking sorae small allowance for raeadow land that lay within the said land of Henry Sampson — 186 DUXBURY RECORDS. finding the line of the aforesaid Sprout to run East South East half a point Southerly, ye line of the aforesaid Sprout, being the Northerly bounds, accord ing to the grant of the town of Duxburrough, half a raile as aforesaid, to a black oak tree, marked ou four sides, and theu for the head line, we did run South, South AA'est half a point westerly, and marked several trees, until we came to the South East corner of the 3 allotments of the land of Joseph Holmes where we marked a small piue tree, for the corner bounds, or .South East coruer bouuds of the land granted to Henry Sampson, John Eussell and the land of Josiah Holmes exchanged with the town of Duxburrough. the 3 allotments beiug 126 rods in bre.adth westerly from the Hue ot Eobert Sprout of Scituate. This 26"' of June 1695. Seth Arnold. Abraham Sa.mson. Transcribed by Alexander Standish, T. C. 1696. May 18. At a town meeting held at Duxburrough, the town From have granted to Abraham Sampson 30 acres of land Bouud A'ol. that the town gave forraerly to Peter AA'est, upon the Page 32. westerly side of South river. Alexander Standish, Tmrn Clerk. 1697. The town have granted to John AA'eston 7 or 8 ]May 17. acres of land betweeu Frora iu exchange for the land the town gave at the fresh Pamphlet, marshes. Page 39. The town have appointed Josiah Holraes, with the consent of Marshfield, to lay out the land to Abram Peirce that the towu promised him, iu consideration of a high way. The town have appointed John Holmes and John Keine Jun, two acres of land the town granted them. D UXB UR Y RECORDS, 187 1698. Mch 1. Ensign John Trasie was chosen Grand juryman From to attend the Superior Court. Pamphlet. Joseph Rogers and Elnathan AVeston are chosen Page 40. Grand jurymen for the whole year. 1698. May 23. At a Town meeting, the town have appointed the Paraphlet. Select raen to get the gutters of the raeeting house Page 40. raended. 1698. Laid out to Abram Peirce Sen, a small parcel of Nov. 28. land containing fifteen acres, by estiraation, fifteen Bound A'ol. acres, raore, or less, as it is bounded viz, Begining Page 33. at a sraall rock, leaving a large high way between the head of Abram Peirce's his land, and the above said rock, and so with a straight line surveyed, sixty rods to the Northward of the West, and there marked a white oak tree on four sides, and from the said white oak tree, thirty five rods Easterly, to a white oak tree raarked, and from the said vvhite oak tree, to the Southward of the East, sixty rods to a couple of red oak trees marked, standing by the path side that goeth to James Bishop's, and to the Westward of the South, Forty rods, more or less, to the first naraed tract. This was clone by me, Josiah Holmes. Recorded by Alexander Standish, T. C. 1699. The town have appointed Josiah Holmes and Mch 7. Francis Barker, to sell and lay out a small lot of Pamphlet, laud to Aaron Soule, lying at the South end of his Page 40. lot, if he aud they agree. 1699. At a town meeting held at Duxburrough .July July 17. 17/99 The towu have voted to make choice of a Coraraittee of town to deterraine who are the propri etors of the towns Commons in Duxburrough. 188 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1699. At a town raeeting held in Duxburrough on the Nov. 16. 16"' day of Noveraber, the proprietor of the Common Bound A'ol. and undivided land in said town, have agreed by a Page 34. major vote, that the rights and proprieties of eaeh proprietor, shall be settled and stated, as followeth, that is to each proprietors of a dwelling place erected befiiie the year 1662, witb twenty acres ot land granted by the Court, shall have two shares, or pro prieties, and to every hundred acres granted as afore said, shall have two shares or proprieties, and so proportionable for all. siieh lands so granted, pro vided always that uo odd quantity under twenty acres shall give the proprietors a right to vote relating to the premises aforesaid, but yet to be considered iu partitie oi the laud according to pro portion, aud twenty acres shall have the privilege of a vole as afoiesaid, and also, that this following list now being drawn according to the rules above men tioned as near as raay be. with the number of each raan's right placed against his narae, which list with the above wi itten we the abovesaid proprietors pass to an act refering to any person that is under appar ent wrong according to the rules above written, liberty to raake his claim, and set forth his right at lown raeeting, within Six months and not after : and also that each proprietor of 20 acres of land, or upward, which hath been dwelt upon 20 years before the date of these presents, let it be under any grant wliat-so-ever. such shall have a single share with what they have received of the town, and not otherwise. by Alexander Standish. Clerk. 1700. At a town raeeting held in Duxburrough upon the May 7. 7"' day of May 1700. The town raade choice of Paraphlet. Cap' Seth Arnold for their representative. Thom* Page 45. Delanoe Jun, Ebenezer Standish. aud Joseph Wads worth are chosen petty jurors, to serve at the next inferior Court of Comraon Pleas. Sam' Seabury DUXBURY RECORDS. 189 and .John Sprague are chosen to give Mr. Wiswalle a deed of the land which the town did formerly grant unto him, in consideration that the men which were forraerly chosen to do it, did neglect it. 1699. At a town raeeting the town made choice of Lieut. July 17. Barker, Mr. Wadsworth and Mr. Southworth, to be Bound Vol. a Coraraittee to take a view of the town Coramons a. and to bring a report to the town what they judge Page 269. dividable. Dec. 4. At a town meeting held at Duxburrough, the town have voted to choose a Committee to annex the numbers of such proprietors rights in a list against his name bearing dates 1699, and also to enter such proprietors as are not yet entered, and make their return to the town, what they have done. Alexander .Standish, T. C. Also the town made choice of Mr. John AVads worth, David Aldeu aud Ensign Francis Barker to act as a Committee in the town's behalf as above expressed. by Alexander Standish, Toivn Clerk. 1699. Where as, the town of Duxburrough by their order Sept. 12. bearing date of July 17"' 1699 made choice of us, Vol. a. the subscribers to deterraine who are the true owuers Page?276. or proprietors of the Coraraons or undivided land lying within the township of Duxburrough, and we having met with the inh.rbitants of said town at their usual meeting house, this the twelfth day of Sep teraber 1699 and heard their several allegations and seen their records relating to the same, do deterraine as follows — That to say that the Coraraons or undivided lands in the said towu, do belong unto the 190 DUXBURY RECORDS. proprietors of the farra as lots, and other lands granted to particular persons by tbe Court, lying w-ithin the said township, to which determination we have subscribed our hands. Nathaniel Thomas. Isaac Little. John Bradford. Recorded by me. Alexander .Standish. T. C. 1699. At a Town meeting held in Duxborow. The Dec. 4. widdow Abigail Aldeu. did by her agent David A'ol. a. Alden forwarn and forbid the neighbors and inhabi- Page 4. tants of the towu from carting thiough her land by accounting it a high way, but only hy sufferance. pr Alex.\nder .Standish. Town Clerk. 1698. This Court have settled the Easterly bouuds of the .June. town of Duxburrow to the sea uear Greens harbor A'ol. a. where the lines cut between Marshfield and Dux- Page 274. burrow to the Gurnet house, excepting the Gurnet, Clarks Island and Saquaquash. which are not to be within the jurisdiction of Duxburrow. saving also every raan's propriety and right to hira that is now in possession of any lands or raeadows within the bounds, whether by grant, or purchase, without dis turbance as touching propriety by virtue of this grant, yet to be within the jurisdiction of Duxburrow township. Extracted frora. and compared with the Court Records by Samuel Sprague. Clurk. Recorded by rae. Alexander .Standish. Town Chirk. DUXBURY RECORDS. 191 1700. At a Town raeeting held at Duxburrough upon the Sept. 2. second day of September 1700 The town made Vol. a. choice of Samuel Bradford, Elisha Wadsworth aud Page 279. John Soule for Petty Jurors, to serve at the next Inferior Court of Common Pleas. At this town meeting, the town voted to call Mr. John Robinson to the work of the rainistry here. They also voted to give Sixty Pounds a year annu ally towards his maiutenance in the afore said work, one half Silver raoney, and the other half Corn or provisions at the Common price. They also made choice of Mr. Seth Arnold, Mr. Edward Southworth, Mr. Sam^ Seabury and AA''illiara Brewster, as their agents to acquaint Mr. Robinson with their proceed ings here in, and also to discourse him concerning his acceptance thereof, in order to his settlement araongst us iu the above said work of the ministry. pr John Wadsworth, Town Clerk. 1700. At a town meeting held in Duxburrough May the Mav 7. 7*'' 1700, Mr. Samuel Seabury and John Sprague Vol. a. were chosen to give Mr. Ichabod AA'iswell a deed of Page 279. laud which the town forraerly granted unto hira, in consideration that the raen which were formerly chosen to do it, did neglect it. pr John Wadsworth, Toiun Clerk. 1700/1. March 2P* Anno 1700/01. Al a Town meeting Mch 21. in Duxburrough, Capt. Seth Arnold with some ocher Vol. a. partner or partners who he may take into partnership Page 279. with him, having an intention to build a Saw Mill on Greens harbor brook, the said town did by vote, give free liberty to the inhabitants of the said town of Duxbury to cut, and carry ofl any tiraber from the Commons of the said town, to the said Saw Mill, to keep said mill iu Eraployraent. pr John AA'ad.sworth, Town Clerk. 192 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1701. At a Town raeeting in Duxburrough, upon the May 19. 19"' day of May Anno Dora 1701. The said town Vol. a. Voted to give Mr. John Robinson, in order to his Page 279. settleraent here in the work of the ministry. Sixty Pounds, in raoney, the said money to be raised by selling sorae part of the towns Coramons laud, and said money to be his if he live and die here in the aforesaid work of the rainistry, but upon his reraov ing frora us, he is to return the said raoney to the town for their own use, and the town have authorised the select raen to sell the afore said land, for the afore said use. At this town raeeting, the town granted to Lieut. Thoraas Barker a tract of land being about 15 acres or 16 acres lying between the head of his own lands, and Josiah Holmes' which was formerly the said Holmes' the which he exchanged with the town for land elsewhere, and so it was now at the town's disposal. pr John Wadsworth, Town Clerk. 1701. Upon the fifteenth day of July Anno Dom 1701, July 15. At a Town meeting in Duxborrough, the said town Vol. a. Voted to purchase a convenient place for a Parsonage Page 280. for the use of the ministry in this town, by selling sorae part of the Coramon lands, or exchanging the sarae for sorae other land which raay be convenient for the said Parsonage, the town also A'oted to choose three Agents to act for the said town in the said concernraent, and chose Mr. E^dward Southworth, Capt. Seth Arnold and Ensign Samuel Seabury, their agents, aud empowered, and authorised them the said agents to act in the sale or exchange of said Commou land for the aforesaid use. The town also chose Ensign John Tracie, Mr. David Alden, Mr. AA^illiaiu Brewster and Mr. John Sprague, to inform Mr. Eobinson whom the town have called to the ministry here, of their proceedings here in, and fur- DUXBURY RECORDS. 193 ther to treat him and take his answer concerning his settlement here araong us. The town at this meeting, granted to the widdow Deborah Tracie, twenty acres of land joining to the land which the town formerly granted to Joseph Chandler which is now in possession of Thomas Bourne. pr John AVadsworth, Town Clerk. 1701. August the 22'^ Anno 1701. At a Town meeting Aug. 22. in Duxburrough, the town gave their consent to Mr. Vol. a. Despar to purchase about fourteen acres of land Page^280. within this township, of an Indian called Jeremiah. pr John AA'adsavorth, T. C. 1702. Duxburrough June the 15 Anno 1702. At a June 15 Town raeeting the town voted to give to Mr. Vol. a. Robinson the three score pounds in order to his Page 281. settlement, which was formerly given him and the half of the raeadow which forraerly lay to the Ministry the one half of which is given to Mr. AA''is- well, and the iraprovement of the meadow which was offered to John Partridge in exchange called Rouse's point, so long as he continues with us, the money and the first piece of meadow is his own per petual, if he settles araong us in the rainistry and takes office in the church. At the town raeeting, the town have appointed and empowered Capt. Arnold and Mr. David Alden, to sell and lay out to Samuel Hill of this town, about twenty acres of land of the town's coramons, they returning the money to the town. The town have also granted to James Boney an enlargement of a lot of land now in his possession, which was forraerly granted to Williara Boney, being about twenty or thirty acres, lying betweeu John Boney's land and 13 194 DUXBURY RECORDS. Edward Wantons, the said lot of land being laid out by Ensign Francis Barker and Josiah Holmes as agent for the town, the said lot not being laid out so big as the said grant, the town bave authorized Josiah Holmes to lay out of the town's common land, if it be there to be had, and to make up the said lot with what was formerly laid out thirty acres. The town have given liberty to Ensign Seabury to make a dara upon Island creek pond brook, pro vided, that he leaves a sufliicient and free passage for the herrings up, and down, and also makes a suf- ficent cart way over the said brook. At this town meeting the town have voted that no person shall cut any wood, timber or bark upon any part of this towns commons, other than logs to be brought to the saw mill formerly granted hy the towu, upon the penalty of forfeiting to the town's use, twenty shillings for every tree of a foot over and upward, and ten shillings a tree for every tree under a foot, except such person or persons shall enter into bonds to the town treasurer, that the sarae shall not be transported out of towu. Also that no person shall cut any green cedars out of any of the Cedar Swamp belonging to the town, for the space of ten years next, on penalty of paying one shilling for every stock so cut. It is also enacted, that all tiraber trees that shall be cut or fallen after this time, and not be cut off and drawn within a year after said trees are cut or fallen, the said trees shall be free for any inhabitant of this town to cut and draw for their own use. And Ensign Seabury is chosen agent to prefer this act to the Couuty Court for their approbation. pr John AVadsworth, Tow Clerk. 1701. May 21. Vol. a. Page 35. DUXBURY RECORDS. 195 Duxburrough May 21 1701. AVe the subscribers, have by the request of Sundry of the inhabitants of the town of Duxburrow, laid out a high way of thirty foot wide, from North River, at a place com monly called Brick Kilms, to the county road, al lowing the proprietors of the land through which the way goeth, liberty to erect gates. The bounds of said way on the Easterly side are as followeth. Beginning at a red oak tree marked, standing by the side of said river, and running frora thence to the upper corner of the land purchased for a landing place, and from thence by the side of said landing place to a stake, and from thence to the 6ars, from thence to a white oak sapling, from thence to a white oak tree, from thence to a red oak sapling, and from thence along the old path to the county road. Seth Arnold. Francis Barker. Abraham Sa.mpson. Allowed by the Town of Duxburrough to be here recorded. by me John Wadsworth, Town Clerk. 1702. Duxburrough July 20 1702. We whose names July 20. are here unto subscribed, have laid out to the Vol. a. Widdow Tracie Twenty acres of land granted to her Page 282. by the town, as followeth. Beginning at a raaple tree standing in the edge of a swarap, and raarked on four sides, and frora said tree on a North west line 46 rods, to another Maple tree, standing in a swamp, and from the last naraed tree. South west by AVest a little Westerly 68 rods, to a stake sei in to the ground, and from said stake, on a South East line 46 rods to a red oak tree marked on four sides, and from said red oak tree on a straight line, to the 196 D UXB UR Y RECORDS. iMai)le tree first mentioned, said land lyeth near to the land of Thomas Bourne, forraerly granted to Joseph Chandler by said town. Seth Arnold. Abraham Sampson. Allowed by the Town of Duxburrough, and recorded liy rae John AA'ad.sworth, Town Clerk. 1702. Duxburrough July the 9"' 1702. July r». AA'e whose names are here unto subscribed, being A'ol. a. Agents for the towu, have sold unto Sarauel Hills, Page 56. and laid out to hira, a certain parcel or tract of land containing Twenty' acres more or less, bounded as followeth, Begining at a small birch tree raarked on four sides, standing in the edge of a swamp, and from thence by a line between Duxburrough and Marsh field till it meetcth with a large Piue tree standing in said line, and frora said tree, ou a Southerly line to a raaple tree staudiug iu the side of a swamp raarked on four sides, aud frora that raaple tree on a straight line, to a Pine tree raarked, standing a little within the swarap on that side next to Phillip Leonard's land, uear said Leonard's range, and from the afore said Pine tree, oi recti j' to said Leonard's range, and by said range to the end of Leonard's land, and extending frora thence about Six rods till it raeet a red oak tree raarked on four sides, and from said tree till it meet with the afore said Birch tree marked. Si-.Tii Arnold. David Alden. DUXBURY RECORDS. 197 1702. Know all raen by these Presents. That we, Capt. May 14. Seth Arnold, Lieu. Francis Barker and Sergeant Vol. a. Abraham Samson, being constituted, ordained and Page 82. appointed, and fully erapowered by the town of Duxburrough to sell sorae parcels of the town's Common land to raise raoney for the town's use, hereb}', we the afore said Capt. Seth Arnold, Lieu. Francis Barker and Sergeant Abraham Sarason, all and every one of us inhabitants of the Town of Duxburrough, do liereby declare that we the afore said parties have sold Twenty acres of land of the said Town's Coramons, Twenty acres of land as it is bounded, unto Josiah Holmes of Duxburrough, and his heirs forever. Bounded Westerly by the lands now in possession of the said Holraes, Northerly by the lands of Robert Sprout of Scituate, with a red oak tree on four sides, standing at the Northeast corner of the lands for merly granted to Henry .Sampson of Duxburrough, and from the said red oak tree Elastward, or towards the South Yj&sX, bounded with the lands of Robert Sprout aforesaid. Seventy two poles to a white oak tree marked on four sides, and from the last naraed white oak tree with a straight line South AVesterly, Forty nine poles to a white oak tree marked on four sides, and frora the last named white oak tree with a straight line to the North of the AA''est, to a red oak tree marked on four sides, and the sarae line to the head of the lands now in possession of Josiah Holmes, bounded with the head of the said lands North Easterly to the first named red oak tree. The above bouuded Twenty acres of land. We the aforesaid Capt. Seth Arnold, Lieu. Francis Barker and Sergeant Abraham Sarapson. have sold to Josiah Holraes and his heirs, forever, and do hereby own and acknowledge that we have received Ten pounds in Silver current raoney of New England, of Josiah Holraes in full satisfaction for the above said Twenty acres of land, and do herebv forever exonerate. 198 DUXBURY RECORDS. acquit and discharge the said Josiah Holmes, aud his heirs. This 14'" day of May 1702. Seth Arnold. Francis Barker. Abraham Samson. Recorded by me, John Wadsworth, Town Clerk. Juue 15"' Anno 1702. 1702. AVe the subscribers being requested by some of Nov. 20. the neighbors of Mattekeset, to lay out several high Vol. a. ways for the convenience of the inhabitants there. Page 282. and seeing a necessity for the same, have accordingly done, the account of which is as followeth. Begining at the end of the high way that leads thiough Scituate, two miles on the East side of North River running .Southeily as the way now goes, till it comes to a bound marke staudiug in Josiah Holmes' range, and from thence to Robert Barker's corner bounds, and by the said RoDert's land, till it coraes to the great road that leads to Boston. The said way is thirty foot wide. Also a high way from said road to Marshfield, through Robert Barker's land, as the way now goes, also of thiity foot wide. Likewise we have laid out a high way from said great road to Mattekeset, as the way now goes, till it coraes to a white oak tree marked, standing by the road on John Keins ground, which tree is the North erly bounds of said road running Southerly to the corner of Samuel Barkers fence, and from said corner as the way now goes, up to the furnace at the herring ponds mouth, which way is thirty foot wide. Also we as aforesaid have laid out a high way from Mattekeset brook, to the Mill brook as the road now goes. Seth Arnold, ) Francis Barker, v Selectmen. Sa.muel Bradford, ) Ordered by the town of Duxburrough to be here recorded. John AA'adsworth, T. C. Noveraber 30"' Anno 1702. DUXBURY RECORDS. 199 1703. The remonstrance of divers of the freeholders, May 17. aud inhabitants of the Town of Duxburrough who Vol. a. claim considerable interest in the Common and Page 284. undivided lands in said Towu, to be presented to the consideration of the said town at their next towns meeting, — the subscribers, who conceive the present method the said town are about to take in reffereuce to a division of said Common land to be wrong, and injurious to said town — we conceive there was an error in the first step taken iu order there unto, viz In choice of the Comraittee, who by agreement of said town, were to be persons uninterested, and not inhabiting in said towu, but contrary there unto, two of the said Comraittee now raake claira to right of Commons with said town, and thereby shew them selves incompetent Judges in that matter. 2'' AA^hereas in their return they find, or judge, that every one that holds land in said township by virtue of Court grant, hath right to Commons, and that said Commons of right pertain to such, which implies that no others have right or interest therein, which resolve of said Committee is very erroneous for the reasons following, 1^' Because the Common lands were never granted to the owners of Court grants, but to the inhabitants of the town, whieh must necessarily be understood to such for the time being, in perpetual succession, and not to particular persous. 2^ Because it can by no raeans be raade to appear, who had Court grants, and the quantity of land granted, for divers of said town, who undoubtedly had farras granted by the Court, have no record for the same, and to exclude any such is wrong, and erroneous, which the said Committee have implicitly done by said resolve. S"* The said action or resolve was never accepted, nor allowed or approbated by any vote of the said town, but suspended to further 'consideration, and though through the weakness of any oflScer, the said return be entered on record yet it being done without order of said town, be rendered null and void. 200 DUXBURY RECORDS. Nextly, it is raanifest that all grants to towns, intend all settled inhabitants that have orderly been admit ted into said towns, aud have freeholds by purchase, or gift of the inhabitants of the same, and are not excluded by act of the general Court of this Province. Lastly. The present method taken, or intended to be taken though not pursuant to the resolve of the Committee, yet in many respects will prove very injurious to many of the inhiihitanls, and town in general, as may easily be made to appear, if time would permit, and though a lown vote may have been had, and obtained therefore, vet such vote is not unalterable as the laws of the Medes & Persians — but by vote of said town at their next raeeting may be altered and modified. May 17"' Anno 1703. AA'e whose names are underwritten protest against the acting of the pre tended proprietors in Duxburrough — Thomas Bonkv. Thomas Southworth. Edward Southworth. Peter AA'est. TnoM.\s Del.\soe .Sen. John Glasse. PiiiLLii" Leonard. Joseph Chandler Sen. John Delanoe. Edmund Chandler. Stephen Samson. N.\thaniel Cole. Cabel Samson. John AVeston. John Simons. Ben Delanoe. Elnathan AVeston. Abrahaji Sampson. Josiah AVormaval. AVm. Tubbes. Jon.^than Del.\noe. Josiiu.a Turner. John Bishop. Benj. Prior. Isaac ()ldham. Isaac Peirce Sen. Thomas Delanoe. 1705. May 29"' Anno Dora 1705. May 29. A record of the bounds of the lands between Mr. Vol. a. Johu Robinsou. the one party and Josiah AA'ormaval Page 190. Sen', and Josiah AVorraaval Jr the other party, — within the town of Duxborrough, — the said bounds are as followeth viz. Begining at the foot next the D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 201 Bay, the first is a sraall black oak stump with stones about it the roots, and some living suckers, from thence on a straight line to a stone set in the ground at the head of the old orchard, and from thence ou a straight line to a stcaie set in the ground on the West side of the brook, near the house of the said Warmaval's, aud thence on a straight line to a stone set in the ground at the head of said Warmaval's lot near au old black oak sturap. Recorded by rae, John Wadsworth, T. Clerk. At a Town raeeting held in Duxburrough, Febur ary 28"' 1703-4 The said town chose Samuel Bartlet, Elisha Wadsworth Grand Jurors, and Lieu. Francis Barker and Mr. David Alden pelly Jurors, all to serve at the next Superior Court. Josiah Kein, Jr., and Benjarain Peterson, are chosen Grand Jurors for the year ensuing, and PMward Arnold and Phillip Delanoe Jr. pelly Jurors, to serve at the next Inferior Court. At this town raeeting, the lown gave liberty to Mr. Southworth to fence the beach for defence of his meadow adjacent thereto. 1703. From Leaflets in Vol. a. Not paged. Recorded by John Wadsworth, Town Clerk. 1706. At a town meeting in Duxburrough March 20"' F'rora 1705-6. The said town raeeting was adjourned to leaflet. the third day of April next, to consider of some way of raising of money lo defray the charges of repair ing, and enlarging their raeeting house, either by selling some part of the Common lands, or by way of rate, and also any other business that concerns the said town. 202 D UXB UR Y RECORDS . 1706. April 3''" Anno 1706. At a town meeting in Dux- leaflet, burrough the said lown chose Mr. Seabury Town 'Treasurer, the select men also appointed Mr. Sea bury a viewer and guager of casks. At this town meeting the said town agreed, and voted to build a New Meeting House, forty foot long and thirty three foot wide and seventeen foot high in the walls, and that the said raeeting house shall be set up with in three or four rods of the old meeting house now in being. Ancl the said lown also ordered that some part of their coramon lands should be sold to raise money lo defray charges about building the said new meeting house. These persons whose names are subscribed, did protest against the order of selling the town's land for defraying the charges about building the said meeting house. Lieu'. Francis Barker. Robert Barker. .Josiah Barker. Jabish Barker. .Sa.muel B.a.rker. John Russell. Francis Barker Jr. 1706. April IO"" 1706. At a town meeting in Duxbur rough, the said town voted to choose two Agents, and chose Capt. Arnold and Mr. John Partridge to act for them, the said town, on their account, and at their charge, in building their New Meeting house already voted to be built, that is to say. to agree and bargain with a workman, or workraen to build the said Meeting house and also lo provide whatever is necessary for the said building. 1706. The town also voted that the coramon lands, lying leafiet. on the Southwesterlj' side of the old Bay road that No page, goes from Norlh river lo Mill brook that runs into black water, and so dowu to the head of the lots, aud also the common lands on the Easterly side of said Bay ro.acl lying between Mill brook running into Pudding brook, and Phillips brook, should be sold D UXB UR Y RECORDS . 203 to defray the charges of building the new Meeting house. That is to say, so rauch of said coraraon lands as is necessary or needful. The towu also voted to choose three agents to act for them in sell ing the said common lauds, and chose Capt. Arnold, John Partridge and Thomas Loring. Lieut. Barker, John Russell, Robert Barker, Jabish Barker aud Josiah Barker, all of them pro test against the town act above said, iu disposition of common lands. 1706. At a Town Meeting iu Duxborrough, The said Dec. 11. Town chose Thomas Delanoe Jun, and Robert Bar- leaflet, ker, petty Jurors for the next court. No Page. 1706-7. At a Town ]\[eeling in Duxborrough Feb. 25 Feb. 25. Anno 1706-7. The said town gave liberty to Ben jarain Prior to reraove his fence between the meet ing house, and his own house, up to the road, and so for a time, to use that part of the Town's Commons, provided he keeps up the bounds where his former fence stood. The said town also chose Capt. Arnold and Johu Partridge their agent to sell the old Meeting house, but not lo be delivered before the new raeeting house is finished, ancl excepting raens particular rights there in. 1706-7. At a town meeting iu Duxborrough May 24 1706 May 24. The town made choice of David Aldeu to be their leaflet. Clerk for the day, and was then sworn al the same No Page, town raeeting May 24 1706. The town voted that Four Pounds and ten shillings abated by the Court of Despars Province rate, should be payed by the towu treasurer lo the select men. The town also voted to pay Jacob Thomson ten shillings, and to Thomas Loriug two shillings on account of lying out land. May 24"' 1706. David Alden, Clerk for that day. Recorded by John AA'adsworth, Town Clerk. 204 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1707. At a Town Meeting in Duxborrough September Sepl. 12. 12"" 1707. The said town granted to Moses Soule, Vol. a. about .Six or Seveu acres of land of the town's 286. commons joining to the lot he now dwells on, and empowered Sarauel Sprague and John Partridge to lay out the said land. The said town also voted to Abrahara Booth a confirraation of Four acres of land which the town agents laid out to him. the said land being without the tract which the town's Agent ordered to be sold by the said agents to defray town charges. At this town meeting the said town voted and granted to every freeholder, that is a house keeper, within this town, twenty acres of land of this town's comraons, viz. To such as never yet had a grant of auy, and to such of said freeholders as have had a grant of land less than twenty acres, to have so much as to make up their former grant twenty acres of said l-jud granted, to be bounded above the South River from Marshfleld line to the head of the spring of the said .South river, and from thence on a straight line lo the head of the brook' called Brews ter's brcjok. and so down to Plyraouth line, and so below the Mill brook, and upon the AA'est side the old bay path to the Indian head river. 1707-8. At a town Meeting in Duxborrough February 16"' Feb. 16. 1707-8. The town being inforraed that the inhabit- leaflet. ants of Plymouth, and others, intend to take down No Page, the bridge at. or over Jones River, and turn the road, or highway further up the said river, which if obtained will [jiove very injurious to the said lown of Duxborrough, as well as some other towns, for preventing of the same the said town at their said meeting, do unaniraously declare their dislike thereof, and desire that the said bridge and way may continue as formerly. 1706. Sept. 16. Vol. a. Page 60. DUXBURY RECORDS. 205 At a Town Meeting held in Duxborrough the 16"' of Sept. 1706. AA'hereas the town of Duxborrough made choice of Capt. Arnold, Mr. John Partridge and Mr. Thomas Loring their Agents, lo sell coininon lands lo de fray the charges of building the said town's Meeting house, and the said Agents having sold sundry par cels of land, and received part of the raoney for the same, and no confirmation of said lands yet given, the said town have therefore voted that the afore said Agents raaking their return to the town clerk of the bounds of the land they have sold, or shall sell, and take security for fhe money, that tha 'Town Clerk shall record the same. (These sales are recorded in copy of deeds.) G, E., Copyist. 1708. Reconed with the Town's Agents Feb. 25"' Anno A'ol. a. 1707-8 then received of said Agents, the sura of one hundred and Eighty pounds in full for building the Meeting house iu Duxborrough. I say received by rae Samuel Sprague.. Aug. 18, 1708. recorded by John AA'adsworth, Town Clerk. 1708-9. At a town meeting in] Duxborrough March 16 Mch. 16. 1708-9 The lown gave to Robert Stanford one A'ol. a. acre of land lo the Southward of his house, on a Pawns's Comraons. on the Westward of Joseph Chandler's lot near Plymouth road, and the dimensions of said house as followeth, 18 feet long, 15 feet wide and six feet between joints, and also the town raade choice of Mr. .Seabury to get said house built as soon as raay be. pr me, Samuel Sprague, Town Clerk. \ t said meeting the town voted the school shall be kept the flrst third to the Northward of hounds' ditch or till the school house be built. 17o9/lo. At a Town raeeting held in Duxborrough .Jany 30, Jany 30. 1700/10 The towu A'oted to every proprietor of A'ol. a. farra or lot lying in the town of Duxbury, granted Page 292. by the Court, which hath a dwelling house now erected on it, and hath borne charges in said town for len years past from the date hereof, that hath never had any addition or lot by gift from said town, shall have laid out to him, forty acres of land, and if any of said proprietors of farras. or lots granted by the Court, have had a sin.aller quantity by gift from said town, il shall be made up forty acres, and also to every proprietor of farra or lot granted by the town, and hath now a dwelling house erected on it, and hath borne charges leu years last past from the date hereof, and hath never had any addition or lol by gift from said town, shall have twenty acres laid out to hiin, and if he have received a less quan tity, it shall be made up Twenty acres, to lake it by lot, and in laying out all the aforesaid land, the surveyor is lo have respect to quantity and quality, and after the abouve said allotments are laid forth and lotted for. All the rest of the upland and meadow land which shall then remain in said town's D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 209 Commons to be equally divided to all freeholders in said town. Also, that if the above lotments belong ing to Court grants and Town grants, and the other divisions above mentioned be voted and accepted, theu all other and forraer acts of said town relating to division of said town's Coraraons, shall be void and of no value. 1709/10. At the same Town meeting adjourned to Feb. l*'. Vol. a. 1709/10 The said town made choice of Lieu'. Page 293. Bradford, John Partridge and Joseph Storkbridge, or any two of tbem, to procure a surveyor to lay out the Common lands and meadow in said town, and assist him in the same. by me, Saml Sprague, Town Clerk. At the sarae meeting 'The town made choice of Lieu'- Barker, Lieu'. Bradford and Samuel Sprague, to determine who have Court grants, and who have Town grants, and what each man hath had by gift from the town, and what he shall have relating to the act for dividing, and if any raan be aggrieved, he is to apply himself to the town, and if the towu don't relieve him, he hath the remedy at law. By me, Samuel Sprague, Town Clerk. The Petition of the young men of the Town of Dux bury at said meeting — That if the Town will grant, that all the Towu born white children that are now inhabitants in said town, that are excluded in the former act, of Twenty years old and upward, shall come in for half a share in the first division ot said Coramons, or a whole share in the last division, that then we will rest con tented, and be yours to serve. 14 210 DUXBURY RECORDS. Voted, the young men above said to come in in the last division. Saml Sprague, T. C. At said Town meeting Mr. Loring, Benony Delano, and Benony Dilano, against the act for dividing. Israel Silvester, Benjamin Chandler,Caleb Thomas, Aaron Soule. Thomas Fish entered the protest against the young mens coming in in the last division. pr Samuel Sprague, T. C. At said meeting The town voted that the town's land lying near the fresh marshes, should be and remain to be for the use of the Ministry for ever. By Samuel Sprague, T. C. The Committee chosen to lay out the Town's Commons is to begin in the body of the said land, and to lay forth as they shall see best. pr Samuel Sprague, T. C. 1709/10. At a Town meeting in DuxboiTough March 7"" Mch 7. Elnathan AVeston, Joseph Peterson, John Simons Vol. a. Sen"^, Thomas Dilanoe Sen'', Josiab Kein Jun"^, Mr. Page 296. Edward Southworth and Sam' Chandler entered their protest against all the acts made at a Town Meeting in Duxborrough Jany 30'" 1709/10 for dividing the town's Comraons, the said meeting being continned by adjournment till the 7'" of March above said. pr Samuel Sprague, Toton Clerk. DUXBURY RECORDS. 211 1711. At a Town meeting in Duxborrough May 16*" May 16. Anno Dom, 1711. Where as the said town of Dux- 'V'ol. a. burrough at their meeting bearing date of January Page 297. 30'" Anno Dom 1709/10 Voted a division of their Coramon lands and meadow in two divisions, and the flrst division of said lands being laid out. Anno Dom 1710, the town now voted that all their salt marsh Common meadows, with all their salt and sedge Islands, and sedge flats that Iy above the Cove of the beach so called, should next be laid out as followeth — viz. Five shares in a lot, and when the said meadows with the premises are laid ont, and lotted for the charge of laying the same out, shall be payed by the proprietors thereof in equal propor tion at the time of drawing the said lots, and if any of the said proprietors shall neglect to pay the charge of laying out their respective parts according to their interests, when the said lots are drawn, then the layers out of the same, or their assigus shall have the use or improvement there of till they do pay the said charges, and if Lieu*. Bradford who was for merly chosen to assist in laying out of said Commons, shall refuse to act in laying out the premises, then Mr. John Partridge and Mr. Joseph Stockbridge are hereby authorised to precure any others whom they see cause, to assist them there in. pr John Wadsworth, Town Clerk. 1710-11. At a Towu meeting in Duxborrough January 8'" Vol. a. Anno 1710-11 The town voted that the money part Page 298. of Mr. Robinson's yearly salary, which is thirty Jany 8. pounds, shall always for time to come, be raised and payed him at the Seventeen penny weight. They also voted that whereas for five years past the money part of the above said yearly salary hath been raised and payed at flfteen penny weight, thore shall be twenty pounds raised next year and added to the 212 DUXBURY RECORDS. next years rate, for Mr. Robinson and paid him with Thirty pounds, which is the money part of his yearly salary. pr John Wadsworth, Toivn Clerk. 1711. At a Town Meeting in Duxborrough Sept. 4'" Vol. a. Anno 1711 The town chose Thomas Boney and Page 298. Sam' Sprague .Jun petty .Jurors for next Inferior Spt. 4. Court. They also chose Sam' Seabury their Agent to answer in the town's behalf, to the plea or action of Lieu'. Francis Barker against said town, at the said Court. 1711. At a Town meeting in Duxborrough Dec. 12"' Dec. 12. Anno Dom 1711 The town chose Joshua Cushing Vol. a. and AV". Sprague petty Jurors foi- next Inferior Page 298. Court, and Capt. Arnold their Agent at said Court to answer in their behalf relating to Barstow's bridge which stands presented to said Court. They also chose Mr. Sam' Seabury their agent at said Court to act in said town's behalf in relation to a plea, or action of Lieu'. Francis Barker against said town, which said action was continued frora last Inferior Court at Plymouth, either to impliad said Barker, or to agree with him in said town's behalf. The said town also chose Capt'. Arnold and Lieu'. Bradford their agents to meet the Committee appointed by the General Court, to view the tract of land which c)ur neighbors of Mattakesit petition should be laken into their desired new township, and make a report of the circumstances thereof to the said General Court in order to the settleraent of the bounds of said new township, to show reasons why the said Mattakesit raen may not run their line so far or so low down as they petition for. DUXBURY RECORDS. 213 1711-12. At a Town raeeting in Duxborrough Feb. 18"' Feb. 18. A D 1711-12 The town voted that the Committee Vol. a. chosen to lay out the second division in their Cora Page 299. mon lands, should allow or leave of said Coraraon lands, so rauch as they the said Coraraittee shall judge to be needful and convenient for high ways through any part of said Comraon land. They also voted, that all the cedar swaraps in said Commons, should be laid out in the same method that they agreed upon for laying out their salt marshes. At this town raeeting Benoni Delanoe and Abram Samson Jun, demanded of the said town, each of them forty acres of land belonging to the first division of said town's Coraraon land. Abrahara Sarasou Sen'' and Benoni Delanoe protest against the above said votes of said town, likewise Mr. Joseph Mallinson protests against the young raen's having any part in the above said second division. 214 D UXB UR Y RECORDS. PROPRIETORS OF THE COMMON LAND. FIEST DIVISION. 1712. Duxburrough June the 16'" Anno Dora 1712. Proprietors At a meeting of the proprietors of the Common book land and raeadow belonging to the East division in marked the Coraraons of the town of Duxburrough, which B. Coraraou land and meadow was ordered by said town 1712-1728. to be divided, and laid out, at a meeting of said town bearing date January 30'" Anno Dom 1709-10, and which said Common land and meadow is now in and partly belonging to the town of Duxbury, and partly to the town of Pembrook. The said proprietors chose John Wadsworth their clerk, and Voted that any persons which judged themselves to be wronged by being left out of the list for dividing the above said Commons, the salt meadows belonging thereto being already laid out and disposed of, said persons may apply themselves to the Comraittee appointed for makiug said list, who may consider them, and satisfy them out of the undivided upland, if they see reason, and if it appears they were wronged as above said. They also voted that Mr. Thomas Loring should have forty acres of land, viz Of the said undivided land, on account of the farra which he bought of Samuel AA'adsworth in Duxborrough, pro vided the above said Committee allowed of it, the said Loriug quitting all other rights and clairas in the above lands, viz. Common or undivided laud and meadows, and in all the first division of Commons DUXBURY RECORDS. 215 in said Duxborrough Anno 1710 excepting his own single share in said division. The proprietors also chose Cap* Seth Arnold, Lieu' Franeis Barker and Mr. John Partridge, a Committee in their behalf to agree with Lieu* Sam* Bradford about the right of his father Major W" Bradford in said Commons. The proprietors also voted that when the upland in the S"* Commons, shall be laid and bounded, aud lots are to be drawn for the same, that two shares shall be put into one lot, which shall belong to two men equally in whose behalf the said lot shall be drawn. On the 16'" of June the said proprietors met together to draw their lots in the above said salt meadows which were laid out, and bounded, which said lots were drawn, and fell as followeth — The first lot was drawn by Cap' John Alden, and fell to Mr. David Alden, Benjarain Alden, Sam* Alden, John Alden an Jonathan Alden. The second lot was drawn by Cap'. Thomas Bar ker, and fell to Thomas Barker, James Barker, Sam* Tubbs, Thomas Pierce and Elisha Barker deceased. The Third lot was drawn by Thomas Southworth, and fell to Mr. Edward Southworth, Thomas South- worth, Constant Southworth, Benjamin Soutuworth and John Southworth. The Forth lot was drawn by Samuel Bartlet and fell to Sam' Bartlet proprietor of the farra of Mr. Wiswell, dec, W'" Sprague, Benjarain Bartlet Jun, and Joseph Bartlet. The Fifth lot was drawn by Mr. Sam' Seabury, and fell to Sam' Seabury, Joseph Stockbridge, Joseph Rogers, John Boney and Francis Rogers. The Sixth lot was drawn by Cap' Seth Arnold, and fell to. Cap' Seth Arnold, F:dward Arnold, Ben jamin Arnold, Sam' Delanoe Sen'', and Samuel Delanoe the 3". The Seventh lot was drawn by Caleb Samson, and fell to Josiah Holmes, Caleb Sampson, John Holmes, W". Holmes and David Samson. 216 DUXBURY RECORDS. The Eighth lot was drawn by John AVadsworth, and fell to Abigail Wadsworth, Johu Wadsworth, George Williarason, Francis Barker Jun'^, and John Pierce. The Ninth lot was drawn by Sam' West, and fell to the proprietors of the farm of Phillip Delanoe dec, Robert Sanford, Sam' West, Pelatiah West and Sara' Delanoe the 2"". The Tenth lot was drawn by Aaron Soule, and fell to Josiah Barker, Josiah Soule, Ichabod Wadsworth, Aaron Soule and John Simons deceased. 'The Eleventh lot was drawn by Thomas Parris, and fell to James Partridge, Lambert Despard, Thomas Parris, Isaac Oldham and James Magoon. The Twelvth lot was drawn by John Weston, and fell to Elnathan Weston, John AVeston, John Dela noe, Thomas Hunt and Sarauel Weston. The Thirteenth lot was drawn by Benjaraiu Peter son, and fell to John Peterson, Joseph Peterson, Benjamin Peterson, Joseph Soule and Sam' Chandler. The Fourteenth lot was drawn by John Simons Sen°'', and fell to John Siraons Sen"'', John Simons Jun, Benjamin Simons, Joseph Simmons and Joshua Siraons The Fifteenth lol was drawn by Jonathan Peterson, and fell lo Sam' Thoraas, Thoraas Howland, Nehe miah Randall, James Bishop and Jonathan Peterson. 'The Sixteenth lol was drawn by Isreal Silvester, and fell lo Israel Silvester, Thoraas Loring, Benoni Delanoe and AVHdow Hudson. The Seventeenth lol was drawn by Abraham Booth, and fell to Abrahara Booth, Elias Magoon, Isaac Pierce, Timothy Sletsou and Ebenezer Bishop. The Eighteenth lot was drawn by Joshua Soule, and fell to Joshua Soule, Isaac Peterson, Isaac Stetson, Ichabod Samson and Abraham Samson. The Nineteenth lot was drawn by AA'"' Brewster, Sen"'', and fell to W'" Brewster Sen<"', IHiles Stan dish, Nathaniel Brewster, Josiah AVormal Sen'', and Josiah AVormal Jun'. ¦ DUXBURY RECORDS. 217 The Twentieth lot was drawn by Nathaniel Cole Jun"", and fell to Nathaniel Cole Sen'', Nathaniel Cole Jun'' and Ephriam Cole. The Twenty first lot was drawn by W' Brewster Jun, and fell to Joseph Boney, Jaraes Boney, W"" Brewster Jr, Benjarain Brewster and Christopher Wadsworth. The Twenty Second lot was drawn by Benjaraiu Bartlet Sen and fell to Thoraas Boney, Benjarain Bartlet .Sen'', W" Bartlet, Ebenezer Boney and Benjamin Prior. The Twenty third lot was drawn by Caleb Thoraas, and fell to Caleb Thoraas, Tiraothy Rogers, John Russell, Thomas Fish and John Magvarland. The 'Twenty fourth lot was drawn by Isaac Barker, and fell to Isaac Barker, John Saunders, Abraham Pierce Jun, Samuel Pierce and Hubson Bishop. The Twenty fifth lol was drawn by Mr. John Robinson, and fell to Mr. John Robiuson, Peleg AViswalle, Elisha Wadsworth and Joseph Tubs, & Mary Wadsworth. The Twenty Sixth lot was drawn by Mr. John Partridge, and fell tb Lieu'. Sarauel Bradford, Mr. John Partridge, Lieu'. Sara' Sprague, Jonathan Biewster, aud the proprietor of the farm of Henry Clark, dec. The Twenty Seventh lot was drawn by Francis Barker Jun'', and fell to Lieu'. Francis Barker, Anne Hutson, Sara' Barker, Sam' Hills and Robert Barker. The 'Twenty Eighth lot was drawn by John Sprague, and fell to Sarauel Fisher, Johu Bishop, Abrahara Pierce Sen'', Moses Soule and John Sprague. The Twenty Ninth lot was drawn by Edmund Chandler, and fell to Joseph Chandler, Jun'' Benja min Siraons, and John Glass. The 'Thirtieth lot was drawn by Benjamin Chand ler, and fell to Phillip Delanoe, Jaraes Thoraas, John Chandler, Benjarain Chandler, and the proprietors of the farra of Sam' Hunt, dec. 218 DUXBURY RECORDS. The Thirty first lot was drawn by Nathaniel Sam son, and fell to Stephen Samson, Benjamin Samson, John Samson, Ebenezer AA'arraal and Nathaniel Samsou. The Thirty Secoud lot was drawn by .John Kein, and fell to Josiah Kein Sen'', Josiah Kein Jun' Mathew Kein, John Kein and Benjamin Kein. The Thirty third lot was drawn by Thomas Dela noe Seu, and fell to Thoraas Delanoe, Sen, Thomas Delanoe Jun, Jonathan Delanoe, Joseph Delanoe and the proprietors of the farra of Ebenezer Bartlet, dec. Becorded pr John AA'adsworth, Proprietors Clerk. 1712. At a raeeting of the Proprietors of the Commons, Oct. 6. and undivided lands in the town of Duxborrough Book and Pembrook, Oct. 6'" 1712 The said proprietors marked voted that Cap' John Alden should join with Mr . B. .Joseph Stockbridge and Mr. Jolm Partridge in Page 4. assisting the Surveyor in laying out the above said Common lands, and also that the said Partridge, Stockbridge and Aldeu, with the Surveyor, should' settle bounds between particular persons lots, and the said Commons. Al said meeting Abraham Samson protested against the proceedings of the said Proprietors, and al the same meeting the said proprietors Voted that their clerk shall set up a notification at the meeting house in Duxborrough aud Pembrook ten days before their meetings, signifying the occasion of their meeting, which shall be accounted a sufficient warn ing for their next meeting al any time. 1713. At a meeting of the Proprietors of the Common B. lands belonging lo the towns of Duxborrough and Page 5. Pembrook, upon the 22'' day of May. Anno Domini Mfiy 22. 1713. DUXBURY RECORDS. 219 The said Proprietors A'oted that Cap'. Thomas Barker should assist the surveyor in laying out the said Commons, in the room of Cap' John Alden, and by vote, granted to Micheal Ford of Marshfield a small parcel of land adjacent to his salt meadow in Duxburrough, near Green's Harbour, which is now within his fence, and taken within his fence for con veniency of fencing his said meadow, said Ford always maintaining the whole of said fence. They also voted to Lieu'. Robert Barker Twenty acres of land out of said Commons, to lake il up where he shall see cause, his whole share in the first division of the Commons in Duxborrough Anno Dom 1710, not being laid out to him, he quitting his right and claim to Seven acres of land laid out to hira in the said flrst division, and the said Robert Barker took up satisfied therewith. They also voted that thirteeu acres of land formerly granted to the said Robert Barker adjacent to the farm where on he now dwelleth, should be in satisfaction for high ways laid out through the said Barkers land by the select men of Duxborrough, partly at his farra where on he now dwelleth, and partly throngh his land near the Brick Kilns, and the said Barker took up satisfied there with. At said meeting the said Proprietors also voted that their surveyor should lay out to Thoraas Prince at the head of his lot, about two or three acres of land, provided he will grant as much of his land to the town of Duxbury, adjacent to the meeting house, to be a perpetual Coraraon for a training field &c. The said proprietors also voted as rauch to be Com mon near the meeting house in Pembrook, and that their surveyor should agree with said Prince about the premises. At said meeting Abraham Samson Sen'', deraanded forty acres of land, in behalf of his son Abraham, which he saith, should have been laid out to hira in the first division. 220 DUXBURY RECORDS. At said raeeting the said Proprietors, voted that persons that have any part of said Commons within their fences, or improvements, might have the same laid out to them for their share, or part of their shares in said Commons, they agreeing with the surveyor and agents for laying out said lands, con cerning the quantity and quality thereof, and also any narrow strips or parcels of land joining to any persons land, and lying iu a form not convenient for a lot in said division, raay be laid out to such persons if they desire it, and the surveyor with the Agents for laying out, judge il best, and raost convenient for the whole. At said raeeting, The said Proprietors voted, and ordered, that no person whatso ever, might cut any wood, timber or uuder brush upon the said undivided Comraons. or any part thereof, till the same be all laid out. and lots drawn, and persons enjoy their respective lots, on the same penalty by our Province law ordered against persons trespassing on the lands of others, and erapowered, and authorised the agents that assist the surveyor in layiug out the Commons, to insi)ect that raatter, and to prosecute in said Pro prietors behalf, all such as shall transgress said order. Benoni Delanoe protested against all the actings of said proprietors, at said raeeting. Errata Page 2 line the 23'' for Abagail Wadsworth, read, the proprietors of the farm of John AVadsworth, dec Page 3'' line 36 for Mary Wadsworth, read the proprietors of the farm of Joseph AA'adsworth dec. 1712. AA^here as the proprietors of the coramon and un- Jan. 16. divided lands belonging to the towns of Duxbor- B. rough and Pembrook, at their raeeting, bearing date Page 7. of June the 16'" Anno Dora 1712, did vote, and order to be laid out to Mr. Thomas Loring, forty acres of land of said comraons aud undivided land, for the reason, and on the conditions raentioned in the said vote or order, provided the committee DUXBURY RECORDS. 221 chosen to determine who have a right in said com mons, see reason to allow of il. AA''e the subscribers being said committee, upon sorae consideration, do give our opinion, and allowance as followeth — viz. That said Thomas Loriug have laid out to hira Forty acres of land of said commons, the surveyor having respect to the quantity and quality of said land, viz. That the said Forty acres be as good and equal in worth to a forty acre lot, viz, a middling forty acre lot belonging to the first division of said commons, which was laid out Anno 1710. Samuel Bradford. Francis Barker. Samuel Sprague. 1713. Duxborrough November 2P', 1713. Nov. 21. AVhere-as the proprietors of the common lands be- B. longing to the towns of Duxborrough and Pem- Page 7. brook, did at their meeting June 16"" 1712, Vote and order to be laid out to Mr. Thoraas Loring, Forty acres of said common lands, provided the committee chosen to determine who have a right in said com mon lands, should see reason to allow of it, and the said committee upon consideration, did give their opinion and allowance that the said Thomas Loring should have laid out to him Forty acres of common land, having respect to quantity and quality of said land, that it might be equal in worth to a middling Forty acre lot of the first division. Wherefor, at the request of said Thomas Loring, We whose naraes are here unto subcribed, have laid out, and bounded unto said Thomas Loring, Fifty six acres of land which we judge to be equal in worth to a middling Forty acre lot of said first division, which said Fifty six acres of land is bounded as followeth, viz. Begining at the North corner of the Sixty acres lately laid out to Lieu'. Samuel Bradford, being a small red oak marked with stones about it, and from thence the North East end thereof is bounded by the 222 DUXBURY RECORDS. old County road, 30 poles in breadth to a stamp with stones about it, hy the Sonth side of said old County road. anJ from thence the North west side thereof, ranges South 53 degrees Westerly 149 Pole to a stake and stones, and from thence, the South west end rangeth South 37 degrees Easterly, 76 pole to a pine tree marked, and from thence, the South east side thereof rangeth North 53 degrees Easterly 109 pole, to a stake in the range of the aforesaid Sixty acres of said Lieu' Bradfords, and from thence bounded by said Sixiy acres, unto the small red oak marked, first mentioned. Jacob Tomsox. John Partridge. 1713. At a meeting of the proprietors of the common Dec. 11. and undivided lands in Duxborrough and Pembrook— B. Dec. 11 Anno Domini 1713 for drawing the lots of Page 9. the last division of upland and swampy land in said townships, except Cedar Swamps. The lots fell as followeth — The sixty six and sixty seventh lots fell to Capt. Seth Arnold and .Sam* Delanoe Sen"''- The ninty first and the hundred and sixty seventh lots fell to Elisha AVadsworth, and the proprietors of farm that Elisha Wadsworth lives on — The seventy fifth, and the hundred and flfteenth lots fell to Lieu' Samuel Bradford and Joseph Tubbs. The twenty ninth and seventy sixth lots fell to James Partridge and W'" Holmes. The hundred and thirty eighth, and the hundred and flfty flfth lots fell to Deacon Seabury and Josiah Holmes — The eighty second, and the hundred and thirty second lots fell to Benjamin Bartlet Sen"' and AVilliam Bartlet. The ninty fifth and hundred and fourth lots, fell to Joseph Chandler 2'' and George Williamson. — DUXBURY RECORDS. 223 The seven Iy eighth and hundred and twelvth lots fell to Thomas Bonny Sen', and Ebenezer Boney dec. The forty ninth and flfty seventh lots fell to Benjamin Peterson, and Joseph Soule. The flfty ninth and seventy fourth lots fell to Sam' Bartlet, dec, and Benjamin Bartlet Jun. The seventy third and hundred and Sixty fifth lots fell to Deacon Brewster, and Miles Standish. The twelvth and ninty second lots fell to the pro prietors of the farm of Ebenezer Bartlet, dec, and Thomas Delanoe Jun'. The forty seventh and forty eighth lots fell to John Partridge and Jabez Barker. The flfty fifth and fifty sixth lots fell to W" Brewster Jun, and Ebenezer Wormal. The hundred and thirty seventh and the hundred and sixty flrst lots fell to Israel Selvester, and Joseph Bartlet. The twenty eight and ninty seventh lots fell to Sam'. Sprague Sen', and Nathaniel Cole Sen"'. The thirty fourth and hundred and sixty eighth lots fell to Josiah Wormal Jr, and James Boney. The thirty third and hundred and flftieth lots fell to Josiah Wormal Sen"", and Joshua Soule. The seventh, and hundred and flfty eighth lots fell to Benjamin Samson, and John Samson. The thirteenth and nintieth lots fell to John Holmes, and Sam' Spi-ague Jun. The first and hundreth lots fell to Capt. John Alden and John Sprague. The hundred and twenty third and hundred and twenty seventh lots, fell to Jonathan Delanoe and Jonu Magfarland. The flfth and sixty third lots, fell to Abraham Samson Jr and Benjamin Southworth. The eighty eighth and ninty eighty lots fell to Job Randal, and Edward Arnold. The forty sixth and hundred and fortieth lots fell to Josiah Soule, and Ephriam Cole. 224 D UXB UR Y RECORDS. The sixteenth and seventeenth lots fell to Jona than Peterson and Elnathan AVeston. 'The hundjed and third and hundred and ninteenth lots fell to Jonathan Alden, and Isaac Stetson. The hundred and twenty second and the hundred and Iweuty flfth lots fell to Stephen Samson, and Larabert Despard. The eightieth and eighty seventh lots fell to Con stant Southworth and John Southworth. The hundred and forty flrst and the hundred and forty second lots fell to Phillip Delanoe, and Ben jamin Siraons. The hundred and forty ninth and the hundred and fifty second lots fell to John Delanoe Sen', and Benjarain Arnold. The hundred and seventeenth and hundred and twenty six lots fell to .John Simons Sen"' and Johu Siraons Jr. The eighty third and eighty flfth lots fell to Isaac Simons, and Samuel Delanoe 3"'. The hundred aud tenth and hundred and six teenth lots fell to the proprietors of the farm of Philip Delanoe, dec, and Samuel AVest. The hundred and thirty first and the hundred and flfty third lots fell to Ichabod Bartlet and Sam' Fisher. The thirty eighth and hundred and sixty fourth lots fell to Sam' Chandler, and Josiah Kein. The twenty third and hundred and flfth lots fell to Thoraas Hunt, aud Benjamin Brewster. The eighty fourth and ninty sixth lots fell to Joseph Chandler Sen"', and Edrauud Chandler. The nineteenth and hundred and twcmty eighth lots fell to Benjarain Chandler, and Thoraas Hunt. The hundred and thirtieth, and hundred and fifty sixth lots fell to Nathaniel Brewster and Moses Soule. The hundred and ninth, and hundred and twenty fourth lots fell to the proprietors of the farm of Henry Clark, dec, and John Glass. D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 225 The fourteenth and ninty third lots fell to Pelaliah West, and Robert Stanford. The thirty sixth and the seventy seventh lots fell to Benjamin Alden, and Sam' Alden. The hundred and forty seventh, and hundred ana seventy first lots fell to Cabel Thomas and .lames 'Thomas. The hundred and thirty fifth, and hundred and thirteenth lots fell to Lieu'. Francis Barker, and Francis Barker Jr. The twentieth and twenty first lots fell to the pro prietors of the farra of Jaraes Magoon, dec, and Elias Magoon. The twenty second and hundred and first lots fell to Thomas Barker, and Elisha Barker, dec. The thirty fifth and hundred and sixty second lots fell to Robert Barker Sen"', and James Baker. The seventy first and hundred and sixty sixth lots fell to Josiah Kein Sen"' and Johu Kein. The forty first and hundred and thirty third lots fell to Abraham Booth, and Timothy Stetscm. 'The secoud and sixty second lots fell to .Joseph Mitchell, and .Jabez Barker, Nathaniel Charaberlain, aud Thoraas Lambert, viz, five eighths thereof to Joseph Mitchell, oue eighth thereof to Jabez Barker, one eighth to Nathaniel Chamberland, and one eighth to Thomas Lambert. The ninty fourth and hundred and fifty ninth lots fell to John Wadsworth, and Abrahara Pierce Sen"'- The one hundredth and twenty ninth, and hundred and fifty fourth lots fell to Robert Russel and Na thaniel Charaberland. The ninth and thirty ninth lots fell to Isaac Pierce Sen and Abraham Pierce Jr. The fourth and eighty ninth lots fell to James Bishop, and John Bishop The eighth and thirty seventh lots fell to Joseph Stockbridge, and Johu Boney. The hundred and sixth, and hundred and eigh- 15 226 DUXBURY RECORDS. teenth lots fell to Johu Peterson, and Isaac Peter son. The eighty first and hundred and thirty ninth lots fell to John Simons dec, and John Pierce. The hundred and forty eighth, and hundred and sixtieth lots fell to the proprietors of the farm of Mr. John Wadsworth, dec, and Christopher Wads worth . The fifty first and fifty third lots fell to Ebenezer Bishop, and Johu Chandler. The fiftieth and fifty eighth lots fell to William Tubbs Sen"', and Hubson Bishop. 'The sixty first, aud hundred and eleventh lots fell to Robert Barker Jr. ancl Isaac Barker. The eleventh, and sixtieth lots fell to David Sam sou, Ichabod Bartlet, AVm. Tubbs and the proprie tors, viz, one half thereof to David Samson, and one eighth thereof to Ichabod Bartlet, one eighth thereof to W"'. Tubbs, and two eighth thereof lo all the proprietors among themselves. 'The hundred and second and hundred and seventh lots fell to Josiah Barker, and Thomas Pierce. The fortieth and sixty fourth lots fell to the proprietors of the farm of Mr. Ichabod Wiswald, dec, aud Peleg AViswald. The forty fifth, and hundred and forty sixth lots fell to Abraham Samson, Sen"'', and Thomas Lam bert Jr. The eighteen, and twenty fourth lots fell lo Mr. Edward Southworth, and Thomas Southworth. The tenth, and eighty sixth lots fell lo William Sprague, dec, and Samuel Tubbs. The Iweuty fifth, and hundred and eighth lots fell to Samuel Weston, and Nathaniel Cole Jr. The twenty sixth, and twenty seventh lots fell to Ichabod Samson, and Joseph Rogers. The third, aud fifteenth lots fell to Thomas Delanoe, Sen"', and Joseph Delanoe. The hundred aud sixty third, and hundred and DUXBURY RECORDS. 227 sixty ninth lots fell to John AVeston, and Joseph Simons. The sixth, and ninty ninth lots fell to Japhet Turner, and the AVidow Hudson, both Dec''. The sixth fifth, and thirty second lots fell to Samuel Barker, and Isaac Barker. The fifty second, and the hundred and fifty first lots fell lo Samuel Pierce, and John Saunders. The seventy ninth, and hundred and fifty seventh lots fell to Joshua Simons, and Benoni Delanoe. At the said meeting of said proprietors, Dec. 11"* Anno Dom 1713. The said proprietors voted that if here after it shall appear necessary that there shall be ways through any of said division, that in such case there shall be liberty for such ways where it is necessary, ancl so as raay be most beneficial for the ways, and least prejudicial to the owners of the lots. They also voted, that where as John Russel hath not yet had a forty acre lot laid out to him in the late division of forty acres lots in Duxborrough and Pembrook, therefore at this meeting the Proprietors voted, that the said Russel, instead of said forty acres, shall have all the Common land that lyeth al the South west side, and South east end of his Sixty acre lot which was formerly laid to John Rouse, home to the forty acre lots of the late division, also all the land between said sixty acre lot and said Russel's home lot, and there upon at said meeting, the said John Russel did quit his claim unto all his rights iu division of said forty acre lot. 1714. At a meeting of the Proprietors of the Commons June 29. belonging to the towns of Duxborrough and Pera- B. brook, June 29'" Anno Dom 1714, said Proprietors Page 12. sold at an out cry, to Mr. John Partridge, one quar ter part of the Eleventh and Sixtieth lots in the upland, belonging to said Proprietors, for ten pounds, in raoney, to be paid in a months time, to defray the charges of laying out the cedar swamp belonging to 228 DUXBURY RECORDS. said proprietors, so far as it will go. At this meet ing, said proprietors voted, that their beach should be laid out, and divided, ten shares in a lot. At this raeeting June 29'" 1714 the said Proprie tors, the raost of thera drew their lots iu the Cedar swarap ; the laying out of which was now corapleted, and by reason that some of the lots were accounted better than others, the said Proprietors by vote, ordered two lots to be put together by the surveyor, which contained ten shares to be equally divided lo all persous therein named according lo their respec tive rights, which was accordingly done, and the lots fell as followeth. The fifth, aud twentj' ninth lots weie drawn by Deacon Alden, and fell to Deacon Alden, John Par tridge, Benj. Alden, Samuel Alden\ John Simons, Sen', Jaraes Bishop Sen John Boney, .James Boney, John Bishop & Hutson Bishop. The thirteenth, and nineteenth lots were drawn by Daniel Crocker, and fell to Isaac Pierce, Nehemiah Cushing, Aaron Soule, .John Saunders, John Pierce, John Simons, dec, Isaac Stetson, Thomas Barker, Francis Barker, Frineis Barker Jr and Thomas Pierce. The fifteenth, and thirty first lots were drawn by .James Partridge, and fell to .James Partridge, AV" Holmes, Ichabod Sarason, John Alden, Moses Soule, •Joseph Chandler, .John Sprague, Thoraas Boney, Ebenezer Boney, dec, and .Jonathan Brewster. The sixth, and seventeenth lots were drawn by John AA'adsworth, and fell to Mathew Kein, Sam' Delanoe the 3'', Thomas Parris, Piphriam Cole, Robert Stanford, the proprietors of the farm of John AA'adsworth dec, Thoraas Delanoe .Ir, the proprietors of the farra of Ebenezer Bartlet, deceased, Benjamin .Siraons aud Benjamin Samson. The fourteenth, and twenty second lots were drawn by Cap' Arnold, and fell to Capt Arnold, Samuel Delanoe, Sen', Benjamin Arnold, Thomas Loring, Lambert Despard, Lieu'. Francis Barker, Josiah DUXBURY RECORDS. 229 Barker, AVilliara 'Tubbs, Robert Barker, and James Barker. The thirty second, and thirty fourth lots were drawn by Joseph Stockbridge, and fell to Benjarain Peterson, Josiah Kein. Sen', Josi.ah Kein Jr, Johu Kein, Benjamin Kein, Elisha Barker, John Russel, John Magvarland, Elias Magoon, and Joseph Stock- bridge. It was ordered, that Thomas Lambert .Inn, and Ichabod Bartlet should have each of them, a quarter of a share equal to the proprietors of these two lots, in said 34'" lot, said lot being accounted so much better than the other lots. The eighth, and twenty eighth lots were drawn by Abrahara Booth, and fell to Josiah AVorraal, Sen', Josiah Wormal Jun, John Delanoe, Jonathan Dela noe, Tiraothy Stetson, Bibenezer Bishop, Joseph Boney, Isaac Oldham, Nathaniel Samson and Abra-' hara Booth. The second, and twenty first lots were drawn by Sam' Weston, aud fell to Mr. Edward Southworth, Miles Standish, Constant Southworth, Benj. South- worth, John Southworth, Samuel Weston, Joseph Siraons and Wrestling Brewster. The twentieth, and twelvth lots were drawn by Isaac Barker, and fell to Francis Rogers, Deacon Seabury, Josiah Holmes, Jonathan Peterson, Jona than Alden, Ichabod Bartlet, Sarauel Fisher, Josiah Soule, Sarauel Pierce and Joseph Soule. The eighteenth and twenty fifth lots were drawn by Christopher Wadsworth and fell to Benjarain Bartlet Sen', William Brewster, Jr, William Bartlet, Ebenezer Wormal, Joseph Mitchel, Sarauel Tubbs, George Williarason. Christopher Wadsworth, Thoraas Lambert Jr, and Ichabod Wadsworth. The thirteenth, and thirty third lots were drawn by Isaac Barker, and fell to Edward Arnold, Benja rain Bartlet Jr, Samuel Bartlet, dec, Sara' West, the proprietors of the farm of Phillip Delanoe, dec, John Holmes, Isaac Barker, Jabez Barker, Joseph Bartlet and Timothy Rogers. 230 D UXB UR Y RECORDS. The eleventh, and twenty seventh lots were drawii by Benjamin Chandler, and fell to Benjamin Prior, Thomas Fish, Caleb Thomas, Isaac Simons, Sam' Delanoe 2'"', Abraham Samson Jr., Benjamin Chand ler, the proprietors of the farm of Sam' Hunt, dee, Joseph Peterson and Sam' Chandler. The third, and twenty third lots were drawn by Mr. .John Robinson, and fell to Mr. John Robinson, Lieu'. Sam' Sprague, the proprietors of the farm of Mr. Ichabod AA'iswall, dec, Peleg Wiswall, Nathaniel Cole, Sen"', Joseph Tubbs, Joshua Soule, Caleb Samson, Sam' Hills and Joseph Rogers. The ninth, and twenty fourth lots were drawn by fell to Israel Silvester, Joseph Chandler, Sen', Edmond Chandler, John Chandler, Elisha Wadsworth, the proprietors of the farm of Joseph AA'adsworth dec, James Thomas, bam' Bradford, AA'illiam Sprague and Pelatiah West. The tenth, and twenty sixth lots were drawn by Thomas Loring, and fell to John Weston, Stephen Sarasou, John Sarason, Phillip Delanoe, Nathaniel Cole Jr, John Simons Jr, Joshua Siraraons, Thomas Delanoe, Sen', William Brewster, Sen, and Sam' Barker. The seventh, and sixteenth lots were drawn hy Thomas Prince, and fell to Abraham Pierce Sen', John Wadsworth, Nathaniel Brewster, Benj. Brews ter, Jabez Barker, Nathaniel Chamberland, Abraham Sam=on Sen"', Benoni Delanoe and Sam' Pierce. The flrst, and fourth lots were drawn by Samuel Sprague, and fell to Sam' Sprague, Jr, a quarter of a share to AA'"'. Tubbs Sen', Abraham Pierce Jr, Joseph Delanoe, Joshua Turner, widdow Anne Hud son, Nehemiah Randal, John Peterson, Thomas Hunt, and David Samson. DUXBURY RECORDS. 231 A List of names of those that have a right in the last division of the town's Commons, upland and meadow, in Duxborrough, taken by us whose names are here unto subscribed, being chosen there unto at a town meeting in Duxborrough June 5'" 1710. The Proprietors of the farm of Joseph AVadsworth, dec, Elisha Wadsworth Mr. Thomas Loring Mr. Sam* Bradford, Christopher Wadsworth Ichabod Wadsworth, Benj Bartlet Sen' W" Bartlet Geo AVilliamson John Wadsworth Benj. Peterson Thomas Boney Benjamin Prior Peleg AA^iswalle Sam' Bartlet Benj Bartlet Jr Joseph Bartlet Miles Standish Proprietors of the farm of Ebenezer Bartlet dc William Brewster Sen William Brewster Jr Benj Brewster Israel Silvester Sam' Sprague Sen"' W" Sprague John Robinsou Josiah Wormal Sen Josiah AA'ormal Jr Ebenezer Wormal Stephen Samson Benj Sampson Nathaniel Cole Jr Ephriam Cole Jonathan Brewster James Partridge Sam' Seabury John Samson Proprietors of the farm of Sam' Sprague Jr lives on Proprietors of the farm John Sprague lives on Jonathan Delanoe Abraham Samson Sen' Nathaniel Samson Abraham Sarason Jr Edward Arnold Ichabod Samson Josiah Soule .Tohn Peterson Jonathan Peterson Isaac Peterson Joseph Peterson Joseph Soule Doctor Delauoe Benoni Delanoe Joseph Delanoe Sam' Delanoe John Alden Jonathan Alden Thomas Southworth Proprietors of the farm of Phillip Delano dec Edward Southworth Francis Barker Elias Magoon 232 D UXB UR Y RECORDS. John Partridge Cap' Arnold Elnathan Weston Samuel Weston Benj Arnold Caleb Thomas Sam' Delanoe 2'' Sam' Delanoe 3'' Thomas Fish Caleb Samson David Samson Jaraes Thomas Sara' Hills .Joshua Soule Sara' AVest Pelatiah AVest Proprietors of the farm of Henry Clark dec Ebenezer Boney John Weston Joseph Boney Proprietors of the farm of Ichabod Wiswall dec Proprietors of the farm of Samuel Hunt, dee. Proprietors of the farra of Mr. John AVadsworth, dec Johu Southworth Phillip Delanoe John Siraonsou .Jr Benj Simonson Joseph Simonson Thom* Delano Jr John Chanler Thoraas Hunt Edraond Chanler John Glass Robert Stanford Josiah Barker Francis Barker .Ir Thoraas Barker Elisha Barker Josiah Holmes John Holmes William Holmes Robert Barker Sen •James Barker Japeth Turner John Kein Isaac Barker Abraham Booth Sam^ Barker Robert Barker Jr Abraham Pierce Jr Abraham Pierce Sen John Pierce Sam' Pierce Isaac Pierce Thomas Pierce Joseph Rogers Timothy Rogers Isaac Stetson Timothy Stetson Thoraas Parris Mr. David Alden Constant Southworth Benj Southworth John Delanoe Sarauel Fisher John Simonson Sen Isaac Simonson Joshua Siraonsou Sam' Chanler Benj Chanler Joseph Chanler Sen Joseph Chanler Jr Moses Soule Benjamin Alden DUXBURY RECORDS. 233 Sam' Alden Nathaniel Brewster Nathaniel Cole Sen' James Bishop Johu Bishop Hutson Bishop Ebenezer Bishop John Boney James Boney Joseph Stockbridge Isaac Oldham John Simonson 3'' Joseph Tubbs Sam' Tubbs John Russel John Magvarland Josiah Kein Sen Josiah Kein Jr Mathew Kein Aaron Soule Larabert Despard John Saunders Francis Rogers AViddow Hutson Proprietors of the farm Nehemiah Randal of James Magoon dec Ichabod Bartlet Nathauiel Chamberlain Thomas Lambert Jr Jabez Barker AVilliara Tubbs Sen Joseph Mitchel 1714. At a meeting of the Proprietors of the Commons Nov. 20. belonging to the towns of Duxborrough and Pem- B. brook upon the 20*" of Noveraber Anno Dora 1714, Page 19. 'The said Proprietors drew their lots in the Beach belonging to the Second and last division in the said Coramons, and the lots fell as followeth. The eighth lot fell to Thomas Lambert, Jr, Icha bod Wadsworth, Sam' Bradford, dec, the proprietors of the farra of John Wadsworth, dec, John Bony, Samuel Delanoe 2'', Caleb Thomas, Thoraas Fish, Benjarain Chanler, and Nathaniel Cole, Sen. The Sixteenth lot fell to John Peterson, Benjamin Peterson, Isaac Peterson, Josiah Wormal, Sen', Josiah Wormal Jr, Jonathan Delanoe, Tiraothy Stetson, Ebenezer Bishop, Nathaniel Samson and Abraham Booth. The ninth lot fell to Thoraas Parris, Isaac Oldhara, Joseph Boney, James Boney, Jonathan Peterson, Joseph Jlitchel, George Williarason. Thoraas Dela noe Jr, the Proprietors of the farm of Ebenezer Bartlet, dec, and Joseph Rogers. 234 D UXB UR Y RECORDS. The thirteenth lot fell to Cap' Seth Arnold, Sam uel Bartlet, dec, Benjamin Bartlet Jr, Nathaniel Brewster, Pelatiah AA'est, Edward Arnold, Nathaniel Cole, Jr, William Brewster, Israel Silvester, and John Russel. The tenth lot fell to Samuel West, Benjamin Samson, Ephriam Cole, Robert Stanford, Sen, Sam uel Chanler, Peleg AViswalle, The Proprietors of the farm of Mr. Ichabod Wiswalle, dec, Elisha AA'adsworth, The Proprietors of the farm of Joseph AA'adsworth, dec, and Samuel Delauoe S"*. The seventeenth lot fell to John Partridge, Jona than Brewster, Benjamin Prior, John Alden, The Proprietors of the farm of Henry Clark, dec, Samuel Sprague, Jr, Nehemiah Randal, The Proprietors of the farm of Samuel Hunt, dec, John Delanoe, Sen, and Miles Standish. The twelvth lot fell to Joseph Bartlet, Ebenezer Wormal, Moses Soule, Thomas Bony, Ebenezer Bony, dec, James Partridge, William Holmes, John Sprague, David Sarason and William Brewster Jr. The sixth lot fell to William Sprague, dec, Ste phen Samson. Isaac Simons, Samuel Hill, Joshua Soule, Mr. John Robinson, Lieu'. Samuel Sprague, Joseph Tubbs, Benjarain Simons, and John Saun ders — and said sixth lot containing ten shares and a half — the said half share fell to Thomas Lambert, Jr and Joseph Mitchel. The seventh lot fell to Joseph Soule, Thomas Loring, Lambert Despard, Joseph Peterson, Joseph Rogers, in behalf of his son Francis Rogers, Abra ham Samson Jr, Abraham Pierce Jr, Jonathan Alden, Josiah Soule and John Kein. The third lot fell to Aaron Soule, John Simons, dec, .John Pierce, Joseph Stockbridge, Thomas Barker, Benjamin Arnold, Samuel Alden, Joseph Chanler Sen, and Joseph Chanler Jr. The fourth lot fell to Benjarain Bartlet Sen, AA'illiara Bartlet, Christopher AVadsworth, Hutson DUXBURY RECORDS. 235 Bishop, Samuel Delanoe Sen', Samuel Weston and Thomas Hunt. The flrst lot fell to Samuel Seabury, Joshua Soule, Josiah Holmes, John Samson, Joshua Delauoe and Thomas Delanoe Sen'. 'The fourteenth lot fell to Nathaniel Chamberland, Josiah Kein, Sen', Josiah Kein Jr, .Tohn Weston, and John Simmons Sen'. The second lot fell to Robert Barker, AVilliam Tubbs, Sen', 1^ shares, Ichabod Samson, James Barker. Phillip Delanoe, Widdow Hudson and John Holmes. The eleventh lot fell to Caleb Samson, Jaraes Bishop, John Siraons Jr., Joshua Turner, Joshua Simons, Samuel Pierce and Benoni Delanoe. The flfteenth lot fell to Samuel Fisher, Mathew Kein. James Thomas, and David Alden. ^No further record of the above division until 1747.] 1710. At a town meeting in Duxborrough Anno Dom T^o Date. 1710 Sarauel Fisher desired that the town would ex- Vol. a. change a piece of ground with hira, there being a Page 170. piece of the town's Comraons lying at the south west corner of his lot which he said would be a bene flt to him in respect to running his fence straight, he would have the path that went up from where Peter West lived formerly, to the bounds of it on the South west side, and the road that goes from Doctor Delanoe's up to Deacon Aldens, to be the bounds on the Southerly side of it, and if they see cause to grant this to hira, he will deliver up to said town, all his land which lyeth above the road that goes from Doctor Delanoe's to Deacon Alden's. Which by said town was granted. Recorded by me John Wadsworth, Town Clerk. 236 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1710. • The bounds of Nathaniel Charaberland's land iin .Tany. 31. Duxborrough. Vol. a. Begining at a red oak tree marked on four sides. Page 288. about Eight lods from the North east corner of Jaraes Boney's lot, and from theuce 133 rods to a black bush, and from thence Southwesterly 118 rods, to a slake aud stones, and frora thence 133 rods. South east to a white oak tree raarked on four sides, being the Westerly corner of Jaraes Boney's land, ancl frora theuce, by the land of James Boney lo the tree first mentioned. Jany 31 1709/10 Recorded by rae Samuel Sprague, Town Clerk. 1713. At a town Meeting in Duxborrough February 24'"- Feb. 24. Anno Dora 1713/14 the said town gave liberty to Vol. a. John Chanler, Ichabod Bartlet, Phillip Delanoe, Page 299. Nathaniel Brewster, Pelatiah AVest, Constant South- worth, Jonathan Alden, John Simons .Jr. and Benoni Delanoe, to build a seat in said town's- Meeting house, adjoining to the front gallery, the the whole length of said gallery from girt to girt, provided the said seal doth uot extend lower down ward than the beam whereon the aforesaid seat in the said gallery is now built, the said town also gave to their Agents formerly chosen by said town, to pen said meeting house round &c, viz. Lieu' Sam'- Bradfoid, Mr. Samuel Seabury, Mr. Thomas Loring, Mr. .John Partridge and Capt. John Alden, the front or fore seal in the uppermost, or second gallery, in the North AVest end of said meeting house, where upon the said Agents gave to the said town their rights in the two hindermost seats in said gallery. At this town raeeting Mr. Benjarain Chanler freely gave to the said town, liberty to build a School house upon his land near the road, for said towns use, to be set near the fence, that is the fence be tween the said Benjarain Chanler and John Glass, D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 237 their lands, and that the said school house might there be settled and kept, with all the privileges or use of about half an acre of laud adjacent, so long as said town shall see cause to keep their school house there. (The town meetings frora 1712 to this date were to choose Town and County oflflcers. I find no other business transacted.) George Etheridcje. Co^iyist. 1718. At a Town Meeting held iu Duxburrough March Mch. 28. 28'" 1718. The said town by vote, gave liberty to Vol. a. Abrahara Sarason Sen"', aud his heirs forever, to Page 300. make a fence across the highway lately laid out from the old landing place, so called, up to the country road, the said fence to be set up near to the Glade Creek, with privilege of a gate or bars convenient to open or draw, and to be kept up if he or they please, so long as he or they shall give liberty to all persons for landing their hay &c at said landing place. And at the same town meeting, he the said Abraham Sampson, did in behalf of hiraself, his heirs, &c en gage and promise to the town, the benefit and privi lege of the said landing place for the landing and carrying away their hay &c forever. As witness his haud Abraham Sampson. 1721. At a Town meeting in Duxburrough, upon the Oct 20. 20'" day of October Anno Domini 1 721. Vol. a. The said town chose Mr. .Tohn Partridge Modera- Page 300. tor, they also chose Isaac Wadsworth petty juror to serve at the next Inferior Court at Plymouth, the said town also voted to choose Trustees to take out of the Treasury the said town's proportion ot the fifty thousand pounds ordered the last year by the General Court to be emitted, and chose three trus tees, viz, Mr. .John Partridge, Capt John Alden and 238 DUXBURY RECORDS. Mr. Thoraas Fish, and ordered that the said money should be hired out at five pounds per cent, to such persons as shall give sufficient security for the same, and that less than ten pounds nor raore than twenty pounds, should not be hired out to any one parti cular person, and that the said money, or any portion thereof, should not be hired out to any per sons but such as are inhabitants within this town, uutil oue month be fully expired afler the said money is brought into the said town, and after that it may be hired to other town's people, and the said town adjourned their meeting till this day fortnight, at ten of the clock. 1721. Al a lown meeting in Duxburrough July 24"" July 24. Anno 1721, The said town did by their vote, give Vol. a. liberty to Nathaniel Thomas Esq of Marshfield to Page 95. dig a passage way eighteen foot wide, through the said town's salt meadow now in possession of Mr. Robinsou, from the Mill river into Carswell creek or river, provided he fills up said Carswell creek or river with the turf he digs out of the meadow below said passage way in the uppermost turn of the said river, and also keep it filled up or damed, as long as the said passage way is open, and that the inhabi tants of this town have Hberty use it, and also pro vided Mr. Robinson gives his consent thereto. 1722/3. At a Town Meeting in Duxborrough upon the fourth Mch. 4. day of March Anno Doraini 1722-3, The said town Vol. a. voted to Deacon Sarauel Seabury a confirraation of Page 301. Thirty Seven acres of land butting upon the head of the farra whereon he now dwells, said land being forraerly sold him by the said town's Agents, for the sum of Eighteen pounds and ten shillings, but no record made thereof, the said town ordered that a record should now be made thereof. The bounds whereof are as followeth, viz. It begineth at the Northerly corner of said farm by the cart way thfit leads from thence to Island Creek pond, and thence D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 239 bounded by said way to the cart bridge that stands upon said Island Creek pond brook, and thence bounded dowu stream by said brook to the head of said Seabury's said farra, to the cart way first raen tioned. 1723. At a towu meeting in Duxburrough Sept 2'', Anno Sepl. 2. 1723, The said town chose Mr. Johu Partridge, Vol. a. Moderator for said day. They also chose Thoraas Page 96. Phillips petty juror to serve at the next Inferior Court and Quarter sessions of the peace. The said town also voted that a rale should be raade to de fray their public charges, consistiug of £152, 7s, 6d. (here follows Particulars.) Copyist. 1723/4. Upon the 13"" day of January Anno 1723-24 We Jany. 13. the subscribers Select men of the town of Duxbor rough, have made up accounts with Mr. Phillip Delanoe Treasurer of said town upon the said town's account, and find he having paid all the notes or orders from said town till Nov 28'" Anno 1722, that there is due frora said treasurer to said town the sum of £14, 16s, 05d. Elisha AVadsworth. John Alden. John AVadsworth. 1725. At a Town Meeting held in Duxborrough the 2'' Aug. 2. day of August Anno Domini 1725. The said towu Vol. a. voted a rate should be raade to defray their charges Page 110. for this year, consisting of £128, 15s, OOd. (here follow Particulars.) 1726. At a town meeting in Duxborrough August 17'" Aug. 17. Anno Dom 1726. The lown voted a rale to be Vol. a. made consisting of £163 10s 8d lo defray the said Page 110. town's charges fur this year. (Particulars follow) 240 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1728. At a towu raeeting in Duxborrow March 26"' Mch. 26. Anno Domini 1728. The town chose Mr. Edward Vol. a. Arnold, Moderator for said day, and chose Mr. Page 302. John Partridge and Caleb Samson Grand Jurors, and Jaraes Arnold and .John 'Turner petty Jurors, all to serve at the next Superior Court at Plymouth. 1728. At a Towu raeeting in Duxborrough the 16'" of May 16. May Anno Doraini 1728. The said town chose A''ol. a. Capt. .John Alden representative to serve the year Page 303. ensuing, at the General Court at Boston, and t'nen the said town chose .Joshua Soule Moderator for said day, and also chose Edward Arnold, Joshua Soule and Pelatiah AA^est, trustees to take out and 'let out upon good security, the said 'Town's propor tion of sixty thousand pounds of loan money last eraitted by the General Court, for the use of said town, and also voted that the said trustees shall not let out of said money, less than ten pounds nor more than twenty pounds to any one person, the said money to be let out at six pounds per cent, and also voted the persons that had none of the last loan raoney of said town, should have the privilege first to have the liberty of hiring this said loan raoney be fore the persons that had the last loan money of said town, if they corae for it at the tirae which the said trustees shall appoint. 1728. Sept. 4. Sept 4'" 1728. Vol. a. The town chose .Jury-men, and raade rate for Page 303. town charges. Aral, to £137, 00s, 05d. 1729. Mch. 25. March 25"' Anno Doraini 1729. Vol. a. The town chose town offlcers and .Jury raen for Page 304. the year ensuing. Mch. 2. March 2" Anno Doraini 1729-30. 1729/30. The Town chose town offlcers, and voted that six- Page 305. teen pounds should be paid out of their treasury to wards the support of our Agent in England. DUXBURY RECORDS. 241 1730. At a town raeeting in Duxborrough upon the 15'" May 15. day of May, Anno Domini 1730. The said lown Vol. a. chose Capt .John Alden their representative lo serve Page 306. at the General Court the ensuing year, they also chose Capt Alden moderator for the said day, aud .Joseph Freeman petty Juror to serve al the next In ferior Court at Plymouth. The said town also voted that Thomas Burton should keep their school the year ensuing or so rauch of said year as he shall tarry in said lown, and not reraove out of it, and al so voted that said Thoraas Burton should not receive pay frora the town for the time he did attend keep ing the said school. 1730/31. Upon the H"" d.ay of January Anno Doraini 1730-31. Jany. 17. Al a Town meeting iu Duxborrough, 'The said Vol. a. town chose Justice Arnold moderator, for said day. Page 306. and Capt Alden representative to serve at the next General Court, and George Partridge Grand Jury man for the ensuing year, and Jonathan Peterson and John Chanler Jr petty Jurors for the next In ferior Court, and Pelatiah West said town's agent to answer their presentraent of said Court for not being provided with school raaster, and John Wads worth Jr school master. 1730-31. Upon the 1^* of March Anno Domini 1730-31. At Mch. 1. a Town Meeting. After chosing lown offlcers Vol. a. 'The town voted that there should be paid out of said Page 307. town's treasury. Twenty shillings for every Wild Cat that may be killed within this town, by any of the inhabitants thereof, to the persons chat raay kill thera viz. Twenty shillings above what is allowed for killing Wild Cats out of the Province treasury, said town also voted to pay out of the said treasury to John Delanoe Sen"', len pounds and fifteen shillings, towards his satisfaction for the support of Mary Cole the last year, provided he deducts out of it what particular persons have paid him on that ac- i6 242 D UXBUR Y RECORDS. count. The said town also voted, that the Select men should take care to provide a school master for thera for the year ensuing. 1731. At a lown meeting in Duxburrough upon the 12'" May 12. day of May Anno 1731, The town chose Capt Alden A'ol. a. representative to serve at the next General Court at Page 308. Boston. They also chose Capt Alden randeralor for said day, aud Ebenezer Bartlet petty Juror to serve at the next Inferior Court in Plymouth, and Isaac Peterson constable to serve one year ensuing, said towu also voted that Jonathan Peterson Jr. might serve as constable the year ensuing, in the stead of Ichabod AVadsworth, the said Ichabod AVadsworth paying him or satisfying him for his services therein, and the said town also voted that D' Benoni Delanoe as their agent, should procure their meeting house repaired, and to bring his bill of charge about it, not exceeding len pounds. 1731. Al a town meeting in Duxborrough upon the 2"'' Aug. 2. day Anno Domini 1731. The said town chose Mr. Vol. a. Elisha Wadsworth moderator for the said day. and Page 308. also voted that a rate should be made to defray the said town's charges, consisting of £155, 7'^, 5''. Particulars following — 1731. Ala Town meeting in Duxborrough 8'" day of Sept. e's. Sept Anno 1731. Vol. a. The towu elected town officers and Jury men, and Page 309. also desired that Ichabod AVadsworth should care for and supply all things necessary for the support of Mary Cole. 1732. Al a Town meeting in Duxborrough upon the •28'-^ Mch 28. day of March Anno Doraini 1732, The said town A'ol. a. chose Mr. Elisha Wadsworth raoderator, for the said Page 310. day. And voted that the select men should procure a school master for said town, ancl the said town did by their vote signify their satisfaction with the D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 243 making of the last town's rate by said late Select men, and their acceptance of their raising of Nine pounds and two pence more than the particular charges voted by the said town, and voted, that the said Nine pounds and two pence should be paid towards the repairs of the raeeting house, viz, to the said towns Agents for Josiab Thomas whom they had employed in repairing said meeting house. The said town also accepted of Pelatiah AVest to serve as constable iu roora or stead of Nathaniel Cole. 1732. May 15. At a town raeetiug May 15*" 1732. Vol. a. The town chose petty Jury men for next inferior Page 311. Court. May 22. Capt John Alden was chosen representative to the General Court. 1732. At a town meeting in Duxborrough September Sept. 18. 18'" Anno Domini 1732, The said town chose Col. Vol. a. John Alden raoderator for said day, and Samuel Page 311. Seabury petty Juror to serve al the next Court in Plymouth, and Benjamin Simons constable for the present year. The said town also voted to make a rate — to raise £151, 16^, 0 the said town's charges, and for said town's use — (particulars following) • 1733. At a Town meeting in Duxborrough upon the 30'" July 30. day of July Anno Domini 1733. The said town Vol. 'a. chose Colonel John Alden their representative to Page 313. serve at the General Court at Boston, this present year, and then proceeded and chose Col. Alden moderator for said day, and also chose Nathaniel Chanler petty .Juror to serve at the next Court at Plymouth. At this town meeting, the said town voted that a rate should be made to defray the said town's charges, amounting to £153, 01**, 03''. (Particulars follow) 244 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1733-34. At a Town meeting in Duxborrough, upon the Jany 16. 16'" day of January Anno Domini 1733/34 The A'ol. a. said town chose P-dward Arnold J^sq. moderator for Page 314. said day, and said town voted that a petition should be put in to the honorable, the General Court, by their present representative Col. John Aldeu in their behalf to address the said Court for their directions relating to the running a line, and setting the bounds between the said lown and the towu of Kingston. At this Town meeting the said town by their vote, desired and authorized their present representative Col. John Alden to petition the Honorable the Gen eral Court iu their behalf, for a grant of a tract of land the 1 letter to enable iliein to sui)i)oit a school in said town. 1734. At a Town meeting in Duxborrough upon the 3'' Sept. 3. clay of September Anno Dom 1734. Record The saiil town chose Edward Arnold Esq niodera- No. .'). tor for the said day, and ordered a rate should be Page 11. made to defray the said town's charges, amounting to £195, 09^ 07'' (Particulars following). 1 734-5. Al a Town meeting in Duxborrough upon the 3'' Record day of March Anno Doraini 1734-5. The town No. 5. chose Edward Arnold I.sq. moderator for said day — Page 11. anil then chose town officers, and Jurymen. At Mch 3. this lown raeeting the said town voted lo pay to Colonel Alden, Twenty Pounds iu full satisfaction for llis trouble and tirae, and the time, pains and trouble of any others which they had taken and spent in taking up, surveying and laying out the five huu- dii'd acres of land sorae lime since granted by the General Court lo this town to enable them to support a school in said town. The said town also agreed with Deacon Alden to lake the care of Mary Cole, and give her a suitable mainlenance one year for the sum of fifteen pounds. They also voted that there should be paid of the said town's money fifteen D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 245 pounds one shilling and six pence more than the thirty pounds already ordered in full satisfaction to Jonathan Peterson .Jr. for his service in the said town, as school master. At this Town raeeting the said towu did by their vote, give liberty lo Jacob Peterson, Ichabod AA'ads worth Jr., Peleg Wadsworth and Bartlet Turner, lo build a pew in the southerly corner of the raeeting house, in the gallery, for their use provided they did not discommode others, that sit in the adjacent gallery, viz, do not hinder thera in their going to their seats. 1734-5. April 11. Record No. 5. Page 11. At a Town raeeting in Duxborrough upon the 11"" day of April Anno Dora 1735. 'The said towu made choice of Grand and petiy Jury men. 1735. At a Town raeeting in Duxborrough May 2P' May 21. Anno Dom 1735. The said town chose Col. John Record Alden their representative lo serve at the General No. 5. . Court at Boston, the year ensuing, they also chose Page 11. Col. Aldeu raoderator for the said day to raanage th^ town's business for the said day, that is herein after mentioned. And at this lown meeting the said town voted that their select men should in their behalf, take care that the lines between the towns of Duxborrough and Marshfield should be stilled, and bounds renewed, and if the said town of Marshfield refuses to do what is requisite on their part, to biing an action in the law against them, the said towu of Duxburrough also voted, that the old line between them and Plymouth, should be the line between them and Kingston, and no other. At the afore said town meeting May 21, 1735, 'The town chose Isaac Partridge constable to serve in the room of .Toseph Weston who refused to serve. The said town also voted that their school should be kept iu four places or parts of the lown annually. 246 D UXB UR Y RECORDS. aud for that end ordered a division of the said lown into four parts or quarters, viz. Imprimis, that the said towu should first be divided into two parts, by the line that divides the constablewicks in said town, and then that the North part or half of the said towu, should be divided by a line begining at Marsh field line at Lieu'. Arnold's, and thence to run by a Hue to Pelaliah AA'est's to the Eastward of his house, to the said Constable's line, and to divide the south erly side of said town, to begin at said Constable's Hue at Nathaniel Brewsters, ancl leaving his house on the westward, thence running to the mouth of Island Creek Pond brook, and thence by said brook dowu stream, lo the salt water bay, they also ordered that the school should be kept, first at that quarter of the town that contains Powder Point, and 2"*, al the quarter that contains Phillip Chanler and Ensign Bradford's, aud 3'"5' at the quarter that con tains Nathaniel Sarason's, and 4'"'^' at the quarter that contains the Cap'^ Hill. The said town also chose three Agents, viz, Edward Arnold Esq Joshua Soule and Samuel Aldeu, to procure a school master for the said towu, and to make their j-eport to the said lown, at their next town raeeting of their doings there in, the said school master to serve for one year next ensuing, the said town also voted to pay out of their treasury Twenty shillings to Benjamin Simons, for one wild eat killed by hira the last year, they also voted that there should be paid out of the town's treasury Twenty shillings for each wild cat that shall be killed by any person or persons within this towu at any time within one year next ensuing, to anj' i)erson or persons that shall kill any wild cat as above said. 1735. At a town meeting in Duxborrough November Nov. 21. 21'' 1735. The said town chose John AVadsworth Record Clerk for said day, and Edward Arnold Esq Moder- No. 5. ator, and Abraham Samson and Joseph Weston Page 12. petty .lury meu to serve at the next inferior Court DUXBURY RECORDS. 247 of Coramon pleas, lo be holden at Plymouth, and said town voted to have two school masters to serve half a year, one school master to serve one end of said town, and the other lo serve al the other end of said town, except the Northerly end of said town agrees to have two school masters among themselves for one quarter of a year, instead of one school master for half a year above mentioned, and it is voted that the select men shall take care of Jane Delanoe, and to iraprove or sell or prudentially dis pose of her estate, to the best advantage of the town and herself. 1735/6. Feb. 16. Record 5. Page 12. 1735/6. Mch 1. Record 5. Page 12. 1736. April 5. 1736. May 10. Record No. 5. Page 13. At a town raeeting in Duxborrough Feb. 16"", Anno 1735/6 Edward Arnold Esq was chosen Mod erator, aud the town also chose Grand and pelly Jury men. A vote was asked or called for of the said town, viz, whether they would act or vole any thing relating to Mr. Robinson's salary, and the vote passed in the Negative. At this town raeeting- chosen. -only town officers were At this town meeting Grand and petty Jury men were chosen. At a town meeting in Duxborrough upou the 10"' day of May Anno Doraini 1736— The town chose Colonel Alden their representative to serve al the General Court for the year ensuing. The town also promised John Delanoe Fifteen pounds lo maintain Mary Cole oue whole year, to be reckoned from the 5"' day of March last passed, and from thence one year ensuing, and said Delanoe accepted. And a vote of said town was asked, whether they would order the money which was raised by vote the last year for Mr. Robinson, should be paid lo him, he giving a receipt for what he shall receive, and the vote passed in the Negative. 248 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1736. At a Town meeting in Duxborrough, upon the 9"" Aug. 9. day of August Anno Domini 1736. The" town made Record choice of Edward Arnold Esq. Moderator for the No. 5. said day, nnd chose Lieu'. James Arnold their agent Page 16. in their behalf at the next Court of Quarter Sessions of the peace, to be holden at Plymouth, to answer unto the remonstrance, or complaint, of the Rev. Mr. Robinson against the said town for their not paying hira his salary in full, according to their proraise, for sorae tirae past, and also voted that Ten pounds should be paid out of said town's Tiefisiuy to the said James Arnold to enable him to manage his Agency relating to the premises, and if the said Ten pounds be raore than may be necessary about the said premises, the overplus lo be returned into the said treasury again. 'lhe said town also chose three agents to procure tliein a school master for the present year, viz, Edward Arnold Esq, Mr. Joshua Soule and Mr. .Samuel Alden. Said town also chose four men, viz, Mr. Nathaniel Samson, Mr. Thomas Phillips, Mr. George Partridge and Mr. Isaac Simons .Jr, lo take care, and order the children ancl young people iu said town and restrain them fror.i unbecoming carriage, and from making any disturbance iu the meeting bouse in the tirae of wor ship, or in the interira between, the forenoon and afternoon exercises on the Sabbath day. 'The said Town also voted and ordered a rale should be raade consisting of £174 12* 5'' to def r.ay the said town's charges. (particulars follow) 1736-7. Al a lown raeetiug in Duxborrough upon the 14"" Mch 14. day of March Anno Doraini 1736-7. The said town Record chose Pxlward Arnold Esq. Moderator for the said No. 5. day, and also chose town offlcers. Page 17. At this meeting chose five raen as their agents, viz, Edward .Arnold Esq, Colonel John Alden, Mr. Joshua Soule, Mr. Samuel Weston and John AA^ ads worth, to treat with the Rev. Mr. John Robinson DUXBURY RECORDS. 249 about the raatter relating to his salary, which hath been lately controverted at Court viz, about agreeing and making up tbat matter about which there is an appeal depending to be tried at the next Superior Court at Plymouth, and to make a report of their doings therein at the next town raeeting. 'The said town also at the said meeting did by their vote, give their school house to Ebenezer Warmal, the said town also at this raeeting, raade choice of Justice Arnold and Mr. Thomas Loring to clear the Mill brook and Island Creek brook in the said town, and to make the said brooks raore convenient and passa ble for the going up and coming down of the herring, and lo bring an account of their doings therein, the first opportunity at some town meeting which may be in said town. At this town meeting the said town voted, that there shall be paid out of said town's treasury lo any and all persons. Three pence for each aud every Crow-bill Black bird that shall be killed at any place or places, within the said town (except the salt house marsh or Beach,) at auy tirae between the present lime and the last day of May next, to any and every person that may kill any such bird or birds, and also Three pence for each and every Blue bird of that sort which usually destroy Indian corn, whieh may be killed as above said between this and the last day of October next, to be paid as above said, and in the sarae raanner. Also Six pence for every Crow that raay be killed. At this town raeeting the said lown voted to address the General Court, by a petition, in order to a regulation of fowling in and about the Salt bay in I3uxborrough, by reason that for a want of prudept care concerning the raatter, the wild fowl have alraost forsaken the bay. 1737. Al a Town meeting in Duxborrough upon the 12"' April 12. day of April Anno Domini 1737. The said lown Record chose Mr. Benjarain Alden and Mr. Caleb Sarason No. 5. Grand jury raen, and Mr. Sarauel Sprague and Page 18. Christopher Wadsworth petty Jurors, and to serve 250 DUXBURY RECORDS. at the next Superior Court at Plyraouth. Said town also chose Edward Arnold Esq. Moderator for the said day. At this town raeeting a vote was asked of the said lown, whether they would take up with a proposal and offer of the Rev. Mr. John Robinson in his treatment with the Agents of the said town concerning the controversy between him and the said town, concerning his salary and his giving a receipt in full, and the vote passed in the Negative, and where as the said towu at their meeting upon the S"" day of March Anno Domini 1734/5 Agreed with Deacon Alden to take the care of Mary Cole, and to give her a suitable maintainance one year for the sura of Fifteen Pounds, but the said Deacon Alden not having fulfilled the said year in caring for and raaintaining tbe said Mary Cole, the said town vote that he should be paid ouly for so much time as he had taken the care of her as above said, and whereas Mr. Joseph Freeraan took the care of said Mary Cole the remaining part of the year wherein Deacon Alden should have done according lo agreement, but did not, the said towu voted, that said Joseph Freeman should be paid for what he did relating to the prem ises, after the same rate that they agreed with Deacon Alden for, viz, at Fifteen Pounds a year. But this last vote for paying to Mr. Joseph Freeman anything for what he did relating to the maintainance of Mary Cole, Edward Arnold Esq. absolutely pro tested against, and desired that his protest might be entered, which was done accordingly. 1737. At a town meeting in Duxborrough upon the 16'" May 16. day of May Anno Domini 1737. Record The town chose Colonel John Alden then Repre- No. 5. sentative to serve al the General Court at Boston for the year ensuing, the town also chose jury men. 1737. AA'here as that there was a Church meeting in, and June 2. by the Church of Christ in Duxborrough on the Vol. a. second day of June 1737, and theu the Rev. Mr. Page 139. John Robinsou their pastor, declared that if the town DUXBURY RECORDS. 251 and Church would give hira a dismission frora his Pastoral offlce from araong thera, that he would accept of it. and at a town raeeting in Duxborrough Aug. 3" 1737, the town voted lo accept the above said Mr. Robinson's above said proposal. 1737. At a towu meeting in Duxborrough upon the 3'' day Aug. 3. of August Anno Domini 1737. The said town chose Record Edward Arnold P^sq Moderator for the said day, and No. 5. voted a rale to be made to discharge and pay the Page 18. said town's charges. At this town meeting said town agreed with Deacon Alden to keep Mary Cole Eight months from this day al the rate of Fifteen Pounds a year, and at this town meeting, Samuel Alden, Joshua Soule. Phillip Delanoe, Phillip Chan ler, Johu AVadsworth and Samuel Chanler enter their protest against the said town's proceeding any fur ther iu their contention vvith Mr. Robinson in the law about his salary, and against their paying any further charge that may corae thereby. Also at this town meeting the said town chose .Justice Arnold, Lieu* Arnold, Ensign Bradford, Sarauel Sprague and Moses Soule, Agents in the said town's behalf, to endeavor lo agree with Mi. Robinson, and then the Moderator adjourned the town meeting to next Mondav at four o'clock in the afternoon. 1737. At a Town Meeting iu Duxborrough upon the 8*" Aug. 8. day of Aug. Anno Doraini 1 737, which was continued Record by adjournment from the 3" day of August above No. 5. said. The town voted to Mr. Robinson the sum of Page 19. £120 in paper money for his salary for the present year, and it was put to a vote iu said Towu meeting, whether they would uot give soraething raore than the said £120, but the vote passed in the Negative. The said town also voted that 10 pounds raore should be raised by said town lo pay for killing of birds, aud raendiug the glass windows of the raeeting house, and other contingent charges. 252 DUXBURY RECORDS. At this meeting Josiah AA'arraal entered his protest against ever paying anj' raore toward the maintain ance of Mr. Robinson in the work of the ministry of this town. 1737- At a lown meeting in Duxborrough — Sept. 1. The town chose petty jury men. 1737. At a Town Aleeting in Duxborrough upon the 5'" Dec. 5. day of Deceraber Anno Domini 1737, The town Record chose Edward Arnold Esq. Moderator for the said- No. 5. day, and then the vote of the said town was asked Page 19. whether the said towu would do any thing in order to make up the difference between the said town, and the Rev. Jlr. Robinson relating to his salary, and to prevent the execution that lyeth against the said town about the same, and the vole passed in the Negative. And then the said town voted that tliey would pay the Rev. Mr. .Jojin Robinson the full of his execution against the said lown, and also this present years salary in case the Rev. Mr. John Robinson will then peacably and quietly leave off the work of the rainistry in said town, and then a copy of the last vote was sent by Mr. Gamaliel Bradfoid by saiii town as their Agent to the said Mr. Robinson aud desired au answer from hira, who returned his answer viz. Dux'' December 5"" 1737. In answer to the above vote, I proraise to comply therewith if the lown will make my salary for the current year £170, and the whole forthwith paid, and then the Church will give me a dismission. Johu Robinson. Decemoer 5'" above said. In answer lo the Rev. Mr. Robinson's proposal the said town have voted to pay Mr. Robinsou all his execution with £170 for the present year, if the Church will give hira his dismission from his pastoral offlce from araong them. At this town raeeting the said town by their vote, ordered the late Treasurer, Mr. Phillip Delanoe, to- pay lo the present Town Treasurer, all the money DUXBURY RECORDS. 253 belonging to the said towu that reraain iu his hands, to be kept by the present Treasurer for the town's use, until further ordered by said town. And also ordered the sele<-l men to raake up accounts ou the said town's behalf with the late treasurer, and also chose lliiee Agents lo procure a school master for said towu. and the said Agents which the said town chose, were, Gamaliel Bradfoid, Lieut James Arnold, and Mr. James Thomas. And then lhe said towu adjourned their raeeting to Friday the 16"' of Dec. instant at 12 of the clock. 1737. At a Town Meeting in Duxborrough upon the 16"' Dec. 16. day of Deceraber, Anno Dora 1737, continued by Record adjournraent frora the 5"' day of Dec. instant. The No. 5. said town chose Mr. Phillip Delanoe, Moderator for Page 19. the said day. And whereas, upou the 5"' day of Dec. instant, at the town raeeting, a vote of the said town was asked, whether the said town would do any thing in order to raake up the difference between the said town, and the Rev. Mr. Robinson relating lo his salary, and to prevent an execution that lay against the said town about the sarae, and the vote then passed in the Negative. At the lown meeting adjourned to the above 16'"' day of Dec. instant, the said town reconsidered the said vote, and voted that they would <;omply with the judgraent of the Court relating to the Rev. Mr. Robinson's salary, and satisfy the above said execution, and prevent it frora being served upon the said town, by paying to the Rev. Mr. John Robinson, withoui further trouble, the sura of Four hundred and Twelve pounds, Ten shillings and Six pence as soon as they can, and also the present year's salary, and will endeavour a regular performance of this their engagement. At this town meeting, the town chose two Agents, viz, Mr. Thomas Southworth and Mr. Pelatiah West, to treat with the Rev. Mr. Robinsou about his salary for the present year 1737, as to the quantura, and 254 DUXBURY RECORDS. desire him that he would oblige the town by his Pulpit labours the next Sabbath, as formerly, aud the said lown ordered that the select raen should assess the said town the sura » • * * 1737/8. Mch 1. Record No. 5. Page 20. 1737-3S. Alch 22. Record No. 5. Page 20. 1738. April 10. relating to the afore said execution, and the present years salary. The said town also chose .John AA'ads worth iheir agent to answer in their behalf at the next Court of Quarter Sessions, lo be held at Ply mouth, relating lo the said town's presentment for uot being provided with a grammar school. Al this town meeting Beujarain Southworth protested against all the said town's votes and actings at said raeeting, and desired said protest to be here entered. Al a Town Meeting in Duxborrough upon the P' day of March — Anno Doraini 1737/38. The town chose town offlcers. At a town raeeting in Duxborrough upon the 22'' of March Anno Doraini 1737-38. The town chose Edward Arnold Esq. Moderator for said day, and then a vote was asked of said town, whether the said town would order a rate to be made consisting of Two hundred and two pounds. Ten shillings and Six pence, being in full to satisfy the Rev. Johu Robinsou on all accounts till the begining of this present year, and the vote passed in the Negative, and then the town was asked for a vote of One hundred and twenty pounds on the same account, but that vote also passed in the Negative. And theu the totvn voted to choose and send a Committee to agree with Mr. Robiuson, provided the said town could agree upon the power and directions intended to be given to the said Committee concern ing the premises. Al a Town Meeting in Duxborrough upon the 10', day of April Anuo Domini 1738. The town chose Grand and petty jurymen. DUXBURY RECORDS. 255 May 15. The town chose Colonel Johu Alden, representa tive at the next General Court. 1738. At a 'Town meeting in Duxburrough upon the 5"' July 5. day of July Anno Doraini 1738, The said town Record 5. chose Edward Arnold Esq, raoderator for the said Page 20. day. The said town also chose Mr. 'Thomas Loring, Deacon Alden, and Lieu'. Bradford Agents to desire Mr. Robinton to send his answer to said town, viz, whether he reckoned himself dismissed from his pastoral relations to this church and towu, Aud the said Agents returned with this answer, from Mr. Robinson viz That he did not look upon himself as the minister of Duxborrough, but that he was dis missed by a result of an Ecclesiastical Council and he said he would be no hinderance lo thera in pro curing another minister. At this town meeting the town by their vote accepted, and also voted Sarauel Weston to be their constable in the stead of John Chanler, for the reraaining part of this year, and he accepted and promised to serve. The lown also chose Deacon Alden their agent lo procure a minis ter lo preach the Gospel lo the inhabitants of the said town, and he accepted and proraised not to be chargable to the town on that account. 1738. At a Town Meeting in Duxborrough upou the 7"' • Aug. 7. day of August Anno Domini 1738. The said towu Record chose Edward Arnold Esq, moderator for said day. No. 5. Said town also voted to give Mr. Samuel Veazie au Page 22. invitation to preach the Gospel in said Town lo the inhabitants thereof, for the term of half a year next ensuing, and chose Deacon Alden their Agent to treat with him concerning his acceptance, and said town voted to the said Mr. Samuel Veazie Seventy pounds in satisfaction for his pulpit laborers for the above said term of half a year, and for one month last past. And also voted that a rate should be made for to defray the said towns charges. (Items follow) 2.j6 DUXBURY RECORDS. At the above said raeeting said town chose three Agents, viz. Justice Arnold, Col. Alden, and Lieu'. Bradford on the said towns account, lo make up all accounts with the Rev. Johu Robinson, and make a settlement thereof from the beging of the world to this d.ay, and then the said town adjourned their meeting until the 21»' of August, instant, at three o'clock iu the afternoon. Aug 21. At a town Meeting in Duxborrough Aug 2P' Anno Domini 1738 continued by adjourraent from August 7'", instant. The town voted to pay lo Col. Aldeu for his tirae, trouble and ") charges about surveying aud laying | .« 1 11 ^1 ,/ y £20 00 00 out five hundred acres of land form- 1 erly granted the said town, J And lo Deacon Alden for liraber and plank lo mend highways, 00 19 00 And keeping Mary Cole about Eight month, 10 00 00 To Col. Alden, Justice Arnold & Jolm AA'adsworth eight shillings each for raaking up accounts with the Treasurer, 1 04 00 £32 03' 00" And then a vote was asked, and called for, whether the said lown would have any thing put into the rale now ordered, lo be made, towards paying what was due to the Rev. jNIr. John Robinson, and the vote passed in the negative. Petty jurors were then choseu, also the town hired out the coraraon meadow which was improved by Mr. Robinson for £16 05' OO"- 1738. At a Towu Meeting in Duxborrough upon the 25'" Sept. 25. day of Septeraber Anuo Doraini 1738. The said Record. lown made choice of Edward Arnold Esq, Modera- No. 5. lor for the said day. And the said town voted to Page 23. give the Rev. Mr. Robison the sura of £293. 7. 6 provided that the said Mr. Robinson will give the towu a discharge from all demands on the said town D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 257 from lime past to this day, and' give the towu and Church a discharge from his pastoral work iu this place. At this town meeting the said town chose Edward Arnold Esq, Colonel John Alden and Capt Gamaliel Bradford, their agents to agree with, and raake up all accounts with the Rev. Mr. Robinson, including the parsonage lauds, and all other things what so ever, providing that he the said Mr. Robinson, will join with the town and church in proceeding in call ing an Ecclesiastical Council to disraiss hira, the ¦said Mr. Robinson from his pastoral relations to the church and town, provided the said council doth dis miss the said Mr. Robinson from his said pastoral offlce iu said church and lown, then the said town votes to stand and ratify this their committee's agreeraent with the Rev. Mr. Robinson, and then the said town adjourned their meeting to the 3'' day of October next 1738, reconsidered the above vote. 1738. At a town meeting in Duxborrough Oct 3"' A. Sept. 25. D. 1738, by an adjournment from Sept. 25'" 1738. Vol. a. 'The said town voted that they would not have any Page 306. thing to do with the Rev. Mr. Robinson as their Ecclesiastical Minister or Pastor in said town, and further, that the said town will not pay the said Mr. Robinson any salary ever since he left off the work of the Ministry and preaching the Gospel in said town, declaring solmnly that he was not the Minis ter of Duxborrough, and that the said town might proceed to get another Minister to supply the Pulpit he would be nothing against it. And then the said town voted they would join with the Church in pro curing an Ecclesiastical Council to disraiss Mr. Robinson from his pastoral office in the said town, Aud then the said town adjourned the meeting unto Tuesday the tenth day of October, instant, at two of the clock afternoon. 17 258 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1738. At a Towu Meeting held in DuxboiTough October Oct. 10. the 10"' .Anno Domini 1738, continued by ad- Record, journmenl from Oct. 3'' instant. The said town No. 5. voted that an Ecclesiastical Council should be in- Page 23. vited and desired to be sent by sorae of the neigh boring churches to this town to disraiss the Rev. Mr. Robinson from the work of th^ rainistry or pastoral offlce in the above said town, the said Council to consist of the Elders of five churches viz one Elder frora each church, and also two delegates with each Elder frora each of the said five churches. Also said, town chose a committee viz, Capt. James Arnold, Mr. 'Thomas Prince, Capt. Gamaliel Bradford, Mr. Wil liam Brewster and Mr. Benjarain Arnold, to address or apply theraselves to any of the said neighboring churches which they, the said committee shall see cause, or think most proper, in order to procure a Council as above said, also to appoint the tirae and place wheu and where the said Council shall sit, and provide all things necessary and suitable for their entertain nent, and then the said town adjourned their raeetiug to the 19'" of October, instant, at one of the clock. Oct. 19. Record No. 5. Page 23. At a Towu Meeting in Duxborrough October the 19'", A. D. 1738, continued by adjournment from October the 10'" inst. The town voted that Mr. Robinson should be forwarned or forbidden from culling upon, or carrying off, any wood that is al ready cul, from the said town's land in Duxbor rough, lyiug near the fresh marshes, sometime called the parsonage land, and the said towu chose Deacon Alden and George Partridge their agents to fore warn the said Mr. Robinson as above said, and give hira notice of the above vote. At this town meeting the said town voted that the Moderator should keep the key of the Meeting house uutil the time the said meeting shall adjourn unto. 'The meeting then adjourned uuto next AVed- nesday at 9 o'i;lock A. M. DUXBURY RECORDS. 259 1738. At a Town Meeting in Duxborrough upon the 25"' Oct. 25. day of October, Anno Domini 1738, by adjournment Record from Oct. 1 9'" inst the said town met in the forenoon No. 5. and adjourned their meeting lo three of the clock Page 23. after noon, and then they met again aud voted that the town pay the Rev. Mr. RobinsOn, the whole of the execution he hath against the said town of Dux borrough, and pay hira for the Sabbaths he hath preached since the judgment of the Superior Court passed April 1737, after the rate of £170 pr annum, to pay him in old tenor upou his dismission from the work of the ministry among us, and we the said town of Du.xborrough voted at the sarae meeting to join with the said Mr. Robinson in sending forth letters to five Churches, desiring their assistance in granting him a regular dismission or separation frora the work of the Gospel rainistry araongst us accord ing to his desire. 'The town voted that five Agents, viz, Capt. James Arnold, Mr. Thomas Prince, Capt. Gamaliel Bradford, William Brewster and Mr. Benj Alden should sign the afore said letters with Mr. Robinson, and then chose Edward Arnold Esq. and Deacon Alden to give Mr. Robinson Bcmds for the money due hira from the town, and theu adjourned their meeting to Friday come fortnight, at 12 of the clock. 1738. At a town meeting in Duxborrough November ll"" Nov. 11. Anno Domini 1738 continued by adjournment, the Record said town voted to pay to Edward Arnold Esq and No. 5. Deacon Benjamin Alden the sum of Three hundred Page 24. and Thirteen pounds with lawful interest for the same, at or before the Eleventh day of February next ensuing. The town also voted, that a rate should be made to raise the said sum of £313. Received of Edward Arnold Esq and Benjamin Alden Gent, Agents for the town of Duxborrough, Four hundred and Twelve pounds Ten shillings and Six pence, in full for the discharge of an execution 260 D UXB UR Y RECORDS. issued out, agreeable lo a judgraent of the Court of assize held at Plymouth &c on the Tuesday immedi ately preceeding the last Tuesday of April 1737, and I do hereby discharge the said judgment. And I have also received of the said Edward Arnold and Benjamin Alden the sum of three hundred and thirteen pounds in full for ray salary as Pastor of the said towu to the day of the date hereof, and I do hereby discharge the said town from any claim or demand whatso ever preceeding this date. As wit ness my hand and seal this the Eleventh day of November Anno Domini 1738. John Robinson. (s) Signed Sealed and dl'd in presence of David Clap. Barnabas Shurtleff. 1738. At a 'Town Meeting iu Duxborrough upon the 9'" Dec. 9. day of Deceraber Anno Doraini 1738, The said Record town chose Fidward Arnold Esq Moderator fcir the No. 5. said day, and chose Nathaniel Cole and Ephriam Page 24. Norcult petty jurors .to serve at the next inferior Court at Plymouth, and also by their vote signifled their desire that Mr. Samuel Veazie would be helpful to thera in supplying the Pulpit in said town until the six raonths be fulfilled which they had some time since had some treatment with hira about, and upon sarae terras which were at that tirae proposed, and that the said Mr. Veazie be inforraed of the said town's vote, by sorae raessenger, the said town also voted to pay to Edward Arnold Esq. the sum of Six pounds and two shillings, it being in full for his trouble aud charge iu satisfying the sheriffs fees about an execution which the Rev. Mr. Robinsou of lale brought against said town, and also by a vote chose Mr. Joshua Delano their Agent iu said town's behalf lo lake the best advice he cau lo prosecute in the law, either the said Mr. Robinson or Mr. James AA'arreu, Sheriff of the County of Plj-mouth, for the D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 261 recovery of the said mentioned Six pounds and two shillings, the said towu supposing the same lo be unjustified or unlawfully taken from thera. The said Agent not to proceed in the law about the preraises uutil he hath made report concerning the advice he hath received. 1738-9.Mch. 1. Record. No. 5. Page 24. At a 'Town Meeting in Duxborrough, upon the first day of March Anno Domini 1738-9. The Town ¦ chose the town offlcers for the year ensuing. 1738-9. At a Town Meeting in Duxborrough upon the 19"' Mch. 19. day of March, Anno Domini 1738-9, said town chose Record 5. Edward Arnold F!sq, Moderiitor for said day, and Page 25. then said town voted lo give Mr. Samuel Veazie a call, or invitation to settle iu this town in the work of the Ministry after he hath had the appro'-'ation of the neighboring ministers, agreeable to the vote of the church upon the 26"' day of February last past, and by their vote, chose Colonel Alden, Williara Brewster aud John Chanler, Agents to inform the said Mr. Veazie of the said town's proceedings re lating to the premises, also to treal him and take his answer concerning his settlement as above said. 1739. April 10. Record No. 5. Page 25. At a 'Town JMeeting in Duxborrough upou the 10"' day of April Anno Domiui 1739. Said town chose Edward Arnold Esq, Moderator for said day, and then the town voted to buy a parsonage to be for the use of the said town, in order to accommodate their Minister or Ministers, whieh may settle in said town in the work of the Ministry. The said town also voted and chose three Agents to procure the said parsonage, and make a report to the said lown at their next meeting, upon what terms a parsonage may be had, in order that the said town may either allow and confirm or disallow of the said Agents proceedings relating lo the preraises. At this town meeting the said town voted to Mr. Sarauel Veazie 202 DUXBURY RECORDS. Fifty pounds in bills of credit of the province of Massachusetts Bay in New England, of the uew tenor, for oue year's service in the work of the Ministry, next ensuing if he the said Mr. Veazie shall accept thereof aud fulfill the work of the Ministry in the said town for a whole year from hence next ensuing as above said, exclusive of the salt meadow which hath of late been allowed to- waids the support of the Ministry. The above said Agents which the said town made choice of to pro cure a parsonage as above said, were, Capt. James Arnold, Capt. Gamaliel Bradford and Mr. William Brewster. The town also chose Colonel Alden, Deacon Alden, John Chanler, AA'illiam Brewster and John AA'adsworth, Agents to inform Mr. Samuel A'eazie of said town's votes relating to his settle ment in said town in the work of the Ministry, but John AA'adsworth not accepting, said town chose Ichabod AA'adsworth to be their Agent in his stead and then the town adjourned their meeting until the first day of May next, at three of the clock in the afternoon. 1739. At a Town Meeting in Duxborrough, upon the P' May 1. day of May Anno Domini 1739. Said meeting he- Record ing continued by an adjournment from the 10'" day No. 5. of April last, at said meeting a vote was asked of Page 25. the town whether they would buy Seth Bartletts farm for a parsonage, but the vole passed in the negative, and then a vote was asked of the town w-hether they would purchase John Turner's farm for a parsonage, but the vote passed iu the negative. And then the town voted to give a sum of raoney to Mr. Sarauel A'eazie, in order to his settlement in said town in the work of the ministry, and then the said town voted to give to Mr. Samuel Veazie. Four hundred pounds towards his settlement here. Two hundred pounds to be paid him this present year and Two hundred pounds next year. D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 263 1739. At a Town Meeting in Duxborrough upon the P' May 1. day of May Anno Domini 1739, said town chose Record Samuel Weston Moderator for said day, and then No. 5. the said town chose three Agents to be a committee. Page 26. viz, Samuel Sprague, Moses Soule, and Joshua Delanoe to call upon the trustees which the said town formerly empowered in their behalf for letting out their part of the Fifty thousand Pounds and Sixty thousand Pounds of loan money, some tirae since emitted by the Province of Massachusetts Bay, to bring the account iu relating to the management of that affair, viz, their letting out and receiving in the above loan money', or any part thereof to the above said Samuel Sprague, Moses Soule and Joshua Delanoe, Agents as above said, which said Agents are to give in the said accounts to the said town at their uext Town Meeting, which will be for the choice of a Representative. 1739. At a town raeeting in Duxborrough upon the 14"' May 14. day of May Anno Doraini 1739. Said town raade Record choice of Benjarain Alden, Moderator for said day. No. 5. and then the said town chose Edward Arnold Esq, Page 26. their Agent to answer their presentraent at the next Court of Quarter Sessions at Plyraouth, for not keeping in good repair the bridge over the North river in Pembrook, and also chose Capt. Gamaliel Bradford their factor to take care that the said bridge is mended and repaired. 1739. At a 'Town Meeting in Duxborrough, upon the May 22. 22'' day of May Anno Domini 1739. The said town Record chose Samuel Weston Moderator for said day for No. 5. all town business except choosing of a representa- Page 26. tive, aud then the said town voted that there should be paid out of their treasury Twenty Shillings for every AVild Cat that should be killed withiu the said towu the ensuing year, besides, what is allowed out of the Province. At this town meeting Moses Soule, Samuel Sprague and Joshua Delanoe, as Agents for the said town, brought into the said town the ac- 264 DUXBURY RECORDS. counts whicb they had received of the trustees, which the said town had formerly eraployed to let out their part of loan raoney, and then, the said town chose Colonel Johu Alden their representative lo serve at the General Court for the year ensuing. 1739. At a town meeting in Duxborrough, upon the 16"" July 16. day of July Anno Doraini 1739. The said town Record chose Edward Arnold FIsq. Moderator for said day, No. 5. and then the town proceeded to adjust the town's Page 26. charges, and debts for the present year amounting to £343 14' 7''. Particulars follow — At this town meeting The town chose three Agents, viz. Cap' Gamaliel Bradford, Mr. John Chanler and Mr. Samuel Weston a Comraittee to join with a Coraraittee, whieh the Church raay appoint to treat with Mr. Sarauel Veazie about his ordination iuto offlce iu this Church and town, viz, about the time and place or places of entertainment, and what else may be requisite about the said ordination. The town having bv their vote agreed to fall in with the said Church in their late vote concerning the above mentioned ordinatior. 1739. Oct. 3. Record No. 5. Page 27. At a lown raeeting in Duxborrough, upon the 3'' day of October, Anno Doraini 1739. Continued by an adjournraent from Sept. the 10*, 1739. The said town voted to pay to Mr. Joshua Brewster the sun? of Twenty Six pounds and Fifteen shillings in fuh for eutertainmenl of two Councils, for the dismission of Mr. Robinson frora the work of the ministry in this town. The said town also voted to pay to John AA'adsworth the sum of Thirty Pounds in part for entertainment of an ecclesiastical Council for the ordination of the Rev. Mr. Samuel Veazie into the offlce of a Pastor over this Church and town. The said lown also voted that the select men of this town should put the above mentioned and voted raoney, iuto the rate next made by them for defraying the D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 265 charges arising within said town. Said lown also voted that their select men should take the care of supporting Mary Cole for one year next ensuing. I, the subscriber do now declare that I never will lay any claira or challenge any right to any Parson age before this day voted in Duxborrough, and that, with reference to the Four hundred Pounds settle ment voted rae in case I settle in the work of .the ministry in Duxborrough, I understood that to be Four hundred Pounds in bills of the old tenor. As Witness my hand — Samuel Veazie. Duxborrough Oct. 30'" 1739. 1739. Al a Towu Meeting in Duxborrough Noveraber Nov. 30. 30'" Anno Dora 1739. The town chose Mr. Edward Record Arnold Moderator for said day, and then the town No. 5. chose Isaac Peterson and Nathauiel Fish petty Page 27. Jurors, to serve at the next Inferior Court of Cora mon pleas at Plymouth, and voted that the select raen should take the care of Jane Delanoe the next AVinter, and also voted, that Jonathan Delanoe should take care of the Parsonage land lo prevent the wasting or cutting or carrying ofl the wood belonging to the said land, and to prosecute any that have trespassed, or shall trespass thereon, and them a vote was asked of the said town viz, whether they would choose a representative to serve the said town in the stead of Colonel John Alden, dec, but the vote passed iu the Negative. 1739. At a Town Meeting in Duxborrough upon the Slst Dec. 31. day of Deceraber Anno Domini 1739. The said Record town chose Capt Gamaliel Bradford Moderator for No. 5. the said day, and then the town chose Moses Soule, Page 27. Joshua Delanoe and Sarauel Sprague, 'Trustees in roora of Mr. John Partridge, Capt John Alden and Mr. Thomas Fish, who were all chosen by the said town of Duxborrough, at their meeting bearing date the 20th day of October A. D. 1721, as of the town's 266 D UXB UR Y RECORDS , records may appear. Trustees to take out of the Treasuiy the town's proportion of Fifty thousand Pounds ordered the last year then preceeding, by the General Court to be emitted, and ordered that the said raoney, viz, the said town's proportion of the said Fifty thousand Pounds, should be hired out at Five Pounds pr cent to such persons as should give sufflcient security for the sarae &c — and the ¦said town vested the said Moses Soule, Joshua Del anoe ancl Sara' Sprague with power aud authority as the said John Partridge, Capt Alden and Tlioni.as Fish formerly had, to act in the beh.alf of said Towu iu calling in what money yet remains due to the said towu of their proportion of the said Fifty thousand Pounds, with Interest thereof, of all persons that hired any part of the said money, and lo prosecute in the law all that shall refuse to pay in their respec tive parts of what is due from them of the said Fifty thousaud Pounds, to the afore said Moses Soule, -Joshua Delanoe and Sam' Sprague Trustees as above said. The said lown also chose Isaac Par tridge and Ezra Arnold, offlcers. to take care that the law of this Province relating to Deer, be observed and kept. 1739-40. Record At a town raeeting in Du.xborrough ou the 3"" day No. 5. of March Anno Domini 1739-40. Page 28. The town chose all the towu offlcers. 1740. At a Town Meeting iu Duxborrough upou the 3'' May 3. day of May Anno Domini 1740, The said town Record chose Capt. Gamaliel Bradford Moderator for said No. 5. day. and also chose Seth Bartlet petit Juror to serve Page 28. in the next Inferior Court and Quarter Sessions of the peace, lo be holden at Plymouth. The town also chose John AA'adsworth their Agent, and in vested with their full power demand, and receive an account from the Trustee's chosen by the said town M.ay 16'" Anno Dom 1728 to Lake out, aud let out DUXBURY RECORDS. 267 upou good security the said town's proportion of the Sixty Ihousand pounds of loan raoney then last eraitted by the General Court of this Province for the use of the said lown, in order that the said raoney may be paid iu to the said Province Treasury, that so the said tow-n may be freed from any charge or trouble relating to the premises, and likewise to raake up accounts with the Trustees chosen by tbe said town Deceraber 31" Anno Domini 1739, in room of John Partridge, Cai)t. Alden and Thoraas F'ish chosen by the said towu October the 20"' Anno Dora 1721, to let out the said towns proportion of Fifty thousand pounds loan raoney formerly emitted by the said General Court, and their manageraent of the trust reposed iu thera relating to that affair. And also to enquire about the disposition of the raoney paid by some particular persous in some years past, lo excuse them from serving as constables of the persons that received il, viz, whether it be disposed of to the use which by law is directed and appointed, and if it be uot, lo recure il for the order of the said town, and the said toven also chose Israel Silvester to take care that the repairations of the church, be made and done. At this meeting the said town voted that their stock of Ammunition, which by law is required, should be procured, and desired Capt. Gamaliel Bradford would take care that il be done, and that the said town should pay the charge of it. 1740. At a Town raeeting in Duxborrough, upou the Aug. 25. 25th day of August, Anuo Domini 1740. The Town Record chose Capt Gamaliel Bradford raoderator for said No. 5. day. The lown also adjusted the said town's rate Page 29. for the present year, to defray the town's charges, amounting to £538 13' 02'' — particulars follow — At the above said Meeting a vote was asked of the said town whether they would raise money to satisfy an execution which Fiphriam Norcut had 26W DUXBURY RECORDS. against said town, but the vote passed in the negative. The town also voted that the select men should take the care of Jane Delanoe. 'The towu also voted that Joseph Simons should improve their salt meadow this year, he allowing the town one half of the hay when it was stacked, and voted that Robert Stanford should take care of the town's part of the salt liay, and dispose of it for the said town's use. The said towu also granted to Benjamin Prior Jr. four acres of land, but not exceeding that, contiguous to the farm where on he now dwelleth on the North erly by AA'esterly side of the road that comes from the meeting house, and authorised the select men to lay it out to liim at said Prior's charge, and also authorized and empowered the select men on the said town's account, to make up all accounts with all Trustees forraerly employed about letting out and calling in the said town's part of all loan money formerly eraitted by the General Court of this Prov ince, and with all other persons indebted to the said town, and lo recover and receive of them for the use of s:iid town, what they are indebted to the said town. Al this towu meeting the said town voted an abatement out of the rate bills committed to Sarauel AA'eston to collect, as constable, the last year, the sum of Twelve Pounds Ten Shillings and Six pence, viz, £4, 10 6 ou account of John Delanoe, dec, aud £4 8\ 4'' on account of .John Douglas, dec, and £1, 15, 6 on account of Sam' Alden Jr. and Sam' Partridge, both removed out of this lown. 1740/41. At a 'Town Meeting iu Duxborrough, upon the Jany 20. 20"' day of .January, Anno Doraini 1740/41. Record The town chose Capt Garaaliel Bradford Modera- No. 5. tor for said day, and chose Moses Soule Grand Jury Page 32. man for the year ensuing, the said town also chose Araariah Delanoe and Samuel Sprague, petit jurors to serve at the next Inferior Court at Plymouth. D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 269 The said town also voted that their school shoul.l be kept in course as to the quarterly placing of it, to go round with the sun, as il has been kept ever since the said towu were provided with a grammar school till two full years were completed and expired, and then to begin in that part of the town that they ordered it should first be kept, when the said towu divided theraselves into four parts concerning their school. 1740-41. At a Town Meeting in Duxborrough, upon the 23'' Mch 23. day of March, Anno Dom 1740-1. 'The town chose Record Capt. Garaaliel Bradford Moderator for said day. No. 5. and after electing town offlcers for the ensuing year, Page 32. The town voted that the Manufactory bills of credit that are now passing among many people in this Province, shall pass as sufflcient payraent to defray all town charges that may arise within this town the year ensuing. May 18. At this lown meeting. Town offlcers and jury men 1741. were chosen. June 29. Garaaliel Bradford was chosen Representative to serve at the next General Court in Boston. 1741. Duxborrough, June 29*", Anno Doraini 1741. June 29. Where as, sundry of the inhabitants of the town Record of Duxborrough have signified to us the subscribers. No. 5. select men of the town of Duxborrough, that there Fage 33. is necessity of a high way to be laid out across the South river at or neai the Saw mill dam, which ibelduged to Deacon Alden, late of Duxborrough, dec, and have desired us to lay out said high way, we therefore have laid out a high way across said South river, as the said high way forraerly went right over where the said Dara did forraerly stand. John AVadsworth. Gamaliel Bradford. Sam' AA'jsston. 270 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1741. At a Town Meeting in Duxborrough upon the Aug. 17. 17'" day of August Anno Doraini 1741 — The town Record chose Capt Garaaliel Bradford moderator for said No. 5. day. The town then chose petit jurors, for the Page 33. Superior Court. The town also adjusted said town's charges, and ordered a rate to be made for the present year, araounting lo £290 17' Of — particulars follow — 'The said town also voted that the assessors in raaking the above said rate, if they see reason, may raake said rate something more than the above said — but not exceeding 'Twenty Pounds. At the above said Town Meeting The said town of Duxborrough hired out their Common salt meadow to AA''illiam Brewster Jr. for the ensuing year, viz, the grass and sedge now standing anci growing upou said raeadow, for Seventeen Pounds and 12 shillings, the said town having first voted to hire out the said raeadow to the highest bidder, the said town before they hired out their raeadow, as above said, voted to sell the said salt raeadow, but they again reconsid ered that vote. At this town raeetiug the town voted that the said town should continue lo stand divided into four parts or quarters, according to a forraer vote of the said town , as of said town records raay appear, relating to the keeping of their school, for the terra of Twenty years next ensuing. They also voted that the inhabitants of each cf the said quarters respectively, should provide house room for the said school master, while he keeps the school in their respective quarters, also that the said school shall be a free school for the whole town, for any of the said iuhabitants to send their children into any of the above nieutioned quarters where the school may be kept. The lown also voted an abatement in the rates raade Anno Dora 1740, to several persons herein after mentioued. DUXBURY RECORDS. 271 1742. At a town meeting held in Duxborrough upon the April 5. 5'" day of April A. D. 1742. Record The town chose Mr. Samuel Sprague Moderator, No. 5. aud then made choice of Grand and petit Jury men. 1742. At a towu meeting in Duxborrough npon the 17*" May 17. day of May Anno Domini 1742. The town chose R 5. Capt. Gamaliel Bradford their representative to serve Page 35. at the General Court at Boston, for the year ensuing. They also chose petit Jurors, and also chose Mr. Sam' Seabury their Agent to procure a School master. 1742. At a Town meeting in Duxborrough upon the 6'" Dec. 6. day of December, Anno Domini 1742. The said R 5. town chose Mr. Samnel Weston Moderator for said Page 35. day, and chose David Alden an Blanie Phillips petit Jurors to serve at the next Inferior Court at Ply mouth. The said town also chose Joshua Delanoe their Agent to shingle the Meeting house on the back side, as soon as he can, and the said town to pay the charge. The said town also, by their vote, gave to the Rev. Mr. Samuel Veazie all the wood standing upon their Common land commonly called Ministerial lot, lying at a place some tiraes called fresh marshes or Wyburns boggs. They also voted to supply Hannah AVormal with three cords of wood. 1742-3. A Town Meeting to choose Grand and petit Jurors Feb. 14. at the next Inferior Court at Plyraouth. Mch 8. A Town Meeting to make choice of Town offlcers. 1742. At a Town Meeting in Duxborrough upon the 2'' Aug. 2. day of August Anno Domini 1742. The lown chose R N" 5. Peleg Wadsworth their clerk for said day, and also Page 36. chose Capt Gamaliel Bradford, moderator for said day. 'The town then proceeded to adjust the 'Town's debts and charges for the present year amounting to £293, 10', 2. D UXB UR Y RECORDS . The town also voted that the select men should make a rate not exceeding Ten Pounds, to defray charges which may arise. The town also voted that David Alden should iraprove the town's salt meadow marsh this present year, paying for the rent or hire thereof Eighteen pounds and Five shillings at the years end. 'The true intent is, that all the above raentioned charges are all to be paid in the old tenor. 'The towu also voted that Moses Simons should ditch the town's meadow, and bring in his bill to said town. The town also voted and chose two Agents, viz. Capt Garaaliel Bradford and Mr. Sam' Seabury to go down to the Eastward to see about the land the General Court granted for the town towards the support of a grammer school, and gave them power to sell the land if they saw flt, if not to take some proper care about it, and make a report to town what they shall act about it. 1743. Al the 'Town meeting in Duxborrough upon the Aug. 9 7'" day of Aug. Anno Domini 1743, and Sept. 7"', & 1743 The town adjusted the rates for town charges Sept. 7. araounting to £34y their County tax for this year, and then the Moderator proclaimed the above meeting dis solved. April 15. 'The 'Town met to chose Grand Jury men. 1747-8. At a meeting of the Proinietors of the Coraraon Mch lands in the .Second division which belonged to the Paraphlet. Towns of Duxborrough and Perabrook, held in Page 24. Duxborrough the Second Monday in March, Anno Dora 1747-S, said raeeting being continued by adjournraent frora Nov 30'" A. D. 1747. At this meeting the Committee vvhich the proprietors had anthoiised lo sell several parcels of land which belonged to them, brought an account of several parcels of land which they had sold, which account is as followeth viz. To Ezra Arnold a sraall parcel lying contiguous to the farra he now dwelleth upon, for £5 and the said Comraittee is to give said Arnold on a deed of Quit claim. Itera, lo Cap' Neheraiah Cushing a sraall piece of land lying near Thomas Burtons, for 284 DUXBURY RECORDS. £6. To Robert Stanford a piece of laud lying near Reuben Peterson's, for £25, 10'. Also a small piece of land to Barnabas Ford for 16'. Also a parcel of land lo John Magfarland for £10 an acre, the whole coraes to £34. Also about 80 acres of land lying near South river, sold to Peleg Sprague and for £250 old tenor. Also sold to .Toshua Soule two acres of land uear the forge on South river for £10 10'. Total sura £346. 10'. 00. The said account was accepted, voted and allowed by the said Proprietors, who voted tnat the said Committee should give deeds to those that they sold land to as above said. The Coraraittee also brought the account of their time spent, and money expended, about the above said affair, the sum total of which account is £26. 9'. 4'' which said account was allowed and accepted by said Proprietors. Also the said Proprietors voted to Mr. Sarauel AVeston 20 shillings for his services about their vendue, and also voted the little AVood Island should be sold to Jaraes Glass for £8 in Old tenor, and also paid to .John AA'ads worth £.s iu raoney in full for his services clone the Proprietors in the place of Proprietors Clerk, to this day, and also voted that all the raoney paid in, or that remains to be paid for lands sold, or any other payments relating lo the premises, should be reckoned paper money in the Old tenor. At the above said Proprietors meeting, Daniel Lewis Esq protested against the selling any of the said Proprietors undivided Coraraons. and desired that his protest raay be here in entered, which it is. At the above raeeting the said Proprietors chose a Coraiiiittee of three raen viz Daniel Lewis Esq of Perabrook above said, Mr. Sarauel Seabury and Mr. Samuel AVeston, both of Duxborrough afore said, lo take an account of the claims of all persons who claim any right in the salt meadows belonging to the proprietors of the second division of the Coramons which belonged to the Towns of Duxborrough and Perabrook. in order to raake out their qualifications DUXBURY RECORDS. 285 * to vote in the said Proprietors meetings viz to make out their rights iu the undivided part of the said 'Commons, and the said Committee to bring the account of their proceedings relating to the premises to the said Proprietors at their next raeeting, which ¦will be on the Second Tuesday of May next, at ten ¦of the clock in the forenoon, and at Pembrook in their old meeting house. To the Proprietors of the Town of Duxborrough •and that part of Pembrook that was formerly Dux borrough, in the Proprietors meeting, assembled, at the raemorial of Isaac Pierce now of Eastham iu the •County of Barnstable, formerly of Duxbury afore said, hurably shows that at the tirae of agreeing upon the East division raade of the Coraraon lands belong ing to said 'Towns, he was qualified according to vote to have drawn a lot, both in age, and being a town born child, but it so happened there was no lot of any kind assigned hira, although he ought to have had several. Therefore he prays that you would now raake him just and equal relations for the sarae &c March the 13*" A. D. 1747. Daniel Lewis, Attorney for said Pierce. The prayer of the above said Pierce mentioued in the above said memorial was negatived by said Proprietors. To the Proprietors of the Town of Duxborrough — Where as, ray honored father Mr. Benjarain Chanler, late ot Duxborrough in the County of Ply mouth, deceased, died seized of considerable real estate in the town of Duxborrough, and after his -death, to wit on the third Tuesday of March A. D. 1691/2, the Couuty Court then holden at Plyraouth, the four sons which my father left behind him, two ififth parts to the eldest of said sons, and one fifth part to each of the other sons as appears by the records of the said Court, and by virtue of said set- 286 DUXBURY RECORDS, tleraeul I became seised of oue fifth part of said inheritance, and the freehold thereof, was actually in rae, and continued so until the 30'" of Januaiy A D 170'J, and whereas on the said 30'" of .January, tliere vvas a town raeeting held in Duxborrough ,vhen, and where, after the 40 acre division was voted il was also voted that all the rest of the upland and raeadow land which should remain after the division afore said in the towns Comraons, should be equally divided to all freeholders in said town, as appears by the records of said town, notwithstanding, 1 have never had any benefit in the said divisions, though I apprehend that I have, aud then had, good right to a share therein, and as there is yet Coramon land belonging to said town, I desire that I may still have my right, and that the Proprietors would take this m^' memorial in consideration, and order the same accordingly. March 1" 1747. .Joseph Ch.anler. March 14 A D 1747/S. The above said Memorial was read to the said Proprietors, and a vote called viz whether they would allow to the said .Joseph Chanler any right or share in the above mentioned Coraraon lands, ancl the vote passed in the Negative. Al the above said meeting Daniel Lewis Esq made a motion lo the Proprietors, about Phillip Lalhley viz whether they would allow hiin any right in the above said undivided Commons, but a vote passed in the Negative, aud then the said Proprietors adjourned their meeting to the second Tuesday in May next ensuing, al Ten of the clock in the forenoon, said meeting to be held at Pembrook in the Old meeting hous^e. pr John AA'adsworth, Proprietors Clerk. At a meeting of the Proprietors of the second division of the Coraraon lands which belonged to the DUXBURY RECORDS. 287 'Towns of Duxborrough and Perabrook, held at Duxborrough by an adjournment from the 28'" day of Septeraber last past, the said Proprietors chose a Coraraittee of three men, viz. Edward Arnold Esq, Nehemiah Cushing and Mr. Joshua Soule to receive claims, and pretended rights of any persons which have not had any lands laid out lo thera in the said division, and to make report of their doings relating lo the premises to the Proprietors at their next . raeeting, and accordingly the said Comraittee gave iu their above said report lo the said Proprietors at their meeting upon the 30*" day of November A D 1747 as of record appears, at which said meeting the said Proprietors voted that their afore said Corarait tee should sell or dispose of several parcels of land and give Deeds in behalf of the said Proprietors to the several persons who have purchased, or raay purchase any part of tbe lands mentioned in the above said report of the said Committee, excepting the salt meadow, also excepting about 30 acres of land lying at the head of Miles Standish's farm, which the said Proprietors thought not proper lo act anything about, and also sorae lands which John Southworth and Joseph Chanler clairaed whose claira the said Proprietors judged insufficient. Recorded — pr John Wadsworth, Clerk. 1748. At a meeting of the Proprietors of the second May 10. division of the Common lauds which belonged to the Pamphlet, towns of Duxborrough and Pembrook, held in Page 28. Duxborrough by an adjournment frora the second Monday in March last past, upou the 10*" day of May A. D. 1748. The Proprietors upon the said second Monday iu March, having chose a Committee of three raen viz Daniel Lewis Esq, of Perabrook, Mr. Sarauel Seabury and Mr. Samuel Weston, both of Duxborrough, to take au account of the clairas of all persons who claim any right in the salt meadow belonging to said 288 DUXBURY RECORDS. Proprietors of the secoud division of the said Com mons, in order to raake out their qualifications to vote iu the said Proprietors meetings, viz to make out their rights in the undivided part of the said Commons, and the said Coraraittee to bring the account of their proceedings relating to the premises to the said Proprietors at their next raeeting, ap pointed to be oa the second 'Tuesday of May next Pursuant lo the vote of the above said proprietors, w-e the subscribers, being the comraittee above mentioned have drawn a list of the voters belonging to the said propriety, which said list of said voters is as followeth, rights. Tho"" Delanoe heirs Benjamin Peterson Benjamin Prior Peleg Wiswale Thoraas Prince Miles Standish .Joseph & Joshua Brewster AA'illiam Brewster Isreal Selvester Robert Stanford Jolm Samson Sam' Sprague Johu Sprague Johu & Abijah Sprague Jonathan Delanoe Nathaniel Samson Josiah Soule John Peterson's heirs Isaac Petersons heirs P^benezer Bartlet Joseph Bartlet Joseph Stockbridge Farra of Francis Barker John Wadsworth Joshua Soule 12 Elisha AA'adsworth Proprietors of the farra ) of Thoraas Boney J .Joseph Delanoe Farra of Tho'" Loring Garaaliel Bradford Joseph Freeman Jaraes Partridge Sara' Seabury Christopher Wadsworth Benj" AA^adsworth Ebenezer Sarason Abraham Samson Farm of Benj" Bartlet Heirs of AV" Bartlett Phillip Delano Thoraas Hunt 1-J •Joseph Chanler Sen"' heirs John Chanler •Joseph Chanler Jr heirs Jaraes Glass DUXBURY RECORDS. 289 Moses Soule Benj Alden's heirs Samuel Alden Nathaniel Brewster Nath' Cole Sen heirs Jabez Cole Ephriam Cole Isaac Partridge Sara' AA'eston Sam' Delanoe 3'' heirs Ebenezer Fish Caleb Samson David Samson James Thomas Sara' AVest Pelatiah AA^est Farm of Henry Clark John AA''eston's heirs Joseph Bonneys heirs Josiah AA'orraal's heirs Edward Arnold Jaraes Arnold Benjamin Prior Jr George Partridge F'arra of Robert Barker Jr Ephriara Norcult & Wife & Mercy Curtis for Ebenezer Boneys right Sam' Delanoe's heirs Jonathan Alden Joshua Delauoe AA'"' Southworlh Moses Simons Benjarain Simons Joseph Simons Samuel Barker John Chanler Benj Keins heirs John Saunders heirs I^rancis Rogers heirs 1 Josiah Barkers heirs 2 Elisha Barkers heirs John Boneys heirs 'Tim Rogers heirs Timothy Stetson Morace & Jacob Tubbs ) for Joseph Tubbs rig'nt [ Farra of .Toseph Rogers John Bishop Farra of Jaraes Bishop Farm Nehemiah Randal lives upon Tho'" Lambert's Jr heirs Sam' Jacobs for Sam' Barkers right Hudson Bishop Isaac Oldhara John Russel Farra of John Magfarland Josiah Keins heirs ' Isaac Kein for Josiah Kein Jr right Machen Keins heirs Beriah Delanoe for Thoraas Delanoe Joshua Chanler Benj Bartlet Jr heirs .Toseph Soule Sara' Alden Jr 'Tho'" Southworth's heirs .Tohn Southworth Benj'" Southworth Johu Simons Jr heirs Isaac Simons Joshua Siraons Sara' Chanler's heirs Benjamin Chanler Lambert Despard heirs or ) assigns j Farm of James Magoon n 19 290 D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 1 The heirs of Nathaniel W-" Tubbs Sen heirs 1 Chamberland 1 Isaac Barker 2 Farm of Abram Booth 1 Josiah Kein for John T Isaac Stetson 1 Keins right J Isaac Tubbs for 'Thomas '^ . Henry Joselin for James ) Parris right J Boney's right i Thomas Burton for Ab'° ) , Isaac Crooker for Isaac ) Pierce Jr right j Parris right ) Thomas Pierce 1 Aaron Soule Jr 3 Isaac Hatch for Josiah ) David Magoon for Elias j Holmes ) Magoon J Benoni Delanoe 1 Eben Worraals heirs 1 Benj Brewster 1 Dated May 9'" Anno Domini 1748. pr Sam' Weston. Sam' Seabury. Daniel Lewis Jr. May 10. At the above said Proprietors Meeting May 10'" 1748 a vote was asked of the said proprietors, viz, whether they would sell their Common undivided meadow, but the vote passed in the negative. Then a vote was asked of the said proprietors viz whether they would divide their said common meadows, and the said proprietors voted that their common mea dow should be divided in the following manner, viz. That their common meadow so called, lying within the Township of Duxborrough, at a place called Rouses point belonging to the proprietors of the said town of Duxborrough be divided, and that part of Pembrook that was forraerly Duxborrough, be divided to and among the said proprietors ac cording to a list of said proprietors laid before the said proprietors this day, which list contains 168 shares to be divided in the following manner, viz. Said Meadow into three parts and that also the rights or- proprietors, be divided into three parts, each part to consist of 56 rights or shares and to be so marked as will best suit the respective proprie- DUXBURY RECORDS. 291 tors, and then sorae indifferent person to draw lots for thera, which said number of partners shall have each lot, and that Daniel Lewis Jr Samuel Seabury and Samuel Weston be, and hereby are, choseu and appointed a committee fully authorized to compleat said division as aforesaid. At the above Meeting an account of a small piece of land lying in Pembrook and part of the said pro prietors commons which is not yet disposed of, which said small piece of land the said proprietors authorized their former comraittee for selling their land, viz Edward Arnold Esq Capt Nehemiah Cush ing and Mr. Joshua Soule to sell the said small piece of land, and give a deed or quit claim for it and no other, and then the said proprietors adjourned their meeting till the first Monday in June next, said meeting to be then held in Duxborrow Meeting house at Ten of the clock. 1747-8. At a Town Meeting in Duxburrough March 21'' Mch 21. Anno Domini 1747-8. The Town chose Major Record Bradford, Moderator for said day, aud then pro- No. 5. ceeded to elect Towu Officers. They also chose Page 50. Samuel Weston, Phillip Delanoe and Deacon Arnold to view the highway in order to turn Greeu harbor brook in the Grist mill stream, and also view and make report of the highway over the South River near the house of .Toseph Delanoe by the old d.am, by next May meeting of the town, and chose Sarauel Seabury, and voted he should draw money out of the Town treasury for to pay said Town's part of the charges in repairing Barstow's bridge, he being accountable to the town for the money. The town also voted to appropriate the money that the town had for the land that was sold at Souhegan to and for the use of a Gramraar School in said town, and voted that Mr. Sara' Seabury and Samuel Weston give Major Bradford a proper receipt upon their re ceiving the money, that is, £750 old tenor, aud voted that the above said Select men pay in the iu- 292 D UXB UR Y RECORDS. terest of said money to the Treasurer, as they re ceive the money. 1748. At a Town raeeting in Duxborrough May 12"' May 12. Anno Dora 1748, The said town chose Gamaliel Record Bradford Esq Moderator for the day, and also chose No. 5. Gamaliel Bradford representative to serve at the Page 52. next Geueral Court at Boston the year ensuing, and Nathauiel Sarason and P^benezer Samson petit Jurors to serve at the next inferior Court at Plymouth, and a vote ot the town whether or no, they would choose another Constable iu roora of Abraham Sarason, dismibsed by the Court, and it passed in the Negative. And voted Miles Standish should go and ask Air. Sam' A'eazie whether or no he would accommodate the m,alter, aud agree with the town about a suit depending at Court next week, between himself and this town, and said Standish acquainted Mr. A'eazie accordingl}' with said message, and Mr. Standish caine to lown meeting accordingly and told said town that he, Mr. A'eazie was willing for to accommodate the raatter, provided the Town and he could agree about it. Aud theu the town chose Gamaliel Bradford Esq, Mr. Samuel Alden and Mr. Samuel Seabui-}', their agents for to Agree or accommodate the difference now subsisting between Mr. A'eazie aud said town. But if Mr. Veazie and the above said Agents should fail of agreeing or accommodating of the difference now subsisting as above said, that then the aforesaid Agents have full power from said town for to answer Mr. A'eazie at Court. Aud said lown voted that the high way over the South river be had or laid out over the old Saw Mill dam uear the house of Joseiih Delanoe, Isaac Partridge beiug obligeil to make and maintain a good ttoom for term of Twenty years next coming, forthe stream to pass tlirougli, and voted that the owners of the Grist Mill viz Mr. John Southworth, Mr. George Partridge, Mr. Joshua Delanoe and Dr. Eleazer Harlow, shall turn Gieen harbor brook from the bridge at the DUXBURY RECORDS. 293 going over in the side of the high way to the land of Phillip Delanoe's, provided said owners shall keep good the way frora any damage it may thereby sustain. 1748. At a Town meeting in Duxborrough .Tune 6*" 1748, June 6. 'The Town chose Mr. Sam' Seabury Moderator for Record said day and chose Grand and petit Jury men. A No. 5. vote was asked the town whether or no they would Page 52. give up their right in the Coramon Meadows to the Proprietors, and the vote passed in the Negative. And also voted to hire out said Commou meadow to the highest bidder in the said town, forthe present year. Edward Arnold Esq and Deacon .lohn AVads worth protest again.-t auy of the voles about the said raeadow, and the town have hired out their said Coramon Meadow to Edward Arnold Esq for Sixty Eight pounds the present year in Old tenor. 1748. At a raeeting of the Proprietois of the second June 6. division of the Coraraon land which belonged to the Paraphlet towns of Duxborrough and Perabrook, upon the 6'" B. day of June Auno Domini 1748, The said Proprie- Page 32. tors voted that their former Committee for selling land &c viz Edward Arnold Esq, Cap' Neheraiah Cushing and Mr. Joshua Soule, should pay to the said Proprietois whose naraes are iu the list that was accepted by the said Proprietors al their last raeeting at Perabrook. as voters araong the said Proprietors, frora which said 10'" day of May the said meeting was adjourned to the first Monday in June, instant viz that the said Committee should pay to the said Proprietors each oue their respective proportion in the raoney due, and coraing to them by sale of the above said lands. 1747. These are to give notice unto, and desire all the Aug. 22. Freeholders and inhabitants within the lown of Pamphlet Duxborrough that have any interest in the second B. divisiou of the Coramon lauds which formerly Page 33. belonged to the townships of Duxborrough and 294 DUXBURY RECORDS. Pembrook, and are lying within the said townships, that they assemble and meet together at the Pablic Meeting house in DuxboiTough on Monday the 28"' day of September next, at eleven of the clock in tbe forenoon, then and there to act and do on the fol lowing articles as they shall then think proper. First, to choose a Moderator. Secondly, To see whether the Proprietors of the said lands will lay out lots in said lands to such Proprietors as had not lots laid out to them in the said division, if there be a sufficiency of land there for, or make them any other satisfaction in hen thereof. Thirdly, To lay out such pieces of Common land for Public uses as shall be thought necessary. Fourthly, To choose a Committee to sell such pieces of land as the said Proprietors shall then think proper. Fifthly. To act and do any other thing that the said Proprietors shall then think proper or necessary to be done. pr .loHN Wadsworth, Proprietors Clerk. Duxborrough August the 22 A. D. 1747. The above written is a copy of the notification or warrant for all the afore said Proprietors meeting, from September the 28'" Anno Domini 1748, to June 6'" iu the same year. Transcribed pr John Wadsworth, Prop Clerk. D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 295 1748. These are to give notice unto, and desire all the July 10. proprietors, freeholders and other inhabitants within pamphlet, the town of Duxborrough that have any interest in B. the second division of the common lands which Page 34. formerly belonged to the towns of Duxborrough aud Perabrook, and lying within said townships, that they assemble and meet together at the Public Meeting house in Duxborrough, on Monday the Eleventh of July next at Ten of the clock in the forenoon, then & there to act and do on the follow ing articles and things herein after mentioned, as they shall think proper or needful Imprimis to choose a Moderator, and then to receive or accept of (if the said proprietors see cause) the report and return of the committee which they chose at their meeting at Pembrook on the 10"' day of May last, viz Daniel Lewis, Jr Sarauel Seabury aud Samuel Weston to divide their Common Meadow into three parts, said meadow is lying in Duxborrough above said, at a place called Rouses point, and also that the said proprietors draw their lots or choose some indifferent person to draw their lots or parts in the said mea dow for them, but if the said proprietors do not see cause to act any thing i elating to their acceptance of the report of the said Committee, or drawing their lots in the said meadow, then the said proprietors to act and do any thing else that they shall see cause, in dividing. Selling, or disposing of their above said Meadow, and also to dispose of any other parcel of land belonging to the above said division viz Second division of their common lands (if any there be) not as yet disposed of, and also to take care to recover their part of the rents due to them for the hire of said raeadow. Dated in Duxborrough upon the 10'" day of June A. D. 1748. pr John AA^ adsworth. Proprietors Clerk. 296 DUXBURY RECORDS. The above written is a copy of the notification or warrant for holding the above mentioned proprietors meeting. Transcribed pr John Wadsworth, Proprietors Clerk. 1748. At a meeting of the proprietors of the second July 11. division of Common land, which belonged to the towns of Duxborrough and Pembrook, at the Public Meeting House in Duxborrough upon Monday the 11'" day of July Anno Doraini 1748. The said pro prietors chose Isaac Little Esq of Pembrook their Moderator, and then after sorae proposals about disposing or dividing their comraon meadow, a pre vious vote was asked of the said proprietors viz whether or no they would proceed ou a division of their aforesaid Comraon Meadow, and the vote was passed in the affirraative, viz that they would pro ceed to make a division of the said raeadow, but the day being so near spent that they, the said proprie tors proceeded no farther at that time, but ad journed their meeting till that day fortnight coming viz, being the last Monday in July inst. being the 25"' day of July aforesaid al ten of the clock in the forenoon. The above wiitten is recorded by John AA'adsworth, Proprietors Clerk. 1748. At a meeting of the proprietors of the Second July 25. division of the common lands which belonged to the pamphlet, towns of Duxborrough and Perabrook, at the Public B. Meeting house in Duxborrough upon the 25'" day of Page 35. July A. D. 174.S the said raeeting being continued by adjournraent from the 11"' day of July, instant, a vote was asked of the said proprietors, viz whether they would proceed to a division of their Common meadow lying in Duxborrough above said, at a place called Rouses point, according to a vote of the DUXBURY RECORDS. ¦ 297 said proprietors at their meeting in Duxborrough above said upou the 11'" day of July A. D. 1748, the above said vote of the said proprietors which was asked on the above said 25'" day of July A. D. 1748 was as followeth, viz. Whether they the said proprietors would proceed to divide their above said Meadow into three parts, but the vote passed in the Negative. 'The above written was recorded by John Wadsworth, P. Clerk. At the above said Proprietors raeeting July 25tb A. D. 1748 Isaac Little Esq desired and deraanded of said proprietors, that they would set off lo him his right in the above mentioned Comraon Meadow^ which is his two rights, or shares, also Edward Arnold Flsq desired of the proprietors thai they would set off, or divide to hira all his rights or shares- in the above raentioned. 1728. Know all persons whora it may concern. That the June 1. proprietors of the undivided lands in Perabrook and pamphlet. Duxborrough, have by their coraraittee, sold and Page 36. bounded out, two acres of their said land lo Joshua Sonle for the sum of £10 old tenor to them iu hand paid by said Soule, said two acres are part of the forty fourth lol in their last division, and begins at the South East corner of said forty fourth lot, and runneth to the AVestward of the line of said lot 16- poles to a stake and stones, in a line, and from thence it runneth to the Northward 20 poles to a stake and stones, and from thence the North end thereof is bouuded to the P^astward by a squariug line with the South end down to Christopher Wads worth late of Duxborrough's dec. swamp a little to the North on the Easterly side to the first mentioned corner of the said 44'" lot of which it is a part. June the 1** 1748. Edward Arnold. Nehemiah Cushing. 298 DUXBURY RECORDS. June 1. Know all meu whom it may concern. That the Page 36. proprietors of the undivided lands in Pembrook and Duxborrough, have by their committee sold, and bounded an half acre of laud, be it more or less, ly iug in Pembrook, bounded by Thomas Burton's land, and by Joseph Fords Jr land, and by the high way that leads from Burtons to Hobamoks pond, with the fence on il, and all the privileges belonging to the same. Signed bj' us as a committee .June 1" 1748. Edward Arnold. Joshua Soule. 1748. Al a Towu Meeting in Duxborrough, September »Sept. 19. 19*" Anno Doraini 1748, The Town chose Gamaliel Record Bradford Esq Moderator for said day, and likewise No. 5. the said meeting was for to adjust the said Towns Page 53. debts and to raise money to defray the same, and likewise ordered the select men forthwith to make a rate to raise raoney for to defray these debts ahd charges — Araounting to £335.01'. Particulars follow. At this raeeting Town officers, and .Jurors were chosen . 1748/9. At a Town meeting held in Duxborrough March Mch 1. 1" Anno Domini 1748/9. At said meeting they Record chose Gamaliel Bradford Esq Moderator for said No. 5. day, and John AVadsworth, Town Clerk. The town Page 54. also chose town offlcers. At this meeting a vote was asked whether they would pay Mr. Samuel A''eazie his due, and the vote passed in the Negative. 1749. At a Town meeting in Duxborrough May 15"' May 15. 1749 said raeeting chose Gamaliel Bradford Esq Record Moderator for said day, and the town chose Gamaliel No. 5. Bradfoid their representative for the year ensuing. The Town chose John Sarason their agent to inform the Court to be holden at Plymouth on the D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 299 third Tuesday iu May, instant, concerning an action of trespass that Edward Arnold dec. commenced against Capt Nehemiah Cushing of Pembrook, for mowing the Town's meadow, the year past. 1749. At a Town Meeting held in Duxborrough July July 24. 24th 1749, Said 'Town chose Gamaliel Bradford Esq Record Moderator for said day, and said town hired out No. 5. their meadow with all the grass that is now standing Page 54. on it, lo Robert Sampson for £125 iu Old tenor bills of credit, for the present year, and said town chose Capt Samuel Alden for to prosecute any person or all persons, or agree with any person or all persons that has cut or carried away any grass, hay, or sedge, or shall hereafter presurae to cut, or carry away any grass, hay or sedge off of the Town's salt meadow for the present year, as he shall think pro per. At this town meeting Jurors were chosen. 1749. At a Town Meeting held in Duxborrough Aug 16, Aug. 16. 1749, Said Town chose Garaaliel Bradford Esq Record Moderator for said day. The said meeting was for No. 5. to adjust the town's debts, and to raise money to Page 55. defray the sarae, and ordered the select men to forthwith to raise the money by making a rate amounting to £291.15'.04''. And voted that Dr. Eleazer Harlow should draw out of the treasury £37.10' iu order to pay Mr. Isaac Bowls for keeping school one quarter of a year. Aud said town ordered, that Phillip Delanoe, John Samson, Benjamin Prior, Briggs Alden and John AVadsworth Jr all of thera to go down lo Mr. Veazie and discourse with him, to see whether or no he would leave the contentions and differences uow subsisting between the Town aud Mr. Veazie, tu an Ecclesiastical Council, or referees, and to rnake their report to the Town accordingly of what he saith unto it, and then the Town adjourned their meeting to September next at, or on the 14lh day, at 3 o'clock afternoon . 300 D UXB UR Y RECORDS. Sept. 14. At said Town Meeting held in Duxborrough, held by adjournment on the 14th day of September, and the Town chose Peleg Wadsworth, Clerk for the day and Garaaliel Bradford Esq Moderator. 'The said Town chose Capt Sarauel Alden, and Mr. Sarauel Seabury and John Sarason, a Committee to settle the difference now in controversy between the Rev. Mr. .Samuel A'eazie and said town, and gave thera free power to act and do as they shall think proper, provided that Mr. Veazie will leave the work of the rainistry in said town or else to call au Ecclesiastical Council to hear and deterraine what they shall think proper to be done about il. 1749/50. A Town raeeting iu Duxborrough, upon the 19'" Feb. 19. Feb A D 1749/50. Sara' Seabury Moderator— To choose .Jurors. 1749. These are lo give notice unto and desire all the Dec. 20. freeholders and other inhabitants, and all the Pro- Paraphlel. prietors within the Townships of Duxborrough and Page 37. Perabrook, ancl any others who have any right or interest loor in a certain tract of Salt Meadow lying within the township of Duxborrough above said, in the County of Plymouth, coraraonly called, and known hy the name of Rouses Point, which said Salt raeadow is pait of, and belonging unto the Secoud division of the Coramon lands which belonged to the above said towns of Duxborrough aud Pembrook, That they assemble and meet together at the Public Meeting house in the first precinct in Pembrook above said, ou Tuesday the 30"' day of January next ensuing the date hereof, at 11 o'clock in the fore noon, then and there, lo act, and do on the following articles and things herein after mentioned, viz 1" To choose a Moderator, and then, if the said Pro prietors shall think it proper or needful, to make choice of some person or persons, to represent them as their Agent or Agents and authorise them with full power in behalf of the said Proprietors, to sue D UXB UR Y RECORDS - 301 the Town of Duxborrough, or any of the inhabitants thereof, or any others, in an action of trespass and ejectment or any other ways that they shall think proper, to recover of said town of Duxborrough, or any of the inhabitants there of or any others, the damage done by them or any of thera lo the said Proprietors, by raowing the above said Salt raeadow, aud carrying off the grass or-hay which grew and was made thereon without leave or allowance from the above said Proprietors, and also the above said Agents to do anything needful where by the said Proprietors may each of them have their respective rights set off to thera, and to be pul into possession thereof. Dated December the 29'" A D 1749. pr John Wadsworth, Proprietors Clerk. The above and what was written on the other leaf is the copy of the warrant for holding the Proprietors meeting there in mentioned. 49-50. At a Meeting of the Proprietors of the second Jany. 30. division of the Coraraon lands which belonged to the pamphlet. Towns of Duxborrough and Perabrook held at Pera- B. brook upon the 30*" day of January A. D. 1749-50. Page 38. The said proprietors chose Daniel Lewis Esq Mod erator for said day, aud then the said proprietors proceeded and chose Mr. Joshua Soule their agent to represent them, and authorized hira with full power in the behalf of thera, the said proprietors to sue the said town of Duxborrough, or any of the inhabitants thereof or any others, in an action of trespass or ejectraent, or any other ways that they shall think proper, to recover of the said Town of Duxborrough or auy of the inhabitants thereof or any others, the daraages done hy thera or any of them, to the above said proprietors by mowing the above said salt raeadow and carrying off the grass or hay vvhich grew and was raade thereon, withoui leave 302 D UXB UR Y RECORDS. cr allowance from the said proprietors, and also any thing needful, whereby the said proprietors may each of them have their respective rights set off to them, and be pul into possession thereof. 1749-50. At a town meeting held in Duxborrough March Mch 5. 5'" A. D. 1749-50. The town chose Major Brad- Record ford Moderator for the said Day, and proceeded to No. 5. choose town officers. Page 56. The Town also voted to dismiss the Rev. Mr. Samuel Veazie from the work of the Ministry in said Town, and also chose Capt. Samuel Alden Mr. George Partridge and Samuel Seabury a committee to acquaint Mr. Veazie of his dismission, and that they have no further service for him to do as a Min ister, and have fully erapowered the afore said Com mittee to agree with Mr. Veazie relating to his past services as to his salary, either by themselves or by leaving the difference now subsisting, to such men as they, the said committee and Mr. Veazie shall choose relating to his salary. And the town accepted of the list of the Jurors made by the Select men as the law directs. 1750. At a Town meeting held in Duxborrough May ll"" May 14. A. D. 1750. A vote was asked whether or no they Record. would choose a Representative, and it passed in the No. 5. Negative, And then they chose Gamaliel Bradford Page 57. Esq Moderator for said day, an then said Town chose Cap' Samuel Alden their agent to answer Mr. Joshua Soule at the next Court, in two actions which said Soule hath commenced against said town, or to agree with said Soule iu the small action which said Soule demands of said Town for his service done about the late loan money, as he shall think proper. The lown voted to pay the agents Cap' Samuel Al den Mr. George Partridge and Sam' Seabury what they agree to give the Rev. Mr. Sam' Veazie upon DUXBURY RECORDS. 303 his dismission from the work of the Ministry in said town and church, with the charge of the council, which is £147. 02'. OS"* lawful money, and ordered the assessors to raise the money when thev shall think proper. They chose Gamaliel Bradford Esq, Mr. George Partridge and Mr. Sara' Seabury a com mittee for the town to join with the church's com mittee in getting a suitable Minister to preach the Gospel in said town. And the said town voted to build a New Meeting house, and to make use of the old meeting house to the best advantage towards building the New one, and to have it so far finished as to be comfortable to meet in, by October in the year 1751. And said town voted to choose a Com mittee of tbree men out of the three neighboring towns, to see where the said Meeting house should stand, and the said committee chosen are Mr. Thomas Foster of Marshfield, Mr. John Boney of Pembrook, and Cap* Robert Bradford of Kingston, and said town have left the whole affair with the afore said committee, to determine where the said New Meeting house shall stand, and said Town have chosen Deacon Arnold, Mr. George Partridge Mr. Isaac Partridge and Mr. Benjamin Loring, a com mittee to wait upon, or assist the above said com mittee upon this affair of building a New Meeting house, and the said town voted, that George Part ridge and Joshua Loring should repair the old meet ing house with luraber, and Glass, as they shall think proper till such time as said should be taken down. And said town made choice of George Part ridge and Peleg Sprauge a committee to report to the next town meeting, how much they shall think proper to enlarge or build bigger the New Meeting house, than the old one wa^, and to see if anybody or people will build it bigger or larger at their own cost and charge for the room in it which it is en larged or made bigger. 304 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1750. Plymouth ss. To Joshua Soule of Duxborrough June 6. (s) in the Couuty of Plymouth, yeomau, and one of Para[)hlet the Proprietors of the Comraon lands which belonged B. to Du.xborrough and Pembrook. Page 39. AA'here as application bath been raade to me the subscriber, one of his Majesty's Justices of the peace for the Couuty of Plymouth, by Joshua Soule Jonathan Peterson, .James Arnold, William South- worth, and Ezra Arnold, all of Duxborrough in the County of Plymouth yeoman and Proprietors of the Comnion lands which belonged to the towns of Dux borrough aud Perabrook, That I would grant out a warrant for calling a Proprietors meeting in the Town of Duxborrough, for to choose a Clerk. These are therefore in his Majesty's narae to will, and require you, the above said Joshua Soule, forthwith lo warn, and give notice lo the Proprietors of the Coraraon lands which belonged to Duxborrough and Perabrook, That they asserable themselves and meet together ou Mondaj- the 'Twenty fifth day of June, instant at one of the clock in the afternoon al the meeting house in the said Duxborrough, Then, and there, iu the first place to raake choice of a Modera tor to govern the raeeting, and Secondly, to make choice of a suitable person for a Proprietors Clerk in the roora of John Wadsworth late of Duxborrough, deceased, to enter and record all votes aud orders that from time to tirae shall be raade and passed in the Proprietors meetings. Here of fail not. Given under ray hand and seal the Sixth day of June, in the 'Twenty third year of his Majesty's reign. Anuo Doraini 1750. Elijah Cushing. 1750. June 25. Pamphlet B. Page 40. At a .me'etiug of the Proprietors of the Common lauds of Duxborrough and Pembrook on June 25 1750, at one o'clock iu the afternoon, at the raeeting house iu Duxborrough, and at said raeeting the said Proprietors chose Daniel Lewis Esq for their Moder- D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 305 1750. July 4. Record No. 5. Page 58. 1750. July 25. Record No. 5. Page 58. 1750. Dec. Record No. 5. Page 58. 1750. June 7. Pamphlet B. Page 61. ator, to govern the meeting, and John Wadsworth their said Proprietors Clerk, who was sworn to the true performance of said offi'ce. At a Town Meeting held in Duxborrough July 4 A D 1750 The said towu chose Mr. Sarauel Seabury Moderator and then proceeded to draw Grand Jury meu. At a Town Meeting iu Duxborrough July 25"' A D 1750 The town chose Major Bradford Moder ator for the day. The said meeting was to adjust and pay the town's debts, and to make a rate to pay the towns charges. Particular charges follow. Amounting to £712, 03' Money raised for the schcool 100.00 To be paid in the Old tenor or lawful raoney equivilent there unto. The town chose a Comraittee to join the Church Comraittee in providing or choosing a candidate for 10 preach the Gospel to us this Winter. To Sarauel Alden one of the Proprietors of the (s) Coraraon and undivided lands belonging to the townships of Duxborrough and Pembrook within the County of Plymouth, — Greeting — AA^hereas Six of the Proprietors of Comraon lands, have, by their request uuder their hands, made application to rae the subscriber, one of his Majesty's Justices of the peace for the County afore said. To issue out a warrant for calling a raeeting of the Proprietors of said land, to act upon the following articles — viz 1'* To choose a moderator to manage the affairs of said meeting. 2 To choose a Proprietors Clerk in room of Dea- oou John Wadsworth, the late Clerk, deceased. 20 506- DUXBURY RECORDS. 3'' To see if the Proprietors will suffer a default at the next Superior Court to be holden at Plymouth on the Second Tuesday of July next, in an action the said Proprietors commenced against the town of Duxborrough by their Agent Mr. Joshua Soule, or to see if the Proprietors will take some other method to settle that affair, and choose an agent to manage the same. 4'" To see if the Proprietors will take some method to raise money to pay their agent, his costs and charges he haih been alread at, in said action. 'These therefore, in his Majesty's name, to will and require, you forthwith to warn and give notice to the Proprietors of Duxborrough and Pembrook aforesaid, that they meet and assemble together at the meeting house in said Duxborrough, on Monday the Twenty fifth day of this instant, June, at two of the clock in the afternoon Then, and there, to act on the particu lars above mentioned, hereof fail not. Given under my band and seal at Plymouth this 7"' of June Anno Domini 1750. Samuel Bartlet, Justice of Peace. 1750-51. Feb. 18. Record No. 5. Page 59. 1750-51. Mch 11. 1751. May 20. Record No. 5. Page 59. At a Town Meeting held in Duxbury Februaiy 18"' A D 1750-51, Miles Standish and John Hunt were drawn to serve as petit Jurors and Josiah Thomas as Grand Juror. At a town Meeting in Duxborrough, March ll"" A. D. 1750-51 Town offlcers were chosen. At a town Meeting in Duxborrough May 20"' A D 1751, Colonel] Gamaliel Bradford was chosen rep resentative to the General Court — and asked to present a petition to the General Court to make an act to prevent all sorts of neat cattle going upon, or feeding upon DuxboiTough beach for the future. D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 307 1751. Meeting for the drawing of Jurors. Sept 10*" Sept. 10. A D 1751. Sept. 11. Meeting for the drawing of Jurors Sept 11'" 1751. 1751. Nov. 12. Record 5. Page 60. A Town Meeting November 12'" 1751. For the drawing of Jurors. 1752. Feb. 24. Jurors drawn. May 12. Jurors drawn. Aug. 31. Jurors drawn. 1752. Plymouth ss. To John Wadsworth clerk of the Mch. 25. (s) proprietors of the common and undivided lauds Record and meadows of the Townships of Duxborrough and No. 5. Pembrook, Greeting. Pamphlet Where as Phillip Delanoe and Seven others, pro- B. prietors of the above mentioned commou and undi- Page 42. vided lands, hath made application to me the sub scriber one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the County of Plymouth, by their petition dated February 24'" 1752 for a warrant for calling a meet ing of said proprietors to be held at the raeeting house in Duxborrough on Monday 20'" day of April uext at one of the clock in the afternoon, for the ends and purposes hereafter in this warrant ex pressed. These therefore in his Majesty's name to require you forthwith to warn and give notice to the proprie tors of common and undivided lands aud meadows, 'That they assemble and meet together at the public meeting house in Duxborrough, on Monday the '2b^^ day of April next, at one of the clock in the after noon. 308 D UXB UR Y RECORDS . Then, and there in the first place to choose a Moderator. 2'' To see if the said proprietors will by vote re voke and set aside the power they gave their Agent Mr. .Toshua Soule at their meeting held at the public raeeting house in Pembrook .Tany 30'" A. D. 1749, to bring forward and prosecute an action in the law against the iuhabitants of the town of Duxborrough, for the recovery of a certain piece of Salt Meadow lying in Duxborrough, called and known, by the narae of Rouses point, and forbid him proceed any further in the prosecution of said action, and to do any other matter or thing relative to said affair. Aud for your so doing, this shall be your sufflcient warrant. Given under ray hand and seal, at Scituate in the Counly of Plyraouth, this .Sixth day of March A. D. 1752, and in the 'Twenty fifth year of his Majestys reign. Thomas Clap, Justice. Names of the proprietors or petitioners. Phillip Delanoe. S.\m' Alden. George Partridge. Joseph Simmons. Abraham .Samson. Pelatiah AVest. .John Samsc>n. Joseph Delanoe. 1752 At a meeting of the proprietors of the common April 20 and undivided lands and meadow in the Townships Pamphlet of Duxborrough and Pembrook, held in Duxbor- B. rough April 20"" 1752, Did by their vote, revoke Page 46. and sit aside the power they gave their Agent Mr Joshua Siiule, to prosecute an action in the law, against the inhabitants of the town of Duxborrough, for the recovery of a certain piece of Salt Meadow coraraonly called, and known by the name of Rouses point, and did by their vote, choose Mr John Sam- DUXBURY RECORDS. 309 son and Mr Briggs Alden, for to go to the said Mr Joshua Soule, and acquaint hira with the said vote, and to forbid him to prosecute the said action iu the law auy further. And they chose Gamaliel Bradford Esq Moderator for said meeting. 1752. Plymouth ss. To Joshua Soule of Duxborrough June 11. (s) in said County of Plymouth, yeoraan, and one of Pamphlet the proprietors of comraons and meadows belonging B. to Duxborrough and Pembrook, Greeting. Page 47. Agreeably to a request of Ezra Arnold, Jonathan Peterson, Joshua Soule, Tiraothy vSletson, Johu Boney and Isaac Walker, six of the proprietors of the said coramon lands and meadow. These are iu his Majesty, narae lo require you lo warn and give notice to the proprietors of said coraraon land and raeadow, that they asserable and meet together at the old raeeting house in Perabrook on the 13"" day of July next at two o'clock in the afternoon, to see if said proprietors will restore the power that they gave their agent, Mr Joshua Soule, that was revoked at a raeeting held in Duxborrough April 20"' 1752. And further to see if the said proprietors will pay the said agent for his tirae and charge in coraraen cing and carrying on an action against the town of Duxborrough, in order to recover a piece of salt meadow coraraonly known by the name of Rouses point lying iu Duxborrough. Hereof Fail not you, and make return of this warrant with your doings therein unto the said Proprietors Clerk, at or before the lime of said meeting. Given under my hand and seal, this 11'" day of Juue in the Twenty Six year of his Majesty's reign. Anno Doraini 1752. 'Thomas Croade Justice of the Peace. 1752. At a raeeting of the Proprietors of the comraon July 13. lands and meadows belonging to the 'Towns of Dux- Pamphlet borrough and Pembrook, held at the old raeeting B. house in Pembrook on July 13"' 1752, And at said Page 49. meeting, they never so much as chose a Moderator, 310 DUXBURY RECORDS. Nor acted upon anything for that said meeting was called for, but they continued their meeting till about sunset on the same day, and the said proprie tors would act upon nothing to their business, and theu I dissolved their said meeting. John Wadsworth, Proprietors Clerk. 1750. We the subscribers being chosen a committee by Jany. 6. the Towu of Duxborrough to say where their meet- Record ing house shall stand, we having reviewed the in- No. 5. habitants of said town, do think in the best of our Page 62. judgment, that it would best accommodate the town in general, and order the same to stand at a stake and a tree marked, on the West side of the way thai leads from Marshfield to Kingston, over against the corner of John Chanler's the second fence. Dated at Duxborrough June 6"' 1750. Thomas Foster, John Bonet, Robert Bradford. 1752. Al a towu raeeting in Duxborrough May 12'" May 12. 1752. aud said town chose Garaaliel Bradford Esq Record Moderator for said day. and chose Gamaliel Brad- No. 5. ford Esq their representative for the year ensuing. Page 62. and the said town chose Mr. George Partridge their committee man for to join with the church com mittee, in procuring a Minister for to supply the pul pit for the future, and the town chose Mr. George Partridge to procure a school master for the town for the future. The town chose Cap' Samuel Alden Mr. Joshua Soule and Sam' Seabury, to look out and see where there can provide or procure a place to build a New Meeting house, and to make a re port thereon to or at the next Town Meeting. DUXBURY RECORDS. 311 1752. At a 'Town Meeting held iu Duxborrough July 9th July 9. 1752 and said meeting was to adjust the Town's Record. debts and to defray the sarae amounting to £93.09'. No. 5. 07", and Colonel Bradford was chosen Moderator for Page 63. said day. And the town voted that their Select men shoula continue and prosecute a complaint which the town of Duxborrough exhibited against the town of Pemorook the last May sessions of the Peace, held at Plymouth, for not taking care of Gideon Soule a person non compas Mentis, as is needful. Aud the said town voted to build a New Meeting house the same highth and width that the old Meeting house was, and to lengthen 15 or 16 or 17 foot as the com mittee should think proper, and to have it done by September in the year 1753, and likewise to make the best use and iraprovement of the old meeting house, they can, towards building the New Meeting house and to set the New Meeting house at the Northerly corner of John Chanlers 2'' Homestead by the crotch of the ways, or where the ways do part or meet, and said town chose Joshua Soule George Partridge Sam' Aldeu Sam' Seabury and Jonathan a committee for the said town to take care and see that the said Meeting house be built according to said vote. 1752. At a Town Meeting held in Duxborrough Dec 11"' Dec. 11. 1752 Mr. Sarauel Seabury was chosen Moderator. Record The town voted, to repair and enlarge their meeting No. 5. house, where it now stands, and the town voted that Page 64. their select men should continue a coraplaint they have already exhibited against the town of Pembrook at the next Inferior Court, and General Sessions of the peace, to be holden at Plymouth, for not taking care Gideon Soule a person Non Compes Mentis, for his needful support. The meeting then adjourned. 1753. At a legal 'Town Meeting held in Duxborrough Feb. 5. Feb. 5'" 1753, Gamaliel Bradford Fisq was chosen Record Moderator for said meeting. Aud the town did by No. 5. vote reconsider that vote that was passed at a Town Page 64. Meeting held in Duxborrough on July 9'" in the year 312 D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 1752, for building a New Meeting house, and setting it on the land of John Chanler 2'"' as said vote described it, and said vote is by this vote made null and void. And likewise at said meeting, the 'Town did by vote, reconsider and make null and void that vote tbat was made and passed at a Town meeting held in Duxborrough Dec 11"* 1752 for repairing and enlarging of their Meeting house where it now stands. And then at this meeting in February o"" 1 753 The Town voted to repair their Meeting house where it uow stands, and said Town chose Gamaliel Bradford Esq, Capt Samuel Alden and Mr. Samuel Seabury for their Comraittee for to see and take care to provide workraen and all other materials for to Repair said Meeting house at the cheapest rate they can, and to have it done by the middle of August next. And al said meeting the Town chose Gamaliel Bradford Esq ancl Samuel Alden. a Committee to accoraraodate the affair with Colonel John AA'inslow of Marshfield relating to his cattle and sheep feeding on Duxborrough beach. And at said meeting the Town voted that the income, or the profits of the Towns salt meadow Ij'ing on a place commonly called Rouses Point, shall be for the use and support of the Ministry that shall here after preach in the Towu, aud the 'Towu chose Isaac Partridge and Briggs Aldeu to procure a suitable person to supply the Pulpit this Winter. 1753. At a Legal Town Meeting held in Duxborrough Feb. 23. Feb 23 1753 Said meeting chose Gamaliel Bradford Record Esq their Agent to answer the petition of Susana No. 5. AA'adsworth and others, to the General Court of Ses- Page 65. sions of the Peace to be holden in Plymouth for the County of Plymouth on the first Tuesday of March uext, relating to the laying out of a way through some part of the Town above said, and to show cause why the prayer of the petition should not be granted relating to said way. DUXBURY RECORDS. 313 1753. At a Legal 'Towu raeeting held in Duxborrough- Mch 26. March 23'' 1753, and said meeting chose Gamaliel Record Bradford Esq Moderator for said meeting. Then No 5 Towu then chose 'Town officers for the year ensuing. Page 65. Said town chose Mr Joshua Loring to procure a man to supply the Pulpit, and said town reconsid ered their forraer vote about repairing their meeting house where it now stands, and said Town voted to build a new meeting house Fifty foot long and Forty foot wide and "the sarae highth their old meeting house is, and voted to set it at a stake where the committee formerly appointed it, and the Towu made choice of Mr Joshua Soule Mr Jonathan Peterson and Mr Briggs Alden lo see and get said meeting house done and finished as soon as may be conveniently accoraplished. 1753. At a 'Town Meeting held in Duxborrough May May 21 21" 1753, Said raeeting chose Mr Samuel Seabury Record 5. moderator for the day and Garaaliel Bradford Esq Page 65. was chosen representative for the year ensuing. And at said raeeting the town did by vote reconsider their former vole that they last made for building a new Meeting House at the stake the coraraittee appointed, and the town voted to repair and enlarge their meeting house where it now stands, and the town chose Gamaliel Bradford, Sarauel Seabury and Mr John Sarason to repair and enlarge their meet ing house. 1753. At a meeting of the Proprietors of the coraraon May 11. amJ undivided lands belonging to the Townships of Pamphlet Duxborrough and Pembrook, held at the old meet- B. ing house in Duxborrough, May 11 1753, and Philip Delanoe was chosen Moderator for said raeeting, and Briggs Alden was chosen their agent to answer Mr Joshua Soule at the uext Inferior Court of common pleas to be holden at Plymouth, in an action he has commenced against said Proprietors. 314 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1753. At a Town Meeting in Duxbunoiigh, July 16'" July 16. 1753, The said meeting was called to adjust the Record 'Towns Debts and charges amounting to £104. 4'. S"* No. 5. and the Town's select meu were ordered to make a Page 66. rate to discharge the above, and the Town chose John Samson, John Wadsworth and .Jonathan Peter son, their comraittee to demand the money with interest thereunto belonging, of those persons that hired the money that was formerly granted to the Town by virtue of land that was sold at Souhigan, for the use of a grammar school, or else to see that said persous procure some good able bondsmen for the money aforesaid, with the interest thereof to their satisfaction for securing the said money to said Town, and at said meeting the Town voted that Judah Delanoe should cut, make and stack up the hay that grows ou the towns salt meadow to the halves. 1753. At a town meeting held in Duxborrough Dec S"* Dec. 3. 1753 aud Garaaliel Bradford Esq was chosen Moder- Record ator for said meeting. And the Town sold Nathaniel No. 5. Siraraons their salt hay, that part of it that belongs Page 67. to the town, for £6 to be paid in a year, and the town voted that the Select men should take care of Mary Daws and get her kept as cheap, as they can, aud see after and enquire out her goods or personal estate if any she has. 1753. At a legal Town Meeting held in Duxborrough ¦Sept. 3. September 3'' 1753. And the Town chose Gamaliel Record Bradford Esq Moderator for said raeetiug. And at No. 5. said meeting the Town coucured by a very unamin- Page 67. ous vote, with the vote of the chni-ch in this town, to give Mr. Jonathan A'inal a call to the work of the Ministry iu this town, and also the said Town voted to give the said Mr. .Jonathan A'inal, the sum of £60 a year in lawful money, with the use of the Town's meadow auuualy, provided that he takes the office aud settles in the work of the Ministry in this Town D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 315 araongst us. And also voted to give Mr. Jonathan Vinal the sum of £133.06.08 in order to his settle ment, provided that he the said Mr. Vinal lakes the the aforesaid offlce amongst us, that is one third part of the aforesaid sum of £133.06'.08<', to be paid in four months uext after he takes office amongst us, and one third part of the said sum of £133.06.08. to be paid the next susceediug year, and the other third of the afore said sura to be paid the next year after the last aforesaid year, and this above said sum of £133.06'.08'', is to be paid in lawful raoney as aforesaid, provided the said Mr. Jonathan Vinal should take office and settle in the work of the Ministry in this town anomgst us. And at said meeting the Towu Chose a committee of three men, Mr. Samuel Seabury, Deacon Jaraes Arnold and Mr. Briggs Alden for their coraraittee to join, with the church committee, to go and inform and ac quaint the said Mr. Jonathan Vinal of their calling and proceedings with him in order co his settlement to the work of the Ministry araongst us in this town, and to report to the town Mr. Jonathan Vinal's answer thereto, anri all this first above said sum of £60 in lawful money, a year, and the use of the Town's meadow is to continue to and for Mr. Vinal, while he continues with the Town in the work of the Ministry, and no longer. At the said raeeting the vote was asked, whether or no that they would disraiss the partition of Mr. Palalhia AA'est and others, that they petitioned for relating to the affair about the Meeting house, and the vote passed in the affirmative. 1754. At a legal Town Meeting held in Duxborrough Mch 25. March 25'" 1754 , Said meeting made choice of Record Gamaliel Bradfoid Esq Moderator for said meeting No. 5. — and the Town then chose 'Town Officers for the Page 68. year ensuing. The 'Town voted lo pay Mr. Joshua Soule the sum of £17.08.04 iu lawful money, for what luraber and 316 DUXBURY RECORD.'S. service aud provision he has raade towards buildino- a new Meeting house, and he is to stay till the uext tax is raade, for the money, and the town to have the lumber that the said Soule procured towards or for the said raeeting house, and at said raeeting, the lown voted to pull down the two hind seats in the meeting house, and to make pews in that place, and to lengthen out the other seats as is convenient — and Joseph Brewster to supply the Pulpit. 1754. These arvj to warn and give notice. To the Pro- April 27. prietors of the Common aud undivided lands Pamphlet belonging to the Townships of Duxborrough and B. Perabrook, that they asserable and raeet together at Page 51. the raeeting house in Duxborrough on Monday the 13"' day of ^lay next, at one of the clock in the afternoon. Then and there lo see if said Proprietors will by vole relinquish Quit or give up all their right title and interest in that piece of Salt meadow in said Duxborrough, commonly called Rouses Point, to said Duxborrough if said Duxborrough will by vote and pay the execution Mr. .Joshua Soule has obtained against said Proprietors, or any pari of the charge thereof, and to do any other business relating to that purpose that is needful &c. pr John W.\dsworth, Proprietors Clerk. Duxborrough, April 27"' 1754. 1754. At a legal Meeting of the Proprietors of the May 13. Coraraons aud undivided lands belonging to the Paraphlet 'Townships of Duxborrough and Pembrook, held at B. the Meeting house in Duxborrough on Monday the Page 51. 13'" day of .Alay at one of the clock in the afternoon, in the year 1754, and said meeting chose Col Brad ford Moderator, and at said meeting the said Proprietors did by vole give up all their right title and interest in their Coraraon Salt Meadow in Dux borrough, if auy they have, in a piece of salt meadow D UXB UR Y RECORDS . 317 coraraonly called Rouses Point, to the Town of Duxborrough, if said town will pay the execution, or any part of it, that Mr. Joshua Soule has obtained against the said Proprietors, and then adjourned for the space of oue hour. 1754. At a legal Town Meeting held in Duxborrough May 13. May 13 1754 al 3 o clock in the afternoon, and at Eecord said meeting, the Towu chose Garaaliel Bradford No. 5. Fisq representative for the year ensuing, and said Page 68. Bradford was chosen Moderator. 'The town voted to pay Mr. Joshua Soule £189. 06'. 10" Old tenor, if said Soule will discharge the execution he has against the Proprietors of the Comraon and undivided lands in Duxborrough and Pembrook, provided said Soule will slay for his raoney till the next Towu tax is made, and upon these conditions, Mr. Ezra Arnold promised lo pay £20 Old tenor towards said Souls execution, and said Town chose Capt Sam' Alden, Mr. Abraham Sarason and Mr. Briggs Alden, their Agents to go to Mr. Joshua Soule and haunt hira, ancl use persuasive arguments with him for lo abate some part of his execution that he has against the Proprietors which the Town has voted to pay upou the conditions above said, and to make a return to the Town Clerk as soon as may be. And voted to sell the timber that was got to build a new Meeting house vvith the next town meeting at a vendue, to the highest bidder. 1754. At a legal Towu Meeting held in Duxborrough May 27 May 27'" 1754 and Mr Garaaliel Bradford was Record choseu Moderator for said meeting, aud theu the No. 5. Town did by vote concur with the Church of Christ Page 69. in this town relating to Mr Cornelius Jones settling in the work of the Ministry in this town, and said town did by vote give said Mr Cornelius Jones a call to the work of the Ministry in this lown, and the town chose Capt. Samuel Alden, Mr Joseph Brewster and Deacon pjzra Soule to acquaint Mr Jones with it, and likewise the lown voted to give 318 DUXBURY RECORDS. the said Mr Cornelius Jones, seventy two pounds in lawful money, a year, with the whole use of the Town's meadow every year, provided that the said Mr Jones should take office and settle in the work of the Ministry in this town, and while he continues in the work and office of the Ministry, and no longer, and the town voted that the said Capt Aldeu Mr Joseph Brewster and Deacon Soule, should carry the vote or message to Mr Jones. And at said meeting the town sold the white pine limber that was got for a new meeting house to Nathaniel Sim mons for £4.13.04 in lawful money, and the town voted to let James Thomas and Reuben Peterson have the oak timber that was got for a new Meeting house, and to make the best of it that they could to advartage, aud so to be accountable to the town for it next march. And at said town meeting, the town voted to expose their new Pews to sale at Public A'endue, at the meeting house next Monday come fortnight, to the highest bidder, at one of the clock in the afternoon, and the town made choice of Deacon James Arnold to be their Vendue Master for the purpose above said and with these conditions that the buyers or purchasers of the New Pews upon the lower floor, shall pay four dollars Ernest, down toward said Pews, and the residue of the money they are sold for, by the flrst day of August next, but if not, then the said buyers of said Pews must lose their Earnest Money given, and be quit of their Pews, and likewise, it was voted that whoso ever bought the New Pews, up in the gallery must pay two dollars down as Earnest Money and the residue of the money of what they are sold for, by the first of August next, or else they raust lose their Earnest Money and be quit of their Pews. Aud said town voted that their same comraittee that repaired and enlarged the Meeting house, should receive the money that the Pews are sold for, and to pay the charges that are due towards repairing and enlarging said Meeting house. DUXBURY RECORDS. 319 Joshua Soule Plaintiff. Duxborrough Proprietors Defendants. Judgement for the Proprietors. De fault £24.11.09 damages £2.02.06 cost. May Court 3" Tuesday A. D. 1753. This above judgement is fully discharged as appears upou record at foot of said judgement by a receipt signed by the plaintiff in the words following. 177 P July the first 1754. Then received iu full satisfaction for the above judgement and accordingly hereby discharge the same, both damages and cost. Attest Edward Winslow, Clerk.. 1754. At a Town Meeting held in Duxborrough Aug. Aug. 12. 12'" 1754 Gamaliel Bradford was chosen Moderator, Record said meeting was to adjust the Town's debts and No. 5. charges and to make a rate to defray the same. Page 70. Amis to £276. 9'. 34". The towu also voted to plas ter the Meeting House. 1755. May 15. A Town Meeting was held to draw Jurors. 1754. At a legal 'Town Meeting held in Duxborrough Dec. 16. December 16'" 1754, Gamaliel Bradford Esq was Record chosen Moderator for said Meeting, and at said No. 5. Meeting the Towu did by a veiy unanimous vote. Page 71. concur with the Church of Christ in this Town, and give Mr. Charles Turner Jr a call to the work of the Ministry in this town, and if in case the said Mr. Turner should take the office in the work of the Ministry in this town. That they the said town voted to give the said Mr. Charles Turner Seventy three Pounds, Six Shilling and Eight pence in lawful money, annually for his yearly salary, and likewise the whole use and improvement of the Town's salt meadow. Provided that if he the said Mr. Turuer should take the offlce of the Ministry in this town, and while he continues in the offlce of the Ministry in this town, and no longer, and said salary is to be gin at his ordination, aud likewise at said meeting. '211 DUXBURY RECORDS. Deacon James Arnold and John Southworth were chosen as a church committee, and Gamaliel Brad ford Esq. Mr. AA'illiara Brewster and Mr. Samuel Seabury, as a town comraittee, to go and acquaint Mr. 'Turner of the 'Town's proceedings for him iu order to his settleraent in this place. And at said raeeting the town \-oted that the school that is now kept at the Norlh part or quarter of the town, should be followed and kept in each quarter part of said Towu successively as their term comes, and so to go round with the Sun, for the future. Aud at said meeting Miles Standish and John Hunt were drawn out of the box to serve on the petit Jury at the next Inferior Court at Plymouth. 1755. Mch. 3. May 19. A meeting for the choice of town officere. Grand Jurymen chosen and jurymen drawn. 1755. Aug. 1'^. Al a 'Town raeeting held in Duxborrough August Record IS"" 1755. The said raeeting was to adjust the towns No. 5. debts and charges, and the select men were ordered Page to forthwith assess the Town for the ara't. 1756. Feb. 16. 1756. Sept. 27. Record No. 5. Page 73. Jurors drawn. Mch. 3. Town Officers chosen and Jurors drawn. At a Town meeting held in Duxborrough Sept. 27 1756 Said meeting to adjust the said towns debts and to raise money to defray the same amounting to £153.02' Gamaliel Bradford was chosen Moderator. 1757. At a Towu Meeting in Duxborrough March 21*' ]\Ich. 21. 1757, The Town raade choice of Town Offlcei-s for the year ensuing Mr. Blanie Phillips and Thomas AA'eston were chosen to see and take care of the DUXBURY RECORDS. 321 herring brooks aud to see that no persous catch any herring upon auy days this year only excepting Mondays and Fridays, and then betweeu Sun rise and Sunset that herring are allowed lobe caught, and then only by or near the tails of the Mills. 1757. At a Town Meeting held in Duxborrough May 16 May 16. 1757 Col. Garaaliel Bradford was chosen Moderator, and Colonel Gamaliel Bradford was chosen repre sentative for the year. And said raeeting voted that the select men should draw out of the treasury to pay Robert Stanford for keeping Jane Delauoe 14 weeks last year to the araount of Twenty nine Shil lings one penny half penny. I Juue 6. '~ At a Town Meeting held in Duxborrough June 6 1757 a vote was called to see if the Town would choose a representative, and the vote passed in the Negative. At this meeting Jurors were drawn. 1757. At a Town Meeting held in Duxborrough Aug. Aug. 29. 29'" 1757, and said meeting was to adjust the Towns debts, and raise money to defray the same, and the particular charges are as follows. And Gamaliel Bradford was chosen Moderator — £ s D To Mr. Charles Turner's Salary 73 6 8 Eben Sampson for Keeping Old Jane Delanoe 14 weeks 19 02 John Chanler 2'' for Keeping Old Jane Delanoe 14 weeks 1 9 10 Gamaliel Bradford For Keeping School Master 13*" — making rates 4 7 4 Phillip Delanoe Town Treasurer 2 0 0 Sam' Seabury making rates 16 Saml Alden 3J days making rates 14 Briggs Alden Boarding School Master 13''' if he makes it up 3 9 4 George Partridge Boarding School Master 10 weeks 2 13 4 21 322 DUXBURY RECORDS. Robert Stanford Keeping Jane Delanoe 30'" & Widdow Daws 4^" 3 13 7 David Delanoe Keeping Mary Daws 19 weeks 2 6 Abner Weston 25 '™'^''' Keeping Widow Daws, & 1" Keeping Old Jane 2 15 6 Benjamin Prior sweeping the Meeting house 1 Oliver Seabury Copying the rate bills 10 Abner AVeston One week boarding Old Jane Delanoe 2 2 Thoraas Wesion 48 ^Keeping Hannah Wormal & Sundries 6 4 02 Johu AVadsworth Town Clerk 13 4 Anthony Samson Keeping Fear Sim mons 6 weeks 12 10 Money for the use of the schools 20 And the Town ordered that the select men should forthwith make a rate to raise these the above said sums of money, and that they were allowed to lax the Town, £4 exceeding the above debts. Voted that the £6 note of the Province treasurer that Colonel Bradford had, be given into the Treas urer of our Town, and at the same time the 'Town allowed Colonel Bradford four shilliugs for his trou ble in the procuring of it. And the Town voted their acceptance of Joseph Freeman to serve as Constable in the lieu of Levi Loring who was sworn the sarae day to excuse said office. And the town did by vote excuse Joseph Brewster of paying his son Trueloves rale the last year, that was drouned. And the Towu did by vote excuse Isreal Silvester of Paying his son Seth's rate the last year, who died, and the town did by vote excuse Nathaniel Soule from paying of James Morfews rate, provided the said Morfew who has gone away, and said Soule can never find him nor take hold of him or his estate again. And voted that Capt Samuel Alden, Capt Briggs Aldeu and Mr. Sara' Seabury be a Committee to make up accounts with the Town's trustees, about DUXBURY RECORDS. 323 the Town's stock of School money, and make their report to the Town at the next town meeting of -what there is due to the towu of the interest money that is for the use of the Grararaar School. 1757. At a Town meeting held in Duxborrough Decem- Dec 12 ber 12'" 1757. At the said meeting Colonel Bradford was chosen Moderator, and Jonathan Peterson and Thomas Southworth were drawn out of the box to serve on the Petit Jury at the next Inferior Court at Plymouth and at said meeting the town chose Jonathan Peterson their agent for to do their proportion in repairing the North river bridge. 1757. We the subscribers. Select men of the 'Towns of Record Duxborrough aud Marshfield on the 27'" day of No. 5. October 1757, did meet and perambulate the line Page 76. and renew the bounds in the manner following Viz Begining at a large rock flat on the top near Eben ezer Fishs house, and from thence run North near 47 degrees West, by a range of raarked trees, until we came to a heap of stones, being the easterly corner of the township of Pembrook, and the north erly corner of the township of Duxborrough, and from said great rock flrst mentioned, we run Soutb about 47 degrees East, to a flat rock with stones on top, about 3 rods to the westward of the highway which leads by the widow Joanna Arnolds, and from said rock the same course on a straight line to said high way, and by said highway where it forraerly went to a stake and stones on the Easterly side of the brook near Ezra Arnolds, abput a rod up streara where the bridge now goes over said brook and from said stake and stones on a straight line to a stake and stones standing where there was formerly a great Oak tree called Poles, and frora thence ou a straight line to a stake and stones on the top of a hill called Duck hill. JoHH Carver Gamaliel Bradford Thomas Waterman Sam' Seabury Seth Bryant Jona Peterson Select men of Marshfield. Select men of Duxborrough. 324 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1757. AA''e the Subscribers Selectmen of the Towns of Nov 7. Duxborrough and Perabrook being met together in Record order to perambulate the line, and renew the bounds No. 5. between the said Towns of Duxburrough and Pem- Page 76. brook, have perambulated said line and renewed the bounds as follows A'iz I begineth at a stake and stones standing on the line in the North East side of Marshfleld uplands, bearing South Easterly about 104 rods from the Easterly coruer of the land that was formerly Robert Stetsons, and from thence East South East in the range of the land that was known by the name of Marshfield Uplands, to a red Oak tree standing near a brook called Pine brook, and so on the same course to the said brook, and then returning to the afore said stake and stones it rangeth North East and by Norlh nearest, agreeably to the former record, to a heap of stones in the Marshfield line. Ichabod Bonney Gamaliel Bradford John Turner Sam' Seabury Select men of Pembrook. Jonathan Peterson. Select men of Duxborrough. The line between Duxborrough and Marshfield uplands is AA'est North West 2 degrees AVest. 1758. At a Town Meeting held in Duxborrough March Mch 1. 1" 1758 Capt Briggs Alden was chosen Moderator Record for said raeeting and the town made choice of town No. 5. offlcers for the year ensuing, and the town voted Page 77. that there shall be no herring caught upon the Sat urday or Sabbath day this present year, and voted that Joseph Russel should take care, and keep the herring brook clear, and to see that this vote he observed. And the town voted that Jacob Diugley should be paid for boarding the school master one quarter of a year the last year. And Joseph Soule, Benjamin Bartlet, Thomas Hunt, Judah Delauoe, John Chanler 5"' and John DUXBURY RECORDS. 325 Wadsworth and Select men, and Joseph Freeraan raan Jr are all sworn. John Phillips and Joseph Russle are sworn Abner Dingley was sworn. 1758. May 17. At a Town Meeting on the 17'" of May 1758 Record Mr. Samuel Seabury was chosen representative for No. 5. the present year. Page 77. And on May 21st the same choice was again made. 1758. At a Town Meeting in Duxborrough Aug. 21'' Aug. 21. 1758 Gamaliel Bradford was chosen Moderator for Record said meeting. And said raeeting was to adjust the No. 5. 'Town's debts, and the select men were ordered to make a rate to raise raoney to pay the sarae araount ing to £115.9. U. 1759. A Town Meeting was held to- appoint Town Mch. 26. Offlcers for the- ensuing year. 1759. At a 'Town meeting held in Duxborrough Septem- Sept. 5. ber the 4th Anuo Domini 1759. Record 5. Said meeting chose Gamaliel Bradford Moderator Page 79. for the said day. And said meeting was to adjust the said Town's debts, amounting lo £128. 4'. 3", aud then ordered that the assessors forthwith raise the afore said sum lo pay the town's debts. 1760. At a Town Meeting held iu Duxborrough March Mch. 4. 4 1760 Garaaliel Bradford was choseu Moderator. Record And the town then appointed 'Town Offlcers for the No. 5. present year. Page 79. 1760. At a Town meeting held in Duxborrough upon May 23. the 23" of May Anno Domini 1760. Record Capt. Briggs Alden was chosen Moderator for said No. 5. day and Mr. Sarauel Seabury was chosen representa- Page 80. tive. And Ichabod Siraraons, "Elnathan Weston, Thomas AVeston and David Delanoe to take care of wretched boys on the Lords day. 3-26 DUXBURY RECORDS. At a public A''endue held at the meeting house in Duxborrough on June 10th 1754. And the A'endue was to sell the uew pews in the said meeting house, and said pews were sold to the highest bidder. £ The Pew by the Pulpit stairs sold to .Toshua Stanford 19 9 4 The Pew on the right hand of the broad aisle John Samson Jr 14 0 0 The Pew on left hand of broad aisle Israel Selvester 15 6 8 The Pew on left of front door Nathan Brewster 20 13 4 The Pew on Right front door Joshua Loriug 19 9 4 The Pew on next to this Joseph Freeman 13 6 8 •' " Next to the Samsons Gamaliel Bradford 17 9 4 The Pew Corner opposite Womans side John Hunt 12 2 8 The Pew In Galery over broad aisle John Hunt The Pew In Galery middle Sam' Seabury " Corner Pew middle Thomas South- worth Both hind pews in gallery Peres Loring Middle Pew on Mens Side John Hunt Corner Pew ou Mens side Nathaniel Siraraons The Coraraittee sold the refuse boards Selvester. 1760. At a Town Meeting held in Duxborrough July July 28. 28"' 1760 Capt Briggs Aldeu was chosen Moderator Record for said day, aud John Wadsworth Clerk of said No. 5. raeeting. Page 81. The raeeting was to adjust the town's debts, and to raise money to defray the same — amounting to £132.19.3, And voted that the assessors tax the town for the above mentioued sum. 6 5 4 5 9 4 5 12 0 6 16 0 11 12 0 12 0 0 to Israel DUXBURY RECORDS. 327 Voted that the assessors raake the County tax with the town's. Voted that Thomas Weston keep Jane Delanoe a year as he promised to do for 3 shillings pr week which is, £7.16.0. \''oted that Jonathan Peterson, Ezra Arnold and Joseph Free man be a Committee to regulate the Jury box and that the Committee have power to put the select men for the tirae being in to said list of Jurors. Voted that Mr. Judah Delanoe Town 'Treasurer or his suc cessors in that office, be erapowered by the Town, to settle with the present Trustees upou the Bonds for the money and interest for the support of the school, and to take the Bonds into his own hands, and to collect the interest that is yearly due there on, and to be accountable to the Town for the same. Voted that Eight foot of the second seat of the womens side in the upper end, be partitioned off for the use of deaf people. A'oted to give Nathaniel Samson 3 shillings pr week to keep Mary Daws 7 weeks longer which he promised to do which is £1.1'. 1761. At a Town Meeting held in Duxborrough upon Mch 16. the 16'" of March 1761 Record Gamaliel Bradford Esq was chosen Moderator for No. 5. said day. 'The Town then chose John Wadsworth Page 82. Town Clerk, and was sworn accordingly to do his duty. Town Officers and Grand Jury men were then chosen . May 18. 1761. Aug. 3. Record No. 5. Page 83. At a town meeting May 18'", 1761 Capt Briggs Alden was chosen Representative for the year ensuing. At a town meeting held in Duxborrough Aug 3" 1761 Gamaliel Bradford Esq was chosen Moderator, said meeting was to adjust the towns debts — aud the charges amt to £156.11.3. Voted to make the County tax with the towns. Voted liberty to the select men to make the rates bigger by £8. Voted that the select men forthwith make the rate. 328 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1762. At a Town meeting held in Duxborroagh March Mch 22. 22d 1762 Gamaliel Bradford Esq was chosen Mod- Record erator and John Wadsworth Town Clerk. The town No. 5. then appointed the other town offlcers, and adjourned Page 84. to the 3P' of March. March 31" Atthe adjourned meeting the Town chose Towu Officers. 1762. May 17. Record. No. 5. Page 84. 1762. Sept 16. Record No. 5. Page 85. At a 'Town Meeting held in Duxborrough May 17?" 1762, Gamaliel Bradford was chosen Moderator, and Major Briggs Alden was chosen Representative for the year ensuing and Col Bradford Major Briggs Alden Capt John Southworth Mr Samuel Seabury and Mr Jonathan Peterson a committee for said town to prepare a draugh and give an answer, aud the reasons why the prayer of the petition that is now subsisting in the General Court by Amos Ford and sundry other inhabitants of the North P>nd of Dux borrough, why the prayer should not be granted. And Major Briggs Alden was chosen Agent by the lown, to give in lo the General Court the reasons and manage the affair aud why the petition of Amos Ford and sundry other inhabitants of the North End of Duxborrough, that is now subsisting at said Court why the prayer thereof should not be granted. Al a Town meeting held in Duxborrough Septem ber 16'" 1762, Jonathan Peterson was chosen Moderator, and said meeting was to adjust the Towns debts and raise money to defray the same. Amt £147. 12'. 7^ and voted that the .Select men should forthwith make a rate, and Voted that the Selectmen should lay out a high way along by the mouth of Island Creek Pond as they think proper, and is wanting, and said meetitg the 'Town gave full power to Mr. Judah Delanoe, the town's treasurer to sue out the several bonds the town has against or of several persons, for the money they had of the town, that was appropriated for the use of a Grammar School. DUXBURY RECORDS. 329 1763. Mch 14. 1763. May Record No. 5. Page 86. 1763. Sept 12. Record No. 5. — 86 1764. Mch 5. 1764. Recorn No. 5. Page 88. A 'Town meeting for the choice of 'Town Officers. At a 'Town meeting held in Duxborrough May 1763 Major Briggs Alden was chosen Representa tive. At a Town Meeting held in Du.xborrough Sept 12 1763. Said meeting was to adjust the Towns debts and raise money to pay the same araounting to £184 7.5 and the town voted to raise said sun? by a Town tax. A Town Meeting for the choice of Town Officers. Where as the Town of Duxbon-ough at a raeeting in said town on Septeraber the 16'" 1762 voted that the select raen should lay out the way for the use of the Town, as the way now goeth by the raouth of Island Creek pond, as they shall think proper and convenient for the use of said Town, Agreeably we began as follows, Begining at Plyraouth road on John Wadsworths land near the north corner of the Widow Deborah Thomas farm, ranging North 67 degrees West, 4 rods lo a black oak tree standing on said Wads worths land, thence North 67 degrees West, 20 rods, thence North 60 degrees West 34 rods, to a stake and stones iu a Valley, about 6 paces to the North of the Middle of the road, thence West, 1 degree South, 10 rods, to a red oak tree standing on the same side of the road about 10 paces from Ureiah Wadsworths corner of his wood pasture, thence North 77 degrees, 42 rods to a red oak sapling marked on four sides, when the road turns to the Southward, thence South 37 degrees West, 38 rods, to a stake and stones standing on Joseph Brewsters^ land, about 5 paces on the North side of the road. 330 D UXB UR Y RECORDS. thence South 87 degrees AVest, 43 rods, to a stake and stones, standing on .John Hunts land just on the descent of a hill, thence South 55 degrees West down the hill 27 rods, to a white oak standing close to the swamp at the foot of Tobys Garden hill on the same side of the way, thence South 35 degrees West, 11 rods to a stake and stones near where the roads part, and where one goeth down to Wads worths wharf, thence North 82 degrees West, 26 rods to a pine tree standing close to said road on the same side, thence North 59 degrees West, 18 rods to a stake and stones, thence North 88 degiees West 24 rods to a stake and stones by it. Thence South 72 degrees AVest 24^ rods to a red oak tree with a great stoue by it, thence North 69 degrees West, 9 rods to a Black oak tree marked, near three great stones. thence South 63 degrees West 13 rods to a small rock on the West side of the pond brook 1 rod and 7 links, to the West of said brook, thence West 8 de grees South 4 rods to a great rock on the North side of said road, and from said great rock North 71 de grees West 54 rods to a Stake and Stones by the fence that Paul Seabury lately set np, thence North 88 degrees West. 37 rods to a red oak tree standing close by said road on the North side, thence North 5 1 degrees West 6 rods, to a black oak tree, thence thence North 33 degrees West, 6 rods to a black oak tree, thence North 51 degrees West 20J rods to a red oak tree, thence North 56 degrees West, 32 rods to a sapling Pine tree on Oliver Seabury's land within 1 rod of Elephalet Bradford's range, thence North 10 degrees AVest 6 rods, to a white oak stump on the North side of the road where said road comes to the old County road at the school house standing at a point of land belonging to Joseph Freeman, and all the above bounds stand on the Northerly side of said road, and the road is to be on the Southerly side of said bounds, and to extend in width the space of 30 feet and to continue and re main for a highwav for the use of the town, for time DUXBURY RECORDS. 331 to corae as it has been for many years past, which way was laid out by us the subscribers in Nov. Sth 1763. In witness where of we have set our hand. Peleg Wadsworth. AA^ait Wadsworth. 1764. At a Town Meeting held in Duxborrough July July 30. 30'" 1764 Colonel Bradford was chosen Moderator, Record and said meeting was to adjust the Town's debts. No. 5.- and to raise raoney to defray the sarae, amounting Page 90. to £173.1'. 1". And at said meeting the Town chose Major Briggs Aiden their Agent to join the other Agents to act for thera in repairing the bridge at North river, and the 'Town by their vote show their willingness to have the bridge built or repaired with wooden work as needful provided the other comrait tee comply with it. 1764. At a Towu meeting held in Duxborrough Sept Sept 26 26 1764. Briggs Alden Esq. was chosen Moderator, and the town voted to raise £9.07" lawful money towards repairing North river bridge. Jurors were drawn at this meeting. 1765. At a Town Meeting held in Duxborrough, March Mch 25. 25'" 1765 Gamaliel Bradford was chosen Moderator, Record John AA'adsworth Town Clerk, and took the oath of No. 5. a clerk. Page 91. Also the Town officers were chosen at this meet- Deacon Peleg Wadsworth and Thomas Chanler were chosen to take care of Island Creek Herring Brook, and the laws they are to see that they are observed about the herring, but the town voted that the water may be stopped till the 15'" day of April, aud uo longer, and the town voted that the herring must be caught no where upou the said brook, but within 10 rods of the mill tail, and but one day in in the week during the time limited by law, and that is every Monday in the week in the day time between 332 DUXBURY RECORDS. Sun rise and Sun set, and Amiziah Delanoe and Williara Siraraons are chosen to take care of the herring brook upon the Grist Mill Stream, and the stream is to be opened for herring to run, by the IO"" of April next, and no herring to be caught during the time liraited by law for herring to rnn, but only on every Monday during said time, in the day time and only between .Sun rise and Sun set, and ouly to be caught below tne country road, and not below the old AA'aste Way, and said Agents are to see that the herring have a passage down. And said Town voted to give Major Ai-nold £2 13". 4. for to find and provide the Town School with flre wood for the year ensuing. May 13. Al a Town meeting held in Duxborrough on the 13'" of May 1765. Briggs Alden was chosen Mod erator and their agent to answer the Towas presentraent about the gates that were erected upon the highways, at the next Superior Court, and Representative for the year eusuing, and the Iowq did by their vote give up all their right title and part of the flne raoney that was dne to the town frora Joseph Freeraan, Benjamin Loring. Oliver Seabury and Paul Seabury for transgressing the law relating to the herring brook at Island Creek Pond, and then said town proceeded to draw Jury men . 1765. At a Town Meeting held in Duxborroiigh July 24 July 24. 1765 said meeting was to adjust the Town's debts, Record and to raise the money to defray the same am" to No. 5. £215.17.11. And at said meeting Jury men were 92. drawn. D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 333 THE STAMP ACT. 1765. At a Town Meeting held in Duxborrough October 'Oct. 21. 21st 1765, Major Briggs Alden was chosen Mod- Record erator. The said meeting was lo see whether or no No. 5. the Town would willingly comply or unite with the 93. late act of parliaraent and rest contented with the stamp act as it now stands with the English Empire in Araerica, or else show their resentraent against said act, and to use any raeasures or means that they shall think proper for to prevent said acts being ira posed upon us, by giving their representative in structions to stop said act, or to use auy other raeans they shall think proper. And then the vote was called by the Moderator to see if they would receive the Starap act, and it was voted in the Negative, and the Town chose Cap'. Wait Wadsworth, Capt. Johu AA''ads worth, Elbenezer Bartlet, Isaac Partridge and Ezra Arnold their coraraittee to prepare a draft, and to give their reasons why the Town would not accept of said act, and to show so far as they were ¦capable of it. And then the meeting was adjourned to the 23" inst. And then the said Town met, and the said Com mittee prepared a result with their reasons against said Act, and gave their representative the following instructions, and voted it should be here recorded, which is as follows. To Briggs Alden Esq Representative of the inhabi tants of the Town of Duxborrough in the Great and General Court of the Province of Massachu setts Bay, in New England. Sir AA'hilst all America is in a ferment, and every patriotic Breast is glowing with resentment at the heavy and intolerable burdens iraposed upon 334 DUXBURY RECORDS. us by the late Act lately passed in Parliament of Great Britian, AA'e your constituents, the free holders and other inhabitants of the ancient and first incorporated Town of Duxborrough, think it their incurabent duty to inform you of their sentiments upon this important and alarming affair, that yoo. Sir. may be able in the approaching session of the Great and General Court, to act according to their declared rainds : AA'e esteem the said Stamp act to be unconstitutional and subversive of the rights and privileges of his Majesty's American Subjects. contrary not only to the Royal Charter granted to our Ancestors, and lo 3Iagna Charter, the great Charter of British liberty, bnt likewise to the grand prerogative of human Nature, and to that liberty wherewith Our Blessed Lord hath made us free : We likewise think that if this act should take place in this Province in the present distressed condition, we should be involved in inevatable ruin. We do now therefore enjoin and instruct you that you neither directly nor indirectly be aiding, favoring, counte nancing, assisting or any other ways instrumental in promoting the putting the said Act in execution, but that you oppose the same with all the eloquence and address you are master of, and that you use yonr utmost endeavors lo vindicate our precious rights and privileges, those privileges for which our fore fathers bled, for which those Heroic spirits bid adieu to the lyranical government to the ill boding name of the Stuarts, travelled the vast Atlantic, and sat down iu these then deserts of America, and for which Sir, we their descendants esteem dearer to us than our lives. We likewise enjoin it upon you to oppose in the strongest manner any motion or motions that may be made in the General Assembly, to make a relation or corapensation for the riotous proceedings at Boston. D UXB UR Y RECORDS. 335 1766. At a Towu Meeting in Duxborrough March Slst Mch. 31. 1766 Colonel Bradford was chosen Moderator. And Record the Town then chose the town officers for the year No. 5. ensuing. The town gave liberty to Joseph Drew Page 96. and his partners to build a dara and Gristmill ou Blue flsh river, and to keep up said dam so long as he shall keep the Mill in good repair for grinding corn or grain provided said Drew and partners shall make good and save the Town harmless from all damage that may arise or happen by said Mill Poud flowing the marshes or land of the owners, lying above said dam. Aud the Town voted to give away, and that half the Town's stock of powder shall be used in rejoic ing that the Stamp act is repealed. And voted that their town treasurer prosecute all persons that have or do bring in any persous unto this town, by re ceiving them into their houses or enclosures, and have not followed the direction of the law thereunto belonging. And the town voted to accept of the high way that the select men have laid out in the Captain's Nook up to Plymouth road. And the town voted that Col. Gamaliel Bradford should pre fer or present a petition to the General Court in order to prevent tbe distraction of the Bass in North river in the winter season, and that Col. Bradford should present a petition to the General Court in order to prevent the cattle from feeding on the beach in order to secure or save the harbor, and said Col. Bradford was chosen Agent for the above said pur poses. 1766. At a town meeting held in Duxborrough May 19'" May 19. 1756. The town voted that their Select men should Record inspect and see whether or no there is any thing yet No 5. due her as a part of ber legacy out of her farthers 97 estate, or her portion which may be yet coming to her, because she is at present maintained by the town, and the person so maintained by the town is Content Simmous, 336 DUXBURY RECORDS. July 31 A Town Meeting vvas held to adjust the Towns debts, and lo raise the raoney to defr.ay the same ara' to £192.18.10. And the sarae day John Hanks took Elnathan AVeston to keep 39 weeks at 3 shillings pr week. Benjamin Simmons took the widow Fear Siramons at 2 shillings pr week, andthe Select raen have agreed with the widow Glass to keep her raother 35 weeks. AA'here as we the .Select raen of Duxborrough being required by sundry of the inhabitants of said Town to lay out a high way from the Captains Nook up to the Plyraouth road, which we have done in the following manner, A'iz Begining at a large stone pitched in the ground in the line between Cap' Wait Wadsworth and Ebenezer Bartlets, thence North 12 •degrees East, to the Hue between the Brewsters and said Bartlets laud, thence North, 7 degrees AA'est, to the South AVesterly corner of the land belonging to the heirs of Thoraas Prince that lies on the East side ¦of said way, thence North 10 degrees West, 52 rods to said Princes heirs. North West corner on the East side of said way, and in the line of Israel Silvester, thence North 14 degrees AVest, 46 rods to a stone set in the ground, thence North 27 rods to the East end of the Nook Gate, thence North 8 degrees West, 18 rods to a stone set in the ground, thence North 3 ¦degrees West, 10 rods to a stone set in the ground, thence North 12 degrees West 8 rods to the South West corner of a yard raade of board fence adjourn ing to said Silvester's Northermost house, thence North 24 degrees AVest, 16 rods along close by said Silvesters Shop or small building, by said way to a stone set in the ground, thence North 16 degrees West 10 rods to a stone set in the ground, thence North 30^ rods, to a stone sel in the ground, a little to the Southward of the Southwest corner of Joshua Cushing's Cooper Shop. And uow it is to be understood that this above said highway is to be 30 foot wide, and it is to be on DUXBURY RECORDS. 337 Westerly side of this the above said line as the courses and distances are run, and the way is allowed through Gates frora the Nook gate down ward or Southerly from the Nook gate so far as we have laid the way out, aud further, there is a way through Cap' AA'ait Wadsworth's land, down to the salt bay, where it may be the raost beneficial and least prejudicial to each other, forever. Ancl then vve began again where we left off, at a stone set in the ground near said Cushings Shop, thence North 62 degrees AA'est, along by the North east side of Jacob Peterson's Smith Shop, and his shed house 64 rods to the coruer of land, thence North 25 degrees AA''est, 2 rods to the corner of Benjamin Prior's land, theuce North 62 degrees AA^est, 24 rods, thence North 83 degrees West, 10 rods to Jacob Petersons corner, thence North 79 degrees West, 54 rods to a stone sel iu the ground, thence South 72 degrees AA'est! rods, thence South 57 degrees AVest, 5 rods. Thence South 81 degrees West, 5 rods, thence North 75 degrees West, 6 rods, theuce North 56 degrees AA'est 20 rods, thence Norlh 67 degrees AVest, 14 rods to a marked tree with stones about it thence Norlh 80 degrees AA^est, 10 rods to John AVadsworth's corner, thence South 85 degrees West 24 rods to a stone pitched in the ground by the King's highway. And this said way is 30 foot wide from where we began again at a stone pitched in the ground, near said Cushing's shop, and the road is to go upon the North Fiast side of this line aforesaid up to the King's highway, and is to be an open towu road quite down to the Nook Gate, aud from the Nook Gate downwards to the Southward, it is to be a town road through gates. This above said way was voted and accepted at a 'Town Meeting M''" 31" 1766 and is now recorded. EzuA Arnold John Wadsworth pr Select men. John Wadsworth, Tovm Clerk, Q. 22 338 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1767. Mch 24. Record No. 5. 99. 1767. July 27. Record N°5. Page 100 1767. Nov. 30. Record N"5. Page 110, At a town meeting held in Duxborrough March 24* 1767 Col Bradford was chosen Moderator, John Wadsworth Town Clerk, and was sworn. The town then elected the various Town Officers,. and also voted Briggs Alden Esq, Capt Wait Wads worth and Mr. Ezra Arnold for the Committee to go and examine the claim of General Winslow and Col' Thomas, and to see what titles they have unto Dux borrough beach, and make a report of what they find relating there unto, at next May meeting. And at said meeting they voted that the select men should hire a work house and to drive the poor of the town into it, and to see all the business relating to the poor carried on in it according to the laws of this Province. Jury men were then chosen and drawn. And the town also voted that the select men should build a place in the South East end aloft in the meeting house, to keep the Town's powder in. And at said meeting, the Committee appointed by the Town of Duxborrough at their meeting in March 24'" 1767 to confer with, and examine the claims that General and Edward Winslow have to the beach , commonly called DuxboiTough beach, have attended that service and are of the opinion that the said Winslows have no legal claim or title to said beach. Briggs Alden \ Ezra Arnold >¦ Committee. Wait Wadsworth ) At a Town Meeting held at Duxborrough July 27'" 1767. Major Alden was chosen Moderator— and said meeting was to settle the towns debts, aud to raise money to pay the sarae — amt^ to £155. 15M0^" And Wrestling took Elnathan Weston to keep oue year. At a Town Meeting in Duxborrough, November 30"' 1767. Isaac Partridge was chosen Moderator, and the town chose Major Briggs Alden their Agent to answer the presentments made by the Grand Jury relating to the defective ways in said town, and the DUXBURY RECORDS. 339 town voted that the select men should lay out the way that leads from Plymouth into Powder Point. Voted to concur with the town of Boston relating to a vote there lately passed to encourage the manu factures of this Province. Voted to allow John Sprague 15 shillings old tenor per week for keeping Zenobia Bartlet 7 raonths. 1768. At a Town Meeting held in Duxborrough March March 14. 14'" 1768, Major Briggs Alden was chosen Moder- Record ator, John Wadsworth Town Clerk, and was sworn. N° 5. The town then elected town officers for the year Page 101. ensuing. The town voted that Major Alden be allowed to set up a gate across the high way that leads to Powder Point near the dwelling house of Amaziah Delanoe's, provided the said Alden gives or allows a good cart way through his way as is usual, into Powder Point — and no longer. And the Town voted that their Representative should use all the interest that lies in his power to procure an act made for levying an excise upon spirituous liquors, at the uext sitting of the Geueral Court. Voted to come into a new method about taking care of the Poor of the town, and to have the excise laid upon spirituous liquors as in the years 1764 & 1765 Aud the Town voted that Jemima Weston should take her husband away from Wrestling Alden, for the term of one year, and put him where she pleases, provided the said Jemima can get him kept as cheap, as Wrestling Aldens agreed with the town to keep him, and then the meeting was adjourned to tbe last Monday in the mouth at 3 o clock in the afternoon. Said meeting met again upon said adjournment, and Jurymen were drawn. And the Town voted that the select men do discharge Zenobia Bartlet from the care of the town, provided she produce a person whom the select men shall judge sufflcient. 340 D U^B UR Y RECORDS. that will enter into bonds that she shall not he chargable to the towu for the space of one year, and whensoever she becomes chargable, the things she now possesses shall be produced as good as they now are, except what they are irapared by proper usage to be deducted, and Jacob Peterson and Robert Sarason were chosen Sabbath Wardens. .John Wadsworth was chosen representative. May 16. 1768. At a Town Meeting held in Duxborrough July 25 July 25. 1768, The said raeeting was held to adjust the Record 'Town debts, and to raise raoney to pay the same No. 5. arat- £221. 19'. 3" Voted that Zenobia Bartlet should Page 102. take away all her household goods and things from Wrestling Alden's and use thera to her best advant age. And the sarae day at night Judar Delauoe Content Simmons at Public Vendue to keep this year for 18' old tenor pr AA^'eek one year is £13.18.01 and Johu Simmons was Vendued to Ebenezer Del anoe for 59' pr.Week old tenor which is a year £20. 16' and Elnathan Weston was Vendued to Mary Weston for 39' old tenor pr. AVeek which is for & year £13.18.01. 1768. At a Town Meeting in Duxborrough Sept. 19, 1768 Sept. 19. Colonel Bradford was chosen Moderator, and Capt. John AVadsworth was chosen to join the Committee of Convention on the 22" day instant to consult with the Convention for the service of the Province. 1769. At a Town Meeting in Duxborrough May 25th May 25. 1769 Colonel Bradford was chosen Moderator and Record John Wadsworth was chosen Representative for the N" 5. year ensuing. And Colonel Bradford, Major Alden Page 102. and Mr. P2zra Arnold be a comraittee to make up accounts with the Town treasurer. 1769. At a Town Meeting held in Duxborrough March Mch. 20. the 20th 1769, Col Bradford was chosen Moderator Record and John Wadsworth Town Clerk, and was sworn t) UXB UR Y RECOMDS. 341 N" 5. in. Page 103. Other town offlcers were then elected, aud the meeting adjourned to Tuesday next at four o clock. And then the Towu met again, and passed laws for the protection of herring. Also voted to build a powder house. 1766. Where as we the subscribers, select men of Dux- Mch. 4. borrough being requested by sundry inhabitants, to Record lay out a high way on the West side of South river N" 5. through the land of Bazaleel, and Wrestling Alden's Page 103. land aud so upward, and we began at a heap of stones on the Westerly side of the said river, to the Southerly side of a cart path that is now used, thence North 85 degrees West, 6 rods, thence South 67 de grees AVest, 36 rods, thence South 53 degrees West, 8 rods, thence South 65 degrees West, 38 rods, thence South 53 degrees West, 8 rods, thence South 65 degrees West, 38 rods, thence South 53 degrees West, 11 rods to Abner Samson's corner, thence South 41 degrees West, 20 rods, thence South 59 degrees West, 6 rods, thence South 76 degrees, 14 rods, theuce South 87 degrees West, 7 rods, thence South West 13 rods, thence South 56 degrees West 24 rods and J, thence South 65 degrees West, 14 rods, thence North, 84 degrees West, 4 rods 16 links, a little to the Northward of Nathaniel Samson's well and dwelling house, and we have laid out the way 30 foot wide upon the Northerly side of said line, and then we laid out the way further by the Northerly side of Nathaniel Samson's fence as it now stands until it takes the old road, and then the way lobe continued as the way now goes, 30 teet wide until it comes to Boston road at the four mile hill. In testmony whereof we have hereunto set our hands March 4th 1766. Briggs Alden A Ezra Arnold > Select Men. John Wadsworth j 342 DUXBURY RECORDS. 1770. At a Town meeting held in Duxborrough March Mch 20. 20'" 1770 Major Briggs Alden was chosen Modera- Record tor, aud Mr. John Wadsworth Jr. Clerk for said day. N" 5. This raeeting was for choice of Town Offlcers. Page 114. Also voted to receive William Loring and family for inhabitants of this town. May 25. Capt John Wadsworth was chosen Representative for the year ensuing. INDEX Abatement, . .. . 268, 270 Agent, 182, 203, 205, 207, 212. 236, 240, 241, 242, 243, 246, 248, 251, 253, 255, 256. 257, 259, 2()0, 2til, 262, 263, 264, 2()6, 271, 272, 277, 278, 291, 292, 298, 301, 302, 312, 313, 317, 323, 328, 331, 332, 335 Alden, Abigail 190 Alden, Benjamin, 93, 94, 119, 126, 164, . 206, 249, 258, 259, 260, 263 Alden, Briggs, 299, 309, 312, 313, 315, 317, 322, 324, 328, 329, 331, 332, 338, 339, 310 Alden, Daniel, ... 9, 28, 31 Alden, David, 39, 72, 176, 181, 189, 192, . 193, 201, 203, 262, 271, 272 Alden, John, 23, 54, 63, 9(i, 97, 164. 218, 236, 237, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 247, 250, 255, 257, 261, 262, 264, 265, 266,267 Alden, Jonathan, . . 62, 236 Aldeu, Jcseph, . . . 61, 62 Alden, Samuel, 165, 246, 248, 251, 258, 268, 277, 292, 299, 300, 302, 310, 311, 312 317 322 Alden,' Wrestling, . 338, 339, 340 Alewives 277 Ammunition, .... '267 Andrews, Stephen, . 146 Arnold, Benjamin, 258 Arnold, Edward, 100, 107, 165, 201, 240, 241, 244, 346, 247, 248, 250, 251, 252, 254, 255, 256, 259, 260, 261, 263, 264, 2(i5, 291, 293, 299 Arnold, Ezra, 266, 317, 323, 327, 338, 340 Arnold, James, 165, 240, 248, 253, 258, 259, 262, 315, 320 Arnold, Joanna, . . . 323 Arnold, Seth, 41, 70 78, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 110, 114, 175, 188, 191, 192, 193, 197, 202, 203, 205, 212, 246 Assessments, Commissioners of, 177, 178 Assessors, . . 278, 303, 327 Asisistauts, 175, 176, 179, 181, 182 Barker, Francis, 28, 68, 69, 73, 77, 92, 110, 178, 180, 187, 189, 194, 197, 201, 209, 212 Page. Barker, Isaac, . 8, 59, 75, 176 Barker, John, ... 97 Barker, Lucy 20 Barker, Robert, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19, 20, 25, 33, 34, 36, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 58, 59, 60, 70, 74, 176, 180, 185, 198, 203, 219 Barker, Samnel, . . 166, 198 Barker, Thomas, . 192, 219 Barren Hill, . 86, 87 Barstow's Bridge, . 36, 278, 291 Bartlett, Benjamin, 10, 59, 86, 87, 105 Bartlett, Ebenezer, . . -242 Bartlett, Ichabod, . 236 Bartlett, Samuel, 105, 130, 184, 201 Bartlett, Seth, . . 262, 266 Bartlett, Zenobia, . 339, 340 Bass, ... . . 335 Bease, Richard, . . .5 Beaver Dam, . . . .50, 183 Billingsgate, . . . 39 Bird, Ann 18 Bird, Thomas, . .17, 18, 50 Bisbe, Hopestill, ... 76 Bishop, James, 28, 49, 67, 79, 111, 181, 187 Bishop, Jolm, ... 80, 113 Blackbird, ... 249 Block Island, . . . 133 Bluefish River, . , 107, 175, 335 Boardman, David, . . 174 Bond 259 Boney, James, . 77. 78, 82, 193, 236 Boney, John, 67, 77, 111, 112, 193, 206, 207 303 Boney, 'Thoraas, . 37, 72, 98^ 212 Boney. "William, 67, 77, 193 Booth, Abraham, 79, 83, 84, 204 Boundary 323, 334 Bounty, . . . 241, 246, 249, 263 Bourne, Thomas, . . . 196 Bowles, Isaac, .... 299 Bradford, Gamaliel, 252, 253, 257, 258, 259. 262, 263, 264, 265, 266. 267, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 268, 276, 277, 279, 292 298, 29i), 300, 302, 306, 310, 312, 313, 314, 315, 317, 219, 320, 321, 335, .340 Bradford, Gershom, . 163 Bradford, Hezekiah, . 152, 163 344 INDEX. Bradford, John, Bradfiinl, Robert, Bradtord. Samuel, 80 Bradford, William, Brett, William -5, 7. 8, Brewster, Brewster,Brewster, Brewster, Brewster, .Brewster. 316, CoiLstant, Jonathan, Joseph, Joshua. Nathaniel, 32 120, William, 38, 184, 185, 191, 192, 258, 25!1 Brewster, Wrestling, Page. 96, 97 163, 303 92, 167, 191, •Ml, 221, 236 92 11, 12, 13, 16, 21, 45, 48'ft 80, 92, 167 317, ::-.'2, ;«!! •Ji5 99. 100, 2:i(i, '240 130, 172, 21 n. -JL', 27U, :'.2U l().j, 176 ISO, 185 19,-), 219 8 9, 12 13, 5(i, 8941 178 241, 29S 138 , 8li, i:i9, 87, 104, 178, Brick Kiln, Brown, John Bryant, Steven, . Bump, Edward, Bump's Meadow, Bm-lon, Tliomas, Byran, Ebenezer Cary, John, Careswell, . . 41,6,1 Chamberlain, Nathaniel, Chandler, Benjamin, 125 Chandler, Edward, Chandler, Johu, 177, 230, 2."i ¦IM, .-ilO, Chandler, Joseph, 70. 7.S. 87, 129, ISO, 185, 193, 196, 208, 241243251 i,;.s, ¦I'A 182 IW 97 17, 190 .'5, l.s,-) .!.-), 56, 111, 62 13 158, 238•j:ili 210, -236 108 '2i;i, 2(12, :!11, 312 Chandler, Nathaniel, Chandler, Philip, Cuandler, Samuel l.-)5 1411 10, 19, l--'9, 143, 144, 210 Chandler, Thomas, ('barter, Cluuch, Benjamin, 41 Clapp, Stephen, Clark's Island, Clarke, Thurston, Clarke, William, 11, 15, 34, 67, Clerk, Town, 217 300, 327, 328, 331 Cole, Ephraim, Cole, Mary, '241, Cole, Nathaniel, 271, 272, 271), :;8, 339, 340, 212, 244, 247, 2.-)l, 2114, 272 '29, .S4, 8.-), 102, I'JU, ISU, 24;: 199 298, :142 i:!3 2.-)0. , 27,S 119. , 21111 :'.9 21111,•224,¦JSIl. 301 Common Land, I'roprietor.s of, 214, -jl.s, -jsi). :;ii,-) Conuuon Meadow, 177. 17,s, 1.S2, 2Til. ¦J77, 29:!, 291) Complaint 277 Constable, 176, 17S, l.sil, 181. 185, '242, 243, 245, Too, 292. 322 Collier, William, Common Lands, Division of, 211, 2i:!, 216, 217, 21S, '-'22, •223. -J^Ji), 227, 22:1, 2:10, 2,i,i, Cooper, John, Council, Ecclesiastical, Council, Town, County Tax, Court, County, Court, General, 206, 212, 242, 24,-!, 244, •245, 247, •2i;4, 2(111, 2li7, 268, 269, •275, 27(1, '292, 306, .'112, Court, Inferior, 201. 2011 239, '241, 242, 243, 24(1, 268, 271, 292. 311 Court, Superior, 187, '201 Credit, Bill's of, . Crow,Cnshing, .loshua, Cushing, Nehemiah, Cut River, . Page. . 21 255, 257, 258, 264, 299, 300 . 180 283, 327 181, 182, '285 237, 240,241, 249, 250, '255, '271, 273, 274, 328, .•B5, 3;i9 , ¦2(17, 212, 237, 2(10, 265, 2(16, , 313, 320, 323 , 240, ^249, '2.50, 259, 30(1, 332 •262, 269249 . 212 291, 293, 299 . . 177 314, Dawes, Mary, Deer,Delano, Amariah Delano, Benoni, Delano, Bereah, Delano, David, Delano, Ebenezer, . Delano, Jane, 247, 265, 268, 272, 145, 2I1,S, 332 213, 236 Delano, Jesse Delano, John Delano 32, 93, 94, 246 Jonathan, . . 99, Delano, Joseph, Delano, Joshua, 263, Delano, .Tosiah, Delano, Jmlali, 314, Delano, Hazadiah, Delano, Nathaniel, . Delano, Philip, 11, 17 33, oi, 01, 173, 1.S2, 251, 2,32, •25.1, 272, 271 Delano, Samuel. 247, 207, . 291, 14.j, 104, 1711, 2115, 266, ^271, , 19, 2, •201, I, 291, :12S ), •JO, •2.i(>, •29:1, 90, 91, 327 2(1(1339242 164 3'25340 321, 327 11)1) 2(iX•2(15 '292 im, '292 103 .¦;i(i 166 172 239,2! 19, 313 179 Delano, Thomas, 57, .l.s, (Id, 67, 71, . 72, 78, 105, 107, ISS, '203, 210 Deputies, . . 180, 181 Din.a:ley, -Tacob, . •'2-1 l>ini;le'y's Wolf Trap. 60, 175 Dismission, . -'"^ Dodson, Anthony, • 18 Doui^lass. .loliu, . 2(18 Drew, Joseph, . 335 Duxl)orn)uo;b, Church of . 18, 19 Dii.-cljury, town of, 14, 15, 19, '23, 41, 61, 63, 64, 69. 76 Eaton. Martha, Eaton, Samuel, Ferniside, John, Fidelity, Oath of. ¦22. 23 7 176 INDEX. 345 Pish, Ebenezer, Fish, Nathaniel, Fish, Thomas, 113, 207, Fisher, Samuel, . Ford, Ann, Ford, Joseph, Ford, Michael, Ford, William, Forster, Hopstell, Foster, Thomas, . Freeman, Joseph, Page. . 323265 210, 238, 265, 266, 267 . 100, 235 7 . 298 168, . 114, 219 7 . 11 . 303 241, 250, 272, 278, 322, 327 Glade Creek, Glass, John, . . 100, 104, Glass, Roger. . 11, 16, 17, Gottom Meadow, Gottom River, Gr^ts, Court, . Grants, Town, Great Wood Island, 41, 55, 59, 175, 190, 237 105, 236 178, 180 64 . 177 209 . 209 60, 109 113, 114, 291, 292 23 96, 190 6262 Greeu Harbor, Green, Joseph, Gurnet, Gurnet Creek, Gurnet Island, Hall, Edward, Hanks, John, . Harlow, Eleazer, Hart Hill, Hatch, Samnel, . Hayward, Thomas, 10, 11, 12, 21, 45, 48 183, 321, 324, 331, 341 17, 18 . 19 336 170, 292, 299 70 41 6 335, 336, 341 55 89, 193, 196 64 176 23, 298 66 . ' 174, 175 10, 19, 26, 46, 186 75 Herring,Hicks, Daniel Hidbie, John Highway, Hiller, WiUiam, Hill, Samuel, Hobbes, John, Hobbes, William Hobomack's Pond, Holmes, Abraham, Holmes, Abrain, . Holmes, John, . Holmes, Joseph, Holmes, Josiah, 28, 33, 34, 46, 59, 68, 69, 73, 74, 76, 77, 181, 182, 186, 187, 192, 194, 197, 198 Hound's Ditch, . . 16, 208 Howland, Henry, . . 22 Howland, Joseph, . . . 176 Howland, Josiah, . . . 62 Howland, William, . . . 166 Hudson, John, 17, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 51, 52, 60, 62 Hunt, Edward 7 Hunt, John, . 276, 306, 320 Hunt, Samuel, ... 11, 27 Hunt, Thomas 158 Indian Head River, 19, 27, 30, 31, 42, . 67, 68, 70, 111, 204 23 Page. Interest, 266 Iron ' -. . 183 Island Creek, 14, 183, 194, 238, 246, 249, 328, 329, 331, 332 Jones, Cornelius, Jones River, 58, 59, 97, 164, Judgement, . Jury, Grand, 180, 207, 240, 241, 244, Jury, Petit, 175, 176 188, 191, 201, 203, 2,S9, 240, 241, 242, 249, 260, 265, 266, 181, 184, 245, 247 , 181, 182 206, 207, 243, 244, 208, 271, Keemp, William, Kein, Benjamin, , Kein, Hezekiah, Kein, Isaac, . Kein, John, Kein, Josiah, 69, 71, 185 72, 73, 80, Kein, Matthew, . King, Clement, King, Thomas, Lambert, Thomas, . Lathely, Phillip, . Learned, Solomon, Lease,Lendall, James, Leonard, Philip, . Leonard's Range, Ijcwis, Daniel, Little, Isaac, Loan,Lobdin, Isaac, . Lohegan,Loring, Benjamin, . Loring, Joshua, . Loring, Levi, Loring, Thomas, 78, . 203,205; Loring, William, 317, 318 204, 206. 207 259, 319 187, 201, , 249, 268 , 183, 184, 212, 237, 245, 246, 293, 306, 320, 323 10, 52, 58 . 79 166 . 166 , 186, 198 118, 180, 201, 210 . 81 . 4120 112 73, 112, 113 20 . 177 55 67,68,89,91,196 196 291, 295, 301, 304 70, 296 . 263, 264, 267 . 66, 67 . 272303 . 277, 303, 313 322 80, 94, 96, 97, 167, , 220, 221, 236, 249 342 Magoun, Elias, . . . . 9(i Magoun, James, ... 185 Mallinson, Joseph, . . . 213 Marshfield, Town of, 14, 15, 41, 69, 70 Mattacheesit, . . . 17,24 Mattakiset, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 35, 42, 45, . 48, 54, 70, 73, 74, 198, 212 Meeting House, 202, 205, 236, 258, 274, 275, 294, 295, 303, 310, 311, 312, 313, 315, 316, 318 Michill, Experience, 11, 23, 24, 25, 27 MiU Brook, 5, 13, 20, 55, 57, 58, 75, 198, 202 204 249 Ministry, 210, 25'7, 261, 262, 2d, 302, 312 . %6tr^. 314,315,317,319 Morton's hole, . . 101 Morton, Nathaniel, ... 18 346 INDEX. Page. Namassakeiset, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, '20, 23, 24, 25, 30, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 49, 54, 61. 65, 112, 174 Nash, Samuel, . ... 61 Norcult, Ephraim, . . 260, 267 North River, 34, 41, 52, 59, 60, 62, 195, . 202, 263, 278, 323, 331, 335 Notification, .... 218 Officers, County . . 237 Officers, Town, 237, 240, 242, 244, 247 Oldham, Isaac, .... 82 Ordination 264 Pabodie, Elizabeth, ... 9 Pabodie, William, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, .39 40, 41, 42, 47, 48, 63, 64, 65 Paibody, Goodman. ... 47 Palmer's Landing Place, . . 53 Paper, 251 Parris, Thomas, .... 82 Parsonage, . 192, 258, 261, 262, 265 Partridge, George, 13, 14, 20, 21, 159, 161, 170, 241, 248, 258, 292, 302, 303, 310, 311 Partridge, Isaac, 245, 266, 292, 303, o-|9 ggg Partridge, James, 88, 89, 168, 18l', 207 Partridge, John, 72, 78, 84, 88, 89, 92, 94, 113, 119, 126, 175, 193, 202, 203, 204, 205, 207, 209, 211, 218, 527» 23(>, 237, 239, 240, 265, 266, 267 Partridge, Samuel, . . . 268 Pastor, 264 Peirce, Abraham, 25, 49, 55, 56, 82 . 84, 111, 174, 180, 206 Peirce, Abram, . . . 186, 187 Peirce, Isaac, 54, 56, 82, 110, 111, 112 Petition, 209, 212, 244, 249, 307, 335 Peterson, Benjamin, 101, 106, 130, 201 Peterson, Isaac, . i;i4, 140, 242, 265 Peterson, Jacob, . . 245, 340 Peterson, Jonathan, 81, 94, 95, 96, 118, 146, 148, 165, 241, 242, 245, 272, 313, 314, 323, 327, 328 Peterson, Joseph, 67, 68, 91, 150, 166, 210 Peterson, Reuben, . . 146, 148 Phillips, Blainie, 141, 142, 152, 271, 320 Phillips, Thomas, 129, 138, 141, 142, 143, 144, 162, '239, 248 Pine Point, . . . . 5, 13 Pollard, George, ... 32, 55 Poor House 338 Powder House, 341 Powder Point, . . 97, 146, 246, 339 Prince, Thomas, . . 219, 258, '259 Prior, Benjamin, 106, 120, 157, 172, 203, 268, '299 Prior, John, .... 184 Prior, Joseph, . . 11, '25, 26, 138 Protest^ 200, 203, 210, 218, '220, 250, 351, 252, 254, 293 Page. Pudding Brook, 9. 25, 26, 'Ai, 36, 44, 45, 47, 50, 51, 54, 66, 69, 72, 79, 80, 81, 87, 183, 202. Bate, 178, 181, 206, 239. 240, 242, 243, 244, 248, 255, 259, 264, 267, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274. 275, 278, 298, 299, 305, 314, 320, 322, 325, .326, 328, 331, 332, 336 338 Representative, 188, 240, 241, 243,' 245, 247, 250, 355, 263, 264, 265, 273, 274. 275, 276, 292, 298, 306, 310, 313, 317; 321, 325. 328, 329, 332, 340, 342 Ridby, John, . . . 19 Rights, . . . 288, 289 Robins, Nicholas, . . 6, 48 Robins, Thomas, ... 45 Robinson's Creek, 9, 10, 33, 34, .36, 46, . 52, 53 Robinson, John, 84, 85, 102, 103, 105, 191, 192, 193, 200, 211, 212, 238, 247, . 248, 250, 253, 256, 257, 258, 260, 264 Rocky Plain, ... 23,24 Rogers, John, . . 11, 12, 14, 49, 68 Rogers, Joseph, 32, 111, 112, 178, 187 Rogers, Thomas, . . 45, 48 Rouse's Hummock, . . 114 Rouse, John, . . 14, 39, 61, 74 Rouse's Point, 193, 290, 295, 296, 300, 308, 312, 316, 317 Rouse, Simon 60 Russell, George, 12, 15, 17, 24, 43, 44, 45, 48, 50, 52, 53, 54, 58 Russell, George, Children of, 10, 36 Russell, George, Heirs of, . 34 Russell, John, 43, 46, 59, 61, 74, 75, 83, 84, 183, 181, 227 Russell, Joseph 324 Sabbath 248 Salary, . . 247, 252, 257, 260, 299 Sampson, Abraham, 11, 20, 57, 58, 59, 67, 68, 71, 72,78,103, 107, 109, 127, 128, 175, 186, 197, 213, 218, 219, 237, 246, 292, 317 Sampson, Cabet, .... 59 Sampson, Caleb, 90, 91, 155, 166, 175, 240,249 Sampson, Ebenezer, . . 292 Sampson, Henry, . 11, 36, 46, 185 Sampson, Ichabod, 102, 103, 107, 137 Sampson, John, 96, 298, 300, 309, 313, ,314 Sampson, Joshua, . .155 Sampson, Nathaniel, 246, 248, '292, 327 Sampson, Rohert, . . 299, 340 Sampson, Stephen, 113, 181, 185, 207 Saquaquash, . . . 62, 190 School, Grammar, '253, 2fi9, 272, 291, 323,328 School House, . . 208,236,249 School, Keeping of, . 269,270,299 School Master, 241, 242, 255, 246, 247, . 248, 253, 270, 271, 272, 277, 310 Seat 236 INDEX. 347 Page. Seabury, Samuel, ()2, 63, 96, 131, 132, 158, 169, 183, 188, 191, 192, 194, 202, 212, 2;i(), '2.38, 243, 271, 272, 278, 279, 291, 292, 293, 295, 300, 302, 305, 310, 311, 312, 313, 315, 320, 322, 325, 328 Sele.ctmen, . 176, 178, 180, 181 Shaw, John, . . . 5, 13 Sheriff, . - . . 260 "Silver, . . 179, 181, 191, 197 Silvester, Israel, . . 210, 267, 322 Simmons, Benjamin, 119, 120, 243, 246, 336 Simmons, Content, • . ,335, .340 Simmons, Fear, 336 Simmons, Goodman, . 57 Simmons, Ichabod, . 325 Simmons, Isaac, 89, 150, 166, 173, 248 Simmons, John, 103, 122, 175, 210, 236, 340 Simmons, Joseph, . . 122, 268 Simmous, Moses, . . 10, 272, 277 Simmons, Nathaniel, . . 314, 318 Simmons. Priscilla, . . 173 Simmons, William, . . 332 Simonson, Johu, 178, 180, 181, 183 Snow, Anthony, . 14, 15, 23 Souhegan, . . . 291, 314 Soiile, Aaron, . 73, 80, 120, 187, 210 Soule, Ezra, . . . .317 Soule, George, 11 Soule, Gideon 311 Soule,.John, 28, 29, 30, 31. 32, 33, :M, 36. 37, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 70, 108, 175, 178, 191 Soule, .loseph, . 108, 110, 122, 133 Soule, Joshua, 108, 109, 110. 134, 137, 140, 153, 240, 246, 248, 251, 291, 293, 2i)7, 301, 302, 304, 309. 310, 311, 313, 315, 317 Soule, Josiah, 81, 94, 95, 96, 108, 109, 110 Soule, Moses, 98, 99, 100, 115, 116, 157, . 204, '263, 265, 266, 268 Soule, Nathaniel, . . .322 Soule, Zaohariah, . 61, 62, 66, 73 South River, 28, 29, 31, 34, 67, 68, 84, 86, 91, 102, 126, 177, 178, 204, 269, 291, 292 Southworth, Benjamin, . 166, 254 Southworth, Constant, 8, 10, 13, 16, 17, . 23, 24, 25, 26, 42, 47, 236 Southworth, Edward, 30, 31, 57, 59, 62, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 114, 117, 118, 176, 178, 179, 180, 183, 191, 192, 201, 205, 210 Southw-orth, Elizabeth, . . 17 Southworth, John, 61, 170, 292, 320, 328 Southworth, Thomas, 116, 117, 118, 135, 145, 253, 3'23 Sprague, Grace, . . 98, 99, 124 Sprague, Jethro, . . . .i 172 Sprague, John, 11, 37, 59, 65, 189, 191, 192, 339 Page, Spragile, Samuel, 41, 70, 76, 79, 113, ^ 204, 207, 209, 212, 249, 2()3, 265, 266, 268, 271 Sprague, Peleg, . . . 303 Sprague, William, . . . 212 Sprout, Robert, . 3(>, 46, 185, 197 Stacey, John 5 Stamp Act 333, 334 Standish. Alexander, 6, 22, 37, 38, 39, (W, 67, 177, 178, 182 Standish, Ebenezer, . . .188 Standish, Jcsiah, ... 22 Standish, Myles, 6, 105, 107, 130, 292, 306, 320 Stanford, Robert, 159, 161, 205, 268, 321 Stockbridge, Josepii, ill, 206, 209 . 211, 218 Stoney Brook, .... 97 Surveyor, . 178, 180, 185, 218, 220 Tar Kiln 7f , 87 Thacher Ralph, . 29 Thacher Thomas, 184, 185 Thomas, Caleb, 210 Thomas, Deborah, 329 Thomas, Elias, 9 Thomas, Gideon, 166 Thomas, James, 90, 120, 135 149, 154, 253 Thomas, John, . . 60, 177, 181 Thomas, Josiah, . . 243, 306 Thomas, Nathaniel, . 41, 96, 97, 238 Thomas, William, ... 176 Thompson, Jacob, . . . 203 Tisdel, John 7, 8, 16 Tracy, Deborah, . 193, 195 Tracy, Ensign, . . 180, 181 Tracy, John, 28, 29, 30, ,33, 35, 36, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52. 53, .54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61, 63, 64, 65, . 71, 181, 187, 192 Training Field 219 Treasurer, 185, 202, 239, 252, 253, 276, 327 Trustees, 237, 240, 263, 265, 266, 267, 268, 322 Tubbs, Joseph 74 Tubbs, William, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16, 24, . 43, 45, 47, 61, 65, 113 Turner, Bartlett, ... 245 Turner, Charles 319 Turner, John, . . . 240, 2(i2 Turner, Joseph, . . . 178, 181 Tussocks, .... 97,J164, 167 Veazie, Samuel, 255, 260,261, 262, 264, 271, 274, 277, 292, 298, 299, 300, 302 Vinal, .Jonathan, . . 314, 315 Wadsworth, Christopher, 106, 115, 116, 124, 127, 128, 131, 132, 138, 140, 159, 161, 249, 297 Wadsworth, Elisha, 80, 167, 191, 201, 242 Wadsworth, Goodman, . 34, 35 348 INDEX. Page. Wadsworth, Ichabod, 84, 85, 114, 115, 120, 242, 245, 262 Wadsworth, Isaac . . . 237 Wadsworth, John, '28, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 61, 89, 911, 97, 101, 105, lOo, 113, 114, 115, 146, 163, 180, 184, 189, 241, 246, '248, 2.11, 254, 262, 2I>6, 276, 298, 299, 314, 3'29, 340, 342 Wadsworth, .Joseph, 58, 180, 188 Wadsworth, Peleg, 245, 271, 300, 331 Wadsworth, Susana, . 312 Wadsworth, Wait . . 338 Waiting Hill 99 Wanton, Edward, 77,112,194 Warden, .... 340 Warmal, Ebenezer, 249 Warmal, Josiah, 84, 180, 181, 200, 252 Warren, James, . . 96, 97, 260 Washburn, John, . . 26,30,64 West, Francis, 7, 11, 24, 55, 61, 62, 69 West, Pelatiah, 93, 115, 119, 120, 2;«i, 240, 241, 243, 246, 253, 315 West, Peter, 31, 177, 179, 181, 186, 2;f5 West. Richard 5 West, Samuel, 19, 55, 62, 103, 120 Page. Weston, Elnathan, 59, 94, 109, 176, 185, 187, 210, 325, 336, 338, MO Weston, Edman, . . 11, 32 Weston, Edmond, . 58, 62, 175 Weston, Edward, . . 61, 67 Weston, Jemima, . . , 339 Weston, John, 91, 113, 130, 185, 186 Weston, Joseph, . . .245 246 Weston, Mary .... 340 Weston, Samuel, 163, 248, 255, 263, 264, 268, 271, 274, 277, 291, 295 We-ston, Thomas, . 320, 325, 327 Wetherill, William, 12, 48, ,58 Wild Cat, 241, 246, 263 Williamson, George, 81, 87, 99, 138 Williamson, Samuel, . . 153 Willis, John, . .' 6, 10, 58 Winslow, John, . 312 Winslow, Josiah, . 23,6.3,64 Wiswall, William, . . 45, 105 Wiswell, Ichabod, 182, 183, 184, 185, 189, 190, li'3 Witherly, Williara, . 12, 48, 58 Wormal, Hannah, . 271, 273 Wright, Edward, . 18 Wyborn's Path, . . .26 Date YALE UNIVERSITY 002956739b