VaieLViiersi'/Lb'i 39002002957737 •^^^ V 0< ^ lONT .yQQfi M ^\.>- liiii CLARK'S JOURNAL BiNDERV ., , :.,... ....ijiA.. . .:.i Bought with the income of the biL^ IBaM^&££u^£^ Fund THE HISTORY '¦I"^ TOWN OF MONTPELIER, INCLUDING THAT OF THE TOWN OF EAST MONTPELIER, FOR THE FIRST ONE HUNDRED AND TWO YEARS. [From Vol. IV, of the Vermont Historical Gazetteer, now in press.] Fair land, of hill and dale- Sweet Freedom's chosen throne, Revered of all Vermont — Pre-eminent our own. MONTPELIER, VT. : PUBLISHED BY MISS A. M. HEMENWAY. 1882. CONTENTS Walton Papers.— Grants, proprietors, 251, 257; First settlers, 259; Firstthings, 261 ; Vital statistics, epidemics, 263 ; Organization, 265 ; Habits of the first settlers, 266 ; Prices of labor, stock, exports, imports, grand list, political history, 268, 269 ; Representatives, citizens who have held U: S. offices. State offices. County offices, manufacturers, 272, 3, 4; Attorneys, physicians, merchants and traders, 277, 8 ; Banks and Insurance Companies, 281, 2 ; State-houses, County buildings, hotels, 283 to 287 ; 1st and 2d Congregational church. Free Will Baptist church, Universalist, Unitarian, Protestant Episcopal church. Catholic, 288, 9 ; Libraries and Debating Societies, Washington County Grammar School, Union Graded School, Newspapers and Authors, 290, 1 ; Mihtary— Minute-men, Governor's Guard, War of 1812, Larned Lamb, Sylvestar Day, Gustavus Loomis, Sylvester Churchill, Capt. Cyrus Johnson, Lieutenants West, Putnam, Eddy, Richardson, etc., War of the Rebellion, 295 to 299 ; Public enterprise, Turnpike, Projected canals, 299, 300-307 ; Railroad enterprises, 301 ; Wm. K. Upham, Maj. Chas. C. Upham, Mrs. George Langdon ; Hon. Joseph Howes and wife, 477 ; Capt. Nathan Jewett, Col. E. P. Jewett and portraits, 483, 4^4 ; Hon. John Spaulding, 487 ; Maj. R. W. Hyde, 488, and portrait ; Gov. Asahel Peck, 495, and por trait; Hon. Geo. Worthington, 498 ; Maj. A. L. Carleton and portrait, 500; George , Langdon and portrait, 603 ; George W., Charles, and J. Warren Bailey and portrait. 504, 505 ; Hon. R. W. Keith and portrait, 510 ; Dea. C. W. Storrs, 512, portrait, 591 ; James G. French ; Luther, Charles and Timothy Cross, 515, and portrait; Abraham G. D. Tuthill ; Joshua Y. Vail ; Cyrus, John and Zenas Wood, and portraits, 517, 520, 550; James R. Langdon and portrait, 544; Hon. John A. Page and portrait, 548; Hon. Nelson A. Chase, 546; Union Mutual Fire Insurance Co., 550; Thomas W. Wood, portrait promised, 552; Gen. P. P. Pitkin and portrait, 554; Hon. Joseph Poland and portrait, 566; Wm. W. Cadwell, 557; Marcus D. Gilman, 558; Hon. E. P. Walton, portrait, 541, 542; George C. Shepard, 567. Gilman Papers.— Postmasters, Newspaper Record, 307 ; Bibliography, 313-324; Hon. E. P. Walton, 538; M. D. Gilman's portrait, 558; residence, 571. HusE Papers. — Vermont State Library, 324 ; Rev. F. W. Shelton, 419 ; Hon. C. W. Willard and portrait, 492 ; Luther Newcomb, Esq., 510 ; Homer W. Heaton, 543. Cutting Papers.— The State Cabinet, 326 ; Memorial Address of the Vt. Fire Ins. Co. on the death of Hon. Daniel Baldwin, 517. Bancroft Papers. — Number of deaths in town yearly, longevity of Montpelier, 326, 327 ; accidents, 330 ; suicides, crimes, fires, 330-338 ; fioods, 338 ; Revolutionary soldiers, Mexican war, List of men furnished by the town to the last war, 341, 350; St. John the Baptist Benevolent Society, 356; Commissioned Officers, 520; Military Necrology, 523 ; Soldiers buried in Montpelier cemeteries, 524 ; in National cemeteries, Anecdotes and Incidents of Soldiers, 525 ; Notes and Necrology of citizens, 526, 530 ; Fire Department, 549; Old People of 1881, 556; Portrait of Aaron Bancroft, 475. Atkins Papers. — The " Argus and Patriot," portrait of the Editor, 310 ; Christ Church [Atkins and Huse] view, 410; view of Bethany Church, 387; "Argus and Patriot" building, 465. Cave Papers. — Masonic, Knights of Honor, Odd Fellows, Brooks Post, 355: Wing Papers. — Members of Washington County Bar, 356 ; Vt. Bar Association, J. A- Wing, portrait, 358; Burning of the State House, 338; Biographical sketch, poems, 545 ; President Monroe's visit, selected. Dr. Putnam Papers.— Medical Men of Montpelier, 358 ; Dr. J. Y. Dewey and portrait, 478 ; Dr. F. W. Adams, 479; Dr. C. B. Chandler, Dr. C. M. Rublee, 481 ; Dr. W. H. H. Richardson, 482; Dr. N. C. King and portrait, 582; Portrait of Dr. Sumner Putnam, 480. Bridgman Papers. — Lorenzo and Peggy Dow and portraits, 363. CONTENTS. Bartlett Papers. — Methodism in Montpelier, view of church edifice, 374 ; "The Vermont Christian Me.ssenger," 353, 382 ; Rev. Elisha J. Scott, Rev. Alonzo Webster, D. D., Rev. W. D. Malcom, 355. Sherburne Paper.— Vermont Methodist Seminary and view, 384, 385. Poland Papers.—" The Voice of Freedom," " The Green Mountain Freeman," 311 ; Congregational Church Papers, 387; Sabbath-School Record, 394; Samuel Wells, 484; Portrait, 556; Interior of Bethany, 568; Residence, 569. Wright Papers.— Rev. Chester Wright and portrait, 388 ; The Church of the Messiah, 408 — view, 566; "The Christian Repository," 409 ; Col. Levi Boutwell and portrait, 494; Hon. Charles Reed and portrait, 513; Hon. Daniel Baldwin and portrait, 516. BuCKHAM Papers. — Rev. Wm. H. Lord, D. D., and portrait, 392; Montpelier Graduates of U. V. M., 551. Catholic Papers. — Walton's account, 289 ; Bancroft, 356; View of church. Bishop's account, and of Rev. Z. Druon, St. Augustine's, 422 ; Rev. Jeremiah O'Calli- ghan. Rev. H. Drolet, Rev. Z. Druon, 422, 423 ; Rev. Joseph Duglue, 424 — portrait in view ; The Interior of St. Augustine's, St. Michael's School, 424, errata for 574. Hopkins Papers. — The Baptist church — supplemented by the pastor, 425 ; The Old Village Sexton, 475; Col. Boutwell Anecdotes, 563; Geo. W. Barker, 566; Col. Abel Carter, Gamaliel Washburn, 567 ; The Old I5rick church, 568 ; Description of Bethany church, 569; (Editor's) notice of the Colonel, 570; Early choristers, 571. Hadley Paper. — Organists and Musicians, 428. FiFiELD Papers. — Hon. Lucius B. Peck, 463; Hon. Timothy P. Redfield, 540. Redfield Papers. — Stoddard B. Colby, 468 ; Hon. Roderick Richardson, 546. Shepard Papers. — Capt. Lemuel Brooks, Mrs. Rhoda Brooks, Thomas Brooks, 476; Jonathan Shepard and portrait, 477 ; Geo. C. Shepard's residence, 477. Howard Paper. — Rev. Elisha Brown and portrait, 498. CLAliK Paper.— Charles Clark, M. D., 511, and portrait, 278. Merrill Papers. — Town Officers, i860 to 1882, 549. Ripley Note. — Pioneer Abolitionists, 550. The portraits donated by parties named on page J91, 592. selections made from parties who are dead. D. P. Thompson's Papers. — Col. Jacob Davis, 429; Mrs. Rebecca Davis. Hon. David Wing, 431 ; Elder Ziba Woodworth, 432 ; Dr. Edward Lamb, 433 ; Col. James H. Langdon and wife, 434, 435 — for portraits, see frontisplates ; Hon. Jeduthan Loomis, 436; Hon. Timothy Merrill, 437; Hon. Ferrand F. Merrill, Hon. Araunah Waterman, 438; Hon. Cyrus Ware, 440; Capt. Timothy Hubbard, 441 ; Gen. E. P. Walton, 442 — notice of Mrs. Walton and portraits added ; Dr. James Spaulding, 445 ; Hon. Samuel Prentiss and portrait, 447 ; Mrs. Prentiss, 451 ; Hon. Joseph Reed, 552 ; •Hezekiah H. Reed, 453; Hon. William Upham, 454— Mrs. Upham, re-written and portraits added ; Col. Jonathan P. Miller, 457 ; Sketch of Thompson, acknowledgment to Thompson, sons of Thompson, 69— previous part of vol— 462, 537— this part. [See Walton's credits, -s'es, 266, etc.] Accidents, fires, floods, credit, 341 ; Fire depart ment, S49; Fourth of July, 1807, 554; First Election Day in Montpelier, 555. Fanny W. Nutt.— The Two Crowns, 380. Rev. Elisha J. Scott's Adieu to Earth, 383. Lord Papers.— Extracts from Fiftieth Anniversary Sermon, 390, 91 ; Bethany Dedication Sermon, 396; Art and Nature— Vermont in Snnimer, 407 ; Extract from funeral discourse of Mrs. James R. Langdon, 503 ; Words at Eastman's funeral, 507 ; Prayer and dedication at the dedication of Green Mount Cemetery, 533, 536. Shelton Papers.— Historical Sermon, and poems contributed by Mrs. Shelton, 412, 420, 21 ; Address at dedication of Green Mount Cemetery, 530. Pearson Catalogue.— Marcus Tullius Cicero Wing, 432. CONTENTS. Goss Papers. — Ode on the death of Washington, 469 ; Fugitive's Directory, 470 ; Sketch of Samuel Goss, from obituary in the Watchman, and from family papers ; Frank Goss, Mrs. Lucy A. (Goss) Cobb, O. H. Smith, from obituary papers from Mrs. O. H. Smfth, 470, 471. Willard Papers. — James T. Thurston, 468; Joseph W. Wheelock, 490. additional papers. Mahlon Cottrill, Jed P. C. Cottrill — Watchman File, 493, 494! Cottrill Family, portraits, 282, 520. Carlos Bancroft, Arthur D. Bancroft, 497; portrait of Carlos Bancroft, 280." Capt. Isaac Ricker, 474. Watrous Family, 497, 498. R. H. Whittier, portrait, 335; Watchman, 504; Thk Dodge Family, 501. Charles G. Eastman and portrait, family, poems, 506-510 ; Green Mount Cem etery Hymn, 536. Green Mount Cemetery, 532-539. Hon. Nicholas Baylies, 544. Spaulding Family. — Mrs. Spaulding, Watchman ; Charles C. Spaulding, Bur lington Free Press and Rutland Herald; James Reed Spaulding, U. V. M. obituary, SST^ 558. Curtis A. Coburn, Lieut. Abbott, Lieut. Stetson, 559 ; Charles W. Lyman, 559, Watchman file. Graduates. — Middlebury, Dartmouth, Amherst, Harvard, Yale, etc., 551, 2, 3; Golden Weddings, 253 ; Mrs. Gov. Ransom, 557 ; A Soldier^s Letter, 559. Hobart Letter. — Central Vermont Railroad at Montpelier, and Montpelier Branch, 561. Telegraph and Express Office, 562 ; Montpelier and Wells River Railroad, 563. Street Views. — New Central Vermont Depot, 560 ; Vermont Mutual Fire Insur ance Co's Building, 561; Pavilion Hotel, 562; Watchman and Journal 'i>v\\di\^^, Rialto Block, 563; Washington County Court House, 564; Argus and Patiiot Build ing, 565; Church of the Messiah, 566; Residence of Geo. C. Shepard, 567; Interior of Bethany Church, 568; Residence of Joseph Poland, 569; Baptist Church, 570; State Capitol, 73 ; First and second State House, 282. EAST MONTPELIER. Kelton Papers. — Organization, first town officers, first things, population, de scription of township, industries. East Village, North Village, schools, 574 ; Libraries, church edifices, religious .societies. Freewill Baptists, Universalists, Methodists, 576; Christians, epidemics, the early settlement, 577; Samuel Rich, 578; Benjamin I. Wheeler, Jerahmel B. Wheeler, Maj. Nathaniel Davis, 579; Isaac Gray, Samuel Templeton, 582 ; longevity list of the dead, 584. D. P. Thompson Papers.— Gen. Parley Davis, 579 — portrait, 574; Clark Stevens and portrait, 580 ; poetry of, 586. Dr. Putnam Paper. — Dr. Nathaniel King and portrait, 582. Bancroft Papeiis.— Longevity list of the living, 584 ; Soldiers of East Mont pelier, 587 ; Roll of Honor, 590. Truman C. Kelton Papers.— Suicides and casualties, 584 ; Town officers, 586. Oilman Paper.— Sylvanus Shepard, 586. errata, 574, 590. CoRHECTiON TO 590 :— Portrait of Charles Bailey withdrawn by the donor for dissatis faction with the engraving ; interior view of Christ Church, on impracticability to obtain a good photograph of deferred ; view of M. E. church interior, relinquished. Portrait of T. W. Wood, artist, on account of pressing engagements, not yet received, but hoped for in .time for the State Volume, and perhaps for the County Volume. To the list on 590, has been added Mr. Poland's residence as seen above, and the Argus Building, contributed by Mr. Atkins. [copyright secured to miss HEMENWAY.] MONTPELIER. 251 MONTPELIER. BY HON. ELIAKIM P. WALTON. From the first Vermont grant of the town of Montpelier, Oct. 21, 1780, to Jan. I, 1849, the territory known by that name embraced the present towns of Montpelier 'and East Monpelier; hence this paper will for that period give the history of the two existing towns under the original name, and of the present town of Mont pelier from the last-named date. LOCATION. The original town was located on the longest river which has both its origin and embouchure within the State — the Win- ooski. In a map published at New Haven, Conn., about 1779, this river was called, '¦' R. a laMoelle, pyenchR.or WenusooR., also Oniain .ff." The first name was given by Champlain in 1609, to the next princi pal river north, now called Lamoille, and it was erroneously applied to the Winooski on tbe map referred to ; French, or Onion, river was the name given in early New Hampshire charters of towns located on the river, and " Wenusoo " and " Oniain^'' were the erroneous readings by the drafts man or engraver, for the genuine and beau tiful Winooski, and the equally genuine but strong-flavored Onion, which suggests rather the richness of the broad meadows on either bank than the exceeding beauty of the mingled landscape of water, meads and magnificent mountains. The town was located in latitude 44° 17' north, and longitude 4° 25' east from the capitol at Washington, and about 10 miles north-east from the exact geograph ical centre of the State, which is near the west line of Northfield, in the mountain between Northfield and Waitsfield. Four important branches embouch in the town or on its border: Dog river from the south, Stevens's Branch from the south-east and Kingsbury's Branch and North Branch from the north, while the Winooski itself enters near the north-eastern, and runs to the south-western, corner of the town. Dog river gave the passage for the Vermont Central railroad through the mountains to the third branch of White river, which has its source at the same level as that of Dog river ; Stevens's Branch has the same source in one of its branches as the second branch of White river, which cuts through the eastern mountain range by the famous " Gulf" in Williamstown, and a branch of Stevens's, from Barre, gives easy access to the valley of Wait's river. The northern branches of the Winooski give eligible passes to the upper valleys of Wells and Lamoille rivers, and North Branch gives an ea?y and almost a perfectly straight pass into the valley of the Lamoille, opposite Wild Branch, which cuts through to a branch of Black river, and thus opens a clear way to Lake Memphremagog at Newport. This location of the town, so central and so easily accessible to the surrounding coun try in every direction, probably had an important influence in making it the polit ical capital of the State, as it certainly has had upon the thrift of its business men. These facts also indicate that in the future, as ability shall be given, the village of Montpelier -will become the centre for the intersection of at least five railroad lines, rui.ning in the river valleys above named, making it ultimately as accessible by rail as it has been by the ordinary highways. The Central railroad now opens two of these valleys to Montpelier ; in the third, the Montpelier and Wells River railroad is now in operation ; in the fourth, the managers of the Central road contemplate the laying of a track, and in that event the valley of the North Branch to the Lamoille will alone remain to be occupied. A survey for a railroad there has been made, and the route is proved to be feasible. EARLIEST GRANTS. The earliest known grant of any part of the territory, on which the township was located, was made by Cadwallader Colden, Lieutenant and acting Governor of the then royal Province of New York, June 13, 1770, under the name of "Newbrook," which was a grant to Jacobus Van Zant. On a map of Vermont, and of parts of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York and Pennsylvania, published at New Haven, Conn., when the inhabitants of Vermont held their lands "by the triple title of 252 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. honest purchase, of Industry in Settling. and now lately that of conquest,^'' the last phrase indicating about 1779 as the date — this New York township seems to have embraced Montpeliereastwardfrom ashort distance west of the mouth of North Branch, near the spot on which the State Capitol stands, with parts of Barre, Plainfield and Berlin." On the 25th of June, 1770, still another small portion of Montpelier, on the East ern border of the town, was granted, by the same authority, under the name of " Kingsborough," to John Morin Scott, who was subsequently a delegate from New York in the Continental Congress ; and on the 3d of July, 1771, John Murray, Earl of Dunmore, and then Governor of New York, granted yet another portion, under the name of " Kilby," to William McAdams. According to the map referred to, this grant covered all but a very narrow gore between the New Hampshire grant of Middlesex and the preceding New York grants of Kingsborough and Newbrook. Hon. Hiland Hall has suggested that Newbrook embraced Waterbury and vi cinity, Kingsborough, Montpelier and vi cinity, and Kilby, Middlesex and vicinity ;f but the New Haven map very correctly marks all the towns granted by New Hampshire on the North side of the Win ooski, from Colchester to Middlesex, both included, with the names they now bear, ex cept Betton for Bolton, and an omission of the corner of Richmond, which is included in Jericho. Immediately adjoining and East of Middlesex is " Kilby," just where Montpelier belongs. The only difficulty * The explanation on tbe map brings out so strongly the Vermont spirit of those days, that it is worth copy ing entire, as follows : "The Townships or Grants East of Lake Cham- " PLAIN are laid down as granted by the State of "New Hampshire, Except those that are marked " Y Which were granted by the State of New York *'on unlocated ground, where they do not interfere "with the Hampshire Grants; the Spurious New " York grants that interfere with the Older ones are "marked with dotted lines, and as they are mostly " granted to Oflicers in the Regular arniy except a "few which have the name of Wallis, Kemp, aud " some such otiier favourites of these Princes of Land "Jobbers MOORE, Dunmoee, Colden, and Tbyon, " Stamped on them. It was not thought worth while to "note them; Especially as the IilLabltants of tlie " State of Vermont now hold them by the triple title " of houest purchase, of Industry in Settling, and now " lately that of Conquest."— ifty) facing page 530 in Vol. 4, of Documentary History oj New York. t Vermont Historical Society Collections, Vol. I, pp. 154, 165, 156. in the case is that "Kilby" contained 30,000 acres, or 6,930 more than Mont pelier, which would make "Kilby" cov er a part of the present towns of Plain- field and Marshfield, with the whole of Montpelier ; but, on the other hand, in that case, the junctions of North Branch and Stevens's Branch with the Winooski should be in " Kilby " on the map, whereas they are in " Newbrook." The writer has con jectured that "Kilby" in fact embraced part of the territory laid down on the map as Middlesex, and that Montpelier was covered by parts of "Kilby," "New brook " and "Kingsborough," which would bring Berlin very near its correct place on the map, where it is in fact quite erro neously placed in relation to Middlesex. These statements are of some interest as belonging to the history of the town, yet they are of no possible importance, since the grantees of New York appear never to have availed themselves of their grants, though an attempt was made to survey this region in 1773, by Samuel Gale, which was prevented by Ira Allen.* The names of the New York grantees do not appear in the list of persons who re ceived compensation for their lands out of the $30,000 paid by Vermont to New York as a settlement of the long and bitter con troversy for title and jurisdiction. The three New York grants were therefore dor mant, or had lapsed forwant of compliance with prescribed conditons, when, in 1780, a petition was filed in the office of the Secre tary of State of Vermont, by Timothy Big elow, Jacob Davis, Jacob Pavis, Jr., Thos. Davis, and others, asking for a grant of unappropriated land. This was at the most critical period in the history of Ver mont, when New York and New Hamp shire were both claiming jurisdiction of the State, and Congress seemed so strongly bent upon sacrificing it to one of the claim ing States, or dividing it between both, that the agents of Vermont in Congress withdrew, and indignantly refused further' to attend, though invited to do so.f * Vt. Historical Society CoUections, Vol. I n %:,R where Allen states explicitly Uiat Gale's caniri was '¦near the nunlieast corner of the [llienl inesi-iit town of .¦Huntpelier." ¦¦ ^ liK-smt 'iSame, Vol. II, pages 31-34. MONTPELIER =53 At this period, two-thirds of the State were occupied by the scouts of the British army and the Green Mountain Boys,* and the British far exceeded the Vermonters in the number of men and in military sup plies. In fact, on the very day when^he General Assembly authorized the grant of Montpelier, Major Carleton with a British force was at Ticonderoga, just returned from a successful raid on North-eastern New York, in which he had captured Forts Ann and George, and destroyed nearly all the farm-houses and barns in the towns of Kingsborough and Queensborough.f It was at this critical time that Vermont was forced to rely on policy rather than arms for protection, and the negotiation with Gen. Frederick Haldimand, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the British forces in Canada, was then instituted. In these desperate circumstances, one of the greatest difficulties was the want of money with which to supply and pay the little army of the infant State — a State which was not only relying solely on its own re sources for its own defense, but actually had furnished and was in part supporting Col. Seth Warner's regiment in the Con tinental anny, then and while in service used for the protection of Vermont's most dangerous enemy — New York. For the extraordinary expenses of military defense, the taxes upon a people just entered upon the primeval forests, and having hardly cleared enough to afford a scanty support even in peaceful times, would not sufl5ce ; and necessarily, therefore, the State Gov ernment relied upon the sale of its wild lands, and of the confiscated estates of en emies, for a fund to meet extraordinary expenses. An essential point of course was, to find purchasers who could make ready pay in specie, or its equivalent, and thus supply the pressing needs of the gov ernment. Accordingly we find, on the Assembly journal of the 14th of October, 1780, the following entry: Resolved, that a Committee of five, to join a Coramittee from the Council, be ap- •Tii October, 17S0, the nionlh lu which the grant of Montpelier was asked, a British party passed ihiviugli lliat town, on their way to attackKoyaltou.-See B. H. Hull'!. Eastern Vermont, p aS3. t Vt Hist. &0C. Coll.. Vol.11, pages se, 41 4d, 66-69. pointed to take into consideration the sit uation of ungranted lands within this State which can be settled, and the several pe- ' titions filed in the Secretary's office pray ing for grants of unlocated lands, and report their opinion what lands can be granted and what persons will most con duce to the welfare of this State to have such grants. The members chosen by ballot are, Mr. Samuel Robinson, Mr. [Edward] Harris, Col. [John] Strong, Mr. [Ebenezer] Cur tiss, and Mr. [Joshua] Webb.* This Committee was deemed so impor tant that on the 17th of October, 1780, the Assembly added to it four members, to wit: Mr. [Matthew] Lyon, Mr. [Benja min] Whipple, Mr. [Thomas] Porter, and Mr. [Major Thomas] Murdock.f The members of this Committee were selected from the then most important towns in the State, to wit : Bennington, Halifax, Dorset, Windsor, Rockingham, Arling ton, Rutland, Tinmouth and Norwich ; and the Council completed the Committee by adding leading men of the time, all noted in Vermont history, to wit : Ira Allen, John Fassett, (Jr.,) Jonas Fay and Paul Spooner. J The grant of the township of Montpel ier — a name given by Col. Jacob Davis — was, in this emergency, the first one rec ommended by the Committee and the first one authorized by the General Assembly. In General Assembly, \ Saturday Oct. 2ist, 1780. \ The committee appointed to take into consideration the ungranted lands in this State, and the several Pitches on file in the Secretary's office, &c., brought in the fol lowing report, viz : "That, in our opinion, the following tract of land, viz : lying east of and adjoin ing Middlesex, on Onion river, and partly north of Berlin, containing 23040 acres, be granted by the Assembly unto Col. Timo thy Bigelow and Company, by the name of Montpelier." Signed, Paul Spooner, Chairman. The aforesaid report was read and ac cepted, and Resolved, That there be and hereby is granted unto Col. Timothy Bigelow and company, being sixty in number, a town ship of land, by the name of Montpelier, * Ms. Assembly Journal, 1778-1781, p. 128. t Same Assevibly .journal, p. 130. X Ms. Journals of Council, 1778 to 1780, p. 313. 254 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. situate and lying in this State, bounded as follows, viz : lying east of and adjoining Middlesex, on Onion river, and partly north of Berlin, containing 23040 acres : And the Governor and Council are hereby requested to is.sue a Grant or Charter of incorporation of said township of Montpe lier, under such restrictions, reservations, and for such considerations, as they shall judge best for the benefit of the State. * In Council, } Saturday, 21st Oct., 1780. ^ The Governor and Council, to whom was referred the stating the fees for the grant of land made this day, by the General As sembly of this State, having had the same under their consideratiou, have stated the fees aforesaid at four hundred and eighty pounds for the sd. land, being one town ship by the name of Montpelier, in hard money, or an equivalent in Continental Currency, to be paid by Col. Timothy Big elow or his attorney, on the execution of the Charter of Incorporation, on or before the 20th day of January next. Attest, Joseph Fay, ' Secy. ;£48o. t Although the sole condition of the grant was the payment of ;£48o, in specie or an equivalent in Continental Currency, by the 20th of January 1781, the first charter was not granted until the 14th of August of that year, when a very imperfect charter was drawn — probably by Thomas Tolman, one of the grantees and Deputy Secretary of the Governor and Council — and execu ted by Governor Chittenden. In this char ter no boundaries were given to the town ; the customary five rights reserved for edu- tional and religious purposes were not in serted, but were referred to as in the char ter of the town of Ripton ; and two onerous conditions were imposed, to wit : first, that within 3 years after the circumstances of the then existing war would permit, 5 acres of land should be planted or cultivated, a house at least 18 feet square on the floor be erected, and one family settled, on each respective Right, on penalty of forfeiture of the land ; and, second, reserving all Pine Timber suitable for a Navy to the use and benefit of the Freemen of the State. As this is not the charter of the town, another having been substituted for it, and granted to the original and a few other grantees, *JW5. Assembly Journal, 1778-1784 jo. 138. t Ms. Journals of Council, 1778 to 1780, p. 316. in 1804, it is omitted in this paper, and the reader is referred for a copy to Hon. Daniel P. Thompson's History of Montpe lier, published in i860, pp. 21 and 22. Notwithstanding the imperfection of the ch^fter of 1 78 1, the proprietors proceeded to allot and organize the town under it, be ginning with a warning dated June 1 1 , 1784, which was less than three years from the date of the original charter, and four teen months after the close of the Revolu tionary War, by Gen. Washington's proc lamation of Apr. ig, 1783. Before noticing the proprietors and the record of their meetings, it is best to give a list of the proprietors, which is embraced in the per fected and now actual charter of the town, that was authorized by a special act of the General Assembly, passed Feb. i, 1804, and executed on the 6th of the same month. * The Charter of Montpelier. The Governor of the State of Ver- [L.S.] mont, to all People to whom these Presents shall come. Greeting : Whereas, the Legislature of the State of Vermont, at their adjourned session, hold en at Windsor, on the first day of Febru ary A. D. 1864, was pleased to pass an act entitled ' an act authorizing the Gov- erernor of this State to issue a new charter of Montpelier,' — Now, therefore. Know Ye, that I, Isaac Ticheno^, Governor within and over said State, and in the name, and by the author ity of the same, and in pursuance of, and by virtue of the act aforesaid. Do, by these presents, give and grant the tract of land hereafter described and bounded, unto Tim othy Bigelow, and to the several persons hereafter named, his associates, in equal shares, viz : Ebenezer Waters, Ebenezer Upham, Elisha Wales, Elisha Smith Wales, Joel Frizzle, Bethuel Washburn, John Wash burn, Elijah Rood, Thomas Chittenden, George Foot, Elisha Smith, Jedediah Strong, James Prescott, Jacob Brown, Gid eon Ormsbee, James Mead, John W. Dana, Timothy Brownson, Gideon Horton, Mat thew Lyon, Samuel Horsford, Ithamer Horsford, William Smith, Jacob Spear, Jonas Galusha, Mary Galusha, Noah Smith, Moses Robinson, Moses Robinson, Jun., John Fassett, Jun., Jonas Fay, Abiathar Waldo, Thomas Tolman, Timothy Stan ley, Joseph Dagget,, Ira Allen, Lyman Hitchcock, James Gamble, Alanson Doug- MONTPELIER. 2SS lass, Adam Martin, the heirs of Isaac Nash, Jonathan Brace, Howell Woodbridge, James Brace, Henry Walbridge, Jun., Jo seph Fay, William Goodrich, Sybil Good rich, Thomas Mattersoii, Amos Waters, David Galusha, Jacob Davis, Ephraim Starkweather, Shubael Peck, Jacob Davis, Jun., Thomas Davis, John Ramsdell, Issa- cher Reed, Isaac G. Lansingh, Ebenezer Davis, Asa Davis, Levi Davis, Ebenezer Stone, and Samuel Allen, — Which, together with the five following Rights, reserved to the several public uses, in manner following, include the whole of said tract or township, to wit : One Right for the use of a Seminary or College, one Right for the use of County Grammar Schools in said State, lands to the amount of one Right to be and remain for the set tlement of a Minister or Ministers of the Gospel in said Township forever, lands to the amount of one Right for the support of the social worship of God in said Town ship, and lands to the amount of one Right for the support of an English School or Schools in said Township, — which said two Rights for the use of a Seminary or Col lege, and for the use of County Grammar Schools, as aforesaid, and the Improve ments, Rents, Interests and Profits arising therefrom, shall be under the control, or der, direction and disposal of the General Assembly of said State forever. And the proprietors of said Township are hereby authorized and empowered to locate said two Rights justly and equitably, or quantity for quantity, in such parts of said Township as they, or their committee, shall judge will least incommode the gen eral settlement of said Tract or Township. And the said proprietors are further em powered to locate the lands aforesaid, amounting to three Rights, assigned for the settlement of a Minister or Ministers, for their support, and for the use and sup port of English Schools, in such, and in so many places, as they, or their committee, shall judge will best accommodate the in habitants of said Township when the same shall be fully settled and improved, laying the same equitably, or quantity for quan tity, — which said lands, amounting to the three Rights last mentioned, when located as aforesaid, shall, together with the Im provements, Rights, Rents, Profits, Dues and Interests, remain inalienably appropri ated to the uses and purposes for which they are respectively assigned, and be un der the charge, direction' and disposal of the inhabitants of said Township forever. Which tract of land, hereby given and granted as aforesaid, is bounded and des cribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a Basswood Tree on the North Bank of Onion River marked Mid dlesex Corner, July, 13, 1785 ; thence North 36° East, six miles to a Beech Tree marked Montpelier Corner, June 14, 1786; thence §outh 54° East, six miles and a half, to a Maple Straddle marked Montpelier Corner, June 17, 1786 ; thence South 36° West, five miles and five chains, to a Basswood Tree in Barre North line, marked June 19, 1786; thence North 67° West, one mile and sixty seven chains, to Onion River : thence down said river as it tends to the first bound. And that the same be, and hereby is in corporated into a Township by the name of Montpelier. And the inhabitants that do, or shall hereafter, inhabit said Township, are de clared to be enfranchised, and entitled to all the privileges aud immunities that the inhabitants of other towns within this State do, and ought, by the laws and Constitu tion thereof, to exercise and enjoy. To HAVE and to hold the said granted premises, as above expressed, with all the privilege and appurtenances thereunto be longing, unto them and their respective heirs and assigns forever. In testimony whereof I have caused these tetters to be made pciteni, and the seal of our State to be hereunto affixed. Given under my hand at Windsor, this 6th day of February, A. D. 1804, and of the Independence of the United States the twenty-eighth. Isaac Tichenor. By His Excellency's command, David Wing, Jr., Secretary of State. It will be observed that the boundaries are stated ; that all conditions are omitted, the town then being fully organized and well settled, having a population of about 1000 ; and that the list of grantees and proprietors numbers 65 persons instead of the original 60. The additional names are the five first following that of Timothy Big elow. It appears from the record of a pro prietors' meeting, held in January 1787, that Joel Frizzle (one of the additional five) owned the original right of James Gamble, and his pitch was confirmed to him. Prob ably the other four became proprietors in the same way — by purchasing original rights. The explanation of retaining in the new charter the names of original gran tees who had sold their rights to the five new grantees in that case is, that it was done out of abundant caution, to make the title of the purchasers unquestionable . The original charter is not now to be found, 256 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. and probably it was destroyed on the issu ing of the new charter, in which case it was fit that the five persons then holding orig inal rights by purchase should have their names recorded in what was thereafter to be the charter of the town. The town record indicates that the copy of the original char ter has been cut out, and the new charter substituted for it. THE original PROPIETORS OF montpelier. The list of grantees is remarkable for the number of the influential men of the State embraced in it, to wit : Thomas Chitten den, Governor ; Moses Robinson, Judge of the Supreme Court, Governor, and U. S. Senator ; Jonas Galusha, Judge of Supreme Court, and Governor; Ira Allen, State Treasurer, Surveyor-General, Agent to Congress, and the man of all sorts of work in surveying, road-making, financiering, and State politics at home, and in sharp statesmanship and diplomacy abroad ; Jo nas and Joseph Fay, Secretaries, and Thomas Tolman, Deputy Secretary, and all authors of State papers, the first-named Judge of the Supreme Court, and the first two, agents to Congress, and employed in the Haldimand correspondence ; Matthew Lyon, Clerk of the General Assembly, Member of Congress, and an energetic and heroic man in politics and business en terprises; and John Fassett, Jr., and Noah Smith, the first a Councillor, and both Judges of the Supreme Court. With such proprietors, residing in Western Vermont, and most of them remote from Montpelier, it is not surprising that a deep interest was felt in the town, and a powerful influence exerted for its early prosperity in quarters where naturally it would receive little sym pathy or favor. the "founder" of the town. The first grantee of Montpelier, who in the Pedigree of the Lawrence family of Massachusetts is styled "¦ Founder of the town of Montpelier, Vermont,''^ was Col. Timothy Bigelow, of Worcester, Mass., born August 12, 1739. He was a distin guished officer in the American War for Independence ; a Major under Gen. Ar nold in the expedition against Quebec, in 1775-6;* Commander of the 15th Conti nental Regiment at the capture of Bur goyne and other battles ; and a Member of the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts in 1 774 and 1 775 . Washington said, when reviewing Col. B.'s soldiers, — "This is discipline indeed." His son Timothy was one of the most distinguished lawyers of Massachusetts, for thirty years a mem ber of one or the other branch of the Leg islature, and Speaker of the House for eleven years ; and his grand-daughter Katharine, daughter of the second Timo thy Bigelow; married the late Abbott Law rence, LL. D., Representative in Congress, and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of St. James, t The " founder " of Mont pelier died May 31, 1790, ten months be fore the town was organized, and doubtless his rights to lands in the town all passed to other persons previous to the organiza tion, the deeds of which will probably be found in the records in the Orange County Clerk's office. The author of the pedigree of the Lawrence family of course had the tradition that Timothy Bigelow was the founder of the town, and perhaps full and authentic testimony to the fact. The writer of this paper can only con jecture the ground on which the chief honor, as founder, should be conceded to Col. Bigelow ; but the conjecture is so reasonably founded as to leave no doubt of its accuracy. The original petition of Timothy Bigelow and others for the grant bore the names of at least three of the Davises who were, with Joel Frizzle, the first settlers in the. town ; and the Davises were all from Worcester County, Mass., of which Timothy Bigelow was a resident. "Arnold's fleld offlcers were Lieut. Col. Christopher Greene, (the hero of Eed Bank, on the Delaware,) Lieut. Col. Eoger Enos, [afterwards General Com manding in Vermont, under the authority of the State,] and Majors [Eeturn J.l Meigs, [of Connecti cut, afterwards of Ohio, and lather of^the Governor of Ohio, and U. S. Postmaster General of that name,] and [Timothy] Bigelow.— iosss'ny's /v«ort'o( Field Book of the Revolution, Vol. I, p. 190. Lossing records that on the expedition, Maj. Bigelow ascended a high mountain, then covered with snow, hoping to gain a sight of Quebec; for which feat the name "Mount pigelow " was given to it, and is still retained. t New England Oenealoaical Jtegister, Vol. 10, 1866 facing page 297. Stake's Biographical Dictionary states thai the second Timothy Bigelow above named during a practice of 32 years, " argued not less than 16,000 cases." A later biographer reduced the num ber to 10,000. His death at 54 is not surprising. MONTPELIER. 257 At the session in Oct. 1779, the legisla ture of Vermont established a form of town charters, and appointed Ira Allen to visit sundry states to further the interests of the State.* The Vermont Ms. State Papers contain many petitions for lands granted in 1779, made on a uniform printed form, which was most probably furnished by Allen (then Surveyor-General;) and many petitions in 1779 ^"d 1780, of land com panies formed in Massachusetts, Connecti cut 'and New Hampshire, and in some cases of officers and men in the continental army. These, it is most reasonable to presume, were among the fruits of Allen's mission, which clearly was to make an in terest for Vermont in as many states as possible, and also in the army. The conjecture then is, that Col. Big elow was the head of one of these land companies, as Gen. William Prescott, of Massachusetts, certainly was of another. Gen. Prescott was with Col. Bigelow at the capture of Burgoyne, and their resi dences in Massachusetts were in the same region — the one at Groton and the other at Worcester. At the head of such a company, Col. Bigelow would have been the most active and influential man in forming it, and by his influence, and pos sibly by his aid, the Davises were en listed, who were the foremost men at work upon the ground ; and their associates, most of them from Worcester and Ply mouth Counties, Mass., were by the same influence led to become settlers. Certain it is that many of the early settlers were from that part of Massachusetts. To this day a Montpelier man cannot visit Wor cester, Rochester, New Bedford, Yar mouth, and Edgartown, without finding in each town names that were familiar in Montpelier sixty years ago — such as Davis, Clark, Stevens, Burgess, Hatch, Bennett, Hammett, and Nye. The writer is confi dent that the original petition for the grant, could it be found, would prove that the company was chiefly composed of Massa chusetts men, such as Col. Bigelow would most fitly head, and so make him justly * n. Hist. Coll., vol. I, p. 406. entitled to the credit his descendants have claimed for him. proprietors' meetings. On application of more than one six teenth of the proprietors, a warning was issued June 11,1 784, for the first proprie tors' meeting, " at the house of Eliakim Stoddard, Esq., inn-holder, in Arlington, [Bennington county,] on Tuesday the 17th day of August [then] next, at 9 of the clock in the forenoon," for the pur pose of choosing moderator, proprietors' clerk, and treasurer, and to see what the proprietors would do respecting a division of the township. A meeting was holden accordingly, composed of Gov. Thomas Chittenden, Hon. Timothy Brownson, Maj. Gideon Ormsby, Jonas Galusha, and Thomas Tolman, esquires, and Mesrrs Joseph Daggett and John Ramsdell — who acted for themselves, and for others by power of attorney. Of these seven per sons a majority were men of the highest worth and influence in the State : Gov ernors Chittenden and Galusha ; Timothy Brownson, President of the Board of War, and Councillor from 1778 to 1795, and "one of the most trusted and confidential advisers of Gov. Chittenden during the whole period of his perilous and successful administration;"* Maj. Gideon Ormsbee, who was then and for many years a repre sentative of Manchester in the General Assembly, and Thomas Tolman, Deputy Secretary to the Governor and Council. The officers elected by the meeting were : Gideon Ormsbee, moderator; Thos. Tol man, clerk ; and Jonas Galusha, treasurer. It was voted to lay out a first division of lands in the town, in lots of l5oacreseach, and a committee of six was appointed for the purpose, to wit: Thomas Tolman, Samuel Horsford, Gideon Ormsbee, Jonas Galusha, Joseph Daggett, and Samuel Beach — all but Mr. Beach being propri etors, and he was the surveyor. The meeting adjourned to the first Monday in April, 1785, but there was no meeting at that time, and, under a new warning, the next meeting was at Arling- * Hiland Hall's JSarly History of Vermont, p. 458. 33 2s8 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. ton, Jan. ii, 1786, of which Col. Timothy Brownson was moderator. The appoint ment of Mr. Tolman as clerk and the order for the first "division were ratified, provid ing that 5 acres should be added to each lot or right, as an allowance for highways, and that the division should be laid out in good form and as near to the centre of the town as might be. Col. Jacob Davis of fered to complete the survey for ^i 3s. lod. per right, and this was accepted. A new committee for laying out the division was then appointed, consisting of Col. Jacob Davis, Ebenezer Waters, (or, on his failure, Caleb Ammadon,) Samuel Hors ford, Col. Samuel Robinson, and Capt. Abiather Waldo. By adjournment, the next meeting was held at the house of the clerk, Thomas Tolman, in Arlington, Jan. 9, 1787. In the absence of Col. Brownson, Col. Jacob Davis was appointed moderator. The members of the committee to lay out the first division, who were present, were sworn before Gov. Chittenden to a faith ful discharge of their trust, and then sub mitted a return, plan and survey-bill of the division, which was accepted and or dered to be recorded. A "draft," or drawing by lot, was then made, in the presence of the meeting, as the law re quired, and a lot or right in the first di vision was in that way assigned to each proprietor. Accounts were allowed, ^^77 9s. to Col. Jacob Davis for laying out the division — ^5 to Thomas Tolman for clerk's fees — and 15s. to the collector for expense of advertising the first tax. A tax on each proprietor's right, of ;£i 5s. was then laid, out of the proceeds of which treasurer Galusha was directed to pay the above ac counts. Joseph Daggett was appointed collector, and was directed to collect the tax in time for a vendue sale of lands, in default of payment on any right, on the 2d Tuesday of the succeeding June. It was represented to this meeting that Joel Friz- zel had become an actual settler, and had made his "pitch " as owner of the right of James Gamble ; whereupon it was voted that his pitch be granted and confirmed to him on the right of Gamble, and a lot of 103 acres, (the three as an allowance for highways,) was thus allowed to him, and located on the Winooski, at the S. W. corner of the town, adjoining Middlesex, subsequently known for many years as the John Walton farm, and now owned by Col. Elisha P. Jewett, and known as the Jewett farm. It was also voted to lay out a second division of lands but excluding pine lands, to contain 66 lots, excluding the rights of James Gamble, (provided for in Frizzel's pitch,) Jacob Davis, Jacob Davis, Jr., and Thomas Davis, who, in lieu of rights to be drawn, were allowed to select two lots of 186 acres each, within the second division, convenient for a saw mill and a grist-mill. It was then voted to make a third division, called the '• Pine Pitch Division," lying between Frizzel's pitch and the second division, being the land reserved in the second division, and this was to be divided into 70 equal lots. This division was small, 17 acres and i, or i of an acre to the proprietor of each right. It was on the hill west of Green Mount Cemetery, and Thompson stated, on the authority of the late Simeon Dewey, Esq., who sawed the greatest part of the pine on this division, that the trees were of the most splendid northern sort, not ex celled elsewhere in Vermont, or in New Hampshire, or even Maine. The condi tion of the first charter, then existing, as to pine suitable for a navy, received an interpretation most liberal to the propri etors of the town, many of whom sold their right to Col. Davis, and most of the lumber unquestionably went into vessels that were securely anchored on dry land. The State was not a loser by this appro priation, however, since the pines from that hill sheltered many a man who had served his State and country on sea and land in the revolutionary struggle, and who gave sons and grandsons to serve them in the war of 181 2 and in the last and great est struggle of all. Col. Davis was em ployed to survey these two divisions on the same terms as for the first division ; and Ebenezer Waters, surveyor, Col. Ja cob Davis, Parley Davis, Nathan Waldo and Joel Frizzel were appointed a com- MONTPELIER. 259 mittee to lay them out. After other formal business, the meeting adjourned to the second Tuesday of the next June, at the house of Capt. Elisha Wales, in Arlington. June II, 1787, the proprietors met per- suant to adjournment, Col. Timothy Brownson in the chair. Ebenezer Wa ters, Col. Jacob Davis, and Nathan Wal do, of the committee to lay out the second and third divisions were sworn, and then submitted their report, which was accep ted by a unanimous vote. A drawing was then made, "the same being done deliber ately, correctly, and in open meeting," by surveyor Waters, so as to allot the land in the second and third divisioiis equally to each proprietor. On the 12th, the ac counts for surveys, &c., were allowed and a tax voted ; Col. Jacob Davis and Parley Davis were appointed a committee to lay out and make the necessary highways ; and the meeting adjourned to the second Tuesday in January, 1788. On the same day, June 12, 1787, a vendue sale of pro prietors' lots took place for non-payment of taxes, and the sales were recorded, and rules for redemption adopted. About half of the original proprietors' rights to the •first division were sold, and mainly to Col. Jacob Davis, and the proprietors' clerk, Thomas Tolman. The meeting at Arlington in January, 1788, extended the time for completing roads until the succeeding June ; assessed a tax of 3s. per right for making roads ; allowed the accounts of its officers, and ad journed to the first Wednesday of June following, at the house of Jonas Galusha, in Shaftsbury. June 4, 1788, the proprietors met ac cording to adjournment ; accepted the re port of the committee appointed to make roads ; allowed their accounts, and assessed an additional tax of 19s. per right for the construction of roads. The next proprietors' meeting was held, on due warning, at Montpelier, Aug. 28, 1792, of which Clark Stevens was mod erator, and David Wing, Jr., clerk— both of Montpelier. The meeting ordered the fourth and last division of lands to be made under the direction of Col. Jacob Davis, and adjourned to the second Tues day of May, 1793, at the house of Col. Jacob Davis, in Montpelier. May 14, 1793, the proprietors met as per adjournment, when the fourth division was accepted and allotted in 70 equal parts. After allowing the accounts forthe same, the meeting adjourned, to meet at the (public) house of David Wing, Jr., in Montpelier, on the 14th of May, 1795. The adjourned meeting assembled at the time named ; " and there appearing no business before the meeting, Voted, that this meeting be dissolved." This was the last meeting of the proprietors, the land all having been allotted, and the town passed by formal organization under a legal town government. FIRST SETTLERS. According to his agreement with the proprietors, made in January, 1786, Col. Jacob Davis with a surveying party en tered the town that year, and surveyed and laid out the first division of lands, his re port having been made in January, 1787 ; but this service did not technically amount to "a settlement," although Col. Davis then undoubtedly determined to settle in the town. In the spring of the same year, 1786, previous to the survey of the first di vision, Joel Frizzel entered upon the south west corner lot of the town, ,on the farm formerly of John Walton, and now of Col. E. P. Jewett, cleared a small part of it, planted corn, erected a small log-house, and resided in it with his wife, a French woman. " This," said Zadock Thompson, "was the first family in town."* In the later edition, he qualified this, by calling it "the first attempt to settle," adding that " the first permanent clearing and settle ment was not made till the spring after" — that is, the spring of 1787. Daniel P: Thompson concurred with this last state ment, giving the Davises the honor of first "permanent settlement," and character izing Frizzel as an occasional sojourner, in his calling as trapper and hunter, in this part of the wilderness, who "squatted on the banks of the river, in the south-west • Vermont Gazetteer, 1824. 26o VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. corner of the township." The Davises need no honor at the expense of Frizzel. They certainly were the leading men in point of everything but the mere date of settlement. Frizzel was officially recog nized as a settler ; his pitch was confirmed to him ; the charter recognized him as an original proprietor in the right of James Gamble ; and in Jan. 1787, the proprietors appointed him as one of the committee to lay out the second and third divisions. D. P. Thompson conceded that he may have remained "a year or two longer" after the laying out of these divisions, which would give him a residence in the town of about 5 years. The writer does not hesitate to say, on these grounds, that Joel Frizzel was the first actual settler, dating from the spring of 1786. Ina year, however, he was followed by much more enterprising, energetic and valuable men, though without their families until 1788. May 3, 1787, Col. Jacob Davis, with his cousin Parley Davis, and a hired man, left his family in Brookfield, taking one horse and as large a quantity of provisions as could be carried, and on that day reached the house of Seth Putnam, in Middlesex, whose farm joined the lot in Montpelier which Frizzel then occupied. On the 4th, Col. Davis and party cut a bridle-road from Putnam's along the bank of the Winooski to a hunter's camp in Montpelier, on the ground now occupied by Washington County jail, nearly in the centre of Montpelier village. The hunt er's hut was a very good one, well roofed, and walled on three sides, and was used until, in 8 or 10 days, a substantial log- house, 32 by 16 feet, was constructed and occupied. At this time two sons of Col. Davis had reached the camp, Jacob, junior, aged 19, and Thomas, aged 15 years. The party immediately made an onslaught on the magnificent maple forest then staihd- ing, and cleared the land now bounded by Court street on the North, North Branch on the East, the Winooski on the South, and the State House and depot grounds on the West. This was the first occupancy of Montpelier village with an intention to settle permanently. This land was cleared in time to plant it with corn, of which a good crop was realized ; and early in June, Col. Davis left to attend the proprietors' meeting at Arlington on the nth, and Parley Davis proceeded to survey and lo cate on a lot of about 300 acres at the centre of the town, which became his home for a long and honorable life. The work of clearing the land was con tinued during the summer, and embraced most of the meadow land between the hills and the Winooski as far west as the knoll on which the Parson Wright house stands, now occupied by the widow of the first pastor's son, the late Jonathan Ed wards Wright. This included the meadow land south of State House hill and west of North Branch, being nearly 50 acres. Thompson stated, on the authority of sur viving contemporaries, that Col. Davis alone felled, trimmed out and cut into log ging lengths, an acre of forest of average growth per day, and continued at this rate for several successive days. There was time then in that season for other work, and it was vigorously used. Col. and Parley Davis having been appointed in June, a committee to lay out and construct necessary roads, this work was entered upon at once. The first road constructed was from the Union House bridge, now the entrance to School s'treet, skirting the hill nearly on the present line of Courtand High streets to the Winooski at the Parson Wright place, and then following the river, substantially as the highway still does, to Middlesex line. The second road cut out by the Davises lyas in Berlin, being the present road from near the crest of Berlin hill, passing on the east side through the Andrew Cummings farm to the Winooski, and then following the river to the Gas works, where the stream was fordable, ex cept in high water. This intersected a road, or more properly path, which had been opened through Berlin to the mouth of Dog river, and thus made a shorter route from the older eastern towns to Montpelier. Over this road, in fact, most of the early settlers in Montpelier came. The food of the sturdy foresters during the summer and autumn of 1787, was MONTPELIER. 261 mainly of the fish of the streams and the game of the woods ; but these were of the best. The streams were full of trout, some of them weighing 5 pounds ; and the woods with wild game, such as moose, bears in abundance, deer, partridges, etc., and these, with the few condiments brought in by the party, vegetables and corn of the summer's growth, and a little flour from the older settlements, furnished bills of fare tempting even to gourmands, and were amply sufficient for the pioneers of the settlement. All their work that year was preparatory for settlement. The log-house was not fiirnished with cellar, floor, oven and chimney until autumn, and then, hav ing secured the fruits of the first harvest, Col. Davis returned with his sons to Brookfield, to prepare his family for mov ing into the new town and the new house with the first sufficient fall of snow. The family consisted of Col. Davis and wife, two sons, and four daughters. The sons have already been named. The daughters were Rebecca, who became wife of Hon. Cornelius Lynde of Williamstown ; Hannah, wife of Hon. David Wing, Jr., of Montpelier, Secretary of State ; Polly, wife of Capt. Thomas West of Montpelier ; and Lucy, wife of Capt. Timothy Hubbard of Montpelier. Another daughter was born in Montpelier. Near the close of December, 1787, Col, Davis dispatched his sons Jacob and Thom as, with their sisters Rebecca and Polly — all that could be carried at once — to Mont pelier, intending to complete the removal of the family by a second journey of the team, with which Jacob Davis returned to Brookfield. But a series of heavy snow storms made the journey impracticable ; and thus the lad Thotaas and the two girls were the only tenants of the new homestead until March. "Not another human face," said Thompson, "made its appearance at this lonely, snow-hedged and forest-girt cabin." Most welcome then was the ad vent of the remainder of the family in March, 1788. FIRST THINGS. The summer work of 1788 comprised the tilling of the ground previously cleared ; the clearing of the remainder of the meadow to the Parson Wright place, and part of that east of North Branch, now occupied by Main Street ; extending the clearing on the west side to the falls on which now stand the works of Lane, Pitkin & Brock ; and the erection of the first dam and saw mill on those falls. During the next summer, 1789, Col. Davis erected the first grist-mill on the falls of North Branch ; and thus prepara tions were made to tempt new settlers with facilities for the erection of dwellings and converting the crops of corn and grain in the neighborhood into bread-stuffs. Sept. 22, the first birth in town oc curred, being that of Clarissa Davis, young est daughter of Col. Jacob Davis, and wife of Hon. George Worthington of Montpe lier. Col. Davis employed all the men whose services could be commanded, his house of course being head-quarters, and more over serving as hotel for all visitors. A larger house was a necessity ; and there fore, in the summer of 1790, the Colonel erected a large house, of two stories, with four spacious rooms in each story, and an attic that served on occasions as a welcome dormitory. This was the first completed frame house in Montpelier. After Col. Davis left it, this dwelling became the first County jail-house, and was such until 1858, when it was removed to another part of Elm Street, where it is still used as a dwell ing-house. A frame for a house had been erected a few days before Col. Davis's, but the house was not completed so soon as his. It was on the hill one mile north east of the village, and was long known as the Silloway house, though it was built by James Hawkins, the first blacksmith in Montpelier, and finished in 1791. About the same time Hawkins also built the third frame house, in which the first store was opened by Dr. Frye, in 1791. This house stood until 1873, and was the first dwelling- house on the west side of Main Street, nearest to the Arch Bridge. These were quickly succeeded, all built by the ener getic Hawkins, by the first Union House, which was the hotel kept by Houghton, 262 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Tufts, Cottrill (before taking the Pavilion,) Lamb, Mann, and others in our remem brance, and was burnt in 1835 ; and the Cadwell house, near the junction of Main and State Streets, once the finest residence in the village, and the favorite boarding- place of governors and other dignitaries, the wreck of which still stands, to the re gret of many who would have so eligible a location for business purposes worthily improved. The first vvagon was brought into town in 1789, from Vergennes, by Thomas Da vis, who had to cut much of his way from Williston to Montpelier, and scale "Rock Bridge,'' In Moretown, by an ingenious piece of engineering, which is fully de scribed by Thompson. The first notable stranger in Montpelier was Prince Edward of England, Duke of Kent, son of George III. and father of Queen Victoria. He was the guest of Col. Davis for a night in the winter of i790-'9i, coming with an armed retinue of 20 men, to defend him from violence, and serve as "tasters'' to try his food and save him from poison. Col. Davis so far assured the prince of personal safety, that he consent ed to dismiss most of his attendants, who returned to Montreal, and the prince con tinued his journey to Boston in a more modest and sensible style. * The first male child born in town was James, son of Solomon Dodge, April 5, 1790. The first marriage recorded is that of Jacob Davis Jr. of Montpelier and Caty Taplin of Berlin, the ceremony being per formed by the father of the bride, John TaphnEsq., Oct. 3, 1791. The first school was kept in a log house on the river near Middlesex line, by Jacob Davis, jr., and continued from about 1789 to 1791. In 1791 a school was kept in tlie village, in Col. Davis' house, by David Wing, jr., who was subsequently Secre tary of State ; and in 1794, the town was divided into six districts, and schools were regularly maintained thereafter. The first tavern was built for Col. Davis on Main street, in 1793. It was the origi nal "Union House," on the site of the *Tliompson''8 Montpelier, p. 63. Unitarian church. This tavern was burnt in 1835, rebuilt and again burnt in 1859, and the third Union house was erected on its present site. The second tavern, known as the "Hutchins Tavern," and afterwards the "Shepard Tavern," was built about 1800, opposite the entrance of Barre to Main street. The "Pavilion" was built in preparation for the Legislature in 1808; it was probably the finest hotel in the State then, and indeed for many years, and had a high reputation, specially under Thomas Davis, and Mahlon Cottrill. The first physician was Spaulding Pierce, in 1790 ; the first lawyer, Charles Buckley, 1797 ; the first minister, Ziba Woodworth, free will Baptist, and one of the first set tlers ; and the first mechanics were Col. Larned Lamb, carpenter and mill-wright — James Hawkins, blacksmith, David Tol man, clothier, Paul Knapp, brick-maker. The first thanksgiving day observed in the town was Dec. i , 1 791 . The first social ball occurred at the house of Col. Davis, on the evening of the next day, Dec. 2 ; and that was succeeded immediately by the first death noted in the record of the town — thus : "Theophilus Wilson Brooks, drowned Dec. 3d, 1791." In fact, however, his death was accom panied by that of his betrothed. Miss Bet sey Hobart, daughter of Capt. James Ho bart, one of the first settlers of Berlin. An account of this unusually sorrowful event, written two days after and printed in a New York City newspaper, Dec. 31, 1791, has recently come into the possession of The Vermont Historical Society. It is as follows : Extract of a letter from Montpelier, (Vt..) dated December I, 1791. A melancholy accident took place here last Saturday morning, of which the fol lowing is an account : On Friday, the 2d instant, being the day after Thanksgiving in this State, the young people in this neighborhood assembled to spend the even ing in dancing. Amongst others, two young gentlemen from this town waited on two Misses Hobart, of Berlin, on the other side of Onion river. After having spent the greater part of the night in merriment MONTPELIER. 263 they parted about two o'clock in the morn ing. The above-mentioned couples hav ing to cross the river in a canoe, theyfour, (together with the ferryman,) imprudently got in all at once, and had not got farfrom the shore before the canoe overset ; but by the exertions of the ferryman, they righted her, and he, together with a Mr. Putnam, one of the young gentlemen, and one of the giris, got in ; but in helping the other girl in, they unfortunately overset the sec ond time. They then endeavored for the shore. Mr. Putnam, at the dangerof his life, swam ashore with the younger Miss Ho bart under his arm ; but were both of them so far chilled as to be unable to stand, having swam more than forty rods, as the water was high and the current swift, be fore they reached the shore. The ferry man got ashore by the help of the canoe ; the other couple perished in the water. The young gentleman drowned is Mr. The ophilus Wilson Brooks, son of Deacon Brooks, of Ashford, Connecticut, a val uable young man, aged 25. The young woman is a daughter of Capt. Hobart, of Berlin, an amiable young woman, about twenty years of age. The body of the young woman was found about a mile be low, yesterday morning. Mr. Brooks is not yet found. vital statistics. In this connection, the vital statistics of the town in its earliest years may as well be stated. From the settlement of the first family in the spring of 1786 to the summer of 1799 — more than 13 years — the number of deaths recorded was 16. Of these, 3 were accidental, and 9 of diseases incident to infants and children ; and of the 4 remaining, adult cases, 2 were of consumption, i of fever, and i of a disease unknown. The number of births in the same period is stated by Thompson at 130. The popul.ition in 1791 was 113, and in 1800, 890 — Thompson's estimated average for the whole time, 400. The rate of deaths was therefore less than ij per annum, and the percentage five-sixteenths of i percent per 100 of population. The registration report states the percentage of deaths in the whole State to population, in 1858, to be 1. 14, which is more than three times greater than in Montpelier for the first 13 years. The rate of births in Montpelier was I to every 40 persons ; whereas in the State, in 1858, the rate was only i to every 49 persons. The difference between the town and the State in the proportion of births to deaths is most remarkable ; in the town the births being more than eight times the number of deaths, while in the State, the number of births, in 1858, was less than twice the number of deaths. It certainly must be conceded that Montpel ier was, at the start, a remarkably fruitful and healthy town. This is presumed to be true of nearly all Vermont towns at the first settlement — of all that were not ex posed, by their location, to peculiar mala rial influences. Few but hardy and en ergetic men and women would brave the perils and hardships of frontier life, and the labor of converting pathless forests into habitable, traversable and tillable fields ; and such people are proof against most diseases. Thompson stated other striking facts as to the health of the village of Montpelier, in his chapter on epidemics, which we quote nearly in full. The records of Rev. Mr. Wright, noted by Thompson, were undoubtedly more complete than the town records. The good parson was, from re ligious principle, as well as from strong sympathy, a visitor to the bedside of all the sick and dying, and his parish then included the entire village. EPIDEMICS. FROM D. p. THOMPSON'S HISTORY. Endemics we have none. From first to last no diseases have made their appear ance in town which could be discovered to be peculiar to the place, or to have been generated by any standing local causes. Of epidemics, Montpelier has had its share, but still a light share compared, as we believe, with a majority of the towns in the State, only four deserving the name having occurred from the first settlement of the town to the present day. The first of these was the dysentery, which fatally prevailed throughout the town, in common with most other towns in Vermont, during the summer and fall of 1802. The victims in Mon tpeher were : Mrs. Sophia Watrous, wife of Erastus Wat rous, Esq. ; Erastus Hubbard, a younger brother of Timothy Hubbard ; John Wig gins, another young man, and a consider able number of children. The second epidemic was the typhus fever, which prevailed to a considerable 264 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. extent in the summer season of 1806, and proved fatal to Montpelier's favorite and most honored citizen, David Wing, Jr., then Secretary of State. Luther Mosely, Esq., another valued citizen, also fell a victim to the same disease, together with a young man by the name of Cutler, a girl by the name of Goodale, and several others. The third epidemic visiting the town was that fearful disease known by the name of spotted fever, which, to the gen eral alarm of the inhabitants, suddenly made its appearance in the village in the winter of 181 1. The first victim was Sibyl Brown, a bright and beautiful daugh ter of Amasa Brown, of the age of nine years, who, on Saturday, Jan. 2d, was in school, on the evening of that day sliding with her mates on the ice, and the next morning a corpse. The wife of Aaron Griswold, and the first wife of Jonathan Shepard, were next, and as suddenly de stroyed by this terrible epidemic, which struck and swept over the village, to which it was mostly confined, like the blast of the simoom, and was gone. There were over 70 cases in this village, and, strange to tell, but three deaths of the disease, which at the same time was nearly decimating the then 400 inhabitants of Moretown, and sweeping off 60 or 70 of the 2,000 inhab itants of Woodstock. The chief remedy relied on here was the prompt use of the hot bath, made of a hasty decoction of hemlock boughs ; and the jDine-board bath ing vessel, made in the shape of a coffin, was daily seen, during the height of the disease, in the streets, borne on ths shoul ders of men, rapidly moving from house to house, to serve in turn the multiplying victims. So strange and unexpected were the attacks, and so sudden and terrible were often the fatal terminations of the disease, that it was likened to the Plague of the Old World. Sorne of its types, in deed, so closely resembled the Plague, as well to justify men in deeming them one and the same disorder. A bright red spot, attended with acute pain in some in stances, appeared in one of the limbs of the unwarned victim, and, like the old Plague spot, spread, struck to the vitals and caused his death in a few hours. In other instances, a sort of congestion of the blood, or silent paralysis of all the func tions of the life, stole unawares over the system of the patient, his pulse faltered and nearly stopped, even before he dream ed of the approach of the insidious de stroyer. The late worthy Dr. James Spald ing once told us, that he was the student of an eminent physician, in Alstead,N. H,, when the epidemic visited that place, that he frequently went the rounds with his in structor in his visits to his patients, and that on one of these occasions they made a friendly call on a family in supposed good health, when the master of the house congi-atulated himself on the prospect that he and his young family were about to es cape the disease which had been cutting down so many others. Something, how ever, in the appearance of one or two of the apparently healthy group of children present attracting the attention of the old Doctor, he fell to examining their pulses, when in two of them he found the pulse so feeble as to be scarcely perceptible ; but keeping his apprehensions to himself,i he made some general prescriptions for all the children, and left, hoping his fears would not be realized. Within three days both of those children were buried in one grave. The physicians who had charge of these cases in Montpelier were Dr. Lamb, Dr. N. B. Spalding, Dr. Woodbury, and Dr. Lewis, of Moretown. Volumes have been written on the causes of this and similar epidemics, and yet to this day the subject is involved in clouds of mystery. The fourth epidemic followed soon after the last, and in some instances, assumed some of its peculiar types. This occurred in the winter of 1813, and was here gen erally called the typhus fever, though it partook more of the characteristics of per- ipneumony, or lung fever, being the same disease which first broke out the fall be fore, among the U. S. troops at Burling ton, and by the following mid-winter had become a destructive epidemic in nearly every town in the State, carrying off, ac cording to the statistics of Dr. Gallup, more than 6,000 persons, or one to every 40 of its whole population. In this whole town, during the year 1813, the number of deaths — most of which were of this dis ease — was 78, among which were those of Capt. N. Doty, R. Wakefield, C. Hamblin and others, in the prime of life. This great number of deaths in one year was, beyond all comparison, greater than ever occurred before, or has ever occurred since, it is be lieved, in proportion to the population, which was then about 2,000 ; while the^av- erage number of deaths in town per year, about that period, was, as near as can now be ascertained, but a little over 20, and of course but little more than one death in 100. In the village, according to records left by the Rev. Chester Wright, the av erage number of deaths for the five years preceding 18 13 was but four per year, which must have been considerably less than one to 100 yearly. This seems to be confirmed by another record left by Mr. Wright, of the number of deaths occurring MONTPELIER. 265 each year in the village for the 14 years succeeding 18 16, by which it appears that the average number of deaths in the vil lage, during that whole period, was but 10 yearly, while the population during the last-named period increased from nearly i,ooo in 1816 to nearly 2,000 in 1830 ; so that the rate of mortality during the whole 19 years, of which we have given the ap proximate statistics, was, with the excep tion of 1 8 14, always greatly than one to every 100 inhabitants ; all going to con firm what we have before stated respecting the peculiar healthiness of the location of our town, and especially of our village, from the earliest times to the present day. Notices of Proprietors'' Meetings, of taxes, and of Sales of lands for Taxes in Mont pelier — Compiled by Henry Stevens, Senior, from files of the {Windsor^ Ver mont Journal and the \Bennington\ Vermont Gazette.* organization of the town. March 4, 1791, Jacob Davis, Clark Stevens and Jonathan Cutler presented a petition to JohnTapUn, of Berlin, a justice of the peace for the County of Orange, praying that a warrant might be issued for calling a meeting of the inhabitants to or ganize the town. Though this petition was not legal, (having the signatures of only three freeholders, while the statute required four,) Justice Taplin took no no tice of the defect, but issued a warrant " to Clark Stevens, one of the principal inhab itants of MontpeUer," requiring him to » It will be observed that these legal nolices cover a much larger amount of taxes than that given in the preceding text. Compilations like the above, for many towns, may be found In the State Library, at the end of an old volume of the Windsor Journal. Journal. Proprietors to meet Aug 17, 1784, No. 48 Ditto, Sept 12, 1785, [not holden,] Ditto, Sept 26, 1786, [not holden,] Ditto. 24 Wednesday of Jan 1786, Taxed 25a 8d per right, Jan 9, '87, Proprietors lo meet 2d Tuesday of June, 1787, Sale of lands for the tax of 25s 8d, June 12, 1787, Taxed £1 98 4d by the proprietors, June 12, 1787, Lands to be sold for said tax.Oct. 16, 1787, Lands to be sold for town tax, Jan S, 1788, Taxed 19s 6d per right by the pro prietors [June, '88,1 Lands to be sold for said tax last Wednesday of Oct, 1788, Taxed £27 14s 6d for the general Gazette. No. 65 114 108 117 118 122 184 190 193 203 196 203 207 212 216 222 226 284 258 Vol. 6, No. « 16 survey. Lands to be sold for do. Feb 16,'89, Two penny tax to be paid in lar- bor. May, June and July, '89, Lands to be sold for the general survey tax, March 16, 1789, Lands to be sold for the 2 penny tax, June 23. 1791, Proprietors to meet Aug 28, 1792, 276 ' 6, ' 6, 24 [no sales.] 290 Vol.6, 403 465 34 warn a meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town, to meet at the house of Jacob Davis on Tuesday, the 29th day of March, 1791, at 9 o'clock in the morning, to choose a moderator, clerk, selectmen, treasurer, and all other town officers, and to see if said town will choose some proper person to remove the pro prietors' records into the town. This warrant was dated March 8, 1791, and on the same day Mr. Stevens posted his warn ing in accordance with the warrant and the statute. Pursuant to the warning a meeting was holden, of which the follow ing is the record : First Town Meeting. At a town meeting of the inhabitants of Montpelier, legally warned and met at the dwelling-house of Col. Jacob Davis, in said Montpelier, on the 29th day of March, 1791.— Proceeded to choose a Moderator, &c. &c. 1st, Voted, and chose Col. Jacob Davis Moderator to govern said meeting. 2nd, Voted, and chose Ziba Woodworth Town Clerk. 3d, Voted, and chose James Hawkins ist Select Man. 4th, Voted, and chose James Taggart 2d Select Man. 5th, Voted, and chose Hiram Peck 3d Select Man. 6th, Voted, and chose Jonathan Cutler Town Treasurer. 7th, Voted, and chose Parley Davis Con stable and Collector. 8th, Voted, and chose Josiah Hurlburt Highway Surveyor. 9th, Voted, and chose Benj. I. Wheeler Highway Surveyor. loth. Voted, and chose Solomon Dodge Highway Surveyor. nth Voted, and chose Col. Jacob Davis Lister. 1 2th, Voted, and chose Benj. I. Wheel er Lister. 13th, Voted, and chose Clark Stevens Lister. 14th, P'oted, and chose Col. Jacob Davis Fence Viewer. 15th, Voted to adjourn said meeting till the 1st Tuesday of September. The aforementioned officers were duly sworn and affirmed to the faithful discharge of their respective offices, before John Taplin, "Justice of the Peace for said Coun ty. Ziba Woodworth, Town Clerk. 34 266 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. On the record is the following list of vo ters who took part in the organization of the town, to which we have added, when ever possible, the region from which these original freemen of the town came. Benjamin I. Wheeler, Rehoboth, Mass. ; David Parsons, Oxford, now Charlton, Mass. ; Parley Davis, Oxford, now Charl ton, Mass. ; Ebenezer Dodge, Peterbor ough, N. H. ; Solomon Dodge, Peterbor ough, N, H. ; Nathaniel Peck, Royalston, Mass. ; David Wing, Rochester, Mass. ; Lemuel Brooks, Ashford, Ct. ; Clark Ste vens, Rochester, Mass. ; Jonathan Snow, Rochester, Mass. ; Hiram Peck, Royals- ston, Mass. ; James Hawkins, James Tag gart, John Templeton ; Elisha Cummins, born in Sutton, Mass. ; Jonathan Cutler, Charles McCloud ; Col. Jacob Davis, Ox ford, now Charlton, Mass. ; Isaac Putnam ; Nathaniel Davis, Oxford, now Charlton, Mass, ; Ziba Woodworth, Bozrah, Conn. ; Jerathmel [B.] Wheeler, Rehoboth, Mass. ; Smith Stevens, Rochester, Mass. ; Charles Stevens, Rochester, Mass. ; Edmund Doty ; Duncan Young, a Scotchman, frora Bur goyne's army ; Freeman West. New Bed ford, Mass. The name of Josiah Hurlburt appears in the Ust of town officers elected, and it is presumed he was a citizen of lawful age. Jacob Davis, Jr., was also of age and a citizen at that time. Thompson states that David Wing Jr. and Larned Lamb were then Freemen of the town, and suggests that they may have been absent on the day of the meeting. This would make the whole number known to be freemen of the town at the organization, 30. The total population, by the census taken that year, was 113, which was small for the number of voters ; but doubtless several who acted in town meeting had not then brought their families into town. These names indicate, as the fact was, that on the organization of the town, set tlements had been made in every quarter of it, on the hills and in the river valleys. Even now the farms of these men are easily recognized, and many are owned by the descendants of the original settlers. The early occupancy of the town so gen erally was doubtless due to the provision in the original charter, which required "that each proprietor, his heirs or assigns. shall plant or cultivate 5 acres of land, and build an house at least 18 feet square on the floor, or have one family settled on each respective right, within the term of 3 years after the circumstances of the war will ad mit of a settlement with safety, on penalty of the forfeiture of each respective right, or share of land, in said township, not so improved or settled." habits and character of the first settlers. FROM D. P. THClMPbON. Among the whole list of the 27 freemen who joined in its organization we find but one or two who did not become, not only the permanent residents of the town, but the permanent owners ol the farms they first purchased and improved for their homes. And in looking, now, over that ever to be honored roll of men, then all farmers, consisting of the Wheelers, the Davises, the Templetons, the Putnaras, the Stevenses, the Cumminses, etc., and then glancing over the town, we can scarcely find one of the original homesteads of all those thus settling which is not still in the possession of some one of their de scendants. This fact alone speaks vol umes in praise of the original inhabitants of the town. It speaks in such praise, be cause it presupposes and proves the ex istence, in them, of that invaluable combi nation of traits of character which can alone ensure full success in building up an abidingly thrifty town, and a well-ordered and respectable community — the resolu tion and physical endurance necessary for subduing the forests, the frugality and economy in living required for retaining and increasing the amount of their hard earnings, and the foresight and general capacity for business indispensable for the successful management of their acquisi tions. That the first inhabitants of Montpelier were generally men of great physical powers, resolution and stability of pur pose, and that they applied their energies of body and mind to the best effect, in clearing up and improving their township, may be well enough seen in the pictures we have already drawn of the first years of the settlement, but more certainly so in the noble results of their exertions, which, after 20 years, stood developed in their individual thrift, in their aggregate wealth and pecuniary independence. But those results were not brought about by hard labor alone. Strict frugality in Uving lent its scarcely less important aid in the work.. Nature has but few wants ; MONTPELIER. 267 and these settlers and their families seem to have been well content to put up with her real requirements. The ambition for display in dress, equippage and costly buildings was a forbidden, and an almost unknown, passion among them. And all expectations of making property without work, or of living on credit, were ideas which were still more scouted. They dressed comfortably but very plainly, wear ing, for the 12 or 15 years of the .settle ment at least, scarcely anything but what was the product of their own looms and spinning-wheels. With these implements, so necessary for the times, nearly every household was supplied. The girls spun, and the mothers wove, from their own wool, the flannels to be dressed or pressed for their best winter wear, and from their own flax the neat linen checks for their gowns and aprons for summer. Then the females of that day made their health, their husbands' or fathers' wealth, and es tablished enduring habits of industry for themselves, as they were passing along in their daily routine of household employ ments. And who does not see how much better it would in reality be for the health, constitutions and habits of the females of the present day, if they were compelled to resort to the same way of clothing them selves and their famiUes. Foreign man ufactured goods were scarcely used at all for clothing during the first dozen years of the settlement. The wives who came into town with their husbands might have brought with them, perhaps, their calico gowns ; and it was known that ' ' Marm Davis," as that pattern of housewives, the help-meet of Col. Davis, was called, had brought with her a silk gown — the one, it is believed, in which she was married ; but it is not known that there were any others. The first silk dress that was ever pur chased and brought into Montpelier for one of its lady residents was one obtained for the wife of Judge David Wing, and was first worn by her at a meeting late in 1803. "I well remember when that first silk gown made its appearance," recently said an aged lady cotemporary of the favored possessor of the rare garment, to us while making enquires about such matters. "It was a meeting held in one of Col. Davis' new barns. Hannah, that is Mrs. Wing, came in with it on, and made quite a, sen sation among us, but being_ so good a woman, and putting on no airs about it, we did not go to envying her. We thought it extravagant, .to be sure ; but as her hus band had just been elected Secretary of State, and might wish to take her abroad with him, wc concluded at length that the purchase might be perhaps, after all, quite a pardonable act." Ribbons and laces were not worn nor possessed by the women ; and the wearing of bonnets, which are thought to require trimmings made of such materials, was scarcely more frequent. Instead of bon nets, they generally wore for head-dress when going abroad, the more substantial, but no less neat and tasteful, small fur hats, which were then already being man ufactured in several of the older towns in the State. And it was not till a merchant had established himself in town that any innovation was made in these simple kinds of female attire. Then, for the first time, calico gowns became common — the best qualities of which cost 75 cents per yard, but of so strong and substantial a fabric that one of them would outwear two, or even three of most of those of the present day. The men dressed as plain, or plainer. Tow cloth for summer, and striped un dressed woolens for winter, were the stand ing materials of their ordinary apparel. For public occasions, however, most of them managed to obtain one dress each, made of homespun woolen, colored and dressed cloth, which, as they used them, were generally good for their lifetimes. The first "go-to-meeting" dresses of the boys were also, of course, domestic man ufacture, and generally of fustian. A new fustian coat was a great thing in the eyes of a boy of fourteen in those days. But as their days of gallantry approached, their ambition sometimes soared to a new India cotton shirt, which then cost 62 cents per yard, though now not a fourth of that amount. The men wore fur caps or felt hats for every-day use, but some of them, fur hats on public occasions ; and a few of the wealthier class, especially if they became what was called public char acters, bought themselves beaver hats, which stood in about the same relation among the outfits of the men as did silk gowns among those of the women, such hats at that time costing $30 each. But this was not so very bad economy as might be supposed, after all, since one of the clear beaver hats of that day would not only wear through the lifetime of the owner, but the lifetime of such of his sons as had the luck to inherit it. The ordinary articles of family food were corn and wheat bread, jDotatoes, peas, beans and garden vegetables, pork, fish and wild game. Sweet-cake, as it was called, was rarely made, and pastry was almost wholly unknown. Indeed, we have been unable to learn that a pie of any kind was ever seen on a table in town till nearly 268 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. a dozen years after it was first settled. About that time, Jiowever, one of the elder daughters of Col. Davis, on noticing some fine pumpkins that were brought to the house during the harvesting, conceived the ambitious idea of making a mess of pumpkin pies, and obtaining at last the reluctant consent of her mother to le,t her make the experiment, she made a batch which took to a charm with the whole fam ily and the several visitors invited to par take of the novel repast. After this, pumpkin pies became a staple of the tea- table on all extra occasions. Laboring men who, in felling the forest. logging, or boiling salts, as the first state of making potashes and pearls was called, often went considerable distances from their homes to work, generaUy took their dinners along with them into the woods, leaving the women to take care of the cattle and everything requiring atten tion about home. These dinners gener ally consisted of baked or stewed pork and beans, and not unfrequently of only bread and raw salt pork. Colonel Davis always used to recommend to his laborers to eat their pork raw or without any kind of cooking, contending that it was more healthy when eaten in that way than in any other. Some of the new hands that had been hired in by the Colonel at last, how ever, rebelled againstthepractice. Among the latter was Lemuel Brooks, the after wards well-known Captain Brooks, who assured his fellow-laborers one day, after they had been making their dinners on raw pork, that he was determined to set his wits to work and see if he could not, by the next noon, get up a more christianlike dinner. Accordingly he came on the next morning with gun and ammu nition, and just before noon stepped off into the neighboring thickets, and shot two or three brace of partridges, which, in their chosen localities, were as plenty as hens about a farm-house." And having speedUy plucked and dressed the birds, he suspended them by the legs over a fire struck and built for the purpose, with a thick slice of pork made to hang directly above each, so that the salt gravy should drip upon or into them, and moisten and season them while cooking. As soon as he had thus prepared his meal, he haUooed to the men, and in his u.sual jovial and humorous manner, bid them come in and partake of his " new invented dinner of parched partridges." And parched part ridges thenceforward became a favorite meal among the woodmen of the settle ment. The out-door work, at the period of which we have been- speaking, was by no means all performed by the male inhab itants. Wives and daughters considered it no disparagement to go out to work in the fields, or even into the forest, when ever the occasion required itat their hands. They boiled salts and made maple sugar at times in the woods, and often in busy seasons, worked with their husbands, fath ers or brothers, in making hay, harvesting grain, husking corn and digging potatoes in the field. The wives and daughters of the rich and poor alike cheerfully engaged in all these out-door employments, when the work, for want of the necessary male help or other circumstances, seemed to in vite their assistance. Even Colonel Davis, whose family was regarded as standing in the first position in society, could be seen leading his bevy of beautiful daughters into his fields to pull flax. But frugality in modes of dress, the supplies of the table, and other domestic arrangements for saving expenses and liv ing within their means, did not constitute the whole of their system of economy. Their provident forecast taught them the evUs of debt. For they felt that under the depressing influence of that sort of slavery, they could never enjoy that feel ing of proud independence which they carefully cherished, and which constituted the best part of their happiness. They rightly appreciated, also, the bad moral tendencies of that evil, than which scarcely nothing more silently and surely tends, with its numberless temptations, to do what we otherwise would not do, to de base our best feelings and convictions as men, and undermine our best civic virtues as freemen. Our first settlers, therefore, carefully avoided it, making their calcula tions far ahead so to live, so to purchase, and so to enlarge their plans of improve ment, as to keep out of debt, and often foregoing the most tempting of bargains rather than increase it. To enable the reader to estimate the cost of living and the profits of farming, as well as to appreciate the frugality of set tlers, it will be well to note a few of the prevailing prices of labor, stock and other products of the day, as well as those of the few necessary articles which the set tlers were- compelled to import for their use and consumption in Uving, or in pur suing their ordinary avocations. PRICES OF LABOR, STOCK, EXPORTED AND IMPORTED ARTICLES. The wages of the best class of laborers were $9.00 per month, and 42 to 50 cents for casual day's work. The common price of wheat was 67 cts. per bushel ; Indian corn, 50 ; oats, 25 ; MONTPELIER. 269 potatoes, 25 ; best yoke of oxen, $40.00 ; best horses, $50 ; best cows, $25 ; salts of lye, $4 to $5 per cwt. ; pork, in dressed hogs, $4 to $6 ; beef, averaging $4. Of articles imported, the prices were : For rock salt, $3 per busheb; common, $2.50 ; loaf sugar, 42 cts. per lb. ; brown, 17 to 20 cts. ; common W. I. molasses, $1.17 per gallon; green tea, $2 per lb.; poorest Bohea, 50 cts. per lb. ; nutmegs, 12 cts. each; ginger, 34 cts. per lb. ; pepper, 75 ; iron shovels, $1.50 each ; broad-cloth, $8 to $10 per yd. ; E. I. cotton cloth, 62 cts. ; calico, 50 to 75 cts. ; W. I. ram, $2 per gallon ; dry salt fish, 1 1 cts. per lb. And yet, with these extremely low pri ces for their products, and enormously high ones for their imported necessaries, the settlers, such was their industry and frugality, steadily progressed along the way to independence aud wealth. But though the openings in the forest, rapidly increasing in extent and number, the more and more highly cultivated fields, the bet ter and better filled barns, and the con stantly multiplying stock of the barn yards, made their yearly progress in thrift clearly obvious to all, yet the ratio of that progress can be accurately estimated only from the financial statistics of the town. And for this purpose we subjoin the sev eral grand lists of the town from its or ganization for the next succeeding fifteen years, or to and including 1807, all taken yearly and on the same plan. GRAND LISTS OF MONTPELIER FROM 1 792 TO 1 806, INCLUSIVE. 1792, $2,141.67; 1793, $3,075.00; 1794, $4,531.67; 179s. !fS.70S-83; 1796, $7,660; 1797. S9.794-18.; 1798,110,963.93; 1799, $14,538.75; 1800, $15,390.93; 1801, $16,- 979.77; 1802, $17,437.13; 1803, $18,126.- 99; 1804, $19,310.91; 1805, $22,920.55; 1806, $25,883.80. The increase of the population of the town, in the meanwhile, will be seen by the different enumerations of the U. S. Census, the whole of which, as we may not find a more convenient place for them, we will also here insert. Census of the Town. — By the first enumeration, 1791, 113; in 1800, 890; 1810, 1,877; 1820, 2,308; 1836, 2,985; 1840, 3,725 ; 1850, MontpeUer, 2,310, East Montpelier, 1,448, united, 3,758; i860, Montpelier, 2,411, East Montpelier, 1,328, united, 3,739 ; 1870, MontpeUer, 3,023, East Montpelier, 1,130, united, 4,153; 1880, Montpelier, 3,219, East Montpelier, 972, united, 4,191. This statement shows a steady increase except in i860, '70 and '80, when East Montpelier lost materially. From 1840 to i860 the old town as a whole was nearly stationary, while the present town, or the old village, has constantly increased. Part II. History Subsequent to the Organization of the Town. The strictly civil history of the town from its organization is that of every town in Vermont — a record of town meetings, of roads laid, school districts established, taxes voted, cemeteries provided, and lists made of persons warned out of town that they might not become- chargeable to it as paupers;* of elections, national, state and town, and of annual reports and returns required ; of intentions of marriage, mar riages, births and deaths — very incom plete. These fill volumes, and are of no use but for occasional reference, and in stead of these it is deemed best to give con densed statements, under different heads, of what has served to make the town, and most to mark its history, mainly outside of its official records. POLITICAL history. Votes for President from 1828 to 1880.-)- 1828, John Quincy Adams, (National Republican,) 185 ; Andrew Jackson, (Dem ocratic,) 171. 1832, t Andrew Jackson, (Democratic,) 284; Henry Clay, (Nat. Repub.) 163; Wm. Wirt, (anti-Masonic,) 70. 1836, Martin Van Buren, (Democratic,) 311 ; Wm. Henry Harrison, (Whig,) 246. 1840, Martin Van Buren, (Democratic,) 348 ; Wm. Henry Harrison, Whig,) 340 ; scattering 5. 1844. James K. Polk, (Democratic,) 348 ; Henry Clay, (Whig.) 250 ; James G. Birney, (Abolition,) 55. i848,§ Zachary Taylor, (Whig,) 403 ; •These lists contain the names of the wealthiest as well as of tlie poorest citizens, with their families, ir respective of character, color or condition, and were Intended to embrace every person who at the time had not become legally chargeable to the town in case aid or support should be needed. t The first recorded vote is that of 1828, the presiden tial electors having been previously elected by the General Assembly. J There is no record of presidential vote, and the votes given above were for State offlcers that year, being the nearest approximation to the presidential vote. §Atallof the elections thus marked [§], members and officers ol tlie Legislature voted iu Montpelier. 270 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Lewis Cass, (Democratic,) 333 ; Martin Van Buren, (Free-Soil,) 249. After the Division of the Town. 1852, Winfield Scott, (Whig,) 388; Franklin Pierce, (Democratic,) 222 ; John P. Hale, (Abolition,) 171. i856,§ John C. Freemont, (Republi can,) 726 ; James Buchanan, (Democratic,) 198; scattering, i. 1 860, § Abraham Lincoln, (Republican,) 541 ; Stephen A. Douglass, (Democrat ic,) 1 80 ; Edward Everett, (Conservative,) 3 ; John C. Breckenridge, (pro-slavery Dem.) 2. 1864, § Abraham Lincoln, (Republican,) 664; Geo. B. McClellan, (Democratic,) IS7- 1868, Ulysses S. Grant, (Republican,) 416; Horatio Seymour, (Democratic,) 148. 1872, Ulysses S. Grant, (RepubUcan,) 496 ; Horace Greeley, (Liberal,) 223 ; Charles O'Connor, (Democrat,) 3. i876,§ Rutherford B. Hayes, (Republi can,) 577 ; Samuel J. Tilden, (Democrat,) 423- 1880, James A. Garfield, (Republican,) 651 ; W. S. Hancock, (Democrat,) 382; scattering, 2. In ten of the above elections the ma jority of votes cast in Montpelier was for the candidate elected ; in one instance the plurality was for the candidate elected ; in one instance the plurality and in two in stances the majority was for candidates who were not elected. In 10 elections out of 14, therefore, the preference of Montpelier has coincided with that of the nation ; four times on the Democratic side, and six times on the RepubUcan side. Votes for Governor fro7>i 1792 to 1880. 1792, Thomas Chittenden 24. 1793, Thomas Chittenden 23, Samuel Hitchcock 2, Parley Davis i. 1794, Thomas Chittenden 26, Elijah Paine 25, Nathaniel Niles 1. 1795, Thomas Chittenden 27, Isaac Tichenor 19. 1796, Isaac Tichenor 24, Thos. Chitten den 17, Paul Brigham i. 1797, Elijah Paine 22, Samuel Hitch cock 6, David Wing, Jr., 3, Lewis R. Morris I. 1798-99, Unanimous for Isaac Tichenor, the votes being 47 and 64. 1800, Isaac Tichenor 59, Paul Brigham 2, Edward Lamb i. 1801, Isaac Tichenor 51, Paul Brigham I, Israel Smith i. 1802, Isaac Tichenor 49, Israel Smith 13, Joseph Wing i. 1803, Isaac Tichenor 59, Jonathan Rob inson 12. 1804, Isaac Tichenor 65, Jona. Robin son 28, Lewis R. Morris 2, Jonas Galu sha I. 1805, Isaac Tichenor 69, Jona. Robin son 16, Israel Smith i. i8o6,' Isaac Tichenor 58, Israel Smith 23, James Fisk i. 1807, Isaac Tichenor 68, Israel Smith 21. 1808, Isaac Tichenor 117, Israel Smith 109; Wm. Chamberlain 2. 1809, Jonas Galusha 155, Isaac Tichenor 112, Paul Brigham 4, Charles Marsh and Edward Lamb i each. i8io, Jonas Galusha 147, Isaac Tichenor 107, Paul Brigham, EUjah Paine and James Fisk i each. 1811, Jonas Galusha 150, Martin Chit tenden 103, Paul Brigham 2, Wm. Cham berlain and Benjamin Swan i each. 1812, Jonas Galusha 163, Martin Chit tenden 147, Paul Brigham 2, Timothy Merrill and Salvin Collins i each. 1813, Jonas Galusha 172, Martin Chit- tendfen 150, Paul Brigham and William Chamberlain 2 each, Chauncey Langdon i. 1814, Jonas Galusha 163, Martin Chit tenden 156, Wm. Chamberlain and Ed ward Lamb i each. 1815, Martin Chittenden 175, Jonas Ga lusha 171, Paul Brigham and Nahum Kel ton I each. 1816, Jonas Galushanone, Sam'l. Strong none ; number of votes not recorded. 1817, Jonas Galusha 147, Isaac Tichenor 72. 1818-19, Jonas Galusha 155, Charles Marsh i ; same each year. 1820, unanimous for Richard Skinner; 191 votes cast. 1821-22, Richard Skinner 172, Dudley Chase 2 ; same both years. 1823, Cornelius P. Van Ness 145. MONTPELIER. 271 1824, Cornelius P. Van Ness 126, Sam uel C. Crafts I. 1825, Cornelius P. Van Ness 227, Saiti- uel C. Crafts 5, Wm. A Griswold i. 1826, Ezra Butler 189, Lemuel Whitney 56, Joel Doolittle 2, Samuel C. Crafts i. 1827, Ezra Butler 359; opposition vote not published ; no town record. 1828, Samuel C. Crafts 187, Joel Doo- litde 2. 1829, Samuel C. Crafts 190, Joel Doo little 74, Heman Allen 11, Chauncey Lang don 2, Ira Allen and Silas Crafts i each. 1830, Samuel C. Crafts 181, Ezra Meach 172, Wm. A. Palmer 37. 1831, Ezra Meach 234, Heman Allen 141 ,Wm. A. Palmer 77, Samuel C. Crafts i. 1832, Ezra Meach 284, Samuel C. Crafts 163, Wm. A. Palmer 70. 1833, John Roberts 216, Wm. A. Palmer 193, Ezra Meach 114, Horatio Seymour 18, James BeU 3, D. A. A. Buck i. 1834, Wm. C. Bradley 347, Wm. A. Palmer 154, Horatio' Seymour 118, Samuel C. Crafts I. 1835, Wm. C. Bradley 302, Charles Paine 115, Wm. A. Palmer 52, Wm. A. Griswold and Dudley Chase i each. 1836, Wm. C. Bradley 375, Silas H. Jennison 281, Wm. Slade i. 1837, Wm. C. Bradley 346, SUas H. Jennison 292. 1838, Wm. C. Bradley 388, Silas H. Jennison 305. 1839, Nathan SmiUe 405, Silas H. Jen nison 340, Timothy Goodale 3, Lyman Fitch I. 1840, Paul DilUngham, Jr., 428, Silas H. Jennison 386, Solomon Sias 5, scatter ing 3- 1841, Nathan Smilie 445, Charles Paine 261, Titus Hutchinson 43, Samuel C. Crafts and H. F. Janes i each. 1842, Nathan Smilie 430, Charles Paine 272, Charies K. WiUiams 22, C. B. Wil liams I. 1843, Daniel KeUogg 404, John Mat tocks 248, Charies K. Williams 26. 1844, Daniel KeUogg 420, Wm. Slade . 318, Wm. R. Shafter -jo, scattering i. 1845, Daniel Kellogg 382, Wm. Slade 238, Wm. R. Shafter 83, scattering 2. 1846, John Smith 385, Horace Eaton 269, Lawrence Brainerd99,Heman Allen2. 1847, Paul DiUingham, Jr., 366, Horace Eaton 255, Lawrence Brainerd 100, Dan iel Kellogg 4, Jedediah H. Harris i. 1848, Paul DUlingham, Jr., 376, Carlos CooUdge 258, Oscar L. Shafter 118. After the Division of the Town. 1849, Carlos Coolidge 248, Horatio Need ham 248. 1850, Charles K. Williams 259, Lucius B. Peck 236, John Roberts 12. 185 1, Charles K. Williams 238, Tim othy P. Redfield 223, John S. Robinson 14. 1852, Erastus Fairbanks 242, John S. Robinson 125, Lawrence Brainerd 89. . 1853, Erastus Fairbanks 220, Johp S. Robinson 173, Lawrence Brainerd 68, Stephen Royce i. 1854, Stephen Royce 248, Merritt Clark 165, Lawrence Brainerd 9, Wm. C. Kit- tredge i. 1855, Stephen Royce 378, Merritt Clark 144, -Wm. R. Shafter 3. 1856, Ryland Fletcher 284, Henry Keyes 155, scattering 4. 1857, Ryland Fletcher 197, Henry Keyes 100, scattering 2. 1858, Hiland Hall 236, Henry Keyes 124, Wm. R. Shafter3, Philip C. Tucker i. 1859, Hiland HaU 265, John G. Saxe 123. i860, Erastus Fairbanks 326, John G. Saxe 140, Robert Harvey 4. 1 861, Andrew Tracy 199, Frederick Holbrook 146, Wm. R. Shafter 2, Hiram Atkins I. 1862, Frederick Holbrook 173, Paul DiUingham 19, B. H. Smalley 6, Levi Un derwood 5, scattering 4. 1863, John G. Smith 318, Timothy P. Redfield 67. 1864, John G. Smith 399, T. P. Red- field 97, scattering i . 1865, Paul Dillingham 268, Charles N. Davenport 90. 1866, Paul Dillingham 327, Charles N. Davenport 125. 1867, John B. -Page 288, John L. Ed wards 112, B. B. Smalley i. 1868, John B. Page 457, John L. Ed wards 175. 272 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. 1869, Peter T. Washburn 301, Homer W. Heaton 138. 1870, John W. Stewart 322, Homer W. Heaton 167. 1872, Julius Converse 424, Abram B. Gardner 265. 1874, Asahel Peck 301, W. H. H. Bing ham 297. 1876, Horace Fairbanks 503, W. H. H. Bingham 369, scattering i . 1878, Redfield Proctor 378, W. H. H. Bingham 258, scattering 37. 1 880, Roswell Farnham 540, E.J. Phelps 290, scattering i. From the above record it appears that the town was Federal in politics from its organization until 1809, the year after the. election of Mr. Madison as President : that in 1809 and untU 18 15 the Republicans of the Jeffersonian school were in the ma jority ; and that in 181 5, the Federalists obtained a small majority. The vote of 1816 is not to be found in the town re cords, and search has been made in the ofiice of the Secretary of State, but without finding it. The representative elected in that year was a Jeffersonian Re publican, and in 1817 the town was of the same politics by a vote of two to one. From that period there was no serious di vision In State politics for 12 years. It was "the era of good feeling," following the successful close of the war of 181 2 with Great Britain, and the people of the town were, with rare exceptions, substantially unanimous. On the election of Gen. Jack son, a new organization of two political parties was made — known as the National Republican and the Democratic parties — ¦ alid each was composed of men gathered from the old Federal and Republican ranks. These were speedily foUowed by the anti- masonic party, and the votes from 1830 to 1835 inclusive, reveal the existence of the three parties in Montpelier, and also that the Democratic party was in the ascendan cy. In 1836 and untU 1841, there were but two parties. Democratic and Whig, the latter being in the minority. In 1841, the anti-slavery party was developed, and three organized parties were in existence until the division of the town January i , 1849 : but in all this period the Democrat ic party was ascendant, and in fact elected the town officers in every year after 1830 untU 1849. On the governor vote in 1848, the old town was exactly balanced between the Democrats on the one side and the Whigs aud Anti-Slavery men on the other. AFTER the division OF THE TOWN. In 1849, the number of parties was again reduced to two, by a fusion of the Demo crats and Anti-Slavery men into what was called the Freesoil party, and the town was exactly tied on the vote for Governor, but it elected the first Whig representative in the person of the late Jackson A. Vail, Esq. , a lawyer and legislator of great abili ty. From that period until the formation of the Republican party in 1854, the Whigs uniformly prevailed, as the Republicans have done since 1854, the election of Mar cus D. Gilman excepted. TOWN representatives FROM I792 tO 1882. 1792 to 1796, 5 years, Jacob Davis; 1797, 8, 1800, 01, 4 yrs., David Wing, Jr. ; 1799, 1802, Parley Davis; 1803, 10, Jo seph Woodworth; 1804, 14, 15, Edward Lamb; 1805 to i8og, Cyrus Ware; 1811, 12, Timothy Merrill ; 1813, Joseph Howes, after which for some years he was in the military service of the United States; 1816, 17, 18, 20, 29, Nahum Kelton; 1819, George Worthington; 1821, 22, 23, 26, Araunah Waterman; 1824, 5, Samuel Prentiss; 1827, 8, 30, William Upham; 1831, 32, 33> Azel Spalding; 1834, 5, Wm. BiUings; 1836, 7, Lucius B. Peck; 1838, 9, Royal Wheeler; 1840, 41, Hora tio N. Baylies; 1842, 3, Addison Peck; 1844, 5, Jeremiah T. Marston; 1846, 7, Charles Clark; 1848, Homer W. Heaton. representatives after THE division OF the town. 1849, 50, Jackson A. Vail; 1851, 2, Hezekiah H. Reed ; 1853, Eliakim P. Wal ton, recorded as E. P. Walton Jr. ; 1854, Abijah Keith; 1855, Elisha P. Jewett; 1856, 7, Ferrand F. MerriU; 1858, 59, George W. Collamer; i860, 61, George C. Shepard ; 1862, 3, Charies Reed ; 1864, 5, Whitman G. Ferrin ; 1866, 7, Joel Fos- MONTPELIER. 273 ter, Jr. ; 1868, 9, James R. Langdon ; 1870, 71, Joseph Poland ; 1872, 3, Perley P. Pit kin ; 1874, 5, Marcus D. Gilman; 1876, 7, Charles T. Sabin ; 1878, 79, Hiram A. Huse; 1880, 81, B. F. Fifield,— the six last for biennial sessions. CITIZENS of montpelier WHO HAVE HELD CIVIL offices in the government of THE UNITED STATES. Electors of President and Vice - Presi dent — 1836, Edward Lamb; 1840, Joseph Reed ; 1852, Ezekiel P. Walton ; 1872, Elisha P. Jewett. Augustine Clark and Wm. P. Briggs also held this office, but previous to their residence in Montpelier. Senators in Congress — Samuel Prentiss, 1 83 1 to 42, II years; William Upham, 1843 to 53, 10 years. Members of Congress — Lucius B. Peck, 1847 to 51, 4 years; Eliakim P. Walton, 1857 to 63, 6 years ; Charles W. Willard, 1869 to 75, 6 years. U. S. District Judge — Samuel Prentiss, 1842 to 56, 14 years, U. S. District Attorneys — Lucius B. Peck, 1853 to 57; B. Franklin Fifield, 1869 to 1881. United States Marshal— Gcorgt W. Backer, 1835 to 37. Clerk of U. S. Circuit and District Courts — Edward H. Prentiss, 1842 to 59, 17 years. Register of the U. S. Treasury — Stod dard B. Colby, appointed in 1866, and died whUe in office. Post-O ffice Department — Charles Lyman was appointed clerk in the Dead Letter Office in 1861, and is now in that depart ment ; also Miss Emma Camp. Treasury Department and General Land Office — Henry Howes. Agents for Paying Pensions — Azel Spald ing, Thomas Reed, Jr., George Howes, Stephen Thomas. The office was re moved to New Hampshire while Gen. Thomas was incumbent. Collector of Internal Revenue — Joseph Poland, Sept. 1862 to Mar. 69; C. S. Dana, Mar. 1869 to 8l ; J. C. Stearns, from July I, 1881. In this list might be included the roU of postmasters, sundry inspectors in the rev- .35 enue department, and the names of a few who have been employed in subordinate offices at Washington, but a correct list is impracticable.CITIZENS OF MONTPELIER WHO HAVE HELD CIVIL OFFICES IN THE STATE GOVERN MENT.Members of the Council of Censors — Nicholas Baylies, 1813; Joshua Y. VaU, 1820 ; Ezekiel P. Walton, 1827 ; Joseph Reed, 1834; Hezekiah H. Reed, 1841 ; Joseph A. Prentiss, 1862 ; Charles Reed, 1869. Members of Constitittional Conventions — Jacob Davis, 1793; Joseph HoweS, 1814; Darius Boyden, 1822; Stephen Foster, 1828; Nahum Kelton, 1836; Jeremiah T. Marston, 1843, i85o;Oramel H. Smith, 1857; Eliakim P. Walton, 1870. Councillors previous to the State Senate in 1836— Nicholas ,BayUes, 1814 to 15; George Worthington, 1827 to 31. State Senators — Araunah Waterman, 1836-8 ; Wooster Sprague, 1842, 4; Or- amel H. Smith, 1845, 7 ; Charles G. East man, 1851, 3; Joseph Poland, 1858, 60; Charies W. Willard, i860, 62 ; Roderick Richardson, 1862, 64 ; Charies Reed, 1864, 7; Charles Dewey, 1867, 70; Eliakim P. Walton, 1874 to 1878. State 7>«aj«r«r J— Augustine Clark, 1833 to 37 ; John Spalding, 1841 to 46 ; EUsha P. Jewett, 1846; George Howes, 1847 to 53 ; John A. Page, 1853 ; and again elected in 1866, and is stiU in office. Secretaries of State— Vizs\d. Wing, Jr., 1802 to 6; Timothy MerriU, 1831 to 36; Chauncey L. Knapp, 1836 to 41 ; James McM. Shafter, 1842 to 49; Ferrand F. MerriU, 1849 to 53 ; Daniel P. Thompson, 1853 to 55; Charles W. 'V^^illard, 1855 to 57; Geo. W. Bailey, Jr., 1861 to 65. Secretary of Governor and Council — George B. Manser, 1832 to 36. Secretary of Civil and Military Affairs — George B. Manser, 1836 to 41. Clerks of House of Representatives — Timothy MerriU, 1822 to 31 ; Oramel H. Smith, /r() tem., 1835; Ferrand F. Mer riU, 1838 to 49; George R. Thompson, 1856 to 58. 274 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Judges of the Supreme Court — Samuel Prentiss, 1825 to 29, and chief justice one year; Nicholas BayUes, 1831 to 33; Isaac F. Redfield, 1836 to 59, 24 years, and chief justice 8 years ; Asahel Peck, circuit court 1851 to 56, Supreme Court, i860 to 72, 13 years ; Timothy P. Redfield, 1872, and is in oflSce. Judges of the County Court — David Wing, Jr., Caledonia County Court, 1797- 1807, 10 years; Cyrus Ware, chief judge of Caledonia County, 1808 to 11 ; Salvin Col- Uns, Jefferson (now Washington) County, 1811, 12; Joseph Howes, 1819 to 27; Shubael Wheeler, 1827 to 31 ; John Spald ing, 1840; Daniel Baldwin, 1846 to 8. State's Attorneys — Timothy Merrill, 18 1 1 to 13, 1815 to 22, 9 years; Nicholas Bay Ues, 1813, 14, 25; Wm. Upham, 1829; Azel Spalding, 1830 to 35; Homer W. Heaton, 1839, 4i> 60, 61 ; Oramel H. Smith, 1842, 43, 44; Charles Reed, 1847- 8; Stoddard B. Colby, 1850, 51 ; Ferrand F. MerriU, 1854-56; Clarence H. Pitkin, 1880, and is now in office. Judges of Probate Cottrt— David Har rington, 181 1, 1812; Salvin Collins, 1815 to 1820; Jeduthan Loomis, 1820 to 1830; Joseph Reed, 1830 to 1833; Rawsel R. Keith, 1833 to 1836; Daniel P. Thomp son, 1837, 38, 39 ; George Worthington, 1840; Azel Spalding, 1842 to 45; Jacob Scott, 1850, 51 ; Joseph Poland, 1852, 53 ; Nelson A. Chase, 1854, 55 ; Timothy R. MerriU, i860 to 70. Clerks of Supreme and County Courts — George Rich, i8ii to 19, and clerk of the Supreme Court only, 1819, 20; Joshua Y. Vail, clerk of County Court, 1819, 20, and of both courts, 1 821 to 39, 18 years; StiU- man ChurdiiU, 1839 to 44; Daniel P. Thompson, 1844, 45; Jackson A. Vail, 1849; Shubael Wheeler, 1846 to 9, 50 to 58, II years; Luther Newcomb, 1858 to IT, 19 years: MelviUe E. Smilie, from 1877, and StiU in office. High Sheriffs— Gtorgt Worthington, 1814 ; Rawsel R. Keith, 1825 to 32 ; Isaiah Silver, 1840; Andrew A. Sweet, 1841, 42; George W. Barker, 1843 to 46; Addison Peck, 1846, 47 ; Joseph W. Howes, 1849 1 I. W. Brown, 1871 ; John L. Tuttle, 1877, and stUl in office.BUSINESS HISTORY. From the peculiar location of Montpelier village, in a basin into wiiich all the main roads converged through river valleys from the north and the south, the east and the west, it has from the beginning been an important business place, tempting to merchants and professional men, and re paying good endeavors with abundant success. Not long before his death, the late venerable Arthur Bostwick, of Jer icho, informed the writer that in his early career as a business man, Montpelier, in stead ofhis nearer neighbor Burlington, was the place where he purchased his goods, thus showing that Montpelier merchants found customers even in the valley of Lake Champlain, as they did also through the cen tral part of the State, and north to Canada line. Burlington had the advantage in trade for all articles brought by water from Canada, but not until 1830, after the construction of the Champlain canal, did the population of Burlington, which is as sumed as a measure of business for the purpose of this comparison, exceed that of MontpeUer. This is the more remarkable in view of the fact that Burlington is by five or six years the older town, and at the outset in 1791 had a poiaulation nearly three times as large as Montpelier. The population of the two towns from 179J to 1840 was as follows : Buriington 1791,332; 1800,815; 1810, 1690; 1820,2111; 1830,3226; 1840,4271. Montpelier, 1791, 113; 1800, 890; 1810, 1877 ; 1820, 2308 ; 1830, 2985 ; 1840, 3725. From 1791 to 1820 the advance of Mont pelier was the most rapid ; but since the opening of the Champlain canal, and the raUroads, and more recently, by the supe rior energy and wisdom of Burlington in establishing manufactures on a large scale, the " Queen City" has far outstripped not only Montpelier but all of her neighbors except Rutland. MANUFACTURES. Lest the above tribute to the enterprise and sagacity of Buriington be taken as a censure of Montpelier, it is necessary to MONTPELIER. 275 recall the fact that in the early history of the town, and for several years, her busi ness men were as enterprising, and even as daring, in respect to manufactures as to merchandize. It was the misfortune, how ever, of the most considerable enterprises to be baulked by fire or flood, and of others by changes in modes of manufacture — as of hats, ready made clothing, and machine- made boots and shoes,and household furni ture, until at last capitalists were dissuad ed from every adventure of the kind, and have turned their surplus capital into in vestments in real estate abroad. United States bonds, in banking and insurance companies at home. For capitalists mere ly, this is perhaps the most prudent course ; but for the town, for its growth in popula tion and business, it is unfortunate. The earliest necessities of the settlers of the town and vicinity were saw-mills, for lum ber to constract their dwellings, and grist mills to prepare materials for food for man and beast . These were first provided on the falls of the North Branch, and were burnt in March, 1826. MiUs of each sort were also erected on the falls of the Winooski, and the grist-mUl owned by Col. James H. Langdon was destroyed by a flood, Mar. 25, 1826. This miU was rebmlt by Col. Langdon, and was subsequently enlarged by his son, James R. Langdon, into a flouring mUl of the first class, with a capac ity for 250 barrels per day. A profitable bus- ness was done in this mill for several years, but it passed into the hands of the Mont peUer Manufacturing Company and is now used for other purposes. The saw-mill on the same falls was burnt in Oct. 1834, was rebuilt, and is now used by the same compa ny. A fourth grist.'mill, erected by James R. Langdon, is now owned and run by Mr. E. W. BaUey. The superabundance of the production of grain in early days led to another species of manufacture, which would hardly be tolerated in these days. In 1805, a distillery of spirituous liquors was estab lished, and was run for a few years, when it was converted into a manufactory of earthen ware, which was continued until stone and tin ware superseded earthen. In 1824, another distillery was started, to use up surplus grain in store ; but in 2 years the grain was disposed of and the still was abandoned. Another necessity from the beginning was tanneries of leather, and the first was established early in the present century by Elijah Witherell and Silas Cobb, which has been succeeded by others. Thomas Dodge, an apprentice to Witherell, Stole his indentures of apprenticeship, left his •employer, and started a small establish ment, in which Dodge struggled a while, and gave up the business for shoemaking. Still another large tannery was established in later years, and is now successfully run by Peck & Johonnott, and Peck & Cum mings are in the same business. The clothing-mill, as it was called, or mill for wool-carding, fulling, dyeing and dressing cloth, was another necessity when the frugal and industrious housewives were obliged to spin and weave their own wool. Of these there were two, which were con tinued until home-made cloth gave way to the handsomer productions of the power- looms. The most useful and promising under taking, by way of manufactures, was by Sylvanus Baldwin, in the erection of a cotton mill in 1810. From a memorial to Congress in 1832, signed by the distin guished Secretary of the Treasury, Albert GaUatin, it appears that "as early as the "year 1810, there were, north of the Po- " tomac, 50 mills for spinning cotton in "operation, and 25 more that went into "operation the ensuing year. The weav- " ing business had commenced, but was " not so far advanced." Baldwin's cotton mill at Montpelier was therefore among the first fifty in the country, and moreover ' it was among the few that had attained the dignity of weaving cotton yarn into sheet ings and shirtings. This was 5 years be fore the first power-loom in America was set in motion, (in 1815,) at Waltham, Mass. Having established this mill, Mr. Baldwin joined with Elisha Town in the invention and construction of a loom for spinning flax and silk by water-power, with a model of which he went to Europe, in 276 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. the hope of w'ihning a handsome premium offered for such a machine by the first Na poleon. This enterprise failed through the mischances of war. In Mr. Baldwin's absence, the mill was run successfully by his brother, Hon. Daniel Baldwin, on whose authority this account is given. On the return of the owner, the cotton- mill was sold to David Harrington, and in December, 1813, it was destroyed by fire. The first and the last owner were then crippled in means, and this enterprise was perforce abandoned. At a later date a similar enterprise was undertaken by Araunah Waterman and Seth Parsons, about 1820, who erected a large and well-appointed woolen factory for its day. It was operated for a time, but that, too, was burned. Mar. 22, 1826, with the loss of the life of Robert Patter son, one of the operators, and nearly fatal injury to Araunah Waterman and Joel Mead. A second woolen factory was buiU in 1837-8, by Coif H. N. BayUes, which ultimately was converted into lum ber-works by A. W. Wilder & Co. StiU another woolen factory ^was built and op erated at West Montpelier at a recent date, and this was burned. Among the early manufacturing estab lishments was an oil-mill, built by Col. Larned Lamb, which in 1810 was con verted into the before-named cotton-mill, and burned. Another was erected subse quently by Enos Styles, of Middlesex, and Hubbard & Jewett, of Montpelier, which was also burned in October, 1834. Of paper-mUIs there have been three. One by Silas Burbank, which was burned ; one by Samuel Goss and John Reed, which was also burned ; and a third on the Burbank site, which was operated by Silas Goddard & Brothers, Augustus Goss and George W. Cobb, E. P. Walton & Sons, and last by A. M. & D. P. Squires. The water of the Winooski was seriously in jured for the use of paper-makers, by an extraordinary flood in 1830, which cut into high clay-banks in Barre, that now contribute clay to the stream with every rain. On this account, as weU as the un reliability of water-power, the manufacture of paper was abandoned. Another early and widely-known man ufacturing establishment was that of Eras tus Watrous and George Worthington, hatters. They were succeeded by Lumaii & Norman Rublee, who continued in the business until the advent of silk hats put an end to the old mode of manufacture. StiU another old etabUshment, (1816,) having customers in two-thirds of the State, was the boot and shoe manufactory of Silas C. French and Nehemiah Harvey, which wa^ continued for a long series of years. The making of saddles, harnesses and trunks was commenced by Oliver Goss in 1804. Henry Y. Barnes foUowed in 1817, who continued for many years. There have been several others in this line of business. Among the earliest experiments on a small scale was .the manufacture of cut nails from hoop-iron, by Joshua iVIarkham. Small as was the business compared with that of modern nail factories, Markham's nails were greatly used and highly appre ciated, bringing 16 cents per pound. Another iron manufacture was that of large screws for mills, and all other pur poses requiring strong screws. This bus iness was prosecuted many years in Mont pelier by Ellis Nye, who ultimately went into the employ of the late Joshua Thwing, of Barre, iron-founder and millwright. 49 years ago, (1832,) an iron-foundry was estabUshed by Alfred Wainwright, which was continued by sundry successors until it came into the possession of Lane, Pitkin & Brock, and is now a part of their works used in the very extensive business of manufacturing saw-mill and other ma chinery. The manufacture of mill, factory and other machinery has been prosecuted by Araunah Waterman; Wooster Sprague, whose works were burned in October, 1834; and by Medad Wright, at West Montpelier, who with his son still con tinues in the business. Among the manufacturers of household furniture were Thomas Reed, Sr. ; C. & J. MONTPELIER. 277 Wood ; James Howland ; Anson Davis ; Lyman Briggs, Samuel W. Abbott & Co. ; Emery & Brown, and Abbott & Emery. This is another business which has been materially changed, from the complete manufacture from the lumber, to simply upholstering and other finish of articles manufactured elsewhere, in which E. N. Scovill is now engaged. The manufacture of tin-ware, and the sale of stoves, hardware, agricultural im plements, etc., in connection therewith in several instances, has long been an im portant business. In this class are to be reckoned Chester W. Houghton, and his son William ; Zenas Wood ; E. A. Webb & Co. ; Zenas & Charles Wood ; Andrew A. Sweet ; Erastus Hubbard ; Dennison Dewey ; Braman & Tilden ; E. Scribner, Jr. ; Barrows & Peck ; Bancroft & Spear, and Geo. M. Scribner. Without allusion to the mechanical trades, such as are common throughout the State; the early history of Montpelier in manufactures may well be concluded by mentioning an extraordinary enterprise for Vermont — the only instance — and that is, boring through 850 feet of solid rock, (ex cept occasional interstices,) in an endeavor to find saltwater and start the manufacture of salt. The experiment was apparently countenanced by the geological forma tions in the neighborhood, and about 60 citizens of the town furnished funds for the work, which was prosecuted nearly 10 years and a half, at an expense of $2,100. The intention was to bore a well to the depth of 1,000 feet, but when 850 feet had been reached, the drill by some accident became fastened so firmly that no avail able power could start it. But for this ac cident, the depth designed would have been reached, and doubtless a much lower depth, as men would not have been want ing to carry on the work for the fun of it. The attempt was certainly creditable for the good intentions and enterprise of those engaged in it, and it did not dam age their reputation for prudence. They had no very high expectations, and en couraged none in others, as they might easily have done. They swindled no body in the manner of the oU and mining corporations of a later day. They .spent their own money, and were respected rather than ridiculed for the biggest bore in Vermont. The later important manufactures of Montpelier comprise machinery, by Medad Wright & Son, West Montpelier; saw mill and other machinery, water-wheels and castings, and also brick, by Lane, Pit kin & Brock — a very extensive, rapidly growing and prosperous business ; car riages and sleighs for children, and other business in iron and lumber by the Mont pelier Manufacturing Company ; and last, lumber in the Pioneer Manufacturing Co's. works, by Edwin Lane. LIST OF ATTORNEYS. D. P. THOMPSON'S LIST TO AUGUST, I8fi0. Charles Bulkley, Cyrus Ware, Samuel Prentiss, Nicholas Baylies, WiUiam Up ham, Timothy MerriU, J.' Y. VaU, Jed uthan Loomis, James Lynde, Thoraas Reed, Azro Loomis, Roswell H. Knapp, H. H. Reed, L. B. Peck, J. P. Miller, D. P. Thompson, O. H. Smith, C. J. Keith, Azel Spalding, S. B. Prentiss, Nicholas Baylies, Jr., Geo. B. Manser, F. F. MerriU, J. T. Marston, Isaac F. Redfield, H. W. Heaton, John H. Prentiss, Charles Reed, Wm. K. Upham, J. A. Vail, Stillman ChurchiU, R. S. Bouchett, Geo. W. Reed, A. W. Tenney, Charles W.Prentiss, Tim othy P. Redfield, Luther Newcomb, Joseph A. Prentiss, Stoddard B. Colby, C. W. WUlard, Wm. P. Briggs, B. F. Fifield, W. G. Ferrin, Geo. W. Bailey, Jr., C. J. Gleason . Additions from Aug. i860 to 1881. Samuel WeUs, Joseph A. Wing, Nelson A. Taylor, C. D. Swasey, Albert Clarke, Rodney Lund, C. D. Harvey, F. V. Ran- daU, Asahel Peck, James S. Peck, Mel ville E. Smilie, Luther L. Durant, Geo. W. Wing, Arthur Culver, J. O. Livings ton, Clarence H. Pitkin, C. W. Porter, H. K. Field, H. A. Huse, C. H. Heath, C. S. Pitkin, H. G. Dewing, Hiram Carle ton, S. C. Shurtleff, Henry Oviatt, JohnE. Harris, T. R. Gordon, Rush P. Barrett, J. K. Kinney, O. D. Clark, G. B. Cliff'ord, H. W. Kemp, John G. Wing. 278 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. PRACTICING PHYSICIANS TO 1 872. D. r. THOMPSON'S LIST TO 18G(I. Pierce Sj^alding, PhUip Vincent, Ed ward Lamb, Stephen Peabody, Jacob P. Vargeson, Sylvester Day, Samuel Pren tiss, Phineas Woodbury, Nathan B. Spald ing, Nathaniel C. King, James Spalding, Eleazer Hamblin, Julius Y. Dewey, Benr jamin Walton, Hart Smith, Seth Field, Azel Holmes, F. W. Adams, Zebulon P. Burnham, Charles Clark, Daniel Corliss, Milo P. Burnham ; Sumner Putnam, East Montpelier, removed to Montpelier ; Thos. C. Taplin homoeopathist : J. M. Gregory, dentist; Ralph Kilbourn, dentist; M. Newton, and Brockway & Hawley, den tists; O. P. Forbush, dentist ; Orrin Smith, C. M. Rublee, E. Paine; G. N. Brigham, homoeopathist; C. B. Chandler, W. H. H. Richardson, James Templeton, G. H. Loomis, F. A. McDoweU, M. M. Marsh, C. M. Chandler. Additions from August, i860 to 1881. Lucy A. Cooke, clairvoyant ; A. B. Haw ley, dentist; Charles E. Davis, dentist; John M. Comegys, dentist; H. L. Rich ardson; J. M. Templeron, botanic; A. Denio, eclectic ; R. W. HiU, cancers ; Mrs. L. M. Smith, botanic ; D. G. Kemp, Geo. W. Nichols, J. E. Macbtnber, G. P. Greeley; C. H. Plumley, practical re former ; N. W. & R. G. Gilbert, dentists ; J. B. Woodward; H. C. Brigham, homoe opathist ; C. R. Pell, dentist, and succeed ed by H. G. Williams. MERCHANTS AND TRADERS. D. P. THOMPSON'S LIST To AUGUST, 1860. 1791 — Dr. Frye. 1794 — Col. Joseph Hutchins. 1796— Col. J. & W. Hutchins. 1799 — Hubbard & CadweU. 1802— W. I. Cadwell; Col. D. Robbins, east part of town, Robbins & Freeman. 1803 — Hubbard & Wing, Langdon & Forbes. 1807- — Timothy & Roger Hubbard, Jas. H. Langdon, Uriah H. Orvis, Dunbar & Bradford. 1808 — Chester W. Houghton, Josiah Parks. 1809 — John Crosby, drags, etc. 1810— L. Q. C. Bowles, Walton & Goss, bookseUers, etc. ; French & Dodge, shoes. 181 1 — J. F. Dodge, Langdon & Barnard. 1813 — John Spalding. 1814— C. .Hubbard & J. Spalding, D. Baldwin & Co., Austin Arms, Emerson & Wilkins, Luther Bugbee, Charles Storey. 1815 — Wright & Sibley, books, etc. 1816— E. P. Walton & Geo. S. Walton, books, etc. ; French & Harvey, shoes. 1818 — Sylvester Larabee ; E. P. Walton, books, etc. ; H. Y. Barnes, harness and saddlery.. 1821 — John Barnard, Langdon & Spald ing, Chester Hubbard, Barnard & Dutton, W. I. Cadwell & Son. 1822— C. Hubbard & E. P. Jewett, Rog er Hubbard. 1823— Dutton & BayUes, W. W. Cad well. 1824— Hubbard &KimbaU, T M. Taylor, Warren Swift, Langdon, Spalding & Co., Otis Standish. 1825— Baldwin, Hutchins & Co., Cad well & Goldsbory, Taylor & Prentiss ; Dodge & Standish, drags, etc. 1826— Wiggins ;& Seeley; Geo. W. HiU, books, etc. 1827 — Luther Cross, Joseph Wiggins, Goss & Wiggins. 1828— Luther Cross & Co., Hubbard, Jewett & Co., Spalding, Storrs & Co., Bay lies & Hutchins. 1829 — N. Harvey, shoes. 1830 — Baldwin & Prentiss. 1831 — Charles Lyman ; I. S. & G. Town, jewelry, etc. ; W. W. CadweU, Hart & Ri- ker; J. M. & B. H. Snow, harnesses; E. H. Prentiss, drugs. 1832— W. & M. P. Hutchins. 1833— Emerson, Lamb & Co., Snow, Bancroft & Co., Snow & Bancroft, A. C. Pierce & Co., Silver & Pierce, Standish D. Barnes, G. W. Ware, Baldwin & Scott. 1834— Jewett & Howes, Burbank & Hub bard, Baylies & Hart, Ebenezer Colburn ; S. B. FUnt, saddlery and harness ; Hutch ins & Wright; Wm. Clark, books, etc. 1835— H. N. Baylies & Co. ; Harvey & Harran, shoes ; John & Charies Spalding, SUver, Pierce & Co., Silas Burbank & Co., Ira Day, Wm. A. Prentiss. MONTPELIER. 279 1836 — Jewett, Howes & Co., Emerson & Russell, Baylies & Storrs. 1837— Bancroft & Riker, C. & L. L. Lamb, C. Alexander. 1838 — Spalding & Foster, Langdon & Wright ; Town & Witherell, jewelry ; John S. Abbott, clocks, etc. 1839 — BayUes & Goss; S. P. Redfield, drugs; J. T. Marston, E. P. Walton & Sons, books, etc. ; Storrs & Langdon. 1840 — Charles Spalding, Silver, Lamb & Co. ; Harran & Dodge, boots and shoes. 1841 — H. N". Baylies, Jewett & Howes, Baldwin, Scott & Co., Lyman & King, J. H. RamsdeU; Cross, Hyde & Co., bakers. 1842 — Cross, Day & Co., Benjamin Day & Co., French & Bancroft, Ellis, Wilder & Co. ; Clark & Collins, drugs. 1843 — Silas C. French, boots and shoes. 1844 — Augustus Haven, Zenas Wood, stoves and tin ; Webb, Bancroft & Co. ; J. Booth, hats ; Moses & Rich, No. Mont pelier; J. Huntington, East Montpelier. 1845 — Z. & C. Wood, stoves and tin ; J. T. Marston, books, etc.; Wm. T. Burn ham, hats, etc. ; Samuel Abbott, jewelry ; N. C. King, No. MontpeUer. 1846— Bancroft & Riker, J. W. Howes, L. & A. A. Cross, Erastus Hubbard. 1847 — Harvey King. 1848— Loomis & Camp ; Hyde, Dodge & Co., hardware; E. C. Holmes; WithereU & Mead, jewelers ; Eastman & Danforth, books, etc. ; A. A. Sweet, tin and stoves ; Alfred Scott, hats. i84g_Keith & Barker; S. K. CoUins, Redfield & Grannis, drags. 1850— Scott & Field, Geo. P. Riker, Ban croft & Holmes; Abbott & Emery, John Wood, James Howland, cabinet work; L. M. Wood, R. R. Riker, clothing and taUor- ing. 185 1 — Hubbard & Blake, stoves. 1852— Peck & Lewis; Ballou & Burn ham, books, etc. ; R. W. Hyde, T. C. Barrows, iron and hardware. 1853 — Lyman & King. 1854— Keith & Barker, Ellis & Bancroft, Gustavus Hubbard, Walker & White, Wil der, Scott & Co. ; Smith & Pierce, Dr. B. O. Tyler, drags ; Geo. L. Kinsman, hats ; N. C. Bacon ; Emery & Brown, crockery and furniture; Wm. P. Badger, W. W. Cadwell, hats ; Phinney & Mead, jewelers ; S. M. Walton, book-bindery; C. G. East man, Ballou & Loveland, books and sta tionery; Wm. McCoUum. 1855— C. W. Storrs, John S. Barker, H. S. Loomis, Peck & BaUey, Union Store, Fuller & Smith, Jacob Scott; Oliver & Helmer, hardware ; French & Sanborn, H. B. Witt, clothing; Fred E. Smith, Col lins & Pierce, drugs ; Keith & Peck, leath er dealers. 1856 — W. Corliss, E. Montpelier; Chas. Sibley, No. Montpelier; Palmer & Storrs ; Burbank& Langdon, flour ; Hyde & Foster, hardware ; A. C. Field, clothing. 1857— EUis & Hatch, Livingston & Sal mon; James G. French, clothing; S. C. Woolson, merchant tailor ; Storrs & Ful ler, W. I. goods and groceries. 1858— J. P. Dewey ; J. S. Lee, clothing ; L. F. Pierce, drugs ; D. K. Bennett, guns and pistols; Mercantile Union, I. H. P. Rowell, agent; C. & S. E. Robinson; Adams Kellogg, E. Dewey, hats and cloth ing ; Emery & Field, crockery and furni ture; Wm. Storrs; Herriek & Page, shoes ; A. A. Mead, jewelry ; T. C. Phinney, jew elry, changed to book-store. 1859 — E- C. Lewis; SfS. Boyce, books, etc ; S. Abbott, jewelry ; Field & Watson, M. P. Courser, A. L. Carlton ; J. R. Lang don, flour; J. C. Emery, crockery and fur niture ; E. Gunnison, shoes ; Bailey & Brothers, Palmer & Stetson, Wooster Sprague. i860— Eli Marsh, Wm. B. Burbank, J. W. EUis & Co. ; Jacob Smith, clothing; Deming & Brooks. Additions from Aug. i860. i860 — George Watson ; Fisher & Strat ton, silver-platers, etc. ; Braman & Tilden ; Dennison Dewey, stoves, glass and tin ware. 1861— Geo. W. Scott & Co., EUis & Foster, Calvin Robinson, S. E.Robinson; M. C. Parkinson,' watches, etc. ; Chas. H. Cross, bakery and confectionery; J. V. Babcock & Co., furniture; D. T. Knapp, Roger Bulkley, harnesses, etc. 28o VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. 1862— C. W. Storrs ; Geo. W. Wilder, books, etc. ; E. Bickford, J. C^ Page, boots and shoes ; L. F. Pierce & Co., drags. 1863 — N. P. Brooks, dry goods and hardware ;Wm. F. McClure, groceries; N. K. Brown, drugs ; Barnes & Johnson, J. Lease, harnesses, etc. 1864 — Nichols & French, clothing ; J. A. Taft & Co., George Jacobs, Daniel Scribner, flour and groceries ; KeUogg & Adams, hats and clothing; J. P. Dewey, flour, grain and nails ; H. & C. FuUerton, boots and shoes; Wood, Bixby & Co., druggists ; S. Frgeman, jewelry, etc. ; Wm. F. Braman, hardware, etc. ; Charles Cross & Son, bakers and confectioners ; E. Scrib ner, Jr., stoves and tin-ware ; Dennis Lane, saw-mill machinery. 1865— L. W. Smith; Jacob Smith & Son, furniture; A. D. Arms & Co., D. Neveux, W. I. goods; E. R. Skinner, staple and fancy goods, wholesale ; Blanch ard, Peck and Johonnott, leather; Wm. F. Braman & Co., hardware; John W. Clark, wagons and sleighs. 1866 — Martin & Simonds; Geo. Nich ols, ready-made clothing ; Carleton & Co., W. I. goods; Mark French, preserved fruits ; J. E. Smith & Co., stationery and fancy goods ; J. Bodell, boots and shoes; Bixby & Co., druggists ; Redfield & Crooks, drags ; Lane, Pitkin & Brock, iron-founders and raachinists ; E. N. S co veil, furniture ; Henry Cobb, marble monuments, etc. 1867 — New York Dry Goods Store; Emery & Carleton, crockery and carpet- ings ; H. E. Fifield & Co., flour and W. I. goods ; L. L. Tanner, boots and shoes ; W. F. Braman, hardware, etc. ; J. V. Babcock, drugs, etc. ; Ira S. Town, watches and jewelry ; Peck & Johonnott, leather ; C. Spear, gas and water fixtures. 1868— B. Benjamin & Co. ; W. E. Ad ams, hats and clothing ; Denison Taft & Son, flour, etc. ; B. M. Chaffee, boots and shoes ; Lamb & Peck, hardware, etc, ; Putnam & Co., N. K. Brown & Co., drugs ; Flanders & Kinson, platers, etc. 1869 — A. C. Dewey & Co., flour, lime, plaster, etc. ; J. C. Emery, crockery, car- petings, etc. ; Philbrick Brothers, W. I. goods, etc. ; Barrows & Peck, hardware. etc. ; Babcock & Cutler, drugs, etc. ; W. A. BouteUe & Wife, dry goods and mUli- nery ; Blanchard, Keith & Peck, leather, etc. ; A. L. Carleton, dry goods ; Hinckley & Best ; C. F. FuUerton, boots and shoes ; S. S. Towner, miUinery and fancy goods ; Farwell Brothers, clothing; T. H. Corry & Co., W. I. goods; J. W. Page, teas, coffee, spices and tobacco, wholesale ; T.C. Phinney, books, stationery, fancy goods and homoeopathic medicines ; Hiram At kins, staple stationery ; Medad Wright & Son, lumber and machinery. West Mont pelier; W. H. Barnes, harnesses, etc.; Cobb & Cummins, marble monuments ; Stimson & Co., patent door springs. 1870 — Calvin Robinson & Co. ; BaUey & Park, Storrs & Jones, W. I. goods, etc. ; Carlos Bancroft & Son, W. I. goods, iron, etc. ; W. L. Washburn & Co., T. J. Hunt, W. F. Waterman & Co., W. I. goods and groceries ; Spear & Bancroft, tin-ware, stoves, etc. ; Woodward & Blakely, drug gists; D. McDonald, fiirniture, carpetings, etc. ; E. Hatch, boots and shoes ; E. Spin ney, fresh and salt fish, etc. ; G. P. Foster, coal and wood ; D. Taft and Son, lumber ; KimbaU & Hewett, monuments, etc. ; J. W. Paine, A. Allen, cigars. 1871 — C. Blakely, drugs, etc. ; Scovill & Lyon, furniture, etc. ; Jacobs Brothers, flour and W. I. goods; C. E. Winch & Co., W. I. goods and groceries; Thomas McGee, sewing-machines ; Fisher, Colton & Kinson, platers, etc. ; J. O'Grady, boots and shoes ; N. C. Bacon, auction, store ; J. Bruce, harnesses and carriage trim mings ; Soper & Lord, cloths and merchant taUors ; T. A. Dewing, boots and shoes. 1872 — George Jacobs, flour,W. I. goods, etc. ; Smith Brothers, coal ; L. W. Jones, provisions, W. I. goods, etc. ; Geo. M. Scribner, stoves and tin-ware ; F. C. Gil man, wagons and sleighs ; B. T. Soper & Co., cloths and merchant taUors ; A. G. Stone, watches and jewelry; Crosby & TapUn, dry goods; Redfield & Bascom, drugs, etc. 1873 — MontpeUer Manufacturing Com pany, children's carriages, etc. ; Hatch & Farnsworth, boots and shoes ; C. E. Hos ford, clothing, etc. ; Crosby & Taplin, dry .J«»»*^^ ^*^5Sl^ "'^^l^.,^:^ i;^^:.^^^^^^^^^'^^ MONTPELlEk. 2K1 goods ; Babcock & Cutler, drugs, etc. ; A. Luce & Son, groceries ; V. Konsalik, watches, etc. 1874 — J. D. Clogston, tin-ware ; Putnam & Marvin, groceries, crockery and glass. 1875 — E. P. Towner, boots and shoes; Fuller & Howe, dry goods ; Mrs. A. L. Carlton, dry goods ; Bascom & Dewey, Wilson & Co., drags, etc. ; C. H. Heaton, groceries. 1876 — A. & A. Johonnott, leather; N. P. Brooks & Son, house-finishing tools and fixtures, glass, sash, blinds, doors, etc. ; E. H. Towne, merchant tailor; C. P. Pitkin, coal and wood; H. C. Webster, dry goods ; Lyon & Daley, furniture, etc. ; A. J. Braley, groceries; C. H. Keene, watches and jewelry. 1877 — Fred Blanchard, tin-ware, etc. ; C. W. Selinas, harnesses, etc. ; Henry Cobb, marble monuments ; KimbaU & Carter and H. C. Cross, granite monu ments ; S. C. & H. H. Woolson, merchant tailors ; Chase & Edgcombe, boots and shoes; A. H. Bailey, Smith Brothers, dry goods ; Orange Fifield, flour, gro ceries, etc. ; Washburn & Co., mUlinery. 1878 — Sabin Manufacturing Co., door- springs; Miss M. L. Page, millinery; Henry Lowe & Son, teas and fine gro ceries. 1879 — C' ^- Skinner, watches, jewelry, etc. ; A. J. Howe, dry goods. 1880— Sumner Kimball, granite monu ments; C. H. Shipman, C. E. Stow, boots and shoes; Blanchard Brothers, flour, iron and hardware ; W. W. Park, flour and groceries ; E. W. BaUey & Co., flour and feed; Montpelier Carriage Co., children's carnages. 188 1— C. A. Best, miUinery and dry goods; D. W. Temple, dry goods; J. A. Murray, W. I. goods and groceries ; H. E. Slayton, books and stationery; E. R. Meader, millinery and sewing-machines; Geo. E. Wheeler, marble monuments. When not otherwise indicated, the per sons named were dealers in goods of the usual variety to be found in country stores until about 185 1, and after that date in dry goods. The list is necessarily imper fect previous to i860, and since that it 36 might have been swelled to double its length by the insertion of the names of per sons engaged in business not included gen erally in the preceding list. Notably is a long line of dealers in family groceries and provisions, several with restaurants con nected, and some doing a large business in fruits. The list is made from the Vermont Registers, and hence the trae dates should be a year behind those given as a general rule. BANKS AND INSURANCE COMPANIES. The Bank of Montpelier was chartered in 1825, and organized in 1826, with a capital of $50,000. The first president was Hon. Elijah Paine, of Williamstown, and his successors under the charter and re-charters were James H. Langdon, Tim othy Hubbard, John Spalding, Thomas Reed, Jr., Rawsel R. Keith, E. P. Jewett, and George C. Shepard. This bank was re-chartered in 1840, with a capital of $75,000, and StiU again in 1853, with a capital of $100,000. The cashiers were Thomas Reed, Jr., Charles R. Cleaves, George Howes, Geo. B. Reed and Chas. A. Reed. This bank was succeded in 1865 by the Montpelier National Bank, organized under the national banking law, with a capital of $300,000, whose officers from its organization have been James R. Langdon, president, George C. Shepard, vice-president, and Chas. A. Reed, cash ier, untU 1 88 1, when E. D. BlackweU succeded Mr. Reed. The capital is now, 1881, $360,000. The Vermont Bank was chartered in 1848, and organized in 1849, with a cap ital of $100,000. The presidents were Hezekiah H. Reed, George W. Collamer, Homer W. Heaton, E. H. Prentiss and Roderick Richardson ; and its cashier, John A. Page. This bank continued until the First National Bank of Montpelier was or ganized in 1865, under the national bank ing law, the president of which has been John A. Page; and the cashiers, R. J. Richardson, L. F. Richasdson, J. C. Tap- lii^and J. C. Houghton. The State Bank was organized in 1858, under the general banking law of Vermont, 282 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. with a capital of $100,000, held mainly by stockholders in the old bank of Montpelier. Its officers were James R. Langdon, pres ident, and George B. Reed, cashier. Bu.s- iness was continued but a few years. To the banks in MontpeUer one compli ment is due — they always have been per fectly sound and reliable, without any exception. Latest organized is the Montpelier Sav ings- Bank and Trust Company, chartered in 1870, organized in May, 1871, and com menced business Aug. i, 1871. Its offi cers are Homer W. Heaton, president; Whitman G. Ferrin, treasurer, succeeded by A. W. Ferrin. July i, 1880, there were 1685 depositors, deposits $346,284.33, and surplus $31,060.11. The Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Company was incorporated in 1827, organized in March, 1828, and is now in the 54th year of successful and beneficent operation. The first President was Hon. Chapin Keith of Barre, and his successors were Hon. Israel P. Dana of DanvUle, and Hon. John Spalding of Montpelier — the* terms of these three covering the first 13 years of the company. In 1841, Hon. Daniel Baldwin of Montpelier consented to take the office, and he was re-elected at every annual elec tion untU 1874, — 31 years. He was suc ceeded by James T. Thurston and Hon. W. H. H. Bingham. Hon. Joshua Y. Vail was the first permanent Secretary, and held the office untU 1850, who was .succeeded by Hon. Charles Dewey, who served untU 1871, when Mr. Jaraes T. Sa bin was elected, who is the present Secre tary. The treasurers until 1842 were Hon. George Worthington, Hon. Oramel H. Smith, Calvin Jay Keith, Esq., Hon. Homer W. Heaton and Harry Vail. In 1842, Jaraes T. Thurston was appointed and he was succeeded by O. J. Vail and H. N. Taplin, Jr. In this Company prop erty for insurance is divided into five class es, with rates of insurance varying in pro portion to the hazrrd of each class, and the theory of the company is to make the property insured, in each class bear the losses of its own. Theoretically, therefore, this Company has five distinct mutual in surance companies under one management ; and distinct accounts of the five diflFerent classes have been kept for many years, to enable the directors to assign to each the proper rates of insurance. The theory of the company is probably due to abundant caution in respect to the classes which are occasionally exposed to sweeping fires, from which isolated property is always ex empt. It is an exception which proves the wisdom of the rule. The whole number of policies issued from March 31, 1828, to Aug. I, 1881, was 219, 841 : of this num ber 190,428 have expired or been canceled, leaving in force, at the last date, 29,413. The whole amount insured has been $237,- 333,504, of which the amount canceled or expired is $200,430,697 — leaving the amount insured Aug. i, 1881, $36,902,807. The whole amount of premium notes tak en is $21,456,983.09, of which the sum of $18,810,474.93 has expired or been cancel ed, leaving in force, as a fund for the pay ment of losses -and, Aug. i, 1881, $2,646,508.16. The whole cash receipts of the Company have amounted to $3,653, - 940.38, and the whole amount paid for loss es and expenses, (including a new and permanent office,) $3,643,289.08 — leaving a balance in the treasury, Aug. i, 1881, of $10,651.30. Chargeable upon this surplus are unadjusted clairas for losses estimated at $4,383.30. The total amount of assess ments made in 54 years is 178 J per cent., or, on the average, 3 and 1-3 per cent. per annum of the premium notes. This result indicates that the premium notes have on the average constituted a fund, legally coUectable if necessary, more than five times greater than the size of the loss es and expenses, and so proves the safety, against any possible contingency, of insur ance in institutions managed on the rales of this corapany. The Farmers'' Mutual Fire Insurance Company was incorporated and organized in No- venjber, 1849, its first president being Hon. Azel Spalding, then of MontpeUer. His successors have been Hon. William MONTPELIER. 283 Howes, of Montpelier, Hon. George W. Bailey, of Middlesex, Hon. William L. Sowles, of Swanton, and P. P. Pitkin, of Montpelier, the present incumbent. Hon. Joseph Poland, of Montpelier, has been the secretary since the organization. Sam uel Wells was treasurer until his death, and was succeeded by Geo. W. Leslie. As its name implies, the purpose of this Company is to insure only farmers' prop erty, and other property of like kind as to hazard — in theory corresponding with the first or least hazardous class ot the Ver mont Mutual before described. The main difference between the two companies is, that the Vermont Mutual first ascertains its losses and expenses from month to month, assesses the premium notes to pay them, and collects (annually) these assess ments ; while the Farmers' Company re quires payment by the insured in advance, of a sum estimated to be sufficient to meet the losses and expenses during the life o f the policy, which in that Company is 5 years. As ample security, however, to the insured against loss, each member of the Farmers' Corapany, (as in the other Company,) is required to give a premium note, which is assessable or legally coUect able in case of necessity. The Naiioual Life Insurance Company was incorporated in November, 1848, with an authorized capital of $100,000. This was reduced to $50,000, by an amendment of the charter in 1849, and the Company was located at MontpeUer. Benjamin Balch made an unsuccessful attempt to or ganize the institution in 1849, and, early in 1850, it was organized by others, with Hon. Wm. C. Kittredge, of Fairhaven, as president, and Roger S. Howard, Esq., of Thetford, as secretary. These gentlemen resigned after brief service, when Dr. Julius Y. Dewey, of Montjielier, was ap pointed president, which office he held until his death, when he was succeeded by his son, Hon. Charies Dewey. James T. Thurston, Esq., of Montpelier, served awhile as secretary, when Geo. W. Reed, of Montpelier, was appointed, and has since held the office. The financial af fairs of the institution are managed by a board of trustees, and not by a treasurer. The whole amount of risks, Oct. i, 1880, was $8,623,156. The assets of the Com pany are invested inU. S. and State bonds, bank stock and notes amply secured by mortgage, the par value of which on the 1st of Oct. 1880, was $2,253,837.07. This institution has been prudently and very successfully managed, and bears a high reputation among those who are familiar with this class of insuranee companies. STATE-HOUSES. The position of Montpelier as State capital from 1808, and County seat from 181 1, has contributed much to the growth of the population and business of the town, and given it a prominence in the* political, judicial, religious and social af fairs of the State which otherwise it could not have attained, and an influence from the strongest and best men of the town, which has always been wisely used. The names of Wright and Lord in the churches, of Pren tiss and Baylies and Loomis in all judicial circles, of Thomas Reed, Jr., among bank ers, and of the senior E. P. Walton in the editorial and political field — not to men tion the living — were known and respected throughout the State, and their influence is still felt through a great number in Vermont and elsewhere, who profited by their ex cellent teachings and examples. Previous to 1808, there had been 46 ses sions of the General Assembly in 14 dif ferent towns ; 23 sessions in the eastern side of the State, "in or near the valley of Connecticut river ; 22 on the western side, 1 1 of which were in Bennington County, and 1 1 in or near the valley of Lake Cham plain, and one session in the north-eastern part. These locations at extreme points from a common centre entailed hardships of access, alternately on the one side of the Green Mountains and the other, and many inconveniences and evils in future years which then were hardly considered . Among these was the impossibility of preserving complete records of public and official do ings, and files of State papers ; because ot which, the early civU and political history 284 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. of the State, so far as official records and papers are concerned, is at best but frag mentary, and much of that which has since been obtained consists of the fragments gathered by the late Henry Stevens, Sr., in the attics of deceased state officers, judges and legislators, and among the rags of the paper-mills. These were purchased, indexed and bound at considerable expense to the State. To remedy the inconven iences of a State without a cajjital, and the frequent disputes between rival towns for the compliment of a legislative session, the General Assembly of 1805 appointed a committee to "'fix upon a place in the town of Montpelier, for the erection of buUdings for the accommodation of the Legislature of this State," and on condi- • tion that the town of Montpelier should erect the buildings and convey them to the State, with the land whereon they' shall stand, declared that " said buildings shall become the permanent seat of the legisla ture for holding all their sessions."* In the debate of 1857, on the State house question, the late Dorr J. Bradley, of Brattleboro, gave a tradition as to the act of 1805, which doubtless came from his father, the late Hon. Wm. C. Bradley, in these words : But the gentleman from Westford has accused those of the House who oppose moving to Burlington, of sectional prej udice. I have wondered that this subject was not earlier mentioned in the debate, but I did not expect it would come from the quarter it does. The question is a sectional question ; it was a sectional ques tion before the gentleman from Westford, or any other member of this House, was born ; and it was to allay that sectional jealousy that the Capitol was located here. Our ancestors settied on the eastern and western borders of the then-called New Hampshire Grants, and the common dis pute with New York united them in inter est and in action. They were not, how ever, so blind as not to see that the great natural feature of their territory must be respected. For a long time, this great range of mountains through their centre, prevented their having any Capitol. Each year, however, the disputes for the locality of the next session became too tiresome, * Vermont Capitol, 1857. p. 284. Succeeding pages in that volume give other official papers, -and various facts counectetl with the first and second State houses. and they resorted to an expedient. They did not call for " centralizing" some point in their periphery. They knew enough to know they could not. They sought what was then a little hamlet among the moun tains, but on neither side of them. It was selected because it was on neither side. A division of the range left it a perfect geographical puzzle to decide on which side it should be classed. How many a heart among those wise old men rejoiced that the mountains, for which the State had been named, the mountains, heretofore a curse, were to be henceforth a blessing. These mountains, into which, and not over which, our law-makers were to travel, were to become the centre about which the affections of all raight cluster. They were careful not to wound the pride of either side. Their governors were alter nately selected from each. The senators to Congress, being only two, were always taken one from each side Mr. Chairman, the Capitol was located here as a raeasure of peace. It was to build us up from a divided, into a united and horaogeneous people. Fifty years of peace have been the product of this act of wisdom! Our old worthies were right. They set that puzzle to their children on purpose ; they knew what they were about ; their children understood them. Shall we, their grand-children, affect ignorance of their intention? Shall we discard all those lessons of wisdom, to find a place where some tourist may go with a sketch book, or some artist with a pallet ? Above all, which idea is sectional, that of pre serving this peace of half a century, or that of violating its provisions? I, for one, am a kind of Samaritan on this sub ject. "Our fathers worshipped in this mountain ;" not bowing themselves to the Adirondacks across the Lake, nor to the White Hills from St. Johnshury ; but this mountain — the Green Mountain range ; and I am for going down to no Jerusalem on the east or the west. The act making Montpelier the capital of the State was passed Nov. 8, 1805, and on the 25th of the next month, the town, in legally warned town meeting, appointed a committee to receive subscriptions and donations, and to superintend the erection of the buildings at the expense of the sub scribers, the town as a corporation not to be liable for the buildings or the expenses of the coramittee. The town then had a population of about 1200 only, and a grand list of less than $23,000, and the heaviest part of the task rested naturally upon the THE FIRST STATE HOUSE. THE SECOND STATE HOUSE. MONTPELIER. village, which then had probably less than half of the population and property ; and moreover money of any sort was exceed ingly rare. Subscriptions were promptly made, but they were payable "in labor or materials when reasonably called for;" "such articles of materials and produce" as the subscribers chose; and "in grain, neat cattle, provisions, or goods at such times as we [the subscribers] shall partic ularly specify." Some materials, specially nails and glass, required cash, and cash had to be provided. Sept. 2, 1806, the town voted almost unanimously to petition the Legislature to grant a tax of four cents per acre on all the land of the town, [which would raise about $800, J to be expended in completing the State-House ; but noth ing appears to have been done, and the time was near [Sept. i, 1808,] when the work was to be completed. Therefore, May 12, 1808, the town voted a tax of 4 cents on the dollar of the list of 1807, [which would raise about $1000,] two- tiiirds payable in grain and provisions, and one-third in specie or current bank bills, or orders frora the building committee, or receipts or orders from the architect and constractor. Deacon Sylvanus Baldwin. The constable began to collect this tax,when he was met by the objection, from a shrewd farmer, that by the constitution of the State a town had not the power to tax its inhabitants for the purpose of building a State-house. The judges and lawyers were then consulted, and lo ! the judg ment of the farmer was unaniraously af firmed. This was a predicament very un welcome to the people, most of whom were willing to pay the tax ; yet it was a serious predicament, because the constable dared not attempt to collect a tax which raight afterwards be repudiated, and thus the burden be cast upon himself. In this emergency two projects were suggested : one being the selection of a collector who had no property, and the other a minor as collector, on the presumption that he would not be suable. The latter course was adopted, and the tax-bill was put into the hand of Hon. Daniel Baldwin, brother of Sylvanus. He collected the tax, even the constitutionally scrupulous farmer pay ing his proportion with his townsmen. The original subscriptions, the tax, and other donations, amounted to from $8000 to $9000, which was the cost of the house exclusive of the land — 20 rods by 16, which was given by Thoraas Davis. THE FIRST STATE-HOUSE was constracted of wood, 50 by 70 feet on the ground ; 36 feet high to the roof, sept angular-shaped in front, and otherwise square. About 20 feet of the front was in three floors — the first being the vestibule to the hall of the House of Representa tives, which was 50 feet square, and rose to the height of the first two stories front ; the second floor gave entrance to the gal lery of the House ; and the third floor, cov ering the vestibules and hall of the House, was occupied by the room of the Governor and Council, into which an audience-room for spectators opened, and by committee- rooms — one of them named Jefferson Hall, and famous as the scene of political cau cuses. The roof was surmounted by a modest cupola, in which was the finest- toned bell the town has ever had. The building was plainly furnished, warmed with stoves, and lighted with tallow can dles — the hall of the House with a chan delier so striking in its proportions and so brilliant in its effect as to be a marked ex ception to the plainness of everything else, and to incur the censure, as a piece of "foolery," of one of the wisest of the old legislators^Henry Olin. This house was used until 1836, when it was succeeded by THE SECOND STATE-HOUSE. This was authorized by act of Nov. 8, I832, on condition that Montpelier should pay $15,000 towards its -xonstruction. This sura was paid, and $3000 more for additional land. The second house was beautiful and substantial — a perfect speci men (the dome excepted,) of Grecian architecture — and the finest Capitol of its day in New England, if not in the coun try. The grounds, including fence, ter race and approaches, were the sarae as now ; and as the building was in form the same as the present, a Greek cross, differ- 286 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. ing little in dimensions, (but more in the roof and dome,) a particular description is not necessary.* The whole cost, (the Davis land excepted,) of this house and grounds was $132,077.23. This Capitol was used until Jan. 5, 1857, when, through a lack of due caution both in erecting and managing the heating apparatus, the wood work qf the interior took fire, and all the wood-work was destroyed, and the walls of granite and brick were badly damaged. THE THIRD STATE-HOUSE was authorized by act of Feb. 27, 1857, which appropriated $40,000 on condition that the inhabitants of Montpelier should give good and sufficient security to pay in to the treasury a sura equal to the whole cost of the work. This security was given in a bond in the sura of $100,000. At the session of 1858, no appropriation was made by the State, and the work was carried on to completion by funds advanced by citizens of Montpelier, leaving bills for the furni ture and some other debts outstanding to the amount of $34,000 in 1859, which sura the State then assumed, and the cost of con struction was reported in 1859, as being "within $150,000." The first appropria tion by the State, Feb. 1857, was $40,000 ; the second, Nov. 1857, was $30,000, and whatever should be paid by Montpelier on the bond required by the first named act — the amount then paid being $42,000 ; and the State in 1859 appropriated the further sum of $34,000 — making in all $146,000. The contributions of MontpeUer to the three houses have amounted to about $71,- 000, exclusive of interest and the land originally deeded by Thomas Davis, which now, if it was private property, would be the most valuable land in the town. Every part of the building, which is ever heated or artifically lighted, is fire-proof, the ma terials being granite, brick, iron and mar ble ; and the roof and dome, which can hardly ever be exposed to fire unless by lightning, are covered with copper and con nected by copper conductors running to the ground drains. The style of architecture is the sarae as that of the second capitol, * For a good description see [Zadock] Tliompso7i' n Vermont [Civil History,] pages lal-:i. but the furniture, upholstery, gas fixtures, and heating apparatus (by steam) are far superior. The central building is 72 feet 8 inches in height, surraounted by a dome and cupola 56 ft. 9 in. in ht. — extreme ht. to base of the statue representing Agriculture, which caps the cupola, 129 feet 5 inches. The length of the central buUding is, for the portico 18 feet and the side walls 95 feet 8 inches — in all 113 feet 8 inches; and the breadth is 72 feet 8 inches. The wings are each 52 feet in length, making the ex treme length of both, including the width of the central building, 176 feet 8 inches. The width of each wing is 50 feet 8 inches, and the height 47 feet 8 inches, with cor nices reaching to 8 feet below that of the central building, giving to the whole pile the shape of the Greek cross. By the enlarge ment of the building, opportunity was giv en for great improvements in its value and convenience for public business. The State Library has been materially enlarged aud improved, specially in law, history, and general literature, until it has come to be indispensable to judges, lawyers, and Uterary men for books of reference, and the number of volumes has largely out grown the room. A fine State Cabinet of mineralogy and natural history has been formed, and it receives additions annually. The battle-flags of the Vermont troops in the war for the Union are carefully pre served, with the portraits of many of her officers ; and within the State Department and the room assigned to the Vermont Historical Society all the fragments of the early history of the State that are attain able are gathered and safely kept. On the whole, the glory of the latter house greatly exceeds that of the former. COUNTY BUILDINGS. From the settiement of the townuntU 1797 it was in the County of Orange. In 1795, the town voted unanimously to petition the Legislature to be set oflF to the County of Chittenden, and faUed to succeed, but was annexed to the County of Caledonia in 1797, and there remained untU the County of Jefferson was organized Dec. i, 1811, with Montpelier as the county town. The MONTPELIER. 28? name of the County was changed to Wash ington in 1814. The first court house was erected in 1818, on the west side of the State House grounds — a wooden building, which now adjoins the Catholic church, and is occupied by its priest. The second house, of brick, was erected on the corner of State and Elm streets in 1843, and was burned the same year. The third, a brick building, enlarged in 1879, partiy burned in 1880, and re-finished in Aug. 1880, was erected on the same site in 1844. The first jail-house was the dwelling-house of the first settler in the village — Jacob Davis. It was given to the County by Thoraas Davis, son of Jacob, and was converted into a jaU and residence for the jailor. The changes in this building, to adapt it to its purposes, were made at the expense of citizens of Montpelier. In 1832, the County rebuilt the jail part of this'building, and gave back half of the building to the original donor, who then needed this act of justice. In 1857, the County substi tuted the present substantial and handsome building for the old one, and paid Mr. Davis for his interest in the property. In this connection a fact is added to correct the perhaps general impression that the State- House and other public buUdings are sources of wealth to the citizens of the town, especially the hotel-keepers. Mr. Davis gave bountifully of his property to the State and County, doubtless hoping to regain all his gifts and more, by the in creased patronage he would receive in his hotel. That hotel was the finest of its day, at least in the State, and was, as it has almost ever since been, the one most favored. Mr. Davis was himself an indus trious, temperate and laborious man, and had the aid of sons and daughters born in his house ; and yet he would have died a poor man, entirely dependent upon his children, but for the remnant of his early patrimony which was restored in his old age by the County. HOTELS. The first building serving as a public house was Col. Jacob Davis' residence on Elm street, afterwards the jail-house, and still serving for dwellings on another part of the same street. The first hotel in the town and county, buUt speciaUy for the purpose, was built by Col. Jacob Davis, about 1793 — the Union House, on the site of the present Unitarian church. It was of wood, and was burned in 1835. An other hotel of brick was erected on the same site, and that also was burned in 1859, and was succeeded by the present Union House, standing on the opposite corner of Main and Court streets. The second hotel built was the Hutchins tav ern, longer known as the Shepard tavern, a wooden building, which stood on Main, opposite Barre street ; it was burned. The third hotel erected was ihe Pavilion, by Thomas Davis, in 1807-8, a brick build ing. For its day it was one of the best hotels in New England, adorned with mouldings, carved wood-work, and fresco painting excelled only in modern times. Mahlon Cottrill enlarged the building to about double its original dimensions. This building was succeeded by the present building, erected by Theron O. Bailey, which is one of the most perfect hotels in New England. The third hotel erected was by Obadiah Eaton in 18 10, on ground now occupied by the Central Vermont rail road for depot purposes. This building was moved to Elm street, and is now oc cupied as a dwelling-house. The fourth hotel was of brick, on the south side of State street, and a few doors west of Main street, which was kept for many years by Rufus CampbeU, Hugh Gourley, William Rogers and others, and was then converted into stores. It was erected about 1824. The fifth was the Eagle hotel, on State street, enlarged and changed into the present American house. The sixth was the brick dweUing-house on State street erected by Henry Y. Barnes, and changed into a temperance hotel. For many years it was known as Burnham'-s hotel, and is now known as the Bishop house. This comprises the list of hotels in the present town of Montpelier. In the part of the old town which is now East MontpeUer, the writer remembers five taverns, some of which were not without fame in their day. For a tirae there was a hotel in the VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. present limits of MontpeUer, but not in the village, known as the Coffee House. It was on the farm two miles from the State-House, and on the road to Barre. The farm was originally owned by Jacob Davis, Jr., and is still known as the Coffee House. RELIGIOUS HISTORY. The town records show action by the town in respect to the gospel fund and to preaching at different times, commenc ing March i6, 1795, but not much fruit. About that time the first Methodist class was formed. [See. History of Methodist church, by Methodist contributors.] From 1791, Clark Stevens, Friend or Quaker, was a resident of East Montpelier, and was joined by others of the same per suasion, when religious meetings were held ; in 1803, a society was regularly organized, and shortly after a house for their meet ings was erected. In 1804, regular re ligious meetings were established in the village for services in " singing and read ing of sermons " when destitute of preach ing. The first record of regular preaching, in what is now Montpelier, was by Rev. Clark Brown, of Brimfield, Mass. In 1805, he was employed by the town to preach for one year ; but he did not succeed in that profession, and in 1806, left it and started a newspaper. In 1807, a Mr. Hovey was employed ,is preacher, but left the same year. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. In the winter of 1808, Rev. Chester Wright spent a few Sabbaths, and Apr. 12, thereafter, 83 leading citizens of the village formed "The First Congregational Society in Montpelier." July 20, 1808, "The First Congregational Church" was formed, consisting of 17 members. Mr. Wright was then employed as stated preacher, and continued as such until Aug. 16, 1809, when he was made the perraa nent pastor of the church. The number of the members of this church reported in June, 1872, was 440, of whom 155 were then non-residents who had not taken letters of dismission or forraally changed their relation. The whole number admit ted to this church has been near 1200, thus showing that the removals by emigra tion and death have been about 900. The meetings were usually held in the State- House, sometimes in the Academy build ing untU 1820, when what has been com monly known as "the brick church" was erected, at a cost of about $8,000. The present elegant and substantial building, called " Bethany Church," which was ded icated Oct. 15, 1868, occupies the site of the old church. The value of Bethany church was reported to the last General Convention to be $70,000 ; but including the land and organ, and the cost of the construction of the building, the sura should be about $6,000 greater. The fol lowing is a list of the pastors of the First Congregational Church of Montpelier : Aug. 16, 1809, to Dec. 22, 1830, Ches ter Wright; Oct. 26, 1831, to April 19, 1835, Samuel Hopkins; Aug. 25, 1836, to July 15, 1840, Buel W. Smith; Dec. 15, 1841, to Dec. 9, 1846, JohnGridley ; Sept. 27, 1847, to 1878, W. H. Lord; 1878 to the present tirae, J. H. Hincks. second congregational church, or free church. This church was organized in 1835, con sisting mainly of members of the First Congregational church. For a few years, under the ministration of Rev. Shennan Kellogg, it prospered, but afterwards de clined, and about the year 1848, was aban doned, a part of the members returning to the First Church, and others joining the Methodist church. The pastors and min isters of this church were : 1835 to 1842, Sherman Kellogg; 1842 to 1844, Joab Seeley; 1845 to 1847, E. J. Comings. This church and society erected and used the building on State street, which is now the Village HaU. . FREE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH. Elder Ziba Woodworth, (see biograph ical sketch in East Montpelier,) was a cit izen of the town at its organization, and on its record is a certificate of his good standing in the Baptist church prior to his residence here. From about 1800, Mr. Woodworth was in the habit of exhorting MONTPELIER. 289 as occasion offered, and in 1806, he was ordained, and preached from 1806 to 1826. Philip Wheeler is named in Walton's Reg ister as a Baptist preacher in 1815-16, and again from 1823 to 1825, and also Samuel Parker from 1827 to 1832. A church was organized in 1830, says D. P. Thompson, which would be in the ministry of Mr. Parker. In 1870, the church and society coraraenced the construction of a hand some church edifice on School street, •which has since be^n completed. The clerical list, so far as it is attainable, is as follows, beginning with the organization of the church in 1830: 1830-32, Samuel Parker; 1840, Keniston; 1841-43, ZebinaYoung ; 1849, Jackson ; 1866-8, N. P. Foster ; 1869-71, William Fitz; 1872-78, N. Newton Glazier; 1879 to the present time, H. A. Rogers. universalist CHURCHES OR SOCIETIES. In an account pf the religious condition of the town previous to 181 1 , the late Rev. Chester Wright stated that previous to 1800, there had rarely been any preaching except by the Methodists; that the in creased population fi-om 1800 was divided into various sects, the largest number pro fessing Universalism. A society of this sect was formed in the village, (now Mont pelier,) in 1831 ; one had been formed earlier at the centre of the old town, and shared the meeting-house there with other denominations, and at a later date a third was formed in East Montpelier, and erect ed a house of worship in East Montpelier viUage, which has been maintained ever since, and is now a handsome structure. The following list of Universalist preach ers in Montpelier has been gathered from Walton's Register : 1833, John M. Currier; 1834, John M. Austin; 1835, B. H. Fuller, J. Wright; 1836, J. Wright; 1837-8, John Gregory; 1839, J. Wright, J. Boyden; 1840 to 1866, EU Ballou; 1867-70, J. O. Skinner; 1871, E. Ballou. UNITARIAN CHURCH AND SOCIETY. There had been occasionally missionary eflPorts for this denomination, but no stated preaching and permanent organization 37 until after the coming of Rev. C. A. Allen in 1865. A church and society has been formed, consisting of Universalists and Unitarians, and a handsome church edi fice has been erected on the corner of Main and School streets, called "The Church of the Messiah." The list of min isters embraces but two names : Rev. Chas. A. AUen began his labors in Mont pelier in 1864, and reraained here 5 years, receiving leave of absence for a year in 1869, and resigning his charge before that leave had expired. Rev. J. Edward Wright becarae pastor in 1869, and is now (1881) in charge. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. In 1842, a church of this denomination was organized, consisting in part of mem bers dismissed by request from the first Congregational chftrch, among them being the first rector. A smaU church edifice was immediately built, and in 1867-8, an other elegant one on State street, near the centre of the viUage, which superseded the first. It is called "Christ Church." The list of rectors is as follows : 1843-49, George B. Manser; 1850-53, E. F. Putnam; 1854-65, F. W. Shelton; 1866-8, D. C. Roberts ; 1869-70, Wra. J. Harris; 1871-79, A. HuU; 1880 and since, H . F . HUl. [An additional paper is prom ised by the rector. Rev. Mr. Hill.— Ed.] ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. No record is found of regular ministra tions according to the forms of the Cath olic church for ¦ any considerable period previous to 1850, but there had been fre quent visitations before that date, notably by "Father O'Callaghan," of Burlington. The old court house was first converted to the uses of a church, and was again con verted into the priest's residence, when a convenient brick edifice had been erected near the State House, now known as " St. Augustine." The congregation is the largest in the town, being gathered from Montpelier and neighboring towns. The clerical list is as follows, gathered from Walton's Register : 1850-53, Hector Drolette; 1861-63, Z. Draon; 1864-81, J. M. P. Duglue, in whose 290 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. absence Father Savoie officiated. [An ad ditional paper wiU be given hereafter. — Ed.] LITERARY INSTITUTIONS, NEWSPAPERS, &C. The history of the common schools — at least until the establishment of a graded school by the union of all the districts in the village — is that of every other town of like population, and need not be given. Preliminary to a notice of the chartered literary institutions in their order, four so cieties designed to supplement the formal schools are worthy of notice. LIBRARIES AND DEBATING SOCIETIES. The first was a Circulating Library, of about 200 vols., established in 1794, and lo cated in the centre of the old town, probably under the care of 'the late Parley Davis. One feature was the exclusion of all novels as well as all religious books, thus limit ing the selection of books to works of history, travels, biography, the sciences, philosophy, agriculture, mechanics, and such poetry as was admissible under the rale ; and the second was the establish ment of a similar library in the village, Feb. 28, 1814, which was not quite so ex clusive in character. Both libraries ex isted for many years, and were undoubtedly useful to all who were disposed to profit by them. The third was a literary society formed about 1807, for theme writing and debate, called " The Franklin Society;^ of which the apprentices in the printing- offices and other mechanical trades were the members. Its rales required gentle manly language and deportraent ; and one who was an originator of the society, (the late Gen. Ezekiel P. Walton,) informed the writer that all the members became intelligent, valuable and influential cit izens, except one alone, who was expelled for profanity. Another society, with the same name, existed in 1828. A similar but small society was in existence some few years, dating also from about 1828, and with like results ; at least three of the members became editors, two of them Members of Congress at the same tirae, and another a judge of the superior court of one of the large Western States.* The fourth was "THE MONTPELIER LYCEUM," formed Nov. 18, 1829, which was contin ued for several years. Its design was " mutual improvement in useful knowl edge," and the means were, by addresses, lectures, essays, reports upon assigned topics, and oral debate upon selected ques tions. The members were not only the young people of both sexes from the schools, but also professional men, mer chants and mechanics of all ages. The lad in his teens met his rainister, his teacher, his doctor, or the judges and law yers of the village, in public debate, and all were encouraged to take part in the ex ercises. The fruits were indeed "im provement in useful knowledge," and the art of imparting knowledge ; making good writers and keen debaters, sharpening the intellectual powers, educating in all the members a taste for whatever is excellent and useful in literature and science, and inspiring a zeal for personal and public improvement. Its first president,and prob ably its originator, was the well-beloved principal of Washington County Grammar School for 12 years — the late Rev. Jona than C. Southmayd. WASHINGTON COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Nov. 7, 1810, Montpelier Academy was incorporated, the name being changed in 1 8 13 to Washington County Grammar School, and endowed with the rents of the Grammar School lands. The first acad emy building was of wood, 44 by 36 feet on the ground, and two stories in height. It was located on what is now the triangle on Main at the intersection of Spring street, near the " Academy bridge." This build ing was burned in 1822, when a more com modious brick building was erected, which was used until it was superseded by the larger and still more commodious Union School building, erected at the head of * Three of the graduates from Gen. Walton's print ing-office were serving in Congress at the same time in 1857-'69— two as Members ol the House from Massa chusetts and Vermont, and a tlilrd, hailing from a Western State, in the post-office of the House, and atterward in the Clerks' Department, and as Pay master In the Army in the Rebellion war. Two other graduates from that offlce became clergymen of good reputation. MONTPELIER. 2gi School street in 1858-9. The principal instructors of the Academy and Grararaar School, untU its union with the Graded School, were : James Whorter, James Dean,* Joseph Sill, Benton Pixley.f Ira Hill, Thomas Heald, Justus W. French, | Seneca White, Heman Rood, John Stev ens, Jonathan C. Southmayd, J. B. East man, Augustus A. Wood, || Aaron G. Pease, § Calvin Pease, H J. H. Morse, M. Colburn, Geo. N. Clark,** Davis Strong, Horace Herriek, J. E. Goodrich, Charles Kent and C. R. Ballard. Others were temporarily employed, and among thera was the late Hon. Joshua Y. Vail, in the early years of the school, and Robert Hale in the later ; and in the interim between the destraction of the first academy building and the completion of the second, the want of an academy was measurably sup plied by a classical school under a Mr. Sherard. For many years, dating from the preceptorship of Mr. Southmayd, Washington County Grammar School was, among others of its day, of the very high est reputation in the State, sending out as teachers, clergymen, lawyers, physicians and public men, a long roll to the high honor of the institution audits instractors. MONTPELIER UNION GRADED SCHOOL. Prompted in part by a bequest of $1,000 by Hezekiah H. Reed, land was purchased amply sufficient for school purposes for many generations, and a school-house erected at a cost of $19,000, when, under the general statute and special acts passed in 1858-9, the four school-districts in the village were united into one Union School district. The special acts gave fuU powers in respect to the course of study, and with a union of Washington County Grammar * Afterward Professor of Mathematics In the Uni versity of Vermont. [See vol. I. Burlington Paper on the University by Prof Clark— Ed.] t Clergyman iu Williamstown and missionary among the 'Western Indians. t Clergyman in Vermont, New York and New Jer sey. II Clergyman in New York. § Clergyman in Vermont. t Professor and President of University of Vermont, who died while pastor of a Presbyterian church at Rochester, N. Y. [See biography of, by brother of President Pease, vol. I, this work— Ed.] ** Professor in University of Vermont, and now clergyman and Secretary of llie American Board for Foreign Missions. [See Paper by him on U. V. M., vol. I, Vt. Hist. Gaz.— Ed.] School with the district, a course was adopted embracing all studies necessary, from the primary to the highest grades re quired for admission to colleges and the highest institutions for the education of females. Thus was formed a Union and Graded School, which has endeared itself to children and parents, and is an honor and a source of just pride to the town. The principals have been: 1859-61, M. M. Marsh; 1862-71, Daniel D. Gorham ; 1872-74, C. W. Westgate ; 1875-77, J. E. Miller; 1878-9, A. W. Blair ; 1880, W.W. Prescott; 1881, H. R. Brackett. , NEWSPAPERS AND AUTHORS. The first newspaper established in Mont pelier was The Vermont Precursor, by Clark Brown, in November, 1806. Mr. Brown had not been fortunate as a preach er, having failed in a few raonths, and he was little more fortunate as publisher, since he sold his paper in less than a year to Samuel Goss, the first proprietor of The Watchman, which was afterwards, from January, 1826, the Vermont Watch man b" State Gazette, and from Dec. 13, 1836, and still is, the Vermont Watchman Sr' State Journal; and the oldest newspa per in Montpelier. The real germ of the Watchman, however, was not the Precur sor, but the Green Mountain Patriot, es tablished at Peacham, Feb. 1798, by Sam uel Goss and Araos Farley, and discontin ued in March, 1807, the year in which Mr. Goss moved his ofl5ce to Montpelier. The editors of the Watchman have been Sam uel Goss, Ezekiel P. Walton, E. P. Wal ton Jr., [so known to the public, the true name being Eliakim P. Walton,] Joseph & J. Monroe Poland. The period of Mr. Goss was from 1807 to 18 10; of Mr. Wal ton senior until about 1830, after which his brother Joseph S. Walton assisted for awhile, and E. P. Walton Jr. until Sept. 1853 ; the latter was editor and proprietor untU Jan. 16, 1868, and editor untU Mar. 1868; and frora March 1868, the Messrs. Poland were in charge until J. M. Poland retired. During the 40 years of service by Walton, senior, the business of book-pub lishing and selling was connected with the 292 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. newspaper, and for several years after his sons had become of age, the business was greatly enlarged by uniting under one management the newspaper, job and book- printing, paper-making, book-binding, and book-selling, making one of the most im portant business estabUshments in the town, and furnishing support to a greater number of families than any other at the time. The next newspaper in point of time was The Freeman's Press, by Derick Sibley, or Wright & Sibley. The germ of that paper was, it is supposed. The Weekly Wanderer, commenced at Randolph in Jan. 1801, by Sereno Wright, and discon tinued in 181 1 ; or possibly was removed to Montpelier and re-issued as ^'¦The Free man's Press.'''' . In D. P. Thorapson's list of business men, however, the names of Wright & Sibley do not appear until 1815. They may have come earlier, and probably did, as Rev. John Gridley 's History fixes the date "about 1813." The latter was the Jeffersonian RepubUcan as theWatchman was the Federal organ, until "the era of good feeling" came to Montpelier in 1818, when Jonas Galusha received all the votes of Montpelier except one. The "Press" was discontinued about that time — possi bly before 1817, leaving "the Watchman" sole occupant in the field. Mr. Sibley re moved to Rochester, N. Y., where he was highly esteemed, and a son of his — possi bly a native of Montpelier, — has been one of the most successful men of this country in telegraph companies. The next newspaper in the order of time was the '¦'¦Vermont Patriot &^ State Gazette,''^ established Jan. 17, 1826, by George Washington Hill & Company. It was in tended to be the organ of the Jackson par ty (since called Democratic) in Vermont, as was Isaac Hill's "Patriot" in New Hampshire. The "Vermont Patriot" was continued for some years by its founders ; from 1834 by Geo. W. HUl and WiUiam Clark; from 1839 by Jeremiah T. Mars ton ; from 1848 by Eastman & Danforth ; from 1854 by C. G. Eastman, and the ad ministrator of his estate, frora whom the paper passed to E. M. Brown, and short ly after was merged in the present "¦Argus and Patriot,'''' published and edited by Hi ram Atkins. The dates given above, ex cept as to the birth of the "Patriot," have been taken from D. P. Thompson's list of business men, and raay not be entirely accurate, though it is believed they are nearly so. Mr. Hill did not possess the editorial tact ofhis distinguished brother, and employed others to do the chief edito rial work, and most prominent among the several so employed were Horace Steele and Hugh Moore — Steele, the author of "The Indian Captive," (omitted frora Za dock Thompson's list of Vermont books,) and Moore a poet of no mean rank. Both Marston and Eastman were able editors, and Eastman was the sweetest of Vermont poets. "7%« State JournaV was established Nov. I, 1 83 1, by Knapp & Jewett — Chaun cey L. Knapp, a graduate from the Watch man office, and Elam R. Jewett. The "Journal" was continued until December 1836, as the organ of the Anti-Masonic party, and was then merged in the "Watch man." Mr. Knapp was the chief editor, and after filling State offices in Vermont and Massachusetts, and serving four years in Congress for the Lowell, Mass., dis-. trict — 1855-59, — 1^6 's now in harness again as editor of a daily newspaper in LoweU. Mr. Jewett was for a long time connected with the Comraercial Advertiser of Buffalo, N. Y., and has retired from the newspaper business with an ample fortune, but is yet engaged in a lucrative business kindred to "the art of arts." The Voice of Freedom- was established in January 1839, by Allen & Poland, with C. L. Knapp editor, an anti-slavery news paper, which was continued until 1842, and then removed to Brandon. It was succeeded in 1844, at Montpelier, by the '•^ Green Mountain Freeman,'''' by Joseph Poland, which is now published by Her bert R. Wheelock. The editors have been Joseph Poland, Jacob Scott, Daniel P. Thompson, Sidney S. Boyce, Charles W. Willard, J. W. Wheelock, H. R. Whee lock, and H. A. Huse. [See paper later.] ' The "-Christian Repository,''^ organ of MONTPELIER. 293 the Universalist denomination, was started in Woodstock as "The Universalist Watch man" in 1829, by William BeU, and re moved to MontpeUer about 1836, and its title changed. For most of the period of its pubUcation in Montpelier, Eli Ballou was the editor and he was also publisher, under the firms of Ballou & Loveland, and Ballou & Son. It was merged in a Boston paper in 1870, having been edited for the three preceding years by J. O. Skinner. The "Christian Messenger, ^^ [see account of by Rev. J. R. Bartlett.] The 'Vermont Farmer was commenced in Montpelier in 1879, by L. P. Thayer, and removed to Northfield in 1881. For The Ver-mont Chronicle, now pub lished here, see Windsor, next volume. For about 40 years a daily paper has been issued from the " Watcliman" office during the sessions of the General Assem bly. It was originated forthe convenience only of members of the Legislature and persons having business before it, and at first was a small sheet of one or two pages, containing an abstract of daily proceed ings. Soon it grew into a small news paper of four pages, and contained an ab stract of debates as well as of jaroceedings, and was in demand for more gerieral cir culation. It became at last a daily paper of medium size, or equal to the original weekly "Watchman," and was entitled " Walton'' s Daily Journal,''^ to distinguish it from his weekly newspaper. From the outbreak of the rebellion in the spring of 1 86 1, untU July, 1868, it was continued regularly as a daily paper — with two edi tions each day for most of that period — and was supplied by correspondents in several of the Vermont regiments with val uable materials for Vermont's history in the War, much of which is yet to be pre served in a more convenient form. Daily papers have occasionally been issued dur ing the Legislative sessions from the " Pat riot" and "Argus" office, and also from the "Freeman" office, and from the lat ter a daily, was published during the war. A regular visitor into more Vermont households than have received the Mont pelier newspapers altogether, is "Walton's Vermont Register." It was started by E. P. Walton, Sr., and his brother, George S. Walton, in 1817, the first number, (be ing the Register for 1818,) having been printed and published in the closing months of that year. From that date until the present time it has been annually issued, and although it has not increased much in superficial dimensions, and is^still a convenient hand-book, it has increased in matter as fast as the professional and other business of the State has increased. The second number of the Register, (for 1819,) was pubUshed by E. P. Walton, Sr., Geo. S. having deceased, and the pubUcation was continued by him and his sons until 1853, when the publication was commenced by E. P. Walton, Jr., the present Eliakim P. Walton. In a few years the proprietorship was given by him to Samuel M. Walton, and by him it was transferred to the Claremont Manufacturing Co. in 1867, their first issue having been the number for 1868, and in 1881 to the White River Paper Co. From 1817, or the origin of the Register, until now, the editors have been E. P. Walton, Sr., and E. P. Walton, Jr. — so it ever has been, and still is, " Walton''s Vermont Register.''^ For several years the blanks in the calen dar pages were filled with guess-work as to the weather, and the writer of these pages exercised his ingenuity in filling in that sort of matter when a boy — a confession which suggests the utter folly of the fash ion. It was the general fashion in al manacs, however, and for the credit of Walton's it must be said, that nobody could be harmed by a prognostication of " rain or snow" in AprU, orof " unsteady weather, flying clouds ; we seldom fail of having a cold north-easterly storm this month" — all of which is the weather wis dom for May, 1820. The three last months of that year were suffered to go to press without any weather at all, but it is a fact that the weather went on according to its wUl, without the slightest respect to the Almanac maker, or the hopes or fears of those who relied upon him. This folly was abandoned finally, and a page was in serted from year to year containing a 294 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. weather table, which was originally framed by the astronomer Herschel, and corrected by observations made by the Rev. Dr. Adam Clarke. It is obvious, however, that any scheme, constructed by observa tions on another continent, and with a different climate from ours, cannot be re liable here ; probably not as reliable as the judgment of persons who will themselves carefully observe the connection of fair or foul weather with the direction of the wind, and watch the thermometer and barometer — or better still, the daily an nouncements from the weather office at Washington ; which, by the way, take no notice of the moon as an element in fore casting the weather. The time came to relieve ' ' Walton's Register " from this useless matter, and it was gladly improved. Among the papers temporarily published at Montpelier were " The Temperance Star,''" published in 1841-2 by the Vermont Temperance Society, and edited by Geo. B. Manser ; " The Harrisonian,'''' a cam- ' paign paper issued in 1840, from the Watchman oflSce, and edited by E. P. Walton, Jr. ; "The Reformed Drunkard,'''' in 1842, by F. A. McDoweU, changed to " The Reformer,^'' ^nd. discontinued; and a monthly literary and religious magazine in 1838, called " The Green Mountain Emporium,'''' by John Milton Stearns, which was removed to Middlebury and dis continued. The newspapers continued at this date, 1881, are "The Vermont Watchman and State Journal," (Republican,) by Joseph Poland; "Argus and Patriot," (Demo cratic,) by Hiram Atkins; "The Green Mountain Freeman," (Republican,) and "The Christian Messenger," (Methodist Episcopal,) by H. R. Wheelock. Of books printed and published at Mont pelier a formidable list could be made by including legislative journals, statute books, Suprerae Court and other reports, school books, sermons, pamphlets, almanacs and registers. The titles of many of these may be found in the catalogue of the Ver mont State Library, and their omission here is excusable. Of the books noticeable are the following : Valedictory Address of George Washington, 1812, an edition of which, thanks to the Washington Benevo lent Societies, saved the Watchman oflfice from passing into the hands of a sheriff ; Indian Captive, or the Burning of Royal ton, by Horace Steele, 12 mo., 1812 ; Di gested Index of law reports, by Nicholas Baylies, 1814, 3 vols, octavo, 1512 pages; On Free Agency, by Nicholas Baylies, 1820, 12 mo. 216 pages; Gazetteer of Ver mont, by Zadock Thompson, 1824, 12 mo. 312 pages; EngUsh Grammar, by Rufus Nutting, 1826, 12 mo. 136 pages; May Martin, by D. P. Thompson, i6rao. 1835, edition after edition of which has been printed in Araerica and in England ; and The Green Mountain Boys, 1839, ^y D. P. Thompson, 2 vols. i2mo. 536 pages; The Gift, 1841, Poems, by Sophia Watrous [Bemis,] 24mo. 172 pages; Theological Criticism, Poetical Scraps, and Dogmas of Infidelity, 1843, by F. W. Adams, M. D., 12 mo. 240 pages; Poems, by Charles G. Eastman, 1848, 12 mo. 208 pages, of which a new and enlarged edition, with a me- raoir, has been recently printed ; The Cap ital of Vermont, journal of proceedings and debates of the special session of the General Assembly, Febraary, 1857, with an appendix and engravings — 8 vo. 300 pages, 1857; History of the Town of Montpelier, by Daniel P. Thomp.son, i860, octavo, 312 pages; The Second Brigade, or Camp Life, by a Volunteer, [E. F. Palmer,] i6mo. 224 pages, 1864; Adju tant General's Reports, octavo, 1862, no pages — 1863, io6 pages — 1864, 958 pages — 1865, 762 pages — 1866, 368 pages— all embracing an official history, by Hon. Peter T. Washburn, of the part taken by Vermont in the War of the Rebellion ; Steps to Heaven, by Rev. F. S. Bliss, i2mo., 1868, 184 pages ; Collections of the Vermont Historical Society, octavo, vol. I, 1870, 508 pages— vol. II, 1871, 530 pages; The Family Physician, &c., by Dr. Leonard Thresher, 8vo. 1871, 406 pages ; and the Governor and Council, embracing journals of the CouncU of Safety and Governor and Council, early historical documents and biographical notices, edited by Eliakim P. Walton, 8 vols., published 1873-1881. MONTPELIER. -^ Of citizens of Montpelier the number who have been authors is not large, but their works are voluminous. The list in the order of time embraces Horace Steele, historical, I vol. ; Nicholas Baylies, law and metaphys ics, 4 vols. ; Samuel Woodworth, pamphlet poera on the battle of Plattsburgh ; Sophia Watrous, poems, i vol. ; Rev. F. W. Shel ton, tales and miscellaneous papers, 5 vols., previous to his removal from town ; D. P. Thompson, historical novels and history, 10 vols ; F. W. Adams, theology and po etry, I vol. ; C. G. Eastman, poeras, i vol ume ; in all, 24^volumes. Several who were once residents of Montpelier became authors after their re moval ; among whom are Rev. Samuel Hopkins, (pastor of the first Congrega tional church,) author of two historical volumes on the Puritans in the reign of Queen Elizabeth ; Rev. John S. C. Abbott, (who temporarUy supplied the desk of the same church,) author of numerous histor ical, religious and miscellaneous books ; Hon. Isaac F. Redfield, author of several elaborate and valuable law books ; Hugh Moore, author of a memoir of Ethan AUen, and Zadock Thompson, author of the Gaz etteer and History of Vermont, 2 volumes, and of other works. This list raight proba bly be extended. The published orations, addresses, sermons, speeches, and other pamphlets, the work of Montpelier men, combined, would make several volumes ; and in such volumes the names of Goss, Prentiss, MerrUl, Wright, Gridley, Upham, Walton, [senior and junior,] Peck, Pease, [Aaron and Calvin,] Gridley, Willard, Lord, and many others, would appear as authors. Taken all together, therefore, the literary history and character of the town has been highly creditable. MILITARY HISTORY. The first military company was organized in 1794, consisting of 72 men, many of whom had served in the Revolutionary War. The late Gen. Pariey Davis was the first captain. From that date Mont pelier, in common with other towns, main tained the mUitary organizations required by law ; and of these a history is not nec essary. Military matters of special interest wUl be noted. Minute Men in 1794. A special town meeting, July 21, 1794, voted That this town will ensure to the Min ute Men, now enlisted from this town, the wages, while in actual service, that the Governor and Council of this State have promised to recommend the Legislature to ensure thera ; provided that Congress nor said Legislature do not do it. It seems, then, that the town had, upon the requisition of the Governor and Coun cil, furnished its quota of minute men for an expected emergency, and patriotically guaranteed payment to them while in actual service. D. P. Thompson conjec tured that there was then no danger of war, foreign or Indian, and that the whisky insurrection in Pennsylvania was the source of the possible emergency. Mr. Thompson's conjecture was materially er roneous, and implied a suspicion of the fidelity of the people of Vermont to law and order, which was never entertained. Quotas of troops, to quell the insurrection in Western Pennsylvania in 1794, were re quired from four neighboring States only. A fierce war was waged in the summer of 1794 by the Indians, on the North-western frontier, with whom Wayne, Scott, and others were contending; but no minute men were required in Vermont to meet danger from any Indian war. The real danger was from Great Britain, and the emergency apprehended for Vermont was an attack from Canada on her Northern frontiers. Great Britain had mterfered with American comraerce ; Congress had debated a proposition for sequestrating the debts due from American to British citizens, and resolved on non-intercourse with Great Britain. An army of 80,000 men was authorized at that period if emer gencies should require it. The vote of this town shows that the Governor and Council had met in a special session, be tween the regular sessions of Oct. 1793 and '94, and required the raising of min ute men — of course in response to instrac- tions from the National Governraent — and yet the writer of this paper has searched 296 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. the manuscript Council Journal in vain for the record of that meeting. The journal of the regular session of Oct. 1794 does show that the State authorities had acted and provided the men. Nothing came of these preparations for war, except a dem onstration that the people responded cheer fuUy to the requirements of the national and state authorities. Montpelier, at least, was entitled to that honor. Governor''s Guard. At an early day Vermont adopted the forms of Massachusetts in respect to the public honors paid to His Excellency, the Governor. That was his title, and being at least nominally "excellent," his person was at least nominally very precious. He must have a military guard on public oc casions, to escort if not to defend him. If the governor of Vermont did not himself bear the sword and a cocked hat — as Mas sachusetts governors did — he must be sur rounded by swords and cocked hats on gala days ; and every day in his walk from his boarding-house to the Council cham ber, he must be attended by the high sher iff of the county, bearing a sword. When Montpelier became the capital of the State, the people there, and in the vicinity, fur nished both the State-House and a Gov ernor's guard, called " Washington Artil lery," corresponding to the "Ancient and Honorable ArtUlery " of Boston. It was chartered in 1807. This company was in dependent of the regular State military or ganizations ; it chose its own officers, who were cofhmissioned by the Governor in person, who also reviewed the company annually on presenting the commissions. The business of the company was to per form escort duty when the Governor came to town on the day before the meeting of the General Assembly ; to escort the Gov ernor and General Assembly and their of ficers to the church where the election ser mon was delivered, on "Election day;" and to fire salutes as proclamation was made from the portico of the state-house, by the sheriff of the county, of the election, severally, of the Governor, Lieutenant- Governor, Treasurer and Councillors. The company again met, in the week suc ceeding, elected its officers, and was re viewed by His Excellency. Thus it had at least three days of service in each year. In fact, its "trainings" were more fre quent. Composed, as it was, of selected men, it always ranked high. This organ ization was maintained until the necessity for it was obviated by giving the pre eminence to civil over railitary power. The raUitary and the armed sheriff were then excused from further service on such Qcca.sions in 1836. WAR OF 1812-16. The military history of Vermont at this period is singularly deficient, "bur foreign relations and defensive operations being exclusively committed to the management of the general government,"* without in tervention by the State authorities, such as from 1861 to 1865, when the admirable system of Adjutant-General Washburn preserved an accurate record of the Ver mont officers and soldiers who served in the War of the Rebellion. There is, there fore, no State record of the services of Vermonters in the War of 18 12, excepting only an imperfect record of the Plattsburgh volunteers, gathered many years after the battle. Two modes were adopted by the General Government in raising armies, to wit : by drafts from the railitia of the sev eral states, called " detached railitia," and by enlistments into the United States army. In both cases the men were under the command of United States officers, and hence no complete rosters can be found anywhere short of the records of the War Department at Washington. A roster of officers only has been published in the American State Papers, and with the aid of this the foUowing list is made : Earned Lamb, of Montpelier, appointed Captain previous to 1 808 . He comraanded a company of U. S. troops stationed at MontpeUer in 1808, but left the army be fore the roster alluded to was published. Mr. Lamb died at St. Louis about 1828. Sylvester Day, of Montpelier, was commissioned as surgeon Mar. 13, 18 13. •Message of Gov. Martin Chitteuden, 1818. MONTPELIER. 297 He remained in the army until his death, which occurred at Pittsburgh, Penn., about 1864. Gustavus Loomis was commissioned as 2d Lieutenant, Mar. i, 181 1, and was placed on the retired list Mar. 13, 1865, with the rank of brevet Brigadier General. He was probably a resident of Thetford at the time of his appointment, but for many years his home, when on leave of absence, was at Montpelier, and here his famUy for a time resided. He died in 1871. Sylvester Churchill was commis sioned as Lieutenant in 1812, and as Cap tain in the 3d Artillery, Aug. 15, 1813. During the War of the Rebellion he was Inspector General of the U. S. array, with the rank of brevet Brigadier General. He died at Washington near the close of that war. He resided in Montpelier for a few years previous to 1809, when he removed to Windsor, and became one of the pro prietors of the Vermont Republican news paper. ' In 1813, Congress authorized the enlist-^ ment and organization of 46 regiments, to serve one year. Of these, four were as signed to Vermont. The headquarters of one were at Rutland and Bennington ; of one at Woodstock ; and of two at Burling ton, The roster of the officers of the 31st regiment of infantry, Daniel Dana, Col onel, contains the names of the foUowing persons from Montpelier and its immediate vicinity ; Cyrus Johnson, captain ; Pres- buryWest, 1st Lieutenant; John Put nam, 2d Lieutenant ; Jonathan Eddy, 3d Lieutenant. Undoubtedly there were several Mont pelier men in this regiment, and probably in the two regiments enlisted at Burling ton, but their names cannot be given. Thelistof Montpelierraenin the regular army or naval service may as weU be com pleted here as follows : Hannibal Day, son of Dr. Sylvester Day, commissioned as 2d Lieut. July i, 1823, and breveted Brig adier General, March 13, 1865. He is StUl living and is on the retired list. Asa Richardson, commissioned as 2d Lieu tenant at a Uttie later date ; after serving several years he left the army ; but how, 38 the writer is uncertain — perhaps he re signed, or was placed on the retired list as a disabled officer. Disabled he certainly was. Charles C. Upham. now deceased, was paymaster in the navy for about 20 years, and attained the rank of Captain, and was high on the list when retired. George Dewey, Midshipman, Sept. 23, 1854, Commander from AprU 13th, 1872. Charles E. Clark, Midshipman, Sept. 29, i860, Lieut. Coraraander from March 12, 1868 — appointed from Bradford. R. Ju lius Richardson was paymaster during the CivU War. Theodore G. Dewey, Midshipman, June 19, 1875. To resume the subject of the War of 1812. It was declared June 18, and the Proclamation was not generally published in Vermont until about the first of July. The news was not unexpected nor unpre pared for, since it appears that there was a body of troops at Montpelier as early as the Sth of July, under the command of Col. Cutting of the U. S. Army. The Governor and Council met at Montpelier on the 23d of July .and adjourned on the 25th. The business was not for the rais ing of troops, but to represent to the Na tional authorities the pressing necessity of arms and ammunition to prepare the mili tia of the State to resist invasion. In a memorial prepared for that purpose it was declared, that the orders from the War De partment "for detached [niilitid] men had been promptly obeyed.'''' The number of detached men required of Vermont by the act of Congress of April 10, 1812, was 3000. The inference, then, from the state ment of the Governor and Council is, that within less than a month the Vermont mil itia had responded to all the demands made upon them. Undoubtedly this was true, and more, since many Vermonters enlisted into the regular army. The patriotism of the people — each political party spurring the other on — would not permit drafting, but rather a supply of all the needed men by volunteering. This was demonstrated by the Light Infantry Company of Mont pelier, whose quota of men to be "detached'' was eight. The corapany was paraded ; its captain [the late Hon. Jeduthan Loom- 298 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE is, a strong opponent of the war, J addressed the men, declaring that it was their duty to obey the order of the Goverraent,; and then ordered all who were ready to volun teer to march two paces to the front. At the word, aU marched out but five, and the consequence was that there was no "draft ing" except to see who should serve as "Home guards" on the peace establish ment. The required number went into service on the frontier ; but the writer can give the name of only one, the late Hon. Jo seph Howes. He remained for the period required, serving on the regimental staff as Sergeant Major. Judge Howes had agreed to divide the service with the Hon. Daniel Baldwin ; but when the time came for Judge Baldwin's turn, the officers in com mand would not permit a compliance with the agreement by Judge Howes. A com mission in the regular army for permanent service was tendered to Judge Howes, but he declined on account of the pressing ne cessities of his family, and recommended the late Col. Cyrus Johnson of BerUn, who, as we have seen, did join the 31st Infantry as Captain. The total number of "de tached militia" in Montpelier cannot be given. There were then three militia com panies in the town liable to draft, and two of these were usually much larger than the Light Infantry. The whole number was probably about thirty. The invasion of Plattsburgh, in Septem ber, 1 8 14, gave another occasion for rival ry between the two political parties, which divided the town very nearly into two equal parts, the Jeffersonian Republicans having a bare majority for Governor, and the Federalists electing the town repre sentative. Both parties rallied to repel the invasion. A company was immediately organized and marched for the seat of war. The election of Timothy Hubbard as captain indicated that the Federalists were the majority of the company, but the roll bears the names of good and trae men of both political parties. The follow ing is a copy of the roll, which the writer has had in his possession, in the hand writing of the late Hon. Joseph Howes, who was second lieutenant : Copy of a Roll of Plattsburgh Volunteers made at Burlington, Sept. loth, 1814, by ^Brigadier'] Genl. P. [Parley'] Davis- belonging to Montpelier &-» vicinity. Timothy Hubbard, Capt. ; Isaac , Put nam, 1st Lieut. ; Joseph Howes, 2d Lieut. ; Stephen Foster, Ensign. Sergeants — Roger Hubbard, Benj. Phin ney, George Rich, Jacob F. Dodge. Corporals — Ira Owen, Alanson Allen, Mark Goss, David Barton. Mustek — Paul Emerson, Elijah Perry, Joseph Hancock, Jona. Stevens, Jeduthan Doty. Privates — Joel Mead, Cyras Brigham, Jacob Grossman, Iram Nye, Daniel Wood, Caleb Morse, James Arbuckle, Thomas Mead, Jr., Ephraim Nye, Wm. Taplin, Andrew May, James Caldwell, Nathaniel Bancroft, Zebina Moulton, Samuel Rich, Michael Hammett, Daniel Perry, John Hull, Francis Lull, Darius Boyden, Thos. Brooks,* Abijah Howard, Henry F. Janes.f Samuel Scott, Cyras Ware, Perrin B. Fisk, Parrot Blaisdell, Jr., Phineas Dodge, Jo seph Woodworth, Josiah Benjamin, Harry Richardson, Dyer Richardson, Peleg Whit- tredge, Thos. McKnight, Samutel Davis, Lemuel McKnight, Abial French, Calvin Hale, Eliada Brown, James Bennett, Rus sell Steward, Anthony Burgess, Ira May, Stephen Jacobs, Sarauel Mead, David Per sons, Nathan Kelton, Thoraas Reed, Jr., Isaac LeBarron, James Short, John Marsh, Jona. Cutler, Jr., Silas Loomis, Bartholo mew Kimball, Jonathan Shepard, Silas Burbank, Andrew Dodge, Jr., John Young, George Gifford, David Grey, John P. Davis, Samuel Uphara, Simon Cummings, Thomas Parker. Isaac Ames, Earl Cate, Benjamin Nealey, Robert Dodge, Peter Nelson, Aaron Gould, John Brown, Jo seph Andrews, Simeon Bates, JosiahWing, Joel Templeton, James Pine, Josiah White, Paul Hathaway, Arthur Daggett, Jr., Isaiah Burgess, James Pittsley, Phineas Parsons, Araos Farley,James AUen, Simeon Daggett, Elias Metcalf, Abner West, Amos Andrews, Zenas Johnson, Nathaniel Proc- * Grandfather of Brig. Gen. W. T. H. Brooks, who commanded the Vermont Brigade in the Sixth Corps in 186-.!. t Member of Congress from Vermont, 1S35-7. MONTPELIER. 299 tor, Solomon Stone, Clark Lumbard, Rol and Edwards, Asahel Lyon, Henry Cham berlain, Jona. Dudley, Chester Luce, Peter C. Lovejoy, John C. Perry, John Cataffey [Chafifey,] Fassett. The total number of officers and men is 118. They were all volunteers, and a few citizens of Berlin and perhaps of Calais ex cepted, they were from the old town of Montpelier. The publication of this roll now — probably for the first time — will serve as a memorial of the dead, and inspire their descendants, if need be, with a like patriotic spirit. The total number of Ver mont troops at Plattsburgh, Sept. II, 1814, was 2,500 ; probably three times that num ber were on the way there, making in all, 7,500, of which Montpelier furnished one- 64th part. the war of the rebellion. The full record of Adjutant General Washburn precludes the necessity of any details, or any assertiqn that Montpelier performed fully its part in that ever mem orable war. The total number of men required from Montpelier to fill all quotas was 189, and the town furnished 236, be ing 47 more than her quota. The princi pal field and staff officers were : Colonels, Nathan Lord, Jr., 6th ; Francis V. RandaU, 13th. Lieut. Colonels, Edward M. Brown, ,1 Sth; Andrew C. Brown, 13th. Majors, James S. Peck, 17th ; John D. Bartlett, 1st cavalry. Adjutants, James S. Peck, 13th ; J. Monroe Poland, 15th. Capt. and Assistant Quarter Masters, Periey P.Pitkin, 2d; John W. Clark, 6th ; Fred. E. Smith, Edward Dewey, Sth. Capt. and Com. ot Subsistence, Albert L. Carleton, nth. Quarter Master, Nelson A. Taylor, r3th. Surgeon, Charles M. Chandler, 6th. Most of the Montpelier men were in the 2d and 13th regiments — the 2d being in the Sixth Corps, which had the highest reputation of any in the army of the Potomac for fighting, and the 13th was in Gen. Stan- nard's famous flank moveraent at Gettys- burgh on the 3d of July, 1863, of which Major Gen. Doubleday in his report said, "that it is to Gen. Stannard and Col. Gates that the country is mainly indebted for the repulse of the enemy's charge and the final victory of the 3d of July."* The present military organization in Montpelier is one company of infantry, under Capt. Ely Ely-Goddard. public enterprises. A review of what has already been re corded will show that the people of Mont pelier have been remarkable for their lib erality in securing and establishing public institutions. The population of the whole town in 1810 was 1877, of which about one-half was in the present town, the pop ulation of which in 1870 was 3023'; yet the people of this comparatively small town have contributed largely in the erection of three state houses ; have built and sup ported three academies, and contributed $20,000 to the Methodist Seminary and Female College ; have erected one masonic hall, and purchased a vUlage hall ; have contributed to three court houses and two jails ; and have erected and supported 1 1 church buildings, some of them at a very large expense. Other sources of very great expense, unusual to most villages, which cannot be fully estimated, have been in streets and sidewalks and the provision of gas. Much of the village of Montpelier was originaUy little above the surface of the rivers which flow through it, and the principal streets have been put in their present condition by filUng and raising them with earth. Two of the stores on State street, near Main, have been raised about 8 feet above their original founda- . tions, and other stores are at about the same height above the foundatioiis of the first building erected upon their sites. To a less degree a great portion of three of the longest streets has been raised in the same way. In this process a large sand hill in the northern part of the village, once the site of a cemetery, has been re moved, and such inroads have been raade into neighboring hills and ledges as to make many sites for buildings. It can be truly said that compactly built streets now cover spots once occupied by malarious bogs or inaccessible clay-banks and ledges. * Adjutant General Washburn's Report for 1864, ap pendix P, page 60. 300 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Another source of expenditures liberaUy made has been the fire department. The MontpeUer Fire Company was chartered Nov. 7, 1809, and consisted of the fore most men of the village. A fire engine was purchased, which has been carefully preserved ever since. Under the village corporation an efficient fire department was constituted, which at one time, by means of leading hose and water-tanks, was within the reach of every dwelling. Since that period, though the department has been maintained with six engines and a hook and ladder company, the erection of buildings in remote parts of the viUage has outrun the supply of water. Another good work which commended itself to the liberality of the town was the establish ment of Green Mount Cemetery. It was founded by a former citizen of the town, Calvin Jay Keith, Esq., after he had ceased to be a permanent resident. It is now a noble monument to his memory, v It is in other and vastly wider fields, however, in which the leading men of Montpelier have stood foremost; enter prises affecting not the town merely, but the whole . State, and other states and countries, and for which Montpelier has not yet claimed the honor that is justly due to her citizens. A consideration of these will fitly close a paper which has far outran the original design of its writer. winooski turnpike. First among the enterprises of general public interest was the Winooski Turnpike, extending frora the terminus of [Elijah] Paine's turnpike, (at the line between Berlin and Montpelier,) to Burlington. This corapany was chartered Nov. 7, 1805. Two Montpelier men were in the list of corporators, to wit : Charles Bulkley, (whose business was in Montpelier, resi dence in Beriin,) and David Wing, Jr., who was then Secretary of State; and Parley Davis, of Montpelier, was one of the three commissioners appointed to lay out the road. Col. James H. Langdon and Capt. Timothy Hubbard were leading stockholders ; and Mr. Hubbard for some years, and then Col. Thomas Reed until the Vermont Central railroad was con stracted, were managers of the road. It was of great public convenience, and a val uable property to the company. This road and CottriU's stage lines were famous in their day. projected canals. The earliest canals projected in which Vermont was interested, were the ship canal, projected about 1784 by Ira Allen. to connect the St. Lawrence river with Lake Champlain ; and the Champlain canal, projected by Elkanah Watson and Gen. PhUip Schuyler in 1792.* Otter Creek and Missisco rivers were made navigable for a few mUes each. These for the west ern border of the State, while on the east ern border, the main work being at Bel lows Falls, Connecticut river was made navigable for flat boats as far north as the mouth of White river, and in favorable seasons farther still. But for projected canals within the State, and across it from west to east, the chief honor is due to Montpelier men. A meeting of delegates frora Chittenden, Washington, Orange arid Caledonia Counties met at Montpelier, June 30, 1825, and appointed three com missioners to ascertain the practibUity of opening water communication between Lake Champlain and Connecticut river. These were Araunah Waterman, John L. Woods and John Downer. They secured surveys in 1825, by Anthony M. Hoff man, of Swanton, John Johnson, of Bur lington, and Araunah Waterraan, of Mont pelier, assisted by Sylvanus Baldwin, who was also of Montpelier. The surveys cov ered routes from Montpelier via White and WeUs river ; also from Montpelier to the present summit of the Vermont Cen tral railroad at Roxbury ; and from Lake Champlain to Montpelier. A report by Messrs. Waterraan and Woods was made to Gov. Van Ness, Nov. 2, 1825, which was communicated to the General Assem bly ; and another report was made to the Governor, Jan. 18, 1826, by Mr. Water man, to whom belongs, it is believed, tire * Gen. Sehuyler wrote to Gov. Thomas Chittenden on this sublect, Oct. 17, 1793. His letter is in vol. a* of Vermont (Manuscript) State Papers, page 66. .MONTPELIER. 301 chief honor of promoting the enterprise. This favorable report of Messrs. Water man and Woods secured prompt action by the General Assembly, which, Nov. 17, 1825, requested the Governor to solicit the Secretary of War to direct suitable engi neers to ascertain the different heights of land and the waters on the several routes in the State where it is contemplated to make canals or improve the navigation of rivers. In anticipation of favorable re ports, the Onion River Navigation and Tow Path Company was incorporated Nov. 8, 1S25 ; an act to provide for improving the navigation of the valley of Connecticut river was passed Nov. 9; on the 15th the Battenkill Canal Company, and on the 17th the Otter Creek and Castleton River Canal Compan)' was incorporated. In response to the application of Gov. Van Ness, many surveys were made in Vermont by the U. S. Topographical Engineers. These included the Lamoille and Black rivers to Lake Memphremagog, and the Clyde ahd Passumpsic rivers ; the Winooski to Mont pelier, and from Montpelier by both White and Wells rivers to the Connecticut ; while beyond the liraits of Vermont surveys were made with a view of possibly finding feasible water communication between Lake Champlain and the Atlantic Ocean. These surveys were failures in respect to canals, but served efficiently in pointing the lines for the railroads which have been constracted since, or are now in the pro cess of construction. railroad enterprises. As in projected canals, so in railroads, Montpelier men were early in the field, and most efficient promoters, both in in fluence and money. The honor of first suggesting a connection of Boston with Lake Ontario by railroad is undoubtedly due to John L. Sullivan, a distinguished civil engineer of Massachusetts. This was in 1827, in letters addressed to the late venerable Elkanah Watson, of Port Kent, N. Y., a most efficient promoter of public enterprises of various sorts.* The honor * Men and Times of the Revolution, or Memoirs of Elkanah Watson, page 512. In a report by the late Gun. Parley Davis, of Moutpulier, made Feb. 17, 1830, the date of Mr. Sullivan's correspondence is assigned to 1820. of securing the completion of this great enterprise is doubtless chiefly due to the late Gov. Charles Paine ; but the credit of indicating the line on which the work was actually constracted, and of instituting the measures which led to the realization of the work through the labors of Gov. Paine and his coadjutors, clearly belongs to Montpelier. The railroad line from Bos ton to Lake Champlain was first formally indicated by Mr. SulUvan ; but in point of ¦fact it was one of the Unes which Water man and Davis and Baldwin, of Mont pelier, had indicated for canals in 1825 ; while frora Lake Champlain to the St. Lawrence at Ogdensburgh, Mr. Sullivan's Une was by a transit of the lake from Bur lington by ferry, and thence by rail up the valley of the Ausable ; but on the 17th of Feb. 1830, the report of Gen. Parley Davis, of Montpelier, made to a convention of citizens of Washington and Orange Coun ties, indicated not only Mr. Sullivan's line, but substantially the line which was act ually adopted — that is, from the lake "near Charaplain, (N. Y.,) and thence in a di rect route to Ogdensburgh." Now, in jus tice to other Montpelier raen particularly, and to the town in, general, other facts should be recorded. The files of Montpelier newspapers, for the year 1830, alone contain railroad raat- ter enough to fill at least two respectable volumes ; and that, was 4 years before the first locomotive had been brought into New England, and 5 years before the first New England road had been completed. The discussion of the Boston and Ogdens burgh railroad question in the Watchman was begun earlier, but the first efficient ac tion in Montpelier dates from Jan. 26, 1830 ; when, on hearing that the commit tee of the Massachusetts legislature had re ported in favor of a railroad to Lowell, cit izens of Montpelier met immediately, and appointed a committee to report upon the subject at an adjourned meeting on the 2d of February. That committee reported at the time appointed, and their report fa vored internal improvements generally, and speciaUy a railroad from Boston to Ogdensburgh . The report concluded with 302 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. these resolutions, and the meeting acted accordingly : Resolved, That the public good requires vigorous and persevering eff'orts on the part of all intelligent and public spirited individuals, until by the enterprise of in dividuals, the co-operation of State Legis latures, or the aid of the General Govern ment, the survey and completion of a route is established for a National Ra.i\roa.d from the seaboard at' Boston, through Lowell, Mass., Concord in New Hampshire, and thence by the most convenient route through the valley of Onion river to Lake Cham plain, and thence to the waters of Lake On tario at Ogdensburgh, New York.'* Resolved, That the chairman and secre tary of this meeting be authorized to call an assembly of the inhabitants of the coun ty of Washington, at such time and place as they may think proper, to consult on this important subject, and to adopt such measures as may be deemed expedient. Which is respectfully submitted. Lyman Reed, "^ E. P. Walton, > Committee. S. Baldwin, ) At this meeting. General Parley Davis, Joshua Y. Vail, Araunah Waterman, and Sylvanus Baldwin, Esqrs., were appointed a committee " to prepare a topographical and statistical statement of facts on the subject of a route for a railroad from Bos ton to Ogdensburgh';'' and Hon. Daniel Baldwin was appointed an agent to repre sent the views of the meeting to the Massa chusetts Railroad Association. These were all Montpelier men, Lyman Reed being then a citizen. He had been a merchant in Boston previously, and has .since been in Baltimore and Boston. He was zealous for the interests of Boston, and very well informed on the then new question of raUroads. He prepared the first lectures on the subject for the Mont pelier Lyceum ; and then elaborated these into seven articles, which were pubUshed in Mr. Walton's newspaper, the then named Vermont Watchman fir» State Gazette. The President, Capt. Timothy Hubbard, and the Secretary of the meeting, O. H. Smith, Esq., immediately called a meeting of citizens of Washington county and vi- *ln the Railroad Jubilee, Sept. 1851, this resolution was placed on one ol the banners, with the names of the Committee appended, and it was styled "An ex tract from the First Report hi relation to a railroad from Boston to Ogdensburgh, dated Feb. 9, [2,] 1830." —See Boston Railroad Jubilee, 1851, page 132. cinity, which was holden at MontpeUer, Feb. 17, 1830. Gen. E. P. Walton (se nior) presided, and O. H. Smith, Esq., was Secretary. At this meeting the com mittee on topographical and other facts, through Gen. Parley Davis, submitted an elaborate report, which filled four columns of the Watchman &-= State Gazette. With the aid of knowledge derived from John L. Sullivan of Massachusetts, and John -Mc- Duffie of Bradford, as to routes in Massa chusetts and New Hampshire ; of other engineers as to both routes in New York ; and the canal surveys and the personal knowledge of Davis, Waterman, and Syl vanus Baldwin, as to the routes in Ver mont, — the entire line from Boston to Og- densburg was covered, and an array of fa vorable facts presented, which gave a pow erful impulse to public opinion in all the States interested, and gained for its au thors and Montpelier the highest credit. Feb. 22, 1830, The Vermont Railroad Association was formed at Montpelier, of which aU the officers were Montpelier men. They were : Timothy Hubbard, President ; Joseph Howes, Vice President ; Araunah Waterman, Joshua Y. Vail, SUas C. French, Ira Owen, Timothy Merrill, Directors ; Daniel Baldwin, Treasurer; Lyman Reed, Recording Secretary ; E. P. Walton, (Sr.,) Corresponding Secretary. The first response to MontpeUer was ;nade on the nth of March, 1830, by a meeting at KeesevUle, N. Y., of which Elkanah Watson was chairman. The pro ceedings of the Washington and Orange County meeting at Montpelier on the pre ceding 17th of February, including the full report of Gen. Davis, were read. It was resolved " that we cordially concur in the sentiments disclosed in the proceedings of a meeting held at Montpelier, Vt., on the 17th ultimo ;" and a committee, of which Mr. Watson was chairman, was "author ized to commence a correspondence with that appointed at the Montpelier meeting, and with any other similar bodies," and with our national and state authorities." A copy of the proceedings, both of the KeeseviUe and Montpelier meetings, was sent to Hon. Isaac Finch, M. C, from MONTPELIER. 303 New York, who was requested to invite the co-operation of the New York delega tion in securing U. S. engineers to make surveys. March 23, 1830, Ogdensburgh respond ed ; Apr. 6, Concord, N. H., and on the 1 2th of May, Chittenden County entered spiritedly into the enterprise by a meeting at Burlington. That meeting Resolved, That we consider the public much indebted for the patriotic exertions of numerous associations of individuals on the contemplated route, and particularly to the gentlemen of Washington and Orange Counties for their elaborate and able report , and offer them our zealous co-operation in the laudable endeavor to excite attention and diffuse information on the subject. The meeting most important in its re sult, however, was held at Malone, N. Y., on the 26th of May, 1830, of which a former citizen of Montpelier, George B; R. Gove, Esq., was an active member. The important feature in the proceedings was the suggestion of a General Railroad Con vention, to consist of delegates from coun ties on the proposed railway route in New York, Vermontand New Hampshire. The proceedings of this meeting were published in the Boston Patriot, whose editor ap proved of the proposed General Conven tion, to be held at Montpelier, and in which Massachusetts also was to be repre sented, adding: "The LoweU road will be the beginning of the work, that before many years we hope to see extend to the Lakes." That work occupied 21 years. July 4, 1830, Elkanah Watson submit ted an elaborate and interesting report "to the gentlemen of the Boston and Ogdens burgh Railroad Committee for the Coun ties of Essex and Clinton, State of New York." Three facts from aman of so high repute must be recorded here. He first alluded to the purpose of the KeeseviUe meeting as being " to consult on the pro priety of co-operating with our eastern brethren, more especially the patriotic town of Montpelier, in the State of Vermont, on the splendid project of a railroad from Boston to Ogdensburgh ;" and then settled the question of priority, between himself and Mr. SuUivan, as to the first suggestion of the grand scheme, in these words : " It will be my fortunate lot, in character of an old and successful projector, to play the second fiddle, in figurative language. Mr. Sullivan opened the ball by a correspond ence with me in 1827." And again: "Let me therefore bear testimony at the tribunal of this generation and posterity, that the credit is exclusively due to John L. Sulli van, Esq., a distinguished civU engineer, and son of the late Governor Sullivan, of Boston." The third fact is the statement that the circulars issued by the Malone Committee, for the General Convention at Montpelier, were prepared by Mr. Watson. Oct. 6, 1830, the General Convention, consisting of delegates from Massachu setts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York — 48 in all — was held at Montpelier. The president was Luther Bradish, of Moira, N. Y., afterwards of New York city, and president of the State Senate. The secretaries were Albe Cady, of Con cord, N. H., and John Johnson, of Bur lington, Vt., Surveyor General of the State. It was a body of able and earnest men, and interesting addresses were de livered by Elkanah Watson, of Port Kent, N. Y., and James Hayward, (engineer,) 'Henry Williams, (merchant,) and- David Lee Child, (editor,) of Boston. An im portant commuhication frora John L. Sul livan was read, and the Convention was closed by a speech by President Bradish. Two of Vermont's most famous railroad men 15 years afterward, appeared for the first time in that role in this Convention — Charles Paine, of Northfield, and Timothy Follett, of Burlington ; one the first pres ident of the Vermont Central Railroad Co., and the other of the Rutiand and Burling ton Co. The main business of the Con vention consisted of six resolutions, rais ing the same number of committees for furthering the great project. In forming these committees the Convention went outside of its own body and enlisted em inent men in each State, such as Daniel Webster, Richard Fletcher, Araos Binney, and Robert G. Shaw, of Boston ; Matthew Harvey, Samuel Bell, Wm. A. Kent, Chas. G. Atherton and Joseph BeU, of New 304 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Hampshire; D. Azro A. Buck, Heman AUen, (of MUton and Burlington, )Timothy Follett, Dudley Chase, and Samuel Pren tiss, of Vermont; and Richard, Luther Bradish, Geo. Parrish, andElkanah Watson, of New York. The scheme was an admirable one to enlist men wielding a powerful influence in the communities where they dwelt ; but it was inefficient for concentrated action, by reason of the impracticability of ever bringing the com mittee-men together, and became illusory by depending upon the General Govern ment to commence the work, at least by surveys, if not by aid in the constraction of the road. The project was worthy of being treated as a national one ; but suc cess was not attained until all idea of even State aid was abandoned, and the heavy burden was cast upon individual enterprise through incorporated companies in the several States interested. The fir^t charter for the Vermont sec tion of the road was passed Nov. lo, 1S35, being an act to incorporate The Vermont Central Railroad Co. The commissioners for obtaining stock were John N. Pomeroy, Timothy Follett, John Peck and Luther Loomis, of Burlington ; John Spalding, Timothy Hubbard and Jonathan P. MiUer,' of MontpeUer ; Amplius Blake, of Chelsea, Chester Baxter, of Shafon, and Lewis Lyman, of Hartford. The first meeting of the commissioners was held at Mont pelier, Jan. 6, 1836, and the books for subscriptions to the stock wer« first opened at the same place on the next day. This attempt failed, as the originators of it ex pected it would fail. The purpose and effect was to show to Massachusetts, New Hampshire and New York that Vermont was ready to co-operate, and would be ready when the time should come for practical action on their part. The second charter of the Vermont Central Railroad Corapany passed Oct. 31, 1843. The commissioners were Charles Paine, of Northfield, John Peck and Wyllys Lyman, of 'Burlington, Daniel Baldwin and Elisha P. Jewett, of Montpelier, An drew Tracy, of Woodstock, and Levi B. Vilas, of Chelsea ; who were required to open books of subscription within one year at Montpelier, Burlington, and such other places as they mighf? deem proper. This requirement was observed, but not until the spring of 1845 was the work of procur ing subscriptions vigorously pressed. Pre liminary to this, a Railroad Convention, consisting of delegates from various parts of Vermont and New Hampshire, met at Montpelier, Jan. 8, 1844. Hon. Charles Paine, of Northfield, was president; Hon. Elijah BlaisdeU, of Lebanon, N. H. ; Gen. Joel Bass, of Williamstown, Simeon Lyman, of Hartford, and Hon. Joseph Howes, of Montpelier, Vice Presidents ; and Hon. Oramel H. Smith, of Montpelier, and Halsey R. Stevens, Esq., of Lebanon, N. H., Secretaries. Hon. Charles Paine, of Northfield, and Hon. Daniel Baldwin and Col. Elisha P. Jewett, of MontpeUer, were constituted a Central Corresponding and Financial Committee, with authority to raise funds and procure surveys from Connecticut river to Lake Champlain, and to examine routes on the west side of the mountains. James R. Langdon, Esq., of Montpelier, advanced ten thousand dol lars for the purpose, and the surveys were executed that season, and a favorable re port made Nov. 20, 1844. The commissioners appointed by the Central charter necessarily awaited the re sults of the surveys before pressing for subscriptions to the stock ; but a further delay was occasioned by the neglect of the directors of the Concord, (N. H.,) road, chiefly, to secure the construction of what is now the Northern (N. H.) railroad. Assurances had been given by these di rectors, and a meeting of the active pro moters of the Central road with the di rectors of the Concord road had been ap pointed at Lebanon, N. H. Gov. Paine, with several Montpelier gentlemen, at tended on the part of the Central, but there was no appearance of the Concord directors. It happened that a meeting of the friends of the then projected Sullivan (N. H.) road had been fixed for the next day at Claremont. In this emergency, Gov. Paine requested Col. Elisha P. Jew ett and E. P. Walton, Jr., of Montpelier, MONTPELIER. 305 to attend the Claremont meeting, and to pledge the Central road to a connection with the Sullivan, Cheshire and Fitchburg roads, thus forming a railway line through to Boston. This was done, and it proved to be a masterly stroke, forcing the constrac tion of the Northern (N. H.) road, and securing ultimately tiie completion of the Cheshire, Sullivan, Verraout Central, Ver mont & Canada, and Northern (N. Y.) roads to Ogdensburgh — a realization of the grand scheme suggested by Mr. Sul Uvan in 1826-27, a^°d vigorously urged aU along the line by the action of Mont pelier in 1830. The Claremont meeting was April 30, 1S45. Within the next fortnight the New Hampshire Railroad Commissioners reported in favor of per mitting the constraction of the Northern (N. H.) raUroad from Concord to West Lebanon, and the Governor approved the report. On the 4th of June the directors of the Fitchburgh road voted in favor of a connection with the Central, and a circu lar to that effect was issued, signed by of ficers of the Fitchburgh, Vermont & Mas sachusetts, and Cheshire roads ; and on the loth of June the books of subscription to Central stock were opened in Boston. Thus rapid were the movements of all the lines concerned, after Gov. Paine's " flank movement " at Claremont — as famous, by the way, among raUroad men then, as was Stannard's at Gettysburgh in army circles afterward. The work of obtaining capital in Boston for the Central road was undertaken at a time apparentiy very unfavorable, by reason of sharp competition between the Central and Rutiand Companies in direct opposi tion to each other, as well as of the ap peals for stock for the Cheshire, Sullivan, Northern, and other roads. The writer was an active participant in the straggle, and this is a fit occasion to express the opinion he has long entertained, that with out a sharp contest and competition, the capitalists of Boston could not have been aroused and interested— especially those who had already invested in the Massa chusetts roads that were to be connected with those to be built in Vermont— and the work would have been slow ; perhajjs a work of years. As it was, all of the then competing roads quickly obtained the cap ital requisite for organization, and all were speedily constructed — too speedily for econ omy. The work of obtaining Central stock in Vermont was assigned to Hon. Daniel Baldwin, of Montpelier, who had able assistants, however, in the towns most in terested, from Burlington to Windsor. Gov. Paine took the task of raising capital in Boston, and as his assistants engaged the services of James R. Langdon and E. P. Walton, Jr., of Montpelier, — Mr. Lang don as an eminent business man, and Mr. Walton to write for the press. As already recorded, the books were opened in Bos ton, June 10, 1S45 ; on the 3d of July the first meeting of stockholders was called, and on the 23d of July the meeting was held and the Company legally and formaUy organized at Montpelier with a subscribed capital of two millions — the work of a raonth and a half. The amount obtained to that date in Boston was $1,500,000; and the amount obtained in Vermont was $500,000, of which $200,000 was subscribed in Montpelier. The whole amount of stock and bonds taken by Montpelier was near $400,000, and exceeded that sum in the opinion of Hon. Daniel Baldwin. MontpeUer certainly was the leading town in the enterprise, and yet, unlike North- field, St. Albans, and Burlington, it has received only such advantages frora the road as were necessarily incidental. It has had merely the power to get on to the road and use it, through the disadvantages of a branch. It is due to Gov. Paine and his coadju tors to say, that from the first, their ob jects were far-reacliing and vast. It has already been stated that the necessities of the Central road led Gov. Paine to the adroit movement which forced the com pletion of the Fitchburg and the constrac tion of the Cheshire, Sullivan and North ern (N. H.) railroads to raeet the Central on the west bank of Connecticut river. But this was only a part of the scheme of Gov. Paine and his colaborers. One of the 39 3o6 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. first things done, on opening the Central books for subscription in Boston, was the construction of a map, prepared and pub Ushed by the writer of this paper, which gave all the great western lakes and the bordering territory in the United States and Canada, and a table of the tonnage of all the U. S. collection districts on the Lakes, copied from the official report of the U. S. Secretary of the Treasury. This was a revelation of tjie vast internal com merce of our country, exceeding its for eign commerce. It was at first received with surprise and doubt, and it became necessary to confirm the table by placing an official printed copy of the Secretary's report in the Boston Exchange, for the in spection of the doubters. This was fol lowed for nearly three months by a series of articles in the Boston papers, prepared by myself, for the purpose of magnifying the Central road as a necessary way for Boston to reach not only the local trade of Central Vermont, but also the immense comraerce of the North-western States and Canada. This large view always prevailed in the Central councils, and it has been executed with wonderful success. The Central by its lease pushed the Vermont and Canada road to Rouse's Point, and the Northern N. Y. road td Ogdensburgh followed ; then the Vermont and Canada was connected with Montreal and the Canadian system of railroads, of which it may be said that they owe much to the Vermont Central and managers of other New England roads. When the line frora Boston to Ogdensburgh was assured. Gov. Paine and Central friends visited Sir Allan McNab, of Canada, and in 1857 a com mittee of Boston gentlemen, among them Central men, visited Lord Elgin, and made a tour frora Hamilton to Quebec — the purpose of both being to urge the con struction of railroads in Canada, which have since been completed. At a later date the Central Vermont managers estab lished a line of steamers from Ogdensburgh to the head of Lake Superior, and out of that has grown the Northern Pacific rail road, which will speedily span the conti nent. Truly the suggestion of Mr. Sulli van in 1826-27, and the report of the three citizens of Montpelier in 1830, have been maivellously productive in develop ing the resources of this country and Can ada, and supplying freight to the numerous steamers of Sir Hugh Allan and of the Cunard and other lines of ocean steam ers. As the writer of this paper has Uved to see^hese grand results, he cannot but regard his labor in Boston in 1S45 as the greatest work of his life. Only three of the fathers of the Vermont Central Railroad are now Uving, and these are all Montpelier men, to wit: Col. Eli sha P. Jewett, commissioner under the second and actual charter, James R. Lang don, and E. P. Walton, Jr., untU his fath er's death in 1855, and now E. P. Walton. Notwithstanding the disappointment to the expectations of the town, the zeal and liberality of its citizens for public improve raents have survived. Various railroad enterprises have been undertaken and charters obtained, but only one has been realized. The entire cash fund required for the construction of the Montpelier and Wells River railroad was $400,000, and of this $250,000 was subscribed, and more than $200,000 has been paid by Mont pelier, more than half of the cash capital. The road, however, is not managed in the intere>t of Montpelier. The last feature in railway construction is the Narrow Guage Road; and in this, as in the projected canals and the Boston and Ogdensburgh railroad line, Montpelier has been the pioneer town in Vermont. The matter was first discussed in Mont pelier newspapers, and the first result was a meeting of citizens of Washington, La- raoille, Caledonia and Orleans Counties, at Albany, in March, 1872. In conse quence of measures then set on foot, funds were raised, and surveys have been made from Montpelier to Canada line, embrac ing several routes in various portions of the intervening country. Notices for ap plications to the General Assembly forthe charter of narrow guage railway companies from Canada line via Montpelier to Rut land, were the first published, and these have been foUowed by many other notices MONTPELIER. 307 in various parts of the State. It is the dawning of a new era in internal improve ment, promising, by cheaply-constracted roads economically operated, to develop the resources of sections otherwise in accessible to raUroads, and to contribute to the prosperity of the through standard gauge roads by a large increase of their business. Wh'tever may be the faults or shortcomings of Montpelier in other re spects, it must be conceded that the enter prise and bpunty of its citizens have largely benefitted the State — far raore largely the State than their own personal interests, or the interests of their town. A few things have been accidentally omitted, and many purposely, which will be supplied by others. Of the things omitted is a notice of the State Arsenal buildings. During the war of the rebellion a necessity arose for hospitals speciaUy adapted to cases of chronic diarrhoea. A medical commission was appointed by the U. S. Government, who made extensive explorations, and reported that a point in Minnesota, and what is now Seminary Hill in Montpelier, were the best in the country. The latter being most accessi ble, the State, under the advice of Gov. John G. Smith, erected commodious and admirably arranged hospital buildings, whicli were used until after the close of the war. Then, as compensation to the State, the Secretary of War assigned to Vermont arms, equipment and ammuni tion to the value of $600,000. This ne cessitated the erection of arsenal build ings, and these were located near the hos pital. A large part of these mUitary supplies have been sold, and the proceeds put into the State treasury. Another omission was Prospect Park, located two miles east of the State-house, and in an admirable position for its scen ery and accommodations for State and County Fairs. It is private property, owned by J. W. Brock, L. Bart Cross, and the estate of the late J. Warren Bailey, but it ought to become the property of the State Agricultural Society. This imperfect record of Montpelier has far exceeded the design of the writer, and yet his purpose has been to be brief in re spect to most matters already raade public, and raore elaborate in things never gath ered in any previous history of the town. In the last field, the writer acknowledges his indebtedness for material aid to the Hon. Daniel Baldwin, the oldest resident of MontpeUer, who recently died in his 90th year. e. p. w. October 10, 18S1. montpelier POSTMASTERS. , BY M. D. GILMAN. A post-oflfice was first established at Montpelier, Apr. i, 1798, and the first postmaster, Charles Bulkley, [see Judge Bulkley, Berlin, No. i,] to Apr. i, I801 ; Timothy Hubbard, to Apr. i, 18 10; Syl vanus Baldwin, to July i, 1813 ; Joshua Y. VaU, to May 15, 1829; Geo. W. HUl, to Feb. II, 1S37 ; Geo. W. Barker, to Dec. 26, 1840; Edwin S. MerrUl, to Dec. 29, 1843; Geo. W. Reed, to May 8, 1849; Charles Lyman, to Apr. 28, 1853 ; Charles G. Eastman, to June 14, 1858; Timothy P. Redfield, to Apr. 2, 1S61 ; James G. French, to Apr. 15, 1869; John W. Clark, to July I, 1881; James S. Peck, present incumbent, (Oct. 1881.) NEWSPAPER record. FROM MAltCUS DAVla GILMAN, HIST. LIB. The Freeman's Press-^A Democratic paper, published at Montpelier, was com menced in 1809, not in 1812 or 1S13, as stated by Thompson in his history of Montpelier. The first issue was Aug. 25, 1809. A file of the "Freeman's Press" is in Mr. Gilman's library. It was printed by Derrick Sibley, and subsequently by Wright & Sibley, for proprietors, who ap pear to have been the leading Democrats of Montpelier and the neighboring towns. The "Freeman's Press" was the second paper published at the Capital. It is in teresting as giving many quaint views of life and times in those early days, the ad vertisements, especially, possessing much interest. The paper was devoted mainly to na tional politics, only a small .space being given to local and State matters. This 3o8 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. file begins with No.i 3, and embraces a period of about 2^ years. In the issue of Sfept. .8, the first in this file, there are but 6 lines of editorial, and those relate to the State election returns, which are published in part. There are five advertisements. Forbes & Langdon advertise for their customers to pay up, and also that they had "just received from PhUadelphia a quantity of Scotch snuff of superior qual ity.'' Charles Huntoon — not mentioned by Thompson — general merchant, "offers for sale at his stores in Montpelier and Berlin a general assortment of English and India goods, etc., etc., which he wiU seU for salts of lye, ashes, butter, cheese, beef cattle, and aU country produce." George B. R. Gove — also not mentioned by Thompson — being about to leave Mont pelier, offers for sale " one House and Store, with 5 acres of land within 100 rods of the State House, pleasantly situated in the centre of business, and is one of the best stands for a merchant in the State." This was the store on Main St., adjoining Bethany Church, with l;(li"d attached. "Also an oil mill near Onion river bridge, also a gin distiUery, new and complete, and a small farm in Berlin, and other lands." Dec. 15, 1S09, we learn that Silas Burbank has purchased the oil mill of Mr. Gove, and wants flax seed, for which one gallon of oU, or one dollar in cash, wiU be given per bushel. October 13, 1809, Chester W. Houghton wants a few thousand bushels of potatoes delivered at his distillery, for which he will give in exchange i qt. of gin per bushel or 20 cents in English goods. Josiah Parks, bookseller, publisher, and justice of the peace, was a persistent ad vertiser, continuing through the entire file of iJapers. So also were Justin and Elias Lyman, merchants, of Hartford, Vt. In the paper of May 2, 181 1, is the marriage by Jo.siah Parks, Esq., of Mr. Ezekiel P. Walton, printer, and Miss PrussiaPersohs. November 5, 1809, James Peck opens a martial music school. Dec. 2, 1S09, Chas. Bulkley, agent for the trastees of Mont pelier Academy, politely says : The gentlemen and ladies of the vicinity are with pleasure informed that an addi tional room has been fitted up in the Academy, for the accommodation of a ladies' school. Aninstractor has been ob tained, whose attainments are in every respect adequate to instract in the s^eral branches of reading, grammar, geography, painting, embroidering, and the various kinds of needle-work. Sylvanus Baldwin, a stockholder in the paper, is a liberal advertiser of houses and lands for sale, and to be let, and of patent rights for sale. He is also in terested in, and agent for, a cotton and woolen mill near "Paine's bridge.'' Jan. 1810, Thomas Reed continues the chair, cabinet and painting business, at his old stand. July 4, iSio, the Democratic Re publican citizens of Montpelier, Calais, Marshfield and Plainfield, celebrated the 4th at Capt. Sarauel Rich's, North Mont pelier, and it would appear that the Fed erals did not celebrate the 4th of July in those days. Col. Caleb Curtis, of Calais, acted as Marshal, and Nahum Kelton, of Montpelier, as Assistant. " The Declara tion of Independence was read, prefaced by some well-timed remarks by J. Y. Vail, Esq., a truly republican oration was de livered by Timothy Merrill, Esq., which did honor to his head and heart ! " A sump tuous dinner in a grove with regular and volunteer toasts followed, Josiah Parks being Chairman of Committee on toasts, which latter expressed the usual Demo cratic sentiments of the time. Jan. I, 1811, " Found near the Academy last evening, a good bandanna handker chief, which the owner may have by ap plying to D. Sibley." Jan. 7, iSii,"good stock of hiy at $5.50 per ton, and cash, labor, pork, shingles, or grain, received in payment. I live on the West . road in Calais, near Col. Curtis'." Signed, WU- liara Thayer. Mar. 7, 1811, Amos Bugbee, who is a machinist, and connected with the cotton and woolen factory before mentioned, offers for sale Dutch plows. Mar. 20, Josiah Fisk carries on the clothier's business, and does blue-dyeing at his shop in Mont pelier. May 30, 1 8 n , the Press says, ' ' we notice in the last Watchman the following : ' Our MONTPELIER. 309 glorious federal triumph in New York ; the Clinton interest is no more.' This is not the first time the patrons of this paper have been egregiously imposed upon in this way. DeWitt Clinton is elected by over three thousand majority." Nov. II, 181 1, brings the file near the war of 18 1 2, and political feeUng began to ran high. November 7, iSn, Wright & Sibley purchase the entire stock of the " Freeman's Press " establishment, and are sole proprietors ; and about this time they remove " to the chamber of the White Store opposite Major Langdon's," in the wooden building adjoining Bethany church, now occupied by Fisher & Colton, sad dlery and hardware store. Morse's tavern, sometiraes called " Peo ple's Rest," appears to have been the usual place for citizen's meetings, etc. We learn from Sylvanus Baldwin, post master at that time, that the mail facilities of Montpelier at this time were two mails per week each, from the South and West ; and one mail per week each from the North and East. We notice that Washington news was frora 20 to 30 days old when published in Montpelier. The Freeman's Press was published till about the close of the war with Great Britain, 18 15. After the suspension of the Press, there was no Democratic paper in Montpelier until THE VERMONT PATRIOT AND STATE GAZETTE, established by the Hon. Isaac Hill, of Concord, N. H. First No., Jan. 17, 1826, page-size 21x30 inches, enlarged to 24x36, Apr. 15, 1841. Mr. HiU placed his brother Geo. W. in charge as manager, under the firm of Geo. W. Hill & Co., with Horace Steele, editor, soon succeeded by Hugh Moore, Esq., of Concord, N. H., an ed ucated and accomplished gentieman, who held the position several years, Mrs. Geo. W. HiU, a lady of culture and talent, ren dering editorial service during the latter years of her husband's connection with the paper. From Apr. 30, 1827 to 1834, Mr. HiU was sole publisher, when, not sati.s- factorily succeeding, he sold to WiUiam Clark, some time foreman in the office. Mr. HUl was postmaster under Gen. Jackson's appointment untU after Van Buren's election, when soon after he re tired to a farm in Lowell, Vt., and re moved to Johnson about 1850, where he still resides, (1881,) a hale old gentleman of the "olden time." Jeremiah T. Marston, who read law in Montpelier, and had just opened an office, became editor when Mr. Clark became proprietor. Mr. Marston continued editor only till Apr. i, 1838, when he with Geo. W. Barker bought out Clark for $2,200. Mr. Clark removed to New York City, and became connected with the large printing house of Trow & Co., where he continued until the failure of his eyesight quite re centiy, when he retired from business, and resides, (1879,) in Brooklyn, N. Y. He married Fanny, dau. of Isaiah Silver, of Montpelier. Mr. Barker, P. M. under Van Buren, after the "Hard-Cider-Log-Cabin" cam- *paign of 1 840, retired from newspaper business to engage in building railroads, and died not long since in Sheboygan, Wis. The political aspect looked discouraging for a Democratic editor, but Marston, young and full of hope, determined to per severe — became sole proprietor and editor, brought out his paper enlarged at $1,200 cost, pushed ahead, and made the most lively, wide-awake and best looking paper in the State, until bought out in 1846 by Chas. G. Eastman and Jos. B. Danforth, the former, eiditor; the latter, manager. Mr. Marston accumulated during his cofi- nection with the paper $15,000 to $20,000. He removed to Madison, Wis. , where he en gaged in commercial and farming business. He married a daughter of Jacob F. Dodge, of Montpelier. They have 3 children. Mrs. R. W. Hyde, of this viUage, is a sister of Mrs. Marston. Mr. Marston has not taken an active part in politics since leaving -Montpelier, but in the political up- heavings since then he has somehow got 310 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. on the opposite side from where he used to be. In July, 1851, Eastman bought out Danforth, and remained sole editor and proprietor until his death, Sept. i860. [The biography of Mr. Eastman will be given in the history of Barnard, next vol.] Mr. Danforth removed to Rock Island, III., where he published the Rock Island Argus, a Democratic paper, until recently, since which a "National Journal" — for whom farther, see history of Barnard, next vol. Location of the Vermont Patriot: West erly side of Main street, opposite Bethany church ; wood stracture, printing-office in the second story ; rear part of first story occupied as a book-bindery by a Mr. Wat son, who went to South Carolina and died there, and the front part for the post- office, kept by Mr. Hill. When the South ern and Western mails arrived, by stage, about the same time, loto n o'clock, a. m., the little room would be crowded to ex cess. After the mail was opened. Post master Hill would read out in a loud voice the address of every letter received, upon* the conclusion of which there would be a stampede of those for whom there were no letters. The Patriot was pubUshed here until it passed into the hands of Mars ton & Barker, when it was removed to State street, in the Ballou building, opposite First National Bank, where the printing-office was in the second story, Mr. Marston having a book store on the first floor, and a large reading- room, well supplied with newspapers, in the rear, for the benefit of any one who chose to use it. It was there the friends of the editor and Patriot gathered for news and political gossip. It was in this room the election of Jaraes K. Polk was first announced in Montpelier by a hurried scrawl from Hon. J. McM. Shafter, then Whig Secretary of State for Vermont, written at Buriington and forwarded by the stage-driver to Col. E. P. Jewett, it reading as foUows: "New York gone! all gone! We have got to take Polk, Texas and the devil !" and we also got with Polk that vast and rich territory compris ing not only Texas, but New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, Nevada and California, to which latter State, Mr. Shafter removed some 25 years ago, being now one of its prom inent men. [See Shafter family in history of Athens, later in this Vol.] Eastman and Danforth on their pur chase removed the Patriot office across the bridge to a wooden building, then standing on land now occupied by the easterly part of Union Block, opposite the westerly ten- eraent of Walton block, where it reraained during the pubUcation by Eastman and by E. M. Brown. [For Col. E. M. Brown, see Woodstock in next vol.] FROM AMEBICAX NEWSPAPER REPORTER. THE ARGUS AND PATRIOT is the result of a union, early in 1863, of the Bellows Falls Argus with the Vermont Patriot — the former coraraenced in 1853, by Hirara Atkins, at Bellows Falls. The paper under its present title began with about 2,000 subscribers ; office-room, 30 by 42 feet; presses, a small-sized "Ruggles" for job work, and Newbury cylinder for the paper; working force, three hands with the editor. It now employs one of each size of the Degener job-presses, i Globe half medium, i hand press, 2 first class Cottrell & Babcock cylinder presses — one the largest press of any kind in the State (1881) ; office hands 20 — on job-work 8 or 10 ; in outfit, type, etc., is in the very front of the printing establishments of the State. The work of the ofiice goes all over the State, into each of the New Eng land States, New York, Wisconsin, etc. Several thousand dollars value of paper, card, ink, etc., kept constantly on hand. AU has gone on expanding. The large three-story building, opposite Bethany church , once familiarly known as the L)'man store, is now better known as the Argus and Patriot building, owned by its own editor and proprietor. From the time Mr. Atkins assumed control of the Argus and Patriot, every week has added new names to his subscription tiU the list is over 6,000. The Argus and Patriot has occa sionaUy been published daily during ses sions of the Legislature. MONTPELIER. 311 THE VOICE OF FREEDOM. PROM HON. JOSEPH POLAND. The publication of The Voice of Free dom was commenced January ist, 1839, by Emery A. Allen and Joseph Poland as publishers, under the firm name of AUen & Poland. Hon. Chauncey L. Knapp, then holding the office of Secretary of State by favor of the Whig party, was em ployed as editor. The ptrblication office was in the second story of the Barnes shop building, first door East of the Bishop hotel. In September of the same year Mr. Poland retired from the paper by reason of ill health, and its publication was con tinued through the year by Mr. E. A. Allen. At the beginning of the second volume the proprietorship passed to the State Anti-slavery Society, Mr. Knapp still remaining as editor. After a few months, more or less, the paper fell into the hands of Mr. Jedediah Holcorab, of Brandon, and was reraoved to that place, where it was subsequently discontinued. Mr. Knapp has been for many years the editor and publisher of the LoweU, (Mass.,) Daily Citizen, his son of late years having been associated with him in the' business. Among other important positions he has filled are those of Clerk of the Massachu setts House of Representatives and Mem ber of Congress from the Lowell district. Mr. Allen is a practicing physician in Ran dolph, Mass., and Mr. Poland is editor and proprietor of the Watchman &-» Jour nal, Montpelier. Though an individual enterprise, the Voice of Freedom was regarded as the organ of the then recently formed Anti- slavery Society of the State, of which Row land T. Robinson, of Ferrisburgh, was President, and Dr. J. A. Allen, of Mid dlebury, Secretary. As yet the anti- slavery sentiment of the State had not taken the form of political action, and only sought to promote its objects by moral and religious methods. But recent events had given a new impetus to the movement, and the roar of the on-coming tide which Ayas destined to sweep American slavery out of existence, might already be heard in the distance. The celebrated controversy in Congress concerning the right of peti tion, with John Quincy Adams as its elo quent champion, was then at its height. The so-called "Atherton gag" had just been adopted by the national House of Representatives, whereby "every petition, memorial, re.solution, proposition or paper, touching the abolition of slavery, or the buying, selling or transferring of slaves in any state, district or territory of the United States," was "laid on the table without being debated, printed, read or referred," and had produced such general indignation among all parties that the legislature of the State, in the fall of that year, by a nearly , unanimous vote in both houses, had de manded the repeal of said obnoxious res olution, and instructed our Senatois and requested our Representatives to labor for its repeal. They were also instructed, by the sarae legislature, to " use their utmost eff'orts to prevent the annexation of Texas and to procure the abolition of slavery and the slave trade in the District of Columbia and the territories, and the slave-trade be tween the several states." Indeed, so far had Mr. Knapp, the editor of the " Voice,'" progressed in the direction of distinct po litical action that, the year following, when Harrison and Tyler were the Whig standard-bearers, he was waited upon by a delegation from the Whig State Com mittee with the intimation that the sup port of their presidential candidates was a condition precedent to his re-election to the office of Secretary of State. Where upon he distinctly avowed that he would support no man for these high positions " with the smell of slavery upon his gar ments." The result was that Mr. Knapp was superseded the ensuing fall by Hon. Alvah Sabin, of Georgia, as Secretary of State. THE GREEN MOUNTAIN FREEMAN was established at Montpelier, as the organ of the Liberty party, in January, 1844, by Joseph Poland, withRev. J.C. AspenwaU, a Methodist preacher, as editor. Mr. AspenwaU retired in the fall of the same year, leaving the entire charge of the paper in the hands of the proprietor. A few months subsequently. Rev. C. C; Briggs, 312 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. a Congregational preacher and anti-slav ery lecturer, became joint editor and pub lisher, the firm being Poland & Briggs. In May, 1846, Mr. Briggs retired, and the paper was conducted by Mr. Poland until January, 1S49, with Mr. H. D. Hopkins as associate editor during the year 184S. The first of January, 1849, infirm health induced the proprietor to sell and transfer the paper to the Hon. Jacob Scott, of Barre, who had for some years been a leading man in the anti-slavery ranks, and a candidate for Lieutenant Governor and also for Congress. During the year 1849, Hon. Daniel P. Thompson became asso ciated with Mr. Scottj and at the begin ning of the succeeding volume he became sole proprietor and editor. In 1856 the paper was .sold to Mr. S. S. Boyce. In 1861 the paper was bought by Hon. Charles W. Willard, who was its editor for twelve years thereafter, and who was sole proprietor untU 1869, when he sold a half interest to Mr. J. W. Wheelock. In 1873, Mr. Wheelock became sole proprietor and editor, and so remained until his death in 1876, whenhe was succeeded by his son, Mr. Herbert R. Wheelock, the present proprietor and editor. The office of pub lication was first in the second story of the Lyman & King store, (now the Argus S-'/'^zfr/^/ building,) then in Cross' Bakery, in the rear of Babcock & Cutler's drug store, then in the second story of the Barrows & Peck hardware store, then re raoved to the new "Freeman Building" erected by S. S. Boyce, and subsequently to its present quarters. Of the several gentlemen connected with the Freeman from first to last, it is believed Mr. Aspen waU is dead ; Mr. Boyce was engaged in the war of the rebellion, and has since re sided in New York ; Messrs. Scott, Thomp son, Willard and J. W. Wheelock have deceased; Mr. Briggs is a successful bank er and manufacturer at Rockford, Illinois ; Mr. Hopkins is Uving in Montpelier, but with impaired health, while the founder of the paper is now editor and publisher of the Watchman b" Journal, at Montpelier — the office in which he learned the print er's trade when a boy. As we have said, the Green Motintain Freeman was established as the organ of the Liberty party of the State, and for five years, and untU the character of the party was somewhat " watered," to use a phrase current on change, by the absorption of the free-soil element of the Democratic party in 1848, it had the proud distinction of representing a political party which was never surpassed in any country or age for the purity of its principles and the uncora- promising firmness with which it pursued its single purpose. Never had an organ a more intelligent and devoted constituency. At the date of its transfer to Mr. Scott in 1848 it had 4,000 subscribers. By the union that year with the fi-ee-soil portion of the Democratic party in the free states, and joining in the support of Martin Van Buren for the Presidency, the character of the party became less distinctively religious and more political ; but the fundamental principle of the original organization was never lost sight of until, through the agency of the Republican party and the consequent election of Abraham Lincoln, the doctrine of our boasted Declaration of Indepen dence was transformed from a cruel lie to a living trath. And the founder of the Freeman looks back upon his five years' labors in this connection as the crowning glory of his life. Botanic Advocate. — A monthly, cora raenced about 1837, and continued about 2 years. By Drs. Wright and F. A. Mc Dowell. Green Mountain Emporium, and Liter- erary. Moral and Religious Record. — By J. MUton Stearns, 8 vo. monthly, 16 pages each ; commenced November, 1838, con tinued only ashort time, and moved to Middlebury. Vermont Family Visitor — Commenced in 1S45, and issued about a year only. Vermont Temperance Star — Eight page quarto, monthly. Address, Geo. B. Man ser. Vol. I, No. 6, is August, 1839, Montpelier, Vt. The Watchword — A temperance paper. Editorial committee : Rev. J. C. W. Coxe, Rev. J. E. Wright, H. D. Hopkins, H. a' MONTPELIER. 313 Huse. Feb. 14, 1S74. Only a few num bers issued. Vermont Temperance Banner — Started in the fall of 1879, under the auspices of W. F. Scott and J. P. Eddy. One num ber published and then suspended for want of patronage. The Vermonter — Fred. H. Kimball, ed itor and publisher, July, 1879. 4 pp. ' ' The representative amateur paper of Vermont" pubUshed at present. The Era, by Edward Clark, and the Echo, by Chas. F. Burnham, were started about 1875, whUe both editors were serving their apprenticeship in the Argus office. Of both papers, only one or two numbers were issued. Young American, 1874 — Wm. M. Ken dall, Jr., printerand publisher. An 8 page paper, printed at Montpelier, whUe its ed itor was attending school ; and after his education was completed, removed to its former place of publication, Lebanon, N. H., Mr. KendaU becoming the editor and publisher of the Dollar Weekly at thatplace. Postage Stamp Reporter, 1S77 — C. F. Buswell, publisher. 8 pp. 7x54. Issued monthly, devoted to stamp coUecting, &nd discontinued on increase of postage regu lation, with its Sept. No., 1877. Green Monntain Boys, 1877 — Tuttle & Dewey, publishers. 8 pp. 6x8, and is sued monthly. Winooski Impetus — Metropolis of Ver mont, AprU 15, 1835, to March, 183&. 4to. Published monthly by a society of young men. The Montpelierian—Vo\. 5, No. i. Sem inary HiU, Montpelier, Vt., Jan. 20, 1877. Published by the Literary Society of the Vermont Methodist Seminary. 4 to, p. 8, [4] Continued monthly. [Editors and publishers now residing at Montpelier—^. P. Walton, retired; Jo seph Poland, present proprietor of the Watchman; J. M. Poland, retired ; Hiram Atkins, proprietor of the Argus, to whom we are indebted for the fine views of Beth any and Christ Church in No. 3 of the Gazetteer; H. R. Wheelock and H. A. Huse of the Freeman.} BIBLIOGRAPHY 01-' MONTPELIER. BY M. D. GILMAN, Librarian of the Vermont Historical Society. Montpelier has been prominent in the printing of books from an early period of its history ; the number of book imprints issued from the press of this town, as shown in my bibliography of Vermont, a work in course of preparation, exceeds 800, including of course official publications for the State, which are probably more than half of the number. The earliest Montpelier imprint I have met is a work compUed by Clark Brown with the tide : "The Declaration of Inde pendence, the Constitution of the United States, and of Vermont, also Washington's Farewell Address," etc. Printed by Ben jarain H. Wheeler, for Brown & Parks, 1807. 16° p. 76. Mr. Brown started the first newspaper in town, the "Verraont Precursor,'' which he published weekly, Nov. 1806 to Sept. 1807, when he sold out to Samuel Goss, who was at that time publishing a paper at Peacham. Mr. Goss re-christened the "Precursor" as the "Watchman," numbering consec utively frora the commencement of the former. In 1808, Mr. Brown delivered a Masonic Sermon at Danville : "The Mor al and Benevolent Design of Christianity and Freemasonry," etc. Danville : Eben ezer Eaton. The following partial list of books and pamphlets relating in any way to Montpe lier' is of interest, as showing the class of literature circulated among the people, es peciaUy in the earlier history of the State ; the list is compUed whoUy from ray bibUog- raphy of Vt. The publications of the numerous insti tutions and organizations in the State, such as religious, educational, masonic, temperance, odd feUows, agricultural, med ical, benevolent, military, raUroads, insur ance and others, for full lists of which see Walton's Registers, are omitted here, as well also as all official State publications, and town reports, although Montpelier printers have had their fuU share of the printing of the above works. All the pub- 40 314 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. lications named were printed in Montpelier unless otherwise noted. Adams, Daniel. English Grammar. Published by L. Q. C. Bowles, 1814. — Another edition, same pubUsher, 1817. —The Scholar's Arithmetic. Wright & Sibley, printers, 1812. Adams, F. W. " Theological Criticisms." Published by J. E. Thompson, 1843. p. 216. Mr. Adams was an eminent physician In Montpelier for many years, where he died in Dec. 1858, aged 71. Aiken, Solomon. "An Appeal to the Churches," etc., p. 120, printed by E. P. Walton, 1821. Allis, Rev. O. D. Funeral Sermon on the death of Chas. M. Griswold, 1862. Printed at the Freeman office. Austin, Rev. Samuel. Election Sermon, 1816. Printed by Walton & Goss. Baldwin, Daniel. Memorial Service, held in the Church of the Messiah, at Montpelier, Aug. 7, 1S81. Printed, for private distribution, by Joseph Poland. S° p. 18. [By Rev. J. Edw. Wright.] See sicetch of Mr. Baldwin, pos^ Ballou, Eli. Review of Rev. A. Royce's Sermon against Universalism. Printed by F. A. McDoweU, UniversaUst Watch man office, 1838. Barber, E. D. Democratic Oration at Montpelier, 1839. Patriot office print. Barre. Reply of the people of Barre to the attack of Rev. A. Royce, 1845. Po land & Briggs, printers, p. 51. Baylies, Nicholas. A Digested Index to Law Reports in England and the United States. Printed by Walton & Goss, 1814. 3 vols. 8° p. xiv, 545 ; vii, ¦455 ; vU, 509. ^An Esssay on the Human Mind. E. P. Walton, printer, 1820. 16° p. 216. — A second edition. Same imprint, 1829. Bayne, Thomas. Funeral Sermon on the death of Hon. Ira H. Allen, 1866. Wal ton, printer. Bent, Rev. J. A. Thanksgiving Sermon at Stowe, 1S54. E. P. Walton, Jr., printer. Bible. I am informed that an edition of the New Testament was printed by the late Ezekiel P. Walton, at Montpelier, in the early part of the present century, but I have never seen a copy. Some thirty editions of the Bible and parts thereof have been printed in Vermont, mainly at Brattleboro, Windsor and Woodstock. Boardman, Rev. E. J. Immediate Abo lition Vindicated. An address at Ran dolph, 1838. Walton & Son, printers. Boyle, Capt. R. Voyages and Adven tures. Printed by Wright & Sibley 12° p. 262. Brigham, G.N. Poems, 1870. 12° p. 187 —Second edition of same, 1874, p. 219 Cambridge, Mass. Buchanan, Rev. C. The Works of. Walton & Goss, printers, 1813." 12° P- 369- Bunyan, Rev. J. The Heavenly Foot man, 181 1. Walton & Goss, printers. 24° p. 108. Bliss, Rev. J. I. Funeral Sermon on Capt. L. H. Bostwick at Jericho, 1863. E. P. Walton, printer. Burton, Rev. Asa. False Teachers De scribed, a sermon at Thetford, 1810. Montpelier: Printed by Samuel Goss. — Funeral Sermon on Mrs. Jorara Allen, at Thetford, 181 1. Wright & Sibley, printers . — Funeral Serraon on Oramel Hinckley, at Thetford, 1812. Wright & Sibley. Burton, Rev. H. N. "Go Forward." A Missionary Sermon at St. Johnshury, 1868. Freeman print. Butler, J. D. See Article, Vt. Hist. So ciety. Carpenter, Hon. Heman. Family Re- Union, 187 1. Rolands' print. Chalmers, Rev. Thomas. Discourses dn Revelation. 2 vols, in one, p. 175 and 194, I2°- E. P. Walton, printer, 1819. Chandler, Rev. A. Sermon at Waits field, 1S26. E. P. Walton, printer. Channing, Rev. W. E. Election Sermon in Boston, 1830. Reprinted by Geo. W. Hill, Montpelier. Christian Pilgrim, 18° p. 143. E. P. Walton, printer. Comical illustrations. Cobb, Enos. An Exposition of Dr. Cobb's art of discovering the faculties of the Human Mind, etc. Montpelier, 1846. 12° p. 31. Coburn, A. The Scholar's Teacher of Geography. Montpelier, 1838. p. 13. Dascomb, Rev. A. B. Memorial Record of Waitsfield, 1867. Freeman Print. — Serraon on the death of Pres. Lincoln, 1865. Walton's Print. Davis, Henry. Election Sermon at Mont pelier, Oct. 12, 1815. Walton & Goss. 8° p. 40. Davis, Miss Mary E. [A native of Plain- field.] Poeras. Argus & Patriot print, 1877. 12° p. 349. Day, Norris. A Lecture on Bible Poli tics. Montpelier, 1846. MONTPELIER. 315 Dean, James. Gazetteer of Vermont. Printed by Samuel Goss, 180S. 8° p. 44. This was the flrst gazetteer of the State. Dewey, C. C. Woman Suffrage. Journal Press, Montpelier, 1869. Dolphin, James. Travels of, among the Indians, etc. Wright & Sibley, print ers, 1812. iS° p. 72. Dow, Peggy, [Wife of the famous Lo renzo Dow.] Poetry. Printedby E. P. & G. S. Walton, iSlS. 24° p. 160. Earle, Jabez. The Christian's Looking- Glass. Walton & Goss, iS 17. 18° p. 70. Eastman, C. G. Sermons, etc., by Rev. J. Burchard. Burlington, 1836. 12° p. 119. — Poems. Montpelier : Eastman & Dan forth, printers, 1S48. 12° p. 208. — Second Edition enlarged, T. C. Phin ney, publisher, 1880. 12° p. xxi and 233, witii steel portrait and a sketch of the author. See history of newspapers in Montpelier. [For bi ography of Eastman, see Barnard history In succeed ing volume.— Ed.] Elliot, Rev. L. H. Sermon on the death of Rev. Dr. Silas McKeen, Brad ford, 1877. Polands' print. Emerson, Mrs. Lucy. New England Cookery, etc. MontpeUer : Printed for Josiah Parks, 1808. lS° p. 84. Mrs. Emerson was a sister of the late venerable Thomas Beed. an early settler at MontpeUer: he was the lather of the late Thomas and Hezekiah H. Beed. Foster, Hosea B., of Berlin, Vt. Poems. Montpelier, Vt. : Printed by Ballou, Loveland & Co., i860. 18° p. 72. Franklin, Benjamin. The Way to Wealth. Walton & Goss, printers, 1810. 18° p. 31. — Life of Dr. Franklin. Samuel Goss, printer, Montpelier, 1809. 12° p. 202. Frenyear, Rev. C. P. Funeral Sermon on the death of Wm. H. Carr. in Ja maica. Argus and Patriot print, 1870. Frothingham, Rev. F. Dedication Ser mon, Church of Messiah, Montpelier, 1866. Ballou, printer. Fuller, Rev. Andrew. Baptism. Print ed by Samuel Goss, 1S07. p. 15. Perhaps the flrst imprint by Mr. Goss in Montpelier, HI, he purchased the "Precursor" In September, 1807. See ante, Bbown, Clark. —Another edition, 1814. Printed by Wright & Sibley, p. 16. Gallup, Dr. J. A. Address before the Vermont Medical Society at Montpelier, Oct. 10, 1822. E. P. 'Walton, printer. 8° p. 26. Gestrin, Prof. C. E. H. Vacation Labors, 1879. Argus and Patriot print, p. 51. Greene, Rev. R. A. Funeral Sermon on the death of Mrs. James Nichols, of Northfield, March 6, 1876. Argus and Patriot print. 8° p. 12. Green Mountain Emporium, and Litera ry, Moral and Religious Record. By J. MUton Stearns. Vol. i, No. 8. Mont peUer, June, 1839. Monthly. Allen & Poland, printers. RI 8° p. 15. Gregory, Rev. John. Review of Bishop Hopkins, against Universalism. Mont pelier: Wm. Clark, 1835. 8° p. 12. — History of Northfield. Argus and Pat riot print, 187S. 8° p. 319. — An Expose of Spiritualism. Polands' print, 1872. 8° p. 104. Gridley, Rev. John. History of Mont pelier, in a Discourse in the Brick Church, Montpelier, Thanksgiving Day, Dec. 8, 1842. E. P. Walton & Sons, printers. 8° p. 48. a valuable work, and very scarce. — TheYoung Man Beguiled of his Strength. A Serraon at Montpelier, March 29, 1846. Eastman & Danforth, printers. 12° p. 21. Mr. Gridley was pastor of the " Brick Church" at Montpelier, 1841-46, when he moved to Kenosha, Wis., where he died Dec. 27, 1876, aged 80 years. Haddock, Prof. C. B. An Address be fore the Railroad Convention at Mont peUer, January 8, 1844. E. P. Walton ¦ & Sons, printers. 8° p. 24. Hall, S. R. The Child's Assistant to Geography. Third edition, 1S31. Mont pelier: Published by J. S. Walton. 12° p. 75. First edition was published in 1827, with same im print. Many editions were aflerwardspubllshed. An enlarged edition, revised by Bev. P. H. White, was published at Montpelier in 1864, by C. W Willard, and a third edition In 1874, of 280 pages, 12 mo.. Freeman print. Another edition iu 1878, same imprint, and the work is still in use in our public schools. Harrison, Wm. H. Biographical Sketch of. Watchman Office, Montpelier, 1836. 12° p. 30. Harvard College. Fourth Report of Class of 1861, J. Edward Wright, Class Secretary. Freeman print, 1878. 8° p. 30. Hervey, James. Meditations, etc. Sam uel Goss, printer, 1810. 12° p. 144. Hincks, Rev. J. H. " The Mission of a Child's Life." A sermon preached in Bethany Church, Montpelier, March 20, 1 88 1. Printed for private distribution. Joseph Poland, printer. 8° p. 28. Preaolied on occasion of the deaths of Mary, aged 7 years, daughter of Jas. W. Brock, Esq., and Clara, aged 13 years, daughter ot J. Monroe Poland, Esq. Holmes, James H. A Manual on Win dow Gardening. Montpelier, 1877. 12° p. 184. 3i6 VERiMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Hooker, Rev. E. W. Address on Sacred Music, at Castieton, 1843. E. P. Wal ton & Sons, printers. 8° p. 16. Hopkins, Rev. Samuel. The Evils of Gambling. A Sermon at Montpelier, Apnl 19, 1835. E. P. Walton & Son, printers. 8° p. 22. House, Rev. A. H. Conversation. A Sermon at Island Pond, Feb. 14, 1858. Printed by Ballou, Loveland & Co. 8° p. 16. Hutchinson, Titus. Jurisdiction of Courts. Freemanprint, 1855. 8° p. 15. Johnson, John. A Mathematical Ques tion, propounded by the Vicegerent of the World. Answered by the King of Glory. MontpeUer: Published by John Crosby, 1813. 18° p. 143. Johnson, Oliver. Address before the Vermont Anti-Slavery Society, at Mid dlebury, Feb. 18, 1835. Knapp & Jew ett, printers. 8° p. 32. Jones, Charles E. Life and Confessions of. Printed by Ballou, Loveland & Co., i860. 12° p. 168. Jones, Henry. The seven Churches in Asia, the Millenial thousand years, etc. Knapp & Jewett, printers, 1834. 12° p. 70. Kelton, C. G. The New England Col lection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs. Published by Geo. W. HiU, 1829. 24° p. 168. Lamb. Earned. The Militia's Guide, etc. Printed by Samuel Goss, 1807. 18° p. 108. Linsley, D. C. Report of his survey of a road from the foot to the summit of Mount Mansfield, Oct., 1865. Mont pelier. 8° p. 7. Lord, Rev. Wm. H. A Sermon on occa sion of the death of Hon. John McLean. Preached in Cabot, Vt., Feb. 7, 1855. — Remembrance of the Righteous. A Sermon on occasion of the death of Gen. Ezekiel P. Walton. Preached at Mont pelier, Nov. 29, 1855. — The Present and the Future. A Sermon on occasion of the death of Mrs. Lucre- tia Prentiss, wife of Hon. Samuel Pren tiss. Preached at Montpelier, June 17, 1855. — A Tract for the Times. National Hos- jjitaUty. 1855. p. 48. — Life, Death, Immortality. A Sermon on the death of Samuel Prentiss, LL. D. Preached in the Congregational Church, in Montpelier, January 18, 1857. — A City which hath Foundations. A Ser raon preached on occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Organization of the First Congregational Church in Mont pelier, July 25, 1858. — A Serraon on occasion of the death of Hon. Ferrand F. Merrill. Preached in the Congregational Church, Montpelier, May 8, 1859. — A Serraon on the Causes and Remedy of the National Troubles. Preached at Montpelier, April 4, 1861. — A Sermon on occasion of the death of Rev. James Hobart. Preached in the Congregational Church, Berlin, Vt., July 18, 1862. — In Meraoriara. Address at the funeral of Mrs. James T. Thurston, Montpelier, AprU 3, 1865. — The Uses of the Material Temple. A Sermon preached at the Dedication of Bethany Church, Montpelier, Oct. 15, 1868. — Address and Services at the funeral of Dea. Constant W. Storrs, Montpelier, March 26, 1872. — Woman's Mission for Christ. A Ser mon preached at the fiineral of Mrs. James R. Langdon, at Montpelier, Aug. 3, 1873- All of the above were printed at the ofiice of the Vermont Watcliman and State Journal. — Sketch of the Life of Hon. Samuel Prentiss, published in the United States Law Magazine. — Also, two or more articles in the Prince ton Review. Lyman, Elijah. Serraon before the Leg islature at Montpelier, Oct. 13, 1814, by Elijah Lyraan, A. M., Pastor of the Con gregational Church in Brookfield. Mont pelier : Walton & Goss. Mansfield, Mrs. Lucy (Langdon.) Me- raorial of Charles Finny Mansfield , com prising extracts from his diaries, letters, and other papers. New York: Baker & Godwin, printers. 1866. 8° p. 265 (2.) Mrs. Mansfleld, daughter of James B. Langdon, of Montpelier. was born in Berlin in 1841, and married the subject of this memorial in 1861. He died in 1865. Mrs. Mansfleld has since married again, and resides in New York. Marsh, Rev. Samuel. Message from God, etc. Montpelier, 1844. 8° p. 16. — The Age of Prophecy. Press of East man & Danforth, 1848. 16° p. 16. — National Prosperity. Montpelier, 1849. 16° p. 16. — The Modern Colporteur Revival System. Press of Eastman & Danforth, 1849. 16° p. 142. — Hard Questions Answered. Eastman & Danforth, 1849. P- 72- MONTPELIER. 317 — Universalism. Press of Eli BaUou, 1850. 16° p. 28. — Reply to Ballou. MontpeUer, 1850. 16° p. 32. — Uncle Nathan. Ballou & Loveland, 1854. 16° p. 218. Marshall, E. F. New SpeUing Book. Published by E. P. Walton & Son, 1838. 12° p. 144. Mason, John. Treatise on Self Knowl edge. Wright & Sibley, printers, 1813. 24° p. 194. — The same. Published by E. P. Walton, 1819. 18° p. 177. McKeen, Rev. Silas. CivU Goverment a a Divine Institution. A Sermon before the Legislature, Oct. 9, 1857. E. P. Walton, printer. 8° p. 34. —A History of Bradford, J. D. Clark & Son, publishers, 1875. 8° p. 462. Miller, Col. Jonathan P. The Condi tion of Greece in 1827-28, New York: J. & J. Harper, 1828. 8° p. 300. — Letters from Greece. [By Col. Miller and others.] Boston, 1825. 8° p. 20. rSee D. P. THOMPSON'S History of Montpelier for a sketch of Col. Miller, also vol. II of this Gazetteer- History of Randolph.] The Minister preaching his own Funeral Serraon. Wright & Sibley, 1812. 24° p. 96. Miscellaneous. Memoirs of that truly eccentric character, the late Timothy Dexter, together with his last will and testament. Montpelier,. 1808. Sabin's Bibliography. — Records of the Montpelier Lyceum, 1829-1836. Manuscript, p. 353. [Belongs to tlie Vt. Hist. Society.] — Catalogue of books of the MontpeUer Agricultural Society, n. p. n. d. — Winooski Impetus. Metropolis of Ver mont, April 15, 1835 to March 1836. 4° Monthly, by a society of young men. Services at the Dedication of Green Mount Cemetery, Sept. 15, 1855. E. P. Walton, Jr., printer, 8° p. 40. —A ChUd's Book. Illustrated. E. P. Walton, printer. 32° p. 8. n. d. — Reports of Town Officers in printed form, annuaUy, since 1843. — Act of Incorporation, By-Laws etc., of the ViUage of Montpelier, 1848. 8° p. 12. Editions of the same, 1855, 1864 and, 1875. — Village Reports, annually. —Catalogue of the Sabbath School Library of the First Cong'l Church, 1861. Wal ton's print. 12° p. 18. —In Memoriam of Rt. Rev. John Henry Hopkins, in Christ Church, Montpelier, 1868. Argus and Patriot print. 8° p. — lUustrated Capital Advertiser, 1872. Argus and Patriot print. 8° p. 8. — Reports of the Coramittee on Water Supply for the VUlage of MontpeUer, 1873. Poland's print. 8° p. 20. — Illustrated Circular of Lane Manufactur ing Company, MontpeUer, 1875. Argus and Patriot print. 12° p. 152. — Exhibition of the New Organ in Trinity Church, Nov. 5, 1875. —Webb's MontpeUer Directory, 1875-6-7. 8° p. 50. — Pocket Directory of the Village of Mont pelier for 1877. Poland's Press. 18° p. 90. — Montpelier Illustrated ; with a brief sketch by E. P. Walton. In N. Y. Daily Graphic, Nov. 8, 1877. — Montpelier Monufacturing Company's 20th annual catalogue, 1877. 8° p. 32. — Montpelierian, vol. 5, No. i, Jan. 20. 1877. 4° p. 8 and (4.) Continued monthly by the Literary Societies of Methodist Seminary. Moore, Z. S. Sermon Oct. 6, 1813, at the Ordination of Rev. Jacob Allen at Tunbridge. Walton & Goss, printers. Morton, Rev. D. O. Wine is a Mocker: Sermon at Montpelier Oct. 16, 1828, at the formation of the Vermont Temper ance Society. Printed by E. P. Walton. 8° p 16. Murray, Lindley. The English Reader, 1823. E. P. Walton printer. 12° p. 262. New England Economical House-Keeper, and family Receipt Book. E. P. Wal ton & Sons, 1845. Nutting, Rufus. Grammar. Third edi tion. E. P. Walton, printer, 1826. 12° p. 136. — Fourth and fifth edition, same iinprint, p. 144. — Nutting's New Grammar. E. P. Wal ton & Sons, 1840. p. 184. Palmer, E.F. The Second Brigade ; or. Camp Life . E . P . Walton , printer, 1 864. Palmer, Rev. J. E. A Collection of Essays, etc. E. P. Walton & Son, 1836. 12° p. 306. Parker, Rev. Daniel. A Sermon, Church Privileges, etc., at Brookfield, March 9, 1847. E. P. Walton & Sons. p. 19. Peacham. Addresses at the opening of the Congregational Church at Peacham , 3i£ VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Sept. 28, 1 87 1. Polands' print. 8° p. 66. — Catalogue of the Library of the Juvenile Society at Peacham. Polands' print, 1881. 8° p. 24. Peake, Rebecca. Trial of, for murder, at Orange County Court, Dec. 1835. E. P. Walton & Son, printers. 12° p. 88. Peck, Lucius B. Speech in Congress, on Slavery in the Territories, April 23, 1850. p. 8. — Proceedings of the Washington County Bar on the death of Hon. Lucius B. Peck, at March Term, 1867. Freeman print. 8° p. 20. Perrin, Rev. Truman. Dietetics — Sound Health, etc. Freeman print, 1861. 8° p. 19. See History of Berlin, ante, p 63. Perrin, Rev. William. The Accident; or Henry and Julia ; and other poems. Walton & Goss, printers, 1815. 12° p. 64. See Hist, of BerUn, p. 62. Peter the Great. Life and Reign of. Wright & Sibley, printers, 1811. 12° p. 316. Phinney, T. C. The Literary News. Monthly, May, 1878. 8° p. 8. For Sept. i88i. p. 32. Continued. Postage Stamp Reporter. C. F. Bus- weU, editor. Monthly, vol. i. No. i. Montpelier, January, 1877. 8° p. 8. PowARS, Grant. Oration at Thetford, July 4, 1812. Wright & Sibley, print ers. 8° p. 16. Prentiss, Hon. Samuel. Oration at Plainfield, July 4, 1812. Walton&Goss, printers. 8° p. 39. — Remarks in the U. S. Senate on Slavery in the District of Columbia, March i, 1836. Washington : p. 14. — Speech in the Senate, January 16, 1838, on the Vermont Resolutions on the ad mission of Texas, and the slave trade. Washington : 8° p. 10. — Speeches in the Senate, March 2d and 30th and April 6th, 1838, on Dueling. Washington : 8° p. 19. — Speech in the Senate, June 23, 1840, on the Bankrupt Bill. 'Washington: p. 20. — Proceedings in the District Court, Oct. Session, 1857, on the Death of Judge Prentiss. 'Windsor: 8° p. 16. Proceedings and Address of a Jackson Convention at Montpelier, June 27, 1828. Geo. W. Hill, printer. 8° p. 24. Proceedings of the Montpelier, [Vt. , Con gregational] Association in Sept., in reply to annexed Statements of Henry Jones, against Freemasonry. Danville, 1830. 12° p. 22. See Jones, Henry, ante. Progressive Reader. Printed by Geo. W. HiU, 1833. 18° p. 216. Rand, Festus G. Autobiography of; A Tale of Intemperance. J. & J. M. Po land. 8° p. 16. Randall, Rev. E. H. Address on the death of President Lincoln, atRandolph, April 19, 1865. Walton's print. 8° p. 12. Rawson, Rev. Nathaniel. Discourse at Hardwick, on the Sabbath succeeding his Ordination, Feb. 17, 181 1. Printed by Walton & Goss. [See biography of, in Orleans Co. papers and items, vol. 11, this Gazetteer.] Redfield, Hon. Isaac F. Charge to the Grand Jury in Washington County, No vember Term, 1842. Burlington: 8° p. 16. See Gilman's Bibliography for a blog. sketch of Judge Redfleld, and a list ofhis law publications, etc. Redfield, T. P. Report on the claim of the Iroquois Indians upon the State of Vermont. 1854. 8° p. 40. Reed, George B. Sketch of the Early History of Banking in Vermont, Read before the Vt. Hist. Soc. at Montpelier, Oct. 14, 1862. 8° p. 28. — Sketch of the Life of Hon. John Reed, of Boston. Boston, 1879. 8° p. 22. Mr. Keed is a native of Montpelier; born July 28, 1829; son of the lule Thomas Beed, Esq., an early and promlnentcitizenof thetown. Mr. Geo. B. Beed has been for many years a law bookseller and publisher in Boston. He is well versed in the history of Vermont, and has been a liberal donor to the Vt. Hist. Spc. Religious Courtship, [By Daniel De Foe.] Printed by Derrick Sibley, for Josiah Parks, 1810. 12° p. 348. Rollins, E. E. Memorial Record of Greensboro Soldiers, 1861-5. Free man print, 1868. 12° p. 77. [See Greensboro in vol. 11, this Gazetteer.] Sanders, D. C. A History of the Indian Wars. Wright & Sibley, printers. 12° p. 319. 1812. A very scarce work. Mr. Sanders was the flrst Pres ident of the University of Vermont. [See biography of, in History of Burlington in vol. i, this Gazetteer.] Savage, R. A. Memorial Record of the Soldiers of Stowe, 1861-5. Freeman Print, 1867. 12° p. 104. [See Stowe in vol. II, this Gazetteer.] Scott, Walter. The Lady of the Lake. A Poera. Wright & Sibley, printers, 1813. 18° p. 320. Scott, William. Lessons in Elocution, etc. PubUshed by E. P. & G. S. Wal ton, 1818. 18° p. 383. — Another edition, by E. P. Walton, 1820. p. 407. MONTPELIER. 319 Select Sentences. Printed for John Crosby, 18 13. 18° p. 36. Shelton, Rev. F. W. Address at the funeralof Mrs. Upham, in ChristChurch, May II, 1856. E. P. Walton, printer. 8° p. 16. Mr. Shelton was Rector of Christ Church, Montpel ier, 1854-66; he was a pleasant writer, and published several volumes, besides numerous articles in the Knickerbocker Magazine. Mr. Shelton died at Car thage Landing, ou-the-Hudson, June 2U, 1881. Shepard, Sylvanus. The Phoenix Chron icle. The Bonfire, in which 450 books were burned. A View of Montpelier and all the country villages in the State. Printed for the author, 1825. 8° p. 18. Mr. Shepard was au early settler of Bast Montpel ier. Short Expose of the management of the finances of Verraont. Patriot office, 1844. p. 8. Skinner, Rev. Warren. Capital Pun ishment. A Lecture before the Legis lature of' Vermont, and others, Oct. 26, 1834. Geo. W. HiU, printer. 8° p. 19. — The Christian Ministry. A Sermon be fore the Universalist Convention at Montpelier, Jan. 17, 1833, at the Ordi nation of Rev. J. M. Austin. Geo. W. HiU. 8° p. 25. Smith, Ruth B., (of Newbury.) The Pension Case of the late Capt. James T. Smith. Polands' print. 1879. 8° p. 32. Southmayd, Jonathan C. Address be fore the Philological Society of Middle bury College, August 15, 1826. E. P. Walton, printer. —Discourse at Montpelier, March 16, 1828, on the use of distUled spirits. E. P. Walton, printer. 8° p. 16. Spalding, Rev. Geo. B., D. D. God in the War. A Sermon at Vergennes, Nov. 26, 1863. BurUngton: 8° p. 21. A Discourse commemorative of Gen. Samuel P. Strong, at Vergennes, Feb. 28,1864. Burlington: 8° p: 22. — A Discourse at Dover, N. H., May 18, 1873, on the two hundredth anniversary of the settiement of that town. Dover, N. H. 8° p. 29. A Discourse Commemorative ol Hon. John P. Hale, at Dover, N. H., Nov. 27, 1873. Concord, N. H. 8° p. 19. — Relation of the Church to Children. A Discourse at HaverhiU, N. H., Nov. 6, 1873. Bristol, N. H. 8° p. 12. — The Dover Pulpit during the Revolu tion. A Discourse Commemorative of Rev. Jeremy Belknap, D. D., July g 1876. Dover, N. H. 8° p. 31. Semi-Centennial Discourse at Laconia, N. H., June 18, 1878, before the Con ference Churches of Strafford County. Dover, N. H. 8° p. 20. — Normal School Training. Address at Gorham, Maine, Dec. 26, 1878. Port land, Me. 8° p. 12. — Address hpfore the New Hampshire Sunday-School Convention at Haverhill, N. H., Nov. 6, 1879. Bristol, N. H. 8° p. 8. Bev. Dr. Spalding is a native of Montpelier, son of the late James Spalding, M. D. He is pastor of the First Congregational Church, Dover, N. H., where he was settled in 1869. See Granite Monthly, vol.' I, p. 197-9, for a biographical sketch. Spalding, James R. An Address on Fe male Educatio n at Pittsfield , Mass . , Aug . 22, 1855. New York. 8° p. 28. — An Oration at the Semi-Centennial An niversary of the University of Vermont, August, 1854. 8° p. 33. Mr. Spalding, an eider brother of the above, died at the residence or his brother in Dover. Oct. 10. 187'i. He was born in Montpelier, Nov. 15, 18'il. Mr. Spald ing was a gentlemouvof flne culture aud attainments. For many years he was an associate editor of theNew York Courier and Inquirer, and he was mainly the founder of the New York World newspaper in 1859 ; an appropriate tribute to the worth of Mr. Spalding, by Richard Grant Wliite, was printed iu the dally World ol October 1:!, 1872. Stebbins, R. I. Sermon at the Ordina tion of Mr. Charles A. Allen, as min ister of the Church of the Messiah, at MontpeUer, March i, 1865. BaUou, Loveland & Co. 12° p. 27. Steele, Zadock. His Indian Captivity, and an account of the burning of Roy alton. E. P. Walton, printer, 1818. 12° p. 144. Stone, J. P. A History of Greensboro, and the Congregational Church, 1854. E. P. Walton. 8° p. 40. Swett, Josiah. Sermon at the funeral of Mr. Sarah E. Weston, at West Ran dolph, Nov. 23, 1851. E. P. Walton & Son. 8° p. 24. TEACHEM,Mrs. The Infant School Primer. E. P. Walton, printer, [1832.] 12° p. 24. Thomas, Rev. A. C. Analysis and Con futation' of Miller's Theory of the End of the World in 1843. Eli Ballou, printer, 1843. 8° p. 30. Thompson, Daniel G. A First Latin Book, introductory to Ceaser's Commen taries on the Gallic War. Chicago, 1872. 12° p. 224. Mr. Thompson is a native ol Montpelier, son of the late Hon. Daniel P. Thompson, and resides In New York ; he publlsiied articles on " Intuition and Infer ence." in the Mind, A Quarterly Review of Psychology and Philosophy, London, July and October numbers, 1878.Thompson, Daniel Pierce. [A partial list of the works by Judge Thompson may be found in this History under Ber lin, p. 69-72, vol. 4, together with a 320 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. biographical sketch. The works omit ted in the Berlin article are given here.] ¦ — The Adventures of Timothy Peacock, Esquire, or Freemasonry Illustrated. Middlebury, 1835. 12° p. 218. Pub lished anonymously. — Revised Statutes of Vermont, i vol. 1835- — Address before the Vt. Hist. Society, 1850. Burlington. 8° p. 22. — History of the Town of Montpelier to i860, with Biographical Sketches. E. P. Walton printer. 8° p. 312. Mr. Tliouipson's novels continue in demand, an edi tion by NicliolSiJtHall.Boston, 1876, in four volumes, contains; vol. 1, " May Martin," '* Guardian and Ghost," " Shaker Lovers," "Ethan Allen and the Lost Children," " The Young Sea Captain." Old Soldier's Story," " New Way to Collect a Had Debt," and " An Indian's Revenge," p. 380. Vol. 2, "Locke Amsden, or the Scliool-master," p. 231. "The Bangers," 2 v. in one. p. 174, 165. "Green Mountain Boys,'' vol. 4, p 364. —Another edition of the above four vol umes by the same publishers, l88i. Thompson, George. Address to the Legislature and Citizens of Vermont, at Montpelier, Oct. 22, 1864. Freeman print. 8° p. 18. Thompson, Zadoc. Gazetteer of Vermont. E. P. 'Walton printer. 1824. 12° p. 312. Thompson, S. New Guide to Health, or Botanic Family Physician. Montpelier, Printed for the pubUsher, 185 1. 12° p. 122. Thoughts on Divine Goodness. Print ed by Geo. W. HiU. 1828, 12° p. 148. Thresher, Leonard. The Family Phy sician, etc. Argus and Patriot print. 1871, 8° p. 406. Truair, Rev. John. Serraon at Mont peUer. Mach7, 1813. Walton&Goss. — The Alarm Trumpet. Sermon at Berk shire, Sept. 9, 1813, on the war. Wal ton & Goss. 8° p. 27. Universalism. Form for Constitution and by-laws for the use of Universalist Churches, etc. Ballou & Burnham's press. 1851, 12° p. 16. — Discussion on Endless Punishment, by Rev. Luther Lee, and Rev. Eli Ballou. Ballou & Loveland printers. 1857, 12° p. 84. Upham, Hon. WiLLAM. Speech in the U. S. Senate, March i, 1847, on the three million Bill. Washington. 8° p. 8. — Speech in the U. S. Senate on the Mex ican War, Feb. 15. 1848. p. 19. — Speech in the Senate, July 26, 1848, on the Compromise Bill. p. 7. — Report on the Revolutionary Claims, Feb. 9, 1849. » — Speech in Senate, July i and 2, 1850, on the Compromise Bill. p. 16. — Obituary Addresses on the death of Mr. Upham, delivered in the Senate and House, January 15, 1853. 8° p. 8. [Vide biographical sketch post.] Upham, William K. Argument for De fendant in case Nathan Harris vs. Col umbiana Co. Insurance Company, (Ohio), 1853. p. II. Mr. Upham was a native of Montpelier, son of Sen ator Upham, died at Canton. Ohio. Mar. 22, 1865. Wait, Augustine. Speech before the Brotherhood of St. Patrick, Dublin, Ire land, Nov. 24, 1862. E. P. Walton, printer, p. 20. Walton, Hon. Eliakim P. Speech on the Adraission of Kansas, in the House of Representatives, Mar.3 1 ,1858. Wash ington: 8° p. 15. — Speech on Free Trade and Protective Tariff, in the House of Representatives, Feb. 7, 1859. 8° p. 14. Washington. — Speech in the House on the State of the Union, Feb. 16, 1861. 8° p. 8. — Speecli in the House on the Confiscation of Rebel Property. DeUvered May 24, 1862. 8° p. 15. Mr. Walton edited and compiled a history of the Vermont Capitol, a book of 300 pages, printed in 18S7. He delivered an address on the first Legislature of Vermont, before the Historical Society in 1878; also an address, "History of Early Printing In Vermont," before tiie Vt. Publishers' Association, at Benning ton, August, 1877, which Is printed in the " Centennial Proceedings at Bennington." But the crowning work of Mr. Waiton is the editing and publishing of the eight volumes of the Goveruor and Council, so called. Tills is a work Invaluable to every student of 'Ver mont history, and its appreciaiion will increase as time passes. [A most satisfactory work— that Ver mont Governor and Council— Ed.] Another work of great convenience to all Vermonters, as well as others, is, Walton's Vermont Begistek and Al manac. This work, with which everybody in Ver mont ought to be familiar, was published at Mont pelier by the Walton Family, 1818-1867, and since then at Claremont, N. H„ under tne same old llamiliar title. There is an .excellent sketch of Mr. Wallon In my bib liography of Vt., which I will not mutilate by giving even an abstract in this place. Seeposi. I do not speak of Mr. Walton's "History of Montpelier," prepared for Miss Hemenway's Gazetteer, as I nave not seen It. It Is proper to say a word In this place to prevent confu sion, as to the same Initials of the two Mr.E.P.'Waltons, whose names occur so fi'equently In the Imprints of this list. The father, Ezekiel Parker Walton, con tinued In the printing business at Montpelier, 1807- 1853 ; the eldest son. Eliakim Persons Walton, became a partner with his father in 1883, under the flrm uame of E. 1*. Walton & Son. Later, one or two younger sons of the elder Walton became members of the firm, which then became E. P. Walton & Sons. Eliakim wrote ills name E. P. Walton, Jr., until the death of his father in 1855. Waring, Geo. E. Jr. Elements of Agri culture. S. M.Walton, 1855. i2°p.288. Washington, George. Valedictory Ad dress. Walton & Goss, printers, 1812. p. 45. Watrous, Miss Sophia. The Gift. Poeras. E. P. Walton & Sons, 1841. 12° p. 172. Watts, Isaac Twelve Sermons, Moral and Divine. Wright & Sibley, 181 1. 12° p. 359. MONTPELIER. 321 — Psalms of David, Hymns and Spiritual Songs. Walton & Goss, 1814. 18° p. 296, 259. — Logic, or the Right use of Reason. E. P. Walton, printer, 1819. 12° p. 288. Webb, T. S. Freemason's Monitor. Wal ton & Goss, printers, i8i6. 12° p. 312. Webster, Noah. SpeUing Book. E. P. Walton & Son, 1839. Another edition, 1844. Wheeler, Rev. S. H. Memorial Sermon on Mrs. Betsey Carpenter, of Waterbury, Nov. 7, 1875. Press of J. & J. M. Po land. 8° p. 15. Wheelock, Rev. Edwin. Historical Sketch of the Town of Cambridge. Freemanprint, 1876. 12° p. 15. Wheelock, Rev. V. G. Revelation and Science Harmonize. A Sermon, 1869. Polands' print. — Growth of the Gospel. A Serraon at Stanbridge, P. Q., 1871. Journal Steam Printing Establishment. 8° p. 12. White, Rev. P. H. Ecclesiastical His tory of Vermont. An, Essay read at Newbury, June 21, 1866. Walton's print. 8° p. 7. — Jonas Galusha. Memoir of, read before the Vt. Hist. Society, i866. E. P. Walton, printer. 8° p. 16. Wild, Rev.' A. W. Funeral Sermon at Greensboro, July 10, 1864, on the death ofE. E. Hartson and Horace Sutham. Freeman print. 8° p. 18. Willard, Hon. Charles W. Speech in the House of Representatives, April 9, 1869, on the Cuban Question. 'Wasli- ington: p. 8. — Cuban BeUigerency. Speech in the House, June 15, 1870. Washington: p. 15. — Interstate Commerce. Speech in the House, March 24, 1874. Washington : p. 25. — CivU Service. Speech in the House, April 17, 1872. p. 8. Williamstown. Methodism in. His torical Address, Dec. 19, 1880, by Rev. Mr. Bartlett. Messenger print. 12° P- 35- Wing, Joseph- A. "Pluck," and Other Poems. Freeman print, 1 878. 12° p. 252. Worcester. Record of Births, Mar riages and Deaths in, Oct. 1813 to June 1858. By S. S. Abbott. E. P. Wal ton, printer. 18° p. 31. Worcester, Rev. Leonard. Funeral Sermon at Hardwick, Aug. 30, 1814, on the death of Mrs. Lydia, consort of Samuel French, Esq. Walton & Goss. 8° p. 24. — Sermon at Montpelier, Oct. 15, 1809. Peacham, Vt. Samuel Goss, printer. ¦ 8° p. 24. —Appeal to the Conscience of Rev. Sol omon Aiken. Printed by E. P. Walton. 8° p. 16. Worcester, Rev. Thomas. Serious Reasons against Triune Worship. Wal ton & Goss, 1812. Wright, Rev. Chester. Federal Com pendium ; an Arithmetic. Middlebury, 1803. 12° p. 108. — Services at the Ordination of Rev. Mr. Wright at Montpelier, Aug. 19, 1809. Sermon by Rev. Asa Burton, Charge by Rev. Stephen Fuller, of Vershire, and the Right Hand of Fellowship by the Rev. Calvin Noble, of Chelsea. Peach am : Printed by Samuel Goss, 1809. 8° p. 24. — Election Sermon, i8io. Randolph. — Funeral Sermon on the death, of Sibyl Brown. Preached Jan. 11, 1811. Wal ton & Goss, printers. 8° p. 12. — Sermon before the Vt. Bible Society at Montpelier, Oct. 28, 18 12. Walton & Goss. 8° p. 14. — Funeral Sermon, Dec. 27, 1813, on the death of Mrs. Hannah, wife of Jeduthan Loomis, Esq. Walton & Goss. -^Sermon before the Female Mission So ciety in MontpeUer, 1816. E. P. Wal ton, printer, p. 14. — Sermon at Middlebury, Aug. 16, 1814. Middlebury : 8° p. 16. — Saints Resurrection. Sermon on the death of Geo. S. Walton, at Montpelier, June 10, 1818. E. P. Walton, printer, 8° p. 15. — Address on the Death of Adams and Jefferson, at Montpelier, July 25, 1826. Printed by George W. Hill & Co. 8° p. 19. — The Devil in the Nineteenth Century. Two Discourses at Hardwick, May 6, 1838. E. P. Walton & Son. 8° p. 21. Yale, Calvin. Some Rules for the in vestigation of Religious Truth. E. P. Walton, 1826. 8° p. 15. — Sermon before the Vt. Colonization So ciety at Montpelier, Oct. 17, 1827. E. P. Walton. 8° p. 15. Young, Samuel. Oration at Bennington, August 16, 1819. Argus and Patriot print, 1871. p. 4. See Article on Vt. Hist. Society for additional Mont pelier imprints, etc. 41 322 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. BY M. u. OILMAN. LIBRARIAN. It is deemed appropriate that a brief no tice of the Historical Society shall be in cluded in the history of Montpelier, for the reason among many, that its headquarters and library are located in this town. The Society was incorporated by act of the general assembly, approved Nov. 5, 1838, under the name of "The Vermont Historical and Antiquarian Society ;" the persons named in the act are Henry Ste vens of Barnet, Oramel H. Sraith, Daniel P. Thompson and George B. Mansur, of Montpelier. By an act of the general assembly ap proved Nov. 16, 1859, the name of the Society was changed to "The Vermont Historical Society ;" and by an act, ap proved Nov. 21, the same year, room No. 9 in the State Capitol was granted for the uses of the Society for its library and bus iness purposes ; the Society by permission also uses a large book case in room No. 12. The first meeting of the Society was held at Montpelier, the third Thursday of Oct. 1840, at which the Society was organ ized, and Henry Stevens elected president and librarian, Geo. B. Mansur and D. P. Thompson, secretaries. At this meeting associate members were elected: Silas H. Jennison, Isaac F. Redfield, D. M. Camp, E. P. Walton, Daniel Baldwin, Geo. W. Benedict, Solomon Stoddard, and Norman WUliams. Mr. Stevens continued as president of the Society until about 1858, when he wag succeeded by the Hon. Hiland HaU, who was president untU Oct. 1866, when, upon his retirement. Rev. Pliny H. White was elected, and held the office untU his death, April 24, 1869. Hon. Geo. F. Houghton was elected president Oct. 19, 1869, and held the office untU his death, Sept. 22, 1870 ; Rev. W. H. Lord was elected president in Oct. 1870, and held the offiae until Oct. 1876, when he declined further service ; the pres ent incumbent, the Hon. E. P. Walton, succeeded the Rev. Dr. Lord. The librarians of the Society have been as follows: Henry Stevens, Esq., 1840- 1858, Hon. Charles Reed, 1858, untU his death, March 7, 1873 ; he was succeeded by Hiram A. Huse, Esq., untU Oct. 1874, when the present incumbent, Mr. M. D. Gilman, was elected. Among the most prominent and .active workers in behalf of the Historical Society, should be mentioned, Henry Stevens Esq., Hon. Hiland HaU, Hon. Charles Reed, Rev. Pliny H. White, Geo. F. Houghton, Esq'., and the Hon. Eliakim P. Walton. The annual raeetings of the Society are held at Montpelier, Tuesday preceding the third Wednesday of October. Persons desiring to become members of the Society can do so, on the recommenda tion of any member, and the payment of $2.00 for admis.siori, and $1.00 per annum thereafter. The Society at the present time, 1881, is in a flourishing condition ; it has a sys tem of exchanges and correspondence with all kindred societies in this country and some in England, besides a large cor respondence and exchange with individuals. The library is estimated to contain from 7000 to 8000 vols, of books, about 500 bound vols, of newspapers, and 12000 to 1 5000 pamphlets, besides a large quantity of manuscripts, letters, and historical curi osities. A card catalogue of the bound volumes and newspapers has been completed, and all books received are added to the cata logue. The Society has portraits in oil of Hon. Hiland HaU, Rev. W. H. Lord and Hon. D. P. Thompson, all presented to the So ciety, the two latter painted by Montpel ier's native son, the distinguished artist, Thomas W. Wood, and by him presented to the Society. As is the case with most libraries of the time in our country, that of the Historical Society has outgrown the room set apart for it, and is greatly in need of more space, which we trast will soon be pro vided in the proposed addition to the State Capitol. The foUowing list of publications by the Vermont Historical Society is thought to be complete : MONTPELIER. 323 * Address by James D. Butler, at Mont pelier, Oct. 16, 1846: "Deficiencies in Our History." 8° p. 36. Montpelier: Eastman & Danforth. * Addresses on the Battle of Benning ton, and Life of Col. Seth Warner, at Montpelier, Oct. 20, 1848, by James D. Butier and Geo. F. Houghton. BurUng ton: 8° p. 99. Address at Montpelier, Oct. 24, 1850, by Daniel P. Thompson. Burlington : 8° p. 22. * Address, "Life and Services of Mat thew Lyon," Oct. 29, 1858, by Rev. P. H. White. Burlington : 8° p. 26. * Address, "The Marbles of Vermont," Oct. 29, 1858, by A. D. Hager. BurUng ton: 8° p. 16. Constitution, By-Laws, Act of Incorpo ration, and catalogue of Officers and Mem bers of the Society. Woodstock, i860. 8° p. 16. * Proceedings of 21st Annual Meeting, and Address by Rev. Joseph Torrey, "His tory 9f Lake Charaplain," Oct. 16, i860. Burlington : 8° p. 27. Proceedings, Special Meeting at Bur lington, Jan. 23, 1861. Buriington: 8° p. 7, 8. Proceedings, Annual Meeting at Mont pelier, Oct. 15 and 16, 1861. St. Albans. 8° p. 17. • Proceedings, Special Meeting at Bur Ungton, Jan. 22 and 23, 1862. 8° p. 8. St. Albans. Address on Town Centennial Celebra tions. By Henry Clark, at Buriington, Jan. 22, 1862. 8° p. 8. St. Albans. * Address by Henry B. Dawson on the Battie of Bennington, at Buriington, Jan. 23, 1 861. Printed in Hist. Magazine, May, 1870; reprinted in Argus and Pat riot, Montpelier, June 27, July 4, n, 1877. * Address, " Eariy History of Banking in Vermont," by Geo. B. Reed, Oct 14, 1862. 8° p. 28. ¦* Address, "Gov. PhUip Skene," by Henry HaU, of Rutiand, at Windsor, July 2, 1863. Printed in (Dawson's) Hist. ' Magazine, vol. 11, 2d series, p. 280-83. * Address on Joseph Bowker, by Henry Hall, Special meeting at Windsor, July i, 2, 1863. Printed in (Dawson's) Hist. Magazine, vol. 11, 2d series, p. 351-54. * Address, "Evacuation of Ticonderoga, 1777," at a Special Meeting at Brattie- boro, July 17, i862,by Henry HaU. Print ed in (Dawson's) Hist. Magazine, August, 1869. Proceedings at Brattleboro, July 16, 17, and at the Annual Meeting at Montpelier, Oct. 14, 1862. St. Albans. 8° p. 26. * Address, "Secession in Switzerland," by J. W. DePeyster, at Montpelier, Oct. 20,1863. CatskiU: 8° p. 72. * Address, "Life of Hon. Richard Skin ner," by Winslow C. Watson, at Mont pelier, Oct. 20, 1863. Albany : 8° p. 30. * Address, "Edward Crafts Hopson,'' by Henry Clark, Jan. 25, 1865. Special meeting at Rutland. 8° p. 6. "Address, "Charles Linsley," by E. J. Phelps. Special meeting at Brandon, Jan. 28, 1864. Albany : 8° p. 20. ¦* Address,, " Battie of Gettysburgh," by G. G. Benedict. Special meeting at Bran don, Jan. 26, 1864. Buriington : 8° p 24. * Another edition, enlarged, p. 27, and appendix iv. Illustrated. Addresses, on " Solomon Foot," by Geo. F.Edmunds, on "Gov. Galusha," by P. H. White, on "New England Civiliza tion," by Rev. J. E. Rankin, at Mont pelier, Oct. 16, 1866. Walton's print. 8° p. 72. * Address on Theophilus Herrjngton, by Rev. P. H. White. Special meeting at Rutland, Aug. 20, 1868. 8° p. 6. * Memorial Address on Hon. Jacob Col lamer, by James Barrett, at Montpelier, Oct. 20, 1868. 8° p. 61. Proceedings, and Addresses at Mont pelier, Oct. 19, 20, I869. " Capture of Ticonderoga," by Hiland HaU; "Memo rial on P. H. White," by Henry Clark. Journal print, Montpelier. pp. 15, 32, 16. Proceedings, Oct. and Nov. 1870 ; con tains address on Hon. Charles Marsh, by James Barrett. Montpelier, p. xxvii, 54. Proceedings, and Address by L. E. Chittenden, on " Capture of Ticonderoga." At Montpelier, Oct. 8, 1872. Montpelier: Printed for the Society. 8° p. xxi, 127.- * Memorial Sketch of Charles Reed, by 324 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. H. A. Huse, at the Annual Meeting at Montpelier, Oct. 13, 1874. Printed in Daily Journal. Address, "History of the St. Albans Raid," delivered at Montpelier, Oct. 17, 1876, by Hon. E. A. Sowles. St. Albans : 8° p. 48, including proceedings of the So ciety. Collections of the Society, 2 vols. Vol. I, Montpelier, 1870. 8°p. xix, 507. Vol. 2, Montpelier, 1871. 8° p. xxviii, 530. Proceedings, Oct; 15, 1878, at Mont pelier, with addresses: by Rev. M. H. Buckham, on Rev. W. H. Lord, and by Hon. E. P. 'Walton, on "The.Fii-st Legis lature of Vermont." Polands' print. 8° p. xvi, 47. Proceedings, Oct. 19, 1880, at Mont pelier, with address by Hon.E. A. Sowles, on " Fenianism," ete. Rutland: 8° p. .xxviU, (2,) 43. Numerous addresses in addition to those noticed have been delivered before the So ciety, the manuscripts of some of which are on file in its archives. The publications marked with a* are out of print, and cannot be furnished by the Society. THE VERMONT STATE LIBRARY. BY HIRAM A. HUSE, STATE LIBKABIAN. Legislation as to a state Ubrary began in 1825. The State had about forty years before, it is true, gone into the book bus iness in rather a curious manner by seizing the library of Charies Phelps, Esq., of Marlboro, an energetic friend of New York rule. This seizure was made in 1782, and Stephen R. Bradley seems to have had charge of the confiscated literature for a time. In 1784 the legislature was provid ing that the committee for revising the laws (an undertaking begun in 1782 and not completed till 1787) should be paid out of this library. The resolutions of the General Assembly, March 6, 1784, relating to such payment are as follows : Resolved, that Stephen R. Bradley, Esq., be, and is hereby directed to deliver to Nathaniel Chipman and Micah Townsend, Esqrs., Committee for revising the laws, or either of them, upon the order or appli cation of them, or either of them, such of the books late the property of Charles Phelps, Esq., as they or either of them may think necessary for them in revising the laws, he taking their receipt for such books to account. And further. Resolved, That all letters from either o f the Coraraittee for revising the laws to the other upon the business of their appoint ment, be conveyed free of postage. That the accounts of the said Comraittee, when the business of their appointment shall be completed, shall be adjusted by the Com mittee of Pay-Table, at the rate of twelve shillings each per day, while they are sever ally employed in the business, for their time and expences. That the Committee be paid for their services out of the library late the property of said Phelps, at a rea sonable appraisement, to be made by such persons as shall be appointed by the Legis lature, to be men acquainted with the val ue of books, and to be made under oath, at cash jsrice ; unless the Legislature shall see proper to restore said library to said Phelps ; or unless said Phelps shall redeem the books so appraised by jjaying the said Committee such sum as they shaU be ap praised at. The aforesaid Committee to have their choice of what books they take in payment. Provided the said committee revise the statutes of this State which, have not already undergone their examination, by the session of Assembly in October next. And if the said library shall be re stored to said Phelps, or shall be insuffi cient for payment, the Legislature will pay the said Comraittee for such their services, in hard money, or an equivalent. Whatevet becarae finally of the Phelps books their temporary possession did not establish a state library any more than, in the troubled days of the revolution, the possession of that "one negro whench" for whose care Matthew Lyon charged the State, established slavery. The foUowing is the resolution under which the Verraont State Library was formed : In Council, Nov. 17, 1825. Resolved, the general assembly concur ring herein. That it shaU be the duty of the governor and council annually, to ap point some suitable person, whose duty it shall be to take charge of, and keep in good order, all the books and public docu ments, deposited in the state-house, in Montpelier ; and that a suitable room in the State-house be placed under the con- . trol of such person, for a place of deposit for such books and documents : and such person, in the discharge of his duty, shall MONTPELIER. 325 be governed by such rales and regulations as the govemour and council shall, from time to time, prescribe. [Concurred Nov. 17, 1825.] Calvin J. Keith was the first librarian, and was appointed Nov. 17, 1825. He was librarian 4 years, and after his service there were frequent changes in the ofiice for 30 years. Until 1836 the librarian was appointed by the governor and council ; then till 1848 by the governor ; and from 184S tUl 1858 by the senate and house of representatives. In 1857 the control of the library was put into the hands of trustees, who appoint a librarian. The trastees orgahized Nov. 16, 1858, and appointed Charles Reed li brarian. Mr. Reed died March 7, 1873, and was succeeded by the present libra rian. The greater part of the books of the li brary escaped the fire of Jan. 6, 1857, which destroyed the state-house. While the present state-house was building, the masonic hall was used for the library. A catalogue of the library was printed in 1850, one in 1858, and one in 1872. The library for nearly 30 years depend ed principally for increase on the receipt of State publications and on exchanges. In 1854, an annual appropriation of $200 for the purchase of books vvas made ; this appropriation was increased to $500 in 1866 and to $800 in 1876. The substan tial growth of the library and its real use date from the beginning of Mr. Reed's services as librarian. He used the small sums at his command with great good judgment, and made a useful working li brary of it. The library now contains .about 19,000 bound volumes, exclusive of duplicates. It has outgrown the quarters that, when Mr. Reed took charge of it, were more than ample, and is now, though its books overflow into comraittee rooms, cramped for room. In American law reports it is among the best libraries in the country ; in other departments it is incomplete, but growing in those branches that appear to be of most use. The present oflicers of the library are : Trustees, ex officio, the governor, the chief justice and the secretary of state ; State, E. J. Phelps, Horace Fairbanks, L. G. Ware; resident, E. P. Walton, Joseph Poland and Chas. H. Heath; librarian, Hiram A. Huse ; first assistant librarian, Thomas L. Wood. Portraits, Sr'c. — Among the noticeable things in the library are two portraits be longing to the Historical Society, the work and gift of Thomas W. Wood, a na tive of Montpelier, and now one of the first artists of New York city. One is a por trait of Rev. W. H. Lord and the other of Hon. Daniel P. Thompson. A portrait, by Mr. Wood, of Judge Prentiss is also in the capitol, though the formal presentation to the Historical Society has not yet been made. These portraits are valuable for their artistic as well as their historical mer- it,and in the same class maybe mentioned, of the portraits in the executive chamber, thatofGov. Smith, by Thos. Le Clear. The portrait of (jOv. Paine is a good copy, from a good original by Chester Harding ; and that of Gov. Williams, by B. F. Mason, is a creditable piece of work. The other portraits in the governor's room are no doubt historically valuable . A bust of Gov . Erastus Fairbanks, by J. Q. A. Ward, is excellent work, as is one of Judge EUjah Paine by Greenough. There is also a fine bust of Jacob Collamer by Preston Powers. Julian Scott's large painting of the Battle of Cedar Creek i.^ too big for the governor's room, and whatever good work there is in it has no chance to "vindicate" itself. A portrait of Washington hangs over the speaker's chair in the Hall of the House of Representatives. There should also be mentioned the statue of Ethan Allen which stands at the entrance to the capitol. It is of heroic size, is the work of Larkin G. Mead, was corapleted in 1861, and on the 10th of October in that year was "inaugurat ed," Hon. Fred. E. Woodbridge of Ver gennes delivering the oration. Two of the field-pieces captured from the Hes sians at Bennington, are to be seen in the capitol, as well as the battle flags of the Vermont organizations that served in the war of the rebeUion. 326 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. [Present Artists in Montpelier — J. F. Gilman, crayon portrait painter, Union block; A. N. Blanchard, Main St., A. C. Harlow, Ellis block. State St., photogra phers. Mr. H. is just completing for the engraver the copy of an oil portrait of Gen. Parley Davis, for our next No. — Ed.] THE STATE CABINET. BY PROF. HIRAM A. CUTTING. M. D., State Geologist and Curator ol'Slute Cabinet. This is a coUection in Natural History provided for by law and kept in the State house. It is intended to show the geolo gy and natural history of the State. The collection of rock showing the sections across the State were collected by the geo logical survey. This was added to by the purchase of the Zadoc Thompson collec tion of natural history, and by donations and otherwise it has been largely increased. The space alloted for the display of speci mens is very inadequate, and in conse quence thousands of thera are packed away. There is, however, over 20,000 on exhibition, and those displayed are intend ed to show the character of the rocks and all the minerals found in the State as well as insects, birds, animals, Indian relics, &c. Many specimens are of great value, and if lost could never be replaced. The collection was first in charge of the geo logical survey, then in charge of State Geol ogist Albert D. Hager. who was curator un til he left the State in 1869. In 1870, Dr. Hiram A. Cutting was appointed as his successor, and still has charge. Since his appointment the collection has more than doubled. The number of visitors ranges frora 12 to 25 thousand annually, and it is one of the greatest educational interests of the State. Though intended only to be representa tive of the natural history of Vermont, there has, by various donations, several hundred of foreign specimens crept in, many of. which are on exhibition, and are valuable, as comparatives with simUar spec imens in the State. It is to be hoped that this valuable aid to Vermont education will ere long have the space granted nec essary for the full display of its specimens, when it wUl be truly one of the most valu able collections in New England. PAPERS FURNISHED BY CHAS. DE F. BANCROFT. NUMBER OF DEATHS IN TOWN YEARLY, From Jan. i, 1825, to Oct. i, 1881. 1825 30 1844 45 1863 46 1826 31 1845 22 I864 31 1827 15 1846 32 1865 42 1828 14 1847 36 1866 29 1829 14 1848 23 1867 25 1830 14 1849 4' '868 39 1831 14 1850 28 1869 31 1832 23 1851 35 1870 29 1833 23 1852 ,35 1871 28 1834 17 1853 31 1872.. ..66 1835 20 1854 25 1873 50 1836 22 1855 30 1874 55 1837 20 1856 35 1875 75 1838 24 1857 29 1876 56 1839 28 1858 25 1877 48 1840 46 1859 34 1878 40 1841 58 i860 25 1879... -48 1842 41 1861 29 1880 66 1843 41 1862 30 1881 60 The above was corapUed from a book kept by the late Aaron Bancroft, " the old village sexton,'' containing a record of all the deaths occurring from 1825 to 1857 in the viUage and the suburbs, (which is about the present limits of the town,) since which time the State law has re quired the registration of all deaths. But the town records showing that the regis tration is very imperfect since then to the date of 187 1, the files of the newspapers published in town had to be resorted to for those years. Since 1871 I have kept a record of all deaths. I think upon the whole, from my researches and inquiries, that the above is a very accurate state ment. From 1825 to 1845 a large per centage of the deaths were children, and the remainder of adults of a middle age of life, acute diseases being the cause of a large percentage of them. From 1845 the record shows a gradual increase of longev ity, the last fifteen years showing a large percentage as being adults past the middle age of life, some of these years the av erage age of the deaths in town being about 50 years. In 1880-81 the deaths of chUdren were in an excess, resulting main ly from diphtheria. The registration of the deaths in town to the year 1823, (when the registration ceased,) is very imperfect, only from one to five being registered oc curring in the whole town yearly, and some years none at all. g^ MONTPELIER. 327 LONGEVITY OF MONTPELIER. Persons who have died since 1825. 1878 Phoebe Hazard loij 1864 Thomas Davis 95^ 1861 Nathan Jewett 95 1847 Aaron Griswold 95 1854 Betsey Watson 04 1874 Phoebe TuthiU 94 1861 Levi Humphey 92 1863 Simeon Dewey 92 1868 Peter Nichols , 92 1880 Eleanor Needham 92 i88i 92 1847 Mrs. Carapbell 91 1863 Jonathan Shepard 91 1864 Moses Cree 91 1877 Naomi Dodge 91 1877 John Gray 91 1839 Mrs. Edwards 90 1863 Francis Gangau 90 1866 Samuel Goss 90 1871 Hetty Houghton 90 1876 Mary M. Vail 90 1880 Luther Poland 90 1842 Mary CadweU 89 i860 Rev. Zadoc Hubbard 89 1864 Aichen Butterfly 89 1865 Hannah Marsh 8g 1881 Daniel Baldwin 89 1872 Aaron Bancroft 88 1842 Luther King 88 1866 Nathaniel Proctor 88 1868 Mary Taylor 88 1875 Dyer Loomis 88 1875 Sally Grant 88 1875 Silas Barrows 88 1876 Lucy L. Loomis 88 1879 Thomas Gannon 88 1835 JohnTapUn 87 1854 Amos Strong 87 1865 Lucy A. Ripley 87 1867 Rufus CampbeU 87 1872 Thomas Needham 87 1877 MitcheU St. John 87 1880 Julia A. Clark 87 1881 Dorothy Home 87 1839 Esther Hatch 86 1846 John Melon 86 1846 Sarah Philbrook 86 1852 Elijah Nye 86 1853 Dexter May 86 1857 Patty Reed. . . 86 1863 Mary Leonard'. 86 1869 Sarah T. Hayward 86 1875 Anna Pitkin 86 1875 Anna Waugh 86 1877 Mrs. Luther Howe 86 I878 Prassia Walton 86 1879 Luman R'ublee 86 1880 Susan Loomis Brown 86 1839 Arthur Daggett 85 1840 Mrs. Bancroft 85 1849 Mrs. Westjohn 85 844 Dolly Harran 85 847 Sarauel Upham 85 850 Darius Boyden 85 853 Capt. Eben Morse 85 855 Mrs. Eraerson 85 862 Mrs. Wilson 85 864 Rhoda Brooks .' 85 866 Phoebe Gallison 85 872 Lucy Guernsey 85 876 Betsey Waugh 85 878 WiUiam Bennett 85 826 Mrs. Cross 84 849 Mrs. Lydia Taplin 84 849 Betsey Wright 84 853 Lydia Lamb 84 856 Col. Asahel Washburn 84 862 John Gallison 84 866 WUliam Kinson 84 869 Mary H. French 84 871 Patty Howes 84 871 Sarah Phinney 84 874 Rawsel R. Keith 84 874 Deborah Washburn 84 876 Zenas Wood 84 879 Anna Stoddard 84 879 Lyraan G. Camp 84 849 Ebenezer Frizzle 83 851 Jacob Davis 83 854 Rebecca Davis 83 854 Zion Copeland 83 856 Hannah Dana 83 859 Joseph Reed 83 864 Thoraas Clark '. 83 864 Jane Lawson 83 864 B. Frank Markham 83 865 David Gray 83 865 Polly MitcheU 83 867 Isaac Wilson 83 869 Edraund H. Langdon 83 870 Joseph Rowell 83 872 John Wood 83 872 Content Skinner 83 875 Polly White 83 875 Mary Wood 83 850 Mrs. Eben Morge 82 858 Mrs. Holden 82 859 Jared Dodge 82 865 Anna F. Bancroft 82 868 Dr. Aaron Smith 82 874 Michael Malony 82 875 Polly KimbaU 82 875 Elizabeth (Jones) Caryl 82 876 John Home 82 880 Edward L. Taplin 82 881 Oramel H. Smith 82 823 Rebecca Davis 81 828 John TuthiU 81 846 Eliakim D. Persons 81 870 John Palmer 81 873 Nathaniel Abbott 81 874 Sally Spaulding 81 879 Margaret Stimson 81 880 Daniel Cameron 81 881 Cynthia HUl 81 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. 1872 Jo.seph Somerby 80 1839 Timothy Hatch 80 1842 Mrs. Doty 80 1844 Hannah Paine 80 1849 Cyras Ware 80 1859 Araunah Waterraan 80 1863 Silas'Jones 80 1863 Joseph Howes 80 1863 Mrs. Yatter 80 1869 Peter Rose 80 1870 John Spalding 80 1871 Bridget Brodie 80 1874 Hannah Ferrin 80 1875 Williara BUls 80 1S75 Anna Smith 80 1876 Jane Hutchinson 80 1877 Betsey Young 80 1878 Dr. Buckley O. Tyler 80 1880 WiUiam Paul 80 1881 Horace Spencer 80 1843 David Parsons 79 1846 Lemuel Brooks 79 1856 WiUiam Noyes 79 1859 Sarah Wilder 79 1859 Nancy Town 79 1859 Mary Lewis 79 i860 Benjamin Staples 79 1861 Mandy Mclntyre 79 1862 AbigaU Dewey 79 1863 Silas C. French 79 1869 John G. Clark ' 79 1871 Hugh Rourk 79 1872 Jacob Mclntyre 79 1874 Isaac Lavigne 79 1875 Daniel Wilson 79 1881 Rev. EUsha Brown 79 1842 Mrs. Levey 78 1845 Mrs. Hassam 78 1843 Lucretia Parsons 78 1847 Silas Burbank 78 1846 Mrs. Phoebe Mann 78 1856 Mason Johnson 78 1867 Thomas Dodge 78 1872 Mary Prime 78 1872 Polly Coff'ex 78 1872 Sherman Hubbard 78 1877 WiUiam W. CadweU. .' 78 1878 Margaret Fitzgibbons, 78 1879 Helen Crane 78 1880 Polly Dudley 78 1828 Mrs. Gale Tj 1840 Mrs. Lawson "]•] 1840 Jesse Cole 77 1843 John Walton 77 1847 Mrs. Cole T] 1849 Dolly Washburn 77 1852 Polly Davis. ._. 77 1852 Betsey Cummings "j"] 1859 Welcome Cole TJ 1861 Mary Goss TJ 1864 PoUy Warren 77 1866 John CarroU Tj 1867 Sally Richardson -j-j 1868 Persis B. Davis 77 S70 Esther French n 871 Henry Y. Barnes ^^ 873 Dr. Aaron Denio n 874 Susan RoweU 11 875 Thomas Donahue 11 875 Dr. James Terapleton 77 878 Mrs. Daniel Cameron H 879 Orin Pitkin 11 880 Caroline Barnes 11 827 Hannah Carr 76 863 Nabby Smith 76 864 Sarah Wilder 76 873 Barnabas H. Snow 76 874 Clarissa Kellogg 76 875 James Boyden 76 876 Sarah Jones 76 877 Dr. Julius Y. Dewey 76 878 Alpheus Flanders 16 880 Fanny Peck 76 881 Zebina C. Camp 16 88i Mary Jacobs 76 881 Dorothy Walling 76 827 Samuel Campbell 75 840 Lois P. Lawson 75 845 Mrs. Packard . '. 75 848 Roger Hubbard 75 849 Betsey CadweU 75 850 Mrs. Lawton 75 855 Mrs. Jacob F. Dodge 75 856 Thomas Hazard 75 857 Betsey H. VaU 75 857 Hon. Samuel Prentiss. .^ 75 865 Sylvanus Ripley 75 869 Margaret Moorcroft .75 869 Nehemiah Harvey 75 869 Dr. Reuben W. HiU 75 871 Sally Taplin .• 75 872 Anna Hubbard 75 873 Nathan Dodge 75 840 PoUy Barton 74' 842 Mrs. Wheelock 74 845 Mrs. John Walton 74 845 Dr. Edward Lamb 74 847 Isaac Freeman 74 849 Mrs. Matthew 74 851 Mrs. KendaU 74 860 Francis Smith 74 861 Susan Abbott 74 864- Antoine Rivers 74 865 Richard Paine 74 865 Isaiah Silver 74 865 Ruth C. Moulton 74 866 Thayer Townshend 74 866 Hubbard Guernsey 74 868 Daniel P. Thompson 74 868 Frederick Marsh 74 874 Dr. Charles Clark 74 879 Mrs. John Girard 74 881 Jesse Hutchinson 74 826 Mrs. Nye 73 835 Mrs. Eliakim D. Persons 73 864 Isaac Putnam 73 838 Mrs. Elijah Nye 73 862 Jane Hathaway 73 MONTPELIER. 329 1864 Abby Langdon 73 1868 PhUomila Flint 73 1872 Hannah Patterson 73 1873 Phoebe Redway 73 1876 Mrs. Orange Fifield 73 1875 Richard Dillon 73 1876 Mary M. Davis 73 1878 Orlena Hoyt 73 1836 Charles Bulkley 72 1837 Mrs. Holmes 72 1838 Mrs. Timothy Hatch 72 1837 Thomas Reed, Sr 72 1840 Lucy Trowbridge 72 1849 Sally Shepard 72 1858 Ann Wheaton 72 1864 Dr. Thomas C. TapUn 72 1870 WUliam Moorcroft 72 1870 Stukely Angell 72 187 1 Jeremiah Davis 72 1872 Constant W. Storrs 72 1872 Benjamin Brown 72 1873 Timothy Cross 72 1874 Col. Levi BoutweU .72 1879 Betsey Cadwell 72 1826 Mrs. Dodge 71 1838 Mrs. Partridge 71 1842 Mrs. Dexter May 71 1849 ^rs. Anna Cutler 71 i860 Samuel Forbes 71 1864 Calvin Warren 71 1864 Thomas Reed 71 1867 Dr. Charies B. Chandler 71 1878 Peter G. Smith 71 1880 Anson Davis 71 1881 Mary Sargent 71 1839 ^^^- CoUins 70 1839 Mrs. Burrell 70 1841 Ebenezer Lewis 70 1854, B. B. Dimmick 70 1854 Joshua Y. VaU 70 1854 Sophia B. Loomis 70 1854 Mrs. Peck 70 1854 Lucretia Prentiss 70 1854 James Taylor 70 1861 Samuel Abbott 7° 1861 WiUiam P. Briggs 70 1863 David Fitzgibbons 70 1863 Anna O'Brien lo 1865 Valentine WUIey 7° 1871 WiUiam B. Hubbard 70 1872 Nancy Johnson 7° 1873 Luther Cross 7° 1873 Daniel Willey 7° 1875 Margaret Cooper 70 1875 Mary Gannon 7° 1876 Allen Gallison 7° 1879 Mary Donahue , 7° 1880 Mary Fenton '. , 70 1873 Mrs. Daniel Baldwin 11 Note.— In the preceding list are includ ed the names of a few who for many years were residents of this town, but died whUe temporarily residing in some other place. B. 42 PERSONS RESIDING IN TOWN, OCT. 15, 1881, IN THEIR 7OTH YEAR AND OVER. Dr. Nathaniel C. King 92 Lucy Mead .' 92 Martha Rivers 91 Joshua Bliss 88 Lydia M. Warren 88 John Murphy '. 86 Enos Stimson 86 Patrick Brodie 86 Lucia Clark 86 Joseph Wood 85 Mary Gunnison 84 Prudence Camp 84 Rebecca Sweet. 84 Josephine Lavigne 84 Betsey Haskins 84 Clark Fisk 84 Polly Cross 84 Francis Labouchire 84 Elvira Shafter 83 Lucinda Stevens 83 Andrew A. Sweet 83 Appleton Fitch 83 Peter Crapeau 83 Polly M. Chadwick ' 82 Loraine Riker 82 Wooster Sprague 82 Duran Stowell 82 William Kelly 82 Joseph Felix 82 Eben Gunnison 81 Roxa Gould 80 Orin Curarain's : 80 Horatio N. Taplin 80 EUsha P. Jewett 80 Jaraes McLaughlin 80 Abby S. Dodge 79 Nelson A. Chase 79 Sarah R. Cleaves 79 Patrick Corry ' 79 Clarissa Silloway ,79 Orange Fifield 78 Dorothy Harran 78 Lucy Snow 78 Miranda C. Storrs 78 Eliza Boutwell H Susan R. Aiken 77 Stephen Bennett H Clarissa Chase 76 Margaret Crapo 76 RandaU Darling 76 Geo. S. Hubbard 76 Eliza Hubbard 76 Dorcas Maxham 76 Nancy Sprague 76 John F. Stone 76 Henry W. Sabin 76 KendaU T. Davis 76 Snow Town 75 Mary Tuttle 75 Henry Nutt 75 Eben Scribner 75 John Slattery 75 Patrick McManus 75 330 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Julius H. Bostwick 75 Maria L. W. Reed 74 Harriet L. Taplin 74 Jacob Smith 74 Emerson Demeritt 74 Michael Savage 74 EUzabeth Alain 74 Hopy HartweU 74 Mary L. Nutt 74 Louisa Seymour 74 Joseph L. Scoville 74 Olive Fisk I'i Sydney P. Redfield 73 Rufus R. Riker 73 Nancy George 73 Sarah H. Nelson 73 John O. A. Peck 73 Ira S. Town 73 John Deraerritt 72 Charles H. Severance 72 Moses Yatter 72 Susan E. Pitkin 72 Lydia P. Stone 72 George W. Scott 72 Samuel Town 72 Judith l"own 72 Hannah Dana 71 Lucinda C. Bovyen 71 Sarauel .Dodge '. 71 Eliza Houghton 71 Emeline Lewis 71 Jane Meadowcroft 71 Nancy M. Paul 71 Isaac Seymour 71 Marble RusseU 71 Susan Flanders 70 Clortina Guernsey 70 Homer W. Heaton 70 Amira Demeritt 70 Ezra F. KimbaU 70 Jo.seph Paro 7° Julia Rivers 70 Mary Smith 70 Joseph Alain 70 Sophronia Guernsey 70 Peter Cayhue 70 Mary Coffey lo John Flynn 70 Ezekiel Kent 70 Wm. N. Peck 70 Mary D. Storrs 70 Maria ScovUle la Mary Town 70 Joseph A. Wing 70 Erastus Hubbard 70 Edna Robinson 70 Samuel S. Kelton 69 Margaret Bancroft 69 Major S. Goodwin 69 Charles H. Cross 69 Caroline M. Cross 69 Eliakim P. Walton , 69 Erastus Carap 69 Solon J. Y. VaU 69 ACCIDENTS. Four persons have been killed in town by the falUng of trees. Previous to 1800, in the east part of the towji a little girl, a step-daughter of Benjamin Nash, was ap proaching her father, who was cutting down a tree in the border of the woods near the house, when the tree fell in the direction in which she was making her way, and killed her. The second was a young man named Chamberlain, who was killed by the falUng of a tree in a central part of the town in the year 1801. And another by the name of Robinson, during that or the following year, was kUled by the falling of a tree in the north part of the town. And yet another, an idiotic man, by the name of Charles Davis, was killed by a tree of his own falUng, by un dertaking to get out of danger by running in the same direction in which the tree had started to fall. At a later period, a stranger was drowned while attempting to wade through the river near Montpelier, having mistaken the place of fording. In 1824, Theron Lamphere was drowned in the mill-pond, while attempting to swim over. About 1822, Thomas, Jr., son of Thos. Davis, was accidently shot. In 1828, a man by the name of Mead, from Middlesex, was kiUed by the falUng of the earth from the excavated bank in the rear of the house of W. W. Cadwell. In the store of Erastus Hubbard, Oct. 12, 1848, election day, Mr. Hubbard, or his clerk, was weighing out a parcel of powder to some one of the crowd in the store room and around the door. Powder had doubtless been scattered on the floor, in fiUing the can from which it was being poured into the scales ; and one or more persons were smoking cigars in the room, when suddenly a terrific explosion follow ed. Azro Bancroft and a Mr. Sanborn were so burned that they did not survive, and one or two others were sadly maimed. Mr. Hubbard's life, in consequence of the burns received, was for months despaired of. He finaUy recovered, but wearing for life marks of -the accident. The second MONTPELIER 331 floor of the building was lifted by the ex plosion about half a foot, and the store set on fire, but the flames were soon ex tinguished with little additional damage. Two fatal accidents from gunpowder oc curred in blasting out the rock for the foundation of the second State House. Elisha Hutchinson, of Worcester, was struck down dead near the Insurance of fice, by a stone thrown by a blast on the ledge about 30 rods ; and -John W. Culver, a mechanic of Montpelier, was the same season struck at the distance of 20 rods and killed, by a wooden roller placed over the mine to prevent the stones from flying ; while a young man by the name of Tucker, from Calais, one of the workraen on the State House foundation, was so injured by one of the blasts that he lost his eyesight and his prospects were rained for life. In August, 1859, a promising son of Charles Lyman, aged about 12 years, was drowned at the mouth of Dog river, while bathing. In the spring of 1858, the body of a Mr. WUliams, of Middlesex, an insane person, was found in the flume of Langdon's mill. About the same period a man, not a resi dent of this town, drowned himself by forcing his way through a hole in the ice in the North Branch, a mile or two above the vUlage. Aug. 9, 1863, Carlos J ., aged 1 1 years, son of Carlos Bancroft, was drowned, while bathing near the sand-bottom bridge. Jan. 14, 1864, Henry Crane, of this town, at one time High Sheriff^ of the County, was killed by the cars in New London, Canada. 1864, a daughter of Alexander Noble, of 10 years, was drowned in the Worcester Branch raill-pond. She was gathering flood- wood. Apr. 10, 1865, a soldier naraed Cushman was maimed for life by the premature dis charge of a cannon while firing a salute over the recent victories, he subsequently dying of the injuries in Boston. AprU 3, 1867, Peter Lenioine, aged 21, a blacksmith, was killed by the preraature discharge of a cannon while firing a salute over an election, and Alexander Jangraw was maimed for life. Aug. 3, 1867, John McGinn, aged 68, a stone mason, was thrown frora his wagon when opposite the Bethany church, by his runaway horse, and instantly killed. In Apr. 1870, Alexander Noble, of this town, while assisting in getting outa jarab of logs in the Connecticut river, was drowned. May 16, 1871, Chas. Braley, aged about 18 years, whUe out hunting,, accidentally ignited sorae powder which he carried loosely in his pocket, causing an explo sion, which proved fatal a day or two after. Oct. I, 1872, John Braley, aged 21, a brother of the above, night watchman in the Central Vermont depot, was instantiy killed while coupling ears in the depot. Aug. 3, 1872, Traman Best, a merchant in town, was drowned while out pleasure riding in a boat on the Langdon mill-pond. In trying to assist a party in another boat to recover an oar which they had lost, both boats were carried over the dam. The two boats contained five men, three of whom swam safely to the shore, but one of them, Fred W. Bancroft, was rescued in a very exhausted condition, while pas- ing underneath the Central railroad bridge, with ropes, while clinging to a boat. Mr. Best is supposed tc^have strack his head upon the rocks below the dam as he came over, and was raade insensible. His body was not found for sorae days afterwards, the river being very rauch swollen at the tirae when it was found, about two miles below down the river. June 24, 1873, Johnnie, aged 10 years, son of Patrick Kane, was drowned while in bathing, at the mouth of the Worcester Branch. Mar. 4, 1874, Michael McMahon, an aged section man, was kUled by cars, beino' caught by the side of the cars, while in motion, and the end of the depot. May 25, 1874, Alfred Goodnough, aged 50, a farmer, whUe driving across the rail road track near Sabin's, was run into by a car, and received injuries which proved 332 , VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. fatal, he dying two days after at Mr. Sabin's house. 1874, a little daughter of John O'Grady fell from the road opposite the machine- shop into the river, and was drowned. July 22, 1875, Bessie, aged 5 years, a dau. of Rev. W. H. Lord, was thrown from the wagon by a runaway horse, while descending the hill road leading down from Gould hill to Wrightsville, and re ceived injuries which proved fatal in a few hours. t June 24, 1876, Erastus Lamphear, aged 49, a carpenter and joiner, was blown from the roof of a barn which he was raising, and severely injured. He was carried to his residence, and died the following day. Sept. 23, 1876, Charles W. Bailey, one df Montpelier's most worthy citizens and business men, was killed by the cars at Essex Junction. Sept. 26, 1876, by a collision of two passenger trains on the Montpelier and Wells River railroad, near the residence of W. E. Hubbard, Benjarain F. MerriU, en gineer of one of the engines, lost a leg, and several other train raen being more or less injured. In June, 1877, Henry L. Hart, a young man, aged 23, started on a pleasure trip down the Winooski in a row boat, and was last seen near the mouth of the river at Burlington a few days afterwards. His hat and a few contents of the boat were picked up, but of his fate nothing was ever learned. Aug. I, 1879, Aaron M. Burnham, arch itect and buUder, of this town, was fatally injured while superintending the erection of a church at Lebanon, N. H., death en suing two days after. Sept. I, 1879, Johnnie H., of 5 years, son of J. W. F. Washburn, while play ing on the bank of the river near the eddy, fell in and was drowned. July 23, 1880, while firing a salute in front of the State Arsenal grounds, Wm. Henry Willey and Clark B. Roberts, by the premature discharge of the cannon, were severely injured, each losing an arra. Willey was an old soldier, and Roberts a young man. I Sept. II, 1880, James M. Wade, aged 19, a brakeraan-,^ on the Montpelier and Wells River railroad, was thrown frora the train near the State Fairgrounds, was run over, and received injuries which proved fatal about a week after. Oct. 12, 1881, Peter Marcott, Jr., aged 29 years, a teamster, was instantly killed on East Mechanic street, his neck being broken, caused either by being thrown from his wagon seat, and striking upon his head as one of the wheels dropped into a deep rat in the road, or by being struck upon the head by the wagon body, the horses starting up suddenly as he was about to get upon the seat. SUICIDES. In 1801, the wife of John Cutler de stroyed herself by hanging, and a few years later. Miss Nancy Waugh drowned herself. June 10, 1861, Henry Boyden, aged 37, living just across the river on the BerUn side, hung himself. July 30, 1865, George V. Rose, aged 26, a U. S. recraif ing oflicer stationed here, shot himself. Sept. 3, 1867, J. Fred Cross, aged 27, proprietor of the American House, shot hiraself. Nov. 27, 1867, John S. Collins, aged 30, died very suddenly, and is supposed to have taken poison purposely. Jan. 17, 1870, William Monsier, aged 42, destroyed his life by drinking muriatic acid. After lingering three days, he died a most horrible death. Sept. 1871, Isaac Scribner, aged 66, hung himself. Aug. 29, 1873, Albert N. Daniels shot hiraself, after attempting to take the life of another by shooting. Oct. 25, Rawsel R. Keith, aged 84, who had been a long suff"erer from kidney disease, ended his suff'erings by taking a dose of laudanum. Apr. 14, 1875, Mary Clancy hung her self, insanity supposed to be the cause from religious excitement. Aug. 8, 1875, Daniel K. Bennett, a gun smith, shot himself in a moment of insan ity. .MONTPELIER. 333 Apr. 6, 1876, WUliam J. Rogers, aged 30, a traveling agent, by taking poison. June 6, 1876, Mrs. Mary ChurchiU, aged 32, being deranged for some months, took her life by hanging herself. June 19, 1877, Harvey W. CUIey, aged 34, hung himself. June 30, 1881, Jesse Hutchinson, aged 74, by taking poison. CRIMES. In 1840, an Irishman was kUled in a fight with one of his countryraen, near the old Arch Bridge, and the homicide was tried and sent to the State Prison, but in a few years pardoned. April 25, 1867, Patrick F"itzgibbons was killed on State street. He was intoxicated, and quarreled with three traveling agents in the Village Hall, where they were at tending a dance. The agents leaving the hall, Fitzgibbons followed, accompanied by a companion, his brother-in-law. An oflicer, anticipating trouble, followed them. When passing through the alley-way, he came upon Fitzgibbons, who was in a sit ting position in a chair, which he carried from the hall, dead, having been stabbed through the heart. AU were arrested and acquitted, it always remaining a mystery whether he was killed by one of the agents, or by his brother-in-law through a mis take, the night being very dark. Oct. 1864, Patrick Branigan, who had just returned home from three years' ser vice in the war as a member of the istVt. Battery, very mysteriouely disappeared. He was last heard of late at night, return ing home in an intoxicated condition, sing ing on his way. When nearly to his house, which was opposite the Washing ton County jaU, his voice suddenly ceased. His riot putting in an appearance the fol lowing day, foul play was suspected, as he had quite a large sum of money on his person. The river which passes in the rear of the house was very high at the time. Thinking that his body might be found in the river, it was dragged as soon as possible, but was not found, and his fate yet remains a mystery. Aug. 29, 1873, Albert N. Daniels, an employee of the Montpelier Manufacturing Company, attempted to take the life of a young lady, an employee of the same works, with whom he was keeping com pany. He fired two shots at her with a revolver, only one taking effect, and that not proving fatal. After shooting two shots at her, he shot himself through the heart, instantly expiring. The act was comraitted during the working hours in the roora in which the lady was employed. On Sept. 27, 1880, Joseph Dumas, of Northfield, who formerly resided at Mont pelier, came to the latter place, and was last seen on the street that evening. A week later his body was found in the Branch, just below the Academy bridge, with several cuts upon the head. Parties last seen with him were strongly suspected of foul play, but suflScient evidence could not be obtained to warrant their arrest. The number of disastrous fires which had occurred in town previous to i860 are small. The first one, it is believed, was in 1801, when the first frame school house, standing near the west end of the old bury ing ground on the Branch, accidently caught fire and was consumed. In Dec, 1813, a fire occurred which re sulted in the entire destraction of the large two-story cotton-mill, that had been for some time in successful operation at the river falls, not far from the site now occu pied by E. W. BaUey's grist mUl. August, 1813, barn of J. B. Wheeler, Esq., with most of his crop of new hay, was struck by lightning. In 181 5, the dwelUng house of Seth Par sons was burned, at a loss of $1,500. Winter of 18 16, a school-house on East hill, whUe the school was being kept by Shubael Wheeler. December, 1818, a paper miU and cloth ing works occupying the old site of the cotton factory, was burned, with a loss of about $4,000. About 1820, dwelling-house of Abijah Howard. In 1822, the blacksmith shop of Joseph Howes was burned, and the same year the 334 VERiMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. old Academy building was totally con sumed by fire. 1824, two-story house of the late Hon. David Wing, Jr. In March, 1826, occurred, considering the loss of life and personal injuries, the most calamitous fire, perhaps, ever expe rienced in town up to that time. The wool en factory and grist mUl, on the falls of the North Branch, owned by Araunah Waterman and Seth Parsons, caught fire about daybreak, and was totally consumed, causing a loss of many thousand dollars to the proprietors. WhUe the fire, which, when discovered, had gained too much headway to leave much hope of saving the factory, was raging in one part of the lower story, Mr. Waterman, Mr. Joel Mead, and Robert Patterson, a leading workman in the es tablishment, made their way to the upper story, and fell to work to gather up and throw from one of the windows what cloths and stock they supposed they might have time to save. But the fire below spread with such unexpected rapidity, that before they we're aware of any danger, the fire burst into the room, cutting off" their re treat downward by the stairs, and even preventing access to the windows the least elevated from irregular ground be neath. At this crisis Mr. Waterman. closely followed by Mr. Mead, made a des perate rush through the smoke and flame for a window in the end of the buUding next the Branch, stove out the sash with the heel of his boot, and threw himself half suffocated through the aperture to the rough and frozen ground or ice some 30 feet below. Mr. Mead followed in the perilous leap, and they were both taken up nearly senseless from the shock, terribly bruised and considerably burned in the face and hands. But none of their bones were broken, and they both ina few weeks recovered. Nothing more was seen of the fated Patterson except his charred skel eton, which was found in the ruins after the fire subsided. For some reason he had decided not to follow Mr. Waterman and Mr. Mead in the only way of escape then left open to them, and the next min ute probably perished in the smoke and fire which raust then suddenly have en veloped him. May, 1827, a two-story wooden buUd ing, standing on the site of the present Argus building, and then owned and oc cupied by Wiggins & Seeley as a store, was burned, causing a loss of probably not over $2,000. AprU, 1828, a paper miU owned by Goss & Reed, of Montpelier, situated at the falls on the BerUn side of the river, was burned ; loss about $4,000. 1834, the oil mUl and saw miU, in the former of which was W. Sprague's machine shop, standing also on the Beriin side of the river, but mostly owned and worked by Montpelier men, were both wholly burned. Feb. 1835, the first Union House, built by Col. Davis about45 years before, caught fire about midday, and was entirely con sumed ; loss about $3,000. 1842, the dwelUng-house of O. H. Smith, Esq., caught fire, and the roof part of the building was destroyed. 1843, the new brick Court House, stand ing near the present one, was burned, but the ijecords and files were mostly saved. 1848, school-house in the Wheeler dis trict. 1849, barn of John Gallison, with hay, five horses and colts. 1849, dwelling-house, barn and sheds of Charles Burnham. 1853, the dwelling-house of Harry Rich ardson, near the Union House, was wholly destroyed by fire. 1854, the building of Ira Town, occu pied by him as a goldsmith's shop, stand ing on the present site of A. A. Mead's shop, was burned in part, and the adjoin ing building of the Patriot office consider ably injured. 1854, also, the roof part of the upper story of Walton's book-store was destroy ed by fire, and but for the timely striking of a shower on the excessively dry roofs, that whole block of wooden buildings would probably have been destroyed. 1854, was burned a two-story house standing back of the old Masonic HaU. ,.^«"^-.'''<-N»-. y^^M-WAiTTt *Lf 1854, dwelling-house of Orrin Slayton. 1854, three barns of Orlando F. Lewis. Within the year 1857, two small houses were burned near the brick-yard, and one near Keith's lodge. 1858, school-house in Henry Nutt's school district. 1858, a new one-story house of Mr. Cook- son, on the road leading from the cooper's shop north, through the great pasture, was burned ; and in the beginning of the next year, another building erected by the sarae man, on the same spot, was also burned down. December, 1859, the large three-story brick and wood, second Union House, val ued about $5,000, was destroyed by fire. We make the whole to i860, but 24; and the property destroyed, except the State House, which was public property, to come within $50,000. Was ever a village of the size, in this respect, raore favored ? i860, the old Harran house, on Upper Elm street, burned. 1861, a house occupied by Thos. Arm strong, in rear of the Burnham hotel. 1862. the store of WiUiam W. CadweU, on Main street, was consumed. Jan. 1863, Mrs. Chas. G. Eastman's house, on Main street, was partially con sumed. In the spring of 1864, the pre.sent Union House was neariy destroyed. Mar. 24, 1868, dry house of Lane Man ufacturing Company consumed. Sept. 2, 1868, R. H. Whittier's slaugh ter house, up the " Branch,'' consumed. Jan. 29, 1870, I. S. Town & C. W. Storrs' block, on State street, partly con- ¦.sumed. Apr. 26, 1870, Daniel P. Thompson's residence, on Barre street, consumed. Dec. 29, 1870, the Vt. Mutual Fire In surance Co's. new building badly damaged. Jan. 26, WilUam Moorcroft's Woolen Factory, at Wrightsville, consumed. Sept. 18, 1871, Grovner B. Paine's house, on "North street, consumed. 1872,- Lane Manufacturing Company's second dry house consumed. Dec. 5, 1872, Chas. Reed's residence, on State street, badly damaged. MONTPELIER. 335 May, 1873, Stephen Cochran's resi dence, on Seminary Hill, consumed. Mar. 12, 1875, the first great fire; May I, the second. Feb. 28, 1875, Andrew Burnham's house, on Court street, considerably damaged. Apr. 22, 1875, W. A. Boutelle's black smith shop, on Elm street, consumed. May, 1875, a house belonging to Bart Scribner, up the " Branch." Dec. 27, 1875, one of the Pioneer Man ufacturing shops burned. Feb. 1876, Alonzo Redway's residence, on Court street; loss $5,000. Aug. 9, T. O. Bailey's barns, on Mid dlesex street ; loss $1,200. Aug. 21, Wm. E. Hubbard's barn, on Barre street ; loss $600. Nov. 13, E. D. Grey's paint shop, on Main street ; loss $800. In 1877 no fire occurred, and also in 1874. Aug. 26, 1878, Louis Barney's barn, on North street, consumed. January 3, 1878, a destructive fire at Wrightsville — A. A. Green's residence and blacksmith shop and Ezra D. Rawlins' residence. Oct. II, a barn on Gould Hill, belong ing to Henry Cummins. Dec. 30, the school-house near Henry Nutt's place. Apr. 23, 1879, a barn belonging to A. D. Bancroft, on North street. June 20, Geo. Jacob's barn, on Main street, consumed ; loss $600. June 21, a house belonging to Medad Wright, up the " Branch," consumed. Sept. 2, 1880, a storehouse belonging to CH. Heath, on Barre street, consumed. Oct. 3, 1880, W. E. Dunwoodie's res idence, on Upper Main street, consumed ; loss $1,500. Jan. 8, 1881, C. W. Willard's residence, on State street, badly damaged. Jan. 17, one of the Cab Shop buildings burned, on the Berlin side. Apr. II, a barn belonging to J. R. Langdon, on Barre street, consumed. Aug. 4, 1881, a new slaughter house on upper North street, owned by W. L. Le land, was consumed. 336 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. In the year of 1875, Montpelier was visited by two very destructive fires, in volving the loss of many thousand dollars. The first of these fires broke out about one o'clock in the morning of March 12, in a one and one-half story wooden building on Main street, owned by Thomas W. Wood, and occupied by Joseph D. Clogston as a tin shop. This was consumed, and the two adjoining ones on the east .side, the first owned by Carlos Bancroft, a story and a half wooden building, occupied by Peck & Cummins, leather dealers, was also consumed ; and the second, a two and a half story wooden buUding, owned by James R. Langdon, and occupied by Barrows & Peck, hardware and stoves, was partly consumed. This fire was hardly under control when fire was discovered breaking out through the roof of Ira S. Town's three-story — and the C. W. Storrs' estate — wooden building, on State street. This was consumed, and the three-story brick block on the south sfde, owned by Timothy J. Hubbard, the adjoining buUd ings on the north side, the first a new, three-story brick block, owned by Erastus Hubbard'; the second, a large, three-story wooden building, owned by Fred E. Smith, ¦ and the Rialto, owned by W. A. BouteUe and Eli BaUou, were next consumed, and Eli Ballou's three-story wooden building was partly burned before the flames were stayed. In the rear of these was a story and a half wooden building, owned by T. J. Hubbard, and used as a tenement and storehouse, which was also burned. Aid was summoned from Barre, which was responded to by an engine and corapany. Nine buildings were burned, and twenty business men and firms burned out, be sides three law firms, a dentist, photog rapher, and four societies. The firms burned out were, on Main street, J. D. Clogston, stoves and tin shop ; Peck & Cummins, leather dealers ; Barrows & Peck, hardware and stoves. On State street, C. B. Wilson, drags and medicines ; Geo. L. Nichols, clothing; Ira S. Town, jeweler ; Orrin Daley, fruit and restaurant; S. C. Woolson, merchant taUor ; A. A. Mead, jeweler ; T. C. Phinney, books and sta tionery ; Jangraw & Meron, barbers ; Chas. Keene, jeweler; C. H. Freeman, photog rapher; W. A. BouteUe, miUinery; E. H. Towne, merchant tailor; J. O'Grady, boot maker; T. W. McKee, sewing machines; State Treasurer's ofiice, C. H. Heath, L. L. Durant, and Gleason & Field's law of fices. Masonic hall. Naiad Temple of Honor hall. Post Brooks G. A. R. haU, and Sovereigns of Industry hall. The total loss on buildings and goods was about $75, ooQ, with an insurance of about $47,000. The only accident that occured was by the falling of the rains of the Rialto build ing, under which Wm. T. Dewey, a fire man, was buried, but escaping with a broken leg. The business firms had hardly got es tablished in their new or temporary quar ters, when they were visited by the second great fire, more destructive than the first. This, like the first, broke out on the west side of Main street, in the rear end of Jef ferson Brace's brick building, at about 12 : 30 o'clock on the morning of May i. There being a high wind at the time, the flames spread very rapidly. All the build ings on that side of the street running south as far as the Montpelier and WeUs River railroad depot were soon consumed, and also the James R. Langdon building on the north side, partiy destroyed by the previous fire. All of the buUdings on the opposite side of the street, from the Fred erick Marsh residence to the raUroad track, and from the head of Barre street up the street as far as the residence of Joel Foster, Jr., on one side, and the residence of Louis P. Gleason on the other, were laid in ashes in a few short hours, making a total of thirty-eight buUdings burned, only three of them brick, the rest wooden, and most of them very old, among thera being the old Shepard stand and the Col. Jon athan- P. MiUer house. The buildings burned were owned by foUowing parties : West side. Main street, a stor/and a half brick building, J. Bruce ; two large barns in the rear,. T. J. Hubbard; new, two- story wooden building, new, three-story wooden one, tenement house and out- MONTPELIER. 337 buUdings, all owned by James G. French ; one-story wooden one, by D. K. Bennett ; two-story and a half wooden one, byN. C. Bacon ; another of the same material and dimensions, the old Shepard tavern, and a new, one-story wooden building, all owned by Eben Scribner. On the east side oi the street, the old Frederick Marsh store, the residences and out-buUdings of Mrs. John Wood, WiUiam C. Lewis, an"d Mr. Lewis,' blacksmith shop, Mrs. Timothy Cross' residence, the large, four-story wooden building, owned by Mrs. C. B. Wilson, Mr. Zenas Wood's residence, with out-buildings, the old Miller house, owned by Andrew Murray. On Barre street, south side, the residence and out-buildings of Mrs. B. M. Clark, Geo. S. Hubbard and Carlos L. Smith, and a tenement house of Mrs. Clark. Barre street, north side, Mrs. R. W. Hyde's residence, and brick house owned by James R. Langdon. Fifteen business firms were burned out, one livery stable, a carriage-maker and blacksmith, and forty famiUes. The bus iness firms were : W. A. Boutelle, miUi nery ; R. T. Eastman, carriage-maker ; John Q. Adams, livery ; H. C. Webster, dry goods; Putnam & iMarvin, W. I. goods ; N. P. Brooks, hardware; D. K. Bennet, gunsmith ; N. C. Bacon, auction store; Barrows & Peck, stoves, tin and hardware; Henry Cobb, marble dealer; Geo. M. Scribner, stoves and tin ware; Hyde & Foster, iron and heavy hardware ; J. D. Clogston, tin ware ; PhUip Preston, W. I. goods. FamUies burned out on Main street, west side, were: J. Brace, H. C. Webster, Fred. W. Morse, E. N. Hutchins, A. W. Edgerly, Geo. S. West, Elisha Walcott, Mrs. Harris, Geo. W. Parmenter, Chas. T. Summers, Gilman D. Scribner, Oliver P. Thompson ; Main, east side, C. W. Selinas, Frank Keyes, Jerome J. Pratt, Mrs. Glysson, Zenas Wood, Mr. I. Lovely, Mrs. S. C. Gray, Mrs. Mary Lamb, Miss Selinas, Mrs. Dyer Richard son, Mrs. Timothy Cross, Wm. C. Lewis, Mrs. John Wood, PhUip Preston, Mrs. Frederick Marsh, Carios W. Norton ; Barre street, south side, Mrs. B. M. Clark, Chas. T. Thurston, C. M. Pitkin, Peter Nathan, Moses Morey, Joseph Felix, Mrs. AureUa Allard, Cari L. Smith, Hirara B. Wood ward ; north side, Mrs. R. W. Hyde, and Col. C. B. WUson. The flames spread so rapidly, and the heat being so intense, very little tirae was given to remove the goods and furniture from, the burning buildiligs. What was removed and carried into the street was soon burned. Many families and sorae business men lost their aU, the total loss being about $120,000, with an insurance of about $75,000. Several firemen and citizens were quite severely burned in their eiforts to stay the flames and in saving goods. Many build ings in various parts of the village caught fire from the falling cinders, and with great effort were extinguished. The light of the fire was seen for many miles in towns about us, and within a radius of twenty miles it was as light as day, people being awake thinkirfg that the fire was that of some near neighbor's buildings. In the appeals for aid sent out, Barre and North- field each responded by sending fire en gines and men, and at dawn the fire was under control. Daylight presented a sad picture from the State street bridge to the Montpelier and WeUs River depot, and as far as Joel Foster's house, on Barre street, but three buildings remaining standing — T. J. Hubbard's brick and wooden buUd ings on the corner, and Carlos Bancroft's brick building adjoining. Never was more energy displayed than, in the rebuilding of the burned districts, the smoke having barely cleared away when several large and splendid brick blocks were under way in the course of erection, some of thera occupied within four raonths. May 25, 1880, the Court House burned, leaving only the outside walls standing ; loss $15,000. It had been remodeled and enlarged the previous year, an extension of 22 feet having been added in the rear, the whole costing about $10,000. AU the books and records of value were saved, the only loss being the files of the news papers published in town for many years back, all being a total loss. 43 338 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Jan. 6, 1857, the State House, which was being warmed up onihe eve of the sep tenary Constitutional Convention, caught fire from the furnace, and all but the empty granite walls, with their brick linings, was destroyed, and all the contents, except the library, which was got out, and the books and papers in the safe of the Secretary of State's office, a few articles of furniture and the portrait of Washington, was re duced to a heap of ruins. BURNING OF THE STATE HOUSE. BY JOSEPH A. WING, ESQ. O'er Montpelier, beauteous town. The shades of night were closing down ; Tlie lovely moon, the queen of night. Was driving on her chariot bright; And star on star their influence lent, 'Till glowed with flre the firmament. The wind was blowing high and strong. And swept in fearful gwsts along; The piercing cold had cleared the street Of merry voice and busy feet,— And gathered 'round the cheerfiil hearth. The smiling face, the social mirth, Show'd that the night was gaily past. While outward howled the rearing blast. What means that wild and startling cry. To which the echoing hills reply? First feeble, low, and faint and mild ; Then loud, and terrible and wild. 'Tis fire! firel that awful soundl J'irel flrel firel the h^lls resound! Now rising near — now heard afar. The stillness of the night to mar, Join'd with the wind's wild roaring, hear The cry of fire burst on the ear! Forth from tho hearth, the shop, the store. At that dread sound, the myriads pour— And, gathering as they pass along. Each street and alley swells the throng. The rattling engines passing by. The roaring wind, the larum cry. The ringing bells, the wild affright. Still add new terrors to the night. See yonder grand and stately pile. With lofty dome, and beauteous aisle. Our village glory and our pride. Whose granite walls old Time defied; Her halls of state, her works of art. Both please the eye, aud charm the heart. The moon's pale light on those dark walls Coldly now Is gleaming; But iu iier proud and lofty halls A wilder light is streaming. Now gaily dancing to and firo. Now upward speeds its flight- Seel on its dome, now capped with snow. The flame doth spread Its feaifiil glow Of pnrple light. The wind roars loud, the flames flash high. Leaping and dancing to the sky; While in the rooms below. From hall to hall resistless rushing, From doors and windows furious gushing — Oh ! liow sublime the show I Dark clouds of smoke spread far and wide. And balls of flre on every side Fall like the autumn bail ; Before the fury of the blast. The rushing flames, that spread so fast. The heart of man may quail. Ah, man, liow.feebie is tliy power. In that dread and fearful hour 'When flames are flashing free From lofty spires and windows liigh. And clouds of smoke obscure the sky. As onward, on, the flames rush by * In wildest revelry I Roar on, fierce flame ; beneath thy The works of years, in one short hour. Are swept from earth away ; And nought is left of all their pride. But ashes, scattered far and wide. And crumbling walls, with smoke dark-dyed. Spread out in disarray. That lofty pile, one liour ago,— Tbe State's Just pride, the Nation's show, Capp'd with its bright and virgin snow,— In beauty shone : Tlie next, a mass of ruined walls. Of columns broke, and burning hails, — Its beauty flown. From incontestible indications, it ap pears the water in the unprecedented rise of the Winooski in the flood of 1785, rose some three or four feet higher than the highest parts of State street. This would have submerged nearly every acre of the whole of the present site of MontpeUer viUage from one to a dozen feet, from the rise of the hUls on one side to that of the corresponding ones on the other side. Floods filling the channels of the river and branch to the tops of their banks, with overflows in all the lower places, were of almost yearly occurrence during the first 20 years after the settlement of the town. But the first one that fairly overflowed the banks and came into the streets to much extent, occurred, as far as we have been able to ascertain, in the summer about 1810, the water submerging all the lower parts of Main and State streets, bursting over the western bank of the branch just above State street bridge, tearing out the earth near the bridge, rendering the street nearly impassible for wagons, and leaving, on the subsiding of the flood, a pond hole 6 or 8 feet deep and 20 wide, extending to the border of the street. Into this hole one of the lawyers blundered on a dark MONTPELIER. 339 night some time afterwards, as we recollect from the circumstance that the wags of the vUlage dubbed hira for the time, "Walk-in-the-Water," in allusion to the narae of the Indian chief, who, about the same time, had in some way become known to the public. In this hole was subsequently drowned, from falling in during a dark evening, Carver Shurtleff', a Uttie man .with a big voice, noted for expertness in flax-dressing and his propensity for trading in dogs. March 24, 25, 1826, on the breaking up of the river, an unusually high spring flood swept away the old trestie-bridge lead ing across the river to Berlin, and car ried off" the grist mUl of James H. Lang don, on the Berlin side. This flood oc curred in the night, and was entirely unexpected. Probably less than a dozen people witnessed it, and can testify to the peril in which many families were placed. As the ice broke up above Langdon's mUl, it formed a dam upon the bridge and piers, and almost the entire river was turned through what is now Barre street and the lower part of Main street, in a body like a wall or large wave. My informant saw it coming near the Shepard tavern, was forced to ran with all speed, and found no refuge untU he reached the portico of the Union House. Fortunately this change in the course of the river lasted but a few minutes, else many houses would have been swept off. The bridge gave way, and with it the dam, taking a part of one of the paper mills and the river wall of Langdon's grist miU, and on the following day the grist mill fell into the stream. Sept. 1828, occurred the first of what are called the two great floods at Mont pelier viUage. After nearly three days of almost continued rain, which grew more copious every day, and ended with an ex cessively heavy and prolonged shower on the night of the 4th, the water rose 4 or 5 feet higher than had been known since the town was settied, and nearly the whole village, cellars, streets and ground floors were inundated. Two bridges and a barn, on the North Branch, were swept away, and fences, wood-piles and lumber along the banks very generally carried down stream. The office of the writer of these pages was then in Langdon's great brick building on the corner. His boarding- place was at W. W. Cadwell's, on the op posite side of the street, and a pretty cor rect idea of the depth of the water may be had in the fact, which we distinctly re member, that at noon, when the water had attained its height, Mr. Cadwell came for us in a skiff, and running it into the entry- way leading to the offices on the second floor, took us in from the third stair, and rowing us across the street and into the front hall, landed us on the fourth stair leading to the chambers of his own house, where the cooking for the family on that day could only be done. The second, and still greater, of these floods, was July 29, 1830, when the water rose full 6 inches higher than in the last, and ran over the window-sills and into the lower rooms of several houses around the head of State street. The two lower bridges over the Branch were again swept away. The ofiice building of Joshua Y. Vail, on State street, was floated off, and lodged in a low branching tree near the old Episcopal church, from which it was afterwards lowered down, and drawn back to its old stand. Two other small buUdings, standing near the bank of the Branch, were carried down stream, and wholly broken up in the rapids below the village. Much damage was occasioned by this great flood, but it was marked by the still greater calamity of the loss of life. Nathaniel Bancroft, of Calais, a middle- aged farmer of considerable property, was drowned. We then resided near the east erly end of Main street, on the swell where Carlos Bancroft now liv^s. Towards noon, at the height of the water, we threw to gether a few plank in the edge of the water which came to the foot of that rise, about 10 rods from the Loomis house, near the residence of Dr. Charles Clark, mounted our rude raft with a setting pole, and sailed through the entire length of Main street to the end of the Arch Bridge over the river. When about midway on the voyage, Mr. Bancroft, with one or two 340 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. others from the same quarter, who had come down to see the flood, rushed past uS on the sidewalk, which was covered with less depth of water, all evidently much ex cited by the novelties of the scene, and, regardless of a wetting, making their way through the water as fast as possible toward the corner, where the greatest damage was expected to occur. As we were nearing the old Shepard tavern stand, a pile of wood at the north-easterly end of the barn began to rise, tumble and float away in the strong, deep current, which here raade frora the street through by the way of the barn towards the confluence of the branch and the river. At this junc ture, the luckless Bancroft, who had just reached a dry place before the barn door, and stood eating a cracker, rushed down into the water with the idea of saving some of the wood, and not being aware how rapidly the ground fell off here, was in a moment beyond his depth, and sunk to rise no raore. When his body was re covered, 20 or 30 minutes afterwards, his mouth was found full of half-masticated cracker, life gone beyond all the arts of resuscitation. It is probable he was stran gled at the outset, and, as others have been known to do, died almost instantly. There have been numerous partial over flows of the streets at various times, filling up grocery and other cellars, and doing injuries to bridges, mills and other build ings, by sudden winter floods and the con sequent breaking up and damming of the ice in the streams, within, above and below the village. Among these was one that suddenly occurred in February, 1825, in the middle of a night preceded by a re markably warm and heavy rain. There was a ball at the Union House that night, and as John Pollard, oi Barre, with his sisters and others, were returning from the ball, their team became completely imprisoned on a little knoll in a road about a mile above the village, by mons trous blocks of the disrupting ice of the river, which were being driven with amaz ing force into the road immediately above and below. The party escaped to the hills, and the ladies waded through the snow, two feet deep, to a house half a mile distant, whUe the team was not extracted till the next morning. Another sudden breaking up of the ice occurred in January, 1840, in the evening, after a warm, rainy afternoon. The ice, broken up in the river above, was, under the impetus of the rising water and a strong south wind, driven through the whole length of the mill pond, three-fourths of a mile, in about 10 minutes. It was suddenly brought to a stand at the narrowing of the channel at the Arch Bridge, when half the whole river was thrown over all the lower part of Barre street, and for a short time all the buildings on that part of the street were in imminent danger of being swept away. Before rauch damage was done, however, Mr. Langdon's mill dam was crushed down and forced away beneath the tre mendous pressure of the ice above, \vhen the river at- once fell back into its ordi nary clTannel. Of the several great floods that have oc cured in town that of Oct. 4, 1869, was the greatest of them all. On Saturday even ing, Oct. 2, fL severe rain storm set in, and continued to pour with scarcely a moment's interraption until the middle of Mon day afternoon. The river banks began to overflow about 3 o'clock in the afternoon on Monday. About this time the Sand Bottora bridge across the Branch above the dam was carried away. It passed the Foundry bridge without doing any dam age, but the Academy bridge was carried off" when this one struck it. The Union House bridge also gave away when struck by these. As these neared the Post-office bridge great alarm was felt for the safety of the Rialto block. Fortunately the buUd ing was strong enough to withstand the con cussion received from them when they struck the bridge. The only damage done was the raising up of the tipper side of the bridge several feet. The water continued to rise very rapidly until about 6.30 P. M., when it was at its greatest height, remain ing at this point until about 8 o'clock, when it began to fall. At 5 o'clock on the following morning the streets were again passable. The depth of the water in the MONTPELIER. 341 streets and around the viUage, except on the high lands, when at its "greatest height, was from two to six feet, our streets in many parts of the village having been raised up from one to two feet since that time. At the head of State street and on Main it was about three and a half feet, down State street below the Post-office bridge frora five to six feet. In the bar room of the American house the water was some two and a half feet in depth, it being over the top of the cook stove in the kitchen. Many ludicrous scenes were witnessed in the attempts to save swine, cattle and horses. A large number of hogs under the barns at the American house were first removed into the bar room and then carried to the chambers above. The Washington County court being in session at the time, the court oflScials, lawyers, jurymen, etc., were con veyed to their boarding places in a boat by Mr. James R. Langdon, the boat rowing into the court house yard, and taking them from the steps. Among those who had narrow escapes from drowning were Mr. James G. Slafter of this town, and Mr. Tucker of Northfield, who in attempting to get from the depot to the Pavilion, got on to Mr. Dewey's hay scales, which were floating down the street. Failing to man age their unwieldly bark, they were carried down the street as they were, being drawn into the current, but saved themselves by catching the limbs of the trees near where Mr. Badord now lives, from which they were saved by a boat. A very laughable scene was that of a boat load being conveyed from the court house to the Pavilion. When opposite that ho tel, the boat struck the top of a hitching post as it was passing over it, and cap sized. They aU scrambled to their feet and waded into this hotel. At 6 o'clock, the Railroad bridge was carried off. It floated down stream whole, taking one of the large trees oif on the bank of the river just below E. P. Jewett's. In striking the center pier of the railroad bridge at Jewett crossing, it swung around into the field on the north side, and there remained until taken to pieces and brought back. A very large amount of loss was caused by the damage to the carpets and furniture in the residences and to the goods in the stores, sufficient time not being given for their re moval. A large amount of wood was lost by floating away, cords of it passing down through the streets. The town suff"ered loss to the extent of several thousand dol lars by the loss of bridges, and nearly all of the plank street crossings flowing away. The brick side walks in town were ruined, the sand being washed out from under them, and the bricks being piled in heaps about. There was no loss of life. All of the boats that were to be had were made ' available by the removing of goods and persons to places of safety. The water was estimated tobe.^bout 18 inches higher than it was in 1830. [Note. — The record of the fires, acci dents, crimes, and floods, occurring pre vious to i860, we take from Thompson's History of Montpelier.] b. REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS, who lived and died in this town : Col. Jacob Davis, aged 75. Eliakim D. Persons, died in 1846, aged 81. Estis Hatch, died in 1834, aged 86. Luther King, died in 1842, aged 88. Aaron Gris wold, died in 1847, aged 95. Ziba Wood- worth, died in 1826, aged 66, and his broth er, Jos'eph Woodworth, the date of whose death is unknown. Some 16 other early settlers of this town were also Revolutionary soldiers, but lived in that part of the town now East Mont pelier. Doubtless there were others who resided here, but I am iinable to learn their names. For Soldiers of 1812, see page 298. MEXICAN WAR. Four soldiers enlisted from this town, and served through the war, nearly two years, in the 9th reg't U. if'vols. :— Rich ard Dodge, Daniel Cutler,' Luman Grout, Williara Guinan. Cutier left the regiment in Mexico, and never returned. Dodge, Grout and Guinan served through the Re beUion. Guinan died a few years ago, and Dodge and Grout are now both living in town. 342 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. List of Men furnished by the Town of Montpelier, 1861-1865. Compiled mainly from the Adjutant General's Reports, from 1864 to 1872, inclusive, BY CHAS. DE F. EANCEOFT. FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. THREE MONTHS. Mustered into service. May 2, 1861. Mustered out August 15, 1861. Names. Age. Co. Buxton, John H. 18 F Coffey, Robert J. 19 F Goodwin, Royal B. 22 F Gove, Freeman R. 27 F Newcomb, George W. i8 K Webster, Oscar N. 26 F Remarks. Mustered out Aug. 15, 61. do do do do do SECOND REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. THREE YEARS. Alien, Andrew H. Ballou, Horace C. Ballou, Jerome E. Barrett, John Bennett, Amos N. *Brown, Harvey W. Bryant, Eliphalet E. tBryant, James G. Burgin, Patrick Burnham, 'William T. Camp, William H. Clark, Charles Clark, Dayton P. Cassavaint, Thomas L. Contant, Augustus Grossman, Horace F. Dodge, Richard S. Field, William C. Fitzgerald, Timothy Ford, Abraham Gravlin, John Goodrich, Victor Goron, Joseph N. Guinan, William Guinan, Edmund Gunnison, Eri S. Guyette, Cyril G. Harran, Selden B. Harran. Ira L. Hogan, Dennis Jabouzie, Charles Kelton, John A. La Monte, Robert Lapierre, Nelson Loomis, Elverton Macon, Alfred tMahoney, Sylvester D. Maloney, Thomas McCaully, Thomas McNamara, John Minouge, "William tNoyes, Wallace W, Neveaux, Seraphine Parker, Jared Perrin, Julius Persons, Plynne C Phillips, Walter A. Quinn, John Randall, Francis V. Rodney, Lewis Rose, Peter Rose, William Sanders, Joseph A. 18 D 21 F 20 F 41 B 30 F 19 F 21 K 28 B 30 D 43 H 21 F H 21 F 22 H 23 F 24 }•¦ 38 D 27 F 2^ H 30 H 3S E 23 F 31 F Mustered into May 7 do do Mar. 20 May II May 17 May 16 Aug. 4 July 30 May 23 May 7 June 7 May 7 Aug. 20 June 9 Aug 20 May 7 do Aug 23 June 16 Mar 20 May 7 Aug 16 May 7 do do do do June 6 Aug 20 Dec 29 May 7 June 15 Mar I May 7, May 20 July 27 Aug II May 7 Aug 20 do July 21 Mar II May 7 do July 21 May 7 May 25 do Mar 29 May 16 Feb 18 May 7 F F F F F 24 D 24 H 24 K 22 F 22 22 22 20 21 D 2S F 20 f 26 ¥ 37 F W H 18 I'- 26 H 23 H F K F F F F H FB H F F service, June 20, 1861. 61 Died July 26, 6l. Mustered out June 29, 64. Sergt. Discharged Feb. 23, 63. Mustered out March 25, 65. Pro. Corp. Killed at Fredericsb'gh, Mar. 3, 63. Re-enlisted. Mustered out July 17, 65. Discharged Nov. 23, 61. Mustered out July 16, 65. KUled at Bank's Ford, May 3, 63. Capt. Resigned Oct. 25, 61. Sergt. , Mustered out June 20, 64. Discharged March 6, 62. Rec'd prom, to Capt. Must, out June 29, 64. Prom. Serg. Re-enlist. Must, out July 15, 65. Dis. Jan. 23, 63. Sub. July, 63. do. Pro. Capt. Hon. dis. Oct. 30, 63, for wds. rec. Discharged March 29, 63. Mustered out June 29, 64. Re-enlisted Dec. 21, 63. Deserted Feb. 11, 64. Sergt. Discharged Nov. 20, 63. Mustered out July 15, 65. Killed at Bull Run, July 21, 61. Prom. Serg. Mustered out July 15, 65. Sergt. Discharged Sept. 21, 61. Discharged July 25, 63. Corp. Mustered out June 20, 64. Pro. Com. Serg. Re-en. Must, out July 16, 65. Died Nov. 14, 61. , Deserted Sept. 15, 63. Discharged Sept. 29, 63. Discharged July 18, 63. Discharged Nov. 27, 62. Mustered out June 23, 64. Discharged March 8, 63. Discharged Sept. 13, 62, for wounds received. Mustered out June 29, 64. Killed at Spottsylvania, May 12, 64. Mustered out Sept. 12, 64. Pro. Sergt. Re-en. Mustered out July 16, 65. Deserted July 20, 62. Killed at Wilderness, May 5, 64. Received wounds. Mustered out Aug., 65. Pro. Corp. Mustered out July 11, 65. Transferred to Invalid Corps, Sept. i, 63. Discharged Nov. 7, -61. Discharged Sept., 61. ist Lieutenant. Discharged Dec. 31, 61. Mustered out June 29, 64. Capt. Pro. Coi: 13th Reg't Sept. 24, 62. Mustered out April 24, 65. Discharged Feb. i6, 63. Pro. Corp. Mustered out July 1 5, ¦(!$. Re-enhsted. Mustered out July 15, 65. 61 61 62 61 61 6261 61 63616i 61 61 61 61 6162 6162 61 MONTPELIER. 343 Naiuis. Shambeau, Francis Shorey, Elscine Stearns, Parish L. Stearns, Henry Stone, Horatio Storrs, Charles W. Taylor, Benjamin Town, Josiah L. Wade, Charies, jr. White, George A. Wright, Edwin N. *Burke, John, jr. Divine, Patrick Dudley, David Franklin, Roswell Laundry, Joseph Loomis, Vernon L. Mason, William R. *McLaughlin, Charles McManus, James W. Rose, Frank Severance, George S. Age. 41 24 18 .39 19 20 23 21 36 20 27 18 18 25 45 23 18 25 33 19 Co. C F F F D FFF F F F Eiili&Tniriit. Uuiuarks. Mar 6 62 Mustered out June 25, 65. May 761 Pro. Corp. Killed at Spottsylvania, May 12,64. Oct 10 61 Mustered out Oct. 12, 64. May 7 61 Mustered out June 2g, 64. Dec 9 63 Killed at Wilderness, May 4, 64. May 7 61 Discharged Oct. 25, 61. do Died June 28, 62. do Mustered out June 29, 64. do Discharged Dec. 4, 62. [Fredericksburgh. Aug 20 61 Re-en. Died May 12, 64, of wounds recei'd at May 7 6i Discharged July 24, 62. REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. THREE YEARS. Mustered into service, July 16, 1861. K Feb 1364 Mustered out July II, 65. K July 10 61 Killed at Lee's Mills, April 16, 62. K do Re-enlisted. Mustered out July 11, 65. H June I 61 Died Dec. 16, 63. K do Re-enlisted. Mustered out July 11, 65. H do Died Feb. 6, 63. B June 361 Mustered out July 27, 64. K Jan 2 64 Discharged August, 65, for wounds received. K Aug 22 63 Killed at Spottsylvania, May 12, 64. H June I 61 Discharged March 10, 63. . I July 5 61 Re-enlisted. Discharged Sept. 5, 66. Aikens, Joseph P. Coffey, Robert J. Davis, Frank tGilman, Sijdney A. Gove, Freeman R. *Goodwin, Lucius J. Kent, Hermon O. Ladue, Joseph Mailhote, Leonard H. Mailhote, Victor W. Silloway, Henry F. *SiUoway, Charles P. Smith, Levi FOURTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. THREE YEARS. Mustered into service, Sept. 20, l86l. 24 D Aug 28 61 Re-en. Pro. to Capt. ' Hon. dis. March 8, 65. for wounds received. [J"ly IS> 65. 1 T. ig G Aug 27 61 Pro. ist Lt. Re-en. Taken pris. Must, out ig K Sept 5 61 Pro. Sergt. Mustered out Sept. 30, 64. 21 K Aug 1663 Discharged March g, 64. 38 G July 24 63 Died in Andersonville prison, October, 64. 27 K Sept 7 61 Discharged May g, 64. 17 G Mar 17 62 Discharged Feb. 8, 64. ig G Sept 261 Killed at Fredericksburgh, Sept. 19, 62. . G Sept g 61 Died Feb. 26, 64, of wounds received. G Sept 24 61 Discharged March g, 63. G Sept 19 61 Died Oct. 5, 62, of wounds received. G Aug 24 61 Pro. Corp. Must, out Sept. 30, 64. G Mar 3 62 Pro. Corp. Must, out July 13, 65. K Aug 13 62 Died March 12, 63. FIFTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. THREE YEARS. Mustered into service Sept. 16, 1861. Bickford, Frederick T. Dodge, William Fuller, George H. Goodwin, David Goodwin, Royal B. Gray, Ira S. Hoyt, Orlena Hawley, Amos B. Rice, James Spalding, Charles C. 23 Band Aug 2g 61 42 do Sept 3 61 Aug 2g 61 do Sept 16 61 Sept 5 61 July 18 62 Sept 20 61 30 Band Aug 24 61 36 D Sept 16 61 II, 62. dodo A DDD Discharged April do do do Discharged Jan. ig, 63. Killed at Savage Station, June 29, 62. Discharged March 4, 63. Pro. Sergt. Mustered out Sept. 15, 64. Leader. Discharged April 11, 62. ist Lieut. Hon. dis. for disabil. Oct. 10, 62. SIXTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. THREE YEARS. tAinsworth, James S. jCampbell, Alex. jr. Chandler, Charles M. Clark, John W. Hatch, George tHorr, John P. Johnson, Frank Lord, Nathan, jr. tLewis, Frank L. Ormsbee, George W. Phelps, John D. Mustered into service, Oct. 15, 1861. 20 H July 20 63 Mustered out June 26, 65. 27 K July 22 63 Mustered out June 25, 65. 34 Oct 29 61 Surgeon. Resigned Oct. 7, 63. 33 Oct 14 61 Q. M. Pro. Capt. & Ass't Q. M. U. S. Vols., [Apiil 7, 64. Resigned Dec. 7, 64. 2g Oct 15 61 Q. M. Pro. ist Lieut. Must, out Oct. 28, 64. F July 22 63 Killed at Cedar Creek, Oct. ig, 64. 18 H Aug 4 61 Pro. Sergt. Re-en. Must, out July ig, 65. 30 Sept 16 61 Colonel. Resigned Dec. 18, 62. 21 H July 18 63 Mustered out June 26, 65. i8 H Aug^ 4 61 Re-enlisted. Mustered out June 26, 65. 30 B Aug 9 61 Discharged Dec. 31, 63. 344 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Names. Age. Co. Enlislnient. Remarks. Raymond, Levi 27 H Aug 1461 Pro. Corp. Re-en. Muster, out June 26, 65. Stone, Adoniram J. 18 H Aug II 61 Discharged March 10, 62. Stone, Henry C. 20 H do Discharged Oct. 30, 62. tSpaulding, John P. 23 H Julv 23 63 Mustered out June 26, 65. JSprague, Frederic W. A July 1363 Killed in action, June 5, 64. White, Henry 18 F Oct 3 61 Discharged Nov. 3, 62. tWilley, Norman 21 B July 31 63 Mustered out June 26, 65. tWilley, William H. t 28 B July 1563 do SEVENTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. THREE YEARS. 1862. Fowler, Levi D. *Goodwin, Lucius J. Kent, Lorenzo E. Storrs, Charies W. Abbott, Henry C. Brown, Edward M. Dewey, Edward Foster, Isaac G. Getchell, John W. Jones, Alonzo Nichols, Roswell S. Sinclair, Hiram D. Smith, Fred. E. Thayer, James E. Webster, Oscar N. Mustered into service Feb. 12, 8 K Dec 13 61 Re-enlisted. Mustered out May 18, 65, S K Oct 18 64 Taken prisoner. Mustered out May 18, 65. 0 K Jan 20 62 Pro. Sergt. Re-en. Mustered but May 4, 66. 21 K July 2363 Died Apr 1 5, 65, of wds reed at Spanish Fort. EIGHTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. THREE YEARS. Mustered into service, Feb. 18, 1862. 30 C Nov ig 63 40 Jan 9 62 34 Jan 12 64 43 26 44 41 44 31 35 27 E E EE E Jan 4 62 Dec 10 61 Jan 6 62 Nov 30 61 Sept 28 61 E Oct I Dec I 6i 361 Pro. ist Lieutenant in 2d La. Regiment. Lieut. Colonel. Resigned Dec. 23, 63. Q. M. Pro. Capt. & Asst. Q. M. U. S. Vols., Feb. II, 65. Res. May 29, 65. Discharged Oct. 12, 63. Re-enlisted. Mustered out June 28, 65. Discharged Oct. 16, 62. Discharged June 30, 62. Discharged Jan. 4, 63. Q. M. Resigned Nov. 30, 63. Sergt. Killed at Bayou des Allems, Sept. 4, 62. Discharged Oct. 15, 62. Brown, Stephen Jacobs, Don L. McManus. Patrick Plant, Charles Preston, Asa L. Smith, Otis B. *Seymour, Isaac Sylvester, Frank NINTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. THREE YEARS. Mustered into service July g, 1862. 44 I June 25 62 Discharged March 14, 63. 25 I May 31 62 Mustered out July 8, 65. 44 G June 5 62 Discharged Nov. 15, 62. 21 I May 26 62 Deserted July 30, 62. 20 I June 16 62 Discharged July 5, 65. 18 I June 23 62 Discharged Nov. 3, 62. 44 I do Discharged Feb. 20, 63. 21 I May 2g 62 Discharged Dec. i, 62. TENTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. THREE YEARS. Mustered into service Sept. i, 1862. Ayer, Albert J. 21 B Bailey, Gustave 28 B Bovar, Peter 23 B Bradley, Henry M. 21 B Brooks, Robert 35 B Brown, George G. 18 B Burgess, Charles 38 B Burke, John 43 B Carr, James M. 27 B Cayhue, Tuffield, Jr., 18 B Coburn, Curtis A. 21 B Edson, John H. 32 Glysson, Andrew J. 22 B Greeley, Allen 21 B Hubbard, George J. 22 B Hall, Lewis A. ig B Kennedy, Felix 26 B Pierce, Hiram M. 20 B Selinas, Julius 22 B Smith, Hiram S. 21 B Smith, John G. 23 B Stetson, Ezra 37 B Stickney, Edward J. 22 B Storrs, Gilman 18 B Waldron, Ezekiel S. 22 B Wood, Joseph Jr. 25 B July 30 62 Died Sept. 16, 63. do Discharged Nov. 3, 62. July 30 62 Deserted June ig, 64. do Discharged Mar. 5, 63. July 24 62 Died in Danville Prison, Dec. 23, 64. July 30 62 Promoted Corporal. Must out June 22, 65. July 18 62 Discharged Sept. 17, 63. do Died at Brandy Station, Va., Nov. 9, 64. July 30 62 Corporal. Pro. Sergeant. Died July i, 64. do Killed at Cold Harbor, June i, 64. July 12 62 Trans, to Signal Corp. Sept i, 63. Aug 27 6z Lieutenant Colonel. Resigned Oct. 16, 62. July 30 62 Mustered out June 21, 65. July 2662 Pro. Corp. Died July i, 64, of w'ds rec'd. July 30 62 Mustered out June 22, 65. do do July 28 62 Died Dec. 8, 63. [action. July 30 62 Serg't. Dis. Sept. 23, 64, for wounds rec'd. in do Mustered out June 2i, 65. Aug 4 62 Pro. Sergeant. Mustered out June 22, 65. July 30 62 Mustered out June 22, 65. Aug 4 62 ist Lieut. Killed at Cold Harbor, June i, 64. July 3062 Corp. Pro. to 1st Lieut. Must, out June 22,65. do Killed at Mine Run, Nov. 27, 63. do Died Apr. 6, 64, of wounds received in action. do Promoted Corporal. Mustered out June 22,64. MONTPELIER. 345 ELEVENTH REGIMENT, HEAVY ARTILLERY. THREE YEARS. Names. Anson, Charles H. Buxton, Harris B. Carlton, Alfred L. Clark, Charies W. Felt, George M. Field, Daniel G. *Hunt, William H. Rice, James WeUs, William Wilson, John R. Mustered into service, Sept. ii, 1862. Age. Co. 19 33 24 32 26 19 H F I Enlistment. Aug 30 62 July 3 62 Aug 14 62 Sept I 62 July Aug Aug Aug ig 62 II 62 64 12 62 26 62 62 Remarks, Q. M. Pro. Capt. Co. E. Must, out June 24, 65. Died Feb. 20, 63. [11, 63. Q. M. Pro. Capt. and C. of S. U. S. V. MarcTi C. S. Pro. 1st Lieut. Co. G. 63. Mustered out June 24, 65. Pro. Corjp. Mustered out June 24, 65. H. S. Discharged December 22, 62. Discharged Oct. 10, 64, at New Haven, Conn. Capt. Honorably dis. for disability, Apr. 22 65. Mustered out June 24, 65. Rec'd. pro to ist Lieut. Must, out June 24, 65. THIRTEENTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. NINE MONTHS. Mustered into service, Oct. 10, Alexander, Thomas C. Ballou, Wallace H. * Ballou, Jerome E. Bixby, Freeman Brown, Andrew C. * Burke, Walter Campbell, James Cannon, Fergus Clark, Albert Dakin, Henry Daniels, William Davis, George H. Davis, Isaac K. Dewey, Peter G. Dodge, Wallace W. FarweU, John G. Flanders, John P. Hoyt, Franklin Jangraw, Frank Kneeland, Howland Ladd, John W. Lamb, James C. Langdon, John B. Jr. Laviolette, Eugene I^mwin, George E. Marr, Hobart J. Marsh, Eli T. McLaughlin, Charles Mitchell, David Morris, Francis Noyes, WUliam Peck, Alonzo D. Peck, George A. Peck, James S. Piper, Wilber F. Prentiss, Samuel F. Randall, Charles F. Randall, Francis V. Roaks, WiUiam Seaver, Curtis H. Smith, H. Dwight Smith, Guy Swazey, Charles D. Taylor, Nelson A. Van Orman, John J. Washburn, Charies H Welch, John Wright, Prentice C. Wright, Benjamin N Poland, J. Monroe 44 31 I Aug 25 62 28 I do 21 C Oct 2g 62 23 A Aug 25 62 34 .do 21 H Sept ig 62 18 Aug 25 62 38 H Oct 10 62 22 Aug 25 62 44 H Sept 27 62 18 Aug 25 62 35 do 28 do 19 do 19 do 19 do 24 do 45 do 18 do 19 do 22 do 26 do 19 do 27 do 21 do 18 Aug 25 62 27 Aug 29 62 18 H Sept 2g 62 21 Aug 25 62 i8 do 45 do 23 do 20 do 23 do 24 do 20 do 18 Sept 24 62 37 Sept 13 62 18 H Sept 2g 62 22 Aug 25 62 27 do 24 do 29 do 3° do 25 do 44 do 21 do 23 do 30 do 1862 ; mustered out, July 21, 1863. Mustered out July 21, 63. ,65. Corp. Pro. S. M. Must, out July 21, Mustered out July 21, 63. H. S. Mustered out July 21, 63. Lieut. Col. Resigned May 5, 63. Died Mar. 4, 63. Mustered out July 21, 63. do Serg't. Pro. ist Lieut. Must, out July 25, 63. Mustered out July 21, 63. do Corporal. Discharged May 5, 63. Discharged Feb. 4, 63. Mustered out July 21, 63. do do do Mustered out July 21, 63. do Discharged Nov. 25, 62. Mustered out July 21, 63. Pro. Com. Sergt. Mustered out July 21, 63. Mustered out July 21, 63. dodo do Corporal. Mustered out July 21, 63. Mustered out July 21, 63. do do Discharged February 28, 63. Mustered out July 21, 63. Discharged Jan. 25, 63. [July 21, 63. 2d Lieut. Pro. Adjutant. Jan. 63. Must, out Mustered out July 21, 63. [21, 63. S. M. Pro. 2d Lieut. Feb. 63. Must, out July S. M. Pro. 2d Lieut. Jan. 63. . Must, out July 21, 63. Colonel. Mustered out July 21, 63. Mustered out July 21, 63. do Pro. Corp. Must, out July 21, 63. [July2i,63. Cora. Serg't. Pro. C. M. S. Nov. 62. Must, out Mustered out July 23, 63. [21, 63. Q. M. S. Pro. Q. M. Nov. 62. Must, out July Mustered out July 21, 63. do do Discharged Jan 31, 63. Killed at Gettysburgh, July 3, 63. FIFTEENTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. NINE MONTHS. Mustered into service, 1862 ; out, in 1863. 21 Aug 2 62 Adjutant. Mustered out Aug. 5, 63. 346 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Atherton, Omri S. Burbank, William B. Camp, Harley W. Cannon, Fergus Carpenter, Chauncey Cassivaint, Oliver Dow, Napoleon * Dodge, Richard S. Emerson, Andrew A. Fisk, Seymour M. Girard, Alfred Gilman, Charles Gould, Gustavus Guinan, William Hoyt, Franklin Lamlj, James C. Ladosa, Joseph Lavally, Henry Mahuron, Horace *MarshaU, William Nichols, Roswell S. Peck, James S. Randall, Charies W. Randall, Francis V. *Rose, Joseph *Robinson, Geo. S. St. John, Andrew St. John, Dominique Taro, John Voodry, Adna J. Bartiett, John D. Buxton, John H.' Carpenter, Charles Carter, Constant French, Frank S. Staples, Marshall S. Tebo, Peter SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT. THREE YEARS. Mustered into service by companies in 1864. Remarks. Corporal. Died Nov. 5, 64. 1st Lieutenant. Mustered out July 14, 65. Corp. Pro. Serg't. Must, out July 21, 65. Mustered out July 14, 65. Discharged May 13, 65. Discharged June 12,65. Discharged July 14, 65. Mustered out July 14, 65. Died June 17, 64. Mustered out July 14, 65. do dodo Discharged Oct. 30, 64. Serg't. Dis. June 19, 65, for w'ds. received. Q. M. Pro. 1st Lieut. Must, out July 14,65. Deserted Dec. 25, 64. Mustered out May 24, 65. Pro. Corporal. Mustered out July 21, 65. Died June 3, 64, of wounds rec'd. in action. Mustered out July 17, 65. Received pro. to Major. Must, out July 24, 65. 2d Lieut. Discharged March 9, 65. Colonel. Mustered out July 17, 65. Killed near Petersburgh, July 27, 64. Capt. Mustered out July 14, 65. Mustered out July 14, 65. Discharged Aug. 30, 64. Discharged July 14, 65. Mustered out July 14, 65. FIRST REGIMENT CAVALRY. THREE YEARS. Mustered into service Nov. ig, 1861. 31 C Oct 14 61 Captain. Pro. Major. Resigned Apr. 62. Discharged Nov. 26, 6i. Discharged Oct. 3, 62. Mustered out Nov. 18, 64. Discharged Nov. 27, 61. Discharged Dec. 7, 62. Discharged May 21, 64. Age. Co. Enlistment. 22 C Feb 1564 24 E Aug 22 64 32 E Jan I 64 39 C Nojf 5 63 35 C Dec 31 63 34 D Feb 16 64 22 C do 40 K Aug 2 64 18 E Feb 18 64 35 E do 18 C do 19 E Oct 2g 63 21 E Feb 24 64 32 E Feb 29 64 46 C Aug 25 63 27 E Dec 2363 25 C Feb 17 64 19 C Feb ig 64 18 C Feb 18 64 45 E Mar 17 64 44 C Feb 16 64 24 E Dec 3 63 18 C Feb 23 64 40 Feb 10 64 23 H May 10 64 32 E Apr 1 2 64 44 C Feb 25 64 38 C Feb 17 64 22 C Feb 1664 19 E Mar ig 64 iq C Sept II 61 25 C Feb 20 61 27 E Oct 4 61 27 C Oct 361 36 C Nov g 61 21 M Oct 10 62 FIRST BATTERY LIGHT ARTILLERY. Mustered in 1861. THREE YEARS. Armstrong, Thomas 34 Jan 14 62 Branagan, Patrick Brecette, Peter Brodar, Joseph Goodwin, Henry W. Howland, John Laundry, Charles Laundry, Frank Laundry, Jesse Mitchell, SuUivan B. Raspel, Henrick W. Riker, James B. 36 Jan 27 62 19 Dec g 61 4S Jan 13 62 22 Nov 19 61 43 Nov II 61 18 Dec 16 61 22 Dec 10 61 19 Dec 9 61 41 Nov 21 61 39 Feb 13 62 19 Dec 13 61 Must, out Aug. 10, 64. Died in Reg. Service July 26, 65, of w'ds. rec'd. at Port Hudson. Mustered out Aug. 10, 64. do Discharged March 28, 63. Discharged June 5, 62. Corp. Pro. Serg't. Must, out Aug. 10, 64. Must, out Aug. 10, 64. do do Died July 25, 64, of wounds received in action. Mustered out Aug. 10, 64. Pro. 2d Lieut. Must, out Aug. 10, 62. Curry, Michael SECOND BATTERY LIGHT ARTILLERY. THREE YEARS. Mustered into service 1861. 18 Dec 25 61 Discharged Oct. 20, 62. THIRD BATTERY LIGHT ARTILLERY. THREE YEARS. Mustered into service 1863. Bousquet, Francis O. 19 Dec 2563 Deserted Aug. 31, 64. Brown, John H. il Dec 1963 Died Sept. 16, 64. Butterfly, Frank Dec 12 63 Mustered out June 1 5, 65. Campbell, James 19 Dec 22 63 do *Campbell, Humphrey 18 Aug 20 64 do MONTPELIER. 347 Names. *Cayhue, Jesse Chalifaux, Naraise *Curry, Michael *Dodge, Wallace H. Estis, Charies O. *Jangraw, Alexander *Jangraw, Frank *Gravlin, Peter Langdon, John B. Jr. Miller, John ?Morris, Frank *Morris, Joseph Moulton, Benjamin J. Palmer, Henry A. Phillips, Walter A. Prevost, Clement Reynard, Edmund '*Rowe, Joseph Staples, Guy B. Staples, MarshaU S. Taplin, Eben Valley, Joseph Washburn, William L. *"Vatta, William Age. Co. Enlistment. - Remarks. i8 Dec 23 63 Mustered out Tune I?, 6;. 28 Dec 26 63 do 21 Apr 23 64 do 21 Aug 22 64 do 18 Sept 763 do 18 Aug ig64 do 21 Sept 7 63 do 3° Aug 18 64 do ^i Oct 30 63 Q. M. Serg't. Must, out June 1 5, 64. Dec 5 63 Mustered out June 15, 65. 19 Aug 17 64 do 20 do do 27 Dec 12 63 do 18 Dec I 63 do 22 Dec 12 63 Ist Lieut. Honorably discharged Feb. 3, 65. 19 Sept 1563 Mustered out June 15, 65. 26 Dec I 63 Discharged Jan. 28, 64. 35 Aug 3 64 Oct 16 63 Mustered out June 1 1;, 61;. 18 do 37 do Artificer. Mustered out June 15, 65. 25 Dec 1663 Corp. Pro. to 2d Lieut. Must, out June 15, 65. 24 Dec 26 63 Mustered out June i :;, 6?. 20 do do 18 Dec 2g 63 do SECOND REGIMENT U. S. SHARP-SHOOTERS. THREE YEARS. Severance, Luther Pitkin, Perley P. JSmith, Henry C. tBrunell, Frank J. tRobinson, John Williamson, John *Batchelder, Josiah L. «Gravlin, Frank Jr. *Guinan, WiUiam *Jangraw, Oughtney *Kimball, Frank *Nichols, Lucius *Stowe, Lorenzo *Wells, John T. *Wood, Lewis *Gravlin, Peter *Clogston, O. Curtis *Cutier, Marcus M. *Washburn, J. W. F. Clark, William H. Gilmore, Edward C. Parker, Jared Parker, Lucius R. Storrs, Charles W. Webster, Oscar N. Bixby, H. Roger 19 Clark, Fred 18 Collins, John 27 Cross, Oscar N. 24 Daniels, WiUiam 20 Dewey, Peter G. 22 Mustered in 1861. 21; E Aug II 62 Mustered out June 12, 65. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. 35 June 6 61 Captain and Q. M. Pro. to Col. and Q. M. U. S. Vol. FORTY-THIRD U. S. COLORED REGIMENT. July 21 63 Mustered out 65. FIRST COMPANY OF DRAFTED MEN. July 21 63 Discharged Oct. 22. 63. July 27 63 Deserted. CREDIT IN U. S. navy; Jan 3 64 Juniata Sophronia. Discharged June 3, 65. IN REGIMENTS FROM OTHER STATES. 13th N. H. Regiment. Enlisted, 63, 3 years. 36th Mass. Enlisted, 63, 3 years. [July, 63. 14th R. I. Reg't. 9 months. Enlisted Sept. 62. Serg't. Must, out Sth Maine. Enlisted July, 62, 3 years. Must, out July, 65. 3gth Mass. Enlisted, 63, 3 years. Killed at Piedmont, Va., June 5,64. 14th R. I. Reg't. g mos. Enlisted Sept. 62. Mustered out July, 63. 14th R. I. Reg't. g mos. Enlisted Sept. 62. Died, 63. 14th R. I. Reg't. g mos. Enlisted Sept. 62. Mustered out July, 63. 2d N. H. Reg't. 3 years. Enlisted May, 61. Must, out, 64. do , do 2d Mass Artillery. Enlisted Dec. 17, 63. Must, out Sept. 65. 7th Ohio Infantry. Enlisted Apr. 17, 61. Must, out Aug. 64. 24th Mass. Infantry. Enlisted Dec. 63. Mustered out Aug. 66. VETERAN RESERVE CORPS. ENLISTED MEN. E July 6 63 Must, out Nov. 13, 65. E do do E July 13 63 do July 22 63 do July 25 63 Transferred to Co. K. 7th Regiment, in 64. July 4 64 Mustered out July 3, 66. FIRST REGIMENT FRONTIER CAVALRY. M Jan 3 65 Mustered out June 27, 65. M M M M M do " do do Pro. Corporal. Mustered out June 27, 65. do Com. Sergeant. Mustered out June 27, 65. do Mustered out June 27, 65. do do 348 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Namies. Age. Co. Enlistment. Remarks. Howard, George D. 22 M do 1st Lieut. Resigned March i6, 65, Lemwin, George ^2 M do Pro. Sergeant. Mustered out June 27, 65. McCluskey, Charies A. 28 M do Mustered out Tune 27, 61;. Morse, Joseph B. i8 M do do Moulton, Isaac R. 19 M do do Newcomb, George W. 23 M do Deserted Mar. 23, 65. Prentiss, Herbert J. 18 M do Mustered out Tune 27, 6?. Tyler, Eugene C. 18 M do do ELEVENTH u. s i. INFANTRY. THREE YEARS. RECRUITS OF 1865. Bailey, Clinton June 22 65 Discharged June 28, 68. Baxter, Robert Aug 26 65 Died Aug. ig, 66, in Richmond, Va. Bryant, Eliphalet E. Aug 22 65 Died Sept. 16, 66, in Richmond, Va. Chalyfaux, Maxy June 27 65 Died Aug. 15, 66, in Richmond, Va. Connolly, Michael Aug 4 65 Discharged Aug. 4, 68. Emerson, Amos N. June 26 65 Discharged Dec. 16, 65. Fowler, Levi D. June 20 65 Deserted Sept. 24, 65. Handlin, J. H. July 20 65 Deserted May 18, 67. Lucia, Oliver June 27 65 Deserted June 20, 66. Mack, James June 20 65 Deserted Dec. 16, 65. Nealor, Edward July 28 65 Died Sept. 8, 66, in Richmond, Va. Pridelieu, Francis June 19 65 Discharged June 19, 68. ENROLLED MAN WHO FURNISHED SUBSTITUTE. Brock, James W. DRAFTED MEN WHO FURNISHED SUBSTITUTES. Bradish, Alonzo G. Huntington, William L. Sterling, Joseph Colton, Henry C. Nichols, George L. Tilden, Geo. W. Foster, Henry M. Reed, Charles A. Town, Chauncey W. DRAFTED MEN WHO PAID COMMUTATION. Babcock, Jerry V. Bailey, Charles W. Courser, Merrill P. Morey, Moses P. Pope, Walter Standish, William O. Allen, Benjamin F. Barnes, Henry Palmer, Nahum Woodward, Justus B. * Residents of Montpelier, but credited to other towns, for the reason that at the date o£ their enlistment the quota of the town was full, and they were credited to other towns that they might draw their state bounty. At all the calls made by the Government for troops during the war, the town kept in excess of her quota. For various reasons, several went into other states and enlisted, and were not town credits. Therefore, it seems no more than just and right that all of the names of these men, so far as are known, should be written in history as credit to the town. t Substitute. I Drafted. MONTPELIER'S ROLL OF HONOR. Remarks. Died July 26, 61. Died Sept. 16, 62. Died Nov. 6, 64. Died July 26, 65, of w'ds. rec'd. at Port Hudson. Died Sept. 6, 66, at Richmond, Va. * Killed at Fredricksburgh, May 3, 63. Died in Danville Prison, Ga.. Dec. 23, 63. Died at City Point, Va., Sept. 16, 64. Died at Richmond, Va., Sept. 16, 66. Died Feb. 20, 63. Killed at Banks Ford, May 3, 63. Died at Brandy Station, Va., Nov. g, 64. Died at Wolfs Run Shoals, Va., Mar. 4. 63. Died July i, 64 Killed at Cold Harbor, June i, 63. Died at Richmond, Va., Aug. 15, 66. KUled at Lee's Mills, Apr. 16, 62. Died July 17, 64. Died Dec. 16, 63. Died in Andersonville Prison, Oct. 64. Name. Co. Reg't. Alien, Andrew H. D 2 Ayers, Albert J. B 10 Atherton, Omri S. C 17 • Armstrong, Thomas Regular Service Baxter, Robert II U.S.R. Reg't. Bennett, Amos N. F 2 Brooks, Robert B 10 Brown, John H. 3d Batterv Bryant, Eliphalet E. II U.S.R. Reg't. Buxton, Harris H II Burgin, Patrick D 2 Burke, John B 10 Burke, Walter c 13 Carr, James M. B 10 Cayhue, Tuffield B IO Chalifaux, Maxy 1 1 U. S. R. Reg't. Divine, Patrick K 3 Emerson, Andrew A. E 17 Franklin, Roswell H 3 Gilman, Sydney A. G 4 MONTPELIER. 349 Name. Gray, Ira S. Greeley, Allen Goodrich, Victor Harran, Selden B. Horr, John P. Kent, Hermon G. Kennedy, Felix Kimball, Frank Ladue, Joseph Loomis, Vernon L. Mailhote, Victor W. Mahoney, Sylvester D. Marshall, William McManus, James W. Minouge, William Mitchell, Sullivan B. Nealor, Edward Rose, Joseph Shorey, Elscine Smith, Levi Sprague, Fredrick W. Stetson, Ezra Stone, Horatio F. Storrs, Gilman D. Storrs, Charles W. Stowe, Lorenzo, Taylor, Benjamin Thayer, James E. Waldron, Ezekiel White, George A. Wright, Benjamin N. Co. Keg't. D 5 B 10 F 2 F 2 H 6 G 4 B 10 39 Mass ¦ Reg. G 4 H 3 G 4 F 2 E 17 K 3 H 2 1st Batterv II U. S R. Reg't. H 17 F 0 K 4 A 6 B 10 H 2 B 10 K 7 14th R. I. Reg't. F -7 E 8 B 10 H n I 13 Remarks. Killed at Savage Station, June 2g, 62. Died July i, 63, of w'ds. rece'd. at Cold Harbor. Killed at Bull Run, July 21, 61. Died Nov. 16, 61. Killed at Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 64. Killed at Fredricksburgh, Dec. ig, 62. Died Dec. 8, 63. Killed at Piedmont, Va., June 5, 64. Died Feb. 26, 64, of wounds received in action. Died Feb. 6, 63. Died Oct. 5, 62, of wounds received in action. Killed at Spottsylvania, May 12, 64. Died June 3, 64, of wounds received in action. Killed at Spottsylvania, May 12, 64. Killed at Spottsylvania, May 12, 64. Died July 25, 64, of wounds received in action. Died in Richmond, Va., Sept. 8, 66. Killed at Petersburgh, July 27, 64. Killed at Spottsylvania, May 12, 64. Died May 12, 63, Killed at Cold Harbor, June i, 64. Killed at Cold Harbor, June i, 64. Killed in Wilderness, May 4, 64. KiUed at Mine Run, Nov. 27, 63. Died Apr. 10, 65, of w'ds. rec'd. at Spanish Fort. Died in 63. Died June 28, 62. KiUed at Bayou Des Allems, Sept. 4, 62. Died Apr. 6, 65. of wounds received in action. Killed at Spottsylvania, May 12, 64. KiUed at Gettysburg, July 3, 63. In addition to these might be added the names of many who were wounded and disabled, and did not survive their disability long after the war or their discharge. Below we give the names of those who lost a limb : Capt. Horace Grossman, Co. F, 2d Regiment, and Private Charles McLaughlin, Co. K, 3d Regiment, losing a leg ; Serg't. Hiram M. Pierce, Co. B, loth Regiment, and Private Elverton Loomis, Co. F, 2d Regiment, losing an arm. RECAPITULATION. Total number of men furnished who entered the service 365 Furnished substitute 10 Paid commutation 10 No. who served their tei m of enlistment, or to close of war 1 20 Mustered out previous to close of the war at the expiration of their term of service 80 Discharged for disability, for wounds received and various other causes 114 Killed in battie 21 Died of wounds received in action 11 Died of diseases contracted in the service 17 Died in rebel prisons / 2 Deserted 12 Perhaps it would be proper here to men tion the names of those who were natives of Montpelier, and had sought homes in the West, and from there had enUsted and lost their lives in the defence of their country : Walter M. Howes, son of the late Hon. William Howes, of Prescott, Wis., for merly of Montpelier, enlisted at the age of 21 years, was promoted to Orderly Ser geant of Co. F, 37th Wis. reg't ; was se verely wounded, but recovered. In mount ing the enemy's works before Petersburgh, April 2, 1865, he was stmck by a solid shot and instantiy killed. He was a young man of fine character, high promise and an exceUent soldier. Col. Holden Putnam, of the 93d Illinois, was killed in one of Gen. Grant's battles with Bragg in 1863. Col. Putnam left Montpelier about 1853, and settled in Free- port, IU., where he was successfully en gaged in the banking business. When the war broke out, Putnam, true to the name he bore, at once gave his services to his country, and gave the name new honor by patriotism and bravery as was given by the Gen. Putnam of Revolutionary fame. 350 VERlVIONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Capt. WiUiam W. Hutchins, son of the late William Hutchins of this town, when the rebellion broke out resided in Prescott, Wis. He re linquished a good business, and en listed as a private in the 6th Wis consin, and received promotions to Captain. While gaUantly leading his Company at the battle near Ream's Station, Va., Aug. 19, 1864, he was killed. He was a brave sol dier and a good officer. We give below an account of a very re markable military expedition under the command of Lieut. W. F. Cross, son of the late Timothy Cross, of Montpelier, which took place on the 21st of December, 1863, in Dakota Territory. He was ordered to march with twelve men a distance of forty miles, to destroy a camp of Sioux Indians. The thermometer stood at 35° below zero. It was so cold that the party could not ride, and they were therefore compelled to march twenty- five miles in that Arctic weather. They broke up the camp, killing the Indians, (we are sorry to add and scalping, though that is the fashion in such wars,) and re turned without the loss of a man, though two horses gave out and were left on the road. On the return march, the ther mometer was 24° below zero. The party was absent 39 hours, and in that ¦ time marched 80 miles, most of the way on foot, on snowy ground, and in weather never exceeded for severity in any military expedition, unless it was in Napoleon's Russian campaign. REUNIONS. There has been one soldiers' reunion in town, and several officers' reunions. All hail these reunions! the whole soul expand? With this greeting of hearts and this clasping of hands ; The heroes who stood 'midst the carnage and roar. And the red stream of battle, in council once more. Then raise the loud shout, the sweet hymn of the ft'ee . Let it swell on the hreeze o'er tbe mountain and sea; For our old battle banner, tho' riddled and worn. Not a single bright star frora its glory is torn. OLD MASONIC HALL, — 1834. BY THOS. H. CAVE. Aurora Lodge, No. 9, F. & A. M., was chartered Oct. 14, 1796, the petition for which was signed by Moses Hubbard, Benjamin Waite, and others. The hall first occupied we have been un able to ascertain ; but in 1805-6 the meet ings were held in a roora over Geo. B. R. Gove's store, (the building now occupied by Fisher & Colton, ) on Main street. Then from 1809 to 1822, they had a haU in the old Academy building. About the first of January, 1822, this was destroyed by fire. January 7th of that year, they assembled at Reuben Lamb's mansion-roora, so called ; and from Feb. 4 of the same year held their raeetings in the Pavilion hotel, then kept by Thoraas Davis, untU they oc cupied their new hall. The corner stone of this hall was laid Aug. 8, 1822, with masonic ceremonies, the oration being de livered by Erastus Watrous. The Lodge held their first meeting in their new hall Oct. 7, 1822. This building stood at the corner of School and Main streets, on the site now occupied by Bethany church. (See engraving above.) Among the members of the Lodge we find the names of many prominent citizens of this and adjoining towns : Sylvester Day, Rev.Benj.Chatterton Levi Pitkin, Lovell Kelton. Nathan Doty, Salmon Washburn, Thos. Reed, Sen'r, Silas Burbank, Samuel Prentiss, Jr., Elijah WithereU, Parley Davis, Chester Nye, Charles Bulkley, Jacob MUler, Erastus Watrous, Col. Samuel Fifield, David Wing, Jr., Denison Sraith, Cyrus Ware, Hezekiah H. Reed, MONTPELIER. 3SI Cornelius Lynde, Roger G. Bulkley, Timothy Hubbard, Joseph Wiggins, Geo. Worthington, Gen. Gusta. Loomis, Seth Putnam, L. Q. C. Bowles, Chapin Keith, Isaiah Silver, Richard Holden, Harry Richardson, James Fiske, Perrin B. Fisk, Col. Cyrus Johnson, Israel Dewey, Larned Lamb, Otis Standish, Eliakim D. Persons, Jona. Wallace, Lemuel FarweU, Diah Richardson, Wyllis I. CadweU, Thomas Reed, Jr., ApoUos HaU, Nat. C. King, Joseph Wing, Sylvanus Ripley, Isaac Putnam, R. R. Keith, Thoraas Wallace, Nathl. Bancroft, Salvin Collins, BarziUai Davenport, Silas W. Cobb, Walter Little, Jaraes Deane, M. T. C. Wing, Amasa Bancroft, H. N. BayUes, Sylvanus Baldwin, Parrot Blaisdell, Abel Knapp, Daniel H. Dewey, Jeduthan Loomis, Roswell H. Knapp, Jonah Parks, Nelson A. Chase, John Spalding, Mark Goss, Dr. James Spalding, Norman Rublee, R. Bailey, John Goldsbury, O. H. Smith, ' Joseph S. VValton, GaraaUel Washburn, Geo. W. HiU, Ghes'r W.Houghton, Dr. Charles Clark, Joseph Howes, Dr. John Winslow, Daniel Baldwin, Joel Winch, Samuel Goss, Maj. John Poor. Nathan Jewett, The Lodge flourished untU the time of the great anti-masonic wave in 1834. We find among the documents preserved the foUowing notice, which was published at the time in the Ver-mant Watchman : MAHONIG NOTICE. A meeting of all the masons in Wash ington County is hereby notified to be holden at the hall in Montpelier, on Fri day, the 19th day of September inst., at i o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of taking under consideration the unhappy and di vided state of community on the subject of Freeraasonry. It is desirable that the views and feelings of every raason in the County should be fully represented and expressed upon that occasion. This no tice is the result of a very extensive con sultation among masons, and is given at their request. Montpelier, lothofSept., 1834. We, the undersigned, do cordially ap prove of the above notice, and. request that the same should be published in all the papers in this County. Montpelier, 10 September, 1834. H. H. Reed, SamI. Goss, Luman Rublee, Simeon L. Post, R. R. Keith, Oramel H. Smith, Isaiah Silver, Alonzo Pearce, Israel Dewey, S. C. French, William Mann, N. Jewett, H. N. Baylies, Nathl. Bancroft, H. Richardson, Jos. Howes, G. W. Barker, Jason Carpenter, Ira Owen, Lovel Kelton. In accordance with said notice, the members met at Masonic hall. We copy from the records : At a special comraunication of Aurora Lodge No. 9, duly suraraoned and hold en at Mason's HaU, in Montpelier, on Friday, the 19th day of September, A. L. 5834- Number of brethren present, about sixty. On motion, the foUowing resolutions were passed and adopted by said Lodge, viz : Resolved and voted; That the trustees, or the survivors of thera, who hold the ti- tie to the Masonic HaU in trust for the use of Aurora Lodge, No. 9, (reference being had to the deed of trust,) be, and are hereby directed to sell said HaU, and aU right this Lodge may have therein, and also to sell all and singular the personal property belonging to said Lodge, and make all collections of dues to said Lodge (if any) as soon as raay be, and to the best advantage, and from the avails of such sales and collections to pay all sums due from said Lodge ; the same to be as certained and certified by Jeduthan Loom is, who is hereby appointed a committee for that purpose ; and the balance of such avails to pay and deliver to the Treasurer of the Washington County Grammar School, for the use and disposal of the trustees of said Grammar School, to whom the same is hereby presented as a dona tion frora this Lodge for the purpose of education ; and a copy of this vote shall be their sufficient warrant for the sarae. Resolved and voted. That until a sale of the Masonic HaU shaU be made and com pleted, full leave and license is hereby giv en, and the Lodge does hereby approve of all kinds of assemblies being held in this Lodge roora, under the direction and con trol of the trustees aforesaid of said HaU. Resolved and voted. That Aurora Lodge, No. 9, be now dissolved, and closed forever. Attest, Hezekiah H. Reed, Sec'y pro tem. 352 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. King Solomon Royal Arch Chapter, No. 5, — Commenced working under a dis pensation granted Oct. 7, 1809, and char tered Jan. 3, 18 10. Charter Members — Charles Bulkley, Erastus Watrous, Joseph Freeman, Solo mon MiUer, Nathan Doty, Sherman Minot, Denison Sraith, Sylvanus Baldwin, and Cabot W. Hyde. Jan. 18, 1810, — The first board of officers were elected, as follows : Charles Bulkley, High Priest ; Erastus Watrous, King ; Jo seph Freeman, Scribe ; Joseph Howes, Treasurer; Jeduthan Loomis, Secretary; Solomon Miller, Captain of the Host ; Na than Doty, Principal Sojourner ; Phineas Woodbury, Royal Arch Captain; Sylvan us Baldwin, Master of 3d Veil ; Denison Smith, Master of 2d VeU; George Worth ington, Master of ist Veil; Nathan Jewett, Tyler. The Chapter held its meetings in the hall occupied by Aurora Lodge. Many of the masons mentioned in the list of the Lodge were members of this body. We give the names of a few not given there who took their degrees in, and were raera- bers of, this Chapter : Hiram Steele, Asa Partridge, Jona. Briggs of Marshfield, Isaac Fletcher of Lyndon, Jacob Davis of Randolph, Mat thias Haines of Cabot, Gov. Samuel C. Crafts of Craftsbury, N. R. Sawyer of Hydepark, J. Stearns of Chelsea, Seth G. Bigelow of Brookfield, Z. P. Burnham, Gov. JuUus Converse (then) of Randolph, J. K. Parish of Randolph, D. Azro A. Buck of Chelsea ; and many others might be given did space permit. We copy from the Chapter Records : Oct. 20, 1816. — Voted, That the treas urer pay out of the funds of the Chapter to the treasurer of the Verraont Bible So ciety the sum of thirty doUars. Dec. 4, 1816. — Voted, To appropriate ten dollars tor the benefit of schools in the Western States. Whether the Chapter forraally surren dered its charter or not, we have no raeans of knowing, but at the time of the dissolu tion of the Lodge it is probable that it was forfeited, as we find no record of meetings after that time. Montpelier Council of Royal and Select Ma.sters. — Organized Jan. 3, 181?, by Jeremy L. Cross, with Lucius O. C. Bowles as T. I. G. M., Nathan Jewett as D. I. G. M., and Daniel Baldwin as P. C. We can find no further record of their proceedings other than that they existed until the breaking up of Masonry in 1834, though they did not surrender their char ter until the revival of Masonry in this State about the year 1850 or '51, when by so doing they received a new one. Aurora Lodge, No. 22, F. & A. M. — Chartered Jan. 9, 1851. Charter Members. — Harry Richardson, John Poor, Walter Littie, Diah Richard son, Ira S. Town, Henry Crane, Otis Peck, Shubael Wheeler, T. C. Taplin, Levi Boutwell, Gamaliel Washburn. The first meeting was held in the office of Dr. T. C. Taplin, Feb. 5, 1850, for the purpose of drawing up a petition for a charter. The first election of officers occurred March 25, 185 1, at which time the foUow ing list was chosen : T. C. TapUn, W. M. ; Levi BoutweU, S. W. ; John Poor, J. W. ; A. A. Cross, Sec'y ; Ira S. Town, Treas. ; Gamaliel Washburn, S. D. ; Diah Richardson, J. D. ; Henry Crane, Tyler. The first hall occupied by the Lodge was in the third story (over the Vermont Bank,) of the building now owned by L. B. Huntington, on State Street. They remained here until Nov. 13, 1859, when they removed into the new block, built for S. S. Boyce, afterwards owned by Fred E. Smith. This they occupied untU it was destroyed in MontpeUer's first great fire, March 12, 1875. Meetings were then held in the American House, owned by Chester Clark, a prominent member of the Order, until the completion of Union Block, where a spacious 'hall and ante-rooms were fitted up especially for the use of the Masonic bodies. The first meeting was held in the new hall Dec. 13, 18^5, which they now occupy. List of Pasi Masters— T. C. Taplin, 1850; Gamaliel Washburn, 1851-54, 1856; MONTPELIER. 353 John C. Emery, 1855, 1857-59, 1861-63, 1878-79; JohnW. Clark, i860; Denison Dewey, 1864; Jas. S. Peck, 1869-71; J. W. F. Washburn, 1872-74; J. Austin Paine, 1875-76; Traraan C. Phinney, 1865-68, 1880, and now in office. List of officers, elected April 11, 1881 — T. C. Phinney, W. M. ; Geo. W. Wing. S. W. ; J. W. F. Washburn, J. W. ; Jas. C. Houghton, Treas.; Thos. H. Cave, Sec'y; Stephen R. Colby, S. D. ; Fred. W. Morse, J. D. ; Chas. C. RamsdeU, S. S. ; G. Blair, J. S. ; C. C. Dudley, Chap lain ; A. F. Humphrey, Marshal; W. A. Briggs, Organist ; Isaac M. Wright, Tyler. No. of members, 167. Regular cora munications, Monday evening of week in which the moon fulls. Annual, AprU com munication. King Solomon Royal Arch Chapter, No. 7. — Chartered Aug. 14, 1851. Charter Members — John Poor, Levi Boutwell, Appleton Fitch, David Leach, Walter Little, Simeon Eggleston, Harry- Richardson, Gamaliel Washburn, Joel Winch. The Chapter commenced its labors un der a dispensation dated Jan. 9, 1851, and on AprU-8 conferred the R. A. degree up on Henry Crane, Geo. S. Johnson, and Joel Winch, Jr. The first election of officers occurred Dec. 27th, 1 85 1, with the following result: John Poor, High Priest ; T. C. TapUn, King; SUas C. French, Scribe; J. E. Bad ger, Sec'y ; Levi BoutweU, Treas. ; Gama liel Washburn, Captain of the Host ; Har ry Richardson, Principal Sojourner ; Geo. S. Johnson, Royal Arch Captain; M. O. Persons, Master of 3d VeU; Joel Winch, Jr., Master of 2d VeU ; J. P. W. Vincent, Master of ist Veil ; Henry Crane, Tyler. Jhe Chapter has held its meetings in connection with Aurora Lodge continously since its organization, sharing with it in the expenses of rent. Past High Priests— ]oha Poor, T. C. Taplin, Gamaliel Washburn, Levi Bout weU, C. N. Carpenter, Eli Ballou, Fred. E. Smith, John W. Clark, J. W. F. Wash burn, James S. Peck. Officers elected April 14, 1881— Geo. W. Wing, H. P. ; Truman C. Phinney, K. ; Geo. Atkins, S. ; Thos. H. Cave, Sec'y; Jas. C. Houghton, Treas. ; J. W. F. Washburn, C. of H. ; C. Blakely, P. S. ; Thos. L. Wood, R. A. C. ; Geo. L. Lane, M. 3d V. ; Geo. Blair, M. 2d V. ; Henry W. iJrew, M. ist V. ; Chas. W. Guernsey, Daniel S. Wheatiey, Stewards ; Rev. How ard F. HiU, Chaplain; Wm. A. Briggs, Organist; Isaac M. Wright, Tyler. No. of members, 112. Stated Convoca tions, Thursday evening of week in which the moon fulls. Annual, April convoca tion. Montpelier Council, No. 4, Royal AND Select Masters — Chartered Aug. 10, 1855. The first meeting was held June 30, 1853, — working under the old charter, — with the following officers : John Poor, Th. IU. G. M. ; T. C. Taplin, R. IU. G. M. ; Sarauel L. Adams, IU. G. M. ; Otis Peck, Prin. Cond. ; Joel Winch, Capt. of G. ; Harry Richardson, Marshal ; Gamaliel Washburn, Recorder ; Simeon Eggleston, Tyler. They held meetings untU Feb. i, 1855, conferring the degrees on a number of companions. Having complied with a resolution of the Grand Council, surren dering their old charter, and requesting a new one, the same was granted them, da ted Aug. 10, 1855. First board of officers elected. — T. C. Taplin, Th. 111. G. M. ; Samuel E. Adams, R. IU. G. M. ; David Roberts, IU. G. M. ; Wra. P. Badger, Treas. ; John E. Badger, Recorder; Gamaliel Washburn, Prin. Cond. ; John W. Hobart, Capt. of the G. ; Wm. Rogers, Marshal ; Henry Crane, Tyler. Past Illustrious Masters — John Poor, one year; T. C. TapUn, nine years; Ga maliel Washburn, four years ; Truraan C. Phinney, who received his eleventh elec tion AprU 14th, 1 88 1. Board of officers elected April 14, 1881. — Truman C. Phinney, Th. IU. M. ; Fred. E. Sraith, D. M. ; John W. Clark, P. C. of the W. ; Jas. C. Houghton, Treas. ; 45 354 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Thos. H. C^ve, Recorder ; Geo. W. Wing, Capt. of the G. ; J. W. F. Washburn, Cond. of the C. ; Rev. H. F. HiU, Chap lain ; W. A. Briggs, Marshal ; Thos. L. Wood, Steward; Isaac M. Wright, Sen tinel. The CouncU occupies the same hall in connection with the Lodge and Chapter. No. of members, 70. Regular Assem blies, Thursday evening in which the moon fulls. Annual in April. Mount Zion Commandery, No. 9, Knights Templar. — Date of charter, March 20, 1873. Charter members, Jon athan L. Mack, Henry D. Bean, Frank H. Bascom, G. V.C. Eastman, J. Monroe Poland, Jas. W. Brock, Emory Town, C. E. Abbott, A. McGilvary. First Board of Officers. — J. L. Mack, Eminent Commander ; H. D. Bean, Gen eralissimo; F. H. Bascom, Captain Gen eral ; G. V. C. Eastman, Prelate ; C. E. Abbott, Senior Warden ; A. McGUvary, Junior Warden ; Joel Winch, Treasurer ; J. M. Poland, Recorder ; E. Town, Stand ard Bearer ; L. Bart. Cross, Sword Bearer ; G. W. Tilden, Warder. Officers Elected Dec. 1880.— J. L. Mack, E. C. ; Geo. W. Wing, Generalissimo ; Henry Ferris, Capt. Gen. ; C. Blakely, Prelate ; J. S. Batchelder, S. W. ; W. A. Briggs, J. W. ; J, C. Houghton, Treas. ; Geo. Atkins, Recorder; E. L. White, St. B. ; J. C. Cady, Sw. B. ; J. W. F. Wash burn, Warder; George Blair, 1st Capt. G. ; J. Henry Jackson, 2d Capt. G. ; M. Man ning, 3d Capt. G. ; A. McGilvary, Com missary; D. S. Wheatley, Sentinel. Jonathan L. Mack has been Eminent Commander since the organization. Stated Conclaves, first Thursday in each raonth; No. of members, 58. Gamaliel Lodge of Perfection, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. — Dispen sation granted Dec. 15th, 1874; chartered Aug. i8th, 1875 ; constituted Sept. i6th, 1875- First Board of Officers. — F. H. Bas com, 32°, T. P. Grand Master; A. C. Dewey, 32°, Deputy Grand Master; J. W. F. Washburn, 32°, V. S. Grand Warden ; M. T. McNeely, 32°, V. J. Grand Warden ; A. N. Pearson, 32°, Grand Orator ; M. O. Pingree, 32°, Grand Keeper of the Seals ; H. S. Smith, 32°, Grand Treasurer; CH. Heaton, 32°, Grand Secretary; S. R. Colby, 32°, G. M. of Ceremonies; C. C. Church, 16°, Grand Hospitaler; H. Pat terson, 14°, Grand Capt. of the G. ; J. A. Paine, 14°, Grand Organist; C.Clark, 14°, Grand Tyler ; H. W. Lyford, 14°, Grand Chaplain. Board of Officers, \%%i. — Rev. Howard F. HiU, 32°, T. P. Gr. Master; S. R. Colby, 32°, D. Gr. Master; WUliam A. Briggs, 16°, S. Gr. Warden; Geo. W. White, 16°, J. Gr. Warden; Ed. R. Morse, 16°, Gr. Orator; C. H. Heaton, 32°. Gr. Secretary; H. W. Lyford, 14°, Gr. K. of Seals; H. C. Bartlett, 32°, Gr. M. of Cer. ; H. D. Bean, 14°, Gr. Hos pitaler; Henry Lowe, 16°, Gr. Capt. of the G. ; J. W. F. Washburn, 32'', Gr. Organ ist; I. M. Wright, 16°, Gr. Tyler. Regular meetings, Tuesday evening of week in which the moon fulls. Place of meeting. Masonic Hall. Mount Calvary Council of Princes of Jerusalem, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. — Chartered Sept. 20, 1880. Board of Officers, 1881.— F. H. Bas com, 32°, M. E. S. P. G. M. ; J. W. F Washburn, 32°, G. H. P. D. G. M. Chas. H. Heaton, 32°, M. E. S. G. W. Geo. W. Wing, 16°, M. E. J. G. W. S. R. Colby, 32°, Val. Gr. Treas. ; Wm A. Briggs, 16°, V. G. S. K. of S. &A. Rev. H. F. HiU, 32", V. G. M. of Cer. H. S. Smith, 32°, Val. Gr. Almoner ; F. F Fletcher, 16°, V. Gr. M. of Ent. ; Henry Lowe, 16°, Gr. Tyler. Regular meetings, Tuesday evening of week in which the moon fulls, at Masonic HaU. St. Helena Conclave. — May i, 1875, Frank H. Bascom, 32°, D. D. Intendant General, instituted at Masonic Headquar ters, Montpelier, the above named conclave of the " Imperial, Ecclesiastical and Mil itary" Order of the Red Cross of Rome and Constantine, the Invincible Order of Knights of the Holy Sepulchre and the MONTPELIER. 355 Holy Order of St. John the Evangelist. The following officers were elected : Frank H. Bascom, 32°, Montpelier, Most Puissant Sovereign ; J. W. F. Wash burn, 32°, MontpeUer, Viceroy ; George W. Tilden, Barre, Senior General ; E. A. Newcorab, Waterbury, Junior General ; J. H. Jackson, Barre, High Prelate ; Albert Dewey, 32°, Montpelier, Recorder ; Geo. W. Wing, Montpelier, Treasurer ; Horace W-. Lyford, Warren, Prefect ; H. O. Hatch, Barre, Standard Bearer; D. A. Gray, Waterbury, Herald ; John C. Cave, 14°, Montpelier, Sentinel. This Chivalric and Christian Order was founded A. D. 313, by Constantine, the Great Roman Emperor. It is the Ancient Knighthood of Europe, and is the most ancient body of Christian Masonry known. It is conferred upon Knights Templaronly in America, and is the ne plus ultra of York Rite Masonry, being conferred upon a select few only. Oct. 3, 1876, Frank H. Bascom, of Montpelier, was appointed Deputy for Verraont, to institute Mt. Sinai Temple of the Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. It is conferred only on Knights Templars and 32° and 33° of the A. & A. Rite. Geo. O. Tyler, 33°, of Burlington, was elected ist Grand Potentate, and Charles H. Heaton, 32°, of Montpelier, GrandRe- corder. The present Grand Potentate is A. C. Dewey, 32°, and F. H. Bascom, 32, Grand Recorder. knights of honor. Capital Lodge, No. 917. — Organized Feb. 26, 1878. Charter members, J. W. Clark, R. J. Coffey, Orrin Daley, C. H. Farnsworth, Thos. Marvin, H. M.Pierce, Geo. W. Parmenter, T. C. Phinney, Geo. L. Story, D. S. Wheatley, J. B. Wood ward, Chas. Wells. Regular meetings, first and third Wed- day evenings in'each raonth. HaU in Sabin's Block, Main Street; membership, 44. ODD fellows. Vermont Lodge, No. 2, was instituted May 15, 1845 ; the charter was granted April 26, of that year. The charter mem bers were Rev. EU Ballou, Thos. Poole, James W. Bigelow, Lorenzo Dow, Wra. H. Cottrrill. In 1852 it suspended, and was revived under its present charter, July 24, 1873. Charter Members.— A. T. Keith, C. T. Suramers, A. D. Lane, Chas. F. CoUins, Marble Russell, Geo. Reed, T. C. Bar rows, G. B. Dodge, O. T. Dodge, L. M. Washburn, A. N. Pearson. The first officers were, A. T. Keith, N. G. ; A. N. Pearson, V. G. ; A. D. Lane, Secretary. The foUowing board of officers were elected July i, 1881 : W. D. Reid, N. G. ; A. W. Ferrin, V. G. ; H. C. Webster, Rec. Sec'y. ; C. F. CoUins, Per Sec'y. ; D. W. Dudley, Treas. ; C. T. Summers, R. S. N. G. ; Henry Whiteomb, L. S. N. G. ; C. W. Guern sey, R. S. V. G. ; A. Clark, L. S. V. G. ; C. E. Wood, Warden; J. H. Jackson, Conductor; H. E. Slayton, Inside Guard; Chas. O. Foster, Outside Guard ; Charles Ferrin, R. S. S. ; Orville Dewey, L. S. S. ; Rev. H. F. HiU, Chaplain. Hall in Post Office Block, State Street. Brooks Post, No. 13, Grand Army OF THE Republic, was instituted April 28, 1873- Charter Members. — P. P. Pitkin. F. V. RandaU, J. S. Peck, J. W. Clark, J. O. Livingston, F. E. Smith, Geo. S. Robin son, C. B. Wilson, J. M. Poland, N. N. Glazier, A. C. Brown, H. C. Lull, O. Daley, A. G. Bean and EUhu Snow. Present Officers. — W. F. Waterman, Commander; W. E. Lawson, Senior Vice Commander ; N. C. Peck, Junior Vice Commander; H. L. Averill, Adjutant; H. M. Pierce, Quarter Master; Geo. W. Colby, Surgeon ; Chas. A. Sanders, Chap lain; W. W. Noyes, Officer of the day; J.J. Young, Officer of the Guard ; C. E. Stowe, Q. M. Sergeant. The Post meets the first and third 356 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Tuesday evenings in the month at their HaU, on South Main Street. The Post, in a financial point of view, is even with the world. It has assisted many deserving soldiers and their fam ilies. It has always observed the memo rial services on Decoration Day in a man ner highly commendable ; and has been assisted materially by the citizens of the Capital on that day. It has done many deeds of charity, and still has that work to perform, and should receive the aid of all good citizens. Membership, 150. St. John Baptist Benevolent So ciety. — Incorporated Nov. 23, 1872. The object of the Saint John Baptist Society of Montpelier is to render aid to the members in sickness, and, by the spirit of Christian association, to encourage the practice of the social virtues, and revive among them the sentiments of their na tionality. To accomplish this end, as honorable as it is useful, the members agree to hold frequent meetings, and to make regular contributions to form a re serve fund by means of which, in accord ance with the conditions expressed in the rules of the society, each member will be entitled to a daily but temporary assist ance. Charter Members. — Mitchell Sweet, Eugene Laviolette, John C. White, Joseph N. Goron, Cyprien Peltier, Dieu D. Nev eaux, Peter St. Rock, Alexander Camp bell, John Rock, John Doucette, Alex ander Campbell, Jr., John Jangraw, Ferd La Croix, Seraphine Neveaux, Alexander Jangraw, Humphrey CampbeU, John Gag- non, Jesse Cayhue, Louis Greenwood, Frank Greenwood, Frank Lucie, Louis Rodney, David Brown, Leonard Mailhote, Peter Gay, Jerry Gay, Frank Lanier, Marcus Louiselle, Corliss Desaulniers, Edward Rattell. Present Officers, 1881. — President, Al- phonso Shorey ; Vice Pres't, Paul Terieo ; Secretary, MitcheU Sweet; Treasurer, Seraphine Neveaux ; Marshal, Louis Rod ney. Membership, 50. 1 members of Washington county dak. BY JC'EPH Jl, WING, ESQ. The following are now residents at Montpelier : Homer W. Heaton, admitted to the Bar in Washington Co., November terra, 1835 ; now aged 70. Joseph A. Wing, adraitted to the Bar April term, 1836, and in 1881 is 71 years of age ; practiced in Plainfield till June, 1858, and since that time has practiced law at Montpelier. Luther L. Durant, aged 54 years, was admitted to the Bar in Washington County, November terra, 1850. Coraraenced at Waitsfield, June, 1852, went to Water bury in 1855, and carae to Montpelier, Nov. 1866. Carlisle J. Gleason, adraitted to the Bar in Washington County, Septeraber terra, 1858. Whitman G. Ferrin, aged 64 years, admitted to the Bar in Lamoille County, 1843, June term; moved to Montpelier in 1859. Timothy P. Redfield, aged 67 years, admitted to the Bar in Orleans County, June term, 1838 ; practiced in that county till 1848, when he removed to Montpelier. He was elected Judge of the Supreme Court by the Legislature at the October session, 1870, and has been Judge of said Court till the present time. Josiah O. Livingston, admitted in Lamoille, May term, 1861 ; was in the Army as Adjutant of the 9th Regiment ; moved to Montpelier in 1872. Stephen C. Shurtleff, aged 43 years, adraitted to the Bar in Washington Co. March term, 1863; commenced at Plain- field in October, and carae to Montpelier, September, 1876. C. H. Heath, aged 52 years, admitted to the Bar in Lamoille County, Dec. 7, 1859 ; reraoved to Plainfield in 1859, and from there to Montpelier in 1872. Thomas J. Deavitt, admitted to the Bar in 1867 ; practiced in Moretown, and moved to Montpelier in 1873. ofnnt<^ (fJT Ji^yt^A-o^ MONTPELIER. 357 Hiram A. Huse, a graduate of Albany Law School in May, 1867 ; admitted in Orange County, removed to Montpelier in 1873, "iiid was appointed State Librarian in 1873. Benjamin F. Fifield, aged 49 years, admitted to the Bar in Washington Co. in 1859. Hiram Carleton, aged 43 years, ad mitted to the Bar of Washington County at the September term, 1865 ; coraraenced the practice of law at Waitsfield, in May, 1866, and moved frora there to Montpelier in December, 1875. Melville E. Smilie, aged 37 years, admitted to the Bar in Washington County, March term, 1866. He began practice at Waterbury in 1867, and removed to Mont pelier in 1875 ; was appointed County Clerk in 1876, and has continued clerk to the present tirae. George W. Wing, aged 38 years, ad raitted to the Bar of Washington County, March term, 1868. Truman R. Gordon, aged 30 years, admitted to the Bar in Washington Co. Septeraber term, 1877 ; coraraenced prac tice in Montpelier in 1878. Henry K. Field, aged 35 years, was adraitted to Windhara County Court, Sept. term, 1871 ; removed to Montpelier in 1872. Charles W. Porter, aged 32 years, was admitted to the Bar of Washington County, Sept. term, 1874. Clarence H. Pitkin, aged 32 years, was admitted to the Bar of Washington County, March term, 1872., He is the present State's Attorney of the County. William A. Lord, aged 32 years, was admitted to the Bar of Washington Co. March terra, 1876. Rush P. Barrett, aged 26 years, ad mitted to the Bar of Windsor County, Dec. 7, 1878; Removed to Montpelier in May, 1 88 1. Harry G. Dewing, aged 29, admitted to the Bar of Washington County, Sept. terra, 1875. Harlan W. Kemp, aged 23 years, ad" raitted to the Bar of Washington County, Sept. 7, 1880. James S. Peck, aged 41 years, was ad mitted to the Bar of Washington Coiinty, Sept. 7, 1866; now Postmaster of Mont pelier. OsMAN D. Clark, aged 26 years, was admitted to the Bar of Washington Co. March term, 1879. John G. Wing, aged 22 years, was ad mitted to the Bar of Washington County, Sept. terra, 1880. Frank W. Tuttle, aged 21 years, was admitted to the Bar of Washington Co. at the March term, 1881. Henry Oviatt, aged 33 years, admit ted to Washington County Bar, March term, 1875; th^ present short hand re porter of the Court. There are many members of the Bar of Washington County who were once resi dents of Montpelier, who are now living in other States, who are honorable members of the profession, among whom are Hon. Samuel B. Prentiss, of Cleveland, Ohio ; Joseph A. Prentiss, of Winona, Minn. ; C. W. Prentiss, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Chauncey W. Town, of New York city ; J. P. C. Cottrill, of Milwaukee; Daniel G. Thompson, of New York city ; Azel Spald ing, of Kansas ; Chester W. MerriU, of Cincinnati ; Rodney Lund, of Boston ; N. A. Taylor, of Council Bluffs, Iowa ; Still- man ChurchiU, of Chicago ; Jeremiah T. Marston, of Madison, Wis. From the formation of the County of Washington, the bar of the County was noted for men of learning and talent, who have passed away by death. Of those who have died who lived in Montpelier, or had their offices in Montpelier, are the follow ing, many of whom should have more than a passing notice : Charles Bulkley, Cyrus Ware, Samuel Prentiss, Wra. -Upham, Nicholas Baylies, Jeduthan Loomis, Azro Loomis, Lucius B. Peck, Stoddard B. Col by, Oramel H. Smith, Wm. P. Briggs, Jackson A. VaU, WiUiam H. Uphara, Jon athan P. MiUer, D. P. Thompson, George 358 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. R. Thorapson, Calvin J. Keith, Samuel B. Prentiss, C. W. Willard, Charles Reed, Charles F. Smith, Ferrand F. Merrill, Timothy Merrill, Thomas Reed, Hezekiah H. Reed, Joshua Y. VaU, J. T. Marston, George B. Manser, Samuel Wells, George W. BaUey, Jr., Samuel W. Chandler. C. D. Swazey, C. D. Harvey, R. S. Boutwell, were in Montpelier in 1865, whether living or not I cannot tell. [Note. — Judge Bulkley is noticed in Berlin and in these pages as the first post master in Montpelier, and the first lawyer. We have been told he was a strong man, of fine talent, and that the house is still standing on Berlin side in which he lived, which is all we have been able to learn about him. We would be pleased to learn raore, as also of any and all mentioned, of whom we have not full notice among our biographies to yet follow, which emorace at least twenty or more of the above names. — Ed.] VERMONT BAR ASSOCIATION. This association was formed Oct. 22, 1878, at Montpelier, and organized by the appointment of the following officers : President, Edward J. Phelps, Burling ton ; Vice Presidents, G. W. Harmon, Bennington,WheelockG.Veazey, Rutland, WilUam E. Johnson, Woodstock, Guy C. Noble, St. Albans, Wm. P. DilUngham, Waterbury ; Secretary, Hirara F. Stevens, St. Albans; Treasurer, Wm. G. Shaw, Burlington. The association numbered about 100 merabers, and was chartered by the Legislature of 1878, approved Nov. 14, 1878, and duly organized under the charter by the election of the officers aboVe named for one year. At the first annual raeeting, at Montpelier, Oct. 28, 1879, the foUow ing officers were elected for the ensuing year : President, L. P. Poland, of St. Johnshury ; Vice Presidents, George W. Harmon, Bennington, RosweU Farnham, Bradford, John L. Edwards, Newport ; Secretary, Clarence H- Pitkin, Montpelier ; Treasurer, Wra. G. Shaw, Burlington. The 2d annual meeting of the association was held on the 4th Tuesday in October, 1880, when the foUowing officers were ap pointed : President, Walter C. Dunton, Rutiand ; Vice Presidents, Warren C. French, Wood stock, John Prout, Rutland, Guy C. Noble, St. Albans ; Secretary, Clarence H. Pitkin, MontpeUer; Treasurer, Wm. G. Shaw, BurUngton. The 3d annual meeting was held on Tuesday, Oct. 25th, 1881, when the fol lowing officers were elected : President, Daniel Roberts, Burlington ; Vice Presidents, Geo. W. Harmon, Ben nington, John L. Edwards, Newport, Ros well Farnham, Bradford ; Secretary, Clar ence H. Pitkin, MontpeUer; Treasurer, Chas. W. Porter, Montpelier; Managers, Daniel Roberts, Burlington, W. P. Dil lingham, Waterbury, John W. RoweU, Randolph, O. E. Butterfield, WUmington, Henry C. Ide, St. Johnshury. The association is in a prosperous con dition, with about 120 merabers, from all parts of the State, and is of great benefit to the legal profession in the State. THE MEDICAL MEN OF MONTPELIER. BY SIJMNEH PUTXAM, M. D. Physicians who have lived and practiced in Montpelier within ray remembrance or since 1828 : Dr. Edward Lamb was the leading physician in this town for over 40 years. He died at the age of 74, in 1845. Dr. James Spalding, who died in 1858 at the age of 66, was the chief sur geon here for many years. Dr. J. Y. Dewey had a ftiU practice here from 1825 to 1850, when he became interested insurance, and discontin ued practice. He died in 1877. As these men reached the zenith of their fame. Dr. F. W. Adams of Barton suc ceeded them, and being a whole team in himself soon acquired fame. If reports were true, he neither feared man, nor the God of his fathers, but wis really a kind- hearted man, a good physician and sur geon. He died in 1859 or 60. Dr. Z. P. Burnham practiced here a few years, but about 1840 moved to Low ell, Mass. JT- /r^t^^< ^ MONTPELIER. 359 Dr. Ezra Paine was a practitioner here from 1859 to 73, when he moved to Bos ton, where he now resides. In 1849, Dr. Chas. Clark moved into Montpelier, and had a large practice in the village and .surrounding country untU 1865, when his health failed. He died in 1874 at the age of 74 years. Dr. CM. Rublee born in town; died in town 1870. [See sketch in the biogra phies!] About 1850, Dr. Orri.x Smith of BerUn moved here, and practiced untU 1856, when he went to Chicago, and has since died. I have heard many of his former patrons speak of him with respect. Dr. C. B. Chandler came from Tun bridge in 1856; died in 1867. He was re spected by all who knew him. [See sketch in biographies.] About 1850, Dr. T. C. Taplin practiced homoeopathy, and adhered to high dilu tions, too. Then followed Dr. G. N. Brighaivi, homoeopathist, who did not always give infinitesimals, and moved to Michigan in 1875. Dr. B. O. Tyler, I think, moved from Worcester to this place and becarae en gaged raostly in selling drugs. He died May 20, 1878, at an advanced age. Dr. W. H. H. Richardson moved here about 1858, from E. Montpelier, and prac ticed successfully till 1867, when he moved to Winona, Minn., to continue practice, and engaged, somewhat, in real estate speculations, but in a few years died suddenly of apoplexy in the prime of life. Since the days of Larab, Spalding, and Dewey, up to the dates of those at present here, two or three other physicians have practiced here, for a short time, viz : — Dr. G. H. Loomis, Dr. W. Azel Holmes, Dr. F. A. McDowell, Dr. M.M. Marsh, and Dr. J. H. Jackson. Dr. H. L. Rich ardson practiced here in 1866, and Dr. Mulligan about 1858 or '59 ; the latter of whom died here soon after beginning practice. Of the physicians at present in practice here. Dr. C. M. Chandler, son of C. B. Chandler, came here in i860, but went south as surgeon during the war, and final ly settled in practice here in the fall of 1865. Dr. S. Putnam, now the oldest physi cian in town, came here in the spring of 1865, and desiring to establish himself hon orably, and crowd no one, purchased the residence and "good wiW of the late Dr. Chas. Clark, the latter of which purchases he was not fortunate enough to retain, if indeed, he ever received it at all. The same year, 1865, Dr. J. E. Macom ber, a native of East Montpelier, moved to this place from Worcester. In 1866, Dr. D. G. Kemp succeeded Dr. W. H. H. Richardson in practice. Dr. J. B. Woodward came, I think, from Kansas to this place, about 1870, having formerly practiced in Waterbury, this county. He engaged at first in the drug trade but soon came into practice, which he pursued with avidity until the fall of 1879, when in consequence of a slight wound of the finger, received during a surgical operation, cellulites and septicae mia supervened, sadly terminating in death . About 1876, Dr. H. G. Brigham, hom oeopathist, succeeded his father G. N. Brigham in practice. The Eclectic School of Medicine, so called, (Thompsonians forraerly) have been represented here since about 1864 by Dr. J. M. Templeton, and latterly also, by Dr. H. E. Templeton. For more than thirty years Madame Lucy A. Cooke has been consulted here as a clairvoyant physician, her patrons coming from all parts of the country. In the spring of 1880, Dr. W. D. Reid, from Canada West, opened an office here, and about the same tirae Dr. Geo. E. Ma- LOY began practice in Montpelier. Oct. 29, i88i. resident dentists. O. P. Forbush, for sorae years here ; Richard Newton, partner with Forbush ; Alfred Clark ; H. T. Whitney ; G. E. Hunt opened an office here Oct., 1879. 36o VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. The morning of life is The evening shades appear; LORENZO DOW, IN THIS COUNTY. Chief among the early missionaries in Washington County and in Montpelier, was Lorenzo Dow, a Methodist preach er; not a conference preacher, exactly, but one whose circuit extended all over Vermont, the Canadas, the South, Ire land, Scotland, and wherever he chose to go ; who came and went as the "wind that bloweth wherever it listeth." A true, genuine methodist though ; he never preached any other doctrine. The pio neer of raethodisra in Washington County ; but a raan who must be his own leader, who could never restrain hiraself to circuit rules. He had joined the Methodist con ference in his youth, had been appointed to a circuit ; it could not hold him ; remon strated with, reappointed, shot off on a fervent tangent. Conference dropped him, could not keep a raan it could neither rule or guide. Every minister seemed against him — Cal- vinistic divine, regular Methodist circuit preach er as well, — decried by all, he prevailed. He thick ened his appointments, the multitude hung on the words from his lips, his oddities attracted, his ec centricities were his great charm. He was called ' 'Crazy Dow," which name seemed to please him very well. From his home in Connecticut, he had his yearly line of preaching places all up through into Canada. On his annual visit to Verraont, he al ways visited this County. We hear of hira before he enters at Danville ; when entered, in Cabot, Calais, Plainfield, Barre and al ways at Montpelier. At the close of a first visit to Montpelier, as narrated to me a few years since, by an old gentleman, now dead, who was present, and his devoted admirer, Dow said at parting with his audience "One year frora this day, I will again preach here." The people after he left laughed at his giving out an appointment so far ahead and at his supposing that he would keep it. The year carae round, no one remembered it, but, lo ! in a year to the day and hour, Dow appeared to fulfil his engageraent; his first salutation to the crowd, gathering around him, "Crazy Dow is with you once again !" He preached as I never heard any one but him ; for three hours he held his large audience so still you could have heard a pin drop on the floor, said our narrator, and at the end of his sermon, gave out another appointment for a year from the day. People rather looked for him the next year. As he left in the morn ing and kept to the hour as well as day before, he was expected in the morning MONTPELIER. 361 We are Joui-neying to that land From wiiGnce there's no return. again, and not appearing some said he would not come, others that he would be here before night, and others that because a crazy man had taken the freak to keep an appointment once, there was no reason to look for him to do so again. His appear ance in the afternoon put an end to the growing anxiety. On he carae, about mid-afternoon, accompanied by Peggy. He was not married when he came before, or did not bring his wife with him. They both were dressed in plain, homespun, woolen garments, a long cloak of plain woolen cloth reaching to their feet, wooden shoes on their feet, and both wore large brimmed chip hats, just alike, and each carried a staff or walking-stick. They journeyed upon horseback, but dismounted without the village, and walked up the street to the place for the meeting, follow ed by the crowd. Dow excused his being 46 late, that his companion could not travel as fast as he could, and declined an invitation to dinner, al though neither he or his companion had dined that day. It was getting late for his meeting ; he would not take any refreshments till after he had preached a long serraon, nor suffer his wife to. Dow mounted the platform, and seating himself in the chair, sat for some moments silentiy, gazing intently at his au dience, and then suddenly arising upon his feet, at a signal from him, Peggy, who was seated with the audience, arose to her feet — clad in her long cloak and hat, stood gravely waiting. Said Dow, "This woman with me is Peggy Dow. I have brought her with rae that she may. teach the women subservience to their husbands." To Peg gy, "Stand StiU!" Peggy stood very still. "Be seated ! " Peggy sat down. Dow com menced his sermon, preaching with his cloak and hat on. Dow always wore his hat when he preached, and as he never shaved, had a very long beard, that added to his conspicuous and distinguished ap pearance. Peggy, a simple and amiable woraan, was a good help to Dow. She greatly delighted in class and»prayer- meetings, and was a very good singer. "PeggyDow's Hymn Book" — See Gilman's Bibliotheca, p. 315, — was printed at Mont pelier. Here it was probably first used in the meetings of those early days. Long after Peggy's death, the hymn book was used by Dow. A gentleman in Montpelier has one now that was given to him or to his wife by Dow. The State Historical Library has a copy. Lorenzo Dow had opposition, however, to meet at Mont pelier, as well as elsewhere. It was this, 362 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. perhaps, raade Montpeliera favorite preach ing place. Opposition gave an attraction to a place. He counted upon it to succeed. It was ladder and platform to him. That churches or clergy combined against him, but added to his popularity. One year some good church ladies of this village, loving quiet and orderly ways, took the matter in hand, and in the school-house where the meetings were held put in a quilt. A party of ladies were at work when Dow arrived. Not a word he said to the ladies' blockade. A moment he stood in the open door, in his uncouth long garment and unshorn awfulness, look ing majestically upon the equally silent and suddenly abashed ladies, when, turn ing from the door, springing upon a wood pile in the yard, he commenced preaching. Long before he ended, a crowd packed the ^ard around hira, and every woman in the school-house was seen at the windows and at the door. It had been utterly impossi ble for them to restrain their curiosity, and listening, had become so magnetized by the marvelous man, they took out the , unfinished quilt, and surrendered the school-house for the evening. Dow said when he saw the ladies there, he made up his mind he should be present at the shak ing of that quilt, and he was. Again he preached on the wood-pile at the door of the old Court House, closed against him, and drew out, it is said, all the audience of a "four days' meeting," that had been got up just as he was com ing, but five. Hearing Dow's voice with out, at first one man stole out, then an other and another. In vain the minister paused jn the midst of his sermon to look reproof, and continued his discourse. An other left, now a whole seat at once. The minister finished his sermon, but at the end only five persons were left in the house-^himself, the two other ministers seated beside him, and the two deacons. He kept the people awake while with them, and in his absence they heard of him : now in Georgia, among the planta tions South, having splendid success. He was to preach under a large tree. A man could sit among the branches perfectiy concealed by the thick foliage. The eve ning before, Dow came to the spot with a negro, a good trumpet blower. Standing under the tree, Dow thus instrvicted him : He should come before any one in the morning, and hide in the tree overhead, and remain breathlessly still till Dow in his preaching should call out the third time " Gabriel !" and then blow« his trumpet. The raorning opened, to a vast dark as sembly. Lorenzo preached on the ' ' Judg ment Day," — a treraendous sermon, — and when he had wrought the crowd up to its highest pitch, — pausing, listening, — cried out»agaih, still raore loud and terrific — "But you don't believe it! If I were to tell you that Gabriel — will sound his trum pet — before we leave this spot — you would not believe rae ! The earth raay open be neath your feet, and you tumble into heU, before you will believe ! This trumpet may sound this very day !" The audience be came strangely excited. " Gabriel may sound his trumpet at any time now." Gaz ing intently up — "Methinks I see him! Methinks I hear his trumpet now ! Ga briel will " A quick trumpet peal over head ; a startled negro crowd, eyes rolling in their sockets ; a blast more loud, — groanings, falling upon their knees, black terror developed, — shriller and shriller the , invisible trumpet ; confusion, flight, clutch- ings to each other, some praying, others fainting. With the loudest blast, the ne gro, trumpet in hand, leaped in his excite- raent from the tree into the sprawling crowd, mistaken for Gabriel. Dow took advantage of the confusion to leave. He afterwards called it a trial of the power of of imagination. Finding on the fresh leaves of our early history the tracks of this eccentric Dow " everywhere," we had thought to trace out sorae account of his labors here and else where frora his published journal, but learning that a first nephew of his was still living, we will do better, and introduce to you, with his faithful and graphic memorial paper, Mr. Lewis J. Bridgman, of New York, a son of Vermont, Biographist of his famous uncle, Lorenzo Dow. MONTPELIER. 363 LEWIS JOSEPH BRIDGMAN. The following sltetch of the Life and Times of the celebrated Lorenzo Dow, and liis first wife, Peggy Dow. is compiled from some of their own writings, but principally is original matter, icnown to no one outside of the author, lewis JOSEPH BRIDGMAN. Note to the Reader. — Having been requested to write a brief sketch of the life of the eccentric Lorenzo Dow, for publi cation in the history of Verraont, I comply with the pressing request, yet at this busy season of commercial business, I can scarcely find the time to do justice to so distinguished a character as the subject of this brief memoir. I know of whom I write. His eccentricities of character may have sometiraes made hira the subject of ridicule and jest, still he possessed talents of a very high order, that on many occa sions in forensic discourses have discom- fitted his opponents, and drawn from them the warmest congratulations. He possess ed in a remarkable degree the idiosyncra sies of the Dow race ; but all his oddities possessed a point often bordering on the satirical. Like his father before him, he was gifted with a great amount of " handy change," as he used to denominate wit. His memory was also remarkable, border ing on the marvelous. The memory of Lorenzo being as strong as it is reported, was nevertheless eclipsed by his father, Humphrey Bean Dow, which was so re tentive, that by hearing any one verse read in any part of the Bible, he would readily repeat the next ; as incredible as this may appear, he was often put to the test in the presence of the family, when I have been an interested spectator, and I never re member of any omission. I recollect well when I was a boy, Uncle Lorenzo came to visit his sister, (my 364 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. mother,) while we were living in Hard wick, Vt. One day at dinner we had a new pitcher, made to commemorate some of the events of the war of 1812-14 with Great Britain. Upon one side of the pitcher was a spread eagle in gilt, with a wreath running around the eagle of chain- work, and in each link of the chain, there being 21 links, were the names of our gen erals who fought during the war. Gen. Brown's name stood at the top. Uncle took up the pitcher, and told the number of battles Gen. Brown had fought, the num ber of men he had in each action, the killed, wounded and missing ; those who fought against him, the number of men killed and taken prisoners ; so with each general until he had gone through with the entire number. Then turning the pitcher around. to the reverse side, there was a picture of a gilt ship under fuU sail, with the names of the commodores or post captains who took part in the same war, Commodore Rogers' name standing at the top. Uncle gave also the number of naval battles, when and where fought, the nuraber of ships he commanded in each, nuraber of raen, how raany lost, and how raany pris oners he took, and the minute history and details of each commander. The time taken in relating the battles was sorae two hours and a half. LORENZO DOW was born of Puritan parents, in Coven try, Tolland Co., Ct., October i8th, 1777. His parents were born in the sarae town, frora English ancestors. Ulysses, the oldest of the faraily, studied medicine, but finaUy devoted his time to teaching in an academy in New London, Ct. He taught the classics, astronomy, surveying, and navigation. He taught the latter to many of the post captains in our young navy, The next in the famUy was Ethelinda Dow, ray raother, who subsequently married Joseph Bridgman, then living in Coventry. Subsequently ray parents moved to Hard wick, Vt., where my brother. Rev. Au gustus ' Leroy, and Christiania and the writer of this article were bor^i. The next daughter in my grandfather's faraily was Orrilana, who while visiting my mother in Hardwick, became acquainted with Mr. Fish, and raarried him there. The next daughter, Merya, married the son of Gov. Huntingtxin, of Connecticut, and settled first in Georgia. The next was Lorenzo, and the youngest was Tabitha, who, while on a visit to her sisters in Hard wick, becarae acquainted with Capt. Sam uel French, of that town, and married him. These three sisters marrying in that town, were among the first families to settle in that new country, and their de scendants have filled offices of trust and profit in various departments of govern ment and state. The only son of the author of this sketch is pastor of a large and flourishing church in Albany, N. Y., and is the youngest man who ever had the title of Doctor of Divinity conferred on him this country. In younger life, Lorenzo was possessed of a very weak and tender ^constitution which prevented him from joining in those athletic sports which have a tendency to bring health and strength to the young. His mind at a very early age becarae re ligiously impressed with the thoughts of God and the works of Creation ; and the questions he would ask his parents, showed characteristics far beyond his years. A little later, while laboring, in more mature years, under that hari-assing disease the asthma, he showed a resignation that was surprising in one so young. He teUs us in his autobiography that at the age of 12 years, his hopes of worldly pleasure was greatly blasted by a sudden illness occa sioned by overheating himself with hard labor,, and drinking cold water while in that state, that in subsequent years, would al most take his breath, from the most excru ciating pains. About this time his mind becarae greatly exercised on the subject of his salvation. One night he dreamed that he saw the prophet Nathan in a large as sembly of people, prophesying many things. I got an opportunity, (he says) to ask him how long I should live? The prophet answered, until you are two and twenty. This dream was so imprinted up on his mind, that it caused raany serious and painful hours at intervals. MONTPELIER. 365 When about 13 years and upward, he tells us he was much impressed by the- death of John Wesley (1791.) He dreamed that he saw Wesley, who asked him if he ev er prayed, he said no, and soon after he met Wesley a second time, who asked him the same question again, and he answered no, when Wesley said you raust, and disap peared. In the same dream, Wesley came once more, and asked the same question, he told him that he had prayed, then said Wesley, "be faithful until death." This dream so impressed him, that he broke off from his old companions and began a course of secret prayer which lasted through life. Subsequently his feelings were so aroused by the doctrine of unconditional reprobation and particular election, he be carae nearly deranged. About this time the Methodists came in to Coventry and began preaching, and he went to hear them. On one occasion, the preacher took for his text "Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there?" [Here follows a page of a sermon on hell and its pungent effect on a mind la boring under "election," — we omit. We do not give sermons and the statements seem sufficient. — Ed.] It nearly drove hira to commit suicide. The idea that filled his mind was that there was no mercy for him. He at last threw himself on the ground, and cried to the Lord, "I submit; I yield! If there be mercy in heaven for me, let me know it ; and if not, let me go down to hell, and know the worst of ray case. As these words flowed frora my heart," he writes, "I saw the Mediator step in, as it were, be tween justice and my soul, and these words applied to my soul with great power, 'Son, thy sins, which are many, are forgiven thee; thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace.'" From this tirae on his happiness was coraplete. Many trials and doubts and conflicting emotions possessed him ; still his firm confidence in the God of hosts carried him triumphantiy through all his after tribulations. In the "exemplified experience," at this time, his brother-in-law, Mr. Fish, was so interested ' that he became a seeker of Christ. Lorenzo often said his greatest desire to live was to obtain a higher degree of holiness here, that he might be happier hereafter. He was a believer to a certain extent in dreams ; he had raany, some of which were exact forerunners of what soon after carae to pass. A remarkable one occurred as follows : he dreamed hp was in a strange house. "As I sat by the fire, a messenger carae in and said, 'there are three rainisters corae from England, and in a few minutes will pass by this way.' I followed him out, and he disap peared. I ran over a woodpile, and jumped upon a log, to have a fair view of them. Presently three men came over a hill from the west towards me ; the foremost dis mounted ; the other two, one of whom was on a white horse, the other on a reddish one, both with the three horses disap peared. I said to the first, 'Who are you ?' He replied, 'John Wesley,' and walked towards the east. He turned round and looked me in the face, and said 'God has called you to preach the gospel. You have been a long time between hope and fear, but there is a dispensation of the go.spel committed to you. Woe unto you if you preach not the gospel.'" His mind having been previously drawn towards a preacher's life, this singular dream decided the contest, and he entered the ministry. He was placed upon a cir cuit extending into New Hampshire, then a wilderness . Wherever he preached souls were converted. His circuit was enlarged into the State of Vermont. As he became more known, invitations flowed in upon him frora all parts. His health was very often broken down on account of the disease brought upon him whUe a boy, and resulted in the asth ma to that extent that he either sat up whole nights or slept on the floor. He never took a coUection for preach ing, but sometimes received gifts from in dividuals. His preaching took hold upon the careless, the bla.spheraer, and aU in a 366 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. remarkable manner. Revivals succeeded revivals all over the territory where he preached. In the town of Brandon, Vt., a rich mer chant with his niece came some distance to hear him preach, but when they saw how plain the young man looked, their first thought was to go home, but conclud ed to stay and see the thing out, as they had taken so much pains to get there. After the sermon their consciences ap peared to be touched, and they were con strained to cry for mercy. In that place 25 others came out and joined the church. The people said, " Lorenzo has done some good, by turning the mind of the blasphe mer, from collecting his debts, to religion, and so we are kept out of jaU." His great success was in visiting from house to house, and in making personal appeals to individuals. On many occa sions he made appointments for preaching 6 months and even 18 months ahead, and always fulfilled them to the minute, even if he had to ride a horse to death to reach the place in time, as it has been the case raore than once. In Vermont, in passing through a dense woods one day to fill an appointment, he saw two men chopping wood. He mount ed on a large stump, and said "Crazy Dow will preach from this stump 6 months from to day, at 2 o'clock, p. m." Six months from that time an immense audi ence was assembled, and Dow in going to the place saw a man in great distress look ing for something. Dow enquired what the matter was. The man replied that he was poor, and that some one had stolen his axe, and that he felt the loss very much. Lorenzo told him if he would go to the meeting he would find his axe. Be fore getting to the place of service, Dow picked up a stone and put it in his pocket. After the delivery of a powerful sermon, Dow said — " There is aman here who has had his axe stolen, and the thief is here in this audience, and I am going to throw this stone right to his head," — drawing back his hand as though in the act of throwing the stone. One man ducked his head. Dow went up to hira and said — " You have got this man's axe !" And so he had, and went and brought it and gave it to him. Not to weary the reader, I will give but one more incident here, (of which scores could be authenticated,) to show the re markable success with which his efforts were blessed. In one ofhis meetings again in Vt., (Wallingford,) Dow was intro duced to a man by the narae of Solomon Moon, who cavilled at every thing of a re ligious aspect. Having delivered sorae re ligious counsel, with the soleran request that he should seriously reflect upon it, ,Dow left him to his own reflections. A few days after, in another part of the cir cuit, some 40 miles from his home, Solo mon Moon stood up in the lovefeast, and declared how he was caught in a promise, and to ease his mind was necessitated to fulfil it, and within three days found the reality of what he had doubted ; and be sought others not to be afraid of promising to serve God. Said he — " I bless the day that ever I saw the face of Brother Dow." It was curiosity, as he testified, which first induced him to come out to hear the man who was called Crazy Dow. In this love- feast the cry began again, and continued within two hours of the setting sun. About this time he felt it his duty to visit Ireland, and without raoney or any of the necessaries for a voyage across the At lantic. Money and all necessary conve niences were furnished from friends, raany sending gifts of whom he had never heard before. Providence in a very special man ner on this, and other similar occasions, bountifully supplied his wants. While in Ireland the Lord blessed his preaching to hundreds of souls. He crossed the ocean 14 times, and traveled extensive ly through Ireland, England, Scotiand, and even to the Continent. On one of his visits to Dublin, he caught the small pox the natural way, and was so far gone with it that it became necessary to sew sheets around him to keep the skin from falling off. For many days his case was pronounced hopeless, but the same merci ful Providence that watched over him at all times brought him through safely. MONTPELIER. 367 While staying with the great Dr. Paul Johnson, of Dublin, this sickness* took place, and while there, his only child was born. In remembrance of the Doctor and his wife, Dow named my youngest sister after the Doctor's wife, " Letitia Johnson" Bridgman, and the youngest son of Mrs. Fish, "Paul Johnson'! Fish, after the Doctor. The last voyage made, on his return to America, he brought home many works relating to the Quakers or Friends, and some rare histories relating to the court of St. James, which are now out of print. I recoUect well when the boolts were brought home to our house in Hebron, Ct., there being 2,200 volumes. Dow lays down a few words for reflec tions, viz. : The "pleasure" of the Lord was the moving cause of creation, love was the moving cause of redemption, and faith is the instrumental cause of salvation ; but sin, man's own act, is the cause of his damnation. The glory of God our object, the will of God our law, his spirit our guide, and the Bible our rule, that Heaven raay be our end. Hence we raust watch and pray, en dure to the end to receive the crown of life, where there is pleasure without pain forever more. PEGGY HOAKUM DOW, the first wife of Lorenzo, was born in GranvUle, Mass., 1780, of parents who were strangers to God, although her father was a meraber of the church of England, and her raother had been raised by parents of the Presbyterian order. Her mother died when she was 5 months old, leaving behind 2 sons and 4 daughters. "My eldest sister married," says Peggy, "when I was 6 years old, and she prevailed on my father to give me to her, which accordingly he did, and I was carried into the State of New York, and saw his face no more!" Peggy, at a very early age, had serious religious impressions, which lasted for some years, and at last eventuated in a bright Christian hope . But the vicissitudes and changes she passed through in a life so young, caused her to look to her Heav. enly Father for help more than otherwise she raight have done. But her whole soul was of a religious cast ; her whole mind was filled with the love of her Saviour. She says in one of her letters, "My brother-in-law .... embraced re ligion, and we wereahappyfamily, . . . three in number. . . The preachers made our house their home, and it was my delight to wait on them." She formed a little class of seven persons, and in their meetings for prayer and praise It was a heaven on earth to their souls. About this time camp-meetings began to be introduced into that part of the country, attended by the conversion of many souls. Says Peggy, in her writings, " there was one about 30 miles from where I then lived, and my brother-in-law at tended it, where he met with Lorenzo Dow, on his way to Canada, and invited him home to preach at our preaching- house, and sent on the appointment a day or two beforehand, so as to give publicity ; and as he was a singular character, we were very anxious to see and hear him. The day arrived, he came, and the house was crowded, and we had a good time. I was very much afraid of him, as I had heard such strange things about hira. My brother-in-law invited him to our house, and after several days he came, and little did I think that he had any thoughts of marrying, and in particular that he should make any proposition of the kind to me, but so it was." In conversation with her sister, he enquired how long Peggy had been a Christian, what the character of her company was, and whether she had ever manifested a desire to marry a min ister. He was answered satisfactorily. Soon after, raeeting Peggy, Lorenzo asked her if she would accept such an object as him. She went directly out of the room and made no reply. "As it was the first time he had spoken to me," she writes, "I was very much surprised." The next evening the conversation was renew ed, when Peggy gave her consent to marry him, and travel with him when it was nec essary. They were married Sept. 4th. The next morning Lorenzo started off on a preaching tour to New Orleans, in ful- 368 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. filraent of a chain of appointments given out six months before, and Peggy never saw him again for i8 months ; this chain of appointments was over 4,000 miles. For many years after, she was his con stant traveUng companion. She traveled with hira through every state and territory in the United States, and through the British Dominions, sharing in his fatigue, sleeping on the ground in the wilderness, with thp open canopy of heaven for a roof, or lodging in the cane-brakes of the South when no house could be reached. All this suffering and deprivation she joy fully submitted to, believing it was the Lord's will. It seemed that the burning desire of her heart was to know exactly what the Lord would have her do. Peggy writes. May 20, 18 14, they were at Hoboken, a delightful spot of the earth, upon the Jersey side of the river opposite New York, where frora the window of the room we occupy we have a grand view of the city. On the other hand the Jersey side presents to view, decorated with all the charms of spring, green trees and shady groves. In June following, the deep trials and conflicts through which she passed began to tell sadly upon her health. PEGGY'S LAST LETTER TO HER HUSBAND. Dear Lorenzo: — I take my pen again to converse with you, this being the only way we coraraunicate our thoughts to each other, when separated by rivers and moun tains, and I esteem it a precious privilege. I have much cause to adore the beneficent ha nd of Providence for his mercy to usward, although we have our trials, yet he mixes mercy with them. He has of late given me sorae tokens for good — my heart has been enabled to rejoice in his love in a considerable degree. At a meeting a few nights ago, where Methodists and Presby terians were united, and there was a union in my heart to all the dear chUdren of my Master, I have felt more strength to say inmy heart, "the will of the Lord be done." I think yesterday, my desire to God was, if it would be more for His glory for you to return in a few weeks, you raight ; if not, so let it be. Go, my Lorenzo, the way you are assured the Lord calls, and if we meet no raore in this vale of tears, raay God pre pare us to meet in the realms of peace, to range the blest fields on the banks of the river, and sing hallelujah forever and ever. I am yery sure if I reach safe the destined port, I shall have cause to sing. I trust the Lord who has called you to leave all, will give you a rich reward ; in this world, precious souls, and in the world to come a crown of glory. I have seen Bro. Tarbox since his return ; nothing has taken place anew. You have been accustomed to similar treatment. May you have patience and true philanthropy of heart ; that is most desirable. You cannot conclude frora what I have written, that I would not rejoice to see you return, if it would be consistent with the wUl of God ; but I would desire, above all things, not to be found fighting against him. Your father is as well as we may expect considering his infirmities. My dear Lorenzo, I bid adieu once more. May the Lord return you to your poor Peggy again. I have written five times before this. Peggy Dow. Jan. 22, 1818. My uncle was in Europe, expecting to m.ake an extended tour, but by peculiar feelings of his own, and premonitions from friends in Europe in relation to his wife's health, he returned to America one year sooner than he had made arrange ments for when leaving. Peggy had at tended a writing-school in his absence, taken a heavy cold, and it had settled on her lungs. She .traveled some with her husband after his return, but whUe in Providence, R. I., he found her one raorn ing in her room weeping ; enquiring the cause, after some hesitation she replied, " The consumption is a flattering disease ; but I shall return back to Hebron, and tell Father Dow that I have come back to die with him ! " She requested her husband not to leave her till she had got better or worse, which request she had never made before under any circumstances. In September they returned to Hebron. They never parted but twice after Lorenzo's return from Europe ; once for a night, and once whUe on business for five days in Boston. She continued to decline until Decem ber, when one night she woke up and en quired the day of the month, and being informed, said she was bound by the month of January ; she counted every day until the year expired, and then almost every MONTPELIER. 369 hour untU the niorning of the fifth, when she asked her husband if he had been to bespeak a coffin for her. She was an swered in the negative. In the evening she asked if he had called in the neigh bors. " I answered no," he has recorded, "but Bro. Page and wife came in, which seemed refreshing to her, in whose com pany she had spent many hours.'' At 2 o'clock that night she requested to have the famUy called up, which being done, she failed very fast. Being asked if she felt any pain, she repUed, "no." As she was dying, Lorenzo held her in his arms, and said, " Lord, thou gavest her to me ! I have held her only as a lent favor for fifteen years, and now I resign her back to Thee until we meet again beyond the swelling flood ! " She replied with a hearty "Amen,'' and soon expired. By Lorenzo's request she was laid out in the bombazine dress she wore the last time she went to church, and with woolen blankets in the coffin, and was buried 7 feet in depth in the cemetery at Burrows hiU, Hebron, Ct. She possessed exquisite sensibility, but affection and condescension. The writer was then a boy, but remembers the cir cumstances well. The following was put upon her tomb stone : ************************************ * i PEGGYDOW, * * * * * % shared THE VICISSITUDES OF LORENZO J * * * * * fifteen years, ; » * * And died January 6th, 1820, » ? * * Aged 39. * * * *********************************** Three months after the decease of his first wife, Lorenzo married his second wife in MontviUe, Ct., who proved to be the very opposite of his " Peggy"' in tem perament, social qualities, and, in short, everything that goes to make a lady of refinement. Politeness and amiability were wanting in his second wife. Gifted with talents of a high order, educated in the best schools of the country, still she proved that with the highest talents, a person can be a fool. Lorenzo now at this age began to feel the effects of his severe labors and depri vations. His health began to give wa\', the asthma troubled him more than form erly, and his sufferings from that, and a tumor grpwing in his side, were at times so painful that it prevented sleep for whole nights together; and during the spasms, his only rest was in standing upright. He now in view of settling his worldly aifairs, paid off all obligations on the farm in MontviUe, it being heavily mortgaged when it carae into his hands, through his wife's friends. It consisted of 500 acres, and coramanded a large stream of water, on which he had built mUls and factories of. various kinds, and which were in success ful operation. He now felt that after his large house and farm buildings were all finished in splendid order, he and his wife could enjoy themselves ; and proposed tak ing a trip to New Orleans, where he had been a nuraber of tiraes before. Once his expenses were paid both ways by the Free masons ; he having taken all the degrees then known in this country ; and much of his tinje was devoted to lecturing in lodges for the "good and welfare of the Order." They left in their private carriage with horses and driver. He had had a man to go on some time before them to make ap pointraents for his preaching. Arriving in Georgetown, D. C, he was taken sick. While he lay in distress, he signed a will, giving to her all real and personal proper ty, together with his present raoney, some S3000.00, which, had he been in his right mind, she never would have received a dollar of. His disease was short, but pain ful in the extreme, his end hastened by the bursting of the tumor. He died Feb. 2, 1834, aged 56 years. His fiineral was attended by a large concourse of sympathiz ing friends, some of the principal families of Georgetown and Washington, and many thousand Freemasons, as he was buried under the Order of that body. The whole was a solemn and very imposing cere mony. 47 370 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. There has faUen one of the mighty men of his time ; one, who has been the means in the hands of God of the conversion of thousands upon thousands, in this country and in Europe; and whose name, will go down the ages as a good and wise man, when those who have waded through fields of blood and carnage to obtain a throne, wiU be lost in the vortex of revolution. Owing to the condemnation of Holmead's burial ground in Washington as in the way of sanitary reform, the remains of the dead buried therein had to be removed, and among them those of Lorenzo Dow, the eccentric missionary of the last genera tion. A Masonic Lodge in Connecticut, his native State, endeavored to secure the privilege of reinterring the remains of their , brother in the craft with due ceremonial. The Methodist clergy of Baltimore also took steps to honor the Preacher, but the District clergy got ready first, and reburied Dow on Friday in the Rock Creek Ceme tery, in a lot given by the banker Corco ran, who admired him as a "prophet" in life. The old tomb at Holmead's bore on a stone slab the foUowing singular inscrip tion, the last lines of which were dictated by himself: , *********************************** * * J THE REPOSITORY OF * * L-OREINZO DONA/, * * Who was born in Coventry, Conn., * I Oct. 18, 1777, * » Died Feb'y 2, 1834, * t JE.. 86. % * A Christian is ihe highest style of man. * * He is a slave to no sectj takes -no ^ * private road; but looks through ^ % nature up to stature's God. * * * *********************************** The removal of this slab, revealed the remains. The skeleton was all preserved, the long snowy beard lay in life-like natu ralness upon the breast bone, beneath which the vest was in good preservation, and fully buttoned. The right sleeve of the coat was in good condition and the greater part of the pants. The mahogan)- coffin had almost entirely crvimbled, the largest portion not being over 18 inches long. The last words on record, known of Lo renzo's writing, are : "We must soon part; therefore, as I take 'leave of you, ray request is, to lay aside prejudice, sacrifice sin, sink into the will of God, take him for your protector and guide, by attention to the sweet influ ence of his spirit on the mind, that you raay be useful in your day to your fellow- mortals here ; and as an inward and spir itual worshiper, ascend to God. Thus it may be well with you here and hereafter. "Amen. Adieu till we meet beyond this Ufe ! "Farewell. "Lorenzo." [" Farewell means to do well.'''''] Lorenzo Dow had only one child, a daughter, born in Dublin, that died soon after their return to this country, aged five months, and was buried in Georgia. The following anecdotes in a raeasure illustrate the eccentricities of Dow, and all, with one or two exceptions, never be fore having appeared in print. In my youth ray uncle spent much of his time in our family, the members of which have passed away, which gives me the opportu nity, as being the only one left who was familiar with his habits and life. In the eastern part of the town of Mans field, on a lofty eminence known as ' ' Meth odist HiU," is an old barn, in which were held the first Methodist meetings in the town, aud where Lorenzo Dow is said to have preached his first sermon. That he entered the barn early, and laid down up on one of the long benches, and feigned sleep. Dressed in tow pants, coatless, and shoes minus the stockings, he would naturally be taken for anything but a min ister ; therefore as the people began to flock together and as the appointed hour was approaching, they began to try to arouse hira, telling him there was to be a meeting but the minister had not come. He jumped up, asked what tirae it was, and being informed it was raeeting time, brushed his hair, entered the pulpit and preached a rousing sermon, after which he a.sked if any one in the room wanted to be MONTPELIER. 371 prayed for, "If so," said he, "pray for yourselves!" whereupon he took his hat and left. While our faraily were living on the Dow farm in Hebron, my father had charge of the place, and one hot summer's day we were mowing hay in the bog meadow and it was "rather slim picking." My father composed the following lines in the fore noon, and when we came up to dinner, he repeated thera to Uncle Lorenzo, who, be ing of a high spirit, did not for sorae days speak to father : In Hebron town there lies a piece of land. Surrounded by rocks and hills, and on it water stands ; This meadow lays quite low. and is owned by Lorenzo Dow, And all the grass that ou it grows will scarcely keep one cow. There is here and there a spear^ and those are very scarce, , In fact, there Is not so much in bulk, as the beard that grows on his face. Some years before be became so cele brated, he used to travel principaUy on horseback ; and as he had to meet his ap pointments punctually, no matter what the weather might be, he had to go dressed for all weathers. To do this, he had an oil cloth cloak made something like a bed- quilt, with a hole cut through the middle to put his head through, and the cloak hung in folds around his person, and in a meas ure protected his horse from the storm. Dressed in this outlandish manner, on one occasion he overtook a heavily loaded team in a stormy day, the driver urging. his horses up a steep hiU, the roads almost impassable in the deep mud, the driver belaboring the poor beasts with blows and uttering blasphemous oaths, when Lorenzo overtook him. Listening a moment to the man's profanity, he asked him "if he ever prayed?" The driver said no, and would be damned if he ever would. Lorenzo gave him a silver dollar to bind his oath, and made him promise he never would pray, and rode on to the next tavern, about a mUe, and put up. In a short tirae, on came the driver, full gallop, to give the dollar back to the person frora whom he had received it, thinking he had sold his soul to the devil, but Lorenzo would not take it back. The thought worked so up on the man, it eventuated in his conver sion. While living in Hebron, there was a Mr. Little, a hatter, a man who was very anx ious to quiz people, and endeavor to get the best of them in his jokes. Meeting Mr. Dow in the street one day, after pass ing the compliments of the morning, Mr. L. said "I would like to ask you a ques tion." Lorenzo replied " Go on." "Can you tell me how many white beans it takes to make a bushel?" Lorenzo fixed his little keen black eyes on hira a moment, and replied, "it takes just as many white beans to make a bushel as it does Littles to make a man." In the same town there lived one of those low, cunning sneaks by the narae of Skin ner, who, like barnacles, attach themselves ¦ to any one who will give them a hearing. Meeting Lorenzo one day, as he (Skinner) was going to the grist-mill with his bags of grain on his horse, he riding on , the bags, — stopped his horse, and looking di rectiy into Lorenzo's face, said, "Mr. Dow, there are raany of my neighbors who would like to know why you wear your hair and beard so long?" L. turned upon him a withering look, and said, "Mr. Skinner, when I was a boy ray father used to send me to the mill, and I used to go right straight to the mill ; and when my grist was ground, used to return directly home ; never stopped to ask impertinent questions, but always minded ray own bus iness. Good-bye, Mr. S.," and imraedi ately turned his back and walked off. On one occasion he sold a yoke of oxen to Elder Wilcox, a Baptist clergyman, liv ing in MontviUe, Ct., for the sum of $65. The Elder worked the cattle very hard, and after a while one of the oxen took sick and died, when he came to Mr. D. repeat edly for damages in the loss of the ox. It was satisfactorUy proved the ox was well when sold. At last, annoyed by the l£l- der's insolence, D. threw down his pocket- book, and told him to take out a sum suf ficient to pay him. He took $65.00, the same as he gave for both oxen, and the El der kept the well one. Lorenzo wrote a receipt in this fashion, and made him sign 372 VERiMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. it: "Received of L. Dow sixty-five dol lars, in full of all demands, from the be- gining to the end of the world." Thus cutting off any further demands against Dow from Wilcox to any amount. Dow's first wife was a very tender heart ed, amiable. Christian woman ; and he used to teaze and annoy her in many w4ys for sport, while Peggy would take it all to heart and grieve over it. His second wife, a perfect amazon, with a regular tiger-tem per, used to rule him with a rod of iron, so rauch so that Dov\f had one room finished in his new mansion in MontviUe expressly for hiraself, and always carried the key. Over the fireplace he had a gilt hen paint ed, and over it in large golden letters : " The hen crows here." It was reported that in consequence of his last wife's mother opposing the match, because Dow was a Methodist in belief and her daughter being a Presbyterian, that it became necessary to be married away from home. The arrangement was made that on a certain evening he was to preach in a school-house, and that Lucy Dolbear, his intended, should be present, and at the conclusion of the discourse, at a certain signal, Lucy should get up. When the sermon was ended and the ben ediction pronounced, Mr. Dow said, "If there is any one here who would like to marry me, they will manifest it by rising." A negro woman rose up at the same time his intended did. He took Lucy, and went to Elder Whittlesey's, and the}- were married that night. There was a story going the rounds of the papers in Vermont of Lorenzo Dow raising the devil. One day while he was at the dinner table at our house in Hard wick, mother asked him about it. Lorenzo repUed that the circumstances were as fol lows : In traveling through the northern part of Vermont, he was belated one night in A blinding snow-storm. He went for the only light he could discover, and found it came from a small log-house. After repeated knockings at the door, a woman opened it. He asked accommoda tions for the night. She said her husband was gone, and she could not possibly ac commodate a stranger. But he plead with so much earnestness, she concluded to take him in. He immediately went to bed, without removing his clothing, in a little corner, separated off from the room where the family lived by a partition of rough boards, with cracks between, cov ered with paper pasted over, which was torn off in many places, and anything going on in the opposite roora could be easily seen. It soon appeared this woman was not alone, but had a paramour. Late in the night on carae her husband, drunk, as usual, and demanded admittance, hal looing and cursing at the top of his voice, his wife all the while trying to stop him, but before opening the door, she secreted her pal in a cask of tow in the room. When admitting her husband, she tried to silence hira by telling him that Lorenzo Dow was in the other room, and if he was not still he would wake hira up. WeU, says the husband, I understand he tan raise the devil, and now he has got to do it. Notwithstanding aU the appeals of his wife, the husband pounded on the door, caUing on Dow to come out. At last Dow pretended to be roused out of a sound sleep, (although he had been awake all the time) ; rubbing his eyes and yawning, he came out. The man insisted on Dow's raising the devU, and would not take no for an answer. Well, if you insist on it, said Dow, I will do it, but when he comes, it wUl be in aflame of fire, and you must set the doors wide open, so he wiU have plenty of room. The raan opened his door, and Dow, taking the candle, touched the tow in the cask. In an in stant the cask was wrapped in flame, and the man inside jumping out, all on fire, ran up the street like the very devil, all of a light blaze, tearing through the snow at the rate of 2 : 40. The husband was so frightened, for once it raade a sober man of him. When 1 was 9 years old, my parents moved to Connecticut, and Uncle Lorenzo journeyed with us. At one of our stopping places he was called on to preach. It was about 4 P. M. In a few minutes they had in the hotel where we stopped a congrega- MONTPELIER. 373 tion of sorae 300 persons. Iri the course of the serraon, he pointed to a young raan present, and said, "How came you to steal that sheep, and dress and have it cooked? Do you think it tasted any better than if you had gone to work, earned the money, and paid for it like an honest man ? " After the sermon, my sister Christiania asked him what he meant by being so personal, and making such a di rect accusation of stealing, when he never was in that town before, and knew no one present ; that, having made a charge, if he could not sustain it, would go hard with hira. Uncle Lorenzo replied he felt in tensely impressed in a \'ery peculiar man ner to say what he did, so much so that he could not stop until he had raade the charge. It was soon told us by the land lord that two years before, that man stole a sheep, had it cooked, and eaten in his own family. He was sued, but his father settled it so it did not go into court. The reader may analyze this, whether there were any spiritual manifestations. The next night we put up at another inn, and as ray uncle entered the house, he met an old acquaintance, a Deacon in a Congregational church there. The Dea con was in the act of shaving. Seeing our party, he said — "Mr. Dow, do you ever shave?" Uncle L. .said, "I shave a Con gregational Deacon once in a whUe." On the farm that Lorenzo owned in MontviUe, Ct., there was a dara at the out let of a large pond. Below on the stream my uncle owned some raills, and below these was a large cotton factory, owned by one of his neighbors, eraploying a large number of operatives. In the night his neighbor would go and open the gate, and let the water out of the pond to run certain machinery. The next day there was not water enough to run his own mill. The result was L. D. went and had a gate made of boiler-iron, and spiked down so the man of the factory could not open it. He then raised his dam to the height of 25 feet, keeping back the water for months. His neighbor wanted water to run his fac tory, while Dow closed his mills up for re pairs. The result was his neighbor sued him, and beat him. Dow carried up the case to the next court, and got beat there. He then carried the case to the court of last resort, and got beat again. Then Dow took his hired raan, and opened the gate. The three months of water accumulated, the pressure upon the gate was immense ; the stream poured forth in a torrent. Says Dow to the raan, "He wants water; give him raore. Hoist the gate higher," and, looking on the rushing stream, said, " my neighbor wants water, and water he shall have. Take the gate out.'' The impet uous current did more damage to the cot ton factory than three months' laying still for the want of water. This was the basis of that wOrk pub lished by Dow, entitled "Fresh Water Law, or Twenty-nine Reasons why a man cannot control the water on his own land." Lorenzo Dow was once preaching in the State of Ohio, and having unusual freedom of thought and delivery, the congregation was thrilled with admiration and delight. When the interest was at its height, he suddenly stepped down from the desk, and deliberately walked to another part of the room and pointing his long, sarcastic fin ger at a person to whom he was a total stranger, and fixing on him his searching eyes, addressed him thus : — "I mean you ! Yes, you ! who ran away from Connecticut between two days to avoid paying your honest debts ; and more than this, you per secuted and abused your wife because she was endeavoring to seek religion ! Aint you ashamed of yourself P'' The poor fel low looked as though annihilation would be the highest boon. Dow returned to the desk and resumed the thread of his dis course, and by his wonderful tact and mag netism raised the congregation to the same summit of interest as before. After the benediction was pronounced, the people, who knew nothing of the man's antece dents, instituted searching inquiry into the man's history and found that Dow's charg es were true to the very letter. On another occasion while preaching in a grove, a young man commenced rattling some boards at no great distance frora the preacher's stand. The speaker cautioned 374 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. him very mildly at first, but every little while he would renew the mischief. At length Dow cast on him a serious look, remarking : — " Those boards will make your coffin.''^ The young raan died in a' few weeks, and the carpenter not thinking of Dow's remark made use of the very identical boards. These are but specimens of what occurred along the history of his life. ' He was once holding forth in a place in a very powerful manner, and all at once he paused in his discourse, and very deliber ately made the remark: "There is a man present, who has been considered a very respectable person, but he is guilty of hug ging arid kissing another man's wife. Both parties are present. The man has a white feather on his head ; and the woman blushes deeply." In an instant a raan reached his hand to his head, and Dow pointing to hira said, "Thou art the man." And pointing to the woman, whose cheeks were scarlet, said, "Thou art the woraan." Subsequent developraents showed that Dow's arrows hit the mark. At another time, while preaching in Mississippi, some rowdies were thrusting a knife into a beautiful beaver hat ofhis, at sorae distance from the stand. He turned to them and addressed them thus : — The laws of society condemn you ; the laws of your country condemn you ; moreover the laws of God condemn you. The word condemned means damned, ist. Youare vUlains. 2d. You are condemned villains, that is you are damned villains. 3d. God condemns you by His law ; that is He damns you. Hence, you are God damned villains ! THE VERMONT BIBLE SOCIETY Had its organization at the capital. The first meeting was held at the hall of the Academy, Oct. 28, 1812. Hon. Wm. C. Harrington, raod., Jeduthan Loomis, clerk. Rev. Chester Wright preached the opening sermon, and before the meeting dissolved 88 persons had become members, and $323.75 raised. First officers : Charles Marsh, pres't. Gen. Abner Forbes, treas., Wm. Page, sec'y. METHODISM IN MONTPELIER. BY' BEV. J. «. BARTLETT. The history of the Methodist Church in Montpelier extends to the earliest associa tions of Methodism in Verraont. Various accounts have been given of the introduction of Methodism into Vermont, sorae of which are only matters of tradi tion and probably incorrect. It is now known that the first Methodist preacher sent to Vermont by the authorized voice of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and who accepted and worked under the ap pointment, was Nicholas Snethen, who at the Conference held at Thompson, Conn., convened Sept. 20, 1796, was " read off " as the appointee to " Vershire circuit." This was an entirely new field for Meth- odistic preaching, and Mr. Snethen prob ably went to bis appointment with no def inite knowledge of the existence of any Methodist families in Vermont except one in Vershire, one in Bradford, and perhaps a few others in the extended territory which comprised the " circuit." "Vershire circuit reached," as the re cords state, "from the towns near the Connecticut river to Montpelier." These boundaries are somewhat indefinite, but were as accurate, perhaps, as any in the early days of Methodism, when bounding the parish of a Methodist preacher. Jesse Lee, the pioneer of Methodism in New England, was Presiding Elder, and in his journal makes reference to Vershire circuit in these words : " Many of the places where we preached in that circuit were quite new settlements; the houses were very small, and but scattered through the country. The preachers had to en counter many difficulties and to endure many hardships. But one thing which made up for all the difficulties was this, the people were fond of attending meeting by day or by night, and were very kind to the preachers ; and best of all was, sin ners were awakened, and in a littie time some of thera became the happy subjects of the favor of God, and were zealously en gaged in trying to help forward the work of the Lord as far as they could. Since MONTPELIER. 375 then we have prospered considerably in this new part of the country." The fragmentary records which are the only means of information now extant, give conclusive evidence that Montpelier was thus visited by the eariy itinerant preach ers, and that it immediatel)' became an ap pointment for stated and regular preach ing. It is probable, however, that such preaching was only at intervals of consid erable extent in point of time, and that the meetings were small as regards the num ber in attendance, being held in dwellings, or possibly in school-houses where they existed and could be obtained for the pur pose. Arrainian theology was then re garded as an interloper, and met witii its opposing creeds of Calvinistic dogmas on the one hand and extreme Liberalism on the other, as its vital and untiring dispu tants. D. P. Thompson's History of Montpe lier speaks of " A great public meeting for a doctrinal debate,'" held in Montpelier during the summer of 1799, in which a "Rev. Mr. MitcheU, of some other part of the State," appeared " on the part of the Methodists." Doubtless this was Joseph Mitchell, the preacher on the "Vergennes circuit" in that year. Mr. MitcheU was never an appointee on any circuit which included Montpelier, but was a raan of untiring energy, great intel lectual power and unceasing labors in his calling as a preacher, and it is recorded of him that he traveled at the rate of nearly 6,000 mUesa year while on the Vergennes circuit. His appearance in MontpeUer at this time would seem to indicate either that he was an occasional visitor and preacher here, although not on his stated circuit, or that he was brought forward to champion the doctrines of the Methodist Episcopal Church by the friends of the sarae. It is not improbable that Montpelier raay have been occasionally visited by the preachers of Vergennes circuit, as well as by those of Vershire circuit, of which it was a part, forthe early Methodist preacher had a habit of raaking himself heard, and of feeling very much at home wherever. and under whatever circumstances he could find a congregation, and in view of the common sympathy and purpose among the eariy preachers, especially, it is pre sumable that no exclu.sive right of territory was thought of by any circuit preacher. Lorenzo Dow, famed for his eccentric ities of life and .speech, and an able though irregular worker in the early itinerancy, is also known to have been an occasional preacher at Montpelier, but was never an appointee on any circuit which included the town in its jurisdiction. So of others whose names are not in the Ust of Meth odist preachers included in this sketch, but who may be remembered, or perhaps recorded, as having engaged in the work to a greater or less extent. The preachers who succeeded Mr. Snethen upon Vershire circuit while Mont pelier continued within its bounds, were, in 1797, Ralph Williston; in 1798, Joseph Crawford ; in 1799, Mr. Crawford again, with Elijah Chichester as his colleague ; in 1800, Thoraas Dewey ; in 1801, Truraan Bishop and Thoraas Branch; in 1802, Solomon Langdon and Paul Dustin ; in 1803, Samuel Draper and Oliver Beale. The dates above given indicate the "Con ference year," comraencing with the an nual session in the suraraer of the year naraed, and continuing to the following session. In 1804, the circuit was divided, and Montpelier became a part of the new " Barre circuit," which included the fol lowing within its jurisdiction : Barre, Plainfield, Middlesex, Montpelier, Nortji- field, WUliamstown, Washington, Berlin, and Orange. It is uncertain whether Moretown and Waitsfield were in the cir cuit at this time, or were added subse quently ; but eventually they were so in cluded, as well as other towns. There are 257 names upon the oldest list of members now to be found, and which seems to include the entire circuit as it existed in 1804. Of this number it is difficult to decide how raany were residents of Montpelier, as the Montpelier merabership . is not grouped as in some of the other towns, but it seems to be not raore than six or eight. 376 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. There was, however, a " class " organ ization, and it was represented in the re-; ported ' ' collections " ate ach quarterly meeting of the circuit, the amounts vary-. ing in these early reports from 35 cents to! $8.54, the last named being the report on Apr. 19, 1806, at the last quarterly meet ing in the Conference year. July 23, 1808, collections from two classes in Montpelier were reported, indi cating that another class was formed about this time, subsequent reports showing the continuation of this arrangement. The; first receipt of ' ' public money " reported from Montpelier was at a quarterly meet-| ing held at Plainfield, October 16, 1807, the amount being $1.60. The name of the first class leader was Ansel Patterson, who afterwards reraoved to Barre, and was eventually expelled from membership. The number in society as reported to the annual Conference of 181 2 was 330 upon the circuit, and of this number 25 were in the two classes in Montpelier, David Harris and Elias Kingsley being the leaders, and having thirteen and twelve in their respective classes, and three "on trial" in the class of Mr. Kingsley. The records are very meagre during these in tervening years, but there is evidence of a steady growth in numbers and increase of influence for the church in the community. Aug. 5, 1820, the quarterly raeeting was held in Montpelier, being the first on record as held in this town. It is not cer tain, however, that quarterly meetings were now held here for the first time, as some of the records in former years are in complete, and it is obvious that such meet ings were held, of which no record is now extant, or at least known to exist. The record of this raeeting is very meagre, being only a statement of the time and place and the amount of the collections and disburseraSnts as follows : Quarterly meetings held at Montpelier, for Barre circuit, August 5, 1820. PubUc collection, $8.62. Paid Ella Dunam expense, 6.00 Squire B. Harskell do. 2.62 $8.62 This brief record is suggestive, however. of a meeting which was probably one of impre.s.sive and solemn interest in the com munity. A Methodist " quarteriy meet ing" in 1820 was likely to be an event of great local interest. Barre circuit com prised at this time some twelve or raore towns within its bounds, and, in accord ance with the custom in these olden times, there would be likely to be in attendance at the quarterly meeting some from every preaching station on the circuit, and a general attendance of the merabers and friends of the Methodist Church in towns convenient of access to the place of meet ing. It is, therefore, probable that this raeeting was one of considerable local im portance. Mr. Henry Nutt remembers the occasion, and that the meeting was held in the grove at the "Centre," and very largely attended by the people from all adjoining and some other towns. Rev. Elihu Scott, who is now living in Hampton, N. H., writes: In June, 1825, I received ray first ap pointment in the New England Confer ence, on old Barre circuit, Vermont, one of the oldest and best at that time in the State. John Lord was preacher in charge, David Leslie second, E. Scott third ; and because we had not help enough, we took on Horace Spaulding for the fourth, (a school teacher and local preacher of good abilities.) The following is a list of the. towns then embraced in the circuit — a name that raeant something in those days — namely : Barre, Montpelier, Calais, Plainfield, Marshfield, Orange, Washing ton, WiUiamstown, Brookfield, Randolph, Bethel, Roxbury, Northfield and Berlin. I think we had preaching every Sabbath only in Barre ; in a few other places once in two weeks, in others once in four weeks, and in others once in eight weeks. But with lectures, as we then called them — that is, preaching on week days, afternoon or evening, in all ou^ outlying neighbor hoods where we had classes, four or five tiraes a week three weeks out of four, sum mer and winter, in private houses or ' school-houses, and visiting all our mera- i bers frequently, we found plenty of hard ; work to keep us out of idleness and mis chief. Previous to 1826, the Methodists had no church, but during this year one was bmlt by them at the Centre of the town, in which meetings were then held alternately. MONTPELIER. 377 with services in the old State House in the vUlage. At the first quarterly meet ing held in the church, WUbur Fisk preach ed upon the theme of " endless misery" — a memorable serraon, which was rauch discussed in the community. In 1828, Montpelier was made a station, and thenceforward lost its identity with Barre circuit, but gained one of its own. The appointments of preachers for Barre circuit from its formation to this time, (all of whom were of course regular visitors to Montpelier at stated appointments,) were as foHows : In 1804, Oliver Beale ; 1805, Elijah Hedding and Daniel Young; 1806, Philip Munger and Jonathan Chaney; 1807, Sam'l Thompson and Eleazer Wells ; 1808. Solomon Sias; 1809, Warren Ban ister and George Gary; 1810, Eliazer Wells and Squire Streeter; 181 1, Nathan iel Sternes and John Jewett; 18 12, Eb enezer F. Newell and Joseph Dennett ; 1813 and '14, David Kilburn, Jason Walk er being his coUeaguein'14; l8i5and '16, Joel Steele, Thomas C. Pierce being a colleague in '16; 1817 and '18, Leonard Frost; 1819, Thoraas C. Pierce; 1820, Squire B. Haskell and Ella Duhhara ; 1 82 1 , John F. Adams and Abraham Holway; 1822, J. F. Adams, D. Leslie; 1823, Sam uel Norris and HaskeU Wheelock ; 1824, D. Kilburn, H. Wheelock and A. H. Houghton; 1825, John Lord, D. Leslie and Elihu Scott ; 1826, A. D. MerriU and J. Templeton; 1827, J. B. White, E. Jordan and R. L. Harvey. There had also appeared among the Methodist preachers in the town the fol lowing men who had occupied the office of presiding elder upon the district of which Barre circuit was a part : Jesse Lee, George Pickering, Shadrack Bostwick, John Brodhead, Joseph Crawford, Elijah Sabin, Thomas' Branch, Eleazer Wells, Joseph A. Merrill, John Lindsley, John G. Dow, WUbur Fisk. Among these names that of Wilbur Fisk is not the least prominent, and to the present generation is a household name in memory of a man who made his irapress in society as but few men are able to do. The sermon of Mr. Fisk before the Ver- 48 raont Legislature of 1826 is now preserved, having been printed in pamphlet form. Mr. Fisk has been caUed the " founder of Methodism in Montpelier," but although his influence was of great value to Meth odism in Montpelier, his work was inci dental to its history rather than the found ation of it. He was a strong man in the denomination, and doubtless exercised an influence which served in a great measure to dispel the opposition and the prejudices which had met the ^arly efforts of Meth odists to secure an acknowledged right to worship God according to the dictates of their consciences, and the preferences of their religious tastes. [For Presiding Elder Fisk, see Windham County vol., (foUow ing Washington County papers,) of which County he was a native — Ed.] It is also probable that this growing strength in the society gave encouragement to the local interests to such an extent as to bring about the independent existence of " Mont pelier station," and thus secure a resident pastor who could give his entire attention to the interests of the church in Mont pelier. So it came about that at the annual con ference, held at Lynn, Mass., (this terri tory being then comprised in "the New England Conference,") and commencing July 23, 1828, Barre circuit was again di vided, (having lost "Brookfield circuit" in 1826,) and "Montpelier station'' be^ came an appointment. John Lord was presiding elder of the district, and JohnG. Dow the stafioned preacher. The first quarterly meeting was held at the church (at the Center) Sept. 20 and 21, 1828. Regular meetings had been held up to this tirae,. but the "quarterly meeting " now convened for the first time on the station, and as there was but one steward under the circuit arrangement, it became necessary to choose others ; the completed board was as foUows : Stephen Sanborn, Daniel Culver, Samuel Upham, Cyrenus G. Kelton, (Recording Steward,) and Henry Nutt. At a subsequent meet ing the board of trustees was increased to five, and then comprised Salvenus Morse, John Stevens, James Arbuckle, Daniel 378 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Culver and Henry Nutt ; and the member ship was comprised in seven classes, as follows: I, Henry Nutt leader, 13 mem bers ; 2, Elias Wakefield leader, 9 raem- bers and two on trial ; 3, Cyrenus G. Kel ton leader, 16 members ; 4, Goodyear Bassett local preacher and leader, 16 mem bers and one on trial ; 5, James Arbuckle leader, 7 members and 5 on trial ; 6, Dan iel W. Fox leader, 20 members ; 7, Nathan Howard leader, 13 members; total, 105 merabers and 8 on trial. The financial exhibit for this first year is as foUows : Collections for this year's avails of subscription papers, $204 ; private donations, $15 ; ministerial or public money, $62 ; quarterly collections, $49 ; total, $330. Disbursements, Paid Rev. J. G. Dow for traveling expenses, $10; for house rent, $70; fuel, $15 ; table expenses, $85 ; quar terage, $140 ; paid Rev. John Lord, P.E., $10 ; total, $330. An interesting relic of the time here written of is an original "class paper," now in a good state of preservation, al though yellow with age, and carrying an inscription of faded writing, but still very legible, as follows : Pontpditr €lass ^ap£r.--^o. 1. HENRY NUTT, Leader. John G. Dow, S. P. Rev. John Lord, P. E. Remember and observe the Quarterly Fast. See Discipline. Keep yourselves in the love of God. —Bible. Made April isth, 1829. ^ The original size of the above when folded is 5Jx2| inches, and when unfold ed, it is twelve times as large, and con tains the names of the merabers of the class indicated, with lines and spaces to record their state in life, (married, single or widowed,) their state in the church, (full membership or on trial,) and their attendance or non-attendance at class meetings. The church records, although merely incidental of the routine business during the next 6 years, indicate a general state of prosperity and a healthy growth in the merabership. John G. Dow was again appointed preacher in charge in 1829, with Eleazer Wells presiding elder. James Templeton was the preacher in '30 and '31 ; Ezra Sprague, '32 ; John Currier in '33 ; (Josiah A. Scarrit, presiding elder,) and EUhu Scott the preacher in '34. At this tirae there was under agitation a pro ject to build a Methodist church in the village, the meetings having been held in the old Court House up to this tirae. The following record is stUl preserved, apparently upon the original paper where it was written : Montpelier, Feb. 12, 1834. According to previous notice given, a raeeting was called for the purpose of tak ing into consideration the expediency of building a Methodist meeting-house. On motion, Hon. Cyrus Ware was called to the chair, and E. H. Washburn was appointed secretary. On motion, a coramittee was appointed consisting of three, to be denominated a Methodist meeting-house committee. Lu ther Cross, Samuel Upham, Jonathan M. Snow, comprise this committee, whose duty it shall be to find a site on which to buUd said house, and any other business belonging to the subject. On motion, the meeting was adjourned to meet at the State House, on the 24th instant, at 6 o'clock p. m. E. H. 'Washbvrn, Secretary. Feb. 24, 1834. Met pursuant to adjournment, Hon. C. Ware in the chair, and J. M. Snow, sec retary /ro tem. On motion, the question was tried rel ative to the site belonging to Mr. Jewett. On motion. Col. J. P. MiUer was added to the coramittee above raised, and also Mr. James Arbuckle and Mr. Nahum. On motion, the meeting was adjourned to the loth of March. E. H. Washburn, Secretary. March loth, 1834. On motion of Hon. C. Ware, Smith Sherman was called to the chair. On motion, said meeting agreed to build on the Keith site. On motion, adjourned to meet on the 24th instant. E. H. Washburn, Secretary. Montpelier, March 24, 1834. Met pursuant to adjournment after read ing the notice published in the news papers. Hon. C. Ware caUed to the chair. Trustees : Cyrenus Morse, Sam- MONTPELIER. 379 uel Upham, Jr., Christopher C. Wing, A. D. H. CadweU, James Arbuckle; Meth odist meeting-house committee : C. C. Wing, J. M. Snow, Wm. B. Hubbard. 4th. To act on draft for a constitution for said society. Constitution adopted. Plan A, for a meeting-house adopted. On motion, the meeting was adjourned four weeks. E. H. Washburn, Sec' No further record of this movement is preserved, and the project seems to have waited development for the tirae being. The earliest records of the Sunday-school are July, 1835 ; one superintendent, 5 teachers, 48 scholars ; 75 vols, in the li brary. It seems probable that there was a Sunday-school organization some years earlier, and it is also probable that the or ganization has been continued ever since. Aug. 31, 1836, the New Hampshire and Verraont Conference coraraenced its sev enth annual session in Montpelier, under the presidency of Bishop Elijah Hedding. It must have been with peculiar feelings of gratitude to God, that Bishop Hedding now looked upon the assembling of this conference. In 1805, he had been a preacher on Barre circuit, and had occa sionally visited and preached in Mont pelier. In 1824, he was elected and ordained Bishop, and in 1830, had presided over the first session of the New Hampshire arid Vermont Conference at Barre, and now in the course of his official duties, came to preside over the session to be held in Montpelier. The number of members in the church in MontpeUer at this time was 153. The sessions of the conference were held in the "Brick Church," (Con gregational.) It is remembered that John Brodhead was also present among other visitors. FoUowing this conference the building enterprise assumed definite forra. Daniel Baldwin was made chairman of the building committee, and eventually bore the burden of carrying the church to corapletion. His financial account of receipts and expenditures amounting to $3,176.15, paid into his hands and fully accounted for, was rendered to the stew ards under date of 1840. The deed of the land was given by Rawsel R. Keith to the stewards of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the consid- ation being named as $500, and the lot being described as "situated on the north erly side of the road leading from William Mann's to the State House ; " as bounded by lands belonging to Keith and Blaisdell, and the road, having 4 rods width and being 8 rods in length from the road to the rear boundary line. This deed was made and attested Dec. 16, 1836, and recorded Jan. 19, 1837. The deed was given, to quote its language, "upon the especial trust and confidence that they shall erect and build thereon a house or place of re ligious worship for the use of the members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Montpelier according to the rules and dis cipline which from time to tirae raay be agreed upon by the ministers and preachers by said church at their general conference in the United States of America,'' and men tioning further expectation that the prop erty should remain in the control of the said church under its disciplinary rules. Some 33 years later, Nov. 8, 1869, the title was made absolute by the execution of another deed by which for a consider ation of $100, Mr. Keith quit-claimed to the stewards of said church all right and title to the same piece of land, indicating that when it became necessary to make a change in the church property, it was found that doubt existed as to the right of the church to dispose of the same under the original title. This Ulustrates the truth that not only mice but men also sometiraes overlook the means of egress, when deeply intent in improving the op portunity of ingress upon a desired pos session. The church was dedicated Nov. 19, 1837, and the sermon preached by Rev. S. KeUey, pastor. In 1838 the church in Montpelier village was made a station by itself, with 99 names upon its roll of mera bership. The first quarterly meeting held in the church at Montpelier village was Apr. 7, 1838, and after this time usuaUy occurred [ at this place. In 1837, Middlesex charge 38o VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. was united with Montpelier for the time being, and two preachers were appointed to the work. In 1839, East Montpelier was annexed in like manner, but in each instance the arrangement was only for the current year. During these years and the following there was a steady growth in the membership of the church, with occasional revival of religion. In 1858, the Vermont Annual Conference, (organized in 1844,) held its fourteenth session in Montpelier, Bishop Osman C. Baker presiding. The conference convened May 13th. In 1866, the 22d session of the Vermont Annual Conference was held in Mont peUer, convening April 19, with Bishop Matthew Simpson presiding. This was the centennial year of American Metho dism, dating from its introduction in 1766, and great interest attached to the observa tion of proper demonstrations to commem orate such an occasion of congratulation. On Friday evening, April 20, a " centenary meeting" was held, at which Gov. Dilling ham presided, Rev. H. Eastman read a poem suited to the occasion, and Rev. G. C. Bancroft deUvered an address. The Sabbath services were particularly interest ing. Bishop Simpson preaching at the Congregational Church in the forenoon, and the other services in the several churches being conducted by other vis itors and by members of the conference. Sept. 21, 1868, it was voted by the leaders and stewards' meeting, (official board, improperly so called,) " to build a new house of worship," and the necessary measures were taken in due time to dis pose of the church property then held by the society, and to procure the land and erect the church edifice now owned by this society. Like other church enter prises of this character, this involved years of toil and sacrifice on the part of the people, and corresponding labor and sac rifice by the pastors who found their lot cast with this society during the several following years. It is not within the prov ince of this article to relate the details of the effort to erect this new house of wor ship, but to record its completion for dedication on Nov. 24, 1874, Rev. W. R. Clark, D. D., of the New England Con ference, being the preacher of the dedica tory sermon. Among the material encouragements in the undertaking was the donation of the raassive bell by Col. H. C. Nutt, at about $1,500 cost, and which was raade a "me morial gift " in the narae of two sisters deceased, and whose naraes are cast in an inscription on the bell, as follows : *••• IN memory MY SISTEIRS, FANNY AND ASENATH H. C. NUTT, Trinity M. E. Church, Montpelier, Vt., 1872. •* [Fanny W. Nutt was born in Mont pelier, March 2d, 1836; united with the Methodist Church in this village in 1854; married Chas. H. Tenney, M. D., Nov. 25, 1862, and died Nov. 8, 1864. Dr. Tenney, who was Assistant Superintendent of the Vt. Insane Asylum, died in Brattleboro, April 27, 1874. Two poems from her pen appear in "The Poets and Poetry of Ver mont,'' one of which attracted very pleas ant notice : THE TWO crowns. Over ocean^s deep blue waters, In a home of royal pride. Is a darling little baby, Known throughout the world so wide. I suppose that he is winning. Just as other babies are ; Laughing eyes and dimpled shoplders, Brow as polished marble fair; Robes of costliest lace and muslin. Showing forth his baby charms- Strings of purest diamonds flashing From his rosy neck and arms. Tended by a score of servants. Feeding from a golden bowl- Worshipped by a mighty nation— Whence this homage of the whole? TRINITY :M. i;. CHURCH, .^lAIX STREET. MONTPELIER. 381 Ahl adown the misty future They can see that baby brow. Seamed by many a care-worn furrow- Not as fresh and fair as now; Bobbed of all the golden ringlets That his beauty now enhance ; Wearing, as to hide its wrinkles. The Imperial Crown of France. 'Neath our root-tree fondly nestles Just the dearest little thing. That within an earth-home ever Folded up Its tiny wing. Eyes of blue, and golden tresses Waving 'round a brow of light. Looks she like a little cherub In her flowing robes of white ; With no ornaments we deck her But the charms that nature gives. Save a pair of golden arrows. Looping up her little sleeves. At her birth no bells were pealing. Save the bells of silent Joy; At her feet bows no proud uation As before the Emperor's boy. But, I've often heard at twilight Angel feet come tripping in; Bending o'er her midnight slumbers. Often angel forms have seen; And I almost hear them tell her That a crown of glory bright Waits to bind our baby's forehead In the blessed world of light. The interest in which is not diminished, but rather enhanced, now the fair, dear author sleeps in Green Mount Cemetery, and the pure young Prince has won the martyrdom of the brave by the barbaric Abyssinian spear. Touching sequel of human hope, if we look on one side of the leaf. If we turn the leaf, it raay have a very beautiful golden lining. — Ed.] The Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church edifice is a substantial brick structure, of plain exterior, well located upon Main st. Its extreme length upon the outside is 1 1 1 feet, with a corresponding width of 60 feet. The ground floor is occupied by a spacious vestibule, and from which a passage 24 feet in length and 10 feet in width, leads to the vestry, 62 x 58 feet, being the largest lec ture room in town, whUe upon the right of the passage from the vestibule is a class room, 24 feet square, and upon the left two ladies' parlors, each 24X 12 feet, and con nected by folding doors. From the vesti bule on each side is a stairway, 5 ft. 5 in. wide, with 20 steps of 7 in. rise, leading to the second floor, on which is the main audience room, 73 ft. long, 58 ft. wide, and 32 ft. high, and having excellent acoustic properties. The pews are 120 in nuraber, giving 600 sittings, while the gallery over the vestibule will seat 100, making a total seating capacity of 700 in the permanent seats. The organ loft, situated back of the pulpit, is 22 ft. wide by 17 ft. depth, and is furnished with a superior instrument, made by Geo. H. Ryder of Boston, and which was purchased by the ladies of the Society. On each side of the organ loft is a roora 17x13 ft., and intended for the toilet of the preacher and the choir. The audience roora is heated by two furnaces, and the vestry by a third, all located in the cellar, while the smaller rooms are provid ed with stoves for heating purposes. The following is a complete list of pas tors who have been identified with this church since its independent existence, comraencing in 1828, and also the names of the presiding elders of Montpelier dis trict, several of whom have resided in this town during their term of office : 1828, John G. Dow, John Lord, Pre siding Elder ; 1829, John G. Dow, pastor, Eleazer Wells, Presiding Elder; 1830 and '31, James Terapleton ; 1832, Ezra Sprague ; 1833, John Currier, Josiah A. Scarritt, P. E. ; '34 and '35, Elihu Scott; '36 and '37, Samuel Kelley, Charles D. Cahoon, P. E. ; '38 and '39, Eleazer Smith, Elisha J. Scott, P. E. ; '40 and '41 , Charles R. Harding ; '42, '43, '44, Elisha J. Scott, J. G. Dow, P. E. ; '45 and '46, Araasa G. Button, John Cur rier, P. E. in '46; '47 and '48, Alonzo Webster; '49, S. P. WUliams ; '50 and '51, S. Chamberiain, A. T. BuUard, P. E. ; '52 and '53, Benjamin Walker; '54, Ed mund Copeland ; '55 and '56, F. D. Hem- enway, E. J. Scott, P. E. ; '57 and '58, H. P. Gushing, W.J.Kidder, P. E. in '58; '59 and '60, W. D. Malcora ; '61 and '62, Isaac McAnn, P. P. Ray, P. E. in '62; '63 and '64, A. L. Cooper; '65 and '66, M. Ludlum, A. L. Cooper, P. E. in '66; '67 and '68, B. Taylor. Mr. Taylor was re leased in Aug. '68, and Isaac McAnn com pleted the conference year. 1869, S. Holman; '70, H. W. Worthen, J. A. Sherburn, P. E. in '70; '71 and '72, J. W. C. Coxe. Mr. Coxe was released in 382 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. the fall of '72, and James Morrow sup plied the remainder of the conference year. 1873 and '74, H. A. Spencer, I. McAnn, P. E. in '74; '75 and '76, J. M.C. Fulton; '78 and '79, Charles Parkhurst, Church Tabor, P. E. in '78. Mr. Parkhurst was released in the fall of '79, and N. Fel lows, of the N. E. Conference, supplied the remainder of the conference year, and was appointed as pastor in '80 ; '81, D. E. MiUer. The annual statistics of the society as reported to the conference of 1881 are as foUows: Merabers, 234; probationers, 22 ; local preachers, 2 ; number in Sunday- school, 200 ; officers and teachers, 24 ; probable value of churrh edifice, $27,- 000 ; probable value of parsonage prop erty, $2,000 ; indebtedness, none ; paid for ministerial support, pastpr, $1,000; presiding elder, $68; bishops, $12; con ference claimants, $25; total, $1,105; cur rent expenses, $275 ; benevolent collec tions, $182; total annual financial dis bursement, $1,562. THE VERMONT CHRISTIAN MESSENGER. BV KEV. J. R. BARTLETT. No certain data is at hand to indicate the birthplace of the Messenger. One in formant states that it was started in New bury in 1846, by Rev. Wm. M. WiUets. The first record of it is found in Wal ton's Vermont Register for 1848, stating that it was published in Montpelier in 1847. In 1853, it was reraoved to North- field, and in 1859 again removed to Mont pelier, where it has since been published. During its history it has been published by Rev. Eli.sha J. Scott, Rev. Alonzo Webster, C. W. Willard (commencing in 1861) ;-J. W. Wheelock (Willard & Whee lock from 1869 to 1874, and then by Mr. Wheelock and his estate to 1879), since which time the present proprietor, Mr. Herbert R. Wheelock, has continued the publication in the office of the "Green Mountain Freeman." Among its editors Rev. , Elisha J. Scott, Rev. Alonzo Web ster, and Rev. W. D. Malcom, have served the longest terras. The following memorial sketch of Mr. Scott was published in the Verraont Con ference Minutes of the session of 1866 : Rev. Elisha J, Scott was born in Greens boro, Vt., Aug. II, 1803, and died in Montpelier, Jan. 24, 1866, in his 63d year. Bro. Scott was a son of pious parents, and a father's prayers and a mother's religious instructions were araong his earliest and sweetest recollections. The principles of our holy Christianity took a strong hold of his young raind, and at the age of 12 years he gave his heart to the Saviour, and joined the Baptist Church, of which his parents were merabers. He continued in this Church some 7 years, when the Rev. WU bur Fisk, of precious memory, was sent to preach in an adjoining town. While listen ing to his preaching, a change was wrought in his views of Christian doctrine, and ever after in sentiment and sympathy he was a Methodist. He had early convic tions that he was sent into the world to be a minister of Jesus, and raade preparation to enter upon his life work. He was re ceived on trial in the M. E. Conference in 1828 ; was ordained Deacon by Bishop Hedding, at Barre, June 27, 1830, and Elder by Bishop Roberts, at Lyndon, Aug. 12, 1832. He filled with great accepta bility and usefulness the following ap pointraents, namely : Cabot, Craftsbury, Barton, Brookfield and Chelsea Circuits, Woodstock, Chelsea, Newbury and Barre Stations — all one year each-, Montpelier District as Presiding Elder, 4 years ; Mont pelier Station, 3 years, the third year as Supernumerary. He was then placed on the superannuated list for 9 years, when he was again made effective, and traveled Montpelier District a second term of four years as Presiding Elder. During the last years of this terra his health complete ly faUed, and he again took a superannu ated relation, which he held during the re mainder of his life. During his retirement frora the active work of the ministry, he performed much useful labor in supplying on the Sabbath appointments near the place of his residence, as Superintendent of common schools in his county, and as editor of the Messenger. He was for sev eral years Secretary of the Conference, and a delegate to the General Conference, which met at Cincinnati, May, 1836. [We have among our waifs the foUow ing hymn, we clipped from some Mont pelier paper at the time— probably the Messenger, composed by him a few days before his death, to be sung at his fu neral. — Ed.] MONTPELIER. 383 THE DYING CHRISTIAN'S ADIEU TO EARTH. Launched on Death's dark, rolling stream, , Earthly scenes recede from view; Oh I how trifling all now seem. As I bid them each adieu. Pleasant scenesi they could not last- Morning clouds, aud earthly dew. Soon exhaled— and quickly past, Ere we thought to say adieu. Once, to me did they impart Happiness, short-lived, but true; Now, as from them all I part, Cheerl\illy 1 say adieu. Richer joys my soul shall taste, Joys that are forever new ; To these joys I gladly baste. Bidding all below adieu. Objects to my heart most dear, Friends so loving and so true ; Even those, without a tear, I cau bid my brief adieu. Short the time that will us part. Then our union we'll renew. When heart closely joined to heart. Ne'er shall breathe the sad adieu. Farewell! earth, no onger home. Heaven opens to my view; O'er hill and vale no more I roam. Loved scenesi my fond adieu. Hark! what music do I hear? Sweet tlie straius— full and new — How it floods my ravished ear! World of deatl) : my last adieu. Rev. Alonzo Webster, D.D., was born in Weston, Jan. 27, 18 18 ; joined the New Hampshire Conference in 1837, and by the division of the same, became a member of the Vermont Conference at its formation in 1844 ; remained in active service in this Conference 19 years as pastor, and 3 years of service as Presiding Elder, 9 years of which he occupied the editorial chair of the Messenger. In 1856, and again in i860, he was elected a delegate to the General Conference, and in 1866 was trans ferred to the South Carolina Conference. In 1869, he received the appointment as Professor in the Baker Theological Insti tute, first estabUshed at Charleston, S. C.,- but afterward reraoved to Orangeburg, to become a part of Claflin University, of which Dr. Webster was made President in 1870. In 1874, he resigned this position to accept an appointraent as Presiding Elder of Charleston District, and in 1876, and again in 1880, was elected to repre sent the South CaroUna Conference in the General Conference. His present address is Orangeburg, S. C. Rev. W. D. Malcora assuraed the ed itorial chair in 1867, and continued to oc cupy the position untU April, 1881. He was born in Albany, N. Y., July 3, 1827 ; in early life worked as a printer ; studied at the Newbury Serainary, and joined the Vermont Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1848, since which he has continued in the itinerant work of a Methodist minister with the exception of one year, ('49,) whenhe located, rejoining in 1850. Of the 33 years of his ministerial life, nearly 8 years have been passed in the office of Presiding Elder, which position he now fills upon the St. Johnshury Dis trict. In 1864, he was a delegate to the General Conference, and for five successive years filled the office of Secretary to the Vermont Annual Conference. He is widely known in Vermont as a genial Christian minister, an able preacher, and a loyal and industrious worker in his Master's vine yard. » The present, (Oct. 1 881,) editorial force consists of Rev. J. R. Bartlett, Barre, ed itor; Rev. W. R. Davenport, Cambridge- port, assistant ; Rev. J. O. Sherburn, Roch ester, Sunday-school lessons. The Mes senger is conducted as a denominational religious newspaper, in the interests of the Methodist Episcopal Church, its editors being pastors in this Church, and merabers of the Vermont Annual Conference. It is, however, a purely private enterprise, in volving the Conference in no financial or moral responsibility, further than its juris diction to expect all persons who are mem bers of the Conference to conform to sound doctrines of the Church in their public teachings, and to the rules of the Disci pline in their manner of personal conduct. But as it seeks its support, in the main, from the membership of the Methodist Episcopal Church, it is reasonable to ex pect that it will be loyal and true to the in terests of the sarae, and it is conducted on this basis ; while at the sarae tirae it seeks to avoid raere sectarianisra of the narrow school, and to cultivate a catholic spirit, which while free to express its denoraina- tional choice, is yet cordial and friendly to all other Christian churches. VERMONT METHODIST SEMINARY AND FEMALE COLLEGE, MONTPELIER, VT. MONTPELIER. 38S VERMONT METHODIST SEMINARY AND FEMALE COLLEGE. BY BEV. J. A. aHEKBURN. In giving a history of this institution it is necessary to briefiy notice those institu tions of which this is the legitimate suc cessor. For the first 40 years or so, of the existence of Methodism in this State, it had no schools under its special super vision ; not because it did not value schol astic advantages, but because, for the time being, there were other interests to serve it valued more. Nearly 50 years since, Poultney Acad emy, under the supervision of the Troy Conference, and Newbury Seminary, under the New Hampshire Conference, were opened for students in the fall of 1834. N. H. Conference then embraced what now composes the N. H. Conference and that part of Verraont lying east of the Green Mountains, raaking Newbury cora- paratively central to the whole territory. The funds for the purchase of lands and the erection of buildings for Newbury Sem inary were obtained by subscriptions and collections from the whole Conference. The buUdings were good, [see descrip tion in History of Newbury, vol. 11, pages 95 1 and 952 of this work,] located on a iDeautiful plateau overlooking the vaUey of the Connecticut, and aflfording a good view of mountain scenery in New Hampshire. The eariy purpose of the founders of this school was to make it, in part, a manual labor school for young men ; for this pur pose a farm was purchased, but after a few years' trial the plan was abandoned, and the farm sold. In connection with Newbury Seminary, there was the Newbury Biblical Institute, having its board of trustees and its own professors. Out of this grew firs.t, the Concord Biblical Institute, Concord, N. H., and finally, the School of Theology of the Boston University. There was, also, in connection with the school, the Female Collegiate Institute, having its separate board of trust, though its teachers were the Seminary teachers as weU. Rev. Charies Adams, now D. D., of Washing ton, D. C, being first principal, and Miss French, now Mrs. Joel Cooper, a widow in Iowa, preceptress. Mr. Adams had worthy successors. Bishop O. C. Baker, D.D., C. T. Hinman, D.D., J. E. King, D. D., and others. Miss French had her successors, women not to be forgotten, none of whom are reraerabered with great er respect than the late Mrs. C. P. Tap lin. Newbury Serainary early in its history took high rank as a school, and maintained it well through its entire history. Well raay "old Newbury" be proud of her alumni, and her alumni be proud of her, as well. [We here reserve a notice of the Spring field Methodist school, not to forestall the right of a town in a later volume to give the history of its own institutions :] Springfield Wesleyan Seminary for a tirae was quite a rival of Newbury, doing good work, but, being coraparatively local, was not its equal. In 1844, the N. H. Conference was di vided, leaving that part of it which lay in Verraont, by itself, which was made a sep arate Conference, called the Vermont Con ference. In i860, the Burlington and St. Albans District, embracing the greater part of Western Vermont, and belonging to the Troy Conference, were added to the Vt. Conference, which materially changed its geographical center. Poultney Academy was at one time wholly suspended, and was afterward re vived, and passed into private hands. N. H. Conference had built a Serainary for itself, Newbury Serainary needed funds to repair its old ¦ buildings or buUd new ones, and it was found hard to sustain Spingfield Seminary. Under these cir cumstances, Vt. Conference, under whose patronage Newbury and Springfield were, decided, and the trustees of both schools concurred, to seek a central location and combine the schools. Rev. W. J. Kidder being the prime mover. The friends of Newbury struggled hard 49 386 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. to retain the school there, while West Randolph, Northfield, Waterbury and Montpelier competed for it. Montpelier guaranteeing $20,000 to aid the enterprise, it was located there, upon the site occu pied formerly by the U. S. Hospital, which with its buildings, was bought for $16,5,00. The situation is upon a beautiful plateau, 1 50 rods from the center of Montpelier village, on elevated, dry ground. The view ex tends from Orange Mountains on the east to Camel's Hump on the west, and frora Berlin heights on the south to Worcester on the north. It would be difficult to find a more beautiful location in the State of Vermont for an institution of learning. Revs. A. G. Button, R. Morgan, I. McAnn and A. Hitchcock were each for a time employed as agents in raising funds for the completion of the Seminary build ings, Noah Granger, agent for raising an endowment fund of $50,000, $30,000 of which is pledged, the incorae only of which can be used in aid of the school. The school was chartered in 1865, under the name of Vermont Conference Sem inary and Female College ; but was after ward changed to its present name, " Ver mont Methodist Serainary and Feraale College." Hon. Paul DUlingham was president, A. G. Button, secretary, and Joseph Gould, treasurer of the first board of trust. Rev. A. G. Button and Paul Mclnstry supervised the reraodelingof the buildings in 1868, and the school was opened the sarae fall. The Newbury Serainary boarding-house furnishings and school apparatus were re moved to this Institution, and the funds resulting from the sale of the Springfield Seminary property was also paid into this Institution. In the fall of 1868, the school was opened, with a faculty most of whom had recently been teachers in Newbury Semi nary, and many of their former pupUs came with them. Rev. S. F. Chester having been the last Principal at Newbury, was the first Principal at Montpelier. The Serainary building, having been erected under the superintendence of Revs. S. Holman and A. G. Button, was opened for use in the faU of 1872, which is thought to be one of the finest academic buUdings in New England. The school property, grounds, buildings, etc., are valued at $82,000. At present there are in the School seven courses of study, as foUows : 1. Coramon English, . . . . i year. 2. Business, 2 years. 3. Modern, 3 years. 4. Music, 3 years. 5. College Preparatory, ... 3 years. 6. Latin Scientific, .... 4 years. 7. Collegiate 4 years. While the scholarship is designed to be thorough, the moral and religious welfare of the students is a prominent feature of this school ; and though founded and fos tered by the Methodist Church, it gladly welcomes students of all communions, giv ing to them the privilege of such Church Sabbath service as their parents or guar dians may designate. It is with gratitude that we acknowledge the healthfiil religious influence which has been manifest since the transfer of the school to Montpelier, though it has hardly reached what was often seen in its palmiest days at Newbury. It has been at Mont pelier only about 12 years, and its alumni are already taking rank as educators, min isters, lawyers and business men. Principals at Montpelier. — Rev. S. F. Chester, A. M.,Rev. C. W. Wilder, A. M., Rev. J. C. W. Coxe, A. M., Rev. L. White, A. M., and Rev. J. B. South- worth, the present Principal, who has com menced his sixth year. Present Board of Trust. — Rev. J. A. Sherburn, president; Rev. A. L. Cooper, secretary; P. H. Hinkley, Esq., treasurer. By the blessing of God, and the wise, united and persistent efforts of the friends of this school, it is hoped it may live in growing efficiency and usefulness as the years go by, being a blessing not only to the Church which buUt it and cares for it, but also to the wide, wide world. MONTPELIER. 387 BETHANY CHURCH, MONTPELIER, VT. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH PAPERS. [Compiled from material furnished chiefly by Hon. Joseph Poland, but in which we shall purposely omit the statistics given by Mr. Walton on page 239, preceding. — Ed.] The first Congregational organization in Montpelier was the Society — 83 members — formed in April, 1800, antedating the or ganization of the Church 3 raonths and 8 days. It was called the " First Congre gational Society of Montpelier." Its first declaration was : Impressed with the importance of relig ious institutions to society in general, and to ourselves as men, and taking into con sideration the unsettled state of such insti tutions in this part of the country, and the necessity of uniting in religious opinions and harmony : we do hereby agree and form ourselves into a religious society, by the name of the first Congregational Socie ty in Montpelier, under the following reg ulations : I . We pledge ourselves to each other that we will (laying aside all trifling dif ferences) according to our abilities, main tain regular meetings in our Society, and contribute to the support of preaching, and when consistent, to maintaining a regular clergyman in the Society. 2. That no meraber of this Society shall be compeUed to pay any, sum or sums for the use of the Society, except such sum as he shall voluntarily subscribe. " 3. When any member of the society shall remove to such distance as to render it inconvenient for him to attend our meet ings, or shall in conscience think he ought to dissent, he may notify the Clerk there of, whose duty it shall be to enter the same on record, and such person shall no long er be considered' as a member of this Society. 4. "We agree to raeet at the usual place of holding raeetings, in the Academy in Montpelier, on Wednesday, the 27th day of AprU, instant, at 3 o'clock in the after noon, for the purpose of organizing said society with proper officers, and transact ing any proper business when met. Dated at Montpelier, this 12th day of AprU, 1800. Elisha Town, George Worthington, Jo seph Hutchins, Geo. B. R. Gove, Oliver Goss, Thoraas Davis, Tiraothy Hubbard, John Bates, Charles Bulkley, Augustus Bradford, John Hurlbut, Alden Clark, Isaac Freeman, Amasa Brown, Jeduthan Loomis, Stuart Boynton, Willis I. Cad weU, Abel Wilson, Phineas Woodbury, Thomas Reed, Sylvester Day, Nathan Jew ett, E. D. Persons, Sarauel Prentiss, jun., Urial H. Orvis, Ellis Nye, Joseph Howes, Linus Ellis, WUliam Hutchins, Jeremiah Wilbur, Roswell Beckwith, David Tuthill, M. B. BiUings, Jonathan Shepherd, Eras tus Watrous, Silas Burbank, Cyrus Ware, Roger Hubbard, Joseph Freeman, Edward Lamb, Nahum Kelton, Larned Lamb, C. W. Houghton, Josiah Parks, Sylvanus Baldwin, Joseph Wiggins, Abner H. Pow ers, Abel Crooker, Ebenezer Morse, Enoch Cheney, Mason Johnson, Samuel Goss, David Edwards, Oliver Dewey, John Hunt, Ichabod Peck, Darius Boyden, Levi Pit kin, E. Lewis, Hers. Estabrooks, T. Gay- lord, Jude Converse, Theop. Pickering, Archibald Kidd, Joseph Ray, Paul Knapp, Henry Howes, Samuel West, D. Edwards, jun., Jonathan Edwards, Aaron Bass, Charles HamUn, WUliam Hamlin, Timo thy Hatch, Solomon Lewis, Elijah Tyler, John Howes, Joshua Y. VaU, J. H. Lang don, S. W. Cobb, Ebenezer Parker. April 27th, this Society held its first raeeting, and chose Sarauel Goss to con tract with a clergyman. June 24th, the Society voted to employ Rev. Chester Wright. (See sketch.) The original members of the Church, or ganized July the 2oth, were : Araasa Brown, Sylvanus Baldwin, An drew Dodge, Heraldus Estabrooks, Sam uel Goss, Tiraothy Hatch, Joseph Howes, Solomon Lewis, Sibyl Brown, Bachsheba Burbank, Lydia Davis, Susannah Lewis, Lydia Hatch, Polly Barker, Patty Howes, Rebeckah Persons, Sarah 'Wiggins. Relation of Church and Society. — The Society owns and has care of the house. 388 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. by mutual understanding with the Church, provides for and pays the salary of the pas tor, and all funds needful for public wor ship. When the pulpit is vacant, the Church raay appoint a committee to act with a comraittee of the Society, if they choose, or leave it to the committee of the Society to secure a supply. In the settle ment of a pastor, the Church take the first step in voting a call ; after which the So ciety are asked to concur with the action of the Church, and a call is given by joint action. The annual meeting of the Socie ty is on the last Monday of December. At the first communion after, 12 persons more were added to the Church, and Aug. l6th, the day of Mr. Wright's ordination, 15 children were baptized. In the 3 years subsequent to 1 8 12, 30 persons united with the Church; frora 1816 to 1820, 142; in 1827, more than 70. In 1830, the last of Mr. Wright's pastorate, the Church was almost daily enlarging. REV. CHESTER WRIGHT. Prepared, by particular request, for this work, by his grandson, Rev. J. Edward Wright. Thompson, in his History of Montpelier, having drawn a dark picture of the low moral state into which the town had lapsed at the beginning of the present century, refers to the action of a large portion of the better class of the people who desired a reforraation, which resulted in the engage ment of a minister and the organization of a church, frora which time a marked im provement was seen, and "the village of Montpelier, redeemed and regenerated through the blest instrumentalities of the affectionate and untiring labors of the devoted, self-sacrificing and high-souled Father Wright, at length took its stand among the most moral and orderly com munities in the State." Perhaps the wri ter's enthusiastic admiration led ¦ him in to exaggeration in ascribing so great a re sult to the efforts of one man ; but, with all due allowance raade, Mr. Wright must certainly be ranked among the very first and worthiest of Montpelier's moral bene factors. He was the first pastor of its Congregational Church, and here his min istry continued for more than twenty years. For a large part of that period he was the only pastor in 'the town. It was his first settlement. It was at a tirae when the preacher spoke with an official authority which he does not command to-day. And the town itself was then "in the gristle," as it were. Thus it was the very tirae for moral and religious suasions to tell. His faithful work did tell ; and many have there been who would sympathize with the his torian's enthusiasm for his subject, even if they could not fully endorse all his lan guage. " Even to this day," said the Rev. W. H. Lord, D. D., in the pulpit which Mr. Wright once occupied, and eighteen years after his decease, " the living power of his ministry is seen and felt in all this comraunity, and his memory is kept in the hearts of many, fresh and sacred — fragrant and perfumed with the savor of a deep, deathless devotion to the cause of his Mas ter. The church, nay, the village of Mont pelier, is indebted to him, under God, for many of those principles and sentiments, and generous, hospitable, social traits, and kind brotherly feelings, which have dis tinguished its society. Underneath all the frivolities and conventionalities- of her mod ern life, there is a strong blessed under current of huraan syrapathies, and effect ive feelings of social interest and life, which have, their source in the influence of his ministry." The man from whose labors such grand results flowed, was born in Hanover, N. H., Nov. 6, 1776. He was the son of Na thaniel and Jemima (Bartlett) Wright, and the fourth of thefr eight children. His father was a farmer, one of the first settlers of Hanover, an estimable raan, and a deacon of the Congregational church. His raother, a woraan of deep piety, died when he was 8 years old, and his father subsequentiy married Mary Page, by whom he had three children. In 1815, two years after her death, he -was united to Mrs. Martha Conant May. The subject of this sketch passed his youth on the f^rm, and intended to follow his father's occupation. He bought a farra in Berkshire, Vt., on attaining his majority, but before working long on it MONTPELIER. 389 was led to consider the clairas of the Christian ministry, and to change his en tire plan of life. He began the necessary course of classical study, finished it, and entered Middlebury CoUege in 1802. He supported hiraself during his preparatory work and his college course partly by teaching, and graduated, having maintain ed a fair standing, in 1806, being then 30 years of age. For 2 years he was the pre ceptor of the Addison County Grammar School, and then he began the study of theology with the Rev. Asa Burton, D. D., of Thetford, Vt. Later, his studies were -directed by the Rev. Timothy Dwight, D. D., of New Haven, Conn., and he was licensed to preach in 1808. In June of tha't year his services were engaged by the newly formed Congregational society in Montpelier, and after 12 months he was invited to settle as their pastor, at a salary of "$350 for the first year, $375 for the sec ond, $400, together with the use of a con venient parsonage, annually, after the second year." His ordination took place Aug. 16, 1809 ; sermon by the Rev. Asa Burton, D. D., of Thetford; charge bythe Rev. Stephen Fuller, of Vershire, andright hand of fellowship by the Rev. Calvin Noble, of Chelsea. His labor in this place having continued raore than a score of years, he was disraissed Dec. 22, 1830 — a step which seemed inevitable to the council which consented to it, in view of the withdrawal of support by members who were offended by Mr. Wright's 'course in regard to Free Masonry. The early years of his ministry were very fruitful to the church and the cora- munity generaUy. "The church received additions at almost every coraraunion till the time of my ordination," he says. The band of seventeen who were consti tuted a church, July 20, 1808, becarae seventy by the faU of 1810. "In two short years, the testiraony is universal," says the Rev. Dr. Lord, "a great change passed over the society In famUy after family, the worship of the true Jehovah was established, and raorning and evening sacrifice was regularly offered in the name of Jesus. Men of unbelieving and skeptical sentiments became irapressedand sobered. Young men of dissipated habits became industrious and devout. The streets no longer echoed with ribaldry and profaneness ; social life and intercourse were greatly refined and improved; . . . and it seemed as if the placid and benefi cent spirit of Christianity had descended to hover over and to dwell in a place once so troubled and distracted." In the 4 years, from 1816 to 1820, 142 persons were received into the church. Indeed, "at no time in the history of Mr. Wright's ministry, was there any remark able moral sterility. The influences of divine grace and truth were steady and effective. The special tiraes of religious interest were not followed by drought and reaction." And the records show that 428 persons were welcoraed to the fellowship of the organization during Mr. Wright's pastorate. His labors were not limited to his own fiock, nor confined within the boundaries of his own parish. His missionary activ ity was very great, and wherever oppor tunity oflfered, he held religious raeetings to the limit of his strength, whether in churches, dwellings, school-houses, or barns. He was a leader in the councils of his denomination in the State, and was often sent as a delegate to ecclesiastical gatherings beyond its borders. Theologically, he was conservative. "New lights" in religious doctrine were to him false lights. But he was in advance of most of his associates in reformatory work. Very early did he enlist against in temperance, endeavoring to stem the evil tide. The cause of 'the slave readily won his sympathy and his advocacy. The ed ucation of the young commanded much of his thought ; the great Anti-Masonic con troversy aroused his interest. And in all these matters he " conferred not withfiesh and blood" as to the course to pursue. He closed his ears against the suggestion of prudential considerations. He only asked, "What is right? What is the path of duty ? " and, when conscience gave answer, heeded her voice alone. He raay have erred ; if so, his was not the error of 39° VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. a cool time-server and trimmer, a shrewd calculator for self; it was the error of one ¦whose whole being thrUled with devotion to God and raan, of one whose excess was ever on the side of conscientiousness and philanthropy. As Mr. Wright had, during his pastorate in Montpelier, eked out his sraall salary by occasionally acting as a tutor, so, after his disraissal, he had for sorae time charge of the instruction of a class of boys at his house, preaching meanwhile, as opportu nity offered, in churches readily accessi ble from this village. He was regularly engaged for quite a while to fiU the pulpit in East Montpelier. In 1836, he was settled in Hardwick, in this State, remaining there till early in 1840, when failing health led him to return to Montpelier, where he died of consump tion, Apr. 16, at his former residence, then occupied by his daughter, Mrs. J. W. Howes. His body was placed in the graveyard on Elm street, but on the open ing of Green Mount Cemetery, it was re moved thither. His widow, ««i?Charlotte Clapp Whitney, of Royalton, survived him 19 years. They were married in AprU, 1811, and had 6 children, four of whom lived to maturity, and were married — Jonathan Edwards, married Fanny Wyman Houghton, of Mont pelier ; Charlotte Whitney, raarried Jaraes H. Howe, of Troy, N. Y. ; Julia, m.irried Joseph W. Howes, of Montpelier ; and Eliza Maria, raarried Ferrand F. Merrill, of Montpelier. Of these four children, only Mrs. Howes survives at the present date. Descendants of all the others are living, however. Although Mr. Wright's literary training began late, he was a man of no mean at tainments as a scholar, and held high rank among his contemporaries. He was rec ognized as possessing a sound judgment, and his counsel and advice were often sought. He was frora 1819 till his decease a raember of the corporation of Middlebury Coljege. While engaged in teaching, he published an arithmetic entitled, "The Federal Compendium ;" and at various times quite a number of his sermons were printed ; not only obituary discourses, but also others — as an "Election Sermon" in 1810, a sermon before the Middlebury College Charitable Society in 18 14, and in the latter part of his life, two sermons, which he entitled, "The DevU in the Nineteenth Century,'' and which were called forth by certain extravagances com mitted, under the name, of religion, in Hardwick. [The " New Lights," see ac count of in vol I, page 329, of this work. — Ed.] In person, Mr. Wright was under the average height, of slight figure, with keen brown eyes. Though described as "ap parently deficient in physical powers," he was quick in all his movements, vigorous and energetic in action, and intrepid in the face of danger. Pre-eminent as a pastor, he was persuasive and successful as a preacher, a leader among philanthro pists, stainless in private life, and ever alive to the material, as weU as the spirit ual, interests of the people whose servant he raade himself "for Jesus' sake." j. E. w. After the close of Mr. Wright's ministry there was an interval of 9 months before the church was supplied with another pastor, and when Mr. Hopkins' 34 succeed ing years' pastorate closed, Rev. Mr. Burchard, the noted revivalist, took the vacant pulpit for a 40 days' protracted meeting,, of which, says the Rev. Dr. Lord, in his fiftieth anniversary sermon, " Good was accomplished at a tremendous cost Of course, after such an exciting preacher, the church found it diffi cult to settle down to the regular rainistra- tions of the word, or to find a pastor who would unite their suffrages. For a year thereafter, the society was afflicted with 17 candidates, a sufficient number to have furnished a half dozen superior ministers." At length a caU was given to Rev. Buel W. Smith, who accepted it, and labored here 4 years, as long as his health would permit. Mr. Gridley was pastor for the next 5 years, during which the only important (l-V6.i(^ MONTPELIER. 391 event was the dismissal of several members to the Episcopal church, of which says Mr. Lord: Including one, for a long tirae a faithful and efficient co-laborer with us, a super intendent of the Sunday-school, and the not infrequent lay reader of sermons to this congregagation ; a gentleman of edu cation and piety, who became the first rector of that church in this vUlage. It is not inappropriate to say that while we greet the success and prosperity of that society, and rejoice in its present health ful activity and enlargement, and recog nize it, in its methods and ways, as an ef ficient agent of Christ's Kingdom, we take peculiar satisfaction and pleasure in the remembrance that many of the prin ciples and persons, which have given to it such animation and efficiency, were be gotten and nurtured under the shadow of these walls. And it is almost with a ma ternal sentiment that we contemplate its origin, whUe with fraternal salutation we bid it to-day God speed in the work in which we are united, of raising this whole community fo the level of the Gospel. Mr. Lord succeeded to Rev. Mr. Grid- ley in the pastorate, of which he says : I have already, on a former occasion, adiierted to the records of my own min istry among you ; yet still, the occasion would seem to require some notice of its events. 1 came here in a tirae of division and controversy. Wfth the drearas of youth and inexperience, I entered upon the hard toil of the rainistry, in a disunited church, divided not in principle, not in vital sentiment, but in local policy and about persons. The records of the church from that day to this are not mere statis tics and notes and catalogues to me, but a life, a labor, a struggle, full of fears and apprehensions, and encouragements, and joys and hopes. I will only say that God has 'blessed an unworthy and feeble min istry, and thank Him for the vast mercies that have followed the course of our rela tionship. The short period of 11 years has been filled with changes. I preach in the same house, but not to the same audi ence that listened to ray first sermon. There have been 80 removals and 63 deaths in the society-; in the church, 70 dismis sions and 43 deaths since I began my work with you, a considerable increase in the society and 80 baptisms. The admissions during Mr. Wright's pastorate, 428 ; during that of Mr. Hop kins, 48 ; that of Rev. Buel W. Sraith, 137 ; that of Mr. Gridley, 21 ; and of Rev. Mr. Lord, 139, to 1876, when the Manual of Bethany Church was published, which in cluded his pastorate, less the last year; making to that date, 1,126 received to membership. Deacons. — The deacons given in this Manual who have served the church to 1876 are — Sylvanus Baldwin, George Worthing ton, Salvin CoUins, Alfred Pitkin, E. P. Walton, WUliam Howes, Jeduthan Loom is, John Wood, Norman Rublee, Constant W. Storrs, F. F. MerriU, E. P. Walton, Jr., N. P. Brooks, John A. Page, and Joseph Poland. Church C/ier^J.-^ Samuel Goss, 1808; Rev. Chester Wright, 1809 to '30 ; James Spalding, 1831 ; Jeduthan Loomis, 1832; Rev. Samuel Hopkins, 1832 to '35 ; Jedu than Loomis, 1S35 ; R6^- Buel W. Smith, 1837, '38 ; Lyraan Briggs, 1840, '41 ; Rev. JohnGridley, 1842 to '46; Gustavus H. Loomis, 1846, '47 ; Rev. W. H. Lord, D.D., 1848 to '75 ; Mahlon C. Kinson, 1876 to '79 ; Rev. C. S. Sraith, 1880. This church is Congregational in polity and affiliation, and heartily receives the doctrine and order of Christianity as they are stated, for substance, in the declara tion of faith and order made by the Boston Council of the Congregational Churches of the United States in 1865, and adopted by the General Convention of Ministers and Churches of Vermont in 1874. Resuming our extracts from Mr. Lord's sermon : This church can now give her invitations with more earnestness and force than ever before. She has a history of 50 years ; she has tested the virtue of her everlasting foundations ; she has a roll of 924 members, of whom 364 are to-day in her earthly com munion, and nearly 300 gone home to that happy harbor, "Whose gardens and whose goodly walks Continually are green." The celestial spirit of peace has never long been absent from this society ; joy and peace have been the rule. I seera to hear the voice of her many choirs, all blending this day in grand unison to the glory of God. I seem to catch some strains of the strange melody of all her singers and instruments of music. I listen to the solemn dirge for her dead, the sober grief of her funeral orations, the sobs of her mourners, the songs of her redeemed. Again, in long circles of young raen and 392 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. maidens, of strong men and furrowed age, her thousand witnesses for Christ seem to collect, and stand before her altar and re peat her solemn consecration, and sit around the hallowed emblems of her Sav ior's death. Again, I hear their conclud ing triumphant acclaim, the sublime dox ology to the Triune Jehovah, not one voice wanting in that iraagined song. Again, I seem to hear the words of prayer and invi tation, and the voices long or lately hushed in death, that used to break the stiUness of her conference. And as the imagination goes into the past, lo awake into life its history', and to kindle its scenes, so does it project itself onward, fifty, an hundred years. Then another voice than mine shall address an other audience than this, on the centennial birthday of the church. Two or three that joined it at the last communion raay hear the discourse. The rest shall have faUen asleep. Another organ shall respond to the fingers of another player ; another choir shall chant the same sublime psalra and hyrans ; these places left of us shall be filled with many more. Eternity will be our residence. May its centennial cycle find us all, if reraoved from earth, in that City which hath foundations, whose BuUd er and Maker is God. REV. WILLIAM HAYES LORD, D. D. BY PHES. BUCKHAM, OF THE VT. UNIVBRSITY^. From an Address read before the Vt. His torical Society , Oct. 14, 1878. WUliam H. Lord was the son of Rev. Nathan Lord, President of Dartmouth from 1828, 35 years. William Lord was thus brought at four years old into the midst of a college circle, ^and brought up under the strong influences of that remarka ble man frora whom he inherited some of his most characteristic and pronounced opinions . He entered his collegiate course in his sixteenth year, ranked well in all his studies, excelling in language and literature, was a Phi Beta Kappa, de livered the Greek poem at Commencement ; graduated (1846) at Andover; but was not a subtle logician. He could state an opin ion with clearness and force, and present it with luminous illustration and persuasive appeal, better than he could maintain it in the lists against all comers. Shortly after finishing his studies, he began to preach in Montpelier. He was eraphatically a preacher ; his diction choice and elegant. He abhorred "stump sermons" and "stump prayers.'' One of the incidental benefits of attending his ministry was an education in good English. His delivery was pleasing, dignified,^ with little gesture. That was hiie in his case, affirmed of almost aU orators, the spoken word often produced an effect which the mere reader cannot account for. His preaching v?as no iteration of common place ideas. Christ, as he conceived and preached him, was not the raere leader ol a systera of truth which could be stated in propositions and soon exhausted, but the source and channel of a new life which flows in upon our old, sin-wasted human ity, reviving, stimulating, glorifying every part of it. The distinguishing merit of his preaching was a rare and happy com bination of the intensely evangeUcal with the broadly human spirit. Those who think only through their feelings, were melted by its tenderness. He received pressing calls frora larger places. After refusing one, he said to his congregation, " I love to dwell araong my own people ; but for this sentiment, perhaps principle, I might have gone a half score of times. . . . I do not easily change my place or opinions. I will not say that I have not been tempted, or that I should not have found satisfaction in other places that might have been mine ; but I have pre ferred to dwell among my own people." It would not be correct to infer an un interrupted smoothness. There were oc casions of difference, elements of discord, irritation on the part of sorae of his peo ple, disgust upon his part, such as would have sundered any pastoral relation less firmly ceraented. His opinions — the strongly conservative opinions of his father on slavery and the relation of the church to social reform — were distasteful to a por tion of his congregation. He did not mix them up in preaching the Gospel, but what he believed, he believed firmly, and he was not a man to trim his creed to the passing gale. Some of these questions are now, thank God, obsolete, ^nd it be longs only to his biographer to insistupon the hold he must have /had upon the af fections of his people, that amid aU the •^•4 , /^J^.^^^. MONTPELIER. 393 trials and excitements of the times, no one, or but few at most, ever thought of part ing with their admired or beloved pastor, or would have changed hira for the most trenchant reforraer in the nation. Dr. Lord's pulpit was in Montpelier, but through the merabers of the Legislature and others whose duties brought them to the Capital, he reached a large nuraber of the leading raen of the State. He was at the tirae of his death the best known of any minister in the State, and the most widely known out of the State. His pres ence at councUs, his services on public oc casions, werehighly appreciated. In 1867, his Alma Mater conferred on him the de gree of Doctor of Divinity. He did much editorial work during his last years for the Vermont Chronicle; his articles in the Princeton Review, elaborated with more care probably than anything else frora his pen, it would be difficult to raatch forbrU- liancy of literary execution in any Amer ican magazine. But how shaU I speak of hira asafriend? One of the most remarkable things about him was his capacity for friendship. His friends were frora all classes of society ; firom all religious denominations ; from all vocations ; but all were the select men of their class. One who for many years en joyed the closest intimacy with him, and whom, among all his friends, I think Mr. Lord would hiraself have chosen to speak of hira on this point. Rev. Frederick W. Shelton, Episcopal clergyman, writes of him : He was the animce dimidium mece — he was the half of my soul. Open-hearted, open-handed, Uberal as the day, nothing sordid or narrow-minded entered into the texture of his soul. To know a man as I knew hira, is in most cases to dissolve the charm of companionship, yet, I can say of hira, he was one of whora I never wearied, whose conversation was always fresh, fruit ful, suggestive. He grew in my estima tion, and perpetually became a stronger man. An intercourse of 12 years was broken never by the slightest coldness or doubtful act on his part, and I do declare that I could never find in him or with him any fault at aU. If these seera almost romantic expres sions of attachment between man and man, I venture they would be endorsed by East man, if alive, Gregory Sraith, Stewart, Phelps, and a long list of men in whom he inspired a love for himself like that of Jon athan for David. But in 1868, his system begun to show signs of breaking down. He took a trip to Europe, and partiy recovered. He in tensely enjoyed it, but far from his family, Bethany church, the hope of a life-time, taking shape in stone and mortar, he could not wait full recovery ; took a run through Europe, and hastened home ; preached with wonted vigor ; saw Bethany church completed — fit memorial, though he knew it not, of his own service for Hira in whose honor it was bmlt. He continued for 8 years more to preach to liis people; never, they say, with such solemnity and power as these last years, while to the eyes of his friends, visibly breaking down ; not so much ageing — his mental powers showed no signs of decay — as giving way to some hidden destroyer. A terrible calamity, re sulting in the death of a littie daughter, [see accidental deaths, page 332,] was raore than his constitution, undermined, could bear. He died, in his 54th year, the 30th ofhis pastorate. Mar. 18, 1877. [For a Ust of Mr. Lord's publications, see Bibliography of MontpeUer, on page 316, and a notice of hira as a benefactor and President oi the Vermont Historical Society.] Rev. Mr. Lord raarried, at Andover, Mass., June i, 1848, Harriet Adaras Aiken, daughter of John Aiken, Esq. Mrs. Lord was born in Manchester, Vt. They had 6 chUdren, aU born in Montpelier. The family of Dr. Lord, now living, are — Mrs. Lord, tarrying with her aged and infirm mother in Andover, Mass. ; Williara A., a lawyer in Montpelier; Mary E., wife of WUUam R. Burleigh, Esq., resides at Great FaUs, N. IJ. ; Sarah A., wife of Rev. M. D. Kneeland, resides at Water loo, N. Y. ; Jane A., wife of George W. Sargent, M. D., resides at Skaneateles, N. Y. ; Charles H., student at Great Falls, N. H. 5° 394 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. SABBATH SCHOOL RECORD. FBOM MK. JOSEPH W. HOWES. Letter of Mr. Howes to Mr. Poland. Montreal, Jan. 7, 1862. Dear Sir : — In complying with your re quest for statistics of your Sabbath-school, I have been quite at loss to know what you most desired. Were I to give you the raany interesting facts and incidents con nected with a superintendency of some 12 years, as a teacher of 5 years, and my childhood and early youth as a scholar, it would require more tirae than you could devote to read or Usten to. Nor could these facts be of deep interest to the ma jority of the present school. I have, rather, selected some facts connected with its earliest history, which are quite meagre, and sorae general items to a later date, from which you can select such as you deem desirable. It raay not be uninter esting to your church to know to whom they are indebted for such labors of love as performed by the teachers of the Brick Church Sunday-school, raany of whom are now reaping the reward of those labors in that land where their works do follow them. From an Address to the Brick Church Sunday School, Jan. i, 1843. The first effort raade in this place for the religious instruction of the youth and chUdren, was by the first pastor, probably in the summer of 1808. The first meetings were held in the hall of the first Academy, built on Main street, on Saturday after noons. The lessons was the Assembly's Catechism. Questions were proposed by the pastor, who was the only teacher, and the answers repeated by the scholars, and full explanations of the answers. It is said such proficiency was raade by many, they were able to repeat all the answers and coraprehend their meaning. The few who at first gave attendance, soon had the pleasure of seeing with them most of the youth connected with families of the church. How long this plan was pursued, is not certain. Nothing more definite is known untU 18 13, when the pastor was ac customed to meet persons of all ages Sun day, at 5 o'clock, P. M., in Jefferson HaU, one of the large rooms in the first State House, used for holding the county and other courts and for religious meetings. The Bible was the subject of study, sub jects proposed and answered from Scrip ture. In 1816, three Sabbath-schools were or ganized in the vUlage, conducted by teach ers under a supemsory coramittee. One was held in the school-house, near where the Methodist chapel now stands, con ducted by Deacon Worthington, Dr. J. Crosby and Joseph Howes ; another in the Academy, conducted by Messrs. Walton, Goss and others ; a third, in the dancing- hall of the hotel, kept by Mrs. Hutchins, and afterwards by Jona. Shephard, con ducted by' Deacon Baldwin, J. Barnard, and, I think, H. Y. Barnes. These schools, held in the raorning of the Sabbath, at their close would march with their teach ers to the State House, to attend the meet ing there. They were discontinued in the winter. In 18 1 7, there was an increased interest in the Sabbath-school, a revival having called many into the church and schools who were of efficient aid. Each scholar, for every ten verses recited without mis take, received a small blue ticket, with printed verse of Scripture, value one mill ; ten of the blue were exchanged for a red one, value one cent. Sorae learned so many verses, there was not tirae to hear them all. At close of the summer term this year there was a public examination of all the schools in the old State House, conducted by the pastor, when each class recited some passage of Scripture or a hymn, and the red tickets were all paid for in books. In the summerof 1819, schools and places were the same, except the third, which was reraoved to the building once stand ing opposite the Brick Church, conducted by H. Y. Barnes, Daniel Baldwin and J. Barnard. In this school one or two schol ars committed from three to six hundred verses every week. The teachers were surprised how this was done, as they had to labor through the week. "They car ried their Bibles into the field with them, and learned while they worked." A school was held a short time in the school-house near the late Samuel Abbott's ; Supt. not remembered. MONTPELIER. 39S While the schools were weU sustained in the vUlage, a number of young men organized schools in the adjacent districts ; one in the school-house near Mr. Warren's, in Middlesex ; another, in the then Brooks district; one in the (old) center of the town. In 1820, a church was completed, and here the different schools met, under the supervision of a coramittee. In 1821 or '2, through the influence of a Mr. Osgood, of Montreal, whose life was devoted to doing good, the first library was obtained, and a Sunday-school so ciety formed. Rev. C. Wright, president ; Joseph Howes, librarian ; with a board of managers, and the school was held after the afternoon service, and frora this time the school was continued through the win ter. The first library, after being well read, was presented to the Sabbath-school in Worcester, and a new one purchased. Of the next 5 years little can be said. It was a season of great declension in religion. Nov. 1826, Rev. J. C. Southmay^l was chosen superintendent, and Jos. Howes, librarian. Mr. Southmayd was the first superintendent of the school, and this the first record of anything concerning this school to be found upon the records of this church. About this time a precious revival of religion commenced in this place, and continued through the autumn and winter, which gave a new impulse to the school, and many who had before left at the ages of 12 and 14, with the impression they were too old to attend, returned, desiring to learn the way of God more perfectly. Nor were there wanting those ready to engage earnestly in the good work of teaching. Eternity alone can reveal the blessed results of that revival upon this school, this church and this comraunity. In 1827, there were 25 teachers ; 24 in 1828. There was a Bible class for adults. held a short time by the pastor and super intendent on Sabbath evenings, embracing a large number of the congregation ; sub ject, the Epistle of Paul to the Romans. The earliest record of teachers and scholars I have seen is dated 1831, and were : William Howes, C. W. Storrs, Edward Taplin, Abial P. Atherton, E. P. Walton, Norman Rublee, Sarauel Goss, J. W. Howes, J. S. Walton, C. L. Knapp, John Wood, N. D. Dewey, Misses South- raayd, M. A.Washburn, Samantha Wash burn, Harriet H. Washburn, R. Emily Washburn, Eraily Bradshaw, Sophia Wat rous, Scoville, A. Howes, Frances Hand, Rebecca Hunt, Harriet Walton, EUza Kiraball. AprU, 1832, Gen. E. P. Walton, super intendent ; the school roU, 170 ; teachers, 24. An infant class was forraed. Miss EUza KirabaU, (Mrs. Field,) teacher, which met at the same hour of the school in the vestry. The first regular teachers' meetings commenced this year, through the instru mentality of an exceUent young raan at tending our Academy, frora Royalton, N. Wright Dewey, who many years since went to his reward. This year, orabout this time, the monthly concert, which has since been so regularly observed, was established. From this tirae to 1836, no record of the school is to be found ; but it is the irapression it was well sustained. 1836, Gen. Walton was superintendent; Samuel Goss and J. W. Howes, assistants. Owing to the ill health of Mr. Walton and the resignation of Mr. Goss, the duty devolved upon Mr. Howes. 1837, the teachers were: A. S. Pitkin, Charles Spalding, Geo. P. Walton, Fran cis Stebbins, E. P. Walton, Jr., J. W. Howes, Mrs. B. W. Smith, Mrs. Oakes, Misses Harriet WUder, Atherton, Lucy Nye, Frances Perrin, Eunice Vail, Augusta Merrill, Eliza Spalding. Mr. Pit kin and Geo. P. Walton, not living. There was an average attendance of 100 scholars, and efforts were made to increase the num ber. Every faraUy was visited, parents be carae interested, and 2 or 3 Bible classes forraed, one of them being taught by the pastor. Rev. B. W. Sraith, who ever took a lively interest in the school. The re ports of those who visited at this time were 396 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. very interesting. Many of the scholars were enjoying the Way of Life. 1838, G. B. Mansur was appointed as sistant superintendent, which office he held while connected with this church, as well as teacher. It was ascertained during the II previous years, 75 merabers of the school had united with the church, four of them young men, preparing for the min istry. The school resolved to educate a young lad in Ceylon, for which to pay $20 per annum for 5 years, which was done. 22 united with the church this year by profession, 10 being members of the school. 1839, the total number of scholars was 205 ; average, 120 ; conversions, 9 ; teach ers, 25. 1840, total number of scholars, 175; average, 114; teachers, 23; no con versions. 1841, teachers, G. H. Loomis, Jos. Prentiss, G. W. Scott, B. F. Goss, B. B. Diraraock, G. B. Mansur, Misses Harriet Hunt, Mary Vail, Fanny Water man, Mary Smith, Harriet Doty, Mrs. Elias Hall, Misses Charity Loomis, Em eline Lewis, Nancy Perry, A. Phinney, Eliza M. Wright, Fanny Lewis, Sophia Wil liaras, Redfield, Eliza Harvey ; schol ars, 204; average attendance, 118; 6 con versions. 1842, total number of scholars, 219; average, 129; conversions, 7. 1843 to '48, most of the time attendance good. Numbers of our most promising youth de ceased, most having pleasing evidence they had entered into that rest that re- maineth. 1843, teachers, Francis C. Keith, Jos. Pitkin, Mrs. Isaac Worcester, Misses R. Burton, M. Camp, Mr. J. H. Morse; 1844, Misses Rebecca Loorais, Eliza B. Rublee, Mr. Ralph Kilbourn, C. W. Bad ger, John Barker, Misses Plarriet Bowen, Clarissa Clark, Mr. Wm. Storrs. Messrs. Morse, Kilbourne, Barker, and Miss Clark, have died. 1848, Mr. MerrUl was appointed super intendent, which office he held until 1851. [I am not quite sure of this ; it is possible that Dea. Storrs officiated a part of this time.] 185 1, resuming the superintendency, I found the school in a prosperous condi- dition — 230 scholars, the largest number ever known, with 31 teachers. The spirit that searcheth hearts was in our midst. Numbers listened, attracted to follow the heavenly voice. My connection with the school ceased in May of this fruitful year. Sunday-School Superintendents . — Mr. J. W. Howes was succeeded by Mr. F. F. Merrill, whose last year was 1858 ; Joseph Poland served in 1859, '60, '61 ; Chas. W. Willard, 1862; H. D. Hopkins, 1863, 1 87 1, inclusive; D. G. Kerap, 1872, '73, '74; A. G. Stone, 1875, '76; Hiram Carl ton, 1877 to the present time. THE dedication OF BETHANY CHURCH, OCT. 15, 1868. Exercises : — Organ Voluntary ; Invocation, Rev. W. S. Hazen; Scripture, Rev. E. /. Carpenter ; Anthem ; Prayer, Rev. J. Copeland. DEDICATION HYMN. BY BEV. JOHN KINO LORD, Brother of the Pastor. "When GOD the primal light unsealed. And bound In spheres Its golden bars. Through all the glowing vault there pealed The chorus of the morning stars. When Christ was born, those notes again Rang through the sapphire-sprinkled space; Judea's hill-sides caught the strain. And earth gave to Heaven the praise. And when the promised age of gold Sees fairer lands and brighter skies Spring from the ruins of the old. Still louder shall the anthem rise. Meanwhile, along these walls where now Our flrst glad sacrifice we bring. That song shall echo till we bow To sing with angels near the King. SERMON. BY REV. w. H. LORD, D. D., Pastor. " I will not give sleep to mine eyes, nor slumber to mine eyelids, until I find out a place for the Lord, an habitation for the mighty God of Jacob." — Psalm 132 : 4, 5. ' This is Solomon's record of the vow of his father David. It was the natural ex pression of that tender piety, of that de votion to the name and honor of God, which iUumines the whole character of the son of Jesse, and which raises hira, in spite of his stupendous sins and deep faUs, to a sublirae height of raoral excellence. All other things raade way in his mind to the glorious purpose of finding a habita tion for God. He was a king, and perils environed his throne. He was a states- MONTPELIER. 397 raan, and his people needed the help of a generous governraent. He was a poet, and the sacred inspiration of his harp thrilled the heart of his nation, as it has of all nations since. He was a warrior, and a councillor, and oft must have longed to lay aside the armor of battle and woo the refreshment of rest. But all other duties, and all other desires, were dwarfed in his fervid soul by one imperious obligation. What were politics, statesmanship, war, letters, nay, his own flesh and blood to hira, while God had no worthy habitation in Israel? What was it to hira that he could point to a royal palace, and rooras of state, and golden furniture, and Tynan hangings, while Jehovah had no palace yet built for Him, where He could hold His court and receive the horaage of His subjects. While Israel dwelt in tents, they had another for their tabernacle. But when they had an imperial city, and dwelt in ceiled houses, raarble and gold were not too rich or beautiful for their shrine. Nothing else was safe unless God's house was built. The teraple was the citadel of the nation. David's sword would be sharper, his scepter raightier, his lyre sweeter, if all were reckoned of less import than the task of finding a temple for the Lord. The vow of the king of Israel is of much larger range than its original historical application. We can not confine our thought to the narrow range of long past Jewish history, when the passage before us has been brightened by the light which faUs upon it from Beth lehem and Calvary. This expression says in effect, that within the soul itself, God's presence, honor and truth raust first be secured. To find a place for the Lord within the heart, is at once our high priv ilege and obligation. To enthrone God at the summit of thought ; to enshrine Him in the sanctuary of love ; to lay open to Hira the hidden springs of the will ; to de tain Him within the chamber of the soul ; this is to build for Hira a palace raore beautiful, more glorious, than any made with stone or decorated with gold ; and this is to win frora Hira a presence of Ught and power more resplendent than the she- kinah of the teraple of Jerusalem. The christian soul is the true temple of the Godhead, when it is cleansed by the blood of Christ ; when it is filled with the graces of the spirit ; when it is enriched with the tracery and ornaments of the divine word. When it is thronged with holy and adoring thoughts, as His servants and courtiers casting their tributes at his feet, then it is brightened with a light and beauty so shining, that God may indeed be said to be glorified in man, and to have found in hira His true habitation and rest. But another application of these words will, I doubt not, have been anticipated by those who are gathered within these walls on this day of high and thankful joy. May we not say that this noble pile itself is the product of a resolution such as was that of the king of Israel. By the per- raission and love of the Infinite God, we are to-day realizing long cherished hopes — long drearat dreams. To-day is cora pleted the prayer of years. Difficulties have been surmounted, and results achiev ed, for which we are indebted to the good ness of God. We behold the end and re ward of much sacrifice, of large and genial hearts, of wise and unconquerable wills, of cultivated and solid intelligence. AU that could be won by our zeal, and intel ligence and devotion has been secured. Our eyes behold that which is in very deed a worthy place for the teraple of the Lord — an habitation for the Mighty God of Jacob. David had to bequeath his un realized intention to his son and successor ; but the most of us who began to build, have been spared to witness the fulfilment of our hope, and the justification of our wisdom and foresight. And if one who is not a stranger to the impulses and motives which have swayed the minds of those who have labored for this result, raay be per mitted to interpret the sagacious and gen erous inteUigence which has given this noble structure to our State and our church, I would unhesitatingly say, that to promote our dear Redeemer's glory has been its first, its master motive. To raise a monument, (however unworthy our best must be of Him,) to His glory who died 398 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. for us ; to offer at His feet a raeasure of that wealth which he has placed at our disposal ; to tiiank Him thus visibly, thus palpably, for His grace to us ; to make a good foundation for a better work for Him — this was, this is, the object of all. Even if nought else came of this gratitude ; even if such thankfulness were refracted upon ourselves in no new blessings, this grateful adoration, this love of the Son of God, is the motive which has found so beautifiil, so splendid, an expression in a buUding, which, from to-day and henceforth, is ded icated to the glory and service of Jesus Christ. If aught else of pride or ostenta tion mingles with this, may He who de serves all we have, forgive and cleanse the foul unrighteousness. It is true that since Christ was crucified, the Father seeketh such to worship Him as worship in spirit and truth. Mount Mo riah and Mount Gerizim are not essential to worship. He who dwelleth in a temple made without hands, needs not a temple made with hands. The whole earth has now becorae a house of prayer and the gate of Heaven, for the Son of God hath dwelt in it and consecrated it by His presence. And yet a house of worship does not invade the spirituality of worship. It may rather enhance and intensify it. No raore is the closet a place for one Christian, than the church is the place for many Christians. And Christ fills both with His presence, and loves both the dwelling of a beautiful and holy soul, and the habitation of a beautiful and sacred house. He who hath made all things beautiful, loves beau tiful things and beautiful places. Repulsiveness of form is not necessarily united with spirituality of Ufe and purity of faith, and the autonomy of the local church under Christ does not imply that it ought to dwell in a barn. And when the beauty of the temple expresses both the abun^ dance of christian wealth, and the fervor of christian love ; when it is the exponent of ability and affection, then I see no reason why God should not love it as He did the tabernacle of old — raore than all the dwellings of His people. I see no reason why He should not love to corae into it and make the place of His. feet glo rious. I have thought it not inappropriate to this occasion, to ask your attention to the uses of the raaterial teraple ; the moral and spiritual purpose of such a house as that in which we are assembled to-day ; and why we should build it, and why we should love it ! I. To begin with its lowest uses, it will be in the first place an intellectual land mark, cultivating the best thought and the best taste. As it towers in conspicuous beauty high above the surrounding buildings, it is a natural expression in solid stone of an in tellectual truth. May we not say that it illustrates, on a sraall scale. Bishop Butler's argument upon the necessity for a visible church? It is a silent, but most eloquent, preacher of the first and highest of aU truths. It embodies and visibly perpet uates the institutions of Christianity. A visible church is a standing memorial of the duty we owe to our Creator, and by the form of religion ever before our eyes, serves to remind us of the reality. And the more impressive and beautiful the forra, the raore easily will the transition be to the tme character and glory of the ob ject of worship. Throughout the civUized world, each of the temples of Christendom bears a voiceless but effective testiraony for Christ. No thoughtful man ever looks at it from without, even if he never enters it as a worshipper, but he asks himself: ' ' What does this building represent ? Why is it here? Is it the monument of an ex tinct sentiment, or of a living conviction ? Is it the ornamented sepulcher of religious faith, or the powerful instrument of a springing and advancing life? " Thus the material building suggests aline of thought, backward and forward. It is a history, or a prophecy. Its dira aisles, and vaulted corridors and arched ceUings, its colurans hewn into transparent strength, and its roof painted with, the colors of the iris, have a message to men which they can but hear. It is a message of warning, or a message of hope. There is a city of the old world whose MONTPELIER. 399 palaces and squares are now falling into the sea, out of which she rose. Never did earthly city have a more beautiful shrine. It was at once a type of the redeemed church of God, and an iUuminated scroll of His written word. Neithergold nor crystal was spared in its buUding, and it was adorned with all manner of precious stones . The skill and the treasures of the East gUded every letter and illumined every page, tiU " the temple shone from afar Uke the star of the Magi." And as I walked along the alleys of that strange city, or floated upon its liquid streets, and remembered how she had thrown off aU shame and restraint, and had become filled with the madness of the whole earth, the feUing frescoes of gold, and the sinking columns of raar"ble of her great cathedral, seemed to utter in the dead ear of Venice, " Know thoii that for aU these things God wiU bring thee into judgment." Her sin was done in the face of the House of God, burning with the letters of His law. And the buUding, now shored up fi-om its watery grave by huge timbers, has a his tory, in which one who sees it, raust read both the triumphs and the corruptions of Christianity. There were no material churches, or scarcely any, in the early ages of persecu tion. When the church dared to come forth from the catacombs and live in pub lic, she had already triumphed — her places of worship were the symbols of victory. And do they not now speak to our reason and our hearts, and to our imaginations, somewhat as of old? What raeans the house of christian assembly, but that God delighteth stUI in the communion of His saints? What means the tapering spire, but that our hopes are beyond the sky to which it points ? What means the cross which rises fi-om the eastern porch, but that the atoning blood which flowed on calvary, warrants these hopes in sinners, such as we? What means the declaration traced in the centre of yon orbed window, but that our peace, comfort and salvation are centered in the triune Godhead ? What means the Iamb penciUed over organ and choir, but that aU our praise is due unto Hira who hath loved us and washed us from our sins in his blood ? What means that open Bible, translucent with the light of Heaven, and shedding its beams down upon the head of the preacher, save that God's word is the source of His wisdom, and the hiding-place of His power? What mean these inscriptions on the walls, over arch, aisle aqd door, except, not that Rome has a monopoly of Scripture or of Heaven, but that the Son of God is the impregnable foundation of the Christian Church, and faith in Him the only way of entering His" kingdom and glory? And what signify these colors, which cling so fondly to the instructed eye, and bind the very senses to the chariot wheels of ce lestial meditation, save that God Himself would be worshipped in the beauty of ho liness ? There are very few of Us appre ciate the nobleness and sacredness of color. It is not a subordinate beauty. It is not a mere source of sensual pleasure. He who says so, speaks carelessly. What would the world be if the blue were taken firom the sky, and the gold fi-ora stars and suns, and the silver frora the raoon, and the ver dure fi-om the leaves, and the crimson from the blood of man, and the flush from the cheek, the radiance from the eye, and the whole earth were clothed in an ashen gray? Should we not then know what we owe to color? The fact is, that of aU God's gifts to the sight of man, color is the holiest, the most beautiful and divine. The great architect of the worid has employed colors in His creation as the accompaniment of all that is purest and most preciois. He has laid the foundations of His temple in jasper and sapphire, and garnished its blue dome with stars of light. We shall not worship Him in less hoUness, if we worship Him in more beauty than our fathers knew. Even as we gaze upon the outline of the chief buildings which have been reared for Christ, our thoughts must be insensibly affected. In the training of the soul we raust subordinate the senses to the service of religion. And the beauty of the church is not a poor teacher, for the eye cannot choose but see, and itwiU sug gest to the imagination, to the heart of 400 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. many a raan, the supremacy, the great ness, the solitary magnificence of God. There are many tendencies of thought in our day that serve to obscure this primal truth. Men are wont to merge Jehovah in the work of His hands, or to deny the ex istence of His Son. The great questions which are debated around us, touch not simply the person of Je^us Christ, but the existence of God himself. Skeptical in fluences are being constantly infiltrated into the thought of society, into the minds of the young, and into the life of the world. Now this church takes such debated and assailed truths, and a great deal else, for granted. It stands to the minds of the very youth that play and wander under its shadow, in the place of an argument. It represents in a visible, material form the settled faith of the church. It lends new charm to that faith. It tacitly forces the truth of God's majestic separation from, and infinite superiority to. His creatures, fairly in upon the intelligence of a child. It does more. It forces in upon his con viction, also, the nearness of God to raan, and the love which He bears to us. This is God's house, separate from the whirl of the streets, from the passion of the hour, from the jostle of life. It stands alone among other buildings, unlike them all, more massive, more imposing, more elegant. But its doors are open. The mighty noise of its music swells through its arches. Its floor is moistened by the tears of love and penitence. The King Hiraself holds court in it, and His wor shippers throng His presence, and carry away His bounty. So its silent and rae- lodious eloquence is ever more of man's distance frora God, of God's nearness to man. Will God in very deed dwell with man? The tempile of prayer answers the question as no argument can. Sorae of us may remember when our minds were first opening in a world of thought, and groping their way in the twilight toward a deeper and higher knowledge. Into this mental confusion, how would not a mate rial symbol of the truth have helped to in troduce the welcome reign of light and order? Tell a child that revealed religion is the highest of all truths, that all other truth leads up to it, or radiates from it, and he wUl faintiy, if at all, guess your meaning. He has not yet climbed high enough to get your idea. But throw your doctrine into a concrete form, so that his eye, and ear and iraagination shaU be taken captive ; let it speak to hira from the tirabers and bearas of the house, from the colors of its walls and ceilings, from the stones of its foundations and stmcture, frora the music of its organ, as well as from the lips of the preacher, and you shall speedily make your way to his thought and to his heart, and give him a lasting forra and impress. He may not be con scious of the powers at work upon him, or the result achieved within him. He will receive the moulding influence as the tree drinks in its verdure, as the flower absorbs its loveliest tints from the air and sunlight, but it will form his character and his habit, and give hira a lifelong loyalty to the truth he has received. As the years pass over hira, and full of good service, with the peace of his God and Sa'vior in his soul, he feels that he is sinking towards his grave, he wUl look back, perchance, to this church as the first instructor of his ira- mortal spirit. Here was raapped out the truth which came from Heaven, and which can alone redeera a sinful or sustain a dying man. He will then remember how in the home of his youth, when all naked statement of truth would have been lost upon him, there was one buUding among many, noblest in its proportions, richest in its ornamentation, which pointed to a truth, the knowledge and love of which was life eternal. And his gratitude, multiplied by the gratitude of others, from genera tion to generation, wiU justify the wisdom of those buUders, who would not suffertheir eyes to sleep, nor their eyelids to slumber, nor the temples of their heads to take any r«st, until they had found a temple of the Lord, a habitation for the God of Jacob. He, and such as he, till the last stone is not left upon another, wiU bless those who thus set forth, in language which aU could understand, the preciousness, the unap- MONTPELIER. 401 proached preciousness of our divine Re deemer's gospel. 2. A second use of the material temple is the culture of reverence. Reverence is not merely a virtue, to find its exercise when we go to church. It ought to be the habit of the soul. Reverence is the recognition of greatness. It is the soul seeing something higher, better, nobler than itself. Woe to him who has no en thusiasm, no passionate love for persons, services or institutions which represent God, and who, therefore, has no rever ence ; who believes that there is no great ness before which it should be his happi ness to lie prostrate, and towards which he may not aspire. Nothing is more cer tain than the inteUectual and moral deg radation of him who never feels veneration or love. The sneer which he lavishes on all around, reacts -on his own moral life. The insolence which marks his address is traced in every line of his face. He whose motto is "Nil admirari;" who sees no good in what others respect; who never looks through the clear crystal lens of gen erous appreciation on a beauty or a great ness that is not his own, will sooner or later win the indignation or the compassion of his fellow men. So deeply did one semi-infidel feel this to be tme, that he is said to have declared, that if God did not exist, it would be nec essary to invent Him for the use of the educator of the human mind. It is only the sight of God which creates reverence. Hence the church alone is the school of reverence. The church of Christ alone brings God home to the human soul. Na ture knows not God. For a moment it seems to detect Him in the starry heav ens, or in the stormy sea ; or in the fra grant freshness of the summer air ; or in the calm briUiancy of a perfect landscape. But it only admires. It has no heart for reverence, because it has no heart for ad oration. It banishes God behind a sys tem of laws. But the Gospel, on the other hand, is the religion of Immanuel, God with us. He is with us in His Providence, in His power, in His wisdom, in His love. He SI is with us in His advent, in His tempta tion ; in His ministry, in His passion ; in His resurrection, in His sacraments. Ever since the incarnation, the " tabernacle of God is with men." The Shekinah has rent the veil of the temple, and come forth among us. We know that He is not far from any one of us. We express this knowledge when we speak of Him ; when we keep His Word ; when we enter the place of His assembly. It is in the vis ible, material church we learn reverence by precept arfd example. The silence, which is only broken that man may speak of God, or to God ; the adoring attitudes of devout worshippers ; the chant which raises the soul above the worid ; the con fession which opens upon it, through flashes of moral light, the true sight of the Most Holy ; these things suggest, day by day, year by year, a sympathetic attitude of the spirit. They succeed, at last, in persuading us to bend before Him who is the object and explanation of what is going on around us. They cry out, as if with one voice, to the soul, and the voice does not die away, " Oh, come, let us worship and fall down and kneel before the Lord our Maker." And thus a constant attend ant at the church learns an inward habit,. which is the safeguard of his intellect, the charm and lustre of his social life, the aroma of his character and intercourse, and the final deliverance and redemption of his soul. Very few lovers of the church and of church-going, find their way down to death. Their path is a shining one. They learn at last the value of the blood of atonement ; the glory of the Savior, and a hearty recognition of His supreme beauty. The profound yearnings of the spirit, which bring them within the house of God, are at length satisfied. The message of light and pardon, repeated week by week, is at last heard. Men may murraur about the dullness of the sermon ; but for every soul that is alive to the terrible mysterious- ness of life and death, and who resorts to the place where it may find God and come even to His seat, there is a freshness and perpetual interest in the Gospel message. He who seeks its repetition wiU learn the 402 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. secret of its power, and find the peace which it brings. "It washere," some will say, of this very church,'' "it was here, O ray Lord and ray God, that I learned to know and love Thee, and found out my own misery, and felt the grace and sweet ness of thy pity and thy pardon. It was here I learned the awfulness and blessed ness of life, the greatness of eternity." And many a redeemed soul will sing here after, " Lord Jesus, in this, Thy temple, I told Thee my sins and my sorrows, was washed in Thy blood, and "saw Thy glory face to face." 3. Another use of the material temple, is to assist the culture of the conscience. The moral sense learns and grows by dis cipline. Ever since Christ drove the money-changers out of the house of prayer, the conscience has had new light upon the sacredness of places of worship and the duties of religion. Doubtless the con science is roused and trained by association as well as by authority. It is informed and invigorated by every opportunity for good or for evil. There are seasons in every man's life when he finds ¦ himself face to face with forms of evil, upon resistance to which his whole eternity depends. For . many a falterer this church may strike the trembling balance in his favor. The strug gle, of which his soul is the scene, raay here be laid bare before the all Holy and Merciful. The teraptation to lust, or cru elty, or avarice, or selfishness, or coward ice of soul, may be exorcised, or, at least, lose half its force in the scenes and ser vices of this building. WJien all has seemed to be lost, and the darkness of sin has well nigh settled down upon the heart, then God here turns himself again, and looks down from Heaven, and beholds and visits in mercy. There are, indeed, those to whose conscience the church says noth ing. But with the great majority it is not so. Its services, its rainisters, nay, the "very lines and beauties of its architecture, are destined to be intertwined with the deep secrets of raany a spirit, and to have their place in the checkered history of thought and hope, of fear and passion, of suffering and joy, which wiU be revealed by the light of another world. And araong the spiritual mysteries which wUl here after be known as belonging to these waUs, not the least wiU be their silent contribu tion to the growth of the moral sense. 4. Nor shall it be without its effect in shaping the aims and unfolding the pur poses of many a life. This life it teaches us is not a game of chance, or a decree of fate, ihe sport of events, or the result of fixed necessity. Each man is instructed by it and in it, that he is to hallow his earthly life by a religious principle. It stands as a perpetual meraorial of God and of human responsibility in the very centre and heart of secular business and strife ; an unchangeable teacher of man's obliga tion to make his life a single tribute to God's glory. And this church, in itself, in its services, is destined to have a large influence upon men's purposes in life ; is destined to brace their wills to the right, to promote their obedience to the truth, to open their hearts to a larger destiny than would have been possible without it. In the very proportion of its inspiring and im pressive beauty, it is to become a helper of our souls in all good. Here our hearts wUl be opened, and kept open. The very place that is filled with fragrant perfume of the spicery that has been poured on Christ's head, will assist the soul to a better life. Creatures of association as we are, here our wills will be directed and strengthened ; here our whole inward life will get a unity and force, which wUl tell both in time and eternity. Here provision raay be made for the dark days that are coming, "for in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His tabernacle ; yea, in the secret place of His dwelling shall He hide rae, and set me upon a Rock." In dedicating this church, we do not gratify a mere artistic or aesthetic senti ment. We do not inaugurate a monu ment, which the economy of common sense, or the demand of Christian love, raight deem superfluous. For this church, in all its lofty beauty, is a hymn of praise to the Son of God, and embodies and gives shape to the essential features of the Christian work and life. The ministries MONTPELIER. 403 and associations, the very roof and win dows, the very tower and buttresses of this building, are destined to mould practically the daUy life of those who are here to learn to face the battle of life as men and Chris tians should face it. And here, too, many a modest flower will catch a Divine inspi ration, and blossom into lovely and fra grant beauty, and shed its incense of praise, untU it shall be transferred to a raore glorious temple, to bloom there love^ Iier and forever. Such a church, we trust,, will do more than promote the intellectual and raoral growth of those jwho worship in it, of the coramunity around it. It wiUdo, raore than cultivate taste and art. It wilt open men's hearts to God. It wUl help them toward Christ. It will teach them the rare graces of Christianity. It is the product of self-denial. It will be its teacher too. This church is no mere offering of that which has cost nothing. It is the gift of love, and love lives by sacrifice.' Love is not the desire to have. It is the passion to give. And we trust that this church will be to us a means of grace in this respect, and perpetually teach us that all the best things of life come by our sac rifices, and that our proudest, divinest sat isfaction will arise in the fiiture from our most generous offerings to the service, work, and glory of God. This house will show us, so long as it stands, that our best riches, our richest feelings and delights come from our largest gifts to God. Learn we this, if nothing else to-day, that joy comes by giving to Christ. It is more blessed to give than to receive. And thus this building wUl have raanifold influences upon our souls. Hereafter we shaU know how these lines of beauty, on which our eyes now rest with tranquil pleasure or cu rious admiration, have been graven deep in raany a memory, and have linked for ever many a soul's inmost life with the eye and hand of the Creator. 5 . Another use of such a material edi fice as this, is to render more attractive the system and polity of faith and worship with which it is connected. It will add a charm to the Congregational order and service. There is no reason why the ex cellent order of our New England fathers should not make all the warm sentiments of our nature tributary to its growth. None, why its beams and tirabers should not breathe the very odors of the cedars of Lebanon. None, why its garments should not smell of myrrh and aloes and cassia out of the ivory palaces. It is the church of our fathers, the old homestead and sanctuary of our hearts, full of rich mem ories, of dear associations, of priceless legacies of faith and hope and patience from those who have left the earthly con gregation and gone above the stars. This simple, beautiful and catholic polity is the very daughter of the King. She has trusted so much to her intrinsic and im perial grace as to laugh at outward adorn ing. She has been so beautiful and glo rious within, that her friends have dreamed not of her exterior robing and drapery. But she is all glorious within, and why should not her clothing be of wrought gold. In her places of assembly the faints have sat and worshipped, and why should not her gates be jasper, her walls chalcedony, and her arches and ceilings traced with the colors of the rainbow. Within her sanctuary, millions without number have learned the new song, and why should not the frescoed arches ofherroof resound with the anthem of the organ. It wUl not do altogether to despise the moral uses of material beauty. It will not do for a church to be beneath the inteUigence, the taste and the wealth of a coramunity. We raay raake art our master and we may make it our servant^ We have too rauch abjured it as either. We raay now give to it its ^ proper place, as a helper and minister in our great and noble work. The day is past for Israel to dwell in tents or in barns. When she needs to do it, she may, nor wiU she lose the ark and the covenant and the shekinah. But when she needs not to do it, she raust exchange her tabernacle for a teraple ; for even Christ demands what we can give Him, and He who is worshipped in spirit and in truth, would have the worship of His house conform to our taste and wealth and love. The es sence of Puritanism was not hatred of 404 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. beauty, but love of Christ ; and wherever love of Christ may prompt to a more beau tiful temple, the spirit of the fathers will linger, and Elijah's robe may fall upon Elisha's shoulders. The prophet of fire may raake way for the Prophet of Peace. Our church has fought a noble battle for Christ under a leader nobler than itself; nor need it now be weary of its work, nor fear to adapt its usages and forms to the exigencies of future conflicts. So long as it keeps the old spirit, it may not hesitate to avail itself of new formal attractions. After Christ had gone into the heavens, and the old temple of Mount Moriah had perished, and the arch of Constantine was built, the temples that had been construct ed for the service of divided and local gods were pressed into the service of the One God. Every form and symbol, it was be lieved, which belonged to the old world, might be claimed as the spoil and heritage of that which succeeded it. But one and another form which had pressed into its service the roughest stone, the richest marble and the rarest art, could as little resist the idolatrous tendencies of the heart as Solomon's temple had done. All came at last to feed the earth-born tastes which they had boasted they could subdue and sanctify. Then the idea grew up that such tem ples stifled the Spirit ; that art was a dan gerous ally of devotion ; that the most ugly building was the one that God was most likely to inhabit; that the upright and pure soul was his only true teraple. They were very beautiful and true words, and pointed to high truths, just as the towers and minarets of the old temples pointed to them ; but they are just as littie able to reach and preserve them. Hardness, se verity, dogmatism, could hide itself where there seemed to be only the utmost sim plicity and barrenness of form. But both were false. Each doctrine is unscriptural and fatal. The one gave religion bound as a captive into the hands of art, and made its services fantastical, sensuous and corrupt. The other gives God's beautifiil universe up to the devil, as his rightful possession, and makes him the monopolist of all that attracts and charms our bodUy sense. The one bound the invisible under the dominion of the visible. The other tramples the life out of the material and visible. We do wisely, then, as our fath ers would have done had they had the war fare of our day on their hands, when we aim to make all that is artistic and all that is beautiful, bring their tributes and lay them at the feet of Christ ; we should ex clude nothing that makes our polity more attractive and effective. While we do not doubt that its' essential glory is the pres ence of Christ in its service, we shall not be likely" to exalt any form of outward beauty above its intrinsic worth. Nor is our Congregational system un worthy that it should avail itself of all the helps and ministries of beauty. A gener ous, practical catholicity may well dwell in a palace. A church that does not assume to declare its own organization as com mensurate with the Church of God, which allows of diversity of ceremony and un essential form, might well have a royal tabernacle. If we believed in augury and signs, we might easily translate into a happy omen the gentle inclination of obeisance which the cross on yon Roman tower has been making for the year that is past, to Bethany church. For why should not the least denominational, sectarian, ex clusive and arrogant of all the churches, receive, like Joseph's sheaf, the homage of all its brethren? We love this Congregational polity. In it the life takes precedence of the form, and we would irradiate with its life a beautiful form. Nor would we refuse our fellowship to those who have the same spirit, but a . narrower and contracted form. We have no Shibboleth to utter. We have no rit ualistic bed on which to stretch or shorten the human spirit. We have no old judaistic skins in which to pour the new wine of the Gospel. We give to every church, to every man, the largest possible liberty. In the midst of a sisterhood of Christian de nominations, we boast that we are not de nominational. We call each Christian brother — we call every living church a sis ter church. It is not a word fellowship ; MONTPELIER. 405 we can welcome all to our congregation, to our ordinances, to our table. We love this freedom of church, a freedom to give as well as to receive — to give the hospital ity of our pulpits, our sacraments and our charities. We give an earnest protest against sec tarian exclusiveness, and ask only that a man should love our Lord Jesus Christ in order to our communion. We hold our selves at liberty to love a Pascal and Fenelon, a TiUotson and Beveridge, a Calvin and Luther, a Williams and Wesley. And when we see sorae good brethren of other churches put into the strait-jacket of their own creeds or ritual, and kept from a hospitality and a charity which Christ re quires, and their own hearts intensely de sire, by their ecclesiastical order, I rejoice that we are under no such bondage, and under no sad necessity to prove that the blood of the Son of God only mns in the veins of our own denoraination. And why should not an unsectarian church, the oldest, most numerous and most inde pendent in New England, by far ; rich in members, influence, position and history ; rich in the records of the living and in the rolls of her dead ; with no necessity of pleading for additions to her numbers with that resistless earnestness with which a hungry man cries for bread, and with a disposition to give bread to all that per ish, why should not such a church have suitable dwellings for its sanctuaries? Why should not the garments of such a broad and catholic polity be of Tyrian dyes, and its habitation be fashioned after the simil itude of a palace ? And we have reason to bless God for the generous Christian en terprise, and cultivated Christian taste which are coming to be shown in the mem bers of our faith and order in the erection of their churches. Finally, a noble material temple, such as this, is prophetic. It suggests and fore shadows a future history. We cannot but have been stmck, as we entered it this morning, with a building so simple in its plan, yet so ornate and splendid in its de tail ; so lavishly decorated, and yet so en tirely useful and practical ; such a beautiful specimen of the taste and art of our tirae, and yet so whoUy subservient to an endbe- yond. I should raisinterpret the spirit that has raised these walls, if I should bid you raark only the wealth of form and color that meets your eyes, or ask you to contrast it with the primitive models of our puritan architecture. We, at least, who have done soraething towards raising this temple of God, may feel that its beauties should enrich us with lessons of deeper and more practical value than can attach to anything which can be measured by the eye or sense. Its real interest to us, lies in its future and in its results. To us, and to our children, it may be indeed, for gen erations, a Bethany ; the home of Christ and his friends ; a place of wondrous mir acles and benedictions ; the scene of large growths of spiritual character, that shall rival the cedars of Lebanon or the palm trees of Olivet. It will be a dear house hold name which shall be embalmed in thoughts and feelings as fragrant as cluster about the old Bethany of the Son of God. The hopes and dreams of the past are crystalized into stone. We shall admire it more and raore, love it more and more, as it becomes associated with all that' is sacred and tender in our spiritual histories. Slowlybut surely it will be thenucleusand habitation of a famUy of Christ which shall be ever forming, and ever separating and re-forming in the skies. We shall count no cost it has brought, no sacrifice we have made, for we have sown seed here that shall bear successive harvests of light and peace and joy while the world stands. We have broken the alabaster box on the head of our Savior, and who shall say that it shall have no memorial in the future ? It will foster a large generosity, and be at once the proof and the helper of benefi cence in the cause of Christ. It wUl wit ness the vows, the prayers and the tears ot our posterity, and its manifest presence wUl bring them the blessings they seek. To thousands of eyes and imaginations it will sing of the glory of the upper temple ; that glory which eye hath not seen, but which the eye shaU yet see and be satis fied. It wUl help our thoughts upward in 4o6 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. their flights, and earthly architecture will be the symbol to us of the heavenly, the divine pattern of that which is in the king dom of God. We have laid these stones and spread these arches and traced these colors, not as a show of veneration, not to put our love on exhibition, not to assure men that we believe in Christ, and can prove our faith on so magnificent a scale ; but the building itself is a part of our com munion with Heaven. It is an invocation of trust. It is a sentence of praise. It is a hymn we sing, a prayer we offer. It stands in a line with the Stone of Bethel, with the Shekinah of the tabernacle, with the temple on Mount Moriah, "with the synagogue of Nazareth, with the upper chamber where the bread frora heaven was the food and the blood of Christ was the wine, and with the roora at Jemsalem, where the tongues of fire preached at the dedication of Christendom, and the Holy Spirit inaugurated the visible church for the nations." And if any object that all this richness is needless, we say more, that it prefigures to our dull sense a wider and grander glory than we see. It is a mortal means to an immortal end. It lifts our gross under standing. It images a beauty that tran scends it. It is the hinder part of the glory that is inconceivable. It is the gate of Heaven and the vestibule of the Holy of Holies. It signifies more than we can at once receive. It is a stray fragment of the upper temple, a Gloria in Excelsis, amid the loud din and stir of the world around it. And each svi^eet melody or prolonged harmony of the princely organ is but a foretaste of that music whose won drous noise fills the wide spaces of Heaven. Here we stand but on the threshold of music. The infinite combinations of the two thousand pipes of this instrument can never be made by the most skillful mortal player. The loftiest art can never com pass a tithe of its harmonies. There is no sound without its significance, no organ without its antitype. And when this in- stmraent accompanies the simplest hymn which comes from the lips of childhood, or some grand old hallelujah chant of Asaph, or prayer of David's, or pours forth its melodious strains like the rolling of a river or the rashing of a tide, I know it is a faint, yet but the faintest type of that surg ing flood of sound which shall fill the heavens when the redeemed and the angels shall open the seven-fold choms of haUe- lujahs and harping symphonies. The solemn grandeur, or plaintive melody, or jubilant exultation of its manifold combi nations, are a feeble prophecy of what that music will be when the voice of the whole church of God, the twelve-fold choms of Israel's ransomed, shall join with aU the tmrapets and harps sounding on the other side, in the uniraagined crescendo and glo rious dechachord of Eternity. Thus we read the future in the present, and the temple of to-day is a prophecy of that wor ship and that teraple, "When all the halls of Zion For aye shall be complete. And in the land of beauty All things of beauty meet. Where tears are ever banished And smiles have no alloy. With Jasper glow thy bulwarks. Thy courts with emeralds blaze. The sardius and the topaz "Unite in thee their rays ; Thine ageless walls are bonded With amethyst unpriced. Thy Saints build up its fabric. And the Comer Stone is Christ." And now what wait we for ? What re mains but that you should perfect your work? If this building is to be all and more than we pray or think ; if it is to be the habitation of God and the fountain of nameless blessings to you and to your chUdren to the last generation ; if He who dwells in the highest Heavens is to make it His tabernacle, and in very deed dwell with us, and vouchsafe His spiritual pres ence, power and glory in His temple, I now call upon you to offer to Him this buUd- in'g, and dedicate it to His sole service, and to the honor and praise of His dear Son. [The keys were here presented, and the building offered for dedication, by D. Taft, Esq.]Acceptance and Dedication, By Prof. M. H. Buckham. MONTPELIER. 407 We receive this building at your hands. I ask you now to rise and stand upon your feet, as we offer it as our gift to Alraighty God, and dedicate it to the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. With one ac cord let us consecrate it to the" Master's glory, to Christ and the Church. And as the dedication of the church is vain with out the solemn consecration of the wor shippers too, I call upon you all to dedi cate yourselves to the service of God. To Hira may your souls be dedicated. To Him may your bodies be dedicated. To Hira may your spirits be dedicated. And that He may graciously accept this solemn act, I call upon you all now to pray. Anthem. Benediction, By Rev. L. Tenney. MISSIONARIES : — Mrs. Sarah Coleman, married Erastus Dean of Salisbury, and went from this Church to the Cherokee Mission about 40 or 50 years since, Mrs. Eraeline (Bradshaw) Dodge, and Mrs. Coleman, who married Freder'k EUsworth . Samuel Mosely from this place went to the Choctaw Mission, and -Mrs. Lucinda (Washburn) Wright, who married a mis sionary not from this State. ART AND NATURE — VERMONT IN SUMMER. We have no quarrel with art. It is the province of man's genius. It is the realm of his skiU and intelligence. But we have a greater love for nature. It is the prov ince of God's genius, the realm of his in finite intelligence and power. He never paints. He creates. The glory and sweet ness and marvels of life are the effects of His handiwork. In perpetual change in har mony with invariable law He finds the se cret and hiding of His power. There are some galleries of art that are especiaUy in teresting. The Louvre ravishes the inexpe rienced eye. But the Dresden and Floren tine halls never weary the cultivated vis ion and the instructed taste. Men travel across the sea, time and again, to look upon these triumphs of human genius. There are bright pictures in other gal leries worth the price of an European tour to look at but once. The mar riage of St. Catherine, and the infant Sa viour in the Vatican, haunts the mem ory like an imperishable dream. A few great paintings in certain salons stand out from all the rest like the face of Denner in the Imperial collection at Vienna ; or a few unsurpassed art coUections attract the attention of all tourists, like the Academy of St. Luke in Rome. And it is the sarae in nature. A few regions God has raade more beautiful than others. His hand has fash ioned some drearas or syrabols of heaven in certain landscapes of earth. And we have always thought that the Almighty in tended, when He formed the hills of Ver mont, and shook out the green drapery of the forests over their sloping shoulders, and made thera fall in folds like the robe of a king along their sides, to give us a dim pic,ture of the new creation and the celes tial realm. Italy is a land of rarer sunsets and deeper sky, of haunting songs and grander memories ; Switzerland is a region of more towering sublimity and unapproach able grandeur, but in all the galleries of God, there is none that so shows the ex quisite genius of creative art ; the blending of all that is beautiful and attractive, with nothing to terrify the eye ; the mingling of much of the material glory, both of the earth and the heavens, with so littie to ap pall the sense. Vermont in summer is the Almighty's noblest gallery of divine art. We never traverse its valleys or climb its hiUs, in this sweetest of all months ; we never lie down on the banks where the wild thyme blows, or under the shade of the balsam or the fir ; we never trace the mountain streams and watch for the silver flashes which tempt the silent, gentle angler, who "handles his worm tenderly," to throw his fly ; we never penetrate the secret places in the heart of the hills, or watch the pleasant wooing which is always going on in shady places between the rip- pUng waters and the ash, the beech and the wUlow, which bend to kiss them as they pass, without a grateful sense of the riches of God, and an irrepressible wish to share them with our friends whose sense of beauty is mainly nurtured at human sources. — Rev. Mr. Lord in the Vermont Watchman. 4o8 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. "THE CHURCH OF THE MESSIAH." INDEPENDENT. BY BEV. J. EDWABD WRIGHT. It seems appropriate to introduce a sketch of this society, with sorae account of Unitarian and Universalist work done in Montpelier before 1864. "In an ac count of the religious condition of the town previous to 181 1, the late Rev. Chester Wright stated that previous to 1800, there had rarely been any preaching except by the Methodists; that the increased popula tion from 1800 was divided into various sects, the largest number professing Uni versalism." Among the prominent men araong the first settlers who avowed them selves UniversaUsts were Gen. Pearley Davis and his brother Hezekiah, Capt. Stephen Foster, Mr. Arthur Daggett, Es quire Sibley, and Capt. Isaac Putnam. Rev. Paul Dean, who was the Universalist minister in Barre in 1808, and for some years thereafter, preached occasionaUy in Montpelier, as did other rainisters of that sect from time to time. Universalists par ticipated, under the leadership of Gen. Davis, in building the Union meeting house, at the Center of the town, at an early date. Later, they effected a sep arate organization, and built a substantial brick house of worship at the East village, and later still, the same society, while con tinuing to use the brick house, buUt an other, of wood, at the North village. " The following list of Universalist preachers in Montpelier, has been gathered from Wal ton's Register : 1833, John M. Currier; 1834, John M. Austin ; 1835, B. H. FuUer, J. Wright; 1836, J. Wright; 1837, '38, John Gregory; 1839, J- "Wright, J. Boy den ; i840-'66, EU Ballou ; 1867, '70, J. O. Skinner; 1871, EU BaUou." But it is not to be understood that all of these ministers were engaged in preach ing in MontpeUer during the years set against their names. No doubt all re sided here, and some of them preached within the liraits of the old town of Mont pelier, but sorae were eraployed elsewhere. For sorae 17 years preceding 1830, littie or nothing was done to sustain Universal ism in this town; but about the year 1831, a society was organized in what is now Montpelier, prorainent in which were such raen as Wooster Sprague, (who started the enterprise,) Simeon S. Post, Dr. J. Y. Dewey, Richard W. Hyde, Alfred Wain wright, Araunah Waterraan, Mahlon Cot trill, Edward Brown, Joel Goldsbury, and General Shubael Flint. The Rev. John M. Austin served as pastor of this society forsome3years, whenhe was called to Dan- vers, Mass. The meetings were held in the old State House, near the present Pa vilion. After Mr. Austin left, the society had no regular meetings ; but occasionally a meeting was held by them in the Mason-. ic HaU, the Rev. John E. Palmer of Barre, and the Rev. Russell Streeter, and others, occupying the desk from time to time, until 1840, when Rev. EU BaUou bought "The Christian Repository," and removed from Stowe to Montpelier to edit and publish it. He preached a part of the time for several months after coming to town, in Masonic HaU, but found hiraself too much occupied otherwise, to justify his continuing the ef fort. In 1 85 1, he obtained the assistance of Rev. John S. Lee, (now Prof, in Canton Theological School) ; a new society, called "The Liberal Christian Church," was or ganized ; and meetings were regularly held for 2 years in the "Free Church," (now " Capital HaU,") the first year by Messrs. Ballou and Lee, alternately, the second year by Mr. Ballou alone. But the dis couragements proved too great to be over come, and another long period of inaction followed. Very few Unitarian ministers had ever been heard in Montpelier ; and only occa sionally had an avowed SpirituaUst given a lecture, ora " seance." Araong the for mer the Rev G. W. Burnap, D. D., of Baltimore, Md., (whose sister was the mother of our honored townsmen, Charles and George Reed), the Rev. A. A. Liver more of Keene, N. H., the Rev. Chas. Brooks of Hingham, Mass., and the Rev. Mr. IngersoU of Burlington, preached here at different times. But in October of 1864, Mr. Charles A. Allen, a graduate of Harvard College in 1S58, and of MeadvUle Theological School MONTPELIER. 409 in 1864, began, in the spirit of a missiona ry, to hold meetings in Montpelier, to which "liberal christians" of whatever de nomination, were especially invited. The congregations met first in "Village Hall," but soon perraission was obtained, — (not without opposition however), — to occupy ^ the Court House ; and for more than a year the meetings were held there. The number who assembled, hardly raore than a dozen at first, rapidly increased. A so ciety was formed in Dec. 1864, under the title of "The Montpelier Independent Meeting House Society." In March of the next year Mr. Allen was ordained in the "Brick Church," Rev. R. P. Stebbins, D. D., preaching the sermon. The society soon proceeded to build a house of worship on the north-west corner of Main -and School streets, which was dedicated Jan. 25, 1866, under the name of " The Church of the Messiah," Rev. F. Frothingham preaching the sermon. The cost of the site, the building, and the organ was about $20,000. " The Covenant of Christian FeUowship in the Church of the Messiah," adopted May 19, 1867, reads as foUows: "We write our names to this Covenant in the faith and fellowship of Christian disciples ; tmsting in God our Father in heaven, ac cepting the Gospel of Christ as our sover eign law, and resolving, by the help ot God, to live in honesty and charity with all men, and in Christian faithfulness with one another." Among those active in the organization of this society were Richard W. Hyde, ' Col. Levi BoutweU, Hon. W. G. Ferrin, Joel Foster, Jr., Hon. Nelson A. Chase, Hon. Daniel Baldwin, Hon. Charies Reed, George W. Reed, Dr. G. N. Brighara, H. S. Loomis, L. B. Huntington, Rev. Dr. Eli Ballou, Albert Johonnott, George Wat son, W. F. Braman, Hon. J. A. Wing, and, in most cases the wives of these gen tlemen. While the society was yet occupying the Court House, they organized a Sunday school, which has been at various dates under the superintendence of the pastors, and Hon. Charles Reed, Hon. N. A. Chase, Messrs. Geo. W. Wing, Joel Fo.s- ter, Jr., Albert Johonnott, and Fred Blan chard. Its library contains [1881] over 500 bound volumes, besides pamphlets. The teachers and scholars on its roU have together numbered for several years about 140, though the attendance has only occa sionaUy exceeded 100. The number of families connected with the society through some or all of their merabers is over 200. Mr. AUen's pastorate continued about 5 years. In the fall of 1869, he obtained leave of absence for a trip to Europe, and the Rev. J. Edward Wright, a native of Montpelier, was engaged to supply his place for a year. While away, Mr. Allen tendered his resignation, which was ac cepted, and Mr. Wright became the pas tor, and yet continues in that position. The society has never been embarrassed by any considerable debt ; and, altho' com posite in its membership, comprising Uni tarians, Universalists, some Spiritualists, and not a few formerly associated with dif ferent "orthodox'' denominations, has throughout its existence enjoyed remarka ble harmony, and almost uninterrupted prosperity.! Too much praise can not be given to Mr. Allen for the hopefulness and zeal with which he, unsumraoned, began the enterprise, and for the energy, and tact, and persistence, and untiring activity with which he labored, gathering the peo ple together, uniting them with a common purpose, inspiring them with the convic tion that they could buUd a church, and communicating to them his own spirit of faithfulness and self-sacrificing devotion. THE CHRISTIAN REPOSITORY. In 1833 Rev. John M. Austin, then pas tor of a Universalist Society in Montpelier village, and Rev. B. H. FuUer, bought "The Universalist Watchman and Chris tian Repository," of Rev. WiUiam BeU, who had published it a few years in Wood stock, and changed the place of publication to Montpelier. Mr. Austin dissolved his connection with the paper in a short tirae, on his removal to Danvers, Mass., but Mr. Fuller continued the pubUcation two or three years, when he sold half his interest 52 410 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. to Rev. John Moore of Lebanon, N. H. The paper was removed to Lebanon, and published there a year or two by Messrs. Moore and Fuller. Then, about the year 1838, Rev. Joseph Wright becarae the pro prietor, and Montpelier was again made the place of publication. Rev. John E. Palmer and others co-operating with Mr. Wright in the work. In January, 1840, Rev. Eli Ballou, then of Stowe, purchased the paper and contin ued its publication regularly as a weekly journal during 30 years, or until May, 1870, when he sold it to the • ' Boston Universal ist Publishing House," and thus the paper was merged in " The Universalist," known at the present date as "The Christian Leader." CHRIST CHURCH, MONTPELIER, VT. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF CHRIST CHURCH. BY HIRAM ATKINS, ESQ. The first confirmation in Montpelierwas in 1839, when Bishop Hopkins visited the Capital, and adrainistered that apostolic rite in the meeting-house of the Metho dists, to Mrs. S. P. Redfield, Mrs. J. M. Richardson and Hon. Isaac F. Redfield ; the first of these being at that time the only person in Montpelier reared in the Church. In 1840, Christ Church Parish was im perfectly organized, and reported to the Diocesan Convention in September by Mr. George B. Manser, a candidate for holy orders, there being four confirmations that year. In 1841 the first parish raeeting was held, and George B. Manser, Isaac F. Redfield, J. Y. Dewey, S. P. Redfield, A. C. Pierce, H. N. Baylies, and Daniel Baldwin, were elected vestrymen. S. P. Redfield served 15 years, untU 1858, and Dr. J. Y. Dewey from 1841 untU 187 1, ex cept frora 1866 to '68, when he was at his own request excused frora service . During Dr. Dewey's last two years of service he was senior warden. In 1842 the parish was represented in Di ocesan Convention by George B. Manser, a lay delegate. Sept. 21, 1842, Mr. Manser was made a deacon, and took charge of the parish. During this year it was fully organized, and the work of building a church, on the site now occupied by the "Riverside" buUding, set about, the funds being raised by subscription and sale of pews. Dec. 29, 1842, the church was con secrated, and regular service commenced Jan. 15, 1843. June 7, Mr. Manser was advanced to the priesthood, and became Rector. The Diocesan Convention met in Montpelier, Sept. 20, 1843, and Hon. Isaac F. Redfield represented the parish as lay delegate, being the first regular del egate. In 1845, the first contribution for church work outside was made by the parish — $12.70, the sura not being so ira- portant as the spirit of the gift was signifi cant. In 1846 the ladies of the parish raised $100 for a bell. In 1848, Mr. Manser resigned his charge, the place being temporarUy filled by Rev. F. W. Shelton, who officiated for Mr. Manser 8 months, frora Oct. 1847, to June, 1848. The following September, Mr. Manser returned, but finaUy resigned in 1849, and Jan. 18, 1850, the Rev. E. F. Putnam became rector. During this year the bell in the tower of the present church was procured, at a cost of $250.. In 1849, Hon. Timothy P. Redfield was elected a vestryman, and has served continuously to the present, having been senior and junior MONTPELIER. 411 warden several years, lay delegate to the Diocesan Convention, and lay delegate to represent the Diocese in the General Con vention. In 1850, Hon. Charles Dewey was chosen a vestryman, and has held the position almost continuously until the present tirae, and he is now senior warden. In 1850, the parish had increased in num bers enough to entitle it to two lay del egates in the Diocesan Convention, and Messrs. T. P. Redfield and Chas. Dewey were the first who went there together. This year, Hon. S. B. Colby was chosen one of the vestry, and remained a member of it until the election of 1864, when he was not re-elected, having removed to Washington, D. C, to assume the duties of Register of the Treasury, which position he filled until his decease in 1867. In 1852, the debt was reported reduced, and extinguished in 1865. The first Sun day in June, 1854, the Rev. E. F. Putnam, who was a much-loved rector of the par ish, died at St. Albans, having been com pelled by ill health to previously resign his rectorship, and upon the parish records is spread a sincere and warm testimonial of the high esteem and true affection felt for him. Nearly 30 years have elapsed since his departure, but his meraory is still green in the hearts of the people then here. The day of Mr. Putnara's decease. Rev. F. W. Shelton became rector, and reraained as such until the spring of 1866, when he re signed. Aug. 3, 1866, Rev. Daniel Crane Roberts was elected rector, and the same month assumed the duties of the position. Mr. Roberts' resignation was accepted May 8, 1869, and Rev. Wm. J. Harris, D. D., was chosen rector Aug. 30, 1869. Dr. Harris resigned late in 1870, and Rev. Andrew HuU, D. D., was elected rector March 20, 1871. Dr. HuU was rector of the parish until the summer of 1879, when his resignation of May 12, 1879, took ef fect. Oct. 13, 1879, Rev. Howard Fremont HiU, of Concord, N. H., the present incum bent, was elected rector. Of the seven rectors, the first three are dead. In the sermon of Dr. Shelton, which follows this sketch, Dr. Manser and Rev. Mr. Putnam are spoken of as their good work deserved, and the memory of Dr. Shelton is delightful to all who knew that good man. The first recorded baptism is that of Berkeley Baldwin, infant son of Dr. F. W. McDowell, though 12 baptisms had been previously reported. The first recorded marriage is that of Mr. James T. Thurston and Miss Fanny Witherell. The first marriage by Mr. Shelton was that of Mr. Charles Dewey and Miss Betsey Tarbox, May 3, 1848. Among the earlier vestrymen we find the names of R. S. Howard, afterwards rector at Woodstock, Homer W. Heaton, Esq., C. W. Bancroft, George Langdon, E. P. Scribner and others. But those most closely identified with the parish in this relation are S. P. Redfield, who served from 1843 to '58, and was junior warden in 1844, and senior warden from 1845 to '52 ; J. W. EUis, who has been vestryman most of the tirae since 1845, and raany years junior warden or senior warden ; Stoddard B. Colby, vestryman in 1848 and junior warden from that time until 1850, and again in '58 ; and Hon. Roderick Richard son, now of Boston, who was a vestryman and senior warden. The present vestry consists of Hon. Timothy P. Redfield, Charles Dewey, J. W. Ellis, Fred E. Smith, Hiram Atkins, Edward Dewey, L. P. Gleason, Geo. E. TapUn, and H. N. Taplin, Jr. Mr. I. P. Dana was elected a vestryman in 1879 ^nd re-elected in 1880 and 1881, but is not now a meraber of the vestry, having re signed when he reraoved frora the Parish. Mr. Sraith, who is now junior warden, was first chosen vestryraan in 1864; Mr. Atkins in 1868; Mr. Edward Dewey in 1871 ; Mr. L. P. Gleason in 1876; Mr. G. E. Taplin in 1876; Mr. Dana and Mr. H. N. TapUn, Jr., in 1879. Mr. Truraan C. Phinney was chosen ves tryraan in 1853, and held the position till he declined further service ; he was also for several years junior warden. In 1866, the parish voted to erect anew church, and efficient measures were at once taken. Liberal subscriptions were 412 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. made by the leading raen of the parish, seconded in their liberality by those less wealthy. The S. B. Colbyestate, on State street, opposite the Court House, was se cured, and the work coraraenced. The church- was consecrated June 2, 1868. (See introductory view.) The ground plan includes nave and aisles, chancel, organ charaber and sac risty, the tower being engaged in the north ern end of the east aisle. Exterior, 108 by 55 feet; tower and spire, 100 feet; in terior — nave, 22 feet wide, separated by two colonnades frora the two aisles, each II feet wide; chancel 17 feet wide by 23 deep ; whole exterior, except roof and clerestory, light-colored Barre and Berlin granite; aisle walls without but tresses ; clerestory, timber slatted outside. The north front is the most imposing part of the exterior. The tower is of three stages, a single leaf-door in the lowest, two long, narrow, glazed lights in the second, three equal belfry windows in the third ; the belfry stage, a plain square ; below, double buttresses at the angles, running into a massive blocking of the wall at the base, which gives an effect of sin gular strength and solidity. A similar character is given to the buttress on the opposite angle of the north end. The tower is surmounted by a broach spire, crowned with a well-carved finial, all stone to the top. The main doorway is of two leaves, in the middle of the north end, with jamb shafts and mould arch. In the gable is a round window, with three spherical triangles containing three bold trefoils, the interspaces being filled with quatre- foUs and smaller openings. The coped gable is covered with a very bold, large, plain cross of stone — the only cross on the exterior. On entering the interior, the effect of loftiness is far in advance of one's expectations from seeing the exterior alone. The nave and aisles are of five bays ; the chancel of two ; the apparent length of the nave, increased by an arch at the north end, like and opposite the bold and well- marked chancel arch. The columns are four shafts in clusters, with mouldings be tween, the arches resting on them, corre spondingly moulded. The aisle windows are single lights in each bay. The chancel arch is well worked ; chancel-rail and wain scot, altar — which stands out from the wall — in black walnut ; seats in the nave, doors, etc., black ash and black walnut, in their natural tints. The organ chamber, on the west, opens by a narrow arch in the church, and by a broader one into the nave ; the organ is a fine and powerful instrument. The roof is ceiled in three coats, the centre one being the narrowest. The fraraing of the prin cipals shows within, with braces and span- drils of open tracery ; and similar braces run longtitudinally along the purlines, from principal to principal, these timberings adorned with color, the whole ceiling other wise a light blue. The windows are filled with stained glass, the altar window, the largest, having three lights underatraceried head ; the central, widest light, the fuU- length figure of our Lord blessing the chalice. The evangelistic syrabols and other erablems fill the side lights and head of the window ; clerestory windows of chancel, nave and northern rose window, pattern glass of rich colors ; aisle windows all with borders of colors, each an em blem in the head, otherwise filled with stencilled quarries ; font near the sacristy door, Vermont marble. The architect was J. J. R. Randall, of Rutland ; the buUder, P. Trow, of Mont pelier. The painting was done by N. Osgood Snow, of Montpelier. The marble for the font was the gift of Hon. Pitt W. Hyde, and the beautiful and appropriate design was from the pencil of, and fur nished by. Rev. John Henry Hopkins. The cost of the church was over $30,000 ; the only subscriptions received frora out side the parish were : In New York, George Bradshaw, $1,000 ; M. M. KeUogg, $500; George R. Thompson, $150; E. S. Jaffrey, $75. In PhUadelphia, Jay and H. D. Cooke, $400. In Washington City, from Charles Knapp, $200. In Burling ton, frora V. P. Noyes, $100. No smaU part of the credit due for the perfectness with which the work was corapleted be longs of right to Judge Ridiardson and MONTPELIER. 413 his associates of the building coramittee. Col. Fred E. Smith and the late Carios Bancroft, Esq. The last of the building debt was extinguished sorae years since. In 1843, there were 15 communicants; in 1863, 68 ; in 1868, 77. The statistics for 1881 show: FamUies, 86, comprising 266 individuals ; individuals not included in farailies, 30 ; total, 296 ; baptisms for the year, 16; confirmations, 6; communi cants, 129— males 44, females 85 ; Sunday- school teachers, 6 ; pupils, 61. The foUowing sermon, by Dr. Shelton, preached Sept. 3, 1865, is inserted, as his torically valuable in that it shows well what manner of raen were the three de ceased rectors of this church : Sermon by Dr. Shelton, 1865. " Return, we beseech thee, O God of hosts : look down from heaven, and behold, and visit this vine. So will not we go back from thee : quicken us, and we will call upon thy name." Ps. 80 : 14, 18. A few words wUl suffice to explain the allusion contained in the above passage. The kingdom of Israel is spoken of under the siraUitude of a vine which was of God's own planting. It had taken root, and flourished abundantly, put forth its lively shoots, green leaves and blossoras and borne its ripe fmit. But it was subject to vicissitudes, as of wind and weather, and evU elements, sometiraes its branches were lopped off, not by the careful pmning hand, but by the act of violence, yet the root was strong, and hearty, full of life blood, ready to spring up with greater vig or than before. The Jewish people were not like sorae rough, rank offshoot, but chosen of God himself as a peculiar race to whom he would manifest his peculiar fa vor, they were a choice vine in the wilder ness, growing up under the golden sun shine and dews of Heaven. Under the sarae siraUitude Christ al ludes to himself. "I am the vine. Ye are the branches." He was the main stock, the root, the source of life, and sus tenance and vigor. His disciples every where were but so many parts and mem bers of the same. After the Jewish church had fulfilled its mission, the root still ex isted, though all the former branches were razed to the ground. The Saviour in his Divine nature was the root of David, even as in his generation, he was according to human genealogy, David's offspring. The primitive christian church, frora this im planted ineradicable root sprang up like a tender vine. In its incipient growth, in its subsequent stages, up to the present time, it has been subject to every vicissi tude of the outer elements ; but the good Father has been the husbandman and has ever watched over it, and he has promised that he will do so with a kindly care. The rank reeds and vegetation of the world have tried to choke it in its dwindled es tate, to draw away its sustenance, pressing upon it, overtopping it, and casting it in their baleful shade, but deep down and fixed the vital gerra hSs reraained, and only gathejed strength. The enemy has sowed tares all around it, hoping if they would not extract the life, that the origi nal plant would be torn up in the effort to exterminate the thick tares. But the man date went forth to the husbandman to do not that, but the plant could grow and flourish still amid the elements of evil, until the harvest time. Sometimes the sword of violence was applied, or the fires raged so as to destroy apparently nearly every branch, and budding offshoot, and all which reraained above the ground. The destruction thus far was permitted only that the fiiture exuberance, and frait- age, of the vine might be greater. The sword could not lop any closer ; — the fire with its devouring breath could not pene trate any deeper. It is the very province of Christ, Ulustrated by his own brillant career, to bring up life out of death, and a resurrection of glory out of dust and ashes. Now the branches of the original plant are over all the earth, though still liable to be broken off by storms, and to be left bleed ing. The church was sraall among elements which were apparently great ; it was weak among those which were apparentiy mighty. It is elsewhere in scripture lik ened to the minutest of seeds. "The king dom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his 414 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. field, which indeed is the least of all seeds, but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof." (J\Iatt. xiii. : 31.) Every body of believers wherever found, every organized church, every distinct collection of disciples in which Christ's ministry is maintained, to whom His Gospel is preached and His sacraments are adrain istered, raay still be likened to a vine, which the great husbandman himself has caused to be planted in such a ground, or in such a locality, and has comraitted to his ser vants to watch over it, and however small it may be at the start, however it may be liable to dangers or vicissitudes, however imperfect may be the culture, if it be a tme offshoot of Christ, it must flourish, be cause it draws its life blood from the very source of life. This little body cf disciples, this church established in our very midst, which not only professes the pure doctrines, but is naraed by the very narae of Christ, is a vine, — even yet in its incipient growth, but planted by the hand of faith — which has already borne some fruit, and under the fostering smiles of the Divine favor, it is hoped and believed that it will do so far more abundantly. It has experienced its struggles, its trials, its changes, its difficul ties, its retardments in a soil originally un congenial to it in some of its inherent char acteristics, and to its peculiar form. I propose now to refer to the phases of its history thus far, to look back upon it from its original start, to gather up a few facts and statistics from its scanty memorials, that we raay see what have been the deal ings of God with it in its hitherto humble career, and what raay be its hopes and proraise for the future. If such a contera- plation, in a sketch however feebly drawn, shall serve to strengthen the bonds of at tachment with you who are merabers of this Church of Christ, to awaken a renewed in terest in its welfare, to stimulate your ef forts to promote its future growth, to ani mate your zeal, to confirm your courage, and to keep you ever more firmly knit to gether in one body, in the unity of the Spirit and in the bond of Peace, then whatever raay occur to one who has so long ministered imperfectly among you, this labof will not be in vain. And that it may not be, is my humble and sincere prayer. On the Sth of Sept., in the year of our Lord 1840, a number of inhabitants of this town associated themselves together for the purpose of supporting the ministry of the Gospel and maintaining public worship in conformity with the constitution and canons of the Protestant Episcopal church in the Diocese of Vermont, and they adopt ed, received, and promised, entire con formity to the aforesaid constitution and canons. The document whereby they thus associated themselves together, is signed by Isaac F. Redfield, Julius Y. Dewey, Geo. B. Manser, H. N. B%ylies, J. W. EUis, Geo. Langdon, C. W. Ban croft, Wm. Upham, Charles Dewey, and some others who, altho' not closely iden tified with the society, gave it their good will, their influence, and pecuniary sup port. On Easter Monday, Anno Domini 1 84 1, the church was fully organized under the titie and designation of Christ Church and a vestry elected, Geo. B. Manser be ing senior and Isaac F. Redfield junior warden. Soon after a lot was secured, the present church edifice was erected, and on the 29th day of December, A. D. 1842, it was at the request of the wardens and ves try duly consecrated to the worship of Alraighty God, by the Rt. Rev. John Henry Hopkins D. D., Bishop of the Diocese, according to the rites, usages and services of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, and about that time, or shortly after, the Rev. Geo. B. Manser entered upon his duties as the first Rector. In this connection he continued unintermpt- edly until the fall of 1847, being then ab sent for a few raonths at the South, acting as assistant Rector to the Rev. Dr. Hanks in the city of New Orleans, and the Rev. F. W. Shelton of the Diocese of New York, who had recently received orders, was invited to supply his place untU his return, which occured in the spring or summer of the year foUowing, 1848. On July 16 of the same year^ having received a call to another field, Mr. Manser tendered MONTPELIER. 41S his resignation to the wardens and vestry, who passed a resolution conveying to him their ' unfeigned thanks for his faithful care and useful labors,' assuring him at the same time of their ' friendly confidence and sin cere regard.' As I had the happiness of a personal acquaintance with him during my first bri^ residence in this place, and was for some time a guest under his roof, and after an interval of sorae years was again frequentiy associated with hira in kindly intercourse, it affords me a melancholy satisfaction in this place to recall your first exceUent Rector to remembrance, and to pay to his worth a passing tribute. To a man of his innate modesty and sensibility his position was sufficiently trying in being the first to officiate here, and in entering upon, to him, a strange and untried field. He had heretofore been an active meraber of the Congregational society, and as a warmly religious man had been identified with the same, and entered zealously into the performance of whatever appeared conducive to the cause of Christ. Educa ted, moreover, to the profession of the law, he had more or less to do with the conflicting clairas of persons in this vicin ity. His views with regard to the consti tution of the church having undergone a change, and his convictions becoraing at last fixed, he voluntarUy relinquished a pro fession which would yield him a much bet ter support, and under such circumstan ces, entered the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal church, and became your first Rector. His position was more difficult, and the embarrassments wherewith he had to contend were greater than those of any who succeeded hira. With what patience he bore his burdens, and with what fideli ty he performed his work, can be attested by raany who now hear rae. They knew well the tenderness of his feelings, his warm sympathies and affections, the right- ness of his intentions, the disinterested ness and purity of his heart. They knew where to find him in the dark hour of ca lamity, and he proved at all times a genial and warm hearted friend. He made worldly sacrifices for the cause of the church, and his narae and memory and example are now cherished in grateful re membrance. Shortiy after his retirement frora this parish, he was called to the Rec torship of St. Peter's church at Benning ton, where he likewise performed a good work, modestiy pursuing his course, and while yet in the vigor of life with the pros pect still of raany years of usefulness, he was sraitten with disease, and fuU of faith and hope and joy, expired on the 17th day ofNoveraber, 1862. Resolutions of affec tion, regret and of tender sympathy with his famUy were passed by the vestries of St. Peter's at Bennington, and of Christ Church Montpelier, as well as by the con vention of the Diocese, of which he was for raany years and up to the tirae of his decease, the efficient secretary. How long an interval elapsed after the departure of the Rev. Mr. Manser frora this parish before the vacancy was supplied does not appear on the records, but the Rev. Edward F. Putnam was as early as June, 1850, acting as its rector, and in this connection he continued to within a few months of his death, which occurred at St. Albans, on the first Sunday in June, 1854. By a sin gular coincidence, on that same day this church was re-opened after an intermission of its regular sevices for some time, and he who now addresses you, entered upon his duties as Rector. Thus the worship of this church was again renewed at the very hour when the soul of this excellent man was entering into the glories of. heaven. It was not my happiness to be personaUy acquainted with him, but with regard to his christian devotion, the warmth of his sympathies and the excellence and amiabil ity of his character, there is but one senti ment among the members of this parish. He was not only a sincere christian, but on principle and conviction a strict and decided churchman. Though, as I have been inforraed, not brillant as a preacher, he was efficient, active, and zealous in the work of the parish, and his meraory like wise will long be gratefully cherished by this people. For rayself, I am but the third rector since the foundation of this parish, both of the forraer ones having already entered 4i6 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. into their rest. Nearly the whole of the tirae which has elapsed since my entering into orders has been passed in your midst. I stand not here at this tirae to record its varied experience, its phases of personal joy and sorrow. I have shared with you alike in the seasons of pleasure and of bit terness. The friendships which I have formed here will be cherished during my life. I can only regret that I have accom plished so little, but I shall drop a few tears on this vine, and pray that with better tending its branch raay be green and vigorous forever. It may be interesting to you to hear a few statistics, after which I shall suggest what occurs to me as suitable to be said, at your present state of progress, and if I can think of anything which would tend to your future good, will venture to speak boldly. "I'he early records, as is very apt to be the case in the first struggling origin of a parish, are deficient. They have no doubt been made, but the papers have been lost or mislaid. There are no transcripts of either deaths, baptisms or confirmations, although there must have been many. There are those of marriages only. Con sequently, I cannot present the sum total which ought to be rendered. The defi ciency as to mere numbers could be sup plied, if I had at hand a full file of journals of the Convention, of which several copies for reference ought to be on hand, at least with the rector and wardens. That I have not saved thera carefully, is my own fault, which must here be acknowledged. That in accurate business habits I am decidedly deficient, those who have known me as long as you have, will bear me witness, — I have got no head for them. During the incumbency of the Rev. Mr. Manser, 2a couples were united by him in the bonds of holy raatriraony. Deaths, baptisras and confirmations, as I have said, are not recorded. By the Rev. Mr. Putnam, 9 couples were united in the bonds of holy matrimony, 43 persons were baptized, and during his term of office 17 were confirmed by the Bishop. During my own rectorship there have been 31 marriages, 67 baptisms, and 50 confirmations. Thus, altogether, since the foundation of the parish, 60 couples have been mar ried according to the rites of the church. There have been, so far as the records in form us, 107 baptisms and 67 fpnfirma- tions. This record I quote, not to rejoice in its fulness, not to glory in the fmits, but simply to tell the truth in its meagreness. Perhaps more work raight have been done, and more ought to have been done. These are only the beginnings and first fruits. If only thus few have been baptized and con firmed in the most holy faith, yet these re sults are not unimportant. God only knows what blessed influences may spring from these few persons if they only laad the rest of their lives according to such a be ginning. Not a single rite has been per formed of which it is possible for us to estimate the raultiplied and diversified in fluences. What can be raore beautiful and impressive than the marriage service according to the ritual of the Episcopal Church ? Who can go away without tears frora the quiet altar, or fail to feel the holy benediction which is bestowed on the heads of the young couples, and can they, however thoughtless, have ever gone away, and the particular forra in which this cer emony was celebrated, according to the church, have had no effect upon their after lives? Will nothing proceed from the acts of those who have brought their children in faith to the baptismal altar ; and when you have witnessed the beautiful rite of confirmation, and have heard the pa triarchal benediction pronounced therein, have you considered that this, notwith standing its temporary impressions, was but a mere empty show? Let me tell you that feeble as are the huraan agencies, little as we can boast, few as are the nu merical results which we can show, there is not an act which has been seriously and reverently performed in this church, during these two score years, which wiU not work with a never-ending, and stiU wide&ing in fluence. Those who have kneeled with MONTPELIER. 417 you at this altar in times gone by are scat tered everywhere. They are thousands of miles away, but they remeraber what was done here, and they are inspired thereby with pleasant thoughts and sweet affec tions, and away off in the wide prairie, or some reraote wilderness, they go and plant an offshoot of the little vine which they have helped to nurture here ; and that, too, will grow, and leave out, and blossom, and bear fruit abundantly. But let us further review our course thus far. This church, in the aggregation of its first members, consisted of a mere nu cleus. It was so very small and weak as hardly to excite in the minds of others not attached to it, the apprehension that it would encroach unduly. Thoseifirst raera- bers were not men of great wealth. The most of them had not been educated or brought up in the Episcopal Church. Col lected around them there were a few others who lent countenance and material sup port. Some came frora raere personal re gard for those who have in turn adrainis tered to you ; sorae from a sentiment of predilection for the mild, genial, liberal and uncensorious spirit of the Episcopal Church ; others from a true admiration of her forms of prayer and liturgic worship. They were drawn by all these causes rather than by a particular perception or regard for her apostolic constitution or distinctive principles. It was not a homogeneous society. Many who had a distinct faith of their own, differing in important particulars from our confessed standard of doctrine, very kindly, and with a very liberal spirit, notwithstanding this difference, gave of their means and do to this day. And I take this occasion to say, that if some few of them, not raany it is to be hoped, should go out from this fold, where they can find those precise shades of doctrine which they profess to hold, we should be, in turn to them as individuals, weU wishers, and rather remember their kind offices in the past than feel inclined to censure them for what they may choose to do, and have a right to do in the future. For myself, they will have my personal esteem and re gard. The smaUness of your numbers was S3 then the first drawback, but that was pre cisely the same as attached to the first origin of Christianity itself Outside of the pale there was, as was to be expected, the usual amount of prejudice and mis apprehension on the part of those from whom we differ in constitution and gov ernment, rather than in essential Chris tian doctrine. This raight have been greater had not your first rectors been men of placable temper and of good judgment. A rash, zealous, impracticable churchman might have destroyed this new project in the embryo. In thebook of your records there is fre quent allusion to a church debt unliquidated, and discussion of means and steps to be taken to wipe it out, for no society can make satisfactory progress with an over hanging debt. Such was the condition of things in 1854, when I first entered upon the duties of rector. Of the reraaining matters it is now raore difficult and deUcate for me to speak, yet you will expect that something should be said. The society was then small ; it is so stiU, for it is yet comparatively in its infancy, and those who have gone before me, as well as my self, have been only pioneers. The best years of ray life and the best fruits of ray education have been given here, with very imperfect results for the present, but when better men shall come after me, they will reap. The past will not have been in vain. For eleven years I have adrainistered in this parish, and though neither very strong or very robust, have been kept frora this desk but one Sunday by sickness. It might be alleged, and no doubt justly, that it might have been possible for me to have advanced the cause of the society with more onset and vigor. You have had the best opportunity, by the longest ac quaintance with rae, to know those im perfections which are bound up in my very nature. At the same tirae I trust it wiU not be considered indelicate if I refer to sorae of the general principles which I have endeavored to follow out in the di rection of this parish. Here there is, we may say, a comparatively fixed population with regard to numbers — not otherwise, 4i8 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. for our young people are drained off when they might be of service to us, and go to contribute their energies to the develop ment of the mighty West. There is no surplus population as in sorae teeming, overflowing town, where an active, bustling minister could go forth into the streets and alleys and gather a flock. The ground had been pre-occupied by religious bodies, with their prescriptive limits well defined, and a raere proselyting spirit would, it seeras to me, have accomplished littie in attempting to cross these bounds, nor have I directly or knowingly interfered with any one's rights, or wounded any in their preposses sions or prejudices. Spasmodic move ments of any kind have not been tried, but the quiet, regular routine of the church in the regular administration of the ser vices and sacraments, on all the principal appointed days throughout the year, wheth er fasts or festivals, has been trusted to work its slow, steady, but ultiraately sure, results. With thin numbers, and an in clement season neariy half the year — mem bers of the parish living at far distances — I have not attempted to carry out the cathe dral system of the church to any greater ex tent ; firstly, because in a given time I am on ly capable of accomplishing a given amount of intellectual work, and secondly, be cause, in my judgment, our present circum stances did not seera to warrant it. While no great stickler for rainute forms, nice in terpretation, and slavish adherence to ru brics, or to whatever, according to ray own coramon sense, I regard of small raoment corapared with weightier raatters, I have endeavored to conform to the general sys tem of the church in all its essential par ticulars — but that I should stand up here and assert that I have performed my full duty, God forbid. Outside of official min istrations it has been my endeavor to keep the members of this flock together by the cords of kindly fellowship, in the unity of spirit and in the bonds of peace ; to assuage differences and to heal wounds. Of the sacred ties which have connected rae to raany in a place, where, notwithstanding my mistakes or faults, there has been ac corded to me so long an almost unequaUed kindly sentiment, I do not propose to speak now. In consequence of new movements, you have reached a phase which wUl call for the exercise of your best judgment, and I would desire to state correctly the posi tion in which the parish now stands. The church debt, which had been an incubus from the foundation, has been cleared away. There is not, to iny knowledge, a cent of it remaining. This is not due to my activi ties, but to those of others, yet it is a source of gratitude to me that it has been done in my tirae. You have an organ of the finest tone and most perfect workman ship, and the constancy and effect with which the attractive musical services of the church have been maintained, has been extraordinary for a parish of limited extent and raeans, and is known and acknowledg ed throughout the State. In the Capital, where raany resort, it is of the utraost im portance that the Episcopal services should be rendered as perfectly as means wUl permit, in all their parts. With regard to numbers at present, of those directly or indirectly, frora principle or from preference, attached to this church, there are more than enough, when fully brought together, to fill all these seats. You have, in fact, sufficient strength for the day and generation — only comparative weakness. The root is firmly implanted in the ground. It cannot be torn up — by the grace of God — no, never. You who have stood by when that germ was sown, raay live to rejoice in the luxuriant foliage and'fmitage of the vine. But you must give to it a raore assiduous culture. There raust be raore corps d''esprit — above all, more ardent affection for the cause of Christ, as well as for this church of Christ — more perfect co-operation, unity of pur pose anti brotherly love. Perhaps with even a little interval of flagging despond ency, the slow work of years raight be un done. Stand together with more decision than you have done before, and you are stronger than you ever have been. An edifice, strong, substantial, beautiful in architectural proportions, will be buUt at some time after I am gone. I shpuld have accounted it an honor, had you MONTPELIER. 419 chosen to acpord it, not to a stranger, but to me, who have spent here the best portion of my life, to see, at least, the incipience of that undertaking. But perhaps at sorae future day when I shall come here, my eyes may be greeted bythe tapering spire, surmounted by the cross, and ray ears charmed by the sound of musical chimes on the clear mountain air, upon some golden Sunday or on sorae festive holiday. Present or absent, my thoughts shall often recur to these courts endeared to me, not only by mournful, but by all pleasing and,delightful associations, and I shall hope to join with you in the s.irae prayers which we have repeated to-day, and to have my soul uplifted by the same sacred melodies. It will be a great trial of my life to part with you, and I tmst that I can say with the Psalmist David, whenhe expressed his joy at being called on to go' up to the sanctuary, and when he extolled the Holy City — " Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say. Peace be within thee." REV. FREDERICK W. SHELTON, LL.D. BY H. A. HDSE. Frederick W. Shelton was born in Ja maica, Long Island, in 1814, and died at Carthage Landing, N. Y., June 20, 1881. He was the son of Nathan Shelton, an eminent physician. His preparation for college was at the Jamaica Institute, and he graduated frora the College of New Jersey, Princeton, and frora the General Theological Serainary. He was ordained in 1847, and 'was rector successively in Huntington, L. I. ; FishkiU, N. Y. ; Mont pelier ; and Carthage Landing, (Low Point, ) Dutchess County, N. Y. He for some raonths in 1848 officiated in Montpelier in the absence of Mr. Manser, and was rector of Christ Church frora 1854 to 1866. Dr. Shelton went frora here to Carthage Land ing, where he remained rector till his death. His home at Carthage Landing was beautifully situated on the banks of the Hudson, and his situation there was one well suited to a man of tiioughtful and genial temperament. He left a widow and two sons. Mrs. Shelton, who now lives in Carthage Land ing, was Rebecca R. S. Conkling, daugh ter of David S. Conkling, (a brother of Judge Alfred Conkling,) who married Isa bella Fletcher, a daughter of Col. Fletcher of the British Army, who was a descend ant of Fletcher, the dramatist. Of the six chUdren of Dr. and Mrs. Shelton, four are dead. The two oldest, born in New York city, died of scarlet fever in Montpelierthe second year after they came here ; a baby. 8 months old, also died in Montpelier. The second year after they went to Car thage Landing, a boy of thirteen died. The two youngest sons are now living, and are in business in Omaha. The older of them graduated at Trinity College, Hart ford, in 1879. Dr. Shelton was a man of marked influ ence on the parishes of which he had charge, and this, though he had, and none knew it better than he, but littie of what is known as executive or business ability in his make-up. His preaching was of the best, and his own life was, in its Christian graces, a model. Dr. Shelton's writing, whether in ser mon or in book, had many charras for all who heard or read. In an artide in the "Churchraan" of July 23, 1 881, is found the following : One.might say that Dr. Shelton's literary faculty amounted almost, if not absolutely, to genius. His invention was fertile and various, his fency delicate, and his humor ever fresh and delightfiil. His raind ^vas of the same type with Washington Irving's, although it was marked by a mystical force and tendency, evinced by tiie romance and allegory it gave birth to, which the elder and greater writer has not exhibited. While a collegian he became a conti-ibutor to the Knickerbocker Magazine, then and for many years afterward the chief organ of American periodical literature. Before he came of age, Bartiett & Melford pub lished for him a satire in rhyme entitled, " TroUopiad ; or. Travelling Gentieman in America," annotated with sketdies of the series of foreign traveUers whose flippant descriptions of the land of freedom once provoked the ire of our native writers. Besides many papers buried under the covers of divers magazines, he published "Gold Mania," 1850; "The Use and Abuse of Reason," 1850, and other minor 420 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. works, and " Salander and the Dragon^— a romance," 1851 ; "The Rector of St. Bar- dolphs," 1853, (second edition, 1856) ; "Up the River," 1853; " ChrystaUine ; or. The Heiress ofFall Down Castle — a romance," 1854; "Peeps from the Belfry; or. The Parish Sketch Book," 1855, (second edi tion, 1856.) Latterly he has spent rauch tirae and labor upon a translation of sev eral of the " Dialogues of Plato," and it is believed that his raanuscript is ready for the press. It should also be said that his sermons were characteristic compositions, original in thought, brightened often by unconscious strokes of huraorand quicken ed by touches of genuine pathos. Among the resolutions passed by the clergy present at the funeral of Dr. Shel ton, was one in which they said, "we bear our willing and grateful testimony to the delightful personal character of our dear friend, to the exquisite charm of his con versation, to his genial hospitality, to the high principle which singularly distinguish ed him, and to the sweetness, humility and devotion of his Christian life and walk." Two weeks after his death, a committee, consisting of Charles Dewey, Fred E. Smith, J. W. ElUs and T. C. Phinney, for the wardens, vestry and parish of Christ Church, said in a letter to Mrs. Shelton, of which a copy is spread upon the parish records : We remeraber the loyal service which he did for Christ while Rector in this Parish. We recall how he faithfully rainistered the sacraments of life. We think of the in- stractions which his lips gave and his walk enforced. We review the meraory of his presence when joy was warra and fresh in our homes, and when sorrow brooded heavily upon us. We think of him as the genial friend who was with us, and whora we rejoiced to have with us. We call up the past relations which he bore in this comraunity as a man and citizen. And al though we have but recently learned the story of his declining health from his own lips, and felt, with him, that his life could not be protracted very long, the news of his going away has come to us to awaken a host of memories which we cannot name, but only suggest. We desire to assure you that at this hour our prayers and thoughts are with you, and that we are only repre sentatives of many in whom the recent tidings have revived many fond recoUec tions of that one who has gone on but a little while before. From several unpublished poems of Mr. Shelton, which, with the historical sermon, were kindly sent to us by Mrs. Shelton to select from, we give : — THE skeptic to HIS SOUL. " Anlmula. vagula, blandula, Hospes comesque corporis, Qua nunc ablbfs in ioca, Pallldula, rlgida. nudula. Nee, ut soles, dabls Jocos?" Invisible one 1 little elf! Who makest my bosom thy home. Hid away in the midst of myself, 1 have asked thee, like Hadrian of Rome, Have Implored with a passionate cry. With a tear of affection, a sigh. Come, tell me a part or the whole, • 'What is it, what Is It to die? Bul never a word In reply. Oh I'syche, my Darling, my Soul! Say, is it not due to my love. Thou close-nestling one, winged-dove. Since thou hast been with me from birth. Though thou camest down from above. And I«m a clod of the earth ? Near, near as my tremulous heart. Why far, far away as the pole, Guest of mine that thou wilt not impart. Nor tell thy poor Mend what thou art. In a voice or as soft as a breath As it slips n*om the chill lips of death. Or loud as the thunders that roll, 'While I stand with expectance and wait. Like a beggar for crumbs at a gate, Oh Psyche, my Darling, my Soul! Forever I count thee within The retreat of thy Innermost shrine. But enwrapt in a body of sin Shrink as If from a presence divine. And vain are my struggles to win What no art of the living e'er stole, The key of the mystery dread. And rifle it fl'om thy control. Thou glv'st It alone 10 the dead. As he lies In his cold, narrow bed. Oh Psyche, my Darling, my Soul I Thus I con thy enigma, my wife. One more blind than the Sphinx could propose. That we, fondly wedded through life. Should be only acquaint at its close. Ahl canseof contention and strife I That tliou wilt not breathe in my ear 'What is writ on thy mystical scroll. But keep'st it away from thy dear As if it were something to fear. Oh Psyche, my Darling, my Soul! In the twilight of groves I have stood. In the shadow of solitudes vast. Where nothing of earth could Intrude, To question my soul as I would And wring out the secret at last. But the 'night, it is coming on fast, When thou shalt be winging thy flight Toward the rivers of crystal that roll Through the regions of beauty, thy goal; I shall know what thou knowest, aright, 1 shall go where thou goest ihat night. Oh Psyche, my Darling, my .Soul! MONTPELIER. 421 EXTRACTS From a Poem entitled " The Sibbhs," delivered be fore the Literary Societies of Norwich University, Aug. 17, 1865. Ye who embark as with the risen sun. On the rude sea, lifters voyage Just begun, Ev'n as tlie East the rosy day-dawn streaks With purple light of youth upon your cheeks, Ponder the story well. Whatever shore yon reach, wherever you may dwell! When ye approach the realm Of weird enchantment, steady hold the helm. For soon the Siren strain Will visit you again. Impalpable and flne. As if it were divine. Sweet as it was of yore. Beguiling evermore. Lure you to ruin on the rock-bound coast. Where all yonr precious argosy is lost. Hence ye delusive joysl Stop, stop your listening ears with wax, ray boys! Or mixed with silvery voices you may hark The sea dogs bark! Lo! Sylla and Charybdls on each side Are yawning wide I - With strong determination bind yourselves, Kor own the fetters of perfldious elves. When'the wild nymph of Pleasure ftom her lair Spreads her white arms and makes her bosom bare, And beckons as she shakes her flowing locks To woo, and lure you to the perilous rocks. Fly ftom the promise of Elyslanjoys, Cling to your oars for life, and pull, my boys! Where dwells not soul-destroying witchery? Whither we fly- To try her subtle arts On these fond, beating hearts, With necromantic spell To lead thro' Error's portals down to hell- Watching our frail barques as we glide apace. On to eternal glory or disgrace. Around her may be amaranthine bloom. Flowers of loveliest hue and sweet perfUme. And she is sometime beautiful; ber wand Holds, like a goddess, In her milk-white hand: Beams a fond welcome from her starry eyes, And all the waste is changed to Paradise. Te mariners! ye red-lipped, rosy youth, OhI list the music of celestial truth; For Duty Is the polar star to guide To home, to Heaven, in spite of wind or tide. Should folly tempt yon with its base alloys, Cling to your oars for life, and pull, my boys I Regard Ulysses In bis golden prime. And reign like him upon a throne sublime. Even vice may have a face Of bright, potential charm, A soft, bewildering grace To mitigate alarm. Of flowers she weaves her chain To bind the victim up, Love-phlltres for the brain Are mingled in her cup. She with fleet and gay advance?. Song and viol, mazy dances. Glancing smiles with each emotion, Like the sunbeams on the ocean* Woos you from the path of glory. Beckoning from her promontory. See thro' the flimsy gauze, and spurn her joys. Cling to your oars for life, and pull, my boysl Where dwells the craven coward ou these hills? Oa glittering with their diadems of snow,— The air is fraught with freedom, and the rills Leap forth, and chant Its psean as they go. The pulses beat, the heart with rapture thrills At the all-beautiful, majestic scene. Mountains on mountains piled, sweet vales between. It Is the clime where stalwart men have birth, FuU-panopUcd as from the very earth. When the war-bugle sounds the flrst alarms Peak back to sun-lit peak clamors, to arms! to arms! Once when the tide of battle raved. And rolled o'er many a blood-stained wreck. And the Star-Spangled banner waved ' Beneath the old Chapultepec; When Mexlc legions numbered strong, And gleamed on high their pennon 'd spears, A horseman bore the word along. Where stood the bold G-reen-Mountalneers, " Help from Vermont, upon the rlghtl Our ranks are reeling and unsteady I *' Then rose the wild shriek of delight From those who never quailed In flght, "Aye, aye, Vermont IS KEADYl" Onward they dashed upon the foes, A« loose the mountain torrents break. And swift the starry banner rose Above the old Chapultepec. Then ever let the watchword fly Frora rank to rank to rank, from earth to sky, And Echo catch the glad reply- Vermont is ready! SOLDIER BOY TO- HIS GREEN MOUNTAIN MARY. Oh, sweet is the breath of the morning And sparkling the dew on the lawn. When fresh is the summer's adorning. And the winter Is over and gone. But my Mary Is purer aud sweeter. And bright as the day-star of Truth. When waking or dreaming I meet her. In the light and the freshness of youth. She has cheered on her soldier to duty. Though afar from the scenes ofhis toil, Frora htr home by the river of beauty. On the banks ^f the charming Lamoille. Oh. sweet is the carol of blrdlings. When the forests are budding In May, When the bobolink sings In the meadow. And Robin replies on the spray; But in silence and gloom of midwinter. In battle with treason and wrong. One thought on the face of my Mary Steals into my heart like a song. So she cheers on her soldier to duty, Though afar from the scenes ofhis toll. From her home by the, river of beauty, On the banks of tlie charming Lamoille. Oh, dear Is the home of my childhood. Each valley, and mountain and lea. But vain without love is the wild wood. Without love In the land of the free. When the flag floats from ocean to ocean, And the din of the battle is o'er, I win fly on the wings of devotion. And part with my Mary no more. Then she'll welcome her soldier from duty To her arms from the scenes of his toll. By her own lov'd river of beauty On the banks ol the charming Lamoille. 422 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. CHURCH OF ST. AUGUSTINE, MONTPELIER, VT. CATHOLIC HISTORY OF MONTPELIER. Continued from page 289. Rev. Jeremiah O'Callaghan, a priest of the Diocese of Cork, Ireland, was sent by Bishop Fenwick, of Boston, to Burlington in the month of July, 1830. From this time till 1851, he must have occasionally visited the Catholics of Montpelier, but no records exist of his laboring amongst them. Father O'Callaghan died at Holyoke, Mass., in the year 1861. About the year 1850, Rev. H. Drolet, a Canadian priest, was sent to reside at Montpelier. He lived here till the fall of 1854, when he re turned to Canada, where he died. He it was who bought the old Court House, which was used as a church until the erec tion of the present edifice by Father Druon. After the departure of Father Drolet, the Montpelier Catholic congregation was at tended by the Oblate Fathers from Bur lington until November, 1856, when Very Rev. Z. Druon became pastor af the Cath olic congregation, and officiated here as such until July 15, 1864, when he was re placed by Rev. Joseph Duglue. + Louis, Bp. of Burlington. ST. Augustine's. Rev. Z. Druon, while in charge of this parish, built in 1859 the present church, dedicated to St. Augustine, and purchased a church burying-ground. Father Duglue made some improvement on the church and house for the priest, and built a good school building on a lot adjoining the church, whieh commands a fine view of the village and State House grounds. This institution was given in charge to ladies from St. Joseph's, Barlington, who have a large and flourishing school here. Rev. Z. Druon, V. G. O'Callaghan, Rev. Jeremiah. A Crit ical Review of Mr. J. K. Converse's Calvinistic Sermon ; also, of the Errone ous proposition of Two Innovators, by the Rev. Jeremiah O'Callaghan, R. C. Priest, Burlington, Vt. Burlington: Printed for the Author, 1834. 16 mo. p. 58. —Usury, Funds and Banks; also, fore stalling Trafiic and Monopoly; likewise Pew Rent and Grave Tax ; together with Burking and Dissecting ; as well as the Galilean Liberties, are all repugnant to the Divine and Ecclesiastical Laws and Destructive to Civil Society. To which IS prefixed a Narrative of the Author's Controversy with Bishop Coppinger, MONTPELIER. 423 and of his sufferings for justice's sake, by the Rev. Jeremiah O'Callaghan, Roman Catholic Priest. Burlington : Printed for the Author, 1834. 8 vo. p. 380. — The Creation and Offspring of the Prot estant Church ; also the Vagaries and Heresies of John Henry Hopkins, Prot estant Bishop ; and of other False Teach ers. To which is added a Treatise on the Holy Scriptures, Priesthood and Matrimony. By Jeremiah O'Callaghan, Roman Catholic Priest. Burlington: Printed for the Author, 1837. 12 mo. p. 328. — Exposure of the Vermont Banking, by the Rev. Jeremiah O'Callaghan, Roman Catholic Priest. Burlington: Free Press Print. 8 vo. p. 32. — Atheism of Brownson's Review — Unity and Trinity of God — Divinity and Hu manity of Christ Jesus — Banks and Paper Money. Burlington, Vt., 1852. R. C. 8 vo. pp. 306, (2.) — The Hedge round about the Vineyard, Dre^ed up. 1844. 12 mo. p. 360. Father O'Callaghan labored at Burling ton with much success from 1830 to 1852. — Gilman^s Bibliography of Vt. The books of Father O'Callaghan, that we have examined, have considerable pith. The attack on Brownson's Review was during his transformation, before he had come up to the Catholic standard. His biography (Brownson's) belongs to our next volume, or Windsor Co. Between the visits of Reverend Father O'Callaghan and Father Drolet, was the missionary labors of Rev. John Daly for a time, his field reaching from Canada to Brattleboro. We have not learned more of him. REV. H. drolet, the first resident priest at Montpelier, must have come here to reside, we think, as early as 1850, as we learn by a letter of Gen. Clarke, Secretary to the Senate, who was here at the time, that the old Court House that Father Drolet purchased, as the Bishop states, was used as a church in the fall of 1850, and we find Father Drolet, or the General for him— the General took charge of the matter— succeeding in " bor rowing ground " of the Legislature for the society to build a vestry on in the rear of the old Court House, then used as a church, (or to the left hand,) the site, we understand, of the present church. From a letter of Gen. D. W. C. Clarke to his wife, Nov. 3, 1850 : I attended mass at Montpelier, Friday morning, (All Saints,) stealing quietly away from my seat in the Senate Chamber for that purpose. The poor Catholics looked upon me with surprise as I knelt among them, and declined the offer of a " better place." I rather like, you know, to kneel right among the most humble, and God knows I belong there. Mass was cel ebrated in the new church the Catholics are finishing off, (it was formerly the Court House,) within a dozen rods of the State House. The interior is wholly unfinished, but it did seem to me, like worshipping God " in His holy temple." Acts of i&^o. No. 87 — Resolution grant ing license to a religious society to occupy a piece of the land of the State near the State House : Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives, That the Sergeant-at- Arms is authorized to permit the Religious Society who are fitting up and repairing the old Court House, on the east side of the public grounds, for the purpose of re ligious worship, to occupy so much land belonging to the State as may be necessary for the erection of a vestry room in the rear of said building ; provided, however, this resolution raay be revoked at any time, by joint resolution of the»two houses of the Legislature. The above resolution was adopted Nov. 13, 1850. The General, and his friends in the Senate and in the House, having got the loan of the land, it eventuated soon after in the purchase of it. Father Drolet was born in the city of Quebec, Canada, and died in the Parish of St. Jude, Diocese of St. Hyacinth, be tween the years 1861 and 1863. Rev. Father B. Maloney and Father Coopman, Oblates, attended Montpelier from Jan. 1856 to Nov. 1856. rev. zephyrinus druon, v. g., was born Mar. 14, 1830, at Vendin le Vieil Pas de Calais, and ordained priest, July 3, 1853, at Beauvais, France. He studied for the priesthood in the Grand Seminary of Arras ; came to this country in August, 1850, with Bishop Rappe ; continued his theological studies in Cleveland, 0., and 424 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. finished them at Paris in the Seminary of St. Sulpice ; went back to Cleveland ; was curate at the cathedral there 4 months ; came to Verniont, January, 1854; was the residing priest of Bennington, i year ; of East Rutland, 2 years ; of Montpelier, 8 or 9 years ; finally of St. Albans, 16 years to the present. He was very much honored and esteemed in Montpelier. He has been called, and undoubtedly is, the most schol arly, piquant and solid preacher and writer of the Catholic clergy in the State. He received his appointment as Vicar General in 1864, or at the end of the year 1863. rev. JOSEPH duglue was born Sept. 3, 1834, at Carentoir, Morbihan, France. He studied for the priesthood in the Gran(} Seminary of Vannes, came to this country in September, 1855, with Bishop de Goesbriand, and continued his theological studies in the Grand Seminary at St. Sulpice, at Balti more, Maryland, and was ordained priest at Burlington, Feb. 4, 1857. He was first sent to Middlebury, then, in i860, he was called to the cathedral. At the end of the year 1862, he was appointed to Fairfield, where he remained until July, 1864, when he was appointed to Montpeher. In 1877, he went toVrance, on account of ill health, and was absent one year. On his return, he was sent to Waterbury, where he was three months, when, in January, 1879, he was replaced at Montpelier, where he is now pastor, of whom we may say, to quote the words of a priest. Father McLaughlin, of Brandon, in his silver jubilee discourse, " Father Duglue, the Priest at the Capital, if it would not be savoring of a joke, I should say is a capital Priest." The interior of St. Augustine's is very plain for a Catholic church. The building is small, and the church will only seat about 950. There are two side aisles, but no centre aisle. The windows have only a partial coloring of red glass in the top. Between the windows, in simple black wood frames, the stations of the cross run along the walls, as in every Cath olic chapel — the representative via doloro sa — the path of dolor from Pilate's hall to the Tomb in the Garden. The chancel, • too, is poor in art — very poor — only the little side altars in the foreground at the right and left, of the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph ; in the main chancel, a very plain wood altar, the figure of St. Augus tine in the wall-niche over behind ; two Sacred Heart pictures on the wall beside. The oldest church in Christendom is plant ed on the Capital Hill in almost as poor a state as the Cave at Bethlehem. The re ligion of Rome has not been long intro duced in this county. There are but three other Catholic churches in the whole county, yet. One might expect to find a handsome church at the Capital — a church more suitable to the place — an edifice sec ond to none in the State in magnitude and decoration. Feeling particularly the want thereof on this honorable and beautiful hillside, still the poor congregation go in and out, a look very well content in their faces — a respectable throng every Sun day and holiday. The motherly church adapts herself sweetly to all peoples and all conditions, in the grandeurs of the cathe dral, in the poorest mission chapel, ever to the Catholic his true Alma Mater. The Catholiccemetery of St. Augustine's, which is a little above Main street, in Clay Hill district, the land for which was bought of Thomas Reed and Charles Clark, Dec. 1857, was not deeded or inclosed and blessed by the Bishop until i860. The first grave made therein was that of Ed ward Cadieu, a young child of Theophile Cadieu. About an acre adjoining was bought of George Jacobs, Nov. 1879, and blessed by Rev. Joseph Duglue, Septem ber 5, 1880. ST. MICHAEL'S SCHOOL, of which Father Druon speaks as com manding a fine view upon the hillside, is situated a little to the east of the church of St. Augustine. Outwardly, the ample white building, with a cross on its roof, attracts the eye from the street ; within, it is pleasantly and comfortably furnished. Five ladies reside at the institution, and have a school of some over 170 pupils. It has been put down 200. Father Duglue MONTPELIER. 42s thinks " it will average 170 daily attend ance and some over." The Young Ladies Sodality of B. V. M. of this congregation is always presided over by one of the la dies of St. Michael's, and is the best ap pearing Sodality of Catholic young ladies that we know of in the State.. We learn since the above was in print that the old Court House was bought of' J. Barnard Langdon in 1850; also by a letter of Father Drolet to Bishop Fitzpat- rick of Boston, work was first commenced on remodeling the old Court House into a Church, July, 1850. Moreover that Father Duglue has had the honor to say mass at Barre, Sunday, Nov. 13, 1881, supposed to be the first Catholic service ever held at that place. THE BAPTIST CHURCH OF MONTPELIER. FCENISHED BT THE PASTOE. [Tlie first part of the following Historical Sketch of this church -was written by Col. H. D. Hopkins about the time of the dedication of their house of worship, and published in a Montpelier paper Feb. 6, 1873.] "The church was organized in June, 1865, with 14 members, only five of whom were males. Hon. Joseph Rowell — since de ceased — and Philip Hill, Esq., were chosen Deacons pro tem, and the Rev. Rufiis Smith, who was agent for the denomination within the State, was chosen Clerk. Mr. Smith also supplied the pulpit of the con gregation on the Sabbath — sometimes by occupying it himself, and sometimes by arrangement with other clergymen in the vicinity. The first Sunday services of this young church were in Village Hall. October, 1865, a call was given to Rev. H. D. Hodge to become pastor, who declin ed. February following a call was given to Rev. N. P. Foster, M. D., of Buriington, and he accepted, but did not enter upon the pastorate until October of the same year. Up to this time 1 1 persons were added to the church, four of whom entered by profes sion of faith. Dr. Foster remained with the church till April, 1869, during which time, as would appear by the results, he labored faithfully and well for the growth of the church and the success of the Re deemer's Kingdom. While he was pastor, 17 persons were added to the church. The 54 little organization of 1865 had in less than four years more than tripled its member ship. The second pastor was Rev. William Fitz, who began his labors in September, 1869, and closed them in November, 1871. He was a faithful minister, a pleasant, companionable man, an able preacher, and was highly esteemed outside the denomi nation, as well as in. The church received 21 members during his pastorate of a little more thah 2 years. The third and present pastor, the Rev. N. Newton Glazier, began his labors in January of last year, and the friends of the Society and congregation can wish them nothing better in the line of human ministries, we are sure, than that he may long remain with them. A young man, a growing and a good man, he seems specially fitted to lead on this people in their work in the world. 9 persons were added to the church in the first year of his minis try. This brings a partial history of this organization down to the present time, (Feb., 1873,) 58 members having been added to the 14 who originally united to form it. Two persons — one of them the Hon. Joseph Rowell, one of the founders of this church, and long an ardent friend and supporter of the denomination, — have died from among its members, and by re movals it has suffered further depletion, so that its present number is 57. In July, 1869, the church elected as its deacons, E. E. Andrews and E. S. Hibbard. In August of 1865, a Sunday School in con nection with the church was organized, over which Mr. Hibbard was chosen Su- perintendant, and he still holds the office, (Feb., 1873) laboring with true christian zeal to make it successful in its work. We have stated that this people began worship in Village Hall. Remaining there a few months, they removed to Freeman Hall — the apartment now occupied by the Temple of Honor ; and then on the 12th of November, they removed to the Court House. Here they remained till January of 1868, when they were ordered by the Assistant Judges of the County, against the remonstrance of nearly all the lawyers of the County, and many prominent citizens 426 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. of Montpelier, to vacate the premises, and it was done. Though they had been la boring to the ultimate erection of a place of worship for their use, and were slowly gathering subscriptions for the purpose, it was the action of the court, the sending of them adrift, houseless as they were, which perhaps gave them the nerve neces sary for such an undertaking ; and conse quently they made ready, and on the 23d of March, ground was broken for the foun dation of their new and beatiful church edi fice. During thesummerwork upon it was pushed forward with all possible vigor, and in November they were enabled to enter the basement, though at first it lacked win dows. It is worthy of mention that from June, 1865, to this time they worshipped in no less than 16 different rooms. It was therefore no wonder if on entering premi ses they could call their own, though not the most inviting and comfortable, they felt to " tliank God and take courage." The New Church edifice stands at the corner of School and St. Paul streets, fronting on the former. It is of wood, gothic in style, and of good proportions. It was built from plans and specifications generously furnished to the society without expense by A. M. Burnham, Esq., archi tect, and speaks well for his good taste as a builder. The size of the main building is 46 by 75 feet, the auditorium is 44 by 61 feet, 26 feet high, with sloping ceilings, and will seat comfortably 400 persons. The choir gallery, which is only slightly el evated and standing in the front end of the building, is finished with heavy rail and balustrades of black walnut. The or gan loft, and the recess for the pulpit — the latter in the opposite end of the building — are finished with triple gothic arches and scroll corbets for pendants. The chancel is 10 by 30 feet, and contains robing-room aud baptismal font. It is reached both by stairs leading from the vestry below, and by steps from the auditorium. The base ment is 10 feet high, and divided in a most desirable manner into vestibule, class room, kitchen for sociables, etc. The spire and bell tower are situated in the left hand front corner, and are heavily mount ed with gable and offset buttresses and bracketed clock-faces. The handsome spire rises to 140 feet, and on the right hand rises another tower of smaller proportions, finished with double cornice, with buttres ses ending in turrets and finials. The en trance to the church is by doors in the towers, the larger 7 by 13 feet. The ves try is reached both by a side door from St. Paul street and by stairs leading down from the vestibule. The basement is fin ished (externally) with rustic block-work, projecting ten inches from the main build ing, which forms a pedestal for buttresses to rest upon between the windows of the main auditory. The windows of the audi torium are pointed gothic, with heavy stools aud corbets, and are set with figured glass of extremely pretty pattern. The pews are similar to those of Bethany Church, (of which Col. Hopkins is a loved and honored member,) heavy black wal nut frames , with black ash panels . The pul pit, which is little more tlian a desk for the Bible, is of new design, and is constructed of black and French walnut. The chan cel is supplied with three massive chairs, of a style well fitted for the purpose. The walls and ceilings are frescoed in modern Persian arches, laid in colors attractive and beautiful. The slips are cushioned, and a carpet of modern figure and colors covers the floor of the chancel, auditorium and singers' gallery. The cost of the church was about $17,000. It is an ornament to the town, and a credit to the enterprise and self-denial of those by whose labors and calculations it has been reared. The dedication was on Jan. 29, 1873, at 2 o'clock, in the presence of a crowded and interested audience. First, anthem, " Blessed be the Lord God of Israel!" Invocation and reading of Scripture, by Rev. Wm. Fitz, the selection relating chiefly lo God's House, its delights and uses ; prayer, by Rev. Mr. Morrow, of the Methodist church ; "All hail the power of Jesus' name," by choir and congregation ; sermon by Rev. Mr. Glazier, pastor ; text, "We preach Christ crucified ;" an able ef fort, delivered with much earnestness. After the sermon, chant, " I will lift up MONTPELIER. 427 mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help;" prayer of dedication, by Rev. Mr. Smith, of St. Albans, and the benediction. The services seemed to im press all persons present as appropriate and interesting, and must have been especially so to the little company of believers whose earthly temple this house henceforth is to be." Col. Hopkins, a few weeks later, in an other article wrote : " The Baptist church is the only place in town where the build ing and the organization occupying it bear the same name. It is characteristic of these people, we believe, that they fling their colors to the breeze. Coming to their beautiful church, you are made to feel that you are welcome. Their pastor. Rev. Mr. Glazier, will impress you as a man of char acter, ability and earnestness. His pulpit efforts will not suffer in comparison with those of older and more notable men. The audience is at present small, but it is the confident expectation of the few that their numbers shall .yearly increase. They are well united and commendably devoted to work.'' ,j\lr. Glazier closed his pastorate on the last day of June, 1878, exactly six years and six months from its beginning. Dur ing his pastorate fifty-eight members were received into the church, two of them being baptised by Mr. Glazier on the first Sun day after his pastorate closed. He is a man of most lovable and forbearing spirit. His public discourse is rich and spiritual, and Biblical in doctrine. His private con versation is elevating and remarkably en- ' ' tertaining. His departure from his people was like the parting fi-om the old home of a son or a brother. After a lapse of three years, his discourses still linger forcefully in the minds of the people to whom he ministered, and the influence of his sweet temper and godly life abides as a benedic tion, not only upon his devoted parishion ers, but also upon the pastor who succeeds him. He is now the pastor of the strong Baptist church in South Abington, Mass. Rev. Henry A. Rogers, at present min istering to the church, became its pastor Oct. 3, 1878, ordained by the church to the Gospel ministry, Nov. 7, following. The efforts of the church during the first 3 years of his pastorate have been in the line of more perfect discipline and organiza tion. Distinct departments of church work have been organized in the interest of foreign missions, home missions, the Ver mont Baptist State Convention, music, education, parish gatherings, parish visit ing, temperance and Sunday-schools. The Sunday-schools have been a marked feature in the history of the work of the church during this period. The school in the church has been making a gradual gain in numbers, and, we think, in efficiency, under the superintendency of H . B. Wood ward, H. J. Andrews and Ives Batchelder, successively, and now of Jas. H. Burpee. The services of the first three of these su perintendents were lost to the church by their removal from the vicinity. A mission school was organized, three miles distant, at Wrightsville, Nov. 27, 1878, S. S. Towner, superintendent. Upon his removal toLynn, Mass., M.C.Whitney was appointed by the church as superin tendent, Sept. 4, 1879. At the annual meeting of the school district in March, 1881, on motion of P. C. Wright, the dis trict passed a vote that their school-house should not be used for the purpose of a Sunday-school. From this time, accord ingly, the school was of necessity dis continued. A second mission Sunday-school was organized in East Montpelier, distant five miles, in the school-house of district No. II, May 4, 1879, Samuel L. Lillie, su perintendent. Sept. 4, 1879, he resigned, being about to go away, and George W. Sanders was appointed in his place, and is present superintendent. A third mission school was begun at Montpelier Center, distant 3 miles. May 25, 1879, F. R. Spalding, superintendent. He also resigned Sept. 4, 1879, to go else where, and Jno. W. Smith was elected by the church to the superintendency, which ofl^ce he still fills. It was voted at the district school meet ing. Mar. 30, 1880, that the school-house in which the services had been held should 428 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. be closed against them. But a neighbor, Mr. West Ormsbee, who had not before attended the school, opened his commo dious hall, and the school immediately doubled in number. At a called meeting, July 20, 1881, of district No. 6, Montpelier, 2 miles from town, and immediately adjoining the Wrightsville district, by vote of the meet ing, their house was put at the disposal of the Baptist pastor for Sunday-school ser vice on Sunday afternoons. Accordingly, a school was organized on the following Sunday, July 24. Mr. E. K. Dexter was subsequently appointed to superintend it. None of these schools has omitted a single session, winter or summer, since they were organized. They are all supplied by the church with circulating libraries, and books from which to learn and sing sacred song. There have been 33 added to the church during this time. The church has now 97 members, (Oct. 1 881,) but only about one- half are resident members, that is, live within 4 or 5 miles of the church. But none of the non-resident members reside in the immediate vicinity of any other reg ular Baptist church. The whole number of members belonging to the church since its beginning is 155. , Henry A. Rogers, Pastor. ORGANISTS and musicians. BY A. A. HADLEY, Organist. Among the principal musicians who have been teachers and organists in Montpelier are : S. B. Whitney, teacher and organistin 1862 — for about 4 years here — who has since made himself famous in Boston asan organist and conductor. About this time, or before, was Mr. H. Irving Proctor, who taught successfully, and is now at Des Moines, Iowa. I think, following Mr. Whitney, was Mr. Irving Emerson, who played at the old Brick Church 3 years, and also taught ; now located at Hartford, Ct., organist and superintendent of music in public schools. In 1868, the now famous H. Clareijice Eddy, from Massachusetts, played the organ at Bethany church for 2J years ; afterwards he studied abroad several years, and is now located in Chicago as director of the Hershey mu.sic school, and is con sidered, one of the greatest of living organ ists. Following him, at the Bethany church, as organist, was Mr. W. A. Briggs, who is a fine organist, and somewhat noted as a composer. Mr. W. A. Wheaton, who teaches at " Goddard," Barre, beside being a success ful teacher, is also organist at the Unitarian church, Montpelier. Mr. Horace H. Scribner, who has also taught here several years, is pres ent organist at the Episcopal church, and is liked by all as an accompanist on the organ and piano. > Mr. A. A. Hadley, who has studied some time at Boston, has charge of the musical department in the "Vermont Con ference Seminary and Female College," at Montpelier, and is organist at Trinity M. E. Church, this village. Mr. Andrew J. Phillips was chorister several years, ending in 1879, at Bethany church, and teacher of vocal music. He married while here a daughter of Judge Redfield, and has a brother at present here, Mr. Wm. E. Phillips, a photograph artist with Mr. Harlow. Mr. Fred W. Bancroft, a resident and native of Montpelier, present chorister at Christ Church, has a good deal of local reputation as a fine tenor singer. Among the ladies, Ellen Nye, beside being a good teacher, is the finest pianist in this vicinity. Mrs. Briggs, who sang at the time Mr. Phillips was chorister at Bethany, and for several years, is distinguished as a very fine soprano, and now sings at Boston. MLss Cheney, also a very fine soprano, sang several years at the Unitarian church here. She now sings at Burlington. Among other sopranos are Josie Roleau and Mrs. Wheatley, much liked, and of the altos. Miss Mary Phinney and Miss Clara Dewey deserve special notice. MONTPELIER. 429 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. From Thompson's History of MontpeUer. COLONEL JACOB DAVIS. Colonel Jacob Davis, the first perma nent settler of Montpelier, and emphati cally the chief of its founders, was born in Oxford, Mass., in 1739. His descendants have preserved no memorials of his youtli, and only know he received no advantages of education except from the common schools of the times. In 1754, the part of the town, in which his father's family re sided, was set off from Oxford, and incor porated by the name of Charlton. Here he lived until he removed to Vermont. He married Rebecca Davis, of the same town, a second cousin, and an intelligent, amiable and every way estimable young lady. Mr. Davis must have been a man of considerable property and standing in his town ; and he probably passed through all the lower grades of military ofiice in the militia of his county, and became widely known as an active patriot in the cause of the American Revolution; for in 1776, we find him acting under a Colonel's commis sion of one of the regiments of the Massa chusetts detached or drafted militia, subject to the call of Congress or the Commander- in-Chief, whenever the occasion might re quire. How much he was in active service is not known ; but the traditions of his family make him to have been with his command in the little army of Washington in the memorable crossing of the Delaware to attack the Hessians at Trenton in De cember, 1776. He was subsequently un der contract to carry, and so did, the Unit ed States mail over one of the mail routes in his part of Massachusetts for some years. A few years after there was an old Jew en gaged in traffic, who owned a large house, or ware-house, in the neighboring town of Leicester ; Colonel Davis, and another gen tleman of the vicinity, purchased this building, had it fitted up, and a select high school put in operation. This was the small beginning of the afterwards well known Leicester Academy, founded in 1774; and that Colonel Davis was consid ered one of its founders is shown by the fact, since his death, his family have re ceived a letter asking for his portrait that it might be placed in the Academy build ing, with that of the other founders of that institution. Early in the }ear 1780, he had turned his attention to the purchase of wild lands in the new State of Vermont ; and was among the most active in procuring the granting and chartering of the township, which he caused to be named Montpelier, at the October session of the Legislature of \'ermont in that year. From that time to the commencement of the meetings of the proprietors in the winter of 1786, which he attended. Colonel Davis appears to have been energetically engaged in his pri vate business, at Charlton, or in fHiblic en terprises, like the one above mentioned. But from this year, and perhaps the year before, he was obviously employed in dis posing of his quite handsome property in Massachusetts, and arranging for removal to his newly elected home in Vermont. In the winter of 1787, after having made, during the previous summer and fall, sev eral journeys into the State to attend the meetings of the proprietors, commence the survey of the new township, in which he had secured three rights, or about 1000 acres, and make selection of pitches for the occupation of himself and sons, he re moved his family to Brookfield, then the nearest settled town to Montpelier; and early in the following spring, still leaving his wife and daughters at Brookfield, till a comfortable home could be provided for them, he came with his sons and a hired man to make his opening in the dark for ests of Montpelier. His career for the next 12 or 15 years, involved, to a remark able degree, the history of tlie town.. Near the year 1800, he became involved in several large and vexatious lawsuits, growing out of disputed land titles or the sales of lands he had effected through his agencies under foreign landholders. In one of these, for want of his abUity to make legal proof of payments that the dis tant proprietors had received, a large judg ment \vas obtained in the United States Circuit Court against him, which was con- 43° VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. sidered by himself, his family and friends, so unjust that he, with their concurrence, resolved never to pay it. And in pursu ance of this determination, he conveyed to his sons and sons-in-law the principal part of his attachable property, and, removing his family to Burlington, so as to be within the limits of Chittenden county jail-yard, invited the service of the execution taken out against him on his own person. Here in Burlington, he led a quiet life for over a dozen years, during which frequent offers of compromises were made him by the plaintiffs in the suit, which he steadily rejected till the winter of 1814, when they raade an offer so nearly amounting to a re linquishment of their whole claim, and so virtually involving an adraission of its in justice, that he accepted it, and the whole raatter in dispute was amicably settled. But before he became prepared to remove, as he was about to do, to his beloved Mont pelier, he was attacked by an acute disease which terminated his life April 9, 18 14. His remains were brought to Montpelier for interment, and a broad tomb-stone marking the place where they repose may now be found in the old village grave-yard. In person. Col. Davis was 6 feet high, broad-shouldered, compactly formed and well proportioned, with unusually large bones and muscles. His face was round favored, and handsomely featured, and his whole appearance dignified and comraand- ing. His great physical powers are in stanced in his ability to slash an acre of forest land in a day. Let one other suffice. Old Mr. Levi Humphrey, one of the first' settlers, who died in this town, August, 1859, aged 93 years, told us, about a fort night before his death, he well-reraerabered being one day at Col. Davis' log house, when the latter requested two of his strong est hired men to go into the yard and bring in, for a back-log for their long open fire-place, a cut of green maple 4 feet long or more and nearly 2 feet in diameter. In compliance, they each took hold of an end, but reported they were unable to bring it' in, and were preparing to roll it up to the door with handspikes, when the Colonel,; having noticed their failure to take up the; log, came out, motioned them aside, and grasping the ends with his long arms, lift ed and marched into the house with it, and threw it on to the fire, pleasantly remark ing to them as he did so, that " they did not appear to be any great things at log- lifting." But Col. Davis' physical powers were of small account in the comparison with the other strong traits of the man, his enterprise, energy, judgment and far- reaching sagacity ; but even they were not all the good qualities of his character ; no needy man ever went empty-handed from his door ; he ever gave employment of some kind to all who asked for it ; and so well he rewarded all his employees, that no reasonable man in the whole settlement was ever heard to complain of the amount of wages he paid, or any unfair conduct in his dealings. [In addition, Mr. Gilman gives : Charl ton, the birth place of Col. Davis, adjoins Leicester on the north. Hon. Emory Washburn, in his history of Leicester, states that the academy in that town, one of the oldest in the state, "owes its founda tion to the generosity and public spirit of Col. Jacob Davis, and Col. Ebenezer Crafts, whose munificence was suitably acknowl edged in the Act of Incorporation. They purchased the commodious dwelling house, then recently occupied by Aaron Lopez, and its appendages, together with an acre of land, which they conveyed to the Trus tees of Leicester Academy, in consideration of the regard they bear to virtue and learn ing, which they consider greatly conducive to the welfare of the community. The value of this estate was $1716, and was situated directly in front of the present Academy buildings. The liberality of these gentlemen, one of them (Davis) res ident of Charlton, and the other (Crafts) of Sturbridge, deserves the gratitude of pos terity." Col. Davis owned a valuable es tate in Charlton, adjacent to that of his brother, Ebenezer Davis. Col. Nathan iel, Gen. Pariey, and Hezekiah Davis, three brothers, early settlers in Montpelier, were sons of Ebenezer Davis of Chariton, and nephews of Col. Jacob Davis, not cousins, as stated by Thompson.] MONTPELIER. 431 REBECCA DAVIS. ' The efficient help-meet of the energetic man, whose life and character we have but too briefly sketched, was born in Oxford, Mass., in 1743; married about the year 1765, and died Feb. 25, 1823. She lies buried by the side of her husband in this village, where she peacefully passed the last as well as the middle portion of her useful and exemplary life. She early united with the Congregational Church after it was es tablished in this village, and had long been considered a Christian in works, as well as faith, which would have well warranted an earlier public profession of religion. Unusually comely in person, with a sweet smile ever on her lips, kind in disposition, intelligent and discreet, she was the never failing friend of the needy and distressed, the judicious adviser of the young, and the uni versal object of the love and respect of all .classes of the people of the settleraent. Of the more than half score of her cotempora- ries in this town of whom we have made inquiries respecting her, all most cordially united in affirming, in substance, what we will only quote as the warmly expressed words of one of thelii ; "Mrs. Colonel Davis was one of the best, the very best, women in the whole world !" She was a mother in the early Montpelier Israel, and she has left behind her a name bright with blessed memories. HON. DAVID WING, JR., was born in Rochester, Mass., June 24, 1766; removed with his father and family to Montpelier about 1790, and settled down with them on a farm adjoining what is now known as the old Clark Stevens place, in the east part of the town. He had doubtless received a rather superior common school education, though the ed ucational accomplishments, which he al most atonce exhibited after coming into the settlement, were probably mainly the fruits of his native taste and scholarship, which is strikingly conspicuous in all the memo rials, social or civil, that he has left behind him. He taught the second school of the town, which was opened, it is believed, in the same year in which he became one of its inhabitants. Within about 2 years after his arrival, he was elected town clerk, and during the next dozen years the offices of town agent, town representative, judge of the county court and secretary of state, seem to have been crowded upon him in regular and rapid succession. As an ev idence of his great popularity among his townsmen, maybe cited, that while he was holding the office of side judge, and chief judge of the county court — ten-fold the best oflSce held by any other inhabitant of the town — he was elected the town repre sentative 4 years previous to his election as secretary of state ; and not content with that, for the several years during that time, they threw their entire vote for him as state treasurer. Considering the jeal ousies usually existing among the numbers found in every town who believe them selves qualified for office, and who gen erally raise a clamor against bestowing an office on a man who is already holding another good office, perhaps nothing could be adduced, which shows so strongly, the personal regard in which David Wing was universally held by his almost idolizing townsmen. In 1792, he married Hannah, second daughter of Col. Jacob Davis, a young lady of many personal attractions and much moral excellence. They had eight children, whose names show the classical tastes of the father, and estimation in which the different noted personages of history were held by him : Debby Daphne, Christopher Columbus, Algernon Sidney, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Maria Theresa, David Davis, Caroline Augusta and Max- imus Fabius. The two first daughters died in infancy ; the other children arrived at maturity, and took highly respectable positions in society, though' only one of them appears to have fully inherited the tastes and native scholarship of their father — the Rev. Marcus T. C. Wing. In person. Judge Wjng was of medium height, of a good form, fine head, shapely features and an animated countenance, all made the more attractive and winning by the dignified affability ofhis manners. As an instance of the quickness of his per- 432 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. ceptions, his ready business capacities and the versatile character of his talents, sev eral of his yet surviving cotemporaries have naraed to us the fact, of which they were frequently cognizant, that he would correctly and rapidly draw up any kind of document, report, despatch or legal in strument in writing, and at the same tirae maintain a connected and lively conversa tion with those around him. He was elected secretary of state in the fall of 1802, and while still holding the office, and in the midst of his usefulness and high promise, was suddenly swept away by a malignant fever, Sept. 13, 1806. Rarely has a death occurred in this sec tion of the State which produced so pro found a sensation in community, and it was mourned as a great loss, not only to the town but to the whole State. [Marcus Tullius Cicero Wing, son of David Wing, Jr., born Oct. 17, 1798; graduated at Middlebury in the Class of 1820; read medicine in Montpelier, 1820- 1821 ; was teacher in Maryland, 1821- 24 ; studied at the Episcopal Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Va., 64 years; was tutor in Kenyon College, O., 1826-29 i Rector of an Episcopal church in Board- man, O., 1829-31 ; editor of the Gambler Observer, and treasurer and general agent of Kenyon College, several years, since which he has been Professor of Ecclesiasti cal HistOfy in the Episcopal Theological Seminary of Ohio at Gambler. He has re ceived the degree of D. D. (1853.) — Pearson Catalogue. ELDER ZIBA WOODWORTH, a man whose character was marked by many peculiar qualities, whose life was checkered by many peculiar events, was born Apr. 1769, in Bozrah, Ct., and was a connection of the gallant Col. Ledyard, who married his aunt, and his two broth ers, Joseph and Asahel Woodworth, Ziba, the younger, but 17, became soldiers in Col. Ledyard's regiment ; when that re vengeful devil incarnate, Benedict Arnold, led the British against New London, and utterly desolated it with fire and sword, Ziba and his brother Asahel were, with their brave uncle in command, in Fort Griswold, on the Groton side of the Thames, Joseph being with another de tachment some miles distant, but hasten ing on to the rescue. While the infamous Arnold was devastating New London, he sent out a detachment of several hundred British troops, under Col. Eyre, to carry Fort Griswold. The resistance of Col. Ledyard was gallant but unavailing. Part of the works were dilapidated, and the British, after being kept at bay about an hour, and suffering the temporary loss of their Colonel, who was badly wounded, and the of their second in command. Major Montgomery, who, with many of the soldiers, was killed, poured into the Fort in overwhelming numbers, under the lead of the third officer in rank, the vin dictive and brutal Major Broomfield. Col. Ledyard surrendered the Fort, and, while presenting his sword, hilt first, to the British commander, was murderously run through the body by his own weapon. Thereupon the British commenced an in discriminate butchery of the Americans. Among the first, Ziba and his brother Asahel were prostrated — Asahel by a bullet, shattering the bones of his knee ; Ziba by a head-wound, which rendered him insensible. They had not yetdone enough for the desperately wounded Ziba ; one of thera made a heavy lunge with a bayonet into his bowels ; the wound, though, owing to the strength and thickness of the new tow shirt he had on, not proving mortal, and another struck hira senseless with the butt of a musket on the head. The mas sacre was intended to be universal. [As this account had frora the lips of Uncle Ziba in his lifetirae appears to violate his tory, it will be contended by some that he mistook some other British officer there slain for the murderer of Ledyard.] After all had, or were supposed to have, received their death wounds, the British, in their wanton ferocity, dragged out a dozen or so of those who exhibited the most signs of life, piled them into a detached cart, and sent it rolling down a steep bank till it struck a large apple tree, by which it was stove to pieces in the shock, and made a MONTPELIER. 433 sudden end of its groaning victims. Most of these particulars were had from the lips of Ziba Woodworth. After a long, distressing sickness, Ziba recovered, except in the use of his knee, and in a few years, came with his two brothers, and perhaps other members of his family, to settle in Montpelier. His first pitch was made on the lot lying about I mile east of the village, which he soon sold to James Hawkins, and purchased another on the Branch, about i4 mileabove the vUlage, where he resided till his death, No^. 27, 1826. He married and lived some years with his wife in Connecticut, when they were divorced, and soon after coming here, he married Lucy Palmer, from Canaan, N.H. Their children, 5, aU but their son John, who is StiU living, (i860,) died in child hood. He came into Montpelier about 1790, was present at its organization and its first town clerk. Ever after coming here, he was accounted a religious man of the Free Will Baptist persuasion. In about 1800, he began to exhort in public meetings, and in January, 1806, was licensed and or dained at a quarterly meeting of Free WUl Baptists held at Danville. He did not, however, preach statedly anywhere, but mostly confining himself to his farm, di vided his spare time between politics and religion, and became as ardent a partisan as he was a Christian. Elder Woodworth was of small stature, limping in gate, but of wonderfiiUy an imated manner, and his heart seemed ever absolutely overflowing with the gushing of benevolence. Once, learning a poor man from his neighborhood, who had moved to Ohio, had fallen sick and died there, leaving two or three unprotected children, he left his business, journeyed all the way to Ohio, at his own expense, in a single wagon, and brought all the children home with him. And still Uncle Ziba had enough faults to mingle with his virtues, fo make him soraetirae the subject of doubtful remarks among the less char itable of the community. He was quite energetic in all he did or said, and the SS ardor of his temperament often led him into some extravagance of speech or action. But, take him all in aU, he was a raan of the kindest of impulses, a hearty friend, a charitable opponent, a good neighbor and a good citizen. DOCTOR EDWARD LAMB, born in Leicester, Mass., i77i,hadnot the advantages of a full public education, but studied at the academy, growing up in that town, in which the classics were be ginning to be taught several years, and af ter that added a respectable knowledge of Latin and Greek, and entered as a medical student with Dr. Fiske of Sturbridge, con tinuing with him until he had attended a course of medical lectures in Boston and Cambridge, when, at the age of about 24, he removed to Montpelier, where his elder brother. Colonel Larned Lamb, had some years preceded hira, and settled in his pro fession. In 1803 he married Polly Wither eU of Montpelier, who died in 1822, leaving no issue. He was constable and collector of the town from 1799, ^° years ; town representative in 1804, 14, ij ; and what should be esteemed a still greater honor, was one of the Presidential electors when Gen. Harrison was run in 1836. Although not much of a public speaker, he acquitted himself well in his public sta tions, for he was a man of rare good sense, unusually extensive practical information, and had a wonderful memory he had stored with a vast fund of all sorts of knowledge and learning. We know of but two public performances of his, not connected with the above named offices — one the delivery of an original ora tion at the first celebration of the fourth of July ever held in Montpelier, in 1806, the other his valuable address on the " Science of Medicine," delivered before the Ver mont Medical Society some ij years later. But it was in his profession he was best known to the public, and that more favor ably and extensively than often falls to the lot of a local physician. His opinions among his professional brethen, in this section of the State, were widely sought and respected. In a knowledge of the 434 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. technicalities of medical science he scarce ly had a superior. In all the ordinary dis eases, his skill was equal to that of other good physicians — in fevers it was such as to place him with the very able'st practition ers of Verraont. The estimation in which his skill was held, in this respect, by his professional brethren, is sufficiently attest ed, that during the general and fatal prev alence of malignant fevers in 1813 and 14, he had at one time no less than 14 sick physicians under his immediate care in this part of the State. During the run of the spotted fever, in this vicinity. Dr. Lamb had the chief care of 70 cases, and lost but three. His prac tice in his own town, was, at least 40 years, as full as it was successful ; while for diffi cult cases his attendance was sought in all the surrounding country. He had some unfortunate deficiences. In all his own pecuniary affairs, he was singularly remiss. More than half the time, it is believed, he made no charges for his services at all. He rarely dunned any man ; and if he did, it was when he happened to be hard pressed for money to keep up his unusally plain and cheap way of living. Then often he would go to some abundantly responsible customer, owing him honestly, perhaps, $50, ask for $15 or $20, and on receiving it, hand back a re ceipt, in full of the whole account. In fact, he was one of the most unselfish men in the world, and could not be brought to care any raore for money, except for supplying his absolute present wants, than so much dirt beneath his feet. And in all his ex tensive practice among all classes of com munity, it probably never once entered his head to make the least distinction between the richest and poorest, in the promptitude and faithfulness of his attendance. And the consequence, while his just and honest earnings would have made him, well man aged, worth $50,000, he died worth scarce ly one hundredth of that amount. He was everybody's servant, and everybody's friend but his own ; and being at last seized with one of the ten thousand fevers he had so successfully managed in others, he at once predicted its end but too cor rectly, and in a few days passed peacefuly away, Nov. 4, 1845, aged about 74, uni versally regretted and respected. Personally, he was of medium height, rather stocky, moderate in his motions, slightly limping in gait in consequence of a fever sore on one ofhis legs in his youth, and very neglectful in all matters of dress and outward appearance, — all which were at once forgotten, when one confronted his massive and noble head, manly features, pleasant blue eye, and thoughtful, impres sive countenance ; and socially, he was one of the most kindly and agreeable men," full of instructive remarks, generally aptly illus trated by the fund of piquant and amusing anecdotes which, in the course of his vari ous reading and experience, he had treas ured in his remarkable memory. If ever a people owed a great and une quivocal debt of gratitude to any one man, the people of Montpelier and vicinity rest under such an obligation to Dr. Larab. COL. JAMES H. LANGDON, the successfiil raerchant of Montpelier, was born in Farmington, Conn., Mar. 3, 1783. When a youth, he entered the store of Gen. Abner Forbes, then the leading mer chant of Windsor, Vt., to acquire a knowl edge of the mercantile profession, which he had determined to make the business of his life. And such was the progress he made and the confidence he inspired, and tact and good judgment he displayed in all the details of trade, and more important transactions of business coming within the scope of his action, that his employer. Gen. Forbes, before he reached the age of 21, took him into partnership, and estab lished him at the head of a branch store in the village of Montpelier, in 1803. For the next half dozen years he continued to do business under the firm of Langdon & Forbes ; when justly believing he had ac cumulated capital enough and friends enough in this place to warrant the raove- ment, he bought out Gen. Forbes' interest in the store, and thenceforward conducted the business in his own name, and entirely on his own responsibility. From this time, alone or in company MONTPEUER. 435 with different partners, the firstand longest continued being the .systematic and clear headed John Barnard, who was prematurely cut down by an acute disease in 1822 ;and the next, the Hon. John Spalding, stUl surviving, [.since deceased.] From this time, for the next 20 years. Col. Langdon seemed to be wafted forward on one un varied tide of prosperity and success, and great public benefits grew out of his com mercial career, as he was instrumental in reforming the irregularities of trade, which up to his day custom had sanctioned, and in placing it on a just and honorable basis ; and while thus conferring untold benefits on his town by what he did, and by the force of his salutary examples, he so con ducted his dealings as well to deserve all the remarkable success which attended him. But we need not here enlarge on his noble characteristics as a merchant ; we shall rather confine the remainder of our sketch to that which particularly marked him as a man and a citizen, and gave him that strong hold on public feeling, and that high place in the public estimation, which he retained through life. In 1809, Col. Langdon married Miss Nabby Robbins, of Lexington, Mass., a union from which sprang five chUdren, Amon, who died in childhood, John B., James R., George, and Caira R. Langdon. [John Barnard and George Langdon have died; James Robbins and Caira R., now Mrs. Nicholas, are still living.] Col. Langdon ever manifested a proper interest, and often took an active part in the public affairs and official business of the town, having at various times filled with acceptance its most important offices. He also entered, and was rapidly promoted, in the military line, tUl he gained the title by which he is here designated. In the year 1828, having removed over the river to his beautiful meadows within the bor ders of Berlin, he was elected with unusual unanimity by the people of that town, as their representative in the Legislature ; and in the following year re-elected to the office still more unanimously ; and by the appli cation of his excellent judgment and great practical knowledge in the business of legislation, he well justified the choice of his constituents. In 1828, he was elected, on the retirementof the Hon. Elijah Paine, the first to hold the office. President of the Bank of Montpelier, which responsible office he continued to hold to the time of his death. Inperson, Col. Langdon was well formed, and his features were all shapely and hand some ; while his countenance was lighted up by one of the most kindly and winning smiles that ever enlivened the human face. Nor did his countenance belie his heart, inherently sincere, sympathetic and hu mane. And, while in all the movements and enterprises of public benevolence, his liberality was commensurate with his means, in private charities and individual assist ance, he went, as he wished, far beyond what was ever generally made known to the public ; for he was extremely averse to making any parade of his benefactions, and his favors were very generally con ferred under injunctions of secrecy. And thus it was, that the extent of his private charities and pecuniary assistance to the distressed and those laboring under busi ness embarrassments, were never known except through the irrepressible outgush- ings of gratitude from the lips of those whom he had relieved. His lenity and forbearance towards all who were indebted to him were remark able ; and, to the credit of human nature be it said, as remarkable was the gratitude of those thus favored, and their determin ation that he should never be the loser by the kindness he had conferred. After he had retired from business, expecting to be much absent, he placed his demands, over $100,000, in the charge of a confidential agent, who was an attorney, strictly en joining him to sue nobody and distress nobody, but use all kindly, and charge him for aU the expense and trouble in curred in the collections. And though this great amount of miscellaneous de mands remained in the hands of that at torney for nearly three years, and though a large number of the debtors failed during that time, yet in all that period never was a single dollar lost out of the whole col- 436 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. lection. On the eve of their failures, or when they had any fears of failure, the debtors would come privately to the agent, and, with the remark, that " Col. Langdon had been too good to them to be injured," voluntarily placed in his hands the fullest securities they had in their power to offer. Within one week after such transactions, perhaps these debtors would fail ; sheriffs would be scouring the country for prop erty, and almost every creditor would suffer loss except Col. Langdon. He, to the wonder of all, was always found secure. The last characteristic incident of his life occurred when he was on his death bed. Finding his end drawing near, he sent for his attorney, and ordered him to make a life lease to an old revolutionary soldier of the farm he occupied, but of which the Colonel held a mortgage for more than its value. This was the last business transaction of his life. He died Jan. 7, 1831. As he was the idol of the people when he lived, so at his death he was lamented by more friends in the com munity at large than falls to the lot of but few to have numbered among their real mourners. HON. JEDUTHAN LOOMIS was born in Tolland, Conn., Jan. 5, 1779. After receiving a fair academical education, he studied law with Hon. Oramel Hinck ley, of Thetford, Vt. ; was admitted lo the bar there, and carae to Montpelier and es tablished himself about 1805. Mar. II, 1807, he married Hannah, daughter of Col. and Judge Oramel Hinck ley, of Thetford, who died suddenly, Dec. 24, 1813, leaving no issue. Oct. 10, 1814, he married Miss Charity Scott, of Peacham , who died June 13, 1 82 1, leaving 2 sons, Gustavus H., the late Dr. Loomis, and Chauficey. Oct. 8, 1822, he married Miss Sophia Brigham, of Salem, Mass.^ who died in 1855, leaving Charity, — Mrs. Dana, of Woodstock, — now deceased ; Mrs. Jo seph Prentiss, of Winona, Minn., and Charles Loomis, Esq., now deceased. Judge Loomis died Nov. 12, 1843. In 1814, Mr. Loomis was appointed Register of Probate for the District of Washington, but held the office only one year. In 1820, he was elected the Judge of Probate for this district, and had the un usual honor of receiving ten successive elections, the greatest number of elections of any other man in this County being five, given to the Hon. Salvin Collins. Frora 1807, up to his death, there is scarcely a year in which he did not receive, and well and faithfully execute, sorae one of the trusts or offices of the town. And the last 20 years of his life he was, besides being an efficient friend of the coramon schools, always a laboring trustee, often the head prudential committee, and always the treasurer, and chief pillar of Wash. Co. Gram. School. In the latter capacity, for which, and for being so long the admitted model Judge of Probate of all this part of the State, he was mostly known to the public abroad. There was once extant an old book called "The Minute PhUosopher." We mention the name, because so suggestive of the character of Judge Loomis. He was a very carefully reasoning man, and carried his philosophy into all the minutia of business. Any of the little trusts or commissions growing out of a town, school district, highway district, or neighbor hood or family affairs, which the raore am bitious or selfish would disdain to accept, or, if they did, only half execute, he would cheerfully accept, and always execute with the most scrupulous care. Indeed, he seemed to consider it his duty to do every thing asked of him, if, in performing it, he thought he could benefit his fellow-men individually, or the public at large. It was so with him in his profession, so in the church of which he was an officer, and it was so everywhere. Being a tall, dark-complexioned man, of formal manners, with a grave and rather austere countenance, he might be taken by the unacquainted for a man with few sen- sibUities ; but break through the apparent atmosphere of repulsion, and approach hira, and you would find him as affection ate as a brother. Being extremely strict in all moral and MONTPELIER. 437 religious observances, and seemingly rather set in his opinions, he might sometimes be taken for a bigot ; but get at his real views and feelings, and you would find him absolutely liberal, and willing to make all the allowance for errors which the largest charity might demand. A man of legal knowledge, ordinary good judgment, and of known good mo tives, who is willing to perform the duties of every small needful office, as well as great one, and who is ever ready to act the part of adviser, assistant and friend, in adjusting town difficulties and neigh borhood dissensions, is always a great blessing to a village community, and such was Judge Jeduthan Loomis. More than will ever be justly appreciated, probably, is Montpelier village indebted to him for his untiring and self-sacrificing exertions to advance her best interests. HON. TIMOTHY MERRILL. Emphatically a public man, was born in Farmington, Conn., Mar. 26, 1781, where, having received little more than a common school education, when becoming of age, he shouldered his pack, and travelled on foot to Bennington, Vt., where his older brother, Hon. Orsamus C. Merrill, had some years before established himself in the legal profession. Here he studied law ; was admitted to the bar, and commenced practice in partnership with the after wards noted Robert Temple, in Rutland. But not feeling very well satisfied with his situation, dissolved with Temple in less than a year, and removed to Montpelier in 1809, and established himself alone in his profession. In 1812, he married Clara, daughter of Dr. Fassett, of Bennington. They had 5 children — a son who died in infancy ; Ferrand F. Merrill, our late well- known fellow citizen ; Edwin S. Merrill, Of Winchendon, Mass., formerly post master of Montpelier ; Clara Augusta, who died in 1842, and Timothy R. MerriU, our present town clerk. In i8ii-'i2, Mr. Merrill was the town representative of Montpelier. In 181 1, was elected the first State's Attorney of the new County of Jefferson, and in 1815 to the same office, the name of the county being now changed to that of Washington, which office he held through seven succes sive elections, eight in all ; two more than ever received in that office by any other man in the county, Dennison Smith hav ing received but six. In 181 5, he was elected Engrossing Clerk of the General Assembly, and received seven successive elections to that oflSce. In 1822, he was elected Clerk of the House of Representa tives, and received nine successive elec tions to that office. In 1831, he was elected Secretary of State, which office he retained till his death, having received in it five successive elections. In his profession, Mr. Merrill took a very fair rank, and was sustained by as fair a patronage. But his public employ ments required too much of his time and attention to permit him to reach the posi tion in his profession to which his admitted talents would have otherwise doubtless raised him. He was ever considered, how ever, a safe legal adviser ; and in his ap peals to juries, as well as in his address;es to public assemblies, he often warmed up into genuine eloquence, the effect of which was heightened by one of the most clear- toned and melodious voices which it was ever the good fortune of a public man to possess ; and yet with such a fair profes sional business to bring him money, be sides his receipts from his public offices, he died worth but little property, and what added pertinency to the fact, his family ever dressed and lived, for their position, with great plainness and frugality ; but he never charged anything for advice, though his office was thronged by those seeking it; being naturally a peace man and very conscientious, he would advise three men out of lawsuits where he would one into them. He never charged for his legal services rauch more than half what was usually charged by other lawyers of the sarae standing, and what he did charge he would, in any event, often remit a part from, and if his client was unsuccessful, be quite likely to give in nearly the whole of it. In person, he was below the medium height, but had a fine head, good features 438 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. and a very intelligent and prepossessing countenance. He was one of the most affectionate of husbands and fathers, one of the most agreeable of neighbors, and one of the most correct and enlightened of citizens — honored be his memory. HON. FERRAND F. MERRILL, son of Hon. Timothy, of whom, to a most singular extent, the public history of the father was the history of the son. Like the father, and for about the same nuraber of years, though at a rauch younger age, the son was Clerk of the House of Repre sentatives. Like the father, was the son at once transferred from the clerkship to the office of Secretary of State, to be therein retained, we believe, exactly the same number of years during which the forraer lived to hold the office. Like the father, the son was State's Attorney for Washington County, though, through the altered rules of rotation, not so long ; and, like the father, was the son, for the now customary term, the representative of Montpelier in the legislature. By his education, by his readiness in all matters in form, acquired under his fath er's trainings, advantages of personal ap pearance, and great courtesy of manners, he was unusually fitted to do well and ap pear well in public life, and was an accom plished and popular officer. In the legis lature he becarae a prorainent member, and in the difficult position in which he found himself placed, in the keenly con tested question relative to the removal of the seat of government from Montpelier, he displayed an ability and tact which met the full approval of his constituents, and which, had he consented to be again a candidate, would have ensured him further elections. In private life he was blameless, in all his social relations much esteemed. In the furtherance of the interests of religion, morals and education, he took a conspic uous part, and, in fine, he began to be looked upon as one of the most capable and useful of our citizens, when he died of apo plexy. May 2, 1859, in the meridian of his usefulness, and when his prospects for pro fessional eminence were the brightest. HON. ARAUNAH WATERMAN was born in Norwich, Conn., Nov. 8, 1778. He sprang from good Revolutionary stock, his father having been at first a subaltern officer, and then commissary, in the con tinental army, and his uncles either officers or soldiers. His advantages for education were 6 months schooling before the age of 12. At about 13, he was apprenticed to a carpenter of his town, and served tiU 21, working steadUy by day, and studying at night by the light of pine knots, to make up the deficiences ofhis education. Soon after acquiring his trade, was recommend ed as a master mechanic to Gen. Pinkney, of South Carolina, who was wishing to build somewhat extensively on his several large plantations, was accepted, and the first year devoted himself to the superin tendency of erecting the various structures contemplated, among which was a fine summer house on Sullivan's Island, and the next year, having by his capacity and integrity gained the fullest confidence of Gen. Pinkney, who was appointed U. S. Minister to England, was made steward and chief supervisor over all the General's estates. After leaving Gen. Pinkney's em ployment, he returned to Connecticut, but in 1801 or 1802, came to Vermont with his brothers, the present Judges Joseph' and Thomas Waterman, and other brothers and sisters, and with them settled in Johnson. In 1804, he married Rebecca, daughter of Oliver Noyes, of Hydepark, and sister of the Hon. David P. Noyes, by whom he had several children, among whom is the Hon. Vernon W. Waterman, of Morristown. His wife dying in 1812, in something over a year afterward, he mar ried Mehitable Dodge, of New Boston, N. H., now deceased, but long known among us as a most estimable woman, by whora he had 7 children, two of whom, daughters, are still living on the old home stead in Montpelier. After residing in Johnson about a dozen years, engaged in farming, constructing the machinery re quired about the different miUs of that brisk village, and particularly by the card ing and clothing works with which he be came connected, he removed to Mont- MONTPELIER. 439 pelier about the beginning of 1814, and purchased the farm and a portion of the water privilege, lying on the west bank of the North Branch, above and around the falls, on the borders of this village. Here, besides carrying on his farm , he soon en gaged in erecting, improving and carrying on carding and clothing works, and before many years, in connection with Seth Persons, erected and put in operation the coraparatively extensive woolen factory, which was burned March, 1826, and at the burning of which he carae near losing his life. After this, he raainly employed him self in iraproving his farm, which, with his house, soon brought considerably within the village by its gradual extension in that direction, he continued to occupy until his death, coming, at the age of 80, to close his unusually varied, active and laborious life, Jan. 31, 1859. In 1821, '22, '23, '26, Mr. Waterman was elected town representative of Montpelier. When the new State Senate was estab lished, in 1836, Mr. Waterman was tri umphantly elected as one of the two first senators of Washington County, and on the following year, as triumphantly re-elected to complete the senatorial term, which, in what is called the Two Year Rule, had been previously adopted. In 1840, he was elected by the legislature to the office of Judge of the County Court, which office, however, being unsought and unexpected by him, he declined to accept. As a rep resentative and senator, he never spoke for the sake of talking, and never except to support sorae measure which he be lieved calculated for the public good, or to subserve some cherished political interest ; and then his extensive practical knowledge and accurate political information enabled him to speak with effect. We find Mr. Waterman's name on our town records often associated with the most important of our town offices. But he was not much known in these, because, doubtless, he was almost constantly in higher posts attracting a more general no tice. Being esteemed the best surveyor in this section of the country, he was, after our old surveyor. Gen. Davis, began to retire from the field, much employed on difficult surveys of land plots, disputed lines, and laying out of new public roads, and about 1830, when, on the completion of the great canal in New York, the feasi bility of canals across this State . began to be agitated, he was appointed, under an appropriation from the general govern raent, to conduct a survey for a canal from Burlington up the valley of the Winooski, and over the heights to Wells River, run ning into the Connecticut. This he ac complished, and, in doing it, was the first man to ascertain the altitude of Montpel ier above Lake Champlain, and the alti tude of Kettle Pond, on the eastern border of Marshfield, the lowest summit level of the heights between Montpelier and Con necticut river. And in proof of the accu racy of his survey, as imperfect as were his instruments, may be cited the fact, that when the surveys of the Central rail road were perfected, it was found that the engineers, with their greatly more perfect instruments, and their everyway better equipments and means, had made the level of the top of the dam across the river at Montpelier to vary but between 3 and 4 feet frora the altitude recorded in Mr. Wa- terraan's survey made a dozen years be fore. Mr. Waterman was active in improving our common schools, and for many years one of the most efficient of the trustees of our Academy. And in despite of the mul tiplicity of his cares, found tirae to keep hiraself posted in matters of general science and literature. He was probably the most reliable geologist in Montpelier. In a knowledge of the principles of mechanics and their practical applications, he had few superiors anywhere. His knowledge of history was extensive, and of qur national politics singularly ample and accurate. The late Jonathan Southmayd, 12 years preceptor of our Academy, was in the habit of often conferring with Mr. Water man in the solution of difficult problems in the higher branches of mathematics, me chanics and other sciences, and once re marked, he had never met a man, not ed ucated in a college, who could compare 440 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. with him in the extent of his general and the accuracy ofhis scientific knowledge. As a citizen, man and neighbor, his use fulness and practical benevolence were universally admitted, and the assistance he was frequently rendering others, through their bad returns for the favors conferred, kept down to a simple competence what would othewise have been a handsome property for the inheritance of his family. Among those of an active life, a man's capacities and character are best accurately measured by what he accomplishes. By this rule, what Mr. Waterman accomplish ed would place him far above the level of ordinary men. In the first place he made himself — no common achievement where such a man is made, and made under such disadvantages ; and then he achieved for himself, for his family and for the public, all that we have related of him. Let all that stand as the simple record of his life. What cause have his friends to ask for a better monument to his memory? HON. CYRUS WARE, son of Jonathan Ware, of Wrentham, Mass., was born May 8, 1769. His father died when he was but 3 years of age, but he continued with his family and attended the comraon schools of the place till nearly 14, when he went to Hartford, Vt., to learn the blacksmith's trade, in the shop of a Mr. Billings, who had married his sister, and worked faithfully at the trade tUl2i ; and then, with what knowledge he had contrived to pick up by reading during his apprenticeship, he went to studying law with Hon. Charles Marsh, of Wood stock, and after a year or two, went to Royalton and corapleted the prescribed course of legal studies with Jacob Smith, Esq., and was here admitted to the bar in 1799, and the same year came to Mont pelier, and opened an office in this village. His capacities appear to have early attract ed the attention of his townsmen ; for within about one year after he came into town, we find him figuring in town offices, in some one of which he was retained until the September State election, 1805, when he represented Montpelier in the General Assembly, and did so acceptably acquit hiraself, his constituents gave him five an nual successive elections, a number never exceeded in the case of any Montpelier representative, and never equalled except in the case of Col. Davis. While still rep resentative, he was in 1808 made chief Judge of Caledonia County Court, and re ceived three successive elections, being continued in that office until the organiza tion of the new County of Jefferson, which, on account of his residence within it, raade him ineligible to any further elections to the bench of Caledonia County. In addi tion, he was annually appointed what is called the law and trial justice of the peace for the last forty years of his life, doing, through a large portion of that period, the greater share of the justice business of the place, and making its profits the main means ofhis livelihood. There can be no doubt Judge Ware, at the time he was the Judge of the Caledonia County Court and the represefatative of Montpelier, and for many years afterwards, was one of the most influential men in the Stafe. That his rulings and decisions while judge met the approbation of the bar and the people, is shown by his being annually elected to the bench as long as he was eligible, at the instance of the people of the county where his judicial ministrations were best known. As town representative, he secured to his town, by his talents and skiUful management, the location of the seat of government and its untold advantages. The late Hon. John Mattocks, who was an active participant in what was called the " first State House struggle," was afterwards heard by more than one person to declare, however strongly right and policy demanded the location of the seat of governraent here at the centre of the State, yet so keen was the rivalry for the honor by the older vil lages of the State, it would never have been conferred on Montpelier, but for the unwearied exertions and exceedingly skill ful management of its representative, Judge Ware. For the last twenty years of his life, through improvidence in his affairs and the growing expenses of a large family, but MONTPELIER. 441 not through personal vices, he appears to have sunk into comparative poverty, and into the public neglect that too often ac companies it. But even in his lowest state of poverty, he was the philosopher. " I hope you don't call me poor,'' he would say to those who attempted to com miserate hira. " I consider it settled that a white child is worth two negro chUdren, which are held at $500 apiece, and as fast as I had children born, I put thera down on my inventory at $1,000 each, tiU my estate reached the handsome amount ot $6,000, and, thank Heaven, I have the same property yet on hand." In structure of mind, thought, words and ways. Judge Ware was probably the most perfectly original character we ever had in Montpelier. And his shrewd observations and quaint and witty sayings were, in his day, more quoted than those of any other man in all this section of the country. Clear, discriminating and patient in in vestigating all important cases, which he conducted by a silent process of mind, yet the result was generally made known in terms and phrases which nobody else would think of using. His brain was singularly creative, and it seemed to be his greatest recreation to indulge in its half-serious, half-sportive froUcs. We have it from a lady of this village, when a small girl, she and her mate used to resort to his house night after night, to hear hira improvise an original novel, which, for their gratifica tion, he would begin one evening, take up the next where he left it, and so carry it on, in good keeping, through a succession of hearings, tiU it was finished, making probably a raore instructive and arausing tale than many that have been published. Judge Ware married Patty, daughter of Gardner Wheeler, Esq., of Barre, May 26, 1803, who survived him. They had 6 chUdren — Gardner W., deceased; Patty Militiah, wife of Samuel CaldweU, of St. Johns, Canada East ; Cyrus Leonard, of the vicinity of New York ; Henry, of Ohio ; George, of parts unknown ; Mary, wife of Joel Foster, Jr., and Louisa. Judge Ware died at Montpelier, Feb. 17, 1849, aged nearly 80. 56 CAPTAIN TIMOTHY HUBBARD. To be numbered with those who, by their business capacities and energy of character, contributed most to the wealth and prosperity of Montpelier, .were three brothers, Timothy, Roger and Chester Hubbard, who came here before or about the beginning of the present century. They were all enterprising, clear headed men, and, while they remained in trade, successful merchants, especially Chester Hubbard, who confined himself exclusively to trade, and died in 1832, leaving, though then only in middle life, a very handsome property. As the elder more particularly identified himself with the public offices and institutions of the town, and more largely attracted public attention, we have selected him as their representative. Timothy Hubbard was born near the city of Hartford, Conn., Aug. 17, 1776, lived with his father and worked on a farm till 21, getting all the education he ever had at the coramon school. After contin uing to work on his father's farm, on stipu lated wages, probably, about 4 years after he was of age, he came, in 1799, to Mont pelier, estaijlished himself in trade with Wyllis I. Cadwell, Esq., a connection of the Lymans of Hartford, Conn, and Hart ford, Vt. In 1801, he married Lucy, the third daughter of Colonel Jacob Davis, a very estimable woman. In 1803, he dis solved his connection with Mr. Cadwell, and went into partnership in trade with his brother-in-law, the Hon. David Wing. After the death of Judge Wing, in 1806, he associated with him his brother, Roger Hubbard, tUl about i8i6, when he ceased to be any further engaged in mercantile affairs, and employed himself in supervis-. ing the cultivation of his different valuable farms in Berlin, and particularly the one on the borders of Montpelier VUlage, which he soon made his homestead for the remainder of his life. In 1 8 10, he was elected Captain of the fine military company, called the Gover nor's Guards, of which Isaac Putnam was the first captain; and though he was taken almost from the ranks, he soon showed himself to be one of the best mili. 442 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. tary officers that ever paraded a company in the streets of Montpelier; and when the news of the invasion of Plattsburgh, in September, 1814, reached Montpelier, he sallied, cane in hand, into the streets, summoned a drummer and fifer to his side, and with them marched the streets all day, beating up volunteers, to start for the scene of action, and before night, he had enlisted three-fourths of his fellow citizens, who chose him Captain by acclamation. Being now at the head of perhaps the largest and best company of all the Ver mont Plattsburgh volunteers, with the staunch Joseph Howes for his second in command, he gave his orders for the next day ; and at an early hour, the next morn ing, they were all seen pouring along, in hot haste, for the seat of war, by night were in Burlington, the next day embark ing on sloops, crowding all sail for Platts burgh, but did not arrive in season to take their place in the line of battle. Captain Hubbard was often chosen to fill town offices, especiaUy if there happened to be pending any financial difficulty, growing out of conflicting interests, which others were unwiUing to touch, which he always straightened without fear or favor to clique or party ; often at the expense of another election, though when another such diffi culty occurred they were all for calling him back again ; when in his singularly frank, independent way, he would give them to understand, it was aU the same with hira, whether they elected him or not, but if they did, they might depend on it, he should not fear to do his duty. And there can be little doubt, had he kept down this marked trait of character, or played even a little of the demagogue, we should have seen him in higher civil offices. Captain Hubbard was sometimes harsh in rebuking the faults of others, or in de fending himself, when he unexpectedly met opposition in the path of what he con sidered his right and duty ; but he seemed to give no lasting offense ; for the offended knew as soon as he found himself in the wrong, he would be the first to rectify it. He was liberal to the poor and all educa tional, religious and benevolent objects. When, in what had been called the Barre street school district, was built a new school house, some twenty years ago, [now some forty,] the Captain bought and caused to be hung in the cupola of this school building, a valuable new bell. And the district thereupon, at a regular meeting, unani mously voted that their school house should thereafter be called ' ' Hubbard Street School House,'' and the street on which it stood be changed from Barre Street to Hubbard Street. And this is still the only name that can be legitimately applied to it. Captain Hubbard's business and finan cial talents, and trustworthiness for all, not excepting even the most important posts, were widely admitted in his day, and can hereafter always be made to ap pear on public records, the records of the numerous estates, of which he was the effi cient administrator, and the records of the Bank of Montpelier which, for years, he skilfully managed in the capacity of its president. About the age of fifty he reached a point which few wealthy men ever reach, the point when he thought he had property enough, and that he had better be bestow ing it where it would do the most good. Accordingly he began giving it to the most needy of the numerous circle of his rela tives, and continued the good work, till a full third of his estate had been bestowed on them. His first wife dying in 1839, he married Anner May, who survived him. He died Oct. 28, 1850. He has no de scendants. GENERAL EZEKIEL P. WALTON. In the incipient stages of the growth of every country village there are nearly always two different personages who occupy the lirgest space in the thoughts of the people — the Minister and the Editor. And in proportion as these are faithful, intelligent and able, so, to an almost unappreciable extent, will be its moral, social and intel lectual advancement. It was the good for tune of Montpelier, for the first twenty years after the place could fairly lay claim to the dignity of a village, to have the right kind of a man for her Minister, and MONTPELIER. 443 the right kind of a man for an Editor, in the persons of Chester Wright and Ezekiel P. Walton. Ezekiel Parker Walton was born in the year 1789, in Canterbury, N. H., in which town his father, George Walton, formerly resided, but from which he at length removed to Peacham, Vt. There was a good academy at Peachara, and young Walton, previous to reaching the age of fifteen, attended it a few terms, studying the ordinary English branches, and completing all the school education he ever received. There was, at this time, a small newspa per, of Federal politics, published at Peach am by Mr. Samuel Goss, a practical print er and Editor of his own paper, which was called the Green Mountain Patriot. Into this establishment the boy Walton often found his way, and at length began to feel so much interest in the business he saw going on that he offered himself as an apprentice to the trade ; and Mr. Goss, as he has re cently told us, so liked the. looks of the bright little fellow that he concluded to take him in that capacity, and in despite of the opinions of others, who believed that little could ever be made of him. As Mr. Goss had predicted, however, the boy turned out a well behaved, faithful appren tice, and made good proficiency in his trade. After serving three years at his trade in Peacham, he came, in 1807, to Montpelier, with Mr. Goss, who bought out the Vermont Precursor, a paper estab lished here the year previous by Rev. Clark Brown, and changed the name to that of the Vermont Watchman. Here he served out the remainder of his apprenticeship, which expired in 1810; when, being of le gal age, he, in corapany with Mark Goss, a fellow apprentice in the office, bought out Mr. Samuel Goss ; and the paper was then, for the next half dozen years, con ducted by the firm of Walton & Goss, Mr. Walton discharging the chief duties of ed itor. In 1816, Mr. Mark Goss went out of the establishment, and Mr. Walton be came its sole proprietor and editor, and so continued nearly twenty years; when, as his sons became of age, he took them into partnership, and the business, to which book-selling and paper-making were at length added, was conducted in the name ofE. P. Walton & SonsuntU 1853, during which he wholly gave up the proprietor ship of the newspaper to his oldest son, the present Hon. Eliakim Persons Walton. Though the editorship had been entrusted to this son for many years previous to 1853, General Walton continued to assist in editing and writing for certain depart ments of the paper, even into the last year of his life. At an early period he passed rapidly along the line of military promotion till he reached the rank of Major General, when he threw these kinds of honors aside and thought no more of them. Mr. Walton was never an office seeker, nor was office, as much as was due to him as a man and a politician, nor half as much as was due to him from his party, ever bestowed on him. He was, however, several times the candidate of his party for town Repre sentative, but never when that party hap pened to be in the majority. In 1827, he was elected one of the Council of Censors, and served with credit to himself and elec tors, among a board of the most distin guished men in the State, Judges B. Turner, D. Kellogg and S. S. Phelps be ing included among the number. In the Presidential election of 1852, he was elect ed one of the Electoral College for Ver mont, when the vote of the State was thrown for General Scott. In 1854, he was nominated as candidate for the office of Governor of Vermont by a large mass State Convention, and could the people have had their way, would have been tri umphantly elected. But out of an ardent desire to consoli date the poUtical sentiments of the people in one controlling organization, as well as out of high personal regard for the ven erable Chief Justice, Stephen Royce, who had been previously named for the execu tive chair by a Convention of the Whig party. General Walton cheerfully yielded his place on the ticket. The name of Judge Royce was substituted by the State Com mittee, and he was heartily supported by 444 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. the people ; and thus was organized the present Republican party of the State. For that organization a large measure of credit is due to Gen. Walton. We have named the circumstances con nected with Mr. Walton's nomination to the office of governor, for the double pur pose of showing the remarkable lack of even well-warranted assumptions in the man, and his patriotic readiness to submit to any personal sacrifice which he was led to suppose public good required him to make, as well as of showing how his party, while so generally admitting his qualifica tions for office, and the merit of his ser vices in their behalf, so strangely over looked hira, when they so often had the power to reward and honor him. That he was ever honorable and just in his treat ment towards his political opponents, the writer of this sketch, who was for many years one of them, can, ann here does, most cheerfully attest; and the late Araunah Waterman, who was ever a staunch political opponent, was often heard frankly to admit that "General Walton was both an honor able man and an honest politician." That he, in his long, persistent, judicious and able editorial labors, was eminently instru mental in establishing the ascendency of his party and keeping it in power, is a fact too well known to be questioned. Prob ably, indeed, that man has never lived in Vermont who did so much toward buUd ing up the old Whig party of the- State, and its successor, the Republican party, which he lived to see become, from the minority in which he found it, one of the most overwhelming majorities ever re corded in the history of party warfare. But while it was his lot to do so, and see all this, it was his lot also to be often com pelled, like many another political editor, "to make brick without straw,'' or, in other words, manufacture great men out of smaU patterns, who, when made, carried their heads so high as generally to entirely overlook their political creator. Mr. Walton's style of writing was, for his advantages, unusually correct, and un usually well calculated for enforcing his sentiments and enUsting the sympathy of his readers. During the first years of his residence in i Montpelier, he, in company with other young aspirants of the viUage, got up an associacion for mutual improve ment in knowledge and literature, called the " Franklin Society." In this society, in which theme writing was a leading ex ercise, he probably made much progress in forming his style, which was evidently modelled on that of Dr. Franklin, so gen erally the great oracle of the printer boy. The bon homme of "Poor Richard," how ever, can never be successfully imitated by a man without a good heart. But Mr. Walton had that heart, and, through the force of finely-blended, emotional and in teUectual qualities of his heart, he grad uaUy formed a style of his own, which, with the vein of good common sense that pervaded it, gave him rank with the most pleasing and instructive of our editorial writers.. As before intimated, he continued to write for his old paper to the last, and in so doing, besides his instructive articles on farming and domestic economy, he wrote and published in the Watchman, the year before his death, sixteen numbers on the events of the Olden Times in the Valley of the Winooski, over the signature of Oliver Old-School, which deserve to be re- pubUshed in pamphlet, for public reading and preservation. In the political world. Gen. Walton was ever a person to be consulted ; among men he was always a man ; in the church an influential officer ; in the social circle a dignified, but a very courteous and kindly companion, and in his family an exemplary husband and father. His integrity, whether in business or politics, appears never to have been doubted, by either friend or foe ; his general intellectual capacity was al ways conceded, and his frank and generous disposition known to the utraost limits of his extensive personal acquaintance. Apr. 28, 181 1, Mr. Walton married Miss Prussia, daughter of Eliakim D. Persons, of MontpeUer, by whom he had 8 chUdren — Eliakim P., 6 years in Congress ; Harriet Newell, wife of Hon. H. R. Wing, a lawyer of standing at Glen's Falls, N. Y. • George Parker, a very promising young ^<^/^ic^ V?2^t3^ , MONTPELIER. 445 man, who died at the age of about 24 years, at New Orleans ; Nathaniel Porter, for some years the accountant of the firm of E. P. Walton & Sons ; Chauncey, now deceased; Sarauel M., the book-binder in Montpelier ; Ezekiel Dodge, who died at the age of about 25 years, at Philadelphia ; and Mary, wife of "George Dewey, a mer chant of New York city. In his religious character, Mr. Walton was an earnest, frank, sincere Christian, always warm and generous in the utter ance and support of his principles. He combined the wisdom of the serpent, the boldness of the lion and the harmlessness of the dove, in his whole Christian course ; was a devoted member and an honorable office bearer in the Congregational church for many years. His piety irradiated his household, his secular cares and his place of business. Everywhere, at all times, he was the admirable type of a Christian gen tleman. In the Conference, in the Sabbath- school, in the support of charitable and religious institutions, none surpassed and few equalled him. The young men in his office felt his influence very strongly. Of the many who graduated from his office, and came to fill afterwards, with honor, public stations in the councUs of the State and in the halls of Congress; and in the courts of justice, twelve have been mem bers of churches, and two have become useful and respected ministers of the Gospel. And none could bear higher testimony to the invariable and elevated religious char acter of Mr. Walton than they. Gen. Walton died Nov. 27, 1855, leav ing, as might be expected frora one of his liberal views, not much property, indeed, but that " good name " which is better than riches. MRS. PRUSSIA PERSONS WALTON, widow of the late Gen. Ezekiel P.Walton, daughter of Eliakim D. Persons, died at her home Saturday, June 22, 1878, aged 86; the oldest resident at her death in the town ot Montpelier. The Watchman says : The long life of this " elect lady," though filled with unusual cares and responsibili ties, was nevertheless rendered beautiful by her naturally exuberant spirits, her tender regard for all her fellow-beings, and her unfaltering trust in Him in whom she believed. Her Wndly heart and her dili gent hands were busy to the last in works of charity and mercy, and few are the dwellings among us but contain some dainty token of affection wrought by her deft fingers. The blessing of the whole community rested upon her as she ex changed the imperfect joys of earth for the perfect bliss of Heaven. DR. JAMES SPALDING, who for 40 years was a successful prac ticing physician of Montpelier viUage and vicinity, died at his residence, October, 1866. The following accurate sketch and deserved tribute to his memory appeared in the Boston Medical and Surgical Jour nal : [somewhat condensed.] "Dr. Spalding was "born in Sharon, Vt., Mar. 20, 1792. His father, Dea. Reuben Spalding, was one of the earliest settlers in the State, whose Ufe was not raore re markable for his toils, privations and energy, as a pioneer in a new country, than for his unbending integrity, and for the best qualities of the Old New England Puritanism. James was the third son of 12 children, all of whom reached maturity and were settled in life with famUies. At the age of seven he received a small wound in the knee joint, which confined hira for more than 6 months, attended with ex treme suffering. By the skiU of Dr. Nathan Smith, of Hanover, the limb was at length healed, leaving the knee par tially anchylosed, however, to recover from which required years. While thus con fined, probably from estimation of Dr. Smith, which estimation was retained through life, he decided to be a physician and surgeon. He never attended a high school or academy, but he acquired a good coramon school education, besides storing his mind with much general knowledge and that mental discipline which so highly distinguished him in after life. He com menced study at the age of 17 with Dr. Eber Carpenter, of Alstead, N. H., stip ulating the expenses of his education should be defrayed by his practicing one yearwitn the Doctor after he had graduated. He applied himself with uncommon assiduity 446 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. to his medical studies, taking, at the same time, private lessons in Greek and Latin. At 20 years he graduated at the Dartmouth Medical Institution, having heard the lec tures from Smith and Perkins. WhUe a student, his opportunities for practice were very extensive ; the spotted fever prevailed generally throughout New England. This epidemic was truly appal ling in Alstead and the neighboring towns. Dr. Spalding brought his discriminating mind to the subject with all the close ob servation of a veteran in the science, and arrived at the same conclusions as to its pathology and treatment as others who stood the most eminent in the profession. His position was very embarrassing, being caUedthe " boy physician," having to meet veterans in the profession for whora he entertained an exalted opinion. Modesty would hardly permit him to differ from them, yet he had so studied this epidemic, in most cases his views and treatment were adopted. After practicing 2 years in Alstead with Dr. Carpenter, he commenced business in Claremont, but having friends in Mont pelier, was induced to remove to this place. Though but a boy, he had seen much practice, and performed many surgical op erations, and it required but a short time for him to gain general confidence as a physician, and more especially as a sur geon, which he retained without abatement through life. His fixed purpose was im provement in his profession ; he never en gaged in any other business or sought any political preferment. Others may have done more under other circumstances, yet by his example, integrity, industry, com munications for the medical journals, and dissertations before the County and State Medical Societies, from time to time, it may be said, he added something to the gen eral stock of knowledge in his profession, and that as a surgeon he was successful above most others. His particular trait of mind was a sound judgment, based upon a careful, discriminating examination of all the evidence which gave in each individual case its peculiar characteristic. Well in formed in books and the general principles of his profession, having an extensive in tercourse with his medical brethren, he was well prepared to impart to others the results of his extensive experience. He was an original thinker, not only in his medical and surgical practice, but in other departments. It was a maxim with him that there should be no guess-work in his profession, more especially in surgery. In consultations, due respect was paid to the opinions of his professional brethren, but still he would suffer his judgment to be in fluenced only as the evidence in the case affected his own mind, never evading re sponsibility, and always governed by his own independent conclusions, and for this reason he was much sought for in con sultations. He retained through life the confidence and respect of his professional brethren, and while differing from others in his diagnosis and treatment of disease, he succeeded in leaving the confidence of patient and friends in the attending physi cian unabated, discharging his duty to his patients without injury to the feeUngs or reputation of any one. It being the settled maxim of his life, that strict integrity is the true and only policy which should govern every raan who desires his own interest or that of others, he never sought to appro priate to hiraself what justly belonged to them. For more than 40 years he was an active meraber of the Vermont State Medical Society, and, through it, labored to ad vance the best interests of the profession he so much loved, and became acquainted with most of the distinguished physicians of the State, among whom he had many personal friends. In 1819, he was elected secretary, which office he held for over 20 years. In 1842, he was chairman of a committee to" draft a petition for a geolog ical survey of the State. He was vice president of the Medical Society in 1843, treasurer in 1844, chairman of the cora mittee on the History of the Society in 1845. He read a thesis in 1846, "On Na ture as manifested in Disease and Health," which was highly commended. He was elected president in 1846, '7, '8, and de livered a dissertation on " Typhus Fever" ^c^/^"^ ^'^, 7yji../u-' I/,¦^^^^^^^ MONTPELIER. 447 in 1848, which was published by a vote of the society. He was elected a correspond ing secretary in 1850, and librarian in 1854, which office he held untU his death. He was also a member of the Board of FeUows of the Vermont Academy of Med icine, besides holding many offices con nected with science, literature, temper ance, etc. But few men in the country have seen such an amount of disease and so carefully observed the peculiarities of the various epidemics occurring for nearly half a century ; and it is to be regretted that so little is left on record of his exten sive observations and experience both as a physician and surgeoh. In private life he was a man of much amenity of manners, of great worth and purity of character, en larged benevolence and of high-minded purposes in all that goes to make the en lightened Christian and good citizen. In 1820, he married Miss Eliza Reed, of Montpelier. They raised 6 children — James R., an editor in the city of New York; WiUiam C, a distinguished physi cian of Watertown, Wis. ; Martha E., died at 18; Jane, who married Dr. Warner of Weathersfield, Conn. ; George B., a cler gyman and Doctor of Divinity, of Dover, N. H., and editor of the New Hampshire Journal; and Isabella, wife of Mr. Louns- bury, of Hartford, Ct. Mrs. Spalding, a woman of raany vir tues, died in 1854, and about 2 years after. Dr. Spalding married Mrs. Dodd,adaugh- ter of the late Wyllys Lyman, of Hartfqj-d, Vt., who died in 1857. HON. SAMUEL PRENTISS was born in Stonington, Ct., Mar. 31, 1782 ; his family, of a pure English and Puritan stock, are traceable as far back as 13 1 8, through official records which show the reputable positions occupied by branches of the family, tUl they came to New England, where the lineage at once took stock among the best in the colonies. In direct descent he was the 6th from his first American, but English-born, ancestor, Capt. Thomas Prentiss, born in England about 1620, became a resident of Newton, Mass., 1752, was a noted cavalry officer in the King Philip war, and died 1710, leav ing Thomas Prentiss, Jr., father of Samuel Prentiss, ist, father of Samuel, 2d, who was a colonel in the Revolutionary Army, and father of Samuel, 3d, a physician and surgeon in the army, and the father of Judge Samuel Prentiss, of Montpelier. The whole stock of the Prentiss family was good, but this branch was particularly so, both physically and/inteUectually. Col. Prentiss, of Revolutionary memory, 6 feet high, weighing over 200 pounds, with out corpulency, was one of the best built, most muscular men of the tiraes ; and the different members of the family descend ing. frora hira, for the last two or three gen erations, of which those now living have been cognizant, will be remembered to have been, with a rare uniformity, well- formed, shapely and good-looking, possess ing an unusual intellectual capacity and power. When Samuel was about a year old, he removed with his family from Stonington, Ct., to Worcester, Mass., and from thence in about 3 years to Northfield, Mass., where his father. Dr., continued the successful practice of his profession in 18 1 8, the son being kept in his earlier boyhood at the common schools, and while yet young, put into classical studies with the Rev. Samuel C. Allen, rainister of the town, and at about 19, entered as a law student in the office of Samuel Vose, Esq., of the .same town. He did not complete the course of legal studies there, but with that object, passed over into the neighboring village of Brattleboro, and entered the office of John W. Blake, Esq., from whence, Dec. 1802, he was admitted to the bar several months before his majority. In view of what Mr. Prentiss afterward became, all will understand he studied the elementary principles of the law before his admission to the Bar; but few, perhaps, are aware how close and extensive in the meantime had been his study of the gredt masters of English literature, how careful the cultivation of his taste, and how much his proficiency in the formation of that style, which subsequently so peculiarly stamped all his mental efforts, whether of writing or speaking, with unvarying strength 448 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. and neatness of expression. We recollect of having once met with a series of literary miscellany written by him, probably when he was a law student, published first in a newspaper in consecutive numbers, and afterwards republished by some one in pamphlet form, which were all alike marked by neatness of style and beauty of senti ment, and which, though only intended, doubtless, for mere off-hand sketches, would have favorably compared with our best magazine literature. Early in the year 1803, he came into this part of the State, and opened an office in the new, but promising village of Mont pelier, which was to be everafter his home, and the central point of the field of the splendid professional success which he was destined to achieve. His legal attainments, the genius he dis played in developing them, the skill he manifested in the management of his cases, and his peculiarly smooth and happy manner as a speaker, appear almost im mediately, after he commenced practice here, to have attracted attention, and given him a distinguished place in the estimation of all the people of the surrounding coun try as a young man of unusual promise. But he knew better than to repose on laurels of this kind ; that not to advance in his profession, was virtually to recede ; that he could make no real progress with out exploring the great field of jurispru dence, within whose portals he had only just entered ; in other words, not without devoting himself to study, careful, close and unremitting; and commenced a course, which, passing beyond the applications of all his own special cases, was as extended as the principles of the law itself, when re garded no less as a science than a system of technicalities, and this course for the next twenty years, while all the time in active employ as a practitioner, he pur sued with an assiduity and perseverance rarely ever witnessed among lawyers who, like him, have already reached the higher ranks of their profession. Such a course of legal research, con ducted by a mind of the discrimination and power of analysis, which characterized that of Mr. Prentiss, could not long re main unattended by fruits. We find the legislature of his State, as early as 1822, proffering him, with singular unanimity, a seat as one of the associate justices on the bench of the Supreme Court, which honor he declined, but in 1824 and '25, consent ed to serve his town as their representative in the General Assembly, and having been triumphantly elected, soon gave unmis takable earnest of those abilities as a leg islator and a statesman, which were after wards so conspicuously displayed in the broader field of the council charaber of the nation. At the session of the legislature of 1825, he was elected first associate justice of the Supreme Court so unanimously, and with so many private solicitations for his acceptance, he did not longer decline a membership in our State tribunal, and went upon the bench, where so scrupulously and ably he executed the duties of his post the next 4 years, that by almost comraon consent he was elected in 1829, Chief Jus tice of the Supreme Court of Vermont, and in 1830, a member of the United States' Senate, and was re-elected in 1836 a second term to the Senate, and before his term of service had quite expired was nom inated by the President, and without the usual reference of his case to a committee, unanimously confirmed, as the Judge of United States' District Court of this State, in place of Hon. Elijah Paine, then just deceased. This quiet, though highly re sponsible office, whose duties were to be discharged so near home, he, in his de clining health, preferred to a seat on the bench of the Supreme Court of the United States, which it was more than intimated from high quarters he might soon obtain. He therefore accepted the post, which he continued to hold till his death, Jan. 15, 1857. Such was the brilliant official career of the Hon. Samuel Prentiss for the last 34 years of his life ; he never passed an hour without bearing the responsibilities of some important public trust, and was never re moved from one except to be promoted to a higher one, tiU he had reached the high est but one within the gift of the American MONTPELIER. 449 people ; and as a senator, he won an en viable and enduring reputation in a body embracing almost all the intellectual giants in that highest period of American states manship. Among the beneficent meas ures, of which he was the originator and successful advocate, was the law, still in force, for the suppression of duelling in the District of Columbia. His speeches in support of that measure have taken rank araong the best speciraens of senatorial el oquence. His speech against the bank rupt law of 1840 was pronounced by John C. Calhoun to have been the clearest and most unanswerable of any, on a debatable question, which he had heard for years. His stand on this occasion attracted the more public notice, from the fact that he had the independence to contest the pas sage of the bill, in opposition, with only one exception, to the whole body of his party. And there can be but little doubt that his argument, which was felt to stand still unanswered, had much to do with the repeal of that unfortunate law, a few years afterwards. Judge Prentiss was obviously held in the highest estimation in the Senate, alike for the purity and worth of his private, and the rare ability of his senatorial character. His equal and confidential relations with Henry Clay and Daniel Webster were at that day weU known ; while his sterling talents and civic virtues were admitted and admired by aU, who, as we were often told at the time, cheerfuUy joined his mote particular associates in conceding hira to be the best lawyer in the Senate. It is in his character as a jurist, however, that Mr. Prentiss will be longest remem bered. It is, perhaps, sufficient praise for him to say, that not one of that series of able and lucid decisions, which he had made whUe on the bench of our Supreme Court, has ever been overruled by any suc ceeding tribunal in this State, nor, as far as we are apprized, by that of any other, though those decisions are, to this time, being frequently quoted in the courts of probably neariy every State in the Union. With the legal profession, facts of this kind involve probably the best evidence of high judicial accomplishment which could pos sibly be adduced. With those out of that profession, the opinions of other great and learned men respecting the one in ques tion, might be, perhaps, more palpably conclusive. And to raeet the understand ings of both these classes, therefore, we will close our remarks on this part of our subject by mentioning a curious legal co incidence, which, while it involved an im portant decision, was the raeans of draw ing forth a high compliment frora the lips of one of the most distinguished of all our American jurists : Some time during Judge Prentiss' Chief Justiceship of this State, Sir Charles Bell, of the Common Bench of England, made, in an important case, a decision whicn was whoUy new law in that country ; and it was afterwards discovered,. when the reports of the year, on both sides of the water, were published, that Judge Prentiss had, not only in the same year, but in the same week or fortnight, made, in one oi our im portant suits, precisely the same decision, which was also then new law here, arriving at his conclusion by a process strikingly similar to that of the English justice. This remarkable coincidence, involving the origin of then new, but now well- established points of law, and involving, at the same time, an inference so flattering to our Chief Justice, at once attracted the notice of the celebrated Chancellor Kent, of New York, who, soon after, falling in company with several of our most noted Vermonters, cited this singular instance in compliment to the Vermont Chief Justice, and after remarking that there was no possibility that either the American or English justice could be apprised of the other's views on the point in question, wound up by the voluntary tribute : " Judge Story, the only man to be thought of in the comparison, is certainly a very learned and able man ; but I cannot help regarding Judge Prentiss as the best jurist in New England." Perhaps there is nothing about which there is more misconception among men generally than in what constitutes a really great intellect. Most people are prone to 57 450 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. be looking for some bold and startling thoughts, or some brilliant or learned dis play of language, in a man, to make good in him their preconceived notions of in tellectual greatness. And should they see him take up a subject in a simple, natural manner, analyze it, reject all the fictitious, retain all the real, arrange the elements, and, thus clearly proceeding, at length reach the only just and safe conclusion of which the case admits, they would, per haps, feel a sort of disappointment in not having seen any of the imposing mental machinery brought into play, which they supposed would be required to produce the result. Demagogues might indeed make use of such machinery, but a truly great man, never. For it is that very simplicity and clearness of mental operations which can only make an intellect efficient, safe and great. Grasp of thought, penetration and power of analysis, are the expressions generally used in describing a mind of the character of that of Judge Prentiss. But they hardly bring us to a realization of the extremely simple and natural intellectual process, through which he moved on, self- poised, step by step, with so much ease and certainty to the impregnable legal po sitions where he was content only to rest. And to have fully realized this, we should have listened to one of his plain but lu minous decisions, on a case before sup posed to be involved in almost insuperable doubts and perplexities — perceived how, at first, he carefully gathered up all that could have any bearing on the subject in hand ; how he then began to scatter light upon the seemingly dark and tangled mass ; and then, how, segregating all the irrele vant and extraneous, and assorting the rest, he conducted our minds to what at length we could not fail to see to be the truth and reality of the case. That Judge Prentiss possessed, besides his profound knowledge of the law as a science, a finely- balanced and superior intellect is unques tionable ; and that it became so, in the ex ercise of those peculiar traits we have been attempting to describe, need, it appears to us, to be scarcely less doubted. In person. Judge Prentiss was nearly 6 feet high, well-formed, with an unusually expansive forehead, shapely features and a clear and pleasant countenance, all made the more imposing and agreeable by the affable and courtly bearing of the old school gentleman. In his domestic system, he was a rigid economist, but ever gave liberally when ever the object conmanded his approba tion. Let a single instance suffice for il lustration : Some years before his death, his minister lost an only cow ; and the fact coming to his ears, he ordered his man to drive, the next morning, one of the cows he then possessed, to the stable of the minister. But strangely enough, the cow selected for the gift died that night. He was not thus to be defeated, however, in his kind purpose ; for hearing that the minister had engaged a new cow, at a given price, he at once sent him the amount in money required to pay for it. Judge Prentiss has gone ; but the people of the town, which had the honor to be his home, will cherish his memory as long as they are capable of appreciating true ex ceUence, and be but too proud to tell the stranger that he was one of their towns men. At the October session of the United States District Court, following the death of Judge Prentiss, after a suitable annouce- ment by the district attorney, and the de livery in court of eloquent tributes to the character of the deceased, by the Hon. Solomon Foot, and the Hon. David A. Smalley, the new judge, the following pre amble and resolutions were entertained, and ordered to be placed upon the records of the court, as "an enduring evidence of the high veneration in which his memory was held by the Bar" : Whereas, the Hon. Samuel Prentiss, late Judge of the District Court of the United States for the District of Vermont, having departed this life within the present year, and the members of this Bar and the officers of this Court entertaining the high est veneration for his memory, the most profound respect for his great ability, learning, experience and uprightness as a Judge, and cherishing for his many public MONTPELIER. 451 and private virtues the most lively and af fectionate recollection, therefore. Resolved, "^'haX. his uniformly unosten tatious and gentlemanly deportment, his assiduous discharge of his official duties, his high sense of justice, his unbending. integrity, and the exalted dignity and pur ity of his public and private character, furnish the highest evidence of his intrin sic worth, and of his great personal merit. Resolved, That the District Attorney, as Chairraan of this meeting of the Bar, communicate to the family of the deceased a copy of these proceedings, with an assur ance .of the sincere condolence of the mem bers of the Bar and the officers of this Court, on account of this great and irrep arable bereavement. Resolved, That in behalf of the Bar and the officers of this Court, the Honorable the Presiding Judge thereof be, and he is hereby, respectfully requested to order the foregoing preamble and resolutions to be entered on the minutes of the Court. MRS. LUCRETIA PRENTISS, daughter of the late Edward Houghton, Esq., of Northfield, Mass., was born Mar. 6, 1786, and received a good English edu cation for the times. She married Samuel Prentiss, Esq., in 1804, and settled down with him for life in the village of Mont pelier. Here she became the mother of 12 chUdren, George Houghton, Samuel Blake, Edward Houghton, John Holmes, Charles Williams, Henry Francis, Frederick James, Theodore, Joseph Addison, Augustus, Lu cretia and James Prentiss. George H. Prentiss died soon after ar riving at maturity and settling down in his profession, which, like that of aU the rest of the brothers who reached manhood, was that of the law. Augustus, and^ Lucretia, the only daughter, died in infancy. The cares, labors and responsibilities of the wife are generally, to a great extent, mingled with those of the husband. Much less than usual, however, were they so in the case of Mrs. Prentiss. In consequence of the close occupation of the time of her husband in his crowding legal engagements when at home, and his frequent and long- continued absences from home in the dis charge of his professional or official duties, almost the whole care and management of his young and numerous family devolved on her. And those who know what un ceasing care and vigilance, and what blend ing of kindness, discretion and firmness, are required to restrain and check, without loss of influence, and train up with the rightful moral guidance, a family of boys of active temperaments, of fertile intellects and ambitious dispositions, so that they all be brought safely into manhood, will appreciate the delicacy and magnitude of her trust, and be ready to award her the just meed of praise for discharging it, as she confessedly did, with such unusualfaith- fiilness and with such unusual success. Mrs. Prentiss died at Montpelier, June iJ, 1855, in her 70th year. It would be difficult to say too much in praise of the character of this rare woman. She was one of earth's angels. In her do mestic and social virtues ; in the industry that caused her "to work willingly with her hands;" in " the law of kindness" that prompted her benevolence, and the wis dom that so judiciously and impartially dispensed it ; together with all the other of those clustered excellencies that went to constitute the character of the model woman of the wise man — in all these Mrs. Prentiss had scarce a peer among us, scarce a su perior anywhere. She did everything for her family, and lived to see her husband becom e known as he ' ' sat among the Elders of the land,'' and her nine surviving sons, all of established characters, and present ing an aggregate of capacity and good re pute unequalled, perhaps, by that of any other family in the State, and all praising her in their lives. These were her works, but not all her works. The heart-works of the good neighbor, of the good and lowly Christian, and the hand-works that looked to the benefit and elevation of so ciety at large, were by her all done, and all the better done for being performed so unobtrusively, so cheerfully and so un selfishly. D. p. T. Oh, many a spirit walks the world unheeded. That, when Its veil of sadness is laid down, Shall soar aloft with pinions unimpeded, Wearing its glory like a starry crown. —Julia Wallace. 452 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. THE HON. JOSEPH REED, Born in Westford, Mass. Mar. 13, 1766, when about 12 years of age left Westford, to Uve with his uncle in Plymouth, N. H., for about 6 years, receiving only the advan tages of a common school education, and at 18 commenced and served a 3 years' ap prenticeship to the carpenter's trade, with James Sargeant, of Plymouth, after which he worked one year for his master for $150, and then continued at his trade nearly j years in the vicinity, when he relinquished for good his trade and entered the store of Mr. Mower RusseU in Plymouth, but soon removed to Thetford, Vt., where in 1803 he opened a store. In June 1804, he mar ried first. He had no children by this mar riage. In 1812, he married second, Eliza beth, daughter of Rev. Jacob Burnap D. D. of Merrimac, N. H., by whom he had 2 sons, Charles and George W. In 1814, 15, 16, Mr. Reed was elected town repre sentative of Thetford and received 5 more elections in the next 7 years. In 1818, 19, he was elected one of the Judges of Orange County Court. Having been very successful in trade in Thetford and closed up business there, he removed to Montpe lier in 1827. In 1830, 31, 32, he was elect ed Judge of probate for the district of Wa.shington County, and in 1834, was chosen one of the CouncU of Censors to revise the constitution of the State, and in 1840, one of the presidential elec tors who threw the vote of Vermont for General Harrison, and he was county treasurer for almost the last 30 years of his life. His second wife, who shared his cares and his fortunes through nearly the most active period of his life, and who was the mother of his chUdren, died and he married her sister. Miss Lucy Burnap, for his third wife, who dying soon after, he married his fourth wife. Miss Frances M. Cotton, daughter of the Hon. John H. Cotton of Windsor, who, with a daughter, still survives him. Judge Reed at his death, Feb. 6, 1859, . left a handsome fortune, and, what is far better, a character which his descendants may be proud to contemplate. Of him, his personal peculiarities and general char acter, it was said, in a tribute from a dis criminate source; which appeared in one of our public journals at the time of his death, — " He was a gentleman of the Old School, precise and methodical in his hab its ; of noble presence and demeanor ; hon est and sincere in all his dealings ; reserved and prudent in his speech, sagacious and comprehensive in his views, of resolute and unflinching perseverance, and wise and ample generosity." This single sentence finely embodies the whole of his general character-, yet some of its peculiar traits may be more definitely told. Among which was beside his unbending integrity his particular and nice conscientiouness. But the way in which Judge Reed effected the most good, and for which, doubtless, he will be the longest, and by the largest number remem bered, was assisting indigent, but promis ing young men in obtaining an education. When, in about middle life, he found he had accumulated a property which afforded a yearly surplus over the economical sup port of his family, and the probable ex pense of educating his children, he, as he once told a friend, began to feel it his duty to bestow at least a good portion of that surplus on objects calculated for public good. And distrusting the wisdom . of many of the schemes of benevolence in vogue, on which others werg bestowing their charities, he for some time cast about him for a systera by which to bestow his raoney so that it might conduce to the most benefit to individuals, and through them to society at large. And he soon settled on loaning to any poor young raan, showing promise of usefulness, such sums of money as he should need to carry hira through College, without requiring any se curity for the payment of the amounts ad vanced, and leaving the payment a wholly voluntary matter with the beneficiary. And having made known his intentions, and finding no lack of applications, he at once put his system in practice, and nobly per severed in keeping it up to the last year of his life, and till the number of young men educated through his means amount ed to more than twenty, among whom are MONTPELIER. 453 to be found some of the most eminent men of the country, ornamenting the learned professions, or adding dignity to the offi cial positions to which their merits have pised thera. Other wealthy men may have been as benevolent, others as patriotic, in bestow ing money for temporary purposes, but few can boast of having originated, and so persistently maintained, for so long a pe- iod, a system of benevolence so wise and noble, of such wide spread, happy influen ces which have flowed from the one which stands associated with the memory of the late Joseph Reed. I HEZEKIAH HUTCHINS REED, was born at Hamstead, N. H., May 26, 1795, and came with his father, Captain Thomas Reed, and family to Montpelier in 1804. From 1804. to about 1812, he for the greater part of the tirae, attended the academy in Montpelier, and made such proficiency, and exhibited proraise of so rauch executive talent, at 16, he suc- sessfuUy taught one of the largest and most forward winter schools in his town, and soon after went to Fort Atkinson, N. Y., and became a clerk in the store of Mr. Gove, while the American Army was win tering there in 1813. When the army re treated southward, he followed it to Platts burgh, where it took its final stand, and remained with it in the capacity of sutler till the battle of Plattsburgh, September, 1814, at which he was present. The fol lowing winter he taught school in Grand Isle County; after which he commenced the study of the law in the office of the Hon. Dan Carpenter of Waterbury; the spring of 1819, was admitted to the Bar, and, during the following summer, went West and settled for practice in Troy, Ohio ; remained about 5 years, collected in his earnings, and invested them in flour, which he put on board one of the flat boats of the Ohio, and sailed down to Natches, sold it, and with the proceeds in his pocket, returned on horse-back through Tennessee, Kentucky and Pennsylvania to Philadelphia, and then by other convey ance to his old home in Montpelier, where he went into partnership with his brother, Thomas Reed, Esq., who had al ready opened a law office in the viUage. This partnership lasted about 20 years, and was attended throughout with unusual pecuniary success. The Messrs. Reed did a very large business, mostly in coUecting and in honorable speculations, acting as advocates in the courts but little more than in the management of their own cases. They invested largely in the stock of the first and second Bank of Montpelier, and bought out nearly all the stock of the old Winooski Turnpike, which they eventually sold out at a good bargain to the Vermont Central Railroad Company. They also became extensive land owners in this and several of the Western States, and their purchases of this character all turned out, in the aggregate, very profitable invest ments. Mr. Reed was elected, by general ticket, a member of our Council of Censors in 1841 ; was one of the delegates of Ver mont to the National Convention which nominated Gen. Winfield Scott for Pres ident, and was for many years considered one of the most influential politicians in the State. In 1851, 52, he was by a large majority elected representative of MOntpe- lier in the legislature, and on the establish ment of the Vermont Bank, in 1849, was chosen its first president and retained in the office till his death. Mr. Reed was an unusually energetic, stirring business man ; but business and money-making were evidently not the only objects of his life. He was ever public spirited, entering into, and often leading in, all enterprises designed for the public good and the social, religious and educa tional interests of his town, with his usual zeal and energy; and was always quite ready to help on all such movements by liberal subscriptions. He perhaps should be considered the foremost in bringing about our present Union School. He gave $1000 towards the building to be erected on its establishment. He died suddenly, and almost in the prime of his life, of in flammation of the lungs, while on a jour ney to the West, June 15, 1856, and now 454 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. sleeps in our new Green Mount Cemetery, which he took so much pride in planning and ornamenting. THE HONORABLE WILLIAM UPHAM, son of Captain Samuel Upham, was born in Leicester, Mass., Aug. 5, 1792. In 1802, his father and family removed to Vermont, and settled on a farm near the Centre of Montpelier, where, from 10 to about 15 years of age, he worked on the farm, only attending the winter schools of the common school district in which he resided ; when he met with an accident, which apparently gave a new turn to his destinies for life : — while engaged about a cider mill, his hand so caught in the ma chinery, and all the fingers of the right hand, were so crushed that they had to be amputated even with the palm. This, un fitting him for manual labor, led his father to consent to what had before been his wish, the commencement of a course of education, preparatory to the study of the law. Accordingly he attended the old academy, at Montpelier, a few terms, and then, with the late Reverend William Per rin of Berlin for a fellow student, pursued the study of Latin and Greek, about one year, with the Reverend James Hobart of Berlin. In 1808, he entered the office of the Hon. Samuel Prentiss, in Montpelier, as a law student ; and, after pursuing his legal studies there about three years, he was admitted to the bar, and soon went in to partnership in the practice of the law with the Hon. Nicholas Baylies. After continuing in partnership with Mr. Baylies a few years, he opened an office alone -in Montpelier ; and frora that time, until his election to the United States Senate, he, either alone or with temporary partners, continued in the constant and successful practice of his profession, the business of which was always more than ample enough to require his whole time and attention. For thefirsi thirty years of his professional career, Mr. Upham, with the exception of only one instance, steadily declined the many profers of his friends for his promo tion to civil office, though his opportunities for holding such offices included the chance for a seat on the bench of our Supreme Court. The excepted instance was in volved in his consent to run as candidate for town representative, in 1827; when, though the majority of his party was a matter of rauch doubt, he was triumphant ly elected. In 1828, he was re-elected, and in 1830, received a third election, serving throug all the three terms to the entire satisfaction of his constituents, and therein exhibiting talents as a public de- bator which gave him a high position in the Legislature. In the presidential cam paign, 1840, he, for the first time, took an active part in politics, and, to use a mod ern phrase, stumped nearly the whole State, making himself ever3rwhere known to the people by the peculiar traits of his popular eloquence, and by doing efficient political service in favor of the election of General Harrison. . In 1841, he was elect ed to a seat in the United States Senate ; and in 1847, was re-elected to the same distinguished office, and died, at Washing ton, before the completion of his last terra, Jan. 14, 1853. In his professional career, to which the main energies of his life were devoted, he became widely known as one of the best advocates in the State. He was, indeed, what might be caUed a natural lawyer, and the practice of his profession seemed to amount toalmost a passion with him ; and, even in his youth, even before he com menced his legal studies, he would often, it was said, leap up from his dreamain his bed, and go to pleading some imaginary law case. And, what he determined to be, that, he became, one of the most success ful jury lawyers to be found in any country. Never hesitating for. word, and fluent almost beyond example, the style of his speaking was rapid, thoroughly earnest. and often highly impassioned, and so mag netic was that earnestness and seeming confidence in his case, and so skilfully wrought up were his arguments, that bad indeed must have been his side of the question, if he did not command the sym pathies and convictions of a good part, if not all, of the jury. As a statesman it ill befits us to judge MONTPELIER. 455 him, while those, who spoke by more authority, and from better opportunities, have so well and fully done so. At the time tlie customary resolutions, on the occasion of his death, were introduced in Congress, Senator Foot, in his obituary address, said of hira : " His impaired health, for some years past, has restrained him from participating so generally and so actively in the discus sions of this body, as his inclination might otherwise have induced him to do, or his ability as a public debator raight perhaps have demanded of hiin. Nevertheless his speeches on several important and excit ing public questions, have the peculiar im press of his earnestness, his research, his ability and his patriotic devotion to the best interests of his country. A striking example is fiirnished of his fidelity to the trust committed to him, and his constant and patient attention to his public duties here, in the fact, which I had from his own mouth, that during the ten years of his service in this body, he never absented himself fi-om the City of Washington for a single day, while Congress was in session, and never faUed, while the condition of his health would permit, of daily occupying his seat in the Senate." Senator Seward said : "William Upham was of Vermont : a consistent exponent of her institutions. He was a man of strong and vigorous judg ment, which acted always by a process of sound, inductive reasoning, and his com peers here will bear witness that he was equal to the varied and vast responsibilities of the Senatorial trast. He was a plain, unassuming, unostentatious man. He nev er spoke for display, but always for con viction. He was an honest and just man. He had gotten nothing by fraud or guUe ; and so he lived without any fear of losing whatever of fortune or position he had attained. No gate was so strong, no lock so fast and firm, as the watch he kept against the approach of corruption, or even undue influence or persuasion. His na tional policy was the increase of industry, the cultivation of peace, and the patronage of improvement. He adopted his opinions without regard to their popularity, and never stifled his convictions of truth, nor suppressed their utterance, through any fear or favor, or of faction ; but he was, on the contrary, consistent and constant As pilot well expert in perilous wave. That to a steadfast starre his (-curse hath bent." Mr. Upham's best known speeches in the Senate are his speech on Three Million Bill, deUvered March i, 1847; on The Ten Regiment Bill, and the Mexican War, de livered Feb. 15, 1848; on the Bill to es tablish Territorial Governments of Oregon, New Mexico and California, delivered Ju ly 28, 1848 ; on the Compromise Bill, de livered July I and 2, 1850. These were all published in pamphlet form, as well as in all the leading political papers of the day, and at once received the stamp of public approbation as elabo rate and able efforts. But besides these, and besides also the numerous written and published reports he made during his Con gressional career, as chairman of commit tee on Revolutionary Claims, on the Post Office and Post Roads, and of other com mittees, Mr. Upham made many other speeches on various subjects, which, though less extensively circulated perhaps, than those above enumerated, yet received almost equal praise frora high quarters. Of the latter may be cited, as an instance, his speech in opposition to the Tariff bill of 1846 ; and to show the approbation with which it was received, at the time, among distinguished men, we are permitted to copy a characteristic note from Mr. Web ster, which was sent Mr. Upham, the even ing after the speech was delivered, and which, after his death, was found among his private papers : Thursday Eve., July 26, 1846. My Dear Sir : — If you could convenient ly call at my house, at eight or nine o'clock in the raorning, I should be glad to see you for five minutes. I wish to take down some of your statements respecting the market abroad, for our wool. Following in your track, my work is to compare the value of the foreign and home markets. Yours truly, Daniel Webster. If I had the honor of being a corre spondent of Mrs. Upham, I should write 456 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. to her to say, that you had made an excel lent speech. The point, of the duty of government to fulfil its pledges, so fre quently and solemnly made, was exhibited in a very strong light. d. w. A friend wrote that the Senator " was keenly sensible of the dignity of his office, and careful in the discharge of its duties, and from his constancy, industry, and in tegrity, he was one of the most useful merabers of the senate." MRS. SARAH UPHAM. Sarah Keyes, wife of the Hon. Senator, was born in Ashford,Conn. She was a sister of Mrs. Thomas Brooks of Montpelier, the grandmother of Gen. W. T. Brooks, the distinguished commander of the Vermont Brigade through part of the war of the Re bellion, and while with her sister here, became acquainted with Mr. Upham, with whom, at the early age of 19, she united her destinies for life. Many a public man has been left to regret that he had not a partner who, by her personal attractions, wit and conversational powers, was fitted to sustain herself in the social circles into which his high position brought him. Not so Mr. Upham ; his wife, who usually at tended him to Washington, readily and gracefully sustained herself among the best society congregated at the National Capi tal, and was ever, at home or abroad, the cordial, sparkling, inteUigent woman, and eminently popular. Each successive season for years, and after her own family had grown up, the young people of Montpelier were indebted to her, more than to any other lady at the Capital, for her inexclu- sive hospitalities, and efforts that never wearied, to promote their happiness and culture ; for the numerous pleasant parties at which, with the approbation of her lib eral, warm-souled and congenial husband, she delighted to gather them at her house, within her beautiful home, under her charm ing influence. Her very presence was re fining and a delight. A lady so charitable, magnetic and influential is a great gift to society. Such was Mrs. Upham, as stiU remembered by numerous friends, and what to her surviving daughters is more pre cious, and for the example of women more beautiful, she was no less marked and ex cellent in her every-day life of family duties and cares and affections — the wise and able woraan in her own house. The rich est fruit must ripen and fall. After her husband died, though of a buoyant disposi tion, and striving hard to bear her loss with Christian resignation, she soon began to droop, and on the 8th of May, after, 1856, followed him to the grave, mourned by her children and many friends. The por trait of Mrs. Upham in this volume was copied from a painting done shortly after her marriage, while that of the Senator was taken many years later. e. p. w. WILLIAM KEYES UPHAM, oldest son of Senator Uphara, was born in Montpelier, April 3, 1817, admitted to the bar there, and soon thereafter removed to Ohio, where he gained a large and lucra tive practice, and ultimately rose to the head of his profession in that State, rank ing, wrote a biographer, "with Chase, Stanton, Corwin, Vinton, John A. Bing ham, and others." This statement has been confirmed to the writer of this note by a judge of an Ohio court, in which Mr. Uphara practiced. He died Mar. 22, 1865, and a handsome monument was erected to hira by the bar of Stark Co., O. e. p. w. MAJ. CHARLES C. UPHAM, the second son of Senator Upham, was born in Montpelier, April 3, 1819, and was educated there. In 1852, he entered the U. S. Navy as Paymaster, and by his con duct so far won the confidence of the de partment that he was assigned to duties of a confidential character. He died sud denly at Montpelier, June 10, 1868. His wife, Mrs. Abbie E. Upham, did not long survive him. e. p. w. MRS. GEORGE LANGDON, who was Sarah Sumner, oldest daughter of Senator Upham, was born in Mont pelier, and Mary Annette, youngest daughter of Senator Uphara, resides with her. Both of these ladies have inherited all the beautiful graces and the remarkable characteristics of their mother, and are favorites as well in the Capitals of Ver mont and the Nation, as elsewhere. They are both StiU living, [1881.] e. p. w. ^e^t>^^-^:>^ ^^T^'^c MONTPELIER. 457 COL. JONATHAN PECKHAM MILLER ^vas born in Randolph, Feb. 24, 1707. His his u'ncrr^'J" ''''' ^^^g'- him ;^ his uncle, Jonathan Peckham, who, dying about 1 80s, appears to have commended the boy to the care of Capt. John Granger, of the same town, and with that o-en- tleman he resided till 1813, when he went to Woodstock to learn the tanner's trade. He did not remain long there, however, before sickness compelled him to return ; and his illness settling into protracted feeble health, he raade Mr. Granger's house his home for the next 4 years. But during this time the invasion of Plattsburgh by the British occurring, and Capt. Lebbeus Egerton, of that town, having raised a company of volunteers to go to the rescue, young Miller, sick or well, determined on joining the expedition, which, neverthe less, turned out to be a bloodless one ; for the corapany had not quite time to reach the scene of action before the battle was over, and the enemy had beat a retreat ; when they all returned to Randolph, with no other glory than that which arose from this good showing of their patriotic inten tions. Whether this incident started in MiUer a taste formiUtary affairs, or whether he began to feel farming would prove too tame an occupation for him, is not fully known ; but certain it is, as early as 1817, he resolved to change his mode of life, and went to Marblehead, Mass., where a com pany of United States troops were sta tioned, and enlisted as a common soldier in the army. He continued in the service about 2 years, being a part of the time sta tioned on our northern frontier, when, his health again faiUng, he procured a dis- chart^e, and returned to Randolph, where he attended the academy of that town, and soon began to fit for college. After dili gently prosecuting his studies here tUl the summer of 1821, he entered Dartmouth College ; but, for some reason, left in the course of a few weeks, and joined a class, of like standing as the one he had been in at Dartmouth, in the University of Ver mont. At Burlington College, he steadily pursued his studies, advancing with the rest of his class, to almost the last year of 58 the prescribed course of collegiate require ments, when. May 24, 1824, the college buildings accidentally caught fire and were totally consumed, and with them a portion of the public library and the private books of the students, among which were those of Mr. Miller. He was now afloat again ; but does not appear to have long hesitated in making up his mind upon a course of action for his immediate future. The struggles of Greece for liberty had by this time become the theme of every American fireside, and the appalling woes her people were suffer ing from the remorseless cruelties of their turbaned oppressors, had already enlisted the sympathies of every American heart that could feel for anything. As might be expected of one of Miller's warm and pat riotic nature, his feelings had been among those of the first to be aroused at the re cital of these tales of outrage. But here tofore he had been engaged in the accom plishment of the task before hira — the com pletion of his college course. He thought it hardly worth his while now, however, at his age, to enter a new college for this pur pose, and, if not, his time was on his own hands. Why, then, should he not go to succor the oppressed, as well as other pat riotic Americans who had already sailed for Greece, or were intejiding shortly to do so ? With the question, came the decision. He knew there was in Boston an asso ciation of wealthy and influential gentle men, styled the Greek Coraraittee, who had been selected to receive and appropriate contributions for the Greek cause, by pur chasing needed munitions, or by furnish ing the means of transit to those who, without such means, were willing to volun teer their personal services in behalf of the oppressed: But he raust flrst obtain an introduction to them ; and for this purpose he went to Gov. Van Ness, at the destruc tion of whose house by fire, a short tirae before, he knew he had performed an im portant and dangerous service in rescuing valuable property from the flames. The Governor, who never forgot a benefit, wrote a letter, not only of introduction, but of warm recornmendation of Mr. Miller, to 458 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. the Hon. Thomas L. Winthrop, and the Hon. Edward Everett, the President and Secretary of the Greek Association, who, in their turn, gave him letters tS the Pres ident and leading members of the Greek Government, at Missolonghi, and furnish ed him withal, with over $300, to enable him to pay his passage, equip himself with a good personal outfit, and have money left for exigencies that might arise after -he had reached his destination ; when he, with other American volunteers, sailed for Malta, Aug. 21, 1824. After reaching that place, and spending a few weeks, and at some other of the neighboring islands, he pro ceeded to the fated Missolonghi, and en quired out the house which Lord Byron, then very late deceased, had made his headquarters, and which had been retained for the ordinary meetings of the members of the government of Western Greece. Here he encountered Dr. Mayer, who was a root of the fighting stock of William Tell, of Switzerland, and had, for several of the last years, been one of the bravest and most useful of the European volunteers in Greece. Mr. MiUer presented his creden tials to the Doctor, and was promised an early presentation to members of the gov ernment. He was also invited to take up his quarters in that house, and having been shown a room where he might take a little of the repose he so much needed, he wrapped his cloak around him, threw him self down on the floor, and was soon asleep. Before long, however, he was awakened by the eji trance of a man already widely known through Europe and America. This was Gen. George Jarvis, a son of Benjamin Jarvis, of New York, who held a situation under the U. S. Government in Germany, where the son was born, educated and reared to manhood. He entered the Greek service in 1 821, and continued in it through the whole of that memorable struggle, passing through every grade of military office to the rank of brigadier general of Lord Byron's brigade, and seeing, prob ably, more fighting, and undergoing more suffering and hardship than any one of all the heroes of Greece. He and Mr. Miller appear to have almost at once made the discovery that they were congenial spirits, and a mutual friendship and respect sprang up between them, which soon resulted in Mr. MiUer's appointment as one of the General's staff officers, with tlie rank of colonel in the Greek service. It is not our purpose to follow Colonel Miller through the various hardships he endured through the next 2 years of that wild and bloody conflict, nor enumerate those feats of arms which seem so to have awakened the admiration of the Greeks, and caused him to be known among them by the peculiar name of The American Dare Devil. Let an instance or two, which we have had frora his own lips, serve as a speciraen of his many personal risks and escapes, as weU as of his individual daring. On one occasion, when he was stationed in command of a small band of soldiers in a walled garden, a few miles from Napoli, he suddenly discovered the place to be surrounded by a force of sorae thousand Turkish troops. Knowing that the instant the weakness of his band was discovered they would all be sacrificed on the spot. Col. Miller at once resolved on the des perate expedient of a sally right into the mouth of the lion, and calling on his band to follow at his heels, he dashed out into the midst of the closely investing foe, firing his girdle full of pistols, and slash ing about him with his sword as he went, with such fury as to astonish the Turks, who supposing, of course, the garden to be fiiU of Greeks, about to scatter death among them frora behind the walls, in stantly becarae panic struck and fled. Another instance of a sirailar character occurred in a different part of the peninsula, when Gen. Jarvis and Col. Miller, with a small force, being unexpectedly beset by a large body of Turkish cavalry, were wholly cut off from their companions, and, as their only chance of escaping with life, were compelled to run for a piece of woods at the top of a hill a fourth of a mile dis tant. But this only resort carae near prov ing a fatal one. A large squad of the mounted fiends pursued them, and were all within pistol shot, while the woods were yet too far distant to be reached by them. MONTPELIER. 459 They supposed there was but a moment more for them in this world ; but they re solved that that raoment should not be passed unimproved. They suddenly wheel ed round, drew up their pieces, and fired directly into the faces of their pursuers, who, in surprise at thS strange act, came to a dead halt, and the next instant turned and fled, doubtless believing that they would not take such a stand unless there lay concealed in the borders of the woods a force of their foes, from whom it was their wisdom to escape while they could. The first of these instances we find in substance related in Pos^^s Visits to Greece and Constantinople in 1827, and also in Dr. Howe's History of Greece, and the latter, not before named in history, is doubtless an equally veritable incident. Besides the many personal encounters and skirmishes with the foes of Greece, of the character of those just described. Col. Miller was an active participant in several important engagements, in which his gal lantry appears to have attracted favorable notice. Among these we find one hand somely alluded to in the lately published volume of "Travels in Greece and Russia,'" by Bayard Taylor : At the end of the Argive plain is the little village of Miles, where Ypsilanti gained a splendid victory over the troops of Ibrahim Pacha, and Gol. Miller greatly distinguished himself. But the most continuous, the hardest and most important of Col. Miller's mil itary services in Greece were in the terri ble twelve months' siege of the ill-fated Missolonghi, one of the most wealthy and populous towns of the Grecian peninsula. We have space only to give a general- idea of the character of this siege ; and this idea wUl perhaps be the best given by a letter from Dr. Mayer, of whom we have before spoken, and who was one of the 130 per sons perishing in the last defense of the place, written within three days before his death ; and in another letter from Colonel Miller himself to Edward Everett, after Missolonghi had fallen, and he had es caped with the remnant of the besieged, as he has described, out of the city, but not out of danger : DR. MAYER'S LETTER. The labors which we have undergone, and a wound I have received in the shoul der, which I am in expectation is one which will be my passport to eternity, have prevented me till now from bidding you my last adieus. We are reduced to feed on the most disgusting animals ; we are suffering horribly from hunger and thirst. Sickness adds much to the calamities that overwhelm us. More than 1740 of our brothers are dead. More than 100,000 bombs and balls, thrown by the enemy, have destroyed our bastions and our houses. We have been terribly distressed by cold, and we have suffered great want of food, Notwithstanding so many privations, it is a great and noble spectacle to witness the ardor and devotedness of the garrison. A few da3's more, and these brave men will be angelic spirits, who will accuse before God the indifference of Christendom for a cause which is that of religion. All the Albanians who deserted from the standard of Reschid Pacha have now rallied under that of Ibrahim. In the name of all our brave men, among whom are Noto Bot- zaris, Travellas,^ Papodia Mautopolas, and myself, whom the government has ap pointed generals to a body of its troops, I announce to you the resolution, sworn to before Heaven, to defend, foot by foot, the land of Missolonghi, and bury ourselves, without listening to any capitulation, under the ruins of this city. History wUl render us justice ; posterity will weep over our misfortunes. I am proud to think that the blood of a Swiss, of a child of William Tell, is about to mingle with that of the heroes of Greece. May the relation of the siege of Missolonghi, which I have written, survive me. I have made sev eral copies of it. Cause this letter, dear S , to be inserted in some public jour nal. This beautifijl and touching letter to a friend has been preserved in the History of Greece. Col. Miller's letter, which was also embodied in the same history, is as follows : Napoli de Romania, \ May 3, 1826. \ Edward Everett : Honored and Dear Friend:— Ii is with emotions not to be expressed, that I now attempt to give an account of the fall of Mi.ssoIonghi,and the heart-rending situation of ill-fated Greece. Missolonghi fell into the hands of the Turks, eight days since, after a gallant defense of eleven months and a half. When we take into consider ation the means of its defense, and the 46o VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. overwhelming numbers that approached it by sea and land, there cannot be a doubt but that its resistance rivals anything of the kind either in ancient or modern times. The particulars of its fall are enough to draw tears from the most obdurate and un feeling heart, and wUl bring into action the energies of the Christian world, if, in deed, such a world can be said to exist. Pardon me, my dear sir ; the agonies of my raind cause the expression ; for who can believe, that, in an age like- this, if there are Christians, infidels should be al lowed to butcher an entire population ? Missolonghi contained over 8,000 iii- habitants at the time of its surrender, or rather of its destruction. There were no more than 3,000 capable of bearing arms ; the rest were women and children. We were reduced to the last extremity for pro visions, having eaten all the miiles and horses which were in the place, when the gloomy inhabitants were cheered by the arrival of the Greek fleet ; but alas ! the gallant Mianlis found the Turkish force too strong for his little squadron. After sustaining considerable loss in three at tempts to break through the Turkish fleet, he retired. The inhabitants of Missolonghi were now driven to desperation. They knew of the unhappy fate of those who had been taken at Aurtolico, and of the out rages the Arabs would commit if the place should capitulate. They took a horrid but glorious resolution of blowing into the air their wives, daughters and sons. I call it glorious, because the women desired it ; and there was no possible way of prevent ing the Arabs from coraraitting outrages upon the women and boys, if they once should get them into their power. They all assembled at the old Turkish Seraglio. Their husbands and brothers, after laying a train of powder, embraced them for the last time, then giving them matches, left them to set fire to the train. The men then prepared themselves for cutting their way through the Turkish camp, sword in hand. And out of the 3,000, only 1,000 are said to have escaped. There is the greatest sorrow here, women beating their breasts, and asking every Frank they meet, " if all the Christian world has forsaken them ? " I must close this hasty scrawl, for my heart is too full to write more. I lost all my articles of European clothing at Missolonghi. But this is nothing. If I am happy enough to escape, I shall go to Smyrna. My regards to Mrs. Everett. I am thankful it is not for her to endure the dis tress of 'the fair, but ill-fated daughters of Greece. I am, dear sir, with due respect, your humble servant, J- P- Miller. , This was the last of all systematic re sistance the poor Greeks were able to make ; and they remained in their desolated country, a subdued, but not conquered people, till the Christian nations having been aroused, the naval victory at Navarino secured the indepAdence of their country. But the people, in the meanwhile, were in a starving condition ; and Col. Miller, after lingering there till fall, came here to the United States to arouse his countrymen to the work of contributing for supplying of their wants. Arriving here in November, he lectured through most of the Northern and Middle States with that object ; but in Feb. 1827, while thus engaged, he was appointed by the N. Y. Greek Committee to the agency of going to Greece and su perintending the distribution among the suffering inhabitants of that country of a cargo of provisions that had been already collected for thera. He went, was gone about a year, and discharged his duty to the full satisfaction of the friends of Greece here, as the proofs, published with his journal by the Harpers of New York, after his return, abundantly make manifest. The aggregate value of the provisions and clothing distributed by him in Greece was over $75,000. Yet it was found to be well for the beneficiaries that he could act both in the character of almoner and soldier with equal efficiency. For, when he ar rived in Greece, he was beset by sharpers and mercenary viUains of all kinds, who insolently demanded portions of his cargo in despite all his judicious rules for dis tribution ; and in one instance a scheme was laid to get possession of his whole store, and it would probably have been successful, as well as the less bold attempts of the kind, but for the decisive stand and personal intrepidity of Col. Miller, who, on such occasions, would throw off the character of the almoner as quick as the Quaker did his coat, draw sword and pistols, and drive the lying knaves from his pi-es- ence. Among the things which were destined to become permanent remembrancers of Col. Miller's expedition to Greece, was the adoption and education of a Greek MONTPELIER. 461 orphan boy, Lucas Miltiades, who, after having received through his childhood and youth from the Colonel all the privileges and affectionate care and kindness which a father could have bestowed, removed West soon after reaching his majority. And Lucas Miltiades MUler has now become, through the advantages thus received, and his own capacity, energy and enterprise, one of the most respected, wealthy and in fluential citizens of Wisconsin. Lucas M . was the younger of two broth ers brought to this country by Col. Miller and Dr. Russ, the intimate friend of the former, and one of the most cultivated, noble and efficient of all his compatriots in the Greek Revolution. Another momento was what now should be considered an antiquarian relic of great interest — nothing less than the veritable sword which Lord Bryon wore in his Greek campaign. Lord Bryon gave this sword to a young Greek named Loukas, a Cap tain in his legion, who afterwards was shot dead in a sortie from the Acropolis at Ath ens ; and being found with his sword knotted to his wrist, was carried into the fortress. When the sword and his clothing were sold for the benefit of his sisters by the English Consul of Poros, who was re quested to take charge of the effects of the deceased. Col. MiUer, being present at the sale, purchased the sword and brought it home on his second return. He loaned it to a Mr. Castanis, a native Greek lecturer, by whora it was carried back to Greece, and for a \ong tirae was supposed to be lost. But when, a few years since. Col. Miller's daughter, who in the meantime had grown to womanhood and married Mr. Abijah Keith, of Montpelier, visited Greece with her husband, and while there receiv ing the flattering attentions of the many who called on her in manifestation of their gratitude for what her father had once done for them, for their relatives and for their country, she learned the whereabouts of Mr. Castanis and this sword, and soon recovered it. And being at the house of the now celebrated George Finlay, of Athens, known not only as Lord Byron's early British associate in Greece, but as the learned antiquarian, and historian of the different eras of Greece, he at once identified the sword, and gave Mr. and Mrs. Keith the foUowing certificate, which we copy from the original in their posses sion : Mr. and Mrs. Keith have just shown me the sword which Col. Miller purchased at Poros, at the sale of the effects of Captain Loukas : — This sword I have seen in Lord Byron's possession, before he gave it to Loukas ; and I was present at Poros when it was sold. George Finlay. Athens, 17 January, 1853. Dr. Russ, who has already been men tioned, and who is still living in New York, wUl also attest to all the material facts above presented. The identity of this sword, which has an Asia.tic inscription on the blade, with Byron's initial and a crown engraved on the hilt, is thus placed beyond a cavil. Soon after his second return from Greece, Col. Miller came to Montpelier, and took up his permanent residence, passed through a regular course of legal studies, was ad mitted to the bar, and opened a law office in the place in company with Nicholas Baylies, Esq. In June, 1828, he married the daughter of Capt. Jonathan Arms, a capitalist. In 1830, '31 and '33, he was elected the rep- resentative-tjf Berlin, within whose borders he was then residing with his father-in-law, Capt. Arms. During the session of the legislature of 1833, Col. MUler introduced the following resolution : Whereas, slavery and the slave trade, as existing in the District of Columbia, are contrary to the broad declaration of our Bill of Rights, which declares that liberty is the inalienable right of all men ; jnd whereas they are a national evil, disgrace and crime, which ought to be abolished ; and whereas the power of legislation for that District is with the Congress of these United States, therefore, Resolved, the Govemor.and Council con curring herein, that our Senators in Con gress be directed, and representatives in Congress be requested, to use their en deavors to effect the abolition of slavery and the slave trade in the District of Columbia. This preamble and resolution, which we have copied at large, not only because 462 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Col. Miller was the mover, but because they constituted the first anti-slavery move ment in the legislature of Vermont, were, after lying on the table some weeks, called up by Mr. Miller, earnestly supported by him, and, — that being long before it was good policy for leading politicians to sup port anti-slavery resolutions, — opposed by Mr. Foot, of Rutland, who moved to dis miss the resolution. The House, how ever, refused to dismiss it, by 20 raajority, but consented to refer it to the next ses sion, when it was finally dismissed by 15 majority. From about this time, however. Colonel MUler gave his almostundivided attentions and sympathies to the cause of anti- slavery, lecturing in all parts of the State, and not only bestowing his tirae and labors, but a large araount of money for its advancement. And it probably is not too much to say that no man ever did as much as Col. Miller, in buUding up the anti-slavery party of Vermont, and putting it on that onward march and steady in crease, which raised it to a power that made it necessary for the dominant party, as a matter of self-preservation, to adopt its principles and take all its members into political fellowship. In 1840, Col. MUler, one of the two Vermont delegates, attended the World's Anti-Slavery Convention, in London,where he appears to have been rauch noticed by Daniel O'ConneU, Lord Brougham, and other leading men of the kingdom, to whom he had formerly become known by his championship of oppressed Greece. He took a prorainent part in the debates of .this celebrated convention. And, in glancing over the volume of its proceed ings, published the next year in London, we are unable to perceive why his speeches do not honorably compare with the major ity of those of the many very able men of whom that body was composed. As a public speaker. Col. Miller was off-hand, bold and earnest, appearing more solicitous of bringing out his principles with effect, than of draping his thoughts with the graces of oratory. And in his manners in private life, he exhibited the same characteristics by which he was known in all his public actions — a fearless utterance of his opinions, and a straight forward, unstudied frankness, united with a soldierly bearing, which, with the af fectedly refined, was considered as ap proaching the borders of roughness. As a citizen, he was public-spirited, without vices, and benevolent to a proverb. He always had around him half a regiment of the poor, or poor tenants, who came not to pay him rents, but to obtain additional favors ; and the fact that both these classes continued to throng him through life is sufficient evidence that they never went away emptyhanded. He must have given away, during his residence in Montpelier, in private charities, in the furtherance of the anti-slavery cause, and in aidance of educational or benevolent institutions, the largest part of a handsome fortune, re ceiving in return nothing but the good name he carried to his grave. He died prematurely, jn consequence of an accidental injury to his spine, Feb. 17, 1847, leaving a wife and one child, the daughter to whom we have before alluded, Mrs. Abijah Keith ; and he now sleeps on the boldest point of yonder Green Mount Cemetery, beneath the massive, square, rough granite obelisk, so typical, in many respects, of his Roman virtues and strong traits of character. [Sarah Arms, the widow of Col. MiUer, died in Chicago, Dec. 22, 1864, aged 76. Her remains were brought back to Mont pelier, and interred in Green Mount Cem etery, by the side of her renowned and honorable husband.] HON.D. P.Thompson.— [For biograph ical sketch of Mr. Thompson, see Berlin, page 69 of vol. IV, this work.] GEORGE ROBINSON THOMPSON, was born at Montpelier, Jan. 3, 1834. He was the oldest son of the late Hon. Daniel P. Thompson. He fltted for col lege at the Washington County Grammar School, and entered the University in 1849; graduating in 1853. He studied law at Montpelier, and was for two years clerk of the House of Representatives, and -^'^-<^ A^.J^Ll MONTPELIER. 463 removed in 1856 to New York to practice his profession, where he acquired a good position. Mr. Thompson was a man of fine literary attainments and very social tastes. On the night of Feb. 6, 1 871, on • his way to Albany to argue a case -before the Court of Appeals, he was instantly killed by a disaster to the train at New Hamburgh, N. Y. Mr. Thompson mar ried a daughter of the late Dr. T. C. Tap lin, of Montpelier, and left two chUdren. Daniel G. Thompson, youngest son of the late Hon. D. P.. Thompson, is now practising law in New York city, being the junior member of the legal firm of Jordan, Stiles & Thompson, the senior of which is Hon. Edward Jordan, late Solicitor of the Treasury. ADDITIONAL BIOGRAPHIES. HON. LUCIUS B. PECK, Lawyer and Member of Congress, and forty years a resident of Montpelier. ADDRESS OF B. F. FIFIELD, Esq., By request of the Bar, read before the assembled Court, — His Honor, Asahel Peck, presiding. May IT PLEASE THE CoURT : On the 28th day of December last, in a neighboring state, amid the friendless as sociations of a strange city, Hon. Lucius B. Peck died of paralysis, in the 65th year of his age. On the 29th his remains were brought to his old home in Montpe lier, and on the 30th, at the Pavilion Ho tel; they were viewed with sorrow and re gret by his old friends and fellow towns men. On the 31st, at 4 o'clock, P. M., we attended his funeral in a -body; we heard pronounced the touching and impressive words of the Episcopal burial service ; we listened to the solemn chant of anthems breathing forth in melodious numbers consolation to the living and blessings up on the dead, and as the lingering twilight of the departing year faded away in the west, we silently and mournfully followed the remains of him whom we respected and loved, and deposited them within the cold walls of the tomb. To-night, in pursuance of a time-hon ored custom, we meet to testify our respect for our eminent friend, and upon me has been imposed the grateful duty, not to pronounce his euology, but to speak of those qualities of mind and heart which rendered him so popular with the Court, so respected by the public, so dear to us all. Lucius B. Peck was the son of General John Peck, and was born in October, 1802, at Waterbury, in this county. He lived there until he was nineteen years of age, when, having finished a preparatory course, he was admitted as a cadet to the Military Academy at West Point, July i, 1822, where he stayed one year. Although he was studious and scholarly, and took a high rank in his class, he was compelled to resign on account of ill health. His resignation was accepted Aug. 15, 1823. The following year, having regained his health, he entered the office of Hon. Sam uel Prentiss as a student-at-law. From those who were his fellow students, I learn that here he first began to develop those powers of clear discrimination and accurate judgment for which he was after wards so much distinguished. After about one year spent in laborious toil uuder the guiding hand of Judge Pren tiss, he went into the office of Hon. Deni son Smith of Barre, where he completed his studies and was admitted to the bar in this county at the September term, 1825. He immediately formed a partnership with Mr. Smith, who, at this time, was ad vanced in years, and with a large practice. The duties that this connection imposed upon Mr'. Peck were arduous, but exceed ingly beneficial. He felt these responsi bilities and labored like a Hercules to be equal to them. His modesty of manner excited sympathy, and his clearness of mind challenged attention. While the old clients of Mr. Smith at first naturally' doubted his untried hand, acquaintance soon begot famUiarity, and famUiarity con fidence, and in a few years, we find Mr. Peck in the full tide of successful practice in Oirange and Washington counties. So great was the confidence of the pub lic, that at this early age, soon after he commenced practice, he was sent to the Legislature as the representative of Barre. 464 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Though he talked little, he always talked well. His deference to the opinions of others was always marked, and generally he found greater pleasure in being an at tentive listener than a noisy debator. About 1827, Mr. Smith died, and soon afterwards Mr. Peck removed to Montpe lier, and continued the practice of law here frora that time till the time of his death. From the time Mr. Peck removed to Mont- ier his practice was constantly increasing. He began to be generally known over the State ; in Orange county, .he was engaged in almost every case. DUlingham, Upham and Collamer also practiced there, — all men of superior abil ity. Pitted against each other their wits were sharpened and the traces always kept tight. The sharp retort, the fiery sarcasm, the nervous energy of Mr. Uphara found their match in the cool, deliberate, mental power of Mr. Peck ; they were generally matched against each other. It should be remembered that courts are not now what they were then. There were no railroads then ; local attachments and feelings were stronger than now. The county seat was to the county a center to which all eyes were turned on court day. The hotels were filled, the court-house jammed with an interested and partisan audience, who were keen to sympathize with and applaud any happy hit which carae frora the lawyer who Vindicated the cause in which they happened to believe. Thus emulation was created ; each lawyer knew what was expected of him . He stood not in representation of his client alone, but he stood to vindicate a just cause and hurl back all anathemas that trenched upon the rectitude of the intentions of his client, his witnesses and friends. The opposing "counsel stood as gladiators, determined to win or die. Mr. Upham was the senior of Mr. Peck, but he had for him a profound respect ; after the battle was over they were the best of friends. They were wholly dissimilar. Mr. Upham was fiery, impetuous and headstrong. Mr. Peck was slow, deliber ate and argumentative, but as he proceeded the hearers felt that a strong mental pow er was operating to instruct the under standing and convince the mind. Mr. Upham's power lay in his extreme earnestnesss, his biting denunciations, and often his eloquent appeals to the passioni or prejudices of his heafers. Mr. Peck's lay in the candor and fair ness of his statement, and the matchless elimination of truth from falsehood. These very dissimilarities in their char acters contributed to make them friends, and the more that each recognized in the other what was wanting in himself. There was Dillingham, too, the last of thera now living, whose emotional counte nance and musical voice, notwithstanding the fire of Mr. Uphara and the candor of Mr. Peck, were very apt to snatch the verdict frora both if he could only get the close of the case. It was with such men, and amid such surroundings, that Mr. Peck practiced from the time he came to Montpelier down to about 1845. To hold any position of equality with such men, he was obliged to labor incessantly. But this he always did cheerfully, for he loved his profession. About 1830, he married the daughter of Ira Day, Esq., of Barre, who was then one of the wealthiest and most influential men in the State. For a few years they board ed, and then he went into the house which he continued to occupy up to the time of his wife's death, in 1854. After his mar riage, the charms of domestic life added to his happiness, and the years flew swiftly by. I have it from his own lips that these years from 1830 to 1845 were the pleasant est of his life. And his old friends re member with great pleasure the generous hospitalities which were so gracefully dis pensed by him and his "accomplished wife during these years. Happy in his home, and successful in his profession, Mr. Peck was content, though stUl aspiring. About this time he was retained as gen eral counsel for the Vermont Central Rail road through the influence of Gov. Paine, who had a thorough appreciation of his safe and reliable legal advice, and from that tirae to the tirae of his death, he continued their counsel. But though overwhelmed MONTPELIER. 46s with professional business, Mr. Peck, after 1845, mingled to some extent in politics. Frora 1847 to 185 1, he represented this district in Congress. While there he forraed many valuable acquaintances, and among those of whom he was most accus tomed to speak, were Daniel S. Dickinson and Gov. Marcy, for with them in particu lar, he was on intimate andfamiliar terms. His congressional career was satisfactory to his constituents. He was respected and honored by all who knew him, and in all the speeches which he made there is the same precision and accuracy for which he was noted at home. But I think po litical life was distasteful to him. He was essentially a raan of habit. His profession was the profession of law. He had become habituated to the routine of that kind of labor, and when he stepped into a new arena he felt that he had strayed from home, and I think his mind ever turned from the dissipations of the fashion able life of Washington with fond regret to his quiet home among his friends and the green hills of Vermont. Indeed, he has told me this in substance, many times, and that the greatest mistake of his life was in going to Washington at all. Prob ably, however, when he resumed the prac tice of law on his return from Washington in 1852, his reputation received additional lustre by reason of his congressional life. Since 1852, there have been few large suits in the State in which he has not been re tained. Mr. Peck was United States District Attorney under President Pierce, and was once or twice nominated by his party as Governor of this State. From 1859 to his death, he was president of the Verraont & Canada Railroad. But his farae rests in his professional life. And here it was that he desired to have it rest. It was to this that he bent his energies ; here was his ambition, and it cannot be doubted that at last he stood without his peer, princeps inter principes. Quintilian tells us that a successful law yer must be a good man. By this I sup pose is meant that he must have a char acter for integrity which will inspire con fidence. Mr. Peck had this in a remark able degree. Everybody believed not only in his abUity, but also in his honesty. His word was law. Hence his opinion was sought from far and near. Every client he ever had was sure to return in new emer gencies, and, when he again departed, it was with renewed and enlarged confidence. His kindness and patience in listening to the tedious and alraost senseless recital of imaginary wrongs by moneyless clients is also worthy of remark. In the very height of his professional reputation, I doubt if he ever refused to counsel a client, how ever poor he might be, or however sraall the controversy, and I need hardly say in this presence that such controversies are sometimes as intricate and difficult of solution as they are petty and insignifi cant in magnitude. He was seldom if ever angry — never abusive. I can safely say that I never knew him to speak ill of any person. I do not doubt he had his dislikes, but if he had he kept them to himself. He had no petty jealousy of his brethren at the bar. He never believed it necessary to success that it should be built upon the ruins of his fellows. " With malice toward none and charity for all," his ambition was to rise by his own merit, and give others the same opportunity. His courtesy, too, to the younger mem bers of the bar has become proverbial. For many years his position has been com manding ; his opinion was therefore sought by those younger than himself. Who of us does not remeraber his forbearance and patience ? Mr. Peck was slow in forming his opinions. Every loop-hole in a question was revolved over and over in his mind before any definite conclusion was an nounced. A leading though homely maxim with him was, " Be sure you are right, and then go ahead ! " He believed in the ad vice of Polonius to his son : Beware Of entrance to a quarrel ; but, being in. Bear it, that the opposer may beware of thee. He was peaceful in his habits, and for many years past has been raore inclined to 59 466 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. advise settlements than to bring suits. His friends were few, but as a general rule very select. These he bound to his heart with hooks of steel. In this connection I cannot refrain from speaking of his reti cence. By those who did not know him well, this has been taken for coldness. But it was very far from that. Mr. Peck was one of the most sensitive men I ever knew ; hence he was never ob trusive. His sensibUities were delicate, and his apparent reserve was the result of a retiring modesty, rather than coldness of heart. He was, on the contrary, I confi dently affirm, one of the kindest-hearted men I ever knew. If he did a favor, it was quite as apt to be behind your back as to your face. If he bestowed charity it was with no ostentation. If done at all, it was because it was proper and right ; no* because it might or might not be talked about. I have already alluded to the force of habit upon him. When once the wheels were in the groove, it was difficult to get him out of it. I remember well when we moved into our new office, about i860. Many a time have I known him to pass by to the old office, and never discover his error until he had got to the stairway or the door. It was many raonths before he felt at home in our new quarters, and I believe his old sign never came down from over the old office until within two years. Mr. Peck never pressed a debtor; I never knew him to dun one, even. But, while he never troubled others, he was al ways prompt in his engagements, and they were fulfilled with no quibbling, no mis understandings. In short, he had a homely, old-fashioned honesty, and he was partigularly attracted towards one who had the same. His dealings with other mem bers of the bar were of the same character ; he was open, frank, straightforward, and he was never found in any different position to-day from what he was yesterday. Hence his word was a bond. He delighted in the practice of the law, not so much in the contentions of the forum, as in the law as a science. His mind, whether in or out of court, was ever dweUing upon it ; he thought of nothing else, cared for nothing else. Here was his heart, and here was he also. He had a mind and temperament peculiarly adapted to the scientific investigation of legal prin ciples. For his mind, being active and strong, gave him great power of analysis, and his temperament being slow. and cau tious, no conclusion was announced , untU the analysis was complete. His chief ex cellence consisted in his power to separate and distinguish things essential from things of circumstance, and here he himself could only be his parallel. His clear discrimina tion easily penetrated the small clap-trap with which some lawyers attempt to con ceal, rather than elucidate the truth, and having a clear understanding himself, he could make it clear to others also. Mr. Peck was not a man of great gen eral learning, or high scholarly culture ; his reading was generally, though not al ways, confined to the leather-bound vol umes of our office ; there he revelled in perfect contentment. And as each new volume was issued, he drank from the clear fountains of the law, and renewed again his acquaintance with old and familiar principles as applied to new cases. He never indulged in satire or sarcasm ; at most, it could only be called a pleasant ry. His kindness of heart forbid that he should wound the feelings of others. He never ventured upon flights of im agination or sketches of fancy. He con sidered them as but small aids in the elu cidation of truth, and when these arts were opposed to him, they faded away into the thin air of nothingness as he exposed their worthlessness. For want of these arts it has sometiraes been said that he was not a great jury advocate. If by this is meant he was not briUiant in his conceptions, and swift and rapid in that kind of imagery which captivates the fancy and pushes the mind momentarily from its true balance, I agree to it, but if the art of good advocacy consists in convincing the understanding and riveting the raind upon the vital and centraUzing points of a case, then, I think, he was a great jury advocate, and his great success in this regard is the best proof of MONTPELIER. 467 the truth of it. It should always be re membered that after the advocacy is over, comes the rigid, unbending charge of the court. The minds of the jury quickly re gain their equanimity, and return to the pivotal points in the case. But however this may be, his pre eminence in the Supreme Court for more than twenty years has never been ques tioned. It was remarked by Chief Justice Redfield, many years since, that he was the model lawyer of the State, and one of the most scholarly and appreciative of our present judges has often said that no man helped the court like Mr. Peck. The ex pression is peculiarly appropriate ; for, to help the court implies ability and wiUing ness on his part, and confidence and trust on theirs. When Mr. Peck arose, he stood, not the friend of his client alone, but also the friend of the court. Instantly they would lean forward to catch the meas ured tones of his voice, as principle after principle was announced, constituting an unbroken chain of logical deduction, never diverging or diffuse, but ever aiming at a given result, and when the conclusion was reached, he always sat down. There was no repetition, no tautology. His appearance here was always quiet ; his style of address conversational. With great deference on his part, he and the court seemed to be conferring together. He was recognized their equal, and he never abused the high compliment. Hence the weight of his character gave great force to his arguments. He was a raan of few words, but they were spoken with great precision and raeasured accuracy. In recent yedrs I think he has not been accustomed to rely upon cases toanygreat extent. When a cause was to be argued, his first question was, what is right? and he never would fail to find some legal prin ciple which would adapt itself to his view of the case. He never believed law was a code for the advancement of legalized trickery, but that in its proper administra tion, it was co-extensive with the highest morality, and productive of the purest jus tice. With such a head and such a heart, Mr. Peck practiced for 40 years in the courts of this State. True to his clients, true to the court, loved by the bar and respected by the public, he leaves behind him a reputa tion whose lustre will illumine these altars of justice so long as the votaries of the law shall study it as a science, or practice it with fidelity. The future law student will find our reports full of the imprints of his masterly mind, and will read with unceas ing delight those pages in which legal principles have been so moulded under his guiding hand as to adapt themselves justly to the ever-varying and changing circum stances of life. The barbarous conception of the poet, that Tlie evil that men do, lives after thera ; The good is oft Interred with their bones, will find no verification in his case. His gentleness, his courtesy, and the noble qualities of his heart will be remem bered by all of us who are living, and the monuraents of his learning, spread all over our jurisprudence, will be remembered by those who come after us. But, may it please the court, he is gone from us now ; his labors are over, his des tiny accomplished. Placidly and calmly he has laid off the armor of life. The armor was battered and worn ; it had been through many a battle, for he had fought a good fight. Truthfully and appropriately may we apostrophize it. Bruised pieces go Ye have been nobly borne! Mr. Peck, said the Hon. Timothy P. Redfield on this occasion, was the veteran leader of this bar, and for more than a quarter of a century had stood among the foremost ofhis profession in the State. He was also a model in courtesy and ur banity in court. He loved and honored, but never, by a professional act, degraded the profession ; and his kindness and cour tesy were extended alike to his brethren and the court. As a mere lawyer, it is not probable this bar will soon find again so perfect a model. He was in attendance upon the last ses sion of this court, in his usual health. At 468 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. the General Term of the Supreme Court, in November, he had the responsible care of a large number of important cases, and it was observed that he exhibited more than his accustomed elasticity and vigor. A few days afterwards, while upon profes sional business in the city of Lowell, Mass., he was suddenly stricken, and lingered, with the windows of his intellect darkened, until the 28th of December, when the light went out. [Of the resolutions on his death, passed by the bar, we most admire :] Resolved, That we respected him for a modesty that never assumed, and a cour tesy that never gave offense ; we loved him for his honesty ; we admired him for his learning ; and that in all these character istics, so happily united, he has left us a rare example. STODDARD BENHAM COLBY. BY HON. T. r. REDFIELD. Stoddard Colby was the second son of Capt. Nehemiah Colby, born at Derby, Orleans County, Jan. i8i6. In 1829, he began fitting for college in the office of the late Judge Redfield, who had then commenced the practice of the law, in the little village of Derby Center, in which Capt. Colby was the chief citizen and actor. Stoddard was an easy and ready scholar, and acquired language, especially, and its use, with great facUity. Judge Redfield, fresh from'coUege attainment, unduUedby professional labors, was to young Colby a thorough teacher in the Greek and Latin languages. Colby entered the freshman class of Dartmouth College in the fall of 1832, and, in due course, graduated in the summer of 1836. He was among the few best scholars in the class ; was, without question, elected one of the Phi Beta Kappa members from his class, which comprise the best recitation scholars, not exceeding one-third of the whole number in the class. He was a good recitation scholar in all de partments ; but his special gifts were in the languages ; and as a ready writer and debater, he was among the best. After his graduation, he studied law in the office of theiate Senator Upham, at Montpelier, and was admitted to the bar in Orleans County, at the December term, 1838, and entered upon the practice of his profession at his old home in Derby Center... He was elected representative from the town of Derby in the year 1841, on the democratic ticket, although a large majority of the voters of Derby were, at that time, Whigs ; which shows that personally, Mr. Colby was highly esteemed by the citizens of his native town. He practiced his profession at Derby with all the success in business that could be expected in the limited sphere in which he necessarily moved in that place. The first case he argued in the County Court was in behalf of his uncle. Dr. Moses F. Colby, in the famous suit. Nelson v. Colby, for malpractice as a surgeon in treating the fracture of the neck of the thigh bone of the plaintiff's wife. The theory of the plaintiff's case was that Dr. Colby had needlessly confined his patient in splints, tUl her health gave way, and she became insane, in consequence of the treatment, when, in fact, there had been no fracture! The surgeons of the plaintiff claimed that such a fracture could seldom be united, by a bony union, in persons of the patient's age ; and if so, with shortened limb, and iraperfect motion, and that in Mrs. Nelson's case, there was no shortening of the limb ; "and perfect symmetry of motion." Mattocks, Cushman, Bell, and the late Judge Smalley, giants in those days, were all engaged, and took part in the trial, and young Colby opened the argument to the jury, in the defence. By the argument he established a reputation as a good advocate, which followed and adhered to him for more than 20 years of his professional prac tice in this State. He always used choice and beautiful language ; was facile in illus tration, and in figures of speech, and ever ready in wit and sarcasm. His client after three jury trials was cast in that first suit ; a,nd while the suit was pending on excep tions, and petition for new trial in the Su preme court, Mrs. Nelson died, and it was then ascertained that the limb had been fractured, and the fragments had united in a perfect bony union ; and the plaintiff dis continued his case from the docket. MONTPELIER. 469 Mr. Colby removed to Montpelier in 1846, and soon after formed a law partner ship with the late Lucius B. Peck. The law firm of Peck & Colby was then a lead ing firm in the important legal business of the State, and continued so tiU 1863, when it was dissolved, and Mr. Colby was made Register of the Treasury, and removed to Washington. He continued to hold this position in the "Treasury until his death, in the fan of 1867. He died at HaverhiU, N. H., and was buried in the beautiful cemetery on the highlands, near Haverhill Corner. Mr. Colby was twice married. His first wife was Miss Harriet E. Proctor, the eldest sister of Gov. Proctor. She per ished on the ill-fated steamer, Henry Clay, which was burned on the Hudson River. He afterwards married Miss Ellen Hunt, who survives him. By the first marriage he had four chUdren, two of whom sur vive ; and by the second marriage, two children. He will be reraerabered by his intiraate friends and acquaintances for his genial wit and fertUe resource in conversation, and the rich-garnered treasury of story and anecdote. But his reputation as a public man must rest, mainly, upon the character won in the varied and various tilts in the legal tournament, during the practice of a quar ter of a century at the bar of Vermont. In that tournament, he was conceded to be one of the most brilliant advocates at the bar of his native State. He had no evil habit — no tarnish upon his good name ; was for many years a consistent member of the Protestant Episcopal church ; and died, seemingly, before his work was finished, at the age of 52. SAMUEL GOSS, our most venerable citizen, said the Watch man, in a notice of his death, one who for his age, character, and fideUty as the ruler ofhis house, weU-deserved the title of pa triarch, died at Montpelier, Sabbath morn ing, — Aug. 19, 1866 — in his 90th year. He was born in Hollis, N. H., Nov. 1776; served an apprenticeship as printer with Amos Farley and Rev. Leonard Worces ter in the office of " Isiah Thomas, the father of printers," at Worcester, Mass., entering the office at the age of 15, and at 21, (says Col. Hopkins in a notice of Mr. Goss in the Boston Journal,) he went to Boston and purchased a second-hand press and other printing materials, to set up business for himself. Setting his face toward Vermont, he arrived with his scanty outfit at Peacham, on the 24th of Jan. 1798, and forwant of better accom modations, established his office in a small school-house, a building scarcely large enough, as he used to say, to seat 20 chil dren, and 8 days afterwards, issued the first number of the Green Mountain Pat riot, a paper which he edited and published 9 years, in company with Mr. Farley — firm Farley & Goss — when he removed his print- office to Montpelier," [see Walton, page 291,] and commenced the Vermont Watch man. Selling the Watchman in 1810, to the late Gen. E. P. Walton and Mark Goss, (a younger brother,) both of whora were apprentices to Farley & Goss, he engaged in paper-making, which he continued for many years at Montpelier. Ardent in temperament, clear and strong in con victions of duty, everything entered into he prosecuted with energy and zeal. In the church and Sabbath-school no one was more earnest and faithful. We think he has served more years in the Sabbath- school than anybody within our knowledge, unless it was his friend and brother in the church, the late Col. Asahel Washburn. Next best he loved his country, and frora youth till he had reached alraost a century of years, George Washington was his raodel of a statesman, with his announce ment of whose death in his paper, appea,r- ed from his pen : AN ODE, OCCASIONED BY THE DEATH OF GEN. GEORGE WASHINGTON, «' DEC. II, 1799. Why do these mournful accents flow. Why drops the unavailing tear. What dire event, what fatal blow. Which thus excites a pang severe? In sad responses echoes through the skies, Columbia's Parent, Friend and Savior dies! 470 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. 'Tis true, alas I too true, we mourn The exit of our Hero Cliief; While on celestial pinions borne He soars aloft o'er pain and grief; Yet grateful millions will their loss deplore. Till time's extinct, and virtue is no more. In hlni those charms that bind the heart. And tranquIIIze the human mind, Beam'd sweet effulgence thro' that part. Which now Is to the tomb consign'd. In scenes of joy, in days of gloomy strife. Benign and calm the Hero puss'd through life. No monarch on his shining throne Can, justly, equal honors claim ; His modest worth resplendent shone, Unrivall'd on the lists of fame. Nor lives the man, with grief Columbia cries. So good, so kind, so temp'rate and so wise. O, could C<}lumbla's deepest groan, Re-anlmate his slumb'rlng clay. No longer would affliction's moan Pervade a realm so lately gay. But prayers, nor tears, nor virtuous deeds could save, Nor magic arts can raise him fi-om ^the grave. Then cease to mourn the great man's fate. Let Heaven's superior will be done; And future heroes Imitate The matchless deeds of Washington ; Who once onr troops lo splendid vict'ry led, Established peace, but now, alas, is dead. Mr. Goss was a contributor to the Poets and Poetry of Vermotit, revised edition. During the years of the rebeUion, his heart was with his country. It was a habit with him to visit the old "Watch man" office, ever to him an endeared spot, twice a day to get the latest war news. " On one of his last visits, he submitted a patriotic poem," says the editor, "which was to have been published, but he took it back to make some changes in it, doubt less, forgot it ; we now regret its loss." We think, perhaps, we have found the poem. The following, contributed by his daughter, was among his last, if not his last, poetical efforts : fugitive's DIRECTORY — Impromptu. BY SAMUEL GOSS. Old Gov. Wise is all in a foam Because his black cattle to Northern States roam. And bids us poor Yankees to send Hiem all back, Without e'en a bloodhound to scent out their track. But humanity says, no, let them rest here a while. And their fears of re-capture In slumbers beguile. But when they resolve to quit the straw as their be-i. Just stuftthelr old pockets with dried beef and bread. And bid niem go forward alone. In the night. With the star In the north as their guide and their Ught, To degree 46 near the line of the State, And the beautiful plain of Canada East, Where prudence suggests a permanent stand. Quite removed from the lash of the slave-driver's hand. And here let them rest, and effectually prove, The obvious fact— a pleasant remove. Samuel Goss was one of the first per sons with whom the Editor of the Gazetteer became acquainted in Montpelier. We have of him a special remembrance, and for him — as he was then in his fine, ripe old age — a special reverence. The few last years of his life he suffered much, it is recorded of him, from the infirmities of age, and prayed for patience to wait his change, and went gladly to his rest. He was buried with Masonic honors, frora the residence of his son-in-law, Hon. O. H. Smith, in Green Mount Cemetery, in the spot selected by himself, almost side by side with his ancient colleague and pupU, Farley and Walton. For 60 years he had been a worthy and prominent citizen of the place. "His life has extended over three generations of men," . . said the Rev. Dr. Lord in his funeral discourse, "and he was ever one of the first in all excellent enterprises and institutions, and one of the last to withdraw his hand. He began life for himself in Peachara, about the close of the last century. He established in that place a paper which he published and edited, doing all the work with his own hands for several years. He was a nervous and vig orous prose writer, and often enriched his columns with poetic effusions of no mean merit. When he removed to this town, it was in its infancy. He brought with him his press and his paper, and the developed energies of a confident, earnest, self- reliant Christian man. He conducted his paper, as its early copies will show, with a marked ability. He held a sharp and trenchant pen, never forgetful of Christian principles and Christian charity, however, but the faithful index of a clear, acute, active and intense perception Long after he was 70 years of age, he was wont to labor with his hands through the whole day, and in the evening give him self to some Christian work, or while away time with his book or his pen. But how ever much he was interested in all public affairs, I think he most of all delighted in the welfare and upholding of the church. He was one of the seventeen who organ ized and constituted the first Congregational MONTPELIER. 471 church in this town. He was the first clerk, and its records were kept by his hand and attested by his name. No name, unless it be the pastor's, appears there so often as his. There was no trying duty of his profession he ever sought to avoid, and no fitting and beneficent work he did not eagerly perform. ... A teacher in the Sabbath-school for 35 years, his name was always fragrant in it like ointment poured forth." Of the 17 original members of the Con gregational church, he was the last sur vivor but one. Samuel Goss was the son of John and Catherine (Conant) Goss, the second of 10 chUdren, the eldest being John, Jr. Samuel Goss married, June, 1803, Mary French, born Oct. 1784; chUdren: Wm. A., Benjamin F., Mary, Mary W., Eliza, Samuel P., Lydia French, Lucy A., John, and Samuel French. Mrs. Goss died Oct. 27, 1861. Of the children, only two are living, Mrs. O. H. Smith, of Montpelier, and Samuel F. Goss, of Chicago. Benjamin Franklin Goss, son of Sarauel, born in Peachara, 1806, brought to Montpelier in 1808, was brought up in this town, and prepared for business in the store of Roger Hubbard, (now deceased.) He went from here to Northfield, and was several years in successful business con nection with Gov. Paine ; from thence to Waterbury, Brandon and Vergennes, where as elsewhere, he was an energetic man of business, and zealous in benevolent and religious enterprises. He died in Ver gennes in 1878. His disease, of the brain, had the peculiarity to bring out viv idly, almost to the exclusion of his bodily sufferings, his early boyhood, the lessons of his parents and the Sabbath-school. Hour after hour, he would repeat from the Scriptures and hymns of youth, at the same time recognizing every attention. He wasejjceedingly courteous and grateful to his attendants during his long 5 months' illness, withal as vivacious and cheerful as in his raost fortunate days. It was sad to see mind and body slowly, but surely wasting away, but comforting to see he recognized no sorrow. He was buried in the family lot in MontpeUer Green Mount Cemetery. Mrs. Lucy A. (Goss) Cobb, the young est daughter of Sarauel Goss, died jn Kal amazoo, Mich., 1879, °f whora the local paper speaks as a most estimable woman. HON. oramel HOI^KINS SMITH was born in Thetford, Oct. 1798, came to Montpelier about 1830; studied law in the office of Judge Prentiss, admitted to, the Bar in 1825, and remained in Judge Pren tiss' office 2 years after. In his earlier professional years, he repeatedly served as assistant clerk in the House of Repre sentatives ; was State's attorney 3 years, ending in 1844; justice of the peace 25 successive years ; 40 years a constant at tendant upon the services of the Congre gational church in this village, and during a quarter of a century led its choir. Of his professional ability, the fact that his name appears in the court records for 25 years preceding i860, as counsel in nearly all the cases of those days, is conclusive proof. July, i860, at White River Junction, arising at midnight in the hotel, without a, light, to take a train north, he stumbled against a piece of furniture and fell, strik ing a wardrobe on the back of his neck. Every physical power from his neck down wards was instantly paralyzed, but his vocal organs and every faculty of the mind re mained in active play. To Dr. Dixi Crosby's remark that he had about one chance in one hundred for recovery, he promptly replied, " I'U take that chance !" In the course of a year, his will power and wonderful vitaUty so far triumphed, he, re sumed practice in his office as a counsellor, though his right side reraained perma nently paralyzed, and for 18 years longer, under difficulties that would have appalled a less resolute man, plied his profession with energy and industry. Late at night, the Ught shining from his office window, on the second floor of the building at the corner of Main and State streets, frequently told of the old painstaking faithfulness triumphing over his infirmities. He was one of the organizers of the 472 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Montpelier Gaslight Company, and an officer in it several years ; his was the sec ond house in Montpelier piped for burning gas. He also in its early days devoted much time to the affairs of the Vermont Central R. R., losing, like many others of the early friends of that road, many thou sand dollars. For several of his last years, from age and infirmities, he was not able to attend to business, and died at his home at the "Riverside," in 1881, in his 83d year. He was the oldest surviving mem ber of the Washington County Bar except Hon. Paul Dillingham, of Waterbury. He married, in 1830, Mary Warner, daughter of Samuel Goss. They had 4 children: Chas. F., who was graduated at Dartmouth in 1854; studied law in his father's office ; removed to Michigan, and died at the age of 31 ; another son, who died in infancy ; and two daughters, both married and live in Montpelier — Ellen J., wife of C. J. Gleason, and Lucy A., wife of Chas. A. Reed. The widow of Mr. Smith stiU resides at the "Riverside," Nov. 1881, Mr. Smith was also an honored member • of Aurora Lodge, No. 22, F. & A. M. The following is frora the record book of the Lodge : IN SrEJUOBIAM. §ro. §mnel §afihins Smith, Born in Thetford, Vt., Oct. i6, 1798; Died at Montpelier, Vt., January 23d, 1881 ; Aged 82 yrs., 3 mos. and 4 days. Affiliated with Aurora Lodge, No. 22, F. & A. M, Dec. 12, 1853. Past Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Vt. Treasurer of Aurora Lodge, No. 22, From December 4, 1854, to December, 1857. >i "Awaiting the sound of the gavel m the East." [Prom Obituary in the Vermont Watchman.] COL. THOMAS REED was born at Harastead, N. H., Mar. 29, 1793. He was a son of Capt. Thomas Reed, and came with his father to Montpe lier in 1804, where he resided until his de cease. He was by profession a lawyer, and at his decease the oldest attorney in the court in this County ; though for many years prior to the first stroke of his disease — some five years prior to his death, and from which he never rallied — he had not been an active practitioner at the bar. For the last 20 years, his active labor was mainly as a farmer, a pursuit in which he took much delight, and which he thor oughly understood, as indeed, he under stood everything which he undertook to do. During the last 5 years he was an invalid, and for 3 years was with drawn from all business, the slow progress of his disease undermining a naturally vig orous constitution until April 18, 1864, . when another shock of paralysis rendered him unconscious, and he remained in that state until he quietly passed away on the 19th. For more than 40 years he was one of the leading citizens of our town. His early life was, in many respects, a severe struggle with adverse circumstances. He held himself not at all obliged to for tune or the favor of any one, for the success he achieved, and he became austere, almost combative in his manner. He despised all shams. Humbugs stood no chance under the severe scrutiny of his eye and the arrows of his searching interrogation. His sagacity was seldom at fault. Few of his ventures failed of returning with profit. He exacted of others what he was always ready to yield to them, equal and exact justice. No deserving charity, no worthy enterprise ever sought his aid in vain. Many hearts have been warmed by unob trusive gifts from his hand, for which he would not patiently listen to thanks. He had a capacious intellect. His mind was as stalwart and vigorous as his body, and he never allowed either to become en ervated by idleness. His reading was va ried and thorough. There were few sub jects with which the general scholar is fa- mUiar that he had not searched. He never forgot anything of value to him, whether he had found it in books, or in observa tion, which with him was never superficial, but always critical and complete. He be lieved what was worth knowing at all was worth knowing weU. His learning was ac curate and full, his opinions weU matured. MONTPELIER. 473 deliberate and precise. We have regarded Mr. Reed as mentally one of the strongest men in the State, and if he had early had the advantages of a complete education, and had given his great force of character and strength of will to inteUectual pursuits, he would undoubtedly have reached the first rank among the intellects of Vermont, if not of New England. He was one of the strongest, most hon est and most worthy citizens of Montpe lier. He belonged to a generation which is now nearly gone, the men whose energy, strong wUl, business activity, commer cial sagacity, integrity and generous enter prise, have made our town what it is. Of his cotemporaries, many have gone before, and few remained to attend at his funeral. Well wUl it be for us aU, if we, like Mr. Reed, do our work well, and leave a fi-a- grant meraory to be cherished by those who shall one day take our places. Addition by E. P. Walton. The foregoing just tribute to Col. Reed, appeared in the Green Mountain Freeman, and was doubtless from the pen of the late Hon. Daniel P. Thompson. It should be added, that as a banker for many years Col. Reed was at the head of the financiers of the State, an acknowledged authority, from which there was no appeal ; and as a writer on political questions, he was caus tic in controversy, sure of his facts, and powerful in argument. On the record of the old bank of Montpelier will be found a very able and conclusive argument against the free banking act, which grew out of the party clamor of "Smilie and bank reform" ; but the following extracts of a letter to Stephen Foster, Esq., of Der by Line, written Dec. 6, 1855, ^"^^ given as evidence of Col. Reed's wisdom and prudence as a banker : " Keep in mind always that if you have good security for all your loans your bank can't fail, nor the stockholders fail to get good dividends. "When a man comes by other banks to yours for a loan, you may know that he has borrowed as much as he is entitled to fi-om his capital orthatheis discreditedat home. 60 " Keep in mind the fact that many men are made great and rich by distance, and you may be sure that if any go by other banks to do business at yours, that they go there because they are obliged to, and not from love. "If a raan asks you for a loan whom you don't know to be responsible, the only safe way is to consider him good for noth ing and take security accordingly. Chari table presumption and banking presump tion in regard to men are entirely differ ent : the charitable presumption in regard to a man that you don't personally know about, is always that he is good and rich ; but the banking presumption is that he is good for nothing — and the cashier who does not act by this rule will first or last, if not constantly, be a loser by his error. " Have no dealings with a stranger in buying drafts or checks of him unless he can refer you to some responsible man in the neighborhood as to his character. " Never take a draft of anybody without its being first accepted, unless it is other wise secured than by the drawer's name — and never do so if you know the dravver to be good, for how do you know he will ac cept? Many buyers of produce, wool, &c., will often present such drafts, and if the cashier takes them, he has no security but the drawer, and he is often a stranger. Many banks have lost by such careless ness. "In fine, pay out no money but on se curity of more than one narae — and never regard as security an endorser or under- signer who is connected with the principal as partner, or one who must fail if the prin cipal does. " Banks, being allowed to take only six per cent, can't afford to lose anything, and therefore it is expected by their customers XhaX perfect security will be required — and if any one objects to this, there is a double reason why you should require it of him. Many men, who are known to be good, think they should not be asked to give se curity for what they want to borrow — but such can have no difficulty to find se curity, and they should be required to find it, otherwise you will find it difficult to get 474 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. security of those who are more doubtful, and be. subject to the charge of partiality. Security, Security, Security, that is the main thing — and mind always to have the security taken before you let the money go. It is scarcely ever got afterwards.'' Mr. Reed was commissioned Colonel of Vermont militia Aug. ii, 1825, by Gov. Van Ness ; and honorably discharged June 27, 1827, by Gov. Butler. The late Daniel Baldwin, shortly before his death, said to the writer ot this note, that he regarded Col. Reed as being, intel lectually, the strongest man that Montpelier has had. Mr. Reed was certainly pre-em inent in his chosen role as banker, but not superior to many others in other profes sions. It is doubtless true, however, that if he had adhered to the profession of the law, and limited himself as counsellor in the supreme court and cases in chancery, he would have reached a very high rank. The severity of his manner and speech un fitted him for a jury trial. He always won by honest force, if he did win, and not by suavity or trickery. CAPT. ISAAC RICKER. [From information furnished by ihe family.] Isaac Ricker was born in Dover, N. H., Christmas day, 1784. Here his early years were passed, and from Dover he enUstcd in the old N. E. 4th Reg. Infantry, U. S. A., in 181 1, and was in the service all through "the last war with Great Britain," as the old soldiers of 1812, I have noticed, in speaking of it, almost invariably style the war of 1812, '14, with England. He was under Col. Boyd, and the regiment was called the best in the United States at that time. He was also under Harrison when he took command at Cincinnati. Boyd's regiment was with Gen. Harrison when he won his brightest laurels. Capt. Ricker was there, and led his company in to the battle of Tippecanoe. His weight being 200 at this time, tall and massive, he was an imposing looking and bold officer. The Indians surprised them, as is well known, that night. He was in Hull's army when he surrendered at Detroit his brave soldiers to the Englisii, and he, like aU the rest of Hull's infamously sacrificed men, suffered more in his imprisonment, foUow ing thereupon, than has ever been written. He was 7 years in the United States ser vice, and never got scratch, wound or pen sion, though his widow, a second wife, has had one for about 2 years past. After the war he was, for about 2 years, a recruiting officer of the U. S. A. He came to Montpelier in 1817, and set tled on the site where is now the residence, store and shop of his son, Rufiis Ricker, merchant tailor. State street, just opposite the post-office. He was deputy sheriff of the County and constable some years. Capt. Ricker was a staunch Democrat. " He fought too many years for the whole country to be anything else," says his son. We were told by an old native citizen of this County, at Burlington, the other day — Mr. Leonard Johonnott — that Captain Ricker and Senator Upham were particular friends ; that he always worked enthusi astically and efficiently in any election for Upham. "Why," said his old Barre neighbor, "any history of Montpelier vU lage of 50 years ago, without Capt. Isaac Ricker, would be no history at all." He cared little for town offices, or political honors for himself, but was all alive and energetic for his friends. And yet says one who knew him best in Montpelier, "he was a man who did not usually talk much ; he had been under military tactics too long ; but a prompt man when he did take hold, and acted with so much integrity as a sheriff, and so kindly, he was uncom monly respected and trusted by those he took into custody." Captain Ricker married, first, Nancy Dame, of Rochester, N. H. She had 7 children, of whora Rufus R. Ricker, Fran cis Derancis Ricker and Mrs. Priscilla Holmes, widow of Edwin C. Holmes, are now living here. Another son, George P. Ricker, was for many years engaged in busi ness in town, and died from accident, in August, 1 85 1. His first wife dying, he married, about 1828, Loramie W. Hart, of Burlington, who survived him, and still lives in Montpelier. She had two children : J I- \ ^ ^'T-i^-**, ^ -^ MONTPELIER. 475 Harrison Hart Wright, now living in San Francisco, a '49er, one of the pioneers ot that State, born in Montpelier ; and a son of 12 years, who died of typhus. Capt. Ricker died July i6, 1837, and is buried in Green Mount Cemetery. THOMAS NEEDHAM was born in Salem, Mass., Nov. 1785 ; re moved to Mount Vernon, N. H., in 1812, where he married, that year, Eleanor Dodge, and they came to Montpelier in 18 19, where they resided the remainder of their days. Mr. Needham was a cooper by trade, which vocation he followed through life. He was a man of brain, a great reader, and kept hiraself thoroughly ac quainted with the affairs of the country. Politically, he was a Democrat, an ardent worker and earnest supporter of his party, which was in a majority in town in his day. For 25 years he wielded an influence in town, either at town or State elections, far greater than any other man. He never, however, aspired for office. Re peatedly, he was asked by his party to ac cept of their nomination of him as their candidate for town representative, which was equivalent to an election, but always refused to accept of it. Of town offices, he was for several years a justice of peace, selectman, and overseer of the poor ; the poor being bounteously cared for under ' his management. He also held the office of first jail coraraissioner many years. In all of the offices held by him, he was faith ful to their trust. He died June 12, 1872, in his 87th year, leaving 2 sons, Algernon Sydney, for many years a sea captain, now residing in Montpelier, and Daniel, resid ing in Barre. His wife, Eleanor D., died Oct. 9, 1880, in her 93d year. C. B. THE OLD VILLAGE SEXTON. [From obltuarv by Hon. Joseph Poland and Col. H. D. Hopkins.] Aaron Bancroft was born in Wood End, now within the present limits of Boston, Mass., Feb. 2, 1784. He wasone of a family of 12 children, and a son of Samuel Bancroft, who was a brother of the Rev. Dr. Aaron Bancroft, of Worcester, Mass., father of George Bancroft, the his torian ; being a direct descendant of Thos. Bancroft, a Puritan, who landed in Boston in 1632. Aaron, the subject of our sketch, was married in 1804, to Anna Foster, of Wood End, and removed to Montpelier in 1813. He began work at his mechanical trade, that of a shoemaker, which he followed uninterruptedly untU he was 84 years of age, when, by an accidental fall, he re ceived injuries which disabled him from further service. In 1813, the year became to town, the old Elm Street Cemetery was opened, and he was soon after made its sexton, the duties of which office he faith fully performed for nearly 50 years, until July, 1857, when the new cemetery. Green Mount, was occupied, having been dedi cated the previous year. What a tale ot mortaUty could the old sexton tell : " Nigh to a grave that was newly made. Leaned a Sexton old on his earth-worn spade ; His work was done, and he paused to wait The funeral train through the open gate. A relic of by-gone days was he. And his locks were white as the foamy sea; And these words came from his lips so thin, * I gather them In, I gather them in.' "I gather them In for man and boy; Year after year of grief and joy; I've builded the houses that lie around In every nook of this burial ground; Mother and daughter, father and son. Come to my solitude, one by one, — But come they strang;er, or come they kin, — I gather them In, I gather them In. " Many are with me, but still I'm alone, I'm king of the dead— and I make my throne On a monument slab of marble cold, And my sceptre of rule Is the spade I hold. Coma they from cottage, or come they from hall. Mankind are my subjects— all, all, all I Let them loiter in pleasure, or tollfuUy spin— I gather them In, I gather them in. " I gather them in— and their final rest Is here, down here, In the earth's dark breasti ' And the Sexton ceased, for the funeral train Wound mutely o'er that solemn plain ; And I said to my heart. When time Is told, A mightier voice than that Sexton's old Will sound o'er the last trump's dreadful din— ' I gather them in, I gather them in I ' " In 1819, when the old brick church was erected, he was made its sexton, in which capacity he officiated for two score of years. In "form and feature" he was the exact representation of his office, gray, bowed, kind, slow-spoken and courteous. In his eariier day, he possessed great phys ical strength and muscle e-ven up to the 476 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. age of 50 ; he repeatedly bore off the palm in wrestling matches and foot-races. He was also endowed -with a remarkable mem ory, which he retained to the last. To him we are indebted for the record of the vital statistics of the town, making a list of about a thousand deaths, which he kept for 40 years, untU 1857, since which tirae the State law has required the registration of all deaths by the district clerk. In 1804, Mr. Bancroft and his wife united with the Congregational church, of which they remained faithful members till their death. Mrs. Bancroft died in Oct. 1865, aged 82 ; and Mr. Bancroft, Mar. 26, 1872, aged 88 years. That he was a sincere Christian, no one ever doubted who knew him, for his daily life gave uniform testi mony to the genuineness of his profession. His Bible was his daily food, even upon his dying bed, and he found great comfort in the songs of Zion, which he always dearly loved, until the summons came. Artless and as trustful as a child, faithful to all his trusts, cheerful under the worst trials, a peacemaker everywhere, pure in heart and exemplary in life, Aaron Bancroft may well be said to have lived and died an honest man. He reared a family of 5 sons and 3 daughters : Aaron, Sarah, Henry, Mary, Ed ward C, Daniel Foster, Eliza and Charles E ; two more died in infancy. All now are deceased but two, Daniel Foster, now re siding in New York city, and Mrs. Mary Rogers, in Cabot. The sons all learned various mechanical trades, which they fol lowed through life, aU being superior work raen at their several trades. capt. LEMUEL BROOKS, born in Connecticut in 1767, married Rhoda Barber, of Simsbury, Ct., and came to Montpelier in January, 1798. He was present and cast his vote in the first town meeting held in Montpelier. He first set tled in the part now called East Montpelier, where he lived for 40 years, when he re moved to Montpelier vUlage, where he died in 1846, during the session of the Legislature here, aged 79 years, and was buried in the old Elm Street Cemetery. He is remembered by his descendants as a large man, almost of heroic size, a kind old gentleman, fond of a joke and of his grandchildren. He and his wife lived happily together 48 years. They had no sons, but a family of 5 daughters, four of whom married : Mary, A. Sidney Wing, of MontpeUer ; Rhoda, General Humphrey ; Amanda, another Mr. Humphrey ; Fanny, Loorais Palmer. MRS. RHODA BROOKS. Rhoda Barber, born in Simsbury, Ct., Nov. 17, 1798, immediately after her mar riage with Lemuel Brooks, Jan. 1798, came to Montpelier. There were but two framed houses at that time, and the frame of an other, in the old town of Montpelier, com prising the present Montpelier and East Montpelier. The frame was that of the Cadwell house, stiU standingat the head of State street, that became and continued for many years to be the most spacious and ele gant private dwelling in town, and the quar ters of successive governors of the State. When Mrs. Brooks first saw the frame, it was surrounded by the stumps' and trunks of trees that had been cut down to open a site for the buUding. Mrs. Brooks went to the farm of her husband, now in East Mohtpelier, where they remained tUl their removal to this village in 1838. After the death of Mr. Brooks, she resided with her son-in-law, Loomis Palmer, until herdeath, Dec. 21, 1873, aged 85 years. Mrs.. Brooks was large and elegant in person, of perhaps the finest English type of beauty ; dignified in her manners, genial in her temper, and of great intelligence. Mr. Thompson was largely indebted to her for material for his history of Montpelier. A lady of a well-ordered life, whose Christian faith was illustrated by hospital ity and charity ; whose end was more than beautiful. Awaking without sickness on the morning of the anniversary of her hus band's birth, she calmly told her daughter that she was going, and entered at once upon the way from earth to Heaven. THOMAS BROOKS, brother of Lemuel, settled in Montpelier not far from the time that his brother did. /YO-t-^, ^^^t.f-T^^/C'C/Lec-ryy MONTPEtlER. 477 Children of Thomas and Roxa Brooks : Delorma, Lemuel, Keyes, Mary, Melanc- thon, Sarah, Lorenzo, Joseph, Harriet, Thomas, Roxa. JONATHAN SHEPARD. One af cer another the now thinly scattered band of our first settlers are all fast passing away. Of the earliest pioneer settlers of Montpelier, Jonathan Shepard went to his long rest JiUy 26, 1863. He was born in HaverhUl, Mass., June 31, 1772, and at the age of 21, came to Montpelier, where, for the first two or three years, he was in the employment of the first settler. Col. Jacob Davis, being constantly engaged with others of the Colonel's band of hardy laborers in clearing up the lands now con stituting the site of our flourishing village. After a few years, he married a Miss Bur- dick, of Waitsfield, who died of spotted fever in 1810, and a few years subsequently, he married the widow of Wm. Hutchins, many years since deceased. His first "pitch" was on the lands afterwards known as the SUloway farm, near Henry Nutt's. Soon seUing this, however, he purchased the well-known valuable farm lying around the mouth of Dog river, which he held tUl a few years ago, when it passed into the hands of his son, George C. Shepard, Esq. WhUe carrying onthis farm, he became the occupant of the Hutchins', or Farmers' inn, which, to the very general acceptance of the public, he kept for nearly 30 years. Mr. Shepard was never known as an office-holder; for, though often offered them, he uniformly declined aU offices. He was a man of much decision of char acter — of great energy, of fine business ca pacities, and from the first has been among our most active and enterprising citizens, and by these qualities, he accumulated a very handsome property ; and what is better, he was an honest man, ever re garding his word as sacred. — Obit. HON. JOSEPH HOWES AND WIFE. Joseph Howes, born in Lebanon, Conn., March 28, 1783, died in Montpelier, April 26, 1863. He was descended from one of the early puritans who settled in Plymouth County, Mass. Judge Howes carae to Montpelier with his wife in 1808, both re mained there during their lives, and both were among the members of the FirstCon- gregational church, now commonly known as Bethany church, at its organization in 1810, of which they were ever faithful and highly-honored members. Judge Howes was intelligent, decided and immovable in his religious and political opinions. Be ginning as a Jeffersonian Republican, he, with the most of that party in Vermont, supported John Quincy Adams for presi dent in 1824, and after Gen. Jackson's election in 1828, adhered successively to the National Republican, Whig, and the modern Republican parties. He was pat riotic, served nearly two years on the frontier as adjutant in the war of 1812-15, and served so well that a commission in the regular army was offered him, which he declined on account of the pressing needs of his young family. In Sept. 1-814, however, he started for Plattsburgh as second lieutenant in the volunteer Mont pelier company, a roll of which, in his hand-writing, has been found among his papers. He represented Montpelier in the Legislature of 1813, and while holding that office, left for military service on the frontier ; was also a Judge of Washington County Court, 1819 to 1827; and served several years as surveyor of public build ings, his duty being to provide for sweep ing, heating and lighting the State House, and furnish stationery for both Houses. His bill for these services in the session of 37 days in 1825 was $68.71, $3 of which only was for his personal service — less than $2 per day for all, which is less than the daily pay now of a page. He was also long engaged in the most responsible town offices, — moderator, selectman, overseer, and magistrate. He was thoroughly con scientious in the discharge of all his public and private duties — severely just as against himself, and severely censorious of all wrong ; but he was also generous to those who had wronged him. PattyWilder, daughter of Abel Wilder, of Norwich, and grand-daughter of Lieut. .Gov. EUsha Payne, of Lebanon, N. H., 478 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. was born in 1786, married Judge Howes in 1808, and died January 20, 1871. While her husband was of a severe type, she was gentle, mild, charitable, and these mingled qualities made a household of obedient and affectionate children, of whom there were nine, to wit: William, born April 21, 1809, went to Prescott, Wis., about 30 years ago, became mayor of the town, and was judge of probate for his district sev eral years, and until his death ; Almira, widow of Lieut. Gov. David M. Camp, of Derby; Joseph WUder, born Nov. 5, 1812, was a raerchant and sheriff of this county in 1849: [for more, see ante, pages 394- 396.] George, born Nov. 14, 1814, wasa merchant, cashier of the Bank of Mont pelier from 1841 to 1858, and State treas urer 1847 to 'S3 ; Sarah Sophia, born July 27, 1817, married E. P. Walton, Jr., June 6, 1836, and died Sept. 3, 1880; Solon, born Aug. 6, 1819, died in early manhood ; Martha is widow of Rev. Calvin Pease, Professor and President in the University of Vermont, and at his death pastor of a Presbyterian church in Rochester, N. Y. ; Henry, born March 7th, 1826, died in chUdhood ; and last, Henry, born Apr. 30, 1829, was for some years a cashier, and since 1865 has been employed in the Na tional Treasury and Interior Departments. Judge Howes was a blacksmith, and I have a very fine engraving of the interior of a blacksmith's shop, which I have al ways cdAtd my wife's coat of arms . e p. w. DR. JULIUS YEMANS DEWEY. [Extracts from an obituary b Dr. Sumner Putnam.] Julius Yemans Dewey was born in Berlin, Aug. 22, 1801 ; his father, Simeon Dewey, being among the first to settle in that town, coming frora Hanover, N. H., nearly 100 years ago. Julius was one of a faraily of 8 children, and very active when a lad, not only working upon the farm, but traveling about the country, both on foot and on horseback, as an assistant dro-ver. But in his nineteenth summer, one-half day's work, which consisted in loading and pitching 17 loads of hay, de termined his choice of a profession, from the fact that for a long tirae afterward he was sick with pain and inflammation in the hepatic region, from which, however, he finally recovered, and outlived aU the members of his father's family. Having acquired a good preliminary education at the Wash. Co. Gram. School, he studied medicine with Dr. Lamb., a celebrated practitioner in those days, resident at Montpelier, and in 1823, received his de gree from the medical department of the Vermont University, and commenced prac tice at Montpelier. In consequence of his activity, intelligence and skill, he soon ac quired a large professional business, and June 9, 1825, married Miss Mary Perrin, daughter of Zachariah Perrin, of Berlin. The fruit of this union was 18 years of happy domestic life and 4 children : Chas. and Edward Dewey, of MontpeUer, Geo. Dewey, of the U. S. Navy, and Mrs. Dr. Geo. P. Greeley, of Nashua, N. H. Fur thermore, these years were crowned with professional and financial success, but all too soon, the faithful wife and mother was called fi-om her earthly home, and the circle thus painfully broken, remained severed about 2 years, when it became restored by a second marriage with Mrs. Susan L. Tarbox, of Randolph, an estimable lady, who brought with her an excellent daugh ter, now the wife, of his oldest son, which arrangement proved very happy in all re spects. Though brought up in a family the heads^ of which were rigidly Puritan, Dr. Dewey chose the Protestant Episcopal church, in which he was long a faithful office-bearer, a liberal supporter and an influential ad viser, especially against the modern fash ions which find no countenance except in the Roman churches. In politics, he was ardent and intelligent, and to him, per haps, quite as much as any other one, is to be ascribed the defeat of the anti-masonic Gov. Palmer in 1835, ^nd the subsequent success of the Whig and Republican par ties in Vermont ; yet he was never an office-seeker, but acted simply upon his convictions of what was best for the State and the nation. In 1850, Dr. Dewey, with others, or- MONTPELIER. 479 ganized the National Life Insurance Com pany of Montpelier, and soon became its president and chief manager, and so re mained untU his death. Under his auspi cious management, in 27 years, the com pany has acquired a large number of policy-holders, presenting a record of suc cess unequaUed, and worthy the confidence and patronage of those who desire at death to doubly ensure, if possible, a legacy to their famiUes. Indeed, amid the financial ruin and distress prevalent, this noble monument of his provident care and in dustry affords relief to many a worthy debtor, and stands against the invasion of want as a bulwark to many a widowed and orphaned home. In 1854, being deprived by death of a second wife, at 53 years of age, apparently in the prime of life, and by nature strongly inclined to make the best of life and its blessings, especially the endearments and comforts of home, he fortunately married Mrs. Susan E. Lilley, of Worcester, Mass., a beautiful and exceUent woman, who also brought with her a beautiful daughter, now the wife of his second son, and for the last 20 years made his home a paradise, until his final departure shrouds it in mourning, (1876.) During his last years, his relations as husband, parent and grand-parent were eminently happy. I have heard him re mark that few men had been so unfortunate as himself in the loss of excellent wives, and that no man could have been more fortunate in replacing them. He was very strongly attached to home and its endear ments — his wife, children and grand children, and they always received from him the kindest attention, care and pro vision ; and, in return, he received from them, and carried with him at his depart ure their utmost love, confidence and re spect. Dr. Dewey was eminently, a strong, self- made man,— a person who thought care fully, inteUigently and broadly; conse quently, every enterprise to which he put his hands, proved a success. Education, the church, aU forms of public welfare- town, state and national, as the found ation and defense of home, social order, progress and wealth, were near and dear to his heart, and always received his cor dial support. During a long and active life, his abUity and integrity reached and maintained the highest standard. Socially, he was friendly, open and cheerful. On the 20th of May, 1876, he partook of a hearty dinner, over-exercised, and be carae much excited in discussion. Imme diately, symptoms of disturbed digestion began, and a bad night followed, the pulse soon falling to 28 or 30 per minute. This state continued until the raorning of the 29th, at 3 : 30 o'clock, when, in fuU con sciousness, in the 76th year ofhis age, the heart instantly ceased to beat, the counte nance flushed, soon became fuU and dusky, efforts at respiration ceased almost imrae diately, consciousness was gone, and the paleness of death settled over the features. "Soul, thought, will, Ideation- All, so quickly severed From their loved abode — O, who may or e'er can. The mystery of life. Of death, Illume, unveil. To the mourning circle Left behind?" MEDICAL MEN OF MONTPELIER. BV DB. SDMNEB PUTNAM. FREDERICK W. ADAMS was born in Pawlet, in 1786, and his lit erary reraains show him to have been ed ucated. He studied medicine with Dr. Oliver Harmon, of Pawlet, attended med ical lectures at Dartmouth CoUege, and began practice in Fairfield before he grad uated. Remaining there some tirae, he moved to Cambridge, and from Cambridge to Barton in 18 14, and in 1822, returned to Dartmouth, and received his diploma. He continued to practice in Barton and vicinity till 1836, where he acquired great reputation as a physician and surgeon, being called at times a distance of 50 miles to perform capital operations. He was also the first, or one of the first, to call attention to the American hellebore or veratrum viride in practice. In the winter of 1835 and 1836, he attended medical lec tures at Philadelphia, with a view of set- 48o VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. tling in Montpelier, which he did in 1836, his name and reputation soon following, if it had not already preceded him. Located at Montpelier, he was at first shunned by many on account of his re puted skepticism ; but being a large, gen tlemanly appearing man, of dignified pres ence, destined to excite attention and command respect or fear anywhere, he soon became a leading practitioner in the town and surrounding country. Dr. Adams -was a man of literary taste, and having long been esteemed an infidel or atheist, he, in 1843, at the request of friends, published a book entitled " The ological Criticism," which entitles him to rank with Paine and IngersoU in their esti mate of the Bible, the church and the clergy. But only as respects these points did his skeptical philosophy seem to touch his heart, as the foUowing may tend to show : When he first came here, a lead ing church felt it a duty to circulate papers asking its members to sign their naraes promising not to employ him profession ally. After a time, the same inen, one a deacon, who circulated the first paper, came to him with a subscription paper to help repair the church, to which appeal he replied, " God forbid that he should so misapply his money. He much preferred to give it to the poor and needy whom he knew." All of those formerly acquainted with hira here, with whom I have conversed, declare the Doctor to have been a very benevolent, generous, honorable, kind- hearted man. Says one, "He lived more practical Christianity daily, than any other ntan in town." When a poor man asked him for his bUl, he would say, "How much money have you ? " " O , not much ! " would be the reply. "How many children have you?" " Four or five," as the case might be. "WeU, then, you will want aU the money you have, and more too ; here, take this," handing out five dollars, per haps. Also, every now and then he would buy a web of calico, cotton cloth, or what ever he thought might be needed, and slyly hand it in at the back door of the poor. On the other hand, of the usurious rich, he would take a good bill, but no more than professional, saying to himself, if I get the rnoney, I shaU give some of it to the needy, and that they wiU not do if they keep it. A lady, whose famUy phy sician he had been, said, " do not have it go into his biography that he was an in fidel, for he was not. See the lines he composed on the death of my daughter," handing rae the long-preserved lines, full of beautiful sentiment : O, God I forgive us the distrust Deep agony hath wrought. Of dispensation doubtless Just, With hidden mercies fraught. But when an Idol Is removed. Although from earth to Heaven, Our hearts rebel, that one so loved Should have beeu lent, not given. O, hard, and harder yet to bear The cross we now sustain; While memory will not forbear To ambrotype our pain. We own that we should be resigned. And put In God our trust; Yet human selfishness Is blind. Nor sees that God Is Just. Hence, we should solemnly invoke The Faith too seldom glv'n, That sees this mercy, In the stroke, A soul transferred lo Heaven. It is said that he and Dr. Shelton, Rector of the Episcopal church in this place at that time, were on particularly good terms, often joking and bantering each other — Shelton often inviting Dr. A. to attend church, while he would as often contempt uously decline to so misspend his time. But Dr. S. having prepared a sermon for him, continued to invite him to church, and at last he came, when the usher seated him well up in front. Dr. S. now took from the drawer his long-prepared sermon, on the text, "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God," and delivered from his pulpit a powerful discourse, which Dr. A. seemed to take pretty much to himself, meanwhile, sitting uneasily in his seat, and sweating profusely. The old Doctor had a good raind to be raad, but then he con cluded to blov^ it off. Dr. Adaras was a musician, and also made violins, which are said to have chal lenged the admiration of Ole Bull. Ole Bull called on him when here, and he and the Doctor had some music. ^^^/y6(/?97yrt^^ (y^^tiffzh^^ , MONTPELIER. 481 He was twice married, and a daughter of his now resides in Barton. He died Dec. 17, 1858, of pneumonia, aged 72, with a clear intellect, and when asked if he died as he had lived, answered, " If there is a Christian's God, I am not afraid to trust myself in his hands." Abridged from memoir In Transactions of the Vermont Medical Society. DR. C. B. CHANDLER was born Apr. 24, 1796, at Chester. Dur ing his minority, he resided at the home of his father upon the farm, and acquired at the common school and Chester Academy sufficient education to become a successful teacher. He read medicine with Dr. Bowen, at tended lectures at Woodstock, and after, at Brown University, R. I. ; where he grad uated, and commenced practice in Tun bridge in 1823. About the same tim'e, he married Miss Nancy Atherton, of Balti more, by whom he had two sons, who are now alive, and one of whora succeeded him in business in this town, and is now in fuU practice. In 1837, his first wife died. After this he married Miss Amanda Chapman, of Tunbridge, who died in 1841, His third marriage was to Mrs. F. A. C. Harvey, of Cabot, who survived him. Having practiced his profession suc cessfully 33 years in Tunbridge, he came to MontpeUer, and bought out Dr. Orrin Smith, and soon acquired a good practice, showing himself, in the 10 years which he resided here, to be a careful, judicious physician, a good surgeon, a friendly, gen erous, and strictly honorable man. With out sickness, warning or premonition, he died instantly, Jan. 8, 1867, in his 71st year, whUe unharnessing his horse after a long ride ; it was supposed of apoplexy, as ' several of the family had died from that cause. The high estimation in which he was held in every respect may be inferred from the following extract from a daily paper published in Montpelier at the time of his death. " He reraoved," says the editor of the Freeman, "to Montpelier in 1856, where for his high reputation as a skillful surgeon and physician, and his exceUences 61 as a citizen, ever ready and zealous in every good work, he was highly esteemed. Though far advanced in years, he seemed to be physically and intellectuallyvigorous, and to the last was actively engaged in his profession. His death is, therefore, a se vere loss to his family, to the medical pro fession, and to the community. They find consolation in the remembrance that his life had been one of great usefulness, founded upon his firm conviction of the genuineness of practical Christianity. Ir reproachable in all his relations in life, invaluable as a friend, of most excellent example as a citizen, and performing with scrupulous fidelity and with untiring labor every prompting of the warmest and kind est heart, he was in all his life the truest type of the upright, benevolent, beneficent man. Others have left us more noted, perhaps, for talents and high position be- ^ fore the public, but never one more missed and mourned than is, and long wUl be, this worthy, active, and intelligent Chris tian physician. Ever humane and self-sacrificing, he as cheerfully bestowed his professional aid on the poor, when he never asked or expected pay, as on the wealthy and influential ; and it has been this noble trait, in addi tion to his fine social qualities, his entire sincerity and sterling worth as a raan, which has so widely endeared him to all classes of people in this region of country. He once told a friend that he wanted no higher fame, and no better reward, than to have it thought and said at his death, that he sincerely endeavored to do all the good he could, and to be a kind and honest man. DR. C. M. RUBLEE. Chauncey Moore Rublee, son of Luman and Mrs. Luman (Burbank) Rublee, was born at Montpelier, Nov. 25, 1823. At fourteen, he left the Academy in this place, and became a clerk in the drug store of E. H. Prentiss, and, after 2 years' service, began the study of medicine with Dr. Charles Clark ; attended medical lectures, and graduated at Woodstock, after three years' study. In Dec. 1848, he sailed for 4^2 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Paris, and writes to his friends of the pas sage : "We had but two storms, and I assure you I never wish to witness another. I wished myself in Vermont. When I saw the noble ship in which I was about to sail, lying at the dock, it did not seem possible for it to be blown about by the wind, but after getting out to sea, I realized what the wind and waves could do, and then the ship appeared to me as it .was — a raere egg-shell dancing upon the water. On reaching Paris, I hired a roora, furnished with everything necessary, and a femme, as they are called here, to take care of it, for which I pay $6 per month, and I get my food where I please. I devote con siderable of my time at present, to learn ing to speak French, and am able to talk a Uttle." Again: " In the fore part of the day, I am either at the lying-in hospital with Paul Dubois, or in the surgeons' hos pital with Velpeau ; in the fever hospital with Louis, or at the venereal hospital with Ricord. Paul Dubois is considered the most able man in his hospital in Paris. I had a letter of introduction to him. He received me very kindly, and offered me any assistance he could render. He speaks English very well." In the sarae letter he writes of the Rev olution of 1848 : " The Frenchmen have accomplished a great work, drove Louis PhiUip from his throne, . . . and pro claimed France a RepubUc, in the presence of 700,000 people." Of the Socialist In surrection which followed in June, he wrote Aug. 6 : " Several pieces of cannon were stationed near the street where I live, and it was one continual roar. After each shot, a load of wounded would be carried by my window. Of 400 in one command, all kiUed but 30. Next morning I went to the dead house where the killed were deposit ed before burial — a sad picture — fathers and mothers after their sons, sisters for their brothers, and when they found them, it would seem as if they would die with sorrow." On returning to Montpelier, he began practice, and soon married Miss Sarah E. Clark, daughter of Dr. Charles Clark. In 1855, he moved to Boston, to engage in city practice, but before long his health began to fail ; it never had been strong, and while at Boston he bled at the lungs two or three times, which induced him to return to MontpeUer, where he continued to do office business, making a specialty of diseases of the eye and ear, and surgi cal cases. In the winter of i860, he spent 3 months in Paris, by which his health was improved. He had one son, Chas. C. Rublee, M. D. Dr. C. M. Rublee was a clear-headed, en ergetic, honorable man, a good physician and surgeon, and accumulated property from the practice of his profession, though his body was weak and infirm. He kept office hours 5 years after he was unable to walk any considerable distance, seldom, or never, mentioning his own sufferings and infirmities. During the last month of his life he was confined to his room, his cough becoming worse, prostration rapidly increased, and death came to his relief Jan. 26, 1870, DR. W. H. H. RICHARDSON, son of Samuel and Martha Richardson, was born in Orange, Vt., in 1824, and died of cerebral apoplexy, in Winona, Minn., June 5, '74. At an early age, having shown an aptitude for learning, he was fitted for college at Thetford Academy, and entered Dartmouth, where he remained to the end of his junior year ; on account of ill health he was obliged to omit the senior year ; but left college with a good reputation for scholarship and moral character. After regaining his health, he com menced the study of medicine in the office of Dr. Taplin, of Corinth, Vt., and at tended lectures at Pittsfield, Mass., grad uating in 1849. Subsequently, he grad uated at the College of Physicians and ' Surgeons, New York city, and entered BeUevue Hospital, where he reraained one year as house physician. In Oct. 1850, he married Miss Cynthia P. Stewart, and in 1851, commenced the practice of his profession in East Mont pelier, removing to Montpelier in 1856, where for 1 1 years he enjoyed a large and lucrative practice. By rigid economy and '"¦te -w* %^ '%/. ¦¦ . Ji***^ h^m j^ J°^ ,^p% Jf MONTPELIER. 483 close attention to business, he acquired a very respectable competence. In 1866, becoming tired of riding over the adjacent hills at all hours of the day and night, realizing, as only a physician can, the magnitude of the burden as age advances, which raany times is a thank less task, he determined to remove to a more densely populated country, and, after traveling through the Western States, he purchased a' residence in the beautiful city of Winona, Minn., on the westerly bank of the great Mississippi, where, surround ed by his family, possessed of urbanity and great good sense, he enjoyed the confidence and respect of his neighbors and towns people and the profession to which he be longed, as well as that of those who sought his counsel and advice. CAPT. NATHAN JEWETT was born in Hopkinton, N. H., March 8, 1767, and died in Montpelier Dec. 29, 1861, in his 9Sth year. About the time Vermont declared her independence, the church in Connecticut, which ruled that State, commenced a persecution of the brethren who preferred the Cambridge Platform, which drove several clergymen and many exceUent men into other states. Several of the fugitives came to Vermont and New Hampshire and settled in or near the Connecticut river vaUey, and among these was the Hon. Elisha Payne, who was very influential in effecting the two unions of New Hampshire towns with Vermont, and for a time held the offices of Lieut. Governor and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Vermont, though residing in what is now Lebanon, N. H. Capt. Jewett commended himself to Gov. Payne so weU that he won the Governor's daughter Ruth, born at Plainfield, Conn., July 9, 1770, and married her Dec. 10, 1793, at Lebanon. From this marriage came the son, whose notice follows, and two daughters who were long ornaments in the society of MontpeUer: Julia Jew ett, widow first of Chester Hubbard, a successful merchant, and last of Hon. Au gustine Clarke, who was State Treasurer ; and Eliza S. Jewett, widow of the Hon. WiUiam R. Shafter, of Townshend. Mrs. Clarke died June i, 1881, at the age of 87 years. Mrs. Shafter is still living. Capt. Jewett came to Montpelier in 1807, and resided there untU his death, always highly respected for perfect probity, and generosity beyond his means in behalf of the best interests of the community. I remember him as a well formed man and dignified and gentlemanly in his demeanor — qualities which contributed to his election to the captaincy of the Washington Artillery. This company was speciaUy incorporated as the Governor's guard, consisted of picked men, and was entirely independent of other military organizations. The dignity of a Cap taincy in such a company was equal to that Of a Major General of the railitia. Indeed, on election day the Captain was quite as great in the eyes of the customary crowd as His Excellency the Governor, His Hon or the Lieut. Governor, the Honorable Council, and the General Assembly. COL. ELISHA PAYNE JEWETT was born in Lebanon, N. H., June 5th, 1 80 1, and married Miss Julia Kellogg Field, daughter of the late Hon. Charles K. Field of Brattleboro, Jan. 15, 1861. He was the only son of Nathan and Ruth Payne Jewett, and he has an only daughter who bears her grand-mother Jewett's name. Col. Jewett at 15 years was apprenticed to the late Hon. Daniel Baldwin as a clerk in the mercantile business, and after ser vice for six years he engaged in trade for himself successfully, in the firms of Hub bard & Jewett and Jewett, Howes & Co. On retiring from that business he was in terested in the construction of a portion of the Vermont Central Railroad, and of the Great Western from Suspension Bridge to Hamilton, Ontario. Later he engaged in agriculture, pur chasing the beautifiil farm on the Winooski, in the south-west corner of the town, on which the first settlement was made. He has greatly improved that farm and other lands in his possession. It is however for Col. Jewett's active exertions, by his 484 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. personal influence and very generous con tributions for the good of his town, to churches. State houses, and other things touching the interests of his neighbors, that he wUl long have "a name to live." His integrity and reputation as a finan cier are fully attested by the offices he has held. He was a bank director in Montpe lier for 42 years ; president of the State Bank (Montpelier) 6 years ; State Treas urer — 1846 and 7, and town representative in 1855. He was also Presidential Elec tor at large in 1872. Some of the services of Col. Jewett, in getting up the Vermont Central Railroad, have been already no ticed in the history of Montpelier, but one incident remains to be recorded. The Vermont Central Railroad never could have been built without a connecting road in New Hampshire, and the dominant par ty in that State was hostile to railroads. A committee of Central men, of which Col. Jewett was one, was therefore sent to Concord to wait upon the legislature and secure a charter. A scheme was arranged by Franklin Pierce, soon afterwards Presi dent, Judge Upham and others, to have charters granted on condition that no rail roads should be built except on the con sent of a board of commissioners, who of course \would be of the dominant party. Col. Jewett therefore ensconced himself at the Democratic head-quarters and soon prevailed upon an influential anti-railroad man to accept the office of commissioner, and the charter was granted. Soon after wards Col. Jewett assisted in Gov. Paine's flank movement in favor of the Fitchburgh line, when the RaUroad Commissioners hastened to approve the charter of the Northern N.H. Railroad Company. Col. Jewett derives his military title from having been, with Gov. Charles Paine, on the staff of Maj. Gen. Ezekiel P. Walton. E. P. w. SAMUEL WELLS. If intelligent and successful devotion to the highest interests of a community for the best portion of a more than average life entitles one to grateful mention when the record of that community is made up. then surely does the subject of this sketch deserve a no mean place upon the roll of honor of Montpelier. Samuel Wells was born in Milton, Chittenden County, Vt., Sept. 23, 1822. His father, William Wells, was arespected farmer of that town, and a veteran of the War of 1812, having served five years as a non-commissioned officer. The record says : "He was in the expedition which invaded Canada under Gen. Scott, and participated in the battles of Chippewa, French's Mills, and the siege and capture of Fort Erie. He was also one of the sur vivors of the memorable charge at Lundy's Lane, under Col. MUler, when two-thirds of the attacking force was cut down." Samuel was the eldest of seven chUdren, five of whora died in chUdhood. With no educational advantages in early life but the coramon schools of that day, these were so prized and utilized as to enable the farmer boy himself to becorae a suc cessful teacher at the early age of 18. Sub sequently he entered the law office of Hon. A. G. Whittemore, of MUton, where he not only completed his course of legal studies, but, better still, became so thor oughly imbued with the high-toned pro fessional practice and honorable business habits of the distinguished gentleman with whom he studied, as to furnish him amodel in all his subsequent life. WhUe .studying law he also acquired a knowledge of prac tical surveying, which was of great service to him in after years. After admission to the bar in Chittenden County, Mr. Wells opened an office in Bakersfield, Franklin County, where he practiced his profession for some two years. During this period he interested himself in the subject of fire insurance, and finally became impressed with the advisability of the farmers of the State effecting insurance by themselves, and thus avoiding liabUity for the more hazardous classes of fire risks. Accordingly, in October, 1849, he came to Montpelier, >^-^>^ MONTPELIER. 499 itinerant ministry of that denomination, joining the New Hampshire Conference at a tirae when it included all the territory of Vermont east of the Green Mountains. During the earlier period of his ministry he preached at Greensboro, Troy, West- field, Walden, Cabot and East St. Johns- bury, touching, meantime, the top and bottora of the toils and trials, joys and triumphs, of the itinerancy in very difficult fields at that early day. About forty years ago he moved, with his faraily, to New bury, to give his children the benefit of the old Newbury Seminary. During his residence of fifteen years, or more, at that place, he supplied several churches in the vicinity of Newbury, also devoting much time to teaching. In the year 1855 he re moved to Montpelier, and for several years supplied churches at East Montpelier, Wright's Mills and Berlin. He was the "stated supply" of the latter charge, in deed, for nine consecutive years, during much of that time occupying, with his ven erable raother, the old parsonage, and per forming most acceptably all the duties of the pastorate. During the past ten or twelve years he has spent many months, from time to time, in the family of his son- in-law, the writer, and wUl be well re membered at Monson, Brookfield, Danvers, and especially at Milford — supplying with great acceptance, during the writer's pas torate at the latter place, the adjacent Mendon charge for the space of one year. For the last four or five years of his life, "in age and feebleness extreme," he " halted feebly to the tomb," tenderiy cher ished and cared for in the home of his son, Col A. C. Brown, Montpelier. Of the life, gifts and activities of Father Brown, much might be said. He was an instructive, sensible, and sympathetic preacher, and a most successful pastor. Very tall , and large and massive physically, his personal appearance, with his flowing, patriarchal beard, was very impressive. Exemplary in all his walk and character, and always ready for every good work in the interest of religion and humanity, being particularly ardent and active on temper ance lines, he commanded the universal and affectionate esteem of all classes of citizens in the several communities where he labored. No teacher, or preacher, per haps, was ever more fondly regarded or tenderly remembered. Hence his ser vices to preside at weddings and on funeral occasions were in constant requisition. The aged were wont to seek his companion ship, while the young and those in middle life looked to him for counsel ; and even Uttle children always had a glad word and a pleasant smile for Father Brown, cheer ing his last days by gifts of flowers, not more fresh and fragrant than the innocence and love of their sweet young lives that prompted these gifts. He warmly appre ciated and very gratefully remembered all the kind and thoughtful attentions of neighbors and friends during his declining years. Though his life of nearly fourscore years brought to him his full share of burden- bearing, and responsibility, and physical suffering, and sorrow, he never wavered in his convictions, or shrank from any post of duty when clearly presented to hira. Not only so, but endowed by nature with a fine vein of humor, his strong religious trust conspired with his very genial tem perament to enable him, in the midst of all his troubles and sorrows, to maintain an untroubled serenity and cheerfulness. He was one of the sunniest and most kindly of men. Father B. was a great Bible reader, having, in the course of his life, read the Sacred Volurae through scores of times. His favorite text, and one which in his later days he has been often heard, and with great fervor, to repeat, was : " I have been young, and now am old, yet have I never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." — Ps. 37 : 25. Over a quarter of a century ago Mr. Brown buried the companion of his youth. Three out of five children survive him. In the weakness of his last days he was con stantly "waiting and watching" for the raoment that should announce his happy release. Very quietly at last, as if he had laid hira down to sleep, he entered into his final rest. Rev. N. Fellows, his pastor, on the occasion of his funeral, which was 500 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. very largely attended, gave a very compre hensive, appropriate and impressive review of Mr. Brown's life and character, earnestly recommending to the church of which he was a meraber, and to all who knew him, to follow the example of his consecrated life. R. H. H. Mr. Brown was a member of the Masonic fraternity, and had taken the several de grees up to and including the Knights Templar. He was a member of Aurora Lodge, No. 22, from the records of which we take the following : A Ilf MEM.OB.IAja. BRO. ELISHA BROWN, Born in Gloucester, R. I., May 14, 1802, Died at Montpelier, Vt., February nth, 188 Aged 78 years and 9 months. Took his degrees in Aurora Lodge, No. 22, as follows : Initiated Feb. 8th, 1869. Passed Feb. isth, 1869. Raised Feb. 22d, 1869. Chaplain of Aurora Lodge, No. 22, From December 13, 1869, to April 15, 18 ' Summoned from labor to refreshment." MAJ. A. L. CARLTON. Alfred Lathrop Carlton was born in Morristown, Lamoille County, in 1829. His father, Benjamin FrankUn, and mother, Betsey Lathrop, a cousin of Daniel Web ster, were married in Waterbury in 1826. Mr. Carlton was the eldest of four sons, of whom but one survives. His mother is still living, being 84 years of age. He ob tained an excellent education, and was for some years a teacher. In 1854, he raarried Margaret, eldest daughter of Hon. Clark Fisk, of Eden, and removed to Montpelier, where he engaged in mercantile pursuits, which he stea'dily and successfully followed until the day of his death, with the ex ception of a few years' absence in obeying the call of his country. In the summer of 1862, Mr. Carlton en listed in the Eleventh Regiment, in camp at Brattleboro, and was soon commissioned by Gov. Holbrook as quartermaster of the regiment. This regiment, it will be re membered, was for some time eraployed in the defenses of Washington. While thus engaged, Lieut. Carlton was promoted to the responsible position of commissary of subsistence, with the rank of captain. Exceedingly capable and faithful as an officer, his field of duty was rapidly en larged, until the immense work of furnish ing supplies and cattle to the Army of the Potomac fell upon his shoulders. Ina single trip to Western Pennsylvania, for the purchase of cattle, he took out half a million of dollars, and drew on govern ment for another half million. To dis charge promptly and efficiently the duties of his position, he required the assistance of from one hundred to two hundred faith ful men, and often a 'detailed escort of as many more in taking herds to the front, and yet, so weU organized was his depart ment, so systematically conducted, and so well kept constantly in hand, that he might defy even the exigencies of war to find his account in an unsettled or unsat isfactory condition. Indeed, so enviable was his reputation as an officer, that when Senator Collamer, through whose kindness he received his promotion, inquired at the headquarters in Washington after the standing of his appointee, the reply was, "He is a raodel officer. His capacity, integrity, efficiency and invariable habit of closing up his affairs everyday, are worthy of all praise.'' Mr. Carlton was also de tailed for similar service in New York city, and at some southern points, being retained in service nearly a year after the general mustering out took place. Many were the bribes he refused during these years, saying, " I rather go home with a clear conscience." He was twice very dangerously ill ; once with his regiment, and again at Aquia Creek. As an attesta tion of his honorable record as an officer, he was made Major by brevet before leav ing the service, and that without any agency or knowledge on his part. Like hundreds of thousands of his asso ciates, Mr. Carlton returned from the field of strife to assume the avocations and re sponsibilities of a good citizen. Soon after his return, he made a public pro fession of his faith in Christ, which he had long cherished, and united with Bethany MONTPELIER. 501 church. From that time he was an active and influential meraber, holding various positions of honor and trust in both the church and society, and particularly in the Sabbath-school. He was a man of deep convictions and strong prejudices, and he would far sooner endure a sharp contro versy than yield a point which he beUeved to be right. His natural frankness and freedom of speech was augmented by an instructive and overwhelming detestation of hypocrisy and duplicity. He was an earnest worker in temperance and all moral reforms. The same qualities which con stituted his superiority as an officer in the array, marked his discharge of the various official trusts committed to him both in the church and cominunity. Capacity, in tegrity, system and promptness in under taking and completing a given duty, were his prominent traits. He was a strong power for good in the community in which he lived. He died in Montpelier, May 29, 1874- ROBERT HARVEY WHITTIER was the son of John Whittier and Sally Edgerton, of Cabot, was born in that town June 16, 1822, and died at Montpe lier Feb. 13, 1879. -^t *hs age of 21 years he came to Montpelier, under the friendly agency of the late Schuyler Phelps, Esq., of Berlin, and entered the service of the late WiUiam S. Smitb, who for many years conducted a meat market in this vUlage. After spending three or four years in this position, he went for a brief period to Bos ton, and then returned to Vermont and opened a meat market in St. Johnshury. After the expiration of about a year, and upon the death of Mr. Phelps, the friend and patron ofhis youth, Mr. Whittier was married to his daughter, Susan C, and re moved to the Phelps homestead, in Berlin, where he remained for seven or eight years. In 1858, he came to Montpelier and bought out the old and popular meat market of the late William B. Hubbard, "on the corner," which business he successfully and honorably conducted until the day of his. death. The character of his. business was such as to bring him a very extended acquaintance, and his proverbially genial nature and buoyant spirits made friends of all who knew him — insomuch that the business men of the town are few who were so extensively known or whose death would be so seriously felt. In the death of Mr. Whittier the community has lost a public spirited citizen, whose shoulders were always ready for his share of the bur dens ; the poor a generous friend, the ex tent of whose quiet charities will never be revealed in time ; the church of his choice a habitual attendant, and appreciative lis tener and a ready and cheerful supporter ; his family the kindest of husbands and fathers. Mr. Whittier leaves a widow and son, who share the heartiest sympathy of the entire community. The funeral was observed on Saturday, Rev. Mr. Hincks, of Bethany church, officiating. A large concourse of people were in attendance, as were the Masonic fraternity in a body. — Watch-man. THE DODGE FAMILY. In 181 1 two brothers, Jared and Thomas Dodge, who were born in New Hamp shire, came from Barre to this town. Jaredi the eldest of the two, early be came a member of the Congregational church, and was a devoted member until his death. He married Naomi Olcutt, of Keene, N. H., and reared a family of 6 sons and 3 daughters, another daughter dying in infancy. Mary, the eldest, mar ried for her first husband a Mr. Wallace, and for her second, William Storrs, for many years a merchant in town, who died in March, 1870. She was a Spartan mother, for she gave her two only sons to the late war, who were both sacrificed upon the altar of their country. (See the town military record.) Of the other daughters, Angelina and Abigail died when in their teens. Almira married, and is yet living. Of the sons, Theodore A., the eldest, was a very eccentric man. When the rebellion broke out, he offered his services to his country, but for age and disability was re jected. We give an extract from one of his poetic effusions, to the tune, " Scots wha hae wi' Wallace bled" : 502 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. THE VERMONT VOLUNTEER. Who for Freedom's cause and law. Freedom's sword of Justice draw. For the hope that sages saw, " Let him follow me." By the blood our fathers shed, Reeking in a gory bed. By the great Immortal dead, Onto victory 1 Be this Freedom's call to earth, Mindless of whate'er their birth. Let all people shout it forth. Bouse the world to armsl Here hath Freedom's sun arose. On the hearth-stone 'raid Its foes. Flashing bright on ceaseless blows. Conflict and alarms. Blades are crossed and red with gore. Let ns rise as those of yore. From the monntain and the shore, A1id relight their brands. Heroes sleeping 'neath the sod. Shall time waken unto God, When 'tis only His the rod, Then shall right abide. He died in 1879, aged 65. Eleazerwent to California at an early day, where he yet resides. GUman B. has been for raany years janitor of Bethany church. Richard S. is the veteran of two wars. (See town military record of Mexican War and RebeUion.) At the battle of Chepul- tepec, Mexico, he was complimented by his officers for bravery in the storming of the fort. He was the first man to scale the walls, and when handing down the enemy's flag, received a bayonet wound in the face, which scar he carries to this day, as he does also several others received in action. When a boy he was dubbed with the title of " Shack," which he is familiarly known by to this day. To give all of the narrow escapes which he has passed through would fiU a volume. He wasnever " dared" but what he made the "attempt," regard less of the result. The other two, Wra. and Joel, also reside in town. Jared died Mar. I, 1859, in his 82d year, and his wife in Aug. 1877, in her 92d year. Thomas married twice ; had 4 children by his first marriage— i son and 3 daugh ters, Job Dodge, the son, died a year since, in Illinois, leaving a large estate ;— his second wife was Abby S. (Cady) Grant, by whom he had two daughters. He was^ for several years a partner with Silas C." French, in the boot and shoe business. He died March 31, 1867, aged 78. His wife is now living, at the age of 79. He is credited as being the author of the quota tion of "A long pull, a strong -pull, and a pull altogether ." We are informed that the late U. S. Senator Jacob Collamer being informed of this, asked him for his pic ture, which upon receiving, had a portrait painted from it, and placed it in the Na tional Art Gallery at Washington, D. C. GEORGE LANGDON, fourth son of Col. James H. Langdon, was born in Montpelier in 1815, and died there Nov. 10, 1870, aged 55 years. Educated in the schools of Montpelier, and having received a handsome patrimony, he early in life married Miss Sarah Sumner, oldest daughter of Senator William Upham. Mrs. Langdon inherited the remarkable graces of her mother, and from the moment Mr. and Mrs. Langdon established themselves in a home, their gracious hospitality at orice attracted the best society, not only of Montpelier but of the State, and from other States. Mrs. Langdon had the ad vantage of experiences in the best society in the national capital, and thus with her qualities was admirably fitted to shine so cially. But it was not in polite society alone that Mr. Langdon was distinguished. He had a genial and generous heart, and knew the blessedness of giving to the poor. The late Rev. Dr. Lord wrote of him as follows : There are few of the prominent piiblic men of Verniont who will not recall his genial presence and his modest and gener ous courtesy and kindness. Placed by inherited wealth above the necessity of toil, and beyond anxiety, he has made the pleasant amenities and courtesies and hos pitalities of life his business. He was as kind to the poor as he was hospitable to his own class associates. We have known him to drive in a cold, stormy day in win ter, six miles, to carry to a desolate and aged widow, whose situation accidentally became known to him, a load of provisions suited to her necessities. His heart was ever overflowing with neighborly kindness, and his hand ever quick to assist in any of the trovibles of those around him. Few men will be more missed from our social life. '^%i>-"^ * ^^^^^CHL-^ CL'^^^~^^t,^cu^ MONTPELIER. S03 The tidings of his death will carry sor row to many hearts, and few who knew him will not give the tribute of a warm and honest tear to his memory. The places that knew hira will miss his accus tomed face, and will mourn for one of their most gentle and welcome visitants, and his raany friends and associates will never for get that presence, now made sacred by death, which always brought with it a most agreeable and genial atmosphere. MRS. JAMES R. LANGDON. [A brief of her funeral sermon by Dr. Lord, as the sweetest description that could be given, from this the sweetest of his printed sermons. We regret we have not space for the beautiful discourse en tire. — Ed.] "She hath done what she could." — Mark 14 : 3. It is a beautiful tribute to an af fectionate woman. It was the simple ac ceptance by the Son of God Qf a humble and fragrant nature which had bloomed out in hearty love for her Divine Lord. . . . In this memorial service for one who has been the companion of " honorable women not a few " in this church and community, I raay with propriety select these blessed words of our Saviour as most accurately descriptive of her character and work in life. I love not to lose from ray sight the faces of my dear friends and parishioners. I love not to bid farewell to those endeared to rae by a long and gentle rainistration of kindness and help ; but if I raust, . . it is with delight I may think and speak of them in such words as were consecrated by our Saviour to be the perpetual memorial . . . of those noble women who, how ever reserved and quiet and domestic, . . have yet in their place . . . earned for themselves, by their sweet and patient de votion, the generous applause of the Son of God : "they have done what they could." . . . What is the work of women in this world as servants of the blessed Jesus ? Have they influence peculiarly their own? .' . . If they are unfaithful is any one else able to take their place, and make our societies, our homes, our churches more and more like Heaven ? . . . When I lookupon such pure, gentle, unostentatious women as Mrs. Langdon was ; upon those beautifiil, honorable Christian women, not a few, who have lived among us, . . . I cannot doubt how such questions will have their answer. Such women as have lived in this vUlage as Christian mothers, wives and sisters, . . . whose names are embalmed with the spices of their own modesty and purity and love, with the fra grance of their own faith and charities, give us some idea of the saintly work which Christ has given to women to do in this world, and oftheir surprising fitness to do it ; both to soften its asperities, to subdue its roughest and worst characters, and to carry the self-sacrificing ministry of the Son of Man into all of our human abodes. ... I love to think that our Saviour places the seal of his benison . . on the qualities of spiritual sincerity and gentleness ; on the possible graces of a quiet Christian life ; on the offerings of self-denying love. She hath done what she could. She hath adorned her station with the precious graces of tenderness and love. This is the central and raost de cisive test of the excellence of all char acter, especially of those whose lives seera, but seem only, to be confined to a nar rower sphere than pertains to manly life, secluded within the walls of domestic care and duty and love. . . . We all know how great loveliness and sweetness there are in personal offices of love. We are famUiar with the. . . . supremacy of personal relationship and bonds. The per sonality of affection just suits itself to our natural wants. A religion that did not provide for the exercise of the domestic and personal offices of love would lack hold on our human sympathies, and Christ has blessed the sex with which his incar nated human life was alone positively affil iated and related, by bestowing a peculiar honor upon the quiet duties of personal love. . . . The kindness which watches over our earliest steps, the voice which di rects our first prayers and songs, ' the love which surrounds home with the charms of a regained Paradise, and fills the air of the household with the scent of violets and lilies, and with the perfume of personal service to the sick, the dying and the dead : these are the qualities and offices that meet the full benediction of Christ's word. Our Saviour had a very blessed personal relation with many noble women when he was here. His personal influence on the womanly hearts around him can be clearly traced as His work went on. She whom all the generations will call blessed, who is the only human medium of the assumption of our nature by the Infinite God, gave Him his first caress and received his last words of human love. What a wonderful relation ! In which her heart glowed with incomparable love, adding the sacredness of a religious feeling to the wealth of a mother's affection ; in which his heart beat with an unwonted pulse, adding the ten derness of huraan dependence, gratitude and trust, to the sentirjients of celestial pity and love. Sacred type of all blessed 504 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. maternal and filial love ; which is ever di vested of all the usual qualities of human passion and selfishness, and blends every thing that is best and purest in the human with everything that is sweetest and holiest in the Divine. What her happiness must have been in the more than thirty years in which she had Him to herself as a deep wellspring of delight, watching over Him, waiting on Him, beholding His glory and believing that glad, prophetic hymn which her own lips had sung before He was born, as to "how her soul rejoiced in God her Saviour." And what a happiness there must have been in his long troubled heart for her sake, we have some glimpses in the words which broke from his dying lips to the dearest disciple and the legacy He gives to the beloved John, " Son, behold thy mother." The domestic life of Christ is veiled, but if that veil were lifted, doubt less we should see how much his pure heart was strengthened by a rainistry raore sympathetic than that of the angels, how much a woman's hand soothed his spirit, and a mother's love solaced and helped his sorrows. We should see sorne of the blessed interchanges between the huraan mother and the Divine Son. But not from her alone did He have the ministry of personal kindness. A few devoted, grateful women waited upon Him all through his journeys. They gave him their enthusiastic sympathy in his work until the close of his life, and when He finished his suffering career on the cross, " Many women were there beholding and ministering unto Hira." . . . Blessed were those daughters of Jerusalera, . . . who bewailed their King as he trod the wine-press alone. But did these women alone have the honor? The service of Christ was not their monopoly. They were the first fruits ; they were examples . . . not to be envied ; but to be imi tated, by all their sisters who desire to know the unspeakable joy of Christian ser vice, and they have been imitated. Faith works by love, . . . and its power has not faUed since "Holy women," . . in all the relations of life, in the lowly offices of Christian ministration, have filled the houses which they adorned as wives, mothers aijd sisters, with the outpoured fragrance of the graces of Christ, ; . . and refreshed the hearts that trusted in them. Many sons have crowned their heads with' blessings. Their husbands have praised them in the gates of the city. They have made the deserts of this rough and arid life green as the land of Elira, and woven their precious .golden threads through the whole fabric of society till it has brightened with the warraest and deep est colors. Eternity alone can measure the influence of a virtuous woman ; a true- hearted daughter ; a loving sister ; a faith ful wife ; a devoted mother. Her price is above rubies. The heart of her husband safely trusts in her. She stretcheth her hand to the poor I need not say the memories I cherish of Mrs. Langdon have colored and im pressed all these thoughts which I have spoken to-day. . . . She was a Chris tian wife and mother, who consecrated her life to her holy domestic mission. . . . She made her home fragrant with the per fume of piety and love The thanks of tHe poor she has blessed ; the tributes of the sick she has visited ; the sweetness of the charities she has bestowed throng to make the fading light of her evening tranquil and beautifiil. Mrs. Langdon has resided here 38 years. She was the daughter of Mr. Charles Bowen, of Middlebury, whose life has not been unknown to us, and who, at his great age, remains to mourn over his daughter, and to look for the welcome she will give him to his long looked for home. She was married Dec. 22, 1836. Not long after, she united with the church whose welfare she has never for a moment for gotten. . . . To those who die in the Lord, death is only the gate ; its iron side turned toward us, its golden side turned the other way. w. h. l. Mrs. Langdon was Lucy Pomeroy Bowen, born Sept. 29, 1814, at Northfield, Mass., and died Aug. i, 1873. Her children were : Lucy Robbins, born Apr. 10, 1841 ; Har riet Frances, February 2, 1845 ; EUzabeth Whiteomb, Apr. 6, 1847 ; James Henry, Apr. 9, 1851. the GEORGE W. BAILEY FAMILY. I think no couple have ever contributed to Montpelier more stalwart, energetic, suc cessful and popular men than did the late Hon. Geo. W. Bailey and his wife, a sis ter of Hon. Abel K. Warren of Berlin. They were both natives of Berlin, but spent most of their active life in Elmore, where their chUdren were born, but, until the senior Bailey's death, resided in Mid dlesex, on the border of Montpelier. George W. Bailey, Jr., was the first to depart, in early manhood. He had adopted the law as his profession, was Secretary of State for four years, which at tested his fidelity in that office, married Georgiana, daughter of the late Col. Thom- MONTPELIER. SOS as Reed, but was soon stricken down by consumption, dying in Montpelier, July 13, 1864. Charles W. Bailey was one of the firm of Bailey Brothers, active and shrewd business men of Montpelier, engaged main ly in furnishing horses, cattle and sheep to Boston markets, where his attendance was regular, and by his fine personal presence and bluff but genial manijers he was a fa vorite. WhUe attending personally to the care of sheep on a freight train at Essex Junction, he was instantly killed, Sept. 23, 1876. More than a thousand people honored him, when his remains were brought to Montpelier to be borne to his home. Mr. BaUey left a widow, two sons and a daughter. His age was 45. J. Warren Bailey, the oldest of the brothers, was also a member of the firm for several years, and was also largely em ployed in civU offices in the town, in which, as in his own business, he was very effi cient. He died of a brief illness, April 21, 1880, aged 56. He left a widow and two daughters. The Boston Journal said : He was a brother of T. O. Bailey of the Pavilion, a member of the firm of Bailey, Bullock & Co., commission merchants, Chicago, and of V. W. Bullock & Co., Burlington, Iowa, grain dealers. Mr. Bai ley was in the grain business at Montpelier, a Director in the savings bank, and has held several town offices. He was univer sally liked and was very liberal in the use of his large property. He was the eldest of six brothers, three of whora now survive him, and was widely known. The Watchman &r' State Journal said : Born in Elmore May i, 1824, he was near the completion of his 56th year. About 25 years ago he came to Montpelier and engaged with John Peck in a general produce business in the store west of the "arch." The following year Mr, Peck withdrew, and the firm of Bailey Brothers was formed by the admission of Charles Bailey, — a partnership that was destined to achieve a widespread reputation for the extent and , fearlessness of its operations and the combination of business acumen and high sense of commercial honor it displayed. In 1846, the brothers gave up the store and confined their operations to a general live-stock business. At the dis solution of the partnership in 1872, each 64 continued to employ in distinct operations the comfortable fortunes their united ef forts had secured. Five years ago Mr. Bailey engaged with V .W. Bullock, Esq., in the grain business at Burlington, Iowa, and about a year ago his operations in that direction led to the formation of the firm of Bailey, BuUock & Co., in Chicago, his brother, E. W. BaUey, Esq., of Montpe lier, moving to Chicago to assume the act ive management of the business of this company. In 1855, Mr. Bailey was raar ried to Miss Harriet Guyer of Wolcott, who survives hira with the daughters. Misses Ella and Clara. The funeral was largely attended on Saturday, the citizens, repre senting every class of the coramunity, form ing an honorary escort to the cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. H. Hincks, assisted by Rev. N. Fellows of Trinity church. Among the mourning relatives was the venerable mother of the deceased, now verging on four score years, who has survived to fol low to the grave the three eldest of her six sons, each dying under peculiarly afflicting circumstances. Mr. BaUcy was distin guished for the native keenness and pre cision of his judgment in business trans actions. It was eminently speculative, but tempered with an element of caution, that taught him to shun hazardous ventures. In this community and among his former associates his bluff ways and ready humor wUl be greatly missed ; and his name will long survive in local anecdotes, illustrating his readiness at repartee and power of pun gent expression. In the loss of their nat ural guardian and protector, the widow and daughters will have the unfeigned sympa thy of this community, which wUl also ex tend to the aged mother, and to the sur viving sister and brothers the assurance of its participation in their sorrow. A fact but little known is that Warren and Charles Bailey furnished the United States with horses, for a regiment in the war for the Union. It was a gift worthy of mUlionaires, but they were not that, though wealthy, patriotic and generous. Both Warren and Charles also very large ly aided their brother, Theron O. Bailey, in constructing and furnishing the Pavilion, which has won rank among the very best hotels in New England, has made himself thereby widely famous. The other brothers are Doct. James, residing in Ticonderoga, N. Y., and Ed ward, who whUe retaining his business 5o6 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. interests in Montpelier, is largely engaged in the western states. A sister and the aged mother stiU reside in Elmore, e.p.w. CHARLES GAMAGE EASTMAN, born at Fryeburgh, Me., was brought to Barnard, the home ofhis father, at an early age, where amid the rural scenes of a town beautiful in mountain scenery, his early years were mostly passed. "His mother, Rebecca Gamage of Frye burgh, was a woman beautiful in mind, person and affections," in all which the son strongly resembled his mother. Born to dependence, chiefly upon his own resources, Charles Gamage worked his way through the district schools and neighboring academies up to college, com pleting his preparation at the academy in Meriden, N. H. ; he entered Buriington College, the University of Verraont, when about 18 years of age. Here he wrote for the old Burlington Sentinel first, and suc ceeding to the admiration of his party — he was a Democrat from his earliest years ; " always a Democrat and never anything but a Democrat " — he soon was contribu ting to the other Democratic papers of the State. His articles for the newspapers winning immediate appreciation most flat tering to a young author, his mind was soon turned to the after profession of his Ufe, that of an editor, which he left college before graduating to adopt. His first enterprise in opening his pro fession was the starting of a small journal in the interest of the Democratic party at Johnson, Lamoille Co., which obtained considerable attention, and was regarded a credit to the young editor, but not prov ing a money success, was relinquished, and in 1840, the no way discouraged editor established himself at Woodstock, the county town of old Windsor, and inaugu rated " The Spirit of the Age," and his journal at once assumed a high position among the Democratic organs of the State. The earnest, skillful editor, stUl in flush of early manhood, confident of the strength of his principles, entered like an athlete the newspaper arena, giving battle with vigor in all the political contests on the tapis, and consequently soon became "a leader in the councils of his party throughout the State," and duly " a prom inent director of its policy in national affairs." In 1846, he sold out The Spirit of the Age at Woodstock, and came to Mont pelier and bought out the Vermont Patriot, of which he continued the editor and pub lisher for the remainder of his life. At the same time that he established himself in Montpelier, he established for himself also, a home — how happily, he himself teaches in song. He married a daughter of Dr. John D. Powers of Woodstock, Mrs. Susan S. Havens, whose fairest praise is in that song from their domestic hearth : I touch my harp for one to me Of all the world most dear. Whose heart is like the golden sheaves That crown the ripened year; Whose eheek is fairer than the sky When 't blushes into morn. Whose voice was in the summer night Of silver streamlets born ; — To one whose eye the brightest star Might for a sister own, TJpon wliose Up the honey-bee Might bulld-her waxen throne; Wliose breath Is like the air that woos The buds In April hours. That stirs within the dreamy heart A sense of opening fiowers. I touch my harp for one to me Of all the world most dear. Whose heart is like the clustering vine That crowns the ripened year; -Wliose love Is like the living springs The mountain travellers taste. That stormy winter cannot chill. Nor thirsty summer waste. They had 2 sons and one daughter, all born in Montpelier. Eastman to his sleeping child : SWEETLY SHE SLEEPS. Sweetly she sleeps I her cheek sn fair Soft on the pillow pressed. Sweetly, seel while her Saxon hair Watches her heaving breast. Hush I all low, thou moving breeze. Breathe through her curtain white; Golden birds, on the maple trees. Let her sleep while her dreams are light. Sweetly she sleeps, her cheek so fair Soft ou her white arm pressed. Sweetly, seel and her childish care Files from her quiet rest. Hush I the earliest rays of light Their wings In the bine sea dip. Let her sleep, sweet child, with her dreams so bright. And the smile that bewilders her Up. (/2 Ct^^^UT^-Kl^CKyiAj MONTPELIER. 507 Mr. Eastman continued to prosper in his newspaper and political affairs. His paper was the leading Democratic organ of the State. We quote from the George R. Thompson and Gilman biography, prefac ing the last volume of his poems (1880.) It is as the conductor of this journal that he is the raost widely remembered among politicians ; and he managed it with an ability and faithfulness that secured it a reputation and influence seldom possess ed by a country newspaper. His writings in this paper were in accordance with the character of the raan, — direct, incisive, and earnest. He never hesitated to say what ever was true, if it were proper to be said ; and in his exposures of the errors or frauds of his opponents he eraployed inteUectual weapons of the sharpest and most cutting kind. His arguments were convincing, his logic clear, and his convictions were stamp ed with truth. His paper was not in any way pre-eminent as a literary one. It might be supposed, judging from his al most idolatrous Ipve of literary pursuits, that his journal would have been more prominent in that respect ; but he never seemed ambitious to make it so. These inclinations were gratified in another way. Though a meraber of a political party never in the ascendancy in Verraont, he occupied many influential official positions . He was a leading member of the Democratic Na tional Conventions of 1848, '52, '56 and '60, and at the time of his death was a prominent member of the National Demo cratic Committee. In 1852, '53, he was a senator of Wash ington County; "a laborious and useful one," and twice candidate of his party for a member of Congress, and postmaster of Montpelier about 6 years. In person, he was inclined to be large — not too large, — very handsomely forraed, with open, magnetic, beautiful counte nance, that drew alraost at will hosts of friends to his cordial heart. The idol of his party, he had a multitude of friends, also out of it. True to a poet nature, abstract ed, rapt, fitful, sombre at times, even ; now and then November, — probably, at a De cember tide — the height of the weird, when he traced that " scene in a Vermont win ter," that " fearful night in the winter time, as cold as it ever can be" — when "the moon is fuU but the wings of the furious blast dash out her light." *' All day had the snows come down— all day," *' The fence was lost and the wall of stone." ^* on the mountain peak How the old trees writhe and shriek ." " Such a night as this to be found abroad." The "shivering dog" "by the road." ' ' See him crouch and growl " ' 'and shut his eyes with a dismal howl." " And old man from the town to-night," that "lost the travelled way." " The midnight past," " the moon looks out," the Morgan mare " that at last o'er a log had floundered down," the old traveller " in coat and buf falo," stark and stiff in his sleigh in the snow-piled mountain hollow ! But an occasional mood ; he had the heart of June inhis nature — the spirit of spring in his spirit — whose verse oftener trailed over,one line blossoming into another, like a trailing arbutus in May woods. The old liked him. He was so genial ; young men and women liked him ; little children loved him. Long by those who were children in Montpelier in his time, will " his contagious laugh be remembered," and the charm ing hilarity with which he would push forward their innocent sports. It is said of him that no young man ever sought en couragement from him in vain. He had wide and generous views of life, an ample charity for thoughtlessness or " repented erring.". As the head of a family, we may quote the words of Dr. Lord to his mourn ing famUy at his funeral : You will remember him first and longest for what he was to you personally, — for what he was in his domestic and social re lations. You will not forget the kindness of his heart, the amenity and cheerfulness of his manners, the liveliness of fancy and wit with which he cheered the household. . . . You will not lose the recollection of his kind words, ofhis considerate atten tions, of his fatherly acts and affections. You will remember the melody of his flute as it led the voices of his children in their songs and hymns ; the written prayers, which I am told he composed for them, to be used morning and evening in their devo tions. And so long as love has a place in your hearts, this household will not cease to have a shrine where his meraory shall be kept green and sacred. The favorite of his party, as a politician, a lovely family and society man, it is still 5o8 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. as a poet that Eastman has been the widest known and his memory wUl be most peren nial. Fluent in composing, laborious in revision — from his college days, or a little before, he wrote and pruned, and pruned and rewrought, and pruned again, refining and changing almost ad infinitum tiU the day of his death. The result : " As a lyri cal poet there is no American writer who can be called his superior." He was the first American poet named with praise in the Edinburgh Review ; the old Scotchman, wary of American poets, broke through the ice and praised Eastman handsomely over 20 years since, while he yet lived to catch the beautiful over-the-ocean-glow coming from the fire he had kindled. FacUe, agree able, amusing, as a poet, but not confident. Strange ! Did he not know his own pow ers? It seems he did not; — "sensitive and doubtful as to their reception " — when his poems were committed to the press, when his book appeared and was winning golden laurels, " almost sorry he had pub lished it." The writer remembers to have heard hira say, he had made up his mind, he believed, to never publish any poem untU it had been written seven years and he had revised it every year. Mr. Eastman brought out his first vol ume of poems in 1848 ; from which he contributed with raanifold retouchings, to the poeras, ten pages to Miss Hemenway's First Edition of the Poets, and Poetry of Verraont in 1858, including : " A Picture." The farmer sat in his easy chair Smoking his pipe of clay—, Eastraan's " Dirge " : " Softly 1 She Is lying With her lips apart; Softly I She Is dying Of a broken heart." "I see her not" — "Uncle Jerry," and other pieces ; and in the same work, revised and enlarged, "A scene in the Vermont Winter," specially for the volume, and other poems ; as raany pages in this sec ond volume as in the first. Mr. Eastman's health began steadily to fail from May, i860. " An obstinate and painful disease burdened his spirit and wasted his frame." Never man needed rest more ; " but his pride and sympathies were enlisted in the business of his party," and too faithful to the complicated respon sibilities identified with and accumulated upon him, he unwisely, but most unsel fishly, (says Mr. Thompson in his sketch), raade secondary his own interest of health and life. " But he was at home in the bosom of his faraily when his eyes closed to the scenes he loved so well ; and his last raoraents, painless and calm, were brightened by the love of family and friends, and cheered with the substantial hope of eternal happiness and joy." He died at his residence in Montpelier, Sept. 16, i860. Mary Avery Eastman, the last and only living descendant, was born in Mont pelier, in 1849. She married, 1S72, Eldin J. Hartshorn, son of Hon. John W. Harts horn of this State, and now resides at Emmetsburg, Iowa, whSre her husband is practicing his profession of the law; has been State Senator, &c. John G. Eastman, eldest son of Chas. G., died in Montpelier in his 20th year. May 30, 1870. Edward S., second son of Charles G., died in Montpelier in his 19th year, Oct. 2, 1875. Mrs. Eastman, for several years after her husband's decease, until after, the death of her two sons, continued to reside at Montpelier, spending a part of each year with her daughter at the West ; but within a few years has again taken up her residence in Woodstock. To the first and sweetest of our Poets — pre-eminently our State bard, we must — we could not satisfy Montpelier otherwise, nor yet ourself, though crowding to a close — make space for yet a cluster from his poems to lay at the foot of his biography at the Capital : THE FIRST SETTLER. His hair is white as tlie winter snow. His years are many, as you may know,— Some eighty-two or three ; Yet a hale old man, still strong and stout. And able when 'tis fair to go out His friends in the street to see ; And all who see his face still pray That for many a long and quiet day He may live, by the Lord's mercy. MONTPELIER. 509 He came to the State when the town was new. When the lordly pine and the hemlock grew In the place where the court house stands ; When the stunted ash and the alder black, The slender fir and the tamarack. Stood thick on the meadow lands; And the brook, that now so feebly flows. Covered the soil where the farmer hoes The corn with his hardy hands. He built In the town the flrst log hut; And he is the man, they say, who cut The first old forest oak ; His axe was the first, with its echoes rude, To startle the ear of the solitude, With its steady and rapid stroke. From his high log-heap through the trees arose. First, on the hills, mid the winter snows. The flre and the curling smoke. On the land he cleared the first hard year. When he trapped the beaver and shot the deer. Swings the sign of the great hotel; By the path where he drove his ox to drink The luill-dam roars and the hammers clink. And the factoi-y rings Its bell. And where the main street comes up ft-om the south Was the road he " blazed " from the river's mouth. As the books of the town will tell. In the village, here, where the tree-s are seen. Circling 'round the beautiful Green, He planted his hills of corn; And there, where you see that long brick row, Swelling with silk and calico. Stood the hut he built one mom; Old Central street was his pasture lane, Aud down by the church he will put his cane On the spot where his boys were born. For many an hour I have heard him tell Of the time, he says, he remembers well. When high on the rock he stood. And nothing met his wandering eye Above, but the clouds and the broad blue sky, And below, tho waving wood ; And how, at night, the wolf would howl Bound his huge log fire, and the panther growl, • And the black fox bark by the road. He looks with pride on the village grown So large oji the land that he used to own; And still as he sees the wall Of huge blocks built, in less than the time It took, when he was fresh in his prime. To gather his crops In the fall ; He thinks, with the work that, somehow, he Is identified, and must oversee And superintend It all. His hair Is white as the winter snow, And his years are many, as you may know,— Sorae eighty-two or three; Yet all who see his face will pray. For many a long and quiet day By the Lord's good grace, that lie May be left In the land, still hale and stout. And able still when 'tis fair, to go out His Arleuds In the street to see. THE BATTLE OF PLATTSBURGH. He who lias still left ofhis two hands but oue. With that let him grapple a sword ; And he who has two, let him handle a gun ; And forward, boys! forward! the word. The murmuring sound of the fierce battle-tide Already resounds from afar; Forward, boys! forward, on every side. For "Vermont and her glittering star! Who lingers behind when the word has pabsed down That the enemy swarm o'er the line? When he knows In the heart of a North border town Their glittering bayonets shine V Push on to the Nortlii the fierce battle-tide Already resounds from afar; Push on to the North ft-om every side. For Vermont and her glittering star I Forward! the State that was flrst In the flght When Allen and Warner were here. Should not be the last now to strike for the right, Should never be found in the rear! Tlieu, on to the North I the fierce battle-tide Already resounds from afar; Push on to the North from every side. For Vermont and her glittering star! Hark! boomsi from tlie lake, and resounds from the land, The roar of the confiict. Push on I Push on to the North! on every hand Our boys to the rescue have gone; Forward! the State that was first In the fight When Allen and Warner were here. Should not be the last now to strike for the right. Should never be found in the rear. OF LOVE AND WINE. Of love and wine old poets sung. Old poets rich and rare,— Of wine with red and ruby heart. And love with golden hair; Of wine that winged the poet's thought, And woke the slumbering lyre ; Of love that through the poet's Hue Ban like a flash of fire. But wine, when those old poets suug Its praises long ago. Was something subtler than the bards Of modern ages know;— Ay, wine was wine when Teian girls. Flushed with the rosy dew, To old Anacreon's fiery strains Through wanton dances flew. And love, when those old poets sung Its praises long ago, Was something warmer than the bards Of modern ages know ; — Ay, love was love when Telan girls, Flushed with tho melting fire, With roses crowned Anucreon's brow, With kisses paid hUs lyre. PURER THAN SNOW. Purer than snow Is a girl I know; Burer than snow is she; Her heart Is light, And her cheek Is bright,— Ahl who do you think she can be? I know very well. But I never shall tell, Twould spoil all the fun, you see; Her eye Is blue; And her lip, like dew, And red as a mulberry. 5IO VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. THE APPLE BLOSSOM. Here's an apple blossom, Mary ; See how delicate and fair! Here's an apple blossom, Mary; Let me weave it in your halrl Ah! thy hair is raven, Mary, And the curls are thick and bright; And this apple blossom, Mary, Is so beau tlfully white ! There! the apple blossom, Mary, Looks so sweet among youB curls! And the apple blossom, Mary, Crowns the sweetest of the girls. But the apple blossom, Mary, You must have a little care Xot to tell your mother, Mary, That /wove it In your hair! HON. RAWSEL R. KEITH, oldest son of Hon. Chapin Keith, born in Uxbridge, Mass., Nov. 21, 1790, died in Montpelier Oct. 25, 1874. Coming to Barre with his father in 1793, he remained there until 1817, when he came to Mont pelier as deputy sheriff, and held that office and the shrievalty until 1831. He was Judge of Probate 1833 to 36, and long a di rector and finally president of the Bank of Montpelier, retiring voluntarily fro'm these positions. He was a man of firmness and integrity, and highly esteemed by his fel low citizens. He married Mary T. Wheel- er of Barre, who bore him 2 sons ; R. D. W. Keith, now of Chicago, and Alonzo T. Keith, now of Montpelier. LUTHER NEWCOMB, ESQ. UY H. A. HnSE. Luther Newcomb, for many years the county clerk of Washington County, was born in Derby,' Apr. 10, 1826, and died from Bright's disease, at his home in Mont pelier, Jan. 2, 1876. His father was Dr. Luther Newcomb, whose wife was Lucretia Martin. Dr. Newcomb was the first phy sician to locate in that part of northern Vermont, and was eminent in his profes sion ; among his students was Dr. Colby, the father of Stoddard B. Colby. Dr. New comb died when Luther was 5 years old, and the boy remained with his mother 6 years after his father's death. The family was intimate with Hon. Isaac F. Redfield, and when Luther was 1 1 years old, he came to Montpelier and became the same as a member of Judge Redfield's family. He studied under the direction of the Judge and entered Wash. Co. Gram mar School, where he pursued his studies until prepared to enter college. He then read law under the direction of Judge Red- field, and was for a time a student in the office of O. H. Smith, Esq. Though fit ted for admission to the bar, he did not apply for it, but receiving an appoint ment in the customs service he was 2 years a revenue officer on Lake Champlain. Jan. I, 1849, he was appointed Deputy Clerk of Wash. Co. Court under Shubael Wheeler. He was in Dec, 1857, appoint ed Clerk and held the position during the rest of hislife. He was a model officer, and had not only the respect and affection of the Washington County bar and the court, but as the general term of the Supreme Court was held here, that of members of the bar of the whole State. Mr. Newcomb married June 25, 1857, Amanda Thomas, only daughter of Gen. Stephen Thomas. * His wife and 3 sons, Charles, Luther, and Stephen T., survive him. Mr. J. W. Wheelock, who died the month after Mr. Newcomb, on the death of the latter wrote for his paper, from his own sick bed, a few words concerning his old friend, and among them were the fol lowing : He was in many respects a remarkable man. Beneath a business-like and, to the casual observer, almost stern exterior, was hidden a heart tender as that of a woman, and one ever prompting him to those kindly thoughts and acts which so ennoble and exalt human nature. Unobtrusive, and apparently concerned only about the proper performance of his duties as clerk of the court, he yet possessed so comprehensive and discriminating powers of raind that he took in almost intuitively the bearings and consequences of matters brought before him ; and many a sentence of crisp brevity has contained, as in a nut-shell, the law and wisdom of it, and the decision at which the learned judge arrives after a most elaborate and exhaustive review. . . . He was always ready to aid and encourage the inexperienced or timid, and many a success has been achieved through a timely word of advice and aid from him. He was judicious as a counsellor, valuable MONTPELIER. 511 and safe as an adviser, and faithful, even unto death, in his friendships. The funeral of Mr. Newcomb was in the Court House, Rev. J. E. Wright conduct ing the services, and Hon. Charles W. Willard making an address. Mr. WiUard in his address spoke not only as the rep resentative of the bar, but, indeed, as the nearest friend, and said that the friend ship of Luther Newcomb had been the friendship of his manhood and his life. CHARLES CLARK, M. D., son of Nathaniel and Lucy (Perry) Clark, was born in what is now known as East MontpeUer, Jan. 31, 1800. His parents were among the early settlers of the town, and had come from Rochester, Mass. It is claimed by some members of the Clark family still residing in Rochester, that they are descended from Thomas Clark, mate on the Mayflower, who returned on the brig Anne, and settled in the Plymouth colony in 1623. One of the oldest stones in the cemetery at Plymouth bears the name of Nathaniel Clark, whodiedini7i4, at 74. Charles was the second son in a family of 6 chUdren. An injury ofhis left knee, in his fourth year, caused its amputation 3 years after. This was before the day of anaesthetics. As illustrative of the spirit of the boy, when the surgeon. Dr. Nathan Smith of Hanover, propo.sed to bind him, as was usual in such cases, the child re fused, placed himself on the table, sub mitted to the painful operation without the quivering of a muscle, without a word or any sign of pain. His father died when he was but 10 years of age, and from that time on, with an indomitable courage characteristic of his whole life, he supported himself by his own labor. The record of the next 20 years is astory of trials and privations, which a less bnive spirit would not have overcome. His ed ucational advantages were limited to the common school and a few terms in the Washington County Grammar School. He studied his profession, with Dr. Edward Lamb,- of Montpelier, and as early as 1819, attended lectures at Castleton Medical College. He began the practice of med icine with Dr. N. C. King, of North Mont peUer, in 1 82 1, and removed to Calais 2 years later, where he purchased a small farm of 20 acres, and set up for himself. He was soon after married to Clarissa Boyden, daughter of Darius Boyden, Esq., of Montpelier, where he resided 14 years. In speaking of these early days he used to say, "Medical practice in these days of warm wraps and nice robes is quite another thing from my experience in the dead of winter on horseback, or at best in a bare sleigh, with in.sufiicient clothing." In 1837, he removed to Montpelier, pur chasing the Boyden homestead, where he resided for 12 years, securing an extensive practice not only in Montpelier, but ifl surrounding towns, winning public confi dence and affection wherever known. In 1849, he moved into the village of Montpelier, both for the better education of his children and the more convenient practice of his profession, in which he con tinued actively engaged tUl 1865, when he met with an accident resulting in a severe and protracted Ulness, from which he never wholly recovered. After this, he retired from general practice, retaining only ofiice and consultation business. In 1868, he was again severely injured by being thrown from his carriage. From this he had par tially recovered, when a year later he was stricken with paralysis. With patient en durance he lingered through 5 years more of suffering and prostration till his death, June 21, 1874. Dr. Clark was a man of more than or dinary natural gifts, or he would never have accomplished what he did — left poor in this world's goods, crippled by his physical infirmity, and with but very limited op portunities of education. In person he was 6 feet of stature and fine presence and great physical endurance. He was re markable for his keen observation of men and things, and was rarely mistaken in his judgment. His genial manners, generous sympathies, and fund of anecdote, made him always welcome at the bedside of his patients, and contributed not a little to his 512 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. success. He was thoroughly devoted to his profession, kept himself well informed of the progress of the science through standard medical journals, and was always ready to accept and try new methods. But his own experience and observation served him better than books. He compounded his medicines with little regard to received formulas, and more from his judgment in each particular case. Those best ac quainted with him, greatly regret that he did not write out for the benefit of the profession the results of his large and varied experience. As a man and a citizen, it is not too much to say that he was universally es teemed — a man of public spirit, interested in every movement and enterprise that looked to the welfare of society. Though not a professor of religion till late in life, he started and superintended a Sabbath- school during his short residence at North Montpelier, was one of the earliest and staunchest advocates of temperance, and was always urging improvements in meth ods and opportunities of education. He spared no self-denial and sacrifice to give his own children advantages which were denied to himself, and in the same gen erous spirit sought the welfare of others. He was for 12 years president of the board of trustees and chairman of the prudential committee of the Washington County Grammar School, and for many years treas urer of the Vermont Medical Society, of which he was an active member. He was too much given to his own special work to engage in political life, yet he yielded to the wishes of his friends, and served as representative of Montpelier in the Legis lature in 1846, '47. He was not a public speaker, as he felt the need of proper culture for this, but was esteemed as a very useful working man on committees. His judgment was always valued in practical questions of politics. One incident, how ever, he was wont to recall with a good deal of satisfaction in later years. A bill for a license law was being pushed through the legislature, and was likely to pass, greatly to the regret of friends of tem perance. Just at the last moment when an amendment was possible. Dr. Clark rose to his place without previous con sultation with others, presented a brief amendment, urged it home with a few chosen words, and secured its prompt passage by the House. A leading politi cian who had been interested in carrying the measure, rushed across the hall at once, and said to him with much excite ment, "Your amendment has killed the biU.^' "Just what I intended," was the reply. He was warmly congratulated by friends of temperance at once and for years after on the defeat of a measure which he felt would have been attended with serious injury to the best interests of the State. The following tribute was rendered him by his pastor, the Rev. Dr. Lord: "His life began with suffering, it closed in suf fering, but its long intermediate years were filled with hard work, with brave labors, irradiated by a warm, genial spirit, by de votion to the best interests of his feUow- men, with zeal for education, good morals and religion, by professional skill, fidelity and enthusiasm. He received, as he em inently merited, the respect, confidence and love of all who knew him." — From the Family. DEA. CONSTANT W. STORRS was born in Royalton in 1801, came to Montpelier in 1822, and from that time until his death was engaged in merchan dise — more than half a century. In 1831, he became a member of the First Congre gational Church, and in 1835 was elected one of its deacons — an office which he tried to magnify as long as he lived. For 22 years he was treasurer of the Vermont Do mestic Missionary Society. He was great ly interested in religious matters, and la bored incessantly in season and out of season. Early in life he married a daugh ter of Wyllis I. Cadwell, who bore him two sons and a daughter, the beautiful daughter dying when about to .reach maturity. The widow and son survive. Dea. Storrs died Mar. 23, 1872. E. p. w. MONTPELIER. S13 HON. CHARLES REED. BY KEV. J. EDWABD WltlGHT. Charles Reed was born in Thetford, Nov. 24, 1814, and died in Montpelier, after a sickness of less than three days. Mar. 7, 1873. He was the oldest child of Hon. Joseph Reed, and his second wife, Elizabeth Burnap, daughter of Rev. Jacob Burnap, of Merrimac, N. H., and sister of the scholarly Unitarian minister long settled in Baltimore, Md., Rev. George W. Burnap, D. D. Montpelier was Mr. Reed's home from 1827, when his father came here to reside. He pursued his pre paratory studies at the Washington County Grammar School, entered Dartmouth Col lege, and graduated in 1835. Among his classmates and intimate friends there was the late Governor Peter T. Washburn. He studied law in Montpelier, in the ofiice of Hon. William Upham, and afterwards for 2 years in the Dane Law School, Har vard University, where he received the de gree of LL.B. in 1839. He was admit ted to the Washington County Bar in 1838, and in Sept., 1839, formed a partner ship with Hon. Homer W. Heaton, which continued for a third of a century without change in the location of the oflfice, being only dissolved by Mr. Reed's death. He married Emily Eliza, eldest daughter of Hon. Daniel Baldwin of Montpelier, June 5, 1842, by whom he had five children ; two of whom, Elizabeth Burnap, wife of Col. J. H. Lucia of Vergennes, and Maria G., with their mother, survived him. (Mrs. Lucia died, leaving husband and 3 chUdren, Jan. 5, 1881.) From time to time Mr. Reed's fellow citizens honored themselves in honoring him with posinons of trust. He was cho sen justice ot the peace for a number of years ; was elected state's attorney in 1847, and again in 1848, and was appointed reg ister of probate in the latter year, — per forming the duties of the oflfice by deputy. For some 5 years he was one of the select men of Montpelier. In 1858, he was cho sen trustee and librarian of the State Ubra ry, and also a member of the Vt. Historical Society, in whose work he was deeply in terested, serving as one of its curators, and 6S publishing committee, and also as its li brarian. He represented Montpelier in the Legislatures of 1862 and 1863, and for the three foUowing years occupied a seat in the Senate chamber. While in the Senate, he interested himself ardently in the • institution of the Vermont Reform School, now located in Vergennes, and be came chairman of its first board of trustees, which position he retained till his death. At the establishment of Green Mount Cem- tery in Montpelier, Mr. Reed was chosen one of its commissioners, and was re elected to that trust, which he had held for many years, on the last day of his active business life. He was one of the four far-sighted men who advocated and secured that change in the school system of Montpelier, which brought_the Washing ton County Grammar School and the district schools into harmonious relations under the same board of management and in the same building; and he was repeatedly elected chairman of the united committees. In 1869, he was chosen a member of the Council of Censors, and in that capacity advocated extending the right of suffrage to women. Politically he was a democrat in early life, but from the breaking out of the rebellion, he took sides with the repub lican party. His last illness was occasion ed by a cold taken in the chilly air of the unwarraed State Library, while he was in vestigating some historical topic. This was increased by exposure a few days later, at the March meeting, which his interest in Temperance Reform led him to attend ; and thus were developed, in a constitution originally strong, but weakened by over work, the pleuro-pneumonia and conges tion which ended his earthly career. Mr. Reed was, first of all, a man of integrity. This appeared in his business relations with others, and won for him their utmost confidence ; and it was shown also in his faithfulness to his own convic tions. He never seemed to stop to ask if the course contemplated would gain for him profit and applause or involve loss and unpopularity. Among those of a different faith, he adhered steadfastly to the Unita rian views with which he was imbued in SH VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. his chUdhood ; and, when opportunity of fered, entered zealously into the work of establishing in Montpelier a church that should represent what he thought to be the truth in religious doctrine. He was among the foremost in the organization of the Church of the Messiah, and was inde fatigable in laboring to promote its inter ests. He acted with like decision, energy, and straight-forwardness in regard to the Temperance agitation, and the Woman Suffrage Reform. He was also a man of marked public spirit. With private cares that were by no means small, he undertook a great variety and amount of work for the general wel fare — work for which he received little or no remuneration, direct or indirect. The value of the services he rendered to his town and State, in his devotion to educa tional interests, the Reform School, the State Library, and the Historical Society, cannot be estimated in money, and can be appreciated in its full extent by very few. Rarely, indeed, does any philanthropist contribute so freely from his purse to char itable objects, as did Mr. Reed lavish from the wealth of his time, and physical and mental strength, for the puljUc good. Further, he was ever loyal to his native State. In the words of another, " As a Vermonter, believing in Vermont and the genuine Vermont character, deeply inter ested in the past history of the State, and its present prosperity, Mr. Reed will be much missed. He was one of the no blest and truest of loyal Vermonters. As an officer of the State Historical So ciety he rendered invaluable service in getting up and putting in form for pres ervation much of the early history. . . . The State has not another — if we except those who have been associated with him in this work, Hons. Hiland Hall and E. P. Walton— to fiU his place." In his chosen profession, Mr. Reed reached a proud eminence, (yet singularly without pride,) and gained a handsome property. H. A. Huse, Esq., a fellow- member of the bar, at one time his assist ant, and later his successor in the charge of the State Library, said of him, in a memorial sketch read before the Vermont Historical Society, "Charles Reed was a true lawyer, taking pride in his profession, and loving the law as a science wherein reason has her most perfect work, and be cause his knowledge of it enabled him to be truly a counsellor to those in trouble. Grounded by severe study in the founda tion principles, his directness and the im patience with which he viewed worthless and irrelevant matter made him a good pleader. His papers always gave him a standing in court Mr Reed, on trial of a case, presented clearly to court or jury the facts proved and the law applicable to them. This was done not by the use of rounded periods, impassioned gesture, or appeal to the emotional nature. His imagination supplied him neither with facts not in the case, nor with the coloring and magnifying power which often distorts things from their true relation, and gives what is unimportant undue prominence. But it was, I think, in the court of chan cery, and perhaps still more in the supreme court, that Mr. Reed showed the qualities most clearly that stamped him as one of the leaders of the bar. In the court of last resort the premises were fixed and un changing, and from them he worked most unerringly to the conclusion. The brief method of statement, the condensed argu ment, had there their true sphere and al ways their due weight. While it was not given to him to charm by silvery speech, it was given him to convince by the close ness of his logic. The clear-cut intellect, trained by careful study, made him in valuable as a legislator. During his term of service the laws passed received more careful scrutiny, and were more carefully framed from the very fact of his presence ; and much of the intelligible legislation of the last few years owes its shape to his skill, as well since as during his occupancy of a seat in the law-making body. " In yetanother direction was his ability as a lawyer called into activity. Before 1858, the State Library was a mass of leg islative documents without form, and void of any use. A few law reports were inter mingled, and formed a stock from which MONTPELIER. S'S impecunious and conscience-lacking men plundered at will. To make this one of the best libraries in the Union in the De partment of American Law, without large expense to the State, was a labor of years with Mr. Reed. His success, with the means at his command, has, I am sure, not been paralleled. The bar and bench of the county and State owe a great debt to him for the thoroughness of the work." Charles Reed was no courtier, nor trimmer. He could not cajole, he could not flatter, he could not fawn and curry favor. His sincerity appeared often as bluntness, and sometimes gave offence. But those who were acquainted with him had in their minds an ever ready explana tion of his occasional roughness of speech and manner, in the knowledge that they were dealing with an upright, downright honest man, who, under an exterior some what hard, carried a heart throbbing with devotion to the welfare of all, a man of Roman firmness, and of Jacksonian wil lingness to assume the responsibility in an emergency ; a man whose record, whether public or private, had always been sin gularly free from stain ; a man whose very presence strengthened the worthy pur poses of the timid and hesitating about him, a man whose ..." Dally prayer, far better understood In acts than words, was simply doing good.^' JAMES G. FRENCH, son of Micah French, of Barre, was born inPeru, N. Y., in 1824, and died in Mont pelier, suddenly, Aug. 8, 1878. Employed for a while as a clerk, he opened a clothing store in Montpelier, in which he was quite successful. He was postmaster 8 years under President Lincoln, and subsequently entered into the construction of the Mont pelier & Wells River Railroad. He was also very energetic, and even daring, in real estate operations, and to him, more than to any one man, Montpelier owes the construction of its spacious and elegant Stores. Mr. French married a daughter of the fete Joel Goldsbury, of Barre, and she, with an only daughter, Mrs. W. T. Dewey, survive hira. LUTHER CROSS, born in Swanzey, N. H., 1802, established himself in mercantile business in Mont pelier in 1827. In the sarae year he mar ried Miss Polly M. Day, of Woodstock, who bore him four chUdren : Gustavus T., who died March 13, 1867, aged 33 years ; Luther Burnell, now of Montpelier ; Royal D., now in the West; and Lucia D., now wife of Marcus A. Farwell, of Chicago. Mr. Cross was interested in politics, and personally very popular ; hence he was often the Whig candidate for represent ative in the old town of Montpelier, and always received raore than his party vote ; but the town was so strongly Deraocratic that success was irapossible. He was, however, a magistrate many years in suc cession, and by the Legislature was re peatedly elected sergeant-at-arms. He built three brick dweUings, which were the best in Montpelier in his day, and two of them are the best of the brick houses now. The three are the two houses on State street now occupied by Hons. John A. Page and B. F. Fifield, and the Cross homestead on Elm street. He also built the "Willard block " on Main, at the head of State street. He died, suddenly. Mar. g, 1873, aged 71 years. CHARLES AND TIMOTHY CROSS came to Montpelier about the time of the advent of Richard W. Hyde, and with him started the first bakery in town. Chas. H. Cross was born in TUton, N. H., Feb. 13, 1812, and his wife was born an hour or two before him. He is highly esteemed, a staunch Methodist, and a liberal contributor to that church and its educational institution on Seminary HUl. He is StiU engaged inalarge bakery and confectionary business with his eldest and well-known son, L. Bart. Cross. Timothy Cross died some years ago. His house was destroyed in the last great fire, and his widow and chUdren removed to Cambridgeport, Mass. [To Charles Cross the Methodist church are also indebted chiefly for the fine wood engraving of their church building.— ed.J 5i6 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. DANIEL BALDWIN (BY HBV. J. EDWARD WRIGHT.) Was born in Norwich, Vt., July 21, 1792, and died in MontpeUer, Aug. 3, 1881. He was the youngest of the seven chUdren of Daniel and Hannah (Havens) Baldwin. His raother was a daughter of Robert Havens, of Royalton, whose house was the first entered by the Indians when Royalton was burned. He was orphaned before he was two years old, and the des titute brood was scattered. He came to Montpelier in 1806, and reraained tUl he was of age under the guardianship of his older brother, Sylvanus, a raan of prom inence and marked ability. With him he learned the carpenter's trade, avaUing him self also of some brief opportunities for attending school ; but, from the time of attaining his majority for many years, he was engaged in mercantile pursuits, with gratifying success. He relinquished these in 1848, to devote himself raore exclu sively to his duties as president of the Vt. Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of which he was the original projector, and in which he took the first policy, March 31, 1828. He was president of this Company from 1841 to 1874, and regarded with a well- grounded satisfaction the remarkable pros perity and growth of the Corapany during his administration. While cautious and conservative, he was eminently progressive both early and late in life. In 1827, he led in the effort to establish salt works in Montpelier. " He was called again and again into the direction of the Bank of Montpelier and the Montpelier National Bank, and was a director in the latter at the time of his decease. He was araong the first to advocate and further the build ing of the Vermont Central Railroad, and agitated the subject from 1830 until the desired end was attained He was also one of the first board of directors of the Verraont Central, but retained that position only a year, having always stren uously maintained, in opposition to the Northfield interest which prevailed, that the route should be by way of the Wil liamstown Gulf. As long ago as 1850, he was one of a committee of eight, of which the Hon. J. lA. Wing was chairman, who raised a subscription, and procured at con siderable expense to themselves a survey of a route for a railroad from Montpelier to Wells River." * He was also one of the originators and the general manager, dur ing the early years of its existence, of the MontpeUer Gaslight Co. " He was town treasurer in 1828, and then again for 11 consecutive years from 1835 From 1837 to 1847 he was trustee of the ' Surplus Fund.' For many years from and after 1837, he was the chief engineer of the fire department. During the years 1846 and 1847, he occupied the bench as associate judge of the Washington County Court, but from 1850 on, with the excep tion of one year's service as lister, he uni formly avoided public office."* In early life he held high position in the Masonic Order. "He was connected with the Vermont Colonization Society during all its active existence, a large part of the tirae as its treasurer, and then as its pres ident." * In politics he was a deraocrat — during the rebellion a " war deraocrat," voting raore than once for the republican candidate — and in religion he was em phatically a "liberal Christian," avowing deep interest in " Spiritualism," but con tributing generously to churches of various creeds, and joining most heartily with Unitarians and Universalists in the organ ization and support of the Montpelier Independent Meeting-House Society, of whose board of trustees he was chairman from the establishment of the board in 1866 to the day of his death. In his wiU he manifested his undying interest in Montpelier, by bequeathing $2,000, to be used under certain conditions in securing a suitable water supply for the village. He married, in 1820, Emily Wheelock, grand-daughter of the first president of Dartmouth CoUege. She died in 1872. A son and four daughters were born to them, all of whom reached maturity and were married ; but only two, the first and second daughters, Mrs. Charles Reed and Mrs. Marcus D. Gilman, have survived their parents. The society of their six grand-children was a delight to Judge •Memorial Sermon by Key. J. Edward Wright. c/^C(yn^Oc^ <^ycJ cc^ocfcd-,^ >Vt_^ MONTPELIER. 517 Baldwin during the last summer of his Ufe. He was a man extensively known in the State, and universally esteemed for his probity, his sound judgment, his public spirit and his benevolence. Deliberate in planning and moderate in moving, he was yet positive in his decisions and energetic in his actions. A man of a pecuUarly placid and even temper, and sustained by a Christian trust, he bore earth's trials with great calmness, and his declining years furnished the community an im pressive illustration of what it is to " grow old beautifully." Though not free from all the infirmities which coraraonly attend old age, he was wonderfully vigorous in mind and body, and found life enjoyable down to his last day ; -when suddenly his powers aU collapsed, and with a brief struggle he passed on, leaving an honored name and a blessed meraory. It is rare that a life is raore entirely successful in both ts material and moral aspects, j. e. w. [Lucia L., wife of W. C. D. Grannis, of Chicago, and daughter of Hon. Daniel Baldwin, died in Chicago, aged 28.] From the records of Aurora Lodge, No. 22, F. & A. M., we take the following : IIT MEMOS.IA.M. BRO. DANIEL BALDWIN, Bom in Norwich, Vt., July 21, 1792, Died at MontpeUer, Vt., August 3, 1881 ; Aged 89 years and 13 days. Initiated in Aurora Lodge, No. 9, at Montpelier, January 3, 1814; Passed January 31, 1814; Raised in Columbian Lodge, Boston, Mass., May 14, 1814-, Affiliated with Aurora Lodge, No. 22, July II, t88i. Bro. Baldwin was an old time Mason, one of those who passed through the fiery tnals of the anti-masonic period, and that he was unyielding in his devotion to the fraternity is evinced by the fact that he and Wot. Bro. Joseph Howes op posed to the bitter end the surrender of the char ter of old Aurora Lodge, No. 9. In this, how ever he was unsuccessful, and the Lodge suc cumbed to what was probably inevitable, and it was voted, Sept. 19, 1834, to surrender the charter. He successively filled all the offices of the Lodge from that of Tyler to Vl^orshipful Master, to which latter office he was elected June 26, 1820.^ He was also a prominent officer m Kingboio- mon R. A. Chapter, No. 5, and a member of Montpelier Council, R. & S. M. . Bro Baldwin wasa just and upnght Mason, ever generous and liberal in dispensing Masonic charity, and was always ready to whisper good counsel in the ear of a brother. ?i^ ^ — 4 memorial ADDRESS Of the Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Company. At the first meeting of the directors of the Vt. Mu. Fire Ins. Co. after the death of Mr. Baldwin, Aug. 3, i88i, the Presi dent offered the foUowing resolutions, which were unanimously adopted : Resolved, That we have learned with profound regret of the death of Hon. Dan iel Baldwin, so long connected with this Company, and identified with the best in terests of the town for three fourths of a century. We duly appreciate his eminent services as an officer of this company, and his usefulness as a citizen. Resolved, That we extend to his family the sympathy of this Board in the loss of one who has so long been a kind friend and able counselor. And a committee was chosen to prepare a memorial address to be read at the An nual Meeting of the Company, which was prepared and read by Dr. Hiram A. Cut ting, of Lunenburgh. " The Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Company " is a name so familiar to every Vermonter, in fact, so woven into the af fairs and interests of the people of this State, that when its originator, Daniel Baldwin, died upon the 3d day of August, in his 90th year, it sent a thrill of sorrow through the hearts of thousands. It was his foresight which planned a system of insurance that recommended itself for its cheapness, and won for itself golden opin ions, supplying, as it did, the unfortunate with means to reconstruct their homes promptly when the fire-fiend had swept thera away. Rightly has it been said of this company, " That it has clothed the naked, fed the hungry and supplied the destitute," and just was the sorrow for the departed raan, for he was both the father and patron of this most beneficial associa tion in our State. It was a happy inspi ration which induced George Bliss, a can vasser for the Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Company, about the year 1818, to call upon Daniel Baldwin, who was tem porarUy stopping in Boston, for the pur pose of soliciting his insurance. Mr. Baldwin was at that time a prosperous young merchant. He investigated the 5i8 VERMONT, HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. subject carefully, was pleased with the idea, had his property insured, and accepted the agency of the company for this section, which he retained for 2 years, receiving premiums to the amount of over $4,000, with only $2,000 in losses. It was during this period that the idea of cheaper insur ance, based upon the mutual plan, sug gested itself to Mr. Baldwin. He coun seled with a number of the business men of that day, but could get little encourage ment from any, with the exception of Thomas Reed, Jr., James H. Langdon, Joshua Y. Vail, and Chester Hubbard. With these coadjutors, at a second trial, Nov. 10, 1827, the Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Company was chartered ; yet not without great opposition. The mem ber from Middlebury, one of its opposers, moved an amendment of the bill, granting a charter, requiring the corapany to pay 6 per cent, of the profits into the State treasury annually. This shows that that raember of our Legislature, at least, knew little of mutual insurance. Under this grant the company was or ganized, Jan. 21, 1828. As Daniel Bald win originated the charter, he was elected president of the meeting, but declined, and J. H. Langdon was elected in his stead. There were but six persons pres ent. A board of directors was chosen, and that board, of which Hon. Mr. Baldwin was an active member, elected Chapin Keith of Barre, president, J. Y. Vail, sec retary, and George Worthington treasurer, both of Montpelier. Their first policy was issued in March, 1828, to Daniel Baldwin. In October, 1828, the directors reported 186 policies issued, and that the corapany was gaining in strength and popularity. A small beginning, truly, for a company that now issues between 5,000 and 6,000 poli cies annually. Mr. Keith was succeeded at the end of the year by Israel P. Dana of DanviUe, as president, who held the ofiice untU 1838, to be followed by John Spalding of Mont peUer, who held the office until 1841, when the subject of this sketch was elected, holding oflfice as president for 33 years. During this time, he administered the af fairs of the corporation as its head. He had around hira trusty men, tried and true ; yet he has probably traveled more miles on insurance business, and talked insurance with more persons than any other 50 men in the State. His heart and soul were in the work, and with hira that meant success. He understood the principles and rules of insurance as few ever do. He adjusted equitable rates for various classes of prop erty with a truly wonderful precision. His devotion to the duties of his office were both conscientious and enthusiastic. As an adjustor, he was almost without an equal; while he settled closely and eco nomically for the company, he gained the respect and good wiU of the insured, for he was frank and honest, dealing as he would have others deal with him. Few, if any, ever felt aggrieved, and many were the testimonials showered upon him in later years, for his honest dealing with them, when they through loss were render ed almost powerless to contest the validity of their insurance, had they been forced so to do. The prosperity of the Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Company is the proudest testimonial he can have of his zeal and well-directed services, and those who par take of the benefits of that organization cannot fail to gratefully remember the man, who more than any other one has made the strong and reliable concern what it is. That its progress raay be the more evident, I would say that the number of policies in force in 1831 was 1,869; in 1841, 12,012; in 1851, 11,790; in 1861, 22,237; in 1871, 27,488; and in 1881, 29,413. Such an in crease in business is without precedent in any mutual company in our Union, and shows definitely that the true and unwav ering course of all connected with it, has gained the confidence of the people, and the corapany is an honor to our State, and it is fitting that we should honor the raan who originated the philanthropic scheme, and with untiring zeal pushed it to so grand success. Age creeps stealthily on us all, and as Judge Baldwin felt the pressure upon him, and looked with a just pride upon an insti- MONTPELIER. S19 tution, almost his own ; and surrounded by helpers in the insurance business which he had himself educated, he thought that they had better allow him to retire ; and so after his election as president for the 31st year, he sent in the following resigna tion, in March, 1871 : To the Directors of the Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Company : Gentlemen: — Owing to infirmities in consequence of old age, I do not feel com petent to discharge the duties of president of this company as they should be, and therefore resign the office, to take place as soon as sorae person shall be elected to fill the responsible place I have so long occu pied. D. Baldwin. Montpelier, March ist, 1871. No action was, however, taken upon this, and he was again re-elected in Octo-^ ber. He immediately resigned, but was over-persuaded, and consented to serve one year more by having a Vice President to relieve him of some of the duties which now rested quite heavily upon him. James T. Thurston was elected Vice President, and thus he was continued until Oct. 14, 1874, when Mr. Thurston was elected President; but Hon. Mr. Baldwin was re tained as director, so that his counsel and advice might rightly be available. Judge Baldwin, however, soon withdrew almost wholly from the oflfice, but stiU retainiiig his mental faculties in a remarkable de gree up to the day of his death. All honor to the departed, and may his valuable counsels and noble example live with the company ; and his original and true principles of insurance be carried out by the insurer, and the household word of Vermont continue to be the " Old Ver mont Mutual." Let us here to-day, as oflfi- cers of this company, pledge ourselves anew to the duties, and thus we may hope to retain with our prosperity, which seems assured, the good will and honor of our patrons, that we may, in part, share in the tributes of praise so justly given to the de parted W. H. H. Bingham, L. G. Hinckley, ^ Com. Hiram A. Cutting, M, ") J' ABRAHAM G. D. TUTHILL was born at Oyster Pond, Long Island, and in due time chose to become an artist. To perfect hiraself, he spent seven years as a pupil of the great painter, Benjamin West, in London, and one year in Paris. Returning to this country, he spent a few years in Montpelier, where a sister resided, and where now there are to be found many beautiful specimens of his work. His artist life was mainly spent at Buffalo, Detroit, and other western cities ; but he returned to Montpelier, and died there, June 12, 1843, aged 67. JOSHUA Y. VAIL was one of the very early lawyers of Mont pelier. He served awhile as Preceptor of Washington County Grararaar School, and was County Clerk 1819-1839, 18 years. He was also Secretary of the Vermont Mu tual Fire Insurance Company from the or ganization in 1828 until 1850, and meraber and Secretary of the Council of Censors in 1820. His wife was a devoted chris tian mother, Mary M., sister of the artist Tuthill, and all of her children have been well connected. Two of her sons, Solon J. Y. and Oscar J., still reside in Montpe lier, and two daughters survive, one at Newbury and one in the West — four out of nine chUdren. Mr. Vail died in 1854, in his 70th year ; and his wife in 1876, aged 90. Both were born on Long Island. THE WOOD family. Late in the last century three brothers were born in Leominster, Mass., the eldest of whom spent half of his life in Mont pelier, and the others much the largest part. They were Cyrus, John, and Zenas Wood. They were all of Puritan stock, and mem bers of the first Congregational church in Montpelier. Cyrus Wood settled in Lebanon, N. H., about 1809, taking his brother John with him, who was then about 20 years of age. In 1814, both came to Montpelier and en tered into partnership in the cabinet- making business, which was continued until the death of Cyrus, Nov. 25, 1840. John Wood, born July 20, 1788, mar ried Miss Mary Waterman, of Lebanon, 520 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. N. H., who was truly a helpmeet for him, an industrious, pious and prudent woraan. Bearing his share in the railitary burdens ofhis time, he became captain- of Wash ington ArtUlery, which was a high honor. But it was in the churches that he was most conspicuous. Long a deacon in the first Congregational church, he went to the Free church on its organization, and ou its dissolution, to the Methodist church. In all he was an earnest worker, instant and earnest in prayer aud exhortation, and his pure, honest and loving life attested the sincerity of his religious convictions. He died Jan. 14, 1872, in his 84th year, leaving a son and daughter, the son being Thomas W. Wood, the now highly dis tinguished artist. Zenas Wood, born Jan. i, 1793, carae to Montpelier at a somewhat later date, and engaged in the stove and tin-ware business, in which he was quite success- fill. He had all the exceUent character istics of his brother John, but was some what less demonstrative. He sympathized keenly with the sick and suffering, as the writer of this note had occasion to know by personal experience. Mr. Wood was a prudent business man, and for some years was a director in the old Bank of Montpelier. In the last great fire here his real estate was destroyed, and he went, a lone and sad man, to his affectionate daughters in St. Johnshury, where he died Oct. 29, 1876, in his 84th year. e. p. w. For notice of Thomas W. Wood, see post. THE cottrill family — Corrections. Mahlon CottriU, born in Bridport, Vt., Aug. 29, 1797 ; died in Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 20, 1864. Catherine -Smith Couch, his wife, born in Landaff, N. H., AprU i, 1792; died in Montpelier, AprU 28, 1861. Their children were : WUliam H., born June 6, 1823, now a very popular hotel- keeper at Appleton, Wis. Lyman Hawley, born May 16, 1825, and died in Oregon, Nov., 1877. Charles Edward Huntington, born July 11, 1826; died Feb. 3, 1833. George Washington, born May 18, 1828 ; now a lawyer in N. Y. City. Henry Clay, born June 26, 1830; died Feb. 12, 1833. Jedd Philo C, born Apr. 15, 1832 ; nowa lawyer in Milwaukee, Wis. Charies Mah lon, born Oct. 20, 1834; now in Milwau kee, Wis., and a prosperous man. commissioned officers — MONTPELIER. Col. Nathan Lord, Jr., commissioned colonel of the 6th Vt. regt., Sept. 16, 1861 ; resigned Dec. 16, 1862. Now resides in Cleavelaud, Ohio. Col. Francis V. Randall, commis sioned capt. of Co. F. 2d regt.. May 25, 1861, promoted col. of the 13th regt., Sept. 24, 1862 : mustered out of service July 21, 1863; enlisted and commissioned col. of the 17th regt. Feb. 10, 1864; mus tered out of service July 17, 1865 ; remov ed from MontpeUer to Brookfield in 1877. Col. Perley P. Pitkin, commissioned quartermaster of the 2d regt. June 6, 1861 ; promoted captain and assistant quarter master of U. S. vols. Apr. 3, 1862, and subsequently to the rank of colonel and quartermaster of the depot department of "the army of the Potomac ; was chosen quartermaster general of Vt. after the close of the war, which office he held several years, and has since remained a resident of Montpelier. LiEUT.-CoL. Edward M. Brown, adj. 5 regt. Sept. 16, 1861 ; promoted lieut.-col. of the Sth regt., Jan. 9, 1862; resigned Dec. 23, 1863. Col. Brown now resides in Bismarck, Dakota, receiving the appoint ment of U. S. land agent, and removing thenre in 1873. LiEUT.-CoL. Andrew C. Brown, com missioned lieut.-col. of the 13th regt., Aug. 25, 1862; resigned May 5, 1863, and continues to reside in Montpelier. LiEUT.-CoL. John H. Edson, commis sioned lieut.-col. of the loth regt. Aug. 27, 1862; resigned Oct. 16, 1862; resides elsewhere. Maj. John D. Bartlett, commissioned capt. of Co. C, ist regt., Vt. cav., Oct. 14, 1861 ; promoted to major Nov. 18, 1861; resigned Apr. 25, 1862; removed to Mass. in 1870. Maj. James S. Peck., commissioned 2d Ueut. of Co. I. 13th regt., Aug. 25, 1862; promoted to adj't. Jan. 1863; mus tered out July 21, 1863 ; enlisted as private inCo. E. 17 regt., Dec. 3, 1863; commis sioned adj't. of the regt. Apr. 12, 1864; promoted major July 10, 1865 ; mustered Mrs. mahlon COTTRILL. MONTPELIER. 521 out July 25, 1865 ; was chosen adj't. and inspector-gen. of the State in 1871, hold ing the oflfice ten years, receiving re-elec tion, and resigning in 1881, receiving the appointment of postmaster of this town in AprU, 1881. Adj't. J. Monroe Poland, commission ed adjutant of the 15th regt. Oct. 2, 1862; mustered out of service Aug. 5, 1863, and continues to reside in town. Capt. William T. Burnham, commis sioned captain of Co. H. 2d regt.. May 23, i86i; resigned Oct. 25, 1861 ; died in Montpelier, June 20, 1862. Capt. Horace H. Grossman, commis sioned 2d lieut. of Co. F. 2d regt.. May 20, 1861 ; promoted ist lieut. Jan. 24, 1862; capt. Oct. I, 1862; honorably dis charged Oct. 30, 1863, for wounds receiv ed in battle, necessitating the amputation of his leg. He died in Washington, D. C, a few years after. Capt. Dayton P. Clark enlisted as private in Co. F. 2d regt. May 7, i86i ; proraoted to sergt. June 20, 1861 ; cora- missioned ist lieut. Jan. 29, 1862; pro moted to capt. Nov. 3, 1863 ; was acting adjutant of the regt. for some raonths, and at the battle of Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864, was in command of the regt. ; mus tered out of service June 29, 1864, and continues to reside in Montpelier. Capt. Joseph P. Aikens enUsted from Barnard as private in Co. D 4th regt. Aug. 28, 1861, receiving promotions to corp. and sergt. ; re-enlisted from Montpelier Dec. 15, 1863; commissioned ist lieut. of Co. C. May 6, 1864;. promoted capt. Aug. 9, 1864; wounded at Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 1864, and honorably discharged Mar. 8, 1865, for wounds received. Capt. Charles H. Anson, enlisted and appointed to quartermaster-serg. of the I Ith regt. Sept. i, 1862; commissioned 2d lieut. of Co. E. Aug. 11, 1863; promoted to ist lieut. Dec. 28, 1863, and to captain Apr. 2, 1865, for gaUantry in the assault on Petersburgh, Va. ; mustered out of ser vice June 24, 1865 ; now resides in Mil waukee, Wis., where he is engaged in business. Capt. James Rice enlisted Aug. 24, 66 j86i, as leader of the 5th regt. band ; dis charged AprU II, 1862 ; enlisted in Co. F. I Ith regt., and commissioned as capt. Aug. 12, 1862; honorably discharged for disa bility, Apr. 28, 1865 ; now a resident of Pueblo, New Mexico, where he removed to soon after the war, and has held the oflfice of mayor of that city since his residence there for some years. Capt. George S. Robinson of Mont peUer, as a credit from Berlin, commis sioned 1st lieut. of Co. C. 13th regt., Aug. 29,1862; resigned Feb. 16, 1863; enlisted and commissioned capt. of Co. E. 17th regt., Apr. 12, 1864; wounded April 12, 1865 ; mustered out June 14, 1865, and continues to reside in Montpelier. Capt. Alfred L. Carlton, commis sioned regt. quartermaster of the i ith regt. Aug. 14, 1862 ; promoted to 2d lieut. of Co. C. Dec. 12, 1862; to captain and com missary of subsistence of U. S. vols., Mar. II, 1863 ; mustered out in 1865 ; died in Montpelier, May 29, 1874. Capt. John W. Clark, commissioned quartermaster of the 6th regt. Sept. 28, 1 861 ; promoted to capt. and assist, quar- terraasterof theU. S. vols., Apr. 11, 1864; resigned Dec. 7, 1864; appointed post- raaster of Montpelier, Mar. 1869, holding the office 12 years, retiring July i, i88i. Capt. Fred E. Smith, coraraissioned as quartermaster of the 8th regt., Nov. 23, 1861 ; honorably discharged Nov. 30, 1863, and continues to reside in MontpeUer. Capt. Edward Dewey, commissioned quartermaster of the 8th regt., Jan. 12, 1864 ; promoted capt. and assist, quarter master of U. S. vols., Feb. 11, 1865, and continues to reside in Montpelier. Q. M. Nelson A. Taylor, commis sioned quartermaster of the 13th regt., Nov. 28, 1862; mustered out July 21, '63; residence Nov. i, i88i. Council Bluffs, la. Surgeon Charles M. Chandler, com missioned assist, surgeon of the 6th regt., Oct. 10, 1861 ; promoted to surgeon Oct. 29, 1861 ; resigned Oct. 7, 1863, and re sumed his practice in MontpeUer, where he continues to reside. 1st Lieut. Walter A. Phillips, com missioned 1st lieut. Co. F. 2d regt.. May 522 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. 21, 1861 ; discharged Dec. 31, 1861 ; en listed as a credit from Calais, as private of Co. H. 13th regt., Aug., 1862 ; pro moted Corp. and sergt., and com. as ist lieut., June 4, 1863; mustered out July 21, 1863 ; enlisted and com. as 2d lieut. of 3d battery, Dec. 12, 1863; promoted to ist lieut. Jan. 2, 1864, honorably discharged Feb. 3, 1865, for disabiUty, and now re sides in Peoria, IU., where he is engaged in business. 1st LiEur. Russell T. Chamberlain, enlisted as private in Co. G. 4th regt., Aug. 27, 1861 ; proraoted corp. March 3, 1862; re-enlisted; proraoted sergt. June 10, 1864; regt'l com. sergt., Jan. i, 1865; 2d lieut. Co. A. Feb. 27, 1865 ; ist lieut. June 4, 1865; mustered out July 13, 1865; was taken prisoner, and in confinement several months ; he now resides in Oregon. 1st Lieut. Charles C. Spalding, commissioned sergt. -maj. of the 5th regt., Sept. 16, 1861 ; promoted to ist lieut. of Co. D. Nov. 5, i86i ; honorably discharg ed for disability Oct. 10, 1862;, died in Boston, Jan. 19, 1877. 1st Lieut. George H. Hatch, regt'l com. sergt. Oct. 15, i86i, of the 6th regt. ; promoted 2d Ueut. of Co. H. Oct. 22; 1862; 1st lieut. May 4, 1863; mustered out of service Oct. 28, 1863 ; now resides in Nashua, N. H. 1st Lieut. Henry C. Abbott, enlisted Nov. 9, 1861, as private in Co. C. 8th regt; promoted ist lieut. in 2d Louisiana regt. Sept. I, 1862. 1st Lieut. William B. Burbank, en listed in Co. E. 17th regt. ; com. 2d lieut. April 9, 1864; promoted ist lieut. Aug. 22, 1864 ; mustered out of service July 25, 1865 ; died in Montpelier, Nov. 5, 1870. 1st Lieut. James C. Lamb, enlisted as private in Co. E. 17th regt., Dec. 23, '63 ; promoted quartermaster sergt. Oct. 17 '64; 1st lieut. Co. B. July i, '65 ; mustered out July 14, '65 ; died in Montpelier, March 18, 1869. 1st Lieut. George D. Howard, com missioned istJieut. Co. M. frontier cavalry, Jan. 3, 1865; resigned Mar. 16, '65; now resides elsewhere. 1st Lieut. Frank Anson, enlisted as a credit from Halifax as private in Co. E. nth regt., Jan. 5, 1864; regt'l com. sergt. Jan. 17, 1864; regt'l quartermaster sergt. Sept. I, 1864; promoted 2d lieut. Co. A. May 13, 1865; 1st Ueut. May 23, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 25, 1865; now resides in Milwaukee, Wis., where he is engaged in business. 1st Lieut. Ezra Stetson, commission ed istlieut. Co.B. lothregt., Aug. 4, '62; killed at Cold Harbor, June i, 1864. 1st Lieut. Ed-ward J. Stickney, en listed as private of Co. B. July 30, 1862; promoted corp. Mar. 27, 1864; sergt. Sept. I, 1864; 2d lieut. Dec. 19, 1864; istlieut. March 22, 1865 ; mustered out July 21, 1865 ; died in Montpelier, Jan. 12, 1875. 1st Lieut. Charles W. Clark, ap pointed as regt'l com. sergt. nth regt., Sept. I, 1862; promoted 2d lieut. Co. G. March 29, 1863; ist lieut. Nov. 2, 1863; mustered out of service June 24, 1865 ; re sides at present in Montpelier. ist Lieut. John R. Willson, eiJisted as private of Co. I. i ith Vt. July 15, 1862 ; proraoted corp. Jan. i, 1864; sergt. Sept. 22,1864; 2d lieut. Dec. 2, 1864; wounded March 27, 1865 ; promoted ist lieut. June 1865, mustered out of service June 24, '65 ; and now resides in Maiden, Mass. 1st. Lieut. Albert Clark, enlisted as private in Co. I. 13th regt. Aug. 25, 1862 ; promoted sergt. Oct. 10, 1862; istlieut. Co. G. Jan. 22, 1863 ; mustered out July 21, 1863 ; now resides, in Boston, Mass. 1st Lieut. Samuel F. Prentiss, enUst ed as private in Co. I.Aug. 25, 1862; promoted istlieut. Feb. 23, 1863; muster ed out July 21, 1863 ; now resides in New York city, where he is successfully engaged in the practice of law. 2d Lieut. Charles W. Randall, ap pointed sergt. maj. of the 13th regt. Oct. 10, 1862 ; promoted 2d lieut. Co. G. Jan. '63 ; mustered out July 21, '63; enlisted and com. 2d lieut. of Co. C. 17th regt., Feb. 23, '64; honorably discharged for disabU ity March 9, 1865 ; died in MontpeUer Oct. 20, 1868. 2d Lieut. James B. Riker, enlisted Dec. 31, 1 86 1, as private in ist battery; quartermaster sergt. Sept. 20, 1862 ; pro- MONTPELIER. 523 moted sergt.-maj. Sept. 1863; 2d lieut. AprU 4, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 10, 1864; now resides in New York. 2d Lieut. Eben Taplin, enlisted as private in 3d battery, Dec. 16, 1863; pro moted corp. Jan. I, 1864; wounded Aug. 8, '64; proraoted Aug. 23, 1864, quarter master sergt. ; 2d lieut. Feb. 28, 1865 ; mustered out June 15, 1865; now resides in Burlington, Vt. c. de f. Bancroft. Dec. I, 1881. military necrology. Soldiers ¦who have died in town since the war. ("See military table, pp. 84-.'-349.) Thos. C. Alexander, Nov. 27, '69, age 39, 13th reg. Sam'l. Andrews, Aug. 27, '70, age 25, 2d Vt. bat. Lieut. Chas. E. Bancroft, Feb. i, '79, age 49, Co. I, 13th reg. (Waterbury.) Lieut. Wm. B. Burbank, Nov. 5, '70, age 33, 17th reg. Capt. Wm. T. Burnham, June 20, '62, age 51, 2d reg. Maj. Alfred L. Carlton, May 29, '74, age 45, I Ith reg. • John S. Collins, Nov. 27, '67, age 30, F. C. cav. L. M. Collins, Dec. 8, '71, age 26, 17th reg. (East Montpelier.) Solomon Dodge, Dec. 11, '64, age 39, Ohio reg. Lorenzo Dow, Dec. i, '69, age 25, 2d Vt. bat. (Beriin.) William Dow, Sept. 18, '71, age 33, 2d Vt. bat. (BerUn.) Olin French, Sept. 29, '68, age 28, ist cav. reg. (Barre.) John C. Hackett, Oct. 13, '75, age 56, 6th reg. (BerUn.) Orlena Hoyt, June 30, '78, age 72,5th reg. Timothy Hornbrook, Dec. 24, '74, age 32, 2d reg. (BerUn.) John W. Ladd, Dec. 4, '70, age 34, 13th reg. Lieut. James C. Lamb, Mar. 16, '69, age 38, 13th and 17th reg. Lieut. Chas. S. Loomis, Dec. 8, '68, age 38, on Gen. McPherson's staff. Peter Lemoine, Apr. 3, '67, age 22, 1st Vt. bat. (Plainfield.) Chas. W. RandaU, Oct. 2q, '68, age 22, 13th and 17th reg. Benj. Spinard, May 21, '79, age 39, nth reg. (Albany, Vt.) Louis Seymour, Dec. 29, '72, age 39, Co, M, 1st Vt. cav. Lieut. Edward J. Stickney, Jan. 12, '75. age 30, loth reg. Andrew St. John, Jan. 5, 'n, age 57, 17th reg. Cyril Wheeler, Mar. 18, '76, age 47, 2d reg. (East Montpelier.) Alfred Whitney, July 30, '76, age 48, nth reg. (Beriin.) Surgeon Jas. B. Woodward, Oct. 4, '79, age 55. (Kansas reg.) Edwin C. Curarains, Feb. 27, '73, age 34, 4th reg. (East Montpelier.) Montpelier soldiers ¦who have died elsewhere since the ¦war. Jerome E. Ballou, Jan. 25, '75, age 32, 13th reg., at Cincinnati. Henry M. Bradley, Nov. 12, '65, age 24, loth reg., at WUUston. Curtis A. Coburn, Nov. 7, '66, age ,25, loth reg., at New Orleans. Capt. Horace F. Grossman, 2d reg., at Washington, D. C. Franklin S. French, ist cav., at Chicago. Alfred Girard, 17th reg., at Coaticook, Que., Apr. 9, 1875. Frank J. BruneU, in 1864. Wm. Guinan, Nov. 6, '74, age 44, 2d and 17th reg., at Springfield, Mass. David Goodwin, Feb. 27, '73, age 33, 5th reg., at Hartford, Conn. Thos. H. McCauUey, Mar. 26, '67, age 24. 2d reg., at Hanover, N. H. Chas. D. Swasey, died June, '65, age 31, 13th reg., at MinneapoUs, Minn. George S. Severance, 3d reg., kUled in railroad accident in Illinois, 1869. Curtis H. Seaver, June 29, '72, age 32, 13th reg., at Richmond, Vt. Robert Patterson, Dec. 27, '74. age 57, loth reg., at Fitchburg, Mass. Hiram D. Sinclair, Aug. 25, '71, age 58, 8th reg. Lieut. Chas. C. Spalding, Jan. 19, '77, age 50, 5th reg., at Boston. Peter Tebo, ist cav., died in Plainfield a few years since. c. de f. b. 524 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. green mount cemetery. Revolutionary War. — Elder Ziba Wood- worth died in 1826, aged 66. Eliakim D. Persons died in 1846, aged 81. War of 1812. — George W. Bailey, Sr., died in 1868, aged 70. WiUiam Bennett in 1878, aged 85. Darius Boyden, 1850, aged 85. Abel Carter in 1869, aged 83. Col. Parley Davis, '48, aged 82. Jacob F. Dodge in 1838, aged 56. Amos Farley in 1836, aged 59. Lieut. Joseph Howes in 1863, aged 80. Abijah Howard in 1840, aged 62. Capt. Tiraothy Hubbard in 1840, aged 66. Roger Hubbard in 1848, aged 65. Azro Loomis in 1831. Jonathan P. MUler in 1847, aged 50. Lieut. Thoraas Reed in 1864, aged 71. Capt. Isaac Rick er in 1837, aged 53. Jonathan Shepard in 1863, aged 91. Cyrus Ware in 1849, ^^ged 80. Araunah Waterman in 1859, aged 80. Daniel WUson in 1875, aged 70. . War of the Rebellion. — ist Lieut. Chas. E. Bancroft, Jerome E. Ballou. Henry Black, meraber of 2d Maine regt., died at Sloan hospital, Montpelier July 9, 1864. Capt. Lucius H. Bostwick, Co. F 13th Vt. regt., died June 4, '63, age 25. Capt. William T. Burnham, Lieut. Wm. B. Burbank, Maj. Alfred L. Carlton, John S. CoUins, Luther M. CoUins, Wm. Dow. Surgeon Elihu Foster, surgeon of the 7th regt., died in Hydepark, Jan. 9, 1867. John Fisk, nth regt., died in Hydepark, Oct. 4, 1863. John C. Hackett, Thomas Hand, 2d Vt. regt., died at Sloan Hospital, Jan. 8, 1865. John W. Ladd, Lieut. James C. Lamb, Lieut. Charles S. Loomis. Vernon L. Loomis, member Co. H 3d. regt., died Feb. 3, 1863, aged 19 years. Arthur M.Pearson, member Co. F 2d regt., died in BerUn, Sept. 15, 1876, age 40. Philander A. Preston, Co. C ist cav., r'ied in Florence, S. C, Jan. 20, 1865, age 31. Harlan P. Sargent, Co. I 9th Vt., died at Fortress Monroe, Nov. 30, 1863, age 25. Lieut. Charles C. Spalding, Lieut. Ed ward J. Stickney, Charles D. Swasey. Wallace H. Whitney, Co. M ist cav., died at Sloan hospital, Montpelier, Jan. 27, 1865. Alfred Whitney. ELM street cemetery. Revolutionary War. — Col Jacob Davis died Feb., 18 14, age 75. Aaron Griswold died in 1847, age 95. Luther King died in 1842, age 88. War of 1812. — Stukeley Angell died in 1870, age 73. David Barton in 1839, ^ge 57; Silas Burbank in 1847, age 78. Joseph BuzzeU in 1833, age 68. Simeon Cum mins in 1836, aged 55. Thomas Hazard in 1856, aged 75. Capt. Eben Morse in 1858, age 85. Samuel Mead in 1827, age 40. Iram Nye in 18 — , age — . Ira Owen in 1836, age 48. George Rich in 1834, age 48. Diah Richardson in 1866, age 72. Harry Richardson in 1862, age 70., War of Rebellion, 1861. — Selden B. Harran, Co F 2d regt., died at George town, D. C, Nov. 14, 1861, age 20. Sergt. Omri S. Atherton, Co. C 17th regt., died Nov. 6, 1864, age 23. Sergt. Thomas McCauUey. center cemetery. War of 18I2. — Jaraes Arbuckle died in 1844, age 61. Moses Parmenter in i860, age 85. Benjamin Phinney In 1831, age 61. Nathaniel Proctor in 1866, age 88. Josiah Wing in 1849, aged 73. John Young in 1876, age 89. Mexican War. — Capt. George W. Estes of the navy died in 1871, aged 60. War of 1861. — Samuel Andrews, Ed win C. Cummins. Lorenzo D. Cutler, Co. C 13th regt., died July 24, 1863, age 21. Lorenzo Dow. Andrew H. Emerson, Co. E 17th regt., died July 27, 1864, aged 18. Albert N. Mann, Co. I 9th regt., died Sept. 8, 1872, age 28. Orvis Ormsbee, Co. G 4th regt., died in Virginia, Jan. 19, 1862, age 21. Hiram D. Sinclair. Wil lard Snow, Co. C 13th regt., died July 19, 1863, age 23. CyrU Wheeler. Lemuel B. Wing, 2d Co. Sharpshooters, died in 1867, age -22. catholic cemetery. War- of 1861.— WiUiam Blair, Co. I 13th regt., died in BerUn, June 7, 1873, age 28. Walter Burke, Co. H 13th regt., died at Wolf's Run Shoals, March 4, 1863, age 23. Frank Lanier, Co. C nth regt., died in Berlin. Abraham Leazer, Co. C MONTPELIER. S2S 13th regt., died in Virginia, March j6, '63, aged 45. Rock Lemwin, Co. E 17th regt., March 11, 1864, age 43. Peter Lemoine, Erank Sanchargrin, died at Sloan hos pital, Montpelier, in 1864. Louis Sey mour. Joseph ShonteU, 3d Battery, died in Washington, D. C, March 13, 1864, age 19. Andrew St. John, Peter Tebo. on state arsenal grounds. " Seminary Hill. — William Whitney, 3d regt., died at Sloan hospital, Jan. 27,1865, age 27. Monuments in Green Mount Cemetery of those buried elsewhere. — Charles W. Storrs, Co. K 7th regt., died of wounds at Mobile, Ala., AprU 10, 1865, age 23. GUman D. Storrs, Co. B loth regt., killed at Orange Grove, Nov. 27, 1863, age 20. Oscar Maxham, Co. E 8th regt., died at Salis bury, N. C, Feb. II, 1864, age 27. Or rin Maxham, Co. E Sth regt., died in Louisiana, Feb. 6, 1863, age 23. Eliphalet Bryant, nth U. S. A. regu lars, died in Richmond, Va. May, 1 88 1, there were 28 headstones furnished by the government, and erected for the soldiers buried in the different cem eteries of Montpelier. buried in national cemeteries. James M. Carr, loth regt. Co B. John H. Brown, 3d Battery. Ezekiel S. Wal dron, loth regt. Co B, City Point. Tufifield Cayhue, loth regt. Co. B, Cold Harbor, Va. Joseph Ladue, 4th regt. Co. G, Culpepper Court House. Robert Brooks, loth regt. Co. B, Dan viUe, Va. Felix H. Kennedy, loth regt. Co. B. Benjamin F. Taylor, 2d regt. Co. F, Cy press HiU, N. Y. Benjamin N. Wright, 13 regt. Co. I, Gettysburgh, Penn. James E. Thayer, 8th regt. Co. E, Chale- mette, near New Orleans. Sydney A. Gilman, 4th regt. Co. G, AndersonviUe, Ga. Charies Storrs, 7th regt, Co. K, Mo bile, Ala. RosweU FrankUn, 3d regt. Co. H. Allen Greeley, loth regt. Co. B, Alexandria, Va. Harris Buxton, nth regt. Co. H. Har mon O. Kent, 4th regt. Co. G. Albert J. Ayer, loth regt. Co. B, Asylum, Washing- ton,'D. C. c. DE F. B. anecdotes and INCIDENTS OF MONTPE LIER soldiers. The first man to offer his services to his country from Montpelier was Robert J. Coffey, who at the age of 19 years enUsted in Co. F, 1st Vt. regt., which was mus tered into service May 2, 1861. Five more boys frora the town responded to the call and enlisted in the same company within a few hours after. On being mus tered out with the regiment, Aug. 15, 1861, Sergt. Coffey enlisted Sept. 5, 1861, in Co. K, 4th regiment. At the battle of Banks' Ford, Va., May 2, 1863, one inci dent occurred, it being the next day after the 6th Army Corps had charged and captured Mary's Heights. During the battle, Co. K, 4th regiment was deployed as skirmishers. After raaking a charge and capturing a nuraber of prisoners, and withdrawing back towards the rear, ist Lieut. Chas. Carter who was in the command of the company, shouted " come on boys ; we will get more of them yet." Sergt. Coffey went forward with the lieutenant a short distance, when spying a rebel taking aim at the lieutenant frora behind a tree, he fired, the ball taking effect in the rebel's arm, when he advanced and gave himself up a prisoner, and was sent to the rear. They then advanced to the brow of a small hiU. The bullets coming thick, they crawled behind an old tree-top for protec tion. Sergt. Coffey reloaded his rifle here, an Enfield, and as they were rising up to take their departure, — things getting a little warm there — when they were front ed by three rebels, an officer and two men, who upon the demand made by the serg- geant and lieutenant, surrendered and threw down their arras. As Lieut. Carter started with the prisoners to tlie rear, Sergt. Coffey heard the clanking of a sword, and ran around the tree-top, and was met by a large, fine looking rebel oflficer. The reply to the demand of surrender made by Sergt. Coffey was a blow across the ser geant's bayonet from the sword of the offi cer, which was parried off. As the rebel drew his revolver to fire, the sergeant dis charged his rifle at him from a position of charge bayonets. The oflicer fell dead, 526 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. being shot through the head. At this mo ment Lieut. Carter called on Sergt.Coffey to come back with him. As the sergeant started to go, he saw a rebel captain and six men just below hira, which was on the bank of a sraall stream. At this moment, when the captain was giving an order to his men, the sergeant pointed his empty rifle into his face and ordered him to sur render. The captain thinking that they were surrounded exclaimed, " don'tshoot," and ordered his men, who were in the rear of him several feet, to surrender. The cap tain gave himself up ; the other six men came upon the bank, five of them privates, all armed with Enfield rifles, and the other, a lieutenant, also weU armed. Dropping their guns, the sergeant threw them into the stream below. As they ad vanced towards where the captain stood, the lieutenant says to the captain, "what are we a doing here? he is all alone." The sergeant pointed his rifle into the lieu tenant's face and cocked it, and told hira to march on. As they advanced a squad of Co. A boys, who were forming a skir mish line on the right, came in sight ; the sergeant called on them for assistance, as they were but a few rods off; which call they responded to by coming. Taking the swords from the captain and lieutenant, the sergeant marched thera in the direction of his regiment, which had just formed a line of battle on a little rise of ground sev eral rods in the rear. The sergeant deliv ered thera over to Col. Stoughton in the presence of the regiment. The colonel directed him to take them to the rear and deliver them to the prevost guard. On their way the rebel captain informed Sergt. Coffey that his name was Carpenter, and that he was captain of a company in the 2 1 St North Carolina regiment, that the lieutenant belonged to the same regiment, and also that the officer whora he kUled, was a major of the sarae regiment. The five privates belonged to the 8th Louisiana regiraent. There being no vacancy for promotion at that time, Sergt. Coffey was detailed with six other deserving men to go to Vermont and assist in making out the draft. Six days after he rejoined his regiment; he was wounded at Fairfax Court house, Va., in such a manner as to further disable him for service in the war. The above narration is authenticated by several comrades of his regiment as a true narrative. In addition to this narrative might be added many more of the daring deeds per formed by Montpelier "boys" in the army. Araong them that performed by private Wallace W. Noyes of Co. F, 2d regiment, who received special mention from the commanding officer at the battle of Spott sylvania, May 12, 1864. He mounted the enemy's breast works and fired some 30 rifles down into the enemy in rapid succes sion, they being loaded and passed up to him by his comrades from below ; the bul lets passing like rain above hira, but he escaped unhurt, although a bullet passed through his cap and was knocked off; he was afterwards severely wounded, but re covered, and now resides in Montpelier. Another deed which is credited in history from his commanding officer, was by Cor poral WUliam L. Washburn of the 3d Vt. battery, at the engagement before Peters burgh, Va., in AprU, 1865. At one stage in the engagement, the severe firing from the enemy's guns compelled the 3d battery boys to leave their guns and retire behind some breast-works in the rear. Corp. Washburn remained by his gun, a 12 pounder, and loaded and fired alone, that the battery might not be sUenced. There he continued until the " boys" returned to the guns. He escaped without a scratch. NOTES AND NECROLOGY. Samuel Abbott,- engaged in the jewelry business for many years in town, died May 4, 1 86 1, aged 70. Aaron Bancroft, Jr., an excellent me chanic at several trades, and in early life engaged in the jewelry business, was a great "wag," always full of jokes. He was commissioned captain of a militia company in town, which oflfice -he held several years from 1833. He died March 23, 1869, aged 60 years. Chas. E. Bancroft, for some years engag ed in the stove and tin business in this MONTPELIER. 527 town ; was a man of mechanical genius, having taken out several patents, principal ly on tinman's tools. He died Feb. i, 1879, aged 49, leaving one son, Chas. De F., and one daughter, Alice D. Cornelius Watrous Bancroft, (see biog raphy of Carlos Bancroft,) was engaged many years in the mercantile business ; an excellent business man and citizen, died Jan. 22, 1856, aged 48, leaving a son, Howard, now residing in Columbus, O. Arthur D. Bancroft died April n, 1881, aged 37, (see biog. page 497.) Jaraes Boyden carae about 1830; was for some years engaged in preaching the Universalist faith, but giving this up, fol lowed his trade, that of cabinet maker, untU his death, Jan. 22, 1875, aged 77. Milton Brown, Esq., son of Amasa Brown, was born AprU, 180 1, in Winch endon, Mass. ; came to Montpelier with his father in 1807, resided in Worcester, representing that town 7 years in the legis lature, and removing to Montpelier, was high sheriff several years. He died July 3, 1853, aged 54. Geo. P. Blake, a merchant, died sud denly, Aug. I, 1854, aged 51. SUas Burbank, a native of Montpelier, for many years successfully engaged in business in town, died Aug. 14, 1872, aged 65 years. Hon. Augustine Clark, who had held the oflfice of state treasurer while a resi dent of this town, but was for many years previous a resident of Danville, holding many oflfices in that town and county, died June 17, 1841, aged 59. WyUys I. Cadwell, who came to this town in 1799, and was successfuUy en gaged in business, died in 1823, aged about 45. Wm. W. CadweU, son of Wyllys I., for many years engaged in business, and also holding various town oflfices — justice of peace, overseer of the poor — died Dec. 17 1877, aged 78. Col. Abel Carter, a leading citizen of this town, born in Lancaster, Mass., died Jan. 9, 1869, aged 83, in Lowell, Mass. Lyman G. Camp, who came about 1830, was a contractor and builder, and Wash ington County jailor many years. He died May 15, 1879, aged 84, leaving 5 daughters and 3 sons. Zebina C. Camp carae in 1820; wasa contractor and builder of railroads, held the' oflfice of sergeant-at-arras of the State for several years, and the town office of road commissioner many years ; died Jan. 3, 1 88 1, aged 76. Geo. W. Collamer represented the town in the Legislature ; was extensively en gaged in manufacturing, and accumulated a large property ; died October 15, 1865, aged 62. Jacob Davis, Jr., son of Col. Jacob Davis, the first settler of the town, who came with his father at the age of 19 years, died May 4, 1851, aged 83. Thomas Davis, who was the youngest son of Col. Davis, was 17 at the time of its settlement. He was the builder and owner of the first PavUion, and died Dec. 17, 1864, aged 95 years. Anson Davis, son of Thomas, held va rious town oflfices, and was some years sheriff; died Sept. n, 1880, aged 71, leav ing one son, James, residing in New York city. Simeon Dewey, one of the first settlers of the town of Berlin, but for the last 20 years of his life residing in this village with his son. Dr. Julius Y. Dewey, died Jan. 11, 1863, aged 92. Osman Dewey, son of Simeon, a worthy citizen, died Feb. 5, 1863, aged 68 years, leaving four sons, Frank, now a wealthy merchant of Boston ; Denison, Simeon and Orville, of Montpelier; two daughters, Mrs. John W. Clark, of this village, and Mrs. H. I. Proctor, residing in Iowa. Amos Farley, a member of Montpelier Co. at Plattsburgh, in 1&2, and for raany years foreraan of the Watchman office, died Feb. 5, 1836, aged 59. Gen. Shubael B. FUnt was Brig. Gen. of the State mUitia several years, was engaged in the harness business some years, and died Dec. 18, 1856, aged 57. Stephen Freeraan, engaged in the jew elry business in town from 1864 until death, was an exceUent citizen ; died Apr. 13, 1872, aged 54. 52S VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Silas C. French, for raany years engaged in the boot and shoe business in town, died Aug. 28, 1863, aged 79. Geo. P. Foster, for 15 years proprietor of the Union House, from 1865, an en ergetic citizen, died Jan. i, 1881, aged 48, leaving one son, Chas. O. Foster. Fernando C. Gilman, a son of Jehial Gilman, born in Montpelier, was engaged many years in the manufacturing of car riages in town, until his death, Nov. 26, 1880, aged 56, leaving one son, Septimus C, now residing in Boston. David Gray, one of the early citizens of Montpelier, a member of Montpelier Co. at Plattsburgh, died Nov. 16, 1865, aged 83. Two sons, men of property, William and David R., reside in town. John Gray came to MontpeUer with his father in 1974, at the age of 8 years ; was a farmer, and accumulated a large prop erty, in speculations, being an active busi ness man. He died in the viUage, Dec. 14, 1877, aged 91. Nehemiah Harvey carae here in 1810; was a partner of Silas C. French in the shoe business raany years, and died April 22, 1869, aged 75. His two sons, Howard died in the West, and Alonzo K. in Mont pelier. Robert Hargin, born in Ireland, carae to Montpelier in 1832, was many years con nected with the old Pavilion in CottriU's day ; was constable of the town several years, and an active meraber of the Meth odist church, died Aug. 17, 1878, aged 64. Chester W. Houghton, proprietor many years of the old Union House, also en gaged several years in the tin business. died May 26, 1826, aged 47. Abijah Howard carae in an early day, held various town offices, was a rauch- respected citizen, a member of the Mont pelier Co. at the battle of Plattsburgh, and died Dec. 30, 1840, aged 62. Edwin C. Holmes came to Montpelier in i82'6, when a boy ; becarae a successful merchant ; was a partner of Carlos Ban croft about 20 years ; married a daughter of Capt. Isaac Riker; died May 17, 1871, aged 59, leaving a son, Edwin C, now re siding in Texas, and a daughter, Helen, wife of Geo. Howes. Roger Hubbard, a brother of Captain Timothy Hubbard, came at an early day, and was engaged in business many years. He was a member of the Montpelier Co. at Plattsburgh, and died Nov. 1848, aged 65, leaving three sons, Erastus, Gustavus and George, the two former residing' in town, and a daughter, Fanny, who married Martin Kellogg, and resides in New York. Chesty Hubbard, another brother of Capt. Timothy, also came at an early day ; was a successful business raan, and died Aug. 27, 1832, aged 44, leaving one son, Timothy J., and a daughter, who married Anderson D. Dieter, a merchant of New Orleans, since a resident of Montpelier, and now deceased. Timothy J. Hubbard, who accumulated a handsome property in real estate specu lations, died Nov. 7, 1880, aged 57. William B. Hubbard came here in 1830, accumulated a large property in business, and died Nov. 21, 1871, aged 70 years, leaving one son, Wm. E., residing in town. Two daughters, Mrs. Geo. Wilder and Mrs. Kinsman, are both deceased. John Barnard Langdon, eldest son of Col. James H. Langdon, engaged in busi ness in early life, died July 2, 1868, aged 57, leaving one son, John B. Jr., now of Montpelier. Azro Loomis, merchant, of an early date, died in 1831. Left one son, Hora tio S., of this town, Edwin C. Lewis, a boot and shoe mer chant, diedyMay 13, 1867, aged 57 years. Joel Mead came to Montpelier at an early day, and married Lucy, sister of Col. James H. Langdon ; was engaged in busi ness ; on the loth of March, 1838, was drowned by the breaking of the ice when crossing Lake Champlain, aged 53 years. He left four sons, Almon A., of this town, James and Joel, now in the West, and Lucius, deceased, and a daughter, who married Harry S. Boutwell, of this town. His widow is yet living, aged 92. Levi Pierce, druggist and apothecary, a worthy young man, died at the age of 36, MONTPELIER. 529 Jan. 19, 1864, leaving two sons, Clarence C. and John C. Addison L. Paige, for many years in the livery business, and also held the oflfice of sheriff, died AprU 4, 1865, aged 55. Loomis Palmer carae in 1829, was en gaged in business several years, and died Apr. 9, 1875, aged 63. Dea. Alfred Pitkin, who was engaged in trade many years from about 1820, died Oct. 26, 1855, aged 64. His only son, Alfred Jr., died Oct. 8, 1846, aged 22. Orrin Pitkin, engaged in the meat busi ness for about 50 years, from 1820, died April 25, 1879, aged 76. His youngest son Charles C, died in Montpelier, Sept. n, 1872, aged 19. Nathaniel Proctor came at an early day, was a member of the Montpelier Co. at the battle of Plattsburgh, and died Mar 31 . 1866, aged 88. Dr. Chas. R. Pell, an excellent citizen, who opened a dental oflfice in town in 1871, died Mar. 4, 1881, aged 35, leaving four sons all in their teens. Luther Poland, father of the Hons. Luke P. and Joseph Poland, came in 1850 ; was engaged in lumbering, and died June 16, 1880, aged 90. Luman Rublee came in 1818, was en gaged in the hat manufacturing business many years, and died May 12, 1879, aged 86. (See biography ofDr. C. M. Rublee.) Barnabas Snow, an esteemed resident of the town, born in Montpelier, 1797, died June 30, 1873 ; married a sister of Car los Bancroft, by whom he had 3 daughters, Mrs. N. C. Tabor, Mrs. Luther Cree, of Montpelier, and Mrs. Watson of Mass. Philip Sprague, son of the Hon. Wooster Sprague, who was president of the horti cultural society of Boston, died Aug. 6, 1874, aged 44. Isaiah Silver, for many years a leading merchant in town, died May 5, 1865, aged 74, leaving five sons, George, WiUiam, Albert, Charles E., and Henry D., a sergt. of Co. F of ist U. S. artUlery, who had the honor of planting the American flag on the bloody hUl of Cerro Gordo, in the Mexican war. He died at San Juan de UUpa, Mexico, June 7, 1848. 67 Williara S. Smith came in 1841 ; was en gaged in the produce business untU his death. Mar. 19, 1870, aged 62, leaving one son, Carlos L., and two- daughters, one, now wife ofWra. O. Standish, allot Mont pelier. Peter G. Smith, colored, came to Mont pelier i^n 1832, and opened hair-dressing rooms, which business he continued in until death ; was a citizen of the highest character, respected by all of his towns men. He died Dec. 7, 1878, aged 71. Wm. S. Storrs carae in 1823, was en gaged in business niany years, and died Mar. 5, 1870, aged 65. His two sons were killed in the RebelUon. (See war record, page 350.) Josiah Town carae in 1810, and com menced business, which he continued until his death, March 30, 1826, aged 49, leav ing two sons, Josiah, who died Sept. 20, 1832, aged 31, and Ira S., a jeweler of this village. . Preston Trow came in 1830, was en gaged in house buUding, and accumulated a handsome property. He died Oct. i, 1879, aged 69. Dr. B. O. Tyler carae to Montpelier in 1852, and engaged in the druggist busi ness for some years; died May 21, 1878, aged 80. Elisha Town, an inventor of consider able note, taking out several patents, died Apr, 12, 1844, aged 63, leaving five sons. Snow, Samuel, Benjamin, Bar nard, and a physician residing in Marsh field. The first four, whose ages are from 60 to 76, all reside in town, within a few rods of where they were born, each being a few rods from each other. John Taplin, Esq., one of the first and leading settlers of the town of Berlin, (see Berlin,) but residing the last years of his life in Montpelier with his children, was married twice. By his first wife he had 12 chUdren; by his second, 9, all but one living — that being accidentally scalded in infancy — to maturity, marrying, and settling down as the heads of families, thus furnishing an instance of family fruitful ness and health which perhaps never had a 530 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. parallel in the State of Vermont. He died Nov. 1835, aged 87. Jackson A. Vail, Esq., son of JoshuaY. Vail, represented the town in the Legisla ture, (see Washington Co. Bar,) and died Apr. 16, 1871, aged 56. Col. Asahel Washburn, a highly esteem ed citizen, being the originator of Sunday- schools in Verraont, died Apr. 9, 1856, aged 84. Gamaliel Washburn, for upwards of 30 years a worthy resident of Montpelier, and for several holding the oflfice of sheriff and jailor, was a Mason 'of the highest degrees in the Masonic order. He died Dec. 28, 1868, aged 66, leaving three sons. Miles, now of Boston; Geo. C, a physician of Waterbury; and Justus W. F., of Mont pelier; and two daughters, Mrs. D. S. Wheatley, of this town, and Mrs. Emory Bailey, of Boston. Chas. Wood, son of Cyrus Wood, en gaged in the tin business several years, anddied Feb. 5,1864, aged 54, leaving one son, Charles E. Jonathan E. Wright, a most esteemed citizen,- son of Rev. Chester Wright, was several years engaged in business in town, removed to Boston, where he continued in business about 20 years, and returned to Montpelier, where he died. May 9, 1872, aged 61, leaving one son. Rev. J. Edward Wright, pastor of the Church of the Messiah, Fanny, a daughter, having de ceased some years since. ADDITIONAL CITIZENS' NECROLOGY. 1857 Abbott, Christopher 29 1875 Abbott, Timothy 49 1880 Ainsworth, Nathaniel D 52 182.7 Bacon, Samuel 27 1838 Bancroft, Henry 24 1848 Bancroft, Azro 29 1845 Bancier, Ambrosie Jr 24 1847 Bancier, Ambrosie 67 1862 Bancier, Louis C2 1834 Baldwin, Edward 33 1839 Barton, David 57 1867 Bickford, Ebenezer 57 1875 Bixby, Luther en 1837 Bigelow, Silas -yj 1880 Bisconers, John 45 1877 Benway, EU eg 1872 Belair, Edward 55 1878 Braley, Andrew J 50 1853 Bryant, Jeremiah 56 1870 Bryant, Henry 32 1846 Brooks, Zolates 22 1828 Brooks, Lorenzo D 23 1866 Brockway, Abner 49 1874 Brown, Josiah L 64 1844 Brown, Stewart 65 1849 Broody, Mathew 22 1843 Buckley, Francis 56 1874 Burnham, Lewis 68 1874 BusweU, George M 51 1833 Buzzel, Joseph 68 1874 Butterfly, Napoleon 19 1880 Buck, Dana 62 1828 CampbeU, Henry 49 1830 Campbell, David 18 1833 Carr, Samuel 40 1836 Carrigan, John 48 1 836 Caravan, John 27 1866 Carpenter, David 59 1844 Cartemarche, David 45 1881 Carson, Thoraas 31 1862 Chase, Au.stin 22 1842 Clark. Ira 24 1873 Clark, Bradley M 54 1839 Cleaves, Charles R 45 1868 Clifford, Thomas 62 1872 Clough, Moses 56 1874 Coffey, Richard 23 1831 Collins, Salvin 62 1875 Cowdry, Daniel 64 1852 Conners, James 54 1859 Cree, George 1849 Crosljy, Nicholas 62 1867 Cross, Gustavus 34 1852 Cross, Albert A 36 1853 Culver, John W 33 1837 Cutler, Miles 40 1841 Cutler, Prentiss 33 1875 Cutler, Timothy B 66 1828 Cutler, Jonathan 56 1854 Culver, D. W 38 1865 Currier, John Q 41 1865 Cutting, Israel 68 1845 Day, Benjamin 24 1854 Darling, Joseph 38 1863 Dewey, Osman 68 1864 Dewey, Samuel 45 1878 Dieter, Anderson D 53 1841 Doty, H 38 1861 Doty, John 65 1838 Dodge, Jacob F 56 1879 Dodge, Theodore A 65 1 866 Ducharrae, Francis 46 1 834 Dugar, Horace /••25 1842 Dumas, Joseph 49 1853 Dumas, Edward 26 1835 Dunning, Mr 31 1,843 Eaton, Leonard 42 1848 Emerson, Orin 45 1875 Edgerly, Albert W 27 1871 Estis, Capt. Geo. W 60 1872 Fales, Chas. H 22 1844 Foster, Deacon 44 1847 Foster, Douglas 47 MONTPELIER. S3 J 1868 Fish, OrvUle E 21 1878 Finn; John 33 1879 Frasier, Daniel 32 1831 French, Henry 0 28 1850 Fuller, David 64 1826 Gaylord, Thomas 67 1871 Gauthier, James 25 1842 Gilman, J. D 29 1851 GUman, Jehial 60 1865 Gireaux, John B 68 1877 Gerard, Peter 19 1877 Gerard, Joseph i8 1877 Gary, Ephraim 67 1877 Gary, William H 30 1841 Gravlin, Peter 54 1857 Gravlin, Joseph 28 1841 Gleason, Dr. Jacob 34 1839 Greenough, Ira 34 1842 Green, Wesley 21 1869 Gould, Rodney '¦ • • • 55 1875 Gould, Lorenzo D 48 1878 Gould, Oriando 28 1871 Gray, James 57 1875 Gray, WUliam 21 1875 Gray, Mark W 28 1866 Guernsey, Madison 57 1877 Guernsey, Lorenzo D 66 1847 Guernsey, Mr 47 1833 HaU, George 35 1826 Hatch, Timothy 36 1830 Hatch, Enoch 38 1840 Hatch, Jeremiah 52 1843 Hatch, Ira 29 1842 HaU, Moses E 35 1843 Hayward, R. B 34 1871 • Harvey, Alonzo K 41 1867 Harran, John 41 1873 Hawley, George P 60 1869 Haskins, Curtis 50 1880 Hazard, George 64 1873 Hersey, Heman F 50 1854 Hersey, Elijah '. 68 1853 Heaton, Volney 37 1879 Heath, Theron H 18 1879 Haven, WiUiam T 46 1876 Hibbard, Edwin S yj 1880 Hines, John N 48 1869 HolUs, Charies H 46 1848 Holmes, Ebenezer 85 1852 Holmes, BarzUlai 44 1844 Hopkins, Nathaniel 55 1841 Howes, Solon 22 1880 Houghton, Rev. James C 69 1836 Houghton, Lucius 36 1859 Home, WiUiam 29 1859 Howland, James 60 1853 Hyde, George 22 1856 Hubbard, Elijah 1868 Hubbard, Zadock 25 185 1 Hubbard, WiUiam L 34 1845 Hutchins, James 39 1835 Hutchins, William 38 1851 Hutchins, Orison 39 1841 Jacques, Thomas 20 835 Jenkins, Jaraes 33 841 Jennings, Solomon 31 848 Jones, Watson 57 860 Jones, James 40 872 Jones, Elmer 21 848 Jones, WiUiam i8 840 Johnson, D. P 28 863 Johnson, WUUs 63 867 Johonnott, Peter 68 881 Kane, Moses 48 828 Kimball, Jacob F 46 846 Kimball, Seth 42 854 Kilbourne, Ralph 57 855 Kilbourne, Dr. G. H 32 856 Kilbourne, Edward R 20 858 Kinsman, NeweU 63 878 Kinsman, John A 863 Kinson, William R 56 869 Keeler, Andrew 42 873 Kent, Hermon G 69 873 Ladd, Ezra W 41 872 Ladam, Joseph 42 842 Lamb, Center 40 828 Lamphere, Mr 65 840 , Lawrence, David 35 842 Lawrence, Isaac 63 871 Lawrence, Charles 65 873 Lease, Gerdin 65 880 Leland, James 64 872 Lewis, David 65 835 Littleton, Samuel 56 849 Luce, Hubbard 25 855 Lyman, Simeon 45 835 Marsh, Lewis 31 861 Marsh, William D 41 874 Marsh, Ezra 67 868 Marsh, Emerson 18 831 Marsh, Julian 29 832 Marsh, John 35 839 Mathieu, Edmund 22 870 Mailhot, Eustache 61 848 Mathieu, James 80 827 Mead, Samuel 40 872 Medler, Patrick 62 844 McKay, Alba 36 863 McCaully, James ^ 62 869 McClure, William F 19 876 McCue, John 56 848 Mclntire, Timothy 25 876 McFarland, James 56 839 MUler, Albert 38 873 Miller, John 47 857 MilUken, Dr. Edward 29 849 Morse, Almon C 28 874 Mosely, Harmon G 45 872 Myers, Leslie 21 874 Neveaux, Dieu D 41 858 Newton, Jeduthan 38 872 NewhaU, Joseph 42 873 O'Niel, Thoraas 21 836 Owen, Ira 47 837 Parker, John 45 869 Parker, Josiah L 35 875 Parker, Temple W 57 532 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. 18691859 1865 ^838I877 1846 1872 18341851 1831 1852 1855 18451856 187518331879 18381865186318761862 18701851 i8601852 1853 186718741875 1840 1837 1889 1841 1880184018441843 1871 1830 1865183818681867 1876 1881 1840 185518681848 1853 1830 1874 1868188018751846183918321876 188118681826 1831 Park, WUliam 63 Patter.son, James 64 Paine, Richard 74 Paddock, James 67 Pitkin, William L 38 Pitkin, Alfred.' 22 Pitkin, Charles C 20 Peck, Ichabod 62 Peck, Moses 68 Percival, Thomas 35 Phinney, EUsha Phinney, Jay 26 Potter, Luther 20 Prescott, Enoch H 31 Poland, Charles F 28 Prentiss, George 24 Reed, James M 48 Reynolds, Elisha 52 Redfield, Frederick 22 Rice, Thomas P 60. Rich, George 46 Richard.son, James M 45 Richardson, Redfield J 21 Rivers, Paul . .,:. 60 Rivers, Felix 35 Ripley, Franklin 24 Rowell, Hiram 26 Robinson, Geo. W 34 Robinson, Charles C 22 Robinson, Nelson A 63 Safford, Charles 37 Sanders, Otis 29 Sargent, John P 35 Sanborn, Lucius L 32 Scott, Samuel P 70 Shepard, Leander 40 Sherburne, Enoch i8 Sherburne, Henry 67 Simonds, George 22 Slade, Thomas 50 Smalley, Waters B 48 Smith, Dr. Hart 33 Smith, George H 35 Sraith, Leander W 37 Sraith, Alexander 55 Sraith, Walter J 19 Stearns, Lewis 63 Staples, John W 69 Steriing, Henry 31 Stickney, Orin 37 Stickney, Asa 34 Stickney, WiUiara 55 St. John, Andrew, Jr 27 St. Onge, MitcheU 67 Skinner, Ephraim C 39 SuUivan, Timothy 64 TapUn, Guy C 42 Thombury, PhiUp ig Town, Josiah 31 True, Ziba R 62 True, Charles B 35 Tyler, Lorenzo D 62 TuUer, Martin 21 TuthiU, William 60 852 Wainwright, Alfred 62 846 Warner, M. D 850 Walsh, WUliam 42 851 Wilder, A. W. Sr 57 846 Washburn, Judah._ 58 844 Washburn, Ephraim 45 840 Walton, Edward 850 Walton, John 56 862 Weed, Nathan. . .¦ 41 843 Whiten, David :il 849 Whitney, Levi 45 849 Wheelock, Loomis 42 849 Witherell, Elijah 32 862 Wing, David... 45 856 Wing, A. Sidney 61 867 Wing, Christopher C 33 856 Wing, Lemuel B 36 850 Wing, Myron 27 854 Wing, Melvin 830 Worcester, WUliam 22 872 Wright, Jerorae 29 839 York, Chester 29 834 Young, James 34 C. DE F. BANCROFT. GREEN MOUNT CEMETERY. History from : Services at the Dedication of G-reen Mount Cemetery. Montpelier. Vt.. Sept. 16. 18S.5. Published by order of the Commissioners. Montpe lier: E.P. Walton, Jr., printer, 1855. Calvin J. Keith, (see page 47) who died in 1853, left a bequest of jf 1000 in his will for "purchasing a suitable place for a burying-ground in Montpelier, and inclos ing and planting trees in the same," and naraed Constant W. Storrs with the trust ees ofhis estate to "lay out the ground into lots and dispose of the same at a reasona ble price, reserving a portion to be given gratuitously to the poor. The amount re ceived for lots to be used by said trustees in improving said ground and in planting the same thickly with trees." To the liberality and pubUc spirit of this gift, "the town responded equally liberal, and at the next annual meeting appointed Hezekiah H. Reed, James T. Thurston and Stoddard B. Colby a committee to act on the behalf of the town" with the trustees. The joint comraittee purchased of Isaiah Silver at a cost of $2210 about 40 acres, which are now inclosed and constitute Green Mount Cemetery, work on which was commenced in the Autumn of 1854. By act of the Legislature that same year, the whole man agement was vested in five commissioners to be chosen by the town ; EUsha P. Jew ett, Hezekiah H. Reed, Charies Reed, MONTPELIER. 533 James T. Thurston and George Langdon were elected at the annual March meeting 1855, the first board of commissioners. The town^at the same time placing at their disposal to defray the expenses of the Cem etery $5000. The grounds were so far completed as to be dedicated with the usual forms and exercises Sept. 15, 1855. Dedication Services. — Chant, written for the occasion, by Col. H. D. Hopkins, per formed by the Union Choir Association, words. Psalm 90, adapted ; reading of the Scriptures by Rev. F. D. Hemmenway: Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble. He cometh forth as a flower and is cut down — Job. . . . And Abrahara stood up from before his dead, and spake unto the sons of Heth, saying : I am a stranger and a sojourner with you, givemeapossession of a burying- place, that I may bury my dead. . . . And the field of Ephron, ... the field and the cave which was theretn and all the trees that were in the field, that were in aU the borders round about were made sure unto Abraham for a possession in the presence of the chUdren of Heth. — Genesis. . . Behold I show you a mys tery ; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. In a moment in the twink ling of an eye at the last trump. — ist Cor. Prayer — By Rev. Wm. H. Lord: Almighty and most merciful God, the Father of our spirits and Framer of our bodies : it becometh us to recognize Thee at this time, and adore thy glorious Maj esty. Thou hast formed us out of the dust of the earth, and passed upon us the irre versible sentence of Thy holiness ; dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return. We acknowledge the justice of the decree which consigns these earthly tabernacles of our spirits to the darkness and silence of the grave. And as we contemplate the multitudes of successive generations, who have all returned to the earth from whence they sprang, our hearts are impressed with the reality of Thy government over us, and with the solemnity of our present con dition and future destiny. And most Holy Father, as we are now assembled in this place, to consecrate to our own use, and to the use of the generations that shall follow us, this burial place for the dead, we be seech Thee, that serious thoughts of the greatness and majesty of Thine adminis tration, and of our own weakness and frail ty, may take possession of us. Remind us, we pray Thee, of our personal relations to thy moral law, and to the future before us. Let not the ceremony, in which we engage, be merely listless and formal ; but enlisting our minds and hearts, may it send them forth to the contemplation of that promised inheritance of Thy jjeople, where there is neither death nor the grave, and where no funeral monument and no conse crated sepulchre shall ever be seen to indi cate the mortality and to mark the corrup tion of its inhabitants. For however beau tiful and attractive we may make this place of sepulture, we yet confess. Great God, that it is, in all its parts, significant of our transitory and perishing estate, and that its various attractions cannot conceal frora our thoughts the solemn use to which it is de voted, and the stUl more solemn fact that makes its use imperative. We beseech Thee, that as often as we visit this spot, it raay suggest the most serious and salutary reflections, and lead to the raost earnest and holy purposes. And while we may here attest our considerate and generous affection for the dead, let this common home of us all, teach us most impressively our duties to the living. As we here dis cover the certain destination to which we are all tending, may we learn wisdom to ¦ guide us amid the various relations of life, and find fresh and strong incentives to the performance of every duty, and to the cul tivation of every grace. May we look to Him, Who, from out of the darkness of the grave, has brought life and immortal ity to light, and in His gospel spoken to us of a resurrection from the dust of the earth. May we here learn to cherish and to value the hope of a better life, revealed in Thy Word, and to believe heartily in Him, Who will soon destroy death and rob the grave of its victims. And when we commit the bodies of our friends to this consecrated earth, may it be with the lively and assured hope, that through the blood of Jesus Christ, appropriated by faith, we may all be reunited in Thy kingdom of blessedness, to go no more out forever. Hear this our prayer, and unto Thy name. Father, Son and Holy Ghost, be everlasting praises ; Amen. Address— By Rev. F. W. Shelton : We stand upon a hUl-side which, almost yesterday, lay unreclaimed in its original wildness, and now already it begins to look like an embellished garden. Art has redeemed it from its rude estate, with an almost magic transformation. It has its winding walks, and will have its shady avenues. It is the most choice position in this valley, and its natural surface presents the charm of great variety. There is no stretch of landscape, in this neighborhood, around the abodes of the living, which can vie in beauty with this Paradise which you 534 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. now dedicate, as the resting place of your beloved dead. And it is easy to predict what its aspect will be in a few years, when its remaining roughness shall have been assuaged ; when every returning sum mer shaU bring with it a richer shadow, and an added bloom': — when affection shall have beautified it in every nook, and watered its flowers with tears. On this occasion, so fraught with sol emn, yet not unpleasing suggestion, your thoughts will naturaUy recur to one whose hand was always open with a generous largess, and who devised a portion of his wealth for so benevolent an end. The heart is cold in death which lately throbbed with sympathy for the living, but if no chiselled shaft should rise in gratitude upon the height to- bear the record of his vir tues, this spot shall be his noblest monu ment. Peace to his ashes. You, too, have done well, and have re sponded to a true sentiment in consecra ting these acres to a purpose so hallowed. Here, indeed, the husbandman shall not put in the grain, nor shall the plough-boy carol, nor shall the waving corn be seen • upon these hills. They shall receive the germs of a richer harvest in their bosom. This land shall not change hands. It is the inalienable heritage of the dead forever. It is their riches, their right, their possession ; — theirs, with all its abundant variety of hill and dale, and rocks, and flowing water; — a little dust, but it is enough to satisfy the wants of many. It wUl be protected with a jealous care, and none will be so rude in instinct as to pluck a flower. The winds alone shall rifle the buds which grow in this gar den, and the frosts of heaven shall nip their heads. The laws which truly guard it, are not the statutes inscribed on pillars ; they are those which are graven deep in human nature : and the sentinels which keep watch over the tomb, are the most delicate sensibilities of the heart. Thus shall it descend as a burial place from gen eration to generation, till it shall become so rich and holy with beloved dust, that all the treasures upon earth would not wrest it frora your possession. It is now offered, with all its boundaries which lie beneath these skies. The deeds will be presented by your commissioners. "This fairest spot of hill and glade, ¦Where blooms the flower and waves the tree. And silver streams delight the shade, "We consecrate, O Death, tolThee." An innate sentiment teaches us to have respect to the ashes of the departed. Thus when the spark of life is fled, the mourner stands long to gaze upon the casket which contained the jewel. ' Tenderly does he close the eyes which shall know no more "their wonted fires," and imprints a last kiss on the lips which Death has sealed. He scatters flowers upon the silent bosom. He enrobes the form of the sleeper in fair and white habiliments, and at last in sUence and in sorrow commits it to the purifying mould ; — earth to earth, — ashes to ashes, — dust to dust. Nor does he rest con tented when he has put it from his sight with the latest ceremonials which decency requires. He guards the sacred spot from each profane intrusion, and there he lin gers long, if he has loved well. We flnd a care for sepulture existing by the proof of earliest records. "Abraham stood up, and bowed him self to the peopb of the land, even to the chUdren of Heth. And he communed with them, saying, ' If it be your mind that I should bury my dead out of my sight, hear me, and intreat for me to Ephon the son of Zohar, that he may give me the cave of Machpelah, which he hath, which is in the end of his field ; for as much money as it is worth he shall give it me, tor a possession of a burial place among you.'" — Gen. 23, 7-9. All people have exhibited the like trait of humanity. The dreamy Turk will leave the living crowd which is bythe Bosphorus, and sit all day beside the graves of his kindred. The red man of the forest cher ishes within him the same germ and attri bute of a higher civilization : for as a hard fate drives the tribes still onward to the " Father of Waters," the last thoughts of their hearts is directed towards the spots where rest the bones of their fathers. He who does violence to such a senti ment, lacks even the refinement of the savage. It is the tendency of the age to disregard in some things that which the past held sacred, and to bear them down in a vast development of physical raeans and physical energy. That utility is short-sight ed which shall ever trample on the dictates of a genuine decency. The pyramids still rise sublime, with no better base than the sands of the_ desert ; but we must only look for ruin's where Mammon builds his altars on a dead man's bones. When we gaze upon this crowd, in con nection with the object which has brought them here, and consider how large a part of it shall, at some time or other, be dis solved and mingle with this surrounding dust, it awakens a throb of feeUng to which words cannot do justice. There is. a poetry, it is true, connected with the cul tivation of rural ceraeteries ; but I trust that it is something better than the senti- mentalism which is without depth and vapid. For it is not the charm, which we may throw around these melancholy places, MONTPELIER. 535 that can deprive death of its sting, or soften one shadow on the brow of the King of Terrors. It is not that the dark ness of the grave can be mitigated, because the outside of it is beautified like a garden, nor that the sleeper will rest more softly on a bed which is perfumed with violets. It will be as cold and hard and dark beneath the clod, as if no garlands were above it. But the teachings of a holy faith can give a meaning to such adornments, and surround them with a tender solace," as the emblems of an immortal bloom. It is because of the effect which they will have upon ourselves, and not for any good which they will do the silent sleepers. To be occupied in such pious rites, is to disengage us a little from the world's in crustations ; to break asunder from the bonds of a prevailing selfishness ; to pay that which is due to meraory, and raise our eyes to the halo which invests the future. It is to gain strength for ourselves to look down fearlessly into the portals of the sol eran tomb ; to pay in thought, and study, and reflection, something of what we owe to the characters of the good and noble. We know that man but poorly, whom we have only known when he was living. The best may be said only to begin to live when the grave has closed upon them. I speak not this of their own destiny, but their major influence is given forth, only when they have ceased to be. It is the meraory of their lives, more than their very lives, which can sink at last into our hearts, or fully exhibit their own. They are like those things which we might not have noticed, if they had not passed by. So, the river rolls on over an arid landscape, but when its chiefest volurae has left the banks, then the - vegetation springs up. It is firom the past, the past, that we gather all our wisdom, and live a thousand years in a day. Thus we see that it springs from a refined motive, and that its tendency is salutary, when we seek to adorn a spot like this. It is to cherish the memory of those who have gone before us, and to show that love is not an empty ** How sleep the brave, who sink to rest. By all their country's wishes blest! When Spring, with dewy Angers cold. Returns to deck their hallowed mould. She there shall dress a sweeter sod Than Fancy's feet have ever trod." In surveying this spot, and the uses for which it is designed, some might be dis posed to inquire — what need of these ex tensive domains ? At a little distance from where we. are now standing, among these wild Green Mountains, there is a humble viUage in the valley. It is full of thrift and industry, yet when centuries shall have passed away, — from its location by nature, it will be only a village still. This place shall be a city ; the youngest here present may live to see how it sliall outstrip the other, in the number of its inhabitants . There will be no such compact masses and ranks of men in yonder streets as shall be assembled here. Thus death gains upon life in all places, until life shall gain the final victory over death. On the border of that village there is already a cemetery of the dead, but it wOuld soon be overcrowded . 1 1 clamors al ready for a larger domain. Thus necessity itself has coincided with feeling in selecting a more ample and eligible place. There are many tender and touching associations, no doubt, connected with that spot, for its consecration is coeval with the settlement of this village. How many tears have fallen on its hitherto untroubled and quiet graves. There the child slumbers, and the young man, cut down in the nobility of his strength ; there the blossoras of the alinond tree have faUen ; there the lovely daughter has been borne away, when bursting into the grace of womanhood, and when Consumption, like a worm In the bud, Preyed on her damask cheek." There, truly, are deposited the richest treasures which you had on earth. But if in love and tenderness you shall disturb those ashes, to bring them here, it will be only as when one shall rearrange a couch, that they may rest raore sweetly and securely and quietly forever. Here you will corae afterward to smooth their narrow bed, to recall their virtues, to re new your vows of constancy, and to say, — " My Father ! my Mother ! my Brother ! ray Sister ! my Child ! forget thee ! — NEVER." Hither will you come with every chang ing season of the year to renew your pil grimage. Hither, when the winter is past, when the rain is over and gone, when the flowers appear on the earth, and the tirae of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land ; hither, when the autumn dyes the foliage with mellow tints and hectic colors ; and you will reflect upon it without a pang, and you yourselves wUl covet no better lot than at last to lie down with these sleepers. Who ever thought these rocks and jagged hUls, which Nature fashioned in her wild est moods, should so suggest the idea of quiet ? No love of sordid weal could have accomplished that which you have this day achieved by your affection. Well may yon Mount,* which towers sublime, remove the blue veil from before his eyes. • Camel's Hump. 536 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. to gaze on this assembled multidude. Here shall the rough rocks be transformed to snowy marble ; but if no sculpture mem orized the dead, these glorious hills would be a monument. Yon silver stream shall chant a constant requiem. What spot more sUent and select than this among the gorgeous scenery of the mountains, where Summer paints her richest contrasts, and Winter strews her costliest jewelry around the realms of Death ! There is an Echo here which mocks the ear, but wakes up syrapathies within the heart. The chaunt- ing voices and the rich harraonic chords, which just went up into the open sky, re turned in undulations, fainter still to raor- tal sense, but never ob.solete. Even now comes stealing back the soul of wild flowers on the soft, Septerabral breeze. It is Death alone which dies. This is the Christian's solace. This shall cheer the mourning crowds which wind through yon der gateway, when they come to lay be neath the turf the loved and lost. AU who are in the grave shall come forth, for this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on Immortality. Presentation of the title deeds by H. H. Reed, Esq., in behalf oi the commissioners. Dedication. — By Rev. Dr. Lord. Sir: We receive these Title Deeds as representing and describing these beautiful and extensive grounds, which have been se lected with so much taste, and enclosed and arranged with so great propriety and beauty, for the p'urpose of a burial place for our dead. The muniflcent provision of one of our citizens, together with the un usual and noble liberaKty of the town, in furnishing the large means to procure and embellish such a spot as this, have been equalled only by the energy, the economy and discretion with which you have ap plied thera. In reaching the close of your labors, you have far exceeded our anticipa tions ; and now present to us a lot, in it self, and in all its arrangements, perfectly adapted to the use for which it was de signed, and most flt to be consecrated for ever to the purpose of christian sepulture. It has ever been the practice, both of humanity and of religion, to commemorate the dead by material monuraents, and to regard the spot, which furnished a resting place for their bodies, as peculiarly sacred. The enclosures wherein the spirit of love and mourning has perpetuated, by the planted flower, by the rude cross, by the simple stone, by the raarble shaft, or by the magniflcent massive monument, sorae traces of the affection of children, of par ents and of friends, and which recall the images of youth and beauty, of wisdom and goodness, and relate their worth and varied excellence ; are ever hallowed in the minds of men. We do, then, give utterance to the common sentiments of human nature, when we comply with your request, and formally consecrate and set apart, to its de signed and appropriate uses, this Ceme tery. We do now, therefore, dedicate all this ground, herein described, stretching from its rocky battlements on the east to its flinty ramparts on the west ; from its lofty northern boundary, along down its sloping sides ; with its central mounds, its alluvial heart, and its interval reaching near to the banks of the beautiful river that flows at its base ; with all its trees and rocks, its val leys and hills, its springs and ravines ; with all its arranged and still unfinished lots ; to be a perpetual possession unto us and to our children, as a place where we may piously bury our dead, and rear over their ashes the .symbols of our affection, and the mementoes of their worth. We dedi cate it, as a place of reverent and mourn ful, yet sweet recollections, of thedeparted ; of high and solemn contemplation upon the uncertainty of human life and its cer tain destiny ; of serious purposes of holy living and preparation for death ; of cheer ful and glorious anticipations of that time when the graves shall be opened, and the dead, both small and great, shaU come forth to the promised resurrection, and re new, amid scenes far brighter than these, the holy affections and the pious friend ships of their primeval abode. And while we consecrate it to the dead, we commit it also to the generous care of the living ; with the hope, that it may be preserved in its present lo-veliness ; with the prayer, that whenever its turf may be broken, it shall be but to receive to its keeping the body of one who believes in our Lord and Sa viour Jesus Christ, as the Resurrection and the Life. Hymn— By Charies G. Eastman. This fairest spot of hill and glade, -Where blooms the flower and waves the tree, And silver streams delight the shade. We consecrate, O Death, to thee. Here all the months the year may know ."ihall watch this " Eden of the Dead," To wreathe with flowers or crown with snow The dreamless sleeper's narrow bed. And when above its graves we kneel. Resigning to the mouldering urn The fk-lends whose silent hearts shall feel No balmy summer's glad return ; Each marble shaft our hands may rear. To mark where dust to dust is given. Shall lift Its chiselled column, here. To point our tearflil eyes to Heaven. MONTPELIER. 537 Benediction — By Rev, F. D. Hemraenway. Thus was this most beautiful inclosure dedicated to Montpelier's dead, just 27 years ago this fall. The number of inter ments to date, Dec. 24, i88i, is 999, Sim eon Lyman, a merchant, buried Oct. 3, 185s. aged 45 years, being the first. A thousand times the turf has already been broken in Green Mount to receive the household props of this people, the treas ures of its happy homes. We see on this spot how death takes toll. How many sleep around the raonuraent of the benefi cent Keith, upon every side, who assisted in the beautiful consecration just portray ed : Constant W. Storrs, among the first, and all the comraissioners, but one, who selected and prepared the grounds are here. The Pastor who offered the first prayer on this spot — by the side of his little Bessie. The Poet who wrote its hymn of beauty, the Poet of this cemetery stUl. Shelton of the lovely address, every paragraph like a cluster of precious stones, sleeps, also — in the bosom of the neighboring State upon the West. Here are the graves of Thompson, East man, Lord, Samuel Goss, Daniel Baldwin, Charles Reed, Samuel Wells and a few others whose names are identified with our early acquaintance at Montpelier. Most of those whose biographies are written in this book rest here ; even some buried in old Elm Street Cemetery with their old sexton, have been brought up and re- interred here ; whose histories have been so studied, though otherwise unknown, the names on the headstones look like old friends. It is but our second visit, and yet we cannot Jeel quite like a stranger here. What Vermonter could by Thorap son's' grave ? by his grave as. yet without monument or stone ! the author of the Green Mountain Boys has built himself his own monument more enduring than of marble — "Pete Jones" is his monument more resonant than brass ;" May Martin," a fairer headstone than another could raise. It is not doubted this grave will yet have the due commemorative stone. Only, we miss it here now — " D. P. Thompson" was so weU known and endeared to the people of the State ; in Montpelier so long time and honorable a resident — her pleas ant historian. An early friend to our Gazetteer ; he was first engaged to write for it the chapters of Montpelier History ; a few months before his death finding he would not be able, wrote " take therefore, anything I have ever written for Montpe- ler, or for Washington County, or for the State, whether printed or in raanvuscript, the whole or in part, as you would if it were your own, for I shall not be able to do as I had intended ; and I would name to you the Hon. E. P. Walton, as the man the best qualified to aid you and to write the history of Montpelier.'' Having been so successful in the history of Montpelier, nearing its close, pleasant to-day is the re membrance of his intention^the thought ful kindness of his last letter ; and we shall be very happy if we may see, as we may if contributed by his friends, his portrait stand with his biography in this County volume, for which he would, no doubt, have written so much and so well, had he lived to this day ; and where it may stand in the one town which has a prior claim, his own beloved Berlin, adjoining Montpelier on the pleasant south, where was his father's old farm, where he was born, just over the river. A handsome monumental pile ! — worthy the Sleeper below. A name in the mar ble, by author, raan or woman, never for gotten — the first literary benefactor^^the handsome and the gracious patron, who pruned till they gleamed almost like fresh poems, and sent his beautiful contribu tions with words of confidence to your first book in press, and when it came gave it notice through his newspaper at the capital, and sold raany copies in his old book-store on State Street, and ad vised and contributed to its successor. The sight of this beautiful tomb sweUs our heart full ; — glad for as proud of his fame, — talented, bland, witty, generous East man ; the vigor, point, beauty and mazy grace of his poetry all seem concentrated and perpetuated here. A granite stone ; the tenant " here that bluff, iorn-framed, but golden-hearted old 68 538 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. landlord at the Pavilion, the first time . that we were at Montpelier, who declared promptly that he had no bill for a young woman who had given Vermont the hand somest book ever printed in the State. Poor book-makers might hope to live out their days were all landlords Col. Bout- weUs. Peace to the ashes, severely silent, of the every-inch-alive, stirring old host. His monument is just what it should be — granite — large. We would like his stout figure in bronze in the grounds of the Pa vilion. We are very glad of his portrait in our book. Joint vote of praise frora the State House, Levi Boutwell did better ; bread is better than fame. Here ; — Samuel Goss ! Farley, Wal ton, his confreres. Father Goss had one of those countenances it stirs the heart agreeably to look into, pleasant as intelli gent, sensible as gracious. Gen. E. P. Walton we almost seem to know in his son, Hon. E. P. The grave, of the first lady with whora we became acquainted at Montpelier — the first wife of Dr. G. N. Brighara, who re sided some 30 years in Montpelier vil lage. Mrs. Brighara was a cheerful, active little woman, storing her home with the honey of comfort ; but when we saw her last the rose of consumption was painted on h^ cheek. Never was her cordiality so touching. I could not pass her resting-place without pausing. I would plant one historical flower on her grave. It shall be the poetic hyacinth, that sweetest poem, to our thought, from the pen of her talented husband, and which was inspired by a scene connected with her death-bed. song OF THE HYACINTH. One lay with bright eyes looking for the Christ, And so near to heaven it seemed Uiat she could hear The song of flowers. A purple hyacinth, Which from a vase drank dew and shed it round In fragance, played au Interlude that called Her half-flown spirit back. For when her eye Was flxed on It, till all her face did smile, She handed forth her pale white hand and asked That it be given her. We never shall forget That smile, the dainty way her fingers toyed Among the petals ; music cadences Began, " How sweetl"— 't was even as a child Sweet toys and grows aflame with Joy. And as We gazed and saw the dappled halo glow And ripple over all her flace, we said It Is the breaking light of heaven. That night She died, the fragrance of the hyacinth Upon her fingers, sweetest sinlle that e'er Warmed human face yet lingering; and her Low lullaby a song of that sweet flower. SONG. There is no death, no death, my dearest. No death but death of pain ; The sleeping ones, my child, are nearest To Alden's rapturing strain. O, fold thy lids aud drop thy sorrow. And sleep thee ft-ee of pain ; And when thou wakest on the morrow Thou wilt be born again. O sleep the sleep past earth's sad waking. This death is nature's rest; And in the new morn that is breaking Drift thee unto the blest. The grave of Dr. Lord again ; whose words were poetry and whose sermons poeras, though we knew him flrst histori cally. We had not been at Montpelier for several years ; standing a^ the closed doors of the Historical Society, "a private session," as there told, — that is a business meeting, the annual meeting having closed a half day earlier than we had expected. Dr. Lord, hearing the name of the woman at the door, carae down as she was turning to leave, and taking both hands — prince of a man as he was in manners and courtesy — would not suffer, saying as he led her within, there was not any closed session to her, or there should not be, and they, within, were only all her brothers in the same work, as she who had done more than thera all, and having led her to a s^at, so easUy and pleasantly introduced her, a woman alone with the assembled historical gentlemen of the State, felt no awkwardness. He inquired if she was a member,and, informed "itwas contrary to aby-law," by his motion, seconded by Hon. Hiland HaU of Bennington, presiding, the bar was immediately removed against a lady's admission to membership in the So- - ciety ; pronounced and made obsolete by an unanimous vote of welcome to the first ' woraan admitted to the State Historical Society, in the old State House, and which coming at the capital, and thus naturally, never having been before asked, or expect ed by the receiver, but which carae, when introduced by Rev. Dr. Lord— who was MONTPELIER. 539 made President of the Society the sarae day — so whole and geniaUy, it wiped away in one raoraent, gracefully, all the exclu siveness of the past. For its being an hon or received ia Montpelier, pardon, the per sonal relation ; as Montpelier is one of the few towns of the State which have given us more roses than thorns, let us toy with one. The resting-place of one of the patri archs of the village. On one of the sultriest days of a sultry summer — the op pressive noon — winding out from the street of the Capital, down by the river — a vein of delicious coolness by the roadside — a gentle south breath from over the river, brushing softly aside the heated atmos phere that beat down from above — the funeral of the raan who had lived the most years in Montpelier came to Green Mount, gradually ascending the hill-side to the shade of trees into which the carriages wound and stood while the venerable old man was laid in the evergreen-lined grave. The coffin resting deep down on the mosses at the bottom, the breath of the raourners and of all the crowd stilled to listen to the service ; all hearts touched to syrapathy with the cool, sweet pulse of nature here, we thought, and it seemed the whole crowd thought with us, more beautiful is the gar den of the dead than the home of the liv ing ; and a place not to lose its attractions, how many will follow, drawn on, attracted while they know not how. Where the old man and the young raan lie down together, beautiful encarapment-ground ! — to-day, and what raay it be a hundred years from to-day ? The descendants of the people of Montpelier no doubt may in a hun dred years make this place more beauti ful than now. He who may then come up to these grounds raay find the en trance, upon the south by the river, the same as now, but an inclosure extended northward and eastward and westward — a city of the departed instead of a gar- -ien ; walls in inscriptions, ornamentations, mossings. The ponderous gate lettered on the iron in bronze " Where the Weary are at Rest." Within, near the gate where the raourners go by a colossal cross from the granite of our mountains, in raised letters upon the body — "Jesus Christ Died For all." . AU the streets longer — more streets, raore graves in all the streets, and over every walk and grave, the beauty of age in nature. Nature never loses in beauty ; — more leaves, more flow ers, more tints, raore raosses, richer paint ed rocks. How beautiful the rocks grow old ; softened, garnitured with moss, vine and flower, more and more every lapsing year. Man lives for a hundred years, na ture for a hundred hundred. How beauti ful in marble, too, its visitor may find this city, one hundred years raore past. And on the boldest cliff Of these expanded grounds, swelling mountalnward— If we raay look through the haze of future years — What statue, grander than living man. Stands, counting the multitude, slumbering So long at his feet — trumpet In hand. Waiting to summon up these long sleepers? I note the change, as the years ran on And art with the people grew, how the crevices In this hillside showed, until this Eden Of the dear departed was so fair and famed. The traveller from over the seas called It 'The Art Garden of the Departed ' Of this land ; in every rural recess. Scripture history was so put In marble : So fair upon the hills and mounds and plains. Within the dales and rocks and caves and woods And lawns, beside the river and the rills- Beseeming the cemeteries of the dead In the capital of a State where the rocks Are marble— the statues of the native sculptors : Pair as the white rose-growing by the grave, The Ruler's daughter, standing by her couch. Just risen— the dear Master of Life, Holding the little damsel by the hand. Over whose face new breath and beauty breaking. Eastward—" in the rocky battlements," that cave By tall trees, half-embowered, Lazarus statue. Or flgure, grave-swathed, coming forth — there I Where the sun touches first the grave. All shrubs and flowers of fragrancy crowding To deplGt that garden of the resurrection- Jesus Christ and Magdalene standing within. The marble shaft, the massive monument, The simple stone, shrubbery so surrounding,— tree And flower and vine adorning,- each did seem. As the eye gathered it in, more beautiful : The chiseled column— the planted flower. Rivaled by the pure lilies on the stone,— The rose In the foliated marble : The oldest stone, most mossed, most beautiful; As the ancient rocky rampart, the brown moss Clinging to, the golden moss, th' gray wand-moss In every crumbling fissure, scarlet tipped. Most fair country : for all the people thought Affection could not make too fair the Eden Of their Dead— deposited in hope. 540 VERiMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF LIVING PERSONS. TIMOTHY PARKER REDFIELD, (BY B. F. FIFIELD, ESQ.) the son of Dr. Peleg and Hannah (Parker) Redfield, was born at Coventry, Nov. 3, 18 1 2. The father was born of sturdy English stock at Killingworth, Conn., the grandson of Capt. Peleg Redfield, who bravely fought through the revolutionary war. The mother was the daughter of Isaac and Bridget (Fletcher) Parker, born at Westford, Mass., in Nov., 1785, and married at Weathersfield, Vt., in March, 1803. They removed to Coventry, Vt., with two children, in the fall of 1807, and raised a family of 6 sons and 6 daughters, amid the perils and hardships of frontier life. [See Coventry, Vol. II, this work.] The subject of this sketch had the usual experience of Verraont boys born and brought up on a farm, but here were laid the rudiments of that industry, self-reli ance, and independence, which have so much distinguished him and which is pecu liar to the stock. At Dartmouth College he ranked among the first of his class, was elected a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, and graduated with high honors in the class of 1836. He imme diately commenced the study of the law in the office of his brother, the Hon. Isaac F. Redfield, was admitted to the bar in Orleans county in 1838, began the practice of his profession at Irasburgh, and con tinued it there until his reraoval to Mont pelier in 1848. He was senator frora Or leans county in 1848. He practiced his profession at Montpelier from 1848 to 1870, when he was elected Judge of the Supreme Court, and has received successive elec tions from that tirae to the present, 1881. He was married to Helen W. Grannis of Stanstead, Province of Quebec, Feb. 6, 1840, by which marriage he had 4 children, three of whom sleep in Green Mount Cem etery at Montpelier, and the only surviving .chUd, AUce, the wife of Andrew J. Phil lips, now resides at St. Louis, Mo. While in the practice of his profession at Montpelier, he became widely known through the State as one of the most reli able, painstaking and thoroughly weU-read lawyers in the profession. From 1856, to the time of his elevation to the bench he was a constant attendant upon the courts in ^Orleans, Caledo'nia and Washington counties, and it is no disparagement to others to say that he had no superiors either in the knowledge of the law, or its practical adaptation to the complicated affairs of life. His sturdy independence, elevated character and fine legal attain ments, commanded respect and admira tion from all who knew hira, and a man who was once his client was always his client. In 1870, a vacancy occurred on the su preme court bench. Mr. Redfield had always been a democrat in politics, but his fitness for the position was so generally ac knowledged that he was elected to the place by a legislature overwhelmingly re publican, and against numerous competi tors. His dignified judicial bearing and acknowledged impartiality made him at once a general favorite with the public, the bar and his associates. His fame raay and will justly rest upon his judicial life. His brother, Isaac F. Redfield, occupied a seat upon the bench of Vermont for 25^ years, and he left it in i860 only to extend his fame and establish it as one of the fore most jurists of the age, whether English or American. In each of the brothers is found in like degree that quality of all others -the raost rare, the judicial teraperament, and in each is also found the intellectual grasp on the one hand and fine sense of justice on the other hand which is so essential to the just ad ministration of the law. Judge Redfield is an excellent scholar, and while his bearing is reserved and dig nified, such as becomes his position, yet in social life he is one of the most charming of companions. His reminiscences of the old bar and his fund of anecdotes are the delight of those who enjoy his friendship, and will be long remembered by those who come after hira. He is a member of the Episcopal church and a devoted christian, not only in profession but also in practice. ^ ^^&^^c^_ MONTPELIER. 541 In short. Judge Redfield is a model in all that constitutes a conscientious, christian gentleman, and an able, upright, impartial judge. To speak thus of his record is but the "just meed of praise to acknowledged worth," and "to keep the memory of such men green is but to strengthen and stimu late public virtue.'' HON". ELIAKIM PERSONS WALTON." [From M. D. Gilman's Bibliography of -Vermont, now In course of preparation.] Eliakim Persons Walton was born in MontpeUer, Feb. 17, 1812, and was the first'born son of the late Gen. Ezekiel Parker Walton and Prussia Persons. On the Walton side the genealogy goes back with almost absolute certainty, through Ezekiel P.'s father, who was the late Geo. Walton, of Peacham, born atNew Market, N. H., in 1762, and married Mary Parker, of New Hampshire, to George Walton, a Quaker born in England, in whose house at Newcastle, N. H., in June, 1682,0c- ' curred the best authenticated case of witch- ¦ craft which has ever been recorded in New England. See Mather's Magnalia Christi Americana, edition of 1820, vol. 2, p. 393, and Brewster's Rambles about Portsmouth, second series, pp. 343-354. On the Persons side, all that can be asserted is that Eliakim Davis Persons was a native of Long Island, and his wife, Rebecca Dodge, was of Mas sachusetts, probably Northfield, who had numerous relatives, (one of them inter married with a Houghton, uncle of the late Mrs. Samuel Prentiss, of Montpelier,) residing near the south-eastern line of Vermont. Her father and two of her brothers, Asa and John, settled in Barre, Vt., and a third, Daniel, in Northern Ver mont. They have numerous descendants at this day in Eastern and Western Ver mont, and 4n the Western States. It was and-is a race of sterling virtues. The par ticular subject of this notice was educated first by his raother in letters and reading the notes of rausic ; second, by an occa sional attendance at the district school, in which he was specially noted for his habit of running away on every possible occasion ; third, by many terms in Washington County Grammar School, in which he was fitted for college by one of the best prin cipals that school ever had, the late Jona than C. Southmayd. But the young E. P. was not permitted to go to college, and thereupon entered the law ofiice of Samuel and Samuel B. Prentiss, when Judge Pren tiss was in the United States Senate. Here he obtained the elements of the law, and moreover an insight into national pol itics, through the bookst and documents received by Judge Prentiss as senator. But largely he was educated in his father's printing office, and an excellent school every printing oflfice is to any boy or girl who has obtained the elements of an English education, and wUl improve the opportunities of the ofiice. From the time the lad was "knee-high to a toad,'' and had to stand in a chair to get up to the " case," this boy was put into the office, and kept there in vacations from schools. Another very useful school was the old Montpelier Lyceum, with its written essays and extemporaneous debates. In i826-'7 he spent a year in Essex, N. Y., and there edited and printed his first newspaper, a single issue of the Essex County Republican. The editors and p-ublishers were away, and had suspended publication for a week ; but the young and ardent politician could not have it so. Without any authority from his masters, he got up a paper full of edi torial matter — part of it written and part of it composed at the case — and took proof-sheets. The question. Shall it be printed? was a doubtful one. The proof- sheets were thereupon submitted to the late Gen. Henry H. Ross, of Essex, then a meraber of Congress, and a zealous Adams man. Bringing back the proof- sheets, the General came with his face bearaing with smUes, put both hands on the boy's shoulders, and said, "Print it, boy! print it ! " Frora that raoment, though preferring the law, the business of printer and editor seemed to have been ordained for him. On becoming of age, in 1833, he became a partner with his father in the publication of the Ver7nont Watchman and State Gazette. Gen. Walton wrote occa sionaUy for that paper, but other branches 542 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. of a very extensive business demanded his attention, and the newspaper and printing department were in the charge of E. P. Walton, Jr., as his signature commonly was during the life of his father, although not correct except when the initials of it were given. In 1853, the paper, then the Vermont Watchman and State Journal, came into his possession exclusively, and so continued untU the sale to the Messrs. Poland, in i868r During all this period the editorship of Walton's Vermont Register was in his charge, as it stUl is in all except the Bus iness Directory. The Veri7iont Capitol, 1857, consisted mainly ofhis reports ; vol ume two of the collections of the Vermont Historical Society was edited by him ; and also the eight volumes of the Records of the Governor and CouncU, together with documents touching the early history of the State . Although an active and zealous politician from his youth, and helping many men to high oflfices, he never sought oflices for himself Nevertheless in 1853 he was elected representative of Montpelier ; and in 1856, greatly to his surprise, he was called upon by the late Senator Foot, and another member of the Vermont delegation still living, to becorae a candidate for Congress in the first congressional dis trict, on the grounds that a change was absolutely necessary, and that the member .then to be elected, according to the usual courte-sy in such cases, should come from Washington County. Under the very del icate circumstances of the case, Mr. Walton was unwiUing to be a candidate, and urged the late Ferrand F. Merrill to stand in his stead. Mr. Merrill refused, and ultimately Mr. Walton was nominated and received three elections, after which he declined further service. In 1870 he was the del egate of Montpelier in the Constitutional Convention ; and he was also senator for Washington County, 1874 untU 1878. The honorary degree of Master of Arts has been conferred upon Mr. Walton by the University of Vermont, and also by Mid dlebury College. He has been president of the Publishers' and Editors' Association of Vermont from its organization until 1 88 1, and also of the Vermont Historical Society since the Rev. Dr. Lord retired. Mr. Walton married, June 6, 1836, Sarah Sophia, second daughter of the late Hon. Joseph Howes, of Montpelier, who died Sept. 3, 1880. For a list of Mr. Walton's publications, see ante. Bibliography of Montpelier. In addition to those referred to there are_ the following printed papers by Mr. Walton :- Oration delivered at Northfield, July 4, 1837, and printed in the Watchman and Jourjial of July 24, by request of Charles Paine, chairman of the committee of ar rangements. Remarks on the death of Charles Paine, delivered at Northfield, July 29, 1853. Printed in the Watchman and Journal of Aug. 4, and also in pamphlet form. Speech delivered on the battle-field at Hubbardton, July 7, 1859, o" tl^e inaugu ration of the battle monument. ' Printed in the Watchman and Journal as an edi torial, and reprinted in pamphlet form at Rutland. Address on Hon. Nathaniel Chipman, delivered on the unveiling of his monu ment at Tinmouth, Oct. 2, 1873. Printed in some of the Rutland, Burlington and Montpelier newspapers. Letter to Hon. Geo. F. Edmunds, Jan. 1872, with elaborate and carefully prepared tables on the apportionment of members of Congress on the census of 1870. Print ed by order of the United States Senate. The apportionment by the old rule under the census of i860 gave Vermont two raembers of the House instead of three. Mr. Walton had no personal interest in the raatter, as his last term in Congress was covered by the old apportionment; but he had a deep interest for his native State, which he dearly loved and had long tried to serve. Both houses had passed a bUl reducing Vermont to two members, when Mr. Walton carefully examined the sub ject, and demonstrated that the bill did not fairly observe the national constitu tion and was unjust to eight states. He then explained the matter to Senator Col lamer, and under his lead the Senate %y^^r^ MONTPELIER. 543 passed a supplementary bill, and the re sult was that Vermont and the other seven states got the additional member. Under the census of 1870, precisely the same process was repeated. Mr. Walton again interfered, and Senators Edmunds of Ver mont and Thurman of Ohio carried an amendment to the House bill, which saved the suffering states. It is but justice to say that Vermont is very largely indebted to Mr. Walton, for saving her third mera ber of Congress for twenty years. HOMER WALLACE HEATON, a member of the Washington County Bar, and now, and since 1832, a resident of Montpelier, was born in the adjoining town of Berlin, Aug. 25, i8n. His par ents were Dr. Gershom Heaton and Polly WaUace, daughter of Matthew Wallace, one of the early settlers of Berlin. Mr. Heaton's educational advantages were the coramon school, one year at the St. Lawrence Academy of Potsdam, N. Y., and two years at the Washington County Grammar School at Montpelier, of which J.C. Southmayd was the excellent principal. In Aug. 1832, Mr. Heaton commenced the study of the law with Col. Jonathan P. Miller and Nicholas Baylies, Jr., of Montpelier, and was adraitted to the bar of the Washington County Court, at the Nov. Terra, 1835, when he coraraenced practice in company with Colonel Miller, and so continued until 1839, when from failing health Colonel Miller retired. In Sept. 1839, Mr. Heaton and Charles Reed entered into partnership for the practice of the law, as Heaton & Reed, which was continued until the death of Mr. Reed, Mar. 7, 1873. (See plate, p. 356.) Mr. Heaton was the treasurer of the Vt. Mutual Fire Insurance Company for 2 years — 1837 and 1838 ; and was state's attorney for Washington County 4 years — was elected by the Legislature at the Octo ber sessions, 1839 and 1 84 1, and the an nual Sept. elections in i860 and 1861. Upon the retirement of Joshua Y. Vail, a long time county clerk, the oflfice was ten dered Mr. Heatoii by Judge Isaac F. Red- field and the county Judges, which was declined. July I, 1841, Mr. Heaton married Miss Harriet Stearns, daughter of John Stearns, of Boston, Mass. She died April 26, 1859, at the age of 42 years. Of this marriage three sons are now living, Charles H., Jaraes S., and Homer W. Mr. Heaton was the representative of the ori ginal town of Montpelier in the Legislature, at the October session, 1848, when the town was divided, and the towns of Montpelier and East Montpelier crea ted. At that session Mr. Heaton was the candidate of the Democratic party for. Speaker ; there being three parties — the Whig, Democratic and Free Soil — and neither in a majority : there resulted a dead lock, which continued through . four days' session, when the Whig candidate was elected on the 46th ballot. At this session the National Life Ins. Co. was chartered. The bill for that pur pose being referred to a select coramittee of three members — Mr. Heaton being one — was reported favorably and passed. Mr. Heaton was one of the directors of this company and a member of its finance com raittee for several years. He, at the same session, introduced a bill for the incorpo ration of the Vermont Bank, which was passed, and Mr. Heaton was one of its di rectors during its existence as a State Bank, and for 2 years its president. Since the organization of the Montpelier Savings Bank & Trust Company in 1871, Mr. Heaton has been one of its trustees and the president. In politics, he has always been a Demo crat, having cast his first presidential vote for Andrew Jackson at his second election. Mr. Heaton was the Democratic candid ate for governor at the annual election in 1869, and the first biennial election in 1870. He was the Democratic candidate for member of Congress from the first Dis trict at the elections in 1 872 and 1 874. He was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention at Baltimore in 1872, when Horace Greeley was nominated for Pres ident. He has also been a candidate of his party for Presidential Elector. 544 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. JAMES robbins LANGDON, third son of Col. Jaraes H. and Nabby Robbins Langdon, born Oct. 3, 1813, was educated in Washington County Grammar School, and then frora choice entered his father's grist-mill, and applied himself to learn the miller's trade and the way to manage the business of a flouring-raill. This was in fact the turning point in his business life, but his father did not ap prove, and tempted him to leave the mill by offering to furnish capital andshare the profits with his son in a promising specula tion. At 15, then, the lad started out to scour New England and New York, and purchase Spanish coin, and sell it in Canada at a moderate profit. Persisting in this business until Spanish coin be came scarce, he retired with a net profit of $3,400, which was divided between father and son. Spending a short time at Derby Line as a clerk, he, at 17, busied himself in settling his father's estate, and, after receiving his patrimony, invested part of it in a store at Greensboro ; but the store and goods were soon burned, and then he entered upon his long and very successful career as flour merchant and manufacturer, in which, by doing an immense business at a small profit, he ac cumulated a very large fortune for a coun try merchant. Indeed, it is certain that no merchant of Montpelier has ever handled property to so great an amount as he has done, or with such uniform success. His rule has been to keep accurate ac counts of every branch of his business, and to understand it all thoroughly, even to the smaUest detail. Hence, by his sa gacity and this perfect knowledge, success was unavoidable. But the profits of this large and successful business figure only as a part of his present fortune. Mr. Langdon has ever been a sagacious, pru dent and fortunate financier. The profits of raercantile business have been invested in the stock of sound banks, not one of which ever failed or proved unfortunate, and in United States bonds. At 20 he was elected a director in the old Bank of Montpelier, and for 48 years he has been director, and for many years president, in three successive banks in Montpelier. In another field, however, Mr. Langdon has rendered, and is still rendering, very important services : in the Vermont Central Railroad, and the succeeding Central Ver- montRailroad. In preceding pages, 304-'5, Mr. Langdon's work for the Central road has been noted, but it is to be added that he was a director for the first 2 years. In 1873, he entered the Central Vermont road, and has been made vice president and chairman of the finance committee. In the last position he assumed a responsi bility which few private citizens are ever called to ; but nobody doubts his ability and his will to discharge it wisely and well. Although Mr. Langdon has opinions of his own on the current political questions of the day, he has never put himself forward as a politician, or a candidate for oflfice. There was, however, an unwise and long- continued division araong the Republicans- of the town in 1868, which was, by common consent, settled by the election of Mr. Langdon as representative, and he was re elected in 1869, doing good service, es pecially in financial matters. In early life Mr. Langdon was by an ac cident disabled sufficiently to discourage most men from personal labors ; but he has been content to do, patiently and per sistently, greater work than most thor oughly endowed men, physically, are able to accompUsh. Mr. Langdon has two children : Lucy, formerly Mrs. Mansfield, of Nyack, N. Y., and now the wife of Mr. Schroeder, of Brooklyn, N. Y., first superintendent of the Astor Library; and Elizabeth W. The latter received a shock some years ago, which has ever since made her an object of the tenderest solicitude and care, and nobly is her father doing his part. e. p. w. For a notice of Mrs. James R. Langdon, see page . Hon. Nicholas Baylies resided here 25 years, 1810-1835, see, also, page 314, when he removed frora Montpelier. We regret that we have no further notice of the Judge for these pages. 41 f yd ^Za> e^—T^ MONTPELIER. 545 JOSEPH ADDISON WING, son of Josiah and Polly (Gray) Wing, was born in the part of this town now known as East MontpeUer, Dec. 26, 1810. He opened a law office one year before his ad mission to the bar. May 13, 1835, inPlain- field, this County, where he remained until June, 1838, when he removed to Mont pelier village, where he has lived ever since. He married, Jan. i, 1840, Samantha E. Webster, of Cabot, daughter of Jesse Webster, of that town. Mr. Wing has two sons, Geo. W., the eldest, a practicing at torney in the same oflfice with hiraself on State street, and John G., his youngestson, also a lawyer in his oflfice, and four daugh ters, Florence A., Annette M., Alice M'. and EUzabeth B. Mr. Wing has for many years handled the pen, writing for the newspapers, paying to incidents and oc casions of public interest the tribute of his verse, and in 1878, brought out a small 12 mo. vol. of 252 pp., printed in this vil lage, of no little interest to the many friends to whom it was thus presented. A few extracts from Mr. Wing's book, which is the second volume of poeras pub lished by a native of the town : *^ Go forth my little book, devoid of pride; Go like the brooks that through the valleys glide. And greener make the verdure by their side; 60 like the dew that silently doth fall When o'er the earth night spreads her sable pall ; 60 you, and zealously mankind entice To seek for virtue and to flee from vice." EXTRACTS FROM "PLUCK." ( Without pluck.) " See yonder man with downcast look pass by, Mark you his face— no fire Is In his eye ; His coat Is seedy, and his hat Is old. His pockets empty of both bills and gold. Silent he passes through the busy throng; No friend doth cheer him as he goes along. No one Is there that old man's hand to clasp And warm his heart with friendship's kindly grasp Onward, unnoticed, to his cot he goes. Where from the world he buries all his woes ; There will he dwell unnoted and unknown Till death's cold hand shall claim him as his own." (With pluck.) UNext view the great Napoleon, When in Its zenith glowed his sun ; Napoleon wore as sweet a smile When banished to fair Elba's Isle, Al when in Russia's northern sky He saw his eagles proudly fly." 69 WHAT SHALL WE DO ? Wliat sluill I MONTPELIER. 555 facture of saw-inills, which now have a wide reputation ; and this has been developed into the Lane Manufacturing Company, which now has the largest and raost suc cessful business which any manufacturing concern in Montpelier has ever had. He resigned his colonelcy and was elected Quarter-Master General of the State, and having charge of the State Arsenal, and military supplies far .beyond the wants of the State, he succeeded in making sales to foreign governments, which materially aided the State treasury and reduced the burden of taxation of the people. He rep resented Montpelier in the legislature 1874-5, ^1"^ since his residence has al most constantly been employed in town and village offices. e. p. w. FIRST election DAY IN MONTPELIER. By the terms of the act, locating the seat of government at Montpelier, the State House was to be completed by the first of September, 1808. It was done; and great were the preparations made among the villagers, and great the antici pations raised among them and through all the surrounding coramunity, in view of the advent of the new and important day of " Election." Streets were cleared of lum ber and rubbish, side- walks prepared of plank or gravel, houses painted, new suits of clothes purchased, and everything raade to assume the sprucest appearance. A fine artillery company uniformed through out with plumed Bonaparte hats and the dress of field officers in all except the epau lette on the privates, was organized frora among the first citizens of this and the neighboring towns, to serve as the gover nor's guard, and be in special attendance on Election days. Of this company Isaac Putnam, a man nearly six feet high, weigh ing over two hundred pounds, well propor tioned, and as noble in soul as in body, had the honor of being chosen the first captain, and no one of those present now Hving can fail to recall his fine and com manding military appearance on those oc casions as he stood up between his soldiers and the encircling crowd, like Saul among the people. An iron six-pounder field piece had been procured ; and a thrill of excitement ran through the excited hearts of all the boys of the community at the news, that when the election of State officers was declared on Election day, " a cannon, a great cannon, was to be fired in Montpelier Hollow !" The eventfiil day at length came, and with it two-thirds of the population of all the neighboring country, 15 or 20 miles around, came pouring into the village. But instead of attempting any further gen eral description of the then entire novelties of the day and their effect on the multitude, we will, at the risk of the imputation of losing our dignity as a historian, again have recourse to the reminiscences of our boyhood. We were, of course, there on that day among the throngs of excited boys, congregated from all quarters, to witness the various sights and performances expected on that important occasion. A showy procession had been formed in the fore part of the day, led by the military in all the marching pomp of flying colors and rattling drums, and followed by the State officers, merabers of the legislature and a concourse of citizens, and the Election sermon had been preached by the Rev. Sylvanus Haynes, pastor of the Baptist Church of Middletown. The House of Representatives had been organized by the election of Dudley Chase, Esq., of Ran dolph, Speaker; and a canvassing com mittee appointed still earlier in the day and put to work in counting the votes for State officers. And as the hour of sunset ap proached, and as there had been for some hours no public demonstrations to be wit nessed, a great proportion of the crowd was scattered all over the village. We and a lot of other boys were standing in the street somewhere against our present Court House, when, sudden as the burst ing of a thunderclap, the whole village shook with the explosion of the cannon on the State House common. We all instant ly ran at the top of our speed for the spot. When we had got about half way there, we met a gang of other boys from one of the back towns, who, taken by surprise and seized with panic at the stunning shock, were fleeing for their lives in the opposite direction ; but gaining a little assurance from seeing us rushing toward the scene of their fright, one, braver than the rest, stopped short, boldly faced about and exclaimed, "Hoo! I an't a n'attom afraid !" and all now joining in the race, we were, in another minute, within a few rods of the smoking gun, which had been discharged 6n the announcement of -the election of Isaac Tichenor as Governor. The next moment our attention was at tracted by the voice of Israel P. Dana, sheriff of the county, standing on the upper terrace of the State House, and loudly pro claiming — "Hear ye! hear ye! hear ye! the Honorable Paul Brigham has been elected Lieutenant Governor, in and over the State of Vermont, by the suffrages of the freemen. God save the people!" Then 556 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. another discharge of the piece saluted our recoiling ears and sent its sharp echoes from side to side between the encircling hills. Then came the announcement of the election of Benjamin Swan as Treas urer, followed by a third gun ; then the last announcement of the election of Coun cillors, followed by a fourth gun ; and then, without further official announcements, the salute of guns was continued till one for each of the states had been fired. Such were the performances on the first Election day in Montpelier, and such the interest and excitement they created among the multitude. — Thompson. HON. JOSEPH POLAND, second son of the late Dea. Luther and Nancy (Potter) Poland, was born in Underhill, Mar. 14, 1818 ; removed with his father in 1821 to Coit's Gore, now Waterville, and worked on a farm till 1835, when he came as an apprentice to the Montpelier Watchman office, and remain ed until 1839. January i, 1839, '''^ com menced the publication of the Voice of Freedom, but in less than a year sold- out on account of ill health. In June, 1840, he started the Lamoille Whig at Johnson, and continued it 3 years. In 1844, he re turned to Montpelier, and established the Green Mountain Freeman, and continued it until Dec. 1848. In 1868, in connection with his son, J. Monroe, he purchased the Watchman and Journal, of which he is still in charge. It is probable that no ed itor in Vermont, now in the harness, has had Mr. Poland's experience of 25 years in connection with the public press. Mr. Poland has held numerous public offices, the duties of all having been faith fully performed : In 1842, assistant clerk of the House of Representatives; i852-'3, judge of probate for Washington County ; i858-'6o, state Senator; i87o-'7i, town representative; 1861-68, collector of U. S. internal revenue for the first Congres sional District; 1849-1881, secretary and director of The Farmers' Mutual Fire In surance Company — offices which he has held ever since the organization of the company, and to which he has been an nually elected by unanimous votes. Mr. Poland may well be ranked as a veteran in the celebrated anti-slavery movement which has now become histori cal, having enlisted in 1843, and conducted the organ of the party in Vermont, and served as chairman of its State Committee, for many years ; so that he may now prop erly indulge in the double boast of both him that girdeth on the harness and he that putteth it off — having lived to see American slavery not only forever extin guished by the organic law of the land, but remembered only with such detestation that history blushes at the record. In 1840 Mr. Poland married Mary Ann, daughter of the late Joseph Rowell. They had 7 children, of whom 5 have died : 3 in infancy, Clara A., a beautiful daughter, in 1865, and Charles F., when developing into a promising manhood, in 1875. Two sons survive, J. Monroe and Edward R. Mrs. Poland died in 1862, and in 1873 Mr. P. married Miss Julia M. Harvey, daughter of James K. Harvey, of Barnet, deceased. Mr. Poland joined the first Congrega tional (Bethany) church in 1839, ^"d for several years he has been one of its deacons, an earnest worker in its Sabbath-school, and a promoter of all reformative and Christian enterprises. He is favorably known in the churches of Verraont,- and is now publisher of two religious newspapers, the Vermont Chronicle and the New Hamp shire Journal. e. p. w. OLD people of 1 88 1. The oldest man living in town is Dr. Nathaniel C. King, born July ig, 1789 ; settled in the north part of the old town in 1805, and came to the village to reside in 1875. The oldest woman residing in tewn is Mrs. Lucy Mead, born July 23, 1789 ; has been a resident of the village since 1813. The oldest person living in the village. and born in the limits of the old town, is Orin Cummins, born Feb. 23, 1801. The oldest person living in the village, born in the limits of the new town, is John Q. A. Peck, born in 1808. The oldest person living in town and born in the village limits, is Snow Town, born in 1806. MONTPELIER. 557 The oldest person living in the village, and born in the village, is Wra. Nelson Peck, born Sept. i8, 1811. The oldest resident of the village is Hon. Elijah Paine Jewett, who has resided here since 1805, and is 80 years of age. The oldest French resident of the town is Joseph Wood, who came in 183 1, and is now 85 years of age. The oldest Irish resident in town is James McLaughlin, who came in 1832, and is now So years of age. Mr. John Murphy carae in 1834, and is now 86 years of age. WILLIAM W. CADWELL. Among the very old and worthy citizens of Montpelier was Williara W. Cadwell, who was born in Hatfield, Mass., May 12, 1799, and in the sarae year was brought to Montpelier by his father, Wyllis I. Cadwell. He succeeded his father in trade for many years, and on retiring was employed as town clerk, magistrate, overseer of the poor, &c. He was esteemed as an honest man, always having the interests of the town at heart. He died suddenly in 1877, aged 78 years. The above was not written in time to appear with the biographies of deceased citizens of Montpelier. e. p. w. [We had filed and overlooked till now.] MRS. GOVERNOR RANSOM, a native of Montpelier, and a sister of William W. Cadwell, Esq., who died at the residence of her son-in-law in Fort Scott, Kansas, Nov. 17, 1877. She was for many years a resident of Michigan, of which state her husband was both gover^ nor and chief justice. Mrs. Ransom's name before raarriage was Alraira Cadwell. The home of the Cadwells was in the old house still standing at the head of State Street. Mrs. Constant W. Storrs and Mrs. Geo. P. Ricker are the only represen tatives of the old faraily left here, now. Almira Cadwell, it is said, was a beautiful girl. .The old house was considered the only house in Montpelier worthy to re ceive Lafayette in, on his visit to the capi tal of the State of the Green Mountain Boys, for whom the great French General always had a particular admiration. MRS. SARAH SPALDING, widow of the late Hon. John Spalding, who was for many years the treasurer of the State of Vermont, died at her home in Montpelier Jan. 19, 1874, in her 83d year. Mrs. Spalding, a virtuous and excellent woman, was a great sufferer for many years previous to her death, and an inva lid for over 40 years. A few days before her death, she had a second paralytic shock, after which she was never able to speak. She was the mother of 8 children, araong whora was CHARLES C. SPALDING, a graduate of Burlington College, see page "Charles Spalding was first civil en gineer for a time. In 1849, when the California gold fever broke out, he was among the pioneers who sought that auri ferous land, making the passage in a sailing vessel around Cape Horn. -His success at mining was indifferent. Returning home via the Pacific coast and the Gulf of Mexi co, he spent about a year in Montpelier, when he went to New York and entered the service of Harnden & Co. as express messenger between New York and Boston. Soon going West, he engaged in survey ing and railroad engineering in Ohio, Illi nois and Kentucky. At the time of the establishment of Kansas as a territory, he was living in one of the border counties of Missouri, where he raarried a Missouri lady. He took part in the establishment of its territorial government, making pre liminary surveys and encouraging immigra tion by writing special letters to the New York Tribune, which attracted no little attention in the East. He published a pa per in Lawrence, Kansas, and was elected an alderman, and was for a short time mayor of the city. He took the democrat ic side on the outbreak of the Kansas war, and soon after left the state. He after wards taught school, and at the breaking out of the war returned to the East, en listing in the 6th Vermont Regiment, served 2 years, carae home and started the Newport News, at Newport, Vt. This he sold, and went to Boston in 1866, and took a position on the Boston Post. In 1869, he became connected with the Boston Herald, and remained with that paper up to the time of his decease. He had been suffering from a complication of diseases, and his death was not unexpected. — Bur lington Free Press. He was perhaps best known to the pub lic through the police court column of this journal, which he has written almost con- 558 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. tinuously for several years past. The hu mor, the philosophy, the philanthropy, which he has there introduced into his homilies upon the doings of the criminal classes of this Metropolis, have endeared him in the hearts of thousands of people who knew him not personally, and who will regret sincerely his demise. — Rutland Herald. [See biography of Hon. John Spalding, page 487.] JAMES REED SPALDING, of the class of 1840, died at Dover, N. H., early in October, 1872, in the fiftieth year ofhis age. He was a native of Montpelier, and chose journalism as his profession, soon after his graduation. He first gained reputation as the chief editorial writer of the New York Courier and Enquirer, dur ing the last year of its existence. From that paper he went to the New York World, which he was interested in estab lishing as a religious, rather than a political newspaper ; but the experiment soon failed in that form, and when Mr. Marble got possession of the paper, and turned it into a democratic organ, Mr. Spalding left it and went upon the Times, where he re mained many years and did his best work. His daily leader — generally upon a politi cal subject — was uniformly the best piece of writing upon the editorial page, uniting vigor with finish, full knowledge of his theme, and a statesman's grasp of its rela tions. He had his first attack of paralj'sis before the death of Mr. Raymond, and re tired to the country, but for some months, at least, kept up his constant contributions to the editorial department of the paper. He was a man of high literary attainments and was an essayist rather than an editor. To a moral character of great purity was added the fervor of Christian faith, which did not find utterance in noisy declaration, but shone luminously in the simplicity of his manners, and the consecration of his splendid powers to the advocacy of such principles as he deemed best calculated to benefit mankind. The disease which im paired his powers in later life and eventu ally caused his death was apoplectic paraly sis. One of his finest public efforts was an oration delivered at the semi-centennial celebration of the foundation of this Uni versity, in 1854. — U. V. M. Obituary. Mr. Spalding was brother of Rev. George B. Spalding of Dover, N. H., editor of the New Ha/npshire Journal, and son of Dr. James Spalding— p. 445. Dr. James and Hon. John Spalding, father of Charles Carrol, were brothers. MARCUS D. GILMAN, born in Calais, Jan. 28, 1820, came to Montpelier in 1835, and was engaged in merchandise there and at Northfield until 1845, when he started out on a tour in search of a favorable place in which to locate. , This tour embraced the Atlantic cities from Boston to Baltimore, and the western cities and promising towns to the Mississippi river. He was greatly im pressed by Chicago, then a fresh city of about 8000 inhabitants, among whom -wtrt many Vermonters. Having in the mean time married Maria Malleville, daughter of Hon. Daniel Baldwin, of Montpelier, he left that town in June, 1845, w'th his wife and his few effects, for Chicago, and in less than a week after his arrival formed a co partnership with Charles FoUansbee for a general mercantile business, wholesale and retail. At the end of the first year he pur chased the entire stock, and from that time, either alone or with different part ners, Mr. Gilman prosecuted his business, for most of the time in two wholesale estab lishments — one of dry goods and the other of groceries — and so successfully prosecu ted it, that he was content to retire in 1868, when for two years he with his family re sided at Riverside, Newton, Mass., and then returned to the old homestead and the scenes of their childhood and youth, at Montpelier, where their beautiful home still is. Politically Mr. Gilman has been from youth a Democrat, and his familiar ac quaintance with and friendship for " The .Little Giant," Stephen A. Douglas, in spired in him a zeal that has never flagged. He has been the candidate of his party for Mayor, and also Treasurer of Chicago ; and he was tendered the candidacy for State Treasurer of Illinois, which he de clined. He was the representative of Montpelier, i874-'5, and the only man ever elected as a Democrat since the di vision of the old town ; but a Republican legislature had so high an appreciation of his integrity and business qualities that he was elected a Director of the State Prison. He was Librarian of the Vermont Historical Society, 1874-1881, and has a^^^ MONTPELIER. 559 rendered the Society and the State inval uable services, and his declination of further service is a great loss. His taste is for antiquities, history and biography, and his private library in these lines is probably more extensive and valuable than any other in the State. He is an honorary or corresponding member of various his torical and other organizations. He is President of the Vermont Nuraismatical Society, and will ere long appear as author of a Bibliography of Vermont, which he has been industriously preparing for sev eral years. Mr. Gilraan's political record to this date cannot be completed without adding that he was chairman of the Vermont delega tion in the National Democratic Conven tion of 1876, and voted for Samuel J. Tilden every time. His democracy is cer tainly both unimpeachable and unappeas able. For additional notices of Mr. Gilman and his family, see ante, pages 155-157. E. p. w. A soldier's letter — WAR OF '6l. Extract : — Curtis A. Coburn was ap pointed regimental postmaster at Brattle boro, Vt., and also brigade postmaster while in camp near Washington ; we all liked him much. He was always very anxious that we should get our mails promptly and daily, if it was to be got at. He was transferred to the Signal Corps in August last, and was captured by the reb els while on our retreat from Culpepper to Bull Run, in October. Sergt. Hiram M. Pierce, (in whom I feel more particularly interested, he always being with the Company,) has been a good soldier and done his duty well in every spot and place, and by his good conduct won the esteem of every member in the company ; always cheerful and happy. While a detachment of Cos. B, G, and K, were doing picket duty at Conrad's Ferry, Md., one year ago, he was detailed as act ing quartermaster and also sergt. -major of the detachment, and in those positions he was found fully competent. By his gal lantry at the battle of Orange Grove, he proved himself to be an earnest, brave and noble champion to the cause of humanity, liberty and his country. In the progess of that battle as we were ordered to fix bayo nets and charge, on approaching the rail fence he spoke so loud that he was heard by every one in the company, " Come on Co. B," and was one of the first to climb the fence. He had been over but a mo ment when I heard him exclaim — " I am wounded, my arra is broken." The next time I saw him was at Brandy Station, Va., several days afterwards ; as soon as I heard that the wounded had arrived, I went down to see thera, and I found Sergt. Pierce; he appeared quite glad to see me, as I was to see him, 'DUt I felt very sorry to see him with but one arra, (his left arra was taken off above the elbow) . He told me that it had been very painful, for on account of the hasty retreat of the raedical corps frora the field in light marching order, his arm was not attended to until two or three days after the battle. Lieut. Stetson, who had been in com mand of the company most of the time since we have been in the service, drew my attention at the battle of Orange Grove. He stood bravely at his post, re marking "boys, keep cool, and do not shoot until you can see something to shoot at !" Lieut. Abbott of Co. D, (then act ing as 1st Lieut, of Co. B,) was doing all all he could to keep a good line, and also to preserve good order in the company. After Gilman Storrs was shot, a boy that we have missed very rauch, Lieut. Stetson (whom you all know is not very easily scared), grasped a musket, and asking the boys if they had any ammunition for him, I gave him some caps, and some one else some cartridges, when he loaded and fired as fast as he could, remarking that " he hoped that each bullet would do good exe cution, for they had killed his boy Gim." Lieut. Abbott came out with us as orderly sergeant, and after he was proraoted to-2d lieut. of Co. D, the company very gener ously presented him a sword, belt and shoulder-straps, costing about $50, as a testimony of their regard for him. — Watchman. Curtis Coburn, who enlisted from Mont pelier, learned the printer's trade at the Repository office, of Mr. Charles H. Sev erance, now of the Watchman office. Coburn died in New Orleans ; see page 523. Lieutenants Abbott and Stetson, see page 522. CHARLES W. LYMAN, [To whom we find the following tribute in the Baltimore American,^ Died, Oct. 10, 1866, in Shelby, Ohio, after a short illness, C. W. Lyman, former ly of Montpelier, leaving a young wife, child and numerous friends to mourn his untimely end. 560 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. He was among the foremost who rallied to his country's defense when the tocsin of war sounded, serving faithfully and gal lantly as a line officer in the "Wallace Zouaves" of Indiana. Subsequently he was promoted to a position of great respon sibility in the Southwest, where, for ability, integrity and honor, he won the highest encomiums from such men as " Grant, Sherman and McPherson" — men whom the nation loves to honor. As a man and a friend he was generous to a fault, and few can boast of more sincere friendship or warmer admirers. As a father and hus band he was all that love and fidelity could make him ; young and full of ambitious hopes, he passed from our midst a bright example to all who love the generous and the good. — Watchman. His remains were brought to Montpelier and interred in Green Mount. CENTRAL VERMONT DEPOT AT MONTPELIER. Coming up from Montpelier Junction, some less than 2 miles below, we arrive at the Montpelier station in about five minutes' ride from the Junction. The cars stop at the new Central depot, which the eye strikes but a moment before landings almost the same instant the State House, on the street beyond, on higher ground, and the prin cipal part of State St. runningalong the river side, opens up a pleas ant view of the village of the Green Moun tain Capital on the first approach to it by railroad from St. Albans and Burlington way. The first railroad depot building, which stood upon the same site, was erected in 1850 — a brick structure, 150x50 feet, creditable for the time, and a beginning ; but a better building being desired in which to receive the Legislature, and more suitarble to the place, the present commo dious brick depot was erected, being com pleted September 1880. We have the view of the exterior ; the interior is well and con-veniehtly finished for the Capital depot ; a very wide central hall — wide enough for the town representatives of several of the smaller counties of the State to walk through abreast— gentlemen and ladies' waiting rooms upon the left, baggage room, tel egraph and express offices upon the right. The whole building, warmed by steam, with all modern conveniences. The first train of cars entered Mont pelier, June 20, 1849. The travelling public found accommodations a few months until the first depot house was built, in a freight house, first built, just over the track south. At this point in our description, failing to find exact data to continue, we wrote to J. W. Hobart, Gen. Supt. of the Cen. Vt. R. R. at St. Albans, that we had the en graving of the depot, were preparing a sketch, and asking for such data and in formation as he could give, who has sent the following descriptive letter, which, find ing so interesting, we have concluded to give entire : MONTPELIER. 561 MR. HOBART'S LETTER. St. Albans, Vt., Jan. 2, 1882. Miss Hemenway : Madatn ."—Your favor of the 3 1 st ult. came duly to hand, and I feel much interest in the subject of your enquiries. Probably there is no one living who is more fa miliar with the early history of the railroad in Montpelier than myself. The advent of the cars into that beautiful town occurred on the 4th of July, 1849, and the first train consisted of ten platform cars, loaded with 100 bbls. of flour each, and covered with a [Vt. Mutual Fire Ins. Co.'s Building,- new white cheese canvas over each car. The train was drawn by engine Winooski. John Danforth was engineer, and the writer of this was the conductor. Later in the ' day, passenger trains ran in charge of the same persons, and well do I remember the interest manifested and the commotion created among the people who came in from the surrounding country. There being a circus 'upon the meadow near Mrs. Nicholas' house, on the Berlin side, which taken together with the usual 4th of July as a holiday, the town was packed, and we were compelled to send men in advance to clear the way for the train. Every build- _ ing from which the cars could be seen was covered, every available window occupied, the tops of buildings were covered if pos sible, and even the tree-tops were alive with people. Warner Hine, who was then master of transportation, was the acting agent at that station during the summer of 1849. In the autumn of that year the road was completed to Waterbury, and Mr. Hine 71 with his force was removed to that station, and Mr. J. Edwards Wright was made the first permanent station agent at Montpelier, where he remained until Aug. 1851, re signing his position at that tirae to engage in the purchase of wool in Ohio. A. V. H. Carpenter, now the General Passenger Agent of the Milwaukee & St. PaulR. R., succeeded Mr. Wright, and remained in that position until June, 1862, at which time he was relieved to take another po sition, and J. W. Hobart was enstalled as the agent. Up to that time Mr. Hobart had been a clerk for both Mr. Wright and Mr. Carpenter. _ As you are aware, Montpelier ^5. is at the terminus of a branch of one and one-fourth of a mile in length, and up to October of that year, all the trains passed in and out over the branch. In October they discontinued run ning the main line trains into Montpelier, but in place estab lished a branch train, consisting simply of a sraall engine, fitted up with seats each side of the tender. This engine was called the "Abigail Adams." It was de- ;rmined in the course of a very ;w days that it would be im- ossible to do the business of Capital with the facilities then provided. So the Presi dent, Gov. Paine, ordered a small car built, as the engine had not sufficient capacity to Railroad Square.] handle a large Car, except under the raost favorable circurastan- ces. Meantirae, however, a large car was provided, and when the business required it, the car was attached to this rainiature engine, which in many instances proved unequal to the task, and the couductor, who was none other than the agent at Montpelier, the cars of the branch trains having been added to his duties, the baggage master, and many times the en gineer, were compelled to push in aiding the engine the whole distance, and it was not unfrequently the case, that the pas sengers themselves, in response to a re quest, would aid in furnishing power to move the train. I cannot now give you the name of the first engineer of this little engine, but one of the engineers who is now there, came soon afterwards. (I refer to Mr. James Bowers, and I have no doubt he will give you the name.) In due time the small car was finished, and we had less trouble. This car proved quite a novelty, it having been finished ->vyr 7~^^,ss-^fis like an omnibus, with seats upon the side. 562 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. time pre- This condition, however, did not last long, as it was found and adraitted by the officers, who, by the way, were not over anS above friendly to"!^ Montpelier, that the facilities | were entirely inadequate ; so a full and quite a respectable train was provided, consisting of an engine called the "Flying Dutchman," a baggage and a first-class passenger car. Soon after the management chang ed frora Northfield to St. Al bans, and Montpelier was evidently improved by the change. James Bowers, who is still there, was one of the engineers who ran the "Flying Dutchman." J. W. Hobart remained there until March, 1859, and was succeeded by the present incumbent, S. L. Howe, Esq., who was for some vious the assistant of Mr. Hobart. I am very nearly as familiar with the history of the railroad interest of Montpelier since this period, but as it covers a period of about 22 years, and my time is limited, I leave it for others, Mr. Howe and many others in Mont pelier being perfectly familiar with aflfairs since the above date of 1859. It gives me much pleasure to communicate these facts, and if they are of any value to you in making up the history of the best town in the State, I shall certainly be very well paid. I know very well all the gentleraen whose portraits you have, and they certainly will prove a very valuable accession to your history. I intended to have mentioned earlier in my letter that our Vice President, Mr. James R. Langdon, is perhaps more fa miliar with the history of our road than any gentleman in Montpelier. He, I think, was one of the original board of directors, with Gov. Paine as President. If at any time you should desire to make any further enquiry, it will give me pleasure to give you such inforraation as I may have. Hoping you will continue to be as success ful as you have been in the past, in the prbgress and completion of your work, and extending the compliments of the season, I remain very truly and Respectfully yours, J. W. Hobart. Mr. Bowers gives the engineers : Wm. Patterson, James Bowers, Henry Wallace, William Greenleaf, Fred Webster, Henry Buckley, Ed. Eaustice, Chas. Greenleaf, Wm. DoUoff, B. F. Merrill, William Gould, Robert Gregg,David Daniels, A. S. Caswell. [Pavilion Ho-fEL, opposite Central Vermont Depot.] Through the hall of the Central depot you pass on a broad pavement of brick over to State street and the Pavilion hotel; from the steps of which you look back and have a good view of the depot. The view was taken from the steps of the Pavilion. It is at the Payilion the Governors always stop during the sessions of the Legislature. The baggage masters have been : Z. R. True, Gamaliel Washburn, S. E. Bailey, C. T. Hobart, H. W. Drew, T. W. Bailey, E. W. Thompson, W. H. Pingree, James Finn. The station agent was conductor on the Branch till the Bafre road opened, since which T. W. Bailey has been con ductor. S. L. Howe is the present station agent. The Telegraph and Express Office. — The Verraont and Boston Telegraph Corapany was incorporated by the October Session of the Legislature, 1848, and a station es tablished at Montpelier in connection with an express office of Cheney & Co., of Boston, opened in 1849. The express office was first kept, until the opening of the passenger depot, here, in the Hubbard building. Col. H. D. Hopkins was the first manager of both the telegraph and express office, and for 24 years after — Bigelow was the first (telegraph operator. Mr. H. W. Drew, who succeeded Col. Hopkins, is the present express agent and manager of the telegraph office ; Mr. A. G. Trulan, operator. MONTPELIER. 563 The next building of like public interest, after the Central depot, is the depot of the montpelier and wells river r. r., run under W. A. Stowell's administration since this road was opened, Nov. 24, 1873 ; J. G. Farwell station agent to the present. The conductors from here to Wells River have been, H. S. Boutwell, son of Colonel Levi Boutwell, of Montpelier, George Smith, of this village, Henry Whiteomb, of Jonesville, Charles Ferrin, of this vil lage, and Eugene Rand, present conductor. Supt. — W. A. Stowell ; Cashier and Gen'l Passenger Agent, Fred. W. Morse ; Train Master, Henry W. Whiteomb. Engineers and firemen. — John Carter, James Hadlock, Charles Field, James Boutwell, George Cummings, Geo. Morse, Charles Noyes, W. S. Keeler, Herbert Lawrence aud Harvey Edgerly. [Watchman & Journal Building, State St.] anecdotes of LEVI BOUTWELL. BY COL. H. 1>. HOPKINS. Col. BoutweU, — there was not in all the wide circle of his acquaintance a person who had seen another like him. His face was singularly expressive. He could look savage enough to chill you with fear,, or kindly enough to inspire the confidence of the most doubting and timid. He said in his life-time a thousand things which for genuine originality and severity were worthy of a professional satirist. Many a time have we seen in town or village meet ing a prosy debate cut short, and the vote reached by one of his brief, gruff speeches, as in the meeting of the Wells River rail road company in Jan., 1874. The meet ing was about to ballot for directors, when one gentleman suggested that the Board should consist of five instead of nine, as heretofore. Another suggested seven ; still others were on their feet ready to raake sorae motion or suggestion, or engage in a little speech, when the sturdy old Colonel sprang nervously up, and said, " I think, Mr. Chairman, we will have it nine. I want some to watch, as well as others to pray.'' This speech was the end of the debate on that subject. The nine direc tors were immediately ordered, and the election made. Once he was sitting in the bar-room of ¦QDKBINDERT jftTPELlEHVl 3»«: [Rialto Block, State S-r.] the " Pavilion,'' with his knees well spread before that familiar old fireplace, while he looked intently on the burning pile before him. His face bore a specially stern look. Sorae one came in, and saluted hira with, " How are you. Colonel ?" His reply was as apt as original. " Well," he said : "I raanage to keep tolerably even terapered, 564 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. [WASHINGTON COUNTY COURT HOUSE, STATE STREET.] thank ye ; mad as the devil clear through all the time.'' Col. Boutwell was a supporter of the ' ' Church of the Messiah " — Unitarian — and a faithful attendant upon its services. Two or three years ago, in the suraraer season, some little boys of the neighbor hood got in the way of loitering about the door and vestibule of the church during service hours Sunday evenings. As they becarae familiar, they become also bold and somewhat noisy. At length they got so curious as to go up and push the door to the audience roora a little open, and look in. Then if soraebody in the audi ence changed position a little, so that they apprehended danger, they would " cut and run " ; but presently, when all was quiet again, they would repeat the experiment. At length Col. Boutwell became much dis turbed, and felt he could stand the uncivil conduct of the lads no longer. So he went out to rectify things, and give the lads some lessons in morals and good man ners. The boys left the house by the shortest way, and run, some up street, some down, and some across. The Col. pursued hotly in one direction. Leaving his hat in the church, he soon lost also his wig. But without stopping to replace that, he followed on. At length he closed in with one of the intruders, and shaking him and cuffing him in a way more frightening than damaging, and heading him toward the church, he said, " what are you about here, you little cuss, you ? Why ain't you up in there getting some religion, as you ought to be, instead of being out here raising the devil in this way ?" The Colonel was uncommonly bald, and without his heavy dark wig looked not a bit like himself. Once he was in the wash room of the Pavilion, and for convenience' in his ablutions had laid his wig aside. Presently a young, spruce feeling chap, with extremely red hair, came in too. Noticing the Colonel's nude head, he in quired, "well. Uncle, why don't you have MONTPELIER. 565 some hair on your head ?" It was an im pudent question, and the Colonel knew it. Looking savagely on the red head of the saucy young stranger, he replied, " When they raade me, and had me all finished ex cept my hair, they told me that they had nothing left except red hair. I told thera, then, 'I gad,' I wouldn't have any. I had rather go without. They might save that for impudent young popinjays and fools." The young inquisitive and joker was perfectly willing to drop the subject. [AKGUS & Patriot Building, Main street] PRESIDENT MONROE'S VISIT. (From "The President's Tour," By S. Putnam ¦Waldo, published at Hartford, Ct., 1819.) "At 10 (a. m.) he was met and wel comed by the committee of arrangements, at Mr. Stiles', in Berlin. The isrocession was then formed, under direction of the marshals, and proceeded to Montpelier. A little before 1 1, a discharge of artillery announced the near approach of the Chief Magistrate of the nation. On entering the village, he alighted from his carriage, and proceeded with the cavalcade, on horseback, to the Academy, through the Main street, lined on each side by citizens, under direction of Joseph Howes, Esq. Returning to the head of State street, the President dismounted, was received bythe ' First Light Company,' commanded by Lieut. E. P. Walton, and conducted to the State House under a national salute from the 'Washington Artillery.' In front of the State House, between three and four hundred masters and misses, students of the Academy and members of the schools in the village, dressed in a "neat uniform, each tastefully decorated with garlands from the field of nature, were ar ranged in two lines facing each other, in perfect order. Previous to the arrival of the escort, the two companies of Cavalry, with an expedition and regularity which did them honor, had placed them.selves at a proper and convenient distance on the left of the juvenile [srocession. The President walked through this assem blage of youth, uncovering his head, and bowing as he passed, entered the State House under a fanciful arch of evergreens, emblematic, we trust, of the duration of our liberties, on one side of which were these words : ' July 4, 1776 ; ' on the other, 'Trenton, Dec. 26, 1776.' When in front of the house, in the portico of the second story, the Hon. James Fisk, chairraan of the committee of arrangements, in presence of the military and a great concourse of assembled citizens, delivered the following address : To the President of the United States : — " Sir : — The citizens of Montpelier and its vicinity have directed their comraittee to present you their respectful salutations, and bid you a cordial welcome. The infancy of our settlements places our progress in the arts and sciences something behind raost of our sister states ; but we shall not be denied some claim in a share of that ardent love of liberty, and the rights of man, that attachment to the honor and interest of our country, which now so dis tinguish the American character ; while the fields of Hubbardton, the heights of Wal- loomsack, and the plains of Plattsburgh, are admitted to witness in our favor. Many of those we now represent, ven tured their lives in the Revolutionary con test, and permit us, sir, to say, the value of this opportunity is greatly enhanced by the consideration, that we now tender our respects to one who shared in all the hard ships and dangers of that eventful period, which gave liberty and independence to our country ; nor are we vmmindful that from that period until now, every public act of your life evinces an unalterable at tachment to the principles for which you then contended. With such pledges, we feel an unlimited confidence, that should your measures fulfil your intentions, your administration under the guidance of Divine Providence, will be as prosperous and happy as its commencement is tranquil and promising ; and that the honor, the rights and inter ests of the nation will pass from your hands unimpaired. JAMES FISK, For the Committee. " To this address the President made an affectionate and appropriate reply, which was received with three times three ani mated cheers by the citizens. 566 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. The President then, with his suite, com mittee, marshals and clergy, visited the schools in the Representatives' room, which was adorned with maps and globes drawn by the scholars ; while the front of the gallery and chandelier displayed a beautiful variety of vines and ornaments. The scholars received him by rising, and Mr. Hill, the preceptor of the Academy, by saying, ' I present to Your Excellency the finest blossoms and fairest flowers that our climate produces' — he replied, ' They are the finest nature can produce.' After CHURCH OF THE MESSIAH, MAIN STREET, inspecting the maps and globes, with ap probation, he retired ; was received at the door by the ' Washington Artillery,' com manded by Capt. Timothy Hubbard, and escorted through a line of citizens extend ing from the State House to the dwelling of Wyllis I. Cadwell, Esq., where he par took of a cold collation served up with ad mirable taste and elegance. The schools then formed a procession, preceded by the ' First Light Company,' with instrumental music, and moved to the Academy. In passing the President's quarters they saluted him ; the masters, by uncovering their heads ; the misses, by lowering their parasols. The President having signified his pleas ure to dispense with the escort of cavalry. after taking an affectionate leave of the committee of arrangements, ascended his carriage, and resumed his journey to Bur lington." GEORGE W. BARKER. BY COL. H. D. HOPKINS. Mr. Barker was at one time postmaster of Montpelier, and then high sheriff of the County, and at the time of his death, a well-known railroad contractor at Manito woc, Wis. For raany years he was, in Vermont, a leading man at the Capital, and exert ed a strong influence in shaping the action of the democratic party, both personally and through the Vermont Patriot , with which he was for a time connected. When the Vt. Central railroad was build ing, he was one of the contractors, and made about $10,000 — a hand some amount for the tirae. He subsequently took a contract on the New York end of the Rutland ahd- Washington railroad, but when a crash came in the aflfairs of that road, he, with others, was obliged to succumb and go down. His loss was a heavy one, and involved others than himself, notably the late Hon. R. R. Keith, who suffered to the amount of $15,000. Mr. Barker's next venture was at Paineville, Ohio, and would have result ed favorably to him but for the fact that the company proved to be insolvent. His next move was Manitowoc above named. Judge Keith, who knew Mr. Barker better than any other man in Montpelier, though he lost by him, always had confidence in his capacity and integrity. Mr. B. was a genial man, a kind neighbor, and especially delighted to speak encouraging words to young men, and the results of some of his endeavors in this line happen to be known to the writer of this brief notice. Mr. MONTPELIER. 567 Barker was a man not to be forgotten. In stature, he was very large, and in manner, exceptionally genial. Though a man of position and well-formed opinions, he could tenaciously maintain his own view of a question without wounding the feelings of another. Mr. Barker was very fond of church music — especially of the fugue tunes in vogue in the early years of the present century, and he, Ferrand F. Merrill, Capt. A. A. Sweet and Dr. Gustavus H. Loomis, all of whom were as fond of that style of music as Mr. Barker was, used to have many a pleasant sit-down together, re hearsing them, and deploring their de parture from the choirs and the choir re pertories. Of these four gentlemen, only Capt. Sweet is living at this present writ ing, Jan. 1882. V* '¦¦».'^*¦*ttlu. * «•?.- RESIDENCE OF GEORGE C. SHEPARD, MAIN STREET. George C. Shepard, youngest son of the late Jonathan Shepard, was born in Montpelier, Aug. 26, 1820, and has been eminently a Montpelier raan, not only spending his life here, but bringing a wife here, who is a grand-daughter of one of the earliest citizens of Montpelier, Thoraas Brooks, and daughter of Joseph Brooks, who was a native of Montpelier; and he brought her to a beautiful Montpelier home, in the dwelling of the late Hon. Samuel Prentiss, which has been remodel ed and improved so as to become as charm ing a home as the town can boast of Mr. Shepard availed himself so well of our schools and Academy, that he has been able to discharge successfully every public duty. He is prominent socially, polit ically and financially. For some years he was Director, Vice-President and Presi dent of the old Bank of Montpelier, and he has been Director and Vice-President of the Montpelier National Bank. He represented the town in the Legislatures of 1862 and '63, and has also represented his Congressional District in a National Con vention of the Republican party. E. p. w., COL. ABEL CARTER, who during the last days of his life occu pied the house now owned and occupied by Col. Fred E. Smith, on Elm street, was a man to be remembered. He was by trade a saddler and harness-maker, and a man of very positive feel ings and opinions, espe cially in politics. As an abolitionist, he was out spoken, even to bitterness, '. and delighted to get into " an argument with a con servative whig, that he might ply him with hard questions. His hatred of slavery, slave-holders and their apologists — Northern dough-faces, as he delight ed to call thera, was most intense. He was sheriff of Washington Co. from 1833 to 1837, and held the office of Sergeant-at-Arms at the State House one year, 1837 to '38. Another prominent and well-known cit izen of Montpelier for many years previous to 1868, was GAMALIEL WASHBURN, who occupied a small cottage house on Elm street, opposite the old cemetery. He was for raany years jailor, and also janitor in the old Brick Church, and his polite attentions to the needs of all wor shipers there, are well remembered. He was a prominent Mason, and as such was 568 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. highly respected. Two lodges of the order are named in honor of his memory, one at Danville, and another in Montpelier. He died in Dec. 1868. h. d. h. the old BRICK church. BY COL. n. r>. HOPKINS. [From a full account of the "Old Brick " and the new "Bethany" church In flies of the Argus ik Patriot.'] Appreciating the uses of Christian wor ship, the fathers of the townbeganin 1817 to discuss the propriety and necessity of a house for this purpose. The first act was the forming of the "Montpelier Meeting- INTERIOR of BETHANY CHURCH house Society, consisting of 62 gentlemen at first, and which list embraces, we judge, all the then prominent men of Montpelier : Samuel Prentiss, Samuel Goss, E. P. Wal ton, Geo. Worthington, Nicholas Baylies, Sylvanus Baldwin, Daniel Baldwin, Holden Putnam, Jonathan Shepard, and others. In Dec. 1820, the list was augmented by 25 names more. Of these active men ngiie are now living. The society at its first meeting, Nov. 4, 1817, voted to build a house, Sylvanus Baldwin, Jeduthan Loomis, Samuel Goss, Calvin Winslow and J. H. Langdon to re port a plan ; Lovewell Warren, Joseph Wiggins, Joseph Howes " to view the sites proposed, ascertain prices and conveniences of each." Nov. 12, " committee on plan " made their report, not accepted ; were in structed to furnish a' plan with steeple or cupola. Nov. 24th, it was voted the house should be for the use of the First Congregational- ist Society in Montpeher, under the control of the proprietors ; the sale of pews to commence at the State House, Nov. 29th ; every note for the purchase of a pew should be payable to the society, and divided into three equal annual payments, one-half in neat stock or grain, and one-half in money ; and the house was to be 60x70 feet, "exclusive of cupola or stee ple,'' with 122 pews. Three lots were sharply contested for, one the site of the old brick house back of Mrs. Hyde's; one the lot of Mrs. Joseph Reed, oppo- ¦'ili; the State, and till other that on which the I >i I ck church was built. They li id to resort to the ballot, l lUen at the State House, Dec. loth, which resulted for the Houghton "spot." The house cost over $6,000. We cannot state when it was ready for occupancy, but its use was tendered to the General Assembly for the Election Sermon on the 2d Thursday, Oct. 1820, and to the Masonic Society the day previous, and Dec. 29th, 105 pews had been soldfor $7,620, of which Calvin Wins low, the contractor, received $7,000. The highest price paid for a pew was $151, by Joseph Howes. Richard Wilkins, Jedu than Loomis and Samuel Goss paid $150 each for a pew ; Chester Houghton, $140 ; Jonathan Shepard, $120 ; Salvin Collins, $117. . . . And the old Brick church remained the Sabbath home of this society for more than 45 years. Thelast service in it was Sunday, May 6, 1866. In a few days the walls of the old church and the MONTPELIER. 569 Masonic hall were leveled to the ground, and the present Bethany church occupies the site. Bethany exterior, 124x72, height of nave, 65 feet ; Gothic architecture ; tower height, 68 feet, 21x21; chapel, 50x35; ridge, 36 feet from ground ; church and tower, walls and buttresses, dark red stone : arches, mouldings, etc., dark blue stone; chapel walls, Burlington stone, almost white, with warm flush of rose ; trimmings, of dark red stone ; at eastern vestibule, with wide corridor and three porches, with opens, up : Interior divided by columns into nave and aisle, with an apsidal chan cel ; church and chancel, deep wainscotted in chestnut, with black walnut cap and base ; bearas of the roof cased in chestnut ; ceiling, a clear blue ; walls, a soft stone color ; aisle-roof, nave-roof, arches, clere story, spandals pierced with capsed open ings, all highly ornamental ; principal tim bers of the roof, richly raoulded ; roof open quite to the ridge, 60 feet high frora the floor of the audience room. The roof of the chancel is supported by detached shafts. RESIDENCE of JOSEPH POLAND, SCHOOL STREET. tall gables finished with cappings of the dark blue stone, terminated with foliated crosses ; and in the gable of the centre porch-, in wall-recess, with pointed arch, the great rose-window, rich in tracery and stained glass ; from the cornice of the belfry rises the spire, enriched with shafted windows, canopies, ornamental slating, to a finial and cross of gold, 153 feet from the ground ; between the side walls of the church, arched windows, supported by but tresses, filled with tracery ; roofs of church, chapel porches, covered with slating in al ternate bands of plain and shell-work. As you enter from the vestibule, thus it 72 their moulded bases resting on corbels in the angles of the apsis ; carved ribs rising from these shafts to the stained glass sky light in the centre ; the chancel is separated from the nave by a richly-moulded arch, resting on clustered shafts ; windows all with arched mouldings, resting on orna mental corbels. Choir and organ in the chancel, sepa rated from the pulpit by columns and in terlacing arches. The blue ceiling here has crimson and buflf borders, panels with ornaments in color and panels with me dallions. The walls of the chancel are maroon, border of crimson and buflf, vine 570 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. of oak leaves in blue ; chancel windows, stained glass, bordered in blue, each with medallion in crimson ; purple wall below each window, border of olive, white and green, with two panels with Gothic heads and spandrels filled with ornaments. The whole coloring of the interior is exceed ingly rich and chaste, over nave and aisles, as well as chancel. The compartments forraed in the blue ceiling by the roof timbers, have wide, rich borders — diag onal bands of crimson and buflf. The roof tirabers are a rich raaroon, flecked with orange, yellow, and a stellar pattern in lighter maroon ; the shields on the ends of hammer-beams, a white ground with crim son border and scroll ornaments; "walls and columns below, neutral gray ; shafts. BAPTIST CHURCH, SCHOOL STREET. colors of the stained glass in the whole interior, chancel, side walls, clere-story, exceedingly beautiful. The chancel win dows and large rose windows are es pecially rich," with a declaration of the Most Holy Trinity in the centre light of the great rose window. Our view represents the Interior of this church. For the history of Bethany, see Mr. Walton's paper, page 288 ; also 396-407. For the historian who writes up the history of the next hundred years of Montpelier, this handsome edifice of stone will remain perfect, as now ; to the old which has already passed away, we there fore give the more space and the more care to gather up its fragments now, before ir revocably lost. The organ is superbly pleasing to the eye, har monizes admirably with the interior of the church, and for general quality of tone, and characteristic voicing of individual stops, - — we have never heard ax- celled : The clarionette seems like the veritable instrument itself, the obeo approximates more nearly to the tme imitation than any stop we have ever" heard called by its name — the vox humana — people hearing it are actually de ceived by it, and look around to see who is sing ing. We have many times heard it pronounced sec ond to no instrument in the country of its size, and are not prepared to deny the statement. Its first concert was the evening before the dedication of Bethany. arch - mouldings of windows and doors flecked out with crimson, green, purple and flesh color." We are taken with the beauty of the coloring, "the effect" of which "is much enhanced by the rich AN OLD-TIME SINGING-MASTER, Col. H. D. Hopkins, who for 35 years knew all that was going on in all the choirs around ; knew all the leading singers ; kefit singing-school; conducted musical con- MONTPELIER. 571 ventions, and for 27 years conducted the musicin "Brick"and "Bethany" churches, and so on ; who knew the leaders in the " Old Brick" from the first day to the end, and who ought to have been asked for a paper on this subject, and would have been, had the Compiler been aware of his relations to these matters in time. Moses E. Cheney, of Barnard, the old popular singing-master of the State, says, "Brother Hopkins must be remembered when you notice the churches, certainly. He has done more free labor in Montpelier than any other man, and that so well." The first transient singing-raaster that ever taught here, says Mr. Hopkins, was Joseph Wilder, from Derby, Vt., and the early choristers of the Brick church were Hon. Joseph Howes, O. H. Sraith, Esq., several years. Dr. Gustavus Loomis, Chas. W. Badger, and Moses E. Cheney, who montpelier union school BUILDING. led the singing of the old Brick church about 1840, for 3 years, and did much to inspire the service of song with new life. He, also, was the projector and conductor of the first musical convention ever held in Vermont, and it is believed in America. It has been .so stated in the public prints, and has never been denied. The con vention was held in the old Brick church. May, 1839, and was attended by towns- iJtople not only, but by clergymen and lawyers from all parts of the State. The facts relating to this convention should not go unmentioned, and the honor of it should be placed where it belongs, with Moses E. Cheney, the true- Vermonter and antiquarian . John H. Paddock was the first organist here. George W. Wilder, who is in busi ness now at the head of State street, an esteemed citizen of Montpelier at the pres ent time, was another organist at the old Brick, also Miss Hosford and a Mrs. Bigelow ; and John and Zenas Wood were leading singers at the "Old Brick" in its palmy days, and perhaps others — doubtless. Mr. H. assisted at, and reported for all the musical conventions held at Montpelier for more than 20 years, in which he says, in report of the Annual Central Vermont Musical Conven tion, held at Wash ington Hall, in this village, Jan. '67 — four days. Mr. Phillips, of St. Albans, elicited the first hearty applause, and Pro fessor N. L. Phil lips, of Barre, the man who perhaps has taught more singers than [any other in Central Vermont, appear ed in a superb solo . We are always astonished at the vigor and force of that voice, a grand type of what we wish all voices might be at sixty. The 5th and 6th same annual conventions Mr. Hopkins directed. His first letter to the Boston Journal was written in 1859, and until the faihng of his health, in 1875, he was the only regular Vermont correspondent of that paper. He has also written quite exten sively for the Montpelier and other State m TTHCWS. 572 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. papers. For some few years he has been too much of an invalid for business labdf, but occasionally now writes a good article for press. We have been indebted On these last pages to his present pen and huge old scrap-book for several articles. As a speci men of the Colonel's humorous vein, we purloin the following : TO MY OLD BOOTS. BY SOME ONE. For three full years, and something raore, You've served me a faithful " pai r ; " I therefore don't wonder that, all things considered, You're looking "the worse for the wear." SONG OF THE DYING YEAR. BY JOSEPHINE M. SWEET. In the race that thou hast run, In this cycle of the sun, Hast thou In life's battle won f ¦What hast thou done ? ¦What hast thou done? "Wlien fears shadowed o'er the field. In temptation didst thou yield? Or hast thou In life's battle won? ¦What hast thou done ? ¦What hast thou done ? Hast thou fainted by the way, ' Neath the burden of noon-day ? Or hast thou In life's battle won ? What hast thou done ? What hast thou done ? Jcsephine M. Sweet, a native of Montpelier, a contributor to the Watch man, Green Mountain Freeman, etc, under the nom de plume of " Evan geline,'' for many years . The zephyrs commence to come, the poets from abroad join to help Mont pelier sons and daughters sing — one, [was it the Hon. Wm. C. Bradley?] It is like his wit, very, and of his palmy time, joins in a LAMENTATION, [Written soon after the RESIDENCE OF MR. M. D. GILMAN, BALDWIN ST., NEXT DOOR WEST OF ''"JOUTiment of the Vcr- THE STATE OAPITOL. Your "bottoms" and "uppers" were '-A number one," And fitting so snugly about. Have made a good place to keep " a foot in," While the damp and the cold you kept out. Yes, "A number onel " I wear nothing else; Double soles— oak-tanned and French calf. Albeit old Crispin, with impertinence, said, "You wear number nine and a half." 'Twas a way you had, much to your credit. In parting, permit me to say. Of being quite constantly " round under foot," And yet, not much In the way. In bidding you now a long adieu. And remembering the good you have done, I give you permission, if the d — 1 don't get you. To say that your " soles are your own." And if in the place where you flnally stop. There should chance to be paper and qulll,^ Please write me a letter, and tell me if They permit you to " go it hoots " still. mont Legislature, Nov. 1826.] Montpelier mourns— her streets are still. Save when the street-yarn ladles spin; And scarce a stranger's seen at Mann's, Or Campbell's, or at CottriU's Inn. The guardians of the people's rights Have done their work, gone home to prove it ; And let the State-house stand, because Barnum and BaUey could not move it. But though the building stands secure. And long may stand tlie village boast. The villagers are called to mourn The comforts and the friends tliey've lost. Their Butler's gone, their Baker, too ; Their Clarkes have fled as Swift as thought; Their Barber's left their chins nnshavcd, And e'en their Potter's gone to pot. Their Walkers nimbly walked away. Their Mason and their Smitlis are still ; Their Carpenters lay down their tools. Their honest Miller leaves his mill. MONTPELIER. 573 Their skillflil Fisher-man has gone With Bates to lure and Spear to strike; With him are fled the Finney tribe. But more especially the Pike. The Swan they dearly loved to pick. Has flown, with plumage bright as gold; Their Buck has bounded o'er the liills, Their playful Lantb has broke his fold. The Noble and the Voung have gone. The Rich have left thera to despair; Their Gay, their Best attire Is lost. And not a Spencer's left to wear. Their learned Proctor, pious Bean, And lioly Palmer In the lurch. Have left their flocks, and left them, too, Without a Temple, Bell or Church. And those who loved the mazy dance. Enjoy no more the lively Ball ; Tliey've lost, alas! their pleasure House. And miss their riclily-furnlsheil Hall. STATE CAPITOL. They once could boast a pleasant Hill. Delightful Rhodes, a charming Lane, A Warren, Bridge, and Shedd and Barnes, That they raay never see again. Their Forrest and their Woods are felled. The Major who their forces led. Has broken up his glittering Camp, And friendly Scott and French are fled. All's lost! the men have lost their Crafts, They've lost their Ambler and their Wheeler, Have lost their Steele, their Peck, their Rice; And, oh! their women have lost their Keeler. Yes, all Is lost, and those who've gone. Have long ere now, perchance, forgot 'em ; They lost their Solace, lost their Child, And lost their Pride, and Hyde, and Bottum. Amos W. Barnum, Vergennes. Benjamin 'S .Bailey, Burlington. His Excellency Ezra Butleri Waterbury. -Samuel S. Baker, Arlington. Samuel Clark, Brattleboro ; Jonas Clark, Middletown. Benjamin Swift, St. Albans. David Barber, Hubbardton. ^¥bel W. Potter, Pownal. Leonard Walker, Springfield; James O. Walker, Whiting. Leonard Mason, Ira. Ira Smith, Orwell ; Asahel S?mth, Ludlow ; Israel H. Smith, Thetford ; Joab Smith, Fairfield. Luther Carpenter, Orange ; Dan Carpen ter, Waterbury. Alexander Miller, Walhngford. 'Ha'Caa'ii Fisher , Parkerstown, now Mendon. Robert B. Bates, Middlebury, Speaker. Spear — no such name in list of the Legis lature in Walton's Register, for 1826. Johnson Finny, Monkton. Ezra Pike, Jr. , Vineyard , now Isle La Motte . Benj. Swan, Woodstock, State Treasurer. D. Azro A. Buck, Chelsea. Shubael Lamb, Wells. William Noble, Charlotte. Nathan "Voung, Strafford. Moody Rich, Maidstone. Dwight Gay, Stockbridge. Thomas Best, Highgate. William Spencer, Corinth. Jabez Proctor, Councillor. Barnabas Dean, Weathersfield. William A. Palmer, Danville. Robert Temple, Rutland. Jaraes Bell, Walden. Charles Church, Hancock. Abrahara Ball, Athens. Alvin House, Montgomery. WiUiara Hall, Rockingham. Jarius Hall, Wilmington, Burgess Hall, Shelburne. Samuel Hill, Greensboro. William Rhodes, Richmond. Josiah Lane, Wheelock. George Warren, Fairhaven. John Bridge, Pomfret. Jonah Shedd, Peacham. Melvin Barnes, Jr., Grand Isle. Wells De Forrest, Lemington. Nathan Wood, Vernon ; Jonah Wood, Sherburne ; Ziba Woods, Westford. Major Hawley, Manchester. David M. Camp, Derby. Richard Scott, Stratton. Thomas G. French,. Brunswick ; John French, Minehead, now Bloomfield. Samuel C. Crafts, Orleans Co. Councillor. James Ambler, Jr., Huntington. Nathan Wheeler, Grafton. William Steele, Sharon. John Peck, Washington Co. Councillor. Ephraim Rice, Somerset. Wolcott H. Keeler, Chittenden. Calvin Solace, Bridport. Thomas Child, Bakersfield. Darius Pride, Williamstown. Dana Hyde, Jr., Guilford. Nathan Bottum, Shaftsburv. 574 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Patents, we have uot had any paper prepared for : Dennis Lane took out ' a patent for improvement in head blocks for saw-mills, Sept. 6, 1864 ; Ashbel Stim son, in 1876, for spring-hinges for doors. At the Centennial, Montpelier Man ufacturing Company took the award for children's carriages, and F. C. Gilman for sulky and buggy. sons and citizens of MONTPELIER abroad. We have not yet obtained a satisfactory list. We will mention here briefly the few not already included in a family no tice in these pages, that have been fur nished to us chiefly by Chas. De F. Ban croft and Mr. Walton, and will be pleased if a more extensive list may be given for the County volume. — Ed. L. L. Walbridge, a native of Mont pelier, has been reporter for the Boston Journal, and city editor of the St. Louis Democrat ; is one of the best short-hand writers in the country; was one of the wit nesses on the impeachment trial of Presi dent Johnson. Wm. Pitt Kellogg, present U. S. Sen ator from Louisiana, the son of Rev. Sher man Kellogg, we counted once as a " Mont pelier boy ; " also, Henry C. Nutt, son of Henry Nutt, of this toviui, now President of the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad ; Joel Mead, a wealthy lumber raerchant in She boygan, Wis. ; James Mead, his brother, a leading banker in Oshkosh,' Wis. Their aged mother still resides with us ; Wm. P. Strong, son of the old hotel-keeper here. President of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, a brother of his in Faribault, Minn., and another, a prorainent business man in Beloit, Wis. ; Edwin S. Merrill, son of the late Timothy Merrill, in Winchendon, Mass. ; George Silver, son of Isaiah Silver, in Tivola, N. Y. ; James Davis, son of Anson Davis, and great-grandson of Col. Jacob Davis, Pro fessor in an Institution in New York City ; Dodge W. Keith, son of Hon. R. W. Keith, who gives his father's portrait to the work, a successful merchant in Chicago ; Harold Sprague, a merchant in Chicago ; R. J. Richardson, of Des Moines, Iowa, a grain merchant; James and Frank MuLDOON were born poor boys, now successful traders in Wisconsin ; Henry L. Lamb, in Troy, inspector of banks, has been editor on the Troy Times ; Col. E. M. Brown, editor of the New Orleans Delta during Butler's administration ; Azel Spalding, a raember of the Kansas House, of Representatives in 1861 ; Hon. A. W. Spalding, son of Azel, Senator of Jeffer son County, Kansas, in 1862; Fred. T. Bickford, who has been Superintendent of the U. S. Telegraph Co. at Pittsburg, P.a., and Superintendent of the Russian Extension Telegraph Co's. line in Siberia, now at Washington, D. C, we think ; and many others whom the old friends at home would be pleased to see enrolled on their list of sons and citizens abroad. Omission in Mr. Gilman's list of Mr. Walton's printed papers — an address on the death of Stephen A. Douglass in 1863, printed by order of Congress, e.p.w. Page 365 should read, "we do not give sermons when the statements seem suffi cient ; " we sometimes give sermons — his torical ones. Page 539, " where the sun touches first the grove," not "where the sun touches first the grave." Same paper, page 537, iron-framed ; not corn-framed. Page 478 should read, an obituary by Dr. Sumner Putnam. Page 424, The interior of St. Augustine's, for there are two side aisles, but no centre aisle, should read, there are two side aisles and a centre aisle, and " Between the win dows, in simple black wood frames, the stations," should read instead, in gilt frames. In this last mistake we wholly exonerate our compositors — it was our own mistake, in the press of our cares but too carelessly made ; and it should have been added, the church has very handsome vest ments and altar adornments, a lovely statue of the Blessed Virgin, and upon a Christ mas night or Easter morning appears very fresh and beautiful. — Ed. Page 530, JohnW. Culver in 1833, not'35. Montpelier's Lament, page 572, from old scrap-book of Dr. Bradford, of Northfield. EAST MONTPELIER. 575 EAST MONTPELIER. BY HON. S. S KELTON. The town of East Montpelier was organ ized Jan. I, 1849, having been set oflf frora Montpelier by the General Assembly at their session in 1848, on the petition of citizens of MontpeUer village. The meet ing for organization was called by Addison Peck, a justice of the peace, on the peti tion of 6 freeholders to hira directed for that purpose. The officers elected at this first meeting were : Mod. Addison Peck ; town clerk. Royal Wheeler; selectmen, Stephen F. Stevens, Isaac Cate, J. C. Nichols ; treas., A. Peck; overseer of poor, A. Peck; con stable, J. P. W. Vincent. The first child born in town, after organ ization, was Clara Davis, daughter of Pear- ley and Cynthia Davis, Jan. 19, 1849. The first raarriage was Rodney G. Bassett and L. Araelia WUlard, Jan. 21, 1849, by Charles Sibley, justice of peace. The town is bounded northerly by Cal ais, easterly by Plainfield and a sraall part of Marshfield, southerly by Berlin, from which it is separated by the Winooski riv er and a part of Barre, and westerly by Montpelier and Middlesex, and contains 18,670 acres; population in 1880, 972; grand list in 1881, $9,251. The township is watered by the Winooski river, which runs through the southerly corner, and along the southerly boundary, by Kingsbury Branch, which, after drain ing the numerous ponds in Woodbury and Calais, crosses the northeasterly corner of the town, and enters the Winooski ; (its name was derived from that of an early settler living near the stream,) and by numerous small streams, aflfording many excellent mill-sites. The surface of the town is uneven, but the soil is good and productive, and there is scarcely any waste land in town. The prevailing char acter of the rocks is slate and lime, with granite boulders scattered in the easterly part. Oftim.ber, the sugar maple, beech, spruce and hemlock largely predominate, with a great variety in less quantity. There are some very fine sugar orchards in this town ; that of Cyrus Morse num bers 2,750 trees, all supplied with tin tubs, the sugar-house and fixtures being fully equal to the requirements of so large a number of trees. In a good season they make 10,000 lbs. of sugar, for which there is a ready sale, rendering it one of the best industries of a large farm. The industries of East Montpelier are chiefly, almost exclusively, agricultural ; the farms are of medium size, generally containing from 75 to 150 acres, sorae of 200 to 300, and a few as large as 400 acres, devoted to a raixed husbandry, the dairy decidedly taking the lead ; some attention is given to the rearing of blood stock, — of horses, cattle, sheep and swine. There are two small villages in town, east village, situated on the Winooski, containing a meeting-house, school-house, store, tav ern, post-office, established about 1825, a grist-mill, saw-mill with planer, two car penters and joiners and blacksmith shop. This village has suffered great loss by fires ; 1817, or thereabouts, a hulling mill was burned; 1825, or '26, a blacksmith shop; 1847, the tavern-house, store, two barns and aU the out buildings, — property of John Mellen ; 1852, the Union store and goods ; 1859, the blacksmith shop of G. W. Lewis ; 1868, the store and goods of C. H. Stevens, together with the barn of C. C. Willard ; 1869, the store of J. C. Nichols, with the goods, the property of Col. Randall ; also in the immediate neigh borhood, 1857, the house of Norman French ; 1866, the house of George Dag gett, one of the best houses ever built in town — struck by lightning ; 1 87 1 , the barns of C. A. Tabor, together with all the farm produce, tools, and four horses. [Store and tavern since burned. — Ed.J north montpelier, situated on Kingsbury branch, contains a post-office, store, grist-mill, saw-mill, woolen-factory, boot and shoe-shop, black smith shop, and the manufacture of musi cal instruments by E. D. &- G. G. Nye. The water power in this place is very ex cellent. There are ten school districts in town, each supplied with a good, weU-finished 576 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. school-house, where a school is kept from 6 to 9 months each year, besides four frac tional districts, where the scholars attend school in adjacent towns. LIBRARIES. In 1794, a circulating library was estab lished at the center of the town, in the house of Pearley Davis, — he being librari an, — containing 200 volumes, made up of history, travels, biography, and works-of scientific, philosophic or moral character. These books were freely circulated through the town for a long period of years. The ladies' -circulating library was established in East village in 1859, containing 223 vols. A Sunday school library of 290 vols, in 1850: one at North Montpelier of i6ovols. in 1867. In 1861, an agricultural library vvas organized at East village of 116 vols., which was burned in C. H. Stevens' store, in 1868. church edifices. There are four raeeting-houses in town ; that belonging to the Society of Friends was first used as such, in 1802, having previously been used as the store of Col. Robbins. The Union Meeting-house at the center of the town was built in 1823, and is also used as a town-house. At east village is a Universalist house, built in 1833, the Rev. John E. Palmer, of Barre, preaching the dedication sermon, Jan. 8, 1834. At North Montpelier a Universalist house was built in 1867. This is much the best house, in the belfry of which is one of the best bells in the vicinity. religious societies. In 1793, there was a religious society of Friends organized in the east part of the town, who for many years assembled them selves together regularly twice a week, a meekand contrite people, under the preach ing of Clark Stevens. It was their custora to hold silent meetings, when the spirit of the Lord did not move them to speak. freewill BAPTISTS. There was a FreewiU Baptist church organized in the east part of the town at an early day, and a great awakening in the religious cause, under the efficient labors of Elder Benjamin Page. They held their meetings in barns, dwelling-houses, or anywhere where the way was open for them. Subsequently there was a church organized by the same denomination in the north part of the town, under the preaching of Eider Paul Holbrook. UNIVERSALISTS OF EAST MONTPELIER. T-woof the most active pioneers of this so ciety were the late Gen. Parley Davis of Montpelier Center, and Arthur Daggett, who lived and died near the East village. These first settlers in town had preaching of the faith they cherished, at an early day. Rev. William Farwell, Hosea Ballou, Paul Dean and John E. Palmer were the first ministers. Their society here was organ ized Feb. 8, 1834. The cause prospered until there was more of this faith in town than any other. The resident pastors of "The Universalist Society" were Rev. Tracy R. Spencer, R. M. Byram, Simeon Goodenough and Lester Warren. Rev. Mr. Warren, now living in town-, sajs he was employed for this society by Parley Davis, Arthur Daggett and others, iruMay, 1838. He preached once or twice araonth, in the Center and at the East village, for 9 years. And now he has "vesper service" in the new church at the North village, once in two weeks. The raeetings are well attended, as are also a "course of lectures" arranged by "The Prudential committee'' of "The Lyceum." Rev. E. Ballou also preached alternately with Mr. W. for several years, until the settlement of the late Rev. T. R. Spencer. EPISCOPAL METHODISTS. Rev. Jesse Lee, who was the pioneer of Methodism in New England, first preached in this town in 1795, and forraed the first society. He was succeeded by Rev. Ralph WUUston, Nicholas Sneathen, Gideon Draper, and others. Alexander Parker, his wife and two or three of their daughters, Enoch Cate and wife, Sylvanus Morse and wife, David Per sons and wife, John Stevens and wife, Joseph and James Gould and their wives, were among the early Methodists of the town. EAST MONTPELIER. 577 Since the organization of the society they have, like most institutions, experi enced at intervals seasons of prosperity and decline. THE CHRISTIANS. There was a society of Christians organ ized in thi^ town a few years since, who supported preaching a portion of the time. EPIDEMICS. Of epidemics, only 4 deserving the narae have occurred from the first settlement of the town to the present day. The first of these was the dysentery, which fatally pre vailed in the summer and fall of 1802. The second was the typhus fever, which prevailed to considerable extent in the summer of 1806. The third, that fearful disease known by the name of spotted fever, whicl; suddenly made its appearance in the winter of 181 1. In the faU and winter of 1813, the typhus fever again very fatally prevailed. The number of deaths from this disease in the whole (old) town, was 78 : much the larger number of which were outside the present limits of East Montpelier. The town is believed to be one of the healthiest in the State ; the average num ber of deaths for the last 20 years has been 17 ; the largest number in 1862, being 29 ; the smallest number in 1867, only 7.- The oldest person living in town is Anna Gould, born at Sutton, Mass., Aug. 12, 1787; came to this town in 1803; is the widow of Simeon Gould, who died in 1879, aged 98 years, by whom she had 9 chil dren, of whom 7 are now living at this writing, (Sept. 188 1). Mr. and Mrs. Gould's marriage Ufe was 70 years. The oldest person who was born in town is Mrs. Paulina Davis, widow of the late Timothy Davis, and daughter of Clark Stevens, born Sept. 15, 1795- (Oct. i,'8i.) Mrs. Harriet Goodwin, widow of Hon. Israel Goodwin, and daughter of Capt. Isaac Putnam, born July 29, 1796. The oldest inhabitant of the town is Mrs. Sally Vincent, widow of Capt. Isaac Vin cent, and daughter of Darius Boyden, Esq., born at Worcester, Mass., July 4, 1793; came to East Montpelier early in 1794, and has lived in town continuously since, 87 years, 7 months. The oldest person who ever lived in town was Mrs. Molly Gould, who died in 1851, aged 102 years, i month. Mrs. Gould was born at Sutton, Mass., in 1749 ; married John Gould of the same town in 1768; raising a large family of chUdren; came to this town in 181 1. THE EARLY SETTLEMENT. It is by no means certain, who cut the first tree, or built the first house. Gen. Pearley Davis undoubtedly niade the first pitch, being two lots of the first division, at the center of Jhe town, of which he re ceived a deed from Jacob Davis, May 28, 1788, the consideration being "eighty pounds, lawf ul money ." He made a be ginning soon after, putting up a log-house and barn that season, but returned to Massachusetts to teach school the following winter. He cut and stacked the hay on a beaver meadow in the north part of the town, (now owned by E. H. Vincent) that season, which was raostly drawn to Col. Jacob Davis' the foUowing winter, he fall ing short of fodder for his teams, and those of new settlers who would stop for a time with him on their arrival. In June, 1788, John Templeton and Solomon Dodge came to East Montpe lier, from Peterboro, N. H., and com menced felling the forest on their respect ive lots, (being adjacent) preparatory, to establishing their new homes, returning to New Hampshire to do their haying,, after which, they worked the remainder of the season, clearing their land, and buUding each a log-house. The following spring, 1789, in March, they returned with their families for a perraanent settleraent, ac companied by their father-in-law, Jaraes Taggart. After stopping about three weeks with Col. Jacob Davis, they proceeded to their new horaes, 5 miles distant, the snow at this time being 2 feet deep. On arriving at Mr. Templeton's house, the roof having been covered with bark, a> part of which had blown oflf, they found the snow nearly as deep inside the house as out. This had a decided cool look, but there was no backing down, the snow was 73 578 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. shoveled out, a fire built, and they spent the remainder of their days on that farm, which is still owned and occupied by their grandson,- Austin Templeton. Mr. Dodge and wife lived and died on their adjacent farra, where their youngest daughter stiU resides, the wife of J. R. Young. These were the first families that moved into the town of East Montpelier. During the first season all their grain had to be brought from Brookfield, (getting it ground at Williamstown) a distance of 20 mUes, — oh a man's back. In the fall of this year, (1789) as their first crops were harvested. Col. Davis' mill on North Branch was ready to do the grind ing, and save the Brookfield tramp. Mrs. Templeton was accustomed to say in her later years, that she did not see a woman, except her two sisters, (Jenna Taggart who lived with her and Mrs. Dodge,) for a year, lacking one day, and that no family (except as above) lived nearer than Col. Jacob Davis', being 5 mUes. Mr. Templeton died May 18, 1813, aged 48 years. The third family that moved into town, was Jonathan Snow and wife, in March, 1790, — Mr. Snow having been here and made a small beginning the suraraer be fore, in the east part of the town. They stopped several days with Mr. Terapleton on their way. After living on their land two or three years, Mr. Snow sold out to his father-in-law, Barnabas Haramett, and lived a year or two below Montpelier vil lage, returning to an adjacent lot of his first beginning, now owned and occupied by his youngest son, Alonzo Snow, where he continued to reside. Mr. Snow was born at Rochester, Mass , July 12, 1768, raar ried Lydia Haramett Feb. 11, 1790, and came to this town by the then express train, an ox team ; after rearing a large family, died Mar. 31, 1846. During 1790, quite a large addition was made to the population, for we, find that March 29, 1791, at tjie organization of the old town, of the 27 voters present, 24 were residents of East 'Montpelier, viz : Benja min I. Wheeler, David Parsons, Pearley Davis, Ebenezer Dodge, Solomon Dodge, Nathaniel Peck, David Wing, Lemuel Brooks, Clark Stevens, Jonathan Snow, Hiram Peck, James Taggart, John Tem pleton, Elisha Cummins, Jonathan Cutler, Charles McCloud, Isaac Putnam, Nathan iel Davis, Jerahmel Wheeler, Smith Ste vens, Charles Stevens, Edmund Doty, Duncan Young. The last survivor of this pioneer band, was Elisha Cummins, who died Nov. 21, i860, aged 93 years. The first chUd born in town was James Dodge, son of Solomon Dodge,' Apr. 5, 1790 ; the first female chUd born was Mary Templeton, daughter of John Templeton, May 3, .1791. The first death was that of Betsey Cate, a child of Enoch Cate, 8 months old. The first resident of East Montpelier who was married was Clark Stevens, with Huldah Foster of Rochester, Mass., Dec. 30, 1792. The first meeting house was a log-house, built by Clark Ste vens and Caleb Bennett, (Friends) , on the highway near the line of their farms, in 1793, and used as such till 1802. This is believed to be the first raeeting-house ever built in Washington County. Dr. Philip Vincent was the first physi cian who came into town ; he came from New Braintree, Mass., in February, 1795, and settled where his grandson, Horace M. Vincent, now resides; died in 18 13, aged 54 years. The first merchant was Col. David Robbins, who built and began trade in what is now the Quaker raeeting- house, in 1796. The first tavern kept in town was by Freeraan Snow, opened in 1798 or '99, near where George Davis now lives. The first saw-raill was built by Pearley Davis, on the brook at the N. W. corner of lot no. 45, 1st div., in 1792, he having bought 2 acres of land for that purpose, of Caleb Bennett, for which'he paid " three pounds, lawful money." The first grist-raiU was built by Samuel Rich, in 1795, on Kingsbury Branch, where the nnll of M. V. B. Hollister now stands. SAMUEL RICH was born at Sutton, Mass., Feb. 24, 1769. He came to this town in 1792 ; was mar ried to Margaret McCloud Dec. i, 1796. Besides doing an extensive farming busi- EAST MONTPELIER. 579 ness, (owning 700 acres of land) he buUt and run a grist-mill, a saw-mill, acarding- machine, a fulling-mill, a brick-yard and distillery ; he also kept a tavern for a num ber of years subsequently to 1805. In 1805, he built a very nice, large dwelling-house, said to have been the best house in the County at that time. The place was known for a long terra of years, as Rich's Hollow, so largely did his busi ness predominate over that of all others. He was a carpenter by trade, and built the large barn (80x32 feet) for Nathaniel Da vis, in 1793, being the first barn of any magnitude ever built in this town. He died in 1827, leaving 10 sons and daugh ters, one of whom, Jacob Rich Esq., resided at the old homestead at the time of his death, in 1878. BENJAMIN I. WHEELER. Born at Rehoboth, Mass., Sept. 19, 1766; settled at an early date in Montpe lier, now East Montpelier, on the farm where he lived until his death. In the spring of 1793, he married Huldah French, of Attleboro, Mass. At the organization of the town of Montpelier, in 1791, he was elected one of the listers and one of the highway surveyors, and the same year town grand juror. In 1792, he was elect ed selectman, and held that office 16 years previous to i8i8. He died March 7, 1845. JERAHMEL B. WHEELER. Born at Rehoboth, Mass. ; settled in Montpelier, now East Montpelier, at an early date, on the farm where he lived till his death. He married Sybil French, of Attleboro, Mass. In 1792, he was elected first constable, and that year warned the first freemen's meeting ever held in that town. Afterwards, between 1806 and 1813, he held the office of selectman 5 years, and was justice of the peace several years. He died in the spring of 1835. MAJ. NATHANIEL DAVIS. Among the raen of business prominence in the early history of the town, none were more conspicuous than Nathaniel Davis. He was born at Oxford, Mass., Nov, 25, 1769 ; in 1789, he came to Montpelier and purchased a tract of land in the north-east part of the town, and commenced a clear ing at once, there being but two families in what is now East Montpelier at that time. In 1792, having married Miss Dolly Davis of his native town, he coraraenced house keeping, and doing business on a large scale. The following year, he buUt a saw mill on his farm, having turned a brook a mile above hira to obtain sufficient water to run the mill. In addition to clearing up his farm very rapidly, in 1793, or '94, he built a barn 80x32 feet ; in '95, he built a two-story house 42x32 feet, — the same being occupied by his son Col. Nathaniel Davis, at the time of his death, in 1879 ; this is the oldest house in town at this writing, 1881. Before the year 1800, he built a potash and store, and did an ex tensive and successful mercantile business for about 25 years. Soon after 1810, Mr. Davis commenced what is now the village of East Calais, by building at that place, a grist-mill, saw- raill, nail factory, a scythe factory, and opening a store ; subsequently this prop erty was surrendered to 2 of his daughters, having raarried the Hon. Shubael Wheeler and Samuel Rich, Jr. Esq. Another daughter, who raarried N. C. King, Esq., was equally as well provided for. In 1825, Mr. Davis having closed his mercantile business, and disposed of his outside property, as above, in connection with his son commenced doing a more ex tensive farming business, by buying farra after farm, till they were able to sell raore than 100 head of beef cattle per annum. In 1838, they built the large woolen fac tory at North MontpeUer, which, in con sequence of an unfortunate partnership, entered into at the completion of the build ing, was a very disastrous enterprise. He died in 1843, aged 74 years. (Frora Thorapson's History of Montpelier.) GEN. PEARLEY DAVIS, a son of Nathaniel and Sarah Davis, was born in Oxford, (in the part afterwards becoraing Charlton,) Mass., Mar. 31, 1766, and, after receiving rather an unusually good English education, at the then new academy in the neighboring town of Lei cester, including a knowledge of survey ing, he came into town with Col. Davis, bringing his set of surveyor's instruments. 58o VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. and at once engaging in the original sur- ¦veys of the township, first as an assistant and finally as a principal surveyor of the town and county. It was while thus eraployed, as he once told the writer of this sketch, that, coming on to the splendid swell of forest land then crowning the elevation at the center of the town, he was so struck with the general indications of the soil and the natural beauty of the location, as seen beneath the growth of stately maples, curabered with little underbrush, that he resolved he would here raake his pitch, feeling confident that this must be the seat of town business, and then believing even that it would become the site of its most populous village. The mistake of Gen. Davis, so far as regarded the growing up of much of a village on the highlands of the town, ap pears to have been quite a common one with our early settlers. Impressed at first, as he was, with the inviting appearance of the higher parts of their respective town ships, when contrasted with the forbidding aspect of the dark and tangled valleys, the most able and enterprising of them, for a general thing, made their pitches accord ingly, as in the instances of the settlements of Randolph, Danville, and dozens of other towns in this State. But they soon found their anticipated villages slipping down into the valleys, to leave them, in that respect, high and dry on the hills, with the most traveled roads all winding along the streams. First, there must be miUs ; then a place, near to shoe horses ; then a place for refreshment of both man and horse ; and while all this is going on, it is a convenience and a saving of time to be able to purchase a few family necessa ries ; thence, to meet these calls, first comes the blacksmith's shop, then the tav ern, then the store ; and you have the neucleus of a continually growing village already formed; whUe people soon find out it is easier going round a hill than over it, and buUd their roads accordingly. So far, however, as regarded the seat of town business, Gen. Davis' predictions were fulfilled ; for he, having pitched on a tract of 300 acres of land at the center, and buUt a commodious house, had the satisfaction of seeing it the receptacle of aU town meetings till a public house was erected ; and the latter was the place of such meetings, either for the whole town or his part of it, up to the day of his death. At all these town meetings he was always an active and influential participator. And in looking over the records of the town for the first half century of its corpo rate existence, we can scarcely find a page on which his name does not appear coup led with some of its most important trusts or offices. In 1794, he was elected captain of the first military company ever organized in town ; and before the year had closed he was promoted io the office of major of the regiment formed from the companies of the different towns in this section. In 1798, he was elected a colonel of the regiment ; and in 1799, he was still further promoted to the prorainent post of general . In 1 799, he was also honored by his townsmen with a seat in the legislature, and received from them 2 elections as their representa tive in the General Assembly. In 1794, Gen. Davis married Miss Re becca Peabody, daughter of Col. Stephen Peabody of Amherst, N. H., the lady of whose medical skill and general usefulness we have particularly spoken while treating of the incidents and characters of the early settlement. From this union sprang 7 daughters, most of whom lived to connect themselves with the best families of this or other towns ; and one of them, (now (deceased,) Mrs. Truman Pitkin, whose family occupy the old homestead, was the mother of Perley P Pitkin, Esq., the present representative of East Montpelier ; while of the surviving, one, endowed with high gifts of poesy, is the widow of the late Hon. S. Pitkin, and another the wife of the Hon. RoyaLWheeler. Gen. Davis, in the expanded benevolence of his mind, appeared to take an interest in the welfare of all his fellow-men, and par ticularly so of the young, for whose im provement in knowledge he labored earn estly and always. He was one of the most active and liberal in establishing a Town Li brary . He was ever anxious to see our com mon schools supplied with competent teach ¦ ers ; and in subscriptions, and in the educa tion of his daughters, he largely patronized our academy. He was one of the most pleasant, anirnated and instructive of com panions, one of the best of neighbors, and one of the raost public spirited and useful of citizens. In short, with his strong, raassive person, prepossessing face, intelli gent eye, genial and hearty manner, and earnest tone of conversation, he was one whom the world would unite in calling a grand old fellow, and as such he will be remembered till the last of the generation who knew him shall have followed hira to the grave. He died April 14, 1848, at the age of a little over 82 years. His relict, Mrs. Re becca Peabody Davis, died Feb. 5, 1854, aged about 83' years and 6 months. CLARK STEVENS was born in Rochester, Mass., Nov. 15, 1764. At the age of 18, he was drafted as / EAST MONTPELIER. 581 a soldier, and served in that capacity sev eral months during one of the last years of the American Revolution. After leav ing the array, he engaged himself as a sea man at the neighboring port of New Bed ford, and spent several years in the ven tures of the ocean. But the perils he had here encountered in the whaling and coast ing trade, not only revived the religious impressions formerly experienced, but led' him to resolve on the quiet pursuits of husbandry, and to remove, with that object in view, to the new town of Montpelier in Vermont. Accordingly he iraraigrated in to this town in 1790, in corapany with David Wing, the elder, and his sons, pur chased and at once began to clear up the vahiable farm near Montpelier East village, which has ever since been the family homestead. After effecting a considerable opening in the wilderness, and building the customary log-house and barn, he re turned to the land of his fathers, and, Dec. 13, 1792, married Miss Huldah Foster of his native Rochester ; brought her imme diately on and installed her as the mistress of his heart and household. Soon after his raarriage, Mr. Stevens appears to have been raore deeply than ever exercised with his religious convictions ; when soon, by the aid of some neighbors who, like himself, had previously united themselves with the Society of Friends or Quakers, he built a log-meeting-house on the bank of a little brook a short distance to the north-west of his dwelling. And here, under his lead, that little band of congenial worshipers established in the wUderness the first altar for the worship of the living God ever erected in Wash ington County. Subsequently this band was received into membership with the New York Society of Friends, who held monthly meetings in Danby, in the south western part of Vermont, which meetings were eventuaUy estabUshed at Starksboro, in this State. Of the latter, he became a regular monthly attendant, and in 1815, having, besides being the leader and teacher of his Society at home, traveUed, each year, hundreds of miles to atteiid monthly, quarterly and yearly meetings in Vermont, New York, and in the different States of New England, and everywhere evinced his faithfulness as a laborer, and his ability as a religious speaker and teach er, he was publicly acknowledged by the Starksboro Association as a regular and accepted minister of the gospel. Years before this, through his instrumentality, and that of his worthy and perhaps most energetic fellow-laborer in the cause, the late Caleb Bennett, his Society at home had been considerably enlarged, and a commodious raeeting-house erected a half mile or more distant from the first primi tive one above mentioned. But if Clark Stevens was a man of the intelligence and virtue which caused him to be placed in such a prominent position in his reUgious connections, why was he not, as well as other citizens of his town of the same grade of capacity, promoted to posts of civil trusts, or other wordly hon ors ? 1 1 was because, after having been made the second town clerk of the town, and reluctantly consented to serve in that ca pacity one year — it was simply because he ever uniformly declined to accept them. Time and again would the town gladly have raade hira their representative in the Legislature. But all movements of that kind were by hira proraptly discouraged and stopped at the outset. On the organ ization of the new county of Jefferson, in such high esteem were his worth and abili ties held by the leading men of the county at large that, on their united recommenda tion, he was, without his knowledge or consent, appointed by the Legislature to the more important and tempting office of a judge of the court. But this he also proraptly declined, and gave the public to understand that civil honors had so few charms for him that it would thereafter be in vain for them to offer them for his acceptance. Thus, "he had wrought out his work, and wrought it well." Thus he lived, and thus, at the ripe age of nearly ninety, he peacefully passed away, at his old resi dence, on the 20th of December, 1853, with the characteristic words on his lips : " I have endeavored to do what I appre hended was required of me. I have nought but feelings of love for all mankind ; and my hope of salvation is based on the mercy of God through his Son Jesus Christ." Personally, Clark Stevens was one of the finest looking rhen of his times. Full 6 feet high, and nobly proportioned, with a shapely contour of head and features, dark eyes and a sedate, thoughtful counte nance, his presence was unusually impos ing and dignified. He was a prince in appearance, but a child in humility. He was unquestionably a man of superior in teUect, aud that inteUect was, in all its traits, peculiarly well balanced. But it was his great and good heart which shown out the most conspicuously through all the actions of his long and beneficent life. In fine, Clark Stevens, in the truest sense of the term, was a great raan. D. P. T. •' Goodness wltliout greatness Is but an empty show; But. O, how rich and beautlliill When they together grow." 582 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. ISAAC GRAY died in East Montpelier, Oct. 7, 1874, aged 97 years, 2 months, 16 days. He was the oldest man in the county at the time of his death, having resided in the town where he died one day over 80 years. He was born in Rochester, Mass., July 22, 1777. John and May Gray, his parents, started with their 9 children for Vermont, Sept. 14, 1794, and arrived at Caleb Ben nett's, in Montpelier — now East Montpe lier — Oct. 6, following, having been 22 days on the road, their only means of con- veyaijce of family and goods having been an ox-cart drawn by two pairs of oxen. Mr. Bennett had come from New Bedford, Mass., two or three years earlier, and with him Mr. Gray and family, being old ac quaintances, stopped a number of days, as did Thomas Allen and family, who had traveled with the Grays from the old Bay State ; this made a pretty thick-settled famUy, but large houses were not such a necessity then as now. SAMUEL TEMPLETON, born at Peterboro, N. H., Nov. 15, 1788, came to East Montpelier in March, 1789. He was at the time of his death one of the oldest residents of East Montpe lier ,^aged 89 years, 7 months, 15 days. When the deceased was but 4 months old, his father, John Templeton, in company with Solomon Dodge, removed to East MontpeUer from Peterboro, N. H., at that time there being no families in that local ity, and but one. Col. Jacob Davis, in the then limits of Montpelier. On their arri val here the snow was so deep that they were unable to proceed further, and were compelled to stop with Col. Davis a week. Reaching their new home, they di-scovered that the roofs of the rude shanties which they had erected the year previous had been blown off, and the snow was as deep in their houses as on the ground, they be ing compelled to shovel the snow out, and make their beds as best they could. The two men had raarried sisters, named Tag gart, and cleared farms adjoining, that on which Sam'l Templeton died being the one cleared by his father, while a daughter of Mr. Solomon Dodge, Mrs. John R. Young, resides on the one which her father clear ed. The deceased was a good, reliable citizen, and leaves one son and a daugh ter — Austin Templeton, of East Montpe Uer, and Mrs. James M. Howland, of Montpelier. Although Mr. Templeton had always lived on the same place, yet he •has resided in four counties and two towns, and paid taxes in three counties. DR. NATHANIEL CLARK KING, [BY DR. SUMSEE PUTNAM.] came to Montpelier, now East Montpelier, about 1812. He was born in Rochester, Mass., July 19, 1789, being one of five- brothers, and the third son of Jonathan King and Mary Clark King. In his boyhood he attended district school until fifteen years old, when his father gave him his time, and he was to provide for himself. He immediately en tered a private school to fit himself for teaching, and the study of medicine. He studied the laiiguages, Greek and Latin, and made such progress that he taught school the winter after he was sixteen, and began to read medicine in 1808 ; and con tinued to teach, and read, until the fall of 181 1. Having studied, mixed medicines, and visited patients more or less with Dr. Foster of Rochester for 3 years, he attend ed medical lectures at Hanover, N. H., Dr. Nathan Smith being at the head of the medical department of Dartmouth CoUege at that time. He began practice at North Montpelier about 1812, having a sister residing in that vicinity, and in 1814, at the call for volun teers he went, as surgeon, with others, to Plattsburgh when the British invaded that place. In 1817, he married Miss Fanny, second daughter of Maj. Nath. Davis, one of the foremost settlers in town, engao-ed in mercantile pursuits. About this time his father-in-law Davis offered hira a good chance to go into trade, which he accept ed, and gradually ceased to visit the sick generally, prescribing for and visiting only those who were especially anxious for his counsel. After years of trade and carefiil investment of savings, he becarae perhaps the wealthiest resident in East Montpelier. In 1849 and 1850, he represented the town ^y^/^^. //^ EAST MONTPELIER. 583 ' in the legislature, and for raany years did a large justice business ; many sought his advice in matters important to them, and being a well-informed, social raan, of large acquaintance, raany couples formerly ap plied to him to join thera in marriage. Between 1818 and 1835, six chUdren were born to him, only three of whora reached maturity, and are living at the present time — two of thera at Montpelier, with one of whom he now resides at the age of 92, and until within a few months retaining his faculties in a remarkable de gree. Naturally a man of strong mind. capable, honest and conscientious, yet full of pleasantry and anecdote, he has endur ed with fortitude and even cheerfulness whatever misfortunes came upon him, and in the course of a long life has made nu merous friends, many of the younger class of whora yet often call to see him, while few or none of his earlier associates now remain. Although his father was an orthodox deacon, and his oldest brother a clergy man of the same denoraination, views broader and more hopeful have ever found a place in his heart. EAST_ MONTPELIER LONGEVITY LIST. Persons over 80 years of age who have lived and died in East Montpelier. Dec. 1st, 1881. Molly Gould, I02i Lucy Templeton, 88 Nicholas D. Bennett, 83 Mrs. Chamberlain, lOI David Wing, Sr., 88 Daniel RusseU, Sr., 83 Triphina Shepard, 99* Mary Stevens, 88 Rebina Davis, 83 Betsy Carroll, 99 Sally Merritt, 88 Gen. Parley Davis, 82 Simeon Gould, 98 Lucinda Sanders, '88 Caleb Bennett, 82 Isaac Gray, 9li Freeman Snow, 87 Esac Howland, 82 Benjamin EUis, 96 George Clark, 87 Joseph Gould, 82 Elias Metcalf, 95 John Upton, 86 Abial French, 82 Bethiah Parker, 95 Rebecca Giles; 86 Ezra Bassett, 82 Phoebe Dudley, 95 Susanna Clark, 86 Jeduthan Doty, 82 Mary Gould, 95 Ruth Bennett, 86 Sarah Wing, 82 Daniel Gould, 94 Oliver Merritt, 86 Paul Hathaway, 82 Samuel Davis, 94 Pauline Davis, 86 Cyrus Stoddard, 82 Rachel Bliss, 94 Jesse Bassett, 86 Abigail Beckley, 82 Lorane Templeton, 94 Huldah Wheeler, 85 Polly Nelson, 82 Isaac Vincent, 934 Hezekiah Tinkham, 85 Sally Parker, 81 Theophilus Clark, Sr. , 934 Edward West, 85 Betsy Phinney, 81 Elisha Cummins, 93 Reliance Stevens, 85 Moses Parmenter, 81 James Foster, 95 John Gray, Sr., 85 Shubael Short, 81 Lucinda Cutler, 93 Anna Gray, 85 Temperance Russell, 81 Eunice Vincent, 92 Reliance Stevens, 85 Polly Peck, 81 Polly Waters, 92 George Clark, 85 Lot Hathaway, 2d., 81 Sarauel Patterson, 91 Ezra Paine, 85 Lot Hathaway, Sr., 80 Joanna Wakefield, 91 Nathaniel Ormsbee, 84 Smith Stevens, 80 Jemima Morse, 91 Lovina Tracy, 84 Sally Parker, 80 Margaret Holmes, 91 Timothy Davis, 84 Jonn Stevens, 80 Abigail Cutler, 91 Annis Tabor, 84 David Gould, 80 Clark Stevens, 90 David Daggett, 84 Susanna Ellis, 80 Sylvanus Morse, 90 Abigail Hathaway, 84 Arthur Daggett, 80 John Chase, 90 John Putnam, 84 Eunice Haramett, 80 Elizabeth Boyden, 90 Caty West, 84 Eunice WiUiaras, 80 Edward Clough, 90 Sally Parmenter, 84 David French, 80 Willard Shepard, 90 Sally Ormsbee, 83 Polly Stoddard, 80 Reuben Waters, 90 Daniel Russell, Sr., 83 Nancy Holbrook, 80 Harriet Hamblin, 90 Jesse Bailey, 83 Barnabas Hararaett, 80 Samuel Templeton, 89i Elijah McKnight, 83 Job Macomber, 79 Daniel Bassett, 89 John Boyden, 83 Nahum Kelton, 794 Ruth Daggett, 88 Benajah Putnam, 83 Nathaniel Cutler, 79 Abigail Nash, 88 AbigaU Lawson, 83 Wm .Templeton, Jr., 79 William Gray, 88 584 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. EAST MONTPELIER LONGEVITY LIST. Living in town Dec. i, 1881. Anna Gould, 94 Stephen Gould, Polly Gould, 90 Joseph Richards, Sally Vincent, 89 Nahum Terapleton, Lydia P. Parker, 87 Mirinda Dodge, Cyrus Morse, 85 Lawson Hararaett, Belinda Paine, 85 Lorenzo D. Gray, Harriet P. Goodwin, 85 Phebe Perry, Polly Richards, 84 Relief M. Stewart, William Holmes, 83 John R. Young, Ann Cummins, 81 Anna Beckley, Harriet Choate, 81 Timothy Blake, Catherine Stevens, 81 Samuel Davis, Mahala Templeton, 81 Dulcena Edwards, Culver W. Lane, 80 Almira Wheeler, Eleanor Norcross, 80 WiUard Sanders, Abigail Southgate. 80 Edward G. Davis, TheophUus Clark, 79 Samuel Edwards, Rodney Cummins, 79 Betsey Harvey, Fanny Gray, 79 AureUa Jacobs, Betsey Gray, 79 Abigail Lawson, Hannah Bliss, 79 Luther M. Parmenter, Putnam McKnight, 79 Betsey M. Sibley, Margaret McKnight, 78 Lydia Young, Polly Hathaway, 78 Almira Warner, WiUard Cutler, 11 Chester S. Guernsey, Ralph W. Warner, 11 Elhanan Norcross, Amasa Cummings, 11 BY CHAS. DEF. BANCROFT. 11 1111 76 76 76767676 75 75 7575757574 7474747474 74 747473 13 Eunice Parmenter, 73 Polly Gould, 2d, 72 Marcus B. Harablin, 72 Prentiss M. Shepard, 72 Freeraan N. West, 72 Hosea Gould, 72 Polly Burno, 71 Lucy B. Clark, 71 Jefferson F. W. Dodge, 71 Joseph Gray, 71 Mary F. Sibley, 71 Alonzo Snow, 71 Ann Blake, 70 Lucius Cummins, 70 Almira Fleming, 70 Philura D. HambUn, 70 Harriet H. Peck, 70 Sherlock Peck, 70 William Templeton, 70 Squier BaUey, 69 Mercy E. Clough, 69 Diana Holmes, 69 Ezekiel D. Nye, 69 Joel Ormsbee, 69 Harriet Stevens, 69 Mary B. Southwick, 69 A very remarkable instance of longevity, is, of a Mrs. Betsy Carroll and her three daughters of this town. Mrs. Carroll died at the age of 99 years ; one daughter, Mrs. Lucinda Cutler at the age of 93 ; the second, Mrs. Abigail Cutler at the age of 91, and the other now living in town, Mrs. Polly Gould at the age of 90 years. SUICIDES AND CASUALriES Within the present limits of East Montpelier froin its settlement to Dec. , 1 88 1 . BY TRUMAN C. KELTON, TOWN CLERK. A little girl, daughter of B. Nash, was killed by a falling tree in the east part of the town previous to 1800. A raan by the narae of Chamberlin, about 2 1 years of age, was killed by a fall ing tree during the year 1801, near the center of the town, and another the follow ing year by the name of Robinson, in the north part of the town. The wife of John Cutler hung herself in 1 801. The foregoing are taken from D. P. Thompson's History of Montpelier. A man by the name of Alonzo Kingsley was kiUed by a tree on the farm now owned by George H. Chase, about 1800; and Daniel Blanchard was kUled by a falling tree Sept., 1803, near the site of No. 5, or four corners school house. A child of Jonathan Edwards fell from a raft and drowned in the lower pond of N. Montpelier, about 1825. Charies Plumb was drowned while bath ing, about 1819, just below the Clark Ste vens bridge, aged 16 years. Nancy Waugh committed suicide by drowning in the brook east of George Da vis' residence, about 1829. Elisha Gray, aged about 28, drowned or died in a fit occasioned by plunging in the water when over-heated, Aug. . ig, 1 83 1. A chUd of Heman Powers was drowned by falling from a raft, at East village mill-pond. The wife of Henry French committed suicide with the razor, near East Village. Also a man by the narae of Ladd. William Stoddard committed suicide by EAST MONTPELIER. 585 hanging, at the present residence of Aro P. Slayton. A child of Theophilus Clark died from being scalded by sitting into a pail of hot water. WiUiam Alger died from a gun shot wound, (accident) April 5, 1844, on the farm now known as the Norcross farm. Charles Pitkin 'died at A. J. HoUister's from accidental gun shot wound. Dec. 22, 1857, George W. Jacobs died from poison by taking a solution of corro sive sublimate by mistake. June 25, i860, Abner Chapman, aged 13 years, and Herbert L. Nye, aged 7 years, son of George G. Nye, were drown ed while bathing in the Branch below N. Montpelier. July 5, 1862. Nathan Parker, aged 72, died from being gored by a bull . Oct. 31, 1863, Ellison Albee, aged 26, fell from a loaded wagon and was run over and kUled, while at work for Elon O. Hammond. Feb. 15, 1866, Eustice Morris, aged 53, was killed by a falling tree while chopping for T. C. Kelton. July 13, 1868, Zadock H. Hubbard, aged 25, died from sun-stroke, while at work for Charles A. Tabor. Nov. 9, 1873, PUny P. Pearsons, aged 34, died from a cut on the head by a circu lar saw, while working under the mill at N. Montpelier. Nov. 22, 1875, Bessie K. Lord, aged 5, daughter of Rev. W. H. Lord, of Montpe lier, was thrown from a carriage and kUled in the west part of the town. Arbuckle murder. — Hiram W. Arbuckle, aged 27, living with his raother at East Village, April 13, 1877, shot George Shortt, a young man of 16, who was sitting on a bench by the stove in the grist-miU. The ball striking the breast bone, glanced down to the left side. Shortt starting to leave by a back door was hit in the arm above the elbow by a second baU, after its passing through the stove-pipe, he at the same time stumbling over some wood on the floor. The appearance was that the last shot was fatal. Arbuckle immediately left the mUl and went to the black-smith shop of his brother-in-law, George W. Bancroft, and shot him twice and then rethrned back near the miU. About that time, Bancroft came out of the shop and started for his house. Arbuckle seeing him, ran after him and chased him round some lumber near the road. Bancroft then changed his course and ran for the mill, followed by Arbuckle, who fired again just as he was entering the mill door, he falling dead on the fioor. Arbuckle then went to his home and remained there until the arrival of the constable, George Howland, who had been sent for about a mile distant, when he stepped out at a back door and shot himself, falling dead instantly. The situation of the mill, shop and house are is about like the points of a triangle, 12 rods apart, and Bancroft's house next to the other house. The young man, Shortt, strange to say, was not fatally hit, the ball of the first shot was taken out on the out side of the left ribs, some 8 or 10 inches from where it struck him. At the time of the shooting, the miller, Mr. Clifford, and tjvo other neighbors were in the mill, and no one except Bancroft was in the shop. No cause can be assigned for the shooting, except an unpleasantness with Shortt, growing out of a collision of teams some time previous at a ride, and the dissipation of Bancroft and treatment to his wife, who was the sister of Arbuckle. July 18, 1878, Henry R. CampbeU fell from a load of hay and was killed. Dec. 20, 1878, Bert R. Macomber, aged 17, committed suicide by shooting. Nov. 30, 1879, Doct. John H. Peck died from over dose of chloroform. April 24, 1880, Byron Eastman, aged 20, was drowned by the upsetting of a boat at North Montpelier. SYLVANUS SHEPHERD is remembered by the citizens of Montpe lier as an odd character about town in its early days. His brother, Willard Shep herd, was one of the early settlers of East Montpelier, and becarae an opulent farm er. The .old two-story brick house he built near the line of East Montpelier and Plainfield is occupied by his descendants. , He was the author of "The Phoenix Chron- 74 586 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. icle." The word Phoenix signifies arising out of its own ashes. ~ The Bonfire in which 450 books were burnt : A view of Montpelier and all the country places in the State, &c. &c. By Sylvanus Shep herd. Printed for the author. 1825, 8vo. pp. 18. — Gilman's Bibliography. THE STEP-MOTHER. Lines written by CLARK Stetbns in his 89th year, to a lady who was a second wife. A step-mother's lot is one that 's hard- She need be constant on her guard; There are so raany ralnds to please. She should be often on her knees. To pray for grace her path to tread. And by her Saviour's will be led; For what suits one will not another. So I do pity the step-mother. See biography of Clark Stevens, page 581. In his old age he often amused him self with rhyming tributes for his friends, acrostics largely. This, just given, is taken from a quarto blank book, 84 pages, all written after he was 85 years of age. TOWN OFFICERS. Town Clerk — Royal Wheeler, 1849 t° 1855 inclusive; Austin D. Arms, 1856 to 1862 inclusive. Truman C. Kelton, 1863 to the present time— 188 1. Treasurer — Addison Peck, 1849, '5°''5i- N. C. King, 1852 to 1861 inclusive. S. S. Kelton, 1862 to 1877. T. C. Kelton, 1877 to the present time — 1881. Overseer of the Poor—Ad.^-\.%o-a Peck, 1849. '50. '51- Jacob Bennett, 1852 to i860. Addison Peck, i860 to 1865. Jqhn G. Putnam, 1865-66. John M. WiUard, 1867 to 1875 inclusive. Solon F. Cum mins, 1876 to the present time— i88i. 1st Selectman — J. C. Nichols, 1845-50, '51; Jacob Rich, 1852; Samuel Teraple ton, 1853; Lorenzo Gray, 1854; Edson Slayton, 1855, '56; Ezekiel D. Nye, 1857; Hazen Lyford, 1858 ; Jas. Bennett, 1859 ; Orlando F. Lewis, i860, '61 ; Truman C. Kelton, 1862; JohnC. Tabor, 1863; Jas. A. Coburn, 1864; S. S. Kelton, 1865; John M. WUlard, 1866; J. L. Coburn, 1867; Thomas B. Stevens, 1868; Squire Bailey, 1869; M. D. Willard, 1870, '71 ; Clark King, 1872, '73, '74; E. H.' Vin cent, 1875 ; Eri Morse, 1876; S. W. HiU, 1877 ; D. H. Patterson, 1878 ; J. C. Paine' 1879; G. H. Dix, 1880; Orlando Clark, 1881. Representative—^. C. King, 1849, '50; J. P. W. Vincent, 1851, '52; James Tem pleton, 1853, '54; Stephen F. Stevens, 1855, '56; Larned Coburn, 1857, '58; P. P. Pitkin, 1859, '60 ; E. D. Nye, 1861, '62 ; T. C. Kelton, 1863, '64; Prentice M. Shepard, 1865, '66; Timothy Davis, 1867, '68; J. A. Coburn, 1869, '70; T. B. Ste vens, 1872, '73; H. D. Foster, 1874; J. L. Coburn, 1876 ; Austin Templeton, 1878 ; A. A. Tracy, 1880. Representatives from. East Montpelier be fore di-vision of town — Pearley Davis, 1799, 1802; Nahum Kelton, 18 16, '17, '18, '20, '29 ; Wm. Billings, 1834, '35 ; Royal Wheeler, 1838, '39; Addison Peck, 1842, '43; Dr. Charies Clark, 1846, '47. VOTES FOR GOVERNOR AND PRESIDENTS. 1849 — Horatio N. Needham, free soU, 213; Carlos CooUdge, whig, 76; Jonas Clark, dem., 21. 1850— Lucius B. Peck, dem., 193; Charles K. Williams, whig, 85 ; John Roberts, free soil, 32. 1851— Timothy P. Redfield, free dem., 146; Chas. K. WUliams, whig, 59; John Roberts, dem. 24. 1852 — Lawrence Brainerd, freesoil, 107 ; John S. Robinson, dem., 81 ; Erastus Fair banks, whig, 65. Presidential, Winfield Scott, 37; Franklin Pierce, 47. 1853 — John S. Robinson, dem., loi ; Lawrence Brainerd, free soil, 91 ; Erastus Fairbanks, whig, 51. 1854— Stephen Royce, whig, 98 ; Merritt Clark, dem., 95; Lawrence Brainerd, free soU, 5. J855 — Stephen Royce, whig, 163; Mer ritt Clark, dem., 95 ; Lawrence Brainerd, free soU, i. 1856 — Ryland Fletcher, whig, 168; Henry Keyes, dem., 87. Presidential, Fremont, 139 ; Buchanan, 40. 1857 — Ryland Fletcher, whig, 128; Henry Keyes, dem., 93. 1858— Hiland HaU, whig, 145; Henry Keyes, dem., 92. 1859— Hiland HaU, whig, 163 ; John G. Saxe, dem., 102. i860— Erastus Fairbanks, whig, 180; EAST MONTPELIER. 587 John G. Saxe, dem., 87. Presidential, Lincoln, 113; Douglass, 32. 1861 — Frederick Holbrook, repub., 141 ; Andrew Tracy, whig, 73 ; H. B. SmaUey, dem., 13. 1862 — Frederick Holbrook, repub., iii. 1863 — John G. Smith, repub., 161 ; Timothy P. Redfield, dem., 62. 1864 — John G. Smith, repub., 149; Timothy P. Redfield, dem., 56. Presi dential, Lincoln, 131 ; McClellan, 25. 1865 — Paul DUUngham, repub., 122; Charles N. Davenport, dem., 49. 1866 — Paul Dillingham, repub., 129; Charles N. Davenport, dem., 41. 1867— John B. Page, dem., 176; J. L. Edwards, repub., 39. 1868 — John B. Page, repub., 174; John L. Edwards, dem., 51. Presidential, Grant, 156; Seymour, 28. 1869 — Peter T. Washburn, repub., 143 ; Homer W. Heaton, dem., 48. 1870 — John W. Stewart, repub., 129; Homer W. Heaton, dem., 41. 1872 — Julius Converse, repub., 155 ; Abraham B. Gardner, dera., 47. Presi dential, Grant, 107 ; Greeley, 19. War of the 1874— Asahel Peck, repub., 77; W. H. H. Bingham, dem., 41. 1876— Horace Fairbanks, repub., 134; W. H. H. Bingham, dem., 57. Presiden tial, Hayes, 109 ; TUden, 33. 1878— Redfield Proctor, repub., 145; W. H. H. Bingham, dem., 55. 1880 — Roswell Farnham, repub., 166; Edward J. Phelps, dem., 56. Presidential, Garfield, 108; Hancock, 17. soldiers of east montpelier. Soldiers of the Revolution, who lived and died in East Montpelier . — Hezekiah Tinkham, Edward West, Elias Metcalf, John Putnam, Job Macomber, Daniel Russell, Sen., Theophilus Clark, Clark Stevens, Samuel Southwick, Enoch Cate, John Gray, Joshua Sanders. Soldiers of the War of 1812. — Rowland Edwards, Enoch Kelton, Nathan Kelton, John Gould, John B. Kelton, John Morgan, Jasper M. Stoddard, Moses Parmenter. Soldiers of the Mexican War. — Daniel Cutler, Orange McKay. Rebellion. COMPILED MAINLY FROM THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT BY CHARLES DE F. BANCROFT. ' VOLUNTEERS FOR THREE YEARS CREDITED PREVIOUS TO CALL FOR 300,000 MEN, OCT. l6, 1863. :, Reraarks. Discharged Dec. 9, 62. Died June 14, 62, in Louisana. Discharged May 18, 65. Mustered out July 27, 64. Credited, but does not appear to have entered the service. Died May 7, 62. Discharged Dec. 17, 61. Transferred to U. S. Navy Apr. 15,64; discharged June 6, 65. Mustered out Oct. 28, 64. Trans, to V. R. C. ; disch. June 4, 64. Deserted July 26, 64. Died July 4, 62, of wounds rec'd at Lee's MiUs. Discharged Oct. 10, 62. Died at New Orleans, Sept. 3, 62. Killed at Fredericksburgh Dec. 13, 62. Pro. Corp. ; woutjded Aug. 21, 64; must. out June 19, 64. Mustered out June 21, 65. Discharged Nov. 22, 61. Mustered out Nov. 18, 64. Captain ; resigned Aug. 14, 61. KiUed in action May 3, 64. Died April 14, 62. ist lieut. ; died May 9, 62, 'Wash'n, D. C. Prom. corp. ; discharged Dec. 23, 62. Names. Age. Co. Begt. Eullstme Andrews, Gustavus A. 43 K 3 July 10 61 Bancroft, Charles F. d I Bat. Jan. 18 62 Bancroft, Daniel P. 23 CCav Aug 28 62 Bailey, Hiram A. 19 H 3 June I 61 Beaudreau, Stephen Bent, David J. 20 G 4 Aug 30 61 Burnham, Andrew 36 H 2 do 20 6i Carley, Charles 22 F 6 do 15 62 Carley, Henry 24 F 6 Sept 23 61 Nov 28 61 Carley, 'William 44 E 8 Carr, Chester 26 I II Aug II 62 ConneU, Thomas 22 K 3 July 10 61 Cummins, Edwin 22 G 4 Aug 27 61 Cutler, Charles F. 21 K 7 June I 62 Dearborn, Roswell H. 23 G 4 Aug 29 61 Dillon, -William 2d., 18 F 6 do 1 5 62 Field, Reuben R. 24 BCav do do do Gero, Geoige 28 K 3 July 10 61 Gray, -William C. 22 C Cav Sept 13 61 Hammond, Elon O. 45 K 3 June 16 61 Hargin, Ira J. 18 F 2 Aug 14 62 Hill, Amasa 29 K 3 July 10 6l Hill, Henry H. 21 G 4 Sept 21 61 Hill, Joseph P. 20 E 3 June I 61 588 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Naraesi- Howland, Hiram E. Joslyn, Triffley Lapiere, Cypren Lapiere, Joseph Lawrence, Stephen D. Mann, Albert N. Maxham, George Mitchell, John Morse, Joseph Jr., Morris, Joseph Muckler, Henry Ormsbee, Elhanan W. Ormsbee, Mansaur A. Ormsbee, Orvis Persons, Charles E. Persons, Levi A. Persons, Phineas C. Pitkin Perley P. Prescott, Dexter S. Putnam, Isaac A. Sanders, Charles A. Seymour, Isaac Shorey, "Theodore Age. Co. Begt. Enlistment. 42 2T 21 3 June 15 61 4 Sept 3 5i 2 Feb 24 62 21 28 21 38 18 F 2 F 2 I 9 E 8 K 3 29 H 2 18 C Cav G 4 G F GGG F 28 24 28 20 2024 23 35 22 24 do 5 62 Aug 14 62 May 23 62 Dec 8 61 July 10 61 Aug 20 61 Aug 14 61 do 27 61 Aug 30 61 May 7 61 Aug 30 61 Aug 27 61 do do do Feb 25 62 June 20 61 4 Aug 22 61 4 do 24 61 29 G 4 Aug 24 61 44 I 9 June 23 62 19 F 2 May 7 6i Silloway, Seth P. 39 1st Bat Dec 7 6i Sinnott, -William 44 I 2 Aug 27 62 Slayton, Austin C. 21 f^ July 10 61 Smith, James H. '9 Oct 2 61 Snow, Oscar D. 19 H 3 June 1 61 Southwick, George W. 32 ist Bat June 1662 Stevens, 'William B. 23 G 4 Aug 22 61 Steward, Dexter G. 24 K 3 July 10 61 Templeton, Charles A. 19 F 6 Oct 7 61 Thibeault, Antoine 18 F 2 Aug 28 62 Trow, George E. 20 H 2 Aug 20 62 ¦Washburn, 'William L. 18 G 4 do 2861 'Wheeler. Cyril 33 I 2 do 20 62 'Willey, Alonzo D. 24 K 3 July 10 61 -Wemes, James 38 G 4 Apr 5 62 VOLUNTEERS FOR N Barnet, Lucius H. 21 C13 Aug 29 62 Carson, Charles H. 20 do do Coburn, Lewis L. 28 do do Cutler, Lorenzo D. 20 do do Flint, Norris -W. 25 do Aug 20 61 Geiiait, _Victor 21 do do Hill, Horace L. 21 do do Howland, -William H. 22 do do Lawson, William E. 22 do do Lewis, -WUliam H. 19 do do Martin, Henry H. 20 do do Nye, Alanson 22 do do Ormsbee, Hosea B. 22 do do Ormsbee, Williara H. 18 do do Pierce, George 25 do do Pratt, Azro A. 29 do do Slayton, Rufus H. 18 H13 do Snow, Willard C. 22 c 13 do Stoddard, Francis F. 22 do-^ do Templeton, Albert C. 18 do do Tucker, Marcus F. 19 do do Wakefield, Christopher H. 24 do do Wakefield, Henry 20 do do Wakefield, William H. 22 do do Discharged Jan. 21, 63. W'd at Wilderness ; must out Sept. 30, 64. Trans, to V. R. C, Apr. 20, 65 ; must. out July 20, 65. Discharged Sept. 13, 62. Rejected by Brigade Surgeon. Discharged Nov. 5, 62. Promoted corp. ; re-enlisted June 5, 64. Deserted Jan. 21, 62. Mustered out Sept 13, 64. Discharged Nov. 26, 62. Discharged April 19, 62. KiUed at the -Wilderness May 5, 64.- Discharged Jan. 14, 63. Died Jan. 19, 62, at Camp Griffin, Va. Mustered out Sept. 30, 64. Sergeant ; discharged Apr. 17, 62. Discharged July 31, 62. Quartermaster ; pro. capt. and assist. quartermaster U. S. A., April 13, 62. Discharged Nov. 10, 62. 1st sergt. ; ]irom. 2d lieut. Co. H, Jan. 19, 62 ; 1st Ueut. Co. C, Oct. 20, 63 ; killed at the Wilderness May 5, 64. Discharged April 4, 62. Discharged Feb. 20, 63. Prom. corp. ; sergt. ; re-enlisted ; must. out July 15, 65. Discharged April 30, 64. Discharged May 18, 63, for wounds rec'd at Fredericksburgh. Mustered out July 27, 64. Discharged Oct. 30, 64. Died Oct. 14, 61. Mustered out August 10, 64. Pro. serg't ; died of wounds rec. at Cold Harbor, June 12, 64. Discharged Sept. 17, 62. Corporal ; died Oct. 17, 62. Died at White Oak Church, Dec. 24, 62. Mustered out Sept. 12, 64. Discharged Feb. 17, 63. [18, 63. Wounded at Fredericksburgh; dis. May Killed at Lee's Mills, Apr. 16, 62. Discharged July 8, 63. NE MONTHS. Mustered out July 21, 63. do Captain ; mustered out July 21, 63. Serg't ; died at Brattleboro, July 24, 63. Mustered out July 21, 63. dododo do do Wd. July 3, 63 ; must. out. July 21, 63. do do do dodododo Wounded July 3, 63 ; died July 19, 63, Pro. corp ; must, out July 21, 63. do do do do Mustered out July 21, 63. EAST MONTPELIER. 589 CREDITS FOR Karnes. Ainsworth, Eugene D. Barton, Geo. M. Batchelder, John D. Burnham, Edwin Carson, Charles H. Clark, Isaac Collins, Luther M. Goodell, Lewis Gove, George D. Howland, Arthur L. Howland, WiUiam H. Jackson, Marcus N. Langdon, John C. Mason, Gilman Mason, Joseph O'Neil, Daniel Pierce, David Roscoe, Curtis W. Sanders, Charles A. Thomas, William W. Wakefield, Henry Washburn, Ira A. Francis, Edgar A. Jangraw, Francis Morris, Joseph Morris, Francis Dana-, Alpheus T. Lewis, William H. Potter, Robert Rowe, Joseph Skiddy, Lawrence Stevens, Henry A. C. Hoyt, Enoch S. 3 YEARS, under call OF OCT. 17, 1863, Age Co. Regt. Enllstraent. Holmes, Ira Maxham, George Aldrich, Levi H. Gray, George S. Ripley, William C. Bigelow, John B. Giovanni, Don Benjamin, David Bliss, George E. BuzzeU, George W. Cummins, Luther Davis, George Davis, Nathaniel Jr., Davis, Oscar L. Edwards, Samuel Jr., 18 I II Nov 23 63 17 2120 21 31 3 Bat Dec 26 63 III Nov 21 63 I II do 23 63 E17 I [I Sept 14 63 Nov 29 63 18 H 17 do 9 63 19 III do 23 63 17 3 Bat Dec 23 63 18 E 17 Sept 21 63 23 E 17 do 14 63 I II 3 Bat I II I II B 5 20 K Cav Jan 19 H II Dec 27 3 Bat ig I II 22 E 17 18 I II Nov 23 63 Oct 30 63 Dec 4 63 Nov 27 63 do 24 63 I 64 2 63 Aug 5 64 Dec 23 63 Sept 1 5 63 Dec 28 63 FOR 300,000 MEN. Reraarks. Wd. at Cold Harbor, June i, 64 ; dis. Apr. 27, 65. Pro. corp ; mustered out June 15, 65. Died at Ft. Slocum, D. C, Feb. 27, 64. Wd. at Cedar Creek, Oct. 19. 64; pro. corp ; must, out July 17, 65. Corp; killed at Wilderness, May 6, 64. Died June 6, 64, of wounds received at Cold Harbor. Mustered out July 14, 65. do June 2g, 65. do June 15, 65. Deserted from hospital in 65. Corporal. Died May 10, 64, of wounds received May 6, 64. Mustered out Aug. 25, 65. do May 13, 65. Discharged Apr. 15, 64. do [65. Trans, to -V. R. C. Apr. 64 ; dis. June 1 5, Killed in action March i, 64. [22, 64. Corp ; died at Andersonville prison, Sept. Mustered out June 15, 65. Discharged Jan. 31, 65. Died at Salisb. prison, N.C., Feb. 20, 65. Mustered out Aug. 5, 65. VOLUNTEERS FOR ONE YEAR. 18 21 2019 20 D 2 3 Bat do do K 7 Aug 20 64 do 17 64 do ' do Feb I 65 21 Ft Cav Jan 3 65 19 E 8 Feb 20 65 24 3 Bat Aug 18 64 33 D 7 Feb 13 65 ig Ft Cav Jan 3 65 V. R. C. Feb 17 65 Mustered out June 19, 65. do do 15, 65. do do do do do Jan. 31, 66. do June 27, 65. do do 28, 65. do do 25, 65. do Feb. 13, 66. do June 27, 65. Died Oct. I, 65. VOLUNTEERS RE-ENLISTED FOR THREE YEARS. 24 E 8 41 do June 5 64 First en. a credit to town of Woodbury. Deserted May 28, 64. Wounded at Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 64; must, out July 17, 65. DRAFTED MEN WHO ENTERED THE SERVICE. 24 K 3 July 1363 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 64; des. Oct. I, 64. 22 C 2 do Killed at Wilderness, May 5, 64. 20 D 2 do Wd. May 5, 64, and Sept. 19, 64 ; pro. corp. Oct. 31, 64; serg't. Feb. 7, 65; must, out July 15, 65. SUBSTITUTES FURNISHED BY DRAFTED MEN. 48 B C July 24 63 Substitute for John H. Peck ; must, out June 26, 65. do Substitute for Darwin A. Stewart ; des. before assignment to Co. or Reg't. DRAFTED MEN WHO PAID COMMUTATION. Foster, Edwin H. Gould, Henry M. Gould, John M. Hollister, Martin V. B. Holmes, Henry C. Ordway, Edward, Parmenter, Marcus Pierce, Aaron Seabury, Edward T. Smith, Willard G. Stevens, Thomas B. Templeton, Austin Templeton, H. H. Wasson, David H. 590 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. RECAPITULATION. Volunteers for 3 years 86 Volunteers for i year 12 Volunteers for 9 months 24 Drafted men who entered service 3 Furnished substitute 2 Paid commutation _ 22 Mustered out at expiration of time of service, or the close o£ the war 64 Discharged for disability 30 KiUed in battle 8 Died of wounds received in action 6 Died of disease contracted in service 11 Died in Rebel prisons 2 Deserted 6 ROLL OF HONOR. Name. Date of death. Bancroft, Charles F. June 14, 1862. Batchelder, John D. Feb. 27, 1864. Bent, David J. May 7, 1862. Carson, Charles H. May 5, 1864. Clark, Isaac June 6, 1864. CorneU, Thoraas July 4, 1862. Cutler, Charles F. Sept. 3, 1862. Cutler, Lorenzo D. July 24, 1863. Dearborn, RosweU H. Dec. 13, 1862. Gray, George S. May 5, 1864. Hargin, Ira J. May 5, 1864. HiU, Amasa April 14, 1862. HiU, Henry H. ist lieut. May 9, 1862. Howland, WiUiam H. May 10, 1864. Hoyt, Enoch S. Oct. 3, 1865. Ormsbee, Elhanan W. May 5, 1864. Ormsbee, Orvis Jan. 19, 1862. Pierce, David Mar. i, 1864. Putnam, Isaac A. 1st Ueut. May 5, 1864. Roscoe, Curtis W. Sept. 22, 1864. Snow, Oscar D. Oct. 14, 1861. Snow, Willard C. July 19, 1863. Stevens, William B. June 12, 1864. Templeton, Charles A. Oct. 17, 1862. Thibeault, Antoine Dec. 24, 1862. Wakefield, Henry Feb. 20, 1865. WUIey, Alonzo D. AprU 16, 1862. ERRATA. [OF MR. WALTON.] Page 329, Miranda C. Storrs should be Maria Cadwell Storrs. Page 357, WUliam H. Upham should be William Keyes Upham. e. p. w. Page 299, soldiers furnished by the town given as 236, quota 189, should be 336, and a quota of 289 to fill. [OF C. DE F. BANOR iFT.] Page 331, Willie Kelly, aged 11 years, kUled by a sweep on Barre street, in 1869. Page 331, a Willey chUd killed on Main street; run over, age 6, 1870. Page 331, Michael McMahon killed, should read, aged 30 years. Page 231, William Mousier, not WUUam Monsier. Page 332, D. K. Bennett, Aug. 3, not Aug. 8. On page 348 should be added the names of Edward Ordway, Edward Seabury and Willard G. Smith to the list of drafted men from MontpeUer as having paid com mutation. They are erroneously given in the Adjutant General's printed report of 1864, as credits from East Montpelier. Page 345, '6, Frank V., Randall, Jr., enlisted Jan. i, 1863, at the age of 11 years; a credit from this town as a musician in Co. F, 13th Reg't., and mustered out of service July 21, '63; enlisted Jan. 5, '64, as musician in Co. E, 17th Reg't. ; mus tered out July, '65. Page 342, Ansel H. Howard, aged 18 years, enlisted Aug. 20, '61, in Co. H, 2d Reg't. ; promoted corporal ; re-enlisted from Montpelier, Dec. 21, '63; promoted sergeant; mustered out of service July i5,'65. Page 345, William Goodwin, enlisted Aug. 25, 1862, at the age of 24, in Co. I, 13th Regt. Mustered out with the regi ment July 21, 1863. Page 524, Center Cemetery should read Cutler Cemetery, Page 530, James Conners' age should be 24, not 54. Additional. — Mrs. Rhoda Brooks, page 476, the date of her birth should be 1788, J. A. Wing, p. 545 ; birth Oct., not Dec. 26, 1810, reraained in Plainfield 58. Page 289, Drolette, should be Drolet. COMMEMORATION PORTRAITS AND DONORS. Clark Stevens of East Montpelier, old town clerk and Quaker minister— first preacher in old Montpelier. Donated by Hon. S. S. Kelton, historian of East Montpelier, and Thomas B. Stevens, grandson of Clark Stevens. Gen. Parley Davis of East Montpelier, first general surveyor of Washington County. Donated by his grandson, Benjamin I. Wheeler of East Montpelier. Gen. Ezekiel P. Walton. By Hon. E. P. Walton, Mrs. Prussia Persons Walton. By Mrs. Harriet N. Wing of Glens Falls, N. Y. Hon. E. P. Walton. By Hon. E. P. Walton. Col. James H. Langdon, Mrs. James H. Langdon, James R. Langdon. By James R. Langdon. George Langdon. By Mrs. Geo. Langdon. Dr. Julius Y. Dewey. By Hon. Charles and Edward Dewey. Hon. Daniel Baldwin. By Mr. and Mrs. Marcus D. Gilman. Hon. Charles' Reed. By Mrs. Charles Reed. Hon. Charles W. Willard. By Mrs. Charles W. Willard. Senator William Upham, Mrs. William Upham. By Mrs. George Langdon. Hon. Samuel Prentiss. By Joseph A. Prentiss, Esq., Winona, Minn. Rev. William H. Lord. By Ladies of Bethany Church. Rev. Frederick W. Shelton. By Episcopal Church Society. Rev. Chester Wright. By Rev. J. Edward' Wright. Capt. Nathan Jewett, Col. Elisha P. Jewett. By Col. E. P. Jewett. John Wood, Thomas W. Wood. By Thos. W. Wood. Judge Timothy P. Redfield. By Hon. T. P. Redfield. Hon. Homer W. Heaton. By Hon. Homer W. Heaton. Joseph A. Wing, Esq. By J. A. Wing, Esq. Gen. Perley P. Pitkin. By Gen. P. P. Pitkin. Hon. Lucius B.Peck. By his daughter, Mrs. Anna M. Mallary, Towanda, Penn. Hon. Stoddard B. Colby. By his daughter, Mrs. Col. Carey, Washington, D. C. Charles G. Eastman. By Mrs. Charles G. Eastman. Jonathan Shepard. By George C. Shepard. Gov. Asahel Peck. By Nahura Peck of Hinesburgh. Hon. Rawsel R. Keith. By Dodge W. Keith of Chicago. Mahlon Cottrill, Mrs. Mahlon Cottrill. By Jedd P. CottriU, Esq., MUwaukee. Col. Levi Boutwell. By Mrs. Levi Boutwell and H. S. Boutwell. Dr. Nathaniel C. King of East Montpelier, Dr. Sumner Putnam of Montpelier. - By Dr. Sumner Putnam. Carlos Bancroft. By Mrs. Carlos Bancroft. Aaron Bancroft. By Chas. De F.' Bancroft and two old citizens. Zenas Wood. By his daughters at St. Johnshury. Richard W. Hyde. By Mrs. R. W. Hyde and family. 592 VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Hon. John A. Page. By Hon. J. A. Page. Hon. Joseph Poland. By Hon. J. Poland. Charles W. Bailey. By Mrs. Chas. W. Bailey. J. Warren Bailey. By Mrs. J. W. Bailey. Major Alfred L. Carleton. By Mrs. A. L. Carleton. Rev. Elisha Brown. By Col. A. C. Brown. Luther Cross. By Luther B. Cross. Robert H. Whittier. By Mrs. R. H. Whittier. Dea. Constant W. Storrs. By Mrs. C. W. Storrs. Marcus D. Gilman. By M. D. Gilman. Hiram Atkins. By H. Atkins. Hon. Roderick Richardson. By Hon. R. Richardson. Dr. Charles Clark. By the faraily. WOOD ENGRAVINGS SPECIALLY FOR THIS WORK. Lorenzo Do-w and Peggy, and Bridgman. By L. J. Bridgman. Church of St. Augustine. From the Catholic Society. Trinity M. E. Church. By the Society — Mrs. Laura A. McDermid, soUcitor. Church of the Messiah. By the Unitarian Society, through John G. Wing, Esq. Baptist Church. By Society and friends, through John W. Smith. Central Vermont Depot. From Cen. Vt. R. R. Co., St. Albans. Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Building. Frora the Company. Residence of Marcus D. Gilman. From Mr. Gilman. Washington County Court House. By the Montpelier lavvyers, through Hiram Carleton, Esq. Residence of George C. Shepard. From Mr. Shepard. Riverside House. From C. J. Gleason, Esq. Plates before engraved. — Christ Church — By favor of Mr. Atkins of the Argus. Bethany Church, The State House, Pavilion, &c. The Interior of Christ Church, Bethany, and Trinity M. E., subscriptions commenced for. Note to the Portraits.— Those of Col. Langdon and wife, and Gen. Walton and wife, were painted by Tuthill, (a pupil of Benjamin West) ; those of Mahlon CottriU and wife, by Mason, and aU when the parties were so young, their portraits will be recognized by only a few persons. The sarae is true to some extent of the portraits of Gen. Parley Davis and Mrs. Upham. The signature of Prussia Walton was writren at the age of 82. FINIS. Montpelier, thou hast won my heart By all thy generous ways ; It is my joy, my pride, thy noble men. Thy matrons beauteous in their days — To praise. And I would write thy happy name On the historic page, In letters as of gold, to hand Down to the future age — Montpelier. Abby Maria Hemenway YALE UNIVERSITY -^Erc •> Wi