Yale University Library i nv;:;*wsS -&v #ti \:CV\ HP*' « ¦•¦ f. v ,.: :S1 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Gift of Mrs. Roger A. Connolly Twentieth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, 1862-1865. -gg) OFFICIAL. <5fr The Twentieth Regiment CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, IN The War of the Rebellion, 1862-1865 R EPRINTED by permission of the Adjutant-General, from the Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Rebellion, 1861 to 1865, containing the history of the Regiment, and its complete Regimental and Company Rosters, with the full military record of every man in it, as given on its muster rolls, and on other records in the Adjutant-General's office at Hartford, and in the War Department at Washington. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR. HARTFORD, CONN.: PRESS OF THE CASE, LOCKWOOD & BRAINARD COMPANY. 1889. EXPLANATORY. I BY authorization of the Legislature of Connecticut the Adjutant-General has prepared a nev«* catalogue of the men from this State who served in the Union cause during the war ol the Rebellion. This has been prepared in the most careful manner, the records of this State and; of the departments in Washington being thoroughly searched for -information. The result is the most complete and accurate roster that, is possessed by any State. The expense has' been very great, certainly not less than $50,000. An edition of only 2,500 copies was authorized, so that the cost to the State has been not less than twenty dollars a volume. While the work was going through the press it occurred to certain officers — Rev. (Gen.) Erastus Blakeslee being entitled to the credit of the first suggestion — that some way ought to be devised to make these valuable records accessible to individuals who would not be able to obtain a copy of the complete work. Permission was obtained to have printed a few extra copies of each organization, the expense being undertaken by the gentlemen interested. Unfortunately, before the project had taken shape, the rosters of severalof the earlier organizations had already been printed, and the type distributed. The expense of resetting the type would have been so great that it was not attempted. But, beginning with the Cavalry, there have been printed extra copies of the official records of every organization, precisely as they appear in the complete volume. The expense involved has been considerable, and the copies are offered at as low a price as will cover the outlay and risk. It enables every survivor to possess a complete official record of his old company and regiment, which he can obtain in no other available manner. The gentlemen who have assumed the responsibility are : L. A. Dickinson (12th C. V.), Hartford; Judge A. B. Beers (6th C. V.), Bridgeport; J. C. Kinney (13th C. V.), Hartford. ABBREVIATIONS. A. A. G. A. D. C. Adj.A. G. 0. Ap. . Art. ¦. Asst.BaU. . BaiTy Brig.Bvt. . Cap'd Capt. Car. . Co.Col. Com.Com'd . Cons' Idn Corp.C. S. C. It. Dept. Des. . Dis. . Disc. . Dishon.En. . . Furl'd G. C. M. Gen. Hasp. . /nd. Assistant Adjutant-General. Aid-de-Camp.Adjutant.Adjutant General's Office. Appointed. Artillery.Assistant. Battalion.Battery. Brigade, Brigadier. Brevet. Captured.Captain. Cavalry. Company. Colonel.Commodore, Commissary, Commission. Commissioned. Consolidation. Corporal.Commissary 'of Subsistence. Connecticut Volunteers. Department. Deserted. Disability. Discharged. Dishonorably.Enlisted.Furloughed. General Court Martial. General. Hospital.Independent. Inf. Lt.Maj. M. o. . Muse.Must.N. f. r. A. G. 0. Par. . Prin.Priv. . Pro.Q. M. Rede.Re-en. Regt.RegflResgd. Sergt.Squad.Stew'dSurg. . Tm. ex. Trans. U. S. A. U. S. C. U. 9HN O. S. S. U. S. Sig Vols. . It. R. C Wag. . Wd. Vet. Corps Infantry. Lieutenant. Major. Mustered out. Musician.Mustered. No further record Adjutant-General's Office Washington, D. C. Paroled.Principal. Private. Promoted.Quartermaster. Reduced. Re-enlisted Veteran. Regiment. Regimental. Resigned.Sergeant.Squadron. Steward.Surgeon. Term expired. Transfer, Transferred United States Army. United States Colored Infantry United States Navy. United States Steamer, Sloop Shin United States Signal Corps VolunteersVeteran Reserve Corps. Wagoner. Wounded. HISTORY OF THE TWENTIETH REGIMENT C. V. INFANTRY. Weitten bt Lieutenant Cecil A. Bueleigh, late Second Lieutenant op Co. C, Twentieth Connecticut Yolunteehs. WHEN" President Lincoln issued his call for 300,- 000 three year volunteers, in June, 1862, eight regiments responded from Connecticut, among them the Twentieth, who were mustered into service Sep. 8, 1862. They were from New Haven County, with the exception of three companies from Hartford County. On the 1 1th of September Colonel Ross received orders to move with his regiment to Washington, where they received arms and accouterments, and a week later removed to Arlington Heights, where they camped until the 29th,' when they were ordered to proceed to Frederick, Md. Oct. 2d the Twentieth were again under marching orders for Harper's Ferry, to report to General Williams, who placed them in the Twelfth Corps in the Army of the Potomac. The corps soon crossed the river and occupied Loudon and Bolivar Heights, from which place they were sent to- guard Key Gap, where a sharp skirmish with the enemy resulted in the first victory for the Twentieth. After this the Twelfth Corps passed some time in camp at Fairfax Station. From there they marched to Stafford Court House, and received the commendation of General Wil liams for the manner in which they endured the hardships of the march. On the 27th of January, 1863, the Army of the Potomac being then under the command of General Hooker, the Twelfth Corps crossed the river at Germania Ford, march ing towards Chancellorsville, which they reached the 30th. May 1st the battle of Chancellorsviller which lasted three days, was begun by a furious attack of the enemy. Although the result of the battle was disastrous to the Union army, the Twentieth were among the last to retreat, and did some good work, losing eighty-five men in killed and wounded ; as many more were taken prisoners. After General Meade succeeded to the command and began to 'concentrate the scattered forces, the Twelfth Corps, which had been stationed at Frederick City, took the road for Gettysburg. They were among the first to arrive, and acted on the defensive until the commanding general should reach the place. The Twelfth Corps were then placed on the extreme right of the line at Culp's Hill, General Williams commanding, where they held Bwell's (formerly Stonewall Jackson's) Corps at bay for seven hours, finally driving them back with heavy loss. No higher praise can be given the Twentieth than to say that they stood at the fr6nt of the fine during the entire seven hours. After this battle Meade continued to follow Lee, but without giving battle, until, on July 16th; the Twen tieth found themselves in camp at Pleasant Valley, where they had camped the October before. September 25th they left Brandy Station, still with the Twelfth Corps, to join the Army of the Cumberland at Chattanooga. Soon after Rosecrans was removed and General Grant became Commander-in-Chief, and "the battle among the clouds " was fought at Lookout Mountain. At this time the Twentieth were guarding supplies from Stevenson, Ala., to Cowan, Tenn., where they remained during the winter, frequently engaging in skirmishes with guerrillas. In an attack upon Tracy City Captain Upson was killed. On the 11th of April an order was issued forming the Twelfth -and' Eleventh Corps into the Twentieth Corps, with which the Twentieth Regiment remained until the end of the war. On the 27th of April,- 1864, the Twentieth moved on to Lookout Valley to join the division to which it had been attached, which on May 2d moved out of the valley and concentrated at Ringold. The objective point of - all the forces was now Atlanta. The 7th of May the army was put in motion, and the Twentieth Corps proceeded through Taylor's Ridge at Gardner's Gap to a fortified hill, called Boyd's Trail, which was taken after a sharp contest. On the night of the 1 0th they were moved down to the support of McPherson at Snake Creek Gap, where the enemy were rapidly concentrating, and were set to work making a double track through the gap to facilitate the passage of the Union troops and arms. In the four days' engagement at Resaca the Twentieth ac quitted themselves with bravery, and captured four new brass guns by the rather novel method of digging through the top of the mountain for them. On the 19th of May the d) 2 TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Twentieth, with the Nineteenth Michigan, captured Cass- ville, where they camped for three days. After the cross ing of the Etowah River was effected between Allatoona and Rome, a two hours' battle at Pumpkinvine Creek was engaged in exclusively by the Twentieth. Corps, with the usual successful results. After this time the regiment took an active part in all the marches and skirmishes and battles for two months. They did garrison duty at Marietta, Ga., and about the ¦ 10th of July drove the enemy from their entrenchment at Chattahoochee River, and the siege of Atlanta was begun on the mornmg of the 20th. The regiment distinguished itself at Peach-Tree Creek by a gallant charge which drove the enemy from the field, capturing prisoners and arms. The siege of Atlanta lasted until the 2d of September, when the city surrendered, and the Twentieth were with the first to enter.The regiment remained at Atlanta, doing fatigue duty and building fortifications about the city, until November 15th, when under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Buck ingham (Colonel Ross commanding brigade), it moved with. Sherman's army on its "March to the Sea," arriving in front of Savannah, December 1 0th. Here it remained engaged in siege operations, subsisting, both men and ani mals, upon rice gathered from the islands in the Savannah River, until "the 20th of the same month, when with the Twentieth Army Corps it entered the city, capturing a large amount of artillery aud ordnance stores, together with 30,000 bales of cotton. On the 4th of January, 1865, the regiment crossed the . Savannah, and encamped on Hardee's plantation, six miles north of the river. Here it remained until the 1 6th. Breaking camp on the 16th, on the 17th it marched to Hardeesville, ten miles distant, and there remained until the 20th. Continuing its march through South Carolina and into North Carolina, it met the enemy, March loth, .at Silver Run, and after a sharp engagement drove them from their line of works, losing nineteen officers and men. On the 19th of tnTSC^e month the regiment took part the battle of Bentonville/~~^tajning a loss of enlisted men killed, wounded, ancf mii battle of Bentonville it continued its march towards tne Army of the Potomac, arriving at Raleigh, N. O, April 16th. On the 30th of April it started northward by land, passing through Richmond May 11th, and reaching Wash ington on the 20th. After participating in the great review by the President and his cabinet, the regiment encamped near Fort Lincoln on the Bladensburg Road, and there remained until its muster-out, June 13, 1865. From its first encampment at A rlington Heights, Wash ington, D. O, in September, 1863, to the day of its muster- out, June 13, 1865, the Twentieth was continually in the field, marching and fighting ; and whether in camp, on the march, or upon the field of battle, the regiment was ever a credit to itself and an honor to its State, being everywhere marked for the valor, good discipline, and soldierly bearing of its men. Whatever praise is due for the part the Connecticut soldier took in the late great struggle for liberty, the members of the Twentieth Con necticut most assuredly merit their share. ENGAGEMENTS. GhaneellorsmUe, Va., May 3, 1863. Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863. Tracy City, Tenn., Jan. 30, 1864. Boyd's Trail, Tenn., May 9, 1864. Resaca, Oa., May 15, 1864. Cassville, Ga., May 19, 1864. Peach- Tree Creek, Ga., July .20, 1864. Siege of Atlanta, Ga., July 21 to Aug. 7, 1864. Biker Run, N. C. Mch. 15, 1865. Bentonville, 2f. C, Mch. 19, 1865. \ N. C, Apr. 13, 1865. TWENTIETH REGIMENT C. V. INFANTRY. Field and Staff. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enlistment. Bate of Muster in this organ ization. Remarks. Colonel. Samuel Ross, Lieutenant-Colonels. William B. Wooster, Philo B. Buckingham, Major. Henry C. Pardee, Adjutants. Charles J. Arms, James B. Burbank, Horace G. H. Tarr, Cornelius J. DuBois, C. Myron Talcott, Quartermaster. William T. Scranton, Surgeons. William B. Casey, J. Wadsworth Terry, Asst. Surgeon. . Dan Lee Jewejtt, Chaplains.' David P. Sanford, Alvah L. Frisbie, Charles N. Lyman, Hartford, Derby, Seymour, New Haven, Norwich, Hartford, Hartford, New Haven, New Britain, New Haven, New Haven, New Haven, East Had dam, Bridgeport,Derby, Canton, Aug.19,'62 Aug.22,'62 Aug.29,'62 Aug. 25, '62 Aug.20,'62 Nov.10,'62 Nov. 4, '62 Apr. 19/64 Aug.11,'62 Aug. 25, '62 Sep. 5,'62 Aug. 5,'62 Aug. 15, '62 Sep. 5, '62 Aug.27,'63Oct. 19, '64 Sep. 8,; Sep. 8, 'i Sep. 8, '62 Sep. 8, '62 Sep. 8, '62 Nov.19,'02 Nov. 4, '62 May 11,'64 Sep. 8, '62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug.17/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 12/63 Nov. 18/64 Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Pro. Brig.-Gen. by bvt. Apr. 13, '65. Disc. June 26, '65. [Col. 29th C. V. Mch. '8, '64. Pro. Col by bvt. for gallantry at battle of Chancellorsville, Va., Mch. 13/65; Must. Maj. Sep. 8, '62. Pro. Apr. 9, '64; Col. by bvt. Mch. 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Pro. from Capt. Co. F, May 11, '64. Disc. dis. Feb. 28, '65. Pro. Capt. Co. H, Nov. 19, '62. Pro. Capt. Co. H, June 4, '63. Pro. from Sergt.-Maj. Sep. 2, '63; Capt. Co. F, May 11, '64. (See Capt, Co. D, 27th C. V.) Resgd. July 10, '64. Pro. Maj. by bvt. and Lt.-Col. by bvt., to date Mch. 13, '65. Pro. from Sergt Co. K, Dec. 17, '64. Wd. Mch. 16, '65, Averysboro, N. C. Disc. May 10, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Resgd. May 24, '63. Must. Asst. Surg. Pro Aug. 26, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Resgd. May 13, '63. Resgd. June 9, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Non-Commissioned Staff. Date of Name and Rake. Residence. Date of Enlistment. Muster in this organ Remarks. • ization. Sergeant-Majors. Ralph P. Thacher, Hartford, Aug. 2 1/62 Sep. 8/62 Disc. dis. Feb. 14, '63. Joseph P. Smyth, Danbury, Aug.22,'62 Sep. 8/62 Pro. from Priv. Co. F, Feb. 14, '63. Des. Apr. 18, '64. JohnS. Root, Hartford, Aug. 12/62 Sep. 8/62 Pro. from Priv. Co. K, to Q.M. -Sergt. Feb. 21, '63; Sergt.-Maj. '63. Killed May 3, '63, Chanceilorsville, Va. Apr. 24, Horace G. H. Tarr, ' Hartford, Nov. 4/62 Nov. 4/62 Pro. from Priv. Co. K, May 4, '63; Adj. Sep. 2, '63. Pro. from Muse. Co. E, Sep. 2, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. RobertC. Usher, Fannington, Aug. 14/62 Sep. 8/62 Q.M. -Sergeants. Charles H. Clark, Southington, Aug. 15/62 Sep. 8/62 Pro. 2d Lt. Co. H, Feb. 24, '63. Henry D. Stanley, Fannington, Aug. 7/62 Sep. 8/62 Pro. from Corp. Co. H, Apr. 24, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. Qom. -Sergeant. Charles E. Kellogg, Hartford, Aug.21/62 Sep. 8/62 M. o. June 13, '65. Hosp. Steward. John H. Nolan, New Haven, Aug.21/62 Sep. 8/62 M. o. June 13, '65. Principal Musicians. Henry S. Peck, New Haven, Aug.21/62 Sep. 8/62 Disc. Dec. 23, '62. Charles P. Munson, New Haven, Aug.19,'62 Sep. 8/62 Disc. Dec. 23, '62. John L. North, Derby, Aug. 6/62 Sep. 8/62 Pro. from Priv. Co. B, Sep. 1, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. Wm. H.'H. Johnson, New Haven, Aug. 21, '62 Sep. 8/62 Pro. from Muse. Co. C, Jan. 1, '64; 2d Lt. Co. E, Mch. 27, '64. (3) TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Company A. Name and Rank. Captains. Timothy Guilford, David K. Brown, John E. Royce, 1st Lieutenants. William J. Bassett, Henry R. Biilings, Alex. H. Buckingham 2d Ueutenant. Elkanah Doolittle, 1st Sergeant. John R. Piatt, Sergeants. Doolittle, Oliver T. Huntley, Carlos Jones, Edward B. Keeler, George Matthews, John F. Piatt, John H. Simons, Thomas Smith, Alonzo E. Spencer, William W. Corporals. Bradley, William E. Brooks, Harry A. Doolittle, William C. Hall, Samuel L. Hall, Chauncey M. Hitchcock. Watson G. Hoadley, Eben Hotchkiss, Merritt Moss, Titus Peck, John A. Musicians. Allen, James M. Smith, Elizur G. Wagoner. Hotchkiss,Franklia A. Privates. Anthony, Lafayette P. Barnes, Luther Barber, Lewis *Barilli, Pierre Beadle, William Benham, Robert L. Benham, Jehiel Benham, Lambert H. Benham, Reuben Benham, Edward W. Benham, George W. Benham, Lewis Blakeslee, James J. Blake, Patrick *Bolan, John Bradley, Jared Bradley, George Bradley, Henry A. Bristol, Robert W. Brooks, Joel J. Brooks, Simeon Residence. Cheshire,New Haven, Derby, Cheshire, Hartford, New Haven, Cheshire, Prospect, Cheshire,Cheshire,Cheshire,Cheshire, Prospect, Prospect, Cheshire, Cheshire, Cheshire, Cheshire,Cheshire,Cheshire,Durham,Cheshire, Prospect, Cheshire,Cheshire, Cheshire, Cheshire, Cheshire, Branford, Cheshire, Prospect, Cheshire, Sterling, East Haven, Cheshire, Waterbury, Prospect, Cheshire, Cheshire, Cheshire, Cheshire, Cheshire,Prospect, New Haven, East Windsor, Cheshire, Cheshire,Cheshire, Cheshire, Prospect, Cheshire, Date of Enlistment. Aug. 15/62 Aug.21/62Aug. 6/62 Aug 15/62 Aug.21/62 Aug.20,'62 Aug.15/62 Aug. 8/62 July 14/62 July 12/62 Aug. 2/62 Aug. 9/62 Aug. 2/62 Aug.13/62 Date of Muster in this organ ization. Sep.Sep.Sep. 8/62 Disc. Mch. 3, '64. - , n. _, D ,„ . 8 '62 Pro. from 1st Lt. Co. G, Apr. 9, '64. Dishon. disc. Sep. 8, 64. 8' '62 Pro. from 1st Lt. Co. G, June 1, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. ,'62 Disc. Oct. 15, '63. Pro. from 1st Sergt. Co. C, Nov. 11, '63; Capt. Co. D, Jan. 22, 65. Pro. from 1st Sergt. Co. G, to 2d Lt. Nov. 1, '63; 1st Lt. Jan. 22, 65. M. o. June 13, '65. Sep. 8/62 Pro. to 1st Lt. Co. D, Aug. 6, '63. Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep. 8/62 Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep. Aug. 6/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug.20,'62 Sep. 8/62 July 29/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug. 5/62 Aug. 8/62 Aug.22,'62 July 23, July 12, Aug. 2, Aug. 9. Aug.ll Aug. 14, Aug. 12 July 18/62 Aug.12/62 July 24/62 Aug. 7, July 19, Juue21.Aug. 1, Aug 22, Aug.12, Aug. 13, July 15, Aug. 7, Aug. 8, Aug. 9, Aug. 18, Aug. 2, Aug.22,'62 Aug 24/63 July 16/62 Aug. 18/62 July 16/62 July 28/62 July 29/62 Aug. 8/62 Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. ,'62 Pro. 1st Lt. May 4, '65 (not must.). M. o. June 13, '65. ,'62 Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Trans, to 132d Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. May 28, '64. Disc. June 30, '65. [13, '65. 8/62 Must. Priv. Pro. Corp. Apr. 24, '63; Sergt. Nov. 4, '64. M. o. June 8/62 Must. Corp. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Pro. July 23, '63. Wd. Aug. 18, '64 Atlanta, Ga. Disc. dis. Dec. 20, '64. '62 Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Disc. dis. May 11. '64. 8/62 Must. Priv. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. Pro. Corp. Oct. 31, '63; Sergt. Jan. 1, '65. Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Benton ville, N. C. M o. June 13, '65. [July 23, '63. Must. Corp. Pro. Jan. 7, '63. Wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Died Must. Priv. Pro. Corp. May 3, '63; Sergt. Nov. 1, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Pro. 2d Lt. Co. D, June 6, '63. 8/628/628/628/62 8/628/62 8/628/62 8/628/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 .'62 '62 Aug. Sep.Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. 8, Aug.24, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8. Sep. 8. Sep. 8, Sep. 8, ,'63,'62,'62 ,'62 ,'62,'62 '62 ,'62 '62 ,'62 '62 '63 6262 626262 62 Remarks. Pro. 2d Lt. June 6, '65 (not must.). M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Dec. 10, '62. - [M. o. June 13, '65. Must. Priv. Pro. Oct. 31, '63. Wd. Mch. 9, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63, Rede, to ranks Nov. 4, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. [Disc. dis. May 24, '64. Must. Priv. Pro. Nov. 25, '62. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Ph. M. o. June 13, '65. Rede, to ranks Apr. 24, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, to Co. F, 3d Regt. V. R. C. July 20. '63. Disc. July 6, '65. Must. Priv. Pro. -Oct. 31, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. Killed May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Must. Priv. Pro. Nov. 1, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. June 3, '65. Disc. May 30, '65. * Substitutes and'drafted. M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Mch. 6, '63. Disc. dis. Nov. 20, '63. See Barber Lewis. Des. Sep. 14, '63. Disc. dis. Nov. 20, '63. Disc. dis. Feb. 21, '63. Wd Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Disc. June 23, '65 Died Aug. 15. '64. Killed May 3, '63, Chancellorsville Va Mo. June 13, '65. [V. R. C. Dec. 28, '64. Disc. Aug 14 '65 Wd July 20. '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Trans, to Co. G 5 h Regt Trans to Co. G 1st Regt. V. R. C. Nov. 30, '63. Disc. July 14 '65 "co^alau'v^O^'in^ Par. May 14, '63. tV, to 112th DiscCJu]e ?3 ^ *" °' ^ 10' 63' *" JameS J' Belksl^ Dier?/,e*- Wd. July 22, '64, Atlanta, Ga. Disc. June 20 '65 L ' M. o. June 13, '65. M o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65 ™ a^I 19o '& CassvilIe' »a. M. o. June 13, '65 K.lled May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va no >«- Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. M. o June TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enlistment. Date of Muster in this organ ization. Remarks..: *Bruno, John Buckley, John Burke, Anthony Burke, John Burke, Edward Chandler, Almon E. Church, Edwin S. Clark, James T. *Cuneo, Franco Curnow, Henry W. Devine, James Donnelly, William Donnelly, Francis Doolittle, William H. Dunnegan, Daniel *Ely, James Farrell, Ira G. Fenton, James *Ferrari, Jaques *Ferrare, Manuel Fitzmorris, Robert 1st Flood, James M. French, Charles E. Gavitt, William Gibson, John Giblin, John Glover, Henry J. Goodwin, Charles H. Haller, Henry *Hardy, Thomas Higgins, Henry C. Hoadley, Frederick E. Hoey. Patrick Hotchkiss, Julius II . *Johnson, John Judd, Isaac Judd, Thomas W. Lanyon, James M. Lewis, Barber Kendall, T. Dwight Lentz, Josiah Lombra, Joseph *Lopez, Charles *Mason, Isaac McLaughlin, John McLaughlin, Martin McMahon, James Moss, Edward L. Moss, Samuel L. Moss, Franklin Moss, Augustus Newton, Thomas E. Parmelee, Frederick Pedro, Jone Perkins, Homer G. Potter, Charles B. Preston, John L. Preston, Lucius T. Preston, William M. Preston, John H. Purcell, John Rice, Jesse H. Rice, Horace P. Royce, Edward B. Royce, Albert L. Russell, Albert F. Russell, Charles L. Russell, Charles E. Russell, Seymour Scully, Jeremiah H. Smith, Franklin S. *Stone, Frederick Thrall, Edwin A. Tallio, Baptiste Tyler, George F. *Vallego, Carlos New Haven, Cheshire,Cheshire, Cheshire,Cheshire,Prospect, Cheshire,Cheshire,New Haven, Hamden, New Haven, Hampton,Hampton, Cheshire, New Haven, Hamden, Prospect, Cheshire^Madison,Killingly, New Haven, Wallingford,Watertown,Killingly, Hartford , Cheshire, Newtown, Cheshire,Norwalk,Madison, Cheshire,Cheshire, New Haven, Cheshire,Guilford,Cheshire,Cheshire, Cheshire, Sterling, Vernon, Cheshire, ¦ Stonington, So. Windsor, Derby, Cheshire, Cheshire, New Haven, Prospect, Cheshire, Cheshire,Prospect,New Haven, Durham, Manchester,Prospect, New Haven, Cheshire,Cheshire,Cheshire,Cheshire, Cheshire,Cheshire, Cheshire, Prospect, Cheshire,Cheshire, Cheshire,Prospect, Prospect, Cheshire, Durham, KiUingworth,Cheshire, East Haven, Prospect,Orange, Aug. 1/63 Aug. 4/62 Aug 14/62 Aug. 14/62 Aug. 13/62 Aug.11,'62Aug. 18/62 July 15/62 Aug.26,'63 Aug. 12/62 June21,'61 June21/61June21/61 July 14/62 June21,'61Aug.25,'63 Aug,ll/62July 25/62 Aug.26,'63 Aug.25,'63June21,'61 Aug.11,'62 Aug. 6/62 Aug.25,'63 June21,'61Aug. 7/62 June21,'61July 14/62 Sep. 25/61 Aug. 1/63 Aug. 8/62 July 16/62 July 22/62 July 23/62 Aug. 1/63 Aug.13,'62 Aug. 9/62 Aug.13,'62June21.'61June21/61July 29/62 Aug.11,'62 Aug.25,'63July 25/63 Aug. 8/62 Aug. 7/62 June21,'61Aug. 2/62 July 14/62 July 25/62 Aug. 8/62 June21,'61Aug.22,'62Aug.26,'63July 29/62 June21,'61 Aug.22,'62 Aug. 16/62 Aug.15,'62Aug. 15/62 Aug. 6/62 Aug.22,'62Aug.22,'62Aug. 8/62 Aug.22,'62July 24/62 July 24/62 Aug. 9/62 Dec. 17/63 Aug. 4/62 Aug.22,'62 Aug. 1/63 July 22/62 Aug. 1/63 July 25/62 Aug. 8/63 Aug. 1/63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep.Sep. 8/628/62 8/628/628/62 Aug.26,'63Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug.25,'63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug.26,'63 Aug.25,'63 Disc. dis. Mch. 27, '63 Disc. dis. July 11, '63, M. o. June 13, '65. Des. Sep. 29, '63. Trans, to 159th Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Sep. 14, '64. Trans, from Co. C, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Trans, from Co. C, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Trans, from Co. C, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Disc. dis. Mch. 7, '63. Trans, from Co. C, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Des. Oct. 1, '63. Disc. dis. Mch. 25, '63. Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug.25,'68 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug. 1/63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug. 1/63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug.25,'63 July 25/63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug. 26/63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Dec. 17/63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug. 1/63 Sep. 8/62 Aug. 1/63 Sep. 8/62 Aug. 8/63 Des. Oct. 1, '63. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Died Jan. 1, '64, Stevenson, Ala. Cap'd Mch. 14, '65, Fayettevilte, N. C. Par. Apr. 2, '65. Disc. June 12, '65. [Aug. 14, '63. Disc. July 11, '65. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Trans, to 47th Co. 2d Batt. V. R, C. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. M. o. June [13, '65. Disc. July 5, '65. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Re- trans. Mch. 26, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26 '64. [June 23, '65. Wd. and cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. Disc. Des. Sep. 29, '63. [Oct. 20, '64. Disc. June 30, '65. Wd. July 22, '64, Atlanta, Ga. Trans, to unassigned detachment V. R. C. Trans, from Co. C, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Cap'd May 3/63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14/63. Des. May 15, '65. Trans, to Co. II, 5th C. V. June 14, '65. Trans', from Co. C, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Wd. Aug. 15, '64, Atlanta, Ga. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from Co. F, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans: as Corp. Mch. 26,. '64. Disc. dis. Apr. 1, '63. Trans, from Co. C, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Des. Sep. 12, '63. Disc. May 29, '65. Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Died Mch. 26, '65. Trans, to 41st Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Aug. 8, '63. Disc. July 21, '65. Died Jan. 18, '64. Des. Sep. 29, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. [Mch. 26, '64. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V., as Lewis Barber, Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Trans, from Co. F, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re trans, as Sergt. Mch. 26, '64. Wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Trans, to Co. K, 1st Regt. V. R. C. Disc. dis. Dec. 3, '62. [Dec. 8, '63. Disc. dis. Mch. 20, '61 Des. Sep. 29, '63. Disc. May 22, '65. Wd. July 21, '64, Atlanta, Ga. Died Aug. 28, '64. Wd. Mch. 16, '65, Silver Run, N. C. Disc. dis. Oct 3, '65. Trans, from Co. C, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans, as Corp. Mch. 26, '64. Died Jan. 10, '63. Disc. dis. Jan. 27, '63. Died Mch. 18, '63. Wd. Nov. — , '62, Loudon Heights, Va. Disc. dis. Mch. 23, '63. Trans, from Co. C, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Disc. dis. Mch. 27, '63. Des. Sep. 16, '63. [Jan. 25, '65. Disc. dis. Apr. 13, '65. Wd. Aug. 15, '64, Atlanta, Ga. Trans, to 154th Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Trans, from Co. C, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans, as Muse. Mch. 26, '64. Killed May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Disc. dis. July 6, '65. Trans, to 33d Co. 2d Batt. V. R. O. Oct. 12, '63; trans, to Co. C, Regt. Dec. 21, '64. Disc. June 28, '65. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. Dec. 23, '63. (See Priv. Co. I, 1st C. V. H. A.) Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. 16, '65, Silver Run, N. C. Disc. Oct. 14. '65. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. Wd. Mch. M. o. June 13, '65. [19/65, Bentonville, N. C. Disc. dis. Oct. 17/65. Trans, to 23d Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Aug. 17, '63; trans', to Co. K, 3d Died Jan. 25, '63. [Regt. Dec. 29, '64. Disc. Aug. 7, '65. Died Apr. 28, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Oct. 15, '64. Disc. dis. Apr. 2, '63. Trans', to Co. F, 22d Regt. V. R. C. Oct. 31, '63. Disc. July 3, '65. Des. Sep. 30, '63. Wd. Mch. 15, '65, Averysboro, N. C. Disc. dis. June 21, '65. Trans, to Co. H, 5th C. V. June 14, '65. Disc. dis. Dec. 4, '62. Des. Oct. 1, '63. 7th May 14, '63. Disc. dis. Wd. Mch. * Substitutes and drafted. TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Name and Rank. Wallace, Franklin Walker, John Webber, Sylvester J. Wiley, Edward Williams, Frederick H. Williams, John Wood, Earle S. Yax, John Residence. Prospect, SlatersvilleR.I. Cheshire,Cheshire, Prospect, Prospect, Cheshire, Buffalo, N.Y., Date of Enlistment. Aug.13,'62June21,'61 Aug.20,'62 Aug.22,'62 Aug. 2/62 Aug. 5/62 Aug. 9/62 June21,'61 Date of Muster in this organ ization. Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Remarks. Disc. dis. Feb. 7, '63. Trans, from Co. F, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Des. Sep. 11, '62. M, o. June 13, '65. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Died May 25, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. May 19, '64, Cassville, Ga. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from Co. C, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Company B. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enlistment. Date of Muster in this organ ization. Remarks. Captains. Sanford E. Chaffee, John H. Doolittle, James Spruce, 1st Lieutenant. William W. Spencer, 2d Lieutenants. James Foley, Theodore Jepson, Arthur Boardman, 1st Sergeants. George W. Sherman, Seymour M. Smith, Edward Root, Sergeants. Corwin, William H. Hubbard, Lewis V. Killenbeck, Joseph , Osborn, Thomas S. Royce, John E. Terrell, Wales Corporals. Bradley, Luther S. Brown, Edward Buckley, James E. Dorman, David C. Hubbell, Frederick W. Moore, Samuel Pullon, Pizarro S. Rogers, Hilan M. Sloane, William Smith, George A. Stocking, Omar C. Tyther, William H. Weaver, Jabez Worthington, Thos. E Musicians.' Ayers, Daniel A. Lyon, Charles E. Wagoner. Chatfield, Charles Privates. Abbott, George Adamson, James Ailing, Edwin J. Alstead, Abraham Arnold, Edwin Arnold, William Bacon, John Derby, Derby, Waterbury, Cheshire, Derby,Hartford, Hartford, Derby,Derby, Derby, Derby, Derby, Derby, Oxford,Derby, Derby,' Huntington, Derby, Derby,Oxford,Oxford, Derby,Derby,Derby, Derby, Seymour,Derby, Derby, Derby, Derby, Salisbury,Derby, Derby, Hartford, Derby, Oxford, East Haven, Derby, Derby, Naugatuck, Aug.15,'62 Aug. 15/62 July 30/62 July 29/62 Aug.15,'62 Aug.25/62Aug.11,'62 Aug. 7/62 Aug. 5/62 Aug.13,'62 Aug. 6/62 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 5/62 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 6/62 Aug. 6/62 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 4/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8,'«2 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep.Sep. Aug. 4 Aug. 6 Aug. 4. Aug. 4 Aug. 4, Aug. 5, Aug. 6, July 9, Aug. 4, Aug. 4, Aug. 6, Aug. 2 June21,'61 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 6/62 Feb. 5/64 Aug. 6. '62 Aug. 7/62 Dec. 3/64 Aug.13,'62Ausr. 6/62 Dec. 12/64 Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep.Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep.Sep. TNov. 13, '63. (See 1st Lt. Co. D, 2d C. V.) Wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Disc. dis. Must.- 1st Lt. Sep. 8, '62. Pro. Apr. 21, '64. Disc. Nov. 28, '64. Pro. from 1st Lt. Co. I, Apr. 8, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Pro. from 2d Lt. Co. D, Apr. 21, M. o. June 13, '65. '64; Capt. June 6, '65 (not must). Pro. 1st Lt. Co. E, Oct. 23, '63. Pro. from Sergt. Co. K, Nov. 1, '63; 1st Lt. Co. H, Apr. 12, '64. Pro. from 1st Sergt. Co. K, Apr. 24, '64; 1st Lt. Co. E, Jan. 22, 'i ,'62 Pro. 2d Lt. Co. C, Feb. 24, '63. ,'62 (See Priv. Co. D, 2d C. V.) Must. Sergt. Pro. Feb. 24, '63. .Rede, to Sergt. June 5, '64. Killed Mch. 16, '65, Silver Run, N. C. Sep. 8/62 Must. Corp. Pro. Sergt. Oct. 31, '63; 1st Sergt. June 5, '64. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. M. o. June 13, '65. Must. Corp. Pro. Mch. 16, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. M. o. June 13, '65. [3 '63 Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. Disc. dis. Sep. Must. Corp. Pro. Feb. 24, '63; 2d Lt. Co. K, Nov. 1, '63. Must. Corp. Pro. May 4, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. [June 13, '65. Must. Priv. Pro. Nov. 1, '63. Wd. Aug.' 12, '64, Atlanta, Ga. Disc. Must. Priv. Pro. Feb. 28, '63. Rede, to ranks June 5, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Rede, to ranks May 25, '64. Wd. Mch. 19, '65. M. o. June 13 '65 Must. Priv. Pro. Sep. 17, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. ri3 '65 Must. Priv. Pro. May 25, '64. Rede, to ranks Dec. 24, '64. M. o June Must. Priv. Pro. Dec. 24, '64. M. o. June 13 '65 (See Priv. Co. D, 2d C. V.) M o. June 13, '65. iJune 19 >65 Must. Priv. Pro. May 4, '64. Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Disc. Vlust. Priv. Pro. Mch. 16, '65. M. o. June 13 '65 Trans, from Co. E, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch 26 '64 ' Must. Priv. Pro. May 4, '64. M. o. June 13 '65 (See Priv Co. D, 2d C. V.) Disc. dis. Aug. 12, '63. [Disc. July -3, '65. T ans. to Co. H 3d Regt V R. C. Aug. 25, '64. Pro. Sergt. Nov. 1 '64. Must Priv Wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg,. Pa. Pro. June 5, '64. M. o. June 13, 65. ,'62,'62 .'62,'62,'62,'62 8 '63 8/628/628/628/62 8/62 8/62 8/62 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 ¦Sep 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Feb. Sep.Sep. Dec. Sep. ep. 5/648/628/623/64 8/628/62 Dec. 12/64 Trans, from Co. E, 5th 0. V. Jan 11 Died Nov. 3, '62. M. o. June 13, '65. '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Des. Apr. 20, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enlistment. Date of Muster in this organ ization. Remarks. Bailey, Sylvester Baker, Scott Baldwin, William Baldwin, William A. Beach, John J. Benham, Joseph H. Botsford, John Booth, Joseph N. Bourchier, Patrick Bradley, Elwyn M. Brown, Peleg T. Brown, Charles H. Brown, William J. Brown, Joseph Bronson, Harvey R. Burns, John B. Burton, William Butler, George Byington, Charles E. Clark, -William H. Clark, Levi G. Colt, Charles Connier, Jeremiah Cotter, James P. Cowan, Frank Culver, Peter Curtiss, Franklin A. Davidson, Nathan Dayton, William Dupont, Eugene Eggleston, Edward H Fisher, John Freeman, Simon Gilbert, George L. Gillon, Daniel Hall, George W. Hawley, Theodore Hawkins, Henry A. Hoadley, Joseph Hubbell, John P. Huntington, John Ineson , Joseph Johnson, Jerome Johnson, Sheldon P. Johnson, William Keeney, Charles L. •Kejsey, James W. Kenney, Walter S. Kneen, James Larkin, John Leigh, Jesse ' Lewis, Judson Lindsley, Walter P. Martindale, Robert Mayer, Henry McEwen, Wooster B. McGinnis, John Meara, Noyes W. Mellor, Samuel Marcella, Twain Miller, George H. Moore, Jesse Moulthrop, Evelyn E. Myers, Jacob North, John L. Osborn, Ray F. Ramsdell, Parker K Redshaw, Thomas Riggs, George W. Rowell, David B. Ross, John Rugg, William Ryan, James Shelton, Henry H. Smith, James Smith, Friend H. Smith, Arthur E. Smith, George Smith, Louis Spohn, Daniel Stocking.Summerfi'd S Southbury,Derby, Derby, Derby, Derby, Oxford,Derby,Derby,Derby,Derby, Derby, Derby,Derby,Colebrook, Derby, Winchester, Bethel,Naugatuck,Derby,Huntington, Hartford, Derby, Weston, Derby, Manchester, East Haven, Derby, Derby, Clinton, New Haven, Derby,Bristol, Derby, Derby, iDerby, Bristol, Derby, Hartford, Derby, Oxford, New London, Derby,Derby, Derby, Winchester, Derby, Harwinton, Derby,Derby,Derby, Derby,Derby, Hartford, Derby, Derby, Oxford, Branford, Derby,Derby, Derby, Huntington, Derby,Derby, Greenwich, Derby, Oxford,Oxford, Derby, Oxford,Derby, East Haven, Derby, Monroe, Huntington, Derby, Derby, Derby, £ Derby, Monroe, East Haven, Derby, Aug. 6/62 Aug. 6/62 Aug. 5/62 Aug. 5/62 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 7/62 Aug. 2/62 Aug. 5/62 Aug. 5/62 Aug. 8/62 Aug. 6/62 Dec. 14/64 Aug. 4/62 Nov. 26/64 Dec. 6/64 June 22, '61 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 4/62 June21,'61 Aug. 4/62 Mch. 11/64 Aug. 6/62 June21,'61Nov.11,'64 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 7/62 Dec. 24/64 Dec. 29/64 Aug. 5/62 July 19/61 Feb. 27/64 Aug. 5/62 Aug. 4/62 June24,'61 Aug. 7/62 June25/61 Aug. 6/62 Aug.13,'62 July 21/61 Aug. 2/62 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 4/62 Dec. 2/64 Aug. 4/62 Dec. 12/64 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 2/62 Aug. 6/62 Aug. 8/62 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 4/6 Aug. 2/62 Aug. 4/62 Nov.30,'64Aug. 8/62 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 7/62 Aug. 4/62 Mch. 24/64 Aug. 9/62 Dec. 23/64 Aug. 6/62 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 2/62 Aug. 7/63 Aug*. 4/62 Aug. 4/62 Nov.30,'64 Aug. 4/62 Dec. 8/64 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 6/62 Aug. 5/62 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 4/62 Dec. 12/64 Dec. 3/64 Aug. 4/62 Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep. Sep.Sep.Sep. 8/628/628/628/628/628/628/628/628/628/628/628/628/62 Dec. 14/64 Sep. 8/62 Nov.26,'64 Dec. 6/64 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Mch. 11 ,'64 Sep. 8/62 Nov.11,'64Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Dec. 24/64 Dec. 29/64 Sep. 8/62 Feb. 27/64 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep.Sep.Sep. Dec. Sep. 8/628/628/622/648/62 Dec. 12/64 Sep. 8/62 Sep.Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep. 8/628/628/628/628/628/628/62 8/62 Nov.30,'64 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Mch. 24/64 Sep. 8/62 Dec. 23/64 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 8/62 8/62 Sep.Sep. Nov. 30/64 Sep. 8/62 Dec.Sep. Sep.Sep. 8/648/628/628/62 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Dec. 12/64 Dec. 3/64 Sep. 8/62 '65; failed to report. [N. f. r. A. G. 0. [N. f. r. A. G. 0. '65; failed to report. '65; failed to report. Disc. dis. Sep. 8, '64. Cap'd May 3/63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14/63. M. o June 13/65. M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. July 25, '64, Atlanta, Ga. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, to Co. D, 12th Regt. V. R. C. Aug. 13, '63. Disc. June 28, '65. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Feb. 20, '65. Disc. dis. Apr. 16, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga.. M. o. June 13, '65. Killed July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Trans, to Co. B, 5th C. V. June .12, '65. Wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. M. o. June 13, '65. Des. Jan. — , '65. Des. Jan. 9, '65. Trans, from Co. E, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. Killed Mch. M. o. June 13, '65. [19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans, as Sergt. M!ch. 26, '64. Disc. June 1, '65. Des. Apr. 20, '64. Trans, to 159th Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Aug. 30, '64. Disc. July 5, '65. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Trans, from New Haven, Conn., to Co. Jan. 7, M. o. June 13, '65. Killed July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Trans, from New Haven,, Conn., to Co. Jan. 7, Trans, from New Haven, Conn., to Co. Jan. 7, N. f. r. A. G. O. , [C. Dec. 19; '63. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Trans, to 159th Co. 2d Batt. V. R. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Trans, to Co. B, 5th C. V. June 12, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Trans, to 47th Co. 2d Batt. V. R C. Sep. 3, '63. Re trans. Mch. 11, '64. Disc. dis. June 10, '65. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Disc. (iis. May 28, '63. Disc. dis. Dec. 10, '62. Trans, from Co. K, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Wd. July 20, '64. Peach-Tree Creek. Ga. (See Priv. Co. D, 2d C. V.) M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Died Mch. 27, '65. [r. A. G. O. Trans, from New Haven, Conn., to Co. Jan. 7, '65; failed to report. N. f. M. o. June 13, '65. [N. f. r. A. G. O. Trans, from New Haven, Conn., to Co. Jan. 7, '65; failed to report. Trans, to Co. F, 13th Regt. V. R. C. July 8, '63. Disc. June. 28, '65. Cap'd May 3/63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14/63. M. o. June 13/65. Disc. dis. Sep. 25, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. Died Feb. 21, '63. Killed Aug. 27, '64, Turner's Ford, Ga. Killed July 23, '64, Atlanta, Ga. Died Apr. 10, '65. • M. o. June 13, '65. [N. f. r. A. G. O. Trans, from New Haven, Conn., to Co. Jan. 7, '65; failed to report. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. Mch. 19/65, Bentonville, N. C. Trans, to Co. B, 5th C.V. June 12/65. Accidentally killed Aug. 30, '64, Turner's Ford, Ga. [N. f. r. A. G. O. Trans, from New Haven, Conn., to Co. Jan. 7, '65; failed to report. Ap. Prin. Muse. Sep. 1, '63. Disc. dis. Feb. 17, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. Killed July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. M. o. June 13, '65. Killed Jan. 21/64, Tracy City, Tenn. [N. f . r. A. G. O. Trans, from New Haven, Conn., to Co. Jan. 7, '65; failed to report Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Disc. dis. May 17, '65. Trans, from rendezvous, New Haven, Conn. , to Co. Jan . 7, '65 ; des. en route. Wd. July 20, '64. Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Feb. 14, '63. Wd. Mch. 16, '65, Averysboro, N. C. Disc. dis. June 29, '65. Disc. dis. Dec. 10, '62. (See Priv. 3d C. V. Light Batty.) Disc. dis. Apr. 2, '63. [N. f. r. A. G. O. Trans, from New Haven, Conn., to Co. Jan. 7, '65; failed to report Trans, to Co. B, 5th C. V. June 12, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Disc. dis. Feb. 20, '65. TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Name and Rank. Stocking, Gilbert M, Studley, Enoch P. Studley, John P. Stuart, Edwin W. TomlinSon, George N. Walsh, Owen Warner, George W. Warner, John Warriner, Marcus M. Wheelan, Franklin Wheeler, Merritt B. Whiting, Julius E. Williams, Robert Wilson, Albert Wilson, Thomas Wood, Charles H. Woods, John Residence. Date of Enlistment. Waterbury, Derby, Derby,Oxford, Huntington, Derby, Bethany, East Haven, Derby, Derby, Southbury, Derby.Middletown,Saybrook, Branford, Derby, Danbury, Dec. 31/ Aug. 4, Aug. 4/ Aug. 2, Aug. 4, Aug. 6, Aug. 5, Nov.l5,: Aug. 7, Aug. 5, Aug. 7, Aug. 4, Mch. 2, Nov.23,: Nov.30. Aug. 6, Dec. 16, Date of Muster in this organ ization. Dec. 31, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8. Sep. 8. Sep. 8, Jan. 7, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8. Sep. 8. Mch. 2. Nov.23 Nov.30 Sep. 8. Dec. 16 Remarks. Died Jan. 25, '65. Disc. dis. Jan. 25, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13. '65. Killed July 25, '64, Atlanta, Ga. M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Disc. dis. Oct. 7, '63. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 7, '65. Des. Jan. 16, '65 M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Oct. 9, '63. M. o. June 13. '65. Trans, to 159th Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Feb. 17, '64. Des. Apr. 20, '64. Trans, from New Haven, Conn., to Co. Jan. 7, Trans, to Co. B, 5th C. V June 12, '65. Cap'd May 3/63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, "63. Trans, from New Haven, Conn., to Co. Jan. 7, '65 N. f. r. A. G. O. Disc. July 5, '65. [N. f. r. A. G. O. 65; failed to report. M. o. June 13/65. failed to reDort. Company C. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enlistment. Date ol Muster ip this organ ization. Remarks. Captains. Henry C. Smith, Wilbur W. Smith, 1st Lieutenants. Oliver R. Post, Ambrose E. Beardsley, Alexander E. Mintie, 2d Lieutenants. Horace Williams, George W. Sherman, Cecil A. Burleigh, 1st Sergeants. Abial S. Holt, Henry R. Billings, Albert Pratt, Charles H. Larkin, Sergeants. Dickinson, Sidney G. Fargo, Samuel S. Loveland, Henry E. Roehner, Emrai Trumbull, James P. Corporals. Beebe, Lucien J. Chapman, Horatio D. Chapman, Fred. A. Forrest, Samuel A. Giese, Theodore Morrison, Thomas Otis, Uriah H. Penfield, Frederick W. Platts, Albert U. Prescott, Barnard M. Purdy, Myron Smith, Abner C. Sothergill, James Hartford, Seymour, Hartford, Derby, Waterbury, Rocky Hill, Derby, Hamden, Hartford,Hartford, Essex,Farmington, Chester, Chester, Hartford, East Windsor, Hartford, Essex, East Haddam, East Haddam, Hartford, Hartford,Hartford,Haddam,East Haddam, Essex, Hartford, Hartford, East Haddam, Hartford, July 11/62 Aug. 5/62 July 11/62 Aug.15,'62 Aug.14,'62 Aug. 8/62 Aug. 7/63 Aug.13,'62 Aug.20,'6; Aug.21/62 July 28/62 Aug. 12/62 Aug. 1/62 Aug. 9/62 Aug.15,'62 Aug.21/62 Aug.14,'62 Aug. 6,' Aug. 6/62 Aug.11,'62 July 31/62 Aug. 21/62 Aug.20,'6vAug. 12. '62 Aug. 7/62 July 28. '62 Aug. 12/63 Aug.21/62 Aug. 9/62 Aug.14,'62 Sep.Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep.Sep. Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. 8/62 ,'62 ,'62 Sep. 8/62 8/628/628/628/62 8/628/628/63 8/62 8/62 8/62 8/628/62 8/628/628/628, '62 8/62 [Va., by a falling tree. (See Priv. Rifle Co. A, 3d C. V.) Killed Jan. 28, '63, Stafford Court House, Pro. from 1st Lt. Co. H, Feb. 24, '63. Cap'd May 3, '68, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. Pro. Capt. Co. D, Feb. 24, '63. / Pro. from 2d Lt. Co. H, Feb. 24, '63. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. Pro. Capt. Co. H, Mch. 16, '64. Pro. from 2d Lt. Co. I, Mch. 17, '64. Disc. May 3, '65. Pro. from Corp. Co. C, 16th C. V. Sep. 8, '62. Resgd. Feb. 13, '63 (See Priv. Co. D, 2d C. V.) Pro. from 1st Sergt. Co. B, Feb. 24, '63 Wd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville. Va. Dismissed Jan. 18, '64 Pro. from 1st Sergt. Co. I, Feb. 24, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Pro. 2d Lt. Co. G. Feb. 24, '63. Must. Sergt. Pro. Feb. 25, '63. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville Va Par. May 14, '63. Pro. 1st Lt. Co. A, Nov. 11 '63 Must. Corp. Pro. Sergt. Feb. 27, '63; 1st Sergt.' Nov. 15 '63 Killed Aug. 6, '64, Atlanta, Ga. Must. Sergt. Pro. Aug. 6, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. May 15, '64, Resaca, Ga. M. o. June 13 '65 Must Priv^ Pro. Sergt Feb 27, '63. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. M. o. June 13 '65 Must. Corp. Pro. Sep. 19, '64. M. o. June 13, '65 Must. Corp. Pro. Nov. 15, '63. M. o. June 13 '65 i-,t°fi!;anH? Fe,b' 2J' '63- Trans. to 159th Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C Feb 17, 64. Pro. 1st Sergt. Nov. 1, '64. Disc. July 5, '65. Must. Priv. Pro. Sep. 19, '64. M. o. June 13, '65 Must. Priv. Pro. Feb. 27, '63. M. o. June 13 '65 i',^1/- -r$Vd\ai]d„cap'd May 3, '63. Chancellorsville Va Par Mav ptobV^nef yM; /^-ctionJuly23,'64VAtla?nt,a,£ Rede, to ranks May 21, '64. M. o. June 13 '65 SeasnAPrC18, l^ "^ V' R °' JU'J 2°'' '^ Disc' ^ 6' '65- ' Must. Priv. 'Pro. Dec. 25, '63. M. o. June 18 '65 Must. -Priv. Pro Feb. 27 '63 Trans, to 21st Co. 2d Batt. V. R C Auff M A,!,,^' t0 ranks Ap'' "¦ '64- Disc July 14, '65 g' Jlst.|iv.13'cS'dMay3,,3, C&,^vl,?a fe fc » £ Must. Priv. Pro. Dec. 25, '63. Wd Mch 19 •«* fin M?n' 2& '65' Trans, to .47th Co. 2d Batt V. R. C Aug ; 15 '6S R^T'"^ ^ °' 6, '64. Disc. July 1, '65. g' ' " Redc' to ranks Aug. TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY* Name and Rank. Residence, Date of Enlistment. Date of Muster in this organ ization. Remarks. Musicians. Johnson, Wm. H. II. Stark, Thomas Wagoner. Tibballs, Marshall V. . Privates. Abbey, James L. Allen, William ?Anderson, Thomas Atkins,. Charles Ayres, Willis Bailey, Joseph W. Barker, John W. Bemer, Jacob Bennett, George A. Bever, August Black, George H. *Brady, George Bromley, John *Brown, George Burns, John Button, Benjamin Button, Nelson ' Callender, Winthrop Callahan, Owen Cassidy, James Gavanaugh, Charles Churchill, Wilber S. Clark, William *Clark, John O. Clark, Charles L. Clark, Leonard S. Clarke, J. Tillotson *Conlisk, John Corigan, Thomas Costello, Brien Culver, Ralph M. Culver, Warrerl Dart, Robert Davis, Eugene Dickinson, John E. Dunn, James Eagan, Michael Emmons, Lewis H. Fowler, George W. Fox, Edward T. Fox, Richard W. Fuller, William H. Ganyon, John Gardner, Edward P. Gardner, Henry W. Gardner, Jedediah T. Goodrich, James H. Goodrich, Stephen A. Guyon, John Hale, Walter Halpin, Bernard Hanlin, John C. Hascall, James B. Hoadley, Alonzo Hoadley, William W. Hogan, Thomas T. Holcomb, William H Holsapple, Charles Howard, James Hudson, William J. " Jagger, Samuel G. James, Henry B. Kelly, James Key, .Charles Kidder, Joseph M. Kiesh, George R. King, William Langdon, George Langston, James New Haven, WindsorL'cks Hartford, Chester, Plymouth, Derby, Hartford, Chester, East Haddam, Chester,Hartford, Marlborough, WindsorL'cks,Plymouth, East Windsor, WindsorL'cks, Killingly, East Haddam, East Haddam, East Haddam, Hartford, Hartford, Hartford, Westport, Hartford, Southington, Middletown, East Haddam, East Haddam, East Haddam, New Haven, Hartford,WindsorL'cks, Marlborough, East Haddam, West Hartford, Wethersfield, Haddam, New Haven, WindsorL'cks, Salem, Hartford, Chester,Chester, East Haddam, Hartford, Chester,Chester,Colchester,Glastonbury, Glastonbury, Hartford, Litchfield, Westerly, R.I., Canterbury,East Windsor, Marlborough, Marlborough, Hartford, East Haddam, New Haven, Westport,Willington, Chester, East Haddam, Madison, Derby, East Haddam, East Haddam, East Hartford, Hartford, Scotland, Aug.21,' Aug. 5/62 Aug.22,'62 26,25,20, 2. 18, 2, .14, :.13, 12, ;.26, :.24, ;.13, r.26, 1, 1, Aug. Aug, July Aug. Aug;Aug.Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug.Aug.Aug. Aug. Aug, Aug. Feb. 1., Aug.21, Aug. 22 Aug.21,Aug.25, Aug. 13, Aug.23. A.ug.31, Aug. 18, Aug. 30, Aug. 12, Aug.24, Aug. 12, Aug. 1, Aug. 13, July 22. Aug. 15, Jan. 18, Aug. 9, July 1, July 25, Aug. 30, Aug.23, Aug. 1. Aug. 6, Aiig.20, Aug.20,Aug. 12, Aug. 12, Aug. 3, July 22, Dec. 1, Aug.20, Aug. 18. June21, July 23, July 30, Aug.ll,Aug. 11, Aug. 14, July 26, June21, Aug. 6, Aug. 14, Aug. 4, Aug. 5, Sep. 17, Jan. 27, Aug. 14, Aug. 10, Feb. 25, Aug. 18, Aug. 9, Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8 Aug. 26 July 25 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Aug. 26 Aug.24. Sep. 8 Aug 26 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Feb. 15 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Aug.25Sep. 8 Aug.23 Aug. 31 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8; Aug.24 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8. Sep. 8 Jan. 18 Sep. 8, Sep. 8 Aug. 30 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8 Dec. 1 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug. 6/64 Sep. 8/63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 17/64 Jan. 27,'6.-> Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Feb. 25/65 Sep. 8/62 Aug. 9/64 Ap. Prin. Muse. Jan. 1, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '6 M. o. June 13, '65. Des. Nov. 15, '64. Des. Nov. 22, '64. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Des. June 13, '63. [13, '65. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. M. o. June ¦ M. o. June 13, '65. Died Feb. 10, '63. Des. Apr. 28, '63. Disc. dis. Apr. 24, '63. [13, '65. Qap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. M. o. June Des. Sep. 28, '63. Trans, to Co. F, 5th C. V. June 14, '65. Disc dis. Mch. 23, '63. Trans, to Co. F,.5lh C. V. June 14, '65. Wd. Mch. 16, '65, Silver Run, N. C. Died Mch. 17, '65. Disc. dis. Dec. 10, '62. 'See Priv. Co. K, 11th 0. V.) Trans, to Co. F, 5th C. V. June 14, '65. Trans, to 101st Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Nov. 25, '63. Disc. July 19, '65. Injured -May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va., by falling of tree. M. o. June Wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Died July 13, '63. [13, '65. Trans, from rendezvous, New Haven, Ct.toCo. Oct. 20/64. Des. en route. Wd. July 20, *64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Disc. dis. June 30, '65. Des. Sep. 16, '63. Trans, to Co. F, 5th C. V. June 14, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Jan. 19, '63. Trans, to Co. F, 5th C. V. June 14, '65. Accidentally killed Oct. 4, '64, Marietta, Ga. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. M. o. June 13/65. Disc, dis Apr. 25, '63. [M. o. June 13, '65. Wd: July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, to Co. F, 5th C. V. June 14, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from Co. D, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Disc. dis. Dec. 10, '62. Trans, from rendezvous, New Haven, Ct., to Co. Oct. 5/64. Des. en route. M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Died July 8, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. M. o. June 13, '65. See John.Guyon. Wd. and cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. Trans. to Co. E, 19th Regt. V. R. C. Aug. 24, '63. Pro. Corp. Aug. 6, '64. M: o. June 13, '65. [Disc. July 13, '65. Disc. dis. Oct. 2, '62. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. M. o. June 13/65. (See Priv. Co H, 12th C. V.) Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Trans. to Co. F, 5th C. V. June 14, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. (Correct name John Ganyon.) Kiljed May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Trans, from Co. G, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans, as Corp. Mch. 26, '64. Trans, from Co. G, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Des. Sep. 29, '62. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. [Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Feb. 14, '64. Disc. July 15, '65. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. Trans, to 156th Cap'd May 3, '63, Channellorhville, Va. Par. May 15, '63. Trans, to Co. H, 1st Regt. V. R. C. Dec. 8, '63. Disc. July 14, '65. Trans, from Co D, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans, as Corp. Mch. 26, '64. Trans, from rendezvous at New Haven, Ct.,to Co. Oct. 5/64. Des. en route. M. o. June 13, '65. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Disc. dis. Jan. 30, '65. (See Priv. Co. A, 13th C. V.) Disc. dis. Apr. 15, '63. Trans, from rendezvous at New Haven, Ct.,to Co. Oct. 5/64. Des. en route Trans, to Co. F, 5th C. V. June 14, '65. Disc. dis. Aug. 6, '63. [Par. Apr. 2, '65. Disc. June 12, '65 Wd. May 19, '64, Cassville, Ga. Cap'd Mch. 25, '65, Goldsboro, N. C Trans, to Co. F, 5th C. V. June 14, '65. Disc. dis. Nov. 24, '63. Trans, from rendezvous at New Haven, Ct.,to Co. Oct. 5/64. Des. en route. * Substitutes and drafted. 2 10 TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enlistment. Date of Muster in this organ ization. Remarks. Latham, Joel E. Latham, William E. Leonard, Thomas Letesch, Frederick W Lynde, Joseph S. Mann, William McCane, Thomas Murray, George D. Murnann, Timothy Nelson, Arthur . Nelson, Thomas O'Brien, Thomas Parker, Horace P. Pardee, Noyes D. Porter, Chauncey Jr. Purple, Levi W. Purple, Edmund C. Quinn. Patrick Rich, Charles E. Riley, James Rockwell, Asahel Rodman, William Roehner, William H. Rogers, William Russell, George Ryan, Nicholas S. Scranton, John H. Simon, Anton *Smith, John Starkey, Charles Jr. Stebbins, William W. *Sullivan, Michael Sweeney, Terreuce Tenison. David Tripp, Henry G. * Warner, George Watkins, Hiram B. Weildon, Watson Wells, Uriah T. Wellman, Samuel ..Wingestman, John Wenger, John *White, Mortimer Wilder, James H. *Wilson, John Young, John A. Marlborough,Marlborough, East Haddam, Granby,Chester, WindsorL'cks, Hartford, Westport,Naugatuck, Scotland, Greenwich, Madison, Essex, Derby, WindsorL'cks,East Haddam, Bast Haddam, WindsorL'cks, Glastonbury,Greenwich, Willington, East Haddam. East Windsor, Westport, Westerly.R.L, WindsorL'cks, Plainfleld, WestHartford, Norwich, Essex,Glastonbury, Norwich,Hartford, Greenwich, Hartford,Woodbury, Hartford, Hartford, WestHartford, Hartford,New Haven, Vernon,Norwich,Hartford, New Milford, Middletown, Aug.19,'62Aug, 18/62 July 24/62 July 19/61 Aug.12,'62Aug.12,'62 Aug.21/62 Sep. Sep. Sep. ,'62,'62,'62 Aug. 8, July 15, Aug. 9, Sep! 7, Sep. 7, July 28, July 22, July 22, Aug. 4, Aug. 4, Aug.20,Dec. 1, Sep. 7, Aug. 14, Aug. 1, Aug. 6, Aug.10, June21, Aug 23. June21, Aug.29Sep. 1 Aug. 4 Aug. 8, Sep. 1, Aug.20 Jan. 7, Aug. 18, Aug 25, Aug.23. Aug. 15. Aug. 11 Aug. 19, July 22, Aug.15, '64'61 '64'64 '64 '62'61'62 62 '63'63'63'64'63 62 '62 6461 6261 '63 '64'62'63 64 '62 6562 64 62 63 '62 '62 61 '62 Sep. 8, Sep." 8, Sep. 8, '64. Aug. 8/64 Aug. 9, Sep. 7, Sep. 7, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Dec. 1, Sep. 7, Sep. 8, Sep. 8. Sep. 8, Aug.10, Sep. 8/63 Sep. 8, Sep. 1. Sep. 8! Aug. 8, Sep. 1, Sep. 8, Jan. 7, Sep. 8, Aug.25, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8/62 M. o. June 13, '65. Cap'd Mch. 24, '65, Goldsboro, N. C. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from Co. G, 5th C. V. Jan. 11 Disc. dis. Mch. 23, '63. Disc. May 19, '65. Wd. and cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. to Co. E, 19th Regt. V. R. C. Aug. 24, '63. Trans, from rendezvous at New Haven, Ct., Oct. Trans, from Co. I),5th.C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Trans, from rendezvous at New Haven, Ct Trans, from rendezvous at New Haven, Ct. Trans, from rendezvous at New Haven, Ct Disc. dis. Aug. 12, '63. Trans, from Co. D, 5th C. V. Jan. 11 M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. Mch, 16, '65, Silver Run, N. C. M. o. Judk 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. (SeeTriv. Co. H, 25th C. V.) Trans Trans, from rendezvous at New Haven M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. Dec. 1, '62, Stafford Court House, Va, Disc. dis. Apr M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from rendezvous at New Haven, Ct., Oct. 5, '64. Des Par. Apr. 2, '65. Disc. June 12, '65. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Par. May 15, '63. Trans. Disc. July 13, '65: 5, '64. Des. en route. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Oct. 5, '64. Des. en route. , Oct. 5, '64. Des. en route. , Oct. 5, '64 Des. en route.[26. '64. Re-trans, as 1st Sergt. Mch*. '64. Disc. June 23, '65. to Co. F, 5th C. V. June 14, '65. Ct, Oct. 5, '64. Des. en route. Trans, from Co. G, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, Cap'd Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Trans, from Co. G, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, trans, as Muse. Mch. 26, '64. Cap'd May 3/63, Chancellorsville, Va. 15, '63. en route. Sep. 1/64 Aug.20,'62 Aug.22,'64 JunelO/64 Sep. 1, Sep. 8, Aug. 22, JunelO, 64. Re-trans, as Sergt. Mch 26, '64. Par. Apr. 2, '65. Disc. June 12, '65. '64. Re-en. Vet. Mch. 21, '64. - Re- Par. May 15/63. M. o. June 13/65. Trans, from rendezvous at New Haven, Ct., Oct. 5, '64. Des. en route Wd. July 20, '64. Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Disc. dis. Feb. 1, '05. Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Trans, to Co. F, 5th C. V. June 14, '65. Trans, from rendezvous at New Haven, Ct., Oct. 5, '64. Des. en route M, o. June 13, '65. Trans, to Co. F. 5th C. V. June 14, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from rendezvous at New Haven, Ct., Oct. 5, '64. Des. en route Died Nov. 9, '62. (See Priv. Rifle Co. D, 2d C. V.) Disc. dis. Oct. 2, '62 Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 15, '63. Wd July 20 M. o. June 13, '65. ['64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Died July 21 '64' Trans, from Co. D, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch 26 '64 Cap'd May 3, '63. Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 15. '63. Trans, to 75th Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Oct. 14. '63. Disc. June 20, '65. Trans, from rendezvous at New Haven, Ct., Oct. 5 '64 Des en route Disc. dis. Feb. 9, '63. Trans, from rendezvous at New Haven, Ct., Oct. 5, '64. Des. en route lrans. from rendezvous at New Haven, Ct., Oct. 5, '64. Des. en route. Company D. Name and Rank. Residence. Captains. Frederick A. Parker, Oliver R. Post, Henry R. Billings, 1st Lieutenants. Henry S. Cadwell, Elkanah Doolittle, 2d Lieutenants. Archibald Campbell. William W. Spencer, 1st Sergeants. Henry S. Geer, James M. Stancliff, Portland, Hartford,Hartford, Portland, Cheshire, Portland, Cheshire, Cromwell, Portland, Date of Enlistment. Date of . Muster in thiB organ ization. July 31/62 July 11/62 Aug.21/62 Aug. 5/62 Aug.15,'62 July 29/62 July 29/62 Aug.12/62 Aug. 4/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep.Sep. 8/62 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Remarks. ' Substitutes and drafted. Resgd. May 29, '63. Pro. from 2d Lt. Co. A, Aug. 6, '63. Disc. Jan. 13, '64. Disc. Apr. 17, '63. Pro. from Sergt. Co. A, June 6, '63; 1st Lt. Co. B, Apr. 21, '64. Died Jan. 17, '63. Must. Sergt. Pro. Jan. 18, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. 11 Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enlistment. Date of Muster in this organ ization. Remarks. Sergeants. Barry, Wellington Fowler, Wedsworth Gaston, Samuel N. Goodrich, P. Henry Hall, John Read, JosephCorporals. Bailey, Rufus H. Boies, Charles E. Bonfrey, Watson E. Clark, Russel P. Cornwall, Henry A. Fowler, Wadsworth Gibson, Charles H. Gladwin, Rovirah J. May, Richard E. Mintie, James H. Mitchell, Alonzo H. Strickland, George Tibbals, Halsey J. Musicians. Clark, Stephen W. Spencer, Samuel T. Winchester, Frank M Wagoner. Hartman, Charles Privates. Abbey, Charles P. Ackley, Elijah Allison, James A. Bailey, Herbert A. Bailey, Morris S. Bailey, Wolcott Bailey, Frederick T. Bailey, Samuel R. Balfe, William Bell, Grove L. Black, Edwin J. Bolster, Horatio H. Brainard, John O. Brooks, Lewis Brooks, Charles W. Buck, Elisha A. Cane, John Canniff , James H. Chapman, Owen Clark, John W. Craw, George F. *Collins, Martin *Coleman, John Corbett, Michael *Corcoran, William Cotter, Patrick Dailey, Francis *Danosa, Augustine Darwin, John Dean, Thomas DeBank, William DeMay, Heman *Devine, John *Dolan, James *Donahue, William Dooley, James Downing, John *Dority, Charles Edwards, Samuel H. Ellsworth, John M. Fawthorp; Joseph Fletcher, George Foley, John Foster, William Foster, Francis R. Francis, William H. Haddam,Portland, Portland,Portland, Portland,Portland, Portland,Portland, Haddam, Durham, Portland,Portland, Portland, Haddam, Haddam, Waterbury, Portland, Portland, Portland, Haddam, Haddam, Manchester, Cromwell, Portland, Portland, Portland, Haddam, Haddam, Haddam, Haddam,Haddam,Waterbury, Portland, Cromwell, Waterbury, Haddam,Haddam, Haddam, Waterbury, Portland, Cromwell, Portland, Haddam,Portland,Winchester, Goshen,Portland,New Milford, Portland, Portland, Watertown, Waterbury, Portland, Portland, Portland, East Windsor, Torrington, Norwich, Portland, Portland, Ledyard, Portland, Portland,Cromwell,Portland,Middletown, Portland,Guilford, Portland, Aug.13,'62 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 9/62 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 9/62 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 4/62 Aug.13,'62 Aug. 8/62 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 4/62 Aug.14,'62 Aug.13,'62 July 15/61 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 6/62 Aug. 5/62 Aug.19,'62 Aug.19,'62 June21/61 Aug. 16/62 Aug. 4/62 Aug.15,'62 Aug. 7/62 Aug. 8/62 Aug.11,'62 Aug.11,'62 Aug.11,'62 Aug.22,'62 July 5/61 Aug. 4/62 Aug.13,'62 July 11/61 Aug 11/62 Aug.25,'62Aug.22,'62July 22/61 Aug.11,'62Aug.13,'62 Aug.23,'62Aug.19,'62 Aug. 7/62 Aug.24/64 Aug. 25/64 Aug.21/62 Aug. 26/64 Aug. 8/62 Aug.13,'62Aug.25. '63 " ily 9,'6l Ju Aug.21, '62 _ug. 9, '62 Aug.15,'62 Aug. 24/63 ' ig. 20/64 1 "" Au Sep; Aug. 11, ''62 Aug, Sep Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep. 8/628/628/628/628/62 8/62 8/628/628/62 8/62 8/628/628/62 8/628/62 4/62 , . 1/64 Aug.11,'62Aug.12,'62 Aug.14,'62 Aug.11,'62 Aug.11,'62 Aug. 8/62 Jan. 5/64 Aug.22,'62 Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep. 8/628/62 8/62 8/628/62 Pro. 1st Lt. Co. F, Dec. 17, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. [Died June 21, '63. Must. Corp. Pro. Jan. 18, '63. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Must. Corp. Pro. Sep. 1, '63. Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Disc. June 10, '65. [13, '65. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. M. o. June Must. Corp. Pro. Dec. 31, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. [M. o. June 13, '65. (See Priv. Co. A, 2d C. V.) Rede, to ranks at own request Oct. 15, '62. Must. Priv. Pro. Oct. 28, '62. Disc. June 17, '65. Rede, to ranks (sick) Oct. 15, '62. Trans, to 159th Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Feb. 17, '64. Disc. July 5, '65. Must. Priv. Pro. Sep. 1, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. Must. Priv. Pro. Oct. 28, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. Rede, to ranks at own request Oct. 15, '62. M. o. June 13, '65. Must. Priv. Pro. Oct. 28, '62. Wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Disc. dis. Jan. 28, '64. [Disc. dis. May 11, '65. Must. Priv. Pro. Oct. 28, '62. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Must. Priv. Pro. Jan. 18, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from Co. D, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Must. Priv. Pro. Apr. 21, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Rede, to ranks Oct 15, '62. M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. Mav 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Trans, to Co. G, 18th Regt. V. R". C. May 6, '64. Disc. June 29, '65. Disc. dis. Apr. 15, '63. Died Dec. 7, '62. Trans, from Co. D, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Sep. 8/62 Disc, dis Dec. 9, '62. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep. .'62 '62'62'62 '62'63 '62 '62 Sep.Sep. 8/62. 8/62 Sep.Sep. Sep. 8/638/63 8/63 Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep.Aug.Aug.Sep Aug Sep.Sep. Aug. Sep. Sep. Sep. Aug. Aug. Sep.Sep.Sep. Sep.Sep.Sep. Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep. Jan. Sep. ,'62 '63 ,'62 '63 '64 ,'64,'63 '63'64 '63'63'62'62'62 '62 '64 '62 Disc. May 23, '65. Disc. June 26, '65. Disc. June 10, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. W.l. Mch. 16, '65, Fayetteville, N. C. Disc. May 29, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Des. Dec. 15, '62. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from Co. D, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Died Dec. 4, '63. M. o. June 13. '65. Trans, from Co. D, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Des. Dec. 15, '62. Des. Feb. 11, '63. Died Feb. 18, '63. Trans, from Co. D, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Des. Sep. 27, '64. Des. Dec. 21, '62. Died Feb. 17, '63. Disc. May 27, '65. Trans, to 116th Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C Trans, from rendezvous, New Haven Trans, from rendezvous, New Haven, Ct., to Co. Oct. 5, '64. Des. en route. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from rendezvous, New Haven, Ct. , to Co. Oct. 5, Cap'd Mch. 24, '65, Goldsboro, N. C. Par. Apr. 2, '65. Wd. May 15, '64, Resaca, Ga. M. o. June 13, '65. Died Jan. 7, '64. Trans, from Co. D, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Wd. May 15, '64, Resaca, Ga. M. o. June 13, '65. [Jan. 30, '64. Wd. and cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. Died Killed May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. * Des. Sep. 29, '63. Trans, from rendezvous, New Haven, Ct., to Co. Oct. 5, '64. Des. en route. Trans, from rendezvous, New Haven, Ct., to Co. Oct. 5, '64. Des. en route Trans, to 21st Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Aug. 10, '63. Disc. July 19, '65. Wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Disc, dis May 13, '64. Trans, from rendezvous, New Haven, Ct. , to Co. Oct. 5, '64. Des. en route M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Disc. dis. July 17, '65. Disc. dis. Feb. 16, '63. Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Died Nov. 25, '62. Des. Nov. 30, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Dec. 10, '63. Disc. July 17, '65. Ct., to Co. Oct. 5, '64. Des. en route. 64. Des. en route. Disc June 12, '65. * Substitutes and drafted. 12 TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enlistment. Date of Muster in this organ ization. Remarks. Francis, Thomas Freeman, Albert L. Graham, Daniel W. Gosman, John *Harrington, Timothy Hellenthul, Philip Higbee, Charles C. *Hill, John *Hogan, James *Howard, George Hubbard, Andrew J. Hubbard, Charles T. Hubbard, Jeremiah *Huebner, William *Hurson, Charles P. Hurlbut, Francis B. *Jones, Charles * Jones, Henry Judd, William H. Kelsey, Frederick Keirans, Patrick Killien, James Knoblock, Charles *Lee, John 0. Lyman, Charles A. Markham, Edgar D. *Mara, Phillip H. McDonald, John *McGrath, James McKinley, Robert McNabo, Johnny *Morse, James *Morris, Patrick *Mullen, John *0'Brien, William Palmer, George H. Pelton, Edward F. Penfleld, Charles T. *Peters, James H. Piatt, Zenas Potter, Samuel Quamby, Thomas Quinn, Timothy Ray, Matthias H. Richards, Jarvis M. Robinson, Horace T. Sage, Benjarpin F. Sage, Orrin B. Sage, George H. Salisbury, Samuel Salisbury, Henry G. *Sandford, John Scanlin, Patrick Shepard, George A. Shipmaker, George B. Smith, William F. A. Smith, Joel Somerset, Thomas Spencer, Charles D. Southerton, Joseph W. Spencer, Selden H. Stocking, Joseph A. Taylor, Samuel F. Wilco'k, Charles G. Wilder, Albert A. Winkel, Frederick Portland, Haddam, Portland, Portland, Bridgewater, Cromwell, Meriden, Killingly,Norwich, Canaan, Haddam, Cromwell,Cromwell,East Windsor, Goshen, Portland, Killingly, Torrington, Waterbury, Portland,Portland, Southington,Cromwell,Ridgefleld,Cromwell, Portland, Darien, Middletown, Salem, Portland, . Hartford, Danbury,Norwich, Torrington, Wilton, Cromwell, Portland, Cromwell, Plymouth, Middletown, Portland, Portland, Waterbury,Waterbury, Haddam, Portland,Portland, Cromwell, Cromwell,Chatham, Portland,Norwich, Portland, Portland, Cromwell,Cromwell, East Haddam, Portland, Haddam, New Haven, Haddam, Portland, Portland,Cromwell, Portland, Cromwell, Aug.20, Aug. 13, Aug. 5, Aug. 12, Aug.24,Aug. 14, July 15, Aug.25, Aug.15, Aug.24, Aug. 11, Aug. 14, Aug.13, Aug.25, Aug.25, Aug. 5, Aug.25, Aug.24,June21,Aug. 12, Aug.15, July 11. Aug.13. Aug.24, Aug. 14, Aug. 17, Aug. 26, Aug. 11, Aug. 30, Aug.15, July 6, Aug.22, Aug. 30, Aug.24, Aug.25, Aug.13,Aug.15. Aug.12, Aug.21,Aug.26, Aug. 8, July 22. July 20, Aug. 11, Aug. 5, Aug 4, Aug. 11, Aug.ll, Aug.15,Aug.13, Sep. 1, Aug.15, Aug.ll,Aug.12, Aug.ll, Aug. 7, Aug.15, Aug.25, July 6, Aug.13, Aug.12, Aug.13, Aug.12,Aug.13, Aug.12, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Aug 24, Sep. 8, Aug.25,Aug.15,Aug.24, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8. Aug.25, Aug.25, Sep. 8, Aug.25, Aug.24, Sep. Sep. Sep. 8, Aug.24, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Aug.26, Sep. 8, Aug. 30, Sep. 8, Aug.22, Aug.30,Aug.24,Aug.25, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Aug.24,Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep.Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep. 1, Sep. 8, Sep. 8. Sep. 8. Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8. i/621/621/62 ;,'62;,'62:,'62 ,'62 616202 6262 626263 Sep.Sep.Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep. ,'62,'62 .'62,'63 ,'62 '63 , to Co. Oct. 5, '64. Des. en route. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Des. en route. Des. en route. '62 Killed May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. 62 M. o. June 13, '65. 62 M. o. June 13, '65. 62 Killed Mch. 16, '65, Averysboro, N. C. 64 Trans, from rendezvous, New Haven, Ct., '62 Died Oct. 27, '62. Trans, from Co. D, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Died Mch. 18, '64. Trans, from rendezvous, New Haven, Ct., to Co. Oct. 5, '64. Trans, from rendezvous, New Haven, Ct., to Co. Oct. 5, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Accidentally wd. Aug. 16, '63, New Haven, Conn. Trans, to 41st Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Dec. 19, '63. Re-trans. Oct, 25, '64. Disc. July5, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Des. Sep. 29, '63. Trans, from rendezvous, New Haven, Ct., to Co. Oct. 5, '64. Des. en route. Des: Apr. 10, '63. Des. Sep. 16, '63. Trans, from rendezvous, New Haven, Ct., to Co. Oct. 5, '64. Des en route. Trans, from Co. D, 5th C.jV. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans, as Sergt. Mch. 26, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from Co. D, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Trans, to 47th Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Aug. 15, '63. Disc. July 1, '65. Trans, from rendezvous, New Haven, Ct. ; to Co. Oct. 5, '64. Des. en route. Des. Dec. 19, '62. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from rendezvous, New Haven, Ct. . M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from rendezvous, New Haven, Ct., to Co. Oct. 5, '64. Des. en route. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville. Va. Trans, to 159th Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Feb. 17, '64. Disc. July 5, '65. Trans, from Co. D, 5th C V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans, as Corp. Mch. 26, '64. Trans, from rendezvous, New Haven, Ct., to Co. Oct. 5, '64. Des. en route. Trans, from rendezvous, New Haven, Ct., to Co. Oct. 5, '64. Trans, from rendezvous, New Haven, Ct., to Co Oct. 5, '64. Trans, from rendezvous, New Haven, Ct., to Co. Oct. 5,' '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Killed July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from rendezvous, New Haven, Ct., to Co. Oct 5 '64 Died Jan. 4, '64. Killed May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Disc. dis. Aug. 27, '63. Trans, from Co. D, 5th C. V. Jan. 11 '64 Trans, from Co. D, 5th C. V. Jan. ll' '64 Disc. dis. Feb. 3, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. June 10, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Died Apr. 9, '65. Cap'd Aug. 27, '64, Turner's Ford, Ga June 20, '65. DiedSMchm3re'65eZV°US' ^eW Haven' Ct" to Co- 0ct- 5> '64- Des- en route- Trans, to Gen. Hosp. June 17, '63. N. f r A G O Wd. May 3, '63. Chancellorsville, Va. Died May 23,' '63 M. o. June 13, '65. Died Mch. 18, '64. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga Disc. dis. Mch. '" Trans, from Co. D M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. MdoAJune2l73, '645 .TUrner'S ^ Ga" Died Se*>' *• '64- M. o. June 13, '65. to Co. Oct. 5, '64. Des. en route. Des. en route. Des. en route. Des. en route. Des. en route. Re-trans. Mch. 26, Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. '64. Par. Mch. 9, '65. Disc. dis. dis. Mch. 16, '63. (See Priv. Co. G, 1st C V H " A 1 5th C. V.Jan. 11,'64. "-"*-¦' M. o. June 13, '65. C. V. H. A.) Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. * Substitutes and drafted. TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. 13 Company E. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enlistment. Date of Muster in this organ ization. Remarks. Captains. Samuel S. Woodruff, James Foley, 1st Lieutenants. Andrew Upson, Arthur Boardman, 2d Lieutenants. Henry Lewis, Wm. H. H. Johnson, 1st Sergeants. Charles H. Smith, Andrew F. Barnes, Edwin N. Stannard, Francis H. Smith, Sergeants. Grannis, Hial Hitchcock, Joseph R. Hotchkiss, Charles A. Corporals. Atwater, James A. Atwood, Elnathan Frisbie, Martin W. Gleason, Henry B. Hart, David W. Neltleton, Elliott W. Perkins, Merwin H. Slate, William H. Smith, Martin H. Tolles, Francis W. Twitchell, James C. Musicians. Bishop, Luther Usher, Robert C. Wagoner. Houston, Hiram P. Privates. Adkins, Warren H. Ailing, James E. Ames, William L. Allakeskey, Theo. J. Andrews, Charles W. *Anderson, James *Atwood, Charles W. * Austin, Charles Bagley, Charles R. Bailey, Samuel M. Bailey, James B. Baker, Henry Beers, William E. Bishop, Henry Bishop, Charles M. Blakesley, Charles L. Booth, Frederick J. Brady, James Bunnell, Henry M. Byington, Robert *Byrnes, James Cadwell, Frank L. Cadwell, Walter E. Clarke, Henry Clarke, Henry C. Cock, George W. Southington, Derby, Southington,Hartford, Southington,New Haven, Orange,Southington,Southington* Farmington, Southington,Southington,Southington, Southington, Southington, Southington,Southington, Southington,Orange, Southington,Southington, Southington,Southington,Southington, Southington, Farmington,Southington, Southington,Orange,Southington, Danbury, Southington,Plymouth, Windham, Cheshire,Southington,Southington, Waterbury, Southington, Bridgeport,Southington, Southington, Southington,Stratford,Southington, Southington,Farmington,Canterbury, Southington, Farmington, Farmington, Farmington, Glen Cove, L.I. July 21/62 Aug.15,'62 July 21/62 Aug.11,'62 July 21/62 Aug.21,'62 Aug.26,'62 Aug.11,'62 Aug.15,'62Aug.14,'62 Aug.13,'62 Aug. 6/62 Aug. 8/62 Aug. 7/62 Aug.13,'62 Aug. 8/62 Aug.15,'62Aug.22,'62Aug.12,'62Aug.19,'62 Aug.13,'62 Aug.11,'62 Aug.14,'62 Aug.19,'62 Aug.12,'62 Aug.14,'62 Aug.12,'62 Aug.18,'62 Aug.14,'62 Aug. 7/62 July 13/61 Aug. 9/62 Aug.27,'63 Aug.27,'63 July 25/63 Aug. 8/62 Aug.12,'62 Aug.14,'62 Aug. 6/62 June21,'61 Aug. 6/62 Aug. 8/62 Aug.11,'62 July 9/61 Aug.11,'62Aug.14,'62 Aug.15,'62Aug.27,'63Aug. 8/62 Aug.12,'62 Aug.14,'62Aug. 5/62 June21,'61 Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep. 3/623/62 8/623/62 8/628/628/62 Disc. dis. Aug. 28, '64. (See 1st Sergt. Co D, 2d C. V.) Pro. from 2d Lt. Co. B, to 1st Lt. Oct. 23, '63; Capt. Nov. 2, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. [Co. K, Oct. 23, '63. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. Pro. Capt. Pro. from 2d Lt. Co. B, Jan. 22, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Sep. 8/62 Sep.Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep. ,'62 ,'62,'62 8/628/628/62 8/628/62 8/628/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep.Se)i.Sep. Sep. Sep. 8/628/62 8/628/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8, Sep. 8. Sep. 8. Sep. 8, Aug.27, Aug.27, July 25, Sep. 8. Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, '62 Sep. 8, '62 Sep. 8, '62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug, 27/63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Pro. 1st Lt. Co. K, Feb. 14, '64. Pro. from Prin. Muse. Mch. 27, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. Mch. 16, '65, Averysboro, N. C. Killed May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Must. Sergt. Pro. 1st Sergt. May 3, '63; 2d Lt. Co. I, Mch. 17, '64. Must. Sergt. Pro. 1st Sergt. Mch. 17, '64. Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Benton ville, N. C. Died Mch. 29, '65. Must. Sergt. Pro 1st Sergt. Mch. 29, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Died Jan. 24, '65. Must Priv. Pro. Sergt. Oct. 31, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. Must. Corp. Pro. Mch. 17, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14/63. M. o. June 13/65. Wd. Aug. 15, '64, Atlanta, Ga. Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. M. o. June 13, '65. [Disc. dis. June 28, '65. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. M. o. June 13, '65. Must. Priv. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va Pro. Oct. 31, '63. Wd. May 15, '64, Resaca, Ga. Died May 22, '64. (See Corp. Co. E, 1st C. V. H. A.) Killed Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Must. Priv. Pro. June 1, '64. Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Disc. dis. June 28, '65. (See Priv. Rifle Co. D, 2d C. V.) Wd. May 15, '64, Resaca, Ga. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. M. o. June 13, '65. Must. Priv. Pro. Mch. 19, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Must. Priv. Pro. June 1, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. May 3. '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Trans, to Co. F, 3d Regt. V. R. C. July 20, '63. Pro. Sergt. Dec. 1, '63; 1st Sergt. Feb. 29, '64. Disc. July 6, '65. Disc. dis. Mch. 16, '63. (See Priv. 1st C. V. Light Batty.) Ap. Sergt.-Maj. Sep. 2, '63. Disc. dis. Apr. 9, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from Co. A, 5th 0. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Died Dec. 21, '62. Des. Oct. 2, '63. [17, '65. fSee Priv. Co. K, 5th C. V.) Wd. Aug. 21, '64, Atlanta, Ga. Disc. July Des. Sep. 27, '63. Wd.JYTay 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Disc. dis. Aug. 10, '65. Wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Killed May 3. '63, Chancellorsville, Va. [M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from Co. A, 5th C. V Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans, as Sergt. Mch. 26, '64. Wd. May 3. '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Trans, to 21st Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C.. M. o. June 13, '65. [Aug. 10, '63. Disc. July 19, '65. M. o. June 13. '65. Trans, from Co. A, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans, as Sergt. Mch'. 26/64. Des. Mch. 28, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Dec. 10, '62. Trans, to Co. A, 5th C. V. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Jan. 30, '63. (See Priv. Co. G, 1st C. V. H. A.) [Junel, '65. (See Priv. Co. G, 1st C. V.) Wd. Aug. 14, '64, Atlanta, Ga. Disc. dis. Disc. dis. Jan. 25, '64. Cap'd Apr. 29, '63, Kelly's Ford, Va. Par. May 5, '63. M. o. June 13 '65 Trans, from Co. A, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. * Substitutes and drafted. 14 TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Name and Rake. Residence. Date of Enlistment. Date of Muster in this organ ization. Remarks. Coe, Henry Comstock, David O. Cowles, Randolph W. Curtiss, Henry B. Frisbie, Elbert S. Gifford, Alenza T. Goonan, Joseph Grannis, Hial S. Green, George H. Griffin, John B. Griffin, George N. Hammick, James W. Higgins, Stephen J. Hitchcock, Augustus Hitchcock, Lewis Hitchcock, Charles A Hitchcock, Henry A. Hough, Alonzo *Hurd, Albert H. Johnson, John B. *.Iohnson, Charles Johnson, James V. Johnson, Charles H. Jones, Charles B. Jones, George S. Jones, Edward F. Judd, Harrison S. Keeler, Oscar H. *Kennedy, John Keyes, Daniel A. Larkin, Dennis Lee, Richard H. Lewis, Otis G. Lewis, Dwight H. Lewis, Fransel C. O. Limbert, John Loveland, William Lowry, Henry M. Manning, Henry Matthews, Henry P. Mills, David B. Morehouse, Luther M. Morse, Francis B. Newell, Philemon W. Norton, Luzerne T. Odell, Daniel Patch, William H. Peck, Allen L. Pratt, Sidney Ritchie, William J/ Richardson, James', Roberts, Charles A' Slate, James D. Smith, Edmund P. Smith, Frederick A. Smith, George E. Smith, Hubert E. Spence, William L. Squires, Benjamin F. Stevens, Samuel H. Sutliff, Charles A. Tilley, Charles S. Thorp, Eli Tucker, Horatio N. Tucker, George E. Upson, Charles B. Upson, Edgar Upson, William R. Welsh, Thomas M. *Wharton, Charles Wiard, George S. Wiard, William Wightman, William E Ridgefield,Bethel, Southington, Trumbull,Southington, Southington, Southington, Southington,Southington, Southington, Southington, Southington,Southington, Farmington, Farmington, Southington, Southington, Southington, Manchester, Glen Cove, L.I Berlin, Southington, Southington, Southington, Southington, Southington,Southington,Ridgefield, KiUingworth, Norfolk, Hartford,Southington, Stratford,Southington, Southington,Farmington, Berlin. Farmington,Glen Cove, L.I. Southington,Bethel,Bridgeport, Farmington,Southington,Southington, Danbury, Danbury, Southington, Hartford, Berlin, Southington, Southington, Southington, Southington, Southington,Southington,Southington, Farmington, Redding, Southington,SouthiDgton, Glen Cove. L.I. Soulhington,Southington,Southington, Southington,Southington, Soulhington, Stamford, Guilford, Wolcott, Wolcott,Southington, July 13, July 9, Aug. 8 June21 Aug. 8. Aug.13, Aug 15, Aug. 9, Aug. 2, Aug.15, Sep. 5, Aug.12Aug. 7 Aug.12 Aug.13, Aug.20, Sep. 9, Aug. 6 Aug.27June21 Aug.26, Aug. 14 Sep. 8 Aug. 8 Sep. 8 Aug. 8, Aug.16, June21, Aug. 1, June21. June21,Aug.14,June21,Aug.ll,Aug. 14, Ang 15 Aug.15, Aug.15, June21 July 22! June21, June21, Aug.13. Aug.15 Aug.15June21 June21 Aug. 6 Aug.22 June21, Aug. 2. Aug. 8t Aug.15,Aug. 8, Aug.15,Sep 10, Aug. 18, Aug.12. July 9, July 30, Aug. 7, June21,Aug. 5, Aug.15, Aug. 9. Aug. 7 Aug 11 Aug.13 June 28 Aug. 1 Aug.15 Aug.15 Aug. 4. '61 .'61 '62 '61 '62 '62 '62 '62 '62 '62 '62 6262 '62 '62'62 '62 '62 '6a '61 ,'63 '62 ,'62 '63 ,'63 '63 '63 '61 '63'61 '61 '63 '61 '62 '62 '62 ,'62,'62,'61.'62 ,'61,'61 '62 .'62,'62 '61 '61'62'62'61 ,'62,'62 ,'62,'62 ,'62 .'63 ,'62 ,'63 '61 '62 '63 '61'63'62'63 ,'62 '62 '62'61 '63 '62'62 Sep. 8/62 Re-trans. Mch. 26, Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. '64. Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep. Sep. Aug 8/628/628/628/62 8/628/62 8/628/628/62 8/628/62 8/629/628/62 27/63 M. o. June 13, '65. AugSep.Sep. Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep. '.26 '63'62 '62 8/62 8/628/62 8/62 Aug. 1/63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. Sep.Sep.Sep. Sep. 8/628/628/628/62 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep.Sep. Sep. ,'62,'62,'62 Trans, from Co. A, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Trans, from Co. A, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from Co. A, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64 Disc. dis. Jan. 7, '64. Disc. dis. Feb. 19, '63. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va M. 0. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Mch. 27, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va Disc. dis. Oct. 9, '63. Trans, to Co. F, 3d Regt. V. R. C. July 20, '63. Wd. and cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Wd. July 21, '64, Atlanta, Ga. M. 0. June 13, '63. '63. Par. May 14, [Oct. 13, 63. Disc. '63. dis. Disc. July 6, '65. Par. May 14, '63. Died 65. [Feb. 29, '64. Disc. dis. Nov. 2, Disc. dis. Jan. 30, Disc. July 11, '65. Des. July 27, '64. Trans, from Co. A, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans, as Corp. Mch. 26, '64, Trans, to Co. A, 5th C. V. June 13, '65. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. M. o. June 13, '65. M. 0. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Mch. 3, '63. Disc. dis. Apr. 25, '65. Disc. dis. Aug. 27, '63. Disc. dis. Jan. 2, '64. Trans, from Co. A, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64 Des. Sep. 28, '63. Trans, from Co. A, 5th C. V. Jan. 11/64. Trans, from Co. A, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. M. o. June. 13, '65. Re trans, as Co'rp. Mch. 26, '64. Re-trans, as Corp. Mch. 26, '64. Disc. dis. Jan. 1, '65. Sep. Sep. 8/628/62 Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep. 8/62 8/62 8/62 8/628/63 10/62 8. '62 8/62 Sep. Sep. 8/62 8/62 Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep. Aug. Sep.Sep. '62 Sep. 8/62 8/628. '62 8/628/628/62 1/638/638/638/62 Trans, from Co. A, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26 '64 M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Feb. 21, '63. Disc. dis. Feb. 18, '63. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Trans, to Co. I, 19th Regt. V. R. C. Mch. 25, '64. Disc. July 24 '65 Trans, from Co. A, 5th C. V Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch 26 '64 Disc. dis. Apr. 8, '65. Trans, from Co. A, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans, as Corp. Mch. 26, '64 Trans from Co. A, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans, as Sergt. Mch. 26 '64 Died Nov. 23, '62. b ' Trans to Co. B, 4th Regt. V. R. C. Sep. 27, '64. Disc. July 17, '65 Killed May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Trans, from Co. A, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans, as Sergt. Mch. 26 '64 Trans from Co. A, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch 26, '64 Cap dMay 3/63, Chancellorsville, Va Par Disc. May 12, '65. 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. . May 14/63. Died Aug. 21/63. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. V. R. C. Feb. 15, '64. Disc. July 17, '65. Trans, frbm Co. A Died Nov. 10, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. June 8, '63. f Trans, to 116th Co. 2d Batt Died Dec. 21, '62. Died Mch. 19, '63. ,,„_ Cap'd May 3, '63 Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14 '63 Disc Mav 19 SLTdfsTut^'l!1 °- ^ Jan' "' '64- ^-t/ans/Mcii. £"*!** * M. o. June 13, '65. iK^^yyyyyM^^^%^M^ M. o. June 13,' '65. SisTd£ SchF2f d'6R3egL V- ^ °- Jn* 13' '63' Dbc July 6 '65. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville Va Wd T„lv R T^'n^T 23' 'F Trans, from Co. A. 5th C. V. Jan. 11 '64 Re-trans' MchWu1'*' **' Trans, to Co. A, 5th C. V. June 13 '65 ' 6' 64' Trans, to 63d Co. 2d Batt. V R c'or-t 9 '«q n.v a- -^ , . Trans, to Co. E, 9th Regt V R C Sen 1 w A- ' ^ Ff?' *¦ 65' Cap'd May 3, '63, Chanel 1 orsv He Va Va'r Mav^'fi^ 28' 65' Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Sep. 14, '64. Disc^ly^, '65. Tra"S- t8 159th * Substitutes and drafted. TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. 15 Company F. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enlistment. Date of Muster in this organ ization. Remarks. Captains. Henry C. Pardee, Horace G. H. Tarr, 1st Lieutenants. Thomas B. Kirby, Wellington Barry, 2d Lieutenants. David R. Brown, David N. Griffiths, Ebenezer B. Fenton, 1st Sergeants. Theodore Hawley, Thomas Harman, *John Hanley, Sergeants. Buskirk, George V. Case, James C. Dunn, John Friedrich, Louis Manley, Henry T. Shepard, Charles Taft, Edwin F. Tomlinson, Isaac C. Traster, John Corporals. Alldis, Frederick G. Baker, Isaac T. Benedict, Henry W. Byrne, John Candee, Charles A. Cassidy, Edward H. Delport, James Dick, Charles L. Harris, George F. Harrison, John Jones, David W. Lohman, E. Aug. C. Lyle, James Maloney, Michael J. Nichols, George D. Roberts, Charles H. Sherman, George H. Taft, Timothy F. J. Wheeler, George E. Whillock, Frederick Musicians. Ives, William L. Lockwood, John T. Wagoners. Cooley, Albert J. Dayton, Charles W. Piatt, Orlando N. Privates. Anbury, Thomas *Barrett, James Beach, Robert C. New Haven, Hartford, New Haven, Haddam, New Haven, Derby, Hartford, New Haven, New Haven, East Hartford New Haven, New Haven, New Haven, New Haven, Newtown, Newtown, New Haven, Newtown, New]Haven, Newtown, New Haven, Newtown,New Haven, Oxford, New Haven, New Haven, Newtown,New Haven, New Haven, Newtown, New Haven, New Haven, New Haven, New Haven, Newtown, Newtown, New Haven, New Haven, Southbury, New Haven, New Haven, New Haven, Newtown,Oxford, New Haven, East Windsor, New Haven, Aug. 25/62 Nov. 4/ Aug.25,'62 Aug.13,'62 Aug.21/62 Aug. 6/62 July 15/63 Aug.13,'62Aug.14,'62 Aug. 26/63 Aug.20,'62 Aug.25,'62 Aug.11,'62 Aug. 8/62 July 28/62 Aug.14,'62Aug. 5/62 Aug. 5/62 Aug.19,'62 July 28/62 Aug.20,'62 Aug.12,'62 Aug. 18/62 Aug.15,'62 Aug.25,'62 Aug.22,'62 Aug. 10/62 Aug. 5/62 Aug.22,'62 Aug.11,'62Aug. 8/62 Aug. 6/62 Aug.11,'62Aug. 16, '62 Aug.12,'62 Aug. 3/62 Sep. 30/63 Aug. 18/62 Aug.15,'62 Aug.21/62 Aug.14,'62 Aug.22,'62 Aug. 4/62 Aug. 9/62 Aug.22,'62 Aug.24,'63 Aug.18/62 Sep. 8/62 Nov. 4/62 Sep. -8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 24/63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug.26,'63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 30/63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug.22,'62Aug.24,'63Sep. 8/62 [15, '63. Pro. Maj. May 11, '64. (See Adj. 10th C. V.) Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville,_Va. Par. May Pro. from Adj. May 11, M. o. June 13, '65. '64. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. [Disc. Apr. 30, '66. Pro. Capt. Co. B, 44th Regt. U. S. C. I. Apr. 6, '64; Maj. Aug. 5, '64. Pro. from Sergt. Co. D, Dec. 17, '64. Wd. Mch. 16, '65, Silver Run, N. C. Died Mch. 18, '65. Pro. 1st Lt. Co. G, Mch. 9, '63. [May 3, '63. Chancellorsville, Va. (See Priv. Co. D, 2d C. V.) Pro. from Sergt Co. H, Mch. 9, '63. Killed Pro. from Unassigned Recruit 5th C. V. Sep. 24, '63. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Disc. Oct. 20, '64 Pro. 2d Lt. Co. K, Feb. 24, '63. Must. Sergt. Pro. Feb. 24, '63. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. Rede, to Sergt. Oct. 31, '63. Wd. July 24, '64, Atlanta, Ga. M. o. June 13, '65. (See Priv. Co. M, 1st C. V. H A.) Must. Priv. Pro. 1st Sergt. Oct. 31, '63. Rede, to ranks by transfer to Co. C, 5th C. V. June 13, '65. f Sergt. Sep. 23, '63. Killed July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. (See Sergt. Rifle Co. F, 2d C. V) Must. Priv. Pro. Corp. Dec. 21, '62; Must. Priv. Pro. Sergt. Oct. 15, '62. M. o. June 13, '65. [13, '65. Must. Priv. Pro. Corp. Feb. 24, '63; Sergt. Mch. 1, '64. M- o. June (See Corp. Co. C, 5th C. V.) Rede, to ranks (sick) Sep. 1, '63. Trans. to 21st Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Aug. 10, '63. Re-en. Vet. Aug. 29, '64. Pro. 1st Sergt. 1st Ind. Co. V. R. C. Disc. Oct. 19, '66. Rede, to ranks at own request Oct. 15, '62. M. o. June 13, '65. Must. Priv. Pro. Corp. Sep. 1, '63; Sergt. Aug. 4, '64. Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Disc. June 19, '65. (See Priv. Co. B, 1st C. V.) Must. Priv. Pro. Corp. July 23, '63; Sergt Sep. 23, '63. Rede, to ranks Mch. 1, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, to Co. F, 3d Regt. V. R. C. July 20, '63. Rede, to ranks Oct. 6, ' '63. Pro. Corp. £>ec. 21, '63. Rede, to ranks July 2, '64. Des. Aug. 24, '64. Must. Priv. Pro. Corp. Oct. 13, '62; Sergt. Feb. 24, '63. Trans, to Co. F, 3d Regt. V. R. C. July 20, '63. Rede, to Corp. Oct. 25, '63. Rede, to ranks Oct. 27, '63. Des. Oct. 27, '63. Must. Priv. Pro. Jan. 4, '64. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Disc' June 8, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Des. May 28, '63. Disc. dis. Dec. 23, '63. . Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, 62. [Disc, dis Sep.. 25 Must. Priv. Must. Priv. Must. Priv. Must. Priv. Must. Priv Va. '63. Pro. May 1, '64. Pro. May 1, '64. Pro. Apr. 25, '63 Pro. Feb. 24, '63. Pro. Dec. 5, '6 Rede, to ranks. Des. Sep. 11, Died Dec. 21, '62. Rede, to ranks (sick). Disc. dis. Jan. 30, '63. Rede, to ranks. Des. Sep. 11, '62. [ville, Va. Must. Priv. Pro. Corp. Dec. 22, '62. Killed May 3, '63, Chancellors- Rede, to ranks (sick) May 4, '64. Disc. May 27, '65. Must. Priv. Pro. Corp. Aug. 29, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. Must. Priv. Pro. Corp. Feb. 28, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, to 101st Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Nov. 28, '63. Disc. June 26, '65. Rede, to ranks- at own request. Wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg/ Pa. Died July 23, '63. ['63. M. o. June 13, '65. MusL Priv. Pro. Oct. 15, '62. Rede, to ranks at own request Apr. 26, Must. Priv. Pro. May 1, '64. Killed June 20., '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Must. Priv. Pro. May 1, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Died Jan. 24, '63. Disc. dis. Apr. 26, '63. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Trans. V. R. C. Aug. 13, '63. Disc. Sep. 8, '65. Disc. dis. Dec. 11, '62. Must. Priv. Detailed Wag. Must. Priv. Detailed Wag. Des. Apr. 28, '63. Died Oct. 19, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Returned to ranks. to Co. D, 12th Regt. M. o. June 13, '65. * Substitutes and drafted. 16 TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enlistment. Date of Muster in this organ ization. Remarks. Becket, Francis Bishop, Walter R. Bond, Patrick S. Botsford, Lemuel Bradley, Frederick G Brannan, John *Butt, Thomas *Burke, William Butz, Ignatz Cady, Jesse Card, George Clark, Bryan Coffey, William B. *Coleman, Jeremiah *Colwell, Thomas Condolff, Nicholas *Condon, Lawrence B *Conlin, Edward Cook, David S. *Corcoran, John Covel, Frederick T. Dagnan, Patrick Daniels, William R. Dean, Nathan S. Delancey, Thomas Dixon, John *Dolan, James Downs, Albert W. Dyke, Ambrose P. *Farrell, Thomas *Fehan, Patrick Fenelon, John Flint, Benjamin F. Green, Joseph Griswold, Willard *Halvey, Michael *Hancock, Timothy Hannah, William Hart, Patrick Hay, John Hayes, Franklin B. Healey, James W. Hotchkissj Wm. A. *Hudnite, Jacob Hull, Adrian A. Hull, Eli Jackson, Francis Jones, Samuel J. B. Kay, Joseph *Keenan, Charles Kelley, John Kelley, John 2d *Kelley, James Kernon, Francis E. Knapp, John S. Lattin, John O. Lees, John H. Lewis, George H. *Mack, James *Magee, John Mahon, Patrick *Maloy, Thomas Martin, Michael McAuley, William J. *McAvoy, John *McCabe, William McCartney, John McElwin, James McGarry, William *McGowan, John *McMorer, Thomas McNamee, Patrick Medemach, Matthew J. Morrow, William Murphy, Patrick Nichols, John A. North, Orrin L. Pendergrass. John Perry, John D. Simsbury, New Haven, Meriden,Newtown, New Haven, New Haven, East Windsor, Winchester,Weston, Mass. Morris,New Haven, New Haven, Vernon, Meriden,Branford,New Haven, KiUingworth, Winchester, New Haven, Madison,Tolland,New Haven, New Haven, East Windsor, Derby,New Haven, Southington, Oxford, New Haven, Manchester, Plymouth, New Haven, Orange, New Haven, Vernon, Manchester, Madison, New Haven, New Haven, New Haven, Southbury,Newark, N. J., Derby,Hamden,Wallingford, Branford, Brooklyn, N.Y. New Haven, New Haven, Hartford, New Haven, New Haven, Plainfield, Vernon,Newtown, Newtown, New Haven, Newtown, Berlin, Glastonbury, New Haven, Madison,New Haven, New Haven, Madison,East Windsor, Vernon, Portland, New Haven, Suffield,Southington, New Haven, Vera on , New Haven, New Haven, Willington, New Haven, Hartford, New Haven, June 21 Aug. 6, June21. Aug.ll, Aug.15 Aug. 12| Aug.26,Aug. 27, June 21, Aug. 9, Aug.22,Aug. 16, June21, Aug 24. Aug.27',Aug. 5. Aug.27'. Aug.25,Aug.20:Aug. 1, June21.Aug: 6, Aug.23, June21. Aug. 8, June21, Aug.24,Aug. 14. Aug. 18, Aug.24,Aug.25. Aug. 17, Aug.21, Aug.22, June21, Aug.25, Aug. 1, Aug.14, Aug.22, Aug.24, Aug. 5, June21, Aug. 16, Aug. 1 , Aug.ll, Aug.15, June21,Aug.20,Aug.22,Aug.12, Aug. 21, Aug.22,July 25| June21.July 28; Aug. 5, Aug.15. Aug.ll, Aug.24, Aug.24. Aug.15, Aug. 1, Aug.14, July 20, Aug. 1, Aug.24, June21, Aug. 28. Aug.22,Aug.24, Aug.24,Aug.22, June21, Aug.20, Aug. 18. June21, Aug.12, Aug.27.Aug.21, '61 '62'61'62'63'63'63 '63 '61 '62 '62'62 '61'63'68'62 '68 '63'62'63'61'62'63'61'62'lil'63 '62 '62'68 '63 '62 '62 '62'61 '63'63 '63'63 '63'63 ,'61.'63 ,'63,'62,'63 '61 .'62 '62 '63'62 '62 '63'61'62 '62'62 62 '68 63626362 '62 '63 m '61 '62 62 '63 '63 02 '61'62 62 6162 6262 Sep. 8/62 Sep.Sep.Sep.Aug.26 Aug.27 '62 '62'62 '63 ,'63 Trans, from Co. F, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Died Sep. 8, '64. Trans from Co. F, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Des. Jan. 28, '63. [Regt. May 24, '64. Disc. June 24, '65. Trans, to 78th Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Oct. 19, '63; trans, to Co. H, 18th Wd. Mch. 16, '65, Averysboro, N. C. Des. Sep. 28, '63. Disc. dis. Oct. 2, '65. Sep. 8, '62 Sep. 8, '62 Sep. 8, '62 Aug.24. Aug.27.Sep. 8, Aug.27, Aug.25, Sep. 8, Aug. 1, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. 63. (See Priv. Co. L, 2d C. V. H. A.) Re-trans, as Corp. Mch. 26/64. Trans, to Co. C, 5th C. V. June [12, '65. Sep.Sep. ,'62 :,'62 Sep. 8/62 Aug.24,Sep. 8, Sep 8, Aug.24, Aug.25,Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. [Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Re-en. Vet. Feb. 27, '64. Re-trans, as Corp. Mch. 26, '64. Aug.25.Aug. I! Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Re-trans, as Corp. Mch. 26, '64. [June 13, '65. Trans, to Co. C, 5th C. V Sep. Aug.Sep. Sep. .'63 :,'62v'62 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Aug.12Sep. 8. Sep. 8 July25: Sep. 8. Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Aug.24, Aug.24, Sep. 8, Aug. 1, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Aug. 1, Aug.24,Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Aug.24, Aug.24.Sep. 8 ,'62 '62'63'62'03'63 '62 '63 '63'62'63 '63 '63'68 '63 '62 63 '63 '62'62 '63 63 '62 Sep. Sep. ,'62,'60 Sep. 8/62 Aug.27. Sep. 8, Des. Sep. 28, '63. Trans, from Co. F, Disc dis. Aug. 28, M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Mch. 27, '63. Trans, from Co. F, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Trans, to Co. C, 5th C. V. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Transl to Co. C, 5th C. V. June 13, '65. Trans, to Co. C, 5th C. V. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65.. Disc. June 12, '65. Trans, from Co. F, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. M. 0. June 13, '65. Des. June 29, '63. Trans, from Co. F, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Des. Sep. 28, '63. Trans, from Co. F, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Des. Sep. 28, '63. Died Mch. 18, '65. Des. Jan. 6, '63. Trans, to Co. C, 5th C. V. June 13, '65. Trans, to Co. C, 5th C. V. June 13, '65. Des. July 30, '63. Des. Jan. 28, '63. Disc. dis. Jan. 29, '64. Trans, from Co. F, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Des. Sep. 28, '63. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. M. o. June 13, '65. Des. Sep. 29, '62. Des. Sep. 11, '62. M. o. June 13, '65 Trans, from Co. F, 5th. C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch 26 '64 Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Disc, dis Dec 10 '63' Trans, to Co. C, 5th C. V. June 13, '65 Wd. May 15, '64, Resaca, Ga. M. o. June 13 '65 M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from Co. F, 5th C. V. Jan 11 '64 Des. Sep. 11, '62. Disc. May 25, '65. Trans, to Co. C, 5th C. V. June 13 '65 Wd. July -20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Dec. 10, '63. Died Dec°TlC°62F' ^ °" V' "^ "' '64' Retrans- Mch- 36. '6i- Trans, to Co.' E, 3d Regt. V. R. C. Aug. 17 '63 Disc dis Tulv19 'fi*5 M o^-Wlt^-2" ^ V- R- C' A"g' 8' '63- ^ Au/u7, lo.65' Des. Sep. 28, ;63. ' Killed Aug. 15, '64, Atlanta, Ga. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va Disc. dis. May 4, '65. Disc. dis. Oct. 3, '62. Wd. July 3, '03, Gettysburg, Pa Des. Sep. 28, '63. Des. Sep. 28, '63. Trans, from Co. F, Des. Sep. 11, '62. M. o. June 13, '65. Des. Sep. 28, '63. Des. Sep. 28, '63. Accidentally wd. May 15, '64, Resaca, Ga Trans, from Co. F, 5th C. V. Jan 11 '64 ' , Tran* to Co. E, 3d Regt. V. R. C Ausr 'l7 Died May 29, '63. ' ' Trans, from Co. F, 5th C V Jan 11 >ra Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellor/vme'Va01 Wd JuTv ^'fif' p64 v. Creek, Ga. M. o June 13, '65. July 20, 64, Peach-Tree [Re-trans. Mch. 26, Re-en. Vet. Mch. 21, Died Feb. 1, '65. '64.'64. M. o. June 13, '65. [Mch. 5, '64. Disc. Aug. 14, '65 Trans, to 81st Co. 2d Batt. V. R. 0. 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Disc. July 12, '65. •2 Trans, to Co. D, 8th Regt. V. R 0' Dec 9 'fid. tv t , 2 Killed July 3, '63, Gettysburg Pa ' U' Dlsc' July 3> '65. * Substitutes and drafted. TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. 17 Name and Rank. Pinney, Eleazer W. Plumb, Miles W. *Porter, John Pratt, John Quirk, Thomas Rassie, William J. Riley, Thomas Rix, Albert S. Roswell, Philo Schray, Carl E. Symonds, Edwin E. Smyth, Joseph P. Smith, William Swift, James H. Thayer, Edward A. Turgeon, Louis Wadhams, Samuel Welch, James Welch, John Residence. Ellington,New Haven, Killingly, Simsbury,Derby, Hartford, New Haven, Vernon,New Haven, New Haven, Vernon, Danbury, New Haven, New Haven, New Milford, New Haven, New Haven, New Haven, Derby, Date of Enlistment. June 21/61 Aug. 23/62 Aug.25,'63 June21/61 Aug.14,'62June21,'61 Aug.25,'62 June21/61 Aug.11,'62 Aug.18,'62June31/61Aug.22,'62 Aug.20,'62 Aug.25,'62 Aug. 16/62 Aug.25,'62 Aug.20,'62 Aug.18,'62 Jan. 5/64 Date of Muster in this organ ization. Sep. Aug. 8/62 25/63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep.Sep. 8/628/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Jan. 5/64 Remarks. Re-trans. as Corp. Mch. [26, '64. Trans, from Co. F, 5th 0. V. Jan. 11, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Des. Sep. 28, '63. Trans, from Co. F, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from Co. F, 5th C. V. Jan. 11 M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from Co. F, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Disc. May 30, '65. Trans, from Co. F, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64, Ap. Sergt.-Maj. Feb. 14, '63. Des. Sep. 11, '62. (See Priv. Rifle Co. F, 2d C. V.) Trans, to Co. B, 13th Regt. V. R. C Des. Sep. 29, '62. Des. Sep. 11, '62. Des. Sep. 11, '62. Died Feb. 22, '65. Disc. June 13, '65. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Re-trans. as Corp. Mch. 26/64. Died May 22, '63. [26, '64. Re-trans. as 1st Sergt. Mch. [July 8, '63. Diso. July 5, '65. Company G. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enlistment. Date of Muster in this organ ization. Remarks. Captain. William W. Morse, 1st Lieutenants. Fitch T. Birdsall, David R. Brown, John E. Royce, 2d Lieutenants. Hiram H. Barnes, Abial S. Holt, Robert E. Paddock, 1st Sergeants. Erastus R. Lee, Alex. H. Buckingham, Frederick Stratton, Sergeants. Clark, Edward H. Fowler, Charles E. Gilroy, Barney HUl, Henry E. Hinton, Harry Keefe, James Lane, Joseph E. Lee, Frederick W. Manross, Eli Stevens, William A. Corporals. Ailing, Henry L. Barbour, Volney G. Carter, Charles E. DufEey, Matthew Goodrich, Horace W. Hinsdale, George W. Keefe, John Mehan, James Piatt, Daniel M. Stewart, John M. Wise, Martin W. New Haven, New Haven, New Haven, Derby, New Haven, Hartford, Hamden, New Haven, New Haven, New Haven, Prospect, New Haven, Amenia, N. Y., New Haven, Bridgewater, New Haven, New Haven, Branford, Bristol, New Haven, Hamden, Bristol, No. Branford, Bristol, Branford, New Haven, New Haven, New Haven, New Haven, New Haven, Bloomfield, Aug.15,'62 Aug.15,'62Aug.21/62 Aug. 6/62 Aug.15,'62Aug.20,'62Aug.13,'62 Aug. 7/62 Aug.20,'62 Aug.12,'62 July 23/62 Aug.20,'62 June30,'61 Aug.12,'62 Mch. 3/64 Aug.25,'62 Aug.22,'62 Aug.15,'62 June21,'61 Aug.19,'62, Aug.12,'62 June29,'61 Aug.19,'62 June21,'61 Aug.11,'62 July 14/62 Aug.25,'62 July 15/62 Aug.13,'62 Aug.15,'62 Aug.15,'62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep. ,'62,'62,'62 ,'62,'62 Sep.Mch. Sep.Sep.Sep. '62 .'63 '62 Sep. 8/62 Sep.Sep. '62 .'62 Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep. ,'62 '62 ,'62 '62 ,'62,'62 •62 (See Sergt. Co. C, 2d C. V.) Pro. Maj. by bvt. Mch. 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Resgd. Feb. 10, '63. Pro. from 2d Lt. Co. F, Mch. 9, '63; Capt. Co. A, Apr. 9, '64. Pro. from 2d Lt. Co. K, Apr. 9, '64; Capt. Co. A, June 1, '65. Resgd. Dec. 15, '62. (See Sergt. Co. K, 6th C. V.) Pro. from 1st Sergt. Co. C, Feb. 24, '63. Resgd. Apr. 2, '64. Pro. from 1st Sergt. Co. I, May 1, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. '63; 2d Lt. Co. A, Nov. 1, '63. 1st Sergt. Nov. 1, '63. M. o. June Died Apr. 1, '63. Must. Sergt. Pro. 1st Sergt. Apr. 1, Must. Corp. Pro. Sergt. Sep. 1, '63; 13, '65. '[July 1, '64. Killed while foraging Mch. 25, '65, Pikeville, N. C. Must. Corp. Pro. Oct. 31, '62. Rede, to ranks June 19, '64. Pro. Sergt. Disc. May 26, '65. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Must. Corp. Pro. Dec. 10, '62. .Trans, to Co. H, 9th Regt. V. R. C. Sep. 10, '63. Disc. June 28, '65. Must. Priv. Pro. Sergt. Apr. 19, '64. Rede, to ranks (sick) Nov. 11, '64. Trans, from Clay Gen. Hosp., Louisville, Ky., to Co. Aug. 14, '64; failed to report. N. f. r. A. G. O. Must. Priv. Pro. Corp. Dec. 10, '62; Sergt. Nov. 1/64. M. o. June 13/65. Des. Oct. 22, '62. (See Priv. Co. K, 10th C. V.) Disc. dis. Dec. 10, '62. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Must. Priv. Pro. Sergt. Nov. 12, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Must. Priv. Pro. Feb. 29, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Must. Priv. Pro. Oct. 15, '62. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Must. Priv. Pro. Oct. 15, '62. Disc. dis. May 10, '63. (See Priv. Co. F, 1st C.V. H. A.) Rede, to ranks (sick) Dec. 30, '62. Pro. Corp. Disc. May 22, '65. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. M. o. June 13, '65. Rede, to ranks Oct. 15, '62. Cap'd Jan. 21, '63, Dumfries, Va. Par. Sep. 22, '63. Pro. Nov. 1, '64. Disc. May 30, '65. Rede, to ranks Nov. 1, '62. Pro. Feb. 28, '63. Disc. dis. Nov. 27, '63. Rede, to ranks. Des. Sep. 11, '62. [13, '65. Must. Priv. Pro. Dec. 30, '62. Rede, to ranks Nov. 12, '64. M. o. June * Substitutes and drafted. 3 18 TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enlistment. Date of Muster in this organ ization. Remarks. Musicians. Barnard, Theodore C. Skinner, Albert Jr. Wagoners. Huntley, Benjamin F. Johnson, William P. New Haven, Hartford, Guilford, KiUingworth, Privates. Alexander, John Allen, Abner Ailing, Harvey M. Ames, Fisher A. Babcoek, Henry H. Bailey, Myron C. Baldwin, John H. Bamber, John Bassett, Noyes E. Benedict, Chauncey Blake, John G. Bosworth, William H *Boyd, John Bradley, Thomas Brown, Edward Brown, Robert *Burke, Michael Clark, Henry C. Clark, Gilbert S. Clark, Albert M. *Clark, William *Clark, George Clark, William B. Clooney, William Coomes, Harvey H. Cosligan, James Cox, Patrick Cranston, Earle S. Crissey, Julius Crowley. Daniel Dailey, Henry Dayton, John J. Davis, James Davis, Henry W. Davison, Jesse M. *Davenport, Henry Dempsey, Martin Deney, John Denchanno, John Devine, Peter Dillon, Patrick Doyle, William Driscoll, Andrew W. *Drohan, John Dunn, James Edwards, Charles Eisenberg. John W. Fairfax, George *Finnerty, John Flynn, James Foster, John *Gaul, Thomas *Gibbons, Edward Gilmore, Daniel Goodrich, Alfred Goodnough, Warren Gould, Joseph Griffin, Cornelius Hanshaw, Edward Haskell, William A. Henney, George D. Hitchcock, George C. Holt, John Hoyle, James Hunt, Patrick Hunt, Charles J. Hurley, William Isaacson, William Ivory, James Joyner, Robert W. Keenan, Henry P. Keefe, Morris Enfield,New Haven, New Haven, New Haven, Windham, Bristol,Guilford,Middletown, Seymour, New Haven, Norwich, Hartford, Plymouth, Hartford, New Haven, Westbrook, Plymouth, Plympton.Ms.Wallingford, Windham, Plymouth, Plymouth, New Haven, New Haven, Lg. M'dow,Ms New Haven, Guilford, Windham, Southington, New Haven, Middletown, East Haven, New Haven, Oxford, East Haven, Killingly, Glastonbury, Washington, Bridgeport, New Haven, New Haven, Bridgewater,Salisbury, Plymouth, Derby, New Haven, Naugatuck, Middletown, Winchester, New Haven, Washington, Sterling,Guilford,New Haven, Hartford,North Haven, Weston,New Haven, Middletown, East Haddam, Norwich, Hamden,New Haven, Plymouth, New Haven, New Haven, New Haven, New Haven, New Haven, Wethersfield, East Windsor, New Haven, Aug. 1/62 Aug.14,'62 July 23/62 Aug.19,'62 June21July 29 Aug.12 Aug.13 June21 June21 Aug. 15 Feb. 24 Mch. 7 July 29 July 19 June21Aug.25!Feb. 24, Aug.30, Feb. 24, Aug.25, June25,June21,June21, Aug.25 Aug.25 Aug. 4 July 24,' June21 Aug. 16. Aug.15. June21,June21, Aug.25 Mch. 3 Aug. 5, Aug. 4, Feb. 25, July 28, Aug.25, Aug.26, Mch. 15 July 29 Aug. 9, Aug.13,Mch. 3 Mch. 14 Aug.25 Aug.24 July 29 Feb. 25 Feb. 29, Aug.27 Aug.30, Feb. 26. Aug.25 Aug. 8 Aug.ll June21 July 28 Mch.ll,Aug. 9. Feb. 29. Aug. 6, Jan. 31, Aug. 12. July 23. Aug.26, Aug.ll, Aug. 4, July 24. Aug. 6/ Aug.20/ Aug.15.' July 22/ Aug, 30," '61'62'62 '62 .'61,'61.'62,'64,'61,'62,'61,'61,'63 ,'64,'62,'64,'63,'61.'61.'61 '63 '63'62 '62'61 '62 62 '61 '61 '62'64'62 '62'64'62 '63'63 '64 '62 62 '62 '64'64 '63'63 '62 '64 '64 '63'62 64 '63'63'62 '61 '63 '64 '63'64 '62 '64 '63 •62 '63 '63'63 '63 Sep. 8/62 Disc. dis. Feb. 17, '63. Sep. 8/62 Disc. dis. May 22, '63. (See Priv. Co. I, 8th C. V.) Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. Sep. Sep. 8 '62•62 ,'02 Sep. Feb. 24 Mob. 7 Sep. 8 1/62 '01 64 '62 Aug.25, Feb. 24, Sep. 8, Feb. 24, Aug.25, Aug.25,Aug.25, Sep. 8, Sep. 8. Sep.Sep. 8/62 M. o. June 13, '65. Must. Priv. Detailed Wag. Disc. dis. May 11, '64. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. (See Priv. Co. K, 13th C. V.) M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Trans, to 38th Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Aug. Trans, to Co. G, 5th C. V. June 12, '65. Trans to Co. G. 5th C. V. June 12, '65. (See Priv. Co. K, 13th C. V.) Disc. dis. Dec. 10, '62. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Trans, from Gen. Hosp., Grafton, W. Va., to Co. Oct. 3, '63; failed to re- Tiaa A ,™ On >RA r i tlt j: _ . s* n Disc. dis. Apr. 19, '65. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. 31, '63. Disc. dis. Feb. 2, '64. Des. Apr. 20, '64 Des. Sep. 11, '62. Des. Apr. 20, '64. Des. Oct. 2, '63. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Des. Nov. 24, '64. Des. Oct. 1, '63. Des. Oct. 22, '62. Died Dec. 26. '62. Trans, from Co. B, Trans, to 159th Co. [port. N. f. r. A. G. O. Re-trans. as Corp. Mch. 26, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans Mch. 26, '64. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Feb. 17, '64. Disc. July 5, '65. Sep. 8, Mch. 3, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Feb. 25, Sep. 8. Aug.25,Aug.26.Mch. 15, Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Mch. 3 Mch. 14 Aug.25. Aug.24Sep. 8 Feb. 25. Feb. 29, Aug.27, Sep. 8 Feb. 26 Aug.25 Aug. 8, Sep. '62'64'62'62'64'62'63'63 '64'62 .'62 '62'64 '64 '63 '63 '62 'ti4 '64 63 '63'64 '63 '63 '62 Sep Mch.li;Sep Feb. 29.' Sep. 8 Jan. 21 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Aug.26Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8. 62 1 Sep. 8/ Died Sep. 4, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Re-trans. as Corp. Mch. 26, '64. Wd. July 20, '64. Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Trans, from Co. B, 5lh C. V. Jan. 11, *64. Disc. dis. Feb. 3, '63. Des. Apr. 21, '64. Disc. dis. Jan. 28, '63. Des. Jan. 18, '63. Died Oct. 1, '64. (See Priv. Co. C, 10th C. V.) M. o. June 13 '65 Des. Oct. 1, '63. Trans, to Co. G, 5th C. V. June 12 '65 Des. Apr. 20, '64. Des. Jan. 16, *63. M. o. June 13, '65. w^' ^C,h™6', '6'5' Silver Run, N. C. M. o. June 13, '65. [12 '65 Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Trans, to Co. G, 5th C. V June Def^Ta. 'clV" Louisvllle' Ky- t0 C°- Sep. 17, '64; failed to report. ucs. oep. Lit Des. Apr. 21,' '64: Des. Sep. 14, '63. r?~" C2i; P6'423d Re^ V. R. C Jan. 24, '64. Disc. July 3, '65. Des. '65. '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. '65. Trans, to Co.' G, 5th C. V. June 12 Des. Oct. 1, '64. Des. Sep. 29, '62. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11 Disc. dis. Apr. 14, '63. Des. Apr. 23, '64. Disc. dis. Jan. 15, '63. Trans, to Co. G. 5th C. V. June 12 M. o. June 13, '65. Des. Apr. 22, '64. (See Priv. Co. M. 1st C. V. H A ) Disc June 10, '65. Trans, to Co. G, 5th C. V. June 12 M. o. June 13, '65. M. o»June 13, '65. MCOodjnutne^3W^5Feb- *' '^ Staff°rd C°Urt House' Va Drs. Sep. 11, '62. ' M. o June 13, '65. Trans, to 96th Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Nov 25 M. o. June 13, '65. M. '65. o. June 13, '65. Disc, [14, '63. dis. Apr. '63. Disc. Sep. 7, '65. * Substitutes and drafted. TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. 19 Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enlistment. Date of Muster in this organ ization. Remarks. Kelsey, Gilbert I. Kelley, John F. Kimball, James W. Leamu, Charles Lane, Joseph Larkin, William M. Lawson, Henry Lea, James B. Lewis, Jacob S. Lines, David Lougan, William Lust, Valentine Lyman, Charles S. Malcomb, James Mallehan, Peter Mawson, Thomas McCarty, Patrick *McCarthy, Timothy McCann, Martin McDermott, John *McMahan, William McNeil, William Meyer, Philip Millard, Frank *Miller, George *Millegan, John Moonev, Michael Mott. Edward S. Noyes, Edwin D. *Nunan, Maurice L. *0'Connor, Charles *Owens, Charles Palmer, Daniel Perkins, Alanson Pointer, James *Pole, Charles W. Pollard, William F. Powers, Michael Prindle, Henry F. Prout, Titus M. Quinn, Barney Quinn, Murdock Reynolds, John Rigby, Ralph Riley, John Rooney, James S. Sebastian, Edward Sherwood, Robert P. Sherwood, Edward Sheldon, George Shepard, Frederick C. Shook, Thaddeus *Smith, William Smith, George Smith, James K. Stanley, J. Thomas Stevens, Walter M. Taylor, William L. Thacher, John H. Tooney, James Veber, John Warner, Robert Wells, Thomas V. Whittaker, William Wilmot, Mordaunt L. Williams, William R. Woliver, Henry No. Branford, New Britain, Brooklyn, New Haven, New Haven, Hartford, New Haven, New Haven, Washington, New Haven, Middletown, Middletown, Windham, Hartford, New Haven, New Haven, New Haven, Killingly, Hartford, Salisbury,Berlin, New Haven, Guilford,Greenwich,New Haven, East Haven, Branford, Chester, New Haven, Stonington, Enfield, Killingly, Windham, N ew Haven, Guilford, East Windsor, New Haven, New Haven, Simsbury, Glastonbury, New Haven, Portland, New Haven, Bristol, Bloomfield,New Haven, New Haven, New Haven, Middletown,Madison, Bristol, New York, Berlin,Middletown, New Haven, Middletown, New Haven, No. Branford, Hartford, New Haven, Norwalk, Hartford, Wallingford, Middletown, Naugatuck, Farmington, New Haven, Aug.ig/62 Aug.22,'62June21,'61 Aug.21/62 Aug 24/62 Feb. 29/64 Aug.11,'62Aug. 9/62 Mch. 15, '64 Aug.14,'62Mch. 2/64 Mch. 3/64 July 11/61 June21,'61 July 22/62 Aug.13,'62Aug.11,'62 Aug.25,'63Aug.14,'62Mch. 14/64 Aug.26,'63 Aug. 7/62 Feb. 17/64 June26„'61 Aug. 1/63 Aug. 1/63 Aug.14,'62 June21,'61 July 9/61 Aug. 5/63 Aug.24,'63 Aug.25,'63 July 8/61 Sep. 3/62 July 23/62 Aug.24,'63 Aug.11,'62 Aug. 5/62 July 5/61 Aug.20,'62 Aug. 4/62 Sep. 4/62 Aug.19,'62July 10/61 Feb. 18/64 Aug. 6/62 Aug.20,'62 Aug.19,'62Mch. 2/64 Mch. 1/64 June21,'61Julyig,'61 Aug.25,'63 Mch. 2/64 Aug.20,'62Feb. 27/64 Aug. 6/62 Aug.19,'62Aug.21/62 Aug.11,'62 Mch.11,'64 June21,'61 Aug. 8/62 Mch. 3/64 July 22/62 June21,'61 Aug. 7/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8. '62 Sep. 8/62 Feb. 29/64 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8. '62 Mch. 15/64 Sep. 8/62 Mch. 2/64 Mch. 3/64 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug.25,'63 Sep. 8/62 Mch. 14/64 Aug.26,'63 Sep. 8/62 Feb. 17/64 Aug. 1/63 Aug. 1/63 Sep. 8/62 Aug. 5/63 Aug.24,'63 Aug 25/63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug.24,'63 •vp. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. .8/62 Feb. 18/64 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Mch. 2/64 Mch. 1/64 Aug.25,'63 Mch. 2/64 Sep. 8/62 Feb. 27/64 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8. '62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Mch.11,'64 Sep. 8/62 Mch. 3/64 Sep. 8/62 Re-trans. as Corp. Mch. 26, '64. Re-trans. as Corp. Mch. 26, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Died Nov. 3, '62. i Disc. dis. Dec. 10, '62. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Feb. 3, '64. Died Apr. 6, '64. Des. Apr. 23, '64. Des.' Nov. 19, '64. Disc. dis. Mch. 6, '63. Des. Apr. 22, '64. Disc. dis. Apr. 14, '63. Des. Apr. 23, '64. Des. Apr. 22, '64. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Disc. dis. July 16,-63. Disc. dis. Apr. 14, '63. M. o.June 13, '65. Trans, to Co. G, 5th C. V. June 12, '65. Des. Sep. 11, '62. Des. Apr. 23, '64. [12, '65. Wd. Mch. 16, '65, Silver Run, N. C. Trans, to Co. G, 5th 0. V. June Disc. dis. July 23, '63. Trans, to Co. G, 5th C. V. June 12, '65. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Des. Oct. 2, '63. Des. Oct. 1, '63. Disc. dis. Apr. 14, '63. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Trans, to Co. G, 5th C. V. June 12, '65. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. '64.Re- Sep. 8/62 [trans. Mch. 26 Re-en. Vet. Feb 15, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. [12, '65. Wd. Mch. .16, '65, Silver Run, N. C. Trans, to Co. G, 5th C. V. June Des. Sep. 14, '63. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Wd. May 1 to 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Traus. to 21st Co. 2d Batt. Des. Nov. 17, '64. [V. R. C. Aug. 10, '63. Disc. dis. Apr. 4, '64. Trans, to Co. G, 5th C. V. June 12, '65. Disc. dis. Feb. 3, '63. [Dishon disc. Feb. 28. '65. Trans, to 2d Co. 2d Batt. V..R. C. July 1, '63. Re-en. Vet. Aug. 15, '64. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. ' Accidentally wd. Sep. 10, '62, New Haven, Conn. Died Sep. 18, '62. M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Jan. 22, '63. Disc. dis. Feb. 3, '63. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Des. Apr. 24, '64. Disc. dis. Feb. 4, '63. Des. Sep. 11, '62. M. o. June 13, '65. Des. Apr. 23, '64. Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Disc. dis. July 17, '65. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64 Re-trans. as Corp. Mch. 26, '64. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Trans, to Co. G, 5th C. V. June 12, '65. Des. Apr. 24, '64. Trans, to Co. D, 12th Regt. V. R. C. Aug. 13, '63. Disc. June 28, '65. Des. May 22, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. June 19, '65. Disc! dis. Mch. 10, '64. Des. Oct. 2, '62. Des. Apr. 24, '64. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Died May 29, '64. Wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Des. May 20, '64. Trans, from Co. B, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. * Substitutes and drafted. 20 TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Company H, INamb and Rank. Residence. Captains. Charles S. Abbott, Charles J. Arms, James B. Burbank, Ambrose E. Beardsley, 1st Lieutenants. Wilbur W. Smith, Ezra Sprague, Theodore Jepson, Nathan B. Abbott, 2d Lieutenant. Charles H. Clark, 1st Sergeant. George W. Homan, Sergeants. Beach, Samuel A. Bliss, Howard Bronson, John G. French, Charles Greenman, Nathan W. Griffiths, David N. McWhinnie, James Mintie, Alexander E. Wyant, George S. Corporals. Abbott, John B. Abbott, Edward T. Ailing, Ichabod E. Clark, Arthur J. Davis, Charles E. Downs, Edwin L. *Gorgon, George Holland, Charles B. Hutchinson, Anion Perkins, James B. Stanley, Henry D. Woodruff, Merritt B.' Musicians. French, John W. Ward, William S. Wagoner. Davis, Thomas B. Privates. *Adams, William Ailing, Henry G. Baldwin, Henry D. Baldwin, Edward W. Baldwin, Noble D. Ball, Hiram Barber, William J. Bassett, George Bassett, Samuel Benham, Bennett Booth, Henry T. Botsford, Harvey L. *Brandebary, Josiah Bronson, Royal L. Bronson, Samuel O. Date of Enlistment. Date of Muster in this organ ization. Remarks. Waterbury, Norwich,Hartford,Derby, Seymour,Derby, Hartford, Watertown, Southington, Seymour, Seymour,Seymour, Southbury,Seymour, Waterbury, Derby, Waterbury, Waterbury, Seymour, Southbury, New Haven, Seymour,Waterbury,Seymour,Southbury, Scotland, Seymour, Derby, Waterbury, Farmington, Watertown, Seymour, Seymour, Waterbury, East Windsor, Derby, Oxford,Oxford, Waterbury, Southbury, Killingly, Southbury,Seymour,Seymour,Seymour,Seymour, Enfield,Seymour, Waterbury, July 15/62 Aug.20,'62Nov.10,'62 Aug.15,'62 Aug. 5/62 Aug.15,'62 Aug.25,'62 Aug. 16/62 Aug.15,'62 Aug. 6/62 Aug. 8/62 Sep. Aug.20,'62 Sep. Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Nov.19,'62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Disc Nov 10, '62. [Resgd. May 17, '63. (See IstLt. Co. B, 16th C. V.) Pro from Adj Nov. 19, '62. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Pro from Adj. June 4, '63. Resgd. Dec. 17, '63. Must. Priv. 3d Regt. U. S. Art. May 14, '64. Must 2d Lt. Pro. 1st Lt. Co. C, Feb. 24, '63. Pro. from 1st Lt. Co. C, Mch. 16, '64; Maj. by bvt. Mch. 13,,'65. M. o. June 13, '65. Pro. Capt. Co. C, Feb. 24, '63. Pro. from 2d Lt. Co. K, Feb. 24, '63; Capt. Co. K, Apr. 21, '64. Pro. from 2d Lt. Co. B, Apr. 12, '64. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Disc. dis. Nov. 14, '64. Must. Corp. Pro. Sergt. Apr. 4, '63. Wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Pro. 1st Lt. Jan. 22, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Pro. from Q.M.-Sergt. Feb. 24, '63. Disc. Sep. 24, '64. Cap'd May 3/63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14/63. M. o. June 13/65. Aug.13,'62 Aug. 5/62 Aug.11,'62 Aug. 6/62 Aug. 6/62 Aug.14,'62Aug. 7/62 Aug.15,'62 Aug.20,'62 Aug.20,'62 Aug.14,'62 Aug. 7/62 Aug. 15/63 Aug.27,'63 Aug. 5/62 Aug.30,'62Aug. 9/62 Aug. 7/62 Aug.16,'62 Aug.20,'62 Aug.15,'62 Aug.15,'62 Aug.25,'63 Aug.20,'62 Aug.14,'62 Aug.14,'62Aug.20,'62 Aug.16,'62 June27,'61 Aug.15,'62 Dec. 17/63 Aug. 9/62 Aug. 6/62 Aug. 5/62 Aug.24,'63 Aug.25,'62 Aug. 9/62 Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. 8/628/62 8/62 8/628/62 8/62 ,'62,'62 8/62 Aug.27.Sep. 8, Sep.Sep.Sep. i,'62i,'62i/621/62 Disc. dis. Sep. 9, '63. Must. Priv. Pro. Corp. July 20/63; Sergt. Oct. 31/63. M. o. June 13/65. Must. Priv. Pro. Corp. Apr. 4/63; Sergt. Oct. 31/63. M. o. June 13/65. Must. Priv. Pro. Corp. Oct. 81, '63. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Pro. Jan. 25, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Must. Corp. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. Pro. 2d Lt. Co. F, Mch. 9, '63. IPro. Apr. 22, '64. Disc. July 6, '65. Must. Corp. Pro. Apr. 4, '63. Wd. and cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellors ville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. Disc. dis. May 2, '64. Wd. and cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. Pro. Died Dec. 15, '62. [2d Lt. Co. I, Nov. 1, '63. [Pro. Oct. 31, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. Must. Priv. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. Must. Priv. Wd. and cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par.. May 14, '63. Pro. Jan. 22, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. '62 Rede, to ranks June 15, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. '62 Must. Priv. Pro. June 15/64. M. o. June 13/65. [Disc. dis. June 16, '65. 62 Must. Priv. Pro. Apr. 5, '63. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Rede, to ranks (sick) July 20, '63. Wd. Mch. 16, '65, Silver Run, N. C. M. o. June 13, '65. '63 Must. Priv. Pro. Oct. 31, '63. Trans, to Co. I, 5th C. V. June 13, '65. '62 Wd. and cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 15, '63. Trans to 76th Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Aug. 17, '63. Disc. Aug. 4, '65. Must. Priv. Pro. Sep. 4, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. Musi. Priv. Wd. and cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par May Ap. Q.M.-Sergt. Apr. 24/63. [15/63. Pro. Jan. 22/65. M. o. June 13 '65 M. o. June 13; '65. Sep. Sep. 8/62 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug.25, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8/62 Dec. 17, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Aug.24, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, M. o. June 13, '65. (See Muse. Co. H, 1st C. V.) M. o. June 13, '65. * Substitutes and drafted. Wd. Jan. — , '63, Stafford Court House, Va. Trans, to Co. G, 1st Reet V. R. C. Nov. 30, '63. Disc. dis. Oct. 17, '64. g Des. Jan. 8, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Feb. 10, '63. Des. Oct. 2, '62. Disc. dis. Nov. 30, '63. Died Aug. 31, '64. Trans, from Co. H, 5th C. V. Jan. 11 Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. to V. R. C. No v. 1 5, '63. Name not on V. fTc Roils' Trarl. to Co. I, 5th C. V. June 13 '65 M. o. June 13, '65. Died Jan. 4, '63. Disc. dis. Feb. 21, '63. Des. Feb. 14, '65. Killed May 3, '63, Chancellorsville Va Cap'd May 3/63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14/63. M. o. June 13/65 '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64 Par. May 14, '63. Reported trans. N.f. r.A. G. O. TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. 21 Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enlistment. Date of Muster in this organ ization. Remarks. Bronson, Joseph J. Buckingham, Joel Bunnell, James A. Butler, John *By,rnes, Joseph W. *Carr, Joseph Cargill, William A. Cowdery, Junius H. Cronan, Patrick Currin, Michael Cutts, William H. •Dapper, Marsh Davis, Zerah B. Davis, William C. Davis, Charles B. Degnan, Thomas B. Downs, Burton J. Duncan, John N. Dupre, Mark *Ely, George B. *Eynstrom, Charles Fagan, Lawrence Falkner, Frank F. Ferrier, James Fillins, George W. Finegan, John Fitzpatrick, Hugh Foley, John Garvin, Edward Garner, Thomas Gardner, William Guilford, Wm. H. H. Guilford, George S. Hall, Franklin A. Hammond, William H *Heminsley, Sidney Hendryx, James W. Holt, William Hunt, Robert *Jones, David Kane, Henry Karrmann, David Killmartin, Thomas King, John *Knapp, William Koehler. Henry Laspi, Charles *Lewis, John Lord, Andrew J. Lounsbury, Albert W. Lounsbury, George W, *Lowenthal, Moritz *Mansfield, Theodore McLaughlin, James McManus, Terrence Meyer, George Moran, Philip Newton, Julius H. O'Brien, George Parkman, Charles B. Perkins, Thomas C. Powers, John Reed, Peter Riley, Patrick Roberts, George W. Rose, Henry Rouse, Barnum S. Rouse, George A. Ryan, William E. Ryan, John Sackett, Lucius Seymour, William F. Sirley, James Smith, Dwight C. Smith, Robert N. Spotswood. Henry Stafford, Henry *8t. Clair, Lawrence Waterbury, Oxford,Southbury, Southbury,Winchester,Orange, Waterbury,Hartland, Derby, East Hartford, Southbury, Plymouth, Seymour,Oxford,Southbury, New Haven, Bethany,Derby,. fBridgeport, East Windsor, Manchester, Derby, Killingly,Waterbury, Oxford, Derby, Seymour,Derby,Oxford, Derby, Griswold, Watertown, Watertown, Waterbury, Killingly,Portland,Seymour, Plainfield, Waterbury, Canterbury, Bethany, Waterbury,Oxford,Thompson,Plymouth,Plainfield, Southbury, East Haven, Waterbury,Seymour,Oxford, Plymouth, .Plymouth, Oxford, Derby, Oxford,Waterbury, Bethany, Seymour, New Haven, Waterbury, Oxford, Derby,Derby, Waterbury, Seymour, Plainfield, Plainfield,Seymour, Seymour,Oxford, Waterbury, Killingly, Oxford,Waterbury,Glastonbury,Plainfield, Winchester, July 29/62 Aug.25,'62Aug.15,'62Aug.20,'62Aug.27,'63Aug.24,'63 Aug.18,'62 Mch. 3/65 Aug.30,'62 Apr. 11/65 Aug.15,'62 Aug.27,'63Aug. 6/62 Aug.12,'62Aug.25,'62 Aug.21/62 Aug. 7/62 Aug.30,'62 Aug.27,'63Aug 27/63 Aug.26,'63 Aug.30,'62July 22/61 Jan. 5/64 Aug.15,'62 Aug.30,'62Aug.13,'62 Aug.30,'62Aug.12,'62 Aug.30,'62 July 10/61 Aug. 7/62 Aug. 7/62 Aug.14,'62July 22/61 Aug.27,'63 Aug. 6/62 July 22/61 Aug.15,'62 Aug.25,'63Aug.15,'62 Aug.11,'62 Aug.19,'62 June23,'61July 25/63 June23,'61 Aug.15,'62Aug. 1/63 Aug.15,'62Aug. 9/62 Aug.18,'62 Aug.22, '64 Aug.25,'63 Aug.12,'62Sep. 1/62 Aug. 9/62 Aug.13,'62 Aug.18,'62 Aug.20,'62 Aug. 21 ,'62 Aug.18,'62 Aug. 5/62 Sep. 1/62 Aug.30,'62 Aug.14,'62Aug. 8/62 June26,'61June26/61Aug.18,'62Aug.20,'62Aug.18,'62 Aug.19,'62 June23,'61 Aug.15,'62 Aug.11,'62 June24,'61June23,'61Aug.25,'63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8,T" Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug.27,'63 Aug.24,'63Sep. 8/62 Mch. 3/65 Sep. 8/62 Apr. 11/65 Sep.' 8/62 Aug.27,'63Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug.27,'63 Aug.2f,'6K Aug.26,'63 Sep. 8/62 Jan. 5/64 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug.27,'63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug.25,'63Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 July 25/63 Sep. 8/62 Aug. 1/63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug. 22/64 Aug.25,'63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep.Sep. Sep. 8/62 8/628/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 '65. Disc. July 17, '65. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. '63. Disc. July 12, '65. . May 15/63. Disc. May 25/65. Re-trans. as Corp. Mch. 26/64. Aug.25,'63 Wd. and cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par, May 15, '63. Disc. Killed May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. [May 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Des. Sep. 15, '63. Trans, to Co. I, 5th C. V. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Sep. 18, '63. Drowned June 4, '65, Potomac River, Washington, D. C. [June 13, '65. Wd. and cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. M. o. Trans, to Co. I, 5th C. V. June 13, '65. Wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. M. o. June 13, Des. Sep. 14, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. Des. Sep. 11, '62. Died Aug. 21, '63. Trans, to Co. B, 4th Regt. V. R. C. Sep. 26, '64. Killed Dec. 2/63,' bv accidental discharge of his own gun. [June 13/65. ' Wd. and cap'd May" 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. M. o. Des. Sep. 15, '63. Des. Sep. 15, '63. Cap'd June 6, '64, in the field, Ga. Died Nov. 1, '64, Florence, S. C. Wd. and cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. ' Par. May 14, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from Co. H, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Trans, to Co. I, 5th C. V. June 13, '65. Died Feb. 28, '63. Killed May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Disc. dis. Feb. 8, '63. (See Priv. Co. B, 7th C. V.) Killed May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. M o. June 13, '65. Killed May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Trans, from Co. H, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Trans, to Co. E, 3d Regt. V. R. C. Aug. 17, Killed May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Cap'd May 3/63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. Trans, from Co. H, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Des. Sep. 10, '64. Killed May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Trans, from Co. H, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '6'4. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. - M. o. June 13, '65. ['65; failed to return. N. f. r. A. G. O. Cap'd Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Par. Apr. 2, '65. Furl'd Apr. 11, Died Dec. 31, '62. [N. C. Disc. dis. June 13, '65. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Wd. Apr. 15, '65, Raleigh, Wd. and cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 15, '63. Trans. to 76th Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Oct. 14, '63. Disc. dis. Nov. 10, '63. Trans, from Co. H, 5th C. V. Jan. 11/64. Re-trans. Mch. 26/64. [13/65. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Trans, to Co. I, 5th C. V. June Trans, from Co. H, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Cap'd May 3/63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 15/63. Des. Sep. —,'68. Trans, to Co. I, 5th C. V. June 13, '65. Killed July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Cap'd May 3/63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 15/63. M. o. June 13/65. M. o June 13, '65. Trans, to Co. I, 5th C. V. June 13, '65. Des. Oct. 11, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Dec. 10, '62. Cap'd May 3/63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 15/63. M. o. June 13/65. Disc. dis. Feb. 28, '63. (See Priv. Co. K, 1st C. V. Cav.) M. o. June 13, '65. (See Priv. Co. D, 3d C. V.) Killed May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Cap'd May 3/63, Chancellorsville.Va. Par. May 15/63. M. 6. June 13/65. Cap'd May 3/63, Chancellorsville.Va. Par. May 15/63. Disc. May 26j*65. Killed May 3, '63. Chancellorsville, Va. [dis. Jan. 4, '64. Wd. and cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 15, '63. Disc. M. o. June 13, '65. Cap'd May 3/63, Chancellorsville.Va. Par. May 15/63. M. o. June 13/65. Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Disc. June 23, '65. Trans, from Co. H, 5lh C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Trans, from Co. H, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Des. Sep. 11, '62. [dis. Jan. 31, '65. Wd. and cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 15, '63. Disc. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. - Par. May 15, '63. Trans, to 75th Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Oct. 14/63. Disc. dis. Oct. 30/63. [July 29/64. Wd. and cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 15, '63. Died Trans, from Co. H, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Des. Oct. 2, '62. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from Co. H, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. as Corp. Mch. 26/64. Trans, from Co. H, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Des. Oct. 11, '63. * Substitutes and drafted. f Place of muster in. 22 TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enlistment. Date of Muster in this organ ization. Remarks. Steers, William H. Still, Jacob L. Stuart, Horace Swift, Charles W. Todd, Henry A. White, James * White, Thomas Whymbs, John D. Wilmott, Silas *Williams, Charles Southbury,Seymour,Oxford,Seymour, Waterbury, Seymour, Farmington, Derby, Waterbury, Plymouth, Aug.22,'62Aug.20,'62 Aug. 9/62 Aug.20,'62Aug.15,'62 Aug. 6/62 Aug.25,'63 Aug.30,'62Aug.20,'62 Aug.25,'63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug.25,'63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug.25,'63 Died Apr. 22, '64. [Jan. 11, '64. Disc. dis. Apr. 1, '64. Wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Trans, to 131st Oo. 2d Bait. V. R. C. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Died Aug. 24, '63. . [20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, -Ga. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 15, '63. Killed July Died May 9, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. ¦ [6, '63. Cnp'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 15, '63. Disc. dis. Oct. Wd. May 19, '64, Cassville, Ga. Died May 28, '64. Company I, N'ame and Rank. Residence. Date of Enlistment. Date of Muster in this organ ization. Remarks. Captain. Ezra D. Dickerman, 1st Lieutenant. James Spruce, 2d Lieutenants Edward A. Doolittle, Alexander E. Mintie, Andrew F. Barnes, 1st Sergeants. Cecil A. Burleigh, Robert E. Paddock, Asahel C. Austin, Sergeants. Beckwith, Samuel V. Bradley, Willis A. Ives, Brainard T. Martin, Alfred Prior, Robert E. Thorncroft, David Welch, William H. Corporals. Beach, William Bocemsdes, Robert F. Bradley, John H. Brown, George W. Clarke, George M. Dickerman, Joel C. Dorman, Howard B. Faucett, James Hazard, Addison W. Megin, James Meramble, George B. Mulligan, Thomas Price, John W. Smallman, Edward Tuttle, Curtis Weeks, Heman A. Musicians. Fiske, A. Fayette Stillman, Charles V. Wagoner. Dickerman, Mark E. Hamden, Waterbury, New Haven, Waterbury, Southington, Hamden, Hamden, Hamden, Hamden,Hamden,Hamden, Hamden, Waterbury,Hartford, Hartford, Hamden, New Haven, Hamden, Hamden,Hamden, Hamden, Hamden,Waterbury, Waterbury, Hamden, Middlebury, So Windsor, Hartford, Hamden, Hamden, Waterbury," Waterbury, Hamden, Hamden, Sep. 7/61 July 30/62 Aug.15,'62 Aug.14,'62 Aug.11,'62 Ang.13,'62 Aug.13,'62 Aug.18,'62 Aug.12,'62 Aug.11,'62 Aug.18,'62 Aug. 18/6' Aug.13,'62 Aug. 23/62 Aug.20,'62 Aug.18,'62Aug.11,'62Aug.12,'62 Aug.12,'62 Aug. 13/63 Aug.12,'62 Aug.11,'62 Aug.12,'62 Aug.13,'62 Aug.14,'62Aug.11,'62 Aug.25,'62 Aug. 23, '62 Aug.12,'62 Aug.13,'62 Aug. 7/62 Aug. 8/62 Aug.21/62 Aug.14,'62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/6S Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. 8/62 Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep. 8/628/62 8/62 8/628/628/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep.Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep.Sep. Sep.Sep. ,'62,'62,'63 '63 ,'63.'63 '63'63 ,'63,'62 '62'63 ,'62 '62 ,'62,'63 8/62 8/62 Sep. 8/62 *Substitutes and drafted. Pro. from Corp. Co. A, 10th C. V. Sep. 8, '62. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancel lorsville, Va. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Pro. Maj. Mch. 23, '65 (not must.). M. o. June 13, '65. Pro. Capt. Co. B, Apr. 8, '65. Pro. 1st Lt. Co. K, Aug. 6, '63. Pro. from Sergt. Co. H, Nov. 1, '63; 1st Lt. Co. C, Mch. 17, '64. Pro. from 1st Sergt. Co. E, Mch. 17, '64. [Co. C, Feb. 24, '64. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 15, '63. Pro. 2d Lt. Must. Sergt. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 15, '63. Pro. 1st Sergt. Feb. 25, '64; 2d Lt. Co. G, May 1, '64. Must. Corp. Pro. Sergt. Feb. 29, '64; 1st Sergt. May 1, '64. Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Disc. dis. June 24, '65. Disc. dis. Jan. 16, '63. [ranks (sick) May 8, '64. Disc. May 20, '65. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 15, '63. Rede to Must. Priv. Pro. Sergt. June 8, '64. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Disc. dis. July 6, '65. Must. Corp. Pro. May 5, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. [June 13, '65 Must Corp. Pro. Mch. 29, '63. Wd. May 15, '64, Resaca, Ga. M. o. Wd. May 15. '64, Resaca, Ga. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach Tree Creek, Ga Died Feb. 10, '65. Must Priv. Pro Corp. Feb. 20, '63. Wd. Aug. 7, '64, Atlanta, Ga. Pro. Sergt. Mch. 1, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Dec. 10, '62. Rede, to ranks. Disc. dis. Feb. 18, '63. . [M o June 13 '65 Must. Priv. Wd. June 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga! Pro. Mch 1, '65 Kedc. to ranks s;ck . Disc. June 26, '65. fM o June 13 '65 SPJu7y 3,P6t G^ur? Pa^' '"* 2°' '^ ^™ «*• V. '64. Disc. Must. Priv. Must. Priv. 15, '63. Must. Priv TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. 23 Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enlistment. Date of Mueter in thiB organ ization. Remarks. Privates. Allen, Bradley Bailey, William H. Bailey, Charles T. Barrett, Edward H. Barrows, Francis C. *Bowen, Richard Bradley, Burton S. *Bridgewater, William Brooks, Thomas H. Burnham. Hiram Calkins, John E. Cone, Edward P. Cook, Henry F. Danford, Edmond T. Darwen, William *Delamore, Charles Dickinson, Gilbert Doolittle, Hobert B. *Eberly, Fred Evans, James H. Fahey, John H. Fardon, Isaac G. Farrell, Henry Fitzpatrick, James Ford, William M. Gabriel, Joseph P. Garrity, James *Granville,Edw'd S.C. Green, William Hargraves, Thomas W. Harrington, Michael Hogle, Henry M. Holt, Charles E. Hopkins, Augustus Hotchkiss, Robert L. Howarth, William H. Hussey, Michael *Jacobi, Philip Johnson, William Johnson, Franklin Johnson, Patrick *Jones, Charles Kelley, Barney W. King, Miles King, Frederick Kuhner, George F. Ladd, James T. Leary, .Watson Lewis, George M. Maima.Men'om'nnieL.Martin, Edward L. McCannaugh, Peter McCall, James McLaran, John Merwin, Julius S. *Michaels, Gustave *Mooney, James *Morris, Simon *Mortimer, Charles Moulthrop, Elihu Mulvey, Bernard Nash, Zenas *Niemyer. Charles O'Brien, Simon O'Sullivan, Eugene *Oswald, Henry *Parker, William Quigley, James Rames, Augustus Razee, Andrew J. Reijly, John Robbins, Edward W. Root, Orrin A. *Schandal, Isaac *Schmitt, John Sherwood, John W. Slater, Charles Hamden, Hamden, Hamden, Putnam, Hamden, Southington, Hamden, Plymouth, Bethany, So. Windsor, Hamden, WestHartford,Hamden,Waterbury, Hartford, East Haven, Cornwall,Hamden, New Haven, Orange, Hamden,. Waterbury, Waterbury, New Haven, Waterbury, Milford, Hartford, Manchester,Cornwall, Waterbury, Hartford, Hartford, New Haven, New Haven, Waterbury, New Haven, Hamden, Woodbury, Hamden, Hamden,Hartford, East Hartford, Waterbury, Hartford, Sharon, Hartford, Hartford, Harl ford, Norfolk, WestHartford, Hartford, Waterbury, Farmington, Waterbury, Hamden, East Haven, Plymouth, Guilford, Plymouth, Hamden, Hamden, Hamden,Windham,Hartford, Hartford, Enfield, Killingly, New Haven, Hamden, New Haven, Hamden, Waterbury, Hamden,Windham, Manchester, Salisbury, Winchester, . Aug.11,'62 Aug.ll Aug.ll Aug.13 Aug.14 Aug.24 Aug.13 Aug.25 Aug.20 Aug.15 Aug.20 June22 Aug.12 Aug.14 Aug.25 Aug. 1 June22 Aug.21 Aug.26 Aug.14 Aug.13 Aug. 19 Aug.25 Aug.14 Aug. 8 Aug. 6 Aug.14 Aug.25 July 4. Aug.13 Aug.16 Aug.26Aug.14 Aug.25Aug.15 Aug.14. Aug.12Aug.25 Aug. 14 Aug.20 Aug.25 Aug.24 Aug.21Aug.30 July 13 Aug.22 Aug. 9 Aug.28 July 21 Aug.16 Aug.25 Aug.20 July 22 Aug.23 Aug.13 Aug. 1 Aug.25 Aug. 1 Aug.26 Aug.20 Aug.16Aug.14 Aug.26.. Aug.25Aug.12 Aug.25Aug.23Aug.14 Aug.13 Aug.24Aug.22 Aug.14 Aug.12 Aug^i Aug.25 July 21 June22 Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep.Aug. Sep.Aug.Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep. Aug. Sep. Aug. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Aug. 26 25 Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep.Aug, Sep. Sep.Sep. Aug. Sep. Sep. 8/62 Sep.Sep.Sep. 8/62 8/628/62 Sep.Sep.Sep. 8/62 8/62 8/62 Sep.Sep. Aug.Aug. Aug.Aug. Sep.Sep. Sep. Aug.Sep. Sep. Aug.Aug. Sep. Sep. Sep.- Sep.Sep.Sep.Aug. Aug. 26 '62'62 '63 '63'63 '63 '62'62 '62'63'62'62 '63 '63 '62'62 '63 '63'63 '62 '63 '63 [Feb. 11, '64. Disc dis. Apr. 20, '65. Wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Trans, to 108th Co. 2d Bait. V. R. C. Cap'd Mch. 24, '65, Averysboro, N. C. Par. Apr. 2, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, to Co. H, 19th Regt. V. R. C. Mch. 23, '64. Pro. Corp. Oct. 3, '64. Disc. July 13, '65. [Regt. Dec. 21, '63. Disc. June 28, '65. Trans, to 33d Co. 2d Batt. V. R. 0. Oct. 12, '63; trans, to Co. C, 7th Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Wd. May 15. '64, Resaca, Ga. Des. Nov. 17, '64. [M. o. June 13,- '65. Trans, to Co. F, 3d Regt. V. R. C. July 13, '63. Pro. Corp. July 24, '63. Rede, to ranks Sep. 22, '63. Disc. July 6, '65. Trans, to Co. D, 5th C: V. June 12. '65. Wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. M. o. June 13, '65. Killed May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from Co. I, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Trans, to C«. H, 1st Regt. V. R. C. Dec. 8, '63. Disc. July 14, '65. Disc. dis. Feb. 6, '63. (See Priv. Co. C, 14th C. V.) Killed July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Des. Sep. 28, '63. 11, '64. Re-trans. as Wag. Mch. 26, '64. Jan. o. June 13, '65. Dec. 10, '62. [N. f. r. A. G. O. '63; failed to report. Trans, from Co. I, 5th C. V M. o. June 13, '65. Des. Sep. 21, '63. Disc. dis. Jan. 15, '63. Wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. M. (See Priv. Co. A, 2d C. V.) Disc, dis, Died Dec. 20, '62. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Disc. dis. July 23, '63. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Died May 13, '63. (See Priv. Co. I, 8th C. V.) Cap'd May 3. '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. Des. Sep. 11, '62. [May 14, '63. Disc. dis. June 26, '65. Last reported at Gen. Hosp., David's Island, N. Y., Mch. 3, '65. Trans, from Co. I, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. as Sergt. Mch. 26, '64. Trans, to Co. F, 3d Regt. V. R. C. July 13, '63. Disc. July 6, '65. Disc. dis. Feb. 7, '63. (See Priv. Co. H, 1st C. V. Cav.) Cap'd May 3/63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14/63. M. o. June 13/65. Disc. dis. Apr. 13, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. M. p. June 13, '65. Trans, to 159th Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Sep. 14, '64. Disc. July 5, '65. Disc. dis. Dec. 10, '62. Des. Sep. 11, '63. Trans, from Convalescent Camp to Co. June 16, Trans, to Co. D, 5th C. V. June 12, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Des. Sep. 7, '63. Died Dec. 13, '62. Wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Des.' Oct. 1, '63. Trans, from Co. I, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. as Corp. Mch. 26, '64. Cap'd May 3/63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14/63. M. o. June 13/65. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from Co. I, 5th C. V. Jan-. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Trans, to 54th Regt. Mass. Colored Vols., May 24, '63. Cap'd May 3/63. Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. M. 0. June 13, '65. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Wd. Mch. 16, '65, Silver Run, N. C. Disc. June 26, '65. Trans, from Co. I, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Died Dec. 30, '62. Des. Nov. 1, '63. Trans, to Co. D, 5th C. Trans, to Co. D, 5th C. Trans, to Co. D, 5th C. Trans, to Co. D. 5th C. Wd. and cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Killed July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Des. Sep. 11, '62. Des. Sep. 11, '63. Des. Oct. 5, '63. Disc. dis. Apr. 21, '63. Trans, to Co. D, 5th C. V. June 12, '05. Des. Sep. 7, '63. Disc. dis. Mch. 16. '63. Trans, to Co. A, 16th Regt. V. R. C. June 6, '63. Des. July 20 '63 Disc. dis. Sep. 28, '63. Trans, to Co. D, 5th C. V. June 12, '65. Disc. dis. Mch. 27, '63. Trans, to Co. F, 3d Regt. V. R. C. July 13, '63. Disc. July 6, '05 Trans, to Co. D, 5th C. V. June 12, '65. Des. Sep. 11. '63. Trans, from Co. I, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Trans, from Oo. I, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. V. June 12, '65. V. June 12, '65. V. June 12, '65. V. June 12, '65. '63, Chancellorsville,, [June 13, .'65. Par. May 14, '63. M. o. * Substitutes and drafted. 24 TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Name and Rank. Smallman, Joshua Smith, George *Smith, John *Smith, William Sturges, John G. Talmadge, William E Tomlinson,Nathan W Tuttle, George R. Warner, Isaac V. Warner, Frederick A Wheeler, Joseph *White, Charles *Wilson, William *Willard, John Woodin, John Young, Edward Residence. Hamden, Hamden,East Hartford, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Waterbury, Waterbury, Hartford, Hamden,Waterbury, Sharon, East Windsor, Marlborough, Winchester, Salisbury, Hartford, Date of Enlistment. Date of Muster in this organ ization. Aug.13,'62 Aug.20,'62 Aug.25,'63 Aug.25,'63 July 8/61 Au?. 25/62 Aug.16,'62 Aug.13,'62Aug.11,'62 Aug. 7/62 July 11/61 Aug. 20/68 Aug.26,'63 Aug.25,'63June27,'61Aug.22,'62 Sep. 8, Aug.25, Aug.25. Sep. Sep.Sep. 8, Sep. 8, Sep. 8, ,'62 '62 62 62 Aug. 24, Aug.26,Aug.25, Sep. 8/6; Remarks. Disc. dis. Sep. 28, '63. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. '63, Chancellorsville, Va. 23, '64. Disc. July 13, '65. Wd. Nov. — , '62, Harper's Ferry, Va, M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, to Co. D, 5th C. V. June 12, '65. Des. Aug. 10, '64. Trans, from Co. 1, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Died Dec. 20, '62. (See Priv. Co.' D, 1st C. V) Wd. May 3, Trans, to Co. H, 19th Regt. V. R. C. Mch M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Nov. 8, '62. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from Co. I, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Wd July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Trans, from Gen. Hosp. to Co Disc. dis. Dec. 9, '63. [Sep. 20, '64: failed to report. N. f. r. A. G. O Trans, to Co. D, 5th C. V. June 12, '65. Trans, from Co. I, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14,- '63. Killed Mch 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Company K. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enlistment. Date of Muster in this organ ization. Remarks. Captains. S. Strickland Stevens, Andrew Upson, Ezra Sprague, 1st Lieutenants. Charles W. Newton, Edward A. Doolittle, Henry Lewis. Edward J. Murray, 2d Lieutenants. Theodore Hawley, John E. Royce, 1st Sergeants. Arthur Boardman, William Jack, Sergeants. Corkins, William Dickinson, George Jepsou, Theodore Porter, A. LeRoy Smith, Edwin J. Stillman, Albert Talcott, C. Myron Corporals. Coleman, William A. Dunn, James Hart, Andrew E. Howe, George L. McMahon, Patrick Odell, Thomas Perkins, Hiram G. Prout, John G. Pyne, Robert Sinclair, Alexander White, James Musicians. Howd, Julius B. Penfield, Luther M. Hartford, Southington, Derby, New Britain, New Haven, Southington, New Britain, New Haven, Derby, Hartford, Hartford, Hartford, Hartford, Hartford , East Hartford, Hartford,New Britain, New Britain, New Britain, New Brilain, New Britain, WindsorL'cks Wareham,Ms. New Britain, New Britain, New Britain, New Britain, Windham, New Britain, New Britain, New Britain, Aug.15,'62 July 21/62 Aug.15,'02 Aug.15,'62 Aug.15,'62 July 21, '02 Aug.15,'63 Aug.13,'62 Aug. 6/62 Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep.Sep. Aug.11,'62 Sep. Aug. 21, '62 Sep. Aug.21, '62 Aug.18,'62 Aug.25,'62 Aug.14,'62 Aug. 2> i, '62 Aug.11,'62 Aug.11,'62 Aug.11,'62Aug.21, '62 Aug. 8/62 Aug.30,'62 June28,'6lAusr. 13/62 Aug.13,'62Aug.11,'62 Aug.20,'62 July 21. '61 Aug.19,'62 Aug.11,'62Aug. 7/62 Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep.Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep.Sep. Sep. ,'62,'62 ,'62 '62'62 ,'62,'63 .'63 ,'63 8/638/63 8/63 Sep. Sep. 8/62 8/62 * Substitutes and drafted. Disc. dis. Sep. 16, '63. [Died Feb. 19, '64. Pro. from 1st Lt. Co. E, Oct. 23, '63. Wd. Jan. 20, '64, Tracy City, Tenn. Must. 2d Lt. Pro. 1st Lt. Co. H, Feb. 24, '63. Pro. from 1st Lt. Co. H, Apr. 21, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Disc dis. May 23, '63. Pro. from 2d Lt. Co. I, Aug. 6, '63. Died Dec. 20, '63. [Died Dec. 26, '64. Pro. from 2d Lt. Co. E, Feb. 14, '64. Wd. May 15, '64, Resaca, Ga. Must. Corp. Pro. Sergt. May 3, '63. Wd. July 3. '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Pro. 1st Sergt. May 1, '64. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Pro. 1st Lt. Jan. 22, '65. Wd. Mch. 14, '65, Fayetteville, N. 0. Disc: Apr. 2, '67. Pro. from 1st Sergt. Co. F, Feb. 24, '63. Resgd. July 17 '68. Pro. from Sergt. Co. B, Nov. 1, '63; 1st Lt. Co. G, Apr. 9, '64. (See Priv. Rifle Co. A, 3d C. V.) Pro. 2d Lt. Co. B, Apr. 24, '64. Must. Priv. Pro. Corp. Apr. 22, '63; 1st Sergt. Jan. 25, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. vr . r, ,„ , [June 23, '65. Must Corp. Wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Pro. May 1, '64. Disc. (See Priv Co. C, 3d C. V.) Wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Trans, to 41st Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Sep. 14, '64. Disc Aug 17 '65 Pro. 2d Lt. Co B Nov. 1 '63. [Pro. Oct. 31, '63. Disc. May 20, '65. Must. Corp. Cap'd May 3. '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par Mav 14 '63 K»\% mV' QP.«°,' ™'P' M,y-18'.;?3; Sergt. Jan. 25, '65. M. o. June 13, '65'. Hilled May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Ap. Adj. Dec. 17, '64. Killed May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va Must. Priv. Pro Jan. 25, '65. M. o. June 13 '65 Disc. dis. Mch. 27, '63. (See Priv. Co. C, 1st C. V.) Must. Priv. Pro Am- 4 'fiq naj„ * i Oct. 14, '63. Cap'd July 4, '64, Acworth PGa ' Jar it' ^V Disc. June 19. '65. Apr- so> 65- Trans, from Co. K. 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch 26 '64 Disc, dis Apr 23, '63. rp " a t„ f r, 4- r Must Priv. Pro. Corp. Oct. 1, '63. Disc. dis. Mch 31 '63 V<& ?' A;} (See Priv. Co. B, 8th C. V.) Must. Priv. Pro. Jan 25 '65 #r fgt' M*t. Priv. Pro. Oct. 31, '63. M. o June 13 '65 M' "' 'Tune Trans from Co. K, nth C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch 26 -ka 13' -65-<, Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63 Wd T„f ' oo ,«. Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Died Aug. 7, '64. ' July20, 64, Died Mch. 18, '63. Trans, to Co. A, 12th Regt. V. R. C. Dec. 31, '64. Disc. Aug. to, '65 TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. 25 Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enlistment. Date or Muster in this organ ization. Remarks. Wagoner. Smith, James B. Privates. Allison, Robert J. *Boner, Louis Brown, John Buggy, Dennis Clark, -John Coby, Patrick Coen, Michael Connell, James Coulter, James ^Ji: It: Curtiss, Lewis *Danner, Louis Deming, Henry R. Devine, Timothy Devine, James Dilworth, James A. Donahoe, Thomas Downey, James Duffy, Peter Dunn, Michael Dunn, Lewis Eccleston, Joseph T. Evarts, William N. Farley, John H. *Fischer, Augustus Flower, Artemus Flynn, Alexander Fox, Gilbert R. Freeman, Noah N. Gavin, Lawrence Gilbert, Michael Gleason. Michael Grecco, Lettorio Griffin, John Gurnett, Thomas Halwick, Alexander *Helm, Emile House, Eugene E. Hughes, James Humiston, Charles E. Jeffrey, Joseph P. Johnson, William Jones, Jeremiah Kane, James Keena, William Kelly, James Kilduff, Dennis *Kingler, Gottlieb Klympf, George *Kramer, Andrew Lavelli, Guiseppe Lawler, John Leary, Thomas *Lesser, Charles Lewis, William J. *Lewis, John Logan, Michael Lynch, Thomas Lyon, Richard T. Maloney, Patrick Mallory, David A. *Mango, Joseph Mayer, William May, Charles W. *McCarthy, William McDowell, Robert C. McGourn, James McLean, James ¦Mulligan, Francis O'Brien, Michael Ogden, Anthony G. Paddock, Sherman Penfield, Horace Hartford, Cromwell, Wethersfield, New Britain, Waterbury,Hartford, New Britain, Waterbury, Waterbury, WindsorL'cks,Waterbury,Hamden,New Britain, Waterbury, Waterbury, Colchester, New Britain, Waterbury, Watertown,New Britain, Berlin,New London, Hartford,New Britain, Plymouth, Meriden, New Britain, New London, Hartford,New Britain, New Britain, New Britain, New Britain, New Britain, Chic.Falls, Ms. Windham,Derby, Hartford,New Britain, Coventry,Waterbury, Waterbury,Waterbury,New Britain, New Britain, Plymouth, Waterbury, Madison, New Britain,- Danbury, New Britain, New Britain, Waterbury,Madison, Hartford,Plymouth, Brooklyn, New Britain, Greenwich, New Britain, New London, Southington, fHartford, New Britain, Derby, Waterbury,New Britain, WindsorL'cks, Hartford, Waterbury,WestHartford, Cromwell, New Britain, Aug.11,'62 Aug.12Aug.26 Aug.20 Aug. 19 Aug.22, Aug. 19, Aug.25 Aug.21 Sep. 2 Aug.12, Aug.25 Aug.ll Aug.25Aug.20 June 21 Aug.12 Aug.ll Aug.12 Aug.12Aug.15 June28Aug.15Aug.14 Aug.26 Aug.25 Aug.llJune28Aug.25 Aug.22Aug.21Aug.20 Aug.15 Aug.26June21 July 17 July 25 Aug.12Aug.ll Aug.15 Aug.25 Aug.23,Aug.Aug.22Aug. 18. Nov. is; Aug.15 Aug. 1 Aug.13Aug.22 Aug.13 Aug. 8 Aug.16,Aug. Aug.22 Aug.26 Sep. 5 Aug.13 Dec. 23 Aug.13 June28 Aug.26 Aug.26. Aug.13 July 25 Aug.12 Aug.18 Aug. 18, Aug.22 Aug.26, Aug.14 Aug.12 Aug.14, '63 '62 '62 '62'61'62 '62'62 '62'62 '61'62 '62 63 '62 '62'61 '62 '62'62'62'62 '62 '61 '61 '63'62 '62'63 '62 '62 '62 '62 '62'64 '62 '63 '62 '64'62'62 '62'63 •62'63 '64 '62 '64'62 '61'63'63'62'63 '62 '62'62 '62'62'62 '62 '62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug.26,'63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug.25,'63 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 V. R. Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Aug.26,'63Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 Sep. 8/62 July 25 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8: Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Nov. 18. Sep. 8 Aug. 1 Sep. 8 Aug.22 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Aug. 1 Sep. 8 Aug.26Sep. 5. Sep. 8 Dec. 23 Sep. 8 Aug.26 Aug.26Sep. 8 July 25 Sep. 8. Sep. 8 SepV 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. May 3, '68, Chancellorsville, Va. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Des. Sep. 30, '63. [Creek, Ga. Died Sep. 9, '64. Wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Des. July 30, '63. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 15, '63. Arrived at Died Feb. 7, '65. [Camp Distribution May 21, '63. N. f . r. A. G. 0. Wd. Jan. 21, '63, Dumfries, Va. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Died Dec. 7, '62. [Par. May 14, '63. Disc. June 30, '65. Left sick at Harper's Ferry, Va., Dec. 11, '62. N. f. r. A. G. O. Cap'd July 2, '64, Acworth, Ga. Died Oct. 31, '64, Millen, Ga. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Cap'd Mch. 14, '65, Fayetteville, N. C. Par. Apr. 5, '65. Disc. June 12, '65. Died Mch. 16, '64. Wd. Jan. 4, '63, Fairfax Station, Va. Disc. dis. Jan. 15, '63. Killed Sep. 30, '62, by falling from railroad cars. Disc: dis. Apr. 23, '63. (See Priv. Co. M, 2d C. V. H. A.) Trans, from Co. F, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Trans, to 159th Co. 2d Batt. C. Sep. 14, '64. Disc. July 5, '65. Cap'd Mch. 14, '65, Fayetteville, N. C. Par. Apr. 2, '65. Furi'd Apr. 10, '65; failed to return. N. f. r. A. G. O. Cap'd Mch. 24, '65, Goldsboro, N. C. Par. Apr. 2, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. May 3, '63. Chancellorsville, Va. M. o. June 13, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, from Co. K, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Trans, to 49th Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Jan. 28, '64. Disc. June 26, '65. Disc. dis. May 26, '63. Des. Sep. 14, '63. Disc. dis. Sep. 11, '62. Disc. dis. Apr. 19, '63. Trans, from Co. K, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 15, '63. M. o. June M. o. June 13, '65. * [13, '65. Cap'd July 2, '64, Acworth, Ga. Died Oct. 26, '64, Millen, Ga. M. o. June 13, '65. Accidentally wounded June 13, '63. Disc. dis. June 7, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans. fromCo. F, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Trans, from Co. K, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Trans, to Co. K, 5th C. V. June 12, '65. Disc. July 15, '65. Killed Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Trans, to Oo. B, 3d Regt. V. R. C. July 1, '63. Trans, to 3d Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. July 1, '63. Disc. dis. Jan. 15, '63. [Nov. 11, '64. Killed in railroad accident Disc. Aug. 28, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. June 23, '65. Par. May 14, '63. Died J uly 3, '64. Des. Sep. 11, '62. Des. Jan. 20, '63. Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Des. Dec. 7, '64. Died Dec. 1, '64. Trans, to Co. K, 5th C. V. June 12, '65. M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Died May 30, '63 Disc. June 1, '65. Trans, to Co. K, 5th C. V. June 12, '65. Disc. dis. Mch. 31, '63. Des. Ang. 16, '64. Must, for one year. M. o. June 13, '65. Des. Sep. 11, '62. Trans, to Co. K, 5th C. V. June 12, '65. (See Priv. Rifle Co. E, 3d C. V.) Disc. dis. Feb. 19, '63. Trans, from Co. K, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch 26, '64. Wd. May 15, '64, Resaca, Ga. Des. Oct. 1, '64. Des. Sep. 14, '63. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 14, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Trans, to Co K, 5th C. V. June 12, '65. [Camp Distribution May 21, '63. N. f . r. A. G. O. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 15, '63. Arrived at M. o. June 18, '65.- (See Priv. Co. C, 1st C. V.) Disc. dis. Oct. 13, "63. Des. Sep. 11, '62. Des. Sep. 29, '63. Cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va. Par. May 15, '63. M. O. Roll reports him absent (sick) Dec. 3, '64. M. o. June 13, '65. Trans, to Co. F, 9th Regt. V. R. C. Aug. N. f. r. A. G. O. 29, '63. Disc. June 26, '65. * Substitutes and drafted. 4 f Place of muster in, 26 TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Name and Rank. Raineri, Salvator Ralph, James *Reischil, Oscar Riley, Michael Roberts, Charles F. Rogen, Peter Root, John S. Royston, James *Sander, Joseph *Scott, John Scranton, Lucius P. Skelly, John G. Skinner, Albert Smith, Erastus D. *Smith, Henry Spicer, William D. Spink, John *Stanbrook, Thomas Starr, David A. Stevens, Alfred C. Stickney, William S. *Stuart, John Talcott, James H. Talcott, Charles W. Tarr, Horace G. H. Tew, John Tracy, Michael *Vandakoss, Louis *Vogelli, Frederick *Wbeber, William Weems, Martin Whaples, Henry N. Wilson, John G. Wright, Henry F. *Young, Henry Residence. New Britain, Cromwell, Bristol, New Britain, Hartford,New Britain, Hartford,New Britain, Waterbury, Derby,New Haven, New Britain, Hartford,Stonington, Killingly, Lisbon, East Haven, Manchester, New London, New Britain, Cromwell,Farmington, Hartford, Hartford, Hartford, Windham, Hartford,Windham, Woodbury, Plymouth, Waterbury, Wethersfield, New Britain, New Britain, Derby, Date of Enlistment. Date of Muster in this organ ization. Remarks. Aug.15,Aug.22, Aug.25,Aug. 7, Aug.21,Aug. 9, Aug.12, Aug. 7, Aug. 1, Aug.25, July 12, Aug.ll,Aug.14, July 14, Aug.24,July 6, Nov.30, Aug.25 June28 Aug.ll,Aug.12,Aug.25, Aug. 9, Aug. 9, Nov. 4. July 18, Aug.15. Aug.26, Aug.25 Aug.26 Aug. 9 Aug.15 Aug. 6 Aug. 7 July 25 6262 6362 '62 62 '62'62 '63 '68'61'62 62 '61 '63'61'64 63 61 '62 62 '63 '62 '62'62 '61'62 '63 '63 '63 •63'63'63 '63 '63 Sep.Sep.Aug.25, Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Aug. 1 Aug.25, Sep.Sep. :,'621/62 Aug.24,'63 Nov.30Aug.25 Sep. 8. Sep. 8 Aug.25 Sep. 8. Sep. 8 Nov. 4 Ldis. May 17, '64. Par. May 14, '63. Disc. Re-trans.-Mch. 26, '64. Sep. 8 Aug.26Aug.25 Aug.26 Sep. ' Sep. Sep.Sep. July 25 '62 '63'63'63 ,'62 ;,'62i,'62;,'62 63 M. o. June 13, '65. Wd. and cap'd May 3, '63, Chancellorsvlile, Va. Disc. dis. Apr. 11, '65. Des. Jan. 20, '63. Killed July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. M. o. June 13, '65. Ap. Q.M.-Sergt. Feb. 24, '63 Wd July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. M. o. June 13, 65. Trans, to Co. K, 5th C. V. June 12, '65. Wd Mch. 14, '65, Iversbury, N. C. Trans, to Co. K, 5th C. V. June 12, 65. Trans, from Co. K, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Died Dec. 22, '62. „ . „„ , Trans, to 22d Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Aug. 14, '63; trans, to Co. A. 18th Regt Apr. 23, '64. Pro. Q.M.-Sergt. Dec. 1, '64. Disc. June 28, '65. Trans, from Co. K, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. -26, '64. Des. Apr. 25, '64. Trans, from Co. K, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Trans, to Co. K, 5th C. V. June 12, '65. Wd July 20, '64, Peach-Tree Creek, Ga. Trans, from Co. K, 5th C. V. Jan 11, '64 M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Mch. 23, '63. Trans, to Co. K, 5th C. V. June 12, '65. Des. Mch. 16, '63. Trans, to 16th Co. 2d Batt. V. R. C. Aug. 22, '64. Ap. Sergt.-Mai. May 4, '63. „ nA Trans, from Co. K, 5th C. V. Jan. 11, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Disc. dis. Feb. 3, '63. Disc. Aug. 11. '65. Des. Sep. 30, '63. Des. Sep. 14, '63. Disc. dis. Apr. 16, '63. M. o. June 13, '65. Disc. dis. Feb. 3, '63. Disc. dis. Jan. 9, '63. Wd. Mch. 19, '65, Bentonville, N. C. Died Aug. 7, '64. Re-trans. Mch. 26, '64. Disc. June 14, '65. Trans, to Co. K, 5th C. V. June 12, '65. Unassigned Recruits. Name. Residence. D:ite of Muster. Remarks. « DeGarmo, Charles H. Johnson, Thomas Murry, John Sherwood, Mark Smith, Charles Smith, Charles Wilson, John F. Wilson, George Middletown, Feb. 27/64 June 13/63 Aug. 5/64 Aug. 23/64 Aug. 11/64 Aug. 23/64 Mch. 15/64 Aug. 23/64 Disc. dis. May 23, '64. Died Oct. 21, '63. Trans, to 20th N. Y. Batty. Sep. 10, '64, a deserter therefrom. N. f. r. A. G. O. Trans, to 20th N. Y. Batty. Sep. 10, '64, a deserter therefrom. N. f . r. A. G. O. Trans, to 20th N. Y. Batty. Sep. 10, '64, a deserter therefrom. N. f. r. A. G. O. Trans, to 20th N. Y. Batty. Sep. 10, '64, a deserter therefrom. N. f. r. A. G. O. Disc. Aug. 31, '64. Trans, to 20th N. Y. Batty. Sep. 10, '64, a deserter therefrom. N. f. r. A. G. O. Trumbull,Easton,Fairfield,Easton, Washington,Westport, * Substitutes and drafted. TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. 27 Casualties Twentieth Connecticut Volunteers. Field and Staff. A. B. c. D. E. F. G. n. I. K. Unae- Flffnerl HutT'ls. Killed, Missing in action, probably killed, Deaths from accident, 1 4 9 2 1 24 18 i 23 5 4 6 1 11 6 5 54 1 11 ' 22 1 1 9 11 2 ! 1 2 26 ! 30 1 5 21 1 16 28 22 4 1 1 7 Fatally wounded, Wounded, Accidentally wounded, Captured, Died in prison, Died of disease, Discharged for disability, Unaccounted for at muster-out, 2 4 26 4 14 1 4 3 23 8 3 18 1 2 28 209 5 12 1 6 26 6 30 1 9 14 11 5 23 113 2 4 5 19 3 17 14 11 1 7 29 8 12 5 27 71 203 5 Total, 5 79 63 71 54 74 50 46 94 77 85 2 700