Yale University Library 39002002959634 MMSm 0 z ',€'m:-/.'ruj c^^^y^^na Ip**^^?^-— ' 6-C.' , L THE HISTORY OF SUTTON, NEW HAIMF'SHIRB; CONSISTING OF THE HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS OF [RASTUS WADLEIGH, ESO., AND A. H. WORTHEN. COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY MRS. AUGUSTA HARVEY WORTHEN. PART II. Comorb, |t. p. printed by the republican press ASSOCIATION. I 890. «*C*'- INDEX TO EATON GRANGE, ETC. Eaton Grange, first settlement, altitude, 1025 Description of views, of laying out of road, of early use of the house, of neighborhood, 1026-1028 John Eaton, 1029 Present use of Eaton Grange, 1029 Golden wedding of Mr. R. H. and Mrs. Ruth (Eaton) Sher burne, 1031-1033 Some of the descendants of Caleb Kimball, 1033 Reflections, 1034 Caleb Kimball and his ancestry, and the ancestry of his wife, Sarah (Sawyer) Kimball, 1035-1037 Children of Caleb and Sarah Sawyer Kimhall, 1037 Mary Kimball and John Eaton, 1037 Lucretia Kimball and William Haddock, and descendants, . . 1037 Caleb Kimball, Jr., 1039 Sarah Kimball and John Adams, and descendants, . . . 1039-1044 Betsey Kimball and Lemuel Adams, and descendants, . . 1044-1048 Jacob Sawyer Kimball and Eliza Purkett, and descendants, . . 1048 Phoebe Kimball and Stephen Moore, and descendants, . . 1048-1050 Lavinia Kimball and James Pinkerton, 1050 Abigail Kimball and Dr. John McCrillis, and descendants, . . 1051 Eatons and their ancestry, 1052 John and Mary (liimball) Eaton, and descendants, . . . 1055-1078 Elijah and Elizabeth (Vose) Eaton, and descendants, . . 1078-1082 Nathaniel and Sarah (Emerson) Eaton, and descendants, . 1082-1086 Pamelia (Eaton) Messer, and descendants, 1053-1055 Samuel Andrew and his ancestry, 1087 Children of Samuel and Mary (Dodge) Andrew, 1088 Daniel and SaUy (Quimby) Andrew, and descendants, . . 1088-1090 Mary Andrew and Timothy Peaslee, 1090 Nathan and Hannah (Gregg) Andrew, and descendants, . 1090-1098 Samuel and Sally (Peaslee) Andrew, and descendants, . . 1098-1100 John and Mary ( ) Andrew, and descendants, 1100 Israel and Phoebe (Messer) Andrew, and descendants, .... 1100 IV HISTORY or SUTTON". Sarah Andrew and Dr. William Martin, and descendants, 1101-1104 Hannah Andrew and Israel Putnam, and descendants, . . 1104-1105 Perley and Elizabeth (Muzzey) Andrew, and descendants, 1105-1109 Betsey Andrew and Samuel Jones, and descendants, . . 1109-1110 Concluding item, 1111 INDEX OF ENGEAYINGS. PAET II. Hon. George A. Pillsbury, frontispiece. George S. Cheney, 653 Johnson Colby, 667 William H. Marshall, 742 Matthew Harvey, 3d (of Newport), 753 Charles H. Kohlrausch, 7.54 Benjamin E. Porter, 756 Dr. Robert Lane, 792 Dr. James Smiley, 796 Robert L. Ela, 798 Richard Ela, 800 Cyrus H. Little, 806 Hiram K. Little, 809 Oi-en Nelson, 837 Enoch Page, 849 Chai-les A. Pillsbury 892 Ex-Gov. John S. Pillsbury, 805 Carlos G. Pressey, 910 Judge Benjamin Wadleigh, 982 Daniel F. Whitcomb 1006 James H. Woodward 1016 Eaton Grange, 1025 Eaton family group 1031 John Eaton 1059 Frederick Eaton, 1066 L. B. Eaton, 1070 Horace Eaton, 1076 Dr. Jesse Haven Foster, 1089 T. F. Andrews, 1093 GENEALOGIES. GENEALOGY OF SUTTON FAMILIES. [When the name of a town is given without designating the state, it is to be under stood as located in New Hampshire.] ADAMS. For John Adams, see Eaton Grange. For Samuel Andrew, see Eaton Grange. Dennis H. Adams, b. Nov. 16, 1819 ; m. Sept. 2, 1850, Betsey A. Everett, b. Oct., 1833 ; she d. Sept. 14, 1864. Child,— I. Julia A., b. Sept. 3, 1852 ; d. Sept. 14, 1865. n. Augusta M., b. May 21, 1856 ; m. May 12, 1872, John G. Hazen. Dennis H. Adams m., 2d, Dec. 16, 1865, Betsey A. Upton. Child,— I. WiUiam H. H., b. Oct. 23, 1866 ; m. April 13, 1887, Fannie A. Gate. AMBROSE. See " Early Settlers," and personal sketch of Rev. Samuel Ambrose. No complete record of his family is found. His sister Rebecca m. John Davis ; and of his children, — I. Abigail, m. Thomas Persons, Aprd. 30, 1799. U. Polly, m. Da-vid Davis. in. Sally, m. Nathan Leach. IV. Lydia, m. Elisha Parker, April 7, 1811. V. Esther, not m. ; d. 1840, aged 46. VI. Susan, m. Carey. Vn. Samuel, d. in Newburyport. VIII. Jonathan, d. in Maine. IX. Nathaniel, m. SaUy Eaton. 600 HISTORY OP SUTTON. X. David, m. Ruth Stevens ; 1 ch., d. before the mother ; second wife, Lydia Merrill, 4 children. Mrs. Mary Ambrose, mother of the above children, d. Jan. 5, 1830, aged 76. ARMSTRONG. Nathaniel Armstrong, b. Oct. 16, 1793, in Windham; d. Apr. 6, 1856, in Bedford ; m. Apr. 17, 1823, in Acworth, Polly McGregor, daughter of William Adams, b. Aug. 14, 1801 ; d. July 18, 1853. Children, b. in Sutton,— I. Orson H., b. Dec. 4, 1824 ; d. June 12, 1841. n. Wniiam A., b. Jan. 11, 1827 ; d. Aug. 4, 1828. ni. Joseph, b. Nov. 12, 1830. IV. Solon, b. May 15, 1834. V. Milon, b. July 25, 1839; d. July 12, 1842. in. Joseph Armstrong m. July 17, 1869, Ann M. Dudley, of Hampden, Me. She d. July 5, 1860, in St. Paul, Minn. He m., 2d, July 15, 1876, Mary E. Drew, formerly of New Hampton. IV. Solon Armstrong m. Feb., 1874, Mrs. Sarah B. (RoUins) Redfield, daughter of Capt. John Rollins, of Minneapolis. Ghil- dren, b. in Minneapolis, — 1. Bessie RoUins, b. Feb. 21, 1875. 2. Solon, b. Oct. 2, 1877 ; d. Sept. 29, 1886. 3. Joseph, b. Dec. 23, 1878. Mrs. Sarah B. (RoUins) Armstrong d. April 14, 1879, in Min neapolis. Nathaniel Armstrong, son of Daniel Armstrong, of Wind ham, came to Sutton in 1823 or 1824, and in connection with Aspasio Hemphill, his brother-in-law, engaged in trade at the North Village, in the store which then occupied the site of the present Walter Sargent house. At the end of about four years he purchased what is now known as the Gage farm, at the south part of the town, and removed thither. There he spent the remainder of his life. Hfe was possessed of many excellent qualities, and was much es teemed. His two surviving sons, Joseph and Solon, early in life removed to Minnesota, where they have been very GENEALOGY. 601 successful, and where they occupy good positions in busi ness and society, and are influential and honored citizens. Joseph has for several j^ears been mail agent on the North ern Pacific R. R. Solon Armstrong has served the city of Minneapolis in several important offices. AUSTIN. Solomon Austin came to Sutton from Amherst, about the year 1800, and settled in the vicinity of Edmund Rich ardson, who was a brother to the wife of Mr. Austin. They settled near the base of Kearsarge mountain. Their son, Saul Austin, married Susan Flint, and one of their daugh ters, Charlotte, married Ebenezer Flint, brother to Susan Flint. Another daughter of Solomon Austin, Sally, mar ried Hezekiah Parker, Jr. Saul Austin, and Susan his wife, had a family. Among their children was Charles, a musical instrument manufac turer in Concord, and the inventor of a very important improvement in the instrument known as the melodeon. Saul Austin in his later years returned to Amherst, where he was living in 1877 at the age of ninety years, being the only man then living who paid taxes in this town in 1810. BABB. Joshua Babb, b. Nov. 17, 1796; d. Feb. 29, 1868: m. Marian Powers, b. July 16, 1797; d. March 10, 1868. Children, — L Henry O., b. Dec. 7, 1820 ; d. n. Catherine, b. May 16, 1824. III. Dennis P., b. Jan. 5, 1827. IV. EUinor M., Jan. 6, 1830. V. Henry E., b. Aug. 17, 1834. III. Dennis P. Babb m. . Children, — 1. Henry D.' 2. Mary E. 3. Martha. 602 HISTORY OF SUTTON". 2. Mary E. Babb in., 1st, Benjamin Coming ; 2d, David McGregor, Dec, 1886. rV. EUinor M. Babb m., March 16, 1849, Benjamin P. Nelson. Children, — 1. Monira G., b. Jmie 14, 1850; d. Dec. 26, 1871. 2. Martha C, b. May 23, 1853. 3. William F., b. Aug. 9, 1855, 4. Loren T., b. Aug. 15, 1858. 1. Monira G. Nelson m. Alphonso P. Hoyt. Child, — Cora B., b. May 22, 1869. 2. Martha C. Nelson m. George W. Burbank. Children, — Edna M., b. Dec. 3, 1871 ; Amy G. ; Clifford. ; Winfred. 4. Loren T. Nelson m. Dec. 26, 1888. V. Henry E. Babb m. EUza J. Dow. Children, — 1. Martha J., b. June 2. 1848. 2. Nettie, b. Feb. 4, 1854. 3. Eliza A. and Alfred H., b. Feb. 10, 1860. BAILEY. Dudley Bailey, b. in Salem, June 2, 1781 ; m. September 8; 1808, to Sarah Woodman, who was born Sept. 9, 1788. They removed to Sutton in 1818, remaining till 1832. Chil dren, — I. Emery, b. Aug. 21, 1809. II. Lydia, b. Nov. 11, 1812. III. Laura, b. Jan. 8, 1815. IV. Lawrence Dudley, b. Aug. 26, 1819. V. Abner Woodman, b. Jan. 23, 1825. I. Emery Bailey m. Sept. 26, 1834, Lois G. Clough, who was b. at WUmot, May 10, 1811. In 1839 he moved from Wihnot to Sutton, purchasing the farm known as the PhUip Harvey place. ChUdren, — 1. Lydia Maria, b. Aug. 11, 1836. 2. Sarah W., b. March 30, 1840. 3. Lois A., b. Sept. 27, 1841. 4. MaryE., b. Oct. 20, 1845. Mrs. BaUey d. Feb. 4, 1854, and Mr. BaUey m. Feb. 1, 1855, Elizabeth Knight, who was b. Feb. 17, 1820. Child,— 5. Lawrence E., b. Aug. 16, 1857. GENEALOGY. 603 Capt. Emery BaUey has been for many years a resident of North Sutton, and a very useful and influential citizen, fiUing acceptably many important town offices. 1. Lydia Maria BaUey m., 1st, Frank Nelson, Sept. 9, 1857, who d. Feb. 20, 1875. ChUdren,- (1) Linda E. (2) Frank A. (3) James M. Mrs. Nelson m., 2d, February, 1880, Truman Putney. (1) Linda E. Nelson m. Rev. Orison L. Gile, Jan. 1, 1884. She d. — 2. Sarah W. BaUey m. Dec. 25, 1867, Horatio Longa, of Manches ter. Children, — (1) Charles E. (2) LiUa B. (3) Willie N. (4) Archie B. 3. Lois A. Bailey m. Aug. 1, 1865, Dexter E. Brown, of WUmot. Children, — (1) Etta L. (2) Idelle. (3) Willie N. (4) Walter S. (5) Arthur. 5. Lawrence E. BaUey m. May 10, 1885, Mary E. MerrUl, of Sut ton. ChUd, — (1) David E. II. Lydia BaUey m. Aug. 19, 1836, Reuben G. Andrews, of Sutton, who died Sept. 21, 1868. Children,— 1. Emery. 2. Dudley. 3. Byron. 4. Helen. 5. Charles. 6. Frank. 7. Minerva. 8. Lydia J. III. Laura BaUey m. July 4, 1837, Uriah B. Persons, of Brad ford. She died March 14, 1878. Children,- 1. Eliza. 2. Laura. 3. John. 4. Dudley. 5. Ellen. 6. Mary. IV. Lawrence Dudley BaUey m. Dec. 15, 1870, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Peabody, of La-wrence, Kansas. He is Judge Bailey, of Kansas. V. Abner Woodman BaUey m. June 24, 1846, Minerva Twiss, of Newbury, who died Sept. 20, 1851, lea-ving one child, Minerva, and he again m. March 16, 1852, Julia T. Clough, of Orange, Me. ChUdren, — 1. Emma. 2. Lawrence. 3. Name unknown. * Stephen R. Bailey, b. March, 1818, d. Aug. 24, 1863; m. Jan. 18, 1842, Sarah G. Bean. She was born March 19, 1824, d. May 31, 1876. Children,— 604 HISTORY OF SUTTON. I. Prudence A., b. Nov. 9, 1843. II. Stephen E., b. Sept. 13, 1847. in. George A., b. Aug. 14, 1848. rV. Charles L., b. Aug. 9, 1842. II. Stephen E. BaUey m. March 27, 1875, Lucy E. Johnson. She was born Feb. 27, 1856. ChUdren,— 1. Blanche N., b. Dec. 7, 1875. 2. Stella M., b. Jan. 25, 1878. 3. Kate E., b. Sept. 23, 1887. III. George A. BaUey m. Oct. 9, 1874, Alice Conant. ChUd,— 1. Alice Lilian, b. Oct. 5, 1875. IV. Charles L. BaUey m. July 4, 1873, EUen Brown. * See Soldier Kecord. Rufus Bailey, b. Feb. 10, 1821 ; d. Jan. 10, 1866 : m. Eliza^ beth P. , b. April 11, 1825. Children,— I. Charles P., b. Dec. 20, 1848. IL George E., b. May 5, 1850. III. Emma L., b. March 11, 1861. IV. Clara E., b. Sept. 5, 1865. I. George E. BaUey m. Mina J. . She was b. Sept. 9, 1857. ChUd,— 1. Fred H., b. April 25, 1887. Bradbury Bailey, Esq., came to Sutton from Hopkinton about 1818, having kept store in Hopkinton three or four years, and being much esteemed while here ; removed to Washington ; was father of Rev. George W. Bailey. Isaac Bailey came to Sutton from Hopkinton about 1813 ; succeeded Capt. Minot in keeping store at the South Village. His brother, Enoch Bailey, came, and later kept the store, and was the only postmaster in town for some years. John Bailey came here from Hopkinton, perhaps about 1830. His son Lewis kept a store for some years in the South Village. Capt. Joshua Bailey was brother to Lewis Bailey, and at different times made Sutton his residence. GENEALOGY. 605 Captain Joshua Bailey, b. in Hopkinton, April 16, 1792, d. in Sutton, March 4, 1881, married a young lady of Charleston, S. C. They had one daughter, Olivia P., who m. March 7, 1855, William C. Haynes, of Newbury. Re sided a short time in Sutton, but chiefly in Washington, D. C. His first wife having died, he remained single sev eral years. Married, 2d, Dec. 8, 1849, Harriet Pauline Fiske, of North Chelsea (Revere). Their child, Florence Pauline, b. Nov. 5, 1850, m. Sept. 1, 1875, Fred H. Gould, of Bradford, a lawyer. Capt. Joshua Bailey shipped as cabin boy at the age of thirteen, and before attaining his majority had worked his way up to captain. He was the first captain that ever shipped a crew from Portsmouth, and probably from any other New England port, that consented to accept hot coffee in place of the customary allowance of " grog." He was at one time owner of many vessels, and, as captain, has sailed his ships into almost every port of both conti nents. In 1873 he bid farewell to his sea-fariug life, and thereafter made South Sutton his home. His reminiscences of foreign countries and their people were very entertain ing as well as instructive. BAGLEY. Samuel Bagley, b. 1842 ; d. Jan. 30, 1881 : m. Feb. 21, 1863, Lydia Little. She was b. Feb. 23, 1840. Children,— L Orison, b. May 21, 1864. IL Orrin, b. May 1, 1866. III. Alice, b. Dec. 12, 1875. IV. Flora, b. June 5, 1877. BATCHELDER. Phineas Batchelder removed from Sandown to Sutton in 1789. He was quite a noted man in his day, being a sheriff, and as such having business in many places. He also was a 606 HISTORY OF SUTTON. "drovier," as it was termed, buying cattle and taking the drove down country to sell at the markets of the large towns, and thus made many acquaintances. In early life he had been a school teacher; also a teacher of dancing and etiquette. He was a direct descendant of the noted Rev. Stephen Bachilor, of Lynn and other towns at an early date. Phineas Batchelder lived at one period in Newbury, but spent the last of his years with his daughter Dorothy, wife of Dea. Samuel Bean, in Sutton. Phineas Batchelder d. May 18, 1833, in Newbury : m. Sally Clough in 1775 ; d. Sept. 24, 1832. Children,— I. Hannah, b. 1777 ; m. 1802, Eleazer WeUs, of Newbury. II. Dorothy, b. 1780 ; m. 1803, Samuel Bean, of Sutton. III. Mehitabel, b. 1783 ; m. 1805, Samuel Cutts, of Goshen. IV. PoUy, b. 1786 ; m. 1803, Moses True, of Goshen. V. SaUy, b. 1788 ; d. in infancy. VI. SaUy, 1790; m. 1812, David Heath, of Bradford, Vt. vn. Betsey, b. 1791; m. Sept. 3, 1819, Benjamin CiUey, of Newbury. VIII. Charlotte, b. 1793 ; m. 1811, Henry Richardson, of Cor inth, Me. IX. Phebe, b. 1795 ; m. 1820, Button Wheelock, of Calais, Me. X. Lucinda, b. 1803 ; m. July 11, 1824, Moses CUley, of New bury. BEAN. Samuel Bean, the ancestor of the Sutton families of that name, is sometimes spoken of by his descendants as " Sam uel Bean the grantee." This, however, is incorrect. His name is not found among the names of the sixty original grantees of 1749, nor does it appear upon the record book of the proprietors till many years after that date. But he, by purchase, became owner of a whole right, or proprietor's share, which consisted of three different lots. On the three lots he settled three sons, viz., Cornelius upon the lot best known as the Dearborn Meadow farm, lying in the western part of the town and extending over the line into GENEALOGY, 607 the Newbury of to-day ; Samuel, upon the lot embracing the western part of Wadleigh hill, and Meadow Brook farm, now owned by John Pressey ; and upon the large lot embracing the southern part of King's or Bean's hill, and extending across the valley, taking in a portion of the next hill, what became the " Ensign Jacob Bean " farm, he set tled his youngest son, William. At one time he owned here connected nearly, or quite, four hundred acres. He was preparing to move thither himself, and spend the re mainder of his days in the new town he had taken such active interest in, but his sudden death (see Casualties) cut .short his plans, and doubtless was a great loss to the town, his great energy, capacity, knowledge, and experience being just what was needed here. He was in the habit of com ing up during the summers to assist about the work after his sons had settled here, and the way he used to notify all the neighborhood of his arrival was to go on the hill in the morning and sing. He had a voice of wonderful power .and sweetness, which could be heard three miles, and when his former friends settled in this vicinity heard it, they recognized it at once, and would hasten to greet him and to hear news from their old homes. Several of his descend ants have inherited his peculiar quality of voice for singing, and some of them haye also inherited a peculiarity not so desirable. In all the generations, now and then has ap peared one born with ankles turned so that the feet point in. To his son Samuel he gave a double portion of his property, because he was thus crippled. A great-great grandson,, born in Canada, to-day represents this family peculiarity. Samuel Bean, Sr., however, was not thus afBicted. Samuel Bean, Sr., b. near 1708: m., 1732, Mary ; d. June, 1800, in Hopkinton. His wife d. Aug., 1811, in ,Sutton, aged 100 years. Children, — I. Judith, b. 1732; d. Nov. 9, 1817. II. Joseph, b. 1736; d. Sept. 1759. 608 HISTORY OF SUTTON. in. Cornelius, b. Jan. 2, 1740 ; d. summer of 1831. IV. Sarah, b. Dec. 10, 1742 ; d. July 11, 1820. V. Mary, b. Dec. 8, 1746 ; d. near 1832. VI. Samuel, b. Jan. 8, 1748 ; d. AprU 20, 1819. VII. Cornelia, b. July 8, 1750 ; d. VIII. WUliam, b. AprU 5, 1752 ; d. Jan. 15, 1833. IX. Elizabeth, b. May 6, 1755 ; d. Sept. 20, 1821. I. Judith Bean m. 1754, Moses Quimby, of Hawke (now Dan- viUe). He was b. 1713. He d. Dec. 18, 1797, in Sutton. ChU dren, — 1. Elizabeth, b. 1756 ; d. March 17, 1826. 2. Hannah, b. 1758; d. April 16, 1831. 3. Sally, b. 1761; d. Aug. 3, 1840. 4. Dorothy, b. 1767; d. June 12, 1795. 5. PoUy, b. 1770 ; d. June 30, 1843. 6. Judith, b. 1772; d. Nov. 23, 1842. 7. Rhoda, b. 1775; d. Nov. 21, 1795. 2. Hannah Quimby m. Philip Nelson. 3. Sally Quimby m. Jan. 1, 1789, Daniel Andrew. 4. Dorothy Quimby m. April 14, 1794, Jacob Bean. 5. Polly Quimby m. Jan. 17, 1798, John Muzzy, and, 2d, Joseph Put ney, of Hopkinton. II. Joseph Bean never married. He was killed in battle at the taking of Quebec, after ha-ving had three guns stove to pieces in his hands. Tidings of his great bravery were sent home afterwards. ni. Cornelius Bean m. Betsey . IV. Sarah Bean m. May 23, 1768, Samuel Peaslee, of Sandown. V. Mary Bean m. 1767, Benjamin Wells, of Sandown. VIII. William Bean m. Jan. 1, 1773, Sarah, dau. of Judge Jere miah Griffin. Children, — 1. Joseph, b. June 5, 1774 ; d. Feb. 1, 1833. 2. Elizabeth, b. May 2, 1776 ; d. Sept. 12, 1877. 3. Elizabeth, b. March 23, 1780 ; d. Jan. 30, 1866. 4. Samuel, b. Aug. 15, 1782; d. March 21, 1868. 5. Mary, b. Jan. 9, 1785; d. Aug. 17, 1861. 6. William, b. Sept. 4, 1787 ; d. March 30, 1829. 7. Israel, b. June 3, 1789 ; d. near 1832. William Bean moved to Sutton in 1778, and settled upon Bean's hill, so named for him or for his father. WUliara cleared the large farm and lived here, caring for his aged mother, Mary Bean, the centenarian, and rearing his own GENEALOGY. 609 family. In later years the farm was so divided that nearly all his sons had a portion of it. He was among the early believers and supporters of the Universalist faith. He had a good education and much taste for reading and study. He was quite well situated in life, as the farm developed many good points, among them the fine granite quarries which were first opened by him, and the clay-bed was made a source of profit. Much to the regret of his fellow-towns men, he, with his wife, late in life removed to Hatley, Can ada, where some of his daughters were already settled. He d. in 1833. His wife d. May 6, 1840. 1. Joseph Bean, his son, m. Dec. 29, 1796, Hannah Wadleigh, dau. of Benjamin Wadleigh, Sr. ; she d. April 11, 1841. Children, — (1) Daniel, b. Nov. 2, 1797 ; d Sept. 16, 1825. (2) William, b. Nov. 8, 1800 ; d. Sept. 16, 1859. (3) Hannah, b. July 25, 1808 ; d. Aug. 8, 1874. (See Pressey.) 2. William Bean, son of Joseph and Hannah (Wadleigh) Bean, b. Nov. 8, 1800, m. March 1, 1826, Jane McQuesten, of Litchfield, sister of Dr. David McQuesten, of Washington. She was born July 15, 1801. She was dau. of James and Ann (Moor) McQuesten. Children, b. in Sutton, — (1) Daniel, b. AprU 9, 1828. (2) James M., b. May 10, 1830 ; d. Jan. 23, 1887. (3) Joseph, b. June 11, 1832. Went to California; supposed d. (4) Mary Ann, b. Nov. 8, 1834; d. March 27, 1881. (5) Franklin, b. Sept. 15, 1836 ; d. Sept. 5, 1837. (6) Nancy, b. Sept. 23, 1838. (7) Hannah Jane, b. AprU 25, 1843 ; d. July 20, 1877. (8; Martha M., b. Feb. 9, 1845; d. Feb. 20, 1888. William Bean spent nearly all his life upon Bean hill in Sutton. When a young man he went to Manchester and learned the process of brick-making, at the then noted McQuesten brick-yards; came home and established the Bean brick-yard upon Bean's hill, where quite an extensive business was done. A few years before his death he sold out his estate in Sutton and removed to Sunapee. Note.— The first generation is indicated by Roman [I.], the second by Arabic [1.], the third by parenthesis [(!)], the fourth by letters [a.], the fifth by letters in parenthe sis ((a)], the last (whatever the generation) by blank. [Ed. 39 610 HISTORY OF SUTTON. De. James M. Bean was one of the natives of Sutton whose successful achieve ment of a professional education, of wealth, and social posi tion, entirely without external aid, deserve especial mention. His father, with a large family to support, could do but little more than provide all his children with a comfort able, respectable home. Like many other Sutton boys, James Bean obtained his early education at the district school, supplemented by a few terms at New London Acad emy. The distance of the seminary from his father's house necessitated a daily walk of several miles. At the age of fifteen he commenced teaching school, and taught success fully several terms. Through both parents James Bean seems to have inherited qualities which proved as good as a fortune to him. The mother of William Bean was a woman of very superior mind, she being a daughter of Ben jamin Wadleigh, Sr., and his wife Hannah, daughter of Ebenezer Kezar. William Bean's wife, Jane McQuesten, was of a very fine family. She was a sister to Dr. David McQuesten, long a successful practising physician in Washington. It is be lieved that the example and influence of this honored uncle may have determined James Bean in his choice of a profession. With this stimulus, and with the intellectual tendencies and scholarly qualities of his Wadleigh ancestry, united with the immense physical energy, practical ability, and sound judgment of the Kezars, he could hardly fail to accomplish all that he did. He went to New York and taught school, at the same time studying medicine, and afterwards pursuing the same course in New Jersey, whither he went without money enough to keep him over night, but was so successful that, at the end of the third year there, he had saved from his salary as teacher about one thousand dollars, which money enabled him to go to Philadelphia and there pursue a course of study at the Pennsylvania University, from which he graduated with honor April 1, 1854. He commenced practice at once in New Jersey, GENEALOGY. 611 locating first in Camden, then at Juliustown, then at Jacobs- town, and, in 1"878, in New Egypt, where he remained till his death. He built up a large and lucrative practice, and, being a shrewd financier and man of business, he was able to amass a large fortune, and was at the time of his death the richest man in the county. He was very popular among all classes, and for some years before his death he vras much talked of as a candidate for governor and United States senator ; but his failing health did not permit him to enter the political arena. In 1885 he was taken seriously ill with a complication of diseases. This sickness left him much broken in health, and finally he died Jan. 23, 1887. His wife was Rachel E., daughter of Aaron R. and Eliza A. Borden, one of the most prominent families in the state of New Jersey. They had six daughters, the three eldest of whom graduated from the Moravian College, at Bethlehem, Penn. (4) Mary Ann Bean, b. Nov. 8, 1834; d. March 27, 1881; m. Nov. 6, 1862, James Francis Trow, of Sunapee, son of John and Hannah (Smith) Trow, of that town. Children, born in Sunapee, — Emma Serena, b. Oct. 23, 1864. Is a teacher in Sunapee. Frank John, b. June 8, 1866. Is employed in Worcester,Mass. 3. Elizabeth Bean, dau. of William and Sarah (Griffln) Bean, b. March 23, 1780 ; m. May 8, 1800, Abijah Little, of Sutton or Fishers- field. They removed to Hatley, Can., where they had born to them the following children, who have also numerous descendants there : (1) Sarah, b. Aug. 1, 1802 ; m. Amasa Marsh ; 9 ch. (2) Mary, b. Aug. 8, 1803; m. Joel ShurtlitE; 9 ch. (3) Thomas, b. Aug. 7, 1805; m. Ruth Little; 3 ch. (4) Eliza, b. Julv 9, 1807 ; m. Thomas Reed; 7 ch. (5) Abijah, June" 18, 1809 ; m. EUinor McNorton; 7 ch. (6) Bond, b. May 25, 1812 ; m. Sarah A. Farrington ; 5 ch. (7) Charlotte, b. May 12, 1813 ; m. Henry Putney ; 5 ch. (8) Ermina C, b. June 8, 1816 ; m. Thomas Drew ; 4 ch. (9) Melissa Jane, b. June 28, 1818 ; m. Amos E. Ball ; 6 ch. (10) John, b. Aug. 30, 1828; m. Mary Morey; 7 ch. Abijah Little d. Dec. 19, 1860, in Hatley, Can. Wife, Elizabeth (Bean), d. Jan. 30, 1866, in Hatley, Can. 4. Samuel Bean, son of William and Sarah (Griffin) Bean, b. Aug. 15, 1782 ; d. March 21, 1868 : m.. May 28, 1803, Dorothy Bachelder of. 612 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Sutton, dau. of Phineas and Sally (Clough) Bachelder ; she d. March 19, 1874. Children, born in Newbury, — (1) William, b. Oct. 9, 1804 ; d. May 3, 1828. (2) Hannah W., b. March 10, 1807 ; d. Dec. 17, 1825. (3) Phineas B., b. April 7, 1810 ; d. Dec. 11, 1880. (4) Sally H., b. Aug. 12, 1812; d. AprU 16, 1829. (5) James Madison, b. Aug. 10, 1815; d. Jan. 26, 1861. (6) Betsey B., b. Dec. 17, 1818. (7) Joseph, b. June 22, 1821. (1) WUKam Bean, of the above family, m. Feb. 16, 1826, Mary A. Collins, dau. of Richard and Betsey (Cilley) Collins, of Newbury; she d. July 5, 1832. Child,— Hannah C, b. Nov. 13, 1826. (2) Hannah W. Bean m. June 27, 1844, Aaron C. Marshall, of Unity. He d. Feb. 8, 1885, in Manchester. Children, — John Alonzo, b. June 21, 1846 ; m. Jennie S. Carr, of New port. Mary Etta, b. Feb. 10, 1855 ; m. Charles P. StiU, of Clare- mont. Orra William, b. Oct. 2, 1861. (3) Phineas B. Bean m. Jan. 20, 1834, Rebecca H. Worster, of Sun apee. Children, — o. James WiUiam, b. Oct. 13, 1834. b. Sarah Jane, b. April 6, 1836. c. Elizabeth Ann, b. March 23, 1839. d. Lucy Emmeline, b. Dec. 11, 1843. Rebecca H. (Worster) Bean d. July 29, 1853; Phineas B. Bean m., 2d, Jan. 16, 1855, Dolly A. Angier, of Manchester, who d. Sept. 2, 1885, in Sutton. He d. Dec. 11, 1880, in Sutton. a. James William Bean m. Aug. 6, 1866, Nelly F. Hardy, of Bed ford, dau. of Ephraim and Mary F. (Quimby) Hardy. Children, — Sarah Estella, b. Aug. 22, 1867. Lora Jane, b. Sept. 17, 1869 ; d. June 22, 1883. Gertrude Augusta, b. March 29, 1875 ; d. June 18, 1883. Ralph WiUiam, b. March 14, 1879 ; d. June 20, 1883. These children died with diphtheria at Hyde Park, Mass. b. Sarah Jane Bean m. Dec. 24, 1856, George W. RusseU, of Sutton. Children, — WUliam Bartlett, b. Dec. 10, 1857. Grace Ada, b. Aug. 4, 1859. Fred. Clayton, b. March 4, 1861; d. Jan. 29, 1863. George W. Russell resides at Claremont. William B. Russell, of Sutton, m. Nov. 2, 1882, Hattie M. Wigley, of Hyde Park, Mass. GENEALOGY. 613 Grace A. RusseU m. Aug. 31, 1879, Frank S. Jordan, of Sutton. (See Russell.) c. Elizabeth A. Bean, dau. of Phineas B. and Rebecca H. (Wors ter) Bean, m. April 1, 1855, Frank F. DoUoif, of Manchester; m., 2d, July 5, 1862, Bartlett H. Hardy, of Bedford, she being his 2d wife. His present residence is Hyde Park, but he owns the Samuel Andrew farm in Sutton for summer residence. d. Lucy Emmeline Bean m. Dec. 17, 1863, Eugene S. Barnes, of Claremont. Child, — Fred. E. S., b. Oct. 10, 1864, in Claremont; m. Oct. 2, 1888, Ellen E. Macomber, dau. of Daniel S. and Martha E. (French) Macomber. Residence at Rapid City, Dak. (5) James Madison Bean, son of Samuel and Dorothy (Batchelder), b. Aug. 10, 1815; d. Jan. 26, 1861, at Manchester; m. March 15, 1837, Harriet W. Haynes, of Newbury, dau. of James and Sally (Clark) Haynes. ChUdren, — a. James M., b. Dec. 25, 1838; d. AprU 3, 1846. b. Carlos P., b. May 30, 1842 ; d. Sept. 24, 1856. c. James M , b. March 29, 1848. Mrs. Harriet W. (Haynes) Bean d. June 28, 1848. James Madison Bean m., 2d, Aug. 25, 1849, Hannah D. Bachelder, of Loudon. No children. He d. Jan. 26, 1861, at Manchester. c. James M. Bean, Jr., m. Mary Johnson, of Exeter. Children, — Hattie ; James M. ; Charles ; Mary. b. Carlos P. Bean was accidentally shot at New Hampton, and died in a few hours. James Madison Bean went to Manchester in 1848, where he became eminently successful as a business man and poli tician, at one time owning much real estate there. Was prominent in the F. W. Baptist church, held important city offices, and also, at the time of his death, held the highest office then conferred in the Odd Fellows' lodge. (6) Betsey B. Bean, dau. of Samuel and Dorothy (Batchelder) Bean, m. Nov. 12, 1839, Johnson Colby, of Sutton. (See Colby.) (7) Joseph Bean m. Oct. 1, 1844, Sarah C. Bartlett, of Newbury, dau. of GUes and Tabitha (WeUs) Bartlett. Child,— Dorothy Jane, b. May 21, 1845, in Newbury; d. Feb. 23, 1867 ; m. May 19, 1866, Henry C. Richards, of Goffstown. Joseph Bean lived in Newbury till 1859, when he sold his farm and went to Manchester and entered into the 614 HISTORY OF SUTTON. grocery business, which he successfully prosecuted till 1888. He is a staunch Democrat, a leading man in his party, holding places of trust such as councilman, assessor, tc, and is one of the solid men of the city. He is a promi nent Odd Fellow. 5. Mary Bean, dau. of William and Sarah (Griffin) Bean, b. Jan. 9, 1785; d. Aug. 17, 1861 ; m. Sept. 21, 1807, Bond Little, Jr., and with him removed to Hatley, Canada. Children, — (1) Sarah, b. Jan. 5, 1809 ; d. Feb. 11, 1858. (2) Ruth, b. May 9, 1811 ; d. Jmie 1, 1879. (3) WiUiam, b. June 12, 1813 ; d. Dec. 31, 1851. (4) Maria Mary, b. AprU 11, 1816 ; d. June 8, 1866. (5) Taylor, b. May 12, 1820; d. June 19, 1849. (6) Lois E., b. Jan. 2, 1824; d. Jan. 18, 1851. (7) Alice, b. Oct. 3, 1825; d. May 25, 1862. (8) Clinton, b. May 26, 1828; d. Feb. 4, 1868. (9) Milton, b. May 26, 1828; d. Jan. 26, 1850. (10) 'Marietta, b. May 10, 1830; d. Oct. 9, 1867. Bond Little, Jr., d. Feb. 23, 1859. (1) Sarah Little m. March 4, 1831, Simon Bean, of Hatley, Canada ; 6 chUdren. (3) WiUiam Little m. Lucinda Kezar, of Hatley; b. Feb. 6, 1817 ; 3 children. Note. — To his daughter Lucinda (now Mrs. Edwin Woodward) we are indebted for these Canada records, and for a vast amount besides, for which the limits of this his tory cannot find room. — [Ed. (4) Maria Mary Little m. April 25, 1837, James H. C. Flanders; 5 children. (6) Lois E. Little m. Jan. 1, 1848, Jonathan Leavitt; 2 children. She d. Jan. 18, 1851, and Jonathan Leavitt m. 2d, Sept., 1852, Alice Little, dau. of Bond and Mary (Bean) Little ; 3 children. She d. May 25, 1862. (8) Clinton Little m. Sept. 4, 1854, Sarah, dau of Richard and Re becca Drew, of Hatley ; 6 children. (10) Marietta Little m. Jan. 28, 1850, Thomas ShurtUff; 6 children. She d. Oct. 9, 1867. This Thomas Shurtliff is son of Dr. Lathrop and Ruth (Little) Shurtliff, his father a native of Vermont, and his mother daughter of Bond and Ruth (Atwood) Little. She was born in Sutton, Sept. 24, 1797. He is an Episcopal clergyman, now resident in California. 6. WUUam Bean, son of WiUiam and Sarah (Griffin), b. Sept. 4, 1787 ; GENEALOGY. 615 d. March 31, 1829, in Sutton : m. May 14, 1809, Sarah Dearborn, of Sutton, dau. of Henry and Mary (Williams) Dearborn. ChUdren,— (1) Janette S., b. July 4, 1810 ; d. AprU 16, 1827. (2) StiUman P., b. June 4, 1814. (3) Henry D., b. Aug. 31, 1818 ; d. same day. (4) Diantha A., b. July 7, 1822 ; d. March 22, 1865. (5) Harriet W., b. Feb. 13, 1826. (6) Sevira Jane, b. Feb. 2, 1829. William Bean lived on the Henry Dearborn farm, and assisted in all the various branches of business carried on by Mr. Dearborn at that place. He was a man of much energy and capacity, but died of consumption while yet in the prime of life. Sarah, his widow, married, 2d, Aug. 4, 1848, Benjamin Tebbetts, of Lowell, who died July 18, 1851. She married, 3d, June, 1852, John Pressey, of Sut ton, she being his 3d wife. (2) StiUman P. Bean m. Jan. 22, 1840, Zilpha S. Currier, of New London, dau. of John and Mary (Stevens) Currier. Children, b. in Sutton, — a. Mary S., b. Aug. 23, 1840 ; d. same day. 6. Orville Augustus, b. Aug. 17, 1841 ; d. Aug. 27, 1844. c. Orville, b. StUlman P. Bean m., 2d, July 13, 1856, Miranda E., dau. of Nehe- miah and Mary B. (Felch) Emerson, of Andover. Child. — (a) Mary Addie Estelle, b. at East Andover, Aug. 10, 1860 ; m. Jan. 4, 1888, Andrew C, son of Cyrus and Almira (Towle), French, of Sut- , ton. ChUd,— Cyrus Andrew, b. at WUmot Flat, Jan 26, 1889. Mary B. Felch was b. in Society Land, now Francestown. (4) Diantha A. Bean m. Feb. 14, 1839, Simeon Stevens, of Newbury. Children, bom in Sutton, — a. Henry Dearborn, b. Feb. 27, 1840; d. March 4, 1858. b. FrankUn Pierce, b. Nov. 27. 1843. c. Mvron WiUiams, b. Aug. 27, 1845 ; d. Nov. 20, 1849. d. WUliam Myron, b. Nov., 1850. Simeon Stevens d. July 31, 1886, in Newbury. His wife, Diantha A. (Bean), d. March 22, in Sutton. After the death of his wife, Mr. Stevens removed from South Sutton to Newbury, and m., 2d, Hannah Baker. 6. Franklin Pierce Stevens was a soldier in the late war ; removed to the West. 616 HISTORY OF SUTTON. d. WiUiam M. Stevens resides in Sioux City, Iowa. Was a high school teacher some years ; m. Fannie A. Townsend. (5) Harriet W. Bean m. Oct. 5, 1853, George Fellows, of Sutton; b. March 5, 1825 ; d. Feb. 22, 1882, in Sutton. Child,— a. George Walter, b. Dec. 10, 1854; d. March 10, 1864. (6) Sevira Jane Bean m. Oct. 23. 1850, John Quincy Currier, of New London. Child, — Florence Jane, b. in New London, Aug. 27, 1855; d. in Mont- pelier, Vt., June 17, 1858. John Quincy Currier d. in Montpelier, July 3, 1866. Mrs. Sevira J. (Bean) Currier m., 2d, May 14, 1867, James T. Thurston, of Montr pelier, who d. June 14, 1878, since which time Mrs. Thurston has re sided in Sutton. 7. Israel Bean, son of William and Sarah (Griffin), m. July 23, 1809, Lois Eastman, adopted daughter of Obediah and Jemima (Williams) Eastman. Children, — (1) Obediah E., b. July 11, 1811 ; d. in Westfield, Vt. (2) Jemima, b. Aug. 2, 1812 ; d. Sept., 1819. (3) Milton, b. Sept. 11, 1814; d. in Canada. (4) James Munroe, b . May 9, 1817 ; went to California. (5) Samuel, b. Oct. 8, 1820 ; m. 1842, Olive Wheeler. Mrs. Lois (Eastman) Bean d. May 8, 1821, in Sutton. Israel Bean m., 2d, Sept. 27, 1826, Lucy, dau. of Abner Ward, of Sutton, who d. July 18, 1867, in Canada. Israel Bean d. near 1832, in Canada. Descendants of Samuel and Dorothy ( Wells^ Bean. VI. Samuel Bean m. Dec. 24, 1768, Dorothy WeUs, of San down. ChUdren, — 1. Isaac, b. July 8, 1770 ; d. Oct. 4, 1855. 2. Jacob, b. AprU 2, 1773 ; d. Nov. 30, 1848. 3. Moses, b. July 21, 1774; d. Oct. 19, 1826. 4. Samuel, 3d, b. Aug. 17, 1775 ; d. April 8, 1843. 5. Joseph, b. AprU 12, 1777 ; d. Aug. 19, 1870. 6. Dolly, b. Feb. 4, 1783; d. Nov. 16, 1871. 7. WiUiam, b. March 15, 1785 ; d 1841. 8. Sally, b. AprU 13, 1788 ; d. Oct, 18, 1851. 9. Ruth, b. Sept. 23, 1790; d. Nov. 13, 1817. 10. Benjamin, b. May 5, 1793 ; d. March 16, 1858. 11. Ephraim, b. Jan. 16, 1795; d. 1833. 12. Reuben, b. Jan. 6, 1797 ; d. June 11, 1882. Two babes died with putrid sore throat. GENEAUOGY. 617 Samuel Bean, Jr., d. April 20, 1819, in Sutton. His wife, Dor othy (WeUs), d. Aug. 8, 1825, in Sutton. They moved to Sutton when their son Isaac was six weeks old ; the other children were born in Sutton. 1. Isaac Bean m. May 1, 1792, Ruth Wells, of Sandown. Chil dren, — (1) Sarah, b. AprU 30, 1793. (2) Isaac, b. May 3, 1795 ; d. young. (3) Timothy, b. June 17, 1797 ; d. June 14, 1884. (4) Samuel, b. April 20, 1800 ; d. at sea. (5) Jemima W., b. March 5, 1802 ; d. July 19, 1877. (6) Jesse, b. Dec. 5, 1804. (7) Hiram, b. Feb. 20, 1806 ; d. Oct. 2, 1876. (8) Ruth, b. Nov. 6, 1808 ; d. Aug. 29, 1882. (9) DoUv, b. March 28, 1812. (10) James, b. Feb. 7, 1814. (11) Joseph, b. May 29, 1816 ; d. July 7, 1849. Isaac Bean d. Oct. 4, 1855, in Sutton. His wife, Ruth (WeUs), d. May 12, 1853, in Sutton. (1) Sarah Bean m. April 24, 1825, James Brocklebank. Child, — John, b. in Sutton. (3) Timothy Bean m. Oct. 25, 1818, Fanny B. Brocklebank, daughter of James Brocklebank, Sr. Children, — Calista,Sarah Jane, John Clark, who m. Oct. 22, 1885, Martha A. Harwood. Timothy Bean d. June 14, 1884, in Sutton. His wife, Fanny B. (Brocklebank), d. Feb. 6, 1882, in Sutton. (5) Jemima W. Bean m. April 8, 1840, William Pressey (2d wife). Child,— a. John M., b. May 11, 1841. WUliam Pressey d. May 12, 1877, in Sutton. His wife, Jemima W. (Bean), d. July 19, 1877, in Sutton. a. John M. Pressey m. Electa Durgin. Child, — WUliam S. (7) Hiram Bean m. Dec. 8, 1843, Delia Morgan, of Sutton, daughter of Samuel and Mehitabel (Robinson) Morgan. No children. He d. Oct. 2, 1876, in Sutton. (8) Ruth Bean m. Nov. 23, 1830, James Johnson, of Enfield, who d. in 1832, and she m., 2d, Mr. Muzzy, of Newport, 1834. She m., 3d, Caleb B. Flanders. She d. Aug. 29, 1882, in Sutton. 618 HISTORY OF SUTTON. (9) DoUy Bean m. Oct. 20, 1844, John U. Blodgett, of Newbury. Children, — a. Mary Angeline, b. Aug. 1, 1845. b. John, b. Aug. 15, 1846 ; d. 1848. c. Abbie J., b. Nov. 4, 1847. d. Betsey, b. Sept. 11, 1862; d 1853. John U. Blodgett d. Sept. 1, 1875, in Sutton. a. Mary Angeline Blodgett m. Sept. 23, 1860, StiUman B. Hart, of Sutton. Children, — Rosetta M., b. March 12, 1860 ; d. young. John, b. AprU 13, 1863 ; d. young. Fred S., b. AprU 9, 1865. StUlman B. Hart d. 1865, in Sutton, and his wife, Mary A., m., 2d, July 10, 1866, Carlos S. Bingham, of Sutton. Children, — Minnie; NeUie Viola; Arthur; Charles; Henry. Mrs. Mary A. Bingham died in Newbury. c. Abbie J. Blodgett m. Dec. 1, 1868, Benjamin D. Belcher. Child, — Nellie May, b. May 19, 1870. 2. Jacob Bean, commonly called " Ensign " Jacob Bean, b. Apr. 2, 1773, m. AprU 14, 1794, Dorothy Quimby, daughter of Moses and Judith (Bean) Quimby. She d. June 12, 1795. Jacob Bean m., 2d, Oct. 20, 1796. Children,— (1) Dolly Q., b. Sept. 4, 1797 ; d. Sept. 7, 1888. (2) Abigail H., b. June 9, 1799. (3) Hannah N., b. May 31, 1800. (4) Polly, b. Nov. 1, 1802 ; d. Sept. 7, 1873. (5) Asa, b. May 25, 1805 ; d. Aug. 31, 1889. (6) Jacob, b. Feb. 24, 1807. (7) Sarah J., b. AprU 26, 1802. (8) Betsey A, b. Aug. 24, 1811 ; d. Oct. 19, 1847. (9) WiUiam Taylor, b. July 29, 1813. (10) Mary, b. 1816 ; d. same year. (11) Malvina, b. AprU 20, 1819. Ensign Jacob Bean d. Nov. 30, 1848, in Sutton. His wife, Hannah (Nelson), d. Jan. 8, 1865, in Sutton. (2) Abigail H. Bean m. Nov. 8, 1825, John Muzzy, of Newport. (3) Hannah N. Bean m. Sept. 8, 1824, Matthew H. French, of Sutton. (4) Polly Bean m. Oct. 24, 1822, Asa Mastin, b. Jan. 14, 1799. Chil dren, — a. Carlos, b. Aug. 24, 1823; d. Sept. 1, 1865. 6. Mark, b. Dec. 25, 1826. c. Mary, b. AprU 5, 1829. GENEALOGY. 619 Asa Mastin d. Nov. 19, 1844, in Sutton, and his wife m., 2d, Capt. Stephen K. Hoyt, of Sutton. She d. Sept. 7, 1873, in Sutton. (5) Asa Bean m. Jan. 22, 1832, Theodata Bohonnan, of Sutton, dau. of Dea. Jonathan Bohonnan. Children, — a. Mary E., b. Dec. 23, 1835 ; d. Nov. 6, 1848. 6. Addison A., b. Nov. 1, 1845. Asa Bean d. Aug. 31, 1889, at Chester. His wife, Theodata (Bo- honnon), d. Sept. 22, 1874, in Sutton. b. Addison A. Bean m. Jan. 7, 1869, MaryE. Gordon, b. at Sandown, Oct. 10, 1847. Removed from Sutton to Chester, April 26, 1874. (6) Jacob Bean m. Harriet Huntley. Child, — a. Louisa, m. Benjamin Hart. Jacob Bean m., 2d, Nov. 22, 1859, Harriet Newell Woodward, daugh ter of Jonathan Woodward. She d. Nov. 14, 1889. (9) WiUiam Taylor Bean m. Oct. 1, 1837, Sarah D. Felch, daughter of Dea. John and Hannah (Dodge) Felch, of Sutton, b. Sept. 16, 1816 ; d. Jan. 4, 1868. Children, born in Sutton, — a. Roxana J., b. Jan. 11, 1839 ; d. June 9, 1884. b. John Alfred, b. Oct. 16 1841. c. Sarah Maria, b. April 9, 1847. d. Frank Taylor, b. June 27, 1849. e. Grace Hannah, b. May 15, 1852. /. Jacob Walter, b. June 7, 1855. g. George WiUiam, b. Oct. 11, 1859. William Taylor Bean m., 2d, June 1, 1870, Nancy Tuck, of Brent wood. ChUd, — h. Oren N., b. July 2, 1871. Mr. Bean lived with his father in Sutton many years. Removed to New London, and subsequently to Brentwood, where he now resides. a. Roxana J. Bean m. Dr. Moses W. Russell, July 2, 1861. (See Rus seU.) c. Sarah Maria Bean m. George O. Sanborn. e. Grace Hannah Bean m. Jan. 12, 1878, J. Louis Cass. d. Frank Taylor Bean m. July 4, 1874, EUa F. Holt; d. 1876; m., 2d, AprU 24, 1881, Sarah Neal. /. Jacob Walter Bean m. June 7, 1884, Ella S. Kingsbury. g. George WiUam Bean m. Oct. 11, 1883, Ella J. Perham. 7. WUliam Bean, 2d, b. March 15, 1785 ; m. Betsey Fisher of Sutton. Children, — (1) Truman, b. Nov. 10, 1811 ; d. Feb. 19, 1826. (2) Harmony, b. Nov. 4, 1813. (3) Carlos P., b. Sept. 13, 1815. (4) Louisa, b. Jan. 6, 1818. '620 HISTORY OF SUTTON. (5) Caroline, b. Jan. 9, 1820. (6) Amanda W., b. AprU 13, 1822. (7) Abiel F., b. May 3, 1824. (8) Truman, b. July 16, 1826. (9) Jane, b. Nov. 23, 1828. (10) WiUiam, b. 1830. WiUiam Dean died about 1841. He was a farmer living upon the farm now o-wned by John Pressey. About 1832 he sold out and re moved to East Corinth, Me., then a new town. He purchased a farm near that of his brother Reuben, and lived there the remainder of his days. His son, WiUiam Bean, 3d, now lives there. 3. Moses Bean, b. July 21, 1774, in Sutton, m. Sept. 2, 1802, in Hat ley, Betsey Kezar, b. March 12, 1776. He removed to Hatley, Canada, in 1798. Children, born in Hatley, — (1) Simon, b. Oct. 16, 1804; d. July 7, 1885. (2)Mark, b. Jan. 17, 1806. (3) Lora, b. Feb. 17, 1807. (4) Betsey, b. Feb. 15, 1808 ; d. 1873. (5) Moses, b. Jan. 19, 1809 ; d. June 4, 1809. (6) Vernon, b. Jan. 16, 1810; d. June 22, 1882. (7) Luke, b. Nov. 15, 1811; d. Aug. 11, 1881. (8) Salome, b. May 29, 1818; d. June 7, 1839. Moses Bean, d. Oct. 19, 1826, in Hatley, Canada. His -wife d. Oct. 25, 1830. The descendants of the above are numerous in Hatley, and are among the best citizens. (4) Samuel Bean, b. Aug. 17, 1775; m. Oct. 1, 1798, Charlotte Phelps,of Litchfield, Conn., b. in 1779. Children, b. in Glover, Vt., — a. CromweU P., b. June 10, 1800; d. Dec. 25, 1864. b. Samuel, b. AprU 8, 1802 ; d. Jan. 22, 1884. c. Charlotte, b. March 24, 1804 ; d. . d. Amos P., b. Nov. 27, 1806 ; d. Nov. 16, 1875. e. Phebe, b. Sept. 17, 1808 ; d. May 27, 1832. /. Eldad P., b. AprU 17, 1811 ; d. Dec. 16, 1884. g. Eveline B., b. March 12, 1813; d. Sept. 25, 1884. h. Truman F., b. Sept. 26, 1815. i. Nathan C, b. Nov. 18, 1818. j. John B., b. Aug. 16, 1820. Mrs. Charlotte (Phelps) Bean d. Jan. 15, 1837, in Glover, Vt. Sam uel Bean m., 2d, Sept. 1, 1837, Mrs. Laura (Spaulding) Percival, dau. of Benjamin and Azubah (Gates) Spaulding. Child, — k. Phebe P., b. Sept. 17, 1838; d. Nov. 26, 1854. Samuel Bean d. April 8, 1843, m Glover, Vt. His wife d. Aug. 14, 1871, in Somerville, Mass. The descendants of the above family are many and respectable in Vermont. GENEALOGY. 621 5. Joseph Bean, b. AprU 12, 1799, m. March 4, 1805, Betsey RoweU,, of Goffstown, b. April 10, 1786, dau. of Thomas and Lydia (Hawes) Rowell. Removed to Hatley, Canada, where were born their chil dren, — (1) Lydia, b. June 10, 1806; d. Jan. 30, 1859. (2) PhUip, b. Feb. 11, 1808. (3) Joseph, b. AprU 12, 1812 ; d. July 11, 1888. (4) Betsey, b. May 6, 1814; d. July 17, 1844. (6) Freeman, b. Nov. 12, 1816; d. Sept. 20, 1886. (6) Dolly, b. Jan. 15, 1818. (7) Lucy, b. Aug. 24, 1819 ; d. Feb. 28, 1882. (8) Melvina, b. March 2, 1821. (9) Moses, b. May 4, 1823. (10) Samuel, b. March 27, 1825. (11) WUliam, b. Aug. 6, 1826; d. Jan. 9, 1870. Joseph Bean d. Aug. 19, 1870, in Hatley, Canada. His wife d. Oct. 12, 1870, in Hatley, Canada. Their descendants in Canada are numer ous. 6. Dolly Bean, b. Feb. 4, 1783, in Sutton, m. Nov. 1, 1802, in Glover, Vt., Jonas Philips, b. Aug. 13, 1776, in Athol, Mass. Chil dren, — (1) Curtis, b. June 18, 1804 ; d. Nov. 5, 1862. (2) Jonas, b. Dec. 2, 1805; d. March 6, 1850. (3) Dolly, b. Jan. 26, 1808. (4) Hiram, b. Dec. 17, 1809. (6) Samuel, b. Aug. 7, 1812. (6) Josiah, b. Sept. 23, 1814. (7) Rosanna, b. AprU 10, 1817. (8) Charlotte, b. Jan. 7, 1819 ; d. Dec. 23, 1881. (9) Lydia, b. Jan. 18, 1822. (10) Betsey, b. Jan. 26, 1830 ; d. AprU 25, 1852. (11) Walter H., b. Feb. 11, 1827. (12) John E., b. Jan. 25, 1830. Jonas Philips d. July 12, 1849, in Glover, Vt. His wife d. Nov. 16, 1871, in Glover, Vt. Their descendants in Vermont are numerous. 10. Benjamin Bean, b. May 5, 1793, in Sutton; m. 1814, Abigail Hoyt, b. June 5, 1793. Children,— (1) Jacob W., b. June 15, 1815. (2) Ruth, b. June 25, 1817. (3) Benjamin, b. Aug. 17, 1819. (4) Sophronia, b. March 6, 1824. (5) Curtis P., b. AprU 17, 1826. (6) Levi Persons, b. Nov. 24, 1828 ; d. Jan. 24, 1863. (7) Reuben, b. Sept. 27, 1832 ; d. AprU 21, 1878. Benjamin Bean d. March 16, 1858, at Ascot, P. Q. His wife d. Sept. 18, 1866, at Ascot. P. Q. They went to Glover, Vt., in 1817, 622 HISTORY OF SUTTON. where they lived several years ; thence to Ascot, P. Q., where they lived the remainder of their lives. 12. Reuben Bean, b. Jan. 6, 1797, m. June 1, 1822, Mary F. Smith, of Sutton, b. Dec. 30, 1804, dau. of Moses and DrusiUa (Smart) .Smith. Children born in Sutton. — (1) Clarissa S., b. Nov. 19, 1823. (2) Diana, b. Aug. 22, 1825. (3) Diantha, b. Aug. 11, 1827. (4) Augustus L., b. May 5, 1829. Children born in East Corinth, Me., — (5) Albert, b. Aug. 3, 1831. (6) Sumner, b. 1833 ; d. same year. (7) Charles, b. March 22, 1835. (8) Reuben M , b. Jan. 18, 1838. (9) Edward W., b. May 1, 1840. ) (10) Edwin P., b. May 1, 1840. f <11) David H., b. Apr. 24, 1842 ; d. Sept. 9, 1850. (12) Marietta, b. AprU 29, 1844. Reuben Bean d. June 11, 1882, in East Corinth, Me. His wife d. .June 15, 1866, in East Corinth, Me. 11. Ephraim Bean, b. Jan. 16, 1795; m. Feb. 18, 1822, Ismena T. Thompson, of Salisbury, dau. of Benjamin and Abigail (Hazeltine) Thompson. Children, born in Sutton, — (1) Charles Alden, b. March 8, 1823. (2) Ephraim, b. March 6, 1825. (3) Emily T., b. Feb. 10, 1827. (4) Oliver S., b. 1829 ; d. 1831. Ephraim Bean d. in Sutton, in 1833, and his widow m., 2d, March -25, 1835, William K. Howe. [For descendants of this marriage see Howe.] Mrs. Howe m., 3d, John Andrew, of Sutton (2d wife). (1) Charles Alden Bean m. Dec. 31, 1846, MaryF. Johnson, in Hen- jiiker. Children, born in Henniker, — ,a. Ellen M., b. March 21, 1848 ; d. Sept. 24, 1887. b. Mary E., b. Nov. 20, 1849. c. Charles E., b. Nov. 11, 1851. ¦ d. Hattie A., b. March 19, 1854 ; d. Oct. 1, 1863. e. George A., b. AprU 20, 1856. /. Sarah C, b. May 4, 1868 ; d. Nov. 11, 1863. g. Charlotte A., b. Sept. 30, 1860. h. William H., b. AprU 28, 1868. Charles A. Bean resides at Henniker. a EUen M. Bean m. Jan. 1, 1868, WiUiam P. Holton, of Moundville W. Va. ChUd,— GENFALOGY. 623 Edward H., b. November, 1868. Mr. Holton died, and his widow m., 2d, Alonzo Phelps, of Sutton. Children, — Mattie B., b. June 30, 1872. Charles I., b. Aug. 3, 1875. Mrs. EUen M. (Bean) Phelps d. Sept. 24, 1887, in Henniker. h. Mary E. Bean m. July 3, 1869, John S. Levering, b. in Methuen, Mass., July 16, 1847. Children, born in Manchester, — George W., b. May 18, 1871. Charles J., b. Sept. 19, 1873. c. Charles E. Bean m. March 3, 1886, Susan Dean, of Chicago. Children, born in Chillioothe, 111., — Albert C, b. Jan. 17, 1888. A daughter, b. Dec. 29, 1888. e. George A. Bean, m. Jan. 19, 1886, Mary E. Crocker, of Merri mack. (jr. Charlotte A. Bean m. Nov. 23, 1881, Walter S. Hanscom, of Portsmouth. ChUd, — Walter L., b. in Henniker, March 10, 1883. h. WiUiam H. Bean m. Nov. 29, 1888, Hattie A. Davis, of Henni ker. 2. Ephraim Bean, Jr., m. Oct. 23, 1844, Mehitabel A. Flint, of Sut ton, daughter of Ebenezer and Charlotte (Austin) Flint, b. July 22, 1823. Children, born in Sutton,— a. Lydia Florence, b. Jan. 10, 1846. b. Charles Allen, b. Feb. 3, 1849. c. Ephraim K., b. Sept. 11, 1852 ; d. Feb. 24, 1853. d. Ismena L., b. Jan. 13, 1866. Mrs. Mehitabel A. (Flint) Bean died June 15, 1858. Ephraim Bean m., 2d, Sept. 29, 1859, Mrs. Hannah D. (Colby) Ferren, of Warner. ¦ChUd,— e. Edward Horace, b. Oct. 4, 1860, in Sutton. Mrs. Hannah D. (Colby) Bean's children by former marriage, now living in Sutton, are Abbie C. and Emma, b. May 12, 1850. a. Lydia Florence Bean m. Dec. 18, 1860, William L. Morgan, of .Sutton, b. AprU 1, 1836. Children, born in Sutton, — Almira W., b. Sept. 16, 1863. Charles F., b. Nov. 10, 1865. George H., b. Jan. 3, 1874; d. Jan. 5, 1874. Edith B., b. Sept. 13, 1876. 624 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Almira W. Morgan m. Feb. 1, 1888, Frank A.Woodward, of Sutton, b. Jan. 4, 1853. Charles F. Morgan m. March 14, 1888, Josephine M. Bartlett, of Claremont, daughter of Joseph S. and Ellen (Cowles) Bartlett. d. Ismena L- Bean m. Nov. 9, 1872, B. Frank Turner, of Sutton. Children, born in Warner, — Walter F., b. Oct. 25, 1873. Ralph F., b. Sept. 21, 1875. e. Edward H. Bean m. Feb. 1, 1880, EUa F. Town, of Franklin.. Child,— Edward F., b. March 30, 1881, in Sutton. Edward H. Bean m., 2d, March 14, 1885, Mary A. Reckard, of Waterville, N. Y., dau. of John and Catherine (MiUer) Reckard. (3) Emily T. Bean, dau. of Ephraim, Sr., and Ismena (Thompson) Bean, b. Feb. 10, 1827, m. 1844, Levi Flint, of Sutton. She died 1864. [For descendants see Flint.] III. Cornelius Bean, brother to William and Samuel, m. Sept.. 26, 1860, Betsey , in Sandown. Children, — 1. Jane, b. Dec. 5, 1761. 2. Susanna, b. June 16, 1765 ; d. 3. Isaac, b. April 15, 1768 ; went to sea. 4. Joseph, b. Nov. 1, 1770, in Sutton ; d. June 6, 1771. 1. Jane Bean m. Jacob Cass, of what is now Hill. Children, — (1) Betsey. (2) Nason. (3) Anna. (4) Mary. (5) Jane. (6) Jacob. (5) Jane Cass m. John Tilton, of Plymouth. ChUdren, — a. Watson, h. WUliam W. c. Laura J. d. Jacob C. e. La- vina N. John TUton died, and his widow m., 2d, Francis Currier, of Sutton.. Children, born in Sutton, — /. Sarah Jane. g. Francis, h. Dorella. Francis Currier, d. July 3, 1870, in Sutton. His wife, Jane (Cass) Currier, d. Nov. 29, 1876, in Sutton. c. Laura J. Tilton m. Jan. 22, 1848, Samuel T. TrumbuU, of WU mot This family moved from WUmot to Sutton in 1863, and from. Sutton to Newport in 1869. Children of Laura J. Tilton and Samuel T. Trumbull, — Sultana C, b. May 11, 1849 ; d. Nov. 9, 1850. Eliza Jane, b. March 11, 1850. Sarah Ann, b. AprU 1, 1852 ; d. Jan. 12, 1866. Medora B., b. Jan. 22, 1854. Frank S., b. Dec. 10, 1857 ; d. March 17, 1858. Sarah Ann, b. March 22, 1866. GENEALOGY. 625 Eliza J. Trumbull m. William Sharpies, of Andover ; m., 2d, George E. Marston, of Newport. Medora Trumbull ra. Joseph Carr, of Newport. Sarah A. Trumbull m. George S. Roberts, of Newport. /. Sarah J. Currier m. Andrew Peaslee, of Sutton ; m., 2d, WUliam Carr, of Unity. h. DoreUa B. Currier m. Leonard F. Peaslee, of Sutton, who d. July 10, 1863, in Sutton, and his widow m., 2d, Abram Richards, of Sutton. g. Francis Currier m. Etta . Children b. in Sutton, — It will be seen that the only known descendants of the early settler, Cornelius Bean, are those of his daughter, Jane, who m. Jacob Cass. BLAKE. Jesse Blake lived at the South Village, where he d. about 1837. His wife, Betsey, d. Nov. 25, 1856, aged 72. Children, b. in Sutton, — 1. Jesse C. P. II. Westley. III. Erastus. IV. Mary O. V. Mansel. Mrs. Lysander CarroU, of Concord, is daughter of Mansel Blake. I. Jesse C. P. Blake m. April 28, 1836, Fanny Simonds, of New bury, daughter of Moses and Hepsibah (GUlingham) Simonds. Among their chUdren were, — 1. Fanny, m. Mr. Joy, of Lowell, Mass. 2. Page, m. Mary Morse, of Newbury. 3. Mary, m. John Wright, of Sutton. 4. Charles, m. and lived at the Mast Yard. 6. Alphonso, b. 1841 ; d. Jan. 30, 1845. 6. Lorenzo, b. 1843 ; d. Feb. 24, 1845. IV. Mary 0. Blake m. John W. MarshaU, of Sutton. Chil dren, — 1. Mansel B., b. 1842. 2. Charles M., b. Sept. 3, 1844 ; d. May 16, 1845. Mrs. Mary 0. (Blake) MarshaU d. June 9, 1846. 1. Mansel B. Marshall has been three times married, 1st, to Jennie Hart, 2d, to Martha Hart, daughters of William Hart, 3d, to Nellie Hart, daughter of Charles Hart. 40 626 HISTORY OF SUTTON. BLANCHARD. Samuel Blanchard, of Medford, Mass., b. 1803; m. 1825 Frances Burroughs, of Amherst. Children, — I. Samuel, b. 1826 ; d. 1870. II. Abbie A., b. 1831; d. Feb. 27, 1867. III. Eben, b. 1833. IV. William, b. 1834 ; d. Aug., 1867. V. EUzabeth, b. 1836. VI. Lucy, b. 1842. Mrs. Frances (Burroughs) Blanchard d. in Medford. Mr. Blanchard m., 2d, Mrs. Ruthena (White) Hilliard, of Boston. He d. in Sutton, Nov. 4, 1876. Came to this town July, 1856, and spent the remainder of his life here. Kept the hotel at the South Village for several years. Was also a public auctioneer. I. Samuel Blanchard m. Mary H. Barker, of Medford ; m., 2d, Mary H. MitcheU, of Kittery, Me. IL Abbie Blanchard m. Daniel George Chadwick. [See Chad- wick. J III. Eben Blanchard m. Melvina MarshaU, of Lynn, Mass. He Uved in Sutton several years ; is now in grocery business in Med ford. IV. WiUiam Blanchard was for many years an officer in the Massachusetts state prison. V. Elizabeth Blanchard m. July 6, 1865, George MitcheU, of Kittery Point, Me. VI. Lucy Blanchard m. 1862, George Robertson, of Warner. ChUd, Martha F., b. 1863, in Warner, and m. George Putnam, of Warner. Their chUd, b. in Sutton, Sept. 16, 1889, Mabel E. George Robertson is son of Timothy D. Robertson, a prominent citizen of Warner, and is himself at the present time a member of the board of selectmen of Sutton, and he has kept store several years at South Sutton, in company -with George G. WeUs. Later he sold out to Mr. WeUs, and has been in the cattle trade and other business. GENEAUOGY. 627 BROWN. David Brown, of Wilmot, b. Nov. 25, 1801 : m. Apr. 18, 1824, Mary Dorr, of Boston; b. Oct. 25, 1804. Children,— I. George F., b. AprU 19, 1825 ; d. June 2, 1826. II. Georgiana, b. Oct. 29, 1826 ; d. Apr. 26, 1871. III. Angeline, b. Aug. 29, 1828 ; d. Oct. 3, 1874. IV. Abner, b. March 9, 1830 ; d. V. Levi F., b. AprU 4, 1832. VI. David, b. Aug. 4, 1834. VII. CaroUne L., b. Oct. 12, 1838. VIII. Mary A., b. Feb. 12, 1841. IX. EUen F., b. March 22, 1843. X. EUzabeth L., b. AprU 11, 1845 ; d. AprU 8, 1865. XL Grace E., b. Sept. 5, 1849. Mrs. Mary (Dorr) Brown d. July 31, 1882, in Sutton. II. Georgiana Brown m. Sept. 13, 1850, Rev. George HiU b. July 8, 1825, at Meredith. Children,— 1. Florence, b. AprU 2, 1852. 2. Alice G., b. Feb. 23, 1854. 3. Jesse'K., b. May 6, 1857. 4. Mary Grace, b. June 23, 1868. Mrs. Georgiana (Brown) HUl d. AprU 26, 1871. Rev. George Hill is a Universalist clergyman. He has been pastor of the church at West Cambridge, Mass., at MUford, at South Dedham, at Fox- horo', and at Marshiield. III. AngeUne Brown m. 1856, Edwin BaUey, of Bradford. Child,— 1. Maud C, b. Feb. 14, 1869, at Bradford. Edwin BaUey d. Dec. 12, 1888, at Bradford. His wife d. Oct. 3, 1874, at Bradford. 1. Maud C. Bailey m. May 24, 1874, George L. Mitchell, of Brad ford. ChUd,— (1) Carl Ashley, b. May 22, 1879. George L. Mitchell is the station agent at Bradford, which position he has acceptably filled for several years. IV. Abner Bro-wn left home for a saUor's life, which he followed some years. The tidings of his death came home to the family, but the exact date was not given. He died near the Sandwich Islands. 628 HISTORY OF SUTTON. V. Levi F. Brown m. May 27, 1863, Minerva E, Cheney, of Sutton, daughter of Lyman and Achsa (T-wiss) Cheney. ChUdren b. at Council Bluffs, Iowa, — 1. Charles W., b. Oct. 10, 1864 ; d. July 1, 1866. 2. Elizabeth L., b. June 17, 1868 ; d. Sept. 22, 1878. 3. Grace L, b. Jan. 17, 1870. 4. Edwin L., b. Sept. 24, 1871. Levi F. Brown is a carpenter ; he resides at Council Bluffs, Iowa. VI. David Brown, Jr., m. 1858, Susan Maria WiUiamson, of Marshfield, Mass., b. Aug. 17, 1834, at Marshfield, Mass., dau- of George and Susan R. (Burditt) WUliamson. Children, — 1. David, b. March 13, 1869, at Concord. 2. George Williamson, b. May 9, 1862, at Marshfield. 3. Susan Robinson, b. July 7, 1864. 4. Henry S., b. Jan. 11, 1866. Mrs. Susan Maria (WiUiamson) Brown d. July 4, 1889, at Marshfield. VII. Caroline L. Brown m. March 20, 1865, Ezra E. Sanborn, of Sutton. [For chUdren see Sanborn. J VIII. Mary A. Brown m. Nov. 5, 1861, Edwin L. Cheney, of Sutton. Children, — 1. Herbert E., b. AprU 5, 1863. 2. Lizzie Gertrude, b. March 17, 1869. 3. Grace Evelyn, b. Feb. 11, 1872 ; d. Nov. 14, 1885. 4. Frank Elmer, b. Nov. 27, 1874. 1. Herbert E. Cheney m. Feb. 23, 1887, Louise EsteUe ChUd, of Cambridgeport. IX. EUen M. Brown m. James H. Coolidge, of Watertown, Mass. They have a family of nine chUdren, b. at Gfalesburg, 111. XI. Grace E. Brown m. Charles D. Beckett, of Portland, Me. ChUdren, — 1. Charles Arthur, b. Sept. 11, 1873. 2. Annie May, b. June 19, 1876. 3. Albert Edward, b. July 11, 1880 ; d. 1883. Charles D. Beckett d., 1882, at Cambridgeport, Mass. Dexter E. Brown, son of Nathan and Mindwell (Everett) Brown, of Wilmot, removed to Sutton in 1868. His present residence is the Harris Burpee farm. He m. AprU 25, 1852, Lucy A. Roby, of Wilmot; b. Feb. 8, 1836, dau. GENEALOGY. 629 of Phineas and Eliza ((3olby) Roby. Children, b. in Wil mot, — I. Alpheus E., b. July 22, 1855. II. Clarence A., b. May 26, 1858 ; d. July 13, 1882. III. MUon D., b. April 4, 1862. IV. Bertha L., b. May 12, 1864. Mrs. Lucy A. Brown d. July 26, 1864, in Wilmot. Dex ter E. Brown m., 2d, Aug. 1, 1865, Lois A. Bailey, of Sut ton, dau. of Emery and Lois (Clough) Bailey. Children, b. in Wilmot and Sutton, — V. Etta L., b. June 24, 1867. VL Jennie IdeUe, b. Aug. 19, 1869 ; d. Dec. 23, 1870. VII. WilUe F., b. Feb. 19, 1872. Vni. Walter S. b. June 8, 1874. IX. Arthur H., b. June 13, 1881. BARNARD. Winthrop A. Barnard, b. in Warner, Dec. 10, 1810 ; d. in Sutton, Feb, 26, 1866 : m. Feb. 25, 1836, Lucinda Flan ders, of Warner. Children, — I. Annie E., b. June 21, 1837 ; d. Nov. 10, 1862. II. Louisa F., b. July 8, 1839. III. Sarah A., b. Oct. 8, 1841. IV. Susan L., b. May 17, 1844. V. Hattie M., b. Jan. 16, 1847. VI. Hannah A., b. Feb. 14, 1849. VII. Ida Frances, b. June 8, 1851. VIII. John MUton, b. Dec. 1, 1853. This family moved into Sutton about 1836, living in the Eaton district. They subsequently moved to premises of Samuel Andrew, in whose employ Mr. Barnard continued for thirty years, until his death. L Annie E. Barnard m. Nov. 24, 1859, John C. Butterfield, of Hopkinton. ChUd, — 1. Arthur H., b. Oct. 6, 1860 ; d. Feb. 8, 1873. 630 HISTORY OF SUTTON. John C. Butterfield d. June 30, 1864, in Hopkinton ; his wife d. Nov. 10, 1862, in Hopkinton. II. Louisa Barnard m. March 21, 1861, Gteorge A. Smart, of Concord. ChUdren, — - 1. Herbert D., b. Feb. 28, 1862, in Concord. III. Sarah A. Barnard m. Aug. 15, 1863, Addison Ayer, b. May 28, 1839. Children,— 1. Elton M., b. Aug. 5, 1864. 2. Loren, b. Sept. 7, 1866. 3. Annie E., b. Aug. 1, 1868. 4. Sherman, b. May .30, 1870 ; d. Feb. 28, 1873. 6. Nina B., b. Nov. 5, 1872 ; d. June 24, 1873. 6. Ernest V., b. Nov. 26, 1874. 7. Avis M., b. AprU 19, 1882. 8. Lee F., b. May 16, 1885. IV. Susan L. Barnard m. Nov. 29, 1862, Jason H. Watkins, of Sutton. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Harry S., b. Aug. 18, 1864. 2. Edson C, b. Dec. 7, 1866. 3. Alfred W., b. Oct. 26, 1871. V. Hattie M. Barnard m. May 3, 1863, Jerome G. Rogers, of Sutton. Child, — 1. Clinton B., b. in Sutton, July 3, 1866. VI. Hannah A. Barnard m. Charles Edwin Moxon, of Sutton, she being his 2d -wife. VII. Ida Frances Barnard m. Sept. 25, 1873, Moses H. Roby, of Warner. Child, — 1. Florence Anna, b. Nov. 1, 1882, in Warner. VIII. John Milton Barnard m. Feb. 20, 1881, MeUie M., dau. of Henry Hunt, of Sutton. BLAISDELL. Hezekiah Blaisdell, b. July 30, 1759, in Amesbury, Mass.: m. May 1, 1781, Anna Sargent; b. AprU 5, 1760, in Amesbury, Mass., dau. of Christopher and Anna (Sar gent) Sargent. Children, — I. John, b. AprU 22, 1783 ; d. Oct. 30, 1870. II. Mary, b. Oct. 10, 1785 ; d. Jan. 14, 1838. GENEALOGY. 631 ni. Anna, b. Feb. 7, 1788 ; d. Jan. 15, 1861. rV. Miriam, b. Oct. 29, 1790 ; d. Sept. 7, 1857. V. Christopher S., b. Dec. 21, 1792 ; d. VI. Stephen, b. Nov. 6, 1796 ; d. Oct. 9, 1833. VII. Hezekiah, b. AprU 3, 1801 ; d. Feb. 7, 1865. Hezekiah Blaisdell d. July 5, 1844, in Sutton. His wife d. Oct. 6, 1845, in Sutton. I. John BlaisdeU m. Nov. 4, 1811, Judith Johnson, dau. of Jonar than and MoUy (FoUansbee) Johnson, of Sutton. Children, b. in Sutton, — 1. Jonathan J., b. Sept. 25, 1812 ; d. Nov. 18, 1880. 2. Moses S., b. Nov. 15, 1813 ; d. Dec. 26, 1813. 3. PoUy J., b. Oct. 11, 1815. 4. Moses S., b. AprU 9, 1817. 5. Francis F., b. May 8, 1820 ; d. Jan. 16, 1886. John BlaisdeU d. Oct. 30, 1870, in Sutton. His wife d. April 26, 1825, in Sutton. 1. Jonathan J. Blaisdell m., 1838, Mrs. Mary (Melvin) Martin, of Sutton, b. Dec. 19, 1799. Children, b. in Sutton,— (1) John, b. March 24, 1839. (2) James H., b. AprU 22, 1844. Jonathan J. Blaisdell d. Nov. 18, 1880, in Bradford. His wife d. Nov. 12, 1874, in Bradford. (2) James H. BlaisdeU m. May 10, 1866, Abbie E. Collins, of War ner, dau. of John H. and Esther P. (Marshall) ColUns. Child, — George A., b. Dec. 16, 1868, in Bradford. Mrs. Abbie E. (Collins) Blaisdell d. Oct. 6, 1878, in Bradford. James H. Blaisdell m., 2d, April 20, 1880, Mary A. Johnson, of Brad ford, dau. of Alvin and Abigail H. (Stowe) Johnson. No children. 3. Polly J. BlaisdeU m. Aug. 17, 1851, George S. Morgan, of Sutton. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — (1) Lydia Jane, b. AprU 11, 1853 ; d. Nov. 13, 1868. (2) Judith Ann, b. Sept. 5, 1854 ; d. March 22, 1858. 4. Moses S. Blaisdell m. May 25, 1862, Mary Jane Johnson, of Sut ton, dau. of Moody and Lucinda (Felch) Johnson. Children, b. in Sutton, — (1) Walter L., b. Oct. 19, 1853 ; d. May 2, 1855. (2) Wells L., b. March 11, 1856 ; d. Nov. 24, 1860. After the death of Mary Jane (Johnson) Blaisdell he m., 2d, Dec. 30, 1874, Augusta E., dau. of Safford Watson, who d. Aug. 10, 632 HISTORY OF SUTTON. 1887, and he m., 3d, Dec. 10, 1888, Mrs. Mary (Mastin) Hoyt, dau. of Asa and Polly (Bean) Mastin. 5. Francis F. Blaisdell m. Clarissa Lucinda Ellis, of Broome, N. Y., dau. of James and Margery (Hubbard) Ellis. Children, b. in Sut ton, — (1) Anna Josephine, b. Dec. 22, 1849 ; d. March 19, 1852. (2) Adopted chUd, James B. Gasner, b. 1845; d. March 20, 1852. Mrs. Clarissa L. (Ellis) Blaisdell d. Oct. 24, 1868, in Sutton. Fran cis F. BlaisdeU m., 2d, May 9, 1869, Mrs. Eliza A. (Sanborn) Cheney, of Sutton, dau. of Tappan and Lavina (French) Sanborn. Francis F. Blaisdell d. Jan. 16, 1886, in Sutton. His wife d. Jan. 31, 1886. II. Mary BlaisdeU m. May 2, 1811, Henry Johnson, of Sutton. Children, b. in Warner, — 1. John H., b. Jan. 27, 1812. 2. Wells B., b. Oct. 15, 1813 ; d. Sept. 10, 1834. 3. Saloma, b. Aug. 14, 1816 ; d. May 2, 1887. 4. Moses, b. March 16, 1819. 5. Stephen, b. Aug. 14, 1821. 6. Henry, b. June l5, 1824. 7. Mary A., b. Jan. 6, 1827. 8. Sarah A., b. Jan. 6, 1827. Henry Johnson d. May 29, 1842, in Warner. His wife d. Jan 14, 1838, in Warner. in. Anna BlaisdeU m. Nov. 21, 1811, John HiUs, of Sutton, b. Feb. 7, 1787. He d. Jan. 6, 1812, and she m., 2d, Jan. 23, 1817, Joshua Eaton, of Bradford, b. Feb. 25, 1768. ChUdren, b. in Bradford, — 1. Joshua, b. Dec. 22, 1817. 2. .John H., b. Nov. 22, 1819. 3. Roxana B., b. March 20, 1823 ; d. Jan. 31, 1842. 4. Daniel, b. Sept. 24, 1827 ; d. June 7, 1828. 5. Albert, b. AprU 22, 1830 ; d. March 2, 1885. Joshua Eaton d. April 11, 1850, in Bradford, and she m., 3d, Nov. 1, 1854, Moses PiUsbury, of Sutton. She d. Jan. 15, 1861. 1. Joshua Eaton, Jr., m. Feb. 20, 1840, Alzina E. GiUingham, b. April 17, 1820. She d. Oct. 6, 1851. ChUdren,— (1) Alzada, b. Jan. 6, 1841. (2) Alzira, b. Jan. 5, 1841 ; d. Feb. 26, 1841. (3) Alverton, b. July 27, 1843 ; d. July, 1846. (4) Alzina, b. AprU 10, 1848. Joshua Eaton, Jr., m., 2d, Oct. 28, 1852, Mrs. Louisa A. Plummer, b. Oct. 17, 1823. Child,— (5) Joshua Willis, b. Dec. 24, 1856. GENEALOGY. 633 IV. Miriam BlaisdeU m. March 5, 1816, Jacob Colby, of Suna pee, b. Oct. 31, 1791. ChUdren, b. in Sunapee,— 1. Henry J., b. Sept. 17, 1817 ; d. Feb. 9, 1888. 2. Mary Ann, b. Oct. 6, 1819; d. March 11, 1883. 3. John M., b. June 11, 1822 ; d. Dec. 7, 1862. 4. Lafayette, b. jNIay 6, 1824. 5. Stephen Augustus, b. July 2, 1833. 6. Ann Augusta, b. July 2, 1833 ; d. Aug. 16, 1882. Jacob Colby d. Feb. 20, 1870, in Sunapee. His wife d. Sept. 7, 1857, in Sunapee. 1. Henry J. Colby m. Sally Winn. 2. Mary A. Colby m. John Y. Gardner. Children,— (1) Ella. (2) Elbra. (3) Charles S. (4) George W. 3. John M. Colby m. Dorcas Craig. Children, — (1) John M. (2) Ada. (3) Henry A. 4. Lafayette Colby m. Sylvia Collins. Children, — (1) Joan. (2) George H. (3) Frank E. (4) Ida. (5) Etta. (6) Eugene. (7) Belle. 6. Stephen A. Colby m., 1st, Lydia Sargent ; 2d, Mrs. Mary Cham bers. V. Christopher S. BlaisdeU m. Feb. 3, 1814, Ruth HiUs, of Sut ton, dau. of Moses and Polly (Knowlton) Hills. Children, — 1. Jerome. 2. Matilda. 3. John. 4. Lorenzo. VII. Hezekiah Blaisdell, Jr., m. Nancy B. Felch, of Weare. He d. Feb. 7, 1865, in Sutton. His wife d. March 23, 1871, in Sut ton. Hezekiah Blaisdell came from Amesbury, Mass., about 1795, and located in the extreme south part of Sutton, near Bradford. He built a small house of two rooms, such as most people built at that date, got his farm in good condi tion, and then erected a saw-mill on his own premises, after which it was easy for him to build his large, two-story house, which has been occupied by his descendants ever since, till within a few years. He was an industrious, use ful mail, and accumulated a good property. The Blais- dells, in all their generations, in Amesbury as well as in Sutton, have been known as very capable, honorable, relia ble men and women. 634 HISTORY OF SUTTON. BOHONAN. Dea. Jonathan Bohonan, of Salisbury, m. 1799, Dorothy Wells, of Sandown. Their children, all except the last, were b. in Washington, Vt. Children, — I. David, b. March 12, 1801 ; d. March 22, 1888, in Hopkinton. II. Shuah, b. Aug. 25, 1803. in. Theodata, b. June 14, 1805 ; d. Sept. 22, 1874. IV. Jonathan, b. Jan. 14, 1807; d. May 17, 1875. V. Dorothy, b. Nov. 7, 1808. VI. Sargent, b. Sept. 24, 1811. VII. Sarah, b. June 19, 1814, in Sutton ; d. March 28, 1865. Dea. Jonathan Bohonan d. Feb. 4, 1861, aged 82. His wife d. Nov. 10, 1855, aged 79. I. David Bohonan m. AprU 23, 1826, BeUnda Bean, a grand daughter of Dea. Asa Bean, b. 1808. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Samuel B., b. May 31, 1827 ; d. in Hopkinton. 2. Andrew J., b. Aug. 8, 1831. 3. Dorothy B., b. Nov. 9, 1833. 4. James S., b. Aug. 2, 1836. 5. Alzaida, b. July 19, 1839. 6. Adelaide F., b. March 28, 1841. 7. Diana R., b. May 14, 1843. 8. David N., b. March 31, 1845 ; d. Jan. 31, 1880. 9. John W., b. May 27, 1847. 10. Mary A., b. July 8. 1849. 11. Josephine A., b. Nov. 9, 1851. 1. Samuel B. Bohonan m. July 10, 1851, Ellen Stuart, of Peterbor ough. Children, b. in Sutton, — (1) Belinda Maria, b. April 23, 1853. (2) EmUy J., b. Oct. 5, 1855 ; d. in infancy. 2. Andrew J. Bohonan m. Sept. 22, 1867, Mary Jane Newton, of Newport, b. Nov. 11, 1840, dau. of Hiram and Mary (Cheney) Newton. Child, b. in Sutton, — (1) Mary Josephine, b. July 11, 1870. 3. Dorothy B. Bohonan m. Nov. 4, 1855, Lemuel S. Pope, of Clare mont; m., 2d, Nov. 18, 1861, Cyrus Leet, Jr. 4. James S. Bohonan m. Nov. 2, 1858, Fannie A. Kezar, dau. of George and Fannie (Munroe) Kezar. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, (1) Emma F., b. Sept. 21, 1864 ; d. Nov. 7, 1874. (2) George S., b. Aug. 3, 1869. GENEALOGY. 635 5. Alzaida S. Bohonan m. AprU 7, 1859, Warren H. Gould, of Clare mont. Present residence, Manchester. 7. Diana R. Bohonan m. Sept. 30, 1867, John B. Hinton, of Pena- cook. 8. David N. Bohonan m. May 1, 1871, Martha A. Wiggin, of Hop kinton. She d., and he m., 2d, Jennie M. Fisk, of Hopkinton. 9. John W. Bohonan m. May 2, 1876, Delia A. JeweU, of Weare. He lives with his parents upon the farm on Sugar HUl, in Hopkinton,. whither they removed from Sutton about 1866. 10. Mary A. Bohonan m. July 23, 1870, J. Bailey Clark, of North Weare. II. Shuah Bohonan m. N. B. Favor, of LoweU Mass. III. Theodata Bohonan m. Jan. 22, 1832, Asa Bean. Children,, b. in Sutton, — 1. Mary Eliza, b. Dec. 3, 1835; d. Nov. 6, 1848. 2. Addison A., b. Nov. 1, 1845. This famUy removed to Chester, AprU 25, 1874, and there Mr. Asa Bean d. Aug. 31, 1889. Theodata, his -wife, d. in Sutton, Sept. 22, 1874. rV. Jonathan Bohonan, Jr., m. Sarah Andrews, of Bradford,, who d. AprU 20, 1845, aged 31. Children,— 1. Washington, killed in last war, Nov. 1, 1863. 2. Maria, b. June 12, 1834 ; d. Aug. 3, 1835. He m., 2d, Elizabeth Whitcomb, Child, — 3. Walter. V. Dorothy Bohonan m. Kimball, of Bradford. Chil dren, — 1. Alden. 2. Nelson. 3. OUver. VI. Sargent Bohonan m. July 28, 1833, Roxana Blood, of Sharon. She was b. July 4, 1810 ; d. Jan. 24, 1870. ChUdren,— 1. Cyrus H., b. 1834; d. in infancy. 2. Mary L., b. June 5, 1836 ; d. July 24, 1864. He m., 2d, Sept. 19, 1872, Mrs. EUzabeth B. Cudworth, of Whitefield, b. May 13, 1827 ; d. AprU 3, 1879. He m., 3d, Oct. 6, 1881, Mrs. Mary H. Snow, of Dublin ; b. AprU 25, 1820 ; d. Aug. 21, 1887. 2. Mary L. Bohonan m. GUes Lakin, of Hancock. ChUd, — 1. Etta. 636 HISTOEY OF SUTTON. BROCKLEBANK. James Brocklebank came from Georgetown, Mass. He was b. AprU 29, 1755. He located first in New London, and came to Sutton probably on the decease of James King, whose estate he purchased. He m. Sarah Adams. Chil dren, — I. John. II. Moody ; d. in service in war of 1812, at Burlington, Vt. m. James. IV. Theodore, b. May, 1791 ; d. Feb. 27, 1874. V. Sarah. VI. Fanny B. ; m. Oct. 25, 1818, Timothy Bean ; d. Dec. 6, 1882, aged 89. [See Bean.J VII. Lois. III. James Brocklebank m. SaUy Bean. She d. March 30, 1880, aged nearly 87, being at the time of her death the oldest native resident of this town. ChUdren, — 1. John, b. AprU 12, 1826. 2. Samuel, d. in childhood. V. Sarah Brocklebank m. Samuel Huntoon. Children, — 1. Mary. 2. Susan. 3. John. 4. James. 5. Charles. 6. Sarah. BROCKWAY. John Brockway, of Bradford, b. Jan. 18, 1793 ; d. Dec. 27, 1874. He was son of Capt. Asa Brockway, who lived and, in 1829 d., on the farm in the west part of Bradford afterwards occupied by John Putney. John Brockway lived many years in South Sutton, moving here in 1836. He removed to Hopkinton in 1860, where he died. He m. Mary, dau. of Capt. Joshua Eaton, of Bradford. She was b. June 5, 1796 ; d. Nov. 24, 1870. ChUdren,— I. Thomas B., b. Feb. 23, 1817, in Newbury; d. Feb. 13, 1874 : m. Ann C. Bailey of South Sutton. He was for several GENEALOGY. 637 years at Cleveland, 0., and afterwards moved to New York city, where he was proprietor of the New York Hotel. He d. in New York city, leaving a widow, three daughters, and one son. II. WUliam E., b. Aug. 21, 1819, in Newbury ; d. Feb. 26, 1887 : m. Mary Leach, of Sutton, dau. of Nathan and Sarah (Ambrose) Leach. He was at one period a merchant, after which he became a cream-ale brewer. He gained a handsome property. He d. in New York city, leaving a widow and one son, WUlie E. Brockway. HI. Hiram C, b. Sept. 29, 1831, in Newbury; d. Sept. 28, 1874 : m. Mrs. Sarah Cooper Coon, who d. 1876. He was also a hotel-keeper in Cleveland, O. He was proprietor of the City Hotel at the time of his death. IV. John G. Brockway, b. June 9, 1834, in WUmot : m. Amanda M. CarroU, dau. of John P. and Rachel (Powers) Carroll, of Croy don. Children, — 1. Fred John, b. Feb. 24, 1860, in Sutton. 2. Etta B., b. Oct. 10, 1861, at Hopkinton. 1. Fred John graduated at Tilton, 1877, Yale college 1882, and at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York city in 1887. He was surgeon at Rosevelt Hospital two years. He is now surgeon in Johns Hopkins' Hospital, Baltimore, Md. 2. Etta B. Brockway attended school at Tilton, and also at the Nor mal School at New Britain, Conn. She has been a teacher. Mr. John G. Brockway still lives on the homestead farm in Hop kinton. V. Horace H. Brockway, b. Nov. 24, 1836, in South Sutton : m. Adaline A., dau. of Micajah and Huldah PiUsbury, of South Sutton. He was a very popular hotel keeper ; is now proprietor of the Ashland House, 4th Ave., 26th St., N. Y., where he is doing a large business. He is a man of wealth and much business abUity. Has three sons, — 1. Charles. 2. Walter. 3. Horace, Jr. John Brockway, father of the above five sons, m., 2d, at the age of 82, Mrs. Betsey Sargent, of Hopkinton. •638 HISTORY OF SUTTON. BURPEE. Nathan Burpee, b. AprU 14, 1801 ; d. May 30, 1887 : m. Feb. 3, 1825, Lois Savary; b. AprU 1, 1802. Children,— I. EmUy, b. Oct. 10, 1825 ; d. March 17, 1826. II. SaUy S., b. Aug. 7, 1827 ; d. March 5, 1833. III. Hannah S., b. July 23, 1829 ; d. April 24, 1851 : m. Sept. 25, 1849, Thomas W. Nelson, who d. AprU 24, 1851. IV. Alma, b. Nov. 5, 1831. V. Orson, b. March 19, 1834 ; m., 1st, Mary Ann Prichard ; 2d, Alma Sanborn ; 3d, Jennie Rowe. VI. Nahum, b. Feb. 16, 1837 ; d. Oct. 31, 1861. VII. Orra, b. Aug. 20, 1839. VIII. Thomas, b. Nov. 12, 1842 or '43: m. Nov. 24, 1869, Hattie A. Buck ; b. Dec. 17, 1845. IV. Ahna Burpee m. Orrin Humphrey. ChUd, — 1. George. VII. Orra Burpee m. Abbie Gee. ChUdren, — 1. Charles. 2. George. 3. Walter. 4. Frank. Nathan Burpee owned and occupied the Dea. Joseph Greeley farm in South Sutton. He came here from New London. His son Nahum, a young man of much promise, ¦enlisted early in the war, and died during his term of ser vice. Mr. Burpee was a man of stern independence of character, and was much respected by the people of this his adopted town. Harris Burpee, b. Aug. 8, 1808; d. May 3, 1885: m. May 15, 1832, Hannah Savary ; b. Dec. 18, 1807. ChUd,— I. Frank, b. July 21, 1833 ; d. Oct. 16, 1864 : m. Lydia Page, Nov. 7, 1856. They had one child, WiUie P., b. May 30, 1858, and d, Oct. 11, 1864, five days before the death of his father, both dying of diphtheria. Lydia Page, wife of Frank Burpee, was dau. of Col. Asa Page. Lois Savary, wife of Nathan Burpee, and Hannah Savary, wife of Harris Burpee, were sisters, being daughters of Daniel Savary of GENEAIiOGY. 639 Sutton. Harris Burpee for several years owned and occupied the Jacob Harvey estate in South Sutton ; afterwards he resided in MiU ViUage. He was much esteemed as a citizen, and, as the town records show, many times held offices of trust and responsibUity. Benjamin P. Burpee. The following, taken from the Manchester Union of Nov. 8, 1888, will, it is believed, be read with interest by the people whose memory goes back to war-time when Col. Burpee was an active and influential citizen of this town. He did a good share of the public work, and made many friends while here. The end, which had been expected for some days in the life of Col. Benjamin P. Burpee, came at 3 :' 10 o'clock this morning, when his spirit peacefuUy and without a struggle forsook its tenement of clay and soared to realms of immortaUty. During the middle of the past summer the first evidence of the undermining of his health became manifest, and he slowly but surely failed, until about the first of September, when he became in a large degree restricted to his pleasant residence at No. 417 Central street, and ten days since took his bed, where he lay failing day by day, fuUy conscious of his approaching dissolution, and awaiting the same with calmness, and without the slightest semblance of fear. Mr. Burpee was born at New London Aug. 27, 1818, and was the fourth of five chUdren born to Thomas and Lydia (Blake) Bur pee. The first forty years of his Ufa were passed in his native town, where he was educated and became a successful agriculturist. He left there to engage in mercantUe business in the neighboring to-wn of Sutton, where he became a prominent merchant. From Sutton he removed to Hopkinton, where he was at the head of a store for a time, and then purchased what is now known as the Grassmere farm, at Goffstown, where he engaged in farming. In 1871 he located in Manchester, and engaging in the grocery trade was thus actively employed for some years in the Museum building. His career in this city is well known, however, he being most of the time actively engaged in business, retiring less than a year since from trade in the store at the corner of Lake avenue and Massabesic .street. 640 HISTORY OF SUTTON. WhUe at New London he held every office -within the gift of the town, representing the town in the legislature, and was also a mem ber of the board of commissioners for Merrimack county for three years. At Sutton he enjoyed similar honors from his feUow-citi- zens, being town treasurer during the period of the war. Here in Manchester, too, he was singled out as a public servant, and served in the common council and in various other capacities. He was a candidate for the last time in ward six at the election of 1884,. when he ran for representative. He was an uncompromising Dem ocrat at aU times and under aU circumstances, and never lacked the courage of his convictions. He took a deep interest in the cur rent political events of the day, was an ardent admirer of President Cleveland, and one of the last topics he spoke about was that of the approaching election. In religion he was a Spiritualist, and was one who was never ashamed to be known as such. He was the backbone of the society in Manchester. His wife died sixteen years since, and from that time until the family ties were broken by Mr. Burpee's death he and his children have been closely allied in each other's affections. He was everything that a father could be to his family, and his strong affection was met by a current of love equally as ardent from them to him. The children are Nellie J., Harry H., Jennie A., Hattie, and WiUiam B. The first three named reside at home, while Hattie is the wife of L. H. Dyer, an attorney at Portland, Me., and WUliam B. resides on Young street. One sister, Mrs. Jacob Messer, of Springfield, completes the hst of immediate survi vors. "There was a straightforward earnestness about Col. Burpee's presence which ever commanded respectful attention when he was speaking, and aU who have ever been thrown into his companion ship were warmed into a feeling of esteem and high regard for him. He was a kind neighbor, true as the needle to the pole in his friendship, generous -with his means and generous to the faults of other. Truly, a good man has been taken from the walks of life in his death, which resulted from heart disease. His title of colonel was acquired in the old state militia, in which he won his way by promotion from ensign to the command of a reg iment. GENEALOGY. 641 BUZZELL. James BuzzeU, of Nottingham, m. Jan. 12, 1799, Mehit abel Tarbox. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — I. Miriam, b. 1800. n. James, Jr.,b. 1802; m. March 12, 1838, Mehitabel MarshaU, of Sutton. III. Sarah, b. in 1804. IV. EUza, b. 1806 ; m. Nathaniel Fifield, of Amherst. V. Charlotte, b. 1807; m. Hiram Davis. [See Ezekiel Davis record.] VL David, b. 1809 ; m. Mary Goodlight, of LoweU. He was a cabinet-maker and lived in Lowell. VII. AmeUa, b. 1812. Vni. Henry, b. 1815 ; m. Maria Ames of Temple. IX. Samantha, b. 1817 ; m. Wright, of Hudson. I. Miriam BuzzeU m. Stephen BuzzeU, of Goffstown. ChU dren, — 1. Sarah. 2. Climena. 3. Edwin. Stephen BuzzeU d., and she m., 2d, July 9, 1839, Daniel Smith, of Sutton. Children, — 4. Edgar W. Smith, b. Sept. 13, 1840. James BuzzeU lived on the road from South Sutton to Kimball's hill, and was farmer and blacksmith ; he was a soldier in the War of 1812. He d. in Sutton, and he himself and wife are buried in South Sutton graveyard. None of the above families now reside in Sutton. CARR. Clark C. Carr, son of Caleb and Mary (Brockway) Carr, b. in Washington, N. H., July 14, 1835 ; m. Oct. 27, 1858, Isabella R. Dustin, of Marlow. Children, — I. Walter C, b. in Sutton, July 28, 1862. n. Nettie B., b. in Sutton, July 21, 1864 : m. March 31, 1885, Henry L. Blake ; residence, BeUows FaUs, Vt. III. Fred L., b. in Keene, May 23, 1871. 41 642 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Daniel Carr was b. in Newbury, Mass., Aug. 2, 1801. His father, Moses Carr, was b. Oct. 10, 1778, and d. Feb. 10, 1815, and his mother, Abigail (Noyes), was b. Feb. 11, 1777, and d. July 20, 1863. Sometime after 1801 Moses Carr, the father of Daniel Carr, removed from Newbury, Mass., to Hopkinton, where he purchased a large farm on Sugar Hill. There the rest of his children were born, and there he died. Daniel Carr, then a lad of fourteen, soon tired of the farm and started out to seek his fortune. He sought and found employment as clerk in the store of Lewis Bailey, at South Sutton. There he remained until 1824 (?) when, with the little patrimony received from his father's estate, he purchased the store and merchandise of Mr. Bailey, and commenced business on his own account. Of course at that time nearly every family used spirits uous liquors in some form, and every store was expected, not only to keep a good stock of all kinds from New Eng land rum to the finest wines, but to sell by the glass over the counter. Very quickly, however, Mr. Carr saw the evil of this, and gave orders that no more of that business be carried on in his store. This came very near causing a revolution and ruining his trade. But he persisted in his determination, and succeeded in doing away with that part of the business. He was one of the three men who first voted the Whig ticket in town. Feb. 20, 1827, Mr. Carr was married to Rhoda, a daughter of Joseph Bartlett, of Warner, and a descendant of Rich ard Bartlett, who came from England to Newbury, Mass., in 1635. They had one son, William A. Carr, b. Jan. 10, 1828. About 1834 Mr. Carr sold his store to his brother Moses Carr, and removed to Concord. There he went into trade and remained untU the death of his wife, Nov. 29, 1836. He then removed to Bradford, buying out the store of John D. Wadleigh, and there he remained in business until July, 1854, when his son was admitted as a partner under the firm name of D. & W. A. Carr. This copartnership con- GENEALOGY. 643 tinued untU July, 1875, when the elder member retired after a successful business career of over fifty years. His son, W. A. Carr, remained in trade until January, 1887, when he in turn gave up the business to his son, William M. Carr. Jan. 1, 1839, Daniel Carr married as a second wife Caro line L., daughter of Weare Tappan, by whom he had two chUdren, Frank T. and Kate E., wife of C. A. Carlton, M. D., of Salem, Mass. He died Aug. 17, 1887, aged 86. He was a man of unimpeachable integrity and great kindness of heart. Moses Carr, who succeeded Daniel, continued in trade at South Sutton for a time, when he went to Sanbornton Bridge, now Tilton. He died in Ohio, Sept. 16, 1876. CARROLL. Alonzo C. Carroll, of Croydon, b. Nov. 24, 1826 : m. Feb. 4, 1849, Mercy A. Hale, of Grafton ; b. May 16, 1826, dau. of Abner and Rebecca (Williams) Hale. Children, — I. Clarence Franklin, b. AprU 1, 1852, in Enfield. II. Edward Herman, b. Oct. 30, 1855, in Sutton. Mrs. Mercy (Hale) CarroU d. Dec. 10, 1866, in Sutton. Alonzo C. CarroU m., 2d, Sept. 1, 1868, Margaret H. Adams, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Horton) Adams. No children. I. Clarence F. Carroll graduated at Yale CoUege. He is now principal of the Normal School at New Britain, Conn., and is a man of superior talents and a fine scholar. He m. Julia L. Web ster, dau. of Nathaniel and Julia (Lord) Webster. ChUdren, — 1. Stella. 2. Harry. 3. Carleton. 4. Margaret. n. Edward H. CarroU m. Aug. 30, 1877, Susie C. Putney, of Warner, b. July 24, 1858, in LoweU, dau. of John P. and Lucinda (Robertson) Putney. Child, — 1. Lee, b. in Warner, Dec. 11, 1880. Edward H. CarroU is a prominent business man in Warner, a merchant. 644 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Lysander H. Carroll, brother to Alonzo C. Carroll, b. in Croydon, Nov. 9, 1835 ; m. Dec. 23, 1855, Adelaide Lov- erin, of Sutton, dau. of Timothy H. and Juliana (Wadleigh) Loverin. Children, b. in Sutton. I. Ella B., b. December, 1856, now Mrs. Nason, of Concord. II. Jennie B., b. June, 1863, now Mrs. Davis, of Contoocook- vUle. Lysander H. Carroll m., 2d, Annette, dau. of Mansel Blake, of Sutton. Child, — III. Herbert, b. in Concord. Lysander H. Carroll came to South Sutton in 1849, and went into the tin and stove business, in which, in connec tion with his brother, Alonzo C. Carroll, he continued for several years. In 1863 he removed to Concord, where he was engaged in the same business. Later he was in a large and popular restaurant, and was for several years post master in Concord. He is now in business in Concord. Alonzo C. Carroll was born in Croydon, Nov. 24, 1826. His parents were John P and Rachel Carroll. When he was twelve years of age his mother died, and the family was broken up. He then went to Grafton to live with a relative, where he remained five years. Being now seven teen years old and feeling that he must go out into the world to do battle for himself, he went to Quincy, Mass., and engaged as a teamster on the stone quarries. He re mained there some three years, when he returned to Graf ton and bought the old " Horton Farm," so called. He remained in Grafton until 1852, when he moved to South Sutton and engaged in the stove business; in 1853 he added to this a dry goods and grocery store. At the same time he was interested in the patent right business. In 1860, having sold out his interests at South Sutton, he formed a partnership with George Putney in manufacturing bobbins at Sutton MiU viUage. In 1863 he reengaged in the stove business, and in 1867 went into trade with Geo. GENEALOGY. 645 'Thompson, at the Potter Place, Andover. He remained with him one year, when he sold out to his partner and moved to Warner, and again embarked in the dry goods and grocery business, buying out the firm of Hale & Adams, at the so called Robertson store, where he remained for about one year, when he sold out and was called to take charge of the Winslow House, on Kearsarge Moun tain, during the season of 1869. In April, 1870, he com menced trade in the Union Hall building, where he still remains. Having taken his youngest son into partnership with him he has devoted himself to other business pursuits, still retaining his interest in the store. He had charge of the Warner and Kearsarge Mountain hotel at the village through the seasons of 1874-75. In the spring of 1878 he again took charge of the hotel, and was its popular land lord for seven years, when he retired from the hotel and engaged in the lumber business in connection with the store, which business he is still engaged in. In 1882 the Merrimack Glove Company was formed, and he was elected as its president, which office he still holds. CARLETON. For Henry Carleton and Stephen B. Carleton see Joseph Greeley. CHADWICK. David Chadwick, b. 1766; d. May, 1838: m. Betsey Tucker, b. 1776 ; d. Aug. 26, 1852. Children,— I. John, b. March 30, 1791 ; d. Nov. 22, 1856. II. WUliam, b. March 27, 1792. III. Susanna, b. Feb. 11, 1794. IV. Sarah, b. Aug. 13, 1795. V. Rebecca, b. Jan. 11, 1797. VI. Calvert, b. May 26, 1798. VII. Edmund, b. Oct. 9, 1799 ; d. Jan. 13, 1876. 646 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Vni. David, b. April 22, 1802. IX. Langdon, b. March 4, 1804. X. George, b. March 17, 1806. XL Charlotte, b. June 11, 1807. XII. Walter, b. May 15, 1809. XIII. Thomas Jefferson, b. April 30, 1811. I. John Chad-wick m. Sept. 30, 1816, Susan Harvey, b. March 4, 1796 ; d. Sept. 13, 1825. ChUdren,— 1. Almira, b. July 29, 1817 ; d. Sept. 17, 1825. 2. EmeUne, b. Aug. 9, 1822 ; d. Aug. 30, 1825. John Chadwick m., 2d, Oct. 24, 1827, Hannah Harvey, b. Oct. 7, 1803 ; d. May 20, 1877. Child,— 3. Susan M., b. Nov. 7, 1829. These two wives of John Chadwick were sisters, they being daughters of James Harvey, who was brother to Dea. Matthew Harvey. II. WiUiam Chadvsdck m. Lucy . Five children. IV. Sarah Chadwick m. Peaslee. Four children. V. Rebecca Chadwick m. Feb. 29, 1827, Curtis Fisher, b. 1797 ; d. Oct. 20, 1846. She d. Sept. 17, 1878,;aged 81 years 8 months. No children. VI. Calvert Chadwick m. . Two children. vn. Edmund Chadwick m. Nov. 24, 1831, Tabitha Peters, b., AprU 8, 1807. ChUdren,— 1. Isaac M., b. Dec. 6, 1832 ; d. Dec. 23, 1886. 2. Mary Ann, b. May 18, 1834. 3. John F., b. Feb. 29, 1836. 4. Lizzie B., b. Nov. 14, 1840. 5. Maria Cordelia, b. Nov. 9, 1842 ; d. Dec. 30, 1843. 6. Susan E., b. Nov. 1, 1846 ; d. Aug. 1, 1862. 7. Maria C. (2d), b. AprU 28, 1844 ; d. Feb. 20, 1884. 8. William H., b. Aug. 31, 1849. 9. Hattie G., b. March 4, 1851. 1. Isaac M. Chadwick m. Sarah A. Clark. Child, — (1) LUian, b. Sept. 6, 1874. 2. Mary Ann Chadwick m. March 12, 1856, Everett P. Baker.. Child,— (1) John C, who m. Etta Ayer. Mrs. Mary Ann (Chadwick) Baker m., 2d, Osman Bailey. 3. John F. Chadwick m. May 31, 1862, Elizabeth Towle. He m.„ 2d, Sarah Ray. Children,— GENEALOGY. 647 (1) Ethel W., b. Sept. 4, 1872. (2) Alfred L., b. Nov., 1881. 4. Lizzie B. Chadwick m. Jan. 26, 1869, James W. P. Smith. 5. Maria C. Chadwick m. Greene Johnson. 8. William H. Chadwick m. Deo. 16, 1871, Susan E. Cobiurn, who d. Jan. 25, 1882, aged 32. He m., 2d, Feb. 22, 1883, Emma Morgan, who d. Jan. 13, 1889, aged 36. Child,— (1) Helen, b. March 7, 1886 ; d. AprU 7, 1887. 9. Hattie G. Chadwick m. Jan. 1, 1882, George W. Ewins (2d wife). VIII. David Chadwick, Jr., m. Sophronia Pressey, b. May 24, 1803. Children,— 1. Horace. 2. Reuben G. 3. Amos P. 4. John (died). 1. Horace Chadwick m. Martha A. Bowles. Children, — (1) George E. (2) Emma S. (3) Kattie B. (4) Mattie S. 2. Reuben G. Chadwick m. Marcia A. Jenkins. Children, — (1) Sarah E. (2) Daniel M. (3) George Edward. (4) Marcia E. 3. Amos P. Chadwick m. Carrie O. Austin. Child, — (1) Bernice. IX. John Langdon Chadwick m. Dorinda Colcord. Children, — 1. Daniel George. 2. Sophronia (died). 1. Daniel George Chadwick m. Abbie A. Blanchard, dau. of Samuel and Frances Blanchard. Children, b. in Warner, — (1) Francis S., b. AprU, 1865; d. Aug. 3, 1865. (2) Infant dau., b. and d. Feb. 27, 1867, and the mother d. the same day. Daniel George Chadwick m., 2d., Nov. 21, 1867, Helen M. Harwood, of Sutton, dau. of WiUiam D. and Martha (Vose) Harwood. ChUdren, b. in Newport, — (3) George Langdon, b. March 26, 1870. (4) Guy Densmore, b. Oct. 8, 1871. (5) Sophia Sweat, b. March 17, 1873. (6) Carl Augustine, b. Sept. 21, 1874. (7) Arthur Clayton, b. Oct. 15, 1879. (8) Erma Grace, b. AprU 3, 1885. Daniel George Chadwick d. AprU 25, 1886, in Newport. XI. Charlotte Chadwick m. May 25, 1823, Guy King. Chil dren, — 1. Aspasio. 2. Eugene. S. Almira. 4. Louisa. 5. Maria. XII. Walter Chadwick m. Mary Fisher ; m., 2d, Mary Mana- han. ChUdren, — 1. Curtis. 2. Mary. 3. Sarah. 4. Alfred. 6. Lizzie. 6. Joseph. XIII. Thomas Jefferson Chadwick m. Aug., 1831, Ruth Wood ward. ChUdren,^ — 648 HISTORY OF SUTTON. 1. Guy K., b. Nov. 4, 1832. 2. George, b. May 23, 1834. 3. Gage W., b. AprU 28, 1836. 4. Harvey W., b. Sept. 3, 1838. 5. Almira H., b. July 21, 1840. 6. Alvira S., b. July '21, 1840. 7. Lydia W., b. March 12, 1843. 8. Mary. 9. Edson. 10. Charles. 11. Willie P. 1. Guy K. Chadwick m. Malvina Ide. 2. George Chadwick m. Rosina V. Richards, Jan. 22, 1857. Chil dren, — (1) Bert. (2) Carrie. (3) Josie. (4) Walter. (2) Carrie Chadwick m. Elmer Blodgett. Child, — Alice. 3. Gage W. Chadwick m. Purington. Child, — (1) Adm. 4. Harvey W. Chadwick m., 1st., Hannah Cheney, dau. of William and Sally (Emery) Cheney. Child, — (1) Emma A. He m., 2d, Louisa Whittier. 5. Almira H. Chadwick m. John Hall. 6. Alvira S. Chadwick m. Adam Mathes. Children, — (]) Adeline. (2) Blanche. 7. Lydia W. Chadwick m. Dec. 23, 1862, Gilbert J. Cheney. [See Gilbert Cheney.] 8. Mary Chadwick m. May 15, 1863, WiUiam Little, b. Jan. 31, 1836. Children,— (1) Lena Eldona, b. April 24, 1865 ; m. George Tilton. (2) Hiram Jefferson, b. Nov. 8, 1872 ; d. March 24, 1873. (3) Evaline Ruth, b. July 31, 1875. 10. Charles Chadwick m. Mary Allen. Children, — (1) Alice. (2) Bessie. 11. WUlie P. Chadwick m. Lizzie Prescott. Children, — (1) Chester J. (2) Ruth. Joseph Chadwick, Sr., m. Bethia Davis. He was brother to David Chadwick, Sr. They came into Sutton previous to 1795. He d. about 1829. Children,— I. Joseph, Jr., m. Sarah Jackson. Children, — 1. Albert. 2. Elbridge. 3. Andrew. 4. Thomas. 5. Luthera. 6. Jane. GENEALOGY. 649 Joseph Chadwick, Jr., d., and' after his death his famUy removed to New York. II. Samuel, b. 1789 ; d. AprU 18, 1863 : m. Sarah Lear, b. 1796 ; d. March 29, 1863. ChUdren,- 1. Alvah. 2. Mary Ann. 3. Horace, b. 1836 ; d. Aug. 16, 1859. 4. Caroline, m. Columbus Knowlton. 1. Alvah Chadwick m. July 4, 1854, Abigail Carr, dau. of Samuel and Nancy (Emerson) Carr. [See WiUard Emerson.] Children,— (1) Samuel Elmore, m. Lydia HiU. He d. Feb. 26, 1884. (2) Charles, m. Laura Andrew ; had two children ; both died. (3) Horace Roscoe, m. June 1, 1884, Gertie, dau. of Sylvester Felch; he m., 2d, Dec. 31, 1887, Sarah Frances Huntoon. 2. Mary Ann Chadwick m. Horace Morgan. Children, — (1) Sarah. (2) Sydney. (3) Louise. (4) Belden. (5) Ezra. (6) Alvah. (7) Adeline. 4. Caroline Chadwick, m. Columbus Knowlton. Children, — (1) Frank W. (2) Luette. (3) WiUie. (4) Mary. (1) Frank W. Knowlton m. Emma Little. Children, — Herbert; Wilbur. (4) Mary Knowlton m. Fred O. Prescott. Child,— Ashley. III. Jonathan Chadwick m. Carr. IV. PoUy, or Mary Chadwick, b. 1790 ; m. Sept. 15, 1809, WiUiam Pressey. She d. June 3, 1813, leaving one child, Ruth, who m. Eliphalet Wadleigh. She had four chUdren, and d. April 1, 1839. [See Wadleigh.] V. Edward Chadwick m. Dec. 10, 1818, Mrs. Betsey Lear. CHENEY. Jonathan Cheney was b. in Deny about 1725. He had eleven children, among whom was Thomas, who settled in Goffstown, and with him the father died about 1790. Jonathan and Joseph married and settled in Bradford. Some of their descendants lived in Sutton. Hannah and Sarah both married Sargents, and settled in Bradford. Enoch settled in Washington, Vt. Daniel lived in Ticonderoga, N. Y., owning a small farm, but was 650 HISTORY OF SUTTON. a noted hunter and mountain guide, and his son Isaac was also a hunter, and of this family is the celebrated guide of the Adirondack Mountains, by name John Cheney. Rachel Cheney became wife of Gen. John McNiel. Nathaniel Cheney married Mary Stevens and moved to Sutton. Others of the family of Jonathan Cheney were Mary and Anna, who are not traced, the Cheney records having been stolen some years ago, just as they were about ready to be published. The Cheney family is of English origin. Nathaniel Cheney, b. 1755, in Plaistow ; d. in Sutton March 6, 1847 : m. 1776, Mary Stevens, b. 1759, in Hamp- stead, dau. of Wait and Elizabeth (Sargent) Stevens. Chil dren, b. in Sutton, — I. Wait Stevens, b. Feb. 11, 1778 ; d. in New York : m. Char lotte ElweU, of Francestown. They moved to Batavia, N. Y. No chUdren. II. Daniel, b. June 19, 1780 ; d. Nov. 21, 1820. in. Mary, b. Dec. 5, 1782 ; d. Dec. 3, 1813. IV. Nathaniel, b. Feb. 6, 1785 ; d. Feb. 27, 1870. V. Sarah, b. Feb. 21, 1788 ; d. May 31, 1822. VI. Isaac, b. Aug. 19, 1790 ; d. March 6, 1857. VII. Timothy, b. June 21, 1793 ; d. in Wisconsin. VIII. Thomas, b. Oct. 6, 1796 ; d. June 6, 1875. IX. SUas, b. May 17, 1798 ; d. Oct. 20, 1825. X. Caleb, b. July 24, 1800 ; d. Nov. 2, 1828. IL Daniel Cheney m. Feb. 4, 1811, Hannah Putney (b. 1795), of East Washington, dau. of John and Betsey E. Putney. Children, b. in Sutton, — 1. Mary J., b. Jan. 9, 1812; d. June 16, 1888. 2. Sarah A., b. Dec. 10, 1814 ; d. June 30, 1839. 3. Betsey, b. AprU 3, 1816. 4. Daniel, Jr., b. Oct. 10, 1818 ; d. May 26, 1864. Daniel Cheney died, and after the death of her husband his wife m. Curtis Bobbins, of HUlsborough. She d. Jan. 10, 1869. 1. Mary J. Cheney m. Jan. 22, 1836, Jason Ripley, and removed to Maine, probably Bridgton. Children,— (1) Orrin W., b. Oct. 30. 1836 ; d. Feb. 16, 1873 : m. July 21, 1864, Ann L. ilitcheU, of Brunswick, Me. ; 2 chUdren. GENEALOGY. 651 (2) Ophelia, b. June 9, 1838 : m. Aug. 28, 1862, Dr. Henry S. B. Smith, of North Bridgton, Me. ; 4 chUdren. (3) Orville, b. May 9, 1840 ; m. Dec. 23, 1864, Georgiana L. Jackson, ot Manchester. No children. , (4) Jason A., b. Dec. 15, 1842; d. Aug. 19, 1844. (5) WUliam W., b. Nov. 2, 1844 ; d. Jan. 5, 1873 : m. 1867, Emma Schultz. No children. (6) Jason A., b. March 1], 1853. He resides in Marshfield, Mass. (7) Charles E., b. Feb. 9, 1858. He resides in Marshfield, ]\Iass. Mrs. Mary J. (Cheney) Ripley d. June 16, 1888. 2. Sarah A. Cheney m. 1831, Nathan Green, of Hillsborough. Two children, GUman and David. Both were in service in the last war ; David died of wounds. Nathan was wounded at Gettysburg. 3. Betsey Cheney m. April 1, 1834, WiUiam Bobbins, of HUlsbor ough. Children, b. in Hillsborough, — (1) Francis W., b. Dec. 1, 1834 ; d. Aug. 9, 1863, at Cairo, whUe in service. (2) Sarah J., b. Sept. 6, 1836 ; d. Sept. 14, 1839. (3) Daniel Cheney, b. March 15, 1841 ; d. July 6, 1842. (4) Sarah A., b. July 4, 1843 ; m. James Barnard, of Dunbarton. (5) Daniel Edgar, b. Feb. 8, 1845 ; m. Nov. 1, 1887, Hannah Caine. (6) WUUam H., b. Nov. 4, 1847 ; d. May 3, 1868. (7) Albin L., b. Sept. 4, 1849 ; m. 1885, Lizzie Annis ; 1 child. 4. Daniel Cheney, Jr., m. May 5, 1842, Mehitabel Murdough, of Hillsborough. Children, b. in HUlsborough, — (1) Nancy M., b. May 16, 1843. (2) Charles D., b. March 17, 1846 ; m. Sept. 25, 1866, Helen M. Abbott, of Bradford. She was killed by being thrown from a carriage July 14, 1867. (3) Sophia S., b. March 11, 1848. (4) Jennie O., b. May 6, 1850 ; d. Sept. 15, 1867. (.5) Emily A., b. AprU 9, 18.52; d. Sept. 11, 1853. (6) Myra F., b. Sept. 27, 1854. (7) George H., b. June 3, 1857. (8) Emma A., b. Oct. 10, 1861. (9) Daniel, 3d., b. July 10, 1864 ; d. June 10, 1876. Daniel Cheney, Jr., d. May 26, 1864. His wife d. July 10, 1879, at Warner. (3) Sophia S. Cheney m. June 5, 1867, Charles E. Cummings, of Sutton. Children, — Flora J., b. Sept. 5, 1868. Arthur F., b. AprU 8, 1872. Charles E. Cummings was for several years connected in business with the Cummings Bros, marble works at Concord. His business is now located in Nashua. (6) Myra F. Cheney m. Oct. 17, 1874, George H. Morey, of WUmot. ChUd,— Helen E., b. in Concord, March 12, 1883. 652 HISTORY OF SUTTON. (7) George H. Cheney m. Sept. 30, 1884, Mrs. Alfarata U. (Pope) Marshall. Children, b. in Bradford, — Charles H., b. July 10, 1885. Blanche E., b. Dec. 28, 1886. (8) Emma A. Cheney, m. July 26, 1883, Samuel K. Page, of Warner. Child,— Marion H., b. in Warner, Sept. 18, 1887. Mr. Page is a lawyer, located in Warner. III. Mary Cheney m. Jan. 29, 1799, Asa King, of Sutton, and in 1812 removed to Whitefield. [See King Rec.J IV. Nathaniel Cheney, Jr., m. Sept. 6, 1811, Sarah PiUsbury, dau. of Micajah and Sarah Sargent PiUsbury. He d. Feb. 27, 1870. His wife d. May 2, 1875. He was a farmer and lived in several different places in Sutton. About 1846 he purchased the Phineas Stevens farm, and there remained tUl he died. His death from heart difficulty was very sudden. His wife was an invalid for many years before her death. ChUdren, — 1. Moses PiUsbury, b. Sept. 3, 1815 ; d. Oct. 15, 1885, in Sutton. 2. Sarah B., b. AprU 18, 1818 ; d. June 11, 1841. 3. Mary Stevens, b. July 23, 1820. 4. EUzabeth P., b. Sept. 1, 1822 ; d. Dec. 10, 1824. 5. George Sargent, b. Aug. 30, 1825. 6. Susan M., b. June 22, 1829. 7. Nancy J., b. Aug. 26, 1834. 1. Moses Pillsbury Cheney m. June 16, 1855, Mary L. True, of Goshen, dau. of Moses and Polly (Batchelder) True, " she being a direct descendant of Henry True, who emigrated in 1635 from Hud- dersfield, Yorkshire, Eng., receiving- a grant of land in Salem, Mass., in 1649." Their children, b. in Sutton, — (1) Frank Edward, b. Nov. 30, 1855. (2) Fred Mervin, b. Dec. 19, 1857 ; d. July 18, 1884, at Memphis, Tenn. (3) Clarence Herbert, b. Aug. 16, 1869. (4) WiUiam Ellsworth, b. May 16, 1861. (Mary L. (True) Cheney's children by a former marriage : Emma AmeUa Lewis, b. July 26, 1850 ; m. Oct. 25, 1865, Lowell Simons, Esq., of Milton. He d. Oct. 20, 1879, and she m., 2d, May, 1880, John D. Otis, of Farmington. She d. Nov. 10, 1881. No chil dren. George Nelson Lewis, b. March, 6, 1852, in Warrensburg, N. Y. ; m. Aug. 13, 1872, Ai-viUa Gibson, of Fitchburg, Mass., b. Aug. 28, 1850. ChUd,— Herman G., b. Sept. 9, 1874, in Fitchburg, Mass.) ^jen^ vyiO *T -lOTYPE fSIPJTINC. CO., BOSTON. GENEALOGY. 653 (1) Frank E. Cheney m. Nov. 29, 1889, Effie M. Hart, of Sutton, dau. of Charles and Hannah M. (Bingham) Hart. 2. Sarah B. Cheney m. July 4, 1839, John Carter, of Lowell, Mass. Child,— (1) George Cheney, b. in Lowell, Mass., Oct. 28, 1840. George C. Carter received a good education, and learned the gTooery business in Lowell, which he successfully followed in that city, and later in Boston, where he now resides. He m. Sept. 7, 1863, Susan A. Hanscom, of Lowell, Mass., b. May 20, 1843, dau. of George H. Hans com. Child, — Sarah Lilla Blanche, b. Jan. 5, 1868 ; d. Sept. 6, 1868. 3. Mary Stevens Cheney m. April 31, 1845, George L. Flint, of Hen niker. Children, — (1) Louis Fernando, b. Oct. 19, 1847, in Sutton. (2) Lydia Josephine, b. March 14, 1851, in Warner. (3) George Henry, b. Feb, 24, 1857, in Warner. (4) EUa Lenora, b. Oct. 26, 1859, in Henniker. (5) Mary BeU, b. Aug. 8, 1863, in Henniker. George L. Flint is a blacksmith, and resides at Henniker. 5. George S. Cheney m. May 2, 1848, Mary Jane Flint, of Lowell, Mass., b. Nov. 30, 1830, dau. of OUver W. Flint. Children, b. in Lowell, — (1) Sarah Lucetta, b. Dec. 11, 1849 ; m. Oct. 30, 1877, WiUiam A. Owen, of Lowell. No children. (2) EUzabeth Whiting, b. Oct. 5, 1856; m. Nov. 22, 1876, Walter J. PettengUl, of Lowell. Child, — Brenda Cheney, b. June 20, 1878. [For sketch of George S. Cheney see PiUsbury.] 6. Susan M. Cheney m. Nov. 16, 1848, Nathan P. Blodgett, of New bury. Children, b. in Newbury, — (1) Oren J., b. Sept. 7, 1849 ; d. . (2) Charles W., b. June 16, 1854 ; d. Oct. 3, 1876. (3) Rose M., b. AprU 11, 1863; d. March 20, 1882. (1) Oren J. Blodgett, of Newbury, studied for the medical profession. He m. Dec. 24, 1884, Cora R. Jones, of Goshen, dau. of John and Caroline (Emery) Jones. Child, — NeweU Ray, b. in Newbury, Oct. 7, 1888. 7. Nancy J. Cheney m. Aug. 19, 1864, Lorenzo H. True, of Goshen. He is a farmer. He moved to Bradford in 1870. ChUdren, — (1) Mervin L., b. Oct. 21, 1865, in Sutton. (2) BeU Blanch, b. June 2, 1867, in Goshen. (3) Mary Gertrude, b. May 4, 1869, in Goshen. 654 HISTORY OF SUTTON. V. Sarah Cheney m. Sept. 24, 1807, Israel MorrUl, of Warner, being his 2d wife. Children, b. in Sutton, — 1. WUUam, b. Sept. 4, 1808, d. June 7, 1879. 2. Rosanna F., b. Jan. 10, 1812. 3. Thomas C, b. March 3, 1814; d. Nov. 24, 1840. 4. Marv C. K., b. Dec. 30, 1818; d. 1862. 5. Sarah C, b. March 3, 1820. 1. WiUiam MorrUl m. May 16, 1833, Eleanor A. Webb, of Ports mouth, Va. They had nine children, all resident in Virginia and in Pensacola, Fla. At the age of nineteen he left Sutton and went to MUton, Mass, where he learned the business of stone cutting at the Quincy Granite Works. In 1830 he received an appointment from the government to go to Norfolk, Va , to work on the dry dock, then in process of construction at the U. S. navy-yard. He held the posi tion of master workman till that work was completed, and remained in the government service several years afterwards. In 1843 he was appointed to superintend the construction of the dry dock in Pensacola na-vy-yard. This important work being completed he was then ap pointed to superintend all the work at that navy-yard, with the title of major. He held this post till the breaking out of the war, when he retired from active business. He devoted himself much to the inter ests of the Episcopal church, with which he was connected, and also to the interests of the Masonic lodges in the Southern states, ha-ving attained the highest honors in the order, with corresponding respon sibilities. The records of both the church and the lodges show that he was much esteemed, and that his death was felt to be a severe loss to them. 2. Rosanna F. Morrill was a very successful school teacher in Sut ton. In 1838 she removed to Lowell, where after some years she m., Aug. 10, 1848, Stephen B. Clough, for many years engaged in the gro cery business in Lowell. 3. Thomas C. Morrill spent his boyhood in Sutton, and in 1838 went to Portsmouth, Va., where he obtained a high position on the Norfolk and Virginia R. R. He was m. in 1839 to a Southern lady. No chUdren. He d. Nov. 24, 1840. 5. Sarah C. MorriU m., 1839, Daniel H. Sinclair, of Mount Holly, Vt. Children, b. in Lowell, — (1) William T., b. Jan. 22, 1840; d. May 14, 1857. (2) Henry A., b. AprU 7, 1843 ; d. July 29, 1872. (3) Charles H., b. June 6, 1849 ; d. May 6, 1878. (1) Henry A. enUsted in Co. G, 6th Reg't Mass. Vols., and was wounded in going through Baltimore AprU 19. He reenlisted and served through the war. GENEALOGY. 655 VI. Isaac Cheney, b. Aug. 19, 1790; d. March 6, 1857, in War ner : m. Sabra Morrill. Children, — 1. Harrison L., b. AprU 28, 1813. 2. Curtis C, b. March 26, 1814. ¦3. Marden S., b. Nov. 14, 1815. 4. William M., b. Jan. 20, 1817. 5. Sarah A., b. Sept. 19, 1819. 6. Caleb M., b. March 7, 1820. 7. Daniel S., b. March 10, 1821. 8. Benjamin F., b. Sept. 20, 1822. 9. Isaac, Jr., b. Dec. 25, 1823. 10. Babe, b. May 14, 1826. 11. Stephen A., b. July 6, 1828. 5. Sarah A., the only dau. of the above family, m. Stephen Swett, and was mother of Herbert Swett, of this town. VII. Timothy Cheney m. Mary Farr, of Saugus Point, N. Y. Three chUdren. He was a carpenter, and lived many years in Saugus Point, N. Y. Later he removed with his son Timothy to Rising Sun, Wis., where he died several years ago. Timothy, Jr., m. a lady from Wilmot, and had 4 chUdren, viz., — 1. Hattie C. 2. Mary S. 3. Charles. 4. Timothy. He removed from Rising Sun, whither, not known. He was a carpenter like his father. Vin. Thomas Cheney, b. Oct. 6, 1796 ; m. June 15, 1820, Mehitabel Wadleigh, dau. of Thomas and Miriam (Atwood) Wad leigh, of Sutton. Children, b. in Sutton, — 1. Miriam W., b. Sept. 29, 1820 ; d. May 20, 1825. 2. Nathaniel, b. July, 1822. Mrs. Mehetable (Wadleigh) Cheney d. Aug. 13, 1824, and her husband m., 2d, Sally RoweU. ChUdren, — 3. Charles H., b. AprU 10, 1837 ; d. Sept 29, 1865. 4. Abram, b. Aug. 20, 1840 ; d. Sept. 18, 1845. 5. Mary Sargent, b. Sept. 27, 1842. 6. Sarah Ann, b. Dec. 21, 1849 ; d. Jan. 7, 1879. 7. Abram R., b. July 9, 1853. Mrs. Sally (RoweU) Cheney d. May 17, 1868, and her husband m., 3d, Oct. 25, 1869, Mrs. Lois (Harvey) WeUs, of Sutton. Thomas Cheney d. June 5, 1875. He was a carpenter, and buUt many houses in Sutton, some of which are standing yet in good condition. He was the head workman upon the present church in the South -viUage. He was a Free Mason of high standing in the order. Like many of his race he was, when young, very fond of hunting. His last years were spent quietly at his home in the 656 HISTORY OF SUTTON. South viUage, his principal enjoyment being the social prayer meet ings held at his house. 2. Nathaniel Cheney m. and removed to Fraiiconia, where he has been engaged in the hotel business for several years. He has a small family of children. 5. Mary S. Cheney m. March 6, 1860, Addison B. Putnam, of WU mot. ChUdren, b. in Wilmot, — (1) Charles A., b. May 2, 1862 ; d. Sept. 17, 1862. (2) LiUa Bell, b. Aug. 10, 1865 ; d. Oct. 24, 1866. (3) Nelly G., b. Aug. 8, 1869. (4) Sarah B., b. Oct. 23, 1871. Addison B. Putnam was a son of Benjamin Putnam, a native of Lyndeborough. His mother was Sally Tenney, a native of Hancock., They lived many years in Wilmot, and reared there a large family. Then- son, Isaac Putnam, m. Susan Maxon, of Sutton, and after his death she m. his brother, Samuel Putnam. They lived at that time in California, engaged in the lumbering business, with mills in the moun tains and lumber yards at Auburn. 6. Sarah A. Cheney m. March 11, 1874, George G. Wells, of Sutton. 7; Abram R. Cheney m. Sept. 21, 1877, Mrs. Mary F. (Thomas) Hill iard, widow of George H. Hilliard, of Bradford, who d. in Sutton, Oct. 26, 1774, at the home of his mother, Mrs. Samuel Blanchard. He learned the tinman's business, and for some years owned and operated the tinshop at South Sutton. He was burned out at the old stand Nov. 21, 1879, and soon afterwards erected the present building, in which for a season he kept up the business of tin and hardware. IX. SUas Cheney, b. May 17, 1798 ; d. Oct. 20, 1825, in Sut ton : m. Oct. 28, 1819, Judith Colby, of Warner, b. March 4, 1797. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Timothy, b. Aug. 28, 1820 ; d. Aug. 2, 1885. 2. Wait Stevens, b. Feb. 3, 1822. 3. Nathan Colby, b. July 10, 1823. 4. Joseph Warren, b. Nov. 29, 1825 ; d. Oct. 7, 1858. 5. Caleb, b. June 22, 1827. The widow of Silas Cheney m., 2d, David Bagley. 2. Wait Stevens Cheney m. Nov. 19, 1845, Mrs. Clarissa S. (Bean) Gray, of Sutton, dau. of Reuben and Mary F. (Smith) Bean. ChU dren, b. in East Corinth, Me., — (1) Charles A., b. Sept. 17, 1846. (2) Nellie M., b. Dec. 1848. (3) Mattie J., b. Dec. 16, 1851. (4) Nettie J., b. July 20, 1853. (5) Hattie E., b. Sept. 25, 1855. (6) Hobart W., b. July 20, 1857. (7) Frank S., b. Dec. 14, 1860. GENEALOGY. 657 4. Joseph Warren Cheney m. Jan. 24, 1849, M. Antoinette Magee, of New York. ChUdren, b. in Washington, D. C, — (1) George Warren, b. AprU 19, 18.50; d. Nov. 1, 1877. (2) Susan Colby, b. AprU 2, 1862 ; d. Sept. 25, 1855. X. Caleb Cheney, b. July 24, 1800 : m., 1st, Lydia Sargent, of Warner ; m., 2d, Mary McDuffie, of Hampstead ; m., 3d, Marcia A. May, of Canaan. Children, — 1. Henry F., of 1st wife ; he lives at Jewett City, Conn. 2. Edward A., of 2d wife ; he lives at North wood. 3. Albert E., of 3d wife. 4. Ethel May, of 3d wife. 5. Warren Timothy, of 3d wife. 6. Mabel Eva, of 3d wife. Lyman Cheney, of Bradford, purchased the old Isaac Peaslee farm near Ldbg Pond, about 1843, and remained in this town till his death, Sept. 27, 1857. He m. Nov. 9, 1837, Achsah E. Twiss, of Newbury. Children, b. in Bradford, — I. Edwin Lyman, b. Oct. 26, 1838. II. Minerva EUza, b. May 21, 1842. Mrs. Achsah E. (Twiss) Cheney d. AprU 21, 1844, in Sutton, and her husband m., 2d, Dec. 25, 1845, EUza A. Sanborn, of Sutton, dau. of Tappan and Lavina (French) Sanborn. Childreij, b. in Sutton, — III. Alma F., b. Oct. 1, 1846 ; d. Nov. 19, 1846. IV. Julia A., b. Nov. 23, 1848 ; d. Jan. 17, 1850. V. Elsie L., b. Aug. 13, 1855 ; d. June 4, 1877. VI. Frank T., b. Oct. 17, 1864. Mrs. Eliza A. (Sanborn) Cheney m., 2d, Francis Blais deU. I. Edwin L. Cheney m. Nov. 5, 1861, Mary A. Brown, dau. of David and Mary (Dorr) Bro-wn, of Sutton. Children, — 1. Herbert Ellsworth, b. April 5, 1863, in Sutton. 2. Lizzie Gertrude, b. March 17, 1869, in Cambridgeport. 3. Grace Evelyn, b. Feb. 11, 1872 ; d. Nov. 14, 1885. 4. Frank Elmer, b. Nov. 27, 1874. 1. Herbert EUsworth Cheney m. Feb. 23, 1887, Louise Estelle Child, of Cambridgeport, dau. of Spencer and Eliza (Goodrich) ChUd. 42 658 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Edwin L. Cheney engaged in mercantile business early in life, and for a few years he kept the store at the South village. He re moved to Cambridgeport, where he has since resided. He was at one time connected with FaneuU HaU Market. II. Minerva E. Cheney m. May 27, 1863, Levi F. Brown, of Sutton. Children, b. at Council Bluffs, Iowa, — 1. Charles W., b. Oct. 10, 1864 ; d. Julv 1, 1866. 2. EUzabeth L., b. June 17, 1868 ; d. Sept. 22, 1878. 3. Grace I., b. Jan. 17, 1870. 4. Edwin L., b. Sept. 27, 1871. This famUy resides at CouncU Bluffs. VI. Frank T. Cheney m. AprU 28, 1876, Jennie R. Walker, of Warner. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Arthur Frank, b. June 8, 1877. 2. Edith May, b. May 9, 1881 ; d. Oct. 8, 1881. 3. Henry Francis, b. Nov. 1, 1883. 4. Eva May, b. Nov. 5, 1886. Frank T. Cheney lived upon his father's farm near Long pond, and later upon that of his step-father, Francis BlaisdeU, tUl 1887, when he sold the property and removed to Pembroke. Peter Cheney. Peter Cheney, b. 1770 ; d. AprU 13, 1849 : in. June 18, 1795, Sally Davis, dau. of Jonathan Da-vis, b. July 22, 1774 ; d. Oct. 10, 1851. ChUdren,— I. PhUip, b. March 10, 1796. II. SaUy, b. May 7, 1797 ; d. 1813. III. Matthew, b. Nov. 2, 1802. IV. Levi, b. Aug. 13, 1807 ; d. Nov. 6, 1874. V. WiUiam, b. Nov. 19, 1808 ; d. Aug. 17, 1883 : m. PameUa Watson. I. Philip Cheney m. Nancy Brown. Moses Cheney, of Wilmot Flat, is their son. rV. Levi Cheney resided in Sutton ; m. Dec. 20, 1830, Caroline, dau. of Jonathan Phelps ; m., 2d, Dec. 29, 1840, Almira Smith, dau. of Moses Smith. Children, — 1. Franklin. 2. Frances M., b. May 10, 1844 ; m., Sept., 1864, Lorenzo Richard son, of Winthrop, Mass. Children, — GENEALOGY. 659 (1) Lorena M. (2) Lorenzo W. (3) Horace W. (4) RoUin. (5) Florian. (6) Ethel M. Levi Cheney was a good scholar and a successful teacher when a young man. He was known for many years as Dea. Cheney (of the Free WUl Baptist church). He was gentlemanly in manners and a careful farmer. Several years before his death he leased his mountain farm and bought a residence in the North village, where he passed the remainder of his life. Under the head of Mastin genealogy we have inserted the state ment that Jacob Mastin, Sr., being the possessor of two adjoining lots, settled on one of them himself, and gave the other to Peter Cheney, for the sake of having him for a neighbor. Such transfers of lots or parts of lots were not infrequently made at that early date in this to-wn and in other places, the donor wisely calculating that the value of the land he reserved for himself would be greatly increased by having the land adjoining it cleared and cultivated. Added to this consideration was that of having a neighbor in his loneliness, on whose society and occasional assistance he could count, and personal preference, of course, had its due weight in determining his choice of the man who would be, probably, a life long associate of his own. The arrangement seems to have con tinued satisfactory to both parties in this case. Mr. Cheney was a neat, tidy fanner, a good neighbor, and a worthy citizen. Having lost his father when a boy he had spent several years of his early life and young manhood in the family of Thomas Wadleigh, Esq. William Cheney, of Bradford, b. Aug. 8, 1797; d. Sept. 20, 1874: m. Dec. 15, 1824, Sally Emery, b. Oct. 2, 1802; d. AprU 11, 1859. Children, — I. James B., b. Jan. 8, 1826 ; d. Feb. 16, 1861. II. Mary A., b. Feb. 21, 1829 ; d. July 30, 1858. IIL Harriet M., b. May 20, 1833 ; d. June 5, 1876. IV. Lyman H., b. July 6, 1835 ; d. March 22, 1882. V. Hannah J., b. Sept. 18, 1836 ; d. Nov. 8, 1868. VI. Albert F., b. Dec. 24, 1839 ; d. Oct. 29, 1843. VII. GUbert J., b. Dec. 24, 1839. 660 HISTORY OF SUTTON. I. James B. Cheney m. Louisa M. Purington. ChUd, — 1. Sarah. II. Mary A. Cheney m. Putney Wiggin. Children, — 1. Albert C. 2. CeUa. 3. Harriet. 4. John. 5. Mary. 6. Frank. III. Harriet M. Cheney m. Nathaniel Chase. Child, — 1. SewaU. IV. Lyman H. Cheney m. Lisette Smith. Children, — 1. George W. 2. John F. V. Hannah J. Cheney m. Harvey W'. Chadwick. ChUd, — 1. Emma A. VII. Gilbert J. Cheney m. Dec. 23, 1862, Lydia W. Chadwick. Children, — 1. Hattie A., b. May 26, 1864. 2. Delma A., b. Aug. 30, 1866. 3. Alston F., b. Jan. 12, 1868 ; d. Aug. 6, 1870. 4. Rebecca B., b. AprU 18, 1871 ; d. Jan. 29, 1873. 5. Amy M., b. May 26, 1873. 6. Walter A., b. Nov. 17, 1876. 7. Willie P., b. Sept. 26, 1880. 1. Hattie A. Cheney m. George A. Cilley. ChUdren, — (1) Mattie W. (2) Emma A. 2. Delma A. Cheney m. Winfred B. CiUey. The above named Cheneys are descendants of Jonathan Cheney, of Bradford. CHAMPLIN. Elder Nathan Champlin, son of Rev. Nathan Champlin, of Lyme, Conn., was born in Lyme about 1757. Married, near 1781, Nancy Lewis, of Westerly, R. I. Children, — I. Hannah, b. in Westerly about 1782 ; d. March 17, 1871, in Sutton. II. Louisa, b. in Westerly, 1783 ; d. 1790. III. Nancy, b. in Westerly, July, 1784; d. June 14, 1863, in lona, Mich. IV. Nathan, b. ; d. Jan. 30, 1874, aged 83. V. Samuel, b. in Lyme, Conn. ; d. in Utica, N. Y. VI. Daniel, b. in Lyme, Conn., and d. probably in New Orleans. GENEALOGY. 661 VII. Harry, b. in Lempster, N. H., near 1799 ; d. Jan. 22, 1815, in Sutton, by accidental dro-wning. VIII. Calvin, b. in Lempster ; d. a few years ago in New York, where he was a prominent hotel keeper. IX. Mary, b. Oct. 9, 1802. X. John, b. ; d. Feb. 24, 1859, in Laconia. XI. Oliver, b. in Lempster. XII. Laura, b. in Sutton in 1812. While living in Connecticut, Elder Nathan Champlin carried on the business of a jeweller. Later was ordained an evangelist preacher, and came to this part of the coun try to serve in that capacity. Was in Lempster for a few years, coming to Sutton to preach occasionally, and in 1805, by invitation of the town and church, located here as their minister. He was a man of good talents and good qualifications as a preacher. Further account of his connec tion with Sutton Calvinistic Baptist church may be found in the history of that body, in another chapter of this work. While in Sutton, Elder Champlin lived some years on the farm of the late Aaron Russell. He died in Bethany, N. Y., in 1814. His wife survived him many years, and died aged eighty-five. I. Hannah, b. in Westerly, R. I., about 1782 ; d. March 17, 1871 ; m. Gurden Hvmtley, of Lempster. Children, — 1. Milton, who was blind, lived in Louisville some years, and is sup posed to have died at New Orleans. Was a professional musician. Unmarried. 2. Erastus, lived in Louisville ; married a Southern lady, and had four children. 3. Harriet, m. Jacob Bean, of Sutton ; d. Nov., 1858. ChUd, Louisa, who is wife of Benjamin Hart. 4. Louisa, d. in early childhood. IL Louisa, b. 1783 ; d. 1790. in. Nancy, b. July, 1784 ; d. July 14, 1863 : m. AprU, 1811, Daniel Wadleigh, son of Thomas Wadleigh, Esq. Children,— 7, for whom see Thomas Wadleigh. IV. Nathan Champlin, Jr., m. April 20, 1808, Harriet Young, of Hopkinton. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — 1 Matthew, b. Nov. 7, 1809 ; d. about 1856. 2. Harriet F., b. Aug. 27, 1812; d. Jan. 5, 1878. 662 HISTORY OF SUTTON. 3. FideUa, b. Oct. 26, 1814 ; d. Nov. 8, 1884. 4. Nathan Jasper, b. Dec. 21, 1817 ; d. about 1845. 6. George Washington, b. May 1, 1819 ; d. Jan. 4, 1864. 6. Charles Hudson, b. Jan. 19, 1821 ; d. Nov. 25, 1829. 7. Sarah Young, b. Dec. 5, 1822 ; d. Oct. 1, 1824. 8. Daniel Carr, b. Feb. 10, 1825; d. Aug. 31, 1826. 9. Sally Ann, b. Jan. 1, 1827 ; d. Feb. 21, 1828. 10. Sarah Young, b. Nov. 26, 1828. 11. Caroline, b. Oct. 21, 1831. Capt. Nathan Champlin d. Jan. 30, 1874, in Sutton. His -wife d. Sept. 8, 1853, in Sutton. He m., 2d, Lucy A. CheUis, of La conia. 1. Matthew ChampUn married, and left one or more children. He went West. 5. George Washington Champlin m. 1842, Hannah Merrill. Child, — (1) George H. Champlin, b. Aug. 15, 1843. He was in the army during the late war, was corporal in Co. C, 39th Reg't Mass. Vols. He died of sickness and was sent home. Mrs. Hannah (Merrill) Champlin d., and her husband m., 2d, 1852,. Maria Mead, b. Feb. 22, 1832. Child,— (2) Edward, b. Aug. 4, 1863. 2. Harriet F. Champlin m. Nov. 7, 1832, WiUiam C. Hoyt, of Deer- ing, b. May 29, 1811. ChUdren,— 1. EmUy Young, b. March 6, 1834. 2. Nathan Champlin, b. Feb. 8, 1836. 3. Charles Elbridge, b. Nov. 8, 1838. 4. James Henry, b. Jan. 15, 1841. 5. Walter WiUiam, b. June 17, 1843. 6. Frank Robbins, b. June 15, 1845. 7. Sarah Champlin, b. Feb. 15, 1848. 8. Caroline A., b. AprU 3, 1850. Mrs. Harriet F. (Champlin) Hoyt d. Jan. 5, 1878, in Sutton, and her husband m., 2d, Dec. 6, 1878, Mrs. EmUy Y. (Hoyt) Smith, of Henniker, b. July 20, 1817, dau. of Saunders and Sally (Rice) Hoyt. WUliam C. Hoyt is a painter by trade, and a superior workman- He resides at the South viUage. He is son of Daniel and Mary (Cod- man) Hoyt, of Deering. Nearly aU his sons learned their father's trade, while James H. has become known as one of the best rope- walkers and performers in the country. All the Champlins, as a fam ily, were always noticeable not only for ingenuity and capability, but, also for much native wit and great dramatic talent. Daniel ChampUn. (son of Elder Nathan) became eminent as an actor of legerdemain^ rope-walking, etc. Nathan Champlin, Jr., was town-collector many- years. He remained a resident of this to-wn tiU his death, in 1874. GENEALOGY. 663 3. FideUa ChampUn m. June 5, 1842, James B. McAUister, of Antrim, b. Nov. 25, 1818. Children, b. in Sutton,— (1) James H., b. June 17, 1843. (2) Charles W., b. Jan. 28, 1848. Mrs. Fidelia (Champlin) McAllister d. Nov. 8, 1884, in Sutton. James B. McAUister was a soldier in the late war. Present residence in Montana. (2) Charles W. McAllister m. Aug. 19, 1869, Adelaide Kendrick. [See Kendrick Record.] He m., 2d, Aug. 26, 1889, Etta L. Brown, dau. of Dexter E. and Lois A. (Bailey) Brown, of Sutton. 10. Sarah Y. Champlin m. Dec. 24, 1849, HaU S. Rand, of AUens- to-wn. ChUdren, — (1) Charles William, b. Jan. 29, 1851 ; d. Dec. 23, 1852. (2) Mary Champlin, b. March 7, 1863 ; d. July 29, 1855. (3) Charles WiUiam, b. Sept. 11, 1855; d. Dec. 23, 1862. (4) NeUie Caroline, b. Dec. 19, 1859. (5) David Harriman, b. July 10, 1861. (3) Charles W. Rand, the 2d of this name, was drowned at Ports mouth. Present residence of Rand family, Oakland, Cal. 11. Caroline Champlin m. WiUiam Siperly, of Chicago, Dl., where she now lives, a widow. No children. IX. Mary Champlin, b. Oct. 9, 1802, in Lempster ; m. Calvin White, who d. in Boston, Oct. 18, 1875. His -widow is living in Warner, and her good memory has furnished m^ny of the facts concerning the Champlin family. X. John L. Champlin m. May 22, 1825, Ruth Smith, of Derry. Children, b. in Sutton, — 1. Rosetta, b. June 12, 1826 ; d. June 6, 1828. 2. John Raymond, b. June 30, 1828. 3. Angelina S., b. Dec. 26, 1832 ; d. Julv, 1847, in LoweU. 4. Emily M., b. Feb. 18, 1834 ; d. Aug. 20, 1834. 5. Almanda W., b. May 28, 1835. John L. Champlin d. Feb. 24, 1859, in Laconia. His wife d. June 8, 1836, in Sutton. He was a carpenter and cabinet-maker, — an ingenious artisan — almost an artist. He Uved for several years near the pond in North Sutton, and was renowned for the witty speeches he was apt to make, some of which are not yet for gotten. 5. Almanda W. Champlin m. Byron Slade, of Boston. Children, — (1) Claude. (2) Ada B. 2. John R. Champlin m. Dec. 30, 1845, at LoweU, Mercy Ann 664 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Swain, of GUford, dau. of Elias and Elizabeth (Craig) Swain. Chil dren, b. at Meredith Bridge, — (1) Frank H., b. Sept. 30, 1847. (2) George O., b. Mav 29, 1849 ; d. Sept. 15, 1855. (3) Martha A., b. Oct. 23, 1851 ; d. Oct. 1, 1855. (4) Charles L., b. AprU, 1854; d. Sept. 1, 1855. (5) Ida A., b. April 14, 1867 ; d. AprU 22, 1882. (1) Frank H. Champlin, of Laconia, m. Dec. 29, 1878, Mrs. Angeline J. (Worth) Grace, formerly of Sutton, dau. of Samuel and Hannah (Atwood) Worth, and widow of John G. Grace of Laconia. He is the telegraph and telephone manager at Laconia. John R. Champlin's residence is at Laconia, an inventor and me chanic. His business is located in part at No. 10 Court street. He has also an extensive business, both wholesale and retail, as a bottler of choice wines, ales, etc., manufacturer of carbonated beverages, extracts, and colorings. He is also proprietor of the " Novelty Job Printing " of&ce at Laconia. He is a prosperous man, and charitable and gener ous accordingly. XL Oliver Champlin was b. in Lempster. The last information concerning him was that he was engaged on a steamboat on Lake Erie, and it is supposed he has has been drowned, as nothing has been heard from him for a long time. XII. Laura Champlin, b. in 1812, in Sutton, m. Jason White, of LoweU, Mass., who d. many years ago, leaving children, of whom two daughters are living in Chicago, and their mother now lives with them. Elder Nathan Champlin had twelve children, but only a part of them became residents of Sutton, and very few of his descendants are left at the present time in this vicinity. COB URN. Adoniram Coburn, b. 1791 ; d. Oct. 16, 1866 : m. Sarah Nudd, and came to Sutton in 1835, from Canterbury. ChUdren, — I. James Munroe, b. Oct. 20, 1817. II. Mary, b. Jan. 13, 1822. III. WiUiam W., b. June 12, 1825. IV. Sarah, b. 1832. GENEALOGY. 665 I. James Munroe Coburn m. April 14, 1844, Martha J. Jehonnet, b. July 29, 1823. ChUdren,— 1. Georgiana, b. July 28, 1845; d. Oct. 31, 1851. 2. Frank P., b. March 7, 1847; d. Feb. 10, 1888. 3. George A., b. Feb. .5, 1851 ; d. Jan. 11, 1874. 4. Charles M., b. June 25, 1856. 5. WiUiam S., b. June 28, 1857. 6. Fred R., b. July 14, 1866. 3. George A. Coburn m. Hattie Hunt. Child, — (1) George A., b. Jan. 21, 1873. 4. Charles M. Coburn m. Addie Matten. Children, — (1) Arthur J., b. Oct. 25, 1881. (2) Lee Arthur N., b. Oct. 25, 1881. (3) Mabel G. (4) Mattie, b. Sept. 6, 1888. 5. WUUam S. Coburn m. Edith . ChUd,— (1) Celia. II. Mary Coburn m., 1st, WUliam WeUs (known as Major WeUs). ChUd,— 1. Addie. She m., 2d, George Hunt. (See Davis.) ni. WUliam W. Coburn m. Nov. 16, 1848, Ruth H. Kezar, b. Aug. 11, 1825 ; d. March 5, 1885. ChUdren,— 1. Susan E., b. Jan. 8, 1850; d. Jan. 25, 1882, aged 32: m. William H. Chadwick. 2. Benjamin K., b. Dec. 8, 1851. 3. Edgar W., b. April 12, 1857. 4. Maria S., b. March 28, 1862. WUliam W. Coburn ¦ m., 2d, Mrs. Adeline C. Sargent, widow of Dea. Benjamin P. Sargent, and dau. of Dea. John Felch. She d. 1889. 2. Benjamin K. Coburn m. Oct. 17, 1874, Minerva V. Harwood, who was b. Jan. 6, 1850. Children, — (1) Lena M., b. March 18, 1876. (2) Emma J., b. Aug. 31, 1882. 3. Edgar W. Coburn m. Sept. 28, 1880, H. Nellie Jones, b. Aug. 16, 1856; d. March 6, 1888. 4. Maria S. Coburn m. Charles L. Fowler, Nov. 23, 1881. IV. Sarah Coburn m. EUsha P. Davis. Children, — 1. Adoniram C. 2. George W. 666 history of sutton. Leonard Colbuen ob Cobtjen came to Sutton about the time the PhUbrook family came, and was soon followed by his mother, Mrs. Lovejoy, sister to Mrs. PhUbrook. Leonard Coburn was her son by a for mer marriage. Susan Coburn, who m. April, 1797, Eben ezer Eaton, and Betsey Coburn, who m. July 4, 1797, Paul Towle, of Fishersfield, were probably her daughters. Leonard Coburn m. Elizabeth Flood. Children, — I. Hannah, b. Dec. 31, 1767. n. Sarah, b. Oct. 12, 1769. in. Dorothy, b. Dec. 26, 1772 ; m. May, 1790, John PhUbrook. IV. AbigaU, b. Feb. 23, 1783. V. Betsey, b. March 14, 1786. COLCORD. David B. Colcord, b. Oct. 29, 1802 ; d. Sept. 28, 1881 : m. Louisa George, b. 1810 ; d. Oct. 6, 1881. Children,— I. Harriet, b. Feb. 7, 1825 ; d. Feb. 19, 1886 : m. Edwin P. Stickney. II. Alva D., b. Oct. 26, 1831 : m. Oct. 20, 1854, Pluma P. Palmer, dau. of David and Nancy (Colby) Palmer, of Sutton ; b. m 1832 ; d. in 1876. ChUd,— 1. Lilian, b. Oct. 21, 1855 ; d. Oct. 4, 1872. Alva D. Colcord m , 2d, Dec. 13, 1877, Mrs. Clarinda V. (Richards) Bates, dau. of Albert P. Richards, of Sutton. COLBY. Elliot Colby, of Amesbury, b. May 22, 1735 ; d. Feb. 20, 1811, in Warner : m. June 26, 1760, Judith Sargent, dau. of Stephen and Judith (Ordway) Sargent, b. Feb. 9, 1739. They removed to Warner. For account of their ten chil dren, as well as for their Sargent ancestry, see record of Sargents of Sutton, to whom they were related. Mrs. '71M71 l^e\ GENEALOGY. 667 Judith (Sargent) Colby d. June 30, 1782, and her husband m., 2d, Nov. 30, 1782, Mrs. Hannah (Smith) Pearson, b. Oct. 21, 1752 ; d. March 3, 1830, in Newport. Children,, b. in Warner, — I. Pearson Smith Colby, b. April 26, 1784 ; d. May 17, 1855, in Newport. IL Daniel Colby, b. Aug. 28, 1790 ; d. Aug. 13, 1867. I. Pearson Smith Colby m. Sept. 2, 1806, PoUy Johnson, dau.. of Jonathan and MoUy (FoUansbee) Johnson, of Sutton. ChUd,— 1. Johnson Colby, b. in Ne-wport, Oct. 22, 1808 ; d. Feb. 27, 1890, in Sutton. Pearson S. Colby m., 2d, Dec. 1, 1809, Hannah Putney, of War ner and Hopkinton. ChUdren, — 2. Daniel, b. Dec. 25, 1810 ; d. June 26, 1818. 3. Asa, b. Feb. 11, 1813 ; d. May 23, 1814. 4. Asa P., b. Jan. 23, 1815 ; d. AprU 5, 1818. 5. Polly, b. June 26, 1817 ; d. AprU 12, 1818. 6. Warren, b. AprU 25, 1821 ; d. May 12, 1864. 7. Priscilla, b. AprU 14, 1823 ; d. Aug. 31, 1844. 8. EUiot, b. Dec. 9, 1830 ; d. Nov. 25, 1849. 1. Johnson Colby m. Nov. 12, 1839, Betsey B. Bean, of Newbury,. dau. of Samuel and Dorothy (Batchelder) Bean. ChUdren, b. in Sut ton, — (1) Mary A. Colby, b. June 23, 1843; d. same day. (2) Jennie B., b. Nov. 29, 1847; d. Sept. 27, 1879. (3) Hattie B., b. May 6, 1851. (2) Jennie B. Colby m. Dr. David M. Currier, of Canaan. No chil dren. Dr. Currier was b. in Grafton, and was son of David and Rhoda (Morse) Currier. He took the academic course at Tilton Sem inary, and graduated from Dartmouth college 1867. He went to Bos ton, remaining two years in study upon special diseases, practised a year and a half in Sutton with Dr. John M. Fitts, locating in Sunapee in 1888. At the end of a year and a half he went to Boston and took a post-graduate medical course, and in 1870 located at Newport, where he has built up a good practice, being much devoted to his profession. He is a highly honored member of the State Medical Society. He is a prominent member of the Methodist church in Newport. Johnson Colby, the subject of this sketch, was born in Newport, this state, Oct. 22, 1808. His mother died when he was but nine years old,, and he was brought to Sutton Nov. 4, of the same year, and was cared for by his maternal grandparents. His whole life has been passed in this town, except when working or teaching in other towns when a young man. He has been weU known by a wide circle and respected '668 HISTORY OF SUTTON. by all. His early life, like many another, was checked with shadows. He worked hard and persistently to earn a comfortable home for him- ;seLf and famUy, to whom he was greatly attached, and he was success ful. Whatever he did he did heartUy. He served his town faithfuUy as selectman and town treasurer. While quite young, at near the age of twenty years, he became a convert to Universal salvation, to which faith he strictly adhered through life, often speaking of the perfect trust he felt in the Saviour, and in the decline of life feeling the Ever lasting Arm sustained and comforted him, and we are told went to sleep feeUng safe in God's hands. For many years he was deacon of the Universalist church. He leaves the record of an honest, upright life, the golden rule being his motto. He was a kind neighbor, a faith ful citizen and true friend. He was of a naturally quiet temperament, retiring in his address, never speaking of his sorrows and troubles to •other than his dearest friends, never boasting of his successes or attain ments. He had a good education and admired it in others. For sev eral years Mr. Colby has been in failing health, being obliged to give up the active work of his farm, and fully realizing that the summons was likely to come at any time calling- him away. Yet it came in an unlocked for manner. While going to his door some two weeks pre vious to his death, and suffering from a dizzy head, he slipped and fell, ¦causing injuries from which his weakened system could not raUy, and he died Feb. 27, 1890, aged 81 years and 5 months. While we refer with just pride to those natives of Sutton who, seek ing a wider field for their activities, have gone away from the old town and found distinction or attained eminence elsewhere, we do not forget those who have remained here, and labored /or- the town, and in the town, and have had here their public and private interests. It is fortunate for the town that not all the energy and capability that awakened into life here has gone away and spent itself. Those who have gone out from us and prospered have done well for themselves, and doubtless also for the place and the community wherein they located, while those who have labored here have done well for this town. Strong in his convictions of right, acting always from principle and sound judgment, such a man as Johnson Colby asks but very little laudation, but it is impossible that one should be benevolent, liberal, and sympathetic as he has shown himself, and not be gratified at re ceiving those tokens of appreciation which Mr. Colby has many times received. Mr. and Mrs. Colby celebrated their golden wedding Nov. 12, 1889, an occasion which was nmch enjoyed by themselves and their many friends present, but, as not unfrequently happens after the celebration of a golden wedding or centennial birthday, death has followed on with rapid footsteps. genealogy. 669' Anthony Colby. The writer has been informed that the New London Colbys are descendants from the same Amesbury stock as are the Warner families of that name, and that they are nearly related to each other. The name among them of Anthony Colby, so familiar to us some years ago, would seem to indicate the probability of their descent from the Amesbury emigrant ancestor, Anthony Colby. Anthony Colby came from England to America in 1630.. He was made freeman May 14, 1634, and was No. 93 on the list of church members. In 1639 he received a grant of land in Salisbury, and removed thither. Anthony Colby and wife Susanna had eight children, most of whom settled in Salisbury and Amesbury. From one of these descended Elliot Colby, supposed to be Thomas, born May 8, 1651, but that is not ascertained. Like many other families of Sutton and vicinity that are traced back to Amesbury, the Colbys find a break in the pedigree line which makes it impossible to connect them with the immigrant, and the reason is this, that the record of births on Amesbury books does not begin till 1686 Whether an earlier record-book ever existed, or whether it was lost or destroyed, is not known. The children of Anthony Colby were, — I. John, b. Feb. 20, 1632. II. Sarah, b. May 28, 1635. III. Samuel, b. Aug. 10, 1638. IV. Isaac, b. July 6, 1640. V. Rebecca, b. March 11, 1643. VI. Mary, b. Sept. 19, 1647. VII. Thomas, b. March 8, 1651. Vin. Amos, b. Sept. 14, 1654. Othek Colbys. Benjamin Colby, a Revolutionary soldier, settled here- quite early on the mountain side, about one fourth mUe. back of the Daniel Mastin place. He had a large family.. '670 HISTORY OF SUTTON. His son, Thomas Colby, m. Polly Da-vis, sister to David Davis. Eri Colby, several years a resident of Mill village, was son of Thomas and Polly Colby. Enoch Colby lived in this town some years. He was here in 1809. He came from Amesbury. His wife was Sally Harvey, sister to Moses S. Harvey, and they removed to Painesville, Ohio, about the time that Mr. Harvey and his family went to the same place. Their son, Moses Har vey Colby, b. in Sutton Aug. 16, 1817, m. Shuah Fifield, dau. of Jonathan Fifield. They removed to Michigan, and there reared a family. CHASE. Aaron Chase, of Lempster, b. 1767 : m. Dec. 25, 1790, Dorothy Stevens, b. Aug. 24, 1763; d. Nov. 17, 1841. Children, — I. Joseph P., b. Nov. 5, 1791 ; d. Feb. 6, 1881. II. Lydia, b. Aug. 11, 1793. III. Barak, b. Dec. 1, 1796. IV. Daniel, b. May 24, 1799; d. Dec. 13, 1835, in Sutton. V. Marriner, b. Dec. 8, 1801. VI. Nancy S., b. March 8, 1804. VII. Mary, b. Sept. 6, 1807. Aaron Chase d. May 27, 1812, at Lempster, and his wife m., 2d, Jan. 13, 1814, Phineas Stevens, of Sutton. Mrs. Chase's chUdren came to this town to live, and this is the first of this family in town. Simeon Stevens was her brother. He died suddenly, probably from exposure to a cold storm. I. Joseph P. Chase m. Sept. 29, 1825, Sabrina MorriU, of War ner, dau. of Israel and Rosanna (Farsons) MorrUl. Children, b. in Sutton, — 1. Samuel M., b. May 3, 1826. 2. Frank, b. Oct. 15, 1828. 3. Dorothy, b. March 19, 1831 ; d. June 23, 1865. Joseph P. Chase lived on a part of the Nathaniel Cheney farm, and later at the South viUage. He d. Feb. 6, 1881, in Sutton, and his wife d. July 1, 1863. GENEALOGY. 671 1. Capt. Samuel M. Chase m. Oct. 27, 1852, Clarissa Green, b. Jan. 24, 1832 ; d. Oct. 9, 1858. Children,— (1) George N., b. AprU 11, 1853 ; d. Nov. 21, 1856. (2) S. Lee Forrest, b. May 3, 1854; m. Nov. 2.5, 1882, Addie Holt. (3) WiUiam E., b. May 10, 1858 ; m. Sept. 24, 1889, Carrie M. Otis. (4) Clara E., b. July 12, 1858 ; m. June 23, 1881, LesUe M. Berry. Capt. Samuel Chase m., 2d, May 20, 1859, Sarah P. Getchell, of Lewiston, Me. Children, b. in Lewiston, — (5) Frank M., b. Jan. 6, 1860; m. May 26, 1884, Mary Mahanny. (6) Nellie E., b. Sept. 19, 1861 ; m. Aug. 11, 1888, George F. Saw yer. ,(7) Maria C, b. Sept. 8, 1863. <8) Annie C, b. July 14, 1868. (9) Charles E., b. May 31, 1870. '(10) Walter B., b. April 7, 1872. (U) Sarah P., b. Aug. 1, 1873. (12) George S., b. Nov. 14, 1876. (13) Ralph L., b. AprU 15, 1885. 2. Frank Chase, of Sutton, m. May 6, 1853, Emily J. Clark, of Man chester. He is a mechanic and inventor. See " History of Modern Spiritualism," by Emma Hardings, for account of his patented inven tions. 3. Dorothy Chase m. March 29, 1855, Samuel Straw, of Newbury. Child,— (1) Lilla Dale, b. Dec 16, 1859 ; d. Oct. 5, 1886. She m. May 8, 1879, Nathan B. Bly, of Newbury. Child,— (2) Moses H. IV. Daniel Chase, of Sutton, m. Nov. 6, 1821, Mary Littlehale. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Carleton. 2. JuUa. 3. Catherine. 4. Daniel, Jr. VI. Nancy S. Chase m. March 24, 1825, GUman Currier, of Bristol. Children, — 1. Sarah A., b. March 12, 1826; m. William Hannaford, June 1 1849. 2. Charles R., b. July 22, 1828 ; m. Abbie A. Edgerly, March, 1853. 3. Theodore E., b. June 16, L830 ; m. Mary F. Sanborn, Oct. 20, 1852 4. Cyrus C, b. March 5, 1834 ; m. Annie E. Brown, AprU 24, 1858. 5. Lorenzo M., b. July 80, 1836 ; m. Hattie S. Hunt, Aug. 6, 1860. 6. George C, b. Feb. 13, 1841. 7. Martha J., b. March 3, 1845. VII. Mary Chase m. John Smith, of Bradford, who d. Feb. 3, 1845 at Bradford. He was a sea captain many years of his life ; later he taught school many terms, and finally settled in Bradford. His wife m., 2d, a Mr. BurriU, from Maine. 672 HISTORY OF SUTTON. CHELLIS. John CheUis came from Amesbury to Sutton early in the present century, and settled on Dodge's hill, near Thomas Wadleigh. His wife was a Miss Harvey, from Warner, a, sister to the wife of Seth Russell. Children, — I. Thomas : went West. II. John, d. in early manhood. III. Timothy, m. Mary, dau. of Joseph Putney, of Hopkinton. IV. Eunice, m. July 11, 1819, Joseph Putney, Jr. V. , m. Moses Colby, of Warner. VI. Dolly, m. Feb. 22, 1816, Dea. Ezekiel Little. III. Timothy CheUis m. Mary Putney. ChUdren, — 1. John, m. June 29, 1845, Nancy W. Spofford, of Peterborough. No children. 2. Timothy, d. 1864 in Hopkinton; not married. 3. DoUv, m. John Ellis. 4. Elvira, b. Oct. 15, 1816; m. George W. Wadleigh, June 10, 1841. [See record of George W. Wadleigh, in Russell.] 5. Elmina, b. Oct. 15, 1815; m. Erastus Wadleigh, Feb. 21, 1839. [See record of Erastus Wadleigh.] 3. Dolly CheUis m. John Ellis, and d. young, leaving two children, — (1) Mary Elvira. (2) Joseph P. [See Erastus Wadleigh.] The Amesbury ancestors of the Sutton CheUis family for several generations had been Quakers in faith and practice. CLARKE. Rev. Elmore C. Clarke, b. Aug. 10, 1854 : m. Aug. 30„ 1873, Annette E. Turner, b. Feb. 28, 1855. He was or dained a Free WUl Baptist minister Aug. 27, 1884, at North Sutton . CLAY. Nathaniel Clay came from Candia. He was b. Feb. 6, 1831; m. Jane Bartlett, of Newbury, b. Nov. 25, 1831. ChUd,— L John W., b. May 19, 1856 ; m. Feb. 8, 1880, Cora Worthen. Child,— 1. Joey B., b. AprU 22, 1885. GENEALOGY. 673 COMO. Francis Como, or Coomer, b. in Canada ; m. Judith Davis. Children, — I. Hannah, b. Nov. 6, 1773. II. Anna, b. June 17, 1775. III. EUzabeth, b. June 21, 1778. IV. John, b. AprU 27, 1780 ; he went to Canada. V. Benjamin, b. Jan. 10, 1785 ; he went to Canada. VI. PoUy, b. Oct. 11, 1787. VII. Judith, b. Jan. 9, 1790. COOPER. Rev. David Cooper was b. in Arlington, Vt., June 14, 1799. He was son of Owen Cooper. He received an academic education and entered the Baptist ministry, but becoming a convert to the Universalist faith he afterwards connected himself with that denomination, and did a good work preaching in different places in Vermont. In 1829 he was called to take charge of the Universalist society in Washington. Finding many friends in different towns in the vicinity he soon established a circuit, which gave him employment all the time. At that date most Universalist societies were small and not able to support preaching more than one or two Sabbaths in each month: hence arose among them the circuit system. Mr. Cooper continued to preach in Washington and in his circuit some five years, when he found it necessary on account of failing health to give up preaching, and he went into mercantile business in Washington, and later in Sut ton, part of the time in connection with Col. N. A. Davis. He was at the Mill village, and for several years at the North village. He removed from Sutton for some time, but about 1870 he returned, and remained in this town tUl his death, June 26, 1885. Mr. Cooper was twice married. His first wife was Sarah 43 674 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Goodspeed, m. March 7, 1822. She d. June 21, 1847. Children, — L Evelme, b. Jan. 22, 1823 ; d. AprU 23, 1825. II. Elvira E., b. Aug. 21, 1824. in. Caroline M., b. Jan. 18, 1828. IV. Solon, b. Sept. 9, 1835, at Sutton. Mr. Cooper m., 2d, Sept., 1848, Mrs. Nancy S. Haskins. ChUd,— V. Carrie H., b. in Washington, April 25, 1859. COUCH. Daniel W. Couch, b. Oct. 16, 1812 : m. Aug. 15, 1839, Mary A. Davis, b. AprU 30, 1810 ; d. Nov. 24, 1855. Chil dren, — I. Edmund D., b. July 24, 1840. II. Sarah J., b. Jan. 7, 1842 ; m. Dec. 26, 1871, Edgar W. Smith. III. Emma M., b. June 24, 1844 ; d. April 11, 1875. IV. Katie P., b. Aug. 18, 1846 ; d. March 3, 1861. V. Charies H., b. July 20, 1848. VI. Laura A., b. March 14, 1851 ; d. AprU 14, 1888. VII. John F., b. May 10, 1853. Daniel W. Couch m., 2d, Feb. 11, 1857, Edna Austin, b. June 27, 1829. ChUdren,— VIII. Bert D., b. Oct. 31, 1857. IX. Frank W., b. July 21, 1861. X. Cora E., b. May 18, 1865 ; m. March 24, 1887, WiUiam Page. XI. Alonzo, b. June 23, 1871. VI. Laura A. Couch m. Sept. 16, 1871, Henry J. Mastin. ChU dren, — 1. LiUan E., b. Feb. 8, 1872. 2. Frank H., b. June 14, 1874. 3. Mary E., b. July 12, 1876. 4. Bertha J., b. Aug. 12, 1884. VII. John F. Couch m. March 10, 1886, Florence M. Presby. Child,— 1. Delma E., b. June 21, 1887. GENEAUOGY. 675 CRESSEY- Azariah Cressey, of Bradford, b. Feb. 20, 1821 ; m. Nov. 27, 1851, Dorothy Ann Gordon, of New Hampton, b. Oct. 23, 1828, dau. of George B. and Sarah (Drew) Gordon. Children, b. in Bradford,— I. Sarah E., b. Oct. 13, 1852. II. Allen Franklin, b. Sept. 17, 1854 ; d. Dec. 2, 1866. III. Hattie M., b. Nov. 16, 1859 ; d. Feb. 5, 1881. IV. Abbie M., b. March 8, 1863 ; d. Feb. 14, 1881. V. George B., b. Oct. 15, 1866. VI. Henry WUliam, b. Oct. 20, 1871. Mrs. Dorothy Ann Cressey d. Dec. 11, 1880, and Mr. Cressey m., 2d, Feb. 3, 1885, Mrs. Sophronia (CarroU) Stockwell, of Sutton, dau. of John P. and Rachel (Powers) Carroll, of Croydon. I. Sarah E. Cressey m. May 25, 1882, J. R. W. Hutchinson, of Manchester. Residence, Manchester. V. George B. Cressey m. Dec. 6, 1887, Minnie L. WeUs, of Sut ton, dau. of ElUot and Alma (Palmer) WeUs. Azariah Cressey is son of Allen and Judith (Sargent) Cressey, of Bradford, where his earlj^ years were spent, and where he learned the tinsmith's trade. He moved to Sut ton in 1858, and has been a resident of this town ever since, and has here carried on and been engaged in the business of tin and stove work, either by himself or with a partner, or as agent for other parties, until November, 1879, a few days before the fire, which burned the shop and its con tents. Mr. Cressey has long been an ardent Christian of the Advent persuasion, and Oct. 24, 1884, he was ordained by the Advent Christian Conference at their session at Lake Village. Nov. 15, 1884, he with others organized the "Advent Christian Conference " of Sutton, and by the Advent people of Sutton he was elected pastor of this church, which position he still holds. The death by diphtheria of the two lovely daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Cressey in February, 1881, was a severe 676 HISTORY OF SUTTON. affliction, and one in which their friends and neighbors sor rowed with them. Mrs. Sophronia (Carroll) StockweWs Family. Sophronia Carroll, of Croydon, b. Oct. 27, 1820, dau. of John P. and Rachel (Powers) Carroll ; m. Jan. 30, 1840, George Stockwell, of Croydon, who d. Jan. 20, 1858. Chil dren, — I. Henry H., b. Aug. 30, 1840. II. Orah S., b. June 19, 1844 ; m. Sept. 10, 1865, J. C. Loverin. III. George T., b. AprU 9, 1847. IV. EUen E., b. May 9, 1849 ; d. Feb. 17, 1882. V. Etta A., b. July 3, 1851 ; m., 1st, Feb. 18, 1874, Daniel B. Smith, of Claremont ; he died Oct., 1876. She m., 2d, George H. Severance. III. George T. StockweU m., 1st, Sept. 8, 1868, Sarah E. Winn. She d.^ March 27, 1871, and he m., 2d, Nov. 30, 1872, EUa J. Baker, of Concord. She d. Sept., 1876, and he m., 3d, Frank Badger, of Barnet, Vt. I. Henry H. Stockwell enUsted in Col. Tappan's Regiment for three months. He served his time and came home, regnlisted for three years or during the war in Co. E, Sth Regiment, N. H. Vols., and was mortaUy wounded at the battle of Fair Oaks, and d. June 6, 1862,Mrs. Sophronia (Carroll) Stockwell moved to Sutton Dec. 31, 1860. CUMMINGS. Enoch P. Cummings, b. March 28, 1815; d. Dec. 31, 1883 : m. Jan. 14, 1838, Dolly W. PiUsbury, dau. of John and Susan (Wadleigh) PUlsbury, of Sutton, b. Sept. 6, 1818 ; d. Dec. 8, 1858. ChUdren,— I. Alfred P., b. Sept. 23, 1838 ; d. Nov. 5, 1843. IL Charles E., b. Aug. 5, 1843 ; m. June 5, 1867, Sophia S. Cheney, of Sutton, dau. of Daniel and Mehitabel (Murdough) Che ney. [Children, for whom see Cheney. J GENEAUOGY. 677 Enoch P. Cummings m., 2d, May 26, 1859, Mary E. Russell, of Sutton, dau. of Aaron and Sally D. (Wadleigh) Russell. They removed to Concord, Jan., 1871. [3 chil dren, for whom see Russell.] Adin M. Cummings, b. July 20, 1821 ; m. Dec. 5, 1843, Elizabeth M. Peaslee, b. Nov. 20, 1818, dau. of Elder Isaac and Hannah (Mastin) Peaslee, of Sutton. Children, b. in Ashburnham, Mass., — I. Eugene M., b. Oct. 22, 1846. II. Edwin, b. Oct. 10, 1848. III. Arthur, b. March 14, 1854 ; d. AprU 16, 1854. IV. FrankUn, b. May 12, 1855. V. John B., b. Sept. 4, 1864, in Sutton. Mrs. Elizabeth M. (Peaslee) Cummings d. in Sutton, AprU 2, 1889. I. Eugene M. Cummings m. Aug. 10, 1871, Belinda F. Wright, of Sutton, dau. of John and Belinda (FeUows) Wright. ChUdren, 1). in Sutton, — 1. Herbert A., b. Oct. 9, 1873. 2. Harry D., b. Sept. 26, 1881. 3. Harlan G., b. AprU 27, 1887. Eugene M. Cummings resides at the South viUage. He is a prominent man, a painter by trade. n. Edwin Cummings m. June 13, 1874, Orrie A. Bisbee, of Hanover, Mass., b. July 2, 1854. ChUdren, b. at Hanover, Mass., — 1. Walter, b. Oct. 6, 1875; d. Sept. 1, 1876. 2. Jennie M., b. Dec. 31, 1876. 3. EflBe, b. Aug. 1, 1880. 4. Minnie A., b. Jan. 19, 1883 ; d. Feb. 21, 1888. 5. Charles E., b. Aug. 23, 1885. IV. Franklin Cummings m. May 15, 1874, EUa M. Noyes, who d. 1879, in Sutton. He is a painter, and resides in Manchester. V. John B. Cummings resides in Manchester. 678 HISTOKY OF SUTTON. DAVIS. Jacob Davis, Sr., was h. in Haverhill or Plaistow, 1714 ; d. in Sutton 1819. His wife d. one week after his death,. aged 99. Children, — I. John, m. Rebecca Ambrose. II. Jacob, m. Judith Cheney. III. Aaron, never married. IV. Betty, never married. V. Anna, m. Moses Davis. VI. Ezekiel, b. July, 1773 ; d. March 31, 1852. I. John Davis m. Rebecca, sister to Elder Samuel Ambrose.. Children, — 1. Ruth, b. Dec. 10, 1789 ; d. Oct. 13, 1874. 2. Hannah, b. April 5, 1793 ; d. about 1833. 3. Lois, b. Jan. 30, 1796. n. Jacob Davis, .Jr., m. June 14, 1785, Judith Cheney, sister tO' Peter Cheney. ChUdren, — 1. Thomas, b. Sept. 19, 1786. 2. Hannah, b. Aug. 22, 1788. 3. Daniel, b. Nov. 9, 1790. 4. Nabby, b. Oct. 24, 1793. 5. Jane, b. Oct. 19, 1797 ; d. 1874, unmarried. 1. Thomas Davis m. Feb. 1, 1816, Clarissa, dau. of Hezekiah Parker,, b. Jan. 12, 1796. Children,— (1) Sylvia J., b. March 10, 1716. (2) Darius H., b. Feb. 1, 1818. (3) Charles, b. Jan. 13, 1820. (4) Charles P., b. June 30, 1822. (6) Alvah M., b. June 6, 1824. (6) Thomas S., b. Nov. 3. 1826. (7) Daniel S., b. May 31, 1828 ; accidentally killed at the age of 6. years. [See Casualties.] (8) Harriet M., b. AprU 17, 1831. (9) Mary Lavinia, b. July 17, 1833. (10) Clara A , b. June 18, 1838 ; m. July 7, 1858, Charles J. Fox, of Centre Harbor. 3. Daniel Davis m. Asenath, dau. of Rev. Job Seamans, of New London. Children, — • (1) Job Seamans. (2) Mary. (3) Daniel. (2) Mary Davis m. Charies Young, of Concord, in which city he- worked for many years as journeyman printer. He was for several years one of the editors and publishers of the National Eagle, of Clare- GENEALOGY. 679 mont. His wife died in Concord, and he there married again. The 2d wife has since died. Children, by 1st wife, — Grace ; Nellie. Charles Young d. AprU, 1890. VI. Ezekiel Davis m. Mrs. Ednah (Wilkins) MiUs, dau. of AquUla WiUdns, about 1800. ChUdren,— 1. Hiram, b. Aug. 29, 1801 ; d. March 26, 1854. 2. Rachel, b. Aug. 22, 1803 ; m. Johnson Sargent, of New London. 3. Jacob, b. May 6, 1806 ; d. in early manhood. 4. Ednah, b. Oct. 29, 1807 ; d. aged about 20 years. 5. Sabrina, b. Feb. 11, 1811 ; m. Rev. V. E. Bunker. 6. Warren, b. Aug. 30, 1813. 1. Hiram Davis m. Dec. 3, 1829, Charlotte BuzzeU. Children, — (1) Sabrina Ann, b. Nov. 1, 1830. (2) Martin Van Buren, b. Dec. 13, 1832. (3) Hu-am A., b. Sept. 27, 1834. (4) Benjamin C, b. Aug. 8, 1836. (5) William, b. Sept. 27, 1838 ; d. Dec. 29, 1838. (6) Mary Frances. 5. Sabrina Davis, 'b. Feb. 11, 1811; d. May 3, 1867: m. AprU 24, 1838, Rev. Valentine E. Bunker. ChUdren,— (1) Cyrus Valentine, b. 1839, in Ohio ; d. in infancy. (2) David W., b. May 2, 1842 ; m. Sarah J., dau. of Cyrus Lane, of Sanbornton. (3) Angeline, b. Sept. 11, 1844; d. 1877. 6. Warren Davis, b. Aug. 30, 1813 ; m. Nov. 5, 1838, Eliza Read. Children, — (1) Sylvander, b. June 2, 1839. (2) Abby EUzabeth, b.Dec. 31, 1840. (3) EmUy Josephine, b. July 1, 1842. Some more children born after the family removed from Sutton to the West, and later to Manchester. Jonathan Davis came to Sutton from Salisbury, Mass. ; m. Sarah Blaisdell in Amesbury, Mass. Children, — I. Jonathan, b. Nov. 9, 1766 ; d. 1850. n. David, b. Jan. 20, 1770 ; d. 1861. III. Hannah, b. March 17, 1772. IV. SaUy, b. July 22, 1774 ; m. June 18, 1795, Peter Cheney. V. Nabby, b. March 23, 1777 ; m. Nov. 16, 1797, WUlard Emerson. 680 HISTORY OF SUTTON. VI. Philip, b. Aug. 4, 1779 ; d. 1871, in Charieston, Vt. VII. PoUy, b. Oct. 29, 1781 ; m. Thomas, son of Benjamin Colby. Eri Colby was their son. VIII. Phebe, b. Sept. 2, 1783 ; m. Jan. 4, 1804, Levi Bradley, of DanvUle, Vt. Jonathan Davis, Sr., d. suddenly, about 1800. His wife died aged 90. I. Jonathan Davis m. 1793, Lucy Parker, b. Feb. 12, 1777, dau. of Hezekiah, Sr. ChUdren, — 1. Adam, b. Nov. 10, 1793. 2. Esther, b. July 22, 1795; d. March 26, 1880, in Warner, unmar ried. 3. Sally, b. April 5, 1797 ; d. July 9, 1851 : m. Osgood Whittier. [See the same.] 4. Hannah, b. March 28, 1799 ; d. Oct. 14, 1856, unmarried. 5. Tryphena, b. Feb. 1, 1801 ; d. 1874. 6. Jonathan, b. March 21, 1803. 7. Amos, b. March 22, 1805. 8. Lucy, b. June 22, 1808; d. . 9. Hezekiah, b. May 13, 1810; never married. 10. Mary, b. Mav 28, 1812; m. Jacob Morgan. 11. Elisha P., b.'june 6, 1815. 1. Adam Davis m. 1815, Polly Flint, sister to Ebenezer Flint. ChUd,— (1) Lucy, b. Aug. 2, 1824 ; m. Henry Putney. Mrs. Davis d. July 29, 1832, and her husband m., 2d, Laura Sargent. Children, — (2) Pluma. (3) Augusta. 4. Hannah Davis m. Barnet Austin. Children, — (1) Barnet. (2) Ednah, m. Feb. 8, 1857, Daniel Couch (2d wife). (3) NeweU. 5. Tryphena Davis m. AprU 22, 1883, Joseph Hunt. ChUdren,— (1) George, m. Mrs. Mary (Coburn) Wells ; they had 3 children,— Hattie ; William ; Mary. (2) Amos D., m. Oct. 10, 1857, Rosette Sanders. (3) Almira, m. Frank Chase. 6. Jonathan Davis m. Dorcas Johnson, in Vermont. No children. He m., 2d, AbigaU M. Dodge, and Uved in Charieston, Vt. 7. Amos Davis m. Oct. 2, 1834, Eunice (Hunt) Watkins, of Warner. Children, — GENEALOGY. 681 (1) Dustin. (2) Livonia W., m. Dec. 21, 1859, Daniel Ordway. (3) Esther A., b. AprU 1, 1844; m. Dec. 21, 1859, George Philbrick. [See Philbrick.] 11. Elisha P. Davis m. Sarah Coburn, dau. of Adoniram. Chil dren, — (1) Adoniram C, m. July 1, 1871, Caroline F. Flint, of Sutton, dau. of Levi and Emily (Bean) Flint. She d. July 1, 1872, and he m., 2d, Minnie Smith. Children, — Annie L. ; Shirley. (2) George W., m. Flora Smith. Children,— Eva; Fred L. ; Charles S.; Arthur E.; Robert. Elisha P. Da-vis m., 2d, Mrs. Jennie H. Flanders. II. David Davis, b. Jan. 20, 1770 : m. PoUy, dau. of Rev. Sam uel Ambrose, b. May 15, 1777 ; d. Feb. 27, 1863. Children,— 1. Ambrose, b. Aug. 23, 1802 ; d. young. 2. Nathaniel A., b. Sept. 29, 1803 ; d. July 28, 1867. 8. Lydia, b. Dec. 3, 1804. 4. David Ambrose, b. Sept. 21, 1810. 5. Job Seamans, b. Feb. 17, 1812 ; he lived in Boston. 2. Col. Nathaniel A. Davis m. Sept., 1835, Hannah, dau. of Judge Benjamin Wadleigh, b. Nov. 23, 1814, d. Nov. 8, 1853. Children, b. in Sutton, — (1) George Henry, b. Nov. 24, 1837. (2) Antoinette, b. March 13, 1839 ; d. Aug. 26, 1840 (3) Charles Frederic, b. July 2, 1841 ; d. Jan. 16, 1865, at Goole, Wis. (4) Narcissa, b. May 2, 1843. (5) Lydia Grace, b. Dec. 6, 1844 ; d. AprU 21, 1852. (6) Hannah Grace, b. May 5, 1853 ; d. Aug. 15, 1871. (4) Narcissa Davis m. Aug. 28, 1872, at Brooklyn, N. Y., Frank HUton Chandler, of Brooklyn. They have one son, Frank Wadleigh Chandler, b. June 16, 1873, at Brooklyn. (6) Hannah Grace Davis, on the death of her mother, was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hutchinson, of West Randolph, Vt., by whom she was tenderly loved and cared for till her death, at the age of eighteen. She was always called Grace Hutchinson. Col. Nathaniel A. Davis was a man of much energy and capacity. He spent most of his life in Sutton, where he was interested in various kinds of business operations,— carrying on miUs, keeping store and tavern, and flUing some town offices. He was for several years high sheriff of Merrimack county. He was also colonel of the 30th regi ment. George H. and Charles F. Davis, both sons of Col. Nathaniel A. 682 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Davis, were in service during the late war, but not for this town, both being residents in Wisconsin at its commencement. George enlisted in the 23d Wis. Vols., Aug. 12, 1862, and was mustered out of the ser vice July 4, 1865. Charles F. enlisted early in the war from Prairie du Sac, Wis., where he had for a time been living. He was in the 14th Wisconsin Regt., Co. B, was badly wounded in four places on the right side of the body, losing the use of his right arm and hand. He lay where he fell two days and one night before assistance reached him, and had he not possessed uncommon nerve and vitality would doubtless have died there. He was at length carried to the hospital, where, after a long time, his wounds healed, but he never fully recovered from the expos ure and suffering, and at the end of about two years died of consump tion, Jan. 16, 1865, at Goole, Vernon Co., Wis., and was buried at Hills borough, in the same county, a place fourteen miles distant, at that time the nearest public burying-ground. In 1886 the G. A. R. Post at Hillsborough erected a stone to his memory. A letter from his captain to his father, written soon after the battle, says, — " Your son, or, as I call him, my brave boy, was wounded in the battle near Corinth, Oct. 3, 1862. Mr. Davis you have reason to be proud of Charlie. He is worthy of the name of patriot, and, I assure you, is one of the best and bravest of young men. I have appointed him sergeant for his brave and meritorious conduct on the battlefield." 3. Lydia Davis m. Dec. 23, 1824, Jacob Morgan. Children, — (1) Susan Chadwick. (2) Lydia A. (3) Betsey S. ; died young. (4) Syrena; d. aged 19 years. (5) JuUa D. ; d Sept., 1889. (6) EUzabeth S. (7) Pluma ; m. a Mr. Garrett ; she has one son, and resides in San Jos^, Cal. (8) Alonzo ; d. young. (9) Antoinette ; d. young. Of the above chUdren Susan C. Morgan, now Mrs. Goss of San Josd, Cal., is remembered in Sutton, having been a resident here several years, of her chUdhood, in the family of her uncle, Nathaniel A. Davis. She has five children residing in CaUfornia and Oklahoma, three sons and two daughters. One of the latter is Miss C. S. Goss, M. D., who has been a practising physician ten years, and the other has just com menced practice. Both are graduates of the Hahnemann College, of Chicago. Jacob Morgan, who married Lydia Davis, was a grandson of Levi Harvey, Esq., of New London. 4. David A. Davis, Jr., and 5. Job S. Davis, were for several years GENEALOGY. 683- in mercantile business in Boston. David had considerable literai-y talent, and published a volume of poems of his composition, which were considered very meritorious. He m. his cousin, Mary Anne Parker, a deaf mute, a pupil and subsequently teacher in the Hartford Asylum, of whom see special notice in "Deaf and Dumb." He m.,, 2d, JuUa Russell, of Warwick. They had one ohUd, — (1) Theodore R. Davis, of Brooklyn. He m., 3d, Hattie Dolph, of Troy, Ohio; 3 chUdren; aU d young. 5. Job Seamans Davis m. Elizabeth Andrews. Children, — (1) Elwyn ; unmarried. (2) Alice ; m. Alden Moody. Pi-esent residence of the above chUdren of Job S. Davis, San Jose,. Cal. Jeremiah Davis. Jeremiah Davis was a brother, as is supposed, to Jonathan Davis, Sr., and their wives were sisters. Jeremiah Davis m. Mary BlaisdeU. Children, — I. Moses, b. Feb. 16, 1768, and d. about 1848. II. Isaac, b. May 18, 1774. ni. Samuel, b. Feb. 12, 1777. IV. WUUam, b. Feb. 14, 1779. V. Susanna, b. May 7, 1781. VI. Daniel, b. Feb. 27, 1785. VII. John, b. Dec. 24, 1786. After several years' residence in town Jeremiah Davis,, or Jeremy, as he was often called, removed to Grantham with his family. None of his descendants live in Sutton except those of his son Moses, who m. Anna Davis, dau. of Jacob Davis, Sr. Jonathan Davis and Jeremiah were not brothers tO' Jacob, Sr., and it is not known what relationship, if any, existed between them. I. Moses Davis m. May 27, 1787, Anna Davis. Children, — 1. Sally, b. AprU 10, 1788. 2. Polly, b. March 16, 1790. 3. Isaac, b. March 4, 1792. 4. Hannah, b. June 20, 1795. 5. Charlotte, b. June 16, 1797. 684 HISTORY OF SUTTON. 6. Moses, b. Feb. 4, 1799. 7. Samuel, b. Feb. 16, 1802. 8. Nancy, b. June 19, 1804. 9. William, b. AprU 15, 1807. 7. Samuel Davis m. Dec. 23, 1856, Mrs. Melissa (Presby) French, of Bradford. Children, — (1) Martha, b. July 30, 1857 ; m. George Hosmer. (2) Laura, b. 1858. (3) George, b. Aug. 20, 1862. Db. Dimond Davis, b. April 27, 1803 ; d. Dec. 5, 1861 : m. Oct. 1, 1840, Mrs. Olive (Holmes) Shattuck, b. July 9, 1812; d. Nov. 1, 1880. Children, — L Enoch Proctor, b. July 24, 1841 ; d. Dec. 30, 1888. II. Charies Gordon, b. June 23, 1843. III. Hiram Harvey, b. May 26, 1845. I. Enoch Proctor Davis m. Jan. 15, 1867, Mrs. Mary Amanda Campbell, widow of Robert Campbell, and dau. of Moses Hazen, Esq. ChUdren, — 1. Winfred Dimond, b. May 28, 1871. 2. Eva Gertrude, b. Jan. 26, 1873. 3. Robert Hazen, b. June 20, 1875. IN MBMORIAM. By Sutton Grange, No. 91, at its meeting, Jan. 12, 1889 : Sunday morning, Dec. 30, 1888, Brother Enoch P. Davis was caUed from among us by our Divine Master, " who seeth not as man seeth." " He has gone to his rest but his works do foUow him." His daring and patriotic service in the First New Hampshire Cavalry, his many years of earnest and faithful labor on our board of town officials, the many courtesies, acts of kindness and assist ance rendered, -wiU ever be remembered by the host of friends who mourn his loss. His recent election to represent our town in the legislature was a well deserved compliment of appreciation. Genial in his manner, honest in his convictions, generous and liberal in his views, his presence was ever welcome. As a husband and father, kind and afEectionate ; a neighbor, cordial and constant ; a citizen, loyal and true ; a friend, confiding and faithful ; a good and worthy patron ! GENEALOGY. 685 II. Charles Gordon Davis m. July, 1877, EUzabeth Saltmarsh. ChUd,— 1. Edward, b. March 9, 1880. III. Hiram Harvey Davis m. March 18, 1867, NeUie M. Nelson, who d. Aug. 1, 1877. ChUdren,— 1. Harry, b. June 18, 1872. 2. Charles Hagar, b. Jan. 29, 1874. Dr. Davis was son of Daniel Davis, of Bradford, in which town the doctor was b. April 27, 1802. He studied medi cine with Dr. Lyman, in Warner. His health failing, he did but little at his profession for three years, but after that, with recovered health, he gained a good practice in Bradford and Sutton. On his marriage to Mrs. Shattuck, in 1840, he settled in MiU Village, and there remained till his death in 1861. He was a safe and successful physician, a good citizen, and a kind neighbor. His mother was Mary Brown, dau. of Dr. Brown, who led a band of music at the battle of Bunker Hill. Concerning this family the author of the sketch of Bradford in " Hist. Merrimack and Belknap Counties," says, — " The marriage of Daniel Davis, who was b. in 1766, to Mary Brown, b. in 1771, was an unusually good combi nation of the physical and mental forces. Out of eleven children ten grew up to mature age, and were as a family remarkably intelligent, industrious, economical, and, conse quently, prosperous citizens of the various communities where they lived." The father of Daniel was Isaac Davis, who went from Plaistow to Bradford in 1760, and was, as is supposed, a brother to Jacob Davis, Sr., of Sutton, who, as elsewhere stated, died in Sutton in 1819, aged 105 years. ¦ DEARBORN. Henry Dearborn, b. Feb. 12, 1765 ; d. Dec. 28, 1846 : m. March 14, 1792, Mary Williams, b. July 28, 1766 ; d. Dec. 18, 1856. Children,— '686 HISTORY OF SUTTON. I. Sarah, b. July 21, 1793 ; d. Oct. 5, 1872. II. Mary, b. Dec. 24, 1800 ; d. Nov. 21, 1880. I. Sarah Dearborn m. May 14, 1809, WiUiam Bean. [See Bean.J WiUiam Bean d. March 30, 1829, and she m., 2d, Aug., 1848, Benjamin Tebbetts, of Lowell, who d. July, 1851. She m., 3d, 1852, John Pressey, of Sutton (his 3d wife). John Pressey d. Aug. 17, 1858. II. Mary Dearborn m. March 13, 1817, Elbridge G. King. [See King record for descendants.] Henry Dearborn and Obediah Eastman, his brother-in- law, came to Sutton from Hawke (now Danville) previous to 1795, and settled upon the present Nathaniel Clay farm. Mr. Dearborn was a cooper, and also carried on an important and extensive tannery business. His was the first framed barn in town, and he also erected a cider-mill on his prem ises, which did the work of making cider for the whole neighborhood. DODGE. Elder WUliam Dodge, of Fishersfield (Newbury), b. Jan. 10, 1781 ; m. Sept. 24, 1799, Sally Wells, of Fishersfield, b. Oct. 1, 1778. She was dau. of Abram Wells, formerly of Deering. Most of their children were b. in Sutton, — I. PoUy, b. Aug. 10, 1800; d. Dec. 28, 1867. She went to Ohio. II. Betsey, b. March 9, 1804 ; m. John Mastin. She lived in Vermont. III. Sophia, b. Feb. 16, 1806 ; m. Sumner Fowler and went to New York. IV. WiUiam, b. Feb. 6, 1808 ; d. June 22, 1824. V. Hepsibah, b. Oct. 13, 1809 ; d. at Croydon, 1881 : m. George AngeU, of Sunapee, and lived in Croydon, where they both died. VI. AbigaU M., b. Dec. 23, 1811 ; d. AprU 7, 1843 : m. Jona than Davis, of Sutton, and went to Vermont. VII. Levi, b. Aug. 24, 1813. Unknown. VIII. John L., b. July 12, 1815 ; m. Story, of Hopkin ton. He lived many years at Henniker, and was station master for GENEALOGY. 687 a long time. He was also a farmer of some note. He was one of the best citizens of that town. IX. Alva, b. June 24, 1817 ; d. Dec. 18, 1870. Unknown. X. Hannah W., b. Feb. 24, 1822 ; d. March 16, 1888 : m. Wal ter Colburn, of Newbury. XL Simeon S., b. Oct. 24, 1823 ; m. Dudley, of Newbury, and there resided. Elder WUliam Dodge d. Aug. 31, 1859, in Newbury. His wife d. Nov. 12, 1853, in Newbury. They Uved many years in Sutton upon CheUis HUl, and the north side of the hill has since been known as " Dodge's hill." He took charge of the " .Jones's grist-mill " for several years. He returned to Newbury before his death. His mill in Sutton, below the South village, has long been gone. Elder William Dodge came originally from Danvers, Mass., but moved to Sutton from Fishersfield (Newbury), about 1805. He was esteemed a very excellent man, and possessed respectable talents as a minister. He was a Free Will Baptist. He was a very ingenious, skilful mechanic, and used to make all kinds of furniture, spinning-wheels included. It was remembered of him that he was remark able for honesty and integrity in his dealings. Some of the chairs he made in Sutton were in use sixty years afterwards, as good as ever. He had a very good family. He was brother to Edward Dodge, who m. Polly, dau. of Thomas Wadleigh, Esq. ' DORR. WUson Dorr, b. March 1, 1833 ; d. June 27, 1884 : m. .July 29, 1854, Roxana Wheeler, b. Jan. 22, 1829. Chil- •dren, — I. Inez E., b. July 25, 1855. II. Minnie L., b. May 7, 1857. III. Seth E., b. Sept. 4, 1859. IV. OsweU W., b. Nov. 29, 1863 ; m. LiUan Whitcomb. I. Inez E. Dorr m. Dec. 26, 1875, Albert S. Atkins. ChUdren,— 688 HISTORY OF SUTTON. 1. Edith L., b. Jan. 3, 1877. 2. WiUie, b. April, 1879 ; d. in infancy. 3. Bertha F., b. June 17, 1882. II. Minnie L. Dorr m. Oct. 12, 1873, Benjamin F. Perkins. Children, — 1. Elgie R., b. Oct. 31, 1874. 2. Susie N., b. AprU 27, 1877. 3. John W., b. Dec. 21, 1879. 4. Elisha S., b. March 11, 1882. 5. Mabel D., b. Aug. 6, 1884. 6. Georgiana, b. Jan. 28, 1887. III. Seth E. Dorr m. 1877, Laura Dean. He m., 2d, 1880,, Emma Whitney. ChUdren, — 1. Eva L., b. Nov. 6, 1882. 2. Willis M., who d. in infancy. DOWNING. Smith Downing, b. Feb. 22, 1788; d. Feb. 13, 1821 see "Casualties"; m. May 11, 1814, Mary Colby, b. May 11, 1788 ; d. May 8, 1834. I. Charies E., b. June 22, 1817 ; d. July, 1856. II. JuUa M., b. July 7, 1819. III. Phebe J., b. Sept. 14, 1821 ; d. June 3, 1859. DRESSER. Samuel Dresser, b. in Chester, Dec. 30, 1763 ; d. in Sut ton Dec. 29, 1859 : m. Dec. 29, 1795, Rachel, dau. of Joseph and Rachel (Lowe) Story, of Hopkinton, but originally of Essex, Mass., b. Sept. 10, 1774; d. Feb. 13, 1869, in Sut ton, Children, — I. Samuel, b. at Chester, Nov. 8, 1796 ; d. May 13, 1868, at. Sutton. II. Rachel L, b. in Boscawen, June 19, 1798 ; d. Nov. 14, 1851. III. Aaron S., b. in Boscawen, July, 1800. IV. Joanna S., b. in Springfield, May 17, 1802. V. John Calvin, b. in Springfield, April 20, 1804 ; d. March 31,. 1878. GENEALOGY. 689 VI. Sarah B., b. in New London, Feb. 22, 1807 ; d. November, 1876. VII. Joseph S., b. in New London, June 25, 1808 ; d. AprU 12, 1839. VIII. Martin Luther, b. in New London, Aug. 19, 1810. IX. DoUy C, b. in Sutton, April 11, 1813. X. Mary, b. in Sutton, April 11, 1813. The above family came to Sutton to live about 1812. From the fact of his being licensed. to preach by the Bap tist and F. W. Baptist denominations, the father became known in Sutton as " Elder " Samuel Dresser. This title also distinguished him from his son Samuel. His Sutton home was on what has since been known as Dresser's hill, near the South -village. In the same neighborhood, and near each other, lived his sons, Samuel, John C, and Mar tin Luther. In view of the fact that all the members of this large family of children, as they grew up, gave proof of possessing superior judgment and excellent practical abilitj^ that they attained a high rank in scholarship, and most of them made a fine record as teachers, the following, related by Samuel Dresser, Jr., in his sketch of the Dresser family, seems hardly credible. He says, — " The mother of these chUdren was, for many years, partially deprived of reason." This, of course, threw a heavy burden of care, labor, and responsibility upon her young daughters. Strong minds indeed, and much self-reliance the children must have had, to be able to resist the depressing influence of this afflicting cloud upon their home. That not one of them ever manifested any tendency to insanity indicates that, in the mother, the causes must have been accidental, not con stitutional. I. Samuel Dresser m. June 11, 1836, Sarah B. Eaton, of Sutton. Children, — 1. Lucretia A., b. May 13, 1836; d. Dec. 30, 1858. 2. Leonard F. E., b. June 20, 1838. 3. Franklin E., b. Sept. 18, 1840; d. Feb. 4, 1845. Samuel Dresser was a farmer, and in the course of his life held several public offices. He was church clerk for many years, and 44 690 HISTORY OF SUTTON. his records are a faithful indication of carefulness and good schol arship. He was in the habit of committing to writing facts of inter est, and his papers, freely offered to the compUer of this work by the wife of his son, Mrs. L. F. E. Dresser, have been an important aid. He was a man whose influence for good was strongly felt in the community. 2. Leonard F. E. Dresser m. Dec. 18, 1879, Sarah H. Wiggin, of Hopkinton. No children. He is a farmer, living on Kimball's hill. II. Rachel Dresser m. May 15, 1826, Dimond Shaw, of Salis bury, who d. May 13, 1874, at Salisbury. ChUdren, — 1. John C, b. Sept. 14, 1826 ; d. April, 1888, at Avery, Mich. 2. Mary C, b. Jan. 6, 1828 ; d. Jan. 22, 1856. 3. Frederic C, b. June 12, 1831. 4. Abbie M., b. Oct. 25, 1832 ; d. June 20, 1842. 1. John C. Shaw m. Dec. 25, 1869, Barbara Glass, of Laporte, Ind. ChUd,— (1) Dimond. John C. Shaw was a soldier in the late war. 2. Mary C. Shawm. Feb. 19, 1852, Moses T. Little, of Salisbury. ChUd,— (1) Carrie M., b. Jan. 9, 1853. 3. Frederic C. Shaw m. Feb. 3, 1853, Sara Shaw, of Sanbornton, Children, — (1) Anna C, b. Nov. 21, 1853. (2) Margie A., b. Nov. 21, 1859. (3) Abbie M., b. March 5, 1861. III. Aaron S. Dresser m. April 30, 1826, Esther H. Davis, of Bloomfield, Ohio. ChUdren, — 1. Sarah Ann, b. Dec. 14, 1827 ; d. Jan., 1847. 2. Eliza Jane, b. May 23, 1830 ; m. Ransom Kelly, of Ohio. 3. Susan Lavinia, b. Oct. 28, 1832. 4. Daniel Davis, b. Feb. 15, 1835. 5. John Story, b. June 11, 1837. 6. Margaret E., b. Oct. 22, 1840 ; m. Henry Adams, of Ohio. 7. Mary Ann, b. Feb. 20, 1847. Aaron S. Dresser settled in Ohio in Oct., 1824. He has been a preacher and has reared a superior family. 7. Mary A. m. Dec. 25, 1871, Reuben P. HiUiard, of Portage, Wood county, Ohio. Children, — (1) Rose D., b. AprU 7, 1873. (2) Nellie A., b. Jan. 12, 1876. (3) Charles R., b. March 20, 1878. (4) Frank A., b. Jan. 11, 1881. (5) Laura E., b. March 7, 1884. (6) Daisy M., b. March 1, 1887. GENEALOGY. 691 IV. Joanna S. Dresser m. Sept. 11, 1843, Nathan S. Morrison, of FrankUn, she being his 2d wife. No chUdren. V. John Calvin Dresser m. Sept. 18, 1834, Eunice W. Kendrick, dau. of Samuel and Rhoda (WUliams) Kendrick, of Sutton. ChU dren, — 1. Ii-a R., b. July 12, 1835. 2. John R., b. June 29, 1837. 3. Rhoda A., b. AprU 21, 1843. 4. Mary A., b. Oct. 20, 1853. Several years before his death John C. Dresser removed to En field, and when he went this town lost an excellent citizen. In his famUy it would seem must exist the tendency to extreme longevity, inherited from their ancestors on both sides, since, as we have already found. Elder iSamuel Dresser lived to the age of 96, and his wife 95 years, and Samuel Kendrick was 86 years old, and his wife was 98 at the time of her death. 1. Ira R. Dresser m. Nov. 17, 1857, Angeline Braley, of Sutton. Children — (1) Edward A., b. Oct. 2, 1858. (2) Forrest Budd, b. May 3, 1867. (3) Jessie May, b. Sept. 28, 1875. (1) Edward A. Dresser m. Dec. 30, 1879, Emma Vernorsdale. Chil dren, — Victor T., b. AprU 1, 1881. Hugh, b. Dec. 30, 1882. Thad, b. AprU 12, 1887. John C, b. July 5, 1889. Present residence of Ira R. Dresser Granite Falls, Minn. He is there engaged in farming, and is also a prosperous business man. 2. John Dresser m. May 4, 1861, Nancy M. Cheney, of Sutton, dau. of Daniel and Mehitabel (Murdough) Cheney, and in the same year removed to Enfield. Children, — (1) Cora F., b. June 3, 1863 ; m. July 24, 1886, Henry O. Fletcher. (2) Willis G., b. Feb. 7, 1865. (3) Carrie G., b. Aug. 4, 1866 ; m. Oct. 18, 1886, Irvin C. Avery, aU of Enfield. (4) Belle M., b. Dec. 1, 1872. 3. Rhoda A. Dresser m. Feb. 18, 1870, Nelson Gile, of Lebanon. ChUdren, — (1) Ernest S., b. June 30, 1871. (2) Eari L., b. Sept. 16, 1878. 4. Mary A. Dresser m. May 14, 1874, Hiram Gage, of Enfield. No children. 692 HISTORY OP SUTTON. VI. Sarah B. Dresser m. March 5, 1835, Jubal Eaton. ChU dren, — 1. Pluma, m. Solomon Martin. 2. Jubal. 3. Jacob M. VII. Joseph S. Dresser went to Southern Ohio in 1835, where, four years afterwards, he died of consumption, unmarried. VIII. Martin Luther Dresser m. AprU 30, 1840, Lucy W. WeUs, dau. of Benjamin and Lois (Wheeler) WeUs, who d. Feb. 17, 1865. ChUdren, — • 1. Almira L., b. Sept. 25, 1839 ; m. Feb. 27, 1879, James E. Nelson. 2. Ida E., b. May 19, 1851 ; m. June 20, 1886, Ira M. Colby, of Whitefield. IX. DoUy C. Dresser m. 1842, WUUam B. Emery, of Andover. Children, — 1. Ellen Maria, m. Albert Clark, and died in Sanbornton, lea-ving an infant daughter. 2. Lucy B., m. John Aiken, of East Andover. X. Mary Dresser m. Dec. 3, 1846, Daniel F. Searle, of SaUs- bury. ChUdren, — 1. Mary F., b. Oct. 6, 1848 ; d. Jan. 9, 1856. 2. George F., b. Oct. 6, 1848 ; m. Dec. 25, 1884, Clara M. Andrews. Present residence. Concord. Mrs. Clara M. (Andrews) Searle d. May 15, 1890. EASTMAN. Obediah Eastman, b. 1768 ; m. Jemima WiUiams, dau. of Joseph and Mary (Greenleaf) Williams. They had no chUdren born to them, but adopted two children, — I. Jemima Stevens, m. Moses Johnson, of Sutton. [See Johnson record.] II. Lois Eastman, m. July 23, 1809, Israel Bean, of Sutton. [See Bean record.] Mrs. Eastman was sister to Mrs. Henry Dearborn, and both families came from Hawke (Danville). Mr. Eastman was a capable, energetic man, of good per sonal appearance. In town records in 1795 he is named as Lie'ute)iant Eastman. He d. Dec. 31, 1820. His wife d. Aug. 6, 1848. The Dearborn and Eastman families were very religious people of the Methodist persuasion. genealogy. 693 James Eastman came to Sutton about 1839 from Concord, and for several years kept the tavern in the North village. The opening of the railroad from Concord to Bradford having diverted the travel from the neighborhood, he finally gave up the tavern, but remained in this town as long as he lived. He and his wife are both buried in the North graveyard. They are remembered as generous, kind, and agreeable people, and made many friends in Sutton. He d. May 22, 1854. Children, — I. Abby, m. in Manchester. II. Henry, served in the late war. m. Susan Jane, d. in Sutton, a young child. EATON. David Eaton, an early inhabitant of this town, came probably from Deerfield or Nottingham, and settled on the John Felch place. He was constable in 1782, and, being a very efficient man, held other offices. He d. in Sutton, May 16, 1804, aged 66. He had two sons, Da-vid and Jon athan, and one daughter, Hannah, and perhaps other chU dren. I. David Eaton, Jr., m. Dec. 31, 1807, Clarissa Dudley, probably of Newport. Their son, Roderick Random, was b. in Sutton, Sept. 13, 1808. (No further record of hrai.) II. Jonathan Eaton m. 1790, Jane Sargent, and for several years lived on the homestead of his father, and there his eleven children were born. He afterwards removed to Brownington, Vt., where he died. Later his widow m., 2d, John Sargent, of New London, she being his 2d wife. She d. March 26, 1864, aged 91. She was sister to the wife of Dea. Matthew Harvey, and is the same person whose wardrobe is inventoried in another part of this book. ChU dren, — 1. Betsey, b. Feb. 16, 1791. 2. John Clements, b. Dec. 17, 1793. 3, Cyrus, b. Jan. 8, 1795. 694 HISTORY OF SUTTON. 4. Patty (Martha), b. AprU 22, 1797 ; drowned in Kezar's pond, Jialy 17, 1809. 5. Amanda, b. July 9, 1799. 6. Matthew Harvey, b. June 28, 1801 ; d. March 8, 1803. 7.' EUinor, b. July 3, 1803. 8. Susanna, b. Aug. 4, 1805. 9. MUiam, b. July 29, 1807. 10. StiUman. 11. Harrison. James Eaton. James Eaton, probably a brother to Da-vid Eaton, Sr., was a land-owner here in 1792, but afterwards removed to Vermont. Child, — I. Sally, m. Nathaniel Ambrose, of Sutton. Children, — 1. Eaton. 2. Reuel. 3. Joshua. 4. Samuel. 5. Mary. Only two of them are now living, — Joshua Ambrose, who became a clergyman, and Samuel. The other children of James Eaton were, according to the statement of Miss Ruth Davis, of Sutton, who at one time lived in their family in Westmore, Vt., — II. Hannah. in. Mary. rV. NeUy. V and VI. John and David, t-wins. A few items concerning the Ambrose family, received since the record of the ancestor, Rev. Samuel, went to print, will not be greatly out of place in connection with this mention of Nathaniel Ambrose's family. His brother, Jona than Ambrose, who went to Maine, m. Prudence , and had sons, Joshua and Samuel. It is supposed that some of the chUdren of Lydia Am brose, who m. Elisha Parker, are now li-ving in Coldwater, Mich. Samuel Ambrose m. Sarah Phalan, a -widow, and had 6 children, Sarah, Goodhue, Thomas, Elizabeth, and one who died young. Susan Ambrose m. William Carey, and had two daugh- GENEALOGY. 695 ters, viz., Harriet, who d. Nov., 1855, and the other is Mrs. Warren Hicks, of Ontario Centre, Wayne Co., N. Y. Rev. Samuel Ambrose, of Sutton, had a brother Na thaniel. Ebenezer Eaton, of Haverhill, Mass., belonging to another family of Eatons, became a resident in the family of Dea. Joseph Greeley, soon after Mr. Greeley located in this town in 1792. He m. April 9, 1797, Susanna Coburn or Colburn, dau. of Leonard Colburn, and removed to Lebanon. [For other Eatons of Sutton see " Eaton Grange."] ELLIOTT. Lee E. EUiott m. Ruth Kent, of Capleton, P. Q. ChU dren, — I. Hattie. II. John. III. Alice. Mr. Elliott is a partial owner in the saw-mill upon the road from South Sutton to Roby's Corner. EMERSON. WUlard Emerson, b. in HaverhUl, Mass., May 7, 1773 ; m. Nov. 16, 1797, Nabby Davis, dau. of Jonathan Da vis, Sr. Children, — L Nancy, b. Aug. 9, 1798. II. Nehemiah, b. AprU 13, 1800. III. Phebe, b. Jan. 8, 1803. IV. Lysias, b. Feb. 21, 1805. V. Hannah Bradley, b. Feb. 7, 1807. VI. Nabby K., b. Feb. 7, 1807. 696 HISTORY OF SUTTON. VII. Raphsey, b. March 28, 1810. VIII. Harrison, b. July 19, 1812. IX. DoUy, b. Sept. 17, 1814. I. Nancy Emerson m. Samuel Carr, of Wilmot. One of their chUdren was AbigaU Carr, of WUmot, who m. July 4, 1854, Alvah Chadwick, of Sutton. [See Chadwick.] II. Nehemiah Emerson m. AprU 29, 1824, PoUy (Mary) B. Felch, sister to Dea. John Felch, of Sutton. ChUdren, — 1. Benjamin. 2. Susan. 3. MUanda. 4. Truman. 5. Mary. 6. Harvey. ' EVANS. Tappan Evans, of Newburyport, m. Abigail, dau. of Dea. John and Lydia (Haynes) Merrill, of Haverhill, Mass., b. Dec. 9, 1746. They settled in Warner, probably soon after 1770, as it is related that the first oxen that ever stepped foot in Sutton were driven by this sea captain, Tappan Evans, assisting to bring thither the goods and family of Samuel Bean, a very early settler, the roads above Warner being at that date so difficult as to render extra help neces sary. Three of the children of Tappan Evans became some what identified with this town, viz., Benjamin, who, as stated elsewhere, did business here in the early years of the present century, Jacob, a school teacher, noted as a disci plinarian, and Judith, who m. Oct. 7, 1799, Jacob Quimby, and resided here some years. Children, as fourrd on Sutton records, — I. Benjamin, b. Aug. 31, 1800. n. AbigaU, b. Aug. 22, 1802. in. Susan, b. Oct. 12, 1804. IV. SaUy, b. March 11, 1809. She went to LoweU, and for many years did a successful business as boarding-house keeper. I. Hon. Benjamin Evans, b. 1772, in Newburyport ; d. Nov. 12, 1844, in Warner: m. 1795, Susannah, sister to Benjamin and Thomas Wadleigh, Esq., b. 1774; d. AprU 20, 1848. This family GENEALOGY. 697 becomes further identified with Sutton through the eldest daughter, Abigail, who married Hon. Reuben Porter, and came to Sutton to live, and here reared their many children. [See Porter.] The children of Hon. Benjamin and Susannah (Wadleigh) Evans were, — 1. AbigaU, b. April 30, 1796 ; d. July 29, 1882. 2. Susan, d. young. S. Susan, 2d, m. Dr. Leonard Eaton. [See " Eaton Grange."] 4. Lucinda, b. Feb. 18, 1803 ; m. Nathan S. Colby. 6. Sophronia, b. AprU 1, 1807 ; m. Stephen C. Badger. €. Sarah, m. H. D. Robertson. 7. Hannah, m. Abner Woodman (2d wife). She d. May 26, 1886. 8. Benjamin, d. at the age of 6 years. Mr. Evans was a man of immense energy. He was engaged in various kinds of business besides storekeeping. He had a farm and saw-mUl at Roby's Corner, and traded largely in cattle, and was extensively engaged in coopering. WhUe in Sutton he built the large two-story house in the South viUage, known as the Evans house, and now owned by Mrs. John Andrew. He also built the store, of two stories, this being the first erected for a store and hall above in this town ; before that stores had been kept in private houses. In Sutton Mr. Evans was prominent and popular as a public man. Returning to Warner he was many years representative ; he was senator in 1830, in old district No. 8, and was in the governor's council in 1836— '37, and in 1838 was appointed sheriff of Merri mack county. II. Jacob Evans, the teacher, was weU known through this and the neighboring towns as " Master Evans," and was fuUy believed to be able to reign absolute monarch in any school he undertook, and perhaps for that reason was one winter employed to teach the school at the South district in Sutton, which had been in a mutinous condition, the scholars having driven out two masters already. The school numbered one hundred and fifteen scholars, twenty of them being young men, and some of them six feet taU. But Master Evans, being a man of much courage, and possessed of immense bodUy strength, felt confident of his power to govern as weU as to instruct, and after one severe contest he did govern the school. For the first day or two everything was tolerably quiet, but that was only because the great boys were maturing their scheme for overpowering the master, as they had done his predecessors. One 698 HISTORY OF SUTTON. day, having just rapped to call the scholars in from recess, he was seated in his desk, writing copies. The younger scholars came in and took their seats quietly ; then a noisy stamping and shouting outside was followed by the entrance of the great boys, each with a big stick of wood for a weapon, and marching as if going to battle. The master saw that the conflict was close at hand, had come, in fact. "Shoulder arms!" cried the leader of the boys, but, — " Ground arms ! " shouted Master Evans as, dropping his pen, he rushed into the fight, and laid about him with fist and fire shovel, to the right and left. One and another, and another of the mutineers he feUed to the floor in a few seconds. The yotmger scholars screamed in terror, the master assuring them he could conquer aU without kUling any, ordered them to "shut up," and they did "shut up." In a very few minutes the battle was aU over, and quiet was restored. The leaders being vanquished, their foUowers concluded that prudence was better than valor, and showed their wisdom by submission to the master's authority. Master Jacob Evans for the remainder of the term governed his school -without trouble. One of the witnesses to this conflict was living in 1876, — Mrs. Col. John Harvey, — and as she was one of the small scholars, it is probable that Master Evans did that good piece of work sometime in the later nineties of the last century. In 1797 he taught school in the north part of Sutton, as the foUowing papers show, and had hard work to collect his pay for the same. In a letter to Mr. Har vey, who seems to have been the financial committee of the district, he says : " Sir, — I expect to go a long journey soon, and should be exceed ing glad for that trifle that is due me for Schooling. Necessity drives me to ask. From your Humble Servant, Jacob Evans. Warner, AprU 1, 1797. April 7, 1797, one week later, he -writes : " Deacon Harvey, Sir, s d s d Mr. Hoyt's accompt is 0/7, My due is 22/3, on schooling, and I should be exceeding glad of the pay. Jacob Evans." Folded in -with these letters was a paper labelled, " Schooling ac'ct for a number of years," years 1794-'97. For the last, 1797, one of the items charged is " For coUecting and hauling to Hopkin ton, to pay Mr. Evans, 24 bushels of corn." GENEALOGY. 699 From the same "schooUng account" it appears that Stephen BaUey taught the school in 1794, 8 weeks and 3 days, and that his board was 5 shillings per week, and that the next year he taught 24 weeks, and in 1796 the school term was 12 weeks, and that Simon Kezar was " Committee to get a school master." FLINT. Sometime in the latter half of the last century Edmund Flint and his wife Susanna lived in Mont Vernon. The names of their children are known, but not their order. They were Calvin, Isaac, Polly, Simeon, Susanna, Bath- sheba, Molly, Betsey, Ebenezer, Lucy. This family moved to Amherst, and several of the chUdren settled there. Polly, Bathsheba, Susanna, and Ebenezer afterwards came to Sutton. Polly m. Adam Davis ; Bathsheba m. Daniel Richardson ; Ebenezer m. Jan. 2, 1807, Charlotte Austin, and Susanna m. Saul Austin. Charlotte Austin and Saul Austin were brother and sister, being children of Solomon Austin, who came from Amherst to Sutton about 1800, and settled near the base of the mountain. To make the rec ord of this union of the Flint and Austin families as plain as possible, the old fashioned phrase serves best to express the same, viz., that Saul Austin and Ebenezer Flint " swap ped sisters." Isaac Flint m. Susan Russell, of Francestown, and lived many years in Sutton, on " Birch Hill." Simeon FUnt lived in Sutton occasionally. He was a repairer of watches and clocks, and in the prosecution of his business went from place to place. Calvin Flint went to Vermont to live. Betsey Flint m. Kendall, in Amherst. Molly Flint m. Baldwin, in Amherst. Ebenezer Flint, of Sutton, was a man remarkable for industry, honesty, and integrity. He was born probably in Mont Vernon, about 1784 ; d. Feb. 17, 1864 : he dropped dead in his o-mi door-yard. Children, all b. in Sutton except the first, she in Mont Vernon, — 700 HISTORY OF SUTTON. I. Hannah, b. Nov. 14, 1807 ; d. unmarried. II. Chariotte A., b. April 18, 1809 ; d. near 1861. III. Edmund, b. Oct. 2, 1812 ; d. Jan. 31, 1844, unmarried. IV. Lucinda, b. June 29, 1815 ; d. July 22, 1847, unmarried, V. Lydia, b. May 20, 1818 ; d. April 6, 1856. VI. Levi, b. Aug. 26, 1821. VII. Mehitabel A., b. July 31, 1823 ; d. June 15, 1858. VIII. Calvin, b. Oct. 19, 1827 ; d. May 10, 1875. II. Charlotte A. Flint m. March 25, 1845, Benjamin S. Fisk. l[For chUdren see Fisk.] III. Edmund Flint lived to attain a very promising manhood, being possessed of many desirable qualities, and a most excellent character, but died of consumption. V. Lydia, m. Dec. 15, 1840, BuzzeU Barnard, of Bradford. Children, b. in Sutton, — 1. Lucinda F., b. Aug. 1, 1841 ; d. May 12, 1859. 2. George, b. Aug. 17, 1845 ; d. May 30, 1864. 3. John Calvin, b. 1847. 2. George Barnard entered the service during the war, and was killed in battle, being the first man from Sutton killed, aged only 19 years. BuzzeU Barnard d. in 1861, in Stoughton, Mass., and his widow m., 2d, about 1853, Fessenden Bessie, of Stoughton. ChUd, — 4. Jennie, b. in Sutton, 1853. She m. a Mr. O'Brien, and lives in California. 1. Lucinda F. Barnard m. Feb. 13, 1858, Horace M. Howe, of Sutton. She died in about a year after her marriage, leaving an infant, which soon died. John Calvin Barnard m. Mary Saltmarsh, of Concord, and lives in Loudon. VI. Levi Flint and Ephraim Bean " swapped sisters," that is, Levi Flint m. Emily Bean, and Mehitabel A. Flint m. Ephraim Bean. Emily and Ephraim Bean were chUdren of Ephraim and Ismenia (Thompson) Bean. Children of Levi Flint, b. in Sutton, — 1. Edmund A., b. Sept., 1845 ; d. March 21, 1875. 2. Angeline, b. Nov. 22, 1847 ; d. Aug. 13, 1866. 3. WUliam H., b. Aug., 1850. 4. CaroUne F., b. Dec. 26, 1853 ; d. July 1, 1872 : m. Adoniram C. Davis. 5. Frank A., b. Nov. 4, 1859. 6. Charies H., b. March 7, 1862 ; d. Sept. 14, 1887. Mrs. Emily F. (Bean) Flint d. 1864. GENEALOGY. 701 8. WUliam H. Flint m. Feb. 8, 1877, Mrs. ]\lartha A. (Gilson) Lit tlehale, of Sutton, dau. of Jeremiah and Mary (Richardson) Gilson. Children, b. in Sutton, — (1) Grace L., b. June 7, 1878. (2) Edwin A., b. Dec. 15, 1879. 6. Charles H. Flint m. April, 1886, Belle SUver, of Edwardsburg, Mich., dau. of George F. Silver. VII. Mehitabel Flint m. Ephraim Bean. [See Bean.J VIII. Calvin Flint m. Elizabeth, dau. of Perley Andrew, and resided on the Perley Andrew estate. [See Andrew.] FISK. Ephraim Fisk, of Boscawen, m. Nov. 23, 1818, Rachel Peaslee, of Sutton, dau. of John and Olive (Bailey) Peas lee. Children, b. in Sutton, — I. OUve, b. 1819; d. Nov. 23, 1819. II. Benjamin, b. Feb. 19, 1820. III. Alice, b. Oct., 1821. IV. John P., b. Sept. 10, 1823 ; d. Oct. 17, 1841. V. Levi, b. May 10, 1825. VI. WiUiam, b. July 24, 1827 ; d. Oct. 24, 1841. VII. Mary A., b. Oct., 1829 ; d. Aug. 9, 1848, in Sutton : m. Asa Keniston, of Claremont. Vin. Hannah, b. June, 1832 ; d. Aug. 17, 1848, in Sutton : m. Alvora Sargent, of Vermont. IX. Ephraun, b. Oct. 3, 1839. Ephraim Fisk d. Oct. 27, 1864, in Sutton. His wife d. Nov. 4, 1879, in Sutton. II. Benjamin Fisk m. March 25, 1845, Charlotte FUnt, of Sut ton, dau. of Ebenezer and Charlotte (Austin) FUnt. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Almeda J., b. Jan. 18, 1846. 2. Rachel E., b. Oct. 14, 1847. 3. Addie J., b. Oct. 12, 1849. 4. Ebenezer F., b. Nov. 6, 1851. Benjamin Fisk m., 2d, Mary Ann Philbrick, of Sutton, dau. of WiUiam and Anna (Keyes) PhUbrick. Children, — 5. Ida. 6. BeU. 702 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Benjamin Fisk m., 3d, Lavina Sleeper. Children, b. in Sutton, — 7. Norman H., b. Oct. 13, 1873. 8. Frank H., b. AprU 16, 1876. 9. WiUiam H., b. Jan. 18, 1878. 10. Mina E., b. May 6, 1880. 11. Mattie D., b. June 29, 1883. III. Alice Fisk m. July 17, 1845, Ransom C. Palmer, of Sutton. Children, b. in Sutton, except the first one, — 1. Carrie, b. in Barnstead. 2. Emma. 3. Frank. 4. Charles. V. Levi Fisk m. Susan Rogers, of Claremont. She d. Oct. 1, 1865, in Sutton. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Frances, b. Aug. 16, 1843. 2. Ann Eliza, b. AprU 24, 1845; d. Feb. 18, 1889. 3. Addie E., b. July 6, 1847. 4. S Jennie, b. June 29, 1850. 5. Mary M., b. Nov. 22, 1852. 6. Sylvia J., b. April 18, 1855. 7. Hattie M., b. Jan. 12, 1858. 8. Alice L., b. March, 1861 ; d. Nov. 8, 1865. 9. F. Annetta, b. Nov. 10, 1862; d. Jan. 19, 1884. 2. Ann Eliza Fisk m. March 17, 1864, WiUiam K. PhUbrook, of Sut ton. [See PhUbrook.] IX. Ephraim Fisk m. March 2, 1864, Martha Melvin, of War ner, who d. in Lawrence, Mass., March 7, 1888. ChUdren, b. in La-wrence, — 1. Walter, b. Julv, 1866. 2. Minnie, b. 1868. 3. Emily, b. 1874. FELCH. The immigrant ancestor of the Sutton Felch families was Henry Felch, who came to this country from Wales about 1640, accompanied by his son Henry, born probably in Wales about 1610. They and their descendants lived in Reading, Mass., and in Seabrook. Later some of them set tled in Weare, while others went to Vermont. The Sutton families came from the Weare branch. They were related to each other, but not very nearly, being descended from two different sons of Henry, Jr. GENEAUOGY. 703 Nancy Felch, a cousin to Benjamin, father of Samuel, who came to Sutton, m. Hezekiah Blaisdell, Jr., of Sutton. She was b. July 31, 1803 ; d. March 23, 1871. Daniel Felch, 3d son of Henry, Jr., had a son, Daniel, Jr., b. in Seabrook, AprU 3 or 5, 1718 ; m. Feb. 14, 1749, Jane Page, of Hampton. They had 7 children, of whom the youngest was John Felch, b. Feb. 23, 1763 ; d. Deo. 27, 1816, in Sutton, of spotted fever: m. Ruth Sweetser, b. Jan. 22, 1763 ; d. in Sutton, Sept. 5, 1826. They spent most of their mariied life in Francestown, where their children were born. They came to Sutton in 1814, and settled on the farm in North Sutton, which has been held in the Felch family ever since. The children of John and Ruth (Sweetser) Felch were, — L Amos, b. Julyl, 1787 ;.d. AprU 29, 1876, at Newbury: m. Betsey Kelley, b. Feb. 10, 1784 ; d. Oct. 5, 1868. He settled in Newbury. II. WUUam, b. Nov. 23, 1788. He was in the War of 1812. He received a land warrant for services done in the war, and went West, and the same is true of his brother, Daniel Felch. III. John, b. Aug. 22, 1790 ; d. May 13, 1877. He settled in Sutton, and left numerous descendants. IV. Daniel, b. Aug. 8, 1792. He was in the war of 1812. V. Benjamin, b. Aug. 21, 1794 ; d. May 28, 1877 : m. DoUy Andrews. He settled in Wilmot. VI. Rhoda, b. May 12, 1796 ; d. 1868 : m. Elder EUjah Wat son. VII. Betsey, b. AprU 1, 1798 ; d. AprU 21, 1798. VIII. David, b. AprU 12, 1799 ; d. Dec. 7, 1814. IX. Samuel Barnet, b. Feb. 24, 1801 ; d. June 4, 1873, in Eli- nois : m., 1st, Betsey Keyser ; m., 2d, Partridge. X. Polly (Mary) B., b. June 24, 1803 ; d. 1868 : m. Nehemiah Emerson, of Andover. XL Susan E., b. Feb. 10, 1806 ; m. Solomon Dodge. I. ChUdren of Amos and Betsey (KeUey) Felch,— 1. Died in infancy. 2. Jane P. 3. Ruth S. 4. Moses K. 6. Betsey K. 6. John. 7. Lois N. 8. Almua. 9. Hannah D. 10. Mary P. 2. Jane P. Felch m. John L. Adams. ChUdren, 12 in number, 3 died, — 704 HISTORY OF SUTTON. (1) Betsey J. (2) Abbie. (3) Moses J. (4) Almira. (5) Mat thew. (6) Mary. (7) Sylvester. (8) Susan. (9) MatUda. (1) Betsey J. Adams m. Ira P. Whittier. Children, — Abbie, m. Ralph Brown. jMoses J., m. Ann Kidder. Almira, m. Elbridge Eaton. Matthew, m. Saloma Adams. Mary, ni. Charles Morrill. Sylvester, m. Addie Morey. Susan, m. George Sleeper. Matilda, m. James Hawthorn. 3. Ruth S. Felch m. S. B. Paige. ChUdren,— 1) Martha, m. Charles Moore. 2) ^Minerva, ra. Charles Pausland. (3) Mary, m. Edwin Randlett. 4. Moses K. Felch m. Olive Carter. 5. Betsey K. Felch m. Hiram Baker. Children, — (1) Alonzo. (2) Josephine. 6. John Felch m., 1st, Melinda Livingston ; m., 2d, Sarah J. Bart lett. Children, 9 in number, 3 died, — (1) Melinda A., m. Herman G. Brown. (2) Alice J., m. Sargent Abbott. (3) Horace M., m. Alice Bass. (4) Alzina, m. Albert Abbott. (5) LiUa M., m. Charles Codman. (6) Charles B., m. unknown. 7. Lois N. Felch m. Moses C. Ayer. Children, — • (1) S. C. Ayer, m. Fletcher. (2) Mary J., m. Whittaker. (3) Samuel, m. . (4) Oliver, m. . 8. Almira Felch m. John B. Smith. Children, 4 in number, 2 died, — (1) Nathan, m. Ella Young. (2) Betsey, m. James Chase. 9. Hannah D. Felch m. Rev. W. Brown. Children, 5 in number, 1 died, — (1) Nellie R., m. George Sawyer. (2) Charles, m. Nettie Morse. (3) Olive M., m. Frank Sawyer. (4) Fred, m. Lucretia Hurlburt. 10. Mary P. Felch m. Rev. Dustin Seavey. ChUd,— (1) Mary P. Cutter, m. Frank MerriU. III. John Felch {Dea. John Felch) m. 1815, Hannah Dodge.. She d. Oct. 11, 1883, aged 87 years, 10 months. ChUdren,— GENEALOGY. 705 1. Sally D. 2. Roxana. 3. Gideon D. 4. John A., b. March, 1823 ; d. May 24, 1824. 5. Charity Adaline. 6. John S., b. 1827 ; d. July 17, 1832. 7. Hannah M. 8. Mary A., b. 1831 ; d. July 21, 1832. 9. Benjamin Dean. 10. Mary A., b. 1835 ; d. 1878. 11. Frances C. 1. Sally D. Felch m. Oct. 1, 1837, WiUiam Taylor Bean. She was b. Sept. 16, 1816 ; d. Jan. 4, 1868. [For descendants see Bean and RusseU.] 2. Roxana Felch, b. Oct. 18, 1818 ; m. Sept. 7, 1837, Amos H. Jones, b. in Salem, Sept. 8, 1809. ChUdren,— (1) Frank, b. Nov. 14, 1839. (2) Marcia Maria, b. July 2, 1842. (3) Edgar Amos, b. May 10, 1850 ; m. EUa Osgood. (1) Frank Jones m. Loriuda Atherton. Children,— 4 daughters and 2 sons. 3. Gideon D. Felch m. near 1840, Malvina Bean. She was b. AprU 20 1819. Children,— (1) Adelaide. (2) John. (3) Hannah. (4) Fred A. (5) Jacob M. (1) Adelaide Felch m. Ervin Knight. Child,— Elmer. (2) John Felch m. Rossie Putney. Children,— Viola; Sherman. (3) Hannah Felch m. John W. Smith. Children, — Freeman M. ; Edison J. ; LUian M. (4) Fred M. Felch m. Hattie M. Howe. ChUdren,— Arthur W. ; Charles F. (5) Jacob M. Felch m. Mary Cheney. 5. Charity Adaline Felch m. Benjamin P. Sargent. ChUdren, — (1) Mary Frances. (2) Benjamin. (3) Hattie D. Mr. Sargent d. March 8, 1874, and Mrs. Sargent m., 2d, WUliam W. Coburn. She d. Aug., 1889. (1) Mary Frances Sargent m. July 26, 1874, Walter P. Sargent. ChUd,— Sevira, b. Dec. 1, 1880. (2) Benjamin Sargent m. Mary J. Gladman. Children, — Harry P. ; Alvah J. (3) Haltie D. Sargent m. Charles A. Todd. 45 706 HISTORY OF SUTTON. 7. Hannah M. Felch m. March 30, 1852, Moses L. Pillsbury. Chil dren, — (1) George C, b. Aug. 13, 1856. (2) Herbert L., b. Oct. 22, 1865. 9. Benjamin Dean Felch m. Nellie Carr. 10. Mary Ann Felch m. about 1856, George S. French. No chUdren. 11. Frances C. Felch m. Nov. 25, 1858, Lucien E. Smith. Children,— (1) Josephine. (2) Barton. (3) Milton. (1) Josephine Smith m. Harlan FuUer. Child, — Wallace. V. Benjamin Felch m. Dolly Andrew, dau. of Samuel, 2d. ChU dren, — 1. Amos. 2. Rhoda. 3. Samuel. 4. Sarah. 5. Franklin. 6. Hannah. 7. James. 1. Amos Felch m. Abby Fuller. Children, — (1) Benjamin. (2) Arthur. (3) Hannah. (1) Benjamin Felch m. Lydia Hoyt. Children, — Lydia S., b. Dec. 1, 1833. Mary T., b. May 5, 1835. Benjamin Harvey, b. Jan. 4, 1837. 2. Rhoda Felch m. James McDonnell. Children, — (1) John. (2) Margaret. (3) JuUa. (4) Edmund. (5) WiUiam. (6) James. (7) Katie. (8) Benjamin. (9) David. (10) Grace. 3. Samuel Felch m. Caroline Buoklin. ChUd, — (1) Dexter. 4. Sarah Felch m. GUman Clark. Children, — (1) Fred. (2) Albert. (3) Florence. (4) Arthur. 5. Franklin Felch m. Lottie Stevens. Child, — (1) Sadie. 6. Hannah Felch m. David Collins. Child, — (1) Nellie. 7. James Felch m. Fiorina Putnam. Children, — (1) Cora. (2) WiUiam. (3) Florence. (4) Gertie. VI. Rhoda Felch m. Rev. Elijah Watson. ChUdren,— 1. Rhoda, died. 2. Minerva, m. Rev. Sidney Frost. 3. Alphonso. 4. Burns. IX. Samuel Barnet Felch m. Betsey Keyser ; m., 2d, Part ridge. ChUdren, — 1. Daniel. 2. Polly. 3. Barnet. 4. Rosette. GENEALOGY. 707 X. PoUy Felch ra. AprU 29, 1824, Nehemiah Emerson. Chil dren, — 1. Benjamin. 2. Susan. 3. Miranda. 4. Truman. 5. Mary. 6. Harvey. Nehemiah Emerson was b. April 13, 1800, son of WUlard and Nabby (Davis) Emerson. He spent several years of his minority in the famUy of Hon. Jonathan Harvey. XL Susan Felch m. Solomon Dodge. ChUd, — 1. John F., m., 1st, Georgia A. Colby ; he m., 2d, Mary E. Proctor. Children, — (1) Alfred. (2) Leonora. (3) Sarah J. (4) Sarah M. (5) Sidney. (1) Alfred Dodge m. Amanda Thompson. Amos Jones, who m. Roxana Felch, came to Sutton about 1828, as clerk in a store, and afterwards was in trade there. He was also postmaster there several years. In 1843 he removed to Sanbornton Bridge, and there was postmaster 15 years. He was selectman of Sanbornton and Tilton 6 years, and was also town treasurer and county treasurer of Belknap county 4 years. John Taylor, whose wife was sister to Amos Jones, was in trade at North Sutton some eleven years, and was supposed to have made money very fast. He came about 1830, and bought out the store of HemphUl & Armstrong. He removed to New Hampton, and afterwards to Sanbornton, where he d. 1854, and in which town he was b. 1793. His wife, Caroline B., was b. in Salem, 1804 ; d. 1873. They had one son, John Franklin, b. in New London 1829, a merchant in Northfield. On coming from Francestown to Sutton the John Felch f amUy was accompanied or very soon foUowed (1815) by Daniel Dane and -wife, also of Francestown, who located near Mr. Felch, and there spent the rest of their lives. They were very worthy people, and are kindly remembered by their old neighbors. No children. Mr. Dane d. Nov. 5, 1843. His wife d. aged 90. Family of Benjamin Felch of Weaeb. I. Lucinda, b. May 17, 1800 ; d. July 11, 1879 : m. Sept. 18, 1825, Moody Johnson, of Sutton. [See Johnson.] II. Lucintha, twin sister of the above, m. John Manahan. 708 HISTORY OF SUTTON. III. Samuel, b. Aug. 9, 1802 ; m., 2d, Hannah Phelps, of Sut ton. IV. Joseph, b. March 26, 1805 ; d. Aug., 1861, unmarried. V. Benjamin, b. June 20, 1807 ; d. Feb. 1, 1855 : m. Lydia. Hoyt, of Hopkinton. 9 chUdren. VI. Stephen, b. May 17, 1810 ; m. 1836, Lucinda Phelps, of Sutton. No chUdren living. VII. Mary, b. March 10, 1813 ; m. June 18, 1838, Horace J. Hoyt. VIII. Squu-e, b. Nov. 6, 1815 ; m. AprU 15, 1840, Laura Ann Silver. 9 chUdren. IX. Justice, b. Aug. 1, 1820 ; d. Aug. 23, 1865 : m. AprU 15, 1840, Almira Hutchinson. 2 children. X. President, b. March 26, 1823 ; m. May 17, 1849, his cousin, Abigail Felch, of North Weare. 2 children. XL Ira, b. Aug. 23, 1825 ; d. May 6, 1876 : m. Nov. 11, 1852, Phebe A. Brown, of Danvers, Mass. Of the above family Lucinda, Lucintha, Samuel and Stephen came to Suttton to live, from 1818 to 1829 inclusive. IL Lucintha Felch, b. May 17, 1800 ; d. at HiUsborough, Jan.. 16, 1882 : m. 1818, John Manahan, of Deering. He d. at New London May 7, 1862. Soon after their marriage they located on a farm in the north part of Sutton, and in 1828 removed to Ne-w London. Children, — 1. Emily, b. in Sutton. 2. Mary, b. in Sutton. 3. Lucinda, b. in Sutton. 4. Valentine, b. in Sutton. 5. Abby, b. in New London. 6. Newton, b. in New London. 7. Frances, b. in New London. 8. William H., b. in New London. 1. EmUy Manahan m. Dea. John A. V. Smith, of Manchester, where they reside. No children. 2. Mary Manahan resides in Hillsborough. 3. Lucinda Manahan m. Thomas A. B. Young and lives in Hillsbor ough ; has 2 sons, Walter and George. Walter is married and has a daughter. Residence, Putnam, Conn. 4. Valentine Manahan is a physician and is in practice, and resides at Enfield. After graduating at the Jefferson Medical College he practised first in Antrim, then at Springfield, and subsequently located where he now is. He m. Abby E., dau. of Hon. Reuben Porter. She d. young, and Dr. Manahan has never remarried. GENFALOGY. 709 5. Abby Manahan m. Benaiah Fitts ; has had 3 sons and 2 daugh- ¦ters. Residence, Worcester, Mass. 6. Newton Manahan lived on the farm in New London, where his parents located. He d. May 7, 1888. He m. Hepsibette Thompson, of New London. Children, — (1) Helen, m. George P. Sholes, of New London, and they have one .son. (2) Cora, m. Eugene Derby, of New London ; no children. (3) Lottie, m. Warren Lewis of Boston ; 1 son. 7. Frances Manahan m. T. Newell Turner, of Worcester, Mass., where they reside. They have one son, Wallace M., educated at Har vard CoUege. 8. William H. Manahan m. Fannie H. Chafiin, of Holden, Mass. Residence, HUlsborough. Children, — (1) Josie E. (2) F. Gertrude. (3) WUliam H. ni. Samuel Felch m. Sarah Scales about 1828. She d. within a year, and he m. Nov., 1829, Hannah Phelps, b. Dec. 8, 1806, at New Boston. He d. May 15, 1843. Children, — 1. Sarah Jane, b. March 9, 1831. 2. Eliza Ann, b. Dec. 8, 1832. 3. Samuel Sylvester, b. July 25, 1834 ; d. May 23, 1889. 4. Elvira, b. Jan. 14, 1837 ; d. May 3, 1852. 1. Sarah Jane Felch m. July 4, 1855, John E. Baker, of Newbury, who d. Oct. 26, 1857, at Newbury. She was a superior school teacher many years. 2. Eliza Ann Felch m. Oct. 2, 1850, Charles Wyman, of Woburn, Mass. Children, — (1) Emma Florence, b. Nov. 1, 1852, at Sutton ; m. Aug. 11, 1886, WiUis H. Abbott, of Wilton. (2) Addie L., b. Sept. 25, 1854, at Francestown; d. Jan. 11, 1877, at Mont Vernon. (3) Frank KimbaU, b. Nov. 18, 1856, at Sutton. (4) John Frederic, b. May 6, 1859, at Francestown. 3. Samuel Sylvester Felch m. Jan., 1861, Lydia J. Whittier, of New London, who d. Dec. 18, 1872. ChUd,— (1) Cora Gertrude, b. May 12, 1864 ; d. Sept. 29, 1885 : m. June 1, 1884, H. Roscoe Chadwick, then of WUmot. Samuel Sylvester Felch m., 2d, Feb., 1879, Abbie M. Littlehale, dau. ¦of Henry P. and Harriet (TUton) Littlehale, b. Jan. 2, 1851; d. Sept. 25, 1885. John Boyd, a resident in the above family 23 years, d. May 10, 1882. He was a native of Ireland and was much esteemed and kindly cared ¦ for by the family. The beautiful collection of stuffed birds at their liouse, which has delighted so many visitors, was the result of his skill .and taste. 710 HISTORY OF SUTTON. S. Sylvester Felch was a man of the highest character, and possessed! many of the finest qualities that ever fall to the lot of any person- Conscientious, generous, and hospitable in his home, a kind neighbor and a capable citizen, his death in the midst of his years of usefulness. was considered a great calamity, not only by his bereaved relatives, but also by the public generally. V. Stephen Felch m. 1836, Lucinda Phelps, dau. of Jonathan. No children living. Their dau. Cornelia, as recorded on her grave stone, d. Aug. 10, 1840, aged 4 years. FELLOWS. Jesse FeUows, b. 1767 ; d. 1841 : m. Dolly BlaisdeU, b. 1769 ; d. 1865. He moved from Hopkinton to Sutton. March, 1790. ChUdren,— I. Jonathan, b. March 20, 1789. IL Isaac, b. May 17, 1791. III. Mary, b. Jan.. 8, 1794 ; d. 1872, in Wihnot. IV. Daniel, b. Sept. 29, 1796 ; d. 1881. V. Jesse, b. July 29, 1799 ; d. July, 1803. VI. Dorothy, b.. Jan. 28, 1803 ; d. in Vermont. VII. Ira, b. Dec. 11, 1805 ; d. 1865, in Newbury. VIII. Belinda, b. Dec. 7, 1807. IX. Harrison, b. Feb. 15, 1814 ; d. 1870. X. One d. in infancy. I. Jonathan Fellows m. Dec. 30, 1810, Mary King. ChUdren, — 1. Sarah. 2. Ednah. 3. Jonathan. 4. Mary. 5. Dolly. 6. Char lotte. 7. John. 8. Almira. 9. Lucy. Jonathan Fellows moved to New York, and thence to Illinois,, where he died. 1. Sarah Fellows m. WUliam Caldwell. Children,. — (1) Ednah, m. David MUler.. (2) Jonathan, m. Jerusha Crumb.. (3) Mary, m. Myron Strong. (4) Dolly, m. Milo Strong.. (5) Charlotte, m. Marvin Strong. (6) John, m. unkno-wn. (7) Almira, m. Isaac Hayes. (8) Lucy, m. Darwin Strong. II. Isaac FeUows m. about 1814 Ruth Bean, dau. of SamueL and Dorothy (Wells), Bean, b. Sept. 23, 1790. ChUd,— 1. Freeman, b. July. 2, 1815. GENEALOGY. 711 Mrs. FeUows d. Nov. 13, 1817, and her husband m., 2d, AprU 23, 1820, Hannah Wright, of Sutton, dau. of John and MoUy (Chadwick) Wright. ChUdren, b. in Sutton,— 2. John W., b. Oct. 31, 1820 ; d. July, 1884. 3. Melissa, b. Aug. 12, 1821. 4. Molly, b. Jan. 16, 1823. 5. George, b. March 5, 1825 ; d. Feb. 22, 1882, in Sutton. 6. Andrew J., b. Sept. 1, 1828. Mrs. Hannah (Wright) FeUows d. Nov. 15, 1855. 1. Freeman Fellows m. Catharine Morey, and had one son, — (1) WiUiam B., m. Feb. 11, 1863, EUen Towle. ChUdren,— Anna ; Willie ; Jennie ; Ina. 5. George Fellows m. Oct. 5, 1853, Harriet W. Bean, of Sutton, dau. of William and Sarah (Dearborn) Bean. Child, — (1) George Walter, b. Dec. 10, 1854; d. March 10, 1864. 6. Andrew J. Fellows m. Augusta WUey, of Sutton. ChUdren,— (1) Carrie, m. Frank Woodward ; has one child, Mabel L. (2) Frank B. (3) Leonette, m. George J. Messer. in. Mary (or Molly) FeUows m. June 18, 1815, John M. WUl iams. [For descendants see WUUams.j IV. Daniel FeUows m. Lydia Agur of Henniker, and moved to Bradford, and thence to Orange, where he d., aged 85. ChUdren, — 1. Jesse, d. in infancy. 2. Lucinda. 3. Dolly. 4. Lydia A. 5. Mary Ann. 6. Susan. 7. Daniel. 8. AbigaU. 2. Lucinda FeUows m. John CheUis, of Orange, where she d. July, 1860. ChUdren,— (1) Dolly C. (2) Freeman. (3) Daniel. (4) Mary Ann. (6) An thony. (6) Lydia. (7) Abby. (1) DoUy C. CheUis m. WiUiam CheUis. Children,— WUliam H. ; Sumner ; Herman. Mrs. CheUis m., 2d, Joseph True, and had 2 children, Fred and Free man. (3) Daniel CheUis was in service in the late war, and was killed on the battlefield. 5. Mary Ann Fellows m. Eliphalet G. Smith, of Wilmot, a carpen ter. They moved to Lawrence, Mass., and she there died in 1852, aged 26. ChUdren,— (1) Isadora. (2) Edwina. (1) Isadora Smith m. Henry Brock. Children, — Daniel ; Blanche ; Elmer ; Dora. 712 HISTORY OF SUTTON. 6. Susan FeUows m. Cyrus Whittier, of Sutton. Resides in Wiscon sin. Children, — (1) Eldora. (2) Frank. (3) Mary. 7. Daniel Fellows m. Henrietta Powell. He is a farmer in Wiscon sin. ChUdren, — (1) Hattie. (2) Mary. (3) Sarah. 8. Abigail FeUows lives on the old homestead in Orange. Mary A. Fellows, a granddaughter of Daniel Fellows, Sr., m. John TrumbuU ; has one son, John. VI. Dorothy Fellows m. Nov. 4, 1827, Ira Herrick, and moved to Vermont, where she died. Children, — 1. Mary Jane. 2. John. 3. Lucy. 4. Lucretia. 5. Charles. 1. Mary Jane Herrick m. Calvin Campbell, and after her death her sister Lucy became his 2d wife. Residence, Hyde Park, Vt. ChU dren, — (1) Cora L. (2) John. (3) Flora A. (4) Charles H. (5) Ai-thur E. (6) Everett H. (7) Oscar N. (8) Herman L. 2. John Herrick m. EUen B. Wrisley. Children, — (1) Addie J. (2) Ira A. 4. Lucretia Herrick m. Ambrose Collins. Children, — (1) Bertha L. (2) Adolphus B. (3) Elbridge B. (4) Mabel S. (5) Lulu L. (6) Delta A. (7 and 8 twins) Lela and Lida. 5. Charles Herrick m. Verola Reed. Children, — (1) DeUa E. (2) Guy A. (3) Almira L. (4) Bernard L. (5) Josie L. (6) John L. (7) Bertha L. (8) Grafton D. VII. Ira FeUows m. Jane Cunningham. ChUdren, — 1 . Mary Jane. 2. Minerva. 3. David. 4. Henry. 1. Mary Jane Fellows m. Timothy B. Lewis. Child, — (1) Arthur W. 2. Minerva Fellows m. Samuel Emery, of Suncook. Children, — (1) NeUie. (2) Mark. 3. David Fellows enlisted in the 11th N. H. regiment, went iiito the battle of Fredericksburg, and never was heard from afterwards. 4. Henry FeUows m. Clara Bingham. ChUdren, — (1) WiUie. (2) Edwin H. VIII. Belinda FeUows m. July 26, 1827, John Wright, of Sut ton. Children, — 1. Jason D., b. Jan., 1830 ; d. Sept., 1848. 2. John, b. Sept. 30, 1833 ; d. Sept. 13, 1883. GENEALOGY. 713 3. Ed-win, b. Feb. 1, 1835. 4. Lavina. 6. Adelaide. 6. James I. 7. Jesse F., b. Jan., 1848 ; d. young. 8. Belinda F., b. Feb., 1851. 2. John Wright m. 1870, Mary A. Blake, of Sutton, dau. of Jesse O. P. and Fanny (Simons) Blake. ChUdren, b. in Sutton,— (1) EsteUa Agnes, b. Feb. 10, 1872. |(2) Sidney, b. 1875 ; d. in infancy. '(3) CaroUne, b. 1878. (4) Bertha Adelaide, b. 1880 ; d. 1885. (1) EsteUa Agnes Wright m. WUliam Annis, of Warner. They bave one son. Residence, Concord. 3. Edwin Wright m. Aug. 30, 1862, Helen Persis Keeler, of Malone, N. Y., b. AprU 26, 1841, dau. of Ira and Lydia (Amsden) Keeler. Chil dren, b. in Sutton, — (1) WUbert E., b. June 22, 1863. (2) Fred A., b. Sept. 30, 1865 ; m. Nov. 5, 1888, Winnie A. Barker. [See RusseU.] (3) Jason K., b. Jan. 21, 1873 ; d. Sept. 17, 1886. Mrs. Helen P. (Keeler) Wright d. Aug. 2, 1889, in Sutton. 4. Lavina Wright m. Nelson Gove, of Weare, where they now re side. No children. 5. Adelaide Wright, m. Milton Kimball, of Maine. Residence, Henniker. Child, — (1) Carrie M., b. Dec. 10, 1872, in Sutton. '6. James Wright m. . Residence on the homestead in Sutton. ¦8. Belinda F. Wright m. Eugene M. Cummings. [See Peaslee.] IX. Harrison FeUows m. May 31, 1840, Julia Ann Presby, of Bradford, and lived upon the old homestead of Jesse Fellows. Chil dren, — 1. Harriette. 2. Catharine, b. 1845 ; d. 1865. 3. Mary G. 4. Harrison Augustine, b. 1851 ; d. 1874. 5. Phebe M., b. 1859 ; d. 1876. 1. Harriette Fellows m. James D. Prescott. Children, — <1) Fred O, (2) George B., d. (3) Mabel H. 3, Mary G. Fellows m. Austin Morgan. Children, — (1) Lucy A. (2) George G. (3) Walter H. (4) Charles A. (5) Elizabeth E. 5. Phebe M. Fellows m. Frank Sargent. 714 HISTORY OF SUTTON. The Fellows farm, having been owned by Jesse Fellows and his descendants more than three fourths of a century, passed out of their possession in 1875. When Jesse Fellows moved to this town he had with him his wife and one child, and the family, with their household goods, travelled on an ox-sled drawn by ten yoke of oxen. They completed the journey in three days, stopping the first night in Warner, and the second night at the farm now owned by John Pressey. Mr. Fellows had bought a hundred acres of wUd land, on which he had, in the previous autumn, erected a rude log house, where they lived seven years, at the end of which time they moved into a small frame house. Mrs. Fellows lived to be almost a centenarian, within three and one half years of it, and yet retained her mental faculties to a surprising degree. Even up to six weeks be fore her death she was able to relate incidents of early years, including her recollections of the dark day, at which time she was ten years old. She became totally blind twenty years before she died. She was b. in Amesbury, Mass., and is supposed to have been sister to Hezekiah Blaisdell, who m. Anna Sargent, and moved to Sutton. Her father was Jonathan Blaisdell, who, as a gunsmith, was in the battle of Bunker Hill, and died on the way home from the fight. Several of the name and family of Blais dell have been noticeable for longevity. FERRY. Francis E. Ferry, of Hyde Park, Vt., m. Aug., 1881, (2d wife) Alice E. Shattuck, of Pittsfield, dau. of Elder Calvin S. and Phila (Grey) Shattuck. ChUd,— I. PhUa Gertrude, b. in Sutton, Oct. 31, 1884. Mr. Ferry has resided part of the time since his last mar riage in Sutton. He is partial o-wner, and has had charge, of the saw-mill on the road from South Sutton to Roby's Corner. GENFALOGY. 715 FERRIN. Levi Ferrin was, for several years before and after 1870, in trade at the North Village, where he and his famUy were much respected. He sold out and removed to He bron. Children, — I. Frank. IL Emma. FISHER. Asa Fisher, b. Oct. 1, 1798 ; d. Feb. 28, 1846 : m. June 16, 1821, Mary Gage, b. Sept. 21, 1798; d. March 24, 1866. They removed from Francestown to Sutton in 1825, locating on the Moses HiUs farm. Children, — I. Phineas G., b. March 31, 1827 ; residence, MUford- II. David M., b. Dec. 3, 1829 ; residence, Sutton. ni. George W., b. AprU 16, 1831; d. Oct. 19, 1852. rV. Thomas J., b. Jan. 4, 1833 ; residence. Gibbon, Neb. V. Joel H., b. Oct. 28, 1835 ; residence, MUford. VI. Freeman A., b. AprU 8, 1838 ; residence, Minneapolis, Minn. vn. Franklin W., b. July 16, 1844 ; d. June 16, 1860. I. Phineas G. Fisher m. Caroline M. Dickinson. ChUdren, — 1. Edwin C, b. June 22, 1852. 2. Willie G., b. Aug. 15, 1853. 3. Herbert S., b. Aug. 27, 1855. 4. Asa J., b. Sept. 5, 1861 ; m. July 24, 1887, Vinnie Towne. 5. Clara E., b. July 3, 1864. 1. Ed-win C. Fisher m. Nov. 8, 1876, Anna Young. Child,-— (1) Mabel, b. Jan. 5, 1881. 2. WiUie G. Fisher m. Feb. 4, 1880, Emma Lear. ChUdren,— (1) Ora G., b. Oct. 6, 1881. (2) Clarence E., b. Feb., 1886. 5. Clara E. Fisher m. Feb. 19, 1884, Fiber R. Cutts. Child,— (1) Edwin F., b. Sept. 5, 1886. II. David M. Fisher m. Sept. 20, 1841, Lois S. Nelson. ChU dren, — 716 HISTORY OF SUTTON. 1. EUa v., b. Jan. 24, 1850. 2. George F., b. Jan. 13, 1855. 3. Oren C, b. Jan. 16, 1867. 4. Frank J., b. AprU 3, 1859. 5. Fred W., b. AprU 16, 1864. 1. EUa V. Fisher m. Feb. 28, 1880, Frank E. HemphiU. ChUd,— <1) Persis M., b. Sept. 9, 1882. 3. Oren C. Fisher m. Oct. 13, 1881, Lydia H. FUnt. ChUdren,— (1) Charles M., b. Oct. 27, 1882. (2) Irvmg R., b. March 13, 1887. IV. Thomas J. Fisher m. Jan. 29, 1856, Amanda A. George. V. Joel H. Fisher m. March 4, 1857, Angeline C. Spaulding. 'ChUdren, — 1. Cora B., b. Aug. 7, 1860. 2. Emma G., b. March 9, 1868. 1. Cora B. Fisher m. Aug. 7, 1885, George Holbrook. ChUd,— (1) Bertha M., b. Oct. 8, 1886. VI. Freeman A. Fisher m. Feb. 29, 1860, Marion Orvis. Chil dren, — 1. Elmer E., b. Dec. 11, 1862 ; m. Jan. 3, 1884, Carrie B. Whittier. 2. Frank O., b. AprU 14, 1864. 3. Marion L., b, Oct. 15, 1866. FIFIELD. Jonathan Fifield, b. in Salisbury, April 28, 1784; d. AprU 16, 1846 : m. March 17, 1806, Hannah Thompson, dau. of Benjamin and Abigail (Hazeltine) Thompson, of Salisbury, b. Jan. 22, 1789 ; d. Aug. 10, 1874. They moved to Sutton when they were young, and there spent the rest of their lives. Mr. Fifield was a blacksmith, a worthy, industrious man. Children, — I. Benjamin, b. Sept. 4, 1806 ; d. June 23, 1885. II. Sally, b. Feb. 8, 1808 ; d. June 3, 1888. III. Phebe, b. Aug. 6, 1809 ; d. May 24, 1846. IV. AbigaU, b. Dec. 26, 1811 ; d. Oct. 8, 1813. V. Hannah, b. July 1, 1813 ; d. AprU 28, 1887 : m. GUman 'Greeley. [See Greeley.] VI. AbigaU, b. AprU 8, 1815. VII. Louisa, b. Oct. 9, 1817. GENEALOGY. 71T Vni. Albert, b. July 29, 1819 ; d. Sept. 19, 1819. IX. Shuah, b. Sept. 28, 1820. X. Susan, b. AprU 7, 1823. XL Margaret H., b. Feb. 21, 1827 ; d. Feb. 20, 1887. XII. Jonathan, b. March 17, 1829 ; d. May 16, 1829. XIII. James J., b. Aug. 8, 1831. XIV. CaroUne, b. July 4, 1834 ; d. Feb. 2, 1872. I. Benjamin Fifield was a very ingenious blacksmith and ma chinist, and for several years held a responsible position in the machine shops in Exeter, where he was married and had children, none of whom lived much beyond infancy. Later he returned to Sutton, and there spent the remainder of his Ufe. He was among the last survivors of the Sutton men who were members of King Solomon's Lodge. XIII. James J. is a machinist and salesman. Residence, Chel sea ; m. EmUy Brown, and has had several chUdren, among them Charles and dau. Belle. II. Sarah or SaUy Fifield m. William Norcross and had several children, of whom only one, George, is living. Two sons lost their lives in the civU war. This famUy resided in Maiden. VI. AbigaU Fifield m. Oct. 27, 1833, Oren Silver, of Newport, and removed to Cass Co., Mich., where she had a family. VI. Louisa Fifield m. Joseph Crummet and had a family ; has resided mostly in Concord. Mr. Crummet was in the war. IX. Shuah m. Moses H. Colby, son of Enoch and Sarah (Har vey) Colby, b. Aug. 16, 1817. They removed to Michigan. X. Susan, m. Jan. 19, 1843, Hiram B. Judkins. They had one child, a daughter, who d. in chUdhood. FOWLER. Benjamin Fowler, b. probably in Hopkinton, Jan. 20, 1767 ; m. Sarah Stevens, b. June 16, 1766. Children, — I. Lucinda, b. AprU 20, 1790. II. Micajah, b. March 5, 1792. III. Levi, b. Nov. 20, 1793. IV. Lydia H., b. Jan. 14, 1796. V. MatUda, b. AprU 2, 1798 ; m. Samuel Andrews. 718 HISTORY OF SUTTON. VI. Salome, b. Oct. 19, 1800 ; m. Frederick HiUs, son of Moses HiUs, Esq. VII. PameUa, b. Jan. 5, 1804 ; m. Whittier. VIII. Amanda, b. June 2, 1805 ; m. . IX. Adna, b. AprU 17, 1809 ; d. in chUdhood. I. Lucinda Fowler m. 1807, John Kimball, of Hopkinton. Chil dren, — 1. Ruth H., b. Dec. 9, 1807. 2. Benjamin F., b. Sept., 1809. 3. Ozro, b. Sept. 7, 1811. [See " Deaf and Dumb."] 4. Alfred A., b. July 31, 1819. 5. Sarah E., b. AprU 20, 1822. 6. Joseph, b. May, 1813. 7. Gilbert, b. May, 1815. II. Micajah Fowler m. Achsah Dow, of New London. ChU- 'dren, — 1. Andrew. 2. Adna S. 3. Cyrus A. 1. Andrew J. Fowler went to New Orleans, where he m. and has a family. 2. Adna S. Fowler, b. June 13, 1826 ; d. Dec. 19, 1766 : m. Lucina H., dau. of Samuel Shepherd, of New London. Children, — (1) Fred. (2) Alma E. (3) Mary E. ; d. in childhood. 3. Cyrus A. Fowler m. Dec. 6, 1858, Amanda M. Pressey, dau. of William and Polly (Phelps) Pressy. Has two children living. Resi dence, Lawrence, Mass. [See Pressey.] III. Levi Fowler, b. Nov. 20, 1793 ; d. Sept. 18, 1860 : m. Dec. 30, 1817, Harriet, dau. of Jesse Shepherd, of New London. She d. June 21, 1863. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Hannah S., b. Nov. 12, 1818 ; d. young. 2. George S., b. May 20, 1820. 3. Charles A., b. Jan. 15, 1823. 4. James Wesley, b. Nov. 9, 1826 ; d. 1857. 5. Infant daughter, b. Nov. 9, 1828 ; d. Dec. 10, 1828. 6. Marietta R., b. Sept. 8, 1836. 7. Harriet A., b. Sept. 26, 1839. 8. Ann Elizabeth, b. Jan. 17, 1843 ; d. 1845. 2. George S. Fowler m. Maria Hildreth, of Henniker. Child, — (1) Hattie, m. Jones, of Wilton. 3. Charles A. Fowler m. Catharine, dau. of Benjamin W. Harvey, b. .Jan. 23, 1823 ; d. 1872. Children,— (1) Mary Esther, b. 1850 ; d. 1872. (2) Katie, m. Job Cross, of New London. (3) Charles L., m. Maria Coburn, of Sutton. Residence, Scytheville, J^ew London. GENEALOGY. 719 Charles A. Fowler m., 2d, Mrs. Eliza L. Hart, dau. of William and Patty (Teel) Nelson, and widow of W. Henry Hart. 6. Marietta R. Fowler m. Charles Holmes, of Georgetown, Mass. They have two sons and two daughters. 7. Harriet A. Fowler m. WiUiam W. French, of Enfield. Their oldest son, Sherman B., m. and lives at North Enfield. IV. Lydia H. Fowler m. July 11, 1820, Nathaniel Curtis, of Hopkinton, and resided there many years. Children, — 1. Mary Ann P. 2. Walter. 3. Henry Martin. 4. Margaret Eliza beth. 1. Mary Ann Curtis m. Mr. Mixter, in LoweU (his 2d -wife), and later lived in Boston. She was, with her family, on board the steamer " City of Havre " when it collided with another vessel in the English Channel and went down with nearly aU on board, and supposed to be among the lost. 2. Walter Curtis became a physician. Benjamin Fowler came to Sutton from Hopkinton about 1790. He was a land owner in 1792, and perhaps earlier. His farm, which he probably cleared up himself, was well stocked and productive, being the place afterwards owned and occupied by Jeremiah Hazen and his descendants. Mr. Fowler was chosen deacon of the present Calvinistic Baptist church on its formation in 1803, but he had held the same position at least ten years before in the early church of 1782. He was a man of fine personal appearance, gen tlemanly and dignified in manner, and always maintained a high character. He had a large family, his children being finfely developed mentally and physically. Most, if not all of his daughters became school teachers. He removed from Suttqn to Orange in 1823, soon after the great tor nado, -which demolished his barn and greatly damaged his large, commodious house. He exchanged farms with Jere miah Hazen who, at that time, came to Sutton. Capt. Levi Fowler spent most of his life in Sutton, and died there at the age of 66. He was a man of keen intel lect, and possessed many noble qualities. He was one of the men drafted from this town to serve in the war of 1812, and received therefor a bounty of a land grant. Charles A. Fowler is the only one of his children resi- 720 HISTORY OF SUTTON. dent in this town, which he has repeatedly served in vari ous positions of trust and responsibUity, as the records show. He is a veteran school-teacher, and is well qualified by nature and education to fill almost any position he might aspire to. The following, concerning the probable ancestor of the Sutton Fowlers, is copied from Amesbury town records : " Jeremiah Fowler of Amesbury, and Rebekah Colby, daughter to Isaac Colby, of Rowley, were married together, Jan. ye 6th,, 1706, by Mr. Thomas Wells, minister in Amesbury." " Jeremiah Fowler died Feb. 3, 1754. Rebekah, his wife, died Oct. 13, 1753." FRENCH. Greene French, of Hopkinton, purchased a three hundred acre lot in the east .part of Sutton in 1798, and divided the same between his two sons, Oliver and Greene, " in consid eration of love and good will," and they probably settled there the same year. Cyrus French now lives on the part deeded to his grand father Oliver. Oliver French, b. 1769 ; d. March 24, 1812 : m. Aug. 30,. 1792, Martha Hadley, b. 1768, in Weare ; d. Dec. 15, 1848. She m., 2d, 1838, Robert Dickey. She was a cousin to the- wife of Dea. Matthew Harvey. Children, — I. Greene, b. June 24, 1793. II. SaUy, b. Nov. 16, 1794 ; m. Nehemiah Knight. III. Martha, b. Jan. 31, 1796. rV. John, b. Sept. 13, 1797. V. Laura, b. Oct. 16, 1800 ; burned to death Aug. 13, 1834. VI. Cyrus, b. July 20, 1802. VII. Matthew Harvey, b. July 20, 1802. VIII. AbigaU, b. Sept. 30, 1804. IX. Mary (Polly), b. June 28, 1806 ; m. Asa Knight. X. Eliza, b. Nov. 30, 1808. XI. Mercy, b. Jan. 31, 1812. GENEALOGY. 721 I. Greene French m. Sept. 15, 1815, Betsey Temple. III. Martha French m. Henry Saunders. ChUdren, — 1. Sarah, m. Charles Graves. Children, — (1) Harry. (2) Mattie. 2. Abby, m. Wing. 3. .Martha, m. Rev. George W. Norris. IV. John French m. Brown; he m., 2d, Jane Flanders. Children, — 1. Oliver. 2. Joseph. 3. Cyrus. 4. John. 5. Harvey. 6. Betsey. 7. Brewster. 8. Sarah. 9. Clara Belle. VI. Lieut. Cyrus French m. PoUy, dau. of Israel Andrew, b. 1806. Child,— 1. Cyrus, m. Oct. 21, 1852, Almira J. Towle. [See Towle.] Lieut. Cyrus French d. Dec. 31, 1831. His wife d. Oct. 5. 1841. VII. Matthew H. French m. Sept. 8, 1824, Hannah N., dau. of Ensign Jacob Bean. Children, — 1. Susan, b. Aug. 5, 1825. 2. Martha, b. Aug. 12, 1827. 3. Oliver, b. May 1, 1829. Vin. AbigaU French m. Colby. ChUdren, — 1. Harvey. 2. Lucy. 3. Eben. 4. Cyrus. 5. Sarah. She m., 2d, BusweU; m., 3d, Heyward. The chil dren are all by the 1st husband. X. Eliza French m. James Barney. Children, — 1. James. 2. Eliza. 3. Jacob. 4. Samuel. 5. Nancy. 6. Melvin. 7. Hira. 8. Emily. 9. Charles. 1, James, and 2, Eliza, d. Sept. 1, 1837. [See " Casualties."] XL Mercy French m. Samuel Martin. ChUdren, — 1. Eunice. 2. Candace. 3. Alfred. 4. Carlo. Greene French was. b. about 1771 ; d. Jan., 1843 ; m. Molly Page, of New Loudon. Children, — I. Mary, b. June 7, 1793 ; d. 1886. II. Charles, b. Aug. 15, 1795 ; d. Sept. 5, 1859. III. Hannah, m. Benjamin B. Andrew. IV. Lydia. 46 722 HISTORY OF SUTTON. I. Mary French m. Knowlton. ChUd, — 1. Emmeline, m. Sylvander French. She m., 2d, Hartford. Children,— 2. Lydia. 3. Sophronia. 2. Lydia Hartford m. June 27, 1844, John Stinson. Children,— (1) Edwin. (2) Ellen, m. Royse. (3) Robert. (4) Sophronia, m. WUson. 3. Sophronia Hartford m. Conant. Children,— (1) Emma, m. Appleton. (2) Daughter, m. Jocelyn. II. Charles French m. Clarissa Smith, sister to Bart Smith, Esq., of Bradford. ChUdren, — 1. Clarissa, an invalid from her birth ; d. young. 2. George S., b. Dec. 23, 1829. 3. Sarah S., b. AprU 21, 1834. 4. Mary C, b. Feb. 1, 1837 ; m. Edward B. Moody. 2. George S. French m., about 1866, Mary Ann Felch, who d. 1878. He m , 2d, Flora M. Crane. Children, — (1) Charles G., b. May 11, 1885. (2) Clara R., b. Sept. 28, 1886. (3) George, b. March 15, 1888. 3. Sarah S. French m. Josiah Rowe. Children, — (1) Mary J. (2) Jennie. (3) Charles. (4) George. (6) Clara. III. Hannah French m. Benjamin B. Andrew, son of Samuel, 2d. ChUdren, — 1. George. 2. Martha, m. Byers. 3. Mary, m. Cochrane. Greene French is described as a man of much practical energy and capability, of good judgment and stern moral rectitude, with a good degree of mental cultivation. He was a Royal Arch Chapter Mason, a prominent brother. He was a wealthy man. His principal residence was New London, though he lived sometimes in Sutton, owning land in both towns. Capt. Oliver French, brother of Greene, was an active, capable man, and he also accumulated a good property. He was captain of militia, and, being possessed of more than an GENEALOGY. 723 ordinary share of personal beauty, was said to make a fine appearance as an officer. Benjamin B. French came to Sutton about 1824 with his wife, who was daugh ter of Chief-Justice Richardson. He was the first lawyer who ever opened an office in Sutton, and was also the first post-master in the North Village. He was much identified with King Solomon's Lodge of Masons, and while here received the three first degrees in Free Masonry, thus tak ing the initiatory steps in our obscure town, and finished by receiving in Washington City the highest honors in the Grand Lodge of the United States. He removed from Sutton to Newport, and there conducted the Spectator for some time. Since then he has " made his mark " as poet, politician, and in various high positions of public trust in Washington, D. C. He has filled the offices of chief clerk of the U. S. House of Representatives, commissioner of public buildings, and mayor of the city. GAGE. Converse Gage, son of Phineas and Phebe (Eaton) Gage, of Enfield, b. in Enfield, June 18, 1817 ; d. in Sutton AprU 20, 1882 : m. Nov. 17, 1844, Cerlania CarroU, dau. of John P. and Rachel (Powers) Carroll, of Croydon. Children, — I. Susan E., b. Dec. 13, 1847 ; m. Charles W. Purmort, of En field. ChUdren, — 1. Frank M. 2. Herbert C. 3. George C, d. 4. Mabel M. II. George, d. in infancy. III. George W., b. Dec. 12, 1853. He resides on his father's estate. Mr. Gage was much respected as a neighbor and citizen, and being a man of a cheerful, genial disposition, made many friends in this town, which he represented two years in the legislature, and was selectman nine years. In poli tics he was a Republican, in religious belief, a Universalist. 724 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Mrs. Susan Williams, who became so widely known in Sutton through her gen erous gifts to the soldiers who went to war from Sutton, was, for many years, a member of the family of Converse Gage, being an aunt of Mrs. Gage. To every man who went from this town to serve in the last war she made a present of five dollars, besides stockings and other needed articles, and to two orphan boys who died soon after they came home she gave ten dollars each, and one hundred dol lars "for the purpose of setting up grave-stones and fixing up their graves." She used all her influence to encourage the soldiers, and they, to show their, appreciation of her generous aid and sympathy, made her a present of a nice album containing all their portraits. This album she held sacred to the day of her death. Mrs. Williams was in many respects a most remarkable woman ; being the fortunate possessor of a strong mind in a strong body, she could do, and was in the daily habit of doing, an immense amount of physical labor. For many years she took care of twenty cows, and in that time spun and wove many hundred yards of cloth, and yet always found time to read the reports of the proceedings in congress, and, having a very retentive memory, was well posted back from her childhood, especially concerning the events of the war of 1812. As her niece said of her, in summing up her characteristics, " She loved her God and her country, and always stood by the flag." She died in Sutton, Aug. 8, 1880, being within a few months of 90 years of age. She was born in Croydon in 1791, being the oldest of the twenty-one children of Ezekiel Powers. Seventeen of these twenty-one were daughters, of whom fifteen lived to reach maturity. At the age of six teen she married John Williams, but never had any chil dren. GENEALOGY. 725 GILE. John Gile, supposed to have been borti in England about 1616, came to America in 1636, with his brother Samuel and sister Ann. John settled in Dedham, Mass., where he d. Oct. 4, 1682. He m. June 24, 1645, EUzabeth Crook, of Roxbury, who d. Aug. 31, 1669. Children,— I. Samuel. II. John. III. EUzabeth. Samuel Gile, brother to the first John, was the ancestor of the Sutton Giles. He was for a brief period in Dedham, but in 1640 he was one of the twelve men who settled Pen- tucket (Haverhill). He was made freeman by the general court in 1642. He m. Sept. 1, 1647, Judith Davis, dau. of James Davis, one of the original settlers, and an emigrant from Marlborough, Eng. Samuel Gile d. Feb. 21,1683. He had 7 children, of whom Ephraim, the 7th, b. March 21, 1661-2, m. Jan. 5, 1686, Martha Bradley. They had 9 chUdren, of whom Samuel, the 7th, b. Feb. 13, 1702-3, m. Sarah Emerson, probably dau. of Benjamin and Sarah (PhUbrook) Emerson. She was b. 1708 ; d. Sept. 10, 1804. They lived in Chester in 1723, and later in Haverhill, where he d. Dec. 1, 1775. They had 11 children, of whom Ephraim, the 2d chUd, b. May 1, 1730, m. March 19, 1753, Mary Simons. Samuel, the 5th child of Benjamin and Sarah (Emerson) Gile, m. Phebe Kezar, dau. of John Kezar, of Haverhill, and had 8 chUdren, of whom Elizabeth (Betsey), b. Oct. 2, 1778, is believed to be the Betsey Gile who m. Edmund Richardson, and removed to Sutton, where she d. Nov. 4, 1863, aged 84. Ephraim and Mary (Simons) Gile removed in 1770 to Sutton, where he d. 1820. Children, b. in Haverhill, — I. Mary, b. March 24, 1754 ; d. unmarried in New London about 1823. II. Sarah, b. Feb. 3, 1756 ; m. Paul Page in HaverhUl. ChUd,— 1. Amos, b. 1778. 726 HISTORY OF SUTTON. IIL Lydia, b. Aug. 6, 1758 ; d. in Sutton, Jan. 11, 1795 : m. Jacob Mastin. [See the same.] IV. Reuben, b. Dec. 24, 1760 ; d. in Sutton AprU 19, 1829 : m. Sarah Messer. V. David, b. AprU 29, 1763 ; d. in New London about 1803 : m. Phebe Mastin. rV. Reuben Gile m. April 14, 1783, Sarah Messer, dau. o£ Daniel Messer, of Sutton, b. 1764 ; d. 1851. ChUdren, b. in Sut ton, — 1. Levi, b. Oct. 22,-1786 ; d. May, 1872 : m. Asenath Fletcher. 2. Sarah, b. March 14, 1790; d. June 12, 1805. 3. Polly, b. Oct. 11, 1792; d. Aug. 21, 1824 : m. WiUiam LoweU. 4. Reuben, b. March 14, 1794 ; d. July 25, 1796. 5. Roxana, b. March 22, 1799 ; d. Sept. 27, 1881 : m. Daniel Mastin. [See the same.] . 6. Jane, b. Sept. 22, 1803 ; m. WiUiam LoweU. Reuben Gile lived in Sutton, and was an industrious and useful man, and much respected. He was a church member, as was also his wife. She had been at the time of her death a professor of re ligion more than fifty years. She was considered a very worthy and pious woman. 1. Captain Levi Gile resided on his father's estate, and there brought up his family. He m. 1808, Asenath Fletcher, of Springfield, b. 1787 ; d. Jan. 22, 1847. He m., 2d, Eliza Pervere. Children, b. in Sutton, — (1) Reuben, b. Oct. 6, 1809 ; d. Feb. 21, 1869, in Sharon, Vt. (2) Joel Fletcher, b. April 2, 1811 ; d. March 6, 1871, in Lyman : m. 1850, Caroline Beckwith, of Lempster. No children. (3) Mahaleth F., b. Feb. 6, 1813 ; d. Oct., 1859, in Springfield : m. 1843, Daniel S. Perley. (4) Anthony Sargent, b. Feb. 27, 1815. (6) PhUip Sargent Harvey, b. May 20, 1817. (6) Quartus Fletcher, b. Feb. 7, 1821 ; d. Jan. 31, 1848, in Spring field. (7) Orson Parker, b. Oct. 2, 1825; d. Dec. 5, 1847, in Lempster. (1) Reuben Gile m. Feb. 12, 1839, Malvina Williams, dau. of John and Molly (Fellows) WUliams, b. Feb. 12, 1818 ; d. Nov. 23, 1872, in Sharon, Vt. Children, — Alvira, b. Feb. 16, 1841 ; m. March 29, 1863, Robert Porter. 6 children b. in Hartford, Vt. Joel F., b. March 11, 1843. MariUa W., b. April 5, 1845. Perley D., b. Aug. 18, 1847, in Enfield; m. Aug. 23,1871, Augusta A. Nott. Reuben, b. June 5, 1849, in Enfield. Charles H., b. Dec. 6, 1854, in Enfield ; m. Dec. 6, 1880, Mrs. Mary A. Colman, of Manchester. GENEALOGY. 727 Frank, b. June 21, 1856, in Sharon, Vt. Maria, b. 1858, in Sharon, Vt.; d. June 20, 1859. (3) Mahaleth F. Gile m. 1843, Daniel S. Perley, of Springfield. Children, — Mary Ann, b. March 24, 1844 ; m. 1869, Woodbury Hutchins : d. in WUmot, 1875. One child, Guy. Asenath, b. 1847. (4) Anthony Sargent Gile m. Feb. 20, 1840, Mary Hull Brockway, in Lempster. Children, — a. Charles HuU, b. Nov. 19, 1842, in Lempster ; m. Sept. 10, 1867, Abby Eugenia Davis ; m., 2d, July 4, 1882, Catharine LoviUa Davis. Children by 1st wife, — Flora May, b. Oct. 29, 1869, at HiUsborough. Ada Matilda, b. June 26, 1873, at Lempster. Eva Myrtie, b. Feb. 25, 1876, at Lempster. b. George Levi, b. March 29, 1845, in Lempster; m. June 5, 1867, Mary Louisa Davis. Their children were, — Etta Luella, b. Feb. 10, 1870, in HiUsborough. Fred Sargent, b. May 22, 1872, in Hillsborough. George Levi Gile d. in Hillsborough, June 19, 1879, being killed by a falling tree. (5) Philip Sargent Harvey Gile m. Feb., 1841, SybU M. WUcox, of Newport. Children, — Josephine SybU, b. May, 1842, in Newport ; d. Feb. 3, 1849. Frances Elizabeth, b. Jan. 21, 1844, at Sunapee; d. Feb. 8, 1880, in Sutton : m. 1867, John W. Sanborn; m., 2d, 1877, Truman Putney, of Sutton. Prentiss Harvey, b. Aug. 19, 1845, in Claremont ; d. Feb. 23, 1849. Philip Sargent Harvey Gile m., 2d, Feb., 1852, Lucy Jane Messer, of Sutton, who d. Aug. 20, 1852. He m., 3d, May, 1863, Mary Rowena Dodge. ChUdren, — Alfrida M., b. March 6, 1854, in' Bennington ; d. March 13, 1862. Orison Levi, b. Oct. 22, 1856, in Bennington. Orison Levi Gile took a course of study at New Hampton Institution and at Bates College, Lewiston, Me., and at the Theological Seminary, at Lewiston. He was pastor of the Free Baptist church in Lewiston from 1883 to 1885, and since of Richmond village Free Will Baptist church. He m. Jan. 1, 1884, Linda E. Nelson, of Sutton, dau. of Frank and Lydia (Bailey) Nelson, who d. Jan. 25, 1886. He m., 2d, June 22, 1887, Sadie E. Libby, of Richmond, Me. 3. Polly S. Gile m. WiUiam LoweU. Children,- (1) Sally. (2) WiUiam. (3) Reuben. (4) Roxana. 728 HISTOEY OF SUTTON. 6. Jane Gile, sister to Polly S., m. May 30, 1826, William LoweU (his 2d wife). Child,— (5) Chestina. Mrs. Jane (GUe) Lowell m., 2d, StoweU, in Newport. V. David GUe m. AprU 10, 1788, Phebe Mastin, dau. of Benja min and Elizabeth (Chandler) Mastin. She was sister to Jacob Mastin, who m. Lydia GUe. After a few years they removed to New London, where they remained tiU his death, about 1803. ChUdren, — 1. Eliza, b. Jan. 21, 1789, in Sutton. 2. Benjamin, b. in New London, where he d., leaving one daughter, Delia. 3. Betsey, b. ; d. Oct. 20, 1870 : m. Feb. 4, 1812, Joshua Her rick, of Corinth, Me. ChUdren, — (1) David Gile. (2) Betsey MatUda. (3) Joshua Manning. (4) Charies. (5) Joseph Colby. (6) Rapsima B. (7) Nathan C. (8) Emily Ann. (9) Charlotte B. 4. David Simpson, b. Oct., 1794 ; m. Emily Gage. 5. James Manning. 6. Asa Mastin, b. March 29, 1801 ; m. Rebecca P. Sweet. 7. Rapsima. Abiah Gile, b. 1746, in Haverhill, dau. of Daniel Gile, who was son of Ephraim and Martha Bradley, m. Heath, of Sutton. Ephraim Gile, or Gruile., as his name is sometimes spelled, brother to Abiah, b. April 9, 1752, m. Lois Currier. He lived in Sanford, Me., in 1777, and later, for several years, in New London, and perhaps some in Sutton. His children were Zeriah, Daniel, Ruth, Theodata, Lois, and Mary. (This Ephraim Gile is not to be confounded with the Ephraim Gile who m. Mary Simons and became ancestor of the Sutton Giles. The two Ephraim Giles were cous ins.) Ebenezer Gile, named in the Sutton Proprietors' Book of Records as being at one period active in affairs connected with the settling of Perrystown, was uncle to Ephraim Gile. Ebenezer moved from HaverhUl to Hampstead in 1740, thence to Henniker in 1765, thence to Hopkinton, where he d. about 1776. He m., in Haverhill, June 6, 1731, Lydia Johnson. She d. in Enfield. GENEALOGY. 729 Ephraim Gile, the early settler in Sutton, was a liberal, benevolent man, and became a useful and prominent citi zen. Previous to incorporation he was for several years — 1779-1783 — ^town-clerk, and to his records, carefully pre served by his descendants, we are indebted for all the knowledge we have of the town-meeting proceedings in those early years. It is by their help we are able to carry back the list of town officers chosen to the very earliest attempt at organization. Those ancient records are now so faded by time that they are no longer entirely legible, but some two and twenty years ago the present writer was so fortunate as to be able to make out the whole, though with some effort and careful study. The first wife of Ephraim Gile was the mother of his children. He m., 2d, the widow of Ebenezer Kezar, who was also Mr. Kezar's 2d wife, and not the mother of his children. He m., 3d, Mrs. Rebecca D. Eaton, who sur vived him, dying in 1827, aged 82. She was the mother of John, Elijah, and Nathaniel Eaton. GREELEY. Andrew Greeley, the immigrant ancestor of the Sutton Greeleys, came to this . country previous to 1640. He was an original proprietor of Salisbury, Mass. In 1669, and perhaps before that time, he was an inhabitant of Haver hill, where he d. June 30, 1697. He married Mary . Children, — A. Philip, b. Sept. 21, 1644. B. Andrew, b. Dec. 10, 1646. C. Mary, b. July 16, 1649. D. Joseph, b. Feb. 5, 1652. JE. Benjamin, b. Dec. 9, 1654. A. Philip m. Feb. 17, 1670, Hannah, dau. of John lUsley, or Ins-^ ley, whence the name of Insley Greeley, occasionaUy, among their descendants. It is believed that the WUmot Greeleys are descend ants of PhUip Greeley, the oldest son of Andrew. The Sutton 730 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Greeleys are descendants of Joseph, second son of the same Andrew, and their pedigree line runs thus, — D. Joseph, b. in Salisbury, Mass., Feb. 5, 1652 ; m. Martha Cor liss. Son, — Benjamin, b. in HaverhiU, Mass., Feb. 28, 1699; m. Ruth Whittier. Son, — Joseph, b. in HaverhiU, Feb. 18, 1730 ; m. Prudence Clement. Son, — Joseph, b. in HaverhiU, Sept. 30, 1762 ; m. Dorothy Sargent. The pedigree of Prudence Clement, as obtained from J. W. Clement, of Warner, is as follows : Robert, b. in England, 1590 ; settled in HaverhiU, Mass., 1642 ; 6ch. Robert (2d) b. in England, 1624, came to this country with his father, and m. Dec. 8, 1652, EUzabeth, dau. of John Fane. He settled in Haverhill ; 11 ch. Fane (3d) b. March 2, 1662, in HaverhiU ; m. Sarah Hoyt, of Amesbury, and settled in Newburyport. He was a ship carpenter ; 3ch. Jonathan (4th) b. .Jan. 11, 1695 ; m. Nov. 30, 1721, Mary Green- leaf, of Newburyport. They settled in West Amesbury and had 5 chUdren, of whom Prudence, 4th child, was born 1730. Joseph Greeley, 4th, and his wife, Prudence Clement^ had also sons, Reuben and Moses, who settled in Hudson, Jonathan, who settled in New London, and Stephen and Clement, m. and settled in Haverhill. Dea. Jonathan Greeley m. Polly Shepherd, of New Lon don, where they had several children, and where they both died, and where also they were much esteemed. Their son James, a remarkable scholar, and very promising in other respects, died in young manhood. Their dau. Susan m. Walter P. Flanders, Esq., and with him removed West. They have reared a family. Another dau. of Dea. Jonathan Greeley m. Samuel Carr, and had a family. They resided many years in New Lon don, but none of them are now living there. One dau. m. Col. Benjamin P. Burpee, and for some years lived in Sut ton. Joseph Greeley, 5th, m. in Amesbury, Dec. 15, 1785, GENEALOGY. 731 Dorothy, dau. of Christopher Sargent, Esq., of Amesbury. She was b. Oct. 14, 1766 ; d. in Sutton, July 25, 1835. Soon after their marriage they removed to Warner, and settled on Tory Hill, and there were b. their two oldest children. In 1792 he bought land in the south part of Sutton, and removed thither. With the exception of a few years spent in HaverhUl they passed the remainder of their lives in Sutton. He d. in Sutton June 1, 1843. Chil dren, — I. Polly, b. June 17, 1786, in Warner; d. Dec. 3, 1842, in Nashua. II. SaUy b. Aug. 24, 1788, in Warner ; d. Nov. 10, 1876, in Lynn, Mass. III. DoUy, born Aug. 3, 1796, in Sutton ; d. Aug. 4, 1859, in Sutton. IV. Sophia, b. Nov. 7,1798, in Sutton; d. Aug. 21, 1872, in Bristol. V. Joseph, b. Oct. 19, 1803, in HaverhiU ; d. July 2, 1873, in Sutton. VL GUman, born Jan. 8, 1807, in Sutton ; d. Oct. 16, 1881, in HaverhUl. I. Polly Greeley m. 1808, Henry Carleton, b. in BUlerica, Mass., July 10, 1778 ; d. in Salisbury, Jan. 27, 1864. About 1759 John Carleton, of Bradford, Mass., purchased the miU and privilege at North BiUerica, Mass., and removed thither. Among his eleven chUdren was Moses, b. Sept. 13, 1749, in HaverhiU or Bradford ; m. Jan. 15, 1771, Margaret Sprague, dau. of Nicholas Sprague, b. May 22, 1754 ; d. July 7, 1782. Among the chUdren of Moses and Margaret (Sprague) Carleton was Henry, who became a resi dent in Sutton, and here m. PoUy Greeley, soon after which they removed to Bucksport, Me., where most, if not aU their children were born. In 1823 they returned to Sutton, and Mr. Carleton there owned and operated the clothing-miU above Mill Village, and subsequently purchased the Dea. Greeley farm. Some years after the death of his first wife he m., 2d, Miss Mary Thompson, of SaUsbury, in which town he spent the remainder of his life. ChU dren, all of 1st -wife, — 1. Sylvia, b. Sept. 30, 1808; unmarried. 2. Joseph G., b. May 24, 1812 ; d. May 29, 1886 : unmarried, lived in Nashua. 782 HISTORY OF SUTTON. 3. Henry Guy, b. Nov. 30, 1813. 4. Mary H., b. Feb. 4, 1816 ; d. March 28, 1889 : unmarried, lived in pd o Qnii it 5. Margaret S., b. Sept. 20, 1817 ; m. May 9, 1841, Geo. A. PiUsbury. [See PiUsbury.] 6. Sarah E., b. Jan. 20, 1820 ; m. Solomon Searls. No ch. 7. John, b. Feb. 5, 18-22; d. Feb. 12, 1890. 8. Charles, b. ; d. in childhood. 3. Henry G. Carleton m. Dec. 12, 1848, Hannah E. French, of Hop kinton, b. 1827 ; d. June 11, 1866. He m., 2d, July 3, 1860, Mrs. Mary J. (Haskins) Nelson._ Children, b. in Newport, aU of 1st wife, — (1) Frank Henry, b. Oct. 8, 1849. (2) George F., b. Oct. 18, 1853 ; d. March 5, 1855. (1) Frank H. Carleton m. March 24, 1881, Ella Jones, dau. of Hon. E. S. Jones, of Minneapolis, Minn., b. Sept., 1858. Children, b. in Minneapolis,— Edwin Jones, b. April 15, 1883. Henry Guy, b. March 21, 1885. George Alfred, b. AprU 24, 1888. A son, b. 1889. Frank Henry Carleton, while a mere youth, learned the printer's trade in his father's office. Later he fitted for college at Kimball Union Academy, and graduated from Dartmouth in 1872. He was for some time on the editorial staff of the Union Democrat, Manchester, and afterwards on that of the St. Paul Press, Minn. In 1874 he com menced the study of law in the office of Gov. C. K. Davis, in St. Paul, and has for several years been practising law in Minneapolis. 3. Henry G. Carleton was ten years of age when his parents returned to Sutton. Here his educational advantages were such as our common schools then afforded, which, however, at a later period, he supple mented by some terms at the New Hampton Institution. In January, 1832, he commenced his apprenticeship to the printing business in the office of the Argus and Spectator, in Newport, at the conclusion of which he went to Boston, and was there employed as journeyman printer some four years. He then returned to Newport, and in com pany with Matthew Harvey, purchased the Argus and Spectator, and from that date for about forty years the paper was edited and pub lished by them. At the time of their retirement it was the oldest newspaper firm in the state. They were co-editors and proprietors, each taking his turn on alternate weeks at the editing and superin tendence of the printing. They were cousins, had been playmates, and at some times schoolmates during the later years of their boyhood, and learned their trade by serving their apprenticeship in the same office at the same time. All this, together with the fact named above, that their connection as business partners lasted forty years, makes it evi- GENEALOGY. 733 dent that the lives of the two men became so intimately associated that the recital of the career of either one tells the story of the other, very nearly. Henry G. Carleton was register of deeds in 1844-5, register of pro bate for Sullivan county in 1854-6, and represented the town of New port in the state legislature. For a long term of years he was director of the Sugar River Bank, and subsequently of the First National Bank in Newport, and president of the Newport Savings Bank. Having said this, it is hardly necessary to add that he has long been recognized as a man of the highest honor, possessed of sound judgment, prudence, and much business sagacity. 7. John Carleton m. April 10, 1851, Mary E. Griffith, of Boyalston, Mass. Children, — (1) Emma Frances, b. Jan. 22, 1852, at Holyoke, Mass. ; m. May 1, 1873, John H. Goodall, of North Brookfield. Children,— Jura H., b. Jan. 3, 1875. Florence Carleton, b. Jan. 11, 1878. Robert H., b. Nov. 6, 1879. (2) Eva May, b. Nov. 15, 1855, at Holyoke ; m. May 12, 1881, C. C. Bausman, of Minneapolis, Minn. No ch. The following notice of John Carleton is taken from the Springfield (Mass.) Republican, in which paper it appeared shortly after his recent death : The death of John Carleton, of West Springfield, is a loss to the town at large and his neighbors in particular. Mr. Carleton was a man of powerful frame and strong constitution, eminently social in his nature, of clear and positive opinions, shrewd and thoughtful in his views, but never obtrusive in his speech. He was a remarkably well balanced man, and thoroughly honest and truthful. Born in Bucks- port, Me., in 1823, the youngest of seven children, he started out early to help himself, and learned the machinists' trade. He worked at this business in various places, and went to West Springfield from Holyoke about 1858. Since then he had successfully carried on a farm, occa sionally spending the winter in the Mitteneague miUs and the railroad repair-shops in this city. He was about his usual work Saturday, and the doctor was first called Sunday. He died on the 4th day after his first attack, of pneumonia. II. SaUy Greeley m. Oct. 9, 1809, John Harvey, of Sutton. [See Harvey.J III. Dolly Greeley m. 1819, Stephen B. Carleton, of Bradford, Mass. Children, — 1. Dolly, b. Sept. 14, 1820 ; d. Feb. 5, 1858. 2. Sophia, b. 1822 ; d. Feb., 1875. 734 HISTORY OF SUTTON. 3. Charles, b. ; d. in infancy. 4. Charies E., b. March 12, 1829, in New London ; d. Jan. 29, 1881, in Concord. 6. Theresa E., b. 1835, in Sutton ; d. June, 1868, in Lebanon. 1. Dolly Carleton m. Dec. 27, 1842, Curtis Messer, of Newbury. Children, — (1) Addie, b. Nov. 18, 1843. (2) Charles C, b. Nov. 4, 1845. (3) Frederick A., b. March 13, 1848. (4) Asa B., b. Sept. 11, 1851 ; d. Feb. 24, 18.58. (5) Edward C, b. March 15, 1864. 2. Sophia Carleton m. Sept 20, 1846, Lewis A. W. Heath, of New London. Children, — (1) Isabelle Adelaide, m. Nathaniel Moulton. ,(2) Bessie. (3) Frank. (4) NeUie. 4, Charles E. Carleton m. Dec. 25, 1857, at Manchester, Frances GUman, of Gilmanton, dau. of John M. and Mary J. (Smart) GUman. No children. Mrs. Carleton m., 2d, March 21, 1882, in Peterborough, Ualph Sawyer (his 2d wife). Residence, Norwich, Vt. 5. Theresa E. Carleton m. 1857, John Chamberlin, of Charlestown, Mass. Children, — (1) John. (2) Edward, d. a young man. (3) WiUie, b. and d. 1862. (4) Minnie, b. July 4, 1864 ; m. Leonard, in Minneapolis. IV. Sophia Greeley, b. Nov. 7, 1798; d. Aug. 20, 1872, in Bristol : m. April 16, 1818, in HaverhUl, Mass., Samuel Walker Oardner, b. AprU 14, 1797, in Bradford, Mass. He d. in Great FaUs Feb. 28, 1884. After their marriage they resided some years in Sutton. Children, — 1. Dolly Sargent, b. in Sutton, June 14, 1819 ; d. in Danbury, Jan. 26, 1854. 2. Joseph Greeley, b. in Sutton, Dec. 20, 1822 ; d. in HaverhUl, Mass., July 9, 1842. 3. Sophia Greeley, b. in Troy, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1825. 4. George Warren, b. in Pomfret, Vt., Oct. 8, 1828. 5. Christopher Columbus, b. in Hudson, May 8, 1833. 1. Dorothy Sargent Gardner m. Jan. 6, 1839, Hezekiah Chase, of Danbury. Children, — (1) George Warren, b. Sept., 1839. He now resides in Canaan. (2) Dorothy Ann, b. June, 1841. (3) Joseph G., b. Aug., 1843. He now resides in Concord. (4) Sarah Josephine, b. Aug., 1847 ; m. Rev. E. C. Spinney, d. d., formerly pastor of the Pleasant Street Baptist Church, of Concord, now resident in Des Moines, Iowa. GENEALOGY. 735 3. Sophia Greeley Gardner m. March 5, 1846, Asa Randlett, of Canaan. Children, — (1) Angeline, b. May 19, 1847 ; m. George E. Stevens, of Boston. (2) Emma Sophia, b. Jan. 14, 1850 ; m. Rev. J. R. Stubbert, pastor of Baptist church in Putnam, Conn. (3) Warren Gardner, b. July 12, 1852. Resides in Shirley, Mass. (4) Nellie, b. Oct. 24, 1854; m. George W. Dickerinan, of Boston. (6) Ida Grace, b. Feb. 11, 1859. Resides at Boston Highlands. (6) Fred Asa, b. Oct. 8, 1862. Resides at North Woodstock, Conn. (7) Josephine Gertrude, b. June, 1866. (8) Minnie, b. . 4. George Warren Gardner m. Nov. 18, 1862, Celia Lull Hubbard, in Windsor, Vt. Children, — (1) Guy Hubbard, b. March 7, 1856. He is M. D. (Harvard, 1879). He m. Cora Cutler, dau. of Charles Cutler, M. D. (2) Clarence, b. Dec. 12, 1858. Graduated M. A. at Brown Univer sity in 1883. He is professor in the Central University of Iowa. (3) Ada Grant, b. May 8, 1860. Graduated B. A. from Smith Col lege, 1882. She m. Rev. Joseph Fielden, pastor of the Baptist church in Winchester, Mass. (4) George Frank, b. at Winchester, Mass., 1875. Resides at home with his parents. The following brief sketch of the life and worH of Rev. George W. Gardner as a clergyman and educator, is taken from Appleton's Cyclo pedia of American Biography : " . . Born in Pomfret, Vt., Oct. 8, 1828, graduated at Dartmouth 1852, and in 1853 became principal of the New London (N. H.) Institu tion, continuing in that position till 1861. He was ordained as a min ister of the gospel in 1858, and in November, 1861, installed pastor of the First Baptist church in Charlestown, Mass. He left this place in 1872 to become corresponding secretary of the American Baptist Mis sionary Union. From 1876 to 1878 he was pastor of the First Baptist church in Cleveland, O., and from 1881 tUl 1885, when his health broke down, he was president of the Central University in Iowa. Dur ing the year 1870 he -visited Europe, extending his travels to Egypt, Palestine, and Greece. He has performed editorial service in connec tion with the Baptist Missionary Magazine and the Watchman news paper of Boston, besides writing many tracts and re-view articles. He Teceived the degree of Doctor of Divinity from Dartmouth in 1867." During the last few years Dr. Gardner has been in impaired health, and has been engaged only in partial public service, but is at present so far recovered as to become pastor of the young and flourishing Beth Eden Baptist church in Waltham, Mass., where he now resides. He also has a beautiful summer home in New London, where with his family he spends several months in the year amid the scenes of his early educational work. 736 . HISTORY OF SUTTON. 5. Christopher C. Gardner m. April 13, 1859, Susan E. Bartlett, in Concord. Children, — (1) Joseph Greeley, b. March 11, 1860. Graduated at Dartmouth college, class of 1883 ; a lawyer and real estate dealer in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. (2) Charles Christopher, b. Feb. 28, 1866. Graduated at Dartmouth college, class of 1888, and is now a banker in Sargent, Neb. (3) George Warren, b. Nov. 5, 1872. Entered Brown University June, 1890. Christopher C. Gardner, now resident in Biddeford, Me., has been engaged in the photographic and picture business with success, and is an able and careful business man. He is interested quite extensively in real estate in the West. V. Joseph Greeley m. 1825, Hannah, dau. of John and EUinor (Whitcomb) Kezar, b. Nov. 23, 1808 ; d. Dec. 11, 1847. He m., 2d, April 3, 1851, Mrs. Lydia (Merrill) Ambrose, -widow of David Ambrose, of Sutton. She survived Mr. Greeley several years, and spent the last of her life in Maryland, with her children by her 1st marriage. ChUdren, aU by 1st wife, b. in Sutton, — 1. Marian Harvey, b. Sept. 16, 1825; d. May 15, 1865 : m. Nov. 26, 1857, NeweU J. Nye, of New London, his 2d wife. Child,— (1) Minnie H., b. Aug. 13, 1860. Xewell J. Nye was a harness-maker, doing business for some years in Mill Village. He enlisted in the autumn of 1862, and served till the close of the war. He m., 1st, Margaret Clark, of New London. Their children were William, now living, with a family, in Scytheville, and Ellen, who d. Sept. 7, 1865, aged about 14 years, in Sutton. Mr. Nye m., 3d, Mrs. Sarah (Ensworth) Carleton, who survives him. 2. Joseph, b. Dec. 24, 1828 ; m. Dec. 24, 1856, L. Maria Snow, of Dublin. No children. Joseph Greeley has spent most of his life in North Sutton, where he is known to possess the universal confidence and esteem of the people. He has been pos1>master there some thirty years, holding the office through all changes of administration, irrespective of political ascend ency, and without any manoeuvring beyond the endeavor to accom modate to the best of his ability the people whose mails pass through his hands. He has also during these years kept a store for general merchandise. It will be seen that with all this he must have been brought into official and business, as well as social, relations with a great number of people. To say that he has made no enemies among them all is to say much, but to go farther and venture the assertion that, though a successful merchant, he has made friends of all those he has dealt with, is to credit him with the possession of qualities such GENEALOGY. 737 as fall to the lot of very few men. And yet it is believed that all will agree in the opinion that he is the fortunate possessor of those very qualities, and that the same figures which would express the number of his aquaintances would indicate exactly the number of his friends. In the busy life that Mr. Greeley has led he has found it necessary to steadily decline all political preferment. VI. GUman Greeley m. Oct. 11, 1828, Hannah Fifield, b. Julyl, 1813 ; d. AprU 28, 1887. ChUdren,— 1. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Aug. 9, 1830; d. May 15, 1855, in Manches ter. 2. Dorothy Sargent, b. July 4, 1835 ; d. May 13, 1855, in Sutton, of consumption. 3. Frank GUman, b. June 18, 1847, in Sutton ; d. Sept. 11, 1879, in Haverhill. He m. July 4, 1870, Alzina Eaton. They had no children. 1. Sarah Elizabeth Greeley m. about 1852, Williato Hoyt, of Sutton, who d. in Haverhill about 1886. He m., 2d, Fanny , who d. some years before he did. No children. Child of 1st wife, — (1) Sarah D., b. May 7, 1855, in Manchester. Her mother dying when she was only one week old, she was brought up by her grandparents in Sutton, and was usually called by their name, Greeley instead of Hoyt. (1) Sarah D. Hoyt Greeley m. 1872 Thomas Keith of HaverhUl, Mass. Children, b. in Haverhill, — Mabel, b. 1873. Mary, b. 1874. Mrs. Keith m., 2d, George S. Covell, of Portland, Me., now resident in Lynn, where he has been for many years agent for Wheeler & Wil son Sewing Machine Co., besides other business of his own. They have a daughter, — Ada S., b. 1877. George S. Covell is son of Stanley and Phebe Jane (Sa-wyer) Covell, of Portland, Me. In looking at the record of deaths of the daughters of GUman Greeley, it will be seen that it shows the somewhat remarkable cir cumstance of two sisters dying -within thirty-six hours of each other, though in different places and not of the same sickness. Dea. Joseph Greeley removed to Warner, and located on Tory hill, where his two oldest daughters were born. In 1792 he purchased of Samuel Andrew the estate in Sutton known in later years as the Nathan Burpee place, and moved into a log house. He buUt, in the course of a few years, a 47 738 HISTORY OF SUTTON". large dwelling-house, which he opened as a tavern, and also kept a store on the premises, as well as a blacksmith- shop, where he did more or less work on iron, having learned the trade from his father while a boy. Dea. Greeley was also for the long period of forty years of his life engaged in the business of buying cattle and sheep in the country, and driving them for sale to the city markets. Twenty years ago those were living who could well remember him in the character of a drover, often asso ciated in the business with bluff Col. Flint, of Brentwood, sometimes also with Capt. Bela Nettleton, of Newport. In his sheep-gathering expeditions and consequent frequent transits between city and country, he was always attended by his factotum, faithful Cesar Lewis. Dea. Greeley served the town as selectman, committee man, &c., as the records show. He was a deacon of the early Baptist church in the later years of its existence. He was a man of much enterprise, and for several years — more than twenty — was successful in his various branches of business. But the opening of another road, which drew the travel away from the road that passed his house, closed up his tavern : this was his first business reverse of much account. Becoming reduced in circumstances, he sold his property in the south part of Sutton and purchased a smaller place near Kezar's pond, lately the George French place, and there resided till his death. He was a man of refined and gentlemanly manners, gen ial, hospitable, and kind as a friend and neighbor. The reverses of his later years did not in the least affect the uniform cheerfulness and politeness of his demeanor. At eighty years of age he was as straight and nimble as a boy. The writer remembers to have seen him, when past that age, make a very rapid descent down a flight of outside stairs. The steps were eight or ten in number, worn smooth and round on their edges, and made more treacher ous by recent rain. He chanced to slip on the edge of the first stair, but, not in the least disconcerted, he never lost GENEALOGY. 739 his balance, allowing himself to continue to slide down on the edges of the stairs from one to another, and so reached the ground in safety, and passed on his way without even stopping to look back or comment on his adventure. The most faithful and minute descriptions of the customs and condition of the people of those early days which the writer has been able to obtain have come from the recollec tions of aged women. A daughter of Dea. Greeley, Mrs. Col. John Harvey, furnished the following : " I was born in Warner. When I was four years old I came to Sutton with my parents and sister Polly [after wards the wife of Henry Carleton] in. an ox-cart, in which were also some of our household goods. We reached the neighborhood of our new home after dark, went into the last house on the road and lighted our lantern, and then went on through pastures one half or three quarters of a mile to our log house. My mother used to make our house warm for winter by calking the fissures and cracks with tow. She would get a quantity of tow, and with a case-knife crowd it in between the logs. At first our floor was neither boards nor split logs, but simply strips of bark laid over the bare earth. The trees in the woods being of great size, however, strips of bark of great length and width could be procured without much trouble, which, being laid down with the smooth side uppermost, made a clean, comforta ble flooring for our log-house." • GILLINGHAM. Hiram GUlingham drove the stage from Bradford to New London twenty-one years, thus passing through the whole length of the town of Sutton every day, carrying the mail and doing no small amount of express business besides. In this way he became acquainted with almost every person in town, and by his unfailing kindness, faithfulness, and liberal dealing, secured the confidence, good will, and es teem of all. 740 HISTORY OF SUTTOW. When he had been driving on this route many years the Sutton people, wishing to manifest their appreciation of the handsome manner in which he had treated them, invited him to meet them socially at the town hall in North Sut ton. At this reception, which was very fully attended, many pleasant things were said, and the occasion was much enjoyed by all present. Mr. GUlingham commenced driving on this route in June, 1853, and continued on the same till 1874. HART. Charles Hart, b. June 1, 1791; d. Feb. 24, 1876: m. 1816, Polly Sargent, b. March 17, 1795 ; d. Oct. 9, 1880. Children, — I. David, b. May 17, 1817. II. WiUiam S., b. April 8, 1819. III. Benjamin W. P., b. June 21, 1821 ; d. July, 1856. IV. Martha Jane, b. June 18, 1823 ; d. July 19, 1826. V. Joseph, b. AprU 26, 1825 ; d. July 16, 1831. VI. Daniel H., b. June 14, 1827 ; d. 1850. VII. Mary Jane, b. Aug. 28, 1829 ; d. Dec. 31, 1830. Vni. Charies, b. Nov. 18, 1831. IX. Clarissa, b. March 10, 1835 ; d. Jan., 1865. X. StUlman B., b. April 15, 1637 ; d. 1865. I. David Hart m. April 6, 1842, Caroline Morse. ChUdren, — 1. Betsey J., b. Feb. 6, 1844. 2. Mary, b. April 23, 1846; d. Jan. 1, 18.54. 3. Benjamin A., b. AprU 16, 1848. 4. Cassilda, b. May 8, 1850 ; d. Dec. 4, 1853. 5. George W., b. AprU 13. 1854 ; d. Feb. 21, 1865. 6. Mark L., b. July 16, 1856 ; d. June 9, 1886. 7. Howard E., b. Jan. 23, 1859 ; d. March 5, 1865. 8. Carrie L., b. AprU 20, 1862 ; d. Feb. 21, 1865. 9. Clara M., b. June 22, 1863 ; d. Sept. 24, 1884. 10. Lizzie A., b. July 6, 1864; d. March 11, 1865. 11. Frank A., b. AprU 14, 1868. II. WUUam S. Hart m. Jan. 29, 1846, Mary MerrUl, b. May 20, 1829. ChUdren,— 1. Sarah J., b. March 24, 1843 ; d. Dec. 31, 1874. 2. Martha A., b. Jan. 25, 18.50 ; d. May 11, 1886. GENEALOGY. 741 3. Mary L., b. May 22, 1862 ; d. Dec. 11, 1864. 4. Frank W., b. May, 31, 1855 ; d. Dec. 26, 1864. 6. Emma L., b. AprU 23, 1866 ; d. July 25, 1886. VIII. Charles Hart m. Jan. 6, 1852, Helen M. Bingham, b. Jan. 17, 1832. Children,— 1. Grace E., b. Nov. 8, 1852. 2. Sarah M., b. Sept. 4, 1859 ; d. Feb., 1865. 3. Effie M., b. 1869. IX. Clarissa J. Hart m. 1855, Carlos S. Bingham. ChUdren, — 1. Mary J., b. Nov., 1856 ; d. 1865. 2. Lora A., b. May, 1859 ; d. 1865. 3. Clara B., b. March 23, 1861. X. StiUman B. Hart m. 1860, AngeUne Blodgett. Children, — 1. Etta M., b. Nov., 1860 ; d. 1865. 2. John B., b. April, 1862 ; d. 1865. 3. Fred S., b. April, 1864. The many deaths in these Hart families in 1864^ were caused by diphtheria. William Habt was b. in Weare, Jan. 27, 1788 ; m. Feb. 13, 1814, Sarah Crould, b. Feb. 7, 1795, in Dunbarton, who is still living. He d. in 1857, in Sutton, of blood poisoning, induced by freezing his feet while working in a saw-mUl. This family came to Sutton in 1840, and among this town's adopted citizens none were ever more respected than Mr. and Mrs. Hart. Mr. Hart was a mUler and wheelwright, and assisted in building most of the mills and shops in the then grow ing part of the town where they lived, the Mill Village. Since the death of her husband Mrs. Hart has lived with her daughter, Mrs. William H. Marshall. She retains her mental and bodily faculties to an extent and degree which at her great age is considered very wonderful. Children, — I. Sarah, d. in infancy. II. Mary G., b. March 17, 1817. III. Eben G., b. March 23, 1819 ; d. Nov. 30, 1823. IV. John G., b. July 16, 1827 ; d. Feb. 25, 1867. V. WUUam Henry, b. April 27, 1830 ; d. Nov. 4, 1864. II. Mary G. Hart m. WUUam H. MarshaU. ChUdren, — 1. Mary F., b. Nov. 19, 1837. [For descendants see Knowlton.] 742 HISTORY OF SUTTON. 2. EUen L., b. Dec. 3, 1840; m. Westley J. Robinson, July 1, 1867. ChUd,— (1) Elmer D., b. Aug. 12, 1868. 3. Charles C, b. May 29, 1844. He was sergeant in Co. H, 1st N. H. Vol. Cavalry, in the War of the Rebellion. He m., 1st, Lizzie M. Evans, Jan. 1, 1872 ; m., 2d, Fannie J. MarshaU, Jan. 23, 1884. Chil dren, by 1st wife, — (1) Grace E., b. May 12, 1873 ; d. in infancy. (2) Mabelle A., b. Nov. 9, 1875. 4. Sarah G., b. Nov. 3, 1847 ; d. AprU 27, 1861. 5. Frederick H., b. Sept. 11, 1851 ; d. July 1, 1880. IV. John G. Hart m. Oct. 10, 1853, Addie M. Richardson. Child,— 1. George F., b. Nov. 8, 1860 ; m. Nov. 17, 1887, E. Josie Burnett. V. William H. Hart m. Nov. 1, 1852, EUza L. Nelson. Chil dren, — 1. Selwyn Van Ness, b. Dec. 23, 1853 ; m. Nov. 26, 1879, Louisa Hutchinson. Child, — (1) Walter S., b. AprU 18, 1881. 2. Estelle A., b. Sept. 6, 1859 ; m. Nov. 8, 1877, Fred P. Harvey. Children, — (1) Albert W., b. March 10, 1878. (2) Edwin H., b. Oct. 10, 1887. Among the citizens of Sutton who acquired a reputation for abilities of a high order displayed in the various walks of life, was William Harrison Marshall. He was b. at Brad ford, Oct. 26, 1811, and was the third of seven children born to Walker and Dorcas (Presby) Marshall. The Marshall family is of English origin, and the grand father of the subject of this sketch, Joseph Marshall, the founder of the Marshall family in this section, was born at Chelmsford, Mass., where he was living at the breaking out of the American Revolution. He was of that patriotic mould which spurned with indignation the oppression of the mother country, and, attaching himself to the minute men of the period, he took an active part in the memorable Concord fight in 1775, and was also among the patriot band who fought at Bunker Hill and Bennington. The year after the breaking out of the Revolution he res- moved to Weare, where he purchased a farm of 175 acres, and engaged in agricultural pursuits when not in the army. 'ih^^.y^^^^^^^'/^t^ GENEALOGY. 743 He raised a family of fifteen children, the result of two marriages, and Walker Marshall, the father of WUliam H., was the youngest son save one. In 1817 Walker Marshall removed to Tunbridge, Vt., where, shortly afterwards, his wife died, and the children were at once separated and put out among families wherever a place could be found for them. As the result of this they enjoyed very meagre educational facilities, and the most of the knowledge they obtained, aside from the rough experiences of life which were their portion, was the result of their own persistent inquiry and research during intervals when they could command their own time. Young Marshall remained at Tunbridge until attaining his majority, when he proceeded to northern New York, and, while employed in the iron mines of that locality, nar rowly escaped death from an explosion, pieces of rock and other matter being blown into his side. When able to be about he left for East Weare, which he made his home for a time, finding employment as a carpenter at Concord. At Weare he became acquainted with Miss Mary G. Hart, whom he married at Hopkinton, January 25, 1837, and from that time till the close of his career was blessed with a helpmate who was rarely endowed with all the kindly and self-reliant qualities which are characteristic of the true New England -woman, and proved a most loving wife and affectionate mother. Shortly after their marriage they re moved to Manchester, where Mr. Marshall, following the vocation of mUlwright, assisted in placing in position the first wheels run by the great Amoskeag Manufacturing Company, now the most important cotton manufacturing corporation in the world. After the completion of his work at Manchester he removed to Hopkinton, and while there learned of the manufacturing interests then being centred at Sutton, and on Aug. 8, 1840, arrived there, and from that date to the time of his death, which occurred AprU 18, 1887, from pneumonia, made Sutton his home. On January 25, 1887, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall celebrated 744 HISTORY OF SUTTON. their golden wedding anniversary, it being an event of much importance in the social history of the town. The exercises pertaining to the affair took place in Nelson's hall, and were generally attended by the town's people. Many handsome gifts were bestowed, and all of the worthy couple's descendants were represented in some way. Following Mr. Marshall's arrival in Sutton he assisted in the building of several mills, and thereafter devoted him self to the calling of a wheelwright, the excellence of his workmanship bringing him patronage from a wide area of country, and "as good as Marshall's wheels " became pro verbial. He was likewise an enthusiast in the cultivation of the soil, and originated several varieties of fruits and vegetables, which have enjoyed a wide popularity. In both politics and religion he was of the progressive mould, and took advanced ground. He was well informed upon all topics, a ready talker and debater, and whatever party, question, or idea had him as an exponent possessed a cham pion whose arguments were supported by reasoning which was both lucid and incontrovertible. Coupled with his power in this direction was a nature as kindly and genial as the sunlight, a disposition so generous and charitable as to place self in the background, and those in want and affliction ever found in him a sympathizing heart and help ing hand. He was tolerant of the opinion of others, and never discriminated in the performance of a good deed. It was but natural that a man of his make-up should exercise a commanding influence upon the community, and no man in Sutton was more sought after for advice in the direction of town and indi-vidual affairs. He possessed a symmetry of character, a directness of method, which made and re tained friends, and when his obsequies were held the whole town, seemingly, paid tribute to his memory. It is recalled of him that as the infirmities of old age approached he felt that his life-work was done, and manifested a desire for the speedy coming of the time when his soul should throw off the mortal and be clothed in immortality. GENEALOGY. 745 HARDY. Daniel Hardy, b. March 14, 1824, in Pelham, son of Dud ley and Sophia (Barker) Hardy ; m. March 31, 1859, Zoe MarshaU, b. AprU 6, 1830, in Hudson. No children. They came to . North Sutton to live April 6, 1879, having pur chased the Reuben Porter farm, where they still reside, being a very useful and agreeable addition to the society of the town and neighborhood. HARVEY. Thomas and WUliam Harvey, brothers, were in this country previous to 1640. Thomas m. 1643, Elizabeth, dau. of James Wall, of Hampton, and resided in Hampton and Amesbury. William m. Joan , and in 1639 was living in Ply mouth. He removed to Taunton, where he was elected several times (1644 to 1657) a representative to the Mas sachusetts General Court. Children by first wife, — I. Abigail, b. AprU 25, 1640. II. Thomas, b. Dec. 18, 1641 ; d. . ni. Experience, b. March 10, 1644. IV. Joseph, b. Dec. 14, 1645. His wife Joan d. 1649, and he m., 2d, Martha Slocum, sister to Anthony Slocum, one of the first settlers at Taun ton, from Somersetshire, Eng. Children by 2d wife, — V. WiUiam, b. Aug. 27, 1651. VI. Thomas, b. Aug. 16, 1652. VII. John, b. Feb. 5, 1655. William Harvey, the father, d. Aug. 15, 1658, and his widow m. Nov. 10, 1659, Henry Tewksbury. It is believed that (VI) Thomas and (VII) John are the Thomas and John Harvey found on the early Amesbury records. Thomas first appears as one of a committee on highways in 1689, and from that date till 1714 he was constantly in 746 HISTORY OF SUTTON. office as selectman and representative for many years, and held other offices. He m. Oct. 26, 1676, Sarah . Their first child, found on Amesbury records, is William, b. March 9, 1687, d. . Another William, b. Jan. 15, 1689, m. Sept. 25, 1714, Abigail Martin, and had a son, Thomas, b. April 30, 1716. Thomas and Sarah might have had children born earlier than those named, but Amesbury's record of births does not begin till 1686. Thomas Harvey died 1714. From (VII) John Harvey the descent is clearly traced to the Harveys of Nottingham, Northwood, Warner, and Sutton. William Barnes, one of the first eighteen men who organ ized the town of Amesbury in 1655, and one of the most prominent of their number, was b. in England 1603, d. in Amesbury 1698. He held many important town offices, and his name occurs frequently on Amesbury records. Through the marriage of two of his daughters he becomes the remote ancestor of many Sutton families, which circum stance makes this brief notice of him admissible in our town history. His daughter, Rachel Barnes, b. April 30, 1649, m. March 2, 1667-68, Thomas Sargent, and the Sargents of Sutton, New London, Warner, and Hopkinton are their descendants, as are the Harveys of the same towns the descendants of Sarah Barnes through her marriage with John Harvey, her 2d husband. Sarah Barnes, b. near 1650, m. Sept. 8, 1670, Thomas RoweU, who d. 1684. She d. April 17, 1720. John Harvey, her 2d husband, d. March 8, 1706. VII. John Harvey m. Sarah Barnes, probably 1685. Children, — 1. Dorothy, who m. Feb. 9, 1705, Orlando Bagley, 3d. 2. Judith, named on the records as "2d daughter of John and Sarah," b. May 2, 1888 ; m. Dec. 7, 1710, Jacob Sargent ; 6 children. 3. John, b. Dec. 3, 1690 ; d. May 10, 1740 : m. Anna Davis. 4. Joseph, b. April 1, 1693 ; m. "Dorothy Barnard. 3. John Harvey m. Oct. 30, 1714, Anna Davis. Children, — (1) Sarah, b. ; m. Blaisdell. (2) Judith, b. Nov. 15, 1719. (3) Dorothy, b. 1721 ; m. Nov. 18, 1742, Henry Lankester. GENEALOGY. 747 (4) Jacob, b. Jan. 9, 1723 ; d. in chUdhood. (6) Joseph, b. March 22, 1724; m. Jan. 4, 1750, Sarah Sargent; 4 oh. (6) Jonathan, b. May 29, 1725 ; 4 of his sons came to Sutton and New London. (7) Anne, b. March 23, 1727. (8) Jacob, b. March 7, 1728-'9 ; came to Sutton. (9) John, b. March 17, 1733-'4. John Harvey, father of the above children, d. May 10, 1740. His wife survived him several years. Her will is dated April 22, 1748. In this wiU she does not name Judith, Anne, nor John, which indicates that they were not living at that date. (6) Jonathan Harvey, b. May 29, 1725; m. Susanna George, of South Hampton. Five of their children are found on the Amesbury records. Children, — Levi, b. July 1, 1745. He went to New London. Miriam, b. April 23, 1747 ; m. Benjamin Critchett, of Noi> tingham. Matthew, b. March 1, 1749. He came to Sutton. Gertrude, b. Nov. 25, 1761 ; ni. Nathan Philbrick, of Deer- field. Judith, b. May 30, 1764. Joseph, came to Sutton, and later went West with his family. Jonathan, m. Susan Hedlock, of South Hampton ; 19 children. He lived in Nottingham. Susan, m. Thomas Robinson, of Deerfield. Dolly, d. about 1834, on the homestead in Nottingham, un married. James, b. March 4, 1765, a few months after the death of his father. Jonathan Harvey, father of the above children, died 1764, in Not tingham, whither he removed about 1755. His wife survived him many years. Her name is found on Nottingham inventory of 1806. Levi Harvey, of New London, was oldest child of Jonathan and Susanna (George) Harvey, b. in Amesbury, July, 1, 1745 ; m. Bet sey Randlett. Children, — I. Jonathan, m. Hannah Cram, and had 3 chUdren, to wit, Hannah, Perry, Dearborn. II. Levi, m. PoUy Adams. III. James. IV. Matthew, never married. V. MoUy, m. Brocklebank. Y48 HISTORY OF SUTTON. VI. Betsey, m. Samuel Morgan; 3 children, to wit, Samuel, Levi, and a dau., who d. young. vn. Dolly, m. Henry Morgan. VIII. Susan, m. Hubbard Cross ; lived in Newbury .; had chU dren, Betsey, Nelson, Charles. IX. Judith, m. Ebenezer Scribner. X. Eunice, m. Harris. I. Levi Harvey, Jr., m. AprU 30, 1801, PoUy Adams. ChU dren, — 1. George W., b. Sept. 30, 1801. 2. Eliza, b. Jan. 2, 1803 ; m. Mr. Clements, a Baptist minister. 3. John L., b. AprU 22, 1805 ; m. Miss Savage. 4. Sally J., b. May 5, 1807. 5. Ruth W., b. Feb. 18, 1809. 6. James M., b. Jan. 21, 1811 ; d. Feb. 16, 1811. 7. Pierce, b. Dec. 17, 1811. 8. WUUam H. Harrison, b. Dec. 21, 1813 ; d. Nov. 5, 1821. 9. Stephen D., b. Dec. 15, 1816. 10. Mary A., b. Feb. 3, 1818 ; m. Charles Everett. 11. Calista, b. Feb. 5, 1821 ; d. June 29, 1822. 12. Rufus L., b. Oct. 25, 1823. VII. DoUy Harvey m. Henry Morgan. Cfiildren, — 1. Jacob, m. Lydia Davis. [See Davis.] 2. Joseph, lived for some years in Sutton North Village, about 1840. He in. the widow of Daniel Bean. 3. Betsey. 4. DoUy. 5. Charles. 6. Matthew. 7. Marcus. 8. Jonathan. 9. Henry. Matthew Haevey, 1st, 3d child of Jonathan and Susanna George, b. in Amesbury, March 1, 1749; d. in Sutton Feb. 25, 1799; m. 1779, Hannah Sargent, b. in Kingston, Jan. 18, 1761, dau. of Philip and Hannah (Hadley) Sargent. She d. in Hopkin ton, Nov. 8, 1827. Children,— I. Jonathan, b. Feb. 25, 1780 ; d. Aug. 25, 1859. II. Matthew, b. June 21, 1781 ; d. April 7, 1866. III. Philip Sargent, b. Jan. 13, 1783 ; d. AprU 12, 1855. IV. Susannah, b. AprU 25, 1784 ; d. Feb. 28, 1864. GENEALOGY. 749 V. Hannah, b. Feb. 8, 1786 ; d. April 23, 1816, in Henniker. VI. John, b. Jan. 14, 1788 ; d. Aug. 27, 1850. VII. Benjamin, b. Nov. 6, 1790 ; d. Sept. 17, 1863. Mrs. Hannah (Sargent) Harvey m., 2d, 1804, Thomas Bailey, Esq., of Hopkinton, and had one son, John Milton BaUey, b. AprU 17, 1805, d. Jan. 18, 1886. Philip Sargent, father of Mrs. Hannah (Sargent) Har vey, d. March 3, 1809, in Weare, aged 78. His wife d. Jan. 26, 1811, in Weare, aged 73. He was 5th in descent from William Sargent, the immigrant, the line being, A. WiUiam, m. Elizabeth Perkins. B. WUliam, m. Mary Colby. C. Philip, m. Mary . D. PhUip, m. Martha Hadley. S. PhiUp, m. Hannah Hadley. I. Jonathan Harvey m. AprU 24, 1806, Ruth Wadleigh, dau. of Thomas and Miriam (Atwood) Wadleigh, b. Nov. 23, 1784 ; d. Jan. 17, 1871. ChUdren, b. in Sutton,— 1. Marian, b. Feb. 15, 1808 ; d. Oct. 24, 1849. 2. Hannah, b. June 19, 1810; d. Sept. 6, 1889. 3. Thomas W., b. Dec. 18, 1812 ; d. Oct. 13, 1814. 4. Caroline, b. Dec. 12, 1815 ; d. March 29, 1859. 5. Susan, b. Aug. 6, 1827. 1. Marian .Harvey m. Elbridge McCoUum. Children, — (1) Elizabeth. (2) Hannah W., b. May 12, 1842. (3) Thomas Benton, b. AprU 23, 1844. (1) Elizabeth McCoUum m. George Lowe. ChUdren, — MaryE.; Elbridge; George E.; FredC; Clifford; Fannie E. ; Perley H. ; Everett H. (2) Hannah W. McCoUum m. March 27, 1865, Hiram TrueU, of En field, b. Nov. 7, 1837, d. June 26, 1882. ChUdren,— Abbie L., b. May 5, 1867. Harry B., b. Feb. 8, 1870 ; d. Jan. 8, 1872. Susan M., b. March 26, 1874; d. May 11, 1875. Walter W., b. AprU 7, 1876. Elbridge W., b. Dec. 27, 1878. 2. Hannah Harvey m. June 6, 1839, Hiram Watson, b. Nov. 13, 1812, d. Nov. 22, 1855. Children,— (1) Caroline H., b. Sept. 8, 1841 ; d. Sept. 28, 1841. (2) Susan H., b. AprU 20, 1846 ; d. Sept. 28, 1845. 750 HISTORY OF SUTTON. (3) James H., b. May 9, 1847 ; m. Oct. 5, 1889, Emma Wheeler, dau. of Leonard H. and Lucy (Hoyt) Wheeler. 4. Caroline Harvey m. 1852, Charles Morgan. ChUdren, — (1) Emma, b. Oct., 1852 ; d. Jan. 13, 1889. (2) Ruth Ellen, b. March 7, 1856 ; d. 1875, on Thanksgiving Day. (1) Emma Morgan m. William H. Chadwick. Child, — Helen, b. March 7, 1886 ; d. April 7, 1887. 5. Susan Harvey m., about 1855, John Knowlton, who d. 1862. No children. II. Matthew Harvey, 2d (Judge Harvey) m. 1811, Margaret Rowe, of Newburyport, b. 1781, d. 1864. Children, b. in Hopkin ton, — 1. Frederick Rowe, b. 1813 ; d. Sept. 16, 1862, in Louisiana. 2. Margaret Elizabeth, b. 1816 ; d. Sept. 20, 1836, in Hopkinton. 1. Frederick R. Harvey removed to Clinton, La., and there m. Nov. 30, 1841, Ann J. Rhea, dau. of Judge John Rhea, of that place. In 1857 he removed from Clinton to the Atchafalaya River District, where he died. His wife died at the same place Oct. 21, 1861. Chil dren, — (1) Matthew, b. Oct. 31,1844; d. March 19,1888, at Atchafalaya, unmarried. He came North when ten years of age, and lived with his grandfather. Judge Harvey. He graduated at Dartmouth CoUege, and studied for the medical profession, but after the death of his grandpar ents returned to the South. (2) Lee Hardisty, b. Oct. 31, 1846 ; d. at Port Hudson, Feb., 1863. (3) Rhea, b. Aug. 27, 1848. (4) Margaret E., b. ; d. July 16, 1856. (5) Henrietta, b. ; m. Rev. Bennett Smedes, principal of St. Mary's School, Raleigh, N. C, where they now reside. (6) Winter, b. ; d. at CUnton, July 31, 1853. (7) Frederick R., b. Aug. 5, 1854; d. Feb. 4, 1877, at Sikeston, Scott Co., Mo. (8) Twin brother of Frederick R. ; d. early. (9) Ann, b. ; present residence, Raleigh, North Carolina. (10) James, b. at Atchafalaya, 1860 ; d. at Clinton, La. (3) Rhea Harvey m. March 23, 1871, Ophelia V. Rogers, at Atcha falaya. Children, b. at St. Landry Parish, Atchafalaya, La., — WiUiam Frederick, b. Deo. 22, 1871. Lee Ernest, b. March 22, 1874 ; d. Oct. 25, 1881. Lottie EUzabeth, b. March 29, 1876 ; d. Sept. 20, 1877. Bennett Rhea, b. March 29, 1878. Prechett, b. April 30, 1883. Mary Blanche, b. Dec. 7, 1886. Maurice, b. May 4, 1888. Dr. Frederick R. Harvey entered Dartmouth college, but graduated from Union college, Schenectady, N. Y. He studied for the medical GENEALOGY. 751 profession in Philadelphia. His choice of Louisiana for his home and field of medical practice was determined by the fact that an asthmatic difficulty compelled him to seek a milder climate than New England affords. It was supposed by some of his former friends at the North that during- the war Dr. Harvey served in the Southern army, but a let ter from his son, now resident in Louisiana, gives the following assur ance : " My father never entered the Southern army." III. PhUip Sargent Harvey, b. Jan. 13, 1783 ; d. April 12, 1855, in Sutton : m. AprU 6, 1807, Mary Seamans, b. 1785 ; d. Nov. 24, 1866, in Sutton ; dau. of Rev. Job Seamans, of New London. Child,— 1. Mary R., b. 1808; d. Feb. 1, 1875. She was of good mind, but was a helpless cripple from her birth. IV. Susanna Harvey, b. April 25, 1784 ; d. in Windsor, Feb. 28, 1864 : m. Jan. 2, 1806, Joseph Emerson, of Hopkinton, b. Aug. 4, 1778, in HaverhiU, Mass. ; d. in Windsor, Dec. 22, 1864 : son of Jeremiah Emerson, of HaverhiU, Mass., who removed to Hopkinton 1779. ChUdren, b. in Hopkinton. — 1. Jeremiah, m. Judith Morse, of Haverhill. 2. Matthew Harvey, went to Michigan; d. 1877. 3. Jonathan B., b. Jan. 6, 1812; d. Jan. 16, 1885, in Washington. 4. Elizabeth, m. Haskell. 5. Philip H., b. June 2, 1821 ; d. Aug. 30, 1870, in Lowell, Mass. 6. Joseph Frederick, b. March 29, 1824 ; d. July 28, 1879, in Con cord. 1. Jeremiah Emerson, and 2. Matthew Harvey Emerson ; settled in Adamsville, Cass County, Michigan, where the former died, and his widow returned to Hopkinton with their two daughters. Elizabeth m. , and Susan m. 1855, • Nutter, and lived in Concord. Mrs. Emerson m., 2d, Hoyt, and lived in Concord. 2. Matthew Harvey Emerson had sons, J. Fred, who m. , and lives on his father's farm in Michigan, and Allen R., lives in Buffalo, N. Y. 3. Jonathan B. Emerson m. Jan. 27, 1842, Mary A. Copp, of Hop kinton, b. May 27, 1813, in Plaistow ; d. Dec. 9, 1888, in Washington. Children, b. in Hopkinton, — (1) George, b. July 21, 1843 ; m. Jan. 17, 1872, Elizabeth H. Baker, of Goshen. (2) Fred J., b. Aug. 10, 1846 ; m. March 7, 1885, Emily V. Austin, of Goshen. (3) Mary D., b. Sept. 21, 1852 ; m. Nov. 12, 1879, Louiselle R. Bas- com, of Newport. 3. Jonathan B. Emerson with his famUy removed from Hopkinton to Windsor in 1864, and thence in 1868 to Washington, which place 752 HISTORY OF SUTTON. was afterwards his home. He was an active business man, and was extensively engaged in farming and in lumbering. When a resident in Windsor he represented that town in the legislature in 1864 and 1865, and about the same time received a commission as justice of the peace. He also held a military commission as ensign, and later as lieutenant. He was in the cavalry, and the pistols he used when he " rode in the troop " have been in the Emerson family ever since the- Concord fight, and are said to have been taken from a British officer on that occasion. They are now in possession of his son George. In religion, Jonathan Emerson was a Baptist ; in politics, a Democrat, His death was instantaneous, but not unexpected, as he had previously suffered from epileptic attacks. 4. Elizabeth Emerson, who m. Mr. Haskell, died young, leaving two' daughters, of whom the youngest died in childhood, and Lucretia, the oldest, m. Oscar Sawyer, and lived in Bradford, and later in Concord, where Mr. Sawyer died, and she now resides with her son Harry, in or near Boston. 5. Philip H. Emerson m. Elizabeth Simpson, of Hopkinton. No children. 6. Joseph Frederick Emerson m. Cassandra Smith, b. in Henniker. Children, — (1) Warren, a locomotive engineer. Residence, Concord. They had also two other sons (of whom one died young) and a dau. V. Hannah Harvey m. Dr. WiUiam Dinsmore, son of John and Sarah Dinsmore, b. in GofEstown. ChUdren, b. in Henniker, — 1. Robert, b. Nov. 3, 1808 ; d. AprU 21, 1816, of spotted fever. 2. Mary, b. March 20, 1810 ; d. Feb. 18, 1831, of consumption. 3. WUUam H., b. July 17, 1813. William H. Dinsmore learned the printer's trade in the office of Gov. Isaac Hill, in Concord. He engaged in publishing a paper in Nashua, then in New York, and was for many years one of the proprietors of the Sacramento Union, in Sacramento, Cal., where he is remembered as an energetic, honorable business man. For the last fifteen years he has lived in San Francisco. He is supposed to have died recently. He never married. Dr. WiUiam Dinsmore m., 2d, Mrs. Susan WaUace, of Henniker. He d. AprU 29, 1820. He practised medicine in Warner and Hen niker, and was considered one of the best physicians in the state. VI. John Harvey m. Oct. 9, 1809, Sally Greeley, b. Aug. 24, 1788, in Warner ; d. Nov. 1, 1876, in Lynn, Mass. ; dau. of Joseph. and Dorothy (Sargent) Greeley. Children, b. in Sutton, — < --^ 'luff's/. m'me after residing for a time in California. He died July 17, 1890, in Sutton. IX. Nathaniel Knowlton m. Elizabeth HUl. ChUdren, — 1. Alberta, m. Bert Currier. 2. Warren F. Of the chUdren of Samuel Smith Knowlton only James and John ever Uved in Sutton. 792 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Capt. Nathaniel W. Knowlton, b. Sept. 23, 1794 ; d. July 14, 1879 : m. Ruth Herrick, b. AprU 8, 1791 ; d. March 29, 1867. ChUdren,— I. Nathaniel C, b. March 16, 1820. II. CaroUne R., b. Dec. 2, 1821. Capt. N. W. Knowlton moved from Newbury to Sutton in 1825. I. Nathaniel C. Knowlton m. Oct. 20, 1850, Caroline R. Chad wick. ChUdren. 1. Frank W., b. May 5, 1855. 2. Horace E., b. July 12, 1856 ; d. Jan. 30, 1858. 3. Sarah Luette, b. Nov. 28, 1857. 4. WiUie M., b. May 28, 1861. 5. Mary E., b. Oct. 14, 1865. 1. Frank W. Knowlton m. Nov. 27, 1878, Emma E. Little, b. Jan. 20, 1854, dau. of John C. and Mary Ann (Baker) Little. Children, — (1) Herbert L. (2) Wilbur C. (3) Adna J. 6. Mary E. Knowlton m. Dec. 12, 1885, Fred O. Prescott. ChUd,— (1) Ashley G., b. May 12, 1886. II. CaroUne R. Knowlton m. Nov. 3, 1840, Elbridge G. Haynes, who d. Nov. 3, 1881. Children,— 1. Martin A., b. July 30, 1842 (ex-congressman). 2. Addie M., b. AprU 29, 1846. 3. Charles F., b. Nov. 26, 1851 ; d. Dec. 30, 1887. 4. Cora, b. Dec. 1, 1863. 1. Martin A. Haynes m. March 9, 1863, CorneUa T. Lane. Chil dren, — (1) Ruth. (2) Mary. (3) Addie. 2. Addie M. Haynes m. Chauncey Clement. [Copied from the History of Merrimack and Belknap Counties.] LANE. Dr. Robert Lane was born at Newport, AprU 2, 1786. He studied medicine with Dr. Truman Abel at Claremont. He first settled in the practice of his profession at New London, moving to Sutton about 1810. He m. Mary Kelsey, of Newport, Jan., 1807. They had three children, — EUzabeth, who m. Dr. James R. Smiley, (fZc^trt^^^^a GENEALOGY. 793 of Grafton, Mary, who d. when two years old, and Adelaide, who m. George W. Ela, of Concord. June 10, 1812, Dr. Lane's wife died, and he returned to New London for residence, but continued to occupy the same field of practice. During the first years of prac tice he spent the -winter months in attending lectures at Harvard and Dartmouth, and in 1814 received his degree of M. D. from the latter college. Close application to the study and practice of his profession, con tinued through several years, told upon his health, and in 1817 he gave up practice for a season of rest. He went South, and after visiting most of the Southern states, accepted an appointment as surgeon in the expedition of Gen. Jackson against the Indians and Spaniards in Florida. After the capture of Pensacola he was sta tioned there for a short time, and then was ordered to Mobile, Ala., and placed in charge of the military hospital at that post. * In the summer of 1820 he resigned his position in the army, and returned to Sutton to settle permanently. He bought a farm near the North viUage, and the rest of his life was spent in the routine work of a country physician and in farming. The breaking out of the War of the Rebellion reawakened his military ardor, and it was with keen regret that he felt the infirmi ties of age bearing too heavily upon him to permit his acceptance of the responsible position in the service which was tendered him. Toward the close of the war he was appointed by the governor an examining surgeon in the preparation of the draft rolls, and, as it did not take him from the state, he was able to perform the duties of the office. He continued in active practice till he was eighty years old. In the spring of 1872 he feU upon the floor, crushing the bones of one hip, from the effects of which accident he died May 3d, aged eighty-six years. For more than fifty consecutive years Dr. Lane was an influen tial citizen of Sutton. As a physician he stood in the first rank among his contemporaries. He loved his profession and gave to it the best efforts of a clear and vigorous intellect. Beginning prac tice with a better preparation than was common at that day, he was a life-long student, both of books and in the line of original investi gation. He regarded his profession as a field for unlimited research and study, and held it to be the physician's first duty to be always learning. 794 HISTORY OF SUTTON. He was gifted by nature with the special qualifications of a good surgeon, and the circumstances of his army connection gave him unusual facilities for the study of surgery. Upon his return to New Hampshire he gave special attention to that branch of his profes sion, and soon became widely known as one of the best surgeons in the state. His reputation as a physician was also far more than local, and, in addition to his home practice, which embraced all the towns adjoining Sutton, he almost always had patients under his care in more distant towns. ProfessionaUy he may be said to have belonged to the county rather than to the town of his residence. In the midst of his professional work Dr. Lane found time for the watchful supervision of his farm. He was a devoted lover of New Hampshire soil, and stoutly maintained that it was the equal of any as a field for progressive and profitable agriculture. In this pursuit, also, he was a close student of books and of nature, and in his efforts to harmonize book farming and practical farming he was a generation in advance of his time. He was fond of experiments, and held many peculiar theories ; but these were the result of a careful study of the soil and the crops with which he had to do, and for the most part experience proved them true. At a time when New Hampshire farming was generaUy the practice of a blind routine, his work was based upon an intelligent study of the natural laws which governed it. In politics Dr. Lane was an old time Whig, and in later years a Re publican. Sutton was a staunch Democratic town, only three Whig votes being cast at its poUs for several years. After a whUe the number of Whigs increased to thirteen, and so remained until the little band, known as " Dr. Lane and his twelve disciples," became poUt- ically famous in the region round about. In politics, as in aU other things, his opinions were sharply defined and tenaciously held, and he was always weU informed upon current political ideas and events. He however had no wish for political position, and little time or taste for political controversy, but it was with pardonable pride that he at last saw his faith triumphant at home as well as in the country at large. In 1866 the Democrats failed of a majority at the annual election, and Dr. Lane was chosen the first Republican representa tive from Sutton to the state legislature. He was then eighty years old, and the oldest member of that legislature. The mental characteristics of Dr. Lane were strength and breadth of view, united with accuracy and minuteness in the notice GENEALOGY. 795 of details. Aside from his profession he was self-educated, but his education was broad and thorough. He had marked literary tastes, and was especiaUy devoted to the study of the English classics- When wearied with professional work he habitually found rest in the reading of standard English literature. But he took nothing for granted. Everything that he read must pass the ordeal of his independent judgment. His books, medical, agricultural, and lit erary, were dotted along their margins with his notes of approval or dissent. He possessed rare conversational gifts, and a great store of anec dotes, and having a retentive and exact memory his talk was an instructive and interesting mingling of facts and quotations with his own argument. He was always employed, finding his recreation in study or in a change of work, rather than in rest or sport. Thus the measure of his long Ufe was filled with useful activity. The genealogy of the Lane family maybe traced for several gen erations, until lost in the traditions of the seventeenth century. The ancestors of Dr. Lane were prominent among the early settlers of Connecticut and New Hampshire. His father, Jesse Lane, was born at Lebanon, Conn., Dec. 1, 1746, and removed to Newport in June, 1766. Feb. 22, 1770, he married Hester Wright, of KUUng- worth. Conn., who was born Oct. 31, 1750. He was a leading citi zen among the first settlers of Newport, serving as representative three years and selectman eight years. He died at the age of seventy-two years. The famUy of Jesse Lane consisted of eleven chUdren, of whom Robert was the fifth son and eighth child. Jesse Lane was the sec ond son of Robert Lane, who was born at KUlingworth, Conn., in November, 1713. He married Mary Thatcher, of Lebanon, Conn., July 4, 1744, and moved to Newport, N. H., about 1770. It may be of interest here to stjite that the charter of the town of Newport, — the original document itself, — was pre served by Jesse Lane, by his son. Dr. Lane, and by Mrs. Smiley, daughter of Dr. Lane, and was kept in Mrs. Smi- ley's possession till she loaned it to Mr. Wheeler, the histo rian of Newport, to copy from. In borrowing and here presenting the foregoing sketch of Dr. Lane it is felt that no apology is necessary, since to. 796 HISTORY OF SUTTON. the discerning reader it must be apparent that it is much better executed than anything of the kind that the compiler of this work is able to do. An item of personal knowl edge and experience, however, if here added, will do no harm. Many years ago, when Dr. Lane was a younger practitioner than almost any one now living can remember him, a baby in Sutton received a terrible burn on the in side of the right hand and arm. There was every indica tion that the hand was spoiled for life. As it healed the fingers showed an obstinate determination to grow together, and, with the hand, to curl up into a solid ball. Dr. Lane gave his personal care and attention to that baby's hand, and saved it, without even a disfiguring scar, and without any loss of its usefulness. He dressed the burns himself every day for several weeks, and, sixteen days in succes sion, out the fingers apart with scissors, and bound each one up separately, and then bound the whole, slightly curved, over a ball of yarn wound soft enough to allow some little movement of the muscles. The complete restor ation of that hand was considered a great triumph of sur gical skill. It has served its owner well through a long life, and it is the same hand that is now preparing these pages for the printer. Without the care and skill of Dr. Lane it would never have been able to hold a pen, or any thing else. [Copied from the History of Merrimack and Belknap Counties.] Dr. Jambs R. Smiley. WUliam Smiley, the grandfather of Dr. Smiley, was of Scotch Irish origin, born in the north of Ireland in 1728. He was one of the first settlers of Jaffrey in 1758. He had ten children, two of whom, David and Robinson, were the first coUege graduates from that town. David became a lawyer, married Mary Harkness, whose mother, Elizabeth Putnam, was a relative of General Israel Putnam of Revolutionary fame. They had five children, only two ^^!^ GENEALOGY. 797 of whom lived beyond infancy, — Mary Harkness, born July 5, 1806, married Oct. 9, 1834, to Dea. David Fosdick, died June 25, 1864, and James Robinson, born in Bristol, June 17, 1808. When about eight years old James R. Smiley moved with his parents to Plymouth, and two years later to Grafton. He gradu ated in 1826 from KimbaU Union Academy, and entered Dartmouth college the same year. In his sophomore year he left coUege, and began the study of medicine under Dr. Reuben Muzzey, of Hano ver. His studies were interrupted by iU-health, but he resumed them later with Dr. Robert Lane, of Sutton, and received his degree from the Dartmouth Medical School in 1833. He practised medicine four years with Dr. Lane, and in 1837 married Elizabeth Lane, daughter of Dr. Lane, and removed to Grafton. Here he lived, with two short interruptions, for nearly thirty years, building up a large and successful practice, which com manded the whole of Grafton, and portions of Danbury, Spring field, Canaan, Orange, and Alexandria. He was a thorough medi cal scholar, a close observer of diseases and their causes, careful and judicious in his treatment of them. He was earnestly devoted to his profession, making himself literally the servant of all if only he might save life or reUeve suffering. He received in return, to an unusual degree, the love and confidence of the people whom he served. Dr. Smiley began at length to suffer from the labors of his pro fession, and a change became necessary. At the same time the fail ing health of Dr. Lane required the presence of Mrs. Smiley — his only surviving child. In 1866, therefore, he returned with his fam ily to Sutton, where he spent the remainder of his life in the prac tice of his profession, and giving attention also to farming. In 1828 Dr. Smiley received an appointment to the office of deputy sheriff of Grafton county, and to the horseback riding, which its duties involved in those days, he always attributed his restora tion to health. He was also about the same time an officer in the old state mUitia, ranking up from ensign until he held a colonel's commission. WhUe in actual practice he was a member of the New Hamp shire Medical Society, and was a justice of the peace over forty years. He was an early member of , the Christian church, organ ized in Grafton in 1855, and for many years was the superintend ent of public schools in that town. In his later life he helped 798 HISTORY OF SUTTON. establish a division of the Sons of Temperance, and was one of the charter members of the Sutton Grange. An old-line Whig and a staunch Republican, he has held intelli gent and decided views upon aU the great public issues which have entered into the history of the country for the last half century. Dr. James R. Smiley died in Sutton, Oct. 15, 1886. Children of Dr. James R. and Elizabeth (Lane) Smiley, all born in Grafton, — Adelaide Lane, b. Oct. 10, 1837. . Mary EUzabeth, b. Nov. 9, 1839 ; d. Sept. 9, 1856. Frances Farley, b. July 8, 1841. Susan Ela, b. Aug. 11, 1843 ; m. July 30, 1885, Charies L. Pul- sifer, and lived in Lake ViUage. She died Apr. 4, 1890. PameUa TarbeU, b. Jan. 19, 1846 ; m. Aug. 18, 1874, Rev. Ben jamin O. True. They reside in Rochester, N. Y. ; 3 children. Robert Lane, b. AprU 10, 1848. The daughters of Dr. Smiley were all graduates of New London academy, and all became teachers of high and other schools. Miss Addie has been at two different times the lady principal at New London, her last engagement there covering a period of some fifteen or twenty years. Robert L. Smiley has been a journalist. Present resi dence at the homestead in North Sutton. Robert Lane Ela was eldest son of George W. and Adelaide Lane Ela, and was born at Concord April 17, 1838. When he was five years old his mother died, and he in consequence spent, in part, his childhood with his grandfather. Dr. Lane, in Sut ton, and a portion of the time lived with his father in Con cord. He was educated at New London, Pembroke, and Meriden academies. On completing his studies at these schools he was employed on his father's extensive farm in AUenstown, and subsequently engaged in the manufacture of shoes in Stoneham, Mass., in which he continued till 1861. At the breaking out of the war he returned to Con- iff®! •-'!'- GENEALOGY. 799 cord, and recruited a company for the Sixth N. H. Regi ment. He was commissioned captain, and was mustered into service Nov. 30, 1861, and served till he was mustered out with his regiment July 17, 1865. In the second battle of Bull Run he was severely wounded in the right arm, and was sent home, where he remained a few months. Partially recovering the use of his arm, he rejoined his regiment, and went with it to Vicksburg, where he was present dui'ing the siege and at the surrender. When the regiment, return ing to Kentucky, was stationed at Frankfort, Captain Ela acted as provost-marshal. On the reorganization of the army under General Grant he went with his regiment to Virginia, and participated in the Wilderness battles of May 5 and 6 ; the battles of Spottsylvania, May 12 and 18 ; North Anna River, May 29 ; of Cold Harbor, June 3 and 4 ; then moving across the James river to the front of Petersburg, and engaging in the battles of June 17 and 18, and being under fire every day till, the explosion of the mine on July 30. Captain Ela was in command of the regiment at this time, and the Sixth N. H. being one of those selected to charge the enemy after the blowing up of the mine, he led it into the crater, and in the fight which followed was wounded bj'- the explosion of a spherical case- shot in front of him. Both legs were partially paralyzed, causing injuries from which he has never fully recovered. He was afterwards detailed for duty as acting adjutant quartermaster at Concord. He returned to his regiment and was promoted to the rank of major before the close of the war. He was popular with the men under his com mand, being thoughtful for their comfort and watchful for their interests. As an officer he was prompt and faithful in the discharge of duty, and performed well his part in the war for the Union. After his return from the army he studied medicine and surgery with Dr. Crosby of Concord, and at Dartmouth Medical School, and at Bellevue hospital, New York, taking degrees from both schools. He removed to California some fifteen years ago. 800 HISTORY OF SUTTOlSr. Captain Richard Ela was the second son of George W. and Adelaide (Lane) Ela. and was born at Concord, Feb. 12, 1840. The death of his mother when he was three years old was the cause of his spending part of his childhood with his grandfather. Dr. Lane, in Sutton, the rest being spent with his father. He attended the public schools, and, later, the academies at Franklin, Pembroke, New London, and Meriden. Having graduated from the latter in 1858, he at once commenced the study of law in the office of George & Foster, in Con cord, attending lectures at the Harvard Law School, and was admitted to the Merrimack county bar. The war broke out, and he entered the service as first lieutenant of Company E, Third Regiment, N. H. Vols., being mustered in Aug. 22, 1861. While at Camp Sher man, at Long Island, he was appointed judge-advocate of the Regiment. The Third Regiment was with General Sherman at Hilton Head, and during their stay of several months sickness visited them, and this, with some being detailed for duty elsewhere, so reduced the number of offi cers that for six months, with few exceptions, he was the only officer with his company. In April, 1862, he was promoted to a captaincy. In July following he was assigned to the command of the forces on Pinckney island. He returned in September to Hilton Head, where sickness prevailed to such a degree that, for a time, but one captain besides himself was on duty. His own health suffered severely, and he was given leave of absence for twenty days. In March, 1863, he was assigned to duty as second in command of provost guard at Hilton Head. He was with the first expedition against Charlestown, and participated in the fighting on Morris island in July 1863. In April, 1864, the regiment was sent to Virginia to join in the operations against Richmond. Captain Ela's last letter to his father was dated at Gloucester Point, Va., -*>*!? ^5?-^ lyhwO^-^^ GENEALOGY. 801 Apr. 30, 1864. Thirteen days later he fell in the charge which captured the first of the outer defences of Richmond. In the desperate charge at Drury's Bluff he led his men to within twenty paces of the enemy's breastworks and died. The adjutarit-general's report says, — " The fighting lasted but twenty minutes, but in that time more than two hun dred of New Hampshire's best and bravest fell dead or wounded. Among the foremost fell the gallant Captain Richard Ela, while in advance of his men, leading them to the charge. He was shot through the brain, and expired almost instantly." His body was buried on the field of battle. Captain Ela was a brave and faithful officer. From the time of entering active ser-vice the complement of officers was never full. He was always on duty, and the work of absent ones fell on him. Officers and men alike bore testi mony to his ability, his faithfulness, and kindly thoughtful- ness of others. He was never marked off duty, and at the end of two and one half years of service he was the only one of the original officers who had not been home. Regard for duty was the key-note of his character. Had he lived it would have made him a useful and honored citizen ; dying as he did, it made him a hero. LEWIS. Timothy B. Lewis, b. Aug. 9, 1841 ; m. Aug. 23, 1862, Mary Jane Fellows. She was b. July 22, 1837. ChUd,— I. WilUe A., b. July 28, 1865. 51 802 HISTORY OF SUTTON. LITTLE. George Little, the founder of the Newbury, Mass., family of this name, came to this country according to a long cur rent and probably reliable tradition, from Unicorn street, near London bridge, England, in 1640 or soon after, and married Alice Poor, and sailed from Southampton, Eng., in 1638, together with her two brothers, Samuel and Daniel, in the party of Mr. Stephen Dummer. She is believed to have been a native of Wiltshire, b. 1620, d. Dec. 1, 1680. Her husband m., 2d, the widow of Thomas Barnard, of Amesbury, Mass. ; 5 children, all of 1st wife, of whom Joseph, 2d child, b. Sept. 22, 1653 ; d. Sept. 6, 1740 : m. Oct. 31, 1677, Mary, dau. of Tristram and Judith Somerby Greenleaf Coffin, who was b. Nov. 12> 1657 ; d. Nov. 28, 1725. Resided in Newbury, Mass. They had 9 children, of whom George, 3d child, was b. Jan. 12, 1682 ; d. July 2, 1760 : m. Feb. 22, 1711, Edna, dau. of Capt. Thomas and Sarah (Northend) Hale, of Newbury, b. Nov. 21, 1684 ; d. Oct. 15, 1732 : m., 2d, widow Mehitabel Clement, of Haverhill, who d. Nov. 3, 1754. He was a lieutenant in the militia. His name occurs among the proprietors of Boscawen. He removed to HaverhUl, and later to Plais tow ; 8 children, of whom Thomas, 1st child, b. Oct. 27, 1711 ; d. Nov. 8, 1766 : m. Jan. 12, 1737-8, Mary Bond, of HaverhiU, Mass. ; b. Oct. 1, 1721 ; d. June 29, 1801. Thomas Little early removed from Newbury to Haverhill. In 1746 he and his brother Joseph were appointed by Gov. Wentworth to make a plan of Timberlane, now Hampstead. He was a tanner and farmer. His descendants have as a whole been noted for their size of body and physical strength, especially those in the line of his son Bond. In his will, dated Nov. 5, 1766, he makes bequests to all his surviving children. In this will there occurs this particu lar paragraph : " I give to my well beloved wife my servant- boy. Lot." This Lot Little was a mulatto. He accompa nied Bond Little to Deering and to Sutton, and settled in GENEALOGY. 803 Sutton, and his family is found on our town records. He engaged in farming while living here. Like all other colored persons who were born slaves at that date he was called by his master's name, but it is probable that on reaching maturity he was set free, as was not uncommon in New England, for the good reason that slavery could not be made profitable here. Cases like this of Lot Little, however, were not infrequent, in which the slave, though no longer considered such, stUl clung affec tionately to the family in which he had been kindly reared, and the old feeling of dependence, the natural outgrowth of the peculiar relation of master and slave, made him ready to attach himself to the fortunes of some one mem ber of it. Lot Little m. Susanna Thomas, 9, white woman. Children, as found on Sutton records, — Anna, b. Aug. 2, 1790. WiUiam, b. AprU 15, 1794. James, b. Nov. 27, 1795. Sarah, b. Jan. 18, 1799. John, b. Oct. 29, 1802. Lyman, b. Nov. 19, 1806. Thomas and Mary (Bond) Little had the following chil dren, — I. Bond, b. June 25, 1739 ; d. Oct. 23, 1740. II. Bond, b. Nov. 11, 1741 ; d. July 10, 1811. III. EUzabeth, b. March 1, 1744 ; d. May 4, 1800. IV. Alice, b. March 18, 1746 ; d. Oct. 7, 1816. V. Thomas, b. April 11, 1749 ; d. Oct. 30, 1814. VI. Mary, b. Feb. 6, 1752. VII. Sarah, b. March 23, 1755 ; d. May 15, 1760. II. Bond Little m. March 16, 1762, Ruth Atwood, b. May 20, 1742 ; d. May 14, 1814. He served under Capt. John Hazen in the expedition against Crown Point in 1758, and not long after settled in Weare. In 1775 he removed to the adjacent town of Deering, where he held several to-wn offices, and cleared a large tract of land. In 1786 he went to Fishersfield, where he had made exten sive purchases of land. He was a prominent citizen there, served as selectman, was justice of the peace, and, as the records of Sutton 804 HISTORY OF SUTTON-. show, performed many marriages. At the beginning of the present century he removed with several of his children to Hatley, Stan- stead Co., Canada, where he died July 10, 1811. He was a man of much energy, and noted for his great wit and mirthfulness. His wife, of a sedate disposition, was a pious and exceUent woman. The town and other records show that he did much work as a justice of the peace in Sutton, and it is thought that he at times had his resi dence in this town. ChUdren, — 1. Samuel, b. Jan. 20, 1763 ; m. Sept. 28, 1789, Susanna Russell, and d. without issue. 2. Sarah, b. March, 4, 1764 ; d. young. 3. Thomas, b. Sept. 16, 1768 ; d. Aug. 11, 1803, at Fishersfield. 4. Ruth, m. June 14, 1795, James GUlingham, of Fishersfield (New bury). She d. about 1800. 6. Alice, b. May 2, 1773 ; m. Aug. 30, 1793, Ephraim Wadleigh. They removed in 1801 to Hatley, Can., where she d. Feb. 21, 1852, and he d. Jan. 20, 1852. They had 8 children, for whom see Wadleigh. 6. Taylor, b. 1776 ; m. Pamelia Jlarsh, who d. Feb. 15, 1838, aged 56. He m., 2d, Sally White, b. ,Iuly 1, 1792; d. Sept. 4, 1872. He d. without issue Feb. 5, 1854, in Canada. He was the first of the Little family to go to Canada. 7. Abijah, b. March 15, 1780 ; d. Dec. 19, 1860 : m. May 8, 1800, Elizabeth Bean, of Sutton, who d. Jan. 30, 1866, aged 85 years. They removed to Canada in 1800 ; 10 children. 8. Ezekiel, b. Nov. 18, 1781 ; d. March 6, 1847. (Dea. Little, of Sutton-). 9. Bond, b. 1783 ; d. Feb. 23, 1859 : m. Mary Bean, of Sutton, who d. Aug. 17, 1861, aged 75 or 76. He was a farmer and lived in Hatley, P. Q. ; 10 chUdren. Thomas Little, 3d child of Bond and Ruth Atwood, m. March 26, 1795, Jennie McMasters, of Fishersfield. He was a farmer and lieutenant in the militia. His widow d. July 18, 1858, aged 81 years. Children, — L SaUy, b. Nov. 15, 1795 ; d. June 21, 1796. II. Ruth A., b. Sept. 24, 1797; m. Dec. 22,' 1819, Dr. Lothrop Shurtleff, of Hatley. III. Jane, b. May 24, 1799 ; m. May 23, 1835, John St. John, of Cayuga Co., N. Y. IV. Thomas, b. Dec. 7, 1801 ; m. May 14, 1845, Jane E., dau. of Jesse and Lucy (Turner) Wadleigh, h. July 17, 1817, in Hatley, P. Q. Resides in Weedsport, N. Y. V. WiUiam, b. Dec. 5, 1803 ; d. Feb. 19, 1840 : m. Eveline, dau. of Stephen and Ruth Kinsman, b. at Landaff, June 1, 1808 j d. at Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 1, 1866. ChUdren, GENEAUOGY. 805 1. Hu-am Kinsman, b. May 27, 1830 ; d. July 4, 1864. 2. Cyrus Baldwin, b. Dec. 21, 1831 ; d. Aug. 23, 1853, while studying medicine. 3. William, b. Jan. 31, 1836; m. May 1.5, 1863, Mary W., dau. of Thomas Jefferson and Ruth (Woodward) Chadwick. He is a manu facturer of clothes-pins at Warner. ChUdren, — (1) Lena Eldona, b. AprU 24, 1865. (2) Hiram Jefferson, b. Nov. 8, 1872 ; d. March 24, 1873. (3) Eveline Ruth, b. July 31, 1875. 4. Thomas, b. June 15, 1838 ; m. Marietta Pike. Resides at Brad ford. He served two years in 11th N. H. Regiment. Child, — (1) Charles Elmer, b. May 21, 1858. Mrs. Little, widow of William Little, moved into this town with her four sons, above named, and located in Mill viUage, where two of the sons afterwards engaged in the manufacture of clothes-pins. 1. Hiram Kinsman Little m. 1856, Susan Harvey, dau. of Capt. Jon athan and Dolly (Harvey) Woodward. Child, — (1) Cyrus Harvey, b. Aug. 13, 1859, at Sutton. After the death of his parents, Cyrus Harvey Little lived in the fam ily of his uncle, Truman Putney. He took a course of study at New Hampton Literary Institution, where he graduated in 1879. He had a high rank in scholarship, and at graduation delivered an address be fore the Adelphi, one of the literary societies of the institution. In the fall of 1880 he entered Bates college, at Lewiston, Me., but his health, always delicate, failed under his enthusiastic devotion to study, and at the close of his freshman year he was forced to abandon his college course. His health gradually improved, and he was for several years associated with his cousin, Fred Putney, in trade at Sutton. In 1885 he was school-committee in Sutton, and when the town system of schools was introduced he was elected a member of the school-board for three years, and during 1888 was chairman of the board. Mr. Little is a very ready and interesting speaker in public, in fact seems to have a natural gift of oratory, and has by invitation delivered several Memorial Day addresses, which have been much admired. He is often called on to speak before Grand Army Posts, at fairs, political meetings, &c., and his addresses have often been favorably mentioned by the press. A correspondent of the Independent Statesman, of Con cord, in giving an account of an entertainment recently held by Robert Campbell Post, at Sutton, thus alludes to him : " Cyrus H. Little was the first speaker of the evening, but to a Sut ton audience he needed no introduction, his birthplace being in our midst. Left an orphan in early years, we have watched his career with interest, and we can but congratulate him that he has inherited that patriotic love of country which characterized his noble father> 806 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Lieut. H. K. Little, of the 11th N. H. Regiment. He tenderly referred to his father, and expressed his interest in all comrades of the G. A. R. He eloquently spoke of the great issues arising from our cruel war, and the responsibility resting upon the nation. His address through out was marked by the fine scholarship he has so well attained." A local paper, in a notice of his address on Memorial Day at Warner, thus speaks of him : " Mr. C. H. Little, who gave the address, is the son of one of Sutton's fallen heroes. His remarks throughout were cultured, graceful, and patriotic. He spoke with a strong, pleasant voice, in a simple, manly way, which won all hearts." Mr. Little is a member of the Free Baptist Church in Sutton, and is also a member of Massasecum Lodge, No. 34, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Bradford ; also of W. W. Brown Camp No. 1, Sons of Veterans, of Manchester, and has held important offices in both of these organizations. He is now in the employ of the well known firm of Barton & Co., dealers in dry goods, Manchester. Cyrus Harvey Little is the only child of his father, Hiram K. Little, and grandson of Jonathan Woodward, and great grandson of James Harvey, youngest brother of Dea. Matthew Harvey. With these three generations of honorable ancestry behind him in this his native town, the filial regard he has always entertained for Sutton is in no way diminished by the fact that he has now become a resident, perhaps permanently, of the city of Manchester, where he is taking up new interests and forming new business and social relations. He has been much interested in the success and correctness of this history of the town, being one of the committee appointed by the town, three years ago, to examine the manuscript as then presented, and report thereon. Since going away to live he has also aided much by making important and valuable suggestions, and especially by making much and finally successful effort to collect information on some points that seemed almost beyond the reach of any one. Ezekiel Little, eighth child of Bond and Ruth (Atwood) Little, m., 1st, Judith, dau. of Judith and Hannah (Quim by) Nelson, b. June 3, 1785; d. Sept. 16, 1814. He m., 2d, Feb. 22, 1816, Dolly CheUis, dau. of John CheUis. He removed to Canada about 1800, where he remained till 1812, and then returned to Sutton with his family, where he remained till his death, March 6, 1847. He was found dead in his bed one morning, after a slight illness. Like many of his branch of the Little family, he was noted for GENEALOGY. 807 physical strength. He was deacon of the Calvinistic Baptist church in Sutton many years. His son, Philip N. Little, was born in Canada, but came to Sutton and lived many years upon his father's homestead farm, and there died. He was a prosperous farmer, and a useful, generous, public- spirited man. Children of Ezekiel Little, — I. Jonathan, b. Feb. 18, 1804 ; d. March 16, 1805. II. Philip Nelson, b. Feb. 3, 1806 ; d. Oct. 17, 1887. III. Hannah Nelson, b. March 20, 1808 ; d. Sept. 21, 1879 : m. Thomas Wadleigh. [See same.j IV. EUza, b. AprU 25, 1810 ; d. June 7, 1880 : m. Luther Wad leigh. See same. V. Jonathan, b. May 14, 1812 ; d. Aug. 26, 1879. VI. Moses, b. Aug. 26, 1814 ; d. AprU 3, 1815. VII. John CheUis, b. March 16, 1817 ; d. March 25, 1876. VIII. Dolly CheUis, b. June 4, 1819 ; d. Aug. 23, 1844, unmar ried. IX. Judith Nelson, b. Dec. 26, 1821 ; d. Nov. 12, 1843, unmar ried. X. Salome, b. July 3, 1823 ; d. Dec. 20, 1841, unmarried. II. Philip Nelson Little m. Jan., 1827, Lydia, dau. of Henry Varner, of Waldoboro', Me., who d. March 10, 1872. He m., 2d, May 5, 1874, Mrs. Mary Jane Sargent, widow of Perley Sargent, and dau. of Elbridge G. and Mary (Dearborn) King. He d. Oct. 17, 1887. Children,— 1. Roxana, b. Jan. 6, 1828; m. Daniel Woodward. [See Woodward.] 2. Henry Varner, b. AprU 10, 1829 ; m. Feb. 10, 1865, Harriet M. Cheney, of Bradford. He is a farmer at Sutton, and has served as selectman. Children, — (1) Henry, b. July 4, 1872. (2) Frank Bert, b. Jan. 1, 1878. 3. Franklin, b. May 15, 1830 ; d. July 13, 1847. 4. Carlos, b. Sept. 18, 1833 ; m. July 23, 1855, Celia L., dau. of Per- kin Hawse, of North Hatley, P. Q., b. March 16, 1834. Mr. Little was one of the first settlers in what is now Stanton, Plymouth Co., Iowa. He held several positions of trust, among them that of cqunty commissioner. In 1878 he removed to Yam Hill, Oregon, where he is engaged in farming and lumbering. 5. Orison, b. March 6, 1835 ; m. June 15, 1867, Rachel Emily Hazen, and is a lieutenant of police in Boston. He served during the war in Nimm's Battery. 808 HISTORY OP SUTTON. 6. Jane, b. Oct. 12, 1838 ; m. March, 1862, Henry A. Stevens, a shoe manufacturer of Stoneham, Mass. 7. Lydia EvaUne, b. Jan. 23, 1840 ; m. 1862, Samuel Bagley, of Sut ton, who d. Jan. 30, 1881. Children,— (1) Orson, b. May 21, 1865. (2) Orin, b. AprU 13, 1867. (3) AUce Mary, b. Dec. 12, 1874. (4) Flora Bell, b. Jan. 12, 1876. 8. EUen, b. Nov. 3, 1842 ; m. Josiah, son of Richard and Betsey Mel vin. Lives in Lynn, Mass. Children, b. in Bradford, — (1) Lulu v., b. Nov. 28, 1862 ; d. Feb. 21, 1881. (2) Lena v., b. June 9, 1864; m. Nov. 20, 1881, Joseph A. Cook. Lives in Lynn. 9. Franklin Nelson, b. July 16, 1846; m. Jan. 28, 1871, Elizabeth K. Asbury, dau. of Paul Asbury, Esq., of Birmingham, Eng., b. Jan. 10, 1849. In 1869 Mr. Little went to Plymouth Co., Iowa, and became one of the first settlers of the township, afterwards named Stanton, where he held several positions of trust. In 1879 he removed to Yam HUl Co., Oregon, where he is engaged in lumbering. Children, b. in Plymouth Co., — (1) PhUip Carlos, b. Dec. 30, 1871. (2) Lydia Etta, b. Oct. 21, 1874. (3) Nellie May, b. May 25, 1877. V. Jonathan N. Little, of Sutton, m. July 4, 1834, Lavinia Colby, of Warner, b. Aug. 7, 1812 ; d. June 4, 1855. ChUd,— 1. Melissa Ann, b. March 29, 1836; m. Francis Shurtleff, of Hatley; 2 children, — Thomas T. and Mary L., both married. Jonathan N. Little m., 2d, Dec. 18, 1861, Sarah Elmira, dau. of David and Harriet (Hurd) BaU. He d. Aug. 26, 1879, in Hatley. Children, — 2. Erastus, b. July 20, 1864. 3. Hattie Judith, b. May 25, 1867. VII. John CheUis Little, b. March 16, 1817 ; m., 1st, Mary Ann Baker, of New Boston. He m., 2d, Lois Nichols, of Sutton. Chil dren, — 1. Mary Jane, b. March 16, 1846. 2. Salome Ann, b. March 10, 1850. 3. Emma EmUy, b. Jan. 20, 1854 ; m. Nov. 27, 1878, Frank Knowl ton. 4. Mary Ann, b. 1861. (1) Bert Little, grandson of John Ch'ellis Little, b. about 1870, has been most of his life a resident of this town ; he is a promising young man, of good habits and good character. Thomas Stevens Little, 6th in descent from George Lit tle, the immigrant, b. May 5, 1766; m. Jan. 30, 1793, •.^^^c^ Cc^Z'n^ y%^, oo c^:it Jonathan. 830 HISTORY OF SUTTON. In May, 1640, Mr. Thomas Nelson was appointed by the court, with Mr. Edward Woodman and Mr. William Paine, to view and settle the bounds between Hampton and Col chester (Salisbury), and make return thereof, which was done. In the division of his estate, Thomas Nelson gave a double portion to his oldest son, PhUip, who thus became possessor of 3,000 acres of land. It was not unusual for the early English settlers in New England who owned large tracts of land to carry out in this manner the Eng lish ideas concerning the division of their estates, the aim being, of course, to keep as much of the same entire, irre spective of any especial merit in the favored eldest son. Even down to the Revolutionary period similar divisions of property were occasionally made. Philip Nelson was a graduate of Harvard college in 1654, and was captain of a Rowley company, fighting against the French at Quebec in 1690. Jonathan Nelson, who settled in Perrystown, had been in the French war, and his son, Philip, served in the Rev olutionary war. In coming to this town, Jonathan Nelson was accompanied or soon followed by both of his sons, Asa and Philip, and they all spent the remainder of their lives in Sutton, and died here, leaving a numerous posterity here and elsewhere. Some ten years ago there were in this town sixteen legal voters by the name of Nelson. Before coming here to live, Jonathan Nelson had helped to make the first highways in Perrystown. It is said that he helped to hew the logs for the small log structure which the early settlers built somewhere in the present Mill Village, which for a few years served the neighborhood for a meet ing-house. He had been deacon of a church in Rowley, and perhaps held the same office in the church in this town, but there is no record in existence to show who were the officers of the early church in Perrystown. He settled about one fourth of a mUe above Mill Vil lage, on the stream. Moses Quimby's lots were 33 and 34, GENEALOGY. 881 which included most of what is now Mill Village. Jona than Nelson's was the mill lot, and made the remainder of the village. Dea. Jonathan was considered a worthy, industrious, and pious man, — not merely a professor, but full of earnestness in the cause of religion. He was kind and pleasant in man ner, tall, slender, and remarkably erect in person, even in old age. He died in 1801, aged 77. His wife died in 1802. Dea. Asa, son of Dea. Jonathan, like his father, was dis tinguished for piety, industry, and integrity, being recog nized as a very exemplary and upright man. In personal appearance, also, he much resembled his father. Philip Nelson, the other son of Dea. Jonathan, settled on land adjoining his brother, Asa, on the road leading from Newbury to Mill Village. He was greatly distin guished for physical strength and agility, being in his youth a noted wrestler — an accomplishment much esteemed at that date. He died in 1841, aged 86. Stephen Nelson, a son of an older brother of Jonathan, settled here about 1792, and owned lot No. 14, 2d Div., a little above North Sutton village. He subsequently moved to Salisbury, where he died in 1814. He was con nected with some of the early settlers of that town. Sev eral of the settlers of Salisbury and Sutton came from the same vicinity — Hampstead and Kingston — and in early times intermarriages between them were frequent. Thomas Nelson, of Rowley, Yorkshire, England, m. 1634, Joan Dummer, of the same place, dau. of Thomas, and niece of Richard Dummer. Children, — I. PhUip, b. in England, 1636 ; d. Aug. 19, 1691. II. Thomas, b. in England, 1638. III. Mercy, b. in Rowley, Mass., 1643. IV. Samuel, b. in Rowley, Mass., 1646. V. Mary, b. in Rowley, Mass., 1648. I. PhUip Nelson m. June 24, 1667, Sarah Jewett, of Rowley, Mass., who d. Feb. 14,,1665. He m., 2d, Nov. 1, 1666, Elizabeth 832 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Lowell, of Newbury, Mass., dau. of John LoweU, b. 1646 ; d. Dec. 14, 1731. Children, b. in Rowley,— 1. PhiUp, b. AprU 16, 1659. 2. Mary, b. March 22, 1662. 3. John, b. June 30, 1668. 4. Jeremiah, b. Nov. 23, 1670 ; d. . 5. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 27, 1672. 6. Jeremiah, b. Nov. 15, 1674. 7. Martha, b. Oct. 30, 1677. 8. Ruth, b. Aug. 20, 1680. 9. Joseph, b. Nov. 28, 1682. 10. Jemima, b. Oct. 22, 1686. 11. Lucy, b. Jan. 14, 1689. Of the above children of Philip Nelson, the ninth, Joseph, m. 1706^ Hannah, dau. of Capt. Samuel Brocklebank, of Rowley, who was killed by the Indians at Sudbury, Mass., April 21, 1696. She was b. 1683; d. June 5, 1732. Children, b. in Rowley, — (1) Jeremiah, b. June 23, 1707. (2) Joseph, b. March 10, 1709. (3) Moses, b. March 15, 1711. (4) Mary, b. May 11, 1713. (5) Samuel, b. May 6, 1715. (6) David, b. Aug. 8, 1717. (7) Francis, b. Dec. 2, 1719. (8) John, b. Nov. 9, 1721. (9) Jonathan, b. July 27, 1723 ; d. June 18, 1801. (10) Philip, b. Nov. 21, 1725. (9) Jonathan Nelson m. Dec. 24, 1752, Hannah Cheney, of Haver hill, Mass., who d. July 14, 1802. Children, b. in Rowley, — Asa, b. AprU 3, 1754; May 31, 1837. Philip, b. June ,3, 1756 ; d. Sept. 4, 1841. Betsey, b. March 11, 1759 ; m. James Smiley, of HaverhiU, Mass. Asa Nelson, Sk. Asa Nelson, Sr., married in Warner, and his wife re mained at her parents' home till after the birth of their first child, he meantime going back and forth between the two towns, improving his lot, and building his house. Early in the season of 1777 they started for their home in the woods, a walk of eight miles, carrying their child in their arms, and driving their cow before them. Before reaching their house snow began to fall, and, cow and all, they were glad of its shelter that first night, though as yet GENEALOGY. 833 the door was not hung, and the driving snow kept them busy with the broom to sweep it out. The next day the door and window-shutters were hung, and the cow-stall finished ; and the cow lived nicely upon the fodder he had carefully saved, with evergreen-tree boughs to browse upon. In the spring she became the mother of a fine calf, and Mr. Nelson bought a mate for it, giving therefor his wedding shirt of fine linen, and the two calves became his first yoke of oxen. The experience of this young couple was like that of many others in Perrystown. Beginning in this simple, rude way, comfort and independence came in a few years as the result of hard labor and good manage ment. Asa Nelson, Sr., m. Jan. 1, 1776, Abigail Harriman, of Warner. Children, — I. Hannah C, b. in Warner, Dec. 24, 1776; m. Oct. 20, 1796, Jacob Bean, of Sutton. II. Sarah A., b. Oct. 2, 1779 ; m. March 26, 1807, Elder WiU iam Taylor. No chUdren. in. PoUy, b. Sept. 12, 1781 ; m. Dec. 24, 1809, Wm. HaU, of Massachusetts. No children. IV. Betsey, b. Aug. 31, 1784 ; m. AprU 20, 1810, Benjamin Fifield, of WUmot. ChUdren, b. in WUmot,— 1. Asa Nelson. 2. Abigail H. 3. Susan. V. Asa, b. Dec. 18, 1787 ; d. 1853. Mrs. Abigail (Harriman) Nelson d. Feb. 3, 1814, and her husband m., 2d, Nov. 21, 1815, Mrs. Susan (Smith) Sweetser, of Windsor, Vt. Her children by former mar riage who came to Sutton were, 1. Mary, 2. Susan, 3. EUzabeth A. V. Asa Nelson m. Jan. 31, 1811, EUzabeth Wadleigh. Chil dren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Belinda, b. Jan. 22, 1812 ; d. 2. AbigaU I-L, b. Oct. 13, 1813; d. Jan. 22, 1876. 3. Miriam A., b. May 6, 1816; d. March 15, 1881. 4. Marcus, b. Nov. 21, 1818 ; d. May 29, 1884, in New London. 5. Lucas, b. May 30, 1821 ; d. March 25, 1873. 6. Jonathan Harvey, Nov. 17, 1823; d. AprU 5, 1866. 53 884 HISTORY OF SUTTON. 7. James Madison, b. July 19, 1825. 8. Thomas W., b. June 20, 1827. 9. Asa, b. May 12, 1832; d. Jan. 8, 1833. 10. Franklin, b. June 11, 1834 ; d. Feb. 20, 1875. Dea. Asa Nelson, Jr., became one of the prominent men of Sut ton. He held many town offices, and was afterwards justice of the peace. He was captain of infantry, and deacon of the FreewiU Baptist church, — a pious, honorable, efficient man. He died in 1863. His wife, EUzabeth, died in 1841. 1. Belinda Nelson never m., and much of her liEe was spent in teach ing school, and it is recorded of her that " she taught forty terms of school, and always with success.'' 2. AbigaU H. Nelson m. Sept. 15, 1833, EU P. Todd, of New Lon don. ChUdren, b. in New London, — (1) Janette S. B., b. Jan. 20, 1834; d. Jan., 1861. (2) Asa Nelson, b. May 24, 1838. (3) George Sumner, b. Feb. 5, 1839. (4) Sarah Elizabeth, b. AprU 7, 1841. (5) Abby Maroa, b. Dec. 10, 1846; d. 1890. (6) Harriet, Sept. 22, 1851. (7) Frank Walter, Feb. 10, 1854. EU P. Todd d. AprU 23, 1881, at New London. His wife, AbigaU H., d. Jan. 22, 1876, at New London. Abby Maroa, their fifth child, taught successfully 25 terms of school. (1) Janette S. B. Todd m. Aug. 1854, Benjamin F. Davis, of Brad ford. Child,— a. Elizabeth H., b. Oct. 9, 1856 ; m. Dec, 1877, Willian G. Hoyt, of Bradford. Children, — Eva J., b. Aug. 4, 1880. Ina Frances, b. Jan. 14, 1888. (2) Asa Nelson Todd m. June 7, 1860, Maroa C. Harvey. (See record of Joseph Harvey.) (4) Sarah EUzabeth Todd m. May 1, 1866, Thomas J. Courser, of Webster. Children, — Emma J., b. Oct. 30, 1867. George W., b. April 7, 1871. Fred W., b. Sept. 19, 1872. Sarah A,, b. Feb. 22, 1876. Mrs. Sarah E. (Todd) Courser d. March 9, 1876. (7) Frank W. Todd, of New London, m. AprU 27, 1878, EUa S. Key ser, dau. of Jonathan H. Keyser, of Sutton. (See Kezar record.) 3. Miriam A. Nelson ra. May 6, 1840, Edmund T. Ring, of Newbury, a farmer, and, by trade, also, a mason, who taught many terms of school in Sutton. They lived for some years in New London, at the GENEALOGY. 835 north end of Sunapee lake ; later they removed to Bradford, where both died. Edmund T. Ring d. AprU 5, 1887. His wife, Miriam A. (Nelson) Ring, d. March 15, 1881. Child,— (1) Annette M., b. in Newbury, May 5, 1841 ; m. May 30, 1862. Frank Cressey, of Bradford. Children, b. in Concord, — WUlis Martin, b. Oct. 29, 1863. Harry Ring, b. Sept. 5, 1869. May Florence, b. Jan. 28, 1872. Mr. Cressey resides at Concord, and is a business man of that city. Mrs. Cressey is a writer of considerable note. 4. Marcus, or Mark, Nelson m. Sept. 12, 1844, Lucy J. Fifield of Andover, b. Aug. 1, 1826. ChUdren, — (1) Lucia, b. Oct. 10, 1845; m. Nov. 9, 1863, James E. H. Shepherd, of New London. (2) Ellen, b. Aug. 20, 1851 ; m. Dec. 28, 1875, George A. Watts, of Charlestown, Mass. 5. Lucas Nelson m. Mary Jane Kendrick, of Sutton, dau. of William and Sarah (Johnson) Kendrick. No chUdren. Mary Jane (Kendrick) Nelson died, and he m., 2d, Jan. 2, 1862, Sarah C. Hardy, of Nashua. 6. Jonathan Harvey Nelson m. Oct. 22, 1850, Mehitabel Rogers, of Sutton, dau. of Joshua and Cervalla E. (Garland) Rogers. Child, — (1) Ralph Byron Rogers, b. in Sutton, Feb. 28, 1852 ; m. July 4, 1872, Maria A Connor, of Plattsburg, N. Y., dau. of Horace G. and Sophia (Parsons) Connor. No children. Present residence in South village, at the Joshua Rogers homestead, formerly the Mariner Chase place. Jonathan Harvey Nelson d. April 5, 1866, in Sutton. He was a resi" dent in town during his whole life ; was a man of influence and excel lent business capacity ; was town collector several years in succession, and held other offices. 7. James Madison Nelson m. March 16, 1854, Sarah A. Simons, of Newbury, dau. of Moses and Mary (Savary) Simons. No chUdren. Resides at Enfield. 8. Thomas W. Nelson m. Sept. 25, 1849, Hannah S. Burpee, dau. of Nathan and Lois (Savary) Burpee, of Sutton. She d. April 24, 1851, and he m. May 29, 1853, Angeline R. Johnson, dau. of Asa and Sally (Brown) Johnson. ChUdren, — (1) Carrie, b. March 7, 1854 ; d. March 21, 1865. (2) Asa J., b. Nov. 20, 1856 ; d. March 17, 1865. (3) Frederic, b. Aug. 3, 1858 ; d. AprU 30, 1865. (4) Sarah B., b. AprU 18, 1860; m. Nov. 30, 1882, Fred. C. Brock way, of Bradford. (5) George, > b. Nov. 16, 1862 ; d. AprU 22, 1865. (6) Georgiana, J b. Nov. 16, 1862. 836 HISTORY OF SUTTON. (7) Jeannette, b. Nov. 27, 1864 ; m. June 6, 1888, Moses F. Whit tier, of Warner. (8) Herbert, b. Jan. 26, 1867. (9) Blanche C, b. Feb. 10, 1870. Thomas W. Nelson was for many years a resident in Sutton, and was prominent as a citizen. He lived upon the Dea. Asa Nelson farm for several years ; later, at the South village ; present residence, War ner. 10. Franklin Nelson m. Sept. 9, 1857, Lydia M., dau. of Emery and Lois (Clough) BaUey. Children, — ^ (1) Linda Elizabeth, b. Nov. 20, 1858; d. Jan. 25, 1886: m. Jan. 1, 1884, Rev. Orison L. Gile. (2) Frank Albertus, b. Jan. 26, 1865 ; d. Feb. 15, 1882. (3) James Madison, b. Nov. 1, 1870. Mrs. Lydia M. Nelson m., 2d, Feb. 28, 1880, Truman Putney. Philip Nelson, b. in Rowley, Mass., June 3, 1756 ; d. Sept. 4, 1841, in Sutton : m. Oct. 24, 1778, Hannah Quimby, of Sutton, b. Oct. 18, 1758 ; d. AprU 16, 1831. ChUdren, b. in Sutton,— L Moses, b. June 30, 1780 ; d. June 28, 1855. II. Jonathan, b. AprU 27, 1783. III. Judith, b. June 3, 1785 ; d. Sept. 16, 1814. IV. Hannah, b. Aug. 27, 1787 ; d. Jan. 14, 1862 ; m. Nov. 12, 1837, John Mattingly, of Sutton (2d wife), V. Philip, b. Dec. 22, 1790. VI. WiUiam, b. July 28, 1797 ; d. Aug. 16, 1869. Philip Nelson m., 2d, March 28, 1834, EUzabeth Good win. He was a farmer, and lived in the western part of this town, upon " Nelson's hill." At one period he did quite a business in purchasing and selling cattle, and had other outside interests. His sons Philip and Jonathan left this town. I. Moses Nelson m. Feb. 3, 1803, Lydia Muzzey, of Boscawen, b. Feb. 18, 1785 ; d. Jan. 6, 1817, in Sutton. She was sister of Daniel Muzzey, and dau. of John Muzzey. Children, — 1. John, b. May 5, 1804; d. Aug. 8, 1885. 2. Hannah, b. Nov. 23, 1805. 3. Mary, b. Oct. 13, 1809 ; d. Oct. 31, 1839, in Newbury. 4. Moses, b. Jan. 2, 1813. 5. Josiah P., b. Aug. 22, 1815 ; m., 1st, Phebe Downing. ..^..^^^.^ ' r. U'Tl eid{^%. GENEALOGY. 837 Moses Nelson m., 2d, Nov. 2, 1817, Dorothy Q. Bean, dau. of Jacob and Hannah (Nelson) Bean, b. Sept. 4, 1797 ; d. Sept. 7, 1888. Children, b. in Sutton, — 6. Oren, b. Feb. 14, 1819. 7. Joseph P., b. Aug. 25, 1821. 8. Ervin, b. Oct. 9, 1823 ; m. Sarah Gregg. 9. Jacob B., b. Jan. 20, 1827. 10. Robert B., b. Aug. 23, 1829 ; d. Sept. 21, 1855, in Sutton. 11. Lydia M., b. Dec. 30, 1831. 12. Alonzo, b. Sept. 5, 1836 ; d. Aug. 17, 1677, in Sutton. 2. Hannah Nelson m. Seth Russell. [See RusseU.] 3. Mary Nelson m. Henry GUlingham, of Newbury. Children, b. in Newbury, — (1) Almira. (2) Moses Nelson. (1) Almira GUlingham m. Webster Morse, of Newbury, moved to Henniker, where she died. They had a small family. (2) Moses Nelson GUlingham m. , and has a family. Residence, Chester. 4. Moses Nelson m. March 21, 1837, Hepsibah Simons, of Newbury, dau. of Moses and Hepsibah (GUlingham) Simons. Child, — (1) Henry A., b. in Sutton, June 15, 1843 ; killed in battle at Peters burg, Va., July 30, 1864. Adopted son, John A. Brown, b. Feb. 6, 1839, at Newport. Mrs. Hepsibah (Simons) Nelson d. June 7, 1869, in Sutton. Moses Nelson m., 2d, Oct. 15, 1870, Mrs. Lydia (Hale) Baker, of Bradford, dau. of Daniel and Lydia (Holmes) Hale. Mr. Nelson has lived most of his life in Sutton. He is a farmer, residing near the South village. John A. Nelson, adopted son of Moses Nelson, m. Jan. 15, 1867, Abbie C. Ferren, of Sutton, b. April 2, 1848, in Warner, dau. of Lo renzo and Hannah D. (Colby) Ferren. Children, b. in Sutton, — Charles P., b. Jan. 5, 1870. Florence E., b. Deo. 24, 1873. Arthur G., b. May 14, 1876. Fred A., b. Oct. 15, 1878. Susan M., b. AprU 10, 1880. Elizabeth O., b. Dec. 10, 1885. 6. Oren Nelson, first child of Moses and Dolly (Bean) Nelson, was b. Feb. 14, 1819. He lived with his father till he was of age, and in the autumn following, 1840, went to work in a cotton-mill in Peter borough, where he continued till 1845. In the autumn of the same year he returned to Sutton, and in company with J. P. Nelson bought the saw-miU of Albert Richards, and a shop of George Bean, with intention of " roughing out " bobbins for the cotton-mills. In AprU, 1846, he bought a house of Stephen Woodward, opposite the saw-miU 838 HISTORY OF SUTTON. and shop, and in September following married Miss Lucy Goodhue, of Hancock. The water-power not proving sufiicient to run the machinery and saw-mUl, the partnership dissolved after a few months, and Oren Nelson bought another shop further up on the stream, into which he put the machinery for roughing out bobbins, and about the same time sold his interest in the saw-mill to Ervin Nelson. In 1848 he took into partnership Phineas Crosby, which partnership dissolved at the end of one year, and Mr. Nelson then rented his shop to Crosby, Pres sey, Harvey & Co. A short time afterwards, March 11, 1849, the shop took fire and burned down, the building not insured, and very little machinery — two saws and one belt — being about all that was saved. After the fire had done its work, Mr. Nelson went home and talked the matter over with his wife, who, thankful that he had himself escaped injury, spoke many cheering words. But he was much dis heartened — all his hard earnings gone and no money left to start busi ness anew. But friends and neighbors assured him he should hav& help about rebuilding his shop The fire occurred on Monday. Tues day following was town-meeting day, and at that time Mr. Nicholas Rowell passed around among the citizens a paper he had prepared,, stating the circumstances and asking help for Mr. Nelson. "Men from every part of the town responded, till the amount of $132, mostly in work, which was better for me than money, was pledged, and the next day, a light snow having fallen, people came from all parts, some with oxen and sleds, and some with their axes, and others with their car penters' tools, all being prepared for work, with willing hearts and hands. I had a timber lot, and the men went and chopped and dre-w timber, which other men took and hewed ready for the carpenters to lay out the work. In a few days another shop was raised, and then some brought boards and shingles. Friends in Hancock gave me $25,. and with that and a little more I bought some machinery, hired some turning lathes, and in four weeks from the time the old shop was- burned down the new one was in running order. God only knows how thankful we have ever been for the kind favors we received in that trying time. Had it not been for the help then received I should never have rebuilt.'' This description of that picnic at Oren Nelson's shop is given in his own words, and it is encouraging to read it, showing, as it does, that people are just as easily moved to sympathy now as they were in the ancient days, whenever the occasion for it arises. In January, 1850, the lease of the company expired, and Mr. Nelson then operated the shops himself successfully for several years In 1855, in company with Erastus Wadleigh, he bought a saw-mill about one fourth of a mile above his shop, on the same stream. In this mill GENEALOGY. 839 he labored with much energy, being up in the morning in time to have his help and his cattle ready to commence work at daylight, and in the spring, when the water was high, running the saws day and night, taking his turn with the help in the night work. At the end of one year, finding it gave him too much care, he sold his interest in the saw-miU to Mr. Wadleigh, of whom Mr. Nelson says in the notes already quoted from, "I found Mr. Wadleigh a very honorable man to deal with, ever ready to do what was right." Mr. Nelson goes on to state the amount of business he did at that period. He says, — " I ' roughed out ' from $1 ,500 to $2,000 worth of bobbins in a year. The goods were mostly sold to George W. Fisk, of Lowell, and I got some contracts of Parker, of Lowell, and the last two years I ran the shop I sold the larger part of my stock to Joseph Baldwin, of Nashua.'' Finding that he was breaking down, and his wife's health faUing, Mr. Nelson sold out his business to Clark C. Carr, who took possession . September, 1858, and the following year bought a farm in Stoddard, and a few months later, in company with J. Nelson, Jr., bought out a store formerly owned by Whiting, Scripture & Co. In May, 1860, he moved to Stoddard, and as storekeeper and peddler carried on trade for several years. He sold his farm in Stoddard in 1868, and in 1870 bought a house and land in Hancock, where he has since resided, one of the substantial and most respected men in that town, possessor of a handsome property, acquired by his own industry and business sagac ity, aided by the cooperation of his efficient and judicious wife. It wiU be observed that in furnishing the notes requested for this sketch Mr. Nelson has dwelt more particularly on his business life while in Sutton, than at a later period, doubtless with the idea that his account would furnish, as it does, interesting reminiscences of that period to his surviving contemporaries. He also relates incidents of other per sons who suffered from such casualties as are frequent among mills and machinery, one of which, however limited the space left for it, must not be omitted. Henry Flanders, a poor boy, came to work for Mr. Nelson, and live in his family when he was fifteen years old, and remained till he was twenty, when Mr. Nelson sold his business. One morning, when he was oiling the machinery, his sleeve caught on a nut, on the coupling of the main shaft. William Philbrick, seeing his situation, ran instantly and shut the gate, and so stopped the mar chinery, or else the boy must have been killed. He was wound around the shaft in such a manner that he had to be raised up over the shaft in order to get him down, and when down we expected him to live but a short time. Dr. Lane and Dr. Davis were both summoned, and the former remained with him many hours. He finally recovered, and when the war broke out enUsted, but never came back to Sutton. He was sick in the hospital when his company was discharged, but 840 HISTORY OF SUTTON. joined them and died on the way home. He was buried in the sea. Mr. Nelson adds, — " He was one of the best young men I ever knew." 7. Joseph P. Nelson m. Nov. 6, 1845, Polly N., dau. of Asa and Miriam (Roby) Page. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — (1) Nellie M., b. Sept. 1, 1846 ; d. Aug. 16, 1877. (2) Frank G., b. May 16, 1856. (1) Nellie M. Nelson m. March 18, 1869, Hiram H. Davis. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — Harry W., b. Aug., 1872 ; d. Feb. 18, 1873. Charles H., b. Jan. 29, 1874. (2) Frank G. Nelson m. Aug. 14, 1879, NeUie G. Knowlton, dau. of James and Frances (Marshall) Knowlton. 9. Jacob B. Nelson m. Sept. 14, 1850, Susan P. Putney, of Sutton, dau. of Benjamin and Lydia N. (Page) Putney. Children, b. in Sut ton, — (1) Loratta A., b. AprU 22, 1852. (2) Leroy T., b. Nov. 26, 1853. (3) Etta E., b. Nov. 27, 1857. (1) Loratta A. Nelson m. May 13, 1875, Charles K. Nichols of Peter borough. Children, b. in Peterborough, — Gertrude L., b. March 21, 1878. Warren J., b. May 26, 1888. Jacob B. Nelson lives upon Nelson hill, at the old homestead, and is one of the most prosperous farmers of this town. He served as select man in 1881-'83, and in 1889 was chosen to serve a few months in place of Enoch Davis, who died. 10. Robert B. Nelson m. April 22, 1852, Mary Haskins, dau. of the 2d wife of Rev. David Cooper, by her first husband, Mr. Haskins. No chUdren. Mrs. Nelson m., 2d, Henry G. Carleton, of Newport. 11. Lydia M. Nelson m. Sept. 4, 1855, Israel Adams, of Newbury, b. Jan. 19, 1832. ChUdren, b. in Newbury,— (1) Fred B., b. Jan. 13, 1859. (2) Elnora E., b. Sept. 12, 1864 ; d. Sept. 22, 1878. (1) Fred B. Adams m. Oct. 23, 1883, Cora D. RoweU, of Sutton, b. Nov. 26, 1861, dau. of Samuel and Achsah (Whittier) Rowell. Israel Adams and son, Fred B. Adams, reside at Sutton MiU VUlage. Mr. Adams sold his farm in Newbury on moving to Sutton a few years ago. 12. Alonzo Nelson m. 1865, Hortensia Adams, of Sutton, dau. of Henry and Betsey (Maxon) Adams ; d. 1889, in Sutton. Child, — 1. Adelbert A., b. in Sutton, Aug., 1869. n. Jonathan Nelson m. SaUy Putney. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — GENEALOGY. 841 1. Joseph P,, b. Jan. 3, 1809. 2. Calno, b. Oct. 10, 1810. 3. Hial J., b. Aug. 18, 1812. 4. Urania, b. June 20, 1815. 5. Lydia, b. May 6, 1817. 6. Jonathan, b. Nov. 3, 1819. III. Judith Nelson, b. June 3, 1785 ; d. Sept. 16, 1814. [See Little.J V. PhUip Nelson m. Oct. 17, 1813, Mary Teel, of GofEstown, b. Aug. 4, 1793, dau. of Aaron and Rebecca (Tweed) Teel. ChU dren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Milton, b. Aug. 20, 1814. 2. Judith, b. Dec. 21, 1815. 3. Mary T., b. March 3, 1818 ; d. Aug. 9, 1820. 4. John. 5. William. 6. Mary. 7. Susan. 8. Celinda. VI. WUUam Nelson m. Feb. 14, 1820, Patty Teel, of GofEstown, b. Sept. 6, 1795, dau. of Aaron and Eebecca (Tweed) Teel. Chil dren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Albert, b. Jan. 20, 1822. 2. Benjamin P., b. May 4, 1824 ; d. Dec. 13, 1862 ; kUled in battle of Fredericksburg. 3. Eliza L., b. Jan. 27, 1829. WiUiam Nelson was by trade a shoemaker. He was also a farmer, living near the MiU ViUage, where they celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage Feb. 17, 1869, about fifty of their friends being present. Mr. Nelson died a few months after wards, much mourned by his many friends. 1. Albert Nelson m. Nov. 2, 1844, MariUa, dau. of John and MoUy P. Q. (Fellows) WiUiams, b. ; d. Sept. 17, 1873. Mr. Nelson m., 2d, Sept. 12, 1877, EUzabeth B. FuUer, of Bangor, N., Y., b. May 20, 1828, dau. of Franklin and Betsey (Weeks) Fuller. She d. in Sutton Aug. 18, 1889. 2. Benjamin P. Nelson m. March 19, 1849, EUinor M. Babb, of Sut ton. Children, b. in Sutton, — (1) Monira G., b. June 14, 1851. (2) Martha C, b. May 23, 1853. (3) William P., b. Aug. 9, 1855. (4) Loren F., b. Aug. 15, 1858. 8. Eliza L. Nelson m. William Henry Hart. Children, b. in Sut ton, — 842 HISTORY OF SUTTON. (1) Selwyn Van Ness, b. Dec. 23, 1853. (2) Arietta Estella, b. Sept. 6, 1859. WiUiam Henry Hart d. Nov. 4, 1864, and his wife m. Nov. 8, 1877, Charles A. Fowler, of Sutton (2d wife). (2) Arietta EsteUa Hart m. Nov. 26, 1876, Fred P. Harvey, of Sut ton, son of Jacob S. and Almira (Putney) Harvey. Children, b. in Sutton, — Albert H., b. March 10, 1878. Edwin, b. Oct. 10, 1887. Sarah Nelson, who m. about 1798, Jonathan Roby, was dau. of one PhUip Nelson, who perished in the French War. NICHOLS. Josiah Nichols, son of Josiah Nichols of Hopkinton, moved to this town about 1788, as is supposed from San down or Pelham. It is said that he and Stephen Wood- -ward came about the -same irime, and that they both bought their land of Dea. Matthew Harvey, and settled near each other. Josiah Nichols was born (according to their family record) " March 6, 1755, Thursday." " He married Abi gail Long by ye Rev. Mr. Elijah Fletcher, of Hopkinton, Oct. 17, 1785." This Miss AbigaU Long was sister to Col. Stephen H. Long, one of the earliest Rocky Mountain ex plorers. Children, — I. Josiah, b. Dec. 13, 1786, " Wednesday, about 10 o'clock in ye evening." II. Enoch, b. June 3, 1789, " Wednesday, about 6 o'clock in ye morn." III. AbigaU, b. Feb. 9, 1791, " about 8 o'clock in ye evening." IV. Hannah, b. March " ye 26th, 1794, Wednesday, about 7 in ye morn ;" d. Jan., 1869. V. Mary L., b. Aug. 19, 1796, " Friday, about 2 o'clock in ye afternoon." VI. Sarah, b. Sept. 29, 1798, " Saturday, between 8 and 9 in the even." VII. EUinor, b. AprU 29, 1801, " Wednesday, about 6 o'clock in the morning." GENEALOGY. 843 VIIL Lucy Long, b. June 8, 1803, " Wednesday, about 9 o'clock in the evening." II. Enoch Nichols m. PoUy Maynard. He left no children. He d. April 1, 1869. V. Mary Nichols m. Connor, in Henniker. They had one son, — Lafayette. She was the only one of the daughters who mar ried. VII. EUinor, d. Oct. 27, 1883. I. Josiah Nichols (Dea. Nichols) m. Sept. 24, 1812, Cynthia Whittier, who d. May 27, 1845 ; he m., 2d, Laura Fletcher, of Newp^Tt, who d. 1876. He d. 1868. ChUdren,— 1. WUliam Carey, b. Jan. 6, 1816 ; m. Maria Baldwin. Children, — (1) Harriet, m. Jerome "Dunn. Child, — LiUan, b. June, 1861 ; d. March -9, 1883. (2) Enoch, m. Sarah Kibbey. 2. Lois H. Nichols, b. AprU 30, 1818 ; m. John C. Little (2d wife). Residence on her father's homestead. 3. Ruth W. Nichols, b. July 4, 1819 ; m. Ebenezer Putney, of New London. Children, — (1) Etta W., b. Oct. 20, 1853 ; d. May 11, 1877 : m. Rev. Joseph H. Trow. (2) Laura M., b. May 21, 1855 ; d. May 18, 1874. (3) Mary A., b. Feb. 6, 1857 ; d. . (4) Rosabelle L., b. Feb. 12, 1859 ; m. John Felch. (5) Cynthia M., b. Oct. 6, 1862 ; d. Aug. 1, 1887 ; m. Nov. 7, 1886, Luther M. Ray. (6) Joseph E., b. May 14, 1864 ; d. Sept. 10, 1884. The Nichols family, both of the first and second genera tion, may with truth be termed a " Puritan " family, father and son being alike religious, precise, gentlemanly, and conscientious ; and, indeed, it may be said of the whole family that they were characterized by strict propriety in dress and behaviour. So careful and orderly were they that they never lost fire in the house for a period of twenty- four years. The .velvet vest and breeches that were a part of the wedding suit of Josiah, Sr., when seen by the writer, were ninety years old, and were in a good state of preserva tion. The elder Nichols always wore his own hair tied and braided in a cue, and was never seen any other way. Almost every man of his generation had his own hair short, and 844 HISTORY OF SUTTON. kept a false cue (or braid of hair) laid carefully in the desk all the week, and on Sunday the wife combed her lord's hair and tied on the cue with a ribbon. The Nichols family were all fond of music. Enoch was a fine performer on the violin, and was the owner of an instrument noted, far and near, for its superior quality. Abigail was skilled on the bass-viol. Dea. Josiah Nichols taught many terms of singing-school, and always led the singing in meeting till extreme old age disqualified him. He was polite and pleasant in manner, though like all con scientious persons, he liked to have people do right accord ing to his standard of right. Several boys, one after another, served their minority with him, and it is worthy of notice that all of Dea. Nich ols's boys were good boys, and proved to be good men. Some people have attributed his extraordinary success in the training of boys to the interest he took in their musical education, fostering in them a taste for music, and thereby supplying them with an agreeable and elevating entertain ment for their leisure hours. NOYES. Stephen Noyes, of Atkinson, b. Sept. 12, 1730 ; d. Feb. 18, 1793 : m. Sept. 26, 1756, Lydia Eaton, of Atkinson, b. June 15, 1735 ; d. Dec. 30, 1806. Children,— I. Lydia, b. Nov. 22, 1767 ; m. Jonathan KimbaU : lived in Lisbon. n. Moses, b. Jan. 15, 1760 ; lived in LandafE : went away and was never heard from. III. Amos, b. April 1, 1762. IV. David, b. Oct. 24, 1764 ; d. March, 1850 : lived in Enfield. V. Betsey, b. April 9, 1767 ; m. Samuel Noyes ; lived in Canaan. VI. Amos, b. Aug. 26, 1769. VII. Dolly, b. Oct. 6, 1771 ; m. Daniel Page, and went to Sut ton. GENEALOGY. 845 VIIL SaUy, b. March 12, 1774 ; in. Enoch Page, and went to Sutton. IX. Ephrahn, b. Dec. 13, 1776 ; lived in Orwell, Vt. : d. June, 1849. X. Hannah, b. Aug. 19, 1779 ; d. March 20, 1854 ; m. Isaac Jones, of Enfield. Children, — 1. Albee C. 2. Tracy. 3. Mrs. R. H. Pattee, aU of Enfield. OGILVIE. George Ogilvie, b. March 21, 1815 ; m. Jan. 26, 1843» Lucy A. GUlingham, b. Feb. 15, 1818. Child,— I. Rosma E., b. Nov. 30, 1864. PAGE. Asa Page, of Atkinson, b. Aug. 19, 1740 ; d. AprU 8, 1807, in Sutton : m. Jan. 20, 1763, Abiah Webster, b. Sept. 12, 1742 ; d. Nov. 8, 1763. He m., 2d, March 8, 1764, Susanna Johnson, b. July 13, 1742, at Hampstead ; d. Sept. 12, 1805, dau. of Stephen and Susanna (Lovekin or Lufkin) Johnson. Children, b. in Atkinson, — I. Nathan, b. June 13, 1766. II. Abiah, W., b. July 30, 1766. III. Sarah Ajin, b. April 29, 1768 ; went to Sutton. rV. Daniel, b. May 30, 1770 ; went to Sutton. V. Enoch, b. July 17, 1772 ; d. Oct. 31, 1828 : went to Sutton. VI. Rachel, b. May 28, 1774. VII. Sukey, b. July 6, 1776. VIIL Ruth, b. Sept. 17, 1778. IX. Lois, b. Dec. 10, 1781. X. Betsey, b. March 4, 1783. XI. PoUy, b. June 16, 1785 ; d. May 28, 1791. III. Sarah Ann Page m. Nov. 28, 1799, Dr. Ezra Marsh. ChU dren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Benjamin F., b. Dec. 7, 1802. 2. Aaron P., b. Sept. 2, 1811. 846 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Capt. Daniel Page was a useful citizen, a farmer in good circumstances. One who knew him well and remembered him said of him, — " He was the best neighbor that ever lived." He m. Dec. 26, 1792, Dolly Noyes, of Atkinson, b. Oct. 5, 1771, dau. of Stephen and Lydia (Eaton) Noyes. Children, b. in Sutton, — I. PoUy, b. Feb. 6, 1795 ; d. Aug. 7, 1858. II. Lydia, b. Feb. 12, 1797 ; d. July 7, 1852. III. Asa, b. July 19, 1799 ; d. July 2, 1886. I. Polly Page m. Sept. 28, 1815, Stephen Johnson. [See John son.] II. Lydia N. Page m. Feb. 7, 1815, Benjamin Putney. [See Putney.] III. Asa Page m. May 9, 1822, Miriam Roby, of Sutton, dau. of Ichabod and Miriam (Putney) Roby, b. June 14, 1799 ; d. Sept. 27, 1865. ChUdren, b. in Sutton,— 1. Susanna P., b. June 29, 1823 ; d. June 29, 1827. 2. Dolly N., b. Aug. 15. 1825; m. Nov. 6, 1845, Joseph P. Nelson. [See Nelson.] 3. Asa, b. Jan. 28, 1831. 4. Lydia P., b. Feb. 21, 1834. 5. Miriam R., b. July 19, 1836 ; d. March 2, 1880, in Sutton. 6. Susan Satyra, b. Nov. 5, 1838 ; d. July 28, 1874, at West Rox bury. Asa Page m., 2d, 1867, Mrs. Jerusha (Hale) Sawyer, of Salis bury, dau. of Daniel and Lydia (Holmes) Hale. 4. Lydia P. Page m. Nov. 8, 1854, H. Frank Burpee. Child,— (1) Willie P., b. in Sutton. May 30, 1857 ; d. Oct. 12, 1864. H. Frank Burpee died, and his widow m., 2d, June 23, 1868, Silas W. Dana, of Newbury. ChUdren, b. in Newbury, — (2) Ada Bell, b. July 16, 1870. (3) Frank S., b. Feb. 17, 1872 ; d. Aug. 29, 1874. 5. Miriam R. Page m. Sept. 1, 1854, George W. Craft, of New Lon don. Children, b. in Sutton, — (1) Clarence A., b. Oct. 18, 1859; d. Oct. 2, 1860. (2) Elmer Eugene, b. Deo. 25, 1863 ; lives in New London. George W. Craft d. Feb. 17, 1882, in New London. 6. Susan S. Page m. Aug. 10, 1862, Enoch P. Davis, of West Rox bury, Mass. ChUdren, b. in West Roxbury, — (1) Adah M., b. Jan. 4, 1864; d. July 14, 1883. (2) WUliam A., b. Dec. 25, 1866. GENFALOGY. 847 Col. Asa Page Uved to the age of 86 years. His eyesight was entirely gone for some time before his death, but otherwise he re tained his faculties to a wonderful degree. He was able a few weeks before his death to inform the writer concerning some impor tant points connected with the history of the town, from memory, Ms daughter, Mrs. Dana, carefully writing down the same from his dictation. He possessed the highest integrity of character, and was universaUy esteemed. Reference to the to-wn records shows him to have presided at town-meetings twenty years ; to have served as selectman twelve years ; was representative three sessions of the legislature, 1843-45 ; state senator two sessions, 1846-'47. In 1827 he was commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the 30th Regi ment N. H. MUitia. Enoch Page, of Atkinson, 5th child of Asa and Susanna (Johnson) Page, m. March 21, 1795, Sarah Noyes, of Atkinson, dau. of Stephen and Lydia (Eaton) Noyes, b. March 12, 1774 ; d. Aug. 8, 1855, in Sutton. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — I. Susanna, b. AprU 21, 1797 ; d. Feb. 5, 1875 ; m. Oct. 24, 1816, Hazen Putney, of Hopkinton. [See Putney.] II. Enoch, b. Oct. 21, 1804 ; m. Jan. 24, 1847, Hannah C. Col by, of Warner, dau. of Daniel and Betsey (Clement) Colby. ChU dren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Daniel P., b. May 5, 1848 ; d. Oct. 1, 1848. 2. Josephine, b. Aug. 1, 1849. 3. Eugene, b. May 16, 1851 ; d. Aug. 19, 1851. 4. Martha C, b. Dec. 12, 1852. 5. Sarah, b. Feb. 24, 1856 ; d. Aug. 23, 1856. 6. Mary, b. May 4, 1860 ; d. July 28, 1860. 2. Josephine Page m. Dec. 31, 1868, George Roby, of Warner. Child,— (1) Eva Blanche, b. in Warner, Sept. 15, 1870. 4. Martha C. Page m. May 9, 1882, George H. Littlehale. No chil dren. Among the early settlers of Warner were Moses Colby and his -wife MoUy (Parsons) . They had twelve chUdren, of whom the " seventh, Daniel, was b. June 9, 1794 ; d. Oct. 15, 1820. He was a clothier by trade, and carried on that business in Warner as long as he lived. Daniel Colby m. Betsey Clement, b. in Salisbury, 1794 ; 848 HISTORY OF SUTTON. d. 1865 in Claremont, dau. of Capt. John Clement, who was b. in Amesbury, March 17, 1753 ; d. April 12, 1867, in Warner. Dan iel and Betsey (Clement) Colby had a family, of whom Hannah, 3d chUd, m. Enoch Page, Jr. Being the only son, Enoch Page, Jr., made his home with his father while he lived, afterwards caring for his mother. He re ceived his early education in the schools in Sutton, and later attended Pembroke and Meriden academies, and was a young man of good habits and an earnest student, of sterUng integrity, and possessed much executive abUity. He taught several terms of school with success. At the age of 23 he was appointed post-master at South Sutton, and continued in office many years, the post-office being in the old tavern building, which his father had remodeUed and made a private residence. Mr. Page was a good farmer, and took much pride in the cultivation and improvement of his farm. He also held many public offices, being town-clerk ten years, to-wn treasurer six years, was county ommissioner in 1870, and held sev eral other important offices, for which see record of town officers. He also attended to a large amount of probate business, and settled many estates. Being possessed of good judgment and much knowl edge, many persons went to him for advice. Kind-hearted and imassuming in manner, he formed many friendships among all classes. In religion he was a Universalist, though not a member of any church. In politics he was a Democrat tUl the breaking out of the war, when he became a Republican. He was a magistrate, and also held a commission as officer of militia. He served faithfuUy in aU the offices to which he was elected or appointed. He d. of par alysis, Jan. 14, 1882. 2. Josephine Page was educated at New London academy, and be came a school teacher, continuing such till her marriage to George Roby, who is 4th in descent from Samuel Roby, Sr. He enlisted Aug., 1862, and served till the close of the war. Mr. and Mrs. Roby reside in South Sutton village, having purchased, in 1878, the B. Frank Pills bury estate. Their daughter, Eva Blanche, has been a successful school teacher. Wishing to carry her own education further, she is now pursuing her studies in the classical course at Green Mountain Seminary, Waterbury, Vt. 4. Martha C. Page, resides with her husband, George H. Littlehale, at the homestead in the South viUage, where lived and died Enoch Page, Sr., and his son, Enoch Page. The mansion has been much improved and modernized. Mr. Littlehale is son of Henry, and grand- ^ / GENEALOGY. 849 son of Isaac Littlehale, an early resident in this town. He is a farmer, taking just pride in well kept grounds and well fed stock. Enoch Page, Sr., for a few years after coming here, lived with his brother Daniel, on Dodge's hill, in the house best known as the CheUis house. Sometime between 1806 and 1808 he built a large house, the second one in what is now the South village. Into this house he moved with his family, and opened a tavern, which he kept for several years. He built also his carpenter-shop, which stood on the site of the present Robbins house. He was an exten sive farmer, owning large tracts of land in the south part of this town. He served acceptably in many town offices. Whatever Capt. Page did he did well ; his farm was pro ductive and his other business prosperous, and from a hum ble beginning he by his own exertions gained a compe tence. PALMER. The Palmers of Sutton and Warner are descendants of Jonathan Palmer. Three of his sons — John, James, and Jeremiah — settled early on a Lord Proprietor's lot. No. 8, drawn to the original right of John Moffat, one of the Masonian proprietors. The locality has been known as Palmerstown, or Palmer Gore, and adjoins Warner Gore. Here the three brothers Uved to a great age, and reared large famUies, and it has since been largely occupied by their descendants. Some ten years ago 17 of the 330 legal voters of Sutton were Palmers, and descendants of this Jonathan Palmer, of Warner, who was from Rye and Ches ter. Some of the Palmers have possessed much mechanical skill. David and Moses, sons of John, made and operated about the first clapboard- and shmgle-mUl in Merrimack county, nearly seventy years ago. David was also a cooper, shoemaker, and carpenter. John Palmer came from Rye about 1790, and settled in Warner Gore. In 1818 he re moved to Sutton. 54 850 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Jonathan Palmer, of Warner, was son of Christopher Palmer, of Rye, who m., 1705, Elizabeth Berry. David Palmer was b. in Warner Gore 1799 ; m. 1818, Nancy Colby, and moved to Sutton with his father, and lived in town till his death in 1870. His wife d. 1866, aged 70 years. Children, — I. Ransom C, b. 1819; d. 1883, in Barnstead: m. Jrdy 17, 1846, Alice Fisk ; lived in Sutton tiU 1849, then moved to Barn stead, where he died. Children, — 1. Caroline S., b. 1846, in Sutton. 2. Edmund G., b. 1848, in Sutton. 3. Frank E., b. 1850, in Barnstead. 4. Charles E., b. 1853, in Barnstead. II. Simon R., b. 1821 ; d. 1866. III. James M., b. 1823 ; d. 1867, in Sutton : m. 1846, Eliza J. Durgin. Children, — 1. Hattie A., b. AprU 5, 1850. 2. Carrie N., b. June 25, 1857 ; m. Oct. 18, 1880, John J. Bartlett, of Warner : live in Concord. 1. Hattie A. Palmer m. Nov. 17, 1869, Daniel L. Powers. ChU dren, — (1) Eva J., b. Aug. 5, 1871. (2) Baron S., b. AprU 24, 1873; d. AprU 10, 1878. (3) Addie V., b. March 8, 1876. (4) Leon P., b. Dec. 1, 1882. (5) Shirley R., b. Feb. 20, 1885. (6) Arthur E., b. July 16, 1886; d. May 6, 1887. IV. Susan C, b. 1826 ; d. 1860. V. Nancy C, b. 1829 ; d. 1866 : m. Ruel Noyes, and moved to Lodi, Wis. No children. VI. Lavina R., b. 1829 ; d. 1861 : m, 1846, Albert A. Durgin, of TUton. ChUdren,— 1. Ora A., b. 1848; m. 1870, N. C. Lear, of Newbury. 2. Mary J , b. 1855 ; m. Charles O. Bailey, of Bradford. VII. Pluma P., b. 1832 ; d. 1876 : m. 1854, Alva D. Colcord. ChUd,— 1. LiUan E., b. Oct. 21, 1855; d. Oct. 4, 1872. Vni. Harriet H., b. 1834 ; d. 1836. IX. George W., b. 1836 ; d. 1855, in Lodi, Wis. Jeremiah Palmer, b. 1756, in Rye ; d. 1835 : m. Hannah Bickam, b. 1754 : d. 1834. Children,— GENEALOGY. ' 851 I. WUliam. II. Timothy. III. Jeremiah. IV. Richard. V. Joseph. VI. Hannah. VII. Jonathan, b. May 22, 1796 ; d. 1886. I. WUliam Palmer m. PoUy Palmer. Children, — 1. John M. 2. Hannah. 3. Sullivan. 4. Jonathan. 5. Meribah 6. Polly. 7. Sabrina. 8. WiUiam. 1. John M. Palmer m. Lucretia Bennett. Children, — (1) Eliza. (2) Sullivan. (3) Frank. (4) Horace. (1) Eliza Palmer m. Feb. 14, 1863, Ira K. Eastman. Child,— a. Emmeline, m. Aug. 7, 1887, Edwin H. Palmer. Child, — Sarah M., b. Aug. 16, 1888. (2) SulUvan Palmer m. Hannah Colby. Children, — Sullivan, and two others (3) Frank Palmer m. Jennie Barker, — 1 child. 7. Sabrina Palmer m. Feb. 12, 1844, Joseph W. Palmer. Children, — (1) William. (2) George. (3) Leavitt. (4) Elliott. (5) James. (6) Harriet. (2) George Palmer m. Lavonia Colby. ChUdren, — WUlie ; Bertie ; Hattie ; Fred. n. Timothy Pahner m. Judith . ChUdren, — 1. William. 2. Jeremiah. 3. Timothy. 4. Philip. 5. Leonard. 6. Hannah. 7. Diantha. 8. Emily. 9. Catherine. III. Jeremiah Pahner m. Sabrina Harwood. ChUdren, — 1. WiUiam. 2. Asenath. 3. Saloma 1. William Palmer m. 1st, Pattee; 1 child. He m., 2d, Durgin. 2. Asenath Palmer m. Proctor Ward ; 4 children. rV. Richard Palmer m. Esther Chase. Children, — 1. Horace, m. Pattee. 2. Mary A., m. Stephen Messer. ChUd, — 852 HISTORY OF SUTTON. (1) Alvin, m. Jennie Brown. 3. Elizabeth. 4. Phebe, m. Theodore Waldron ; 3 chUdren. 5. Sarah, m. ; 2 children. 6. Eunice, m. Bunker. 7. Hannah, m. . 8. Orra, m. Chase. V. Joseph Palmer m. April 26, 1845, Mary Robertson. ChU dren, — 1. Daniel. 2. Sarah J., m. Beckwith. 3. Mary E., m. Lyman Davis ; 5 children. 4. Joseph. 5. Rufus, m. . VII. Jonathan Palmer m. Nov. 12, 1822, AbigaU WeUs, who d. Nov. 14, 1884. ChUdren,— 1. Mary, m. James Colby. Children, — (1) Jonathan. (2) Isaiah. (3) Nancy, m. Calvin Page ; 1 child. 2. Joseph, m. Sabrina Palmer. [See her record.] 3. Jeremiah, b. Aug. 9, 1828 ; m. July 5, 1849, Abbie Palmer, b. 1832 ; d. 1871. Child,— (1) Lendon H. (1) Lendon H. Palmer m. Abbie Page. Children, — Herman ; Guy ; Cleveland ; Mace. Jeremiah Palmer m., 2d, 1873, Mira Stone. 4. Cyrus, d. . 5. Hiram, m., 1st, Harriet Bachelder. Child, — (1) Edwin H., who m. Emmeline Eastman. [See her record.] Hiram Palmer ni., 2d, Olive Bachelder. Child,— (2) Sarah M., b. Aug. 16, 1888. James Palmer m., 1st, Miriam Flanders. Children,- I. Jonathan. II. Philip, m. twice. Children, — Stephen and two others. III. Abner, m. . IV. Mary, m. Joseph Wells. [See WeUs.] V. Sarah, m. Daniel Watson. ChUdren, — 1. Abijah. 2. Nicodemus. 3. Liicy. VL EUza, m. Putney. Children, — 1. Mary. 2. Madison. 3. EUzabeth. 4. Squire. GENFALOGY. 853 James Palmer m., 2d, Anna Morgan. Children, — vn. Moses, m. . ChUdren, — 1. Brooks. 2. Tyler. 3. A daughter. VIIL Nathaniel, m. Eunice Stackpole. ChUdren, — 1. Augustus. 2. Leonard. 3. Martha. 4. Eunice. 5. Catherine. IX. Joseph, m. . X. Abigail, m. Phinehas Flanders. ChUdren, — 1. Caleb, and 3 daughters. I. Jonathan Palmer m. Temperance Morgan. ChUdren, — 1. Rebecca, m. Reuben Swift. ChUdren, — (1) Reuben W. and one other. 2. Mary. 3. Ira, m. Esther BuUard. Children, — (1) Ellen. (2) Lizzie. (3) Alma E. (4) Frank. (5) Charles. (6) Esther A. (3) Alma E. Palmer m. EUiot WeUs. (5) Charles Palmer m., 1st, Anna Morgan. Child,— David A. He m., 2d, Eaton. Child, — 1 daughter. 4. Miriam, never married. 5. Jonathan, m. Hannah Hale. Children, — (1) Clara. (2) Reuben W., and 2 others. (2) Reuben W, Palmer m. . Children, — Ross ; Clara, and one other. 6. Andrew Palmer m. Mary Page. r r PARKER. Hezekiah Parker m. Esther, dau. of AquUla Wilkins. She was sister to the wife of Ezekiel Davis, whose 1st hus band was Mills. Children, b. in Sutton. I. Lucy, b. Feb. 12, 1777 ; m. Jonathan Davis, Jr. [See same.j II. Esther, b. Dec. 28, 1779 ; m. Daniel Whittier. [See same.] ni. Hezekiah, b. Sept. 23, 1781. IV. Tryphena, b. Aug. 19, 1753 ; m. Moses Smith (2d wife). V. SaUy, b. Aug. 31, 1785 ; m. Nov. 27, 1806, Daniel Richard son. VI. Amos. 854 HISTOKY OF SUTTON. vn. Tryphosa, b. Oct. 20, 1792 ; m. Wood, of New Lon don. VIIL Clara, b. Jan. 12, 1796; m. Feb. 1, 1815, Thomas Davis. [See same.j ni. Hezekiah Parker m. April 26, 1816, SaUy Austin. Chil dren, — 1. Alice, m. StiUman Andrew. 2. Sally, m. Hutchins. 3. Amos. 4. Hannah. 5. Barnet, d. young. 6. John, d. a young man. 7. Eliza, m. Joseph Morgan (2d wife). 3. Amos Parker m. Nov. 4, 1852, Marcia L. Rowe. Children,— (1) Sarah L., b. Aug. 4, 1853 ; d. . (2) George A., b. AprU 7, 1856. (3) Marcia L., b. May 8, 1858; m. Lewis Fellows, of Dorchester; 3 children. (4) Mahala E., b. Aug. 13, 1860. (5) John C, b. Sept. 21, 1862. VI. Amos Parker, b. Aug. 12, 1788 ; d. Aug. 7, 1865 : m. Bet sey Wood. He m., 2d, Sept. 29, 1830, Ruth Sargent, b. April 30, 1797 ; d. March 2, 1864. ChUdren,— 1. Sarah A., b. Aug. 9, 1831 ; m. James I. Wheeler. ChUdren, — (1) May E. (2) OreUa. 2. Freeman S., b. July 3, 1833 ; m. Oct., 1857, Frances M. Cheney, who d. May 15, 1860. ChUd,— (1) Laura M., b. Nov. 6, 1858. He m., 2d, May, 1862, Sarah Bickford. Children,— (2) Cora Belle, b. June, 1865. (3) George W., b. AprU 13, 1875. 3. Nathaniel A., b. Feb. 10, 1836 ; m. Feb. 8, 1866, Ellen A. Mcln- tyi-e. Children, — (1) Herbert E., b. Oct. 26, 1867. (2) Cluiton E., b. May 21, 1871. 4. Prudence S., b. Oct. 13, 1838 ; m. July 18, 1869, George Sanders, who d. Nov. 19, 1879. Child,— (1) Loren A., b. July 5, 1874. She m., 2d, AprU 26, 1883, James A. Smith. Elisha Parker was a nephew of Hezekiah Parker, Sr. He came from Hopkinton to Sutton previous to 1809. WhUe here he was GENEALOGY. 855 quite a prominent citizen. He was selectman in 1819, and several times afterwards till 1828, about which time he re moved West with his famUy. He owned and occupied the estate since known as the Edmund Chadwick place. He m. April 7, 1811, Lydia, dau. of Elder Samuel Ambrose. Children, b. in Sutton, — Sophia Maria, b. Oct. 5, 1813. Mary Ann, b. July 23, 1815. [See " Deaf and Dumb."] Harriet, b. Sept. 23, 1817. Julia FrankUn, b. June 6, 1819. Charies, b. AprU 29, 1820. Mark, b. Nov. 18, 1821. Susan Elvira, b. March 19, 1823. Newton, b. April 16, 1827. Lydia, b. June 26, 1828. Hezekiah Parker was, as his direct descendants claim, the first settler in the north part of Sutton. During the first years of his resi dence in this region he subsisted almost entirely by hunting the bear, moose, and smaller game with which the forests then abounded. After a while, however, he commenced operations upon a lot of wild land near the base of Kear sarge mountain, not far from what has, at a later period, been the residence of Moses Hazen, Esq. To clear up and make productive his mountain land was no light task. He, of course, encountered, in common with most first settlers, many hardships, privations, and dangers, in his semi-barbaric life in the wilderness. In fact, he seemed not infrequently to be the subject of more than the ordinary portion of mishap and ill-luck. At one time there arose ia that mountain region a furious tempest of -wind, rain thunder, and lightning. The wind blew down his house, the lightning killed most of his cattle, and one of his children was supposed to have perished in the general disaster. She, however, made her appearance the next morning, having fled, doubtless, in the belief that the 856 HISTORY OF SUTTON. general wreck of matter was about to take place, and sought shelter and passed the night in a hollow log. Many were the disadvantages under which Mr. Parker labored, many the difficulties to be conquered, even as com pared with many other settlers, in the fact that these moun tain lands, though rich in native productive power, were hard of access, and stubborn to resist the discipline of the cultivator. At length, however, by hard labor and untiring patience on his part, the strong, rough soil began to " give forth its increase " and yield abundantly, and thus he was able to secure to himself and his family a comfortable home and subsistence during the remainder of his long mortal life. Though somewhat eccentric in his habits and fancies, Mr. Parker was a deeply religious, highly conscientious man, strictly honest always. PEARSONS. Uriah P. Pearsons, b. March 4, 1812, son of Joseph and Deborah (Badger) Pearsons, of Warner ; m. July 4, 1837, Laura, dau. of Dudley and Sarah (Woodman) BaUey, of Warner. Children, — I. EUza D., b. Sept. 1, 1838, in Newbury. II. Laura A., b. Sept. 16, 1841, in Sutton. in. John L., b. June 28, 1844, in Sutton. IV. Dudley B., b. Oct. 14, 1847, m Sutton. V. Ellen M., b. June 30, 1849, in Newbury. VI. Mary J., b. Aug. 23, 1861, in Sutton. Uriah B. Pearsons lived in several different places in this vicinity. He d. in Warner. His wife d. March 14, 1878, in Wilmot. I. EUza D. Pearsons m. July 22, 1867, Gilbert B. Briggs. Chil dren, — 1. Frank H., b. Aug. 3, 1858, in Canaan. 2. Fred G., b. July 28, 1860, in Alexandria; d. March 28, 1881. GENEALOGY. 857 3. WUUe B„ b. AprU 15, 1864, in Alexandria. 4. John L., b. Dec. 10, 1866, in Alexandria. 5. Charles B., b. AprU 3, 1870, in WUmot. 6. Laura Gertrude, b. Nov. 19, 1878, in Wilmot. II. Laura A. Pearsons m. Jan. 6, 1866, Charies S. Whitney, of New London. Children, b. in New London, — 1. Carrie E., b. Jan. 6, 1866; m. July 6, 1889, Frank Reed, of Unity. 2. George W., b. May 25, 1878. III. John L. Pearsons enUsted in 10th Regiment N. H. Vols. He was taken prisoner, and d. at Salisbury, N. C. IV. Dudley B. Pearsons m. March 1, 1871, EUa F. Keyser, of Wihnot. ChUd,— 1. Lottie E., b. Sept. 10, 1873. Dudley B. Pearsons d. Oct. 21, 1878, in WUmot. V. EUen M. Pearsons m. June 22, 1870, Manson Patten, of Alexandria. ChUdren, — 1. MabeL 2. Fred. 3. Fred, 2d. 4. Anna. VI. Mary J. Pearsons m. Dec. 31, 1870, Edward Woodman, of Alexandria. They removed to Iowa. Children, — 1. Jennie, b. 1872. 2. NeUie, b. 1877. Mrs. Mary J. (Pearsons) Woodman m.,-2d, Dec. 4, 1882, Valen tine Kennel, of Iowa. Child, — 3. Frances, b. July 6, 1886. The Pearsons family, who were early inhabitants of Sut ton, are fully mentioned in another part of this work ; also, Ira B. Person, in " Justices of the Peace." PEASLEE. David Peaslee, of Sandown, m. March 18, 1743, Rachel Bean. Children, b. in Sandown, — Dorothj', b. Nov. 12, 1744. Samuel,, b. June 5, 1746. Peter, b. March 8, 1749 ; d. in Bridgewater. David, b. March 6, 1751. Rachel, b. May 12, 1864. 858 HISTORY OP SUTTON. Abraham, b. July 20, 1766. Isaac, b. May 3, 1770. Jacob, b. May 3, 1760. Timothy, b. Oct. 5, 1763 ; m. Mary, dau. of Samuel Andrew. No chUdren ; lived in Bradford. Sarah, b. April 12, 1766 ; m. July 8, 1785, Ephraim Hildreth- [See same.j John, b. Nov. 11, 1768. David Peaslee and wife died in Sutton. Samuel Peaslee, 2d child of David, m. March 13, 1768, Sarah Bean, of Sandown, dau. of Samuel and Mary ( ) Bean. Children, — I. Mary, b. Sept. 4, 1769 ; m. Dec. 17, 1793, Jonathan Heath, of Bridgewater. No children. II. Sarah, b. Oct. 30, 1771 ; m. July 3, 1792, Samuel Andrew ; 10 chUdren. III. Thomas, b. June 21, 1773. rV. Rachel, b. May 5, 1775 ; m. Jan. 5, 1797, James Heath, o£ Bridgewater. V. Samuel, b. Nov. 28, 1776 ; m. Hannah Shepherd, of New London. The Bradford and Newbury Peaslee famUies are de scendants of this Samuel Peaslee. He had sons, — John, Elijah, Joel, Eben, Jonathan, and Manly, and daughters, — Irene, Jane, and SaUy. VI. David, b. Feb. 20, 1778. VII. Joseph, b. March 14, 1780. VIIL Judith, b. Jan. 2, 1783. IX. Jonathan, b. AprU 7, 1786. Samuel Peaslee d. Sept. 12, 1821, in Sutton. His wife d. July 11, 1820, in Sutton. This couple, with one child, moved to Perrystown in the spring of 1770, settling at what is now the South village, in which he built the first house, and kept the first tavern in this town. Mr. Peaslee was a very important and useful man in the new township, as the early records show. ni. Thomas Peaslee m. Jan. 24, 1799, Mary A., dau. of Benja min and Mary (Bean) WeUs. ChUdren, b. in Sutton,^ — GENFALOGY. 859' 1. Benjamin WeUs, b. July 5, 1800 ; d. . 2. Samuel Bean, b. Aug. 1, 1802. 3. Ruth Wells, b. July 5, 1804; d. March 26, 1812. 4. Daniel C, b. AprU 4, 1806; d. Aug. 12, 1809. 5. Dorothy Ann, b. AprU 10, 1807. 6. Joseph P., b. AprU 4, 1808. 7. Daniel Andrew, b. July 25, 1810. 8. James Minot, b. April 8, 1813. [See Kendrick.] 9. Benjamin Loverin, b. Feb. 25, 1816. Thomas Peaslee and -wife d. in Sutton. VII. Joseph Peaslee m. Nov. 23, 1809, Dorothy WeUs, of Sut ton, dau. of Benjamin and Mary (Bean) WeUs. Child, — 1. Lyman, b. in Sutton, Nov. 9, 1811; in. AprU 30, 1833, Mary Ober. Abraham Peaslee, 6th child of Da-vid, b. July 20, 1756 ; m. Dec. 24, 1778, Martha Bean, of Brentwood. Children, b. in Sutton, — I. Benaiah, b. March 26, 1780 ; d. 1818, of consumption. II. Hannah, b. June 5, 1782 ; m. Sept. 23, 1805, Samuel Scrib ner, of SaUsbury. III. Phebe, b. Sept. 28, 1784 ; m. Nov. 17, 1803, Iddo Scribner, of Salisbury. IV. Martha, b. Nov. 15, 1786 ; m. Sept. 2, 1810, WiUiam Scrib ner, of Ne-wport. V. PoUy, b. April 9, 1789 ; m. Scribner, of SaUsbury. VL Sarah, b. Sept. 21, 1791 ; m. March 22, 1812, John Peters, of SaUsbury. VII. Abraham, b. Feb. 21, 1794; d. 1872. VIIL Dorothy, b. Feb. 27, 1796; m. Jan. 19, 1815, Daniel Stevens, of Salisbury. IX. John, b. March 12, 1799 ; m. Ruth Stevens. X. Susanna, b. Sept. 13, 1801 ; m. Benjamm Webster, of SaUs bury. I. Benaiah Peaslee m. Scribner, of SaUsbury. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — 1. John, b. May 29, 1808. 2. Mehitabel, b. Feb. 12, 1810. 3. Sally, b. AprU 20, 1812. 4. Abraham, b. June 27, 1815. 860 HISTORY OF SUTTON. AU the Scribners who intermarried with the children of Abra ham Peaslee, Sr., were of the same family, save one, and he was a cousin to the others. VII. Abraham Peaslee m. Jan. 24, 1815, SaUy Scribner, b. Sept. 2, 1790; d. June 11, 1856. ChUdren, -b. in Sutton,— 1. Martha B., b. June 3, 1815 ; d. July, 1876. 2. Zachariah, b. Feb. 21, 1817; d. Jan. 1, 1818. 3. Hannah, b. AprU 1, 1818; d. 1878. [See Wells.] 4. Abraham, b. Sept. 2, 1820 ; d. March 21, 1877. 5. Catharine, b. June 9, 1823 ; d. Dec. 25, 1843. 6. Zachariah, b. Oct. 1, 1824 ; d. Sept. 9, 1845. 7. Marcus, b. Sept., 1826 ; d. Sept. 10, 1827. «. Andrew J., b. May 25, 1828 ; d. Sept. 25, 1829. 9. Betsey S., b. Feb. 12, 1830 ; d. July 10, 1849. 10. Andrew J., b. Feb. 18, 1832 ; d. 1878. 11. Leonard F., b. Nov. 5, 1839 ; d. July 10, 1863. 1. Martha B. Peaslee m. 1835, George W. Richards, b. in Walden, Vt., Feb. 11, 1805. [For their family, see George W. Richards.] 4. Abraham Peaslee m. Dec. 10, 1856, Mrs. Betsey (Wells) Stone, of Sutton, dau. of Benjamin and Mai-y (Pressey) Wells. He m., 2d, Sept. 14, 1868, Mrs. Sarah ( ) Hardy, formerly of Vermont. Many of the chUdren of Abraham Peaslee, 2d, died of consump tion. Isaac Peaslee, 7th child of David, b. May 3, 1760 ; m. Oct. 4, 1782, Mary Collins (supposed of Weare). Chil dren, b. in Sutton, — I. Mary C, b. Feb. 18, 1783 ; d. Nov. 17, 1794. II. Jonathan C, b. AprU 20, 1788 ; d. in WUmot. III. Isaac, b. Oct. 2, 1792 ; d. Aug. 14, 1794. IV. Isaac, b. June 18, 1796 ; d. May 11, 1884, in Sutton. V. Thomas, b. April 20, 1798. VI. Mary, b. Nov. 12, 1800 ; m. March 24, 1822, Joseph Good win, of Manchester. They had a small family. II. Jonathan C. Peaslee m. and settled in Wilmot. Some of his descendants live in that town, and some in Canaan. IV. Isaac (Rev. Isaac Peaslee) m. Oct. 16, 1817, Hannah Mas- tin, b. May 4, 1797 ; d. Sept. 21, 1840, at Ashburnham, Mass. Children, aU b. in Sutton except the last, he in Ashburnham, Mass., — GENEALOGY. 861 1. Betsey M., b. Nov. 20, 1818 ; d. AprU 2, 1889. 2. Moses C, b. Dec. 30, 1820. 3. Elmina, b. Feb. 18, 1823 ; d. Nov. 20, 1843. 4. Albert C, b. AprU 16, 1825 ; m. , and had chUdren. 5. Hannah M., b. Jan. 23, 1827 ; m. June 10, 1851, Joseph Johnson.. [See same.] 6. Louisa, b. Oct. 10, 1829 ; d. Sept. 10, 1847. 7. Arthur C, b. May 29, 1832 ; d. July 1, 1876. 8. Edwin N., b. July 17, 1840; d. Jan. 12, 1848. Rev. Isaac Peaslee m., 2d, June 22, 1841, Nancy D. Andrew, of Sutton, dau. of Samuel and Sally (Peaslee) Andrew, who d. July 19, 1860, in Sutton. He m., 3d, Sept. 20, 1860, Mary P. Clark, of Morristown, Vt., who d. Aug. 30, 1861. He m., 4th, Dec. 10, 1861, Mrs. Sally (Brown) Johnson, of Sutton, dau. of Samuel and Comfort (Speed) Brown, who d. April 15, 1863. He m., 5th, Nov. 21, 1863, Mrs. Lucy (RusseU) Brook, of Rindge, dau. of EUakim and Sarah (Converse) Russell. 2. Moses C. Peaslee m. Susan Lowe, of WeUs, Me., where they have resided chiefly. She d. Dec, 1880, in Portsmouth. ChUdren,— (1) Charles F., b. Dec. 24, 1846 ; d. Jan. 1, 1883. (2) Henry C. (3) Annie S. (4) William. (5) Bartlett R., m. Vinetta Hadley. (6) Newton I. Moses C. Peaslee lived some years in this town, but none of his chil dren were born here. (2) Henry C. Peaslee m. Lucy Parkhurst, of Bedford. They had two daughters b. in Sutton, — Grace and Flora; and since the family removed to Bedford more children have been born. (6) Newton I. Peaslee m. Mary Parkhurst, of Bedford. No children.. They adopted Myrtie Peaslee, the dau. of his brother, Bartlett R. Peaslee, on the death of the child's parents. 7. Arthur C. Peaslee m. Sophronia DevoU, of Leominster, Mass- Children, — (1) Charles A. (2) Emmet. (3) WiUiam. (4) Frederic. [See sketch of Rev. Isaac and Rev. Arthur C. Peaslee, in Freewill Baptist Church.] V. Thomas Peaslee m. 1818, Hannah Graves, of Washington, dau. of Dea. WiUiam and Lucy (Wheeler) Graves, who d. Feb. 26, 1852. He m., 2d, 1862, Mrs. Zilpah (Sweet) Kidder. ChUdren, aU by 1st -wife, and all b. in Sutton except the three last. Thomas Peaslee was a shoemaker and lived in Sutton, Wilmot, Peterborough, and Washington. Children, — 862 HISTORY OF SUTTON. 1. .Julia A., b. March 3, 1819. 2. WUlard H., b. Dec. 18, 1820. 3. Abigail G., b. Dec. 24, 1822. . 4. Lucy M., b. Oct. 8, 1825. 5. WUliam G., b. Feb., 1829. 6. Isaac G., b., Oct. 5, 1830 ; m. 1854, Ursula T. Walker Residence, Peterborough. 7. Thomas J., b. Oct. 18, 1832; d. June 1, 1878, in Boston: m. Harriet Burbank. 8. George W., b. May 30, 1834; m. Caroline Burbank. Residence, N'atick, Mass. 9. Emily, b. July 29, 1837, in Wilmot; m. May 31, 1864, Charles C. Phillips, of New London. 10. Benjamin, b. Oct. 2, 1839, in Wilmot. Residence, Lake Village. 11. Edwin J., b. Sept. 8, 1844, in Wilmot. Residence, Lake VUlage. George W. and Edwin J. Peaslee were in service in the late war. AbigaU Graves, sister to the wife of the above Thomas Peaslee, b. May 4, 1798, in Washington ; m. June 1, 1831, Nathan Pierce. Resided in South Sutton, and later in Bradford. She d. June 22, < 1881, in Warner. He d. AprU 13, 1875, in Warner. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Benjamin F., b. May 2, 1832; m. Sept. 6, 1855, Harriet Jane Goodwin, of Terre Haute, Ind. ; 6 children. 2. Cynthia C, b. Nov. 23, 1835 ; m. Feb. 1, 1857, Leonard P. Jame- .son, of Bradford. John Peaslee, 11th child of David, b. Nov. 11, 1768 ; m. June 25, 1789, Olive Bailey. Children, b. in Sutton, — I. Molly, b. 1799 ; m. June, 1814, John Scribner, of Salisbury. II. Alice, b. 1800 ; m. Aug. 6, 1815, Benjamin Webster, of Unity. III. Tunothy, b. 1802 ; m. 1820, Patty Bean, of Salisbury. IV. OUve, b. ; m. Oct. 9, 1820, Benjamin Spalding, of War ner. V. Rachel, b. 1805 ; m. Ephraim Fisk. VI. John. VII. Susan, b. 1811 ; m. Daniel Smith. VIIL Rhoda, b. 1813 ; d. March 1, 1886. IX. PoUy, b. 1816 ; m. Daniel Scribner, of Salisbury. David Peaslee, of Sandown, the first actual settler in Perrystown, came in the autumn of 1767, and w-as soon followed bj' his many sons. He settled at what was after wards called " Peaslee's Corner," at the foot of Kimball's hill, north of the John Eaton residence. The sons all set- GENEALOGY. 863 tied in this town. Concerning these men, father and sons, it was said of them by those who knew and remembered them, that they were all men of honor and honesty, were strong, well made, most of them being six feet tall. They all became owners of farms, and made them valuable by their energy and industry ; nevertheless they were more fond of hunting than husbandry. Indeed, some of them were perfect Nimrods. It is not improbable that to this special proclivity they are indebted for the honor of being the first settlers in the wilds of Perrystown. David Peaslee, the father, died probably about 1800. One of his sons gave his age, at the time of his death, as 87. His widow died at a very great age. Samuel Peaslee, oldest son, married the sister of William, Samuel,. and Cornelius Bean, and their daughter Sally was the first-born female child in Sutton that lived to maturity. For her record, see Samuel Andrew. Her grave may be seen in the North burying-ground. The first born male child in Sutton was son of Cornelius Bean, to whom the town voted a gratuity when he should be of age. He, how ever, died in infancy. The first born male child that lived to maturity was also of the same Bean stock, being son of Samuel, named Joseph. One who remembered Samuel Peaslee well, said of him that he was a very worthy man, sensible, capable, punctual, and one of the very best of neighbors. The last named qualification meant a great deal in the days of old, when in their isolated, toilsome lives neighbors depended on each other for companionship, as well as for sympathetic help in time of sickness or calamity. Samuel Peaslee was farmer and brick-maker. He had a brick-yard about one fourth mile from his house on the road from Fishersfield to Warner. He did a good share of town business, as the early records show, reared his large family, and accumulated a good property. He died here at the age of 75 in 1821. His death was very sudden, and occurred near the time of the great tornado. 864 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Peter Peaslee lived near his father's residence, on the side of Kimball's hill, till he moved to New Chester. He died in Bridgewater, at the age of 90 years or upwards. He had no children. Abraham Peaslee lived on the Samuel Rowell farm. He came here from the Revolutionary war, having served about seven months, being then 17 years old. He resided here till he died, rather suddenly, of fever, in 1815, near the time of the closing of the last war with England, about twenty days after peace was declared, in which important events, having been a soldier himself, he was naturally greatly interested. He was esteemed a good citizen and neighbor, and a man of good judgment. David Peaslee, 2d, served in the Revolutionary war five years. He was long a resident of this town. Isaac Peaslee, 1st, settled near Long Pond, not far from the towns of Bradford and Warner, where he died at the age of 66. He reared his family in comfort, and accumu lated some property. John Peaslee, spoken of as a worthy citizen, lived near Jones's mill, where he died. Charles Peaslee, for several years an esteemed citizen resident in the North village, is grandson of John. Other Peaslees pound on Town Records, not lo cated. Betsey Peaslee m. Wadleigh Stevens, b. May 8, 1786. Children, — AbigaU, b. AprU 21, 1809. Sarah, b. Feb. 12, 1811. Wadleigh Stevens was a nephew of Phinehas Stevens. Benjamin W. Peaslee m. Aug. 14, 1844, Hepsibah Pike,, of New London. Daniel Peaslee m., 2d, 1841, Malvina Hart, of Thornton. The Heath family lived early near the centre of this GENEALOGY. 865 town, where some of them died, and were buried not far from the Gile place. Two of the men married into the Peaslee family, and all finally removed to Salisbury. PERKINS. Edgar R. Perkins, b. May 18, 1852 ; m. June 27, 1872, Ida F. Wood, b. Jan. 17, 1854. Child,— Dora F., b. July 18, 1873. Dustin Perkins, of Newbury, m. July 17, 1880, Jennie E. Thompson, of Goshen, dau. of Samuel B. and Almira (Johnson) Thompson. Children, — EUa Jane, b. AprU 17, 1882, in Newbury. Elizabeth Josephine, b. July 24, 1886, in Sutton. Rosa BeU, b. Dec. 10, 1887 ; d. March 13, 1888. PETERS. Joseph Peters, b. in Hopkinton, Dec, 1774 ; d. Feb. 25, 1829 ; m. 1797, EUzabeth Gould, b. Jan. 13, 1777 ; d. Aug. 12, 1857. ChUdren,— I. Hannah, b. Feb. 16, 1801 ; d. June, 1874. IL. Nathan, b. Jan. 21, 1803; m. DoUy JeweU. III. Tabitha G., b. April 8, 1807 ; m. Edmund Chadwick. [See Chadwick.J IV. Elizabeth, b. 1809. V. WUliam, b. June 2, 1811 ; d. May, 1851 : m. Lydia Beals. VI. Harrison, b. Dec. 1, 1813. vn. Rhoda, b. June, 1815. VIIL Cordelia, b. AprU 4, 1821 ; d. Aug. 13, 1844. I. Hannah Peters m. Franklin Fisk. ChUdren, — 1. Charles. 2. Joseph. IV. EUzabeth Peters m. Joshua Tenney. ChUdren, — 1. Frank. 2. John. 3. Elizabeth. VI. Harrison Peters m. Olive Butler. ChUdren, — 1. Horace. 2. William H. 55 866 HISTOEY OF SUTTON. Joseph Peters, after his marriage, removed from Hopkin ton to Goshen, where their three oldest children were born. In 1808 removed to Sutton, where he carried on the business of clothier till 1826. He did a good business while here, and is remembered as a very intelligent, honorable man. Two of his daughters, Rhoda and Mrs. Edmund Chadwick, reside in Sutton. Three of his sons removed to Hampton, and became somewhat prominent there. Nathan repre sented the town. For William H. Chadwick, son of Ed mund, see record of Town Officers. PHELPS. Nathan Phelps, b. 1777, in Amherst ; d. Feb. 22, 1837, in Sutton : m. Hannah , b. 1771 ; d. Feb. 20, 1827, in Sutton. Children, — I. Ira, m. Mclntyre. II. Nathan, m. Lucy Wilkins, of New London. in. PoUy, m. William Pressey (brother to Carlos G. Pressey). IV. Amanda, b. 1814 ; d. Dec. 18, 1839. Nathan Phelps, Sr., m., 2d, March 23, 1828, AbigaU Messer, b. March 4, 1775 ; d. Jan. 16, 1854. Jonathan Phelps, brother to Nathan, Sr., b. in Amherst ; d. in Sutton : m. Hannah Marden, b. in Bradford, Mass., 1770 ; d. in Sutton, AprU 22, 1833. He m., 2d, Oct. 15, 1834, Sally Brown, of WUmot. Children, the first three b. in New Boston, — I. Hannah, b. Dec. 8, 1806 ; m. Nov., 1829, Samuel Felch. [See Felch.J II. Jeremiah, b. 1804 ; d. Oct. 11, 1842. III. Lucinda, m. 1836, Stephen Felch ; no children living. rV. CaroUne, m. Dec. 20, 1830, Levi Cheney (1st wife). II. Jeremiah Phelps m., 1835, DrusiUa Smith, dau. of Moses and DrusUla (Smart) Smith, b. Nov. 29, 1812 ; d. March 1, 1881. ChUdren, — GENEALOGY. 867 1. Alonzo, b. July, 1836. 2. Caroline M., b. 1841 ; d. AprU 14, 1876 : m. July 18, 1863, John H. Frazier. 1. Alonzo Phelps m., 1st, Jeanette Whitney. Child, — (1) Walter. He m., 2d, 1870, Mrs. Ellen ISI. (Bean) Holton, of Henniker, b. March 21, 1848, dau. of Charles Alden Bean. Children,— (2) Mattie B., b. June 30, 1872. (3) Charles I., b. Aug. 3, 1876. Mrs. Ellen M. (Bean) Phelps d. Sept. 24, 1887. PHILBROOK, OR PHILBRICK. Benjamin PhUbrook, of Hampstead, b. 1712 ; d. 1810, in Sutton : m. April 14, 1736, Sarah Chute, of Hampstead, b. 1713 ; d. 1813. Children, b. in Hampstead, — Jemima, b. Oct. 29, 1737. James, b. Nov. 29, 1739. AbigaU, b. Feb. 26, 1742 ; d. wmter of 1826. Betsey, b. AprU 26, 1744 ; d. 1821. Benjamin, b. June 10, 1746 ; d. 1845, in Hopkinton. Joseph, b. Aug. 17, 1748 ; d. 1840 : m. March 19, 1766, Ruth Hovey ; lived in Hopkinton. Mary, b. June 23, 1750 ; d. 1834. Mehitabel, b. Aug. 24, 1752 ; d. Oct. 27, 1812. Sarah, b. March 10, 1757 ; d. Dec. 20, 1843. Several of the above chUdren came to Sutton to live, viz., — AbigaU, m. Jan. 24, 1774, Thomas Walker. [See Walker.J Mehitabel, m. Phineas Stevens. [See Stevens.] Sarah, m. April 16, 1781, Joseph Johnson. [See Johnson.] Benjamin, m. April 16, 1867,* Anna Knight, of Hampstead, and she became mother of the eight chUdren whose birth record follows. The date of her death is not found, but must have been between the birth date of her 'last child, 1783, and the date of her husband's 2d marriage. The record of his publishment to Lucy Buell, of New port, is found on Sutton books, dated May 8, 1790. They had a son, WiUiam, born to them. 868 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Children of Benjamin PhUbrook and Anna Knight (1st wife), — I. John, b. Jan. 21, 1769 ; lived in Sutton. II. Joshua, b. Feb. 25, 1771 ; lived in Sutton. III. Anna, b. March 7, 1773. IV. Nancy, b. Nov. 10, 1774. V. Knight, b. March 2, 1776 ; settled in Vermont. VI. Eben, b. July 17, 1778 ; d. May 3, 1788. VII. Benjamin, b. July 21, 1780 ; settled in Vermont. VIIL Alice (or Elsie), b. Aug. 19, 1783. IV. Nancy never married; was lame, and many years an in valid : d. in Sutton. VIIL Elsie m. July 30, 1807, John Johnson, of Enfield; they lived in Enfield. I. John PhUbrook m. AprU, 1790, Dorothy Colburn, his cousin. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Hannah, b. Aug. 9, 1792. 2. John, b. May 3, 1793 ; went to HaverhUl, Mass. 3. Samuel, b. Feb. 2, 1795 ; d. . 4. James, b. Aug. 22, 1796 ; settled in Warner. 5. Snsanna, b. April 17, 1798 ; m. Feb. 24, 1820, Nathaniel Eaton, Jr., of Lempster. 6. Samuel, 2d, b. Dec. 21, 1799. 7. Chute, b. Sept. 1, 1800, 8. Hiram, b. Aug. 4, 1801 ; went to Lempster. 9. Benjamin, b. Aug. 6, 1805. 10. Orlando, b. June 3, 1807 ; m. Charlotte Pierce : lived in WUmot. 11. Oliver, b. ; went to Newport. 12. Caleb, b. ; went to Lempster. 13. Nathaniel, b. ; went to Lempster. John PhUbrook and wife finaUy removed from Sutton to Lemp ster, in which town their sons, Hiram, Caleb, and Nathaniel, and daughter Susanna, with her husband, had already settled. 4. James PhUbrook m. Nov. 20, 1823, Betsey Simons, dau. of Eben ezer and Elizabeth (Steele) Simons.' ChUdren, — (1) Bartlett, b. Jan. 29, 1825. (2) Lucinda, b. Sept. 24, 1829. (3) Luke, b. Aug. 24, 1831. (4) George, b. Oct. 14, 1833. (1) Bartlett Philbrook m. Hannah Fifield ; m., 2d, Martha Shedd. Children, — Frank ; NeUie. GENEALOGY. 869 (4) George Philbrook m. Dec. 21, 1859, Esther A. Davis, b. AprU 1, 1844. ChUdren,— Kate, b. Sept. 6, 1860 ; d. Feb. 11, 1884. Walter G., b. March 16, 1863 ; d. Jan. 2, 1883. AmeUa M., b. Dec. 6, 1865 ; d. June 25, 1885. George B., b. Nov. 17, 1870. II. Joshua PhUbrook m. Oct. 25, 1801, Hepsibah RusseU. ChU dren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Annah, b. Feb. 5, 1803 2. Joseph, b. AprU 25, 1804. 8. Joel, b. Aug. 6, 1805. 4. Nathaniel, b. Feb. 15, 1807. 5. Cyrus, b. Dec. 11, 1808. 6. William R., b. Feb. 18, 1810. 7. Harrison, b. Oct., 1811. 8. Mary Ann, b. Feb., 1815. 6. WUliam R. Philbrook m. Jan. 24, 1834, Anna Keyes, of Antrim. ¦Children, b. in Newbury, — (1) William K., b. Feb. 3, 1835. (2) Mary Ann, b. March 12, 1837. <3) Lavonia, b. 1839. (4) Joseph R., b. 1841. (5) Hepsibah Alvira. (6) Joshua R. (7) Cyrus F. (8) George H. (1) WUUam K. Philbrick m. March 17, 1864, Ann E. Fisk, dau. of Levi Fisk, of Sutton. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — George S., b. Sept. 25, 1866. Alice L., b. Aug. 17, 1868 ; d. Sept. 25, 1874. Bessie J., b. Oct. 15, 1870 ; d. Sept. 28, 1874. Ida Mabel, b. March 15, 1873 ; d. March 6, 1877. Elmer E., b. Sept. 28, 1875. Herbert A., b. March 1, 1878. Lura EsteUa, b. Sept. 25, 1880. (2) Mary Ann Philbrick m. Benjamin Fisk (2d wife). Children,— Ida A. ; Mary Belle. (4) Joseph R. Philbrick m. Marietta Dolby. (5) Hepsibah A. Philbrick m. George Sanders. The wife of Benjamin PhUbrook, Sr., lived to the age of ¦one hundred years. On the day she was a century old her son, Benjamin Philbrook, Jr., held a religious meeting at his house to celebrate the remarkable occurrence. She lived just twelve days after it. She was long remembered by some of our older citizens as a very kind, good woman. 870 HISTORY OF SUTTON. who kept possession of her bodily and mental faculties tO' the very last of her life ; she could see and hear well as- long as she lived. Benjamin PhUbrook, Jr., her son, was best known as the " tythingman," though, by the way, he had nothing to do with the collection of tithes, his official duties being only to prevent Sabbath-breaking in general, and to preserve order in the sanctuary during worship. He lived to the great age of ninety-nine years, lacking only a few months of his mother's age. Another of this family, Mrs. Walker, lived to be very aged, as did her sister, Mrs. Joseph Johnson, reaching eighty-six years. Mrs. Lovejoy, sister to Mrs. Philbrook, the centenarian, followed to this to-wn her son by her first husband, Leonard Colburn being the name of the son. She died here at a great age. She was long remembered as a very capable, good woman. She was a famous carder of wool, and carded for nearly every family in town. The tendency to extreme longevity seems to have existed in the PhUbrook family before the long-lived woman who was mother of Benjamin Philbrook, Jr., came into it. Nathan Philbrook, of Hampton and Sanbornton, died in 1794, at the age of ninety-seven, and consequently must have been born in 1697, some fifteen years before the birth of Mrs. Philbrook, of Sutton. A Benjamin Philbrook died in Sanbornton in 1862, aged ninety-five years. The Gile genealogy has the following : " Samuel Gile, born at HaverhUl, Feb. 13, 1702-3, married Sarah Emer son, probably daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Philbrook) Emerson. She was born in 1708, and died Sept. 10, 1804. They lived in Chester in 1823, and later in Haverhill, where he died Dec. 1, 1775." The second child of this marriage was Ephraim Gile, who came to Sutton, and in his case the Philbrook blood seems to have asserted itself plainly enough, by keeping him alive ninety years. GENEALOGY. 871 PIKE. (The Pike ancestors came from England, and settled early in Attleborough, Mass.) Capt. John Pike m. Eunice, dau. of Ruel and Polly (Hurd) Keith, of Newport. She was b. May 6, 1770. Children, — James M., b. Dec. 2, 1817 ; m. Sarah CUley ; m., 2d, Mrs. Abby Palmer. Delia W., b. Oct. 10, 1819 ; m. Joseph Bean, of Sutton. Hepsibah, b. Aug. 6, 1821 ; m. Benjamin Peaslee, of Sutton. John K., b. July 27, 1823 ; m. Lucy Wilson, of Cohasset, Mass. Eunice C, b. Oct. 14, 1825 ; m. Benjamin B. Morse, of New bury. Ziba, b. AprU 15, 1827 ; unmarried. Samuel K., b. Sept. 21, 1829 ; m. Hannah Leach, of Sutton. Harriet E., b. March 7, 1831 ; m. WiUiam S. George. Mary H., b. Sept. 4, 1833 ; m. Claude Goings, of New London. Nancy, b. March 17, 1836 ; m. Austin Goings, of New London. PRESBY. Mason W. Presby, b. Feb. 9, 1833 ; d. Oct. 10, 1881 : m. Oct. 23, 1854, Laura A. Bean, b. July 16, 1832. ChU dren, — Henry E., b. Nov. 21, 1855 ; d. Oct. 1, 1857. Benjamin F., b. Oct. 3, 1857 ; m. Jan., 1887, Georgiana Ed munds. ChUd, — Lilian. Mary J., b. July 28, 1860 ; m. Nov. 8, 1886, Charles Woodward. Florence E., b. April 24, 1863 ; m. March 10, 1886, John Couch. ChUd,— Delma, b. June 21, 1887. Martha A., b. May 21, 1867 ; m. March 10, 1886, Leander HUliard. John W., b. March 19, 1869. Jennie S., b. March 15, 1871; m. April 26, 1888, Eugene Muzzy. Blanche R., b. Jan. 21, 1874. Amasa G., b. Feb. 21, 1880 ; d. March 19, 1880. 872 HISTORY OF SUTTON. PILLSBURY. The common ancestor of the Pillsbury families of Massa chusetts and New Hampshire was William, born in the county of Essex, England, in 1615. He came to Dorches ter in the colony of Massachusetts Bay, in 1640, and there married Dorothy Crosby. He removed in 1651 to New bury, Mass. (now a part of Newburyport), where he pur chased a house built by Mr. Edward Rawson, a gentleman of wealth and learning, and the first local judge. This house then purchased of Mr. Rawson has been in Pillsbury hands ever since. It is situated on High street. The coat of arms of the Pillsbury family, when in Eng land, is described in heraldic terms thus, — " Per fesse, sable and azure ; on an eagle displayed argent three griffins' heads, erased of the second." Crest, an esquire's helmet ; motto, "Labor omnia -vincit." The name of Pillsbury was sometimes spelled Pillesberry and Pillsborough. William and Dorothy (Crosby) Pillsbury had born to them ten children — seven sons, of whom four lived to marry, and three daughters. Moses, second son, b. 1645 or 1646, in Dorchester, m. Mrs. Susanna (Whipple) Worth, widow of Lionel Worth. They had six children, of whom Caleb, third son and sixth child, was b. in Newbury, 1681 ; he d. 1759; he m. July 27, 1703, Sarah Morse. Caleb, son of Caleb and Sarah (Morse) Pillsbury, was b. in Newbury, Jan. 26, 1717 ; d. Feb. 7, 1777-78. He m. July 8, 1742, Sarah Kimball, of Amesbury, Mass. This Caleb Pillsbury was at the time of his death the represent ative from Amesbury to the Massachusetts General Court. Of him the author of the History of Amesbury says, " Caleb PUlsbury died this year, 1778, having led a useful and hon orable life. He held almost every office within the gift of the people." He was captain in the French War, and his commission is yet in possession of Caleb G. Pillsbury, of HoUand, Vt. GENEALOGY. 873 The chUdren of Caleb and Sarah (Kimball) Pillsbury yveve eight in number, of whom the eighth, Micajah, was b. May 22, 1763. A little brother, named Micajah, b. 1761, but died in early infancy, has occasioned some confusion of dates in the records kept by some of the descendants. Micajah PiUsbury m. 1781, Sarah Sargent, dau. of Sam uel and Sarah (Kendrick) Sargent, of Amesbury, who were married in Amesbury, May 19, 1757, and soon after re moved to Kingston. ChUdren of Micajah and Sarah (Sargent) Pillsbury, — I. Stephen, b. Oct. 30, 1781, in Amesbury ; d. Jan. 22, 1851, in Londonderry. II. Joseph, b. April 1, 1784, in Amesbury ; d. 1869, in Sutton. ni. Moses, b. June 19, 1786, in Amesbury ; d. 1868, in Sutton. IV. John, b. May 24, 1789, in Amesbury ; d. Oct. 11, 1856, m Sutton. V. SaUy, b. AprU 29, 1791, in Amesbury ; d. May 2, 1875, in Sutton. VI. Betsey, b. Oct. 16, 1794, in Amesbury ; d. Sept. 21, 1836, in Sutton. VII. Nancy, b. Oct. 11, 1798, in Sutton. VIIL DoUy, b. Feb. 16, 1801, in Sutton. Micajah PUlsbury moved from Amesbury to Sutton in February, 1795. He lived in this town tUl his death, in 1802. His wife sur- -vived him many years. She d. June 28, 1830. They settled in the southerly part of the town, on the old road leading from South Sutton to Fishersfield (Newbury), near the top of what was called Coburn's or Dodge's hiU. Mr. PiUsbury was a respected citizen, and fiUed several offices of trust. He was frequently caUed upon by his feUow-townsmen to settle matters in controversy between them, and acted as a sort of judge or referee. I. Stephen PUlsbury m. March 6, 1816, Lavinia Hobart. She -was daughter of the first male chUd born in Plymouth, N. H. ChU dren, — 1. Mary Bartlett, b. Jan. 5, 1817. 2. Lavinia Hobart, b. Nov. 8, 1818 ; d. Sept., 1871. 3. Josiah Hobart, b. Aug. 15, 1821 ; d. Nov. 5, 1879. 4. Stephen, b. Jan. 26, 1824. 5. Edwin, b. March 16, 1826. 874 HISTORY OF SUTTON". 6. Ann Judson, b. July 1, 1828. 7. Adoniram Judson, b. June 11, 1830 ; d. Sept. 18, 1851. 8. WUliam Stoughton, b. March 16, 1833. 9. Leonard Hobart, b. Dec. 25, 1835. In his early life Stephen PiUsbury was quite noted as a school teacher. In 1816 he was ordained as a Baptist minister, and was settled as such at Hebron, and afterwards at Sutton, Dunbarton, and Londonderry. His ministry extended over a period of about thirty-five years. He was one of the very first persons in the state to espouse the temperance reform movement, and he published an appeal on this subject to the people of the state, and one also to those engaged in the liquor traffic. He neglected no opportunity to do good to his fellow-men. When resident in Sutton he represented the town in the legislature in 1833. WhUe in Londonderry he was elected superintendent of schools several times, and always identi fied himself -with the cause of education. He was one of the most correct, exemplary Christian gentlemen of his day, prudent, amiable, and unselfish, and was much respected by aU who had opportunity to know him. He came to be regarded as one of the fathers of the denomination with which he was so long connected. The wife of Stephen PiUsbury was in aU respects a very superior woman, — intel ligent, refined, and possessed of a very lovable disposition. She gained the esteem as weU as the love of all who came in contact -with her. Her literary attainments were of a high order. She composed several excellent religious hymns, and contributed many valuable articles for publication. 1. Mary Bartlett PUlsbury, m. Valentine W. Weston, of New York city, who d. in 1863. They had two daughters. She now resides in Lawrence, Kansas. Mrs. Weston devoted several years of her life to portrait and landscape painting, for which she early displayed a rare taste and talent. Some of her pictures became widely known, and are highly appreciated by good judges. Many years ago the present -writer, knowing the distinction which Mrs. Weston had attained as an artist, wrote to her, asking some points in her career, and received in reply the proof-sheets of the sketch of Mrs. Weston in Mrs. EUet's " Lives of Female Artists,'^ from which might be gathered the de sired facts, and a letter commencing, — "March 26, 1870. " Please accept my thanks for the honor you propose do me by giving me a notice in your History of Sutton. My life as an artist GENEALOGY. 875 IS all I care to have known. All the vicissitudes by which one gains the discipline of life are not always interesting or profitable to others. Whether I shaU ever be permitted to complete my career as an artist, which cost me so much efEort in the beginning of life, is now a little doubtful. Anyway, I am content. My two daugh ters, whose lives would have been sacrificed had I trusted them in their delicate chUdhood to the care of an ordinary hired nurse, are worth more to me than aU the fame and wealth of the world. StiU, my longing to be engaged in works of taste and imagination costs me daily a good deal of suffering." The sketch of Mary Weston occupies ten pages of Mrs. EUet's book, and, would space permit its insertion entire in this work, we would gladly transcribe the whole, but a few paragraphs must suf fice : " Mary PUlsbury was born in Hebron. In her humble home among the mountains, though surrounded by nature's wild beauty, the chUd foimd nothing to suggest to her an idea of what art could accomplish^ Nevertheless she saw objects -with an artistic perception, and loved especiaUy to study faces. When taken to church she would sit gaz ing at those arovmd her, and wishing that in some way, of which, as yet, she had no conception, she could copy their features. When she was twelve years old her parents removed from Hebron to Sut ton. One day, when her father was going to preach at a protracted meeting at Bradford, she accompanied her parents thither. Near the meeting-house was a tavern-sign, on which was painted in colors, richly arrayed, the figure of the Goddess of Liberty. This work of art was executed by Elder John GiUingham, a Free-wUl Baptist mimster. [Those are yet Uving who can remember to have listened with interest and pleasure to Elder John GiUingham's occasional preaching at Sutton.J Having obtained a seat near the window during the services, Mary carefuUy studied this picture, which ap peared to her a perfect triumph of art. After she went home she produced a clever sketch of it. From this time goddesses of liberty multiplied in her hands, and became famous in the school and neigh borhood. One of them was actuaUy put into a magazine. Caring little for the sports and pleasures of her age, it was Mary's habit to shut herself up in her father's study, and read over and over again the biographies of great men and distinguished women. She kept in advance of all the school-girls meanwhile, and improved in her drawing during the hours stolen from her spinning tasks and the duties involved in the care of other chUdren. Ambitious dreams 876 HISTORY OF SUTTON. and longings broke on the monotony of her lonely life ; she resolved to become an artist like those persons of whom she had read, and compel appreciation from the world." The sketch goes on to relate the different and successive steps by -which she finally carried out this resolve to successful completion, and, of her paintings, says, — "Several of her copies have great merit, as her 'Angel Gabriel and Infant Saviour,' from MurUlo, Titian's ' BeUa Donna,' &c., ' Beatrice Cenci,' which last has been pronounced an admirable copy. She made a fine copy of Guercino's 'SibyUa Samia.' Mrs. Weston's flesh-tints are especiaUy natural and beautiful, and she gives a high finish to her paintings. Those from the old masters and others have such wonderful fidelity that her achievements in this line alone suffice to make a reputation. 'A Witch Scene,' from , is admirable. One of her own compo sitions is 'A Scene from Lalla Rookh,' and she has painted both landscapes and portraits from nature." 2. Lavinia Hobart PiUsbury m. June, 1852, Samuel Andrew, of Sut ton. She was a lady of very amiable disposition, and an excellent wife and mother, and her death was much lamented by all who knew her. They had two daughters. 3. Josiah Hobart Pillsbury m. April, 1853, Elnorah Pervere, who d. 1868. He possessed quite a literary turn, and was connected with sev eral newspapers. Li early life he identified himself with the anti- slavery cause, and was a warm supporter of William Lloyd Garrison and Horace Greeley. It may not be out of place here to allude to the fact of the relationship of the Sutton PUlsburys to Parker PiUsbury, so widely known and remembered for the ardor with which he entered into the then unpopular fight against slavery. Josiah Hobart Pillsbury was one of the editors and proprietors of The Eagle, a reform paper published in New York city, and also of the Anti-Slavery Standard. He was one of the first settlers in the new state of Kansas, where he was elected a state senator, and was a bold advocate of the cause of freedom, and an uncompromising- enemy to slavery. He was there a farmer, and also civil engineer. He was elected a county surveyor, was appointed deputy collector of internal revenue, and was post-master at Manhattan, Kan., for several years, and died there Nov. 5, 1879. He was a graceful and instructive speaker. 4. Stephen Pillsbury m. March, 1852, Sarah Annie Bailey, of An dover. He subsequently studied for the ministry, and became an or dained Baptist preacher. He was settled at Dunbarton, Mt. Holly, Vt., Lee, Mass., and at Manhattan, Kan. His health faUing him, he was GENEALOGY. 877 obliged to retire from the ministry, and engaged in mercantile busi ness at Manhattan. They had but one son, who died in Kansas. 5. Edwin PiUsbury m. Feb., 1847, Mary Ann Reed, of New Bedford, Mass. He removed to Kansas and went into trade. He was quite a traveller, both by sea and land, was an observer of things about him, and possessed a fund of information. 6. Ann Judson PUlsbury m. Feb. 26, 1855, WUliam B. Marshall, of Weare. She was a very successful school-teacher for several years. They moved to Kansas in 1855, where she died the foUowing year, much beloved and respected. 7. Adoniram Judson PUlsbury was a fine scholar, and bade fair to make an active and useful man, but for his early death. 8. William Stoughton Pillsbury m., in 1854, Sarah Crowell, of Lon donderry. She died in about one month. He m., 2d, April 15, 1856, Martha Crowell, also of Londonderry. He became one of the most sagacious business men of the state. At the age of fourteen he com menced to learn the trade o£ a shoemaker. At twenty he started a shoe manufactory at Andover. In a year or two he was engaged with a large shoe manufacturing firm at Derry, acting as agent for the firm. When the War of the Rebellion broke out he at once enlisted in his country's service, was commissioned as 1st lieutenant of the Fourth N. H. Regiment, and left for the seat of war in September, 1861. Meeting with a severe accident soon after, he resigned his com mission, and returned to his home. Recovering from his injuries much sooner than was expected, he in a few months again ofilered his ser-rices, and was commissioned a recruiting officer for the 9th Regiment N. H. Vols., which was quickly raised, and he took a commission as 1st lieu tenant of Co. A. His regiment was at once sent to Washington city, and in a short time was engaged in the conflict at South Mountain, and at the battle of Antietam, in both of which battles the Ninth Regi ment distinguished itself, particularly Co. A, under command of Lieut. Pillsbury. Soon after this he was again attacked with a severe illness, and was obliged to resign his commission. He finally recovered his health, and, as soon as he was able, engaged in recruiting men for the army. He again went into his country's service, and was com missioned as an officer in an artillery brigade. He was in command of a battery for a while, and was in command until the close of the war in 1865. Within a few months after his return from the war he was engaged in the n^p-nufacture of shoes at Londonderry. His busi ness soon outgrowing his accommodations, caused him to remove his establishment to Derry Depot, where he has succeeded in building up one of the largest shoe manufacturing establishments in the country, employing some five hundred persons. 878 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Mr. Pillsbury has filled various offices of trust and honor. In 1868 he was elected one of the commissioners of Rockingham county, and during his term of office introduced and carried into effect several radi cal reforms, much to the interest of the county. He has held the high est offices within the gift of his fellow-townsmen, having been elected a representative to the legislature, where he served with honor, taking an active part in its deliberations and debates. In 1877 he was appointed by Gov. Prescott on his staff as aide-de-camp, taking rank as colonel. Mr. PiUsbury has always been identified with the Republican party. He is a member of the Presbyterian church, but is very liberal and tolerant towards all denominations. By close application to business he has accumulated quite a fortune. Of him it may be safely said that he is an honorable, active, high-toned, energetic business man. 9. Leonard Hobart Pillsbury m. Aug. 23, 1862, Evelyn F. Sanborn. At the breaking out of the War of the RebeUion, in 1861, Leonard was a student at Phillips Academy at Exeter. Notwithstanding his great desire to pursue his studies, his love of country was so strong that he felt it his duty to leave the halls of learning, and to offer his services in that country's defence. He at once undertook to raise a company of volunteers. His efforts and zeal were so great that in a short time the company was raised, and he was commissioned a captain of Co. A, of the Ninth Regiment N. H. Vols. He went to the defence of Washington about the time of Gen. Lee's raid on that city and the Northern states. He was in the battle at South Mountain, and also in the terrible battle of Antietam, where he fell wounded. He was at the battle of Fredericksburg, where nearly one third of his command were killed or disabled. He went to Vicksburg, and was engaged in the siege of that city under Gen. Grant. He was a courageous soldier and officer. After the close of the war he received an appointment in the custom-house at New York city. His health failing him, he went on a farm in the state of Kansas. He afterwards accepted the position of U. S. commissioner and assistant clerk of the U. S. District Court at Memphis, Tenn. He left that place when it was visited by the terrible plague of yellow-fever. Coming North he located in Derry, and engaged in mercantile business. He was post-master at Derry Depot for several years. Mr. Pillsbury is a popular public speaker, and an upright, honorable, much respected citizen. He is a prominent mem ber of the Baptist church. II. Joseph PUlsbury m. Oct. 29, 1808, Miriam, dau. of Thomas and Ruth (Atwood) Wadleigh, of Sutton, b. March 30, 1786 ; d. June 26, 1830. ChUdren,— 1. Micajah, b. Dec. 18, 1809. 2. Lucretia, b. May 11, 1812. 3. John C, b. March 6, 1814 ; d. 1854, in Concord. GENEALOGY. 879 4. Daniel, b. May 17, 1816 ; d. in chUdhood. 5. Thomas Wadleigh, b. Jan. 20, 1818. 6. Joseph, b. Oct. 8, 1820. 7. Miriam, b. Aug. 30, 1823 ; d. July 14, 1839. 8. Sarah, b. Jan. 10, 1828. Joseph PUlsbury m., 2d, Nov. 8, 1830, Mrs. AbigaU (Greeley) Lovering, widow of Dr. Benjamin Lovering, or Loverin. ChUd, — 9. Benjamin L., b. Aug. 21, 1831 ; d. Nov. 18, 1854. Mrs. Abigail (Greeley) PiUsbury had by her 1st husband. Dr. Lovering, 2 daughters, — Minerva and Lavinia. Dr. Lovering was in this town about 1816, and the years foUowing. He was resident in the South viUage. His -wife was of the Salisbury branch of the Greeley famUy. 1. Micajah Pillsbury soon after he became of age went to Maine, where he lived several years, and there m. Huldah Walker. Children — {I) James M. (2) Addis A. 2. Lucretia Pillsbury m. Reuben Martin, of Bradford. ChUdren, — (1) Miriam. (2) WiUiam. (3)' Lucy. Mrs. Martin was a lady who was loved and esteemed by aU who knew her. 3. John C. PiUsbury m. Charlotte Gove, of Andover. Children, — (1) Laura A. (2) Julius B. John C. PUlsbury lived at different times in Andover, Franklin, Sut ton, and Concord. He died in the prime of life. He was a warm hearted, intelligent, and much respected man. He held many impor tant offices of trust and responsibility, and discharged all the duties devolving on him with rare fidelity. He was sheriif of Merrimack county for several years, was repeatedly elected selectman of Concord, and after the town became a city he was city marshal of the same. 5. Thomas Wadleigh PUlsbury m. Nov. 3, 1842, Abigail B. Palmer, of Concord. ChUdren, — (1) Frank J. (2) Ellen A. (3) Frank K. Thomas Wadleigh Pillsbury has lived in Concord most of his life. He is an active business man, has excellent judgment, and is highly respected. When quite young he was connected in business with his brother-in-law, Reuben Martin, in the foundry and stove business. He was for several years connected with the Concord & Claremont RaU- road Corporation. For some thirty years he was the purchasing agent of the Northern Railroad Corporation, a very responsible position, but his duties were discharged faithfully and to the satisfaction of the cor poration. He and his excellent wife were consistent and worthy 880 HISTORY OF SUTTON. members of the First Baptist Church in Concord for many years. His wile died in 1887. 6. Joseph PUlsbury m. Esther M. Ager. Children, — (1) Hattie L., m. Newell G. Durgin, of Wilmot. Children, — Emily C. ; Frank L. (2) Ella M. (3) Annie H., m. Oscar Brownell, of Wilmot. Children, — Carrie E.; John L. ; Kate W. 8. Sarah PUlsbury m. John C. Clough, of Dunbarton. Children, — (1) Carrie E., d. . (2) Jennie M. (3) Emma D. (4) Carrie E., 2d.. Mrs. Clough is a very worthy woman, and has been for many years an exemplary member of the First Baptist church in Concord, of which city this family were for a long period residents. They now live in Dunbarton. III. Moses PUlsbury m. Mary Carleton, of Hopkinton, who d. about 1852. ChUdren, — L Mary, b. AprU 18, 1818 ; d. March 28, 1851. [See George S. Mor gan.] 2. Harriet P., b. June 6, 1820; d. June 24, 1840. 3. Sarah, b. Deo. 12, 1824; d. March 20, 1855; m. 1850, Robert Rowe, of Wilmot. No children. 4. Moses L., b. Sept. 10, 1826. 5. Amanda, b. July 8, 1828 ; d. June 30, 1855. She was a school teacher. Moses PiUsbury m., 2d, Nov. 1, 1854, Mrs. Anna (Blaisdell) Eaton, -widow of Joshua Eaton, of Bradford. He m., 3d, April 1, 1862, Mrs. Jane Stevens. 4. Moses L. Pillsbury has always made Sutton his residence, and it is hoped will continue to do so, as the town cannot well aflord to lose such citizens as himself and his sons. His family is the only one now living here of the ancient and honorable name and lineage of Pillsbury. He is, in fact, the typical New Hampshire citizen, — honorable, intelligent, and useful, — of good estate, and always a gentleman. The same description will apply well to his father, Moses Pillsbury, and, unless they shaU change materially for the worse, which is improbable, to his sons also. He m. March 30, 1852, Hannah M., dau. of Dea. John Felch. Children,— (1) George S., b. Aug. 13, 1856. (2) Herbert L., b. Oct. 22, 1865. [See record of Town Officers.] IV. John PiUsbury m. AprU 2, 1811, Susanna, youngest daugh ter of Benjamin Wadleigh, Sr., b. March 23, 1793; d. 1877. Children, b. in Sutton, — GENFALOGY. 881 1. Simon Wadleigh, b. June 22, 1812 ; d. January, 1836. 2. George Alfred, b. Aug. 29, 1816. 3. Dolly W., b. Sept. 20, 1818 ; d. Dec. 8, 1858. 4. John Sargent, b. July 29, 1827. 5. Benjamin Franklin, b. March 29, 1831. John PiUsbury was a prominent man in Sutton, having held the office of representative and selectman, and fiUed other positions, always acceptably. He was known as Capt. Pillsbury, having held a commission as such in the mUitia, and later, after he became a magistrate, as Esq. John PUlsbury. His wife was a descendant of Capt. Thomas Wadleigh, of Exeter, a son of Robert Wadleigh, of the same place, who was a member of the provincial legislature. The maternal grandmother of the chUdren of John PUlsbury was Harmah, daughter of Ebenezer Kezar, so noted and so efficient in the earlier years of the town's existence. The descendants of Mr. Kezar are numerous in Sutton and other parts of the United States and Canada. John PUlsbury and his wife were both professors of reUgion, and led exemplary lives. AU the chUdren of this famUy received a good common school education. 1. Simon W., the oldest, was a remarkable young man, both physi cally and mentally. He was a superior scholar, being considered one of the greatest mathematicians in the state at the time of his death, which, it was believed, was caused by his close application to study. When attacked by the disease which cut short his life, this ambitious young man was prepared to enter coUege two years in advance. He gave the first pubUc lecture on temperance ever deUvered in Sutton, in a school-house, it being considered, fifty years ago, saorUegious to use a meeting-house for such a purpose. His success was most marked, for nearly every sober man present in the house was ready to sign the pledge. 2. George Alfred PiUsbury m. May 8, 1841, Margaret S. Carleton, dau. of Henry and PoUy (Greeley) Carleton. Children, — (1) Charles A., b. in Warner, Oct. 3, 1842. (2) Mary Adda, b. in Warner, April 25, 1848 ; d. May 11, 1849. (3) Fred C, b. in Concord, Aug. 27, 1852. 2. George A. PUlsbury, son of John and Susan (Wadleigh) PiUsbury, was born in Sutton Aug. 29, 1816. Having received a thorough com mon-school education in his native town, and being of an active tem perament, he manifested a desire to enter business at an early age. Accordingly, at the age of eighteen years he went to Boston, and' obtained employment with Job Davis, a native of Sutton, who was doing a business at that time as a grocer and fruit-dealer, under the Boylston Market. He remained in Boston but little more than a year^ 882 HISTORY OF SUTTON. when he returned to Sutton and engaged in the manufacture of stoves and sheet-iron ware, in company with his cousin, John C. Pillsbury. He continued there a few years, they doing an extensive business. On the 1st of February, 1840, Mr. Pillsbury went to Warner as a clerk in the store of John H. Pearson, in which capacity he served tUl July of the same year, when he purchased the business, and from that time for nearly eight years he was actively engaged either on his own account, or in partnership with others. His partners during that time were Henry Woodman and H. D. Robertson. In the spring of 1848 he went into a wholesale dry goods house in Boston, and in 1849, having leased the store of Ira Harvey, in Warner, and bought his stock of goods, he returned to that town and engaged in business, where he remained till the spring of 1851, when he sold back his interest to Mr. Harvey, and went out of mercantile business entirely. In 1844 he was appointed post-master at Warner, and held the office till 1849, there being at that time but one office in the town. In 1847 he served the town as selectman, in 1849 as selectman and town treasurer, and in the years 1850 and 1851 he was elected repre sentative to the general court. During the session of 1851 Merrimack county decided to build a new jail at Concord, the old one at Hopkinton having become dilapidated and unfit for use. The convention appointed Mr. Pillsbury chairman of a committee with fuU authority to purchase the site, perfect plans, and erect the building. The site selected by the committee was that occupied by the jail in present use. This lot contained ten acres. The general superintendence was given by the other members of the com mittee to Mr. Pillsbury, and he devoted his whole time to the work, which was not completed till the spring of 1852. At the time of its erection it was considered one of the best buildings of the kind in the state, and the thoroughness of its construction is shown by the fact that now, after some thirty years of service, it will compare very favor ably with other like institutions. In November, 1851, Mr. Pillsbury received from the Concord Rail road Corporation an appointment as purchasing agent for the road, and entered upon the duties of the position in December of the same year, having, meantime, removed his family to Concord. He occupied this position continuously till July, 1875, a period of nearly twenty- four years . During his administration of the office, which was always most satisfactory, his purchases amounted to more than three millions of dollars, and he settled more cases of claims against the road for personal injury resulting from accident and fire than all other officers combined. In all his long term of office his relations with the officers of the roa'd were of the most agreeable character ; no fault was ever found or complaint made of his transactions by the management. GENEALOGY. 883 During a residence of nearly twenty-seven years in Concord Mr. Pillsbury was called upon to fill many important positions of honor and trust, and he did much toward building up and beautifying the city. He was one of the committee appointed by Union School Dis trict to build the high school building, and several other school buildings that now stand monuments of credit to our people. He was interested in the erection of several of the handsomest business blocks upon Main street, and several fine residences in the city were built by him In 1864, Mr. PiUsbury, with others, organized and put in operation the First National Bank of Concord. He was elected a member of the first board of directors, and in 1866 became its president, and con tinued in that office till his departure from the state. He was also instrumental more than any other person in securing the charter and putting in operation the National Savings Bank, in 1867. He was the first president of this institution, and held the position till 1874, when he resigned. During his connection with the First National Bank, that institution became, in proportion to its capital stock, the strongest of any bank in the state, and its standing is equally good to-day. Up to December, 1873, when the treasurer was discovered to be a defaulter to a large amount, the National Savings Bank was one of the most prosperous institutions of its kind in the state, but the defalcation, coupled with a general crash in business, necessitated its closing up. During the first year of its existence it received on de posit nearly seven hundred thousand dollars, and at the time of the defalcation of its treasurer it had nearly one million six hundred thou sand dollars on deposit ; its total deposits during the first five years of its existence, up to the time mentioned, amounted to more than three miUions of dollars. The bank eventually paid a large percentage of its indebtedness. While a resident of Concord Mr. Pillsbury was identified with most of the benevolent and charitable institutions of the day, and he was always ready to assist by his advice and contributions all organizations that had for their object the relief of the unfortunate and suffering. He was ever a liberal supporter of all moral and religious enterprises. To his generosity the city of Concord is indebted for the fine bell which hangs in the tower of the board of trade building, and for this donation he was the recipient of a vote of thajiks from the city coun- cU. The large and handsome organ in the First Baptist church was a gift from Mr. PiUsbury and his son, Charles A., both gentlemen being at the time members of that church. He was actively engaged in instituting the Centennial Home for the Aged in Concord, made large contributions to aid in putting it in operation, and was a member of the board of its trustees. He also 884 HISTORY OF SUTTON. contributed largely to the Orphans' Home in Franklin, and was one of its trustees from the time of its establishment till he left the state. Mr. Pillsbury was for several years a member of the city council of Concord, was elected mayor in 1876, and reelected the following year. During the year 1871-'72 he represented Ward Five in the legislature, and in the latter year was made chairman of the special committee on the apportionment of public taxes. In 1876 the Concord city council appointed him chairman of a committee of three to appraise all of the- real estate in the city for the purposes of taxation, and in the dis charge of the duties thus devolving- upon him he personally visited every residence within the limits of the city. The position was a very responsible one, requiring the exercise of sound judgment and great- patience, and the report of the committee gave very general satisfac tion. In the spring of 1878 he determined to leave Concord and take up his residence in Minneapolis, Minn., where, with his two sons and brother, he was extensively engaged in the manufacture of flour. Probably no person ever left the city who received so many expressions of regret as Mr. Pillsbury. Complimentary resolutions were unani mously passed by both branches of the city government, and by the First National Bank, the latter testifying strongly to his integrity, honesty, and superior business qualities. Resolutions passed by the First Baptist church and society were ordered to be entered upon the records of each organization. The Webster Club, composed of fifty prominent business men of Concord,. passed a series of resolutions expressive of regret for his departure from the state. A similar testimonial was also presented to Mr. Pills bury, which was subscribed to by more than three hundred of the leading professional and business men of the city, among whom were all the ex-mayors then living, aU the clergymen, all the members of both branches of the city government, all of the bank presidents and officers, twenty-six lawyers, twenty physicians, and nearly aU of the business men in the city. On the eve of their departure Mr. and Mrs. Pillsbury were presented with an elegant bronze statuette of Mozart. Such tributes, however worthily bestowed, could but afford great gratification to the recipient, showing, as they did, the great esteem in which he was held by his fellow-citizens. Mr. Pillsbury is now very pleasantly located in the beautiful city of Minneapolis, having built one of the most elegant residences in the city, and during the comparatively few years he has been there he has frequently been called upon to fiU places of honor and trust. George A. PUlsbury is a member of the firm of Charles A. Pillsbury & Co., of MinneapoUs, Minn., the largest flour manufacturing firm in GENEALOGY. 885 the world, of whose immense operations some brief mention wiU be made on another page of this sketch of the PiUsbury family. The foregoing account of George A. Pillsbury is copied from the sketch of that gentleman by Allan H. Robinson, in the History of Mer rimack and Belknap County, printed in 1885. The facts which will follow regarding some of Mr. Pillsbury's acts and generous gifts since that date are given either from personal knowledge on the part of the present writer, or are the result of letters of inquiry concerning his later operations. First, however, space should be given to the follow ing extract from The Northwest, a popular monthly magazine published at St. Paul, Minn., which contains a fair account of him after his removal to Minnesota, up to the date of publication in 1885 : " More than a year ago the writer said, in the columns of The North west, that if any man in Minneapolis was asked to whom the city chiefly ¦ owed its prosperity, there would be no hesitation in his answer, ' The PUlsburys.' Since then the people of Minneapolis have had no cause to change their opinions, while last spring they gave a somewhat emphatic utterance to them by electing one of the members of this remarkable family, — the Hon. George Alfred Pillsbury, — to the mayor alty of the city by an overwhelming vote. A liking for hard work and a belief in its virtues seem to have been early rooted in the PUls bury family, for in England, more than two centuries and a half ago, they bore for their motto the words. Labor Omnia Vincit. But in . aU the generations of the PiUsburys since then who have lived and worked, from English Essex to Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Minnesota, it may be doubted whether any one of them has better de served to bear the motto than the present mayor of Minneapolis. It was Lord Brougham who was advised by a friend ' to confine himself if possible to the work of five ordinary men,' but his toil-loving lord ship himself might have been envious of the amount of downright hard work which Mr. Pillsbuiy has got through in his life. Setting his early life aside for the present, the mayor has only been in Minne apolis six years as yet. During that time he has been president of the Minneapolis Board of Trade, of the City Council, of the Homoeopathic Hospital, and the Minneapolis Free Dispensary, and is still president of the Chamber of Commerce, of the Pillsbury and Hurlbert Elevator Company, of the Board of Water- Works, of the St. Paul and Minne apolis Baptist Union, and the Minnesota Baptist State Convention, vice-president of the Minnesota Loan and Trust Company, member of the Board of Park Commissioners, director of the Northwestern Na tional Bank, the Manufacturers' National Bank, the Minneapolis Elevator Company, and a trustee of institutions innumerable. All this besides mayor of the city ! Here 's a small trifle of work ! Eleven trusteeships and nine presidencies is a simple coming-in for one man. 886 HISTORY OF SUTTON. And in spite of the diversity of his duties, there has not been one post among all those which he has filled wherein he has failed to win the heartiest respect and approbation of all who have been brought into connection with him. The more difficult the kind of work he has to do, the more he appears to be able to give his undivided attention to each one. Mr. PiUsbury has shown a capacity, almost a genius, for hard and honest work totally incomprehensible to most men. This alone would compel the respect of his fellow-citizens, but by his gener osity, his warm-heartedness, and unostentatious charity he has also won their affection. No stranger could read his public record without admiring the man who could live such a life ; but it is a stronger trib ute to his character that no acquaintance can see the details of his private life without Ms admiration growing to something warmer. Mr. Pillsbury is yet only sixty-eight years of age, and it is safe to pre dict that Minneapolis will yet be gisateful to him for much good work done for her, and many benefits received at his hands.'' Some four or five years have elapsed since the above was. written, and Mr. Pillsbury is still active and vigorous, showing no sign what ever of diminished capacity or executive ability. In 1885 he was chairman of the committee to build the Minneapolis Chamber of Com merce Building, one of the finest buildings of its kind in the North west. In 1886 he was chairman of the committee to build the Baptist church in Minneapolis, the largest and most costly church buUding west of Chicago, and but few finer ones in the country. Mr. and Mrs. PiUsbury and their two sons, Charles A. and Fred C, at their own expense, placed in this church the largest and best organ in the city, at a cost of eight thousand five hundred dollars. Mr. Pillsbury has always been a friend and supporter of the cause of education, and while a resident of New Hampshire he contributed lib erally for that cause. He was a member of the board of education of Concord for several years. He contributed liberally towards the en dowment fund for Colby Academy at New London. Since he became a resident of Minnesota he has taken the same interest in the cause of education. He has served on several committees appointed to build school-houses, and has been elected member of the board of education. He has also been much interested in an academy located at Owatoiina, Minn. He has buUt at his own expense a ladies' boarding hall con nected with the academy at a cost of $30,000, besides other liberal contributions for the benefit of the same institution, the name of which was two years ago changed by the legislature of Minnesota from the "Minnesota Academy" to "PiUsbury Academy," in honor of Mr. Pillsbury. An extract from the catalogue for 1889-'90 will give more fully the details of the work he has done for it. It is under the head GENEALOGY. 887 of " BuUdings." " PiUsbury HaU is 128 feet long, and has three stories above the basement. It is heated with steam, and contains parlors, dormitory, boarding department, bath-rooms, and gymnasium, and furnishes to young ladies the comforts of a well appointed Christian home. This buUding was erected in 1886, and is the gift of Hon. George A. PiUsbury, whose name it bears. The new academy buUd ing, erected in 1889, at a cost of $40,000, is 122 feet long and is three stories high above the basement, with tower 140 feet .high. It contains recitation-rooms, library, and reading-room, offices, chemical laboratory, gymnasium, bath-room, study-room, chapel, and a spacious auditorium. It is lighted with gas, and is a most commodious school-building. This building is also the gift of the academy's chief benefactor, Hon. George A. PiUsbury." At the annual meeting of the American Baptist Missionary Union, held in MinneapoUs in 1888, Mr. PUlsbury was elected its president, a highly honorable position. This organization has its head-quarters in Boston, Mass. It has in charge all the foreign missionary work of all the Northern and some of the Southern states, distributing annually nearly half a million dollars for mission work in foreign fields by this denomination. Borrowing again from the History of Merrimack County, we wUl add the closing paragraphs of Mr. Robinson's sketch of Mr. Pillsbury : " George A. PUlsbury is a gentleman of great personal magnetism, genial and affable in manner, and possessed of entertaining and attrac tive conversational powers. Warm-hearted and generous, he was ever ready to respond to calls of distress, not only with good counsels but with more substantial aids, as "many an unpublished charity in Con cord will attest. All who approached him were sure of a kindly greet ing, and any petition for favors received a patient consideration and courteous reply. With the young he is very companionable, and with his conservative and liberal views of life he is able to impart much valuable advice and information. His mind is well disciplined and balanced, and his habits are very systematic. He is possessed of sound practical judgment, and great executive ability. Quick to grasp a point he seldom errs in action, and by a faculty of reading character he seems always ready to meet any emergency that may arise. In early Ufe he received a thorough business training, and in his deal ings with men he is straightforward and liberal. In his enterprises he looks beyond the present, and results seldom disappoint him. In public life his administration of affairs has always been most satisfac tory and able, and has won for him the esteem of all with whom he comes in contact." It will be observed that the foregoing notices of Mr. Pillsbury are copied from books or periodicals already in print. The compiler here 888 HISTORY OF SUTTON. claims the right to add a final paragraph. And the first thought that suggests itself is, that he is a man concerning whom it would be easier, though far less pleasant, to select the materials for an obituary than for a biographical note while he is living. There is so much in his career that merits attention, his attainments and achievements, as well as his benefactions, have been so great and so important, that even the small moiety of them that can be mentioned in this brief sketch seem almost like an exaggeration. When a man is dead, taste and common custom no longer forbid the free and full expression of the public estimate of his superior qualities, however high that estimate inay be, or however appreciative the recog nition of his merits. But to discuss his qualities while he is yet their living possessor, and their outgrowth into deed and character, seems to have in it a degree of impertinence, and the higher his character, the finer his qualities, the greater seems the impertinence. Still, there exists no good reason why justice, at least, should not be done to the living as well as to the dead. In the case of Mr. Pillsbury, there is no need to credit him with the possession of qualities or facul ties well adapted to the accomplishment of great good to himself and the world at large, his capacities having already passed triumphantly through the test of successful achievement. In his many generous gifts he has gone far beyond the limits of ordinary benevolence, and in his furtherance of great schemes for the support of religion and education, those mighty conservators of the peace and well-being of society, he has attained to the height of philan thropy. And yet, with all his great successes, no poor man whom he ever meets will say that he ever received from Mr. Pillsbury a haughty or a cruel word, to remind him painfully of the great difference in the bestowment of the gifts of fortune. It is a great thing that a man should be able by his own good deeds, as Mr. Pillsbury has done, to place himself above all praise, and above all need of it ; but it is perhaps a greater thing, because rarer, that one should have grace given him so to comport himself that he should escape so almost entirely as he seems to have done the "envy, hatred, and malice, and all uncharitableness " which usually start into most intense and stinging activity against every one who becomes exception ally fortunate. But perhaps the secret of his popularity lies not so much in a care ful policy, or even the possession of qualities which, wherever he has been a resident, have always brought him easily and conspicuously to the front, as in his following out of the precept of the wise man (Prov. 4, 23), " Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life." Simply because he has not, like so many rich men, allowed prosperity GENEALOGY. 889 to harden his heart, its Ufe issues flow out wide and clear, a constant gratification to himself, and a help and a blessing to many others whose earnest hope and desire is that he may long be spared, with his present active participation in all that concerns the good of humanity, and his own keen enjoyment in the many sources of interest and hap piness with which his life abounds. Most of the foregoing extracts and comments were arranged some two years ago. With much pleasure and pride the compiler now un folds the manuscript to add thereto the record of three more generous gifts of Mr. Pillsbury, by which he makes the year 1890 a memorable year for three different localities in New Hampshire, in each of which he has at some time had his home. That so much good is to be done is sufficient cause for joy and thankfulness, and Sutton people may weU'take pride in the thought that the man who does it all is a native born son of their town. In the course of his lifetime a man may have as many places of residence as his choice and convenience may deter mine. In the case of Mr. Pillsbury, four or five different places divide between them the honor of having been for a longer or shorter period his place of residence. But since, live long as he may, a man can never have more than one bu-thplace, and since Sutton and none other was the mother of the distinguished Pillsbury brothers, so widely known, east and west, for their many and noble charities, she does not intend to allow the fact of her maternity to be forgotten. To Concord, George A. Pillsbury gives, at a cost of $60,000, a free hospital ; to Warner, a free public library ; to Sutton, a soldiers' mon ument. Not content with giving- the money to pay for all these, he, with characteristic business sagacity, makes sure that his plans and wishes concerning them are fully carried out by personaUy attending to the erection and construction of the same. All these gifts seem to be most wisely planned. The need and the importance of a free hospital to a city like Concord is apparent, without any argument. A free public library would be most thankfully accepted by any town not so provided. As for the soldiers' monument, it is safe to say that, if Mr. PiUsbury had not given it, there would never have been one in Sutton, deeply as all the people have felt that common justice to the soldiers who suffered in the war demanded such an appreciative and enduring recognition of their services and sacrifices. All that the gov ernment does in the way of requital, by occasionally pensioning their heirs, wUl not many years prevent the names and the memories of the dead soldiers themselves from slowly sinking into oblivion, such as now buries up the memory of most of the soldiers of the Revolution. To rescue from this oblivion the memory of the dead soldiers of Sut ton is the design of the generous and patriotic donor of this monument, and every loyal heart will forever feel grateful to Mr. PiUsbury for 890 HISTORY OF SUTTON. doing for Sutton, not what she would not, but what she could not, on account of its great cost, do for herself. To the surviving relatives, and to the descendants to the remotest generation of those whose names are inscribed on this monument, it will be a source of pride and grati fication to see them thus forever honored. No more fitting or graceful compliment could any husband ever pay a most excellent wife than Mr. PUlsbury has done in bestowing upon the new hospital the name of Margaret Pillsbury. Bearing her name, and fostered as it doubtless will be by her interest, it can hardly fail to be a successful and useful institution. She is a lady possessed of much kindness of heart, a sincere friend, generously responsive to every appeal for sympathy or help, and yet with such strict conscien tiousness, and keen penetrative comprehension of character and mo tive, and ability to grasp and rightly appreciate all the points in any case brought before her, as has caused her judgment to be much valued, her counsel sought, and her influence strongly felt in all matters of church or society wherever she has lived. The following, taken from the Concord Evening Monitor of July 25, 1890, shows the spirit in which the people of that city accept Mr. PUlsbury's great gift : "MR. AND MRS. PILLSBURY. " The earth's best product is noble manhood and womanhood. Hon. Greorge A. Pillsbury is a noble man. There is no mission higher than the aUeviation of human suffering. His generous gift to our people of a general hospital is a splendid beneflcence that touches every indi vidual heart here with profound -gratitude. It is an institution that comes home.alifce to-the needs of the educated and the uneducated, the rich and the poor, the high and the low. He could have done nothing better for us. Everybody in this community is glad and thankful that such excellent provision is to be made for the care of our sick and in jured, and everybody here is deeply grateful to the very considerate and kindly gentleman, our former fellow-citizen, for the great general good that he is doing. "As to the institution, our people will take early and appropriate opportunity to express formally and unanimously their earnest appre ciation. As to the public-spirited and noble-souled benefactor himself, and his estimable wife, Margaret, for whom the elegant and commo dious new hospital is to be named, there is only one sentiment, — Heaven bless Mr. and Mrs. Pillsbury ! "Mr. Pillsbury, with comparative ease, might have written his per sonal check for $60,000, and turned it over to a citizens' committee, to found and endow a capacious modern hospital ; but this modest, sturdy man with the great warm heart, and his lovely Christian wife, left GENEALOGY. 891 their sumptuous home in Minneapolis, that they might come among their old friends and neighbors in this state, and have the pleasure of doing, as it were, with their own hands, the grand public work that they are accomplishing. He brought his own architect ; he selected and purchased the lot of his choice for the building ; and he will per sonally superintend its construction. A man of superior practical judgment and experience, nobody could do it better. His is not only the generosity to give, but the self-sacrifice to make the gift the practi cal success that he desires it to be. Within the past few days he has been elected president of a great Western bank, with hundreds of thousands of dollars of surplus to invest, but he telegraphed back that his work here will require his personal attention for the present. Posi tions of honor and trust have been thrust upon him, but in noiseless charities he finds his greatest pleasure, his chief pursuit. Office and fame have no allurements for him. He is one of the few capitalists who is perfectly satisfied with his wealth. He enjoyed its honorable accumulation ; he will now take equal pleasure in its generous and discriminate expenditure. Nobody covets his riches ; everybody wishes that he had a still larger fortune to give away in public bequests. He and his wife are here now, with no possible object except to do good and to renew old friendships and associations, and to pay respects to the people who delight to respect and honor them. " We only seldom have such visitors. Think of it, — a happy, hand some married couple, so advanced in years, and yet so remarkably well preserved ; so wealthy and yet so unostentatious ; so distinguished and yet so himibty 'affable and generous; so blest with this world's favors, yet possessed of such excelleiji -native sense ; so public-spirited and beneficent, so charitable, kind, and tolerant -ttrwaMis aUj — they present indeed a rare and touching sight, one to be cherished in our recoUec- tions, beloved and welcome sojourners in our peaceful and beautiful city. "An institution is defined to be the lengthened shadow of one man ; George Alfred PiUsbury will have many worthy shadows, and long after he and his gracious wife have gone from us, perhaps forever, fevered Ups of invalid sufferers will whisper prayers of thankfulness that will be encomiums on this good man and woman more eloquent and touching than any we could pronounce. Many who are now well and strong may faU victims to the afflictions of life, and have occasion from disease or accident to feel by personal experience the active good ness of Mr. Pillsbury in presenting to this municipality the splendid city hospital that he is now buUding for our people." (1) Charles A. PiUsbury m. Sept. 13, 1866, Mary Ann, dau. of Charles and Mary Ann (Poor) Stinson, of Goffstown, b. Aug. 1, 1841. Chil dren, — 892 HISTORY OF SUTTON. George Alfred, b. Oct., 1871 ; d. Jan., 1872. Margaret Carleton, b. July 18, 1876. Charles Stinson, b. Dec. 6, 1878. John Sargent, b. Dec. 6, 1878. 1. Charles A. Pillsbury is the oldest son of George A. and Margaret S. PUlsbury. He was born in Warner Oct. 3, 1842. He entered Dartmouth ¦college in 1859, at the age of sixteen years, and graduated in the class of 1863. Soon after his gi-aduation he went to Montreal as a clerk for a wholesale firm, but in a short time became a partner in another wholesale establishment. He remained in Montreal some three years, and then went to Minneapolis, Minn., where he engaged in the manu facture of flour, and has become the head of the largest flour manufac turing firm in the world. Mr. PiUsbury has confined himself almost exclusively to this branch of business. He has, however, against his wishes, been prevailed upon to accept some political offices. He has been elected to the state sen ate several times, and in one or two instances there was not a vote cast against him. He has been urged by his party to become a candidate for representative to congress, and for other offices the highest within the gift of the people of the state, the nomination to which would be ¦equivalent to an election, but has positively and unequivocally decUned to accept such nomination and election. WhUe a member of the state senate he has nearly always been placed at the head of the most important committee, — that of finance. He is everybody's friend, and nearly every one is his friend. He is a very liberal giver to all objects of a religious and benevolent character. He has, without doubt, within the last twelve years contributed more of his means for these objects than any other person in Minneapolis. His charities, however, are not by any means confined to his own neighborhood or state, as the following letter will show. It was found copied in the Lynn, Mass., papers, immediately after the great fire in that city, and is here presented as affording a good illustration of the nature and disposition of the man who wrote it, and it is felt that it merits permanent preservation in a book as weU as almost any document that ever was penned. The circumstances were these : Late in Novem- Taer, 1889, occurred in Lynn a very destructive conflagration, which, by burning up their homes as weU as the shoe factories in which they ¦earned their living, in a few hours reduced thousands of people to abso lute destitution. Charles A. Pillsbury was at the time on a visit to friends in New Hampshire, but such a thing as a personal appeal to a man who was not, and never had been, a resident in the city, nor even in the state in which the fire occurred, was not, of course, thought of. The cry of distress, however, soon reached his ears, and the letter to liis agent was at once written. GENEALOGY. 893- Goffstown, N. H., Nov. 28, 1889. Breed & Co., Wholesale Flour Merchants : Please supply the mayor at our expense with aU the Pillsbury's Best he may require to supply the immediate wants of the poor people burned out in the late flre. Have telegraphed him to call upon you for it. C. A. PiLLSBDKY. No one can tell how timely was the gift, nor how thankfully it was received, any better than the writer of this, a resident in Lynn, and one who, in behalf of some of the sufferers, had occasion, more than once, to visit the Relief Committee's rooms; It was pitiful to see there the throng of respectable looking persons waiting, all numbered, in rows, tUl each one as his number was called passed eagerly up to the desk, to receive there the order for his weekly bag of flour or other provisions. But this was after some system in the distribution of the supplies of food was introduced. At first the Lynn authorities, entire ly inexperienced in dealing with a calamity of such magnitude, and utterly confused and overpowered by the immense number of calls for immediate help, had failed to attend properly to the distribution of the flour, and, as a result, many persons had been allowed a whole bar rel each, while many more had received none, thus defeating the pur pose of the donor, to supply the immediate wants of as many persons as possible. Some men would perhaps have found in this failure to carry out his expressed design an excuse for withdrawing any further aid. Such, however, was not the case with Mr. Pillsbury. How much flour in all was given, the writer has not been informed. This, however, is known, that, when the immense quantity of 500 barrels had been given away the agent wrote to Mr. Pillsbury asking- further instructions, and re ceived the order to let the authorities have more flour, though at the same time recommending that equality in the division of it which they had by this time themselves learned the need of. As a business man Charles A. PUlsbury is not excelled by any one in the country. Commencing- with nothing, he has succeeded in build ing up an immense business. The members of the firm of C. A. Pills bury & Co. are George A. Pillsbury, his brother, John S. Pillsbury, and Charles A. and Fred C. Pillsbury, who are the sons of George A. Pillsbury. This firm stands at the head of all the flour manufacturing firms of the world. They own three mills, and the capacity of the three is 10,500 barrels of flour each twenty-four hours. It requires on an average more than 40,000 bushels of wheat per day to supply these mUls, or more than 12,000,000 bushels per year, which is equivalent to the production of one million acres of land, or of thirty-two townships of land as large as the town of Sutton, and every acre sowed with 894 HISTORY OF SUTTON. wheat. It requires about 100 cars per day to supply these mills with wheat, and about the same number of cars in which to ship the flour and offal. If the whole product of these mills were to be sent to Bos ton or New York, it would require five trains of cars each day, and fifteen hundred cars would be on the road continuaUy. The amount of flour and offal sold each year is from $12,000,000 to $18,000,000, depending on the price for which the flour is sold. The reputation of the Pillsbury flour is world-wide. It is sold in every state in the Union, and in most of the foreign markets. It is as well known in Great Britain and some other countries as it is in the United States. This firm uses only the celebrated Red River of the North wheat, which contains the largest proportion of gluten, and con sequently contains more nutriment than any other wheat produced in the world. In order to secure a sufficient amount of this superior wheat to run the mills, and to use only the very best quality, they have built about one hundred and forty elevators and store-houses in the valley of the Red River of the North with a capacity of about 12,000,000 of bushels, thus enabling them at all times to secure the choicest quality of wheat, which gives them an advantage over all other mills. The ¦cost of these elevators is about one million of dollars. The firm of J. S. Pillsbury & Co., consisting of John S., George A., and Charles A. PiUsbury, own about 250,000 acres of pine land, located in the northern portion of the state. This territory is equal to eight townships of land as large as the town of Sutton. They commenced operating on these lands some two years ago. They have a saw-mill located on the line of the Northern Pacific Railroad, at Gull river. This mill will saw 125,000 feet of lumber in ten hours, besides a pro portionate amount of shingles, laths, &c. (3) Fred C. Pillsbury graduated at the Concord high school in 1870. He at once left for Minnesota, and became a clerk in the hardware store of his uncle, John S. Pillsbury. For about fourteen years he has been the junior member of the firm of Charles A. PiUsbury & Co. He has for a few years been president of the Minneapolis, Lyndale & Lake Minnetoka Railway. He is possessed of excellent judgment, and is a sound, conservative business man. He m. Oct. 19, 1876, Alice T. Cook. ChUdren, — George Alfred, d. . Hattie Goodwin. Carleton Cook. Marian. 3. DoUy Wadleigh PUlsbury m. Enoch P. Cummings, Jan. 14, 1838. Children ,¦ — (1) Alfred P., b. Sept, 23, 1838 ; d. Nov. 5, 1843. (2) Charles E., b. Aug. 5, 1843. ^ l^' ¦iy jiJ.JfMli Sc'^s.lfncYc.-r^' GENEALOGY. 895 4. John S. Pillsbury received a common-school education. At the age of sixteen he went to Warner as a clerk for his brother, George A., who was engaged in mercantUe business in that town. He afterwards, :in the year 1848, entered into a business partnership with Hon. Walter Harriman, a native of the same town It is a singular fact, that each ¦of these men became governor of the state in which he made his xesidence, Mr. Harriman of New Hampshire, and Mr. PUlsbury of Minnesota. After leaving Warner Mr. PUlsbury was for some time in trade in Andover, and also in Concord. In 1854 he visited several of the Western states, and finally in 1855 ¦established his home at the Falls of St. Anthony, in Minnesota. Here he went into the hardware trade, and by his energy and fair dealing built up the largest business in that line in the state. He took an active interest in the affairs of the territory and state of Minnesota. Mr. PUlsbury has never been a politician. His popularity, however, in consequence of his business reputation, was such that he has fre quently been called upon to occupy positions of honor and trust. From 1863 to 1875 he was continuously elected to the state senate, notwith standing the fact that a majority of his constituents belonged to the poUtical party opposed to him. No man exerted a wider influence in the legislature of his state than he did. He was a wise counseUor and ¦a safe legislator. In 1875 he was elected governor of the state, and .again in 1877 and 1879, the term of office being two years. This is the only instance in which any man has been elected governor of Min nesota more than twice. No man has ever occupied the governor's ¦chair who has had the confidence of the people to the extent that Mr. Pillsbury has done. During his term of office the grasshopper scourge visited the state. In some portions the crops were entirely destroyed, causing great suffering. During the cold winter months Mr. Pillsbury visited in person, incognito, those afflicted districts, in order to ascertain the condition of the people. He found them in great distress, hun dreds of families being destitute of food, clothing, and other neces saries of life. He at once, at his own expense, relieved their present needs, and upon his return home published to the people the story of the destitution and suffering he had witnessed. He offered to person ally take charge of contributions of food and clothing that should be made, and to forward the same to the suffering families. The people had so much confidence in his representations that they at once began to send in Uberal contributions of money and articles of food and •clothing, thus meeting his appeals in the most gratifying manner. The governor and his excellent wife were kept busy almost night and day for some time in packing boxes of clothing and other material to be forwarded, until he gave notice that no more was needed. From that day to the present time Mr. Pillsbury has been regarded by those 896 HISTORY OF SUTTON. people as their friend, and they have never forgotten his kindness and. his sacrifices for them. Mr. Pillsbury has always been a friend to the poor and laboring classes : the worthy poor have never appealed to him in vain. He is a generous and public-spirited man, and has done a great deal, and per haps as much as any one, to advance the interests of the state. At the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion Mr. Pillsbury lent the weight of his influence in raising men to enter the service of the- country. He was mainly instrumental in raising three regiments of volunteers. In 1862 he, with a few others, raised and equipped a mounted company for service against the Indians. At a time when a. large number of our efficient men had gone to the war, these Indians suddenly banded together, and at once commenced to massacre the whites. In a few days they put to a cruel death fifteen hundred de fenceless men, women, and children. In 1863 Mr. Pillsbury was appointed agent of the State University. At that time the institution was by bad management hopelessly, as it was at that time thought, in debt, and but for Mr. Pillsbury and one or two others the property would have been lost by foreclosure and judgments. Mr. Pillsbury at once went to work to compromise mat ters, and to save the institution if possible. After a long and tedious process he finally succeeded in settling up its affairs, and thus saving it. He has ever since been identified with the university as president and agent. It is conceded by all who had a knowledge of its affairs that had it not been for his efforts Minnesota would not to-day have such a magnificent institution of learning. In the year 1889 further action was taken on this important matter, accounts of which were extensively current in the public print. The following are selected for insertion here, the first from the Kearsarge Independent and Times, of Warner, April 26, 1889, and the second from the Minneapolis Tribune, of June 3, 1889 : " EX-GOVERNOR JOHN S. PILLSBURY. " The Minnesota papers, the Pioneer Press, Star, Tribune, Journal,. and others, have strong words in praise of a notable event which occurred in St. Paul, April 16th. " Twenty-six years ago, John S. Pillsbury, a native of Sutton, and for a time a resident of Warner, as a citizen of Minneapolis became interested in the University of the State of Minnesota. It was in 1851 that the first University land grant of 46,000 acres was received, and. six years later buildings were erected by mortgaging the land to raise the money. Forty thousand dollars came in this way, and mortgage bonds on the campus of twenty acres, and on the proposed buildings,. GENEALOGY. 897 brought $15,000 more. That was not enough, and a big floating- debt was the result, and judgments, frequently obtained during the succeed ing years, left the institution sadly in arrears in 1864. The bonds had been used for banking purposes, the banks had failed in some instances, and the bonds had been sold at 16 and 18 per cent. The prospect of a university that would ever amount to anything was small. " In 1864 Mr. PUlsbury had been elected to the state senate. He was familiar with the affairs of the university, and he made it his busi ness to help it out of its financial embarrassments. Judge Berry, also one of the regents, was a member of the senate. Together they tried to work out plans for a settlement of the university's financial difficul ties. Judge Berry had considered the university lost, but was willing to do all in his power to help it out, if a way could be found. The two prepared a bill, naming three men to settle up the affairs of the institution. The men were Mr. Pillsbury, John Nichols, and Captain O. C. Merriman. " When the agricultural grant of land was made, he secured its union with the university, and thus added greatly to its beneficent re.sults. As governor, he gave them the wisest and most effective help. Both are doing magnificent work, and more and more winning favor in that state, and commanding the approval of the best judges in the country. Recently it has become necessary to erect another hall de voted to science. The estimated expense was $250,000. The legisla ture was asked for that amount, and gave only $100,000. The regents were in great trouble. A meeting of officers and friends was called in a committee-room of the state-house. There were present regents KeUile, Sibley, U. S. Senator Davis, and others, together with members of the legislature. The trying situation was considered but solved by the words of Gov. Pillsbury, who closed as foUows : " ' Gentlemen, I have thought this matter over carefully, and I have made up my mind that the work must go on. And I '11 tell you how I 've concluded to make it go on. If this legislature will give me some kind of an assurance that that state university shall forever remain one grand undivided mstitution, so that I can go down to my final rest with a feeling of security in this respect, I will donate the $150,000 necessary to the completion of the hall of science.' " One of the papers adds, — The announcement was received with the wildest applause, which continued for some minutes. Gov. Pillsbury was deeply affected, and President Northrup sat by with tears cours ing do-wn his cheeks unheeded. It was a most remarkable scene. Enthusiastic remarks were made by members of the legislature, and their solemn pledges were given that they would do everything in their power to keep the University of Minnesota entire. Resolutions com mitting the state to the policy desired by Gov. PUlsbury were ordered 57 898 HISTORY OF SUTTON. unanimously. Congratulations were showered upon Gov. Pillsbury by all present untU that gentleman was entirely overcome and withdrew. Gen. Sibley exclaimed, as he grasped the hand of the generous ex- governor, — ' Glory enough, for one day, my friend,' and the rest were ready to exclaim, ' So say we all of us.' " New Hampshire may well congratulate herself on having sent such a man to the West to rear and maintain the institutions of liberty and education.'' " The names of George Peabody, whose monument may be seen in Harvard and Yale, and men who within the last few years have done great service to humanity by unprecedented gifts, especiaUy Otis, Hand, and Slater, all of Connecticut, will readily occur to you ; and I am sure that as I speak all of you are thinking of the recent noble gift to this university by our friend and neighbor. Gov. Pillsbury. " It is not the first time that he has shown his generous interest in this institution ; indeed, it is owing to him that the university exists at all, for by unwearied efforts of his the university was rescued from hopeless debt, even before it was organized for the work. During all the years in which that able scholar. Dr. Folwell, the first president of the university, was laying its foundation and was wisely planning its educational work. Gov. Pillsbury was the sagacious counseUor, the earnest friend, the faithful regent, watching over the financial interests of the institution with ceaseless vigilance, ever ready to sacrifice his time, his business, and his ease to its welfare. By his kindness and charity in his daily life, by his public spirit, his wise services to the state in both legislative and executive positions, his free-handed benev olence to the suffering people of the state in a time of great trial, and his firm and determined stand for the honor of the state in a time of great public temptation, he deserves to be remembered with gratitude by the people of this state to the remotest generation. But for no one of his many noble deeds will he be longer remembered than for this his munificent gift of $150,000 to the state and the university, at a time when the financial condition of the state made it impossible for the legislature, however well disposed, to grant to the university the money which it needed to carry forward its enlarging work. He has sho-wn himself wise in making this gift while he lived, and might justly hope to witness in the increased prosperity of the university the fruits of his own benevolence. He has sho-wn himself wise in estimating money at its just value — ^not for what it is, but for what it can do ; not as something to be held and loved and gloated over, or to be expended in personal aggrandizement and luxury, but as something which can work mightily for humanity ; which can reinforce even the educational power of a sovereign state ; which can enrich human minds, and can GENEALOGY. 899 thus lift up into the true greatness of a noble citizenship the sons and daughters of the whole North-west." No one act of Mr. PiUsbury's, perhaps, has done more to give him a wide and favorable reputation, in the nation as well as the state, than his course while he was governor regarding what was known as the railroad bonds. These bonds, to the amount of one or two millions, were issued in aid of railroad building, while Minnesota was a territo ry. These roads were not built, in many instances, and in others the bonds were secured through fraud, and the people for many years repudiated the payment of them. Mr. Pillsbury was of the opinion that the bonds having been issued, and some of them being in the hands of innocent persons, it was a disgrace to the state to repudiate them. It was almost entirely through his influence that the state was brought flnally to consent to a satisfactory arrangement whereby these bonds were assumed and paid, and the state saved from the disgrace of refusing to pay its obligations. Mr. Pillsbury is at this time president of the Gull River Lumber Co., with a capital of eight hundred thousand dollars. He is treasurer of the Minneapolis Stock Yards and Packing Co., a director in several railroad corporations and banks. His administration of all the insti tutions with which he has been connected has been honorable, wise, and conservative. He enjoys the confidence of the people to as great an extent as any one in the state. John S. PiUsbury m. Nov. 3, 1856, Mahala F. Fisk. Children,— (1) Susan M., b. June 23, 1863. (2) Sadie Bell, b. Jan. 31, 1866. (3) Alfred F., b. Oct. 20, 1869. (1) Susan M. PiUsbury m. Sept. 23, 1885, F. B. Snyder, and lives in Minneapolis. (2) Sadie Bell Pillsbury graduated at the State University in the class of 1888. (3) Alfred F. is now in the State University. Addie E . Pillsbury, adopted daughter, and by act of the legislature of Minnesota made heir-at-law equal with the other children of John S. PiUsbury, was b. Oct. 4, 1860. She d. AprU 2, 1885. She m. Oct., 1884, Charles M. Webster. She was finely educated, being a grad uate of l^innesota State University, as was also her husband, a prom ising young lawyer. She was loved and respected by all who knew her. 5. Benjamin F. Pillsbury is more identified with Sutton history than either of his distinguished brothers, from the fact that here he spent not only his youth, but many of his mature years, and took an active interest in the affairs of this town. He was elected selectman and 900 HISTORY OF SUTTON. town treasurer several years in succession. He was also elected repre sentative to the legislature, and was held in high esteem by his fellow townsmen. He was, while in Sutton, engaged in farming, and was also in the lumber business. He was active and energetic, and his departure from Sutton was felt to be a loss to the interests of the town. In 1878 he removed to Granite Falls, Minn., where he now resides, and is engaged in the lumber business, and also in the elevator business. He is the owner of one of the finest farms in the state of Minnesota, which is his own residence, and also of other large farms, which he rents. He married Miss Susan W. Wright, of Warner. No children. V. SaUy PiUsbury m. Sept. 5, 1811, Nathaniel Cheney, of Sut ton. They had seven children, for whom see Cheney. Their fifth child was George Sargent Cheney, b. in Sutton, Aug. 30, 1826. At the age of seventeen he went to Lowell and obtained a situation as clerk in a grocery store. Discharging his duties in a way that proved satisfactory to his employers and creditable to himself, he kept on, taking no backward step, till in 1848 he was able to go into grocery business himself. In this venture he was successful, and from that time till a few years since he has been in the same business, either by himself or in connection with a partner, the amount of business constantly increasing. His object in retiring from it a few years since was to be free to invest his interest and his capital in ways demanding less of his immediate personal atten tion. The fact that Mr. Cheney, unaided, worked his way up from store boy to head proprietor in one of the largest grocery stores in LoweU, indicates plainly enough what his qualities and business abilities must have been. In public life he has held places of trust and responsibUity in the city of his adoption. He has served many times on committees, has been connected -with the water-supply directors and other city works. He was member of the common council in 1867, and unanimously reelected the foUowing year ; he was chosen alderman in 1869. For many years he has served as auditor, and in 1888-'89 was elected one of the city assessors, which position he stiU holds. His skill as a financier is well known, and his services are much valued by the people. He has been one of the directors of the Five Cent Savings Bank since its formation, and the institution has been highly successful. He is very charita ble, and his sympathies are always with the poor and unfortunate. To those in his employ he has been ever just and kind. In the church of which he and Mrs. Cheney are honored members he has GENEALOGY. 901 shown by his course and conduct that Universalism is a good faith to live by. Of this church he has been treasurer many years, a director, and one of the committee on financial investments. Mr. Cheney's domestic relations are very pleasant, and his ever hospita ble home is the abode of peace and plenty. A friend long acquainted with him says of him, — " Mr. Cheney is a self-made man, quick to see a point and to take advantage of it, and of unerring judgment. His relations with business men are always agreeable. He never forgets his personal manhood, nor the respect due to his fellow-men. In public and in private life he is always sure to be the honorable, reliable, Christian gentleman." VI. Betsey Pillsbury m., 1st, Daniel Ober, of Hopkinton. They had no children. She m., 2d, SUas RoweU, of Sutton, in 1825. They had born to them two sons, — George S. and Charles Rowell. These sons are both living, Charles in Concord, and George S. in Granite FaUs, Minn. Mrs. RoweU died Sept. 21, 1836. VII. Nancy PiUsbury m. John Morse, of Amesbury, Mass. They had born to them four children. VIIL Dolly PUlsbury m. Nathan Andrew, of Sutton. Chil dren, — 1. Hannah J., b. Dec. 19, 1827. 2. Thomas F., b. March 31, 1831. 3. George H., b. June 19, 1833. 4. WUliam G., b. July 7, 1835. 5. James G., b. AprU 23, 1837. 6 Benjamin F., b. Jan. 4, 1839. 7. Horace E. b. AprU 10, 1844. [See Andrew, in "Eaton Grange."] PORTER. Richard Porter settled in Weymouth, Mass., 1635. He had four children, of whom John m., Feb. 9, 1660, Deliver ance Byram. They had nine children, of -whom John, b. July 2, 1667, m. Mary , who d. March 8, 1709. Rich ard, their 6th child, b. Jan. 8, 1705, lived in Weymouth ; he m. Jan. 29, 1729, Ruth, dau. of Dea. Samuel and Mary (Richards) Whitman, b. March 27, 1710; d. Sept. 13, 1759, and her husband died the same year. They had nine chil dren, of whom Micah, 6th child, was b. Dec. 21, 1742 ; m. 902 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Mary (probably) Stockbridge. He d. in Canaan. She d. Jan., 1830. Children, seven in number, and perhaps more, all b. in Weymouth. Hon. Reuben Porter, son of Micah, b. Aug. 2, 1790 ; d. Aug. 3, 1,879 : m. in Warner, Aug. 24, 1813, AbigaU, dau. of Hon. Benjamin and Susanna (Wadleigh) Evans, b. Apr. 80, 1796; d. July 29, 1882. He was in Warner in 1812, studied medicine with Dr. Moses Long, which he practised some years in connection with Dr. Long, and then went into mercantile business. He removed to Sutton in 1822, and went to farming. He was representative in the legislature from Sutton in 1826-8, and state senator in 1834 and 1835. He returned to Warner in 1860, where he died. He was possessed of more than ordinary intellectual power, was an ardent Universalist, an outspoken Abolitionist, and fore most in the temperance reform movement. Children, — L Mary Stockbridge, b. Jan. 15, 1814; d. Sept. 12, 1882, in Warner, unmarried. II. Susan Evans, b. Nov. 10, 1816 ; d. March 8, 1853, in Sut ton, unmarried. III. WiUiam, b. June 30, 1819 ; residence, Warner, unmarried. IV. Benjamin E., b. AprU 19, 1821 ; d. in Mexican War, Aug. 22, 1847, unmarried. V. Reuben, b. April 6, 1823 ; d. Feb. 10, 1830, in Sutton. VL Edward G., b. July 7, 1826 ; d. Aug. 12, 1858, in Sutton : m. 1849 Sophia G. Harvey. [See Harvey.] VII. AbigaU E., b. Jan. 4, 1828 ; d. Jan. 5, 1856, at Spring field : m. Dr. Valentine Manahan, of New London. He has long resided at Enfield. VIIL Margaret R., b. Sept. 28, 1830 ; d. Jan. 23, 1874, in Lynn, Mass. : m. Joseph Brackett, of Lynn. ChUd, — Mary, b. 1873. IX. Hannah L., b. Sept. 21, 1832 ; m. Dec. 24, 1866, Robert Wadleigh, of Sutton, son of Thomas Wadleigh, 2d. Robert was in service during the last war, and d. in Louisiana in 1863. His wife d. in Oct., 1884, in Warner. They had one son, Thomas Edward, a promising young man, b. July 4, 1868 ; d. Sept. 12, 1878. X. Micah, b. Jan. 6, 1835 ; d. Oct. 17, 1866, unmarried. GENEALOGY. 903 XI. Harriet W., b. June 10, 1838 ; d. June 8, 1876 ; m. Oct. 21, 1862, J. B. PhUbrick, of Deerfield. They had one daughter, Meri bah, who m. WiUiam L.Reed, and resides in Lawrence, Mass. Mr. PhUbrick d. In Warner, Oct. 2, 1863, of disease contracted during service in the war. His widow m., 2d, Oct. 31, 1869, Harrison W. Bartlett, of Nottingham. They had one son, Jerome B., b. Aug. 26, 1870 ; d. March 8, 1872. Mr. Bartlett died by accident, 1879. XII. Henrietta W. (twin with Harriet W.), d. Aug. 9, 1878, in Lebanon, Me. ; m. Feb., 1875, James W. Baker, of Epping. They had one son, James Edward, b. June 16, 1878. XIII. Reuben B., b. May 31, 1840 ; found dead in the woods near Windham Junction. He was last seen alive on town-meeting day, March, 1878, and is supposed to have died on that day. He served with credit in the Louisiana campaign, being commis sioned Ueutenant, and acting captain much of the time. He came home when the war closed, and for some time operated the home stead farm. He became prominent as a townsman, was selectman and superintending school-committee. A few years before his death he began to suffer from attacks of vertigo and consequent aberration of mind, during which he acted strangely. On the morning of the day in which he is supposed to have died he took the train at Concord, intending to go to Brentwood. He left it at Windham Junction to wait for his train for that place, and, as it is supposed, wandered into the woods, and, the weather being very inclement, cold and stormy, he, in a half insane condition, died of exposure. His body was not found tUl nearly three months after wards, and then, as it was impossible to move it, it was buried where it was found. It is believed that at some future time, when it shaU be safe to do so, his army friends and his Masonic brethren design to remove the remains to some place of interment more suit able for a man who left behind him a record so creditable in many respects as did Reuben B. Porter. He m. Fanny Carner, of New York, and later of Concord. She was a great-granddaughter of Dea. Matthew Harvey, of Sutton. Children, — 1. Abby, ra. 1888, A. C. Fisher, of Concord, and has two children. Residence, Greenbush, N. Y. 2. Sarah. Reuben B. Porter m., 2d, April 3, 1877, Nancy J. Kenerson, of Nottingham. Child, — 3. Jerome W., b. Feb. 7, 1878. 904 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Reuben B. Porter and Nancy J. Kenerson were m. by Rev. W. H. Jones, of Epping. XIV. Jerome B. Porter, b. AprU 18, 1844, in Sutton ; d. in Warner, June 26, 1870. He was a young lawyer of much promise, but his aspirations were cut short by his early death, of consump tion. He was for a short period in the army in the early stage of the war. It will be observed by the reader that though Hon. Reu ben Porter was father of fourteen children, he had very few grandchUdren born. One of these few was William, com monly called Willie Porter, to distinguish him from his uncle William, for whom he was named. He was b. in Sutton, Oct., 1864 ; d. in Warner, Nov. 30, 1881, of quick consumption. He was a young man of much promise, and possessed of many fine qualities. He was for some time employed in the store of A. C. and L. S. Carroll, in War ner, and was much esteemed and trusted by his employers. PRESSEY. Capt. William Pressey came from Haverhill to Sutton in 1773. He was b. 1743; d. March 14, 1813. His wife, Elizabeth Smiley, a native of Beverly, Mass., was b. 1735 ; d. Dec. 20, 1819. Children,— I. Amos, b. July 18, 1767 ; d. Oct. 3, 1839. II. Nancy, b. April, 1769 ; m. Nov. 17, 1796, Joseph WeUs. No chUdren. III. PoUy, b. June, 177,1 ; m. AprU 12, 1792, Benjamin WeUs. IV. Ednah, b. ; m. Dec. 3, 1794, Joseph Persons. V. John, b. Nov. 22, 1776 ; d. Aug. 17, 1858. I. Amos Pressey m. Aug., 1787, Betsey GUlingham, of Fishers field, b. Sept. 17, 1765 ; d. Nov. 14, 1853. Children, b. in Sut ton, — 1. WUUam, b. Nov. 22, 1788. 2. Betsey, b. AprU 27, 1791 ; d. June 14, 1864, unmarried. 3. John, b. March 20, 1793. 4. Mary, b. Nov, 14, 1794; d. Sept 9, 1823. 5. Clarissa, b. Oct. 7, 1796 ; d. Sept. 7, 1867, in Sutton. GENEALOGY. 905 '6. Horace, b. Feb. 15, 1799. 7. Winthrop, b. Dec. 3, 1800 ; d. April 12, 1858. 8. Pickering, b. April 20, 1802 ; d. Aug. 22, 1822. 9. Sophronia, b. May 24, 1803 ; m. David Chadwick. [See same.] 10. Ebenezer Gage, b. Aug. 1, 1805; d. Sept. 6, 1880. 11. Louisa, b. May 5, 1810 ; d. June 30, 1887. In making up our special notices of those who have been active in the past years of the town's history, we cannot omit Capt. Amos Pressey. Reference to the town records will show his name connected with many town affairs. That he was often chosen moderator of town-meetings, whether annual or special, proves the recognition by his fellow-townsmen of his fitness for the position. He was for many years deputy sheriff of the county, at a period when the duties of sheriff were much more arduous than they now are. He in most instances filled the position of auctioneer at vendues, as auction sales were termed. The mere announcement that the witty Capt. Amos was to pre side on such occasions was in itself sufficient to secure a full attendance, the occasion being such as called into play the keen and brilliant wit and peculiar power of repartee for which he was so eminently distinguished. As a humorist he was unequalled, and his sarcasm was scathing. His sayings, so replete with mirth, pith, and originality, will never be forgotten by those who have heard them. With all this, he was a good citizen, a kind husband .and father, and as a neighbor keenly sympathetic with sor row and suffering. 1. William Pressey ni., Sept. 15, 1809, Polly Chadwick, dau. of Joseph and Bethiah (Davis) Chadwick, b. 1790. Child, — (1) Ruth, m. Eliphalet Wadleigh. [See the same.] Mrs. Pressey d. June 3, 1813, and Mr. Pressey m., 2d, Feb., 1815, .Susan A. Cheney, of Warner, dau. of Samuel and Abigail (Joseph) Cheney. Samuel Cheney was cousin to Nathaniel Cheney, Sr. His wife, Abigail Joseph, was of Portuguese descent. Mr. Cheney and -wife came from Massachusetts to Warner, and settled near Melvm's Mills. Children,— (2) Sophronia E., b. June 29, 1822. 906 HISTORY OF SUTTON. (3) Benjamin L., b. Jan. 26, 1824. (4) Mary C, b. Feb. 23, 1825 ; d. . (5) William, b. Feb. 11, 1827 ; d. . (6) Charlotte, b. Feb. 9, 1829. (7) WUliam Wallace, b. April 5, 1834. (8) Susan Louisa, b. May 7, 1837. (9) Lucinda Mastin, b. May 7, 1837. This family lived for some years previous to 1840 at the North vil lage, where the youngest children were born. They removed from town, and their later residence is not known. (6) Charlotte m. , and went West, and her mother went with her, and there died. 5. Clarissa Pressey m. Dec. 14, 1817, Daniel Bean, son of Joseph and Hannah (Wadleigh) Bean, b. Nov. 2, 1797. Children, b. in New bury,— (1) Mary Jane P., b.Oct. 27, 1818. (2) Dorothy W., b. June 11, 1820 ; d. Aug. 6, 1836. (3) John P., b. June 15, 1822 ; d. Aug. 27, 1841. (4) Lucas P., b. Sept. 2, 1824 ; d. July 15, 1859. Daniel Bean d. at Chelmsford, Mass., Sept. 16, 1825, and his widow m., 2d, Joseph H. Morgan, of Sutton. No children. (1) Mary Jane Bean m. Aug. 17, 1864, Chase Putney, of Henniker, b. Aug. 31, 1820 (2d wife). Children,— Walter S., b. April 18, 1858. Clara L., b. July 28, 1861. Chase Putney is son of Thomas and Nancy (Collins) Putney, and is a descendant of the Hopkinton Putneys. This family removed from Sutton, Oct., 1869, to Canaan, where they still reside. Their son; Walter S., resides at Lyme. For Mr. Putney's children by 1st mar riage, see Putney. (4) Lucas P. Bean, on account of the early death of his father, spent most of his boyhood with his grandfather, Capt. Amos Pressey, at North Sutton, and was often spoken of as Lucas Pressey. When old enough he went to Concord and learned the printing business in the office of the Independent Democrat. He was foreman three years in the office of the Dedham Gazette, was connected with the Springfield Post and the Macon Georgia Times. He was foreman in the Worcester Transcript at the time of his death. He was a capable business man, and a ready and interesting writer. His early death was much lamented by all who remembered him in Sutton, and all who knew him else where. He m., in the fall of 1853, Carolme D. Bellows, of Boylston, Mass., b. April, 1830, adopted daughter of Samuel and Abigail Ken- daU. Child,— a. Charles L., b. in Boylston, Oct. 31, 1854. GENEALOGY. 907 Mrs. Caroline Bean d. June 14, 1855, in Boylston, and her husband m., 2d, Oct. 6, 1858, Mary E. Lovett, of Worcester, Mass. He d. July 15, 1869, in Worcester. a. Charles L. Bean m. Feb. 8, 1876, Hannah TuUy, of Worcester, Mass., b. Aug. 17, 1857. Child,— Charles Lucas, b April 14, 1877 ; d. July 15, same year. Mrs. Bean d. June 12, 1877, in Boylston, and her husband m., 2d, Feb. 15, 1879, Ella M. Cray, of MUford. ChUd,— WiUiam Lucas, b. Dec. 26, 1879 ; d. July 11, 1880. Mrs. Bean d. April 29, 1880, in Boylston, and her husband m., 3d, April 6, 1887, in Pensacola, Fla., Maria R. Busby, of Quitman, Miss. He is considered a very superior man. He is a machinist by trade. His home is in Massachusetts, but a portion of the time he is in Flor ida. 7. Winthrop Pressey m. Nov. 23, 1833, Hannah Bean, of Sutton, dau. of Joseph and Hannah (Wadleigh) Bean, d. Aug. 8, 1874, in Sut ton. Children, b. in Sutton, — (1) John, b. Nov. 29, 1834. (2) Betsey Jane, b. April 12, 1837 ; m. George C. Eaton. (3) Daniel, b. Oct. 9, 1835 ; d. AprU 11, 1836. (4) Carlos, b. AprU 9, 1839 ; d. Aug. 16, 1841. Winthrop Pressey was a man of much energy, and very honorable in all his dealings. He was a successful farmer, and spent his early life upon the west side of Bean's hill, on the farm of his father. Captain Amos Pressey, where their children were born. Subsequently he pur chased the Meadow Brook farm, occupied by William Bean before he removed to Maine, and later by Col. Nathaniel A. Davis. Here Mr. and Mrs. Pressey spent the remainder of their lives, and the farm is now o-wned and occupied by their son, John Pressey, under whose good cultivation it is one of the best in town. The buildings are much en larged, improved, and beautified, making an attractive summer home for city boarders. With some additions which Mr. Pressey has made to his paternal inheritance, his farm now contains over 400 acres, and yet he finds time to take an interest in public matters, and, as the records show, has served the to-wn in various ways. He is a hearty and liberal supporter of the Universalist society, friendly and charitable whenever his aid is needed, and, with the willing cooperation of his excellent wife, hospitable and agreeable in his home. (1) John Pressey m. Nov. 28, 1860, Betsey R. Worthen, of New London, dau. of Albert S. and Sally (Abbott) Worthen. Children, b. in Sutton, — Emma BeU, b. Nov. 4, 1865 ; d. June 6, 1875. Frank Winthrop, b. May 16, 1868. 908 HISTORY OP SUTTON. Fred Albert, b. Oct. 27, 1870. NeUie Dell, b. June 30, 1874. Sadie Worthen, b. AprU 22, 1878. 10. Ebenezer Gage Pressey was possessed of much energy and busi ness sagacity, and acquired a good estate. He resided in Bradford, Mass., where he d. Sept. 6, 1880. He m. AprU 9, 1835, Hannah H. Stickney. Children, — (1) Mary Louisa, b. July 31, 1837; d. Dec. 7, 1864: m. Charles E. Carr. (2) WiUiam L., b. Jan. 6, 1845 ; m. Jennie E. Stacey. (3) EUa J., b. Jan. 29, 1S47 ; m. Aug. 14, 1870, Christopher C. Cook. (4) John G., b. June 28, 1849 ; d. Sept. 19, 1849. (5) Annie M., b. July 15, 1851 ; d. Nov. 17, 1852 : m. William H. Quimby. (6) Viola v., b. Oct. 25, 1855 ; m., 1st, C G. Sargent, and 2d, Feb. 19, 1880, C. A. Davis. (7) Charles C, b. Dec. 4, 1857. 11. Louisa Pressey m. Dec. 28, 1845, John Colby, of Warner. Chil dren, b. in Sutton, — (1) Luenah, b. Jan. 4, 1847 ; d. AprU 17, 1848. (2) John Demerritt, b. May 31, 1848. (3) Luke Bean, b. Oct. 10, 1850. (4) Daniel O., b. Dec. 28, 1851 ; d. Feb. 3, 1865. John Colby, son of Hezekiah and Roxana (Cheney) Colby, has lived many years in Sutton, where he has been held in high esteem, as was also his wife. She d. June 30, 1887, in Sutton. (2) John Demerritt Colby, m. Nov. 19, 1867, Jennie S. Kezar, of Sut ton, dau. of George and Fanny (Munroe) Kezar. Children, b. in Sut ton, — Sarah L., b. Oct. 13, 1870 ; d. . Leon M., b. May 19, 1872 ; d. Sept. 3, same year. Mabel L., b. Sept. 13, 1873. George C. b. March 2, 1875. Fannie M., b. Aug. 6, 1877. Myrtie E., b. July 28, 1882. (3) Luke Bean Colby m. Nov. 15, 1876, Annie Cate, of Glover, Vt., dau. of Byron and Olive Cate. He was for some years a clerk in stores in Nashua and Warner. Child, — Nettie O., b. in Nashua, Nov. 15, 1881. Joseph Kezar, son of Samuel and Martha (Sargent) Kezar, never married. He served in the war, and received a pension. He spent the last years of his life in the family of his niece, Mrs. Jennie Colby, and was kindly cared for by them. He was an intelligent man, of good principles, and an amiable, friendly disposition, and though he lived without domestic ties of his own, all his relatives were much attached to him. GENEALOGY. 909 III. Polly Pressey m. April 12, 1792, Benjamin WeUs, brother to Joseph WeUs, who m. her sister, Nancy Pressey. Children, b. in Sutton, — 1. Nancy W., b. Dec. 12, 1792. 2. Joseph, b. Dec. 6, 1794. 3. Gideon C, b, Dec. 29, 1796. 4. Benjamin, b. Nov. 12, 1799. 5. WiUiam, b. March 23, 1802. 6. Thomas, b. May 11, 1804. 7. Edwin, b. Jan. 11, 1807. 8. Betsey, b. March 25, 1809. 9. John, b. Oct. 28, 1812. V. John Pressey, Esq., brother to Capt. Amos, b. Nov. 22, 1776 ; d. Aug. 17, 1858 : m. Nov. 28, 1799, Ruth Moores, b. Dec. 19, 1774 ; d. May 28, 1846, in Sutton. Children, b. in Sutton,— 1. Hannah, b. Dec. 28. 1800 ; d. July 15, 1876. 2. WiUiam, b. July 5, 1802; d. Mav 12, 1877. 3. John Moores, b. July 18, 1806 ; d. Feb. 27, 1822. 4. StiUman, b. Dec. 19," 1812 ; d. Mav -25, 1814. 5. Carlos G., b. Jan. 25, 1816 ; d. June 16, 1890, at Concord. John Pressey, Esq., m., 2d, June 10, 1847, Mary Kimball, of Bradford, who d. Oct. 10, 1848, in Sutton. He m., 3d, June, 1852, Mrs. Sarah (Dearborn) Tebbetts, dau. of Henry and Mary (WiU iams) Dearborn. She survived Mr. Pressey (her 3d husband) sev eral years, dying in Sutton Oct. 5, 1872. Reference to the town records shows that for many years, from 1807 to 1838, John Pres sey, Esq., was prominent in public affairs. He was one of those favorably constituted men who had the good fortune to secure uni versal confidence and esteem. For further notice of him and his brother Amos, see " Early Settlers." 1. Hannah A. Pressey m. Nov. 18, 1818, Ebenezer Andrew, of Sut ton, who d. June 2, 1880. Children, b. in Sutton, — (1) Ruth M., b. AprU 19, 1820. (2) Lavina H., b. Nov. 17, 1826 ; d. Nov. 9, 1830. (1) Ruth M. Andrew m. Sept. 2, 1847, Rev. Robert Stinson (Univer salist). Children, four in numb.er, d. in infancy. [See sketch of Mr. Stinson.] 2. WUliam Pressey m. Dec. 11, 1828, Polly Phelps, dau. of Nathan Phelps, of Wilmot, b. Dec. 6, 1806; d. May 5, 1839. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — ¦ (1) Henrietta S., b. Dec. 29, 1829 ; d. Feb. 12, 1858. (2) Hannah M., b. May 6, 1832. (3) Mary Ann R., b. June 27, 1834 ; d. May 13, 1875. (4) Amanda M., b. Feb. 8, 1838. 910 HISTORY OF SUTTON. WiUiam Pressey m., 2d, AprU 8, 1840, Jemima W. Bean, b. March 6, 1802 ; d. July 19, 1877, in Sutton, dau. of Isaac and Ruth (WeUs) Bean. Child, — (5) John M., b. in Sutton, May 11, 1841. William Pressey was a farmer, living upon the original Pressey farm, near Pinnacle hill. He spent his life in this town. When a young man he was a good school-teacher. His name is among those who have held town offices. (2) Hannah M. Pressey m. March 25, 1850, John A. CaldweU, of Paris, Me. Children, — Maria Aurelia, b. in Sutton, Dec. 30, 1850; d. in Ridgeway, Perm., Sept. 12, 1869. Mary Ella, b. in Lowell, Mass., April 12, 1854, where she d. Sept. 9, 1857. Herbert Freeman, b. in Kane, Penn., May 8-, 1868. Blanche Pearl, b. in Erie, Penn., Oct. 21, 1872. WUUam Pressey, b. in Erie, Penn., Jan. 21, 1876 ; d. Feb. 2, same year. Mr. Caldwell is a conductor on the Penn. & Erie R. R. (3) Mary Ann R. Pressey m. Oct. 1, 1857, Warren W. Holmes, of Jefferson. Child, — Ida E., b. in LoweU, Aug. 27, 1858. Present residence of Mr. Holmes, Jefferson. (4) Amanda M. Pressey m. Dec. 6, 1858, Cyrus A. Fowler, of New London, son of Micajah and Achsah (Dow) Fowler. Children, — Minnie Etta, b. and d. in Manchester, Feb. 8, 1860. Bertha Addie, b. in Alstead, Aug. 27, 1865 ; d. Oct. 8, same year. WiUiam French, b. in Marblehead, Mass., Nov. 11, 1874. Mr. Fowler is a jeweller in Lawrence, Mass. (5) John M. Pressey m. June 6, 1865, Electa A. Durgin, of Sanborn ton, dau. of William and Abiah (Hill) Durgin. Child, — WUUam S., b. in Concord, March 25, 1866. John M. Pressey is very energetic and enterprising, and is among the very best fanners in Sutton. For some years past he has dealt quite extensively in cattle. His home is at the old Elder Champlin place, known also as the Aaron Russell place. He stUl owns the old Pinnacle Hill farm, the home of his ancestors. He has served honorably in town offices, and also served in the late war. 5. Carlos G. Pressey, son of John and Ruth (Moores) Pressey, was born in the westerly part of Sutton, Jan. 20, 1816, and was educated in the common schools of the town and at different academies. V' IC Jjc GENEALOGY. 911 He taught school several winters in Sutton and vicinity. He went into trade at WUmot Flat in 1837, in company with John H. Pearson. They continued in company for one year, when he bought out Mr. Pearson and continued the business alone until 1840. From there he went to West Andover, where he was in trade until 1843. In that year he moved to Washington, N. H., where he was in trade for some years. WhUe at Andover he was chosen collector of taxes for one year. Upon going to Washington he was appointed post-master, which office he held during his stay there. He was also chosen town-clerk. He moved back to Sutton in 1849, and went into trade at the Mill Village in company with Jacob S. Harvey, under the firm name of Pressey & Harvey, which firm continued about four years, when Mr. Harvey sold his interest to Truman Putney, and the firm was then Pressey & Putney, which continued until 1867, when Mr. Pressey sold his interest to Mr. Putney. After a short time Mr. Pressey went to Concord, and opened a store for the sale of carpets, crockery, paper- hangings, &c., which he continued for several years, finally selling out to Messrs. Hammond & Ayers, after which time he made his home in Lowell, Mass., not being in active business except to look after his real estate which he owns in Lowell and in the West. While living in Sutton he served as moderator at town- meetings a good many years. He also represented the town in the legislature in the years 1867 and 1868. He was elected chairman of the board of road commissioners in 1855. And after the law was passed creating the office of county commissioners, he was elected to that office in the year 1857, for the term of three years. In the year 1870 he was appointed by the court a county commissioner, to serve the unexpired term of Mr. Daniel E. HUl, who had resigned. He was chairman of the board for two years. 912 HISTORY OF SUTTON. WhUe living at Sutton he was appointed a justice of the peace, which office he held several years. Mr. Pressey, in November, 1839, married the daughter of Hazen and Susan Putney, Miss Mary N. Putney, who died June 5, 1864, leaving one son, George H. Pressey, who died. October 8,1877. October 8, 1866, Mr. Pressey married Miss Marj"- McDuffie, daughter of Archibald and Hannah McDuffie, of Candia. Mr. Pressey died June 16, 1890, at Concord. George H. Pressey, son of Carlos G., was b. at West Andover, 1842. He was 2d lieutenant in Co. H, 1st N. H. Cavalry. While his regi ment was quartered at Camp Stoneman, near Washington, D. C, he, with five other officers, was ordered to take a body of men down the Shenandoah valley to reinforce Gen. Sheridan. They took their men down and delivered them, and upon their return, it being in the night and they having no escort, he and the other officers were surprised and captured by Mosby's guerillas. They were all stripped of everything that was of any value, including horses, money, watches, &c., and were then marched to Richmond and confined in Libby prison. They were subsequently exchanged. Returning to New Hampshire at the close of the war Mr. Pressey assisted his father in his store in Concord, and later was for a few years clerk in the custom-house, at Boston. He d. Oct. 8, 1877. PUTNEY. Several families of the name of Putney have lived in this town at different times, but those who have lived here con tinuously are the descendants of Joseph Putney, Sr., the landlord of the well known tavern on Putney's hill, in Hopkinton. Two brothers, Joseph and WUliam Putney, from Dun barton, about 1735 settled in Hopkinton. Their sister, Miriam Putney, became the wife of Ichabod Roby, and settled in Sutton. Josiah Putney, supposed to be their brother, settled in Goffstown, and his granddaughters, Mary and Betsey Putney, children of his son John, became GENEALOGY. 913 the first and second wife of Ichabod Roby, Jr., and Lydia Putney married Moses Abbott. Joseph Putney m. Marion Piper, of Hopkinton. Chil dren, — Josiah. Hazen, b. Sept. 29, 1790 ; d. Feb. 6, 1841. Mary, b. 1783 ; d. Nov. 19, 1845 : m. Timothy CheUis, of Sut ton. SaUy, m. 1808, Jonathan Nelson, of Sutton. Stephen. Benjamin, b. May 16, 1792 ; d. Feb. 28, 1843. Moses. Joseph, Jr., m. July 11, 1819, Eunice CheUis, a sister to Timo thy. It -wiU be apparent to the reader that Joseph Putney, Jr., and Timothy CheUis " swapped sisters." Joseph Putney m., 2d, Mrs. Polly (Quimby) Muzzy, of Sutton. She d. June 30, 1843, at Hopkinton. Hazen Putney m. Oct. 24, 1816, Susanna Page, of Sut ton, dau. of Capt. Enoch and Sarah (Noyes) Page. Chil dren, b. in Sutton, — I. Mary N., b. Oct. 28, 1817 ; m. Carios N. Pressey. [See Pressey.] II. Lydia E., b. Aug. 31, 1819. in. Almira M., b. May 24, 1823. rV. Truman, b. July 1, 1828 ; d. Sept. 30, 1882. Hazen Putney d. Feb. 6, 1841. His wife d. Feb. 5, 1875; b. AprU 21, 1797. He was a tanner by trade, and for some years owned and operated a tannery at the South viUage. He probably introduced the business in that locality, and buUt the tannery which many now living can remember as located near the bridge. It was partly run by water, yet there was an engine and the necessary machinery for steam- power. Mr. Putney did quite an extensive business, em ploying several men. After some years he sold the tannery to Gardner B. Gay, of New London, who did business for several years, a part of the time in partnership with Enoch 58 914 HISTORY OF SUTTON. P. Cummings. Later the tannery was sold to Samuel Blanchard, who operated it a short time, and afterwards had the building taken down, which was much regretted, as it was the last tannery in town. After disposing of his tannery Mr. Putney followed farming. He was very highly respected by the people of this town. II. Lydia E. Putney m. Dec. 16, 1836, Walter W. Stone, b. April 10, 1812. He was in mercantile business. ChUdren, — 1. Charles H., b. Oct. 30, 1838, in Bradford. 2. Edwin C, b. Jan. 20, 1845, in West Dedham, Mass. 1. Charles H. Stone m. June 1, 1862, Sarah F. Safford, of Concord, dau. of WiUiam B. and Dolly N. (Bott) Safford. ChUdren,— (1) Walter H., b. July 30, 1863, at Concord. (2) Hattie M., b. May 8, 1868, at Keene. Charles H. Stone is a hardware dealer, doing a large and prosperous business in Keene. (1) Walter H. Stone m. Nov. 25, 1886, Ethel S. Hubbard, of Keene, dau. of Henry E. Hubbard. Child, — Charles L., b. in Keene, Dec. 9, 1887. 2. Edwin C. Stone m. Hattie A. Ward, of Hanover. He m., 2d, April 12, 1887, Mrs. Sarah A. Daniels, of Detroit, Mich., which place is their present residence. He is a silk salesman for George P. Rich ardson & Co., of Chicago, 111. Their extensive silk mills are located at Belding, Mich. III. Almira M. Putney m. Nov. 9, 1841, Jacob S. Harvey, of Hopkinton, but then resident in Sutton, engaged in mercantUe busi ness. Children, — 1. Walter, b. Sept. 24, 1842; d. Nov. 27, 1862. 2. FredP.,b. July 10, 1850. 3. Albert F., b. Feb. 4, 1857 ; d. Sept. 16, 1865. Jacob S. Harvey was b. in 1819, in Hopkinton ; d. Feb. 23, 1860, in Hopkinton. His wife d. Dec. 9, 1866, aged 42. 2. Frederic P. Harvey m. Nov. 26, 1876, Estella A. Hart, dau. of Henry and Eliza (Nelson) Hart. Children, — (1) Albert W., b. March 10, 1878. (2) Edwin C, b. Oct. 10, 1887. IV. Truman Putney in. Oct. 3, 1863, Lydia A. Woodward, dau. of Jonathan and Dolly (Harvey) Woodward. ChUdren, — 1. Fred, b. Sept. 4, 1865. 2. Cora Belle, b. May 15, 1858 ; d. June 4, 1865. GENEALOGY. 915 Mrs. Putney d. March 2, 1876, and Truman Putney m., 2d, Nov. 23, 1876, Mrs. Frances E. (Gile) Sanborn, dau. of Philip S. Harvey Gile and his 1st -wife, SybU Wilcox. Mrs. Putney d. Feb. 8, 1879, and Truman Putney m., 3d, Feb. 3, 1880, Mrs. Lydia M. (Bailey) Nelson, dau. of Emery and Lois (Clough) Bailey, of Sut ton. 1. Fred Putney m. Nov. 25, 1878, Carrie S. Kezar, dau. of Jonathan H. and EmUy (Snow) Kezar. No children. Truman Putney commenced his business life by serving as clerk for his brothers-in-law, Carlos G. Pressey and Jacob S. Harvey, merchants at the Mill viUage. After a few years Mr. Harvey, find ing his health required change of climate and occupation, sold out his share of the business to Mr. Putney, and went to Texas, and later Mr. Putney purchased Mr. Pressey's interest, and continued merchandising in his own name. For nearly thirty-five years he continued the same business in the same place. In April, 1878, he took his son Fred into partnership, under the firm name of Tru man Putney & Son. About 1881 Mr. Putney's health becoming impaired by his long continued devotion to business, and believing that a change of cU- mate might be a benefit, accompanied by his wife, went to Colorado Springs, where he rapidly grew worse, and died Sept. 30, 1882. His body was brought to Sutton for interment, and the funeral ser vices were conducted exactly in accordance vrith his pre-viously made arrangements. Entering into trade early in life, Mr. Putney developed a man hood well worthy the imitation of young men. He had a natural aptitude for commercial transactions, and by honesty, perseverance, and industry, he was prospered. By integrity, years of fair deal ing, and a strict adherence to his word, he buUt up a character of solidity, and never dared malice or envy to whisper aught against his name or his broad Christian charity. In his business relations he was -widely known, and his uniform courtesy and kindly manners won for him many friends, both in financial and social circles. He was a leading man in town, and many among aU classes sought his counsel and advice, and he was ever ready with his generous aid for any good object, and for a long time took an active part in everything tending to promote the prosperity of the town. Politically he affiliated -with the RepubUcan party, and repre- 916 HISTORY OF SUTTON. sented Sutton in the state legislature. He was appointed post master at MiU village in 1861, and held the office tUl his death. For many years he held the office of town treasurer, and other offi cial positions, discharging aU the duties with characteristic fideUty. He was not a member of any church, but his contributions for the support of the gospel were numerous and liberal. By his death Sutton lost a valued citizen. Benjamin Putney, b. May 16, 1792, in Hopkinton ; m. Feb. 7, 1815, Lydia N. Page, b. Feb. 12, 1797, in Sutton, dau. of Daniel and Dolly (Noyes) Page. ChUdren, — I. Daniel Page, b. May 18, 1816 ; d. June 6, 1888. II. George, b. Dec. 17, 1818. III. Stephen Noyes, b. July 29, 1824. IV. Benjamin True, b. Sept. 1, 1826. V. Lydia Page, b. Sept. 19, 1829. VI. Susan Page, b. Sept. 4, 1832. VII. Joseph Johnson, b. July 27, 1835. VIIL Ira AUen, b. Jan. 20, 1840 ; d. Feb. 11, 1866. IX. Henry Porter, b. Feb. 21, 1842 ; d. Aug. 11, 1864. Benjamin Putney d. Feb. 28, 1843, in Sutton. His wife d. July 7, 1852, in Sutton. Their two oldest children were born in Sutton, the next four in HaverhUl, Mass., and the three youngest in Hopkinton. I. Daniel P. Putney, b. May 18, 1816 ; m. Aug. 29, 1843, Susan D. Sleeper, b. Jan. 2, 1821, in Concord. Children, — 1. Mary M., b. in Rock Stream, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1844 ; d. in HamU- ton, Minn., Feb. 15, 1869. 2. NeUie L., b. in Racine, Wis., June 26, 1854. 3. Julia S., b. in Racine, Wis., Oct. 18, 1857 ; d. Feb. 7, 1861. Daniel P. Putney d. in Hamilton, Minn., June 6,* 1888. His wife d. in Hamilton, Minn., March 12, 1888. 2. NeUie L. Putney m. Nov. 29, 1876, S. H. HaU. Daniel P. Putney, a worthy and much respected man, removed from this to-wn to New York in 1843, and subsequently to Racine, Wis., and in 1864 to HamUton, Minn., where he purchased a farm, and also had a successful practice as veterinary surgeon. II. George Putney m. May 18, 1843, Adeline HaU, of Warner, dau. of OUver HaU. She d. June 5, 1847, in Warner. George GENEALOGY. 917 Putney m., 2d, Oct. 26, 1852, JuUa A. Sanborn, of Sutton, dau. of Tappan and Lavinia (French) Sanborn. Children, — 1. Eva G , b. Aug. 30, 1853, in Cambridgeport, Mass. 2. WUbert G., b. Dec. 6, 1867, in Sutton ; d. AprU 3, 1890. 3. Leolah Sarah, b. AprU 23, 1860; d. Aug. 18, 1861. Mrs. Putney d. Jan. 30, 1863, in Sutton, and George Putney m., 3d, Oct. 14, 1863, Annie S. Bickford, of Littleton. 1. Eva G. Putney m. Aug. 5, 1879, SewaU M. Chandler. George Putney in early life followed farming, and was also engaged in manufacturing at the MiU vUlage. He removed to Cambridge and entered into business, in which he was successful, an,d acquired property. Later he returned to Sutton, and was for some years an enterprising and popular citizen. He represented the town in the legislature in 1859. WhUe here he was extensively engaged in lumber business, buUt mUls, and also buUt a fine resi dence, which was afterwards owned and occupied by his cousin, Truman Putney. He was a generous, public-spirited man, and his departure from this town was much regretted by the people. He returned to Cambridge, where he stUl resides. ni. Stephen N. Putney m., about 1845, Lavina H. Spaulding, of Warner, dau. of Benjamin and OUve (Peaslee) Spaulding. Their chUd, Charies Putney, was b. in St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Putney d. May 8, 1873, in Manchester, and Stephen N. Putney lived in War ner, Sutton, and Cambridgeport. He went West, and was, when last heard from, employed as carpenter and finisher on steamboats on the lower Mississippi river. IV. Benjamin T. Putney m. Dec. 3, 1851, Mary E. G. WiUiams, of Sutton, dau. of John and Molly P. Q. (FeUows) WiUiams. ChUd,— 1. Frank Albert, b. in Sutton, Jan. 27, 1861. Benjamin True Putney, commonly caUed by his nuddle name. True Putney, resided for many years at Sutton Mills, where he carried on the business of stone-cutting, being a finished workman. He was much, respected while here, and was elected to fill impor tant town offices. He was to-wn-clerk several years. A better business chance opening for him at Concord, he removed thither May 1, 1869. He is engaged at the Concord granite works. V. Lydia P. Putney m. Sept. 30, 1847, I. Peaslee Sanborn, of Sutton, who d. July 20, 1849. ChUd,— 918 HISTORY OF SUTTON. 1. Adelaide Estella, b. May 5, 1849, in Sutton. Mrs. Lydia P. Sanborn m., 2d, March 28, 1852, Asa Gee. Chil dren, — 2. Ida Frances, b. April 26, 1854. 3. Emma Capitola, b. March 3, 1859 ; d. April 15, 1882. Asa Gee d. Jan. 24, 1879, in Manchester. Mrs. Gee resides at Manchester, where she has for many years successfully operated a large dressmating establishment, thus obtaining the means to sup port her famUy, and give to her daughters the best education the city affords. At an early age Emma Gee commenced teaching, and in her vocation obtained a high rank. 2. Ida Frances Gee m. May 14, 1874, Oliver H. Abbott, of Manches ter. ChUd,— (1) Mattie Moore, b. Dec. 27, 1874. 1. Adelaide Estella Sanborn m. Oct. 4, 1872, Charles Y. Foss, of Biddeford, Me. Children, b. in Biddeford, — (1) AoUe EsteUa, b. Sept. 10, 1873. (2) Ida BeU, b. AprU 16, 1880. VI. Susan P. Putney m. Sept. 14, 1860, Jacob B. Nelson. Chil dren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Loretta A., b. AprU 22, 1852. 2. Leroy T., b. Nov. 26, 1853 ; d. Sept. 14, 1880. 3. Etta E., b. Nov. 27, 1857. Three of the sons of Benjamin T. Putney enlisted and served in the late war, viz., Joseph J., in a Western regiment, and Henry and Ira A. in the 11th N. H. Joseph served during the war, and was honorably discharged at its close. Henry was mortaUy wounded at Williamsburg, and Ira A. died in consequence of sufferings at AndersonviUe. Joseph J. Putney m. March, 1870, Denia Ghen, of Clinton, 111. Children, — t-win boys, George Henry and Frederic Arthur, b. 1870, d. 1872, and the mother became insane in consequence of her loss. Mr. Putney has lived in many different localities in the Western country, and followed many different kinds of employment, — farm ing, teaming, policeman, soldier, camping agent, carpenter, and miner. Moses Putney many years ago came to Sutton from Hopkinton, and took the tannery of Dea. Benjamin Farrar at the North vUlage, where he carried on business for several years, and buUt the house GENEALOGY. 919 afterwards owned by Dea. Benjamin P. Sargent. Mr. Putney afterwards returned to Hopkinton. Daniel Putney, a -wheelwright, came from Hopkinton, and lived for several years at the North vUlage, where he owned an estate. He was b. in Newbury, Oct. 30, 1815, being son of Daniel and Lois (Foster) Putney. He m. May 6, 1839, Susie A. Dow, of West Concord, who d. Jan. 10, 1861. ChUdren,— I. Edward, b. in Antrim, Dec. 9, 1841. II. Charies G., b. in Sutton, July 22, 1846. III. Lucian W., b. in Sutton, June 29, 1852. IV. Emma S., b. in Sutton, Aug. 13, 1860. Charles G. Putney, at the age of 16, enlisted in the cavalry, and served tiU the close of the war. Daniel Putney m., 2d, Minerva C. Watson, dau. of Saf ford Watson, of Sutton. Child, — V. Carrie A., b. in Sutton, July 10, 1864. Chase Putney came from Andover to Sutton about 1854. He m. for his 2d wife, Aug. 17, 1854, Mary Jane Bean, dau. of Daniel Bean. Two of his sons by his,lst wife, John and Nelson, enlisted and served in last war. [For children by 2d wife, see Daniel Bean record.] Ebenezer S. Putney, of New London, m. June 3, 1851, Ruth W. Nichols. [See Nichols record.] Capt. John Putney, among the early settlers of Sutton, was empowered to call the first town-meeting before incor poration. 920 HISTORY OF SUTTON. QUTMBY. Moses Quimby came to Perrystown from Hawke in 1773. He located on what has since been known as the Tappan Sanborn place, in the Mill "village. He built the first saw and grist-mill on the stream, and cut the first tree in the hollow above the village. He carried on his mills tUl his death, and then his son-in-law, Daniel Andrew, continued the business, with the addition by him of a carding-mill, till about 1825. Then Nathaniel A. Davis took the mill privilege and built a new mill. Mrs. Quimby was quite skilful and efficient as a physician, or became so by prac tice, as there was no other in town except Mrs. Cornelius Bean, for twenty years after they came. She d. in 1817, aged 85. Mr. Quimby d. in 1797, aged 84. They had daughters whose records may be found in the Bean geneal ogy. Their daughter Elizabeth dropped dead in the road when a young woman. Mr. Quimby and his family were much respected by the people of Sutton. REDDINGTON. John Reddington, for some years previous to the opening of the railroad from Concord to Bradford, kept a public house, which he built on the road about midway between North Sutton viUage and Warner. He did a good business till the opening of the railroad diverted the travel from the road, which, at the time he located there, was the main stage road. He died in this town. He was the father of Oliver P. Reddington, for many years an esteemed citizen of Sutton. RICHARDS. Albert P. Richards, b. 1810 ; m. March 1, 1838, MariUa King, dau. of Elbridge Gerry and Mary (WUliams) King, of Sutton. Children, — GENEALOGY. 921 I. Rosina v., b. Aug. 22, 1839 ; m. Jan. 22, 1857, George C. Chadwick. [See same.] IL Clarinda V., b. Jan. 18, 1842. IIL James B., b. Sept. 29, 1846. IV. Frank. II. Clarinda V. Richards m. Oct. 23, 1864, Rudolph Bates. Mr. Bates died, and she m., 2d, Dec. 13, 1877, Alvah D. Colcord (his 2d wife). III. James B. Richards m. Sa-wtelle. ChUd, — 1. Evaline. He m., 2d, McAlpine. Child, — 2. Lena Maud. He m., 3d, Flora B. Morgan. Albert P. Richards d. about 1850, and his widow m., 2d, Benjamin Kimball. Child, — George Kimball. Lewis Richards, brother to Albert P. Richards, m. Nov. 30, 1841, Mary RoweU, of Goffstown. Children,— Sarah Josaphine, b. May 7, 1847. Edwin ChesteUar, b. Oct. 12, 1849. Mary J., b. Nov. 9, 1861. Lewis C, b. July 6, 1864. Loren G., b, Jan. 11, 1867. Lewis Richards died in 1870. The foUo-wing, prepared by Carlos G. Pressey, Esq., in 1888, gives some account of the stores for general mer chandise which have in times past been kept at the Mill vUlage, including those of the brothers, Albert P. and Lewis Richards, and their relative, Alfred Richards : " The first store that I remember in Sutton MUl viUage was kept by Nathaniel A. Davis. He was succeeded by Otis J. Story, who sold out to Pressey & Harvey. Mr. Harvey sold his interest to Truman Putney, and then the firm was Pressey & Putney. Later Mr. Pressey sold his interest to Truman Putney, who took his son, Fred Putney, into business, and the firm was T. Putney & Son, and so remained tiU the death of the elder member of the firm left the entire business to the son. Jacob S. Harvey, a native of Hopkin- 922 HISTORY OF SUTTON. ton, came to Sutton as clerk in the store of Moses Carr, in South Sutton, and subsequently went into trade in the same viUage in eompany with Moses Johnson. A few years later he went into company -svith Carlos G. Pressey, in the MiU vUlage. He was a man of superior ability, was universaUy respected, and held many important offices. He went to Texas, where he was in business for a few years, but losing his health, he returned to his father's home in Hopkinton, and there died. Some time after Nathaniel A. Da-vis opened his store, a^nother store was opened in the viUage by Albert P. Richards. Later it was Albert P. and Lewis Richards; then it was L. & A. Richards, being Levids and Alfred Richards, and after wards Lewis Richards. Subsequently it was sold to Truman Put ney, and both stores merged into one. Several years after the above named stores were in operation, Joseph P. Nelson built a new one, which was occupied several years by Richards & Burpee, being Alfred Richards and Benjamin P. Burpee. This store was after wards occupied by some other parties that I do not remember, but it is now kept by J. B. and F. Richards, sons of the former Albert P. Richards." The Richards brothers originated in New Boston. They were much respected by the people of Sutton, and did a good business while they were in trade here. [See record of town-officers.] Alfred Richards came to Sutton in 1839, and for twenty- six years was one of our leading merchants. He com menced business at the North village in company with his brother William, under the firm name of W. & A. Richards. In 1845 he bought his brother's interest, and continued the business in his own name till 1849, -when he removed to the Mill village, and bought one half of the goods of A. P. Richards & Co., and continued the business with Lewis Richards, one of the former proprietors, under the firm name of L. & A. Richards. In 1858 he removed to the South village, and bought a stock of goods of Frank Rob bins. He soon returned to the Mill village and entered into a copartnership with Benjamin P. Burpee, under the firm name of Richards & Burpee, and continued in trade till 1865, when he removed to Andover to engage in the GENEALOGY. 923 wood and lumber business. Here he also engaged in trade for one year, being conuected with the firm of Melendy & Babbitt. In 1869 he removed to Manchester, where he now resides. Alfred Richards was born in Goffstown, Oct. 20, 1816 ; m. Dolly A. Simons, of Weare, May 23, 1843. They had one child, Henry A., b. in Sutton, Jan. 23, 1848 ; d. Dec> 18, 1882 : m. Josie S. Rumrill, of Manchester. While resident in Suttou Mr. Richards was two years a member of the board of selectmen, and with Asa Page, Reubeti Porter, Johnson Colby, Jacob S. Harvey, and Albert Richards, organized the Sutton Mutual Fire Insur ance Co. He took great interest in agricultural pursuits. The orchard on the southern slope of Pigeon hill is the product of his labor. He was very fond of hunting, and was a cap ital story-teller. His memory of the old folks, the people of his day, is remarkable. George W. Richards was b. in Walden, Vt., Feb. 11, 1805 ; d. 1879, in Goshen : m. 1835, Martha B. Peaslee, dau. of Abraham, Jr., and Sally (Scribner) Peaslee, of Sutton, b. June 3, 1815 ; d. July, 1876, in Sutton. They moved to this town in 1839, and here resided till, the death of Mrs. Richards, when Mr. Richards removed to Goshen. He was a shoemaker by trade. Children, — I. Diana W., b. Nov., 1836 ; d. July 1, 1862. II. Cyrena O., b. March, 1838; m. 1855, Samuel Bagley. Children, — 1. WUlie O., d. 1867. 2. Arlie A. 3. Hattie. Mr. Bagley died, and his wife m., 2d, Thomas Fish, and resides at Vergennes, Vt. III. Mary Anne, b. April 22, 1840 ; d. June 6, 1861 : m. 1858,, Orson Burpee. 924 HISTORY OF SUTTON. IV. Francis M., b. April 16, 1842 ; m. Oct. 6, 1861, Mary E. Morgan. Children, — 1. Elma E., b. June 17, 1862 ; d. July 26, 1864. 2. Alice M., b. July 1, 1867. She is a successful school-teacher in Warner. 3. Dura M., b. Jan. 11, 1872. She is now a clerk with Barney Bros., of Canaan. Francis M. Richards enlisted in Co. F, 11th Regiment N. H. Vols., Aug. 22, 1862. He was promoted to corporal May 4, 1864, wounded in right arm and left thigh May 12, at Spottsylvania Court House. He was discharged AprU 28, 1866, by reason of above wounds. He was elected collector of taxes in 1866-'69, selectman in 1871 and 1872, and town-clerk in 1876. He removed to War ner March 15, 1884, where he now resides. For the past five years he has been a commercial traveUer for boots and shoes, at present for Parker, Holm & Co. He was elected supervisor of Warner in 1888. V. Abraham P., b. Aug. 28, 1844. EnUsted in Co. F, 11th Regiment N. H. Vols., Aug. 22, 1862, mustered out with the regi ment, June, 1865, as corporal. He m. DorriUa Peaslee, 1867, and had one child, who was accidentaUy scalded to death at four years of age. He d. in Concord, 1884. VI. Ai P., b. March 10, 1848 ; m. 1875, Anna Weeks, and has one chUd, — Edna. Resides in Boston, in the employ of the B. & A. R. R. Martha B. (Peaslee) Richards, mother of the above named six children, was in the 3d generation from David Peaslee, the first settler in Perrystown. RICHARDSON. Edmund Richardson and wife, Betsey Gile, originated in Haverhill. They came to Sutton at an early period and settled near the mountains, where they resided till death, both at advanced age. They lived in comfort and inde pendence. They had no children. Mr. Richardson was a very respectable man. A sketch of Mrs. Richardson fol lows. Edmund Richardson d. .Jan. 14, 1868, aged 92. His wife d. Nov. 4, 1863. [For her ancestry, see Gile.J GENEALOGY. 925 Daniel Richardson, brother to Edmund, lived near him. His wife was Bathsheba Flint. They had four chUdren. He became blind in consequence of an accident, and after wards supported himself by basket-making and chair- bottoming. He used to go all over town to people's houses, and do their chair and basket work. He died in this town, past 60 years of age, and his family removed to Amherst. Sally Richardson (probably dau. of Daniel), b. June 27, 1808; m. Oct. 26, 1826, David Colby, b. June 1, 1801. ChUd,— Clarissa, b. Aug. 31, 1827. [From Sutton Rec ords.] Aunt Richardson. by theeesa harvet. Ever pleasant for us in our intercourse with humanity is it to meet -with those possessed of what we commonly term originality of character, those in whose make-up there exists the principle of individuality in so positive a degree that false education and falser social habits and customs cannot despoil nature of her maternal character, or obliterate her likeness from her offspring. Aunt Richardson, as she was known to the people of Sut ton (the soubriquet of aunt being accorded her on account of her kindly and motherly nature), claimed relationship to all because of her affection for all. She was a native of the old town of Haverhill, Mass., where, to use her own expression, she early became a "bound girl " in the family of a highly respectable deacon, who thought that in giving her food and shelter he fully compensated the little drudge for her faithful service in his household. Not a day was she permitted to go to school, nor ever allowed to enter the parlor except on duty and on the occasions of family devotions, when the deacon became so far democratic as to call his whole household together to listen to prayers and the reading of the Scriptures. Such was the eagerness of the little Betsey to know something "926 HISTORY OF SUTTON. of the mysteries of books and letters, that while the deacon was slowly droning through the chapter, she -would adroitly slip behind his chair, and noting with her eye the figures which marked the chapter, then taking position by a stand whereon lay another Bible, by intense observation and care ful comparison of word with word, was soon able to follow him understandingly while he read. In this way she learned to read words before she learned the letters whose 'Combinations make words. This benefit the deacon con ferred on her gratuitously, though unwittingly on his own part. ' She grew up, married a poor man, and with him came to Sutton and settled on an uncleared farm. Here they toiled, she sharing all the rough labors with unflinching courage and hope that never faltered. Being childless, her great motherly heart sought expression for its sympathies exter nally in acts of kindness towards all who were suffering through sickness or misfortune, and, in fact, to everything that had life. One striking peculiarity of her character was the wonder ful influence she exercised over animals. There was no creature so vicious or unruly that she could not bring it into order and subjection, from the strong horse or bovine to the little sensitive bee : her potent magnetism could subdue them all. She ever maintained that through kind ness and love even the animal's nature is reached, and made subject to moral suasion. Who shall say that her theory was not correct ? Modern science seems pointing in the same direction, and demonstrating the mighty truth that love is the all-potent force of the universe. Whenever we remember and think of Aunt Richardson, we sometimes compare her to a wild vine clambering over rough rocks, yet loaded with lucious fruitage ; sometimes to a stately palm-tree in the desert, which yields both shel ter and food to the travel-worn traveller ; but most of all, she seems like the mountain-spring bursting through cleft granite, whose waters taste sweeter than those quaffed from GENEALOGY. 927 crystal vase or marble fountain. Many had cause to bless her kindness while living, and many mourned, though few of her kin remained, when her form, unbent by the burdens of more than eighty years, was given back to earth. An amusing anecdote is related of Aunt Richardson and her bees. In her house was a passage-way between two of her rooms, at one end of which was the chimney, and in this warmest end during the cold weather she kept her bee hive. On one occasion, when a religious meeting was appointed at her house, both of her rooms were warmed up, and the minister took his station in the passage-way be tween them. He had not proceeded far in his discourse when a bee flew out of the hive ; another and another fol lowed, buzzing about his ears, he brushing them away and resolutely continuing his sermon, till, at last, the whole swarm appeared to take offence at his doctrine, and attack ed him, front, flank, and rear. Aunt Richardson had sat quite still till things reached this desperate pass, but she now arose, approached the bees, addressed them in gentle accents, telling them it was not time for them to leave their hive, that they must be good and go right back, wav ing them along -with her outstretched hands as she spoke. In a few minutes she had them all back in their hive, they moving along with as much docility as if they had full, in telligent comprehension of all she said. The religious ser vices went on as before, and the bees made no further attempt to interrupt them. In becoming acquainted with the peculiar power which this kind lady evidently possessed and exercised over the lower animals, we are reminded of what is related of the great St. Francis, that he esteemed all living creatures his brethren, and would do them service. He would have them listen to his preaching, and they listened. He was mighty in love, he was a man overflowing with sympathy for man and beast : not only was every man his brother, but every animal, — the sheep in the fields, the birds in the branches, the brother-donkey on which he rode, the sister-bees who 928 HISTORY OF SUTTON. took refuge in his kind protection. He was the friend of everything that suffered or rejoiced ; no emotion went be yond his sympathy ; his heart rose to see the gladness of nature, and melted over the distresses of the smallest and meanest creature on the face of the earth. And by this divine right of nature everything trusted in him. The magnetism of the heart, that power which nobody can define, but which it is impossible to ignore, surrounded him like a special atmosphere, and there cannot be any doubt that he must have possessed, in an almost unexampled degree, the power of attracting all creatures to him. The author of the life of the great St. Francis goes on to say, — "And, every now and then, God still sends among us a man or a woman with a peculiar, if a limited, gift of recon-, cilement between mankind and the inferior animals, of restoring, at least in exceptional cases, that harmony which once obtained between man and nature, and which is still prophesied in unmistakable terms as sometime again to be come universal, by these select souls sent among us, whose mission and its accomplishment are its pledge and token." We do not feel that it is at all out of place to apply the words spoken of the saint of old to Aunt Richardson, suiting her case so entirely as they do. It is curious that both the saint and herself are chiefly remembered for the same thing. Sincere and constant as were her pity and kindness to her fellow human beings, her fame rests on the fact of her great love and pity for and influence over ani mals. And of him the same is true : St. Francis is known and remembered the world over for his practical recogni tion of the fact that the inferior animals are simply man's poor relations, and of their consequent claim on his loving- kindness, while very few save the most learned in the Catholic Church know that he was the founder of the immensely powerful order of the Franciscan brotherhood. Herein lies a hint for seekers after earthly immortality. GENFALOGY. 929 ANOTHER SKETCH, BY MRS. THOMAS ROBY. Mrs. Edmund Richardson, or, as she was familiarly called, "Aunt Richie," was married at sixteen, and moved with her husband from Haverhill, Mass., their native place, to Sutton, first locating near Gile pond. After a few years they moved to the east part of the town, or " under the mountain," into a log-house, where by dint of energy and strict economy they secured a comfortable home. A frame house succeeded the log-cabin, it being the third frame house in their district. Mrs. Richardson's knowledge of roots and herbs enabled her to be very useful. Far and near has she ministered to the wants of suffering humanity, and many a dollar has she saved for the "farmer's pocket by her care and cure of his sick or wounded animals. She had great love and pity for animals, and always had many pets around her. Even after she became old in years her sympathetic heart was always young. She was the lady-factotum in those days, managing funerals and weddings, no gathering being con sidered complete without her presence, officially as well as socially. She ever maintained an upright Christian character, being a strict Calvinist Baptist. She was a frequent visitor at the house of the father and mother of the writer of this sketch, and, as they were Freewill Baptists in belief and profession, discussions sometimes arose on the great points of free agency and foreordination. On one occasion she illustrated her favorite and oft-expressed assertion of " once in grace, always in grace," by the following pretty word- picture : " Now, darter," she said, turning to my mother with her peculiar smile, " suppose a living spring to be found in the woods ; in course of time that spring will get choked with leaves and rubbish : now get down and clear out the leaves and rubbish, and the spring wUl still be there." Prayer-meetings were maintained at her house every. 69 930 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Sabbath evening for twenty years. She will long be re membered for the good she has done. She died Nov. 4, 1863, aged eighty-four. She originated the idea of mud- shoes for horses in wet places. ROBBINS. Francis Robbins, of Mason, b. July 9, 1815, son of Abra ham and Hannah (Elliot) Robbins, settled in Sutton South village in 1842. He first came to this region as a peddler, and became known over a large territory, and, as he carefully saved his money for judicious reinvestment, was soon able to enlarge his stock in trade. Soon after coming to Sutton he opened the first tin-shop at the South village, in the old red shop that used to occupy the site of the pres ent tin and hardware building. He soon added some gro ceries to his stock, then stoves and ironware, and built up a good business. He engaged in various lumbering and farming specula tions, and, with the exception of two years spent in Boston, continued to be one of the leading business men of Sutton till 1873, when he sold out and removed to Warner. His departure was much regretted by the people, for not only was he, as one who knew his career said of him, "one of the most active spirits that ever operated in this town," but he was a kind-hearted, sympathetic man, and made many friends. While here he built two houses, the one now owned by Mrs. Israel Andrew, and the Asa Withee house. He owned the store at the South village some years, and employed James B. McAllister to attend it, while he did the buying and outside business himself. In Warner he bought the John Robertson house, and later erected the fine buildings on Kearsarge street, where he spent the remainder of his days, and where his widow and daughter stiU reside. He m. June, 1839, Abigail Gage, of Enfield, b. Dec. 10, 1814, dau. of Phineas and Phebe (Eaton) Gage. Children, — GENEALOGY. 931 I. Augusta Ann, b. in Canaan, Aug., 1840 ; d. Dec. 10, 1849. II. Francis, b. in Sutton, Oct., 1844 ; d. Aug. 10, 1846. ni. Sarah Meltia, b. in Boston, Dec. 13, 1848 ; d. Jan. 1, 1864. rV. Frances A., b. in Sutton, Dec. 6, 1862 ; m. Oct. 16, 1877, Fred Bean, of Warner. Child, — SteUa May, b. in Warner, May 5, 1884. Mr. Bean is one of the prominent men of Warner, where he is engaged in various business transactions. He is son of Henry and Mary (Colby) Bean, of Warner. ROBY. Samuel Roby came to Sutton from Warner, but was orig inally from Kingston. The time of his coming is not exact ly ascertained, but he d. here in 1790, aged 86. His wife was Hannah Merrill. They had a numerous family, among whom -were Jonathan, Ichabod, Samuel, and a daughter, Lucy, who m. Plummer Wheeler, Sr., and had eleven chil dren, for whom see Plummer Wheeler. This Lucy was said to be a very superior woman, and noted for her per sonal beauty. Jonathan Roby served in the Revolutionary war when about 17 years of age, and was in the battle of Bunker Hill. He and his sons were distinguished for great physi cal strength. He was b. 1756 ; d. May 14, 1824 : m. Sarah, daughter of the Philip Nelson who lost his life in the French war, and his wife, Abiah (Morrill) Nelson. Sarah was b. 1755 ; d. May 8, 1825. The inscription on their gravestone is as follows : " They were among the earliest settlers of Sutton, and by their industry obtained a compe tency. They lived respected and died lamented." This epitaph, according to what was told of them by persons who remembered them, does not overstate their merits. It is also told of the Robys that they were men of good sense and judgment, as well as stout and strong in body. It seems they were the right men in the right place when they came here, for Sutton, at the time they made their advent, was a very poor place for weaklings. 932 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Children of Jonathan and Sarah (Nelson) Roby, — L PhiUp Nelson, b. Jan. 22, 1779 ; d. May 6, 1860. n. Hannah Nelson, b. Feb. 6, 1781 ; d. May 20, 1816. ni. Joseph, b. June 13, 1783 ; d. 1847. IV. Samuel, b. June 23, 1785 ; d. Nov. 20, 1866. V. Abiah M., h. Oct. 7, 1787 ; d. Nov. 15, 1873, unmarried. VI. Jonathan, b. Aug. 25, 1789 ; d. Nov. 20, 1866. VII. Sarah Ann, b. Jan. 22, 1792 ; d. Feb. 16, 1861. VIIL AbigaU, b. May 23, 1794 ; d. May 11, 1842. I. Philip Nelson Roby (commonly caUed Dr. Roby) m. 1805, Lydia WiUoughby, of Rumney, b. Jan. 1, 1788. ChUdren, — 1. Jonathan, b. June 13, 1806. 2. John W., b. Feb. 11, 1809 ; d. 1873 : m. Sarah Taylor, of Dan- bm-y. 3. Louisa M., b. May 2, 1811 ; m. June 26, 1876, Edward Story, of Enfield. 4. Azubah W., b. Aug. 27, 1814; m. June 14, 1858, Sylvanus Sar gent, of Danbury. 5. Horatio N., b. Oct. 6, 1816 ; m. March 23, 1888, Catherine Green wood. 1. Jonathan Roby m. Elizabeth Sanborn. Children, b. in Dan bury,— (1) Moses S. (2) J. Smith. (3) Mary E. (4) George Nelson. (5) Lydia Clarentina. II. Hannah N. Roby m. Jan. 1, 1802, John Addison, of Spring field. Children, b. in Springfield, — 1. John. 2. Jonathan. 3. James. 4. Hannah. III. Joseph Roby m. April 10, 1805, Mehitabel, dau. of Phineas and Mehitabel (PhUbrick) Stevens. Children, b. in Sutton, — 1. Sarah Nelson, b. Oct. 29, 1805. 2. Phineas S., b. Feb. 17, 1807. 3. Betsey A., b. Oct. 1-3, 1808. 4. Mehitabel S., b. March 24, 1812. 5. W. H. Harrison N., b. Feb. 2, 1814 ; m. March 24, 1835, JuUa M. Downing. Joseph Roby m., 2d, Sept. 24, 1822, Mehitabel Rowe, of Sutton. rV. Samuel Roby m. May 1, 1818, Lavina Rowe, of Sutton, ChUdren, — ' 1. Eunice, b. AprU 15, 1819 ; d. Nov. 11, 1822. 2. Harriet, b. Dec. 5, 1823. 3. Hannah, b. 1826. Samuel Roby was in the War of 1812, and drew a pension a few years before his death. GENEALOGY. 933 VI. Jonathan Roby m. Hannah KeUey, of Warner. vn. Sarah Ann Roby m. Aug. 19, 1810, Daniel Wheeler, of Sutton. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Susan, b. Dec. 7, 1810. 2. Daniel, b. April 25, 1812. 3. James Munroe, b. March 6, 1819. 4. Sarah N.. b. March 13, 1821. 5. BarzUla S., b. AprU 21, 1823. 6. Frances E., b. Feb. 2, 1896. Daniel Wheeler d. Nov. 4, 1866. Vin. AbigaU Roby m. March 14, 1812, James Stevens, of Sutton. No children. James Stevens m., 2d, Mrs. Jane (Addison) Sargent, of Sutton, dau. of John and Hannah N. (Roby) Addison, of Sut ton. No chUdren. James Stevens died May 4, 1851, in Sutton. Ichabod Roby, son of Samuel, b. 1762 ; d. 1834 ; m. Miriam Putney, sis ter of Joseph Putney, of Hopkinton, b. 1762 ; d. May 9, 1826. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — I. MoUy, b. Feb. 11, 1786; d. Oct. 12, 1817. n. MerriU, b. Jan. 25, 1788 ; d. March 23, 1843. in. Samuel, b. Sept. 24, 1789 ; d. April 26, 1863, in Warner. IV. Ichabod, b. Aug. 17, 1791 ; d. Feb. 11, 1860. V. Joseph, b. March 9, 1793 ; d. 1859. VI. Stephen, b. March 31, 1795. VII. Hannah, b. July 4, 1797 ; d. Sept, 1. 1802. VIIL Miriam, h. June 14, 1799 ; d. Sept. 27, 1865. IX. SaUy, b. May 13, 1802 ; d. Dec. 17, 1826. X. Hannah, b. June 9, 1803. XI. Lavina, b. Dec. 17, 1804. Xn. Putney, b. AprU 14, 1807. Ichabod Roby m., 2d, 1826, Mrs. Betsey Chandler, of Sunapee. Children, — XIII. Betsey M., b. AprU 20, 1827. XIV. SUas N., b. Sept. 4, 1828. XV. Robert B., b. Nov. 15, 1829. XVI. James Munroe, b. June 13, 1831. XVn. Wmiam D., b. 1833 ; d. Aug. 22, 1863. 934 HISTOEY OF SUTTOK. Two children of Mrs. Betsey Roby, by her 1st husband, John Chandler, came to Sutton, viz., — Sarah Chandler, b. 1818 ; d. Aug. 27, 1847 : m. Lyman Roby. John C. Chandler, b. 1820 ; d. Sept. 30, 1836. Mrs. Betsey Roby m., 3d, Lovering ; she d. July 8, 1872. L MoUy Roby m. Nov. 27, 1806, Samuel Worth, b. April 26, 1783. Children, b. in Sutton,— 1. Miriam P., b. Oct. 24, 1807. 2. Susanna S., b. Aug. 20, 1811. 3. Alexander H., b. Sept. 15, 1813. II. MerriU Roby m. Jan. 14, 1813, Susanna Johnson. [See Joseph Johnson.] III. Samuel Roby m. July 18, 1819, Hannah Colby, of Warner, b. Oct. 1, 1796 ; d. June 18, 1854, in Warner. Children, b. in Sutton, — 1. Mary C, b. June 22, 1820 ; d. Oct, 13, 1858. 2. Marinda, b. July 26, 1822 ; m. Oct. 14, 1867, Caleb K. Roby, of Dover, N. J. (his 2d wife). 3. Thomas C, b. May 3, 1828 ; d. June 26, 1835. 4. Moses H., b. Aug. 31, 1831. 5. George, b. Sept. 21, 1834. 4. Moses H. Roby m. Sept. 25, 1873, Ida Frances Barnard, of Sutton, dau. of Winthrop and Lucinda (Flanders) Barnard. Child, — (1) Florence Anna, b. in Warner, Nov. 1, 1882. Moses H. Roby lives in Warner ; he is a farmer, and for a very long term of years station-master at Roby's Corner. 5. George Roby jn. Dec. 31, 1868, Josephine Page. [See Enoch Page.] rV. Ichabod Roby m. May 10, 1813, Mary Putney, dau. of Capt. John Putney, an early settler, who lived on the Jeremiah Sanborn place. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Minot, b. Jan. 5, 1814. 2. AngeUna, b. Dec. 6, 1814. Mrs. Roby d. Dec. 9, 1814, and Ichabod Roby m., 2d, Aug. 30, 1815, her sister, Betsey Putney. Child, — 3. Lyman, b. 1817 ; d. Feb. 7, 1876 : m. 1836, Sarah, dau. of John and Betsey ( ) Chandler. Child, — (1) Harriet M., b. April 10, 1837; d. May 23, 1840, in Sutton. Mrs. Roby d. Aug. 27, 1847, and Lyman Roby m., 2d, Sept. 23, 1857, Melissa Small. GENEALOGY. 935 V. Joseph Roby m. May 13, 1812, DoUy Stevens, dau. of Phineas and Mehitabel Stevens. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — 1. George W., b. Aug. 1, 1813. 2. Martha W., b. March 11, 1816 ; d. Feb. 20, 1883. 3. Augusta C, b. AprU 25, 1817. 4. Mary W., b. June 17, 1819 ; d. Aug. 21, 1849. 5. Susan S., b. Jan. 14, 1821. 6. Charles H., b. Aug. 9, 1823. 7. Miriam P., b. Feb. 23, 1825; d. Jan. 11, 1887. 8. Oliver S., b. July 6, 1828. 9. Lavina M., b. Jan. 10, 1831. 10. Joseph P., b. May 4, 1834. 11. Henry S., b. Sept. 7, 1836 ; d. March, 1, 1841. Mrs. DoUy (Stevens) Roby d. Aug. 20, 1887, in Pittsfield, Joseph Roby was one of the earliest maU-carriers in Sutton. 1. George W. Roby m. June 14, 1840, Marinda Johnson. [See Johnson.] 2. Martha W. Roby m. Nathaniel W. McCriUis. Children,— (1) Edward. (2) Clarence. (3) Walter. VIIL Miriam Roby m. May 9, 1822, Asa Page, of Sutton. [See same.j X. Hannah Roby m. Oct. 3, 1824, Thomas Wadleigh. [See same.j XI. Lavina Roby m. Jan. 14, 1838, Thomas Wadleigh. [See same.] XII. Putney Roby m. Nancy Butterfield, of Weathersfield, Vt. ChUdren, b. in Sunapee, — 1. Clarissa M., b. ; d.. March 19, 1888. 2. Melinda. 3. Lucy. XV. Robert B. Roby m. May 1, 1850, Harriet M. Spaulding, dau. of Eben and Esther ((^l-raves) Spaulding. ChUdren, b. in Sut ton, — 1. Frank W., b. March 30, 1851. 2. Robert E., b. Sept. 28, 1854. 3. Addie E., b. July 28, 1856. 4. LiUan E., b. Aug, 26, 1859. 5. Charles W., b. Aug. 4, 1863. 6. Hattie E., b. Sept. 9, 1870. 4. Lilian E. Roby m. Nov. 25, 1882, William Bean, of Salisbury, son of Moses H. and Elizabeth A. Bean. Children, b. in Penacook, — (1) William HiU, b. May 29, 1884. (2) Edmund Elgin, b. Nov. 23, 1886. XVII. WUUam D. Roby m. Lucy Hubbard, of Sutton. Chil dren, b. in Sutton, — 936 HISTORY OF SUTTON. 1. Emma J., b. Oct. 19, 1859. 2. Imogene, b. Nov. 22, 1861. 3. WiUiam D., b. June 13, 1863. WiUiam D. Roby d. Aug. 22, 1863, in Sutton, of disease con tracted whUe in service in the war. He was sent home sick, and died in a few days. Ichabod Roby, Sr., was in 1810 the greatest land-owner, and paid the highest tax in town. John Roby, son of Capt. Thomas Roby, of Nashua, b. May 8, 1797 ; d. AprU 4, 1873 ; m. Jan. 26, 1832, Betsey Roundy, b. July 7, 1804 ; d. Sept. 26, 1886. They moved to Sutton a few days after their marriage. Children, b. in Sutton, all liv ing to maturity, — I. John, b. Dec. 8, 1832. IL Thomas, b. July 30, 1835. III. Mary A., b. Jan. 9, 1838 ; d. June 15, 1881. IV. Samuel R., b. Nov. 23, 1839 ; d. Feb. 23, 1884. V. Hannah M., b. Sept. 1, 1842 ; d. Aug. 3, 1862. VI. Betsey A., b. April 14, 1845. VII. Walter H., b. Jan. 31, 1847. II. Thomas Roby m. Sept. 25, 1861, at Wilmot Flat, Mary Ann, dau. of Nicholas and Hannah M. (Cheney) RoweU. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Arthur H., b. Sept. 24, 1862. 2. Fred W., b. Nov. 10, 1864. 3. Miles S., b. May 28, 1867. 4. Frank B., July 1, 1869. ROGERS. Joshua Rogers, son of Joshua and Abigail (Currier) Rogers, of Hampstead, went from that town to Salisbury, and thence, about 1823, to Sutton to live. He built the house in the South village, known as the Martin house, and lived there some time, then bought the Mariner Chase house, GENFALOGY. 937 at the corner of the roads to Warner and Bradford. He was a shoemaker, and worked at his trade, and was also a smaU farmer. He was b. Jan. 10, 1802 ; d. July 15, 1878 : m. Oct. 9, 1824, CeveUa E. Garland, of Salisbury, b. May 22, 1804 ; d. Sept. 18, 1883, in Sutton. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — I. Mehitabel S., b. April 27, 1826 ; m. Oct. 22, 1850, Jonathan Harvey Nelson. [See same.j II. Elbridge G., b. June 17, 1836. III. Jerome G., b. Nov. 21, 1838 ; m. May 31, 1863, Hattie M. Barnard, of Sutton, dau. of Winthrop and Lucinda (Flanders) Bar nard. ChUd, — 1. Clinton B., b. July 3, 1866, in Sutton. Jerome B. Rogers is a farmer and shoemaker ; resides at South viUage. Elbridge G. Rogers m. June 4, 1857, Nancy M. Brown, of WU mot, dau. of Thomas and Hannah (Bean) Brown. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Willie, b. May, 1858 ; d. Nov. 15, 1858. 2. Willis, b. Aug., 1860 ; d. Sept. 29, 1864. 8. Mary BeU, b. 1862. 4. Edward E., b. 1865. 6. Carrie, b. 1867. 6. Charles, b. 1869. Elbridge G. Rogers lived some years where Daniel S. Hazen now Uves. He was a shoemaker, and at one period had a small store in the Robbins red shop, where the tin-shop is now. ROWELL. Samuel Rowell came from Hopkinton to Sutton in 1823. He was b. Nov. 15, 1780 ; d. Jan., 1858 : m. Polly Colby, b. Aug. 10, 1777; d. Dec. 27, 1866. Children,— I. Nicholas, b. Oct. 13, 1807 ; d. Aug. 26, 1883. II. SaUy, b. Dec. 3, 1811 ; d. May 17, 1868. III. Hannah, b. Aug. 12, 1813 ; never married. IV. Annie, b. March 9, 1817. V. Samuel, b. Feb. 20, 1821. 938 HISTORY OF SUTTON. I. Nicholas RoweU m. Sept. 28, 1835, Hannah M. Cheney, of Bradford. ChUdren, — 1. Mary Anne, b. Sept. 9, 18*37 ; m. Sept. 25, 1861, Thomas Roby. [See same.] 2. Ira F., b. June 13, 1839 ; m. Jan. 1, 1868, Rachel A. Hook, of Claremont. Child, — (1) Harry F., b. Sept. 15, 1873. n. SaUy Rowell m. Thomas Cheney. Children, — 1. Charies H., b. AprU 10, 1837. 2. Abram R., b. Aug. 20, 1840 ; d. . 3. Mary S., b. Sept. 27, 1842. 4. Sarah A., b. Dec. 31, 1849. 5. Abram R., b. July 9, 1852. IV. Annie Rowell m. Oct. 16, 1841, Ichabod Hazen. ChUd, — 1. Nancy, b. Jan. 15, 1845 ; m. Jeremiah Kimball. Children, — (1) Edward. (2) Annie. V. Samuel RoweU m. Nov., 1846, Nancy Whittier. Children, — 1. Achsa J., b. Aug., 1848 ; d. May 9, 1872 : m. Reuben Dickey. ChUd,— (1) Enola. 2. Henry A., b. Aug. 21, 1850. 3. Charles E., b. June 5, 1852 ; m. . Children, — (1) Maud. (2) Mabel. 4. Grace A., b. Sept. 8, 1854. 5. Emma V., b. March 23, 1858 ; m. William Hardisty. Children, — (1) Isabel. (2) LUlie E. 6. Cora D., b. Nov. 26, 1861 ; m. Fred Adams. 7. SeUna M., b. AprU 2, 1864 ; m. Oct. 9, 1886, Byron E. Perkins. 8. Clinton C, b. Nov. 20, 1867. 4. Grace A. Rowell m., 1st, Reuben Dickey. Child, — (1) Reuben E. Grace A. Rowell m., 2d, Herbert R. Swett. Child, — (2) Rosa B. Dea. Nicholas RoweU, on account of his business, grist-miUing, and also by reason of his office in the FreewUl Baptist church, which he retained many years and until his death, became familiarly kno-wn to almost every person in town, and is remembered as a man strictly honorable in all his deaUngs, of good judgment, and very kind and obliging to aU he came in contact with. With the others of his father's famUy he came from Hopkinton, Rowell's Bridge being the locality, in 1823. They settled on a hUl farm back of the MiU GENEALOGY. 939 viUage, which, by dint of constant hard work, they succeeded in paying for and bringing under cultivation. After his marriage Nicholas settled at the Mill viUage and engaged in the miU busi ness, in which he used constant dUigence, being at the same time fervent in spirit to serve the church. His wife was no less active and earnest in the cause of reUgion than himself. Weekly relig ious meetings were held at their house for many years, and their zeal in the cause of Christianity wiU not soon be forgotten. Ira F. RoweU, their son, was church clerk for several years, as their records show, and his departure from Sutton was considered a, loss to the town as weU as to the church. His present residence is Claremont. In the summer of 1888, though only on a visit to Sut ton, he took considerable pains to put within the reach and knowl edge of the compUer of this work some records and other facts from which to glean the early history of the FreewUl Baptist church in Sutton. Jonathan Rowell came to this town very early, and Abraham, his brother, came soon afterwards. It is supposed they came from Hopkinton. They lived near Kimball's hill. Jonathan Rowell m. Achsah Flood. Children, b. in Sutton, — I. Comfort, b. Sept. 14, 1789. IL Daniel, b. March 4, 1791. III. Silas, b. Jan. 9, 1794 ; m. Betsey PiUsbury, widow of Dan iel Ober. rV. Rachel Annis, b. Aug. 15, 1799. V. Cutler, b. Nov. 5, 1802. VI. Ira, b. Oct. 6, 1807 ; m. 1832, Hannah Kendrick. Abraham Rowell m. Elizabeth Eastman. Children, — I. Thomas, b. Nov. 25, 1764 ; m. Lydia, daughter of Obediah. Hawes. ChUdren, — 1. Elizabeth, b. AprU 10, 1787. 2. Lydia, b. Julv 3, 1790. 3. Molly R., b. Jan. 24, 1794. IL SaUy, m. Thomas Messer (2d wife.) III. Betsey, m. Samuel Kendrick, in 1793. rV. Polly, m. March 11, 1783, SUas Parker. ¦940 HISTORY OF SUTTON. RUSSELL. There are several distinct families of Russells in New England. The families of that name residing in Sutton are descended from WUUam Russell, an English emigrant, who, with his wife Martha, settled in Cambridge, Mass., before 1645. They were both members of the church in that place. He d. Feb. 14, 1662, lea-ving nine children. His widow m. March 24, 1665, Humphrey Bradshaw. She m., 3d, 1683, Thomas HaU. She d. 1694. The sixth child and fourth son of William and Martha Russell was PhUip Russell, b. 1650 ; m. AprU 19, 1680, Joanna Cutler, dau. of James and Phebe Cutler, of Lex- . ington. They settled in Lexington, and he was a promi nent and influential citizen of that town. His wife d. Nov. 26, 1703, aged 40. He m., 2d, Oct. 18, 1705, Sarah Brooks, of Medfield. He d. Feb. 7, 1730. His son m. EUzabeth , but the record of the marriage cannot be found. Among his children were Joel and Nathaniel Russell. The latter m. Mary or Maria , and removed to Littleton about 1728. He was a lawyer, and one of the leading men of his time. He d. about 1763. Mrs. Isaac Peaslee, of this town, is a descendant of his in the 4th generation. Joel Russell, son of William, was b. in Lexington, Aug. 2, 1716. He m. Huldah , and resided for several years in Littleton, and afterwards removed to Rindge. His wife d. previous to 1780, and he d. soon after that date. He had eleven chUdren, of whom the oldest, Silas Russell, b. Oct. 10, 1742, in Ipswich, Mass., removed to Sutton previous to the Revolution. Three children were b. in Rindge, and were baptized there, viz., — Silas, b. Jan. 12, 1766 ; d. Dec. 17, same year. Susanna, b. Oct. 22, 1867. Seth, b. AprU 2, 1769 ; d. May 21, 1851. Alice, b. Aug. 19, 1779, in Sutton ; m. June 24, 1806, Benjamin Stevens. Levi, b. Dec. 2, 1780, in Sutton ; removed to Springfield. Amos, b. May 7, 1787, in Sutton. GENEALOGY. 941 The two last named removed from Sutton early. [For Silas Russell, Sr., see "Early History" and "Revolutionary Soldiers."] Susanna RusseU m. Sept. 28, 1789, Samuel Little, son of Bond and Ruth (Atwood) Little, b. Jan. 20, 1763, and d. without issue. She m., 2d, Jonathan Wadleigh, and the record of the publishment, but not of the marriage, is found on Sutton books, Aug. 23, 1795. She was Mr. Wadleigh's 2d wife. Seth Russell m. Nov. 23, 1793, Molly (Mary), sometimes written Polly, dau. of David and Judith ( ) Harvey, who with their family removed from Amesbury to Warner. Mrs. RusseU was their 8th chUd, b. Feb. 16, 1767 ; d. AprU 11, 1836. Children,— L Anna, b. Nov. 27, 1794 ; d. May 18, 1874. II. Aaron, b. Jan. 25, 1797 ; d. May 26, 1883, in Concord. HL John, b. Aug. 25, 1798 ; d. May 19, 1867. IV. James, b. Oct. 16, 1800 ; d. Nov. 14, 1870 : m. Savary. V. MoUy, b. Aug. 4, 1803 ; d. Jan. 2, 1830. VL Seth, b. Nov. 3, 1806. The wife of John CheUis, who came to Sutton, was sister to Mrs. Molly (Harvey) Russell. They were 2d cousins to Dea. Matthew Harvey, of Sutton. I. Anna RusseU m. March 26, 1818, WUliam, son of Moses and EUzabeth (Dow) Wadleigh, who d. March 20, 1863. Children, b. in Sutton, — 1. George W., b. March 10, 1819. 2. Polly R., b. Feb. 11, 1831; d. May 28, 1881, unmarried. George W. Wadleigh was educated principally at common schools, and attended Franklin academy during two terms. He commenced teaching at the age of sixteen, which occupation he followed seven years. In 1842 he commenced mercantile business in Concord, and remained one year. In the spring of 1843 he removed to Sunapee, and there did business five years. In 1848 he returned to Concord, and has continued in business there till the present time. He m. June 10, 1841, Elvira A. CheUis, of Sutton, dau. of Timothy and Mary (Putney) CheUis. She d. Dec. 11, 1860. Children,— 942 HISTOKY OF SUTTON. (1) WiUiam R., b. Nov. 1, 1842 ; d. July 20, 1874. (2) EUa A., b. June 23, 1846. (3) Elvira C, b. AprU 18, 1850 ; d. Nov. 20, 1865. (4) Frank C, b. Sept. 16, 1852 ; d. AprU 5, 1864. (1) WiUiam R. Wadleigh m. March 8, 1867, Lizzie M. Alden, of Lebanon. She d. Jan. 22, 1871. ChUdren,— Minnie A., b. Nov. 1, 1868; m. June 23, 1888, Charles P. Drew. George, b. Feb. 26, 1870 ; d. Aug. 3, same year. II. Aaron RusseU m. AprU 29, 1823, SaUy D. Wadleigh, dau. of Moses and Elizabeth (Dow) Wadleigh. Children, b. in Sut ton, — 1. Caroline Elizabeth, b. July 28, 1825 ; d. May 18, 1846. 2. Mary, b. March 17, 1830. 3. Moses Wadleigh, b. Nov. 4, 1836. Mrs. SaUy D. (Wadleigh) RusseU d. Dec. 14, 1860, and Aaron RusseU m., 2d, Jan. 7, 1862, Mrs. Lucy M. Messer, widow of James Messer, who d. Sept. 18, 1866, and Aaron RusseU m., 3d, Feb. 27, 1867, Mrs. Mary E. (Smith) Evans, of Candia. 2. Mary RusseU m. May 26, 1859, Enoch P. Cummings, b. March 28, 1815 ; d. Dec. 31, 1883. He removed to Concord Jan., 1871. Chil dren, — (1) Herbert C, b. June 11, 1860, in Sutton. (2) Nettie Caroline, b. July 21, 1864, in Sutton. (3) Fred Russell, b. June 16, 1873, in Concord. Herbert C. Cummings studied medicine with Dr. M. W. Russell, and in 1881 attended lectures at Dartmouth Medical College, and in 1882- '84 at the University of the City of New York, from which he grad uated in 1884. He d. Sept. 1, 1890. 3. Moses Wadleigh Russell studied medicine with Drs. Dixi and Alpheus Bennett Crosby, of Hanover, and graduated at Dartmouth Medical College in 1863. He afterwards attended two courses of lec tures at the CoUege of Physicians and Surgeons, in New York. He practised in Sutton three years, and in 1867 removed to Concord, where he now resides. He m. July 2, 1861, Roxana J., dau. of William Taylor and Sally D. (Felch) Bean, then of New London. She was b. Jan. 11, 1839, in Sutton ; d. June 9, 1884, in Concord. Child,— (1) Sadie E., b. Dec. 19, 1869 ; m. Nov. 6, 1889, J. Clare Derby, of Denver, Col. III. John Russell m. Phebe Russell, of Francestown, dau. of Aaron and Phebe (Gilbert) Russell, b. 1798 ; d. Dec. 3, 1840, in Sutton. John RusseU m., 2d, Dec. 31, 1846, SaUy S. Savdry, of Newbury, dau. of Chase and Alice (Chandler) Savary. Children, b. in Sutton, — GENEALOGY. 943 1. John E;, b. March 4, 1846. 2. Jennie P., b. April 1, 1848. 1. John E. RusseU m. Nov. 5, 1871, Helen M. MerriU, of Acworth, dau. of Nathaniel and Hannah (Collins) Merrill. Present residence, Sutton. 2. Jennie P. Russell m. June 17, 1869, Eugene T. Barker, of HiUs borough, b. Feb. 19, 1848. ChUdren, b. in Sutton,— (1) Winnie AUce, b. July 19, 1870. (2) Marvin Seth, b. Nov. 14, 1874. (3) WiUie GranvUle, b. June 6, 1879. (4) Sadie Mary, b. Aug. 27, 1881. Eugene T. Barker is a farmer, and has lived in Sutton since 1870. (1) Winnie Alice Barker m. Nov. 5, 1888, Fred A. Wright, of Sut ton. Child, — Henry Andrews, b. in Sutton, Aug. 1, 1889. VI. Seth RusseU m. Hannah Nelson, of Sutton, dau. of Moses and Lydia (Muzzy) Nelson. Children, b. in Sutton, — 1. George W., b. Oct. 3, 1832 ; d. Sept. 18, 1862 (killed in battle). 2. Louisa, b. Dec. 24, 1833. 3. Joseph W., b. July 11, 1846 ; d. Dec. 4, 1871. 1. George W. Russell m. Dec. 24, 1856, Sarah J. Bean, of Sutton, dau. of Phineas and Rebecca (Worster) Bean. Children, b. in Sut ton, — (1) WiUiam Bartlett, b. Dec. 10, 1857. (2) Grace Ada, b. Aug. 4, 1859. (3) Fred Clayton, b. March 4, 1861 ; d. June 29, 1863. (1) WiUiam Bartlett RusseU m. Nov. 2, 1882, Hattie M. Wigley, of Hyde Park, Mass., dau. of John and M. Elizabeth (Roundy) Wigley. (2) Grace Ada RusseU m. Aug. 31, 1879, Frank S. Jordan, of Sutton. Children, b. in Sutton, — George Selwyn, b. May 26, 1880. Fred Arthur, b. May 29, 1881. Alice Rebecca, b. June 6, 1883. Hattie RusseU, b. May 30, 1887, in Warner. 3. Joseph W. Russell received a good common-school education, and later attended Colby academy, at New London. He graduated at Dartmouth college. Having resolved to devote himself to the medical profession,' he gave all his spare time to the study of it, and most of the time between his school terms was spent in the office of Dr. Moses W. Russell. In March, 1870, soon after his graduation, he located at , Stoddard. He was gaining a good practice, but his health began to faU, and, feeling that he must rest, he left his business in charge of another and came home to Sutton, where he d. Dec. 4. 1871. 944 HISTORY OF SUTTON. SANBORN. Tappan Sanborn, b. May 31, 1795, in Kingston ; d. April 5, 1872, in Sutton : m. July 4, 1821, Lavina French, b. in Kingston, AprU 27, 1801 ; d. Nov. 18, 1863. This family removed from Kingston to Weare in 1823, and from Weare to Sutton Dec, 1832. Tappan Sanborn m., 2d, 1864, Mary A. Stevens, of Laconia. Children, — I. EUza Ann, b. Aug. 26, 1822, in Kingston ; m. Dec. 25, 1845, Lyman Cheney, of Bradford. [See same.] She m., 2d, May 9> 1869, Francis F. BlaisdeU, who d. Jan. 16, 1886, and his -wife d. Jan. 31, 1886. IL Israel Peaslee, b. Aug. 24, 1824, in Weare ; d. July 20, 1849, in Sutton: m. Sept. 30, 1847, Lydia P. Putney, dau. of Benjamin and Lydia N. (Page) Putney. ChUdren, — 1. Adeline EsteUa, b. May 5, 1849 ; m. Oct. 4, 1872, Charles Y. Foss, of Biddeford, Me. Children,— (1) Aolie Estella, b. Sept. 10, 1873. (2) Ida BeU, b. AprU 16, 1880. III. Lavina F. Sanborn, b. Dec. 24, 1826, in Weare ; m. Feb. 1, 1860, Asa P. Wiggin, of Warner. Present residence of this famUy, Henniker. Children, — 1. Alma A., b. Jan. 4, 1861 ; d. May 22, 1885. 2. Lulah P., b. May 23, 1862 ; d. Jan. 26, 1886. 3. Eldora F., b. Oct. 25, 1865. 4. George S., b. July 31, 1867. 5. Tappan S., b. Oct. 8, 1869. IV. Julia A., b. July 20, 1829, in Weare ; d. Jan. 30, 1863, in Sutton : m. Oct. 26, 1862, George Putney. ChUdren, — 1. Eva G., b. Aug. 30, 1863, in Cambridgeport. 2. Wilbert G., b. Dec. 6, 1857, m Sutton ; d. AprU 3, 1890. 3. Leolah Sarah, b. AprU 23, 1860 ; d. Aug. 18, 1861. V. Ezra E., b. Aug. 1, 1831, in Weare ; m. March 20, 1865, Caroline L. Brown, dau. of David and Mary (Dorr) Brown. ChU dren, the first three b. in CouncU BlufBs, la., the others in Spring field, Neb.,— 1. Webster Bowles, b. April 1, 1866. 2. Perley Arthur, b. June 4, 1869. 3. Clifford Wayne, b. March 17, 1872. 4. Mary Joanna, b. Feb. 23, 1875. 5. Lavina Jane, b. June 12, 1878. GENEALOGY. 945 6. Grace Minerva, b. Aug. 12, 1880 ; d. Dec. 8, 1881. 7. John David, b. July 11, 1882 ; d. March 6, 1883. Ezra E. Sanborn is engaged in farming on an extensive scale. He owns and operates a farm of 640 acres of fine land. VI. John W., b. Sept. 16, 1834, in Sutton ; d. Oct. 22, 1876, in Sutton : m. Frances E. Gile, dau. of Philip S. Harvey GUe and his 1st wife, SybU WUcox. She d. Feb. 8, 1879. vn. Mary F., b. Jan. 10, 1838 ; d. May 23, 1873, in, Clinton, Kan. : m. Oct. 13, 1868, John Roby, Jr., of North Sutton. Child,— 1. Mabel F., b. May 23, 1873. VIIL Alma A., b.' Jan. 11, 1840; d. Aug. 24, 1869 : m. Oct. 8, 1864, Orson Burpee. IX. Everett T., b. Jan. 16, 1844 ; m. Dec. 1, 1874, Mrs. Clara L. Davis, of WUmot. X. George R., b. Dec. 25, 1847. He and his brother, Everett T., are located in Jewell Co., Kan., both engaged in extensive farm ing operations. SARGENT. Daniel Sargent, son of Peter and Elizabeth (Sargent) Sargent, of New London, b. Sept. 23, 1793 ; d. AprU 18, 1876 : m. Deborah Foss, of Charlestown, Mass., b. Aug. 18, 1794. Children,— I. Benjamin Perry, b. Dec. 5, 1820 ; d. March 8, 1874. IL Lydia C, b. AprU 13, 1824. [See Hazen.] ni. Daniel F., b. May 23, 1825 ; went to Illinois : m. Rebecca J. Foss. He m., 2d, Abra Deming. Children, — 1. Adelbert. 2. Nettie. 3. Adelaide. 4. LUlie. 5. Jesse. 6. Clara. 7. Gertrude. IV. Lucy D., b. March 10, 1830 ; m. March 8, 1857, Esech Sischo, of Goshen. ChUd, — 1. Peninnah. V. Jacob True, b. July 28, 1832 ; went to Illinois : m. Maria Braley. ChUdren, — 1. Herbert. 2. Charles. 3. Ernest. 4. Venus G. 5. Edith M. VI. Foss Wright, twin with Jacob True, went to Chariesto-svn, Mass. ; m. Elizabeth Trafton. ChUdren, — 1. Louisa. 2. Lucy. 3. Jacob F. 60 946 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Daniel F. Sargent m., 2d, Sarah Burnap. He m., 3d, Mrs. Mary (Harvey) Hope. Her daughter, by a former marriage, Mary J. Hope, b. Feb. 17, 1845, m. Sept. 30, 1868, Henry H. BeU, b. June 29, 1839. ChUdren,— Harry B., b. July 31, 1869 ; d. Oct. 6, same year. Herbert H., b. May 11, 1871 ; d. Feb. 1, 1881. Cora C, b. April 14, 1873 ; d. Jan. 26, 1881. Bernard, b. May 19, 1882. Chariotte M., b. April 20, 1887. Daniel Sargent passed many years of his life in Sutton, in the Mill village, and later in the North village, where he carried on his trade of blacksmith. When a young man he went to Charlestown, Mass., where he resided several years. He was an intelligent, industrious, useful citizen, much devoted to religion. His son, Benjamin P. Sargent, was also a blacksmith, residing at the North village. He was a very honorable man, and was deacon of the Freewill Bap tist church, and an earnest promoter of religion. I. Benjamin P. Sargent m. April 16, 1846, Charity Adeline Felch, b. Dec. 31, 1824; d. July 1, 1889: dau. of Dea. John and Harmah (Dodge) Felch. Children, b. in Sutton, — 1. Mary Frances m. July 26, 1874, Walter P. Sargent. Child,— (1) Sevira. 2. Benjamin m. March 3, 1879, Mary Jane Gladman, in Genesee, El. Present residence, Alexandria, Dakota. 3. Hattie D. m. Nov. 11, 1884, Charles A. Todd, son of Asa Nelson and Maroa (Harvey) Todd, of New London. Benjamin P. Sargent died, and his widow m., 2d, Jan. 31, 1887, WUliam W. Coburn (2d wife). Philip Sargent, a brother to the vrife of Dea. Matthew Harvey, came to Sutton from Weare previous to 1790, and probably on or soon after his marriage, as all his children are found on Sutton records. He Uved not far from Newbury line, on the T. B. Lewis farm. He was quite an active, useful man, and acquired a good estate. None of his descendants GENEALOGY. 947 remain in this town, as he removed with his family to Ver mont a long time ago. Philip Sargent m., probably in Weare, Miss Pattee. Children, — John Pattee, b. Oct. 20, 1787. Hannah, b. Jan. 9, 1789. Philip, b. Oct. 24, 1790. PoUy, b. June 2, 1792. Peter, b. AprU 9, 1794. Moses, b. Jan. 30, 1796. Sally, b. Sept. 18, 1798. Nancy, b. June 25, 1800. Matthew Harvey, b. March 21, 1802. Thomas W., b. Aug. 29, 1804. Aaron Sargent was nephew to Philip Sargent. He came to Sutton previous to 1809, and resided for some years at the North village (in the Smiley cottage on the hill), where he carried on his trade of hatter, but finally returned to Weare ; m. Sarah Rowell. Children, — 1. Sarah D., b. 1809. 2. Stephen PUlsbury, b. 1811. 3. Samuel Rowell, b. 1814. Perley Sargent, son of John Sargent, of New London, b. Nov. 12, 1811. [See King.] James M. Sargent, brother to Perley Sargent, b. Feb. 13, 1818; m. Feb. 23, 1843, Catherine Jackman, b. May 17, 1819. No children. He has been for many years engaged in mercantile business in Sutton, in connection with his brother, Perley Sargent, and later in connection with Mrs. Sargent, his wife, in dry goods and millinery. Both Mr. and Mrs. Sargent have been much respected for mental and moral worth. Mr. Sargent has held offices of trust and importance, and has been many years deacon of the Baptist church. Rev. Joseph Sargent, son of Zebulon Sargent, of Warner, was for some years resident in Sutton, a Universalist min ister. It was during his pastorate that the first and only Universalist church in Sutton was formed. [See sketch of him in Universalist Church.] 948 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Sargent Ancestry. [Some of the descendants oi Thomas Sargent, 1st son of WiUiam 1st.] WUUam Sargent, b. in England 1602, came to this coun try in 1633. He d. about 1675, in Amesbury. He m., 1st, Judith, and, 2d, Elizabeth Perkins, daus. of John Perkins, an original settler of Ipswich, Mass. The children of William Sargent were, — Elizabeth, b. ; d. 1641. Thomas, b. June 11, 1643 ; d. Feb. 27, 1705-'6 : m. March 2, 1667-68, Rachel Barnes. WUliam, b. Jan. 2, 1645-'46 ; m. Sept. 23, 1668, Mary, dau. of Anthony Colby. EUzabeth, b. Nov. 22, 1648. Sarah, b. Feb. 29, 1651-'52 ; d. Oct. 3, 1701 : m. Dec. 22, 1681, Orlando Bagley. Mary, b. . Thomas and Rachel (Barnes) Sargent had eleven chil dren, of whom Thomas, b. Nov. 15, 1676, m. Dec. 17, 1702, Mary Stevens, dau. of John Stevens, and had six children, of whom three daughters d. in early infancy. The sons were, — I. Christopher, b. Aug. 4, 1704 ; graduated M. A. at Harvard coUege 1725 ; settled in the ministry in Methuen, Mass. : m. Jan. 22, 1729, Susanna Peaslee, of HaverhUl, and was father of Nathan iel Peaslee Sargent, chief-justice supreme court of Massachusetts. II. Moses, b. Aug. 21, 1707 ; d. July 24, 1756 : m. Aug. 14, 1727, Sarah, dau. of Orlando Bagley, 3d. This Sarah Bagley was b. 1708 ; d. March 16, 1801. Moses and Sarah had six children, of whom Christopher, b. May 18, 1740, d. Nov. 10, 1830, m. Anna Sargent, and three of his daughters came to Sutton. III. Stephen, b. Sept. 14, 1710 ; d. Oct. 2, 1773 ; m. Sept. 26, 1730, Judith Ordway of West Newbury. Children,— 1. Thomas, b. Sept. 2, 1731. 2. James, b. July 3, 1733. 3. Stephen, b. March 16, 1734 ; m. in Amesbury, Dec. 17, 1760, EUz abeth Hoyt, and removed to Hopkinton. 4. Peter, b. Nov. 2, 1736 ; removed to Hopkinton 1763, and in 1781 to New London. GEIO)ALOGY. 949 5. Nathan, b. April 10, 1738 ; removed to Hopkinton. 6. Judith, b. Feb. 9, 1739 ; m. June 26, 1760, EUiot Colby, and went to Warner. 7. Abner, b. Aug. 18,1741; m. Oct. 22, 1766, Sarah Rowell, and had seven children b. in Amesbury, and then removed to Warner. 8. Lois, b. AprU 15, 1743 ; m. May 26, 1762, Stephen Kelley, of Amesbury. 9. Amasa, b. Dec. 11, 1744; m. Mary Webster, of Amesbm-y. 10. Moses, b. June 30, 1746 ; d. young. 11. Ezekiel, b. March 12, 1747. 12. Moses, b. Jan. 26, 1749 ; m. May 11, 1775, Mary Sargent ; 6 ch. 13. Mary, b. Nov. 17, 1751 ; m. June 12, 1777, Hezekiah Sargent. 14. Ebenezer, b. Nov. 10, 1753; m. AprU 12, 1782, Lydia Williams, in Amesbury, and removed to Warner. 4. The children of Peter Sargent were Anthony, Abigail, Ruth, Judith, Peter, Ebenezer, Amasa, John, Molly, Ezekiel, Stephen, Will iam, and Lois. His son, Peter, m. Elizabeth, dau. of PhUip and Hannah (Hadley) Sargent, of Weare, and had several children, among whom were Matthew H., Ezekiel, Daniel, Ebenezer, and William. 6. Judith Sargent m. June 26, 1760, Elliott Colby, of Amesbury, b. May 22, 1735 ; d. Feb. 20, 1811, in Warner. ChUdren,— (1) Naomi, b. Oct. 27, 1761; d. AprU 26, 1763. (2) Ezekiel, b. Aug. 22, 1763. (3) Stephen, b. June 18, 1765. (4) John, b. June 28, 1767. (5) Elliot, b. Sept. 9, 1769. (6) Judith, b. Sept. 24, 1771. (7) Naomi, b. Dec. 18, 1773 ; d. AprU 9, 1870. (8) Anna, b. May 4, 1776. (9) Molly, b. July 11, 1778. (10) Phineas, b. June 24, 1780. Mrs. Judith (Sargent) Colby d. June 30, 1782, and her husband m., 2d, Nov. 30, 1782, Mrs. Hannah (Smith) Pearson. Christopher Sargent, son of Moses and Sarah Bagley, m. June 12, 1759, Anna, dau. of Capt. Robert Sargent. She d. July 31, 1824, aged 82. Children, b. in Amesbury, — 1. Anna, b. April 5, 1760 ; m. Hezekiah Blaisdell, and went to Sut ton. 2. Moses, b. April 22, 1762; d. in infancy. 3. Nicholas, b. June 21, 1764 ; d. in infancy. 4. Dorothy, b. Oct. 14, 1766 ; m. Joseph Greeley : went to Sutton. 5. Betsey, b. April 1, 1769 ; m. Thomas Sargent. 6. Christopher, b. Oct. 24, 1771 ; m. Jane Patten. 7. Rhoda, b. Feb. 4, 1774 ; m. Jacob Harvey : went to Sutton. 8. Sarah, b. July 12, 1776 ; d. Aug. 23, 1796. 9. Stephen, b. Dec. 1, 1778. 10. Moses, b. May 9, 1781 ; d. in infancy. 11. PoUy, b. Feb." 21, 1784; m. Joseph Harvey: lived in Carmel, Me., and had six children, viz., — Hannah, Ann, John, Mary, Joseph, and Sally. 950 HISTORY OF SUTTON. 5. Betsey Sargent m. Thomas Sargent, and had eight chUdren, of whom Betsey, b. March 7, 1791, m. Jacob Worthen, in Amesbury, and removed to New London. She d. Dec. 31, 1823. ChUdren,— a. Albert S., b. Jan. 21, 1812 ; d. May 12, 1885. b. Thomas, b. 1819 ; d. aged about 58 , m. Betsey Roby, of Spring field. No children. a. Albert S. Worthen m. Sally Abbott. Children, b. in New Lon don, — Lorenzo b. Nov. 12, 1834. Jerome B., b. May 14, 1837. Betsey R., b. Feb. 26, 1840 ; m. Nov. 28, 1860, John Pressey, of Sutton. Eugene B., b. Aug. 21, 1846. Maryette, b. Jan. 2, 1849. Ai, b. AprU 25, 1851. Byron, b. June 3, 1853. Cora E., b. AprU 1, 1855. Jacob N., b. Dec. 9, 1857 ; d. AprU 8, 1859. By reviewing the foregoing record of Sargent ancestry, it will be seen that a great many Sutton people and their issue are the descendants of Christopher Sargent, Esq., of Amesbury, viz., the wife and all the descendants of Heze kiah Blaisdell, Sr., the same of Dea. Joseph Greeley, the same of Jacob Harvey, and also the same of the wife and chUdren of John Pressey of North Sutton. A brief sketch of their ancestor, who was, in his long life, a very eminent man, will not be out of place here. Christopher Sargent, Esq., d. Nov. 10, 1830, being more than 90 years of age. He was son of Moses and Sarah (Bagley) Sargent, b. May 18, 1740. WUUam Sargent, the immigrant, was his great-grandfather. For nearly half a century he was a very prominent man, holding all the offices in the gift of the people. He spent his life in Ames bury, where he was first chosen selectman in 1771, and subsequently served the town in that capacity for thirteen years, his last term being in 1813. He was representative fourteen years and town-clerk nine years. During the Revolutionary struggle he was one of the few who directed pubUc affairs, and gave his whole great influence to the cause of freedom. He not only managed his large farm, but as a justice of the peace. wrote deeds and wills, settled GENEALOGY. 951 estates, and performed many other duties which were con nected with the office in those days." (From Merrill's History of Amesbury.) He was the great grandfather of the compUer of this history of Sutton, who is the fortunate possessor of his justice of peace commission, signed by John Haacock, and the signature looks very much as the same name does on the most important document connected with our national history, — the Declaration of Independence. Esquire Sargent's faculties held out wonderfully till the very last of his life. For several weeks before his death he had driven out daily in his chaise, making calls on all his friends, and bidding them what he assured them was a last good-bye, though he was to appearance as well as usual. One Sunday morning he was, according to his custom, winding up his eight-day clock, and, turning around to de scend from the chair he was standing on, became dizzy and fell. His son, who was present, ran to him, placed him on the bed, called for help, and was hastening to summon a doctor, but the father called him back. " No doctor," he said, " can reach my case. The wheels of nature are stop ping for me, and can never be -wound up again like that clock." And so it proved : the clock he had set going was doing duty several days after he ceased to breathe. The mother of Christopher Sargent, Sarah (Bagley) Sar gent, lived to the age of 93. Her pedigree is as follows : Or lando Bagley, 1st, m. March 6, 1634, Sarah, dau. of Anthony Colby ; and their son, Orlando Bagley, 2d, m. Dec. 22, 1681, Sarah, dau. of William Sargent, 1st. Their son, Orlando Bagley, 3d, m. Feb. 19, 1705, Dorothy Harvey, dau. of John and Sarah (Barnes) Harvey, b. probably in 1686. She d. Jan. 2, 1757, and her husband, Orlando Bagley, 3d, d. May 2, 1756. Sarah Bagley, who m. Moses Sargent, was their dau. The wife of Christopher Sargent was Anna, dau. of Capt. Robert Sargent, of whom the History of Amesbury says, — " Capt. Robert Sargent d. Jan. 28, 1808, in the 92d year of 952 HISTORY OF SUTTON. his age, being born in 1716. He was a man of some note, having held a commission in the militia for some years, and served the town in various offices as selectman, etc. His pedigree is as follows: (William, Thomas, John) John was b. May 18, 1692; d. May 19, 1762; m. Jan. 12, 1713-'14, Hannah Quimby. They had six children, of whom Robert, b. 1716, m., about 1740, Anna Coffin, of West Newbury, a descendant of Tristram Coffin. Their dau., Anna, who m. Christopher Sargent, Esq., was b. Aug. 29, 1741. She was a second cousin to her husband. [Some of the descendants of William, 2d son of William 1st.] WiUiam, third chUd of WiUiam 1st, m. Sept. 23, 1668, Mary, dau. of Anthony Colby. They had five sons and perhaps more children, of whom Philip, b. Aug. 12, 1672, m. Mary . They had ten children, of whom Philip, b. AprU 7, 1703, m. July 23, 1724, Martha Hadley. They had ten children, viz, — Martha, b. July 14, 1726. Rachel, b. March 22, 1727. Margaret, b. March 15, 1729. PhUip, b. May 9, 1731. Removed to Kingston, and later to Weare ; d. March 3, 1809. Abel, b. AprU 10, 1734 ; m. Susan Hadley ; Uved in Dunbarton ; ten chUdren. Samuel, b. Oct. 10, 1737. Removed to Kingston. Dorothy, b. Sept. 12, 1740. Noah, b. July 4, 1743. Sarah, b. Dec. 3, 1746. Jesse, b. Jan. 16, 1749 ; dropped dead in the road : never mar ried. Samuel Sargent m. May 19, 1757, Sarah Kendrick, of Amesbury, and removed to Kingston soon afterward, where was born, 1763, their dau., Sarah Sargent, who became the wife of Micajah Pillsbury, and later removed to Sutton. Of the above chUdren of Philip and Martha Hadley, the GENEALOGY. 953 fourth one, Philip, m. Hannah Hadley, b. 1838 ; d. Jan. 25, 1811. ChUdren,— I. Ebenezer, m. Esther Quimby, by whom he had several chil- ren. She d., and he m., 2d, Phebe Flanders, by whom he had four sons and three daughters. He lived in New London, but removed when his chUdren were quite young to Orange, Vt., where he lived about 20 years, when he removed to Chautauqua, N. Y., where he resided tiU his death, near the close of the last century. He had by both wives thirteen chUdren. He served in the Revolutionary war, and in his last years received a pension. II. Philip lived a while in Sutton, but sold out, and went, per haps, to Orange, Vt. in. Joseph, b. 1760 ; m. ; d. in Vermont, 1813. IV. Hannah, b. 1761, in Kingston ; d. Nov. 8, 1827 : m. Mat thew Harvey, and came to Sutton -with him and reared their f amUy, whose record is given in the Harvey genealogy. Mr. Harvey d. 1799, and she m., 2d, 1804, Thomas Bailey, Esq., of Hopkinton. They had one son, John Milton Bailey, b. April 17, 1806 ; d. Jan. 18, 1886 : m. AprU 9, 1827, Lucy P. KnowUon, b. in Hopkinton, March 20, 1808. Children born in Hopkinton : 1, George Harvey BaUey, b. July 14, 1829 ; d. Aug. 1, 1883 : m. Oct. 15, 1860, Helen Young, of New Albion, N. Y., who d. Aug. 1884, aged 52. 2. Frederick Harvey Bailey, b. in Hopkinton, Sept. 18, 1832 : m. Sept. 10, 1856, LoviUa G. Jones, of Washington, who d. in Chicago, Sept. 20, 1868, aged 36. Children, born in Chicago, — (1) Lucy Eliza, b. July 2, 1857 ; d. Jan. 23, 1863. (2) Frank Milton, b. Oct. 14, 1863. (3) Robert RoUo, b. Jan. 9, 1866. Frederick Harvey Bailey m., 2d, Jan. 1, 1885, Sarah Maria Knowl ton ; residence, Hopkinton. V. Robert, b. ; lived in Tunbridge, Vt. VI. Sarah, b. ; m. Brigham : went to Canada West. VII. Rachel, b. 1770 ; d. June 4, 1838 : m. KimbaU, and had children, — 1. Miriam. 2. Polly m. Thomas Wadleigh (3d wife). 3. PhUip Sargent m. Priscilla Mclntyre, and had a son, George, d. in infancy, and Augusta H., b. about 1840. VIIL Jane, b. 1773 ; d. March 26, 1864 : m. Jonathan Eaton, of Sutton ; m., 2d, John Sargent (2d wife). 954 HISTORY OF SUTTON. IX. Martha, b. 1776 ; d. Aug. 9, 1861 : m. Samuel Kezar, of Sutton. X. EUzabeth, b. ; d. 1866 : m. Peter Sargent, of New London. XI. Miriam, b. ; m. TrusseU, of New London. She had no children, but her husband had by former marriage two sons, — John and Joseph; the latter m. Helen M., dau. of Samuel and Martha (Sargent) Kezar. xn. Samuel, b. Feb. 25, 1779 ; d. June 11, 1837 : m. EUzabeth Burpee ; Uved in Weare. SAVARY. Daniel Savary came from Amesbury to Sutton, and set tled in the south-west part of the town, near Newbury, where he lived many years, and until his death, at an advanced age. His -wife was Lois Goodwin, of Amesbury, and they had several children, most of whom were born in this town. Mr. Savary was possessed of many excellent qualities, — industry, honesty, and sobriety, — by means of which he brought up his family in comfort and honor, and also brought up an orphan boy, named Reuell Noyes, who after wards became a school-teacher and a Universalist clergy man. Four daughters of Mr. Savary married and lived in Sut ton, viz., — Lois m. Nathan Burpee, Jan. 3, 1825. SaUy m. James Russell. Hannah m. Harris Burpee. Rhoda m. John Nelson. Mary m. Samuel Simons, of Newbury. John Savary, whose name is found on the list of new tax-payers between 1810 and 1820, was son of Samuel Savary and Elizabeth (Sargent), his wife. They were res idents in the Gore at the time of the great tornado, and the father, Mr. Samuel Savary, was kUled. Daniel Savary, of Kearsarge Gore, m. Mary Straw, of Salisbury, March, 1813. GENEALOGY. 955 SAWYER. Theodore Sawyer, son of Benjamin and Rebecca Sawyer, was b. in Methuen, Mass., June 30, 1793. He came to Warner with his parents when he was eleven years old, and lived there until April 1, 1857, when he came to Sut ton, and lived at the Rowell tavern stand till his death, at the age of 88 years. Two sons survive him, N. B. Sawyer, of Cherryvale, Kan., and J. B. Sawyer, who became successor to his father's estate, and now lives there. He was b. in Warner, Jan. 19, 1836 ; m. Lucy Ann Richards, formerly of Newport, Nov. 29, 1860. She was b. Feb. 5, 1845. Sylvanus Richards, b. March 4, 1811, m. Clarissa, dau. of Dea. Elnathan Hurd. She was b. Qct. 17, 1817. Their chUdren were Charles E. and Lucy Ann, who m. James B. Sawyer, of Sutton. The children of James B. and Lucy Ann Sawyer are, — Elmer E., b. AprU 17, 1862. Charies E., b. Oct. 13, 1864. Fred A., b. Aug. 27, 1872. Mary EUa, b. March 11, 1874. Elmer E. "Sawyer obtained a good education, enjoyingthe advan tages of a good district school, and also was a student of Simonds Free High School, Warner, from which he graduated June, 1883. In Aug., 1884, he entered Bates coUege, at Lewiston, Me., as a student, pursuing his studies with determined purpose, teaching school during vacations to help pay expenses, having taught the high school at Topsham, Me., two terms -with exceUent success, and many other schools in Maine and New Hampshire. He grad uated from coUege June, 1888. 956 HISTORY OF SUTTON. SHATTUCK. Europe Shattuck, b. Jan. 1, 1809 ; d. Dec. 11, 1839 : m. Oct. 30, 1834, Olive Holmes, of Hopkinton, b. July 9, 1812 ; d. Nov. 1, 1880, in Sutton. Children,— I. Moses C, b. Oct. 7, 1835 ; m. Sept., 1872, Jennie Abbott, who d. July 8, 1887. II. Martm Van Buren, b. March 13, 1837. III. Proctor, b. Sept. 3, 1838 ; d. June 21, 1839. Europe Shattuck came into this town from BrookUne, on his marriage. He owned and occupied the farm next to the Burpee place, in South Sutton, which was formerly the Dea. Greeley farm. The parents of Mr. Shattuck had four sons, all born in Brookline, and also two daughters. The sons. were named Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. After the death of her husband Mrs. Olive Shattuck be came the wife of Dr. Dimond Davis, and m., 3d, Erastus Wadleigh, Esq. II. Martin V. B. Shattuck m. Sept. 30, 1856, Deborah EUzabeth, dau. of Rev. David Moody, b. Jan. 10, 1838 ; d. Nov. 18, 1877. Children, — 1. Walter, b. July, 1857; d. young. 2. Sarah Olive, b. Sept. 1, 1858 ; d. June 16, 1865. 3. George Meade, b. July, 1863. 4. Grace M., b. April, 1865 ; m., 1882, Fred H. Keyser. ChUd,— (1) Herbert Fred, b. 1883. Martm V. B. Shattuck m., 2d, Feb., 1879, Antha M. CiUey. SIMONS. Ebenezer Simons m. EUzabeth Steel, Jan. 1, 1794. Chil dren, born in Sutton, — I. Enoch, b. Sept. 1795 ; m. Mary Grant, and removed to Spring field. II. John, b. March 16, 1797. III. Betsey, b. May, 1799; m. John PhUbrook, of Sutton. IV. Hannah, b. March, 1801 ; m. Mr. Evans, of HaverhiU, Mass. V. FrankUn, b. March, 1803. GENEALOGY. 957 VI. Daniel, b. March, 1805. VII. Bartlett, b. March, 1807. VIIL James, b. June, 1809 ; d. November, 1824. IX. Ebenezer, b. March, 1811. X. Thirza, b. March, 1813 ; d. May 23, 1879. XI. Lucinda, b. March, 1815. XII. Sabrina, b. May, 1817 ; d. 1837. Ebenezer Simons d. aged 95 years. His wife Elizabeth (Steele) d. aged 105 years. They came from Weare to this town, and settled first in a log-house near the small pond that bears their name. Later, they built a frame house on the hill, where they spent the remainder of their lives, and where some of their descendants have lived. This farm is now owned and occupied by Peter Sawyer. V. FrankUn Simons never married. He went to New York to work, and died there, in middle life. VI. Daniel Simons went to LoweU to work when a young man, and there married Lucy Grant. VII. Bartlett Simons also went to Lowell, and there married Jane Grant, sister to Daniel's wife. Both brothers had large fam Uies, and lived and die.d in LoweU, both at an advanced age. VIII. James Simons died when young, the first death in this large famUy. He was always a feeble child. IX. Ebenezer Simons went to Haverhill, Mass., and there mar ried a Miss Green of that city. XI. Lucinda Simons went to Haverhill with her brother, and later to Boston, where she lived many years, and died there un married. XII. Sabrina Simons went to New York, where her brother was in business, and there died very suddenly, being about 20 years of age. II. John Simons, of Sutton, m. Jan. 10, 1824, PoUy Swett, of Warner, dau. of John and Eunice (Presby) Swett. ChUd, — 1. Warren H. Simons, b. March 16, 1825, in Warner. Mrs. PoUy Swett d. Nov. 21, 1881, m Sutton. John Simons lived in Sutton tiU he was twenty-five years of age ; then in Warner for five years ; moved to Newport, and there lived fifteen years ; moved to Springfield, and there Uved twenty years ; then returned to Sutton, where he has since lived, and at the ag& 958 HISTORY OF SUTTON. of 92 years has given this record from memory -with remarkable correctness as to dates. Mr. Simons has been farmer and drover, and whUe a young man was often employed upon stone-work, such as bridge abutments, miU-dams and sluice-ways, and double-faced walls ; especiaUy while Uving in Newport he was able to command extra pay for the superior quaUty of his work. As a rule, great length of days on earth is not to be desired. Extreme old age is very often accompanied by much that is un pleasant, — feebleness or even helplessness of body, loss of faculty and memory, failure of the organs of sight and hearing, and conse quent increasing dulness of perception, — making association and conversation -with the unfortunate old man or woman very tiresome and disagreeable for others. In the case of Mr. Simons, however, none of these unpleasant conditions seem to attach to his old age. When the present writer last saw him, which was in the autumn of 1888, he was erect in person, and stiU able to do useful work if occasion caUed for it, tidy in his dress, and with the deportment of a gentleman, sight and hearing good, and ready and agreeable in conversation. It seemed almost as if his life had been thus weU preserved and prolonged for the sole purpose of encouraging those feeling themselves foredoomed to extreme longevity, by exhibiting in this one individual all the pleasant and desirable possibUities of old age. 1. Warren H. Simons, of Sutton, m. June 8, 1852, Eliza Ann Worth, of Concord, dau. of James and Eliza Ann (Langmaid) Worth. Chil dren, — (1) Florence, b. AprU 23, 1854, in Sutton. (2) Fred L., b. Dec. 4, 1856, in Springfield. Warren H. Simons was a soldier in the late war. He was for several years employed in the mills at Suncook. He returned to Sutton about 1880, and his present residence is near Mill ViUage. (1) Florence Simons m. Fred L. Pratt, of Suncook, Jan. 23, 1874. (2) Fred L. Simons m. Olive Gilbert, of Suncook, March 29, 1883. Children, — Natt, b. Dec. 11, 1883, in Suncook. Don, b. Sept. 6, 1885, in Sutton. X. Thirza Simons m. Asa Sargent, of Bradford. ChUdren, born in Sutton, — 1. Eliza A. 2. John S. 4. James S. 4. Hannah. 5. Sabrina S. 6. Merantha. 7. Clarissa A. GENEALOGY. 959 Asa Sargent and famUy Uved upon the Simons farm, and cared for the aged parents. Mrs. Sargent died May 23, 1879, and her husband returned to Bradford, and m. a 2d -wife. SMITH. Moses Smith, b. July 5, 1780; d. July 15, 1852: m. April 24, 1801, DrusiUa Smart, b. 1782; d. May, 1809. Children, — I. Ethan, b. 1801 ; d. . II. Clarissa, b. Nov. 26, 1803 ; m. Caleb Smart : 5 ch. III. Mary F., \ Dec. 30, 1805 ; m. June 1, 1822, Reuben Bean : 12 chUdren. [See Bean.J Moses Smith m., 2d, Sept., 1811, Tryphena Parker, dau. of Hezekiah Parker, Sr., b. Aug. 19, 1783 ; d. Dec. 18, 1834. Children,— IV. DrusUla, b. Nov. 29, 1812 ; d. March 1, 1881. V. Almira, b. Sept. 23, 1814 ; m. Dec. 29, 1840, Levi Cheney. [See same.j VI. Gibnan, b. Sept. 20, 1816. VII. Samuel N., b. June 19, 1819 ; m. Mrs. SaUy Colby. He m., 2d, Lucy . Vni. Harriet N., b. June 19, 1819. IX. RosweU M., b. May 10, 1821. X. Rhoda, b. AprU 24, 1825. IV. DrusiUa Smith m. Jeremiah Phelps, who d. Oct. 11, 1842. ChUdren, — 1. Alonzo, b. July, 1836 ; m., 1st, Janette Whitney. ChUd, — (1) Walter. He m., 2d, Mrs. EUen M. (Bean) Holton. [See Bean.] 2. CaroUne M., b. 1841 ; d. AprU 14, 1876 : m. July 18, 1863, John M. Frasier. Mrs. DrusUla (Smith) Phelps m., 2d, June 15, 1843, James French, who d. , and she m., 3d, Oct. 31, 1848, Calvin Rowe, who d. Oct. 7, 1863. IX. RosweU M. Smith m. Oct. 7, 1849, Martha L. Barnes. ChUdren, — 960 HISTORY OF SUTTON. 1. Walter P., b. Oct. 12, 1850. 2. Howard L., b. July 25, 1852. 3. Olive A., b. May 30, 1855. 4. Mary, b. June 27, 1858. 5. Mattie, b. June 27, 1858. 6. Lora L., b. Jan. 16, 1860 ; m. Newton Champlin. 7. Harriet J., b. Oct. 16, 1862 ; m. John Higby. Children,— (1) Earie. (2) Eddie. 8. Chester L., b. July 19, 1867. 1. Walter P. Smith m. Mary Skean. Children,— (1) Mabel. (2) Elva. (3) Roger. 4. Mary Smith m. John Mills. Child, — (1) Maud. 5. Mattie Smith m. Frank Breemer. Child, — (1) Ethel. Moses Smith m., 3d, March 17, 1836, Deborah Wadleigh, b. July 6, 1782 ; d. Sept. 25, 1843. Daniel Smith, of Bradford, b. AprU 10, 1803 ; d. July 11, 1874, in Sutton ; m. April 24, 1827, Susan, dau. of John and Olive (Bailey) Peaslee, of Suttou. Child, — I. Amos H., b. March 14, 1821. Mrs. Smith d. June 2, 1834, and her husband m., 2d, July 9, 1839, Mrs. Miriam (BuzzeU) BuzzeU, dau. of .lames and Mehitabel (Tarbox) BuzzeU, who d. Dec. 31, 1867, in Sutton. ChUd,— II. Edgar W., b. Sept. 13, 1840. Daniel Smith came to Sutton a young man, purchased the Joseph Youring farm, and was a highly respected cit izen of this town. His father, Amos Smith, came from Londonderry to Bradford, and was one of the early settlers of that to-wn. I. Amos H. Smith m. Nov. 16, 1852, EUza Jane Mastin, of Sut ton, dau. of Daniel and Roxana (GUe) Mastin, who d. Dec. 16, 1869, in Sutton. No chUdren. GENEALOGY. 961 II. Edgar W. Smith m. Dec. 25, 1871, Sarah Jane Couch, of Sut ton, dau. of Daniel and Mary A. (Da-vis) Couch. Child, — 1. Kate Miriam, b. in Sutton Oct. 27, 1872. Present residence of Edgar W. Smith, Bradford. He is a jew- eUer by trade. SPAULDING. The pedigree line of the Spauldings is as follows : Edward came to this country in 1630 or 1634, settled in Braintree, Mass. Edward, his son, removed to Chelmsford, Mass., in 1654, where he d. 1670. Ebenezer, son of the 2d Edward, removed to Nottingham West (Hudson), and his son, Stephen, also resided in that town. Ebenezer, son of Stephen, b. in Nottingham West March 27, 1750, removed to Lempster about 1772, and m. Amy Roundy, who was b, in Windham, Conn., March 29, 1759, and d. Juue 8, 1859, aged 100 years, 2 months, 10 days. She was m. at the age of 17, lived in Lempster and in Washington, and had ten- children, of whom Ebenezer, b. in Lempster, Sept. 12, 1789 ; m. March 25, 1813, Esther, dau. of Dea. William and Lucy (Wheeler) Graves, of Washington, b. AprU 1, 1793 ; d. in Sutton AprU 2, 1881. He d. in Sutton April 22, 1862. They resided in Bradford, and for many years in Sutton. ChUdren, — I. Chester P., b. in Washington, Aug. 4, 1814; m. Aug. 24, 1837, Betsey D. Sanborn, and lived in Sutton and Andover, and in Newport, Vt. He was a soldier in the last war. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, except the last, — she in Andover, — 1. Elizabeth, b. May 30, 1839. 2. WiUiam H., b. Sept. 16, 1841. 3. Charles W., b. July 20, 1843. 4. George E., b. May 17, 1845. 5. Ann E., b. AprU 5, 1847. 6. Helen, b. July 10, 1851. II. Sarah A., b. Oct. 13, 1817, in Bradford, III. Louisa, b. Jan., 1821, in Bradford. IV. RosweU L., b. Jan. 30, 1822, in Bradford ; m. Eunice Har vey, of Warner. Children, — one son and one daughter. 61 962 HISTORY OF SUTTON". V. Harriet N., b. June 4, 1830, in Sutton ; m. Jan. 7, 1850, Robert B. Roby, of Sutton. [See same.j II. Sarah A. Spaulding m. Dec. 28, 1837, John Mattingly, Jr., of Sutton. She d. July 2, 1848. ChUdren, b. in Sutton,— 1. Esther A., b. Jan. 14, 1839 ; d. June 2, same year. 2. Alfred S., b. May 12, 1842. 3. Joseph P., b. Aug. 6, 1844; d. Sept. 9, 1846. STEVENS. Ensign Phineas Stevens came from Hampstead to Sutton in 1772. He was a man of great bodily strength, very stout and laborious, and much in the habit of carrying heavy loads upon his shoulders. In this way he conveyed the boards to cover his barn more than a mile, through the woods, and up a steep hill much of the way. He gained property, and brought up a large family, and was much respected as a citizen and neighbor. In the latter part of his life he was much afflicted with rheumatism, a natural result, it . may be supposed, of his taxing his strength so severely in his earlier years. He, however, lived to the age of 90 years. He was b. 1752 ; d. May 2, 1742, in Sutton. He lived in the south part of the town. Phineas Stevens m. Mehitabel, dau. of Benjamin and Sarah (Chute) Philbrook, of Hampstead. Children, b. in Sutton, — I. Asa, m. about 1801, Lydia Heath. Children, — 1. Ruth, b. July 19, 1802. 2. Sukey, b. AprU 13, 1804 ; d. Nov. 19, 1804. 3. Hulda, b. Aug. 19, 1805. 4. Asa, b. June 4, 1807. 5. Phebe. Some other children, names not known, are buried in the South graveyard. Later this family removed to Rochester, Vt. II. Benjamin, m. June 24, 1866, Alice RusseU. [See Russell.J III. Mehitabel, m. AprU 10, 1805, Joseph Roby. [See Roby.J IV. Sarah, m. Sept. 22, 1807, Joel Waldron, of Warner. V. PMneas. He went to Maine. GENEALOGY. 963 VL Joseph. He went to Maine. VII. Susan, m. Feb. 8. 1815, Ebenezer Hunting, and went to Maine. VIIL Betsey, m. John Pearsons, and removed to Maine. IX. DoUy, m. May 13, 1813, Joseph Roby. [See Roby.J X. Oliver. He went to Maine. XI. James, m. May 14, 1812, AbigaU Roby ; d. May 4, 1851. [See Roby.J XII. John and two babes, names not known, died with putrid sore throat when it raged here. Mrs. Mehitabel (Philbrook) Stevens d. Oct. 27, 1812, and her husband m., 2d, Jan. 13, 1814, Mrs. Dorothy (Stev ens) Chase, of Sutton, who d. Nov. 17, 1841. xn. John Stevens m. Dec. 26, 1815, Lydia, dau. of Aaron and Dorothy (Stevens) Chase. Children, b. in Sutton, — 1. Lucy Maria, b, 1818. 2. Sanford P., m. Julie, dau. of Daniel and Mary Littlehale Chase. Children, — (1) Ariand. (2) Mary. (3) Julie. This family went to Maine. Jonathan Stevens came to Sutton in 1770, and settled, first, on the Littlehale place, where was born, Sept. 12, 1779, their dau., who be came the wife of Jacob Osgood, of Warner, and was the first native centenarian of Sutton. Jonathan Stevens and wife had a large family, among their sons being Wadleigh and Tristam. Jonathan Stevens and wiie lived some time in Warner, and many years in the east part of Sutton. They both died here about 1840, within a few days of each other, he aged 97 and his wife 96 years, being, with one exception, the oldest couple that have ever died in this town. Stevens's brook was named for Jonathan Stevens. He is supposed to be a brother to Phineas Stevens. 964 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Simeon Stevens, who m. Diantha Bean, and lived some years in Sutton, was of Newbury. [See Bean.] Their son, Frank Stevens, served in the late war. TAYLOR. Capt. James Taylor, an early settler, m. Ann Corning, of Beverly, Mass., had two daughters, and four sons who became clergymen. [See "Elder William Taylor."] WILLIAM THISTLE, or THISSELL, Moved into Sutton from Newbury, and lived upon the Europe Shattuck farm several years ; then moved to Mill Village, living in the house now owned and occupied by David Bagley. He sold out there, and removed to Dan bury, where he died. He m. Priscilla Atwood. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — Harriet Maria H., b. April 29, 1832. Louisa P., b. June 18, 1834 ; m. Maloon, in Salem, Mass. Adeline A., b. Sept. 23, 1836. Albert Dexter, b. June 19, 1843. Norris WiUiam, b. Jan. 29, 1846. Harvey D., b. May 8, 1861. TILTON. Josiah Tilton, b. Jan. 7, 1799 ; d. Sept. 10, 1885, in Sut ton : m. AprU 24, 1823, Dorothy Smith, b. AprU 20, 1795 ; d. AprU 19, 1878, in Sutton. ChUdren,- Josiah, b. March 10, 1824. Harriet, b. July 31, 1825. Dorothy S., b. Jan. 12, 1827. Mary, b. Sept. 9, 1829. George W., b. March 10, 1831. GENEALOGY. 965 TODD. The brothers, Nathaniel and William, are named in another part of this book. They were people of refined taste, good intellect, and attractive social qualities, and always considered very honorable in their dealings. It was a loss to the town when they moved out of it. Nathaniel removed to Newport, and later to New London. While living here, four of his chUdren died of scarlet fever in four weeks. Contagious diseases have at times made terrible havoc in some famUies in this town, especially diphtheria. It was remarkable that when it raged here in the winter of 1862-63, fifteen of the name and family of Hart died of it. The children of William Todd were, — Frederick, who was for some years in business in Manchester, where he died a young man ; Hiram, who was in trade at Wilmot Flat, and died there about 1864 ; Nathaniel, who settled in New London ; Emmeline, who m. Shepherd, died rather young ; and Mary Jane, who was the last to reside with the parents on the homestead before they left town. TOWLE. Isaac Towle came from Epsom to Sutton a little previous to 1840. He was a farmer, an industrious, exemplary, use ful man, esteemed by all classes of people, and had a very respectable family. He was b. Oct. 17, 1794; d. 1884, in Sutton : m. 1818, Rebecca Locke, b. 1798 ; d. 1879. Chil dren, — I. James, b. Aug. 28, 1820 ; d. Nov. 19, same year. II. James M., b. Nov. 14, 1821 ; m. May 25, 1862, Jane Mc- Clure. One child, — Frank. IIL Henry, b. Oct. 9, 1823; m. Jan. 10, 1849, Mary Ann McCriUis. ChUdren, — 1. George H. 2. Edgar D. S. Perry. 966 HISTORY OF SUTTON. IV. Horace E., b. Dec. 16, 1826 ; m. AprU 3, 1862, Susan M. DaUy. ChUdren, — 1. EUa. 2. Corliss. 3. Susan. 4. Hattie. 5. Lizzie. 6. Bert. V. Rodney, b. March 24, 1827 ; d. July, same year. VI. Charles, b. Sept. 23, 1828 ; died. vn. Almira J., b. Oct. 18, 1829; m. Oct. 21, 1852, Cyrus French, of Sutton. Children, b. in Sutton, — 1. Jennie F., m. Charles Emmons. Children, — (1) Carrie E. (2) Edith A. (3) John C. 2. Andrew C, m. Addie E. Bean. 3. Lizzie M., m. Arthur A. Clark. VIIL George, b. June 7, 1831 ; d. Nov. 26, 1836. IX. Charies A., b. June 14, 1833 ; d. Aug. 18, 1870 : m. Dec. 1, 1854, Maria Skates. Children, — 1. Charles F. 2. WUUam. 3. Fred C. X. Mary Ann, b. July 28, 1834 ; d. Oct. 8, 1834. XI. Mary Ann, b. Aug. 1, 1836 ; m. Nov. 15, 1860, Robert Ford. Children, — 1. Alice R. 2. Arthur R. 3. Ida L. 4. Charles P. XII. Albert, b. Jan. 8, 1837; m. March 12, 1862, Annie E. Rymes. ChUdren, — 1. WiUie. 2. Annie. 3. Mabel. XIII. EUen M., b. April 1, 1839 ; m. Feb. 11, 1863, WiUiam B. FeUows. Children, — 1. Annie G. 2. WiUie F. 3. Jennie. 4. Ina. XIV. EUzabeth, b. Apr. 26, 1840 ; m. 1862, John F. Chadwick. She died. XV. George, b. Dec. 17, 1841; m. Feb. 20, 1867, Mary J. MacFarland. XVI. WUliam Perry, b. Oct. 28, 1843 ; d. in the army, July 13, 1863. GENEALOGY. 967 WADLEIGH. The father of the Wadleighs, who settled in this town, was Thomas, a resident of Hampstead, who became a pro prietor by the purchase of a right, and perhaps of more than one right. As a consequence he was interested in the affairs of Perrystown, and resided here occasionally. His name occurs frequently in the Proprietors' Book of Rec ords, in connection with matters relating to the interests of the town. From this record, as well as from some other known facts, it is natural to infer that he was possessed of much practical ability, good sense, and sound judgment. He was also a man of giant strength. It is related of him that on one occasion himself and two other men were about to lift a heavy log, he taking the small end, and the other two men the butt end. They could not, however, succeed in raising the log till they changed ends, he taking the butt- end and the two other men taking the small end, and in this way the log was lifted. He was out in the "last French and Indian War," returning from his last campaign in 1759. This Thomas Wadleigh was the father of nine sons and three daughters, born probably in Hampstead. Their names, with date of birth as nearly as they could be ob tained from records, or from other known facts, are here given : Benjamin, b. 1749 ; d. Aug. 9, 1817 : m. Hannah Kezar. Jonathan, b. 1751 ; m., 1st, Miles, who d. in 1779 ; he m., 2d, in 1795, Mrs. Susanna (RusseU) Little. Joseph, b. 1763 ; m. Betsey IngaUs, and had a large family, and removed to New York. Thomas, b. March 29, 1755 ; d. Feb. 26, 1827 : m. Miriam Atwood, who was b. Jan. 18, 1763, and d. 1843. John, b. 1766. He was living with the Shakers at Canterbury m 1848, then aged 92. Judith, b. 1758 ; m. Moses Atwood, of HiU. 968 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Betsey, b. 1760 ; m. John Kent, of Canterbury ; she m., 2d, Lovering, of Loudon. She d. aged 75. Moses, b. 1763 ; m. in 1790, EUzabeth Dow : d. 1839. Aaron, b. 1769 ; d. in Starksborough, Vt., in 1848. Ephraim, b. March 8, 1770 ; m. Aug. 30, 1793, Alice Little. He d. in 1852, aged 82. Henry, b. 1773 ; m. Stevens. Susanna, b. 1774 ; d. April 20, 1848 : m. Benjamin Evans. The following concerning Aaron Wadleigh was found in a note-book written by his niece, the wife of Hon. Jonathan Harvey : " May 19, 1846. Then my uncle, Aaron Wadleigh, started from Starksborough, Vt., and came to N. H. and made aU of his friends a visit, and left Sutton June 30. He travelled aU the way on foot, aged 77." Ephraim Wadleigh, with his wife, Alice (Little), re moved to Hatley, Canada, in 1801, where he d. Jan. 30, 1852, and she d. Feb. 21, of same year. She was sister to Dea. Ezekiel Little. Children, — Samuel, b. Jan. 17, 1794 ; m. Polly Marsh. He m., 2d, Polly Evans. Betsey, b. Oct. 7, 1796 ; m. Moses Coburn. Mary, b. Dec. 20, 1798 ; m. Nathaniel Batchelder. Taylor, b. Dec. 8, 1799 ; m. Melinda Hovey. Thomas, b. AprU 16, 1802 ; m. Hannah N. Little. Ruth, b. Sept. 13. 1806 ; m. Thomas Paradis : 1 child. Roxana, b. May 16, 1808 ; m. Chauncey Kezar. Luke, b. Aug. 10, 1810 ; m. Phebe RoweU. Thomas Wadleigh m. his cousin, Hannah N., dau. of Dea. Eze kiel Little. She was b. March 20, 1808, and d. Sept. 21, 1879. He d. Sept. 4, 1860 : 6 children. Benjamin Wadleigh, Sr., m. 1769, Hannah Kezar, b. 1750, d. 1836. Children,— I. Mehitabel, b. March 4, 1770, in Hampstead; d. Dec. 8, 1846, in Sutton : m. Dec. 30, 1793, Jonathan Carr or Karr, of Canaan. ChUdren, — GENEALOGY. 969 1. Sally, b. June 14, 1794 ; d. July 3, 1796. 2. Daniel, b. Jan. 11, 1796 ; d. AprU 11, 1797. n. Hannah, b. Sept. 6, 1772 ; d. AprU 11, 1841 : m. Dec. 29, 1796, Joseph Bean. Children, — 1. Daniel, b. Nov. 2, 1797 ; m. Clarissa Pressey. 2. WiUiam, b. Nov. 8, 1800; m. Jane McQuesten. [See Bean.] 3. Hannah, b. July 27, 1808 ; m. Winthrop Pressey. [For children of Daniel Bean and Hannah Bean, see Pressey.] ni. Dolly, b. Feb. 8, 1775 ; d. Nov. 19, 1797. IV. Jesse, b. Jan. 6, 1777 ; m. Lucy Turner. Removed to Canada 1798. V. Eliphalet, b. April 19, 1779 ; d. March 4, 1780. VI. John, b. July 10, 1781 ; d. AprU 29, 1843 : m. Judith Em ery. She d. 1859. Removed to Canada 1798. VII. Benjamin, b. Oct. 8, 1783 ; d. June 24, 1864. VIIL Eliphalet, b. July 26, 1786 ; d. March 19, 1787. IX. Judith, b. ; m. Ebenezer Towle. Removed to Canada. X. SUnon, b. AprU 15, 1789 ; d. April 21, 1798. XI. Ebenezer, b. May 1, 1791 ; d. Dec. 16, 1791. XII. Susanna, b. March 23, 1793 ; d. May 2, 1876 : m. John PiUsbury. [See PiUsbury.J I) VII. Benjamin Wadleigh m. Aug. 21, 1803, PoUy Mastin, dau. of Jacob Mastin, Sr. ChUdren, — 1. David, d. in infancy. 2. Eliphalet, b. Nov. 22, 1804 ; in. Ruth M. Pressey. 3. Luther, b. July 11, 1806 ; d. July 25, 1873. 4. Erastus, b. AprU 27, 1808 ; d. May 21, 1881. 5. Milton, b. Feb. 13, 1810. 6. Amanda, b. Dec. 18, 1811 ; d. in infancy. 7. Hannah, b. Nov. 22, 1814 ; d. Nov. 8, 1853 ; m. Col. Nathaniel A. Davis. [See Davis.] 8. Lydia F., b. Feb. 8, 1817 ; d. Oct., 1888. 9. Benjamin, b. July 5, 1819 ; d. Nov. 8, 1868. 10. GUbert, b. May 27, 1821 ; d. March 7, 1886. 2. Eliphalet Wadleigh, b. Nov. 22, 1804; d. Oct., 1864: m. Ruth, dau. of WiUiam and Polly (Chadwick) Pressey. She d. April 1, 1839. ChUdren, — (1) Alonzo. (2) Benjamin F. (3) Mary Mianda. (4) Corliss. Eliphalet Wadleigh m., 2d, Susan D. Flanders, who d. March 29, 1854. She was b. June 14, 1803. (1) Alonzo Wadleigh was born about 1827. He lives in Chicago, and has a family. 970 HISTORY OF SUTTON. (2) Benjamin F. Wadleigh, b. Dec. 23, 1829 ; m. Feb. 6, 1859, Caro line E. Chase. She was b. Feb. 16, 1839. Children,— Frank Eugene, b. Dec. 26, 1865. Elmer Ernest, b. May 16, 1874. Marion Inez, b. Feb. 17, 1881. (3) Mary Mianda Wadleigh, b. in Kirby, Vt., AprU 22, 1833 ; m. 1855, Leonard George, son of Daniel and Betsey (Stevens) George, of Manchester. Betsey F. Stevens was of Goffstown. After her marriage Mary M. Wadleigh removed with her husband to Minnesota, then a territory, and settled in Winona county, near Winona, where they lived tUl the autumn of 1878, when they removed to Yankton, Dakota. Children, all b. in Minnesota, two boys and one girl. Only one of the sons is now living. The daughter is married, and has one child. Pres ent residence of Mrs. Mary M. George is Mount Vernon, Davison Co., Dakota. Her husband d. Nov. 27, 1887. (4) Coriiss Wadleigh, b. Sept. 23, 1835, in Kirby, Vt.; m. in Boston, Feb. 26, 1874, Elmina S. K. Brigham, dau. of Edward and Frances Brigham, of Boston. Children, — Mina Beulah, b. March 19, 1875. Corliss, Jr., b. Aug. 19, 1880. Corliss Wadleigh was for twenty-nine years a resident in Boston, where he has been for many years and is still engaged in the whole sale flour business. Since 1881 he has resided in Medford. 3. Luther Wadleigh m. Eliza Little, dau. of Dea. Ezekiel Little, Sept. 29, 1831. She was b. April 25, 1810 ; d. June 7, 1880. Soon after their marriage they removed to East Corinth, Me. Mr. Wadleigh there became a prominent and popular citizen, and served as town- clerk, selectman, and county commissioner. Children, — (1) Benjamin F., b. July 13, 1832. (2) Alonzo K., b. Feb. 28, 1834. (3) Carlos B., b. Jan. 23, 1836. (4) Mary N., b. April 9, 1838. (.5) George B., b. Nov. 12. 1840. (6) Eliza A., b. Dec. 25, 1842. (7) Maria, b. Aug. 21, 1851 ; m. Oct. 26, 1873, Abram Dunning, of Charleston, Me. (8) Addie E. 4. Erastus Wadleigh m. Feb. 21, 1839, Elmina CheUis, b. Oct. 15, 1815 ; d. July 14, 1842. Children,— (1) Milton B., b. Dec. 4, 1839. (2) B. Frank, b. July 13, 1841 ; d. Nov. 14, 1841. Erastus Wadleigh m., 2d, Mary W. Flanders, Jan. 5, 1848. She was b. April 17, 1808 ; d. May 4, 1866. He m., 3d, Mrs. OUve Davis, Sept. 26, 1867. She d. Nov. 1, 1880. Her maiden name was Holmes. GENEALOGY. 971 Her 1st husband was Europe Shattuck; her 2d husband was Dr. Dimond Davis. Mary Elvira Wadleigh, adopted daughter of Erastus Wadleigh, was b. 1847; m. May 9, 1878, Charies C. Holmes, of Salisbury; d. of con sumption April 20, 1880, aged 33. She was niece to the first wife of Erastus Wadleigh. Her mother was Mrs. Dolly (CheUis) EUis. Her father was John Ellis. Erastus Wadleigh, Esq., was the third son of the Hon. Benjamin Wadleigh, and was born AprU 27, 1808 ; died May 21, 1881. A high-minded, honorable gentleman, scholarly, cour teous, and hospitable, he was one of those men whose pres ence gives character and dignity to the community in which they make their life-long abiding-place. Possessed of supe rior intellectual powers, cultivated and strengthened by the habit of study and investigation, with much natural sagac ity, quickened by thorough acquaintance with men and practical experience in the managing of public affairs, his influence was strongly felt. As a politician, he was con servative enough for safety, yet not too timid to adopt new measures in place of the old when the new seemed founded in justice. In his young manhood, as teacher and as superintending school-committee, he was the means of giving to the cause of education in Sutton a decided impulse forward, being among the foremost of those who substituted emulation to excel in scholarship for the old fashion of seeking to govern by authority founded on the rod and ferule. No man who ever lived in Sutton has a clearer right to the favorable remembrance of his fellow-townsmen than Erastus Wadleigh, since no man ever did so much as he has done to rescue from oblivion the names and memories of others. He prepared many biographical sketches of de ceased citizens, which found their way into the journals of the day, and copies of which are still preserved. In this work he spent many laborious days, but it was his favorite 972 HISTORY OF SUTTON. employment, and many of the later years of his life were largely devoted to the early history of his native town. No one so well as the writer of this sketch, who labored jointly with him on that work, can testify to the enthusiastic inter est, the study, the faithful accuracy and patience, which he brought to bear upon it. Both authors were descended from original settlers prom inent and active in the earlier years of the town, — the one from Benjamin Wadleigh, Sr., and the other from Matthew Harvey, Sr., — and both having access to the papers and records of their respective ancestors, much valuable matter was thus collected and recorded. Selections from this un published history have, to some extent, formed the basis of the present work. By his separate and individual efforts, Mr. Wadleigh added greatly to that which is the chief merit of those historical collections, as indeed it is of all historical works, — their reliability. He left no means untried for obtaining correct informa tion. By many letters of inquiry, by conversation with aged persons, and by carefully consulting burial-stones in ancient graveyards, he compelled both the living and the dead to add their testimony to the written record. No part of the town was left unvisited, and from every part he gath ered something. In response to his close questioning "North" Sutton "gave up" aU it knew about itself, and "South" Sutton "kept not back." He left nothing for guess-work, accepted no statement unless supported by well known facts. He was, perhaps, at first led into this pursuit by the strong love and interest he always felt for the scenes and locaUties amid which his infancy and boyhood, his young manhood and mature life, had been spent. To him every hill and valley, every lake and stream, had a history of its own, suggestive of the toils, the alternate successes and defeats, of the men of the preceding generations ; of their continuous conflict with the very roughest side of nature ; of the cold and hardships, sometimes even hunger, that they GENEALOGY. 973 braved, of the rocks they blasted, the stone walls they built, the swamps they filled up, and the hills they laid low to make passable roads ; of the forests their determined arms converted into fields and farms. Occasionally, too, there bubbled up in his memory, like a living spring in the dense forest, some jest or joke, some anecdote of fun or frolic, that had its origin among those hardy pioneers, and which, having served its refreshing purpose of making an hour or a day of their toilsome life more endurable, had reached down to our time. Kezar's pond was to him an object of especial love and admiration ; there was no sheet of water so beautiful, no sandy beach so white and smooth as that on its south and south-eastern shore. For more than seventy years he had watched its face, playful or frowning, as it lay nestled at the foot of the noble eminence on which stood his ancestral home. Following with his eye the hills beyond, and in every direction, the desire grew upon him to repeople them all, not, like the novelist, with creatures of his own imagina tion, but with those to whom these localities had been the theatre on which they had acted their part in the drama of real life. The History of Sutton was commenced, but the work had not proceeded far before the discovery was made that it is one thing to put on record facts already within reach, and quite another to find right answers to all questions of gen ealogy and descent to which these facts give rise. (And here, perhaps, is as good a place as any other to state, for the benefit of all those who are ambitious of enter ing the field of antiquarian and genealogical research, that no one ever yet entered that field with any adequate con ception of the amount of labor involved in the attempt tO' operate there. Why, then, does not the aspirant quickly abandon a work the proportionate results of which are so small ? Simply because ,he cannot. His interest in the work grows with his constantly enlarging conception of its magnitude and its importance. He soon becomes thoroughly 974 HISTORY OF SUTTON. identified with it, or, rather, the work has mastered him, and he has become subordinate to it. For genealogical research, apparently so dry, once entered upon, becomes the most fascinating of all literary work, becomes magnetic even in its attractiveness to its pursuer. Very unwillingly, and only under pressure of strong necessity, will the genea logist suspend, even temporarily, his work while searching for " missing links " in some family chain. The clue he may chance to hold in his hand is so slight, so elusive, has been so difiicult to obtain, and yet is of such value if it leads to the result he is working for, with the conviction that, if he lets it slip, it is lost forever, and no future genealogist will be able to reach it, and yet will blunder for lack of it, — all this makes him cling to it with a miser-like tenacity till he finds the desired link and has got it fairly riveted in its proper place. Not only does the genealogist feel compelled to do his work, but he must do it aright. An assertion based, for lack of proof, upon supposition, or even upon probability, may prove to be a misstatement, which will fatally bewilder and mislead the future historian. For his tory is forever going on, and the record is by no means com pleted when the writer of our day lays aside his pen for ever.) Mr. Wadleigh, of course, realized that in succeeding years some other would take up the work where he dropped it, and would make this, his early work, the foundation on which to build his own. It was this sense of double re sponsibility to the past which, to his ear, clamored' for remembrance, for recognition, and for historical justice at his hands, as well as to the future, which was to sit in judgment upon his work, united with a natural honesty and conscien tiousness, which, if a man possess it, enters as closely into his literary work as into his business dealings, — it was all this which urged him to use the strictest accuracy of state ment rather than fulness of detail. Throughout his entire work there is no possibility of misconstruction through dif- fuseness or carelessness. GENEALOGY. 975 When, with advancing age, the hand of disease was laid heavily upon him, it was with deepest regret that he yielded to the conviction that he was no longer able to continue his chosen work. And yet he could not fail to view with satis faction that which was already accomplished. He had brought the thirty years succeeding the first settlement out of the region of fog and fable in which the antiquarian usually finds such years, when searching for material for the centennial address, long before the town had seen its hundredth birthday. In the following brief words he explains his aims and object, and gives his moderate estimate of what he had accomplished. He says, — Fellow-Citizens of Sutton: I submit to you the following early history of the town, and a sketch of the settlers previous to 1800, and some of their descendants, taken from the records of the original grantees, to-wn records, and information preserved by some of the settlers themselves, together with personal knowledge of a large number of the persons referred to. It is believed by the writer, so far as his knowledge extends, to be materiaUy correct, although deficient in other respects — not embracing aU that is desir able. It is designed to be a record of mere facts, as far as it goes, without embellishment or exaggeration. If the writer has been able to make himself understood, he wUl feel that he has done something towards rescuing the memory of our forefathers from immediate oblivion, which is his principal design. The love of kindred, always so noticeable a characteristic of Mr. Wadleigh, became much more marked towards the last of his days. This peculiar feature, which not infre quently manifests itself, is always gratifying, yet painful for relatives to observe, indicating, as it does, this return to our earliest affections, this coming back to where we started from, that our life-circle is nearly completed. Whenever we shall detect this change in ourselves, it wiU not require the knowledge that our seventy allotted years are already past to tell us that the end of our life is near. With a modestv remarkable in a man of his acknowledged 976 HISTORY OF SUTTON. and recognized ability, Erastus Wadleigh never sought dis tinction or preferment. Here in our quiet town he was content to pass his whole life, here he gave his interest, and here he gained what so many sons and daughters of Sutton have sought elsewhere, and some have failed to find, competence, influence, friendship, true regard. He was married three times. His first wife, who was the mother of his children, was Elmina Challis, married Feb. 31, 1839, daugliter of Timothy Challis. She was born Oct. 15, 1815, and died July 14, 1842. His only surviving child is Milton B. Wadleigh, who lives on and owns the old Wad leigh homestead, which remains unimpaired and undivided, though greatly enlarged, and is one of the finest farms in Sutton. His second wife was Mary W. Flanders, who died May 4, 1865. His third wife was Olive Holmes, widow of Dr. Dimond Davis. She died Nov. 1, 1880. 5. Milton Wadleigh graduated from Norwich University, Vermont, in 1837, as civil engineer. Subsequently went West, and engaged in railroad engineering. Located at Galena, Jo Daviess county, 111.^ then distinguished for its mines, and being at the time the most prom ising and flourishing town in the state. Here for many years he filled the office of city engiiieer, and, since then, that of surveyor of Jo Da viess county, to which office he has for many consecutive years been elected, irrespective of political ascendency. 9. Benjamin Wadleigh was in mercantile business in Newport and elsewhere, where he was much esteemed. He m. Aug. 31, 1848, Han nah P., dau. of William Young, of Sunapee. He d. in Newport, Nov. 8, 1868. Children,— (1) Arthur Edson, b. July 2, 1852. (2) William Young, b. Nov. 10, 1854; m. Dec. 25, 1877, to Fanny Boynton, of MUford. (3) Benjamin P., b. May 31, 1865 ; d. Oct. 15, 1868. (4) GUbert H., b. May 10, 1867 ; d. Aug. 28, 1869. (5) May Helena, b. Jan. 23, 1869 ; d. Sept. 24, 1871. (2) WiUiam Young Wadleigh is a member of the firm of John A, Andrews & Co., wholesale grocers, at 6 and 8 Commercial street, Bos ton. (1) Arthur Edson is in the employ of the same firm. 10. Gilbert Wadleigh fitted for college at New London academy, and was gTaduated from Dartmouth in 1847. After graduation he taught GENEALOGY. 977 high schools in Sutton, Bradford, and Concord, and read law with Hon. Mason W. Tappan, of Bradford, and with Hon. Asa Fowler, of Con cord. In October, 1850, he began practice in Milford, and for nine years was actively engaged in the duties of his profession. From 1859 to 1864, he was cashier of the Souhegan National bank, and was treas urer of the Milford Five Cents Savings Institution from 1871 to 1875. During the Rebellion he was a paymaster in the army. In 1863 and in 1874, he was a representative in the legislatm-e. He was a Chapter Freemason. In all the responsible positions which he filled he proved himself an able, conscientious, and honorable man. In his later years he resumed law practice to a limited extent. Gilbert Wadleigh died March 7, 1886. He was never married. Jonathan Wadleigh settled early in Sutton, and married a Miss Miles, of Salis bury, who died in 1779, leaving an infant, one week old. This child was the one, elsewhere spoken of in this work, that was carried by Thomas Wadleigh, his brother, to its mother's relations in Salisbury or Northfield, and grew to a worthy manhood, by name Thomas Miles Wadleigh. Jonathan Wadleigh married, 2d or 3d, 1795, Mrs. Susanna (Russell) Little. He married a second or a third wife in Northfield, whither he removed soon after the death of his first -wife. He was an early pioneer of that town, and set tled on Bean's hill, and afterwards on Bay hill. One of his sons was Judge Peter Wadleigh of that place. His grand son, Ephraim S. Wadleigh, now resides on Bay hill, in Northfield, where the first farm in town was cleared. Jon athan Wadleigh had several sons and daughters. He died in Gilmanton, about 1833, being then very aged. He was a tax-payer in Sutton in 1779. Joseph Wadleigh married Betsey IngaUs. Children, — John, b. Sept, 13, 1777. Margaret, b. Jan. 9, 1779. 62 978 history of sutton. Joseph, b. Sept. 24, 1780. Thomas, b. Feb. 21, 1782. James, b. Nov. 20, 1783. Samuel, b. Nov. 29, 1785 ; d. 1786. Betsey, b. May 22, 1787. Moses, b. March 17, 1789. Joshua, b. April 27, 1791. SaUy, b. Nov. 2, 1793. Nathaniel, b. May 21, 1794. Amos, b. Feb. 11, 1796. Joseph Wadleigh removed with his family to Blackwater, N. Y., where, after some years, his wife dying, he married again, and nine more children were born, making twenty- one in all. This account of his family was received from Mrs. Jonathan Harvey, his niece. Moses Wadleigh was born 1763 ; died 1839 : married 1790, EUzabeth Dow, of Atkinson, who died March 20, 1863. Children, — WiUiam, b. Jan. 15, 1702; d. March 20, 1863. [See RusseU. J Moses D., b. Sept. 21, 1794 ; d. July, 1851. SaUy D., b. AprU 1, 1798 ; d. Dec. 14, 1860. [See Aaron Rus seU. John D., b. March 21, 1801 ; d. March 20, 1869. EUzabeth, b. Dec. 20, 1803 ; d. about 1863. Benjamm Evans, b. Oct. 1, 1805 ; d. Dec. 3, 1887. Thomas J., b. Aug. 13, 1808; d. May 10, 1874: m. Achsa Evans. Anna D., b. Nov. 2, 1811 ; d. July 1, 1890 : m. RosweU Had dock, who d. 1884. For description of the members of this family, see " Early Settlers." Some deaths have occurred since that -was wril> ten, which are found in the above record. GENEALOGY. 979 SusAisiNA Wadleigh was born 1774; died April 20,1848: married Benjamin Evans, Esq., of Warner. Children, — I. AbigaU, b. April 30, 1896; Aug. 24, 1813, Hon. Reuben Porter. [See Porter.J II. Susan, m. Dr. Leonard Eaton. [See " Eaton Grange." J III. Lucinda, b. Feb. 18, 1803, in Sutton ; m. Nathan S. Colby, of Warner. Children, — 1. Charles, m. H. Clement. Children, — (1) Sarah, m. Trumbull, of Webster. (2) Nathan, m. Eunice . (3) Fred, m. Eva Patten. 2. Walter, d. 3. Walter. 4. Elizabeth. IV. Sarah, m. Harrison Robertson. Children, — 1. Lucinda, m. John Putney. Child, — (1) Susie, m. E. Herman CarroU, of Warner, and has child, — Lee. 2. Sarah. 3. John, m. Mattie Page. Children, — (1) Sarah. (2) Cari. (3) Sadie. VI. Sophronia, b. April 1, 1807, in Sutton; m. Stephen C. Badger. Children, — f 1. Benjamin E., m. Rachel Eastman. Children, — (1) Gertrude, m. Will W. Stone. (2) WUUam. (3) Estella. 2. William, m. Fannie . Children, — (1) Walter. (2) Sadie. Thomas Wadleigh was born in Hampstead, March 29, 1755 ; d. Feb. 26, 1827, in Sutton: m. Dec. 11, 1783, Miriam Atwood, b. Jan. 18, 1763 ; d. 1843. Children, b. in Sutton,— I. Ruth, b. Nov. 23, 1784 ; d. Jan. 17, 1871. IL Miriam, b. March 30, 1786 ; d. June 26, 1830. III. Daniel, b. Sept. 1, 1788. 980 HISTORY OF SUTTON-. IV. EUzabeth, b. June 18, 1790 ; d. 1841. V. Lucretia, b. June 19, 1792 ; d. Nov. 29, 1794. VI. PoUy, b. July 1, 1794 ; died. VII. Sarah, b. AprU 26, 1796 ; d. May 1, 1876 : m. Moses S. Harvey. [See same.j VIIL Mehitabel, b. Oct. 29, 1798 ; d. Aug. 13, 1824. IX. Patty, b. Aug. 2, 1800; d. Aug. 22, 1827. X. Thomas, b. Dec. 9, 1802 ; d. Nov. 13, 1847. XI. Susanna, b. AprU 12, 1806 ; d. Oct. 2, 1836. XII. James Madison, AprU 17, 1809 ; d. Feb. 12, 1830. I. Ruth Wadleigh m. Jonathan Harvey. [See same.j II. Miriam Wadleigh m. Joseph PUlsbury. [See same.j III. Daniel Wadleigh m. April, 1811, Nancy, dau. of Elder Nathan Champlin, b. July, 1784 ; d. June 14, 1863. ChUdren, — 1. Horace, d. young. 2. Sylvia, d. young. 3. .Tuliana, b. March 1, 1814. 4. Philip S. Harvey, b. Oct. 1, 1815. 5. Thomas H., b. Sept. 4, 1817 ; d. 1824. 6. Adeline, b. May 16, 1819; 7. Augusta, b. July 12, 1822. 3. Juliana Wadleigh m. Oct. 25, 1836, Timothy H. Loverin, of Sut ton. Children, — (1) Adeline. (2) Charles. (3) Julia, m. James Mc Wayne, of lona, Mich. Lives at Grand Rapids, Mich. (1) Adeline Loverin m. Dec. 23, 1855, Lysander H. CarroU. ChU dren, — Ella B , b. Dec, 1866 ; m. Nason, of Concord. Jennie B., b. June, 1863 ; m. Davis, of Contoocookville. Mrs. Adeline (Loverin) Carroll m., 2d, John L. Taggart of Contoo cookville, where she now lives, a highly respected lady. (2) Charles Loverin m. Lois Forner; lives in lona, Mich. Chil dren, — Lois, m. Tiffany, of lona, Mich. Edward H. 4. PhUip S. Harvey Wadleigh m. Rhoda W. Kendrick, of Sutton. ChUd,— Julia A., b. March 25, 1845 ; m. Benjamin F. Heath, of War ner. With this child Mr. Wadleigh now lives. Mrs. Wadleigh died in 1875. 6. Adeline Wadleigh m. Amos Blood ; m., 2d, Benjamin F. Shelton, and is now a widow, living in lona, Mich. GENEALOGY. 981 7. Augusta Wadleigh m. Dec. 28, 1841, Charles Bean, of Warner. They moved to lona, Mich., about 1850, where she died April, 1877, leaving no children. IV. EUzabeth Wadleigh m. Jan. 31, 1811, Asa Nelson. [See same.j VI. Polly Wadleigh m. Oct. 8, 1816, Edward Dodge. ChU dren, — 1. Thomas W., b. Oct. 25, 1818; d. Feb. 12, 1819. 2. Sarah Williams, b. June 1, 1820. 3. Edward W., b. June 15, 1822 ; m. March 18, 1850, Eliza N. Jones, of Washington. Children, — (1) Susan Maria. (2) Jennie Greeley. VIIL Mehitabel Wadleigh, m. June 15, 1820, Thomas Cheney. Children, — 1. Miriam W., d. May 20, 1825. 2. Nathaniel, b. July, 1822; m. Rebecca Goodrich. Children, — (1) Emma. (2) Flora. IX. Patty m. Nov. 28, 1822, Sumner Fowler. They had one child, and left town ; residence, unknown. X. Thomas m. 1824, Hannah Roby. Children, — 1. Miriam, b. Dec. 15, 1824; d. Dec. 19, 1827. 2. Sally, b. July 13, 1827 ; m. Jabez Townsend, of Dublin. ChUd,— (1) Sarah. 3. Thomas b. May 19, 1829 ; m. Abbie Prescott, in Concord. ChU dren, — (1) Prescott T., who m. Kate Jones. Child, — Miriam. (2) Sarah. 4. Robert, b. May 4, 1832; m. Dec. 24, 1856, Hannah Porter. [See Porter.] Thomas Wadleigh m., 2d, Jan. 14, 1838, Lavina Roby, sister of his first wife. He m., 3d, AprU 30, 1839, Polly (Mary) KhnbaU, h. 1800 ; d. March 15, 1866 ; dau. of Rachel (Sargent) and KimbaU. ChUd of Thomas Wadleigh and third wife, — 5. Hannah, b. 1841 ; d. March 13, 1845. XI. Susanna Wadleigh m. John Burnham, of Hopkinton. ChU dren, — 1. James M., m. Emma F. Marston. Children, — (1) Walter M. (2) John C. 2. John F., m. Satira W. Peabody ; m., 2d, Frances E. Richmond. Children,— 982 HISTORY OF SUTTON. (1) Herbert B. (2) Susan W. (3) Addie L. (4) Mary E., and of second wife, (5) Clara B. 3. Edward D., m. Georgie B. Davis. Children, — (1) Nathan D. (2) Grace L., died. (3) Fred T. (4) Frank P- (5) Charles D. Judge Benjamin Wadleigh was born and spent his life, married, and reared his family on the same farm in Sutton. He is remembered as being of good personal appearance, gentlemanly in manner, and possessed of a pleasant, genial nature, which was very attractive to young and old. He was an earnest promoter of education, and no sacrifice was deemed too great to afford the educational advantages of the time to his chil dren. Through life he commanded the confidence, respect, and friendly regard of his fellow-townsmen, while, as a citi zen, no man's views had more weight than his, and it was on account of his sound judgment and recognized integrity that his opinions and advice were much sought in contro versies, not only between his own townsmen, but by those of neighboring towns. For many years no inconsiderable part of his time was devoted to the settlement of such con troversies, he acting as arbitrator, sometimes with associates, but more frequently alone, by mutual consent of parties. One who knew him well said of him, twenty years after his death, — " I remember him well : I remember his unflinch ing honesty, and if I were his worst enemy or he were mine, I would trust him for honest dealing ; he never gave opinions at random." Judge Wadleigh was active in the public service during most of his life. His name appears in the record as select man in 1809, and from that date almost continuously as selectman, moderator, representative, and town-clerk for the next twenty years. He was justice of the peace from 1823 till his death, and judge of the court of common pleas from 1833 till his age disqualified him. He d. June 24, 1864 ; his wife d. Dec. 17, 1857, aged 76. She was a most excellent woman. GENEALOGY. 983 Judge Wadleigh succeeded to the homestead of his father, who d. Oct. 8, 1817, aged 68, and his mother long survived her husband, dying in 1836, aged 86. Her long period of widowhood gave room and opportunity for the manifestation of that filial devotion on the part of Judge Wadleigh which was so noticeable in him continuously, and up to the last day of this venerated lady's life. She was Hannah, daughter of Ebenezer Kezar. She came to live on Wadleigh hill with her husband and one child when she was only 19 years old, from Hampstead. Lydia F. Wadleigh, Vice-President and Professor of Ethics in the Normal Col lege in the city of New York, was born Feb. 8, 1817, in Sutton, N. H. She was the youngest daughter of Benja mm and PoUy Marston Wadleigh, and inherited from both parents much individuality of character. Her early education was the best available. Later she entered upon a collegiate course at the New Hampton Lit erary and Scientific Institution, where her talent was at once recognized, and she was soon chosen pupil assistant, which position she retained until 1841, when she graduated with class honors, and was appointed teacher of Mathe matics, Greek, and English Literature. Miss Wadleigh's class was the first in that notable insti tution to receive diplomas on parchment, an honor con ferred by Hon. Josiah Quincy, of Rumney, N. H., who suggested and bore the expense of the innovation. Upon this occasion Miss Wadleigh read an original salutatory in Latin. During Miss Wadleigh's connection with this institution she received the ordinance of baptism by immersion (Rev. Eli B. Smith, D. D., ofiiciating), and united with the Bap tist church in New Hampton. Some years later she was connected with the Presbyterian church in University Place, New York, holding that position until her death, a period of about thirty years. 984 history of sutton. In 1845, finding her position as teacher unsatisfactory to herself. Miss Wadleigh tendered her resignation, which was accepted with regret by teachers and trustees, she having proved herself to be not only competent as an instructor, but painstaking and self-sacrificing. No pupils could leave the class professedly ignorant of problems, for she brought them to the blackboard and held their attention till the cloud lifted. She collected the laggards in the recitation- room before breakfast for additional polishing, and many a Greek root was mastered by the tears of the unwary kept after school hours for an extra drilling. Miss Wadleigh had established so good a record in New Hampton that she received early invitations to other schools. She was first with Mrs. Ellis's private school in Hanover, from which place she was invited to become lady principal of an academy in Derry. She was afterwards connected with the high school in Concord. We find her name in a catalogue as teacher in Georgetown, D. C, in 1848, and in 1852 she was again with Mrs. Ellis, who had removed to Nashua. She was connected with schools in Philadelphia, Pa., and in Freehold, N. J. She was associated with Prof. Richard son, whose established reputation rendered the position very creditable to herself. Dissatisfaction in regard to public education had arisen in the city of New York. The course of instruction was limited and non-progressive. Certain influential citizens were especially desirous of increasing the facilities for young girls. The movement met with opposition as being aristocratic, uncalled for, and a waste of public money. It was ultimately decided to create a senior department in the 12th Street grammar school, to be devoted to the higher education of young ladies. Miss Wadleigh was invited from Freehold, N. J., to be come the principal of this senior department. She entered" upon her new duties February 6, 1856. The prospect was dubious. Only twenty-six pupils were present, and a few GENEALOGY. 985 of these were restless under the new discipline. The public was slow to avail itself of its increased privileges. Books were needed, and there was dearth of funds. Everything moved heavily during the first year. Nothing daunted. Miss Wadleigh devoted herself to the onorous duties of her posi tion, regardless of outside pressure or criticism. She was dignified, self-reliant, impartial in government, and accus tomed to command. She enlarged the course of instruc tion until it included higher mathematics, higher astron omy, logic, natural and mental philosophy, and the lan guages. For these extra studies no appropriation had been made by the board of education. The text-books had to be sup plied and paid for by the teachers, assisted by the pupils. Miss Wadleigh collected books for reference, accustomed her pupils to memorize, to use the blackboards and globes, to avail themselves of the public libraries, and to be thor ough in everything. The school officers soon became convinced that what they had regarded as an experiment was destined to become a success. Eleven of the first twenty-six pupils remained to graduate. Miss Wadleigh prepared and paid for the diplo mas given at the close of the three-years course, upon which occasion she inaugurated the annual commencements, which were so attractive that it became expedient to limit the invitations and admit by ticket. No commencements had previously been held in any school in the city. From this date the senior department was crowded to its utmost capacity, and Miss Wadleigh's educational reputation was established beyond question. For a long term of years the senior department was regarded as the educational centre of New York. Her wonderful mental vigor pervaded everything. The grammar schools vied with each other to raise themselves to this higher plane, while the private and select classes found themselves dwarfed by the growing reputation of 12th Street. Some fifteen years after the formation of the senior 986 HISTORY OF SUTTON. department, the pressure became so great it was found im possible to accommodate the increasing numbers. It was decided to establish a Normal college, and to incorporate into it the senior department of the 12th Street grammar school. Miss Wadleigh was appointed vice-president of the Nor mal coUege (Prof. Hunter being president). Later she was made Professor of Ethics, being the first woman en dowed with a professorship in that college. She was said to receive the largest salary of any lady teacher in the state. Neither promotion nor fresh laurels reconciled Miss Wadleigh to the removal of the senior department from the place where so many literary triumphs had been achieved. She regarded her pupils with pride as well as affection. Of the five prizes awarded for excellence in scholarship to the first graduating class in the Normal college, four were given to 12th Street girls. And when the compositions for the commencement exercises were selected by a committee from whom the names of all the writers were concealed, all of the nine essays chosen were written by her 12th Street pupils. Miss Wadleigh retained her position as vice-president, with ever increasing honor to herself and to the college, until her death. Early in the summer of 1888 she had gone to Europe for recuperation and pleasure, by the advice of her physician. She became seriously ill in Paris. The discomforts of the return voyage developed the fatal malady that in a few weeks terminated her life. She was taken from the state room directly to the residence of her niece, Mrs. Frank H. Chandler, in Brooklyn, where she received every attention that affection could suggest. A council of eminent physi cians having decided that recovery was impossible. Miss Wadleigh received the intelligence with Christian resigna tion. She bore her sufferings with heroism, arranged for the final services, selected the hymns to be used, and asked the last favors of her pastor. GENEALOGY. 987 Miss Wadleigh expired quietly at 7 A. m., Oct. 27, 1888. The services were held first at the house. Rev. Dr. Cuyler being present and officiating. The services in New York were in the University Place Presbyterian church, and were conducted by Rev. Dr. George Alexander. The chnrch was crowded, large numbers of her late pupils and former graduates, the faculty of the college, the board of education, many eminent citizens, and' throngs of per sonal friends of the deceased being present. From New York the casket was escorted to Sutton, where it was received by relatives, and the final services held in the Wadleigh homestead, now occupied by her nephew, Mr. Milton B. Wadleigh. The burial was in the family lot in Sutton. The rela tives and family friends being present, and Rev. Mr. Clark assisting, the casket was lowered by four nephews whom Miss Wadleigh had tenderly loved, and from whom she had solicited this last favor. Her own grave, and that of the brother beside whom she desired to rest, were strewn with evergreens and floral offerings. What brighter illustration of individual influence could be desired than that afforded by the life of this representa tive woman? From her quiet, isolated home, without wealth or patronage beyond what other maidens could command, she takes her place in the educational ranks. At a period when the most experienced teachers were poorly paid, she was not only self-supporting, but always progres sive ! Slipping into the gaps that opened to her as she pressed forward to the front, she seems to have left traces of her influence everywhere. She visits the large cities, and where many fail Miss Wadleigh succeeds, and leaves a most honorable record. She is invited to the city of New York by the board of education, and assigned to the special trust of instructing the daughters of the better classes. For thirty long years she exerted a wonderful influence over thousands of young girls, who in their turn will mould the pliant characters of those to come after 988 HISTORY OF SUTTON. them. From salaries too small for mention, through her own individual merit she commanded thousands, and even then the sum was a trifle compared to the reward she re ceived in the confidence and estimation of an appreciative public. In Memoriam. Lydia F. Wadleigh, Lady Superintendent and Professor of Ethics in the Normal College Of the City of New York. Died October 27th, 1888. Memorial Exercises held by the Associate Alumnae in the Chapel of the Normal CoUege, Saturday, Nov. 3d, at 2 : 30 P. M. The Instructors, Graduates, and Students of the Normal College, The lady principals of the Grammar Schools, and Other Friends of Miss Lydia F. Wadleigh, in appreciation of her noble work as an Educator, have decided to establish a Memorial in the Normal CoUege building. This is to be an Alcove, filled with books on Ethics, Philosophy, and Pedagogy, to be known as the Wadleigh Alcove. [Extract from the Business Wmnan's Journal.'] The graduates, pupUs, and teachers of the Old Senior Depart ment of the 12th Street school propose to honor the memory of Miss Wadleigh by equipping the microscopical and chemical laborar tories of the new buUding about to be purchased for the Woman's Medical College of the New York Infirmary. A handsome marble tablet bearing her name, and a suitable in scription indicating the origin and intention of the endo-wment, wUl be placed in a conspicuous part of the haU devoted to that pur pose. . . . One of the last acts of Miss Wadleigh's life was to make a liberal donation toward the fund of this new buUding. GENEALOGY. 989 Thomas Wadleigh, Esq., did not finally locate in Sutton till after the close of the Revolutionary war, in which struggle he was a participa tor, and was among the heroes at Bunker Hill. It is related of him that on that occasion, when the little band of patriots were compelled to retreat across the Neck, exposed alike to a raking fire from sea and land, one of his comrades, run ning for his life, cried out to him, " Why do n't you run, Tom ? " His response was, " Never will I run for a red coat ! " "I walked," said he, in relating it to our informant years afterwards, " as coolly, deliberately, and with as little fear as ever I walked from vaj house to my barn." , Thomas Wadleigh served in the Revolutionary war six years and seven months. He was a native of Hampstead, and proba bly served for that town. Mr. Dresser, in his notes of several of the early settlers, says of Thomas Wadleigh, — " He was very highly esteemed by the citizens of this town, for capacity, integrity, and patriotism." He was the first town-clerk after incorporation, and every year afterwards till 1806, a period of twenty-two years. He also represented the town in the legislature ten years, and was a captain in the mUitia. He was a civil magistrate. All the offices of trust to which he was elected he filled with faithfulness and abUity, whUe as a farmer he was as successful as he was in everything else he undertook. On the farm which he cleared with his own hands, and on which he reared a numerous family with comfort and honor, he resided till his death, which took place February 26, 1827, aged 72. He was a clear-headed, large-hearted man, hospitable towards all, being one of whom the poor and needy never asked in vain for food or shelter. Sociable and affable in manner, his presence and bearing showed the stamp of nature's unmistakable seal of the true gentleman. Thomas Wadleigh was born March 29, 1755 ; married 990 history of sutton. Dec. 11, 1783, Merriam Atwood. She died in 1843, aged 80. She was born Jan. 18, 1763. They had twelve chU dren. Mrs. Mehitabel (Wadleigh) Carr. In making up personal sketches of those men and women who lived and acted in this locality, and whose graves are visible in our burying-yards, no character stands out on the pictured walls of memory more peculiarly and strongly marked than that of Mrs. Carr. She was the eldest daughter of the first Benjamin Wad leigh, Esq. Her mother was daughter of Ebenezer Kezar, and she thus inherited from both parents a large share of physical strength and vital energy, with a corresponding degree of mental power. Her educational advantages were such only as the common school afforded, which at that early period in the town's history were exceedingly meagre. Had her opportunities equalled her capacity for improvement, she would doubtless have taken a high rank in scholarly attainment. She married early in life, and became the mother of two children. Her marriage, we have been told, was an un happy one, and resulted in much domestic misery. Death, however, soon released her from matrimonial bondage, and ere long two little graves in the north burying-ground were all that remained to tell the world that Mrs. Carr had ever borne the name of wife or mother. Of this episode of her life she seldom spoke, and few there were who had the audacity to force an entrance, or even knock for admit tance, to the secret cabinet of her heart's history, when she had closed the door in their faces. Whatever may have been her sufferings, she seemed to regard them as weak nesses. By an iron austerity of manner she alike rejected sympathy and repelled curiosity. Thenceforth her character seemed to assume a new phase, in the form of religious development. In this direc- GENEALOGY. 991 tion, as in every, other, she was strong, positive, and self- centred in her views and opinions. She was as much of a devotee in her conscientious performance of her duties to the Calvinist Church, as were her Catholic sisters, St. Cecilia and St. Ursula, to the Church of Rome. With her strong mental powers and psychologic will she became a power in the church, and could not fail to exert a control ling influence on the minds of both clergj^ and laity. In all church councils, especiallj^ touching matters of doctrine and discipline, in all female organizations connected with the church, such as missionary movements and the like, she was the acknowledged head and leader. Her mental powers were ever busy in the effort to reconcile the appar ently conflicting doctrines of predestination and free moral agency, an effort in which she seemed to be quite as suc cessful as any one ever was among-the many millions who have wrestled with that difficult problem. We would by no means ignore the existence of the gen tler and more womanly virtues in her nature. Though her face was hard and its expression forbidding, her manner often curt and morose, yet she has been known to walk miles in a winter's day, through snow and storm, to assist a sick or distressed fellow-being, whether of her own relig ious creed or of no creed, thus asserting through her own act her recognition of a universal brotherhood and a com mon humanity. To fashion, style, and custom she was altogether a non conformist. She was her own milUner and dressmaker, as well as the cultivator of her own land. In her little house by the pond shore she dwelt alone, supplying by the labor of her own hands her material wants, almost scorning all offers of aid or companionship from others, — strong, even in her old age, in her courage and self-reliance. The only relaxation from hard labor, apart from religious duties, which she eve;- afforded herself, was an occasional visit to the vUlage singing-school, vocal music being something in which she excelled, and which she much enjoyed. Its 992 HISTORY OF SUTTON. influence seemed to harmonize the somewhat discordant elements of her nature. Thus she lived for years, in her isolation and stern inde pendence, without sickness or the necessity of ever asking assistance from others But, at last, one bleak winter's morning, her curtains remained undrawn, and no smoke ascended from the chimney. As the sun rose higher, neigh bors drew near and entered the door, but it was found that an unseen visitor, the Death Angel, had entered before them, and held in his strong embrace the tenant of that lonely dwelling. Breath still lingered in the chill form, but all efforts to restore the physical vitality were unavail ing, for the spirit was " outward bound " and would not turn back, and it was soon freed from the sinewy, strong structure that had served it so well for seventy-six years of mortal life. Such types of strong individualism are not soon forgot ten. The strongly marked features on the face of human ity, they stand out in bold relief, doing much to relieve it from the utter insipidity and sameness that would other wise characterize its outward expression. Were we called upon to give a term that would symbolize the entire char acter of Mrs. Carr, we would simply utter the word strength. WALKER. Thomas Walker, sent to New England with other sol diers in the service of England during the French -war, found opportunity to desert, and located somewhere in eastern Massachusetts or New Hampshire. He m. Abigail Philbrook, sister to Benjamin Philbrook, the tything-man, and had the following children : I. George, b. . II. John, b. March 4, 1776. III. Abigail, b. Oct. 23, 1778. rV. Thomas, b. June 17, 1782. III. Abigail Walker m. Joshua Flanders, and lived at the South GENEALOGY. 993 viUage, where for some years Mr. Flanders operated a rifle-shop, but later moved from this town. Before coming to Sutton to live Thomas Walker served in the Revolutionary war, and his son George served with him some portion of the time. The Thomas Walker named among the soldiers from Sutton in the War of 1812 is sup posed to be his son. I. George Walker m. Olive Whitcomb, the first female school teacher in Sutton. Their chUdren, as found in Sutton records, were, — 1. Thomas, b. Dec. 17, 1792 ; m. Betsey King. 2. James P., b. March 8, 1797. 3. AbigaU, b. March 6, 1799. 4. Margaret, b. March 12, 1808; d. Jan. 8, 1884: m. Isaac Little hale. George Walker d. in middle life ; his wife d. May, 1803. Children of Thomas and Betsey (King) Walker, the first two found on Sutton records, the others are gathered from the recollections of those who think they are correct in the names, — (1) Almon, b. Dec. 29, 1815. (2) Alanson, b. Dec. 28, 1817. (3) Adeline. (4) Alonzo. (5) Angeline. (6) Maria. (7) James. (8) Frederick. (9) Olive. (10) Ednah. Thomas Walker, Sr., d. in Sutton, 1822, at the great age of 103 years. Farmer and Moore's Gazetteer, printed in 1823, very shortly after Mr. Walker's death, may be sup posed to be correct in the notice given of him under the head of Sutton. The remarkable circumstance of a man dying at that great age would naturally have led to some inquiry as to -antecedents and origin, and as " Farmer and Moore " were at that very time making up their Gazetteer, it is not strange that Mr. Walker's case should have been reported to them among the Sutton items. The book says that Thomas Walker was a native of Wales, that he served in the French war and in the Revolutionary war, and was in several important battles, — Saratoga, White Plains, and Brandywine. Mr. Walker's wife also lived "to a great age. She died in the winter of 1826 at the house of Sam uel Kezar, in the north-west part of Sutton. 63 994 history of sutton. Martin L. Walker, b. March 8, 1825 ; m. May 15, 1827, Judith MerriU. Chil dren, — I. James I., b, Jan. 7, 1849 ; m. Feb. 20, 1876, Lora S. Adams. Children, — 1. Harry L., b. Feb. 22, 1877. ¦2. Eva M., b. Oct. 25, 1881. n. Susan M., b. March 31, 1862 ; m. Dec. 20, 1871, Henry R. Davis. Children, — 1. Ralph M., b. June 11, 1873. 2. Ethel W., b. Oct. 18, 1875 ; d. May 27, 1887. WATSON. Safford Watson, b. Dec. 29, 1791, in Salisbury ; d. July 18, 1872, in Sutton : m. Sept. 25, 1817, AbigaU L. Currier, b. Oct. 27, 1793, in Deerfield ; d. June 16, 1885, in Sut tou. Children, b. in Warner, — I. Martha J., b. July 22, 1819 ; d. June, 1870 : m. John Duke, of Warner ; 2 ch. II. Carrie P., b. Nov. 16, 1822. III. Minerva C, b. May 14, 1828 ; m. Daniel Putney, of Hen niker (2d wife). Child, — Carrie W. IV. Charles S., b. July 18, 1830. V. Augusta E., b. March 8, 1833 ; d. Ang. 10, 1887 : m. Moses S. BlaisdeU, of Sutton (2d wife). No ch. II. Carrie P. Watson has been a school-teacher ever since she was of sufficient age to commence. She has instructed district schools in the country, and in primary and grammar schools in cities. Before the present year she has taught, in all, 696 weeks, and always with success. IV. Charles S. Watson is considered one of the best men in town. He is a fine scholar and a close student, and was prepared to enter coUege, but circumstances forced him to give up the course. Safford Watson was son of Caleb and Lydia ( ) Wat son. His father was b. in Salisbury, and his mother in GENEALOGY. 995 Hillsborough. During his life in Warner he became cap tain of the artillery company, and was said to make a fine appearance as an officer. He came to Sutton in 1837, pur chasing one of the Wheeler farms upon Birch hill. He became prominent as a citizen, holding several towii offices, and was very popular with all classes of people. Himself and wife celebrated their golden wedding Sept. 25, 1867. Hiram Watson was for several years a merchant at North Sutton, where he m. Hannah, dau. of Hon. Jonathan Har vey. [See the same.j Elder Elijah Watson. [See Freewill Baptist church.J WELCH. Dr. Selim N. Welch, since 1877 a resident of Sutton, wag born in Burke, Vt., Sept. 6, 1834. He was son of Moses Welch, of Warren, and Mary (Whicher), his wife, a native of Danville, Vt. He received his education at the common schools of his native town, and at St. Johnsbury academy. He studied medicine from 1860 to 1863 with Drs. Holbrook and Sanborn, of St. Johnsbury, and commenced practice in Peacham, Vt., April, 1863. In 1864 he moved to Cabot, Vt., where he resided till 1870. WhUe living in Cabot he was engaged somewhat in real estate business, in connec tion with his practice. He was also connected with the U. S. Soldiers Hospital, at Montpelier, Vt., in the fall and winter of 1864-'65. He married August, 1865, Louisa, eldest daughter of Theophilus E. and Rosetta Wilson, of Cabot, Vt. No chil dren. In 1870 Dr. Welch sold out in Cabot and moved to Rox bury, Vt., where he remained in the practice of his profes sion till 1875. He then sold out and spent a year in attend ing medical lectures, taking a degree from Dartmouth col lege in the fall of 1876. He bought out Dr. Bronson, in Sutton, in March, 1877. Since that time Dr. Welch has 996 HISTORY OF SUTTON. been a resident in Sutton, engaged in a very large and lucra tive practice. He is a member of the N. H. Medical Association, and is also a Freemason and a Granger. While attending school at the academy, and while study ing his profession. Dr. Welch followed teaching a portion of the time to procure funds necessary to pursue his studies. He has a local reputation as a public speaker, and has, by invitation, lectured at various places in this state and Ver mont before good audiences. He was one of the historians of his native town for Miss Hemenwaj''s " Vermont Gazet teer." In religious belief he is inclined to Universalism. In politics, he has usually acted with the Democratic party. He has never sought office, though something of a politician, preferring to give his time and attention to his profession, but has served as moderator at town-meetings several times, and is at present a member of the school- board. WELLS. Several of this name came from Sandown to Sutton early. How nearly they were related to each other is not known. The wife of Samuel Bean was Dorothy Wells. Timothy Wells was father of Benjamin Wells, of Birch hill, who m. Lois Wheeler ; and Ruth Wells, sister to Timothy, was wife of Isaac Bean. Benjamin Wells, who m. Mary Bean, came here a A^ery early settler. Later came Thomas WeUs, the ancestor of the Wells families that lived in the Gore. Benjamin WeUs m. Mary, dau. of Samuel and Mary ( ) Bean. Children, — Isaac removed from Sutton soon after attaining his majority. He was a carpenter, a very good man, and had great physical strength. Benjamin, m. Polly Pressy. Joseph, m. Nancy Pressey. Ruth B., m. David Woodward. [See same.j GENEALOGY. 997 Mary A., m. Thomas Peaslee. [See same.j Dorothy, m. Joseph Peaslee. [See same.j The above family came to Perrystown 1771, and settled on the north side of Pinnacle hill. Benjamin Wells d. near 1825, in Sutton. His wife d. 1832, in Sutton. They were remembered as very honorable, religious people. Benjamin Wells m. April 12, 1792, Polly Pressey, b. 1769, dau. of William and Elizabeth (Smiley) Pressey. Children, — I. Nancy, b. Dec. 12, 1792. II. Joseph, b. Dec. 6, 1794. IIL Gideon C, b. Dec. 29, 1796. IV. Benjamiu, b. Nov. 12, 1799. V. WUUam, b. March 23, 1802. VI. Thomas, b. May 11, 1804. VII. Edwin, b. Jan. 10, 1807. VIIL Betsey, b. March 25, 1809. IX. John, b. Oct. 28, 1812. Benjamin WeUs was in War of 1812, and did not return. He was supposed to have been killed about 1815, as he was never heard from after the war was over. He settled on the east side of Bean hill. His wife died in 1857, in Sul> ton. His family inostlj^ left Sutton. II. Joseph WeUs m. Hannah Peaslee, of Sutton, dau. of Abra ham and Sally (Scribner) Peaslee. Children, b. in Sutton, — 1. G. W. Llewellyn, b. June 27, 1852. 2. Infant son, b. Nov. 4, 1857; d. Nov. 5, 1857. 3. Frank P., b. Sept. 13, 1859 ; d. Sept. 18, 1864. 4. Leonard P., b. Sept. 11, 1862 ; d. Sept. 29, 1864. Joseph WeUs d. Dec. 29, 1873, in Sutton. His wife d. March 2, 1878, in Sutton. [Silas Gove, of Weare, m April 2, 1839, Lavina Lovering, of Sutton, dau. of Dr. Benjamin and Abigail (Greeley) Lovering. Their child, Lorinda R. Gove, m. Oct. 24, 1858, John W. Moore; and Emma L. Moore, their daughter, m. G. W Llewellyn Wells.] 1. G. W. Llewellyn Wells m. Aug. 24, 1876, Emma L. Moore, of 998 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Sutton, dau. of John W. and Lorinda R. (Gove) Moore. Children, b. in Sutton, — (1) WiUiam L., b. Oct. 12, 1877; d. March 20, 1878. (2) Carrie B., b. Aug. 7, 1879. (3) Charles J., b. Oct. 18, 1881. Present residence of the above family near Mill Village. Vin. Betsey WeUs m. 1830, Joel Stone, of Peterborough. Chil dren, b. in Peterborough, — 1. Louise P., b. Dec, 1831 ; d. Feb. 5, 1849. 2. Elizabeth, b. Dec, 1831 ; d. Dec. 8, 1831. 3. Calvin, b, AprU 17, 1833 ; d. June 11, 1870. 4. Emily, b. 1835. 5. Emmeline, b. 1837. 6. Adeline, b. 1837. Born in Sutton, — 7. John H., b. July 22, 1841. 8. Mary, b. March' 14, 1843. 9. Ruth P., b. Jan. 18, 1845. Joel Stone d. in Sutton, 1844, and Mrs. Stone m., 2d, Dec. 10, 1866, Abraham Peaslee, 3d. She d. in 1867. 3. Calvin Stone m. March 12, 1855, Myra C. Henderson, of Roches ter. Children, b. in Sutton, — (1) Charles J., b. Jan. 10, 1857. (2) Fred D., b. Sept. 1, 1859 ; d. Dec 1, 1859. (3) Lulie J., b. March 18, 1861 ; d. Sept. 6, 1863. Calvin Stone d. June 11, 1870, in Boston. 5. Emmeline Stone m. Nov., 1857, Nathaniel Sawyer, of Sutton. Children, — (1) NeUie, b. 1859. (2) Addie, b. 1861. Present residence, Brainard, Minn. 6. Adeline Stone m. Sept., 1857, Lane Stevens, of Wilmot. They removed West some years ago, and Mrs. Stevens died there. 8. Mary Stone m. Edwin White, of Epsom. Children, — (1) Nellie, b. 1871. (2) Edwin, b. 1863. Edwin White d. 1873, at Epsom. His wife m., 2d, 1874, Morris Sharps, of Suncook. Children, — (3) James, b. 1876. (4) Charles, b. 1878 ; d. . (5) Viola, b. 1881. (6) Fred, b. 1886 ; d. . GENEALOGY. 999 9. Ruth P. Stone m. Augustus Burgess, of LoweU, Mass. Chil dren, — (1) George, b. Sept., 1868. (2) Fred, b. 1875. (3) Frank, b. 1879. (4) Nelma, b. 1881. Present residence of the above family, Barre, Vt. Joseph Wells m. Nov. 17, 1796, Nancy Pressey, who d. near 1816. No chUdren. He m., 2d, 1818, Mrs. Betsey (Littlehale) Jones. Children, — I. Samuel, b. 1820 ; d. in infancy. II. Benjamin, b. 1822. III. Betsey, m. Gage Woodward. II. Benjamin WeUs m. and had a daughter, Lydia Ann, and per haps other chUdren. He lived in Lowell, and in various parts of Sutton. Another Branch op the Wells Families. Thomas Wells, ancestor of the Wells families that settled in the " Gore," married Rebecca Hunt, probably of San down, where a part of the family continued to reside. Among their children were Samuel, Caleb, Joseph, Sarah, Phebe, and Rachel. Of these children Samuel had a large family, born, it is thought, in Warner. Joseph married Mary Palmer, of Warner, dau. of James and Miriam (Flanders) Palmer. A part of their children were born in Warner, and a part in Sutton. Their names were as follows, the dates not given : Joseph, Jr., Miriam, Rebecca, Elizabeth, Abigail, Philip, Daniel, Thomas, Hial, Mary and Sarah, twins, Caleb, and James. Of these Thomas was b. May 29, 1807, and d. Nov. 24, 1877. Joseph Wells and wife, Mary (Palmer), died in Sutton. Joseph Wells, Jr., m. Eliza Johnson, of Sutton, dau. of Joseph and Hannah (Merrill) Johnson. They had nine 1000 HISTORY OF SUTTON. children,— some died young; their names were Joseph, John, Johnson, George, Thomas, Eliza, Harriet, Dorothy, and Sarah. None of the daughters married except Abigail. She m. Dec. 12, 1822, Jonathan Palmer. Hial Wells married Lois Harvey, of Warner. No chil dren. James Wells married Louise Tucker, of Warner. They had four children b. in Warner and Sutton, viz., — Leavitt, Addie, Lillian, and Frank. Leavitt Wells was a physician, but died a young man. He lived in the Gore upon the John Palmer farm, later in Warner some years, and then in Tilton, where he died. Thomas Wells m. Sept. 21, 1841, Deborah Gale, of Alex andria, b. Nov. 6, 1808, dau. of Tudor and Mary (Tenney) Gale. Children, b. in Sutton, — Meribah A., b. Jan. 9, 1843. George Gale, b. Nov. 15, 1849. Thomas Wells d. Nov. 24, 1877, in Sutton. His wife d. Dec. 3, 1874, in Sutton. Meribah A. WeUs m. June 25, 1863, Joseph B. Dustin, of Hop kinton, who d. in Virginia in service. She in., 2d, April 29, 1876, David K. Johnson, of Warner. Since their marriage they have resided in Sutton. No children. George G. WeUs m. March 11, 1874, Sarah A. Cheney, of Sut ton, dau. of Thomas and SaUy (Rowell) Cheney. No ch. Mrs. WeUs d. Jan. 7, 1879, in Sutton, and her husband m., 2d, Sept. 3, 1882, Annie L. Jones, of Warner, dau. of Richard and Abigail M. (Cross) Jones. Children, b. in Sutton, — Carling-ton Gale, b. Feb. 23, 1884. Burlington Guy, b. Nov. 21, 1885, George G. WeUs has spent most of his life in Sutton. In 1872 he went to Concord and learned the carpenter's trade, at which he afterwards worked in Sutton till 1881, when, in company with Geo. Robertson, he purchased the store at the South village. October, 1856, Mr. Robertson sold his interest to Mr. Wells, who has since been sole proprietor. Feb. 6, 1882, Mr. WeUs was appointed post master, which office he stUl holds. GENEALOGY. 1001 Caleb Wells, b. Aug. 21, 1814 ; m. March 23, 1841, Ursula McMurphy, of Alexandria, b. Aug. 10, 1814. Chil dren, b. in Sutton, — Twin daughters, b. Oct. 20, 1842 ; d. Oct. 20 and 27, 1842. Mary Jane, b. Oct. 17, 1843 ; d. April, 1865. Daniel H., b. Aug. 7, 1846. Ursula Ann, b. Sept. 12, 1848. Mrs. Wells d. Nov. 13, 1866, and Caleb Wells m., 2d, Oct. 31, 1867, Cordelia R. Bartlett. ChUd,— George B., b. June 8, 1869. Caleb Wells removed to TUton a few years ago, after many years residence in Sutton and Warner Gore. He is the last of his famUy. His son, Daniel H. WeUs, has lived in several places at the West, but is now settled in business in Boston. His youngest son, George B. WeUs, lives at home with his parents in Tilton. Mary Jane WeUs m. July 3, 1861, LoweU S. Button. Child,— George L. A., b. Aug. 18, 1862 ; d. Dec. 17, 1864. LoweU S. Button d. Dec. 17, 1863. His wife d. . Ursula Ann WeUs m. March 1, 1869, Joseph P. Andrews, of Warner. Children, b. in Sutton, — Arthur M., b. Oct. 19, 1872. Ernest A., b. June 20, 1877. Their home is in Warner Gore. Samuel Wells (brother to Joseph who settled in the Gore) m. Elsie Little. Children, — I. John M., m. Mary A. Quimby. ChUdren, — 1. Eliza J., m. David K. Priest. 2. Levi. II. Asenath, m. Isaac Bowles. Children, — 1. Silas. 2. Pluma. 3. Zilpah. 4. Lyman. III. Louisa, m. Johnson Quimby. ChUdren, — 1. Winslow. 2. Charles. 3. ArviUa. 4. Ella. IV. Rachel, m. Plummer Spooner. ChUd, — 1. Mary J. V. Nancy, m. Enoch Colby. Children, — 1002 HISTORY OF SUTTON. 1. Charles. 2. Hale, 3. Albert. 4. Harriet. VI. Elias, m. Ann Quimby. Children, — 1. Charles. 2. George. VII. Noah, m. Hannah WaUace. Children, — 1. Eveline A. 2. Wilbur, m. Mary H. Young. VIIL .James K., m. Sarah Quimby. Children, — 1. EUiot. 2. Frank. 3. Marietta. 4. SteUa. IX. ElUot, m. Oct. 29, 1857, Alma E. Palmer. ChUdren,— 1. Fred L., b. Feb. 11, 1860 ; m. Dec. 11, 1886, Rachel Kent. 2. Nellie E., b. March 24, 1861. 3. Minnie L., b. Oct. 24, 1863 ; m. Dec. 6, 1887, George B. Cressey. 4. Myrtie E., b. Oct. 24, 1863 ; d. May 11, 1871. 5. Cora A., b. Oct. 15, 1866; d. Jan. 11, 1884. X. Henry. WHEELER. Plummer Wheeler, b. Aug. 31, 1753 ; m. Jan. 9, 1777, Lucy Roby, dau. of Samuel and Hannah (Merrill) Roby. She was born March 6, 1760. They were early settlers in Sutton, where most of their children were born. Chil dren, — I. Tryphena, b. Feb. 10, 1778 ; d. March 1, 1778. IL Lucy, b. Feb. 13, 1779 ; d. March 31, 1856. III. Lois, b. May 1, 1781; d. April 1, 1866. IV. Hannah, b. Feb. 26, 1784 ; d. Oct. 7, 1835. V. Daniel, b. Nov. 26, 1786 ; d. 1866. VI. James, b. March 17, 1789 ; d. May 30, 1813. VII. Plummer, b. Aug. 27, 1791 ; d. Sept. 24, 1855. VIIL Samuel, b. Feb. 23, 1794 ; d. AprU 23, 1866. IX. Sally, b. Aug. 23, 1796 ; d. Nov. 20, 1811. X. Achsah, b. Feb. 23, 1800 ; d. Oct. 13, 1868. XL Jonathan, b. May 4, 1802 ; d. Sept. 11, 1864. Plummer Wheeler, Sr., d. Aug. 19, 1839, in Sutton. His wife d. June 4, 1840, in Sutton. The old Plummer Wheeler farm lajr north of the farm and buildings owned by the late Capt. Safford Watson, upon Birch hill. GENEALOGY. 1003 James Plummer, Jr., and Samuel Wheeler were in the War of 1812, and James died in service. ni. Lois Wheeler m. Nov. 28, 1805, Benjamin WeUs, of San- do-wn. ChUdren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Benjamin, b. Jan. 27, 1807. 2. Lucy W., b. June 12, 1810 ; d. Feb. 27, 1865. 3. Sarah A., b. Aug. 9, 1812 ; d. . 4. James R., b. Jan. 12, 1814 ; d. June 4, 1814. 5. James W., b. June 11, 1815 ; d. . 6. George, b. Oct. 18, 1819; d. June 23, 1885. 7. Lois E., b. March 26. 1822; d. AprU 2, 1824. 8. GUbert, b. May 5, 1826 ; d. . Benjamin Wells came to Sutton when a young man and married, settling upon Birch hUl. He lived upon the present Harwood farm. He was a spinner, and worked in the cotton-mUl, living near there for a time. Some time after 1826 he bought the smaU place oppo site the Thomas Morgan place, which he afterwards exchanged for the old Plummer Wheeler farm, where he spent the remainder of his days. He was son of Timothy WeUs, of Sandown. X. Achsah Wheeler m. May 1, 1822, Jonathan Watson, of SaUs bury. ChUd, — 1. Emily, b. April 16, 1824; m. 1844, Jesse D. Currier, of Warner. Children, — (1) Orlin H., b. Feb. 16, 1846. (2) Adelbert H., b. May 5, 1851. (3) Ernest C, b. AprU 19, 1855. (4) Clara E., b. Dec, 27, 1857. Abel Wheeler came to this to-wn from Canterbury ; b. April 4, 1792 ; d. Jan. 18, 1855 ; m. Sarah Jehonnet, b. 1785 ; d. August, 1868. Children,— L John G., b., 1821 ; d. 1868 : m. Nancy BusweU. ChUdren,— 1. Charles G., b. Dec. 22, 1844. 2. James H. 3. Herman D. 4. Cjtus. 5. Alma. 6. Eveline. 7. Elmer. 1. Charles G. Wheeler m. April 5, 1838, Harriet McAdams. Chil dren, — (1) Warren D., b. May 31. 1868. (2) Can-ie E., b. May 4, 1870. 1004 HISTORY OF SUTTON. (3) Susie H., b. Oct 28, 1872. (4) Alma J., b. May 9, 1877. (5) Elmer J., b. May 9, 1877. II. Leonard H., b. Oct. 8, 1822 ; d. Aug. 14, 1877 : m. Oct. 24, 1854, Lucy B. Hoyt. Children, b. in Sutton, — 1. Emma, b. May 6, 1857 ; m. Oct. 5, 1889, James H. Watson, of Sutton. 2. Clarence, b. Aug. 26, 1859. 3. George, b. Aug. 22, 1861. 4. Kate P., b. Oct. 15, 1864 ; m. Nov., 1889, Walter King, of Frank lin, Mass. III. Luther H., b. 1824 ; m. Kate Worthley. ChUd,— 1. Ralph. IV. Ransom R., b. May 4, 1826. V. LoveU, b. 1828 ; d. same year. VI. James J., m. Sarah Parker. [See Parker.J VII. Jonathan Dearborn, b. 1842 ; d. 1869 : m. Frances Chap- . man. Child, — 1. Mason R. The ancestors of both Abel Wheeler and his wife were among the early inhabitants of Sutton, Mass. The town of Croydon was granted in 1763, and most' of the grantees were residents of Grafton, Mass., Sutton, and neighboring towns, which circumstance of course induced a large emi gration from that vicinity. Among others came the Wheel ers. The Jehonnets (or, more properly, Johannots) were of French extraction. Daniel Johannot, with his parents, who were Protestants, came to this country and settled with other French Protestant families in Oxford, Mass., which town was granted in 1683, for the accommodation of about thirty French families, who had "escaped from France after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. The French Protestants, or Huguenots, as they are termed in history, proved a most valuable addition to the manufacturing arts and industries of this country, being, when they came, already skilled in those arts which had, at that date, made but little progress in this country. Some of the most useful inventions and improvements in manu- GENEALOGY. 1005 facturing machinery have been made Vjy those claiming descent from these French refugees from persecution. Abel Wheeler moved into this town about 1840, with his wife and six sons, and continued to reside here till his death. His wife was a very intelligent, industrious, and worthy woman. Three of the six sons served in the army during the war, viz.. Ransom, Leonard H., and J. Dear born, and also one or more of the grandchildren.. Leonard H. Wheeler was a man of much force of character. He was a good scholar, and when a young man was a good school-teacher. He held the office of selectman. After his return from the war he was engaged quite largely in lumber business, and accumulated considerable property, and always bore a character of the highest honor. Isaac Jehonnet, brother to Mrs. Wheeler, lived in North Sutton several years. They had a daughter, Martha, who m. James Monroe Coburn, and had several children born in Sutton. [See Coburn.] WHIDDEN. James G. Whidden m. Mrs. Hoyt, a widow, and has ever since been a useful and respected citizen of this town, a period of between thirty and forty years, living most of the time in the Mill Village. They had no children. Her chU dren, by first marriage, were George Hoyt, who has been for many years a resident in Haverhill and Bradford, Mass., engaged in shoe-making ; William, who at one period drove the stage from Warner to New London, before the railroad was open to Bradford, married Sarah, dau. of GUman Gree ley, and had a daughter, Sarah ; and third, Lucinda, who has always remained at home to care for her mother, who lived to be aged and helpless. Mr. Whidden has many times obliged his neighbors by managing at funerals, a position he is well adapted to fill by his polite manners and knowledge of the world's ways. 1006 HISTORY OF SUTTON. WHITCOMB. Daniel Whitcomb, son of Paul Whitcomb, of Warner and Newport, was b. in Sutton, Aug. 7, 1804 ; d. May 26, 1843. His wife was Mehitabel Cowan, of Deering. They were m. at Sutton, March 9, 1826. Children, — I. Joseph Greeley, b. at Francestown, Jan. 26, 1827. II. Samuel F. K., b. at Sutton, AprU 18, 1830 ; d. at Colebrook, July, 1885, from the effects of sunstroke. III. Daniel F., b. at Sutton, March 26, 1832. IV and V. John F. and Benjamin R., b. at Sutton, July 23, 1837. Benjamin enlisted in 16th Regiment N. H. Vols., and d. at Port Hudson, La., July 23, 1863. John F. d. at Grafton, Jan. 29, 187L VI. Augusta Harvey, b. at Sutton, Oct. 31 , 1841 ; d. Jan. 7, 1843, at Manchester. VII. Emery Bailey, b. at Sutton, Aug. 24, 1843. He served three years in the war, and was honorably discharged at the close. He was in many battles, and never received a wound. I. Joseph G. Whitcomb m. 1853, ArviUa Heath, of Grafton. ChUdren, — 1. Mary. 2. Grace. 3. Fred, b. 1870; d. Dec, 1889, being accidentally kiUed at his post of duty as brakeman on a Western railroad. II. Samuel F. K. Whitcomb m. Luella Reed, of Colebrook. Chil- dren, b. at Colebrook, — 1. Dwight. 2. Viola. They died within a few hours of each other, Aug., 1866, of diphtheria, at Sutton. III. Daniel F. Whitcomb, at the age of 19, went West, and com menced work as a common workman on a railroad, from which position he has risen by successive promotions to a very responsible post, held for several years. He is now general superintendent for the Indianapolis Union Railway Co., office at Indianapolis. He is unmarried. IV. John F. Whitcomb m. Abby Richardson, of Winthrop, Mass. No children. V. Benjamin F. Whitcomb died unmarried. VII. Emery B. Whitcomb m. March 18, 1869, Miss Thompson, b. Nov. 8, 1847, in Monroe, Butler Co., Ohio, dau. of d'Tiie'i / 6l'C{l'?M/. GENEALOGY. 1007 Thompson and his wife, who was Miss Jones. Chil dren, — 1. WUliam Paul, b. at Mattoon, Coles Co., 111., July 18, 1873. 2. Daniel F., b. at Louisville, Ky., Feb. 24, 1875. 3. Joseph G., b. at Topeka, Kan., Sept. 12, 1882; d. Deo. 3, 1883, of diphtheria. Emery B. Whitcomb is passenger conductor on the West Shore Railroad. Present residence, Syracuse, N. Y.. The Sutton Whitcomb family are descendants of Jacob Whitcomb, who was born in Stowe, Mass., 1743. He emi grated to Henniker in 1770, and after some years, about 1780, removed to Warner. Olive Whitcomb, the first female school-teacher in Sutton, was aunt to Daniel Whit comb. On the mother's side Daniel Whitcomb was a descend ant, in the 4th generation, of Ebenezer Kezar, the man so noted in Sutton's early history, and he seemed to have in herited much of his ancestor's ingenuity and capability. He was a blacksmith, and lived, with the exception of a few years, in Manchester, always in the North village, where he had a house and shop. He had a fine taste in music and a superior voice for singing, and was a favorite and success ful teacher of singing-schools. He died of quick consump tion induced by measles. He was of a pleasant, genial, companionable disposition, and had many friends. His Avife still survives, and her present residence is with her son, Joseph G. Whitcomb, Potter Place, Andover. WHITE. Dea. Henry White, of Hopkinton, m. Abigail Cressey, of Bradford. Children, — I. Calvin, b. June 21, 1804 : d. Oct. 18, 1876. II. Sarah, b. Aug. 13, 1808 ; d. Feb., 1870. Mrs. White d. AprU, 1810, and Dea. White m., 2d, Nov. 20, 1811, Lucy Smith, of Bradford, dau. of Abram and Keziah (StUes) Smith. Children, b. in Sutton,— 1008 HISTORY OF SUTTON. III. Abigail, b. Nov. 16, 1816 ; m. Amos S. Goodwin. IV. Henry, b. March 12, 1817. V. Lucinda C, b. Feb. 23, 1819. Dea. White d. May 8, 1841, in LoweU, Mass. His wife d. May 31, 1871, in Bradford. He came to Sutton near 1812, and lived upon the old road from Roby's Corner to South Sutton and Stevens's hill, where the apple orchard yet remains. He did considerable business as a cooper. He sold his farm, and lived a short time at South village, and afterwards returned to Bradford. Later he removed to Lowell. I. Calvin White m. Mary, dau. of Elder Nathan Champlin, of Sutton. ' He was a mason by trade, and lived for some years at Sutton MiUs. II. Sarah White m. James W. Presby, of Bradford, and had 7 chUdren, of whom Frank W. lives in Concord. V. Lucinda C. White m. Charles A. Cressey. Children, — 1. Mary F., b. Jan. 14, 1852 ; m. George W. Gardner, of Sunapee. 2. Martha A., b. May 3, 1855 ; m. Alphonse E. Foster. Child,— (1) Byron A. Foster lives with his father near Bradford Centre. WHITTIER. « Francis Whittier and his sons, Daniel and Francis, were all land-owners in this town in 1792. They located near the mountain, on adjoining farms. Francis lived on the John Merrill place. Both of the sons had large families, and both were respectable men. Francis m. Polly Pear sons, sister to Joseph, John, and Thomas Pearsons. She was a very superior woman, physically and mentally. She was a school-teacher. Soon after the great tornado in 1821, which did much damage in their neighborhood, they re moved to Corinth, Me., where some of their descendants. still remain. Children, — Sally, b. AprU 29, 1797. Betsey, b. AprU 6, 1798. GENEALOGY. 1009 Sylvia, b. Oct. 20, 1799. Pearsons, b. June 3, 1801. Elizabeth, b. May 3, 1803. Cynthia, b. Feb. 27, 1805. Jonathan N., b. Sept. 6, 1806. PoUy, b. Sept. 5, 1808. Lucinda, b. March 5, 1810. Charles, b. April 21, 1814. Daniel Whittier lived in this town till his death. He m. Esther, dau. of Hezekiah Parker, Sr. Children, — Ebenezer, b. Feb. 17, 1801. DeUa, b. July 29, 1802. Simon, b. Aug. 8, 1804. Tryphena, b. March 20, 1806. Daniel, b. June 5, 1808. Esther, b. Aug. 3, 1810. Miriam, b. Sept. 4, 1812 ; m. Isaac Mastin, Jr. ; 2 sons. RosiUa (ZiUah), b. Oct. 19, 1815. Jonathan, b. . Jonathan Harvey, b. Oct. 30, 1818 ; m. Jan. 10, 1862, Mary Andrew. Abner Whittier, of New London (perhaps brother to Francis, Sr.), m. Jan. 11, 1783, Nabby Sargent. They were parents of William, Phineas, and Osgood Whittier, of whom the two last named became residents of Sutton. Phineas m. Jan. 7, 1813, Sally, dau. of Samuel Andrew, of Sutton. Children, — Alden P., b. Sept. 29, 1814 ; m. Ruth Whittier, dau. of Osgood Whittier. Judith S., b. June 24, 1817. Achsa D., b. Jan. 22, 1820. Samuel A., b. Sept. 21, 1822 ; m. Aug. 1, 1848, Sarah J. Heath, of Cabot, Me. Nancy, b. ; m. Nov., 1846, Capt. Samuel RoweU, of Sutton. Two other children, names not obtained. Phineas Whittier was a man of miich physical energy, as 64 1010 HISTORY OF SUTTON. is shown by the fact that he was one of the first New Eng- landers that ever climbed the Rocky Mountains. He was with Major Stephen H. Long in his first exploring expedi tion. Osgood Whittier, b. 1787; d. Aug. 11,1854; m. Sally, dau. of Jonathan Davis, 2d, b. 1797; d. July 9, 1851. They came to Sutton in 1831. Children, — I. WUUam Taylor, b. Feb. 16, 1819 ; d. Sept. 12, 1832. IL Charles C, b. AprU 17, 1821 ; d. Oct. 17, 1882. III. Ruth, b. May 14, 1823. IV. Ira P., b. June 10, 1826. V. Robert L., b. Jan., 1830 ; m. Sept. 11, 1856, Hannah E. Hardy. II. Charies C. Whittier m. SeUna Small, who d. Oct. 31, 1885. Child,— 1. Herman C, b. July 27, 1860 ; m. Nov. 17, 1887, Roxy L. Call, b. Jan. 10, 1860. Child,— (1) Ernest C. III. Ruth Whittier m. Dec. 30, 1840, her cousin, Alden P. Whittier. Children, — 1. Elbridge G. 2. Alvah. 3. Mary J. 4. EUen S. Mrs. Whittier m., 2d, Sylvester Hardy. Child, — 5. Charies H. 1. Elbridge G. Whittier d. in service in the war, Sept. 17, 1863. 3. Mary J. Whittier m. Frank B. Sargent. Children, — (1) Edith. (2) Agnes. 4. Ellen S. Whittier m. Josiah C. Hardy. Children, — (1) AUce M. (2) Arthur J. (3) Ada C. IV. Ira P. Whittier m. Sept. 16, 1851, Betsey J. Adams. Chil dren, — 1. Ira C, b. AprU 15, 1853 ; d. Feb. 3, 1857. 2. Amos C, b. March 1, 1858 ; m. Sept. 11, 1880, Alice Hadley. 3. John E., b. Dec. 21, 1860. 4. Moses F., b. Feb. 27, 1864; m. June 5, 1888, Jennie Nelson. Several years ago Ira P. Whittier removed to Warner. On Sutton records the following is found : " Benjamin Williams m. May 7, .1809, AbigaU Whittier." She was. GENEALOGY. 1011 perhaps, sister to Phineas and Osgood Whittier. Cynthia Whittier, who m. Josiah Nichols, was perhaps of the same family. WILKINS. Frederic Wilkins m. Jan. 4, 1805, Phebe Mastin, 2d. Children, — I. Lydia, b. March 10, 1805. II. Sherburne, b. Feb. 20, 1807. III. StiUman, b. Oct. 3, 1809. IV. Lucy Smith, b. Feb. 1, 1812. Deacon Gideon Wilkins m. Sally . Children,^ I. Gideon, b. Dec. 1, 1800. II. Cynthia, b. Aug. 7, 1802. in. Matthew, b. AprU 16, 1804. IV. Jesse, b. July 4, 1806. V. Dustin, b. Dec. 8, 1808. VI. EUza, b. July 3, 1811. VII. Lucy, b. Nov. 10, 1813. Frederic and Gideon Wilkins were sons of AquUla Wil. kins, who at an early date owned a farm near the moun tain, where he lived till his death. Gideon Wilkins lived near the home of his father till the death of his first wife, Sally . Afterwards he removed to New London, where he m. Rachel Knowlton. One daughter of AquUla Wilkins was Esther, wife of Hezekiah Parker, and another, Ednah, m., 1st, Mills, and 2d, Ezekiel Da-vis. WILLIAMS. Benjamin Williams, who lived early near Mr. Kendrick, left no children. He was not of the same family as the following : 1012 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Thomas Mc Williams, or Williams, as the name is now called, m. Dec. 29, 1791, Anna South worth, of Fishersfield. Both were born in Scotland, but their acquaintance began in Fishersfield, and in that town, on a hill farm, they spent the remainder of their lives. They were very worthy, hon orable people, kind and friendly, and the same has always been said to be true of all their descendants. Children, — - I. John, b. July 14, 1796; d. Sept. 28, 1867, in WUmot; m. June 18, 1815, MoUy P. Q. FeUows, who d. Dec. 7, 1872. II. Betsey. III. Mary, b. ; m. Feb. 7, 1811, Andrew GiUingham. Children of John and MoUy P. Q. (FeUows) Williams,— 1. Thomas, b. Dec. 22, 1816 ; d. April, 1890 : m. Ruth Colby. They lived many years in North Sutton, and had sons, — Alvin, Charles, and other children. 2. Malvina, b. Feb. 12, 1818 ; d. Nov. 12, 1872, in Sharon, Vt. : m. Reuben Gile. 3. Jesse F., b. Feb. 25, 1820; d. March 26, 1869, in Manchester. 4. MariUa, b. March 8, 1823 ; d. Sept. 17, 1873 : m. Albert Nelson. 5. John, b. AprU 21, 1825. 6. Samuel G., b. Feb. 6, 1828 ; d. Oct., 1831. 7. Mary E. G., b. March 3, 1830; m. Benjamin True Putney; lives in Concord. 8. Ira F., b. March 7, 1833 ; d. March 29, 1863. 9. Belinda W., b. AprU 2, 1835 ; d. March, 1839. 10. Jonathan F., b. April 9, 1838 ; lives in Lowell, Mass. WITHEE. Asa Withee, b. in Belfast, Me., May 10, 1809 ; d. in Sut ton, March 11, 1890 : m. March, 1837, Lucretia B. Holmes. Mr. Withee came to Sutton in 1836. He resided in the South vUlage, first owning the house now o-wned by Charles McAllister. " He was a man of much thought, a close reader, and was well informed on very many subjects. His clear memory could recall with accuracy events of interest many years ago. He was a good citizen and kind neigh bor. He was son of David and Elizabeth (Brown) Withee, of Belfast, Maine." Children, — GENFALOGY. 1013 I. EUen A., b. June 8, 1838 ; m. Oct. 7, 1863, George C. Hoyt. II. George W., b. Nov. 23, 1842 ; d. Aug. 8, 1843. III. Cordelia M., b. March 5, 1846. IV. Lewis C, b. June 14, 1848 ; d. July 3, 1889 : m. Emma J. Smith. ChUd,— 1. Walters. Lewis C. Withee m., 2d, Lodena M. Johnson. Child, — 2. Lottie Belle. WOODWARD. Eliphalet and Stephen Woodward were brothers, and came early to this town from Sandown. They settled on adjoining farms in the north-west part of Sutton, near New London. Eliphalet Woodward, b. May 28, 1758; d. Feb. 23, 1826: m. Martha Gage, b. July 11, 1758 ; d. Sept. 30, 1847. Chil dren, — I. Joseph Gage, b. Dec. 19, 1780 ; d. Aug. 19, 1863. II. AbigaU, b. Nov. 30, 1782 ; d. March 25, 1873. III. Eliphalet, b. Nov. 29, 1784 ; d. May 8, 1807. IV. Ednah, b. March 20, 1787 ; d. Aug. 28, 1836. V. James, b. March 31, 1789 ; d. AprU 28, 1872. VI. Daniel, b. March 24, 1791 ; d. April 1, 1791. vn. Amos, b. May 31, 1792 ; d. Dec. 19, 1873. VIIL Rhoda, b. Feb. 6, 1794 ; d. Feb. 17, 1794. IX. John King, b. July 9, 1796 ; d. Nov. 20, 1873. X. Isaac, b. March 15, 1797 ; d. Dec. 27, 1877. XI. Mary Eaton, b. March 27, 1799 ; d. May 19, 1828. I. Capt. Joseph Woodward cleared up and settled . on the farm kno-wn in later years as the James Prescott farm. In this work he was, according to his own statement, assisted greatly by his wife, a very vigorous woman, named Polly or Dolly Dole, of Wilmot, whom he m. Oct. 24, 1806. ChUdren,— 1. Marcus, b. Jan. 12, 1807 ; went to Stoneham, Mass. 2. John D., b. Aug. 22, 1808 ; lived in New London. 3. Mary, lived in Lowell and Dracut. 4. Martha, m. Morey ; d. in Sutton. 5. DrusiUa. 6. Milton, went West and there died. 7. Abigail, d. 1014 HISTORY OF SUTTON. Capt. Joseph Woodward m., 2d, 1822, Mrs. Betsey Johnson. ChUdren, — 8. Lawson. 9. Eliza. None of his descendants now live in Sutton. One who knew and well remembered the families of both EUphalet and Stephen Woodward said of them, — "The characteristics of the Woodwards, all of them, were honesty, integrity, and capability." Stephen Woodward, Born May, 1761; d. 1828 : m. Lydia Gage, b. Dec, 1760 ; d. 1840. ChUdren,— I. David, b. May 27, 1783 ; d. Sept. 8, 1853 : m. Ruth WeUs, who d. Nov. 18, 1869. II. Hannah, b. April 6, 1785 ; d. unmarried. III. Jonathan, b. Jan. 18, 1787 ; d. June 12, 1847 : m. Oct. 1, 1814, DoUy Harvey. IV. Stephen, b. April 7, 1789 ; d. June 22, 1816 : went to Elk- worth, Me., married, and reared a family. V. Daniel, b. Dec. 29, 1791 ; d. Sept., 1827, at Canterbury : m. July 4, 1816, Betsey Moore ; 6 ch. VI. Moses, b. Sept. 8, 1793 ; d. at Sutton, Nov. 15, 1866, un married. VII. Benaiah, b-. Dec. 10, 1796 ; went to EUsworth, Me., where he d. unmarried. Vin. Ruth, b. Dec. 25, 1797 ; d. Aug., 1864 : m. Stephen Sar gent, of New London. IX. Lydia, b. June 7, 1799 ; d. Jan., 1827 : m. Jonathan Moore, of Canterbury. X. Matthew, b. March 25, 1804 ; went to EUsworth, Me. I. David Woodward m. Ruth B. WeUs.. Children, — 1. Gage, b. Nov. 30, 1809; m. Betsey Wells; 4 ch. Residence, New London. 2. Daniel, b. Nov. 1, 1811 ; d. in infancy. 3. Ruth, b March 23, 1813 ; m. Thomas Jefferson Chadwick. [See same.] 4. Dana, b. AprU 27, 1815 ; m. and lived in Lowell, and there died. GENEALOGY. 1015 5. Sarah, b. June 9, 1817 ; m. Burpee Pillsbury, of New London. 6. Mary, b. June 19, 1819 ; d. in Lowell, of cholera, unmarried. 7. Stephen, b. Feb. 16, 1822. 8. Lydia, b. April 26, 1824 ; m. Charles Gardner. Residence, Wilkes- Barre, Penn. ¦ 9. Daniel, b. May 7, 1827. 10. David, b. Feb. 5, 1830 ; m. , in Lowell, where he died. 11. Hannah, b. June 5, 1832 ; d in infancy. 7. Stephen Woodward m. Nov. 18, 1845, Sarah A. P. Johnson, of Sutton, dau. of Stephen and Polly (Page) Johnson. Children, b., some and perhaps all, in Sutton, — (1) Emma E., b. Oct. 10, 1846 ; d. Feb. 21, 1849. (2) Annette, b. Jan. 20, 1848; m. Oct. 26, 1865, Andrew J. Fuller, of Boston. (3) Albert H., b. Aug. 21, 1851 ; d. March 21, 1853. (4) Frank A., b. Jan. 5, 1853; m. Feb. 1, 1888, Almira, dau. of Wm. L. Morgan. (5) Mary A., b. Aug. 2, 1855; m. Deo. 24, 1876, Dr. F. P. Fisher, of Enfield Centre. (6) Carrie, b. May 5, 1858; d. May 28, 1865. (7) Elva E., b. July 21, 1860. Mrs. Woodward d. July 4, 1868, and Stephen Woodward m., 2d, Jan. 4, 1870, Mrs. Harriet M. (Clogston) Sargent, of Peacham, Vt., dau. of Robert D. and Betsey (Sargent) Clogston. Stephen Wood ward was a carpenter and house-painter. He lived in Sutton some years, then at George's Mills, and finaUy located in Sunapee. 9. Daniel Woodward m. Oct. 12, 1851, Roxana, dau. of Philip N. and Lydia (Varner) Little. Children, b. in Sutton, — (1) Ella Harriet, b. Nov. 8, 1852; m. George White, of Lawrence. (2) George Henry, b. March 5, 1855; m. Annie E. Ayer, of Sutton. (3) Grace Isabelle, b. March 15, 1857 ; m. Irving Sawtelle, of Brad ford. (4) Lydia Jane, b. May 3, 1859 ; m. Simon G. Cutting, of Sutton. (5) Philip Daniel, b. June 29, 1863 ; d. Nov. 29, same year. ni. Jonathan Woodward was born in Sutton, and here spent his whole life. For several years after his marriage he lived on the farm known as the Thomas S. Little farm. In 1821 he removed to the old homestead of his father, Stephen Woodward, and cared for his parents during their declining years. He was a cooper by trade, and besides managing the large farm, found time to do con siderable coopering work. He was captain in the " Grenadiers " of the old state miUtia. He was smaU in stature, had an open, ex pressive countenance, and sharp, black eyes. He d. June 12, 1847, on the same farm where he was born, and was one of the most respected citizens of the to-wn. The memory of his well spent life 1016 HISTORY OF SUTTON. was a precious legacy to his chUdren, and in after years they often referred to him in terms of praise. He m. Oct. 1, 1814, DoUy, dau. of James and Eunice (Cotter) Harvey, of Sutton, b. May 29, 1794 ; d. AprU 30, 1868. ChUdren,— 1. James Harvey, b. July 28, 1815. 2. Harriet NeweU, b. July 5, 1817; d. Nov. 14, 1889: m. Jacob Bean (2d wife). 3. Marcia Eunice, b. Aug. 18, 1821 ; d. June 5, 1881, in Tilton. 4. Lydia Ann, b. May 2, 1825 ; d. March 2, 1875 : m. Truman Put ney. [See Putney.] 5. Moses Gage, b. Jan. 20, 1828. 6. Susan Harvey, b. Oct. 8, 1835 ; d. Sept. 4, 1864 : m. Hiram K. Lit tle. [See Little.] 1. James Harvey Woodward m. AbigaU G. Rice, of Brighton, Mass. Children, — (1) James Thomas, b. July, 1844; d. Sept., 1847- (2) Emma Frances, b. Sept., 1848 ; d. Aug., 1861. (3) Harvey Augustus, b. July, 1851 ; d. Sept., 1851. (4) Ella Louise, b. Oct. 20, 1854 ; d. Aug., 1855. James Hai-vey Woodward was the eldest child of Capt. Jonathan and Dolly (Harvey) AVoodward, and a grandson of Stephen Woodward and James Harvey, who were prominent among the early settlers of the town. He resided at Sutton till 1835, when he went to Brighton, Mass., where he worked for several years as a carpenter. He after wards purchased a lumber wharf at Brighton, and did an extensive business as surveyor of lumber. In 1860 he removed to North Cam bridge, Mass., and opened a furniture store on North Avenue, where he built up a large and lucrative business. Jlr. Woodward was a man of activity and great natural ability. When he first arrived at Brighton, a young man of twenty, after pay ing- his stage fare he had only two dollars in his pocket. In after years, through his own efforts, he became a man of wealth. He applied himself closely to business, and never sought political prefer ment. He was often urged by his friends to permit the use of his name as a candidate for various offices in the city government, but always refused. For many years he was a prominent member of the Unitarian church at Brighton, of which the Rev. Frederick A. Whitney was the honored pastor, and for a time served as deacon of this church. After his removal to Cambridge he united with the North Avenue Universa list church. His religion had no Calvinistic flavor, but he fully be lieved in the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. He was one of the many men who have gone forth from Sutton to achieve suc cess in wider fields. He ever manifested a deep interest in his native town, which he annually visited, that he might meet his old friends ^n.^-'-O^X-'-t^ /^, //h-o-cU^j-ciAMy. GENEALOGY. 1017 and acquaintances. Sept. 21, 1843, he married Abigail G. Rice, young est daughter of Dea. Edmund and Abigail (Maynard) Rice, of Brigh ton. They had four children, all of whom died in youth. The loss of his children was a blow from which he never fully recovered. He died Dec. 1, 1885, and was buried in the family lot on a beautiful elevation in the Cambridge cemetery. 3. Maria Eunice Woodward m. June 2, 1847, Sargent H. Richardson, of Nashua, b. Oct. 6, 1820. ChUdren,— (1) Ida Maria, b. Oct. 14, 1850 ; m. John D. Stewart, of Centreville, Iowa, and now resides in luka, Pratt Co., Kan. (2) Mary Ann, b. Aug. 24, 1853 ; d. Feb. 6, 1856. (3) Mary EUa, b. Aug. 6, 1856. (4) Minnie Harriet, b. May 29, 1860. 5. Moses Gage m. Sept. 30, 1856, Luvia Josephine, dau. of Joel Cil ley, Esq., of Woodbury, Vt. She d. Oct. 30, 1861, in WUmot Flat. He m., 2d, AprU 4, 1863, Sarah Jane, dau. of Elisha Keniston, of Andover, b. March 5, 1839. At the age of 20 years he went to Bright on, Mass., where his brother, James H., resided, to learn the carpen ters' trade, and remained there several years. He afterwards resided in WUmot and in Sutton. In 1870 he removed to Franklin Falls, where he does an extensive business as contractor and builder. Mr. Woodward is a member of the L'nitarian church at Franklin, and also of the Masonic fraternity. He has been a very industrious man, and is honored and respected by the community in which he lives. Chil dren, by his 1st wife, — (1) Henry Arthur, b. Aug. 3, 1857 ; d. July 9. 1865. (2) Mary Ella, b. Nov. 14, 1858 ; m. Sept. 26, 1885, Frank P. Mars ton, of Meredith. (3) George B., b. Oct. 14, 1861 ; m. Sept., 1885, Alice May Allen, of Nashua. He is now in trade in Burlington, Vt. Children, by 2d wife, — (4) Emma Maria, b. June 30. 1867, has recently graduated from the N. H. State Normal School, and is a very successful teacher. (5) Jennie Hannah, b. April 22, 1874. (6) Hattie Mabel, b. July 15, 1«77. V. Daniel Woodward, b. in Sutton, Dec. 27, 179- ; m. 1816, Betsey Moore, of Newburyport, Mass., who d. Jan. 8, 1851, aged 68. ChUdren,— 1. Sylvester, b. in Sutton, Dec. 10, 1816 ; d. Dec. 31, 1874 : m. Nov. 21, 1844, i\lary A. Tinker, of Ellsworth, Me. Children, — (1) AziUa M., b. July 30, 1850. (2) Carrie A., b. Oct. 10, 1852; d. 1854. (3) Frank Harvey, b. April 6, 1855. Mr. Woodward was a carpenter by trade, residing for many years in Lowell, Mass. 1018 HISTORY OF SUTTON. 2. ArviUa, b. in Satton, 1818 ; m. 1848, Norris Nichols, of Reading, Mass., now resident in Chelsea. 6. Emily G., b. in Sutton, June 10, 1820. For many years she was a successful and popular teacher in the schools in Lowell, where she 4. Daniel, b. at Canterbury, Nov., 1822 ; d. Aug. 29, 1825. 5. Moses, b. in Canterbury, Oct. 19, 1824; d. Sept. 13, 1825. 6. Mary Ann, b. in Canterbury, Jan. 22, 1828 ; d. Jan. 22, 1873 ; m. Oct., 1846, John R. Whitcomb, of Stowe, Mass. ; 4 children, only one now living. X. Matthew Harvey Woodward, youngest child of Stephen and Lydia (Gage) Woodward, was b. in Sutton, and remained with his parents till 1823, when he, being then 19 years old, went in com pany vrith his brother, Stephen G., to EUsworth, Me., to learn the ship carpenter's trade. At this business he worked for many years, and has buUt several large vessels. Mr. and Mrs. Woodward have been married sixty years, and are respected by all who know them. Mr. Woodward, at the age of 86, has been able to prepare the fol lowing record of his children with his own hand : " Matthew Harvey Woodward, b. March '25, 1804 ; m. Jan. 25, 1830, JuUa S. Whittaker, of EUsworth, Me. Children,— 1. Charles H., m. Priscilla Springer, of Boston ; 1 son, d. aged 10 years. 2. Alvah K., m. Elizabeth Jordan, of Ellsworth ; 1 dau. 3. MariUa K., m. Spencer S. Higgins, of Ellsworth. She d. a few years after marriage, leaving 1 dau. 4. Llewellyn D., m. Elizabeth Nichols, of Belfast, Me. ; 1 son. 5. Fanny A., d. unmarried, aged 23. 6. William P., m. Alice M. Bartlett, of Ellsworth ; 3 sons and 1 dau. 7. Lydia K., m. Spencer S. Higgins (2d wife) ; 3 sons and 1 dau. 8. Julia A., m. Eugene K. Morany, of Ellsworth ; 2 sons. 9. Clifton, m. Hattie E. Jordan, of Ellsworth ; 1 dau." • Enos Woodward m. Hannah French. Children, — Charies H., b. Aug. 28, 1867. WiUie E., b. Feb. 29, 1868. Ollie E., b. Oct. 15, 1872. Hattie B., b. AprU 20, 1874. Charies H. Woodward m. Nov. 8, 1855, Mary J. Presby. GENEALOGY. 1019 WRIGHT. The ancestor of the family of this name who became res ident of Sutton was, it is said, of German origin. He settled in Amesbury or Newbury, whence some of the de scendants came to Enfield. Joshua Wright, of Enfield, m. Molly Chadwick, and after some years removed to this town, and occupied the farm near Moses Wadleigh, where afterwards his son, John Wright, lived. The name of the latter will be found on record of town officers. Joshua Wright and his wife died in Sutton, the latter Feb. 3, 1811. Children, b. in New London, — I. Hannah, b. Nov. 16, 1792 ; d. Nov. 15, 1866 : m. April 23, 1820, Isaac Fellows. II. Sally, b. AprU 25, 1794; d. Feb. 24, 1796. III. John, b. Nov. 22, 1795 ; d. Feb. 25, 1872 : m. July 26, 1827, BeUnda Fellows, b. in Sutton. IV. Lydia, b. May 22, 1798 ; d. Feb. 18, 1877. V. Betsey, b. AprU 27, 1800 ; m. Nov. 9, 1820, Nathaniel Flan ders, of Hopkinton. VI. Joshua, b. Aug. 27, 1802 ; m. Emily West, of Bradford. VII. James, b. April 28, 1804 ; d. AprU 14, 1868. Vni. Zadock, b. Oct. 4, 1806 ; d. Oct. 12, 1882. IX. Susanna, b. Oct. 2, 1809 ; d. July 17, 1872. VI. Joshua Wright m. EmUy West, of Bradford. They have sons, — Eben, George, Henry, and Robert, who are noted railroad engineers, and Frank, who died aged 20 years. Their daughters were EmUy, Abbie, now dead, Susan, who married B. F. PiUsbury, and Elizabeth, who married ^ GUlingham. The two last named daughters now live in Granite FaUs, Minn. I. Hannah Wright and descendants are found on page 711, but the name there given of her father is erroneous. It should be Joshua, instead of John. For record of John Wright (III) see pp. 712, 713. Robert Wright, who died in Sutton in the winter of 1888-'89, was a haK brother of Joshua Wright, Sr. Robert was supposed to be about 95 years of age. He was brought up by the Shakers in Enfield, but left them when a young man. He was a capable, indus trious man, and of a friendly disposition, though he never married. 1020 HISTORY OF SUTTON. YOURING OR EWINS. Joseph Youring m. AprU 24, 1778, Olive KimbaU. Chil dren, b. in Sutton, — 1. Peter K., b. July 30, 1780 ; d. in Worcester, Mass. II. Jonathan, b. Sept. 28, 1785 ; d. in Weedsport, N. Y., Nov., 1852. IIL Molly, b. April 12, 1787 ; d. in Hopkinton. IV. Israel, b. Jan. 23, 1792 ; d. in Bradford, Sept. 11, 1865. V. SaUy, b. Nov. 13, 1795 ; d. in Warner, Oct., 1835. Joseph Youring and wife d. in Warner. Their descend ants changed the name to Ewins about 1800. Mr. Youring cleared and settled upon the farm best known as the Dan iel Smith farm, in the south part of the town, which he afterwards exchanged with Dudley Bailey for his Jfarm on the western side of the " Mink hills " in Warner. I. Peter K. Ewins m. Ruth . Children, b. in Sutton, — 1. Kimball, d. in Massachusetts. 2. Ruth, m. Howe, of Worcester, Mass. 3. Ralph, settled in Worcester. 4. Nelson, m. Olivia Martin, of Vermont, where he settled : went to war and was killed in service. 1. Kimball Ewins was a cripple from his birth, but he had saved enough from his wages as shoemaker to maintain himself comfortably in his last years in a church home. He never married. Peter K. Ewins moved to Vermont and died there. II. Jonathan Ewins m. Dec. 26, 1825, Mrs. Jennie (McMasters) Little, of Newbury, b. in Francestown, April 16, 1777 ; d. July 18, 1858, in Weedsport, N. Y. Children, b. in Newbury, — 1. Jonathan, Jr., b. Oct. 24, 1806 ; d. Nov. 15, 1867, in Warner. 2. Mai-y, b. Oct. 28, 1808. 3. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 20, 1809. 4. Joseph, b. Dec. 24, 1810; d. Dec. 15, 1886. 5. Madison, b. Feb. 12, 1812. 6. Jennie, b. April 5, 1815. 7. Alice, b. Oct. 3, 1817 ; d. June 18, 1840. Jonathan Ewins was quite a noted man in Newbury. He was a farmer, carpenter, and was also a drovier or dealer in cattle. Later he removed to New York, where most of Ids children settled. 1. Jonathan Ewins, of Newbury, m. May 1, 1830, Mary J. IngaUs, of Warner, dau. of John and Susan (Cheney) IngaUs. Children, b. in Warner, — GENFALOGY. 1021 (1) Herbert, b. Dec. 30, 1830 ; d. July 3, 1832. (2) Louisa J., b. March 17, 1834. (3) Herbert J., b. Oct. 22, 1838. (4) George W., b. April 1, 1840. (5) AUce A., b. Jan. 16, 1848. (2) Louisa J. Ewins m. July 17, 1857, Edward KimbaU, of Hillsbor ough. Children, — EUa M., b. July, 1858. Warren C, b. Jan. 14, 1866. Belle, b. April, 1869 ; m. Geo. Staniels, of HiUsborough Bridge. Ella M. Kimball m., 1st, Augustus Rogers, of Lebanon. After a few years he died, and she m., 2d, Frank Gordon, of Henniker. (3) Herbert J. Ewins m. Nov., 1861, Lucetta Pierce, of Bradford, dau. of Cummings and Caroline (Dowlin) Pierce. ChUdren, — Marietta, b. Dec. 25, 1863, in Bradford ; m. Sept. 1, 1888, Al pheus Huntoon, of Salisbury. Ida M., b. Feb. 17, 1866. (4) George W. Ewins, of Warner, m. Mary A. Ward, of Bradford,, dau. of Lindon and Maria (Ward) Ward. No ch. Mrs. Ewins d. Dec. 5, 1880, in Bradford, and her husband m., 2d, Jan. 1, 1882, Hattie G. Chadwick, of Sutton, dau. of Edmund and Tabitha (Peters) Chad wick. He is a farmer, living near Bradford pond. For many years he has done an extensive business in cattle and other stock, and has also been engaged in other branches of business. (5) Alice A. Ewins m. Sept. 25, 1864, Henry J. Brown, of Warner. ChUdren, b. in Warner, — Mary A., b. Nov. 6, 1872. Carrie L., b. May 8, 1879. Mary A. Brown m. Nov. 6, 1887, Herbert M. Cheney, of Warner. 2. Mary Ewins m. George Holland, of Weedsport, N. Y. Chil dren, — (1) Alice E., m. Abner Hoyt, of New York. She d. Dec, 1888. (2) Maria M., m. Waterman Stevens, of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Mary (Ewins) Holland m., 2d, French, of Weedsport. 3. Elizabeth Ewins m. John St. John, of Illinois. They have two sons now living in Stirling, 111. 4. Joseph Ewins m. Adeline Hess, of Weedsport. Child, — (1) Percival, b. at Weedsport. 5. Madison Ewins went to Weedsport, N. Y. 6. Jennie Ewins went, probably, to Illinois. 7. Alice Ewins m. Cyrenus A. Norris, of Weedsport. Child, — (1) Mary E., b. at Weedsport ; m. E. M. Stevens. They had 4 sons and a daughter, Jennie, who m. Jesse Hennings, of N. Y. 1022 HISTORY OF SUTTON. III. MoUy Youring m. Ezra Jones, Jr., probably 2d wife, as according to town records he m. Nov. 16, 1797, Ruth Page, b. May 6, 1774, who, it is supposed, was half sister to MoUy Youring. Children of Ezra and MoUy, — 1. Elizabeth. 2. Kimball, who d. in childhood. Dea. Ezra Jones moved to Hopkinton and died there, as did also Ms widow, a few years later. 1. Elizabeth Jones m. Joseph Philbrook, of Sutton, who was a descendant of Benjamin and Sarah (Chute) Philbrook, but his right place in the record of their issue is not found. He lived near the South vUlage. Children, — (1) Fanny. (2) Joseph, d. young. (3) Mehitabel. Mrs. Elizabeth (Jones) Philbrook m., 2d, Jonah Campbell, of Hop kinton. Child, — (4) Francis, now resident in Colorado. Jonah Campbell was a noted drummer, and as such was known far and wide, as also was his son Francis. Israel Youring m. Deborah Lowe, of Antrim. No chUdren. They lived in Warner and Bradford, and his sister, Sally Youring, spent the last part of her Ufe with him. She never married. Daniel Emery. The following, received too late for insertion in its proper place, is here added, the interest attaching to the fact of Mr. Emery's having served in both our wars with England making it important to preserve all that can be learned concerning him. The information was obtained through the agency of Charles E. Emery, of New York city, and from Rev. Rufus Emery, who is now engaged in col lecting material for a history of the Emery family. This Daniel Emery was baptized in Newbury, Mass., Feb. 26, 1764. The baptism of infants usually took place on the 2d Sunday after birth. He settled in Sutton, and m. Mary Jones, and d. in WUmot, Aug. 29, 1850. His wife d. Nov. 12, 1849. Children,— GENEALOGY. 1023 I. John, b. March, 1796 ; d. when 18 years of age. II. Daniel, m. Rebecca Chase. III. Ezra, m. Jane Dole. IV. Judith, m. Eben White. She was b. 1804. V. Timothy, b. 1808 ; m. Fanny Jones. It was within the recollection of Sutton people that Mr. Emery's wife was a daughter of Ezra Jones, Sr., the first miller, but there was some confusion as to her given name. Mary is not found on the Sutton record of Mr. Jones's children, probably because she was born before the family came to Sutton. The Betsey or Hitty who is marked III of Ezra Jones's chUdren on page 780 of this history, should therefore read simply " Betsey, b. June 16, 1788," as it is here made certain that she is not, as was supposed, the wife of Daniel Emery. It is also fully established by the knowledge and recol lection of Sutton people that the Daniel Emery who is named among the soldiers from Sutton in the War of 1812 is Daniel Emery, Sr., and not his son Daniel, as has been suggested lately. The circumstance of his serving in both wars was frequently spoken of by the old people, and never doubted or contradicted. It will be seen that the name on the list of 1812 soldiers was not Daniel Emery, Jr. As to Mr. Emery's Revolutionary ser-vice his pension record gives the following information : He enlisted for three years in March, 1780 or '81, under Capt. Eleazer Frye, in Col. Dearborn's regiment (called the 1st). He joined this company at a place called Soldier's Fortune, near West Point, N. Y. In November, 1821, he was aged 57 years, and his wife, named Mary, was aged 53 years at the same date, his daughter Judith, aged 17, and son Timothy, aged 13. DEAF AJSTD DUMB. In 1822 the legislature of New Hampshire made appropriation of a sum of money to be expended at Hartford Institute for the education of such deaf mutes as desire an education. Ozro KimbaU, son of John and Lucinda (Fowler) KimbaU, was born in Sutton Sept. 7, 1811. When about three years old he lost his hearing, in consequence of being very sick -with canker-rash. His uncle, Capt. Levi Fowler, was much interested in the chUd, and, after some years' time and considerable effort, managed to obtain admission for him to the asylum at Hartford, taking him there himself. He was remarkably smart and intelligent, learned rapidly, and acquired a good education. He grew to manhood, married a deaf-mute, a lady whose acquaintance he made at the asylum. They had three chUdren, aU of them bright and inteUi- gent, and they can hear perfectly well. Mr. Kimball was for several years employed in a pianoforte manufactory in Boston, where he had charge of some department of the work. He acquired a good property. He was killed on a railroad a few years ago, not hear ing the approaching train behind him, when he imprudently at tempted to cross the track. Mary Ann Parker, daughter of Elisha and Lydia (Ambrose) Parker, also lost her hearing in consequence of canker-rash. She had just begun to speak some words, and those she never forgot. She was very quick to learn, and possessed of remarkable beauty. When she was twelve years old she could " cipher," as it was then termed, as far as the " rule of three," her cousin, David Davis, having taught her by a process of his own invention. She usually attended school because she chose to go with her brothers and sis ters. WhUe in school she used to spend most of her time in writ ing, the teacher setting her copies -willingly. Soon after she was twelve years of age she was sent to Hartford Asylum for her edu cation, went through the course of study, and became a teacher there. Some years elapsed, and her health failing, her cousin, David Davis, sent for her to come to him, and when she came, evi dently far gone in consumption, he married her, as he wrote to a friend, in order to take care of her. She soon after died. She was born July 23, 1816. ILl CD Z