' ' -ir f ' YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY INDEX RECORDS COUNCIL OF NEW HAMPSHIRE From November 17, 1631, to April 17, 1784, IN THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. Published by Authority of the Legislature. ~^X^^ '^-O-^ i^^X-l^<^- . •.^....,..JL Cr.^'th. CONCORD: EDWARD N. PEARSON, PUBLIC PRINTER. 1896. INTRODUCTION. This volume is an index to the rnanuscript records ofthe Council from 1631 to 1784, in the office of the Secretary of State. These records are comprised in eight volumes, labeled Book I, Book II, etc., and each book has been indexed entire, including some miscellaneous papers bound with the records of proceedings. Book I to Book VI inclusive are Council Records of the Province of New Hampshire. From November 2, 1728, to April 5, 1742, including the administra tions of Governor Burnet and of Governor Belcher; and from July 30, 1767, to December 22, 1772, during a part ofthe administration of Governor John Went worth, the Council Records have not been preserved. Books VII and VIII include the records ofthe Council during the revolutionary period. This body, composed of twelve men, was styled a council, but in modern terms it would more appropriately be called a senate. i:^^IDEX TO RECORDS OF THE COUNCIL OF 1631-1784. [Roman numerals designate the Book and Arabic the page.] ABATEMENT : of excise \ taxes . beef tax . > wMcA see. continental tax state tax . . powder for ship in king's service V, 98 ABBETT, John: petition, information, complaint V 29s V 296 V, 297 ABBETT, Widow [Abbet] : account i, 220 ABBOTT, Abiel, Capt.: muster-master draws soldiers' travel money vii. 86 account, pay-roll vii, 143 vii. 271 viii. 5° major . vii. 112 ABBOTT, Jacob: representative vii. 7 councilor vii. 288 vii. 289 viii, 66 viii. 69 viii, 71 viii. 76 viii. 78 viii. 81 viii. 83 viii, 85 viii. 86 viii. 87 viii, 93 viii. 97 viii, 100 viii. lOI viii. 107 viii. 108 viii, 109 viii, no viii. 113 viii, 117 viii. 120 viii. 129 viii, 13s viii, 136 viii, 138 viii. 140 viii, 141 Index to Records of the Council, ABBOTT, Jacob: councilor . . viii, 142 viii, 143 viii, 14s viii 147 viii 148 viii, 150 viii, 151 viii, 152 viii , 154 viii 155 viii, 158 viii, 159 viii, 160 viii 161 viii 162 viii, 166 viii, 167 viii, 169 viii 170 viii 171 viii, 174 viii, 176 viii, 178 viii 184 viii 186 viii, 189 viii, 190 viii, 192 viii 193 viii 196 viii, 198 viii, 303 viii, 305 viii 306 viii. 307 viii, 309 viii, 310 viii, 314 viii. 319 viii, 321 viii, 322 viii, 325 viii, 327 viii. 328 viii, 336 viii, 341 viii, 342 viii, 343 viii. 345 viii, 351 viii, 353 viii, 366 viii, 354 viii, 367 viii, 357 viii, 368 viii,viii, 362 372 viii, viii. 363 374 viii, 37S viii, 378 viii, 379 viii. 380 viii. 381 viii, 393 viii, 414 viii, 416 viii. 417 viii. 421 viii, 422 viii, 425 viii, 426 viii. 427 viii, 428 petitions, accounts viii, 150 viii. 151 viii. 173 viii, 373 special justice, Superior Court of ABBOTT, Jeremiah: viii, 393 Judicature viii, 396 viii, viii, 414 384 viii,viii, 415 396 enlisting officer ..... ABBOTT, John [Abbitt] : garrison soldier to take orders from President Hinckes . pilot-ship, account for . soldier impressed . i, 214 i, i, 215 230 vii, i, iii, iii, ii, 211 177 42 5680 impressment of his shallop ABBOTT, Joshua: pay-roll ABBOTT, Richard: V, 184 V, vii, 185 277 prison-keeper. Great Island . ABBOTT, Samuel: i, 60 i, 63 i, 75 petition, liberated from gaol ABBOTT, William: viii; 69 viii. 78 justice of the peace ABIGAIL: • viii. 470 sloop, voyages to Cape Breton schooner, papers taken from . ... ABJURATION : oath ...... . . ABSENTEES: see also Absentees' Estates: Inimicals: vi, viii, . which 23 53 see. see Amherst.Batchelder, Breed. Brush, Crane. Cochran, John. Cutler, Zaccheus Butler, Edward. Families. Charlestown. Farms. Fenton, John. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. ABSENTEES (see also ABSENTEES' ESTATES : INIMICALS) : Fisher, John. Francestown. Hart, Thomas, Jr Holland, Stephen. Hollis. Litchfield. Little, Stephen. Londonderry.Meserve, George. New York. Packersfield. Rysam, William Johnson. Selectmen. State Papers. State Records. Taxes. Vaughan, William. Wentworth, John, Gov. Wilton. Wolfeborough. vm, 114 vm, 477 goods and effects of, secured lands, sale for taxes, act to prohibit returns of, by selectmen . Francestown, sale of . . . Wolfeborough, sale of . . . Hollis, taxes on ... . farm at Wolfeborough, trustee to sell lease of families of, sent off . improved lands of, renting .... in possession of state records and papers ABSENTEES' ESTATES (see also under Absentees' names) : attachments of, measures to prevent and to void, viii, 37 viii, 67 viii inventories of, committee on .... . viii, county committees to take possession of, resolution for . vii, 86 viii, 425 viii, 133 viii, 163 viii, 200 viii, 488 viii, 182 viii, ri6 viii, 337 viii, 455 68 67 confiscation of, bills for . . . viii, 89 viii, 152 viii, 173 viii, 243 viii, 249 viii, 251 committees on, directed to lease ...... sale of, bill and act for . . . viii, 119 viii, 153 committees to render accounts of ..... taxes on, discounted to the towns . , . . . viii, 133 viii, 140 viii, 163 viii, 172 farms belonging to, to be rented ..... sold, kind of currency to be received for viii, 261 viii, 271 claims against, time for receiving extended judges of probate empowered in relation to creditors' demands against, satisfaction of Packersfield, taxes on . . . actions against, courts directed in subject to attachments to settle, act for Judge of Probate viii, 69 viii, 78 viii, 88 viii, 171 viii, 275 viii, 90 viii, 166 viii, 123 viii, 123 viii, 488 viii, 254 viii, 341 viii, 273 viii, 280 viii, 327 viii, 351 viii, 396 viii, 426 viii, 428 8 Index to Records of the Council, ABSTRACT : of wages presented by Brig. ACADIA [Acadie] : trade with interdicted ACADIAN S [Accadians] : rebel, rendezvous ACCESSORIES (see Piracies) : ACCOUNTANT • state (which see). ACCOUNTS : see also Claims : against the colony and state vii, and see Abbett, Widow. Abbott, Abiel. Abbott, Jacob. Abbott, John. Adams, Caleb Greenleaf. Akerman, Benjamin. Alden, Thomas. Alexander, Reuben. Amazeen, John. Amherst selectmen. Anderson, James. Appleton, William. Ardell, William. Ashley, Samuel, Atkinson selectmen. Atkinson, George. Atkinson, Samuel. Atkinson, Theodore. Atkinson, Theodore, Col. Ayers, Mark. Ayers, Nathaniel, Serg. Bachelder, Nathaniel. Badger, Joseph. Bailey, Jacob. Bailey, Joshua. Baker, Otis. Balch, Nathaniel. Baldwin, Nahum. Banfield, John. Barker, Ephraim. Barnes, Joseph. Barnes, Thomas. Barns, Bill. Barrett, Joseph. Gen. Reed .... viii, 482 i, 189 i, 27s vn, 43 45 vii, 118 viii, 403 viii, .466 viii, 483 and see Bartlett, Jeremiah. Bartlett, Josiah. Bartlett, Thomas. Bass, Joseph. Batchelder, Archelaus. Battson, John. Beal, Zachariah. Bean, Benjamin. Beaver. Bedell, Timothy. Bell, John. Bellows, Benjamin. Bellows, John. Bennett, John. Betton, James. Blake, Thomas. Bickford, John. Bickford, Thomas. Blanchard, Jonathan. Blood, Francis. Board of War. Bounty. Bowen, William. Boyes, William. Bracket, Joshua. Bradford, William. Bradley, Samuel. Brainard, Daniel. Brass Kettles. Brentwood. Britton, Job. Brooks, Samuel. Brooks, Samuel, Jr. Brown, Bryant. Brown, James. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. ACCOUNTS (see also Claims) : and see Bryant, Jeremiah. Bryant, John. Bryard, Elisha. Bunker, Jemes. Burt, Joseph. Buswell, Caleb. Buttson, John. Calfe, John. Campbell, Duncan. Canada. Capron, Oliver. Carlton, Jeremiah. Carpenter, Eliphalet. Carr, James. Carr, Moses. Carter, Ezekiel. Carter, Henry. Chadbourne, Benjamin. Chadbourne, Thomas. Challott, Francis. Chamberlain, Isaac. Chamberlain, Richard. Chamberlain, Timothy. Champney, Richard. Chase, Jacob. Chase, John. Chase, Jonathan. Chase, Solomon. Chester selectmen. Child, Jonathan. Cilley, Cutting. Cilley, Joseph. Claggett, Wyseman. Clamps. Clapp, Supply. Claremont.Clays, Abigail. Clement, Timothy. Clough, Thomas. Cocheco. Cochran, John. Cockermouth selectmen. Codman, Henry. Coffin, Enoch. Coffin, Peter. and see Coffin, Peter, Maj. Coffins. Colbath, Sarah. Collectors. Colonies. Comfort, Samuel. Commissaries.Committee on Depreciation. Committee of Safety. Committee of Supplies. Confiscated Estates. Connecticut. Connor, Samuel. Constables. Continent.Continental Accounts. Conway selectmen. Cooper, Thomas. Copp, Aaron. Copp, David. Copp, Joshua. Cotton, William. Council Chamber. Court-house.Cragin, John, Jr. Cranch, John. Crane, John. Crockwood, Thomas. Crosby, Josiah. Cross, Elizabeth. Cross, John. Cross, Peter. ' Cross, Ralph. Cutter, Ammi Ruhamah. Cutts, Samuel. Dakin, Amos. Dame, Theophilus. Danforth, Joshua. Daniels, Eliphalet. Daniels, Minus. Davis, James. Day, Elkanah. Dean, John. Dearborn, Daniel. Dearborn, Henry. Index to Records of the Council, ACCOUNTS (see also Claims) ; and see Dearborn, Jonathan. Dearborn, Levi. Dearborn, Samuel. Dearborn, , Simeon. Dolbear, Daniel. DoUoff, Joseph. Douglass, Joseph. Dover. Dow, Henry. Dow, Jeremiah. Dow, Moses. Downer, Abraham. Drury, William. Dudley, Samuel. Duggins, Daniel. Dunbarton selectmen. Durham committee. Dustin, Moses. Eames, Jeremiah. Eastern. Eastman, Amos. Eastman, Ebenezer. Eastman, John. Eastman, Richard. Edgerly, Thomas. Elkins, Jonathan. Elkins, Moses. Elliot, Robert. Elliott, William. Ellis, Timothy. Emerson, Amos. Emerson, Daniel. Emerson, Moses. Emerson, Samuel. Emery, Noah. Emery, Noah, Jr. Emms, Richard. Epping selectmen. Evans, Israel. Evans, Stephen. Everett, Edward. Everett, John. Excise.Exeter. Exeter soldiers. Express. and see Farnsworth, James. Farrar, Timothy. Farwell, Isaac. Fellows, Mary. Fellows, Mr. Fellows, William. Ferriage.Fitzgerald, Sarah. Fletcher, Elijah. Fletcher, Robert. Flood, Jonathan. Folsom, John. Folsom, Nathaniel. Folsom, Samuel. Folsom, Thomas. Footman, Thomas. Ford, James. Ford, Thomas. Fort.Fort Dummer. Foster, Abiel. Fowle, Daniel. Fowle and Gerrish. Fowle, Robert Luist. Fowle, Zachariah. Fowler, Samuel. Frost, George. Fryar, Nathaniel. Frye, Ebenezer. Frye, Isaac. Furber, Nathaniel. Furber, William. Gains, George. Gale, Jacob. Gaol-keepers.Garrisons.Gerrish, Henry. Gerrish, John. Gerrish, Robert. Gibbins, Ambrose. Gibson, John. Giddinge, Eliphalet. Gile, John. Giles, Benjamin. Gillespy, James. Gilman, David. RE, 1631-1784. ACCOUNTS : see also Claims : and see Gilman, Eliphalet. and see Harvey, Timothy. Gilman, John. Hayes, Amos Main. Gilman, John, Maj. Haynes, Robert. Gilman, John Taylor. Haynes, Samuel. Gilman, Joseph. Haynes, William. Gilman, Josiah. Heald, Oliver. Gilman, Nicholas. Heywood, William. Gilman, Peter. Hill, Elisha. Gilman, Samuel. Hill, John. Gilman, Samuel, Jr. Hill, Robert. Gilmore, James. Hillsborough : selectmen Goodale, Ezekiel. Hilton, Edward. Goodwin, Robert. Hilton, Winthrop. Goss, Nathan. Hinckes, John. Gould, Daniel. Hix, Jane. Gould, James. Hobart, David. Grafton County : towns. Hobart, Samuel. Grafton, Widow. Hodgdon, Caleb. Greeley, Joseph. Hodgdon, Joseph. Greenwood, Joseph. Hoit, Stephen. Grout, Elijah. Hoit, Thomas. Gummer, Ezekiel. Holbrook, John. Holland, Thomas. Hadley, Moses. Hollicom, John. Haines, Reuben. Hopkinson, John. Hale, Enoch. Houghton, Nehemiah. Hale, John. Hovey, Nathaniel. Hale, Jonathan. Howe, Bezaleel. Hall, Kingsley. Hunt, Samuel. Hall, Nathaniel. Huntoon, Joseph. Hammond, Joseph. Hurd, Jethro. Hampton. Hurd, John. Hanson, John. Hutchins, Gordon. Hardie, Moses. Hutchins, Joseph. Hardie, Thomas. Hutchins, Nathaniel. Harriman, Page. Harriman, Stephen. Impost. Harris, Josiah. Indians. Harris, Stephen. Hart, Edward. Jackson, Clement. Hart, George. Jackson, HaU. 1 Hart, Richard. Jaffrey, George. Hart, Thomas. Jaffrey, George (3d.) Harvey, James. Jaffrey, James. Harvey, John. Jarvis, Robert. Harvey, Thomas. Jenkins, Rowland. Index to Records of the Council, ACCOUNTS : see also Claims : and see Jenness, Richard, 3d. Jenness, Thomas. Jennison, John. Jewett, Jedidiah. Johnson, James. Johnson, Thomas. Johnston, Charles. Jones, Benjamin. Jones, Ensign. Jones, Josiah. Jordan, Nathaniel. Jose, Richard. Keene : selectmen. Kelley, Moses. KendaU, James. Kidder, Samuel. Kidder, Stephen. Kimball, Abel. King, George. Kingsbury, Absalom. Kingsbury, Daniel. Kinsman, Aaron. Knight, Nathan. Knight, WUliam. Knowles, James. Laconia Company. Ladd, James. Ladd, Simeon. Lamson, Joseph. Lang, WiUiam. Langdon, John. Langdon, Woodbury. Langmaid, Henry. Langmaid, Margaret. Lashenees, Sergt. Leavitt, John. Leavitt, Jonathan. Leavitt, Moses. Leavitt, Moses, Capt. Leeman, Samuel. Leighton, Thomas. Lews, John. Libby, Jeremiah. Light, Robert. and see Little, Stephen. Livermore, Samuel. Livingston, John. Long, Peirce. Looge, Edward. Louisburg. Lovejoy, Hezekiah. Lyford, Thomas. Lyndeborough : selectmen. McCally, James. McClure, James. McConnell, Samuel. McDuffee, John. Mcllvaine, Ebenezer. Mack, Robert. McMurphy, Daniel. Magee, John. Magee, William. Mansfield, Isaac. March, Clement, Jr. Marcy, John. Marden, John. Marden, Thomas. Markfield, John. Marsh, John. Marshall, John. Marston, Abraham. Marston, Joseph. Martin, Jonathan. Martin, Thomas. Mason, John. Massachusetts.Mathews, Francis. Maundy, Richard. Maurdyn, Thomas. Medford, Mass. Mellen, John. Meredith : selectmen. Merrimack: selectmen. Merrow, Joshua. Miles, Abner. Miller, Heber. Mills, Richard. Minor, James. Moffatt, Zebulon. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 13 ACCOUNTS (see also Claims) : and see Moody, John. Mooney, Hercules. Moore, Daniel. Morey, Israel. MorriU, Micajah. Morrill, Samuel. Morse, Obadiah. Moulton, John. Moulton, Jonathan. Moulton, Josiah. Mussey, John. Nay, John. Neale, Walter. Nealey, Andrew. Negus, Isaac. Newcastle.New Emission Money. New Ipswich selectmen. ' Newman, Henry. Newmarch, John. Newmarket committee. New Tenor. Nichols, Moses. Nicoli, Nicholas. NicoUe, Nicholas. Nora way, James. Northern Army. North Hampton selectmen. Oaths. Odiorne, Thomas. Orr, John. Osgood, James. Osgood, Richard Hazen. Otter Creek. Oyster River. Packer, Thomas. Packer, Thomas, Jr. Packersfield selectmen. Page, David. Page, Enoch. Page, William. Paine, John. Parker, John. and see Parker, Matthew Stanley. Parker, Robert. Parker, WUliam. Parker, William Jr. Parsons, Joseph. Parsons, Moses. Partridge, Reuben. Partridge, WiUiam. Partridge, William, Jr. Patterson, Joseph. Peabody, Nathaniel. Peabody, Stephen. Peacock, John. Pearson, Joseph. Peaslee, Amos. Pembroke selectmen. Penhallow, John. Penhallow, Samuel. Penhallow, Samuel (2d). Penny, Henry. Perkins, Abraham. Permit, Hannah. Petitions.Peverly, Joseph. Phelps, Martin. Philbrick, Samuel. Phillips, James. Pickering, Ephraim. Pickering, John. Pickering, John, Capt. Pickering, John (3d). Pierce, Joseph. Pinkerton, John. Pinkham, Thomas. Pinnace. Piper, Jonathan. Pitman, . Place, David. Plaisted, Ichabod. Planks. Plummer, Anna. Plummer, John. ' Plymouth selectmen. Pomrey, William. Portsmouth. Postage. 14 Index to Records of thj; Council, ACCOUNTS (see also Claims) : and see Postmaster. Posts. Potter, Ebenezer. Powder.Powder-mill Committee. Powder-money.Powers, Sampson. Prentice, Nathaniel Sartel. Price, William. Prisoners. Privy Council. Public Letters. Putnam, Ephraim. Putney, John. Quimby, Aaron. Quimby, David. RandaU,- James. Raymond, John. Read, John. Read, Joseph. Redford, William. Reed, John. Remington, Samuel. Reynolds, Daniel. Rice, Elijah. Rice, John. Richard the Post. Rider, James. Riflemen.Rindge, John, Ring, Jonathan. Robbe, John. Robbins, Jonathan. Robinson, . Robinson, Caleb. Robinson, Ephraim. Robinson, James. Robinson, Peter. Roby, Hannah. Roby, Ichabod. Rochester selectmen. Rogers, Daniel, Rev. Rogers, Richard. Rogers, William. and see Rollins, Ichabod. Rolls. Romer, Wolfgang WiUiam. Ross, Alexander. Ross, John. Rundlett, Charles. Rundlett, James. Russell, Josiah. Rust, Benjamin. Rust, Henry, Jr. Sadler, Joseph'. Safford, John. Salem selectmen. Salter, Titus. Sanborn, John. Sandown selectmen. Seavey, Amos. Seavey, Benjamin. Secretaries. Selectmen.Senter, Asa. Senter, Joseph. Sewall, Jonathan Mitchel. Seward, John. Shaw, John. Sheafe, Sampson. Sherburne, Samuel. Sias, Benjamin. Simes, John. Simonds, Jonathan. Simpson, Thomas. Small, Susanna. Smith, Aaron. Smith, Ebenezer. Smith, John. Smith, Joseph. Smith, Robert. Smith, WUliam. Snell, Samuel. Soldiers. Somersworth committee. Soper, Joseph. Spafford, Bradstreet. Sparhawk, Thomas. Spaulding, Benjamin. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. IS ACCOUNTS : see also Claims : and see Specie. Stacey, Joseph. Stark, John. State Accounts. Stevens, Elihu. Stevens, Phineas. Stickney, Thomas. Stileman, , Capt. Stileman, Lucy. Stileman, Richard. Stockwell, Emmons. Stone, Ephraim. Stone, Waldron. Story, Charles. Stratham : committee. Sullivan, John. Summersby, , Capt. Swanzey : selectmen. TarbuU, Reuben. Tarlinton, Richard. Taylor, David. Taylor, Joseph. Taylor, N. Temple, Elijah. Temple, Isaac. Thing, Samuel. Thom, Isaac. Thomas, Benjamin. Thomas, William. Thompson, Ebenezer. Thompson, Robert. Thompson, Samuel. Thornton, Matthew. Tilton, Daniel. TUton, Jacob. TUton, Joseph. Tippitts, Thomas. Towne, Archelaus. Towns.Townsend, George. Town Treasurers. Treasurer's Accounts. Treasurer's Notes. Tripe, Samuel. Trott, Samuel. and see True, Richard. Tubbs, Ananias. Tucker, Caleb. Tucker, Francis. Tucker, , Mr. Tuttle, John. Underwood, James. Usher, John. United States. Vaughan, George. Vaughan, William. Wait, Joseph. Walden, Nicholas. Waldron, Thomas Westbrook. Walker, Abel. Walker, Ezekiel. Walker, John. Walker, Timothy, Jr. Wallace, William. Walpole : selectmen. Walton, Shadrach. Wanton, William. Warner, Daniel. Warner, Jonathan. Weare, Meshech. Weare, Richard. Webb, . Webber, Christopher. Webster, Abel. Webster, Ebenezer. Webster, Jacob. Webster, John. Weeks, Joseph. Welland, Paul. Wench, Caleb. Wentworth, George. Wentworth, John. Wentworth, John, Jr. Wentworth, Jonathan. Wentworth, Joshua. West, Elizabeth. West, Noah. Westbrook, Thomas. i6 Index to Records of the Council, and see Windham: selectmen. Wingate, Joshua. Witnesses.Wolfeborough: selectmen. Wood, George. Wood, Richard. Woodbury, Peter. Woodman, John. Woodward, James. Woodward, Moses. Wooley, Jonathan. Worcester, Francis. Worcester, Noah. Worthen, Ezekiel. Worthen, Ezekiel, Jr. Wright, Samuel. Young, John. IV, 323 IV, 324 ACCOUNTS : ste also Claims : and see Wetherbee, Samuel. Wheeler, Solomon. Whidden, Jonathan. Whipple, Joseph. Whipijle, WUliam. Whitcomb, Benjamin. White, Jotham. White, William. Whitehorn, John. Whiting, Samuel. Whitmore, Peter. Whittier, Benjamin. Whyting, , Capt. Wiggin, Joshua. Wiggin, Mark. Willey, Theodore. Williams, Isaac. Wilson, Jacob. Wilson, Robert. of province charges comrnittee on province boundaries for reception of Governor Dudley . rendering under oath ...... for drafting acts (bills) army medicines ...... arresting deserters ...... and see Deserters . of state against continent, n individuals, >^see State Accounts. United States, ) soldiers' subsistence, see Soldiers : supplies for. auditing, see auditor : Claims : committee on. ACCOUTREMENTS : of non-commissioned officers .... soldiers ........ and see Continental Soldiers. ACCUTT, Samuel: of Newcastle, sworn ACKERMAN, Stephen: vessel-master, petition ...... ACKWORTH : see Acworth : ACTIONS : see Absentees' Estates. see Appellants. AUen, Samuel, Gov. Appellees. Amory, . Atkinson, George. vm, 153 iv. 161 iv. 368 V, 57 vn. 149 vn. 184 vii. 191 \!\\\, 170 vii, 165 VII,vii. 137 169 n, 15 11, 241 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 17 ACTIONS : see Atkinson, Theodore. Ayer, William. Ayers, Nathaniel. Bachelder, Nathaniel. Barefoote, Walter. Bickford, Bridget. Bickford, John, Sen. Bickford, Lemuel. Bracket, Ichabod. Bridger, John. Burnam, Robert. Carte, PhUip. Chesley, PhUip, Jr. Chesley, Thomas. Clark, John. Clements, Abraham. Complaints.Cotton, William. Court of Appeals. Cranfield, Edward. Cross, John. Davis, John, Sen. Dearborn, Henry. Dearborn, Thomas. Doane, Elisha. Dolloff, Christian. Dow, Henry. Dow, Josiah. Dudley, Paul. Edgerley, Thomas. Elkins, Eleazer. Field, Zachary. Fifield, WiUiam, Sen. Folsom, Ephraim. Folsom, John. Folsom, Nathan. Fowler, Jacob. Fowler, Philip. Furber, Jethro. Gilman, David. 2 see Gilman, John. Goodwin, Ichabod. Hall, Kingsley. Hall, Ralph. Hampton Freeholders. Hayes, Samuel. Hill, Samuel. Hinckes, John. Hobbs, Morris. Huckins, James. In Forma Pauperis. Informations. Kelley, Joseph. Keniston, John. Lamprell, Daniel. Langdon, Tobias. Langham, Thomas. Leavitt, Moses. Lee, Abraham. Lewis, Phillips. Longstaff, Henry. Martin, Richard. Martin, WUliam. Mason, Robert. Meader, John. Morgan, Richard. Moulton, Henry, Sen. Moulton, John. Moulton, Jonathan. Pearson, Samuel. PenhaUow, John. Penhallow, Samuel. PhiUips, James. Pickering, Winthrop. Pindar, John. Plaisted, John. Pugh, Theophilus, review of below. Richards, Benjamin. i8 Index to Records of the Council, ACTIONS : see Ring, John. Robinson, David. Robinson, Jonathan. Roby, Henry. Rogers, Daniel. Rollins, Ichabod. Sanborn, Reuben. Sawyer, Abel. Sheafe, Sampson. Shepard, Jacob. Sherburne, Samuel. Smith, James. Smith, Robert. Stevenson, Joseph. Stevenson, Thomas. Stinson, WiUiam. Tasker, William. see Thing, Jonathan. Thurton, Thomas. Towle, PhUip. Tuck, John. Valentine, John. Vaughan, William. Wadleigh, Robert. Waldron, Richard. Weare, Nathaniel. Wentworth, Benning. Wentworth, George. Whiting, Benjamin. Wibird, Richard. Winkley, . Young, Edward Clark. also see under the names of the several courts. review of . and see Banfield, Charles. Blazo, John, of ejectment, below. Fowler, Jacob and Philip. Gordon, Temperance. Hilton, Josiah. Hogg, Ebenezer. of ejectment vn, 105 vm, 41 vm, 45 Jones, John Paul. Kezer, George. Leathers, Robert. Melony, Richard. Swett, Jonathan. TraUl, Robert. viii, 179 viii, 195 Vlll, 52 prosecuting by British and inimicals, prevented viu, 371 for debt, justices of the peace to try, and constables to serve the writs . ....... ACTS (Bills) : see also Laws : Resolutions Votes : vm, 199 viii, 300 viii, 473 viii, 365 1 an( 1 acco unts for • i, 205 i. 206 1, 207 i. 223 i, 230 ii. 24 ii. 123 1^, IS7 ii, 158 ii, 177 n. 182 ii, 205 ii. 280 ii, 284 iii. 78 iv. 141 iv. 146 iv. 149 iv. 154 iv. 155 iv. i6i Iv, 165 iv. 167 iv, 169 iv. 173 iv. 174 iv. 177 iv. 182 iv. 186 iv. 19s iv. 196 iv, 260 iv. 269 iv. 288 iv. 296 iv. 305 iv. 312 V, 3 vii. 44 vn. 130 vii. 150 vn. 184 vii. 189 vii. 201 vii. 231 vii. 249 vii. 258 viii , 35 viu. . 37 viii. 65 viii. 67 viu, 68 viii , 74 viii. . 75 vin. 87 viu. 88 viii. 89 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 19 vm, 97 viii, 141 viii, 187 vin, 270 vin, 336 vin, 433 IV, 150 iv, 167 vm, 114 vin, 147 viii, 204 vni, 275 vni, 343 vin, 451 15817s vm, 117 vin, 150 vni, 236 vin, 278 vni, 403 viii, 460 ii, 63 iv, 159 iv, 179 ii, 70 iii, 74 ACTS (Bills) : see also Laws : Resolutions : Votes drafting, committees on and accounts for . viii, 96 viii, 131 viii, 177 viii, 268 vin, 334 viii, 427 and see Committee of Safety. orders of council relating to . consent of Lieutenant-governor to iv, 148 iv, 166 of 15 Caro. II WiUiam III expiration and renewal of revision and continuation of engrossed defining method of enactment acknowledging the royal favor for application to Mass. for fifty men committee to inspect for calling in "the ^£1730" . appropriating for expedition against Spanish W. I. for keeping the peace ..... repeal of ... . v vi, 129 vii, seal to be affixed to . . . and see Seal. ' ' for supply of forces with provisions " and see Soldiers : supplies for. of assembly lost, order in regard to Mass., enabling officers in Cr. Pt. expedition and see Massachusetts : General Court. for raising and paying regiment ..... Charles Banfield to revive a suit valid only by concurrence of both branches for establishing the proceedings of the late congresses to adopt the name and style of ' ' state " in lieu of ' ' colony " publication of, in newspapers . . . . .vii, to revive expired laws ..... for restraining persons dangerous to the state . recording, book for ..... . reciprocating privileges granted subjects of this state in France for settling disputes between Hall brothers and guardians enabling Benj. Archer, deputy-sheriff .... for Sarah Little to sue for debts due her husband Samuel Pearson to enter complaint vm, 119 vin, 159 vui, 243 vni, 312 vin, 415 viii, 484 1, iv, iv,iv, n. IV, , 116 247 V, 132 vin, 155 IV, 314 V, 388 viii, 156 V, 150 V, 166 vi, 68 243 147162 196 which see. iii, 75 iii, 75 15-130 iv, 15 iv, 15 iv, 173 iv, 182 iv, 315 iv, 358 V, 96 vi, 128 vin, 422 V, 152 V, 171 141 VI, vi,vi, vi, vii, vii, vn,vii,vii, vn, viii, viii, viii,viii,viii. 98 113 129 39 79 252 253 259 309 153175 191 201 viii, 421 2 0 Index to Records of the Council, ACTS (Bills) : see also Laws : Resolutions : Votes : relating to, — Absentees' Estates ; Absentees' Lands ; Appeals ; Armed Vessels ; Army Shoes ; Assessors ; Authors. Bills of Credit; Births; Boards; Boats; Boundaries; Bridges; British Subjects ; Burials. Cattle ; Charters ; Commissions ; Common Land ; Commons ; Confiscated Estates; Confiscation; Constables; Continental Army; Continental Battalions; Continental Tax; Corn; Cornfields; County Treasurers; Courts; Criminals; Customs. Debts; Deeds; Deer; Deserters; Desertion; Distillation; Divorce: Dower; Duties. EntaU; Estates; Excise; Executions. Fair DeaUng ; Fees; Fences; Ferriage; Ferries; Fires; Forgery; For nication. Gaming; Genius; Goods; Government; Grants. Highways; Horses. Idiots ; Importation ; Impost ; Incorporation ; Indians ; Inimicals ; Inns ; Intestate Estates. Judges of Probate ; Judgments ; Justice ; Justices of the Peace. Lands; Laws; Legal Voters; Literature; Liquors; Locations; Lord's Day ; Lumber. Marriages; Messuages; Militia; Ministers; Ministers' Houses; Mispris ion ; Money ; Monopolists ; Monopoly. Necessaries; Negroes; Newmarket; Non-resident Proprietors. Oaths ; Oath of Allegiance ; Oath of Fidelity ; Offences ; Old Continental Currency ; Oppression ; Oppressors ; Overseers ; Overseers of the Poor. Paper Currency : Parishes ; Peace ; Perjury ; Personal Estates ; Poor ; Postage ; Post-office ; Powder-money ; Presbyterian Society ; Prices ; Prison ; Prisoners ; Prisoners of War ; Privateers and Pirates ; Proprietors' Meetings ; Province Laws ; Province Records ; Provisions ; Prudential Affairs; Public Houses ; PubUc Securities. Ratable Estates ; Real Estate ; Receiver-general ; Recorders of Deeds ; RetaUers. School-houses ; School-masters ; Seamen ; Selectmen ; Servants ; Sharp ers ; Sheriffs ; Slaves ; Sloops ; Small-pox ; Soldiers' depreciation ; Soldiers disabled ; Soldiers' supplies ; Soldiers' wages ; Spirituous Liquors; Suits. Taverners ; Taverns ; Taxes ; Tender ; Timber ; Tonnage ; Town-clerks ; Town-meetings; Town-officers; Town-stock; Trade: Traitors; Treason ; Treasurers ; Treasurers' Notes ; Treasury ; Trespass ; Tres pass Act. Unincorporated Places. Vendues. Wolves ; WooUen Manufactures ; Woods .... which see. relating to exportation of Beef; Cattle; Goods; Lumber; Merchandise; Molasses; Provisions- Rum; Wool which see. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 21 ACTS (Bills) : see also Laws : Resolutions Votes : relating to maritime affairs, — see Maritime Act ; Maritime Causes ; Maritime Court; Armed Vessels ; Embargo ; Embargo Acts ; Embargo Resolutions ; Light-house ; Light- money ; Naval Office Act ; Powder-money. relating to fish, — see, Ashuelot River ; Beaver Brook ; Dams ; Derryfield ; Fish : Fishery ; Fishing; Fishways ; Great Cohas Brook; Merrimack River; Not tingham West ; Piscataqua River ; Piscataquog River. relating to courts, — see Courts ; a,nd under the names of the courts and of the counties. relating to salaries, — see salary, under the names of the various officers and offices. in favor of Earl of Bellomont, which see. Habeas Corpus, which see. changing town lines, — see Borland's Farm ; Boundaries; Canterbury; Concord; Hawke; Lon donderry ; Loudon ; Newtown ; Nottingham West ; Poplin ; Rye ; Salem; Temple; Windham. changing county lines, — see Campton ; Conway ; Grafton County ; New Holderness ; Strafford County. for change of name, see King, George. enabling administrator, which see, also Evans, Benjamin. on resolutions of Continental congress, see Continental Congress. for review of actions, see Actions : review of. for restoring to their law, see Law : restoring to their. for defence of United States, which see. for fort on Newcastle Island, see Great Island : for providing snow-shoes, see Soldiers : supplies. for draining Hampton marsh, see Hampton: for granting lots ? ;^ Protectworth, which see. for quiet possession to settlers ) for trial of Matthew Thornton and for repeal of the same, see Thornton, Matthew : depreciation, see Depreciation Act : excise, see Excise Acts : proscription, see Proscription Act: regulation, see Regulation Act : sequestration, see Sequestration Act : printing, see Printing : public. ACTS OF PARLIAMENT : see also British Parliament : for suppression of piracy i, 244 i, 251 i, 252 V, 31 V, 33 appointing oaths ii, 16 n. 21 ii, 22 ii, 68 ii, 221 in. 65 ni. 67 iii, 69 iii, 73 iii, 74 iii. 84 iv. 134 iv, 140 iv, 173 iv, 176 iv. 19s iv. 23s iv, 236 iv, 272 V, I V, 2 V, 4 22 Index to Records of the Council, ACTS OF PARLIAMENT : see also British Parliament : appointing oaths . . v, 6 v, ii v, 15 v, 41 v, 53 V, 91 V, 256 V, 261 V, 329 V, 333 V, 351 V, 352 V, 360 V, 369 vi, 7 for ship entries and clearances, 15 Caro. II . ii, '47 ii, 148 ii, 167 ii, 168 for preventing frauds, etc., in plantation trade . ¦ iii, 63 v, 2 V, 72 concerning masts and preservation of the king's woods . iv, 228 relating to union of England and Scotland .... v, 222 for ascertaining rates of foreign coins in America . . v, 237 v, 305 for encouragement of trade to America .... v, 237 against the clandestine running of uncustomed goods . v, 389 to prevent the erection of mills for slitting or rolling iron vi, 62 to encourage importation of pig and bar-iron ... vi, 62 ACTS OF TRADE AND NAVIGATION : see also Trade : relating to plantations and customs . . . . . i, 123 breach of, seizure for . . . . . . ii, 72 v, 77 form of proceedings under ....... iii, 73 ACWORTH [Ackworth] : justice of the peace ...... . vii, 50' lands in, acts to vest titles to . . . . . viii, 266 petition for . . . viii, 424 ADAMS, Caleb Greenleaf, Dr. ; account, paymaster vn, 13 vii, 198 ADAMS, Ephraim: petition, committee on ... . viii, 4 viii, 97 representative ......... viii 361 ADAMS, Hugh, Rev. -. author, vote concerning his book ..... iv 224. petition, complaint iv, 254 iv, 330 iv, 344 iv, 348 v, 379 ADAMS, John, Lieut. : pay-roU ... .... vni, 272 vin, 397 ADAMS, Josiah : agent for Newmarket, petition ADAMS, Nathaniel: clerk, Superior Court of Judicature ... vjji^ ,„§ petition^ ^ • • • ¦ • • vm, 410 ADAMS, Samuel: ensign . . "•••••. vn, 174 ADAMS, Sarah : petition, committee on . viu, 154 viii, 211 viii, 389 widow, aUowed husband's half-pay ADAMS, WlNBORN : lieutenant-colonel, Nathan Hale's regiment kUled in battle, half-pay allowed widow vu, 230 Vlll, 414 vm, 219 vii. 172 Vlll, 219 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 23 1, 256 n, 4 n, 60 ii, 66 ii. 149 n, 203 11, 209 11, 215 n. 254 IV, 172 V, 112 V, 215 V, 3°9 ISS 156 ' The Assassination iv, 178 iv, 332 V, 279 264 ADDINGTON, Isaac: secretary Mass. council i, 257 ii, 152 iv, 145 letters from, see next above. deputy-auditor ... ADDRESSES : of Lords and Commons on discovery of Plot" to lieutenant-governor of New York on forts to the king and the queen ..... iv, 277 iv, 278 iv, 330 V, 217 V, 218 V, 239 to Gov. Belcher for copy of instructions congratulatory to Gov. Dudley . , . to Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations by governors of Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania to Col Nicholson ........ of thanks to Queen Anne . . . v, 262 to Queen Anne for arms and soldiers . to Queen Anne on settlement of waste lands of town committees, Grafton county ..... presented Gen. Sullivan ....... to French commander-in-chief. Count de Vaudreuil viii, 403 on alteration in Articles of Confederation .... to people of the state on matters recommended by Continen tal congress ......... to Earl of Bellomont X^hichsee. of Continental congress i ADJOURNMENT : of General Court : which see. ADJUTANT-GENERAL : nomination and appointment of . and see Peabody, Nathaniel . Militia : to rank as colonel . . ..... ADJUTANTS : see Elliott, William : Stark, Caleb : advance pay and travel ranked as captains brigade, which see. ADMINISTRATION : on estates of, — Britton, William. French, Thomas. Hobby, Sir Charles. Rogers, Nathaniel. which see. V, 215 i, 187 i, 272 iv, 192 iv, 333 V, 328 iv, 357 V, 47 V, 138 V, 241 V, 273 V, 276 V, 328 vii, 23s viii, 139 viii, 408 vin, 439 viii, 444 vii, 86 Rose, Roger. Thompson, Samuel. Tucker, Jabez. Waldron, Richard. WUls, Joseph. vii. 206 vii. 251 vii. 124 «ii. 46 24 Index to Records of the Council, see Salisbury, Mass. Plaisted, Dame Sarah. Rose, Widow. Thompson, Susanna. V, 174 which see. Warren. n, 77 which see. see Judges of the Admiralty : which see. ADMINISTRATORS : see Essex County, Mass. Evans, Benjamin. ADMINISTRATRICES : see Britton, Mary. Fassett, Anne. OdUn, AbigaU. bond . . . . • ADMIRAL^ see also Lord High Admiral: French ... ADMIRALS : see Boscawen.Vernon. ADMIRALTY : commission courts of . Lords of ... judges . ... ADMIRALTY PASSES: for vessels of the several governments in America . . i, 241 i, 248 ii, 234 ii, 235 V, 28 ADVANCE PAY: of adjutant . ... of soldiers of officers . . see Soldiers : ADVENTURERS : of Laconia ..... see Laconia Company: ADVERTISEMENTS : of Exeter as rendezvous for continental soldiers . vii, 276 of non-residents' lands for sale . . viii, 277 ADVICE : ship, Capt. Morris, commander . .... i, 241 V, 131 V, 137 V, 142 V, 155 ADVOCATE-GENERAL : opinion on jurisdiction of Court of Admiralty AERS : see Ayers : AFFAIRS: see Public Affairs: Prudential Affairs : AGA: see Mustapha Aga: AGENTS (Agency): for New Hampshire at court, England to assist Col. Nicholson in England for New England to purchase corn and grain to collect debts due state IV, 227 iv, 276 iv, 278 iv, 309 iv, 324 V, 57 V, 70 V, 216 V, 217 V, 239 V, 251 v> 279 V, 378 V, 380 vn, 189 dii, 30 vui, 320 vin, 329 New Hampshire, 163 1-1784. 25 AGENTS (Agency) : of the state in Continental Congress, instructions to vin, 217 and see Delegates to Continental Congress: to make returns of stores purchased ..... to sell absentees' estates, how to pay in proceeds vm, 237 viii, 222 vin, 271 and see Adams, Josiah. Albany. AUen, Ira. Ashurst, Sir Henry. Baltimore.Batchelder, Breed. Betton, James. Blanchard, Jonathan. Bolston, , Capt. Buckley, Peter. Certificates. Cheswill, Wentworth, Clarkson, James. Continental Agent. Conway. Cooper, Nathaniel. Dakin, Amos. Dover. Dow, Moses. Dummer, Mr. England. Folsom, Jeremiah. Freeman, Jonathan. Grafton County towns. Great Britain. and see Jocelyn, Henry. Laconia Company. Langdon, John. Morey, Israel. New England. New Hampshire. Newmarket.Odiorne, Thomas. Peabody, Nathaniel. Prescott, James. -, Gov. Conn. Hanbury, John. Harriman, Stephen. Holland, Thomas. AGENT-VICTUALLERS : see Charlestown. Clapp, Supply, Col. to send vessels to Baltimore for flour . AIDE-DE-CAMP : additional pay to, resolution of congress for AIKEN, Andrew: petition, committee on SaUiston, Salt. Sherburne, Samuel, Col. Smith, Joseph. Stevens, Phineas. Stoughton, WUliam. Thomlinson, John. Towns. Vaughan, WiUiam. Vermont. Vines, Richard. Wadsworth, Finn. Wannerton, Thomas. Wentworth, John,* Jr. Wilson, Robert. Cutts, Samuel. Hunt, Samuel, Col. vn, 189 viii, 240 viii, 246 vn, 232 vii, 240 26 Index to Records of the Council, AIKEN, James Capt.: soldier, allowed for losses and wages . VU, 44 vii. 27s petition, committee on ... • vii. 273 pay-roll . . • ¦ viii. 197 vui, 237 AIKEN, Ninian, Capt. -. pay-roll ... vni. 47 ^'^^^¦¦IseeAYUKS: AIRS : S AIX-LA-CHAPELLE : treaty of peace concluded at vi, 47 AKERMAN, Benjamin [Acreman] : account ("allowance") . iv, 224 iv. 247 ALARM : of the country if the enemy appear • vii. 31 command of militia in case of . vii. 214 miUtia called out on . . vn, 230 vn, 231 vii. 232 viu. 414 ALBANY : Indians and English treat at i, 265 i, 269 i, 27s i. 278 congress of commissioners at . . . i. 286 military stores at .... • i. 295 rendezvous at ..... • i, 296 winter-quarters at . . ... i, 300 treating with the Six Nations at . vi, 14 vi. 39 vi. 65 Earl of Loudon at . . . . . vi. lOI province agents at . . ... vi. 102 vi. 103 provisions and sick soldiers at . . . vi. 103 the forty-eighth regiment at .... vi. 105 forwarding supplies to ..... vi. 107 vi. 108 transportation of troops to . . vi, 11 1 , vi. 112 vi. 114 hard money sent to, for troops in Canada vii. 49 Gen. Schuyler at, money carried to . . . vn. 160 rum for the N. H. Line, sent to . . viii. 3.36 ALBREE, Joseph: claim aUowed ... ... vii 173 ALCIDE: French man-of-war, captured .... i, 298 ALCOCK, Job, Capt. : justice of the peace ..... iii. 18 assistant justice, Superior Court of Judicature iii. 27 ALCOCK, John: of crew of the Ketch Richard ALCOCK, Samuel: ship-master, complaint .... ii, 223 ALCOTT, Job, Capt. : notified to attend council 1, 137 i, 222 n, 225 iii, 46 ui, 59 in, 17 n, 3 vn. 34 VU, 37 vm. 13 vm. 84 viii. 482 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 27 ALDEN, Thomas: petition, account ... . . iv, 224 ALE-HOUSES : license ....... ALEWIVES : fishery. Great Cohas brook, act to secure obstructions to thejr passage, act for removing in Merrimack river, act to prevent their destruction ALEXANDER, Elias: petition for grant of a township .... vi, 72 vi, 80 ALEXANDER, John: coroner ...... ALEXANDER, Joseph: of strawberry bank ... . . ALEXANDER, , Mr.. letter to Gov. Shirley ...... ALEXANDER, Reuben, Capt.. account ........ receives recruiting money for Col . Hammond ALEXANDRIA : Ammunition for ....... petitions, committees on .... . viii, 39 viii, 216 abatement of taxes • ,¦ ¦ non-resident proprietors, petition for . non-resident taxes ...... incorporation of, bill and act for .... road through, taxes for ... ALEXANDRIA ADDITION : taxation of .... . abatement of taxes ...... incorporation of, petition and act for . viii, 71 ALGERINES : see also Algiers : security of vessels from ...... ii, 234 ALGIERS [Algier] : agreement respecting English merchant-ships treaty with ....... Dey of, which see. ALIASES : issued by treasurer ..... ALI BASHAW: governor of Algiers, treaty with .... ALLEGIANCE : to the state renounced ..... oaths of, which see. ALLEN, Abner : soldier, omitted dn roll, wages allowed vin, 29 Vlll, 95 • i, 164 vi. 96 vii. 280 viii. I vii, 64 vn. 65 vn. 281 viii, 358 viii. 360 viii, 12 viii. 39 . vui. 216 viii, 217 viii. 393 viii, 391 viu. 393 vin. 393 viii. 12 vin. 39 viii, 98 viii, 100 i, 248 V, 28 V, 20 V, 128 viii. 415 V, 20 V, 21 viii. 327 vni, 411 28 Index to Records of the Council, ALLEN, Ira: letters from and to, committee on ... ¦ ^ ' ^ agent for Vermont, committee to confer -with . • vm, 2 ALLEN, James : petition, committee on ALLEN, . Mr. : children of, land reserved for . . • iv, 310 fl:«i^j«« Walton, George, Jr. : petition. ALLEN, Samuel, Gov. : letter from king's council to commission and qualification in, 10 in, 13 negotiations for sale of province, alleged assumes the government present in council .... in, 71 iii, 72 iii, 8r in, 83 declares John Usher one of the council safe arrival, thanksgiving for his . accounting with .... speeches to House of Representatives . king's instructions to . appeals, petition proprietor of province ALLEN, Thomas [Allen] : captive returned, examination of . .... v, 339 ALLENSTOWN : abatement of taxes . . ... vii, 6 ALLIANCE : Indian, resolution of N. Y. assembly on . . . i, 272 and see Indians : ALLIN, Daniel: clerk of court, Suffolk . . . i, 169 ALLOWANCES : see also Accounts : to Massachusetts soldiers . .... i, 293 sundry, voted . . ..... iv, 247 to disabled in U. S. service to be registered . . . vn, 164 vii, 182 vii, 183 to civil officers, see Civil Officers : salaries. ALLWELL, Joseph: of Newcastle, sworn . . . ii, 15 ALMORY, George and Robert: children under guardianship .... . iv, 294 ALMORY, Robert [Almary, Almony] : witness in Elizabeth Smart 'z/. her husband . . . i, 212 iii, 41 distressed for military fine . .... ii c6 master of the Hawk, has small-pox ... v, 377 v, 378 . i. 188 n, 115 n, 65 iii, 74 iv. 68 iv, 383 • n. 273 ii, 274 in, 65 T in. 67 iii, 69 iii, 73 in. n iii, 79 in 85 ui. 87 iii, 88 iii, 69 in, 70 iii, 71 in, 74 iii. 76 iii, 79 iv, 375 • V, 34 V, 36 V, 89 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 29 ALMSBURY : see Amesbury : ALSTEAD : selectmen's petition, committee on ALVORD, Stephen: petition, committee on . AMAZEEN, John [Amaseen, Amazin] : of Newcastle, sworn .... petition, account ..... AMBLER, : money of, vote about .... AMBROSE, Henry: imprisonment for refusing to pay taxes . AMEE, John: captive returned, examination of AMENDMENTS : to acts and laws, see Maritime Act : Militia Act : Militia Laws ; Treason : acts against. AMERICA : trade to, act of Parliament for encouraging king's woods in, see Woods. forts and fortifications in plantations in ... . AMERICAN Act: about seamen .... AMES, Joseph : petition and act for him to sell lands AMES, Stephen: coroner ..... . ' . viii. 462 viii, 464 viii. 113 ii, 15 n, 33 n 34 ni. 48 iv, 309 • V, 401 V, 339 Regulation Act : representative .... AMESBURY [Almsbury] : road to Londonderry from AMESBURY District: petition, parish incorporation . AMHERST: petitions vi, 123 viii, 173 viii, 342 justice of the peace .... committee to secure absentee's property . powder supplied to .... gaol, prisoners in, tories, deserters vn, 248 Superior Court of Judicature at land in, act for mortgageor to redeem constable, discount of taxes to N. W. part, petition and act for new parish collector, his taxes in arrear . V, 237 > which see. . which see. viii, 439 viii, 442 vn, 99 viii, 8 vi, 5 Vl, 20 VI, 21 vni, 368 vin, 369 vin, 438 vi, 144 vn, 86 vn, 203 vn, 234 viii, 151 vii, 254 viii, 9 viii, 184 vin, 242 viii, 258 viii, 271 • viii, 343 vii, 264 vii, 266 Vlll, 391 viii. 427 viii. 427 viu, 429 vi. III vi. 112 1, 30 n. 165 V, 114 vii. 66 vii. 67 vii. 75 viii. 69 vii. 145 30 Index to Records of the Council, AMHERST : poll parish, bill to incorporate .... selectmen's account, committee on . old parish petition issuing commissary at . AMHERST, Jeffrey, Gen. : letter on transportation of troops to Albany orders for 1,000 men from N. H. . AMMISCOGGIN: see Androscoggin: AMMUNITION : see also Garrisons : Magazines : Military Stores : Sold iers: Towns: Town-stock: and undernames of towns . at Newichawanick, memorandum of . . . impressment of ...... . supplied to towns . . . vii, 64 vii, 65 providing . vii, 66 vii, "j-^ vii, 74 for continental troops .... and see Soldiers : arms and ammunition for. furnished commissary at No. 4 ...... vii, 146 AMORY, : V. Winkley ........ iv, 203 iv, 204 AMOSKEAG, [Amuskeag] : English captives at . . . . . . iv, 233 AMY, Jam. : produced his clearing, protected ...... ii 38 ANDERSON, Isaac: prisoner, letter and order in favor of . . . viii, 363 vin, 364 ANDERSON, James: express to Ticonderoga, account . . ... vii 98 ANDOVER : conveyance of land in, act for . . . . viii, 112 ANDREWS, Isaac: justice of the peace . . . vi, 167 vii, 24 ANDREWS, Joseph: Portuguese murderer .... . . vi. 131; ANDREWS, Oliver: rioter, petition .... . . . v 8 ANDREWS, Sir Edmund : see Andros : ANDROSCOGGIN River [Ammiscoggin] : Indian fort on ..... . ANDROS, Sir Edmund: fees in time of ..... . ANN: sloop, used to pursue the pirate ANNAPOLIS Royal: garrison besieged by the French . . . ¦ vi 26 vi /tr ANNE : see Queen Anne : ANONYMOUS Letters : see Letters : V, 5 ii, 19 iv, 139 V, 375 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 31 ANTHONY, Richard: petitionee . ...... iii, i ANTHONY'S Island: quarantine station . . . . ¦ v, 377 pest-house on . . . .... and see Piscataqua River : ANTRIM : incorporation from Society Land ...... non-resident proprietors' petition .... vni, 107 selectmen forbidden to sell non-residents' lands for taxes petitions, committees on ...... . viii, 264 vni, 444 vin, 450 lands, bill and act for taxation of . . . . viii, 461 meeting-house and parsonage lot, act for assessment for . APPEALS : act concerning ......... Gov. Samuel Allen's ..... . . from judge of probate to councU .... v. 363 to the king, act to prevent ....... from decree of judge of probate ...... to and from courts : see under names ofthe courts. Court of ......... -. to Continental Congress . . ... > which see. from Maritime Court .......} APPELLANTS : see Banfield, Hugh: Hampton: Pearne, William and Mary : Ring, John : Swett, Joseph : APPELLEES : see Banfield Brothers and Sisters : Dow, Josiah : Hampton : Swett, Sarah : APPLES : exportation of, permitted ....... viii, 1 88 APPLETON, William: account, petition . . . , . . ' . . . viii, 131 viii, 309 viii, 317 viii, 335 viii, 346 viii, 347 viii, 410 APPLIN, Thomas, Dea. : justice, Court of Common Pleas ...... vii, 270 APPRAISEMENT : Sloops : VI, 32 VI, 43 vii. 1 60 viii, 128 vm. "3 viii. 194 vni. 461 viii, 467 viii. 467 iv. 336 V, 34 VI, 166 vii, 60 viii. 106 of impressed sloops and brigantines -._ , ( Brigantines: warrant .......... which see. APPROPRIATIONS : miscellaneous . . . . ¦ • -see Debts : province. for Earl of Bellmont's reception . . . . . >, powder . . . . . ¦ . • . , . , ^ \ which see. prison ......... Spanish West Indies expedition . . . .^^ 32 Index to Records of the Council, APPROPRIATIONS : for settling boundaries . . . see Boundaries : repairs of fort . . . . see Fort William and Mary : APTHORP • town-meeting . . . viii, 182 inventory . . viii, 467 division of, petition for .... . viii, 48 1 APTHORP, Henry: councilor . . . . . vi, 122 ARBITRATION Bonds: awards conformable to . . . . viii, 365 ARCHDELL, . Col.: visit of Lt. Gov. Usher to, intended . ii, 77 ARCHER, Benjamin: petition . vni, 179 viii, 189 deputy-sheriff, act enabling him . . . viii, 191 ARCHER, Richard: of crew of the Ketch Richard .... . i, 137 ARCHIBALD, Robert: petition, committee on ... vii, 106 ARDELL, William: sheriff .... i, 198 i. 199 i, 200 i, 229 iii. 4 ni. 27 in, 29 iii, 30 iii, 31 iii, 32 iii. 53 iii, 54 V, 2 . see next above. warrant for his arrest ARMED Vessels: to defend sea-coast, act for equipping . . . vu, 68 vii, 168 and see Maritime Act : ARMORER: j^« French, John : ARMOUR, Gain [Armor] : petition, committee on . . ... viii, 475 ARMS : see also Fire-Arms : Garrisons : Magazines : Soldiers : transmission to Gov. Shirley impressment of . . . for the fort ..... providing vii, 17 vii, 47 ARMSTRONG, Robert: naval officer .... memorial, certificate of loyalty deputy-surveyor of king's woods examinee ARMY: sent into this country by British ministry ours in Canada, recruits (re-enforcements) for vii, 20 VU, 68 i. 260 V, 114 V, 276 vii. 9 vii. 11 vii. 13 vii. 60 vii, 61 vii, ii, iv. 63 225 206 iv. 227 iv, 228 V, V, vii. 387 206 I ir vii. 13 vii. 14 vii. 41 vn. SI vii. 52 vii, 70 vii, 71 vii, 72 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 33 ARMY: ours in New York, re-enforcements (recruits) for vn, 99 vii, 108 vii, 113 vn, 104 vii, 109 vii, 129 coming against us from Canada new, resolution for raising of General Washington, re-enforcements size-rolls from the baggage, transportation of news from the small-pox in the . re-enlistments of soldiers at the how paid depreciation of wages express to, for lists of troops blanketing . . . . blankets .- clothing ..... rum for commissaries ... continental . deserters from Frenchnorthern standingAmericanrecruits for . . quotas for to defend Rhode Island ARMY Officers: appointment of . petition, committee of the whole on advances to, resolution promising . ARMY Shoes: fraud in, act to prevent .... ARMY Wagons: procuring .... i, 295 ARNOLD, Benedict, Col., Gen.: his detachment against Quebec ARNOLD Benjamin: chirurgeon, deposition . . . ¦ ARNOLD, , Capt. : soldier, disabled . . . • ¦ ARNUP, William : of Newcastle, sworn AROWSICK: Indians at 3 for vii, 84 vii, 106 vii, no vii, 141 vn, 105 Vlll, 109 vn,vn, vn, vn, vii, vii, viii, vii, viii. 85 107112 144 6995 107 274 7 vm, 25 viii, 31 viii, no viii, 126 viii, 127 j«« Soldiers: supplies for, also Continental Army : ) J. which see. \ ^ j^^ Continental Army. J see Rhode Island : defence of . vm, 72 vn. 3 vni. 83 viu. 86 vm, 254 vii, 165 vii, 173 vin, 262 vn, 151 261 i, 78 vn, loi u, 15 V, 393 34 Index to Records of the Council, ARTICLES of Confederation, U. S. A. . ratification of alteration of, address respecting, vote against ARTICLES of Peace: with the Indians ARTICLES of Peace and Commerce between Queen Anne and the French king between Great Britain and Spain ARTILLERY : field ARTILLERY Company: to serve in N. E. States ARYOMUET ¦ Indian chief, attends the Council ASHLEY, Oliver: petition ASHLEY, Samuel, Col. : petition for grant of township councilor vn, 47 vii, 56 vii, 78 vii, 101 vii, 108 vn, 153 vii, 165 vii, 181 vn, 194 vii, 203 vii, 213 vn, 236 vii, 274 vii, 281 vii, 289 viii, 10 viii, 45 viii, 59 viii, 81 justice. Court of Common Pleas of committee of safety regiment, 6th militia vn, 68 muster-master, paymaster, account and see next above. surety for money borrowed of the state pay-roll, muster-roll, staff-roU account viii, 10 viii, 17 viii, 439 Vlii, 450 . which see. V, 313 V, 321 V, 322 . which see. IV, 233 viii. 486 vi, 80 vii. 4 vii. 39 vii. 42 vn. 46 vii. SI VU, 52 vii. 54 vii. 55 vii. 57 vii. 58 vii. 65 vii, 69 vii. 80 vii, 83 vii. 96 vii. 99 vii. 102 vii. 103 vii. 106 vii. 107 vii. 109 VU, no vii, 112 vii. 152 vii. 155 vii, 158 vii. 162 vii. 163 vii. 166 vii. 177 vn. 178 vii. 180 vii, 184 vii. 187 vii. 191 vii. 193 vn. 195 vii. 196 vii. 199 vii. 200 vn. 204 vii. 206 vii. 208 vn. 210 vn. 230 vii. 231 vii. 232 vn. 235 vn. 237 vii. 244 vii. 246 vii. 255 vii, 275 vii. 277 vii. 278 vii, 280 vii. 282 vii. 284 vii. 286 vii. 288 viii. 3 viii. 5 viii. 7 vni. 8 viii. 1 1 viii, 12 viii. 15 vni. 19 viii. 51 viii. 54 viii. 57 viii, 58 viii. 61 viii. 71 viii. 75 vui. 78 viii. 82 viii. 85 viii. 86 viii. 88 vii. 25 vn,vii,vii. 270 45 65 VU, at 84 vn. 220 vii. 246 viii, vii. 94 71 ; state . vii, 88 vii 1, 171 vii , 241 vii. 246 viii, 43 vii, 246 viii. 403 viii. 82 vin. 83 viii. 94 vni. 158 viii. 358 vin, 360 \ which :see. 72 1, 231 1, 234 i, 240 ii, 287 n, 288 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 35 ASHLEY, Samuel, Col.: nominated delegate to Contl. Congress . resignation of his colonelcy . letter from, committee on . . . petition ... ASHUELOT : Lower . . , , Upper . ASHUELOT River: mill-dams on, biU for fish -ways through . viii, 368 ASHUELOTS : land called the .... ASHURST, Sir Henry, Kt., Bt. : letter of general court to letter soliciting salary salary voted . " ASSASSINATION PLOT " ¦ discovery of . , i, 187 ASSAULT AND Battery: see Bickford, Bridgett : Field, -. Pindar, Sarah : Thurton, Thomas : PenhaUow, Samuel : Vaughan, George : Vaughan, WiUiam : ASSEGUNTICOOKS : violation of treaty by . . . . . i, 275 ASSEMBLY : see House of Representatives : of Massachusetts . . see Massachusetts : General Court : of New York ... • . . . which see. ASSEMBLYMEN : see Representatives : ASSESSMENTS : see also Taxes : Great Island . ... . ^ Portsmouth . ... . \ which see. province ... .J on towns for rum . . . . viii, 285 and see iinder na7nes of towns. ASSESSORS : see Exeter : Hampton : Mile Slip : Portsmouth : qualification of . . . . . to levy continental and state tax, bill for to doom monopolizers and sharpers, bUl for ASSISTANT ATTORNEY-GENERAL ; nomination and appointment of . . . and see Blanchard, Jonathan: Peabody Wentworth, John, Jr. ; ASSISTANT-CHANCELLOR : see Barefoote, Walter : ASSISTANT-CLERKS : of House of Representatives . . . which see. n. 205 viu. 74 vni. 80 . vn. 204 vii. 211 Nathaniel : 36 Index to Records of the Council, ASSIZE : see Court of Assize, Etc. ; ASSOCIATION : repeating and subscribing, see qualification, under the names ofthe various officers and offices to oppose the government i, 139 i, 14° i, '42 ATHERTON, Joshua: petition . . ... ATKINSON : selectmen's account coroner . .... justice of the peace .... ATKINSON AND Exeter: adverse claim of, to the same soldier, committee on ATKINSON, George : see also King, George : councilor . . . viii, in viu, 112 viii, 124 vni, 125 viii, 130 viii, 131 vin, 143 vin, 144 viii, 153 viii, 158 vin, 166 viii, 167 vin, 176 vni, 178 viii, 192 viii, 193 viii, 198 viii, 203 viii, 209 viii, 210 viii, 220 viu, 225 delegate to Continental' Congress . viii, 200 resignation .... petition, committee on . , restoring him to his law, act for special justice, Superior Court of Judicature account .... justice of the peace and of the quorum . state papers in his possession - ATKINSON, Joseph: justice of the peace .... ATKINSON, , Mr. : desired to take minutes of superior court ATKINSON, Samuel, Capt. : company, blanket-money advanced to muster-roll and account .... ATKINSON, Theodore: ! 1, 149 viii. 416 viii. 144 viu. 383 vin. 392 Vlll, 115 vni, 126 vin, 133 vin, 147 vin, 159 viii, 169 viii, 185 viii, 194 viii, 205 viii, 211 viii, 227 viii, 108 vni, 117 viii, 128 viii, 141 viii, 149 viii, 160 viii, 170 vui, 186 vin, 195 viii, 206 viii, 215 viii, 228 vm, 201 Vlll, 223 viii, 280 viii, 109 viii, 122 viii, 129 viu, 142 vin, 150 viii, 164 vin, 175 viii, 187 viii, 197 viii, 207 viii, 217 viii, 229 viii, 181 viii, 224 . see next above. viii, 192 vui, 195 . viii, 200 . viu, 280 . viii, 411 . viii, 444 . viii, 460 vi, 152 ii, 79 representative account committee on claims to wait on Gov. Dudley iv, 183 iv, 189 iv, 192 1, 220 m, 49 vii, 78 vn. 113 i, 201 iv. 176 iv, 195 iv, 224 iii, 50 V, 168 i. 221 V, 47 m, 4 iii, 28 in, 33 v, 107 . V, 8 V, 41 New Hampshire, 163 1-1784. 37 ATKINSON, Theodore: committee on Fort William and Mary . . v, 341 clerk. House of Representatives . . . i, 223 i, 237 ii, 231 n, 238 ii, 240 ii, 243 ii, 251 ii, 257 ii, 259 ii, 263 ii, 266 ii, 274 ii, 278 ii, 281 u, 285 ii, 288 iii, 77 iv, 198 v, 66 of Newcastle, sworn . ...... ii, 15 appointed lieutenant .... overseer at fort deposition relating to the Hopewell inquest fees ordered to . . . receiver of duties ..... . v, 56 v, 69 debenture .... v, 72 v, 168 v, 201 petition . . .... v, 168 v, 230 warrant to bring Capt. Chesley before council . . • v, 192 captain and gunner at fort WiUiam and Mary . . . v, 193 V, 195 V, 208 V, 290 V, 336 salary ... . see next above. memorial . . v, 196 justice of the peace . . . v, 352 v, 375 justice. Court of Common Pleas ... v, 352 v, 364 councUor . . . v, 361 v, 363 v, 364 v, 365 V, 366 V, 367 V, 372 V, 374 V, 375 V, 377 V, 378 V, 379 V, 380 V, 383 deceased ... . . . v, 393 ATKINSON, Theodore, Col.: letter to John Thomlinson on public affairs and settlement of Coos i, 264 commissioner on message to governor of Canada . . . iv, 215 account . . . . iv, 215 iv, 262 iv, 263 iv, 270 committee to forewarn Penacook settlers . iv, 221 iv, 223 representative iv, 249 iv, 252 iv, 271 iv, 272 iv, 273 iv, 280 iv, 283 mandamus for admission as councUor . . . . • iv, 271 money in his possession . iv, 279 iv, 297 iv, 299 sheriff . . . ... .see next above. councilor ... .... iv, 285 iv, 286 iv, 287 iv, 288 iv, 293 iv, 294 iv, 295 iv, 296 iv, 297 iv, 298 iv, 299 iv, 300 iv, 303 iv, 304 iv, 305 iv, 306 iv, 309 iv, 310 iv, 311 iv, 312 iv, 313 iv, 314 iv, 315 iv, 316 iv, 318 iv, 320 iv, 321 iv, 323 iv, 324 iv, 325 iv, 327 iv, 330 iv, 331 iv, 332 iv, 333 iv, 334 iv, 335 iv, 336 iv, 338 iv, 343 iv, 344 iv, 345 iv, 346 iv, 347 iv, 348 iv, 349 38 Index to Records of the Council, ATKINSON, Theodore, Col. ; councilor . iv, iv,iv,iv, 350 35536036s iv, iv, iv, iv. 351 356361366 iv iviviv 352 , 357 ,362,367 iv, iv,iv, iv. 353 358 363368 iv, iv,iv, iv. 354359 364369 iv,vi. 370 4 iv, vi. 372 S vi vi , I , 6 vi,vi. 27 vi,vi, 3 8 vi. 9 vi, n vi , 12 vi. 13 vi. 14 vi. IS vi. 16 vi , 17 vi. 18 vi. 19 vi. 20 vi. 21 vi , 22 vi, 23 vi. 24 vi. 25 vi. 26 vi , 27 vi. 29 vi. 30 vi. 31 vi. 32 vi , 33 vi. 34 vi. 35 vi. 36 vi, 37 vi , 39 vi, 40 vi. 41 vi, 42 vi. 43 vi , 44 vi, 45 vi. 46 vi. 47 vi. 48 vi , 50 vi. 51 vi. 52 vi, vi. 53 59 vi,vi. 54 60 vivi , 56 , 61 vi, vi. 57 62 vi, vi. 58 63 vi. 64 vi. 65 vi , 66 vi, 67 vi. 68 vi. 69 vi. 71 vi , 72 vi, 73 vi. 74 vi. 76 vi. n vi , 78 vi. 79 vi. 8a vi. 81 vi, 82 vi , 84 vi. 8S vi. 86 vi. 87 vi. 88 vi , 90 vi. 91 vi. 92 vi. 93 vi. 94 vi , 95 vi, 97 vi. 98 vi, 99 vi. 100 vi , lOI vi. 102 vi. 104 vi. 105 vi. 108 vi , 109 vi. no vi, III vi. 112 vi. 113 vi , 114 vi. IIS vi. 117 vi. 118 vi. 120 vi , 121 vi. 122 vi. 123 vi. 124 vi, 125 vi , 126 vi. 127 vi. 12& vi. 129 vi. 130 vi , 131 vi. 132 vi. 133 vi. 134 vi. 135 vi , 136 vi. 137 vi. 143 vi. 144 vi, 147 vi , 148 vi. 149 vi. 150- vi. 152 vi. 153 vi , 154 vi. 156 vi. 157 vi. 159 vi, 160 vi , 161 vi. 164 vi. 167 allowance for exchange . . iv , 309 iv. 313 iv. 315 petition . . . . executor of testament of John Wentworth of Po rtsmou viii, th . 52 viii, viii. 58 318 state papers in his office ATKINSON, Theodore, Jr.: viii. 460 commission as secretary of the provin councUor . . vi, 127 vi. :e . 128 VI , 129 vi. 130 vi, vi. 124 131 vi, ATTACHMENTS : 132 vi. 133 Vl , 134 vi. 136 vi. 137 of absentees' estates, method to prevent . viii, 37 writ of . . viii , 67 vui, 68 viii, 69 which see. ATTAINT : case of . 129. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 39 ATTESTATION : of journals . . . . ATTORNEY : appearance by . ... king's . . . . ATTORNEYS : see also Lawyers : see Boston: Jaffrey, George: Jeffrey, David: Scotton, Richard: Tucker, Francis : obliged lo take " oath of fideUty'' ...... ATTORNEYS-GENERAL : see also King's Attorney : see Claggett, Wyseman : Livermore, Matthew : Livermore, Samuel: Phipps, Mr: Randolph, Edward: Rayn, Joseph: Sawyer, Sir Robert : Sullivan, John : seizure and prosecution of [mates] masts by . directed in regard to counterfeiters nomination of . vii, 81 vii, 269 salary of . . ...... VII, 109 vn, 158 vm, 7 viii, 183 viii, 203 viii, 396 petition for . ... directed to prosecute bond assistant . ... ATWOOD, William: judge of the admiralty AUCHMUTY, , Mr. [Auchmooty] . to draw indictment for murder AUCTIONS : see also Vendues : of damaged beef of personal- estate of real estate AUDITOR: see also Committee: on claims, queen's, of treasurer's accounts of fort accounts AUDITOR-GENERAL : see Blathwait, William : AUDITOR OF THE Plantations : see next above. AUTHORS : right to their works, act to secure AVERY, Jonathan: petition, committee on AWARDS : conformable to arbitration bonds AXES: for the regiment going to Canada for the colony AYER, John: awarded premium for detecting counterfeiter . AYER, William: justice of the peace vm, 82 vin, 434 41 V, 139 see Cotton, which see. in, 58 which see. vm, 19 IV, 227 vi, 159 vin, 65 vn, 83 viii, 104 vni, 453 vin, 271 vin, 390 which see. V, 73 V, 375 see Beef. which set. V, 214 William. vm. 452 viii. 207 viii. 36s vii. 20 vii. 58 vii. 98 viii. 344 40 Index to Records of the Council, AYER, William: ... gj petition and resolution for restoring him to his law . ; '+ ^ viii, 485 vm, 486 viii, 486 V. Edward Clark Young AYERS, John [Ayre, Eyres] : . .0 ¦ .nr. '. ^ iv, 368 IV, 370 petition . . . • ¦ ' -" AYERS, Mark [Aers, Ayres] : i, 202 m, 33 account . • ¦ house fortified as a garrison • v, 14 AYERS, Nathaniel, Serg. [Aires] impressment warrant issued to ¦ ii- 79 "- 80 n, 83 of a military councU • " !!' ^ V. Abraham Clements • "• ^^^ iii, 38 account • • -¦ AYRE: see Ayers: BABB, Peter: > BABB, SAMUEL; ) distressed for military fine • • . U, 56 BABCOCK, Adam: petition, committee on . • • ¦ vm, 123 BACHELDER, Abraham: coroner . . vii, 23 BACHELDER, Nathaniel [Batchelder, Batchelor] : Robert Mason v. . - . . i, 89 constable, Hampton i, 113 L I'S account - • • i, 201 in, 33 v, 215 representative . • ii, i54 ii, I74 iv, 159 iv, 163 examinee, Hampton riot case . . • v, 122 BACHELDER, Nathaniel (Kingston) : ^ justice of the peace . • vii, 22 petition, committee on . viii, 285 viu, 316 viii, 344 viii, 346 BACK ALLOWANCE: due soldiers, committee on . . . vii, 236 BACON, Retire: petition, committee on . . . viii, 139 viii, 241 viii, 249 viii, 263 viii, 312 BADGER, Joseph, Col., Brig. -Gen. ; justice of the peace and of the quorum . . vi, 152 vii, 23 representative ..... . vii, 29 regiment . . vii, 68 vii, 217 vii, 218 vii, 219 viii, 29 muster-master, orders in favor of . vii, 86 vii, in muster-roU, account . . vii, 122 vii, 241 viii, 29 viii, 410 petition and act to vest title to land in . . vii, 234 viii, 2 viii, 29 viii, 39 recruiting officer . . viii, 2 assistant justice, Superior Court of Judicature . . viii, 377 BADSON, John: of Newcastle, sworn . . . ii, 15 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 41 BAGESSON, alias Joseph Traske: signer of " Articles of Peace " with English . . i, 161 BAGGAGE : of officers, transporting to Ticonderoga ..... vii, 170 of soldiers, transporting .... . vii, 173 army . . ... which see, also Military Stores : BAHAMA ISLANDS: property of, exempt from condemnation . . . vii, 77 BAILEY, Jacob, Col., Gen. [Bayley] • account, muster-roll . . vii, 106 vii, 108 vii, 113 paymaster, bond . . ... vn, 113 letters from, committee on . vn, 245 vui, 137 viii', 158 vin, 363 petition, committee on ..... viii, 85 viii, 89 directed to pay over money received of the conti nent . . ....... viii, wo BAILEY, James [Bayley] . petition, committee on . . . . . vii, 210 vii, 212 BAILEY, Joshua, Capt. [Bayley] : justice of the peace . . . . . vii, 100 pay-roU. accounts . . . vii, 241 viii, 51 viii, 413 BAKER, Christian: petition ... BAKER, John: of Strawberry Bank BAKER, Moses, Capt. : major ...... to hold town-meeting, Thornton, resolution for justice of the peace . ... BAKER, Otis, Col. . justice of the peace justice. Court of Common Pleas representative committee to take sheriff's bond muster-master, paymaster, account vu, 52 vii, 77 vn, 134 vii, 143 vii, 164 BAKER, Sarah: military council at her house . . . • ii, 84 BAKER, Thomas: rent appraiser ... ... . vm, 353 BAKER'S Bill; allowed .... . ¦ • vii, 159 BALCH, John [Balsh] : post-rider . .... vni, 371 vin, 372 BALCH, Nathaniel : account . . • • vii, 85 BALDWIN, Ephraim: magistrate, examinee . . • viii, 7 IV, 309 i, 164 vn. 74 vn. 75 viii. 269 viii. 383 vi. 152 vi. ISS vi. ISS vii. 23 vn. 6 vii. 8 vii, 20 vii. 49 vii. SI 42 Index to Records of the Council, BALDWIN, Isaac: justice of the peace BALDWIN, Nahum, Dea., Col. ; representativecounty treasurer . muster-master and paymaster accounts and roll . viii, 184 regiment and staff-officers has leave to dispose of fire-arms committee on new table of fees trustee of Zaccheus Cutler's estate BALL, James: soldier at Fort William and Mary, wages BALL, John; > BALL, Thomas: S captives returned, examination of . BALLARD, , Mr: his man, garrison soldier BALLARD, Nathan, Capt, [Ballad] : pay-roll .... BALSH : see Balch : BALTIMORE, (Md.) : agent sent to, by General Assembly purchase of flour at BANE, Joseph, Capt. : Indian interpreter . BANFIELD Brothers and Sisters : appellees ...... BANFIELD, Charles: V. Richard Wibird, act to revive the suit BANFIELD, Hugh: distressed for military fine appellant . v, 404 BANFIELD, John: estate, appraisement and plat BANFIELD, John, Dr. : account BANKRUPTCY : commissioners of BANKS, . Lt. . informs councU of Indian movements BANYAR, George: deputy-secretary, N. Y. assembly . BARBADOES [Barbados] : practice of masters of vessels arriving in . merchants' complaint of quality of boards imported . VI, 144 vn. 13 vn, vii. 3324 vn. 49 vii. 71 vii, 56 vii. 166 vu. 167 vni. 129 vui. 226 viii. 241 vni. 379 viii. 409 vii, 86 vii. 154 vii, vii, 'vn, vin. 251 86 167 245 404 405 V, 157 V, 339 n, 84 vii, 258 viii, 8 vii, 166 vii, 189 iv, 232 V, 405 V, 406 vi, 129 ii, 56 V, 406 V, 407 V, 404 V, 406 . viii, 71 which see. V, 294 V, 298 i, 272 i, 286 i, SI i, 57 i, 81 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 43 BARBADOES [Barbados] : powder rate paid in rum imported from clearance for, refused Capt. Stickney's arrival from . trade with . . BARBER, Zebulon: lieutenant . . . . BARBOR, John: of Exeter, province rate against BARBUTE, , Mr.: owner of brigantine, Tryall BARCRASTE, John: debtor to John Raymond BAREFOOT, Jacob, alias Corretuck : assault on provost marshal BAREFOOTE, Walter, Dept. Gov., Brest. witness to indenture witness to Jno's letter . acting treasurer v. Robert Wadley . councilor 6597 i, 66 i, 127 1, 93 no 116 1 232 ¦V, 371 1, 70 i, 132 letter of Capt. Francis Hooke to justice. Court of Common Pleas i, 84 warrant to apprehend Joshua Moody assistant-chancellor . justice of the peace i, 87 i, i, 115 i, deposition in Robert Mason v. Richard Waldron report to, by committee to investigate Indians . signer of " Articles of Peace " with Indians BARKER, : clerk of king's court BARKER, Benjamin, Maj. : committee on claims of committee of safety . BARKER, Enoch: assigned to parish of Greenland petition BARKER. Ephraim: account ...... BARKER, John (Boston) : petition .... 1, 71 i, 106 i, 79 i, in i, 117 i, 6i iii, 46 V, 371 ii, 223 V, '59 V, 377 V, 394 vii. 225 i, 94 1, 19 i, 138 i, 141 i, 38 i, 49 i, 45 i, 55 i, 64 i, 96. iv, 42 i, 158 i, 74 i, 129 i, 75 i, 100 i, 83 i, 113 i, 150 i, 127 i, 159 i, 160 . 95 , 167 , 70 , 73 , 127 , 112 , 148 IV, 13 IV, 55 vn. in vii. 149 V, 356 viii, 168 viii. 184 viii. 185 iv. 333 44 Index to Records of the Council, BARKS [Barques] : see Hopewell : Mary : Richard : BARLOW, Nathan, Ens. . wages allowed .... • vin, 275 BARNARD, Moses: justice of the peace . . viii, 95 BARNARD, Robert: see Barnett: BARNES, Andrew [Barns] : deposition in case of Salter and Mannery . . • iv, 213 BARNES, Joseph, Dr. [Barns] : regimental surgeon, account . . . vii, 124 vii, 251 BARNES, Thomas [Barns] • soldier, account . . . . ii, 242 iii, 16 deposition in case of Salter and Mannery . iv, 213 BARNETT, Robert, Lt., Capt. [Barnard] : disabled soldier, petition, grant to . . vii, 165 vii, 167 vii, 235 viu, 3 vni, 1 1 viii, 405 viii, 468 allowed depreciation . . ..... viii, 469 BARNS, Bill: constable, account ... ... viii, 50 BARNSTEAD : lands in, act for partition of . viii, 39 viii, 41 discount of taxes . . . . , . . viii, 1 28 "barr, [Bar] : representative . . iv, 363 iv, 365 iv, 367 BARR, Gabriel: last wUl and testament of . viii, 78 BARR, Samuel, Capt. : appears for Londonderry . . vi, 68 BARRACK-MASTER : see Long, Peirce, Capt. : Portsmouth : BARRACKS : provided . . . . vii, 38 vu, 160 houses used for, damages paid . . . . vn, 81 vii, 208 viu, 26 viii, 57 vui, 60 viii, 97 Fort Washington . . . . . ? , , „. ^ ., , > which see. Piscataqua Harbor BARRELL, Nathaniel [Barrill] • councilor ... . . . vi, 128 vi, 130 vi, 131 vi, 133 vi, 136 BARRERK, John: master of the Mary ... . . . vii, 234 BARRETT, Joseph, Capt. : pay-roll, petition, account vii, 244 vii, 266 viii, n viu, 15 BARRETT, Thomas: affidavit, on murder of Indians i_ 267 BARRINGTON : committee, petition .... iv 358 vi, 127 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 45 BAKKINGTON : proprietors' taxes . see ne.rt above. defence of vi. 31 exchange of parsonage land in, act for viu. 114 BARRINGTON (Nova Scotia) : exportation to, permitted viii. 188 BARRISTERS : obliged to take " oath of fidelity " vin. 19 BARRON, William, Capt. pay-roll viii, 191 viii. 214 viii. 215 BARTER, Elizabeth: petition and act for divorce viii. 123 viu. 125 viii. 128 BARTER, John: order in favor of, committee ; on vni. 328 BARTER, Peter: divorce . see Elizabeth. invalid soldier, wages , granted viii. 391 BARTLETT, Abraham: ranger, impressed . ii. 79 witness in Benj. Gatchel's case V, 296 BARTLETT, Jeremiah: disabled soldier, account viii. 29 BARTLETT, Joseph: petition, committee on vi. 21 justice of the peace viii. 95 BARTLETT, Josiah, Col. , Hon. : councilor vii. 4 vn. 98 vn. 99 vn, lOI vii. 102 vn. 106 vii. 107 vii. 109 vn. 112 vn. 113 vn. 116 vii. 118 vii. 128 vii. 133 vii. 13s vii. 136 vii. 140 vii. 141 vn, 142 vii. 144 vii. 146 vii. 147 vu. 151 vn. 152 vii. 153 vii. 155 vii. IS9 vu. 160 vii. 161 vii. 163 vn. 165 vii. 166 vii. 170 vii. 171 vn. 172 vii, 174 vii. 177 vii. 178 vn. 179 vii. 182 vii. 183 vii. 187 vn. 191 vii. 192 vn. 195 vn. 196 vii. 198 vii, 199 vn. 203 vn. 204 vii. 206 vii. 207 vu. 208 vii. 210 vii. 215 vii. 221 vii. 222 vn. 224 vii. 225 vii. 226 vii. 227 vii. 228 vii. 230 vii. 231 vn. 232 vii. 255 vn. 256 vii. 257 vii. 258 vn, 259 vii. 261 vii. 263 vii. 266 vn. 270 vn. 271 vii. 273 vii. 274 vn. 275 vii. 276 vn. 281 vii. 282 vii. 284 vii. , 286 vii , 288 vii , 289 viii , 5 vin. 7 vui. 54 viii. 57 viii. 63 viii. 64 viii. 65 viii. 67 viii, 68 vin. 71 viii. 72 viii. 74 viii. 78 viii. 80 viii. 82 viii. 84 46 Index to Records of the Council, BARTLETT, Josiah, Col., Hon.: councilor . . vni, 85 viii, 86 viii, 92 viii. 93 viii. 94 vni, 95 viii, 96 viii. 99 viu, lOI viii. 108 viii, 109 viii. III viii. 115 viii. 117 vin. 122 viii, 123 vui, 124 viii. 126 viii. 127 vni. 128 vin, 131 vin, 133 viii. 136 viii. 138 viii. 139 viii, 141 viii, 142 viii. 147 viii, 150 viii. 152 viii, 158 viii, 159, , viu. 1 60 viii. 164 viii. 166 viii, 170 viii, 171 viii. 173 viii. 174 viii. 176 viii, 177 viu, 179 viii. 181 viii. 184 viii. 185 vin, 187 vin, 188 viii, 189 viii. 190 viu. 192 vin, 193 viu, 194 vni. 205 viii. 206 viii. 207 viii, 208 viii, 209 vui. 210 viii, 211 vin. 212 vin, 213 vin, 214 viii. 215 viii. 216 viii. 218 viii, 220 vin, 222 viii. 223 viii. 226 viii. 228 vin, 233 viii, 234 viii. 23s viii. 238 viii. 240 viu, 242 viii, 243 viii. 244 viii, 247 viii. 249 vui, 250 vin, 252 viii. 256 viu. 259 viii. 260 viii, 261 viii, 263 viii. 264 viii. 266 vni, 268 viii, 273 viu, 277 viii. 279 viii. 280 viii. 284 viii, 287 vin, 299 viii. 300 viii. 303 vin. 304 vin, 312 viu, 314 viii. 318 viii. 321 viii. 322 viii, 325 vin, 328 viii. 329 viii. 334 viu. 339 viii, 340 vui, 341 viii. 342 viii. 345 vni. 351 vin, 352 viii, 353 viii. 359 viii. 360 vni. 361 viii, 363 viii, 364 viii. 366 viii. 368 viii. 369 vui, 370 vin, 375 viii. 378 viii. 380 viii. 381 vni, 385 viu, 386 viii, 387 viii. 388 viii. 390 viii, 393 vin, 399 viii, 402 viii. 404 viii. 405 viii, 406 viii, 407 viii. 408 viii. 411 vni. 413 vin, 414 viu, 415 viii. 416 vin. 418 viii. 419 viii, 421 viii, 422 viii. 424 viii. 425 viii, 426 viii, 428 vin, 457 vui. 458 vui. 459 vni. 460 viii, 461 viii, 462 vui. 465 viu. 466 viii. 467 viii, 469 vin, 475 viii. 476 viii. 477 viii. 479 viii, 480 viii, 482 vin. 483 viii. 485 viii. 486 delegate to Continental Congress vii. 15 vu, 122 vii, 261 vii. 269 vni. 18 vui, 19 viii, 25 vui, 27 vin, 82 viii. 85 vin. 424 justice. Court of Common Pleas , vii. 22 of committee of safety vii, 45 vu, 149 viu. 66 viii. 88 viii. 157 muster-master, order in favor of vii. in committee on defence of Rhode Island . vii. 118 treasurer's accounts . viu. 451 account vii. 134 vii, 135 vii, 269 vn, 278 viii, 54 viii. 82 viii. 229 viii. 451 regiment, resignation of his colonelcy vin. 76 justice, Superior Court of Judicat ure . viii. 387 vn. 55 vm. 470 vii. 85 vii. 217 viii. 325 vii. 85 vii, 86 vii. in vii. 107 vn. 209 viii, Co, 58 vin. 95 viii,viii, viii, viii. 361 95 227 325 viii. 426 viu. 471 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 47 BARTLETT, Richard, Dr.: justice of the peace . . . vii, 22 receives money on account of Pembroke selectmen . vn, 267 BARTLETT, Stephen, Lt. ; company of volunteers, pay-roll ... . vii, 280 BARTLETT, Thomas, Maj., Lt. Col., Col.: account ...... regiment vii, 68 muster-master, paymaster, account vii, 71 lieutenant-colonel ... representative .... justice of the peace staff-roU . ... colonel of regiment to be sent into Cheshire Co, special justice, Superior Court of Judicature BARTON, Stephen: petition ..... iv, 255 BASHAW : see Ali Bashaw : BASS, Joseph, Mat. • paymaster accountsub-clothier and commissary . . viu, 131 resignation ... ¦ . letters from, committee on . viii, 185 BASSETT, . Mr. : owner of brigantine, Tryall . ¦ iii, i BASSUM, John: of Strawberry Bank i, 164 BATCHELDER, Archelaus:' pensioner, account • ¦ vni," 2 BATCHELDER, Breed, Mai. : agent for Monadnock No.' 6, petition inimical, to give bond, located complaint against, imprisoned absentee, act to convey his right to lands, Packersfield his estate confiscated, taxes on BATCHELDER, Joanna [Batcheldor] . petition BATCHELDER, Nathan [Batchellor] : justice of the peace BATCHELDER, Nathaniel . see Bachelder : BATCHELDER, William: deceased, conveyance in favor of his estate ¦ ¦ • viii, 244 BATCHELLOR : see Batchelder : BATEAU-MEN : desertion and impressment of . ¦ ¦ ', 3°° BATEAUX [Battoes] : oversupply of . . • ¦ ¦ • 1, 295 vn. 72 vii. 181 vin. 144 viii; 215 see next above. vin. 194 viii. 211 vi. 160 vii. 158 vii. 160 vn. 198 vii. 200 viii. 244 vui, 3SI viii. 353 viii. 192 viii. 238 vi. 167 vii. 22 48 Index to Records of the Council, BATEAUX [Battoes] : for Crown Point expedition, which see, also Shirley, William, Govr : letters. BATH: arms and ammunition for . . . vii, 6 1 vii, 62 abatement of taxes ... . viii, 96 inventory .... . viii, 467 BATTALION Officers: at Ticonderoga, appointment of . vii, 96 vii, 97 lending money to, committee qn ..... . vii, 174 BATTALIONS (called also Regiments) : see Scammell, Alexander, Col. ; to guard our colony, petition to Congress for vii, 18 ours, at Ticonderoga . . . vii, 198 continental . which see, also Continental Service : New Hampshire BATTERIES : Clerk's Island .....,.] Wood Island .... . | Fort Washington . . \-^hich see. Piscataqua Haarbor ....... J BATTLES : see Bemis's Heights : Bennington : Bunker Hill : Newtown (Penn.): Rhode Island : Saratoga : Stillwater : Ticonderoga : Trenton. BATTSON, John : account ..... .... BAULL, Peter: soldier, impressed ... .... BAXTER, Simon: bondsman for Wm. Baxter, bond cancelled petitions, committee on . . viii, 306 claim for horse allowed . . . , BAXTER, William: bond for good behavior ... petition, committee on . . . has 40 days' leave of absence BAYLEY, Samuel. petition, committee on . . BAY OF Fundy: cruising in . . . . _ \, 1%^ BAY Vert: iv. 178 ii, 83 vui. in viii, 457 vni. 471 viii. in viii. 174 vin, 214 viii. 358 i. 186 275 isthmus, removal of French from BEAL, John [Beele] : of Newcastle, sworn . .... ii i soldier impressed . • . . . ' ' ii, 80 ii', 84 vn. 145 vii, 146 vii. 200 V, 210 vii. 28 viii. 116 V, 210 viii, 138 vin. 169 i. 94 viu, 137 vu. 24 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 49 BEAL, ZACHARIAH : recruiting officer, account captain BEAN, Benjamin: guard to prisoner, account BEAN, Daniel: settlement in Kingston BEAN, Enoch: petition .... BEAN, Jacob : prisoner, arraigned before general assembly . BEAN, James: settlement in Kingston . BEAN, Jeremiah : petition, committee on . BEAN, JOHN: of Exeter, province rate against BEAN, John: disabled soldier, half-pay BEAN, Joseph : justice of the peace BEARD, Joseph : see Waldron, William : deposition. BEAT of Drum: publication by i, 203 iv, 184 iv, 224 iv, 236 v, 16 V, 68 V, 86 V, 322 vi, 40 vi, 42 BEAVER : account . . . . . i, 13 BEAVER Brook: sluices in dams across, act for opening vii, 67 BECK, Thomas: of Strawberry Bank ... . i, 164 BEDELL, Timothy, Col. [Bedle, Beedle] : appointed colonel ..... vii, 14 regiment , . vii, 17 vii, 30 vii, 144 vui, 13 vin, 467 justice of the peace . . . vii, 26 account ... . vii, 121 BEDFORD : coroner . . . vu, 54 lands in, act establishing title to • ¦ vii, 114 petition, committee on . . viii, 390 Duke of . . . . which see. BEEDE, DANIEL: justice of the peace . . vii, 23 petition, committee on . . . ¦ • vin, 307 BEEF : see also Beef Cattle : Cattle : sale of, by treasurer .... ¦ v, 133 clearance of • • ¦ viu, 131 4 5° Index to Records of the Council, vm, 2IO vin, 338 BEEF : see also Beef Cattle : Cattle : exportation of, act to prevent transportation out of state permitted for the state soldiers' wages paid in damaged, disposal of receivable for state tax collectors-general of for army . see < apportionment to towns , salted . . . ¦ BEEF Cattle: disposal of, committee on viii, 326 killing and salting to be collected at Portsmouth forwarding to the army sale of, for specie . weight of, how estimated receivable for taxes collectors of collectors-general of BEEF Tax Exeter, abatement of, committee on Conway, discount of towns delinquent in, committee on extension of time for receiving, committee on BEELE, Edward : see also Beal ; petition BEER: debenture for BEGGARS' BENISON: schooner, permitted to sail BELCHER, Jonathan, Gov. . present in council . iv, 246 iv, 252 iv, 257 iv, 262 iv, 269 iv, 275 iv, 280 iv, 287 iv, 296 iv, 303 iv, 310 iv, 31S vm,viii,viii,viii. Continental Army : Soldiers : 164 viii, 194 vni, 168 196 viii, 329 325 viii, 343 329 viii, 398 364 viii, 375 . which see. \ supplies for . see Towns. which see, also Beef Cattle. vm, 240 viii, 361 viii, 213 viii, 258 vm, viii, viii, viii, viii. viii, 364 viii. 307 vm, 308 364 vin, 381 231 viii, 241 . viii, 215 278 viii, 281 287 viii, 297 vin, 364 376 viii, 381 > which see. vm, 2i: vm, 299 viii, 320 vin, 335 vin, 375 n. 34 V, 209 vii. 189 iv. 245 iv, 247 iv. 249 iv. 250 iv. 251 iv. 253 iv. 254 iv. 255 iv. 256 iv, 258 iv. 259 iv. 260 iv. 261 iv. 263 iv, 264 iv. 267 iv. 268 iv. 270 iv. 271 iv. 273 iv. 274 iv. 276 iv. 277 iv. 278 iv. 279 iv. 283 iv. 284 iv. 285 iv. 286 iv. 289 iv, 293 iv. 294 iv. 295 iv. 297 iv. 298 iv. 299 iv. 300 iv. 304 iv. 305 iv. 306 iv. 309 iv, 311 iv. 312 iv, 313 iv. 314 iv, 316 iv. 317 iv. 318 iv. 319 New Hampshire, 163 1-1784. S^ BELCHER, Jonathan, Gov.: present in council . iv, 320 iv, 325 iv, 332 iv, 338 iv, 347 iv, 352 iv, 357 iv, 362 iv, 367 messages and speeches by salary of ... . instructions to iv, 245 iv, 361 letter to, from Col. Blakeney BELCHER, Samuel: of crew of the Ketch Richard . BELDING, Moses, Lt. : petition, committee on BELKNAP, Rev. Mr.. permission to take papers from secretary's office BELL, , Capt. : commander of Fort William and Mary . BELL, Ensign : of Col. Nathan Hale's regiment BELL, James: petitions, committees on viii, 368 viii, 393 BELL, JOHN, Capt.: muster-master, paymaster, company . vii, 71 committee to settle disputes between Thomas Hall dians . . . . . recruiting officer petition, account BELL, Meshech : captain appointed lieutenant commander of old fort, Newcastle Bell, Shadrach : of Newcastle, sworn ...... petition BELL, William Mordant, Ens. : soldiers' blankets .delivered to BELLOMONT [Bellamont, Bellemont] . see Earl of Bellomont. BELLOWS, Benjamin, Col., Brig. Gen. : petition for grant of a township iv. 321 iv. 322 iv, 323 iv, 324 iv. 327 iv. 329 iv, 330 iv, 331 iv. 333 iv. 334 iv, 335 iv, 336 iv. 343 iv, 344 iv, 345 iv, 346 iv. 348 iv. 349 iv, 350 iv, 351 iv. 353 iv. 354 iv, 355 iv, 356 iv. 358 iv. 359 iv, 360 iv, 361 iv. 363 iv. 364 iv, 36s iv, 366 iv 368 iv 369 iv, 370 iv, 372 ^ see next above. iv 246 iv 356 iv, 357 iv, 360 iv 362 iv 363 iv, 364 iv, 372 iv, 357 i, 137 viu, 260 n, 220 VI, 130 vin. 38 vni. 349 viii. 415 viii, 460 vii. 145 vii. 174 and guar- vn. 278 viii. 2 viii 93 vin. 118 vu. 269 viii, 334 viii. 444 n. 15 viii. 128 viii, 81 vni, 361 vi, 72 vi, 8i vi, 14S 52 Index to Records of the Council, BELLOWS, Benjamin, Col., Brig. Gen. : ferry grantee, Walpole ...•••¦ justice of the peace and of the quorum . . • vii, 25 regiment . vn, 65 vn, 68 vii, 85 vii, 219 viii, 56 viii, 343 muster-master, account . . vn, 85 vii, 86 vu, i n vn, 168 vii, 173 vii, 220 viii, 57 excused from raising men in his regiment . • vn, 85 pay-roll, account . .... vn, 121 vn, 171 vu, 248 vn, 252 viu, 5 viii, 7 councilor . vn, 151 vn, 152 vn, 153 vn, 154 vii, 158 vn, 164 vn, 165 vii, 166 vii, 171 vii, 174 vii, 221 vii, 223 vn, 224 vii, 235 vii, 237 vii, 243 vii, 244 vii, 255 vii, 267 vii, 270 vii, 274 vu, 375 vii, 276 vu, 278 vii, 280 vii, 284 vii, 286 vii, 288 vii, 289 vni, 4 vui, 8 viii, 10 vin, n viu, 38 vin, 43 vin, 45 viii, 51 vni, 52 vni, 54 vin, 56 viii, 78 vui, 79 viii, 81 viii, 82 vni, 84 viii, 85 vin, 90 viii, 93 viii, 95 vin. 96 viii, 100 viii, loi viii, 279 viii, 339 vin, 340 viii, 341 vin, 342 viu, 343 viu, 345 viu, 346 viu, 350 viii, 351 vni, 352 vin, 353 vin, 357 viii, 358 viii, 361 viii, 364 viii, 415 viii, 431 viii, 432 vin, 433 viii, 434 viii, 436 viii, 437 vin, 439 vin, 440 viii, 441 viii, 445 transports baggage to the army . . viii, 7 accountable to Joseph Douglass . . viii, 8 delegate to Continental Congress . viii, 219 viii, 224 viii, 367 commissioner to qualify sheriff . . . viii, 429 petition, committee on . viii, 479 viii, 485 BELLOWS, Benjamin, Jr. ; committee to take sheriff's bond justice of the peace justice. Court of Common Pleas recorder of deeds . . . . . BELLOWS, John, Maj. : committee, account vii, 13 muster-master to forward the stores to Ticonderoga petition, account, committee on . viii, 347 viii, 359, assistant justice, Superior Court of Judicature BELLOWS, , Maj. (Walpole) : letter from . ... BEMIS'S HEIGHTS: battle of BENJAMIN : ship, Richard Gerrish, commander ... vn. 20 vii. 25 vii. 25 vii. 25 vii, 50 vii. 13 vii. 159 viu. 364 viu, 377 vi. 97 viu. 238 iv. 198 • 1, 94 viii. 151 viii. 5 viii. 13 viii. 25 vni. 28 viii. 30 viii. 47 viii, 116 viii. 146 viii, viii. 227 8 ;n New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 53 BENNET, Arthur: of Exeter, province rate against BENNETT, John: account BENNINGTON : battle of ... viii, 9 vni, 44 fire-arms at, care of BERMUDAS : property of, exempt from condemnation . vii, 77 BERNARD, Francis, Gov. (Mass.) : letters to, from Capt. Mead ' ' Gov. John Wentworth letter from, to Gov. Benning Wentworth on Portuguese murderer BERRY, Benjamin: soldier, wages voted him BERRY, James: BERRY, John of Newcastle, sworn BERRY, Joseph [Berrie] : rendezvous at his house BERRY, Nathan: returned as deserter BERRY, William: committee to settle town boundaries BERWICK : land grantee of BETTON, James: justice of the peace representative . . vii, 29 vni, 187 committee to carry money to Gen. Schuyler vii, 49 accounts . . vii, 52 vii, 160 vii, 165 agent to re-enlist militia at New York . agent to apply to congress for money, instructions to complaint against Robert Smith BICKFORD'S : garrison, soldiers posted there BICKFORD, Abner: deserter, arrested . BICKFORD, Bridgett: John Pindar v., assault BICKFORD, Daniel: disabled soldier VI, 119 vi. 138 erer vi. 13s viii. 415 ii. IS ii. 144 viii. 464 V, ¦43 i. 38 vii. 22 vii. 117 viii. 181 viii. 239 viii. 447 vii. 5° vii. 160 vii. 166 viii. 196 vii. 105 vii. 123 vii. 124 viii. 181 viu. 187 i. 171 viu. 95 V, 139 54 Index to Records of the Council, BICKFORD, John, Senr.: of Bloody Point, province rate against Robert, Mason v. - . • garrison soldier BICKFORD, John: of New Castle, sworn , ferryman, account BICKFORD, John, Jr.; ol Bloody Point, province rate against BICKFORD, Lemuel. petition . iv, 297 BICKFORD, Thomas: his wife prosecuted tor assault BICKFORD, Thomas: accountdeputy-commissary, wages BIEN Ane: ship, impressment of crew for BILES, Stephen: deposition relative to Capt. John Mason's will BILLETING: ) j«« Soldiers : billeting BILLETING CERTIFICATE: S BILLETING ROLL . see Leavitt, Moses, Capt. . BILLS, (Acts) : see Acts (Bills) : BILLS (Money): received for tax, treasurer to stamp Robert Morris's counterfeitnew emission old emission paper . United States . . old continental : see Old Continental Currency : BILLS of Credit : see also Paper Money : counterfeit and see counterfeiti emission of burning legally i, i. 97 106 ii, 84 n, ii. 99 15 in. 40 in. 49 V, i, 115 97 iv. 299 iv. 306 iv, V, 312 139 viii. 64 viii. 143 viii, U 141 viii. 143 viii, vi, i. 177 19 37 vm, 292. viii, 364. \ which see. i IV, 223 IV, 329 IV, 332 vi, 70 vi, 80 vi. 93 viii. 14 nd forging, below. iv. 236 iv. 247 iv. 261 iv, 262 iv, 276 iv. 305 iv. 313 iv. 316 vi, 9 vi, 10 vii. 21 vu. 70 viii. 8. iv, 250 iv. 259 iv. 260 iv. 269. iv, 273 iv, 274 iv. 330 iv. 332 iv. 334 iv, 343 iv, 349 V, 341 V, 346 V, 347 V, 348 vii, 15 vii. 17 vii. 181 vu. 182 vii, 244 vii, 257 vii. 262 vii. 263 viii. 17 viu, 18 viu, 53 vin. 59 viii. 60 viii. 105 viii, 108 viii, 284 viii. 288 vui. 454 viii. 488. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 55 BILLS of Credit : see also Paper Money : burning accidentally printing VI, IV, vi, 270 10 exchange of old for new denominations of, committee to ascertain signing . . . iv, 320 iv, 322 caUing in . . vii, 41 and see sinking, below. for small change . ... counterfeiting and forging, act against counterfeiting, proceedings against . state of, committee to draw up of the long form, calling in vn, 231 sinking, act for ... and issuing, resolutions of Congress for emitted by state, extension of their use altered, receivable for taxes at original value retired, exchange of, for current money making a tender of, act for struck off by Congress . depreciation of, committee on continental . new emission BILLS of the United States : receivable for taxes and see United States Bills : BINGHAM, Elijah: justice of the peace ammunition and money advanced to BINGHAM, Nathaniel: petition, committee on . release from confinement BINGS : see Rear Admiral Bings : BIRTHS : bills concerning . ii, 25 BISHOP, : killed by Indians, Stevenstown BISSELL, John: petition for grant of township BLACK Cock: ship, Michael Park, commander BLACKMAN, , Corp.. back-pay aUowed . BLACKSTONE, WILLIAM: affidavit concerning the cutting of pine trees IV, 323 vu, 70 IV, 314 iv, 323 vii, 192 vn, 67 iv, 269 iv, 324 iv, 325 vn, 88 vii, 183 iv, 305 iv, 313 see next above. iv, 315 iv, 316 iv, 325 vii, 70 vii, 207 vii, 240 vn, 177 vii, 98 vii, 248 vii, 257 76 IV, 142 IV, 143 vii, 58 vu, 247 vii, 204 vii, 193 vu, 228 vii, 262 vn, 253 viu, 164 viii, 8 viii, 45 vui, 79 viii, 121 viii, 163 viii, 225 viii, 192 > which see. viii, 178 vii, 50 vm, 95 vii, 73 viii, 294 viii, 295 viii, 297 IV, 195 IV, 197 vi, 92 vi, 80 i, 120 i, 230 iii, 56 V, 399 56 Index to Records of the Council, BLAGDON, James [Blagden] : lieutenant justice of the peace representative BLAIR, William: author of anonymous letters to Jotham Odiorne, BLAISDELL, John: petition, committee on BLAKE, James, Sergt. : pay-roll BLAKE, John: coroner, Suffolk BLAKE, Moses: session of general court at his house BLAKE, Thomas: account n. 2 ii. 285 iv. 134 examinee vi. 49 vi. 5° vi, 51 viii. 138 vin. 139 viii. 452 i. 169 iv. 322 i. 12 letter from, to Gov. Belcher iv, 357 BLANCHARD, Augustus: captain, company . vn. 48 vu. 49 coroner vii. 54 BLANCHARD, James: quarter-master vii. 174 memorial for N. H. Line officers and s loldiers . viii. 386 viu. 389 BLANCHARD, Jonathan, Hon. councilor vn. 4 vii. 6 vii. 9 vii. 10 vu. n vn. 14 vii. 15 vn. 16 vii. 17 vii. 27 vii. 28 vii. 33 vii. 34 vu. 35 vu. 36 vn. 39 vii, 42 vn. 46 vii. 47 vii. 48 vn. 49 vu. 54 vii. 59 vii. 65 vii. 66 vii. 71 vn. 74 vii. 77 vii. 78 vii. 84 vii. 88 vii. 96 vii. 99 vii. 100 vn. lOI vii. 102 vii. 103 vn. 104 vii. 106 vii. 107 vn. 116 vii. 117 vn. 118 vii. 119 vn. 120 vn. 121 vii. 123 vii. 124 vii. 125 vn. 127 vii. 129 vii. 130 vii. 131 vii. 132 vn. 133 vii. 135 vii. 151 vii. 152 vii. 153 vii. 154 vii. 156 vii. 158 vii. 159 vii. 161 vii. 188 vu. 191 vii. 192 vu. 194 19s vn. 199 vii. 201 vu. 204 vu. 206 vu. 221 vii. 228 vn. 230 vii. 231 vii. 234 vii, 235 vii. 236 vn. 237 vn. 239 vii. 240 vii, 245 vii. 251 vii, 255 vii. 257 vii. 258 vii. 259 vii. 260 vii, 263 vii. 264 vn. 265 vn. 266 vii, 275 vn. 277 vii, 279 vii. 282 vii. 284 vu. 286 viii. 6 viu. 7 viii. 10 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 57 n 27 39 vm, vui,vni. 12 2840 Vlll, viii,vni. 23 3043 vm, viii,viii. 243745 BLANCHARD, Jonathan, Hon councilor . . viii, viii,viii, register of probate state agent, account vii, 107 vii, no vii, 272 viii, 40 committee on appointment of battalion officers at Ticonderoga . receives orders in favor of muster-masters , assistant to the attorney-general ... agent to prosecute counterfeiters . . vii, 238 commissioner to New Haven on business referred by Contl. Congress . ..... delegate to Continental Congress vni, 428 vin, 464 vin, 471 BLANCHARD, Joseph: appearance for Merrimack letters on Indian incursions. Conn, river plan of Conn, river and towns on BLANCHARD, Jotham: petition, committee on . . vin, 435 BLANKET-MONEY : aUowed soldiers . • vu, 35 vii, 36 BLANKETS : impressment of ... v, 105 presented Indians ... BLANK Notes: signing, committee on BLANKS : in precepts, manner of fiUing, committee on . BLATHWAIT, William [Blaythwaite] : surveyor and auditor-general n, 41 V, 155 v, 212 letters from . . • • present of money to ii, 158 BLAYTHWAITE (see Blathwait) : BLAZO, John: petition ... V. Reuben Sanborn, ejectment, review BLOCK-HOUSES : at Little Harbor . BLODGETT, Caleb, Ens. : lieutenant, 3rd N. H. regiment BLODGETT, Elijah: petition, committee on . BLODGETT, Samuel: justice of the peace petition, committee on . . Vlll, viii,viii; vii, vn, viii, vii. 26384624 56 469 97 vii, 107 vn, 1 1 1 vii, 204 viii, 469 vii, 262 viii, 472 vi, 59 vi, 97 vi, 120 viii, 437 236363 164 vu, 207 viii, 379 vni, 381 V, 213 i, 86 V, 214 see next above. 160 iv, 162 vm, 175 vin, 195 V, 117 viii, 256 Vlll, 295 VI, viii. 152155 58 Index to Records of the Council, BLODGETT, Seth: petition for grant of township BLOOD, Ebenezer: son, Ebenezer, killed at Bunker HiU BLOOD, Francis, Capt. : account ... vin, 354 vin, 373 petition, committee on . viii, 150 collector-general of beef cattle, account . representativecouncilor viu, 282 viu, 287 viii, 457 viii, 468 viii, 469 viu, 479 vui, 481 iv, 316 iv, 332 Vl, 79 vii. 264 vii. 229 vii. 236 viii, 226 viii. 388 viii. 390 viu. 409 viii. 151 viii. 414 viii,viii. 415 239 viii. 240 vui, 258 viu, 259 vni. 307 viii. 308 vni,viii. 329 355 viii. 458 vni. 460 viii. 461 viu. 474 vui. 475 viii. 477 viu. 482 viii. 483 viii. 485 i. 24 i. 32 3 i, 97 i, viii, vin. 98 19 54 iv. , 344 iv, ,348 iv, i. 349 177 which see. V, 250 v> 280 BLOODY Point: patent, boundaries constable, rate-Ust and warrant committed to BLUNT, John, Capt.. keeper of lighthouse, Newcastle representative BLUNT, John, Rev. : petition BLY, John: garrison soldier BOARD : see Council : navy BOARD of Ordnance: invoice from . account to BOARD OF Trade: see Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations : BOARD of War: see GUman, Joseph : Penhallow, John : Robinson, Ephraim : Wentworth, Joshua, Col. ; appointed by Contl. Congress quarterly reports made to nomination and appointment of instructions and directions to viii, 38 viu, 75 accounts ..... vin, 125 viii, 141 to supply necessaries to prisoners letters from, committee on supplying with money, committee on allowance of commissions to, committee on settlement of their accounts . vui, 47 vn. 182 see next above. vii. 276 vni. 65 viii. 66 viii. I viii. 28 viii, 34 viii. 81 viii. 106 viii. 191 viii, 4 viii, 18 viii. 119 viii. 262 viii, 375 viii. 472 viii. S vui. 64 viii, viii, viii. 319 1617 vui. 36 viii. 39 viii. 56 viii. 191 viii. 375 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 59 BOARD of War: see Gilman, Joseph : Penhallow, John : Robinson, Ephraim Wentworth, Joshua, Col. : soldier's petition referred to . motion of, committee on consulted on providing military stores to supply clothing to invalid soldiers to send express to the army for lists of troops . to appoint issuing commissary to provide forage for officers' horses to pay accounts for arresting deserters to deliver rations to furloughed soldiers to procure clothing for the army to furnish expresses to treasurer to pay postage on public letters their orders to have the preference at the treasury to furnish transportation for army stores viii, 253 to deliver fire-arms to Col. Dearborn to settle the debt of Messrs. Cabot . order in favor of, on the Messrs. Cabot to pay wages to officers and soldiers viii, 325 to send clothing to the N. H. Line continental .... BOARDS : shipped from Saco pine, merchantable, defined value of, act concerning admeasurement, of act for exported, impost on BOAR'S Head: < Great Boar's Head : I Little Boar's Head : BOATS : exemption from paying powder-money, act for for his majesty's service . ii, 176 ii, I79 impressment of . • for troops at Newcastle damaged and lost in public service . fort spy BODODOIN, James: Massachusettts committee on western expedition BOLSTON, , Capt. : agent [messenger] of governor and see Cranfield, Edward, Gov. : courts erected by. BOMBAZEENE : Indian sagamore, advices from vni, 68 vui. 245 vui. 86 viii, 88 vni. 100 viii. III vin. 319 viii. 127 viii. 139 viii. 140 viii. 153 viii. 170 vui. 163 viu. 194 vin. 237 viii. 221 viii. 221 vin. 246 viii. 258 vni. 262 viii. 254 viii. 292 vui. 299 vui. 300 viu. 408 viii. 411 viii. 336 which : see. I, 29 i. 57 i, 81 n, 158 iv, 161 viu. 465 see Lumber. n. 67 ii. 183 V, 163 vii. 56 vu. 81 which see. 1, 290 1, 131 V, 6o Index to Records of the Council, BONDS : see also Recognizances : for good behavior ... i, 127 i, 208 i, 229 given to sheriff for appearance to court given to prison-keeper . of holders of public money iv, 263 iv, 270 v, 347 to the queen in admiralty case to obey smaU-pox orders . . ¦ vi, 161 to be put in suit of recruiting officers given to the state, committee on limiting counterfeiter to Cheshire Co. of trustee, to judge of probate of administratrices arbitration of coroners , of county treasurers of inimicals (enemies) . of paymasters of permittees > of prisoners . of recorders of deeds of sheriffs of ship masters of treasurers . BONDSMEN : of treasurer . BONETTA, Pinck: ship, taken by pirates BOOKING, William: of Strawberry Bank BOOKS : see also Records : seized from Deputy-Secretary Redford i, 205 iii, 26 catalogue of . . ... of council and assembly iii, 5 iii, 6 iii, 7 for journals, councU and house of Gov. Wentworth's estate, auction of of the Constitution, printing relating to clerks of courts probate of wills secretary's office province recorder's BOOTH, James: petition i. 60 i. 87 ii. lOI V, 125 see next above. i. 229 iii. 54 ii. 20 iv. 140 iv. 261 iv. 262 V, 348 V, 349 V, 98 vi. 162 vi. 165 vii. 230 viii, 39° viii. 6 nil. 56 viii. 142 vui. 125 viii. 314 > which see. see Gambling, Benjamin ; Wibird, Richard : V, 370 i, 164 1, 204 ni. 34 iii, 35 see next above. V, 66 V, 123 vii. 6 viii, 83 viii. 75 viii, 83 viii, 328 > which see. 74 see Province Records: . . . . which see. n, 33 n, 34 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 61 BOOTHBAY (Mass.): exportation of corn to . BORLAND'S Farm: annexation of, to Temple, act for BORROWING : see also Loans : on state credit money for use of state ..... viu, 168 vin, 175 and see Receiver General : Treasurer : BOSCAWEN (Town) : witnesses from, in trial of Matthew Thornton . discount of taxes ..... BOSCAWEN, Admiral: letter to Lt. Gov. Lawrence BOSCAWEN, Edward: of his majesty's council, Whitehall . BOSTANGE, Mons. de: killed on the Alcide BOSTON : commodities from, seized , debtor to Robert Mason provisions purchased in . post to Virginia importation from, bUl on express iv, 173 V, 119 V, 140 posts to n, 156 postmaster .... rates Earl of Bellomont in . ii, 224 return of prisoners to government of Indian chiefs at . . . iv, 224 constable, aUowance to . arrival of Gov. Dudley in attorney French prisoners exchanged from . coasting sloops treasurer's account audited at . . rendezvous of soldiers for Canada expedition fire in . . ..... commissioners on medium of exchange, to meet at . small-pox in . . . . v, 399 printers from soldiers' supplies from . Mass. council at . . township grantees from . Vlll, 72 vm. 84 viii. 217 vii. 123 vn. 124 viu. 124 viu. 182 viii. 183 viu. 98 viu. 125 i, 298 i. i88 i, 298 1, i, 6184 i. 179 i. 184 ii. 42 ii. 61 ii. 69 V, 370 vii. 120 V, 95 V, 142 ii, 180 n. 204 iv. 168 in. 82 in. 87 iii. 1 iii. 41 iv. 232 V, 5 iv. 333 V, 47 V, 57 V, 66 V, 179 V, 19s V, 400 V, 214 V, 240 V, 246 V, 286 V, 288 V, 392 vi. 73 vi. 74 vi, 9 vi. 16 vi. 27 vi, 71 vi, 143 62 Index to Records of the Council, BOSTON : ships of war at . . . • controller of king's ordnance in trial of Ansell Nickerson in cannon and powder from Massachusetts general court at escaped prisoner retaken in continental agent at courier sent to, for news from the army post-rider from, to Portsmouth expenses of Indians paid to . BOSTON, Castle: prisoners of war committed to BOSTON, Gazette: advertisement in, relating to counterfeit bills of credit BOSTON Newspapers: Capt. Mead's letter to Gov. Bernard printed in BOSTON Thursday Paper: VI, 155 vn, 132 vi. 98 vi. 99 vi, 158 vii, 41 vii. 148 vii. 193 vii. 211 viii. 25 viii. 64 viu. 152 IV, 224 VI, 119 vote " for calling in £28,000 " printed in Vl, 207 act printed in RnTTNrri AT?TF9 . vii. 252 Massachusetts and New Hampshi ire i. 24 i, 32 ii, 38 ii, 65 ii, 66 ii, 113 ii, 198 ii, 200 u, 202 ii. 215 iv. 222 iv, 245 iv, 251 iv, 253 iv. 254 iv, 262 iv, 263 iv, 297 iv, 318 iv, 323 iv. 324 iv, 325 iv, 362 iv, 363 iv. 364 iv. 368 iv, 370 iv, 371 iv, 372 V, 176 V, 351 V, 389 V, 390 V, 392 v. 395 V, 401 vi, 2 vi, 3 vi, 5 vi, 64 vi. 71 vi, '' 78 vi, 81 vi, 82 vi. 83 vi. 85 vi, 86 vi, 131 vi, 138 viii, 130 vin. 224 committee on . . . see next above. New Hampshire and New York vi, 61 viii, 130 viii. 224 vui. 370 and see New Hampshire Grants : province, asserting and maintaining ii, 38 ii. 129 of towns and parishes, and acts relating thereto i. 31 i. 169 i, 206 ii. 3 ii, 121 ii, 122 ii. 123 ii, 124 ii, 157 iii, 57 iii. S8 iii. 60 iv, 153 iv, ISS iv, 158 iv. 161 iv. 186 iv, 225 V, 42 V, 132 vin. 190 viii. 284 viii, 296 vin, 381 viii, 388 viii. 393 viii. 450 and see Bloody Point. and see Enfield. Canaan . Exeter. Chester. Grafton. Derry. Grafton County towns Dover. Hampton. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 63 and see Oyster River. Portsmouth. Rye. Salem. Strafford County towns. Stratham.Winchester. Windham. York County. see Selectmen : Towns. • vii, 137 viii, 211 and see Hampton Falls. Hinsdale.Kensington. Kingston.Londonderry. Newcastle. Northam.North HiU parish. Nutfield. BOUNTY : see Continental Bounty : Fire-arms : Indian Scalps Lead : Pirates : Pitch : Salt : Saltpetre : Soldiers Sulphur : Tar : Towns : Wolves : accounts ..... in addition to continental establishment settlement of, committee on . BOUNTY Notes: compound interest on, resolution for to be received by treasurer for taxes taken by treasurer in payment for confiscated lands BOURRYAU, Zach. : letter from BOW: selectmen, petitioners deserter carried from, to the army . inimical from town-meeting, act to alter time of BOWEN, Henry: suspected murderer of Indians BOWEN, John, «/zas Anthony : prisoner indicted for murder of Indians BOWEN, William, Capt. . account BOWERS, Benjamin, Lt. . pay-roll BOWLES, John: passenger under quarantine BOWMAN, Jonas, Capt. : pay-roU BOWSPRITS : New England exported, impost on BOXFORD, (Mass.): search for escaped inimical in BOYCE, Robert [Boyes] : representative iv, 277 iv, 312 vu, viii,viii, vi. 270221 265 VI, 55 vii. 127 vii. 200 vin, 198 i. 267 vi. 89 n, 207 IV, 224 vii, 260 vi, 44 viii, 51 which see. iv, 170 vu, 188 iv, 272 iv, 274 iv, 276 iv, 278 iv, 283 iv, 286 iv, 309 iv, 316 iv, 322 iv, 32s iv, 349 vi, 165 viii. 54 vi, 161 vi. 165 vii. 18 64 Index to Records of the Council, BOYCE Robert [Boyes] : petition ' iv, 305 BOYD, George: petition for . viii, 79 BOYDEL, John: letters from, to the council v, 362 v, 386 BOYES, William, Capt. : pay-roll, account viii, 68 BOYNTON, Joseph, Lt. : depreciation note, indorsement on viii, 229 BRACITT, John: of Newcastle, sworn . . . . ii, 15 BRACKET, Anthony: master of sloop with stores of war . . v, 277 BRACKET, Ichabod: ^ V. Winthrop Pickering . vui, 251 BRACKET, Joshua, Dr. : petitions and account vi, 133 vi, 134 examined in relation to cases of small-pox judge of admiralty BRADBURY, Jabez: letter to Gov. Shirley on Indian affairs vi, 19 BRADBURY, Sarah: petition, committee on . . . viii, 152 BRADDOCK, Edward, Gen. . defeat of, letters to Gov. Wentworth on . vi, 97 BRADFORD, Matthew: petition for vacation of judgment . iv, 284 BRADFORD, Samuel, Lt. : enlisting officer petition, allowed depreciation of wages . BRADFORD, William, Lt. ; taken prisoner at Ticonderoga, account . allowed depreciation of wages BRADLEY, Samuel: account BRADSTREET, Lyonel, Capt.: state prisoner, liberated BRADSTREET, Simon: Governor of Massachusetts . BRAGDON, Warren: deserter, put to service on contl.' frigate . . viii, 38 state prisoner, board paid BRAINARD, Daniel: justice of the peace . . • . vi 152 committee to take sheriff's bond . . receives orders in favor of muster-masters account .... vn. 173 vni, 477 viii, 478 viii, 5 viii. 190 vm, 374 I, 41 vii. 84 i, 78 vni. 43 vui, 39 vii. 26 vii. 20 vu. in vii. 137 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 65 BRAMBLE, Thomas: captive returned, examination of BRASS Kettles: for the army, account for ... BRATTLE, , Col.: Massachusetts committee on western expedition BRATTLE, William: petition for grant of township BRAWN, Michael: of Bloody Point, province rate against BREAD : importation of, for soldiers scarcity of supplied to prisoners impressment of . BRENTWOOD [Brintwood] : incorporation, charter voted .... selectmen's account for guns and blankets BRENTWOOD and Rye: adverse claims of, to the same soldier BREVETS : made out by president BREWSTER, John, Capt. : company, muster-roll, pay-roll BREWSTER, Nero : petition ...... BRIDGER, John: letter to council relating to tar making petition ..... surveyor-general of their majesties' woods V, 340 . vui. 114 i. 290 vi. 86 i, 97 ii. 164 iv. 180 . viii. 290 see Provisions. vi. 16 vii. 86 information by ... BRIDGES : see Charlestown. Cocheco River. Connecticut River. Dover.Great Island. Hale, Enoch. Hillsborough County. Lamprey River. Lotteries. BRIDGEWATER, J.: commissioner of admiralty king's councilor . . ... BRIDGHAM, . Boston merchant, received counterfeit money . viu, 281 vni, 352 vni, 392 viu, 432 vn, 9 vii, 134 vin, 161 vui, 167 ii, 282 ii, 290 iv, 197 iv, 198 V, 218 V, 219 V, 350 V, 387 . see next above. Mile Strip (Slip). Newcastle.Newmarket.Newmarket Bridge. Pelham.Souhegan River. Stratham and Newmarket. Walpole : Wilton. Windham. 1, 241 ii, 115 vi, 158 66 Index to Records of the Council, BRIDGMAN : see Every, Henry : BRIENT: see Bryant: BRIGADE-ADJUTANT : Col. Andrew Coburn [Colburn] BRIGADE Officers: nomination and appointment or .... . BRIGADES : see also BriGADIER-Generals : formed of state militia .... vn, 205 vii. New Hampshire .... ... BRIGADIER-GENERALS : nomination and appointment of . . , . vii, and see Poor, Enoch : Stark, John : Whipple, William : BRIGANTINES : see Bowen, WiUiam. Newcastle. Dove. Philadelphia. Elizabeth. Prudence. Ferdinand. St. Clair. Helena. St. Croix. Kildare. SmaU-pox. Mary. Tortuga. Mary and Elizabeth. TryaU. French, advice about . . .... off the harbor ...... impressment and appraisement from Newfoundland quarantined for smaU-pox . vi, 32 vi, BRIGHAM, Alpheus: constable, Jaffrey . , . . . BRIGS : see Lusannah : Morris : BRINTON, Jehaleel [Jahaeel] : collector, deputation from BRISTOL (Mass.): exportation of corn to . . . . . viii, BRITAIN : see Great Britain : BRITISH qoLONiES: defence of . . BRITISH Consul: at Algiers . ...... BRITISH Parliament: acts of, oppressive to colonists and see Acts of Parliament : BRITISH Regiments:- two, commanded by Col. Dunbar ..... BRITISH Subjects: property of, liable to condemnation lands of, confiscated ..... vn, 121 vii, 206 217 viii, 181 . which see. 206 viii, 181 n, 50 V, 140 V, 245 vi, 31 33 vi, 34 • viu, 193 iii. 63 8S viii. 87 i. 286 n. 23s vi. I 1, 300 vn, 77 vn, 254 New Hampshire, 163 1-1784. 67 BRITISH Subjects: estates of, disposal (confiscation) of purchase of land by, act to prevent disfranchising, act for . . improved lands of, rented sale of their lands for taxes, act to prohibit BRITISH Vessels: loading in harbors of this state BRITTAIN: see Britton: BRITTON, Job: account ... . . BRITTON, Mary [Brittain] : administratrix, petition .... act for her to convey land BRITTON, William: deceased, estate of BROCKWAY, Jonathan, Capt.: pay-roll ... . . BROCKWAY, William: old currency discounted with . BRODBENT, Joshua: of Strawberry Bank BROND, , Capt.. master of the Cape (sloop) BROOKS, John: petition for grant of township BROOKS, Samuel, Dea. : accounts . . vii, 10 viii, 14 viii, 275 committee to buy blankets to inspect saltpetre and powder to buy saltpetre to receive counterfeit bills county treasurer recorder of deeds . muster-master and quarter-master BROOKS, Samuel, Jr. . quarter-master, account . BROUGHTON, George: grantee of land, Salmon Falls BROWN, Arthur, Rev. : legislative chaplain .... BROWN, Asa: prisoner from New York vm, 251 vm, 300 vm, 25 vii, 130 vii, 148 viii, 15 viii, 183 vui, 337 viu, 397 vii, 96 vn, 243 . vm, 249 viii, 352 vin, 423 . viii, 298 viu, 371 viii, 473 • viu, 337 vin, 425 viu, 476 . vm, 203 viii, 27 vni, 33 . see next above. vm. 33 vni, 31 • vin. 197 • i, 164 vi. 20 vi, 72 vu. 185 vii. 251 viii. 231 viii. 254 vni. 436 viii. 490 vii. 21 vii. 79 vii. lOI viii. 14 . vn. 192 vni. 10 vin. 15 vu. 23 vii. 46 • vii. III vii. 113 viii. 135 i. 38 vi, 135 vii. 130 68 Index to Records of the Council, BROWN, Benjamin: representative . . i, 201 BROWN, Bryant: petition, account . . vii, 277 re-imbursed for losses at Ticonderoga . . vii, 277 BROWN, Daniel: disabled soldier, half-pay . . . viii, 29 petition, committee on . . viii, 419 BROWN, Ebenezer: master of the Snow York, permittee vii, 236 BROWN, Hannah: soldier's widow, allowed for husband's wages vii, 29 BROWN, Isaac: petition and act for divorce viii, 260 viii, 291 viii, 296 BROWN, Jacob: examinee, Hampton riot case ... v, 122 coroner . • . . vii, 24 BROWN, James: account . . . viii, 392 BROWN, Jane: divorce . . . see Isaac: BROWN, John: petition . . iv, 261 iv, 285 iv, 315 mariner, examinee .... . . vi, 20 BROWN, Joshua [Browne] : distressed for military fine . . . ii, 56 BROWN, Moses, Lt. : commander of the General Arnold, permittee . . . vii, 241 BROWN, . Mr. [Browne] : request for release of men from garrison . . . iii, 9 BROWN, Nathan, Capt.. pay-roUs .... vii, 68 vii, 73 vu, 93 vn, 134 vin, 51 vin, 134 company, travel money . .... vii, 135 vii, 146 BROWN, Richard: quarter-master . vu, 175 BROWN, Samuel, Lt. : pay-roll . vu, 268 BROWN, William: captive returned, examinee v, 339 BROWN Sugar: exportation of, permitted vin 188 BRUSH, Crane [Crean] : absentee, his effects secured vii 86 BRYANT, James [Brient] : prisoner from New York . . . vii 127 BRYANT, Jeremiah: account vn, 31 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 69 BRYANT, John: account, petition . . ... justice of the peace BRYANT, Walter: surveyor . . . iv, 272 vi, 3 justice of the peace and of the quorum BRYANT, Walter, Jr.: surveyor BRYARD, Elisha: account BRYER, Elisha: debenture . . v, 41 BUCKINGHAM, Thomas: carpenter of the Richard BUCKLEY, Mr. : demand upon BUCKLEY, Peter: agent of Massachusetts Bay company BUCKLEY, Richard: of Newcastle, sworn BUCKMAN, Edward [Bucknam] : coroner .... justice of the peace BUCKMINSTER, Rev. Mr.. legislative chaplain . ... BUCKNAM : see BuCKMAN : BUILDINGS : return of, to be transmitted to Contl. Congress BULLETS : casting lead into, account for BUNCE, James: referee on petition of Robert Mason BUNKER Hill: battle (fight) . . . . • vii, 29 vii, 34 vii, 44 vii, 55 vii, 100 vii, 160 vii, 178 vii, 264 viu, 55 viii, 70 viii, 73 viii, 97 soldiers' losses at . . . . . see next above. BUNKER, Jemes [Buncker] : account BUNKER'S [Buncker's] : garrison, soldiers posted there BURBANK, Moses: petitions, committee on BURCHETT, J.; clerk of admiralty .... BURGESS, Eliseus, Gov. [Elizeus] reception, preparation for letter from, to the councU vii. 127 vin. 189 vin. 355 vi, 4 vi. 5 vii. 22 vi. 131 in, 48 V, 85 V, i. 169136 ii. 52 i. 47 n. 15 vii. 26 viu. 95 viii. 392 viii. 204 viii. 458 viii, i. 69 39 '' 224 i, 171 i. 174 in. 30 viii. 171 viii, n. 469234 V, 340 V, 347 V, 349 V, 342 V, 343 70 Index to Records of the Council, BURGESS, Eliseus, Gov. [Elizeus] : letter to, from the council BURGIS, James: of Newcastle, sworn BURIALS : bills concerning . . . ii, 25 BURNAM, Jeremiah: complaint against BURNAM, Robert: petition .... intestate, act for dividing his estate BURNET, William: commission as governor BURNHAM, George, Ens. : allowed for depreciation BURNHAM, Robert: Robert Mason v. . BURNHAM, Sarah: aUowance for depreciation of husband's wages BURNHAM'S [Burnam's, Burnum's^ : garrison, soldiers posted there BURNISTON, Charles: surveyor-general of king's woods BURROUGHS, Elijah: soldier, receives a continental gun . BURROUGHS, John, Jr., petitions, committees on . . . BURT, Joseph, Capt. ; account, petition .... representative ... letters from, committee on . . BUSWELL, Caleb: waiter to General Court, account BUTCHER, Samuel: rioter, petition . ... BUTLER, Benjamin: justice of the peace petitions, committees on viii, 43 BUTLER, David: libellant in admiralty case BUTLER, Edward: absentee ..... BUTLER, Elizabeth: petition and act for her to sell land BUTLER, Henry, Lt., Capt. . negro slave of, dismissed from regiment pay-roll ..... V, 353 ii. 15 iv 2S , 142 iv , 143 iv, iii, viu, viii, iv, vin, i, viii. 197 79 482 488 234 121106 121 i, 171 i, V, viii. 174 387 54 viii. 169 viii. 434 viii. 438 vin. 126 viii, vui. 129 203 viii. 236 viii. 239 viii. 318 viii. 376 viii. 455 viii, V, vii, viii. 472 8 22 365 viii. 481 viii. 482 vin, viii, viii. 487 134 193 viu. 185 vin, viu. 193 9 vui. 196 vni. 230 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 71 BUTLER, Henry, Lt., Capt. : petition . . . . . to convey lands, act for him . BUTLER, Peter: bill of sale from, brigantine, Tryall BUTTERFIELD, Isaac: major ..... BUTTSON, John [Batson] : account BY-GARRISONS : for Cocheco . . . . viii, 424 m, 40 viii, 292 viii, 299 CABOT, Messrs: indebted to the state CALCOTT, Isaac [Calcutt] : captive soldier, wages paid CALCOTT, Jonathan: settlement in Kingston . CALCOTT, Samuel: assault on provost marshal . . . grantee of Kingston CALDWELL, James: guardian, petition and act for him to sell ward's land CALDWELL, Samuel: directed to return gun belonging to state may exchange notes with treasurer CALDWELL, Stephen: petition .... CALEDONIA, (W. I.) : settled by Scotch, commerce with forbidden CALFE, John, Capt. : committee to sign money and on printing treasurer's notes i, 138 ii, 74 viii, 442 account pay-roll, company . of committee of safety . justice, Court of Common Pleas CALFE, John, [Jr. ?] : receives saltpetre bounty CALL, David: petition .... his title to land, act to confirm CALL, Jonathan [Caull] : express .... CALL, , Mrs. : kUJed by Indians, Stevenstown CALL, Peter: garrison soldier vii, 40 vii, 70 vu, 92 vu, 134 vm, 435 viii, 439 iii, I vn, 14 iii, 49 i, 76 viii, 300 viii, 41 v, 210 i, 141 . V, 210 viii, •]•] viii, 330 viii, 382 vin, 448 V, S vii, 18 viii, 14 viii, 229 vn, 135 vin, 157 viu, 424 vii, 213 vm, 431 viii. 448 vm. 453 vii. 144 vi, 91 i, 177 72 Index to Records of the Council, CALLADONIA : see Caledonia : CAMBALL, Dunking: «« Campbell, Duncan: CAMBRIDGE (Mass.) : continental army at express to . . journey to, by Meshech Weare Duke of . • CAMDEN [Cambden] : petition, committee on . . '^ incorporation as Washington, act for CAMP : of Gen. Washington near New York at Danbury at Oswego ... CAMPBELL, Duncan [Cambell, Campbel] : postmaster, Boston, petition . u, i8o ii, i8i account i, 230 in, 33 letter about post-office . letter on peace between French and Mohawks CAMPBELL, Samuel: appearance for Windham CAMPBELL, William: pay-roll CAMPBELL'S Gore: inventory of . . . CAMPTON : proprietors or selectmen, petitionees committee, money advanced to, for arms and ammunition petition ... annexing to Grafton county, act for CANAAN : ammunition for representation abatement of taxes . . . . , petition . . . . vui, 212 proprietors' petition boundaries with Enfield and Grafton, act to settle . CANADA : vn, 13 vu. 30 vu, 31 vii, 37 which see. 'ii, 35 vii. 83 vii, 104 vii, 114 vn, 105 which see. i, 170 ii, 175 iv, 164 iv. 165 iv, 196 i, 202 in, 56 V, 215 V, 364 ii, 122 iv, 153 ii, 140 66 vm, 155 vi, 145 vii, 64 viii, 378 vin, 382 vn, 73 vii, 90 viii, 96 viii, 214 viii, 215 . see next above. . vni, 243 expedition against and see Regiments. accounts V, 245 V, 284 vi, 24 vi, 113 vn, 51 V, 247 V, 286 vi, 25 vi, 114 vii, 62 i, 260 V, 251 V, 288 vi, 26 vn, 14 vn, 66 V, 241 V, 252 V, 290 vi, 48 vii, 29 vii, 68 V, 242 V, 283 V, 291 vi, 61 vii, 49 vii, 70 i, 264 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 73 CANADA : prisoners in, redemption of . . • i, 265 i, 280 negro prisoner carried to ..... . i, 267 governor of, ordering Indians to attack New England ii, 168 message to . . . . . . iv, 2 1 5 alliance of Indians with . . vi, 1 5 French force expected from ..... • v, 226 from, detachment sent against . . vi, 60 declaration of war against ..... vi, 20 our affairs in, alarming state of . . vii, 64 army coming against us from . . ^ vii, 69 captives returned from . . . vu, 281 viii, 364 officers captivated and carried to . . . viii, 84 our army in . . . . . see Army. regiment for, which see, also expedition against, above. CANADIAN Prisoners: petition, committee on . . . . vii, 236 vii, 239 CANADIANS : rendezvous i, 275 CANGHNWAGE : tribe . . i, 273 CANNON : round of, on publication of Gov. Burnet's commission borrowed for Port Royal expedition hauled from Nottingham to Durham borrowed, lost, replaced ... CANNY, Samuel [Kanny] : dismissal from king's service . . . ii, 82 CANOES : proposition to secure, rejected . . . . ii, 141 enemy's fleet of, expected . v, 119, v, 120 v, 294 v, 298 CANOWA, John : signer of Indian letters to governor . . i, iSS i, IS6 CANTERBURY : Indians to procure supplies at .... defence of . . • ¦ vi, 23 justice of the peace ' . • petition for parish charter erecting a parish in, bUl for . ferry grantee of . . disannexation from, act for CAPE: sloop, crew examined relative to her cargo . ¦ vi, 20 CAPE Ann: exportation of corn to .... ¦ vm, 159 CAPE Breton: return of forces from . ¦ • vi, 23 IV, 235 V, 280 vii. 55 viii. 106 VI, 9 VI, 10 vi, 37 vi. 91 viii. 95 viii. 160 viii. 172 viu. 174 iii, 448 viii. 471 74 Index to Records of the Council, CAPE Breton: and see Boscawen, Admiral : V Pepperell, William : . CAPE Franceway: flag of truce from CAPE Francois : in West Indies CAPE Natick [Nettick] : cruising around CAPE Porpus: cruising around CAPE Sable: fishermen, examinees captives with the Indians at . CAPE Sables (Indians) : rendezvous .... CAPITAL Crimes: fines for, resolution for paying CAPRON, Oliver, Capt. : account, pay-roll . justice of the peace CAPTAIN-GENERAL . see Governors : and Lt. Governors : CAPTAINS : see Beal, Zachariah. BeU, Meshech. Blanchard, Augustus. Chandler, Joseph. Coffin, Peter. Dearborn, Joseph. Dearing, Ebenezer. Dover. Dow, Henry. Drew, John. Exeter. Forts.Fort William and Mary. GUe, Ezekiel. Gilman, David. GUman, Jeremiah. GUman, Zebulon. Hadlock, James. VI, 20 . which see. V, 299 V, 120 V, 123 i, 259 V, 339 V, 340 i, 275 vii, 264 vii, 92 viii, 25 . vin, 392 see Hall, Kingsley. Hampton. Harper, William. Hutchins, Nathaniel. Londonderry. Negus, Isaac. Newcastle.Oyster River. Parker, John. Pickering, John. Plaistow. Portsmouth. Redford, WUliam. Reynolds, Daniel. Salisbury. Salter, Titus. Senter, Asa. Shephard, James. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 75 CAPTAINS : see Thing, Jonathan. Towns. see Webster, Ebenezer. Weeks, John. Woodman, John. Walton, Shadrach. of ga.msons, which also see . complaint of of towns to notify claimants . notified to attend council and see Towns ; also under the names of towns settling at the fort, salary orders of ... . company inspection import bread or wheat . wages (pay) of . ii, 226 ii, 242 iii, commission, resignation of warrants to . and see Hampton : Portsmouth : allowed blanket money . nomination and appointment of vii, 83 vii and see their names above. in Col. Long's regiment one to forty privates continuation in office, see Proclamations : to civil and military officers. CAPTAINS of Militia: to take up deserters .... . . . v, CAPTIVES : see also Captivity : Prisoners : 1, 179 V, lOI . . see next above. i, 203 iii. 45 iv, 184 ii, 187 s. V, 113 V, 182 n, 25 ii, 97 ii I4S V, 162 n, 164 , 82 viu. 46 viii, 331 iii, 2 iii, 25 , vii. 35 vii, 36 I, 84 viii. 331, viii, 332 vu, 147 viu, 44 282 see Allen, Thomas. Amee, John. Amoskeag. BaU, John. BaU, Thomas. Bramble, Thomas. Brown, WUliam. Calcott, Isaac. Canada. Cape Sable. Colby, John. Dearborn, Henry. French. restoration of Indian, delivered up Englishwith Indians at Cape Sable CAPTIVITY : see also Captives : officers and soldiers returned from see Gitto, Richard. Gould, PhiUip. Jordan, Samuel. Long, Robert. Maloon, Nathaniel. Officers.PhUlips, WiUiam. St. Francis. Soldiers. Westcoat, - in, 84 iv, 232 iv, 233 iv, 233 vi, 90 V, 339 V, 340 vii, 281 vni, 5 vm, 41 7^ Index to Records of the Council, CAPUHCHEWACK : fort there . . . i, 273 CARAGAIN : see Carrigain : CARD, : inventory of goods received from i, 21 CARDIGAN : proprietors or selectmen, petitionees . . . vi, 145 representation .... . . vii, 90 petitions . viii, 135 viu, 448 viii, 460 vin, 463 viii, 474 abatement of taxes . . . viii, 463 viii, 487 lands, bill for taxation of . . viii, 463 CARGOES : liable to confiscation ... . i, 248 of productions of Europe . . . iii, 72 for payment of French prisoners' debts . . v, 179 refusal of, state to have .... vii, 129 vii, 196 condemned by judge of maritime court . . . viii, 7 of the Friends' Adventure . . . which see. CARLTON, Ebenezer: deserter, arrested . . . . viii, 151 CARLTON, Jeremiah: selectman of Lyndeborough, account . . viii, 464 CARLTON, Kimball, Capt.: pay-roll . vii, 249 CARNS, James [Carnes] : petitionee, act to vest title to land in . vii, 96 vii, 1 14 CAROLINA : vessels, passes for . . . i, 241 u, 234 importation of corn from . , . . viii, 63 good news from, cannon fired for . viii, 204 CARPENTER, Eliphalet: petition, account . ... viii 352 vin, 360 viii, 362 viu, 408 viii, 416 viu, 418 CARPENTER, GREEmvooD : marriage of, act to dissolve, disallowed by king . . vi, 164 CARPENTERS : at fort, impressment of . . . v, 127 and see Laborers : enlistment of . . . vi 106 CARR, James [Karr] : account, petition ... vi, 151 viii, 480 viii, 486 officer, taken prisoner at Ticonderoga . . viii 5 CARR, Moses: justice. Court of Common Pleas . . . . vii 23 petitions, committees on . . viii, 83 vin, 480 viiij 483 councilor vote committee, account . . viii 4-'o CARR, Richard: ' ' master of sloop. Prudent Sarah . ¦ • . v 365 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 77 CARR, Samuel: petition, committee on . . . CARRIAGES : vin. 464 for guns . u, 3 ii, 4 ii, 10 ii. 31 V, 248 V, 250 CARRIGAIN, Philip, Dr. [Caragain] • suspected inimical vii. 195 CARTE, Philip: Robert Mason v. i, 84 CARTER, Ezekiel : account . . . . viii. 28 CARTER, Henry: account vii. 34 CARTER, Richard: of Strawberry Bank i. 164 CARTER, Widow: of Bloody Point, province rate against i. 97 CARTS : impressment of, for Canada expedition vi. 113 CARY, Edward: of Newcastle, sworn ii. IS CARY, Matthew [Carey] : author of saucy letter to President Hinckes ii. 40 ii. 43 mittimus, discharge ii. S3 CASCO [Cascoe, Casko] : fort at . ... . ' i, 70 ratification at ... iv. 233 estabUshment of Indian trading house at V, 317 CASCO Bay: voyage to . . . iv. 224 V, 83 letters to Gov. Dudley from . V, 192 Indian movements about V, 294 V, 298 vi. 23 treating with Indian chiefs at . v, 390 V, 391 vi. 48 vi. 53 sailing to, permitted vni. 190 CASCO, Fort: Indian attack upon V, 118 siege of V, 147 stores for . V, 181 soldiers supplies transported to V, 236 CASES: see Actions: Causes: also under names of t :ourts. CASOWAH, James: petition ..... ii. 33 CASS, Joseph: assault on provost marshal i. 138 i. 141 deposition in James Meinzies' case . n. 273 ii, 274 ii, 275 ii. 280 ii. 282 CASS, Moses: soldier, half-pay .... viii. 450 78 Index to Records of the Council, CASS, Samuel: assault on provost marshal CATALOGUE : of books, papers and records 205 ui, 26 i, 138 34 ii, 24, IV, 40 CATE, John: coroner CATE, John, Dea. : committee to run head line of Exeter CATE, Phillip: of Exeter, province rate against CATHARINE [Katherine] : ship, Joseph Stephyns, commander CATHOLICS : French ... CATTLE : see also Beef Cattle : act concerning . . . ii, 2 brought into garrisons . . . . exportation of, permitted ... resolution forbidding . . . vii, 224 act to prevent . . . viii, 164 kUled by Indians at Penacook and Contoocook . vi, 30 belonging to Gov. Wentworth's estate, trustee authorized to sell CAUSES : see also Actions : trial of, opening the courts for . ... and see under the names of the courts. maritime ..... CAVALRY : to do scout duty .... CAVALRY, Officers: fine and distress CAVEAT : against proving will CENTURION : ship, Capt. Heme, commander CERTIFICATES : by Gov. Cranfield respecting his salary . by clerk of council relating to blank witness summons by prothonotary, relating to Joseph Dow .... by secretary, concerning town records, proprietor's suits, and governor's proceedings . . .... by secretary, to order of council to councilors' pay-roll, see Councilors : of dismissal from king's service ... . . brought by suspect not approved . . . . of loyalty given by council to Robt. Armstrong of agency in Great Britain ....... of payment of duties .... ... 1, 141 i, 204 iii, 35 vii, 24 iv, 225 i, 94 V, 64 which see. iv, 143 V, 118 V, 230 vii, 229 vui, 194 vi, 37 viii, 166 vii, 129 which see. V, 114 V, 116 vi, 166 V, 58 i, 54 i, 124 i, 134 i, 167 V, 73 wages of. ii, 82 iii, 41 iv, 206 iv, 309 V, 82 New Hampshire, 163 1-1784. 79 CERTIFICATES : by governor to masters of vessels . by naval officer to masters of vessels of disabled in U. S. service to be registered vii, for interest issued by loan officer . on loans to the United States viu, issued to Brig. -Gen. James Reed . by Richard Chamberlain .... billeting .... . . CHACE : see Chase : CHADBORN, James: grantee of land, Salmon Falls CHADBOURNE, Benjamin: account ... ... CHADBOURNE, Thomas: account ... . . CHADWICK, Edmund, Dr. : surgeon's mate. Col. Scammell's battalion petition, committee on ... CHALLIS : see Chellis : CHALLOTT, Francis [Shallott] : soldier, account .... CHAMBERLAIN, Abiel: disannexed from Loudon, annexed to Concord CHAMBERLAIN, Isaac: petition, account . . ... CHAMBERLAIN, Job: petition, committee on CHAMBERLAIN, Richard: prothonotary .... 164 vii, 182 450 vin, 452 i, S8 i, 118 secretary (clerk) of council and prov: i, 43 i, 51 i, 65 i, 92 i, 107 i, 162 63 128 nee , 44 , 54 , 66 , 96 , 108 , 163 67 129 46 56 76 100 124166 V, 128 vi, 95 vn, 183 viii, 427 viii, 488 . viii, 472 . which see. see Soldiers. i, 38 • vn, 7 . viii, 465 vii, 187 viii, 173 vui, 182 v, 118 V, 157 . viu, 391 viii, 174 viii, 201 vni, 370 viii, 372 salary . register of deeds, etc. councilor 38 75 131 41 48 57 85 102 134 167 55 83 168 42 50 59 86 103IS3 67 see next above. and clerk of all courts i, 48 i, 64 i, 65 i, 96 i, 97 i- 132 certificate concerning oath relating to Mason's conveyance to the governor ......•• justice of the peace . i, in i, 112 i, 113 i, 117 i, 119 i, 122 121 66 167 1, 115 i, 126 i, 169 1, iv, 95 42 77 n6 127 i, 131 i. 135 i, 136 i. 137 i, 139 i' 142 i, 148 1, vin, vin. 150 466 364 ) Concord viii. 391 ) Concord vui, vi. 391 72 80 Index to Records of the Council, CHAMBERLAIN, Richard: justice of the peace . i, 130 i, 138 account CHAMBERLAIN, Samuel: petitiondisannexed from Loudon, annexed to Concord CHAMBERLAIN, Samuel, Jr. : disannexed from Loudon, annexed to Concord CHAMBERLAIN, Thomas: petition for grant of a township CHAMBERLAIN, Timothy: waiter on council, account . . viii, 183 viii, 232 vni, 255 viii, 275 viii, 290 viii, 301 viii, 336 CHAMBERLAIN, William: petition .... . . . . iv, 275 CHAMPANTE, : commissions in care of . . . . . . i, 252 v, 33 CHAMPNEY, Richard: account . . . . vn, 59 vn, 75 express to Gen. Ward . ... vii, 63 purchaser of arms . . . . . . . . . vii, 63 CHANCELLORS : see Barefoote, Walter : Hinckes, John : Mason, Robert : CHANCERY: see Courts of Chancery: CHANDLER, Abel: justice of the peace .... . vii, 50 CHANDLER, Jonathan, Capt. : ammunition money advanced to company, pay-roll .... CHANDLER, Joseph: captain . ... CHANDLER, Nathan: apprehended by order of assembly . CHANDLER, William: letter on counterfeits and counterfeiters CHANDLER, Zaccheus: coroner CHANGE : ragged, calling in, burning CHAPLAINS : legislative, see House of Representatives. military, see Claremont: Cotton, Samuel, Rev.. Evans, Israel, Rev.: Haven, Samuel, Rev., Dr.; Hibbard, Augustine, Rev. ; New Hampshire Brigade: Porter, Nathaniel, Rev. : to Col. Hilton's expedition . . . . . v, 236 vii. 65 vn. 172 vii. 268 vii. 73 vii. 213 vi. 80 vii. 54 vii. 262 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 38 73 i, 56 i, 132 I, 57 i, 145 CHAPMAN, Jonathan: disabled soldier, half-pay CHAPMAN, SAMUEL; appears for North HiU parish petitioners CHARLEMONT : garrison, scouting from CHARLES II: king of England . i, 61 order to the governor and company of Massachusetts Bay proclamation of his death acts of . . . . . . . . . ii, 70 commission constituting president and council for New Hamp shire . . . . . . commission to Edward Cranfield ... CHARLES II, alias the Phancy: ship, turned pirate ..... . . CHARLES AND Sarah: ship, Capt. Edward Willimott, commander . . . . CHARLESTOWN: see also Number Four: Johnson family of, taken by Indians defence of . . . . letters from ...... rendezvous for expedition against Canada committee to secure absentee's property . commissary and agent-victualler at . receiver of fire-arms at . petitions, committees on smaU-pox hospital bridge lottery taxes . .... beef cattle to be collected there gaol. Col. Enoch Hale and others in justice of the peace ferry grantee of . CHARLOTTE : see Princess Charlotte : CHARTERS : see also Grants : Indentures : see Amherst: Chichester: Hanover: Kingston: Livermore, Matthew : Londonderry : New Holderness : Salem : Society Land : for fairs, Hampton Falls . . . . . recording, act for . extending time of recording, act for granted by late governors, recording book of . ¦ • of townships 6 viii, 56 V, 385 i, 274 58 147 47 162 73 iv, I iv, 41 i, 188 V, VI, 93 . vi. 98 vi, 106 • see next above. vi, 114 vu, 86 vii, 143 vii, 145 viu, 215 vii, 177 vin. 14 vui, 329 vu, 227 viu, 139 viii, 482 > see next above. ) . .f vin, 215 • vin. S03 viii, 305 vni, 437 viu, 467 vn, 179 iv, 285 viii, 246 vin, 455 vni, 455 . which see. see Townships : Grants of. vm, 145 vin, 359 vui, 370 82 Index to Records of the Council, CHASE, entertains Lt. Governor . . . ¦ • v, 233 CHASE, Benjamin: prisoner from New York ¦ • ¦ • '^^^' '^7 CHASE, Dudley, Lt., depreciation note, indorsement on . • vm, 274 CHASE, Enoch, Lt., Capt. : recruiting officer, account, petition . . • vii, 145 vii, 193 soldier, depreciation of wages allowed his wife . • viii, 99 depreciation note, indorsement on . . . viii, 229 vui, 253 CHASE, Jacob: account . ... • • • viii, 286 CHASE,, Joanna ; see Enoch : CHASE, John: account ... appointed to take inventory of Apthorp CHASE, Jonathan, Col. : ammunition delivered to .... muster-master, order in favor of . regiment ....... account, muster-roll, pay-roll vii, 265 vii, 267 company of volunteers . ... account paid in treasurer's notes petitions, committee on . . . . vui, 249 viii, 464 paid, depreciation . . ... ferry grantee ....... CHASE, Joseph : continental soldier, furloughed .... . viii, 363 CHASE, Moses: coroner ....... rangers' wages and blanket money advanced to petitiop, committee on ... viii, 477 viii, 482 ferry grantee ......... CHASE, Samuel [Chace] : justice of the peace . . . ... justice. Court of Common Pleas ..... major ... .... petition, committee on . . . viii, 364 CHASE, Seth: prisoner from New York ... ... vii, 142 CHASE, Solomon, Dr. : account . . vni, 30 CHASE, Stephen: use of his house for barracks, damage claimed for . . viii, 97 CHAUDIERE River: as route to Quebec . . ' . . i, 275 vin, 380 vui, 467 vii, 74 vn. III vii, 219 vii, 265 vii, 268 viii, 29 . see next above. viu, 32 viu, 220 viii, 468 viii, 482 viu, 251 viii, 485 vn. 25 vii. 91 viii. 483 viii. 488 vii. 25 vu. 25 vii. 112 viu. 477 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. CHEEVER, Ezekiel: Massachusetts Committee on western expedition CHELLIS, Thomas, Ens., [Challis] : depreciation note, indorsement on CHENECTO: French at, detachment sent against .... CHERRY, , Capt. : depreciation note, indorsement on . CHESHIRE: j^« Chester : CHESHIRE County: councUors . . vii, 2 vii, 116 vii, 151 vii, committee (commissioners) on qualification of officers . vii, 20 vii, Court of Common Pleas, justices, clerks vii, 25 vn, vui, 31 vui, 32 viii, 57 viii, justices of the peace, and of the quorum vii, 50 vm, 355 vn, 54 vin, 392 vn, 25 viii, 416 judges and registers of probate treasurer ... coroners recorder of deeds sheriffs ... viii, 297 viii, 299 courts, resolution on impanelling juries . committee on situation of . resolution for opening borrows of the state, money for fire-arms civil officers, qualification of . inimicals in . Quakers' petition ... collection of continental fire-arms in counterfeiter limited to ... difficulties in, resolution relative to Court of General Sessions of the Peace in, act to revive vn, viii, vu. vn, 25 vm, viii. proclamation to . civil officers of, supported by armed force viii, 324 viu, 325 regiment for .... representation ..... committee to farm out excise . towns, convention of . CHESLEY, Joseph [Chisley] : petition . . . . CHESLEY, Philip: garrison, Indian attack on surveyor of the king's woods . viii, 326 vm,vin,viu. 83 i, 290 . vui, 272 vi, 60 • vin, 253 152 vn, 255 . vii, 19 184 vin, 57 266 vu, 270 58 viii, 138 . vn, 25 250 vin, 95 437 viii, 445 25 vni, 114 vn, 25 vn, 54 . vn, 25 126 viii, 191 427 viii, 429 vii, 87 vii, 240 viii, 50 vn, 88 vii, 184 vii, 201 vii, 224 viii, 14 viii, 125 viii, 258 viii, 274 vni, 327 vin, 323 vin, 335 see next above. ¦ vin, 355 . viii, 422 . viii, 461 305321 328 iv, 284 iv, 287 iv, 288 V, 205 V, 350 84 Index to Records of the Council, CHESLEY, Philip, Jr.: Robert Mason v. .... CHESLEY, Samuel, Lt., Capt.: enlisting officer of the Port Royal expedition, examinee . deserters from his command . company . . . kUled by Indians garrison, Indian attack on . . . CHESLEY, Thomas: Robert Mason v. . representative ..... CHESTER (called also Cheshire) : petition ...... proprietors . . ... presby terians, petition . congregationalists, petitionees selectmen's petitions iv, 357 iv, 358 parish bill, .... taxation of, vote for line with Nutfield, settlement of with Kingston incorporation of town from part of, and justice of the peace express to Concord muster-master frorn selectmen's account divorce case ferry, Merrimack river . CHESTER and Kingston: long bridge between CHESTERFIELD : selectmen, powder for . justices of the peace CHESWILL, Wentworth: agent for Newmarket, petition CHICHESTER: proprietor's petition regimental assignment . petition, committee on . petition for, committee on division of, vote and act for classed for representation CHIEF-JUSTICES : i, 84 V, 19 . V, 104 V, 190 V, 193 V, 202 V, 199 V, 200 V, 202 V, 204 V, 205 i. 84 iv. 176 iv, 225 iv, 348 see next above iv, 305 iv, 322 iv, 325 iv, 315 iv, 325 viu, 358 viu, 359 viii, 439 see next above part of Londonderry JV, V, 397 vi. 5 y vi. 67 vii, 23 . vu. 49 . viii, n . viii. 93 . viu. 242 . viii. 353 commission, form of VI, 49 vii, 47 vii, 48 • vii, 54 . viii, 95 . vii, 230 iv, 252 iv, 259 viii, 152 vii, 202 . viii, 140 vin, 316 vin, 318, viii, 348 . vin, 348, vin, 354 . viu, 471 . vii, 44 vn, 215 vn, 245 vm, 104 viii, 121 viii, 298 vni, 397 vui, 429 viii, 465 vn. 54 vii. 68 . vii. 144 . vu. 26s . vin. 179 vui, 212 viu. 291 . viu. 235 viii. 405 . vin. 471 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. . 85 CHIEF-JUSTICES : salary ..... viii, 199 and see Livermore, Samuel: Weare, Meshech : CHIEFS : see Indian Chiefs : CHILD, Jonathan, Maj. : justice of the peace ..... ammunition money advanced to . . . muster-masterorder on, in favor of Jeremiah Post wheat purchaser . ... supplies troops on western frontiers account . . . presents receipt for allowance payment to, by Lyme CHILD, Sir Josiah: patron of William Vaughan ..... i, 120 CHILDREN : of the poor, act for better bringing up . vii, 67 of officers and soldiers, allowances to ..... viii, 147 CHILDREN'S Land: road across, Amesbury to Londonderry . . . . vi, 5 and see Kingston : charter. CHIPPEWAS [Chippoways] : alliance with French ........ i, 269 CHIRURGEONS: see also Surgeons: see Arnold, Benjamin : Fletcher, John : Hooper, Richard. treatment of wounded ........ ii, 74 CHISLEY • see Chesley : CHITTENDEN, Thomas: remonstrance of this state sent to . .... letters from and to, committee on . . viii, 37 viii, 40 CHOWNES, Joseph [Chouse] : to answer contempt ... . . . owner of shallop ... . . . ii, 4 CHRISTIE, G., Capt., A. D. Q. M. G. [Christe]: letter on affairs at Forts Edward, and Wm. Henry . vi, 105 vi, 106 CHRISTY, Jesse: petition, committee on . . . . viu, 414 CHRISTY, Moses: ward, sale of his land . .... . viu, 77 CHURCH, . Col. : advice respecting Indian attack . • • . . • v, n8 CHURCH, John: rioter, Dover . . . • • ', 165 petition ... • • n, 34 CHURCH, Nathaniel: disabled soldier, half-pay . . vni, 113 vin, 188 VIU, 33 viii. 82 n. 3 n. 8 86 » Index to Records of the Council, CHURCHILL, John [Churchell] : of Newcastle, sworn ii, 15 CIDER : distillation of, act to prevent . . vii. 229 clearance of . viii. 131 exportation of, permitted viii. 159 viu. 188 CILLEY, Cutting, Capt. : company, pay-roll, account . vii. 203 CILLEY, Jonathan, Lt. : petition, committee on . viii. 447 viii. 462 CILLEY, Joseph, Col: account .... vu. 165 colonel, succeeding Stark vn. 169 battalion (regiment) vii, 170 vii. 179 vii. 180 viii. 13 pistols presented to . viii. 80 delegate to N. E. States' convention. Providence viii. 257 viii. 258 CITATIONS : to appear on appeal from judge of probate vi. 166 to appear before general court viii. 7 viii. 187 vin. 291 CIVIL Officers: commissions and qualification of V, 6 V, 329 V, 331 vii, 19 vui. 311 vui. 35 1 duties in preventing spread of smaU-pox . vi, 28 under orders to prevent escape of French neutrals . vi. 102 nomination and appointment of vii. 3 vii. 9 vii, 1 I vii, 15 vn; 50 vii. 60 vu. 191 vii, 192 vn, 206 vn. 227 vu. 235 vii. 241 viii, 43 viii, 55 viii. 78 vin. 89 viii. 90 viu, 93 viii, 96 viii. 108 vni. 169 vni. 198 viu, 202 vui, 243 vin. 263 vin. 270 viii. 287. vui, 289 viii, 293 viu. 341 viu. 357 viii. 379 vni, 385 viii, 406 viii. 415 viii. 431 viii. 461 old, to deliver records to the new vii. 38 called upon to aid in filling quotas vii. 69 salaries, (grants to) vn, 102 vii. 204 vii. 210 vn, 245 vni, 54 viu. 293 viii. 386 viii. 449 obliged to take " oath of fidelity" . vni. 19 fees and fines established viu. 34 struck from the list viu. 348 viu. 351 acting under authority of Vermont . viii. 363 continuation in office, . see Proclamations 1 : to civU and military officers. Cheshire county . \ Grafton county \ which see. proclamations to . 5 CIVIL Offices: vacated by Gov. Shute . V, 367 CIVIL Power: to control the military . vii. 72 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 87 CLAGGETT, Wyseman: councilor . . vii, 4 vii, 5 vu. 6 vii. 8 vn. 1 1 vii, 12 vii, 14 vu. 15 vii, 16 vii. 17 vii, 18 vii, 20 vii. 27 vii. 28 vu, 30 vii, 32 vn, 33 vii. 34 vii. 35 vn. 37 vu, 39 vii, 44 vii. 46 vii. 56 vii. 71 vn, 72 vn, 73 vii. 77 vii. 78 vii. 80 vii, 82 vii, 84 vn. 96 vii. 282 viii. 222 vni, 223 viii, 226 vui. 227 viii. 237 viii. 238 vin, 241 viii, 260 vin, 242 viii, 262 viii,viii, 243 264 vin, vui. >245 266 viii,vin. 255268 viii, 270 attorney-general . vui, 278 viii. 287 vni. 292 vin, vii. 295 16 vii, 81 vn, 83 vii. 158 vii. 268 viii. 29 salary, resignation see next above. committee on qualification of county officers vii, 19 account . . vii, 64 vii, 184 vn. 252 viii. 29 viii. 270 notary-public vii. 73 petitions, committee on special justice, Superior Court of solicitor-general viii, 24 Judicature viii. 197 viii. 263 viii, viii, viii. 419 31 290 CLAIMS : see also Accounts : against province (or colony) and state . i, 181 i, 203 i, 204 i, 208 i. 220 i. 221 i, 222 n, 69 ii. 71 ii. 117 ii, 119 ii, 120 n, 121 ii. 124 ii. ISS ii. 156 ii, 166 iii, I iii. 36 in. 38 iii. 39 iii, 45 iii, 65 iv. 144 iv. 145 iv. 151 iv, 152 iv, 153 iv. 184 iv. 185 iv, 189 iv, 190 iv, 205 iv. 246 iv. 250 iv. 261 iv, 270 iv, 277 iv. 284 iv. 294 iv. 305 iv, 310 iv, 349 iv, 323 iv, 364 iv, iv. 334 366 iv, V, 343 327 iv, vii. 344 108 vii. III vn, 112 vii. 118 vii. 145 vii. 173 vui, 65 vin, 66 viii. 134 viii. 186 viii. 231 viii, 267 viii, 271 viii. 272 vui. 291 viii. 315 viii, 318 committee on . . . viu, 391 viii. 403 vni. 429 viii, 445 see next above. of captors of flour ship . against confiscated estates vii, viii. 129 131 Mason's whicl ! see. also Mason L, Robert. CLAMPS : account for, disallowed . ii, 128 n. 129 CLAPP, Daniel, Lt. ; depreciation note, indorsement on . CLAPP, Supply, Col.: viii, 236 committee on defence of Rhode Island . vii. 117 vn. 118 on continental accounts vii. 139 vn, . 134 vn,vii. 135 188 vii, 269 viu. 12 viii. 39 vin, 196 viii. 215 viii, vui,viii, viii, viu, viu. 322 13 4279 215 236 viii, 275 viii. 380 vin, vii. 383 175 vii. 250 viii,viii. 437 5° viii, 52 viii. 357 viii. 360 11, 15 88 Index to Records of the Council, CLAPP, Supply, Col. : account ...... motion on providing for the troops . agent- victualler, account . vii, 241 viii, 131 viii, 142 to purchase guns for the state to inspect visitors on the Flag of Truce . petition for George Boyd receiver of beef cattle, Portsmouth commissary of prisoners, resignation letters from, committees on . viii, 268 CLARE.MONT [Clairmont] : regimental chaplain of . justices of the peace constable account, petition . CLARK, : passenger under quarantine . . . vi, 44 CLARK, Jacob: of Newcastle, sworn CLARK, John: of Exeter, province rate against . . i, 94 CLARK, John: of Newcastle, sworn petition . . . . ii, 33 distressed for military fine mariner, examinee . ... CLARK, John (Landaff) : justice of the peace . . _ viii 344 CLARK, John (Londonderry) : accused, committed, liberated vii, 191 vu, 192 vii, 195 ¦z/. Robert Smith, trustee viu, 250 CLARK, Matthew: re-imbursed for money burned in his house . . iv 224 CLARK, Paul: returned as deserter yj;; ,g . CLARK, Peter: enlisting officer justice of the peace CLARK, Robert, Lt. : pay-roll CLARK, Samuel; of Capt. Robert Mason's troop CLARK, Samuel (Londonderry) : petition letter from ... CLARK, Stephen, Capt. ; pay-roll 11, 15 11 » 34 11 » 56 vi. 20 vu, 211 viii, 95 • vni, 237 i, 144 viu, 53 viu, 59 viii, 220 vu, 29 viii, 43 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 89 CLARK, Thomas: laborer at Newichawanick CLARK, Thomas: deputy-secretary, Mass. council i, 285 CLARK, Thomas: petition, committee on . CLARKSON, James: representative 1, 23 i, 265 i, 280 i, 282 i, 283 i, 289 i, 290 i, 292 i, 298 vm, 425 iv. 253 iv. 261 iv. 279 iv. 283 iv. 303 iv. 306 iv. 314 iv. 315 iv. 343 iv. 347 petition . ... agent to contract the printing of bills of credit CLARRIDGE, Ambrose: paid for quarantine service CLASSING (called also Coupling) : towns and places for representation CLAY, Richard [Clayb] : distressed for military fine CLA YES, Abigail: officer's widow, account, petition CLAYES, Elijah, Capt. : companyhis wages advanced to his widow depreciation note given his widow . CLAYES, Mary: depreciation note, payment of CLEARANCES : orders and instructions relating to . . u, 223 V, 58 V, 82 V, 98 and see Custom-house : Naval Office : Naval Officer mouth: Sheafe, Sampson : of beef and cider .... CLEAVELAND, Alpheus: libeUant in admiralty case CLEMENT, James: mariner on board the Success .... CLEMENT, Nathaniel: petition, ferry grantee . CLEMENT, Peter: justice of the peace CLEMENTS, Abraham: V. Nathl. Ayers CLEMENTS, Daniel: assault on provost marshal IV, 252 iv. 262 iv, 276 iv, 278 iv. 284 iv, 287 iv, 293 iv, 309 iv, 310 iv, 311 iv, 319 iv, 324 iv, 336 iv. 349 iv, 360 iv, 365 iv, 346 vi, 9 vi, 34 see Towns : Places: ii, 56 ' viii, 163 viu, 286 vu, 173 viu, 163 viii, 242 viii, 265 vm, 137 n, 225 V, 56 V, 230 viii, 36 Ports- viii. 131 vui. 134 V, 394 ii, 146 viii. 174 viii. 392 ii. 226 i, 138 i. 141 1, 41 i, loo iv, 42 100 165 ii. 16 V, 148 iv. ISS vn. 36 ii, 92 vii. 134 i, 198 iii. 29 i, 207 V, 7 V, 6 . vii. 3 90 Index to Records of jhe Council, CLEMENTS, Job: joint answer to Robert Mason . ¦ . councilor ... . U 79 executor, petitionee ... constable, Dover . . .... representative ....... n, 18 ii, 125 iv, 134 CLEMENTS, Timothy, Capt. : company's blanket-money account .... pay-roll . . . vii, 68 vu, 73 CLERKS : of courts, permit to copy records and papers books and papers relating to . qualification of . . . ¦ • appointed by the justices of all courts, see Chamberlain, Richard : Comfort, Samuel : Hampton : Penny, Henry. of Court of Commissioners Court of Common Pleas Court of Sessions . . j. which see. Court of Writs . . . . 1 Superior Court of Judicature . . . j Essex, see Sewall, Stephen : u ,. ( Holyoke, John : Hampshire, see { ¦' ¦' i Patrick, Samuel : Middlesex, see Hammond, Laurence : o n- 11 < AUin, Daniel : Suffolk, see \ i Dudley, Thomas : of king's court (councU), see Barker, . Jenkins, L. : Newcastle, Hollis : Nottingham : Povey, John. ofthe admiralty, see Burchett, J. to the Lords Justices, see Stone, Andrew. of house of Representatives .... . which see. of New York Assembly, see Lott, Abraham, Jr. of council, see Secretaries. parish, see Parish-clerks. town, see Town-clerks. CLERK'S Island: battery on .... . . v, 63 quarantine station .... v, 400 CLEVERLY, Stephen: petition, committee on ..... . . viii, 246 CLIFFORD, John [Clefford] : * petition . . . ..... i, 53 CLIFFORD, Joseph: major, 3rd regiment of militia . . . . viii, 295 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 91 CLINTON, G., Gov. (N. Y.) : letter relating to plans of French and Indians .... on grant by N. H. of land in N. Y. correspondence on N. H. and N. Y. boundary line . on conference with Six Nations, Albany . CLOSSON, Timothy: N. Y. prisoner, has leave to go home CLOUGH, Abner: petition for George Kezer . . . viii, 149 CLOUGH, , Capt.: letter on Indian attack on Contoocook CLOUGH, Hannah: petition for divorce . . . vii, 37 CLOUGH, Jeremiah: justice of the peace . . . . . . . CLOUGH, Jeremiah: dangerous person, committed . . vii, 190 CLOUGH, Reuben: justice of the peace CLOUGH, Thomas: representativeaccount CLOUGH, Zaccheus: to sell land, act for justice of the peace COASTERS : see also Vessels : Sloops : exempted from paying powder-money ... oppressive fees demanded of, petition concerning . ii, 246 V, 195 in the plantations, excepted from Acts of Trade quarantined .... ..... permitted to sail from Portsmouth to Mass. ports under restric tions . .... . . and see Permits. COATES, Robert: quarantine officer, orders to . COAT-MONEY : allowed soldiers COAUS : appears in behalf of Indians on the Pemigewasset . vi, COBB, Seth: coroner .... COBBETT, , Capt.; coUector of impost duties representative COBBETT, Thomas: master of the Ketch Richard . vu, 18 vn, 39 VI, 150 ii, 154 n, 204 IV, 159 VI, 15 vi. 60 vi. 61 vi. 65 vn. 119 vin. 150 vi. 37 vii. 39 vii. 22 vii. 194 viii. 344 vii. 40 vii. 1 06 vi, 128 vii. 50 ii. 67 n. 241 V, 200 V, 77 V, 40a vii. 117 V, 400 vn. 12& vi. 10 vii. 54 ii. 143 iv. 168 1, 137 n. IS n. 34 viii, II i. 76 i. 182 V, 231 ii. 47 n. 213 ii, 224 iii. 20 V, 9 V, 224 V, 226 92 Index to Records of the Council, COBBETT, Thomas: of Newcastle, sworn . . ..... petition ....... ii, 33 COBLEIGH, Oliver, Lt. . pay-roll viii, 7 COCHECO [Cacheecha, Cocheca, Cochecha, Cochecho] : by-garrisons . . ... ... garrisons . ........ soldiers . . • ii, 10 frontiers .... account . . . . • • • Indians' proceedings there . ..... relief of men for . . . ... suspicious withdrawal of Indians from scouting there . . . v, 204 v, 223 infantry . . . . as precinct of Dover, see Dover. COCHECO River: bridge gone, rebuilding ordered . . ¦ iii, iJ COCHRAN, James, Capt. : petition, committee on . . ... company's petition COCHRAN, James, 3rd: petition and act for divorce . . . viii, 72 COCHRAN, John [Cockran] ¦ commander of fort, account ..... letter of, intercepted . ... absentee, mortgagee of land ..... COCHRAN, Mary: petitionee, divorce ...... and see Cochran, James, 3rd: COCKBURN : township as boundary of a tract . . . . . vi, 149 COCKERMOUTH : proprietors or selectmen, petitionees justice of the peace . . ... selectmen's account . ... petitions, committees on . ... vin, 265 vin, 351 viii, 355 CODMAN, Henry, Dr. : account ..... . . COFFIN, Amos: coroner ... . . . COFFIN, Elizabeth: petition, committee on . .... COFFIN, Enoch: representative ...... account . ...... vm, 159 vm, 372 viii, 343 viii. 353 viu, 106 viu. 112 , vi. 143 vu. 156 viu. 35° vui, 73 VI, 145 viii. 95 viii, 151 viii. 243 viii. 264 viii. 358 vni, 360 viii. 440 vii. 23 viii. 42 vin. 56 viii. 355 viii. 455 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 93 COFFIN, John: petition, committee on . COFFIN, Peter: account warrant to apprehend Jos house made a by-garrison tax delinquent, warr; depositions . councilor vm. 413 i, 46 ii, 169 iii. 55 V, 215 ihui i Moody i. 75 1 i. 76 br his arrest . i. 116 i, 131 V, 8 i. 175 i. 179 i. 181 i. 182 i, 184 i. 187 i. 198 i. 200 i, 204 i. 205 i. 206 i. 208 i. 210 i. 212 i, 216 i. 220 i. 221 i. 222 i. 225 i, 229 i, 230 i. 237 ii, 2 ii. 4 ii, 8 n. 9 ii, 10 ii, 12 ii, 19 ii, 22 n. 24 ii. 25 ii. 26 ii. 29 ii, 30 n, 37 ii. 38 ii. 43 ii. 45 n. 52 ii. 57 ii. 58 ii. 60 ii, 61 ii, 64 ii. 68 n. 69 n. 72 ii, 77 ii, no ii, III ii. 112 n, 113 ii, 117 ii, 119 ii. 120 ii. 121 ii. 122 u. 123 ii. 124 ii. 125 ii. 127 ii, 128 ii, 130 ii. 140 ii. 142 ii. 143 ii, 146 ii. 148 ii. 154 n. 155 n. 156 ii. 158 ii, 162 ii, 163 n. 165 ii. 166 ii. 169 n. 170 ii. 171 ii, 173 ii. 17s ii, 176 ii, 177 ii, 178 ii. 183 ii. 185 ii. 187 ii. 189 ii, 190 ii. 193 ii. 196 ii. 200 ii. 204 ii. 205 ii, 206 n. 213 ii, 222 ii. 238 ii. 242 n, 246 ii. 248 ii. 253 ii, 257 ii. 258 ii, 261 n. 262 ii, 264 ii. 270 ii, 275 ii. 283 n. 284 n. 287 ii, 288 iii. 3 in. 5 iii. 8 in, 9 in, 12 iii. 13 in. IS ni. 17 iii. 18 iii. 19 in. 25 iii, 27 in. 29 iii. 31 in. 34 ni. 35 iii. 36 iii, 40 ni. 41 iii. 42 iii. 45 iii. 46 iii. 47 iii. 52 iii. 53 iii. 55 in. 56 in. 58 iii, 61 iii. 64 iii, 65 in. 67 iii. 69 iii, 71 iii. 72 ni. 73 iii, • 75 iv. 133 iv. 134 iv. 13s iv, 136 iv. 139 iv. 140 iv. 141 iv. 142 iV; . 143 iv, , 144 iv, 145 iv. 146 iv. 149 iVi . 151 iv, , 152 iv, • 153 iv. 154 iv. ISS iV: ,156 iv, . 157 iv, , 159 iv. 160 iv, 161 iv, , 162 iv. , 163 iv. , 164 iv. 165 iv. 166 iv, , 167 iv. , 168 iv, 169 iv. 173 iv, i 174 iv , 175 iv. , 176 iv. . 177 iv. 178 iv. i8i iv, , 182 iv, , 185 iv. , 186 iv. 187 94 Index to Records of the Council, councUor . . . iv, i88 iv, 189 iv 190 iv. 192 IV, 193 iv, 195 iv, 197 iv. 198 iv, 375 V, I V, 2 V, 3 V, 7 V, 8. V, 10 V, 12 V, 15 V, 20 V, 41 V, 42 V, 43 V, 44 V, 46 V, S3 V, 54 V, 55 V, 56 V, 59 V, 61 V, 63 V, 66 V, 67 V, 68 V, 70 V, 71 V, 72 V, 74 V, 76 V, 77 V, 82 V, 84 V, 88 V, 91 V, 92 V, 94 V, 96 V, 98 V, 99 V, 102 V, 105 V, 107 V, 108 V, in V, 125 V, 129 V, 130 V, 132 V, 137 V, 147 V, 148 V, 150 V, 153 V, ISS V, 159 V, 160 V, 173 V, 174 V, 176 V, 182 V, 184 V, 188 V, 189 V, 193 V, 194 V, 195 V, 201 V, 203 V, 206 V, 207 V, 212 V, 221 V, 223 V, 225 V, 226 V, 228 V, 234 V, 236 V, 237 V, 239 V, 240 V, 247 V, 279 V, 280 V, 282 V, 301 order to selectmen, Exeter i. 220 committee on treasurer's accounts ii. 58 ii, 59 petition . ii, 69 ii. 158 implicated in purchase of province ii. 274 ii. 280 garrison, soldiers in, exempt from impressment iii. IS justice of the peace iii. 26 V, 7 justice, Superior Court of Judicature iii. 27 V, 7 to appear with papers in John Mogoon's case ni. 58 ni. 59 iii, 60 committee on claims iii. 65 asks a dismission from the council in. 75 captain, Exeter V, 44 V, 45 appraisement of timber for fort . V, 129 president of the council . V, 154 and see'^2XAron, William: deposition. eldest councilor, acting governor . COFFIN, Peter, Maj. : major of regiment of recruits muster-master, order in favor of account COFFIN, Robert, Capt: commander of scouts COFFIN, Stephen: petition, ferry grantee . COFFINS : for soldiers, account for making COHAS : 1 COHASS : \ • V, 225 vu. 107 vii. in viii, 152 viii. 156 V, 223 V, 232 viii, 434 viu. 443 . vii. 186 • see Coos : viii, 89 VIU, 210 viii, 212 vii. III vii. 120 vii. 121 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 95 COIN [Coyne] : queen's proclamation about . . . v, 134 ^o'^eign • • • ¦ .... which see. COLBATH, Downing: continental soldier, petition . . . viii, 68 COLBATH, Sarah: account COLBURN, Amos, Lt. ; petition, committee on . . . allowed for depreciation of wages . COLBURN, Andrew [Coburn?] : lieutenant-colonel, 3rd contl. battalion . petition, committee on . brigade-adjutant . COLBURN, Daniel: "lajor vii^ ^2 COLBY, John: petition, committee on . . . vii, 158 captive in last war, aUowance to ..... vii, i6i COLDRAIN [COLRAIN] grant of township at . . . . . . vi, 58 garrisons ... .see Morrisons in Colrain. COLE, John, Capt. : pay-roll ... . .... vii, 263 COLE, Robert : king's consul at Algiers . 1,248 v, 21 v, 28 COLEMAN, , Mr.: petition ¦ iv, 316 iv, 318 COLLECTORS : of the port, entry fees ... . . ii, 5 and see Deputy-collector. of impost and customs, see Customs : Eastwick, Pheasant : Ran dolph, Edward. summoned to trial of Ansell Nickerson, Boston . . vi, 158 of taxes, see Taxes : Constables : Warrants : names of towns. account ....... forbidden to sell absentees' land for taxes of non-residents * . of beef, directions to . . of beef cattle ... fl«(/ji?« Jennison, John: Collectors-general. of rum, see Wentworth, Joshua, Col. : COLLECTORS-GENERAL : see also Collectors : of beef . ... . . viii, 178 viii, 179 vni, 231 of beef cattle . viii, 179 viu, 210 viii, 213 vni, 239 vui, 240 viii, 244 viu, 258 vni, 297 vni, 307 viii, 308 and see Blood, Francis: Giddinge, EUphalet. and under iii. 2 viii. 114 viu, 286 vin. 381 viii, 231 viii. 244 vin, 376 vni. 381 96 Index to Records of the Council, COLLEGE : see Dartmouth College : COLLINS, Daniel. petition ..... COLLINS, Ebenezer: stoppage on wages of COLLINS, Elizabeth: soldier's widow, allowed for husband's losses COLLINS, Henry: vessel-master, petition .... COLLINS, John: imprisonment for refusing to pay taxes . COLONELCY : forfeited ..... resigned, J«« MiUtia : Regiments. COLONELS : see Ashley, Samuel. Bartlett, Thomas. Bedell, Timothy. IV, 259 vn, 56 vii, 29 n, 241 V, 401 viu, 327 Johnston, Charles. CUley, Joseph. Dame, Theophilus. Ellis, Timothy. Gilman, David. McClary, John. March, John. Militia.Reynolds, David. ScammeU, Alexander. Thornton, Matthew. Webber, Christopher. Wentworth, Joshua. Wingate, Joshua. Hacket, James. Hale, Enoch. Hale, Nathan. ordered to furnish their quotas to draft soldiers and receive money instructions for . to receive fines of drafted not serving lieutenant of militia COLONIAL Congress: assumes the name and power of House of Representatives or Assembly . • . . . 1 contempt of .... taxes granted by, act on legality of ... secretary of, see Thompson, Ebenezer. COLONIAL Governors: instructions to . ... COLONIAL Officers: fees of, established COLONIAL Offices: fiUing vacancies in . vii, 176 vii, 219 vii, 222 viii, 198 which see. vn, 2 vn, 28 vii, 60 i, 258 i, 258 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 97 i, 269 i, 270 i, 209 iii, 85 V, 144 145 COLONIES : see also Provinces : British Massachusetts Bay New England New Hampshire New York union of, against the French western, French encroachments on defence of. Gov. Shirley's scheme for accounts of war expenses COLONY : guarding, petition to Contl. Congress for COLRAIN : see Coldrain : COMES, William: distressed for military fine COMFORT, Samuel: account, petition . of Newcastle, sworn .... clerk of courts ... COMMANDERS : see also Captains : of the fort, Newcastle in, 25 in, 27 of the forts, appointment and rank .... viii, 142 resignation of .... . pay and rations enlistments by .... . of garrisons, see Captains. of ships, of vessels of scouts ....... of New Hampshire Brigade COMMANDERS-IN-CHIEF : see Governors : Lieutenant-governors : March dents of Council : Vandreuil, Count de George, Gen. president and council to be, in absence of Lt. -governor ii, 7c calls for militia .... . . . of French forces, address to COMMANDERS of Militia: meeting at Newcastle . . " . . COMMERCE : encouragement of, posts for with Scotch in West Indies forbidden between Great Britain and Spain . . . . v, 321 COMMISSARIES : j«^ Bass, Joseph : Charlestown: Cutts, Samuel : Grout, Elijah : Jewett, Jedidiah : Leigh, Joseph : Number Four: Whitmore, Peter: Woodward, Moses, Capt. 7 1 J. which see. 0 i, 275 i, 275 i, 286 i, 296 > see Ship-masters. s, i 18 56 vm, 143 vm, 143 iii. 88 ii, IS V, 7 V, 200 vin. 70 vin. 444 viii, 141 viii. 149 viu. 228 which see. which see. John : Presi- Washington, n, viii, viii. 73 374 403 n, 145 i, 170 V, 5 v, 322 98 Index to Records of the Council, COMMISSARIES : account V, 106 nomination of vii. 137 COMMISSARIES of Prisoners: see Clapp, Supply, Col. ; Woodward, Moses, Capt. COMMISSARY-GENERAL : see Penhallow, Samuel. COMMISSARY of Issues: see Amherst : Bickford, Thomas : Nichols , Moses. appointment of, by Board of War viu. 139 wages of, committee on viii. 141 COMMISSION: allowed treasurer . V, 167 allowance of, to Board of War, committee on . viii, 36 viii. 39 COMMISSIONERS : see Atkinson, Theodore, Col. Massachusetts. Bellows, Benjamin, New England States. Blanchard, Jonathan, New Hampshire. Conference. New Haven. Connecticut. New Jersey. Delegates. Nichols, Moses. Emery, Noah. Peabody, Nathaniel. Exchange. PhUadelphia. _.r FeUows, PownaU, Thomas. Folsom, Samuel. Rhode Island. Gorham, Stephen. Sparhawk, Thomas. Hammond, Joseph. Thompson, Ebenezer. Hartford, Conn. Wentworth, Joshua. Instructions. Wyman, Isaac. Jaffrey, George. to treat with Indians . i, 269 i, 275 i, 278 from the colonies on war measures ...... on message to governor of Canada ... to confer with Indian Chiefs at Casco Bay V, 391 vi, 48 of New England provinces on medium of exchange to treat with the Six Nations at Albany . vi, 39 vi, 65 to qualify justices of the peace . . . vii, 99 to qualify civil officers, Cheshire Co. . . . vii, 184 at New York, manifestos from to re-enlist soldiers at the army . viii, 109 to Congress to support state's claim to N. H. grants on limitation of prices ...... of Congress to settle state lines, Mass., N. H., N. Y. viii, 130 on claims against confiscated estates to sign new bills struck off by congress . to settle accounts between state and United States vm, viii. no 1 10 V, 360 i, 3°o iv, 215 V, 390 vi, 53 V, 392 vi, 14 vi, 66 vii, 100 viii, 429 vin, 43 viii, 113 viii, 130 vni, 118 viii, 224 viii, 131 viu, 163 viii, 418 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 99 see Court of Commissioners. . see Boundaries. MitcheU, D. 1, 241 363 COMMISSIONERS : on province lines . on Mass. and N. H. line COMMISSIONERS OF Admiralty: order by, relating to passes for vessels and see Bridgewater, J. ; Flaversham : COMMISSIONERS of Bankruptcy: appointment of . . COMMISSIONERS OF the Customs: England, appointments by ..... . COMMISSIONERS FOR Trade and Plantations : see Lords Com MISSIONERS, etc. COMMISSIONERS for the War: letter from ......... COMMISSION Officers : see also Militia Officers : to examine deserters ...... as court-martial for trial of deserters discharged, allowed depreciation COMMISSIONS : for destroying his majesty's enemies constituting president and council for New Hampshire and see Letters-patent. for administering oaths ...... of justices of the courts . . . . V, 7 for committee on Mass. and N. H style of, act establishing officers' blank, committee on under pretended state of Vermont . to governors and lieutenant-governors COMMITTEE of the Army: on depreciation of wages in army . viii, 230 viii, 238 COMMITTEE of Audit: j«^ Auditors : Claims: Treasurer's Accounts, COMMITTEE on Depreciation: account of, committee on . . . viii, 176 and see Committee of the Army. COMMITTEE of Mititia: j,f« Exeter: Great Island: Hampton: Portsmouth: Towns. power in relation to garrisons, watches, wards, scouts ii, 112 ii, 169 ii, 254 v, i COMMITTEE of Safety: of the colony and state, see Ashley, Samuel. Barker, Benjamin. Bartlett, Josiah. Calfe, John. V, 320 lines V, 352 i, 248 V, 365 iii, 63 ii, 50 V, 282 V, 403 150 vm. in, iv. 42 I V, 375 V, I V, 6 V, 386 V, 39° vn, 67 vii, 71 viii, 351 see under their names. VUI, 239 vm, 345 vm, viii. 223 346 viu, 178 viii, 254 64 151 Dearborn, Levi. Dudley, John. Folsom, Nathaniel. Gains, George. Index to Records of the Council, COMMITTEE of Safety: of the colony and state, see Gilman, David. GUman, Nicholas. GUman, Samuel. Hobart, Samuel. Long, Peirce. McClary, John. Mooney, Hercules. Moulton, Josiah. see Odiorne, Thomas. Peabody, Nathaniel. Prentice, Nathaniel Sartel. Robinson, Ephraim. Thompson, Ebenezer. Weare, Meshech. Wentworth, John, Jr. White, PhiUips. vu, 87 vii, 148 vn, 193 vn, 215 vn, 271 vni, 19 vin, 28 viii, 65 vin, 66 viu, 89 viii, 132 vu, 90 vu, 149 vii, 194 vii, 256 appointment, wages, travel, etc. vu, 12 vii, 17 vn, 38 vn, 45 vii, 69 vii, 73 vu, 74 vii, 93 vii, 113 vii, 130 vii, 177 vu, 178 vu, 185 vii, 195 vii. 210 vii, 212 vii, 257 vii, 270 vin, 29 vin, 33 viii, 6i viu, 68 vni, 85 viii, 88 viii, 152 viu, 157 vui, 202 viii, 217 vin, 228 vni, 231 vin, 255 vni, 268 vin, 307 viu, 308 vin, 336 vin, 348 viii, 351 vni, 373 vui, 374 vui, 376 viii, 383 viii, 397 vui, 410 vin, 411 vin, 412 viu, 425 viii, 441 viii, 455 vin, 470 orders and instructions to . ... vn, 21 vn, 229 vii, 259 vin, 16 viii, 65 vin, 88 viii, 90 viu, 157 vin, 162 vni, 177 viii, 180 viii, 182 viu, 184 viii, 185 viii, 203 viii, 254 vin, 255 viii, 264 viii, 267 viii, 275 viii, 276 viii, 281 vui, 282 viu, 286 viii, 335 viii, 336 viii, 337 viii, 350 viii, 351 viii, 359 viii, 364 viii, 365 vni, 374 viii. 375 vui, 381 viii, 409 viii, 4I2 viii, 441 viii, 452 viii, 456 viii, 478 viii, 488 • vu, 37 vii, 69 vii, 181 viii, 368 vin, 373 viii, 429 viii, 435 viii, 452 viii, 469 viii, 470 viii, 486 accounts referred to, for settlement . vii, 213 vii, 272 vii, 273 viii, 34 viu, 37 viii, 56 viii, 66 viii, 71 viii, 181 viii, 276 viii, 297 viii, 301 viii, 322 vin, 337 vin, 362 vin, 383 vni, 397 viu, 398 viii, 428 viii, 455 viu, 465 viii, 466 viii, 469 room and accommodations for . . vii, 251 vii, 256 vii, 258 proposes reward to R. I. volunteers, its vote ratified . . viii, 33 reducing the number of, committee on . . . viii, 85 viii, 127 number of, determined . . . viii, 88 viii, 156 viii, 230 power of, committee to determine viii, 129 viii, 132 viii, 230 viii, 275 order by, for liberating Col. Enoch Hale and others . . viii, 305 accountcalled upon for quotas petitions referred to New Hampshire, 1631-1784. COMMITTEE of Safety: letters referred to . payment of invalid pensioners referred to advisory to the president bills of credit burnt in presence of Staff-roU referred to of towns .... vii, 32 vii, SS vii, 88 vii, 278 and see under names of towns. COMMITTEE of Sequestration: in each county ... COMMITTEE, Standing: for her .Majesty's Stores of war and see Soldiers : disabled. COMMITTEE of Supplies see Rollins, Ichabod. to attend the general court account . ... COMMITTEE of War : see also Board of War : to equip sloop for Cape Breton . , to supply provisions to expedition against Canada Massachusetts , . ... COMMITTEE of the Whole: CouncU and House of Representatives vii, 192 vn, 195 vii, 236 viii, viii,viii viii. 312 viu. 383 viii, 454 rred to viii, viii, vni, viii. 379 383 454 454 vii. 17 vu, 18 vii. 27 vii. 34 vii. 37 vii. 42 vii, 51 vii. 64 vii. 77 vii. 79 vii, 86 vn. 89 vu. 95 vii, 127 vii. 147 viii, 291 viii, 308 viu, 337 vin, 367 v, 280 vm, 10 291 viu,viii,viii,viii, viii, viii. 10 6499 144i6i 189 234267 413 vn, viii, viii, viii, viii,viii,viii,viii,vin, viii. 238 18 72 108148166190 235 276435 IV, lai vii, 217 vii, 240 viii, 19 vm, viit, viii, viii, vui, viii, vui, viii. 76 123 158167 207255288 464 vii, 64 vii, 222 vn, 274 viii, 42 vui, 83 viii, 136 viii, 159 viii, 172 viii, 208 vui, 257 viii, 306 viu, 476 vii, 167 vii, 268 vi, 23 vi, 25 which see. vii, 191 vu, 228 vn, 275 viii, 63 viii, 84 vui, 143 viii, 160 viu, 188 viii, 221 viii, 261 viii, 321 viii, 480 COMMON Land: division of, bill and act for . vii COMMONS : see also Dover : Hampton : horses on, bill for restraint of ii, 122 the fencing in, act forbidding improvement of, act for COMMON Victuallers: acts relating to, repeal of 76 viii, 112 viii, 467 viii, 478 n, 123 n, 157 IV, 153 n, 121 iv, 161 ii, 227 ii, 290 viii, 349 102 Index to Records of the Council, COMPANIES : see Artillery Company. Atkinson, Samuel. Bartlett, Stephen. BeU, John. Blanchard, Augustus. Brewster, John. Brown, Nathan. Calfe, John. Chandler, Jonathan. Chase, Jonathan. Chesley, Samuel. Cilley, Cutting. Clayes, Elijah. Clements, Timothy. Cochran, James. Daniels, Eliphalet. Dearborn, Henry. Dearborn, Joseph. Dearborn, Stephen. Dearing, Ebenezer. Dover.Dow, Henry. Drew, John. Dudlej', TheophUus. Eames, Jeremiah. East Kingston. Everett, John. Field-artillery. Fletcher, Robert. Folsom, John. Fort William and Mary. Frye, Ebenezer. Frye, Isaac. Garrisons.GUe, Ezekiel. Gilman, Jeremiah. GUman, Zebulon. Gordon, Daniel. Gray, James. Green, Jacob. Gregg, John. Hadlock, James. Hampton.Harper, WUliam. Hopkins, James. House, John. see JeweU, Daniel. Knight, John. Langdon, John. Langdon, Tobias. Leavitt, Moses. Light-infantry. Livermore, Daniel. Lovejoy, Hezekiah. McConneU, . Marcy, John. Marston, Simon. Matross Companies. MUitia.Mills, John. MorrUl, Amos. Negus, Isaac. Newcastle.New England States. Nichols, Samuel. Number Four. Packer, Thomas. Page, Enoch. Parker, Joseph. Parker, Stephen. Peabody, Stephen. Peirce, Pembroke Militia. Phipps, Thomas. Pickering, John. Portsmouth. Prescott, David. Prescott, William. Rangers. Redford, William. Reynolds, Daniel Rhode Island. Rolls. Russell, Josiah. Salter, Titus. Sauce-money.Scouts. Senter, Joseph. Shepard, James. Simpson, Thomas. Sinclair, Richard. Smith, Joseph. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 103 see Volunteers. Wait, Jason. Walker, William. WaUingford, Samuel. Wanton, WUliam. Webster, Ebenezer. Wetherbee, Samuel. Whyting, . Woodman, John. COMPANIES : see Sparhawk, Thomas. Spaulding, Benjamin. StiUson, WiUiam. Stone, Ephraim. Stone, Salmon. Titcomb, Benjamin. Turner, George. Tuttle, John. Upper Coos. independent .... and see Portsmouth. town militia .... V, 133 and see Militia. arms and ammunition, inspection . chief officers of, see next above, also Captains. mustering ... . . v to choose their own officers orders to, committee to give .... for defence of this state, paymasters to . COMPANY Officers: committee to nominate ....... and see Subaltern Officers. COMPLAINTS : see also Actions : Informations : Petitions : 1, 300 vu, 32 vn, 112 n. V, 162 183 109 109 222 V,V, 97 223 n, 145 V, 76 V, 1 10 V, in vii. 3 viii. 6S . vii. 84 . vn. 19s vm, 331 see Abbett, John. Adams, Hugh. Alcock, Samuel. Ayers, Nathaniel. Betton, James. Bridger, John. Burnam, Jeremiah. Captains.Clements, Abraham. Cotton, William. Cranfield, Edward, Lt.-Gov. Dow, Henry. Dudley, Joseph, Gov. EUiott, Robert. Fabens, Elizabeth. Field, , Mr. Folsom, Jeremiah. Fort Washington : officers. Furber, William. GatcheU, Benjamin. GUman, David. GUman, James. see Gilman, Jeremiah. Gilman, John. Guardians. HaU, Thomas. Hampton : selectmen. Hampton FaUs. Highways.HUton. Winthrop. Jamaica. Jose, Richard. Kelley, Joseph. Lander, John. Langdon, Tobias. Leavitt, John. March, George. Martin, Richard. Mason, Robert. Meinzies, James. MUlard, Paul. Morrison, Samuel. Newington.Newmarket. 104 Index to Records of the Council, COMPLAINTS, see also Actions : Informations : Petitions : j^^ Nottingham : committee. j«« Shepard, Jonathan. Nottingham West. Sherburne, Love. Odiorne, Jotham. Smith, Joseph, Officers. Smith, Robert. Oyster River. Staniford, WUUam. Parker, John. Stanyan, Jacob. Penhallow, Samuel. Story, Charles. Pepperell, William. Tallant, Hugh. Pitman, Nathaniel. Tay, Jeremiah. Plaisted, Ichabo^. Thompson, Thomas. Plaisted, John. Thurton, Thomas. Portsmouth. Tuck, Edward. Portsmouth : selectmen. Tuck, John. Prentice, Nathaniel Sartel. Usher, John. Lt.-Gov. Prisoners. Vaughan, WiUiam. Randolph, Edward. Walton, Shadrach. Redford, WUliam. Wardner, Jacob. Redman, John. Whipple, OUver. Roby, Samuel. Whiting, Benjamin. Salem. Whiting, Leonard. Scotton, Richard. Whittier, Benjamin. Sheafe,_ Sampson. Wingate, Joshua. about clandestine marriages ... . . . iv, 327 against this government, answers sent to England . . v, 70 filing in Superior Court of Judicature . . . viii, 413 viii, 421 COMPTROLLER of Customs: Leverett Hubbard, commission and qualification . . vi, 127 CONCORD : limits of ferry referred to express from Chester to . . . surgeon and ensign from . . vii, 120 receiver of fire-arms at . . . . . inimicals from .... ... convention to form new system of government, to meet at petition for . . . . . . . vui, 207 meeting-house. General Court meets in . annexation to, from Canterbury and Loudon, acts for viii, 448 CONCORD, (Mass.) : transportation of provisions to . . . . . viii, 253 CONCORD, alias Gunthwait : petition .... ... viu, 460 CONFEDERATION, U. S. A.. articles of ... . CONFERENCE : of EngUsh and Indians . . . i, 275 v. 390 of both houses on fortifications in the fort .... vi. 148 vu. 49 vu. 122 vii. 177 vn, 195 viii. 10 viu. 237 viii. 339 viu. 391 viii. 471 which see. V, 391 iv. 157 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 105 61 viii, 97 89 vin, 103 CONFISCATED Estates : see also Absentees' Estates : acts, bills, votes, committees, relating to vui, 119 viii, 243 vni, 248 viii, 250 viii, 283 vin, 285 viii, 289 trustees of, directed in Packersfield .... CONFISCATED Lands: paid for in bounty and depreciation notes in Rumney, granted ... re-granted, sale of suspended .... CONFISCATION : see also Confiscation Act: cargoes liable to . of estates of inimicals, see Inimicals. of absentees' estates .... of corn ..... of lands of deserters, see Deserters. CONFISCATION Act (Bill) : enacted . . . vui, 38 vin, addition to, passed . . viu, copies of, furnished judges of probate repeal of, bill and act for execution of, resolution for CONGRESS : of provincial governors . the late, proceedings of established colonial,provincial continental .... CONNECTICUT [Conettecott] : vessels, admiralty passes for . accessories in piracy, trial in England government, king's letters to Indian treaty commissioners . quota ...... Mass. commissioners at governor and council, letter of John Hinckes to governor's address to Col. Nicholson Gov. SaUiston (?) commissioners on medium of exchange prisoners have leave to go to . letters from N. Y. intercepted in account against N. H. . . . . viii, 40 CONNECTICUT Newspaper : act printed in CONNECTICUT RiVER : garrisons on, project to build and see Coos : project for settling. viu, 131 viii, 166 viii, 280 viii, 282 vui, 293 vin, 336 see next above - which see. viii, 265 . viii, 81 . viii, 187 i, 248 > which see. vm, 352 Vlll, 423 viii, 156 viii, 167 . vui, 1 1 1 viii, 114 Vni, 155 vin, 120 V, 251 vii, 9 \ see Colonial Congress. which see. 241 , 251 , 252 , 283 53 n, 234 V, 31 V, 32 i, 269 V, 240 i, 283 ii, 54 V, 241 V, 251 V, 392 vii, 142 vu, 153 viii, 41 vii, 252 i, 264 io6 Index to Records of the Council, CONNECTICUT River: scouting around ... rendezvous on . . . i, i. 274 296 and see Charlestown. plan of, and of towns thereon . . . • vi. 2 vi, 120 frontiers on, committee to visit vi. 14 township granted between, and the Hudson townships east of ..... townships west side of . vi, 79 vi, 8 1 vi, 82 vi, , 86 vi, vi, vi,vi, 71 7278 87 as west boundary of Winchester Hinsdale and Winchester line referred to . . . vi, vi. 83 86 western frontiers on, letters from . vi. 92 defence of . . . vi, 98 vn, and see Charlestown. 57 vii. 83 king's lands there, trespass on . . . islands in, petition for . . . . . survey of . . . as boundary of Hanover ferries ... . . vi, 116 vi, 144 see next above. vi, 146 vi, 148 viii, 449 viii, 464 vui, 467 viu, haunt of counterfeiters on . . ... 485 vin, vi. 488 159 ferriage of soldiers over . vn, 166 vU, 272 viii. 8 as boundary of N. H. Grants . . . . vui. 27 vui. 33 viii, 99 viu, loi vin, no vni, 131 viii. 217 purchase of wheat on ..... . viii, towns on, a representation of . . . bridge over, act for . . . CONNOR, Jeremy [Connah] : 176 viii,vui, vui. 179 366 467 of Exeter, province rate against CONNOR, Philip [Conner] : i. 94 land grantee, Meredith . ... viu, CONNOR, Samuel [Connar] : 107 viii, 112 account .... vii. n major, regiment for Canada .... lieutenant-colonel . . . vii, CONSIGNMENT : see Invoice : CONSPIRACIES : 74 vii,vn. 70 75 pardoned . ... CONSPIRACY : i. 58 against the king . . . . . i, and see "Assassination Plot." CONSTABLE, Andrew: 187 ii. 91 of Exeter, province rate against CONSTABLES : i. 94 see Amherst. see Bloody Point. Bachelder, Nathaniel. Boston. Barns, BUl. Brigham, Alpheus. New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. 107 CONSTABLES : see Claremont. Clement, Job. Coffin, Peter. Cook, Silas. Cotton, WiU. Dale, Timothy. Dover. Exeter.Folsom, John. Great Island. Greenland. Hampton. Hampton Falls. Hancock.Isle of Shoals. Jaffrey.Jaffrey, George. Keene. Lamson, Joseph. Lang, Nat. Leavitt, James. Londonderry. LongfeUow, Nathan. duties of, and directions to i, ii' n, iii. 163 4 52 17 9 165 see Marston, Ephraim. Newcastle. Nutter, Anthony. Oyster River. Partridge, William. Philbrook, . Pickering, John. Plymouth. Portsmouth. Salisbury, Mass. Stanyan, Jacob. Stearns, Samuel. Strawberry Bank. Taxes. Thompson, Robert. Torlington, Richard. Truel, Amos. Ushaw, Daniel. Wadleigh, Robert. WUton.Woodman, John. Writs. i, 46 i, 59 i, 70 i, 182 i, 216 i, 217 ii, 16 ii, 17 ii, 18 ii, 62 ii, 166 iii, 6 iii, 84 iii, 85 iii, 86 V, 173 V, 176 vi, 7 acts relating to and see next above. delinquent, extents against CONSTITUTION: see also i^-EW Constitution: framing, convention for . and see Convention. books of the, printing . CONSUL : at Algiers, see Cole, Robert. CONTEMPT : guilty of, answering, see Ardell, William. Chownes, Joseph. 1, 132 ii, I ii, 42 iii, 15 iv, 188 vi, 75 vii, 248 viii, 114 viii, 261 viii, 365 i, 230 iv, 195 iv, 197 vu, 212 vm, 153 • viii, 323 vni, 328 Colonial Congress. Cranfield, Edward. Dow, Joseph. see Eastwick, Pheasant. Hampton. Leavitt, John. Long, George. Pickering, John. io8 Index to Records of the Council, CONTEMPT : see Round, Mark. Rust, Benjamin. committers of, to be prosecuted CONTINENT : fire-arms belonging to . forage claim against, paid account against beef and rum for . CONTINENTAL Accounts: settlement of, committee for . vn, 112 vii, 210 CONTINENTAL Agent: solicited for ammunition and clothing CONTINENTAL Army : see Torlington, , Richard. Vaughan, William. ii. 138 viii. 8 viii. no vui. 120 viii, 184 vui. 308 vu, 10 1 vu. 102 vn, 125 vii, 128 vii, 139 vii. 189 viii, 15 viii, 156 vui, 213 viii. 452 vii, 145 vu, 208 vu, 211 recruits for, quotas vii. II vn. 12 vn. 13 vii. 14 vn. 16 vii. 104 vii. 107 vii. 108 vn. in vu. 113 viii. I viu. 2 viii. 3 viii. 4 vin. 15 viii, 19 viu. 74 viii. 85 viii, 86 viu. 92 viii. 96 vin. 98 vui. 128 vui. 129 viii. 131 viii. 136 vui. 137 viii. 142 viu. 145 vHi, 149 vin. 166 vin. 169 vni. 172 vui. 176 viii. 177 viii. 178 vin. 179 vui. 193 viii. 217 vin. 239 viu. 252 viii. 253 viii. 254 viii. 260 viu. 264 vUi, 265 vui. 267 vni. 278 viu. 347 viii. 349 viii. 35° vni. 386 vui. 396 viii. 407 vin. 409 and see Continental Battalions : < Continental Service. powder lent to . . vu. 29 vu. 31 supplies for, bills and acts relating to vii. 156 vn. 179 vii. 180 vii. 181 vii. 185 vn. 191 vii. 21 1 viii. 45 viu. 114 viii. 158 vin. 159 viii. 160 viii. 176 vni. 177 viii. 179 vin. 180 viii. 184 viu. 194 viii. 213 vin. 216 viii, 221 viii. 230 viii. 231 viii. 233 viii. 237 viii. 239 viii. 257 viii. 258 vni. 259 vni, 261 vin. 262 vni. 276 vui. 277 vUi, 278 viii. 279 vui. 280 viii, 281 viu. 282 viu. 285 vin. 292 viu. 335 vui. 361 viu. 409 and see Soldiers : supplies \ For. northern, quartermaster-general of vu. 201 reenforcements for . vii. 222 vii. 223 vii. 265 wages and rations in vii. 218 vii. 220 vii. 248 viii, 99 vni, lOI viu. 121 viii. 154 viii. 189 viii. , 211 viii, 214 viii. 219 vni. 223 viii. 230 viii, , 321 state's troops in viu. 99 viu. 200 invalid from, supplied with clothing vin. in money sent to vni, 167 viii. 231 viii. 232 viii. 265 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 109 CONTINENTAL Army: paymaster of, letter of Pres. Weare to . officers, depreciation of wages three years' men in . . . New Hampshire Line of the . reenlistment at .... . deserters from, see Deserters : arrest, etc CONTINENTAL Battalions : field-officers for . vn, 81 officers nominated to Contl. Congress raising and paying officers' appointment vii, 96 recruiting officers of vin, 74 muster-masters appointed recruits for, quotas vii, 265 viii, 209 viii, 270 and see Continental Army : Cont officers' commissions, date of officers of, lending money to . filling vacancies in promotions in, committee on . and see New Hampshire Line. supplies for, see Soldiers. CONTINENTAL Bills of Credit: old emission, exchanged for new CONTINENTAL Board of War: asked for return of Col. Henry Jackson's regiment CONTINENTAL Bounty: to soldiers, which also see . vii, 138 vii, 166 and see Continental Soldiers. CONTINENTAL Congress: recommendation to establish colonial government resolutions of, about government . ... for raising battalion .... raising new army establishing loan office half-pay to disabled soldiers and marines viii, 2 viii, 9 viii, 12 viii, 13 to be acted on, and acts for executing viii, 119 viii, 142 viii, 164 viii, 166 viii, 318 vm, 231 viii, 235 viii, 288 ¦ which see. Vll, 43 vii, ress 106 vii. no vii. in vU,vii. 125 45 vii. 46 vn. 48 vn, vn. 142 93 vii. 97 vn. 169 vii. 170 vui. 157 • vii 128 vii 144 vii, 145 viii, 79 viu. I4S viii. 269 viii, 270 ¦ vn. 143 vii. 144 vii. 157 vn. 158 vii. 176 vii. 276 viii. 19 viii. 92 viii. 96 viU, 228 viii. 248 viii. 251 viii. 261 viii. 277 viu. 340 viu, 35S vni. 360 aent ll Service. vii. 165 ¦ • vn. 174 vii. 175 viii. 74 viii. 79 vin. 157 viii. 404 viii, 407 . Vlll, 225 . viii, 196 vii, 198 viii, 6 vii, I vii 2 ¦ vn, 7 , • vii, 46 • vii, 95 vii, 102 vu, 164 vu, 182 viu, 28 viu, 488 . vin, 64 viu, 147 vin, 159 viu, 433 vui, 435 Index to Records of the Council, viii, 164 viii, 240 vni, 333 CONTINENTAL Congress: relating to bills of credit . for laying embargo . and see Embargo. concerning the currency . . . viii, 158 for additional pay to aide-de-camp paying Gen. Sullivan making up depreciation respecting allowance to Brig. -Gen. Stark . for payment of state's quota of contl. army concerning gratuity to soldiers for taking inventory petition to, for battalion to guard colony plan of government laid before battalion officers nominated to requisitions of, for hard money appointment of loan officer ^450,000 . supplies to the army . viii, 159 viii, 160 state's proportion of $8,000,000 . viii, 311 five per cent, duty on imports presents the colony with $10,000 state accounts sent to at Philadelphia ... papers received from appoints board of war . ... secretary of, quarterly reports made to . application to, for money to redeem bills of credit letters from . • . . vii, 221 vii, 232 and see Laurens, Henry, Prest. letters to ...... viii, 309 viii, 312 viu, 449 and see Delegates : instructions and letters to. desires evidence on evacuation of Ticonderoga refers matters to commissioners from the states order of, to detain the Flag of Truce address to their constituents . committee of, sent to N. H. Grants appeals from Maritime Court to, bill and act for drafts by, on this state. . . . viii, 146 bills struck off by . . . . petition of John McCUntock referred to . stipulates the price of rum ....... its opinion desired relative to taxing Mons. Delatour, Ports mouth ....... vm, 103 viii, 176 vni, 333 vu, lOI vni, 158 viii, 481 vii, 228 vn, 261 vm, 117 viii, 168 ¦ next abo7 e. . viii, 117 viu, 263 viii, 246 viii, 300 viii, 315 vin, 337 viu, 349 viu, 382 viii, 443 vu, 18 ¦ vn, 21 vn, 45 vii, 48 vii, 151 viu, 266 viii, 158 viu, 216 viu, 351 viii, 466 vn, 57 vii, 104 vn, 123 vn, 153 vii, 182 vii, 182 vn, 193 viu, 318 viii, 220 viii, 484 vii, 239 vii, 262 viii, 89 viii, 93 viii, 103 vni, 121 viii, 169 viu, 163 vni, 177 viii, 184 viu, 195 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. CONTINENTAL Congress: solicited for money ..... thanksgiving proclamation by . . . case of Capt. Ebenezer Green referred to recommends alteration in Articles of Confederation appoints commissioner to settle accounts with state recommendations by and to . vm, 444 remonstrance to, against proceedings of Court of Appeals returns of land and buildings transmitted to bounty offered by, see Continental Bounty. delegates to . . . ... CONTINENTAL Currency: old . ... . . CONTINENTAL Fire-arms: in Cheshire and Grafton counties, collection of CONTINENTAL Frigates: Raleigh ....... Ranger deserters put to service on . . . CONTINENTAL Guns: voted to soldiers . CONTINENTAL Money: delivered treasurer CONTINENTAL Officer: deserter rescued from CONTINENTAL Loan-officer : nomination and appointment of and see Gilman, Nicholas, Hon. CONTINENTAL Service: levies for ... . vu, 152 and see Continental Army : recruits for. three battalions to be raised for . N. H. battaUons in vii, 211 viii, 83 viu, six months' men in, 1781, pay-roUs of . viii. 281 vni. 288 viii. 301 viu, 439 viu. 441 viii. 459 vni. 447 viii. 449 vin. 458 which see. which see. 14 \ which see. vui, 38 vni, 43 VIU, 54 vm, 454 . viii, 267 vu, 151 vii, 157 vu, 170 viu, 123 86 CONTINENTAL Soldiers : see also Continental Army : Soldiers : muster-masters to . . • ¦ excepted from enlistment as sailors to be replaced when their time expires . hiring, advancement for, re-imbursed In gaol, necessaries for . referred to board of war petitions . . . • returns of, committee to collect omission in filled . town deficiency of, committee on . CONTINENTAL Stores: condemned, auction of . . vu. 271 viii. 162 vin. 272 . vin. 378 Soldiers vn, 168 vn. 187 viu. 12 vin. 37 viii. 64 viu. 68 viii. 72 vin. 148 viu. 75 viu. 267 vin. 340 viii. 342 VUI, 177 Index to Records of the Council, CONTINENTAL Stores: returns of ... . • • "^'ii' ^22 CONTINENTAL Tax: of $500,000, vote (biU) to raise • viii, 73 viii, 74 coUection of, committee on . . . • vm, 93 precepts for . . • ¦ ... vm, 97 of ^450, 000 — act for raising . . ¦ vin, 103 sum to be raised determined . viu, 146 viii, 367 vin, 374 abatement of . . . .... vni, 466 CONTINENTAL Treasury: money sent to, by this state • • viu, 167 and see Continental Tax. CONTOOCOOK : Indian murders at . . . • i, 267 vi, 89 defence of . . . • vi, 37 vi, 90 vi, 91 CONTOOCOOK River: as boundary of Society Land . . ¦ • • . vi, 168 CONTRABAND Goods: seizure of . • . • ¦ v, 65 CONTROLLER : of king's ordnance stores, Boston ... . vi, 99 CONVENTIONS : to form new system of state government . . viii, 2 viu, 10 vni, 245 viu, 252 viu, 312 vin, 323 of commissioners on limitation of prices . . . . viii, 118 of N. E. States at Providence . . viu, 255 viu, 256 viu, 272 of N. E. States and New York, at Hartford .... vin, 429 CONVERSE, Josiah: petition for grant of township . . . vi, 79 CONVEYANCES : by Robt. Mason to the governor ... . i, 77 of lands and estates — acts, etc., for, see Estates: Lands. CONVICTS : to seU their estates, resolution for . . . vii, 264 CONWAY : committee to give directions to scouting party . vii, 88 and see scouting party, below. representation, precept sentto agents, petition, abatement of taxes .... viii, 39 viii, 167 viii, annexation to Strafford county ..... justice of the peace ... selectmen's petition, committee on vm, 250 vm, order drawn on . . . . . . . ' . desired to furnish supplies to soldiers on northern frontiers discount of beef tax to . . . ... vu, 95 vm, 40 . vui, 31 172 viii, 276 see next above. . viii, 96 . viii, 207 294 viii, 434 . viii, 239 . viii, 278 viii, 320 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. "3 CONWAY : selectmen's account scouting party pay-roU . locations near COOK, : killed by Indians, Stevenstown COOK, Elisha [Cooke] : consultation with Lt. Gov. Usher . petition, memorial and appeal COOK, John: of Bloody point, province rate against COOK, John [Coock] : of Newcastle, sworn COOK, Silas: deputy-sheriff, Cheshire co. . constable, Keene . COOKE, , Gov. (R. I.) : letters from . COOKE, John, Dr. ; regimental surgeon, travel money COOPER, Nathaniel: coroner .... agent to sell goods of inimical COOPER, Thomas: account .... COOPER, William: at Piscataqua COOS [Cohas, Cohass, Cohos, Cohoss project for settling fort near head of Connecticut river settlement at . . . place in Connecticut river sending committee to, vote for soldiers at, paid rendezvous at . . . rangers at, supplied witness from. Col. Asa Porter's case road from Wolfeborough to, act for repairing regiment to guard, committee on . travel to and from, paid soldiers . troops at, supplies for . Upper COOS Meadow: see Coos : project for settling. COPP, Aaron [Copps] : disabled soldier, half-pay, account COPP, David: nominated major vni, 316 vui, 460 viu, 465 vni, 316 vni, 379 . which see. vi, 91 vi, 92 u, 149 V, 363 i. 97 ii, 15 viii, 126 viii, 220 vii, 175 vii, 206 vii, 207 vii, 126 vu, 54 vii, 164 Cowass] : vu, 29 ii, 63 1, 23 ^J 264 i, 265 ^» 275 1, 279 vi, 78 vi, 120 vn. 30 vii, 38 vn. S3 Vll, 113 vii, 55 vii, 91 vu, 114 vii, 185 vm, 137 vm, 139 vin, 377 viii, 468 which see. vm, 113 vm, 257 • vn, 45 114 Index to Records of the Council, COPP, David: account, petition . COPP, Joshua: account ....... COPP, Solomon: grantee of ferry, Mohawk Point .... COPPER : coining, committee on . COPPERPLATE : bills of credit struck from COPPS : see COPP : CORBET, John: letter to provincial governors CORN : see also Indian Corn : scarcity of ..... . storing in garrisons .... exportation of, permitted . . vii, 157 vui, 59 viu, 72 viii, 84 vni, 115 viu, 123 viii, 159 for the state, agent to purchase . . vii, 189 loaned ...... importation of, permitted ..... at Durham, confiscation of . . . of monopolists, distributed to the needy monopoly of, act to prevent ..... CORNFIELDS : act concerning . . . . ii, 20 ii, 24 CORNISH : representation . vii, 123 viii, 347 viii, 402 petition, committee on . . . . . ferry grantees of . CORNISH, . Capt.: commander of the Sterling Castle . CORNWALLIS, -, Gov. (Halifax) : letter on his detachment sent against the French CORONERS : see Alexander, John. Ames, Stephen. Atkinson. Bachelder, Abraham. Bedford. Blake, John. Blanchard, Augustus. Bloody Point. Brigham, Alpheus. Brown, Jacob. Buckman, Edward. vii, 85 vii, 141 viii, 239 Vll, 144 vin, 392 viii, 249 vii, 30 iv, 224 vi, 19 iv, 178 V, 319 V, 93 vii, 211 vui, 36 viu, 85 viu, 87 vin, 163 viu, 188 vii, 190 vii, 205 vii, 210 vui, 63 viii, 86 vni, 87 viu, 91 iv, 140 viii, 404 viu, 485 iv, 143 viii, 406 viii, 393 viii, 488 i, 302 vi, 60 see Cate, John. Chandler, Zaccheus. Chase, Moses. Cheshire County. Chesterfield.Cobb, Seth. Coffin, Amos. Cooper, Nathaniel. Cotton, WiU. Crocker, Andrew Savage. Dennett, Ephraim. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 1x5 CORONERS : see Dover. see Little, Benjamin. Dow, John, Jr. Locke, Jeremiah. Dunstable. Lovett, James. Eastman, Jeremiah. Marlow. Eastman, Jonathan. MerrUl, Jonathan. Eastwick, Pheasant. MerrUl, Joshua. Eaton, Jonathan. Merrimack. Emerson, Daniel, Jr. Moore, Samuel. Exeter. Neal, Hubartus. Fabyan, John. Newcastle. Fees. New Ipswich. Folsom, Samuel. Nutter, John. Gage, John. Parker, Obadiah. Gains, George. Pickering, William. Gardner, Samuel. Rindge. Gerrish, John. Rockingham County. GUman, Edward. Rye. Goodwin, Simeon. Secomb, Simonds. Gookin, Samuel. Sloane, John. Grafton County. Strafford County. Gustin, Samuel. Stratham. Hale,. Moses. Strawberry Bank. Harvel, John. Swain, Jonathan. Hawley, Joseph. Temple. Haywood, Samuel. Thompson, Silas. HiU, Samuel. Tibbetts, Ebenezer. Hillsborough County. Trott, Samuel. Hodg, Robert. Tucker, Francis. Hogg, John. Warren. Hollis. Webster, Ebenezer. Horn, John. Wheeler, Nehemiah. Kelley, Samuel. Whitney, Joseph. Kimball, Samuel. Wiggin, Simon. Litchfield. Worcester, Francis. qualification, commissions, bonds . . i, 199 v, 396 fees .... ...... which see, CORPORALS: - j^« Blackman, : WaUace, William : Westbrook, Thomas. pay (wages) ...... i, 230 in, 56 vn, 172 three to forty privates ........ viii, 44 CORRESPONDENTS : with the enemy, proceedings against v, 112 CORUNNA : port in Spain ......... i, 188 COTTENE, Solomon: garrison soldier i, '77 ii6 Index to Records of the Council, COTTON, John (London) : consignor of goods for Piscataqua .... his interest in Laconia Company sold to John Mason COTTON, John [Gotten] : minister, Exeter . of a military council .... COTTON, John: of Strawberry Bank COTTON, John: minister, Hampton debenture ... . . COTTON, , Mr.: papers relating to Portsmouth town book COTTON, Samuel, Rev. : military chaplain . '. . . COTTON, Seaborn: witness in Henry Dow v. Henry Robie . COTTON, Timothy: passenger under quarantine COTTON, Will: constable in prison COTTON, William (London) : his interest in Laconia company sold to John Mason COTTON, William (Strawberry Bank) : wife threatens rate-collector ..... of Capt. Robt. Mason's troop .... of a military council ... . . garrison soldier . . ii, 93 ii, 94 committee to settle town bounds .... COTTON, William: v. Tobias Langdon . . . . v, 82 auditor of fort accounts ..... committee to repair prison ..... account ...... COTTON, William: V. Ichabod Rollins ...... COTTON-WOOL : Ulegal importation of, seizure of and suit for . V, 77 V, 78 V, 79 COUNCIL : king's ... . . . . of Queen Anne ..... COUNCIL (called also Board) : reply to Gov. Bradstreet allowance to governor ...... letters from, to Lt.-Gov. John Usher i, 186 u, 162 i, I 1, 2 i, 27 i, 138 i, 141 . ii, 84 i, 164 i, 226 iii, 52 V, 95 V, 333 vu, 179 i, 154 vi, 44 i, 104 i, 27 i. 13s i, 144 ii, 84 ii, 95 ii, 104 V, 43 V, 84 v, 97 V, 174 V, 175 V, 209 • viii, 443 y, 64 V, 72 V, 96 V, 98 > which see. i, 41 i, 145 i, 147 ii, 195 ii, 200 ¦ which see. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 117 COUNCIL (caUed also Board) : letters from, to Mass. general court . . , . ii, 6 v, 351 Sir William Phipps . . ii, 66 ii, 151 ii, 157 king's councilors . . . . . ii, 116 Gov. Joseph Dudley . . . v, 234 v, 243 letters to, from John Bridger . . . . Mass. general court bill for altering sessions . . . . . i, 206 memorial to Lords Commissioners for Trade . . . i, 239 of seven required by letters-patent . . . . . ii, 5 petition to king ii, 207 iv, 171 books and papers . . iu, 5 ni, 6 ui, 7 iU, 8 and see record books, below. suspension and withdrawals from . . . iii, 68 iii, 69 in, 70 in, 75 v, 77 v, 79 v, 373 administers oath to governor ....... v, I record books . v, 123 v, 160 v, 212 v, 214 v, 215 V, 224 V, 250 V, 256 V, 329 V, 350 to examine deserters ........ v, 282 as committee of the whole to audit accounts of Portsmouth selectmen .... . v, 333 meet at house of Mr. Field . . v, 372 establishment, term, quorum of . . . . vii, 2 officers of ... . vn, 2 vni, 399 special session of , . • . vu, 95 room and accommodations for , vii, 251 vii, 256 vii, 258 vacancies in, method to fiU . . . viii, 207 viii, 226 precepts for .......... viii, 280 secretaries of, see Atkinson, Theodore, Jr. Newton, Tl homas. Certificates. Penny, Henry. Chamberlain, Richard. Sheafe, Sampson. Commissions. Story, Charles. Davis, Thomas. Thompson, Ebenezer. King, George. Waldron, Richard, Jr. salary (wages) i, 86 ii, 247 iv, 247 V, 69 vii, 21 vu. 185 vii, 245 vn, 250 vn, 252 vu, 254 viu. 298 and see CouncUors : wages ; md travel. duties and instructions to 1, 199 i, 201 i, 210 ii, 23 ii, 62 ii, 91 ii, 13s in, 27 iii, 29 iii. 30 in, 41 iii, 65 iii, 73 iv, 183 iv, 201 iv, 252 iv, 354 V, 138 V, 150 V, 154 V, 159 V, 177 V, 180 V, 183 V, 184 ii8 Index to Records of the Council, COUNCIL (called also Board) : duties and instructions to. V, 225 V, 228 V, 252 V, 259 v, 264 V, 267 V, 281 V, 284 V, 286 V, 288 V, 292 V, 300 V, 318 V, 360 V, 361 V, 378 V, 381 V, 383 V, 391 V, 392 V, 403 vi, 52 vi. 70 vi. 95 vi. HI vii, 92 vu, 250 vii. 279 viii, 76 viu. III vui, 217 vui, 448 viii, 45 S viii, 460 viii. 472 letters from, to Earl of Bellomont i. 243 ii, 231 John Bridger .... n, 282 ii. 291 George Jaffrey .... . . • V, 77 qualification ...... ii, 12 V, 2 V, 6 v, 54 vi. 124 viii. 205 viii. 304 account . . . . ii, 212 ii. 289 V, 57 vii. 215 of committee to draw up proclamations . . ii, 270 iii. 70 iii, 83 ui. 87 iv. 226 iv. 289 v, 12 V, 45 V, 63 V, 71 V, 73 V, ¦ 87 v. 153 V, IS7 to draft acts ii, 280 iii, 78 records of, book for ... . vn. 19 vui. 131 nomination and appointment of . viii. 63 I. 197 11, 10 ", 77 ii, 187 ii. 193 iv. 163 1, 204 . u, 130 in, 2 viu, 122 viu, 205 viii, 303 vui, 399 viii, 458 deputy-secretaries of, , see Pearson, Joseph: Redford, William. duties and instructions to . . i, 181 ii, 113 u, 118 books and papers taken from salary (called also wages, pay') in, 33 viu, 338 vui, 351 viii, 425 viii, 442 fee u, 165 committee to receive claims ....... iii, i resignation of his captaincy ....... iii, 2 appointment and qualification viii, 127 viii, 205 vni, 303 viu, 458 ecclesiastical which see. COUNCIL AND Assembly : see General Court. COUNCIL BOOK : see Council Records : COUNCIL Chamber: rent, account for ....... burning bills in ..... . COUNCIL of Plymouth: indenture to John Mason . ... COUNCIL of War: order relating to plunder. Port Royal expedition COUNCIL Records: sent to England . . ii, 247 iu, 60 v, 70 V, 204 V, 239 V, 263 V, 201 viii, 17 iv. 391 V, 278 V, 131 V, 154 V, 339 VI, 57 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 119 COUNCIL Records: entry of orders and representation in . v, 16 v, 28 v, 256 king's letters in v, 224 Gov. Dudley's letter in V, 280 copies of, sent by secretary to Gov. Dudley v, 142 v, 203 v, 213 COUNCILORS : see Abbott, Jacob. see Hale, , Mr. Apthorp, Henry. Hale, Enoch. Ashley, Samuel. Hale, John. Atkinson, George. HaU, Kingsley. Atkinson, Theodore. Hillsborough County. Atkinson, Theodore, Col. Hilton, Winthrop. Atkinson, Theodore, Jr. Hinckes, John. Barefoote, Walter. Hunking, Mark. Barrell, Nathaniel. Hunt, Samuel. Bartlett, Josiah. Hurd, John. Bellows, Benjamin. Huske, EUis. Blanchard, Jonathan. Hussey, Christopher. Blood, Francis. Jaffrey, George. Chamberlain, Richard. Jaffrey, George (2d). Cheshire County. Jaffrey, George (3d). Claggett, Wyseman. Johnston, Charles. Clements, Job. King, George. Coffin, Peter. Langdon, Woodbury. Cutt, John, Prest. Levius, Peter. Dalton, Samuel. Love, John. Daniel, Thomas. McClary, John. Dennett, Ephraim. McPheadris, Archibald. Dow, Henry. Martin, Richard. Dow, Moses. Mason, Robert. Downing, John. Nelson, John. EUiott, Robert. Nevin, James. Farrar, Timothy. Newmarch, Joseph. Folsom, Nathaniel. Nichols, Moses. Frost, George. Odiorne, Jotham. Frost, John. Packer, Thomas. Fryar, Nathaniel. Partridge, William. Gambling, Benjamin. Patten, Matthew. Gerrish, John. Peirce, Daniel. Gerrish, Richard. PenhaUow, Samuel. Giles, Benjamin. Phipps, Thomas. GUman, John. Pierce, Joshua. GUman, Nicholas. Plaisted, John. GUman, Peter. Rindge, Daniel. Graffort, Thomas. Rindge, John. Grafton County. Rockingham County. Green, Henry. Rogers, Daniel. Index to Records of the Council, COUNCILORS : see Rolls. Sheafe, Sampson. Sherburne, Henry. Sherburne, Joseph. Sherlock, James. Smith, Joseph. Smith, Samuel. SoUey, Samuel. Sparhawk, Thomas. Stileman, Elias. Taxes. Temple, William. Thomas, Daniel. Thompson, Ebenezer. Thornton, Matthew. Usher, John, Lt.-Gov. Vaughan, William. Waldron, Richard, Maj. Waldron, Richard (2d). Waldron, Richard (3d). see Waldron, Thomas Westbrook. Walford, John. Walker, Timothy, Jr. Walton, Shadrach. Warner, Daniel. Warner, Jonathan. Weare, Meshech, Prest. Weare, Nathaniel. Weare, Peter. Wentworth, Benning. Wentworth, John, Lt. Gov. Wentworth, John, (Somers worth). Wentworth, John, Jr. Wentworth, Mark Hunking. Westbrook, Thomas. Whipple, William. Wibird, Richard. Wibird, Richard (2d). Worcester, Francis. to be justices ot the peace in who le province n. 3 appointment and qualification U, 6 n. 8 ii. 91 iii. 77 iii, 84 iv, 134 iv. 204 iv. 214 iv. 23s iv, 236 iv, 271 iv. 272 iv. 273 iv. 280 iv, 285 iv, 337 V, 2 V, 7 V, 15 V, 54 V, 58 V, 96 V, 256 V, 257 V, 258 V, 261 V, 293 V, 329 V, 361 vi, 7 vi, 22 vi. 91 vi. III vi, 122 vi, 127 vi, 130 vi. 132 vi. 133 vi. 137 vu, 116 vii, 141 vu. 151 vii. 152 viu. 64 viii, 66 viii, 122 viii, 302 viii. 399 vni. 461 discharge of their rates . ii, 63 iv. 148 wages (pay) and travel ii. 158 iv. 162 iv, 254 iv, 311 iv. 338 vii. 16 vu. 18 vn, 19 vn, 38 vu. 59 vii. 92 vn. 103 vu, 126 vn, 136 vii. 183 vn. 215 vii. 228 vu, 244 vu, 270 vii. 271 vii, 282 vii. 284 vii, 286 vn, 288 vn. 289 viii. 19 viii, 33 viii, 61 viii, 67 viii. 68 viu. 69 viii, 84 vUi, 89 vui, 102 viii. 117 viii. 121 viii, 128 vni, 129 vin, 142 viii. 143 viii. 146 viu. 153 viu, 164 viu, 181 viii. 198 viii. 201 viii, 202 viii, 203 viii, 226 viu. 229 viii. 255 viii. 268 vui, 273 viii, 283 vui. 295 viii. 301 viii. 325 vin, 338 vni, 348 Vlii, 351 viii. 374 viii. 375 viii, 383 viu, 397 viii. 412 viii. 420 viu. 425 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 121 COUNCILORS : wages (pay) and travel, viii, 439 vui, 441 viii, 455 viii, 469 advance money for support of soldiers excused from attendance illness of, prevents a quorum . suspension of . . . eldest of, to act as governor . first named in instructions, to act as governor not attending, penalty . sudden and abrupt departure of several allotted to the counties . choice of, by the people twelve chosen to be justices of the peace and of the quorum furnished with printed acts and laws obliged to take ' ' oath of fidelity " . to have defaced counterfeit bills for detectives precepts (writs) for choice of . declining to serve, vacancies filled . Strafford county, votes counted king's . COUNCILOR Vote Committee: in each county, appointment of viii, 41 COUNTERFEIT Bills : see also Bills of Credit : receiving and accounting for, committee for vu, 243 received for genuine, by treasurer . to be defaced and distributed as detectives COUNTERFEITERS : see Ryan, James. detection of, reward for . act against . proceedings against and see Superior Court of Judicature. of milled dollars ..... prosecution of . • • transfer of their estates, act to prevent implements of, committee on . COUNTERFEIT Money: passing, prosecution for . disposal of, committee on received of treasurer, made good COUNTERFEITS : advertisement in Boston Gazette COUNTIES : civil officers for . . . - vm. 445 vm. 453 vm. 454 viii. 470 viii. 487 viii, iii. 490 27 iv. 147 V, iv. 3 182 )r1 . • V, 224 V,V, V, V, vii,vii, vii,vii,vn. 373 225 367 381 I 2 34 26 s . vii, viii,vni,viii, vui, viu. 252 19 75 226 226 420 which see. viu, IT: 107 viu. 281 vin, vu. 446 192 viu. 10 viii, 14 viu, vii, vui. 15 250 75 IV, 224 vn, iv. 98 336 vi. 70 vi. 81 vin, 42 vi. 158 vi. 159 vii. 204 vn. 238 viii, vii, viu, vn. 469 209 I3S 165 vii. 224 vn. 246 vin, vn, iv, vii. 14 226224 327 vii, 3 vu. 4 vu, vii, 26 lOI vii. 1 06 vu. 114 vii. 129 122 Index to Records of the Council, COUNTIES : and see under the counties. committee of sequestration in each of the .... vm, 10 councilor vote, committees for the viii, 41 vni, 107 vin, 281 vui, 446 excise in, farming out ........ viii, 408 COUNTY Committees: to take possession of absentees' estates ..... viii, 89 COUNTY Treasurers: see Baldwin, Nahum. see Hurd, John. Brooks, Samuel. Rockingham County. Cheshire County. Sparhawk, Thomas. Gilman, Joseph. Strafford County. Grafton County. Waldron, Thomas Westbrook. Hillsborough County. nomination and appointment of choice of, committee on, and act regulating COUPLING (Classing) : towns and places for representation, see Towns. COURIERS : from Providence, R. I., to Exeter .... . vui, 24 sent to Boston for news from the army ..... viii, 25 COURT-HOUSE : rent ("use"), account for ..... iv, 251 v, 201 and see 'Exeitr : Portsmouth. COURT Records: delivering by clerk to his successor, order for iii, 70 iii, 83 v, 7 produced as evidence ........ v, 78 COURTS {see also names ofthe courts following) : fee table ...... . i, 50 i, 52 erected by Lt.-Gov. Cranfield i, 131 " order for the holding of, etc." ..... i, 169 sessions of, act for altering . 1,230 iv, 195 iv, 197 and see under the counties. sessions in meeting-house . . . . . . v, 170 clerks of, appointed by the justices vii, 3 opening by proclamation . vii, 28 for trial of causes ... . . vu, 129 king's, see King's Council. of St, James .... . . ^hich see. COURT OF Admiralty: jurisdiction of ....... iv, 227 v, 37 V, 72 V, 77 V, 78 V, 97 v, 98 and see Judges ofthe Admiralty. rules for, committee on . . . . ¦. . . . vii, 17 COURT OF Appeals: Lt. -Governor and Council as ... . iv, 260 v, 96 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 123 COURT OF Appeals: Governor and Council as . v, 170 v, 171 v, 172 abolition of, act for .... . . . Elisha :poane v. John Penhallow .... viii, 447 COURT OF Assize and General Gaol Delivery : Benjamin Rust's case ...... iv, 230 John Abbett v. Benj. Gatchel ... . . and see Court of Oyer and Terminer. COURT OF Chancery: his Majesty's deed " enrolled " in ...... Richard Martin's case . . . . i, 79 i, 80 John Gilman's case . ...... irregularities complained of ...... . COURT OF Commissioners: on province lines .... clerk of, see next above, also Parker, William. COURT OF Common Pleas : see also Court of Pleas : and under the counties. report on Robert Mason's claim ...... Abraham Clements v. Nathl. Ayers ..... clerks, see also Clerks : of all courts. appointment and qualification iii, 25 iii, 67 v, 6 and see Cheshire County : Comfort, Samuel : Penny, Henry : V, 362 vn. 60 vni. 449 iv. 244 V, 297 54 ^» 100 *» 121 V, 37 iv, 318 iv, 322 iv, 324 1, ii, 47 226 V, Sheafe, Sampson: Sparhawk, Thomas. special session of . justices, see Applin, Thomas. Ashley, Samuel. Atkinson, Theodore. Baker, Otis. Barefoote, Walter. Bartlett, Josiah. Bellows, Benjamin, Jr. Calfe, John. Carr, Moses. Chase, Samuel. Cheshire County. Davis, James. Dow, Henry. Dudley, John. Emerson, Samuel. Exeter. Farrar, Timothy. Folsom, Nathaniel. Frost, George. Fryar, Nathaniel. Gerrish, Richard. iu, 70 iii, 72 in, 73 see Giles, Benjamin. Grafton County. Green, Henry. Hale, Samuel. Hall, Kingsley. Hillsborough County. Hobart, David. Hollis. Hunt, Samuel. Hurd, John. King, George. Knight, WUUam. Ladd, Ezekiel. Little, Moses. Lovewell, Jonathan. Martin, Richard. Odiorne, Jotham. Orford. Page, Enoch. Page, Jeremiah. Paine, EUsha. 124 Index to Records of the Council, COURT OF Common Pleas : see also Court of Pleas : and under the counties. V, 375 vii, 270 V, 6 V, 386 ii, 32 V, 77 see Penhallow, Samuel. Plaisted, John. Plummer, John. Porter, Asa. Portsmouth. Rockingham County. Sheafe, Sampson. Strafford County. Underwood, James. Vaughan, William. Waldron, Richard (2d). commission and qualification of V, 364 vii, 266 and see ihe list of justices above. empowered for adjournment . proof of account before . vacancyto be justices of the peace and of the quorum to issue execution on awards, etc. . cotton-wool seizure case v, 64 v, 72 Cross and Phillips v. John Hinckes and see In Forma Pauperis. Richard Mills's case .... adjournment by proclamation of secretary action of ejectment judgment of, act for appeal from Samuel Pearson v. Jacob Shepard . COURT of Gaol Delivery: see Court of Assize, etc. COURT OF General Sessions of the Peace: Cheshire County . Grafton < ' Hitlsborough County Rockingham " . . Strafford " . . . . votes for county officers returned to authorized to sell Portsmouth gaol lot . Grafton co., empowered to appoint county treasurer clerk, see Sheafe, Sampson. COURTS OF Judicature : see also Superior Judicature : establishing, committee for opening, resolution for . COURTS OF Justice: jurors in, act for qualification of see Waldron, Thomas Westbrooke. Walker, Timothy, Jr. Walton, Shadrach. Wentworth, John, Lt. Gov. Wentworth, John (Somers worth). Whipple, WiUiam. Woodman, John. Woodward, Bezaleel. Woodward, James. V, 320 vii, 183 vin, 57 V, 78 V, 292 V, 352 vii, 264 viii, 424 V, 174 V, 209 V, 348 vii, 26 vin, 365 V, 96 V, 130 V, 209 V, 300 viii, 199 viii, 251 viii, 413 which see. vn, 4 viii, 98 vin, 376 Court of 1, 250 IV, vn, V, 136 94 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. I2S COURTS OF Justice: establishing, act for regulation of, act for directed in actions against absentees' estates . Court of King's Bench : report on Robert Mason's claim .... COURTS OF Law: establishing, acts for . . vii, 72 vii, 141 to allow for depreciation in making up judgments better arrangement of, bill for . . . regulation of matters in, bill for . . . sessions of, committee on altering .... Grafton County ....... COURTS-MARTIAL : trials by . . . ii, 100 u, loi ii, 106 officers in Crown Point expedition may hold . COURT OF Oyer and Terminer: John Abbett v. Benj. Gatchel .... and see Court of Assize and General Gaol Delivery. COURT OF Pleas : see also Court of Common Pleas : injunction against cutting timber judgment for Robert Mason . Edward Cranfield v. Richard Martin Joshua Moody's case . . i, 71 i, 72 Thomas Langham v. Abraham Lee Robert Mason's cases .... i, 79 i, 90 i. 91 i, 93 deposition before .... trial of an attaint .... case of Hampton rioters WUliam Vaughan's case clerk, see Penny, Henry : clerk of all courts COURT OF Quarter Sessions of the Peace: Joshua Moody's case Mark Round's case contempt . Joseph Dow's " " Richard Torlington's case contempt fines imposed by i, 127 William ArdeU's case Nathaniel Weare's case . jurisdiction of ... . adjournment, act for . by proclamation of secretary Elizabeth Scott's case . John Pindar v. Bridgett Bickford . case of Kingston settlers Benj. Gatchel's case V, 6 V, 7 . viii, 282 viu, 396 i, 47 viu, 60 vni, 350 viii, 164 vni, 433 vui, 451 vin, 459 which see. V, 403 vu, 76 • vi, 99 V, 297 67 73 i, 84 i, 106 i, 128 i, 138 i, 229 ii, 20 iv, 246 V, 292 . 55 , 63 . 79 . 74 , 78 , 88 , 127 , 129 , 129 , 134 , 168 1, 74 i, 87 i, 134 ii, 146 i, 141 in, 54 iv, 140 ii, 227 iv, 247 V, 300 V, 125 V, 139 V, 210 V, 295 126 Index to Records of the Council, COURT OF Quarter Sessions of the Peace: John Leavitt's case .... clerks, see Gambling, Benjamin : Sheafe, Sampson. COURT OF Records: James Mounteas's case ..... COURT OF Sessions: justices ordered to provide province gaol clerk ........ . and see Penny, Henry: clerk ofall courts. order of, act to nullify ..... . . COURT OF Writs: clerk, see Penny, Henry: clerk ofall courts. COVENTRY : representation ..... the name for a tract to be taxed by . . . . COWEL, Joseph: deposition in case of Salter and Mannery . . . . COX, Moses:petition ....... . . CRAGGS, Ja. : of the Board of Ordnance .... . . CRAGIE : see Craige : CRAGIN, John, Jr.: account .......... CRAIGE, Alexander : ammunition moiiey advanced to . • . . . . CRAIGE, Ann: divorce, see David. CRAIGE, David: petition and act for divorce . viu, 449 viii, 462 viu, 463 CRAM, John et Alii: petition for Chichester, committee on . . . viii, 316 CRAM, Jonathan, Capt: major, 3rd regiment of militia CRANCH, Andrew: of crew of the Ketch Richard . of Newcastle, sworn CRANCH, John: Soldier, account .... GRANE, John, Dr.: petition to erect hospital, Hanover . account ..... CRANFIELD, Edward, Lt.-Gov.: support of his government petition to .... . certificate respecting salary pardon of traitors by . . . V, 340 V, 341 "1. 73 i, 184 i, 198 viu, 455 vni. 298 Vlll, 344 iv. 212 i. S3 V, 250 vn. 131 vu. 6S viii, 464 viii. 348 viii. 29s i, 137 n, 15 V, 158 Vl, '54 vii, 213 1, 45 1, S3 1, 54 1, S8 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 127 i, 67 i, 96 1, 79 1, 97 145 IV, 41 vm, 1 1 vm, 29 CRANFIELD, Edward, Lt.-Gov.: warrant for arrest of William Vaughan . complaint and action v. Richard Martin . gives notice respecting Mason deeds present in council ... i, 95 warrants for town-meetings .... courts erected by . ... complaint of Robert Mason to . . . assignment of rents and revenues to order for discharge of prisoner act passed by, without concurrence of council . custom in his time respecting bounds of towns form of taking oath in his time commissioned lieutenant-governor, instructions to CREDITORS : against absentees' estates, satisfaction of state ..... CRESSEY, Michael: representative CRIMES : capital ... CRIMINALS : prosecutions against avoiding justice, act to prevent CROCKER, Andrew Savage: coroner .... CROCKET, Thomas [Crockit] : laborer at Newichawanick CROCKWOOD, Thomas: account .... CROMBIE, James, Lt. : allowed half-pay . CROMMETT, Phillip: support of David Hamilton, pauper CROMMETT, Philip [Crummet] : soldier in gaol, committee on his case CROMWELL, Joshua: representative .... CROPS : scarcity of . on Gov. Wentworth's Wolfeborough farm, disposal of CROSBIE : see Crosby : CROSBY, Josiah, Capt. : account, pay-roll vii, 203 viii, 51 CROSS, Benjamin: sbldier, petition, committee on . . . • • • CROSS, Elizabeth: account ("allowance") vu, 211 vii, 26 60 100 85 132 1, lOI 1, 131 1, 133 1, 147 1, 153 I, 167 n. 3 n* 22 IV, 55 viii, 327 which see. vin. 45 whicl see. vni. 43 vm, 149 vii. 83 i. 23 i, 26 viii. 80 ii, 276 viii, 78 iv. 192 iv. 179 vm. 181 viii 85 vii , 225 iv 255 128 Index to Records of the Council, CROSS, John: soldier, petition, i, 177 u, 33 ii, 242 sentinel at Fort William and Mary, wages account, ii, 71 n, 213 ii, 242 in, 16 In Forma Pauperis v. John Hinckes ranger, impressed ..... CROSS, Peter, Capt. : pay-roll, account ..... CROSS, Ralph: disabled soldier, account, petition CROWDER, John: petition .... CROWN : king's store-ship, desertion from CROWN Point: roads, waylaying . Indian rendezvous as route to Montreal expedition against V, 106 iu, 82 V, 118 V, 210' ii, 39 V, 157 V, 129 V, 130 . see next above. ii, 79 . viii, 44 vii, 164 viii, 442 viii, 448- n, 34 VI, 117 VI, 119 , i, 286 i, 297 vi, 98 1, 291 i, 299 vi, 99 1, 293 vi, 30 vi, 100 1, 274 1, 294 vi, 96 vi, loi CROYDON : justice of the peace selectmen's petition, committee on . petition, committee on . abatement of taxes ..... town-meeting, act to legalize . CUBA: expedition, see Spanish West Indies. CUMMACK, , Capt. . inventory of goods received from CUMMINGS, Benjamin: petition for . .... CUMMINGS, Jotham: sheriff .... ... CUMMINGS, Samuel: 1 CUMMINGS, Thomas : \ suspected inimicals, complaint against CURRENCY : foreign, act to regulate value of depreciation, method to prevent resolutions of Contl. Congress concerning kind of, to be received for absentees' estates sold new . . ..... old . .... old continental ..... paper ....... viu, 124 vm, 405 viii, 457 vni, 460 1, 275 i, 275 i, 275 i, 296 vi, 97 vi, 115 vn, 50 viii, 422 viii, 476 viii, 466 viii, 487 1, 21 viii, 416 25 vu, 51 1, lOI 1, 56 vu. 102 viii. 15S viii, 261 which see. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 129 CURRIER, Jeff: of Newcastle, sworn CURRY, SAMUEL; receiver of powder for Holderness . CURTIS, Charles: of crew of the Richard .... CURTIS, Joseph: estate, hearing on . CUSHING, John: petitions, committee on . CUSTOM-HOUSE : see also Naval Office : all to make entries in . entrance and clearance of vessels at, resolu CUSTOMS : acts for securing . collectors of . . i, 222 drawback of . . . act for continuing ... ii, 137 appropriated for reception of Bellomont . CUSTOMS Officers: appointment of . . . • directions and powers CUTLER, Richard: petition, committee on . . . CUTLER, Zaccheus: justice of the peace . . . * . absentee, his goods secured . mortgagee, discharge of his deed . estate confiscated . . .... personal estate, committee on, regulations respecting CUTT, John: president of council, commission . deceased ....... CUTT, John: under guardianship . . . . CUTTER, Ammi Ruhamah, Dr. : justice of the peace account, committee on . CUTTS, Samuel: representative vii, 10 vii, 27 commissary and agent-victualler, account vii, 53 vn, 125 justice of the peace .... mast committee . . . . • permittee ...... may exchange counterfeit bills for genuine n, 15 vii, 66 i, 136 vin, 455 in, 175 viu. 340 vui, 342 n, 2 Q for . vin, 443 i, 123 n, 142 ii. 143 V, 58 . see next above. iii, 75 iii, 76 in, 78 iii, 77 in. 79 iu, 88 i, 258 i, 282 V, 77 viii, 474 vm, VI, 144 vii, 86 viu, 171 viii, 9 viii, 90 viu, 148 vui, 245 viii, 171 viii, 173 i, 79 iv, I i, 100 i, 100 vi. 166 vii. 191 viii. 273 vii. 5 vii, 6 vii. 8 vn. 32 vn. 39 vu, 44 vii. 18 vn. 37 vii. 150 vii. 153 vn, vn, vii, vii, vii. 159 22 99 162250 130 Index to Records of the Council, CUYLER, Jacob [Cyler] : letter from CYLER : see Cuyler : vni, 434 D (?), Samuel: committee to run province line DAKIN, Amos: account ...... agent to seU estate of Saml. TarbuU representative ...... petition and remonstrance chairman of convention of towns DALE, Timothy: constable, WUton, taxes discounted to . DALHOOF, Christian: of Exeter, province rate against , DALTON, Mehitable: executrix, petitionee .... DALTON, Moses: awarded salt bounty DALTON, Philemon: deposition relating to assault on Thos. Thurton DALTON, Samuel: joint answer to Robert Mason councilor ....... DALTON, Tristram: petition for division of Apthorp DAM, John, Jr. ; of Bloody Point, province rate against DAM, John, Senr., Sergt.: certificate of soldiers' discharge '. witness against Lt. Wm. Furber petition DAM, William: representative .... DAME, Theophilus, Col. ; sheriff, account .... colonel succeeding Poor, declines petition, committee on . . viii, 39 viii, 4: accountable to Jonathan Simonds ... commander of forts, Piscataqua Harbor, resignation directions to ..... pay-rolls of matrosses and invalids . DAME, Will.: garrison, soldiers posted there DAMON, John: testimony concerning David Hamilton, pauper 11, 202 11, 10 vu. 92 vii. 223 vii. 244 vui. IS dii. 45° vui. 461 viu. 461 vin. 185 i. 94 i. 100 viii. 16 i. 102 i. 41 i. 79 i. 100 viii. 481 i. 97 ii, 98 ii, 102 ii, 105 ii. 103 iii. 58 iv, 261 vu. 24 vu. 124 vii. 169 viii. 1 11 viii. 119 viii. 39 viii. 70 viii, 141 viii. 120 viu. 130 viu. 134 vni. ISS i. 177 ii. 276 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 131 DAM'S : garrison, soldiers posted there . . ii, loi iii, 30 iii, 39 DAMS: sluices in, acts for opening vii, 67 DANA, William: petition viii, 484 DANBURY : camp at, journey to ........ viii, 155 DANE, Abigail: petition ........ vin, 124 viii, 137 DANE, Nathan: to convey land, act empowering ...... vui, 138 DANE, Samuel: deceased, estate of ........ viu, 138 DANFORD: see Danforth: DANFORTH, Joshua, Sergt. ; account vin, 134 soldier, allowed depreciation ....... viii, 226 DANIEL, Bridget: executrix, petitionee ........ i, 100 DANIEL, Thomas: joint answer to Robert Mason ...... i, 41 councilor . . . . . i, 79 ii, 100 iv, 2 iv, 42 DANIELS, Eliphalet, Capt. : company, muster-roll, pay-roll vii, 13 vii, 36 vii, 50 vii, 60 vii, 96 vii, 127 vii, 171 vii, 188 vn, 224 vii, 229 vii, 235 vii, 267 viii, 9 viii, 42 enlisting (recruiting) officer, matross company . . . vii, 94 vu, 124 vii, 266 viii, 42 petition, account . . . . . . . vii 177 vii, 188 may exchange counterfeit bills for genuine .... vii, 250 DANIELS, Minus [Daniel] : waiter to General Court, account . . vni, 70 viii, 91 vUi, 121 vin, 132 vin, 156 viii, 165 viu, 183 viii, 275 viii, 301 viii, 338 vui, 397 viu, 429 viu, 490 DANIELS, Samuel. justice of the peace ........ viii, 392 DANIELS, William: petition iv, 254 iv, 255 DARTMOUTH : road to, memorial on ....... . vii, 178 Lord ........... which see. DARTMOUTH College: grant to, petitioned for vi, 145 lands given to, by proprietors of Hanover . . . . vi, 146 taxationof, exemption, etc., viu, 202 viii, 204 vni, 246 vUi, 251 DAUPHIN : birth of, directions for celebrating viii, 365 132 Index to Records of the Council, DAVENPORT, Joseph: petition, committee on . . DAVIS, Asa: justice of the peace muster-master and paymaster DAVIS, , Capt. : governor of Oyster River trading house . DAVIS, David [Deves] : garrison, soldiers posted there DAVIS, Eleazer: permittee ...... petition, committee on . divorce, see Rebecca. DAVIS, Francis: representative .... DAVIS, James, Capt., Lt., Col. . lieutenant . . ... representative, iv, 192 iv, 195 iv, 363 report on road to Winnipiseogee " Pond " bills of credit signed by committee to settle town boundaries commander of scouts v, 182 v, 185 accounts ...... appearance, advice desired justice of the peace .... justice. Court of Common Pleas DAVIS, Jesse: petition, committee on . returned as deserter . . . ' . DAVIS, John: signer of ' ' Articles of Peace " with Indians DAVIS, John, Senr. : Robert Mason v. . . . DAVIS, Rebecca: petition and act for divorce DAVIS, Richard: distressed for military fine DAVIS, Thomas: secretary of province and of council ii, 14 n, 15 ii, 49 ii, 59 iv, 104 iv, 105 scouting in the woods .... guard to quarantined vessel DAVIS, Timothy: of Strawberry Bank appraisement of timber . vu, 210 vu, 212 vii, 51 vii, 71 • V, 31& i, 171 i, 174 vn, 211 vin, 357 viii, 445 vu, 117 n, 3 iv, 364 iv, 369 iv, 370 iv, 201 V, 42 v, 384 v, 205 V, 224 V, 204 V, 352 IV, 223 V, 397 V, 227 V, 185 V, 357 V, 369 V, 375 viii, 459 viii, 464 i, 160 i, 161 i, 106 vin, 161 viu, 174 ii, 56 ii, 36 ii, 109 iv, II I n, 12 ii, 37 ii, 136 iv, 112 n, 13 u, 41 iv, 103 iv, 113 V, 358 vi, 34 i, 164 V, 129 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 133 DAVIS, William: distressed for military fine DAY, Elkanah, Dr. .¦ ii. 56 account ....... DAY, John: viii. 37 heirs' petition and act to confirm their title to land . . vii. 274 viii, 13 heirs of, grantees of land DAY, Samuel: viii. 28 viii, vin. 45 55 petition, committee on . . ... DEAN, John: vni. 461 account . . ... viii. 18 account ........ DEARBORN, Godfrey: viu. 429 petition ........ DEARBORN, Henry: i. S3 Robert Mason v. . i, 93 DEARBORN, Henry, Maj., Capt., Col.: captive soldier, accounts . . . vii, 63 company losses and pay-roU ..... major. Col. Scammell's regiment .... accountable to Isaac Calcott viii, vii. i8« 104 vni, vii, vn, viii. 37 151 157 41 recruiting officer, money advanced to . . . petition ...... bearer of money to continental treasury . receives fire-arms from Board of War viu. 137 vin,vin,viii,viii. 157150 167 254 desired to furlough continental soldier DEARBORN, John: vui. 363 petition ..... . . DEARBORN, Jonathan: iv. 284 iv. 349 account ........ vn. 49 petition ... . . iv. 349 iv, 352 captain, company ....... DEARBORN, Josiah: vn. 48 vn. 49 DEARBORN, Levi, Dr.; vii. 214 representative . account ........ vii. 33 vii,vii. 10 88 committee on printing bills of credit vii. 70 vu. 88 committee to buy saltpetre, account . vii, 96 of committee of safety receives recruiting money for Capt. Leavitt DEARBORN, MARY: vii. lOI vui, vii, vin. 14 149 2 petition ........ DEARBORN, Samuel: viii. in grantee of Kingston ...... n, 74 134 Index to Records of the Council, vU, 36 vni, 76 vu, 85 vu, ll DEARBORN, Samuel: accounts, petition grantee of land in Epping DEARBORN, Simeon: justice of the peace account, petition . representative DEARBORN, Simon: struck from pay-roU petition DEARBORN, Stephen, Capt. . pay-roll, company DEARBORN, Thomas: Robert Mason v. . DEARING, Ebenezer, Capt. [Deering] : captain of artiUery (matross) company, roll vii, 32 matross company, pay-roll . vii, 40 vii, 56 vin, 164 vin, 191 viU, 199, wages, increase of ...... commander of forts, Piscataqua Harbor . directed to stop vessels passing the fort . to fire thirteen cannon for good news from Carolina letter from, committee on ordered to confine Capt. Nainby DEBENTURES : see Atkinson, Theodore. Beer.Bryer, Elisha. Cotton, John. Graves, Francis. Harvey, Elizabeth. Hinckes, John. Jose, Richard. Marston, Ephraim. in Cross and Phillips v. John Hinckes . DEBTFORD : king's storeship, impressment of seamen for DEBTS : viu. III Vlll, 392 vui. 114 vii. 23 vii. 202 vui. 180 vn. 140 viii. 180 viu. 203 vni. 423 vn, 239 vm, 55 1, 93 vii. 35 viu. 67 vii, 90 vu. 132 viii, 206 vui. 218 vin. 119 vui. 143 viii. 200 rolina viii. 204 viii, 234 viii. 252 viii, 267 see Packer, Thomas. Partridge, WUUam. Penhallow, Samuel. Penny, Henry. Story, Charles. Usher, John, Lt.-Gov. Wines. Wingate, Joshua. VI, province .... ii, 134 ii, 157 U, 256 in, 86 iv, 161 V, 168 and see Claims. due the province and state iv, 352 n, 137 ii, 225 ii, 283 iv, 152 iv, 175 V, 203 11, 153 ii, 230 u, 288 iv, 153 iv, 177 V, 239 viu, 30 Vlll, 320 », 15s n, 232 ii, 289 iv, 156 iv, 180 V, 277 iii, 61 viU, 329 V, 130 vi, & ii, 133 n, 156 ii, 253 in, 38 iv, 1 60 iv, 344 V, 27S iv, 335 vui, 422 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 13s DEBTS : of French prisoners ...... imprisonment for . and see Prisoners. arrest for, soldiers exempt from .... payable with state bills ...... depreciation on, bUl and act for recovery of . imprisonment of soldiers for . . . vui, 234 recovery of, method for, and act to facUitate . contracted in war with Great Britain V, vi. 179 76 Vlll, viii, viii. 176 247 361 vii, 146 viii, 8 vin, 180 viu, 416 viii, 473 . vm, 471 actions for which see. DECLARATION : repeating and subscribing, see qualification, under the names of the various officers and offices. DECLARATION of Independence. of the united colonies ........ DECLARATION of War : see also War. published by beat of drum .... . . DEDIMUS Potestatem: writ DEEDS : see also Indentures : of land by Robert Mason acknowledgment of, act for vacating, acts for petition for and see Mortgage. forgery {A recorders of . DEER: killing, act against, fine for Vll, 44 V, 86 which see. . i, 85 IV, 154 iv, 158 IV, 254 vm, 349 vii, 278 11, 122 vi, 148 . which see, also under names of ihe counties. iv, 260 iv, 276 iv, 364 vi, 128 viii, 174 DEERFIELD : prisoners stationed there .... . . vii, 168 regimental assignment ..... . . vii, 202 major from ..... ... viu, 6 selectmen's petition . . ..... viii, 373 as a parish in Nottingham ... ... vui, 396 DEERING : discount of taxes ......... viii, 126 petition, committee on ... . ... viii, 264 DEFENCE : see Canterbury : Colonies : Connecticut River : Contoocook : Fort : Frontiers : Little Harbor : Newcastle : Penacook : Piscataqua Harbor : Portsmouth : Province : Rhode Island : Ticonderoga: United States. DEGENS, Thomas. soldier. Oyster River ........ i, 224 136 Index to Records of the Council, DELANCY, James, Lt.-Gov. (N. Y.) : propositions for building forts .... informant about Indians' mischief ... negotiations with Gov. Shirley . . ... letter on Gen. Braddock's defeat and re-enforcements for Gen. Johnson . . . . ¦ • DELATOUR, Monsieur: petition, committee on . dispute with selectmen of Portsmouth about faxes . DELEGATES : I, 275 i, 278 i, 295 vi, 97 viu, 190 viu, 19s to continental congress, — — ¦ee Ashley, Samuel. see Langdon, Woodbury. Atkinson, George. Livermore, Samuel. Bartlett, Josiah. Peabody, Nathaniel. Bellows, Benjamin. SuUivan, John. Blanchard, Jonathan. Thompson, Ebenezer. Dow, Moses. Thornton, Matthew. Folsom, Nathaniel. Walker, Timothy, Jr. Foster, Abiel. Wentworth , John, Jr. Frost, George. Wentworth , Joshua. GUman, John Taylor. Whipple, WUliam. King, George. White, PhUlips. Langdon, John. instructions and letters to vn, 7 vui, 17 vin, 27 viii, no vui. 118 viii. 130 viii, 217 vin, 219 viu. 220 viu. 224 viii, 237 viii, 404 viii, 481 vin. 484 nomination and appointment of vii, 14 vii, IS vii. 44 vii. 80 vii. 81 vn, 121 vii, 122 vii. 164 vii, 166 vii, 170 vii, 229 vn, 261 viu. 10 vui. 12 viu, 15 viii, 1 6 viii, 1 8 viu. 19 viu, 23 vui, 25 vin, 27 viii, 34 viu. 78 viu. 82 viii. 83 vin, 87 vui, 90 viu, 107 vin, 109 viu. 118 vui, 125 viii, 130 vin, 131 viii, 132 viii. 179 viii, 180 viu, 181 viii, 194 viii, 200 viii, 201 viu, 203 viii, 219 vni. 220 viii. 223 vni. 224 viu, 238 vui, 246 viii. 292 viii, 310 viu, 311 vin, 327 viu, 330 vni. 361 viii. 367 vui. 380 vni, 381 viii, 382 viii. 416 viu. 420 vUi, 424 viii, 425 vin, 428 viu. 431 viii, 433 viii, 449 viu, 458 viu, 459 viii. 464 wages (pay) vii, 263 vn, 269 vn. 272 vii. 277 viii. IS viii, 31 viii, 36 viii, 82 viii. 85 viu. n6 viii, 152 viu, 173 vui. 233 viu, 234 vui, 263 vin, 266 viii, 269 vin, 274 viu, 327 viii. 330 viii, 335 viii, 429 viii, 443 vui. 449 vin. 453 vni, 459 vin, 471 vni, 472 one given plenary power in absence of the 1 others viii, 36 viii. 224 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 137 DELONG, Orra: i prisoner from New York , vii. 142 DEMERITT, Jeremiah: ward, see Jonathan. DEMERITT, Jonathan: petition and act for him to sell ward's land vui. 380 vin. 382 DENMARK : Princess Ann of . V, 46 Prince George of . V 128 V, 257 DENNET, Alexander [Dennitt] : soldier impressed . ii. 80 DENNET, Ephraim: representative iv. 224 iv. 246 councilor iv, 257 iv, 258 iv, 259 iv. 260 iv. 261 iv. 262 iv, 263 iv, 271 iv. 273 iv. 274 iv. 275 iv, 276 iv, 277 iv 278 iv. 283 iv. 284 iv, 285 iv, 286 iv. 287 iv. 288 iv. 289 iv, 293 iv, 294 iv. 295 iv. 296 iv. 297 iv, 298 iv, 299 iv. 300 iv. 303 iv, 304 iv, 305 iv, 306 iv. 309 iv, 310 iv. 311 iv, 312 iv, 313 iv. 314 iv. 315 iv. 316 iv, 317 iv, 318 iv. 319 iv, 320 iv. 321 iv, 322 iv, 323 iv. 324 iv. 325 iv, 327 iv, 329 iv, 330 iv. 331 iv, 332 iv. 333 iv, 334 iv, 335 iv. 336 iv. 338 iv. 343 iv, 344 iv, 345 iv. 346 iv. 347 iv. 348 iv, 349 iv, 350 iv. 351 iv. 352 iv. 353 iv, 354 iv, 355 iv. 356 iv. 357 iv. 358 coroner V, 396 committee to take inventory, Greenland . V, 399 DENNETT, William [Dennit] : at Piscataqua DEPOSITIONS : see Atkinson, Theodore. Barefoote, Walter. Barnes, Andrew. Barnes, Thomas. Biles, Stephen. Cass, Joseph. Coffin, Peter. Cowel, Joseph. Dalton, Philemon. Emery, Samuel. Fifield, Benjamin. Governor and Council. Hooker, John. see John, the Frenchman. Jones, John. Libby, Benjamin. Martin, Immanuel. Mason, Joseph. Mathews, Daniel. Norton, Bonus. Packer, William. PhUbrick, Thomas. Pottle, Christopher. Rand, Mary. Rayn, Joseph. Roby, Henry. L 23 138 Index to Records of the Council, DEPOSITIONS : see Russell, Henry. Rust, Benjamin. Sherlock, James. see Thurton, Thomas. Yeaton, Benjamin. relating to plans of French and I ndians . VI, 15 relating to vendue of non-residents' lands. Francestow n . vui. 161 DEPRECIATION : of currency, method to prevent . vii. , 101 vu. 102 and see Paper Currency. of wages, how paid the army . viu. 126 viu. 404 allowance for, by courts in making up judgments vni. 164 payment of . viii, 251 viii. 315" vin. 462 and see Soldiers. aUowed three months' men vui. 283 scale of ... . viii, 298 vni. 332 viu. 375 allowed surgeon's mate vin. 315 of soldiers' wages, see Soldiers. of bills of credit on debts .... \ which see. DEPRECIATION Act (Bill) : committee to draft vni. 176 viu, 180 DEPRECIATION Notes: payment of . viu, 186 viii. 209 viii. 216 viu, 220 viu, 236 vin, 237 vni, 240 viu. 241 vni, 253 viu, 259 vin, 267 vni. 268 viu. 269 viii, 270 viii, 272 viii, 274 viii. 292 viii, 293 given soldiers . . vUi, 197 viii, 212 viu, 215 vni, 216 viii. 283 viu, 390 and see next above. issue of, committee on . viii. 211 vin. 212 value of, committee to ascertain . viii, 215 receivable by treasurer for taxes and confiscated lands viu. 221 DEPRECIATION Table (Scale) : vin. 253 viu. 265 committee to make viu. 159 viii. 268 vote ascertaining . . viii. 163 deputy-Auditor : of treasurer's accounts and see Addington, Isaac. DE;PUTY-Collector : of the port, seizure by . and see Sheafe, Sampson. writ of delivery served on fees DEPUTY-COMMISSARIES : advancements to, committee on authorized to seU beef cattle and see Bickford, Thomas. V, 94 V, 155 11, n. V, 98 V, 125 vui, 207 viii. 281 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 139 DEPUTY-COMMISSARY of Prisoners: appointment of ......... viu, 281 DEPUTY-COMMISSARY of Purchases: see Emery, Noah, Jr. DEPUTY District Collector: see Eastwick, Pheasant. DEPUTY Field-Marshal: appointment of ....... i, 217 iii, 44 DEPUTY-GOVERNORS : see Lieutenant-governors. DEPUTY-GOVERNOR and Council: order concerning rioters ... . . i, 165 for a Thanksgiving ... . i, 166 DEPUTY-JUDGE of the Admiralty: commission and qualification ..... • v, 73 and see 'Nf^ton, Thomas. DEPUTY Provost Marshal: see Markoff, Thomas. DEPUTY Quarter-Master : directions to ....... viii, 278 viii, 336 DEPUTY-SEARCHER of Customs: see Thurton, Thomas. DEPUTY-SECRETARIES : see also Secretaries : of council ....... . .which see. of Massachusetts council, see Clark, Thomas. of New York assembly, see Banyar, George. DEPUTY-SHERIFFS: j^« Sheriffs: DEPUTY-SURVEYOR of King's Woods: j«« Armstrong, Robert : Marke, . Plaisted, Ichabod. DERRY • line with Kingston ..... . . vi, 5 and see Londonderry. DERRY, CORNELIUS: of Exeter, province rate against ...... i, 94 DERRYFIELD : Great Cohas brook, act to protect fish in vii, 34 vii, 37 viii, 252 DESERTERS : see also Desertion : see Berry, Nathan. see Durgin, Josiah. Bickford, Abner. Frasier, Simon. Bragdon, Warren. Judkins, Philip. Cariton, Ebenezer. Nonsuch. Clark, Paul. PeppereU, Continental Officer. Powell, John. Davis, Jesse. Sloops. Dockum, Enoch. Smith, Joseph. Doctoring, Stoppages. from their Majesties' serwce n, 29 ni, 43 in, 44 V, 199 V, 200 vi, 117 vi, 119, 140 Index to Records of the Council, viii, 16 vin, 151 viii, 267 DESERTERS : see also Desertions : arrest, trial, punishment of V, 403 viii, 147 viii, 170 harboring and concealing, proclamation against act to punish informed about, by Admiral Walker carried to the army .... lands of, act confiscating put to service on contl. frigate disposal of, committee on ... . DESERTION : of soldiers, act to prevent .... and see Soldiers : Bateau-men : DETOGKOM, Simon: signer of Indian letters to governor DETTINGEN : victory over the French at . . DEY OF Algiers: letter from, to the king and see Algiers. DIMOND, Thomas [Dymond] : ensign representative DINWIDDIE, Robert, Gov. (Va.) letter to Gov. Shirley DISTILLATION : act to prevent DISTRAINT : for military fines . illegal, against cavalry officers for taxes DISTRICTS : beef collection representative, division of DIVORCE : see Barter, Elizabeth. Brown, Isaac. Carpenter, Greenwood. Clough, Hannah. Cochran, James, 3rd. Craige, David. Davis, Rebecca. EUiott, Anne. French, Anne. Gates, Thomas. Hazeltine, Nathaniel. Hills, Moses. n, viii, 95 viu, vin, 153 viu, viu, 377 viii. 141126 161 422 vm, 377 Vll, 127 vm, viii. 38 308 V, 282 viu, 136 viii, 165 viii, 427 V, 244 vni, 427 V, 282 vin, 319 vu, 253 viii, 43 vin, 319 vu, 184 1, 15s iS i. 156 vi. 9 n. 23s ii. 2 iv, 141 i, 269 vu, 229 ii, 56 V, 116 V, 176 V, 339 vni, 240 viu. 329 vin, 381 viii. 402 vm, 379 see Holland, Thomas. Leathers, Sarah. Leavitt, Stephen. RandaU, Joseph. Rogers, Elizabeth. Runnels, Eunice. Smart, Elizabeth. Stevens, Martha. Welch, Charity. Whipple, Robert. •Whittemore, Hannah. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 141 DIVORCE : bill of, president to issue DOAK, : passenger under quarantine . DOANE, Elisha [DoneT] : V. John Penhallow . DOCKUM, Enoch: deserter, apprehended . DOCTORS : see also SURGEONS : for volunteers oath and bonds required of . DOLBEAR, Daniel: account .... DOLBEAR, John: petition DOLLOFF, Christian [Dolhofe] : Robert Mason v. . DOLLOFF, Joseph: account . . . , DOLPHIN : schooner, permitted to sail DONGAN, Thomas [Hon. Col,] : treated with, about Indian insurrection DOOMAGE : for rates (taxes) . ... of monopolists .... of sharpers ..... DOOR-KEEPERS : to House of Representatives . DOOR.E, Richard: garrison soldier .... DORCHESTER : inventory ..... vm ,212 ill, 41 • vi, 44 , 447 viu, 449 . viu, 147 1, 145 V, 103 vi, 165 viii, 52 iv, 331 i, 84 viii, 337 vii, 162 i, 147 ii, 205 > which see. . which see. i, 177 . vin, 151 petitions, committees on . viii, 243 viii, 351 vni, 355 vin, 358 DORCHESTER County, (Md.) : high-sheriff, see Ungle, Charles. DORSE, Samuel: of Newcastle, sworn ..... . . ii, 15 DOTY, Elias: New York prisoner, has leave to go home .... vii, 119 DOUGHERTY, Charles: receives indorsement on depreciation note of widow Clayes viii, 242 DOUGLASS, Joseph: ferriage account ... ..... viii, 8 DOVE: brigantine, registration of . . . . . . v, 180 DOVER : precincts of, " Cocheco within the " . . . . . i, 38 i, 81 i, in i, 116 V, 186 V, 187 142 Index to Records of the Council, DOVER : order by president and council to i. 40 V, 157 rate apportionment i. 45 ii. 27 iii. 87 constables i. 46 i. 83 i, 99 i, 165 ii, 16 n. 18 n. 170 garrisons .... i, 76 i. 179 i. 182 i, 184 n, 83 ii, 93 ii. 94 n, 98 ii. 99 u, 104 n, 146 iii. I iii, 62 iv, 193 representation . i, 103 ii, 2 debtors to Robert Mason i. 106 minister .... i, 117 meeting-house, people to take oath of allegiance at . i. 163 and see garrisons above. rioters, proclamation for their appearance i. 165 warrant for their arrest 1, 165 records .... , , i. 167 and see town-book below. military officers i, 179 i. 210 ii, 3 n, 187 iii. 50 iv. 224 V, 44 V, 45 V, 104 V, no V, 173 V, 189 companies, see next above, and volunteers below. representatives ii 16 u. 18 iv, 192 iv, 195 iv. 283 iv. 303 iv, 3°4 woods, ranging in n, 78 petitionees .... n, 211 account .... ii, 213 iii. 16 iii. 39 in. 5° selectmen as petitioners and petitionees . n. 276 n, 277 ii. 278 n. 279 ii, 287 iv, 188 iv, 207 iv, 252 iv, 254 to call town-meeting to build bridge , iii. 18 town charge, estate sale n. 277 ii, 279 iv. 189 commons, tar-njaking there . n. 290 Hurd's garrison [Heard's] in, 9 iii. 18 in. 22 jurisdiction of Massachusetts over iv. 41 town-book . . , . iv, 252 iv. 267 iv. 268 iv. 269 parish lines iv. 254 Quakers' petition . iv. 296 committee to settle town bounds V, 42 petitionees . vii. 77 vii. 79 scouting (scouts) v, 44 V, 45 V, 204 V, 223 V, 227 volunteers .... . V, 104 V, no carpenters, laborers, on fort '. V, 127 order on, for soldier's pay V, 157 frigate named V, 170 soldiers of, muster-roll . V, 173 and see scouting above. mihtia . V, 223 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. ja. ¦ V, 404 vi. 38 vi. 39 vii. 54 vu 98 viii. 39 • vii. 98 vn. 162 vii. 164 viii. 74 vni. 75 viii, 413 viu. 421 vni. 371 DOVER : designs of Indians against petition coroner gaol, prisoners in . inimical limited to from agent to sell goods of inimical auction of Gov. Wentworth's personal estate at Superior Court of Judicature at . . vin, land grantor of ..... . DOVER Neck: meeting-house, muster at . . .... v, no DOW, Abraham : petition, committee on . . . ... viii, 69 prosecuted for forgery ........ viii 202 DOW, Henry [Dowe] : tax delinquent, warrant for his arrest . . . . . i, 115 petitions and complaint . . . i, 153 i, 154 ii, 164 v, 2 captain, Hampton . . . i, 171 ii, 2 n, 100 v, 113 " account of proceeding about garrison soldiers " . i, 172 i, 176 letter of Capt. John Woodman to . . . . . . i, 173 application to Council about soldiers . . . . . i, 175 account i, 182 ii, 128 u, 169 appearance . i, 205 i, 206 i, 229 ni, 17 in, 35 iii, 54 speaker. House of Representatives 1,234 1,236 1,237 iv, 181 committee of militia . . . . . . . . ii, 51 on treasurer's accounts . . . . ii, 58 ii, 59 on claims . ii, 69 ii, 121 ii. 155 ii, 156 iv, 153 to run Province line . . . . . . ii, 202 to settle town boundaries . . . . v, 42 of a court-martial ......... ii, loi appears for Hampton selectmen . . . . li, 125 iv, 156 company ........ ii, 145 v, 109 petitionee, Hampton . . . . . . n, 181 ii, 182 return of posting soldiers in garrisons . . . . . ii, 216 representative U, 238 ii, 257 iv, 141 iv, 144 iv 192 iv, 195 clerk /r^ fe»«/or^. House of Representatives . . ii, 249 ii, 253 justice of the peace ...... ii, 273 iu, 18 order to dismiss men from garrison ..... iii, 9 assistant justice. Court of Common Pleas .... iii, 27 councilor .......... v, 54 v, 55 V, 56 V, 59 V, 61 V, 62 V, 63 V, 65 V, 66 V, 67 V, 68 V, 70 V, 71 V, 72 V, 73 V, 74 V, 76 V, 77 V, 82 V, 84 V, 87 V, 88 V, 91 V, 92 V, 94 V, 96 144 Index to Records of the Council, DOW: councilor V, 98 V, 106 V, 118 V, 129 V, 140 V, 154 V, 173 V, 99 V, 107 V, 121 V, 130 V, 143 V, 160 V, 174 V, 102 V, 108 V, 122 V, 132 V, 146 V, 164 V, 182 V, 103 V, III V, 125 V, 135 V, 148 V, 166 V, 184 receiver of duties . ordered to impress scouts muster-roll of Hampton men paid to death . . ... DOW, Jabez, Capt. : examinee, Hampton riot case appearance ... DOW, Jeremiah, Capt. . pay-roll, account . DOW, John, Jr. . coroner . ... DOW, Joseph: recognizance to answer at Quarter Sessions of the Peace DOW, Joseph: enlisting officer ...... DOW, Josiah: V. John Ring ...... DOW, Moses: agent to sell hides and tallow belonging to state account ....... vin, 375 vui, 410 vin, 45 delegate to Continental Congress councilor .... viii, 459 viii, 460 viii, 461 viii, 469 viU, 481 I, vm, 455 DOW, , Mr. : province rate against DOW, Oliver, Lt. ; pay-roll DOW, Reuben, Capt. ; disabled, half-pay accountable to Sampson Powers pensioner, to appear DOW, Richard: of Strawberry Bank DOW, Samuel; representative DOW, Simon: examinee, Hampton riot case vm, 474 vm, 475 viu, 482 vin, 484 vm, 457 viii, 465 vui, 477 viii, 485 V, 105 V, 115 V, 126 V, 137 V, 150 V, 168 V, 185 V, 56 V, 114 V, 173 V, 258 V, 122 V, 382 vn, 265 vui, 383. i, 134 vii, 211 V, 170. viii, 223 vin, 255 viii, 490 viii, 449. viu, 458 viii, 468 viii, 479 viii, 486 i, 99 vm, 3 vm. vm, 407 vm, 70- vm. 114 viii, 418 i, 164 iv. 176 V, 122. New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. 1 45 DOWER : assigning, act for reversion of, act for executor to seU DOWNER, Abraham, Dr.: account ...... DOWNING, . Col. . to furnish cavalry escort to Lt.-gov. Temple DOWNING, John: vn, 114 vui, 488 vin, 13 vi, 124 garrison soldier ii, 80 ii, 99 representative . iv. 224 councUor vi. 3 vi, 4 vi. 5 vi, 9 vi, 14 vi. 18 vi. 21 vi. 22 vi. 23 vi, 27 vi, 33 vi. 35 vi. 37 vi. 42 vi. 47 vi. 50 vi, 51 ' vi. 53 V/i, 54 vi. 55 vi. 56 vi. 57 vi, 59 vi. 61 vi. 62 vi. 63 vi. 65 vi. 66 vi. 67 vi. 68 vi, 69 vi. 74 vi, 77 vi. 78 vi. 79 vi. 82 vi. 84 vi. 87 vi, 88 vi. 90 vi. 93 vi, 96 vi. 97 vi. 98 vi. 99 vi. 100 vi, lOI vi. 102 vi, 103 vi. 113 vi. 115 vi. 117 vi. 120 vi. 121 vi. 122 vi. 124 vi, 127 DOWNING, Joseph: docking entail, bill for . DOWNING, Richard: justice of the peace and of the quorum . representative ..... DRAFTS : on treasury by ' ' captivated " officers in favor of Board of War on president by Gen. John Sullivan by delegates in Contl. Congress discharged in specie . in favor of Jeremiah Wadsworth DRAGOONS : see Light Dragoons : DRAKE, Abraham : tax delinquent, warrant for arrest . examinee, Hampton riot case .... DRAKE, Abraham, Col. : regiment ..... . . DRAKE, Abraham, Jr. : assault on provost marshal ... DRAWBACKS : of custom (duty) . i, 222 ii, 243 n, 247 DREW, John: captain, company DREW, Joseph, Capt. : prisoner, motion for, petition 10 IV, 354 vu. 22 vii. 81 viu, 84 viii. 194 viii. 262 viu. 263 viii. 266 vni. 271 whicl see. i, 113 V, 122 vn. 227 i, 138 i. 141 in. 46 iii, 59 vii. 48 vn, 49 viii. 256 viu. 264 146 Index to Records of the Council, DRISCO, Teage: of Exeter, province rate against i. 94 DROWNE, John: petition .... i. 53 DRURY, Ebenezer: petition, committee on . vui. 450 DRURY, Gershom: pay-roll .... vii. 273 DRURY, William: account .... vn. 280 DRURY, Zedekiah: petition for grant of township vi. 79 DRY Goods: permit to purchase vu. 180 vu. 181 DUBLIN : justice of the peace. vn. 50 DUDLEY, Billey: of Exeter, province rate against i. 94 DUDLEY, John: representative . i I'll, 1 1 vii. 44 vn. 49 viii. 234 justice of the peace vu. 22 justice. Court of Common Pleas vii. 22 muster-master, paymaster . vii. 49 vii, 71 of committee of safety . . vii, 149 viii. 66 vin. 88 viu. 157 committee to draw up statement of the bills of credit vii. 192 DUDLEY, Joseph, Gov.: claim for his subsistence iv. 249 congratulatory address to V, 47 present in council V, 53 V, 54 v, 55 V, 56 V, 58 V, 63 V, 65 V, 66 V, 67 V, 68 V, 69 V, 75 V, 76 V, 77 V, 79 V, 82 V, 105 V, 115 V, 125 V, 143 V, 167 V, 168 V, 169 V, 170 V, 173 V, 174 V, 176 V, 185 V, 186 V, 187 V, 19s V, 206 V, 207 V, 209 V, 301 V, 338 messages and speeches by . see next above. commission pubUshed, recorded . V, S3 V, 55 reception .... V, 57 V, 69 V, 84 letters from . . . v, 71 V, 88 V, 99 V, 102 V, 108 V, no V, in V, 112 V, 114 V, 116 V, 118 V, 119 V, 120 V, 121 V, 126 V, 131 V, 134 V, 144 V, 146 V, 148 V, 150 V, 151 V, 153 V, 154 V, ISS V, 159 V, 160 V, 161 V, 162 V, 164 V, 177 V, 178 V, 182 V, 184 V, 185 V, 189 V, 191 V, 192 V, 193 V, 199 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 147 DUDLEY, Joseph, Gov. letters from letters to proclamations by V, 200 V, 220 V, 231 V, 246 V, 261 V, 290 V, 321 V, 224 V, 202 V, 221 V, 236 V, 247 V, 262 V, 305 V, 328 V, 234 V, 86 V, 253 V, 267 V, 284 V, 305 V, 315 V. 204 V, 226 V, 237 V, 250 V, 279 V, 309 V, 329 V, 332 V, 103 V, 259 V, 268 V, 286 V, 306 V, 319 V, 252 V, 266 V, 283 V, 289 V, 311 queen's commands, instructions, orders, warrants to V, 221 V, 225 V, 263 commands to Lt.-gov. Usher ... complaint and council minutes sent to cargo of French goods for . recommendation of persons for councilors warrant to council relative to fire-arms salary of . . . . and see present in council above. orders by, relating to Portsmouth ministers DUDLEY, , Mr. : representative . . . ¦ DUDLEY, Mr. Justice: orders to, relative to Kingston settlers DUDLEY, Nicholas: petition ... . . DUDLEY, Paul: V. John Kenniston ...... DUDLEY, Samuel: of Exeter, province rate against DUDLEY, Samuel: justice of the peace muster-master, paymaster ..... lieutenant-colonel, 4th regiment of militia account ...-¦-¦¦ DUDLEY, Sir Matthew: letter on removal of duty on lumber DUDLEY, Theophilus, Capt. : of Exeter, province rate against representative . ii, 204 ii, 225 ii, 262 iv, 148 V, 212 v, 227 V, 240 V, 251 V, 2S0 V, 312 V, 332 V, 152 V, 333 V, 197 V, 260 V, 270 V, 287 V, 308 V, 329 V, 89 V, 290 257 V, 218 V, 228 V, 243 V, 256 V, 281 V, 317 V, 333 V, 192 V, 345 V, 198 V, 265 V, 271 V, 288 V, 310 V, 334 V, 96 V, 293 V, 13s V, 142 V, 179 V, 258 V, 290 V, 349 V, 354 vii, 103 V, 210 vi, 15 V, 379 i, 94 vii, 22 vii, 49 vu, 88 vii, 250 V, 380 1, 94 ii. 227 n, 238 ii, 257 iv, 168 iv, 173 iv, 195 148 Index to Records of the Council, DUDLEY, Theophilus, Capt. company ... . . DUDLEY, Thomas: clerk of court, Suffolk . . . , DUGENS : see Duggins : DUGGINS, Daniel: distressed for mihtary fine account ..... DUKE of Bedford: proclamations of armistice and treaty of peace received from letters to Gov. Benning Wentworth DUKE of Cambridge: health drank ..... DUKE of Modena: assent to Aix-la-Chapelle treaty of peace DUKE of Monmouth: victory of James II over DUMMER, , Lt.-Gov. (Mass.): letter about delivering up Indian captives DUMMER, , Mr. : agent, letters from and to paid for services for the province DUNBAR, David, Col. ; surveyor-general of king's woods . commanding British regiments DUNBARTON : selectmen, powder for, account inimical from ..... petition, committee on . tory families in, see next above. ferry, Merrimack river .... state prisoner taken from, to Exeter DUNCAN, David: petition, committee on . DUNCAN, George: petition .... DUNCAN, John: petition, committee on . . viii, 424 viii, 450 DUNKLEY, John, Capt.; commander of the Enterprise, letter from DUNSTABLE : coroner ........ representation ....... DURGIN, Josiah: deserter, committee on rescue of . DURGIN'S : garrison, soldiers posted there .... V, no i, 169 n, 56 n. 137 ii, 147 fron . vi, 40 vi. 41 vi, 47 see next above. V, 331 vi, 47 i, 166 iv, 232 V, 378 V, 379 V, 380 i, 277 i, 300 vn, 96 viii, 67 vii, 200 vni. 52 viii, no viii, 353 vui, 437 vin, 192 viii, 198 iv, 294 iv, 296 viu, 460 viii, 474 vi, 108 vi, 109 . vm, 437 . vin, 469 vui, 264 vin, 267 i, 171 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 149 DURGIN'S Landing: ferriage to and from DURHAM : incorporation of, act for ... representatives contribution for support of minister estate in, act for conveyance of . . . lands in, act to settle title to . . . committee of safety, account . cannon brought to, from Nottingham litigants from .... corn at, confiscation of . . . intestate of . ..... DUSTIN & Martin : see Martin & Dustin : DUSTIN, Moses, Capt.: officer, taken prison at Ticonderoga, account . depreciation note, indorsement on . DUSTIN, Paul: soldier, left off pay-roll . . . DUTCH, Samuel. coaster-master, petition . . DUTCH Settlements: Sheffield and Stockbridge DUTIES : vessels to pay, and act regulating . . . . and see tonnage below. impost, which also see . . . . . . ii, 142 on imports . . . ii, 243 ii, 247 ii, 281 iii, 78 on imports and condemned prizes, act for Contl. Congress to levy ......... of five per cent., requisition of Contl. Congress for act granting them to the United States . act for laying ....... tonnage .... ii, 261 of powder money . on English shipping collected of coasting sloops . on boards, "| lumber, \see lumber. staves, j excise .... rum, DUTTON, John: petition, petitionee DUXBURY : petition ii, 165 iv, 269 iv. 270 iv, 283 IV, 303 IV, 344 VI, 129 • VI, 129 'n, 37 vn. 147 vu. 55 vm. 46 viii. 86 vni. 488 viii. 5 viu. 223 ii, 262 ii, 281 ii, 282 vii, 260 n, 241 1, 274 n. 38 n. 143 in. 79 viii. 253 viu. 466 vm. 471 viu. 489 n. 259 V, 82 in. 74 iv. 258 V, 19s vu, 88 which see. vn, 89 viu, 173 ISO Index to Records of the Council, DWIGHT, Timothy: petition for grant of a township DWYER, Michael: ammunition money advanced to DYER, Henry: of Strawberry Bank EAMES, Jeremiah, Capt. : company, pay-roll, account vu, 132 vii, 142 vn, 149 vi , 66 vi. 67 vii, 65 i, 164 vii. 131 n, 149 viii, 182 n. 242 vm. 320 viu. 413 i. 235 1, 236 . 1, 241 i, 244 1, 245 V, 22 V, 23 i. 250 v. 10 ii. 222 n. 225 V, 10 V, 13 representative ....... EAMES, Joseph: petition ........ EARL OF Bellomont, Gov. appointment of .... 1,213 i, 227 order of Lords of the Admiralty to . . . to receive a .£500 benefit, act for .... i, 247 V, 18 V, 19 letters from, to Lt. Gov. William Partridge .... General Court ....... ii, 230 ii, 234 iii, 61 letters to, from General Court, ....... ^ the king, (WUliam III) . Lords of the Admiralty, ...... J. Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantation recommends increase of secretary's salary arrival in New York .... congratulated . iii, 54 iii, 74 iii, 76 ui, 79 iii, reception, appropriation for ....... iii, iu, 79 in, 81 iii, 82 iii, address to . . . . iu, 77 iii, 80 iii, 87 iii, arrival in Boston ......... iii, in council . . . . . . v, i, v, 3 v, commission read and published ...... v, EARL OF Egremont: king's secretary of state, letter from ..... EARL OF Holdernesse: recommends the union of the colonies . . . . EARL OF Loudon: letter on Oswego affairs and re-enforcements . desiring embargo to be laid .... on surrender of Fort William Henry proposals to take provisions and stores . . . vi, 102 commanding at Albany . . . . vi, 106 EARL OF Sunderland: queen's principal secretary of state which see. n, 247 iii, 548177 88 88 82 4 I vi, 125 i, 269 vi, loi vi, 104 vi, 107 vi, 103 vi, 108 V, 222 V, 224 V, 258 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. »Si EARL OF Warwick: of the Laconia Company EARTHEN-WARE : exportation of, permitted EASON, Robert, Capt.: petition, departure for England EASTERN : account .... EASTER Terms: see Westminster Hall : EAST INDIES: trading to .... EAST Kingston [Kingstown] : selectmen's petition company of militia, division of EASTMAN, Amos: account for guns . EASTMAN, Collins: widow of, allowed his wages EASTMAN, Ebenezer: account EASTMAN, Jeremiah.: coroner representative EASTMAN, John, Capt. : pay-roll, account EASTMAN, Jonathan: coroner EASTMAN, RICHARD: selectman of Conway, account EASTMAN, SAMUEL: justice of the peace EASTWICK, Pheasant [Phezant] of Capt. Robt. Mason's troop coroner .... collector of impost and king's customs of Newcastle, sworn petitionrefuses to execute warrant contemptDeputy District Collector EASTWICK, Stephen: of Newcastle, sworn EATON, Ephraim: distressed for tax . EATON, John, Ens. : petitions V, 98 vm, 197 vm, 230 vii, 23 viu, 95 vn, 155 vu, 193 1, 24 viu, 188 V, 99 V, 154 i, 188 viu, 285 vn, 202 vn, 17 vu, 28 vii, 205 vii, 23 viii, 40 vui, 299 viii, 362 viii, 465 V, 369 i, 144 i, 169 i, 203 iii, 34 ii, 15 ii, 34 ii, 70 u, 142 ii, 147 ii, IS V, 176 vii, 105 vin, 202 n, 142 u, 226 ii, 33 152 Index to R ecords of the Council, EATON, Jonathan: coroner vn. 23 ECCLESIASTICAL Council : report on Rev. Hugh Adams's book iv. 224 decree relating to support of Rev. Hugh Adams iv. 344 ECTON, John: referee on petition of Robert Mason I, 39 EDDY, Rebecca: sale of land by, act to confirm viii. 454 EDDY, Ward and Rebecca: petition ... . . viii. 406 viu, 425 vin. 443 EDGERLEY' S [Edgeler's] : garrison, soldiers posted there . . i. 171 i, 174 ni. 30 EDGERLEY, Thomas: Robert Mason v. . . ... i. 106 account, petition ... . . i, 224 ii. 139 EDGERLEY, Zebulon: service at Rhode Island, allowance for . viu, 427 EDGINER, Thomas: boatswain of the Richard i. 136 EDWARD I: statute against waste by tenants i. 55 EFFINGHAM : incorporation of, act for ... . viu. 25 EGREMONT : see Earl of Egremont : ELECTION Sermon: « preacher of. Rev. Samuel McClintock vin, 486 viii. 487 ELIZABETH : brigantine, captured ..... . viii, 8 queen, see Queen Elizabeth. ELKINS, Eleazer: , Robert Mason v. . . . . i. 84 of Exeter, province rate against i, 94 ELKINS, Gersham: grantee of Kingston ii, 74 ELKINS, Jonathan: account ... ... ni, 39 ELKINS, Moses: account . . . . . iu, 39 ELLIOT, Anne: petition and act for divorce . . . viii, 321 viu, 353 viii. 356 ELLIOT, Jacob: disabled soldier, aUowance to . . . vii, 244 ELLIOT, Robert [Ellott] : councUor . . . i, 64 i, 65 i. 66 i. 179 i. 181 i, 182 i, 184 i. 186 i, 187 i. 198 i, 200 i, 201 i. 204 i, 205 i, 206 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 153 ELLIOT, Robert [Elliott] : councilor 1 , 208 i , 210 i , 212 i , 216 i 220 i 221 i 222 i 225 i 229 i 230 ii 3 ii 4 ii 6 ii 8 ii, 9 ii 10 ii 12 ii 19 ii 22 ii. 24 ii. 25 n. 26 ii 29 ii 30 ii. 37 ii. 38 ii. 43 ii 45 ii 48 ii, 52 ii. 57 ii 58 ii 60 ii 61 ii. 62 ii. 64 ii 68 ii, 69 ii 72 n, 77 ii, no n. in ii 112 ii 113 ii. 117 ii. 119 ii, 120 ii. 121 ii 122 ii. 123 ii. 124 n. 125 ii. 126 ii 127 ii, 128 ii. 130 n. 138 ii. 139 ii. 140 ii. 142 ii, 143 ii. 146 ii, 148 ii 154 n. ISS ii. 156 n, 157 ii. 158 n. 162 ii. 163 ii. 164 n. 165 ii. 166 n. 169 ii. 170 ii, 171 ii, 173 ii, 174 ii, 175 n. 176 n. 177 n, 178 ii, 182 ii. 183 n. 185 n. 187 n. 189 ii. 190 ii. 193 ii, 196 ii. 200 ii. 204 ii, 205 ii. 206 n. 211 ii, 213 n, 221 ii, 238 ii, 246 ii. 253 ii, 257 ii. 258 n. 269 ii, 270 n. 275 n. 279 ii. 282 n. 283 n. 284 n, 287 ii, 288 in. I iii. 3 iii, 5 in, 8 iii. 9 in. 12 in, 13 iii. 15 iii. 17 ni. 18 iii. 19 iii. 22 iii. 25 in. 27 iii. 29 in. 31 iii. 33 iii. 34 iii. 35 ni, 36 iii. 40 in. 41 in. 42 iii. 45 iii. 46 iii. 47 iii. 52 iii, 53 iii. 55 in. 56 iii. 58 in. 60 in. 63 iii. 64 iii. 65 iii, 67 iii. 69 i.v. 133 iv. 134 iv. 135 iv. 136 iv. 139 iv. 140 iv. 141 iv. 142 iv. 143 iv. 144 iv. 145 iv. 146 iv. 147 iv. 148 iv, 149 iv, 151 iv. 152 iv. 153 iv. 154 iv, 155 iv. 156 iv, 157 iv. 159 iv. 1 6c iv, 161 iv. 162 iv. 163 iv. 164 iv. 165 iv, 166 iv. 167 iv. 168 iv, 169 iv, 173 iv. 174 iv. 175 iv. 176 iv. 177 iv. 178 iv. 182 iv. 183 iv. 184 iv. 185 iv, 186 iv. 187 iv. 188 iv. 189 iv. 192 iv. 193 iv. 195 iv, 197 iv. 198 iv. 375 V, I V, 2 V, 3 V, 4 V, 6 V, 8 V, 9 V, 11 V, 12 V, 13 V, 20 V, 41 V, 43 V, 44 V, 45 V, 46 V, 47 V, 48 V, 53 V, 54 V, 55 V, 56 V. 59 V, 61 V, 63 V, 65 V, 66 V, 68 V, 69 154 Index to Records of the Council, ELLIOT, Robert [Elliott] : councUor . . v. 70 V, 72 V, 74 V, 75 V, 77 V, 82 V, 84 V, 86 V, 87 V, 88 V, 92 V, 94 V, 96 V, 98 V, 99 V, lOI V, 105 V, 106 V, 107 V, 108 V, no V, 112 V, 113 V, 114 V, "5 V, 116 V, 118 V, 120 V, 121 V, 122 V, 125 V, 126 V, 130 V, 134 V, 138 V, 140 V, 142 V, 144 V, 146 V, 148 V, 154 V, ISS V, 156 V, 160 V, 164 V, 165 V, 167 V, 168 V, 169 V, 170 V, 173 V, 182 V, 184 V, 185 V, 188 V, 189 V, 192 V, 195 V, 197 V, 199 V, 201 V, 202 V, 204 V, 209 V, 213 V, 215 V, 217 V, 220 V, 221 V, 223 V, 226 V, 231 V, 234 V, 236 V, 237 V, 238 V, 239 V, 240 V, 241 V, 242 V, 245 V, 247 V, 251 V, 256 V, 259 V, 261 V, 262 V, 269 V, 270 V, 275 V, 276 V, 279 V, 281 V, 287 V, 288 V, 295 V, 301 V, 326 V, 327 V, 331 V, 332 V, 334 V, 340 V, 342 V, 344 V, 349 V, 353 V, 354 V, 355 V, 359 examinee, Joshua Moody's case . 1, 117 signer of "Articles of Peace " with Indians i, 160 assignee of John Pindar i. 194 empowered to administer oaths i. 201 to equip shallop . i. 212 V, 147 committee on claims i. 221 account n, 183 in. 40 ni, 48 ni. 50 iii. 60 in. 64 iu, 86 impUcated in purchase of thi e province ii, 274 u, 280 committee to draft acts . • n. 280 Thanksgiving proclamation iii. 2 to inspect fort stores V, 196 supervisor of work on fort iii. 25 to fit shallop for cruising iii. 41 advancement by . iii, 59 controversy with Lt.-Gov. Usher iii, 68 withdrawal from Council . iii. 69 iii. 70 complaint against Maj. Shadrach Walton V, 194 brigantine appraiser V, 245 ELLIOT, Thomas: divorce, see Anne. ELLIOT, William, Lt. : adjutant, examinee vn. 175 vii. 281 viu, 2 account, petition, committee ; on vu. 249 viu. 12 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 155 ELLIOT, William, Lt. : discharged from the order of court . . . viii, 17 ELLIS, Joseph: petition, committee on viii, 345 viii, 348 ELLIS, Timothy, Maj., Col. : representative . . . . . . . vii, 99 accounts .... vii, 104 viii, 256 viu, 419 vui, 420 receives orders in favor of muster-masters muster-master ..... resignation of his colonelcy . ELLIS, William, Capt. : depreciation note, indorsement on . taken for taxes . petition, committee on . ELLISON, Richard: dangerous person, committed ELVILL, , Capt.: permittee ELWELL, Elias: shij)-master, petition .... ELWELL, Ezra [Ezereya] : petition .... ELWELL, Joseph: petition .... EMBARGO : on merchant-ships . . i, 196 clearance from the, petition for laying by Lt. Gov. Usher on all vessels, (coasting sloops excepted) outward bound vessels and trade vessels clearing with provisions . exportation of provisions and other artic shipping, committee on taking off the taking off, resolution for ... EMBARGO Acts: repeal of, bill and act for . . • EMERSON, : will, executor's petition .... EMERSON, Amos, Capt. : recruiting officer, account EMERSON, Daniel, Capt. : pay-roll, account . EMERSON, Daniel, Jr. : coroner . . . . • EMERSON, John, Rev.. minister of Portsmouth . EMERSON, Jonathan, Lt. ; disabled, half-pay . . Vll, in . viii, 256 vui, 421 .. viu, 220 viu. 253 viii. 255 vin. 258 • vii, 190 vii, vui, n,ii, n. 194 201241 33 33 i, 208 iii. 36 iii, V,V, 37 230 243 V, 299 V, 301 vi. 104 V, 365 vi. 119 vi, vi, 120 104 s vi, 126 viii. 117 vin, vii, vn. 132 19s 241 viu, 187 viii. 189 viii, iv, 194 276 vii, 145 viii. 96 viu. 41 viii, vii, V, 143 24 354 viii. 98 viii, 207 156 Index to Records of the Council, EMERSON, Jonathan, Lt. : petition .... viu, 206 EMERSON, Mary: petition . ... iv, 177 iv, 279 iv, 287 EMERSON, Moses: account . . . .... vn, 209 EMERSON, Samuel: representative ..... committee to take sheriff's bond . justice of the peace, and of the quorum . justice, Court of Common Pleas muster-masteraccounts and petitions .... viu, 389 viU, 392 EMERSON, Solomon: justice of the peace EMERSON, Susanna: payee in order for husband's wages EMERSON, Timothy, Capt. : pay-roll ..... EMERY, : . . . vii, 13 Vll, 17 vu, vii. 3220 vii. 22 viii. 354 vu, 25 viii. 354 vu, 143 vu. 144 viii, 185 viii. 191 viii. 380 viu, 481 viii, 485 viii. 488 Vll, 23 viii, 96 vm, 230 i, 37 vu, 140 • vn, 45 • vu, 133 vii, 20 vii, 20 vii, 54 vu, 92 EMERY, Jacob: committee to draft proclamation for fast EMERY, John, Capt.: committee on accounts (claims) petition, committee on . EMERY, Noah: committee to take sheriffs bond clerk. House of Representatives vii, 148 vii, 185 vii, 251 viii, 146 viii, 189 pay (wages) ..... . - - see next above- justice of the peace ... ... vii, 22 accounts, committee on vii, 38 vii, 103 viii, 50 viii, 87 viii, 115 viii, 211 viii, 230 viii, 275 viii, 292 viii, 321 commissioner to qualify justices of the peace . . vn, 99 vii, 100 committee to countersign treasurer's notes . vii, 143 vii, 169 notary-public, tabellion .... . vui, 30 petition, committee on ....... . viii, 88 EMERY, Noah, Jr.: paymaster .... vii, 72 vu, 136 vii, 146 vii, 147 public money in his possession . . ... vu, 219 account ...... viu, 121 viii, [93 vui, 254 deputy-commissary of purchases . .... viii, 207 directed to send beef cattle to army . . viii, 258 viii, 261 EMERY, Samuel: deposition in case of Salter and Mannery . . iv, 213 EMISSION: of money on loan, contrary to king's instructions . iv, 261 iv, 262 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 157 EMISSION : of bills for small change .... of BUls of Credit .... new ....... old ... . EMMS, Daniel, Capt. prisoner, allowed for subsistence . EMMS, Richard: prisoner, petition, account ENDERSON, William: ) ENDERSON, William, Senr. : S of Newcastle, sworn .... ENDICOTT, John, Gov. [Endecott] : depositions concerning Mason claims taken before ENEMIES : see also Inimicals : Absentees : vu. 58 > which see. 39 vu. 17 40 11, is 37 see Amherst. see Lutwyche, Edward Goldstone. Batchelder, Breed. McMaster, James. Bow. March, George. Boxford, Mass. Melony, John. Brush, Crane. Merchandise. Carrigain, PhUip. MitcheU, Peter. Cheshire County. Newbury, Mass. Clark, John. New Marlborough. Clough, Jeremiah. Newtown. Concord. Nottingham. Cummings, Samuel. Oath of Fidelity. Cummings, Thomas. Packersfield. Cutler, Zaccheus. Parker, Oliver. Dover. Porter, Asa. Dunbarton. Portsmouth. EUison, Richard. Pottle, WUliam. Exeter. Recognizances. Fenton, John. Rogers, WUliam. Gilmore, Robert. Stevens, John. Great Britain. Stickney, Thomas. Green, Peter. Stoddard. Holland, Samuel. Stratham. Holland, Stephen. Thornton, Matthew. Keene. Wentworth, John. KimbaU, Joseph. Whiting, Benjamin. KimbaU, William. Whiting, Leonard. Londonderry. Whittier, Benjamin. ENEMY : French and Indian . i, 18s i, 186 i, 208 i, 211 n, 5 ii, 47 n, 54 ii, 55 ii, 64 n, 137 n, 176 ii, 178 u, 189 ii, 190 ii, 206 iii- 37 iv, 164 iv, 169 iv, 176 iv, 180 V, 10 iS8 Index to Records of the Council, ENEMY: French and Indian II , loo III 119 147 V, 12 V, 103 V, 112 V, 120 V, 148 V, 165 V, 184 V, 223 V, 229 V, 272 V, 86 V, 104 V, 113 V, 123 V, 153 V, 172 V, 185 V, 224 V, 232 V. 310 87 108 114 13s 156178 204226 233 315 V, V, V, V, 163 V, 182 V, 220 V, 228 V, 262 fleet of the .......... getting possession of Ticonderoga and advancing towards this state design for Piscataqua River . ENFIELD [Endfield] (Relhan) : ammunition for . petitions, committee on viii, 348 viu, 437 viu, 438 vUi, 454 lines with Canaan and Grafton, act to settle incorporation of, bill for ... abatement of taxes .... ENGINEERS : see Redknapp, , Capt. : Romer, Wolfgang William. ENGLAND : see also Parliament : letter to, drafted by Richard Waldron . . . . ii, 112 land in, petition for liberty to sell ...... iv, 254 declaration of war with France and Spain . . v, 48 exportation of wool from, act to prevent . . . v, 68 woolen manufactures in . . . . . see next above- fleet from ...... . . v. 159 kingdom of. Union with Scotland ... v, 222 minutes of council sent to, see Council Records. agents in which see. confirmation of laws in, see Laws. transmission of treasurer's accounts to, see Treasurer's Accounts. ENGLAND, Stephen: deputy-sheriff, information by . . . v, 195 ENGLISH : supplanting by French V, 99 V, 109 V, 115 V, 136 V, 162 V, 181 V, 205 V, 227 V, 236 V, 339 vii, 31 vn, 217 which see. vn, 73 viii, 94 viu, 481 vin, 243 viii, 468 viii, 486 196 Indian mischief against settlements on frontiers captives prisoners ENGLISH Goods: impost on . ENGLISH Shipping: duties on . . , 11, 222 V, 10 V. 12 vi, 64 \ which see. ii, 206 iv, 170 iv, 258 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 159 ENGLISH Territories: encroachments on . i, 270 ENGRAVER: see Johnson, -, Mr. ; ENLISTING Officers: see also Recruiting Officers: see Abbott, Jeremiah. Marston, Simon. Bradford, Samuel. Mills, John. Cheshire County. Nute, Samuel. Clark, Peter. Parsons, Joseph. Daniels, Eliphalet. Pike, Robert. Dearborn, Josiah. Pinkham, Joseph. Dow, Joseph. Reynolds, Daniel. Foss, Nathaniel. Salter, Titus. Gilman, John, Jr. Sartwell, Simon. Haven, John. Soper, Joseph. Lashenees, Sergt. Swett, Joseph. Leavitt, Jonathan. Wheaton, Joseph. Leavitt, Moses. commission, pay . i. 299 nomination and appointment of vii. 30 vii, 208 vii, 210 vii, 276 viu. 228 ENLISTING Orders: giving out, committee on vii, 49 vii, 71 ENLISTMENTS : to pursue pirate sloop iv. 202 of state's quota vii, 137 vii, 198 viu. 10 and see Quotas. from this state for others. committee on and method to pre- vent . vii, 276 viu. lOI ENSIGNS : see Adams, Samuel. Langdon, Tobias. Concord. Leighton, Tobias. Dimond, Thomas. Moulton, John. Epping. Moultonborough . Folsom, Peter. Perkins, Jonathan. HoUis. RusseU, Jason. How, Barzillai. StiUson, WiUiam. Hoyt, Nathan. Thompson, Joshua. Ivens, Robert. Wallingford, David. Jones, Stephen. allotted Rhode Island companies vii, 269 one to forty privates viii, 44 wages (pay) . viu. 331 ENTAIL: docking, acts for . iv, 29s iv. 297 / iv, 309 iv, 312 iv, 314 iv, 315 iv. 354 and see Portsmouth : ENTERPRISE : ship, seizure of her long boat vi, 108 i6o Index to Records of the Council, ENTERPRISE: ship, in want of seamen privateer, Daniel Jackson, master EPPING : selectmen's account, petition . ensign from .... conveyance of land in, act for transportation of beef and pork from examinee from EPSOM: regimental assignment . town-meeting, act to alter time of justice of the peace ERSKINE, William: petition, committee on ESCRIPTS : province ESKUMNIT : Indian sagamore . ESSEX: court officers ESSEX County, (Mass) : administrator from ESSEX Gazette: petition and order printed in . ESTATES : see also Lands : Real Estate : acts, bills, etc., relating to. see Absentees. Absentees' Estates. Administration. ' Administrators. Administratrices. Banfield, John. British Subjects. Confiscated Estates. Curtis, Joseph. Cutler, Zaccheus. Durham. Fasset, Benjamin. French, Thomas. Gerrish, Richard. Hall, Kingsley. Hamilton, David. Hobby, Sir Charles. Holland, Samuel. Inimicals. concealing, act to prevent partition of, acts for . . . VI, 109 vii, 16 vu, 17 vu, 171 vin, 179 . vui, 13 viu, 114 . vui, 168 viii, 178 vii, 202 vii, 280 . viii, 362 vu, 152 ui, 70 iii, 83 V, 4 i, 169 . viii, 454 vu, 38 vn, 39 Intestate Estates. Little, Matthew. Mason, John Tufton. Meserve, George. Mogoon, John. Odlin, Woodbridge. Personal Estates. Ranstead, John. Ratable Estates. Real Estate. Rindge, John. Rogers, Nathaniel. Rymes, , Capt. TarbuU, Samuel. Tucker, Jabez. Waldron, Richard, Maj. Wentworth, John, Gov. Wills, Joseph. vi, 128 IV, 143 vi, 129 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 161 even t thei r tran ster vn. 253 • vii. 264 viii. n vin. 57 viu. 61 viii. 97 viii. 103 vin. 155 vui. 156 viii. 167 vui. 423 • vin. 73 viii. 486 viii. 324 viii, viii, viii, viii. 352 386 423 428 ESTATES : see also Lands : Real Estate : and see Barnstead: Burnam, Robert: Common Land: Loudon Thompson, Robert : Whipple, Oliver. of traitors and deserters, act to prevent their transfer convicts, resolution for seUing confiscation of, bills and acts for viu, 38 viii, 120 assessment of . . . of non compos mentis, sale of . valuation of, for state tax sale of, for taxes, act for tax on, act for raising . ESTWICK: see Eastwick: EUROPE : cargo of productions of . EVANS, Benjamin: petition administrator of Jabez Tucker's estate, act to enable him EVANS, Ebenezer : of Strawberry Bank ...... EVANS, Edward: rioter, Dover ... . . EVANS, Israel, Rev. : chaplain of N. H. brigade, account EVANS, John: witness to will of John Hurd . EVANS, Robert: EVANS, Robert, Jr: rioters, Dover EVANS, Stephen, Col. : representativecommander of militia regiment vii, 217 muster-master and paymaster . vm, 441 viii, 208 186 vii, 13 vii, 1 16 vn, 225 vii, 262 vu, 85 vii, 68 vii, 264 vii, 86 committee on appointment of battalion officers at Ticonderoga . account and pay roll, committee on ..... vin, 102 vui, 425 viu, 427 and see next two above. petitions, committee on . . . . • vii, 204 disobedience to orders inquired into letter from vii, 266 message to, from general court money in his possession, disposal of settlement with, by committee of safety 11 UI, 72 viii. 448 vui. 454 i. 164 i. 165 viu. 213 V, 187 i, 165 vii, 266 vii, 31 vii, 85 viii, 25 vii. III vii, 97 vii, 107 vn, 137 viii, 428 vui, 396 vii, 225 vii, 268 vii, 267 vii, 271 vii, 272 l62 Index to Records of the Council, EVANS, Stephen, Col. : service at Rhode Island, allowance for EVERETT, Edward, Capt. . account ... EVERETT, John, Capt.; account ..... soldier, time expired company, petition n, 173 n, 187 u, 194 u, 182 ii, 188 n, 196 n, 184 ii, 189 ii, 197 ii, i?S ii, 190 ii, 203 letter from ...... EVERY, Henry, alias Bridgman: turned pirate, ran away with the Charles II EXAMINEES : see AUen, Thomas. Amee, John. Armstrong, Robert. Bachelder, Nathaniel. Baldwin, Ephraim. Ball, John. Ball, Thomas. Blair, WUliam. Bracket, Joshua. Bramble, Thomas. Brown, Jacob. Brown, John. Brown, WiUiam. Chesley, Samuel. Clark, John. Deserters.Dow, Jabez. Dow, Simon. Drake, Abraham. Elliot, Robert. EUiott, William. Epping.Fisher, Patrick. Fogg, Seth. Gould, Phillip. Gove, John. Great Island. Hampton. Indians.Inimicals. EXCHANGE : of old bills for new 2i % allowed Mr. Atkinson . allowed treasurer . see Jordan, Samuel. Knowles, John. Lamprell, Daniel. Livermore, Jonathan. Long, Robert. McClary, Andrew. Mannery, Thomas. Marston, Ephraim. Marston, Jonathan. Millard, Paul. Moulton, Daniel. Moulton, Robert. Nudd, Samuel. Page, Christopher. Park, Michael. PhUlips, WiUiam. Pottle, William. Redman, John. Rine, Lewis de. Rowe, Thomas. Rye: selectmen. Salter, John. Sanborn, Stephen. Slayton, Thomas. Smith, Jabez. Torlington, Richard. Wadleigh, Robert. Westcoat, . Woodman, John. IV, 309 iv, 313 vm, 427 viu, 455 ii, 20 ii, 77 u, 186 ii. 193 ii, 218 ii, 173 i, 188 IV, 305 iv, 315 V, 167 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 163 ni, S8 iv, 224 viii, 282 i, 238 ii, 247 iii, 77 iv, 332 V, 215 EXCHANGE : bill of, sent Henry Newman . medium of, commissioners on rate of, old emission bills for new "75 for I " of prisoners of war EXCHANGE Money: votes about ...... iv, 277 EXCISE : see also Liquors : Spirituous Liquors : acts, bUls, resolutions, relating to i, 206 i, 207 n, 281 in, 74 iii, 75 iu, 78 in, 79 iv, 187 iv, 190 iv, 348 iv, 363 remittance of . . i, 230 i, 237 collector of . abatement and exemption . ii, 245 appropriated for reception of Bellomont . act for continuing .... farming, committee and vote for duties, account of . . . . v, 214 on spirituous liquors, bill for . petition relative to . farming out . viii, 408 county committees to sell, resolution for . EXECUTIONS : reply of Council to Gov. Bradstreet concerning act for Superior Court to grant against constables for delinquent tax returnable to the court issuing them against delinquent towns personal estate taken by, act for appraising v. John Gilman ..... in Robert Mason's cases V. WUliam Vaughan EXECUTIVE Officers: laws for guidance of EXECUTIVE Power: defining, committee on . EXECUTORS : see Atkinson, Theodore, Col. Clements, Job. Emerson, Gerrish, Nathaniel. V, 279 V, 392 • viii, 225 . viii, 245 . which see. iv, 278 iv, 297 1, 222 in, 76 iv, 178 iv, 270 viii, 286 iii, 57 V, iii. n, in, iv, iv, viii, iv, ii, V, in. 137 77 179 336 411 181130115 83 79 see next above - IV, 334 V, 346 Vlll, 411 vm, 422 iv, 336 V, 348 vui, 212 viii, 382 vin, 404 vni, 456 vin, 422 41 305 338 191 386 viu, .473 > which see. 1, iv, V, viii, viii, vn, 135 HuU, Reuben. Jaffrey, George (2d). Story, Charles. see Waldron, Richard (2d). Wallingford, Thomas. Wentworth, Benning. Wentworth, George. Wentworth, John, Col. (Somers worth) . 164 Index to Records of the Council EXECUTRICES : see Dalton, Mehitable. Daniel, Bridget. EXETER [Exitor] : see Mason, Anne. plantation to be named . . i, 24 1, 32 order by President and Council to , 40 rate apportionment, list, warrant ^, 45 i, 94 i, 95 ii, 10 ii. 27 n, 289 lands, tenements, hereditaments in — suit for . 1, 55 debtors to Robert Mason i. 84 i, 93 1, 106 constables ..... i. 95 i, 138 i. 141 i, 217 n, 170 ii. 289 iii. 44 vii. 108 representatives . . i, 103 iv, 192 iv, 195 iv, 283 iv. 3°3 riot ... . i. 133 minister, John Cotton .... i, 138 i. 141 his lands exempted from taxes . V, 354- assault on provost marshal . i, 138 i. 141 i. 142 i, 143 association to oppose the government i, 139 i, 140 i. 149 records 1, 167 garrisons i. 172 1, 178, i, 179 i, 210 n. 146 ii, 174 ii. 216 miUtary officers ..... i, 179 1» 210 ii, 2 u, 187 ui, 45 iv, 224 V, 44 V, 45 V, 104 V, no V, 189 V, 357 soldiers' accounts ..... i. 181 selectmen to notify constables of rate exempt. i, 217 ui. 44 order of Mr. Coffin to i. 220 petitionees .... i. 230 ii. 289 iii, 57 iii, 58 iv. 225 V, 335 V, 336 served with report of Lamprey River bridge committee iv. 207 to provide provisions to scouts . v. 161 report their town-stock of ammunition V, 235 representation . . . . ii, 2 militia ....... ii. 10 ii, 174 V, 223 soldiers . . . ii, 52 u, 200 V, 173 V, 226 V, 227 and see garrisons above. accounts (claims) against province . ii. 69 ii, 155 ii, 166 ii, 177 iii. 16 woods, ranging in ... ii, 78 n. 144 and see scouting below. detachment, rendezvous ii. 141 ferry grantee .... n. 226 ii. 227 ii, 229 meeting-house rate .... . ii, 247 vii. 78 of Rev. Daniel Rogers see next above. soldiers posted at . iii. 2 111, 40 tumults and disturbances iii. II 12 assistant justice. Court of Common Pleas . 111, 27 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. EXETER [Exitor] : assessors, appearance ordered to receive an inhabitant jurisdiction of Massachusetts over . share of expense of Lamprey River bridge " . head line run ...... petitions ....... committee to settle town and province boundaries i6s town-meeting to choose boundary committee scouting, (scouts) . v, 45 v, 204 subscription for snow-shoes . volunteers ...... carpenters, laborers, on fort . committee of militia, information against express .... Swampscutt Patent in [Swamscott] king's great road leading from line with Kingston court-house .... committee's account for fire-rafts . justice of the peace V, 223 powder-house at prison (gabl) at inimicals limited to vii, 68 vii, 93 vn, 113 viii, 17 viii, 85 vin, 153 vu, 193 viii, 18 viii, 89 viii, 279 vu, 194 viii, 24 vui, 116 vin, 314 96 vn, 90 vii, 189 vii, 190 guard-house ..... prison-keepers (gaol-keepers) trial of Col. Asa Porter at prisoners escaped from . exportation of rum from, stopped under prison-keeper in . houses at, used for barracks . manufacture of paper in . rendezvous for contl. soldiers (troops) courier (post-rider) from, to Providence counterfeiter brought to . post-rider via, between Boston and Portsmouth post-office ....... auction of Gov. Wentworth's personal estate at incorporation of new parish in, act for . issuing commissary at . 104 195 vn, vii, vii, viii, vin, viii, vn, vii. vn, viii. Vlll, m, 59 ni, 62 iv, 41 iv, 207 iv, 225 336 viu, 89 V, 42 176 V, 336 see next above. 224 V, 358 V, 103 V, no V, 127 V, 196 v, 201 V, 354 V, 356 • vi, 5 10 viii, 210 vii, 1 1 . vu, 50 vii, 240 vii, 96 vii, 240 vin, 58 124 vni, 138 319 viii, 437 vii, 85 vii, 200 vn, 93 viii, 89 vii, 114 vu, 131 vu, 179 vu, 208 vii, 208 vu, 250 viii, 28 203 78 221 32 78 193 276 24 vin, viii, . viii, . viii, . viii, 75 viu. 42 42 64 64 7483 viii, 117 vin, 139 i66 Index to Records of the Council, viii, 475 viu, 476 • see Spanish West Indies. EXETER [Exitor] : receiver-general of non-resident taxes at collection of beef cattle at prisoners of war at beef tax, abatement of, ^committee on . viii, 286 office of U. S. commissioner at printing office at . Phillips Exeter Academy at . . . . EXETER (Sloop): impressment and appraisal of . . , EXETER AND Atkinson: adverse claims of, to the same soldier, committee on EXETER Gazette : see New Hampshire Gazette : EXPEDITIONS : see also Westward Expedition : against Canada Crown Point French and Indians Louisburg, Norridgewock Penobscot . Spanish West Indies . . . -. J to Cuba,New Spain, to L' Acadie . Nova Scotia Port Royal to Rhode Island, see Rhode Island : defence of. EXPORTATION : of Apples: Beef: Brown Sugar: Cattle: Cider: Corn: Earthen ware : Goods : Horses : Masts : Merchandise : Military Stores : Molasses : Pork : Provisions : Rum : Sheep : Tobacco : Wool EXPRESS : to Boston ........ V, 119 V, 140 V, 147 to Sir William Phipps ...... with letter to Lt. Gov. Usher to Lt. Gov. Stoughton . ii, 188 ii, 199 u, 210 account .... ... routes and fees ....... to Gov. Joseph Dudley ... . . Col. Josiah Willard . . . . from Penacook . . ... to Cohas (Coos) . . . . vu, 30 Cambridge, Mass. ... . . vU, 30 Chester to Concord . . ..... on public business . . . . vii, 53 vui. 163 vm. 213 vui, 279 vm, 299, vm, 441 viu, 478- which see. V, 245 viii. 280 which see. which see. u, 69 v, 370 U, 218 which see. iv, 173 vii, 120 ii, 139 ii, 162 iv, 171 iv, 178 v, 201 V, 217 vi, 14 vi, vii,vu, vii, viii. 30'38 31 49 7 New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. 167 EXPRESS : to Walpole ..... Gen. Ward and Mass. General Court Ticonderoga .... recruiting officers the army . ... towns delinquent in taxes, treasurer to send from Gen. Washington . to Number Four (Charlestown) Sir William Pepperell > EXTENTS : against delinquent constables for quota of soldiers for taxes, treasurer to issue, see Treasurer. EYRE, Thomas: consignor of goods for Piscataqua . . . i, 2 of the Laconia Company ..... EYRES: j«« Ayers: FABENS, Elizabeth: widow, petition and complaint against Thomas Packer FABES, John: justice of the peace representative FABINS, Mr.: letter of John Hinckes to FABYAN, John: coroner FAIR Dealing:encouragement of, act for FAIRFIELD, Elijah: petition, committee on . FAIRS : Hampton Falls, petition for . . iv, 261 FAIRSERVICE, Elizabeth : petition for . FALKLAND, [F Auckland, Faukland] : his Majesty's ship, Capt. Hancock .... in, 28 in, 43 FALL Town: garrison, scouting there ..... FALMOUTH : conference with Indians at . . . . FAMILIES : of absentees sent oif ..... . of soldiers, supplying, see Soldiers : family supplies. FARISH, , Capt.: commander of the Bien Ane [Ame] vn, 56 vii, 63 vii, 98 vii, 142 viu, 127 viu, 221 viu, 221 : \ which see. vu, 212 viu, 153 vin, 415 i, 3 i, 6 i, 10 11, n 2 11, 113 n, 2 n. 154 iv. 159 n, 40 ' vn. 99 vu, 271 viii. 76 vin. 241 iv. 285 iv, 333 viii. 78 i. 195 in. 44 ni, i. 46 274 i. 275 vin. 116 VI, 19 1 68 Index to Records of the Council, FARMS : see Borland's Farm : Fisher's Farm : Fisher, , Mr. ; Sar gent: Sautle: Wentworth, John, Gov. : Wolfeborough. of absentees, renting . ... . . viii, 254 FARNSWORTH, James: account ...... . viii, 360 FARRAR, Timothy [Farrah] ¦ justice of the peace ... . vii, 24 Court of Common Pleas .... . vii, 24 account ........ vni, 129 viii, 373 councilor .......... viii, 129 viu, 136 vni, 137 vin, 139 vin, 140 vui, 141 viu, 144 viu, 146 vni, 147 viu, 148 vin, 149 viii, 150 viii, 152 viii, 154 viii, 166 viii, 167 viu, 168 viu, 169 vin, 170 viii, 171 viu, 174 viii, 176 viii, 178 viii, 185 viii, 186 viii, 187 viii, 188 vin, 191 viu, 192 viii, 194 vin, 195 viii, 196 vui, 199 vui, 303 viii, 305 viii, 307 vui, 310 viu, 328 vui, 333 viu, 335 viii, 340 vin, 341 viu, 344 viii, 345 viu, 346 viu, 348 viii, 352 viu, 357 viu, 358 viu, 360 viu, 361 vin, 364 viii, 365 viii, 366 viii, 367 vin, 369 vui, 370 viii, 371 vin, 373 vui, 378 viu, 379 viii, 381 vin, 385 vui, 386 vui, 387 viii, 388 viii, 389 viii, 390 viii, 393 viii, 414 viii, 415 viu, 416 viu, 417 vin, 420 vin, 422 vin, 424 viii, 425 viii, 426 viii, 427 viu, 431 viii, 432 viii, 433 viu, 434 viii, 435 vni, 436 vui, 439 viii, 440 viii, 441 viii, 444 viii, 445 viii, 447 viii, 448 viii, 449 viii, 454 viii, 464 vui, 465 viii, 466 viii, 467 viii, 468 viii, 469 viii, 470 FARWELL, Isaac, Capt.: recruiting officer, account vu, 145 FASSET, Anne: administratrix, act for her to convey land viii, 128 FASSET, Benjamin: deceased, estate of, see Anne. FAST: appointment and proclamations nations n. 52 n. 213 iii, 2 ni. 59 iii. 87 iv, 219 iv. 226 V, 87 V, 88 V, 114 V, 197 V, 259 V, 267 V, 281 V, 282 vi 283 V, 284 V, 288 V, 307 V, 319 V, 356 V, 383 V, 392 vi. 6 vi. 23 vi, 25 vi. 43 vi. 7i vi, 136 vi. 149 vn, 28 vii. 79 vii. 140 vii. 162 vii, 219 vu, 220 viii. 12 viii. 75 vui. 81 viii, 483 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 169 FEES : see also Fees of Court : probate of coroners ...... in appeals before president and council acts concerning and for altering iv, 195 iv, 197 treasurer's, for copies .... in Sir Edmund Andrews's (Andros's) time settled by General Court for service of writs of secretary of council of naval officer of clerk of courts of notaries-public inquest•deputy-collector's express new table of, committee to make of colonial and state officers . biU of, revision in maritime court . old table of, to remain . rate of, determined alteration in, committee on EEES of Court: table of i, 5° FELLOWS, Abner: ammunition money advanced to FELLOWS, Mary: account. .... FELLOWS, . Mr.: account ... commissioner of bankruptcy . FELLOWS, Nathaniel: guard to quarantined vessel . FELLOWS, William: account (" allowance") FENCES : act concerning . . ii, 20 FENICKS, John: petition ...... FENLAYSON, Wallace: master of the Success, affidavit of . FENTON, John: absentee, his estate not included by sequestration act FERDINAND [Fardinand] : brigantine, infected with small-pox I, 169 11, 112 n, 113 i. 169 i. 169 i, 206 i, 230 iv. 187 viii, 91 vin, 468 viii. 473 . i. 206 u, 19 iv. 139 n, 113 viu. 91 n. 113 ii, 275 iii, 62 iii, 25 V, 125 iii, 25 in. 26 V, 41 V, 125 V, 201 vi, 6 vii, 10 viii, 167 viii 27 vu. 28 vii. 75 vii. 94 vin, 91 viu. 153 viu. 117 i, 52 i, 82 i. 169 vii. 66 viu. 35 iv. 224 V, 363 vi. 34 iv. 247 ii, 24 iv, 140 iv. 143 ii, 33 V, 394 ation act vni, 420 vni. 426 vi. 130 170 Index to Records of the Council, FERNALD, Margery: petition, committee on . . viii. 141 FERRIAGE : see also Ferries : between Portsmouth and Maine, act for i, 207 iv. 187 rates .... n, 165 V, 83 v, 115 of soldiers, accounts for vu, I 66 vii, 246 vii, 272 viii. 8 FERRIES : see also Ferriage : Ferrymen : petitions for, acts relating to, etc., — see BeUows, Benjamin. Maine. Canterbury. Martin & Dustin. Charlestown. MerriU, John. Chase, Jonathan. Merrimack River. Chase, Moses. Mohawk Point. Chester. Newcastle. Clement, Nathaniel. Orford. Coffin, Stephen. Oyster River. Concord. Partridge Island. Connecticut River. Partridge, John. Copp, Solomon. Portsmouth. Cornish. Saco River. Dunbarton. Salisbury Ferry. Durgin's Landing. Sanbornton. Exeter. Simpson, WiUiam. Furber, William. Smith, Asahel. Great Island. Swamscott. Hilton, Richard. Thornton, Matthew. Hubbard, John. Walpole. Isle of Hooksett Falls. Welchman's Cove. Johnston, Westminster, Vt. Lutwyche's Ferry. Winnipiseogee River. viii, 426- VI, 13s V, 142 V, 372 Lutwyche, Sarah. regulation of, act for .... . . FERRY-MEN : see Bickford, John : Lambert, Philip : Little Harbor. private directions to, relative to arrest of murderer . FIELD, , Mr. . lieutenant of the Advice, complaint against, for assault session of council at his house ... FIELD-ARTILLERY : company ...... . vu, 31 vn, 32 and see Portsmouth. FIELD-MARSHAL ; commission ...... . i, 210 '" has liberty to make a deputy . . . . 1,217 FIELD-OFFICERS : for continental battalions ....... vn, 81 vii, io6 vii, no vii, ni in. 41 in. 44 vii, 43 vii. 125 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 171 FIELD-OFFICERS : nominated to Contl. Congress .... of the regiment for Canada . vii, 47 vii, 48 of Col. John Hale's regiment, petition against in the militia, nomination and appointment of viii, 93 vin, 179 viu, 198 vin, 199 vni, 246 viii, 247 vin, 267 and see Militia. of re-enforcements to army in New York vii, 84 advance pay ....... for the new regiment ...... for Rhode Island regiment, appointed of troops to be sent into Cheshire county FIELD, Zachary: Robert Mason v. . FIFERS : one to forty privates FIFIELD, Benjaiuin [Fyefeild] : deposition in James Meinzies' case . representative FIFIELD, Edward: settlement in Kingston . FIFIELD, William: petition .... FIFIELD, William, Senr.: Robert Mason v. . FILES : delivery of, by old officers to the new province, see Province Records : also State Papers FILLBRICK: ) „„ , > see Philbrick. FILLBRUCK : S FINANCIER : United States ...... FINES : of officers for neglect of duty .... prisoners', remittance of for cutting king's trees . escheated, governor and council to have copy of illegal, on cavalry officers by justices of the peace payment suspended by governor for capital crimes, resolution for paying rate of, determined alteration in, committee on . appropriation of, committee on collected of drafted not serving ¦ vu, 45 vii, 49 vii, 52 . vn, 52 • vu, 74 viu, 1 14 viu, 178 vni, 216 vin, 243 vin, 324 viii, 342 vu, 104 vii, 176 . vU, 86 vn, 203 . viii, loi • vin, 324 i, 84 . viii, 44 n, 274 n, 280 iv, 192 V, 210 i, 53 i, 106 vn, 38 which see. ii, 169 V- , 9 V, 44 V, 64 V, 116 V, 125 vi, 52 vu, 264 viii, 91 . vin, 1 1 7 vui. 122 vin, 124. vni. 197 viu, 198 172 Index to Records of the Council, FINES : military ........ which see. FIRE-ARMS : see also Arms : specifications, test, and price of ... ¦ vii, 1 1 vii, 47 bounty for ....... ¦ . see next above. belonging to the state ...... vn, 86 vn, 163 vii, 177 viu, 254 vui, 322 viii, 329 purchasing of Massachusetts ..... vu, 211 at Bennington, belonging to the continent viii, 8 for Cheshire County ...... : \ which see. continental ..... . . and see Soldiers : arms and ammunition for. FIRE-RAFTS : procuring ...... vii, n vii, 18 vU, 31 vii, 55 vii, 112 FIRES : method of extinguishing, act to regulate . vin, 252 in Boston ........ which see. FIR-Tree : see also Mast Ships : ship, seizure of and Uberation .... n, 163 FISH : see also Alewives : Salmon : Shad : passage of, act for removing obstructions to viii, 13 viii, 84 vin, 368 and see Fish-ways. exported to West Indies .... vin, 35 preservation of, act for . viii, 220 and see Fishery. FISHER'S Farm: in Coos, committee on . vui, 433 and see Fisher, , Mr. FISHER, Ichabod: register of probate ...... vii, 25 petition, committee on . vU, 231 allowed for losses in the army vu, 248 FISHER, John: absentee, leave to return petitioned for . viii, 77 FISHER, , Mr.: letters of, intercepted ..... vn, 156 farm of, forage supplied from vni, no FISHER, Patrick: examinee, counterfeit biUs in his possession . iv, 332 FISHERMEN : impressment of ...... . n, 42 FISHERSFIELD : incorporation of, bill and act for . selectmen's petition . ... FISHERY : see also Alewives : in brooks, Nottingham West, act for regulating viii, 59 viu, 60 vui, 240 viii, 341 vii, 278 New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. 173 ¦ vm, 475 . viu, 368 • viii, 53 viu, 43 viu, 50 ii, 64 FISHING : in Merrimack river, bill for regulating . FISH- WAYS : through dams, bill for FITZGERALD, Sarah: account ....... FITZWILLIAM : land conveyance in, bill and act for FIVE Nations: alliance with French and see New York. FLAG: for their Majesties' fort 1,199 iii> 3° iv, 178 v, 121 v, 276 ordered to depart viii^ 267 FLAGG, Ebenezer: petition .... viu, 436 FLAGG, John: justice of the peace ••...... vi, 152 FLAGS OF Truce: French sloop from Port Royal . . . . . . v, 1 79 sloop Cape, cargo ......... vl 20 bound to Quebec, for exchange of prisoners . . . . vi, 29 at Portsmouth, seizure of . . . viii, 42 viii, 43 viii, 89 from New York see next above. permitted to depart viu, 44 discharge of, committee on ...... . viii, 89 sending to Halifax and Newfoundland for exchange of prison ers viu, 276 passage on board of ..... . FLAVERSHAM : commissioner of admiralty ..... FLEET : of the enemy's canoes expected at Great Island mast, sailing for England . . . . . dishonorable return from Nova Scotia rendezvous at Nantasket . . . . . on Canada Expedition, disaster to . sent into this country by ministry of Great Britain . French ........ FLETCHER, , Capt.: prize via Boston, bearing letter from Gen. Pepperell FLETCHER, Elijah, Rev.: account ........ FLETCHER, John: tax delinquent, warrant for arrest .... " at the meeting of Mr. Joshua Moody, Newbury" . V, 138 vn. viii, 277 viii, 278 i, 241 V, 119 V, 141 V, 192 V, 202 V, 284 vii, 31 which see. i, 261 vii, 89 i, 112 i, 117 174 Index to Records of the Council, FLETCHER, John: to answer before justices of the peace keeper of records, Portsmouth FLETCHER, John, Dr.: of Strawberry Bank FLETCHER, Nicholas [Flecher] garrison soldier FLETCHER, Richard: garrison soldier FLETCHER, Robert, Capt. : pay-roll, account, company FLOOD, Benjamin, Capt. : pay-roll FLOOD, John: petition FLOOD, Jonathan: account FLOOD, Joseph: coaster-master, petition . FLORELLE, Louis Aubert du: master of French sloop . FLOUR : for use of colony and state captured in the Prince George to be received for the army in lieu of beef FLOUR-SHIP : captors' claim to . FOGG, DANIEL; distressed for military fine . , garrison soldier, Dover . . . . FOGG, Daniel, 2nd: ward of Jeremiah Fogg ..... FOGG, Jeremiah, Capt. : guardian, act for him to sell ward's land . depreciation note, indorsement on . FOGG, Joseph: sub-clothier and commissary . FOGG, Seth: examinee, Hampton riot case . FOGG, Seth (Epping) : reflects on General Court, examined and committed FOLLET'S Mill: of Exeter, province rate against FOLSOM, Asa: petition ...... FOLSOM, David: representative . . . . 1, 177 vni, 68 viii. 26 1, 118 i. 167 i. 164 ii, 99 ii. 84 vii, 18 vii, 189 VIU, 33 iv. 348 vn. 7 ii. 241 V, 179 vn. 258 vu. 162 viii. 239 vn, 129 vm, 105 ii. 56 ii. 99 which see. vi. 129 viii. 223 viii. 130 V, 122 viu. 178 i. 94 vni. in viu. 270 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 175 FOLSOM, Ephraim [Foulsham] : Robert Mason v. . i, 84 i. 93 of Exeter, province rate against i. 94 FOLSOM, Jeremiah, Lt.-Col. : petition and complaint against vn. 29 vu. 33 dismissed .... vii. 88 agent for Newmarket, petition vii. 23a Folsom, Jo. .... i. 98 FOLSOM, John [Foulsham, Fulsom] Robert Mason v. . i. 84- constable, Exeter . i. 95 i. '38 i. 141 representative . . ii, 154 ii. 174 iv, IS9 iv. 163 iv. 192 of committee to settle town bounds V, 42 FOLSOM, John, Capt.; accounts, company, piay-roll vn. 27 viii. 45 FOLSOM, JQHN, Jr. : of Exeter, province rate against i,* 94 FOLSOM, Nathan: Robert Mason v. i. 84 FOLSOM, Nathaniel: of Exeter, province rate against i. 94 FOLSOM, Nathaniel, Col., Gen. : councUor . vii. 4 vii, 5 vii, 9 vu. 14 vu. 15 vii. 17 vii, 18 vu, 27 vn. 28 vu. 29 vii. 33 vii, 34 vu. 35 vii. l(> vii, 39 vii. 41 vii, 42 vii. 43 vu. 45 vii. 46 vii. 47 vii, 49 vii. 51 vii. 52 vii. 54 vii. 55 vn. 57 vii. 58 vii. 59 vii. 60 vii. 61 vii, 65 vii. 66 vn. 69 vii. 70 vii. 71 vn, 74 vn. 95 vii. 96 vii. 97 vii. 98 vii, 99 vii, 100 vii. lOI vii. 102 vii. 104 vu, 105 vii. 106 vii. 107 vu. 108 vii. 109 vii, 282 viii. 457 vUi, 458 viu. 459 vui. 460 vni, 461 viii. 467 viii. 468 viu. 469 viu. 474 vni, 475 viu. 476 vui. 477 viii. 479 viii. 480 vin, 482 viii. 483 viii. 485 viu. 486 vlii. 487 of committee of safety . vii, 12 vni. 66 viii. 88 justice. Court of Common Pleas vii. 22 accounts .... vii, 37 vii. 134 vn, 13s vii. 203 viii. 120 vni. 228 viii. 244 directions to ... vii. 66 vu, 109 vii. 147 vii. 193 viii. 102 viii. 305 orders colonels to raise their quotas vii. 68 vu. 176 committee to care for New York tory prisoners vii. 100 vii. 128 on defence of Rhode Islanc . vii. 117 vii. n8 money advanced to, for soldiers' clothing vii. 100 vii. 1 10 purchaser of provisions and salt for the state . vii 107 vii. IIS vu. in vii, 2IO vii. 214 viii, 109 viii. 416 viii, 256 vui, 257 viii, 405 viu, i. 417 94 ii, 2 vn, 23 vii, 59 viii. 84 viu. 244 viii. I viii. 15 viii. no viii. 114 vui. 150 viu. 151 viii. 210 viu. 273 vin. 385 viii. 405 vu. 168 viii. 45 176 Index to Records of the Council, FOLSOM, Nathaniel, Col., Gen.. receives orders in favor of muster-masters delegate to Continental Congress . . vii, 170 viii, 16 viii, 34 viii, 82 delegate to N. E. States' convention. Providence petition, committee on . . viii, 385 FOLSOM, Peter: of Exeter, province rate against ensign . . . FOLSOM, Samuel. of Exeter, province rate against . . i, 94 FOLSOM, Samuel, Col. : coroner .... loan to, for erecting powder-mill directions to .... vii, 193 recruiting officer, account . . . . commissioner to re-enlist soldiers at the army . account, committee on . viii, 153 vui, 155 viii, 160 petition, committee on . . . . FOLSOM, Thomas, Capt. ; account ... . . . soldier, omitted in roll, wages allowed FOOT, Pasco: mate of the Bonetta Pinck .... . v, 371 FOOTMAN, Thomas [Foottman] : soldier in fort .... account .... iii, 40 claim for loss of yawl . . .... FORAGE : from Fisher's farm. Cobs .... provided for officers' horses . ... FORBES, , Capt. : return of borrowed cannon and stores . . . . v, 280 FORBES, William: petition . ... FORD, James, Capt. ; soldier, allowed for losses and doctoring .... viii, 5 pay-roll, mistake in rectified, account . . . viii, 5 viii, 6 FORD, Thomas, Capt. . account FOREIGN Coin: rates of. act of Parliament for ascertaining . . v, 237 v, 305 FOREIGN Vessels: collection of powder-money from ...... vii 248 exempted from powder-money tax . . ... viii -'3 FORFEITURES: appropriation of, committee on ... . riii, 122 viu, 124 n. 114 in. 49 vii. 102 viii. no viii. 140 11, 33 vm. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 177 FORGERY : of deeds vi, 148 act against and explanatory of the same . vu, 67 vii, 177 vu, 247 prosecution for ........ . yiii 202 of biUs of credit . . which see. FORNICATION : act concerning ........ ji 22c FORSTER, Richard: sloop appraiser ..... v 188 FORTIFICATIONS: j^« Forts : FORTS : (jee also the names of forts following) : GraffiDrt's hill, Portsmouth state of, representation relating to French . . i, 268 i, 269 and see Nova Scotia. in northern parts of New York in western Massachusetts, plan of proposed by Lt.-Gov. DeLancey ' ' none to pass without a pass " and see Permits. defence of . . iv, 143 V, 117 and see fortifications in, below. captain's salary ii, 25 iv, 142 and see Commanders : of the fort. necessaries for V, 109 citadel in . . . their majesties' stores in V, 146 fortifications in iv, 157 accounts, audit of . iii, 40 V, 133 commissions proclaimed at gunner, and salary of powder for . V, 138 declaration of war published at building at Newcastle on Androscoggin River : at Capuhchewack : at Casco : Coos : Great Island : on Kennebec River : at Lake Erie : Lake Sac rament : in Nova Scotia : on Ohio River : at Oswego : at Penacook : Piscataqua Harbor : in Piscataqua River : at Saco : Secunti : Wood Creek ....... which see. 12 i. 202 iv, 183 i, 252 V, 32 i, 270 i, 275 i, 280 vi, i, i, i, n. 94 272274 275 2 n. 9 ii, 10 ii. 31 iv, 144 iv. 145 iv. 176 V, 92 V, 126 V, 138 vi, 15 vi. 126 ii. 26 iv, 143 V, 93 V, 121 V, 151 V, 174 V, ii. 196114 • n. 119 iv. 151 iv. 157 V, 107 V, i6d V, 185 V, 277 V, 346 • ii. 119 ii, 126 iv. 151 iv. 156 iv. 160 iv. 161 iv, 352 iv, 371 iii. 48' iv. 160 iv. 161 iv. 178 V, 134 V, 139 V, 158 V, iii. 174 66 iv, 142 V, 195 V, iv. 200 354 V, 146 V, i8S V, 193 vi, V, vii. II 4840 178 Index to Records of the Council, FORTS : (see also the names of jorts following) : their majesties', > ^^^ p^^^ yN\\\x-^-cc, and Mary. at Newcastle, S old FORT Albany: Indian messengers from FORT-BOAT : equipment of ... • v, at the command of councilors FORT Dummer: affairs, account delivery of FORT Edward: camp at, letters from besieged FORT George: Gov. Clinton at FORT-HOUSE : repair of . . . FORT Massachusetts: garrison, scouting there . FORT No. 4 (Charlestown) : Indian interview at garrison FORT Pelham: soldiers posted there FORT Pemaquid: Indians intending to attack . FORT Point: opening ditch across ..... FORT Richmond : see Lithgow, William, Capt. : FORT Shirley: soldiers posted there ..... FORT Sullivan: lieutenant of ..... FORT Washington : see also Janvrin's Island : repairs, account for .... officers of, complaint against . batteries and barracks ... highway to .... . invalids at ...... . FORT William Henry: siege and surrender of FORT William and Mary: repairs . 93 . which see. i, 159 V, 121 V, 201 V, 134 i, 264 vi, 55 1, 269 vi, 102 vi, 105 vi, 106 vi, 60 n, 3 ii- 4 i, 274 i. 265 275 i, 276 i. 265 n. 50 vi. 25 i, 265 . vu. 82 vu. ' 91 vn, 222 viu. 369 see next above. which see. vi, 105 vi, 106 VI, 107 vi, 150 n. 26 ii. 31 ii. 48 ii. 127 ii. 130 ii. 132 ii. 133 n. 134 ii, 135 ii, 142 ii. 169 in. 20 iii. 28 iv. 143 iv, 306 iv 309 iv. 314 iv. 352 iv. 363 iv, 366 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 179 IV, 371 V, II V, 117 V, 129 V, 138 V, 146 V, 157 V, 168 V, 174 V, 211 V, 340 V, 341 V, 346 vi. 107 vi. 126 ii, 117 V, 109 V, 119 V, 144 V, 145 V, 153 V, 157 V, 160 ii. 147 V, 127 V, 138 V, 146 ii, 226 iii, 53 in, 82 V, 56 V, 94 V, 107 V, 119 V, 120 V, 134 V, 144 V, 195 V, 196 V, 200 V, 207 V, 208 V, 294 V, 299 V, 336 V, 343 vi. 130 FORT William and Mary: repairs watching and warding at laborerscaptains (commanders) and see Atkinson, Theodore: Walton, Shadrach. appropriation for . . . . . Ui, 77 condition of, and stores in, reports concerning iv, 351 and see repairs above. increase of force at officer to secure powder in magazine supplies for . commander appointed soldiers in FOSS, John: of Newcastle, sworn his house, Sandy Beach, as rendezvous of scouts FOSS, Joshua, Capt: employs prisoner . .... FOSS, Nathaniel; enlisting officer . . . FOSS, Samuel ; 1 FOSS, William : \ of Newcastle, sworn FOSTER, Abiel: justice of the peace . . . . representative . . .... petition for George Kezer councilor vote committee, account .... account . . viii, 313 viii, 397 viii, 409 special justice, Superior Court of Judicature delegate to Continental Congress viii, 416 viii, 443 FOSTER, Daniel: petition for grant of township FOSTER, Ephraim: account of Indian mischiefs, Stevenstown FOSTER, John: soldier, wounded at Bunker Hill FOSTER, Thomas: letter to Josiah Willard about a murder . FOWLE, DANIEL; printer, account . . . vii, 32 vn, 47 iii, 79 iii, 81 v, 108 V, 346 vi, 15 vi, 99 vi, 49 vii, 161 • viii, 444 . which see. ii, IS V, 114 . vn, 136 n, 15 • vui, 95 . viu, 149 viii, 149 viii, 150 viii, 219 viii, 429 viii, 471 vui, 387 viu. 408 viu, 464 viii, 471 vi, 131 vi, 91 • vU, 44 i, 259 vn, 87 viu, 410 i8o Index to Records of the Council, vm, 475 FOWLE, Daniel: vendue-master .... petition, committee on proposals respecting printing utensils FOWLE & Gerrish: printers, account, committee on ... . FOWLE, Robert Luist: printer, account ....... FOWLE, Zachariah: printer, accounts, petitions ..... vni, 151 vin, 178 viii, 181 viii, 271 vui, 338 viii, 354 FOWLER, Jacob: petition ........ FOWLER, Jacob and Philip: V. Josiah Hilton, review granted FOWLER, John [Fawler] : commander of the Debtford, letters from FOWLER, Philip: petition ..... FOWLER, Philip, Senr. ; V. Josiah Hilton . . ... FOWLER, Samuel, Lt. ; account . . ... FOX, Ines: king's secretary of state, letter by . FOXE, Richard: referee on petition of Robert Mason FRAMINGHAM : scouting there ....... FRANCE : squadron of ships from .... war with England and Spain ..... declaration of war against ..... subjects of this state in, privileges of . . . dauphin of, directions for celebrating his birth king of, which see, also His Most Christian Majesty. FRANCESTOWN : as boundary of Society Land ..... discount of taxes ... ... non-residents' lands in, vendue of . absentees' lands in, sale of . FRANKLIN, Joseph [Franklyn] : physician, suspicious letter to .... FRASIER, Simon: deserter from the army . FRAZIER, John [Frazer] . prisoner, to take passage for W. I. vni, 148 viii, 409 viii, i 476 viu, 478 vui, i 323 viu, 328 vn. 81 viii, 476 viu, 149 vin. 247 viii, 251 vin. 369 vin, 428 vu, 174 vii, 201 vi. 7 vi, 8 vu, 174 vii, 201 vii, 119 vi, 100 i. 39 i, 274 i, 218 V, 48 vi, 100 vin, 153 vui, 365 vi, 167 vui. 127 viii, 153 vni, 161 viii, 163 iv, 330 viii, 126 vn, 40 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 151 FRAZIER, John [Frazer] : petition ... FREEBORN, Gideon: libellee in admiralty case, petition . FREEHOLDERS : see also Portsmouth : representatives chosen by . . ii, 16 of Newcastle, to choose town officers exempt from impressment reputable, as qualification for councilors . FREEMAN, Edmund: petition, committee on . FREEMAN, Jonathan: agent, petition for grant to Hanover FREEMAN, Russell: petition, committee on . FRENCH : trade with, interdicted . encroachments on English territories 1, 272 i, 275 trade with, Mass. vote to prevent . preparations and equipments . . vm, 45 vin, 133 viii, 134 viii, 135 and see Men-of-war. shallops . . . . . peace with Mohawks sale of captives to . victory over, at Viego . Oswego forts and garrison taken by neutrals passing through provinces enemies fortsmissionaries . priests . prisoners sloops . 1, 301 n, 17 n. i8 "1, 55 ii, 63 vi, no vi, 120 vu, 2 viu, 447 vi, 146 viii, 447 i. 190 vi, 95 1, 269 i, 270 i, 284 1, 296 n, 222 i, 281 1, 292 i, 293 i, 298 ii, 50 vi, 98 vi, 99 see next above. ii, 140 iv, 233 V, 71 vi, loi vi, 102 y which see. expedition against, see French and Indians : Bay Vert : Chenecto : St. Johns : St. John's River : St. Lawrence River. FRENCH, Anne: petition and act for divorce from Stephen Leavitt . . viii, 210 viii, 216 vni, 229 FRENCH Army: in Ohio FRENCH Catholics: prisoners of war . FRENCH Fleet: news concerning . FRENCH Goods: cargo of, for Gov. Joseph Dudley V, 159 v, 160 vi, 24 i, 263 V, 112 v, 113 vi, 25 vi, 126 V, 179 i82 Index to Records of the Council, FRENCH AND Indians : see also War : expedition against i, 230 i. 284 i, 285 i, 289 i, 290 i, 294 i, 295 i, 301 in, 56 V, 99 V, 100 V, 102 V, 103 V, 104 V, 105 V, 108 V, 109 V, no V, in V, IIS V, 116 V, 135 V, 136 V, 177 V, 178 V, 181 V, 184 V, 185 V, 190 V, 207 V, 236 V, 282 FRENCH, John: cook of the Richard . . . . i, 136 FRENCH, John: armorer to Maj. Whitcomb's corps, wages paid . . . viii, 452 FRENCHMEN : registration of . . . . . . . v, n2 v, 113 FRENCH, Olive: petition and act for vesting title to land in her children vii. 269 vui. I viu. 9 FRENCH Settlements: on the Ohio and the lakes i. 300 in Nova Scotia V, 265 on the St. Lawrence, reduction of vi. 24 exportation to, restricted vi. 95 FRENCH, Thomas: deceased, estate of viii. 9 FRIAR [Fryar] : of Norridgewock, letter from . V, 360 FRIENDS' Adventure: schooner, cargo for sale . vii. 187 vn. 188 permitted to sail for W. I. vn. 196 FRIGATES [Friggotts] : see Deserters : Dover : Gosper : Raleigh : Ranger. to cruise in Bay of Fundy i. 185 i. 186 at Port Royal V, 126 FRINK, Elijah: express to Walpole viii. 449 FRONTIERS : see also Coos : defence of . i, 195 i. 197 i. 199 i, 208 i, 210 i, 266 i, 270 i, 274 i, 275 i, 296 u, n ii. 47 ii, 49 n, SI ii, 54 ii, 55 ii. 64 n, 112 n, 169 n, 170 n, 187 n. 199 n. 200 ii, 208 n, 218 ii, 251 ii, 256 iii. I in, 20 iii, 27 in, 30 iii. 32 iii. 3? in, 40 iU, 46 iv, 144 iv. 146 iv. 163 iv, 169 iv, 171 iv, 172 iv, 174 iv. 176 iv, 178 iv, 203 V, 100 V, III V, 113 V, 151 V, 182 V, 189 V, 220 V, 223 V, 246 vi, 23 vi, 24 vi, 31 vi. 35 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 183 FRONTIERS : see also Coos : defence of . . . vi, 90 vi. 91 vi. 92 vi. 93 vi, 106 vu, 83 vii, 84 vu. 87 vii. 218 viu. 140 viii, 160 viu, 177 vui. 179 vni. 212 vUi, 247 viu, 251 vni. 254 viii, 271 viu. 278 viii, 321 vin, 323 viii. 324 viu, 35° viu. 356 viii. 369 vin, 374 vin. 376 viu, 377 vui. 391 vui. 468 settlements by English on vi. 64 letters from, on Indian movements . vi, 92 FROST, George: justice of the peace vi. 152 justice. Court of Common Pleas vi. 15s vii. 23 committee on regulation of trade vii. 126 delegate to Continental Congress vii, 170 viii, 16 viii , 27 viii i, 31 viii 1,36 viii. 152 account .... vii, 181 viii. 30 viu. 152 and see next above. councilor .... viii, 206 viii, 207 viu. 208 vui, 209 viu. 211 viii, 212 viu. 214 viU, 215 viii, 216 vui. 218 vin. 219 viu, 221 viii. 223 viii, 226 viii, 228 viu, 229 viii, 233 viii. 234 vni, 235 viu. 236 viii. 241 ¦ viii. 242 viii, 243 viu, 244 vUi, 249 vin, 250 viii. 256 viu. 260 viii, 268 vui. 272 viu, 276 viii. 277 vui. 278 vin, 286 viii, 287 viii. 288 viii. 290 viii, 292 viii, 294 viii, 296 viii, 300 vUi, 307 viu, 308 vui, 310 viu, 312 viii, 313 vin, 316 viii, 318 viu, 322 vin, 358 vui, 359 vui, 361 vui, 363 viu, 367 viii, 368 vin, 370 viu, 372 viu, 385 viu, 386 vin, 389 vin, 391 viu, 393 vin, 399 vui, 402 viu, 404 viu, 405 viii, 406 vni, 407 vin, 408 vin, 409 viii, 410 viu, 413 viii, 415 viu, 417 viii, 419 vui, 420 viii, 431 vin, 432 vui, 433 vin, 434 vni, 438 viu, 439 viii, 441 viu, 444 vui, 445 vui, 447 vui, 452 viii, 453 vin, 457 viu, 458 viu, 460 viu, 461 viu, 468 viu, 474 viii, 475 viu, 476 viu, 477 vni, 485 petition for Newcastle, committee on . . • viii, 310 councilor vote committee, account .... . viii, 420 FROST, George, Lt. : depreciation note, indorsement on . . • vin, 216 viu, 253 FROST, John [Froost] : soldier, impressed . councilor justice of the peace ii, 83 iv. 204 iv, 206 iv, 214 iv, 215 iv. 218 iv. 224 iv, 230 iv, 235 iv, 244 iv. 245 iv, 246 , iv. 207 V, 352 184 Index to Records of the Council, FROST, John [Froost] : sloop appraiser ..... . . v, 188 commander of the Bonetta Pinck .... v, 370 v, 371 FROST, Joseph: petition for Newcastle, committee on ..... viii, 310 FRYAR, Nathaniel [Fryer] : councilor i. 64 i. 65 i. 66 i, 181 i. 187 i. 198 i, 200 i. 201 i, 202 i. 204 i. 205 i. 206 i, 210 i, 212 i, 216 i, 221 i. 222 ii, 2 n, 4 n. 6 n, 8 n. 9 ¦ ii. 10 ii, 12' n. 19 ii. 22 n. 24 ii. 25 ii, 29 n. 45 ii, 48 ii. 52 n. 57 ii, 58 n. 60 ii. 61 ii. 62 ii, 64 u, 68 u. 77 ii. no ii. in ii, 112 n, 113 ii, 117 ii, 119 n. 120 ii. 121 ii, 122 ii, 123 n. 124 ii, 125 n. 126 n, 127 ii. 128 n. 130 ii, 138 ii, 139 ii, 140 ii, 142 ii, 143 n, 146 n. 154 n, 158 ii, 171 ii. 173 n, 174 ii. 175 n, 176 n. 177 n. 178 n. 182 ii, 183 n, 187 ii, 190 ii. 204 n. 205 n. 206 ii, 211 n. 213 ii, 221 n. 222 ii. 225 n, 238 n. 242 n. 246 ii. 253 ii, 261 ii, 262 ii, 265 ii. 269 ii. 270 ii. 275 ii, 279 ii. 282 u, 283 ii. 284 iii, 18 in, 19 in, 22 iii, 25 iii, 29 iii, 31 iii, 33 in. 34 iii. 35 in. 36 in, 40 in, 41 iii. 42 iii. 46 in. 47 in. 55 iii, 58 in. 59 iii. 60 iii. 61 iii. 63 in, 64 iii. 65 iii, 67 iii. 69 iii. 71 in, 72 iii. 71 in. 75 iU, 77 iii, 81 iu, 83 in. 85 iii. 87 iii. 88 iv. 133 iv, 134 iv, 13s iv. 136 iv. 139 iv. 140 iv, 141 iv. 142 iv, 144 iv. 145 iv, 146 iv, 147 iv. 148 iv. 149 iv, 151 iv. 152 iv, 153 iv. 154 iv. ISS iv. 156 iv. 157 iv, 159 iv, 161 iv. 162 iv. 163 iv. 164 iv, 165 iv. 166 iv. 167 iv, 168 iv. 169 iv, 173 iv. 174 iv. 175 iv. 176 iv. 177 iv, 178 iv. 183 iv, 184 iv, 185 iv, 186 iv, 187 iv. 188 iv. 190 iv, 192 iv, 193 iv, 19s iv. 197 iv. 375 V, I V, 2 V, 3 V, . 4 V, , 6 V, 7 V, 9 V, 10 V, 1 II V, , 12 V, 15 V, 16 V, 41 V, , 44 V, . 45 V, 46 V, 47 V, 48 V, , 53 V, . 54 V, 55 V, 59 V, 63 V, . 70 V, < '72 V, 74 V, 94 New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. 185 FRYAR, Nathaniel [Fryer] : justice Court of Common Pleas .... president of council . . . i, 171 i, 173 i, 176 i, 177 i, 178 i, 185 i, 186 n, 148 ii, 162 u, 163 ii, 164 ii, 168 n, 169 ii, 170 ii, 192 ii, 193 ii, 196 letter to Lt. -Governor Usher .... ordinary, probate records delivered to ferriage, bills about .... account (bill) • n, 164 Ui, 4 in, commander-in-chief in absence of Lt. -Governor supervisor of work on fort judge of probate . .... justice of the peace . . empowered to administer oaths petition ..... FRYAR, Nathaniel, Jr.: master of the Ketch Prosperous, bond . petition .... FRYAR'S Island: tower on ...... . FRYE, Ebenezer, Capt. : company, subaltern officers of . . . officer, taken prisoner at Ticonderoga, account FRYE, Isaac, Capt. [Fry] : company, account ...... FRYE, Joseph, Maj. : memorial ...... FULLER, William: petition FURBER, Jems: soldier, Oyster River FURBER, Jethro: Robert Mason v. . ... FURBER, Nathaniel: account ..... FURBER, William, Senr. : of Bloody Point, province rate against . FURBER, William, [Furbur] : lieutenant ...... certificate of soldiers' discharge i, 207 40 1, 71 i, 174 i, 179 ii, 149 ii, 165 ii, 185 ii, 216 1", 35 i, 207 m, 49 ii, 73 iii, 25 in, 26 1- 73 i, 175 i, 182 ii, 150 ii, 166 ii, 187 V, 108 i, 184 i, 205 in, 36 iv, 187 ii, 26 iv, 142 ii, 70 ii, 146 iii, 25 iii. 35 7 73 94 V, ni, V, i, 126 ii, 33 V, 63 Vll, 121 vn. 122 vin. 5 vUi, 469 vui. 471 vii, 161 viu. 241 i. 287 i. 53 i. 224 i, 106 vu. 91 i. 97 n. 3 . n, 94 i86 Index to Records of the Council, FURBER, William, [Furbur] : trial by court-martial . . u, loo ii, loi n, 103 n, 105 complaint against . . . . ii, 104 petition, ferry . ii, 107 ii, 165 representative . . . . . . . . . ii, i n u, 154 ii, 174 n, 204 iv, 148 iv, 159 iv, 164 iv, 168 iv, 174 iv, 192 iv, 195 testimony concerning David HamUton, pauper . . • ii, 276 committee to settle town bounds .... v, 42 FURBER, William: account ..... .... vii, 272 FURBER, William, Jr. ; of Bloody Point, province rate against . . i, 97 representative .... . . ivjii34 iv, 141 FURBUSH, William: petition . . . . . . ii, 34 FYEFIELD : see Fifield. GAGE, Abner: disabled soldier, petition, half-pay .... vii, 235 vii, 241 GAGE, Amos, Capt. . pay-roll .... . . . vii, 262 GAGE, Edwin: consignor of goods for Piscataqua ... . . i, 2 GAGE, John: representative . . ..... iv, 364 justice of the peace .... ... vi, 152 coroner . . ....... vii, 24 petition ... ... . viu, 7 GAGE, Joseph: N. Y. prisoner, has leave to go home . . vii, 119 GAGE, Josiah: justice of the peace .... . . vii, 22 GAINS, George, Maj. : selectman, Portsmouth . coroner . ..... barrack-master, quarter-master, account . vii, vii, 112 vii, 113 vn, committee on cannon and powder . on damage to houses used for barracks on printing treasurer's notes . major, ist regiment state militia of regiment to be sent into Cheshire Co. of committee of safety vn, 149 viu, 66 viu, paymaster ....... purchaser of rum for the army . . vii, of guns for the state vi. 161 vi, vu. 163 23 34 vii. 40 vii. 41 148 vui, 414 viii, vu,vu. 452 41 81 viii, 57 viu, viu, vii, viu, 60 14 91 326 88 viii 157 viu, vii. 383 ¦154 181 vu. 185 vui, viii. 257 13 vii. 8S vn. 86 vni. 454 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 187 GAINS, George, Maj. : pay-roU, petition . . . viii, 16 viii, 182 viu, 185 representative viii 361 GALE, Eliphalet: ammunition money advanced to vu, 66 GALE, Jacob, Lt.-Col. : muster-master, paymaster, account soldiers' travel money advanced to . pay-roU, account, staff-roU . . . viu, 52 vni, 54 GALE, William : a matross, omitted in roll, wages paid viii, 67 GALLEONS : Spanish, destroyed ........ v, 71 GALLEY : see also Row-galley : Shirley, letter of Sir Wm. PeppereU written on board . . i, 261 GAMBLING, Benjamin: bondsman to treasurer ...... high sheriif . .... councilor ........ iv, 285 iv, 288 iv, 297 iv, 312 iv, 313 iv, 315 clerk. Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace . commissioner of bankruptcy ..... surety on coroner's bond ..... GAMING : in public houses, act to prevent . . . n, 123 iv, 154 GAOL [Goal, Goale] : see also Jail : see Amherst : Charlestown : Dover : Exeter : Portsmouth : Prison. order for justices to provide ..... insufficient, repair or removal of . . v, 346 night-watch, impressment of . rebuilding, repairing, committees on province, rescue of prisoners in ... . guarding, see next above, also Exeter. delivery, see Court of Assize and General Gaol Delivery. GAOL-KEEPERS : see also Prison-keepers : accounts for board of prisoners vi, 64 viu, 6 vin, 24 GARDNER, Freeman, Capt. : permittee, petition, committee on viu, 159 GARDNER, Henry: of the Laconia Company . . . • . . . i, 10 GARDNER, Henry & Co. ; merchants, consignors of goods for Piscataqua i, i i, 2 i, 6 GARDNER, Samuel: coroner, Essex ......... i, 169 iv. 208 iv, 218 iv, 283 iv. 284 iv, 298 iv. 310 iv, 316 iv. 317 v. 29s V, 363 V, 396 i. 184 V, 348 vi. 76 V, 355 V, 383 vi. 76 vi, 89 vi, 132 vn. 102 vu. 104 vm. 3 vin, 58 viu. 82 vni, 89 viu. 187 vni. 188 viii. 201 Index to Records of the Council, GARDNER, William: gun-dealer . viu. 13 GARFIELD, Nathaniel [G earfield] petition, committee on viii. 390 GARLAND, Jacob: grantee of Kingston n. 74 GARLAND, John: to exchange Barrington parsonagf. act for viii. 114 GARRISONS : see Annapolis. Furber, WiUiam. Bunker's. Gerrish, John. Burnham's. Gerrish, Richard. Canterbury. Hampton. Charlemont. Heard, Samuel. Chesley, Philip. HUton, Edward. Chesley, Samuel. Hurd's [Heard's] . Coffin, Peter. Jones's [Joans's] . Connecticut River. Medar's. Contoocook. Morrison's in Colrain Dam, John. Newcastle. Dame, WiU. Oyster River. Dam's. Pemaquid. Davis, David. Pike's. Davis's. Pontoosuck. Dover. • Portsmouth. Durgin's. Smith, Joseph. Edgerly's. Strawberry Bank. Exeter. Ticonderoga. Fall Town. Tippitts's. Fort Massachusetts. Tuttle's. Fort Number 4. Tuttle, John. Fort WiUiam and Mary. Woodman, John. supplies for . i, 179 ii. 31 arms, ammunition, stores ir 1 . i, 242 V, 28 V, 93 raising men for ii, 48 visiting, repairs ii. 84 ". 112 n. 118 ii, 146 ii, 169 ii. 172 ii. 200 n. 201 u, 253 U, 254 iv. 163 iv. 174 V, n V, 58 V, loi V, 107 settling u, 117 u, 163 V, 148 accounts in, 39 iv. 178 cattle brought into V, 118 all people ordered to V, 118 V, 160 V, 162 V, 182 V, 189 on the Great Lake, troops for reduction of vi. 24 half-pay officers ordered into . viii. 182 captains which see. frontier, see Frontiers : defence of. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. GARRISON Soldiers: 189 cAciiipicu irom rates 1, 181 GARRWAY, Benjamin: rioter, petition V, 8 GATCHEL, Benjamin: master of bark, Richard, tried for trading with Indians . . V, 295 V, , 296 V, 297 GATES, Horatio, Gen. : letter from .... vu, 187 vii, , 188 vu. 232 GATES, Mary: divorce, see Thomas. GATES, Thomas: petition and bill for divorce . viu, .432 vin, 434 GEARE, John : see also Geere : of Strawberry Bank i. 164 GEARFIELD: see Garfield: GEDNEY, Bartholomew: war commissioner, Mass. ii. 50 GEE, Ralph [Rape] : at Piscataqua i, 23 GEER, Shubael: petition, committee on . viii. 388 GEERE, John : see also Geare : distressed for military fine ii. 56 GEFFREY: see Jaffrey: GENERAL : appointment of, by king i. 286 GENERAL Arnold: ship, permitted to sail . vu. 241 GENERAL Assembly : see House of ] Representatives : GENERAL Court: accommodations for i, 86 i, 229 n, 3 ii, 63 in, 54 V, 170 V, 172 viii. ISS vui. 183 orders published by beat of drum i, 203 iv. 184 V, 16 letters from, to Lords Commissioners 1 For Trade and Plan- tations i, 231 i, 234 i, 235 i, 236 i. 237 iv. 181 to Sir Henry Ashurst . i. 231 i, 234 to Earl of Bellomont . n, 229 n. 230 ii. 231 ii, 232 ii. 236 n, 237 u. 251 ii. 255 ii, 256 ii, 258 ii, 259 n. 260 iv. 198 to Massachusetts vUi, 160 letters to, from Isaac Addington ? whicl I see. Sir Henry Ashurst ) record book .... . n. 12 V, 133 igo Index to Records of the Council, GENERAL Court: minutes sent to England ii, 212 iv, 197 v, 131 recess of . ...... and see Committeeof Safety: wages. precepts for . adjournment of . . • vu, 8 vn, 243 viii, 70 viu, 132 viii, 250 vin, 325 viU, 356 viii, 420 viii, 454 vn, IS vii, 251 viii, 91 vin, 157 viii, 255 viii, 333 viu, 377 viu, 425 viii, 469 vii, 216 viii, 67 vin, 124 vui, 232 viii, 295 viii, 350 viii, 412 viii, 445 also see House of Representatives : prorogation of session at Portsmouth petitioned for money burnt in presence of . special convention (session) of called together by Committee of Safety illiberal reflections cast on servants' wages (pay) first under new constitution . wages (pay), see Councilors: Representatives Connecticut . . ... Massachusetts .... New York ... . . Rhode Island GENERAL Test: committee on . . vii, 213 GENEVA: see Republic of Geneva: GENIUS : encouragement of, act for GEORGE : ship, cargo of spars . . . . schooner, prisoners taken in . GEORGE I: his warrant for qualifying councilors proclaimed king ..... v, 328 patent constituting judge of the admiralty commission of John Wentworth as lieutenant-governor instructions relative to province seals and shipping . GEORGE II: his victory over the French ..... mandamus of, requiring the admission of a councilor instructions to Gov. Benning Wentworth sends regiments to America ..... declares war against France . V, iv, vu, vii, vni,vni, vni,viii,viu, viii,viii,viii. 239321 4 69 19 103 165 276 339 384 430471 V, 263 iv, 322 viu, 446 vii, 215 viii, 34 viii, 104 viu, 183 viii, 283 viii, 348 viu, 410 vni, 439 viu, 473 vm. . vn, 177 vn, 182 vii, 217 158 vin, 276 viii, 178 ¦ vni, 383 468 vin, 471 } v^ich i V, 214 viii. 83 viii. 452 V, 387 vn. 136 iv. 214 329 V, 331 V, 355 V, 374 V, 379 vi. 9 vi. 22 vi. 77 vi. 94 vi. 100 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 191 GEORGE III: commission de novo to Gov. Benning Wentworth . vi. 121 instructions and list of councilors vi. 121 marriage of . . vi. 122 declares war against Spain vi. 125 instructions relative to the granting of lands vi. 156 GEORGE, John: utterer of counterfeit bills . vi. 80 GEORGE, Thomas: s petition for incorporation of a town vi. 67 vi. 68 GEORGE, William: petition, committee on . vni. 368 viu. 469 GERRISH AND Fowle: see Fowle and Gerrish: GERRISH, Henry, Lt.-Col., Col.. justice of the peace vu. 24 express to Cohas (Coos) , account vii. 30 vn. 38 to return borrowed powder vii. 64 receives order in favor of Col. Stickney . vu. in account, petition . viii. 409 vui. 467 GERRISH, Jane, Mrs. : will proved .... V, 38s GERRISH, John, Capt. [Garish, Geerish] : constable, Dover . i. in i. 116 garrison .... i. 177 ii. 48 u. 49 n, 82 ii, 177 iii. 30 iii. 39 IV, 193 representative i, 201 IV, 183 petitions .... i, 207 ii. 47 ii. 48 li, 164 of committee of militia . ii, SI account for soldiers' subsistence . ii. 177 councilor u, 222 ii, 225 ii, 238 ii. 242 u, 246 n, 248 ii. 253 ii. 257 ii. 258 u, 261 n, 262 ii, 264 ii. 265 ii, 269 ii, 270 n, 279 u. 282 ii. 287 n. 288 iv, 375 V, I V, 2- V, 3 V, 8 V, 12 V, 13 V, 15 V, 16 V, 41 V, 42 V, 44 V, 78 V, 112 V, 123 V, 125 V, 135 V, 138 V, 144 V, 147 V, 148 V, 153 V, 154 V, 185 V, 186 V, 193 V, 201 V, 203 V, 206 V, ?07 V, 209 V, 212 V, 218 V, 220 V, 221 V, 223 V, 225 V 234 V, 238 V, 251 notified to attend council iii, 17 assistant justice, Superior Court of Judicature in 27 V, 7 justice of the peace V, 7 testifies to signatures of deceased witnesses V, 186 V, 187 GERRISH, Nathaniel, Capt. : executor of will of Mrs. Jane Gerrish V, 393 192 Index to Records of the Council, V, 363 V, 364 v, 290 V, 352 V, 365 GERRISH. Paul, Col.: petition . . ....... representative ......... iv, 283 iv, 284 iv, 303 iv, 304 GERRISH, Richard, Capt. ; garrison .... commander of the Benjamin . estate, money due from . speaker. House of Representatives custodian of bonds justice of the peace councilor . . . v, 361 justice. Court of Common Pleas .... GERRISH, Robert: printer, account . . ... GERRISH, Robert Elliott: connected with anonymous letters to Jotham Odiorne GERRISH, Samuel, Capt. : permittee .... ... GERRISH, Stephen: appears for Contoocook ...... GERRISH, Timothy, Capt. : committee to bound land granted by Mass. to Portsmouth GIBBINS, Ambrose [Gibbens, Gibins] : factor of Laconia Company ...... i, letters to, from Laconia Company John Raymond John Mason . George Vaughan Anne Mason . Richard Rogers 1, II letters from. to Laconia Company John Mason . account ... memorandum of goods from Laconia Co. GIBBS, John [Gibbes, Gibes] : fishing voyage ..... GIBSON, John: account for journey to Watertown . GIDDENS : see Giddings : GIDDINGE, Eliphalet, Capt. : muster-master, paymaster, account vu, 167 vii, 173 petition 1, 31 i, 16 vn, 177 vn, 143 vn, 275 iv, 260 iv, 273 iv, 309 in, 71 iv, 198 iv, 352 V, 291 V, 348 V, 370 V, 371 V, 364 vui, 468 vi, 49 vui, 63 vi, 90 V, 384 9 1510 19 28 33353623292530 231 vii, 105 vn, 159 viu, 15 vin, 33 New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. GIDDINGE, Eliphalet, Capt.: collector-general of beef cattle, account . viii, 200 viii, 211 viii, 213 viii, 258 GIDDINGE, Nathaniel. master of the Hermit ... . . GIDDINGS, [GiDDENs] : representative ....... GIFT: shaUop, seizure of, for non-entry GILBERT, Daniel. petition, committee on . . . GILBERT, Samuel, Col.: justice of the peace ...... GILCHRIST, Alexander [Gilchrest] : petition ........ GILE, Ezekiel : captain, company pay-roll ..... stoppages against ...... GILE, John: account . .... GILES, Benjamin : councilor . . . . 193 VII, 9 . vii, 17 vn, 32 vn, 37 vii, 46 vu, 83 vu, 10 vii, 18 vii, 33 vii, 39 vn, 47 vii, 84 vu, vu,vii. 4 12 27 vii, 106 vii, 109 vii, no committee on qualification of county officers to carry money to Gen. Schuyler • vm, 179 vui. 209 viii, 210 viii. 297 viii, 329 viii, 67 iv, 364 ii. 4 ii, 8 vui, 238 vi, 161 viii, 450 vii 269 viii, 96 see next above. vii, 34 vii, 42 vn, 48 vii, 95 vn, vii,vii, vii, vii, vii,vii,vii. 5 14 28 35 4381 96 112 vu, vu,vii, vii, vii,vn, vii. vn, 50 on Newcastle bridge ..... appointment of battalion officers at Ticon deroga ...... justice. Court of Common Pleas accounts . . vn, 51 vii, 52 vn, 88 vii, 133 vn, 148 vii, 160 surety for money borrowed of the state . representative . . . . vii, 131 petition, remonstrance . . ... draft by, in favor of Col. Hunt to collect money due the state in possession of counterfeit money .... re-imbursed for counterfeit money received of treasurer struck from list of civU officers .... 18 vn, 97 vu, viii, vii,vn. 107 42 132 182 82 8 IS 3036 44 82 97 vii, 282 vu, 19 vn, 49 vii, 160 vii, 51 vii, 107 vn, 25 vii, 109 viii, 172 vu, 88 vii, 199 viii, 242 vu, 185 vii, 209 vii, 224 vii, 226 viii, 348 ig4 Index to Records of the Council, GILES, William [Gyles] . consignor of goods for Piscataqua ...... i, 2 GILL, John: petition . . . . ... viii, 470 GILL, Samuel ; master of the Helena, permittee ... . . vu, 236 GILLESPY, James: support of, account for . . . . . . vi, 167 vi, 168 GILMAN, : keeper of records, Exeter . . . . . . . i, 167 GILMAN, Andrew : petition vi, 15 GILMAN, , Col.. petition for islands. Conn, river ... . vi, 144 GILMAN, David: complaint against, for cutting trees . . v, 43 v, 44 OILMAN, David, Lt.-Col., Col.; representative ........ vii, 6 vii, 12 vii, 14 vii, 20 vu, 36 vii, 40 of committee of safety . . . . . . . . vii, 17 justice of the peace ...... vii, 22 vUi, 262 captain of mUitia ......... vn, 31 account ... . . vii, 35 vii, 107 vii, no regiment ...... vii, 35 vii, 62 vii, 68 vii, 113 vii, 119 vii, 120 vii, 124 vii, 133 vii, 179 vii, 194 vii, 211 vii, 214 vii, 217 V. Samuel PenhaUow .... vii, 62 vii, 63 vii, 72 staff-roU ........ vii, 69 vii, 91 resignation of colonelcy ........ vii, 70 letter on complaint of Saml. Penhallow ..... vii, 72 committee on appointment of battalion officers at Ticonderoga, vii, 97 vii, 107 vii, 107 vii. III vu, 234 colonel of regiment of recmits muster-master, order in favor of petitionee .... GILMAN, Edward: of Exeter, province rate against GILMAN, Edward: coroner GILMAN, Eliphalet: account .... GILMAN, ISRAEL; justice of the peace GILMAN, James: 1 GILMAN, Jeremiah: \ , complaint against, for cutting trees GILMAN, Jeremiah: major. Col. CUley's battalion . 1, 94 i, 138 V, 43 VII, 24 vii. 29 vi. 146 v. 44 vii. 170 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 19s 1, 79 IV, 1, 201 IV, 141 IV, 104 IV, 105 GILMAN, Jeremiah: captain, advanced .... . . lieutenant-colonel, petition, memorial . viii, 166 GILMAN, Jeremy : of Exeter, province rate against .... GILMAN, John, Capt.: joint answer to Robert Mason councilor Robert Mason v. . of Exeter, province rate against petitionee .... execution against . wife threatens provost marshal representativedischarged of money burned . speaker. House of Representatives iv, 103 petition, account . . .... justice of the peace ...... committee to bound North Hill parish, Hampton GILMAN, John, Maj. . petition for soldier's grant of lands . account ....... GILMAN, John, Jr., Capt. : of Exeter, province rate against enlisting officer of volunteers .... information against .... commander of scouts ...... GILMAN, John Taylor: committee on accounts (claims) . . vii, 43 purchaser of army clothing, account . vii, 153 vii, 180 vn, 271 vii, 276 custodian of fire-arms ...... register of the disabled in United States' service vii, 182 vii, 183 viii, 67 viii, 94 vin, 135 accounts . . viii, 151 viii, 178 vni, 193 vin, 253 viii, 257 vui, 349 committee to settle officers' and soldiers' depreciation commissioner to Hartford on public affairs councilor vote committee ..... delegate to Continental Congress . . viii, 246 delegate to N. E. States' convention. Providence state treasurer ..... viii, 433 recommended for loan-officer ..... memorial .... . . VII, 174 viii, 388 viii, 390 i, 94 i, 138 iv, 183 1, 41 iv, 42 i, 93 i, 94 i, 100 i, 121 i, 141 iv, 224 see next above. ii, 19 iv, in iv, 139 iv, 315 V, 84 V, 369 . V, 386 VI, 150 vii, 29 i, 94 V, 104 V, 195 V, 224 vii, 1 1 8 vii, 172 viii, 59 vii, 163 vii, 164 viii, 28 viii, 257 viii, 239 vin, 352 vui, 178 vni, 193 viii, 219 viii, 382 viii, 260 viii, 453 viii, 440 viii, 450 103 vu, 45 vii, 157 vii, 280 vii, 184 viii, 251 vui, 219 viu, 350 accounts, viu, 191 vni, 330 viii, 258 vUi, 443 196 Index to Records of the Council, GILMAN, Joseph: appointed to sign money ..... committee on accounts (claims) . . vii, 43 to take care of N. Y. tory prisoners on continental accounts . . vii, 102 county treasurer, Rockingham on Board of War .... justice of the peace ...... account ........ ^ councUor vote committee, account . judge of probate, Rockingham Co. presents papers relative to pay of Col. Bedell's regiment GILMAN, Joshua: disabled soldier, half-pay . . . . GILMAN, Josiah, Dr., Capt.: receiver and inspector of saltpetre, account vn, 93 committee on claims vii, 118 viii, 66 on continental accounts . to settle officers' and soldiers' d< on rolls of three months' men room in his house for council and Committee of Safety authorized to sell state's saltpetre . his account referred to Committee of Safety state accountant ..... GILMAN, Moses, Senr. ; of Exeter, province rate against assault on provost marshal . i, 138 signer of association paper, Exeter . GILMAN, Moses, Jr.. of Exeter, province rate against GILMAN, , Mr.. representative . . iv, 315 GILMAN, Nathaniel; representative .... GILMAN, Nathaniel, Jr. ; recommended for loan-officer . GILMAN, Nicholas, Ens. ; committee on town and parish boundaries on Mass. and N. H. line justice of the peace .... GILMAN, Nicholas, Capt., Col., Hon.: treasurer and receiver-general . vii, n vui, 61 viii, 66 viii, 214 viii, 297 vn. 35 vii, 118 viii. 66 vii, 100 vii. 128 vu, 128 viu, 156 vu, 89 vUi, 66 viii. 104 'in, 137 viu. 178 . viii, 140 vui. 382 viii. 467 28 . vU, 88 viu, 126 viii, 127 viii, 156 viii, 429 viii, . 445 viii. 451 viii. IS viii. 156 )reciation accounts. viii. 178 viii, 181 vui. 254 vni, vni. 337208 i of Safety vu, viii, viii,viii, i. 258 S8 276 407 94 i, 141 i. 142 '. 143 i, 139 i. 140 i,i. 149 94 iv, 332 iv. 333 iv. 363 • iv. 303 iv, viii. 346 444 V, 42 V, 385 V,V, 386 176 V, 352 V, 369 vu, vii. 5° 6 vii, 41 vii. 212 vii. 261 viii, 122 viii. 140 vui. 203 viii, 304 viii. 397 viii, 402 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 197 GILMAN, Nicholas, Capt., Col., Hon. : to keep a guard at powder-house vii. 68 committee to take care of N. Y. 1 tory prisoners vii, 100 vii. 128 muster-master, order in favor of . vii. I II councilor .... vii, 116 vn, 117 vii. 118 vii, 1 19 vU, 120 vii, 122 vii, 125 vii. 128 vii, 129 vii, 130 vii, 133 vii, 134 vii, 135 vii, 140 vii, 143 vii, 144 vii, 148 vn. 151 vii, 152 vu, 154 vii, 155 vii, 158 vii. 162 vii, 163 vii, 164 vii, 165 vii, 166 vii. 168 vii, 171 vii, 174 vU, 177 vii, 178 vii. 179 vii, 180 vii, 186 vii, 187 vii, 188 vii. 189 vii, 190 vU, 191 vii, 196 vii, 198 vii. 199 vn, 203 vn, 204 vii, 205 vii, 206 vii, 208 vii, 210 vn, 211 vn, 219 vii, 221 vii. 223 vu, 224 vn, 225 vii, 227 vii, 228 vii. 230 vii, 231 vii, 232 vii, 235 vii, 236 vii. 255 vii, 256 vn, 257 vii, 260 vii, 264 vii. 270 vn, 273 vn, 275 vii, 277 vU, 278 vii. 281 vii, 284 vii, 286 vn, 288 vii, 289 viii. 5 viii, 10 viii, 12 vni, 1 5 viii, 16 viii. 17 viii, 23 viii, 24 vui, 26 viii, 27 viii. 28 viii, 30 viu, 35 viii, 38 vui, 39 viii. 46 viii, 52 viii, 56 viii, 63 viii, 65 viii. 71 viu, 8 1 viii, 83 viii, 85 vin. 86 viii. 87 viii, 89 viii, 92 viii, 93 viii, 94 viii. 97 vni, 98 viu, 99 viii, loi viii, 105 viii. 107 vui, 109 viu, 1 12 viii, 113 viii, 122 viu. 123 vui, 126 vui, 127 viii, 129 viu, 133 viu, 136 viii, 139 vui, 140 viu, 141 viii, 142 viu. 147 vin, 149 vui, 152 viii, 158 viii, 159 viii. 163 viii, 167 vni, 176 vin, 178 viu, 179 viii. 184, viii, 185 viu, 190 vui, 192 viii, 197 viii. 201 viii, 205 viii, 207 vin, 209 vui, 210 viii. 211 viii, 215 viii, 216 viii, 222 viii, 226 vui. 227 vui, 228 vni, 229 vin, 230 viii, 233 viii. 234 viii, 235 viii, 236 vin, 241 viii, 245 vui. 247 viii, 249 vni, 252 viii, 256 viu, 259 vui. 260 viii, 263 viii, 265 viii, 266 viii, 268 viii. 276 viii, 277 vin, 278 viii, 284 viii, 286 vin. 293 viii, 303 viu, 305 viii, 306 viii, 308 vin. 309 vui, 312 viii, 316 viii, 318 vni, 323 viii. 324 viu, 331 viii, 333 viii, 335 viii, 336 viii. 339 vui, 340 viii. 341 vin, 343 vui, 344 viii. 345 vin, 351 vin, 353 vin, 354 viu, 361 viii. 367 vui, 368 vui, 371 vni, 374 viii, 376 viii. 378 viU, 379 viii, 380 viii, 385 vui, 386 vui. 387 vni, 388 vni, 389 viii, 390 viu, 393 viii. 399 198 Index to Records of the Council, vu, 130 vu, 150 vii, 184 GILMAN, Nicholas, Capt., Col., Hon. : councilor . . . viii, 402 viii, 404 viii, 405 viii, 408 of committee of safety ...... vii, 149 loan-officer ........ permittee .......... account . . viu, 297 memorial, petition, committee on vin, 328 vni, 334 viu, 405 GILMAN, Peter, Capt. : representative . iv, 276 iv, 277 iv, 283 iv, 284 iv, 309 iv, 317 iv, 336 iv, 351 councilor . . . . . . . . vi, 145 vi, 147 vi, 150 vi, 154 vi, 158 justice, directed in regard to counterfeiters .... account, petition ....... viii, 50 GILMAN, Samuel, Capt., (Exeter) : representative .... . iv, 294 GILMAN, Samuel, Capt., (Newmarket) : committee to draft acts (bills) to provide barracks to notify Col. Dame of his appointment account, claim ... . . of committee of safety trustee of Gov. Wentworth's estate . . . viii, 162 vin, 167 viii, 182 vin, 187 viu, 283 vin, 326 viu, 344 vni, 345 viii, 380 order by, on the Messrs. Cabot in favor of Board of War order on, by judge of probate ... . . GILMAN, Samuel, Jr. . committee on printing acts, account . . vii, 237 GILMAN, Somersbee [Summersbee] : petitionee .... . . . GILMAN, Trueworthy, Capt. : express to No. 4, (Charlestown) .... vu, 144 GILMAN, Widow: of Exeter, province rate against GILMAN, Zebulon, Lt. . captain, company . . . . . . GILMANTON : committee, petition . . . . . iv, 315 non-resident taxes .... ... land in, act to vest title to . . . GILMORE, James, Capt. : pay-roll, account . . ... . . GILMORE, John: receives recruiting money for John Bell . . . . GILMORE, Robert: prisoner at Keene ......... vm, 409 viii, 65 vii, 152 viii, 67 viii, 445 viii, 441 iv, 303 iv, 354 vi, 146 vi, 167 vi, 158 vin, 439 iv, 299 vU, 184 vii, 1 60 vii, 169 vui, 8 viii, 66 viii, 166 viii, 301 vin, 383 viii, 299 viu, 300 viii, 301 vii, 274 vn, 234 vU, 145 i- 94 vU, 225 viu, 75 iv, 315 vni, 39 viu, 51 viii, 2 vu, 200 vm. 234 viu, 301 viii. 479 V, i. 339 164 ii. 15 vii, 143 vii. 144 viu. 25 viii. 345 i. 94 i. 37 J New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 199 GILMORE, Sarah: has leave to visit her husband. New York GILSUM : representation ..... GITTO, Richard: returned captive, examinee GLANVILL, Peter: of Strawberry Bank GLAS, Richard: of Newcastle, sworn .... GLASGOW : schooner, permitted to sail . GLEN, George : permittee ...... GLIDDEN, Jonathan: petition, committee on . GLIDON, Charles: of Exeter, province rate against GODARD, : GODFREY, Edward [Godfrie] : care of company's house, Piscataqua . . . i, 9 i, 39 GODFREY, Isaac: GODFREY, William: grantees of Kingston .... . . ii, 74 GODSO, William [Godsoe] : marshal, warrant for arrest of Wm. Vaughan . . . i, 168 GOFF, John: representative . ...... iv, 246 petition iv, 287 iv, 288 iv, 297 iv, 312 iv, 313 iv, 343 vn, 154 viU, 76 GOFF, John, Jr. : petition ..... iv, 305 to call first meeting, Souhegan East appears for Souhegan East GOFFE, Ant.. of Exeter, province rate against GOFFE, John, Maj. : petition, committee on ... . GOFFSTOWN : petitioner of ... . • . justice of the peace . . ... lunatic in, selectmen to get guardian for . title to land in, petition and act for vesting petitions, committee on . ... viu, no viii, 244 vin, 448 viii, 461 viii, 468 tory famUies in .... .... vin, no GOLD : see also Tender : for troops in Canada . . .... vii, 41 IV, 313 IV, 315 vi, 36 • vi. 59 • i. 94 viu. 233 vi, 151 vii. 51 . vii. 80 vii, 224 vu. 246 . vui. 109 200 Index to Records of the Council, GOLD, see also. Tender : treasurer's note payable in . GOLDSBOROUGH : exportation of corn to . GOLDSMITH, Josiah, Capt. : recruiting officer ... GOLDSTON, Ralph [Gulston] : memorial for .... GOOCH, James: petition ...... GOOCH, William: petition ...... GOODALE, Ezekiel, Lt. : account, petition, committee on allowed depreciation of Wages GOOD Behavior: bonds, recognizances for . . . GOODING : see Goodwin : GOOD News: from Carolina, cannon fired for GOODRICKE, H. : of his Majesty's councU, WhitehaU GOODS : imported from Boston, bill concerning . and see Imports. imported and exported, duties on . capable of retaining infection, to be buried in custody of Ool. Morey of British subjects, condemnation of exportation of, acts and resolutions to prevent contraband ...... English ..... French at Newichawanick . . . . GOODWIN, Robert: account ...... GOODWIN, Simeon [Gooding] : coroner .... GOOKIN, Daniel, Lt. : depreciation note, indorsement on . GOOKIN, Samuel: coroner, Middlesex .... CORAM : see Gorham : GORDON, Alexander [Gourdon] : of Exeter, province rate against GORDON, Daniel, Capt.: company pay-roll . . . . vin, 195 recruiting officer . . .... . VUI, 332 vn, 211 . viii, 270 iv, 227 iv, 228 viU, 188 • viii, 349 vn, 131 vm, 142 . viu, 189 i, 229 in, 37 iii, 54 vm. 204 88 n. 115 11, 61 V, 56 VI, 13 vu. 61 vn. 77 vm. 194 1 > which see. J ¦ vn, 175 , 83 viii, 355 viii, 268 i, 169 i. 94 vm, 203 vm, 237 viii, 269 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. viii, 179 GORDON, Nicholas [Gordin] : petition . ii, 247 GORDON, Peter: of Exeter, province rate against GORDON, Temperance: petition and act for review of an action . ' . . viii, 3 1 GORDON, William: petition to be " restored to his law " GORE: ungranted, between Lebanon and Hanover GORE, (Strafford County) : selectmen's petition ..... GORE, The : see also New Durham Gore : roads in, act for laying out and repairing GORE, Benjamin : of Exeter, province rate against GORGEANA : see also York : in Province of Maine ... GORGES, Ferdinando, Kt. : consignor of goods for Piscataqua . ... " i, i of the Laconia Company ....... letter to Wannerton and Gibbins ...... patent ....... • i> 33 GORHAM : schooner, portledge bill ..... GORHAM, , Lt.-Col. [Coram] : letter to Gov. Shirley on disaster at Nova Scotia GORHAM, Stephen: commissioner to settle accounts between state and United States GOSPER: her Majesty's frigate, voyage to Casco Bay GOSPORT : abatement of taxes ........ GOSS, Elizabeth: see Jonathan: GOSS, Jonathan: deceased soldier, wages paid his widow ..... Goss, Nathan: account . . ...... GOSS, Richard: of Newcastle, sworn .... ii, 15 GOUCH : see GooCH : GOULD, Daniel: account . . . . GOULD, James, Lt., Dr.: disabled, half-pay, account ....... petition, committee on . . . viu, 295 vui, 449 ii. 289 i, 94 viu. 41 vii. 156 vi. 145 viii. 381 viii. 274 i. 94 i. 24 i. 2 i. 24 1, 27 1. 34 vn. 34 vi. 26 viu. 441 vm, 452 V, 83 viii. 125 viii. 41 vii. 108 vii, 259 vn, 261 viii, 80 viii, 455 202 Index to Records of the Council, GOULD, Phillip: captive, examinee ... GOULDING, Palmer: petition for grant of township GOVE, Edward: deposition relating to . " business of," accounts of expenses in GOVE, John: traitor, pardoned . ... petition ... . . ' ' took the oaths " examinee, Hampton riot case GOVERNMENT : support of, acts to raise money for i, 64 i, 205 i, 207 n, 27 n, 67 ii, 267 u, 281 iv, 155 iv, 159 iv, 186 iv, 297 iy, 310 iv, 311 V, 82 V, 239 and see Appropriations : Money : Revenues supply of. devolving on president and council . war expenses, accounts . administered by eldest councUor colonial, establishment of resolution of Contl. Congress about plan of, corrected for the press protest against . dissatisfactory to some in Grafton county new system of, convention to form . viii, 10 vni, 245 the present, resolution for continuance of defence of, see Province. GOVERNMENTAL Officers: table of fees for .... . GOVERNMENTS : of Connecticut : Maryland : Massachusetts New York : Pennsylvania : Rhode Island : GOVERNOR and Council: deposition sworn before court fees allowed by . . examination before depositions taken before trustees of Portsmouth answer before as supreme court of probate . V, 385 V, 393 VI, 79 i, 43 iv, 286 i, 65 i, 222 ii, ISS ii, 282 iv, 164 iv, 298 iv, 312 vn, 246 Taxes : Treasury : i, 66 u, I u, 261 iv, 143 iv, 166 iv, 299 iv, 324 viii, 147 1, 242 viu, 252 vm, 312 viii, 424 V, 339 vi, 87 i, 44 i, 46 i, 58 iv, 287 V, 7 v, 122 i, 70 n, 24 ii, 262 iv, 150 iv, 175 iv, 309 iv, 325 viii, 231 m, 1 1 i, 296 V, 225 vii, I vii, 7 vii, 8 vii, 21 vu, 131 viii, 2 viu, 323 viii, 426 vu, 167 viii, 153 : New Hampshire : : Virginia 1, 50 iv, 296 V, 187 V, 404 V, 405 which see. 1, 43 i, 52 i, 92 i, 103 i, 104 V, 363 vi, 166 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 203 GOVERNOR AND Council . as court of appeals .... v, 170 v, 171 v, 362 summoned to trial of Ansell Nickerson, Boston . . . vi, 158 order concerning Pest-house Island . . . vi, 161 vi, 162 proclamations by, see Proclamations. of Connecticut : Masssachusetts : New York .... which see. GOVERNORS : of New Hampshire, see AUen, Samuel. see Eari of BeUomont. Belcher, Jonathan. Shute, Samuel. Burgess, Eliseus. Wentworth, Benning. Burnet, William. Wentworth, John. Dudley, Joseph. order appointing register and clerk of courts . . . . i, 48 Indian letters to i, iSS i, 156 instructions to, relating to correspondence . . . . i, 258 consent to acts, bills, votes ..... iv, 269 iv, 270 iv, 274 iv, 275 iv, 277 iv, 294 iv, 337 iv, 354 iv, 357 v, 56 treating with sagamores (sachems) . v, 4 v, 326 v, 327 certificate to masters of vessels . . . . . . v, 128 subscriptia .... eldest councilor to act as . . . the late, charters granted by commission and qualification . salaries of ..... . proclamations by, see Proclamations. lieutenant, see Lieutenant-governors. provincial .......... which see. of Massachusetts : which see, also Bernard, Francis : Bradstreet, Simon : Endicott, John : Hutchinson, Thomas : Phipps, Sir WUliam : PownaU, Thomas : Shirley, William : and of New Hampshire above. of Rhode Island, which see, also Cooke, : of Connecticut, which see, also SaUiston (?) . of Vermont, see Chittenden, Thomas. of New York, which see, also Clinton, G. : Dongan, Thomas. of Pennsylvania ......... which see. of Virginia, see Dinwiddie, Robert. of Laconia Patent, see Neale, Walter. of Hilton's Point, see Wiggin, Thomas. of Canada .......... which see. of Nova Scotia, see CornwaUis, : Mascarene, John Paul. of Algiers, see Ali Bashaw : Mustapha Aga : Mustapha Dey. GRAFFORT, Thomas [Grafford] : summons for ... . . . . . i, 133 of Capt. Robt. Mason's troop . . . i, 144 i, 148 i, 150 his property rented for prison . . . i, 202 iv, 183 councilor .......... iv, 375 V, 154 V, 225 vin, 370 viu, 455 see under their names. .204 Index to Records of the Council, GRAFTON : representation ..... • vii. 90 petitions, committee on . vii, 187 vii. 188 viii. 108 vin. 437 incorporation of, act for ... vui. 43 justice of the peace .... viii. 95 lines with Canaan and Enfield, act to settle viii. 243 GRAFTON County: Court of Common Pleas, justices . . vi. 153 vi, 158 vu. 25 viii. 354 viii. 355 justices of the peace, and of the quorum . vi. 159 vi. 160 vi. 161 vu. 26 vii, 50 vii, 54 vu. 99 viu. 95 viii, 344 viu, 354 viii, 383 viU, 392 vni. 408 viu. 445 councilors ... vn. 2 vii. 116 committee on qualification of officers vii, 19 vii. 20 judges and registers of probate . vii. 25 viii. 293 sherifi" . vn. 25 treasurers . ... vu. 26 viii. 373 vui. 376 recorder of deeds . ... vii. 26 coroners . . vu, 26 vii, 54 vii. 83 viu. 355 viu. 445 Superior Court of Judicature for vii. 82 viii. 341 courts, resolution on impanelling juries . vn. 87 act altering time and places of vui. 249 dissatisfaction there with form of government . . vii, 127 vii. 131 vii, 142 vii. 162 town committees' address vU, 235 collection of continental fire-arms in viU, 14 disannexation of Conway from, act for . viii. 31 viii. 43 Fishersfield from, act for viU, 60 courts of law, opening . . viii, 84 viii. 180 vui. 341 viii. 344 civil officers, nomination and appointment of viii. 90 vin. 91 viii. 96 towns, abatement of taxes viii. lOI petitions ...... vni. 176 agents' petition .... vin. 185 accounts against state . viii. 466 hides and tallow in, committee on . viii. 222 viu. 223 difficulties in, resolution relative to vui, 258 proclamation to .... . vin. 305 viii. 327 representation ..... . viu. 355 Court of General Sessions of the Peace for , viii. 376 annexation of Campton and New Holderness tc ), petitions and act for . viii. 378 viu. 382 excise in, resolution for committee to sell . viii. 422 petitions from ..... . viii. 459 act for establishing boundaries of, see Boundaries. GRAFTON, Widow: account ...... ill, 49 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 205 GRAIN: storing in garrisons .... scarcity of ..... . for the state, vote to purchase of monopolists, distributed to the needy GRAND Bank: French men-of-war at . GRANDGRAVE : schooner, resolution relating to GRAND-JURY : order of President and Council to find bill against Richard Waldron . Court of Common Pleas find indictment for murder of Indians GRANDY, John, Jr. : petition, committee on . . . . . viu, 294 released from confinement GRANGER, , Capt. : copyist for Col. Theodore Atkinson GRANT, James: surveyor, memorial .... GRANTEES : of townships, ask further time for settlement . of Kingston . . ....... GRANTHAM : representation . . . vii, 123 viii, 402 viii, 404 erecting a parish from part of, and part of Plainfield, bill and act for ........ . viii, 175 GRANTS : see also Charters : Indentures : by King James to Robert Tufton Mason by Parliament to colonies for services of land to Matthew Livermore and others seal to be affixed to . . . . v, 1 5 for support of government .... of unappropriated lands W. of Merrimack river of land in the province .... offered by king to soldiers . recording, act for . bill and act for extending time of to justices, Superior Court of Judicature . to civil officers . ..... ^ in Kingston ..... of lands ..... in Protectworth to disabled soldiers .... of townships .... ... J GRAVES, Francis: debenture . . . ... V, 152 VIU, 145 viii, 359 V- 93 V, 319 vii, 189 viii, 87 vi, 98 vin, 134 i, 40 i, 127 i, 129 i, 271 viii, 295 viu, 297 i, 264 vi, 144 vi, 115 which see. viii, 406 vin, 178 i, 38 i, 302 iv, 327 V, 263 V, 239 vi, 4 vi, 38 vi, 128 viii, 246 viii, 455 viii, 194 which see. 85 2o6 Index to Records of the Council, 1, GRAVES, Samuel; petition GRAVES, William: petition ........ GRAVILLE (Mass.): petitioner of . ...... GRAY, James, Capt. : representative ....... company . . ..... GRAY, John: soldier. Oyster River .... GREAR, John: bearer of John Raymond's letter to Ambrose Gibbins GREAT Boar's Head: headland, cruising around GREAT Britain : see also England Navy Board of, masts for New Hampshire agent in peace and commerce with Spain admiralty of . queen of, coronation ministry of, abuse of power by " independence on " king of, appeals to permit for prisoner to go to leave to return from, petitioned for hostiUties between, and United States war with, debt contracted in . subjects of, see British Subjects. GREAT Cohas Brook: alewife fishery in, act to secure . . vii, 34 GRE.A.T Island {called also Newcastle Island) : Mosquito Hall, lease of . Court of Pleas at . iv, 250 iv, 251 iv, 252 iv, 286 VII, 174 ", 74 vui. 296 viii. 460 vn. 177 55 78 91 67 79 93 prison at . .... i, in i, 112 Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Court of Equity at .... justices of the peace .... fort (castle) at .... . 1,i,i, i, i, 113 7184 106 60 '. 19s ii. 37 n, 223 ii, 246 1, 239 ii, 39 ii, 236 n, 249 11, 10 n, 48 ii, 237 ii, 251 1, 32 V, 32 1, 224 i, 19 V, 299 iv, 228 iv, 309 V, 322 V, 355 vi, 122 vii, 2 4460 vm, 352 vn, vn, vu, 194 viii, 77 viii, 423 viii, 471 vu, 37 vm, 252 1, 73 i, 88 i, 128 i, 63 i, 115 i, 118 i, 83 ii, 20 ii, 49 n, 239 ii, 252 3474 90 129 75 116 74 120 78 3 8630 137 244253 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 207 ii, 255 ii, 256 ii, 258 IV, 141 V, 3 V, 46 n, 35 GREAT Island {called also Newcastle Island) : fort (castle) at . and see Newcastle. prison-keeper .... constables . ... examinee from .... Court of Chancery at Lt.-gov. Cranfield at . . . ship-master from .... Jno. de Greek's point, breastwork . fort-house at .... assessment, warrant Little Harbor Point petition for and grant of incorporation ii, 33 ii, 34 minister ..... selectmen "checked" . Sir Wm. Phipps at . . . committee of militia meet at . fortification of and see Jno de Greek's point above. ferry ..... Princess Ann proclaimed at . enemy expected at ... lodgings for Lt.-gov. Usher at bridge, purchase of timber for and see Newcastle. GREAT Lake : see also Winnipiseogee Pond garrisons on, troops for reduction of GREELEY, Andrew [Grelee] : imprisonment for refusing to pay taxes GREELEY, Ezekiel: petition GREELEY, Joseph [Grele] . petition, account GREELEY, Moses : justice of the peace .... GREELEY, Thomas: soldier impressed . ..... GREEN, Ebenezer, Capt. ; petitions, committees on .... . viu, 291 viii, 405 viu, 424 hostage in Canada, case referred to Contl. Congress GREEN, Francis, Lt. : petition for soldier's grant of lands GREEN, Henry: justice. Court of Common Pleas . . i, 71 IV, 330 IV, 335 n, 259 m, 32 V, 71 V, 72 i, 86 i, 96 i, 117 i, 121 i, 131 i, 137 i, 200 iii, 32 3 29 n, 29 ii. 37 ii, 30 11, 230 11, 233 i, 285 11,ii, ii,n, ii, n, ii, ii, ii, V, 4 312930 57 37 31 43 51 134 ii, 288 V, 46 V, 119 V, 121 vii, 107 VI, 24 V, 401 . vn, 274 iv, 346 vii, 44 vii, 5 1 ii, 80 . vui, 218 viii, 439 viii, 444 viii, 301 vi, 160 i, 73 in, 27 2 08 Index to Records of the Council GREEN, Henry: warrant to apprehend Joshua Moo dy . . 1, 75 witness in Henry Dow v. Henry Robie . i. 153 i. 154 signer of ' ' Articles of Peace " with Indians i. 160 councilor . . . i, 175 i, 179 i, 181 i. 184 i. 1 86 i, 187 i, 198 i. 201 i. 202 i. 206 i, 212 i, 220 i. 229 i, 237 n. 2 U, 4 ii. 9 ii. 10 n. 12 ii. 19 ii, 22 ii, 24 ii. 25 ii. 26 ii, 29 ii, 30 ii. 37 ii. 38 n, 43 ii. 48 n, 52 ii, 57 n, 58 ii. 60 ii, 61 ii, 62 n, 68 ii. 69 n. 72 ii. no ii, II I ii, 112 ii. 113 ii, 119 ii. 120 ii, 121 ii, 122 ii. 123 ii. 126 ii. 130 n, 138 u, 148 ii. 154 ii. 15s ii. 156 ii, 157 n, 158 ii. 162 u. 164 ii. 169 n, 171 ii, 174 ii. 175 ii, 178 n. 182 ii, 183 ii, 187 n. 189 ii. 190 n. 196 ii, 200 U, 204 ii. 205 n. 206 iii. I in, 3 iii, 5 iii. 7 iii. 8 iii, 9 ui, 12 in, 13 ui. 15 ni, 17 in. 18 iu, 19 iii, 22 iii. 25 iii. 27 iii. 29 iii, 33 iii, 34 in. 35 in. 36 in. 41 iii, SI iii, 55 iii. 60 iii. 61 iii. 65 iv, 133 iv, 134 iv. 135 iv, 136 iv. 139 iv, 140 iv, 141 iv. 142 iv. 143 iv. 144 iv, 145 iv, 146 iv. 147 iv. 149 iv. 151 iv, 152 iv, 153 iv. 154 iv. 156 iv. 157 iv, 159 iv, 160 iv. 161 iv. 162 iv. 163 iv, 164 iv, 165 iv. 166 iv. 167 iv. 168 iv, 169 iv, 173 iv. 174 iv. 176 iv. 177 iv, 178 iv, 181 iv. 183 iv. 184 iv. 186 iv, 187 iv, 192 iv. 193 iv. 197 iv. 375 committee to draw acts . i. 206 on treasurer's accounts n. 58 ii. 59 to draw up humiliation day procla mation iii. 2 his mill, committee of militia to preserve ii, 48 order to dismiss men from garriso n in, 9 justice of the peace ni, , 26 V, 7 GREEN, Isaac: imprisoned for rates by Salisbury constable V, 397 GREEN Island: iv. 21 1 GREEN, Jacob, Capt. ; ' ' took the oaths " . . V, 7 company .... V, 109 GREEN, John: marshal, Middlesex i. i6q New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 209 GREEN, John: continental soldier, bounty to vni. 162 GREEN, Margaret: heirs of, joint owners of lands vui. 467 viii. 478 and see Common Land. GREEN, Peter: justice of the peace .... vi, 150 dangerous person, committed, liberated . vii. 190 vii. 194 GREEN, Peter, Dr.. regimental surgeon vu. 120 vii. 124 GREEN, Rebecca: petition . . ... . vin. 102 GREEN, Richard: petition, committee on . . . viii. 246 GREEN, Thomas: disabled soldier, half-pay viu, 47 GREENAWAY, Abraham: maintenance of . . . vii. 15s GREENLAND : debtors to Robert Mason i. 93 i. 106 Indian track discovered there n. 143 Joseph Berry's house in, as rendezvous . n. 144 petition ...... iv. 224 selectmen, petition and petitionees . iv, 268 iv. 269 iv. 352 representation ..... iv, 268 V, 398 viu. 472 representatives . ... iv. 283 iv. 303 pUot from ...... V, 188 parish, exempt from minister tax, Portsmouth V, 354 king's great road leading from V, 356 province rate, inventory for . V 398 V, 399 committee of safety vii. SS mUitia, captaincy of, resigned vni. 115 justice of the peace .... viu. 455 Rev. Samuel McClintock of . . vin. 487 GREENWOOD, Daniel: see Eddy, Rebecca. GREENWOOD, Joseph: account vu, 200 viii 81 viii. 94 GREGG, David: petition, committee on . . . viii, 421 vui, 423 viii, 438 GREGG, James: representative ..... iv, 294 GREGG, John, Capt. : company, petition ... vu. 174 viu. 436 GREGG, William, Lt.-Col. : muster-master . ... vin, 95 14 Index to Records of the Council, u see Greeley: GRELE : GRELEE : GRICE, Matthew: libeUant in admiralty case GRIEVANCES : redress of . . . Grafton county GRIFFETH, John: see Griffith: GRIFFIN, Ebenezer: petition, committee on GRIFFIN, Eliphalet: petition, committee on . GRIFFITH, David: heirs of, their right to land set off . GRIFFITH, George: consignor of goods for Piscataqua of the Laconia Company GRIFFITH, John [Griffeth] : to sell real estate, Portsmouth, act for disabled soldier, allowed wages deceased, act for sale of his real estate GRIFFITH, John, et Alii : petition ...... GROUT, Elijah: account ...... vn, 93 vu, 153 muster-master and paymaster commissary ..... vii, 184 viu, 81 letters from ...... GUARDIANS : see Caldwell, James. Fogg, Jeremiah. Hale, John. Hall, Thomas. of non compos mentis, appointed GULSTON : see GolstON : GUMMER, Ezekiel: account ..... GUMMER, Richard: justice of the peace GUNLOCKS : price of, fixed GUNNERS : salary of . .... fees of . ..... at fort, which see, also Atkinson, Theodore . vm, 134 in, 77 in, 79 in, 80 . which see. vn. 213 vn. 165 viii, 77 i. I i, i, vi, vii. 2 10 129 40 viii. 73 vui. 77 viii. 80 . vm, 73 vm, 77 . vii, 38 viu, 95 vui, 109 viii, 119 vii, 49 vU, 93 vii, 143 vii, 151 vii, 153 vin, 93 vin, 95 viii, 115 . see next above. Hart, Samuel, HuU, Reuben, McMurphy, Alexander, Moulton, Jonathan. . vin, 324 vni, 352 vu, 229 V, 167 vii, 97 vii, 109 i, 86 ii, 25 iv, 142 v, 195 V, 200 : Walton, Shadrach. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 211 GUNS : see also Cannon : Carriages : sent by the king . for defence of fort n, 31 iv, 161 n, 127 V, 93 130 121 144 petition for . signal, alarm . - v, 119 v, 120 for the colony and the state . transporting to the army, account for state's, return of ordered GUNTHWAIT : town-meeting ..... GUSTIN, Samuel. coroner ... . . chairman of committee, Stoddard . HABEAS Corpus: application for, by William Vaughan HACKET, James, Maj. : muster-master colonel ... . . committee on Newcastle bridge lieutenant-colonel . HACKET, William: ol Exeter, province rate against HADLEY, John: petition ..... HADLEY, Moses: account, petition .... HADLOCK, James: captain, company, resignation . . vii, 48 HAINES, Matthias : see also Haynes : representative HAINES, Reuben: soldier, account HALBURT, John: petition for grant of a township HALE, Aaron: disabled soldier, bill allowed . HALE, Abigail: to sell land, act for . . . petition, committee on . HALE, , Col. : letter from ... ... HALE, Eliphalet: to bring inimical before the House . HALE, Enoch, Col. : petition for incorporation of Monadnock No. 2 n, 3 ii, 9 ii, 10 iv, 144 iv, 157 V, 196 V, 222 iv, 249 iv, 251 V, 294 V, 299 vii, 56 viii, 13 vii, 205 viu, 330 vn, 54 vii, 89 vii. 36 vii. 45 vii. 48 vii. 63 vii. 70 i. 94 viii. 71 viii. 72 viii. 77 vii. 49 vn, 73 iv. 261 iv. 262 ii, 242 vi. 78 • viii. 143 vi, 128 viii. 171 i. 296 vu. 190 vi, IS9 212 Index to Records of the Council, HALE, Enoch, Col. : justice of the peace and of the quorum . vii 25 vii 54 viii 445 regiment .... vii , 68 vii 220 viii 81 viii 433 muster-master, paymaster, account . • vii. 71 vii 86 vii, in vu 220 viii, 120 muster-rolls, staff-roll, pay-roU vii 239 viii 69 viii 70 vui. 82 councUor ¦ viii 129 viu, 131 vni. 136 viii. 137 viii 138 viu. 139 vin, 143 viu. 146 viu. 147 viii 148 viii, 150 viii, 151 viii. 152 viii. ISS viii, 158 vni. 160 viii, 162 viii. 169 viu, 170 viu. 171 vui, 190 vui, 191 viii. 192 vni. 193 vUi, 194 viu. 195 viii, 196 vin. 197 viii. 198 vin, 199 vin. 201 vUi, 203 vui. 233 viii, 234 viii. 236 viii. 237 vui, 240 vui. 241 viii. 242 viii. 243 viu, 279 viii, 280 vin. 457 viii, 458 viii. 459 vui, 460 vui, 461 viii, 470 viii. 477 viii, 479 viii. 481 petitions . . viu, 241 viu. 388 viii. 450 viii, 451 viii. 463 liberating him from gaol, committee on viu. 303 viii. 305 viu. 307 conduct as sheriff, committee on viii. 416 dismissed from sheriffalty . viii. 427 resignation of his colonelcy . viii. 433 bridge grantee, Connecticut river viii. 467 HALE, John, Capt., Col.: regiment vii. 51 vii. 68 major, 3rd contl. battalion vii. III committee on regulation of trade vii. 126 account, pay-roll . viii, 6 viu. n viii. 143 depreciation note, indorsement on . viii. 186 vni. 242 viu. 293 councilor .... . viu. 236 vni. 237 vin, 238 viu, 240 viu. 242 viii. 243 vin. 244 viii. 247 viU, 248 viii. 250 viii, 251 vin. 256 viu. 278 petitions .... viU, 345 vui, 441 viii, 470 justice of the peace and of the quorum viii. 444 HALE, Jonathan, Maj. : purchaser of fire-arms . vii. 61 vii. 62 manufacturer of wool-cards, premium to . vin. IP petition for Concord viii, 207 viu. 237 vin. 258 vin, 259 vin, 260 account viu. 225 HALE, Moses: coroner vn, 54 councilor vm, 233 viii, 260 viii, 271 viii, 287 vm, 234 viii, 263 viu, 277 vin, 288 These references may lead to Enoch Hale or John are councilors at this time. vui, 235 vui, 240 viu, 259 viu, 264 vui, 265 viii, 268 viU, 278 viii, 284 viii, 286 viii, 289 vin, 290 vui, 294 Hale or partly to each, as both ;:i New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 213 HALE, Nathan, Col. ; behavior at Trenton, committee to inquire into colonel, succeeding Poor loan of money to . regiment (battalion) HALE, Samuel: petition for grant of lands special justice. Court of Common Pleas came in the Flag of Truce HALES, Edward HALES, Richard of Newcastle, sworn HALFPENNY, John: light dragoon, petition, allowed depreciation HALIFAX : Gov. CornwaUis at, correspondence with as easterly boundary of a township grant ships of war at .... . exchange of prisoners at . . . HALL, Edward, Capt. : representative . iv, 296 iv, 297 surveyor of the king's woods . appearance .... HALL, Jacob, Dr. : regimental surgeon .... HALL, Jeremiah : deceased, act for sale of his land . HALL, Jo.: representative ..... HALL, John: representative ..... ii, 204 iv, 159 guardian, petitionee .... HALL, Joseph: of Bloody Point, province rate ag.ainst . of Capt. Robt. Mason's troop committee on Nutfield and Chester Une . HALL, (Justice) : letter on Patrick Fisher's examination . . . iv, 332 HALL, Kingsley [Kinsley] : Robert Mason v • . i, 84 of Exeter, province rate against ...... i, 94 notified to attend councU at Portsmouth . . . . . i, I7S account i, 182 ni, 48 Ui, 50 garrison captain . . . . . . . . . i, 210 lieutenant .......... ii, 2 attends militia officers' meeting, Newcastle . . . . ii, 100 to vii. 166 vn. 172 vn. 173 vii. 175 vni, vi. 38 147 vu. 212 vii, viii, ii. 264 44 IS viii. 422 vni, vi, vi, vi, vin, 424 6071 98 276 iv, 344 iv. 346 iv, V, V, vin, viii, iv. 351 350 357 150 55 356 ii. 154 n. 174 iv, 163 iv, 168 iv. 176 vii, 260 vii. 278 viii, i, V, 175 97 144 397 214 Index to Records of the Council, HALL, Kingsley [Kinsley] : of a court-martial . . . . . • • .11,101 representative . n, 154 n, 174 iv, 159 iv, 163 reports to council on the frontiers . . . . u, 187 garrison soldiers sent to . . . . • • . u, 216 councilor . . .iii, 1 in, 69 in, 71 ui, 72 iii, 75 in, 77 in, 81 in, 83 in, 85 iU, 87 ordered to dismiss soldiers .... • ni, 2 assistant justice. Court of Common Pleas . m, 27 to supply pilots to scouts ... • iii, 4° estate, settlement of . . . . • ¦ iv, 335 HALL, Margaret: petition, committee on ... . . vin, 256 vin, 257 HALL, Nathaniel : account, committee on .... . . . viii, 284 HALL, Ralph: Robert Mason v. ........ i, 84 of Exeter, province rate against ..... i, 94 HALL, Samuel: of Exeter, province rate against .... . i, 94 HALL, Samuel, Capt. : resignation of his captaincy ... . viii, 174 HALL, Thomas: lunatic, complaint against guardians . vii, 59 vii, 278 viii, 175 guardians for, appointment of . . . . . . vii, 80 petitions, committee on . vii, 260 viii, 136 viii, 141 viii, 171 HAM, John: distressed for military fine . . . . . . . ii, 56 testifies to signatures of deceased witnesses . . . v, 187 petition vi, 38 vi, 39 HAM, John, Jr. . his house. Toll-end Falls, as limit to scouting routes . . v, 45 HAM, Moses: petition, committee on . . . . vUi, 385 vin, 389 HAMAN, John: vessel-master, petition ........ ii, 241 HAMBLETON, Murry: his original right in New Holderness sold . • . vi, 143 HAMILTON, Andrew: postmaster-general of North America . u, 175 ii, 180 iv, 164 HAMILTON, David: town charge, petition, estate ..... i, 207 ii, 276 n, 277 u, 278 u, 279 ii, 287 iv, 188 HAMILTON, Gabriel: petition ii, 278 u, 279 ii, 287 HAMMOND, Jedidiah: permittee .... vui, 87 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 215 HAMMOND, Joseph, Lt.-Col. : muster-master, orders in favor of . to forward the stores to Ticonderoga account ...... comniissioner to qualify justices. Court Cheshire co. ..... resignation of his lieutenant-colonelcy HAMMOND, Laurence: clerk of court, Middlesex HAMMONS, John: of Newcastle, sworn HAMPDEN [Hambden] : shtp, lost at Penobscot, paid for wages of her officers and crew HAMPSHIRE: court officers HAMPSHIRE County, (Mass.) : chief military officer of . petitioner from HAMPTON : tract to be called ... order by President and CouncU to . rate proportioned to ... . petitioners, boundaries of their township n, 226 iv, 154 and see selectmen, petitionees below. John Gove of, convicted of high-treason minister, see also Cotton, John i, 166 i, 226 minister tax . prison-keeper, salary debtors to Robert Mason representation i, 103 n, tax-delinquent riotassault on provost marshal . i, 138 prison ..... overseers or trustees complainant from, prisoner meeting-houses . . . . i, 163 records .... soldiers in Oyster River garrisons . detachment from ..... selectmen, orders and instructions to ni, 52 V, 16 vii, 86 vii, in vii, 159 vii, 245 vui, 403 of Common Pleas, . vin, 32 . viu, 94 i, 169 n, 15 viii, 106 6 viii, 195 i, 169 vm, 1 1 1- 275 vni, 296 i. 24 i, 32 i, 40 i. 45 ii, 27 i, S3 ii, 123 ii. 124 n, 125 iv. ISS iv. 156 iv, 157 i, 58 i, 59 iii. 52 iv. 330 V, 383 see next above. i, 86 i. 93 i, 106 i, 101 iv. 134 iv. 192 V, 56 i. 113 i, 115 i. 133 i. 134 V, 122 i, 141 i. 142 i, 143 i, 152 i, 153 i. 153 i, 154 iv. 330 V, 38s vi, 3 1» 167 V, 381 ¦ i, 171 1» 175 i, 176 i, 220 ii> 141 in, 2 i» 226 n, 113 V, 161 V, 164 V, 383 2l6 Index to Records of the Council, HAMPTON : selectmen, petitionees . i 230 ii 120 n, 123 ii, 124 ii, 125 ii 176 ii 178 u, 181 u, 182 ii, 198 n. 205 iu 57 iu, 58 iv, 152 iv, 154 iv ISS iv. 319 V, 163 V, 335 V, 336 V 376 V, 38s petition n, 227 in. 56 military officers, orders to i. 220 n. 2 ni, 9 in, 25 iv. 224 V ic9 V, 119 companies, see next above, ^^^ ^^^^^^j ^^^^^ recess, > HOUSES : used for barracks, see Barracks. of entertainment, > ^^^ p^^j;^. ^^^^^^ public, ) licensed . . .... . . which see. HOUSTON, James: petition, committee on . . . viii, 449 viii, 452 HOUSTON, Samuel, Lt. : pay-roll • • viii, 3 HOVEY, Ivory, Dr. . regimental (army) surgeon .... . . vii, 178 234 Index to Records of the Council HOVEY, Nathaniel: petition, committee of the whole on . vUi, 42 vin, 64 vui, 68 HOVEY, Nathaniel: account . . . . ^^^ ^^^ above. HOW, Barzillai : ensign ... . vu, 128 HOWE, Benjamin: cited for contempt of congress ...... vii, 28 HOWE, Bezaleel, Lt. -. accounts, committees on . viii, 293 viU, 342 viii, 343 vin, 484 HOWE, Richard, Gen.: movements, inteUigence of his ... HOWE, Thomas: petition, committee on . . . . HOWELL, Edward: libellant in admiralty case HOWLETT, Davis, Capt.. pay-rolls ... . . recruiting officer . . . . . HOYT, Nathan [Hoit] : ensign . HUBBARD, Ann: petition, committee on . . . HUBBARD, David: express from No. 4 to Portsmouth . HUBBARD, Elias: petition for grant of a township HUBBARD, John: justice of the peace ..... petition, committee on . . vui, 441 viii, 452 viii, 480 viii, 482 ferry grantee . ... viii, 449 viii, 464 viii, 467 HUBBARD, Leverett [Leverit, Levert] : comptroller of customs. Port of Piscataqua . . . vi, 127 justice, Superior Court of Judicature . . vii, 6 vii, 22 viii, 33 viii, 61 vui, 199 viii, 299 viii, 392 petition, committee on . . . . . . viu, 187 HUBBARD, Thomas: speaker, Mass. assembly ..... i, 285 i, 289 i, 290 HUCKINS, James: Robert Mason v. . . . . HUDSON, John: of Bloody Point, province rate against HUDSON River: embraced in Col. Williams's scheme for defence of frontiers 1,274 i, 275 township granted between, and the Conn. . . vi, 71 HUGHES, , [Hues] : money of, vote about ... . . iv, 309 commissioner of bankruptcy . • . v, 363 vu. 31 viu. 294 viii. 134 vn. 232 vni. 270 vii. 161 viii, 187 vii. 229 vi. 72 viii. 437 i, 280 i, 282 i, 292 i, 299 i, 84 i, 97 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 235 HUGHES, , [Hues] : appraiser, estate of John Banfield . HUGHES, Arthur, Senr. [Hues] : garrison soldier . .... HUGHES, Clement: petition for a township above Kingston . HULL, Henry: of Strawberry Bank ..... HULL, John: keeper of records, Dover ..... HULL, Reuben : guardian and executor, petitionee .... " at the meeting of Mr. Joshua Moody, Newbury " . to answer before justices of the peace . . , present at statement of Wm. Vaughan summons for ....... of Capt. Robt. Mason's troop . i, 144 HUNKIN, John: of Strawberry Bank ... HUNKING, Argalus: carpenter of the Success HUNKING, John [Hunkins] : summons for ....... of Capt. Robt. Mason's troop HUNKING, Mark, Capt., Col. ^ distressed for military fine clerk. House of Representatives representative ..... councilor . . . iv, 201 iv, 205 iv, 206 iv, 214 iv, 215 iv, 224 iv, 226 iv, 232 iv, 244 V, 262 V, 266 V, 272 V, 273 V, 280 V, 284 V, 290 V, 291 V, 295 V, 298 V, 302 V, 304 V, 312 V, 316 V, 321 V, 326 V, 332 V, 334 V, 338 V, 339 V, 345 V, 346 V, 352 V, 353 V, 358 V, 359 V, 364 V, 365 L 144 IV, 202 iv, 207 iv, 220 iv, 227 V, 256 V, 267 V, 275 V, 286 V, 292 V, 299 V, 305 V, 317 V, 327 V, 335 V, 341 V, 348 V, 354 V, 360 V, 366 i, 148 i, 148 ii, 67 iv, 148 iv, 203 iv, 208 iv, 221 iv, 230 V, 258 V, 269 V, 276 V, 287 V, 293 V, 300 V, 307 V, 319 V, 328 V, 336 V, 342 V, 349 V, 355 V, 361 V, 367 V, 404 ii, 84 V, 388 i, 164 i. 167 i. 100 i. 117 i. 118 i. 120 i. 133 I, 150 i, 164 V. 394 i, 133 i, 150 n, 56 iv, 124 V, 261 iv, 204 iv, 211 iv, 223 iv, 231 V, 261 V, 270 V, 279 V, 288 V, 294 V, 301 V, 309 V, 320 V, 331 V, 337 V, 344 V, 351 V, 356 V, 363 V, 369 236 Index to Records of the Council, HUNKING, Mark, Capt., Col.. councilor . . . v, 371 V, 376 V, 381 V, 388 V, 396 discharged of money burned . committee to settle town bounds letter of Gov. Dudley to speaker. House of Representatives . committee on war stores justice of the peace to fit out spy-boat .... justice, Superior Court of Judicature regiment, impressment from . deserters from to execute quarantine orders HUNKING, William: ranger, impressed . HUNKINS : see Hunking : HUNT, Caleb: disabled soldier, doctor's bill paid . HUNT, Charles: prisoner, petition . HUNT, Samuel, Col. . sheriff, qualification and bond agent-victualler at No. 4 (Charlestown) . vu, 145 receiver of fire-arms account vin, 57 letter from, committee to answer justice. Court of Common Pleas councilor V 372 V, 373 V, 374 V, 375 V, 377 V, 378 V, 379 V, 380 V, 382 V, 384 V, 385 V, 386 V, 390 V, 391 V, 393 V, 395 V, 397 V, 402 V, 404 iv, 206 V, 287 V, 405 iv, 224 V, 42 V, 250 V, 261 V, 280 V, 351 V, 299 V, 364 V, 401 V, 403 vi, 46 79 vn, 25 vm, 427 vu, 177 V, 218 viii, 14 vn, 271 vni, 329 viii, 359 viii, 424 viii, 460 VIU, 144 viii, 152 viii, 163 viii, 173 vm, 145 viii, 154 viu, 168 viii, 174 viii, 136 viu, 147 viu, 155 viii, 169 viu, 176 wheat purchaser .... regiment, resignation of his colonelcy receiver of beef cattle HUNT, Stephen: prisoner from New York HUNT, William: representative HUNTER, John: re-imbursed for money lost viU, 138 viii, 150 viii, 158 vin, 170 viu, 178 VIU, 215 U, 80 vm, 1 3 viii, 70 viii, 429 vii, 143 vin, 215 viu, 330 vU, 185 viii, 465 vii, 223 vii, 270 viii, 140 vUi, 151 viii, 162 vUi, 172 viii, 1 8 1 viii, 1 76 viii, 211 viii, 259 vii, 130 viii, 270 vu, 41 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 237 HUNTINGTON, President: letter from, committee on . . . . viu, 142 HUNTOON, Charles: justice of the peace ...... vii, 50 HUNTOON, Joseph: lieutenant, disabled, half-pay vii, 174 viii, loi viii, 102 viu, 248 accounts, petitions, committees on . . viu, 116 viii, 158 viii, 179 vui, 248 vin, 348 viii, 365 viii, 367 viii, 398 HUNTOON, Philip: settlement in Kingston .... . v, 210 HUNTRESS, George: of Strawberry Bank . . . . . . . . i, 164 to sell real estate, Portsmouth, act for . . vi, 129 HURD, Jethro, Lt. [Herd] : recruiting officer, account . . . . . . . vii, 145 HURD, John, Col.. justice. Court of Common Pleas .... councilor . . . vii, 4 vii, 5 vii, 14 vu, 16 vii, 17 vii, 29 vn, 32 vn, 33 vii, 36 vii, 37 vii, 43 vii, 54 vii, 56 vu, 57 vii, 79 vii, 83 vii, 88 committee on qualification of county officers to fix off regiment for Canada county treasurer and recorder of deeds account, petition . . . . request for company of rangers rangers' supplies money advanced to HURD'S [Heard's] : garrison . . . . i, 177 ii, 49 in, ui, 22 iii, 30 iii, 39 in. VI, 153 vn, 8 vii, 18 vu, 34 vu, 44 vU, 58 vii, 108 vn, 53 vu,vii, vu, vii,vn, vii. 25 9 28 35 49 59 vu, 282 vn, 19 vn, vii, viii, vii, vu. 5426 32 S7 91 9 61 in, 18 iii, 62 HURST, John: of Newcastle, sworn . ii. IS HUSKE, Ellis, Capt.. councilor iv. 272 iv. 273 iv. 274 iv, 275 iv. 276 iv. 277 iv. 279 iv. 293 iv. 294 iv. 295 iv. 296 iv. 297 iv. 298 iv. 299 iv, 300 iv. 303 iv. 304 iv. 305 iv. 306 iv. 309 iv. 310 iv. 311 iv. 312 iv. 313 iv. 314 iv. 315 iv. 316 iv. 317 iv, 318 iv. 319 iv, 320 iv. 321 iv. 322 iv. 323 iv. 324 iv. 325 iv. 327 iv, 329 iv. 330 iv. 331 iv. 332 iv, 333 iv. 334 iv. 335 iv, 336 iv. 338 iv. 343 iv. 344 iv. 345 iv. 346 iv. 347 iv. 348 iv. 349 iv. 350 iv. 351 iv. 352 iv. 353 iv. 354 iv. 355 iv. 356 iv. 357 iv. 358 238 Index to Records of the Council, HUSKE, Ellis, councilor Capt. ; iv. 359 iv, 360 iv. 361 iv. 362 iv, 363 iv. 364 iv. 365 iv. 366 iv. 367 iv, 368 iv. 369 iv. 370 iv. 371 iv. 372 vi. I vi. 2 vi. 3 vi. 6 vi. 7 vi. 8 vi. 9 vi. 11 vi. 12 vi. 13 vi. 14 vi. IS vi. 16 vi. 21 vi. 22 vi. 26 vi, 27 vi, 33 vi. 37 vi. 39 vi. 40 vi. 44 vi. 45 vi. 47 vi, 54 vi. 55 vi. 56 vi, 59 vi, 60 vi. 61 vi. 62 vi. 63 vi. 66 vi. 67 vi. 69 vi. 71 vi. 72 vi. 71 vi. 74 vi. 77 vi. 79 1, 229 petition ...... HUSSE, Ferdinando: distressed for military fine HUSSEY, Christopher: joint answer to Robert Mason petition . .... councilor ...... petitionee . . ... HUSSEY, John: representative ..... HUST, John: appearance before councU HUTCHINS, Gordon, Col.: account, petition . . . vii, 154 receives money for Cols. Stickney and Hobart HUTCHINS, Joseph, Capt. : pay-roll, account ....... PIUTCHINS, Nathaniel [Hutchings] • captain, petition, account . vii, 1 74 viii, 79 'depreciation note, indorsement on . . HUTCHINS, Samuel: lieutenant of artiUery company HUTCHINS, William: of Exeter, province rate against HUTCHINSON, : express from Rhode Island .... schedule of stores sent to . . . . HUTCHINSON, Elisha: war commissioner, Mass. HUTCHINSON, Thomas, Gov. (Mass.): Massachusetts committee on Western Expedition petition to the king for settlement of Mass. and N. H. IV, 312 ii, 56 1, 41 1, 53 1, 79 IV, 2 1, 100 iv. 134 iU, 53 iii. 54 vii. 244 vii. 273 vu. 219 vii. 270 viii. 453 viii. 81 viii. 239 viii. 270 vii. 35 i, 94 i, 283 1, 295 u, 50 lines letters and summons to N. H. governor and council to attend trial of Ansell Nickerson, Boston . . . vi, 155 letter on counterfeit milled doUars . 1, 290 VI, 3 VI, 4 vi. 158 VI, 158 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 239 HUTER, Col. (N. Y.): letter from HUTSON, John: prisoner, petition .... IDIOTS: relief of, act for, and repeal of the same IMPORTATION : from Boston, bUl on ... . of iron into England, act of Parliament to encourage of bread, "^ V, 389 V, 357 ni. 6i vii, 36 ii. 61 vi. 62 corn. cotton-wool. goods. ¦ whicl see, also Duties : on imports. merchandise. rum, wheat. IMPORTS : see also Goods : duties on . which see. IMPOST : see also Duties : acts relating to i, 222 ii, 20 u, 22 n, 23 ii, 137 ii, 206 n, 207 ii, 281 iii, 77 in. 78 in, 79 iv, 141 iv, 167 iv, 170 iv. 178 iv, 179 iv, 190 V, 58 V, 69 V, 351 vin, 471 appropriated for reception of Bellomont . iii, 77 in. 79 in, 88 account of ¦ V, 214 V, 215 V, 346 V, 348 11, 99 n, 100 in, 29 m, 15 refused 196 V, 266 duties, which see, also Massachusetts. on exported lumber, see Lumber. on imports, see Duties. on English goods, IMPRESSMENT : see also Warrants : of men for garrisons ii, 49 exemption from ii, 116 of Mass. men to serve in N. H., for their Majesties' service of night-watch at gaol . place for pest-house . Portsmouth distressed by of Ammunition : Arms : Bateau-men : Blankets : Boats : Car penters : Carts : Fishermen : Freeholders : Laborers : Masts : Oxen : Provisions : Rangers : Scouts : Seamen : Shallops : Sloops : Soldiers : Transports : Warders : Watchers : . of men for Contoocook, see Contoocook : defence of. frontiers, see Frontiers : defence of. IMPROVED Lands: of absentees and of British subjects, renting of which see. iii. 30 ii, 69 vi. 7 ii, 140 n. 141 V, 355 vi. 28 vi. 120 which see. vni, 337 240 Index to Records of the Council, INCORPORATION : acts, etc., of, see Alexandria. see Middleton. Alexandria Addition. Moultonborough. Amesbury District. New Breton. Amherst. Newcastle. Antrim. New Chester. Brentwood. New Hampton. Camden. New Marlborough. Canterbury. Northfield. Chester. Northumberland. Durham. Nottingham. Effingham. Perrystown. Enfield. Phillips Exeter Academy. Exeter. Pittsfleld. Fishersfield. Plainfield. Grafton. Relhan. Grantham. Rumford. Great Island. SaviUe. Hampton Falls. Society Land. Hancock. Souhegan East. HaverhiU District. South Hampton. Kingston. Stratford. Leavittstown. Stratham. Litchfield. Swamscott Patent. Londonderry. Thornton. Marlborough . Towns.' Methuen District. Washington. INDENTURES : see also Charters : Grants : of Piscataqua lands caU ed Mosquito HaU, to Francis Matthews . i, 34 Robert Tufton Mason to George Broughton et alii . . . i, 38 councU of Plymouth to John Mason • iv, 391 INDEPENDENCE (Independency) : declaration of . which see. INDEPENDENT States: forming, of the united colonies INDIA : seas of, piracy in . INDIAN Affairs: report of committee on . letters relating to . INDIAN Chiefs : see also Casco Bay : attend council INDIAN Corn: price in Kingston, extravagant INDIAN Nations: minister to, recommended vn, 44 ', 159 vi, 19 V, vi. 357 2a IV, 232 IV, 233 231 vu. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 241 NS : see also French and Indians : Five Nations : Six Nations : designs against the English . .1, 70 i, 145 i, 147 i. 269 i, 270 i, 278 n, 143 ii, 168 ii. 253 n, 254 V, 76 V, 246 V, 247 V, 294 V, 298 V, 357 V, 358 V, 404 vi. 31 and see Casco Bay : Chariestown : Cocheco : Connecticut River : Contoocook : Coos : Dover : Fort Pemaquid : Hoosac : Hop kinton : Mount Desert : Oyster River : Penacook : St. Georges : Stevenstown : Strawberry Bank. letters to the governor . . . . . . i, iSS of New England threatened extermination by Mohawks . " Articles of Peace " and treaties with . . i, 160 i, 269 i, 271 i, 272 i, 275 i, 285 iv, 224 V, 4 V, 5 v, 108 V, 317 V, 360 vi, 48 friendly, murder of . i, 266 i, 267 i, 268 i, 270 supplies for . eastern, rendezvous .... peace and trade with . V, 62 Capt. John HiU's account concerning forts Gov. Shute's visit to . misbehavior of, satisfaction demanded declaration of war against Isilling and maiming of, punishment for alienated by the French cruise after ... . . iv, 209 captives delivered up conversion of, act for facilitating ' ' disbursements on " clothing for, accounts for scouts ..... wages and supplies for . under command of Col. Hilton account relating to trading with, trial for . . . . v, 295 at Cape Sable, captives with . examination by the council . . . v, 359 claim to lands on the Pemigewasset three nations of, allied with governor of Canada of Penobscot and Norridgewock tribes, letters to sachems prisoners ........ vi, murder of, at Contoocook carried to Suncook, account for transportation of, accounts for trading with, money lent for . 16 V, vi. V, 309 V, 310 V, 37 ii, 120 iv, 210 iv, 232 V, 106 V, 129 156159 265284 83 53 i, 271 ii. 253 i- 275 iii, 84 V, 317 V, 4 V, 5 V, 372 V, 402 vi, 20 iv, 152 ii, 222 iv, 211 iv, 233 V, 3 V, 83 viii, 50 V, 133 see next above. V, 136 V, 154 V, 297 V, 340 V. 377 vi, 10 V, 296 V, 339 V. 363 vi. 9 63 VI,vi,vi,vi, vn,vii, vn, 15 19 64892736 106 242 Index to Records of the Council, INDIANS : see also French and Indians : Five Nations : Six Nations : petition (motion) ..... expenses paid ..... in battle of Newtown .... expedition against, see French and Indians. INDIAN Scalps: bounty on . . ... INDIAN Settlements: investigation of .... . INDIAN War: see War: INFANTRY Officers : illegal proceedings against cavalry INFERIOR Court: INFERIOR Court of Pleas: IN Forma Pauperis: suit, see Cross, John : PhUlips, James. INFORMATIONS : see also Actions : Complaints vm, viii, viii. ISI 152 289 V, 102 V, 105 V, III V, 351 V, 116 J see Court of Common Pleas. see Abbett, John. Bridger, John. Carr, Richard. England, Stephen. Exeter : committee of militia. Frost, John. Gatchel, Benjamin. Gilman, John, Jr. John the Frenchman. Le Grand. INHABITANTS : of Exeter, rate list of . Bloody Point, rate list of . Strawberry Bank, list of . Newcastle, sworn INIMICALS (Enemies): examination of located .' . . see Mead, Joseph. Meinzies, James. Moody, Joshua. Phipps, Thomas. Plaisted, John. Portsmouth: selectmen. Rayn, John. Stilson, James. Wainwright, Francis. recognizance (bonds) vu, 90 vii, 158 punishment of, bUl for . brought before General Assembly discharged on ' ' oath of fidelity " in Cheshire county confiscation of their estates, bill and act for purchase of land by, act to prevent disfranchising, act for . list of, see Enemies. 1, 94 i. 97 i. 164 ii, 15 vn. 32 • vii. 74 vu. 78 vu. 85 vu, 98 vii. 158 vn. 160 vii, 195 vii. 90 vu. 97 vii. 113 vii, 159 vii. 194 viii. 94 viii. 39° vU, 130 .* vu. 169 vn. 187 vii, vii, vii, vii. 188 190 200201 nd act for viii. II t vui. 38 viii. 352 viii, viii, 423 298 vUi, 300 viu, 371 viii. 473 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 243 INJUNCTION : against cutting timber ...... INNS: regulating, act for INOCULATION : for smaU-pox ... .... INQUEST : fees ......... INSPECTOR of Saltpetre : see Oilman, Josiah, Dr. . INSPECTOR OF Shoes: appointment of, committee on ... . INSTRUCTIONS : see Agents. Allen, Samuel, Gov. Belcher, Jonathan, Gov. Betton, James. Board of War. Colonels. Colonial Governors. Commissioners.Cranfield, Edward, Lt.-Gov. Delegates to Continental Con gress. Dudley, Joseph, Gov. Earl of Bellomont, Gov. HUton, Winthrop, Lt.-Col. Larkin, Mr. king's, concerning loans .... relating to province seals and shipping . grants . •% ¦ prohibiting the granting of lands to committee on Mass. and N. H. lines . defence of Rhode Island defence of Ticonderoga to Indian conference commissioners INSTRUMENTS : province seal to be affixed to . V, 15 INTEREST : see also Loan-officer : Treasurer : on new emission bills, time to commence and how paid viii, 229 on new emission tax of 1781, resolution allowing . allowing to towns, committee on , . . . viii, 345 on loans to the United States . . viii, 450 viu, 452 and see Certificates. compound ......... n on pubUc securities ...,...> on state notes . . - . - - . J I, 55 viii, 349 which see. V, 41 vui, 147 see Livermore, Samuel. Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations. Maritime Officer. Messenger : to Earl of Bello mont. Muster-masters. Partridge, WiUiam, Lt.-Gov. Plaisted, Ichabod. Shute, Samuel, Gov. Sub-clothier. Wentworth, Benning, Gov. Wentworth, John. Whitehall. V, 263 vn, 130 VI, 57 iv. 261 V, 379 vi. 38 vi. 156 V, 390 vii. 118 vn, 132 V, 391 V, 150 vi. 69 viu. 351 viii. 340 viii. 355 viii. 488 which see. 2 44 Index to Records of the Council, INTESTATE ESTATES: act concerning for dividing . . ¦ INTESTATE SOLDIERS: widows and heirs of, to draw their wages INVALIDS : see also Soldiers : disabled. at Portsmouth, committee on Piscataqua Harbor, rolls of doing duty with matross company, pay-roll of at Fort Washington, pay-roll of • viu, 191 under marching orders, supplies for pensioners . . . • • ¦ INVENTORIES : of vessels' furniture, return of, under oath to secretary mistakes in, new ones to be returned of ratable estates, committee on for proportioning state tax viii, 86 vui, 405 and see State Tax. precepts for . casting, committee for . of persons and acres of land of absentees' estates , at Newichawanick . Piscataqua of unincorporated places INVOICE (Consignment) : of commodities shipped from London for Piscataqua n, no IV, 149 IV, viii. 150' 488 vui, 164 viii, 206 viii, 272 vin, 177 vin, 115 viii, 120 vin, 155 viu, 199 vin, 391 viii, 273 which see. vm, viii. 107 415 vn, 221 vin, 140 viii, 419 viii, 86 vii, 226 viu, 143 vUi, 458 V, vii, viii, vn, viii, viii. 245 214 415 236 144- 480 vUi, 140 viii, 458 . see nex-t above. vUi, 459 viu, 460 . viii, 443 . which see. 1, 2 v, 248 of ordnance and stores for New Hampshire IPSWICH (Mass.): plaintiff from . . ...... IRELAND : exportation of wool from ....... families from, disposed to buy or rent lands .... Lord High Admiral of ....... . IRON: see also Mills: importation into England, act of Parliament to encourage purchase of, and transportation to No. 4 (Charlestown) . IRON-WORKS : at Lamprey River ......... ISLE OF Hooksett Falls : ferry at .......... ISLE OF Shoals: cruising eastward of . . . . i, 212 1, r i. 5 V, 250- V, 301 V, 6& V, 379 which see. vi. 62 vii, 223 which see. viii. 359 i. 2S9 ii, 2 ii, 284 n. 285 n. 2 V, 167 ii. 2 n. 17 ii, 18 ii. 18 n. 65 iv. 202 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 245 ISLE OF Shoals : men suspected of murder representation, taxation, town officers ii, 17 justice of the peace military officers appointed constable ..... representativessouth part included in New Hampshire pirate sloop near . ISSUING Commissary : see Commissary of issues : IVENS, Robert: ensign .... . . . u, 3 JACKMAN, George: justice of the peace . .... . vii, 24 JACKSON, Clement, Dr.. petition for Dr. Little . . . . . . vi, 165 account .......... vu, 35 JACKSON, Daniel: commissioned privateer . . ... vu, 16 vn, 17 JACKSON, Ephraim: garrison soldier . . . . . . i, 177 ii, 80 JACKSON, Hall, Dr.: petitions and accounts ... . . vii, 115 viii, 38 viii, 54 surgeon to troops at Portsmouth, wages discontinued JACKSON, Henry, Col.. regiment, allowance for depreciation . . . viii, 119 viii, 196 JACKSON, John: distressed for military fine fisherman of bark, Richard JACKSON, John, Senr.. distressed for military fine soldier, impressed - . JACKSON, Joseph: to seU lands, act for ... . . vi, 129 JACKSON, Joshua^ of crew of the Ketch Richard . . • • i, I37 JACKSON, Samuel: garrison soldier . . .... . i„ 177 JACKSON, Thomas: \ JACKSON, Thomas, Jr.: \ of Strawberry Bank ... • • i, 164 JACKSON'S Island: quarantine station . ... • • ¦ v, 377 JAFFREY (Town): constable, discount of taxes . ¦ .... viii, 193 vn. 34 vn. 35 vui. 125 vin. 149 viii. 69 ii. 56 V, 296 ii, 56 ii, 83 246 Index to Records of the Council JAFFREY, George [Geffrey, Jeffery, Jeffrey] constable, Portsmouth . . i 60 late owner of assembly house. Great Island i 101 account • i. 206 ii. 169 iU, 16 iii. 35 iii 5° to procure credit at New York i 227 justice of the peace ii, 96 representative ii. 154 ii, 174 ii, 204 iv 163 speaker. House of Representatives ii, 154 ii. 175 ii 204 iv, 117 iv, 118 iv. 125 iv 126 iv, 159 iv, 164 iv, 168 implicated in purchase of province ii, 273 ii, 274 ii. 280 councilor V, 58 V, 92 V 94 V 96 V, 98 V, 102 V, 103 V 105 V 106 V, 107 V, 108 V, 109 V no V in V, 112 V, 113 V, 114 V 115 V 116 V, 118 V, 119 V, 120 V 121 V 122 V, 123 V, 125 V, 126 V 128 V 129 V, 130 V, 131 V, 132 V 135 V 138 V, 141 V, 142 V, 143 V 144 V 146 V, 147 V, 148 V, 150 V, 153 V 154 V, 15s V, 156 V, 157 V 159 V 160 V, 161 V, 162 V, 163 V 164 V, 165 V, 166 V, 167 V, 168 V, 169 V, 170 V, 172 V, 173 V, 174 V, 176 V, 177 V, 178 V, 179 V, 180 suspension from counci , hearing on V, 77 V, 78 answer to the reasons for his suspension . V, 79 V, 82 committee on claims V, 129 treasurer of province V, 155 auditor of treasurer's accounts V, 167 V, 169 V, 214 registers the brigantine. Dove V, 180 death . V, 258 JAFFREY, George (2d): councilor iv, 201 iv, 202 iv. 203 iv, 204 iv, 206 iv, 208 iv, 209 iv, 210 iv. 211 iv, 214 iv, 215 iv. 218 iv. 220 iv. 221 iv, 223 iv, 224 iv. 225 iv. 226 iv. 227 iv, 230 iv, 231 iv. 232 iv, 234 iv. 235 iv, 236 iv, 244 iv. 245 iv. 246 iv. 247 iv, 249 iv, 250 iv. 251 iv. 252 iv. 253 iv, 254 iv, 255 iv, 256 iv. 271 iv. 272 iv, 273 iv, 274 iv. 275 iv. 277 iv. 278 iv, 279 iv, 283 iv. 284 iv. 285 iv. 286 iv, 287 iv, 288 iv, 293 iv. 294 iv. 295 iv, 296 iv, 299 iv. 303 iv. 304 iv. 305 iv, 306 iv, 309 iv. 310 iv, 311 iv. 312 iv, 313 iv, 314 iv. 315 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 247 JAFFREY, George (2d) : councilor . . . iv, 316 iv, 317 iv, 318 iv, 319 iv. 320 IV, 321 iv, 323 iv, 324 iv, 325 iv. 327 iv, 329 iv, 330 iv, 331 iv, 332 iv. 333 iv, 334 iv. 335 iv, 336 iv, 338 iv, 343 iv, 344 iv, 345 iv, 346 iv, 347 iv. 348 iv, 349 iv, 35° iv. 351 iv, 352 iv, 353 iv, 354 iv, 355 iv, 356 iv, 357 iv. 358 iv, 363 iv, 364 iv, 365 iv, 366 iv. 367 iv, 368 iv, 369 iv, 370 iv, 372 V, 361 V, 362 V, 363 V. 364 V, 365 V, 366 V, 367 V, 368 V, 369 V, 370 V, 373 V, 374 V, 375 V, 376 V, 377 V, 378 V, 379 V, 380 V, 381 V, 382 V, 383 V, 384 V, 385 V, 386 V, 387 V, 388 V, 389 V, 390 V. 391 V, 392 V, 393 V, 394 V, 395 V, 396 V, J97 V, 398 V, 399 V, 401 v, 402 V, 403 V, 404 V, 405 V, 406 vi, 1 vi, 2 vi. 3 vi, 5 vi, 6 vi, 7 vi, 8 vi, 9 vi, II vi, 12 vi, 13 vi, 14 vi, 15 vi, 16 vi, 17 vi, 19 vi, 20 vi, 21 vi, 22 vi, 23 vi, 24 vi, 25 vi. 26 vi, 27 vi, 29 vi, 30 vi, 31 vi. 32 vi, 34 vi, 36 vi, 37 vi, 40 vi. 41 vi, 42 vi, 43 vi, 44 vi, 45 vi. 46 committee to sign bills of credit . iv. 224 justice, Superior Court of Judicature V, 364 executor, will of Mrs. Jane Gerrish V, 385 V, 393 commissioner on medium of exchange V, 393 JAFFREY, George (3rd) : councilor .... vi, 132 vi. 133 vi, 134 vi, 13s vi, 136 vi, 137 vi. 143 vi, 144 vi, 148 vi, 149 vi, 150 vi. 151 vi, 152 vi, 153 vi, 154 vi, 156 vi. 157 vi, 159 vi, 160 vi, 161 vi, 163 vi. 164 late treasurer, account . vii, 155 vii, 172 JAFFREY, James, Capt. [Jeffry] : return of Stratham boundaries iv. 206 account .... iv. 224 petition .... iv, 284 V, 354 V, 363 clerk. House of Representatives iv, 285 iv, 288 iv, 311 iv. 333 to deliver up fire-arms . V, 290 JAIL [Gaol, Goal] : vote for building . n, 242 ii, 253 JAMAICA [JAMACA] : practice of masters of vessels arriving in . • i. 51 248 ¦ Index to Records of the Council, JAMAICA [Jamaca] : merchants' complaint of quaUty of boards imported i. . 57 i. 81 Governor, Council and Assembly of i. lOI ship from, infected with smaU-pox vi, 43 JAMES, Abigail; petition ... iv, , 254 iv. 255 JAMES II: proclaimed king i. 162 JANVRIN, George [Janverin] letter from, committee on . . . viii. 367 pasturage of island voted him viu. 369 JANVRIN'S Island: pasturage of, and highway through, to Fort Washingh an . viii. 369 JARVIS, Robert: - ^ disabled soldier, account ... viu. 116 JEFFREY, David: attorney, Boston . v. 66 JEFFREY, Hannah, Mrs.. witness in Thomas Holland v. Elizabeth . V, 59 V, 60 JEFFREY, James: j^^ Jaffrey : JENKINS, Joel: of Exeter, province rate against i. 94 JENKINS, L. : clerk of King's court, Whitehall i. 47 JENKINS, Rowland [Jinkins] : soldier, account . ... in. 39 iU, 62 JENNESS, Jonathan: justice of the peace viii. 355 JENNESS, Joseph: petition . . ... viii. 452 JENNESS, Richard [Jennis] : representative ..... iv, 246 iv. 249 iv. 250 iv, 251 iv, 261 iv, 269 iv. 270 iv. 275 iv, 277 iv, 283 iv, 284 iv. 286 iv. 294 iv, 299 iv, 303 iv, 317 iv. 336 iv. 364 committee on printing biUs of credit vi. 10 JENNESS, Richard, 3RD: justice of the peace, dismissed from office vi. 148 account, petitions ....... vii. 205 vn. 278 vUi, 27 viu, 381 vni, 382 viii, 485 viU, 489 JENNESS, Samuel: petition, committee on . . viu, 151 viii. 154 viii. 173 JENNESS, Thomas: account , .... vii. 205 JENNINGS, Elnathan: fine for violation of game law, remitted to viii. 174 JENNINGS, Francis: petition V, 125 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 249 JENNISON, John, Capt.: letter of, committee on , . . . . . . viii, 379 coUector of beef cattle ........ vin, 381 account ..... . . viii, 439 vui, 443 JERSEY Vessel : see also Hopewell : seizure of ...... . . v, 65 JEWELL, Daniel, Capt. [Juel] : pay-roll, company viii, 225 viii, 286 JEWETT, Jedidiah: committee to settle officers' and soldiers' depreciation accounts . vin, 178 account .... viii, 203 viii, 204 viii, 248 viii, 397 sub-clothier and commissary . allowed major's pay directions to .... representative JNO.: letter to his wife .... JNO.' DE Greek's Point: Great Island ..... JOANES, Daniel . see also Jones : of Newcastle, sworn JOCELYN, Henry [Joselyn] : of the government of Maine . agent of Laconia Company . for Capt. John Mason . Piscataqua patentees JOHN: ship, from London with goods JOHN THE Frenchman: deposition and information v, Mark Round JOHNSON, : JOHNSON, David: soldier, claim for losses allowed petition ..... JOHNSON, James: account, petition . family taken by Indians JOHNSON, Jesse: petition for Enfield JOHNSON, Jo.: JOHNSON, John: of Strawberry Bank .... JOHNSON, John [Johnston] : petition, permittee .... JOHNSON, Joseph, Rev. : recommended to Indian nations JOHNSON, , Mr. : engraver of bills, quaUfied viii. 215 viu. 226 viu. 219 vui. 231 viii. 232 vin. 459 i. 49 which see. ii. 15 i. 24 i, 27 i. 29 i. 30 i. 34 i. S i. 87 i. 37 viu. 13 viu. 193 viu. 196 iii. 39 V, 398 vi, 93 viii. 454 viu. 481 i. 98 i, 164 vii 152 vn. 157 250 Index to Records of the Council, JOHNSON, Thomas: account .... viii. 409 JOHNSON, Timothy: imprisoned for debt . . vi, 76 JOHNSON, William, Col., Maj.-Gen. : agreement with Indians . i, 284 i, 285 letter to Gov. Shirley . . i. 296 vi. 96 re-enforcements for , vi. 97 JOHNSON, William Samuel: • petition for grant of land vi, 153 JOHNSTON, : petition for ferry . • vi, 152 JOHNSTON, Charles, Capt., Col.: muster-master vii. 78 councilor vii. 288 vU, 289 viU, 76 vin. 78 vin. 79 viii. 82 vin. 83 viii. 84 viii. 86 viii. 90 viu, 107 viu, 108 viu. 109 vin. 210 viu. 213 vui, 214 viu, 215 viii, 216 viu. 219 vni. 222 viii, 224 viii, 226 viii. 238 viii. 241 viii. 249 viii. 283 vin, 284 viii. 286 vin. 290 viii. 294 viii. 296 petition, account . viii. 230 viii. 468 judge of probate, Grafton county viii. 293 colonel, succeeds Col. Morey . viu. 327 billeting certificate . viii. 404 JONES, Benjamin, Dr. [Joanes] : account ........ JONES, Daniel: holder of money due the state .... JONES, Ensign: account, garrison ... . . JONES, Ephraim: affidavit respecting murder of Indians at Contoocook JONES, Francis: garrison soldier ....... JONES, George; of Exeter, province rate against . JONES, Jehu: petition ...... vesting land title in, act for . JONES, John: deposition in case of Salter and Mannery petition ........ JONES, John Paul, Capt. : commander of the Ranger .... censured ........ petition for . ... viii, 92 viii, 361 vn. 209 i, 224 V, 205 i, 267 i, 177 ii. 83 i, 94 viii. 476 Vlll, 485 iv. 212 viu. 462 vii. 224 vu. 234 vm, 431 vm, 468 New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. 251 JONES, John Paul, Capt. : V. Ebenezer Hogg, review JONES, Joseph: petition ..... JONES, Josiah: petition, account .... JONES, Paul, Capt.: letter from, committee on JONES, Samuel i ammunition and money advanced to JONES, Stephen: ensign ...... aUowed for bills burnt . " took the oaths" JONES, Thomas: of Newcastle, sworn petition . ... JONES, Timothy: petition ..... JONES, William [Wilyam] : petition ..... JONES'S [Joans's] : garrison, soldiers posted there JONSON, Tom: JORDAN, Nathaniel [Jorden] : light-house keeper, account . JORDAN, Richard: paper manufacturer, encouragement voted JORDAN, Robert [Jorden, Jurdon] : of Newcastle, sworn . . . . petition ...... JORDAN, Samuel: captive returned, examination of JOSE, Richard [Joce, Joss, Josse] : vui, 484 iv, 251 iv. 252 iv, 267 vii. 162 vn, 235 vin. 358 viu, 362 vn, 73 ii, 3 iv, 269 V, 7 ii, 15 u, 33 ii. 34 viii, 439 .- ii, 33 i, 171 1, 174 m, 30 i, 36 i, 37 vii, 90 vii, 250 ii, 15 ii. 33 ii. 34 V, 339 summons for . I, 133 of Capt. Robt. Mason's troop i. 144 i. 148 i, 150 sheriff . • ii, 3 n, 5 ii, 16 n, 17 ii, 18 n, 32 ii. 44 n. 274 iii, 4 in, 7 in, 15 iii, 48 in. 49 V, 2 V, 4 V, 57 V, 78 V, 83 V, 138 V, 169 accounts, debentures see next above. garrison soldier ii. 84 ii. 93 ii, 99 payment by treasurer not allowed n. 128 ii, 129 representative . iv, 176 iv, 177 clerk. House of Representatives iv. 179 iv, 180 committee to wait on Gov. Dudley V, 47 petition and complaint . V, 384 252 Index to Records of the Council, JOSELYN: see 'Jocklyh: JOURNALS : printing, see Printing : public. of councU and house, books for ... vii, 6 vin, 131 attestation of, by secretary . . • ¦ vii, 281 viii, 62 viii, 70 vin, 91 viii, 104 viu, 121 viu, 132 vui, 157 viu, 165 vin, 183 vin, 204 viu, 232 viu, 255 viii, 276 viu, 283 viu, 302 vin, 339 viu, 356 viu, 377 viii, 384 viu, .398 vni, 412 vui, 430 viu, 445 viii, 456 vui, 473 vui, 490 JOYCE, James: of Newcastle, sworn ..... . . ii, 15 JOYLES, : under orders from Lt. Gov. Tailor . v, 358 v, 359 JUDGES : see also Justices : of courts present in council ....... v, 206 of maritime court which see. JUDGES of the Admiralty: see Atwood, William : Bracket, Joshua : Menzies, John : Story, Charles: Wate, Winthrop. commissions, qualification ii, 221 in, 3 v, n v, 41 v, 355 and see Court of Admiralty. summoned to trial of Ansell Nickerson, Boston . . . vi, 158 JUDGES of Probate: see Cheshire County. Portsmouth. Fryar, Nathaniel. Rockingham County. Gilman, Joseph. RoUins, Ichabod. Grafton County. Rust, Henry. HUlsborough County. Sherburne, John. Johnston, Charles. Sparhawk, Thomas. Morey, Israel. Strafford County. Packer, Thomas. Waldron, Richard (2d). Paine, Elisha. Wentworth, John(Portsmoulh). Parker, WiUiam, Jr. White, Phillips. Patten, Matthew. Wolfeborough. office vacated . . . ... iii, 3 decrees of, appeals from . v, 405 viu, 78 viii, 106 viii, 118 furnished with copies of confiscation act . . . . . viii, 1 1 1 directions and acts relating to . ... viii, 131 vni, 192 viu, 203 viii, 248 vhi, 273 vni, 280 viu, 301 vin, 324 viii, 336 viu, 352 viu, 428 JUDGMENTS : reply of council to Gov. Bradsteet concerning . . i, 41 of Superior Court, act to vacate . . . . . iv, 259 suspension of and vacation of, petitioned for . iv, 275 iv, 284 in cases of treason, mode of executing . . . vii, 147 in making up, courts to allow for depreciation . . viii, 164 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 253 JUDGMENTS : act for satisfying ...... . viii, 182 on contracts, making up for specie ..... viu, 267 JUDKINS, John: petition to be restored to his law . . . vii, 222 JUDKINS, Philip: deserter, arrested .... ... viii, 151 JURDON: j£^ Jordan. JURORS : qualifications . . . . i, 89 i, 90 i, 91 v, 3 serving as, by British and inimicals, prevented . . vin, 300 vin, 371 viu, 473 JURY: one, to serve in two courts ... . vii, 87 JUSTICE : obstruction of .... . ... administration of, act for ... viii, 60 and see Courts of Law. courts of .... . ... JUSTICES : to take oath of allegiance ....... to attend the publication of proclamation about coin of courts, to appoint clerks ....... see under the names of the courts and under the counties, also Chief-justices. puisne, see Superior Court of Judicature. JUSTICES of the Peace: see Abbott, WiUliam. see Bean, Joseph. Acworth. Bedell, Timothy. Alcock, Job. Beede, Daniel. Amherst. Bellows, Benjamin, Jr. Andrews, Isaac. Betton, James. Atkinson. Bingham, Elijah. Atkinson, Joseph. Blagdon, James. Atkinson, Theodore. Blodgett, Samuel. Ayer, WiUiam. Brainard, Daniel, Bachelder, Nathaniel. Bryant, John. Bailey, Joshua. Buckman, Edward. Baker, Moses. Butler, Benjamin. Baker, Otis. Canterbury. Baldwin, Isaac. Capron, Oliver. Barefoote, Walter. Chamberlain, Richard. Barnard, Moses. Chandler, Abel. Bartlett, Joseph. Charlestown. Bartlett, Richard. Chase, Samuel. ¦ Bartlett, Thomas. Cheshire County. Batchelder, Nathan. Chester. V, 206 vin. 350 which :see. ii. 91 V, 134 vii. 3 254 Index to Records of the Council, JUSTICES OF THE Peace: see Chesterfield. Child, Jonathan. Claremont.Clark, John. Clark, Peter. Clement, Peter. Clough, Jeremiah. Clough, Reuben. Clough, Zaccheus. Cockermouth.Coffin, Peter. Commissions.Conway. Croydon.Cutler, Zaccheus. Cutter, Ammi Ruhamah. Cutts, Samuel. Daniels, Samuel. Davis, Asa. Davis, James. Dearborn, Simeon. Dow, Henry. Dublin.Dudley, John. Dudley, Samuel. Eastman, Samuel. Emerson, Samuel. Emerson, Solomon. Emery, Noah. Epsom.Exeter. Fabes, John. Farrar, Timothy. Flagg, John. Foster, Abiel. Frost, George. Frost, John. Fryar, Nathaniel. Gage, John. Gage, Josiah. Gerrish, Henry. Gerrish, John. Gerrish, Richard. Gilbert, Samuel. • Gilman, David. GUman, Israel. see Gilman, John. GUman, Joseph. Gilman, Nicholas. GUman, Peter. Goffstown. Grafton.Grafton County. Great Island. Greeley, Moses. Green, Henry. Green, Peter. Greenland. Gummer, Richard. Hampton.Hayes, Paul. Henniker.Hillsborough. Hillsborough County. HUton, Richard. Hinsdale. Holbrook, Joseph. Hubbard, John. Hunking, Mark. Huntoon, Charles. Isle of Shoals. Jackman, George. Jenness, Jonathan. Jenness, Richard 3d. KendaU, Ebenezer. Kensington. Kimball, . Kingsbury, Absalom. Kingsbury, Sanford. Ladd, Timothy. Lancaster.Landaff. Lawrence, David. Leavitt, John. Leavitt, Moses. Lempster.Little, Moses. Little, Samuel. Loudon. LoveweU, Jonathan. L^me. Lyndeborough. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 25s JUSTICES OF THE Peace: see Lyon, David. McClary, John. McClary, Michael. Mann, Benjamin. March, Clement, Jr. Martin, Richard. Martin, Thomas. Mason.Mason, Robert. Mathes, Valentine. Meredith. Merrill, . Minot, James. Moore, Archelaus. Moore, Samuel. Moore, William. Morey, Israel. Morse, Thomas. Moulton, Josiah. Moultonborough . Newington.Newport. Nichols, Moses. Nottingham.Nottingham West. Odiorne, Jotham. Orford. Packer, Thomas. Page, David. Page, Jeremiah. Parker, Matthew Stanley. Parker, William, Jr. Parsons, Thomas. Patten, Matthew. Pembroke.Penhallow, Samuel. Peverly, Joseph. Phelps, Davenport. Phipps, Thomas. Pickering, Ephraim. Piermont.Plainfield. Plaisted, John. Plummer, John. Poplin. Porter, Asa. Portsmouth. Potter, Ebenezer. Prescott, Henry. Province.Randall, MUes. Rice, John. Richardson, James. Richmond.Roby, Henry. Rockingham County. Rogers, Nathaniel. Rollins, Ichabod. Russell, Edward. Rye. Salisbury.Sanborn, Daniel. Sanborn, Jethro. Sanbornton. Sandown. Sargent, Nathaniel. Saunders, Daniel. Sawyer, Joseph. Senter, . Senter, Joseph. Sherlock, James. Sias, Joseph. Silsby, Henry. Skinner, Joseph. Smith, Ebenezer. Smith, Francis. Smith, John. Smith, Joseph. Somersworth. Stevens, Ebenezer. Stevens, Elihu. Stevens, Josiah. Stileman, . Stoodley, James. Strafford County. Thing, Samuel. Thompson, Ebenezer. Thorndike, Joseph. Underwood, James. Unity. Vaughan, George: Vaughan, William. 2s6 Index to Records of the Council, JUSTICES OF THE Peace: see Waldron, Richard, Jr. see Wentworth, Hunking Waldron, Thomas Westbrook. Wentworth, John. Wales, Seth. Wentworth, John, Jr. Walker, Timothy, Jr. Wheatly, John. Walton, Shadrach. Wheelock, Eleazer. Warner. Whipple, Moses. Warner, Jonathan. White, Nicholas. Weare, Jonathan. Wiggin, Andrew. Weare, Nathaniel. WUson, Robert. Weare, Peter. Wolfeborough. Weare, Samuel. Woodman, John. Webster, John. Woodward, Bezaleel. Welch, Joseph. Quarter Sessions . i, no V, 29? answering before . i. 118 session of. Great Island i. 120- appointment of . . . ii. 3 vu, 206 vii, 213 viii. 5 jurisdiction .... ii, 227 vii. 209, to examine deserters iii, 43 in, 44 V, 282 commissions and qualification . V, 7 V, 230 V, 287 V, 298 V, 351 V, 352 V, 368 V, 369 V, 370 V, 375 vi, 152 vii, 99 vii. 100 impressment of blankets by . V, 105 surrender of deserters to V, 244 special sessions, Benj. Gatchel's case V, 295 V, 296- to commit tax delinquents . V, 339- duties under small-pox resolution vi. 75 directed concerning plot to liberate prisoners in the gaol . vi, 132: to try actions for debt, bill for viii. 365; JUSTICES OF THE Peace and of the Quorum. see Atkinson, George. see Morey, Israel. Badger, Joseph. Penhallow, Samuel. Bellows, Benjamin. Rindge. Bryant, Walter. Rockingham County. Cheshire County. Rowe, Benjamin. Downing, Richard. Sheafe, Jacob. Emerson, Samuel. Strafford County. Grafton County. Walker, Timothy, Jr. Hale, Enoch. Warner, Jonathan. Hale, John. Weeks, William. Hillsborough County. Wentworth, Hunking. Hollis. White, PhUUps. Livermore, Samuel. councilors to be . vn. 26- justices. Court of Common Pleas, to be . vii. 26- New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 257 n. 17 n. 23 iv. 195 iv. 198 n. 80 n. 95 n. 104 VI, 41 KANCAMAGUS, alias John Hawkins: signer of '' Articles of Peace" with the English . . . i, 161 KANNY: see Canny: KARR: see Carr: KEAIS, Samuel [Keas, Kease, Keeas, Keis, Keise] : representative . . . . i, 201 ii, 16 iv, 141 iv, 183 iv, 192 garrison soldier, impressed ..... ii, 93 ii, 94 KEENBOROUGH : selectmen's petition . . . vi, 40 KEENE : smaU-pox in . prisoners at ... petition land in, act for conveyance of confiscated estate in, sale forbidden rented . selectmen's account Superior Court of Judicature at taxes . .... lands in, act for ascertaining title to KELLEY, Joseph [Kelle] : prosecuted for passing counterfeit money petition ..... V. Abel Sawyer, act for him to file complaint in Superior Court of Judicature .... KELLEY, Moses, Lt.-Col., Col. : sheriff, account . . vii, 24 vii, 12 lieutenant-colonel, 9th regiment, militia . muster-master, paymaster .... directed on disposal of prisoners, Amherst gaol pay-roll, account, staff-roll .... ordered to raise mUitia to liberate Col. Enoch Hale KELLEY, Roger: of Exeter, province rate against KELLEY, Samuel [Kielle] : coroner ..... KEND.A.LL, Ebenezer : justice of the peace KENDALL, James: account ..... KENISTON, Job [Kenistone] : request, committee on . depreciation note, payment of KENISTON, Joseph Eaton [Kynaston] : prisoner, Exeter gaol .... viii, 124 vin, 127 vui, 138 17 vn. 99 vii. 200 viii. 38 viii. 55 viii. 114 viii. 353 viu. 162 viii. 199 viu. 253 vin. 350 vii, 165 viu. 247 perior Court viii. 250 26 vii, 248 vii. 269 vii. 69 vii. 71 vii, 266 vii, 269 viii, 18 viii. 50 viii. 307 i. 94 vii. 99 viii, 95 n. 170 vin. 206 viii. 292 2s8 Index to Records of the Council, iv, 382 V, 31 V, 31^ IV, 320 KENNEBECK River [Kennebec, Kennibeck] : French fort on . . i, 268 i, 269 i, 270 diversion there by Massachusetts forces . Indian fort on .... . KENNY, John: petition ..... KENSINGTON, (Eng.): king's council at . i, 253 iv, 214 KENSINGTON : parish boundaries, act relating to polling off to representationselectmen, petition representative justice of the peace major of KENT, (Conn.) : prisoners have leave to go to . KENT County, (R. I.) : petitioner from KETCH George: Thomas WiUs, master, bond . KETCH Prosperous: Nathaniel Fryar, Jr., master, bond KETCH Richard: George Snell, master, bond . KEZER, George [Kezar] : petitions of and for viii, 139 vin, 145 viii, 149 vin, 150 to review action, act enabling ...... KIDD, James [Kid] : of Exeter, province rate against . ... and see Filmer, Christopher: deposition. KIDDER, Jonas, Capt.: pay-roll ..... KIDDER, Samuel: account .... . . . . . KIDDER, Stephen [Kedder] : account . . ...... laborer at Newichawanick ....... KIELLE : see Kelley : KILDARE : brigantine, permitted to sail .... KILLINGSLY : letters from, on counterfeits and counterfeiters KIMBALL, : justice of the peace .... i, 275 i, 280 i, 286 1, 295 V, 5 iv, 363 1, 251 V, 34 iv, 322 iv. 322 iv. 358 iv. 358 vn. 117 viu. 95 vm. 295 vii, 142 viii. 134 i. 126 i. 137 viii. 154 vm. ISS I, 94 vn, 131 vm. 215 vii, 186 i. 11 1, 23 vii. 134 vi. 80 vi. 151 New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. 259 KIMBALL, Abel: account , viii. 162 KIMBALL, Abraham: disabled soldier, half-pay viii. 47 KIMBALL, Benjamin: paymaster vii. 179 KIMBALL, Joseph: suspected inimical, examinee . vn. 32 KIMBALL, Moses: soldier at Bunker Hill . • vii. 178 KIMBALL, , Mr.: letter of council to, on settlement of Nutfield . V, 392 KIMBALL, Peter, Capt.. pay-roU vii. 233 KIMBALL, Samuel. coroner vii. 24 KIMBALL, William: suspected inimical, examinee . vn. 32 KING: lands of. Conn, river, trespass on . vi. 116 appeals to the, act to prevent vii. 60 addresses to . % which see. KINGDOMS : of England and Scotland, union of V, 222 KING, George: justice. Court of Common Pleas . vii. 22 vii. 73 councilor vii 116 vii 117 vii. 118 vn. 119 vii. 120 vn. 121 vii. 122 vii. 123 vii. 128 vn. 129 vii. 130 vii. 133 vii. 134 vii. 13s vii. 136 vii. 140 vii. 141 vii. 143 vn. 147 vii, 151 vu. 152 vii, 153 vii. iSS vn. 157 vii. 160 vii. 162 vii. 163 vii. 165 vii, 166 vn. 167 vn. 172 vii. 177 vii. 178 vn, 179 vii. 181 vn. 182 vii. 183 vn. 186 vn. 188 vii. 189 vii. 191 vii. 193 vu. 196 vn. 197 vii. 198 vii. 199 vii. 200 vii. 204 vn. 205 vii. 20*6 vu. 207 vii. 208 vii. 213 vii. 215 vii. 219 vn. 221 vii. 222 vn, 223 vii. 225 vii. 226 vii. 228 vU, 231 vn. 235 vii, 244 vn. 245 vii. 251 vii. 255 vu. 257 vii. 258 vii. 259 vii. 261 vii. 263 vii. 264 vii. 266 vii. 274 vn. 275 vn. 276 vii, 279 vii. 281 vii, 284 vn. 286 vii. 288 vii. 289 viii. 4 viii, 5 viii. 7 viii. 8 viii. 10 viii. 23 viu. 25 vin. 26 vui. 27 vin. 28 vin. 29 vni. .35 viii. 36 viii. 37 vni, 38 viii. 39 viii, 42 vui. 43 viii. 50 viii, 51 viii, 53 26o Index to Records of the Council, KING, George: councilor vm, vin, viii, viii,viii, 100 56 72 85 93 vm,viii, vin, viii, viii. S7 76 8694 foi vm,viii, vin,vin, viii. 63 77 8796 104 vui, 58 viii, 58 viii, 105 vm, 54 viii, 71 vin, 83 viii, 92 viii, 98 and see Atkinson, George. committee on printing treasurer's notes . . . vii, 143 to settle postmaster's account ..... delegate to Continental Congress ...... secretary pro tetnpore of councU account ..... vii, 239 clerk, Superior Court of Judicature . vii, 248 petition and act for change of name KING'S Attorney : called also King's Solicitor : see Pickering, John : Sawyer, Sir Robert : also Attorneys -general. vacancy in the office of . . . opinion on ' ' American act about seamen " election of recorder grants by both Massachusetts and New Hampshire to assist in Fort Dummer matters ... consulted on proceedings against counterfeiters private directions to, relative to arrest of murderer . KING'S Council -. see also Privy Council -. Hampton Court Kensington : Westminster : Westminster Hall : White^ hall: letters (representation) to and from i, 188 ii, 115 ii, 116 v, 14 V, 17 V, 19 V and see PiXi^Xi., Samuel, Gov: Earl of Bellomont. Richard Waldron v. Samuel Allen ...... secretaries, clerks of, see Barker, : Povey, John: Vernon James. KING'S Councilors: see Boscawen, Edward, see Montague, Chas. viii, 64 viu, 82 viii, 89 viu, 97 viii, 107 vii, 252 «vii, 167 vii, 164 vii, 176 viii, 83 viii, 70 viii, 107 V, 17^ vi. 19 vi. 46 vi. 85 vi. 55 vi. 70 vi. 135 6 V, ^ 13 3 V, 27 Boscawen, J. Bridgewater, J. Goodricke, H. HiU, Abr. Leeds, P. Lock, John. Meadows, Ph. KING'S Court: j«« King's Council. KING'S Fort : see Fort William and Mary : KING'S Secretary : see Secretaries : also Povey KING'S Solicitor : see King's Attorney : KING'S Woods: .s-«« Woods : PoUexfen, John. Prior, Mat. Romney. Shrewsbury, Stepney, Geo. Tanckerville. Trenchard, I. John. 34 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 261 KING OF France : see also His Most Christian M.\jesty peace with Queen Anne ..... agrees with George II on armistice .... treaty of peace with, Aix-la-Chapelle KINGJOF Spain: agrees with George II on armistice KING OF Spain and Sardinia: assent to Aix-la-Chapelle treaty of peace . KINGS : see Charles II : George I : George II : George III James II: William III. KINGSBURY, Absalom: account . ...... representative .... messenger to N. H. Grants justice of the peace .... KINGSBURY, Daniel: rent appraiser . . . . petition, account . . . . viii, 417 KINGSBURY, Sanford: justice of the peace . . . . KINGSTON [Kingstown] : grant (charter) of . chief military officer petition, parishes, acts relating to iv, 268 iv, 346 parish boundary, report and vote on representatives ... ... scouting around and from V, 182 V, 204 V, 223 re-settlement of . . settlements in abandoned soldiers there, j^i? a/ji? Indian Corn : Rum. petition for a township above .... notified of the running of Nutfield and Chester line . selectmen's petition . . . . vi, 2 survey of, boundaries and see next above. plot to liberate prisoners in the gaol corn-purchaser of . . . , mortgaged land in, petition and biU for redemption of KINGSTON and Chester: long bridge between . ... KINSMAN, Aaron: account, committee on . . vui, 290 viii, 301 KIRK, Henry: of Strawberry Bank ...... n, 74 n, 131 IV, 330 iv, 350 V, 313 vi. 40 vi, 47 vi. 42 vi. 47 IV, 335 iv, 351 : James I : vm, 10 Vlll, 41 . viii, 28 viii, 33 vui, 41 ¦ viu, 355 vni, 353 viii, 418 vin, 456 • vin, 437 vi, 3 vi, 5 iv, 224 iv, 259 iv, 336 iv, 343 iv, 357 iv, 358 see next above. iv, 283 iv, 303 V, 45 V, 226 V, 246 V, 88 V, 210 V, 226 V, 231 V, 388 V, 397 vi, 3 vi, 5 vi, 4 vi, 132 vii, 190 vii, 259 vi, 49 viii, 306 viii, 309 i, 164 262 Index to Records of the Council, KITTERY : brigantine. Dove, built there . KNIGHT, John: of Strawberry Bank garrison soldier company ..... 'KNIGHT, Nathan: account KNIGHT, Nathaniel: distressed for miUtary fine KNIGHT, Richard: of Newcastle, sworn KNIGHT, Roger: at Piscataqua KNIGHT, William: special justice. Court of Common Pleas committee on continental accounts . councilor vote committee, account . KNILL, Charles [Knel] : witness to accounts . . . i, n covenantee ...... laborer at Newichawanick KNOWLES : ship, quarantined and discharged . KNOWLES, James, Dea. -. muster-master and paymaster may exchange state bills for other money account ..... . . KNOWLES, John, Jr.. examinee, Hampton riot case ..... KYNASTON : see Keniston : LABORERS : at the fort, impressment of, wages ii, 130 ii, 142 iii, 38 iii, 48 iii, 49 V, 92 and see Fort William and Mary, L' ACADIE: expedition to and see Nova Scotia. LACONIA Company: letters from, to Ambrose Gibbins letters to, from Ambrose Gibbins covenant in behalf of account with plantations, division of . V, 180 i. 164 ii, 93 ii. 98 V, no V, 211 n. 56 ii, 15 • i. 23 vn. 73 vii, 128 vii. 139 vin. 477 i, 25 i,i, i. 26 18 23 43 vi, 44 vi, 46 . vii, 71 . viii, 61 . viu, 458 V, 122 v, 127 V, 138 111, 28 111, 31 in, 50 in, 59 V, 146 V, 157 V, It which see. 1, 18 , 26 , 27 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 263 I, 24 LACONIA Company. agents ...... goods and ammunition . LACONIA Patent: governor, patentees LADD, Eliphalet: his drafts on Philadelphia accepted by the state petition viu, 175 viii, 177 judgments against, act for satisfying ..... LADD, Ezekiel. justice. Court of Common Pleas ...... LADD, James, Sergt., Lt. : rolls, account ...... viii, 393 LADD, Nathaniel [Lad] : of Exeter, province rate against ...... petition . . iv, 332 iv, 335 iv, 336 iv, 347 LADD, Simeon: accounts, committees on ... vii, 93 vin, 27 vin, 333 viii, 337 viii, 437 under prison-keeper, account ....... corn lent to ......... . gaol-keeper, account for board of prisoners vin, 58 viU, 153 petitions . . vUi, 195 vin, 357 viu, 388 viu, 447 directed to confine state prisoner . LADD, Timothy: justice of the peace LAKE Champlain : as route to Montreal LAKE Erie: French fort on ... . LAKE George: transporting stores to, plan for camp at, letters from LAKE Sacrament : fort at . . . LAKES, The: French settlements on . LAMBERT, Philip: ferry-man, exempted from rates LAMPERIL, Benjamin: disabled soldier, doctor's bill paid . LAMPRELL, Daniel: Robert Mason v. . examinee, Hampton riot case LAMPRELL, Henry: assault on provost marshal . . i, 138 i, 141 i, 142 1, 30 i, 30 i, 32 vm. 173 viii. 179 viii. 183 viii. 354 vui. 397 i. 94 iv. 348 vii. 115 viii. 438 vii. 208 vii. 210 vin. 6 viU, 198 viu. 477 vui. 437 1, 275 i. 269 i. 301 vi, 102 vi. 103 i. 275 i. 300 V, 83 V, 209 i. 106 V, 122 I, 143 264 Index to Records of the Council, LAMPREY, : petition ...... LAMPREY River [Lamprill, Lampry'] : survey for bridge over, committee's report scouting along ..... iron-works and settlement on . LAMSON, Joseph: constable, account LANCASTER : taxes of, committee on . justice of the peace .... LANCEY, Sarah: petition, committee on . LANDAFF : dispute with Morristown justice of the peace LANDER, John: soldier, petition, motion in behalf of LANDMEN : entering on board privateers, method to prevent LANDS : acts, bills, resolutions, etc., relating to, Vlll,viii. 261207 45 384 254 392 viii, 223 viii, 226 viii, 239 viii, 240 Vll, viii. 176 344 vm, 237 vm, 239 vm, 241 15 see Acworth.Amherst. Andover. Antrim. Badger, Joseph. Barnstead. Barrington.Bedford. British Subjects. CaU, David. Cardigan. Cams, James. Common Land. Confiscated Lands. Dartmouth College. Day, John : heirs. Deserters.Durham. England.Exeter. Fitzwilliam. Francestown.French, Olive. Gilmanton.Goffstown. Silas. see Hedges, Hollis.Improved Lands. Jackson, Joseph. Jones, Jehu. Keene. King. Kingston.Leslie, Alexander. Londonderry. Loudon. McGregore, Robert. McKeen, Samuel. Madbury. Maine.Mason, John Tufton. Mason's Patent. Meredith. Meserve, George. Minors. Mosquito Hall. New Boston. New Hampshire. Non-resident Proprietors. Non-residents. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 265 LANDS : acts, bills, resolutions, etc., relating to, see Northfield.' see Sherburne, Jacob. Nottingham. Simes, Ann. Packersfield. Smith, "Simeon. Parsonage Land. Stearns, John. Peirce, Daniel. Stratham. Pemigewasset River. Taxes. Perry, Sarah. Taylor, John. Peterborough. Thomas, Sarah. Peterson, Willet. Thompson, Samuel. PhUlips Exeter Academy. Thompson, Susanna. Pomroy, Josiah, Dr. TreadweU, WiUiam Earl. Portsmouth. Unappropriated Lands. Preble, Abraham. Unimproved Lands. Protectworth. Unincorporated Lands. Province. Wallingford, Lydia. Rye. Warner, Daniel. Salmon Falls. WeUman, Reuben. Salmon Falls River. Wentworth, John, Gov. Sandwich. Wolfeborough. Seaward, Lucy. division to settlers, by Gorges and Mason . i, 27 i, 28 lease and sale of, authorized ....... v, 379 in the province, grants of vi, 38 vi, 147 vi, 149 vi, 153 vi, 154 king's, strip west of Conn, river included in Hinsdale . vi, 85 grants of, to officers and soldiers . . . vi, 128 vi, 156 prohibited by king . . . . , . vi, 156 of deserters and British subjects, confiscated . . vii, 253 vii, 254 return of, to be transmitted to Contl. Congress . . . vui, 458 LANE, John: petitionee . . . ... v, 67 LANE, Samuel : land surveyor, plan made by . . . . vi, 71 LANE, Thomas: petition ..... . . . ii, 34 LANG, Natt: Portsmouth constable, petition ... v, 338 LANG, William, Sergt. : recruiting officer, petition, account . ... vin, 147 viii, 149 viii, 163 vui, 164 LANGDON, , Capt.. mUitia officer .... .... ii, 100 LANGDON, John, Capt., Col. : delegate to Continental Congress . . vii, 10 vii, 15 viii, 433 sends agents to Canada . . ... vii, 51 light-infantry company, pay-roll, account . . . vii, 56 vii, 279 viii, 45 viii, 54 viii, 98 vin, 200 266 Index to Records of the Council, LANGDON, John, Capt., Col. : company of volunteers ..... agent to equip Contl. frigate . order of Matthew Thornton paid to called on, for soldiers' supplies .... committee to draw up statement of biUs of credit . speaker. House of Representatives re-imbursed for loss of the Hampden resignation of his colonelcy of light-infantry . secured for rum furnished the state LANGDON, Tobias, Lt., Capt.. ensign . . . .... commander of foot company ..... " took the oaths " ...... complaint against, under trespass laws . v, 82 petition ...... company, mustering and scouting . LANGDON, William: selectman, Portsmouth ...... LANGDON, Woodbury: accounts, petitions vu, 279 viii, 5 viii, 196 delegate to Continental Congress viii, 90 viii, 109 councilor .... viii, 233 viii, 237 viii, 243 viii, 246 viii, 250 viii, 251 viii, 256 viii, 272 viii, 277 viii, 283 viii, 286 viii, 289 viii, 290 viii, 299 viii, 300 viii, 303 viii, 306 viu, 307 viii, 309 viii, 313 viii, 315 viii, 321 viii, 333 viu, 344 vni, 345 vin, 349 viu, 357 viii, 358 viii, 363 viii, 364 viii, 366 viu, 369 vin, 375 viu, 378 viU, 385 vin, 386 vin, 399 viii, 404 viii, 405 viii, 406 vin, 414 vin, 416 viii, 417 viu, 421 viu, 422 vni, 424 viu, 431 vin, 432 viu, 433 viii, 436 viii, 446 viii, 447 viii, 451 vUi, 452 viu, 453 viii, 461 viii, 462 viii, 464 viii, 467 viii, 474 viii, 475 viii, 481 viii, 482 viii, 483 puisne justice, Superior Court of Judicature viii, 396 resignation of his justiceship ..... see next above. vii, 77 vni, 176 . vu, 136 vii, 156 vii, 161 vii, 192 vii, 197 viii, 106 . viii, 200 viii, 279 vni, 280 ii, 3 n, 78 V, 144 V, 7 V, 84 V, 85 V, 97 V, no V, 234 vi, 161 vi, 163 VIU, 197 viii, 203 vni, 234 vni, 247 vui, 257 vui, 284 viii, 293 viii, 304 viii, 310 viii, 322 viii, 346 vin, 359 vin, 367 viii, 380 viii, 402 viu, 407 viii, 418 viii, 425 viii, 434 viii, 448 viii, 454 viii, 465 viii, 476 viii, 484 viii, 421 vm, 271 vin, 311 viii, 236 viii, 249 viii, 263 vni, 285 vin, 294 vni, 30S viii, 312 vin, 327 viii, 348 viii, 361 viii, 368 viii, 381 viii, 403 viii, 408 vui, 419 viu, 428 vui, 435 viii, 450 viu, 460 viii, 466 vin, 477 vui, 485 viii, 372 viii, 465 viii, 43 S n, 15 V, 37 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 267 LANGHAM, Thomas: V. Abraham Lee i 78 LANGMAID, Henry: soldier, account . . . . u, 242 iii, 16 iii, 86 LANGMAID, Margaret: petition, account ... ... in, 59 iu, 64 LANGMAID, Samuel: of Newcastle, sworn LARKIN, , Mr.. king's instructions to ... . LASHENEES, Sergt. [Lashanees] : case of, committee on vin, 447 enlisting officer, account viU, 448 LATON : j«« , Leighton : LAURENS, Henry: president, Contl. Congress, letters from . . viii, 38 viii, 84 LAVADORE, Mons'r. : commander at Mallagash . v, 340 LAVERS, Jacob: soldier, impressed U, 80 LAW- restoring to their, acts and biUs for. see Atkinson, George. Judkins, John. Ayer, William. Moore Robert. Gordon, WUUam. Stevens, Isaac. Hart, George. about posts ... ..... > , . , > which see. courts of . . . .....) LAWS : see also Acts : Resolutions : Votes : for establishing Courts of Judicature ... • i, 250 transcribing for use of towns ... . . . ii, 10 fiirnished to towns ........ ii, 23 confirmation in England ..... ii, 41 ii, 158 u, 160 n, 207 ii, 212 n, 247 iv, 162 iv, 171 iv, 197 V, 17 v, 18 V, 19 V, 22 V, 23 V, 26 V, 32 V, 64 for building fort. Great Island ...... ii, 223 method of enactment . . . . . . . iv, 15 engrossed ...... . .iv, 15-130 empowering committee of militia .... v, 148 v, 151 revision of .... vii, 5 vii, 189 viii, 127 viu, 141 of N. E. states, fixing prices . ...... vii, 138 system of, committee on and act to establish vii, 156 vii, 179 viii, 213 printed copies of, act to furnish councilors and representatives with ........... vii, 252 expired, act to revive (re-enact) vii, 253 vii, 259 viii, 17 viii, 76 for preventing trespasses ....... viii, 1 7 relating to non-resident land tax, revision of . . vin, 127 viii, 141 268 Index to Records of the Council, LAWS : see also Acts : Resolutions : Votes : making paper money a tender, repeal of . relating to kiUing wolves, repeal of publication of, see Printing : public. militia . . . . province .... of New York LAWS OF Parliament : see also Acts : for encouragement of trade and navigation LAW-BOOKS : in custody of Capt. John Pickering, demanded n, 6 n, 8 clerk of the House to distribute LAWFUL Money: price of fire-arms in, fixed of New England .... LAWLER, David: soldier, receives wages and continental gun LAWRENCE, Abraham: disabled soldier, petition, half-pay . LAWRENCE, David [Larans] : of Exeter, province rate against representative . . LAWRENCE, David: justice of the peace .... LAWRENCE, Lt.-Gov., (N. S.) : concerting with Gov. Shirley for attacking French forts letter from Admiral Boscawen to LAWRENCE, William: petition for grant of township .... LAWSON, John: prisoner from New York LAWSUITS : refraining from, recommended LAWYERS : see also Attorneys : see Meinzies, James. LAYTON, : LAYTON, James: distressed for mUitary fine LEACH, James : of Newcastle, sworn petition ..... . . committee to settle town bounds witness in Benj. Gatchel's case LEACH, James, Senr. : of Newcastle, sworn .... petition ....... vm, 274 viu, 334 which see. \. 61 n, 5 n, 13 u, 14 viu, 189 r vii, 1 1 which see. vii, 261 viii, 54 I'iii, 284 viii, 289 i, 94 iv, 176 vu, 22 n, 33 i, 287 i. 298 vi. 79 vn. 139 vU, 183 i. 37 ii, 56 n. IS ii. 34 V, 43 V, 296 ii. IS ii. 33 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 269 LEACH, John: of Newcastle, sworn petition ...... LEAD : see also Ammunition : bounty on ..... . casting into bullets, account for LEARE, Hugh: of Strawberry Bank .... LEARNED, Abijah, Capt. : representative . . . . . . . vii, 9 LEASES : see also Indentures : Absentees : Absentees' Estates : Wentworth, John, Gov. : Mosquito Hall : LEATHERBEE, Samuel : see Wetherbee : LEATHERS, Robert: petition, action ^'. Robert TraU, review . ... viii, 41 vni, 45 LEATHERS, Sarah: marriage of, act to disolve, disallowed by king LEAVITT, James, Sergt. [Levitt, Lovett] : constable, impressment warrant issued to ... . ii, 80 u, 83 V, 181 of a military councU ........ ' ' took the oaths " . selectman, Portsmouth .... ... LEAVITT, John, (Hampton) : complaint against, for contempt LEAVITT, John: justice of the peace . . ... continental soldier, account . . . . LEAVITT, Jonathan, Ens. : account, petition . . . . enlisting officer ... ... stoppage out of wages paid . . . . LEAVITT; Moses [Levet, Levitt] : V. Robert Mason . . . . . of Exeter, province rate against representative . . n, 204 n, 226 ii, 238 account . ..... justice of the peace ...... LEAVITT, Moses, Capt., Col., (North Hampton): billeting-roU ..... ¦ • enlisting officer company, volunteers, pay-roll .... vii, 119 viii, 47 Ueutenant-colonel, 3d regiment of militia representative .... • • account ....... n. IS ii. 33 vii. 75 viu. 69 i, 164 viii, 26 viii, 52 vi, 163 ii, 79 V, 184 u, 84 V, 7 V, 230 V, 340 V, 341 vu. 23 viii. 62 vn. 89 vin. 16 vu. 211 vii. 214 viii. 18 i. 84 i. 94 iv. 148 iv. 168 iii. 39 V, 7 vii. 10 vii. 113 viu, 269 vii. 114 viu, 197 vui. 222 vin. 295 viu. 422 viii. 471 270 Index to Records of the Council, vii, 180 vii, 202 viii, 4 LEAVITT, Samuel, Lt. [Levitt, Levett] : of Exeter, province rate against ...... assault on provost marshal . . i, 138 i, 141 i, 142 representative . iv, 134 iv, 176 iv, 177 iv, 192 LEAVITT, Stephen: petition and act for divorce from Anne French viii, 216 LEAVITT, Thomas: petition ..... .... LEAVITT, Timothy: petition . . ... . . LEAVITTSTOWN : incorporation of, act for road from, to Wakefield ... LEBANON : gore between, and Hanover ..... representation ..... committee's petition, committee on petition ..... . . abatement of taxes ...... LEBBE, James: garrison, soldier . ... LEE, Abraham : V. Thomas Langham ...... witness to will of John Hurd .... LEE, William, Lt. : petition ........ LEEDS, P.: king's councilor ....... LEEMAN, Samuel: account ........ LEEWARD Islands: merchants' complaint of quality of boards imported LEGAL Voters; determining who shall be, act for . LEGISLATION : colonists left destitute of .... . LEGISLATURE : two branches of, concurrence necessary . LEGLISE, Mons. Dominique [L'Eglise, L'Eglize] : petitioner, relieved ... . . LE Grand : pirate ship, information against .... LEGROE, Peter: witness, mittimus, petition ..... LE Hane [Lahane] : harbor, trading with Indians at . . v, 295 1, 94 1, 143 IV, 195 viii. 210 viii. 229 i. 53 vi, 40 viii. 25 vin. 17 vi. 145 vn. 90 viii. 367 viii. 446 viii. 466 1, 177 i, 78 V, 187 viii. 202 n. 115 vii. 176 i, 57 i. 81 vii. 67 vii. T vii. 3 u, 136 vii. 140 V, 371 V, 296 V, 297 V, 296 V, 297 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 271 150 LEHEASE, Peter: clerk to Lords Commissioners of the Treasury LEIGH, Joseph : soldier, petition, wages ..... sub-commissary, resignation, wages . v sub-clothier, appointment, wages . LEIGHTON, James > ^, , -, ' ¦' } TLaton, Layton] : LEIGHTON, Robert S *- "^ rangers, impressed . . . . , LEIGHTON, Thomas: messenger to Earl of Bellomont, account LEIGHTON, Tobias: petition .... ensign ......... LEMPSTER: justices of the peace ...... dispute with Washington about taxation . abatement of taxes ...... selectmen's petition ...... LENCEY : see Lancey : LEONARD, Thomas: prisoner from New York ..... LESLIE, Alexander [Lesslie] ; petition and act for him to redeem land . vui, 305 LETHERBY, Thomas [Leatherby] : garrison soldier ....... assigned to parish of Greenland .... LETTERS : see Addington, Isaac. Alexander, Mr. AUen, Ira. Amherst, Jeffrey, Gen. Anderson, Isaac. Ashley, Samuel. Ashurst, Sir Henry, Kt., Bt. Atkinson, Theodore, Col. BaUey, Jacob. Barefoote, Walter. Bass, Joseph. BeUows, , Maj. Bernard, , Gov. VI, 12 vn. 57 vii. 58 vm. 130 vm. 169 vm. 99 vm. 169 79 u, 224 iv, 275 iv, 276 SO vm, 452 IV, 277 Vll, 32 viii. 95 vm. n viii. 451 vm. 455 vm, 311 vn, 139 vin, 284 viii, 350 ii. 99 V, 356 Blair, William. Blakeney, . Col. Blanchard, Joseph. Blathwait, William. Board of War. see Boscawen, Admiral. Bourryau, Zach. Boydel, John. Bradbury, Jabez. Braddock, Edward, Gen. Bridger, John. Burgess, Eliseus. Burt, Joseph. CamjabeU, Duncan. Cary, Matthew. Casco Bay. Chandler, WiUiam. Charlestown. Chittenden, Thomas. Christie, G. Clapp, Supply. Clark, Samuel. Clinton, G., Gov. 272 Index to Records of the Council, LETTERS : see Clough, , Capt. Cochran, John. Commissioners for the War. Committee of Safety. Connecticut River. Continental Congress. Cooke, . Gov. Corbet, John. CornwaUis, , Gov. Council.Cuyler, Jacob. Dearing, Ebenezer. Delancy, James, Lt.-Gov. Delegates to Continental Con gress . Dey of Algiers. Dinwiddie, Robert, Gov. Dudley, Joseph, Gov. Dudley, Sir Matthew. Duke of Bedford. Dummer, Lt.-Gov., Mass. Dummer, , Mr. Dunkley, John. Earl of Bellomont. Earl of Egremont. Earl of Loudon. England. Evans, Stephen. Everett, John. Fisher, , Mr. Fowler, John. Fox, Inez. Friar.Frontiers. Fryar, Nathaniel. Gates, Horatio, Gen. General Court. Gibbins, Ambrose. Gilman, David. Gorges, Ferdinando, Kt. Gorham, , Lt.-Col. Governor and CouncU. Grout, Elijah. Hale, , Col. HaU, (Justice). Hancock, Robert. see Hinckes, John. Hinsdale, Ebenezer. Hogkins, John. Holdernesse.Holland, , Lt. Hooke, Francis. Hunt, Samuel. Huntington, , Prest. Hutchinson, , Gov. Huter, , Col. Indian Affairs. Indians. Janvrin, George. Jennison, John. Jno.Johnson, WUliam, Maj.-Gen. Jones, Paul. Killingsly.King's Council. Laconia Company. Lake George. Laurens, Henry, Prest. Lewis, Morgan. Lithgow, WiUiam. Livermore, Samuel. Livingstone, Robert R. Lords. Lords of the Admiralty. Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantation. Lords Justices. McKeen, James. Mascarene, John Paul. Mason, Anne. Mason, John. Mason, Robert. Massachusetts.Massachusetts General Court. Massey, George. Mead, Joseph. Measam, George. Meserve, Nathaniel. Moore, , Col. Morris, Robert. Naval Officer. Neale, Walter. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 273 LETTERS : see Needham, Mr. Newbury, Mass. New Hampshire Grants. New York. Nicholson, Francis. Nutfield. Observator. Odiorne, Jotham. Osborne, John. Oswego. Packer, Thomas, Dr. Page, W. Partridge, Richard. Partridge, WUliam, Lt.-Gov. PeppereU, Sir William. Phelps, D. Phipps, Sir WilUam. Phipps, Spencer, Lt.-Gov. Pierce, , Lt.-Col. Pitt, WUliam, Sec. Poor, Enoch, Gen. Postage.Post-office.Posts. Pownall, Gov. Prentice, Nathaniel Sartel. President and Council. President : of Continental Con gress. Presidents. Prince George. Providence.Public Letters. Queen Anne. Raymond, John. Redford, WiUiam. Reed, George. Rhode Island. Robinson, Sir Thomas. Rogers, Richard. Romer, Wolfgang William. RusseU, Eleazer. Schuyler, Peter. to Boston for 60 men . . . . . suspected to contain evidence of counterfeiting of thanks to Dudley and Partridge, London . 18 see Shirley, WiUiam, Gov. Shute, Samuel, Gov. Smith, Robert. Spooner, J. Stark, John. Story, Charles, Sec. Stoughton, WUliam, Lt.-Gov. Sullivan, John. Tailor, , Col. Temple, John. Thomlinson, John. Thompson, Ebenezer." Thompson, Thomas. Tichener, Isaac. Ticonderoga. Todd, Capt. Usher, John, Lt.-Gov. Vaughan, George. Vaughan, George, Col. Vaughan, WiUiam. Vernon, Admiral. Vernon, James. Waldo, Mr. Waldron, Richard (2d). Wallace, Richard. Warren, Admiral. Warren, Commodore. Washington, George, Gen. Weare, Meshech. Webb, Daniel. Wentworth, Benning, Gov. Wentworth, John, Gov. Westmoreland: selectmen. Wheelock, Anthony. Whipple, Joseph. Whipple, WilUam, Gen. WhitehaU. WUlard, Josiah. Williams, Israel. Winslow, Edward. Winslow, Gen. Woodman, John. n, 15s iv, 160 iv, 329 V, 380 2 74 Index to Records of the Council, LETTERS : to Quebec on exchange of prisoners . . . . . vi, 29 testamentary to judge of probate . . . . . . vi, 166 from N. Y. intercepted in Conn. .... vii, 153 vii, 156 LETTERS of Administration: see Administration : Fryar, Nathaniel : Packer, Thomas : Wald ron, Richard (2d). granting, fees for . . . . . . . . . ii, 113 and see Fees : probate. LETTERS-PATENT : see also Commissions : constituting governors, j-^dT Earl of Bellomont : Dudley, Joseph : Shute, Samuel. constituting Lieutenant-governor, see Usher, John. for settling posts ... ... . i, 170 requiring council of seven ....... ii, 5 king's, read to assembly ..... . iv, 133 LEVIES : for Continental Service ........ which see. LEVIUS, Peter [Livius] : councilor vi, 130 vi, 131 vi, 132 vi, 133 vi, 134 vi, 135 vi, 136 vi, 137 LEWIS, Abraham: pUot, impressed v, 188 v, 191 LEWIS, Elizabeth [Lewes] : petition, committee on ....... . viii, 169 LEWIS, James, Capt. : pay-roU . vni, 12 LEWIS, John: of Newcastle, sworn . . . . . . . . ii, 15 petition ii, 33 ii, 34 LEWIS, Morgan: letter, committee on ....... . vii, 206 LEWIS, Philip: Robert Mason v. ...... . . . i, 93 LEWIS, Samuel : see Palmer, Christopher : deposition. LEWIS, Thomas: distressed for mUitary fine ••..... ii 56 LEWS, John [Lewes] : account i, 220 ui, 45 iU, 48 LEXINGTON : Lord Cdmmissioner for Trade and Plantations . i, 248 v, 20 LIBBE, Abraham [Libbee] : petition viu, 124 viu, 141 vui, 170 LIBBE, Daniel: LIBBE, John: LIBBE, Matthew: distressed for military fine ..... . ii c6 iel: n " s thew : J New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 27s LIBBEY : see Libby : LIBBY, Benjamin: deposition in case of Salter and Mannery . . . . iv, 2 1 2 LIBBY, George: master of ship under quarantine . . . . . . vi, 43 LIBBY, Ichabod: passenger under quarantine . . . . . vi, 44 LIBBY, James: soldier impressed ......... ii, 80 LIBBY, Jeremiah [Libbey] : to execute quarantine orders . committee on repairs of province gaol account ..... LIBEL; by Robert Smith against James Betton ..... vni, 187 LIBELLANTS : in admiralty case ......... viii, 134 LICENSED Houses: see Collins, Daniel : Daniels, William : Hampton Falls. LICENSES : see also Liquors : to vintners and ale-houses required by law . . . . ii, 3 LIEUTENANT-COLONELS : viii, 180 viu, 187 vi, 46 vi, 76 vm. 221 see LoveweU, Noah. Mooney, Hercules. North Hampton. Peabody, Stephen. Reed, George. Reed, Thomas. Senter, Joseph. Tash, Thomas. Wait, Joseph. Walker, Abel. Wanton, see Adams, Winborn. Bartlett, Thomas. Colburn, Andrew. Connor, Samuel. Dudley, Samuel. GUman, Jeremiah. Hacket, James. Hammond, Joseph. HUton, Winthrop. Kelley, Moses. Leavitt, Moses. office vacated ......... iii, LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS : of New Hampshire, see Acts. see Temple, John. Barefoote, Walter. Usher, John. Cranfield, Edward. Vaughan, George. Partridge, William. Wentworth, John. commission, powers under, in relation to towns expenses allowed . . . . v, 141 v, 151 V, 208 V, 245 V, 330 as governor in governor's absence commissionsqualification . . . . . . ^see under their several names . salary ..... n, 57 V, 158 V, 166 V, 336 V, 342 V, 366 V, 368 ¦} 276 Index to Records of the Council, LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS : of Massachusetts, see Dummer, : Phipps, Spencer: Stoughton, William. of New York, see Delancy, James. of Nova Scotia, see Lawrence, . LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR and Council; as court of appeals ...... LIEUTENANTS : see Atkinson, Theodore. Barber, Zebulon. BeU, Meshech. Blagdon, James. Blodget, Caleb. Davis, James. Field, 96 Fort SuUivan. Furber, WUliam. HaU, Kingsley. Huntoon, Joseph. allotted Rhode Island companies of matross company, wages raised one to forty privates wages (pay) nomination and appointment of and see under their names. LIFORD : see Lyford : LIGHT, Robert: account .... may exchange notes with treasurer LIGHT-DRAGOONS : Col. Elisha Sheldon's LIGHT-HOUSE: see also Newcastle: expenses on account of . establishing, act for LIGHT-INFANTRY: see also Langdon company .... LIGHT-MONEY : act for, insufficient LIME, (Town) : see Lyme : LINCH, Christo: passenger under quarantine . LINCOLN County (Mass.) : exportation of corn to LINCOLN, Joseph: libellant in admiralty case see Hutchins, Samuel. Londonderry. McGaffee, Neal. Marden, John. Marlborough, Mass. Matross Companies. Moore, John, Jr. Osborne, George Jerry. Page, Moses. Pembroke. Wright, Samuel. vii, 269 vn, 271 viii, 2 viii, 44 vin, 331 viii, 331 John, Col. vn, viii. 58 297 vm, 424 vi, 143 viii, 488 vu, 56 vi, 143 VI, 44 vin, 85 viu, 87 vm, 134 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 277 ferry LINES : see Boundaries : LIQUORS : see also Spirituous Liquors : imported, duty on . . . and see Duties : on imports. license to retail, petition for . to sell free from excise, privilege granted excise on .... . LIS: French man-of-war, captured . LISSON, Nicholas: of Exeter, province rate against LITCHFIELD [Lytchfield] : incorporation .... regiments provisioned at committee directed respecting Lutwyche's coroner ..... petitioner from .... surgeon of . . . discount of taxes on absentee's estate selectmen's petition LITERATURE : encouragement of, act for LITHGOW, William, Capt. : commander. Fort Richmond . letters from and to . . . LITTLE, : justice, transmits papers to general court LITTLE, Benjamin: coroner ..... LITTLE Boar's Head: headland ..... scouting and watching there . LITTLE Harbor: defence of .... . V, 114 addition to Great Island township ferry-men exempted from rates cruising from, to Cape Porpus LITTLE Harbor Point [Poynt] : sentinel's box on . LITTLE, Margaret: petition, assignment of dower to LITTLE, Matthew: estate, dower in, set off ..... LITTLE, Moses: justice of the peace ...... justice. Court of Common Pleas, nominated, declines V, 117 119 11, 281 • iv, 333 V, 83 V, 115 . which see. i, 298 i, 94 • vi, 5 vi, 114 . vn, 41 vii, 51 vii, 80 vii, 124 viii, 123 vni, 435 . vin, 452 i, 266 i, 268 see next above. - vn, 199 ¦ vU, 23 1, 24 1, 32 V, 114 i, 200 in, 32 V, 145 V, 234 ii, 30 n, 37 V, 83 V, 115 V, 120 11, 29 vii, 96 vn, 105 vn, 114 vn, 114 . VI, 152 vi, 153 vi, 158 278 Index to Records of the Council LITTLE, Samuel: justice of the peace ......•¦ vn, 22 LITTLE, Sarah: petition vii, 226 to sue for debts due her husband, act for . . vin, 201 vin, 203 LITTLE, Stephen: physician, petition, account vi, 147 vi, 148 bond to obey smaU-pox orders . . vi, 161 vi, 162 vi, 165 absentee, see Little, Sarah. LIVERMORE, : clerk in Jotham Odiorne v. Wm. Blair . . . . . vi, 50 LIVERMORE, Daniel, Capt.: company ......... vii, 161 LIVERMORE, Jonathan, Rev. : examinee .......... vii, 108 LIVERMORE, Matthew: attorney-general ... iv, 314 iv, 316 iv, 357 iv, 358 petition for grant of land, charter passed . . . iv, 327 LIVERMORE, Samuel: petition . . . . . . vi, 143 vi, 145 viii, 51 justice of the peace and of the quorum ..... vii, 50 attorney-general ....... vii, 109 vii, 279 viii, 53 viii, 66 vUi, 120 viii, 163 viii, 203 salary .......... see next above. account ....... viii, 60 vni, 91 viu, 132 vui, 172 vin, 178 viii, 204 viu, 434 commissioner to Contl. Congress to support State's claim to N. H. Grants ....... viii, no viii, 130 delegate to Continental Congress .... viii, 130 viii, 131 vui, 132 vui, 220 vui, 224 viii, 234 viii, 282 vin, 292 viii, 299 vin, 311 instructions to . .....) > see next above. letters to ....... . ^ chief justice, Superior Court of Judicature vUi, 370 viu, 396 vin, 429 LIVINGSTON, John: armorer, petition and account LIVINGSTONE, Robert R. : letter from ....... LIVIUS, Peter: see 'Levivs : LLOYD, Edward: of Strawberry Bank ..... LLOYD, Thomas: to sell lands, petition and act for . LOAN-OFFICE : see also Loan-officer : establishment of . money received from ..... vn, 52 vu. 53 viu. 363 i. 164 viii, 284 viii. 296 vn. 102 viu. 261 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 279 LOAN-OFFICER : nomination of, committee on . to furnish $1 500 for the army .... to pay interest due on his loans, resolution for decease of. Congress notified ..... recommendation for, to Contl. Congress . directed to issue interest certificates . viii, 450 continental ........ LOANS : see also Loan-Officer : contrary to king's instructions .... ;^i5,ooo, committee to pay ..... for use of the state ...... for building powder-mUl, see Powder-mill. LOCATIONS : recording, act for . near Conway, regimental assignment of . extending time of recording, act for . . . LOCK, Francis: petition ........ LOCK, Jeremiah : coroner ........ LOCK, John, (Eng.): Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations LOCK, John, (Hampton) : his house as scouting limit ..... LOCK, Joseph: petition ........ LONDON : consignment from, by patentees .... LONDONDERRY : charter ......... chief military officer ...... vm, 452 iv, 261 vn, 151 viii, 265 vni, 427 viii, 440 viii, 444 viU, 488 which see. iv, 262 iv, 354 vii, 128 viU, 145 viii, 246 vui, 262 vUi, 264 • viii, 359 iv, 249 iv, 251 ¦ vu, 54 petitions, memorials IV, 294 iv, 305 iv, 343 viu, 24 viii, 212 iv, 296 iv, 312 iv, 350 vui, 39 viii, 286 meeting-house parishestown-meetingrepresentativesselectmen and town-clerk, petitionees papers lent, returned bUl passed by House road to Amesbury from . IV, 297 iv, 313 iv, 351 viii, 190 vin, 367 iv, 283 vi, 67 1, 213 V, 145 iv, 224 i, 5 IV, 201 iv, 224 iv, 245 iv, 298 iv, 299 iv, 315 iv, 316 iv, 352 iv, 354 viii, 198 viii, 207 vin, 462 viu, 482 see next above. iv, 296 iv, 303 ¦ iv, 350 vi, 68 vu, 274 ¦ iv, 357 ¦ iv, 358 ¦ vi, 5 28o Index to Records of the Council, LONDONDERRY : author of anonymous letters and witnesses in the case, from . vi, 49 vi, 50 vi, 51 vi, 52 petitioners for Capt. John Mitchel ... . . vi, 52 Capt. Arnold sick at, bill paid ...... vii, 101 lieutenant and captain of ..... vii, 122 vii, 269 prisoner from ..... vii, 191 vn, 192 vii, 195 disannexation from, act for . . vii, 227 viii, 13 viii, 59 constable .......... vii, 249 polling off to Nottingham West . . . . . .vii, 274 absentee's estate in, selectmen's management of . viii, 33 viii, 250 ministerial affairs, parish boundaries ..... viii, 39 land in, act to vest title to .... . viu, 46 viu, 53 regiment, nomination of colonel ...... viii, 197 absentee's children in ..... . vui, 378 viii, 388 selectmen's petition .... viii, 380 viii, 384 viii, 388 line with Windham, act to settle .... viii, 388 viii, 393 selectmen heard relative to estate of Joseph Curtis . . . viii, 455 libellant in divorce case of .... . . viii, 464 LONG, . Capt.: corn monopolist, Durham LONG, George, Capt. ; " rebeUious action," contempt, warrant for his arrest petition . ..... LONG, John, Capt. : mast ship, non-entry .... petition . . . . n, 162 ii, bearer of journals and laws to England LONG, Peirce, Capt., Col. [Peirse] : barrack-master, account representative . . . . vii, 27 vii, 28 vu, of committee of safety .... to equip re-enforcements for our army in Canada regiment, marching to Ticonderoga rolls . vii, 120 vii, 125 vii, vu, 136 vii, 146 vii, LONG, Robert: captive returned, examination of . ... LONGFELLOW, Nathan: constable, Hampton, affidavit . . v, 395 v, 396 imprisoned by Salisbury constable ...... permittee ....... LONG Island: Dr. Stephen Little of . LONGSTAFF, Henry: of Bloody Point, province rate against ... viii, 86 viii, 87 -est ii. 138 ii. 162 n, ii. 163 147 163 n. 167 ii. 168 ni. 60 iv. 197 vii. 8 vu,vii. 38 8 34 vn. 40 vii,vn,vii. 49 12 71 vii. 105 vii. 123 127 vn. 132 vii. 134 147 vn. 154 vii. 226 V, 339 V, 401 V, 398 viii. 59 vii, 226 i. 97 V, 293 i. 277 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 281 LONGSTAFF, Henry: Robert Mason v. ......... i, 106 LOOGE, Edward: account, committee on . . . . . . viii, 143 LORD Bellomont : see Earl of Bellomont : LORD Dartmouth : of the queen's council ...... v, 257 LORD Halifax: recommendation of Mr. Mark ...... LORD High Treasurer: province accounts laid before ..... v, 212 v, 213 LORD Loudon : see Earl of Loudon : LORD Treasurers : see Lords Commissioners of the Treasury : LORD'S-DAY : observance of, bUls and acts for . . ii, 62 ii, 225 ii, 259 iv, 147 vu, 125 vu, 178 viu, 75 vui, 343 LORDS : see also Lords and Commons : letter on discovery of " The Assassination Plot " . . . i, 187 LORDS of the Admiralty: instructions and letters to Earl of Bellomont relating to passes . i, 241 i, 248 u, 234 U, 235 V, 2& officers under, appointment of ...... i, 258 LORDS Chief Justices : see also Lords Justices : report on Robert Mason's claim . . . . . . i, 47 LORDS Commissioners for Trade and Plantation: ee Herbert, see PoUexfen, John. HiU, Abraham. Prior, Matlf. Lexington, . Pulkney, J. Lock, John. Stamford. Meadows, Ph. Stepney, George Monckton, R. Tancker vUle. memorials (representations) to i, 237 i, 239 iv. 181 V, 141 letters from, to Earl of Bellomont . i, 242 i, 243 i, 248 i, 252 ii. 23s V, 13 V, 14 V, 27 V, 28 V, 32 V, 36 Lords Justices V, 18 V, 22 Lt.-Gov. Wm. Partridge . V, 38 Gov. Joseph Dudley V, 63 V, 64 V, 6S V, 321 Gov. Samuel Shute V, 388 V, 389 V, 396- Lt.-Gov. John Usher i. 213 iii. 68 Gov. Benning Wentworth vi, 64 vi. 104 vi. 128 letters to, from Holdernesse, ? which see. Lt.-Gov. Partridge . J opinion on province acts i, 244 i. 245 i, 246 i, 247 V, 17 V, 18 V, 22 V, 26 282 Index to Records ot the Council, IV, 310 V, 34 . VI, 55 V, 70 V, 138 V, 396 VI, 12 iv, 206 V, 155 vi, 55 i, 187 u, 171 LORDS Commissioners for Trade and Plantation: representations from . i, 253 v, 16 v, 19 v, 257 v, 258 reports, relating to province lines Gov. Allen's appeals Fort Dummer complaints to and answers sent to address to . queries respecting province LORDS Commissioners of the Treasury: orders by ....... . i, 302 secretary to, see next above, also \ ^ehease, Peter. I West, J. representation to, concerning Robert Armstrong commands to province treasurers ...... LORDS Committee of Council: report to, on Fort Dummer ...... LORDS AND Commons : addresses on discovery of "The Assassination Plot " death of Queen Mary ..... LORDS Justices : see also Lords Chief Justices : King's Coun cilors : letters from, to Lt.-Gov. Usher ..... . . Partridge ...... Gov. Benning Wentworth letters to, from Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations . opinion on province acts directed to . . . i, 244 order to Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations . LORDS OF the Treasury: see Lords Commissioners of the Treasury : LORRAMORE, : pirate, prisoner ......... LOSSES : see also War Losses : by soldiers .... vn, 34 vii, 248 vui, 10 and see Battles. LOTT, Abraham, Jr. ; clerk. New York assembly LOTTERIES : for building and repairing bridges . vn, 279 viu and see Newcastle. petitions for . 1, 213 V, 77 VI, ll which see. i. 245 V, 14 vn. 29 vn. 44 vn. 55 vu. 104 Vll, 178 VII, 264 vn. 277 vm. 5 ym. 8 vm. 13 vui. 46 viu. 65 Vlll, 113 2 vm, 139 viu, 197 1, 272 vu, 162 viu, 202 vu, 204 vui, 83 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 283 LOUDON : see Earl of Loudon : LOUDON (Tovra): justice of the peace . . . . . . . . vi, 167 lands in, act for committee to divide . . . viii, 43 viii, 46 disannexation from, act for . . . vui, 391 vui, 448 vin, 471 LOUDOUN: see Earl of Loudon: LOUIS, Jacob: of Strawberry Bank . i, 164 LOUISBURG [Louisbourg, Lewisbourg] : accounts .......... i, 264 French men-of-war near ... . . . vi, 15 expedition against . . vi, 16 vi, 17 vi, 18 vi, 61 LOVE, John: councilor . iv, 375 LOVEJOY, Francis: order drawn by, for his bounty ...... viii, 290 LOVEJOY, Henry: informant about murder of Indians ..... i, 267 LOVEJOY, Hezekiah, Capt.: account, company, pay-roll ..... viii, 85 viu, 115 LOVELL, . Capt.: iv, 224 LOVELL, Splan: garrison soldier ......... ii, 84 LOVERIN, Ebenezer [Lovrin] : petition vui, 185 viu, 188 LOVERIN, Reuben: fine against, discharged on payment viu, 188 LOVETT, James [Lovitt] : of Strawberry Bank i, 164 coroner 1,198 i, i99 ii", 29 iii, 30 deputy-sheriff ii, 44 LOVEWELL, Jonathan: justice of the peace .....•¦• vu, 24 justice, Court of Common Pleas vii, 24 representative vii, 43 vii, 103 viu, 59 LOVEWELL, Noah: lieutenant-colonel vu, 112 recruiting officer .....•••• vm, i LOWER Ashuelot: granted by Mass., re-granted by N. H. . . . vi, 84 LUBBERLAND [Lubarland] : garrison . 11, 48 petition . • • n, 139 LUCY, Thomas [Lucey] : ranger, impressed .....•••¦ H' 79 284 Index to Records of the Council, n, 20 iv, 141 V, 348 n, 241 viii, 481 28 LUMBER : imported and exported, duties on . ii, 23 ii, 206 ii, 207 V, 56 V, 341 V, 346 exportation of, bill to prevent .... exported to West Indies . ... "admeasurement of ", act for .... LUMBER-CARRIERS : oppressive fees demanded of, petitions concerning . LUNT, Daniel. committee to run head line of Exeter LUSANNAH [Lusanna] : brig, decree of Court of Appeals concerning . capture of, letter to Congress concerning LUTWYCHE, Edward Goldstone, Col. [Lutwitche] : regiment . ...... estate confiscated ...... LUTWYCHE, Sarah: petition, ferry, resolution relating to . . . vii, LUTWYCHE'S Ferry: confirming to Matthew Thornton, act for . . . LYFORD, Francis: of Exeter, province rate against ... . . LYFORD, Thomas, Lt. [Liford] : allowed depreciation of wages .... petition, account ........ LYMAN : selectmen's petition, inventory .... viii, 97 LYMAN, Phineas [Phyneas] : petition for grant of a township LYME [Lime] : proprietors or selectmen, petitionees justice of the peace . ... ammunition for ...... petitions . viii, 243 credited by payment to Maj. Jonathan ChUd . abatement of taxes ..... LYNDEBOROUGH [Lyndsborough] : justice of the peace petitions ... .... vui, 173 selectmen's account • . . . . LYON, David: justice of the peace ..... McALPINE, Donald, Sergt. : petition for soldier's grant of lands . McCALLY, James: account ....... u, 22 iv, 170 V, 380 vii, 77 vin, 35 viii, 465 u, 246 iv, 225 vin, 449 vui, 484 vii, 112 viii, 148 vii, 41 viii, 486 i, 94 vin, 133 viU, 372 vni, 467 vi, 66 vi, 146 vi, 161 vii, 65 viii, 465 viu, 471 viii, 486 viu, 95 viii, 185 viii, 464 viu, 437 vi, 145 viii, 171 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 285 McCLARY, Andrew, Maj. : examined, on Indian mischiefs at Stevenstown . expenses in the public service, vote to pay note signed by, payment applied for McCLARY, John: justice of the peace representative colonel of the new regiment . vii, 209 of committee of safety . councilor vui, 208 viii, 213 VI, 91 vii, 27 vii, 63 vin, 209 VUI, 210 viii, 216 viii, 218 viii, 226 viii, 228 vui, 230 viii, 235 viii, 236 viii, 237 viii, 248 viii, 249 viii, 250 viii, 259 viii, 261 viii, 263 viii, 273 viii, 276 viii, 279 vin, 295 viii, 303 vin, 304 viii, 307 viu, 308 viii, 314 viii, 320 viii, 321 viii, 324 viii, 340 vni, 342 viii, 348 viU, 357 vin, 358 viU, 364 vin, 371 vin, 372 vin, 373 viii, 380 vui, 381 viii, 386 viii, 390 viii, 393 viii, 399 vni, 405 viii, 406 viii, 410 viii, 416 vni, 417 viii, 419 viii, 425 vni, 426 vni, 427 viu, 433 vui, 434 viii, 435 viii, 438 viii, 439 viii, 440 viii, 447 viii, 449 vui, 450 viu, 458 vin, 459 viii, 460 vin, 467 viu, 468 viu, 469 viii, 477 viii, 479 viu, 483 McCLARY, Michael, Capt. : allowed depreciation of wages justice of the peace MCCLINTOCK, John: petition ..... McCLINTOCK, Nathaniel: major . .... McCLINTOCK, Samuel, Rev. : appointed to preach election sermon McCLINTOCK. William: permittee ..... McCLURE, James: account ..... vu, 22 vii, 27 vii, 28 vii, 30 vii, 217 viii, 4 viii, 6 viu, 66 vni, 88 viii, 337 viii, 206 viii, 207 viu, 211 viii, 212 viii, 221 viii, 223 viu, 233 viu, 234 viii, 238 viii, 244 viii, 251 viii, 255 viii, 266 viii, 272 viii, 280 viii, 290 viii, 305 viii, 306 viii, 315 viii, 316 viU, 326 vin, 335 viu, 351 viii, 353 viii, 366 viu, 370 viU, 378 viii, 379 vin, 387 vin, 388 viii, 403 viii, 404 vui, 411 viU, 414 viu, 420 viii, 421 vin, 431 viu, 432 vin, 436 viii, 437 viu, 443 viii, 446 viii, 452 vui, 457 vni, 461 viii, 466 vui, 474 viii, 475 vui, 485 vui, 487 viii, 161 . viii, 362 . viii, 177 . vn, 173 . viu, 487 . viii, 72 viii, 366 viii, 368 286 Index to Records of the Council, of Judicature McCONNELL, Samuel, Capt. : company, advance pay ...... account, pay-roll ..... vii, 194 major of regiment to be sent into Cheshire co. McCONNELL, Thomas, Capt. : muster-roll . McCOY, John: disabled marine, half-pay McCRELLIS, Lydia [Crelis] : soldier's widow, allowance to McDonald, John: prisoner, petition . MCDONNELL, Patrick: petition MCDUFFEE, John, Col.: recruiting officer, declines special justice, Superior Court account McGAFFEE, Neal, Ens. : depreciation note, indorsement on . lieutenant, 3d N. H. regiment McGAFFEY, Andrew, Lt. : invalid pensioner, depreciation .... MCGREGORE, . letter of council to, on settlement of Nutfield . MCGREGORE, James: granted a pass to New York ..... petition ....... McGREGORE, Robert: petitionee ........ petitions, committee on . . . . viii, 171 viu, 209 vin, 238 viu, 240 vesting title to land in, act for ... MACHIAS [Mechias] : exportation of corn to and see Corn : exportation of. McILVAINE, Ebenezer: disabled soldier, account MACK, Elisha, Capt. . pay-roll MACK, Robert: account McKEEN, Bernard: petition, committee on . McKEEN, James: petitionletter on affairs of Nutfield . vu, 145 vu, 248 vii, 260 viii, 326 vn, 251 viu, 99 vni, 121 vii, 57 vii, 98 viu, 206 viii, 426 vm, 3 vin, 471 viu, 470 viii, 216 viii, 256 vin, 383 V, 392 vn, 96 viii, 406 viu, 486 . vu, 255 vUi, 181 vui, 20& viu, 257 viu, 259 . viii, 266 vu, 157 vm, 59 viu, 115 . vui, 18 vii, 262 vii, 223 vu, 152 IV, 245 V, 397 VIU, 479 V, 395 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 287 McKEEN, Samuel: his land mortgaged, bUl for redemption of . . vUi, 6 viii, 9 MACKLIN, Robert: petition .......... viii, 483 Mclaughlin, Thomas, capt. ; committee to settle disputes between Thomas Hall and guardians vii, 278 pay-roll .......... viii, 3 McMAHON, James: medical care of, bill presented . . . . . . vi, 151 McMASTERS, James: petition .... vii, 77 vii, 79 vii, 90 vii, 181 inimical, located, his merchandise for sale . . vii, 85 vii, 162 tax discounted ......... vu, 280 McMASTERS, James & Co. : their goods confiscated ........ vii, 164 mortgagees, act for vacating their deed . . . vii, 259 vii, 265 McMillan, Archibald : petition, committee on ....... . vii, 155 invalid soldier, voted half-pay ... . . vii, 160 MCMURPHY, : petitions ........ iv, 245 iv, 297 McMURPHY, ALfexANDER: guardian, petitionee .... vn, 260 vii, 278 viu, 175 McMURPHY, Daniel, Lt. : pensioner, account, petition . . . viii, 2 viii, 256 viu, 257 McMURPHY, John: representative ......... iv, 250 iv, 252 iv, 253 iv, 262 iv, 269 iv, 270 petition . . iv, 348 iv, 349 McMURPHY, Robert: petitionee . . . . . . . . ... vii, 156 McPHEADRIS, Archibald, Capt. : councilor . . . . . . iv, 201 iv, 202 iv, 209 iv, 214 iv, 215 iv, 223 iv, 224 iv, 225 iv, 226 iv, 227 iv, 230 iv, 235 iv, 244 shij)ping naval stores ........ v, 387 MACRESS, Mary: petition iv, 350 iv, 351 iv, 352 MADBURY : sale of ward's land in viii, 382 MADEIRA Wine : see Wines : MAGAZINES : see also Military Stores : stores in, yearly accounts of sent to the king . . i, 242 v, 28 powder from, sent to Louisburg . . . . . . vi, 18 supplied to towns .... vn, 47 vn, 48 in Fort William and Mary, powder from Portsmouth secured there vi, 49 288 Index to Records of the Council, MAGAZINES : see also Military Stores : of the state, committee on ..... . MAGEE, John: ) MAGEE, William : \ soldiers, accounts ... .... MAGOON, Henry [Macgowne] : of Exeter, province rate against ..... MAGOON, Josiah: disabled soldier, half-pay . . ... MAINE : government . . , . . . . ferriage to Portsmouth, biUs for . . . i woods, preservation of ... . i, 249 i, 257 vessels from, their masters to pay respects to governor . application for aid, order in case of . . . as boundary of New Hampshire ..... rate of ferriage from, established ..... settlement, proclamation by Lt.-Gov. Stoughton for regulating deputy-collector of ...... . lands, adverse English and Indian claims to . soldiers from Mass. quartered in . .... Lt.-Col. Pepperell in ...... . Indians, see "Articles of Peace". MAJOR-GENERAL : of militia, see Povey, Thomas, Hon. MAJORS : vn, 109 . vm, 145 i, 94 . viii. 488 i. 24 7 iv. 187 7 V, 30 ii. n ii. 46 ii. 65 ii. 288 iii. 84 V, 1 V, 5 V, 228 , V, 357 see Abbott, Abiel. Heywood, Joshua. Baker, Moses. Hobart, David. Butterfield, Isaac. Hodgdon, Caleb. Chase, Samuel. Kensington. Clifford, Joseph. Langdon, John. Coffin, Peter. McClintock, Nathaniel Colburn, Daniel. McConneU, Samuel. Connor, Samuel. ' Marston, Simon. Copp, David. MUitia, Cram, Jonathan. Page, Daniel. Dearborn, Henry. Page, Samuel. Deerfield. Peabody, Stephen. Gains, George. Shephard, Amos. GUman, Jeremiah. Sherburne, Samuel. Hale, John. Titcomb, Benjamin. Hampton FaUs. Vaughan, William. Head, James. Wiggin, Mark. orders of ... . ii. 97 nomination and apointment of . ii, 109 vn, 14 vu, 155 viii, 4 office vacated iii. 3 of militia .... V, 10 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 289 MAJORS : wages (pay) .... brigade .... MAKINS, Thomas: of Exeter, province rate against MALAMAKE River: Indian settlement . MALCOM, Michael. libellant in admiralty case MALDEN : suspect from MALLAGASH : French post .... MALLOON, Nathaniel: taken by Indians . MALOON, Lack(?) [MallounJ : of Bloody Point, province rate against . MANDAMUSES : king's, for admitting councUors . . iv, 271 vi, 22 vi, 126 vi, 130 and see Councilors : appointment and qualification. MANFIELD, William [Manfeald] : of Newcastle, sworn petition ..... MANIFESTOES : from commissioners at New York . MANLEY, , Capt.: captor of the brigantine, Elizabeth . MANN, Benjamin, Capt. : pay-roll ..... justice of the peace MANN, Michael [Man] : mate of the Richard ...... MANNERY, Thomas: examinee, cowardice charged . . . iv, 210 MANSFIELD, Isaac, Rev.: legislative chaplain, account . . , . . vni, 61 viu, 62 vin, 300 viii, 301 of committee to draft proclamation for fast MANUFACTURES : of paper : salt : tar : wire : wool-cards : woolen : MAP ¦ see also Plans : of the province ....... MARBLEHEAD : reception of Gen. Nicholson at ... . 19 vm, 219 which see. 1, 94 i, 155 i, 156 • vui, 134 i, 208 iii, 37 V, 340 \ vi, 90 ^, 97 iv, 272 iv, 337 vi, 132 vi, 133 ii, IS ii- 34 • viii, 43 . vin, 8 viii, 56 . viii, 95 i, 136 iv, 212 iv, 213 vn, 115 vU, 249 viii, 120 viii, 204 viu, 397 vui, 490 vn, 162 . which see. vi, 64 V, 274 290 Index to Records of the Council, vn, 71 vn, 74 MARCH, Clement, Jr., Dr. . account ..... justice of the peace MARCH, George, Capt. : enemy, complaint against, liberated MARCH, Hugh: distressed for military fine ....... MARCH, Israel: volunteer doctor, expedition against Indians . . . . MARCH, John, Maj., Col.: commander of scouts between Exeter and Haverhill i, 210 commander-in chief, expedition against eastern Indians . i, 230 iii, 42 iii, 56 to review Capt. Negus's company ...... complaint in behalf of Capt. Negus's company officers i, 230 encouragement of volunteers ....... MARCHALL: see Marshal: MARCHING Orders: invalids under ......... MARCY, John, Capt. : company, account . . . . . . . vn, 169 MARDEN, James [Mardin] : of Newcastle, sworn ........ MARDEN, James: to exchange parsonage land, Barrington, act for MARDEN, John [Mardin] : of Newcastle, sworn ........ petition, account . ii, 33 ii, 34 ii, 147 MARDEN, John: lieutenant of artillery company MARDEN, Thomas: of Newcastle, sworn account ..... MARGERY. Jonathan: petition, half-pay stopped MARINERS : wages ... MARINES : disabled, half-pay .... MARION, John: petition . . . MARITIME Act: amendment to, act for . . , MARITIME Causes: appeals to Congress in, act for MARITIME Court: fees ...... vn, 35 vm. 455 vii 78 ii. 56 V, 104 iii. 40 1, 215 V, 192 1, 219 in. 56 V, 104 viii. 272 viii. 53 ii, IS viii. 114 ii, IS in. 38 vn, 32 vu, 35 vm, 31S: vm, 99 vu, 103 n, 15 iii. 16 vin. 332 V, 188 viii. 121 i. 53 vU, 247 vin. 121 vii. 75 New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. 291 MARITIME Court: judge of, to condemn property of British subjects directed to pay into treasury decree concerning cargo of the Prince George . proceedings of, committee to investigate appeals from, to Congress, act for . Superior Court of Judicature MARITIME Officer : see also Naval Officers : appointment of .... . instructions to .... . MARKE, : deputy-surveyor of King's woods . MARKFIELD, John: account ...... MARKOFF, Thomas: deputy provost marshal .... MARLBOROUGH : incorporation from New Marlborough, act for MARLBOROUGH, (Mass.): prisoners located in ... . MARLOW : petition, committee on . dispute with Stoddard about taxation coroner ..... dispute with Washington about taxation counterfeiter from .... violator of game law from abatement of taxes MARRIAGES : bills concerning . . ii, 19 ii, 25 clandestine, order to prevent . of George III. ..... Princess Charlotte .... MARSH : in Hampton, act for draining . on Hampton River .... MARSH, Col. : supplied with provisions MARSH, John: account ...... MARSH, Zebulon: petition ...... MARSHALL, Andrew, Lt. : petition ...... MARSHALL, John: account .... vu, 77 . viii, 8 vu, 163 . vin, 7 vui, 117 viii, 121 viii, 134 viii, 135 vii, 72 vii, 73 viu, 36 vin, 53 i, 277 ni, 39 i, 63 vii, 104 vU, 114 vii, 127 IV, 142 • vm, 35 vn, 46 vu, 159 • vn, 54 . viii, 11 . vui, 42 . viii, 174 viii, 451 vin, 489 iv, 195 vii, 68 iv, 327 V which see. . viii, 180 . which see. ¦ vu, 153 viii, 151 . viii, 476 vii, 76 vii, 82 . vni, 201 292 Index to Records of the Council, MARSHALL, Thomas [Marchall] : of Newcastle, sworn petition ..... MARSHALS : province MARSHFIELD, Samuel: marshal, Hampshire MARSTON, Abraham: disabled soldier, petition, account . MARSTON, Ephraim [Maustin] : of Exeter, province rate against representative .... of committee on claims . constable, Hampton committee to settle town bounds post to Boston, debenture examinee, Hampton riot case MARSTON, Jonathan: examinee, Hampton riot case MARSTON, Joseph: soldier, account MARSTON, Samuel: " took the oaths " ... MARSTON, Simon, Capt. : enlisting (recruiting) officer . company, pay-roll major ... . . MARSTON, Thomas: petition .... MARSTON, William: witness in Henry Dow v. Henry Roby MARTAIN : MARTAYNE : MARTIAL Law: "soldiers subject to, only" — an alarming doctrine MARTIN, Eleazer: disabled soldier, half-pay .... MARTIN, Immanuel: deposition in case of Salter and Mannery MARTIN, John [Marting] : of Newcastle, sworn ..... MARTIN, Jonathan: order in favor of . accounts, committee on MARTIN, Richard [Martyn] : joint answer to Robert Mason treasurer, writ of attachment against il. IS ii. 34 which see. • i. 169 vn, 273 vU, i. 281 1 94 iv, 183 iv. 189 i. 221 ii, 274 V, 15 V, 42 . V, 95 V, 122 see Martin : vm, 208 Vlll, 209 V, 122 in, 39 in, 48 V, 7 viii, I viii, 269 viii, I viii, 83 viii, 6 viii, 270 iv, 251 i, 153 vii, 62 vii, 72 . vui, 44 iv, 212 n, 15 viu, 184 viii, 185 viU, 346 viu, 347 i, 41 i, 67 i, 100 New Hampshire, 163 1-1784. 293 i, 79 11, 25 26 vn, 143 vii, 161 MARTIN, Richard [Martyn] : petition .... Robert Mason v. . V. Lt.-Gov. Edward Cranfield execution v. John Gilman justice. Court of Common Pleas of Strawberry Bank justice of the peace selectman, Portsmouth . appearance ...... justice, Superior Court of Judicature, death councUor ....... speaker. House of Representatives .... iv, 82 iv, 86 MARTIN, Thomas, Capt. : justice of the peace ..... representative . . vu, 128 committee on continental accounts . printing treasurer's notes treasurer's accounts . account, petition .... joint owner of lands and see Common Land. MARTIN, William: petition ....... V. Joseph Kelley, costs paid by state MARTIN & Dustin: partners in a ferry ..... MARTYN: j^« Martin: MARY: ship, with advices from Pemaquid . bark belonging to William Pepperell brigantine, prevented from sailing . queen, see Queen Mary. MARY and Elizabeth: brigantine, under quarantine .... MARYLAND [Merriland] : vessels, admiralty passes for . . . government, king's letters to . Indian treaty commissioners .... Baltimore in ...... Dorchester County in .' . MASCARENE, John Paul, Gov. (Nova Scotia) : letter to Gov. Shirley on disaster at N. S. MASON, (Town): farm of Saml. TarbuU in ... . justice of the peace ..... I, 80 , 100 1, 100 i, 100 i. 121 i. 127 i. 164 ii. 3 ii. 28 ii. 36 ii, 28 iv. 142 ii. 117 iv. 2 iv. 42 . . IV, 80 iv. 88 IV, 134 vi. 144 vu. 197 vu. 207 vii, 139 vii. 143 vii. 252 vU, 197 vii. 183 viu. 462 viii. 467 viii. 478 vii. 158 vii. 165 vin. 39° n. 5° iv. 145 vii, 234 ¦ IV, 339 i, 241 n, 234 i, 252 V, 32 i, 269 > which see. vi, 26 vii, 199 vii, 202 . viii, 95 294 Index to Records of the Council, MASON, Anne: letter to Ambrose Gibbins executrix of will of Capt. John Mason MASON, John, Capt. : consignor of goods for Piscataqua . of the Laconia Company i, lo i, governor of Portsmouth, Eng. letter to, from Neale and Wiggin Wannerton and Gibbins . and from Ambrose Gibbins account ..... death ..... will, depositions relating to . indenture to, from Council of Plymouth MASON, John, [Hampton:] deputy-marshal .... grantee of Kingston MASON, John Tufton: estate of, sale, taxes, etc. lands of, hearing in relation to MASON, Joseph: deposition relative to Capt. John Mason's will garrison soldier .... MASON, Lemuel, Ens. : wages. Board of War to pay MASON, Robert [Tufton] : proprietor of Province of N. H. in N. E. i, 35 i, 37 i, I i. 2 i, 6 i8 i, 24 i. 31 i, 34 i. 24 i, 32 see next above. i, 27 i. 28 i, 29 i, 30 i. 33 i, 35 i, 37 iv, 391 i, 138 i, 140 i, 141 ii, 74 viii. 201 vUi, 423 viu, 441 's wUl i, 37 ii, 84 vin, 408 viii, 41 1 i. 62 i, 63 i. 64 i. 80 i. 86- i, and see Actions. 103 i, 131 i, 145 i. 147 i. 167 claims, petition . . i, 39 joint letter to (fragment) offensive declarations and letters i, 47 iv. 9 iv. 53 iv. 54 41 42 councilor i, 64 i. 65 i. 66 1, 95 i. 96 i, 97 i, 132 i. 167 iv. 42 conveyance to governor chancellor, court of equity V. Richard Martin i. 78 i, i, 79 79 7780. 100- justice of the peace bills of cost i, 83 i, 84 i,i. 138 93 i, i. 139 106 142127 complaint to Governor respecting V. John Tucke Jeeds . i- 8588. V. Nathaniel Bachelder [Bachiler] V. Morris Hobbs . 1» 89 90 V, Samuel Sherburn ^> 91 V. Richard Waldron 127 cases, execution suspended * 1> 131 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 29s MASON, Robert [Tufton] : captain of troop, complaint . commander of troop, warrant signer of "Articles of Peace" with Indians MASON, Thomas: disabled soldier, doctor's bUl allowed MASON'S Claim: proprietors holding land under MASON'S Patent: lands in, act for conveyance of MASSACHUSETTS : 1, 144 i, 148 I, 133 i, 150 i, 160 vm, 37 viii, 76 vin, 218 general court ..... i, 41 i, 265 i, 276 i, 277 i, 284 i, 285 i, 292 i, 293 iv, 221 iv, 223 V, 105 V, 107 vi, 16 vi, 27 vii, 76 vii, 130 Assembly : Council : Council and Assembly : General Assem bly : Government : House of Representatives . . .see next above. letters to and from. resolutions of . . . . i. 269 i, 270 1,i. 37 275 i, 280 i. 281 i. 282 i. 289 i. 290 i. 291 i. 299 i. 301 ii. 152 iv, 320 V, 46 V, 102 V, in V, 3SI vi. 14 vi. 35 vi. 39 vii. 63 vii. 131 vii. 182 vii. 225 • see general court above. governor and council i, 41 n. 6 n. 137 u, 149 ii, 151 n, 152 V 46 V, 47 soldiers serving in New Hampshire . i. 198 i, 199' i, 200 i, 208 i. 216 i. 217 i, 218 i, 219 i, 220 n. 6 n. 54 ii, 69 ii, 137 n, 141 ii, 142 n. 146 n, 149 n, 151 ii, 152 ii. ISS n. 157 U, 162 ii, 164 ii, 170 n. 185 ii, 186 ii, 189 u, 190 ii, 19s ii, 199 ii. 200 ii, 203 ii, 205 n, 207 ii, 208 ii. 210 ii, 211 ii, 213 u, 218 in. 29 iii. 30 iii, 31 iii, 32 iii, 37 iii. 38 iii. 44 iii, 47 iii, 48 in, 5° iv. 135 iv, 160 ¦ iv, 161 iv, 168 iv, 171 iv. 174 iv, 175 iv, 188 V, 135 V, 228 vii. 97 vU, 105 quota of . . i, 286 i, 291 i, 294 i. 295 i. 301 allowances (wages) to i. 293 V, 188 V, 223 V, 245 V, 248 vii. 97 commissioners on Indian treaty . i. 269 letter to Josiah WUlard, seer. i. 283 to New York on defense of the colonies i. 286 confer with Indian chiefs at Casco Bay V, 390 on medium of exchange . V, 392 2g6 Index to Records of the Council, MASSACHUSETTS ; commissioners to demand satisfaction of eastern Indians committee of war ....... and see Commissioners for the War. committee on westward expedition to treat with Six Nations jurisdiction over New Hampshire ii, 30 u, 37 impost duties' . ..... interests in fortifying Piscataqua river assistance from ...... ii, 240 ii, 251 ii, 255 ownership of Piscataqua River collecting powder-money of N. H. vessels peace with Indians made by . governor delivers up Indian captives volunteers ..... v, n transports in Nova Scotia expedition order relating to the eastward Indians grant of land to Portsmouth .... molesting the Nutfield settlement . recruits ....... petitioners to the king for settlement of Mass. and N. H i, 289 IV, 41 ii, 206 n, 231 n, 236 ii, 257 V, 178 . lines vi, 26 forces sent to Nova Scotia .... account for supporting Fort Dummer act of, enabling officers in Cr. Pt. expedition French neutrals passing through proclamation for laying embargo *...... ports open to Portsmouth coasters . ... towns, petitions of, complaining of the high prices . committees of N. E. states meet in .... . consulted on defence of Ticonderoga . vii, 129 vii, 130 purchase of fire-arms of ....... letter from, asking aid in expedition against Penobscot fort, see Fort Massachusetts. annexation of New Hampshire to, see New Hampshire. boundaries . ..... Booth Bay : Boxford : Bristol : Concord : Essex County : Kit tery : Maine : Marlborough : Medford : Newbury : North- field : North Hampton : Salisbury : Springfield . MASSACHUSETTS Bay: see Massachusetts: MASSACHUSETTS Bay Company: King Charles's order to ....... MASSACHUSETTS Committee : account .... . . . iv, 324 MASSACHUSETTS Government : see also Massachusetts : Gen eral Court. action to prevent trade with the French . . . . . V, 402 i, 296 i, 290 vi, 39 V, 176 iv, 170 ii, 233 n, 238 V, 123 ii, 241 ii, 266 in, 84 iv, 232 V, 264 V, 188 V, 358 V, 384 V, 395 V, 401 vi, 3 vi, vi, vi,vi. 4 27 55 98 vi, 102 vi, 104 vii, 117 vu, n8 vii, 126 vn, 131 vn, 211 viii, 160 . which see. which see. i, 47 iv, 325 i, 281 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 297 MASSACHUSETTS Government : see also Massachusetts : Gen eral Court. towns laid out by order of ...... . grants by ....... vi, 81 vi, 83 vi, 84 vi, 86 MASSACHUSETTS Service: enlistments into, from this state .... viii, 235 MASSEY, George: connected with anonymous letters to Jotham Odiorne MASSEY, Griffin: prisoner from New York ..... MAST-DRAWERS : protected, see Mast-men. MASTERS : of mast ships, non-compliance with entry acts of 15 Caro. II . prosecution of . . . . ii, 148 severity of, to servants or slaves — act for restraining ii, 1 20 MASTERS OF Vessels : see Ship-masters : MASTING, Thomas: petition .......... MAST-MEN : protected . n, 69 ii, 72 ii, 158 ii, 193 MASTS : see also Timber : Trees : Woods : for royal navy ..... taxation of, petition concerning seizure of .... . impressment of .... . belonging to the state, committee on exportation of, permitted from New England .... MAST Ships: not entered according to acts of 15 Caro. II. and see Masters : of mast ships. VI, 2 vi, 78 vi. 138 nil. 239 vi. 49 vn. 127 11, 70 n. 73 ii, 163 IV, 152 i. S3 iv. 197 i, 277 ii, 198 IV, 228 vi. 19 vu. 99 vm. 120 which see. IV, 227 vu, 98 n, 70 u, 73 seizure of sailing for England MAST Trees: preservation of MAST-YARDS : exported, impost on MATHER, John N. . petition, committee on MATHES, Francis: representativepetition MATHES, Valentine: justice of the peace ii, 162 ii, 163 ii. 167 ii. 168 V, 140 v. 141 iv, 221 V, 219 ii. 207 iv, 170 viii. 433 vni. 440 iv, 247 iv, 261 iv. 268 iv, 350 IV, 351 IV, 352 VI, 152 298 Index to Records of the Council, MATHEWS, Benjamin: petition iv, 275 MATHEWS, Daniel: sheriff, to serve town-meeting warrants . . . . . i, loi deposition .... . . . i, 103 MATHEWS, Francis: lessee of lands on Piscataqua river .... . i, 34 MATHEWS, Francis, Ens. : muster-roll and account .... . . v, 350 MATHEWS'S Neck: ferry landing ... . . . ii, 165 MATROSS Companies: lieutenant of, tried by court-martial ..... vii, 76 enlistment of . vn, 94 vu, 124 viii, 35 vin, 42 vin, 130 and see Daniels, Eliphalet, Capt. : Salter, Titus, Capt. petitions . . vii, 204 vii, 246 viii, 98 viii, 159 viii, 164 enlistment of sailors out of . . ... vii, 224 wages, pay-rolls . ....... vii, 248 vii, 265 viii, 40 viii, 155 vUi, 191 viu, 199 and see Dearing, Ebenezer, Capt. enlarging, vote for . . . viii, 89 allowed money in lieu of blankets ... . . viii, 102 committee on ... . . . viii, 127 at Piscataqua Harbor . . ..>,., ^ \ which see. Portsmouth .... 5 MATROSSES : see Matross Companies : MATROSS Officers: petition, rations . . . . . vii, 237 vii, 248 MATTOON, [Matoon] : representative ......... iv, 365 MAUNDY, Richard: account, petition . . . . . i, 209 iii, 79 MAURDYN, Thomas: soldier, account ........ ii, 242 MAUSTIN: .y^^ Marston : MAY, Edward: soldier. Oyster River .... i, 224 MAYHEW, Peter: petition viii, 79 grantee of confiscated land, Rumney ..... viii, i8l MEAD, John and Joseph : bond, recovery on ... . . . iv, 338 MEAD, Joseph : commander of the Crown, letter from . . . . . vi, 117 vi, 118 vi, 119 vi, 120 brigantine, Ferdinand, information . . . vi, 130 1, 106 iv, 295 iv. 297 i. 213 i, 248 V, 14 V, 28 V, 224 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 299 MEAD, Nicholas: prisoner, escape and re-commitment . . . . . v, 391 MEADER, John: Robert Mason v. . . . ... petition ...... MEADOWS, Philip [Meadowes] : Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations i, 244 i, 245 V, 18 V, 22 MEASAM, George: letter on clothing for the army .... . vn, 147 MEASURES : see Weights and Measures : MECKER, Jems: soldier. Oyster River ........ i, 224 MEDAR'S : garrison, soldiers posted there .... i, 171 i, 177 MEDAR, David: damage claim ......... vii, 98 MEDFORD, (Mass.) : accounts, committee on . . . . . . . . vii, 157 soldiers at, in 1775 vu, 173 vu, 186 MEDIUM : of exchange which see. MEETING-HOUSES : see Antrim : Concord : Dover : Dover Neck : Exeter : Hampton : Londonderry : North Hill : Portsmouth : Rogers, Daniel, Rev. : Stratham : Strawberry Bank. sessions of courts in ...... . v, 170 '' proclamations to be read in " v, 199 " on the king's great road from Greenland to Exeter " . . v, 356 MEETINGS : town, see Town-meetings. of proprietors' . . • ' ' ' ) in unincorporated places .... . > which see. towns ......) MEINZIES, James: lawyer,complaintagainst ii, 273 n, 274 ii, 275 n, 280 ii, 282 MELLEN, John, Capt. [Mellin] : pay-roU viii, 6 representative viii, 44 viii, 47 petition, account, committee on . . viu, 174 vni, 210 viu, 211 MELLOOMSCOTT : township at, petition for grant of vi, 54 MELONY, John: suspected inimical . ....•¦ vu, 195 MELONY, Richard: George Kezer z/. , act for a review vin, 155 300 Index to Records of the Council, n, 219 11, 267 122137 15 3037 220 MELVIN, Eleazer: affidavit relative to murder of Indians, Contoocook . i, MEMORANDA : of ship-masters' recognizances . . . . . i, i, 126 i, 130 i, 136 i, goods received of consignee Raymond ... i, goods and ammunition, Newichawanick . . . . i, account with Richard Rogers .... . i, papers and minutes taken from secretary's office MEMORIALS : see also Petitions : Remonstrances : see Amstrong, Robert. Atkinson, Theodore. Blanchard, James. Cook, Elisha. Dartmouth. Frye, Joseph. GUman, Jeremiah. GUman, John Taylor. Gilman, Nicholas. Goldston, Ralph. Grant, James. Hampton Falls. Lieutenant-governor and Coun cil. Londonderry.Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations. N. H. Line Officers. Noyes, Oliver. relating to plunder. Port Royal expedition . • . . v, 278 on state of the province ....... v, 348 MEN : see Soldiers : New Hampshire Men : MENDON, , Capt. : to execute quarantine orders . . . . . . . vi, 46 MENIS : French post .......... v, MEN-OF-WAR: see also Frigates: see Alcide : Lis : Vigilant. French, taken by Admiral Boscawen near Louisburg taken by Commodore Warren at Grand Bank at Newfoundland MENSREAT(?), Joseph: of Newcastle, sworn MENZIES, John [Minzies] : judge of the admiralty . see Officers. Packer, Thomas (2d). Peabody, Nathaniel. Pearson, Joseph. Portsmouth. Randolph, Edward. Rogers, Robert. Romer, Wolfgang William. Russell, Eleazer. Stark, John. Superior Court of Judicature : justices, etc. Tate, James. Taylor, John. Vaughan, William. Waldo, Samuel. Wallace, , Mr. Whipple, Joseph. Windham : selectmen. VI, 340 298 1517 99 126 n, 15 V, 355 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 301 MERCHANDISE: see also Goods: imported, duty on . . . . . . . . ii, 281 and see Duties: on imports. of British subjects, condemnation of .... . vii, 77 of inimicals, sale of ... ... vii, 162 limitation of prices of, commissioners on . . . viii, 118 exportation of, acts and resolutions to prevent . . . viu, 194 MERCHANT-MEN : at Port Royal and Piscataqua river . . . . . v, 126 and see Merchant-ships. MERCHANTS : order of President and Council to . . . . . . i, 40 MERCHANT-SHIPS : English, to have admiralty passes i, 248 ii, 235 v, 21 v, 28 their masters to have governor's certificate . . . . v, 128 embargo on ...... . . which see. MEREDITH : justice of the peace . . . . . . . . vi, 152 petition . . . . . . . , viu, 75 selectmen's account ........ viii, 94 lands in, act for conveyance of . . viii, 107 viii, 112 viii, 439 MERRILL, : justice of the peace . . . . . . , . vi, 160 MERRILL, Abraham : petition for the incorporation of a town . . . vi, 67 vi, 68 MERRILL, John: petition for ferry, Merrimack river . , . . . vi, 148 MERRILL, Jonathan: coroner viii, 355 MERRILL, Joshua: coroner ......... viii, 445 MERRIMACK : petitionee .......... vi, 59 committee of safety . .... . vii, 27 coroners ........ vn, 54 selectmen's account ........ viii, 94 MERRIMACK River [Meremake, Mirrimack] : as boundary of Mason's patent . . . . i, 33 i, 47 settlements on i, 264 i, 267 and see Rumford. province Une referred to . n, 65 u, 113 iv, 372 vi, 64 \ Hampton : selectmen. and see ' Salisbury, Mass. draft (plan) of iv, 318 iv, 320 iv, 321 iv, 361 iv, 362 vi, 2 enemy between, and the Newichawanick . . . . v, 87 towns and grants on west side of . • • . vi, 2 vi, 4 302 Index to Records of the Council, MERRIMACK River [Meremake, Mirrimack] : ferries ....... vi, 148 viii, 367 viii, 380 viii, 390 as division of beef cattle districts .... Isle of Hooksett falls on .... . fishing in, bill to regulate ..... fish in, act to prevent destruction of and see A\tyiives: Fish. MERROW, Joshua, Lt. ^ officer, taken prisoner at Ticonderoga, account depreciation note, indorsement on . MESANDOWIT : signer of "Articles of Peace " with English . MESERVE, Clement [Mesarve] : of Strawberry Bank ..... MESERVE, Esther: to convey land, act for . MESERVE, George: estate of, taxes . , . . . absentee, act for sale of his lands . MESERVE, Mrs.. petition ....... MESERVE, Nathaniel, Col. ; regiment ....... letter on situation at Lake George and Fort Edward petition ....... MESERVIE, Clem: garrison soldier ..... MESSAGES : to governor of Canada, commissioners on general court to Col. Evans . by governors and lieutenant-governors . . j, MESSENGERS : salary .... ... to congratulate Earl of Bellomont .... instructions to, see next above, also Plaisted, Ichabod. to General Court ....... to N. H. grants, see Kingsbury, Absalom. MESSUAGES : to sell, guardian's petition for leave sale of, act for — see Hart, Samuel, Capt. division of, act for ...... METCALF, Joseph, Jr. : soldier, omitted in roll, wages allowed . METHUEN District: petition for incorporation ..... viii 174 vm 353 viii 418 vui. 486 viii. 215 vin. 359 vin. 475 viu. 482 viu. 5 viu. 253 i. 160 i. 164 viu. 200 viu. 163 viii. 200 viii. 319 • vni. 195 vi, 100 vi. 106 vi, 102 viii. 424 viii. 438 ii, 84 iv, 215 vii, 267 ' under their names. i, 86 in, 54 iU, 74 iv, 177 . IV, 294 . viii, 144 . viii, 29 vi, 57 vi, 58 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. .303 vu, 180 vn, 202 MEXICO : dollars of, value regulated MIDDLESEX (Mass.): court officers party to divorce case from MIDDLETON : incorporation of, act for proprietors, petition for .... MIDDLETOWN: j«^ Monadnock No. 2: MILES, Abner: disabled soldier, account .... MILE Slip [Strip] : to choose assessors, resolution for . MILE Strip [Slip] : bridge in, over Souhegan river, act for . MILITARY Fines: distraint for . vote for '' enlarging" ..... MILITARY Officers: see Dover: Exeter: Hampton. duties in preventing spread of smaU-pox under orders to prevent escape of French neutrals appointment of ..... . and see the titles of the various military officers. obliged to take ' ' oath of fidelity " . acting under authority of Vermont . continuation in office, see Proclamations : to civil and military officers. MILITARY Offices: vacated by Gov. Shute ........ MILITARY Power: cobflicting with the civil MILITARY Stores: i, 56 i, 169 vi. 164 vin, 4 vni. 10 viii, 432 viii. 463 viu. 113 vn. 66 viu, 76 vUi, 90 ii. 56 iv. 349 vi. 28 vi. 102 vii, 3 vii, 12 viii. 19 viii. 363 V, 367 vii, 62 vii, 72 providing i, 260 1,289 i. 290 i. 295 ii, 112 ii, 114 ii, 119 ii. 122 ii, 133 ii, 134 n, 284 iii, S3 in. 71 ni. 81 in, 88 iv, 151 iv, 153 iv. 157 iv. 351 V, ro8 V, 146 V, 277 V, 280 V, 290 V, 364 vii, 61 vu, 64 vu. 113 vii. 158 vn, 159 VU, 160 vu, 205 vin. 100 and see Continental Army : \ suppUes for. Soldiers : ) also Continental Stores : State Stores : Expeditions : Fort William and Mary ¦: Garrisons: Great Island : Maga- zines. exportation of, restricted ¦ vi. 95 king's ordnance, Boston vi. 99 304 Index to Records of the Council vii, 176 vii, 187 V, 10 MILITARY Stores: carrying out, by coasters forbidden resolution for supply and delivery of for Ticonderoga, left on the way transporting .... at No. 4, committee on . MILITARY Watch: ordered in every town in, 3 MILITIA: bills and acts relating to and see Militia Act. power of, lay in president and council province . . ... in, 4 iv, 163 town . .... n, 243 u, 246 and see Companies : town militia, also next above lieutenant-colonel of, dismissed major . . . . ' . iii, 3 ordered to be in arms at celebrations V, n VII, 117 vn, 138 vn. 158 vn. 159 vn. 205 vii. 213 viu, 81 viii. 86 n. 253 ii, 254 V, 45 V, 58 n, 56 iv, 352 iv, 354 117 companies . . . . . v, and see East Kingston: Pembroke. to march at a minute's warning regiments, .... 114 ii, 70 n. 72 n. 109 ii, 172 in. 3 V, 113 V, 233 V, ii. 234 118 V, OVi 82 V, 114 V, ni. 182 3 ii, 4 V, 10 vin, V, 112 46 V, 48 V, 71 V, 222 V, 133 V, 183 viii. 6S V, 162 vii, 31 vii, 109 which also see. vU, 106 V, 108 vii, 69 viu, 114 65 vu, BS vin, 257 vii, 209 raising re-enforcements from 9th, field-officers appointed .... 4th, settling and filling vacancies in vii, 80 1st, field-officers appointed vu, 91 viu, 179 new, formed . vii, 179 vu, 202 vii, 203 7th, colonelcy resigned .... 6th, colonelcy and lieutenant-colonelcy resigned nth, colonelcy resigned quota of, for defence of Rhode Island and see Rhode Island : defence of. Sth, colonelcy resigned 1 2th, major appointed 2d, field-officers appointed . loth, division of, committee on . . . viii, 197 Londonderry15th, field-officers nominated 1 6th, field-officers appointed colonelcy resigned . 19th, field-officers nominated locations annexed to ... viii, 262 vacancies in field-officers viii, 243 viii, 246 viii, 293 vu, 203 vui, 300 viii, 197 viii, 76 vm, viii,viii. 9496 100 viu, 108 viii, 112 viu, 178 viii, 199 vni, 197 viii, 198 vni, 199 viii, 2 I 1 viii, 216 viii, 264 viu, 342 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 305 MILITIA: regiments. 3d, officers appointed. three months' men apportioned to colonelcies resigned drafting, bill for to march under Gen. Stark by the colonels from the .... regulating, committee on and bill for in service at Piscataqua Harbor brigaded . . . • vu, 205 commander of, in case of alarm to re-enforce northern contl. army . wages of, committee on adjutant-general of, rank raising on an emergency, resolution for . returns of, called for . colonels to raise recruits for contl. army . fines received by, committee on to send forward their men . 945 men to be raised from three months' pay-rolls .... raising, to assist Gen. Washington viii, 265 viii, 267 to liberate Col. Enoch Hale to be sent into Cheshire county . for defence of frontiers Major General of, see Povey, Thomas. of Dover : Exeter : Greenland : Hampton : berry Bank ..... MILITIA Act : see also Militia Laws : printing and dispersing it . . . act in addition to . explanation of, resolution for MILITIA Laws : see also Militia Act . amendment of, resolution for . revision of, committee on . . . MILITIA Officers : see also Militia : commissions and qualification meetings of ii, 100 ii, li directed concerning scouts and watches notified to attend council ordered to secure grain in garrisons . to assist in raising regiment for Canada . 20 see also. viii. 256 viii. 295 viii. 260 viii. 264 viii. 421 viii, vii, vii,vn. 433 125 218219 viU, 197 vin. 198 vii. 196 vin, vii. 148 199 vii, 217 vii. 218 viii, vii. 181 214 vii. 222 vii, 223 vii, 230 vii. 231 vii,vn. 232251 viii, 88 viU, 90 viu,viii,viii,vin, viii. 374 102 169198 271 viii. 176 vUi, vni, viii, 177193 261 vin, 270 viu. 277 viii, viii. 374 307 viu. 328 viii,viu. 335 376 'ortsmout h : Straw- which see. vii. 93 vu. 158 vii. 150 viii. 103 vn, 220 vni. 65 vn. 156 vn, viii, i. 15S123 284 V, 329 V, 331 V, ii. 371 97 ii, 190 V, 113 V, V, V, V, vu. 262 76 82 93 5° vn. 104 . vii, 106 vii. 108 viu. 93 viu. 108 viii. 197 viii. 270 vin, 293 vin, vii,vii, viii, viii. 421 220264 189 421 306 Index to Records of the Council, MILITIA Officers : see also Militia : recruiting our army in New York . carrying orders to, account for to be muster-masters and paymasters nomination and appointment of vii, 220 viii, 199 viii, 265 and see Field-officers. to take fire-arms from Quakers petition, committee on . . directed how to make up their rolls vacancies in, committee to fill MILLAR, , Mr.; Indian interpreter . . . . . , vi, 9 MILLARD, PAUL; his sloop seized . . . ii, 5 MILL-DAM Pond: Portsmouth ... . . which see. MILLER, Heber, Dr. . petition, account .... . viii, 174 viii, 201 MILLER, John, Senr. : distressed for military fine ... . . ii, 56 MILLER, , Mr.. of New York assembly ... . . i, 272 MILLER, Samuel: petition for incorporation of Souhegan East . . . vi, 59 MILLES, : produced his clearing, protected . . . ii, 38 MILLET, Thomas, Capt. [Mellit] : petitions .... iv, 269 iv, 309 trustee, act for him to convey lands MILLS : for slitting or rolling iron, act of Parliament to prevent their erection .... . . . . vi 62 MILLS, James: soldier, omitted in the roll, wages paid . . . viii, 54 MILLS, John, Capt. ; enlisting officer .... . . . vii, 211 company pay-roll . ... . . viii, 367 MILLS, Richard: petition and account . . . . . v, 209 MINISTERS : see Adams, Hugh. see Dover. Blunt, John. Durham. Chaplains. Emerson, John. Cotton, John. Exeter. IV, 250 IV, 252 iv, 273 iv, 279 iv, 283 iv. 303 iv, 314 iv, 315 iv, 333 iv, vi. 346 129 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 307 MlINIblJ^Kb: see Great Island. see Pike, Hampton. Portsmouth. Indian Nations. Rogers, Daniel. McClintock, Samuel. Rogers, Nathaniel. Moody, Joshua. Stratham. Newcastle. Taxes. Odlin, John. bill concerning ii, 62 to take oath of allegiance ii, 91 to publish proclamations . ii. 271 iii. 70 in , 84 iv, 220 V, 12 V, 63 V, 74 V, , 87 V, 252 V, 259 V, 267 maintenance of . iv, 146 iv, 147 iv. 179 iv. 250 iv. 296 iv, 305 iv, 316 iv. 330 iv. 344 V, 383 V, 392 vi, 36 vn. 238 to have notice of Thanksgiving iv. 193 report on Rev. Hugh Adams I's book iv. 224 with governor and councU to appoint 1 school-master, act for V, 311 V, 312 MINISTERS' Houses: act concerning . n. 60 MINISTER Tax : see Ministers : maintenance of. collecting, Quakers exempt from, see Quakers. against non-resident proprietors . . which see. MINISTRY : of Great Britain . which see. MINOR, James: ferriage account . . ... vii, 272 MINORS : lands, bills and acts for sale of . . . . . . vi, 129 viU, 73 viii, 212 viii, 222 viii, 229 viii, 487 MINOT, , Col.: gave information about Indian murders ..... i, 266 MINOT, James: justice of the peace .... . . . i, 267 MINOT, Jonas: petition, committee on . . vin, 138 vui, 140 viii, 216 viii, 244 MINUTES : see also Records : of Council, see Council Records. MISPRISION : of treason, act (bill) against . . , vii, 121 vu, 147 and see Txtzson: Traitors. MISSIONARIES : French, teaching Indians the Romish religion . . . • v, 5 MITCHELL, D.: commissioner of admiralty .... . . i, 241 3o8 Index to Records of the Council, MITCHELL, George: surveyor, gives name to a line . . iv, 372 vi, 3 vi, 5 MITCHELL, Isaac: petition, committee on . . . . vui, 432 viii, 436 MITCHELL, John, Capt.; witness in case of anonymous letters to Jotham Odiorne . vi, 50 prisoner, petition for ........ vi, 52 MITCHELL, Peter : enemy, located ..... . vii, 90 vii, 98 MITCHELL, Robert: master of sloop. Success ...... v, 68 MITTIMUSES : see Cary, Matthew : Legroe, Peter : Mead, Nicholas : Moody, Joshua, Rev. : Rine, Lewis de: Weare, Nathaniel. MODERATORS : to qualify town officers, resolution empowering . . vii, 15 Hampton, see Wingate, Joshua. MOFFATT, Zebulon: account ..... . . MOGG: Indian, appearance in the council . ... MOGOON, John [Magoon] : petition . . . i, 230 iii, 57 iii, 58 iU, 60 case, father's will and estate concerned MOHAWK Point: Winnipiseogee River, ferry there MOHAWKS [.Mohogs] : hostility to eastern Indians . i, 155 i, 159 alliance with St. Franqois tribe .... peace with French ... .... MOHON, Dennis: of Strawberry Bank . . i. 164 MOLASSES : imported and exported, drawback on exportation of, act to prevent permitted MONADNOCK No. 2 [Middletown] : incorporation, petition for MONADNOCK No. 4: incorporation, petition for MONADNOCK No. 6: incorporation as Packersfield, petition for MONCKTON, R. ; Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations MONEY: see Bills of Credit : Blanket-money : Borrowing : Coat-money : Continental Money : Exchange Money : Hard-money : Law- vm. 45 V, 393 in. 62 in. 59 viii. 239 1, 160 i, 265 ii. 140 n, 243 n. 247 viii, 164 viii. 194 vui. 188 vi. 159 vi, 153 vi. 160 V, 224 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 309 i. 56 i, 98 ii. 24 ii, 125 n, 175 ii. 178 n, 204 ii. 207 iv. 168 iv. 169 iv, 171 iv. 176 iv. 179 iv, 190 iv. 261 V, 239 MONEY : ful Money : Light-money : New Emission Money : New York : Paper-money : Powder-money : Proclamation-money : SUver Money : Subsistence Money : Travel Money. foreign, act to regulate value of raising for support of the government ii, 153 ii, 206 iv, 170 iv, 1 80 ( Government : support of. and see -J Debts : province. ( Taxes. raising to defray town charges . . . . . . iv, 1 79 Col. Plaisted's, "vote about" . . iv, 263 Hughes & Ambler's, " vote about " • . . iv, 309 emission of, acts for . . iv, 316 vi, 8 vi, 10 vi, 62 burnt accidentally, compensation for . . . v, 139 vii, 205 borrowed for relief of Annapolis Royal, repayment of . . vi, 41 milled dollars, counterfeiting ..... vi, 158 vi, 159 measures for raising, to originate in House of Representatives . vii, 3 signing, countersigning . . . vii, 18 vii, 35 vii, 40 printing, committee on ... . ... vii, 33 presented the colony by Contl. Congress . . vii, 57 advanced to towns for defence .... vii, 64 to paymasters and muster-masters vii, 71 vii, 85 vii, 86 by towns for volunteers, re-paid . . viii, 26 vui, 30 hiring for use of colony ........ vii, 75 borrowed of the state .... , vii, 88 public, not accounted for . . . vii, 121 lending, to battalion officers . . vii, 174 vii, 175 calling in ..... . ... vii, 207 in hands of judge of maritime court . . . viu, 7 viii, 8 at interest, as ratable estate ..... . viii, 91 advancing to furloughed officers and soldiers, committee on . vUi, 135 viii, 136 vni, 235 sent by this state to continental treasury ..... viii, 167 carried to the army . . . viii, 228 viU, 231 viu, 232 solicited of Continental Congress . . ... viii, 281 received for confiscated estates, committee to examine . viii, 285 to fill continental battaUons, act for . . . viii, 360 for Canada expedition .... which see. miscellaneous appropriations. see Debts : province. raising for fort charges, see Fort : defence of. burning, see Bills of Credit. counterfeit, which see, also Bills of Credit. 310 Index to Records of the Council, MONEY : for the army, see Continental Army : supplies for. in possession of, Col. Theodore Atkinson . ... Col. Stephen Evans .... Nathl. Sartel Prentice raising for soldiers, see Soldiers : wages (pay) . Soldiers : supplies for. Recruiting Officers : advancements to. due province and state, see Debts. MONMOUTH : see Duke of Monmouth : MONOPOLISTS {called also Monopolizers): doomage of, act for ...... . of corn and grain, bill for distribution of their stock and see Corn : Grain. MONOPOLY : act against, repeal of of corn .... .... MONROE, Josiah, Lt., Capt. [Munroe] : allowed depreciation of wages . . . . depreciation note, indorsement on . MONROE, Susanna : see next above. MONSON [Mason?] : petition ..... MONSON, Richard, Senr. : soldier impressed . ...... MONTAGUE, Charles: king's councilor . . . . . i, iS MONTREAL . alarming ... ... march of Indians from . ... v, 246 reduction of, troops for . ... MOODY, , Capt. . commander of Casco Fort .... commissioner for Mass. and N. H., to treat with Indians MOODY, John: account ...... . . MOODY, Joshua, Rev. ; sermon at Dover ...... minister, clerk, Portsmouth ..... i, i, 73 i, 74 i, 75 i, information, warrant and mittimus against MOODY, Josiah: petition for grant of township . . vi, MOODY, Samuel [Moudy] : of Newcastle, sworn ... ... > which see. viii. 80 . viii. 87 vii. 247 . which see. - viii. lOI . viii, 241 viu. 369 ii. 80 3 u. 115 i. 275 5 V, 247 vi. 24 V, 236 V, 360 vu, 196 i, 43 71 i, 72 117 ii, 28 see nex^ above. 147 vi, 151 ii, 15 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 311 MOONEY, Hercules, Maj., Col.: advance wages to . lieutenant-colonel, contl. battalion . petition, account .... of committee of safety . regiment, rolls . vui, 134 viii, 136 viii, 137 MOOR, William: of Exeter, province rate against MOORE, Archelaus: justice of the peace . . . . MOORE, , Col. : letter to Gov. Benning Wentworth .... MOORE, Daniel, Col. [More] : regiment . . . . . . vii, 68 muster-master, orders in favor of . Staff-roU, muster-roll petition, account, committee on service at Rhode Island, allowance for MOORE, Elkins: soldier, petition, bounty .... MOORE, Ephraim [Moor] : account of Indian mischiefs at Stevenstown MOORE, John: petition ...... MOORE, John, Jr. . lieutenant .... MOORE, Robert: petition, committee on . restoring him to his law, act for MOORE, Samuel: justice of the peace ..... coroner . . . . representative ... . . MOORE, William, Capt. (Squamscott Patent) : representative ...... MOORE, William, (Stratham) : petition for incorporation of Souhegan East justice of the peace MORE, Daniel: garrison soldier MORE, Nicholas: of Exeter, province rate against MORE, William: of crew of the Richard . MOREY, Israel, Col. : justice of the peace agent, petition vn. 36 vii. 93 vii. 226 viii. 102 viii. 66 viii. 143 viii, i. 144 94 vii. 22 vi. 23 vu. 219 viii. 44 vii. 86 vu. I II vii, 261 viii. 50 viu. 361 viii. 362 vni. 427 vni. 148 vin. 149 vi. 91 vin. 214 vm, 431 VIU, 434 vm. 442 vii. 22 vii. 24 vn. 97 IV, 134 VI, 59 vu. 23 n, i. 84 94 i, 136 vi. 152 vi. 153 viii. 183 vm. 327 viu. 281 i. 84 i. 94 312 Index to Records of the Council, MOREY, Israel, Col. : representative . . . vii, 5 vii, 9 vii, 17 muster-master vU, 13 vn, in judge of probate • vn, 25 vin, 293 justice of the peace and of the quorum . . . vii, 26 account .... vii, 61 vii, 121 vu, 144 vii, 273 ammunition money advanced to . ... vii, 65 regiment .... vn, 144 vii, 219 vni, 324 viu, 327 renounces his allegiance to the state .... MORGAN, David: soldier claimed by Brentwood and Rye MORGAN, Richard: Robert Mason v. . . . of Exeter, province rate against MORLEY, Matthew: prisoner, allowed for subsistence . vii, i8 MORREN, Gilbert: of crew of the Richard ... . . . i, 136 MORRILL, Amos, Capt. ; company . . . . vii, 128 viii, 56 state notes held by, indorsements on . . viii, 171 MORRILL, Anne: smaU-pox patient ..... ... vi, 163 MORRILL, Benjamin: prisoner from New York . vii, 139 MORRILL, Hibbard [Hibberd] : disabled soldier, half-pay . . . . viii, 40 MORRILL, James, Capt. : muster-roll, petition . . . vu, 13 viii, 245 MORRILL, John [Morrell] : prisoner, indicted for murder of Indians, Contoocook . . vi, 89 MORRILL, Joseph, Jr. ; disabled soldier, half-pay .... viu, 31 MORRILL, Micajah: committee to buy saltpeter, account . vii, 96 vii, loi viii, 14 MORRILL, Samuel: disabled soldier, account . . . vii, 34 MORRILL, William: soldier, petition, wages voted him . . viii, 420 viii, 422 MORRIS : brig, permittee .... . . viU, 120 MORRIS, Robert; bUls and notes ... . . viii, 364 viii, 374 U. S. financier, letter from . viii, 418 and see United States Financier. MORRIS, Salmon, Capt. [Salmond] : commander of the Advice . . . \, 131 v 137 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 313 MORRIS, William: petition . . ... MORRISON, John: petition . .... MORRISON, Samuel: petition and complaint MORRISON'S in Colrain: garrison, scouting from MORRISTOWN : dispute with Landaff MORSE, Benjamin: soldier, his wages voted his wife MORSE, Francis: of Strawberry Bank MORSE, Obadiah [Mors, Moss] : of Strawberry Bank ..... selectman, Portsmouth ... ii, 27 soldier, impressed . .... account . . ii, 130 MORSE, Thomas: justice of the peace MORTGAGE : see also Deeds : vacating, act for . . ... MOSES, Aaron, Lt. : commander of rangers militia officer .... . . of a court-martial ...... MOSQUITO Hall [Musketo, Muskito] : lands called, lease of . . . i, 34 MOSS : see Morse : MOTT, Jacob: prisoner from New York MOULTON, DANIEL; grantee of Kingston .... examinee, Hampton riot case MOULTON, Henry, Senr. . Robert Mason v. . . . - i, 106 MOULTON, John: Robert Mason v- - - . i, 106 ensign ... . . . ii, 2 grantee of Kingston . . . . ii, 74 MOULTON, John: account . . . vn, 55 vii, 178 MOULTON, Jonathan, Col.: barn burnt by incendiary . , . . . . vi, 134 commander of militia . , • . vii, 31 regiment vn, 68 vii, 217 ii, 475 viii. 478 viii, 233 vi, i, 66 274 vii. 176 viii. 426 i, 164 i. 164 n, 28 ii. 36 ii, 80 ii. 98 n, 183 iii. 38 • vii, 5° di, 259 vii. 265 n, 78 ii. 79 ii. 100 n. lOI 'n. 130 ii. 74 V, 122 314 Index to Records of the Council, MOULTON, Jonathan, Col. : muster-master, paymaster, account . vii, 85 vii, 86 vu, 1 1 1 petitions, committees on vn, 199 viii, 113 viu, 153 viii, 272 viii, 273 vin, 284 vUi, 426 vni, 429 vni, 435 viu, 436 guardian, v. Jonathan Swett, review ..... viii, 199 MOULTON, Joseph: representative . . . . . . iv, 148 MOULTON, Josiah, Senr. ; appearance .... . v, 382 MOULTON, Josiah, Capt. . representative ..... . vii, n vii, 81 of committee of safety vu, 12 vn, 149 viii, 66 viu, 88 viu, 157 account . ... .... vii, 16 justice of the peace ..... . . vii, 22 muster-master . ....... vii, 114 petition for proprietors of Chichester . . . viii, 152 MOULTON, Josiah, Jr. committee to sign bills of credit . . . vii, 70 MOULTON, Robert: examinee, Hampton riot case . . v, 122 MOULTON, William: petition state note taken up . . . . MOULTONBOROUGH : justice of the peace ...... ensign from ........ petitions for, and of . . . vii, 199 incorporation of, act for ..... selectmen, empowered to assess state tax of New Hampton abatement of taxes MOUNT Desert: sloop from, with advice of Indian designs . . . . v, 118 MOUNTEAS, James [Mountais, Montess] : merchant, petition ... . . iii, 72 iii, 73 owner of bark, Hopewell ... v, 8 v, 65 MOUNT Hope: i, 159 MOXIS : Indian sagamore ......... v, 4 MUNDEN, John, Capt. : agreement with government of Algiers . . . i, 248 v, 28 commander-in-chief of king's ships . . . . . v, 21 MUNROE : see MoNROE : MUNSON, Richard: of crew of the Richard ..... . i, 136 MURDER : parties suspected of ........ i, 259 on the high seas . . . . . , . vi, 135 viii. 483 viii, 489 viii. 490 vi. 151 vii. 161 viii, 241 viii. 266 vii. 247 )ton viii, 17 . viii. 298 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 315 MURDER: of friendly Indians, see Indians. MURRAY, Daniel: stoppage on wages of . MUSGROVE, C: of the Board of Ordnance MUSKETS : see Accoutrements : Arms : MUSSEY, John, Dr.: petition, account .... MUSTAPHA Aga: > MUSTAPHA Dey: \ governors of Algiers, treaty with . MUSTER-MASTERS : see Abbott, Abiel. Ashley, Samuel. Badger, Joseph. Baker, Otis. Baldwin, Nahum. Bartlett, Josiah. Bartlett, Thomas. BeU, John. Bellows, Benjamin. Bellows, John. Brooks, Samuel. Chase, Jonathan. Chester. Child, Jonathan. Coffin, Peter. Continental Battalions. Continental Soldiers. Davis, Asa. Dudley, John. Dudley, Samuel. EUis, Timothy, Emerson, Samuel. Evans, Stephen. Gale, Jacob. Giddinge, Eliphalet. Gilman, David. Gilman, Nicholas. Gregg, William. appointment of, instructions to vii, returnsmilitia officers to be orders in favor of . to pay soldiers travel money to pay continental bounty . vii, 56 V, 250 37 vin, 55 see Grout, Elijah. Hackett, James. Hale, Enoch. Hammond, Joseph. Haverhill.Hobart, David. Johnston, Charles. Kelley, Moses. Knowles, James. Militia Officers. Money. Moore, Daniel. Morey, Israel. Moulton, Jonathan. Moulton, Josiah. Nichols, Moses. Philbrick, Samuel. Pinkerton, John. Sherburne, Samuel. Sparhawk, Thomas. Stickney, Thomas. Walker, Timothy, Jr. Webster, David. Webster, John. Wentworth, Joshua. Whipple, WiUiam. White, WiUiam. Worthen, Ezekiel. 13 vu, 33 vn, 61 vU, 71 see next above. vii, 10& vn, 1 1 1 vn, 150 . vUi, 6 3i6 Index to Records of the Council, MUSTER-MASTERS : to certify to sheriffs the men furnished by towns MUSTER-ROLLS : see Rolls : MYLLES, Jo. : referee on petition of Robert Mason NAINBY, , Capt. : confined in irons . . . ¦ • NAMBROUS : Indian prisoner ... vi, 63 NAME: changed, see King, George. " state " adopted in lieu of " colony " NAMES : of inhabitants, j 33 i, 137 i, 169 i, 294 iv, 141 n, 115 V, 357 V, 279 vi, 14 i, 275 i, 302 vU, 140 vii, 118 vii, 126 vn, 137 vii, 140 vu, 225 vU, 138 vu, 140 vii, 189 viii, 188 vni, 191 . viu, 255 vin, 258 vin, 272 • vin, 429 VII, 102 vu, 117 vii, 218 vii, 222 32 2 Index to Records of the Council, NEWFOUNDLAND : brigantine taken in ..... . . Ui, i from, infected with smaU-pox . . . . vi, 31 voyage to, permitted the sloop, Newcastle ... v, 230 harbors of, plundered by the French . . . vi, 126 exchange of prisoners at . . . . viu, 276 viii, 277 NEW Grantham : see Grantham : NEW Hampshire : court officers ... • ... i, 169 vessels, admiralty passes for . ... i, 241 timber from ...... i, 242 v, 27 v, 36 acts, orders of king's councU relating to . . . i, 243 v, 27 woods, preservation of . . i, 249 i, 257 v, 30 v, 32 Indian treaty commissioners . . . . . . i, 269 quota of soldiers ..... i, 269 i, 291 i, 296 i, 301 V, 242 V, 243 V, 245 V, 247 V, 401 V, 402 vi, 27 vn, 137 vii, 142 viii, 217 viii, 248 viii, 254 viii, 265 viii, 347 vui, 349 viu, 396 viii, 415 viii, 472 viu, 489 annexation to Massachusetts . ii, 207 iv, 171 iv, 178 iv, 180 ownership of Piscataqua river ...... ii, 241 appropriation for settling province lines . iv, 324 colony, proprietor ... . v, 34 public officers for . . . . vii, 3 soldiers from Mass. quartered in ...... v, 228 invoice of ordnance and stores for . . . v, 248 v, 250 trade, queries about . . . v, 389 form of government for, colonial congress to establish vii, 1 vii, 2 troops, brigade-adjutant of ... . . . vii, 121 land held in common by, act for dividing .... viii, 112 deputy-coUector, see Sheafe, Sampson. Boundaries : Council : Government : Governors : Province : Regiments : Seal ... ... which see. assembly, general assembly, council and assembly, see General Court. NEW Hampshire Battalions : see also New Hampshire Line : officers' petition . . . . viii, 72 vui, 83 vacancies in, officers to fill . ... viii, 74 in continental service . .... which see. NEW Hampshire Brigade : chaplain of the, aUowance to . • . . viii, 208 viii, 213 commander of, asked for returns of officers and soldiers from this state ... .... vui, 209 NEW Hampshire Gazette: publication in, of king's proclamation . . . vi, 164 petitions and orders thereon vii, 82 vii, 83 > see House of Representatives. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 323 NEW Hampshire Gazette : and see New Hampshire Newspapers. printer of, called to account ....... advertisement of fire-arms in . . ... notice in, for holders of public money to settle reflects on Newmarket ........ NEW Hampshire Grants: west of Conn, river, proceedings of . . . viii, 27 people, remonstrance to ...... see letters from .......... committee on, report ...... viii, loi conference there with committee of Contl. Congress state's claims to, supported in congress ..... viii, 130 viii, 217 jurisdiction of, committee on claiming ..... NEW Hampshire Line : see also New Hampshire Battalions : officers, money advanced to . vacancies in filled promotions of . and see Continental Battalions. officers and soldiers, memorial for . family supplies, wages, ^ji?£ Soldiers. vm, 242 vui, 138 viii, 246 viii, 346 vu, 10 vii, 12 vu, 121 vii, 125 viu, 33 next above. vin, 99 viii, 256 viii, 103 viii, no viu, 224 vui, 131 viii, 177 vin, 346 viu, 352 viu, 386 vin, 389 depreciation of wages, . clothing and rum sent to ...... . deserters from, see Deserters : arrest, etc. NEW Hampshire Men: in Col. Henry Jackson's regiment, return of, asked for NEW Hampshire Newspapers: see also N. H. Gazette: publication of petition and order of court in . . " vote for caUing in ;^28,ooo" in . . . NEW Hampton: incorporation of, act for . . . ... state tax, assessment of, by selectmen of Moultonborough NEW Haven: meeting of states' commissioners at .... . vii, 262 vu, 271 viii, 18 NEW Holderness: original rights in, not improved ...... petition ..... ... annexing to Grafton county, act for .... . credited for a soldier ...... viii, 462 NEWICHAWANICK [Nechawannick, Newchawonnock, New- ICHAWANACK, NEWICHAWANNOCK, NeWITCHAWANICK] : Laconia company's house at . . . . . i, 9 store .... .... i, n viu, 336 vni, 196 VUI, 72 vii. 207 vii. 247 viii. 17 vii. 261 viii. 19 vi. 143 viii. 378 viii. 382 vin. 469 i. 23 i. 12 324 Index to Records of the Council NEWICHAWANICK [Nechawannick, Newchawonnock, New- ICHAWANACK, NeWICHAWANNOCK, NeWITCHAWANICK] : letter of Ambrose Gibbins from . . i, i6 inventory of goods and ammunition at . troop and infantry . . . . i, 20 i, NEWICHAWANICK River: ranging about . . .... Dover commons on . . ... draft (plan) of . . . enemy between, and the Merrimack NEWINGTON : representatives . ..... town-meeting, complaint about justice of the peace .... petition, representation .... NEW Ipswich : coroner ..... selectmen's petition and account NEW Jersey: vessels, admiralty passes for ..... accessories in piracy, trial in E^ngland Indian treaty commissioners . grant by Parliament to . . . NEW London : road through, to Protectworth, act for NEWMAN, Henry [Numan] : vessel-master, petition ... addresses of council to the queen sent by account "... 1, 23 1, 29 i. 17 i, 30 V, 226 n, 141 V, 246 n. 290 iv. 318 V, 87 iv, 283 iv. 303 iv, 316 iv. 318 vin. 391 • vui. 474 vii. 54 vin. 65 i, 241 n. 234 i, 251 V, 31 i. 269 i. 302 vni, 316 ii, 241 V, 279 V, 380 NEWMAN, Thomas: vessel-master, petition n, 241 NEWMARCH, John: account (" allowance") . iv. 255 NEWMARCH, Joseph: councilor . . vi, 90 vi, 91 vi, 92 vi. 95 vi. 97 vi, 98 vi, 99 vi, 100 vi. lOI vi, 102 vi, 105 vi, 108 vi, 112 vi. 113 vi, 115 vi, 121 vi, 122 vi, 124 vi. 126 vi. 127 NEWMARKET : petition and act for additional powers iv, 319 iv. 320 iv. 322 parish ..... . see next above. committee's account vu. 18 petition and complaint v. Lt.-Col. Jeremiah Folsom vn. 29 vii. 33 printed reflection on vii. 125 division into two societies, biU for vii. 230 religious societies, act to enable th em vii. 238 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 325 NEWMARKET : petition, joint with Stratham ..... bridge between, and Stratham, see Stratham and Newmarket NEWMARKET Bridge: petition respecting ..... NEW Marlborough : incorporation as Marlborough, petition and act for vm, 75 vm, 191 V, 71 inimical located in .... NEWPORT: justice of the peace selectmen's petition .... town-meetings, act to legalize fine for deficiency in quota NEWPORT, (R. I.): prisoners of war sent to . NEWS : see also Good News : of victory over French and Spaniards NEW Settlements: representation proportioned . NEW Spain: expedition against, see Spanish West Indies. NEWSPAPERS : see Boston : Boston Gazette : Boston Thursday Paper : Con necticut : Essex Gazette : New Hampshire Gazette : New Hampshire Newspapers : Observator. publication of acts, advertisement, letters in iv, 224 a«rf j^« Printing : public. NEW Tenor: account paid in . . . ... NEWTON, Thomas: secretary of Province . . ii, 5 ii, 6 deputy-judge of the admiralty NEWTOWN [Newton] : annexation to, from South Hampton, resolution for repairing highway in ..... . inimical limited to ...... NEWTOWN (Penn.): battle of NEW York: voyage of governor to . Eari of BeUomont at . . i, 227 i, 250 messenger to ....... accessories in piracy, trial in England defence of . . ..... Indian treaty commissioners general court ...... vii, 82 vii, 104 vii, 114 vii, 160 vu, 50 viii, 433 viii, 442 viii, 489 vn, 147 V, 72 vn. 90 VI, 119 vu, 141 vi, 64 n. 8 n, 13 V, 73 vi. S6 vi, 57 see next above. vii, 90 viii, 137 viii, 289 1, 145 1, 147 iii, 54 V, 13 i. 229 i, 251 V, 31 i, 252 V, 32 i. 269 i, 272 i. 286 326 Index to Records of the Council, NEW York: ' assembly ....... ) council ....... ' >see next above. council and assembly ..... ) King's woods in i, 277 quota of soldiers, see also Crown Point : expedit on i, 286 i. 291 V, 240 government, action on western expedition i, 294 money ........ i, 297 war commissioners' meeting at i, 300 grant by Parliament to . i, 302 exports to . . . ... ii. 20 iv, 141 laws of, " concerning manner of swearing" ii. 20 iv, 140 five nations of Indians in ... . ii, 222 governor's address to Col. Nicholson V, 241 governor appoints meeting of the Six Nations at Albany . vi, 14 governor and councU, depositions before vi, 15 pass to, granted ..... vu. 96 viii, 194 papers from, committee on- .... vii, 119 letters from, intercepted in Conn. . . vii. 153 vii, 156 committee, meeting at Springfield . vii, 218 ' ' Flag of Truce " from ... viii. 43 viii, 89 controversy with, over jurisdiction of Vermont . viii, 370 delegates from, convention of, Hartford . viu, 429 our army in, see Army. boundaries . . ... ^ prisoners .... which see. tories ) frontiers, see Frontiers : defence of. NEW York Assembly : clerk, see Lott, Abraham, Jr. report and resolution on defence of the colonies NICHOLI : see Nicoli : NICHOLS, Alexander: permittee ....... NICHOLS, Andrew: soldier, bounty to . NICHOLS, Eli: master of fishing vessel .... NICHOLS, Moses, Dr., Col., Brig. Gen.: representative ...... committee to take sheriff's bond recorder of deeds ...... justice of the peace ..... muster-master, order in favor of . . vii, regiment . . vii, 112 vii, 219 viii, receives money for Col. Thornton . i, 286 viii, 85 vin, 162 1, 1 17 vii. / VII, vii. 0 20 vii. 24 vii. 24 11 viii, 115 viii. 338 13 vin. 215 viii, vii. 227 220 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 327 NICHOLS, Moses, Dr., Col., Brig. Gen. : rolls, accounts ......... vii, 237 vii, 239 viii, 46 viii, 100 viii, 102 viii, 115 viii, 210 vui, 214 viii, 233 viii, 269 viii, 338 viii, 358 vin, 362 viii, 375 viii, 413 viii, 429 petition, committee on . . . . vii, 270 viii, 77 councilor . . vii, 288 vii, 289 vui, .63 viii, 65 viii, 74 viii, 75 viii, 76 viii, 78 viii, 87 vui, 92 vui, 93 viii, 95 viU, 96 viii, 97 viii, 100 viii, loi vin, 105 viii, 107 viii, 108 viii, 112 commissioner to re-enlist soldiers at the army . . viii, no viii, 114 NICHOLS, Samuel, Capt.: company, pay-roll ..... . . viii, 7 NICHOLSON, Francis, Col., Gen.; commander of expedition against Canada V, 270 V, 272 receptions ...... V, 276 V, 277 ? letter of Seer. Story to . approves of Indian trading houses . bearer of address to Queen Anne NICKERSON, Ansell: trial of, Boston ... NICKLES [NICOLES] : NICOLI, Nicholas [Nicholi] : waiter to council, account . . viii, 455 viii, 472 NICOLLE, Nicholas: account .... . vii, 27 vii, 53 NON-COMMISSIONED Officers : accoutrements for .... gratuity in specie sent to . . . NON-RESIDENT Proprietors : see also Non-Residents : minister tax against, act for . . . iv, 296 lands of, taxes on and acts, bills, laws for taxing iv, 352 iv, 353 viu, 65 vin, 127 vni, 141 vui, 148 notifying to pay their taxes, committee on ... . vii, 275 petition, see Antrim : Rochester. NON-RESIDENTS : see also Non-Resident Proprietors : Non- Resident Taxes: lands of, taxes on . . ...... vin, 81 vni, 83 vin, 132 vui, 148 viii, 152 viii, 163 and see Receiver-general. Antrim, sale for taxes forbidden . viii, 113 Francestown, vendue of . . ¦ . viii, 161 advertising for sale, committee on . . . . viii, 277 V, 241 V, 251 V, 26s V, 273 V, 278 V, 283 V, 273 V, 274 V, 316 V, 317 V, 326 V, 274 V, 318 V, 328 vi, ISS vi, 158 i, 36 i. 37 vu. 137 vui. 222 iv. 305 iv. 316 iv. 351 vni. 81 viu. 83 vui. 340 viii. 342 328 Index to Records of the Council, NON-RESIDENT Taxes: see also Non-Residents: old currency received for .... vui, 286 viii, 294 mode of collecting, committee on . . . . viii, 340 viii, 342 lists of, lodged with receiver-general . . . . viii, 342 and see Odiorne, Thomas. Alexandria, ..... . . I which see. Gilmanton, . . .....) NONSUCH : ship, deserters from . , . . . . . ii, 29 crew liable to impressment . . . . . ii, 40 NORA WAY, James: soldier, account ......... iii, 39 NORRIDGEWOCK [Narridgawack, Neridgawack, Norridge walk, Nurridgwock] : tribe, .......... i, 273 rendezvous ........ i, 275 Indian fort, expedition against ...... v, 5 V, 135 V, 137 V, 177 V, 207 and see HUton, Winthrop, Lt.-Col. * Indians at, treating with ....... v, 360 and see Indians. a friar's letter from ...... . v, 360 NORRIS, James, Maj.. depreciation note, indorsement on . . ... viii, 270 NORRIS, Jonathan, Lt. . soldier, petition, wages allowed .... viii, 24 viii, 25 NORRIS, Nicholas: of Exeter, province rate against ..... i, 94 NORTH America: postmaster-general of, see HamUton, Andrew. king's woods in, surveyor-general of . . . . . vi, 12 NORTH Carolina : " indigent person from " ... . . vi, 133 NORTHERN Army : see also Continental Army : re-enforcements to, which also see . . vii, 65 Gen. SuUivan to command, petition for . accounts from, committee on . quartermaster-general of ..... NORTHFIELD, (Mass.): scouting there ...... north part and south part petitions . . vi, 82 NORTHFIELD, (N. H.) : minor's land in, leave to sell granted NORTHHAM : bounded and described ...... NORTH Hampton, (Mass.) : township grantees from . . . . vi, 58 vi, 66 vi, 67 vn, 225 vu, 227 vu, 182 vu, 183 . vU, 228 which see. i, 274 vi, 83 vi, 85 viU, 417 1, 24 1, 32 New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. 329 NORTH Hampton, (N. H.) : petitions ...... viU, 80 viii, 234 parish ....... see next above. lieutenant-colonel of ... viii, 295 selectmen's account .... vUi, 422 representation ... viii, 468 NORTH Hill (Hampton): parish, petition, act relating to iv. 284 iv, 286 iv, 287 iv. 330 iv. 335 iv, 336 iv, 349 iv. 352 V, 385 V, 386 see next above. polling off to iv. 349 iv, 352 parish boundaries, return of committee on t . V, 386 NORTHUMBERLAND : petition, committee on . viii. 98 viii. 167 vin, 172 incorporation of, act for ... viii. 106 vni, 118 taxes of, committee on . vni, 254 NORTHWOOD : regimental assignment .... vU, 202 as a parish in Nottingham , viii, 396 NORTON, Bonus: deposition in James Meinzies' case . ii, 273 n, 274 ii, 275 ii. 280 u, 282 NORTON, Francis: attorney for Anne Mason i, 35 NORWICH : ship. Gen. Nicholson to take passage in . V, 274 NOTARIES-PUBLIC : see Claggett, Wyseman : Emery, Noah : Penny, Henry : Pick- ering, John (3rd). nomination of, committee on vii. 73 viii, 28 NOTES : signed by Andrew McClary . vu, 63 burning, and discharging treasurer of viu, 288 blank bounty ....... depreciation . which see. Robert Morris's .... state treasurer's ...... ; NOTTINGHAM (Town): petition . . iv, 261 iv, 267 iv, 268 iv. 274 iv, 331 proprietors ...... see next above. incorporation vi, 5 defence of ..... . vi, 31 cannon from ...... , vn, 55 committee's complaint against inimical . vii, 95 33° Index to Records of the Council, NOTTINGHAM (Town) : regimental assignment . justice of the peace lands in, act for sale of . parishes NOTTINGHAM : clerk of king's court NOTTINGHAM West: committee directed concerning Lutwyche's ferry justice of the peace polling to, off Londonderry . selectmen, petitionees . petition and act for regulating fishery in annexation of S. W. partof Londonderry to, act for Wootonnack Pond in , . complainant of NOVA Scotia: trade with, interdicted . French forts and troops in expedition to . . v, i88 v, 192 disaster to Mass. forces there settlement of French neutrals passing to prisoner from, paroled . exportation to, permitted petitioner from removal of family to NOYES, . CoL. [Noyce] : of Newbury, Mass., express to NOYES, John: flour-dealer .... NOYES, Oliver: petition, memorial and appeal NUDD, Samuel: examinee, Hampton riot case . NUMAN : see Newman : NUMBER Four (Charlestown) : as northerly boundary of a township grant granted by Mass., re-granted by N. H. . soldiers posted at ... . . . express to . . . vu, 144 vii, 145 from, to Portsmouth ..... as route to Ticonderoga ..... commissary at, supplied with ammunition company marched to, from Newcastle transportation of iron to ..... prisoner escorted from, to Portsmouth vn, 202 vin, 95 viii, 296 vni, 396 iv, 382 ry vn, 41 vii, 51 vii, 274 see next above. vii, 278 act for viii, 13 . vui. 13 viii, 84 vin, 250 i. 189 i, 190 i, 269 i, 287 i, 298 V, 193 V, 209 V, 264 vi, 26 vi, 27 vi, 60 vi, 102 vui, 23 viU, 170 viii, 188 viu, 187 vni, 306 V, 201 • vii. 258 V, 363 V, 122 vi. 72 vi. 84 vi. 112 vii, 146 vu. 218 vii. 229 vU, 145 vu. 146 vii. 146 vn, 223 vii. 229 vm, 120 vm, 177 vii, 198 i, 37 V, 392 V, 395 V, 397 i, 97 i, 98 1, 144 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 331 NUMBER Four (Charlestown) : state stores there, committee on ..... . viu, 107 and see State Stores. gunpowder there, care of ...... . viii, 125 fort, see Fort No. 4. NUTE, James, Capt.; pay-roll ........ NUTE, Samuel, Lt. . enlisting officer, continental bounty advanced to NUTER, [Nutter?] : NUTFIELD : settlement of, letter relating to . . Une with Chester [Cheshire] , settlement of NUTTER, Anthony [Nuter, Nutre] : constable . . . . . i, 83 of Capt. Robt. Mason's troop .... NUTTER, John: coroner .......... vu, 23 NUTTER, Sarah [Nutre] : testimony concerning David Hamilton, pauper . . . ii, 276 OATHS : appointed instead of the oaths of allegiance and supremacy . i, 152 i, 201 ii, 21 ii, 221 iv, 133 iv, 134 iv, 140 iv, 183 iv, 204 iv, 283 V, I V, 2 V, 4 V, 6 V, n V, 15 V, 41 V, 53 V, 54 V, 58 V, 73 V, 75 V, 91 V, 256 V, 261 V, 345 V, 351 V, 352 V, 369 V, 375 V, 396 vi, 12 vi, 22 vi, III vi, 124 vi, 130 vi, 132 vi, 133 manner of taking, biUs and acts on . . . ii, 15 ii, 19 ii, 20 ii, 22 iv, 134 iv, 140 iv, 143 all males above sixteen years to take, acts for . . ii, 21 ii, 22 U, 91 iv, 140 iv, 173 iv, 175 vin, 83 of supremacy and allegiance, act abrogating . . iii, 73 iii, 74 abjuration ..... to all officers .... to doctors and surgeons accounts to be rendered under appointed by Parliament, see Acts of Parliament. OATH of Allegiance : see also Oaths : male inhabitants to take . . . . . . . i, 163 prisoner liberated on taking ....... vii, 226 officers to take, act obliging ....... vii, 232 OATH OF" Fidelity : see also Oaths : inimicals discharged on taking .... . vii, 200 IV, 204 V, 329 vii, 20 vii, 21 vi, 165 V, 207 vn, 149 332 Index to Records of the Council, viu, 19 vUi, 83 OATH OF Fidelity : see also Oaths : biU and act imposing . . vu, 231 OBER, John: appearance for Salem OBSERVATOR [Observater] : newspaper, contemptuous letter printed in ODIN, John: bearer of $10,000 from Contl. Congress . ODIORNE, John [Odihorn] : of Newcastle, sworn .... ODIORNE, Jotham: of Newcastle, sworn complaint against Col. Walton councilor .... iv. 218 iv. 221 iv. 227 iv. 230 iv. 235 iv. 236 iv, 247 iv. 249 iv. 253 iv. 254 iv, 258 iv. 259 iv. 263 iv, 264 iv. 270 iv. 271 iv. 275 iv. 276 iv. 283 iv. 284 iv. 289 iv. 293 iv, 297 iv, 298 iv, 305 iv. 306 iv. 312 iv. 313 iv. 317 iv. 318 iv. 322 iv. 323 iv. 331 iv. 332 iv. 336 iv, 338 iv. 346 iv. 347 iv. 351 iv. 352 iv. 356 iv, 357 iv, 361 iv. 362 iv. 366 iv. 367 iv, 372 vi. 1 vi. 6 vi. 8 VI, vi,vi,vi. 1419 2431 VI, vi, vi, vi. 15 20 25 32 V, 223 V, 231 V, 244 V, 250 V, 255 V, 260 V, 267 V, 272 V, 277 V, 286 V, 294 V, 299 V, 309 V, 314 V, 319 V, 324 V, 333 V, 343 V, 348 V, 353 V, 358 V, 363 V, 368 VI,vi,vi,vi, vi. 2 II16 2127 VI, 33 vn, 57 IV, 224 iv, 232 iv, 245 iv, 251 iv, 256 iv, 261 iv, 268 iv, 273 iv, 278 iv, 287 iv, 295 iv, 300 iv, 310 iv, 315 iv, 320 iv, 329 iv, 334 iv, 344 iv, 349 iv, 354 iv, 359 iv, 364 iv, 369 vi, 3 1217 22 29 37 VI, vi, vi,vi, vi. recorder of deec^s ..... justice of the peace ...... justice. Court of Common Pleas .... anonymous letters to, threatening his person and estate vm, 442 vi, 66 V, 206 vn, 58 n, 15 n, 15 iv, 203 iv, 214 iv, 225 iv, 234 iv, 246 iv, 252 iv, 257 iv, 262 iv, 269 iv, 274 iv, 279 iv, 288 iv, 296 iv, 304 iv, 311 iv, 316 iv, 321 iv, 330 iv, 33S iv, 345 iv, 350 iv, 355 iv, 360 iv, 365 iv, 370 vi, 5 VI,vi, vi,vi,vi. 1318 23 3077 VI, 50 IV, 270 V, 369 V, 386 vi, 49 vi, 51 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 333 ODIORNE, Jotham, Jr. : representative . iv, 303 iv, 309 iv, 313 owner of brigantine under quarantine ODIORNE, Thomas: of committee of safety ...... committee to provide barracks and accoutrements . settle continental accounts receive counterfeit bills vu, 243 on printing the laws appointed to stop exportation of rum state accountant .... assistant-clerk of the House, wages agent to collect debts due the state accounts, committee on . viii, 62 viii, 229 receiver-general of non-resident taxes vin, 132 viu, 152 ODLIN, Abigail, Mrs. : allowed for husband's services as chaplain petition ........ administratrix, act for her to convey land ODLIN, John, Rev. : his land, Stratham, exempted from taxation ODLIN, Woodbridge, Rev. . legislative chaplain ...... deceased, estate of ..... . OFFENCES : less than treason, act for punishing and see Misprision. OFFICERING : regiments ........ and see MUitia. OFFICERS : see also Soldiers : in Crown Point expedition . . * . to hold courts-martial, Massachusetts act for in last war memorialize Council for grants of land entitled to grants of lands oath for all, forms of ... . to command troops at Portsmouth . and see Portsmouth. old, to deliver records to the new . commission, bounty and see Commission Officers. exempt from arrest for debt . of contl. battalions, date of their commissions and see Battalion Officers. of Fort Washington, complaint against . iv, 330 iv, 366 vi, 33 vi, 34 . vn, 149 vii, 160 vU, 169 vii, 189 viii, 15 vii, 192 viii, 10 viii, 15 . vin, 54 . vn, 179 vii, 184 viii, 67 vii, 252 viU, 30 viii, 329 viii, 251 viii, 254 . vin, 83 viii, 163 viii, 217 . vn, 115 . viii, 107 . vui, 112 V, 388 vu. 115 vui. 112 vn. 147 viii, 324 viii, 376 vi, 96 vi. 98 see next above. . vi. 128 vi. 128 vi. 156 vii. 20 vii. 21 vn. 32 vin, 35 , vii. 38 vii. 62 , vii. 146 vii. 165 vn. 222 334 Index to Records of the Council, OFFICERS : see also Soldiers : to take oath of allegiance to give security to pay their rolls . rations . . ... of corps (regiment) for defence of Rhode Island and see Rhode Island : defence of. returned from captivity, petition of taken prisoners at Ticonderoga allotted to R. I. volunteer companies captivated and carried to Canada . disabled, petitions, see also Soldiers, vu. 232 vii. 238 vn. 248 slan d . vii 260 viu, vu, viu, viii, viu,viii. 139 281 S 4484 95 viii. io8 viii. 435 viii, vUi, viU, 476 429 124 viu. 134 viii. 309 vUi, 136 vin, viii. 253140 viii. 321 viii. 322 viii. 343 viii. 325 vin,vin. 343 147 vui. 151 viu. 167 viii. 168 vni. 190 viii. 235 vin. 272 pay-roll of ... . in Penobscot expedition, pay of instructed in making up their rolls . on furlough, money advanced to . their horses provided for rations for wages to . . widows and children of, allowances to . depreciation, allowance for . viii, 150 viu, 178 viii, 189 and see Soldiers. to command on frontiers . ..... viii, 179 and see Frontiers : to pay half-pay pay-rolls ...... viU, 248 to conduct recruits to the army . . . viii, 252 viii, 253 French naval, entertainment of ..... . viii, 383 accounts,advance pay, depreciation, disabled,family supplies, half-pay, travel money, wages.Army : Colonial : Commission : Company : Continental Battalions : Customs : Enlisting : Field-officers : General : Governmental : Matross: MiUtary: Militia: N. H. Battalions: N. H. Line: Non-commissioned : Recruiting : Returns : Subaltern : Town which see. ' } see Civil Officers. public, ) of the council, wages and travel, see Councilors. House of Representatives, wages and travel, see Representatives. OFFICERS AND Soldiers : encouragement to ........ . vii, 138 and see Soldiers : bounty to. ¦ see Soldiers. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. i, 269 viii, 286 vm, 225 OFFICERS AND Soldiers: petitions ...... to guard frontiers, see Frontiers : defence of OHIO: designs of French army against OHIO River: French fort and encroachments on . French settlements on . OLD Continental Currency (Bills) : receiving for taxes, committees and act on viii, 261 viu, 270 resolution of Continental Congress on, bUl for executing . OLD Currency : discounted by treasurer . . . vin, 197 viii, 291 disposal of, committee on ... . in hands of receiver-general of non-resident taxes OLD Emission Bills: exchanged for new, at state treasury rated in new emission at three for one ..... OLD Fort, (Newcastle) : repairing, vote for ........ and see Fort William and Mary. OLIVER, Andrew, (Boston) : petition for grant of township between the Conn, and Hudson rivers ...... OLIVER, , Capt. . commander of the schooner, Venus OLIVER, Richard: of Newcastle, sworn OMBAKEGOA: Indian, appearance in the Council . ONONDACKS : aUiance with the French OPPRESSION: act against, repeal of . OPPRESSORS : restraining, act for . . . , . . ORDERS : publishing by beat of drum v, 16 drawn by Board of War, to have the preference at the treasury . in favor of Gen. Stark ........ enlisting ......... \ marching ) on treasurer, see Accounts : Claims : Debts : province. ORDERS OF Council: transcript for England ORDINANCES : see Laws : ORDINARIES : public .......•••¦ 335 vii, 192 vni, 108 i, 263 1, 275 i. 300 viii. 387 vni. 263 vin. 375 VUI, 312 viii. 294 viu. 231 vm. 292 viii. 203 VI, 71 vui. 35 ii. 15 v. 393 i' 269 vii. 247 vn. 271 V, 54 vm. 246 VIU, 445 which see. n, 113 which see 336 Index to Records of the Council, ORDINARY : appointed, see Fryar, Nathaniel. ORDNANCE : invoice of, for New Hampshire V , 248 V, , 250 king's stores of, Boston vi, - 99 and see Military Stores. ORDWAY, Nathan: petition viii, 420 vni , 425 viu, , 476 ORFORD : township grantee from .... vi. 151 town landing, limits of ferry referred to . vi. 158 ammunition for . . . . vu, , 64 vii. 65 representation ..... vn. 269 justice of the peace .... vui. 445 abatement of taxes .... vui, 489 ORR, John, Lt. : soldier, disabled, account, half-pay viu, 9 vni, 25 viii. 91 viii. 227 petition, committee on . viii, 218 viii, 273 vni. 275 OSBORNE, George Jerry: lieutenant ...... . vn, 36 OSBORNE, John: chairman of committees, Massachusetts i, 285 i, 290 i. 294 letter to Gov. Benning Wentworth i, 294 Thomas Pownall i, 29s OSGOOD, Edw.; garrison soldier ..... i. 177 OSGOOD, James: selectman of Conway, account . viu. 465 OSGOOD, Richard Hazen: account, committee on . viii, 290 vin, 301 viii. 306 vui. 309 OSHAW, Daniel [Ushaw] . petition ..... ii, 33 OSHEA, Daniel. petition ..... n. 34 OSWEGO : camp at, letter of Gov. Shirley from i. 263 i. 300 forts and garrison at, taken by French . vi. lOI and see next above. OTIS, Richard [Otes] : grantee of land, Salmon Falls i. 38 his house made a by-garrison i, 76 OTTAWAS [Ottawawas, Ottoways] : alliance with St. Francois tribe i. 265 alliance with French i. 269 OTTER Creek: hauling stores to, account for vii. 187 vii. 205 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. OUTSTANDING Taxes: method to recover, committee on . collection of . OVERSEERS : of fort work ....... severities to servants or slaves, act for restraining of Hampton ....... OVERSEERS of the Poor: act empowering .... OWAMOSIMMIN, John: signer of Indian letters to Governor OWEN, Margaret: witness in Thomas Holland v. Elizabeth OXEN : impressment of, for Canada expedition . OYSTER River: Ambrose Gibbins's house in . debtors to Robert Mason garrisons ... 1 175 80 146 178 83 216 captains, orders and instructions to n, n. 70 69 1, 171 i, 182 ii, 99 iii, I n, 187 V, 44 n, 72 ii, 166 1, 210 soldiers .... n, 52 account . . i, 224 military officers appointed frontiers, defence of . . . desolation and destruction of, relief for . ii, 139 posting soldiers at ... ferry, Wm. Furber's petition for . constables notified of tax exempts . alarm at ..... . petition for grant of township boundaries . ... making it a township, vote for scouting there ..... volunteers ....... projection of Indian trading house at constables and selectmen, complaint against PACKER, Thomas, Dr., Capt., Lt.-Col., Col.: letter of Capt. John Tuttle to . . . appearance . . . i, 229 ii, 119 .ii, 12 justice of the peace ..... of the committee of militia .... 22 n, 140 u, 153 IV, 25 V, 45 337 . vin, 215 . vin, 387 ii, 48 ii, 130 ii, 120 iv, 152 . which see. vii, 67 i, 15s i, 156 V, 59 V, 60 i, 36 i, 84 i, 172 i, 184 ii, 139 iii, 39 V, 45 i, 224 ii, 211 ii, 177 iv, 267 V, 223 V, 379 VI, 113 i, 37 i, 106 i, 174 ii, 70 ii, 140 V, 205 i, 179 V, 104 ii, 10 iv, 135 n, 213 ii, 3 ii, 47 ii, 74 iii, 20 ii, 162 ii, 165 ii, 170 ii, 190 ii, 211 iv, 268 iv, 269 V, 224 V, 104 V, 317 V, 380 1, 177 iii, 54 iii, 55 ii, 15 V, 370 ii, 51 338 Index to Records of the Council, PACKER, Thomas, Dr., Capt., Lt.-Col., Col.: company, warrant for levying fine on ii 56 inspection of . . ii 145 of committee on claims . . ii 69 ii, 155 ii, 156 iv , 15 I iv , 152 iv 153 impressment warrant issued by . ii 78 n , 80 ii 86 letter . ' . . ii, 96 judge of probate, complaint against ii 112 ii, 113 to relieve Oyster River . . n. 139 account of Indian track, Greenlanc . ii. 143 petition .... ii. 164 iv. 224 ordered to visit garrisons iii, I warrant to order out men . iii. 2 dismissed from offices . in. 3 accounts .... in. 40 iii, 49 iv, 251 V 83 V 108 V, 143 V, 168 V, 169 V 209 V, 327 V, 336 councUor .... iv, 201 iv. 20 3 iv. 206 iv. 207 V, 390 V, 391 V 392 V, 393 V, 394 V, 395 V, 396 V, 397 V, 398 V, 399 V, 400 V, 401 V, 403 V, 404 V, 405 debentures . . . v, 106 V, 137 V, 201 V, 209 V, 277 his house fortified as a garrison V, 148 V, IS I V, 160 V, 161 rents rooms to general court . V, 170 V, 172 receptions at his house, of Gen. Francis Nicholson V, 317 Gov. Eliseus Burgess V, 347 justice, Superior Court of Judicature V, 371 PACKER, Thomas (2d): appellee, Benjamin Rust v. . iv. 260 iv. 268 representative iv. 273 iv, 276 iv, 293 iv. 298 iv, 303 iv. 304 iv, 306 iv, 310 iv. 314 iv. 320 iv, 323 iv, 324 iv, 325 iv. 334 iv, 335 iv. 336 iv, 344 iv, 350 iv. 352 iv. 354 iv. 356 iv, 358 iv, 361 iv. 36; ! iv. 36s iv. 369 clerk in Jotham Odiorne v. Wm. Blair . , V, 50 sheriff, memorial on insufficiency of gaol . . vi. 76 estate of, act for suspending its sale for taxes viii. 192 will of, see Packer, Thomas (3d) : PACKER, Thomas (3d): petition and act for appeal from dec ree of judge of probate viii, 72 vUi, 106 viii. 118 his father's will . . see next above. petition, committee on . PACKER, Thomas, Jr. ; disabled soldier, account viu, 1 88 vui, 189 vin, 262 viu, 263 VIU, 113 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 339 PACKER, William: deposition in case of Salter and Mannery PACKER, William, Col., Hon. : Penacook settler ..... PACKERSFIELD : see also Monadnock No. 6 : inimical located in .... petition, committee on . town-meeting, act to alter time of . selectmen's account .... absentee's lands in, act to convey . representation ..... confiscated estate in, taxes on land in, act to confirm title to PAGE, Christopher: examinee, Hampton riot case . PAGE, Daniel: major, petition ..... PAGE, David, Col. . petition ...... justice of the peace ...... justice, transmits papers to general court representative ....... account, pay-roll . . . viii, 319 viii, 320 PAGE, Enoch, Capt. : company for Rhode Island, pay-roU justice. Court of Common Pleas account .... PAGE, Jeremiah : justice of the peace justice. Court of Common Pleas representative vii, 158 vm, 351 VI, 147 vm, 55 vu, 99 vii, 199 PAGE, Jesse, Capt. : pay-roll .... PAGE, Jonathan: petition .... to convey land, act for . PAGE, Moses, Ens. : depreciation note, indorsement on breveted lieutenant PAGE, Nathaniel: marshal, Suffolk . PAGE, Peter, Capt. : pay-roll .... PAGE, Samuel: major, 9th regiment of militia recruiting officer . vm, 379 vii, 224 vUi, 76 viii, 216 vm, 213 IV, 212 iv, 222 vii, 160 vii, 275 viii, 14 viii, 180 viii, 244 viii, 301 vin, 353 viU, 371 V, 122 vu, 209 viii, 82 viii, 96 vii, 200 viu, 316 viii, 389 viii, 3 viu, 354 viii, 485 vii, 24 vii, 24 viu, 67 vni, 59 viii, 1 1 1 vui, 114 viii, 253 vin, 432 i, 169 viu, 215 vii, 70 viu, 2 vni. 353 viii. 402 vii. 6 vii, 25 vii. 25 vm. 218 ii, 15 n, 33 n. 34 i, 140 i. 149 n, 181 ii. 182 340 Index to Records of the Council, PAGE, W. ; letter from, committee on .... . PAGE, William, Dr. : acting sheriff under pretended authority of Vermont, prisoner, account . . viU, 307 viU, 308 vin, 314 viii, 317 PAINE, Elisha [Pain]: justice, Superior Court of Judicature ..... register of probate ........ justice. Court of Common Pleas ... . . PAINE, John: account .......... vii, 187 PAINE, Samuel, Capt. . pay-roU ...... PAINE, Thomas: of Newcastle, sworn ...... petition ....... PALMER, Christopher [Palmar] : deposition relative to association paper, Exeter i, 139 petitionee, Hampton ...... PALMER, John: of Exeter, province rate against ...... i, 94 PALMER, Samuel: representative .,..,., iv, 274 iv, 283 iv, 303 iv, 313 iv, 333 iv, 336 iv, 348 PALMER, William: petitionee .......... vii, 225 PANUKKOG: see Malamake River: PAPER : manufacture of, encouraged ....... PAPER Bills : see also Paper Currency : Paper Money : of this state, exchanging for other money .... PAPER Currency : see also Paper Bills : Paper Money : proclamation relating to .... . counterfeiters of, prosecuted ....... depreciation of, act for settling ...... PAPER-MILLS : rags for, the saving of encouraged ...... PAPER-MONEY: see also Bills of Credit: loser of, re-imbursed ........ calling in, committee of the whole on . . . vii, 191 a tender, laws making it, repealed ...... not to be received in payment for confiscated estates burning ¦¦•..... PAPER-RAGS: see Paper-mills: PAPERS : seized from Deputy-secretary Redford ..... i, 205 iii, 26 Ui, 34 Vll, 250 viii. 61 vi. 2 vu. 238 vm, 282 viii. 44 vn. 41 vu. 240 viu. 274 Vlll, 282 viii. 454 i, 204 111, 35 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 341 5 ni. m. PAPERS : catalogue of . relating to secretary's office of council and assembly . i relating to John Mogoon's case and see Coffin, Peter. in Benj. Gatchel's case . from New York, committee on from Continental Congress received from justices Page and Little of political nature, seizure of • taken from schooner, Abigail . received from Vermont, voted no notice of burning, and discharging treasure of , relating to Vermont, committee on . • forwarded to Contl. Congress relative to pay of Col. Bedell's regiment . province, see Province Records. state ....... FARCHER, Elias: garrison soldier ..... PARDONS : of traitors ...... PARISH-CLERKS : to take and administer oaths, resolution for PARISHES: see Amesbury District. see Kingston. Amherst. Londonderry. Canterbury. Loudon. Chester. Newmarket. Grantham. North Hampton Greenland. North Hill. Hampton Falls. Plainfield. Hawke. Plains, The. Keenborough. Portsmouth. Kensington. Windham. tax precepts issued to ..¦.•• • boundaries, > ^^^ Boundaries. lines, ) officers ......... PARRISH Wardens: Portsmouth ...... • • PARK, Michael, Capt. : commander of the Black Cock, examinee PARKER, Benjamin: of Newcastle, sworn .... see next above. i, 207 7 V, 66 iii. 62 V, 295 vu. 119 vii. 153 vn. 199 vu. 232 . vm. S3 . viii. 284 . vin. 288 . vni, 309 . vm. 333 viii. 467 . which see. i. 177 1, 58 vii. 15 vn, 01 which see. . which see. i, 120 u, 15 vii. 23 vu. 187 42 vii. 43 vu. 56 8o vu. 82 vm. 99 113 vni. 314 vm, vii, viii, viii. 451 100 451 319 342 Index to Records of the Council, PARKER, John, Capt., (Portsmouth) : sheriff, conduct of, committee on . complaint against ..... vii, petitions, accounts .... vii, vui, 100 vui, 287 viii, 3 committee to secure rigging of the Prince George on treasurer's account . to convey lands, Wolfeborough, act for . PARKER, John, Jr.: presents plan of Piscataqua Harbor to General Court . . viii, 1 1 7 PARKER, Joseph: captain, company, petition ..... vii, 49 viii, 341 PARKER, Mary: petition . • vin, no PARKER, Matthew Stanley: justice of the peace ........ vin, 95 account . ...... vni, 164 PARKER, Obadiah: coroner ........ . vii, 24 PARKER, Oliver: petitions, liberated from gaol . viii, 69 inimical, bond ..... PARKER, Robert: master of schooner, account . commander of privateer, Portsmouth petition, permittee, bond PARKER, Stephen, Capt. : company, muster-roll permittee .... PARKER, Thomas: of Newcastle, sworn .... petition ... . . PARKER, William: petition ...... attorney for John Goffe, Jr. . clerk. Court of Commissioners Londonderry papers lent to committee to correct plan of government for the press justice, Superior Court of Judicature, petition committee to draft bills (acts) account ... PARKER, William, Dr. : receives medicines for the army petition .... PARKER, William, Jr.. paymaster .......... vii. vn. 89 vin, 414 vui. 417 vin. 443 vu. 159 vin. 94 viii, vu, vn. 390 34 140 vu. 195 vn,vii, viii, n. 196 239 115 IS ii , 33 ii, iv,iv,iv, iv, 34 305313 318357 ¦the press vii. 8 m • vu. 45 vii. 46 vii. 139 vii. 189 viii. 427 vii. 185 viii. 230 viii, vii. 427 191 viii. 185 vUi, 187 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 343 PARKER, William, Jr.: justice of the peace ..... register of probate ..... committee on amendment to maritime act to draft acts (bUls) account ...... PARKHURST, Noah: soldier, bounty to ..... PARLIAMENT : see also British Parliament : addresses before, on discovery of " The Assassination Plot" . i, 187 grant by, to colonies ........ i, 302 re-imburses province charges in expeditions against Canada and vi, 61 vi, 62 vu, 22 ¦ vii, 23 vn, 103 vu, 121 vii, 150 vU, 150 viii, 162 Louisburg acts of . laws of . . . PARRIS, , Mr. ; see Atkinson, Theodore : letter to John Thomlinson PARRY, Edward: petition and claim .... PARSLEY, Agnes alias Fletcher, Agnes : allotment by judge of probate confirmed to PARSLEY, Richard: assumes the maintenance of a fence PARSONAGE : in Swampscutt patent, exempt from taxation PARSONAGE Land: Barrington, act for exchange of PARSONAGE Lot: Antrim ..... PARSONS, Joseph, Capt: enlisting officer, pay-roll, account . viii, 8 viii, 9 viu, 18 PARSONS, Moses: account for fire-arms .... PARSONS, Thomas: justice of the peace ...... PARTRIDGE Island: ferries from, to Maine and to Great Island pest-house on ...... . PARTRIDGE, John: petition . i, 237 i, 238 ' n, 286 n, 287 ferriage rate established for . his house made a pest-house ..... PARTRIDGE, , Mr.: masting, protection ...... receipts for powder-money, etc. PARTRIDGE, Nehemiah: wife threatens rate collector which see. i, 264 vii, 180 V, 406 V, 407 V, 354 viii, 114 which see. vii, 211 vni, 53 vni, 322 vu, 17 vii, 23 ii, 288 V, 378 vi, 28 n, 288 iv, 181 . see next above. V, 378 n, 72 U, 142 1, 135 344 Index to Records of the Council, PARTRIDGE, Nehemiah: of Strawberry Bank PARTRIDGE, Oliver: petition for grant of township PARTRIDGE, Reuben: account PARTRIDGE, Richard: letter on removal of duty on lumber PARTRIDGE, William, Lt.-Gov.: commission and qualification i, 226 111, ni. 52 80 instructions to province treasurer receiver-generalpresent in opuncil 1, 237 n, 238 ii, 257 ii, 265 ii, 275 ii, 287 iU, 56 in, 64 iv, 198 V, 7 V, 12 V, V, V, V, V, V,V, 41 46 55 62 68 7482 1, 190 iii, 10 iU, 68 iv, 189 i, 205 i, 238 ii, 242 ii, 258 ii, 269 n, 279 u, 288 in, 58 iii, V, V,V, V, V, V, V, V, V, V, advice from England 65 I 8 13 42 47 56 63 69 75 84 1, 213 in, n iU, V, 69 1, 225 ii, 221 ii, 246 ii, 261 ii, 270 ii, 282 in, 52 iii, 60 iv, 192 V, 3 V, 9 V, V, V, V, V, V, V,V, 15 43 48 57 65 70 76 86 i, 164 vi, 58 viii, 290 V, 380 i, 221 i, 225 in, 13 in, 19 iii, 75 ui, 77 V, 54 V, 91 see next above. U, 185 iv, 185 . see next above. 1, 229 ii, 222 ii, 248 ii, 262 ii, 272 n, 283 iii, 53 ni, iv, V, V, V, V,V, V, V, V,V,V, 61 196 4 10 16 44 53 59 66 7177 87 1, 230 U, 225 ii, 253 n, 264 ii, 274 n, 284 iii, 55 Ui, 63 iv, 197 V, 6 II 20 45 5461 67 7279 letters from, tations letters to, — 1, 231 to Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plan- V, V, V, V, V, V, V, V, V, aa i, 234 1, 232 1, 250 V, 15 from Isaac Addington Sir Henry Ashurst Earl of Bellomont ..... John Bridger ...... Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations assumes the government . . . . bond for ship sailing for England .... petition, granted leave of absence . II \ which see. I 1, 242 i, 236 V, 27 i. 253 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 345 PARTRIDGE, William, Lt.-Gov.; chosen constable ....... thanksgiving proclamation by .... implicated in purchase of province . . ii, 273 signature to laws . . ... debenture ....... present to commander of the Centurion, repaid allegations against George Jaffrey . suspends George Jaffrey from council account ...... commission as lieutenant-governor determined councilor, ' ' dismissed " ... PARTRIDGE, William, Jr.. soldier impressed . ... account ... . . . . PASSES : seamen travelling without, liable to arrest required to pass the fort admiralty .... . . PASSPORT : French sloop-master's ...... PATENTEES : see also Patents : 11, 4 ii, 271 ii. 274 ii. 280 iv. 130 V, 43 V, 69 V, S8 V, 78 V, 79 V, 84 V, 215 V, 91 V, 91 V, 92 ii, 80 ii, 84 n. 243 ii, 246 u. 1 ii. 2 which see. V, 179 Hilton's Point, Laconia. for settling posts . PATENTS : see also Letters-patent : 1, 24 1, 31 1,i. 32 170 division of, into four towns, by Neale and ' iViggin . i. 24 to Ferdinando Gorges and John Mason . to Gorges, Mason, and associates . i. 31 i,i, i, 323334 seal to be affixed to V, 150 V, 152 V, 263 constituting a judge of the admiralty of lands west of Merrimack river . • V, vi. 355 4 HUton's Point Laconia -whicl see. PATMAN, Thomas: garrison soldier PATRICK, Samuel: i. 177 clerk of court, Hampshire PATTEN, Matthew: • • i. 169 committee to take sheriff's bond vn, 20 judge of probate . justice of the peace representative councUor vu, I 16 vn, vii. 44 117 vii,vU,vii, vii. 2424 219 118 vn, 119 vii, 120 vU, 121 vii. 122 vii. 124 vii, 125 vu, 126 vn, 130 vii. 141 vii. 148 vn, 152 vu, 153 vn, 158 vu. 162 vn. 165 346 Index to Records of the Council, •PATTEN, Matthew: councilor vii. 1 66 vii. 169 vn, 170 vn, 177 vu. 178 vii. i8o vu. 181 vn, 187 vii, 190 vii. 191 vn. 195 vu. 196 vii, 198 vu, 199 vu. 201 vii. 204 vu. 206 vn, 208 vu, 210 vu. 219 vii. 224 vii. 225 vu, 234 vu, 235 vii. 236 vU, 244 vu, 246 vu, 255 vn, 256 vii. 259 vii. 264 vii. 267 vii, 271 vu, 276 vii. 278 vu. 281 vii. 284 vii, 286 viii, 3 viu. 8 viii. 12 vni. 15 vni, 16 viii, 24 vui. 25 viii. 26 viii. 47 viU, 51 viu, 52 viu. 54 PATTEN, , Mr. : appearance for Souhegan East vi. 59 PATTERSON, Joseph: soldier, account viii. 46 PAUL, James: taxes of, motion respecting. and committee on viu. 447 PAUL, Moses: of Newcastle, sworn ii, IS PAWTUCKET : province west line referred to iv. 372 PAWTUCKET Falls: petitioners to king from . vi. 4 PAY- seeWAGKS: ¦DA\7A/fAC'T'XrT3(J PA YMAb I EKb : see Adams, Caleb Greenleaf. see Hale, Enoch. Ashley, Samuel. Hobart, Samuel. Bailey, Jacob. Kelley, Moses. Baker, Otis. KimbaU, Benjaihin. Baldwin, Nahum. Knowles, James. Bartlett, Thomas. Militia Officers. Bass, Joseph. Money. Bell, John. Moulton, Jonathan. Companies. Parker, WUliam, Jr. Continental Army. Pensioners .. Davis, Asa. PhUbrick, Samuel. Dudley, John. Robinson, Ephraim. Dudley, Samuel. Sherburne , Samuel. Emery, Noah, Jr. Stickney, ' rhomas. Evans, Stephen. Walker, Timothy, Jr. Gains, George. Webster, ' fohn. Gale, Jacob. Weeks, WUliam, Jr. Giddinge, EUphalet. Whipple, ' WUliam. Grout, Elijah. Worthen, Ezekiel. appointment of vu. 33 vu. 71 vu, 72 vii, 127 vu. 195 of the eastern department . . vU, 105 of the northern department vii. 105 New Hampshire, 163 1-1784. 347 PAYMASTERS : mUitia officers to be . orders in favor of bond given to treasurer of Col. Wyman's regiment, accusation against of invalid pensioners ..... PAY-ROLLS : see also Rolls : officers' half-pay ...... of soldiers, disabled . . . . officers, " ¦ . . . . PAYSON, Jonathan: petition, committee on . PEABODY, Nathaniel, Col.: representative of committee of safety committee on treasurer's accounts . assistant attorney-general .... adjutant-general of militia .... agent to prosecute counterfeiters commissioner to New Haven on business referred Congress . ...... state agent, account .... vii, 272 delegate to Continental Congress, account viii, 83 memorial, committee on . . . . , PEABODY, Stephen, Capt.: major, 2nd brigade, pay-roll, company of volunteers vii, 108 vii, in vn, 113 vii, 258 viii, 363 viii, 248 ¦ which see. vii, 273 vii, 278 Vll, 130 vn, 149 vii, 191 vn, 238 by Contl. vm, 40 viii, 109 vin, 353 1, 145 V, 62 lieutenant-colonel, regiment ....... viii, 80 viii, 83 vni, 86 petition for Dr. Robert Taggart ...... account, committee on . PEACE : see also Articles of Peace : attempts of Indians against ..... with Eastern Indians . . i, 160 iii, 84 between Mohawks and French ...... keeping the, act for ....... . between Queen Anne and the French king .... Great Britain and Spain . . . . v, 321 PEACOCK, John: account .......... PEACOCK, , Mrs.: smaU-pox at her house ........ PEARCE, Joshua : see also Pierce : ranger, impressed, petition . . . . . ii, 79 PEARNE, William and Mary: caveat lodged in probate court by viu, 408 viii, 66 vii, 197 vn, 204 vii, 220 viii, 469 vii, 262 vin, 469 vni, 429 vni, 414 vn, 48 vii, 262 vii, 265 viii, 87 viii, 86 viii, 161 i, 147 V, 317 n, 140 V, 96 V, 313 V, 322 iv, 339 vi, 28 ii, 225 vi, 166 vm. 201 vni, 335 viU, 346 viii, viii. 347 129 viii, 402 viii. 442 vm. 458 vm. 375 vm. 440 vin. 413 viu, vn. 421 267 t . vi. 57 vi. 58 vm. 42 vm. 94 vm. 66 VIU, no viii, 125 i. 159 348 Index to Records of the Council, PEARSE, Peter [Peirce] : to seU Treadwell lands, act for petition .... vni, 317 PEARSON, Joseph: deputy-secretary of council viii, 205 viii, 304 account, memorial .... PEARSON, Samuel [Peirson] • V. Jacob Shepard . PEASLEE, Amos [Peasley] . messenger, account PEASLEY, Joseph: petition for incorporation of Methuen District PEAVY, Joseph: petition . iv, 332 iv, 333 PECK, Richard: suspected counterfeiter, arrested petition . ... viii, 65 released from his bond ...... PEGYPSCUT : PEIRCE, , Capt. ; company .......... v, 343 PEIRCE, Daniel [Pierce] : councilor . . vi, 132 vi, 133 vi, 143 vi, 144 vi, 150 vi, 152 petition and act for him to convey land . PEIRCE, John: prisoner, petition ..... joint owner of lands .... and see Common Land. PEIRCE, Joseph : see also Pierce : recorder of deeds .... joint owner of lands and see Common Land. PEIRCE, Nehemiah: disabled soldier, half-pay PEIRCE, Samuel; petition, committee on . PELHAM : committee petition for lottery to build bridge . selectmen's petition .... fort . . . PEMAQUID : see also Fort Pemaquid : Capt. Everett's return from . garrison ... vi. 134 vi. 136 vi, 137 VI, 1 45 VI, 146 VI, 147 VI, 154 VI, 156 VI, 159 vm. 25 vm. 27 vm. 33 vn. 194 viii. 462 vUi, 467 viii, vii. 478 23 viii. 467 vin, vUi,viu, vii, vii,vii, which ii, ii. 478 90 233 42 162 257 ! see. 188 197 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 349 VIU, 29 U, 2IS vii, 122 vii, 267 vin, 371 viii, 44 VI, 24 PEMAQUID : see also Fort Pemaquid : Capt. Everett and company at ... . PEMBROKE [Pembrook] : lieutenant from ....... selectmen's account ...... petition, regimental assignment . . vU, 271 first mUitia company, regimental assignment . petition . . viu, 343 viii, 346 vui, 353 justice of the peace ........ viii, 392 PEMIGEWASSET [Pemidgwasset] : inland frontier, marching men to PEMIGEWASSET River: as northern limit of town grants truck-house near, desired by Indians lands on, Indians' claim to . . . grant of township on ... . PENACOOK [Penicook, Pennacook, Pennecook, Pennicook, Pennycook] : sagamores of, and fort at . . . settlement ...... settlers forewarned .... defence of ..... . PENACOOK Indians: designs against the province . PENHALLOW, John: of board of war ..... account, petition ..... V. Elisha Doane . > . . . proprietor of Middleton, petition . PENHALLOW, , Mrs. : VI, 2 vi, 9 vi JIC( 9 DOK, vi, 10 vi, 71 1, 159 iv. 221 iv, 222 see next above. vi, 30 n, 236 u, 237 u, 256 vn, 277 viii, 66 viii, 50 viii, 432 vUi, 447 viii, 449 vin. 463 petition to governor and council as Supreme Court of Probate PENHALLOW, Samuel [Penholow] : garrison soldier . . ii, 80 ii, 93 representative ..... province treasurer ..... V, 9 V, 74 v, 169 V, 173 V, 215 V, 217 V, 246 V, 247 V, 303 V, 341 V, 349 V, 350 speaker. House of Representatives councilor ...... iv, 202 iv, 203 iv, 215 iv, 224 V, 56 V, 59 V, 65 V, 66 n, 94 ii, 243 V, 140 V, 181 V, 229 V, 269 V, 344 V, 351 IV, 205 iv, 235 V, 61 V, 67 n, 95 ii, 238 ii, 253 V, 155 V, 212 V, 236 V, 279 V, 347 V, 359 iv, 129 iv, 210 V, 54 V, 62 V, 68 iv, 296 ii, 104 ii, 257 iv, 208 V, 167 V, 214 V, 238 V, 281 V, 348 V, 370 iv, 130 iv, 201 iv, 211 V, 55 V, 63 V, 69 w:z;>ro > MIT' ^•^ -.'^ -¦^ .."^ ."^ :^ .'' -"^ ."^ -"^ :? -"^ ."^ -"^ -"^ ^ ^ ^ :f ,"=i :^ ^ fi fififififi^ OJOjOJOJOJOJOJOJOJOJOJOJOJOJWWWWwtOMWlN)tOlOWWi-(i-(i-iMi-iKHi-iMi-,i_,i-,.-ih.t I-I "* tr* vo OOOO^ONOVoiOi+'OJOJ vo.?So3tOTOoi S)S° 2u^o % 1 — t < -< fi fi fi fi fi < fi fi fi fi fi fi < fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi < < < < < < < fifiSnSw §5°^On« fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fifififififififi)WWi-ii-,hHWi-ii-ii-ii-iwi-ii-(i-ii-i i-i vo oooovtM OnOnV^.(^4^0j w 11 O Ovo oo-Mm OnOi^^oj m i-i 11 ovOvo oo^vi ONONOn.£xj^oj Ki Ij Z, r-1 l^.o ~,^, OJ OONVl « ONOO,NO » ONOO-O^ O W O^VO M « O " ONMNO M.gM»~MM olS'^^^tM ONO.SvB(°'g^g=^ fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fififififii O OvO OOOOVI OnV^J^OJOj M « OnOvO CO~OV1 ONaNOi4^.StT, IO kj „ „ l^.r, ~,^, .f.v04^ OOM-J « ON".t.-a „NOVO "+.-J OOJ ON- wvq o oojviiSwo,2w-5^g'^Ut!^ S)»J: o>S»"w fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi < fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi < fififififi Wo, 00«o,^ Mo, OOMOJO, ON"Oi ^o2 StS^vJowiiivO N SnI^ OnS^^^ oXHO w n o(SO05O ¦^H W W n on New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 351 V, 397 V, 403 V, 7 V, 398 V, 404 V, 125 V, 167 V, 94 PENHALLOW, Samuel [Penholow] councilor . . . v, 396 V, 402 justice of the peace accounts ...... debentures ...... V, 143 V, 151 custodian of records and recorder petitionee .... complaint v. Field for assault committee to inspect fort stores on war stores settlement of Lamprey River commissary, Canada expedition letters to Lt.-Gov. Usher commissary-general .... justice, Superior Court of Judicature suspension from council and restoration . PENHALLOW, Samuel, (20.) : register of admiralty .... justice of the peace and of the quorum complaint against Col. David Gilman applies for payment of soldier's note and account justice. Court of Common Pleas postmaster, account .... PENNSYLVANIA [Pensilvania, Pensilvanya] : merchant brigantine of . vessels, admiralty passes for . government, king's letters to . grant of provisions Indian treaty commissioners . exports to .... . governor's address to Col. Nicholson prisoners taken by the enemy in PENNY, Henry [Penne, Penney, Pennie] : ' ' at the meeting of Mr. Joshua Moody, Newbury " . to answer before justices of the peace of Capt. Robt. Mason's troop . . i, I44 of Strawberry Bank .... secretary of council I, 207 i, 236 in, 12 iii, 23 ni, 31 in, 49 iv, 122 1, 223 n, iii, iu, iii, in, iv. 3 14 24 43 52 123 1, ni,iii,ni, in, iU, iv. 226 8 16 25 44 62 V, 399 V, 405 V, 351 V, 74 V, 85 V, 173 V, 98 V, 245 V, 273 V, 290 V, 320 vii, 62 1, 241 i, 252 i, 294 i, 148 1, 227 iii, 9 in, 1 8 in, 26 iii, 47 iv, 120 iv, 198 V, 401 V, 406 V, 369 V, 207 V, 115 V, 174 V, 99 V, 125 V, 142 V, 196 V, 280 V, 384 vi, 25 V, 274 V, 291 V, 364 V, 373 vn,vii,vn,vn,vu. 18 227263 73 vii, 167 i, 130 iii 234 V, 32 i, 296 i, 269 ii, 20 V, 241 viii, 364 i, 117 i, n8 i, 150 i, 164 i, 200 i, 234 iU, 1 1 iii, 21 iii, 28 iii, 48 iv, 121 V, 214 3S2 Index to Records of the Council, vm, 345 vm, viii, viii, viu, 372 viU, PENNY, Henry [Penne, Penney, Pennie] : notary-public ..... clerk of all courts .... iu, 29 in, 36 account . . . • . evidence in case of Capt. George Long . deputy-secretary of council . iv, 80 debenture ...... PENNYMAN, Adna, Capt. : depreciation note, indorsement on . PENOBSCOT: the Hampden lost there expedition against, soldiers' pay in PENOBSCOTS: see also Indians: rendezvous ...... PENSIONERS : see also Accounts : Petitions : list of, striking from the invalid, paymaster of . . enroUment of . how paid ..... PENSIONS : to disabled soldiers ....... PEPPEREL, Andrew: sloop appraiser ¦ . . . ... PEPPERELL, , Mr. : deserters to report to his house . . . . v, PEPPERELL, Sir William, Bt., Lt.-Col., Col., Gen., Lt letter to Gov. Benning Wentworth on James Stilson's vessel performing quarantine from camp before Louisburg . on attack on garrison at St. Georges express to, with letters and reports of Indians' designs produces certified copy of a lost act PEPPERELL, William: complaint and petition ....... PERJURY : act concerning ... .... PERKINS, : his sloop anchored at Newcastle ..... PERKINS, Abraham: petition ..... ¦ . . . PERKINS, Abraham, Capt. . account, pay-roll .... . vii, PERKINS, Ebenezer: assault on provost marshal ¦ . . . i, PERKINS, Francis: testimony concerning David Hamilton, pauper i, 200 ni. 26 ni. 31 i, 207 ii. 2 111, 25 V, 6 V, 7 V, 63 n, 128 iii. 48 ni, ii. 62 138 iv, 82 iv, 86 iv, V, vni. 8883 253 viii. 106 viii. 186 vUi, 124 viii, 160 407363 363 376 199 -Gen 132138 1, 275 viii, 418 vin, 365 vUi, 365 vin, 379 viii, 67 V, 188 V, 200 i, 261 vi, 13 vi, 17 vi, no V, 357 vi, 68 iv, 145 U, 225 V, 192 i- S3 vn, 134 i, 141 u, 276 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 353 i, 138 i, 138 1, 53 i, 141 i, 94 vii, 159 vin, 13 i, 141 PERKINS, Isaiah: petition ...... PERKINS, Jacob: assault on provost marshal . . . • . PERKINS, James: of Exeter, province rate against .... PERKINS, Jonathan, Sergt. : offers men to be mustered ..... ensign ........ PERKINS, Joseph: assault on provost marshal ..... PERMIT, Hannah [Permitt] : account, petition ....... in, 48 iii, 50 iii, 62 PERMITS : see also Permittees : Naval Officers : sailing ......... in, I V, 230 vu, 129 vU, 134 vii, 140 vii, 143 vii, 158 vii, 189 vii, 196 vU, 236 vu, 241 vii, 278 viii, 44 vui, 63 vin, 67 vni, 68 viu, 72 vni, 84 viii, 120 vui, 123 viii, 159 viii, 181 viii, 190 viii, 201 by Lieutenant-governor i, 207 iii, 36 in. 64 iii. 85 u. 5 ii, 166 vii. 131 vii. 132 vn. 144 vii. 157 vii, , 209 vn. 211 ' ' see next above. to ship-masters PERMITTEES : see also Permits : see Brown, Moses, Lt. Cutts, Samuel. Davis, Eleazer. ElviU, ; Capt. Friend's Adventure. Gardner, Freeman. General Arnold. Gerrish, Samuel. GUman, Nicholas. Hammond, Jedidiah. Harrington, Thomas. Longfellow, Nathan. McClintock, William. Newcastle (sloop). Nichols, Alexander. bonds ..... PERO :mulatto servant, witness in case of anonymous letters to Jotham Odiorne vi, 49 vi, 50 PERRY : distillation of, act to prevent . .... vu, 229 23 see Parker, Robert. Parker, Stephen. Plummer, Bedfield. Portsmouth. Renslayer, Henry John. Robinson. Samuel. Schooners.Sheafe, Jacob, Jr. Ship-masters. Ship-owners. Sinclair, Nathaniel. Smith, Jabez. Thompson, Nathaniel. Venus. Wallace, Joseph. vii, 129 vii, 196 354 Index to Records of the Council, vu, 273 vm. 131 vni, 75 viii. 167 vni. 473 ' i. S6 i. 273 vi. 165 PERRY, David: grantee of land, FitzwUliam . PERRY, Michael: to receipt for powder .... • ¦ PERRY, Sarah: petition and act for her to convey land . . viii, 43 PERRYSTOWN : town-meeting , ¦ • petition .... viii, 457 incorporation of, act for . • . • PERSIA : seas of, piracy in .... . ¦ • PERSONAL Estates: sale of, at vendue .... . . of Gov. John Wentworth, auction of vin, 74 taken by execution, act for appraising PERU: dollar, value regulated . PESSEQUEENT : leader of Norridgewock ttibe . PEST-HOUSES : attending physicians to give bonds . and see Anthony's Island : Partridge's Island : Ward's Island, Portsmouth. PEST-HOUSE ISLAND: infected vessel ordered to . . . resorting to, for inoculation forbidden, penalty order of governor and council concerning PETERBOROUGH : petitions of and for ... town-meeting, act to alter time of lands in, act for sale of . PETERBOROUGH Slip: petition, representation . ... PETERSON, Willet: mortgageor, petition and act for him to redeem land PETITIONEES : see Petitions : PETITIONS : see also Complaints : Memorials : see Abbett, John. see Adams, Sarah. Abbott, Jacob. Aiken, Andrew. Abbott, Samuel. Aiken, James. Ackerman, Stephen. Alden, Thomas. Acworth. " Alexander, Elias. Adams, Ephraim Alexandria, Adams, Hugh. Alexandria, Addition Adams, Josiah Alien, James. Adams, Nathanie Allen, Samuel. vm. 43 ii. 7 viu. 50 vin. 162 vin. 481 viii. 484 i, 188 VI, 131 vi, 156 vi, 161 vi. 162 vii, 279 viii, 444 vii, 279 vni. 4 viii. 442 vUi, 474 vii, 259 vii, 265 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 355 PETITIONS : see also Complaints : j«« Alstead : selectmen. Alvord, Stephen. Amazeen, John. Ames, Joseph. Amesbury District. Amherst.Andrews, Oliver. Antrim. Appleton, William. Apthorp.Archer, Benjamin. Archibald, Robert. Ardell, William. Armour, Gain. Army Officers. Ashley, Oliver. Ashley, Samuel. Atherton, Joshua. Atkinson, George. Atkinson, Theodore. Atkinson, Theodore, Col. Attorney-general. Avery, Jonathan. Ayer, William. Ayers, John. Babcock, Adams. Bachelder, Nathaniel. Bacon, Retire. Badger, Joseph. Bailey, Jacob. Bailey, James. Baker, Christian. Barker, Enoch. Barker, John. Barnett, Robert. Barrett, Joseph. Barrington: committee. Barter, Elizabeth. Bartlett, Joseph. Barton, Stephen. Batchelder, Breed. Batchelder, Joanna. Baxter, Simon. Baxter, William. Bayley, Samuel. Bean, Enoch. Memorials : see Bean, Jeremiah. Bedford. Beede, Daniel. Beele, Edward. Belding, Moses. BeU, James. BeU, John. Bell, Shadrach. Bellows, Benjamin. Bellows, John. Bickford, Lemuel. Bingham, Nathaniel. Bissell, John. Blaisdell, John. Blanchard, Jotham. Blazo, John. Blodgett, Elijah. Blodgett, Samuel. Blodgett, Seth. Blood, Francis. Blunt, John. Booth, James. Boyce, Robert. Boyd, George. Bracket, Joshua. Bradbury, Sarah. Bradford, Matthew. Bradford, Samuel. Brattle, William. Brewster, Nero. Bridger, John. Britton, Mary. Brooks, John. Brown, Bryant. Brown, Daniel. Brown, Isaac. Brown, John. Bryant, John. Burbank, Moses. Burnam, Robert. Burroughs, John. Burroughs, John, Jr. Burt, Joseph. Butcher, Samuel. Butler, Benjamin. Butler, Elizabeth. 3S6 Index to Records of the Council, PETITIONS : see also Complaints : see Butler, Henry. CaldweU, James. Caldwell, Stephen. Call, David. Camden.CampbeU, Duncan. Campton. Canaan. Canadian Prisoners. Canterbury.Cardigan. Carpenter, EUphalet. Carr, James. Carr, Moses. Carr, Samuel. Casowah, James. Chadwick, Edmund. Chamberlain, Isaac. Chamberlain, Job. Chamberlain, Samuel. Chamberlain, Thomas. Chamberlain, William. Charlestown. Chase, Enoch. Chase, Jonathan. Chase, Moses. Chase, Samuel. Chesley, Joseph. Chester. Cheswill, Wentworth. Chichester.Christy, Jesse. Church, John. Cilley, Jonathan. Claggett, Wyseman. Clapp, Supply. Claremont. Clark, John. Clark, Samuel. Clark, Thomas. Clarkson, James. Clayes, Abigail. Clement, Nathaniel. Clements, Abraham. Cleverly, Stephen. Clifford, John. Memorials : see Clough, Abner, Clough, Hannah. Coasters. Cobbett, Thomas. Cochran, James. Cochran, James, 3d. Cochran, Mary. Cockermouth.Coffin, Elizabeth. Coffin, John. Coffin, Peter. Coffin, Stephen. Colbath, Downing. Colburn, Amos. Colburn, Andrew. Colby, John. Colman, . Collins, Daniel. Collins, Henry. Colony.Comfort, Samuel. Committee of Safety. Committee of the Whole. Concord. Concord, alias Gunthwait. Connecticut River. Continental Congress. Continental Soldiers. Converse, Josiah. Conway.Cook, Elisha. Copp, David. Cornish.Council.CouncUors. Co.x, Moses. Craige, David. Cram, John. Crane, John. Cross, Benjamin. Cross, John. Cross, Ralph. Crowder, John. Croydon. Cummings, Benjamin. Cushing, John. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 357 PETITIONS : see also Complaints : see Cutler, Richard. Dakin, Amos. Dalton, Tristram. Dam, John. Dame, Theophilus. Dana, William. Dane, Abigail. Daniels, Eliphalet. Daniels, William. Davenport, Joseph. , Davis, Eleazer. Davis, Jesse. Davis, Rebecca. Day, John : heirs. Day, Samuel. Dearborn, Godfrey. Dearborn, Henry. Dearborn, John. Dearborn, Joseph. Dearborn, Mary. Dearborn, Samuel. Dearborn, Simeon. Dearborn, Simon. Deerfield : selectmen. Deering.Delatour, Monsieur. Demeritt, Jonathan. Dolbear, John. Dorchester.Dover.Dover : Quakers. Dow, Abraham. Dow, Henry. Drew, Joseph. Drowne, John. Drury, Ebenezer. Drury, Zedekiah. Dudley, Nicholas. Dunbarton. Duncan, David. Duncan, George. Duncan, John. Dutch, Samuel. Dutton, John. Duxbury.Dwight, Timothy. Memorials : see Eames, Joseph. Eason, Robert. East Kingston : selectmen. Eastwick, Pheasant. Eaton, John. Eddy, Ward and Rebecca. Edgerly, Thomas. Elliot, Anne. Elliott, WiUiam. Ellis, Joseph. EUis, WUliam. Elwell, Elias. Elwell, Ezra. Elwell, Joseph. Emerson: executor's. Emerson, Jonathan. Emerson, Mary. Emerson, Samuel. Emery, John. Emery, Noah. Emms, Richatd. Enfield. Epping: selectmen. Erskine, William. Evans, Benjamin. Evans, Stephen. Everett, John. Executors, Exeter. Fabens, Elizabeth. Fairfield, Elijah. Fairs.Fairservice, Elizabeth. Fenicks, John. Fernald, Margery. Ferries.Fifield, WiUiam. Fisher, Ichabod. Fishersfield : selectmen. Flagg, Ebenezer. Flood, John. Flood, Joseph. Folsom, Asa. Folsom, Jeremiah. Folsom, Nathaniel. Folsom, Samuel. 358 Index to Records of the Council, PETITIONS : see also Complaints : see Forbes, WiUiam. Foster, Abiel. Foster, Daniel. Fowle, Daniel. Fowle, Zachariah. Fowler, Jacob. Fowler, PhiUp. Frazier, John. Freeborn, Gideon. Freeman, Edmund. Freeman, Russell. French, Anne. French, Olive. Frost, George. Frost, Joseph. Fryar, Nathaniel. Fryar, Nathaniel, Jr. FuUer, WiUiam. Furber, WUliam. Furbush, William. Gage, Abner. Gage, John. Gains, George. Gardner, Freeman. Garfield, Nathaniel. Garrway, Benjamin. Gates, Mary. Gates, Thomas. Geer, Shubael. . George, Thomas George, William. Gerrish, Henry. Gerrish, John. Gerrish, Paul. Giddinge, Eliphalet. Gilbert, Daniel. Gilchrist, Alexander. Giles, Benjamin. Gill, John. GUman, Andrew. Gilman, , Col. Gilman, Jeremiah. Gilman, John. Gilman, John, Maj. Gilman, Nicholas. Gilman, Peter. Memorials : j-«« Gilmanton : committee. Glidden, Jonathan. Goff, John. Goff, John, Jr. Goffe, John, Maj. Goffstown. Gooch, James. Gooch, WiUiam. Goodale, Ezekiel. Gordon, Nicholas. Gordon, Temperance. Gordon, WiUiam. Gore : selectmen. Gould, James. Goulding, Palmer. Gove, John. Grafton. Grafton County. Grandy, John, Jr. Graves, Samuel. Graves, William. Great Island. Greeley, Ezekiel. Greeley, Joseph. Green, Ebenezer. Green, Francis. Green. Rebecca. Green, Richard. Greenland. Greenland: selectmen. Gregg, David. Gregg, John. Griffin, Ebenezer. Griffin, Eliphalet. Griffith, John. Guns. Hadley, John. Hadley, Moses. Halburt, John. Hale, Abigail. Hale, Enoch. Hale, John. Hale, Jonathan. Hale, Samuel. Halfpenny, John. HaU, Margaret. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 359 PETITIONS : see also Complai.xts : see HaU, Thomas. Ham, John. Ham, Moses. Haman, John. HamUton, David. Hamilton, Gabriel. Hampton. Hampton FaUs. Hanover.Hanson, Peter. Harris, Ebenezer. Harris, George. Hart, George. Hart, Josiah. Hart, Richard. Hart, Samuel. Harvey, EUzabeth. Harvey, John. Haven, Samuel. HaverhiU District. Hawke. Hazeltine, John. Hazeltine, Nathaniel. Hazeltine, William. Head, Arthur. Head, James. Head-money.Heath, Benjamin. Hedges, SUas. Hewes, Robert. Heywood, Eleazer. Hickey, James. HiU, Nathaniel. HiU, WUliam. HiUs, Moses. Hillsborough. Hillsborough County. Hilton, Joseph. Hilton, Richard. HUton, WiUiam. HUton's Point. Hinckes, John. Hincks, Samuel. Hinsdale.Hinsdale, Ebenezer. Hobart, David. Memorials : see Hobart, Samuel. Hobbs, Morris. Hoit, John. Holbrook, John. Holland, Elizabeth. Holland, Jane. HoUand, Thomas. HoUis.Holmes, Lemuel. Hooper, Stephen. Hopkins, Robert. House, John. House of Representatives. Houston, James. Hovey, Nathaniel. Howe, Thomas. Hubbard, Ann. Hubbard, Elias. Hubbard, John. Hubbard, Leverett. Hughes, Clement. Hunt, Charles. Huntoon, Joseph. Hurd, John. Huske, Ellis. Hussey, Christopher. Hutchins, Gordon. Hutchins, Nathaniel. Hutchinson, Thomas. Hutson, John. Indians. Jackson, Clement. Jackson, Hall. Jaffrey, James. James, AbigaU. Jenness, Joseph. Jenness, Richard. Jenness, Samuel. Jennings, Francis. Johnson, David. Johnson, James. Johnson, Jesse. Johnson, John. Johnson, WiUiam Samuel. Johnston, Johnston, Charles. 360 Index to Records of the Council, PETITIONS : see also Complaints : see Jones, Jehu. Jones, John. Jones, John Paul. Jones, Joseph. Jones, Josiah. Jones, Thomas. Jones, Timothy. Jones, William. Jordan, Robert. Jose, Richard. Judkins, John. Keenborough : selectmen. Keene. Kelley, Joseph. Kenny, John. Kensington : selectmen. Kezer, George. King, George. Kingsbury, Daniel. Kingston. Ladd, Eliphalet. Ladd, Nathaniel. Ladd, Simeon. Lamprey, . Lancey, Sarah. Lander, John. Lane, Thomas. Lang, Natt. Lang, WUliaiji. Langdon, Tobias. Langdon, Woodbury. Langham, Thomas. Langmaid, Margaret. Lawrence, Abraham. Lawrence, WUUam. Leach, James. Leach, James, Senr. Leach, John. Leathers, Robert. Leavitt, Jonathan. Leavitt, Stephen. Leavitt, Thomas. Leavitt, Timothy. Leavittstown.Lebanon.Lee, WUUam. Memorials : see Leglise, Mons. Dominique. Legroe, Peter. Leigh, Joseph. Leighton, Tobias. Lempster : selectmen. Leslie, Alexander. Lewis, Elizabeth. Lewis, John. Libbe, Abraham. Liquors. Litchfield.Little, Margaret. Little, Sarah. Little, Stephen. Livermore, Matthew. Livermore, Samuel. Livingston, John. Lloyd, Thomas. Lock, Francis. Lock, Joseph. Londonderry.Long, George. Long, John. Lotteries. Loverin, Ebenezer. Lubberland. Lutwyche, Sarah. Lyford, Thomas. Lyman: selectmen. Lyman, Phineas. Lyme.Lyndeborough. McAlpine, Donald. ' J^qCUntock, John. McDonald, John. McDonnell, Patrick. McGregore, James. McGregore, Robert. McKeen, Bernard. McKeen, James. Macklin, Robert. McMasters, James. McMillan, Archibald. McMurphy, . McMurphy, Daniel. McMurphy, John. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 361 PETITIONS : see also COMPLAINTS : see Macress, Mary. Manfield, William. Marden, John. Margery, Jonathan. Marion, John. Marlow.Marsh, Zebulon. Marshall, Andrew. Marshall, Thomas. Marston, Abraham. Marston, Thomas. Martin, Richard. Martin, Thomas. Martin, WiUiam. Mason, Robert. Massachusetts: townS. Masting, Thomas. Masts.Mather, John N. Mathes, Francis. Mathews, Benjamin. Matross Companies. Matross Officers. Maundy, Richard. Mayhew, Peter. Meader, John. MeUen, John. Meredith . Merrill, Abraham. Merrill, John. Meserve, , Mrs. Meserve, Nathaniel. Messuage.Methuen District. Middleton : proprietors. Militia Officers. Miller, Heber. MiUer, Samuel. MUIet, Thomas. Mills, Richard. Minot, Jonas. Mitchell, Isaac. Mitchell, John. Mogoon, John. Monadnock No. 2. Monadnock No. 4. Memorials : j^^ Monadnock' No. 6. Monson. Moody, Josiah. Mooney, Hercules. Moore, Daniel. Moore, Elkins. Moore, John. Moore, Robert. Moore, WUliam. Morey, Israel. Morrill, James. Morrill, William. Morris, William. Morrison, John. Morrison, Samuel. Moulton, Jonathan. Moulton, Josiah. Moulton, WUliam. Moultonborough. Mounteas, James. Mussey, John. Neal, John. Negro Slaves. Nesmith, John. Nesmith, Thomas. Nevers, Phineas. Nevieau, Peter. New Breton. Newcastle. New Chester. Newcomb, Daniel. New Durham Gore. N. H. Battalion Officers. New Holderness. Newington. New Ipswich : selectmen. Newman, Henry. Newman, Thomas. Newmarket. Newmarket Bridge. Newport: selectmen. Nichols, Moses. Norris, Jonathan. Northern Army. Northfield, Mass. North Hampton. 362 Index to Records of the Council, PETITIONS : see also Complaints : see North HUl. Northumberland . Nottingham.Nottingham West. Noyes, Oliver. Odlin, Abigail. Officers.Oliver, Andrew. Ordway, Nathan. Orr, John. Oshaw, Daniel. Oshea, Daniel. Oyster River. Packer, Thomas. Packer, Thomas (3rd). Packersfield.Page, Daniel. Page, David. Page, Jonathan. Paine, Thomas. Parish Wardens. Parker, John. Parker, Joseph. Parker, Mary. Parker, Oliver. Parker, Robert. Parker, Thomas. Parker, William. Parker, WiUiam, Dr. Parry, Edward. Partridge John. Partridge, Oliver. Partridge, WiUiam. Pawtucket Falls. Payson, Jonathan. Peabody, Stephen. Pearce, Joseph. Pearse, Peter. Peasley, Joseph. Peavy, Joseph. Peck, Richard. Peirce, Daniel. Peirce, John. Peirce, Samuel. Pelham. Pembroke. Memorials : see Pembroke: company. Penhallow, John. Penhallow, , Mrs. Pepperell, Sir WUliam. Perkins, Abraham. Perkins, Isaiah. Permit, Hannah. Perry, Sarah. Perrystown.Peterborough.Peterborough Slip. Peterson, Willet. Pettingill, Abigail. Phelps, Davenport. Philbrick, Joseph. Philbrick, Samuel. Phillips, James. Phipps, Thomas. Pickering, Dorothy. Pickering, John. Pickering, Winthrop. Piermont. Pindar, John. Pinkham, Otis. Pitman, Nathaniel. Plains, The. Plaisted, Dame Sarah. Plaistow : selectmen. PoUard, Barton. Pomeroy, Eleazer. Pomroy, Benjamin. Poor, Edward. Poor, Enoch. Poor, Martha. Poplin. Porter, Asa. Portsmouth . Post-office. Pottle, Samuel. Powers, . Powers, Stephen. Prebble, Abraham. Presbyterians.Prescott, John. Preston, Sarah. Prices. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 363 PETITIONS : see also Complaints : see Prichard, Jeremiah. Prisoners. Protectworth . Quakers. Raby.Rand, Samuel. Rand, Thomas. RandaU, Edward. RandaU, Jacob. Randall, Joseph. Raymond, John. Read, Joseph. Read, Thomas. Redman, John. Redman, Sarah. Reed, James. Reed, James, Brig. Gen. Referees. Relhan.Remick, Susanna. Renslayer, Henry John. Representatives . Richards, Thomas. Richardson, James. Richardson, Luther. Richardson, Richard. Richmond : Quakers. Rindge.Rindge, John. Robb, John. Robbe, William. Robertson, James. Robertson, Peter. Robinson, Ephraim. Robinson, John. Robinson, Mary. Roby, Henry. Roby, Samuel. Roby, Sarah. Rochester.Rogers, Elizabeth. Rogers, Nathaniel. Rolfe, Benjamin. Ross, John. Ross, Sarah. Rowe, Robert. Memorials : see Rumford. Rundlett, James. Runnels, Eunice. Rust, Benjamin. Sagamore Creek. Salter, John. Salter, Titus. Sanborn, . Sanborn, Josiah. Sandwich. Sandy Beach. Sanger, Jedidiah. Sanger, Phineas. Sanswood, James. Sargent, William. Saville: proprietors. Sawyer, Abner. Sawyer, Ephraim. Sawyer, John. Sawyer, Samuel. Scammell, Alexander. Scott, Alexander. Scott, Elizabeth. Scott, William. Scotton, Richard. Searls, Jonathan. Seavey, James. Seavey, Samuel. Seavey, Thomas. ' Seaward, Lucy. Shannon, Richard Cutts. Sheafe, Jacob, Jr. Sheffield, Joseph. Shepard, Jonathan. Shepard, Thomas. Shephard, Nathaniel. Sherburne, Henry, Jr. Sherburne, Jacob. Sherburne, Love. Sheriffs.Sherman, Richard. Ship-masters. Simes, Ann. Simonds, James. Simpson, William. Sinclair, Nathaniel, 364 Index to Records of, the Council, PETITIONS : see also Complaints : Memorials : see Sleeper, Thomas. Smart, EUzabeth. Smith, Aaron. Smith, Asahel. Smith, Jabez. Smith, John. Smith, Joseph. Smith, Robert (Hampton). Smith, Robert (Londonderry). Smith, Samuel. Smith, Wadleigh. Smith, William. Society Land. Soldiers. South Hampton. Spafford, Tyler. Sparhawk, Thomas. Spaulding, WiUiam. Spooner, William. Staniford, WiUiam. Stanyan, Anthony. Stanyan, John. Stark, Caleb. Stark, John. Stearns, John. Stevens, Isaac. Stevens, Joseph. Stevens, Martha. Stevens, Phineas. Stevens, Samuel. Stewart, Alexander. Stickney, Thomas. Stileman. Richard. StUes, Jeremiah. Stinson, John. Stoddard. Stoddard, Sampson. Stone, Eliphalet. Stone, Waldron. Storer, Ebenezer. Stratford. Stratham.Stratton, WiUiam. Strickland, John. Subaltern Officers. Suel, Rachel. see SuUivan, John. Sumner, Benjamin. Superior Court of Judicature. Surry. Swain, John. Swallow, John. Swamscott. Swanzey : selectmen. Swett, Benjamin. Swett, Enoch. Swett, Jonathan. Symes, William. Symes, William, Col. Taggart, James. Taggart, Robert. Tallant, Hugh. Tamworth: selectmen. TarbuU, Reuben. Tarlton, Richard. Taverns.Taylor, Anthony. Taylor, John. Taylor, Joseph. Taylor, Thomas. Temple. Temple, Elijah. Thomas, Elisha. Thomas, Mary. Thomas, Sarah. Thompson, James. Thompson, Samuel. Thornton. Thornton, Matthew. Thornton, Matthew, Col. Tibbetts, Ebenezer. Tibbetts, Thomas. Timber. Toles, . Tolford, Joshua. Tomlinson, Agur. Towns. Townsend, George. Townships.Tozer, Peter. Tracey, Nathaniel. Traill, Mary. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 365 PETITIONS : see also Complaints : see Treadwell, William Earl. Trefethen, Foster. Trefethen, Henry. Tripe, Thomas. Trott, Samuel. Trussell, Moses. Tuck, Edward. Tuck, John. Tucker, Francis. Tuttle, John. Upper Coos. Usher, John. Varney, Peter. Vaughan, William. Vicory, Mary. Vincent, John. Wadleigh, Jonathan. Wainwright, Francis. Wainwright, Francis (2d). Waldo, Edward. Waldo, Samuel. Waldron, Richard. Walford, Jeremiah. Walford, Stephen. Walker, Walker, John. Wallace, George. Wallace, Thomas. Wallace, WiUiam. WaUingford, Elizabeth. WaUingford, Thomas. WaUis, WiUiam. Walpole.Walton, George. Walton, George, Jr. Walton, Shadrach. Wardner, Jacob. Warner, Daniel. Warner, Jonathan. Warren, Isaac. Washington.Watson, Isaac. Weare, Daniel. Weare, Meshech. Weare, Nathaniel. Webster, David. Memorials : see Weeks, Joshua^ Weeks, Samuel.. Weeks, WiUiam. Welch, Charity, Wellman, Reuben. Wells, Seth. Wendell, John. Wentworth, Eliza. Wentworth, George. Wentworth, John. Wentworth, John, Jr. Wentworth, Jonathan. Wentworth, Joshua. Wentworth, Mark Hunking, Wentworth, Samuel. West, John. Westmoreland.Wheaton, Joseph. Wheelock, Eleazer, Wheelock, Ralph. Whipple, Joseph. Whipple, Oliver. "-Whipple, Robert. Whitaker, Nathaniel. Whitcomb, Benjamin, Whitcomb, Elisha. Whitcomb, Jonathan, White, Robert. White, Samuel. Whiting, Jonas. Whiting, Leonard. Whittemore, Hannah, Wibird, Elizabeth. Wiggin, Andrew. Wilkins, Daniel. Willard, Josiah. Williams, Mary. Williams, WiUiam. Willson, Lucy. Wilson, Humphrey, Wilson, Samuel. WiUon. Winchester : selectmen^ Windhapi. Wingate, Joshua. Winkley, Samuel. 366 Index to Records of the Council, 389 PETITIONS : see also Complaints : Memorials : see Wolfeborough. see Wright, Oliver. Woodman, John. Wright, Uriah. Woodward, Bezaleel. Young, John. for exemption from head money . ... against "the constituting of courts" by the governor fees for, paid secretary ..... tojthe king . . v, heard before both houses against the high prices ... field officers of Col. John Hale's regiment . of captors of flour ship ....... to Gen. Washington for the appointment of Gen. Sullivan to command of northern army . . . . PETTINGILL, Abigail; petition . . ..... viii, 175 PEVERLEY, John: of Strawberry Bank . . . . PEVERLY, Joseph: justice of the peace . . vi, 152 account .... . . vii, 149 PHANCY : ship, see Charles II. PHELPS, D.: letter from, committee on ... PHELPS, Davenport: petition ... . . . justice of the peace . . .... PHELPS, Martin, Dr.: accounts .... viii, 212 vui, 213 viu, 291 PHILADELPHIA: brigantine, Robert Hodg, master ...... Continental Congress at, agent sent to convention of commissioners at . . . drafts on, in favor of delegates to Contl. Congress secretary of war at .... . PHILBRICK, Joseph: petition . . . vii, 162 compensated for money burned in his house PHILBRICK, Samuel, Maj.: muster-master and paymaster account, express to Boston . representativeof committee on claims wagon-master, account vii, 173 vii, 176 petition ... vn, 123 vu, 201 vu, 205 vn, 132 vu, 177 vU, 179 53 131 165 V, 390 vii, 10 vii, 36 vii, 5 1 vii, 129 vii, 182 viii. 262 i. 164 vii. 26 viii. 451 vm. 353 viii. 89 viii. 445 vni. 404 i. 130 vii. 124 viU, 118 vUi, 173 viii. 472 vii. 212 vii. 205 vii. 71 vii. 120 vii. 190 vii. 145 vii. 274 viii. 406 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 367 PHILBRICK, Thomas [Fillbrick, uck] : deposition relating to assault on Thos. Thurton representative ..... PHILBROOK, Thomas, Jr.: grantee, Kingston ...... PHILBROOKE, -: constable . . ..... PHILBROOKE, James: committee to run province line PHILLIPS, Benjamin: disabled soldier, doctor's bill paid . PHILLIPS Exeter Academy: incorporation of, act for . . . . its lands in Sandwich, taxation of . PHILLIPS, James [Phillipps] : soldiei", petition . . ii, 242 ii, 283 account .... ii, 242 iii, 16 In Forma Pauperis v. John Hinckes sentinel at Fort WiUiam and Mary, wages PHILLIPS, William: captive returned, examination of . PHILPOT, Ja-MES: of Newcastle, sworn ...... boatswain of the Bonetta Pinck PHIPPS, , Mr.: attorney-general ...... PHIPPS, Sir William, Gov., (Mass.): letters from, 1, 102 iv. 141 n. 74 V, 139 to Lt.-Gov. John Usher ii, letters to, 38 11,139 1', 14° from Lt.-Gov. Usher the council at Great Island .... declares himself Vice Admiral notified of council meeting . drawing his men out of this province assistance to New Hampshire protecting persons in masting application to, for men and supplies express to, desiring assistance, denial mentioned in Gov. Saml. Allen's commission PHIPPS, Spencer, Lt.-Gov., (Mass.) : letters to, from Capt. Israel Williams Gov. CornwaUis ¦ vm, 13 viii, 248 vui, 435 viii, 419 viii, 428 V, io6 V, 118 V, 129 V, 130 . see next above. V, 157 V, 339 n, 15 V, 371 iv. 203 iv, 228 ii, 29 n. 157 \ iv, 161 which see. ii, 43 ii, 45 see next above. ii, 44 u. 51 ii, 54 ii. 54 in, 28 ii, 72 u. 149 n, 151 ii, 139 iv. 75 iv, 390 i, 265 vi, 60 368 Index to Records of the Council, PHIPPS, Spencer, Lt.-Gov., [Mass.] • lexiers irom, to Gov. Benning Wentworth . . . i 296 vi, 19 vi , 20 VI , 98 vi 104 PHIPPS, Thomas, Capt. : petition for Jeremiah Walford . iv, 254 Lemuel Bickford . iv. 297 Portsmouth . . . V, 384 bondsman for Col. Plaisted . iv, 263 justice of the peace, petitionee V, 125 committee to survey Portsmouth fence V, 143 muster-roll of Portsmouth men paid to . V, 173 selectman, Portsmouth . - V, 230 company, scouting, etc. . V 234 v , 343 V, 344 sheriff, petition and information against . v 343 V, 363 appointed councilor, excused . . . V, 361 PICKERING, Dorothy: petition ... . vii. 186 PICKERING, Ephraim: account ..... vui. 124 recruiting officer .... viii. 269 justice of the peace . vUi, 391 PICKERING, Jo. : i. 98 PICKERING, John: his account with Mr. Ambrose Gibbins . . i. 25 PICKERING, John, Capt. [Pickerin, Pickring] : clerk. House of Representatives 1, 45 i, 107 ii, 15 ii. 27 ii. 59 11, 137 iv, 125 constable, Portsmouth . 1, 112 i. 119 house. Strawberry Bank 1, 135 i. 164 king's attorney - 198 iii. 29 representative i. 201 223 ii. 24 ii, 154 ii. 174 ii, 177 204 ii, 238 iv, 134 iv. 135 iv. 141 iv. 144 iv. 159 iv, 163 iv. 165 iv. 167 iv. 168 iv. 173 iv, 174 iv. 177 iv. 183 iv, 192 iv. 195 speaker. House of Representatives . i. 201 237 ii. no iii. 74 iii. 79 112 iv. 113 iv. 120 iv. 121 122 iv. 123 iv. 148 iv. 181 , 183 iv. 196 accounts .... i. 201 iu. 33 V, 215 V, 218 committee on claims meet at his house i. 203 iv. 184 to impress fisherman i. 215 iii. 42 captain ii. 3 custodian of laws and records ii. 5 ii. 6 ii. 8 ii. 13 ii. 14 answers for contempt see next above. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 369 PICKERING, John, Capt. [Pickerin, Pickring] selectman, Portsmouth .... appearance ...... committee on treasurer's accounts . seized books, papers, records to setde town boundaries survey Portsmouth fence audit fort accounts repair prison petitions . . . . ii, 108 i serves search warrant on Secretary Story "took the oaths" company muster at Strawberry Bank impressment orders to . papers signed by, relating to town book PICKERING, John (3rd): account ...... notary-public .... committee on bill against treason, etc. to draft bills (acts) petition for John Stinson PICKERING, John, Jr.: house of, committee meet at . PICKERING, Thomas: distressed for military fine PICKERING, Thomas, Capt.: prisoner of war, exchange of . PICKERING, William: coi'oner .... PICKERING, Winthrop: petition ..... V. Ichabod Brackett, act for him to appeal PICKERING'S Mill. as boundary of a highway PICK-POCKET MILL; as limit to scouting routes PIDE-COWE : shipment to Piscataqua by the PIERCE, Joseph : see also Peirce : army surgeon, warrant for his appointment account ...... PIERCE, Joshua : see also Pearce : bills of credit signed by ... representative ..... councilor ...... 11, 31 113 114 ii, 36 ii, 32 ii, 58 V, 353 iii, 6 V, 144 vii, 189 iv, 258 IV, 263 IV, 259 iv, 271 iv, 260 iv, 272 V, 230 V, 148 ii, 59 iii, 26 V, 42 V, 143 V, 174 V, 175 V, 354 iii, 7 V, 7 V, no V, 147 V, 333 vu, 58 vu, 73 vU, 121 vin, 415 viii, 466 in, 65 U, 56 vii, 186 viu, 470 vm, 244 vm, 249 . viu, 251 . viu, 77 V, 45 i, 4 i, 29 V, 402 iv, 224 iv, 223 iv, 251 iv, 269 iv, 257 iv, 261 iv, 262 iv, 273 iv, 274 24 37° Index to Records of the Council, PIERCE, Joshua : see also Pearce : councilor . recorder of deeds PIERCE, Joshua, Jr. . representative ..... PIERCE, , Lt.-Col. . letter from Newbury on raising men PIERCE, Thomas: committee to take inventory of Greenland PIERMONT : justice of the peace ammunition for .... . petition . . • . . PIGWACKET : as a bound in grant of a township PIKE, , Mr. : minister, Dover ..... PIKE, Robert, Capt. : enlisting officer, pay-roll PIKE'S : garrison ...... PILOTS : for scouts ...... eastward expedition cruisers ...... impressment of . ... PILOT Ship: of John Abbott PINDAR, John [Pinder] : laborer at king's fort .... petition PINDAR, Sarah: assaulted . .... iv 275 iv. 276 iv 277 iv. 278 iv, 279 iv 283 iv 284 iv 285 iv. 286 iv, 872 iv 288 iv 289 iv 293 iv. 294 iv. 29s iv. 296 iv. 297 iv. 298 iv. 299 iv. 300 iv. 303 iv. 304 iv. 305 iv. 306 iv. 309 iv. 310 iv. 311 iv. 312 iv. 313 iv. 316 iv. 329 iv. 330 iv. 331 iv. 332 iv. 333 iv. 334 iv, 335 iv. 338 iv. 343 iv, 344 iv, 345 iv. 346 iv. 347 iv. 348 iv. 349 iv. 35° iv, 351 iv. 352 iv, 354 iv. 355 iv. 356 iv. 357 iv. 358 iv. 360 iv. 361 iv. 362 iv. 363 iv. 364 iv. 365 iv. 366 iv. 367 iv. 368 iv, 369 iv. 370 iv. 372 vi. 2 vi. 3 vi. 4 vi. 5 vi. 77 . iv. 269 iv. 270 iv. 344 IV, 297 IV, 299 n, 140 V, 399 V, 50 vU, 64 vii, 65 viii, 466 vi, 131 i, 117 vu, 211 vui, 4 iii, 39 i, 210 in, 40 i, 215 V, 103 iii, 42 V, 188 which see. i, 194 V, 139 VI, 139 New Hampshire, 1 631-1784. 371 PINE Trees: destruction of, proclamation to prevent . PINKERTON, John, Maj.. muster-master, account, order in favor of PINKHAM, Joseph: enlisting officer ..... PINKHAM, Otis: petition ...... PINKHAM, Thomas: account ...... PINNACE : account of sundries for . PIPER, Jonathan: door-keeper to the House, account PIPER, Samuel, Lt. : pay-roll ....... PIRACY : see also Pirates : suppression of, see Acts of Parliament. in seas of India and Persia PIRATES, see also Piracy : trial of, commission for i, 251 proclamation relating to ... king's bounty on ......... iv, 202 restraining and punishing, acts for, see Privateers and Pirates. PIRATE Ship: Le Grand, protested against for damages . . . . v, 371 PISCATAQUA [PiscATAQUAY, Piscataway, Pascattaquack, Pascatawa, Pascattaway] : Laconia Company's house at . plantation .... inventory of goods left at lands at, survey of Sanders Point in . as boundary of Gorges's patent Gorges and Mason's Patent called sloops coasting from, to Boston vn, 1 1 1 vu, 145 vn, 211 iv, 363 iv, 367 in, 88 vii, 253 vii, 272 . vin, 207 i, 188 1, 252 33 116 V,V, 37 118 1, 24 2J 18. 22; 32 32 33 34 19s and see Coasters. matross companies at, which see. PISCATAQUA Harbor: consignment of goods for defence of, see also Portsmouth vU, 81 viii, 2 vni, 115 viu, 155 viii, 228 viii, 332 1, I 223 n, 230 V, 229 vii. 33 vii. 84 vii. 85 vii, 199 vu. 266 viii. 35 vni. 85 viii. 97 vui. 102 viu. 127 vin. 130 viii. 134 viu. 149 vUi, 186 viU, 195 viii. 200 vUi, 209 vni. 287 vin. 289 viii. 315 viii. 331 viU, 334 viii. 409 vin, 444 viii. 445 372 Index to Records of the Council PISCATAQUA Harbor: barracks at . batteries platformssoldiers at, rolls of matross companies at buildings at, superintendence of . troops at, discharge of . forts at, commander appointed . . viii, 70 resigns .... repairs of ..... plan of, presented the General Court invalids at, rolls of . ... jurisdiction of ..... . PISCATAQUA Port: see also Coasters : Permits: comptroller of customs for . maritime or naval officer of . vU, 248 viii, 23 viu, French forces in ..... . PISCATAQUA River: defence and fortification of . u, 233 n, 239 u, 244 south side of, divided into four towns survey of .... . Northham on .... . Sander's Point on . as boundary of Mason's and Gorges's patents ' ' Oyster River upon " . . design of enemy for . V, 118 V, 126 V, 162 Great Island in ..... . joint ownership by Massachusetts and New Hampsh Anthony's Island in, as quarantine station fort in, rebuUding proposed heads of, Indian attack on Ward's Island in . as boundary of province fish in, act to preserve . PISCATAQUOG River: sluices in dams across, act for opening PISTOLS : presented Col. Joseph Cilley . PITCH : bounty on, certificate for PIT.MAN, : gaol-keeper, account PITMAN, Deltverance : see Nathaniel : . see next above. vii, 66 viii, 200 viii, 142 viii, 143 . vUi, 141 . viu, 102 . vui, 117 viii, 120 . viii, 171 Vl, 127 • vu, 73 56 viu, 84 vni, 202 . viii, 403 1, 24 u, 231 ii, 246 ii, 252 i, 24 i, 32 > see next above. i, 31 i, 33 i, 33 i, 36 i. 37 i, 19° V, 226 V, 227 u, 223 n, 241 iv, 339 V, 63 V, 118 V, 400 vi, 64 viii, 220 vii, 67 viii, 80 V, 389 vi, 64 373 79 1 64 99 VI, 122 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. PITMAN, Nathaniel: petition, complaint v. Smith and Burnam PITMAN, William [Pittman] : of Strawberry Bank ....... garrison soldier, impressed ...... PITT, William, Secr. : letters on marriage of George III and his wife's coronation PITTSFIELD : incorporation of, act for classed ..... PLACE, David, Capt. ; disabled soldier, allowance to ...... vii, 164 PLACES : see also Towns : tax precepts issued to . . . . . . . . vU, 91 unincorporated . . ...... which see. PLAINFIELD : justice of the peace representativeserecting a parish from part of, and part of Grantham, act for viii, 348 vm,viu. 354 471 VI, vn, viU, viii. 144 123 175178 vm, 402 vm, 404 representation .... PLAINS, The: parish, petition for . . . . . . iv, PLAISTED, Dame Sarah: administratrix, estate of Rev. Nathl. Rogers, petition PLAISTED, Ichabod [Plasted, Plasteed] : messenger to New York to congratulate Earl of Bellomont 262 viu, 406 iv, 263 iv, 249 1, 229 m, 54 letter of instructions to . account (biU) i, 228 i, 230 iii, 56 deputy-surveyor of king's woods his house, Salmon FaUs, as limit to scouting routes attendance on council ..... PLAISTED, John, Col. [Plastead] : representative ..... ni, 55 1, iii. 227 56 see next above. 57, in, 60 u, 204 iv, 159 iv, 183 n, 238 iv, 163 iv, 192 of committee on claims .... distressed for miUtary fine soldier, impressed .... assistant justice. Court of Common Pleas speaker. House of Representatives . justice of the peace .... his money, vote about .... justice, Superior Court of Judicature councilor ...... V, 59 V, 61 1, 201 ii, 257 iv, 168 iv, 195 iv, 126 u, 154 ii, 259 iv, 173 iv, 196 IV, 127 iv, 207 215 43 45 64 174148174198 203 56 99 27 128 351 V,V, 5463 V, V, 7 5570 V,V,V, V, n, iv,iv, iv, i, ii, n, in, iv, V, iv, 263 V, 206 V, 56 V, 71 »T3•-t o < s 5 5: ft 13 !" o C p ^ g; K pa fD >3 r' ?ti V h a r r M > > > t^ 2; I— t rn n .^^ (T) s H0 35' (ifQ 0 ET- o 3 u> 0 3 H. ^ a 0 s.enfD3(TJ a 0 Rn'C 3^ 3 1 1 1- 8 •a 3 na S OTQ 0fD < 0 ^ 0 w n C ^ P 13 o00c; Ba-n,i-fS'•-1 p "-ri <I-HwHd o ts OojojojojojOjojOj;ioio\4s.ojoj '-' o o w to tJ to W M vo 00 ^ ^ 0, +^ 4^ ON vo w 0\ 01 to to to to to Oj U) to HH o ¦vl o I-* OJ vji n 0 • p 1 — 1 11 t- > < fi fi fi fi < < < < a 1 — 1 vn 00 ^j 0\ vn" 4^ OJ _ I-I 0 00 •0 ^ Ol OJ -J ON OJ 0 vo 0 to tJ —X 4^ O t?)HO!* IS n o O ^ n pi ^^ (IfQ h a a OTQ n 0. 0 rr- 3- B" H a aj fD 3 " . n 0 fD "g 01 3" 00 o tj to to to to 10 to to to to Ol Ol J^ Oj (.> to « 0 VO 00 00 ^ ov +. OJ OJ 10 IH 0 CO OJ Ov vO +> OV 01 4^ 00 00 IH 01 to ^ vo to vn ^ ^ O vO ^ Ov ov 4^ OJ to o vo vo 1-1 OV 4^ ?H O 00 -v] vn vn ^ Ov . OOiHvn^ OvvnvO M 10 Ov"^ i-t i-tOJ OvvOvOOJ ih 00 ^ IH O av4i'.ojioiHoco'vi to^ oooi ovoooo^a O H W n oa n S. < 'i< OJ 4^ O vo 4^ Ol 00 vo 4^ to ov +.. +" ov 00 O to I-I O Ov 00 vo New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. 375 1, 24 i, 29 VI, 152 vi, 155 PLANTATIONS : to be named Exeter ...... of Laconia Company, division of . . i, 27 American, posts in trade with foreign countries . . . i, 242 u, 234 PLANTATION Trade: frauds and abuses in, act of Parliament for preventing iii, 63 PLATES : of bills of credit . PLAUSSAWAY : Indian, murdered at Contoocook PLUMMER, Anna: account .... PLUMMER, Bedfield: permittee .... PLUMMER, John: justice of the peace Court of Common Pleas account .... PLYMOUTH, (Mass.?): people there suspected of murder PLYMOUTH, (N. H.) : new survey petitioned for committee, money advanced to, for arms and ammunition selectmen's account road in, act for repairing committee's remonstrance against Col. David Webster viii, 291 viii, 308 constable, discount of taxes to ..... . POLLARD, Barton: petition .......... POLLEXFEN, John [Pollixfen] : Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations . i, 244 i, 248 V, 14 V, 18 v, 22 POLLS : ratable, inventories of . and see Estates : ratable. tax on, vote to raise ....... vni, 73 viii, 86 viu, 325 viii, 42S and see Taxes : State tax. returns ot, by selectmen to the secretary .... POLL-TAX : exemption from, see Head-money. POMEROY, Eleazer: petition ..... POMFRET, (Conn.) : intestate of , 32 , 31 , 170 , 235 V, VI, 10 i. 267 viu. 5° viii. 8S vi. 155 vn. 23 viii. 201 I, 259 vi, 145 vii, 64 vui, 93 vni, 274 viu, 287 viu, 337 vui, 291 viU, 30 i, 245 V, 29 vu, 103 viii, 86 VUI, II viu, 486 vm, 448 vm, 441 viu, 128 376 Index to Records of the Council, vu, 169 POMREY, William: soldier, account .... POMROY, Benjamin: petition for grant of township POMROY, Josiah, Dr. : estate confiscated, sale forbidden . his title to lands, act to ascertain . his house and land, rent appraised . PONDS : WheelwrightsWinnipiseogeeWootonnack, see Nottingham West. PONTOOSUCK : garrison, scouting there . POOR: maintenance of, act concerning overseers of the POOR, Edward: vessel-master, petition . POOR, Enoch, Gen. : petition ..... advanced to brigadier-general regiment (battalion) . . ... brigade .... ... ordered to forward the soldiers to Ticonderoga letter from ........ size-rolls sent from the army by ... . POOR, Martha, Mrs. : petition .... vin, 242 vUi, 357 gratuity voted to, for hiisband's services . POPLIN : justice of the peace petition viU, 405 annexing part of, to Hawke, act for POPPLE, William. attests copy of letter from the King's Council . queries about the trade of N. H. . letter relating to tar and pitch PORK: sale by treasurer .... . . impressment of ... . transportation out of state permitted PORTER, Asa, Col. -. justice of the peace Court of Common Pleas .... enemy, confined, tried, absconded, advertised . vii, 80 vn, 96 vii, 113 vii, 114 m. 39 vi. 154 . viU, 114 . vui. 35° . vm. 353 > whicl see. 1, 274 vii, 209 viii, 170 . which see. ii, 241 vii. 160 vii. 172 vn. 173 '.s see next above. vn. 170 vii. 176 vii. 187 vii. 188 vii. 274 vui. 475 viU, 488 viii, 382 vii. 50 vui. 416 vni. 419 vUi, 442 v. 13 V, 389 V, 389 V, 133 vi. 16 viii. 168 vui. 188 vi. 152 vi, 153 vu. 78 vii y° vii, 112 vii. 121 vii. 187 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 377 PORTER, Asa, Col. : petition .... vii, 90 re-taken and brought to Exeter liberated conditionally .... PORTER, Nathaniel, Rev. : regimental chaplain .... PORTLEDGE : of schooner Gorham .... PORT Royal: trade with, interdicted .... the Mary from, with advices from Pemaquid expedition against ..... V, 191 V, 202 V, 267 V, 272 French frigates and merchant-men at . . . French sloop from, with English prisoners PORTS : clearances from ....... of Corunna ........ Piscataqua ....... PORTSMOUTH : bounded and described ...... rate apportionment . . i, 45 ii, 27 constables ........ 196 vn, 234 vn, 235 vii, 190 196 vu, 214 vn, 215 1, 189 V, III V, 262 V, 277 representatives 1, 119 ii, 91 n, 18 iv, 195 n, 4 V, 143 ii, 22 iv, 271 ii, 16 V, 188 i, 103 ii, 23 iv, 283 trustees answer before governor and council debtors to Robert Mason tax delinquents ship-master from . , public ordinary records .... Graffort's hiU, fort on . committee on claims sits at . of miUtia . ii, 48 to settle town bounds ferriage to Maine, bills for captains .... in, 25 detachment from . Lt.-Gov. Partridge's commission published at house at, provided for General Court clearances from ..... representation ..... 11, 49 ni, 45 . i, 220 148 V, no U, 141 vu, 174 vu, 34 1, 190 m, 13 n, 50 V, 189 V, 264 V, 278 V, 190 V, 265 V, 280 V, 126 V, 179 > which see. 1, 24 V, 143 i, 60 ii, 17 V, 338 ii, 16 n, 24 iv, 303 1, 112 i, 148 1, 202 i, 203 V, 149 V, 42 i, 207 i, 220 V, 119 ni, 2 i, 225 n, 17 1, 32 V, 338 i, 118 u, 18 V, 354 ii, 17 iv, 192 V, 261 i, 104 i, 106 V, 338 i, 136 i, 150 i, 167 iv, 183 iv, 184 V, 227 V, 43 iv, 187 iU, 2 V, 161 iii, 45 in, 52 i, 229 i, 281 V, 56 378 Index to Records of the Council, PORTSMOUTH : freeholders ...... 22 28 selectmen, assessment. .... u, 25 26 27 ii, 28 ii, 29 n, 31 32 35 iv, 142 iv, 333 V, 332 V, 333 V, 354 petitionees .... . n. 29 n. 30 ii, 36 ii, 37 V, 332 V, 333 V, 384 complaint v. ... . see next above. notified to care for disabled soldier iii. 61 memorial and remonstrance of iv, 333 iv. 351 iv. 352 appearance .... V, 82 V, 84 V, 332 summoned to render account of stock of powder . V, 230 directed concerning infected vessels vi. 34 vi. 131 in regard to Pest-house Island . vi. 161 vi. 162 their accounts audited by the council V, 333 tax warrant by . . . . V, 338 information about smaU-pox . vi. 12 vi, 28 vi. 31 vi. 156 petition .... . see next above. petition referred to vni. 45 dispute with Mons. Delatour about taxes viu. 195 taxes discounted to viii. 233 courts held at . ii, 26 iu, 72 iv, 143 V, 297 V, 300 engagement with Rev. Joshua Moody n. 28 grant constituting the town . ii, 30 n. 37 boundaries laid by Massachusetts . see next above. claims against province .... u. 69 ii. 15s and see accounts below. woods, ranging in .... ii, 78 ii. 144 companies, see also matross companies below . ii, 78 V, 144 V, 303 V, 343 and see captains above, and volunteers below. deputy-secretary at .... ii. 86 n. 92 garrisons ...... . ii. 146 n, 174 V, 148 V, 149 V, 151 V, 160 vessels lading at . ii. 166 accounts . . ii, 166 in, 16 i n, 38 iii. 49 iii. 50 and see claims against the province above. mUitia ....... ii, 174 V, 97 V, 161 V, 189 V, 222 V, 303 V, 343 viu. 174 soldiers .... u, 200 V, 173 V, 222 V, 223 post-office ...... u, 245 ii, 247 viu. 221 ferry to Newcastle U, 286 iv. 174 iv. 17s relief of men from ..... iii. 20 iii. 22 highway to Hampton complained of in. 23 in, land damages claimed . V, 384 assistant justice from .... iii. 27 IV, 318 iv, 346 V, 108 V, II V, 82 V, 84 V, 97 1 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. PORTSMOUTH : jurisdiction of Massachusetts over .... parishes, petition . . . iv, 314 iv, 315 iv, 320 iv, 336 iv, 343 to assess pews, act for . meeting-house ....... court-house, session of General Court in . meeting of governor and sachems at v, 4 v, 5 minister and school-master, appointment of military watch ....... Princess Anne proclaimed at . . . . ¦declaration of war published at ... . entertainment of governor at . militia officers defence of ......... . vii, 30 vii, 32 vii, 33 vii, 35 vii, 37 vn, 6r vii, 125 vii, 150 viii, 69 viii, 105 viii, 113 viii, 115 and see in danger, etc. below, also Piscataqua Harbor : defence of. volunteers . . . . . . . . v, no scouts ...... . . V, 114 proclamations published at . v, 117 v, 134 v, 311 carpenters, laborers, on fort . fence of the town, committee to survey . express to Exeter ..... in danger, line to be repaired . v, 226 Mill-dam Pond in stock of ammunition .... town-meeting for electing representative . reception of Gen. Nicholson at fire-arms deposited in . celebration of armistice proclamation Prince George proclaimed at . . . v, 328 Lt.-Gov. Vaughan's commission published at petitionee ...... minister's settlement, parsonage, meeting-house Lt.-Gov. Wentworth's commission published at petition for . granted land by Massachusetts province gaol in . smaU-pox and pest-house in . . vi, distressed by impressment parade, declaration of war proclaimed at sale of real estate in . . . . vi, 129 justices of the peace judges of probate of committee sent to, account allowed 379 IV,iv,iv, . vin, see next above- iv, 325 V, 326 41 319 347 410 V, 228 V, 274 V, 302 V, 329 V, 343 V, 384 V, 391 vi, 75 vm, vi. 132 144 V,V,V,V, V, V,V, vn, vUi, viu. 12 454648 57 303 86 3635 174 V, 114 v, 204 V, 322 V, 127 V, 143 V, 201 V, 229 V, 227 V, 230 V, 261 V, 275 V, 290 V, 303 V, 331 344353354 374 126 384 V, V,V,V, vi, V, vi, 89 vi, 165 vi, 120 vi, 125 viii, 203 vi, 166 vi, 161 vn, 13 38o Index to Records of the Council, PORTSMOUTH : committee of safety powder-vessels expected at regulations ..... company of field artillery at . fire-rafts for . independent company, commissioning continental frigate equipping at barrack-master and quarter-master at sailing from . . . . vii, and see Permits. vessels at, chartering prisoners at, gaol .... vii, 194 vii, petition .... escorted to, from Number Four flour ship seized at . . . privateer, permitted to cruise . continental agent at . . . remonstrance against their quota petition for general court to sit there escaped inimical sent to houses at, used for barracks . express to, from Number Four matross companies at . viii, 32 viii, 159 court files and records removed to . discount of taxes .... the Flag of Truce lying at, seized . maritime (naval) officer at piost-rider from, to Boston and see post from, etc., below. auction of real estate in . gaol-keepers allowed for prisoners' board gaol lot, act to seU petition, committee on . invalids at, committee on libellants from .... Superior Court of Judicature at deputy-commissary at . messuage in, committee to divide . vendue of houses at . . . of furniture at . personal estate of Gov. John Wentworth State-house at. General Court meet in entail of land in, act to dock taxing in, petition relative to . vii. 17 vii, 127 vii,vii, vii. 278 28 29 vn. 31 vii,vu,vU,vu, 32 31 3276 vu. 112 vii. 113 17 vn. 129 vu. 131 vin, vii, vii. 68 122127 36 vu. 239 viii, 70 vni. 89 see next above. vii, 229 . vii, 129 vii. 140 vii,vii, vii,vu,vn, vii, vu. 209 145 170 177 187 208229 vu, 237 vii, 246 vni. 28 59 viu. 390 viii. 391 viii, vii, vii. 392248280 viu. 42 vni. 43 vui. 44 vui. S3 vUi, ¦viii. 6864 • vui, 73 viU, viu, viii. 7789 98 viu 109 viu. 170 vii, vin,viii,viii. 176 115134135 viii. 141 viii, 143 vUi, viii, viii,viu. 177 144 148164 1 at . viii, viii,viU,viii. 162 184190190 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 381 PORTSMOUTH : intestate estate in, administration on granted beef cattle to be collected at . post from, to western parts of state commissary of prisoners at French naval officers at . parish wardens' petition naval office at . . . land in, act to confirm title to assembly, -\ council, ^see general court above. council and assembly, ) PORTSMOUTH : ship, John Wintworth, commander privateer, permitted to sail .... PORTSMOUTH Harbor: vessels in, embargo taken off . PORTUGAL : trade with ...... shipping naval stores to ' POSTAGE : letter, Piscataqua to Boston . by water, act fixing on public letters, account for . and see Public Letters. POSTING : soldiers, which see, also Garrisons. POST, Jeremiah: pay-roU ..... POSTMASTER : see also Penhallow, Samuel : account ...... required to deliver up suspicious letter . Boston, see CampbeU, Duncan. POSTMASTER-GENERAL : "settUng" post . and see Hamilton, Andrew. POSTMISTRESS : see Harvey, Elizabeth : POST-OFFICE : see also Exeter : Portsmouth : petition for . letter of Duncan Campbell about . in, suspected to contain evidence of counterfeiting acts for establishment and encouragement of n, 123 n, 183 iv, 154 iv, 166 vm, 192 viii, 256 vm, 402 vm, 203 viii, 215 viii, 265 viii, 287 viu, 383 viii, 403 viii, 438 viii, 453 Vll, 140 ni, 42 vii, 209 vn, 241 i, 242 V, 27 V, V, 36 387 ii. 42 ii, 43 u, 122 iv. 153 vii, 112 vui. 221 viii. 452 vii, 265 iv, 203 iv, 329 n, 42 n, 43 1, 170 nte rfeitin ii, g ¦ 122 iv, iv. 153 329 i, 202 ii. 60 ii, 17s ii. 180 n, 182 iii, 33 iv. 146 iv. 147 iv, 158 iv. 164 iv, 165 iv, 174 iv. 175 iv. 196 382 Index to Records of the Council, POST-RIDERS : see also Couriers : Posts : from Providence to Exeter, discontinued Boston to Portsmouth . . . . vm, 149 vm, 371 Robinson, Peter: Stewart, ii, 156 V, 95 vUi, 256 employment of and see Balch, John : deroga. POSTS : see also Post-riders : Couriers : for American plantations Virginia to Boston to Sir William Phipps . to Boston law about account to Ticonderoga from Portsmouth to western parts of state POTE, Jeremiah: may receive his family on the Flag of Truce POTTER, Ebenezer: representative ..... account ..... justice of the peace .... POTTER, Joseph, Lt: brevet for . • . . . . POTTLE, Christopher [Pottell] : deposition in complaint v. James Meinzies request for release of men from garrison POTTLE, Samuel: soldier, petition, half-pay POTTLE, William: inimical, examinee .... POTTS, Thomas: testimony concerning David Hamilton, pauper POVEY, John: clerk, king's council . . i, 246 POVEY, Thomas [Hon.] : referee on petition of Robert-Mason Major-general of miUtia, commission and qualification POWDER : scarcity of . lending by Mass. Bay to New Hampshire tonnage payable in . . ii, 259 supply to Lt.-Gov. Stoughton exchange of provisions for . account of, taken, and sale forbidden for fort ...... iv, 371 V, 146 supplying ..... . vm, 42 . viii, 64 vin, 372 vui, 441 Alexander : Ticon- 1, 170 n, 42 ii, 139 V, 241 vUi, 64 iv, 174 iv, 178 . vu, 194 vUi, 265 viii, 278 vm, 42 vu, 117 vii, 140 . viii, 62 . viii, 95 vm, 392 ", 273 n, 275 in, 9 r viU, 161 viii, 450 vn, 190 n, 276- V, lifi 13 ;ation V, 17 V, 19 i, 39 iv, 75 i, 295 n. 4 11. 7 n, 281 ii. 282 V, 185 ni. 23 111, 24 iii, 25 see next above. , IV, 270 V, 159- iv, 354 V, 160 V, 193 VI, I I IV, 363 iv, 364 vii, 40- New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. 383 Magazines : Military Stores. POWDER: and see Ammunition abatement of for expeditions against Louisburg and Canada committee to take care of lent continental army . in exchange for saltpetre borrowed, paid colony store of inspection of storing, committee on . distribution of, to the towns making for the state carting from Exeter to Amherst, account for for soldiers, see Soldiers : ammunition for. magazines . ... at Number Four ..... Receiver-general of ... . POWDER-HOUSE : at the fort, repairs of . . stores, committee's return of . at Exeter ...... POWDER-MAKER : see Hobart, Samuel, Col. : POWDER-MILL : building, contract and loan for ... . POWDER-MILL Committee: account ........ POWDER-MONEY : reply of Council to Gov. Bradstreet "touching" acts relating to . ii, 67 ii, 266 ii, 281 accounting for ..... iii, 71 appropriated for use of king's fort . . iii, 77 act for continuing . remittance .... exemption petitioned for collection of, from foreign vessels receiver of, appointed . POWDER- RATE : paid in Barbadoes POWDER-TAX : vote for ... . POWDER- VESSELS : securing, committee for POWELL, John: continental soldier, deserter, prisoner POWELL, Robert: of Exeter, province rate against V, 98 vi. 18 vi, 48 vi, 49 vii. 29 vu, 31 vn, 58 vii, 64 vii, 64 vn, 79 vn, 208 vu, 97 vn. 109 vn, 120 vU, 146 vii, 148 vii, 203 > which see. V, 157 V, 364 which see. vii. 36 vii, 59 vii, 92 i, 41 vi, II vui, 487 iii. 81 V, 346 iii. 79 in, 8 1 see next above. iii. 79 iv, 198 iv- 334 vu. 248 vin, 23 viii, 463 i, 61 iv, 352 iv, 353 vu, 28 vn, 139 i, 94 384 Index to Records of the Council, POWERS, : petition for grant of township POWERS, SAMPSON: account . ..... POWERS, Stephen: petition ..... POWNALL, Thomas, Gov., (Mass.) : Mass. commissioner to N. Y. on defence of the colonies negotiations in New York .... letter on re-enforcemenfs to Forts Edward and Wm. Henry PRAY, , Sergt. : back-pay allowed ...... PRAY, Samuel [Prey] : informs concerning Lt.-Col. Wanton's sloop . PREBBLE, Abraham: petition ... ... his title to land in Wolfeborough, act to confirm PREBBLE, , Capt. : VI, 154 vui. 114 viii, 465 es . I, 286 i. 295 lenr} ? VI, 105 VI 106 vi. 107 i. 230 in. 56 V, 192 viii. 411 vui. 419 VIU, 424 informs concerning Indian movements PRECEPTS (Warrants, Writs) : judicial, form of ..... . for calling convention to settle plan of government V, 294 298 see General Court. for CouncilorsPresident Senators . Council and Assembly, General Court, Assembly, -> General Assembly, \see House of Representatives. Representatives, J posting soldiers, see Soldiers : posting. taxes, treasurer to issue, see Treasurer. continental tax, ...... PREMIUMS : see also BOUNTY : for manufacture of wool-cards .... to recruiting officers, time for paying extended on saltpetre ........ wolves ........ PRENTICE, Nathaniel Sartel, Capt., Maj.: of committee of safety ...... representative . ..... to go express to Cambridge ... account . . . . vii, 30 committee to fix off regiment for Canada advance pay, orders for ...... vii, 16 . vui, 245 Vlll, 312 vui, 323 which see. which see. viii. 10 vni. 14 viii. 161 \ which see. vU, 17 Vll, 18 vii. 20 vii. 30 vn. 53 vn. 61 vn. 54 vii. 86 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. PRENTICE, Nathaniel Sartel, Capt., Maj. : money for Cheshire Co. advanced to magistrate, complaint against public money in his hands letter from, committee on struck from list of civil officers PRENTICE, Solomon: bond cancelled . . . PREROGATIVE : king's, infringement on . . . . iv, 175 PRESBYTERIANS : exemption from paying Congregational minister petition . iv, 312 iv, 313 iv, 315 iv, 316 PRESBYTERIAN Society: Newmarket, act to enable .... PRESCOTT, David, Capt. : company roll .... PRESCOTT, Henry: justice of the peace ...... representative ....... of committee on claims . .... PRESCOTT, James [Prestcott] : agent for Hampton petitioners ii, 123 ii, 125 PRESCOTT, John: petition ........ PRESCOTT, William, Capt. : company roll ....... PRESIDENT AND Council: orders to civil and military officers .... Robert Mason on his declarations and letters for holding courts ..... to Deputy-secretary Redford letters from, 38s . vn, 88 . viii, 26 vin, 33 . vin, 51 . vin, 348 . viii, 1 1 1 iv, 177 V, 219 iv, 305 iv, 322 iv, 325 vii, 238 vii, 21 vn, 22 vii, 43 vu. III iv, 154 iv, 156 iv, 29s vn, 41 to Lt.-Gov. Wm. Stoughton, (Mass.) u, 218 in, 28 letters to, from Eliseus Burgess Lt.-Gov. WiUiam Stroughton . Lt.-Gov. John Usher thanksgiving appointed by . . . power in absence of Lieutenant-governor m,iii. 13 32 i, 236 warrants issued by, government devolving on i, 242 in, impressing soldiers and provisions . 25 II ni, 13 1, 40 i, 42 i, 169 i, 180 i, 200 u, 196 iii, 19 in, 24 iii, 36 ui, 43 > which see. i, 226 i, 23s ii, 70 u, 73 see next above. V, 28 V, 221 ii, 100 386 Index to Records of the Council, ill, IO 22 111, 44 see Hinckes, John. Walton, Shadrach. Weare, Meshech. PRESIDENT AND Council: search warrant by . power disputed proclamations by . commission constituting PRESIDENTS : of the council, see Coffin, Peter. Cutt, John. Fryar, Nathaniel. speech to House of Representatives to issue bill of divorce ...... issue warrants on treasurer letter to Lt.-Gov. Usher . . . ... to receive soldiers' pay ...... of committee to draw up thanksgiving proclamation granting marriage licenses ..... oldest councilor to be . and see Instructions : to governors. qualifies councilors, representatives, and other officers viii, 205 viii, 304 draws orders on treasury . . . . to execute votes for raising soldiers issue proclamation to civil and military officers issue precepts (writs) for choice of councilors make out brevets, votes for . . viii, 352 entertain French naval officers at Portsmouth directed to inform Contl. Congress of death of Loan-officer vm, 311 vii, 183 vm, 392 choice of, precept for . directed relative to a state note wages (pay, salary) Massachusetts, letter from of Continental Congress, also Laurens, Henry. of the state, see of the council above. also Weare, Meshech. PRESON, William [Presson] : garrison soldier impressed PRESTON, John: garrison soldier ...... PRESTON, Sarah: petition and act for her to sell real estate PRESTON, William: mariner deceased, sale of his real estate . PRETENDER : suspected abettor of, certified by council his exclusion from the crown, act of Parliament for vm, 457 viii, 489 ni. 7 in. 7 111, 52 iv. I 1, iii, n, n, ni,in, iv, V, 201 4131 200 2 2 327 221 Vll, 117 viii, 461 viii, 232 vui, loi viii, 161 viU, 226 viu, 432 vni, 383 vui, 440 vin, 463 viii, 490 see under their names. vu, 278 . which see. i, 177 n, 80 84 vm, 200 vm, 203 vm, 203 IV, iv. 20623 s New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 387 PRICE, William: account ..... PRICES : high, petitions against . of necessaries of life, bill to fix vii, PRICHARD, Jeremiah [Pritchard] : 135 vn, 190 vii, 36 vii, 11 8 138 vu, 139 vii, 140 petition ..... PRICHARD, Paul: viii. 366 viii. 368 representative .... PRIESTS : • viii. 65 French, teaching Indians the Romish religion . V, 5 PRINCE George: letter to the council . V, 128 proclaimed at Portsmouth, see Portsmouth. ship, prize ..... vU, 100 vii, 162 vii, 163 captor's proportion of . PRINCE OF Wales : see Pretender : vU, 107 PRINCESS Ann : see Queen Anne : PRINCESS Charlotte: marriage and coronation PRINCESS Sophia: vi, 122 Protestant succession through PRINTERS: see also Fowle, Daniel: iv. 235 iv. 236 of N. H. Gazette called to account . . vii. 10 from Boston ..... whicl ! see. PRINTING : see also Advertisements : Handbills : Newspapers : public ...... ii, 43 iv, 224 iv. 254 iv, 255 iv. 299 vii. 70 vii. 129 vu. 139 vii, 158 vu. , 207 vii. 213 vn. 237 vii, 252 viii, 54 vin. 94 vin. 104 viu. 115 viii, 146 viii, 159 viii. 1 62 viu. 217 viii. 288 viu. 323 extracts from intercepted letters address to Continental Congress • vu, viii. 156 93 Bills of Credit .... ^ Militia Act ..... i Thanksgiving proclamations . Treasurer's Notes . which : see. PRINTING-OFFICE : Exeter which '¦ see. PRINTING Utensils: confiscated and rented . viu. 475 viii. 476 viii, 478 PRIOR, A. : see Prior, Math. : PRIOR, Math.. Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations i. 244 i. 245 i, 248 V, PRISON : see also Gaol : 1 14 V, 18 V, 22 V, 29 see Dover : Exeter : Great Island : Hampton : Portsmouth : Prison-keeper : Strawberry Bank. 388 Index to Records of the Council, PRISON: see also Gaol: providing, biUs and acts for 1, 202 i, 207 n, 243 iv, 183 iv, 187 breaking, rescue of prisoners from i. 271 appropriations for . iv, 161 v, 390 repairs . . iv, 306 iv. 309 iv, 314 iv, 348 iv, 352 V, 175 insufficiency of . V, 9 V, 175 PRISONERS : see Abbott, Samuel. see Gage, Joseph. Amherst. Gaols. Anderson, Isaac. Gilmore, Robert. Batchelder, Breed. Grandy, John, Jr. Bean, Jacob. Green, Peter. Bingham, Nathaniel. Hale, Enoch. Boston Castle. HaUfax. Bowen, John. Hampton. Bradford, WiUiam. Hardie, Thomas. Bradstreet, Lyonel. Harrington, Benjamin. Bragdon, Warren. Hawks, John. Brown, Asa. Hitchcock, Joseph. Bryant, James. Holland, Stephen Canadian. Hollis. Captives. Hunt, Charles. Carr, James. Hunt, Stephen. Chase, Benjamin. Hutson, John. Chase, Seth. Indians. Clark, John. Keene. Closson, Timothy. Keniston, Joseph Eaton. Clough, Jeremiah. Kent, (Conn.) Crommet, PhiUip. Lawson, John. Deerfield. Leonard, Thomas. Delong, Ora. Lorramore, . Deserters. McDonald, John. Doty, Elias. March, George. Dover. Massey, Griffin. Drew, Joseph. Mead, Nicholas. Dunbarton. Mitchell, John. EUison, Richard. Morley, Matthew. Emms, Daniel. Morrill, Benjamin. Emms, Richard. MorriU, John. Enemies. Mott, Jacob. Exeter. Nainby, . Fines. Nambrous, . Flag of Truce. Newcastle. Frazier, John. Newfoundland. French Catholics. Newport, (R. I.) Frye, Ebenezer. Nova Scotia. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 389 PRISONERS : see Number Four. see Simmons, Thomas. Officers. Slack, William. Page, William. Smith, Conrood. Parker, Oliver. Smith, Daniel. Parole. Smith, James. Peirce, John. Soldiers. Pennsylvania. Stevens, John. Porter, Asa. Stinson, John. Port Royal. Storm, David. Portsmouth. Tallant, Hugh. PoweU, John. Taylor, James. Prison. Temple. Prisoners of War. Thornton, Matthew. Regulations. Tories. Requisitions. Ungle, Charles. Richardson, James. Vaughan, WUliam. Robinson, Caleb. WaUace, Richard. Rogers, Richard. Washington, George. Roman Catholics. Webber, John George Rose, Elisha. West Indies. Sanborn, , Lt. White, Samuel. Sandown. WiUimott, Edward. Schooners. Wing, Abraham. Senter, Asa. Wood, George. Shannon, Richard Cutts. Woodward, Moses. Sheriffs. Younghouse, Henry: English, sent in irons to Canada i, 263 taken by Indians, redemption of i, 265 i, 280 V, 172 Indian murderers, violently released i, 271 pirate, sent to Boston V, 116 English and French, exchange of V, 179 bonds . V, 402 vii, 194 vU, 267 viii. 138 rescued from province gaol . vi. 88 in Dover gaol, petition, board of . vii, 98 viii. 39 station for, committee on vii, 133 accounts, complaints, oetitions, remonstrances . . vn, 192 vii. 222 vu, 267 viU, 35 viii 70 boarding, account for . vii. 208 vn, 236 vii. 249 viii, 3 viu, 6 vin. 24 vui, 25 vui. 39 vui, 58 viii, 82 viii. 168 viii, 169 viu. 198 viii, 268 viu, 290 vin, 359 and see Prison-keepers : State Prisoners. escorting from No. 4 to Portsmouth vii. 229 in Amherst gaol, clothing for . vu, 248 vn. 269 taken at Ticonderoga viU, 5 in Exeter gaol, committee on and regulations concerning viii. 17 viu, 24 viii, 32 viii, 85 viii. 124 390 Index to Records of the Council, PRISONERS : supplied by Board of War viii, 64 arraigned before General Court vm, ii5 disposal of, act for .... • • viii, 156 temporary release of, on parole vin, 279 committed under pretended authority of Vermont, act for their release ^|||' ^99 guarding, account for vm, 360 for debt, act for their relief . • vui, 361 viii, 371 vin, 472 escaped from Canada . . .... viii, 364 from New York . . . . vu, 102 vu, 104 vu, 119 vii, 122 vu, 127 vn, 128 vu, 130 vu, 131 vn, 139 vii, 142 vn, 155 vu, 163 vn, 188 vii, 222 vii, 226 vn, 234 vu, 266 vii, 269 PRISONERS OF War : see also Prisoners : Captives : Roman CathoUcs . . .... v, 112 v, 113 sending to Boston Castle . . . . ¦ . v, 118 exchange of v, 179 vi, 29 vn, 186 vin, 23 viii, 276 viii, 277 sent to Newport, R. I vu, 147 escaped, act for apprehending . . ... viu, 376 PRISON-KEEPERS : see also Gaol-keepers : see Abbott, Richard. see Portsmouth. Exeter. Rockingham County. Great Island. Stacey, Joseph. Hampton. Strafford County. Ladd, Simeon. salary and allowances to . . . V, 175 vn, 249 viii, 100 vui, 102 and see Prisoners : boarding. bonds to . . . .... ii, 20 iv, 140 PRITCHARD : see Prichard : PRIVATEERS : j^« Enterprise : Portsmouth: St. John. commissioning, committee on .... vii, 16 vii, 17 landmen entering on board, method to prevent . . . viii, 15 PRIVATEERS and Pirates: restraining and punishing, acts for . i, lol i, 103 i, 107 i, 108 i, 244 i, 245 i, 246 V, 3 V, 16 V, 17 V, 18 V, 22 V, 26 PRIVATES : not mustered .... .... vii, 60 discharged, aUowed depreciation ... . viu, 150 PRIVY Council . see also King's Council : order on petition of Lt.-Gov. Partridge .... i, 253 order to Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations . i, 258 appointed committee for Trade and Plantations . . . iv, i8i . i. 86 vni, 24 viu, 25 viii, 82 viii. 168 viii, 169 viii. 268 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 391 PRIVY Council : see also King's Council : committee on king's woods, report of PRIVY Councilor: oaths ........ PRIZES : condemned, duty on .... . PROBATE : see also Probate of Wills : fees ........ judges ...... PROBATE of Wills : see also Judges of Probate : books and papers relating to . fees for, complained of, orders relating to PROCLAMATIONS : to civil and military officers to continue in office i, 229 u, I in, iv, 236 V, 2 v, V, 334 V, 335 V, relating to boards and timber of death of Charles II and accession of James II for Dover rioters to appear .... for apprehending conspirators against the king pirates . . i, 188 v, by Gov. Shirley for raising soldiers against Lt.-Gov. Usher ..... for discovery and return of deserters iii, 43 iii, of Wm. Vaughan and records \ concerning peace with Indians forbidding commerce with Scotch in W. I. of Princess Anne's accession .... of war against French and Indians . for raising volunteers ..... about the coin ...... of acts of ParUament ..... adjournment of courts by v, 292 v, 300 v, of armistice, by Queen Anne .... against trading with Indians .... by Queen Anne for publishing the peace between and Spain ....... of death of Queen Anne and accession of George to lay embargo .... to guard against spread of smaU-pox to prevent destruction of pine trees . relating to outstanding paper currency files for for enlistment or impressment of sailors for volunteers on expedition against Louisburg VI, 12 n. 8 V, vui. 2 253 J which see. Wills : i. 205 i. 207 ii 112 ii, i. 113 40 12 iii. S3 in, 65 54 V, 330 v. 333 337 V, 360 vi, i,i, i,i. 137 61 16216s187 116 V, 117 V, 118 i' 284 i, iii. 285 10 44 V, 199 V, iii, in, V,V, V, 244 8384 5 4686 V, 103 V, 265 V, 134 V, V, 305237 372 vu. 215 vii, V, V, 225 302310 Great Britain V, 321 I . V, 328 V, 329 V, 331 V, 365 vi. 104 V, 378 vi, vi, vi, vi, vi,vi. 75 I 26 1717 392 Index to Records of the Council, VI, 151 PROCLAMATIONS : of armistice by George II published by beat of drum of the Aix-la-Chapelle treaty of peace for arrest of William Blair, Londonderry of " articles of peace " with Indians for detection of counterfeiters . offering reward for escaped prisoners for delinquents. Col. Meserve's regiment, to appear . forbidding trespass on king's lands .... by king, offering grants of land to soldiers vi, 145 annulling act. for divorce .... offering reward for incendiary for apprehension of Portuguese murderer for opening courts of justice . requiring civil and military officers to arrest deserters to Cheshire and Grafton counties .... Fast ... Thanksgiving . .... proroguing Assembly, see House of Representatives : proroga tion of. dissolving Assembly, see General Court : dissolution of". PROCLAMATION-MONEY : coUected on vessels ... PROCLAMATION of Peace: " proclaimed by beat of drum " proclaimed with demonstrations 40405° VI, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi,vi, vi, vi. 4i 4247 51 53 7089 100116 128 160 305 vi, 164 vi, 134 vi, 135 vii, 28 viii, 161 viu, 327 which see. iv, 224 iv, 236 PROCTOR, Joel: soldier, wages voted him PRODUCE : limitation of prices of, commissioners on PROMOTIONS : in Continental Battalions New Hampshire Line PROPRIETORS : see AUen, Samuel, Gov. Barrington. Campton.Canaan.Cardigan.Chester.Chichester. Cockermouth.Gorges, Ferdinando. Hanover.Lyme. V, 313 V, 314 322 VI, II V, 322 V, 312 vi, 47 viii, 415 vin, 118 which see. see Mason's Claim. Mason, John. Mason, Robert. Monadnock No. 6. Non-resident. Non-resident Proprietors. Nottingham. Protectworth.Rumney.Thornton. vm, 35 viii, 461 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. PROPRIETORS : to levy taxes, bUl for ..... holding land under Mason's claim . PROPRIETORS' Meetings : act relating to . . . . . PROSCRIPTION Act: committee to draft PROTECTWORTH : representatives . .... proprietors' petition viii, 170 vni, 173 viu, 314 viii, 316 giving settlers quiet possession, bill for lands in, act to vest title to . road to, through New London, act for grist-mUl, grant of land for refused grant of lots in, act for . petition ... PROTEST : against plan of government .... . . PROTESTANT Succession: see Princess Sophia: PROTHONOTARY: see Chamberlain, Richard: PROVIDENCE (R. I.) : meeting of N. E. States' committees at . vii, 102 vu, 118 letters from, committee on . . . courier (post-rider) from, to Exeter convention of N. E. States at viii, 256 viU, 257 PROVINCE (New Hampshire) : four penny rate ... presented at court for not having a gaol . defence of ..... . ii, 152 u, 153 ii, 200 ii, 203 iv, 170 iv, 171 V, 76 V, 113 V, 156 V, 165 rights and bounds asserted and maintained assessments . . . . . - . weights and measures state of, laid before the king and queen . poverty and danger of, annexation to Massachusetts desired iv, 170 iv, 171, iv, 178 iv, justices of the peace for ...... trade and commerce ....... lands within, instructions relative to granting . plan of, for Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations almost drained of men .... . . 393 IV, 353 . viii. 76 . viii. 273 5 vui. 53 . vii. 123 6 viU, 327 . viii. 176 . vin. 182 . viu. 316 . viU, 317 . viii. 317 I viii. 463 vm, 24 viii, 258 viii, 260 11, 10 ii, 163 ii, 210 iv, 174 V, 114 vi, II n, ii, n, iv, V, vi, n. 149 195 213 177 118 IS 204 179 vu, 2 1 vii, loi vii, 140 vii, 117 viii, 42 vin, 255 viii, 272 i, 59 i, 184 ii, 151 ii, 196 iv, 135 iv, 180 V, 148 vi, 18 ii, 29 ii, 170 ii, 185 V, 99 n, 207 iv, 180 iii, 18 vi, 7 vi, 38 vi, 64 vi, 106 which see. 11 » IO 11, 12 11) 288 iv, IS -130 394 Index to Records of the Council, PROVINCE (New Hampshire): charge, see Estimates. lines, see Boundaries. rate, see Taxes. sale of, see Allen, Samuel, Gov. debts ......... gaol militia ........ revenues . . ...... j PROVINCE Laws : see also Province Records : transcribing for use of towns . delivered to secretary transcribing and drawing up, committee for ii, 262 ii, 263 engrossed .... PROVINCE Marshals: see Green, John. see Page, Nathaniel. Marshfield, Samuel. Walker, George. Neal, Jeremiah. Winchcombe, John. continuation in office, see Proclamation : to civil and military officers. PROVINCE Prison : see Prison : providing. PROVINCE Records: depositing with Maj. Wm. Vaughan, bill and orders for i, delivering by secretaries to their successors, orders for u, 6 ii, iii, 70 in, V, 98 V, seized from Deputy-secretary Redford and see Catalogue. produced as evidence in court . . . . ¦ . v, 130 PROVINCE Register : see Sheafe, Sampson : PROVINCE Scout: discontinued . . . . . . . . . v, 165 PROVINCES (Colonies): see Connecticut : Maine : Maryland : Massachusetts : New Hampshire : New Jersey : New York : North Carolina : Pennsylvania : Rhode Island : South Carolina : Virginia. PROVINCIAL Congress : see Colonial Congress : PROVINCIAL Governors: congress of . letter of John Corbet to PROVISIONS: see also TosN-m-STOCVi: want of, at garrisons i, 175 importation of, from Boston . rs for . i, 206 207 iv, 187 V, 337 for . n. 5 8 u, 13 ii. 14 83 V, 7 V, 94 99 V, 337 vii. 38 iii. 26 V, 251 vi, 19 i, 171 i, 172 i, 173 i, 174 i, 176 i. 179 i, 184 iv, 135 • i, 179 i, 180 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 395 n, 183 V, 114 viii, 68 n, 100 iv, 165 V, 163 iv, 366 vin, 119 vn, 107 vn, 141 PROVISIONS : see also Town-stock : impressment of .... . n, 176 ii, 177 IV, 178 iv, 180 and see Soldiers: supplies for. exportation of, acts and resolutions to prevent or limit iv, 361 iv, 364 iv, 365 vii, 1 1 7 viii, 67 embargo on . scarcity and dearness of . . . for the state . . . vii, loc from the Southern States from Gov. Wentworth's estate, auction of ... . for soldiers, see Soldiers : supplies for. Continental Army . . . . . . . PROVOST Marshals: see Hilton, WUliam, Senr. : Sheriock, James : Thurton, Thomas PRUDENCE : brigantine, permitted to saU, claim on . vii, 157 vu, 273 PRUDENT Sarah: sloop, taken by pirates ........ PRUDENTIAL Affairs: of the province, acts concerning ...... and see Acts : engrossed. PUBLICATION : of acts, % laws, > j«^ Printing : public, fl/ji? Sheriffs. resolutions, J of commissions ........% letters patent ........> orders ........ J proclamations, which see, also Meeting-houses : Ministers. PUBLIC Affairs: commissioners on ...... vin, 188 letter on, see Atkinson, Theodore, Col. PUBLIC-HOUSES : see also Public Ordinaries : four only in a town, act for .... . i, 205 more than four in a town, act for . . . . i, 207 gaming in, act to prevent . . . li, 123 iv, 154 bill concerning ......... act regulating ......... PUBLIC Letters : see also Postage : committee on .... . vii, 106 vii, 141 postage on, account for . . vU, 112 viii, 180 viii, 221 PUBLIC Ordinaries: sessions of General Court at, forbidden ..... at Portsmouth ......... ii, 165 iv, 166 vi, 16 iii, 37 iv, 368 viii, 194 viu, 132 vi, 126 vi, 203 viii, 67 vui, 167 which see. vii, 278 V, 365 ii, 20 which see. vm, 191 iv. 186 iv. 187 iv. 158 ii. 183 iv. 166 viii. 136 vm, 452 i. 86 which see. 396 Index to Records of the Council, PUBLIC Securities: liquidating, committee and act on vui, 322 vUi, 323 vin, 332 viii, 427 receivable in lieu of new emission bills ..... viii, 341 interest due on, how paid . . . . vui, 426 viii, 427 PUGH, Theophilus: V. James Smith, alias Spurling . . . . iv, 217 PUISNE Justices: of Superior Court of Judicature . . . . which see. PULKNEY, J.: Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations . . v, 224 PURSERS : jij^ Raymond John: Walton, Shadrach, Capt. dealings of Lt. -Governor with, sustained ' . . . . ii, 38 PUTNAM, Ephraim: selectman of Lyndeborough, account . . . viU, 464 PUTNAM, Philip, Capt. . pay-roll . . . vu, 258 PUTNEY, Asa, Sergt.: disabled soldier, half-pay ...... viu, 146 PUTNEY, John: account ...... ... viii, 38 QUAKERS : petitions, exemption from collecting ministers' tax iv, 296 and see Varney, Peter (Dover) . bill passed .... deprived of Tire-arms records of, committees to search QUAMPHEGAN Mill: woods adjacent to, making tar in QUAMPSCUTT : see Swamscott : QUARANTINE : vessels to perform, for smaU-pox vi, 12 vi, 33 imposed on Pest-house Island QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL : of northern continental army QUARTER-MASTERS : see Blanchard, James. Brooks, Samuel. Brooks, Samuel, Jr. Brown, Richard. Gains, George. advance pay ranked as lieutenants iv, 297 iv, 363 IV, 250 iv, 364 219 see Portsmouth. Senter, Asa. Smith, John. Spencer, John. Wright, Samuel. IV, 251 vii, 224 iv, 368 vii, 220 vn, 232 ii, 290 iv, 339 V, 377 V, 378 vi. 13 vi, 29 vi, 31 vi. 32 vi, 34 vi, 43 vi, 44 vi, vi, vii, 46 162 201 vn, 86 viu, 46 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 397 QUEBEC [Quebeck] : disturbance from, feared reduction of, troops for . prisoners of war at, exchange of losses by soldiers at detachments against QUEEN Anne [Ann] : proclaimed .... victory over French and Spaniards instructions to Gov. Dudley . V, 96 letters from . . v, 105 repealed act concerning town boundaries appointment of councilors by her councU at St. James address of thanks to proclamation of armistice by . of peace by death and funeral ceremonies QUEEN Eliz.abeth : see Statute : ordaining form of church services. QUEEN Mary: death of ...... . QUEEN'S Arms: a royal gift to volunteers .... QUEENS : see Queen Anne : Queen Elizabeth : Queen Mary. QUIMBY, Aaron, Capt. ; stoppage on his wages, vote to pay pay-roll, account .... QUIMBY, David, Capt.: pay-roll, account .... QUIT-RENTS : surrendered in part to his Majesty . reserved to the king on township grants QUOTAS : see also Enlistments : of money ..... of the several regiments apportioned plan for raising, resolution adopting filling, resolution for . of recruits apportioned to towns of beef apportioned to towns . deficiency in, fine and extent for and see Towns : deficient in quotas. for continental army continental battalions of towns ..... V, 189 vi, 24 vi, 29 . vii, 104 vii, 151 vn, 261 V, 46 V, 71 V, 89 V, 221 V, 225 V, 263 V, 290 V, 150 daries V, 152 V, 224 V, 225 V, 132 V, 256 V, 257 V, 258 V, 293 . see next above. V, 262 V, 264 V, 302 V, 313 V, 322 V, 328 V, 329 V, 330 Vll, 68 vn, 27 n, 171 V, 265 vn, 56 viu, 57 viii, 46 1, 54 vi, 38 vi, 54 i, 269 vii. 69 vin, 100 vn, 137 vui. 217 s viu, 358 viU, 209 vin, 335 viii, 489 which see. 398 Index to Records of the Council, QUOTAS : see also Enlistments : ofthe colonies and the states, see Connecticut : Massachusetts : New Hampshire : New York : Rhode Island. RABY: selectmen's petition ........ viii, 441 collector of taxes, resolution for ..... . viii, 442 RALEIGH : continental frigate, equipping vii, 76 vii, 77 vii, 222 viii, 99 enlistment of crew for the . . .... vii, 187 RAMSDELL, Thomas: Mass. soldier, disabled . . . . i, 200 iii, 31 RAND, Daniel: recruiting officer ....... . viii, 269 RAND, Mary [Rann] : deposition concerning Seabank Hog . . . . . i, 128 RAND, Samuel. of Newcastle, sworn ... .... ii, 15 petition . . u, 33 n, 34 RAND, Thomas [Rann] : petition .......... ii, 33 RANDALL, Benjamin [Randell] : master of vessel exposed to smaU-pox . . . vi, 73 vi, 74 RANDALL, Edward: of Newcastle, sworn ..... . . ii, 1 5 petition ...... . . . ii, 34 RANDALL, Jacob [Randle] : appearance before council . . . i, 229 iii, 53 iii, 54 of Newcastle, sworn . . . . . . ii, 15 petition ii, 33 RANDALL, James [Rendall, Rendell, Rendle] : grand-juror, reflects on the court . . . . . . i, 129 of Newcastle, sworn . . . . . . . . ii, 1 5 overseer of fort repairs, account ii, 48 ii, 57 ii, 137 iu, 38 representative . . . n, 154 u, 174 n, 238 ii, 253 U, 254 ii, 257 iv, 148 iv, 159 iv, 263 committee to settle town bounds . . . . v, 43 RANDALL, Joseph [Randoll] : petition for divorce . . . . . . . v, 350 RANDALL, Martha: see next above. RANDALL, Miles [Randel] : justice of the peace ... . . . RANDALL, Peter: of crew of the Ketch Richard . . . . RANDOLPH, Edward [Randolf] : collector of customs . . . . . i, 123 bill of costs against .... . . n. 24 i. 137 i. 152 1, 137 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 399 ii, 78 91 RANDOLPH, Edward [Randolf:] attorney-general . . . overseer at fort ...... complaint v. Charles Story .... memorial ....... RANGER : continental frigate, enlistment of crew for RANGERS : see also Frontiers : Scouts : Woods : impressment of ..... . four companies of, under Loudon . to guard on Connecticut river companies of . . . . vU, 57 vii, corps of, see Whitcomb, Benjamin, Maj. depreciation, aUowance for, see Soldiers. RANGING : see also Rangers : Scouting : in woods . . ... on frontiers ....... RANN: see Rand: RANSTEAD, John: estate of, act for conveyance of . . . RATABLE Estates : see also Estates : inventories of . . . vU, 79 vii, viii, 86 viU, 139 viu, new valuation of, bill for ... . tax on, vote to raise viii, 11 estimation of, committee on . RATE: of old emission to new . of specie to new emission bills RATES: see Taxes: Boston ..... RATION-ROLLS: see Rolls: RAWLINGS : see Rawlins : also Rollins : RAWLINS, Ichabod : see also Rollins : of Bloody Point, province rate against RAWLINS, James: of Bloody Point, province rate against garrison soldier .... RAWLINS, Samuel: of Bloody Point, province rate against distressed for military fine RAWSON, Edward: secretary Mass. General Court RAYN, Joseph [Rayns] : witness to Jno's letter . attorney-general . . . i, 71 i, 72 i, 73 deposition relative to service of Capt. Robt. Mason's troop war rant . . , i, 148 1, 134 n, 130 V, 64 V, 65 vii, 224 vii, 234 u, 142 vi, 106 vii, 57 vii, 114 i which see. vm, 33 vm, 73 vm. °3 vn. 221 vii, 226 05 viii. 415 viii, 419 vii, 140 86 viii. 325 vin, 428 viii. 138 viu, 139 vui, 292 vui, 359 which see. 1, 97 1, n. 84 i. 97 ii. 56 1, 37 i, 49 i, 74 i, 150 400 Index to Records of the Council, RAYN, Joseph [Rayns] : teste to ' 'Articles of Peace " . i, i6r RAYMON, John: i, 37 RAYMOND, John [Raiman, Raimond] : purser of the Pide-cowe, consignee i, I i, 4 i 9 i, IS i, i6 i, 19 letter to Ambrose Gibbins i, 19 account .... i, 23 RAYMOND, John: petition, committee on viU, 238 READ, John: of Strawberry Bank i, 164 disabled soldier, account iii- 39 iii, 61 READ, Joseph: of Newcastle, sworn n, is petition, account . n, 33 in, 48 READ, Thomas: petition for grant of township vi, 79 REAL Estate: conveyance of, acts for, see Absentees' Estates. see Meredith . Ames, Joseph. Meserve, Esther. Andover. Meserve, George. Barrington. MiUet, Thomas. Batchelder, Breed. Minors. Britton, Mary. New Boston. Butler, Elizabeth. Nottingham. Butler, Henry. Odlin, Abigail. Caldwell, James. Packersfield. Clough, Zaccheus. Page, Jonathan. Dane, Nathan. Parker, John. Demeritt, Jonathan. Peirce, Daniel. Durham. Perry, Sarah. Eddy, Rebecca. Peterborough. Fassett, Ann. Portsmouth. Fitzwilliam. Preston, Sarah. Fogg, Jeremiah. Seaward, Lucy. Griffith, John. Simes, Ann. Hale, Abigail. Smith, Simeon. Hall, Jeremiah. Stearns, John. Hart, Jane. Storer, Ebenezer. Hart, Samuel. Temple. Hart, Thomas, Jr. Thomas, Sarah. Huntress, George. Thompson, Jonathan. Jackson, Joseph. Thompson, Samuel. Keene. Thompson, Susanna. Mason's Patent. Tibbetts, Obadiah. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 401 REAL Estate: see Treadwell, Mehitable. see Wentworth, John Treadwell, William Earl. worth). (Somers- Wallingford, Lydia. Wilton. Warner, Jonathan. Wolfeborough. Wentworth, John (Dover). in Portsmouth, auction of . . . viii, 73 vui. 77 vin, 80 estimation of, for proportioning state tax ... REAR Admiral Bings: • vin, 139 treaty with Algiers ... REBELLION : V, 128 in Scotland RECEIVER: vi, 23 of non-resident taxes ....... > 1 powder-money ....... \i > which see. provisions . ...... lumber duties, ; 1 see Atkinson, Theodore : Dow, Henry. rum, see Rum-receiver. RECEIVER-GENERAL: see also Treasurers: Treasurers and Receivers-general : to purchase gunlocks .... ... sign state notes ....... borrow ;^2o, 000, act for ..... vii, 128 authorized to promise compound interest on soldiers' bounty notes .......... directed to exchange treasurer's notes for bills of credit . respecting non-resident land taxes viii, 132 viii, 294 salary . ......... RECEIVER-GENERAL of Beef Cattle: see Collectors-gen eral: RECEIVER-GENERAL of Non-resident Taxes: see Odiorne, Thomas : RECEIVER-GENERAL of Powder: to collect proclamation money ..... RECEIVER-GENERAL OF Rum : nomination and appointment of . . . . . to issue warrants for state tax ... . . directed to pay into the treasury ...... RECEPTIONS : ' see Earl of Bellomont, Gov. . Dudley, Joseph, Gov. ; Nichol son, Francis, Gen. RECESS : of Assembly, -\ General Assembly, > see General Court : Committee of Safety. Court, ) 26 vn. 97 vii. 123 viii. 79 vii. 270 vui. 9 vui. 342 viii. 20a VI, 11 vin, 279 vin, 331 vin, 365 402 Index to Records of the Council, RECOGNIZANCES : see also Bonds : to answer at Quarter Sessions of the Peace for good behavior ..... appearance ..... to answer in court ..... the government and people of inimicals ...... ship-masters, see Memoranda. RECORDER'S Books: committee to take charge of . RECORDERS of Deeds: appointment (choice) and qualification of iv, 269 . 1, 134 iii, 37 iii, 41 iii, 54 iv, 230 iv, 244 v, 122 . V, 297 . vn. 74 vii. 97 VI, 45 IV, 259 iv, 274 iv, 368 vn, 19 vii, 114 IV, iv, vi, vii, vii. 262 309 45 43 129 a«rfj«« Bellows, Benjamin, Jr. Brooks, Samuel. Chamberlain, Richard. Cheshire County. Grafton County. Hillsborough County. Hurd, John. Nichols, Moses. Odiorne, Jotham. RECORDS : of Quakers, committees tp search ...... vii, 232 Council : Court : Proviftce : Secretary : State : Superior Court of Judicature : Town ....... which see. Council and Assembly, see General Court. RECRUITING Officers : see also Enlisting Officers : ii, 284 iv, 270 iv, 313 iv, 348 vn, 3 vii, 4 vii, 10 1 vii, 106 and see Peirce, Joseph. Penhallow, Samuel. Pierce, Joshua. Rockingham County. Sheafe, Sampson. Sherburne, Henry. Strafford County. Vaughan, WiUiam. Waldron, Thomas Westbrook see Badger, Joseph. Beal, Zachariah. BeU, John. Chase, Enoch. Continental Battalions. Dearborn, Henry. Emerson, Amos. Farwell, Isaac. Folsom, Samuel. Goldsmith, Josiah. Gordon, Daniel. Hanson, John Burnam. Heald, Thomas. Howlett, Davis. Hurd, Jethro. Lang, William. see Leavitt, Moses. Lovewell, Noah. McDuffee, John. Marston, Simon. Page, Samuel. Pickering, Ephraim. Premiums. Rand, Daniel. Returns. Smith, Ebenezer. Spaulding, Levi. Stone, Benjamin. UnderhUl, John. Weare, Richard. Webster, Ebenezer. Wiggin, Mark. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 403 . see Army. RECRUITING Officers : see also Enlisting Officers : enlisting for regiment for Canada .... expenses aUowed ....... advancement of money to . vii, 128 vn, 144 viu, 128 viii, 136 viii, 137 empowered in regard to raising quotas . returns by ....... . nomination of, committee on . . vii, 195 pay, committee on . . . . vU, 269 to give bonds ....... RECRUITS : see also Re-enforcements : Regiments : eastern ........ proportioning, resolution for . apportionment to towns ..... travel money for, see Soldiers. for our army in Canada, New York, Continental Army, . BattaUons, REDFORD, William, Capt. : deputy-secretary of council i, 193 n, 85 ui, 21 iv, 124 letters of, see next above. letters to, from Lt.-Gov. Usher, account .... n, 71 salary, ....... commander of foot company . ii, 79 clerk, Superior Court of Judicature secretary of commission officers' meeting impressment warrant directed to REDKNAPP, , Capt.: her Majesty's engineer .... REDMAN, John: petitions and complaint representativeof committee on claims' . examinee, Hampton riot case REDMAN, Sarah: petition REED, Daniel: representative n. 39 n. 66 ii. 86 n. 96 in. 26 iii, 33 iv, 125 iv, 126 n, 73 "1, 21 n, 80 i, 201 iv, 148 iv, 176 vn, 61 vii, 66 vu, 145 viU, 15 viii, 157 vni, 269 • vU, 137 vii, 142 viii, 74 viU, 79 vui, 142 viii, 145 . viii, 6 iv, 201 viii, 96 . vin, 209 > which J 1, 180 1, 192 n, 76 ii, 81 U, 199 iii, 6 iv, 117 iv, 118 iv, 127 iv, 128 . which see. i, 182 i, 201 iii, 33 iv, 167 • see nex:t above. ii, 78 n, 83 ii, 84 - n, 79 • 11, 97 • 11, 99 V, 146 V, 161 i, S3 V, 336 iv, 183 iv, 184 i, 203 V, 122 viu, 218 viii, 44 404 Index to Records of the Council, vm, viu. 392 432 vm. REED, , Col. : regiment viii, 47 REED, George, Maj. [Reid] : letters and request of . . . . . vii, 163 lieutenant-colonel, regiment ..... vii, 170 REED, Hugh: brigantine appraiser ........ v, 245 REED, James : petitions, for incorporation of Monadnock No. 4 and for grant of township . . . . . . . . . vi, 153 REED, James, Brig. -Gen. . petitions, committees on viu, 241 rents confiscated estate, Keene abstract of wages presented by REED, John: waiter on General Court, account . RE-ENFORCEMENTS : see also Recruits to forces at Annapolis Royal . to the northern army for Gen. Washington's army . to the American army, bill for to northern contl. army and see Continental Army to our army in Canada, New York, RE-ENLISTMENT : of soldiers at the army . REFEREES : on petition of Robert Mason i, 39 REGIMENTS {called also Battalions) : see Ashley, Samuel. viii. 114 vm, 236 66 viii, 352 vm. 353 vm,vui, viii, viii, 472 353 482 204 Regiments : vi, 26 vi, 27 vii, 65 vii. 225 vii,vii, vu. 227 105 107 vn, 222 Vll, 223 Vll, 26s > see Army. vm, 109 vm, no vni, 113 Badger, Joseph. Baldwin, Nahum. Bartlett, Josiah. Bartlett, Thomas. BedeU, Timothy. BeUows, Benjamin. British. Chase, Jonathan. Cheshire County. Cilley, Joseph. Coos.Drake, Abraham. Ellis, Timothy. Evans, Stephen. Field-officers. see Folsom, Jeremiah. Gilman, David. Hale, Enoch, Hale, John. Hale, Nathan. Hazen, , Col. Hilton, Winthrop. Hobart, David. Hunking, Mark. Hunt, Samuel. Jackson, Henry. Litchfield. Londonderry. Long, Peirce. Lutwyche, Edward Goldstone. McClary, John. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 40s REGIMENTS {see also Battalions) : see McConnell, Samuel. Meserve, Nathaniel. MiUtia. Mooney, Hercules. Moore, Daniel. Morey, Israel. Moulton, Jonathan. Nichols, Moses. Officering. Peabody, Stephen. Poor, Enoch. Reed, , Col. Reed, George. Reynolds, Daniel. Rhode Island. at Louisburg, re-enforcement of . . . New Hampshire, at Lake George and Fort Edward see Richardson, Bradbury. Rockingham Co. : towns. ScammeU, Alexander. Stark, John. Stickney, Thomas. Strafford Co. : towns. Tash, Thomas. Thornton, Matthew. Ticonderoga. Webber, Christopher. Webster, John. Whipple, WiUiam. Wingate, Joshua, Wyman, Isaac. VI, 112 VI, 113 vu, vii, vii,vii, vii, vii. 14 49 55 72 16 32 vu, vii, vii,vii, vu, vii. 205° 6173 33 33 VI, vi, viii, vi, vi, vii,vii, vU, to join Gen. Amherst . deficiences filled . the 48th, at Albany .... the 40th, in the late war for Canada . . . . vn, 13 vii, 47 vii, 48 vu, 53 vu, 54 vii, 70 vii, 71 and see Canada : expedition against. officering and commissioning . . . vu, lO vu, 33 vm, of three hundred for Portsmouth vii, 30 vii, 32 vii, 33 vii, and see Portsmouth : defence of. of 720 men .......... vii, apportionment of soldiers to . . . viU, 176 viii, 177 vin, to recruit continental army, see Continental Army : recruits for. for Rhode Island defence ....... which see. REGISTERS : of admiralty, see Penhallow, Samuel. of deeds, 18 103114 259 105160 29 52 6884 324 35 207 376 see Recorders. of probate, see Blanchard, Jonathan. Cheshire County. Fisher, Ichabod. Grafton County. Hillsborough County. Paine, Elisha. fees see Parker, William, Jr. Rockingham County. Shannon, Richard Cutts. Strafford County. Wentworth, John, Jr. n, 113 40 6 Index to Records of the Council, REGISTERS : of the disabled in the United States' service, see Gilman, John Taylor. province, see Sheafe, Sampson. REGISTRATION : of Frenchmen, which see. REGULATION Act: amendment and repeal of . . . REGULATIONS : relative to Portsmouth .... enlistment ...... concerning prisoners, Exeter gaol . REHOBOTH : congress of provincial governors at REID, George : see Reed : RELHAN : see also Enfield : representation ..... petition ...... incorporation act and-act to repeal the same RELIGION : Romish, ... . . RELIGIOUS Societies: in Newmarket, . . . . REMICK, Samuel. disabled soldier, half-pay REMICK, Susanna: petition, committee on . REMINGTON, Samuel ^ ferriage account ......... vii 272 REMONSTRANCES : see Chittenden, Thomas : Court of Appeals : Dakin, Amos : Giles, Benjamin : Plymouth : Portsmouth : Prisoners : Web ster, David. RENDEZVOUSES : see Acadians. Albany. Berry, Joseph. Boston. Canadians. Cape Sables (Indians). Charlestown.Connecticut River. Coos.Crown Point. Exeter. Fleet. vii, 155 vii, 181 vn, 195 vii, 29 vii, 276 . viii, 32 V, 251 vu, 90 viii, 24 viii, 94 vni, 26 viii, 472 . which see. . which see. . viu, 12 viu, 287 viii, 304 see Greenland. Indians. Nantasket. Newbury. Norridgewock. Number Four. Penobscots.Regiments for Canada. St. John's (Indians). Sandy Beach. Troops. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 407 RENDEZVOUS Point: scouting and watching from RENSLAYER, Henry John [Ranslaer] : motion for permit to export rum for the army petition for permit to purchase dry goods RENTS: 1-5 assigned for support of Lt.-Gov. Cranfield of house for sessions of general court ii, 131 of ware-house for king's stores REPRESENTATION : classing towns and places for, see Towns. under new constitution ..... of new settlements .... REPRESENTATIVES {called, also Assemblymen): V, 114 V, 119 V, 145 vn, 179 vn, 180 i, 145 ii, 213 V, 133 vn, vii, i,i, vu, i. 147182 37 182 ¦ which see. see Abbott, Jacob. Adams, Ephraim. Ames, Stephen. Atkinson, Theodore. Atkinson, Theodore, Col. Bachelder, Nathaniel. Badger, Joseph. Baker, Otis. Baldwin, Nahum. Barr, . Bartlett, Thomas. Betton, James. Blagdon, James. Blood, Francis. Blunt, John. Boyce, Robert. Brown, Benjamin. Burt, Joseph. Chesley, Thomas. Clarkson, James. Clements, Job. Clough, Thomas. Cobbett, . Coffin, Enoch. Cressey, Michael. Cromwell, Joshua. Cutts, Samuel. Dakin, Amos. Dam, WUliam. Davis, Francis. Davis, James. Dearborn, Levi. see Dearborn, Simeon. Dennett, Ephraim. Dimond, Thomas. Dow, Henry. Dow, Samuel. Downing, Richard. Dudley, John. Dudley, , Mr. Dudley, Theophilus. Eames, Jeremiah. Eastman, Jeremiah. Ellis, Timothy. Emerson, Samuel. Evans, Stephen. Fabes, John. Fifield, Benjamin. Folsom, David. Folsom, John. Foster, Abiel. Furber, William. Furber, WUliam, Jr. Gage, John. Gains, George. Gerrish, John. Gerrish, Paul. Giddings, . GUes, Benjamin. GUman, David. Gilman, John. Gilman, , Mr. Gilman, Nathaniel. Gilman, Peter. 4o8 Index to Records of the Council, REPRESENTATIVES (called also see Gilman, Samuel. Goff, John. Gray, James. Gregg, James. Haines, Matthias. HaU, Edward. HaU, Jo. HaU, John. Hall, Kingsley. Harriman, Stephen. Hartford, Nicholas. Hatch, John. Heywood, William. HiU, Nathaniel. House of Representatives. Hunking, Mark. Hunt, WiUiam. Hussey, John. Jaffrey, George. Jenness, Richard. Jewett, Jedidiah. Jose, Richard. Keais, Samuel. Kingsbury, Absalom. Lawrence, David. Learned, Abijah. Leavitt, Moses. Leavitt, Samuel. Long, Peirce. Lovewell, Jonathan. McClary, John. McMurphy, John. Marston, Ephraim. Martin, Thomas. Mathes, Francis. Mattoon, . Mellen, John. Moore, Samuel. Moore, William. Morey, Israel. Moulton, Joseph. Moulton, Josiah. Nichols, Moses. Odiorne, Jotham, Jr. Packer, Thomas. Page, David. Assemblymen) : see Page, Jeremiah. Palmer, Samuel. Patten, Matthew. Peabody, Nathaniel. Penhallow, Samuel. Philbrick, Samuel. Pickering, John. Pierce, Joshua. Pierce, Joshua, Jr. Plaisted, John. Potter, Ebenezer. Prentice, Nathaniel Sartel. Prescott, Henry. Prichard, Paul. Randall, James. Redman, John. Reed, Daniel. Richardson, Josiah. Rindge, John. Roby, Ichabod. Roby, Thomas. Rollins, Ichabod. Rouncival, Joseph. Sanborn, Sanborn, John. Sanborn, Josias. Sanborn, Tristram. Seavey, William. Senter, Joseph. Shattuck, WiUiam. Sherburne, Samuel. Simonds, Joseph. Smith, John. Smith, John (Durham). Smith, Joseph. Smith, . Mr. Smith, Samuel. Stern, Thomas. Stevens, Ebenezer. Stevens, Elihu. Stickney, Thomas. StUeman, Elias. Summons.Swett, Joseph. Thing, Bartholomew. Thing, Jonathan. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 409 REPRESENTATIVES {called also Assemblymen) : see Tibbetts, Samuel. see Webster, John. Tilton, Daniel. Weeks, Joshua. Tuck, John. Wentworth Benjamin ,Jr. Tucker, Benjamin. Wentworth , Benning. Tuttle, John. Wentworth , Hunking Underwood, James. Wentworth , John, Jr. Usher, John. Wentworth Paul. Wait, Joseph. Weymouth, William. Waldron, Richard, . fr. Whipple, J Dseph. Walker, George. Whipple, WUliam. Walker, Timothy, J r. Wiggin, Andrew. Wallingford, Thomas. Wiggin, Simon. Walton, George. Wilson, — — Walton, Shadrach. Wingate, Joshua. Weare, Nathaniel. Wingate, Joshua, Col Weare, Peter. Woodman, John. election of . . . , . i, 103 i. 199 qualification . . . ii, 12 n. 19 u, no n. 154 ii, 174 n, 204 iii. 74 iv, 134 iv, 139 iv, 141 iv, 148 iv, 159 iv, 163 iv. 164 iv, 168 iv, 176 iv, 183 iv, 192 iv. 195 iv, 249 iv, 258 iv. 272 iv, 273 iv. 283 iv, 284 iv, 286 iv. 293 iv, 294 iv. 303 iv, 304 iv, 309 iv, 333 iv, 344 iv. 345 iv, 346 iv, 355 iv, 359 iv, 360 iv. 362 iv, 363 V, 261 vn. 117 wages (pay) and travel u, 158 iv, 162 iv, 254 vii, 9 vii. 1 1 vii, 1 6 vii. 18 vn, 19 vU, 38 vii. 59 vU, 92 vii. 97 vu, 103 vu, 126 vii. 136 vu, 183 vii. 215 vu, 228 vu, 244 vu, 270 vU, 271 viu. 19 viii, 33 viii, 61 viii. 67 viii, 68 vin. 84 viii, 89 vin, 102 viu, 117 viU, 121 vin, 128 viU, 129 viu, 142 viu. 143 vni, 146 viu. 153 viU, 164 viu, 181 viii. 198 viu, 201 vUi, 202 vin, 226 viU, 229 viU, 255 viii, 268 viii. 273 vin, 283 viu, 295 viii. 301 viii, 325 viu. 338 viu, 348 viii, 351 vui. 374 vin, 375 viii. 383 vin, 397 viu, 412 viU, 420 vUi, 425 vni. 439 vin, 441 vin, 445 viii. 454 viii, 455 vui, 469 viu, 470 viu, 487 viii. 490 petition to king n, 207 iv. 171 dismissal of . . iv. 192 notified by clerk of council to meet V, 355 furnished with printed acts and laws vii. 252 obliged to take " oath of fidelity' . viu, 19 to have defaced counterfeit bills for detectives . vin. 75 4IO Index to Records of the Council, REPRESENTATIVES {called also Assemblymen) : classing towns and places for, see Towns : Places. precepts for, see House of Representatives. districts ....... REPUBLIC of Geneva: agreement with George II on armistice . assent to Aix-la-Chapelle treaty of peace . REQUISITIONS : for delivering up escaped prisoner . of Continental Congress .... Gen. John Sullivan . . . . Gen. George Washington .... RESOLUTIONS : see also Acts : Laws : Votes : relating to, . which see. vi, 42 . vi, 47 iv, 217 > which see. Absentees' Estates : Bounty Notes : Certificates : Chaplains : Cheshire County courts : Committee of Safety : Confisca tion Act : Convicts : Crown Point expedition : Custom house : Embargo : Excise : Frontiers : Gaol-keepers : Goods : Hillsborough County courts : Impressment : In imicals : Interest : Loan-officer : Louisburg expedition : Merchandise: MUe Slip: Militia: MUitia Acts: Militia Laws : Moderators : Naval Officer : Provisions : Quaran tine : Quotas : The Raleigh : Recruits : Rockingham County courts : SmaU-pox : Soldiers' family supplies : Specie : Su perior Court of Judicature : Taxes : Town-clerks : Treasurer : Vessels : Westmoreland, which see. relating to incorporation, see Amesbury District : Methuen District. laying power of militia in president and council . ii, 70 on calling assembly ........ for an opinion by king's attorney on a vote for choice of recorder proclamation for arrest of William Blair on polling off from South Hampton to Newtown adverse to forwarding carts and fodder to Albany for restoration of the Enterprise's long boat appointment of legislative chaplain .... that the Colonial Congress assume the name and power of House of Representatives ...... vii, i valid, only by concurrence of both branches . for raising money, to originate in House of Representatives old officers to deliver records to the new on petition of Sarah Lutwyche ..... empowering judge of maritime court .... sustaining matters pending in Superior Court . instructing clerks of courts about impaneling juries . asking contl. congress for $20,000 for army clothing for supplying necessaries to soldiers at first cost . vii, 138 n, ii, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi, vu, vn, vu, vu, vii, vii, vu, vii, vii, vii. 73 172 46 51 57 108 109 135 2 3 3 3841 76 82 87 103 142 New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. 411 RESOLUTIONS: see also Acts: Laws: Votes: forbidding exportation of cattle, horses, sheep . vii, 224 for a convention to frame a system of state government viii, 2 selectmen of Hampton Falls to rectify their tax assessment to exempt Michael Wentworth from penalties promising an advance to army officers for distribution of the corn and grain of monopolists re-imbursing towns for soldiers' bounties . on petition of Gideon Freeborn, libeUee to ascertain time for interest to commence on new emission bills ........ viu, 229 on the difficulties in Cheshire and Grafton Counties of the N. E. States' convention. Providence .... authorizing the President to draw on treasurer for specie . for extending time for towns to deliver their assessment of rum directing sheriff, Cheshire co., to release prisoners . Maj. Gen. Folsom to liberate prisoners in Charlestown gaol . • relating to boundary between New Hampshire and New York . for extending time for settling boundaries of towns, Grafton CO. ....... . to restore Paul Varney to his law . requiring Jonathan Warner to render his account Tufton Mason's estate . . , . forbidding the sale of John Tufton Mason's estate for continuance of present government . a coUector of taxes in Raby legalizing election of constable, Hancock . to restore William Ayer to his law . instructing delegates to Contl. Congress, see Delegates. of Massachusetts general court New York general court .... Continental Congress .... printing, see Printing : public. RESOLVES: j«« Resolutions : RESTRICTIONS : saUing .......•• RETAILERS : acts relating to, repeal of ... - • RETURNS : see also Selectmen : of soldiers to President of CouncU i, 171 i, i74 posting soldiers in garrisons .... recruiting officers ...... soldiers for continental service .... officers and soldiers from this state trustees of confiscated estates .... land and buUdings transmitted to Contl. Congress viu, 381 with John viii, 424 vu, viii, viii, vui, viii, V viii, viii,viii, viii, viu,vui, viii, viii,viii, viii, viii, viii, viu, viii,viii, viii,vni, viii, vin, 241252 3161 8687 123 134 231258 272282285297305370450 398423423426442 451 486 which see. vn, 117 vii, 278 viii, 69 viii, 349 i, 178 u, 216 . see next above. vii, 142 . viii, 123 . viii, 209 viu, 248 . vni, 458 412 Index to Records of the Council, RETURNS : see also Selectmen : of state's quota in U. S. service boundaries ..... continental soldiers . . ¦ . stores .... militia ...... double, see Soldiers : double returns of. REVENUE : for fortification and defence . province or public ..... ii, 59 U, ii8 iv, 143 iv, 156 1-5 assigned for support of Lt.-Gov. Cranfield REYNOLDS, Daniel, Capt., Maj., Col. ; enlisting officer, account .... captain, company ...... of Col. Mooney's regiment . regiment, staff-roll . . . . REYNOLDS, David, Col.: colonel of regiment to be sent into Cheshire co REYNOLDS, Moses: depreciation note, payment of . . . REYNOLDS, Samuel, Capt. : pay-roll ....... RHIMES, Samuel [Rymes] : House of Representatives at his house . RHODE Island [Road] : vessels, admiralty passes for . government, king's letters to . quota ..... general court vote of, laid before the councU commissioners on medium of exchange . letters from, committee on . . . defence of . . . . vii, 117 vU, 210 vii, 211 vii, 260 vii, 265 vin, 9 viii, 19 viii, 34 vni, 37 viii, 45 vui, 46 viii, 80 viii, 95 viii, 100 viii, loi viU, 133 vin, 139 prisoners of war sent to . . . companies, officers allotted to volunteers, rolls of ... . petitioner from vm, 472 1 • which see. . . I, 70 i, 86 ii. I n. 9 u, 126 ii. 129 iv, 136 iv, 166 V, 102 V, 212 1 i. 145 J 147 vh, 211 vm, 10 vii, 269 viii, 11 . viu, 143 viii, 367 viU, 373 . viu, 326 . viii, 269 viii, 218 viii, 266 ii, 6 ii, 10 vu, 1 1 8 vii, 214 vii, 269 viii, 26 viu, 38 viii, 66 viii, 96 vin, 113 viii, 172 vii, 269 1, 241 i, 252 i, 283 vu, 207 vii, 224 viU, I viii, 30 viii, viii, 40 viii, 72 98 n, 234 V, 32 i, 301 i, 301 iv, 352 V, 392 vu, 109 vii, 208 vii, 259 viu, 3 vm, viii, vim viii. 33 447699 vm, 115 vm, 121 viii, 362 viii, 427 . vii, 147 vii, 271, viii, 44 . see next above. . vin, 134 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 413 RHODE Island Troops: muster-rolls of ... . RICE, Elijah, Ens. : pay-roll, account .... RICE, John: justice of the peace account ..... RICHARD : ship, George Snell, master bark, trading with Indians at Lahane Earl of Bellomont RICHARD AND Margaret: vessel, rum imported by and see Alcock, Samuel : RICHARD AND Mary: vessel, rum imported by and see next above. RICHARD the Post: bill (account) .... RICHARDS, Benjamin: V. Lemuel Bickford RICHARDS, Jus.: of Strawberry Bank RICHARDS, Thomas [Rickard] : petition, committee on . RICHARDS, William: of Strawberry Bank distressed for military fine RICHARDSON, Bradbury, Col. : regiment .... RICHARDSON, James, Maj.: petition for grant of lands justice of the peace prisoner, petition, bond RICHARDSON, Josiah, Maj.: representative , RICHARDSON, Luther: petition .... RICHARDSON, Richard: petition . . . • RICHMOND : Quakers' petition . town-meeting, bill and act to alter time of justice of the peace RIDER, James: soldier, account, committee on V, 295 V, 296 vm. 76 viu. SI vii. 50 vii. IIS i. 136 V, 297 which see. m, 59 i, 222 iii, 46 vm, 1 1 n. 38 iv, 306 i. 164 viu. 313 i, 164 ii. 56 viii. 247 vi. 153 vi. 160 vii. 267 viu. 270 viii. 460 viu. 389 vu. 224 vm, 117 vm. 392 viu. 144 414 Index to Records of the Council, RIDER, James: allowed depreciation of wages ...... viii, 145 RIFLEMEN : boarding, account for ....... . vii, 89 RIGHTS : province, asserted and maintained . . . . . . ii, 29 RINDGE : coroner .......... vii, 54 soldier from, wounded at Stillwater ..... viii, 37 petitions ...... viii, 189 viii, 190 viii, 340 justice of the peace and of the quorum ..... viii, 445 RINDGE, Daniel: schoolmaster, Portsmouth . . . . . v, 311 v, 312 RINDGE, Daniel: councilor . . . . vi, 132 vi, 133 vi, 134 vi, 135 vi, 136 vi, 137 vi, 143 vi, 144 vi, 145 vi, 146 vi, 147 vi, 148 vi, 149 vi, 150 vi, 152 vi, 154 vi, 156 vi, 157 vi, 159 vi, 160 vi, 161 vi, 163 vi, 164 vi, 167 RINDGE, John, Capt. : representative iv, 250 iv, 251 iv, 283 iv, 303 iv, 312 iv, 315 iv, 323 iv, 332 petition, account . . . iv, 334 iv, 335 iv, 336 iv, 368 councilor . iv, 337 iv, 338 iv, 343 iv, 344 iv, 345 iv, 346 iv, 347 iv, 348 iv, 349 iv, 350 iv, 351 iv, 352 iv, 353 iv, 354 iv, 355 iv, 356 iv, 357 his estates claim ......... iv, 370 RINE, Lewis de : French spy, examination and imprisonment . . . . v, 8 RING, John: V. Josiah Dow . . . . . . . . . v, 170 RING, Jonathan : account viU, 321 RIOTS : see Dover : Exeter : Hampton. commitments for ......... v, 9 RIVERS : see Ashuelot River. see Ohio River. Chaudifere River. Oyster River. Cocheco River. Pemigewasset River. Connecticut River. Piscataqua River. Contoocook River. Piscataquog River. Hampton River. Saco River. Hudson River. St. John's River, Lamprey River. St. Lawrence River. Merrimack River. Salmon Falls River. Naumkeag River. Souhegan River. Newichawanick River. Winnipiseogee River. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 41S ROACH, John, Capt.: has leave to sell personal estate at auction ROAD, Joseph: bondsman for Mark Round . ROADS : see Highways : ROBB, John: petition, committee on . ROBBE, John, Sergt.: disabled soldier, half-pay, account ROBBE, William: petition for Peterborough ROBBERIES : suppression of, committee on ROBBINS, Jonathan: account .... ROBERTS, , Capt.: commander of pirate ship ROBERTS, George: of Exeter, province rate against ROBERTS, Hateevil: " took the oaths " ..... ROBERTS, Thomas: " at the meeting of Mr. Joshua Moody, Newbury " ROBERTS, Thomas (?), Senr.; testimony concerning David Hamilton, pauper ROBERTSON, Archibald: purchases state gunlocks .... ROBERTSON, James [Roberson] : of Newcastle, sworn ... petition ....... ROBERTSON, James, Lt. : pay-roll ...... viii, 7 ROBERTSON, John: soldier, receives coat and blanket money ROBERTSON, Peter: disabled soldier, petition, half-pay . ROBEY : ROBIE ROBINSON, : account for work on fort .... ROBINSON, Caleb, Capt., Maj. : receives clothing for his soldiers officer, taken prisoner at Ticonderoga, account may exchange retired bills for current money . depreciation note, indorsement on . brevet for . . . ... petitition, committee on .... ':\ vm. 131 i. 87 viU, 359 viu. 362 viU, 13 viii, 444 viii. 130 viii, 147 viii. 392 V, 394 i. 94 V, 7 i. 117 ii. 276 vii. 109 ii. 15 ii- 33 ii. 34 vin, 1 1 viu, 29 • vii. 128 vn,!i55 vn. 160 see Roby. IV, 203 vU, 276 viii, 5 vui, 214 . vui, 76 viii, 253 . vui, 392 . viu, 428 4i6 Index to Records of the Council, ROBINSON, David: Robert Mason v. ........ . of Exeter, province rate against ...... ROBINSON, Ephraim [Robison, Robertson] : petition, account ..... vu, 132 viii, 210 on board of war ........ committee to settle officers' and soldiers' depreciation accounts viii, 229 viii, 269 of committee on claims . paymaster to invalid pensioners of committee of safety . ROBINSON, James: grand-juror, reflects on the court cooper, account .... ROBINSON, John: petition .... ROBINSON, Jonathan: Robert Mason v. . of Exeter, province rate against ROBINSON, Mary: petition, indorsements on her notes ROBINSON, Noah, Lt. : depreciation note, indorsement on . ROBINSON, Peter: post-rider, agreement with account ..... ROBINSON, Samuel, Capt. : permittee ..... ROBINSON, Sir Thomas: letters from ..... ROBY, Hannah [Robie] : account ..... ROBY, Henry [Robie] : petition ........ i, 53 warrant to apprehend Joshua Moody justice of the peace . . . i, 102 i, 138 i, 139 i, 141 i, 142 i, 143 1, 149 deposition relative to assault on provost marshal . i, 142 V. Henry Dow . . . . . . . i, 153 ROBY, Ichabod [Iccobod] : see also Roby, Henry : deposition. account .......... representative ... iv, 352 iv, 358 iv, 364 ROBY, , Mr.: grand-juror, foreman ........ ROBY, Samuel: petition, complaint v. Hampton rioters ..... ROBY, Samuel; soldier, allowed wages ........ i, 279 i, 296 i , 84 1 , 94 viii , 375 vu 277 vm 178 vm 337 vm 267 viii 36s viii 376 i. 129 in, 62 viii. 474 i, 84 I. 94 vin, 19s viii, 272 viii. 149 vm, ISO viii, 159. i, 298 viii, 14& ii. 34 1, 75 1, 140 I, 153 1, 143 1, 154 iii. 39 IV, 367 i, 129. V, 122 vii. 41 New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. 417 ROBY, Sarah: petition .... i, 230 iii. 57 ROBY, Thomas: representative ii, 154 ii. 174 iv. •159 iv, 163 ROCHESTER : " support of gospel at," petition and vote on . iv. 275 petition .... . . iv, 296 iv, 297 iv, 305 iv. 313 iv. 314 iv, 316 non-resident proprietors . see next above. defence of . vi, 23 vi. 31 head line as boundary of a township grant . vi. 38 vi. 39 selectmen's account . vU, 34 ROCKINGHAM : township west of Conn, river . vi. 87 ROCKINGHAM County: justices of the peace and of the quorum . . . . vi. 146 vi, 150 vi, 152 vi. 160 vi, 166 vi, 167 vU, 22 vii. 50 vii. 54 vu. 65 vu. 99 viii, 5 viu, 95 viu, 104 vui. 344 viu. 355 viu, 362 vui, 391 viii. 392 vin. 444 viu. 455 judges and registers of probate vi, 161 vii. 23 vui. 78 viU, 118 viii, 192 viii, 203 viU, 301 viii. 314 vUi, 382 councUors .... . vii. 2 vii. 116 vii. 141 vu, 255 viu, 64 viii. 219 viii. 461 viii. 477 civil officers, appointment of . vii. II officers, committee on qualificatio n of vn. 19 vu. 20 Court of Common Pleas, justices vii. 22 vu. 73 vii. 183 vii, 205 vU, 212 vii. 259 vii. 264 viii. 424 treasurers recorders of deeds sheriffs . coroners time of sessions altered adjournments made valid . vu, 23 vii, 23 vn, 81 vn, 43 vn, 23 viii, 383 vu, 23 vn, 54 vn, 99 towns, enlisting regiment in ...... . Court of General Sessions of the Peace, time of sessions altered prison-keeper, allowance to . sheriff, ordered to seize the Flag of Truce Superior Court of Judicature in vui, 52 trial of Matthew Thornton in, act for councilor vote committee gaol and gaol-keeper . ' . Edward : of Exeter, province rate against ROE, Richard: of Bloody Point, province rate against . 27 viu, 78 vUi, 103 Vlll, 140 vm, 219 ROE, vii, 236 vin, 117 vii, 89 vU, 46 Vlii, 202 viii, 470 vii, 30 vii, 243 viii, 98 vii, 249 vui, 43 vin, 135 vni, 103 viU, 220 viii, 437 i, 94 i, 97 41 8 Index to Records of the Council, ROGERS, Daniel (Ipswich) : V. Hampton freeholders . . . • v, 301 ROGERS, Daniel [Dr.] : councilor . . . vi, 143 vi, 144 vi, 145 vi, 146 vi, 147 vi, 148 vi, 149 vi, 150 vi, 151 vi, 152 vi, 153 vi, 154 vi, 156 vi, 157 vi, 159 vi, 160 vi, j6i vi, 164 vi, 167 ROGERS, Daniel, Rev. (Exeter) : his meeting-house as a limit to inimical .... vn, 78 legislative chaplain, account .... . . vii, 115 vii, 191 vii, 249 viu, 61 vUi, 62 vui, 120 viu, 204 viii, 300 viii, 301 viu, 397 committee to draft proclamation for fast ..... vii, 1 62 ROGERS, Elizabeth: petition and act for divorce . . vii, 274 viii, 4 viii, 9 ROGERS, John : see Richard : ROGERS, Nathaniel, Rev. : deceased, claim in favor of his estate committee to draw up proclamations minister, Portsmouth ROGERS, Nathaniel, Capt: justice of the peace .... petition for grant of township ROGERS, Richard: letter to Ambrose Gibbins account current with distressed for military fine .... ROGERS, Richard: prisoner from N. Y., liberation of . ROGERS, Robert, Maj. . memorial in behalf of officers in last war . . vi, 127 divorce, see EUzabeth. ROGERS, William (Dunbarton) : discharged on his oath of fidelity ... . vii, 200 ROLFE, Benjamin : petition for incorporation of Rumford . . . . . vi, 55 ROLLINS, Ichabod [Rollings, Rawlins, Rawlings] : justice of the peace ..... representative . . . . . vii, 15 committee to take sheriff's bond judge of probate ... ... accounts vii, 112 vu, 145 vu, 167 vii, 266 of committee of supplies . . . . re-imbursed for debt recovered against him ROLLS : see Abbott, Abiel. see Adams, John. Abbott, Joshua. Aiken, James. IV, 249 V, 62 V, 87 V, 354 vi. 146 vi. 151 i. 36 i. 37 ii. 56 vii, 222 vn. 226 VI, 149 vn, 23 vU, 16 vii, 18 vU, 20 vu, 23 vii, 268 vin, 443 see next above. viii, 443 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 419 ROLLS : see Aiken, Ninian. Ashley, Samuel. Atkinson, Samuel. Badger, Joseph. Bailey, Jacob. Bailey, James. Baldwin, Nahum. Ballard, Nathan. Barrett, Joseph. Barron, WiUiam. Bartlett, Stephen. Bartlett, Thomas. Bellows, Benjamin. Blake, James. Bowers, Benjamin. Bowman, Jonas. Boyes, WiUiam. Brewster, John. Brockway, Jonathan. Brown, Nathan. Brown, Samuel. Butler, Henry. Calfe, John. Campbell, William. Capron, Oliver. Carlton, Kimball. Chandler, Jonathan. Chase, Jonathan. Chase, Moses. Cilley, Cutting. Clark, Robert. Clark, Stephen. Clements, Timothy. Cobleigh, Oliver. Cole, John. Continental Service. Conway : scouting party. Crosby, Josiah. Cross, Peter. Dame, Theophilus. Daniels, EUphalet. Dearborn, Henry. Dearborn, Stephen. Dearing, Ebenezer. Dover : soldiers. Dow, Henry. see Dow, Jeremiah. Dow, Oliver. Drury, Gershom. Eames, Jeremiah. Eastman, John. Emerson, Daniel. Emerson, Timothy. Evans, Stephen. Fletcher, Robert. Flood, Benjamin. Folsom, John. Ford, James. Gage, Amos. Gains, George. Gale, Jacob. GUe, Ezekiel. Gilman, David. Gilmore, James. Gordon, Daniel. Hale, Enoch. Hale, John. Hayward, Joshua. Head, Nathaniel. Heald, Thomas. Hendee, Joshua. Heywood, William. Hill, John. HUton, Edward. Hilton, Winthrop. Hodgdon, Caleb. Hoit, Stephen. Hopkins, James. Houghton, Nehemiah. Houston, Samuel. Hqwlett, Davis. Hutchins, Joseph. Invalids. Jewell, Daniel. Kelley, Moses. Kidder, Jonas. KimbaU, Peter. Ladd, James. Langdon, John. Leavitt, Moses. Lewis, James. Long, Peirce. 42 o Index to Records of the Council, ROLLS : see Lovejoy, Hezekiah. McConneU, Samuel. McConnell, Thomas. Mack, Elisha. McLaughlin, Thomas. Mann, Benjamin. Marston, Simon. Mathews, Francis. Matross Companies. Mellen, John. MUitia. Militia Officers. Mills, John. Mooney, Hercules. Moore, Daniel. MorrUl, James. Nichols, Moses. Nichols, Samuel. Nute, James. Officers.Page, David. Page, Enoch. Page, Jesse. Page, Peter. Paine, Samuel. Parker, Stephen. Parsons, Joseph. Peabody, Stephen. Perkins, Abraham. Phipps, Thomas. Pike, Robert. Piper, Samuel. Piscataqua Harbor. Post, Jeremiah. Prescott, David. Prescott, WUliam. Putnam, Philip. Quimby, Aaron. Quimby, David. Reynolds, Daniel. Reynolds, Samuel. Rhode Island Troops. Rice, Elijah. unpaid, order to pay of council, certified by secretary six months' men, making up see Robertson, James. Rogers, William. RusseU, Josiah. Salter, Titus. Scott, Waitstill. Senter, Joseph. Sias, Benjamin. Simpson, Thomas. Sinclair, Richard. Sloane, John. Sloop-hire. Smith, Ebenezer. Smith, Jonathan. Soldiers. Spaulding, Benjamin. Stevens, Abel. Stickney, Thomas. StiUson, WiUiam. Stone, Ebenezer. Stone, Salmon. Taylor, Chase. Thomas, Joseph. Towne, Francis. Tuttle, John. Volunteers. Walker, George. Walker, WUliam. Wallingford, Samuel. Webber, Christopher. Webster, David. Webster, Ebenezer. Webster, Jacob. Webster, John. Wentworth, Joshua. Whipple, William. Whitcomb, Benjamin. Whittier, Benjamin. Wiggin, Mark. Wilson, Nathaniel. Wingate, Joshua. Worthen, Ezekiel. Wright, Samuel. Yeaton, Moses. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 421 ROLLS : and see Soldiers : six months'. of companies serving on frontiers, making up viu. 391 and see Frontiers : defence of. of councUors, see Councilors: wages (pay) and travel. ROMAN Catholics: to be made prisoners of war . V, 112 V, 113 ROMER, Wolfgang William, Col. : estimates for fort at Great Island ii, 236 ii, 237 ii, 239 ii, 244 ii, 249 ii, 251 ii. 252 ii. 253 ii, 255 ii, 256 u, 258 n. 259 V, 117 consulted by the council V, 95 letter from ... V, 107 chief engineer at fort V, 117 V, 126 V, 134 queen's commission to . see next above. memorials, account V, 118 V , 126 V, 139 ROMISH Religion: taught Indians V, 5- ROMNEY : of his Majesty's councU, WhitehaU i. 188 ROSE, Elisha: prisoners from New York vii, 130 ROSE, Roger: wUl, estate, administration granted V, 174 V, 209 ROSE, Widow: administratrix, see Roger. JROSS, Alexander: account .... iv. 339 ROSS, John: account, petition iv. 333 iv. 335 ROSS, Sarah: petition viu. 431 vni. 448 ROUNCIVAL, Joseph: representative viii. 31 ROUND, John: silversmith . . . i. 29 ROUND, Mark: contempt, bond for appearance i. 87 ROWE, Benjamin [Row] : justice of the peace and of the quorum . vii. 22 ROWE, Robert: petition ... . . iv. 322 ROWE, Thomas: examined concerning French men-of-war vi. 98 ROWELL, William: his house as a bound of Kingston . vi. 3 422 Index to Records of the Council, ROW-GALLEY : buUding, committee on . . . RUAR, Maturin: affidavit concerning the cutting of pine trees RUM: imported and exported, drawback of custom on ii, 243 ii, 247 duties on given the king price extravagant in Kingston on board the infected sloop. Hawk . exportation from Exeter stopped of, act to prevent . permitted delivered soldiers not charged to them . supplied by Col. John Langdon for the continent, time for receiving it extended soldiers' wages paid in . . . . . receivable for taxes ... . . from Barbadoes receiver-general of collector of, see Wentworth, Joshua, Col. for the army, see Continental Army : soldiers, see Soldiers : RUMFORD : as town on Merrimack River . incorporation, petition for RUMNEY : proprietors or selectmen, petitionees ammunition for ...... confiscated land in, granted . RU.M-RECEIVER : nomination and appointment of RUMRY, Matthew: of Newcastle, sworn .... RUNDLETT, Charles: account . ... RUNDLETT, James: door-keeper, account .... vii, 1 1 5 vU, 215 viii, 34 viii, 62 vu. 16 V, 399 1, 222 in. 46 iii, 59 ii, 206 ii, , 207 iv, 1 70 V, 231 V, 378 vii, 179 vUi, 164 viii, 194 viii, 188 viii, 234 viii, 279 viii, 308 vUi, 325 \ viu, 343 vin, 329 which see. > suppl; ies for. i. 267 vi. SS vi, 145 vii. 65 vUi, 81 vui. 329 ii. 15 viii. 154 petition RUNNELS, Eunice: petition and act for divorce RUNNELS, Winthrop: divorce, see Eunice. RUSSELL, Daniel: disabled soldier, half-pay vii, 150 vii, 185 viii, 232 vui, 254 viii, 477 viu, 483 vm, 431 VIU, 432 vin, 440 37 viii, 7-^ vui, 168 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 423 RUSSELL, Edward : justice of the peace ... .... vii, 22 RUSSELL, El-eazer: sheriff ........... iv, 293 iv, 306 iv, 345 iv, 350 iv, 352 iv, 355 memorial see next above. maritime (naval) officer . . . vii, 73 viii, 56 viii, 101 letter from, committee on . . . . viii, 358 vui, 362 and see next above. receiver of powder-money RUSSELL, Henry: grand-juror, deposition . .... RUSSELL, James: Massachusetts committee on western expedition RUSSELL, Jason: ensign, resignation RUSSELL, Josiah, Capt. ; company of rangers pay-roll and account ... . . RUSSELL, William: depreciation note, indorsement on . RUST, Benjamin: contempt of Lt. -governor and Council, answering for account ("allowance") ..... petition .... iv, 259 iv, 260 RUST, Henry: judge of probate RUST, Henry, Jr. : account . . . . RYALS : value of, act regulating RYAN, James: counterfeiter RYE: annexation to, petition of John Salter for representatives . . ... boundaries . . . . iv, 319 petitionees justice of the peace ..... selectmen examined in regard to smaU-pox coroner ...... watch-house at . . lands in, act to vacate deed of RYE AND Brentwood : adverse claims of, to the same soldier RYMES, , Capt.: estate of . i, 264 viii, 463 i,i, 129 290 vii. 161 vii. 91 vii. 121 vii. 122 viii. 214 iv. 230 iv. 244 iv, 247 iv. 250 iv. 268 iv. 331 vi. 157 vi. 166 viii, i, 144 56 vii. 98 iv. 254 iv. 283 iv. 303 iv. 320 iv. 336 iv. 325 vi. 148 vi. 163 vi. 164 vii. 54 vii. 108 viii. 349 viii. 281 424 Index to Records of the Council, RYSAM, William Johnson: absentee, his messuage divided SABBATAS : Indian murdered at Contoocook SACHEMS : see also Sagamores : Gov. Shirley's letter to . SACHFORD, Samuel: distressed for military fine SACO: boards and pipe staves shipped from English inhabitants sagamore of . ... SACO Fort . see Hill, John, Capt : SACO River: ferry SADLER, Edward: passenger under quarantine SADLER. Joseph: account SAFFORD, John: account SAGADAHOCK : as boundary of Gorges's patent SAGAMORE Creek: petition . . ... SAGAMORES (Sachems) : treating with governor .... v, of Penacook . . . . Saco SAILORS (Seamen) : wages of . . V, 209 v, 245 vi, 118 viii, 186 viii, 195 enlistment of ... vi, 17 vi, 26 vii, 187 vii, 224 impressment of, see Seamen. ST. Clair: brigantine, conveys re-enforcements to Annapolis Royal vi, 26 vi, 41 ST. Croix: brigantine from, infected with smaU-pox . . . vi, 130 ST. Francis: Indian captives at .... . . iv, 233 ST. Francois River : as route to Troifes Rivieres . . . i, 275 ST. Francois Tribe: treaty with, see Indians. ST. Georges: Indians, treaties with . . . . i 275 garrison at, attack on , . vi, no Vlll, 144 i, 267 vi, 19 n, 56 . i, 29 . i, 158 i, 159 viU, 434 viii, 443 vi, 44 i. 202 iii, 33 viii, 439 i, 33 ii, 35 V, 326 V, 327 \ which see. V, 132 V, 150 V, 314 V, 322 . see next above. i. 185 i. 218 viii. 306 i. 275 i, i. 269 275 vi, i, 24 36 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 425 ST. James : Queen Anne's councU at ..... v, 152 V, 257 V, 293 court of . . . . . ST. Johns : French at privateer from ..... removal of family to ST. Johns (Indians) : rendezvous . ST. John's River: French fort on . . ST. Lawrence River: passages into, opening ...... French settlements on, reduction of . . . SAINT Martins: SALARIES : see also Wages : of Postmaster-general, ...... . which see. of civil and military officers, see the ifames of the various officers and offices. of justices and clerks of courts, see under the names of the courts. SALEM, (Mass.): reception of Gen. Nicholson at clearance of beef and cider for . . SALEM, (N. H.) line with Windham, alteration of . vi, 66 charter ....... . . selectmen's account ..... complainant of ....... . SALISBURY, (Mass.) [Salsbury] : provost marshal Thurton in custody there . i, 138 constable transcends his authority . administrator from SALISBURY, (N. H.) : ammunition for captain from justice of the peace SALISBURY Ferry: express to, from Portsmouth ... ... v, 201 SALLAWAY, Henry: suspected of designing with the French . i, 208 i, 210 attendance with certificate SALLISTON(?), , Gov. (Conn.): agent to assist Col. Nicholson SALMON : in Merrimack river, act for preserving SALMON Falls: scouting around .... V, 176 V, 397 V, 274 viu. 131 vi. 69 vi. 70 viu, 38 vui. 421 i. 141 V, 398 vin. 454 vU, 65 vu. 269 viii. 95 in. 37 in. 41 V, 251 viii. 482 V, 182 V, 44 vi. 38 vi, 138 ii, 3 vii. lOI vu. IIS 426 Index to Records of the Council, SALMON Falls River [Salmond] : scouting around ... as easterly boundary of a township grant land at head of, title in dispute SALT: confiscated . for the state, agent to buy and see Soldiers : supplies for. made from sea- water, bounty on . vii, 174 vii, 214 viii, 16 SALTED Beef: disposal of, committee on viii, 292 viii, 329 SALTER, John: examinee, petition iv, 210 iv, 211 iv, 212 iv, 213 iv, 254 SALTER, Malachi: effects in custody of Portsmouth committee .... vii, 278 SALTER, Titus, Capt. : company, pay-rolls, account . . . vii, 36 vii, 40 vu, 57 vii, 58 vu, 93 vii, 95 vii, 119 vu, 131 vu, 152 vu, 162 vii, 163 vu, 194 vu, 229 vU, 235 vii, 265 viii, 3 viu, 18 viii, 28 viu, 40 vni, 87 viii, 90 viii, 464 enlisting officer, matross company . ... vii, 94 vii, 124 vii, 266 viii, 2 viii, 42 petition, wages raised ...... vn, 177 viii, 2 may exchange counterfeit biUs foi genuine . . vii, 250 appointed captain . . viii, 334 SALTERTUGA: see Tortuga: SALTPETRE : procuring, committee on . . . . vii, 34 vii, 38 vii, 48 vii, 56 vii, 96 vii, loi viii, 14 exchange of, for gunpowder .... . . vii, 58 inspection of . . vii, 79 vii, 88 vii, 93 viu, 14 and see Oilman, Josiah, Dr. bounty, committee on awarding . vii, 168 vii, 208 vii, 213 belonging to state, sale of . . vii, 264 viii, 15 viu, 58 SAMPSON, John [Samson] : of Newcastle, sworn ... ii, 15 SAMS, . Capt. . see Atkinson, Theodore, Col. : letter. SANBORN, , Mr. : representative . ..... . iv 284 iv, 315 iv, 320 iv, 321 iv, 323 iv, 336 petition iv, 332 SANBORN, Benjamin [Sanbourn] : grantee, Kingston . . . . . ii, 74 SANBORN, Daniel: justice of the peace . . . . . vi, 152 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 427 SANBORN, Ebenezer: appointed to take inventory of Bath SANBORN, Jethro: justice of the peace SANBORN, John [Sanburn] : representative . iv, 224 iv, 246 iv, 254 iv, 259 iv, 270 iv, 276 account SANBORN, John, Jr. : assault on provost marshal SANBORN, Josiah: petition SANBORN, Josias: representative .... SANBORN. , Lt., [Sambourn] : escaped prisoner .... SANBORN, Matthew Nealy: depreciation note, indorsement on SANBORN, Nathaniel: grantee, Kingston .... SANBORN, Reuben: V. John Blazo, ejectment SANBORN, Stephen: examinee, Hampton riot case . SANBORN, Tristram: representative SANBORNTON : ' justice of the peace ferry, grantee of . SANDERS Point [Poynt] : settlement of, location i, SANDOWN : plot to liberate prisoners in gaol justice of the peace selectmen's account for blankets SANDWICH : town-meetings, act to legalize petition for, committee on proprietors' petition Phillips Exeter Academy lands in discount of taxes .... selectmen's petition, committee on . SANDY Beach: addition to Great Island township . precinct, petition for . rendezvous of scouts . viii, 467 vi, 151 iv, 250 iv, 251 iv, 252 iv, 261 iv, 262 iv, 268 iv, 277 iv, 283 iv, 287 iv, 224 i, 138 i, 141 . viu, 436 ii, 204 iv, 168 i, 153 vin, 259 n, 74 vui, 195 iv, 283 iv, 303 vi, 152 vui, 249 L 31 33 VI, 132 vi, 151 vU, 31 viii, 213 viii, 217 viii, 307 viii, 407 viu, 419 see next above. viu, 428 viu, 447 ii. 30 ii, 37 iv, 224 V, 114 V, 119 V, 234 V, 120 n. 10 vui. 479 viii. 407 428 Index to Records of the Council, SANDY Beach: scouting there .... . . V, 145 V, 153 V, 163 V, 200 enemy landing at . . .... SANDY Point: Tho. Wiggins's of, as assessment limit to Swamscott SANGER, Jedidiah [Sangor] : petition . . . . • SANGER, Phinehas: petition SANGOR: see Sanger: SANSWOOD, James: vessel-master, petition . . , . . ii, 241 SARAH and Hannah : sloop, impressment and appraisement of V, 190 V, 191 V, 193 SARATOGA -. Battle of . . viu, 40 vHi, 44 viu, 80 viU, 98 volunteers to . . . SARGENT : farm west of Conn, river included in Hinsdale SARGENT, Benjamin [Serjeant] : distressed for mUitary fine SARGENT, John [Sargeant] : garrison soldier . . . . SARGENT, Nathaniel. justice of the peace SARGENT, William: vessel-master, petition SARTWELL, Simon, Lt. : enlisting officer . .... depreciation note, indorsement on . SATTERTUGA : smaU-pox brought from . . . vi, 12 SAUCE-MONEY : committee about, report accepted . of Capt. StiUson's company .... SAUNDERS, Daniel: justice of the peace SAUTLE : farm west of Conn, river included in Hinsdale SAVAGE, Henry: distressed for military fine SAVAGE, John: ' of Strawberry Bank SAVILLE : proprietor's petition . viu, 197 viu, 220 viii, 243 incorporation of, act for . .... viu, 250 V, 188 V, 202 viU, 116 viii. 45 vi. 85 ii. 56 i. 177 V, 370 ii. 241 vii. 185 viii. 236 vu. 239 vii. 257 vin. 95 vi. 85 ii. 56 i. 164 New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. 429 SAVILLE : abatement of taxes . . ..... viii, 267 SAWYER, Abel: V. Joseph KeUey . .... viii, 250 SAWYER, Abner: petition for grant of township ... vi, 82 SAWYER, Benjamin: grant of 2,000 acres to . . . . . . vi, 151 SAWYER, Ephraim: petition for grant of township . . . vi, 153. SAWYER, John: petition, committee on . . viu, 59 SAWYER, Joseph: justice of the peace . . . vii, 102 SAWYER, Samuel: petition . . viii, 478 viU, 483 viii, 485 SAWYER, Sir Robert, Kt. : his Majesty's attorney-general . . . i, 54 SCALE : of depreciation, see Depreciation Table. SCALPS : Indian . . . . which see- SCAMMELL, Alexander: colonel, 3rd contl. battalion . vii, in vii, 144 regiment (battalion) . . . ¦ . . . vii, 146 vii, 155 vn, 157 vu, 160 vii, 174 vii, 177 vii, 178 vii, 180 vii, 187 vui, 13 viii, 116 petition . . . vii, 160 viii, 150 SCAMMON, RICHARD: of Exeter, province rate against . . . i, 94 SCHENECTADY : Shirley's march from . . . . i, 300 SCHIEGNECTO : rebel Acadians from . . i, 275 SCHOOL-HOUSES : act concerning ... ... . ii, 60 SCHOOI^MASTERS : j-£« Rindge, Daniel : Hampton: Hampton Falls : Portsmouth. maintenance and appointment of, acts for ... . iv, 146 iv, 147 V, 311 V, 312. SCHOONERS : see Abigail. see Grandgrave. Beggars' Benisou. Hannah. Dolphin. Hermit. Friends' Adventure. SmaU-pox. George. Venus. Glasgow. Washington. Gorham. iv. 2H vii. 127 vii. 132 vn. 134 viii. 63 vii. 5° vu. 160 vu. 140 vii. 153 vii. 206 V, 5 V, 222 vi. 23 430 Index to Records of the Council, SCHOONERS : Indian, attack on . armed, prisoners taken in permitted to sail for West Indies . to Carolina for corn . . . . SCHUYLER, Peter, Gen.. sending hard money to . . . vii, 48 commanding continental army .... letter, committee on ... . SCOTLAND : settlers in West Indies from ..... kingdom of, union with England . rebellion in . passage for, permitted ...... viii, 25 SCOTT, Alexander: petitionee and petition ... . . vii, 89 SCOTT, Elizabeth: petition .... v, 125 SCOTT, Waitstill, Capt: pay-roll .......... vii, 263 SCOTT, William, Capt. : petition (request) vii, 195 vii, 244 vii, 277 vii, 279 viii, 28 SCOTTON, Richard: attorney, complaint and petition . . . . iv, 217 iv, 218 SCOUTING : see also Scouts : Companies : at the heads of the rivers . . v, 45 v, loi v, n8 SCOUTING Party: see Conway : Eames, Jeremiah, Capt. SCOUTS : see also Scouting : Rangers : Indians : for discovery of the enemy ii, 163 iii, 40 V, III V, 144 V, 182 V, 220 V, 234 and see Province Scout : Province : defence of ; Frontiers : de fence of ; Garrisons: Committee of Militia : Coos: and under names of towns and rivers. impressment of ii, 97 v, 183 v, 196 wages (pay), see Soldiers. provisions for : see Soldiers : supplies for. SEABROOK : selectmen, petitionees . . • • . . . viii, 314 SEA-COAST : defence of ... . . i, 197 vii, 68 vu, 168 1, 210 1, 274 n. 51 ii. 189 in. 3 ni. 25 iii. 27 V, II V, 44 V, 45 V, 76 V, 113 V, 116 V, 119 V, 120 V, 145 V, 149 V, 153 V, 165 V, 183 V, 185 V, 204 V, 205 V, 223 V, 224 V, 226 V, 227 V, 281 V, 358 vu. 13s vn. 142 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 431 11, 124 SEAL [Seale] : of New Hampshire . . . . v, 150 V, 263 V, 379 vi, 38 SEAMEN : travelling without pass, order concerning regulation of, act for impressment of, for the Debtford . to man ships of war for the Enterprise . for the Crown " American act about," opinion on SEARCH-WARRANTS : for books and papers powder .... provisions .... SEARL, John: of Newcastle, sworn SEARLS, Jonathan [Searl, Searle] : petition ..... land of, highway through SEAVEY, Amos: account SEAVEY, Benjamin [Sevy] : of Newcastle, sworn account SEAVEY, James: petition, committee on SEAVEY, John: of Newcastle, sworn SEAVEY, Samuel [Save, Seave, Sevee] : struck by the governor . petition SEAVEY, Thomas [Sevey] : of Newcastle, sworn petition SEAVEY, William: representative of Newcastle, sworn SEAWARD, Joseph : see Lucy : SEAWARD, Lucy: petition and act for her to convey land . SEBAGO Pond [Sabago] : fort "up above" proposed ..... SECOMB, Simonds: coroner ........ SECRETARIES : see also Deputy-secretaries : Clerks of council, ... .... V, 152 V, 187 VI, 57 vi. 69 u. I iv, 154 iv. 158 VI, 7 VI, 8 VI, 17 VI, 19 VI, 109 VI, 117 vi. 19 iii, 6 in. 7 V, 159 V, 163 n, 15 viii, 444 viii, 451 vin, 455 vm, 410 ii, 15 iii, 38 viii, 126 li, 15 i, 201 iv, 183 1, 128 ii, 33 ii, 34 ii, IS ii- 33 ii, 34 iv, 192 iv. 195 ii- 15 vm, 128 VIU, 132 i, 275 • vn, 23 . which see. 432 Index to Records of the Council SECRETARIES : see also Deputy-secretaries : Clerks : of king's council, see Holdernesse : Povey, John : Vernon, James. Massachusetts council, «« Addington, Isaac: Willard, Josiah. Massachusetts general court, see Rawson, Edward. Continental Congress ...... to Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, see West, J. SECRETARY of Probate: see Registers: SECRETARY of State : see Council : secretaries of. king's, see Earl of Egremont : Fox, Ines. queen's, see Earl of Sunderland. SECRETARY of War: requested to make return of state's quota in U. S. service SECRETARY'S Office: books and papers relating to . SECUNTI : Indian fort . . . . . SECURITIES : pubUc,state, SECURITY : see also Bonds : Recognizances : excise and impost as . ... for debts due the province required of officers to pay their rolls ... viu, 196 viii, 213 viii, 214 viii, 218 by treasurer to Col. John Langdon for rum viii, 279 SELECTMEN : see Langdon, William : Leavitt, James : Martin, Richard : Morse, Obadiah : Osgood, James : Phipps, Thomas : Pick ering, John: Putney, Ephraim: Snell, George: Vaughan, William : Walker, Ezekiel : and under names of towns. see Public Securities. to commit province rates for collection account to council for rates attend council with records of their town bounds pay for transcript of laws . inspect town stock .... provide soldiers' supplies . impress bread, bUls for . . . U, 177 u, 183 and see Provisions: impressment of. to notify claimants to present claims levy province, state, and continental taxes . act concerning ....... 1, 42 ni, 57 11, 145 165 333 which see. vm, 472 i, 2C7 V, 5 n, 130 in, 61 vn, 238 viii, 222 viii, 280 ii. 48 i. 46 i. 230 iii. 58 ii, 10 ii, 143 V, 93 ii, 176 iv. 166 ni. 65 ¦ui. 74 iv. 336 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 433 SELECTMEN : to deposit provisions with town captains . v, 159 v, 161 duties in guarding against spread of small. pox vi, 75 vi, 131 vi, 156 vi, 164 called upon for quotas .... neglect to return precepts settlement with, by committee of safety to doom monopolists and sharpers, bill for distribute corn and grain of monopolists, bill for qualify town officers, act for empowered to send off families of absentees required to purchase clothing for the army returns by, of lands of absentees . . accounts for soldiers' bounties and supplies viii, 134 viii, 136 and see Towns. directed to bring in their accounts for supplies to soldiers' fam ilies .... . . directed to stop supplies to soldiers' families . return number of polls to secretary SENATORS : choice of, precept for SENTER, : justice of the peace SENTER, Asa: lieutenant . . . . officer, taken prisoner at Ticonderoga, account captain, ist N. H. regiment . SENTER, Joseph: justice of the peace lieutenant-colonel . comm^nder of companies for defense of R. I. account, staflF-roU .... viii, 6 representative SENTINEL'S Box [Centinall's] : Little Harbor Point, SENTRIES [Centrys] : at Hampton and Newcastle SEQUESTRATION : committee of, in each county . SEQUESTRATION Act: made inoperative . . SERGEANTS : see McAlpine, Donald: Smith, Joseph. pay . . . . i, 230 iii, three to forty privates appointment of . . . ¦ 28 V, 171 vi. 28 vi. 165 vii, 69 vu. 117 viii. 37 viii. 80 vui. 87 viii. 90 viii. ii6 viii. 118 viii. 133 viii, 156 vui. 231 viii. 445 viii. 448 viii. 463 vi. 151 vii. 122 viu. 5 viii. 257 vn. 23 vii. 48 vii. 210 viii. 173 viii. 392 which see. vii. 31 vui, 420 viii, 426 56 vii, 172 vm, 331 vui, 44 vin, 332 434 Index to Records of the Council, SERMON : election, .......... SERVANTS : protecting against severity of masters and overseers, act for ii, 122 iv, 152 iv, 154 of delegates in Continental Congress . . • • General Court, ..... SERVICE : Continental .... Massachusetts United States SETTLEMENTS : see also Charters : Grants : Townships : of townships delayed by French and Indian wars . vi, 115 Dutch English French Indian . Maine . ... New SEVILLE : dollars of, value regulated . .... SEWALL, Jonathan Mitchel : of committee to draft acts and bills vii, 130 vii, 139 account ..... .... and see next above. SEWALL, Stephen [Sewal] : clerk of court, Essex . .... SEWARD, John: account . ...... i, 202 SEWELL, Widow: of Exeter, province rate against ... assault on Provost Marshal Thurton at her house SHACKFORD, John: garrison soldier . .... SHACKFORD, Samuel: committee to take inventory, Greenland SHACKFORD, William [Shockford] : of Bloody Point, province rate against ..... garrison soldier ..... SHAD: in Merrimack river, act for preserving ... SHALLOPS : impressment of . . . V, 120 V, 185 for Casco Fort which see. ii. 119 iv. 158 vm. 330 which see. which see. vi, 116 which see. i, 56 vu. 125 vii. 147 vu. 178 i. 169 in, 33 i, 94 1, 138 ii, 99 V, 399 i. 97 n. 84 viii, 482 1, 212 ni. 41 V, 118 V, 123 V, 147 V, 181 V, 184 V, 188 V, 190 V, 229 V, 236 V, 147 V, 181 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 435 SHALLOPS : French Gift \ which see. SHALLOTT : see Challott : SHANNON, Mary: widow, allowed for husband's losses and wages vii. 34 SHANNON, Richard Cutts: petition, committee on . vii. 202 viii. 246 viii. 368 prisoner, has leave to visit his family vu. 206 register of probate pro tempore viu. 470 SHARP, William: watch at fort ii. 39 SHARPERS : restraining, act for vii. 271 doomage of, act for viii. 80 SHATTUCK, William: representative vii. 15 SHAW, Daniel: of Newcastle, sworn ii, IS SHAW, John ["Oshaw"]: account ("aUowance") iv, 255 SHEAFE, Jacob: justice- of the peace and of the quorum • . vi. 160 SHEAFE, Jacob, Jr. : petition, permittee . vii. 152 vii. 158 vii. 189 SHEAFE, Sampson [Sheaf, Sheife] : Robert Mason v. . i. 84 deputy-coUector, province of N. H • ii. 223 ii- 225 V, 1 v. 64 V, 65 V, 72 V, 77 V, 82 V, 96 V, 97 V, 179 V, 180 complaint .... . see next above. appearance before council • in. 63 V, 65 secretary of council . iii. 67 ni. 70 iii, 77 in, 79 ni. 82 in. 83 V, 2 province register . • iii, 67 iii. 70 ui. 83 clerk of the peace . . in. 67 Court of Common Pleas iii. 67 councilor . . ni, 77 iii, 81 iii. 83 iii. 87 in. 88 account .... . iii. 82 petitionee .... V, 97 V, 98 SHEAFE, Sampson (2d): councUor .... vi. 22 vi, 31 vi. 32 vi. 33 vi. 34 vi. 35 vi, 37 vi. 41 vi. 42 vi. 45 vi, 48 vi, 50 vi. 51 vi. 52 vi. S3 vi. 54 vi, 55 vi, 56 vi. 57 vi. 58 vi, 59 vi, 60 vi. 61 vi. 62 vi, 1.63 vi. 64 436 Index to Records of the Council, SHEAFE, Sampson (2d) : councilor . vi. 65 vi. 66 vi, 67 vi. 68 vi, 69 vi. 71 vi. 76 vi. 77 vi. 78 vi. 82 vi. 84 vi. 85 vi. 86 vi, 87 vi. 88 vi. 90 vi. 92 vi. 93 vi. 95 vi. 97 vi. 98 vi. 100 vi. lOI vi. 102 vi. 105 vi. 108 vi. no vi. 113 vi. IIS vi. 122 SHEEP : exporting, resolution against . vii, 229 SHEFFIELD, [Shaffield] . Dutch settlement . i, 274 SHEFFIELD, Joseph: petition . . iv, 2S7 iv, 288 SHELDON, Elisha, Col. ; light-dragoons . . . viii, 424 SHEPARD, Jacob: V. Samuel Pearson . . . viii, 413 viii, 421 SHEPARD, James: captain, company vii, 48 vii, 49 SHEPARD, Jonathan: petition and complaint . . . viii, 26 SHEPARD, Thomas [Sheapard] : petition for grant of township on Pemigewasset River . vi, 71 SHEPHARD, Amos: major SHEPHARD, Nathaniel: petition, committee on SHERBORN, Jo. . province rate against SHERBURN, Edward: mate of the Success SHERBURNE, Henry: witness to account of Henry Jocelyn . i^ .30 SHERBURNE, Henry: councilor . . iv, 230 iv, 244 iv, 250 iv, 255 iv, 260 iv, 267 iv, 273 iv, 283 iv, 288 iv, 296 iv, 303 iv, 310 iv, 315 VUI, 343 viii. 196 i. 99 V, 394 IV, 231 iv. 234 iv. 235 iv. 236 iv. 245 iv. 246 iv. 247 iv. 249 iv, 251 iv, 252 iv, 253 iv. 254 iv. 256 iv. 257 iv. 258 iv. 259 iv. 261 iv. 262 iv. 263 iv, 264 iv. 268 iv. 269 iv. 270 iv. 271 iv. 274 iv. 275 iv. 276 iv. 277 iv. 284 iv. 285 iv. 286 iv. 287 iv, 289 iv. 293 iv. 294 iv. 295 iv. 297 iv. 298 iv. 299 iv. 300 iv. 304 iv, 305 iv. 306 iv. 309 iv, 311 iv. 312 iv. 313 iv. 314 iv. 316 iv. 317 iv. 318 iv. 319 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 437 SHERBURNE, Henry: councilor . . . iv. 320 iv, 321 iv. 322 iv. 323 iv. 324 iv, 325 iv. 327 iv. 329 iv. 330 iv. 331 iv. 332 iv. 333 iv. 334 iv. 335 iv. 336 iv,IV, 338347 iv,iv. 343348 iv, iv. 344 349 iv, iv. 34535° iv, iv. 346 351 iv,iv, iv, iv. 352357 363 368 iv,iv, iv, iv. 353 358 364 369 iv, iv, iv, iv. 354 360 36s 370 iv, • iv, iv, iv. 355361 366 372 iv, iv, iv,vi. 3S6362367 I vi. 2 vi. 3 vi. 4 vi. S vi, 6 vi. 8 vi. 9 vi. II vi, 12 vi. 13 vi. 14 vi. IS vi. 16 vi, 17 vi. 18 vi. 19 vi. 20 vi. 21 vi. 22 vi. 23 vi. 24 vi. 25 vi. 27 vi, 29 vi. 30 vi. 31 vi. 32 vi, 33 vi. 37 vi. 40 vi, vi. 41 61 vi,vi. 45 62 vi, vi. 48 67 vi, vi, SI 68 vi, vi, 5369 vi, 72 vi. 76 vi. 77 vi, 79 vi. 80 vi, recorder of deeds . 84 vi. 8S vi. 90 vi. 91 vi,iv. 92 270 treasurer ... sessions of General Court at his house SHERBURNE, Henry (2d): iv. 297 iv,iv. 352338 mandamus for admission as councUor vi. 133 councilor SHERBURNE, Henry, Jr. : vi. 134 vi. 135 petition SHERBURNE, Jacob: iv. 262 iv, 263 petition and act for vesting title to land in viii. 43 viu. 46 SHERBURNE, John, (Portsmouth) : judge of probate .... SHERBURNE, John, Senr. [SherbornJ : troop warned to meet at his house . i, 144 i, 148 of Strawberry Bank "took the oaths" . SHERBURNE, John, Jr.: of Strawberry Bank SHERBURNE, Joseph, Lt.-Col. councUor . . . . iv, 272 iv, 273 iv, 274 iv, 276 iv, 277 iv, 278 iv, 279 iv, 284 iv, 285 iv, 286 iv, 287 iv. 289 iv, 293 iv, 294 iv, 295 iv, 297 iv, 298 iv, 299 iv, 300 IV, 304 iv, 305 iv, 306 iv, 309 iv, 311 iv, 312 iv, 313 iv, 314 iv, 316 iv, 317 iv, 318 iv, 319 VI, 161 i, 150 i, 164 V, 7 i, 164 iv, 275 iv, 283 iv, 288 iv, 296 iv, 303 iv, 310 iv, 315 iv, 320 438 Index to Records of the Council, SHERBURNE, Joseph, Lt.-Col. . councilor . iv, 321 iv. 322 iv 323 iv, 324 iv. 325 iv, 327 iv. 329 iv. 331 iv, 332 iv. 333 iv, 334 iv, 335 iv. 336 iv, 338 iv, 343 iv, 344 iv. 345 iv. 346 iv, 347 iv. 348 iv, 349 iv. 350 iv. 351 iv, 352 iv. 353 iv, 354 iv. 355 iv. 356 iv, 357 iv. 358 iv, 359 iv. 360 iv. 361 iv, 362 iv. 363 iv, 364 iv. 365 iv, 366 iv, 367 iv. 368 iv, 369 iv. 370 iv, 371 iv, 372 vi, I vi, 2 vi. 3 vi, 4 vi, 5 vi. 6 vi, 8 vi. 12 vi. 13 vi, 15 vi. 77 SHERBURNE, Love, Mrs. ; complaint , petition V, 67 SHERBURNE, Samuel [Sherborn, Shuerburne] : Robert Mason v. . fine for breach of peace assault on justice of the peace SHERBURNE, Samuel, Col., Maj. : representative muster- master and paymaster agent to equip Contl. frigate . disabled, account . SHERIFFS : see Archer, Benjamin. Ardell, William. Atkinson, Theodore. Cheshire County. Cook, Silas. Cummings, Jotham. Dame, TheophUus. England, Stephen. Gambling, Benjamin. Grafton County. Hale, Enoch. HiU, Robert. HUlsborough County. Hunt, Samuel. Jose, Richard. to provide province prison give notice for new election of serve writ (precept) for calling and see House of Representatives warrant to, for ships to notify councilors to meet distrain for debt due province compensation ("allowance") 1- 91 1, 93 i, '38 i. 141 1, 142 i. 143 vii. 7 vii. 35 vii. 71 vii. 77 viii. 172. see Kelley, Moses. Lovett, James. Mathews, Daniel Packer, Thomas. Page, WiUiam. Parker, John. Phipps, Thomas. Rockingham County. Russell, Eleazer. Sherlock, James. Strafford County. Ungle, Charles. Thurton, Thomas. Walker, John. Wibird, Richard. i. 202 iv. 183 constable ii, 4 an assembly ii, 12 ii, 16 n, 173 : precepts for. n. 73 ii, 187 iii. 27 iv. 247 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 439 V, V, 117 Vll, 20 V, S V, 134 SHERIFFS : commission, qualification, and bond v, 2 to publish acts, orders, proclamations V, 54 V, 68 petition . . . . ... to register Frenchmen and take French Catholics prisoners of war . . . . . V, 1 12 appoint prison-keeper warn town-meeting, Portsmouth execute quarantine order . . vi. 29 orders to, respecting Indian prisoner to repair gaol reports rescue of prisoners by mob . ordered to impress seamen ... . . and see Seamen. private directions to, relative to arrest of murderer Rockingham Co., ordered to seize the Flag of Truce to return executions to the court, act to enable directed to return extents .... to take bonds, see Bonds. to serve impressment warrants, see Impressment: Warrants. search-warrants to . . ..... acting under pretended authority of Vermont, see Page, William. SHERLOCK, James: provost marshal councilor justice of the peace 55 i, 116 63 95 III 117 67 96 112138 I, OS i- 97 i, 113 i- 139 customs officer deposition appointed to collect rates SHERLOTT, Francis: watch at fort SHERMAN, Richard [Sharmon] petition SHEWARD, Joseph: distressed for mUitary fine SHIP-MASTERS : see Ackerman, Stephen. Alcock, Samuel. Almory, Robert. Barbadoes. Barrere, John. Bracket, Anthony. Brond, Brown, Ebenezer. Brown, Moses. Vlll, 429 V, 16 vi, 62 V, 9 V, 113 V, 175 V, 261 vi, 33 vi, 63 vi, 67 vi, 88 vi, 109 vi, 13s vUi, 43 vin, 191 viu, 415 which see. i- 75 i, 132 i, IIS i, 142 i, 123 i, 131 i, 151 ii, 39 viii, 406 ii, 56 see Carr, Richard. Certificates. Cobbett, Thomas. Collins, Henry. Cornish, , Capt. Dunkley, John. Dutch, Samuel. Elwell, EUas. Farish, , Capt. 440 Index to Records of the Council, SHIP-MASTERS : see Fenlayson, Wallace. Flood, Joseph. Florelle, Lovis Aubert du. Fowler, John. Frost, John. Fryar, Nathaniel, Jr. Gatchel, Benjamin. Gerrish, Richard. Giddinge, Nathaniel. Gill, Samuel. Great Island. Haman, John. Hancock, Robert. Heme, -, Capt. Hodg, Robert. Jackson, Daniel. Jamaica. Jones, John Paul, Libby, George. Mead, Joseph. Memoranda. Merchant-ships. Millard, Paul. MitcheU, Robert. Morris, Salmon. Moses, Aaron. Newman, Henry. Newman, Thomas. entry with customs officer to account upon oath and give bond give account and pay respects petitions, permittees to have governor's certificate SHIP-OWNERS : permittees, to give bond SHIPPING : order for encouragement of instructions by George I, relative to embargo on . . . English SHIPS: see Advice. Benjamin.Bien Ane [Ame] . Black Cock. Bonetta Pink. see Nichols, Eli. Oliver, , Capt. Park, Michael. Parker, Robert. Passport.Poor, Edward. Portsmouth.Randall, Benjamin. Roberts, , Capt. Sanswood, James. Sargent, WUUam. Smith, . Capt. SneU, George. Stephenson, William. Stevens, Samuel. StUson, James. Stratton, WiUiam. Tay, Jeremiah. Thompson, Thomas. Vincent, John. Wanton, WiUiam. Waterhouse, Richard. Weare, Daniel. WUlimott, Edward. Wills, Thomas. Winkley, Samuel. Wintworth, John. ii, i66 ,ii, 241 1, 123 282 vi, 95 ii, 11 ii, 246 v, 128 vU, 129 i, 61 V, 379 vn, 195 . which see. see Catharine. Centurion. Charies II. Charles and Sarah. Crown. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 441 SHIPS: see Debtford. see Norwich. Enterprise. Pennsylvania. Falkland. Phancy. Fir-tree. Pide-cowe. Flag of Truce. Pinnace. Frigates. Pirate Ships. General Arnold. Portsmouth. George. Prince George. Hampden. Quarantine. John. Rhode Island. Ketch George. Richard. Ketch Prosperous. Richard and Margaret. Ketch Richard. Richard and Mary. Knowles. Speedwell. Le Grand. Spy- vessels. Maryland. Steriing Castle. Mast Ships. Superb. Men-of-war. Supply. Merchant-ships. Torbay. New Hampshire. Vessels. New Jersey. Virginia. Nonesuch. Winchelsey. squadron of, expected from France i, 218 confiscated ii. 3 of Capt. Jeremiah Tay entered and broke ii, 43 n. 45 proclamation-mon,ey on . vi. II clearances of, which see, also Naval Office. embargo on which see. of war, see Men-of-wai French, see French: preparations. SHIPWAY, John: of Strawberry Bank i. 164 SHIRLEY: fort gaUey . whicl '.see. SHIRLEY, Alexander: > SHIRLEY, John: \ re-imbursed for losses at Bunker Hill vii, 55 SHIRLEY, William, Gov. (Mass.) : arms and stores transmitted to i, 260 letters from, to Gov. Benning Wentworth . 262 i, 265 i, 266 i. 268 i, 269 i. 270 i. 271 i, 275 i. 277 i, 278 i. 279 , 281 i, 284 i. 287 i, 291 i. 293 i. 296 i, 300 i. 301 vi, 8 vi. 17 vi, 19 vi, 26 vi. 30 vi, 48 vi, 96 vi. 102 269 274 vi. 19 vi. 26 vi, 96 282 299 285 286 294 295 442 Index to Records of the Council, SHIRLEY, William, Gov. (Mass.) : to Jabez Bradbury . . ¦ ¦ • • Wi, 19 Sachems . . . • letters to, from Gov. Robert Dinwiddie . Col. Israel Williams Jabez Bradbury Lt.-Col. Gorham Gov. Mascarene Mr. Alexander Maj.-Gen. Johnson . signature to reports and votes . . . . • i, 285 i, 289 i, 290 speech on expedition against French ... scheme for defence of colonies . . • • action on Crown Point expedition negotiations with Lt.-Gov. Delancy ..... SHOES: for the state . ... . • viii, 443 and see Soldiers : supplies for. ^'^™^'' \ which see, also Continental Army : supplies for. inspector of, ) SHORT, , Capt: discharge by, affords protection . . . . ii, 29 warrant to Capt. Tay to deUver him up . . . ii, 45 SHORT, John: of Exeter, province rate against . . i, 94 SHORTRIDGE, Richard: of Strawberry Bank . i, 164 SHREWSBURY ¦ king's councilor . . . . ii, 1 1 5 SHUTE, Samuel, Gov. : letters to Lt.-Gov. John Wentworth iv, 204 v, 386 v, 401 v, 403 letters-patent (commission) and qualification v, 360 present in councU .... v, 360 V, 361 V, 363 V, 364 V, 365 V, 366 V, 373 V, 374 V, 384 V, 385 V, 388 instructions to . . . . . v, 367 letter on his visit to the Indians . . . v, 371 v, 372 SIAS, Benjamin, Capt. . pay-rolls, account . . . vii, 241 viii, 41 viu, 116 SIAS, Joseph: justice of the peace . . . vi, 152 vii, 23 SICKNESS: general in New Hampshire . . . v, 319 SILSBY, Henry: justice of the peace . . . vii, ¦ 50 viii, 446 viii, 462 vu. 41 viii. 332 whicl see. vi. 117, vii. 223 viii. 375 viii. 481 vUi, 487 viu. 196 vii. 136 vm, 44 vm, 45 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 443 SILVER: for troops in Canada treasurer's notes payable in . a tender SILVER Money: procuring, difficulty of . seUing for that only, committee on . payments made in . SIMES, Ann [Simms] : petition ..... to sell land for minor children, act for SIMES, John: account ... SIMMONS, Thomas: prisoner, has leave to work out SIMMS, William: disabled soldier, half-pay SIMONDS, James: petition, committee on . . . . . viii, 309 SIMONDS, Jonathan: account . . viii, 39 SIMONDS, Joseph, Capt.: representative . . . . viii. 46 vin, 379 SIMPSON, John: soldier, wounded at Bunker Hill .... disabled soldier, half-pay .... SIMPSON, Thomas, Capt., Lt. : company of rangers, pay-roll ..... vu, 87 account for back rations allowed half-pay ... SIMPSON, William: petition for ferry .... stoppage on his wages, vote to pay depreciation note, indorsement on . . . . viii, 237 SINCLAIR, John: of Exeter, province rate against ..... i, 94 SINCLAIR, Nathaniel [Sinkler] : petition, permittee ... . . vii, 152 vii, 157 SINCLAIR, Richard, Capt. [Sinkler] : company pay-roll ....... viii, 213 SINKLER: see Sinclair: SIX Nations : see also Indians : treating with, at Albany . . . vi, 14 vi, 39 vi, 65 aUiance with the French ..... vi, 30 SIZE-ROLLS : see also Rolls : of Gen. Enoch Poor . . . . vii, 274 vu. 44 viii. 73 vu. 114 vii. 115 viU, i6i vi. 157 vU, 56 viU, 240 444 Index to Records of the Council, see Newcastle. Perkins, Prudent Sarah. Sarah and Hannah. SmaU-pox. Success. Wanton, — Warren. vu, vii. SKEENSBOROUGH : losses there by commissary Emery . SKINNER, Joseph: justice of the peace SLACK, William: prisoner from New York - • ¦ • SLAVES : see also Negro Slaves : protecting against severity of masters and overseers, act for U, 123 iv, 152 iv, 154 excepted from the general test SLAYTON, Thomas: mariner, examinee SLEEPER, Aaron: assault on provost marshal i, 138 SLEEPER, John: traitor, pardoned ... of Exeter, province rate against SLEEPER, Thomas: petition . ... SLOANE, John, Capt. . coroner . . • • pay-roll .... SLOOPER, Ensign: I SLOOPER, John: \ of Strawberry Bank SLOOP-HIRE : muster-roll of, allowed . SLOOPS : see Abigail. Ann. Cape. Coasters. Exeter. Flag of Truce. Hawk. Wanton, , Lt.-Col. Mount Desert. seized for non-entry .... exemption from paying powder-money, act for pirate, pursuit of . . . impressment of . ... a:«^ j«« Sarah and Hannah : Exeter: Warrants. from Mt. Desert with advice of Indian designs French, from Port Royal, boarded . • appraisement of, warrants for . . v, 188 coasting between Boston and Piscataqua, duly on searching, for deserters ...... SMALL Change: excepted from operation ofthe sinking act . vii, 253 vn, 219 viii, 408 vu, 139 n. 120 iv. 158 iii. 83 1, 141 58 94 1, S3 54 268 164 V, 209 n. 5 ii- 67 iv, 202 V, 118 V, 118 V, 179 V, 245 V, 195 V, 282 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 445 SMALL-POX : see also Vessels : sloop. Hawk, infected with spread of, acts, bills, resolutions, to prevent vii, 99 vu, 115 precautions against vi, 162 vi, 163 schooner from W. I. infected with brought from Newfoundland . Jamaica on board vessels an argument against re-enforcing Forts EdwJ brigantine infected with . inoculation for . vi, 156 vi, 161 in army Boston Rye hospitals, see Charlestown : Hanover. SMALL, Susanna: account ..... SMART, Elizabeth: petition and bUl for divorce . SMART, Robert: ? SMART, Robert, Jr. . S of Exeter, province rate against SMITH, Aaron, Ens. ; request (petition), account SMITH, Asahel: petition, committee on . ferry grantee SMITH, , Capt. : commander of the Gosper SMITH, Conrood: prisoner from New York S.MITH, DANIEL; prisoner from New York SMITH, Ebenezer, Lt.-Col., Col.. justice of the peace muster-roll, pay-roll, account . receives money for Col. Badger recruiting-officer . SftllTH, Edward: of Exeter, province rate against SMITH, Francis: justice of the peace SMITH, Jabez: petition SMITH, Jabez (Epping) : permittee V, 377 V, 378 V, 400 vi. 28 vii, 129 vin, 17 viii. 335 vi, 73 vi, 74 vi, 161 vi, 164 vi, 165 vii. 129 vi. 29 vi. 31 vi, 43 vi. 44 vi. 105 rd and W m. Henry vi. 106 vi. 131 vi, 162 vi, 165 vii, 99 ¦ \ which see. 198 vn, 129 vu, 241 IV, 224 i. 21^ iii, i. 41 94 vii, 201 viii. 14& viii. 368 viii. 372 vni. 380 viii, 418 V, 83 vii. 127 vii. 139 vi. 153 vii, 23 vii. 251 viu. 200 vii, 219 viii, i, 269 94 vi. 144 vii. 25 iv, 259 iv, 334 viii. 168 446 Index to Records of the Council, SMITH, James, alias Spurling: committed for felony . . . . iv, 217 iv, 218 SMITH, James, Lt. : committee to settle disputes between Thomas Hall and guardians vii, 278 SMITH, John, Capt., Lt. : representative . u, 2 u, 174 ii, 238 ii, 242 n, 257 ii, 262 ii, 288 iv, 134 iv, 159 iv, 163 iv, 192 iv, 195 iv, 303 iv, 312 iv, 316 lieutenant . ........ ii, 2 petition . ii, 198 justice of the peace . . ... iii, 18 "took the oaths" ... v, 7 his house. Lamprey River, as limit to scouting routes . v, 45 committee on Nutfield and Chester line .... v, 397 SMITH, John (Durham) : committee to sign money, bills of credit . . vii, 35 vii, 70 on settlement of continental accounts . . vii, 102 vii, 139 viii, 156 to countersign treasurer's notes . vii, 143 vn, 169 representative ... . vii, 44 vii, 49 assistant clerk of the House . vii, 148 vu, 185 vii, 251 wages, ...... . see next above. receives money for Gen. Sullivan . . . vii, 213 has leave to exchange defaced treasurer's note . vii, 246 account . . vUi, 44 viii, 103 SMITH, John: minor, act for sale of his land ... . viU, 440 SMITH, Jonathan: of Exeter, province rate against ... . i, 94 SMITH, Jonathan, Capt. : pay-roll ... viii, 396 SMITH, Joseph, Capt., Maj. : garrison. Oyster River . . . . i, 171 1,174 iii, 30 return of garrison soldiers . . . . i 178 account . . i, 182 i, 224 ii, 112 iu, 4 appearance . . . i, 229 iii, 54 iii, 55 v, 204 of committee of militia . militia officer of a court-martial . . representative petition committee to run Province line draw up Fast proclamation . n, 51 ii, 100 ii, IOI ii- 154 iv, 134 U, i^ U, 202 lu, 2 councilor draft act for continuing duties, etc. . ii,, ^g wait on Earl of Bellomont . jjj' 33 on Fort William and Mary ... ^' in, 67 in, 69 iU, 71 in, I New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 447 111, iu,iii,iU, in, V, V, 3 18 73 79 SMITH, Joseph, Capt., Maj.: councilor . . . iU, 73 iii, 75 in, 77 iii, 81 iii, 85 Ui, 87 iii, 88 iv, 177 iv, 178 v, 361 ordered to dismiss soldiers posted at Hampton and Exeter . iii, 2 dismissed from offices of major and treasurer account of his treasurership . . . ¦ iii, 17 empowered to administer oaths . • . . complaint against .... treasurer of province . . ui, 85 iii, 86 in, 87 orders to . v, 144 v, 182 v, 189 v, 193 company . .... v, 145 justice of the peace . v, 230 to raise scouts . , . . orders 'to captains relating to deserters agent for Hampton ... SMITH, , Mr.. representative . . iv, 320 appears for Swamscott petitioners .... of committee on printing bills of credit . SMITH, Robert (Hampton) : petition . ...... SMITH, Robert (Londonderry) : petition for Elizabeth Fairservice . account, committee on vin, 150 viu, 151 viii, 153 200 163 V, 352 V, 281 V, 282 V, 301 IV, 323 IV, 344 cited to answer to complaint of James Betton petition, committee on . trustee of Col. Stephen Holland's estate . V. WiUiam Stinson and John Clark letter from SMITH, Samuel. distressed for military fine petition vm, 214 viii, 244 vm, 322 viu, 181 viii, 242 viii, 250 representative councUor iv, 283 iv, 294 IV, 274 iv, 299 vi, 2 iv, 276, iv, 303 vi, 4 IV, 352 V, 356 vi, 10 i, 53 vin, 78 viii, 323 viii, 187 viii, 243 viii, 265 viii, 250 vui, 312 n, 56 iv, 260 iv, 278 iv, 316 vi, 5 VI, vi,vi,vi, vi,vi,vi, 9 263350 566472 VI, vi, vi,vi, vi, vi,vi. II 27 37 SI 57 67 77 VI, vi, vi,vi, vi,vi,vi. 18 29 40 S3 59 68 85 VI, vi, vi, vi, vi,vi, vi. 223145 5460 69 87 243248 5563 71 vi, 121 VI,vi, vi, vi,vi, vi, SMITH, Simeon: to sell his minor son's land, vote and act for . SMITH, Wadleigh: petitions, committees on . . viu, 268 viii, 314 vm, 417 viii, 316 vm, 440 viU, 317 i. 136 ii. 36 ii. 56 iii. S3 V, 7 ii, 84 ii. 83 i, 137 iii, 39 448 Index to Records of the Council, SMITH, William, Dr. -- account, petition, committee on . viu, 109 vin, 227 viu, 230 SMYTH, , Sergt. : back-pay allowed . ... i, 230 in, 56 SNELL, George: master of the Richard, recognizance selectman, Portsmouth . . . u, 28 distressed for miUtary fine . . . • • SNELL, John, Lt. : custodian of Wm. ArdeU ''took the oaths'' SNELL, John, Serg. Clk. : impressment warrant issued to . ii, 80 soldiers to receive orders from ... . ' . SNELL, Samuel; of crew of the Ketch Richard ..... soldier, account . . . - SNOW, Joshua: soldier, committee on his case . . ¦ viii, 208 SOCIETIES : Congregational, -v Presbyterian, >see Newmarket. Religious,. ) SOCIETY Land: petitions for incorporation vi, 167 vii, 83 vii, 103 viii, 92 viii, 402 incorporation of parts of, biUs and acts for . . vu, 154 vii, 160 viii, 92 vUi, 106 viii, 112 abatement of taxes . . . viii, 408 SOLDIERS : see also Continental Battalions : Continental Service : Continental Soldiers: in garrisons, which also see - . . i, 171 i, 174 i, 175 ^ i, 176 i, 177 i, 182 i, 184 i, 187 ii, 80 in, 9 iu, 39 iu, 47 iii, 76 iv, 174 iv, 178 iv, 180 iv, 193 v, loi and see supplies for below. supplies (subsistence, stores) for, and acts, votes, etc., relating to . . . . . . . i, 176 i, 179 i, 180 i, 182 i, 184 i, 186 i, 187 i, 199 i, 207 i, 216 i, 217 i, 220 i, 221 i, 224 i, 289 i, 290 i, 291 i, 294 i, 295 i, 296 i, 297 1, 299 i, 300 i, 301 ii, 10 ii, 11 U, 27 ii, 31 ii, 51 U, 52 ii, 53 n, 54 U, 80 ii, 83 u, 94 U, 97 ii, 98 u, 100 ii, 137 ii, 140 ii, 142 ii, 14s ii, 149 ii, 151 ii, 152 u, 155 u, 157 ii, 164 u, 165 u, 169 ii, 170 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 449 SOLDIERS : see also Continental Battalions: Continental Service: Continental Soldiers: supplies (subsistence, stores) for, ; and acts, votes, etc.. relating to ii, 176 ii, 177 n, 183 n, 187 U, 194 u, 210 ii, 211 ii, 213 ii, 267 in, I in, 4 iii, 24 in, 27 in, 28 iii, 30 iii, 36 in, 38 iii, 39 in, 44 iii, 45 iii, 48 iii, 49 ni, 50 iii, 62 iii, 76 iv, 135 iv, 1 60 iv, 161 iv, 165 iv, 175 iv, 176 iv, 178 iv, 179 iv, 180 iv, 187 iv, 188 iv, 202 iv, 209 iv, 263 V, 93 V, 103 V, 104 V, 105 V, 107 V, lis V, 117 V, 118 V, 121 V, 129 V, 133 V, 135 V, 136 V, 144 V, 147 V, 151 V, 156 V, 159 V, 160 V, 161 V, 163 V, 164 V, 165 V, 166 V, 168 V, 170 V, 171 V, 173 V, 177 V, 178 V, 181 V, 182 V, 183 V, 184 V, 185 V, 205 V, 207 V, 223 V, 227 V, 231 V, 236 V, 240 V, 242- V, 243 V, 245 V, 246 V, 247 V, 281 V, 404 vi, 15 vi, 16 vi, 18 vi, 25 vi, 31 vi, 93 vi, 99 vi, 102 vi, 113 vi, 114 vi, 115 vii, 13 vn, 21 vii, 31 VU, 33 vii, 34 vii, 35 vii, 41 vn, 44 vii, 51 vii, S3 vn, 71 vii, 78 vu, 86 vii, 91 vii, 100 vu, IOI vii, 103 vii, 105 vii, 109 vii, no vu, 123 vn, 125 vii, 131 VU, 133 vii, 142 vii, 143 vii, 146 vii, 147 vii, 152 vu, 153 vii, 154 vu, 156 vii, 157 vii, 161 vii, 171 vii, 172 vn, 178 vii, 179 vu, 180 vii, 188 vu, 189 vn, 190 vii, 191 vii, 208 vu, 211 vU, 218 vu, 251 vii, 271 vii, 276 vUi, 28 viii, 34 vUi, 38 vui, 41 viii, 64 vin, 81 viii, 102 viii, 112 viii, 115 viii, 118 viii, 124 vUi, 133 vin, 134 viii, 136 viii, 143 vni, 162 vui, 176 viii, 194 viii, 196 viii, 21 1 viii, 234 viu, 238 viii, 245 viii, 251 vui, 253 vui, 256 viu, 272 vin, 288 viii, 291 viii, 294 viii, 298 viU, 312 viu, 333 vin, 334 vin, 335 vin, 336 vin, 343 vin, 379 vui, 407 viii, 409 viu, 412 viii, 468 and see Continental Army : Continental Service : Military Stores : Selectmen: Towns. exempted from taxes i, i8i accounts . . i, 181 i, 182 i, 220 iii, 39 in, 48 iii, 49 in, 50 iii, 62 vU, 34 vii, 84 viii, 80 viii, 145 viii, 146 viii, 148 viu, 150 viii, 155 vin, 159 vui, 162 vni, 163 viii, 381 29 i, 182 V, 170 n, vu. 72 10 .50 Index to Records of the Council, SOLDIERS: see also Continental Battalions: Continental Continental Soldiers: and see disabled below. billeting n, 213 V, 169 taxes discounted to . . wages (pay), and acts, votes, etc. , relating to i, 182 i, 200 i, 201 i, 206 i, 219 i, 220 i, 299 ii, 31 u, 117 n, 118 ii, 173 ii, 182 u, 190 n, 194 U, 200 ii, 203 U, 242 ii, 267 in, 32 iU, 33 iU, 49 ui, 50 Ui, 82 iii, 87 iv, 171 iv, 175 iv, 180 iv, 187 V, 83 V, 92 V, 118 V, 127 V, 156 V, 157 V, 21 I V, 223 vi, 23 vi, 24 vu, 7 vn, 14 vu, 31 vu, 34 vii, 52 vii, 56 vn, 91 vU, 97 vu, 125 vU, 138 vu, 218 vu, 219 vii, 232 vii, 238 vn, 261 vii, 275 viU, 29 viii, 38 viii, 46 viu, 54 i, 230 ii, 69 ii, 122 U, 184 ii, 19s ii, 205 iii, 2 iii, 35 in, 56 iv, 153 iv, 176 iv, 188 V, 93 V, 135 V, 158 V, 245 vi, 41 vii, 28 vn, 35 vu, 58 vii, 105 vu, 171 vii, 220 vii, 240 viii, 2 viii, 40 viii, 96 i, 187 i, 207 i, 239 ii, 72 ii, 128 ii, 185 ii, 196 ii, 207 in, 16 ni, 43 iii, 61 iv, 161 iv, 178 iv, 251 V, 106 V, 136 V, 173 V, 248 vi, 60 vn, 29 vn, 40 vii, 60 vn, 113 vii, 172 vii, 230 vii, 241 viii, 8 viii, 41 viii. 08 viii, 101 viii, 105 viii, 113 viii, 115 viU, 126 vni, 133 viu, 135 viu, 139 viii, 146 viii, 147 vin, 149 viii, 161 viii, 189 viii, 190 vUi, 200 viii, 207 viii, 212 viii, 214 viii, 221 viii, 223 viii, 231 viii, 235 viii, 236 viii, 238 viii, 251 viii, 254 viii, 265 viii, 266 viii, 272 viii, 275 vui, 286 viii, 325 viu, 333 viii, 337 viii, 343 viii, 345 viii, 355 viii, 359 viii, 362 viii, 372 viu, 383 viu, 386 viii, 387 viii, 390 viii, 404 viii, 408 vUi, 411 vUi, 412 Service : n, 114 viii, 404 i, 182 i, 195 i, 216 i, 293 ii, 97 ii, 157 U, 186 ii, 199 U, 208 iii, 20 in, 48 iii, 64 iv, 169 iv, 179 iv, 263 V, 117 V, 139 V, 210 V, 265 vi, 113 vn, 30 vn, 41 vU, 87 vu, 123 vu, 175 vii, 231 vu, 260 viii, 18 viii, 45 vui, 99 viii, 121 vin, 145 viii, 177 viu, 211 viu, 228 viii, 245 viii, 271 viU, 331 vin, 349 viU, 378 viU, 391 viii, 415 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 451 SOLDIERS: see also Continental Battalions: Continental Service: Continental Soldiers: wages (pay), and acts, votes, etc., relating to .... viu, 422 viii, 424' vin, 425 vui, 426 viu, 427 vui, 429 viii, 441 viii, 450 vui, 462 viii, 467 viu, 469 vui, 478 vui, 479 viU, 480 vui, 488 and see Continental Army : Matross Companies : and deprecia tion below. impressment of i. 198 ii, 49 U, 80 ii, 83 ii, 99 n. 207 iv, 165 iv, 166 iv, 175 iv. 180 iv. 201 V, 95 V, 107 V, 113 V, 114 V, 116 V, 135 V, 144 V, 160 vi, 23 vi. IOI disabled, accounts, complaints, pay-rolls, petitions, remonstrances of; and acts, votes, etc., relating to ..... i, 200 i, 220 i, 300 in, 31 iii, 49 iU, 61 iv, 172 iv, 173 iv, 175 V, 105 V, 242 V, 243 vi, 103 vii, 34 vu, 35 vii, 36 vii, 40 vii, 44 vii, 52 vii, 57 vii, 100 vii, 160 vii, 162 vii, 164 vii, 175 vu, 176 vii, 182 vn, 183 vii, 184 vu, 196 vn, 235 vii, 240 vii, 241 vii, 244 vii, 261 vn, 281 viii, 2 viii, 5 vUi, 11 viii, 12 viii, 13 viii, 18 viii, 23 viU, 25 viii, 28 viii, 29 viii, 30 viu, 31 viu, 35 viii, 37 viii, 38 viii, 40 viii, 41 viii, 44 vUi, 45 viii, 53 vui, 54 viii, 55 viii, 58 viU, 65 viii, 67 vui, 70 viu, 71 viu, 73 viii, 80 viU, 89 vin, 90 viU, 91 viu, 92 viii, 94 viii, 97 viii, 98 viii, 99 viii, Jo8 viu, III vni, 113 viu, 116 viii, 119 viii, 135 viu, 137 viu, 143 viu, 146 viii, 148 viU, 179 viii, 188 viU, 200 viii, 201 vin, 207 viU, 213 vin, 251 viii, 257 vin, 269 viU, 319 viii, 381 vui, 429 vin, 435 viU, 471 viU, 476 viu, 488 registering vii, 164 vii, 182 raising (levying) and equipping, and acts relating to . . i, 284 i, 285 ii, 48 u, 49 u, 109 U, 140 n, 142 n, 143 ii, 145 vi, loi vi, 113 vn, 163 vii, 170 vii, 189 vn, 207 vn, 208 vii, 259 vh, 269 vU, 271 viii, 29 vin, 35 viu, 95 viu, IOI vui, 123 viU, 137 viu, 139 vin, 176 vin, 177 viii, 178 vin, 179 vin, 180 viU, 217 vUi, 228 viu, 254 vni, 260 viii, 264 vui, 265 viu, 270 viu, 274 vin, 278 viu, 321 viu, 323 viu, 324 vui, 328 viu, 332 viii, 334 452 Index to Records of the Council, SOLDIERS: see also CONTINENTAL Battalions: Continental Service: Continental Soldiers: raising (levying) and equipping, and acts relating to . . viu, 335 vin, 347 vin, 35-6 vin, 376 vin, 377 viii, 386 viu, 392 viu, 396 viii, 407 viii, 409 and see Continental Army : Continental Battalions : Continental Service : also Piscataqua Harbor: defence of, and Rhode Island: de fence of. arms and ammunition for i, 291 ii. 49 n. 99 il. 145 ii, 149 u, 151 ii. 152 ii. 155 n. 157 ii, 164 n, 165 ii, 183 iv, 160 iv, 161 V, II V, 76 V, 105 V, 117 V, 166 V, 177 V, 182 V, 184 V, 185 vi. 18 vi- 99 vi, 114 vi. 115 vii. 53 vii. 60 vii, 61 vii, 62 vn. 64 vii. 86 vu, 109 vii, 145 vii, 161 vii. 163 vii. 168 vii. 169 vii, 171 vii, 267 viii. 54 viii. 69 vUi, 254 and see Garrisons : Magazines : : MUitary Stores. travel money i. 293 vii. 85 vu, 86 vii, 108 vii. '146 vu. 147 vii, 150 vu, 154 vii, 173 vii. 199 vui. 80 viu. 104 viu, 1 13 viii, 193 viii. 200 viii, 228 viii. 377 bounty to, see also Continental Bounty . i. 299 V, 105 vii. 62 vii. 146 vu. 211 vU, 270 viii, 10 viii. 13 viii. 15 viii. 85 viii, 86 viii, 93 viii. 94 viii. 102 viii. 114 viii, 123 viii, 124 viii. 125 viii. 126 viU, 128 viii, 134 viii, 136 vui, 149 viii, 156 viii, 162 viii, 180 viii, 202 viii, 211 viii, 221 viii, 238 viii, 245 viii, 247 vin, 290 viii, 318 viii, 345 a«(^ j«£ Selectmen : Towns. desertion of, act to prevent . . . i, 300 vii, 184 and see Deserters. posting ii, 72 ii- 105 ii, 216 vi, 15 and see Garrisons : Frontiers : defence of, also Fort Shirley : Fort Pelham. six months', rolls of . . . . u, 77 u, 173 viu, 197 vui, 207 viii, 214 viii, 231 viu, 234 vui, 236 vin, 245 viii, 259 viu, 265 viii, 266 viu, 271 viU, 272 viu, 332 viu, 378 viu, 422 viu, 425 enlistment of . . . . . U, 114 v, 11 vi, IOI vn, 14 vu, 59 vii, 61 vU, 159 n. 70 ii. 93 ii, 95 ii. IOI ii. 104 ii, 140 n. 162 ii. 205 ii, 213 U, 218 iii. 37 iv. 169 iv. 176 vi, 23 vi. 31 vi. 99 vi. 112 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 453 SOLDIERS : see also Continental Battalions : Continental Service : Continental Soldiers: enlistment of . . vii, 170 vu, 173 vui. 6 viii. IOI viii. 145 viii, 149 viii, 162 viii. 228 viii. 23s vui. 239 in the fort .... ii. 119 ii, 177 in, 2 in, 16 in. 27 iii. 32 in, 33 iii. 48 iii, 50 in. 64 ni, 86 iv. 151 iv. 178 iv, 180 iv. 251 iv. 261 iv, 262 iv. 263 V, 106 V, 107 V, 117 V, 118 V, 121 V, 127 V, 129 V, 130 V, 138 V, 139 V, 144 V, 151 V, 156 V, 157 V, 158 V, 160 V, 161 V, 173 V, 210 V, 21 1 V, 222 V, 223 V, 276 vi. 15 vi. 99 and see Fort William and Mary. dismissal (discharge) of . U, 162 i in, 9 ui. 71 vii, 76 vii. 85 vui. 200 viu. 312 viu, 332 and see Exeter: Hampton. town miUtia, lists . n. 243 ii. 246 petitions . .. iv, 251 iv. 261 iv. 262 iv. 263 vi. 145 vi, 150 vn, 192 viii. 23 vni. 68 viii. 95 viii, 96 viii. 108 viii. 123 viii. 179 viii. 476 and see disabled above. detailed to destroy French and Indians . V, 87 in the king's pay . vi. 24 entitled to grants of lands vi. 128 vi. 156 advance pay (wages) vii, 1 36 vu, 71 vii. 86 vii, 108 vii. III vu. 145 vu, 154 viii. 62 doctoring, nursing ..... vii, 44 vU, 52 vii, 57 vU, 162 vU, 175 vii, 176 vU, 241 vUi, 92 vin, 200 vin, 213 viii, 269 vni, 471 and see disabled above. back rations vii, 115 prisoners vii, 139 vni, 41 vUi, 78 and see imprisonment for debt below. exempt from arrest for debt vU, 146 half-pay, J«« a/.yo Pensioners . . . vu, 160 vii, 164 vu, 241 vni, 5 viu, 12 viii, 13 viii, 25 vni, 28 viii, 29 viii, 30 viU, 31 viii, 37 vUi, 38 viU, 40 viii, 44 viii, 47 viii, 55 vUi, 70 viii, 73 viii, 80 viii, 90 viU, 91 viii, 94 viU, 97 viu, 99 vin, 113 viu, 119 viU, 137 vni, 146 vui, 161 vui, 168 vui, 182 vih, 188 viii, 198 viU, 207 vin, 248 viii, 254 viii, 289 vni, 332 viii, 345 vui, 363 viu, 450 viii, 488 half-pay pay-rolls ¦f^^ «^^'^ above. wagons for ... . ..... vu, 165 accoutrements • vii, 165 vii, 169 and see arms and ammunition for above. 454 Index to Records of the Council, SOLDIERS: see also Continental Battalions: Continental Continental Service: ferriage, account for ... . vn, i66 vii, 246 rations for . .... vu, 177 vu, 203 vU, 220 vn, 257 viii, 163 viii, 321 and see Continental Army : Officers. drafting . . vu, 218 vn, 219 vin, 197 family suppUes ....... vn, 236 vui, 126 viu, 128 viii, 134 viii, 156 vui, 231 viu, 239 viu, 247 viii, 289 viu, 318 viu, 338 viu, 345 vin, 391 and see Selectmen : Towns. back allowance due ..... . • double returns of, committee to settle . vii, 275 viii, 271 mustering, see also raising and equipping above viii, 105 viu, 115 vin, 256 vni, 269 a«rf j'^^ Muster-masters : RoUs. returned from captivity . .... depreciation, allowance for . ... viii, 99 viii, 119 viii, 121 vui, 133 vin, 145 viii, 147 viii, 149 viii, 150 viii, 151 viii, 161 Vlii, 162 vui, 163 viu, 168 vui, 178 viu, 181 viii, 189 viu, 190 viii, 211 viii, 212 vin, 215 viii, 216 viii, 223 viii, 226 viii, 229 vni, 230 vui, 238 viii, 239 viii, 240 viii, 248 viii, 254 viii, 260 viii, 265 viii, 267 viu, 270 viii, 272 viii, 274 viii, 283 viii, 337 viu, 345 vin, 358 viu, 383 viii, 404 viii, 424 viii, 462 viii, 469 and see Depreciation Notes. sent to guard Portsmouth . viii, 105 viii, 113 and see Portsmouth : defence of. stationed at Piscataqua Harbor . viii, 134 and see Piscataqua Harbor : defence of. on furlough, advancing money to vin, 135 vUi, 136 viu, 235 widows and children of, allowances to . viu, 147 viii, 163 on furlough, wages and rations to viii, 163 vui, 325 viii, 343 three months', service, pay and rolls . . . . . viii, 201 vui, 208 via, 211 viu, 213 vui, 245 vni, 260 viii, 264 viu, 265 viii, 282 viu, 283 vni, 306 vUi, 309 from this state engaging in service of other states, committee on engaged for the war, gratuity in specie sent to imprisonment for debt . . . vui, 234 clothing themselves vm, 247 Service : vu, 272 vii, 218 viii, 322 vni, 198 vii, 247 vui, 211 viii, 291 viii, 445 vii, 236 viii, 275 viii, 6 viii, 360 viii, 41 vui, IOI vui, 146 viu, 154 viii, 175 vui, 197 viii, 221 viU, 235 vin, 253 vui, 269 vUi, 333 viu, 390 vUi, 478 viii, 115 viu, 195 viU, 239 viii, 177 viU, 363 viii, 197 viii, 236 viii, 266 vUi, 332 viu, 218 Vlii, 239 viii, 222 viii, 416 vUi, 245 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 455 Battalions : Continental Service : SOLDIERS : see also Continental Continental Soldiers: three years' ...... vni, 247 viu, 288 the same, claimed by different towns . . viii, 280 apportionment of, to militia regiments of His Most Christian Majesty in frontiers, see Frontiers : defence of from Massachusetts . . .... Barracks : Bounty Notes : Intestate : Invalids : Losses : Militia New Hampshire Line : Re-enlistment : Rendezvouses : Re turns . ...... SOLICITOR : king's .... ..... SOLICITOR-GENERAL: see Claggett, Wyseman: SOLLEY, . Mr.; bearer of papers to John Thomlinson, Eng. SOLLEY, Samuel: councilor vm, 312 viu, 281 viii, 376 viii, 403 which see. which see. which see. i, 264 SOMERSWORTH : justice of the peace committee of safety, account SOPER, Joseph [Soaper] : enlisting officer, account SOUHEGAN East [Sowhegan] . empowered to transact town business incorporation, charter of SOUHEGAN River: bridge over, act for SOUTH Carolina: permit to sail to SOUTHERN States: provisions from SOUTH Hampton: incorporation .... selectmen, petitionees and petitions polUng off to Newtown, resolution for abatement of taxes vi, 6 vi. 7 vi. 1 1 vi. 12 vi. 13 vi. 14 vi. 15 vi. 16 vi. 17 vi, 19 vi. 20 vi. 21 vi. 22 vi, 23 vi. 24 vi. 25 vi. 27 vi. 32 vi. 34 vi. 36 vi. 37 vi. 39 vi. 40 vi. 42 vi. 43 vi. 44 vi, 46 vi. 47 vi. 48 vi. 50 vi, 51 vi, 52 vi. S3 vi. 58 vi. 59 vi, 60 vi. 61 vi, 63 vi, 78 vi. 79 vi. 80 vi. 81 vi. 82 vi. 86 vi. 87 vi, )un1 88 vi. 98 vi. 99 vi. 100 vi, vi, vn. 107 152 32 vii, 21 1 VIU, 441 viii, 76 VI, 21 VIU, vi, 36 vi, 59 viii. 90 vn, 143 vui. 67 vi. 5 vi, 20 viu, 46 vi, 56 viii, 53 Vlll, 170 vm, 172 i, 56 V, 36 V, 48 V, 321 V, 322 V, 387 vi, 125 which see. 456 Index to Records of the Council SOUTHWELL. Edward: secretary of the king's and the queen's councU . i, 247 1, 253 V, 23 V, 26 V, 35 V, 257 V, 258 SOWARD, John: garrison soldier . ; . ... n, 04 SPAFFORD, Bradstreet: account ... . ... vin, 45 SPAFFORD, David: manufacturer of wool-cards, premium to . . ¦ ¦ ¦ vm, 10 SPAFFORD, Tyler: petition, committee on . SPAIN : ryals of, value regulated trade with, prohibition of war with England and France peace and commerce with Great Britian shipping naval stores to declaration of war against king of .... SPANIARDS : victory over, at Viego . . . v, 71 SPANISH West Indies: expedition against iv, 356 SPARHAWK, Nathaniel : " clearance certificate to . SPARHAWK, Thomas: committee to take sheriff's bond county treasurer judge of probate muster-master, account committee to qualify justices, Coi clerk. Court of Common Pleas, petition . councilor .... vni, 345 vni, 363 vin, 376 vui, 390 viu, 416 viii, 432 viu, 438 viii, 448 commissioner to qualify sheriff SPAULDING. Benjamin, Capt. : company, pay-roU, account .... vui, 237 viu, 288 SPAULDING, Henry: soldier omitted in rolls, wages paid . . . . . " viii, 88 SPAULDING, Levi: recruiting officer . ...... viii, 269 iv. 357 iv. 358 IV, 369 IV, vui, vii, vii,vu. 371 131 20 25 25 vii. 143 vii. 168 vii. 185 viii. 258 rt of Common Pleas vin, 32 Jtitic )n . vUi, 138 viii. 340 viii. 341 vni. 342 viii. 344 vUi, 349 viu. 351' viU, 352 viii. 353 viii. 365 vUi, 366 viu. 369 viii. 372 vui. 385 viu. 386 vin. 387 viii. 389 viii. 391 viu. 413 vUi, 414 viU, 415 viii. 419 vni. 420 vin. 421 viu. 431 viii, 434 viU, 435 viii. 436 viii. 437 viii. 439 viu. 440 viii. 443 viii. 444 viii. 449 viu. 450 vin. 451 vui, viii. •452 429 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 457 viii, 298 viU, 321 SPAULDING, William: invalid soldier, half-pay, petition .... SPEAKERS : of House of Representatives Massachusetts Assembly, see Hubbard, Thomas. SPECIE : raising tax in, vote and act for . . iv, 363 gratuity in, sent to soldiers engaged for the war draft by Gen. SuUivan for . drafts by delegates in Contl. Congress for making up judgments for hiring, resolution for drafts on treasury for, authorized raised by sale of beef cattle . accounts paid in . vUi, 290 vni, 291 viii, 316 viii, 320 orders for, exchanged for new emission bills taxes payable in . SPECIE Tax: of £700, vote for non-concurred 1 78 1, arrearage .... SPECIFIC Articles: receivable for taxes SPEECHES : see lender the names of the governors, and lieutenant- also Lords and Commons : President. SPEEDWELL : spy-vessel, dismissal of . . SPENCER, John: quarter-master, omitted in roll, wages paid SPIRITUOUS Liquors : see also Liquors : unlicensed sellers of, bill to restrain excise on ..... . SPOONER, J.; letter from . .... SPOONER, William: petition, committee on . SPRINGFIELD, (Mass.) : meeting of states' committees at SPURLING, alias James Smith : see the latter. SPY-BOATS : fitting out to cruise for the enemy . SPY- VESSELS : impressment of . . • . dismissal of . SQUAMSCOTT Falls: see Swamscott: STACEY, Joseph: prison-keeper, account .... vii, 160 viii, 489 . which see. iv, 364 viii, 281 viii, 287 viii, 301 vin, 330 iv, 363 -governors. vm, 282 viii, 222 viii, 262 viii, 266 viu, 267 viU, 338 viii, 282 viii, 297 viii, 310 viii, 333 viii, 359 viii, 374 iv, 364 viu, 343 vin, 325 40 vii, 218 V, 233 . viii, 56 viii, 50 . which see. V, 4 vui, 45 viii, 47 vu, 222 vii, 225 V, 299 V, 229 V, 233 vii, 96 vu, 126 vn, 52 vn. 86 /iii. 144 i. 248 V, 224 458 Index to Records of the Council, STAFF-OFFICERS : of the regiment for Canada ....••• advance pay .....¦•¦¦• subsistence money . ...... STAFF-ROLLS : see Rolls : STAMFORD : Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations V, 29 STANDING Army : enlistments in . . .... vu, 135 vn, 137 STANIFORD, William: petition, complaint ... . . . . v, 336 STANTON, Benjamin: affidavit concerning the cutting of pine trees . . . • v, 399 STANYAN, Anthony: petition ... ....•¦ L 53 STANYAN, Jacob: constable, irregularity in his election . . v, 381 v, 382 complaint . . . . . see next above. STANYAN, John: petition . . . . . • . U, 198 STARBORE, Thomas: of Strawberry Bank . . . . . i, 164 STARBUCK, ; . • i, 37 STARK, Archibald, Lt. . depreciation note, indorsement on . . . . viii, 253 STARK, Caleb, Adjt., Maj. : allowed depreciation of wages petition . . . STARK, John, Col., Gen., Brig. -Gen. : letters from . vii, 152 viu, 238 viii, 239 petition, memorial, committee on vii, 161 bounty money in his hands regiment, (battalion) .... resignation of his colonelcy brigadier-general ..... commander against the enemy on western frontiers pay and rations, abstracts for . conduct of, letter from Congress respecting brigade . . . vii, 232 army under, in 1777 .... account . . ... depreciation note, indorsement on . allowed depreciation, pay and subsistence order in favor of . vm, 99 viu. 260 viU, 373 vu. 163 viii. 16 viu, 214 viii. 250 vui. 251 vin, 454 viii, 99 viii. 260 viii, 372 vii, 166 vn. 169 viU, 55 viii, 56 . see next above. vii, 218 antie rs . vii, 218 vii. 220 vii, 237 vii, 221 vu. 260 vii. 262 viii, 146 viii, 114 viii. 240 vui, 252 viii, 253 viU, 333 vin, 337 viii, 445 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 459 STATE : style of, adopted in lieu of " colony " debts, which see, also Accounts. fire-arms, which see. STATE Accountant: to call holders of public money to account nomination and appointment of ... . and see Odiorne, Thomas. STATE Accounts : see also Debts : transmitted to Continental Congress against continent . ..... individuals .... vUi, 406 United States ...... vii, 102 viii, 418 viu, 436 STATE Certificates: burning . . . . . STATE Creditors : relief of, committee on . STATE NOTES : see also Treasurers' Notes : form of, interest on endorsements on . issue of, by treasurer burningissue of 1775, not redeemed . given in payment of account burned accidentally, replaced . taken up .... STATE Officers: fees . . .... STATE Papers: in possession of absentees, secretary to obtain and see Council : secretaries of. in Col. Theodore Atkinson's office . STATE Prisoners : see also Prisoners : board of, allowances for . . viii, 89 and see Prison-keepers : allowances to. conveyance to gaol, account for ... . prosecution of, see Counterfeiters. STATE Records: in possession of absentees, secretary to obtain . and see Council : secretaries of. STATE Stores: see also Military Stores: coUecting at No. 4 (Charlestown) .... at No. 4, committee on vin, 81 vin, 86 vin, 107 STATE Tax : see also Inventories : raising, committee on . . vii, 207 viii, 146 and see Taxes : raising specific sums. rule in paying . . . . • vn, 79 vn, 184 viii, 406 viii, 407 vu, IOI vii, 104 . viii, 120 viii, 407 viii, 465 vii, IOI viii, 441 viii, 452 . viu, 454 . vin, 379 vU, 123 viii, 171 . viii, 382 • viU, 454 . viii, 461 viu, 471 viii, 484 . vui, 489 . which see. - viU, 455 . vni, 460 viii, 100 viii, 102 . viii, 487 ¦ vm, 455 vii, 271 vui, 114 viu, 115 vui, 310 vni, 485 vUi, 107 viii, 139 460 Index to Records of the Council, STATE Tax: j^^ a/j<7 Inventories : payable in beef ...... valuation for, committee on . abatement of viii, Hinsdale : New Hampton .... STATES : 451 vUi, viii. 364 466 vin, 375 viu, 386 vin, 489 which see. New England Southern ...... \ which see. STATES-GENERAL : of the United provinces .... STATUTES : see also Laws : which see. against waste by tenants, Edward I . i, 55 ordaining form of church services . . i. 71 i. 74 i, 75 STEARNS, John: petition, committee on . . to sell lands, act for . vui. 378 viii, 390 viu, 396 STEARNS, Samuel: constable, Plymouth .... STEDMAN, Thomas: viii, 291 of Exeter, province rate against STEPHENS : see Stevens : i, 94 STEPHENSON, William: master of the Pide-cowe .... . i, I STEPHYNS, Joseph: see Stevens: STEPNEY, Geo.: Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations . i. 244 i, 245 i, 248 V, 14 V, STERLING Castle: 18 V, 22 V, 29 his majesty's ship, Capt. Cornish, commander STERN, Thomas, Dr. : i, 302 representative ...... STEVENS, Abel, Capt.; vin, 95 pay-roll ...... STEVENS, Ebenezer, Maj. : viii. 214 viii, 215 representative ...... iv, 262 iv, 268 iv. 269 iv iv 251275 iv, 259 iv, 276 iv, 277 iv, 279 iv, 296 iv. 297 iv, 298 iv, 299 iv, 344 iv, committee to survey Amesbury District parish . justice of the peace ..... STEVENS, Elihu: 353 iv 363 iv, 366 vi, 21 vii, 22 justice of the peace account ....... representative STEVENS, Isaac: vn, 250 viii, 1 1 viii, 52 petition and act for restoring him to his law viii, STEVENS, James: obtained deed deceitfully .... 478 viii 484 vin, 487 iv, 254 vm, 97 New Hampshire, 16,31-1784. STEVENS, John: of Newcastle, sworn STEVENS, John: dangerous person, committed, liberated STEVENS, Joseph [Stephyns] : petition ..... STEVENS, Josiah: justice of the peace STEVENS, Martha: petition and act for divorce STEVENS, Phineas, Capt. [Phinehas] : commander. Fort No. 4 agent for redemption of prisoners, . petition for No. 4 ... for defence of Contoocook . STEVENS, Samuel [Stephens] : vessel-master, petition . STEVENS, Simon: divorce, see Martha. STEVENSON, Joseph: STEVENSON, Thomas Robert Mason v. . STEVENSTOWN : Malloon family of, taken by Indians defence of ..... STEWART, Alexander: petition to ride post to Ticonderoga STICKNEY, Thomas, Col. ; regiment, rolls, accounts VI!, 157 vu, 179 viii, 44 vui, 58 muster-master, paymaster, account apportionment to his regiment, mistake in rectified . receiver of fire-arms ...... enemies taken up by . . ... petition, committee on . receives recruiting money for Capt. Sias . representative ....... STILEMAN, , Capt. ; juslice of the peace for Great Island STILEMAN, Elias [Styleman] : joint answer to Robert Mason councilor ..... s petitionee ........ " at the meeting of Mr. Joshua Moody, Newbury" representative . . ... ii, 17 ii, 18 ii, 23 iv, 134 iv, 141 iv, 163 461 ii, 15 vii, 190 vii, 194 V, 64 . vn, 50 viu, 106 viii, 107 i, 265 i, 280 . see next above. vi, 84 vi, 90 ii, 241 i, 106 VI, 90 VI, vi. 9191 VII, 219 viii, 140 . vu, 194 vii, 68 vii, 85 vii, 238 vii, 271 viii, 141 viii, 191 vii, 85 vii. III vn, 157 vu, 177 vii, 190 vii, 270 viii, 2 viU, 44 ii, 3 I, 41 i, 79 iv, i. 42 100 , i. 117 ii, 16 ii, 174 ii. 177 iv, 165 iv, 167 n. 58 iii, 48 i. 182 111, 40 vii. 249 viii. 341 vl. 12 462 Index to Records of the Council, STILEMAN, Elias [Styleman] : speaker. House of Representatives STILEMAN, Lucy: account ..... STILEMAN, Richard: petition and account by attorney .... account ... ... STILES, Ezra, Rev. Dr, : legislative chaplain . .... STILES, Jeremiah: petition, committee on ... . STILLSON, James [Stilson] : vessel-master, information against .... STILLSON, William : ensign . ....... vU, 32 company, pay-roll vii, 175 vii, 192 vii, 257 vii, 258 vUi, 422 STILLWATER: battle of STINSON, John: state prisoner, Dunbarton petition for, committee on . . . STINSON, William: V. Robert Smith, trustee .... STOCKBRIDGE : Dutch settlement ... . . STOCKWELL, Emmons: account ....... STODDARD : petition, committee on . . vii, 35 vU, 88 viii, 209 viu, 300 dispute with Marlow about taxation . . vii, 46 vu, 159 town-meeting, proceedings unfair .... vn, 88 vii, 89 committee, petitionees ... ... vu, 89 inimical from ........ vii i eg selectmen's petition .... vin, 97 vin, 138 viu, 150 representation . • viii, 210 vUi, 301 STODDARD, , Col. : projector of Fort No. 4 . . . . . . i, 275 STODDARD, Sampson: petition for grant of township STONE, Andrew: clerk to the Lords Justices STONE, Benjamin, Capt. : recruiting officer ..... STONE, Eliphalet: petition ....... vii STONE, Ephraim, Capt. : land grantee ......... vm, 37 vm. 38 viii. 437 viii, 466 vni. 469 viii. 250 i. 274 vn, 149 VI, 79 vi, n vUi, I vu, 104 viii, 33 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 463 STONE, Ephraim, Capt. : company, pay-roll, accounts ..... vin, 219 viii, 275 STONE, Nathaniel: receives recruiting money for Maj. Heald STONE, Salmon, Capt. ; pay-roll, company muster-roll .... STONE, Waldron: petition, account . . . . STOODLEY, James: justice of the peace STOPPAGES : en wages of soldiers . . . vii, 56 against deserters . . . . STORE-KEEPER : appointment of . . .... STORER, Ebenezer: petition and act for him to sell lands . viii, 406 STORES : mUitary,warlike, STORM, David : prisoner from New York STORY, Charles : ^' i see MUitary Stores. like, S . viii, 196 vin, 372 viU, 375 . viii, 2 vu, 232 vu, 239 viii, 160 viii, 456 vii, 99 viii, 18 vui, 96 vu, 132 V, 250 viii, 407 viu, 411 vu, 139 secretary of council and province 1, 213 u, 222 n, 226 U, 227 ii, 229 ii, 242 ii, 246 ii, 247 ii, 254 ii, 259 ii, 260 n, 261 ii, 264 n, 272 ii, 274 ii, 277 u, 282 ii, 284 u, 286 U, 288 ii, 289 ii, 291 in, 3 ui, 4 in, 5 in, 7 IV, 130 v, 6 V, 54 V, 55 V, 57 V, 63 V, 70 V, 78 V, 84 V, 87 V, 89 V, 96 V, 97 V, 98 V, 99 V, 103 V, 104 V, 121 V, 126 V, 131 V, 155 V, 180 V, 187 V, 189 V, 191 V, 192 V, 193 V, 198 V, 199 V, 210 V, 212 V, 217 V, 218 V, 227 V, 235 V, 240 V, 244 V, 250 V, 251 V, 253 V, 256 V, 260 V, 261 V, 266 V, 268 V, 271 V, 275 V, 278 V, 279 V, 283 V, 285 V, 287 V, 289 V, 290 V, 291 V, 292 V, 295 V, 297 V, 300 V, 301 V, 304 V, 306 V, 307 V, 308 V, 310 V, 313 V, 316 V, 318 V, 320 V, 335 V, 337 salary . . see next above. letter to John Bridger . U, 282 Gen. Nicholson V, 274 Gov. Dudley . V, 332 464 Index to Records of the Council, STORY, Charles: judge of the admiralty .... " indecent carriage towards council" dismissed from secretaryship . committee to wait on Gov. Dudley account . . • complaint against ..... debenture ... . . deceased, executors called on, for records STOUGHTON, William, Lt.-Gov., (Mass.) : agent of Massachusetts Bay company 111, 3 iii, 6 ni. 5 iii, 6 V, 47 V, 57 V, 64 V, 83 V, 337 1, 47 iCULCia iiuiii, to Lt.-gov. John Usher . i. 185 u. 140 n. 184 n. 190 ii. 207 ii. 208 president and councU i 189 190 i, 195 i, 196 1, 197 i, 198 1, 208 i. 211 i. 212 1, 218 i, 219 n. 184 n, 186 ii, 188 n. 193 n. 194 n. 196 n. 197 n, 208 n. 214 ii. 218 ni. 13 in, 19 in. 23 ui. 28 in, 36 iii. 41 in. 84 iv. 171 iv, 174 letters to. from Maj. Wm. Vaughan president and councU Lt.-gov. John Usher consultation with Lt.-gov. Ushei order for withdrawal of Mass. soldiers from N. H account . . minutes of councU sent to ... . orders to Capt. Everett . STOW, Josiah: soldier, receives a continental gun . STRAFFORD County: justices of the peace, and of the quorum vi, 160 vu. Court of Common Pleas, justices sessions altered judges and registers of probate vi, councUors . . . vii, officers, committee on qualification of treasurer ... recorder of deeds . sheriff . coroners . . vii, towns, enlisting regiment in . Superior Court of Judicature in vii, courts, resolution on impanelUng juries 1, 199 ui, 31 > which J n, 199 n, 149 ii, 189 n, 194 ii, 205 ii, 218 ¦iii, 54 n VI, 149 VI, 155 23 vUi, 95 viii. 96 viii. 262 d vi. 155 vii. 23 viii, viii vi. 413 347 157 66 vU, 23 viu. 39 viii. 41 2 vii. 116 vu. 255 viii. 420 vii. 19 vn, vii,vu, vU, 20 2323 24 24 vii. 54 vii. 99 viii, vU, 95 30 82 viu. 387 vUi, 413 vin, vii. 421 87 New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. 465 STRAFFORD County: prison-keeper, allowance to . annexation of Conway to, act for . committee on absentees' estates trial of Matthew Thornton in, act for courts, act for altering sessions of . viii, 100 disannexation of Campton and New Holderness from, and act for ....... councilor vote committee ..... boundaries, act for establishing — see Boundaries. the Gore in, see Gore, The. STRANGERS : to give account of themselves STRATFORD : petition ........ incorporation of, act for .... STRATHAM : boundaries, return of . . . and see incorporation below. representatives ....... incorporation, meeting-house, minister . land of Rev. John Odlin exempted from taxation committee of safety, account . ... coroner ...... inimical located in land in, act to vest title of . . . petition joint, with Newmarket town-meeting, act to alter time of . STRATHAM and Newmarket: lottery bridge, bill for repair of ... . STRATTON, E. ; petitionee ..... . . STRATTON, William: master of brigatine, Tryall, petition STRAWBERRY Bank: Laconia Company's house at . rates, coUector of threatened with hot water . meeting-house, people to take oath of allegiance at inhabitants' names . ... garrison . . . i, 198 i, 20 representation sheriff . military officers prison . constables attack on, by Indians fortification . 80 vu. 249 vin, 31 viii, 43 viu. 74 viii, 91 viU, 103 vui, 249 viii, 347 petition vin, 378 viii. 382 viii. 420 viii, 46 viU, 106 iv, 283 vm, 197 V, 282 viii, 102 viii, 118 iv, 206 IV, 303 V, 356 V, 388 vii. 34 vii. 54 vii. 74 viii. 9 viii. 75 viii. 190 viii. 202 ni. in. 9 135 163 164 30 2 3 3 II 44 90 iii. 20 466 Index to Records of the Council, STRAWBERRY Bank: soldiers posted at .... • sent to Exeter ... muster at . . . . • • miUtia under orders of council STRICKLAND, John: petition, committee on . STRICKLEY, , Capt. ; from Barbadoes with information about French fleet STUART, William: of Strawberry Bank .... STYLE : "State" adopted in lieu of "colony" . of commissions . .... SUBALTERN Officers; nomination and appointment of . . vii, and see Companies: Company Officers. petition .... .... SUB-CLOTHIERS : see Bass, Joseph : Jewett, Jedidiah : Fogg, Joseph : Leigh, nomination and appointment of . . viu, 92 viii, wages, instructions to, committees on . viii, 137 viu, SUB-COMMISSARIES : see Fogg, Joseph : Leigh, Joseph : Webster, Thomas. assistant to, account .... . . nomination and appointment of . . . . SUBJECTS : of this state, privileges in France ..... His Most Christian Majesty, privileges in this state British, which see. of Great Britain, see British Subjects. SUBPOENAS : see also Summonses : to witnesses, town-clerks may issue to issue from secretary's office ..... SUBSCRIPTIA: governor's, countersigned by secretary .... SUBSISTENCE Money: to staff-officers ........ SUCCESS : sloop, seizure and appraisement of . capture by pirates, deposition concerning SUEL, Rachel: petition, committee on ...... . SUFFOLK : court officers ....... SUGAR : see also Brown Sugar : from Barbadoes, destroyed by pirates .... delivered soldiers, not charged to them .... . ni. 37 iii. 40 V, no V, 119 viii. 129 V, 159 i, 164 vn. 79 which see. 121 vii. 159 vii. 177 Jose ph. 126 vUi, 215 141 viii. 144 vui. 191 vni. 215 viii. 153 viii. 153 vu. 166 vin. 212 V, 154 viii, 144 V, 68 V, 394 vui. I4S i. 169 V, 371 VIU, 234 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 467 SUITS : see also Actions : reviving, act for . . . . in forma pauperis . ... against counterfeiters .... SULLIVAN, John, Gen., Maj.-Gen. ; letters and requisitions of . . . viu, 181 viii, 208 commanding northern army . petitions . . . , vu, 12 viii, 229 IV, V. vn, viii. 276 106 VI, 129 V, 130 which see. 259231 vu, 160 viii, 416 vin, 431 85 378 69 468 appointment to command of northern army petitioned for 167 335 vm, 223 Vlll, 224 viu, 396 accounts, committees on . . . vii, 213 viii, vin, 300 viu, 305 viii, 334 viu, thanks voted him ..... address presented to ... . to draft bill to regulate the militia . delegate to Continental Congress viii, 181 drafts of, partial payment of . draws on president for specie .... commander of forces to be sent into Cheshire co. attorney-general ..... viii, 373 salary ..... heard on behalf of Mrs. Holland SULPHUR : bounty on . . . ... SUMMERSBY, , Capt.: account ..... SUMMONSES : see also Subpoenas : to answer before justices of the peace Hampton and Exeter rioters issued by Lt.-Gov. Usher to appear before councU . iu, 53 Ui, 54 ni, 55 representatives to meet, see House of Representatives. SUMNER, Benjamin: petition viii, 470 SUNCOOK : carrying Indians to ....-•• • SUNDERLAND : see Earl of Sunderland : SUPERB : ship, letter from Commodore Warren on board vm, viii, vii, viii, vU, 182 vii, 183 vui, 181 viu, 336 viii, 55 vin, 139 viii, 148 viu, 335 viii, 235 viii, 262 viu, 325 viu, 453 see next above. . viu, 388 • vU, 75 V, 84 i, ii8 i, 133 ii, 102 in, 58 viii, 486 vn, 27 VI, 17 SUPERIOR Court: SUPERIOR Court of Pleas: SUPERIOR Court of Judicature: minutes taken by Mr. Atkinson sessions, act for alteration of . ii, 122 appeals to ... . V, 96 see Superior Court of Judicature : n. 79 . u, 120 11, 121 n, 123 iv, 152 iv, 158 iv. 252 ii, 226 V, 64 V, 72 viu, 78 viu, 106 vm. 118 VUI, 135 468 Index to Records of the Council, IV, iv. 259 3°5 SUPERIOR Court of Judicature: appeals from, to Lieutenant-governor and Council granting trial at, act for Benjamin Rust's case, contempt judgment of, acts to vacate to grant executions, act for justices' memorial petition against quorum wanting, stagnation of affairs . empowered to adjourn by proclamation admit prisoners to bail justices and puisnejustices .... V, 73 V, 2o6 V, 320 V, 372 vii, 6 vii, 22 vii, 82 vii, 215 vii, 245 viii, 33 viii, 70 viu, 104 vUi, 183 viii, 194 viii, 199 vui, 314 viii, 366 viii, 370 vin, 377 viu, 384 viu, 387 viii, 408 vUi, 426 viii, 434 viu, 453 viii, 455 viu, 460 justices' salary ....... and see Abbott, Jacob. Alcock, Job. Atkinson, George. Badger, Joseph. Bartlett, Josiah. Bartlett, Thomas. Bellows, John. Claggett, Wyseman. Coffin, Peter. Dover. Foster, Abiel. Gerrish, John. Grafton County. HUlsborough County. Hinckes, John. Hodgdon, Caleb. Hubbard, Leverett. Hunking, Mark. Jaffrey, George, (2d). Keene. reviving, bill for . Richard Waldron v. Samuel Allen Hampton riot cases Francis Jennings's case . John Ring v- Josiah Dow IV, 230 iv, 284 iv, 313 iv, 351 vni, 314 V, 364 vii, 45 viii, 27 viii, 121 viii, 280 viii, 372 vin, 396 vUi, 435 viU, 465 V, 96 ii, 227 iv, 244 vii, 105 iv, 315 iv, 353 V, 2 vi, 88 vn, 225 viii, 317 V, 7 V, 371 vii, 46 vUi, 31 viii, 156 vui, 298 viu, 373 viu, 397 vUi, 442 vin, 485 see next above. and see King, George. Langdon, Woodbury. Livermore, Samuel. McDuffee, John. Martin, Richard. Packer, Thomas. Paine, Elisha. Parker, William. PenhaUow, Samuel. Plaisted, John. Rockingham County. Strafford County. Thompson, Ebenezer. Thornton, Matthew. Walker, Timothy, Jr. Weare, Meshech. Wentworth, John. Whipple, WiUiam. Wingate, Joshua. 34 V, 3 V, 37 V, 122 V, 125 V, 170 V, 372 VI, 7° VI, 93 New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. SUPERIOR Court of Judicature: John Abbett v. Benjamin Gatchel condition of the gaol referred to adjournment by proclamation . John Kenniston's case . Capt. John Mitchell's case order for release of Indian prisoner case of counterfeiters and see Counterfeiters. to determine causes pending in court of appeals, act for capital trial in matters pending in, sustained opening, resolution for . Hillsborough co., adjournment of records of, removal to Portsmouth session at Amherst, resolution for enabled to try pending matters clerks, salary . viU, 33 vin, 70 viii, 104 viii, 121 vui, 183 viii, 203 viii, 298 viii, 396 469 V, 297 V, 355 vii, 225 V, 379 5263 946076 82 94 vii, 215 vii, 248 vU, 254 vin, 32 vUi, 156 viii, 434 VI,vi, vi, vn, vii, vU, vii. King, George : Redford, William : also 41 vm, 45 and see Adams, Nathaniel Clerks : of all courts. review of actions in judgments of, act for satisfying forgery case ......... Joseph KeUey v. Abel Sawyer application to, by prisoner for liberation .... George Wentworth, exr. v. Wentworth and Atkinson, exrs. Samuel Pearson 2/. Jacob Shepard .... viU, 413 sessions at, Amherst: Dover: Portsmouth ...... SUPPLIES : for Continental Army : Garrisons . Invalids : Soldiers soldiers' families, see Soldiers. SUPPLY: see also Mast Ships: ship, seizure of and liberation ...... in Piscataqua river with ordnance and stores . SUPPLY Bills : see Treasury : supply of. SUPREMACY : oaths of SUPREME Court of Judicature: see Superior Court of Judicature: SUPREME Court of Probate: Governor and Council as ...... . which see, SURETIES: see Bonds: SURGEON'S Mates: see Chadwick, Edmund, Dr. : Taggart, Robert, Dr. : Wain wright, Francis. vm, 52 vUi, 182 viU, 202 viii, 250 vui, 317 vUi, 318 viii, 421 which see. which see. ii, 163 V, 250 which see vi, 165 vii. 86 vii, 124 vii. 120 vii, 124 viu, 479 viii. 479 viU, 484 i. 24 i, 32 which see. 470 Index to Records of the Council, SURGEONS : see also Doctors : see Barnes, Joseph, Dr. see Hovey, Ivory, Dr. Concord. Hooper, Richard. Cooke, John, Dr. Jackson, HaU, Dr. Green, Peter, Dr. Litchfield. HaU, Jacob, Dr. Pierce, Joseph, Dr. oath and bonds required of . regimental, advance pay and travel .... nomination and appointment . vii, 119 SURRY : representation . . petition and act for altering time of town-meeting SURVEY : of Laconia and Hilton's Point patents Kingston . . . . SURVEYORS : see Blathwait, William : Bryant, Walter : Bryant, Walter, Jr. : Grant, James : Hazen, Richard : Lane, Samuel : MitcheU, George : Whiting, Mr. of vessels, order for encouragement of . . . . i, 169 their majesties' woods . . . v, 350 v, 364 v, 378 SURVEYORS of Highways: Portsmouth .... .... which see. SURVEYORS-GENERAL : of their Majesties' woods, see Bridger, John. see Dunbar, David. Burniston, Charles. HaU, Edward. Chesley, PhiUp. Wentworth, Benjamin. Commissions. Wentworth, Benning, Gov. appointment and qualification . . . . . vi, 12 office, files, etc., in . . . vi 149 SURVEYOR-GENERAL of the Customs: commissions a comptroller for Port of Piscataqua . . ¦ vi, 127 SWAIN, Benjamin: grantee of lands in Meredith . . . viu, 439 SWAIN, John: petition . . . . ... iv, 322 SWAIN, Jonathan: coroner ••¦••..... vii SWALLOW, John: rioter, petition ....... v SWAMSCOTT [Quampscutt, Squampscutt, Swampscutt] : inhabitants rated ..... ferry ....... ii, 226 petition, patent, parsonage . . . v, 353 SWAMSCOTT Falls [Squamscott] : tract at, purchased of Indians . . . . i, 24 i 32 23 11, 10 u, 227 u, 229 V, 354 V, 356 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 471 SWAMSCOTT Patent: incorporated as Stratham SWANZEY : party to divorce case from selectmen's account, petition . SWEARING : see also Oaths : Qualification : scruples about, biU to ease " upon the Bible" not required SWETT, Benjamin: petition, committee on . SWETT, Enoch: petition ...... SWETT, G. . referee on petition of Robert Mason SWETT, George: of Exeter, province rate against SWETT, Jonathan, Capt. : petition viii, 154 to review an action, act for . . . SWETT, Joseph (Hampton) : assault on provost marshal ..... representative . ii, 225 ii, 257 ii, 274 " took the oaths " . ... deceased, will contested ..... SWETT, Joseph: appellant, v. Sarah Swett, appellee SWETT, Joseph, Lt. : enlisting officer of volunteers ..... SWETT, Moses: committee to run province line SWETT, Sarah: appellee v. Joseph Swett, appellant SWINE : act for regulating, and for repeal of part thereof SWINSON, John: indigent person from North Carolina . . .' SYMES, William, Capt. [Symmes] : petition and memorial on settlement at Cods . SYMES, William, Col. : petition for Lower Ashuelot . SYMONDS: see Simonds: TABELLIONS : see Notaries-public : TAGGART, James, Lt. : petition, committee on ... . TAGGART, Robert, Dr. : ranked as surgeon's mate, petitions V, 356 vi. 164 viii. 162 viii. 364 iv. 367 ii. 15 iv. 134 viii. 387 viii, i,i, 166 3994 viii. 173 viii. 175 viii. 179 viii. 199 i. 138 i. 141 iv. 141 iv. 195 V, 7 V, 405 V, 405 V, 104 ii, 202 V, 405 viii. 253 viii. 438 vi. 133 vi. 78 vi. 79 vi, 83 viu, 86 viii, 187 viii, 139 472 Index to Records of the Council, TAILOR, , Col. [Tailer] : letter to Lt.-Gov. Vaughan . . . . • • v, 357 TAILOR, , Lt.-Gov. (Mass.) : express from, and orders to Messrs. Watts & Joyles . . v, 358 TALLANT, Hugh: prisoner, petition, complaint, liberation . . . vii, 42 vii, 80 TALLOW : belonging to the state, committee on . . viii, 222 viU, 223 receivers-general to sell .... ... viii, 244 TAMWORTH : selectmen's petition ..... vUi, 74 vni, 87 TANCKERVILLE [Tankerville] : of his Majesty's councU, Whitehall . . . i, 188 Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations . . i, 213 TAR [Tarr] : bounty, and rules for making .... . . v, 389 manufacture of, see Bridger, John : letter of. TARBULL, Reuben [Tarbell] : petition, account .... . vii, 263 viii, 46 TARBULL, Samuel: sale of his personal estate, committee on vii, 199 vii, 202 vii, 223 TARLINTON: see Tarlton: TARLTON, Richard [Tarleton, Tarletoun, Taulton] : of Newcastle, account . . . . . . . . i, 182 sworn u, 15 petition n, 33 ii, 34 TASH, Thomas: nominated Ueutenant-colonel ...... vn, 45 regiment and staff-officers vii, 86 vii, 126 TASKER, William [Tasket] : Robert Mason v. .... . ... i, 84 TATE, James, Lt. : memorial in behalf of officers in last war . . . vi, 1 27 TAULTON: see Tarlton: TAUNTONTOWN [Tauntentown] : township west of Conn, river, granted by Mass. . . . vi, 78 TAVERNERS : acts relating to, repeal of .... . viii, 69 viii, 349 TAVERNS : meetings of General Court at, forbidden i, 86 gaming in, act to prevent iv, 158 license, petition for . . . . . . iv 250 regulating, act for viu, 141 viii, 246 viii, 349 TAXATION: .f^« Taxes. TAX Bill (Act) : committee of the whole on ..... vu, 238 vii 240 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 473 TAXES {called also Rates) : province, state i, 45 i, 66 ii, 27 ii, 157 ii, 213 ii, 289 I iv, 269 V, 106 V, 132 V, 157 V, 383 and see Absentees. Absentees' Estates. Alexandria.Alexandria Addition. Allenstown.Amherst.Antrim . Barnstead.Barrington Proprietors. Bath. Beef Tax. Bloody Point. Boscawen.British Subjects. Canaan.Cardigan.Chester. Colonial Congress. Confiscated Estates. Constables. Continental Tax. Conway.Croydon. Dartmouth College. Deering. Dover. Enfield. Exeter. Extents. Ferry-men. Francestown.Garrison Soldiers. Gosport. Grafton County : towns. i, 46 i, 59 i, 64 i, 181 i, 205 i, 216 ii, 48 ii, 117 ii, 128 ii, 170 ii, 196 u, 204 ii, 242 ii, 243 ii, 253 iv, 168 iv, 186 iv, 188 iv, 313 iv, 333 V, 9 V, 107 V, 108 V, 115 V, 133 V, 136 V, 137 V, 168 V, 21 I V, 218 V, 392 V, 398 V, 399 and see Great Island. Hampton. Hampton FaUs. Hawke.Head-money. Highways. HoUis.Hopkinton. Isle of Shoals. Jaffrey. Keene. Lancaster.Lands. Lebanon. Lempster. Litchfield. Lyme. McMasters, James. Marlow. Ministers.Moultonborough. Newcastle. New Durham Gore. New Emission. Non-resident Proprietors. Non-residents. Non-resident Taxes. Northumberland . Orford. Outstanding Taxes. Phillips Exeter Academy. Plymouth.Polls.Portsmouth. 42 65 217 137 211283 V, 254 V, 83 V, 129 V, 151 V, 338 vii, 80 474 Index to Records of the Council, "AXES (called also Rates) and see Powder. and see Towns. Proprietors. Treasurers. Raby. Tuftonborough. Sandwich. Unimproved Lands. SaviUe. Unincorporated Lands. School-masters. Unincorporated Places Selectmen. Warrants. Society Land. Warren. Soldiers. Wentworth South Hampton. Wentworth John, Go V. Specie. Westmoreland. State Tax. WUton. Stoddard. Windham. Temple. Wolfeborou gh- abatement of . discount of . > see next above. exemption from > proportioning, and acts for i. 45 iv. 254 iv, 269 iv, 270 vU, 161 vu. 171 vu. 214 vii, 226 vii, 231 vii. 236 vu. 247 viU, 97 vni, 139 vin, 143 vni. 147 vUi, 152 viii. 405 viii, 419 viii, 458 vui. 489 vui. 490 raising specific sums — -acts. .bills. votes for, for j^6o i. 45 .^400 i. 167 u. 205 ii 210 iv, 169 iv, 172 iv. 196 V, 214 jj3oo i, 222 u. 288 ii, 289 iv, 167 iv. 190 V, 214 .^200 ¦ i, 237 u, 61 iv. 146 iv. 147 £S°°> BeUomont benefit i. 244 i. 245 i. 247 V, 18 V, 19 V, 22 V, 23 .£700 ii. 137 n. 157 n. 158 ii, 159 iv, 161 iv. 162 V, 121 V 133 V, 143 V, 169 V, 173 V, 174 .£600 .in 17 iv, 141 iv, 174 iv. 175 iv. 177 iv. 179 iv, 310 iv, 312 iv. 315 V, 214 £^0° iv. 167 V, 166 £6so iv, 186 iv. 187 V, 214 .£40,000 :. . . iv, 251 vii. 246 .£15,000 . iv. 278 iv, 286 iv, 288 iv. 295 iv. 296 iv. 305 iv, 312 iv, 314 iv, 315 iv. 354 .£2,700 , iv, 358 .£550 V, 64 V, 70 .£860 V, 239 .£80,000 . viU, 1 1 viU, 14 .£100,000 . • vin, 73 viii. 74 vUi, 86 ;£25o,ooo . viii. 80 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 475 • 1, 70 i, 135 iii, 79 iv, 255 I, 94 ii, 60 in, 86 viii, 150 TAXES {called also Rates) : raising specific sums — acts, bills, votes for, for ;£45o,ooo ..... £2,160,000 .... $100,000 in new emission bUls $5,000 in specie .£110,000 .£55,000 .... .£55 .£25,000 continuance of, orders for coUection of, and acts relating to i, 97 iii, 76 iv, 147 awrfj^i? Constables : Quakers: Warrants soldiers' exemption from councUors' discharge from, negatived selectmen to make vote relating to, explained granted by late colonial congress . payment of, act to enforce equitable method of making, act establishing . vn, 252 vU, 253 outstanding for 1775 and 1776 .... assessment and collection of, in unincorporated towns payable in bills of the long form .... altered bills bills of the United States bounty and depreciation notes old continental currency (bUls) beef cattle . . vUi, 361 specific articles delinquent, see Towns : delinquent in taxes. extents for, see Treasurer. public, see State Tax. TAY, Jeremiah : ship-master, receipt for laws sent to England . complaint against Sir Wm. Phipps TAYLOR, Anthony [Taler] : petition ... ... TAYLOR, Chase, Capt. : pay-roU ... disabled soldier, half-pay TAYLOR, David, Dr. : account . . ... TAYLOR, Edward: vni, 282 vin, 325 i, 98 i, 95 ii, 170 iv, 143 vin, 273 63 viii, 69 viii, 261 viii, 270 viu, 364 vni, 376 VIU, 103 viii, 152 viii, 292 viu, 331 vin, 417 viii, 428 vUi, 486 i, 99 i, 96 iU, 49 iv, 146 vui, 279 i, 181 iv, 148 iv, 333 V, 383 vii, 60 vii, 60 vii, 67 vUi, 154 vU, 197 vu, 243 vii, 248 viii, 45 vni, 178 viii, 221 vni, 387 viii, 381 which see. n, 43 n, 41 ii, 45 i, 53 vii. 260 vui. 30 vii. 175 i. 38 476 Index to Records of the Council, TAYLOR, James: prisoner, to take passage for W. I. . ... vn, 40 TAYLOR, John: London merchant, ship contractor, memorial . • . ii, 115 u, 116 u, 147 n, 193 TAYLOR, John, (Londonderry) : petition and act for vesting title to land in viii, 28 viii, 46 vin, 53 TAYLOR, Joseph: of Exeter, province rate against . . . • i, 94 account, petition • iii, 39 vUi, 12 TAYLOR, N., Lt. : account ... . • TAYLOR, Thomas [Tayler] : petition for grant of township TAYLOR, William: of Exeter, province rate against TEAMS : in the woods exposed to the enemy, order concerning to transport stores ... . . TEMPLE : coroner .... escaped prisoners retaken at . . . discount of taxes ..... absentee's estate in, act for sale of . annexation of Borland's farm to, act for . petition, representa'tion ... TEMPLE, Elijah: account and petition . . ... TEMPLE, Isaac: account ........ TEMPLE, John, Hon. : appointment, commission and qualification as Lieutenant-gov ernor ........ vi, 123 vi, 124 letter to Gov. Benning Wentworth ... . see next above. TEMPLE, William: councilor . . vi, 122 vi, 123 vi, 124 vi, 125 vi, 126 TENDER : making bills of credit a, act for and for repeal of part thereof . viii, 121 paper money a, acts for and for repeal of the same . viii, 274 gold and silver a, act for . . . . . viii, 282 TENOR: new ....... . . which see. TERRITORIES : English : . which see. TEST: repeating and subscribing, see qualification under the names of the various officers and offices. general, see General Test. . vm. 140 vi. 80 i, 94 V, 182 vii. 176 vU, 54 vii. 131 viii, 140 vui. 172 . viu. 153 viii. 217 vin. 474 . vin. 147 . viu. 42 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 477 TEST Act: blanks in, committee to fill TESTAMENTS: j«« Wills: THANKSGIVING : for victory of James II over Duke of Monmouth for discovery of " The Assassina appointments and proclamations ii, 270 iii, 70 V, 12 V, 133 V, 277 V, 360 VI, 6 vn, 97 viii, 203 and see Ministers : Printing. THING, [Thwing] : committee of militia THING, Bartholomew: vn, 231 of Monmc )uth . 166 on Plot " i. 187 89 i, 187 i. 226 89 ii, 271 iU, 2 iii, 22 in. 52 iv, 193 iv. 225 iv. 289 iv. 332 V, 41 V, 62 V, 63 V, 74 V. 153 V, 172 V, 252 V, 270 V, 286 V, 287 V, 304 V, 315 V, 362 V, 375 V, 381 V, 403 vi, 9 vi. 10 vi, 32 vi. 160 vii, 231 vii. 243 vu. 255 viii. 63 viii, 204 viU, 288 viii. 449 viU, 453 n, 51 representative . . . iv, 249 IV, 250 IV, 253 IV, 254 iv, 255 iv, 261 iv, 283 iv. 284 iv. 287 custodian of money received of Col. Weare iv. 255 THING, Jonathan: Robert Mason v i. 84 of Exeter, province rate against i, 94 writ of attachment against i. 138 i. 141 captain ... ii. 2 of committee on claims ii. 121 iv. 153 commander of rangers ii, 141 ii. 144 ii, 145 representative iv. 141 THING, SAMUEL: justice of the peace V, 352 V, 369 account ...... vn. 147 THOM, ISAAC, Dr.: account . . . . - ¦ vii. 44 THOMAS, Anne: widow allowed husband's half-pay . viii. 238 THOMAS, Benjamin: account ...... ui. 39 THOMAS, Elisha: disabled soldier, petition, allowance to vii. 122 vii. 126 THOMAS, James: of Exeter, province rate against i. 94 THOMAS, Joseph, Lt. : pay-roU .... vii. 273 killed at Bemis's Heights vni. 238 47^ Index to Records of the Council THOMAS, Mary: petition, committee on vui, 406 vni, 407 and see Sarah. THOMAS, , Mr.: of New York assembly ........ i, 272 THOMAS, Sarah: petition and act for her to sell lands . viii, 406 viii, 407 viii, 41 1 THOMAS, William: soldier, account .... . . . v, 157 THOMLINSON, John [Tomlinson] : province agent in England . . . . i, 264 i, 302 iv, 324 vi, 3 vi, 4 vi, 55 vi, 56 letters from ......... see next above. THOMPSON, Benjamin: disannexed from Loudon, annexed to Concord . . . viu, 391 THOMPSON, Ebenezer: justice of the peace ...... . vi, 152 councilor .......... vii, 4 councilor and secretary of the Council vii, 5 vii, 6 vU, 7 vii, 8 vii, 9 vU, 14 vii, 15 vu, 16 vii, 17 vii, 18 vu, 20 vii, 21 vii, 27 vii, 28 vii, 29 vn, 33 vii, 34 vu, 35 vii, 39 vii, 43 vii, 44 vii, 46 vii, 47 vii, 48 vii, 51 vii, 55 vii, 57 vii, 59 vii, 61 vii, 65 vn, 72 vu, 73 vu, 74 vii, 76 vii, 77 vn, 80 vii, 84 vii, 98 vii, 102 vn, 105 vii, 106 vii, 109 vu, 116 vu, 117 vii, 119 vii, 120 vU, 121 vii, 123 vn, 127 vu, 128 vii, 129 vn, 130 vu, 135 vii, 141 vii, 148 vu, 149 vu, 151 vn, 152 vn, 153 vu, 155 vn, 165 vii, 1 68 vii, 170 vii, 171 vii, 175 vii, 186 vii, 191 vu, 192 vn, 195 vu, 200 vii, 201 vu, 202 vii, 204 vii, 206 vn, 210 vii, 215 vU, 221 vii, 222 vU, 223 vu, 227 vU, 228 vn, 230 vn, 231 vii, 240 vn, 243 vii, 252 vii, 255 vii, 256 vii, 257 vn, 258 vu, 260 vU, 263 vii, 266 vii, 273 vii, 274 vii, 275 vu, 279 vu, 281 vn, 282 vii, 284 vn, 286 vii, 288 vu, 289 vin, i viu, 12 vin, 15 vni, 16 viu, 19 viii, 23 viii, 26 vin, 27 vin, 34 viU, 35 viu, 37 viu, 40 vin, 42 vui, 43 viii, 57 vui, 6i viu, 62 vui, 63 vUi, 64 viU, 65 viu, 67 viii, 70 viii, 71 viU, 72 viu, 78 viU, 82'~viu, 86 vin, 91 viu, 92 viu, 104 vUi, 105 viu, 107 viui 108 viu, 109 viii, III viii, 122 viii, 127 vui, 132 New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. 479 vui, 146 viu, 152 viii, 166 vin, 175 viii, 201 vui, 208 viii, 302 vin, 384 viii, 430 vin, 458 vii, 149 viu, 138 viii, 147 vin, 157 viii, 167 viii, 176 viu, 202 viU, 255 viii, 304 vUi, 397 viii, 445 viii, 472 vUi, 66 vn, 148 THOMPSON, Ebenezer: councilor and secretary of the Council . vin, 133 viU, 136 vni, 144 vUi, 150 viii, 165 vin, 174 viu, 183 viii, 205 vin, 298 viU, 377 viu, 412 viii, 456 of committee of safety vii, 12 secretary of provincial congress account, extra pay commissioner to New Haven on business referred by tal Congress ...... delegate to Continental Congress . special justice, Superior Court of Judicature . commissioner to N. H. Grants THOMPSON, Edmund: receives state note in lieu of burned THOMPSON, James: petition, committee on . THOMPSON, John, Jr.: receives state note in lieu of burned THOMPSON, Jonathan: to deed lands, Durham — act for . THOMPSON, Joshua: ensign ...... THOMPSON, Nathaniel: permittee ....... THOMPSON, Robert: division of his real estate, act to vacate . land grantee, Durham ..... constable, account ..... THOMPSON, Samuel. deceased intestate, act for sale from his lands . THOMPSON, Samuel: soldier, account ...... petitions, committee on . viu, 171 vui, 209 vesting title to land in, act for . . . THOMPSON, Silas: coroner . . . . . ¦ THOMPSON, Susanna: administratrix, act for her to deed lands, Durham vm, 140 viii, 148 viu, 158 viii, 169 viii, 177 viii, 203 viii, 276 vni, 339 viU, 398 viii, 453 viii, 473 viU, 88 vii, 149 Continen- Vlll, viii. 25 31 viii, 238 vm, 142 viii, 149 viii, 160 viii, 170 vni, 179 viii, 204 viii, 283 viU, 356 vin, 402 vin, 455 viU, 490 vin, 157 vii, 21 viu, 309 vii, 271 vui, 425 viU, 435 vui, 103 vui, 484 viu, 287 viu, 484 vi, 128 vui, 87 vi, 128 vi, 129 vii, 249 vi, 129 viii, 148 viii, 259 viii, 266 vn, 54 vi, 129 480 Index to Records of the Council, THOMPSON, Thomas, Capt.; commander of the Raleigh, letter, complaint has leave to enlist sailors THORNDIKE, Joseph: justice of the peace THORNTON : committee, money advanced to, for arms and ammunition petition ..... town-meeting, resolution for holding incorporation of, act for proprietors . . . . • THORNTON, Joshua: libellant in admiralty case THORNTON, Matthew, Col. : councUor vu, 186 vii, 222 . vU, 187 . vui, 355 vii. 4 vii. 5 vii. 6 vii. 12 vii. 14 vii, 16 vu. 33 vii. 39 vii. 41 vii. 45 vii, 46 vii. 47 vn. 54 vii. 56 vu. 57 vii, 60 vii. 61 vii, 65 vii. 71 vU, 72 vii. 73 vn. 77 vii. 81 vii, 282 on . vii, 64 vUi, 264 viu. 269 viu. 285 viu. 296 see next above. viii. 134 vii, 8 vn. 9 vii. 27 vii, 28 vii. 43 vu. 44 vn. 48 vii. 51 vn. 58 vU, 59 vu. 66 vii. 69 vii. 74 vU, 76 viu, 126 viu, 127 vin, 128 vin, 133 viii, 136 viii, 138 viii, 142 viu, 150 viu, 154 vni, 158 viu, 159 viU, 166 viU, 167 vin, 168 vui, 170 viii, 171 viii, 173 vin, 174 vin, 175 viU, 176 viii, 180 viii, 181 viu, 186 vui, 187 viii, 196 viu, 197 viii, 198 viii, 202 justice, Superior Court of Judicature . vii, 6 vii, 22 viii, 33 viU, 61 viii, 199 viii, 373 vUi, 387 viu, 397 vii, 16 vii, 21 vn, 89 vm, 124 vm, 125 viii, 129 vin, 131 viii, 141 vm, 179 vui, 193 accounts .... vn, 53 journey to Ticonderoga .... regiment ...... vii, 217 vU, 218 resignation of his colonelcy delegate to Continental Congress declines the justiceship .... petitions, committees on . . . viU, 431 ferry grantee .... THORNTON, Matthew: prisoner, petition, trial of vui, 85 viii, 91 viii, 96 viii, THURTON, Thomas: deputy-sheriff, provost marshal, assault on i, 138 i, 140 vii. 93 vii. 136 viii, 24 vu, 21 vii. 53 vii. 68 vu, 85 vii, 220 viu. 95 vin, 108 see next above. vU, 81 vii, 122 vin, 387 viii, 221 viU, 466 vui, 468 viu, 480 viii, 486 viii , 96 viii, 98 viu, 103 i, 102 i. 103 i. 132 i, 135 i. 142 i. 151 i, 168 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 481 THURTON, Thomas: depositions of ........ v Deputy-searcher of Customs . . . . _^ see next above. complaints, answer to . . . . . . . i, 152 THWING : see Thing : TIBBETTS, Ebenezer: coroner, petition vU, 24 viU, 79 TIBBETTS, Obadiah: minor, act for him to exchange lands , . . . vi, 129 TIBBETTS, Samuel. representative ... , . . . . iv, 224 committee to bound land granted by Mass. to Portsmouth . v, 384 TIBBETTS, Thomas: petition , vi, 39 TICHENER, Isaac: letter from viii, 434 TICONDEROGA : journey to, by Matthew Thornton ...... vu, 21 our army at ....... . vii, 96 vii, 97 vii, 105 vii, 107 vii, 109 vii, no vii, 200 express to ......... . vii, 98 regiment fixing off for ........ vn, 123 defence of vn, 1 29 vu, 130 vii, 131 vii, 132 vii, 141 vii, 143 vU, 148 vu, 158 vn, 159 vii, 170 vU, 176 vii, 214 vu, 245 vii, 277 viu, 5 viu, 46 transportation of officers' baggage to ..... vU, 170 post to, letters from ... . . vu, 194 vU, 198 taken by the enemy . . . ... vU, 217 evacuation of, retreat from . . . vU, 228 vn, 239 viu, 13 TILTON, Daniel: appearance, accounts . . i, 205 i, 206 iii, 35 iii, 50 representative U, 204 iv, 148 iv, 168 TILTON, Jacob, Capt. : account ... ...... vii, 9 TILTON, Joseph, Dr.: account, committee on . . . .... vm, 12 viii, 52 vui, 60 viU, 234 vUi, 268 vUi, 269 TIMBER: see also WOODS : Trees: Masts: injunction against cutting ..... • L 55 acts for preserving . . i, 249 i, 257 v, 30 v, 32 taxation of, petition concerning . . • • . ii, 198 for the fort v, 117 v, 129 v, 211 Great Island bridge . . vii, 107 New Hampshire . ¦ • • ¦ I which see. trade ... .... i TING, Eleazer: Penacook settler . . iv, 222 31 482 Index to Records of the Council, liffiLilSi, . 1-i. : of the Port Royal expedition . TIPPITTS'S : garrison ...... TIPPITTS, Thomas: account assigned to ... ¦ iii, 30 V, iii, iii. 190 39 48 TITCOMB, Benjamin, Capt.: company ..... major, half-pay vU, 172 vii, viu. 145 489 TITHING-MEN : duties under smaU-pox resolution . vi. 75 TOBACCO : exportation of, permitted TODD, , Capt.: letter on Indian attack on Contoocook viii, vi. 188 37 TOLES, , Mr. : petition .... TOLFORD, Joshua: • iv. 251 petitions, committees on . . . viU. 315 viu, 479 viii, 484 TOLL-END Falls: scouting there . ... . v, 45 TOMLINSON, Agur: petition for grant of lands TOMLINSON, John: see Thomlinson: vi. 153 TONNAGE : acts relating to . . . ii, 259 in, 77 in, 78 TOOGOOD, Edward: u, 261 iii, 79 ii, V, 262 58 n, v. 267351 master-workman at fort . V, 146 his house fortified as a garrison TORBAY (Eng.) : V, 148 shipment of timber for . . ship, letter of Admiral Boscawen written on board . i. 242 ¦ V, i, 27 298 TORIES: see also Prisoners: New York . . ... committed to gaol in Amherst gaol (prison) , disposal of TORLINGTON, Richard: vn, 100 vii, vii 264 264 vii, vU, vii, 269 190 269 constable, examined lor contempt . TORTUGA : n. 146 brigantine from, infected with smaU-pox . TOUSE, Francis: vi. 131 grantee of Kingston .... TOWLE, Jeremiah: n. 74 corporal, invalid pensioner TOWLE, Philip [Tole] Robert Mason v . viu, i. 363 93 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 483 179 vm, 93 TOWN Charges: money for ¦•....... TOWN-CLERKS : j^c Hampton: Tuck, John : Londonderry : Weare, Nathaniel. to take and administer oaths, resolution for .... vn, 15 summon witnesses, resolution for vii, 166 qualify town officers, act for viii, 90 TOWN Commons: see Common Land : Commons : Dover : Hampton. TOWNE, Archelaus [Town] : account . . . . ' . TOWNE, Francis, Capt.: pay-roll vii, 179 TOWN-MEETINGS : see Apthorp. see Newington. Bow. Newport. Cranfield, Edward, Lt.-Gov. Packersfield. Croydon. Perrystown. Dover. Peterborough. Epsom. Portsmouth. Exeter. Richmond. Great Island. Sandwich. Gunthwait. Sheriffs. Hampton. Souhegan East. Hinsdale. Stoddard. Londonderry. Stratham. Newcastle. Surry. New Durham Gore. Thornton. for choice of representatives . . . . . . . i, loi ii, 16 ii, 17 ii, 18 v, 261 TOWN Militia : see Militia : TOWN Officers : see also Moderators : Selectmen : Town-Clerks : choice of . . • . . . . . ii, 63 viu, 269 and see under names of towns. qualification of, act for vii, 1 5 viii, 90 acting as, by British and inimicals, prevented vui, 300 viii, 371 viu, 473 TOWN RECORDS: j^^ Dover: Exeter: Hampton: Portsmouth. TOWNS: see also Townships : captains, (called also " first or chief officer") i, 25 i, 203 i, 220 u, 254 in, 3 iv, 184 V, 10 V, II V, 86 V, 105 V, III V, 114 V, 116 V, 118 V, 146 V, 159 V, 161 V, 162 V, 173 V, 182 V, 200 V, 205 V, 236 division of . . . . ¦ . • • • • i, 31 and see Apthorp : Chichester. bounds and powers of, order relating to i, 169 to have transcript of laws ii, 10 ii, 23 484 Index to Records of the Council, TOWNS : see also Townships : committees of miUtia ii, 64 n, 254 v, 11 v, 116 v, 148 accounts ..... . . . . ii, 166 and see under names of towns. to raise guard for surveyor-general of their majesties' woods . iv, 197 new, rates ........-¦ iv, 252 military wards and watches in .... . v, 58 receivers of provisions ... . . . v, 105 to raise stock of provisions, act for .... v, 135 and see Town-stock. between Merrimack and Connecticut rivers, granting . . vi, 2 supplying with ammunition ..... vii, 64 vii, 65 vii, 66 vu, 67 vii, 73 vn, 109 vU, 120 incorporation from parts of Chester, Londonderry, etc. . . vi, 67 classed (coupled) for representatives, and precepts to . . vii, 90 vu, 95 vui, 37 vUi, 109 vui, no viu, in vui, 404 viii, 471 tax precepts issued to . . . . . . vii, 91 petitions of, complaining of the high prices . . . vu, 118 for abatement of taxes ..... viii, 120 apportionmentof levies (quotas) to . vii, 152 vii, 157 viii, 209 beef to viii, 176 viii, 222 viii, 239 viii, 276 viU, 335 recruits to . . ... viii, 209 army clothing to ... viu, 294 viii, 298 making mistakes in inventories, to return new . . . vii, 214 deficient in quotas, method with . . vii, 240 vni, 19 viii, 65 vin, 277 viu, 342 viu, 360 viu, 386 vUi, 392 extents against ..... viii, 415 hiring soldiers for less than three years, to replace them . . vin, 12 advancing money for volunteers, re-imbursement of . . viii, 26 viU, 30 viii, 37 viU, 38 vui, 66 vUi, 72 delinquent in taxes, notified by treasurer to pay . . . viii, 32 vui, 125 vui, 221 vni, 292 committee on . . viii, 125 vni, 228 viu, 335 extents against . . . . viii, 393 advancing soldiers' bounties and suppUes, re-imbursed . . viU, 123 viii, 124 viii, 125 vin, 126 viii, 127 viii, 128 viU, 238 viii, 345 viu, 355 soldiers' bounty accounts ..... viii, 126 viii 128 soldiers' family supply accounts ...... viii, 126 viii, 128 viu, 231 viu, 289 viu, 291 vin, 391 requested to pay into the treasury vUi 164 in Upper Cobs, petitions of ...... . viii 170 may furnish flour and rum in lieu of beef . . viu, 239 viii, 276 delegates from, to convention to settle plan of government . viii, 245 paying their soldiers, to have discount from their taxes . . viii, 245 viii, 265 vUi, 271 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 485 TOWNS : see also Townships : two, claiming the same soldier vin. 280 viii, 281 assessed for rum . viii, 285 viii. 329 vin, 336 overpaying beef tax re-imbursed aUowance of interest to, committee on vin. 345 vin, 335 viii, 355 to, for soldiers viii, 360 to advance travel money to soldiers vin, 377 inventory returns . boundaries viii, 458 on Connecticut river. Grafton County Militia ministers . ¦which see. Strafford County unincorporated TOWNSEND, George: • account, petition . TOWNSHIPS : see also Towns : iv. 333 iv. 339 vi, 34 grants of . . . ii. 74 ii, 123 U, 124 ii, 125 ii, 126 ii. 131 ii, 211 iv, 154 vi, 66 iv, 156 vi, 67 iv, vi 157 71 vi, vi. 54 72 vi, 57 vi, 78 vi, 79 vi, 80 vi. 81 vi. 82 vi, 83 vi, 84 vi, 85 vi. 115 vi. 116 vi, 121 vi, 131 petitions for grants of . in the Waste Lands vi, 147 vi, 151 vi 153see vi, 154 next above. iv, 251 granting, instructions relating to . grantees ask further time for settlement vi, 38 vi, 115 charters of, recording . af ¦Winninitipno-pe Pond vu, 179 which see. TOWN-STOCK : selectmen to inspect, report, and supply and see'S.TLe.X.t.x: Portsmouth. of provisions, act for v, 135 TOWN Treasurers: accounts for raising volunteers TOZER, Peter [Tozier] : petition, note lost TRACEY, Nathaniel: petition for division of Apthorp TRADE : encouragement of, act for timber, with foreign countries masts . . . . • with Indians, regulation of and see Indians : Trading Houses U, 143 V, 230 V, 233 V, 136 V, 163 V, 164 V, 171 V, 115 • viii, 313 . viii, 481 i, 8i i, 170 V, 237 i, 242 V, 27 V, 36 . see next above. in, 84 vii, 106 486 Index to Records of the Council, VI, 119 TRADE : of New Hampshire, queries about . outward bound, embargo on . regulation of, committee on . acts of, see Acts of Trade and Navigation. interdiction, see Acadia : French : Nova Scotia : Port Royal with French ......••• Spain .... .... West Indies . . . . i plantation .......¦• | province .......•¦ J TRADING Houses (called also Truck-houses) : for supply of Indians ........ near Pemigewasset River ...... TRAFERIN: see Trefethen: TRAILL, Mary: petition, committee on . ... viu, 256 TRAILL, Robert [Trail] : V. Robert Leathers, review ....... TRAINING-FIELD : title in dispute ......... TRAITORS : pardoned .......... transfer of their estates, act to prevent ..... TRANSPORTS : for Nova Scotia expedition and see Massachusetts. impressment of ... . TRASKE, Joseph: signer of Indian letters to governor TRAVEL . of witnesses against Col. Asa Porter of Committee of Safety Councilors Representatives Soldiers . TRAVELLERS : to give account of themselves TRAVEL Money: surgeons' ... of officers and soldiers, see Soldiers. TREADWELL, Mehitable: non compos mentis, guardian for, sale of her estate TREADWELL, William Earl: petition ....... to seU lands held in his wife's right, act for V, 389 vi, 120 vii, 126 which see. V, It V, 188 v, 243 1, 155 V, 317 VI, 9 viu. 257 viu. 45 V, 97 i. 58 VII, 253 vi. 27 V, 245 i. 156 vu, 114 which see. V, 282 vii, 126 vui, 324 vui, 352 vm, 194 viii, 201 11, 29 n, 128 ii, 129 iii, 3 iv, 207 vii, 6 vii, 261 iv, 270 V, 56 and M. . . v, 121 19 41 New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. 487 TREASON : see also High-Treason : act against, repealed . v 380 acts against . . vii, 121 vii, 135 vii, 147 vu, 154 viii! 252 and see Misprision. TREASURERS: see also Treasurers and Receivers-general; of province and state, salary . . . i, 86 iv, 146 v, 154 vu, 212 viu, 121 viu, 203 viu, 298 viu, 334 vin, 397 viii, 453 to make sentinels box. Little Harbor Point irregular proceedings of office vacated .... bond, bondsmen to sue bonds .... clearances by . to provide supplies to soldiers, fort W execution against constable for delinquent tax . . . v, 338 to issue tax precepts (warrants) . . v, 398 v, 399 vii, 91 viu, 14 vin, 74 vin, 152 viu, 331 viu, 490 and see Warrants. qualification of ........ . vii, to caU in bills of credit, resolution for . . . . vii, authorized to borrow (hire) money . . . . . vii, 75 vu, 123 vii, 124 vin, 124 viii, 168 viU, 182 vui, 183 vin, 281 viU, 338 may sell gunlocks ....... vii, 109 to sign state notes .... . . vii, 123 lay accounts before General Court . . , . vii, 140 sign blank notes ........ vii, 207 issue extents against delinquent constables . vii, 212 viii, 153 receive bills of the long form ..... vii, 248 exchange genuine bills for counterfeit . . . vii, 250 discount taxes ....... vii, 280 viii, 123 viii, 124 vin, 125 viii, 184 vni, 193 vni, 212 viu, 220 viu, 233 vUi, 291 vni, 428 to pay account in notes . . ... viii, 32 notify delinquent towns to pay their taxes . . . viii, 32 vui, 125 viU, 221 issue extents for delinquent taxes ..... viii, 32 viu, 52 vUi, 252 viU, 255 viu, 259 viu, 292 viu, 298 viU, 360 vui, 393 may receive altered bills for taxes ... . viu, 45 not to issue extents for taxes .... vui, 52 viii, 259 discharged of bills burned . . . vin, 60 viu, 288 viu, 488 to exchange state bills for other money .... viii, 61 nomination and appointment of . . viii, 65 vin, 212 viu, 214 viu, 303 vin, 399 vin, 431 viU, 433 viU, 458 to exchange current money for retired bills . . viii, 76 viii, 79 Vlll, 440 viii, 443 viu, 472 viii, 484 488 Index to Records of the Council, TREASURERS : see also Treasurers and Receivers-General : to issue notes to army officers . . ¦ • viii, 86 discount old currency viu, 197 viii, 291 issue depreciation notes ..... viii. 211 vm, 212 receive bounty and depreciation notes for taxes vUi, 221 vUi, 253 exchange new emission bills for old . . . viU, 225 vin, 231 give orders of Board of War the preference . viii, 246 receive bounty and depreciation notes in payment for con fiscated lands . . ' viu, 265 pay depreciation notes ... . viii, 268 viii, 269 furnish specie ........ vui, 271 secure Col. John Langdon for rum . viii, 279 viii, 280 stamp bills received for taxes . . ... viii, 292 issue new notes in lieu of defaced . . viii, 297 viii, 382 issue notes ......... viii, 332 directed as to paying bounty on wolves viii, 332 as to paying members of General Court . . . viii, 375 to_receive U. S. bills and Morris's notes for taxes . viii, 374 \^%\iA aliases ....... . viii, 415 orders on, method of taking up . to supply delegates to Congress with money certificate to Brig. -gen. Reed notes in lieu of burned to provide accommodations for general court, see General Court. for soldiers, see Soldiers : supplies for. orders and warrants on, see Accounts : Claims. county .... town TREASURERS' Accounts : see also Treasurers : transmission of, yearly to England . ii, 160 V, ISS committees on, auditors of, etc. n, 58 n, 124 U, 160 ii, 283 iv, 152 iv, 178 iv, 297 iv, 352 V, 138 V, 169 V, 215 V, 341 vu, 164 vUi, 119 viii, 432 \ which see. REAS1 . urer S: i. 242 V, 28 V, 138 V, 139 V, 140 V, 212 V, 213 V, 214 V, 341 • u. 21 ii, 22 n. 59 n. 112 u. 117 n. 120 n. 125 ii. 126 n. 128 ii. 156 ii. 169 ii. 171 n. 175 n. 178 n. 289 iii. 4 iii, 60 iii. 88 iv. 155 iv, 156 iv. 160 iv. 163 iv. 183 iv, 185 iv. 258 iv, 296 iv. 309 iv, 310 iv. 311 iv, 343 iv 354 iv. 368 V, 83 V, 94 V 139 V, 140 V, ISS V, 167 V, 178 V, 212 V, 213 V, 214 V, 216 V, 238 V, 269 V, 327 V, 346 V, 348 V, 350 vn. 163 vii, 191 vii. 196 vui. 72 viu. 109 viu. 284 viii. 287 viU, 297 viii. 386 viU, 436 viii. 449 viii, 451 viii. 454 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. TREASURERS' Notes : see also State Notes : printing and countersigning . . . vii, 143 vii, 169 issuing for soldiers' bounties, act for . . . vii, 146 exchanging for bUls called in . . . . vU, 207 defaced, exchange of . . vii, 246 viu, 297 account paid in ... . . . . indorsements on, paid in new emission bills as pay for absentees' lands sold .... lost, replaced .... . viii, 313 payable in gold and silver given for specie hired . . . ... TREASURERS and Receivers-general: of province and state, Partridge, WiUiam. PenhaUow, Samuel. Sherburne, Henry. Smith, Joseph. Vaughan, WiUiam. Treasurers' Accounts : ii, 173 V, 108 iv, 297 iv, 322 vu, 91 viii, 74 vui, 193 viii, 281 i, 186 iU, 58 iv, 224 iv, 311 iv, 325 vu, 278 viii, 166 viu, 231 11, II Ui, 61 iv, 278 iv, 312 vii, 66 viii, 73 vin, 175 viii, 279 see Gilman, John Taylor. Gilman, Nicholas. Jaffrey, George. Jaffrey, George (3rd). Martin, Richard. TREASURY : see also Treasurers : empty in, 27 supply of, acts, votes, etc., for iv, 309 iv, 324 vii, 246 viii, 164 viii, 227 and see Government, support of, also Revenue Committee of the Whole on . state of, committee on . . vii, 15 viU, 206 viU, 257 vui, 278 drafts on, by Congress ... in favor of Board of War to army officers for depreciation of wages old continental currency in . . • • . orders and warrants on, see Accounts : Claims. continental ...••• TREASURY Board: of the United States, orders drawn by . TREASURY Chamber: see Whitehall: TREATIES : see Aix-la-Chapelle : Algiers : Indians TREATIES of Peace: violation of ... TREES : see also Masts : Timber : trespass in cutting, act against preservation, king's order for vu, 17 viii, 306 viU, 168 Utrecht. 489 vu, 252 vu, 270 vUi, 9 viu, 382 viu, 32 viu, 195 vni, 243 vui, 484 viU, 332 viU, 338 111, I V, 245 iv, 298 iv, 323 vii, 119 viii, 147 viii, 226 viU, 417 viU, 145 vii, 164 viii, 475 viu, 169 viii, 194 viu, 235 viii, 312 . which see. viii, 178 1, 222 i, 249 V, 43 i, 256 1, 270 V, 44 i, 257 49° Index to Records of the Council, TREFERIN : see Trefethen : TREFETHEN, Foster [Trevethan] : of Newcastle, sworn petition ....•- TREFETHEN, Henry: of Newcastle, sworn .... petition ...... TREFETHEN, William, Capt. [Treferrin] committee on cannon and powder . TRENCHARD, I.: king's councilor .... TRENTON : battle of ..... • TRERISSE, , Mr. . passage money furnished him TRESPASS : see also Trespass Act : in cutting trees, act against . on king's lands, Conn, river . precepts for, form of . . laws for preventing .... and see Langdon, Tobias. TRESPASS Act: act to revive ...... TRIALS : for cowardice, by council of Ansell Nickerson, Boston . in cases of treason, regulated of an attaint causescounterfeiters . by court-martial . of pirates TRICKEY, Ephraim : TRICKEY, Isaac: TRICKEY, Joseph: TRICKEY, Widow: of Bloody Point, province rate against TRINITY Terms : see Westminster Hall . TRIP, Job: libellant in admiralty case TRIPE, Samuel: account ... TRIPE, Thomas: petition . ... TROIES Rivieres: alarming ..... n, is ii, 33 n, 15 ii, 33 ii 34 vii, 41 ii, IIS vn, 166 i, 36 i, 222 iv, 190 vi, 116 vii, 16 v, 85 vin, 17 iv, 350 iv, 354 iv, 210 iv, 211 vi, 155 vi, 158 . vu, 147 • \ y which see. 1, 97 vin, 134 vii, 210 vin, 73 i, 27s New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 491 V, 246 which see. iv, 371 VI, 24 VI, 41 VI, 97 VI, 114 vn. 37 vn. 41 vu. 59 TROOP : raising a ......... . of Capt. Robert Mason .... ... TROOPERS : see Cavalry : TROOPS : see also Soldiers : transportation of, Cuba expedition . . iv, 357 iv, 366 regular, for reduction of Quebec, etc. ..... for relief of Annapolis Royal ...... king's, under Gen. Braddock ...... transportation to Albany . . . vi, iii vi, 112 of the colony, commissary of ...... in Canada, gold and silver for ...... at Newcastle and Portsmouth, supplies for ... . vii, 61 vu, 125 vu, 150 (Z«^ j«« Newcastle : Portsmouth. entering contl. service, supplies for ..... vii, 156 and see Continental Service. sending to Ticonderoga .... . vii, 17 ours at Ticonderoga, equipment of ..... vii, 228 rendezvoused at Exeter, subsistence of . . . . viii, 28 lists of, procured at the army ...... viii, 127 at Piscataqua harbor, discharge of . . . . . viii, 200 forwarding, to the army ..... . viii, 252 for Canada expedition ........ which see. continental, see Continental Soldiers. for defence of frontiers, see Frontiers. French, see French : preparations. New England ........ ? for Rhode Island ..... > TROTT, Samuel: coroner ... ...... account vn, 199 vii, 201 bearer of money to agent- victualler at No. 4 (Charlestown) receives money for Cols. Bellows, Morey, and Chase petition . • • viii, 487 TRUCK-HOUSE : see also Trading Houses : near Pemigewasset River .... . vi, 9. TRUE, Richard [Tru] : account ... • . • ¦ "i- 39 TRUEL, Amos: constable, Amherst viii' i84- TRUNDY, George: of Newcastle, sworn ... . . . • n, 1 5 TRUSSELL, Moses: petition, half-pay ... • ¦ • ^iii- ^34 vm, 254 TRUSSELL, Reuben: disabled soldier, half-pay . • • • ¦ • '^'"' 37 which see. vii. 25 vU, 214 vii. 218 vii. 219 viii, 489 492 Index to Records of the Council, TRUSTEES : to give bond to judge of probate . of confiscated estates .... Hampton Portsmouth . . . . ¦ Zaccheus Cutler's estate, see Baldwin, Nahum. Gov. John Wentworth's estate, see Gilman, Samuel. Col. Stephen Holland's estate, see Smith, Robert. TRYALL [Tryalle] : brigantine bound from Boston to Newfoundland TUBBS, Ananias: disabled soldier, account TUCK, Edward: petition, complaint . .... TUCK, John [Tucke] : Robert Mason v. . . , . . representative ....... clerk, Hampton, appearance with records petition to the king ..... appearance, bond ....... TUCKER, Benjamin: representative ... ... TUCKER, Caleb: account . ..... TUCKER, Francis: attorney on claim and petition of Richard Stileman . of Newcastle, sworn ... petition .... . ii, 33 coroner ........ account TUCKER, Jabez: estate, act to enable administrator of TUCKER, John: of Strawberry Bank soldier, impressed ....... TUCKER, Lemuel: continental soldier, bounty to TUCKER, , Mr.: account TUCKER, William: of Newcastle, sworn ..... TUFTIN, John: see Rand, Mary: deposition. TUFTONBOROUGH : abatement of taxes TUMULTS : suppression of . . ... vin, 314 > which see. in. I viU, 116 V, 336 i. 88 i. 93 iv. 176 V, 381 V, 382 V, 389 V, 390 V, 389 V, 390 viii. 121 • viii, 121 i, i8i i. 182 ii. 15 n. 34 V, 108 iii. 26 in. 40 ni. 88 vm, 454 ii, 26 i. 164 n. 80 viU, 162 iv. 143 ii. 15 viii. 448 iU, 11 New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. 493 TURNER, George, Capt. : company's wages ......... vii, 7 TUTTLE, : i' 37 TUTTLE'S : garrison ... iii, 39 TUTTLE, John, Capt., Lt. : account i, 46 i, 182 in, 4 in, 39 iii, 48 ni, 50 iii, 87 attendance at council ...... i, 175 ii, 187 report of men posted at garrison . . . . . . i, 177 garrison commander . . . . . . i, 210 n, 99 captain .... . ii, 3 v, 44 v, 45 representative . ii, 18 ii, 238 li, 257 iv, 141 iv, 195 certificate of dismissal by ....... ii, 82 posts soldiers in garrisons ....... ii, 93 ii, 94 u, 95 ii, 98 ii, 104 militia officer . . . . . . . . . ii, 100 committee on claims . . . . . . ii, 121 iv, 153 to settle town bounds . . . . . . v, 42 application for provisions in frontiers ..... iii, 1 to call town-meeting, Dover ....... iii, 18 to supply pilots to scouts ....... iii, 40 notified of soldiers' discharge ..... in, 71 petition ui, 87 " took the oaths " v, 7 informs of withdrawal of Indians from Cocheco . . . v, 9 company, muster-roll . . • . • • v, no v, 173 commander of scouts . . . • • • • • v, 224 UMBAGOG Lake: grant of township near . . . . ¦ • • . vi, 151 UNAPPROPRIATED Lands: west of Merrimack river, grant of . ¦ • vi, 4 west of Connecticut river, grant of . . vi, 81 vi, 82 vi, 87 on Connecticut river, unlicensed settlements on . vi, 116 UNCAS : see Indians : UNDERHILL, John, Capt.: recruiting officer .....•••• vm, 2 UNDERWOOD, James: justice of the peace ™' ^4 Court of Common Pleas vii, 24 representative "^I^' ^^' accounts concerning confiscated estates viii, 148 UNGLE, Charles: high sheriff, Dorchester co., Md., requisition for escaped iv, 217 iv, 218 prisoner . . . . • • • . iv, .ii/ * , UNIMPROVED Lands: .. .. r ... vui, 162 estimation of ...••,•'• ' 494 Index to Records of the Council, UNIMPROVED Lands: sale for taxes, act for suspending .... taxing, for repair of highways .... UNINCORPORATED Lands: taxes on, act for ....... UNINCORPORATED Places: meetings and taxes in, act concerning inventories of, charges of taking added to their taxes UNINCORPORATED Towns: assessment and collection of taxes in meetings in ... . UNITED Colonies: forming independent states ..... UNITED Provinces: make peace with His Most Christian Majesty . States General of . UNITED States: confederation of the ...... and see Articles of Confederation, U. S. A. treasury board, orders drawn by . defence of, acts to raise men for . navy, wages in ... . . . military hospital ....... accounts with this state . . viii, 418 vui, 436 granting imposts and duties to, act for . state accounts against ...... UNITED States Bills: receivable in lieu of specie for taxes and see Bills of the United States. UNITED States Congress: see Continental Congress: UNITED States Financier: requisition of . . ... and see Morris, Robert. UNITED States Service: soldiers in, in 178 1 return of, by Secretary of War UNITY: justice of the peace UPPER Ashuelot: tract settled under grant by Massachusetts UPPER Coos [Cohas] : Capt. Eames's company at keeping scouts at . ... towns in, petitions of . USHAW, Daniel [Oshaw?] : constable. Great Island .... USHER, John, Lt.-Gov. : petitions addressed to .' . i, 170 11, 103 . vm, 192 . vin, 417 . viu, 148 . vni, 14 vin, 154 viu, 155 . vii, 243 viii, 173 viii, 180 . vii, 44 vi, 40 vi, 47 . see next above. vin, 10 viu, 330 . vin, 178 viii, 180 viii, 274 . viii, 195 ¦ viii, 315 viu, 441 vin, 452 . viii, 471 . which see. . viu, 374 • viii, 351 . viii, 404 . viu, 472 . vu, 50 vi, 79 vi, 81 vii, 131 vii, 132 vU, 135 vu, 142 . viii, 170 i, 96 i, 98 ii, 107 ii, 108 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 495 USHER, John, Lt.-Gov.: letters from, to council . i. 185 i. 186 ii, 42 ii. 43 ii, 77 ii, 87 ii, 88 li. 90 ii. 149 ii. 150 ii, 167 ii. 168 Capt. WiUiam Redford, Dep. -sec. i, 192 i, 193 ii. 85 ii, 86 n. 92 ii, 96 Lt.-gov. William Stoughton u. 90 ii. 199 ii, 205 u, 208 n. 21C iv, 171 Sir William Phipps . . . ii, 113 u. 140 letters to, from Duncan CampbeU ^ Council Gov. Joseph Dudley Nathaniel Fryar, Prest , Maj. Francis Hooke . Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations ¦ whicl see. Massachusetts Council Samuel Penhallow WilUam Redford Lt.-gov. WUliam Stoughton Richard Waldron (2nd) . account . i, 187 speeches to House of Representatives i. 191 u, 1 60 iv, 170 , to General Court n, 204 arrival in province i. 206 1, 207 "malcontent" . i. 226 i. 227 i. 231 i. 234 i. 235 i. 236 in. 13 in. 14 in. 19 in. 32 iii. 52 ui. S3 ni. 55 in, 67 iii. 68 iu. 69 iU, 70 his powers annulled . i, 232 i. 236 iii. 77 reports his journey to Boston ii. 2 warrants issued by ii. 13 ii, 16 n, 17 n. 32 ii. 93 ii. 99 ii, 105 ii. 139 n. 142 ii, 146 ii. 163 present in council n. 19 u. 20 ii, 22 ii, 2 3 ii. 24 ii, 25 ii. 26 u. 29 ii, 3< 3 u. 37 ii. 38 ii. 39 ii. 52 ii. 57 ii. 60 n. 63 n. 68 ii. 69 ii, 70 ii. 71 u. 72 n, 73 n, 77 u, 89 u. no ii. III ii. 113 ii. 114 ii. II 1 ii. 119 ii. 120 ii, 121 ii. 122 ii. 12 3 ii, 124 n. 125 n. 127 n. 128 ii. 130 u. 132 ii. 133 ii. 134 ii. 135 ii. 138 u. 139 ii. 140 n. 142 ii, 143 ii 146 ii. 147 n. 148 ii 153 ii 154 ii 15s ii. 156 ii. 157 ii 158 ii 171 ii , 173 ii 174 496 Index to Records of the Council, USHER, Lt.-Gov present in council . . u, 175 n, 176 ii. 177 ii, 175 ii, 183 u, 189 U, 190 ii. 198 n, 20c ) u, 204 ii, 206 ii, 207 n. 208 n, 211 n. 213 in, 83 in, 85 iv. 133 iv, 134 iv. 135 iv, 136 iv, 139 iv, 140 iv, 14 IV, 142 iv, 143 iv, 145 iv. 148 iv, 149 iv. 151 iv, 152 iv, 153 iv. 154 iv, 151 IV, 156 iv, 157 iv, 159 iv, 160 iv, 16] iv, 162 iv, 163 iv, 164 iv, 165 iv, 166 iv. 167 iv, 168 iv, 169 iv, 171 iv, 17; ! IV, 174 iv, 175 iv, 176 iv. 177 iv, 178 iv, 179 iv, 180 iv, 181 iv, 182 1, 91 V, 92 V, 94 V, 96 V, 98 v, 99 V, IOI V, 105 V, 106 V, 107 ^, io5 i V, 116 v, 121 V, 122 V, 123 V, 129 V, 130 V, 132 V, 135 V, 137 ", 13^ i V, 140 V, 141 V, 150 V, 156 ^, 155 ' V, 165 v, 166 V, 172 V, 188 IT, 201 V, 208 V, 213 V, 214 V, 215 ' If, 22f i V, 230 V, 231 V, 232 V, 233 ^, 24: V, 245 V, 246 V, 247 V, 262 if, 263 V, 266 V, 272 V, 273 V, 275 V, 276 V, 277 V, 278 V, 312 V, 313 I', 314 V, 316 V, 326 V, 327 V, 328 If,. 330 V, 334 V, 335 V, 336 V, 340 I', 341 V, 342 messages and speeches by see next above. in committee of militia . ii, 51 prorogation of assembly n. 55 order to Capt. Thomas Packer n. 56 to arrange for running Mass. and N. H. lines n. 66 grant of Kingston . . ii, 76 proclamation dissolving general assembly u. 81 precept for administering oath to inhabitants n, 91 desired to call assembly ii. 97 at meeting of militia officers . u, 100 of a court-martial . . 1 , IOI witness summons issued by . 102 complaint againt Lt. Wm. Furber ii. 104 signature to bill of cost . n. io6 appointment of majors of miUtia . n, 109 collusion with secretary Story . iii. 5 commission revoked iii, 8 iii, 9 iii. ic ) ii i, n 13 appointments by . ni'. 63 declared councilor ii i, 6c in. 76 councilor in, 72 iu, 73 iii, 75 iii, 77 n i, 81 iv. 375 councilor, right debated • ii i. 75 iii. 80 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. USHER, Lt.-Gov.: committee to wait on Earl of Bellomont . signature to laws . .... iii, 82 IV, B8 iv, 102 iv, 113 iv, 126 iv, 82 iv, 86 iv, 91 iv, 97 iv, I n iv, 112 iv, 124 iv, 125 Queen Anne's instructions to . .... presents letters-patent constituting himself Lieutenant-governor debenture . . ...... lodgings provided for . . v, 117 v, 120 residence for . . . . copy of accounts attested by . . . proclamation for return of deserters gratuity for him proposed .... commission read in council ... UTRECHT : treaty of ...... v, 302 v, 313 VACANCIES : IV, 89 iv, 103 iv, 117 iv, 127 V, 121 V, 150 497 in, 88 iv, 80 iv, 90 iv, 104 iv, 118 iv, 128 V, 89 V, 91 V, 107 V, 129 V, 151 V, ISS V, 244 V, 246 V, 330 V, 322 lUlillg, in Colonial Officers Continental Battalions the Council Mihtia Officers > whicl I see. Militia : regiments New Hampshire Line Officers VALENTINE, John: V. John Kenniston V, 379 VANDREUIL, Count de: commander-in-chief of French forces, address to vni. 408 VARNEY, Paul ET ALII: restored to their law viii. 398 VARNEY, Peter: petition .... iv, 250 iv. 251 iv, 252 VAUGHAN, George: factor of Laconia Company, account i. 5 i, 8 i, 16 i, 20 i. 23 letter to Ambrose Gibbins i. 31 i. 33 VAUGHAN, George, Col. -. justice of the peace, assault on V, 142 bearer of letter of Gov. Burgess from London V, 342 V, 353 commission as Lieutenant-governor, and publication of the same V, 343 V, 344 V, 345 present in council v, 345 v, 346 V, 348 V, 349 V, 351 V, 352 V, 353 V, 354 V, 355 V, 356 V, 357 V, 358 V, 359 V, 360 V, 361 V, 362 V, 363 V, 364 V, 36s V, 366 V, 367 V, 369 V, 370 V, 373 V, 374 32 498 Index to Records of the Council VAUGHAN, George, Col. : speeches by . letter to, from Col. Tailor suspended from sitting in Council estate of, money due from VAUGHAN, William, Maj.: joint answer to Robert Mason prisoner, escape, warrant for re-arrest and see to deliver up records below. execution against, imprisonment oath relating to Mason's conveyance to the councilor 1, 179 i, 187 i, 205 i, 216 i, 229 n, 6 n, U,ii, ii, n, U. 22 43 S7 64 77 117 u, 123 ii, 142 ii, 155 ii, 163 ii, 170 ii, 177 u, 189 ii, 204 iii, 3 lU, iii, iii,iii,iU,iii,iv. 13 2234 42 53 61 42 IV, 140 iv, 147 iv, 153 iv, 160 iv, 165 iv. 173 V, 183 • 1, 79 i, 181 i, 198 i, 206 i, 220 i, 230 ii, 8 n, U,n,ii, n. 24 44 5868 96 n, 119 n, 124 ii, 143 ii, 156 n, 164 n, 171 ii, 182 ii, 190 ii, 205 111, iii, in, in,iii, in,iii. 5 15 25 35 45 5563 iv, 133 iv, 142 iv, 148 iv, 154 iv, 161 iv, 166 iv, 174 iv, 184 governor 100 , 182 , 201 , 208 , 221 , 236 . 9 , 25 . 45 , 60 I 69 no , 120 , 126 146 . 157 165 173183193 206 i:" i 17 2736 46 S6 64 iv, 134 iv, 144 iv, 149 iv, 156 iv, 162 iv, 167 iv, 175 iv, 185 see next above. V, 357 V, 373 iv, 352 i, 41 60 i, 120 i, 63 i, 167 i, 184 i, 202 i, 210 i, 222 i, 237 ii, 10 n, 30 ii, 48 u, 61 ii, 70 ii, 112 u, 121 ii, 139 n, 148 ii, 158 n, 166 ii, 174 U, 185 ii, 196 ii, 2 11 in, 9 iii, iii, iii, iii, iii, iii. 18 29 4047 58 65 iv, 135 iv, 145 iv, 151 iv, 157 iv, 163 iv, 168 iv, 181 iv, 186 i, 68 i, 77 i, 175 i, 186 i, 204 i, 212 i, 225 ii. 5 ii, 12 n, n,ii, u, ii, ii. 37 SI 62 72 113 122 11, 140 ii, 154 ii, 162 ii, 1 69 ii, 176 ii, 187 ii, 200 ii, 213 iii, 12 19 33 41 52 60 2 in,in, iii,in,iii, iv, iv, 136 iv, 146 iv, 152 iv, 159 iv, 164 iv, 169 iv, 182 iv, 187 q g a o> r <1<<<< s 00 ov OJ w oo .1^ .1^ 4^ Ov vO fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi^ fi fi fi fi fi^ fi fi fi fi fi J^ fi fi OJOJtOtOtOtOtOtOtOtOlOtOtOWi-iiHi-ii-ii-ii-iw HHi-i M OvOvO OO^l.n4^4i.OJ to I-I O OvOVO 00^ OVOvVn4i.vO 00 014:. 00i-i4^-vlvo^ 04^ OvvO OOOJVn O tO^J OOOJOi W^JVO Ov Oj 4^ to to to o <<< .. ..-. ... ^« r. uo ^ l_t^ L/V ..T +* \ij ^^^ V.ri 00VO4^VOOJ COO OO 4^ J:* OJ VO Ui O VO to to w I-I CO vn to to o 4^ ^ +. VO vO M <<<<<<<<<< tototototototototototo vO OOCOOvvxi4^ojOj ^0 O OJ M O M O vo vo to Ol VO to 00 ^J ^ ov vo O OV OV 4^ « VO OV to to to I-I to to o i-« OJ o OJ tjj ov ¦^ CO 00 ov OJ o 00 o I-I Oj Oj Ov ov w to 00 4i. VJ 4^ <<<:<;<: OJ Oj Oj to OJ O O vo ^ vo -I +. <<<<<<<< tototototototototototo 00 CO Ov vn .^ Oj Oj CC^VO tOVn OOtOOJ OOV Ov Ov Ji. Ov I-I vn 4>- VO vO 500 Index to Records of the Council, VAUGHAN, William, Maj.. committee of militia ... . . on seized books, papers, and records to settle town boundaries on war stores ..... custodian of records i, 206 i, 207 Ui, 36 ferriage, bills about ... . . to deliver up records . . i, 207 advice from England testimony relative to assessment. Great Island warrant for appearance . selectman, Portsmouth account . . ii, 164 ii, 284 iii, 30 posting soldiers ...... implicated in purchase of province . ii, 273 recorder of deeds . ..... major of militia . ' . ordered to suppress tumults and disturbances . to issue warrants to captains . impowered to impress men suspension from council absentee . .... warrant for apprehending petition . . . . ¦ justice of the peace captain of cavalry overseer of prison repairs . . . . testifies to signatures of deceased witnesses province agent, accounts ... , . v 216 VEAZEY, Eliphalet [Veasy] : soldier disabled •••-... viii VENDUES : see also Auctions : prohibiting, bill and act for . . . vii, 227 vU, 247 vni, sale of personal estate at of non-resident lands, Francestown . . yjj; .g" authorized VENIRES : for petit jurors VENUS : schooner, permitted to sail VERMONT : Gov. Thomas Chittenden of messenger sent to . agent for, Ira AUen instructions relative to, given our delegates in Contl. Cono-ress viii, 237 viii, 299 viu, 404 awrfjij^ New Hampshire Grants. . n 51 iii 26 ni 34 V, 42 V, 280 iv 187 V, 337 i 207 iv, 187 iii, 70 iii. 83 i. 231 i. 234 n. 31 n, 32 ii. 36 in. 48 iii. 87 ii, 218 iv. 193 ii, 274 ii. 280 ii. 284 V, 99 • iii. 4 in. n iii. 12 iii. 25 ni. 29 in. 68 iii. 80 iii. 83 V, 2 V, 7 V, 116 V, 175 V, 186 V, 187 471 98 vii, 273 viii, 161 vUi, 164 vn, 87 viii, 35 vm. 37 viu. 41 viii. 82 viii. 219 IV, 333 IV, 339 vi, 12 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. VERMONT ¦ papers received from, voted no notice of exercising pretended authority over subjects of New Hampshire viii, 307 pretended state, papers relating to . . commissions under jurisdiction of, controverted by New York VERNON, Admiral: letter from ..... ... to Gov. Shirley VERNON, James: secretary of king's council . .... i, 252 i, 253 i, 257 v, 30 letter from, on repeal of acts . ... VESSELS : see also Ships : Ship-masters : Province of Maine . . to pay duties surveyors of, order for encouragement to have admiralty passes . . i, 241 for pursuing pirate sloop under quarantine . searching them for deserters proclamation money on . for relief of Annapolis Royal . suspected of smaU-pox infection for defence of sea coast .... chartering, committee on condemned by judge of maritime court permitted to export corn, clearance to sail for Casco Bay passing the fort, to be stopped and examined entering and clearing, resolution relative to armed .... . • ' British embargo on . foreigninventoriesspy-vessels . clearances of, which see, also Naval Office. coasting, see Coasters. lumber, see Lumber Carriers. VETCH. , Hon., Col. -. letters on appointment of Col. Nicholson to command of Canada expedition ..... ... VICE-ADMIRALS: see Governors : Lieutenant-governors : and Phipps, Sir WiUiam. 501 vm. 284 viii. 299 viii. 363 viii. 309 viii. 351 viii. 370 iv. 360 vi. 8 i. 249 V, 32 V, 388 ii, II ii, 38 i. 169 ii. 234 iv. 202 vi, 13 V, 282 vi. II vi. 41 vi. 73 vu, 68 vii. 122 viii. 7 viii. 36 viii. 190 viii, 200 viii. 443 which see. V, 241 502 Index to Records of the Council, VICORY, Mary [Viceroy] : petition . .... VICTORY : over Duke, of Monmouth French and Spaniards VICTUALLERS : common ...... VIEGO, (Spain): victory over French and Spaniards at VIGILANT : man of war, masts for VIM, John: of Strawberry Bank VINCENT, John, Capt. : master of schooner, Abigail VINCENT, John, Capt. : Indian, petition ("motion"), committee on VINES, Richard: of the Government of Maine . agent for Piscataqua patentees VINTNERS : license . . . . VIRGINIA: vessels, admiralty passes for . government, king's letters to . Indian treaty commissioners . exports to . post to Boston Nansemond County in . VODERIL, , Mr.: at Quebec, frontiers in danger from VOLEAR, . Capt.. raising great guns at fort VOLUNTEERS : ¦ exemption from impressment . to re-enforce garrison at Ticonderoga rolls of, committee on . advancements to, by towns, re-imbursed bounty to, committee on ... provisions for, see Soldiers : supplies for. wages, see Soldiers. to Rhode Island, see Rhode Island : defence of. Saratoga ..... against French and Indians Louisburg ... Norridgewock Port Royal vm, 403 i, 166 71 V, 72 V, 74 which see. V, 71 vi, 18 i, 164 vm, 53 viii. 151 i. 24 1, 34 n, I, 241 11, 234 1, 252 V, 32 i, 269 11, 20 ii, 42 which see. V, 189 V, 266 vu, 148 vu, 237 vu, 262 viii, 26 . viii, 85 which see. New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 503 VOLUNTEERS : from Dover . ... ExeterHampton Massachusetts . Oyster River Portsmouth also see Bartlett, Stephen, Lt. Chase, Jonathan, Col. Chesley, Samuel, Lt., Capt. Gilman, John, Jr. HUton, Winthrop, Lt.-Col. VOTERS : see Legal Voters : VOTES : see also Acts : Laws : Resolutions : " about the .£1730" iv, 278 iv, 285 iv, 306 iv, 312 !¦ J which see. Langdon, John, Capt. Leavitt, Moses, Capt. Peabody, Stephen, Capt. Swett, Joseph, Lt. iv, 261 iv, 287 iv, 313 iv, 262 iv, 288 iv, 314 IV, 277 iv, 297 iv, 315 vn, 3 > which see. which see. for raising money to originate in House of Representatives printing, see Printing : public. for emission of specific sums, see Bills of Credit. raising specific sums, see Taxes. of Massachusetts General Court Rhode Island VOUCHERS : to treasurer's accounts ... . . VOYAGES : to Casco Bay . . . . ¦\ Newfoundland . . .1 New York . . \ which see. South CaroUna . . j West Indies . . . ) WADLEIGH, John: of Exeter, province rate against ... WADLEIGH, John: soldier, claimed by Atkinson and Exeter WADLEIGH, Jonathan: petition .... . ii, 247 committee to settle town bounds WADLEIGH, Robert [Wadley] : V. Walter Barefoote ... . . constable, examinee of Exeter, province rate against " mutinously inclined " .... Robert Mason v. . . ¦ - ¦ i, 103 WADLEY, John: traitor, pardoned ..... ... i, 58 94 vUi, 280 n, V, i, i, i,i. 42 55 92 94 103106 504 Index to Records of the Council, WADSWORTH, Finn: agent to settle Connecticut account • vm, 41 WADSWORTH, Jeremiah: drafts by congress in his favor . . vin, 168 vni, 169 viu, 178 WAGES {called also Pay) : of Indian scouts . . . . . v, 129 v, 133 representatives replaced in treasury by constituents . . vii, 92 soldiers, sent to camp . viii, 221 paid in beef and rum . viii, 325 of civil and military officers, see the names of the various officers and offices. WAGON-MASTERS : nomination and appointment of . . vii, 170 vii, 174 and see PhUbrick, Samuel, Maj. WAICOME, Thomas- [Wacomb, Waicombe] : garrison soldier . . . . . ii, 84 ii, 93 ii, 98 WAINWRIGHT, Francis: petition and information against sheriff Phipps v, 363 WAINWRIGHT, Francis (2d) : surgeon's mate, petition, aUowed depreciation of wages viii, 308 viii, 315 WAINWRIGHT, John: Penacook settler ......... iv, 222 WAIT, Jason, Capt. : company ... . vii, 159 vui, 13 depreciation note, indorsement on . . . . vUi, 253 WAIT, Joseph, Capt. -. representative ... . vii, 10 vii, 13 committee, account . . vii, 13 lieutenant-colonel . . . . . vn 14 WAKEFIELD : road from, to Leavittstown ... . viii, 17 in, act for committee to lay out . vin, 32 WAKEMAN, John: of Strawberry Bank . . . . . i, 164 WALDEN, Nicholas: of Strawberry Bank garrison soldier account WALDO, Edward: wounded soldier, petition, wages paid WALDO, , Mr.: letter on attack on garrison at St. Georges WALDO, SAMUEL; petition, memorial ... WALDRON, Richard, Maj. [Walden] (Dover) : joint answer to Robert Mason councilor . . i, 79 i, 100 i, 167 i, 164 ii. 99 ni. 39 vu, 236 vU, 240 vi. no iv, 227 iv, i. 228 41 iv, 2 iv. 42 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. S°S WALDRON, Richard, Maj. [Walden] (Dover) : petitionee v. Richard Martin ..... tax delinquent, warrant for arrest "at meeting of Mr. Joshua Moody, Newbury" Robert Mason v. . . - judge. Court of Pleas witness to will of John Hird . estate of, letters of administration on . . . WALDRON, Richard (2D), (Portsmouth): oath relating to Mason's conveyance to governor " at the meeting of Mr. Joshua Moody, Newbury " . to answer before justices of the peace present at statement of Wm. Vaughan summons for of Capt. Robt. Mason's troop . i, 144 of Strawberry Bank representative councilor 1, 181 i, 198 i, 205 i, 216 i, 229 ii, 8 ii, 20 U, 29 ii, 45 U, 61 n, 70 n, 113 U, 123 u, 128 ii, 146 u, 157 ii, 165 ii, 173 U, 178 n, 189 ii, 204 ii, 221 ii, 246 ii, 261 ii, 27s ii, 287 in, 9 ui, 18 iii, 29 i, 182 i, 200 i, 206 i, 220 i, 230 ii, 9 11,ii, ii, U, n, 2230 48 62 72 11, 119 ii, 124 n, 138 U, 148 n, 158 ii, 166 n, 174 ii, 182 ii, 190 n, 205 ii, 222 ii, 248 ii, 262 ii, 279 u, 288 iii, 12 iii, 19 ni, 31 1, 1S4 i, 201 i, 208 i, 221 i. 237 ii, 10 ii, 24 ii, 37 ii, 52 ii. 64 ii, 77 ii, 120 u, 125 ii, 140 n, 154 u, 162 u, 169 ii, 17s ii, 183 ii, 193 ii, 206 n, 225 ii, 253 ii, 264 ii, 282 in, 3 iU, 13 in, 22 iii, 33 V, 186 i, 148 1, 175 i, 186 i, 202 i, 210 i, 222 ii, 5 ii, 12 n,ii, n, n, n, n. 25 43 58 6896 121 U, 126 ii, 142 ii, 155 ii, 163 n, 170 U, 176 n, 185 ii, 196 u, 211 n, 238 U, 257 n, 265 u, 283 in, 5 in, IS iii, 25 iU, 34 100III 117 127127 V, 187 V, 385 i, 77 i, 117 i, 118 i, 120 i, 133 i, 150 i, 164 i, 167 i, 179 i, 187 i, 204 i, 212 i, 225 U, 6 19 26 n,u,ii, 44 ii, n. 60 69 U, 112 U, 122 ii, 127 u, 143 ii, 156 n, 164 ii, 171 u, 177 U, 187 ii, 200 n, 213 ii, 242 U, 258 ii, 269 ii, 284 ui, 8 ui, 17 iii, 27 iii, 35 5o6 Index to Records of the Council, WALDRON, Richard (2d), (Portsmouth); councilor . . . iii. 36 in. 40 iii. 41 ni, 42 in. 45 iii. 46 ni. 47 iii. 52 iii, 53 in. 55 iii. 56 iii. 58 iii. 60 iii, 61 in. 63 lii. 64 iii. 65 iv. 133 iv, 134 iv. 13s ¦ iv. 136 iv. 139 iv. 140 iv, 141 iv. 142 iv. 143 iv. 144 iv. 145 iv, 146 iv. 147 iv. 151 iv. 152 iv, 153 iv, 154 iv. ISS iv. 156 iv. 157 iv, '59 iv, 160 iv. 161 iv. 162 iv. 163 iv. 164 iv, 165 iv, 166 iv. 167 iv. 168 iv. 169 iv, 173 iv. 174 iv. 175 iv, 181 iv, 182 iv, 183 iv. 184 iv. IS5 iv. 186 iv. 187 iv, 188 iv, 189 iv. 190 iv. 192 iv. 193 iv, 195 iv. 197 iv. 198 V, 6 V, 7 V, 8 V, 9 V, 10 V, II V, 12 V, 13 V, 15 V, 16 V, 20 V, 41 V, 42 V, 43 V, 44 V, 45 V, 46 V, 47 V, 48 V, S3 V, 256 V, 257 V, 261 V, 262 V, 269 V, 273 V, 275 V, 276 V, 277 V, 278 V, 286 V, 287 V, 288 V, 290 V, 291 V, 292 V, 293 V, 298 V, 299 V, 300 V, 302 V, 305 V, 315 V, 316 V, 3'7 V , 321 V, 326 V, 327 V, 331 V, 332 V, 334 V, 337 V, 338 V, 339 V, 340 V, 341 V, 342 V, 343 V, 344 V, 349 V, 351 V, 352 V, 353 V, 354 V, 3S6 V, 357 V, 358 V, 359 V, 360 empowered to administer oaths . i. 201 committee on claims i. 203 iU, 65 V, 129 to draft acts i, 205 V, 3 on thanksgiving proclamation ii. 270 to forewarn Penacook vettlers iv, 221 iv. 223 drawback of custom i. 222 iii, 46 iii, 59 advice from England i, 231 i. 234 justice of the peace n. 3 V, 351 V, 369 implicated in purchase of province u. 273 ii, 274 ii. 280 suspension from council in, 68 V, 278 secretary (clerk) of council iv. 205 iv 206 iv 207 iv, 218 iv. 220 iv 221 iv 225 iv 230 V, 353 V, 354 V 355 V 356 V, 358 V, 362 V, 364 V ,365 V 372 V 374 V, 375 V, 376 V , 377 V 378 V 379 V, 380 V, 381 V ,382 V ,383 V 384 V, 385 V, 387 V , 388 V , 390 V 392 V, 393 V, 394 V , 396 V , 397 V 400 V, 401 V, 402 V , 403 V , 404 V 405 V, 406 V, 407 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 507 WALDRON, Richard (20), (Portsmouth) : petition . . . . justice. Court of Common Pleas . v, 6 V. Samuel Allen, Gov. . his assistance desired to Norridgewock expedition letter to Lt.-gov. Usher king's attorney in Usher v. Leavitt . command of Portsmouth mUitia judge of probate "... to provide assistant-surveyors of king's woods granted letters of administration on estate of his father executor of wUl of Mrs. Jane Gerrish reginient, impressment from ..... WALDRON, Richard (3RD): councilor .... V, 251 V, 256 V, 261 V, 268 V, 274 V, 279 V, 287 V, 295 V, 300 V, 310 V, 315 V, 320 V, 325 V, 232 V, 338 V, 347 V, 352 V, 357 V, 362 367 IV, 252 iv, 257 iv, 262 iv, 269 V, 275 V, 283 V, 288 iv, 296 iv, 303 V, 311 V, 316 V, 321 V, 327 V, 333 V, 343 V, 348 V, 353 iv, 358 V, 363 369 secretary of council papers burned in his house WALDRON, Thomas Westbrook: councUor . . vi, 147 vi, 148 justice of the peace .... Court of Common Pleas county treasurer and recorder of deeds councilor vote committee, account . WALDRON, William: deposition relative to Edward Gove WALES, Seth: justice of the peace V, 253 V, 258 V, 263 V, 270 V, 276 V, 284 V, 289 V, 297 V, 304 V, 312 V, 317 V, 322 V, 329 V, 334 V, 344 V, 349 V, 354 V, 359364 iv, 370 VI, 154 V, 2 V 352 V, 364 V, 34 V, 177 V, 231 V, 341 V, 343 V, 363 V, 38s V, 364 V, 385 V, 385 V, 393 V, 401 IV, 249 iv. 250 V, 254 iv. 255 IV, 259 iv, 260 V, 264 iv. 267 V, 271 iv. 273 IV, 277 iv. 278 IV, 285 iv. 286 IV, 293 iv. 294 V, 298 iv. 299 V, 306 iv. 309 V, 313 iv, 314 ^v. 318 iv. 319 IV, 323 iv. 324 IV, 330 iv. 331 IV, 335 iv. 336 V, 345 iv. 346 V, 350 iv. 351 V, 355 iv. 356 V, 360 iv. 361 IV, 365 iv. 366 V, 372 vi. 77 iv. 339 l'l. 68 vi. 69 u. 4 vii. 14 vi, 155 vi. 15s vu. 23 viU. 420 1, 43 1, 44 VL 159 vm. 8i viii. 343 viu, 359 viii. 361 iv. 353 V, 340 508 Index to Records of the Council, WALFORD, Jeremiah [Jaramyah] : of Newcastle, sworn . ...... ii, 15 petition . . . . . ii, 33 iv, 254 watch at fort ... . . ii, 39 WALFORD, John: councUor . . ....... iv, 375 WALFORD, Stephen [Steven] : petition . . ... ii, 34 WALKER, Abel, Capt.: blankets furnished by, replaced lieutenant- colonel . account WALKER, , Capt. : petition . ... Indian, messenger from the French WALKER, Ezekiel. selectman of Conway, account ... . . viii, 465 WALKER, George: of Strawberry Bank . . . . . . . . i, 164 province marshal . . . . ii, loi ii, 102 u, 105 WALKER, George, Capt. : muster-roll .......... iv, 224 representative . iv, 260 iv, 283 iv, 285 iv, 293 iv, 295 iv, 303 iv, 309 iv, 319 iv, 336 iv, 362 WALKER, Hovenden, Adml., Lt. : informs about deserters . ...... v, 282 WALKER, John: deeputy- sheriff, petition, account . . iu, 40 in, 49 in, 86 WALKER, Timothy, Jr., Col. : representative vii, 7 vii, 8 vii, 9 vii, 10 vu, 14 vii, 43 vii, 44 vii, 103 justice of the peace and of the quorum . . . vii, 22 vii, 54 muster-master and paymaster . ... vii, 49 committee on depreciation of currency . . vii, 102 account for journey to Watertown .... vii, 105 councilor . . vii, 116 vu, 141 vu, 144 vu, 146 vu, 148 vii, 151 vU, 152 vU, 153 vii, 154 vu, 155 vu, 157 vu, 158 vii, 159 vii, 160 vii, 165 vU, 166 vii, 168 vii, 169 vii, 170 vU, 175 vu, 177 vU, 179 vu, 180 vu, 181 vn, 182 vn, 183 vn, 184 vii, 186 vii, 187 vu, 191 vu, 194 vU, 195 vu, 196 vii, 201 vii, 202 vu, 204 vn, 206 vu, 207 vn, 208 vu, 210 vu, 213 vU, 221 vn, 222 vu, 224 vu, 227 vu, 228 vU, 231 vU, 234 vu, 235 vii, 236 vu, 237 vU, 243 vU, 244 vii, 245 vii, 255 vii, 260 vU, 263 vu, 265 vu, 266 vn, 270 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. vm, vui,viii, viii, vin, viii, viii. 28 38 64 72 79 99 viii, 108 WALKER, Timothy, Jr., Col. : councilor . . . vii, 273 vii, 276 vii, 288 vii, 289 vin, 17 viii, 19 viu, 27 viii, 36 vui, 61 viii, 71 viii, 78 viii, 97 viii, 107 delegate to Continental Congress special justice. Court of Common Pleas Superior Court of Judicature account for his father's services as legislative WALKER, William, Capt.: company, pay-roll WALLACE, George [Wallas, Wallis] : of Newcastle sworn petition . . ... WALLACE, Joseph: permittee ...... WALLACE, , Mr.: memorial relating to Capt. Ichabod Plaisted WALLACE, Richard: prisoner, letter and order in favor of WALLACE, Thomas: petition ..... WALLACE, Weymouth: disabled soldier, half-pay WALLACE, William, Lt. : corporal of scouts . WALLACE, William, Lt. : account, petition WALLAS: see Wallace. WALLEY, John: war commissioner, Mass. WALLEY, Maj.: WALLINGFORD, David: ensign ...... WALLINGFORD, Elizabeth : petition for, committee^on WALLINGFORD, Lydia: to sell minor's land, act for . WALLINGFORD, Mark: will, probate of .... • vu, 279 viii, 1 1 viii, 23 viii, 29 viii,. 39 viii, 65 viu, 74 viu, 92 vni, IOI viii, 109 vii, 164 vu, 284 viii, 12 viii, 24 viii, 30 viii, 57 viii, 67 viii, 75 viu, 93 viii, 105 viii, no viii, 25 chaplain viii, 393 509 vii, 286 viii, 16 viii, 26 viii, 35 viii, 58 viii, 68 viii, 77 viii; 96 viu, 106 viii, 117 viu, 330 vii, 212 viii, 280 viU, 397 vii, 211 u, 15 ii. 33 ii, 34 vni, 123 viii, 163 V, 64 viii, 363 viii, 364 iv, 305 • viu, 55 V, 119 V, 145 v, 153 vii, 172 viii, 421 ii, 50 i, 219 vii, 161 . viii-, 340 viu, 342 viii, 212 viii, 214 vi, 166 Sio Index to Records of the Council, WALLINGFORD, Samuel, Capt. ; company, pay-roll ....... vii, 137 vii, 214 and see Lydia above. WALLINGFORD, Thomas: petitionee ....... . . iv, 276 representative ..... . iv, 346 iv, 352 executor, petition . . . . . . . . . vi, 166 WALLIS, William [Wallace] : petition ii, 33 ii, 34 WALLS, Francis [Wall] : soldier, depreciation note to . . . . . . . viii, 197 WALMLEY, , Mr. [Walmsley] : cannon loaned by, replaced ....... vni, 106 WALPOLE [Wallpole] : as westerly boundary of a township grant . . vi, 79 Maj. BeUows of, letter from .... , vi, 97 ferry grantee of . . vi, 148 express to vn, 56 vin, 449 selectmen's account .... vu, 168 vu, 169 viu, 202 petition for lottery to buUd bridge ..... vui, 139 ferry at viii, 449 viii, 464 WALTON, George [Wallton] : representative . . . . iv, 249 iv, 250 iv, 255 iv, 268 iv, 272 iv, 277 iv, 283 iv, 297 iv, 298 iv, 303 iv, 310 iv, 314 iv, 315 iv, 324 iv, 353 iv, 362 iv, 364 iv, 366 transport vote sent to . . . . . . . • iv, 357 petition v, 365 WALTON, George, Jr.: petition iv, 316 iv, 322 WALTON, Samuel: last will and testament ........ viii, 488 WALTON, Shadrach, Capt., Col., [Sadrach] : account . . . . . . . . . _ i 187 ii, 71 U, 73 U, 147 U, 177 iu, 82 iv, 167 iv, 178 iv, 224 iv, 335 v, 242 appearance before council ....... i 220 iii, S3 iii, 54 v, i6i v, 192 v, 194 justice of the peace . . . . . . ii, 1 c v ^70 petition • ¦..."•• "' 33 n, 34 u, 226 in, 82 iv, 310 iv, 312 iv, 335 iv, 348 committee of miUtia . . . . . . . ii e 1 witness against Lt. Wm. Furber . . . . . ii 101 keeper of their Majesties' stores . . ii, 112 ii, 114 iii a representative n, 121 ii, 125 ii, 204 iv, 148 iv, 155 iv, 168 commander and gunner. Fort William and Mary . u, 128 iU 5-5 in, 82 V, 94 V, 107 V, 108 v! 120 New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. WALTON, Shadrach, Capt., Col., [Sadrach] : commander and gunner. Fort WUliam and Mary V, 146 V, 158 V, 160 V, 185 V, 207 V, 277 V, 290 salary . overseer, fort purser at th.e fort . . committee to wait on Eari of BeUomont on claims V, 208 V, 291 councilor IV, 207 iv, 223 iv, 230 iv, 245 iv, 251 iv, 256 iv, 263 iv, 270 iv, 276 iv, 285 iv, 293 iv, 298 iv, 305 iv, 312 iv, 317 iv, 322 iv, 331 iv, 336 iv, 347 iv, 353 iv, 360 iv, 365 iv, 370 V, 364 V, 374 V, 379 V. 385 V, 392 V, 400 iv, 176 iv, 210 iv, 224 iv, 234 iv, 246 iv, 252 iv, 257 iv, 264 iv, 271 iv, 277 iv, 286 iv, 294 iv, 299 iv, 306 iv, 313 iv, 318 iv, 323 iv, 332 iv, 343 iv, 349 iv, 354 iv, 361 iv, 366 iv, 372 V, 365 V, 375 V, 380 V, 386 V, 393 V, 401 IV, 177 iv, 211 iv, 225 iv, 235 iv, 247 iv, 253 iv, 258 iv, 267 iv, 273 iv, 278 iv, 287 iv, 295 iv, 300 iv, 309 iv, 314 iv, 319 iv, 324 iv, 333 iv, 344 iv, 350 iv, 355 iv, 362 iv, 367 V, 361 V, 366 V, 376 V, 381 V, 388 V, 396 V, 404 complaint against . president of council iv, 259 iv, 261 iv, 262 iv, 317 iv, 345 iv, 355 threatens Peter Coffin encouraging volunteers . justice, Court of Common Pleas .... commissioner to demand satisfaction of eastern Indians SII V, 163 V, 170 V, 211 V, 247 V, 294 V, 299 . see next above. n, 130 iii, 87 iv, 203 iv, 215 iv, 226 iv, 236 iv, 249 iv, 254 iv, 260 iv, 268 iv, 274 iv, 279 iv, 288 iv, 296 iv, 303 iv, 310 iv, 315 iv, 320 iv, 329 iv, 334 iv, 345 iv, 351 iv, 357 iv, 363 iv, 368 V, 362 V, 367 V, 377 V, 382 V, 390 V, 398 V, 405 iv, 257 iv, 310 iv, 371 11, 147 iU, 88 iv, 153 iv, 206 iv, 221 iv, 227 iv, 244 iv, 250 iv, 255 iv, 261 iv, 269 iv, 275 iv, 284 iv, 289 297 304 311 316 iv, 321 iv, 330 iv, 335 iv, 346 iv, 352 iv, 358 iv, 364 iv, 369 V, 363 V, 373 V, 378 V, 384 V, 391 V, 399 V, 406 iv, 203 iv, 258 iv, 312 vi, 77 V, 8 V, 103 V, 375 V, 402 2 lO 23 -27 29 34 512 Index to Records of the Council, WALTON, Shadrach, Capt., Col- [Sadrach] : of a court-martial for trial of deserters . v, 403 WANNALANCET [Wannilancet] : sagamore of Penacook . . . • 1, I59 WANNERTON, Thomas [Warnerton] : consignor of goods for Piscataqua of the Laconia Company in charge of house at Piscataqua letter to, from John Mason . servants' wages agent for Piscataqua patentees ... WANTON, William, Lt.-Col., Col. . master of sloop Ann, account for her service . . v, 192 v, 375 WAR : see also Declaration of War : Indian . ... i, 239 U, 254 v, 138 vi, 81 French and Indian ........ U, 137 ii, 208 ii, 230 ii, 232 ii, 236 ii, 238 ii, 240 ii, 251 ii, 255 u, 256 in, 37 iii, 41 V, 86 V, 113 V, 114 v, 118 V, 123 V, 170 V, 259 V, 268 vi, 4 between England, France and Spain . v, 48 v, 153 v, 172 V, 283 V, 286 V, 288 V, 302 V, 315 and France . . . . v, 62 vi, 14 declaration of, against eastern and Canada Indians . . . vi, 20 France ..... vi, 100 Spain .... . vi, 125 delays the settlement of townships . . . . . . vi, n 6 stores of, see Military Stores. WAR Commissioners: see Commissioners for the War: WARD, Artemas, Gen. : express to ......... . vii, 63 WARDENS : parish ........... which see. WARDERS : see also Committee of Militia : impressment of ... . . . ii, 117 v, 113 and see Watchers. WARDNER, Jacob: petition and complaint ...... . viii, 26 WARDS : for discovery of the enemy, see Watches. WARD'S Island: pest-house, committee on . . . . v, 400 WARE-HOUSE : rented for king's stores . . . i, 182 ui 88 WARES : see Merchandise : WARLIKE Stores : see Military Stores : New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 513 WAR Losses: at Skeensborough . vii 2TO and see Losses : by soldiers VIJ, ""y WARNER : justice of the peace . vii. 102 representatives vii 117 298 representation , Vll, viii. WARNER, Daniel: councilor vi. 81 vi. 82 vi. 84 vi. 85 vi. 86 vi. 87 vi. 88 vi. 90 vi, 91 vi. 92 vi. 93 vi. 94 vi. 97 vi. 98 vi. 99 vi. 100 vi. IOI vi. 103 vi. 104 vi. 105 vi. 107 vi. 108 vi. 109 vi. no vi. in vi. 112 vi, 113 vi. 114 vi. IIS vi. 117 vi. 118 vi. 120 vi. 121 vi. 122 vi, 123 vi. 124 vi. 125 vi. 126 vi. 127 vi. 130 vi. 131 vi. 132 vi. 133 vi. 134 vi. 135 vi. 136 vi. 137 vi. 143 vi. 144 vi. 145 vi, 146 vi. 147 vi. 148 vi, 149 vi, 150 vi. 152 vi. 153 vi. 154 vi, 156 vi. 157 vi. 159 vi. i6i vi. 163 vi. 164 vi. 167 account, petition . vii. 70 viii. 69 vin. 434 viii, 435 land grantee, act to confirm his title viii. 440 WARNER, Jonathan: councilor vi. 132 vi. 133 vi, 134 vi. 136 vi. 137 vi. 143 vi. 144 vi. 145 vi, 146 vi, 147 vi. 148 vi, 149 vi. 150 vi. 151 vi, 152 vi. 154 vi. 156 vi. 157 vi. 159 vi. 160 vi. 161 vi. 163 vi. 164 vi. 167 justice of the peace and of th le quorum vii. 22 accounts, petitions. committees on vii. 79 viii. 199 viii, 327 viii. 482 to seU lands of John Tufton Mason , act for viii, 201 vui. 423 heard in relation to John Tufton Mason lands . viii. 441 committee to nominate brigade officers . WARRANTS : {called also PRECEPTS : Writs) ; for arrests, see Ardell, WiUiam. Coffin, Peter. Dover: rioters. Dow, Henry. Drake, Abraham. for assessment and collection of rates i, 95 i, 99 i, 119 Ui, 17 in, 85 and see Exeter : Great Island : Portsmouth for meeting of Capt. Robert Mason's troop 33 vii, 206 Fletcher, John. Long, George, Capt. Moody, Joshua. Vaughan, William. Waldron, Richard. i, 96 i, 97 i, 216 n, 31 iv, 188 V, 143 i, 144 i, 148 u, 52 vii, 91 i, 150 SI4 Index to Records of the Council. WARRANTS: (called also Precepts : Writs): king's for paying colonies for services qualifying councilors appointing surveyor-general . treasurer's to vintners and ale-houses to take license for choice of assessors, Hampton impressment ....... ii, 142 V,V, vi. 146 n, 165 V, 163 V, 185 vi, 8 V, V, V, vi, 116 164 188 16 u, V, V, V, vi. 49 127 181 236 18 lu. for inhabitants to take oath . detaching men . . . . to selectmen for inspection of town-stock for council meeting .... raising and marching soldiers seizing and delivering king's stores to town receivers of provisions for appraisement of sloops and brigantine queen's, appointing councilor . ... for posting soldiers, see Soldiers : posting. appointing surgeon, see Pierce, Joseph. election of representatives, see House of Representatives by treasurer for taxes, see Treasurer, on treasurer, see Accounts : Claims : Debts : province. to search, see Search-warrants. by Lt.-gov. Edward Cranfield . . ' President and Council Lt.-gov. Usher for delivering up Capt. Short - to Theodore Atkinson . Captains . Constables Sheriffs ... WARREN : sloop, conveys re-enforcements to Annapolis Royal WARREN (Town) : ammunition for ..... . abatement of taxes .... as boundary of Coventry .... coroner •¦.... WARREN, Admiral: 55 V, 188 1, 302 iv, 214 vi, 12 ii. 3 V, 15 ii, 99 V, 135 V, 183 V, 355 vi, 19 ii, 91 n, 141 ii, 143 u, 187 V, 240 iii, S3 V, 105 V, 245 V, 293 } which . vi, 26 vi, 41 vii, 65 viii, 96 viii, 344 viii, 445 letter on re-enforcement of garrison of Annapolis Royal WARREN, Commodore : letters on impressment of sailors and asking for masts vi WARREN, Isaac: jDetition •••... vi, 26 17 vi, 18 ¦ vui, 477 134 vu, 114 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. cic WARWICK: see Earl of Warwick: WARWICK, (R. I.) : petitioner from .......__ WASHINGTON (Town): incorporation of, act for vii, 104 petition, committee on . . viii, 1 1 viii, 209 viU, 300 dispute with Marlow about taxation . . .see next above. representation .... . . viii 101 WASHINGTON : schooner, permitted to sail vii, 134 fort, see Fort Washington. WASHINGTON, George, Gen.: letters from, to general court ... .... vii, 12 vii, 29 viii, 240 viu, 245 letters to. vu. 9 VIU, 364 vii. 29 vii. 186 viii. 277 vn. 147 vii. 16 vu. 31 vu. 31 viii. 261 vii, 105 vii. 183 Vlll, 221 iv. 251 V, 328 from general court ........ Meshech Weare ....... requisition for recruits . . . . vii, 12 vu, 99 for sending prisoners to Newport . consulted on commissioning regiment ... to be notified if the enemy appear ...... powder lent to, request for its return ..... army of, re-enforcements for . . . vii, 105 vii, 107 camp of, near New York ........ petitioned to appoint Gen. Sullivan to command of northern army . ...... vu, 182 express from .... .... WASTE Lands: township in the ... settlement of . . . ¦ • . WATCH : see also Committees of Militia : at the fort, appointed ....... ii, 39 and see Fort William and Mary : watching and warding at. military . . which see. WATCHERS: see also Committee of Militia. impressment of . . . . n, 117 v, 113 v, 144 WATCHES : for discovery of the enemy V, 76 V, 132 V, 189 and see Committee of Militia : Mi WATCH-HOUSE : at Dover, a by-guard Little Harbor . Rye ... iii, 3 V, 10 V, 58 V, 113 V, 116 V, 118 V, 119 V, 133 V, 14s V, 148 V, 153 V, 196 V, 200 V, 226 V, 246 iry Watch : Scouts. i, V, vii. 76 117108 Si6 Index to Records of the Council, WATERHOUSE, Richard: of Strawberry Bank master of brigantine. Dove WATERHOUSE, Richard, Jr. : distressed for military fine WATERHOUSE, Timothy: garrison soldier, impressed . WATERTOWN (Mass.) : general court at land grantor of ... • WATSON, Isaac: petition for . . . WATTS, : under orders of Lt.-gov. Tailor WATTS, Samuel: Massachusetts committee on western expedition WEARE, Daniel [Wair] : vessel-master, petition . WEARE, Jonathan: justice of the peace WEARE, Meshech, Col., Hon.: committee to survey Amesbury District parish 1, 177 358 i, 164 V, 180 ii. 56 ii. 80 vU, 105 viii. 396 viii. 416 V, 359* i. 290 ii. 241 vin. 104 C13 llUlll, on plot to break the gaol and liberate prisoners vi. 132 to Portsmouth committee on commissioning privateer vii. 17 Gen. Washington on exchange of prisoners . vU, 186 concerning N. H. men in th e army . viii. 223 Gov. Trumbull on courier from Providence to Exeter . vui. 24 sheriff, Cheshire county viii. 126 Continental Congress vin. 146 viu, 301 viii. 333 delegates. Continental Congress . viii. 282 viii. 299 and see Livermore, Samuel. to New York on Vermont affairs . viu. 370 sident of council vii. 4 vn. 5 vU, 9 vii. 14 vii, 17 vn. 27 vii. 28 vii. 33 vii. 36 vU, 37 vii. 39 vii. 45 vii. 103 vii. 116 vii. 121 vU, 126 vu. 131 vii. 132 vii. 142 vii. 149 vii. 153 vU, 158 vii, 161 vii, 182 vU, 183 vii, i86 vii. i88 vii. 211 vii. 212 vii. 225 vii. 254 vii, 255 vii. 256 vii. 282 vii. 284 vii. 286 vii. 288 vn. 289 vin. 10 . viii. 24 viii. 25 viii. 57 viii. 61 viU, 63 viu. 71 vUi, IOI viU, 121 viii. 122 viu. 123 viii, 125 viii. 126 viii, 127 viU, 128 viu. 146 viu. 157 viii. i6i vin. 170 vin. 176 viii. 178 vui. 195 vui. 196 vui. 203 viu, 205 viii. 209 viii. 212 vin. 223 viii, 226 viii. 231 vUi, 232 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 517 WEARE, Meshech, Col., Hon.. president of councU vin, 235 vin, 236 viu, 248 viii, 262 vui, 263 viii, 265 viii, 266 viii, 267 vni, 270 vin, 271 vui, 281 viii, 282 viii, 298 viii, 299 vui, 301 viu, 303 viu, 304 vui, 311 viii, 313 viu, 316 vin, 320 viu, 328 vin, 333 viu, 338 viu, 352 viu, 360 viii, 364 viii, 365 vui, 370 viu, 382 viii, 383 vUi, 392 viii, 397 viu, 399 vui, 423 viu, 432 viii, 440 viii, 444 viii, 449 viii, 453 vin, 457 viii, 461 viii, 472 viii, 489 viii, 490 salary as president see next above . chief justice, Superior Court of Judicature .... vu, 6 vii, 22 viii, 6r viii, 70 viu, 199 resignation of the chief-justiceship . . . . viii, 366 salary as chief-justice ...... . viii, 397 of committee of safety vii, 12 vii, 149 viii, 66 viii, 88 viii, 157 committee on qualification of county officers . vii, ig viii, 57 printing bills of credit . . . vii, 70 vn, 88 account .... vii, 33 vu, 37 vii, 88 vii, 112 vii, 133 vii, 162 viii, 56 viii, 60 viii, 326 grant to, for extraordinary services . . . vii, 149 vii, 212 chairman of committee of convention . . viii, 56 viii, 60 petition ... . . . vni, 417 viu, 418 WEARE, Nathaniel [Waer, Wear] : petitions . . i, 125 i, 131 Robert Mason t/ ... i, 127 charges against Lt.-gov. Cranfield ...... 1, 133 keeper of records, Hampton ....... i, 167 representative i, 167 iv, 303 councilor . L I75 1. i79 i, 182 i, 184 i, 186 i, 187 i, 198 i, 200 i, 201 i, 202 i, 204 i, 205 i, 206 i, 208 i, 212 i, 220 i, 221 i, 225 i, 229 u, 5 U, 10 u, 19 u, 22 n, 24 n, 25 u, 26 n, 29 n, 30 ii, 37 ii, 38 u, 45 u, 48 n, 57 n, 58 U, 60 u, 61 ii, 69 U, 72 ii, 112 n, 113 ii. 121 U, 122 u, 123 n, 124 u, 125 u, 127 n, 128 u, 138 n, 139 u, 140 n, 142 u, 154 U, 155 n, 156 U, 157 ii. 158 ii, 162 ii, 165 n, 166 n, 169 ii, 170 ii, i74 n, 175 n, 178 u, 182 n, 183 n, 185 u, 190 U, 193 U, 200 U, 205 u, 206 U, 211 in, I in, 3 iii. 18 iji. I9 iii, 22 ni, 25 iU, 29 iU, 31 in, 33 iii, 34 iii. 35 i'i- 36 iii, 4i iii. 46 5i8 Index to Records of the Council, WEARE, Nathaniel [Waer, Wear] : councUor ni. 52 m. S3 in. 75 in. 87 iv. 141 iv. 142 iv. 146 iv. 153 iv. 157 iv. 159 iv. 163 iv. 164 iv. 169 iv. 173 iv. 183 iv. 184 iv. 189 V, 3 V, 62 V, 71 V, 87 V, 91 V, 125 V, 132 V, 156 V, 157 V, 203 V, 212 V, 228 V, 234 V, 295 y. 331 V, 344 V, 346 committee to draft acts . . ' on claims Massachusetts and New Hampshire to draft proclamation for fast . forewarn Penacook settlers run head line of Exeter settle town boundaries sureties' bonds, mittimus petition ... naval officer, Hampton .... justice of the peace . . ui, 26 dismissal from council desired and refused WEARE, Peter, Lt., Maj., Col. [Waer] : reflects on council, summoned to answer councilor .... bUls of credit signed by money received from representative justice of the peace affidavit relative to border troubles bond for good behavior . appears for Hampton Falls WEARE, Richard, Capt. : recruiting officer, account WEARE, Samuel: justice of the peace WEBB, : medical care of, bill presented for V, 370 iii. 6S ni. 67 ni. 73 Ui, 88 iv. 139 iv, 140 iv, 143 iv. 144 iv. 145 iv. 154 iv, ISS iv. 156 iv. 160 iv. 161 iv. 162 iv. 16s iv, 166 iv. 167 iv. 174 iv. 177 iv, 178 iv. 185 iv. 186 iv. 187 V, 54 V, 55 V, 59 V, 73 V, 74 V, 76 V, 99 V, IIS V, 122 V, 137 V, 144 V, 148 V, 161 V, 193 V, 194 V, 221 V, 223 V, 225 V, 239 V, 252 V, 282 V, 332 V, 341 V, 342 V, 348 V, 354 V, i. 359206 i. 221 in. 65 hire , line n. 202 V, ni. 176 2 iv, 221 iv, iv, V, 223225 42 ii. 20 iv, ii, iii. 140 198 25 V, 7 V, 352 V, iii. 370 75 iii. 7 in, iii, iv, iv, 8 84 223 255 • iv, 269 iv. 283 V, 374 V, 395 V, 396 see next above. . V, 374 • V, 376 V, vii, vii. 382 145 65 . vi. 147 vi, 148 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 519 vi, 106 i, 136 vii, 243 WEBB, Daniel, Gen.. letter desiring re-enforcements to Forts Edward and Wm. Henry vi, 105 WEBBER, Bartholomew : of the crew of the Richard .... WEBBER, Christopher, Capt. : pay-roll, account ... colonel succeeding Benj. Bellows . . viii 343 WEBBER, Richard: ranger, impressed ii, 7g n, 80 WEBER, John George [Weaver?] : prisoner from N. Y., Uberated vu 155 WEBSTER, Abel. account ... vn, 36 WEBSTER, David, Capt., Lt.-Col., Col.. pay-roU, muster-master . . . . viii, 92 vin, 95 remonstrance of Plymouth committee against . . . viii, 287 viii, 308 viii, 337 cited to appear and answer . . . viii, 291 petition ... .... vin, 469 vin, 481 WEBSTER, Ebenezer: grantee, Kingston ... .... ii, 74 WEBSTER, Ebenezer (Salisbury):. coroner . . . . . . vii, 24 captain, company, pay-roU . . . . vii, 233 vii, 269 viii, 42 vni, 227 viii, 294 viii, 396 to summon witnesses and coUect evidence for trial of Matthew Thornton ........ viii, 98 viii, 103 account . . viii, 103 viii, 116 viii, 22 recruiting officer ...... WEBSTER, Jacob, Capt. : account and pay-roll WEBSTER, John, Col. (Chester) : justice of the peace ..... regiment . vii, 68 vii, 85 vii, 21 muster-master, paymaster, account, muster-roll vii, 86 vii, 11 representative . . WEBSTER, Thomas: Robert Mason v. grantee, Kingston ..... sub-commissary . . • • v, 191 WEDGEWOOD, John: of Exeter, province rate against . . • 1, 94 WEDGWOOD, Jonathan: j«£ Thurton, Thomas : deposition. WEEDENE, Jonathan: garrison soldier . . • • ¦ L I77 viii, 371 viii, 468 viu, 269 • viii, 332 . vu, 23 vii, 218 vii, 219 . vii, 85 vii, 194 viii, 191 vUi, 13 vUi, 52 i, 106 ii, 74 520 Index to Records of the Council, WEEKS, John, Capt.: resignation of his captaincy ..... WEEKS, Joseph: account ... . . WEEKS, Joshua: representative . . . . iv, 283 iv, 284 petition ....... . . WEEKS, Leonard: of Strawberry Bank ..... WEEKS, Samuel: petition . .... ... WEEKS, William: justice of the peace and of the quorum petition . . . ... WEEKS, William, Jr. : paymaster .... WEIGHTS AND Measures: province . . WELCH, Benjamin: divorce, see Charity. WELCH, Charity: petition and act for divorce . . . viU, 262 vui, 290 WELCH Cove : see Furber, William : complaint against. WELCH, Joseph, Lt.-Col. [Welsh] : justice of the peace ...... bearer of papers from New York ...... in charge of prisoners from New York . ... WELCHMAN'S Cove: Oyster River, ferry at . . . . WELLAND, Paul. account ...... WELLES, . Mr. :- Massachusetts committee on western expedition WELLMAN, Reuben: petitions, committees on ...... . viii, 236 vin, 340 viii, 341 his title to land, act to confirm ..... WELLS (Me.): soldiers at ...... . occupation by N. H. troops . . WELLS, Seth: petition for grant on Connecticut river ... WELSH : see Welch. WENCH, Caleb, Dr. : account ...... WENCH, Samuel: disabled soldier, doctor's biU paid ... vm. 115 in, 38 iv. 288 V, 398 i. 164 V, 398 vii. 22 viii, 241 vii. 174 11, 185 viii, 296 vn. 22 vii. 119 vii. 139 n. 165 viu. 57 i. 290 viii. 47 viii. 366 viii. 371 V, 226 V, 262 VI, 149 viii, 47 viu, 47 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. WENDELL, Jacob: Massachusetts committee on western expedition WENDELL, John [Wendall] : petition, committee on . order to, by judge of probate . WENTWORTH (Town): ammunition for abatement of taxes . . . . representation ...... WENTWORTH, Benjamin, Jr., Capt. : representative ...... surveyor of king's woods and of mast trees WENTWORTH, Benning: representative . . . . . iv, 271 iv, 272 mandamus for admission as councilor . . . . , 521 1, 290 viii, 263 viii, 327 . vui, 301 vii, 64 vii, 65 viii, 96 viii, 208 V, 350 councilor governor, present in counc iv, 285 iv, 286 iv, 287 IS 20 25 314146 54 61 677384 94 99 1041 10 115 122 127 132 4 9 16 2126 32 42 47 56 62 687785 95 100105 III116 123 128 133 Vl, vi,vi,vi,vi,vi,vi, vi, vi, vi, vi,vi,vi,vi,vi, IOI vi, 107 vi, 112 vi, 118 vi, 124 vi, 129 vi, 134 5 II 17 22 27 34 4348 57 6369 78 88 96 instructions to messages and speeches by surveyor-general of king's woods letters to, from Gov. Francis Bernard Gov. G. Clinton Capt. Clough . Duke of Bedford Holdernesse . IV, 224 V, 399 iv, 278 iv, 271 iv, 288 VI vi, vi,vi. I 6 1218 VI,vi, vi, vi, vi. VI, 23 28 36 44 5258 vi, 65 vi, 71 vi, 79 vi, 89 vi, 97 vi, 102 vi, 108 vi, 113 vi, 120 vi, 125 vi, 130 vi, 135 \ see next above VI,vi,vi,vi, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi,vi,vi,vi, vi, vi, vi, 98 vi, 103 27 1319 24 3037 45 53 606672 82 93 VI, 109 vi, 114 vi, 121 vi, 126 vi, 131 vi, 136 VI, 12 \. which see. 522 Index to Records of the Council, WENTWORTH, letters to - Benning : from Lt. Holland ....... Lords Justices Mass. General Court Col. Moore .... John Osborne William PeppereU . . Gov. WiUiam Shirley .... Capt. Todd ... Admiral Warren. . ... Commodore Warren Josiah Willard, secretary, Mass. letters from, to Lt.-gov. Phipps the council . . . . . vi, paragraph of his commission relating to grants commission de novo from George III. .... executor of testament of John Wentworth of Portsmouth . WENTWORTH, Eliza: petition iv, 275 iv, WENTWORTH, Elizabeth: has leave to go to her father in New York WENTWORTH, George: account, petition . . . vii, 33 viii, 288 viii, executor, v. Benning Wentworth and Theodore Atkinson, ecutors ........ WENTWORTH, George, (Portsmouth): mariner, testament of .... . WENTWORTH, Hugh Hall : WENTWORTH, , Lt.-Col.: WENTWORTH, Mark: j«£ Atkinson, Theodore: letter to John Thomlinson. WENTWORTH, Hunking: representative justice of the peace and of the quorum WENTWORTH, John: lieutenant-governor, present in councU iv, 207 iv, 215 iv, 221 iv, 227 iv, 234 V, 375 V, 380 V, 386 which see. . VI, 20 91 vi. 94 vi. 38 vi, 121 vni. 318 276 iv. 277 • vui. 194 305 viii. 310 ex- • viu. 318 viii, 318 iv, umicU 348 iv, 353 iv. 354 iv, vii, iv, 358 22 201 iv. 202 iv. 203 iv. 204 iv. 206 iv. 209 iv. 210 iv. 211 iv. 214 iv, 217 iv. 218 iv. 219 iv. 220 iv. 223 iv. 224 iv. 225 iv. 226 iv, 230 iv. 231 iv. 232 iv. 233 iv, 244 iv. 245 iv. 246 iv. 247 V, 376 vi, 377 V, 378 V, 379 V 381 V, 382 V, 384 V, 385 V, 387 V, 388 V, 389 V, 390 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 523 WENTWORTH, John: lieutenant-governor, present in council messages and speeches salary, account councilor V, 391 V, 396 V, 402 V. 295 V, 302 V, 312 V, 319 V, 332 V, 340 V, 352 V, 357 V, 362 V, 370 V, 392 V, 397 V, 403 IV, 235 V, 298 V, 304 V, 315 V, 320 V, 334 V, 341 V. 353 V, 358 V, 363 V, 371 V, 393 V. 398 V, 404 iv, 236 V, 299 V. 305 V, 316 V, 326 V, 335 V, 342 V, 354 V, 359 V, 364 V, 372 V, 298 V, 320 V, 394 V. 399 V, 405 ¦ see next above. "' 395 V, 401 V, 406 V, 293 V, 300 V, 307 V, 317 V, 227 V, 337 V, 346 V, 355 V, 360 V, 365 V, 373 V, 352 V, 352 V, 374 justice of the peace instructions by Gov. Dudley to justice. Court of Common Pleas Ueutenant-governor, commission and qualification affidavit relating to shipping naval stores letters to, from Gov. Samuel Shute WENTWORTH, John: governor, commission and qualification . present in council vi, 137 vi, 143 vi, 144 vi, 147 vi, 148 vi, 149 vi, 153 vi, 154 vi, 156 vi, 160 vi, 161 vi, 163 messages and speeches by . . . letter to Gov. Bernard on disputes between Mass. and N. H. grantees .... sudden and abrupt departure of . . absentee, auction of his personal estate . sale of his Wolfeborough estate, committee on V, 294 V, 301 V, 309 V, 318 V, 331 V, 339 V, 348 V, 356 V, 361 V, 369 V, 374 V, 369 V, 318 V, 364 V, 375 V, 387 which see. VI, 145 vi, 150 vi, 157 vi, 164 vi, 136 vi, 146 vi, 152 vi. 159 vi, 167 vm, 74 viii, 160 his furniture and pictures, disposed of . estate of, taxes on .... viii, 163 viii, 380 sale of cattle and provisions from . . viii, 166 re-granted lands, sale of suspended sale of residue of . . . • ¦ viii, 283 vui, 326 viii, 344 trustee, see GUman, Samuel, Capt. : farm of, Wolfeborough, disposal of crop on . see next above. vi, 138 vii, 1 viii, 83 viii, 152 viii, 167 viii, 162 vin, 383 viii, 167 vui, 187 viii, 285 vni, 345 vm, 181 524 Index to Records of the Council, WENTWORTH, John: farm of, Wolfeborough, lease of. to be sold viu. 182 WENTWORTH, John, Col. (Somersworth) : justice of the peace vi. 152 vi. ISS assistant justice. Court of Common Pleas vi. ISS executor, petition . • • vi. 166 councilor . . vii. 14 vu. IS vii. 17 vii. 27 vn. 28 vii. 29 vii. 32 vii. 33 vU, 45 vn. 48 vn. 52 vu. 57 vn. 58 vu. 59 vii, 60 vn. 65 vu. 69 vii. 71 vii. 74 vU, 77 vii. 80 vii. 81 vii. 84 vii. 98 vu. 99 vu. lOI vii. 102 vii. 103 vii. 104 vu. 106 vu. 107 vii. 109 vii. no vU, 112 vii. 113 vU, 116 vii. 117 vu, 118 vii, 119 vii. 120 vii. 121 vii, 122 vii. 125 vii. 126 vu, 129 vii. 131 vii. 132 vii. 133 vii. 134 vn. 135 vu. 141 vn. 143 vU, 146 vii. 187 vn. 191 vii. 195 vii. 204 vii. 206 vii. 208 vii. 213 vn. 215 vn. 219 vU, 222 vu. 224 vii. 226 vii. 227 vn, 228 vii. 245 vn. 255 vii. 256 vii. 260 vii. 261 vii. 266 vii, 270 vn. 271 vii. 273 vii. 277 vn. 278 vii. 282 vu. 284 vu. 286 vU, 288 vii. 289 viii. 3 viii. 5 vni. 6 viii. 7 viu. 10 vui. SO viii. 52 vui. 59 viii. 63 viii. 65 viii. 67 viii. 71 viii. 72 viii. 76 viii. 78 viii, 79 viu, 92 viU, 95 viii. 99 viu. 100 viii. 107 viii. 108 viU, no viii. III viii, 122 viu. 123 viii, 124 viii. 128 vui. 129 viii. 132 viii. 133 viii. 170 vin. 171 viii. 172 viii. 176 viii. 178 vui. 185 viii. 186 viii. 187 vni, 198 vin. 201 viu. 205 vui, 206 viii, 207 viii, 208 viii. 209 viu. 210 vni. 212 viii. 220 viii. 222 viii. 226 viii. 233 viii, 234 viii. 236 viii. 237 viu. 238 vin. 243 committee on quaUfication of county officers vii. 19 justice, Superior Court of Judicature . . vii. 22 » viii. 61 viu, 1 70 viii, 1 104 viii, 199 to sell lands of minor children, act foi viii. 222 viu. 229 WENTWORTH, John (Portsmouth' )¦¦• judge of probate, deceased . vi. 161 vUi, 118 testament of vui. 318 WENTWORTH, John, Jr. (Dover) register of probate vii. 23 justice of the peace vii. 24 representative vii, 121 vii. 130 vii. 131 vii. 139 accounts . . vii, i 133 vii. 249 vin, 60 viii. 61 viu. 469 of committee of safety . vii. 149 petitions vii. 204 viii. 366 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. WENTWORTH, John, Jr. (Dover) : assistant to the attorney-general agent to prosecute counterfeiters committee to draft bills (acts) delegate to Continental Congress viii, 19 viii, 27 councUor viii, 265 viii, 305 viu, 312 vui, 367 viii, 402 viii, 408 viU, 424 viii, 441 vni, 276 viii, 307 viu, 313 vui, 368 viii, 403 viii, 409 viu, 427 viii, 442 to seU lands, act for . WENTWORTH, Jonathan, Maj. : service at Rhode Island, allowance for petition, committee on . WENTWORTH, Joshua, Lt. Col., Col. : commander of militia .... mast committee ..... muster-master, order in favor of, muster-roll on board of war ... delegate to Continental Congress . councUor vote committee, account commissioner to Hartford on public affairs petition, committee on . receives money for Capt. Jewell's company colonel, 1st regiment of mUitia collector of rum .... WENTWORTH, Mark Hunking: his ship, Knowles, under quarantine councilor ..... vm,vni, viu, viii,viii,viii, viii,viu,viii,vUi. 85 , 262 293 308 314388 404 416428 446 vn, 238 vii, 249 viii, 116 vin, 263 vin, 294 vin, 309 vin, 319 viii, 389 viii, 406 viu, 417 viii, 437 viii, 447 vii. 111 vii, 277 VI, 44 vi. III 117 vi, 118 124 vi, 125 134 vi, 136 VI, 113 VI, 115 vi, vi, 121 vi, 122 vi, vi, 130 vi, 132 vi, letter to, intercepted ..... petitions, committees on . viii, 77 viii, 274 viii, 278 to receive Gov. Wentworth's furniture ..... his grandson permitted to take passage on board flag of truce . WENTWORTH, Michael: exemption from penalties, resolution for his . . WENTWORTH, Paul. representative ... . iv, 273 iv, 283 WENTWORTH, Samuel ; pubUc ordinary, Portsmouth . . . i, 148 525 vu, 204 viii, 469 viu, 61 viii, 16 viu, 246 viu, 264 vin, 303 vni, 310 vui, 362 vni, 399 viU, 407 viii, 420 vUi, 439 viii, 449 , vin, 371 viii, 427 viii, 479 vii, 31 vii, 99 vii, 129 viii, 66 viii, 87 viu, 140 vni, 188 viii, 233 viii, 286 viii, 300 viii, 336 vi, 46 vi, 112 vi, 120 vi, 126 vi, 137 vii, 156 vui, 419 viii, 162 viii, 378 viii, 61 iv, 303 i, 150 I, 164 vi. 79 vi, 143 526 Index to Records of the Council, WENTWORTH, Samuel: of Strawberry Bank ...... petition for grant of township .... original right in New Holderness, re-grant asked for WESCOT, Daniel: of Strawberry Bank i, 164 WEST, Edward: imprisoned for rates by Salisbury constable WEST, Elizabeth: account ........ WEST Indies : see also Spanish West Indies : news from, about French fleet .... trade with . . vi, 29 vii, 129 vii, 132 passage for, permits for prisoners to take Cape Francois in, export of fish and lumber to Caledonia in ....... WEST, John, Capt. . petitions . . ii, 34 ii, 162 U, 163 mast ship, non-entry of .... WEST, J. : secretary to Lords Commissioners of the Treasury . . i, 302 WEST, Noah: V, 397 in, 48 V, 160 vii, 134 vii, 196 vii, 40 vii, 194 vin, 35 which see. ii, 167 u. 168 ii, 147 disabled soldier, allow ance to vu. 164 WESTBROOK, John [Westbroke] : of Strawberry Bank i. 164 WESTBROOK, Thomas: councilor iv. 218 iv. 220 iv, 227 iv, 235 V, 361 V, 362 V, 363 V, 364 V, 365 V, 366 V, 367 V, 369 V, 371 V, 374 V, 380 V, 381 V, 382 V, 386 V, 387 V, 388 V, 389 V, 390 V, 391 V, 392 V, 395 V, 396 V, 398 corporal of scouts, account WESTCOAT, V, 114 V, 211 returned captive, examination of ...... v, 340 WESTCOT, William: of crew of the Richard ..... WESTERN Frontiers: see Frontiers: WESTMINSTER, (Eng.) : his Majesty's courts at . . . . . . i 127 WESTMINSTER (Vt.) : limits of ferry referred to . . . WESTMINSTER Hall: his majesty's courts in .... . . i 62 WESTMORELAND : petition, committee on ...... , yj;; ,7 collector, resolution for choice of . . . . . . yjj; -^ i, 136 VI, i^ New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 527 vm, 33 vin, 125 viii, 374 i, 290 VI, 152 5 WESTMORELAND : estate in, administration of . . . ,. discount of taxes ....... selectmen's letter, committee on .... . WESTWARD Expedition {called also Western) : Mass. committee to provide for .... . a«i/j^« Osborne, John : letters, also French and Indians : expedition against. WETHERBEE, Samuel, Capt. [Weatherbee, Leatherbee] : company, account . . vii, 48 vii, 49 vii, 93 WEYMOUTH, William [Waymouth] : representative ......... WHEAT : importation of, for soldiers .... . . a«i? j^« Continental Army: Soldiers. WHEATLY, John: justice of the peace ... WHEATON, Joseph: enlisting officer, petition WHEELER, Francis: prisoner from New York .... WHEELER, Nehemiah : coroner ....... WHEELER, Solomon : purchaser of corn for the troops, account . . vii, 190 motion in behalf of . . . WHEELOCK, Anthony: letter on Gen. Amherst's orders for men . . vi, 112 vi, 113 WHEELOCK, Eleazer, Rev. Dr. : memorial for grant to Dartmouth College justice of the peace . . ¦ • petition .... . . . . WHEELOCK, Ralph [Wheeloc] : petition for grant of township ...... WHEELWRIGHT, John: Massachusetts committee on western expedition WHEELWRIGHT'S Creek: as boundary of Portsmouth, Exeter, Hampton . i, 24 WHEELWRIGHT'S Pond: scouting about ..... ... and see Coffin, Robert, Capt. WHICHER, Benjamin: see Whittier: WHIDDEN, Jonathan: garrison soldier, impressed ... ... n, 99 account . . . ¦ ¦ . . . n, 147 WHIPPLE, Eunice: divorce, see Robert. vm. 13 iv. 148 ii, 164 vii. 26 viU, 6 vii, 142 vn. 23 vn. 205 viU, 234 VI, 145 vi. 154 vii. 208 vi, 154 i, 290 i, 32 V, 232 528 Index to Records of the Council, Vlll, 408 vin, 319 vin, 436 viii, 136 WHIPPLE, Joseph, Capt. : representative ....... vii, 132 vU, 145 vu, 191 accounts, committees on vii, 133 vii, 148 vii, 216 committee on claims ........ to draft bills and acts ...... call on Col. John Langdon for soldiers' supplies . memorial, petitions .... vii, 178 vni, 52 vin, 411 viii, 418 viu, 421 letter from ........ WHIPPLE, Moses: justice of the peace ...... WHIPPLE, Oliver: petition, committee on . share of messuage set off to . granted leave to file complaint in Superior Court of Judicature WHIPPLE, Robert: petition and act for divorce WHIPPLE, William, Col., Brig.-Gen. : councilor . . . .vii, vu, 14 vii, vii, 76 vii, delegate to Continental Congress vii, vii, 277 viii, account . . . . regiment .... vii, muster-master, paymaster, account . soldiers' travel money ai justice. Court of Common Pleas Superior Court of Judicature commander of miUtia in case of alarm appointed brigadier-general directed to station guard at Exeter gaol letters from ..... waiting on, committee for pay-roU, account . . . vui, representative WHITAKER, Nathaniel: petition for grant of township WHITCOMB, Benjamin, Maj.. rangers, allowance for depreciation viU, 119 viU, 133 committee on reUef of ... . forwarding to camp (army) petition for ...... . corps, advancements to officers and soldiers in vn, 131 viu, 461 viii, 320 vu, 145 vu, 150 Vll, viii,viu, viii. 156 102 486 276 50 vm, 137 vui, 144 viii, 413 vm, 399 vm, 411 4 vn, 5 vn. 9 vii. 10 15 vn. 16 vii. 17 vii, 18 77 vii. 78 vii. 81 vii. 282 IS vii. 21 vu. 122 vU, 261 10 viii. 16 vUi, 27 viii. 109 see next above. 68 vu. 85 vii. 129 vii. 217 vii. 85 vii. 276 van ced to • vii, vu, viii, vu, vn, vii, vii, viii. 86 212 442 214 217 221232 10 11 viu, 126 viii, 130 viii, 131 vUi, 180 175 249 armorer to vm, 139 viU, 148 VI, 154 viii, 226 vin, 133 viii, 252 viii, 129 vin, 134 viu, 177 viu, 452 New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. rgo WHITCOMB, Benjamin, Maj.: pay-roU, account, committee on . . viu, 174 viu, 200 viu 200 WHITCOMB, Elisha: ' ^^ petition WHITCOMB, Jonathan: vui, 417 viii, 418 vm, 129 V, 392 P«t't'°°« vin, 465 vin, 470 vni, 482 WHITE, Jotham: account, committee on ..... . WHITE, , Mr. : letter of council to, on settlement of Nutfield . WHITE, , Mrs.: of Newbury, Mass., Joshua Moodey's meeting at her house . 1,117 WHITE, Nathan: of Newcastle, sworn . . . . . . . ii i c WHITE, Nicholas: justice of the peace ........ vii, 22 WHITE, Phillips: of committee of safety .... vii, 12 viii, 337 viu, 383 speaker. House of Representatives ...... vii, 19 vii, 20 vii, 70 vii, 102 vii, 117 vii, 118 vii, 126 vii, 22 vii, 23 viu, 382 committee to take sheriff's bond sign bills of credit on depreciation of currency defence of Rhode Island . regulation of trade . justice of the peace and of the quorum judge of probate ... delegate to Continental Congress viii, 381 viii, 382 vin, 383 viii, 459 WHITE, Robert: mortgageor of land, title restored to viii, 90 viii, 172 petition, committee on . . . . viii, 138 viu, 140 viii, 171 debtor to estate of Zaccheus Cutler .... viii, 245 WHITE, Samuel: soldier, imprisoned for debt, petition . viii, 416 viii, 485 WHITE, William: of Newcastle, sworn . . ¦ ii, 15 WHITE, William, Maj.: muster-master, account . . vii, 143 vii, 163 vui, n viii, 13 WHITEHALL, (Eng.): their majesties' council at . ¦ • U, 115 V, 13 letters from i, 187 Lords Justices at . . ¦ • Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations at V, 16 V, 22 plantation office at Lord Almoner's lodgings at . papers from, laid before council 34 i, 47 i, IOI i. 188 V, 116 V, 224 V, 290 i, 258 i, 260 V, 94 i, 213 vi. n s at . i, 236 V, 14 V, 38 V, 63 V, 64 ii. 41 V, 279 V, 38S 53° Index to Records of the Council, viii, 78 WHITEHALL, (Eng.) : treasury chamber at WHITEHALL: scouting there ...... and see Coffin, Robert, Capt. WHITE Hills: road via, from Wolfeborough to Cohass (Cods) WHITEHORN, John: disabled soldier, account, half-pay . WHITING, Benjamin: suspected inimical, complaint against V. George Atkinson .... . . WHITING, Jonas: petition . ... . . WHITING, Leonard: inimical, petition, complaint against . . . . . vii, 51 viii, 466 vii, 470 WHITING, , Mr. ; surveyor ... . . . . . WHITING, .Samuel: disabled soldier, account ... WHITMORE, Peter: commissary, account ... WHITNEY, Joseph: coroner . ... .... WHITTEMORE, Hannah: petition and act for divorce WHITTEMORE, Pelatiah: divorce, see Hannah. WHITTIER, Benjamin [Whicher, Whitcher] inimical, appearance and recognizance WHITTIER, Benjamin, Capt. : pay-roll, account .... WHYTING, Capt.: company, subsistence account WIBIRD, Elizabeth [Wybird] : petition ...... vm, 325 vm, 352 VI, 12 V, 223 vii. 185 viii. 119 vii. 51 viii. 200 viii, 478 vii, 27 viii, 481 vi, 149 vm. 200 V, 106 viii. 437 viii. 354 vu, 95 vn. 97 viu. 47 viii. 191 iii. 48 WIBIRD, Richard: councilor V, 96 V, 98 IV, 201 IV, 202 iv. 203 iv. 204 iv. 205 iv. 206 iv, 207 iv. 208 iv. 210 iv. 2U iv. 214 iv. 215 iv. 218 iv. 220 iv. 221 iv. 223 iv. 224 iv. 225 iv. 231 iv. 232 iv. 234 iv, 235 iv. 236 iv. 245 iv. 246 iv. 247 iv. 249 iv. 250 iv. 251 iv. 252 iv. 253 iv. 2S4 iv, 255 iv. 256 V, 361 V, 362 V, 363 V, 364 v. 365 V, 366 V, 367 V, 370 V, 371 V, 372 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. WIBIRD, Richard: councilor . • V, 373 V, 379 V, 386 V, 391 V, 397 V, 402 treasurer's bondsman session of councU at his house sloop appraiser surety for Benj. Gatchel WIBIRD, Richard (2nd) : sheriff . councilor V), vi, vi, vi,vi, vi,vi, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi,vi,vi, vi,vi, vi. 3 9 15 20 27 3440 455156 62 6773 79 85 91 99 VI, 107 vi, 112 vi, 120 vi, 125 V, 374 V, 380 V, 387 V, 393 V, 398 V, 403 VI, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi,vi,vi, vi,vi. 5 II 16 2129 3541 46 52 57 63 687480 86 92 VI, 102 vi, 108 vi, 113 vi, 121 vi, 126 V, 375 V, 381 V, 388 V, 394 V, 399 V, 404 IV, 271 appointed to execute quarantine orders V. Charles Banfield, suit revived WIDOWS : of officers and soldiers, allowances to of soldiers, wages and depreciation due them . WIGGIN, Andrew [Wiggins] : petition ... speaker. House of Representatives iv, 289 iv, 293 representative . . . . justice of the peace WIGGIN, Joshua: door-keeper to House, account " . 6 12 17 23 30 36 42 47 53 5864 697681 8795 vi, 103 vi, 109 vi, 114 vi, 122 vi, 127 VI, vi, vi, vi,vi, vi, vi, vi, vi,vi, vi, vi,vi,vi, vi,vi. V, 377 V, 384 V, 389 V. 395 V, 400 V, 405 V, 188 iv, 272 vi, I vi, 7 vi, 13 vi, 18 vi, 24 vi, 31 vi, 37 vi, 43 vi,vi, vi, 59 vi, 65 48 54 VI, 71 vi, 77 vi, 82 vi, 88 vi, 97 vi, 104 vi, no vi, 117 vi, 123 vi, 128 531 V, 378 V, 385 V, 390 V, 396 V, 401 V, 406 iv 208 iv, 269 V, 245 V, 297 iv, 293 vi, 2 vi, 8 vi,vi, vi,vi, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi, vi. 14 19 26 32 39 44 SO SS 6166 72 7884 90 98 vni, 147 viii, 163 ii, 275 iv, 304 iv, 283 ui, 60 iv, 272 iv, 346 iv, 303 vii, 21 vn, 74 VI, 105 vi. III vi, 118 vi, 124 vi, 129 vi, 44 vi, 129 viii, 177 viii, 168 V, 356 iv, 283 iv, 360 iv, 359 V, 369 vii, 93 532 Index to Records of the Council, WIGGIN, Mark, Capt.: pay-roU, major ..... recruiting officer ....... bearer of recruiting money to the army . account vin, 132 WIGGIN, Simon: representative ....... " took the oaths" . . .... coroner ........ WIGGIN, Thomas [Wiggen, Wiggins, Wiggings] : governor of Hilton Point, letter to John Mason his house at Sandy Point as a taxing limit to Exeter WILKINS, Daniel: petition, committee on . WILLARD, Jonathan, Lt. : depreciation note, indorsement on . WILLARD, Josiah: secretary of Massachusetts council .... i, 280 i, 290 i, 291 letters to, from Thomas Foster and Edward Winslow commissioners .... N. H. council ..... letters from, to Lt.-gov. John Wentworth . . iv, 201 Gov. Benning Wentworth vi, 14 vi, 35 WILLARD, Josiah, Maj., Col.: committee to visit frontiers on Conn, river, express to petition for grant of township west of Conn, river . petition, committee on ... . . . viU, 413 WILLEY, Edward [Willie] : of the crew of the Richard . WILLEY, Theodore: account •-...... WILLIAM III : see also William and Mary : letters from, to Earl ^ of Bellomont i, 249 i, 251 i, 257 acts of ..... . death of ..... . WILLIAM and Mary: prorogation of assembly by . commission to Samuel AUen, Gov. fort, see Fort WUliam and Mary. WILLIAMS, Isaac, Dea.. ^"°""' • ... vu, 37 vii, 74 vU, 185 vn, 250 vn, ¦ 135 vu. 227 viii, 4 viii. 129 vin. 131 viu. 154 viii. ISS i. 201 iv. 183 V, 7 vii. 54 i, 24 i. 32 ii. 10 viU, 76 vin. 236 i, 276 i. 293 i. 299 i, 259 i. 283 V, 390 V, 395 V, 396 vi. 80 vi. 98 vi. 14 . vi. 78 vi. 83 vi, 86 i, 136 vin, 40 V, 30 V, 31 V, 68 V, 72 V, 46 ii. 55 iv. 68 iv. 383 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 533 WILLIAMS, Israel, Capt. : letters from, to Lt.-gov. Phipps on Cobs affairs . Gov. Shirley on scheme for defence of frontiers Massachusetts committee- on western expedition WILLIAMS, Jonathan: corn monopolist, Durham ... WILLIAMS, Mary: petition WILLIAMS, William: petition for grant of township WILLIMOTT, Edward, Capt. ; master of the " Charles and Sarah," prisoner WILLS (Testaments) : 1, 274 i, 265 i, 275 i, 290 viii, 86 iv, 333 vi, 54 V, 9 see Administration. Administrators. Administratrices . Barr, Gabriel. Caveat. Emerson, , Mr. Estates.Fabens, Elizabeth. Gerrish, Jane, Mrs. WILLS, Joseph: estate, administration on, granted . WILLS, Thomas: master of the Ketch George, bond . WILLSON, Lucy, [Wesson?] : petition, committee on . ¦ • WILSON, . Mr.: representative WILSON, Edward [Willson] : of Newcastle, sworn WILSON, Humphrey: of Exeter, province rate against petition . . ¦ WILSON, Jacob: account ..-••' WILSON, Nathaniel [Willson] : pay-roll .••••' WILSON, Robert: justice of the peace agent to provide ammunition . to call on Col. John Stark for money in his hands councilor vote committee, account . WILSON, Samuel: petition see Hird, John. Mason, John. Mogoon, John. Packer, Thomas. Rose, Roger. Swett, Joseph. WaUingford, Mark. Walton, Samuel. Wentworth, George. viii, 192 VUI, 203 i, 122 viU, 385 iv, 336 U, 15 i, 94 vi, 15 vU, 52 vii, 235 vii, 22 vU, 45 vn, 166 viii, 140 vUi, 125 534 Index to Records of the Council, WaLTON : petition for bridge . . • . vn absentee's estate in, act for sale of constable, discount of taxes to . . . WINCAL, John: sloop appraiser WINCHCOMBE, John: marshal, Suffolk ..... WINCHELSEY : ship, letter of Lord Loudon written on board of WINCHESTER: as southerly boundary of a township grant granted by Mass., re-granted by N. H. line with Hinsdale plan of . estate in, administrator enabled selectmen's petition WINDHAM : parish, petitionees selectmen, memorial line with Salem, alteration of . selectmen's petition and account . . vi, 167 petition for lottery to build bridge annexation to, from Londonderry, act for selectmen, petitionees . line with Londonderry, act to settle abatement of taxes representation WINDHAM County, (Conn.) : intestate of . WINDSOR, (Eng.) : queen's council at . WINDSOR Castle: orders and proclamations by Queen Anne given at WINES : exported, impost on . . . ii, 2 imported, duty on . ... and see Duties. cargo of, under seizure . debenture for ... WING, Abraham ; prisoner, liberated ..... WINGATE, Elizabeth: widow, allowed to sell furniture at vendue WINGATE, John: " in the township of Dover " woods adjacent to, making tar in . 76 viu 79 viu. 185 viii. 153 vUi, 185 V, 245 i. 169 • vi. 107 vi. 72 vi. 83 vi. 86 see next above. viii. 55 viii. 340 viu. 362 vi. 57 vi. 58 vi. 66 vi, 69 >7 vi. 168 viii, 93 vii. 162 vii, 227 viii, 59 . . vni. 384 viu, 388 viii. 393 viU, 451 viu. 474 vni, 128 V, 89 V, 91 V, 263 V, 303 6 ii. 207 iv. 170 n. 281 in. 72 V, 72 V, 209 vii. 245 viii. 164 i. 81 • n. 290 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 535 iv, 246 iv, 252 iv, 253 V, 381 i, 165 iv, 269 V, 133 V, 137 V, 273 V, 347 V, 348 V, 376 V, 382 vi, 21 vu. of Judicature WINGATE, John, Senr. : WINGATE, John, Jr. : rioters, Dover WINGATE, Joshua, Maj. [Winget] representativeorder for house rent debenture ..... reception of Gen. Nicholson at his house presence desired at council chamber committee on burning bills appears for selectmen of Hampton . moderator, Hampton, appearance . committee to survey Amesbury District parish WINGATE, Joshua, Col. (2d) : staff-roll colonel, regiment . vii, petitionrepresentativespecial justice, Superior Court account WINGATE, Moses: assaulted by an Indian . WINKLEY, : Amory v. . . . WINKLEY, Samuel [Winckley, of Newcastle, sworn petition, drawback voted him commander of the Sarah and Hannah V, 190 WINN, James: disabled soldier ....... , ^ WINNIPISEOGEE Pond [Winnapissaacka, Winnepisioco, Winnepissaocoe Winnepissiacoe] : road to, report about round east end of near township at, petition for scouting about marching men to . WINNIPISEOGEE River: Mohawk Point on, ferry at WINSLOW, Edward: letter to Josiah Willard about a murder WINSLOW, . Gen.: viu, 56- vii, 70 74 vii, 75 vii, loi vii, 199 vii, 201 . see next above. . vin, 270 vui, 455 viii, 485 . see next above. vi, 63, Winklee, Winkly] iv, 203 iv, 204. U, 243 V, 191 V, 193 V, 204 V, 226 n, 15 n, 247 V, i88- V, 202 vu, 52 IV, 201 vui, 75 viii, 153 iv, 260 V, 227 vi, 24. viii, 239 viii, 249 i, 259. letter on the situation at Lake George and Fort Edward WINSOR, Walter: of Strawberry Bank vi, 102 i, 164 .536 Index to Records of the Council, WINTER Harbor: cruising to, from Portsmouth ... . . . v, 229 estabUshment of Indian trading house at . . • • v, 317 WINTER Hill: army at . . ... ¦ • vn, 127. WINTER Quarters: see Albany: WINTHROP, Wate [Winthropp] : judge of the admiralty n, 221 v, 11 WINTWORTH, John: commissioned captain of the Portsmouth .... iii, 42 "WIRE [Wier] : manufacture of, committee on . . ¦ • vm, 8 WISCASSET: murder of Indians at . . • . . 1, 271 WITHERS Island: Indians received at • . . . v, 326 WITNESSES : against Col. Asa Porter, account to attend courts in neighboring states against forger ...... WOLFEBOROUGH : road from, to Coos, act for repairing through the Gore . petition .... . . justice of the peace estate of Gov. John Wentworth at vin, 160 vui, II selectmen's account, discount of taxes absentee's lands in, act for sale of . land in, act to confirm title to WOLLEY: see Wooley: WOLVES : bounty (premium) on, act for . . . iv, 224 vui, 332 vni, 334 WOOD : for general assembly ........ vii, 250 for Council and Committee of Safety . . . . . vii, 251 WOOD, George, Dr: prisoner, account .... vii, loi vii, 249 viii, 471 W^OOD, Richard: waiter on General Court, account ...... viii, 41 1 WOODBURY : township as boundary of a tract . . . . . vi, 149 WOODBURY, Peter: account .... ... vii, 241 WOOD Creek: fort at . . . i, 275 vii. 112 vu. 114 vii. 166 viii. 202 vii. 185 viU, 177 viii. 75 vui. 95 viii. 152 viii, 181 viu. 182 • viii. 163 viii. 200 viii, 319 viii. 424 New Hampshire, 1631-1784. 537 WOOD Island: battery on . .... . . v, 63 WOOD, William: disabled soldier, half-pay . . viii, 97 WOODMAN, Jo.: i, 98 WOODMAN, John [Capt.] : constable, examination before Governor and Council . . i, 92 return of garrison soldiers . . i, 171 i, i74 letter to Capt. Henry Dow ...... i, 173 to attend President and councU . ... i, 175 account . ...... i, 182 ii, 114 n, 170 in, 4 in, 48 in, 50 garrison captain . . ..... i, 210 i, 224 u, 3 u, 99 V, 44 V, 45 representative ..... . . ii, 3 ii, 121 u, 154 ii, 174 U, 204 u, 238 ii, 257 iv, 134 iv, 135 iv, 141 iv, 148 iv, 159 iv, 164 iv, 168 iv, 173 iv, 174 garrison . ii, 10 *ii, 48 u, 49 U, 216 ni, 30 petition . . U, 47 n, 48 U, 114 ii, 140 committee of militia . • • ¦ n, 51 committee on claims . n, 69 n, 155 ii, 156 iv, 153 mUitia officer . . ii, 100 v, 113 of a court-martial . . • • • 11,101 reports to council on the frontiers . . ii, 187 application for provisions in frontiers . ni, i to caU town meeting, Dover . . • |i|' 18 to supply pilots to scouts ... ¦ • m. 40 justice of the peace . • • v, 7 Court of Common Pleas . • ¦ v, 7 . . v, no company muster . ... ¦ • > WOODS : see also Timber : Trees : their majesties', survey and care of 1,249 1,256 1,257 1,277 iv, 190 iv, 227 iv, 228 V, 30 V, 43 V, 218 V, 219 V, 350 vi, 1 vi, 12 - . . . see next above - acts for preserving ranging (scouting) ii, 51 ii- 78 ii, HO n, 141 n, 142 u, 143 V, 149 V, 182 V, 204 V, 281 Maine: [which see. New Hampshire : ) WOODWARD, Bezaleel: . ^.. justice, Court of Common Pleas . ¦ • vi, 153 vu, ^5 justice of the peace • ¦ • ..'. ' . .' „, ' . vm, 465 vm, 483 petition, committee on WOODWARD, James: ^jjj justice. Court of Common Pleas • • . . • , J 538 Index to Records of the Council, WOODWARD, James: account ......... WOODWARD, Moses, Capt.: commissary of prisoners, account viii, 236 vui, 276 viii, 281 WOOL. exportation of, from England and Ireland, act of Parliament to prevent ..... ... WOOLEN Manufactures : in England, act of Parliament to encourage WOOL-CARDS manufacture of, premium (bounty) for . viii, 8 viii, 10 WOOLEY, Jonathan [Wolley] : disabled soldier, account, half-pay . viii, 70 WOOTONNACK Pond [Wootunnock] : see Nottingham West. WORCESTER, Francis [Worster] : coroner .... .... councUor account WORCESTER, Noah: account . . . . . seizes counterfeiters' implements WORENOCK : tribe WORKMEN . at fort, see Laborers. WORSTER : see Worcester : WORTHEN, Ezekiel, Capt. : committee, account muster-master, paymaster, pay-roll committee on Newcastle bridge account motion of, committee on of Col. Mooney's regiment viii, 125 "viU, 126 viii, 127 viii, 128 viU, 135 viu, 136 vin, 137 vin, 138 viii, 140 vui, 141 viu, 147 viU, 158 viu, 168 vUi, 169 viu, 170 viU, 173 viu, 175 viU, 177 vin, 178 vin, 179 viii, 181 viii, 309 vin, 310 viu, 313 viii, 318 viu, 321 viu, 325 vin, 335 viii, 341 viii, 342 viu, 343 viU, 345 viii, 351 viu, 365 viii, 366 viu, 369 viii, 372 viU, 373 viu, 379 viii, 380 vui, 385 viii, 386 viu, 388 viii, 393 vin, 431 vni, 432 vui, 433 vUi, 434 vUi, 440 vUi, 441 viii, 447 viU, 448 viu, 38 vii, 49 vii, 13 vu, 71 vii, 63 see viii, 485 vUi, 287 V, 68 V, 68 viii, 14 vin, 91 vii, 26 viii, 1 24 viU, 133 viii, 139 viii, 161 viii, 174 vni, 180 viu, 314 vni, 340 viu, 350 viU, 371 viii, 381 viii, 410 viU, 435 viii, 450 viii, 130 viU, 173 viu, 135 i. 273 vn, 38 viu, 87 vii, 107 next above. vin, 133 vui, 143 New Hampshire, 163 i-i 784. WORTHEN, Ezekiel, Jr. : wages of, committee to settle . account WRIGHT, Oliver: petition, committee on WRIGHT, Samuel: ,Ueutenant account and pay-roll WRIGHT, Thomas: petitionee WRIGHT, Uriah: petition WRITS : see also Precepts : Warrants : dedi?>tus potestatem 539 vn, 35 vii, 38 viii, 263 vn. 174 vii. 233 iv. 285 vui. 268 i. 201 ii. 68 ii, 174 ii, 204 iii. 73 iU, 74 iv, 134 iv. 159 iv. 163 iv. 164 iv, 176 iv. 183 iv. 192 iv, n, u, iv, V, 195 113 171 336 98 . vii. 165 viu. 365 vii, 192 vU, 258 II, 154 iv, 133 iv, 167 service fees .... in the name of King WUliam of ejectment .... of delivery, cotton-wool case . service of, by constables for choice of councilors, see Councilors WYBIRD: seeWmiRO: WYMAN, Isaac, Col.: regiment accusation against . . ... commissioner to qualify justices. Court of Common Pleas Cheshire co. . . . . . YAWL: loss of, claim for . . . YEAS AND Nays: on incorporation of Great Island . YEATON, Benjamin: deposition in case of Salter and Mannery YEATON, Moses, Capt. -. pay-roU ... YORK (Me.): see also Gorg^aha: soldiers at . Indian movements about ... v, 294 YORK County [Yorke] : posting soldiers in . • • • exposed to French control application for aid line with New Hampshire • / ¦ Indian disorders in . • v, 390 St. Georges in . . ¦ ¦ VUI, 422 vii, 258 viii. 32 vii. 102 n, 30 vm. 57 V, 226 V, 298 i. 219 i. 275 ii. 46 iv. 372 V, 391 which see. 540 Index to Records of the Council, YOUNG, Edward Clark: V. William Ayer vui, 486 YOUNG, John: of Exeter, province rate against ... . . i, 94 YOUNG, John, Capt.: appointed to take inventory of Concord, alias Gunthwait . viii, 467 YOUNG, John, Dr: account, petition ....... viii, 5 viii, 141 YOUNGHOUSE, Hendrick [Younkhouse] : prisoner from New York . . . . . vii, 127 YALE UNIVERSITY a39002 002950038^ . "--vU ' , '.,1 ; jr."^: