Yale University cy,j.M^> ^xs RECORD or INDIANA VOLUNTEERS IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR 1 898- 1 899 ISSUED BY AUTHORITY OF THE Sixty-first General Assembly of Indiana, Gen. James K. gore, Adjutant-General. MAJ. JOHN E. MILLER, Chief Clerk. CAPT. Wilbur F. Havens, Clerk. Miss Elizabeth Stewart, Stenographer. INDIANAPOLIS : WM. B. BUBFOBD, COKTBACTOR FOR STATE FEINTING AND BINDINQ. 1900. STATE OFFICERS, J 898. Governor. James A. Mount Shannoiidale Inaugurated January 11, 1897. Jjleutenant- Governor. William S. HAoaARD Lafayette Inaugurated January 11, 1897. Secretary of State. William D. Owen Logansport Commissioned January 17, 1895. A uditor of State. Americus C. Daily Lebanon Commissioned January 2-5, 1895. Treasurer of State. Frederick J. Scholz Evansville Commissioned February 9, 1895. Clerk Supreme Court. Alexander Hess Wabash Commissioned November 22, 1894. Robert A. Brown Franklin Commissioned November 22, 1898. Attoriiei/-Gevero[. William A. Ketch am Indianapolis Commissioned November 22, 1894. William L. Taylor Indianapolis Commissioned November 22, 1898. Superintendent Public Instruction. David M. Gebting Washington Commissioned March 15, 1895. Reporter Supreme Court. Charles F. R emy Columbus Commissioned January 13, 1897. Statistician. John B. Conner Indianapolis Appointed April 1, 1897. (3) GOVERNOR'S STAFF. Brig. -Gen, Brig. -Gen., Colonel, Colonel, Colonel,Colonel,Colonel,Coltinel,Colonel, Colonel, Colonel,Colonel, Colonel, Lieut. -Col., Lieut.-Col.,Lieut.-Col.,Lieut.-Col.,Lieut.-Col., Lieut.-Col., Lieut.-Col.,Lieut.-Col.,Lieut.-Col.,Lieut.-Col., Lieut.-Col.,Lieut.-Col., Major, Major,Major,Major, Major,Major, Major, James K. Gore, B. A. Kichardson, Chas. E. Wilson, Harold C. Megrew, William J. Henley, ¦\V. T. Durbin, Orange S. Eunnels, K. B. Harrison, • Geo. E. Rockwell, Wm. J. Eobie, James E. Henry, A. E. Beardsley, Chas. Kahlo, S. E. Murdock, Jas. E. Eoberts, Z- T. Sweeney, C. F. W. Xeeley, T). A. Coulter, Wm. T. Gott, W. W. Rider, C. C. Schreeder, A. P. Earasey, A. W. Lyon, Chas. A. Carlisle, William G. Burk, E. L. Kennedy, G. W. Krietenstein, L. M. Dunlap, E. J. Eobison, Hiram Howland, L. R. Gignilliat, Sherman Trout, Adj't-Gen., Q.-M.-Gen., Mil. Sec'y, Insp.-Gen., Judge Ad.-Gen., Com'y-Gen., Surg.-fren., P.-M.-Gen.,Chief Eng., Chief of Ord., Chf. Sig. OfT. Chf. I. E. P. A. Adj't-Gen., A. Mil. Sec'y, A. Ins. -Gen., A. J. A. -Gen., A. Q.-M.-Geu., A. Com. -Gen., A. Surg. -Gen., A. P.-M.-Gen., A. Chf. Eng., A. Chf. of Ord., A. Chf. of Art., A. C. Sig. Off., A. Chf. I. R. P., Aide-de-Camp, Aide-de-t:amp, Aide-de-Camp, Aide-de-Camp, Aide-de-Camj),Aide-de-Camp, Aide-de-Camp, Elkhart. Indianapolis. Lafayette.Indianapolis. Eushville. Anderson. Indianapolis. Terre Haute. Indianapolis.Eichmond. Indianapolis. Elkhart. Indianapolis.Lafayette. Indianapolis. Columbus. Muncie. Frankfort. Crawfordsville. Indianapolis. Evansville. Crawfordsville. Ligonier. South Bend. Thorntown. Center Point. Terre Haute. Covington. Indianapolis. Howland Station. Culver. Crawfordsville. (« AN ACT to provide for the printing, binding and distribution of the records of the Indiana Volunteers in the Spanish-American War, and declaring an emergency. (H.550. Appeoved March 4, 1899.) Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, That the Adjutant-General of the State of Indiana is hereby empowered and directed to cause to be prepared, printed and bound, ten thousand (10,000) copies of the records of the Indiana Volunteers in the war with Spain, and the same shall be distributed as follows : One (1) copy to each volun teer officer and soldier from Indiana in the war with Spain, three (3) copies to each member of the Sixty-first General As sembly of Indiana, two (2) copies to each of the adjutants- general of the several States and Territories of the United States, one (1) copy to each public library in the State of In diana, one (1) copy to each of the State libraries in the United States, fifty (50) copies for the departments of the general gov ernment at Washington, three (3) copies to each member from Indiana in the Congress of the United States, two (2) copies to each State officer and deputy State officer of Indiana, and such other distribution as may best serve the interest of the State. Sec 2. There is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in .the State treasury not otherwise appropriated by law, the sum of four thousand dollars ($4,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, to defray the expense of preparing, printing, binding and distributing the said records, which fund shall re main in the State treasury and be drawn on the voucher of the Adjutant-General, approved by the Governor, for any expense under the provisions of this act : Provided, That the said ap propriation shall remain in force until the said records are completed. Sec. 3. An emergency exists for the immediate taking effect of this act, therefore the same shall be in force from and after its passage. (5) RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS IN THE SPANISH- AMERICAN WAR. At the beginning of the fiscal year, 1898, the National Guard consisted of forty-one companies of infantry and three bat teries of artillery, with an aggregate of 2,822 officers and men. On December 31, 1897, a company of infantry was mustered into the State service at Brownstown, and on April 21st, one at Huntington. On or about April Ist war between the United States and Spain being imminent, company com manders were instructed to recruit their companies up to the maximum number of eighty-four. Meanwhile the clouds of war were growing darker and darker, until April 19th, when congress passed resolutions of intervention, which were approved on the 22d, and on the 23d the President issued his proclamation, calling for 125,000 vol unteers to serve in the array of the United States for two years, unless sooner discharged; as follows: By the President of the United States. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, A joint resolution of Congress was approved on the twentieth day of April, 1898, entitled " Joint resolution for the recognition of the independence of the people of Cuba, demanding that the government of Spain relinquisli its authority and government in the island of Cuba, and to withdraw its land and naval forces from Cuba and Cuban waters, and directing the President of the United States to use the land and naval forces of the United States to carry these resolutions into effect," and Whereas, By an act of Congress entitled "An act to provide for temporarily increasing the military establishment of the United States in time of war and for other purposes," approved April 22, 1898; the President is authorized, in order to raise a volunteer army, to issue his proclamation calling for volunteers to serve in the army of the United States : Now, tlierefore, I, William McKinlby, President of the United States, by vir tue of the power vested in me by the Constitution and the laws, and deeming (7) (3 EECOED OF IXDIAXA VOLUNTEERS sufficient occasion to exist, have thought fit to call forth, and hereby do call forth, volunteers to the aggregate number of 125,000, in order to carry into effect the purpose of the said resolution; the same to be apportioned, as far as practicable, among the several States and Territories and the District of Columbia, according to population, and to serve for two years, unless sooner discharged. The details for this object will be immediately communicated to the proper authorities through the War Department. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this twenty-third day of April, A. D., 1898, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-second. (Seal) WILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President: John Sherman, Secretary of Stale. DECLARATION OF WAR. AN ACT declaring that war exists between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Spain. Pe it enacted by the Senate and House of Befresentatives of the United States of America in Congress Assemliled: First. That war be, and the same is hereby declared to exist, and that war has existed since the twenty-first Anj of April, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, including said day, between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Spain. Second. That the President of the United States be, and he hereby is, directed and empowered to use the entire land and naval forces of the United States, and to call into the actual service of the United States, the militia of the several States, to such extent as may be necessary to carry this act into effect. Approved, April 25, 1898. At 6 : 15 p. M. on April 25, the following telegram was re ceived from the Secretary of War : Washington, D. C, April 25, 1898. The Governor of Indiana, Itidianapolis, hid. . The number of troops from your State under the call of the President dated April 23, 1898, will be four (4) regiments of infantry and two (2) light batteries of artillery. It is the wish of the President that the regiments of the National ' Guard or State militia shall be used as far as their numbers will permit for the IN THE SPAXISH-AMEKICAX WAR. 9 reason that they are armed, equipped and drilled. Please wire as early as pos sible what equipments, ammunition, arms, blankets, tents, etc., you will require. Please also state when troops will be ready for muster into United States serv ice. Details to follow by mail. K. A. ALGEE, Secretary of War. As soon as the above message was received there was issued by tlic Governor the following proclamation : To tlie I'eople of Indiana : Whereas, In the progress of events, war has been inaugurated between the government of the United States and the government of Spain, and Whereas, The President of the United States, in pursuance' of an act of Congress, has issued a proclamation calling for 12"i,000 volunteers, of which number four regiments, approximating 1,000 men eacli, and two batteries, have been apportioned to the State of Indiana. Now, therefore, I, James A. Mount, Governor of the State of Indiana, acting on the authority vested in me by the constitution, do hereby call for tlie enlist ment and mustering into the United States service of the number of men above stated who are qualified for military duty. In conformity with this call the Indiana National Guard is hereby directed and commanded to report without delay to Brigadier-General McKee at the Fair Grounds of the State Board of Agriculture, near Indianapolis, a designated camp, where they will be mobilized and mustered into the service of the United States government, in accordance with the provisions of the proclamation issued by the President. All vacancies that exist or may occur in regiments, companies or batteries will be immediately filled by the acceptance of volunteers to the limit of the State's quota, as designated by the authorities of the federal government. Inasmuch as the number of men whs are at this time tendering their services is far in excess of requirements, I deem it timely to announce in this connection that there will be no compulsion upon any member of the Indiana National Guard to enter the federal service, except upon his own free will and accord. Any member of the National Guard whose business affairs would be jeopardized or whose domestic relations would subject his family to inconvenience and hard ship, will be permitted to stand aside honorably and without prejudice. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the great seal of the State, at the city of Indianapolis, this twenty-fifth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, the eighty-second year of the State, and of the independence of the LTnited States the one hundred and twenty-second^ JAMES A. MOUNT. By the Governor, William D. Owen, Secretary of State. 10 RECORD OP INDIANA VOLUNTEERS After which the following order was issued : Indianapolis, Ind., April 25, 1898. Special Orders, No. 46. In accordance with the proclamation of the Governor, of this date, Brig.-CTen. Will J. McKee is hereby directed to mobilize the Indiana National Guard, fully armed and equipped, at the Fair Grounds of the State Board of Agriculture, near Indianapolis, Ind., at the earliest possible moment, for the purpose of being mus tered into the service of the United States. The necessary details for the transportation and subsistence of the troops will be arranged by the proper departments. All property in the hands of the companies and bands will be brought to the rendezvous. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By order of the Governor, JAMES K. GORE, Adjutant- General. Pursuant to the above orders, special orders were sent by telegraph to each company commander, and at 5 : 00 A. m., April 2G, the first company (Capt. Allen's, of Frankfort) arrived in camp, and before night the companies had all arrived and were encamped in the Fair Grounds of the State Board of Agricul ture, either in tents or barns belonging to the Fair Grounds. On April 27 the following telegraphic communication was received from the Adjutant-General of the United States at Washington, D. C. : Washington, D. C, April 27, 1898. Tlie Governor of Indiana, Indianapolis, Ind. ; The following decision of the Secretary of War of this date is communicated for your information : " All absolutely necessary expenses for the subsistence, transportation, shelter ing, and generally the maintenance of volunteers during the interval between their enrollment (enlistment) and their muster (or being sworn) into the service of the United States; also all incidental expenses, messengers, etc., for mustering officers will be met by the government of the United States, from the proper ap propriation at the disposal of the several Staff Departments of the Armv. Certified vouchers for all expenditures herein authorized will be forwarded to the War Department for audit and payment. The vouchers should be certified by officers of the proper Staff Departments and approved by the mustering officers." H. C. CORBIN, Adjutant- General. The following companies were accepted to fill vacancies in the several regiments, some of which were organized before the breaking out of the war : IN THE SPANISH- AMERICAN WAR. 11 Company I, 4th Infantry, at Tipton, April 25, 1898. Company C, 2d Infantry, at Frankfort, April 26, 1898. Company L, 1st Infantry, at Vincennes, April 26, 1898. Company K, 2d Infantry, at Martinsville, April 26, 1898. Company JI, 3d Infantry, at Plymouth, April 26, 1898. Company L, 4th Infantry, at Anderson, April 26, 1898. Company M, 4th Infantry, at Logansport, April 26, 1898. In numbering the regiments after being mustered into the United States service, it was determined to begin the numbers where the war of the rebellion left off'. The od Regiment being the first ready to be mustered was designated as the 157th. The 2d Regiment was next and was made the 158th, the 1st was next and was made the 159tli, and the 4tli was designated the 160th. On the 10th of May the 157th and loSth and Battery A, designated as 27th Light Battery, and Battery E, 28th Light Battery, Indiana Volunteers, were mustered into the service of the United States. The 157th and the two batteries were paid by the State for their services while in camp, on the 15tli, and left for Chickaniauga Park on the same day. The 158th was paid off and moved South on the 16th. The 160th was paid off and left for Chickamauga on the 16th. The 159th, having been stripped of arms and equipments to finish equipping the other three regiments, was detained in Camp Mount until May 22, when it left for Dunn Loring, Va. Colonel W. T. Durbin, of the Governor's staff", having been designated to act as Paymaster, to pay the troops the amounts due them from the State, he performed that duty for the four infantry regiments and three batteries. Battery C, of Dana, was ordered 'into camp with the other troops, but, as the War Department could not be prevailed upon to accept them, they were offered a place in one of the infantry regiments, which they declined, preferring to take their chances in another call for troops. Lieutenant (now Captain) W. T. May, on detail by the War Department with the National Guard of Indiana, was detailed as chief mustering officer, and mustered the troops into the service of the United States. Much credit is due him for his efficient work in instructing the National Guard. 12 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS On May 25 the following proclamation was issued by the President : Whereas, An act of Congress was approved on the twenty-fifth day of April, 1898, entitled "An act declaring that war exists between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Spain ; " and Whereas, By an act of Congress entitled "An act to provide for temporarily increasing the military establishment of the United States in time of war, and for other purposes," approved April 22, 1898, the President is authorized, in order to raise a volunteer army, to issue his proclamation calling for volunteers to serve in the army of the United States. Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States, by vir tue of the power vested in me by the Constitution and the laws, and deeming suffi cient occasion to exist, have thought fit to call forth, and do hereby call forth, vol unteers to the aggregate number of 75,000 in addition to the volunteers called forth by my proclamation of the twenty-third of April, in the present year; the same to be apportioned, as far as practicable, among the several States and terri tories and the District of Columbia, according to population, and to serve for two years unless sooner discharged. The proportion of each arm and the details of enlistment and organization will be made known through the War Depart ment. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this twenty-fifth day of May, year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-second. [Seal.] AVILLIAM McKINLEY. By the President : William R. Day, Secretary of State. On June 18 the following official communication, by tele graph, was received from the Secretary of War : Washington, D. C, June 18, 1898. Governor of Indiana, Indianapolis, Ind.: Under the President's second call. May 25, 1898, after filling to the maximum the organizations already in the United States service from your State, you are required to furnish two new separate companies of infantry, organized as indicated below, and in addition one new regiment of infantry, to consist of one colonel one lieutenant-colonel, two majors, one adjutant (extra lieutenant), one quarter master, one surgeon, two assistant surgeons (first lieutenants), one chaplain, one sergeant-major, one quartermaster sergeant, one chief musician, two principal musicians, three hospital stewards, twelve companies; all companies to consist of one captain, one first lieutenant, one second lieutenant, one first sergeant one quartermaster-sergeant, four sergeants, twelve corporals, two musicians, one artif icer, one wagoner, eighty-four privates maximum, seventy -four privates minimum. The mustering officer. First Lieutenant J. C. Waterman, ordered from Mount Vernon, Iowa, has been directed to confer with your representative concerning details affecting comfort, shelter, subsistence of organizations and the order in which they should be mobilized for muster. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 13 To save exjiense, and for other reasons that will occur to you, it is suggested that preliminary physical examinations be made of men before they are taken from their homes. Blanks mailed to Adjutant-General of State. You are requested to constitute a board of three reputable physicians for the purpose only of examining the regimental medical officers nominated by you, these physicians to receive ten dollars per day and traveling expenses to place of meeting of the board and return. -The regimental medical officers will then be mustered into the United States service to assist the mustering officer with phys ical examinations of men. The recruitment for the old companies will be con ducted by the officers now in the field and under orders from this office. E. A. ALGEE, Secretory of War. On June 24, by direction of the War Department and under the President's second call for volunteers (issued May 25, 1898), to provide for Indiana's quota under said call, the following companies were ordered to report at Camp Mount : .leffersonville, Hammond, Lawrenceburg, Columbus, Monticello, New Castle, Eichmond, Mount Vernon, Rushville, Shelbyville, Madisob, Michigan City. In addition to the above twelve companies, comprising the 161st Indiana Regiment Volunteer Infantry, Jacob Porter and •John J. Buckner, of Indianapolis, were commissioned as Cap tains to raise two independent colored companies in accordance with the allotment made by the War Department, to wit : One regiment of. white volunteers and two companies of colored volunteers. Barton F. Dickson was commissioned as Captain by the President to organize a company of engineers, which was designated as Co. D, 2d U. S. Volunteer Engineers, and was mustered into service by Captain T. M. Rockefeller and or dered to Fort Sheridan, Illinois. Captain Charles T. Maclntire was commissioned as Captain to organize a company for the signal service, which was designated as the 14th U. S. Volun teer Signal Corps. They were mustered into the United States service and were ordered to Washington, D. C. The destruction of the Spanish fleet at Santiago July 3, followed by the surrender of all the Spanish troops in and about Santiago, and the occupation of Porto Rico, virtually ended the war, and on July 26 Spain made overtures of peace to the United States Government. 14 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS The 27th Battery was. the only organization that was sent to the enemy's country during the war, though the 157th had their horses and camp equipage loaded on transports at Port Tampa City, Fla., and the 160th were ordered to Newport News, Va., and were ready to embark, but for some reason, the order to move was countermanded. The 27th Battery was sent to Porto Rico, and they were about to engage the Span iards, and were on the firing line readj' for action, when a messenger arrived announcing that Spain had sued for peace and that hostilities must cease. It was the aim to keep the records of this war so complete that there could be no (juestion as to their accuracy. In pur suance of this object, the following circular letter was issued and sent to each commanding officer, together with blanks for reports : State of Indiana, Ad.tutant-General's Office, Circular Letter, Indianapolis, June 27, 1898. No. 1. The matter of keeping a correct record of the troops from Indiana, in the office of the Adjutant-General, is one of great importance, not only to the troops themselves, but to all future generations. The records of the Civil War are very incomplete, and the lack of papers is now being felt very keenly by the soldiers, if living, or their families and friends, if dead. Oftentimes the records do a great injustice to a man because, by the lack of one particular entry, the record is broken, and it is almost impossible to supply the link at this late day. The only way the records can be kept correctly is by the co-operation of every commanding officer, who, by notifying the Adjutant-i.ieneral, without delay, of every oflicer or soldier wounded or killed, his sickness or death, promotion or resignation, appointment or reduction; in fact, every detail that will be of use to the soldier or his family or friends, not for the present only, but for use when time has effaced from the memory of those interested the details that go to make up the soldier's personal record. Remember that you are making history that will live when the participants shall have passed away and be forgotten by all but their personal family, and the people of Indiana are looking to you to make that history so complete that no one will question what is written. You are respectfully requested to forward such data as you think will be of service to the soldier, when, in after years, too much broken in health to earn a livelihood, he will be in a position to prove, by the records, that he served his country faithfully and well, or, if an impostor, the records will prove him such. By the Governor, JAMES A. MOUNT. James K. Gore, Adjutant- General. in the SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 15 As subsequent events proved, it was fortunate that it was decided in 1897 to place the Indiana National Guard in the best possible condition as to arms and equipment. The work was pushed with all available means, and when the United States government called for volunteers, Indiana was able to respond with her quota as well equipped as any State, and winning for the State compliments from the authorities at Washington, of which the following telegram and letter are samples : [Telegram. J Washington, D. C., July 9, 1898. Gen. B. A. Richardson, Quartermaster- General, Indiana: Your telegram to Secretary of War, inquiring if you should invoice to Captain Mclntyre certain signal corps equipment, has been referred to me. I regret very much that I could not reach you before Captain Mclntyre left Indianapolis. He reported to me this morning, but we are very short of signal equipment,. especially the articles you so generously offer to invoice to Captain Mclntyre, and I urgently request that you ship all the signal corps equipment mentioned in your telegram to the Secretary of War by express. GREELY, Chief Signal Officer. [Letter.] War Department, , Signal Office, Washington, D. C. July 16, 1898. Gen. B. a. Richardson, Quartermaster-General State of Indiana, Indianapolis, Ind. . Sir — The Chief Signal Officer directs me to express the thanks of this office for the great assistance you have given us in the way of equipping Captain Mcln- tyre's company. T request that you prepare bills in duplicate for this signal equipment, based upon the receipt enclosed, and forward to this office, when vouchers will be pre pared and payment made. Please instruct me to whom the check should be drawn. Very respectfully, EUGENE O. FECHET, Major United States Volunteer Sii/nal Coips, Disbursing Officer. Sub8e(iuently, in compliance with General Orders Nos. 31 and 33, Headquarters of the Army, Adjutant-General's Office, Washington, April 30 and May 5, 1898, the four regiments and two batteries Indiana Volunteers were equipped so far as practicable. On or about the last days of August, the 157th, 158th, 159th and the 27th and 28th Batteries and the Signal Corps were 16 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS ordered to Indianapolis and furloughed for thirty days (with the exception of the 27th Battery, which was furloughed for sixty days), at the expiration of which they were mustered out of the service. The 160th and the 161st were ordered to Cuba with the army of occupation. On August 29, under orders of the Governor directing the establishment of a hospital for the care of the returning volunteers, on requisition of Col. Orange S. Runnels, Surgeon- General, the Quartermaster-General procured and delivered at Camp Mount tentage, flooring, blankets, sheets, pillows, cots, ticks, straw, cooking apparatus and all other necessary equip ment for field hospital purposes. All meat and food supplies were thoroughly inspected upon receipt at camp, microscopic and other tests being applied. Owing to the fact that the Indiana National Guard as a whole h-ad been mustered into the United States service at the outbreak of hostilities with Spain, the medical service pro vided by the militia organization was non-existent. At the close of the war, therefore, and upon the eve of the return of the Indiana troops from the field, the Governor issued the fol lowing order : Executive Department, State of Indiana, Indianapolis, August 30, 1898. Col. Orange S. Ru.xnels, Surgeon- General of Indiana, City : Sir — You are directed to proceed at once to provide a State hospital with all necessary appurtenances — cots, medicines, nurses, delicacies, nourishment— in short, all that will be necessary to provide for the sick soldiers who are soon to return to the State. I desire that you make ample preparations for every want of these brave men who are now returning to the State prostrate with disease and entitled to the best medical care and nursing that the State can provide. This hospital is to receive the sick soldiers from all the regiments and bat teries that are ordered to Indianapolis to be mustered out of service. You will have charge of the State hospital, and you are expected to secure such medical assistance and such trained nurses as will be necessary to the proper care of these men. Respectfully yours, [Signed] JAMES A. MOUNT, Governor of Indiana. Pursuant to this order, the Surgeon-General proceeded im mediately to its execution. A hospital site was selected ad jacent to the regimental lines at Camp Mount. IX THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 17 Ambulances were in waiting upon the arrival of the train to convey the sick to their beds in the hospital, where physicians and nurses were in readiness to minister to their wants. The wisdom of the Governor in thus preparing beforetime for the needs of the sick soldiers was apparent upon the arrival of the various hospital trains. In several instances the regi mental surgeons were incapacitated for further service by sick ness, or the long vigils incident to double and treble duty required prior to and during the homeward trip. Several of them were confined to their beds for weeks after with lingering fevers, and all were more or less reduced in physical ability by the battle with malaria which they had been forced to wage. The medical contingent of the army was thus so reduced as to make reinforcement necessary. Much suffering was also averted by the readiness of the preparations for the reception of the sick upon their arrival. No delay was encountered in transferring the men from their berths in the cars to their fresh clean beds in the hospital. The service rendered was a generosity on the part of the State, unique and apart from the regular provisions of the War Department. It was established at the beginning with the purpose of meeting an emergency upon the return home of a large number of very sick men, and of providing them with better treatment than was furnished through regular channels at the various other return-camps in the country. Anticipating the return of the forces to camp after their furlough, and in view of the reduced demands for the State's assistance in the sick-service, and believing that the proper time had arrived for the State to transfer its work to the War Department, the Surgeon-General made the following com munication to Governor Mount: State Hospital, Camp Mount, Indianapolis, Ind., October 5, 1S98. Governor James A. Mount, City. Sir— In accordance with your order of August 30, 1S98, a hospital was es tablished at Camp Mount for the better care of the sick men of the army of Indiana upon their return from the war. Everything was provided and in readiness for their proper care upon their arrival, and every service has been rendered them that intelligent affection and skill could suggest. Two hundred and sixty-nine men have thus far been eared (2) 18 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS for with a mortality of four ; while twelve men yet remain under treatment in the hospital. In view of the fact that the thirty days' furloughs granted the men of all the commands will begin to expire Oct. 10, 1898, and that the exigency that called for the extra service here rendered is largely past ; and in view of the further fact that the returning army surgeons are now in condition to resume their duties, I submit this report for such action as you may deem advisable. Eespectfully submitted, O. S. EUNNELS, Surgeon- General. The following was the reply : Executive Department, State op Indiana, Indianapolis, October 7, 1898. Surgeon-General Eunnels, Camp Mount, City: Sir — Having communicated the substance of your letter of October 5, 1898, to the War Department, I have received through Lieut.-Col. W. T. May, Com mandant at Camp Mount, the request for the continuance of the hospital under your excellent management. He says that owing to the confusion incident to the changing conditions of the camp it will be impossible for the surgeons of the different commands to give anything like the close attention that the sick are now receiving in the State Hospital. I therefore direct that you continue in charge of the State Hospital, and that you spare no pains or cost needful for the comfort and care of our sick soldiers. Very respectfully, JAMES A. MOUNT, Governor. In accordance with this order and in view of the inclemency of the weather in the advancing cold season, the hospital in tents was exchanged for the commodious "Administration Building" of the State Fair Association, adjacent to Camp Mount, whither the sick men were removed on October 9, 1898, atid where it was possible to heat the building and thus conduce to the betterment of the service. All of the regiments and batteries having been mustered out of the service, with the exception of the 159th Regiment, and the number of sick in the hospital again being reduced to a minimum, the Surgeon-General, just prior to the expiration of the furloughs of the men of the 159th Regiment and their return to camp on November 10, 1898, communicated to Gov ernor Mount the facts relative to the status of the hospital service at that time, who immediately again communicated with Lieut.-Col. May, the Commandant, relative to the State's relinquishment of its service. The following was Col. May's response : IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 19 Camp Mount, Indianapolis, Nov. 12, lS9s. To His Excellency, Hon. James A. Mount, Governor of the State of Indiana: Dear Sir — I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 10th inst., expressing your desire to discontinue the State Hospital at Camp Mount upon the arrival of the 159th Eegiment Indiana Volunteers, Nov. 10th inst. After mature consideration of the subject, I deem it for the best interests of the service respectfully to request that you continue said hospital under the present admirable management until the muster-out of the regiment now in camp, which will occur about the 21st inst. The lack of proper equipment and other facilities in the regiment for caring for patients in hospital prompts me to make the request, which I trust will meet with your approval. I am, sir, Very respectfully, [Signed] ' W. T. MAY, Lt.-Col. 157th Ind. Vol. Li/antry, Chief MnMering Officer. The service was thereupon continued b}' the Surgeon-Gen eral under order from Governor Mount, till the final muster- out of all the men and the dismemberment of the camp, De cember 1, 1898. Having been ordered to Indianapolis for muster out, the 157th Regiment arrived there on the 2d of September, the 158th on Sei)tember 14 and the 159th on September 12; all the regiments went into camp to prepare for muster out. The 157th was furloughed for thirty days from September 10, the 158tli was furloughed for thirty days from September 17, and the 159th was furloughed for thirty days from September 18, which was later extended to include November 10. The 27th Battery reached Indianapolis September 17, and Avas furloughed for sixty days; the 2Sth Battery reached In dianapolis September 4, and was furloughed for- thirty days from September 14. The 14th Signal Corps company arrived at Indianapolis Sc])- tember 16, and was furloughed for thirty days. After the expiration of their period of furlough, the several organizations returned to Camp Mount and were mustered out of service as follows : 157th Eegiment November 1, 1S9S 158th Eegiment Xovember 4, 1S9S 159th Eegiment November 23, 1S9.S 27th Battery November 25, 1S9S 28th Battery October 31, 1898 14th Signal Corps Company October 31, 1898 20 EECUUD OP INDIANA A'OLUNTEERS The two colored companies were mustered out of service at Camp Thomas on January 20, 1899. The 160th and 161st Regiments, which still remained in serv ice, were ordered to Cuba with the army of occupation and remained there until ordered to this country to be mustered out of service. The 160th Regiment was mustered out at Sa vannah, Ga., April 25, 1899. The 161st Regiment Avas mus tered out at Savannah, Ga., April 30, 1899. Although none of the Indiana organizations were in any of the battles of the Avar, they Avere ready and eager to do their part to keep the flag from being trailed in the dust. It Avas a great disappointment to all of them, but they ac cepted Avhat Avas given them to do in the true soldierly spirit, and they can all look back with pride to the part they took in defense of their country. The State of Inditina can well be proud of the record she made in this war, being the first State in the Union to have their entire quota mustered into the service of the United States under the first call and filling her second quota as rapidly as any. This war has demonstrated the fact that the National Guard is the bulwark of our liberties, making an army in reserve that Ave may Avell take pride in, but it has also shown that the National Guard can be improved and made more effective. Indiana treated her soldiers well, jiaid every man before he left the State (under the first call), and provided them with as good an equipment as money could buy, but if there was any thing lacking it was because it could not be bought and not because we had no money with which to buy it. The General Assembly of 1895 made a provision in the law that placed the entire funds of the State, if needed, in the hands of the Goa-- eruor in time of trouble, and Governor Mount, while not being extravagant, made such judicious use of this privilege that made_ Indiana second to none in furnishing needed equip ment for her soldiers. This report would be incomplete without at least a mention of the part taken by the loyal and patriotic women of Indiana. In every city and hamlet from which the boys came to make up the volunteer army, there was an organization of devoted mothers, sisters and sweethearts Avho tried to make the soldier's life as easy as was possible, toiling early and late in IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAX AVAIL 21 making articles and garments to send to hospital and eaniji, and doing all in their power to make the boys comfortable. An organization Avas perfected early in July, 1898, and Avas called the " Indiana Soldiers' Aid Society." The object Avas to render aid to Indiana soldiers in camp, field and hosjiital, to provide assistance for their families Avhen in Avant, and to be ready for service at any time, and in any manner that oppor tunity offered. Large quantities of fruits, jellies, cordials and soups were sent to hospitals in the south, together Avith towels, handkerchief's, pajamas, bedding, all of Avhich Avere used for the comfort of Indiana's sons. All are deserving of praise and honor, and it would not be right to mention any particular organization, but the ladies of Indianapolis assisted in making the return of the regiments, batteries and separate companies so pleasant that it is due them to say that they earned the respect and gratitude of every man from this State. As regiment and battery returned to Indianapolis for musler out, the ladies met them at the station Avith delicacies for the sick, and coffee and sandwiches for the Avell, and no organiza tion arrived Avithout being given the same hospitable welcome. A dinner was served to each organization by a committee selected for that purpose, and every man Avas made to feel that he was once more in the hands of friends. The following were the officers : President, Mrs. C. W. Fairbanks. Vice-President, Mrs. C. B. Clarke. Eecording Secretary, Mrs. Irene V. Webb. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Jno. L. Griffiths. Treasurer, Mrs. Wilbur Hitt. Chairman Executive Committee, Mrs. John W. Kern. Vice-Presidents for the different organizations : 157th Eegiment, Mrs. E. Wes McBride. 158th Eegiment, Mrs. Frank F. McCrea. 159th Eegiment, Mrs. John Kuifis. 160th Eegiment, Mrs. Thomas Taggart. 161st Regiment, Mrs. John L. Griffiths. 27th Battery, Mrs. E. O. Hawkins. 28th Battery, Mrs. Mahurin. Engineer Company and Signal Corps Company, Mrs. George Hitt. Colored Companies, Mrs. B. AV. Porter. 22 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS I57TH Regiment. The 157th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry was formed of the 3d Regiment of Infantry, Indiana National Guard, and Avas composed of companies from Knox, Fort Wayne (two), Goshen, North Manchester, Elkhart, South Bend, Angola, Waterloo, Auburn, Ligonier and Plymouth. The regiment arrived at Camp Mount April 26, 1898, under orders from the Governor, for the purpose of being mustered into the serv ice of the United States. The work of preparing for muster was necessarily slow, as all officers and men had to pass a physical examination, and be accepted by the surgeons, before they Avould be accepted by the United States officers. The reariment Avas mustered into the Volunteer Service on May 10, 1898, and left for Camp Thomas, Chickamauga Park, Georgia, on Sunday, May 15, and on arriving there May 17, went into camp; left Camp Thomas June 1, for Port Tampa City, Florida, and arrived there on June 3 ; left Port Tampa City, July 29, for Fernandina, Florida, arriving there July 30 ; remained at Fernandina until August 30, Avhen it Avas ordered to Indianapolis, for muster out of service, where it arrived on September 2, was furloughed for 30 days on September 10, and Avas finally mustered out and discharged November 1, 1898. 157th Regiment. Name and Rank. Colonel. Studebaker, Geo. M Date of Date Com- ' OF MISSION. Muster. iMay 10 , May 10 Eecord. Capt. Co. F, 3d Inf., Aug. 6, '87; Major 3d Inf., Jan. 15, '91; Lieut.-Col., Dec. 20, '92; Col, Mar. 25, '97. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 23 157th Regiment — Continued. Name and Eank. Date of Date Com OF mission. Muster. Eecord. Lieutenant- Colonel. May, Willis T . . . . Majors. Feaser, George W Kuhlman, Aubrey L Surgeons. Siver, Emmett L . . Barnett, Walter W . AsBidant Surgeons. Barnett, Charles E . . Garstang, Reginald W. Chaplain. Medbury, Charles A. . May 10 May 10 Fitzgerald, Edwin H . i May 10 May 10 May 4 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 Cadet Military Academy, July 1, '75; 2d Lieut. 15th U. S. Inf , June 13, '79; 1st Lieut. 15th U. S. Inf., Feb, 27, '88; Capt. 15th U. S. Inf., April 26, '98. Pvt., Corpl., Sergt, 1st Sergt. Co. F, 3d Inf, June 1, '86, to July 1, '89; 1st Lieut., July 1, '89; Capt., Feb. 9, '91; Major 3d Inf., Dec. 20, '92. Pvt. Co. G, 3d Inf., '88-90; Capt. Co C, 8d Inf., Sept. 14, '92; Major 3d Inf., Mar. 25, '97; pvt. Co. E, 1st Inf 111. Nat. Guard, Jan., '83, to Jan., '88 Capt! Co. K, 3d Inf, Jan. 12, '92; Major 3d Inf., Mar. 25, '97. May 4 Surg. 2d Inf , June 1, '88 ; trans ferred to 3d Inf, June 8, '91. May 10 May 4 | May 4 May 4 i May 4 May 10 May 10 Capt., Asst. Surg. 2d Inf., Nov. 26, '88 ; mus. out Nov. 26, '91 ; Capt., Asst. Surg. 3d Inf, April 28, '97; Surg., May 5, '98. Hospital StsAvard 3d Inf, April 23, '98; Assistant Surg., April 26, '98. Assistant Surgeon IstRegt. Art., Dec. 8, '96. Chaplain. 3d Inf, May, 5, '98. 24 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS 157th Regiment — Continued. Name and Eank. Date of Com mission. Date OF Muster. Eecord. Regimental Adjutant. Scott, Harry K. . . . Rex, Elmer D . . . . Battalion Adjutants. Noel, John C Collins, Bernard J . . Rex, Elmer D . . . . Ford, Harry R. . . . Quartermaster. Hutson, Harmon L Company A — Captain. Windisch, Charles . Fi7;st Lieutenant. Glazebrook, B. D. L Second lAeutenant. Laramore, George D May 10 May 10 July 11 I July 18 IMay 10 May 10 May 10 July 11 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 July 18 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 Pvt. Co. H, 3d Inf, '87-'89; pvt. Co. H, 3d Inf, Jan. 1, '93 ; Q. M. Sergt. 3d Inf, Jan. 30, '93; Batt. Adjt., May 10, '94; Adjt. .Sd Inf, April 13, '97. Pvt. Co. F, 3d Inf., Feb.3, '87; Sergt., '89; Ist Sergt, '90; 2d Lieut, '91; Batt. Adjt, May 11, '92 ; resigned May 24, '93; Sergt Major, June 1, '94; Batt Adjt, June 22, '95. Sergt. Co. K, 3d Inf, Jan. 12, '92; 1st Sergt, March 1, '93; Batt Adjt, April 14, '97. Pvt Co. C; 3d Inf, Oct 29, '95 ; 1st Lieut, and Batt. Adjt. 3d Inf, April 8, '97. Pvt Co F, 3d Inf., April 21, '98 ; pvt. Co. G, 1st Inf. Ohio Nat. Guard ; discharged as 1st Sergt. Dec. 22, '96. Pvt. Co H, 3d Inf, Jan. 26, '93; Com. Sergt 3d Inf., May 19, '93; Q M. Sergt 3d Inf , May 19, '94; Q. M. 3d Inf, May 2, '98. 2d Lieut. Co. A, 3d Inf, Nov. 25, '93; Capt, Jan. 6, '96. 1st Lieut. Co. A, 3d Inf, Nov. 25, '93. Pvt. Co. A, 3d Inf, Nov. 25, '93; Corp]., July 1, '96; 2d Lieut, March 20, '97. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 25 157th Regiment — Continued. Name and Eank. Date of Com mission. Date OF Muster. Eecord. Company B — Captain. Reese, Charles E . . First Lieutenant. Fonner, John B . . Second Lieutenant. Kerr, William W . Thompson, Peter A. Company C — Captain. Salsbury, Elias D . First Lieidenant. Slade, Charles . . . Collins, Joseph A . Second lAeidenant. Collins, Joseph A . . Mew, Thomas H . . . May 10 May 10 May 10 Aug. 9 May 10 May 10 May 10 Aug. 23 May 10 May 10 July 21 May 10 July 21 May 10 May 10 Aug. 1 May 10 Aug. 1 Pvt Co. B, 3d Inf , June 18, '89 ; 2d Lieut., Oct. 26, '91 ; 1st Lieut, June 30, '93; Capt, Aug. 7, '93. Pvt Co. B, 2d Inf, June 1, '90; Corpl., Feb. 1, '91; Capt Co. G, 3d Inf, Dec. 11, '93; re signed May 16, '96 ; 1st Lieut. Co. B, 3d Inf, April 21, '98. Pvt , Corpl. Co. B, 3d Inf, Jan. 1, '87 ; mus. out Sept 9, '91 ; 2d Lieut. Co. B, 3d Inf, April 21 '98 Pvt' Co.' B, 3d Inf, Aug. 1, '89 ; Corpl. , May 1, '90 ; Sergt , July 1,'92; 2d Lieut, June 30, '93; Ist Lieut, Aug. 7, '93; re signed Nov. 12, '96; 1st Sergt, April 21, '98. Pvt Co. C, 3d Inf, Oct 1,'95; Capt., Feb. 23, '98. Pvt Co. C, 3d Inf, Sept. 14, '92; 1st Lieut Co. C, 3d Inf, Oct. 29, '95. Pvt Co. C, 3d Inf , July 15, '98, to July 12, '94 ; pvt Co. C, 3d Inf, Oct 29, '95; 2d Lieut, Feb. 24, '98. Sergt. Co. C, 3d Inf, April 24, '98; pvt 7th Cav., U. S. A., June 29, '93, to Sept 28, '95. 26 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS 157th Regiment — Continued. Name and Eank. Date of Com mission. Date OF Muster. Eecord. Company D — Captain. Clemans, Benj. F First Lieutenant. Dunbar, John T . . Second Lieutenant. Spurgeon, Charles O Company E — Captain. Gmves, Joseph E . Fird Lieutenant. Beall, Norman E . . Second Lieutenant. GroU, Gustave C. . . Company F — Captain. Freyermuth, George W Fird Lieutenant. Faulkner, Harry E . . Second Lieutenant. Johnson, John S . . May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 :\Iay 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 Pvt Co. B, 47th Ind. Vols. , Nov. 15, '61; Regt Q. M. Sergt, May 1, '64; mus. out Oct 23, '65; Capt Co. D, 3d Inf., Ind. Nat Guard, July 28, '97. 1st. Lieut Co. D, 3d Inf., July 28, '97. 2d Lieut. Co. D, 3d Inf, July 28, '97. 1st Lieut. Co. E, 3d Inf., June 3, '97; Capt Co. E, 3d Inf, March 15, '98. Pvt Co. E, 3d Inf, Feb. 11, '86; Corpl., Jan. 1, '88; Sergt., Jan. 1, '91; 1st Sergt., June 5, '96; 2d Lieut, June 3, '97; 1st Lieut, Mar. 15, '98. Pvt. Co. E, 3d Inf , Oct 13, '92 ; Sergt., June 3, '97; 2d Lieut., Mar. 15, '98. May 10 Pvt Co. F, 3d Inf , June 8, '88 ; ' Corpl., Sergt, 1st Sergt, 2d Lieut, Feb. 6, '93; 1st Lieut, . Jan. 2, '94; Capt, Mar. 16, '97. May 10 May 10 May 10 Pvt, Corpl., Sergt Co. F, 3d Inf , Feb. 7,'87 ; 2d Lieut. , Jan. 29, '94; lstLieut,Mar. 16,'97. Pvt Co. F, 3d Inf, June 22, 92 ; Sergt, Jan. 22, '94; 2d Lieut, May 12, '97. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 27 157th Regiment — Continued. Name and Eank. Company G — Captain. Meyer, Otto C . First lAeutenant. McLeod, William S. Second Lieidenant. Jackson, John C . . Company H — Captain. Gilbert, Newton W . First LAeidenant. Kemery, T. Frank . Carpenter, Robert H Second Lieutenant. Carpenter, Robert H Kinney, Charles F . Date of Com mission. Date of Muster. May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 Aug. 18 May 10 Aug. 18 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 Sept. 6 May 10 Sept. 6 Eecord. Pvt Co. G, 3d Inf., Dec. 11, '93 ; 1st Sergt., 2d Lieut., Mar. 28, '95; 1st Lieut, May 28, '96; Capt, May 9, '98. Pvt Co. G, 3d Inf, Dec. 11, '93 ; Sergt.-Major 3d Batt 3d Inf, Jan. 5, '96 ; 2d Lieut Co. G, 3dlnf ,Jan. 26,'97; IstLieUt, May 9, '98. Pvt Co. G, 3d Inf, Dec. 11, '93 ; Corpl., Sergt, 1st Sergt, 2d Lieut, May 9, 98. Com. Sergt 3d Inf , May 12, '92 ; Batt Adjt 3d Inf , Nov. 13,'92 ; Adjt Sd'inf ,May 18,'94; Aide- de-Camp Brig. Staff, April 13, '97 ; Capt Co. H, 3d Inf, Jan. 10, '98. Pvt Co. H, 3d Inf, May 4, '93 CorpL.Nov. 4,'98; Sergt, Nov 23, '95 ; 2d Lieut, Jan. 9, '97 1st Lieut, Jan. 10, '98. Pvt Co H, 3d Inf, Nov. 10, '91 Corpl. , May 1 5, '93; Sergt , Nov 15, '94; 1st Sergt, Jan. 9, '97 2d Lieut. , Jan. 10, '98. Pvt Co H, 3d Inf , Nov. 10, '91 ; Corpl., Sergt, 1st Sergt, 2d Lieut. , jMar. 30, '96 ; 1st Lieut. , Jan. 9,'97; hon. dis. Jan. 10, '98; Q.-M. Sergt. 3d Inf , May 2,'98 ; Q.-M. Sergt 157th Ind. Vols., May 10, '98. 28 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS 157th Regiment — Continued. Najie and Eank. Date of Com mission. Date of Muster. Eecord. Company I — Captain. Denison, Levi L . . First Lieidenant. Barr, Charles V . Denison, Wilson H . Second lAeutenant. Denison, Wilson H . McCague, Charles A Company K — Captain. Lahnum, James F . First lAeutenant. Rufner, Othello B . Second lAeutenant. Wolf, John J . . . Company L — Captain. Green, Charles A. . First lAeutenant. Ochs, Jacob L . . r Second Lieutenant. Shobe, Ray . May 10 May 10 June 30 May 10 June 30 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 July 11 May 10 July 11 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 Ist Lieut. Co. I, 3d Inf, July 14, '91; Capt, Oct 23, '94. Pvt Co. I, 3d Inf, June 20, '91 ; Corpl. , Sergt. , 2d Lieut. , Feb. 18,' 96; l«t Lieut, July 27, '96. Pvt. Co. I, 3d Inf , June 10, '95 ;. Sergt. Major 1st Batt 3d Inf, July 1, '96; 2d Lieut Co. I, 3d Inf, Jan. 26, '97. Pvt Co. I, 3d Inf, Mar. 3, '88;. Corpl. and Sergt. ; hon. mus. out Jan. 1, '95; pvt. Co. I, 3d Inf, April 26, '98. 1st Sergt Co. K, 3d Inf, Jan. 12, '92; IstLieut, April 1, '93; Capt, April 23, '97. Pvt. Co. K*, 3d Inf, March 13, '93; Corpl., Sergt. and 1st Lieut, Jan. 21, 'i)8. Pvt Co. K, 3d Inf , Jan. 12, '92 ; Corpl., Sergt. and 2d Lieut.,. Jan. 21, '98. Capt Co. L, 3d Inf, Oct 20, 1897. 2d Lieut Co. L, 3d Inf, Oct 20, '97; IstLieut, May 3, '98. May 10 I Corpl. Co. L, 3d Inf, Oct. 20, I '97; 2d Lieut,, May 3, '98. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN AVAR. 29 157th Regiment — Continued. Name and Eank. Date of Com mission. Date OF Muster. Eecord. Company M — Captain.. Capron, John C . . . . First Lieutenant. May 10 May 10 Pvt Co. D, 3d Inf, July 1, '93; 2d Lieut, March 8, '94; 1st Lieut, July 5, '94; mus. out June 1, '96; Capt Co. M, 3d Inf, April 26, '98. Fish, Claude D Second lAeutenant. May 10 ^Nlay 10 Pvt Co. D, 3d Inf, July 2, '94; hon. dis. March 1, '95; 1st Lieut. Co. M, 3d Inf, April 26, '98. Lankenau, William . . jMay 10 May 10 2d Lieut. Co. M, 3d Inf, April 26, '98. 30 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS 158th Regiment. The 158th Regiment of Infantry, Indiana Volunteers, was formed of the 2d Regiment Infantry, Indiana National Guard, and Avas composed of companies from Indianapolis (3), Ro chester, Frankfort, Franklin, Winchester, Covington, Sheridan Martinsville, Kokomo and Crawfordsville. The regiment arrived at Camp Mount April 26, 1898, under orders from the Governor, for the purpose of being mustered into the service of the United States. After the physical ex amination of officers and men, the regiment was mustered into the Volunteer Service of the United States on May 10, 1898, and left for Camp Thomas, Chickamauga Park, Georgia, on May 16, arrived there on May 18, and Avent into camp. Broke camp at Camp Thomas August 25, under orders to proceed to Camp Poland, Knoxville, Tennessee, where it arrived August 26. Having been ordered home for muster out, the regiment left Camp Poland on September 12 and ;trrived at Camp Mount on September 14. The regiment Avas furloughed for thirty days from September 17 and was finally mustered out and dis charged November 4, 1^ 158th Regiment. Name and Rank. Date of Com mission. Date op Muster. Record. Colonel. Smith, Harry B Lieutenant- Colonel. Thayer, Edwin P . . May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 Pvt. Indianapolis Light Inf., Indiana Legion, Nov. 1, '77; Corpl., June 1, '82; Sergt., Aug. 1, '83; 1st Lieut, and Adjt. 2d Regt. Indiana Legion, June ], '84; Major 2d Regt, July 20, 89; Lieut -Col. 2d Regt Ind. Nat. Guard, Oct. 20, '93; Col., June 23, '97. Capt. Co. F, 2d Regt. Ind. Nat. Guard, Nov. 1,'89; Major, Jan. 1,'92; Lieut-Col., June 23, '97. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 158th Regiment — Continued. 31 Name and Eank. Date of Com mission. Date of Muster. Eecord. Majors. Rich, William S . Skinner, Albert H Conde, Henry T Su-rgeon. Charlton, Fred R. . Assistant Surgeons. Jones, Homer I . . Barcus, Paul J . . . . Chaplain. Carstensen, Gustave A. Regimental Adjutant. Powell, George W . . Battalion Adjutant. Boyle, Guy A . . . . May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 4 May 4 j\lay 4 1 jMay 4 JMay 4 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 4 May 10 May 10 May 10 Enlisted Ind. Nat. Guard March 1,'84; Batt Adjt, May 11, '92 Major, Jan. 24, '94. Sergt. Co. B, 2d Regt. Ind. Nat, Guard, Aug. 4, '82; 2d Lieut Aug, 15, '87; 1st Lieut, April 28, '90; Capt., April 4, '92 Major, March 25, '97. Pvt. Indianapolis Light Inf, '77 served as Corpl. and Sergt. , 2d Lieut. Co. D, 2d Regt. Ind Nat. Guard. March 30, '89 ; 1st Lieut, April 15, '92; Capt May 8, '93; Major, June 23 '97. Pvt. Hospital Corps, 2d Regt. Ind. Nat. Guard, May, '98; Asst. Surgeon, May 1, '94; Surgeon, May 1, '95. 1st Lieut. Co. I, 1st Regt. Ind. Nat. Guard, May 1, '91 ; Sergt. Major 2d Batt 2d Regt, May 1, '94; Capt. and Asst. Surgeon 2d Regt, May 1, '96. Chaplain 16th Regt. Penn. Nat. Guard, '80-'85; Chaplain 2d Regt. Ind. Nat. Guard, May 1, '93. Adjt 2d Regt Ind. Nat. Guard, May 5, '93. Pvt. Co. E, 2d Regt. Ind. Nat. Guard, May 19, '90; Corpl., March 12,'92; IstLieut Signal Corps, April 1, '92; Sergt Major 3d Batt. 2d Rpgt, May 1,'94; Batt Adjt, May 1, '97. RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS 158th Regiment — Continued. Name and Eank. Date of Com mission. Date OF Muster. Record. Battaiion Adjutant — Cont, Power, Taylor C . . . . Poland. William B . Quartermaster. Hopkins, Milton I . Company A — Captain. Little, James . First lAeutenant. Herr, William H . Second lAeutenant. Mackey, Louis H Gadd, Espy JVI . . May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 July 8 July 12 May 10 May 10 May 10 Pvt. Co. D, 2d Regt. Ind. Nat Guard, Nov., '93 ; Corpl., Nov., '94; Sergt, June 1, '95; Batt Sergt. Major 2d Regt, Aug. 30, '95 ; Reg. Sergt Major, Oct. 1, '97; Batt. Adjt. 2d Regt, March 30, '98. Major and Engineer Officer, April 26, '98. Pvt. Co. A, 2d Regt Ind. Nat Guard, Nov. 1, '91; Corpl., June,'93 ; Sergt, June 30,'93 ; Sergt Maj. 2d Batt. 2d Regt., April 1, '94 ; Quartermaster 2d Regt, June 1,'97. Pvt. Co. A, 2d Regt. Ind. Nat. Guard, June 7, '88; Corpl. April 1, '94; Sergt, June 2, '95; 1st Lieut, June 15, '96; Capt, June 30, '97. Pvt. Co. A, 2d Regt. Ind. Nat. Guard, April 1, '95; Corpl., May 25, '96; Sergt, Dec. 1, '96; 1st Sergt, Mar. 10, '97; IstLieut, Sept 20, '97. Pvt. Co. A, 2d Regt. Ind. Nat Guard, June 17, '93; Corpl., May 1, '94; Sergt, June 15, '96; 2d Lieut, Sept 20, '97. Pvt, Corpl., Sergt., 1st Sergt Co. A., 2d Inf, Ind. Nat Guard, June 15, '96. IN THE SPANl.^il-AMERICAN AVAR. 33 158th Regiment — Continued Name and Rank. Company B — Captain. Clinger, Ernest L. . First lAeutenant. Davis, Frederick W Second Lieidenant. Phillips, Charles O . Company C — Captain. Allen, David F. . . First Lieutenant. Kramer, Harrold M. Second Lieutenant. Van Arsdel, William F (3) Date op Com mission. Date OP Muster. May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 Record. Pvt. Co. B, 2d Regt., Jan. 1, 92 ; Corpl., May 1, '96; Sergt, May 1, '97 ; Capt., Mar. 28, '98. Pvt Co. B, 2d Regt., May 26, '90; Corpl, April 25, '92; 1st Sergt, May 1, '96; Ist Lieut, April 12, '97. 2d Lieut. Co. B, 2d Regt Ind. Nat. Guard, Mar. 28, '98. Corpl. Co. C, 10th Regt Ind. Vol. Inf, three months' service, April 25 to Aug. 6, '61 ; recruit Co. C, 10th Regt, Feb. ], '62; Sergt, Feb. 4, '62; 2d Lieut, Sept. 28, '62; mustered out Sept. 19, '64 ; Capt. Co. C, 2d Regt. Ind. Nat. Guard, April 26, '98. Pvt. Co. K, 3d Regt. Ind. Nat Guard, April 15, '88; Corpl., Sept. 25, '88; Sergt., Feb. 20, '89; Ist Sergt, Oct 10, '90; 2d Lieut, Aug. 12, '92; Ist Lieut., Dec. 15, '92; resigned April 28, '93; 1st Lieut Co. C, 2d Regt,, April 26, '98. 2d Lieut. Co. K, 3d Regt. Ind. Nat Guard, Oct. 20, '88 ; Ist Lieut, July 17, '89; Capt, Jan. 7, '90 ; 2d Lieut. Co. C, 2d Regt, April 26, '98. 34 RECORD OF INDIANA A'OLUNTEERS 158th Regiment — Continued. Name and Eank. Date of Com mission. Date op Muster. Eecord. Company D — Captain. McCrea, Frank F. . First Lieutenant. Isensee, Albert T. . Second Lieutenant. Kreber, William A. Company E — Captain Tarlton, John H . . Fir.'it Lieutenant. Kennedy, Frank L. Second Lieidenant. Dunham, Addison M , Company F — Captain. Daly, Walter H . . . May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 Pvt., Corpl., Sergt. Indianapo lis Light Inf, Dec. 1, '77-' 90; 1st Sergt, April 5, '90; 2d Lieut. , April 16, '92; ] st Lieut. , May 6, '93; Capt, July 16, '97. Pvt. Indianapolis Light Inf., Nov. 26, '88 ; pvt. Co. D, 2d Regt., March 1, '89; Corpl., Oct 1,'89; Sergt, May 1, '91; 1st Sergt, Oct 1, '92; 2d Lieut,, May 6, '93; 1st Lieut, July 16, '97. Pvt. Co. D, 2d Regt,, March 1, '90; Sergt, May 10, '95; 2d Lieut, July 16, '97. 1st Lieut. Ind. State Guards, '72-'76 ; Capt. Co. E, 2d Regt. Ind. Nat Guard, March 26. '96. 2d Lieut unassigned company, Franklin, Aug. 17, '94; 1st Lieut Co. E, 2d Regt, Oct 2, '95. Ist Sergt Co. E, 2d Regt, Aug. 17, '94; 2d Lieut, Oct 20, '97. 2d Lieut. Co. F, 2d Regt, Sept 22, '96; IstLieut, Sept 23, '97; Capt, March 10, '98. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN AVAR. 158th Regiment — Continued. Name and Eank. Date op Com mission. Date of Muster. Eecord. Company F— Cont. First Lieutenant. ' Jericho, William 0. Second Lieutenant. Conklin, Harry G. . Company G — Captain. Miles, William G. . First Lieutenant. Miller, Gregor X. . Second Lieutenant. Clark, Ora Company H — Captain. Tarlton, Charles S First Lieutenant. Mahan, Harry B . . May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 Pvt. Co. F, 2d Regt., Sept. 22, '96; Sergt, Nov. 23, '96; 2d Lieut,Dec. 23, '96; IstLieut, March 10, '98. Sergt. Co. F, 2d Regt., Sept. 22, '96; 2d Lieut, March 10, '98; pvt. Co. D, 3d 111. Nat. Guard, from Dec, '90, to June, '93. Pvt. Co. G, 2d Regt., July 13, '95; 2d Lieut, July 16, '96; Capt., April 14, '98. Pvt. Co. G, 2d Regt, May 5, '93; 1st Lieut., April 14, '98. Corpl., May 25, '96, Co. G, 2d Regt.; 2d Lieut., April 14, '98. 1st Lieut. Centennial Cadets, June 15, '76; 1st Lieut Te- cumseh Rifles, Feb. 20, '81; Capt. Indianapolis Rifles, Nov. 1, '85; Capt Co. E, 2d Regt, March 2, '89, resigned Nov. 4, '91; Maj, Aide-de-Camp Gov ernor Chase's staff", Oct. 12, '91, to Jan. 1, '93; Capt Co. H., 2d Regt., June 5, '95. Pvt. Co. D., 2d Regt., May 1, '82; Sergt, May 1, '84; Ist Lieut. Co E, 2d Regt., June 9, '91 ; trans, to 1st Lieut. Co; A, 2d Regt , Sept 14, '91 ; Capt, May 2, '92, resigned Sept 1, '94 ; 1st Lieut Co. H, 2d Regt, June 5, '95. 36 fEC(.'ED OF INDIANA A'OLUNTICERS 158th Regiment — Continued. Name and Eank. Date of Com mission. Date OF Muster. Record. Company H— Cont. Second Lieutenant. • Carr, Carroll B Company I — May 10 May 10 2d Sergt. Steele Cadets (inde pendent Ohio company), '80-2 ; mus. Woostei City Guards, Ohio, '82-3 ; 2d Lieut. Co. H, 2d Regt, June 5, '95. Captain. Cox, Orlando A . . . . First Lieutenant. May 10 May 10 1st Lieut., May 18, '95, Co. I, 2d Regt; Capt., March 26, '96. Scott, Charles E . . . . Second Lieutenant. May 10 May 10 Sergt. Co. I, 2d Regt., June 21, '95 ; 1st Lieut , April 11, '96. Newby, Everett E . . . Company K — May 10 May 10 Corpl. Co. I, 2d Regt., June 21, '95; Sergt, May 1, '96; 2d Lieut., March 25, '98. Captain. . Monical, Grant S. . . . First Lieutenant. May 10 May 10 Capt. Co. K, 2d Regt., April 26, '98. Branch, Emmett F . . . Second Lieutenant. May 10 May 10 1st Lieut. Co. K, 2d Regt, April 26, '98. Rutledge, Hugh E . . Company L — May 10 May 10 2d Lieut. Co. K, 2d Regt, April 26, '98. Captain. ' Jacobs, Robert L. . . . First Lieutenant. May 10 May 10 Pvt. Co. L, 2d Regt., Feb. 8, '92; 1st Sergt, Feb. 8, '93; 2d Lieut, June 15, '93; 1st Lieut, March 26, '95; Capt, March 20, '96. Owen, Philip ..... May 10 May 10 2d Lieut. Co. L, 2d Regt, March 26, '95; 1st Lieut, Feb. 25, '97. in the spanisii-amkrica.x avar. 158th Regiment — Continued. Name and Eank. Date of Com mission. Date OF Muster. Eecord. Company L — Cont. Second Lieutenant. Lang, Joseph . . . . Company M — Captain. Alexander, Frederick B. Wilhite, Charles O . . , First Lieutenant. Wilhite. Charles O Elston, Isaac C , Jr. Second Lieutenant. Elston, Isaac C, Jr. Harney, George S . May 10 May 10 Aug. 28 May 10 Aug. 28 May 10 Aug. 28 May 10 May 10 Aug. 28 May 10 Aug. 28 May 10 Aug. 28 Pvt. Co. L, 2d Regt., Aug. 30, '93; Corpl., April 2, '95; Sergt, March 15, '96; Ist Sergt, March 26, '98; 2d Lieut, May 10, '98. Pvt. Co. D, 1st Regt. Indiana Legion, Nov. 16,'89 ; Co. Clerk, March 9, '91 ; Sergt., June 2, '91 ; Q -M. Sergt, July 23, '91 ; 1st Sergt, Feb. 19, '92; 1st Lieut Co. I, 2d Regt., May 2, '94; IstLieut Co. M, 2d Regt, June 2, '97. Pvt, Sergt Co. I, 2d Inf Q.-M. Sergt. Co. M, 2d Regt, April 26, '98. 38 record of INDIANA A'OLUXTEERS 159TH REGIMENT. The 159th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry was formed of the 1st Regiment of Infantry, Indiana National Guard, and was composed of companies from Vincennes (2), Terre Haute, New Albany, Washington, Evansville (2), Roachdale and Madison, BroAvnstowu, Bloomington, Greencastle, and Prince ton. The regiment arrived at Camp Mount, April 26, 1898, under orders from the Governor, for the purpose of being mustered into the service of the United States. The same care was used in the physical examination of this regiment as obtained in the other regiments, and they were mustered into the volun teer service of the United States on May 12. The regiment left Camp Mount on May 22, and arrived at Camp R. A. Alger, Dunn Loring, Virginia, on May 24. Broke camp at Camp Alger on August 3, and marched by easy stages to Thoroughfare Gap, Virginia, a distance of forty miles. Left Thoroughfare Gap, August 28, and moved by rail to Camp Meade, near MiddletoAvn, Pennsylvania, where they arrived on August 20. Under orders for the muster-out of the regiment, they left Camp Meade on September 11, arrived at Camp Mount on September 13, and on the 18th the regiment was furloughed for 30 days, Avhich was extended to include November 10 by telegraphic instructions from the War Department. The regi ment Avas finally mustered out and discharged November 23, 1898. IN THE SPANISH-AIIERICAN AVAR. 39 159th Regiment. Name and Eank. Date op Com mission. Date of Muster. Eecord. Colonel, Barnett, John T lAeutenant- Colonel . McCoy, George W . Majors. Fee, James F . . . McAuliff, Dennis . . Louden, Theodore J iSurgeon. Stunkard, Thomas C Assistant Surgeons. Hawkins, Eugene . . Davis, William S . , May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 4 May 4 May 4 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 4 May 4 May 4 Cadet M. A., July 1, '73; 2d Lieut,, 5th U. S. Cav., June 18, '78; retired for disability Aug. 11, '86; Major and A. I. G. Ind. Nat. Guard, May 5, '93; resigned 1896; Lieut.-Col. and A. I. G. Ind. Nat. Guard, April 25, '98. Capt. Co. A, 1st Inf Ind. Nat. Guard, June 17, '89 ; Major Ist Inf, Feb. 8, '92; Lieut.-Col. 1st Inf , Dec. 30, '92. Pvt Co. K, 14th Ind. Inf , May 10, '61, to July 9, '61; pvt Co. G, 31st Ind. Inf , Sept 5, '61 ; Sergt, Sept,, '61; 2d Lieut, Feb. 22, '64; IstLieut, Sept. 15, '64; discharged Jan. 10, '66; Capt Co. I, 1st Inf Ind. Nat. Guard, .June 27, '91 ; Major, July 17, '95. 1st Lieut. Co. F, Ist Inf, Jan. 10, '89; Capt, April 20, '91; Major, Dec. 31, '92, Pvt, Corpl., Sergt. Co. H, 1st Inf, May to June, '91; 1st Lieut, June 1, '91; Capt., April 23, '94; Major, June 6, '96. Asst Surg. 1st Inf , May 9, '91 ; Surgeon, Feb. 8, '92. Sergt Co. I, 1st Inf , June 27, '91; Asst. Surgeon 1st Inf, Feb. 8, '92; recommissioned Feb. 8, '96. Hospital Steward 1st Inf, '93; Asst. Surgeon, '94. 40 RECORD or INDIANA A'OLUNTEER? 159th Regiment — Continued. Name and Eank. Date of Com mission. Date OF Muster. Eecord. Chaplain. Weaver, William K . Regimental Adjutant. Gebhart, David R . . Quartermaster. Compton, Samuel M Battalion Adjutants. Albin, Deloss F . . . Powers, Nicholas . . Rawles, Charles L . Company A — Captain. Coulter, Thomas B . Fii-st Lieutenant. McCoy, Charles D . Kruse, Adolph H . May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 Oct. 18 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 Oct 18 Pvt Co. C, 1st Inf, Oct 1,'91; Corpl., May 1, '92; Sergt, Oct. 21, '92 ; Regt. Sergt Maj. 1st Inf, Jan. 1, '94; Regt. Adjt, Jan. 1, '98. Corpl. Batt. K, 1st Ind. Heavy Arty., Nov. 7, '63, to Jan. 10, '66; Q.M. Gen. State of Indi ana, Jan. 21,'93, to Feb. 1,'97; Lt-Col. Ins. Gen., Feb. 1, '97, to Feb. 1, '98. Pvt Co. I, 1st Inf, Aug. 1,'92; Corpl., June 1, '93; Sergt., April 1, '94; Sergt. Major 1st Batt 1st Inf, August 1, '95; Adjt., Nov. 11, '96. Pvt. Co. F, 1st Inf , June 10,'89; Corp]., Feb. 8, '93; Sergt, May 28, '94; Sergt Major, April 15, '96; Batt Adjt, March 14, '98 Pvt Co. H, 1st Inf, May 22,' 91 ; Corpl. , Jan. 1, '92; Sergt, June 1,'93; 2d Lieut, May 1, '94; Arijt., June 1, '96. Pvt Co. A, 1st Inf, Sept 3, '91 ; 2d Lieut, Jan. 19, '93 ; Capt, May 14, '94. Pvt, Corpl, Sergt. Co. A, Ist Inf, April 3, '98; Ist Lieut Co. A, Ist Inf , Feb. 19, '96. Pvt Co. A, Ist Inf, Nov. 1, '93; 2d Lieut, Oct 15, '97. IN THE SPANISII-AJIERI(.'AN WAR. 41 159th Regiment — Continued. Name and Eank. Date op Com mission. Date OF Muster. Eecord. Company A — Cont. Second lAeutenant. Kruse, Adolph H . Smith, Raymond A. Company B — Captain. Biegler, George W . First Lieutenant. Thomas, James E . Second Lieutenant. Dudley, Alvin W . Company C— Captain. Coleman, William J First Lieutenant. Gebhart, John R . . Second lAeutenant. McCurdy, James F . , Company D — Captain. Smith, E. Ross . . , May 12 Oct 18 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12' May 12 Oct. 18 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 Pvt Co. A, 1st Inf, May 1, '93; Corpl, Oct. 1, '94; 1st Sergt, Dec. 25, '97. Pvt. Co. B, 1st Inf, March 20, '89; 2d Lieut, May 14, '91; Ist Lieut., Dec. 8, '91 ; Capt, July 14, '92. Pvt., Corpl, Sergt Co. B, 1st Inf, June 1, '89, to '92; 2d Lieut,May 16, '92; IstLieut, March 6, '93. 2d Lieut. Co. B, 1st Inf, Mareh 15, '97. Pvt Co. C, 1st Inf, Oct 1,'89; Corpl. , May 1 , '90 ; Sergt. , Nov. 1,'90; IstLieut, Nov. 1,'91; Capt,, Oct 1,'92. Pvt., Corpl, Sergt. Co. C, 1st Inf, Oct 1, '91, to '95; 1st Lieut, Aug. 20, '95. Pvt Co. C, 1st Inf, June 22, '89; 2d Lieut, Nov. 20, '97. Pvt. Co. D, 1st Inf, Feb. 27, '94; Sergt, July 11, '95; 1st Sergt, Oct 1,'95; IstLieut, Jan. 5, '97 ; Capt. , April 8, '98. 42 RECORD OF INDIANA A^OLUNTEERS 159th Regiment — Continued. Name and Rank. Date op Com mission. Date OF Muster. Record. Company D — Cont.' First lAeutenant. Clements, Frank W. Second Lieutenant. Kendall, Edward F. Company E — Captain. McDowell, Quincy E First Lieutenant. Farrow, Felix R . . Second Lieutenant. Stute, Fred W . . . Company F — Captain. Morris, John H . , First lAeutenant. Garber, Guilford S . Second Lieutenant. Turner, Robert F . . May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 :\Iay 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 Pvt Co. D, 1st Inf , May 10, '92 ; 2d Lieut, July 11, '95; 1st Lieut, April 16, '98. Pvt Co. D, 1st Inf, May 10, '92; Sergt, July 15, '95 ; 1st Sergt, Jan. 8, '97; 2d Lieut, April 8, '98. Pvt Co. E, 1st Inf , April 1,'90; Ist Lieut, Feb. 19, '92 ; Capt., Oct 30, '93. Pvt Co. E, 1st Inf, Nov. 1,'88; Sergt, Oct. 1, '90; 2d Lieut., July 19, '92; 1st Lieut, April 2, '94. Pvt Co. E, Ist Inf, Oct 1,'87; 2d Lieut, Nov. 28, '93. Pvt. Co. I, Ist Inf., June 6, '91; 1st Lieut. , May 13, '96 ; Capt, Nov. 2, '96; resigned March 1,'97; Capt Co. F, 1st Inf, Oct 6, '97. Pvt Co. F, 1st Inf, April 26, '98; IstLieut, April 26, '98. 2d Lieut. Co. F, Ist Inf, Oct 6, '97. IN THE SPANISII-A.MEEICAN AVAR. 43 159th Regiment — Continued. Name and Rank. Date of Com mission. Date OF Muster. Record. Company G — Captain. Applewhite, Ralph B First Lieutenant. Branaman, John C . Second Lieutenant. Heller, Thornton . . Company H — Captain. Louden, William M . First Lieidenant. Hutchings, William . Second Lieutenant. Binford, Edgar A. . Company I— Captain. Starr, Wilbur F . . First Lieutenant. Donnohue, Charles F Second Lieutenant. Curtis, J Benton. May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 •May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 :May 12 May 12 j May 12 Capt. Co. G, Ist Inf, Dec. 31, '97. 1st Lieut. Co. G, 1st Inf., Deo. 31, '97. 2d Lieut Co. G, Ist Inf, Dec. 81, '97. Pvt. Co. H, Ist Inf, May 22, '91; 1st Sergt, May 1, '93; 1st Lieut, May 1, '94; Capt, June 1, '96. Corpl Co. H, 1st Inf, May 21, '91; Sergt, June 1, '93; Ist Sergt. , March 1 ,'96 ; 1st Lieut. , June 17, '96. Pvt. Co. H, Ist Inf, March 17, '97; 2d Lieut, April 26, '98. Pvt. Co. 1, 1st Inf , June 10, '91 ; 2d Lieut,, March 6, '94; Ist Lieut, and Batt. Adjt. , Aug. 5, '95 ; Capt Co. I, March 18, '97 ; resigned J une 12, '97 ; re-elected Capt Feb. 9, '98. Pvt Co. I, 1st Inf , Jan. 14, '96; Corpl, July 1, '96; 1st Lieut., June 24, '97. Sergt. Co. I, 1st Inf, March 18, '97; 2d Lieut, June 24, '97. 44 RECORD OF INDIANA A'OLUNTEERS 159th Regiment — Continued. Name and Rank. Date of Com mission. Date OF Mustek. Record. Company K — Captain. Boiler, George . First lAeutenant. Eaton, Alva C . . . Second Lieutenant. Brownlee, Paul S. . Company L — Captain. Simpson, Robert A . First Lieutenant. Purcell, LeeB. . . Second Lieutenant. Bayard, John B . . Company M — Captain. Blum, Julius F . . First Lieutenant. Hollingsworth, Nesbit W. Woods, Joseph INI . . . May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 June 19 May 12 July 9 Pvt. Co. K, 1st Inf., April 1, '88 ; Sergt, April 1, '91 ; IstLieut, April 1, '92 ; Capt , May 12,'93. Pvt. Co. K, 1st Inf., Dec. 1, '92 ; Sergt., May 1, '96; 1st Lieut, March 23, '97. 2d Lieut. Co. K, 1st Inf, April 14, '98. Capt. Co. L, 1st Inf, April 26, '98. 1st Lieut Co. L, 1st Inf, April 26, '98. 2d Lieut. Co. L, 1st Inf, April 26, '98. Pvt. Co. E, Ist Inf, Oct 5, '87; Corpl, Nov. 1, '87; Sergt, Dec. 11, '87; 2d Lieut, Mav 7, '88 ; 1st Lieut. , April 8, '89'; Capt, March 11, '92; resigned Jan. 1, '94; Capt. Co. M, Ist Inf, May 29, '95. Sergt Co. M, 1st Inf, May 29, '95; IstLieut, May 22, '96. Corpl. Co. M, Ist Inf, May 26, '95; Sergt, Jan. 15, '96; 2d Lieut , May 22, '96. IN THE SP.VXISU-AAIERICAN AVAR. 45 159th Regiment — Continued. Name and Rank. Date of Com mission. Date OF Muster. Record. Company III — Cont. Second Lieidenant. Woods, Joseph M . McCormick, David I :\[ay 12 June 19 May 12 July 9 Pvt. Co. L. , 2d Inf , June 4, '83 ; pvt. Indianapolis Light Inf., June 25, '84 ; Ord. Sergt. Non- Com. Staff 1st Brigade, Jan. 1, '91 ; Chief of Ord. and Major Gov. Chase's Staff", Feb. 12, '92, to Jan., '93; L S. A. P. 1st Lieut. 1st Brigade, May 5, '93 ; Capt., Chief of Ord. and I. S. A. P. Brig. Staff; June 12, '95. 46 record of INDIANA A'OLUNTEERS J60TH REGIMENT. The 160th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry was formed of the 4th Regiment of Infantry, Indiana National Guard, and was composed of companies from Marion, Decatur, Lafayette, Wabash, Bluffton, Ossian, Columbia City, Warsaw, Tipton, Huntington, Anderson and Logansport. The regiment arrived at Camp Mount April 26, 1898, under orders from the Governor, for the purpose of being mustered into the serA'ice of the United States, and, after a most rigid physical examination of both officers and men, the regiment was mustered into the volunteer service of the United States on May 12, 1898. Left Camp Mount May 16, and proceeded by rail to Gamp Thomas, Chickamauga Park, Georgia, arriving there on May 18. Under orders to proceed to Porto Rico, the regiment left Camp Thomas on July 28 and arrived at Newport News, Virginia, on July 30, the orders for the regiment to pro ceed to Porto Rico haAnng been countermanded the regiment left Newport Ncavs on August 21 and proceeded to Camp Hamilton, Lexington, Kentucky, Avhere it arriA^ed on August 23. Left Camp Hamilton November 9, and arrived at Colum bus, Georgia, November 11, 1898. On January 15, 1899, the regiment was ordered to proceed, in three sections, to Matanzas, Cuba, where they were united on January 27, and Avent into camp. The regiment remained in Cuba until March 27, when they Avere ordered to proceed to Savannah, Georgia, to prepare for muster-out. They arrived in Savannah March 29, and were mustered out and discharged April 25, 1899. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 47 160th Regiment. Name and Rank. Date op Date Com OF mission. Muster. Record. Colonel. Gunder, Geo. W . . lAeutenant- Colonel. Kiger, William L . . Majors. Harter, Lawrence E. Backman, John J . . . Miller, Edmond P . . Surgeon. Kyle, John J. . . . Assistant Surgeo^u. Foxworthy, Frank W . Buehler, Eugene . . . Regimental Adjutant. McFe^ly, Henry F . . May 12 May 12 May, 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 4 May 4 May 4 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 4 May 4 May 4 May 12 Pvt , Sergt. Co. B, 71st Ohio Vol. Inf, '61; 1st Sergt, July 7, '62 ; 2d Lieut, , Aug. 3, '63 ; IstLieut, Apr. 2, '64; mustered out '65 ; Capt. Co. D, 3d Inf , '85; Major, '88; Col 4th Inf , '90. Capt Co. E, 4th Inf, Dec. 12, '90; Major, Apr. 23, '92; Lieut- Col, Aug. 26,' 95. Pvt Co. E, 1st Inf, May, '88; 1st Lieut. Co. K, 2d Inf, July 8,'89; Capt., June 28,'90; Capt Co. H, 4th Inf, March 2, '92; lyiajor, Aug. 25, '95. 1st Lieut. Co. F, 4th Inf, March 5, '91; Capt, March 5, '94; Major 4th Inf, Sept 9, '96. Pvt Co. B, 4th Inf , Jan. 28,'92 ; Corpl, Aug. 16,' 93; 2d Lieut, May 11, '94; Capt, Apr. 3,'95; Major 4th Inf, May 2, '98. 2d Lieut. Co. F, 4th Inf, '90 to Dec. 19,' 91 ; Asst. Surgeon 4th Inf, Dec. 19, '91; Surgeon, May 4, '98. Brigade Hospital StcAvard, '94 to '98; Asst Surgeon 4th Inf, April 26, '98. Hospital Corps, Sept. 17, '97; Asst Surgeon, May 4, '98. Pvt. , Corpl. Co. A, 4th Inf ,'91 to '96; Color S^rgt. and Sergt. • Major 4th Inf; Adjt , Nov. 28, '96. 48 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS 16Uth Regiment — Continued. Name and Rank. Date of Com mission. Date OF Muster. Record. Quartermaster. Allen, Ransom . Cfiaplain. Weaver,- Welford D. . Vigus, William J. . . Battalion Acljutants. Martz, Levi L . . . . Maltby, Charles S Beshore, Fred L .' Company A — Captain. Ballou, Fred D. . 1st Lieutenant. Vail, Boston L. . . Sd Lieutenant. Beshore, Frank M. , May 12 May 12 Nov. 17 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 Pvt., Corpl. Co. A, 30th Ind. Vol. Inf., Sept 24, '61 to Nov. 25, '65; Quartermaster 4th Inf Ind. Natl. Guard, July 16, '96. May 12 Chaplain 4th Inf, July 27, '97. Dec. 14 Pvt Co. C 106th Ind. Vol. Inf, Julv 9, '68 ; mustered out July 17, "'63. Mus. Co. A. 34th Ind. Vol. Inf, Sept. 12, '61 ; Prin. Mus., Sept. 1, '62; Sergt „Sept 22, '64; Quartermaster, Oct 1, '65 ; mustered out Feb. 2, '66 ; Q. M. Sergt. 4th Inf, '91; Adjt, 2d Batt 4th Inf, May 1, '92. Pvt Co. F, 4th Inf , '90 to '92 ; Musician,'93; Batt Adjt. 4th Inf. Dec 24, '97. Pvt Co. D, 3d Inf, Sept 1, '87 ; 1st Lieut, and Capt. Co. A, 4th Inf, Sept 7, '92; Batt Adjt. 4th Inf , May 2, '98. May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 Corpl, Sergt. Co. A, 4th Inf, March 1, '92 ; 2d Lieut., April 1, '93; Capt, Dec. 11, '95. Pvt. Co. A, 4th Inf , May 1, '91 ; Corpl, May 1, '93; Sergt, Sept 1, '94 ; 1st Sergt, Dec. 11, '95; 2d Lieut, July 7, '96; IstLieut., April 14, '97. 0 Pvt Co. A, 4th Inf , July 1, '91 ; Corpl, May 1, '94; Sergt, June 1, '95; 1st Sergt, Dec. I 5, '95; 2d Lieut, April 14, '97. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 49 lOOiH Regiment — Continued. Najie and Eank. Date of Com mission. Date of Muster. Eecord. Company B — Captain. Lenhart, John M. . . . May 12 1st lAeutenant. Edington, Solomon C . . May 12 Barnhart, Charles E. . Aug. 10 2d Lieutenant. Barnhart, Charles E. . . ilay ] 2 Myers, Richard D. . . . Aug. 10 Company C — Captain. Marks, Thomas R. . . . May 12 First Lieutenant. Glascock, James L . . . May 12 Second Lieutenant. Hubbard, Charles A . May 12 Company D — Captain. Wimmer, John R. . . . May 12 First lAeutenant Reed, Arthur G .... May 12 Second Lieutenant. Sayre, Arthur ^lay 12 Mills, John G Feb. 1. May 12 May 12 Aug. 10 May 12 Aug. 10 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 Feb 1. Pvt Co. B, 4th Inf, Feb. 15, '92; 2d Lieut, April 3, '95; 1st Lieut. , July 3, '95; Capt., May 4, '98. Pvt. Co. B, 4th Inf, April 3, '95; Corpl, June 8, '96; 2d Lieut., June 15, '97; IstLieut., May 5, '98. Pvt Co. B, 4th Inf, June 1, '95; 2d Lieut, May 5, '98. 1st Sergt. Co. B, 4th Inf, Feb. 27, '94. 2d Lieut. Co. C, 4th Inf., June 25, '95; Capt, May 12, '96, Pvt Co. F,3d Inf, '89-90; 1st Sergt. Co. C, 4th Inf, June 28, '95; IstLieut, May 12, '96. 2d Lieut. Co. C, 4th Inf, April 9, '97. 1st Lieut. Co. D, 4th Inf., Nov 7, '92; Capt, July 23, '96. Pvt Co. D, 4th Inf, Nov. 1,' 92; 2d Lieut., June 18, '95; 1st Lieut, July 23, '96. Sergt Co. D, 4th Inf, Feb. 19, '96; 2d Lieut, April 26, '97. Sergt. Co. D, 4th Inf, Feb. 19, '96. (4) 50 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS 160th Regiment — Continued. Name and Rank. Date of Com mission. Date OF Muster. Record. Company E — Captain. Brunn, Charles F. . Johnson, Henry . . Brown, Howell C. . 1st Lieutenant. Pugh, Charles R . . Burgan, Lester A . , 2d Lieidenant. Johnson, Henry . Burgan, Lester A. Tangeman, Fred J Company F — Captain. Derr, Elmer E . . . 1st Lieutenant. Wilson, R. Floyd . . 2d lAeutenant. Mills, George j\I . . May 12 Jan. 5. Feb. 1. May 12 Jan. 28 :\Iay 12 Jan. 5 Jan. 28 May 12 Jan. 5. Feb. 22 May 12 Feb. 22 May 12 , Jan. 14 Feb. 22 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 Pvt. Co. E, 4th Inf . Jan. 23, '92 ; Corpl, May 21, '98; Sergt, • Junel,'94; 1st Sergt, Jan. 1, '95; Capt, May 28, '97. Corpl. Co. E, 4th Inf, Jan. 23, '94; 2d Lieut, Sept 1, '97. Pvt, 1st Regt Wyoming Nat. Guard, Jan. 8, '89-April 20, '98 ; 1st Sergt. Co. E, IstRegt. Ind. Nat Guard, Jan. 28, '94. Sergt. Co. E, 4th Inf , Jan. 23, '94 ; 2d Lieut., Feb. 8, '97 ; 1st Lieut, Sept 1,'97. Pvt Co. E, 4th Inf, Sept 1, '95 ; Sergt , Feb. 15, '97 ; 2d Lieut Co. E, 160th Ind. Vol., Jan. 5, '99. Pvt Co. E, 4th Inf , Dec. 11,'91 ; Corpl, Sergt., Ist Sergt., 1st Lieut., Jan. 17, '93; resigned Feb. 1, '94; Corpl, Co. E, 4th Inf , April 26, '98 ; Sergt Co. E, 160th Ind. Vols., Jan. 13, '99. Capt. Co. F, 4th Inf, May 3,'97. 1st Lieut. Co. F, 4th Inf, Feb. 1, '97. 1st Sergt Co. F, 4th Inf, Oct. 15, '97; 2d Lieut, May 7, '98. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN AVAR. 51 160th Regiment — Continued. Name and Rank. Date of Com mission. Date OF Muster Record. Company G — Captain. Harrison, Joseph R. First Lieutenant. Linville, David S . . Second lAeutenant. Clapham, Loyd D . . Company H — Cajjtain. Sharp, Charles A . . . First Lieutenant. Hinkley, Edwin G Second Lieutena.nt. Hughes, William L . . Company I — Captain. Dyer, George .... Van Buskirk, Robert M First Lieutenant. Van Buskirk, Robert M Knee, George .... Second lAeutenant. Knee, George .... Barlow, Jesse H . . . May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 Nov. 20 May 12 Nov. 20 May 12 Nov. 20 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 Nov. 20 May 12 Nov. 20 May Dec. 12 16 Capt. Co. G, 4th Inf , June 28, '95. 1st Lieut. Co. G, 4th Inf, June 28, '95. 2d Lieut. Co. G, 4th Inf., June 28, '95. Pvt. Co. H, 4th Inf , Aug. 9,'90 ; Sergt., March 1,'91 ; 2d Lieut, April 25,' 93 ; 1 st Lieut, , Sept. 18,' 95; Capt,, May 25, '97. Pvt. Co. H, 4th Inf , April 23,'92; Corpl, June 22, '94; Sergt, April 26, '95; Ist Lieut., May 25, '97. Pvt. Co. H, 4th Inf , Sept 18,'87; 2d Lieut, Sept 13, '95. Two years in Wisconsin National Guard ; Capt Co. I, 4th Inf, April 26, '98. 1st Lieut. Co. I, 4th Inf, April 26, '98. 2d Lieut. Co. I, 4th Inf , April 26, '98. 1st Sergt. Co. I, 4th Inf, April 26, '98. 52 EECOED OF INDIANA VOLUNTEBES 160th Regiment — Continued. Name and Rank. Date of Com mission. Date OF Muster. Record. Company K — Captain. Lee, Orison P . , First Lieutenant. Wood, Leonard F . Second Lieidenant. Spencer, Herbert B. Company L — Captain. Burr, Kenneth M. . First Lieutenant. Collins, John B . . Second Lieutenant. Sausser, George C . May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 12 :\Iay 12 1st Sergt. Nat. Guard, Washing ton, May 18, '85; discharged May 18, '87; Capt. Co. C, Mississippi Nat. Guard, Dec. 19, '87 ; Pro. Major and A. D. C. stafl!" Governor of Mississippi, May 13, '89 ; Col. and Ins. Gen Miss. Nat. Guard, July 1, '89 dis. Dec. 31, '92; Col and Ins Gen. Indiana, Jan. 7, '93 mustered out Jan. 7,' 97; Capt Co. K, 4th Inf Indiana Nat Guard, April 26, '98. Illinois Nat Guard, '94; 1st Lieut. Co. K, 4th Inf Indiana Nat Guard, April 21, '98. 2d Lieut Co. K, 4th Inf., April 21, '98. 1st Lieut. Co. C, 2d Inf, Dec. 16, '91; Capt, April 1, '98; resigned Oct. 1, 96; Capt. Co. L, 4th Inf, April 26, '98. Pvt Co. C, 2d Inf, Dec, '91; Sergt July 1, '94; 1st Lieut Co. L, 4th Inf , April 26, '98. Pvt Co. C, 2d Inf, Dec. 1, '91; Corpl. , June 2, '94 ; mustered out Jan. 80, '95 ; 2d Lieut Co. L, 4th Inf, April 26, '98. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 53 160th Regiment — Continued. Name and Rank. Company M — Captain. Bender, David S 1st Lieutenant. Dunn, William C . . 2d Lieutenant. Fitch, Leroy. . . . Record. Corpl. Co. I, 47th Ind. Vol. Inf, '61; 1st Sergt, '62; 2d Lieut , '63 ; 1st Lieut. , '63 and '64; Capt., '65; Capt Co. M, May 6, '98. 1st Lieut. Co. M, 4th Inf , April 26, '98. 2d Lieut. Co. M, 4th Inf, April 26, '98. 54 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS 1 6 1ST REGIMENT. The 161st Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry was formed of volunteer companies from Hammond, Mount Vernon, Shelbyville, Madison, Jeffersonville, Richmond, New Castle, Rushville, Monticello, Columbus, Michigan City and LaAv- renceburg and Avas organized to help fill the quota of Indiana under the second call of the President for troops. The regiment Avas rendezvoused at Camp Mount, where the physical examination of officers and men was held, and was mustered in by batallions, and on July 15 the regiment was all mustered into the volunteer service of the United States. The regiment remained at Camp Mount engaged in drill until August 11, when they Avere ordered to Jacksonville, Florida, Avhere they arrived on August 14 and Avere assigned to the 7th Corps (Gen. Fitzhugh Lee). Moved from Jacksonville to Savannah, Georgia, October 23, and, under orders to proceed to Cuba, the regiment left Savannah for Havana, Cuba, on December 13 and arrived at Havana December 15. Went into camp at Camp Columbia, Mariana, Cuba, December 17, 1898. Under orders to prepare for muster-out the regiment left Camp Columbia March 29, 1899, and embarked for Savannah, Georgia, arriving there on March 31. Went into camp and Avas finally mustered out and discharged April 30, 1899, at Savannah. The regiment proceeded via Washington, D. C, Avhere they Avere reviewed by the authorities, and the companies which were from north of Indianapolis reached that city on the morning of May 3, Avhere they were Avelcomed by Governor Mount who made them an address which was responded to by Col. Durbin, who took the occasion to deliver the colors of the regiment into the hands of the State authorities. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN AVAR. DO 16 1st Regiment. Name and Rank. Date op Date Com OF mission. Muster. Record. Colonel. Durbin, Winfield T. Lieutenant- Colonel. Backus, Victor M. . Major. Megrew, Harold C . Peterson, Matt R. . Olds, Lee M . Surgeon. Smith, Wickliff'e . . . Assistant Surgeons. Gerrish, Millard F . . Wilson, James .... Ctiaplain Biederwolf William E. Regimental Adjutant. Tichenor, Oliver M . . Quartermaster. Brunt, John R . . . . July 15 July 15 July 11 July 15 Nov. 30 June 25 July 15 July 15 July 11 July 15 June 25 June 25 July 15 July 11 Dec. 1 June 25 June 25 June 25 July 15 July 11 Pvt Co. H, 139th Ind. Vol. Inf, June 5, '64, to Sept 29, '64; Col. and Com. Genl, Gov ernor's Staff, April 12, '97. Pvt Co. D, 17th Ind. Vol, Jan. 22, '64, to Aug. 8, '65. Col. and Inspector Gen. Gov ernor's Staff", April 12, '97. Cadet M. A., June 14, '85; 2d Lieut 10th Inf, June 12, '89; transferred to 13th Inf, June 8, '95; transferred to 6th Inf, Sept 10, '95; 1st Lieut 7th Inf, Aug. 27, '96; transferred to 6th Inf, Nov. 23, '96. Capt. Co. A, 161st Ind. Vol, June 24, '98. Pvt. Nat. Guard West Virginia, '63 to '65. June 30 June 30 Pvt. Band, 1st Regt, '87 to '90. 56 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS 161sT Regiment — Continued. Name and Rank. Date op Com mission. Date OF Muster. Record. Company A — Captain. Olds, Lee M July 11 July 11 Silverthorne, George M . First lAeutenant. Nov. 80 Nov. 30 1st Lieut Co. A, 161st Ind. Vol. Inf, July 11, '98. Silverthorne, George M . Johnson, August H. W . Second Lieutenant. July 11 Nov. 30 July 11 Nov. 30 2d Lieut Co. A, 161st Ind. Vol Inf, July 11, '98. Durbin, Fletcher .... Nov. 30 Dec. 9 Company B— Captain. Menzies, Winston . . First Lieutenant. July 11 July 11 Pvt. Co. H, 159th Ind. Vol. Inf, May 12, '98, to July 6, '98. Williams, Asa E . . . .' Julyll July 11 Secrnid lAeutenant. Welch, Percy Company C — July 11 July 11 Pvt, Corpl. 1st Sergt., Co. H, 1st Regt. Ind. Nat Guard, March, '88, to June, '91. Captain Hudgins, Thomas J. . . July 11 July 11 First Lieutenant. Goodrich, George E. . . Second Lieutenant. July 11 July 11 Pvt , Sergt. Co. K, 2d Regt. Ind. Nat Guard, April, '94, to April, '97. Reynolds, Ivy L . . . . July 11 July 11 Pvt. Co. K, 2d Regt. Ind. Nat. Guard ; trs. to Co. A, Nov. 11, '95; dis. as 1st Sergt, Dec. 1, '97. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN AVAR. 57 lOlsT Regiment — Continued. Name and Rank. Date of Com mission. Date of Muster. Kecohd. Company J) — Captain. Cosby, Charles E . . . Buchanan, Richard W 1st Lieutenant. Jackson, Cyrus A. . . 2d Lieutenant. Buchanan, Richard W. Parkhurst, Layton W . Company E — Captain. Baird, Lewis C. . . . Fortune, James W . 1st Lieutenant. Fortune, James W . . Crocker, William W . 2d Lieutenant. Crooker, William W . McCauley, Edward A. Company F — Captain. Smith, William M. Comstock, Paul. . July 111 July 11 Feb. 26 i Mar. 9 July 11 i July 11 July 11 Feb. 26 July 11 Mar. 11 2d Lieut. Co. D, 161st Ind. Vol. Inf, Aug. 11, '98. July 12 July 12 Jan. 6 Jan. 6 July 12 July 12 Jan. 6 Jan. 6 July 12 July 12 Jan. 6 I Jan. 6 July 12 Apr. 1 Julv 12 Apr. 8 Pvt Co. D, 161st Ind. Vol. Inf, July 1, '98; Sergt, July 11, '98; 1st Sergt, Sept 1, '98. Capt Co. G, 1st Regt. Ind. Nat. Guard, Oct 11, '92, to Oct 11, '95 ; Midshipman U. S. Navy, Sept 6, '88, to J une 8, '91. 1st Lieut. Co. E, 161st Ind. Vol Inf, July 12, '98. 1st Sergt. Co. G, 1st Regt Ind. Nat. Guard, Oct 11, '92; 2d Lieut, Jan. 21, '93. Corpl, Sergt. Co. G, 1st Regt Ind. Nat. Guard, May, '93, to Sept, '95; 1st Sergt Co. E, 161st Ind. Vol Inf, July 12 '98. 1st Lieut Co. F, 161st Ind. Vol Inf, June 24, '98. 58 RECORD OF INDIANA A'OLUNTEERS 16 Ist Regiment — Continued. Name and Rank. Date op Com mission. Date of Muster, Record. Company F— Cont. 1st Lieutenant. Comstock, Paul Kimmel, Elmer E. . . . 2d Lieutenant. July 12 Apr. 1 July 12 Apr. 8 2d Lieut. Co. F, 161st Ind. Vol. Inf, July 12, '98. Kimmel, Elmer E. . . . Drapier, William H. . . Company G — July 12 Apr. 1 July 12 Apr. 11 Pvt, Corpl, Sergt,, Co. D, 2d Regt. Ind. Nat. Guard, June 23, '90, to Feb. 16, '94; Regt Sergt.- Major, 2d Regt., Feb., '94, to April 2, '95; pvt, Co. D, 2d Inf , July 1, '96, to April 25, '98 ; pvt Co. F, 16l8t Ind. Vols., July 29, '98; Sergt, Aug. 20, '98. Captain. Ogborn, Albert D. . . . July 12 July 12 1st lAeutenant. Meyers, James I . . . . July 12 July 12 2d Lieidenant. Pitman, Charles M . . . July 12 July 12 Company H — Captain. Gwinn, James M. . . . First Lieutenant. July 12 July 12 Pvt Co. E, 116th Ind. Vols., July 25, '63, to March, '64; pvt. 46th Ind. Vols., Jan. 25, '65, to Sept. 4, '65. Joyce, John F. Patton, Henry B . . . . Second Lieutenant. July 12 Aug.28 July 12 Aug.28 Capt. Co. G, 2d Regt Ind. Le gion, April 11, '92, to July, '92. 2d Lieut Co. H, 161st Ind. Vols., July 12, '98. Patton, Henry B . . . . Caldwell, George H. . , July 12 Aug.28 July 12 Aug.28 1st Sergt Co. H, 161st Ind.Vols., July 12, '98. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN AA^-VR. 59 16 1st Regiment — Continued. Name and Rank. Date of Com mission. Date op Muster. Record. Company I — Captain. Guthrie, William. . First lAeutenant. Anheir, Anthony A. . Second Lieutenant. Ward, John R . . . . Company K — Captain. Stott, Wilfred T . First Lieutenant. Smith, Charles C. . Second Lieutenant. Owens, Temple H . Company L — Captain. Anderson, James L. First Lieidenant. Peterson, Eli W . . Second Lieidenant. Dority. Charles E. . Company M — Captain. West, George A . . July 18 July 13 July 13 July 13 July 13 July 18 July 13 July 13 July 13 July 13 July 13 July 13 July 13 July 13 July 18 July 13 July 13 July 13 July 13 July 13 Sergt. Co. I, 1st Regt. Ind. Le gion, '88-'89. Pvt. Co A, 1st Regt. Mich. Nat. Guard, Nov., '75, to Aug., '77. U. S. Army, '91-'92 ; Pvt. Co. B, 4th Regt. Ind. Nat. Guard, '91 and '98 to '95. Pvt. Co. D, 7th Regt. Ind. Vol. Inf, April 18, '61, to Aug. 3, '61; Pvt 2d Ind. Batt, Aug. 21, '61, to Sept 1, '64 60 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS 1618T REGiMENT—Continued. Name and Rank. Date of C'OM- MIS.SION. Date OF Muster. Record. Company M— Cont. First lAeutenant. Fitch, George W . . . . July 13 July ]8 Second Lieutenant. Freeman, Hanson G . . July 13 July 13 IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 61 27TH BATTERY. The 27th Battery of Light Artillery, Indiana Volunteers, was Battery A, Ist Artillery Indiana National Guard. The Battery arrived at Camp Mount April 26, under orders from the Governor, for the purpose of being mustered into the service of the United States. After the officers and men had undergone the physical examination necessary, they Avere mustered into the volunteer service on May 10, 1S9S. They left Indianapolis May 15 and proceeded to Camp Thomas, Chickamauga Park, Georgia. Left Camp Thomas July 24, arrived at Newport NeAvs, Virginia, and embarked for Porto Rico July 28, arriving at Arroyo, P. R , August 4, marched to Guayma, P. R., August 13, and was on the firing line on the San Juan road when news of peace protocol having been signed was received ; marched to Ponce, P. R., August 8, and embarked for the United States September 7, reached Ncav York September 15 and traveled by rail to Indianapolis, reaching there September 17 under orders for muster out. The Battery was furloughed for two months on September 23, and Avas finally mustered out and discharged November 25, 1898. 27th Battery, Indiana Volunteers. Name and Rank. Date of Com mission. Date OF Muster. Record. Captain. Curtis, James B . . First Lieutenant, Sr. Garrard, Charles A . First Lieutenant, Jr. Johnson, Edward B. Second Lieutenant Gallon, Harry A . . I May 10 ilay 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 May 10 Pvt Batt A, 1st Art, Aug. 8, '82; Capt, Sept, '84. Pvt. Batt. A, 1st Art., July 4, '84; 2d Lieut, Feb. 16, '91; IstLieut, Sept 7, '91. 2d Lieut. Batt A, 1st Art., Sept. 7, '91; IstLieut, June 29,'96. 2d Lieut. Shepherd Light Inf, Ind. Nat Guard, Jan. 18, '87; Pvt Batt. A, 1st Art, May 1, '88; 2d Lieut, June 15, '96. 62 RECORD OF INDIANA A'OLUNTEERS 28TH BATTERY. The 28th Battery of Light Artillery, Indiana Volunteers, was Battery E, 1st Artillery Indiana National Guard. The Battery arrived at Camp Mount April 26, under orders from the Governor, for the purpose of being mustered into the service of the United States. After the requisite physical examinations of officers and men the Battery Avas mustered into the volunteer service on May 12. Left Camp Mount May 15 and arrived at Camp Thomas, Chickamauga Park, Georgia, on May 17. Under orders for muster out the Battery left Camp Thomas September 3, arrived at Camp Mount September 4 and was furloughed for thirty days on September 14. The Battery was finally mustered out and discharged October 31, 1898. 28th Battery, Indiana Volunteers. Name and Rank. Date of Com mission. Record. Captain. Ranke, William F May 12 First Lieutenant, Sr. Alderman, William F. . May 12 First Lieidenant, Jr. Cleary, William C . . May 12 Second Lieutenant. Jones, Oliver S. . . . May 12 Pvt, 1st Sergt Batt E, 1st Art, Oct 19, '88, to May 20, '91; 1st Lieut, May 20, '91; Capt, May 16, '94. Pvt. Batt. E, 1st Art., June, '91; 2d Lieut, July 15, '95; IstLieut, Aug. 18, '97. Pvt , Corpl, Sergt., Ist Sergt. Batt. E, 1st Art ; 2d Lieut, July 6, '92 ; 1st Sergt., May 6, '94; IstLieut, Aug. 18,;'97. Pvt. Batt. E, Ist Art.TJune 1, '88; Sergt, May 16, '94; 2d L,ieut, Aug. 18, '97. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 63 CO. D, 2D U. S. ENGINEERS. The President having commissioned Captain Barton F. Dickson to raise a company of Indianians for the 2d U. S. En gineers, he proceeded Avith that task, and the company was mustered into the service of the United States on July ], 1898. Left Indianapolis July 6, for Fort Sheridan, Illinois, Avhere they were instructed in their duties; left Fort Sheridan August 12, for Montauk Point, Long Island, where they prepared the camp for the men returning from Santiago. The company left Montauk Point October 30, and at Long Island City embarked November 1 for Savannah, Georgia, Avhere they arrived No vember 4. Left Savannah November 22 for Port Tampa City, Florida, where they embarked for Havana, Cuba, arriving there November 25. The company went into camp at Los <2uemados de Marianao and the time Avas occupied in building railroads, constructing Avater Avorks for camps, for which pur pose a boiler and pumps were installed at the Havana reservoir and five miles of pipes laid, roads Avere built, hospital buildings erected, and such other work done as Avas necessary. Left Havana April 15 and arrived at Savannah, Georgia, April 17 ; sent to detention camp at Danfuski Island, South Carolina, where they Avere mustered out and finally discharged May 16, 1899. Co. D, 2d U. S. Volunteer Engineers. Name and Rank. Date of Date Com- op mission. Muster. Eecord. Captain. Dickson, Barton F . . . First Lieutenants. Fitzgerald, Christoph'r C. Jackson, Clarence F . . Second Lieutenants. Clark, Frank S . . . . Jackson, Clarence F . . July 1 June 28 Apr. 24 June 28 June 28 July 1 June 28 Apr. 24 June 28 June 28 Colonel and Chief Artillery, Gov ernor's Staff", April 12, 1897; resigned Nov. 5, 1897. 64 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS 14TH SIGNAL CORPS COMPANY. Although the 14th Signal Corps Company was a United States organization, it was composed of Indiana men and is accounted for as an Indiana organization. \ Under an act of Congress, the President commissioned Cap tain Maclntire to raise a company for the Signal Corps, Avhich he did, the company being completed July 7, 1898, and, leav ing IndianaiDolis the same day, arrived at Washington, D. C, July 9. Left Washington July 29 for Camp Cuba Libre, Jack sonville, Florida, Avhere they arrived July 31. Under orders for muster out, the company left Camp Cuba Libre on Sep tember 14 and arrived at Camp Mount on September 16. The company was furloughed for thirty days from September 18, and Avas finally mustered out and discharged October 31, 1898. 14th U. S. Volunteer Signal Corps. Name and Eank. Date of Date Com- of mission. Muster. Record. Captain. Mclntire, Charles T* First Lieutenants Oglesbee, Rollo B . . Wright, Williamson S /Second Lieutenants. Wright, Williamson S Baldwin, Merchant H . Junel8 June 18 June 7 June 2 July 7 Junel3 June 13 June 7 July 7 Pvt. Indianapolis Light Inf ,'86; Q.-M. Sergt, '89; Capt and Asst. Chf Sig. Off". Governor's Staff, June 15, '91 ; recommis sioned Jan, 1, '92; Major, July 1, '92 ; Capt and Chf Sig. Off". 1st Brig., Ind. Legion; Major and Chf Sig. Off Ind. Nat. Guard. • Should have been spelled Maclntire. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 65 COLORED COMPANIES. Under the President's tecond call for troops, Indiana's quota included two companies of colored infantry, which were en rolled at Camp Mount, and after examination, were mustered into the volunteer service of the United States on July 15, and remained in camp until September 1, Avhen they were ordered to Fort Thomas, Kentucky. Left Fort Thomas on October 7, Avhen they proceeded by rail to Camp Thomas, Chickamauga Park, Georgia. The companies remained at Camp Thomas engaged in drill until they were finally mustered out and discharged, January 20, 1899. IsT Separate Company, Ind. Vols,, Colored. Name and Rank. Date op Com mission. Date OF Muster. Record. Captain. Buckner, John J . . . . 1st Lieutenant. July 15 July 15 Pvt., Corpl, Sergt. Co. M, 2d Regt, Ind. Nat Guard; 2d Lieut, April 2, '89 ; IstLieut, July 8, '90; Capt, Aug. 22, '92. Edlen, John 2d Lieutenant. July 15 July 15 1st Lieut Co. M, 2d Regt, Ind. Nat Guard, Aug. 22, '92. Bess, William H . . . . July 15 July 15 2d Separate Company, Ind. Vols., Colored. Captain. Porter, Jacob M . . 1st Lieutenant. Thomas, James H . 2d Lieutenant. Powell, James . . . July 15 July 15 July 15 July 15 July 15 July 15 1st Lieut Co. M, 3d Regt., Ind. Nat Guard, Aug. 20, '87; Capt, March 21, '89. Capt. Co. M, 3d Regt, Ind. Nat. Guard, Jan. 4, '84, to Aug. 1, '88; Ist Lieut 2d Separate Co., July 15, '98. Pvt, Corpl, Sergt Co M, 3d Regt, Ind. Nat. Guard, '90 to '95; 2d Lieut, May 25, '95. (5) 0505 List of Officers Appointed hy the President in the Volunteer Army of the United States, from the State of Indiana, Durim/ the War with Spain. NAMES. Rank. Date OF Rank. Date OP I>isoiiari:e. Remarks. Wilham J. McKee Brigadier-General .... May 27, '98 . Mar. 15, '99 Harry S. New Capt. and A. A.-G. . . . May 12, '98 . Oct 19, '98 . Russell B. Harrison .... Maj. and Insp.-Gen . . . May 12, '98 . Retained under Act of Mar 2, '99, Lieut. -Col. andlnsp. Gen., Jan. 24, 1900. Charles L. JcAvett Lieut -Col. and Judge- Adv. May 9, '98 . Feb. 27, '99 William E. English .... Capt. and A. Q,-M. . . . May 17, '98 . Dec. 31, '98 . Thomas Downs Capt and A. Q.-M. . . . July 16, '98 . Retained under Act of Mar 2 '99. Joseph H. Heatwold . . Major and C. S . . . . June 18, '98 . Retained under Act of Mar 2, '99. Richard W. Thompson, Jr . Capt. and C. S May 12, '98 . Apr. 12, '99 . oo woo bMl>> l> w 1st Lieut, April 24, '99. (35 68 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS J57TH Regiment Indiana Volunteers. This regiment was organized as the 3d Regiment of Infantry, Indiana National Guard, by General Orders No. 18, Adjutant Gen eral's office, dated July 2, 1883. Field, Staff and Non-Commissioned Staff. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Gohnel. Studebaker, Geo. M. . Lieutenant- Colonel. May, Willis T . . . . Chaplain. Medbury, Charles 8. . Adjutant. Scott, Harry K . . . Quartermaster. Hutson, Harman L. . Surgeons. Siver, Emmett L. . . Barnett, Walter W. . Assistant Surgeons. Barnett, Charles E . . Garstang, Reginald W. Majors. Feaser, George W. . . Fitzgerald, Edwin H. . Kuhlman, Aubrey L. . South Bend . U. S. Army . Angola . . ., Angola. . . Angola . . . Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne . Indianapolis . South Bend , Goshen . . Auburn . Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr, 26 May 10 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr, 26 Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, 'i Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Not. 1, '98. Resigned July 8, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1,'98. Resigned May 10, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1 , ' 98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1,'98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 69 Field, Staff and Non-Commissioned Staff — Continued. Date of Name and Eank. Eesidence. Enroll ment, 1898. Eemarks. Battalion Adjutants. Rex, Elmer D Noel, John C Collins, Bernard J. . . . South Bend . Dekalb. . . Goshen . . . Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Appointed Regimental Adjutant July 11, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1,'98. Sergeant Majors. Wort, John H Cline, Charles F . . . . Hine, Clyde L Ford, Harry R Sospital Stewards. Shell, Ogden G Schultz, Guy A Moore, Harvey A. . . . Ft. Wayne . Goshen . . . Auburn. . . Mishawaka . Ft. Wayne , Lebanon . . Indianapolis. Apr. 26 Apr, 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Promoted Bat. Adjutant July 11, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Qvartermaster Sergeant. Kinney Charles F. . . . Commissary Sergeant. Angola . . . Apr. 26 Appointed 2d Lieut. Co. H, Aug. 18, '98. Hawks, Joseph P. . . . Color Sergeant. Goshen . . . Apr. 26 Promoted Q.-M. Sergt Oct. 12, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Long, Howard Angola . . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Chief Musician. Verweire, Oscar .... South Bend . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Principal Musicians. Lyons, John M George, Theodore W . . Hammond . Rensselaer . Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Transferred to Band as Private. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Transferred to Band as Private. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. 70 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company A. This company was organized at Knox, Starke County, on July 2, 1895, and was assigned as Company A, 8d Infantry, Indiana Na tional Guard. Date of Name and Eank. Eesidence. Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Captain. Windisch, Charles . . . Knox . . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. First Lieutenant. Glazebrook,Bradf'rdD.L. Knox . . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Second lAeutenant. Laramore, George D. . . Davis , . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. First Sergeant. Wamsley, Othar C . . . Knox . . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Quartermaster Sergeant. Peelle, Charles H. . . . Knox . . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Sergeants. Claybourne, William H . Laramore, Louis N . . . Wilson, Thomas V . . . Hart, Charles M . . . . Kokomo . . Knox . . . Hanna . . . Knox . . . Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Corporals. Foote, Heber Potter, Charles Braden, John, Jr. . . . Howland, Arthur B. . . Renewanz, Robert F. . . C!unningham, Samuel J . Knox . . . Knox . . . Knox . . . Knox . . . Knox . . . Walkerton . Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Artificer. Garner, Henry W. . . . Knox . . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Wagoner. Evans, George Knox . . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. fo p: CD » P o so o 3-a- o OO 09 '^^'^ B- W 1= W>T3 A CO B IE (B C5 H- ^ S B 5. SLTS CD - - cr,^ ^1 > B 3 P "l-EB (.j CD B* 'r trjB ?r- ^'« S 5 B -1- B C "^ 1^ 3: . . m 2 (^ 5 M a- . . . . c^ . . B3 B S Q C2 >TJ iTl trj M o o o b CDP B-fo 3 fr'3 i-i j:;:cD t3£iS ^(IQ ?'i^?» 1=3 D t n P 3.ft. no B p R w 3CD p "-i?1 V) - B "^ cr p P ^ 1-1 i-< 3 "tS "^3 B (T> CD cr B 3 O CD ^3 2 '3 g ffl bd W U ¦-! 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CDCDCDCDCOCDCOCOCOCOCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCOCOCOCDCOCO popoQopOC»(iopoOOpO(3000C»(»00<»(X>C»OOC»CX>(XitX(»(XOOQoOOOOC»(X)<»(io(»(XiOO(»(DO(30(» p s. prp ^.§ o to to 05 05 g§ CD CD ft. p. O O 3 3 »«- w o o ¦< < CO CD 00 (M aW w 9 g H ^ t>- ?< « l> «! 51 1 (Bw O >5- oB 3 o 3 >¦ CD t^ ft. ^ t^ w 72 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company A — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date op Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. Loudermilk, Joseph W Mann, George C . . Martin, Michael J. . Miller, Harry . . . Musselman, Merl N. Phillipi, Frankhn E. Phillips, Charles O . Rader, Lloyd . . . Rathfon, Francis S . Savage, Wilford E . Scott, Charles L . . Seagraves, Milton L. Sloan, Thomas F . . Smith, William H . Stevenson, Walter F Summers, Daniel V. Van Horn, John D . Walters, Daniel C . Walters, William H. Wash, William H . West, Haddie L . . Whalen, John J . . Wilder, Frank . . . Wolfenberger, Charles Zedeck, Frank .... Recruits. Anderson, Mark S . Badger, Harry L. . Biniakowski, Max . Chidester, Abraham B DeLong, Scott . . . Fiedler, William . . Forkies, Jules . . . Green, Worthy M. . Grzesk, Chester . . Haines, John A . . Harman, Wellington Hunter, Joseph . . Jacks, Clyde. . . . Jennings, Harry S . Koscicki, John . . . Lauderbeck, Elmer E Knox . GoshenKnox . Goshen , Knox . Knox . Goshen . Akron . Grovertown . South Bend . Ora ... . Knox . . . Wilders. . . St Louis, Mo. Knox . . . N. Judson . Knox . . . Ora . . . Ora . . . Knox . . Knox . . Darlington Ora . . . Knox . . N. Judson Knox . . Laporte . South Bend South Bend Knox . . South Bend South Bend Knox . . South Bend Knox . . Knox . . Knox . ., Laporte . '' South Bend South Bend Davis . . Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 MusteredMustered Mustered Mustered Mustered Mustered Mustered MusteredMustered Mustered MusteredMustered MusteredMusteredMusteredMustered MusteredMusteredMusteredMustered MusteredMustered MusteredMustered Mustered out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. (jut Nov. out Not. out Nov. out Nov. 98.98. 98.98. 98.98. 98. 98. 98.98. 98.98.98. 98. 98. 98.98.98. 98. 98.98. 98. Mustered MusteredMustered MusteredMustered MusteredMusteredMustered Mustered MusteredMusteredMusteredMusteredMustered MusteredMustered out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. 1,'98. 1,'98. 1,'98.1,'98.1, '98. 1,'98. 1,'98. 1,'98.1,'98.1,'98. 1,'98.1,'98. 1, '98. 1, '98. 1, '98. 1, '98. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 73 Company A — Continued. Name and IIank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Recruits — Cont. McDonald, Mathew. . . Miltenberger, William . Nowinski, Frank .... Platz, Clarence Edward . Rater, James Szalewski, Stanislaus . . Vandewalker, George . . White, Harry M . . . . Woltman, Frank . . . . Woods, Walter J . . . . Ober. . . . Laporte . . South Bend . South Bend . Denham . . South Bend . Laporte . . South Bend . South Bend . Knox . . . June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Company B. This company was organized at Fort Wayne, Allen County, on September 5, 1885, and was assigned as Company B, 2d Infantry, afterward transferred to the 3d Infantry, Indiana National Guard. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Eemarks. Captain. Reese, Charles E . . . . Ft. Wayne . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. First Lieutenant. Fonner, John B . . . . Ft Wayne . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Second Lieutenant. Kerr, William W. . . . Ft Wayne . Apr. 26 Died Aug. 8, '98. First Sergeant. Thompson, Peter A . . . Quartermaster Sergeant. Ft Wayne . Apr. 26 Promoted 2d Lieutenant Aug. 9, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Hilgemann, Franklin H . Ft. Wayne . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. 74 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company B — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Sergeants. Sanburn, John W Walde, William F Feustel, George O Hood, John O . . Corporals. Deahl, Joseph A . . Vollmer, William C. Glass, Hayes W . . Trautman, William F . Engmann, John . . . Cummins, Otis M . , Musicians. De Hart, William . . Stradley, William . . Artifi/xr. Parent, William . . . Wagoner. Carpenter, Charles A . Privates. Baily, Frank. . . Baker, Cain . . . Bernhard, Gustave Bollinger, William Buelow, John J , Bunting, Henry M Burg, John J . . Coleman, George W Coleman, Andrew . Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft Wayne Ft. Wayne Harlan . . Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft Wayne Ft. Wayne Pennville . . Shirley City . Ft. Wayne . Hoagland . . Ft. Wayne . New Haven . Ft. Wayne . Hoagland . . Hoagland . Apr. 26 Appointed 1st Sergeant Aug. 27, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1', '98. Apr. 26 Promoted Sergeant Sept. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1,'98. Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Apr. 26 Transferred to band June 29, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Apr. 26 Transferred to band June 29, '98. Mustered out Nov. J , '98. Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Apr. 26 Appointed Musician July 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Apr. 26 Appointed Musician July 1, '98. Mustered out ' Nov. 1, '98. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 75 Company B — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. Connett, John E . . Cook, Edward C . . DeFrain, Francis. . Doerfel, Eugene . . Ellert, Benoit J . . Ellert, Louis A . . Ferguson, Clarence H Foley, Bartholomew Fortmeyer, Ernest . Furthmiller, Freeman Funk, Samuel H . . Geesaman, Arthur B. Haake, Fritz. . Hannon, Enos . Hoke, Charles E Kaliker, Jacob . Killen, Wm. A. Kinney, Frederick E Kleemier, Edward G Kolb, Edward H. Lehman, Jacob. . Ligget, John H . Longfield, Edward J Longley, John M. Lovell, Clifton M, Mayse, Noah E . Monahan, Joseph E Moritz, Ongle A . Neumann, Peter P Noll, Benjamin. . Parker, Hannibal C Perkins, Lafayette B Peterson, Frank E Reed, William . Reid, James B. Rinehart, Ellis F. Rupple, John P Ryan, John B . Schram, Henry F Seymour, Wm. A, Sheafer, Burgh. Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Harlan . . Maples . . Ft. Wayne Harlan . . Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Lavalle,WisFt. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne LaGrange.Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Rich Hill, O Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98, as Edward Connett. Mustered out Nov. 1; '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1,'98. Died Aug. 15, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Died Aug. 30, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Accidentally killed Sept. 13, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Discharged Aug. 22, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98, asBurge Sheafer. 76 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company B — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Hem ARKS. Privates — Cont. Bhirey, Claud A . . Snyder, Edward . . Snyder, Ralph M. . Snyder, William A . Spain, John H. . . Steinau, Edward H. Storch, Henry . . . Tancey, Thomas W. Trautman, Henry W Utley, Jacob C. . . Wichman, Henry J. Wickliflf, Frederick S Wood, Burt E . . . Wort, Alfred A . . Recruits. Anderson, Carl J. E Carson, William W. Emerson, Wm. F. . Engle, Henry A . . Gocke, John T. . . Godfrey, Harmon G Grosvenor, Wm. C Lanternier, John J . Mooney, John P . . Piepenbrink, Otto F Reinkensmeier, Henry Robbins, Clarence . Robbins, Verne . . Schaaf, Frederick C. Stoehr, Eugene. . . Tombaugh, William. Harlan . . . Ft. Wayne . Cedarville. . Harlan . . . Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Ft Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Aboit. . . . Harlan . Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Montpelier . Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Ft Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Ossian . . . ColumbiaCty. Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 16 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Anr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Died Aug. 29, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, *98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, "98. Discharged Aug. 3, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Discharged Oct 14, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, "98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Promoted Corporal Sept. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. L'98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 77 Company C. This company was organized at Goshen, Elkhart County, Sep tember 14, 1892, and was assigned as Company C, 3d Infantry, In diana National Guard. Date op Name and Rank. Residence. Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Captain. Salsbury, Elias D. . . . Goshen . . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. First Lieutenant. Slade, Charles Goshen . . . Apr. 26 Died July 20, '98. Second Lieutenant. Collins, Joseph A. . . . Goshen . . . Apr. 26 Promoted 1st Lieutenant July 21, '98. Mustered First Sergeant. out Nov. 1, '98. Gourdeau, Eugene F . . Goshen . . . Apr. 26 Reduced to Sergeant Oct. 14, '98. Mustered out Quartermaster Sergeant. Nov. 1, '98. Bale, Orlando W. . . . Goshen . . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Sergeants. Roach, John. , . . . . Goshen . . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mew, Thomas H . . . . Goshen . . . Apr. 26 Promoted 2d Lieutenant July 21, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Carpenter, Warren . . . Goshen. . . Apr. 26 Appointed 1st Sergeant Oct. 14, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Darnell, LeRoy .... Goshen . . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Corporals. Hawks, Harvey A . . . Goshen . . . Apr. 26 Promoted Sergeant Aug. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Collins, Richard W. . . Goshen . . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Boyer, Lewis A . . . . Goshen . . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Kreger, Charles J . . . Goshen . . . Apr. 26 Mastered out Nov. 1, '98. Perry, Lindsay E. . . . Huntington . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Canberg, A. Ned .... Sparta . . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. 78 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company C — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll-, MENT, 1898. Remarks. Musicians. Ord way, Frank . . . Palmateer, James W . Artificer. Eisenhour, Mannam F. Wagoner. Burkett, William H . Privates. Arehart, George . . Bailey, Alvin . . . Beckner, Chauncy A Bennett, Guy . . . Best, Harry M . . . Bickel, Frank . . . Binkley, Earl . . . Bixler, Cleaveland . Bloss, Richard L . . Bradford, Miles P. . Buck, Leland N . . Carrier, Dora . . . Chamberlain, Charles Compton, Eugene . Cook, George . , . Copenhaver, Charles Cripe, Noah J . . . DeBoer, William P Dick, George F . Doty, Samuel . . Everett, Frederick Farrell, Porter . . Gilbert, Ora F . Gingrich, Ivan S . Girten, James H. Griffith, Claude E South Bend. South Bend . Goshen . . Goshen . Goshen . . Nappanee.MillersburgGoshen . . Goshen . . Goshen . . Goshen . . Goshen . . Bristol . . Goshen . . Goshen . . New Paris. Goshen . . , Nappanee . Goshen . . Nappanee . Elkhart . Goshen . . Goshen . . Nappanee . , Goshen . . . Goshen . . . Goshen . . , Goshen . . . Millersburg . Summit . . Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Transferred to Band June 29, '98 ; appointed Princ. Musician. Mustered out Not. 1, '98. Transferred to Band June 29, '98 ; appointed Princ. Musician. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1 , '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Appointed Musician. Mus tered out Nov. 1, '98. IMustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Dec. 1, '98, on separate roll. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 79 Company C — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont, Hatfield, George , Howell, Charles . Jackson, William C Judy, Ira T . . . Kinzie, William E Kirkpatrick, Edward Klein, George . . . Knisley, Daniel Kurtz, Frank . . Larimer, George A Latta, James M Long, Henry . Mays, Leno . . Merrill, Frank . Miller, George O Mitchell, William E Niner, Charles A Osborn, Samuel B Peffly, David J . Pefiley, John F . Perry, Charles E. Pippenger, Charles Prickett, Delwin E Prough, Wilson . Richmond, John . Rumpler, Edward Robinson, Harry . Rose, Israel . . . Scarlett, Eugene . Schrock, George B Sheffer, Warren . Simmons, Guy . . Simon, Charles F. Thomas, Bert , . Ulery, Jerome P . Weimer, Charles A. Wolf, Harry L. . Yoder, Harvey. . Nappanee. Goshen . . Goshen . . Bremen. . Goshen . . Goshen . . Goshen . . Goshen . Goshen . . Goshen . . Goshen . . Millersburg Goshen . . Goshen . . Goshen . . Goshen . . Goshen . . Goshen . . Nappanee . Waterford HuntingtonNappanee . Nappanee . Goshen . . Nappanee . Goshen . . Goshen . . Nappanee . New Paris Goshen . . Goshen . . Goshen . . Goshen . . Nappanee . Goshen . . Goshen . . Goshen . . Middlebury Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. ^Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. IMustered out Nov. 1, '98. IMustered out Nov. 1, '98. jMustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Appointed Corporal Aug. 1,'98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Transferred to band Aug. 1,'98. Transferred to Co., Sept. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. IMustered out Nov. 1, '98. jMustered out Nov. 1, '98. Deserted June 2, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Clustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Died Aug. 22, '98. IMustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. IMustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Appointed Musician. Mus tered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Died Sept 19, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. 80 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company C — Continued. Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Recruits. App, Fred Bristol . . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Arter, Loyd Elkhart. . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Bandlier, Orlando . . . Goshen . . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Berkey, Allen Goshen . . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Beaver, George C . . . Goshen . . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Bloss, William J , . . . Bristol . . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Boomershine, James . . Millersburg . June 25 Died Aug. 24, '98. Cook, Edward ... Goshen. . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Darnell, Henry C. . . . Goshen . . . May 15 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Dillon, Earl New Paris . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Downing, Marion E . . Goshen . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Edmon, Milton .... Goshen . . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Fuller, Charles .... Elkhart . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Hebert, Bert S Goshen . . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Hudson, Floyd .... Elkhart . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Hughes, George M . . . Middlebury . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. James, Clinton B . . . Goshen . . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Kline, Charles A. . . . Bristol . . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Murray, Joseph A. . . . Goshen . . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Ornt, William Goshen . . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Purdy, William . . : . Middlebury . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Reith, John, Jr . . . . Goshen . . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98w Stettler, Justin 0. . . . Benton . . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Scott, George Chase . . Benton . . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Sohm, Alfred Elkhart June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Weaver, Solomon H. . . Goshen . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Wolfe, Charles Auburn . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. in the SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 81 Company D. This company was organized at North Manchester, Wabash County, on July 28, 1897, and was assigned as Company D, 3d In fantry, Indiana National Guard. Name and Rank. Eesidence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Eemarks. Captain. Clemans, Benjamin F . . First lAeutenant. Dunbar, John T . . . Second Lieutenant. Spurgeon, Charles O. . First Sergeant. Steele, Roscoe .... Quartermaster Sergeant. dinger, Charles H . . Sergeants. Holderman, Clement M Clemans, Louis L. . . Abbott, Dayton F. . . Kester, Fern E. . . . Corporals. Townsend, Harry E Snideman, Clora J Bell, OUver C . . Hite, Charles C. . Hidy, George E. . Johnson, Charles J Musicians. Sandoz, Fred H . Oren, Eh ... . Artificer. Frazee, Ulysses G. N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r Liberty Mills N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r Laketon . . Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1 , '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. ] , '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. N. Manch't'r Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1 , '98. (6) 82 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company D — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Wagoner. Crill, Gussie L. . . . Privates, Abbott, Albert A. . . Baer, William E. . . Biege, Winnie W. . . Blickenstafi", Leonard E Buckingham, Levi D . Butterbaugh, James M. Butterbaugh, Sam'l H. Calhoun, Zerah A. Coble, George W. Coblentz, Herbert W Cogan, Charles D. Cook, Marshall A. Cook, Floyd W. . Clark, Wade. . . Doll, Charles F. . Dunbar, Charles F Enyeart, Abb . . Enyeart, Charles W EUwood, Clyde . Evans, William M Eager, Oliver P . Fisher, William H Flook, Edward . . Forst, Charles F . Grossnickle, Melvin Halderman, Charles Hammon, Henry F Haupert, Christian P Hayes, Orville S . Hevel, Charley . . Hesse, Frederick H Hidy, Levi B . . Hoff, John E . . . Hower, Esta D . . Johnson, Charley. Keller, Samuel M. Kerr, Ora O . . . King, Dory A . . Kissenger, John R N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r Roll'g Prairie N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r Roann . . . Roann . . . N. Manch't'r Servia . . . N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r Whitley . Manch't'r Whitley . Manch't'r Liberty Mills N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r Muncie . . . S. Whitley . S. Whitley . N. Manch't'r S. Whitley . N. Manch't'r Indianapolis. Blufiton. . . Urban a . . . S. Whitley . Servia . . . Roann . . . N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r S. Whitley . Disko. . . . N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r Liberty Mills Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98, as private. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Tranferred to band. Mus tered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1,'98. Mustered out Nov. 1 , '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1 , '98. Mustered out Nov. 1 . '98. Died August 27, '98.' Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1,'98. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 83 Company D — Continued. Name and Eamk. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont, Koontz, Herbert L Koontz, Lester A . Laven, Charles T . Marshall, Eugene A. Middleton, Arthur H Noftzger, Fred C . Ogden, Allen W . Overly, Macy . . Ray, Harvey M . Rantz, Otto M . . Ramey, Thomas J Reelhorn, Elmer E Riegle, Rolla R . . Roush, Frank R . Sheller, Ernest L . Singer, Ernest J . Smith Howard F . Spacy, Orlan . . . Spurgeon, Albert. Steele, Lee C . . Taylor, Berdell . . Toomire, Charles L Ulrey, Lamoin . . Ulrey, Charles . . Warvel, Frank B.. West, Edwin. . . Recruits. Andereck, William . . . Aughenbaugh, Edd O . , Argerbright, Harry . . . Baker, Wilham Edward Brown, William J . . , Bell, Frank E Criswell, Harry . . . , Coblentz, Clarence L . , Coble, William, Jr . . . Clevenger, Joseph C . , Darnell, James D . . . , Finkenbiner, John S . , Grossnickle, Jacob L . Kinzie . . . Kinzie . . . Muncie . . . N. Manch't'r Servia . . . N. Manch't'r Laketon . . Wabash. . . N. Manch't'r Roann . . . Urbana . r ¦ . N. Manch't'r S. Whitley . S. Whitley . N. Manch't'r Liberty Mills Roann . . . N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r Liberty Mills N. Manch't'r S. Whitley . N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r Servia . . . N. Manch't'r Roann . . . Roann . . . N. Manch't'r Liberty Mills Liberty Mills Servia . . . N. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r N.. Manch't'r N. Manch't'r Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 June 22 June 22 June 22 June 29 June 27 June 22 June 28 June 22 June 22 June 22 June 22 June 22 June 27 Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Died July 29, '98. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Transferred to Co. 29, '98. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. as Wagoner. Mustered ont Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. '98. '98.'98.'98.'98. '98. '98. '98. June '98. '98.'98. '98. '98. '98.'98, '98. '98.'98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. Mustered Mustered IMustered Mustered Mustered MusteredMusteredMustered MusteredIMusteredMustered Mustered Mustered out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. 1, '98. 1,'98. 1, '98. 1, '98. 1, '98. 1, '98. 1,'98.1,'98. 1, '98. 1, '98. 1,'98.1,'98. 1, '98. 84 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company D — Continued. Date op Name and Rank. Residence. Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Recruits — Cont. Halderman, Verne . . . Roann . . . June 22 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Hippensteel, Jacob . . . Servia . . . June 22 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Hippensteel, James W. . Servia . . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Howe, William H . . . N. Manch't'r June 29 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Isleye, Grant Liberty Mills June 23 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Jones, Neil L Roann . . . June 23 Mustered out Nov. I, '98. Lockridge, Bruce .... Roann . . . June 27 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Marshall, Lew Laketon . . June 28 Mustered out Nov. 1,'98. Sexton, Tral G . . . . . N. Manch't'r June27 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Sprinkle, Melvin D . . . Makin . . . June 25 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Shock, Barnett N. Manch't'r June 22 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Toomire, Phillip E . . . N. Manch't'r June 22 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Company E. This company was organized at Elkhart, Elkhart County, on January 1, 1886, and was assigned as Company E, 3d Infantry, Indiana National Guard. Date of Name and Eank. EE.SIDENCE. Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Captain. Graves, Joseph E. . . . Elkhart . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. First lAeutenant. Beall, Norman E . . . Elkhart . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. (Second Lieutenant. Groll, Gustave C. , . . Elkhart . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. First Sergeant. Hopkins, William H . . Mishawaka . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 85 Company E — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Quartermaster Sergeant. Lefebre, Edward A., Jr Sergeants. Goldman, Harry H . . Hook, Charles . . . Carper, John A . . . Jones, Arthur ... Corporals. Fetzer, Ernest .... Darling, Robert . . . Connell, Edward L . . Pangborn, Spencer - . Adams, George .... Garper, Frank J . . . Musicians. Higgins, Robert . . . Boice, Arthur L . . . Artificer. Smith, John E . . . . Wagoner. ¦Smith, Frank Privates. Addis, Benjamin E Adams, Albert E. Adams, Arthur A. Alexander, James Aldinger, George J Aurand, James C . Ball, Claude N . Bickel, John . . . Brown, Merwin . Elkhart Elkhart Elkhart Elkhart Elkhart ElkhartElkhartElkhart Elkhart Elkhart Elkhart ElkhartElkhart Elkhart Elkhart MishawakaElkhart . Elkhart . Elkhart . Elkhart . Elkhart . Elkhart . Elkhart . Elkhart . Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Died Aug. 19, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Died Sept. 1, '98. Reduced to ranks July 27, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Appointed Sergeant Sept. 5, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1 , '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Transferred to Band June 30, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. S6 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company E — Continued. Name and Rank. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont Cone, Ernest J . . Carrier, Henry W Corner, John E. , Corner, William M Conway, Thomas . Deal, Otto E . . Dunn, Irvin J . Ebright, Arthur Garl, Earl E . . . . Godfrey, Emmett C Groatveld, Gilbert G Hoetger, Peter. Huth, Leo . . Ham, DeForest Inwood, John . Jones, Leffey R Kreider, Frank E Kyte, W. Archie . C Leininger, William H . McBride, Earl A . . . McBride, Guy T . . . McClave, Frank J Mann, Victor Mowery, Elmer . Nusbaum, Lawrence Overly, Guy . . , Putney, Orrie E . Pangborn, Earl . Posey, Arthur . . Parmater, Joseph Peters, John C . . Pfotenhauer, Albert Robinson, John . . Roher, William H . Rossiter, Sherman J ElkhartElkhartElkhartElkhart Elkhart Elkhart . . Elkhart . . Elkhart . . Elkhart . . Elkhart . . Elkhart . . Elkhart . . Elkhart . . Elkhart . . South Bend . Elkhart . . Elkhart . . Elkhart . . Elkhart ElkhartElkhart ElkhartElkhartElkhartElkhartElkhartElkhartCassop'l's,M'h ElkhartElkhartSouth Bend . South Bend . Elkhart . . Elkhart . . Elkhart . . Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apj. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr, 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Transferred to Band June 30, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1 , '98. Mustered out Nov. 1 , '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Appointed Corporal Sept. 5, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Appointed Corporal Sept. 5, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Transferred to Band June 30, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1 , '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 87 Company E — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont, Rowe, Henry . . Smith, Otis E . . Sigle, William . . Shanks, Claude L Shine, Francis M Showalter, James F Stillman, Albert H Stineback, George E Swayne, Lem H . Singer, William H Taylor, William C Teeter, Berton R . Topping, Ernest . Turner, Charles L Urquhart, Charles G Wagner, Thomas Welty, Frank . , Williams, Edward L Wicks, Ernest J . Witman, Joseph , Recruits. Buck, Verlie . . . Bell, Albert .... Bulla, Guy .... Connelly, WiUiam . Cook, George H . . Church, Ira Harrison Everett, Herbert E . Farley, Paul .... Fransen, Axel , . . Galpin, Robert F . Grazer, Michel. . . Hendershot, William A Howland, Smith . . Ives, Asa Kantz, Asa H . . . McLoughlin, William Overly, Bert . . . Pressler, Ransom . . Pletcher, Phillip . . Snyder, John L . . Elkhart . , Elkhart . , Elkhart . Elkhart . Elkhart . Elkhart . Elkhart . South Bend Elkhart . Elkhart . Elkhart . South Bend Elkhart . Elkhart . South Bend Elkhart . Elkhart . South Bend Elkhart . Elkhart . ElkhartElkhartElkhart Elkhart ElkhartElkhartElkhartElkhartElkhartElkhartElkhartElkhartElkhartElkhartElkhartElkhartElkhartAlbion . ElkhartElkhart Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 24 June 23 June 28 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 24 June 24 June 23 June 23 June 28 June 23 June 24 June 23 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1 , '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1 , '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1 , '98. Appointed Corporal Sept. 5, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered Mustered Mustered Mustered MusteredMusteredMusteredMusteredMusteredMusteredMusteredMusteredMusteredMusteredMustered Mustered Mustered MusteredMusteredMustered out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. 88 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company E — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Recruits — Cont. Strieby, Adam F . . . . Scheurenbrand, Albert . Speicher, Hiram .... Takker, William .... Trachsel, William S . . Van Houten, George W . Elkhart . . South Bend . Elkhart . . Elkhart . . Elkhart . . Elkhart . . June 23 June 25 June 23 June 23 June 24 June 23 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1 , '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Company F. This company was organized at South Bend, St. Joseph County, on February 3, 1887, and was assigned as Company F, 3d Infantry, Indiana National Guard. Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Captain. Freyermuth, George W . South Bend . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. First Lieutenant. Faulkner, Harry E . . . South Bend . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Second Lieutenant. Johnston, John S. . . . South Bend . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. First Sergeant. Keller, Thaddeus T . . . South Bend . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Quartermaster Sergeant. Lockstidt, Otto W . . . South Bend . Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. iSergeants. Garrett, Ward B. . . Bilstein, Lewis C. . . . Blakeman, Leopold F . . Alward, Albert F . . . South Bend . South Bend . South Bend . South Bend . Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1,'98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 89 Company F — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Corporals. Smith, Durwood J :Miller, Frank J . Dennis, Fred L . Vahlert, George E . Drais, Rutherford B Brown, Melvin L. . Musicians. Garceau, Arthur J . Fleegel, Christian . Artificer. Herring, Peter . . . Wagoner. Hartman, Homer . Privates. Bailey, Edward L Baxter, Emmett L Bernhard, Albert R, Bertch, William H Borden, William A Bourden, Louis . Bovee, Clarence J. Dempsey, Albert I Denslow, Louis . Dominick, William G Doolittle, Charles G Doremus, Harry R Elliott, John R. . Engeldrum, John J Entzian, Fred H . Field, Everett . . Flagle, William A Ford, Harry R. . Frick, Clyde . . Frye, Charles . . Herring, George W Herring, Harry W South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend . South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend Mishawaka South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1 , ' 98. Promoted Sergt. Major 1st Batt. July 11, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1,'98. Mustered out Nov. 1,'98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered on Staff Roll. Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Died Oct. 17, Nov. 1, '98. Nov. 1, '98. Nov. ], '98. Nov. 1,'98. Nov. 1, '98. Nov. 1, '98. Nov. 1, '98. Nov. 1, '98. Nov. 1, '98. Nov. 1, '98. Nov. 1, '98. Nov. 1, '98. Nov. 1, '98. Nov. 1. '98. Nov. 1, '98. Nov. 1, '98. Nov. 1, '98. Field and Nov. 1, '98. Nov. 1, '98. Nov. 1, '98. '98. 90 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company F — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date op Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont Hilberg, Otto P . Hinkle, Francis M Houston, Benjamin H Huey, Otto C . . Jameson, Henry K Johnson, James C Keebler, George . Kentner, Irvin. . Kopper, August . Kuespert, Frank . Lobough, Frederick Lovell, Arthur C. Lowry, Ralph E . Mason, Edgar J . Mayer, Lorenz . . McCuUough, Wm. M McGill, Robert H Miller, Rex T . . Minsel, Oscar . . Mussel, Rudolph B Perkins, Harry O. Platz, John D . . Porter, Ernest S . Priest, John F . . Quinlan, William M Rach, Charles . . Rickel, Egbert. . Ritter, Harvey F. Schrumpf, Louis E Sester, August P . Seifer, Frederick . Sessions, Charles . Schneider, Fred K . Severance, Merritt E Slusser, Walter H Smith, John R . . . Smith, Frank A . . Stewart, Harvey G . Stroup, Robert I . . Swartz, Bernhard L Walling, Claude E . South Bend . South Bend . South Bend , South Bend , South Bend , South Bend South Bend , South Bend . South Bend , South Bend , South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 IMustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Died Aug. 20, '98. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. IMustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Transferred to Co. 29, '98. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Transferred to Co. 29, '98. Mustered out Nov. '98.'98.'98.'98. '98.'98.'98. '98. '98.'98. '98. '98. '98.'98.'98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98.'98. '98.'98. '98. '98. '98.'98.'98. June '98.'98'98'98.'98. '98. '98 June 1, '9 IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. Company F — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date op Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates^Cont. Welty, Albert Wendt, Charles . . . . Recruits. Andresiak, Waelaw Y. Cooper, Voras L . . Connell, Clarence. . . Clarke, John. . . . Curry, Verge .... Engleman, Jesse F . . Heiser, Henry C . . . Heiser, Lawrence W . Hupp, Ernest E . . . Hilderbrand, Alexander, Jacobs, Jesse W . . . Keebler, William.* . . Krushanzki, Steven. . Meisner, John . . McDonald, Samuel M McGlinsey, Clinton . . Parker, John D. . . . Reid, Robert Shafer, Charles. . . . Shupert, Russell . . Sledzikowski, Albert Swintz, George. . . . Thome, Jacob .... Wagoner, Wilber E. . Wesolowski, Marion S. Williard, Isaac. . . . South Bend South Bend South Bend . South Bend . South Bend . South Bend . South Bend . South Bend . South Bend . South Bend . South Bend . South Bend . South Bend . South Bend . Mishawaka . South Bend . South Bend , South Bend , South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend South Bend Apr. 26 Apr. 26 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 26 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 J une 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Promoted Corporal Aug. 15, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98, Mustered out Nov. 1 , '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. IMustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Deserted Aug. 17, '98. IMustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1 , '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1,'98. IMustered out Nov. 1 , '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. 92 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company G-. This company was organized at Fort Wayne, Allen County, December 11, 1893, and was assigned as Company G, 3d Infantry,. Indiana National Guard. Name and Rank. Residence. Remarks. Captain. Meyer, Otto C . . . . First Lieutenant. McLeod, William S. . Second Lieutenant. Jackson, John C . . . First Sergeant. Archbald, Maurice J . Quartermaster Sergeant. Miller, Henry L . . . Sergeants. Birely, Jesse L. . . . Johnson, Elbe C . . . Arney, Forest .... Holmes, Frank L. . . Corporals. Heffelfinger, Robert. Schane, Joseph E. . Ohlfest, Otto. . . Clippinger, Isaac D. Hartwig, August C. Potter, John F. . . Musicians. Hessert, Edward G . Fillers, Lee H . . . Artificer. Johnston, Glenn W. Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1 , '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98.. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Transferred to Band July 21, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 93 Company G — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Wagoner. Sesseman, John W Privates. Allen, George W. Angell, Robert L. Archer, Fred . . Bartel, R(^)bert R . Beaber, William J Bird, Thomas S. . Bishop, Frank H. Brockerman, Rudy B Brower, Frank A. Brower, Charles 8 Butler, George P. Carmer, George W Carmer, William A Conley, William G Craig, Clarence. . Dalby, William A Daugherty, Walter W Davis, Harvey R. DeLong, Levi E . Driftmeyer, Fred J Driver, Isaiah . . Ehrman, Frederick H Ehrman, George, Jr Epple, Edward C. Erwin, James S . Fisher, Harry W . Gorrell, John T . Hamilton, Hugh . Hargrave, Robert Hasty, Alfred E . Holmes, William E Honeck, Conrad . Howe, John . . . Kaylor, Celester E Kayser, William D. C, Lotz, William J . McCaflTery, William H, Method, Orba . . Myers, David J . Meyers, Henry F. Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Toledo, O . Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Portland . Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne New Haven Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Goshen . . Chicago, 111 New Haven Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Mustered eut Not. 1, '98. Mustered out Not. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Died Aug. 15, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1 Died Aug. 27, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Died July 31, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Discharged July 13, Mustered out Nov. 1 IMustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov, 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 Mustered out Nov. 1 '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98.'98. 98. '98. '98.'98.'98.'98.'98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98. '98,'98. '98.'98. '98. 98. 94 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company G^Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. Miller, George E . . Mitchell, Thomas W Morris, James C . . Morrison, Joseph H Neisser, William IM Nogal, Frank L . Piehl, John G. F . Porter, Robert . . Rank, Richard H . Richards, William H Roder, Henry . . . Roepke, Paul A . . Sams, William S . . Schumann, George H Spitler, Berton A . . Stapleton, George L Taylor, Harry L . . Tyler, Sidney W . - Underwood, Arthur E Umwake, Douglass . Webster, Frank . . Whitney, George B . Williamson, Levi E, Wood, Harry M . . Recruits. Donivan, Harry T Driesbach, Clyde F Larimore, James A Magers, John F . Miller, Fred A . . Osborne, Charles E Szink, Edward E . Wheeler, Herbert M Willson, Frederick M New Haven . Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Ft Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Ft Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Woodburn . Ft Wayne . Ft Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Indianapolis. Ft Wayne . Ft. Wayne . Harlan . . . Ft. Wayne . Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne New Haven Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Ft. Wayne Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 June 27 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 27 June 27 June 28 June 27 June 27 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Transferred to Company I June 30, '98. IMustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Transferred to Company I June 30, '98. Discharged Aug. 9, 1898. Mustered out Nov. 1, ' Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. 1, '98. 1, '98. 1,'98. 1, '98. 1, '98. 1,'9 1, '98. 1, '98. 1, '98. 1, '98. 1, '98. MusteredMustered Mustered MusteredMusteredMustered MusteredMusteredMustered out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. 1, out Nov. 1, '98. out Nov. 1, '98. 1, '98. 1, '98. 1, '98. 1, '98. 1, '98. 1, '98. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 95 Company H. This company was organized at Angola, Steuben County, on November 10, 1891, and was assigned as Company H, 3d Infantry, Indiana National Guard. Name and Rank,. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Captain. Gilbert, Newton W . , , First Lieutenant. Kemery, T. Frank . . Second Lieutenant. Carpenter, Robert H . First Sergeant. Norton, Arthur , . . Quartermaster Sergeant. Lowther, Bart .... Sergeants. Stocker, James C . . Brewer, Frank P . . . Jarrard, William L . . Jackson, Homer . . . Corporals. Ferguson, William F Scovell, George B . Patee, Frank J . . Brown, Harley J . . Stuck, Don G . . . McConnell, George W Musicians. Brown, Harry C . . . Brokaw, Joseph . . . Angola . Angola . Angola . Angola . Angola . Angola . Angola . Angola . Angola , Angola . Angola . Angola . Angola . Orland . Angola . Angola . Angola . Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Resigned Aug. 17, '98. Promoted 1st Lieutenant Aug. 18, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1,'98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1,'98. Tranferred to Band, June 29, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Transferred to Band June 29, '98. Mustered out November 1, '98. 96 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company H — Continued. Name akd Rank. Residence. Date op Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Artificer. Carrick, William E Wagoner. Johnson, Frank . . Privates. Ball, Grant . . . Bennett, Edgar . Bennett, George . Berlein, John S . Brower, George . Carrick, Thomas G Clark, Edward C . Cobert, James . . Coffman, Francis M, Crandall, Lorin B Davidson, Jacob W^ Denman, Ora S . Drushal, Bert D . Enzor, Freeman K Enzor, Isaac . . . Fletcher, Albertus Flint, Charles . . Faunce, John . . Garwood, Ira O . Gleason, Charles E Gleason, Dudley W Green, Samuel . . Griffith, George . Griffith, Lauren . Harmon, Worthy E, Hatha\kay, Park . Huffbaan, Wesley . IngalJs, Carl E. . Jarrard, Bert . . Kemery, Ernest D Lahmon, Burr A . Light, George P . Lindersmith, Ernest Lutz, Robert, Jr . Lybarger, Willard Angola . Angola . Pleasant Lake PleasantLakePleasant Lake Angola . . Angola . . Angola . . Metz. . . Flint. . . Arctic . . Angola . . Angola . . PleasantLake Angola . . Angola. . Angola . . Angola . . Angola . . PleasantLakeAngola . . Fremont . Fremont . Flint. . . Oufa. . . Hamilton . Angola . . Angola . , Flint. . , Pleas'ntL'Angola . Angola . , Ellis. . , Ellis. . , Angola . , Angola . , Ellis. . . ke Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 2fi Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1 , '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. IMustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1,'98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1,'98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1,'98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1,'98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. .1, '98. Appointed Musician June 29, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 97 Company H — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroli^ MENT, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. McKuras, Leonidas L, Major, Cyrus . . ^leek, Ray . . . Meeks, William A Metzgar, Irvin . . Miller, Harry W . Morse, Charles . . Moses, Homer C . Norton, Edwin . . Null, Perry ... Parsons, William E Persing, John F . Play ford, Ervin . Shank, Emmett E. Shank, Hudson L. Sharitt, Frank . . Sherrard, Harry P Silbaugh, Morton . Smiley, Budd C. . Somerlott, Boston Strawser, Clarence Sunday, Marshall Sutton, Clyde . . Sutton, John. . . Van Pelt, Henry . Walberry, Llewallyn G Williamson, William E Willennar, John G . Wolf, Harvey E . . Woodford, Clair B . Recruits. Barber, Edwin C. . Bartholomew, Carl U Clegg, Joseph H . . Clutter, Thomas J. . Ewers, John L. . . Fairchild, Edward Fee, Asa Gibson, George S. . Gillespie, Charles L. Balbec . . . Pieas'nt L'ke Angola . FremontAngola . Angola . Angola . Metz. . Angola . Angola . Angola . Crook' dCr'k Pieas'nt L'ke Angola . . Flint. . . Angola . . Angola . . JamestownAngola . . Angola . . . Angola . Crook'd Cr'k Angola . Metz. . . . Metz. . . . Metz. . . . Angola . . . Pieas'nt L'ke Pieas'nt L'ke Salem Cent'r Angola.Angola . Angola . Angola . Angola . Angola . HamiltonAngola . Angola . Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 June 21 June 22 June 22 June 22 June 22 June 22 June 21 June 21 June 21 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98; Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. IMustered out Nov. 1, '98. Discharged Aug. 10, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1 , '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. IMustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Appointed Musician June 29, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. MusteredMustered MusteredMusteredMustered MusteredMusteredMusteredMustered out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. 1, '98. 1, '98. 1, '98. 1, '98. 1, '98. 1, '98, 1, '98. 1,'98. 1, '98. (7) 98 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEER.^ Company H — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Recruits — Cont Hall, Robert C . . Heitz, Calvin W , Holmes, Franklin R, Hyatt, Charles A . Isenhour, Charles N Kemery, Carl A . Kimes, Franklin M Knapp, Orlando D Luse, Warren S . McNabb, Duane T Rockwell, Arthur E Smith, Claude C . Walberry, Perry O. Weicht, Samuel . Wiseley, David M Woodard, George M . PleasantLake June 22 Garrett . . . June 21 Angola . . . June 21 Angola . . June 21 Angola . June22 Angola . . . June 21 Angola . . . June 21 Angola . . . June 21 Niles, Ohio . June 22 Fremont . . June 21 Angola . . . June 21 Angola . . . June 22 Metz .... June 22 Angola . . June 21 Angola . . . June 21 M'tg'ry, Mich June 22 Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov, 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Died Sept 3, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 1, '98. Company I. This company was organized at Waterloo, Dekalb County, Sep tember 15, 1879, and was assigned as Company A, 3d lufantiy, after ward as Company I, 3d Infantry, Indiana National Guard. Name and Rank. Residence. D. JY I. This company was organized at Tipton, Tipton County, on April 25, 1898, and was assigned as Company I, 4th Regiment, Indiana National Guard. Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Captain, Dyer, George Tipton . . . Apr. 26 Resigned Nov. 18, '98. First Lieutenant, Van Buskirk, Robert M . Second Lieutenant, Tipton . . . Apr. 26 Promoted Captain Nov. 20, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Knee, George Tipton . . . Apr. 26 Commissioned First Lieu tenant Nov. 20, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. In the SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. Company I — Continued. Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. First Sergeant, Barlow, Jesse H . . . . Tipton . . . Apr. 26 Commissioned Second Lieu tenant Nov. 20, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Quartermaster Sergeant. Burnes, Edward .... Tipton , , . Apr. 26 Reduced to ranks July 24, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. iSergeants, Partlow, Joseph .... Tipton . . . Apr. 26 Deserted Dec. 18, '98. Ap prehended, tried by G. C. M. and dishonorably dis charged Jan. 30, '99. Matthews, Horace S . . Tipton . . . Apr. 26 Appointed First Sergeant Dec 19, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mitchell, Harry .... Tipton . . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Gifford, Allan . . Tipton . . . Apr. 26 Transferred to Hospital Corps Dec. 30, '98. Corporals, Alexander, Dillon . . . Elwood. . . Apr. 26 Transferred to Hospital Corps Oct. 23, '98. Wolverton, Willard N. . Tipton . . . Apr. 26 Discharged Jan. 13, '99. Mount, Cleo Tipton . . , Apr. 26 Appointed Sergeant Dec. 19, '93. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Phares, Harry Tipton . , , Apr. 26 Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Grishaw, Edwin .... Sharpsville . Apr. 26 Appointed Sergeant Aug. 12, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Lane, George Tipton , . . Apr. 26 Transferred to Signal Corps Nov. 5, '98. Musicians. Brook, Elmer L . . Warsaw . . Apr. 26 Transferred to band May 26, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99, as Vergne Brook. Hassel, Elmer L . . . . Warsaw Apr. 26 Transferred to band May 26, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. 256 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company I — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. ArtifiAxr. Russell, James W Wagoner. McKay, Otho . . Privates. Altmeyer, John J Andrews, Nalzo . Basey, Morton . . Bues, Harry. . . Barbo, Walter . . Brothers, William Coyle, CuUodin . . Cox, Theodore . . . Cook, Artie Walter . Do well, George . . Douglass, Edward Douglass, Harry . Eaton, Elbert . . Furry, Clem .... Fields, Estes . . . Franklin, Charles B Grishaw, George . . Gillian, James . . . Garretson, Edward E Haskett, Robert . . Herman, Harry Tipton . . Sharpsville . Elwood. Elwood.Tipton . Atlanta. Elwood. Elwood . Elwood . . . Tipton . . . Tipton . . . Terre Haute . Elwood . . Elwood . . Sharpsville Tipton . . Tipton . . SharpsvilleSharpsville Tipton . . Elwood . . Tipton . . Tipton . Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Appointed Quartermaster Sergeant Oct. 4, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal Apr. 4, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Died August 18, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal July 13, '98. Appointed Ser geant Dec. 31, '98. Mus tered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal Dec. 19, ' 98. Discharged Mar. 14, '99. Transferred to Hospital Corps Nov. 13, '98. Discharged Mar. 27, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal Feb. 1, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25', '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal Aug. 12, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Feb. 24, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Jan. 31, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal Oct. 19, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 25, Company I — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. Henry, Jasper . . . Henderson, William Hoback, Frank . Hutchins, Harry . Justice, Harry . . Jarrett, Fred . . Kennedy, William Kapphan, Gustave Long, LeRoy . . Lamb, Peter W , Lovejoy, James L Logan, Frank . Leach, Charles. Law, Clarence McCreary, William McNew, David , More] and. Buzz . Martin, George . Midkiff, James A , Norris, Jesse. . . Norris, John . , . Napier, Walter . Phillips, William . Pancake, Harry . Peal, Peter . . . Partlow, Monroe . Pickerel, Oliver . Rhoades, William Recobs, Fred . . Smith, Alphos O . (17) Tipton . Elwood , Sharpsville . Springfield, O, Tipton . Tipton . Elwood . Elwood . Tipton . Elwood . Kokomo Tipton Tipton . Tipton Tipton Tipton . . IndianapolisElwood . Tipton . TiptonTipton . Elwood . Atlanta . . IndianapolisElwood. . Tipton . . Sharpsville Atlanta . . Tipton . . Tipton , . Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr, 26 Apr 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Artificer Oct. 4, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Musician Dec. 30, '98, Mustered out Apr, 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Mar. 27, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Mar. 27, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Transferred to Hospital Corps July 10, Discharged Mar Transferred to Corps Oct. 29, Appointed 13, '98. '98. 27, '99. Hospital '98. Corporal July Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Alusician Nov. 20, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99.' Deserted Dec. 30, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal Dec. 31, '98. Mustered out Apr. 2.''), '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal Feb. 1, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. 2.^8 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company I — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. Smith, Richard G. . Spaulding, Jerry . . Snider, Charles . . Seright, Dilver . . Swartz, Daniel . Taylor, Elmer , . Tennyson, Jacob J Tobin, WiUiam , , Thurman, Rolla . . Temple, William T , Umphreys, Howard Vawter, George . . Wilson, Claude . . Zauss, Charles . . . Recruits. Bailey, William . Campbell, Carl M, Day, William . . Dover, Hiram . . Franklin, Edward Gorbit, Benjamin . Hedrick, Henry . Honeas, Dan . . Kennedy, George Kramer, Francis . Matthews, Otto . . Mossman, George Nelson, William . Paul, Gussie . . . Pickett, Albert W Philpott, Theodore Purvis, Charles W Redd, Antoine . . Pendleton . SharpsvilleCloverdale Tipton . Murray. TiptonTipton TiptonElwood . . . Dearborn Co Sharpsville . Tipton . . . TiptonSharpsville Sharpsville . June 27 Goldsmith . June27 Groomsville . June 27 Hobbs Station June27 Tipton . . June27 Sheridan . . June27 Tipton . . . June27 Sharpsville . June27 Hobbs . . . June27 Elwood . . . June27 Tipton . . June27 Tipton . June 27 Tipton . . June27 Sheridan . . . June27 Tipton . . . June27 Groomsville. June 27 Wiles . . . June 27 Kempton . . June 27 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Deserted Jan, 23, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal July 13, '98. Alustered out Apr, 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal Aiig. VI, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Transferred to Hospital Corps Oct. 22, '98. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Died Oct. 9, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal March 14, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, 'y9. Deserted Jan. 23, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99 Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. .Appointed Corporal July 13, '9.S. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. '25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Jan. 4, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged March 18, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 259 Company I — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Re-marks. Recruits — Cont. Rice, Frank Rubush, Carl Russell, Isaac Snider, Otto Woodruff, Clarence . . . Tipton . . . SharpsvUle . Sharpsville Tipton . . . Tipton . June 27 June 27 June 27 June27June 27 Appointed Corporal July 13, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Dec. 16, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Company K. This company was organized at Huntington, Huntington County, on April 21, 189S, and was assigned as Company K, 4th Regiment, Indiana National Guard. Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Captain Lee, Orison P Indianapolis Apr. 26 Alustered out Apr. 25, ".HI. First Lieutenant. Wood, Leonard F . Huntington . Apr. 26 Mustered out Apr. 25, ".)9. Second Lieutenant. Spencer, Herbert B . Huntington . Apr. 26 Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. First Sergeant, Bloss, WUliam H . . . . Aluncie . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Quartermaster Sergeant. Creamer, Edgar R . . Huntington . Apr. 26 Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. 260 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company K — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Sergeants. Hadley, Otis W . . Morford, WUHam S . Beel, Thomas W . . Slusser, Charles A . Corporals. Powell, Howard O Saylor, Levi . . . . Gibler, Elias . . . AlitcheU, Walter S . Richards, Calvin B . Bowman, Walter O . Musicians, Parry, Walter B . . Bolinger, Bert . . . Artificer, Keiser, Oscar L . . . Wagoner, Snyder, Henry H . , Privates. Altenbach, Henry S . Altenbach, William G Anson, Bert . . . Baity, Edward S . . Brown, John M . . Brown, George V . Brubaker, Charles R Burman, William C Bretbrunner, William Bucher, Charles M . Cook, John F . . . W Cole, Thomas J Day, Ray , . . Huntington . Huntington , Huntington , Huntington . Peru , . . , Huntington . Huntington . Huntington . Huntington . Muncie . , Huntington , Bippus . . . Huntington . Huntington , Huntington . Huntington , Huntington . Peru . . . . Huntington . Wheatfield . Huntington . Huntington . Rochester . . Huntington. Huntington . Huntington . Akron . . , Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Discharged Jan. 10, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Feb. 24, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Mar. 30, '99. Appointed Sergeant Mar. 1,'99 Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Mar. 14, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Oct. 26, '98. Died July 30, '98. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Wagoner Oct. 26, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Musician Jan. 11, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 261 Company K — Continued. Name and Rank. Privates — Cont. Duff, Aaron J . . . Elser, Harvey W. . Eggimann, Charles F Faurote, Charles E . Fulton, Hubert AI . Fetters, Earhart . . Ferguson, George W Fisher, Harry . . Graves, Robert . . Glenn, Robert R . . Hier, Mathew W. . Hughes, Howard H Jacobs, Fay . . . . Kern, Fred G . . . Klein, John J . . . Kunce, Oren H . . Kitt, Milton J . , , Kumler, Oliver AI . Klein, Lon S . . . Lyon, Clarence , . Lovill, Clarence . . Lamoree, Ray . . Leicht, AVilliam . Lew, Burt E . . Layman, Wilbur. Morris, William J Morgan, William J Miller, Charles R. McLean, John F . Pressel, Ira O . . Plasterer, Charles H Residence. Markle . . , Huntington . Huntington . Green Oak . Huntington . Huntington , Huntington . Huntington . Franklin . . Huntington . Huntington . Huntington . Huntington . Andrews . . Huntington . Huntington . Huntington . Grasscreek . Huntington . Huntington . Huntington . Akron . . Huntington . Huntington . Huntington . Huntington . Huntington . Huntington . Gilead . . . Huntington . Huntington . Date op Enroll ment, 1898. Apr. Apr.Apr,Apr.Apr.Apr. Apr.Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.Apr.Apr. Apr.Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 26 26 2626 26 26 2626 2626 Remarks. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. ' Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal June 25, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. ' Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal June 25, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal July 24, '98. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Transferred to Signal Corps July 11, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Lance Corporal Oct. 28, '98. Appointed Corporal Dec. 11, '98. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Jan. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Dishonorably discharged Feb. 13, '99 Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal Mar. 1, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99^ 262 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company K — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont, Reifert, Otto. . . Reed, Fred . . . Rosebrough, Frank Rathgeber, Jacob AV Robinson, John C Spigelmyre, Ford E Stickle, Samuel . Seber, Oliver . . Smith, Odis . . . Snoke, William H Simon ton, Herman B Sprinkle, Chester L. Shamp, Carl.' .... Thrasher, Benjamin G. Toopes, Eugene O . . Terflinger, Herman O Voght, Edward M . Wright, Harvey W. Whitehurst, Jacob W A'eater, Rutherford H Recruits, Alles, Joseph W . . . Baker, Edward F. Boehner, John .... Burman, Herman . . Custard, John F . . . Commons, Alexander C Culler, William H . . Drabenstot, Frank . . Huntington . Huntington . Huntington . Huntington . Akron . . . Huntington . Huntington . Huntington . Huntington . Huntington . Huntington . Huntington . Akron . . . Huntington.Huntington . Huntington . Huntington . Huntington . Warren . . Huntington . Huntington . Huntington , Huntington , Huntington . Plum Tree . Logansport , Huntington Huntington Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr, 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 June 17 June 17 June 17 June 17 June 17 June 20 June 17 June 17 Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Died July 22, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Nov. 7, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal June 25, '98. Reduced to ranks Aug. 8, '98. Dis charged Jan. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Feb. 1, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Jan. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal July 24, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Dec. 8, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Transferred from Co. M, 160th Ind. Vols., Aug. 10, '98. Appointed Cor poral Oct. 25, '98. Mus tered out Apr. 25, '99. Transferred to Hospital Corps Dec. 20, '98. Transferred to Hospital Corps Dec. 20, '98. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 263 Company K — Continued. Name and Rank. Recruits — Cont. Erlenbaugh, William . Fetters, Samuel . . . Fryer, John F . . . . Gusman, Abraham L . Hippensteel, Harvey R Johnson, Leroy. . Kesler, Herman . Kitt, Alorton. . . Mayne, Robert C . Miller, William H Myers, John W . Pfeifer, George D Shock, Edward A Strauss, Leroy W. Stalder, Henry W Steele, Carl P . . Sprinkle, Roscoe M . Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Huntington . Huntington , Huntington . Huntington . Makin . . . Huntington , Huntington . Huntington , Huntington . Huntington , Huntington , Huntington , Huntington . Huntington . Huntington . Huntington , Makin . . June 17 June 17 June 17 June 17 June 17 June 17 June 17 June 17 June 17 June 17 June 17 June 17 June 17 June 17 June 17 June 17 June 17 Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr, 25, '99. Mustered out Apr, 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal Feb. 1, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Jan. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal July 24, '98. Discharged Nov. 29, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. 264 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company L. This company was organized at Anderson, Madison County, on April 2G, 1898, composed principally of old members of Company C, 2d Regiment, and was assigned as Company L, 4th Regiment, Indiana National Guard. Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Captain. Burr, Kenneth M . . . Anderson . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. First lAeutenant. Collins, John B . . . . Anderson . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Second Lieutenant. Sausser, George C . . . Anderson . . Apr. 26 Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. First Sergeant. Brunt, Herbert C . . . Anderson . . Apr. 26 Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Quartennaster Sergeant. Antrim, Robert H . . . Sei-geants. Anderson . . Apr. 26 Reduced to ranks Feb. 16, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Elhs, John J Anderson . . Apr. 26 Appointed Quartermaster Sergeant Feb. 16, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Reduced to ranks Jan. 8, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Newsom, Lee C Durbin, George H . . . Towell, Chauncey 0 . . . Anderson . . Anderson . . Anderson . . Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Cmporals. Burr, Claude 8 Anderson . . Apr. 26 Reduced to ranks June 21, '98. Discharged Dec. 18, '98. Appointed Sergeant Feb. 22, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. AVorden, Dorr S . . . . Anderson . . Apr. 26 IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 265 Company L — Continued. Name and Rank. Corporals — Cont. Ross, John A . . . Martin, David V Henry, Howard F Nichols, Robert N Musicians. Hopper, -lohn L . Cook, Roscoe Wagoner. Dee, Thomas M , Artificer. Neff, William . . Privates. Aldred, Howard M . Bailey, Carl G . . . Baker, Joseph C . . Beason, George . . . Residence. Bechtoldt, George A . Benbow, Frank M . . Boyd, Charles .... Bond, George W., Jr . Broman, William H. . Brown, Israel . . . . , Brown, Clay M Bush, Harry Carpenter, Claude A. . . Carpenter, Egbert E. . . Cole, Clement C . . . . Cooper, Bert J CruU, Harry W , . . . Cumberledge, William J. Anderson Anderson AndersonAnderson Anderson . . Anderson . . Anderson . . Honey Creek Lapel . . Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson AndersonAnderson PendletonAnderson Anderson Anderson , Anderson , Anderson , Ripley Co Anderson Anderson , Anderson Date op Enroll ment, 1898. Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 2 > Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Remarks. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Sergeant Jan. 8, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Oct. 18, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Anpointed Corporal June 25, '98. Mustered out April 25, '99. Transferred to band May •25, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Reduced to ranks Oct 1, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Alar. 31, '99. Appointed Corporal June 26, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Deserted Dec. 4, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr, 25, '99. Discharged Mar. 27, '99. Alustered out Apr, 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Feb. 10, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. 266 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company L — Continued. Name and Rank. Privates — Cont. Davenport, Ruel E . Dietrich, Herman . Dunbar, Enos J . . Eaton, Edward . . Falkuor, Chester R. Fischer, Henry H. . Fickle, Oliver F . . Fisher, Charles . . Fountain, James A. . Garrison, Levi .... Hinegar, Ethel L. . . Hallenbeck, Morris A. Hunt, Volney M., Jr. Inclenrock, Edward M. Keicher, John F Kellar, Elmo , . Kendric, Henry M. Keorper, John . . Lawson, Omer . . Lay, John T. . . Levy, Frank M. . Lindstrom, Oscar Livesay, Butler . Loch, Lewis F . . Lycan, AVilliam P Martin, Jefferson T. Medskar, Byron . Mingle, WUford W . Miller, James . . . Moon, Bert R . . . Moore, Harry . . . Alourer, Clarence B. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Anderson . Anderson . Anderson . Anderson . Anderson . Anderson . Anderson . Anderson . Anderson . . Anderson . . Aladison Co . Aladison Co . Anderson . . Pendleton . Anderson . Kokomo . . Anderson . . Anderson . . Anderson . . Anderson . . Anderson , . Anderson . . Anderson . . Anderson . . Anderson . . Indianapolis. Anderson . . Pendleton HuntsvilleAnderson . Anderson Anderson Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr, 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr 26 Apr. 26 Apr 26 Apr 26 Apr 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 25, '99. 25, '99, 25, '99, 25, '99. Appointed Corporal June 25, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99, Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99, Transferred to Hospital Corps Nov. 12, '98. Appointed Corporal Dec. 8, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. Mustered out Apr. Alustered out Apr. Mustered out Apr. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Transferred to Hospital Corps Nov. 12, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Jan. 31, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Transferred to Signal Corps Sept. 27, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99, Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal March 4, '99. Mustered out AprU 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal Oct. 26, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99, as Robert Moon. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. IN THE St'ANISH-AMERICAiN WAK ill 7 Company L — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date or Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. Murphy, Robert . . Pattie, James O. , . Roach, Othello . Rosenfield, Harry Shaffer, Charles M Smith, Joseph H. Tharp, Charles E. Thomas, Harry . . Wagoner, William H Weger, Charles G , Williamson, Lowell C. Williams, Wilham . . Wilson, Frank M . . Wilson, Robert L . . Recruits. Bid well, Charles . . Bonhomme, Jesse . Bosworth, Isaac . . Coburn, John AV . . Cummings, Elmer W Denney, Man ford Evans, Francis. . Griffith, Harry Z. Hayes, John S. . Hawkins, Harry C Jeffers, Roy S . . Keckler, Frank . Mansfield, WiUiam Munyon, Bert . McConnell, Robert Moulden, Howard Radway, Louis E. Ricketts, Amos . Anderson . . Anderson . . Anderson . MarklevilleAnderson . Anderson . Pendleton Anderson . Hartford City Anderson . Anderson . Anderson . Anderson . Anderson . Anderson . . Anderson . . Anderson . . Anderson . . EBank,WVa Anderson . Anderson . Anderson . Anderson . Anderson . Anderson . Anderson . Anderson . Anderson . Anderson . Anderson . Anderson . Anderson . Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 20 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 Apr. 26 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal June 21, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Nov. 8, '98. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal June 26, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Transferred to Hospital Corps Nov, 7, '98. Appointed Corporal Dec. 8, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99, Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Jan. 31, '99. Transferred from Co. A, 1st W. Va. Vols. Mus tered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged March 11, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Nov. 15, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. iOS RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company L — Continued. Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Recruits — Cont. Rhonemus, Arthur . . . Dayton, 0 . June 21 Appointed Artificer Oct. 1, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Seybert, Clarence B . . Anderson . . June 21 Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Sine, WiUiam B., Jr . . Arngtn,WVa Apr. 28 Transferred from Co. H, 1st W. Va. Vol. Inf Mustered out Apr. 25,'99. Smith, Thomas C. . . . Coal Port, Pa Apr. 26 Transferred from Co. E, 1st W. Va. Vol. Inf Mustered out Apr. 25,'99. Stark, John Anderson , . June 21 Mustered out Apr, 25, '99. Trees, RoUa C Anderson. . June 21 Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Welsh, Richard .... Anderson . . June 21 Appointed Corporal Dec. 8, '98. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Weger, Lee Anderson . . June 21 Appointed cook Jan.20,'99. Mustered out Apr. 25,'99. Wynn, Oscar .... Lebanon . . June 21 Died Oct. 13, '98. Company M. This company was organized at Logansport, Cass County, on April 20, 1898, and was assigned as Company M, Fourth Regiment Indiana National Guard. Name and Rank. Captain. Bander, David S . . I'^irst Lieutenant. Dunn, AVilliam C. . Second Lieidenant. Fitch, Leroy. . . , Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Apr, 26 Alustered out A])r. 25, '99. Apr. 26 Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Apr. 26 Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 269 Company M — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date op Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. First Sergeant. Behmer, Walter J . . Quartermaster Sergeant. Booth, Edwin B . Sergeants. Burkit, Frank .... Johnson, James . . , Richardson, Charles, Huckleberry, WiUiam G. Corporals, Crooks, Alva A . . . . Johnson, Clarence W , . Souders, Charles G . . , Gimmell, Robert B . . . Gipe, Isaac N . . . Osborne, Harry A . Musicians, McElheny, Thomas J Artificer. Holman, James W . Wagoner. Cory, Harry .... Privates, Albert, Anthony . Albert, William H Ayers, Wise . . . Logansport Logansport . Logansport Logansport New Waverly Logansport . Metea . . Logansport Burrows . Logansport Logansport Logansport Logansport Galveston. Logansport . Logansport Burrows . Logansport Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Reduced to ranks Nov. 19, '98, Discharged Dec. 12, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99, as Quartermaster Ser geant. Discharged Feb. 24, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Sergeant Nov. 19, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 26, '99. Reduced to ranks Sept. 15, '£8. Discharged Jan. 25, '99. Discharged Feb. 25, '99. Reduced to ranks Aug. 25, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal March 13, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. 27! » RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company M — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. Asmus, Gust. . . Banta, Charles . . Bear, Charles . . Bruner, Charles Carroll, Owen Castle, Kirk . Catterlin, Fenton. . . Crammer, Frederick A Crawford, Thomas H . Cripe, John W. . . Crockett, Charles . DeLawter, Jesse B . Denbo, Robert J . . Dolan, James W . Dreyer, Gustave . EUiott, James W. Fickel, Harry Fisher, Oscar B . . Frushour, Francis . Fox, Emanual A. , Gates, William R. L Geiger, Frank E . . Gemmill, Thomas B Logansport . Cass Co. . . Logansport . Luce Logansport . Waverly . . Logansport . Logansport . Galveston. . Cass Co. . . Cass Co . . Pipe Creek . Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . New AVaverly New Waverlv Logansport . Lucerne . . Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Discharged Jan. 31, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal Mar. 13, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal Nov. 19, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Musician Nov. 3, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Transferred to Hospital Corps. Transferred to Regimental Band May 25, '98. Ap pointed Principal Musi cian Jan. 1, '99. Mus tered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal Aug. 8, '98. Appointed Ser geant Feb. 26, '99. Mus tered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal Aug. 8, '98 Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Artificer Feb. 26, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal Aug. 8, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. IN THH SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 271 Company M — Continued. Name and Rank. Privates — Cont, Gibson, Arthur F Grainger, John I . Grant, William R Griffin, William . Griffin, John A . Hager, Matthew Hewlett, Leroy . Hinkle, Jonathan Hutton, Edwin L Izor, Emmet. . . Jackson, Ernest . Jackson, Ira T, , Kerns, Charles W Kearns, Frank C . Laemie, Daniel AV Ludwig, Samuel McGinlev, John Meden, Albert . Merritt, Elmer. Myers, Rollings H Newby, John A O' Riley, John . Peck, Charles A Powell, John W Putnam, John . Ray, Clare M . Ray, John F. . Rennells, Benjamin Robertson, Rennie Rollings, William Rupp, Jacob. . . Schmerber, WUliam Showman, Joseph Smith, Leroy . . . Snyder, Mahlon . Stoughton, Arthur VoU, Robert . . . Residence. Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Cass Co . . Logansport . Logans-port . Logansport . Cass Co . . Lincoln Neb Royal Centre Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Burrows . . Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . New Waverly Galveston . Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Date of Enroll ment, 1S9S. Apr.Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr,Apr.Apr. Apr. Apr! Apr.Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.Apr.Apr. Apr. 2(i262626 26 26 26 262626 26 262626 26 26 26 2626 26262626 26 26 26 2626 26 26 Remarks. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Feb. 29, '99. Discharged Apr. 1, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Corporal Aug. 8, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr 25, '99. Transferred to Hospital Corps Nov. 18, '98. Mustered out Apr, 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Transferred to Band May 25, '98 Transferred to Signal Corps Sept. 30,'98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr, 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Jan. 31, '99. Discharged Dec. 19, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. 1 Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Alustered out Apr. 25, '99. Transferred to Hospital Corps. Mustered out Apr, 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99, Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. 272 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEKRS Company M — Continued. Name and Rank. Privates — Cont. Viney, Hal T Wetsel, George H Recruits, Banta, Beaufort . Barron, Leon L . Boyer, Alex B . . Castle, Bert Commons, Alexander C Fournier, Lucian . . . Gall, Edward . . Hanna, Thomas J Hartman, Henry . Houser, Calvin E . Moore, William . . Patterson, Albert . Patton, Jesse B . Powell, Anson B . Rizer, Orestes D . Rollings, Lee J . Runyon, Aid en C . Swigart, John F . Tosler, William . Wallrath, Henry . White, Fred . . AVilliams, Charles S . Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Logansport Logansport . Logansport . Royal Centre Logansport . Logansport Logansport . Logansport . Logansport Burnettsville Logansport . Logansport . Logansport Logansport . New Waverly Metea . . . Burnettsville Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . Logansport . New Waverly New Waverly Apr. 26 Apr. 26 June 24 June 24 June 20 June 20 June 20 June 20 June 20 June 2 1 June 20 June 24 June 24 June 20 June 24 June 24 June 24 June 20 June 20 June 20 June 20 June 20 June 24 June 24 Remarks. Appointed Corporal Aug. 8, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Transferred to Hospital Corps Nov. 18, '98, Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Transferred to Signal Corps July 8, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Transferred to Co. K, 160th Ind. Vol., Aug. 11, '98. Appointed Corporal Aug. 8, '98. Discharged Mar. 10, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Feb. 1, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Transferred to Hospital Corps July 19, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Died Nov. 8, '98. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered, out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Appointed Musician Feb. 26, '99. Mustered out Apr. 25, '99. Discharged Mar. 10, '99. IN THE .Sl'ANISH-AMERICAN WAI;. 1 6 1ST REGIMENT, INDIANA VOLUNTEERS. This regiment was a volunteer regiment organized for the Spanish-American W^ar. Field, Sfaf , .\<>n-Comiiiis.'i/(/ne IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 291 Company D — Continued. Date op Name and Rank. Residencb. Enroll ment, 1898. I'rirates — Cout. Dowlen, H^nry , . . . Bedford . . July 9 Dugan, William AI Indianapolis June 27 Euler, Nelson C. B NorthVernon June 27 Foster, Charles NorthVernon June 27 Frooks, James Madison . . June 27 French, Emanuel .... Indianapolis June 27 Gilligan, Jii?e|ih . . Faulkner. . June 27 Graham, Alonzo N . Lancaster . . June 27 Green, Frank AI . . NorthVernon June 27 Griffiu, Harvey . . Canaan. . . June 2( Gnil)bs, Wilkit-on E . . Miidiscin June 27 Griffith, Ulyi^ses J . . . Vevay . . . June 27 Gaussin, f larence C . Harrison, Thomas . Herring, William . . Hagan, Robert E . . . Hargrove, Benjamin E Hawkins, John S Hankins, James . Henders'in, t'harles C Hender.-on, Arthur Hill, WiUiam . . Hyatt, William . Jackson, Hiram . Jackfon, Alwtthew Lawler, Roy . . . Losletter, Rudolph Losletter, George . Lunger, l^aac AIcGee, George . Alatthew, James . Mathews, John H . Mathews, Aubrey E Aletz, Fred , . . Alyer, William . . . Allies, Gus E . . . . Bedford July 9 Beecarnp . . i June 27 Pleasant . . J une 27 Canaan . . NorthVernon Ghent, Ky . Madison . . Seymour . . Keymour . . Seymour Aladison . . China, Ind . Seymour . . NorthVernonAladison . . ALuliscm , . Aladison . . Madison NorthVernon Manville . . AIcGregnr. . Versailles . Madisim . . North Vernon June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 July 9 July 9 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 July 5 .June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 2( June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 Remarks. Mastered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30. '99. Discharged Sept, 13, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr 30, '99. Died at Camp Columbia, Cuba, Jan. 24, '99. Died Nov. 3, '98 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. .Mustered out Apr 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Sept. 1, '98. Appointed Ser geant Dec. 9, '98. Mus tered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, ''.)'¦). Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Mar. 15, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mu-tered out Apr. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr. 3o, '99. Discharged Alar. 7, 99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Alustered out Apr Mustered out Apr. Mustered out Apr. Alustered out Apr. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Alar. 7, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Jan. 20, '99 Alustered out Apr. 30. '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. SO '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Mar. 21, '99. Appointed Corporal Mar. 15, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. 30, '99. 30. '99. oO, '9^. 30, 'iio. 292 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company D— Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. Neal, DeCourcy . . Oliver, Samuel. . . Parsons, Elmore O Prather, John K Redman, Roland E Rea, Harvey. . . Ricketts, Clarence Riley, David. , . Robinson, Riley . Spannagel, Joseph Shepherd, Harry B, Sebree, John A. Scanlan, Charles J Schwab, Frank. . Stoner, Henry . . Strang, Morton O. Strickland, Lafe St. John, Joseph . Tharpe, Charles A Teepe, Ernest J . . . Thompson, William E. Vawter, John S . Vawter, Charles D . Vandemore, Oris . Weed, Charles Welch, Homer M. Whiteker, Albert L Wilson, Charles S Wray, Millard . . Brooksburg . Madison Madison . . Seymour . . Bedford. . . Haney's Cor. Vevay . . . Reddington . Seymour . . NorthVernonDupont. . . Ghent, Ky. . Seymour . . N. Madison . Brightwood . NorthVernon NorthVernonHayden. . . Cartersburg , NorthVernon Bedford. , . Madison . . Madison . . NorthVernon Bedford. . , Seymour , . Wilmore,Ky. Madison . . Clear Spring. June 27 July 5 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 July 9 June 27 June 27 June 27 July 9 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 Appointed Corporal March 15, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Aug. 20, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '9'.». Died Oct, 14, '98, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99 Appointed Corporal Aug. 20, '98. Appointed Ser geant Mar. 15, '99. Mus tered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30. '99. Appointed Corporal March 15, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Aug. 20, '98. Mustered out AprU 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 293 Company D — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date op Enroll ment, 1898. Bedford. . . June 20 Evansville. . Apr. 26 NorthVernon Apr. 26 Vincennes. . June 20 Evansville . Apr. 26 Canaan . . , NorthVernon Dec. 2 Apr. 26 Bloomington Apr. 26 Englefield, , Apr. 26 Vincennes . Apr. 26 Gosport . . June 16 Evansville . Apr. 26 Bloomington Apr. 26 Remarks. Recruits. Brownscombe, Charles AV. Crain, Gilbert D . . . . Evans, Harry O . . . . Hatcher, John H. . . . Haskins, John W. . . . Ivor, Charles N . . . . King, Otto Ray, Wesley M. . Reininga, William . Ruth, Andy Sthair, Harry Wheeler, Cale K . . . . Whitaker, James K . . . Transferred from Co. H, 159th. Appointed Mu sician Dec. 7, '98. Mus tered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. E, 159th. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Transferred from Co, G, 159th. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. L, 159th. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. E, 159th, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. G, 159th. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. H, 159th. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. E, 159th. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. A, 159th. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. H, 159th. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. E, 159th. Appointed Cor poral Dec. 9, '98. Mus tered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. H, 159th. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. 294 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company E. This company was a volunteer company organized at Jeffer sonville, Clark County, for the Spanish-American War. Date op Name and Rank. Residence. Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Captain. Baird, Lewis C . . . . JeffersonvUle July 12 Resigned Jan. 6, '99. First Lieutenant. Fortune, James W . Jeffersonville July 12 Commissioned Captain Jan. 6, '99. Mustered out Apr. Second Lieidenant. 30, '99. Crooker, William W . . Jeffersonville July 12 Commissioned 1st Lieut. Jan. 6, '99. Mustered out First Sergeant. Apr. 30, '99. McCauley, Edward A , . Jeffersonville July 4 Commissioned 2d Lieut. Jan. 6, '99. Mustered out Quartermaster Sergeant. Apr, 30, '99. Ogden, Homer 0 . . , . New Albany June 26 Reduced to ranks Nov. 23, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Sergeants, Van Liew, John R . . . Jeffersonville July 4 Appointed 1st Sergeant Jan. 17, 99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Meiboom, Henry J . . . Jeffersonville June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Rogers, Charles T . , . Charlestown. June 25 Reduced to ranks Sept. 22, '98, Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Thompson, William M. . Scottsburg . June 27 Reduced to ranks Sept. 27, '9S. Appointed Sergeant Oct. 10, '98. Reduced to ranks Dec. 1, '98. Mus Corporals. tered out Apr. 30, '99. Biedenbach, John. . . . Jeffersonville June 24 Mustered out Apr 30, '99. Samuels, Conway C. . . Jeffersonville June 25 Reduced to ranks Nov. 9, 'W8. Appointed Corporal Dec. 1, '98. Appointed Sergeant Jan. 17, '99. Mus tered out Apr. 30, '99. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 295 Company E — Continued. Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Corporals — Cont. Laidley, Willis J .... JeffersonvUle June 24 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Ferguson, Ross Jeffersonville July 2 Appointed Sergeant Sept. 22, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '94. Timmonds, John W. . . Jeffersonville June 27 Appointed Q.-M. Sergeant Dec. 1, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Keifer, Thomas F . . JeffersonvUle June 24 Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Thorp, Elmer Jeffersonville June 27 Transferred to Signal Corps Dec. 10, '98. Reduced to ranks Nov. 10, Whitsitt, Lemuel E. . Deputy . . , June 24 '98. Transferred to Sig- nal Corps Dec 10, '98. Sims, WiUis B Utica . . . June24 Reduced to ranks July 31, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Hyatt, Walter E . . , . Sellersburg . June 24 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Worrell, Luther M , . Jeffersonville June 27 Transferred to Signal Corps Dec. 10, '98. Flora, Francis G . Charlestown. June 25 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Musicians, Youmans, Edward H . , Jeffersonville June 24 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, as private. Dumenil, Ellsworth. , . Topeka, Kas July 7 Transferred to Band Aug. 23, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Artificer, McClure, Julian C . . . Austin . . . June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Wagoner. Kelly, Marion Jeffersonville June 24 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Privates, Angleton, Robert. . , . Jeffersonville July 7 Died Oct. 11, '98. Barrard, Charles 0. , . Eden. , . . July 7 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Belknap, William E . . JeffersonvUle July 7 Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Biddle, Cal Ovid, . . . July 7 Appointed Corporal Dec. 27, '98. Mustered out Apr 30, '99, Bottorff, Harvey J . . . Jeffersonville June 28 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. 296 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company E — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroli,.- ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. Bonnell, John H . . Bridgewater, Daniel Buckley, Benjamin C Carr, Charles F . Carr, AVarren . . Clemmons, Jesse . Clemmons, Walter H Davis, Charles S . Delanty, John . . Dobson, Andrew . Dorsey, Walter A Edwards, Steve . EUerman, William H Ervin, Howard L. Gilbert, WUliam B Griffiths, James C GrifiSth, John A . Harrell, A. Thomas, Harris, James . . Herberich, Jacob. Herman, John , , Harbin, Robert L Hartley, Clarence. Howard, Frank L Houghland, Roscoe Jackson, Schuyler C Jacobs, .James N . Javens, Jackson E Jones, David . . Kelly, John E . . Kennedy, Hugh . Klosterman, Otto. Knowland, William Koons, Charles. . Koons, Walter I . Lee, John .... LeClare, James N Jeffersonville Scottsburg . Jeffersonville Jeffersonville Charlestown. Oard Spring. Oard Spring. Southport. . JeffersonvUle Utica. . . . Jeffersonville Scottsburg . JeffersonvUleAnderson . . JeffersonvilleJeffersonville Charlestown.Sellersburg . Logansport . Jeffersonville Indianapolis . Charlestown . Jeffersonville Charlestown.Austin . , . New Albany. JeffersonvUleJeffersonvilleNew Albany Louisville, Ky Jeffersonville Louisville, Ky Charlestown,Charlestown . Charlestown. Cincinnati, O Jeffersonville June 26 June 27 June 30 June 24 June 27 June 24 June 24 June 27 June 24 June 25 June 24 June 27 June 27 June 27 July 1 June 24 June 25 June 27 July 6 June 27 July 7 June 27 June 28 June 28 June 27 July 7 June 27 June 24 June 27 June 24 June 24 June 24 June 25 June 27 June 25 July 7 July 7 Appointed Corporal Dec. 1, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Jan. 28, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred to Hospital Corps Sept. 15, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Feb. 18, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged March 18, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal July 31, '98. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Nov. 10, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 297 Company E — Continued. Name and Rank. Risidenoe. Date op Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Private* — Cont, Lewis, Horace I . Mayberry, Charles Meadows, John R Meyer, John F. . Meyer, John H. . Miller, John 1 . . Mitchell, Herbert MitcheU, Berkie . O'Brien, Frank, . Oliver, James D Pear.son, Theodore B Peckinpaugh, Thomas Perry, Archie C , Pickering, John C PhiUips, Orville G Powers, Eugene S Powers, Claude . Raines, Walter P. Rhodes, Fred P Ryan, John E . Rector, John A Sauer, Elmer C Stepp, Jesse . . Strieker, Henry F Smith, George . . Taylor, George S , Tatum, WiUiam . Thomas, Wilmer H Tobin, James , . Tobin, Mathew. . Tomlin, Lafe W . Twomey, George W Vance, Arthur R. . Indianapolis.Charlestown. Jeffersonville JeffersonvilleJeffersonvilleIndianapolis.JeffersonvUle Austin . . . New Albany Utica. . . . Jeffersonville Jeffersonville Austin . . Indianapobs . Oard Spring. JeffersonvilleJeffersonville Utica. . . Atlanta. . . Pittsburg, Pa, Indianapolis. JeffersonvilleJeffersonville Charlestown. Indianapolis. JeffersonvilleUtica. . . , Indianapolis. Anderson . . Anderson , . JeffersonvUle Jeffersonville New Albany June 24 June 25 June 28 July 7 July 7 July 5 June 27 July 11 July 1 June 27 June 27 July 7 June 30 July 5 June 24 June 27 July 4 July 7 June 28 July 8 July 4 June 27 July 8 June 27 June 29 June 24 July 7 July 4 July 6 July 6 June 27 June 27 July 7 Dishonorably discharged Feb. 16, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Oct. 1, ' 98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Dec. 1, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Feb. 9, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr, 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Dec. 1 , '98. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Discharged Feb. 13, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Aug. 28, '98. Appointed Ser geant Dec. 1,'98, Mus tered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 80, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Jan. 7, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. 298 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company E — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. Weaver, Howard. . Wright, Charles AI Wurfel, William J . Recruits, Applegate, Charles L Doane, Charles R. Dunham, Jesse. . Jones, Percy. . . Kelley, Albert E McCafferty, WiUiam Nelson, Fred . . . Perry, Homer R . . Tliompson, James W Webb, Frank F . . White, Edwin , . . Jeffersonville JeffersonvilleJeffersonville Fortville . . Washington . Woodbury . Hope. . . Bainbridge AVashington , Detroit, Mich Jeffersonville IndianapolisIndianapolis. Waltham, Ma June 27 June 27 June27 July 12 Apr. 26 July 30 June 27 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Dec. 5 Aug. 6 July 28 July 12 June 24 Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred to company from Regimental Band July 18, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. D, 159th. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Transferred to Hospital Corps Aug. 20, '98. Transferred to Band Aug. 23, '98. Transferred to Co. E, Dec. 22. '98, from Co K, 161st, as musician. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. F, 159th. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. D, 159th Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Regi mental Band. Mustered out Apr, ao, '99. Transferred from Regi mental Band. Discharged Feb. 28, '99. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 299 Company F. This company was a volunteer company organized at Richmond, Wayne County, for the Spanish-American War. Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Captain. Smith, WUliam M. . . . Richmond . July 12 Resigned March 31, '99. First Lieutenant, Comstock, Paul .... Richmond . July 12 Commissioned Captain Apr. 1, '99 Mustered out Second Lieutenant, AprU 30, '99. Kimmel, Elmer E. . . . Richmond . July 12 Commissioned First Lieu tenant AprU 1 , '99. Mus First Sergeant, tered out AprU 30, '99. Martin, WiUiam .... Richmond . June 29 Discharged Feb. 18, '99. Quartermaster- Sergeant, Moss, Abraham T. . . . Richmond . June 29 Reduced to ranks Jan.5,'99. Discharged Mar. 3, '99. Sergeants. Tauer, Oscar P., Jr. . . Richmond . June 29 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Steele, John J . . . . Richmond . June 29 Reduced to ranks July 27, '98. Appointed Corporal Aug. 20, '98. Mustered out AprU 30, '99. Edwards, Leroy .... Richmond . June 27 Appointed First Sergeant April 10, '99. Mustered out April 30, '99. Weissgerber, John C . . Richmond . June 27 Discharged Jan. 17, '99. Corporals. Darnell, Charles E . . . Centreville . June 29 Reduced to ranks and trans ferred to Regimental Band Aug. 23, 'y8. Kellar. Frank Richmond . June 27 Appointed Sergeant Mar. 13, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Bader, Charles E . . . . Richmond . June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Smith, Fred H Richmond . June 29 Reduced to ranks Aug, 20, '98, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. 300 RECORD OF INDIANA A'OLUNTFERS Company F — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Corporals — Cont. Stratton, Roy O , , , Kuhlman, Charles O . Tauer, Paul O . . . . Sheppard, Henry W. . Pryfogle, William T, S Petry, Harvey C . Smith, George D , Arnett, WilHs M . . Musicians. Foard, AVilliam G. . Zurwelle, William S. Artificer, Hennigar, Harry H. Wagoner. Williams, Granville . Privates. Addleman, John F . Addleman, Samuel C Allen, Roy M , , . AUinder, William R Bode, Frederick . . Brown, Denver . , Bucy, Charles E . Caseley, John E . Cassel, Walter H . Clark, John W. . Richmond RichmondRichmond Richmond Richmond Fountain City Richmond . Richmond RichmondCox's Mills Richmond Richmond Whitewater . Whitewater . Richmond . . Richmond . . Richmond . , W,AIauch'r,0 Indianaiiolis Richmond . . Richmond , . Richmond . . I June 29 June 29 June 27 June 27 June 29 June 29 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 29 June 29 June 27 June 27 June 29 June 29 June 29 June 29 June 29 July 8 June 29 June 27 June29 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Sergeant Mar. 13, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Sergeant Mar. 13, '99. ¦ Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Reduced to ranks Aug. 16, '98. Transferred to Hos pital Corps Aug. 23, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Reduced to ranks Oct. 13, '98. Discharged Mar. 4, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Reduced to ranks Sept. 1, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged March 11, '99. Transferred to Hospital Corps Aug. 23, '98, Appointed Corporal Aug. 20, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Alarch 13, '99. Mustered out April 30, '99. Died Oct. 23, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Feb. 23, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 80, '99. IN THE SPANISH-AMERIOAN WAR. 301 Company F — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. Connaughton, John F Cook, Harry P . . . Cook, Joseph R . . Decker, Berttie E. , De Verse, Joseph E . Dickerson, Benjamin F Dickey, Marshal D . Duke, James F . . . Duke, WiUiam H . Edwards, John . . . Elliott, Worley F . . Estep, William C . . Francis, John S . . Fudge, Rufus . . . Fossenkemper, Charles O Francis, George B . Granger, Herman E. Graham, Stephen R . Grice, Alonzo N . . Haley, Jerry. . . . Handley, Albert E . Harmeyer, Harry . . Hassard, Richard B , Henderson, Robert J Hennigar, Gilbert S , Hieger, WUliam E Higgs, George H . Hites, John H Hoar, John , HoUopeter, John . . Hollowell, Charles A Holtcamp, Charles . Horr, Argus O. . . Hurst, Addison C, . Richmond . . Richmond . , Richmond . . Richmond . . Richmond . . Richmond . . Richmond . . Richmond . . Richmond . . Richmond . . Richmond . . Richmond . . Metamora . . Cleburne, Tex Glen MUler . Indianapolis De Motte . . N. Harmony Richmond . Chicago, 111 . Richmond . . Richmond . Richmond , Lynn . . . Richmond . Richmond . Richmond . . Richmond . . Centreville . Richmond . Danville, 111 Richmond Richmond Richmond June 29 June 2^1 June 29 June 29 June 27 June 29 June 29 June 27 June 27 June 29 June 27 June 29 June 29 June 29 June 29 July 8 June 27 June 27 June 29 July 11 June 29 June 29 June 29 June 29 June 29 June 29 June 29 June 27 June 27 June 27 July 8 June 29 June 29 June 27 Discharged March 11, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred to Signal Corps Dec. 10, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Deserted Sept. 20, 98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred to Signal Corps Dec. 10, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, 'h9. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Aug. 20, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Wagoner Jan. 1, ' 99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Dec. 31, '98. Appointed cook Oct. 18, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30 '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred to Regimental Band Aug. 23, '98. Mus tered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. 302 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company F — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. Jarrett, Littleton B Juday, Lista B. . Kain, Harry F . Kelly, Harry E . Lanius, Charles W Lotius, Michael . Lovin, George E. Morgan, t harie.s E Mull, Albert . , Murray, Alden . Muye, George . Nolan, AVUliam . Nye, Edward L . . Pyle, John B. W. . Reese, William . . Reckers, Henry J . Ru.-'che, Frank . Ryder, Harry . Stanley, Franklin B Snjder, William E Sanders, John H . Simpsim, Walter , Stegall, Everett E Thomas, Harry J. Thomas, Iru L . , Thompson, Joseph H Toler, George C , Trakowski, Fred W Trimble, Charles F Triplett, Harry N Vanzant, Charles E AVeaver, Samuel J Weissgerber, Frank H AVoessner, William . Wright, Silvester E. Yedding, Ferdinand Zurwelle, George R. AVebster . . Eldorado, O. Richmond . Richmond . Richmond . Richmond . Richmond . St Elmo, Col. Richmond Metamora . Richmond . Richmond Richmond Richmond Hammond Richmond Richmond Richmond Richm(mdColumbusRichmond 'Spring Grove RichmfmdRichmondRichmondRichmond Richmond Richmond Richmond Richmond Richmond RichnKmd Richmond Al.ilamora Lynn . . Richmond Cox's Alills June29 June27 June29June2:9 June29June".^9 June29 July 12 June27 June 29 June29 June27 June29June29July 11 June 29 June29June 27 June 29 July 9 June 29 June 27 Jul e 29 June 20 June 27 June 29 June 29 June 29 June 29 June 27 June 29 June 29 June 27 June 'i9 June 27 June 29 June 29 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Sept. 27, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mui-tered out Apr. 3(i, '99. Alustered out A|)r. 30, '^9. Discharged Feb 24, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Vlustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. aO, '99, A.ppointed Musician Sept. 1, '98. Muf tered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Feb. 20, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Sept, 2M, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '• 9. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Died Jan. 17, '99. Alustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '^9. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Oct. 18, '98, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred to R gimental Band Aug. 2::!, '98 Trans ferred to Hospital Corps Sept. 15, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. IN THE SPANISH-AMERIOAN WAR. 303 Company F — Continued. Name and Rank. Recruits. Drapier, William H., Jr. Cline, Walter S . . . . Bader, Robert S . . . . Burgan, Burton E . . . Hamilton, John . . . . HUl, John Levy, Carl Lucas, Charles Maxwell, Clifford . Aletlin, Earl . ... McCoy, Earl Secrist, Leo .... Shearer, Chester A . Singler, George . . Residence. Indianapolis Indianapolis Richmond . Terre Haute RichmondGreencastle , Evansville . IndianapolisIndianapolis Evansville Lawrence . . Terre Haute Terre Haute Evansville . Date of Enroll ment, 1898. July 12 Nov. 19 July Apr. 27 26 July Apr. 2826 July 1 Dec. 6 Dec. 2 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 July 1 Remarks. Appointed Sergeant Aug, 20, '98, Commissioned 2d Lieutenant April I ,'99; Mustered out A pr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal March 13, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. B, 159th Regiment. Mus tered out Apr. 30, '99, Discharged Feb. 7, '99. Transferred from Co. F, 159th Rfgiment. Mus tered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. M, 159th Regiment. Mus tered out Apr. 30, '99. Trani-ferred from Rpgi- mental Band Dec. 22. '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Reei- mental Band Dec. 22, '98, Mustered out Apr 30, '99. Transferred from Co. E, 159th Regiment. Mus tered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co C, 159th Regiment. Ap pointed Corporal March 13, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. B, 159th Regiment. Mus tered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co B, 159th Regiment, Mus tered out Apr. 30, '99 Transferred from Co. M, 159 th Regiment, Mus tered out Apr, 30, '99. 304 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company G. This company was a Henrj' County, for the volunteer company organized at New Castle, Spanish-American War. Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Captain. Ogborn, Albert D. . . . New Castle . July 12 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. First Lieutenant. Meyers, James I . . . . New Castle . July 12 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Second Lieutenant. Pitman, Charles M . . . New Castle . July 12 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. First Sergeant. Rogers, Paul Muncie . . . June 28 Reduced to ranks July 31, '98. Mustered out Apr. Quaiiermaster Sergeant. 30, 99. Owens, Charles B. . , . Franklin . , July 5 Reduced to Sergeant Dec. 22, '98. Mustered out Sergeants. Apr. 30, '99. Engle, William T. . . Indianapolis July 5 Transferred to Hospital Corps Aug. 20, '98. Welshbacher, John . . . Middletown , June 28 Mustered out Apr. .SO, '99. Mct!rea, Edward .... Muncie . . . June 28 Reduced to ranks Feb. 16, '99 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Bock, Claud New Casile . June 27 Reduced to ranks Mar. 18, '99. Mustered out Apr. Cm-porals. 30, '99. Martin, Albert 0. . . . Muncie , , . June 29 Appointed Sergeant Mar. 20, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Keesliog, Ray Mechanicsb'g June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. McKimmey. Linley W. . Aluncie . . June 29 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Redding, James M . . . New Castle . June 27 Reduced to ranks Dec. 27, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Allen, Alonzo New Castle . J une 29 Transferred to Hospital Corps Aug. 20, '93. IN THE SPANISH-AMERIOAN WAR. sot Company G — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date op Enroll ment, 1898. Mechanicsb'g Honey Creek Muncie . . . Spiceland . . Mt. Summit. June 27 June 27 June 29 June 27 June 27 Blountsville . June 28 Kennard . . June 28 Lewisville. . Aliddletown . June 27 June 28 New Castle . June 27 New Castle . June 27 Middletown . New Castle Muncie . . . Dalton . . . June 28 June 27 June 28 June 28 New Castle . June 27 New Castle . New Castle . Muncie . . Spiceland . . Indianapolis. New Castle . Muncie . . . Cambridge Cy June 27 Julv 5 July 6 June 27 July 7 June 29 June 28 July 6 Remarks. Corporals — Cont. Elliott, George H. Fadely, Joseph H. Gontner, Charles R Baldwin, EUwood L Nash, Charles M . Luther, E. Murray . Nugent, Harry S . . Musicians. Vandyke, Henry W. Yates, Ira O. . . . Artificer. Hutcheus, Huston . Wagoner. Livezey, Oscar. . . Privates. Akers, Joseph . Barnett, Guy .... Barnes, Henry . . Beeson, Edward . . Brown, Roy W . Buckley, Guy , Canaday, James Cecil, Fred P . Darling, Alva . Darnell, Harry C Davenport, Frank N Detrich, George C . Dolan, John . . . (20) Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Reduced to ranks Dec. 27, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Sergeant Dec. 20. '98. Appointed Q. M. Sergeant Dec. 22,'98. Mustered out Apr. 30,'99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged March 17, '99. Discharged March 17, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. DischargedFeb. 6, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Appointed Musician Mar. 21, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Transferred to Regimental Band Aug. 27, '98. Transferred from band to Co. L, 161st Ind. Vols. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Sept. 28, '98. Transferred to Hospital Corps Aug. 20, '98. 306 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company G — Continued. Name and Rank. Privates — Cout. Eilar, Benjamin AV . Faulkner, Henry . FilsoD, James L Fisher, Frank W. Frazee, Walker . Freeman, Perry . Freeland, Thomas Foster, Frank . . Gaddis, Max P. . Residence. Goddard, Joseph Goodman, Bud. . . Hale, Frank. . . . Hale, Thomas T . Hal faker, Edgar B . Hamilton, Frank M Hamilton, Bentim F Hanna, John W Harper, Charles , . Hickman, Herbert H Hoi ton, Hoyt A . . Huddleston, Arthur A Irwin, George . . . Israel, AVilliam G Jackson, Solomon . Lamb, Oltie F . . . Lane, Fred .... Leech, .J. Morris F . Leonard, John AI Leonard, Arthur . Lykins, Sebastin . McCoy, Charles . McCoy, Clarence , Martin, Henry C, Date of Enroll ment, 1898. New Castle . Aluncie . . . New Lisbon. New Castle . Byers, O . . Muncie . New Lisbon. Spiceland . . New Castle Middletown . Muncie. . . Springp )rt Dublin . . . Franklin . . New Castle . Greensboro . Ft. Worth, Te Indianapolis.Springport . Indianapolis. Dublin. . . New A"ork,N. Franklin . . Franklin . . Dalton . . . Alooreland . Aluncie . . . Muncie . . , Muncie, . . Spiceland . . Aluncie. . . Muncie . . . Muncie. . June 27 July 5 June 28 June 2!) July 6 July 5 June 27 Jui:e27June 27 June 29 June 27 June 28 June2.S July 5 July 6 June 27 July 5 July 8 June 29 July 7 June 29 June 29 July 5 July 5 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 Jiine27June 29 June 29 June 28 Remarks. Appointed Corporal Dec. 20, '98. Appointed Ser geant Feb, 17, '99. Alus tered out Apr. 30, '99, Discharged Jan. 13, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 3ii, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed cook Apr. 5, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Dec. 29, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Dec. 20, '98. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. aO, '99. Mustered out Apr 30, '99. Discharged Aug. 22, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr 30, '99. Mu.itered out Apr. 30, '^9. Di-charged Alar. 13, '99. Discharged Jan. 12, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out.Apr. 30. '99. Alustered out' Apr 30, '99. Transferred to H(jspital Corps Aug, 20, '98. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Sept. 27, '98. Discharged Feb. 7, '99. IN THE SPANISH-AMERIOAN WAU. 307 Company G — Continued. Name and Rank. Privates — Cont. Martindale, George . Miller, James W . . Mitchell, Lemuel . , Morgan, Cliff . . , Netz, Charles . . . Newby, Otis. . . Newby, George W , Nichols, Noau A . Paul, John J . . . Pearson, Joseph AI Prager, James M. , Rawlins, Winfield Reece, Benjamin F . Robinson, Elmer . . Rothbaust, Jesse . . , Sears, Walton D . . . Shellenbarger, Charles Sherer, Albert . . Shuee, Edward C Snider, Daniel V, Swaim, Clareuce T Sweezy, John . . Wahl, John , . . Walden, Elgar 0 Wilmuth Arthur Wilson, John VV . Winnings, Mark . Winnings, Walter A AVintersteen, Minor Wolfe, Edwin . . AVoods, Harry . . Recruits. Musicians. Taylor, Eugene B ¦ Date op Residence. E.NROLL- MENT, 1898. Hagerstown . June 28 New Castle . June 29 Middletown . June 29 Greensburg . July 4 Ashland . . June 28 Greensboro . June 27 Greensboro . June 27 Honey Creek June 27 Muncie. . . June 29 New Castle . July 5 Seattle, Wash July 1 Byers, 0 . . July 6 Muncie. . . June 28 Fishers Swtch July 6 Franklin . . July 5 Spiceland. . June 27 Muncie. . . July 4 New Castle . June 29 Muncie. . . June 2 t Aluncie. . . June 29 Dublin. . . June 27 Franklin . . July 5 Indianapolis. July 8 Muncie, . June 28 Kennard . , June 28 Aluncie. . . June 29 Ashland . , J une 28 Ashland . . June 28 New Castle . J une 28 Mooreland . June 28 Dubhn, . . June 28 Princeton. . Nov. 28 Remarks. Mustered out Apr. 30 , '99. Mustered out Apr. 30 , '99. Mustered out Apr. 30 , '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr, 30, '99, Alustered out Apr. 30, '99, Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Dec. 22, '98. Transferred to Hospital Corps Jan. 9, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Mar. 20, '99 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. DischargedFeb. 4, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Feb. 17, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Feb, 10, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Band Dec. 22, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. 308 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company G — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates. Armstrong, John L. Baxley, Robert F . Green, Oscar . . Hogue, Edward H King, Fred C . . , Malone, Clarence A. Newsum, Fred B. Puckett, Fred W. . Robinson, Floyd AV, Reynolds, Clyde B , Sherman, William A Sheller, Charles . . Turnage, George W Warren, Benjamin F Wolfe, Walter G. Stewartsville Princeton . Richmond Princeton. Muncie. . Princeton . Princeton . Muncie. Princeton. Hageistown.Middletown . Muncie. . . Princeton . . EvansvUle Evansville Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Aug. 8 Apr. 26 Aug. 8 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 June 28 Apr. 26 Aug. 8 Aug. 8 Aug 8 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr, 26 Transferred from Co. K, 159th Regt. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. K, 159 th Regt. Appointed Corporal Dec. 29, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30,'99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. K, 159th Regt. Mustered. out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. K, 159 th Regt. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co K, 159th Regt. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed 1st Sergeant Aug. 1, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. K, 159th Regt Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Jan. 19, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. K, 159 th Regt. Discharged Feb. 3, '99. Transferred from Co. E, 159th Regt. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co, E, 159th Regt. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 309 Company H. This company was a volunteer company organized at Rushville, Rush County, for the Spanish-American War. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Captain, Gwinn, .James M . . . First Lieutenant, Joyce, John F . . . . Second Lieutenant, Patton, Henry B . . . First Sergeant. Caldwell, George H. . Quartermaster Sergeant, Caldwell, Joseph J . . Sergeants. Comstock, Charles E . Hunt, Gaston P . . AVolfe, Charles E. . Stiers, Edgar . . . Corporals, Fells, Jacob D , . , Gross, Fred . . . . Wertz, Harrison E . MitcheU, AVilliam T Rushville, . July 12 Rushville . Rushville . Rushville . Rushville . Rushville . Fayetteville . Rushville . Richland Rushville . Alanilla. . Arlington. Rushville. July 12 July 12 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 .lune 27 June27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Resigned Aug. 27, '98. Commissioned First Lieu tenant Aug. 28, '98. Mus tered out Apr. 30, '99. Commissioned Second Lieu tenant Aug. 28, '98, Mus tered out Apr. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Appointed First Sergeant Sept. 8, '9-<. Reduced to ranks Dec. 27, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed First Sergeant Jan. 4, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Reduced to ranks Oct. 1, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Reduced to ranks Dec. 27, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. 310 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company H — Continued. Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Enroll ment, Remarks. 1898. Corporals — Cont. Newbro, Charles A . . . Clarksburg . June 27 Reduced to ranks Dec. 27, '98, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Lindsey, Charles F . . . Cincinnati, 0 July 6 Reduced to ranks Oct. 1, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Wallace, Leven E . . . RushvUle . , June 27 Transferred to Hospital Corps Aug, 23, '9\ Robertson, William H. . Rushville . , June 27 Discharged Dec, 22, '98. Perkins, Greely .... Rushville. . June 27 Reduced to ranks Aug. 16, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Johnson, Riley Richland , . June 27 Mustered out Apr 30, '99. Innis, John W RushvUle . . June27 Transferred to Signal Corps Dec. 1, '98. Dishonorably discharged Ferkins, Jesse F . . . . Rushville . . July 5 Apr. 21, '99. Musicians, Huffman, Edward . . . RushviUe . . June 27 Transferred to Regimental Band Aug. 23, '98. Mus tered out Apr. 30, '99. Middleton, Basil . . . Connersville. July 8 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Artifixier, Jameson, Jesse K . . . Rushville . . June 27 Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Wagmier, MiUer, Charles W . . . Rushville . . June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Privates. Adams. James F . . . . Rushville. June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Ailes, Jesse W Stip'sHill . June27 Appointed Corporal Aug. 23, '98 App linted Ser geant Dec 31, '98. Mus tered out Apr. 30, '99. Alexander, Fred .... RushvUle . . June 27 Appointed Corporal Dec. 27, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. AUentharp, Ira .... Arlington . . 1 June 27 Transferred to BandOct. 23, ' 98. Transferred to Com ' pany Dec. 22,' 98. Mus tered out Apr. 30, '99. IN THE SPANISH-AMERIOAN WAR. 311 Company H — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. Armstrong, John H. . . Armstrong, Joseph A , Jr Baylor, Frank C Baker, Arthur . Ball, William H Bartlett. Orville Beale, Fred R . Boling, George W Bowne, Owen O . Brown, Leslie B . Burdock, Harry . Caldwell, Robert G Cassaday, Rue . . . Cauley, Anthony B. Davis, Harry W . . Devers, Bert L. , . Emmons, Harrie E . Fox, Ben Francis, Fred C . . Gable, Clyde C. . . Gardner, WUliam E Geiger, Ira E . . . Gilson, James . . . Glass, John . . . . Glisson, WUl . Graves, Fred . . . Greenlee, Earl . . . Guire, Jesse W. , , Hall, Harry . . . , Hambrock, Charles E . Rushville , Rushville . Rushville , Rushville Rushville RushvilleRushville Rushville . . Rushville . Richland . . N.York, N Y Rushville . . Rushville . Rushville . Rushville . Rushville . Rushville . Arlington . W. Indianap' Rushville . Rushville . Rushville . RushviUe . RushviUe . . Connersville. Thorntown . RushviUe . . Rushville . . Connersville. Manilla. . June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 July 5 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 July 2 June 27 June 27 June 27 July 2 June 27 July 6 July 2 June 27 June 27 July 6 June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred to Signal Corps Sept. 8, '98. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Dec. •Z7, '98. Appointed Ser geant Jan. 4, '99, Mus tered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Dec. 27, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corpi ral Jan. 26, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Feb. 10, '99. , Mustered out Apr, 30, '99, Died Nov, 3, '9.-^. Appointed Corporal Aug. 16, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Jan. 26, '99. Mustered out Apr 30, '^9 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Oct. 1, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30 '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. 312 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company H — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. Harry, Vernie . . . Hatfield, John W. Heaton, Clarence . Hilligoss, Oscar R Hoffner, Charles S Holder, George . Jester, Cheniah F. Jones, George B , Kenner, Ralph H. , Klingworth, William Lohrman, Walter . . Levi, Harry C . . . McClaim, Clinton . . McCoy, Michael P , McCrory, Fred . , , Marvin, Buford . . Matthews, Charles M MUler, Clint M. . . Moore, Thomas C . . Mootz, Fredric . . . Morford, Irvin . . . Myers, WUl .... Newman, William G Norris, Frank . . . O'Day, .James . . . Owsley, Carl W . . Palmes, Ira H . . . Parker, Ralph C . . Pearsey, Chase. . . Phillips, Joseph . . Plummer, George A. PoUett, Edward . . Ragan, Ernest L , . Richland . Rushville . . Muncie . . . RushvUle . . Connersville.Connersville.Rushville . . Rushville . . Rushville . RushvUle . . Indianapolis. Rushville . . Rushville . . Rushville . Rushville . RushviUe . Rushville . Arlington . Rushville . W.Indian'pls Anders'nville ConnersvUle Rushville . Rushville . Rushville . Thorntown Rushville . IndianapolisRushville . Rushville . . Connersville.Arlington. . Connersville. June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 July 6 July 6 June 27 June 27 June 27 July 5 July 5 June 27 June 27 July 1 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 July 5 June 27 July 6 June 27 June 27 June 27 July 2 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 July 6 July 5 July 6 Appointed Corporal Aug. 23, '98. DischargedFeb. 23, '99, Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Transferred to Hospital Corps Aug. 23, '98, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Feb. 1, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Hospital Stew ard Sept. 10, '98. Mus tered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Oct. 1, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Sept 20, '98. Appointed Corporal Dec. 27, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged March 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Sept. 27, '98. in THE SPANISH-AMERIOAN WAR. 313 Company H — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date op Enroll ment, 1898. Privates — Cont. Rucker, Henry V. . . , Arlington . . June 27 Runk, Jacob J Seibel, Henry Shields, Robert H. . . . Smith, Chinnie R. . . Smith, Lewis . , . Stiers, William M. . . . Stratton, Lemon M . . . Vest, Charles WeUs, Dudley Whalen, William T . . . WUson, Harold E. . . . Young, Monroe .... Rushville . . Hamburg. , Rushville , . New Salem . Wellston,0. Richland . . Rushville . . Rushville . . Indianapolis.Rushvil e . . Rushville . . Richland . . June 27 July 5 June 27 June 27 July 1 June 27 June 27 July 5 July 5 June 27 June 27 July 1 Recruits, Allen, Heber H Rushville . . July 29 Bock, William Cassell, Don H New Castle . Indianapolis. Aug. 9 Apr. 26 Dodd, Edward L. . . . Vincennes. . June 16 Fedder, John H . . . . Bloomington June 15 Harris, Isaac W.ashington June 25 Kendall, Robert .... Lee, Harry Lewis Creek Washington Aug. 9 June 21 Maher, William E . . . Washington June 21 Remarks. Transferred to Band Aug. 23, '98. Mustered out Aug. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr, 30, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Oct. Transferred to Band Aug. 23, '98. " 15, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. L, 159th Regt Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. A, 159th Regt. Mustered out Apr. 30, '89. Transferred from Co. H, 159th Regt. Appointed Musician Feb 20, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30,'99. Transferred from Co. D, 159th Regt. Mustered Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. D, 159th Regt, Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. D, 159th Regt. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. 314 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company H — Continued. Name and Rank, Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Recruits — Cont. McGahan, Claude . Talbott, Gerald . . . Thompson, Charles K Trimble, John Vance, Arlyn T . Vaughn, William H Vieke, Edward C . Westfall, AValter . Terre Haute June 23 Bloomington Apr. 26 Terre Haute June 23 Evansville . July 6 Irvington . . Nov. 28 Vincennes. . Apr. 26 Vincennes. . Apr. 26 lona . . . June 21 Transferred from Co. B, 159th Regt. Discharged without honor Apr. 19, '99 Transferred from Co. H, 159th Regt. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. B, 159th Regt. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. E, 159 th Regt. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99 Transferred to Company from Band. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. L, 159th Regt, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. L, 159th Regt. Appointed Corporal Dec. 27, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '^9. Transferred from Co D, 159 th Regt. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. IN THE SPANISH-AMERIOAN WAR. 315 Company I. This company was a volunteer company organized at Monticello, White County, for the Spanish- American War. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Captain. Guthrie, William . . . , First Lieutenant. Anheir, Anthony A. . Second Lieutenant. Ward, John R . . . . First Sergeant. Tharp, Wilbur. . . Quartermaster Sergeant. Ballard, Samuel P . . Sergeants. Best, WiUiam D . . . Kassabaum, George W Cromer, Robert H . . Hubbard, Charles E . Corporals. Imes, Fred S . . . . Strubbe, Harry E . Engle, AValter M. . Thompson, Clinton H Stivers, Wallace D , Hausman, William E Holdridge, Leroy L. Goodwin, Marion A. Wallis, Lew .... Monticello Monticello Monticello Rensselaer Monon Brookston. . Kentland . . Lcgansport . Francesville. Monticello . Goodland. . June 28 July 13 July 13 July 13 i28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June2« June 28 Francesville . Monon . . . Rensselaer . Sheldcm, 111 . Wolcott . . Battle Gro'nd Battle Gro'nd June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 Mustered out Apr 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Reduced to ranks Nov. 22, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Reduced to ranks Dec. 21, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30. '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Appointed Q, -M. Sergeant Dec. 22, '98 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed First Sergeant Nov. 29. '98 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred to Signal Corps Dec 31, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Died Oct. 14, '98. Mustered out Apr 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. 316 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company I — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Corporals — Cont. Horner, George W . . . Knox . . . June 28 Burns, John Garrigues, John U . . . Logansport . FrancesvUle. June 28 June 28 Musicians. Tharp, Walter A . . . . Remington . June 28 Conner, Charles A . . . Reynolds . . June 28 Artificer. Coeu, Newell M . . . . Alonticello. . June 28 Wagoner. McDaniel, George A . . Battle Gro'nd June 28 Privates. Arrick, Guy Bates, Wilbur F . . . Benica, Louis C . . . . Best, Charles A . . . . Boyles, Charles S. . . . Boyles, Brenton A . . . Bugbee, George J . . . Burden, John W . . Brooks, Edward E . . . Comer, William E . Monticello . Monticello . Logansport . Brookston. . Battle Gro'nd ¦ Battle Gro'nd Remington . Monticello . Logansport . Reynolds . . June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 Cooley, George Cowger, Raymond . . . Crafton, Paul . . Dexter, Jacob W. . . , Brookston. . Alonticello . Bedford . . Goodland. . June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 DUlman, William S, . . Downs, William A . . . Didlake, Roy P . . . . Evans, Albert A , . . . Fehrle, John G Garwood, Corvdon . . . BattleGroundBattleGroundMonticello . Wheatfield . Goodland . . Monon . . . June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 Reduced to ranks Nov. 27, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred to Signal Corps Dec. 10, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Dec. 22, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Feb. 1, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Feb. 4, '99. Appointed Musician Jan. 11, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred to Hospital Corps Aug. 20, '98. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. IN THE SPANISH-AMERIOAN WAR. 317 Company I — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cout. Gibson, Frank E . . Gorman, Daniel V . Goodrich, Guy , . Graham, John W. Guest, Frank A . Hager, Charles A. Hartz, John F . . Hart, Joseph . . Hawkins, William Haywood, Lorenzo Heglin, William . Henry, Hiram . . ^Herron, Richard , 'Hurst, William A HoUcraft, Charles H Kepperling, George Kuns, Clarence D Lee, Claude J . Lefler, Israel J. Leslie, Albert E Longwell, John Mahoney, Daniel Maier, Albert . Meyer, Henry G Montrose, Jesse. McCloud, Edward E McChristy, Enos A McNett, Walter . Murphy, Charles L Myers, Oliver C . Netzel, WiUiam F Newton, James B. Pettit, William. . Reynolds, Elmer E Rogers, Alva J. . Rinier, Edward L Rourke, John T . Remington . Logansport Wolcott . . Kirkland . . Monticello LogansportLogansport . Monticello . Rensselaer Monon . . . Monon . . . Monticello . Monticello . BattleGround Hammond . Chalmers . . Brookston. . Logansport . Francesville. Monon . . . Francesville.Bes'mer,MichMonon . . . Remington . Peru , . . . Sheldon, IU . Round Grove Wolcott . . Remington . Brookston. . Medarysville Lafayette . . Monticello . Monticello . Monon . . . Hopedale . . Monon . . , June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 July 12 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 July 12 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 July 12 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 Appointed Corporal Nov. 29, '98. Mustered out AprU 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Nov. 29, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Nov. 29, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Jan. 24, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Died Oct. 23, '98. Died Sept. 24, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Jan, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Discharged Jan, 18, '99. 318 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company I — Continued. Name and Rank, Residence, Date op Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont, Scott, Franklin G, ShauU, Henry A . Sheets, Samuel H. Shide, Frank . . Simons, Walter A Smith, Bruce W . Sorrell, Perry H . Stanley, Alelvin . Strebe, Edward . Tanguy, William E Tharp, Walter C . Thompson, Wi'bur L Tice, Stephen E , Turner, Joseph F, Ward, James A , AVeaver, AVilliam G Whitted, Elmer . Wood, Oliver H . Young, Harrison . Recruits. Cook. Smock, Thomas W Privates, Arnold, Charles E Bowman, George Brown, Arthur H, Crowell, Richard . Combs, Edward . Diffy, John .... Fox, Stuart T . . . Karp, George A . . Langner, Gustave A Goodland . Lnchiel . . Monon . Remiugton . Alonticello . Goodland . . Rensselaer . Monon . . . Brookston . Logansport . Rensselaer . Monon . . . Goodland. . San Pierre . Mcmticello . Monticello . Francesville Remington . Roachdale Indianapolis Delphi . . BattleGround Alontici-llo . Mimticello . Brownstown Pickard Monticello AlonticelloEvansville June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June28June 28 June 28 June 2.S Juue2«June 28 June 28 June 2X June 28 June2HJune 2>i June 28 June 28 June 2.S June 28 Dec. 2 July 30 June 28 July 30 July 30 Apr. 26 Aug 10 July 30 July 30 Apr. 26 Lough ry, Howard . Monticello July 30 Transferred to Hospital Corps Aug. 20, '98. Discharged Jan. 6, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, 'i-9. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99 Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, SO, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '; 9. Died Nov. 30, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Died Nov. 7, '98. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. G, 159th Regt. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30 '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. M, 159th Regt Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Dec. 22, '98. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 319 Company I — Continued. Date op Name and Rank. Residence. Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. Maxey, WUliam .... Lynnville July 7 Transferred from Co. M, 159th R>'gt. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Miller, Reverdy J. . . . Bloomington Apr. 26 Transferred from Co. H, 159th Regt. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. McConnell, John F. . . Evansville . Apr. 26 Transferred from Co. M, 159th Regt. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Company K. This company was a volunteer company, organized at Columbus, Bartholomew County, fur the Spanish- American War. Name and Rank. Captain. Stott, Wilfred T . , First Lieutenant. Smith, Charles C. , . . Second Lieutenant, Owens, Temple H . . . First Sergeant. Wynegar, Eugene . . . Quartermaster Sergeant, Thompson, AVilliam A . Residence. Date op Enboll- i MENT, 1898. Remarks. Columbus . j July 13 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Columbus. . July 13 | Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Columbus. . July 13 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Columbus. Columbus. June 27 June 27 Reduced to Sergeant Nov. 3, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed First Sergeant Nov. 3, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. 320 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company K — Continued. Date op Name and Rank. Residence. Enroll ment, 1898. Remabks. iSergeants. Bray, Charles Columbus. . June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30,''99. Carr, Frank Columbus. . June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. McGovney, Charles S. . Columbus. . June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Voris, G. Ashley. . . . Columbus. . June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Corporals, AUison, Franklin B . . Hope . . . June 27 Mustered out Apr, 30, '99, Cobb, Edwin A . . . . Columbus. June 27 Discharged Feb. 4, '99. Day, Elmer C Columbus. . June 28 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Christ, Orlando P . . . Columbus. . June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '9^. Grove, Clarence B . . . Columbus. . June 27 Reduced to ranks Aug. 29, ' 98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Haislup, Harry H . . Columbus. . June 29 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. McCoy, Harry H. . . . Columbus. • June 27 Transferred to Hospital Corps Aug. 23, '98. Oliphant, Wilfred H . Noblesville . June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Pruitt, Elmer T ... Edinburg. June 27 Discharged March 13, '99. Romine, John D . . . . Ogilville . . June 27 Transferred to Hospital Corps Aug. 23,'98. Trans ferred to Company Nov. 21, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Rowell, Fred C . . ". . Columbus. . June 27 Transferred to Hospital Corps Aug. 23, '98. Western, William C . . Columbus. . June 27 Reduced to ranks Sept. 26, ' 98. Mustered out Apr. Musicians. 30, '99. Jones, Percy Hope . . . June 27 Transferred to Band Aug. 26, '98. Fuller, William .... Columbus. . June 29 Reduced to ranks Aug. 29, '98. Mustered out Apr. Artificer. 30, '99. King, Edwin Columbus . June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Wagoner. Bruce, Herbert R . . . Nortonburg. June 28 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Privates. Abell, Samuel Seymour . . June 29 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Abernathy, Robert . . . Seymour . . June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 321 Company K — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Con t. Adkins, James. . Ayers, WiUiam A Barnes, Frank H, Beabout, David . Beaty, William J. Betterley, Benjamin Blake, Elbert M Branaman, Henry Bruce, Mell . . . Brumfield, Gurtis Burns, Samuel , . Coats, William T. Carr, Harry . . . Carter, Allen . . Clark, Alexander Collins, Samuel Cook, Joseph L. Coy, Lora E . . Craig, Clifford . Cron, Henry, , Dill, James R , Dillman, Harry Dinkins, Thomas Dobson, James M Downs, Charles M Ehlers, George C Everson, Charles Fawcett, Oliver George, John S, Hardesty, Sylvanus G Haislup, Charles A . Henderson, Edward F, Henderson, Walter E Hodler, Charles H . Huffer, Welden , . Hodler, Samuel S , Columbus.Columbus.Hope . . Columbus, Columbus, Seym(Tur . Columbus . Becks . Columbus . Columbus.Columbus . ShelbyvilleHartsville. Columbus . Columbus. So. Bethany . Columbus. Columbus . . Seymour . . Indianapolis . Columbus. . Bedford . . Columbus . Columbus . . Edinburg . . Columbus. . Columbus. . Columbus . Columbus. . Nebraska . . Columbus. . Columbus. , Seymour , , Columbus . . Newbern . . Columbus . . June27June 27 June 29 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 29 June 27 June 28 June 29 June 27 July 12 June 27 June 28' June 27 June 29 June 28 June 27 June 28 June 29 June 27 June 29 June 27 June 27 June 28 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 July 12 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 28 June 27 June 28 Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Appointed Corporal Mar. 24, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Discharged Sept, 27, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred to Company C, Jan. 26, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Musician Aug. 29, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Jan. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Discharged Feb. 3, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Died Dec. 2, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Feb. 7, '99. Discharged Jan. 13, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. (21) RK(!(ii;i) (IF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company K — Continued. Name and Ran?. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. Israel, Horace B . . Keethler, James . . . Kerth, Franklin . . . . Kellenberger, Bertram S. Keluer, Robert E. Kroencke, Henry F, LaForce, David E , . . Lambert, Arthur S . . . Lathrop, Lyman G . . . Luse, Joseph L Lockman, Cecil . . Lunsford, Robert A. Manuel, Andrew . . McCallie. Ralph . . McKee, Melvin . . Marlin, Temple . . Marlin, Nathaniel W Myers, Jacob . Oaks, Robert F . . Payne, Charles B . Pursfield, Forest . . Phillip.', Joseph F Pickens, John AI Potter, Charles . . Pruitt, Leslie , , Quick, George W Richey, Alonzo . . Repp, John F , , Rich, John W, D , Roth, Louis A . . Schierff, Olif. , . Seiger, John F . . Skinner, Elihu M , Stiner, Harry E . Edinburg . Columbus . Edinburg . Columbus . Hartsville. Columbus . Bedford . Greenwo d Hope , , Edinburg . Bed ford . Indianap(jlisChrisiiansb'rg NewbernColumbus Hope . Hope , Edinburg Edinburg ColumbusColumbus Edinbu ^S ¦ Columbus . . Columbus , . Edinburg . . Columbus . . IndianapolisColumbus . Columbus . . Edinburg , . Chicago, 111. Columbus . . Brownstown Taylorsville . June 28 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 27 June 28 June 29 June 29 June 29 June 27 July 2 June 29 June 27 .June 27 June 27 June 29 June 29 June 28 June 28 June 28 June 27 June 28 June 27 June 27 June 28 June 27 July 13 June 27 June 27 June 29 June 24 June 29 June 29 June 29 Appointed Musician Aug. 28, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred to Hospital Corps Aug. 23, '98. Mustered out Apr. 80, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Aug. 29, '98, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Jan. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Nov. 4, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal March 24, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. HO, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Feb. 16, '99. Appointed Corporal Sept. 26, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Feb. 15, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Discharged Feb. 4, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. IN THE SPANISH- AMERICAN WAK. Company K— Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Privates — Cont. Stuckey, Erasmus . . Thomas, Charles E . Thomas, Martin R Thompson, William H , Tobrocke, Frank A . , Turner, Joseph . , . . Twaddell, Forrest. . Vanarsdel, Evert . Von Wilier, Adolph R . Yerger, John , . Young, Hallard G Recruits. Coolc. Ruby, Edward T . Privates. Carr, Victor M . , Cole, Bert A . ... Gifford, George H . . Koehne, George H Miller, Isaac J . . . . Sfhaufler. Charles . . Swartwood, Sherman B Remarks. So. Bethany Taylorsville . Taylorsville . Columbus . . Waym'nsville June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June27 Aledora . . . Columbus . . Taylorsville . Columbus . . June 29 June 27 June 29 June 27 Bedford , . Columbus . . July 2 June 27 Indianapolis Dec. 8 Hartsville . . Dec. 1 Bloomington Apr. 26 Indianapolis Apr. 26 Evansville. . Apr, 26 Clifford . . . Apr, 26 Evansville. July 7 E. Columbus June 22 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Aug. 29, '98. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Feb. 1, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Aug. 29, '98 Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Transferred from Co. A, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Non- Commissioned Staff', 159th Ind. Vols. Mus tered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. A, 159th Regt. Deserted Mar. 12, '99, Transferred from Co. E, 159th Regt. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. G, 159th Regt. Mustered (mt Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. M, 159th Regt, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Transferred from Co. G, 159th Regt. Mustered out Apr 30, '99. 324 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company L. This company was a volunteer company organized at Michigan City, Laporte County, for the Spanish- American War. Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Captain. Anderson, James L. . . Frankfort. . July 13 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. First Lieutenant. Peterson, Eli W . . . . Decatur. . . July 13 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Second Lieutenant. Dority, Charles E . . . . Michigan City July 13 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. First Sergeant. Cissel, Ernest W . . . . Laporte. . , June 29 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Quartermaster-Sergeant. Ansley, Robert Westville , . June 30 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Sergeants. Southard, William E . . Michigan City June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Hopkins, WUliam . , . Michigan City June 29 Reduced to ranks Aug. 20, '98, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Leland, Charles M . . . Michigan City June 27 Transferred to Band Jan. 1,'99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Brown, Arthur R, . . . Lebanon . . June 30 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Corporals. Harris, AUen C WestvUle, . June 28 Appointed Sergeant Aug. 20, '98. Reduced to ranks Nov. 17, '98. Mus tered out, Apr. 30, '99, Simpson, Washington W . Laporte. , . June 30 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. McDonald, Joseph . . . Michigan City June 27 Appointed Sergeant Dec. 12, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Ongman, Carl Michigan City June 29 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Dilworth, Leslie .... Michigan City June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Jackson, Henry B. . . . Laporte, . . June 29 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAit. 325 Company L — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Corporals — Cont. Boumann, Irvin . . . Johanni, Frank . . . Kinnel, Howard M. . Palmateer, Wilber . . Culbertson, Sant . . . Dodds, WUliam L, . . ilfitsicians. Paxton, George, Jr. . Meissner, August C. . Artifixicr. Leiter, Charles E. . . Wagoner. Chronister, Benjamin F Privates, Akers, William H. Babcock, Virgil P. Babcock, Daniel D Baldwin, Charles F, Bays, George R . Bello, Antonio . . Bonadore, Martin Birjinski, Frank . Bloomhuff, John L Bottume, Gurdon. Bowen, George. . Campbell, Herbert Michigan City Michigan City Michigan City Michigan City Westville . June 29 June 27 June 30 June 27 July 8 Zelma . . . July 9 Michigan City Laporte . . Bedford. , Laporte . . Paoh, . . . Porter . . . Babcock . . Michigan City 3 Oaks, Mich Michigan City 3 Oaks, Mich Michigan City Union Mills . Laporte . . StiUwell . . Indianapolis. June 28 July 7 July 9 June 29 July 9 June 29 June 29 June 29 June 30 June 27 June 30 June 28 July 8 June 29 June 30 July 11 Reduced to ranks Aug. 27, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred to Hospital Corps Aug, 20, '98, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Reduced to ranks Aug. 20, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Reduced to ranks Nov, 17, '98 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Transferred to Baud Aug, 23, '98, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred to Regt. Band Aug, 23, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Died Oct. 17, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Jan. 13, '99. Appointed Corporal Aug. 20, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Aug. 22, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Mar. 20, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. 326 i;k(.'Oi;i) of i.ydjana volunteers Company L — Continued, Name and Rank, Residence. Date op Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont Clark, Guy O . . Cole, Frank L Cromey, Henry A Crider, Oliver P Cronin, Andrew . Davidson, Reynolds Denny, William S . Dreblow, Lewis H . Drewer, Winfred F. Durbin, Sheldon M. Faris, AVilliam A. . Feistel, Gustave W. Felio, James E. . . Fiffer, Fred . . . . Flewellen, Fred Gassow, Charles Gorden, Albert Graves, Edward Hall, Henry AI Hamilton, Leroy . Harness, Jason. . Haskins, Ernest Hawkins, George F Hittle, Benjamin F Hoff, Horace . . Hunt, James E . Jones, William D Jones, John G. B Johnson, Edwin R Kalies, Charles T. Kennedy, Joseph J . Kernoodle, William. Union MUls. Westville . . Valparaiso . Bedford . . AVestvUle . . Michigan City Michigan City Wanatah . . Laporte. . . AlichiganCityBedford . . Michigan City Michigan Ci'ty N.York, N.Y B'tleC'k.Mich Michigan City Michigan City Michigan City Michigan City Westville . StUl well , Michigan City AVestvUle , . Indianapolis. Bedford . . Laporte . , 3 Oaks, Mich Laporte , , Bedford . . WestvUle . Michigan City Michigan City July 8 June 29 July 8 July 9 June 30 June 27 June 27 June 30 June 29 June 27 July 9 June 27 June 30 July 7 June 30 June 29 June 27 June 28 June 28 June 29 June 30 J une 28 June 29 July 11 July 9 June 29 .June 30 June 30 July 9 July 7 June 29 June 27 Discharged Mar. 10, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99, Mustered out Apr, 30, '99, Appointed Corporal Aug. 20, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Nov. :-i, '98. Discharged Jan, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Nov. 3, '98. Appointed Corporal Apr. 10, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Musician Aug. 1, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Aug. 20, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Apr. 4, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Dec. 29, '98. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Discharged Feb. 23, '99. Deserted Oct. 6, '98. Transferred to Hospital Corps Aug. 23, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Aug. 20, '98, Alustered out Apr, 30, '99 Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, IN Till-; Kl'.VNISII-.V.MIM.'K.'.VN W.VI;. Company L — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date op Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. Klingler, Emanuel G Larson, August . Long, William . . Low, Henry J . . Lyons, Elza . , . Lettan, Edward C Maddox, John A , Majensky, Joseph. Massengill, James Mutch, Hubert . McGinnis, Robert C McMUin, George W Noakes, Willard L Osborn, Gaylord . Owens. Robert E . Pace, Frank , . . Parkhurst, Curtis Rapp, Frank H, . , Reinhart, Walter W Renfro, Lorenzo D . Reynolds, Ray . . . Rittenour, William L Robe, Daniel . , . Roempag'e, Albert C Shaw, Charles F . . Sheffer, Charles E. , Spitzmesser, Nicholas B Swan, Benjamin , . Waggoner, George . Watkins, Edward W Walton, Edward V . WUl, Ernest. , . , Wirth, Herman T, . Young, Jacob W . . Yu n gblooth , Ed m u nd Zuelke, August . . 3 Oaks, Mich Chesterton . Bedford . . 3 Oaks, Mich Michigan City AlichiganCity Bedford . . Michigan City Bedford . . AlichiganCity Westville . . Union Mills . Michigan City Wanatah . Bedford . . Bedford . Westville . Otis .... Laporte . , ThreeO'ks,AIh Westville . . Union MUls . AlichiganCity Laporte . . Westville . Laporte . . Greensburg . Michigan City Michigan City Bedford , , Wanatah . . Michigan City Alichigan City Bedford . . Pittsburgh, Pa Michigan City June 30 June 30 July 9 June 30 June 30 June 28 July 9 June 30 July 9 June 28 June 27 June 30 June 30 June 30 July 9 July 9 June 27 J une 29 June 29 June 29 June 29 June 30 June 29 June 29 July 8 .June 30 July 11 June 28 June 27 July 9 .June 30 June 30 June 28 July 9 July 7 June 28 Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Alar. 25, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Feb. 9, '99. Discharged Jan. 30, '9H. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Dec, 28, '98. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Feb. 27, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Feb. 29, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred to Band Aug. 23, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Artificer Aug. 27, '98. Mustered out AprU 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Discharged Jan. 31, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Sept, 27, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Aug. 20, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 80, '99. Discharged Jan. 13, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. 328 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company L — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Recruits. Coolc. Schott, John P. . Musician. Thomas, Edward . Privates. Brown, Roy W. Carter, Howard Closser, Paul M. . Duree, William C. Hixon, Warren H . Lederer, Alexander Lotridge, Henry G Murphy, George H. McClintock, Harrie C. Schwaner, Robert T. . Smith, WUliam F. . Smith, Clarence . . Willis, WUliam I , . Buffalo, N.Y. Tipton . . New Castle . Daviess Co . Laporte . . Roachdale Westfield. . Evansville . Gosport . . Evansville . Buffalo, N.Y. EvansvUle . Seafield . . Seafield , . Terre Haute Dee. 6 Apr, 26 June 27 Apr. 26 Aug. Apr. 8 26 JulyApr. 30 26 June 16 Apr. 26 Dec, 6 July 5 July July Dec. 30 30 10 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. C, 159th Regt. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. L, 159th Regt. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. F, 159th Regt. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. M, 159th Regt. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. H, 159th Regt. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. E, 159th Regt. Mustered eut Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. M, 159th Regt. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 329 Company M. This company was a volunteer company organized at Lawrence burg, Dearborn County, for the Spanish- American War. Date op Name and Rank. Residence. Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Captain. West, George A . . . . Lawrenceb'g July 13 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. First Lieutenant. Fitch, George W .... Lawrenceb'g July 13 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Second Lieutenant. Freeman, Hanson G . . Lawrenceb' g July 13 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. First Sergeant. Rief, Jacob J Lawrenceb'g June 24 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Quartermaster Sergeant. Spencer, Henry A . . . Moore's Hill. June 27 Reduced to ranks Dec. 27, '98. Mustered out Apr. Sergeants. 30, '99, Laird, George W. . . . Lawrenceb'g June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Seekatz, John Lawrenceb'g June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Sparks, Charles D . . . Moore's Hill. June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Spencer, Cyrus M . . . Moore's Hill. June 27 Discharged Feb. 6, '99. Corporals. Flush, Henry C , . . . Lawrenceb'g June 27 Reduced to ranks Aug. 16, ' 98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Siemantel, John .... Lawrenceb'g June 27 Reduced to ranks Nov. 21, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Laswell, Jesse L . . . , Versailles. . June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Marshall, Edward . . . Lawrenceb'g June 27 Appointed Sergeant Jan. 4, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Givan, Paul Lawrenceb'g June 27 Reduced to ranks Nov. 21, ' 98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Evans, Edwin J . . . . Lawrenceb'g June 27 Appointed Q.-M. Sergeant Jan. 4, '99. Mustered out AprU 30, '99. Schofield, John J. . . . Milan . . . June 27 Discharged Jan. 30, '99. ;;3(i i;k(.'iii;ii iik Indiana \(ii.iinteers Company M — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Corporals — Cont. Hayes, Charles H WUson, William C . DaUey, Andrew . , Cissna, Adrian H, , Fleck, George J , , 3£usicians. Strauss, John M . . McElfresh, George R Artificer, Fleck, John J , . , Wagoner, McAdams, William. Privates, Abdon, James W. Andrews, Henry . AprUl, Frank . , Aylor, George J . Barrow, Charles B Bell, Charles H . Berry, Clyde C. . , , Billingsley, Nicholas . Brumblay, Thomas C . Christian, Henry , , , Clark, Ira AV , . . . Clark, James .... Clark, John E . . . , Connelley, Bertrain W Cooper, WiUiam W. . Cox, Edward S. . , Cox, John Cross, Joseph , , . . Davis, Milton E . . . Lawrenceb'g Moore's Hill Lawrenceb'g Chillic'the, O, Lawrenceb'g Lawrenceb'gLawrenceb'g Lawrenceb'g Lawrenceb'g Lawrenceb'g Elizab'thtownLawrenceb'gLawrenceb'gHarrison, O . Milan . . , Lawrenceb'g Aurora . . , Moore's Hill. Lawrenceb'g Milan . . . Hartford . , Lawrenceb'gSunman . . Aurora . . . Aurora . . Holton . . . Lawrenceb'gLawrenceb'g June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 30 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 July 1 Reduced to ranks Nov. 1, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Reduced to ranks Aug. 16, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Feb 4, '99. Reduced to ranks Aug. 14, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed cjok Jan. 4, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30,'99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged March 1, '99. Appointed Corporal Dec. 20, '98. Mustered out April 30, '99 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. DischargedFeb. 9, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr 30, '99. Discharged March 11, '99. Discharged Jan. 26, '99 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred to Hospital Corps Aug. 20, '98. Discharged Aug. 23, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. IN THE sp.\ntsti-amk,i;t('.vn w.\i;. 331 Company M — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date op Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. Donner, George . Downs, Samuel . Emehiser, Leroy . Enke, Charles F . Fahy, Luke . . . Frazier, James M, Frost, John . . . Gerkin, Albert E. Gould, Andrew Gould, George K, Gray, Harley . . Hauser, Peter . . Hayes, George M Hitchcock, Edward M Huntington, Homer Jeffries, Thomas B Johnson, Albert L Johnson, Clifford . Johnson, Hal , Jones, Walter D . Kelsey, Charles L Kepper, George C . , Ketcham, George P, , Knagge, John W. . . Knippenberg, August H Kunkel, John M . . . Landers, Edward. . . Lawrence, WUliam R Losey, John F . . . Alarshall, Benjamin. Mason, Henry . . . McCartney, Charles W Meyer, Ralph A . . Montooth, Charles E Pate, Henry C . , , Purnell, Minter . . Ratekin, Emery J . Reed, Amos B . , , Roemer, Fred C . , Schnetzer, George . Lawrenceb'g (xreensburg , Sunman . , Lawrenceb'g Aurora. . . Bright . . . Lawrenceb'g North Vernon Lawrenceb'g Lawrenceb'gAurora. . . Lawrenceb'gLawrenceb'g Hope . . , Moore's Hill, Lawrenceb'gDiUsboro . . Moore's Hill Lawrenceb'g Moore's Hill. Moore's Hill. Lawrenceb'g Chesterville , DiUsboro . . Lawrenceb' g Lawrenceb' g Lawrenceb'g Lawrenceb'g Lawrenceb'g Lawrenceb' g GuUford .. . Lawrenceb'g DiUsboro . Lawrenceb'g Guionsville . Petersb'g, Ky MUan , . . Lawrenceb'g Lawrenceb' g Lawrenceb' g June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 29 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Died Feb, 17, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99 "" '99. '99, '99. '99, •99,99. Mustered out Apr. Mustered out Apr. Mustered out Apr. Mustered out Apr. Mustered out Apr. Mustered out Apr. Mustered out Apr Appointed 15, '98. 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, '99. Musician Aug. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. Discharged Feb. 1 Mustered out Apr. Mustered out Apr. Mustered out Apr, Appointed 20, '98, 30, '99, '99. 30, '99, 30, '99. 30, '99. Corporal Dec. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30 , '99. Mustered out Apr. 30 , '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Alustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Discharged Feb. 23, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Jan. 4, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS Company M — Continued. NAjtE AjfD Rank. Residence. Date op Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. Sehwab, Edward . . Speckman, Frank E Stewart, Walter S . Stille, Henry H. . . Suit, Calvin .... Taylor, Charles J. . Taylor, WUliam A . Taylor, AVilliam . , Thompson, Edward E Temke, AVUliam H . Truitt, Edward A. . Tudor, Gideon H. . Ward, Marcus . , . Webster, William S. Wesler, William J . . Wingerberg, Henry J. Winkley, Martin . . Young, Clarence . , Zimmerman, John G Recruits. Bales, Ernest M. . . Moody, Curtis A . . McCartney, Frank C Rief, Charles H. . . Rolf, Frederick G. . Slageter, Karl . . . Strieker, George W. Lawrenceb'g Lawrenceb'gLawrenceb'gSunman . . Lawrenceb' g Lawrenceb' g Lawrenceb'gLawrenceb' g Aurora . . . Spades . . . Lawrenceb' g Holmst'dP.O. Lawrenceb' g Sunman . . Lawrenceb' g Lawrenceb'g Guilford , . Vincent, Pa. Cincinnati, O. Indianapolis.Indianapolis. Lawrenceb'gLawrenceb'gCincinnati, O. Bloomington.Lawrenceb' g June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 30 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 July 27 July 27 Aug, 8 July 27 July 27 Apr, 26 July 27 Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Died Oct. 17, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Musician Apr. 6, '99. Mustered out Apr. 80, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99 Appointed Corporal Jan. 4, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr, 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Dec. 20, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Feb. 20, '99, Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Feb. 20, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Appointed Corporal Aug. 16, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred to Hospital Corps Aug. 20, '98. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Transferred from Co. H, 159th Regt. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. Mustered out Apr. 30, '99. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 33c 27TH BATTERY. This battery was organized August 8, 1882, and was assigned as Battery A, 1st Artillery, Indiana National Guard, Name and Rank. Residence. Captain, Curtis, James B . . . First Lieutenants. Garrard, Charles A . . Johnson, Edward B . . Second lAeutenant, Gallon, Harry A . . . First Sergeant. Meyers, William E . . Quartermaster Sergeant. Oliver, Robert T . . . Veterinary Sergeant. Railsback, Chester A , Sergeants. Dunlap, Charles , . Heiskell, Walter W . Navia, Arthur J . . Swan, Frederick A . Boswell, David A . , Barnhizer, Martin . . Ccnrporals, Boswell, James F . . Langdon, Harvey C . Hann, Oiis C . . . Hewitt, Horace B . . Heiskell, Frank W . Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis IndianapolisIndianapolis IndianapolisIndianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr, 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr, 26 Apr, 26 Apr. 26 Apr, 26 Apr, 26 Apr. 26 Apr, 26 Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov, 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Reduced from Sergeant to Corporal July 15, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '9-<. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98, Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. 'I'J-I- RIX'lll.'ll OF INDI.\N.V Vol.llN'i'EEl;,'^ 27th Battery — Continued. Name and Rank. Date op Residence. Enroll ment, 1898. Indianapolis Apr 26 Indianapolis Apr. 26 Indianapolis Apr. 26 Indianapolis Apr. 26 Indianapolis Apr. 26 Indianapolis Apr. 26 Indianapolis Apr. 26 Indianapolis Apr. 26 Martinsville Apr. 26 Indianapolis Apr. 26 New Castle . Apr. 26 Indianapolis Apr. 26 Indianapolis Apr. 26 Indianapolis Apr. 26 Indianapolis Apr. 26 Indianapolis Apr. 26 Indianapolis Apr. 26 Nora. . . . Apr. 26 Logansport Apr. 26 Indianapolis . Apr. 26 Indianapolis. Apr 26 Indianapolis. Apr. 26 Indianapolis. Apr. 26 Indianapolis. Apr. 26 Indianapolis. Apr. 26 Indianapolis. Apr. 26 Indianapolis. Apr. 26 Indianapolis, Apr. 26 Remarks. Corporals — Cont. Haughey, Theodore P Oliver, Daud ridge H Emri(>h, William F . Cooper, Ronoldo AI . Enos, Charles . . . Horn ad ay. Harry B . Palmer, Henry A . . Murbarger, Harry E Payne, Edward . . . Wilkins, Albert H . Saddler, Burton, William . . Blacksmith Hill, Henry C . . . Wagoner, Morrow, Wilson H , Musician Schellschmidt, Alvin Privates Adam, Louis G . Alder, John E . Amthor, Oscar W . . Barnhill, Morton . Barron, Robert D . Beach, Lewis J . Beaver, Stanley . . Becker, William L Blackketter, George E Brennan, Edward E Bristow, Joseph A , Bookwalter, Glen J Brush, John R . . . Byram, Norman S . Reduced to ranks July 15, '98, Appointed Guidon July 15, '98.* Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98, Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Alustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Discharged Sept. 17, '98, as private. Alustered out Nov 25, 'f Mustered MusteredAlusteredMustered Mustered Mustered Mustered Mustered Alustered Mustered MusteredMustered MusteredMustered out Nov. out Nov. out Nov, out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out N(W. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov, 25, '98. 25, '98. 25, '98. 25, '98. 25, '98. 25, '98. 25, '98. 25, '9^. 25, '98. 25, '98. 25, '98. 25, '98 25, '98. 25, '98. IN TUE SPANISII-AiMl';i;ii^\N WAK. 27tii Battery — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Privates — Cont. Burke, Orrin T . . Burkhart, Thomas A Burns, James A . . Chamberlain, John H Clark, Roy . , . Collins, Fred L . , Commons, Ernest L. Cooper, AVilliam R . Cosier, Alpha B . . Culver, William F . Davis, William A . Darnall, David B , Doolittle, Edwin F . Evadioger, Emil . . Ferris, Iradelle V , Flanagan, George W Forsythe, Andrew . Fulmer, Harry H . Furnas Horace R . Gilbreath, Victor. . Garstin, Bert N , , Gates, Edward E. . Gillette, Fred E , , Groenwaldt, Edwin J Griffith, Harry, . . Harvey, Flave J Haspel, Joseph G . Hawkins, Guy E . . Hays, George 8 . . Helm, Walter B . . Henderson, Harry L Hess, George V , . Hubbard, Melford P Hunter, Charles W , Hutton, John H , . Hynes, Amos P . . Johnson, Alfred . . Kabn, Isaac , . , , Karelson, J, Valentine Kinder, Charles A , . King, Arthur T . . . Kinsley, Bert . . . . Indianapolis. Paragon . . Indianapolis, Indianapolis. Indianapolis, Indianapolis. CentervUle , Indianapolis.Indianapolis.IndianapolisColumbus. . Raccoon, . . Indianapolis. Indianapolis, Indianapolis.Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Indianapolis.Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Indianapolis.Indianapolis,Indianapolis. CentervUle . Indianapolis. Indianapolis.Crawfordsv'leIndianapolis. Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Brookville. . Indianapolis.Indianapolis.Indianapolis.Indianapolis. Indianapolis. New York . Indianapolis.Indianapolis,Shelbyville . Date op Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr, 26 Apr, 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr, 26 Apr 26 Apr, 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr, 26 Apr. 26 Apr, 26 Apr 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 25 Mustered out Nov, 25, Mustered out Nov. 25 Mustered out Nov. 25 Mustered out Nov. 25 as Leroy Clark. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Alustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 26, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Alustered out Nov. '.^5, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Alustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98 Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out N(jv. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Alustered oui Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Alustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '.«8. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Alustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Discharged July 18, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, 'i- 8. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Alustered out Nov. 25, '98. 336 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS 27th Battery — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont, Kuhn, George F Lacy, William J Light, Oliver . Mcintosh, Alexander J Alanion, James H Masters, Joseph L Mayfield, Clifford H Metzger, George H Middleton, Edward Milliken, Harry B Musser, Delbert S Nichols, George M Park, Carl W . , Patten, James C . Pattison, Harry O Pattison, Samuel L Rapp, Osear , , Reid, Lee C , , Riley, Harry, . Rosenthal, Ed, J Sanders, Fred W Sellers, Samuel N Shearer, Maurice E Spaan, John E . . Stanley, Lewis W Stanton, Robert G Thomas, Harry S, Thompson, Ray C Tyndall, Robert H Van Camp, Raymond P Voris, John V , . . Webb, Henry J . Wegener, Ferdinand White, Earl T . . . Whitehead, Harry L WiUiams, Archie C . Williamson, Le Roy Youngman, Robert P Indianapolis.Franklin . . Indianapolis. Indianapolis.Indianapolis.Irvington . . Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Franklin . . Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Waverly . . Indianapolis.Crawfordsv'leIndianapolis.Indianapolis.Indianapolis. N. Vernon , Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Indianapolis.Indianapolis. Indianapolis.Carthage . . Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Indianapolis, Indianapolis.Indianapolis. Indianapolis, Indianapolis.Indianapolis.Indianapolis. Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Versailles, . Muncie , , . Apr, 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 ¦ ir. 26 ir. 26262626 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Discharged Sept. 22, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov, 25, '98, Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98, Mustered out Nov. 25, '98, Mustered out Nov, 25, '98. Mustered out Nov, 25, '98, Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, ';i8. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98 Appointed wagoner July 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, 'i<8. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Discharged June 9, 'n8. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. IN THE SPANISH-AMERIOAN WAR. 337 27th Battery— Continued, Name and Rank, Residence, Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks, Recruits, Adams, Samuel . Allen, Joseph C. F , Alfree, Harry D . Allison, Herbert C Bacon, C, Wesley Bassett, Harry W Bristow, Thomas . Carney, Frank F, Catherwood, Joseph Cox, James ... Cox, Harrison P , . Car lon, George T. . Coffman, William W Clancy, John J . . Crawford, Chester C Erdman, Joseph . . Fetty, Arnold H . Flanagan, Henry W Frey, Herman . . Garvey, James C. Gorby, Thomas L Hamlin, George L Hendricks, Ezrai R Howell, Harry R. Hutchinson, Fred Junemann, Fred . Julian, Paul. . . King, WiUiam R. Kinter, Joseph B. Knefler, Ernest F . . . Kettenbach, Charles E . Martindale, Elijah B., Jr Miller, Andrew Indianapolis,Indianapolis. Crawfordsv'leIndianapolis,Indianapolis, Indianapolis.Indianapolis.Columbus. . Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Morgantown Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Franklin . . Indianapolis. Indianapolis.Danville . . Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Irvington . Danville . Mar'n C't'r,Pa Indianapolis.Irvington. . Indianapolis. Indianapolis. June 13 June 13 June 13 June 14 June 13 June 14 June 13 June 13 June 13 June 13 June 13 June 14 June 14 June 14 June 14 June 12 June 13 June 13 June 13 June 14 June 14 June 14 June 13 June 14 June 13 June 13 June 13 June 13 June 12 June 13 .Tune 13 June 13 June 1 3 Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Appointed Artificer Sept. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Appointed farrier Sept. 1, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98, Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov, 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98, Mustered out Nov. 25, '98 Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Appointed Artificer Sept. 1, 98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98. Appointed Veterinary Ser geant July 15,'98. Mus tered out Nov. 25, '98. Mustered out Nov. 25, '98, Mustered out Nov. 25, '98, Discharged July 24, '98, to accept a commission in Regular Army. Mustered out Nov, 25, '98. (22) ;;3s RECOKII (Uf INIH.VN.V VOLUNTEKKS 27th Battery — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Recruits — Cont. Moore, Aquilla A . McGee, Charles H . McGee, Junius M . Pennington, Robert M Pearce, Charles W . Peck, William Henry Pritchard, Benjamin Rotach, John . . Roberts, Harry W Rynerson, John . Rutledge, William Reub, Albert F . Smith, Harry R , Swick, Harry M . Stutsman, Fred H Thayer, Ira K . . Truitt, Loren . . WUliams, Charles F Worley, Samuel K . Trafalgar . . Mt Jackson. Indianapolis. Indianapolis Indianapolis. Indianapolis.IndianapolisIndianapolis.Danville . . Columbus, . Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Warsaw . Indianapolis.Danville . Indianapolis.Indianapolis.Indianapolis. Indianapolis. June 14 June 13 June 13 June 14 June 13 June 13 June 13 June 14 June 13 June 12 June 14 June 14 June 14 June 14 June 14 June 14 June 13 June 14 June 13 Mustered Mustered MusteredMustered Mustered Mustered MusteredMusteredMustered MusteredMustered Mustered Alustered MusteredMustered MusteredMustered MusteredMustered out Nov, out Nov. out Nov, out Nov, out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. out Nov. 25, '98. 25, '98. 25, '98. 25, '98. 25, '98. 25, '98. 25, '98. 25, '98. 25, '98. 25, '9S. 25, '98 25, '98. 25, '98. 25, '98. 25, '98. 25, '98. 25, '98. 25, '98. 25, '98. IN THE .'iPANISII-,\MEi;T(!,\\i WAI;. 28TH BATTERY. This battery was organized as a Gatling Gun Squad October 26, 1886, as a Battery July 1, 1887, Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Captain. Ranke, William F . . . Fi?'st Lieutenant. Alderman, Frank W . . Cleary, William C . . Second Lieutenant. Jones, Oliver S First Sergeant. Meyer, Fred .T Quartermaster Sergeant. McCoUem, Harry E, . . Veterinary Sergeant. Durfee, George T. . . . Sergeants. Jenne, Fred C , . CastoD, John E. . . Dierkes, Edward J . . . Snowberger, Claude . . . Hasenfuss, Walter D Alderman, Harry D. . . Corporals. Barr, Frank F . , . Briggemann, William F. Buck, Edwin C Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort AVayue. Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr, 26 Remarks. Mustered out Oct, 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Discharged July 16, '98. Reduced to ranks and ap pointed saddler July 1, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98, as Clyde Snowberger. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct, 31, '98, Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct, 31, '98. 340 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS 28th Battery — Continued. Name and Rank, Residence, Date of Enroll ment, 1898, Remabkb. Corporals — Cont. Christen, Andrew F. Coyle, Francis J . . Depner, George J. . Haak, Charles F . . Mungen, Charles C . Murphy, John H . . NoU, Clem J. . . . Scheffer, John C . . Rogers, William C . Vordermark, John F Whiteleather, Claude F Zollinger, George W. . Musicians, Carpenter, Silas W . . Luddington, James A. .4.rti;?cers. Hensel, Frank . . . . McMUler, Andrew McNutt, Henry F. Strouse, David W. Wagoner. Jones, John L . , Privates. Aldrich, George B Bartels, John F. . Baumann, Paul , Bierbaum, WiUiam Blackburn, Rad , Blaising, Victor H Bowser, Del more , Boyer, Merald G . Brannan, Richard Fort Wayne. Peru . . . . Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Peru , . . , Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne. Spartanburg,Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. New Haven . Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne Fort Wayne. Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr, 26 Apr, 26 Apr 26 Apr, 26 Apr, 26 Apr, 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98, Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Appointed Sergeant July 16, '98. Mustered out Oct 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '; 8. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98, as Clyde F. Whiteleather. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Reduced to ranks Aug. 1, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98 Mustered out Oct. 31, '98, as farrier. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98, as farrier. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. MusteredMustered Mustered MusteredMustered MusteredMusteredMustered Mustered out Oct. out Oct. out Oct. out Oct. out Oct. out Oct. out Oct. out Oct out Oct. 31, '98. 31, '98 31, '98. 31, '98. 31, '98. 31, '98. 31, '98. 31, '98. 31, '98. IN THE SPANISH-AMERIOAN WAR. 941 28th Battery — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date op Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. Bricker, Leslie J . . Briningsthull, Jesse M Browand, William A Brown, Archibald Brubaker, Omar J Butler, William H Carle, Pearl , . . Carson, WiUiam B Clink, Gustave . Davis, Ormonde C Didion, Otto E, , Edgar, Harry B , Fisher, Jacob . . Freese, Fred J. . Fromuth, John . Furste, John H. . Grabner, Samuel L . Griswold, Charles . Gumpper, Fred C. . Harper, John S. . . Howenstein, Charles Hedekin, Bernard . Hendryx, Aylmer E. Hendrix, Fred C. . Hewitt, Marshall . . Hodge, Chester J. . HoUopeter, Herbert S, Huefner, Paul . . Jenness, Dayton H Jocquel, Charles L Johnson, Frank O Johnson, William H Jones, George N . Kariger, Joseph . Kinsey, Frank M, Knoll, Harry H . Lauer, Isadore M. Mahurin, Melville J Mangnusson, Edward La Otto . . Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Rochester . . Rochester . . Maples . . . Indianapolis. Fort Wayne. Edgertou . . Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Baldwin . . Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Monroeville . Peru .... Fort Wayne. New Haven . Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Indianapolis. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Auburn . . Colling wood. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Baldwin . . Dana . , . Fort Wayne. HeUer's Cor. Fort Wayne. Rochester . . Indianapolis.Edgertou . . Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr, 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr, 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct, 31 , '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oet. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Appointed Corporal July 16, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Appointed Artificer Aug. 1, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Alustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. IMi-.CoKD OF INDT.\NA VOLUNTFERR 28th Battery — Continued, Name and Rank. Residence. Date op Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. Mennewisch, William H , Meyers, Earl O. . . MUler, WiUiam M . Murphy, George J . Murphy, WUliam H Nagel, Martin F . . Newman, George W Nortt, Frank. . . . Pettit, Joseph E . , Rabel, George . . . Ranney, Fred W . . Redelsheimer, Adolph. Reese, Frank W . . Reinking, Frank J . Schaffer, Frank . . Schroeder, Hermann Seaman, Joseph B , Shepherd, Thomas A Shreve, Charles B Smith, DeLoss W . Smith, Joseph P Smith, Thomas C, Soest, Charles L . Southard, Roy . . Sovine, Fred. . . Stokes, Halle D . Sullivan, Joseph P Swank, Stephen . Swift, Kennett. . Thiebolt, Fred W Van Roy, John , Walsh, Patrick, . Walters, Fred . . Webster, Charles O Weller, Christ. C WhUe, Charles S. S AVilcox, George H VVright, Martin . Zollinger, Henry A. Zuber, Jacob B, . Fort Wayne. Indianapolis. New Haven . Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Edgertou . . Toledo, O. . Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Indianapolis.Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne, Fort AVayne, Indianapolis. Fort Wayne. Indianapolis. Fort Wayne. Dana. . . . Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Indianapolis.Sheldon. . . Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Osgood . . Fort Wayne. Ridgeway . . Fort Wayne. Fort AVayne. Fort AVayne. J^ort Wayne. Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 2^ Apr 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 2ti Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct, 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98, Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct, 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98, Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98, Alustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98 Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Alustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98, Alustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct, 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Alustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98, Transferred to Signal Corps June 25, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98 Mustered out Oct. 31, '98 Mustered out Oct. 31, '98 Mustered out Oct. 31, '98 Mustered out Oci 31, '98 Mustered out Oct. 31, '98 Mustered out Oct. 31, '98 Mustered out Oct. 31, '98 Mustered out Oct. 31, '98 IN THE SI'AN1SI|-,\,MI;K1('.VN WAK. o-to 28th Battery — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Recruits, Backes, William W. Banks, Harvey S , Bedson, Percy W, . BradtmUler, Herman AV. Broeking, William Brown, William Deturk, Frank . Double, Alvin . Eckart, Charles J Eckart, Harry . Ely, Solomon . . Evans, William AI . Erickson, Richard W Farquharson, Guy O Freese, Walter . . Geake, Charles H Geary, John J . . Gouty, Elvin C. . Gorrell, RoUie A . Hazelet, John C . Harrod, Morgan . Hartman, Hugh . Holnholz, Conrad F . HoUopeter, Alfred M JuUy, George . . Kahle, Frederick Knecht, George . Lasher, Edgar . . Lindman, Harry . Liggett, Phrot C . Lucas, Edward AI Merillat, Louis F Murphy, James . Motherwell, Michael Moriarity, Henry C . Niemeyer, Henry C Nieboff, Nathaniel J Nolan, Charles D . . O' Connell, Joseph B Raypole, Edward W Ritchie, Burt L. . . Fort AVayne, Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort AVayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. Cedarville . . Chicago, 111. Fort Wayne McComb, O. Baldwin. . . Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Fort Wayne AlcComb, O Thurman , . Fort Wayne Fort AVayne Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Kokomo . . Zulu . , , , Fort Wayne Fort Wayne New Haven Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Fort Wayne June 16 June 17 June 16 June 18 June 17 June 17 June 18 .June 17 June 17 June I 6 June 18 June 16 June 16 June 17 June 16 June 16 June 16 June 16 June 17 June 17 June 18 June 18 June 17 June 16 June 17 June 18 June 18 June 17 June 16 June 16 June 17 June 16 June 16 June 16 June 16 June 18 June 16 June 18 June 16 June 16 June 16 Mustered out Oct, ".1, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Alustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Alustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct, 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '9i^, Mustered out Oct, 31, '98. Mustered out Oct, 31, '98, Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Died Sept. 28, '9S. Alustered out Oct. 31, '98. Appointed Sergeant July 1, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. Mustered out Oct. 31, '98. 544 RECORD OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS 28th Battery — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date op Enroli.- MENT, 1898. Remarks. Recruits — Cont, Schafer, George H Scheid, George A . Sherbondy, Frank Snyder, Jesse , , Surfus, Jerry . . Studebaker, David E Suter, Arthur , . Tilbury, Royal . . Wefel, Edward . . Wehrmeister, George W. WUson, Birchard . Young, Harry J . Zimmerman, Paul J Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Huntertown Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Fort Wayne June 17 June 18 June 1 6 June 16 June 17 June 18 June 17 June 16 June 16 June 18 June 18 June 18 June 18 Mustered Mustered Mustered Mustered MusteredMustered Mustered MusteredMustered Mustered MusteredMusteredMustered out Oct. out Oct. out Oct. out Oct. out Oct. out Oct, out Oct. out Oct. out Oct. out Oct. out Oct. out Oct. out Oct. 31, '98. 31, '98. 31, '98. 31, '98. 31, '98. 31, '98. 31, '98. 31, '98. 31, '98. 31, '98. 31, '98. 31 , '98. 31, 'a8. IN THE SPANISH-AMERIOAN WAR. 345 COMPANY A, COLORED. Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks, Captain. Porter, Jacob M . . . . Indianapolis. July 15 Mustered out Jan, 20, '99. First Lieutenant. Thomas, James H . . . Indianapolis. July 15 Mustered out Jan, 20, '99. Second Lieutenant. Powell, James F . . . . Indianapolis. July 15 Mustered out Jan. 20, '99. First Sergeant. Moore, Sidney Indianapolis. June 30 Reduced to ranks Jan. 6, '99. Mustered out Jan. Q;uartermaster Sergeant. 20, '99. Walden, Charles W . . Evansville. . July 8 Mustered out Jan. 20, '99, Sergeants, as Sergeant, Rogers, Edward T . . . Indianapolis. June 30 Mustered out Jan. 20, '99. Thompson, Walter J . . Indianapolis. June 28 Appointed Quartermaster Sergeant Oct. 11, '98. Mustered out Jan. 20, '99. Blackburn, John R . . . Evansville. . July 8 Mustered out Jan. 20, '99. Johnson, William. . . . Indianapolis. June 30 Mustered out Jan. 20, '99. Corporals. Wooten, Allen P . , . . Indianapolis, ,Iune29 Mustered out Jan. 20, '99. Simmons, Moses .... Indianapolis. June 28 Mustered out Jan. 20, '99. Williams, George A. . . Evansville. . July 8 Transferred to Co. I, 8th U. S. Vol. Infantry, Colored, Dec. 10, '98. Mustered out with Co. March 6, ' 99, as Corporal. Minor, Thompson J. . . Indianapolis. June 28 Mustered out Jan. 20, '99. White, Bertie Indianapolis. June 29 Mustered out Jan. 20, '99. Dean, Noble Indianapolis. June 28 Mustered out Jan. 20, '99. Berry, Thomas EvansvUle. . July 8 Mustered out Jan. 20, '99. ;ik; KF.(.;ol;D of IiNTlI.VK.V \'oH' .N'lK.IlKS Company A, Colored — Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll ment, 1898. Remarks. Corporals — Cont. Barnett, Peter AV, Caldwell, David C Clines, Walter , . Bishop, William H Hinton, Albert R. Musician, Jackson, Lewis W Scott, Frank. . . Artificer. Johnson, Samuel E . Wagoner. Jones, Robert . , . Pnvates, Allen, Samuel . . . Anderson, Edward . Anderson, George . Barton, Stephen E . Berry, William. . Bivens, George W Brown, William . . Bullock, .Jerry . . . Caldwell, Henry W. Clark, .James. . . . Dalton, Ollie . . . Davis, Walter . . Dickerson, Benjamin AV Dixon, Robert . . . Drake, Osborne . Early, Emanuel . . Ferguson, William . Fisher, Levi .... Franklin, William . Glover, Henry. , . Haleburton, William Hart, James .... Hawkins, John H . Heagan, Joel W . . Hendershot, Thomas Howard, Eugene . . Indianapolis.Evansville. . Indianapolis. Evansville, . Indianapolis. Indianapobs.Evansville, . Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Evansville. . Dem'po's, Ala Indianapolis. Bloom'gt'u,Ill Indianapolis. Indianapolis.Indianapolis.Evansville. . Evansville. . Evansville. . Indianapolis.Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Evansville . Evansville Evansville . Indianapolis.Evansville . Indianapolis.Evansville . Indianapolis.Evansville . Indianapolis.Indianapolis. EvansvUle , Evansville , I June 28 July 8 June 29 July 8 June 29 June 28 July 12 June 29 June 29 July 8 July 8 June 30 June 30 June 29 June 28 June 28 July 8 July 8 July 8 July 8 June 29 July 12 July 8 July 8 July 12 June 29 July 8 June 28 July 8 JulyJuly JulyJuly July July Mustered out Jan. 20, '99. Mustered out Jan. 20, '99. Mustered out Jan, 20, '99. Mustered out Jan. 20, '99. Mustered out Jan. 20, '99. Deserted Dec. 18, '98. Mustered out Jan. 20, '99. Mustered out Jan. 20, '99. Mustered out Jan. 20, '99, Mustered out Alustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Alustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Alustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Alustered out Mustered out Deserted Oct Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out Jan. 20, Jan. 20, Jan. 20, Jan. 20, Jan, 20, Jan, 20, Jan. 20, Jan. 20, Jan. 20, Jan. 20, Jan. 20, Jan. 20, Jan. 20, Jan. 20, Jau. 20, Jan. 20, Jan. 20, Jan. 20, Jan. 20, Jan. 20, Jan. 20, Jan 20, 28, '98. Jan, 20, Jan, 20, Jan. 20, '99. '99. '99, '99. '99.'99, '99. '99.'99. '99. '99. '99. '99, '99, '99 '99.'99.'99. '99. '99. '99.'99.'99.'99. '99. IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAK. 347 Company A, CoLORED^Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Date of Enroll- -MENT, 1898. Remarks. Privates — Cont. Kimble, Charles . . Kincaid, Lovestus L Kincaid, Orestus J . Lewis, Charley . Logan, Henry . . AIcDaniels, Henry McFarland, Charles McMurray, Walter Motley, William F Alason, Alexander, . Maxey, Edward . Merritt, Edgar. . Misner, Henry. . Alorrison, David . Morrison, George W Alotley, George Neal, Samuel . . Peyton, Alexander Porter, Henry C . Powell, George W Prather, William . Price, Burney . . Robinson, James Shelby, Charles Shelby, John W . Simco, William . Simmons. William Simms, William . Sloan, Tuck C . Smax, Isaac L Smith, Haywood Smith, Phillip R . Smith, WUliam Taylor, Henry Thomas, James . Thomas, William E Tyler, Alexander. Van Buren, Alartin Vince, Stephen . Watson, VV'Uliam. Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Evansville . Evansville . Indianapolis. Evansville . Evansville . Indianapolis. Evansville . Indianapolis. Evansville . Indianapolis. Evansville . Indianapolis,Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indianapolis. Evansville . Indianapolis. H'ders'n, Ky. Indianapolis.EvansvilleEvansville . Indianapolis,V'nd'rb'lt,PaIndianapolis, Indianapolis, PTd'phia, Pa. Evansville . Indianapolis. Evansville . Indianapolis,St. Louis, Alo St Louis, Mo Indianapolis.Indianapolis. Evansville . Evansville . July 11 June 30 June 28 July 8 July 8 June 28 July S July 8 June 28 July 8 June 28 July 8 June 28 July 8 July 10 June 28 June 28 June 30 June 28 July 12 July 10 July 12 June 30 July 8 July 8 June 30 July 9 July 8 June 29 July 8 July