Yale University Library vammnummk ammmamumm 39002002962232 ¦:-. ii'.'> -L-5Ji®B5E3*S ^tfrywiiiijjwwMLifli h YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Story of the Confederate States; OR, History of the War for Southern Independence, EMBRACING •' /' ' / A BRIEF BUT COMPREHENSIVE SKETCH OF THE EARLY SETTLEMENT OF THE COUNTRY, TROUBLE WITH THE INDIANS, THE FRENCH, REVOLUTIONARY AND MEXICAN WARS, AND A FULL, COMPLETE AND GRAPHIC ACCOUNT OF THE GREAT FOUR YEARS' WAR BETWEEN THE NORTH AND THE SOUTH, ITS CAUSES, EFFECTS, ETC. BY JOSEPH T. DERRY, OF GEORGIA. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY GEN. CLEMENT A. EVANS, OF GBOEGIA. SUITED TO ALL OF THOSE WHO WISH AN INTERESTING, INSTRUCTIVE AND TRUE ACCOUNT OF THE WAR FOR SOUTHERN INDEPENDENCE, BUT DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS OF THE SOUTH. Beautifully Illustrated. Over 130 Fine Engravings. RICHMOND, VA. : B. F. JOHNSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. 1895. Copyrighted, 1895, by Joseph T. Derry. INTRODUCTION. The history contained within this book traces rapidly the early progress of these United States, and marking those national events which led up to the crisis of 1860, describes the remarkable epoch of that Confederate War which will be studied hereafter with growing interest. Lee and John ston, Grant and Shermar. have furnished descriptions of great military movements as directed by chieftains, but this Work, while succinctly noting these movements, has put a living interest into them by glowing details of individual heroism and suffering. The "Constitutional View of the late War between the States " came long since from the pen of the great statesman, Alexander H. Stephens, designed "to embrace a consideration of the causes, character, con duct, and results of the War in relation to the nature and character of the joint government of these States"; and it is the merit of this work that it outlines these ponderous questions with lucid statements, which are as granite in the graceful structure of the whole story, which it tells. The general field has been entered by many, and will be ex plored by more, who will essay to inform the present and the future generations concerning that most romantic era of our country's history; but none will probably excel the author, who has intelligently, fairly and ardently portrayed the great struggle in the following chapters. If here and there his enthusiasm is made apparent, it will be found guarded with such fairness and intelligence in I 3] 4 Introduction. narration as to win the confidence of the public. It will be well considered, too, that he treats of a great national enter prise which had no lack of justice in its design or execution; which was maintained with high* intelligence by statesmen who had no superiors; which was made pathetic by the suf ferings of a great people and the bravery of an unsurpassed soldiery; and which lacked only the element of success to win the laudation of the world. Its failure was due to inferiority of resources — money, numbers and international sympathy. The strong confronting adversary possessed all these. Certainly will there be a substantial result obtained, when this book shall have the close perusal of the young men and women of our country. These readers will gain a clear view of the casus belli and a comprehensive understanding of the merits of the Southern resort to separate independence. Sat isfied, as all are, with the termination of the struggle, there still remains that just defence of the South which true his tory makes before all the world. But, besides this acquaint ance with the argument of statesmen, they will read herein with glowing enthusiasm the story of their people's domestic trials, and the thrilling account of the marches and battles in which their fathers won a worthy martial fame. They will rise from the reading inspired with proper pride in their Southern land; with reverence for their gallant ancestors, and with the wise purpose of head to make the Union worthy of such a South, and their beloved South worthy of the Federal Union. The author deserves the praises of his countrymen'. ' !His noble work will bring to him the pleasing reflection that he has contributed greatly to the truth of history and to the patriotism of his country. Clement A. Evans. PREFACE. The design of this work is to give the thrilling story of the great War for Southern Independence, its causes and results, in such form as to place it within the reach of the mass of readers, and in such style as to attract the attention of young people to the noble record of Confederate heroism. Great pains have been taken to give the facts accurately and impartially. The statements of the numbers engaged and the losses sustained in the various battles are taken from the revised official returns published by the United States Government. Where only approximate estimates could be given, it is so stated. All the standard authorities on both sides have been carefully consulted. The author desires to make special acknowledgment of the great help obtained in the collection of important facts from that very valuable publication of the Century Company, "Battles and Leaders of the Civil War." Every effort has been made to avoid mistakes; but, if in spite of the most careful pains they do occur, correction will be cheerfully made on proof of error furnished to the author. Joseph T. Derry. INDEX. A. Abolitionists, 69, 70, 71-74, 97, 101. Abolition societies, 69. Abraham, Plains of, 24. Acknowledgment of American Indepen dence, 35. Adams, Charles Francis, 84. Adams, John, President United States, 44, 50. Adams, John, Confederate brigadier feneral,378. ams, John Quincy, President United States, 61, 62. Adams, Samuel, a patriot of the Revolu tion, 44. African Slave Trade, 21, 104. Aiken, S. O,,403. Alabama, Confederate cruiser, 148, 229, 388, 389. Alabama, State, 100. Albemarle, Confederate ram, 300, 388. Alexander, E. P., Confederate brigadier general, 215. Alexandria, La., 297. Alexandria, Vs., 117. Alien Act, 51,52. Allatoona, Ga., 375. Alleghanies, 117. Alleghany Summit, 140. Allen, J. V. H.. Confederate major, 348. Amelia Courthouse, 412. Amendments to the Constitution, 39,41, 45, 428-131. America, 19. American Party, 86, 87, 91. American Colonization Society, 70. American (Know-Nothing) Party, 86, 87, 91. Amnesty Proclamation, 426. Anderson, Archer, Confederate colonel, quoted, 270. Anderson, Confederate brigadier general in West Virginia, 137. Anderson, George T., Confederate briga dier general, 310. Anderson, Richard H., Confederate lieu tenant general, 195, 198, 238, 240, 242, 252, 311,316. Anderson, Robert, Union major at Fort Sumter, 109. Andersonville, Ga., 355. Annapolis, Md., 72, Annexation of Texas, 74-80. Antietam Creek, Md., 198, 199. Anti-Federalists, 49. Appomattox Courthouse Va., 412-417. Appomattox River, 322. Aquia Creek, Va., 124, 188. Archer, James G., Confederate brigadier general, 214,249. Archer, commander of militia at Peters burg, 330. Arkansas Post, Ark., 229, 294. Arkansas, ram, 168. Arkansas, 110. Armistead, Lewis A., Confederate briga dier general, 254. Arms North and South, 112, 151. Arnold. Benedict, American general in Revolution, 33. Articles of Confederation, 35, 37, 67. Asliby, Turner, Confederate brigadier general of cavalry, 176,178, 180. Atchafalaya, La., 298. Atherton Resolutions, 72. Atlanta, Ga., 302, 345-354, 362, 373, 374, 385. Augusta, Ga ,22,31,403. Averill, William W., Union general of cavalry, 236, 327, 338. Averysboro' , N . C. , 405. B. Bailey, Joseph, Union colonel, 297. Baird * Absalom, Union general, 268. Baker, E. D., Union colonel, 136. Baker's Creek, Miss., 261. Baldwin, Philemon P., Union colonel, commanding brigade, 441. Ball's Bluff, Va., 136. Baltimore, Md., 117. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 118, 151,334, 338, 366, 372. Banks, Nathaniel P., Union major gen eral, 175, 178, 179, 180, 186, 188, -263, 266, 296-298. Bankum, , Confederate colonel, 345. Barksdale, William, Confederate briga dier general, 213, 214, 238, 250. Barnes, .Union surgeon general, 399. Barrett, , Union colonel, 420. Barton, Wm. B., Union colonel, 292. Bartow, Francis S., Confederate colonel, acting brigadier. 128-131. Bate. William B., Confederate major gen' eral, 273, 843. 344, 345, 363, 405. Bath, W. Va.,153. Battery Gregg, S. C, 280, 282. Battery Wagner, S. C, 278, 280, 282. Battle, Cullen A. .Confederate colonel, 330. Beatty, Samuel, Union brigadier gen eral, 220. Beauregard, P. G. T., Confederate gen eral, 109, 124, 126-134, 158-166, 229-236, 247, 264, 278, 282, 322-330, 331, 377, 387, 403, 417. Beaver Dam Creek, Va.,182, Bee, Barnard E., Confederate brigadier general, 126, 128-131. Bell, John, 91. Belmont, Mo., 146. Benning, Henry L. , Confederate brigadier general, 269,309. Bentonville, N. C.,405, 406. Bermuda Hundred, 331, 832. Beverly, W. Va., 118-12:, 406. Big Bethel, Va., 117. Big Black, Miss., 261. Blackburn's Ford, Va., 126. Blair, Francis P., Union major general. 141, 347. [yi] Index. vii Blockade Runners, 147, 170, 232. Bloody Angle, Va., 314-316. Bonaparte, Napoleon, 53. Bonaud, , Confederate officer, 291. Boonsboro, Md.. 197. Boonville,Mo.,143."Booth, John Wilkes, 419, 420. Booth, , Union major, 294, Boston, Mass., 26, 28. Bowen, John S., Confederate brigadier general, 261. Bradford, Mary, 382. Bradford, , Union major, 294 Bragg, Braxton, Confederate general, 159, 167, 203-210, 218-221, 261, 264, 265-270,271- 275,276,405. Brandywlne, Pa., 30. Brandy Station, Va., 246. Brannan, John M., Union brigadier gen eral, 268. Brashear City, La., 264. Breckinridge, John C, Confederate major general, 87, 90, 91, 159, 162, 209, 219, 268, 269, 272, 324, 325, 827-329, 335. Brice's Cross-Roads, Miss., 354. Bridgeport, Tenn., 271. Brier Creek, 31. Brooks, John M., Confederate naval offi cer, 171. Brown, Isaac N., Confederate captain. Ar kansas, 168. Brown, John, 89, 90. Brown, John C, Confederate brigadier general, 379, 380. Brown, J. Thompson, Confederate colonel, 239. Buchanan, Franklin, Confederate admi ral, 361, 362. Buchanan, James, President United States, 87. Buckner, Simon B., Confederate major general, 157, 158, 268. Buell, Don Carlos, Union major general, 154, 158, 161-166, 203-210, 302. Buford, John, Union major general of cavalry, 248, 256. Bull Run, 124-133, 171, 186-194. Bummers, 386. Bunker Hill, Mass., 28. Bunker's Hill, Va., 202. Burnside, Ambrose E., Union major gen eral, 199, 200, 202, 213-216, 272, 274, 316, 331, 339. Butler, Benjamin F., Union major gen eral, 117, 125. 146, 168. 305, 322, 323-332, 389- 395, 896. Butler, M. 0., Confederate major general of cavalry, 329, 405. Cabot, George, 54. Cabot, John, 19. Calhoun, John C, American statesman, 62, 71, 87, 88. California, 82. Camden, S. C, 32. Campbell, John A., 107, 400. Campbell, American officer in the Re volution. 32. Campbell Station, Tenn., 272. Camp Jackson, Mo., 142. Cantey, James C, Confederate brigadier general, 343. Carlisle, Pa., 247, 338. Carnifax Ferry, Va., 139, Carpet-bag governments, 432. Carpet-baggers, 432. Carpet-bagTroubles, 434. Carrick's Ford, W. Va., 122, 123. Carthage, Mo., 144. Casey, Silas, Union major general, 174. Cassville, Ga.,344. Catharine Furnace, Va., 239. Cedar Creek, Va., 369-372. Cedar Mountain, Va., 188, 189. Cedar Run, Va., 188, 1S9-191. Oentreville, Va., 192. 284. Chaffin's Bluff, Va.. 332. Chalmer's, James R., Confederate briga dier general, 293. Chambersburg, Pa., 202, 247, 338. Champion Hill, Miss., 261, 265. Champlain, Lake, 57. Chancellorsville. Va., 236-244. Chantilly, Va.,193. Charleston, S. C, 31,109, 229,235, 278, 282, 389, 404. Charleston and Savannah Railroad, 230, 280. Charlottesville, Va., 329. Chase, Salmon P., Chief Justice United States, 422, 431. Chatham Artillery of Savannah, 291. Chattahoochee River, Ga., 364, 375. Chattarooga, Tenn., 203, 204, 206,266, 270- 275, 280, 374. Cheatham, Benj. F., Confederate major general, 207, 219, 268, 274, 348, 352, 353, 383, 405. Cheat Mountain. W. Va., 121, 136-138. Cheat River, W.-Va., 121. Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, 151, 334, 338, 366. Chicago Democratic Convention of 1864, 359. Chickahominy River, Va.. 181, 182. Chickamauga, Ga., 265, 270. 271-275, 283. Chickasaw Bayou, Miss., 218. Churchill, T. J., Confederate major gene ral, 205, 229. Cincinnati, 0., 205. City Point, Va., 391. Civil Rights Bill, 431, 432. Clarke, Elijah, American Colonel in Re volution, 32, 83. Clarke, George Rogers, American general in Revolution, 30, 35, 36, 67. Clarkesville, Tenn., 204. Clay, Henry American statesman, 62, 64, 70, 72, 79, 82, 87, 89. Clayton, H. D., Confederate major gene ral, 382. Cleburne, Patrick, Confederate major general, 205, 207 219, 268, 269, 274, 843, 348, 379, 380. Clingman, Thomas L., Confederate briga dier general, 280, 331. Clinton, Sir Henry, British general in Revolution, 30. Clinton, George, 55. Cobb, Howell, Confederate major general, , 197,354. Cobb, Thomas R. R., Confederate briga dier general, 214, 215. Coburn, , Union colonel, 266. CockreJl, Francis M., Confederate briga dier general, 348, 378, 380. Cold Harbor, Va., 182-184, 186, 319-321. Colquitt, Alfred H., Confederate briga dier general, 280, 291-292, 322, 331. Colquitt. Peyton, Confederate brigadier general, killed at Chickamauga, 441. Colston, R. E., Confederate brigadier general, 239. Vlll Index. Columbia, S. C, 403, 404. Columbia, Tenn., 382. Columbus, Ga., 420. Columbus, Ohio, 277. Columbus, Chistopher, 19. Comparative strength of the combatants in the civil war, 112. Compromise, Missouri, 68, 69, 82. Compromise 02 1850, 82-84. Concord, Mass., 28. Confederate Commissioners, 106. Confederate States, 104 Confiscation Laws, 431 432. Connecti ut, 36. Conscription Law, 170. Constitution of Confederate States, 104. Constitution of United States, 35-^6, 67. Controversey between Georgia and Fede ral Government about Indian lands, 60-61. Cooke, J. W., Confederate captain, 201. Cooke, Captain, of Albemarle. 300. Corinth, Miss., 158, 166, 167, 203, 210. Cornwallis, Lord, British general in Rev olution, 34. Corse, John M., Union major general, 375. Couch, Darius N., Union major general, 238. Covington, Ky.,205. Cowpens, S. C.,32. Cox, Jacob D., Union major general, 130- 140, 379, 405. Crampton's Gap, Md. 197-200. Crater, Battle of, 339, 340, 341. Crawford, Martin J, 107. Crittenden, John J., statesman , 99. Crittenden, T. L., Union major general, 207, 268. Crook, George, Union major general, 305, 324, 327, 338, 368, 369, 407. Cross Keys, Va., 180. Cross Lanes, W. Va., 139. Crumley, William, daring feat at Freder icksburg, 216. Cumberland Gap, Tenn., 203, 205, 206, 210, 271. Cumberland River, 154, 277. Curtiss, Samuel R., Union major general, 165, 203. Gushing, W. B., Union naval lieutenant, 388. Custer, George A., Union major general, 801, 373, 413. Cynthiana, Ky., 204. D. Dabney's Mill, Va., 407. Dahlgren, John A., Union admiral, 278, 282. 291. Dahlgren, Ulric, Union colonel of cavalry, 300,301. Dallas, Ga., 345, 375. Dallas, George M., 79. Dalton, Ga., 275, 342, 363, 375, 383. Daniel, Junius, Confederate brigadier general, 318. Davis, Jefferson, Confederate President. 82, 89,99, 100, 104, 110, 134, 187, 247, 261,266, 301, 373 377, 397,399,403,408,411,417,422, 423. Davis, Jeff. C, Union major general, 219, 268,269. Davis, Joseph R., Confederate brigadier general, 310. Dawes, E. C, Union major, quoted, 270. Dawson, , Confederate officer, 138. Dayton, William L., 86. Dearing, James C, Confederate cavalry officer, 330. Declaration of Independence, 28-35. Delaware, 32-110. Democratic Party , 49, 58, 78, 84, 86, 434. Democrats, 58,78,84,86. Deshler, James, Confederate brigadier general, 441 Desire, slave ship, 21. D'Wolf, James, 68— foot note. Didwiddie Courthouse, Va., 407, 410. District of Columbia. 71, 72. Dodge, Gouverneur M., Union general, 347. Doles, Georbe, Confederate brigadier gen eral, 242,320. Donelson, Andrew J., 87. Douglas, Henry Kyd, Confederate colonel, 202. Douglas, Stephen A., 84-90, 99. Dowling, R. W., Confederate lieutenant of artillery, 283. Dranesville, Va., 136. Drayton, Percival, Union naval captain, 361. Drewry's Bluff. Va., 174, 322, 323. Dug Gap., Ga., 343. Du Pont, Samuel F., Union commodore, 146, 233, 235, 278. Durham's Station, N. C, 419-420. Dutch, 21. E. Early, Jubal A., Confederate lieutenant general, 131. 199. 214. 238, 242, 246. 247, 249, 312, 334-337, 338, 339, 340, 366-373, 406, 410. Eatonton, Ga.,354. Eckols, John E., Confederate brigadier general, 325. Education, 22. Election of 1860, 90-91. Electoral Commission, 435-437. Elkhorn, Ark., 165. Ellet, Charles, Union colonel. 168. Elliott, Gilbert, builder of Albemarle, 300. Elliott, Stephen, Confederate major, 280, 282. Ellsworth, E. Elmer, Union colonel. 1171- foot note. Ely's Ford, Va., 305. Elzey, Arnold, Confederate major gene ral, 131. Emancipation Proclamation, 225, 227. Emancipator published at Jonesboro, Tenn., 69. Embargo Act, 55. Emigrant Aid Societies, 85. Emory, William H., Union major general, 369. England, 19. 24, 55. Erie, Lake, 57. Eshleman, B. F., Confederate major of artillery, 256. Etowah River, Ga., 344. 363. Eutaw Springs, S. C.,33. Evans, Clement A., Confederate major general, 314, 335, 369. 407. 408, 413, 414. Evans, Nathan G.. Confederate brigadier general. 128, 134, 199. Everett, Edward, 91. Ewell, Richard S., Confederate lieuten ant general, 176, 179, 180, 188, 244, 246, 247, 249, 251, 252, 306, 308, 310, 811, 412. Ezra Church, Ga., 353. Index. ix F. Fairfax, Confederate major on Long- street's Staff, 201. Fairfax Courthouse. 136. Fair Oaks, Va., 174. Falling Waters^ Md., 257. Farragut, David G., Union admiral, 167. 168, 360, 362. Featherstone, William S., Confederate brigadier general, 348. Federal Government, 37, 60, 72. Federalists, 49, 58. Ferrero, Edward, Union major general, 339. Field, Charles W., Confederate major general, 809, 312, 332. Fillmore, Millard, 87. Finegan, Joseph, Confederate brigadier general, 291, 334. Finley. , Confederate brigadier gene ral, 363. Fisher, C. F., Confederate colonel, 130. Fisher's Hill, Va., 366, 368, 372. Five Forks, Va., 410. Fleetwood, Va., 246. Florence, Ala., 375. Florida, Confederate cruiser, 389. Florida State, 24, 76, 100, 289-293; return ing board, 435. Flournoy .Thomas S. Confederate colonel, 178. Floyd, John B., Confederate brigadier general, 136, 138, 139, 154-157. Foote, Andrew C, Union commodore, 154. Forrest, Nathan B., Confederate lieuten ant general, 157, 158, 204. 209, 218, 266, 268, 270, 293, 294, 354, 355, 357, 363. 377, 382, 383. Forsyth, John, of Ala., 107. Forsyth, Ga.,385. Fort Alexander, Va., 411. Fort Darling, Va., 174. Fort Donelson Tenn.. 154-158. Fort Fisher, N. C, 389-400, Fort Gregg, Va.,411. Fort Grigsby, Texas, 283. Fort Henry, Tenn., 154. Fort Jackson, La., 167-168. Fort Macon, N. C, 153. Fort McAllister, Ga., 235, 387. Fort Pickens, Fla.,106, 107. Fort Pillow, Tenn., 293, 294. Fort Pulaski, Ga., 153. Fort St. Philip, La., 167, 168. Fort Steadman, Va., 408-410. Fort Stevens, near Wasuington, 335. Fort Sumter, S. C 106, 107-110, 233-235,280, 282. Fort Warren, in Boston Harbor. 422. Fortress Monroe, Va., 117, 125,171,422. France, 24, 25, 55. 76. Frankfort, Ky., 206. Franklin, Va., 178. Franklin, Tenn., 378, 380. Franklin, William B, Union major gene ral, 192, 197, 199, 214, 282, 283, 297. Franklin, Benjamin, American states man, 67. Frazer's Farm, Va., 184. Frederick, Md. , 196. 335. Fredericksburg, Va. , 211, 237-242, Free-Soil Party, 84, 97. Freelinghuysen, Theodore, 79. Fremont, John C. Union major general, 86, 145, 175, 178, 179, 180, 181, 186. French, 24. French and Indian War, 24, 25. French, Samuel G., Confederate major general, 348. 375. Front Royal, Va., 178. Frost, D. M., Confederate brigadier gene ral, 141 142. Fugitive Slave Law, 82, 89. Fulton, Robert A., Union colonel, quoted, 348. G. Gadsden, Ala., 375. Gaines's Mill. Va. , 182, 184-186. Galveston, Texas, 228, 229, 283. Gardner, Frank, Confederate major gene ral, 263. Garland, Augustus H. , 432. Garnett, Richard B„ Confederate briga dier general, 254. Garnett, Robert S., Confederate brigadier general, 118-122. Garrison, William Lloyd, 70, 71. Gates, Horatio, American general in Rev olution, 32. Geary, John W., Union major general, 344. Genesis Point, Ga , 235. Georgia, 19, 22, 24, 31, 32, 60, 61, 100, 342. Georgia, Great Seal of, 429. Germantown, Pa., 30. Germanna Ford, Va., 305. Gettysburg Pa.. 244-259, 265. Gettysburg re-union, 437-438. Getty, George W., Unior major-general, 308. Gibbon, John, Union major-general, 411. Gillmore, Q. A., Union major-general, 278-282, 291. Girardeau, J. L., of Charleston, S. C, 115. Gist, S. R , Confederate brigadier-gen eral, 380. Globe Tavern. Va., 389. Godwin, A. C, Confederate brigadier- general, 367. Gordon, G. W., Confederate brigadier- general, 365, 380. Gordon, John B., Confederate lieutenant- general, 247, 310, 314, 316, 335, 369, 372, 407, 408-410, 412-414. Gordonsville, Va. 188, 239, 301, 306, 329. Govan, Daniel C. Confederate brigadier- general, 345, 365. Grade, Archibald, Confederate briga dier-general, 332. Grafton. W. Va., 118. Graham, Edward, Confederate captain artillery, 280. Graham, Wm. A., 84. Granbury, H. B., Confederate brigadier- general, 345, 365, 380. Grand Gulf, Miss., 260, 261. Granger, Gordon, Union major general, 269, 360, 362. Grant, Ulysses S.. Union general, 146,154- 158,169-166,204,210,213,218, 245, 258, 2.39- 265,271.274,302-325, 339, 340, 389-391, 395, 400,402, 407-417,423,431,434. Great Britain, 24-25, 55, 76. Great Lakes, 30, 54. Greely, Horace, quoted, 102, 108, 225-227, 250, 300, 357, 358, 416, 417 ; signs the bond of President Davis, 422. Greensboro, N. C, 417. Greenbrier River, Va., 137, 139. Greene, Nathaniel, American general in Revolution, 32. Gregg, John C, Confederate brigadier general, 260,269,809. Index. Gregg, Maxey, Confederate brigadier general, 21-). Grierson, B. H., Union major general, 260, 261, 354, Griffin, Ga., 385. Griffin, Charles, Union major general, 131. Grisby, J. Warren, Confederate brigadier general, 343. Griswoldville, Ga., 385. 386. Guerard, J. M., Confederate captain, 291. Gun town, Miss., 354, 355. H. Hagood, Johnson, Confederate brigadier general 2K0, 322, 331. Hale, John P., 84. Halleck. Henry W.. Union major general, 164. 166. 188, 203, 204, 248, 312. Hamilton, Alexander, American states man, 37. Hamilton's Crossing, Va., 214. Hamlin. Hannibal. 91. Hampton Roads, 173, 400. Hampton, Wade, Confederate lieutenant- general, 130, 254, 319, 3-28, 329, 391 , 403, 405, 436. Hancock, Md., 153. Hancock, Winfield S., Union major-gene ral. 238, 308. 311 , 312, 314, 317, 331, 389, 390. Hardee, William J.. Confederate lieuten ant-general. 159, 206, 207, 219, 272, 273, 275, 345, 351 . 353. 364, 365. 387, 404, 405, 406. Harney, William S. , Union maj or-general , 143. Harper's Ferry, 90, 124, 179, 180, 195, 198, 199, 200. 366. Harris, Nathaniel H., Confederate briga dier-general, 316. Harrisburg. Pa., 247. Harrison. George P , Confederate briga dier-general, 280. 291, 293. Harrison, Wm. Henry, President United States, 57. Harrisonburg. Va., 180, 373. Harrison's Landing, Va., 184. Harrodsburg, Ky., 208. Hart, .. a West Virginia Unionist, 119. Hartford Convention. 57, 58. Hartsfene.H J .Confederate captain, 233. Harvard University, 22. Hatch, John P., Union brigadier-general, 387. natcber's Run, Va., 407, Hatteras.Inlet, N. C.,146. natteras. Union war ship, 229. Ilawes, Richard, Confederate Provisional Governor of Kentucky, 2C6. Hawes's Shop, 319. Hawley, Joseph R., Union major-general, 292. nayes, R. B., Union brigadier-general, also President United States, 327, 435, 436, 437. Havs, Alexander, Union major-general, 308. nazon, William B., Union major-general, 387. negg, , Union brigadier-general, 441. Helena, Ark.. 294. Helm, Benjamin H., Confederate briga dier-general, 441. Hendricks, Thomas A., Vice-President United States, 435. Henry, Patrick, American statesman. 40. Heth, Henry, Confederate major-general, 205, 208, 212, 242, 248, 249, 252. Hicksford, Va.,407. Hickman, Ky., 293. Hill, Ambrose P., Confederate lieutenant- general, 181, 183, 184, 188, 198, 199, 200,202, 240, 244, 247, 248, 252, 306, 308, 310, 314, 316, 334,389.390.4(17.411. ITill.C. W.. Union general, 122. Hill, Daniel H.. Confederate lieutenant- general, 117, 181 , 183, 197,198, 199, 268, 270, 272. Hindman, Thomas C, Confederate major- general, 268, 3(3. Hoke, Robert F., Confederate major-gen eral , 298. 300, 322, 331, 405. Hoi land. 34. Holly Springs. Miss , 218. Holmes. T. H., Confederate major-gen eral, 124. Holt, Joseph, judge advocate, 422. Honey Hill, S. C. 387, 388. Hood, John B.. Confederate general, 183, 198. 250, 252, 268, 343, 347, 350-358, 362-366, 373-383. Hooker. Joseph, Union major-general, 198, 199, 214, 236-244, 246, 218, 271, 272, 274, 343,314,347,348. Hotchkiss, Jed., Confederate captain, 369, Houston, Samuel, Governor of Texas, 76. Houston, Texas, 283. Howard, John, 58. Howard, Oliver O.. Union major-general, 239, 240, 244, 249, 250, 271, 345, 349, 353, 385. Huger, Benjamin, Confederate major- general, 125. Huguenin, T. A., Confederate Captain, 280. Humphrey, Benjamin G., Confederate brigadier-general , 269. Humphreys, Andrew A., Union major general, 334, 407. Hunt, Henry J., Union major general, 250, 254, 258. Hunter, David, Union major general, 145, 278. 325, 327, 329, 338. Hunter's Lynchburg Expedition, 327. Hunter, R. M. T., Confederate Peace Com missioner, 400. Hurlbut, Stephen A., Union major gen eral, 161, 261, 292. Illinois, 30, 68. Imboden, John D., Confederate brigadier general, 130, 179, 181, 256, 324, 325, 326, 327, 335. Indiana, 68, 277. Indians, Trouble with Creeks in Georgia, 60. Ingraham, Duncan N., Confederate com modore, 230, 232. Irrepressible Conflict. 99. Island Number Ten, 165. Inka, Miss., 210. Iverson, Alfred, Confederate brigadier general, 354, 362. Jackson, Claiborne F., Confederate gov- ernorof Missouri. 141-146. Jackson, Andrew, President United States, 57. 61-64. Jackson, Miss., 99, 261, 265. Jackson, Henry R., Confederate brigadier general, 122, 137, 138, 139. Index. xi Jackson, John K., Confederate brigadier general, 345. Jackson, J. W., 117. Jackson, Thomas Jonathan (Stonewall), Confederate lieutenantgeneral, 115-126, 180, 141, 151, 152. 176-186, 188-193, 195-203, 211-216, 238-244. Jackson, Mrs. Stonewall, quoted, 244. Jackson, Tenn., 357, 377. Jackson, William H., Confederate general of cavalry, 363. Jacksonville, Fla , 291. James Island, S. C, 230, 232, 278. James River, Va., 174, 184, 185, 188, 190, 320, 322. Jamestown, Va., 19. Jefferson City, Mo., 143. Jefferson, Thomas, President United States, 53-55. Jenkins, Charles J., Governor of Georgia, 429. Jenkins, Albert G., Confederate brigadier general, 254. Jenkins, Mieah, Confederate brigadier general, 246. Jenkins, Ferry, Arkansas, 297. John's Island, near Charleston, S. C, 232. Johnson. Andrew, President United States, 420, 426-431 Johnson, Bradley T., Confederate briga dier-general, 337. Johnson. Bushrod, Confederate major- general, 207, 269, 331, 332. Johnson, Edward, Confederate major- general, 140, 178, 246, 247-314. Johnson, Herschel V., 90. Johnson, R. W., Union major-general, 268. Johnson, John, quoted. 282. Johnston, Albert Sidney, Confederate general, 154, 158-165, 302. Johnston, James D., Confederate cap tain, '62. Johnston, Joseph E. .Confederate general, 124,126,134.171-175, 261-263,265,275, 842, 354,405,407,417-420. Jones, E. J., colonel Fourth Alabama, 133. Jones, D. R., Confederate major-general, 199. Jones, J. M., Confederate brigadier-gen eral, 308. Jonesboro, Ga., 364, 365. Jonesborough, Tenn., 69. Jones, J. Wm., quoted, 216, 422. 423. Jones, Wm. E., Confederate brigadier- general, 254-327. Jordan, Thomas, Confederate brigadier- general, 162. Judah, Henry M., Union major-general, 343. Julian, George WM 84. K. Kaigler, , Confederate captain, 413. Kansas, 85-86. Kansas and Nebraska Bill, 84, 85, 89. Kanawha Valley, W. Va., 118, 136, 138. Kautz, August V., Union major-general, 334. Kearney, Philip, Union major-general, 193. Kearsarge, Union vessel, 388, 389. Keitt, L. M., Confederate colonel, 280. Kelley, B. F., Union brigadier-general, 118, 407. Kelly, J. H., Confederate brigadier-gen eral of cavalry, 345. Kelley 's Ford, Va., 236. Kemper, James L., Confederate briga dier-general, 254. Kenly, John R , Union colonel, 178, 179. Kennesaw Mountain, Ga., 347 349. Kentucky, 32, 68, 110,146,191,203,240,277. Kentucky Campaign. 203-210. Kernstown, Va., 176. 338. Kershaw, Joseph P.. Confederate majo^- general, 214, 215, 216, 2U9, 307, 332, 334, 368, 869. Kettle Creek, Ga.,31. Kilmer, George, I quoted, 339, 345. Kilpatrick, Judson, Union major-gene ral, 256. 301, 363. 385, 403. King, J. Floyd. Confederate officer of ar tillery, 335. King. John F Union brigadier-general, 441, King, Rufus, 55, 5S. King, William R., 84. King's Mountain, N. C.,32. Kinston.N. C.,405. Kirkland, Richard, South Carolina' ser geant, heroic deed at Fredericksburg, 216. Knoxviile, Tenn., 271, 272, 274, 275. Kulp's Farm, Ga.,347. L. Lake City. Fla., 291. Lamb, William, Confederate colonel, 400. Lane, Joseph, 91. Lane, James H., Confederate brigadier- general, 214, 252, 314. Latrobe, Osman, Confederate captain on Longstreet's staff, 201. Law, E. M., Confederate major-general, 183,214,269,305.306 309.312, Lawton, Alexander R., Confederate brig adier-general, 199. Laurel Hill, W. Va., 117-123. Lebanon. Ky., 204. Ledlie, -James H., Union major-general, 339. Lee, Fitzhugh, Con'ede-ate major-gene ral, 239, 254, 256, 319, 329, 410, 413, 416. Lee, Henry (Light-Horse Harry), Ameri can general in Revolution, 32. Lee, Robert E.. Confederate general. 90, 118 124, 136-138, 175, 181-186, 188-193, 194- 203, 211-216, 236-244-258-265, 283-284, 301, 302-325, 338-340, 389-391, 404-417, 423-425, 438,440. Lee, Robert E., Jr., 202. Lee, Stephen D., Confederate lieutenant- general, 218, 353, 355, 364, 365, 382. Lee, W. H. F., Confederate major-general, 254-257. Lee and Gordon's Mills, 266. Leesburg. Va., 136. Leigh, Benjamin Watkins, 64. Letcher, John, 328 Lewis, J. H., Confederate brigadier-gen eral, 363, 365. Lexington, Kentucky, 205. Lexington , Mass. , 28. Lexington, Mo., 144, 145. Lexington, Va., 328, 338, 423. Liberia, 70. Lincoln, Abraham, President United States, 91, 107, 110, 186,211, 225-227,887, 400, 419, 420. Lincoln, Benjamin, American general in Revolution, 31. Little Rock, Ark., 294, 296, 297. Xll Index. Logan, John A., Union major-general, 157, 347,348. Long, A. L., Confederate brigadier-gen eral, quoted, 245. Long Island, N. Y., 29. Longstreet, James C, Confederate lieu tenant-general. 126, 184, 188,191, 192,198, 201, 211-216, 238, 244 247.249,266-270,272, 274,275,283,306.309,310, 311,812, 410,411, 413. Lookout Mountain, Tenn., 271, 272. Lookout Valley, Tenn., 271, 272. Loring, Wm. W., Confederate lieutenant- general, 136, 137-140, 259. 265. Lovejoy Station, Ga.. 354, 365. Louisa Courthouse, Va.. 328 Louisiana, 53, 68, 100; returning board, 434, 435. Louisville, Ky. 206. Lowrey, , Confederate brigadier- general, 345. Loyalists, 29. Lundy, Benjamin, 09, 70. Luray Valley, 178. 180. Lynchburg, Va., 305. Lyon, Nathaniel, Union brigadier-gen eral, 141, 142, 144. Lytle, Wm. H., Union brigadier-general, 441. M. Macon, Ga., 354, 385, 420. Madison, James, President United States, 37,40,51,55,102. Magruder, J. B.. Confederate major-gen eral, 125, 174, 183. 184. 228, 229. Mahone, Wm., Confederate major-gen eral, 310, 312, 334. J39. Maine, 19, 69. Malvern Hill, Va., 184, 185. Manassas, Va., 124, 133. 171, 186-194. Maney. George Confederate brigadier- general, 378. Mansfield, Joseph K., Union major-gen eral. 198, 199. Mansfield. La., 296. Manson. M. D. , Union brigadier general, 205. Marblehead, Mass. 21. Marietta, Ga.,375 Marion, Francis, American general in Revolution, 32, 33. Marks's Mill, Ark., 297. Marshall, Charles, Confederate colonel, quoted, 242. Martinsburg, Va., 246, 335. Marye's Hill, Va., 214, 215, 216, 237, 242. Maryland, 32, 35, 36. 72, 110, 117, 194. Maryland Campaign, 194-203. Massachusetts, 22. Massanuiton Mountain, Va., 369. Mason, James M., Confederate commis sioner, 148. Meade, George G., Union major general, 213, 248-258, 283, 284, 301, 304, 334. Meadow Bridge, Va , 181. Meagher, Thomas F., Union brigadier general, 215. Mechanicsville, Va., 182. Memphis, Tenn.. 167, 168, 261, 293. Mercer, Hugh W., Confederate brigadier general, 382, 883. Meridian, Miss., 293. Merrimac, or Virginia, 171. Merritt. Wesley, Union major general, 367. Mexico, 76, 81. Mill Creek Gap, Ga., 343. 375. Mill Spring, Ky., 153. Milledgeviile, Ga., 385. Milroy, R. H., Union major general. 140. 178. Mine Run, Va„ 284. Mississippi, 68, 99. Mississippi River, 30. Missionary Ridge, Tenn., 268, 270-274. Missouri, 68, 69, 110, 141-146. Missouri Compromise, 08, 69, 81. Mitchell. John K., Confederate commo dore, 167-168. Mitchell John C, Confederate captain, 280 Mobile, Ala., 360-362, 420. Monitor, Union vessel, 171, 173. Monocacy River, Md., 335. Monrovia, capital of Liberia, 70, Monterey, Va., 122, 123. Montgomery, Ala,, 102.104, 115, 420. Montgomery, James, Union colonel, 292. More's Creek, N. C..28. Morgan, Daniel, American general in Revolution, 32. Morgan, George W., Union brigadier gen eral, 203, 205, 206. Morgan, John H., Confederate major gen eral, 204 ; Ohio Raid, 276-278. Mormons, 86. Morris, Thomas A., Union major general, 118-123. Morris Island, S. C, 278 280. Mount Jackson, Va., 368, 372. Mosby, John S., Confederate brigadier general, 389, 406, 407. Mulligan, James A., Union brigadier- general, 145. Mumfordsville, Ky., 206. Murfreesboro, Tenn., 204, 209, 211, 218, 221, 265. McCausland, John, Confederate briga dier-general, 335, 338. McClanahan, Confederate captain artil lery, 325. McClellan, George B., Union major-gen eral, 117,123, 124, 125, 134,171-175,181-186, 188, 190, 192, 195-203, 211. McClernand, John A., Union major-gen eral, 161, 229, 262. McCook, Alexander, Union major-gen eral, 219,266, 268. McCook, Edward M., Union cavalry brig- adier-general , 353, 354. McCormick, , Confederate colonel, 291. McCown, John P., Confederate major- general, 203, 219. McCulloeh, Benjamin, Confederate briga dier-general, 144. McDonough. American commodore, 57. McDowell, Irvln. Union major-gener.il, 125,133,175,180.' McDowell, Va., 178. McGowan, Samuel, Confederate briga dier-general, 316. Mcintosh, a Creek chief, 60. McLaws, Lafayette, Confederate major- general, 195, 198, 199, 216, 238, 240, 242, 250, 252. McLaughlin, Wm., Confederate major ar tillery, 325. McLean, Wilmer, 414. McMahon, Martin T., Union major-gen eral, quoted, 301, 319. Mc-Minnville, Tenn., 207. McN'air, Evander, Confederate brigadier. 269. Index. xiu McNeill, John H., Confederate oaptain of cavalry, 406,407. McPherson, James B., Union major-gene ral, 261,262, 292, 343, 345, 349,351-358. K Nashville, Confederate cruiser, 148. Nashville, Tenn., 154, 156,158,209,218,874, 377, 880-383. Nebraska, 84, 85, 89. Negley, James S., Union major-general, 219, 268. Negro churches and Sunday schools, 114, 115. Nelson, William, Union major-general, 164,205. Nelson, William, Confederate colonel of artillery, 335. Neasho, Mo., 145. New England, 21, 24, 30, 31, 55. New Hampshire. 72. New Hope Church, Ga., 344, 845. New Jeisey,29. New Market, Va., 178, 324, 325, 827, 868, 372. New Mexico, 82. New Orleans, La., 24. 57, 167, 168, 263, 423. Newman, Ga., 354. Newport News, Va., 173. Newton, John, Union major-general, 343. Newtown, Va.,179. New York, 29, 30. New York Tribune on secession (1860), 102. Non Intercourse Act, 56. Norfolk. Va. , 124, 125, 171, 174. North Anna.Va., 317. North Carolina, 32, 44, 45, 70, 71, 110. Northwest Territory, 30, 35, 36, 67. Nueces River, 81. Nullification, 61-64, 89. O. Oakey, Daniel, Union captain, quoted, 385. Oak Hill, Mo., 144. Odium, F. H., Confederate captain, 283. Ogeechee River, Ga., 235. Oglesby, Richard J., Union major-gene ral, 157. Ohio, 68, 71, 277. Ohio River, 30. Okalona, Miss., 293. Olmstead, Chas. H., Confederate colonel, defender of For Pulaski, 153. Olustee, Fla., 292. Ostenaula River, Ga., 344. Opdyeke, Emerson, Union brigadier-gen eral. 379. Opequon,Va.,367, 368. Ord. Edward 0., Union, major-general, 136. Oregon, 76, 79, 435. Ould, Robert, Confederate commissioner of exchange, 396, 397. 399. Overland Campaign, 304-323. Ox Hill, Va., 193. P. Paducah, Ky.,293. Page, R. L., Confederate brigadier-gen eral, 862. Palmer, John M., Union major-general, 268. 348. Palmer, I. N., Union brigadier-general, Washington, D. C.,300. Palmetto, Ga., 373. Palmetto Ranch, Texas, 420-422. Pamlico Sound, N. C, 300. Parliament, 25 26. Parsons, Virginia mountaineer, 123 Patterson, Robert, Union majo -general, 125-126. Peace Congress, 104, 105. Peace negotiations, 400. Peacb Tree Creek, Ga., 353. Pea Ridge, or Elkhorn, Ark., 165. Pegram , John, lieutenant-colonel, 119, 120, 314, 369. Pegram, Robert B., Confederate officer, 148. Pelham, Confederate major of artillery, 214-236. Pemberton, John C. , Confederate lieuten ant-general. 216. 218, 260-265. Pender, Wm. D.. Confederate major-gen eral, 182, 214, 240, 242, 248, 250. Pendleton, Wm. N., Confederate briga dier-general, 130, 238. Peninsula, Va., 171. Pennsylvania, 244, 259. 337, 338. Pensacola, Fla., 106, 107. Perrin, Abner, Confederate brigadier- general, 316. Perry, E. A., Confederate brigadier-gen eral, 250. Perry, Oliver Hazard, American commo dore, 57. Perryville, Kv., 207, 208. Petersburg, Va., 305, 322, 329, 330-339,389, 407, 411, 412. Petersburg Mine, 339. Pettigrew, John J., Confederate briga dier-general, 252, 257. Pettus, John J., Confederate Governor Mississippi, 99. Philadelphia, Pa., 30, 245. Philadelphia Station, Tenn., 271. Phiiippi, W. Va , 118. Pickens, Andrew, American general in Revolution. 32, 33. Pickens, F. W., Governor of South Caro lina, 105. Pickering, Timothy, 101. Pickett, George E., Confederate major- general, 251, 252, 254, 332, Pickett's Mill, Ga., 345. Piedmont Virginia, 327. Pierce, Franklin, President United States, 84. Pillow, Gideon J., Confederate brigadier- general, 146, 154-157. Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth, 55. Pine Mountain, Ga., 347. Pittsburg Landing, Tenn, 158, 166. Pleasant Hiil, La., 297. Pleasanton, Alfred. Union major general, 289, 246. Plymouth, N. C, 300, 388. Po River, Va., 312. Poague, W. T., Confederate artillery offi cer, 308. Pocotaligo, S. C, 230. Polk, James K., President of the United States, 79. Polk, Leonidas, Confederate lieutenant general, 159, 206, 219, 220, 268, 272, 343, 847. Pope, John, Union major general, 165, 186, 188-193, 195. Porter. David D., Union admiral, 229, 259, 296-298 3-i9, 400. Porter, Fitz-John, Union major general, 182, 184, 192, 199, 200. xiv Index. Porter, JohnL., chief constructor of Con federate ram Albemarle, 300. Porterfield, G. A., Confederate colonel, 118. Port Gibson, Miss., 261. Port Hudson, La., 263-265. Port Republic, Va., 180 181, 368. Port Royal, S. C, 146. Portsmouth, Va„ 124. Potomac River, 195, 199, 200, 246. Powhite Creek, Va., 162. Prentiss, Benjamin M , Union major gen- esal, 161. Presstman, S. W., Confederate colonel, 378. Price, Sterling, Confederate major gen eral, 143-145, .65, 203, 204, 210, 388. Princeton College. 22. Princeton, N. J., 29. Prisoners of War,. 395-399. Privateers, 148 Q, Quarles, William A., Confederate briga. dier general, 380. Quebec, 24. Quincy, Josiah, 101. R. Rains. James E., Confederate brigadier- general, 144, 45. Raleigh, N. C. 69, 405. Ramseur, Stephen D., Confederate major- general, 316, 335. 369. 371 372. Ramsey, James, Confederate colonel, 122- 123. Randall, James R.. author of " Maryland. My Maryland," 195. Ransom, Matthew W. , Confederate briga dier-general, 300. Ransom, Robert, Confederate major-gen eral. 214, 215. 322. v Ripidan River, Va.,^90, 284, 304. Rappahannock River, Va., 190, 236, 242, 284, 320. Rappahannock Station. 284. Raymond, Miss. ,261, 265. Ream's Station, Va., 389, 390. Reconstruction, 426-431. Red House, 122. Red River expedition, 294. Renshaw, W. B. , Union naval officer, 228 Republican Party, 86-91, 97. Resaca, Ga., 313, 344, 863, 375. Returning boards. 435-437. Reynolds, D. H., Confederate brigadier- general, 343. Reynolds, Joseph J., Union major-gene ral, 139, 268. Reynolds, John F., Union major general, 249. Rhett, Alfred C, Confederate colonel, 280. Rhode Island, 36, 37, 44. 45. Rice, James C. Union brigadier-general, 312 Richmond, Va., 115, 124, 181-1S7, 278, 302- 322,389.407,411,412. Richmond, Ky.. 194, 205. Rich Mountain. W. Va., 118-120. Ricketts, James B., Union major-general, 131, 335. Ringgold, Ga.. 274 Rio Grande River. 81. Ripley , Roswell S. , Confederate brigadier- general, 182, 232. Roanoke Island, N. C, 152. Roaring Creek , W. Va. ,119. Robertson, Beverly H., Confederate brig adier-general , 254, 269. Robinson, P.. Confederate captain, 259. Rockbridge Artillery, 202. Rocky Fare Ridge, Ga., 343. Roddey, Philip D., Confederate brigadier general, 266, 355. Rodes, Robert E., Confederate major gen eral, 239, 240, 242, 247, 49, 316, 335, 367. Roman, Andrew B., 107. Rome, .-a., 266. Romney, W. Va., 151, 152. Rosecrans, William S.. Union major gen eral, 119, 120, 136, 138-140, 210, 218-221,265- 270, 271, 283, 388. Rosser, Thomas L„ Confederate major general, 372, 406. Rossville, Tenn., 268, 269. Rudersill, Frank, Confederate Burgeon, 440. Note 11. Rush, Richard, 62. Russell, David A. , Union major general, 284 367. Rust, Albert C. , Confederate colonel, 137. Rutledge, John, Confederate naval offi cer, 230. s. Sabine River, 81, 282. Sabine Cross Roads, La., 296. Sabine Pass. Texas, 229, 283. Sailor's Creek, Va., 412. Saint Louis, Mo.. 141. Salem Church, Va., 242. Santa Anna, Mexican general, 76. Saratoga, N. Y., 30. Sargent, John, 62. Savage's Station, Va., 184. Savannah, Ga., 22, 28, 31, 153. 236. 386. Saxton, Rufns, Union major general, 179. Scalawags, 432. Scales, Alfred M., Confederate briga dier general, 252. Sehenck. Robert C, Union major general, 178. Schofield, John M., Union majoi general, 347, 549, 363, 57, 79. 380. Scott, John S. Confederate colonel, 205. Scott, Winfieid, Union major general, 84, 126. Secession, 97-100; threatened by New England, 101. Secessionville, S. O, 230. Sedgwick, John, Union major-general, 237, 238, 242, 308, 311, 312. Sedition Act, 51. Seizure of forts and arsenals, 106. Selma, Ala.,429. Semmes, Paul J., Confederate brigadier- general, 250. Semmes. Raphael Confederate admiral, 148, 229. Seven Days' Battles (Virginia), 181-187. Seven Pines, Va., 174. 175. Sevier, Colonel. 32 — foot note. Seward. Wm. H., American statesman, 99, 107,108.400. Sewell Mountain, 139. Sewell's Point. Va., 173. Seymour. Truman, Union major-general. 291 293.310. f-harpsburg, Md.. 198,200. Shaler, Alerander, Union major-general. 310. Sheetz, G. F., Confederate captain, 178. Index. xv Shelby, — colonel, 32— foot note. Shepherds town, Md., 200, 338. Shenandoah Valley, Va., 124,175, 181,246. 325,367,410. Sheridan, Philip, Union major-general, 219, 268, 269,273,311,317, 328,329,366-373, 410-413. Sherman. T. W.,'Union major-general, 146. Sherman. Wm. T., Union general, 131, 159- 161,218,259,261,262,271, 274, 275,292,293, 294,296,304, 342, 354, 362-366,373-385,402- 406, 417-420. Shields. James, Union major-general, 176, 179, 180. 181, 186. Shiloh, Tenn., 158-166, 802. Ship, Scott. Confederate colonel of cadets, 324 Shreveport,La.,296. Sickles, Daniel, Union major-general, 239, 249, 250. Sigel, Franz, Union major-general, 143, 144, 305, 323-325, 327, 335. Slaughter, J. E., Confederate brigadier- general, 422. Slaughter Mountain, Va., 1R9-191. Slaveholders' Convention, 72,73. Slavery, 21, 66, 71, 72-91. Slavery quarrel, 66-91. Slave Trade, 21, 66, 67. Slaves during the war, 114. Slidell, John, 148. Slocum, Henry W., Union major-general, 364, 385, 387. Smith, A. J., Union general, 298, 355. Smith, C. F., Union major-general, 157. Smith Caraway, Confederate Colonel, 291. Smith, Edmund Kirby, Confederate gen eral, 131, 194, 203-210, 296-298. 420. Smith, George H., colonel 62d Virginia, 325. Smith, George W , Confederate major- general, 175, 351. 352, 385, 387. Smith, Gerritt, signs the bond of Presi dent Davis, 422. Smith, Jas. M., Governor of Georgia, 429. Smith, James P., referred to, 240. Smith, Leon, captain Confederate navy, 228, 229. Smith, Preston, Confederate major-gen eral, 441. Smith. Wm. Farrar, Union major-general, 330, 331. Smith, Wm. Sooy, Union brigadier-gen eral 293 Snake' Creek Gap, Ga., 343. Sorrel, G. M.. Confederate major, after wards brigadier-general on Longstreet's staff, 201. Southampton, Va., 71. South Carolina, 24, 31, 61, 97, 98, 435. South Mountain, Md., 197, 198, 200. Southside Road, Va., 407, 411. Spain, 19,24,25,76. Spaniards, 24. Spotsylvania Courthouse, Va., 311-317. Springfield, Mo., 144, 145. Spring Hill, Tenn. , 266, 378, 379, 1180. Squatter Sovereignty, 35. Staunton, Va., 118, 176, 305, 327,334,368,372. Stamp Act, 26. Stanley, David, Union major-general, 379. Stanton. Edwin M., Union Secretary of War, 399, 422, 423, 431. Starke, Wm. E., Confederate brigadier- general, 199. State Sovereignty, 35. Steele, Frederick, Union major-general, 296-298. Stephens, Alexander H., Confederate Vice-President, 100-102, 400, 422. Stevens, Isaac, Union major-general. 193. Stevenson, Carter L., Confederate major- general, 205, 206, 343, 382, 405. Stevenson, T. G., Union major-general, 312. Stewart, Alexander P., Confederate lieu tenant-general, 343, 314. 351,352. Stone, Henry, Union colonel, quoted, 378, 379. Stoneman, George, Union major-general, 236-238,354. Stone River, Tenn., 218-221. Stono River, near Charleston, S. C, 236. Strahl, O. T., Confederate brigadier gen eral, 380. Strasburg, Va., 369. Stnnghani, Silas H., Union commodore, 146. Streight, Albert D., Union brigadier gen eral, 266. Strong, C. C, Union major general, 278, Stuart, J. E. B., Confederate lieutenant general, 132. 136, 181, 190. 202, 203, 214, 238, 239-241, 247, 254, 256. 311, 317, 318. Sturdivant, N. A., Confederate artillery captain, 330. Sturgis, Samuel D., Union major general, 354. Sumner, Edwin V., Union major general, 192,199,213. Sumter, Thomas, American general in the Revolution, 32. Supreme Court of the United States, 38, 432. Swamp Angel, S. C. 382. Sweeny, Thomas W., Union brigadier general, 143. 345. Swinton, quoted, 357. 417. Sykes, George, Union major general, 131. 238. Susquehanna River, Penn., 247. T" / Taliaferro, W. B., Confederate major gen eral, 12"-123, 214, 278, 280. Tariff, 61. Taylor, Richard (son of Zachary Taylor, President of the United States), Con federate general, 261, 296. Taylor's Ridge, Ga., 274. Taylor, Walter H., quoted, 323. Tennessee, 32, 68. Tennessee, ram, 360, 362. Tennessee River, 266. 271. Terry, A. H., Union major general, 400. Test Oaths, 431, 432. Texas, 71, 100. 228, 229. Tilden, Samuel J., 435 Tishamingo Creek, Miss., 354. Thomas. George H., Union major general, 153, 266-270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 351, 353, 377, 382, 383. Thoroughfare Gap, Va.. 191. Tompkins, Daniel D , 58. Toombs, Robert, Confederate brigadier general, 79, 99, 199. Torbert, Albert T., Uni m major general, 367, 368, 369, 371, 373. Tories, 29. Totopotomy River, Va., 319. Trans-Mississippi Department, 296. Trent seizure, 148. Trenton, 29. Trevilian Station, 328, 829. XVI. Index. Trimble, Isaac Rl, Confederate major- general, 199 252. Troup, George M., 61. Tucker. Johh R., Confederate naval offi cer, 230. Tullahoma. Tenn., 221, 261, 265, 266. Tuni.el Hill, Ga., 375. Tupelo, Miss.. 166,203,355,383. Turner, Nat., 71. Tygart River, 118. Tyler, Daniei, Union brigadier-general, 126. Tyler, Erastus B., Union major-general, 139, 180. Tyler, John, President United States, 78, 105. Tyler, R. C, Confederate brigadier-gene ral, 363. U. Union and Confederate armies, note, 423. United States, 28, 35, 54-57, 76. Utah, 82. Utoy Creek, Ga., 363. V. Valley campaign of Jackson, 175-181. Van Buren, Martin, President United States, 62. 84. Van Cleve. Horatio P., Union major-gen eral, 268, 269. Vanderbilt, Cornelius, signs the bond of President Davis, 422. Van Dora, Earl, Confederate major-gene ral, 165, 168. 203, 204, 210, 216, 218. Vaughn, John C., Confederate brigadier- general, 327. Venable, Charles C, Confederate colonel, 399, quoted, 832. Vermont, 68. Varplank,64. Vieksburg, Miss., 167, 168, 211, 216, 218, 245, 258, 259-265. Virginia and Kentucky resolutions, 51,52. Viginia, Confederate ram, 171-174. Virginia Military Institute, 324, 325. 328 Virginia, 19, 21, 30, 32. 35, 36, 70, 104, 105. 110, 117, 124. Vote by States on annexation of Texas, 80. W. Wadsworth, James S., Union major-gen eral, 309. s Wagoner's Fight, 256. Walker, John G., Confederate major-gen eral, 197,198, 199. Walker, Lindsaj , Confederate captain, 131. v Walker, Wm. H. T., Confederate major- general, 268, 343, 344, 348, 353. Wallace, Lew, Union major-general, 154, 161,164,335,336. Wallace, W. H. L., Union major-general, 157, 161. Walthall, E. C, Confederate major-gen eral, 382. Warren, Gouverneur K., Union major- general, 238, 308, 311, 312, 331, 389, 407. Washington Artillery Battalion of New Orleans, 215, 256. Washington City, 105, 125, 179, 284 ; Early's march against, 334-337. Washington College, Lexington, Va , 328, 423; name changed to Washington-Lee University, 423. Washington, George, first President United States, 29, 33, 34, 37, 44, 49, 51. Washington, J. A., Confederate colonel, 138 Washington N,C.,300. Watkins, O. M., Confederate major, 229. Watts, James W., Confederate colonel, 178. Waynesboro, Va. , 410. Webb, A. S., Union major-general, quoted, 305, 311. Webster, Daniel, American statesman, 82, 87, 89. Weldon Road, Va., 334. 389-391, 407. Wessels. Henry W., Union brigadier gen eral, 300. West Virginia, 117-123, 125, 137-139, 227, 228. Wharton, Gabriei C. Confederate briga dier-general, 325, 369, 372. Wheeler, Joseph, Confederate lieutenant- general, 204, 209, 218, 268, 352, 354, 362, 363, 377, 385, 386, 403. Wheeler, W. A , Vice-President United States, 434. 436. Whigs, 62, 78, 84-87; Old Line 87. White Oak Road, 410. White Oak Swamp, Va., 184. Whiting, W. H. C, Confederate major- general, 181 183,322,400. Wigfall, Louis T., Confederate colonel, 109. Wilcox, Cadmus M.. Confederate major- general, 250, 252. 308. Wilderness, Va., 306-311. Wilkes, Charles, captain United States Navy, 148. William and Mary College, Va., 22. Williams, colonel. 32 — foot note. Williamsburg, Va., 174. Williamsport, Md., 125, 202, 256, 257, 338. Wilmington. N. C , 322, 400. Wilmot, Proviso, 81, 82. Wilson, James H., Union major- aeneral, 334, 383, 420. Wilson's Creek, Mo.. 144. Winchester, Va., 126, 179, 202, 211 24e, 258, 335, 366-368, 371. Wise, Henry A.. Confederate brigadier- general, 118, 136, 138. 139, 322, 330. Withers, Jones M., Confederate major- general, 130,219. Wofford, Wm. T., Confederate brigadier- general. 310. Wolford. Frank, Union colonel, 277. Wolseley, Garnett, British general. 202. Wood, , Confederate colonel at Petersburg, 330. Wood, Thomas J., Union major-general, 268,273. Worden, John L., Union commodbre, 235. Wright, A, R., Confederate major-gene ral, 250. & Wright. Horatio, Union major-general, 316, 317, 337, 369, 371. Wyatt, Henri . 117. Wrightsville, Pa., 247. Yates, Joseph A., Confederate colonel, 232. Yazoo River, Miss., 168. Yellow Tavern, Va , 317. York River, Va., 320. Yorktown, Va., 125, z. Zollieoffer, Felix K., Confederate briga dier-general, 153, PART I. A Short Sketch of United States History from the Oolonial Times to the Establishment of the Gov ernment under the Constitution. Story of the Confederate States. CHAPTER I. A BRIEF SKETCH OF COLONIAL HISTORY. IOON after the discovery of America by Colum bus, Spain began to plant colonies in various parts of the New World. For more than one hundred years the civilization of America was Span ish, and Spain regarded the whole continent as right fully her own. 2. But England claimed North America because John Cabot, sailing under her flag, had discovered its mainland at least fourteen months before Columbus sighted the coasts of South America. It was long, however, before she began seriously to make good her claim, and not until the beginning of the seventeenth century was her first colony established at Jamestown (Ifi07). Having once secured a firm foothold, she rapidly extended her power until, by the middle of the eighteenth century, her possessions reached from Maine to the "southern border of Georgia and contained a million and a half inhabitants. 3. The settled portions were near the coasts and reached some distance into the interior. Each Eng lish colony claimed the whole country from the settle ments on the coast all the way to the Pacific ocean. 4. In the Southern colonies the wealthy people lived on large plantations which were worked by negro slaves. The poorer people lived on small farms. The " [ 19 ] RUINS OF JAMESTOWN. First English Settlement in America. [20] A Brief Sketch of Colonial History. 21 chief employment was agriculture. The people of New England were much more closely settled than those of the South. There was also much greater di versity of industry in New England. More manufact ured goods were made there and more people engaged in trade. 5. There were negro slaves in all the colonies; but a great many more of them were needed on the large plantations of the South than on the small farms of New England. 6. According to some authorities in 1620, according to others in 1619, some Dutch traders had brought twenty negroes to Jamestown, Va., and sold them to the settlers. This was the beginning of negro slavery in the English settlements in North America. The merchants and seamen of New England engaged ac tively in the African slave trade, bringing great num bers of negroes from Africa and selling them to the Southern planters. They had gone into the business as early as 1636 when the " Desire, " the first Ameri can slave ship, was built at Marblehead, Massachu setts. 7. The people of Virginia became alarmed at the great number of ignorant barbarians that were thus being brought into the colony; and the legislature passed laws to stop the traffic. But the king of Eng land compelled them to repeal these laws. The found ers of Georgia prohibited slavery and rum in that col ony; but after several years these restrictions were re moved. 8. Each colony had its own legislature, but only the New England colonies elected their own governors. In the other colonies the governors were appointed by 22 Story of the Confederate States. the king or by the proprietors, who like William Penn and Lord Baltimore held their power from the king. 9. Education was more general in the New England and Middle States, because the people lived nearer to each other and dwelt more in towns. Harvard Uni versity Avas founded in the early days of the colony of Massachusetts (1638). William and Mary College in Virginia was founded during the reign of William and Mary.1 Princeton College, in NeAv Jersey, was founded in 1746. In South Carolina the Avealthy planters sent their sons to Charleston and sometimes to Eng land to be educated. In Georgia, for the purpose of promoting education, the rents of certain lands were set apart by the crown in every parish, as the counties were then called, and good schools were established at SaA*annah and Augusta. 10. The people of all the colonies were Arery indus trious. The various grains Avere raised and in the South tobacco and rice Avere also cultivated. Some at tention was given to the raising of indigo, and in Georgia some silk was made. As the colonies greAv in population they increased in Avealth and power. 11. England Avished to keep all the trade of the col onies for her own advantage. Hence the government in England passed laws restricting trade and manufac tures in the colonies. These laAvs Avere not well en forced, and, whene\^er attempts Avere made to carry them out, the people showed a disposition to be re bellious. 1 About the year 1619, a college had been opened for both sexes at Henrico. Under an order from the king, large contributions had been made for its support. At the time of the Indian massacre in 1622 this College was destroyed, as was also a free preparatory school which had been established at Charles City in 1621. WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. 24 Story of the Confederate States. 12. The peace of the English colonies was often dis turbed by Indian wars, which always ended in the tri umph of the whites and the acquisition of additional lands for settlement. The English colonies were also disturbed by frequent hostilities on the part of the Spaniards and French. Spain had extensive posses sions on the south and asserted her right to all the country south of South Carolina. Hence Spain re sented the founding of Georgia and gave the settlers of that colony much trouble. On the north and west France claimed immense possessions, and often har- rassed the New England colonies and New York with bloody wars. 13. The question of dominion in North America was settled at last by the great French and Indian war which lasted about eight years. In this mighty strug gle France and Spain assisted by numerous Indian al lies fought against Great Britain and her American colonies. The decisive battle on the Plains of Abra ham, near Quebec, established the supremacy of Eng land in North America. 14. By the treaty of 1763 France gave up to Eng land all her possessions in North America east of the Mississippi River except the city of New Orleans. At the same time she ceded to her ally Spain the city of New Orleans and all her possessions west of the Mis sissippi. Spain ceded to England her possessions of East and West Florida. 15. At this time England extended the limits of the colony of Georgia to the Mississippi river on the west, and to latitude 31° and the St. Mary's river on the south. War for American Independence. 25 CHAPTER II. THE WAR FOR AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE AND THE ES TABLISHMENT OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. |T the close of the French and Indian War Great Britain came to the front as the most powerful nation in the world. She now occupied the proud place held by Spain at the begin ning of the seventeenth century and had also humbled the pride of her haughty rival, France. 2. The people of the English colonies in America had borne their full share in these great achievements and gloried in being a part of the British Empire. At the same time they had learned something of the value of united action, and knew enough of their oAvn power to be unwilling to submit to any law, Avhich they considered unjust. 3. Yet such was their love for the Mother country and such their pride in the noble empire of which they formed a part, that they were prepared to endure much, before coming to an open rupture with the British government. 4. The laws restricting American trade and com merce gave great dissatisfaction; but when the British Parliament prepared to go still farther and impose a direct tax, the patience of the American people was tried to the utmost. 5. The French and Indian War had added largely to the debt of Great Britain, and, as it had been car ried on for the benefit of the colonies, the British Par- 26 Story of the Confederate States. liament thought that the Americans ought to pay a share of the debt. 6. The colonies declared their willingness to pay their share, but insisted on the right to lay their OAvn taxes. As they had no representation in Parliament they claimed that Parliament had no right to tax them. 7. It Avas in 1765 that the British government adopted the scheme of taxation by the passage of the Stamp Act. The Americans were thoroughly aroused against this measure and the act was repealed the next year. But other schemes of taxation Avere adopted, and when the Americans resisted, the government of Great Britain resorted to force. Troops were sent to Boston and other places to overawe the inhabitants, and the Americans were treated, not as equal members of the British Empire, but like people of a conquered nation. 8. In 1765 when the dispute began, the people of the colonies Avere proud of their connection with the British Empire and loved the flag of England as the banner under which they had fought against a com mon foe. By 1775, though they were still unwilling to dissolve their union with Great Britain, their old love had vanished, and the red-coated soldiers, instead of being regarded as friends, were now detested as op pressors. Such Avas the change of feeling produced by ten years of tyranny and wrong. 9. The king and Parliament spoke of the Ameri cans as rebels, and called their leading men traitors. They claimed that Parliament had the right to bind the colonies in all cases AvhatsoeATer, and demanded of the Americans absolute submission to their will. 10. But the Americans claimed that in coming to the wilds of the New World to build up for Britian a BATTLE OF LEXINGTON. 28 Story of the Confederate States. great empire they had lost none of their rights as free-born Englishmen. They acknoAAdedged allegiance to the King, but claimed that only their colonial assemblies had the right to tax them. Their cry Avas, " No taxation Avithout representation." They felt that they were contending for a great principle, and cared nothing for the hard names given them by their oppressors. 11. At length the war of words and contending opinions led to a conflict of arms at Lexington and Concord, and the great struggle for American liberty began. 12. At first the Americans were fighting only for their rights as British subjects. The)7 did not at first desire separation from the British government, but after several months of fighting, the great majority began to desire absolute freedom from British rule. 13. One colony after another instructed its delegates to vote for independence. When the unanimous con sent of the thirteen colonies in rebellion had been se cured, the Continental Congress declared the united colonies to be " free and independent States," (July 4th, 1776). 14. At the time of the Declaration there was no British army on the soil of the United States. By the fight at Lexington the whole country had been aroused. Bunker Hill, though an American defeat, had the moral effect of a victory. Washington by his skillful management had compelled the British to evacuate Boston; a British fleet had been repulsed at Charleston; at Savannah the Americans had gained an important success, and in North Carolina at More's Creek a band of American adherents of the king — War for American Independence. 29 called by the British, Loyalists, but by the Americans, Tories — had been completely defeated. 15. It was not long, however, before a powerful British army and fleet appeared before NeAv York. They defeated the Americans on Long Island, captured New York city and compelled Washington's army to retreat across New Jersey. But when the American cause seemed almost ruined, Washington most skillfully turned the. tide by his brilliant victories at Trenton and Princeton. 30 Story of the Confederate States. 16. The year 1777 was productive of great results. Notwithstanding the disaster to the Americans at the BrandyAvine, the fall of Philadelphia, their capital, and their repulse at Germantown, the capture of Bur goyne and a British army at Saratoga in New York made almost certain their final success. For the vic tory of Saratoga secured to the Americans the alliance with France, the poAverful rival of Great Britain. The British Avere obliged to retire from Philadelphia and to abandon every important conquest in the United States except the city of New York. 17. The British government now offered to give the Americans all that they had ever asked if they would only renew their allegiance to the British Crown But the offer came too late The Americans Averenow determined to accept nothing short of independence. Great Britain, though ready to yield everything else, was unAvilling to consent to the dissolution of the great British Empire. So the Avar went on. 18. The most important event of 1778 was the con quest of the Northwest. General George Rogers Clarke, of Virginia, at the head of a force of bold riflemen crossed the Ohio river and marched against the Indians and their British allies. He defeated them in several engagements, conquered the country between the Ohio and the Great Lakes and the Missis sippi "river, and annexed it to Virginia as the county of Illinois. 19. Sir Henry Clinton, the British commander in America, noAV concluded that the chance for success Avould be much better in the thinly settled South than in the more thickly settled States of New Eng land and the Middle section. In the NeAv England War of American Independence. 31 States alone at that time there were nearly 800,000 white inhabitants, while in South Carolina and Geor gia there Avere less than 200,000 Avhite people, and these were widely scattered. Hence it was always much easier to concentrate a large force against the invaders in New England than in the two Southern States, so sparsely settled and so far removed from the centres of population. 20. At the end of December, 1778, a British force captured Savannah and soon afterwards advanced northward and occupied Augusta. But the South Carolina and Georgia militia by their brilliant victory at Kettle Creek recovered Augusta and the up country of Georgia to within fifty miles of Savannah. Though the Americans soon after this suffered a severe defeat at Brier Creek, and though a combined French and American army met a disastrous repulse before Savan nah in October, 1779, yet Augusta and all the up coun try of Georgia remained in their possession until the summer of 1780. 21. About the middle of March, 1780, Sir Henry Clin ton, with a, fleet and army, attacked Charleston, which was defended by an American army under General Lincoln. After a siege of seven weeks Clinton cap tured .the city and with it all the regular soldiers and most of the organized militia of South Carolina and Georgia. These two States were thus by one disastrous blow laid prostrate at the feet of the conqueror. The most important points were occupied by the British, and many of the people feeling that they had been left to their fate by their sister States, accepted British protection. 22. But scattered throughout the rural districts were patriot bands who, under their favorite leaders, made 32 Story of the Confederate States. the open country unsafe for the British. The most noted of these leaders Avere Marion, Sumter, and Pickens in South Carolina, and Elijah Clarke in Geor gia. By their daring and successful exploits they kept alive the spirit of freedom. Notwithstanding the defeat of a succoring army under Gates, near Camden, and the seeming hopelessness of farther resistance, they kept up the struggle. To their rescue came the rifle militia of North Carolina and Virginia, many of them from Avhat Ave now know as Tennessee and Kentucky, and at King's Mountain captured nearly one-third of the British army.1 23. The battle of King's Mountain turned the tide in the South, and when General Nathaniel Greene entered South Carolina with troops from Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina, all the patriot leaders of South Carolina and Georgia began an active Avarfare upon the ATarious posts of the enemy. Mor gan's brilliant victory at Cowpens was a good begin ning of the neAv campaign in the South. General Greene, though sometimes repulsed upon the field, managed so skillfully that even defeats were turned to the advantage of the Americans. With the main army he ever kept the British too busy to go to the res cue of their detatched posts, which were one after another captured by the patriot militia of South Caro lina and Georgia. Colonel Henry Lee, familiarly known as "Light Horse Harry," leading some of Greene's best troops, assisted Marion to capture forts 'These mountain riflemen led by Campbell Cleveland, Sevier and Shelby had started to help Colonel Elijah Clarke capture Augusta, but hearing of that officer's defeat and Ferguson's attempt to intercept him, had marched againsi Ferguson. War of American Independence. 33 Watson, Granby, Motte and Orangeburg, and then rendered valuable help to Pickens and Clarke in the recapture of Augusta from the enemy. At Eutaw Springs Greene gave the finishing blow to the British power in the South. SURRENDER OF CORNWALLIS. 24. During the latter years of the war the conflict had been confined mostly to the South. The Ameri can army, under Washington, had kept close watch upon the British in New York and had thAvarted all their plans in that quarter. The timely discovery of Arnold's treason had saved the American cause from great disaster, and the British forces were unable to take the offensive. At -length Washington, securing 3 34 Story of the Confederate States. the co-operation of a French fleet and army, left a suf ficient force to keep the enemy from marching out of the city of New York into the open country, and at Yorktown, in Virginia, struck the finishing blow to British power in the United States by the capture of the veteran army of CornAvallis (October 19, 1781). 25. Negotiations for peace were now entered into. Nearly two years after the decisive American victory at Yorktown the treaty of peace was signed (Septem ber 3, 1783). The first article of the treaty began as follows: " His Britanic majesty acknoAvledges the said United States, viz., New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Con necticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Dela ware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, to be free, sovereign and inde pendent States. He treats with them as such." 26. The Mississippi was fixed as the boundary of the United States on the west and the Great Lakes on the north. At the same time Great Britain made peace with France, Spain, and Holland, which had all been allied against her, and ceded back to Spain her former possessions of East and West Florida. 27. The struggle which had been commenced by the Americans in defense of their chartered rights, and which had been converted into a war for independence, had ended in the establishment of a new republic among the nations of the earth. Formation and Adoption of the Constitution. 35 CHAPTER III. THE FORMATION AND ADOPTION OF THE CONSTITUTION, AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE GOVERNMENT THEREUN DER. HE new republic was not a consolidated gov ernment, but a Confederacy of thirteen inde pendent States. On the 12th of July, 1776, eight days after the Declaration of Independence, a plan of union, which had been drawn up by a committee appointed by the advice of Richard Henry Lee of Vir ginia, had been laid before Congress. According to this plan, known as the Articles of Confederation, the States conferred upon the United States in Congress assem bled, certain poAvers thatAvere deemed necessary for the common security and defense, but reserved to them selves many other poAvers, naming among them soA^er- eignty, freedom, and independence. The States were very careful not to centralize too much poAver in Con gress. 2. Most of the States agreed to these 'Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union in 1777," and by 1779 all had adopted them except Maryland. The hesi tation of Maryland was owing to a dispute over lands west of the Ohio river. Virginia claimed these lands, both because they had been embraced in her charter and because of their conquest by George Rogers Clarke in 1778. New York also claimed a large part of them by right of cession from the Indians. Connecticut and Massachusetts claimed that part of them were cpvered by their charters. Maryland insisted that 36 Story of the Confederate States. these lands should become the common property of the United States, and refused to enter the confedera tion unless this should be done. 3. Virginia felt that her claim was a just one; for the claims of the other States were only on paper, Avhile she had actually conquered and occupied the country; but for the sake of union she generously offered to cede to the United States the whole of her just claim to the country northwest of the Ohio (January 2, 1781). The other States followed her example except that Connecticut reserved certain parts of her claim to create a school fund and to pay her citizens for losses by Tory raids. Maryland then agreed to the Articles of Confederation (March 1, 1781), and the Union was made complete. 4. The cession of all this nortrnvest territory was completed fully in 1786. Virginia coupled the surren der of her claims with the condition that there should be in the said territory neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, and when Congress organized the northwest territory in 1787 this condition was made a part of the act of organiza tion. 5. Soon after the establishment of independence it became evident that the government under the Arti cles of Confederation was not strong enough to hold the States together in peace. It Avas very plain that, unless some remedy could be found, the Union would go to pieces, and that instead of one republic there would be thirteen. 6. All felt the need of union, but the States were so jealous of their own rights that it was doubtful whether they could be induced to give any additional powers Formation and Adoption of the Constitttion. 37 to the Federal Government. At that time the enforce ment of any laAV passed by Congress was left entirely to the States. Hence the authority of the Federal Government was very limited. 7. An effort to get the States to send delegates to a con\rention in 1786 failed, only five States responding to the call. But a second effort Avas more successful. All the States except Rhode Island sent delegates to the convention which met in Philadelphia on the 14th of May, 1787. George Washington, of Virginia, was chosen president of the convention. 8. The assembling of the convention to revise the Articles of Confederation was due to the earnest efforts of three men — James Madison and George Washing ton, of Virginia, and Alexander Hamilton, of New York. The formation and adoption of the Constitu tion was due to James Madison more than to any other one man. He was the author of many of its chief features, and has been called the " Father of the Con stitution." 9. Some of the delegates to the convention wished to establish a strong national government. But the ma jority would not even allow the word " national " to appear in the new constitution. They were willing to greatly enlarge the powers of the Federal Govern ment, but they were determined to adhere to the idea of a confederation. 10. After four months of careful labor the new plan of union, called the Constitution of the United States, was readj' to be offered to the people of the several States. Under this plan the States gave to the Federal Government much larger powers than it had pos sessed before; but each State reserved to itself the 38 Story of the Confederate States. right to manage its domestic affairs and to pass any law which did not interfere with the rights of other States or of the Federal Government. 11. Under the first union Congress exercised all the powers given to the government. Under the new plan the government was to consist of three departments — one, styled the Legislative, was to make the laAvs; another, called the Judicial, was to explain the laws; and the third, named the Executive, was to see that the laws were carried out 12. The Legislative Department. — The law-making power was vested in Congress, which consists of two houses — a Senate and House of Representatives. The number of representatives allowed to each State de pends upon the population of the State. These repre sentatives are elected by the people and hold office for two years. Two senators are allowed to each State, and these are chosen by the State legislatures, and hold office for six years. Congress is allowed to con trol in all matters that pertain to the general interest of all the States. 13. The Judicial Department. — This consists of one Supreme Court and of such inferior courts as may be established by Congress. If the judges of the Supreme Court declare that any law of Congress or of any of the States does not agree with the Constitution, then such laAV becomes at once null and void. 14. The Executive DepartmenWThis consists of a President and a Vice-President. It is the duty of the President to execute the laws passed by Congress. If he vetoes any measure of Congress, it cannot become a law, unless two-thirds of both Houses vote for it again. The Vice-President presides over the Senate, and in Formation and Adoption of the Constitution. 39 case of the death or disability of the President, takes his place. 15. The President's Cabinet. — The President is allowed to name certain officers styled the Cabinet, with whom he can consult. These officers must be confirmed by the Senate. Congress establishes these offices, which at first were those of Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of War, and Attorney-General. Congress afterwards created the Cabinet offices of Sec retary of the Navy, Secretary of the Interior, and the Postmaster-General. 16. Amendments. — The Constitution can be amended by the consent of three-fourths of the States. But no amendment can be made which shall deprive any State without its own consent of its equal vote in Senate. 17. Ratification of the Constitution. — Under the Arti cles of Confederation no change could be made with out the consent of all the States. Now the preamble to the Constitution, as at first adopted by the conven tion, mentioned each State byname; but it became so evident that there would be great difficulty in getting all the States to accept the new Constitution, that it was determined by the convention that the consent of nine States should suffice for its establishment between the States so ratifying the same. As it was uncertain which of the States would ratify the Constitution and thus constitute the new Union, the preamble was altered so as to read: "We the people of the United States," etc. The 3eventh and last article of the Con stitution as submitted by the convention reads: "The ratification of the conventions of nine States shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution 40 Story of the Confederate States. between the States so ratifying the same." Thus no State would be without its own consent bound by the new Constitution. 18. Mr. Madison, often styled "the Father of the Constitution," in number xxxix of the Federalist, while urging upon the States the ratification of the Constitution says: "That it will be a Federal and not a national act, as these terms are understood by objec tors, — the act of the people as forming so many inde pendent States, not as forming one aggregate na tion, — is obvious from the single consideration that it is to result neither from the decision of a majority of the people of the Union nor from that of a majority of the States. It must result from the unanimous consent of the several States that are parties to it. Each State in ratifying the Constitution is considered as a sovereign body, independent of all others, and only to be bound by its OAvn voluntary act." ' 19. Patrick Henry and others urged against the new Constitution that " Ave the people " meant a consoli dated government instead of a Confederation, and on this ground earnestly opposed its ratification by Vir ginia. But in answer to his objection Mr. Madison said: " Who are parties to it (the Constitution)? The people, but not the people as composing one great body, but the people as composing thirteen sovereign ties. Were it a consolidated government, the assent of a majority of the people would be sufficient for its establishment, and as a majority have adopted it already, the remaining States Avould be bound by the act of the majority, even if they reprobated it; but, sir, no State is bound by it, as it is, without its own consent." Formation and Adoption of the Constitution. 41 20. After much opposition, eleven States ratified the Constitution. The method Avas the same in each State. Delegates Avere chosen to meet in convention and decide the question according to the wish of the people who had elected them. The seventy thousand people of the little State of Delaware had precisely the same weight — one vote — in the ratification of the Constitu tion, as the more than seven hundred thousand of Virginia, or the four hundred thousand of Penn sylvania. 21. It is quite certain that the Constitution would never have received the ratification of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, NeAv York, and perhaps other of the eleven ratifying States, but for the well-grounded assur ance that certain amendments securing more care fully the rights of the States would be adopted, as soon as the requisite formalities could be complied Avith. Chief among these amendments was the safeguard to State sovereignty, afterwards embodied in the tenth amendment. It reads as follows: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited to it by the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." 22. Mr. Samuel Adams, of Massachusetts, said of the' tenth amendment: "It is consonant with the sec ond article in the present Confederation,1 that each State retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independ ence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States in Congress assembled." 23. Thus we see, our fathers, while anxious to form a more perfect union, guarded carefully the sovereignty 1 That existing under the Articles of Confederation. 42 Story of the Confederate States. of the States. They were determined to make it plain that nothing was surrendered by implication. 24. By the 26th of July, 1788, the conventions of eleven States had ratified the Constitution. The fol lowing table gives the names of the eleven States so ratifying it, and the dates of their ratification : Delaware, December 7, 1787. Pennsylvania, December 12, 1787. New Jersey, December 18, 1787. Georgia, January 2, 1788. Connecticut, January 9, 1788. Massachusetts, February 6, 1788. Maryland, April 28, 1788. South Carolina, May 23, 1788. New Hampshire, June 21, 1788. Virginia, June 26, 1788. New York, June 26, 1788. 25. Virginia accompanied her ratification with the assertion of the right of the people to resume the poAv- ers granted under the Constitution, Avhenever the same should be used for their injury or oppression. As each State ratified the Constitution separately, the word people here meant the people of Virginia, Avho were then ratifying the Constitution in behalf of that State. The natural inference would be, that, if the people of Virginia had that right, the people of each of the other ratifying States had the same right. New York's convention made a declaration similar to that of Virginia. 26. North Carolina and Rhode Island had not rati fied. Steps were immediately taken for the establish ment of the new government by the eleven ratifying GEORGE WASHINGTON. [43] 44 Story oe the Confederate States. States. In all of these eleven States except New York the necessary elections were held. George Washing ton of Virginia received every electoral vote cast for the office of President, and John Adams of Massa chusetts was elected Vice-President by a majority of the Azotes cast. On the ?0th of April, 1789, in the city of New York, the inauguration took place amid im posing ceremonies. Under the guidance of the beloved Washington, whom all Americans of every section have ever delighted to honor as the " Father of his Country," the United States entered upon a brilliant career. 27. The new Union formed the most perfect model of a Confederated Republic, as both Washington and Hamilton styled it, that the Avisdom of man ever devised. There were, as we have seen, only eleven States in the neAv republic; for North Carolina and Rhode Island had thus far refused to adopt the Con stitution. But there was no claim on the part of the eleven States that had formed the more perfect union to control the action of the other two. Their accession to the Union was desired, but their right to do as they pleased in this matter was never questioned. There "« ho no inclination to violate the very principle for Avhich they had contended in the war for independence by attempting to coerce any State which did not see fit to unite with them. 28. In September, 1789, while Rhode Island Avas still holding aloof from the neAv Union, President Washington received and sent in to the Senate of the United States a letter from the General Assembly of Rhode Island, addressed to " the President, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the eleven United Formation and Adoption of the Constitution. 45 States of America in Congress assembled."1 This letter is interesting, as showing the relation then existing between Rhode Island and the United States. It was a request that trade and commerce might be free and open between that State and the United States. 29. On November 21, 1789, North Carolina, after becoming satisfied that the most important of the amendments and " Declaration of Rights " proposed by her and other States would be adopted, agreed in her convention to " adopt and ratify " the Constitution. On May 29th, 1790, Rhode Island gave her long-with held assent to the Constitution, after being fully con vinced that certain proposed amendments would be adopted. 30. When Washington announced to Congress that North Carolina had ratified the Constitution of 1787, he expressed -his gratification at the accession of that State. On June 1st, 1790, he announced by special message the like accession of the State of Rhode Island, and congratulated Congress on the happy event which "united under the General Government all the States which were originally confederated." 31. It is Avell to close this chapter with the state ment that, though the Federal Government, under the Constitution, had larger powers than under the Arti cles of Confederation, the Union was still a confederacy and not a consolidated nation. Hamilton, whose in clination was for a strong government, repeatedly, in the Federalist (Nos. ix. and lxxxv.), speaks of the . 1 For the letter, see "American State Papers, Vol. I., Miscellaneous," or " The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government," by Jefferson Davis, page 112. 46 Story of the Confederate States. new government as a " Confederate Republic " and a " Confederacy," and calls the Constitution " a Com pact." Washington, also, on different occasions refer red to the Constitution as a " Compact," and spoke of the Union as a " Confederated Republic." PART II. The Growth of the United States, and the Causes which led to the Formation of the Government of the Confederate States. Politics in the United States, 49 CHAPTER I. POLITICS IN THE UNITED STATES FROM WASHINGTON TO MONROE. [EDERALISTS and Anti-Federalists. — During the discussions and debates in the several States about the Constitution previous to its ratifica tion, those who favored the adoption of that instrument were known as Federalists, while their opponents were styled Anti-Federalists. Some of the most earnest patriots were found in the ranks of both these parties. After the ratification of the Constitution by the several States and the formation of the government thereunder, the Anti-Federalist party ceased to exist, and at the beginning of Washington's administration party lines seemed to be extinct. 2. The Democratic or Republican Party. — But it was not a very long while before there arose divisions as to the proper construction of the constitution. Those who favored a free or loose construction of the consti tution, desiring a stronger Federal Government than that instrument had provided for, continued to be called Federalists, while those who favored a strict construction of the constitution, and opposed loose methods of interpretation were known as Republicans or Democrats. 3. The Republican, or Democratic party, of which Jefferson has been called the father, was, however, something quite different in its attitude from the Anti- Federalist party of 1787. Mr. Madison and others who like him had been zealous Federalists, became 4 50 Story of the Confederate States. leaders in the Democratic party, and within twenty- five years by far the larger part of the original Feder alist party had become absorbed in the Democratic or (as it was then also called) Republican party. They had abandoned the Federalist party because of the loose construction views of those who had become its leaders. JOHN ADAMS. 4. It was while John Adams of Massachusetts the second President of the United States, was in office, that measures were enacted by the Federalist majority in Congress and approved by the President, which Politics in the United States. 51 made the administration and the Federalist party exceedingly unpopular. 5. Difficulties between France and the United States that had been commenced during Washington's admin istration, reached such a point during the administra- of John Adams, that the two countries Avere on the very verge of war. Congress passed acts for the pro tection of navigation, for the defense of the sea-coast, for increasing the land and naval forces, and also what were known as the Alien and Sedition Acts. 6. The Alien Act authorized the President to order any foreigner, Avhom he might believe to be dangerous to the United States, to depart from the country, under heaATy penalty for refusing to obey the order. The Sedition Act made it a crime, with a heavy penalty to write, print or utter anything scandalous against the Congress or President of the United States. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions. 7. These acts and the arbitrary manner in which they were enforced created great discontent and indig nation. The legislature- of Virginia, at that time the largest and most influential State in tho Union, passed resolutions draAvn up by Mr. Madison, in Avhich it Avas declared that on entering the Union the States had surrendered only a portion of their powers and that, whenever the Federal Government transcended its powers, the States should interfere and pronounce such acts unconstitutional. The legislature of Ken tucky,1 one of the States admitted during Washing ton's administration, also passed a series of resolu- "Three States were admitted during Washington's administration, Vermont, Kentucky, and Tennessee. THOMAS JEFFERSON. [ 52 ] Politics in the United States. 53 tions drawn up by Mr. Jefferson. The Kentucky reso lutions went even farther than those of Virginia, and mentioned nullification as a remedy. 8. So great hostility was excited against the Fede ralist party that in the election of 1800 the Demo cratic (also called Republican) party came into power with Jefferson at its head. One of the first acts of Mr. Jefferson was to release all persons imprisoned under the Sedition Act. He treated this act as a com plete nullity, declaring that no one was any more bound by it than if Congress had set up a golden image and ordered the people to bow down to it. He showed his disapproval of the Alien Act in a similar manner. 9. Purchase of Louisiana.— One of the most popular acts of Mr. Jefferson's administration was the pur chase of Louisiana Until this event the Mississippi river was the western boundary of the United States. Ever since the close of the French and Indian war, Spain had possession of the country west of the Mis sissippi until 1800, when that part knoAvn as Louis iana Avas ceded to France. Napoleon Bonaparte, by a treaty consummated on the 30th of April, 1803, ceded to the United States for $15,000,000 the Avhole of Lou isiana, Avhich at that time embraced the vast region lying between the Mississippi river and the Rocky mountains. It was also claimed that the northern portion extended to the Pacific ocean, 10. Although this acquisition more than doubled the original limits of the United States and added greatly to the power and importance of the young republic, there were found people who earnestly opposed the purchase of Louisiana. 54 Story of the Confederate States. 11. This opposition came from New England. Mr. George Cabot, who had been United States senator from Massachusetts, declared that " the influence of our (the northeastern) part of the Union must be diminished by the acquisition of more Aveight at the other extremity."1 Colonel Timothy Pickering, who had been an officer of the Revolution, afterwards a member of Washington's Cabinet, and still later sen ator from Massachusetts, and Avho may Avell be called the leading secessionist of his day, was so opposed to the purchase of Louisiana that he advocated the for mation of a northern confederacy.2 12. This extreme sectional jealousy was again shown in 1811, when the bill for the admission of Louisiana into the Union as a State was under discussion. On this occasion Hon. Josiah Quincy, a member of Con gress from Massachusetts, said: "If this bill passes, it is my deliberate opinion that it is virtually a dissolu tion of the Union; that it will free the States from their moral obligations; and as it will be the right of all, so it Avill be the duty of some, definitely to prepare for a separation — amicably if they can, violently if they must." 13. Let it be remembered that these men, Avhose opinions are here quoted, were not Southern men nor Democrats, but New England men and advocates of the highest type of Federalism and of ? string central goverment. 14. The general sentiment of the Union, however, heartily endorsed the purchase of Louisiana. For a Avhile the Federalist party almost disappeared from 1 See " Life of Cabot " by Lodge, page 334. 2 See '-Life of Ca-bot," page 491 ; also pages 338-340. 445, 446. Politics in the United States. 55 politics, and Mr. Jefferson was elected to a second term by a very large majority over the Federalist can didate, Charles CotesAvorth Pinkney of South Caro lina. George Clinton of New York, was at the same time chosen Vice-President over the Federalist candi date, Rufus King also of New York. 15. The Embargo Act. — In 1807, on account of depre dations upon American commerce by both Great Britain and France, an embargo act was passed by Congress forbidding American trading vessels to leave their ports. This was done in hope that those two nations, who were at war with each other, would so suf fer from the loss of American trade that they would cease from their acts of hostility. But the embargo hurt the Americans more than it did England and France, and caused great dissatisfaction in the New England States. Mr. Jefferson received information which he deemed reliable, that there was even danger that some of the New England States would withdraw from the Union unless the act was repealed. This was accordingly done by Congress at Mr. Jefferson's sug gestion. War of 1812 and 1815. 16. James Madison of Virginia, another Democrat, .succeeded Mr. Jefferson as President. His term is especially noted for the second war with Great Britain. The main cause of this war was the conduct of the British government in claiming and enforcing the right to search American ships on the high seas. We will not attempt a history of this war. It is enough to say that, although the Americans suffered some disastrous defeats in the beginning of the war, yet by many brilliant victories, both on land and sea, JAMES MADISON. I 56 ] Politics in the United States. 57 the prestige of the United States as a warlike power Avas greatly increased. The most noted of these American victories were General William Henry Har rison's overthrow of the British and Indians at the Thames in Canada, Perry's great naval victory on Lake Erie, McDonough's equally brilliant success on Lake Champlain, and the crowning triumph of the BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS. war at New Orleans, where General Andrew Jackson gained imperishable renown. It Avould be difficult to decide, whether during this war the brave seamen of New England or the gallant soldiers of other sections of the Union shed the greater lustre on American arms. Hartford Convention. 17. During the summer and fall of 1814 many of the people of New England became greatly dissatisfied 58 Story of the Confederate States. with the management of the war. The result was that in December, 1814, a convention was held at Hartford, Connecticut, consisting of delegates from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Ver mont and Connecticut. This convention sat with closed doors, and the real designs of its leaders have never been clearly ascertained. It has been generally understood, however, that they did discuss the ques tion of the withdrawal of their States from the Union. 18. Though the decision of the convention, as pub lished, was adverse to such a measure at that time, yet they did declare the circumstances under which they thought it might be expedient to dissolve the Union, and the method by which it should be effected. 19. The indignation which was felt throughout the Union against the members of this convention was due chiefly to the fact that this meeting at such a time tended to paralyze the arm of the Federal Government Avhile engaged in a war undertaken to defend the rights of American seamen, most of whom were from the very States represented in the Hartford Convention. 20. The Federalist party was considered by most people as responsible for the Hartford Convention, and was held to account for its opposition to the policy of the government during the war of 1812-1815. Accord ingly in the autumn of 1816 the Federalist candidates for the office of President and Vice-President — Rufus King of New York, and John Howard of Maryland — were overwhelmingly defeated by their Democratic opponents— James Monroe of Virginia, and Daniel D. Tompkins of New York. JAMES MONROE. [ 59] 60 Story of the Confederate States. CHAPTER II. disputes between the federal government and some of the states — georgia and the indians — south carolina and nullification — controversy with georgia about the indian lands. JN 1802, when Georgia ceded to the Union her western lands, embracing nearly all of what we now know as the States of Alabama and Mississippi, the United States agreed to extinguish the Indian title to lands within the limits of Georgia. 2. Many efforts had been made to get the Creek Indians to cede their lands within the limits of Geor gia, but without success. At last, at Indian Springs, on the 12th of February, 1825, Mcintosh and other Creek chiefs met commissioners appointed by the United States and made such a treaty as the authori ties of Georgia desired. The treaty Avas sent to Wash ington and ratified by the United States Senate on the 3d of March, 1825. The treaty also received the sig nature of James Monroe, the President. The Georgia authorities now began to take measures for the survey of the lands thus ceded. 3. Some of the Creeks were very much provoked at the treaty which Mcintosh had made, and on the 1st of May murdered him and two others of their chiefs who had signed the treaty with him. The dissatisfied party of the Creeks then requested the United States Government to make a new treaty in place of the one made at Indian Springs. Disputes of the Government. 61 4. The President acceded to their request, and on the 24th of January, 1826, a new treaty was made. It Avas ratified by the Senate, and received the signature of the President, John Quincy Adams. George M. Troup, the Governor of Georgia, claimed that the new treaty deprived Georgia of rights already Arested. He therefore paid no attention to it, but proceeded Avith the survey of the lands ceded by the first treaty. The President ordered the arrest of the surveyors. 5. But Governor Troup ordered the arrest of any one who should interfere with the surveyors, and called out the militia to repel any hostile invasion of the State. Happily for the whole country the President did not attempt to carry out his threats of force. The surveys were completed, and the entire territory cov ered by the treaty of Indian Springs was occupied by the Georgians in 1827. 6. While Andrew Jackson was President Georgia had trouble with the Cherokees also, but Mr. Jackson's sympathies were Avith the Georgians, and everything was settled to their satisfaction. South Carolina and Nullification. 7. Another serious trouble was that which arose be tween South Carolina and the Federal Government about the tariff. In 1816 a law had been passed by Congress imposing a duty (or tariff) on goods manu factured in foreign countries. This was done for the double purpose of enabling American manufacturers to compete with those of Europe, and of raising a revenue for the support of the government. 8. The tariff proved so useful to the Northern man ufacturers that they wanted it increased. This was 62 Story of the Confederate States. done by the tariff act of 1828; but it gave great dis satisfaction to the Southern people, who preferred to buy cheap goods in Europe. In the election of that year the party in favor of a lower tariff triumphed, and Andrew Jackson of Tennessee, and John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, were elected Presi dent and Vice-President over John Quincy Adams and Richard Rush, the candidates of the high tariff men. 9. But the tariff of 1832 also failed to please the low tariff men. During the excitement over this question occurred another presidential election. The original Democratic or Republican party had split into two parties. The party Avhich favored the high tariff arid internal improvements by the general gov ernment at first called itself National Republican, but afterwards adopted the name of Whig. Henry Clay of Kentucky, was nominated by this party for Presi dent and John Sargent of Pennsylvania, for Vice- President. The Democratic party, Avhich opposed the measures ad\Tocated by the Whigs, nominated Andrew Jackson of Tennessee, for President and Martin Van Buren of New York, for Vice-President. The Demo crats elected their candidates by a very large majority. 10. In the meantime a convention of the people of South Carolina had assembled and declared that the tariff of 1832 Avas contrary to the Constitution of the United States, and therefore null and void. The convention also stated that the courts of the State would decide on the matter, and that, if the govern ment of the United States interfered, the State of South Carolina Avould Avithdraw from the Union. This measure was to take effect on the 12th of Februarv, ANDREW JACKSON. [83] 64 Story of the Confederate States. 1833, if the high protective policy should not be aban doned by Congress by that time. 11. In December the President in his message to Congress recommended a reduction of the tariff. A feAV days afterwards he issued a proclamation against nullification, in which he advised the people of South Carolina not to persist in the enforcement of their nullification policy, as it would bring on a conflict between the Federal Government and the State of South Carolina. 12. Soon after Jackson's proclamation Mr. Ver- planck of New York introduced a bill for the further reduction of the tariff. The Legislature of Virginia also sent Benjamin Watkins Leigh as a peace commis sioner to South Carolina to urge a suspension of the execution of the ordinance of nullification, at least until after the 4th of March. South Carolina acceded to this request. 13. Meanwhile Henry Clay of Kentucky intro duced a compromise which Avas satisfactory to all par ties. It passed both houses of Congress, and was signed by the President on the 2d of March, 1833. The South Carolina convention then re-assembled and repealed the ordinance of nullification. Both the President and South Carolina had been determined, but Mr. Clay's influence had secured a peaceful termi nation of the dispute. When told by the high tariff men that his conduct on this occasion would ruin his chances of ever being elected President, Mr. Clav's noble reply was, "I would rather be right than Presi dent." 66 Story of the Confederate States. CHAPTER III. THE slavery quarrel. OTWITHSTANDING sectional jealousies and occasional jars between States and the Fede ral Government the United States grew in power, population and wealth in a manner un equalled by any other country of ancient or modern times. The Union Avas the pride of every American, and the people of our country were the freest and most prosperous on earth. But over all the bright scene of prosperity hovered a dark cloud which was destined to finally burst in fury on the land. This Avas the slavery quarrel. 2. My readers have already seen how slavery was introduced into our country during the colonial period; hoAv Dutch, English and New England sailors Avent to the coast of Africa to get negro slaves, and then brought them to America and sold them to the colonists. In many parts of the country there was strong opposition to this bringing of slaves from Africa. Virginia opposed it earnestly. In Georgia some opposed it, Avhile others favored it. 3. Slavery During the Confederation. — After the estab lishment of independence the more Northern States, Avhere there had never been any profit in slavery, began to free their slaves. In the Southern States, Avhere the negroes Avere very numerous, slavery was retained, partly because the people found their slave property valuable and partly because they feared the The Slavery Quarrel. 67 result if so many people of the African race should be set free in their midst. But many Southern people at that time looked upon slavery as an institution, of which they would like to be rid if they only knew how. Virginia in the ceding of her northwest terri tory stipulated that slavery should be kept out of it. 4. The Constitution and Slavery. — The Constitution recognized property in slaves, and provided for the return of runaway slaves to their masters.1 As a com promise between the New England merchants and the planters of South Carolina and Georgia, in return for certain commercial favors allowed the former, the African slaAre trade was not to be interfered with by the government of the United States until 1808. 5. Abolition of the African Slave Trade. — But long before the end of the time allowed for the continuance of this trade most of the States had passed laws against it. Virginia was the first of all the States to forbid it. Georgia followed, and put a clause into her State con stitution forbidding the bringing of slaves into Geor gia from Africa or any other foreign country. This was in 1798 — ten years before the expiration of the time allowed by the Constitution of the United States for the continuance of the African slave trade. When the year 1808 came Congress abolished this trade. New England seamen engaged in it to the very last. 6. First Attempt at Slavery Agitation. — The first at tempt to bring the question of slavery into national politics was in February, 1790, when Benjamin Frank lin, of Pennsylvania, headed a petition to Congress urging the Federal authorities to adopt measures look- 1 Constitution of the United States — Article IV., section 2. 68 Story of the Confederate States. ing to the final abolition of African slavery throughout the Union. But Congress passed a resolution declar ing that it had no authority to interfere in the eman cipation of slaves, and that settled the question for the time. The Missouri Compromise. 7. The slavery question did not enter much into national politics until 1819. Up to that time several new States had been admitted into the Union — some with slavery, others without.1 The States whose laws allowed slavery Avere agricultural; the people of the Northern States were chiefly engaged in commerce and manufactures. Hence arose a conflict of interests. When Missouri, whose laws allowed slavery, applied for admission a strong effort was made on the part of the Northern members of Congress to refuse admis sion except on the condition that there should be no slavery in Missouri. This was the first time that any such condition had ever been demanded of a territory applying for admission into the Union. 8. The Southern members felt that it was a direct attack upon the South, prompted more by a desire for power than by opposition to slavery on moral grounds.2 They saw in the conduct of the Northern members the same sectional spirit that had prompted New 1 The following table gives a list of the States admitted up to the time of the application of Missouri : States with slavery — Kentucky, June 2, 1792; Tennessee, June 1,1796; Louisiana, April 8, 1812; Mississippi, De cember 10, 1817. States without slavery — Vermont, March 4, 1791 ; Ohio, November 20, 1802; Indiana, December 11,1816; Illinois, December 3, 1818. 2 James D'Wolf, a citizen of Rhode Island, who had been largely con nected with the African slave trade, was sent from that State to the United States Senate as late as the year 1821. The Slavery Quarrel. 69 England representatives to threaten secession at the time of the purchase of the Louisiana territory, and again upon the admission of Louisiana as a State. 9. The dispute over the admission of Missouri grew so serious that fears were entertained for the safety of the Union. But both sides loved the Union, and were willing to make sacrifices for its preserva tion. So the dispute was settled in 1820 by an agree ment known as the Missouri Compromise, according to which it Avas decided that Missouri should be ad mitted with slavery, but that slavery should not be allowed in any other part of the northwestern country north of the southern boundary of Missouri.1 10. This compromise kept the slavery question out of Congress for many years. Look at the map of the United States for 1820 and you will see what each side yielded for the sake of the Union. Attempts at Slavery Agitation. 11. The pioneer of the anti-slavery movement in America, Benjamin Lundy, did not propose to do any thing contrary to the laws. A great part of his time was spent in the States where slavery existed. At Jonesborough, Tennessee, he published a paper called the Emancipator (1821). Lundy traveled thoughout North Carolina, speaking in many places. One of his meetings was held at Raleigh, the capital. Before he had left the State he had organized more than a dozen Abolition societies. 1 Missouri, however, was not admitted until August 10, 1821. Mean while Alabama and Maine had been admitted — the former on December 14, 1819, and the latter on March 15 1820. 70 Story of the Confederate States. 12. Lundy also lectured in Virginia and organized societies. The members of these various societies in North Carolina and Virginia were neither very numer ous nor very influential. They were not molested, however, nor persecuted. 13. Up to 1830 there were frequent manumissions. In parts of the South the people were gradually free ing their slaves. The American Colonization Society, which had been organized in 1816, Math Henry Clay as president, had members in almost every Southern State. In 1821 they organized on the coast of Africa the colony of Liberia, with Monrovia1 as its capital. Liberia was founded as a home for negroes who should be set free by their masters. The plan was to form a free negro republic in Africa, with the hope that the negroes who had been Christianized as slaves Avould as freemen spread throughout that benighted region the truths of the Christian religion. Even as far south as Georgia there were men of influence who liberated their slaves and sent theni to Liberia. 14. But William Lloyd Garrison of Massachusetts about 1829 began his work of agitation. Lundy did not go far enough to suit him. Lundy, before he fin ished his career, had become so aggressive as to give great offense and drew down upon himself persecution. He had been forced to cease from publishing any papers in any part of the South. But Garrison and his fol lowers were so violent that they soon made the name Abolitionist hated not only in the South, but also in most parts of the North. He condemned coloni zation and gradual emancipation, and insisted that 1 Named after President James Monroe, a Virginian and a slave holder. The Slavery Quarrel. 71 immediate and unconditional emancipation was the right of the slave and the duty of the master. 15. Garrison and his followers declared that there ought to be no Union with slaveholders, and pro claimed the Federal Constitution to be " A covenant with death and an agreement with hell." These men scattered throughout the country tracts filled with abuse of slaveholders. Some of these tracts fell into the hands of the negroes, and roused them to deeds of violence. At Southampton, Virginia, under the lead of Nat. Turner, the negroes started an insurrection, in which men, women and children were murdered in their beds. 16. The South was thoroughly aroused. Conserva tive men in the North denounced the Abolitionists and broke up their meetings. Those in the Southern States who had favored a gradual emancipation of the slaves changed their views. Up to 1835 free negroes with property were allowed to vote in North Carolina; but in that year North Carolina changed her State constitution and took from these free negroes the right to vote. Virginia passed laws forbidding free negroes to enter her borders. Even Ohio, a State which did not allow slavery, passed similar laws. 17. There were many men in the North opposed to slavery who did not sympathize with extreme men of the Garrison sort. But the conduct of the fanatics caused the people of the South to regard all anti- slavery men as belonging to the same class. In 1837 many efforts were made by Northern men to procure the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia. Mr. Calhoun of South Carolina introduced into the Senate a series of resolutions to the effect that the JOHN C. CALHOUN, [721 The Slavery Quarrel. 78 Federal Government was created by the States with a view to their increased security against all dangers, domestic as well as foreign; that the citizens of one State had no right to interfere with the domestic insti tutions of another State; and that the Federal Govern ment had no right to interfere with slavery in either the States or the Territories of the Union. The Senate by a large majority adopted these resolu tions. 18. In 1838 an attempt was made in the House of Representatives to renew the slavery agitation. But Mr. Atherton of New Hampshire introduced a series of resolutions, whose purport was that, under the Con stitution of the United States, Congress had no right to interfere with slavery in the several States of the Confederacy; that Congress had no right to do indi rectly what it could not do directly, and therefore should not interfere with slavery either in the District of Columbia or in the Territories. These resolutions were adopted by an overwhelming majority of the House of Representatives Henry Clay, who had warmly favored the resolutions, and most of the other public men of the country, hoped that this exciting agitation would now be abandoned. 19. But the Abolitionists cared nothing for the restraints of the Constitution. Neither of the great parties of the country was at this time connected with the anti-slavery agitators. The mass of the Amer ican people legarded the Abolitionists as men dis loyal to the Constitution and as the foes of the Federal Union 20. A Slaveholders' Convention met at Annapolis in Maryland in 1842 to consider what measures must 74 Story of the Confederate States. be taken to secure the safety of the Southern people. Considering the fact that the terrible massacres that had occurred in Hayti (one of the West Indies) were the work of free negroes, and that free negroes had been the fomenters of discord in many places, they concluded that the only security for the South lay in restricting the privileges of free negroes and in throw ing greater restrictions around the slaves. 21. Thus the utter disregard of the restraints of the Constitution shoAvn by the ultra Abolitionists of the Garrison type in their attack upon slaveholders, and their determination to effect their purpose regardless of consequences, alarmed the Southern people and put a complete stop to the idea of gradual emancipation, which, previous to their work, had begun to make con siderable progress in the border Southern States. The violent abuse of all slaveholders indulged in by the Abolitionists made it impossible for those Southern men, who really disliked the institution of slavery, to speak a word for even gradual emancipation, for fear that they should be regarded as the enemies of the South and the allies of the Abolitionists. Without the Avork of the agitators the abolition of" slavery would have been gradual and in some places long delayed, but it would have been free from that bitterness which estranged two great sections of our country and brought about the most dreadful war of the nineteenth century. The Annexation of Texas. 22. The acquisition of Texas was an event which had a very great influence on the slavery question and on the destinies of our country. The great State of Texas, larger than the whole kingdom of France, had JOHN TYLER. r y& 76 Story of the Confederate States. been a possession of Spain,1 and when Mexico gained her independence became a part of that country. Be fore Mexico gained her independence Spain had en couraged immigration into Texas from the United States, and many Americans had settled there. The Mexican Congress, in 1824, declared that, as soon as Texas had a sufficient population , it should be admitted as a State into the Mexican Union. 23. But soon after Santa Anna became President of Mexico he overthrew the Constitution of his country and made himself dictator. He treated the American residents of Texas so badly that they rebelled and declared Texas an independent republic. After a short but fierce struggle, in which victory inclined sometimes to one side and sometimes to the other, the Texans, under General Sam Houston, totally defeated the much larger Mexican army, led by Santa Anna, who, with nearly half his men, was captured. A treaty was now made between Houston and Santa Anna, by which all the Mexican forces were withdrawn from the soil of Texas. The independence of Texas was soon after acknowledged by France, Great Britain, and the United States. 24. In 1837 the Texans asked to be admitted into the American Union as a State. But their appli cation was not at this time granted, because Mexico still claimed the country. But after seven years of waiting, during all which time Texas had maintained 1 There was for some time a dispute between the United States and Spain about Texas, the former claiming it as a part of the Louisiana territory, but the latter insisting that the river Sabine formed the boundary between the possessions of Spain and the United States. When Spain ceded Florida to the United States and gave up all claim to any part of Oregon, the United States gave up all claim to Texas. ZACHARY TAYLOR. [ 77 ] 78 Story of the Confederate States. her independence and Mexico had made no attempt at conquest, another application Avas made by the Texans to the Government of the United States. John Tyler, then President of the United States, favored this appli cation, but the Senate would not agree to it. So the annexation of Texas became the main issue in the presidential election of 1844. 25. It is frequently stated that the North opposed the annexation of Texas, and that the South favored it. But such a statement is not correct. The truth is that the great mass of the American people would have favored the acquisition of Texas, if they had thought that such acquisition would not involve the United States in a Avar with Mexico. The Democrats who favored immediate annexation asked Avhat claim the Mexicans had to a country which had driven them out and had maintained its independence for nearly nine years without any effort on the part of the Mexican government to reconquer it. The Whigs, on the other hand, said that the boundary between Mexico and Texas was in dispute, and that if Texas were admitted into the Union before the question had been settled, her quarrel would become that of the United States also. 26. Many Northern men of both parties were op posed to the admission of Texas, on the ground that it would bring in another " slave State." But they were not in the majority. On the other hand, most South ern men desired the admission of Texas in order to preserve the balance of power between the " free " and " slave " States. But thousands of these were opposed to the admission of Texas, on the ground that it would cause a war with Mexico, the probable result of which The Slavery Quarrel. 79 would be the acquisition of. additional territory for the North and South to quarrel over. 27. Accordingly the Whig party opposed annexation and nominated Henry Clay of Kentucky for Presi dent, and Theodore Frelinghuysen of New Jersey, for Vice-President. This ticket was just as warmly sup ported in the South as in the North. Robert Toombs, of Georgia, at that time an ardent Whig, declared that he Avished nothing done that would re open the sl av ery quarrel, and said that he "would .| rather have the Un- : ion without Texas 44 than Texas without | the Union." j 28. The Demo- I crats favored terri torial expansion and were equally earn est in desiring the admission of Texas and in insisting upon the en forcement of the claims of the United States to every foot of Oregon.1 They nominated James K. Polk 1 The United States had long claimed Oregon on account of, 1st, the navigation of the Columbia River in 1789, by Captain Grey, of Boston. 2nd, as part of the Louisiana purchase of 1803. 3rd, the exploration of Lewis and Clarke in 1805, and 4th, the settlements of John Jacob Astor at Astoria, from 1809 to 1813. The United States claimed this country al most to Alaska ; Great Britain claimed it to California. The dispute was settled in 1846 by adopting the 49th parallel as the boundary between the possessions of Great Britain and the United States. ROBERT TOOMBS. 80 Story of the Confederate States. of Tennessee, for President and George M. Dallas of Pennsylvania, for Vice-President. 29. In the election the Democrats triumphed, car rying the following states; Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Indiana, Illinois, Ala bama, Missouri, Arkansas and Michigan. The fol lowing States voted for the Whig candidates; Massa chusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, Ken tucky, Tennessee and Ohio. Thus we see seven North ern and eight South ern States voted for the Democrats who favored the annexa tion of Texas, while six Northern and five Southern States voted with the Whigs who opposed such annexation. 30. Congress see ing that the people had decided in favor of annexation noAV passed a law provid ing for the admis sion of Texas. This was approved by President Tyler a few days before the expiration of his term of office (March 1st, 1845).1 JAMES K. POLK. 1 Texas was not fully admitted until during the first year of Polk's administration. The Slavery Quarrel. 81 31. The Mexican government was greatly displeased because Texas had been admitted into the Union. The Mexicans claimed that Texas still belonged to them and declared their intention to drive the Ameri cans beyond the Sabine. Mexico also asserted that the river Nueces was the western boundary of Texas, while Texas claimed to the Rio Grande. Both the United States and Mexico sent troops into the disputed territory. The result was the Mexican War, by which the United States acquired a vast additional territory. Disputes Over the Mexican Cession. 32. As the Whigs had feared, the gain of new terri tory reopened the dispute about slavery that had been settled by the Missouri Compromise of 1820. Before the close of the war with Mexico, Mr. Wilmot, of Penn sylvania, tried to get a law passed by Congress to the effect that slavery should not be allowed in any part of the territory to be acquired from Mexico. As a large part of this territory lay south of the line estab lished by the Missouri Compromise, the Southern peo ple claimed that the passage of any such law would be a refusal on the part of the North to stand by the obligations of that compromise. Each section of the Union had always shown a disposition to preserve a balance of power for the protection of its own interests, and it was perfectly natural that the Southern people should resist what they considered an exclusion of the South from all share in territory won by the common blood and treasure. They also urged that the carrying of slaves to new States was not an extension of slavery, because it did not make a single new slave. Southern Whigs and Democrats were united m these views. 6 82 Story of the Confederate States. 33. Mr. Wilmot's proposed law (knoAvn as the Wil mot Proviso) did not pass; but the slavery question was made prominent in the debates on the admission of California and the formation of territorial govern ments for Utah and New Mexico. All the Southern members of Congress were willing to settle the ques tion by a division of the public lands between the North and South according to the ideas of the Missouri Compromise. When the Northern members would not agree to this, the Southerners insisted that Con gress should not interfere with the question of slavery, either in the territories or on the admission of new States. The Compromise of 1850. 34. The dangerous dispute was settled in September, 1850, by a compromise introduced by Mr. Clay of Kentucky. Its main provisions were that California should be admitted without slavery; that territorial governments should be organized for Utah and New Mexico without slavery restriction and with the declara tion that, when either of them, or any part of them, should be admitted to the Union, their people should decide the question of slavery for themselves; and that a law should be passed making it a duty of the Federal Government to see that runaway slaves were arrested and returned to their masters. Daniel Web ster of Massachusetts cordially assisted Mr. Clay in bringing about this settlement, known as the compro mise of 1850.1 1 Honorable Jefferson Davis of Mississippi, and some others opposed this compromise as a virtual repeal of the Missouri Compromise, of which Mr. Davis says : " Pacification had been the fruit borne by the tree, and it should not have been recklessly hewed down and cast into the fire." DANIEL WEBSTER. [ 83 ] 84 Story of the Confederate States. 35. There was strong opposition to this compromise by some in the North and by some in the South, for different reasons; but the great majority of the people in both sections of the Union heartily endorsed it. So popular was the compromise of 1850, that in the presidential election of 1852 both political parties pledged themselves to stand by it. The Whig party, which had been successful in 1848, nominated Gen. Winfield Scott of Virginia, for President, and William A. Graham of North Carolina, for Vice-President. The Democrats nominated Franklin Pierce of New Hampshire, for President, and William R. King of Alabama, for Vice-President. In 1848 a new party had been formed, who called themselves Free Soilers. Their purpose was to refuse admission into the Union to any territory which might apply, having laws allow ing slavery. This party would have nothing to do with the compromise of 1850, and nominated for the Presidency John P. Hale of New Hampshire, and for the Vice-Presidency George W. Julian of Indiana. 36. In the election which followed the Democrats gained an overwhelming victory, carrying every State but four. The Free Soil party did not carry a single State, and their vote was less than it had been in 1848.1 The Kansas and Nebraska Bill. 37. In January, 1854, Mr. Douglas of Illinois, intro duced a bill organizing territorial governments for Kansas and Nebraska. This bill provided that the people of these territories should decide the question 1 The candidates of the Free Soil party in 1848 were Martin Van Buren of New York for President, and Charles Francis Adams of Massachu setts, for Vice-President. The Slavery Quarrel. 85 of slavery for themselves. In framing it Mr. Douglas employed the exact language that had been used in forming Utah and New Mexico in 1850. Now, since Kansas and Nebraska were a part of the country em braced in the Louisiana purchase, lying north of 36° and 30', those who opposed the bill offered by Mr. Douglas declared that it was a repeal of the Missouri Compromise of 1820. The Democrats replied that their opponents had long since disregarded that com promise, and had persistently refused in 1850 to accept the extension of that line to the Pacific as a settlement of the slavery quarrel. They claimed that the com promise of 1850 had taken the place of that of 1820, and that the Kansas and Nebraska Bill only sought to carry out in good faith the policy established by the new compromise, which had been ratified by both the great political parties. The Southern Whigs and some of the Northern agreed with the Democrats. After much warm discussion the bill was passed by large majorities in both houses of Congress.1 38. The struggle for Kansas, which now began, greatly increased sectional bitterness. Settlers from North and South flocked into the Territory. In the North "Emigrant Aid Societies " were formed, whose business it was to see that what they called the " right kind of settlers " should control Kansas. They sup plied the emigrants sent out by them with arms. Large numbers of armed Southerners, mostly from Missouri, also went into Kansas. Before long difficul ties arose between these armed settlers from the North 1 The Kansas and Nebraska Bill was afterwards called the Squatter Sovereignty Law. 86 Story of the Confederate States. and the South, and a state of anarchy, knows as the "Kansas War," continued for several years. New Parties. 39. The Whig party was now completely broken up. Most of its Southern members joined the Democrats. Many of the Northern Whigs and a few Anti-Slavery Democrats united with the Free Soilers in forming a new party, under the name of National Republicans. In their convention, which met in Philadelphia (June 17th, 1856), they declared it to be the duty of Congress to prohibit in the Territories what they called " those twin relics of barbarism — polygamy and slavery." Thus Southern slaveholders were classed by them with the polygamists of Utah.1 The Republicans nomi nated John C. Fremont of California for President and William L. Dayton of New Jersey for Vice-Presi dent. Many of the Abolitionists, who had for years been trying to carry out their plans regardless of what might be the effect upon the interests of the South, also allied themselves Avith the new Republican party. 40. American was the name adopted by another new party, consisting of some of the former Whigs of the North and the South. The main features of this party were opposition to alien suffrage and to the election to office of Roman Catholics and men of foreign birth. They abandoned, however, their opposition to Roman Catholics, but insisted that the laws should be so changed as to require foreigners to remain in this 1 Utah had been settled by large numbers of Mormons, followers of a man named Joseph Smith. The Mormons held as part of their reli gious belief, that a man should marry as many wives as he could sup port. Joseph Smith, the foander of the Mormon sect, was born in Sha ron, Vermont, December 23d, 1805. The Slavery Quarrel. 87 country a much longer time than was then required before being allowed to vote. The American party pledged itself to stand by the Compromise of 1850, and nominated Millard Fillmore of New York for Presi dent, and Andrew J. Donelson of Tennessee for Vice- President.1 41. The Democratic party pledged itself to stand by the Compromise of 1850, and the interpretation put upon it by them in the Kansas and Nebraska act of 1854. They nominated James Buchanan of Pennsyl vania for President and John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky for Vice-President. In the election which followed the Democrats were triumphant, carrying nineteen States. The Republicans carried eleven States, and the Americans one. Thus the people of the United States had again endorsed the Compromise of 1850 and the Democratic interpretation of it. 42. But the evil day had only been deferred for a while. A purely Northern party, though it styled. itself " National," had developed unlooked-for strength in the recent election. Though the new " Republi can " party declared that it did not intend to interfere with African slavery where it already existed, its leaders proclaimed an irrepressible conflict between " freedom and slavery," and were as abusive of all slave holders as the most violent Abolitionists had ever been. 45. Clay and Webster, who had so long stood as peace-makers between the sections were dead. John C. Calhoun, who, though an ardent Southerner and de- 1 The Old Line Whigs, who desired that the old line 36° 30' be made the dividing line between the free and slave states, held a convention, but made no nomination except to endorse the candidates of the Ameri-, can party. JAMES BUCHANAN. The Slavery Quarrel. 89 fender of State sovereignty, loved the Union, and had heartily seconded the efforts of Clay and Webster in behalf of peace, was also dead. 44. The Fugitive Slave Law, which was one of the features of the compromise of 1850, greatly increased sectional animosity. Though it only sought to carry out a plain provision of the Constitution, it met with bitter opposition. The legislatures of several Northern States passed acts which nullified the law. Thus the attempt to enforce by Federal authority the provision contained in the second section of the fourth article of the Constitution produced "evils greater than those it was intended to correct."1 45. The plan of leaving the question of slavery to the white inhabitants of a territory as adopted by the compromise of 1850 and the Kansas and Nebraska Act of 1854, had only produced discord, and a state of war in Kansas. A decision of the Supreme Court of the United States (seven of the nine judges who com posed it concurring) was rendered in 1857 to the effect, that Congress had no power to prohibit slavery in any of the Territories of the Union. But the anti-slavery agitators denounced the decision and utterly disre garded it. 46. The John Brown Raid, which occurred in October, 1859, greatly increased the bitter feeling between the North and South. A man by the name of John Brown had become notorious in the " Kansas War," where outrages of all sorts had been committed by both parties. He was so bitter against slavery that he de termined to stir up the slaves to rebel against their 1 See ' Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government," by Jefferson Dayia, Volume I., page 17. 90 Story of the Confederate States. masters. So with a few followers he seized upon the arsenal at Harper's Ferry, hoping to arm the slaves and lead them to war. But none of them came to his help. He and his associates were captured by the United States Marines, led By Colonel Robert E. Lee. They were tried and condemned by the laws of Vir ginia, and on the gallows paid the penalty of their crime. 47. Though the great majority of the Northern peo ple condemned the conduct of Brown, some of the officials in States under the control of the Republican party publicly applauded that conduct. The authori ties of Iowa and Ohio refused to surrender fugitives from justice charged with murder and with participat ing in this raid. The Election of 1860. 48. As the election of 1860 drew near, there was a serious split in the Democratic party. One wing of the party declared that Congress had no right to inter fere with slavery in any territory, but that the ques tion should be left entirely to the white inhabitants of each territory. The candidates of this wing Avere Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois, for President, and Herschel V. Johnson of Georgia, for Vice-President. The other Aving of the Democratic party declared that Congress Avas bound to protect the right of every citi zen of the United States to go into any territory Avith any species of property including slaves, and that when the territory formed a constitution for admission into the Union, then the Avhite inhabitants of said ter ritory could decide whether they would allow slavery or not. The candidates of this wing were John C. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. [ 91 ] [ 92 ] The Slavery Quarrel. 93 Breckinridge of Kentucky for President, and Joseph Lane of Oregon, for Vice-President. 49. The American party nominated John Bell of Tennessee for President and Edward Everett of Massa chusetts, for Vice-President. This party declared that it stood for the Constitution of the Country, the Union of the States, and the enforcement of the laws. The American party exerted but little influence in the elec tion, because it did not touch the question at issue. 50. The Republican party, which embraced in its ranks not only Free Soilers, but also Abolitionists, declared that it was the duty of Congress to prohibit slavery in every territory. The candidates of this party were Abraham Lincoln of Illinois for Presi dent, and Hannibal Hamlin of Maine for Vice-Presi dent. 51. The conservative elements of the country were hopelessly divided, and accordingly the Republicans elected their ticket. Of the popular vote Mr. Lincoln received 1,857,610; Mr. Douglass, 1,365,976; Mr. Breck inridge, 847,953, and Mr. Bell, 590,631. The total conservative vote was 2,804,560. Had all the conserv atives of the country stood together Mr. Lincoln would have been defeated. He was the first President of the United States elected exclusively by a single section of the Union. 52. The success of the party which had ever since its organization made slavery the chief issue in national politics thoroughly alarmed the South. In Part III. we will show how the success of this party caused the secession of eleven Southern States, and will give an account of the tremendous conflict be tween the States of the American Union. PART III. The Formation of the Confederate Government. The War between the States and its Results. Section I.— Events of 1861. [95] Secession of Seven Southern States. 97 CHAPTER I. SECESSION OF SEVEN SOUTHERN STATES FORMATION OF THE CONFEDERATE GOVERNMENT EFFORTS AT RECON CILIATION. HE alarm in the South at the success of the Republican party was perfectly natural. In 1848 the Free Soil party had for the first time entered into a presidential contest. They polled at that time a total vote of 291,342. In 1852 the Free Soilers polled only 155,825, or a little more than half their vote of 1848. In 1856, by constant agitation of the slavery question, they had so aroused the people of the North against Avhat they called the aggressions of the slave power that they succeeded in forming a new party, which embraced a majority of the former Whigs of the North, the Free Soilers and the Aboli tionists. To this new party they gave the name " National Republicans." It was a purely sectional party, having no following outside of the North. In the presidential election of 1856 it had carried eleven Northern States and had polled 1,341,264 votes. And now, in 1860, it had become strong enough to elect a President by the vote of Northern States alone.1 2. As soon as the result of the election was known, South Carolina called a com-'ention of the people, which on the 20th of December, 1860, passed an ordi- 1 The Republicans were in a minority in the new Congress. But such had been the wonderful growth of that party that the majority of the Southern people felt that, unless some new guarantees could be given them, there was no safety for the South in the Union. 7 98 Story of the Confederate States. nance of secession, declaring that the union existing betAveen South Carolina and the other States was dis solved. Congress had met seventeen days before this action was taken by. South Carolina (December 3d). On the opening day of Congress every State was rep resented in the House, and all were represented in the SECESSION HALL, CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. Senate except South Carolina, whose senators had resigned as soon as the result of the presidential elec tion was known. Hopes Avere still cherished that something might be done to restore fraternal feeling and save the Union. Secession of Seven Southern States. 99 3. Mr. Crittenden of Kentucky proposed an amend ment to the Constitution restoring the old line of the Missouri Compromise, but his proposition failed. A committee of thirteen, appointed in the Senate to find some plan of agreement, 'failed. A like committee of thirty-three in the House also failed to accomplish anything. 4. Mr. Douglas of Illinois, who had been a member of the Senate committee, stated in the Senate that Mr. Davis of Mississippi and Mr. Toombs of Georgia had shown their willingness to resume the Missouri Com promise as a measure of conciliation, and urged upon the Republicans, as they had rejected every proposi tion, to make a positive declaration of their purposes. Mr. Seward, a prominent Republican of New York, was present in the Senate. He had in 1858 announced the " irrepressible conflict," and in the same year, speaking of Abolitionism, had said: "It has driven you back in California and Kansas; it will invade your soil." Mr. Seward made no response to the appeal of Mr. Douglas. The trouble was that the two great sections of the Union had become hostile to each other, and neither side could look at the question from the standpoint of the other. 5. On the 9th of January, 1861, Mississippi passed an ordinance of secession. In the fall of 1860, after the presidential election, Governor Pettus of Missis sippi invited the senators and representatives of that State in Congress to meet him at Jackson, the State capital, so that he might consult with them about the character of the message that he should send to the legislature which he had summoned to meet in extra session. In the conference with the gov- 100 Story of the Confederate States. ernor Mr. Davis opposed immediate and separate State action, declaring himself opposed to secession as long as the hope of a peaceful remedy remained. He said, however, that he would feel himself bound by the action of his State. On receipt of official information of the action of his State (January 21st), Mr. Davis, in a speech which, Avhile justifying the action of Mis sissippi, was full of expressions of kindly feeling, bade farewell to the Senate of the United States. v ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS. 6. On January 10th, 1861, Florida seceded. The same step was taken by Alabama on the 11th, by Georgia on the 19th, by Louisiana on the 26th, and by Texas on the 1st of February. Mr. Stephens of Georgia, while believing in the right of secession, had Secession of Seven Southern States. 101 exerted all his influence against it. He felt himself bound to abide by the action of his State. 7. The Southern people could never have been induced to go into secession, had they not believed that there was neither safety nor peace for the South in the Union. The majority of them had come to the conclusion that peace with two governments was better than a Union of discordant States. 8. The doctrine of secession was no new doctrine. The Honorable Timothy Pickering of Massachusetts, in 1803, while opposing the purchase of Louisiana, had advised the formation of a Northern Confederacy. Again, in 1812, Honorable Josiah Quincy, while op posing the admission of Louisiana, had declared the right of a State to secede, and had threatened that the New England States would exercise that right. Again, in 1844, the legislature of Massachusetts adopted a resolution declaring in behalf of that State, "that it is determined, as it doubts not the other States are, to submit to undelegated powers in no body of men on earth," and that "the project of the annexation of Texas, unless arrested on' the threshold, may tend to drive these States1 into a dissolution of the Union." 9. Peaceable secession was hoped for by many in the South. The ground of this hope was their implicit belief in the right of a State to secede. Many promi nent men in the North, even some of the Abolitionists, ackowledged it. In the early days of the Republic the majority of the American people believed in it. 10. In the convention Avhich framed the Constitu tion of the United States a proposition was made to 1 The New England States are meant. 102 Story of the Confederate States. allow the use of force against a State which might violate its obligations. On this proposition Mr. Madison said that " the use of force against a State Avould look more like a declaration of war than an infliction of punish ment, and would probably be considered by the party attacked as a dissolution of all previous compacts, by Avhich it might have been bound." The convention refused to confer the power to coerce a State, and so that proposition was lost 11. In 1860 and 1861 there were many in the North who did not believe in the right of the government to coerce a State. Even the New York Tribune, a leading organ of the Abolitionists, declared that " if the cot ton States wished to withdraw from the Union, they should be allowed to do so;" that "any attempt to .compel them to remain by force would be contrary to the principles of the Declaration of Independence and to the fundamental ideas upon which human liberty is based;" and that "if the Declaration of Independ ence justified the secession from the British Empire of three millions of subjects in 1776, it was not seen why it would not justify the secession of five millions of Southerners from the Union in 1861." Again, the same journal declared that it would "let the Union slide" rather than to " compromise with the South and abandon the Chicago platform." Many promi nent Northern men in public speeches expressed themselves as opposed to coercion. Is it any wonder, then, that many in the South hoped for peaceable secession ? 12. The organization of the government of the Con federate States took place at Montgomery, Alabama, in February. The convention of delegates from the INAUGURATION OP PRESIDENT DAVIS. I 108] 104 Story of the Confederate States. seceding States met in that city on the 4th of Febru ary, 1861. The delegates from Texas did not arrive until after the opening of the convention. A new Constitution, modelled after that of the United States, was formed by this convention, and a new Union was organized under the name of the Confederate States of America. Jefferson Davis of Mississippi, was elected President, and Alexander H. Stephens of Georgia, Vice-President. 13. Slavery in the Confederate Constitution. — Of course the Confederate Constitution recognized property in slaves. It at the same time forbade the African Slave Trade, or the bringing of negroes into the Confed eracy from any foreign country other than the slave- holding States or territories of the United States of America. 14. A great deal has been said by the enemies of the South about the aggressions of the slave power. The Southern people always felt that the aggression was entirely on the other side. The most extreme Southerner had never asked for more than protection to himself in the right to carry with him into the common territories of the Union any property that he might possess including slaves, with the understand ing, however, that when the territory adopted a consti tution and applied for admission into the Union as a State, it could exclude slavery if it chose. All that he asked was that his Northern brethren should not inter fere either directly or indirectly with the institutions of the South. 15 The Peace Congress. — Virginia made still another special effort to bring about a reconciliation between the North and the South by calling for a Peace Con- Secession of Seven Southern States. 105 gress of all the States to meet at Washington. Twenty States responded to this call, thirteen Northern and seven Southern. Ex-President John Tyler was chosen JEFFERSON DAVIS. presiding officer. But every offer of compromise was voted down by the Northern delegates. So the Peace Congress adjourned without accomplishing anything. 16. Seizure of Ports and Arsenals. — The Confederate authorities proceeded to occupy such forts and arsenals as were peaceably surrendered to them, but 106 Story of the Confederate States. made no attack upon those held by United States troops.1 17. Confederate Peace Commissioners. — The Confederate Government sent commissioners to Washington to try and make a peaceful settlement of all questions at issue. Mr. Buchanan received them as private gentle men, but not as embassadors from the Confederate government. He held that a State could not secede, but that at the same time the government had no poAver to coerce a State. 1 Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, Fort Pickens at Pensacola, and the forts near Key West, Florida, were held by garrisons of Federal troops. The desire to settle everything peaceably prevented the Southern people from making any attack upon these forts. Beginning of the War. 107 CHAPTER II. THE BEGINNING OF THE WAR — SECESSION OF FOUR OTHER STATES — THE CAMPAIGN IN WEST VIRGINIA. ilHE inauguration of Abraham Lincoln took place on the 4th of March, 1861. In his in augural he declared his intention to collect the public revenues at the ports of the seceding States, and to recover the forts, arsenals and all other public property before held by the Federal authorities. 2. The Confederate commissioners1 now addressed a note to Mr. Seward, the new Secretary of State (March 12th, 1861), saying that the Confederate States wished a peaceful settlement of all questions. They declared that it was neither the interest nor the wish of the seceding States to injure in any way the States lately united with them, or to demand anything that Avas not just. Mr. Seward replied that he was in favor of peace, and that Fort Sumter, in Charleston Harbor, would be evacuated in less than ten days. He assured the commissioners that notice would be given of any change either at Fort Sumter or at Fort Pickens in Florida.2 3. A fleet of seven vessels was meanwhile being fitted out at New York, and at Norfolk, Virginia. When the commissioners heard of this and inquired about it, Mr. Seward's answer in writing was, " Faith 1 The Confederate Commissioners were John Forsyth of Alabama, Martin J. Crawford of Georgia, and Andrew B. Roman of Louisiana. * Mr. Seward did not receive the commissioners officially, but com municated with them verbally and informally through Justice John A. Campbell of the Supreme Court of the United States. 108 Story of the Confederate States. as to Sumter fully kept, wait and see." At this very time the fleet was on its way to reinforce the fort. Mr. Seward did not notify the commissioners; but a written notice was sent by the government without date or signature, which was read to Governor Pickens of South Carolina (April 8th) by Mr. Chew of the (fippg$Sypfc.*-'-=*Hfe, ,U-"l^-= ATTACK ON FORT SUMTER FROM MORRIS ISLAND. State Department, to the effect that the garrison in Fort Sumter would be supplied with provisions, peace ably, if permitted, forcibly, if necessary. 4. It was now evident that nothing was left to the Confederates but to attack the fort or back squarely down.1 When the Confederate authorities heard of 1 Horace Greeley, in his " American Conflict,'' admits the same when he says " whether the bombardment of Fort Sumter shall or shall not be justified by posterity, it is clear that the Confederacy had no alter native but its own dissolution." Yet after that statement he con demned the Confederates. Beginning of the War. 109 the approach of the fleet they ordered General Beau regard, their commander at Charleston, to demand of Major Anderson the surrender of the fort. Major Anderson refused to comply. Other fruitless efforts were made to secure the evacuation of the fort. 5. The bombardmemt of Fort Sumter began on April 12th, 1861. The Confederate authorities had in their desire for peace waited until the last possible moment before ordering the bombardment. At the very mo ment when General Beauregard gave Major Anderson the final notice of his intention to open fire, the fleet sent by the United States Government was lying off the mouth of the harbor and prevented from entering only by a gale. After a furious bombardment, during which the fort was set on fire by bursting shells, Major Anderson surrendered. The Confederates allowed the garrison to salute their flag and take it with them, departing with all the honors of war. 6. A striking incident occurred just before the sur render. Louis T. Wigfall, an ex-senator of Texas, see ing the fort on fire, and believing that the brave gar rison was still struggling merely for the honor of its flag, went under fire in an open boat to the fort, and climbing through one of its embrasures asked for Major Anderson and begged him to desist from the hopeless fight, offering to him the same terms that had been proposed before his position had been rendered so desperate. Though Wigfall had acted without au thority, upon Major Anderson's acceptance of the terms they were promptly ratified by General Beauregard.1 1 Strange to say no life was lost during this fierce bombardment. The only casualty occurred when the garrison saluted the flag, as it was hauled down the day after the surrender. At that time one man was Killed and several wounded by the bursting of a gun. 110 Story of the Confederate States. 7. The news of the battle of Fort Sumter produced great excitement everywhere. On April 15th Presi dent Lincoln issued a proclamation calling for seventy- five thousand troops, and convening Congress to meet in extra session on the 4th of July. The Confed erate President met this call of Mr. Lincoln's by a call for volunteers to repel aggressions. The North claimed that the South had begun the war by firing on Fort Sumter. The Confederates claimed that the government had commenced the Avar by sending a hostile fleet with the avowed intention of reinforcing the fort, thus leaving to the South no alternative but the reduction of Sumter, or the surrender of the city of Charleston. 8. Four other States Secede. — The border slaAre States had not seceded, preferring to remain in the Union. But Avhen Mr. Lincoln called on them for their ratio of troops to coerce the seceding States, Virginia passed an ordinance of secession (April 17th). Her example Avas followed by Arkansas (May 6th), North Carolina (May 20th), and Tennessee (June 8th). These States seceded rather than countenance the policy of coer cion, tt'hich they believed to be contrary to the prin ciples of the Declaration of Independence and unwar ranted by the Constitution of the United States. In DelaAvare, Kentucky, Maryland and Missouri seces sion encountered such strong opposition, that those States remained in the Union. The accession of Vir ginia, Arkansas, North- Carolina and Tennessee greatly strengthened the new Confederacy. 9. Sincerity of the Opposing Parties. — Each party to the dreadful conflict thus begun believed firmly in the justice of its cause. The United States Govern- Beginning of the War. Ill ment declared that it did not Avage the war for con quest or for the purpose of interfering Avith the established institutions of the Southern States, but merely to preserve the Union. The Confederates de clared that they only wished to exercise the right claimed in the Declaration of Independence for any people to change their government whenever in their judgment their interests demanded it. They certainly did not fight, as has been Avrongly said, to destroy the government. They earnestly desired peace, and fought only to maintain Avhat they believed to be their right to secede and form a new confederacy. They did not appeal to arms, and did not fight until they were forced to do so in self-defense. They no more sought to destroy the government than did the American colonies in the War of the Revolution seek to destroy the British Empire. 10. The people of the seceding States would never have with drawn from the Union, if they had not come to the conclusion that there . was neither peace nor safety for the South in the Union. They believed that only in this way could they maintain constitutional liberty. They showed their love for the old Constitution by taking it as the model for the new one, and their love for the old flag by adopting one as near like it as possible. CONFEDERATE FLAG, 112 Story of the Confederate States. i 11. Comparative Strength of the Combatants. — The popu lation of the States that remained in the Union, in cluding West Virginia, which separated from Virginia, was in round numbers 23,000,000. Within the limits of the Confederate States were about 8,500,000, of whom 5,000,000 were whites and the rest negro slaves. Though the States of Kentucky, Missouri, and Mary land remained in the Union, many of their people sympathized with the Confederates, and each of these States furnished some soldiers to the Confederate armies, as did West Virginia also. These, however, were nearly, if not entirely, balanced by those who went into the Union army from some parts of the seceding States, as from East Tennessee, Northern Arkansas, and some other places. 12. In the matter of arms the North had an immense advantage over the South. All the foundries for the manufacture of arms, except one cannon foundry at Richmond, Avere in the Northern States, and in their armories were stored all the new and improved weapons of war. The Southern States had arsenals, but in them were only arms of the old and rejected models. The South had no powder factories, no navy to protect her ports, and no merchant ships for foreign com merce. One hundred and fifty thousand small arms were all that could be found in the Southern Confede racy, including both sides of the Mississippi. Nearly all the muskets were the old flint-lock altered to per cussion. If soldiers enough were called into the field to handle these arms there would not be ten rounds of ammunition to the man. During the first year of the war there were not arms enough in the Confederate States to supply the men who desired to enter the army. SERGEANT COLLIERS BRAVE ACT. " While the fuse was still smoking, and the men were flying from the danger of the apprehended explosion, Sergeant Isaao P. Collier, of Company K, Fifth Regi ment, Georgia Volunteers, seized the projectile and threw lt out of the ditch." [ H3] 114 Story of the Confederate States. 13. The Slaves During the War. — The conduct of the slaves during the war gives strong proof of the kind feeling that existed between them and their masters. The great majority of them remained on the plantations and by their labor supplied the armies in the field. Many negro men Avent with their young masters to war, faithfully waited on them, nursed them when sick, and, if they died in camp or in battle, returned with the lifeless bodies to lay them beside their kindred dead in the family burying-ground. 14. The fidelity of the slaves was due to the fact that most masters treated them kindly. Their toil Avas not unrequited, for they were supplied with whatever they needed and were cared for in sickness and in old age. Many of them were alloAved opportunities for making money for themselves. Much attention had always been given to their religious instruction. Southern ladies labored for the conversion of their slaves. Missionaries sent by the Southern churches preached to them on the plantations. In malarial districts, where negroes only could live with safety, some of these devoted missionaries laid down their lives. The negroes had churches of their own in the towns and on many of the plantations. In the churches of the whites there were always galleries set apart for them, and in the city churches it was often difficult to say which were the better dressed, the mas ters or the slaves. 15. The activity of the Abolitionists in scattering their tracts caused the Southern States to enact very strict laws against teaching the negroes to read and write. Yet many of them were taught by their young masters and mistresses, and in the churches on the Beginning of the War. 115 Sabbath could be seen many slaves who had hymn books and knew hoAV to use them. Your author has seen in the Sunday school room of Trinity Methodist Church in Charleston, South Carolina, and of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Augusta, Georgia,1 negro Sabbath Schools taught by the best ladies and gentle men of those cities. At Lexington, in Virginia, Major Thomas J. Jackson, afterwards the noted "Stonewall" Jackson, was the superintendent of a negro Sunday School. One of the largest churches of Charleston was a negro Presbyterian Church, whose pastor, Dr. Girardeau, a celebrated preacher, and learned gentle man, could never be induced to leave it for any other charge. 16. Thus there were many ties of affection between the races. There Avere ills connected Avith slavery which the good people of the South tried faithfully to remedy. The best and kindest of masters firmly believed that the freedom of the large number of negroes who lived in the South would bring ruin to master and slave alike, and many of the slaves them selves shared in this feeling. It was the kindly senti ment that prevailed between the ruling and the servile class that prevented the latter from being a menace to the South, when the vast armies of the North were thundering at the gates of her cities, or ravaging her fields. The Country Hurrying into War. 17. As soon as Virginia joined the Southern Con federacy the capital of the Confederate States was moved from Montgomery, Alabama, to Richmond, 1 Both of these were churches for white people. CAPITOL OF THE CONFEDERACY AT RICHMOND. Beginning of the War. 117 Virginia. Eager volunteers from all over the South were sent to Virginia to defend that State from threat ened invasion. Soldiers from the North were likewise hurried forward to the Virginia border. 18. Though Maryland did not secede, a strong effort was made by those in sympathy with the South to pre vent Union troops from going through that State to invade Virginia. On the 19th of April a Massachu setts regiment, passing through Baltimore, was at tacked by the citizens and several lives were lost on both sides. This was on the 86th anniversary of the battle of Lexington.1 19. The first conflict of arms in Eastern Virginia occurred near2 Big Bethel Church, not far from For tress Monroe. In this affair the Union troops, who formed a part of the force of General Benjamin F. Butler, were defeated by the Confederates, led by Col onel D. H. Hill (June 10th, 1861). The Laurel Hill Campaign (West Virginia). 20. When the ordinance of secession passed by the Virginia Convention was submitted to the people, it was ratified by a very large majority of the voters of the whole State; but the majority of the people of that part of Virginia lying west of the Alleghanies refused to abide by the decision of their State, and gladly welcomed the Union soldiers, who, under the command of General George B. McClellan, crossed the 1 On the 24th of May a New York regiment, led by Colonel Ellsworth, took possession of Alexandria, Va. On entering the place Ellsworth was shot by a Mr. J. W. Jackson, who was also immediately slain. 2 In this battle was killed Henry Wyatt, of Edgecombe County, N. C., the first Southern soldier slain in the war. 118 Story of the Confederate States. Ohio into Western Virginia. The whole force under McClellan, including reinforcements of West Vir ginians, amounted to 20,000 men. 21. A small Confederate force advanced to the Bal timore and Ohio railroad, a little west of Grafton, and destroyed some railroad bridges, thus cutting off com munication between the West and Washington City. On the 29th of May two West Virginia Union regi ments under Colonel (aftenvards General) B. F Kelley, approached Grafton, whereupon the Confederates Avith- drew southward to Philippi. Here the Confederate force, less than a thousand strong, under Colonel G. A. Porterfield was surprised on a dark and stormy night (June 3d) by three thousand Union troops, under Gen eral Kelley. Porterfield, by his coolness and courage, succeeded in getting his routed force safely off, and retreated to Beverly, some thirty miles farther to the southeast. 22. General Robert E. Lee, at that time Major-Gen eral of Virginia volunteers, had sent Brigadier-General Robert S. Garnett to Beverly, and Brigadier-General Henry A. Wise into the Valley of the Kanawha. General Garnett, with some Virginia regiments, moved out from Beverly and took post on Laurel Hill, a spur of the ridge known as Laurel Mountain. Here he was soon joined by the First Georgia regiment. The Staunton and Parkersburg turnpike divides at Beverly, one branch of it following the Tygart river to Philippi, and passing over Laurel Hill, the other branch of the road passing over a saddle in Rich Mountain and lead ing to Parkersburg. Garnett regarded the two posi tions at Rich Mountain and Laurel Hill as the gates to all the region beyond. Beginning of the War. 119 23. Garnett's whole force numbered 4,500 men. Thinking the position at Rich Mountain the stronger, he entrenched there 1,300 of his men and four cannon under Lieutenant-Colonel Pegram. The balance of his force, under his immediate command, he placed in a fortified position at Laurel Hill, where he also had four cannon, one of which was rifled. 24. Early in July McClellan ordered General Mor ris to march to a position one and a half miles in front of Laurel Hill, while he with the rest of his force advanced to Roaring Creek, about two miles from Colonel Pegram's position on Rich Mountain. The Union troops were resisted by skirmishers only. The Confederates were aware of McClellan's great supe riority in numbers, and preferred to aAvait his attack in their fortified position. The discomfort of the sol diers on both sides was greatly increased by frequent rains.1 25. At daybreak on the 11th of July General Rose- crans, guided by a West Virginia Unionist named Hart, started to lead a strong column of infantry from McClellan's army around Pegram's left flank and about two miles in rear of his position. Rosecrans reached the desired point early in the afternoon, and after a three hours' combat broke through the small force guarding that place; but reinforcements from Pegram's front line enabled the Confederates to hold out until night. At daybreak of the 12th Rose- 1 While Garnett's command was at Laurel Hill a Georgia soldier meeting a Virginia mountaineer said : " Don't you think we are going to have a drouth? " '• Why so? " asked the countryman. " Because," said the Georgian, " we haven't had any rain for about three hours.'' 120 Story of the Confederate States. crans found the position on Rich Mountain abandoned, but did not pursue until he could communicate with McClellan. Part of Pegram's force escaped and fled southward through Beverly. Pegram himself, with nearly six hundred men, was cut off from escape and surrendered to McClellan on the 13th. 26. Let us now see what had been going on at Lau rel Hill. While Rosecrans was making his attack at Rich Mountain (July 11th) the Federal General Morris was subjecting the troops of Gar- nett's command to a lively bombardment. Garnett, per ceiving that some important move was being made by his enemy, had ordered such of his troops as were not in the immediate presence of the Federals to cook three days' rations, The smoke from the camp-fires gave the Union troops the range of the men who were engaged in the cook ing, and the bursting of shells made their work quite hazardous. But with the cool ness of A-eterans the men went on with their work. A man would place on the fire a frying-pan con taining bacon or flap-jacks. At the sound of a whistling shell he would run behind some large rock for protection; then after the shell had burst, hurry ing to the pan he would gather its contents, replenish it, and again take refuge from an approaching bomb. All the while the men were laughing and joking, as if CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAG. Beginning of the War. 121 no danger were nigh. About sundown Garnett was seated in front of his tent eating his supper. A bursting bomb threw a clod of dirt into his cup of coffee Emptying his cup he called to his servant to refill it and then went on with his supper, as if nothing had happened. 27. Late in the evening Garnett was notified that Rich Mountain could no longer be held. Accordingly he gaA'e orders for the immediate evacuation of Laurel Hill. In a pouring rain, which had continued almost without intermission since the previous morning, the Confederates began their retreat to Beverly, sixteen miles distant from Laurel Hill, and only five miles from Rich Mountain. If they could reach Beverly ahead of McClellan they could march on and seize Cheat Mountain Pass, which they could hold against a force many times larger than their own. When within five miles of Beverly, Garnett was falsely informed that the Union troops had occupied that place. If Garnett had known the true state of affairs he might have con tinued southward through Beverly almost at leisure for McClellan's troops did not enter the town until past noon of the 12th. 28. Believing his information correct Garnett re traced his steps almost to his abandoned camp, and leaving the turnpike at Leadsville turned off upon an almost impassable road over Cheat Mountain into the valley of the Cheat river, following the stream north ward towards St. George, in the forlorn hope of turning the mountains at the north end of the ridges and thus regaining his communications. 29. The Federal pursuit was not vigorous on the 12th. On the morning of the 13th, the column of 122 Story of the Confederate States. General Morris began the pursuit in earnest and over took Garnett's army about noon. At Carrick's Ford quite a sharp combat occurred. A mile or tAvo farther on, while the skirmishing Avas light, Garnett was killed, Avhile withdrawing his skirmishers from a pile of driftwood which he had used as a barricade. One of his cannon which had stuck in the mud and about forty Avagons fell into the Morris's hands. 30. The direct pursuit was now abandoned, but McClellan dispatched to the Union General, C. W. Hill, to collect the forces along the Baltimore and Ohio railroad and prevent the Confederates from passing around the northern spurs of the mountains. The Confederates, now led by Colonels Ramsey and Talia ferro, marched all night, and at daylight passed Red House.1 By the time that Hill's advance reached this point the Southerners had turned the mountains and were moving southward on fairly good roads. Hill seeing that it was useless to try to overtake them, stopped the pursuit. Garnett's half-famished force, moving now through a friendly country, found no farther difficulty in getting all necessary supplies. When they reached Monterey they found reinforce ments under General Henry R. Jackson of Georgia. At Monterey they rested for several weeks before Red House was a road-side inn. Here some of the hungry Confeder ates succeeded in getting one or two battercakes apiece. Just after passing Red House four or five West Virginia Unionists, who had cap tured three straggling Confederates, mistaking Garnett's men for Feder al troops, came up to the Southerners with the announcement that they had some "rebel" prisoners, and that they had some good news besides. They then proceeded to tell how McClellan had cut Garnett's army to pieces (a great exaggeration) and had captured 600 " rebels." What was their chagrin when their arms were taken from them and they them selves put under the guardianship of their late captives? Beginning of the War. 123 breaking camp to begin a new campaign in West Virginia. 31. On the day of the combat at Carrick's Ford the larger portion of six companies of the First Geor gia regiment became separated from the main body of the army. Concealed behind the thick mountain undergrowth, they watched the army of General Mor ris march by, and then started over the pathless moun tains to escape to the southeast, if possible. After wandering about for three days without food, trying to appease their hunger by chewing the inner bark of the laurel trees, they were rescued by a Virginia moun taineer named Parsons. He took them to his own farm, where, with the assistance of his neighbors, he slew several beeves and gave food to the starving Geor gians. After resting and filling their haversacks, they resumed their march under the guidance of Parsons, who led them safe to the Confederate camp at Monterey. 32. The Laurel Hill campaign, though productive of no great battles, with long lists of killed and wounded, had sorely tried the courage and fortitude of raw troops. Well had they stood the test. The unlucky termina tion of the campaign might have caused discourage ment to the Confederates but for their brilliant triumph in another quarter. 124 Story of the Confederate States. CHAPTER III. THE CAMPAIGN OF THE FIRST MANASSAS (BULL RUN) — OTHER EVENTS IN VIRGINIA AND WEST VIRGINIA. HROUGHOUT all of Virginia east of the Alleghanies the people espoused heartily the cause of the South. Before the close of May General Robert E. Lee, at that time Major-General of Virginia forces, had organized, equipped and sent into the field more than 30,000 men. During the month of June the Federal plan of operations became evi dent, and the Confederate line of defense was devel oped. In addition to the advance by McClellan into West Virginia the authorities at Washington deter mined upon the capture of Richmond as the most speedy way to subdue the South. 2. The Confederate authorities were very diligent and active in preparations to defend Virginia at every point. Soon after the secession of Virginia the State authorities had seized Harper's Ferry in the north east, and in the southeast had occupied Portsmouth and Norfolk, with the navy-yard. The Confederate Government hurried troops to Virginia from every part of the Confederacy. By the last of June the total Confederate effective strength in Virginia Avas about 65,000 men. Of these 5,000 were in West Vir ginia under Garnett, 15,000 were in the Shenandoah Valley under General Joseph E. Johnston, 20,000 were near and about Manassas under General Beaure gard, 8,000 were at Aquia Creek and on the lower Po tomac under General T. H. Holmes, while the rest The Campaign in Virginia. 125 were under Magruder at Yorktown and Huger at Nor folk. At the same time the Union or Federal troops aggregated at least 100,000— part under Butler at Fortress Monroe, part under McDowell at Washing ton, some under Patterson at Williamsport on the COLONEL R. E. LEE. upper Potomac, and the rest under McClellan in West Virginia. 3. McClellan began his campaign, as we have seen, early in July. Patterson began his campaign about the same time. As he advanced towards Martins- burg, Johnston abandoned Harper's Ferry and retired 126 Story of the Confederate States. toward Winchester. By the middle of July McDowell was ready to advance against Beauregard's position at Manassas. On the 16th of July, at the head of the best equipped army that had ever been seen in Amer ica, McDowell entered Virginia, confident of a tri umphant march to Richmond. First Battle of Manassas (Bull Run). 4. If Beauregard could be attacked before reinforce ments reached him, McDowell felt sure of victory. General Scott,1 the Federal commander-in-chief, assured McDowell that Johnston should, not join Beauregard Avithout having " Patterson on his heels." Yet Johnston by his skillful management eluded Pat terson and led 8,000 men to Manassas. Johnston himself, Avith Bee's brigade, joined Beauregard on the morning of July 20th. The brigade of T. J. (Stone wall) Jackson also came up and was placed in posi tion. The rest of Johnston's 8,000 men reached the field during the battle of the 21st. McDoAvell had at first intended to attack the right of the Confederates, but he concluded that their position was too strong on that wing. Some of his troops under General Tyler had advanced against the troops of Longstreet at Blackburn's Ford (July 18th) and been repulsed. McDowell determined to assail the Confederate left. 5. The Confederate commanders had issued orders for an attack upon the Union centre and left, but before these orders could be carried into effect Mc- 1 General Winfield Scott, a native Virginian, who sided with the government, was at this time commander-in-chief of the Union armies He was too old for active work in the field, but was a skillful strategist, and hence his advice was highly prized. GENERAL P. G. T. BEAUREGARD. [ 127 128 Story of the Confederate States. Dowell, leading a flanking force of 18,000 men, was crossing Bull Run with the purpose of passing around the Confederate left and assailing them in the rear. General Nathan G. Evans, who was on this part of the Confederate line, had been ordered to prevent the passage of the Federals over Bull Run at the Stone Bridge. Perceiving that the movement of the Fed eral troops was to his left and rear, he ordered four companies to guard the bridge, and marching to the threatened point placed his brigade at right angles to his original position, thus covering the Warrenton turnpike and presenting a determined front to the Federal advance.1 6. Here Evans made a gallant fight, repulsing for a while many times his numbers. Bee and Bartow led their brigades to his support. After a two hours' desperate fight these troops Avere forced back to the plateau on which stood the Henry and Robinson houses. By this time Johnston and Beauregard found out that they must abandon their attack upon the Union left and hurry reinforcements to their own hard-pressed left. Johnston took charge of the move ments of the troops, while Beauregard took imme diate direction of the battle on the endangered wing. He found the troops of Evans, Bee and Bartow min gled together in great confusion. It was at this time that Bee rode up to Jackson and exclaimed, " Gen eral, they are beating us back." Jackson cooly replied, " Sir, we will give them the bayonet." Riding back to his men Bee shouted, " Look! there stands Jackson 1 General B. F. Fry, of the Union army, says that Evans's action was one of the best pieces of soldiership on either side during the cam paign. FIRST BATTLE OF MANASSAS (BULL RUN). 130 Story of the Confederate States. like a stone wall! Let us determine to die here and we will conquer." From that day Thomas Jonathan Jackson was known as Stonewall Jackson. 7. When Beauregard came up, it looked as though it would be impossible to restore order in the three routed brigades. But with fortunate presence of mind, he ordered the colors of the various regiments to be carried forward forty yards. Beauregard and John ston rode forward themselves with the colors of the Fourth Alabama by their side. At once the men Avho had fought all the morning, and had finally been driven back routed and disordered, rallied upon the colors, and with the steadiness of veterans advanced again into position. 8. Beauregard himself took command of the new line, which consisted of Evans's South Carolinians and Louisianians, Bartow's Georgians,1 Bee's Ala- bamians, Mississippians, and North Carolinians, and Jackson's Virginians, besides Hampton's Legion and the batteries of Imboden, Stanard, and Pen dleton. 9. Soon the Federals were seen advancing. With overpowering numbers, and exultant from the success of the morning, they came eagerly onward. After holding the enemy at bay for some time, Beauregard ordered a charge, and the Confederate line rushed for ward, sweeping the whole plateau clear of the Federals. But Union reinforcements arriving, the Federals re gained their lost ground. But as Fisher's Sixth North Carolina and Withers's Eighteenth Virginia arrived upon the field, Beauregard led a new charge, which swept the enemy from the plateau and down the 1 The Seventh and Eighth Georgia. The Campaign in Virginia. 131 slope, securing to the Confederates final possession of the Henry and Robinson Houses, with most of Rickett's and Griffin's Union batteries. In this impetuous charge fell Bee and Bartow, two as gallant spirits as ever laid their lives upon the altar of their country. 10. The Federals on the opposite height, not yet sharing in the defeat of their comrades, presented a formidable front, as " stretching in crescent outline," with flanks advanced and a cloud of skirmishers in front, they started forward to renew the assault. But just about this time the balance of Johnston's Shenan doah army arrived upon the field. As they crossed the Sudley road their leader, Kirby Smith, fell severely wounded; but Colonel Elzey led them forward, and Early's brigade, which, by Johnston's orders, had swept around by the rear of the Avoods through which Elzey had passed, appeared on the field. All the Con federate commands upon the field now raising a loud cheer, went forward in a common charge. Before this full advance the whole Federal line broke and fled across Bull Run in every direction. Sykes's regulars, aided by Sherman's brigade, made a steady withdrawal, protecting the rear of the routed troops and enabling many to escape by the Stone Bridge. 11. About this time Captain Lindsay Walker, who had arrived from Fredericksburg with his six-Parrot- gun battery, took position on a high hill between the Lewis House and the Stone Bridge, and began to shell the retreating Federals on the road east of Bull Run. Then began an indescribable panic. The bridge over Cub Run being rendered impassable for vehicles by an overturned wagon, utter confusion set in. Am- 132 Story of the Confederate States. munition wagons, caissons, and pleasure carriages1 blocked the way; men threw aside their muskets and everything else that could impede their flight, and those who could do so cut horses from their harness and rode off with them. The dismay of the fugitives was increased by the cavalry of Colonel (afterwards General) J. E. B. Stuart, who, Avith drawn sabres, charging among them, captured many prisoners. STONEWALL JACKSON AT BULL RUN. 12. Twenty-eight cannon, ten battle-flags, 5,000 mus kets, 500,000 cartridges, and 1,300 prisoners were the rich spoil that fell into the hands of the victorious Confederates. Several surgeons were also captured, who (the first time in Avar) Avere treated not as prison- ' Congressmen and citizens had gone out from Washington in carriages with lunch-baskets and bottles of champagne in regular pic-nic style, expecting to see the rout of the " Rebels " and the triumphant advance cf che L'mon army upon Richmond. The Campaign in Virginia. 133 ers, but as guests. General Beauregard recommended that they be sent home without exchange, together with some other prisoners who had shown personal kindness to Colonel Jones of the Fourth Alabama, who had been mortally Avounded early in the day. 13. Effect of the Battle. — Manassas was the first great battle of the Avar. It was by far the greatest that up to that time had ever been fought on the American continent. The opposing forces were nearer equal than in any battle afterwards fought in Virginia. The total force on and near the battle-field amounted on the Confederate side to 32,000, and on the Union side to 35,000. In the beginning of the fight the Confederates actually engaged were outnumbered three to one — by noon two to one. They were nearly, if not quite, equal in strength to their opponents when the Federal rout occurred. The fact, however, that they had success fully resisted such great odds and had gained final possession of the hard- fought field just before the arrival of their last reinforcements, gave to the soldiers of the Confederate army in Virginia the confidence of their ability to fight superior numbers, which never forsook them, even down to the closing scene at Appo mattox. The chief effect of this great battle was to completely break up the Union offensive in Virginia for the balance of the year 1861. x Other Events in Virginia and West Virginia. 14. The first great campaign of the war had ended in the triumph of the South. The North was at first 1 The losses of the opposing armies in this battle were as follows : Union army — Killed, 460; wounded, 1;124; captured or missing, 1,312 — total, 2,896. Confederate army — Killed, 387; wounded, 1,582; captured or missing, 13— total, 1.98?. 134 Story of the Confederate States. overwhelmed with disappointment and chagrin. But this feeling was soon succeeded by a determination to put fourth greater efforts. General George B. McClel lan, who had been successful in West Virginia, was now called to the command of the defeated Union army. He at once went to work to organize, drill and discipline a great army; but he did not feel ready to advance until the next spring. 15. The Southern people were so elated by their great victory that many of them imagined that the war was about ended. Their leaders, hoAvever, did not share in this opinion, but prepared carefully for the great struggle Avhich they saAv was before them. The Confederate Generals at Manassas, especially Beaure gard, were very anxious for an offensive campaign, and in October asked that additional troops might be sent to them from various points along the seaboard, at that time not even threatened; but Mr. Davis would not venture to strip those points of the troops required. Why it could not have been done then, as well as in the next spring, is hard to understand. There has been much difference of opinion on this point, but it does seem that it would have been much easier to vanquish McClellan's army while still discouraged by defeat and before its organization could be com pleted.1 1 General Johnston in explaining why an immediate advance was not made after the victory at Manassas says, that the Southern army " was more disorganized by victory than that of the United States by defeat." But Beauregard says " we had more than 15,000 troops who had not been at all or but little in the battle, and were perfectly organized, while the remaining commands in the high spirits of victory, could have been re organized at the tap of the drum, and many with improved captured arras and equipments." Considering all the circumstances Beauregard's opin ion is more likely to be the correct one. PRESIDENT DAVIS AND GENERAL JACKSON AT MANASSAS. [196] 136 Story of the Confederate States. 16. In October the Confederates did advance to Fairfax Courthouse, with outposts flaunting their flags in sight of Washington, hoping to provoke McClellan to attack. The Federal troops, however, remained idle on the opposite side of the Potomac. But on the 21st of October about 2,000 Federals under Colonel E. D. Baker were thrown across the Potomac at Ball's Bluff, near Leesburg. General Nathan G. Evans, who had so distinguished himself at the battle of Manassas, attacked this force with equal numbers, and utterly defeated the Federals. Baker, their leader, was among the slain. The total Union loss was over 1,000 men, of whom 500 were prisoners. The only other affair of this year in Eastern Virginia was at Dranes- ville, where General J. E. B. Stuart was repulsed, but drew off his men in order, and retired unpur- sued. 17. In West Virginia active operations continued throughout the year. When McClellan was sum moned to the command of the Union Army of the Potomac, General Rosecrans was left in command of the department of West Virginia. A large part of the Federal army of West Virginia followed McClel lan to Washington. It was a favorable time for the Confederates to recover what they had lost in West Virginia. General Loring, an officer of considerable reputation, was sent to take charge of the Confederate forces in' that quarter. The forces of Floyd and Wise in the Kanawha Valley Avere not under Loring's com mand. In August General Robert E. Lee was sent by 'the Confederate authorities to command all the troops of that department. Lee planned an expedition against the Federal garrison at Cheat Mountain Pass. The Campaign in Virginia. 137 18. About the middle of August it began to rain and continued to do so, without much intermission, for six weeks. The troops, unaccustomed to camp life, suffered from all camp diseases, such as measles, intermittent and typhoid fevers. At least one-third of the soldiers were rendered unfit for service by sickness. Marches and Countermarches. 19. Lee determined to attack the Federals on the morning of the 12th of September. Colonel Rust, of the Third Arkansas regiment,1 had discovered a moun tain pass by which he could lead infantry into the rear of the Federal position. He was ordered to lead his regiment to this point, and General Anderson, with two Tennessee regiments from Loring's com mand, was to support him. Henry R. Jackson was to advance with his brigade from the camp at Green brier river, and Loring was to advance from Hunters- ville by the main road upon the Federal position. The troops reached the places assigned them with remarkable promptness and at the time appointed. Colonel Rust's attack was to be the signal for the advance of all the troops. Rust, hearing nothing of Anderson though he was in supporting distance, failed to attack As the only hope of success was in a surprise, and as that expectation had been disap pointed, the troops were withdrawn to their original position. 20. In these movements the Confederates killed twenty-five or thirty of the Federals and took seventy 1 Of Henry R. Jackson's commaLd. 138 Story of the Confederate States. prisoners. Their own loss was very small.1 It is sometimes stated that Robert E. Lee was defeated at Cheat Mountain. A statement of this sort is mislead ing; for one not acquainted with the facts might sup pose that Lee had fought a battle and been defeated. Such is not the case. He had intended to fight a battle from which he expected good results; but on account of the failure of one of his subordinates to perform the part assigned him, the battle did not occur at all. 21. Meanwhile in the Valley of the Kanawha general john b. floyd. Wise and Floyd with divided commands and without unity of action were not accomplishing much against the Federal 1 Colonel J. A. Washington of Lee's staff while making a reconnois- sance fell into an ambuscade and was killed. Jackson's advance from the Greenbrier had been preceded by one hundred men from the First and Twelfth Georgia regiments, led by Lieutenant Dawson of the Twelfth whose duty it was to clear the way of the enemy's pickets. After perform ing this task, and while on their way to rejoin the main body they were mistaken for Federals and fired upon. Several shots were fired by both sides before the mistake was discovered, and two men rere killed and one wounded. The Campaign in Virginia. 139 Generals Cox and Rosecrans. On August 26th, at Cross Lanes General Floyd surprised and routed a Federal force under Colonel Tyler, inflicting a loss of about 200 men and losing none himself. General Rose crans immediately marched against Floyd with a greatly superior force. He found him entrenched at Carnifax Ferry and assaulted his position, but was re pulsed with a loss of 160 men. Floyd knowing that he was greatly outnumbered, retreated during the night, with difficulty carrying his artillery down the cliffs by a wretched road in the darkness. His infan try crossed on a slight foot bridge built over a little bit of smooth water known as the Ferry, on both sides of which the stream is an impassable mountain tor rent. Floyd's total loss in the affair at Carnifax Ferry was twenty men of whom only one was killed. 22. General Lee now hastened to this quarter. He united the forces of Floyd and Wise and took up a strong defensive position along the eastern crest of Sewel Mountain. Rosecrans and Cox appeared before this position, but did not attack. Lee brought Loring to his assistance and was preparing to assail the Fed erals, when Rosecrans retreated. 23. General J. J. Reynolds had been left in com mand of the Union forces at Cheat Mountain. On October 3rd, Reynolds attacked Henry R. Jackson's camp at Greenbrier river, but after quite a sharp com bat was repulsed. He then retreated to his mountain stronghold. 24. Toward the close of the year most of the troops on both sides were taken from West Virginia and sent to where they could be used to better advantage. The Confederate Government concluded to make no 140 Story of the Confederate States. farther effort to hold an unfriendly country, and for the rest of the war the line of the Alleghanies was the northern frontier of the Confederacy in Virginia 25. When Loring's forces were withdrawn from West Virginia they were sent to "Stonewall" Jack son, then commanding in the Shenandoah Valley A small force was left at Alleghany Summit under Col onel Edward Johnson. Here the Confederates Avere assailed on the 13th of December by General R. H. Milroy. The Federals were defeated, and Milroy retreated to his old camp. The War in the West and on the Coast. 141 CHAPTER IV. THE WAR IN THE WEST AND ON THE COAST DURING 1861. HEN South Carolina seceded the legislature of Missouri, at the suggestion of Governor Claiborne F. Jackson, began to take meas ures for ranging Missouri with the South in the event of war. A State convention was called and provision was made to organize, arm and equip the militia. 2. An election was held for delegates to a State con vention. The States Rights men of Missouri were disappointed at the result. Not a single delegate was elected who would say that he was in favor of seces sion.1 3. But when, after the bombardment of Fort Sum ter, President Lincoln called upon Missouri for her quota of troops to support the government, Gov'nor Jackson replied that Missouri would not furnish a man. He then called together the legislature to adopt measures for the defense of the State. In accordance with an existing law of the State all the militia were ordered into camp for drill and discipline 4. General D. M. Frost, commanding a small brigade of volunteer militia, arranged with the governor to seize the arsenal at St. Louis. This plan was thwarted, however, by Captain Nathaniel Lyon, the commander of the arsenal. He distributed some of the arms to the Home Guards, a body of Missouri Unionists, Avho had been organized by Francis P. Blair immediately 1 In Missouri there were three classes — the unconditional Union men, the Conservatives, and the Secessionists. 142 Story of the Confederate States. after the secession of South Carolina. The rest of the arms Lyon removed from the arsenal and sent to Illinois. Then with his own troops he occupied the hills around the arsenal. Frost then established Camp Jackson in a grove in the western part of the city, in all this acting under the militia laws of the State. 5. On May 8th Frost received some arms that had been sent him from Louisiana. Blair and Lyon heard of this and determined to break up Camp Jackson- To this point Lyon marched with nearly 7,000 men and demanded the sur render of the camp. Frost, who had only 635 men, was obliged to comply. While the surren der was taking place, a great crowd of people hurried to the scene. Most of the crowd sympa thized with the prisoners, and some gave expres sion to their in dignation, but did nothing to warrant what followed. One of Lyon's German regiments opened fire upon them, killing twenty-eight persons, among them women and children. A similar massacre occurred the next day. 6. Thus civil war was inaugurated in Missouri. The legislature, which was then in extra session, immedi ately took more effective measures for arming the GENERAL sterling price. The War in the West and on the Coast. 143 militia, and conferred almost absolute power upon the governor. Sterling Price, who had once been governor of the State, and up to that time a Union man, now offered his services to the governor. Price was presi- of the Missouri Convention, and had been opposed under all circumstances to the secession of his State. At the same time he was earnestly opposed to the invasion of the South by the Federal government. But considering the killing of peaceable citizens an unbearable outrage, he believed it the duty of Missouri to resent such Avrongs. 7. Many of the conservative Union men followed Price's example and joined the secessionists in taking up arms. Volunteers began to croAvd the streets of Jefferson City. Blair and Lyon wished to march against the militia at once; but General William S. Harney, commander of the Department of the West, who had been absent from St. Louis, returned the day after the capture of Camp Jackson. He preferred conciliation and made a truce with Price, who had been appointed commander of all the State forces of Missouri. 8. Blair succeeded in having Harney relieved from command. Lyon was made Brigadier-General and appointed in his place. He put an end to the truce with Price, and took measures to drive Price and Jack son out of the State. Lyon sent SAveeny and Sigel to the Southwest with 3,000 men to cut off the retreat of Price, and marched himself upon Jefferson City. The legislature and governor were obliged to flee. Leaving a garrison there, Lyon pushed on to Boon- ville, and on June 17th routed some State troops and drove the governor southward. Price, who had gone 144 Story of the Confederate States. to Lexington to organize several thousand militia there assembled, was obliged to retreat now to the southwest in order to unite with General McCulloch, who was advancing at the head of a Confederate force from Northwestern Arkansas. Price ordered Briga dier-General James S. Rains to move with the State troops to unite with the force under the Governor, while he with a small escort made his way to McCul loch in order to hasten the march of that officer. 9. On July 5th at Carthage, Sigel attacked the forces of the Governor commanded by General Rains. The fight did not last long, for Sigel was greatly outnumbered and driven from the field. Though retiring in order his retreat continued for forty miles.1 10. Price and McCulloch succeeded in uniting their forces, and began an advance (July 31st) toward Springfield. Their force was something over 10,000. Some of these were without arms and others had only squirrel rifles. Lyon advanced against them with about 5,400 men, inferior in numbers, but well organ ized and equipped. The two armies met at Oak Hill, or Wilson's creek, on the morning of August 10th. Here one of the bloodiest battles of the war took place. The part of Lyon's force commanded by Sigel was routed, but the troops under his immediate com mand were at first successful. At the crisis of the battle Lyon was killed while leading a charge. The Union army retreated, leaving the body of Lyon on the field. Two hours later it was delivered to a flag-of-truce party that had been sent to ask for 1 How any one can call the fight at Carthage a Union victory is hard to understand. The War in the West and on the Coast. 145 it.1 The next day Price occupied Springfield, and sent Rains with a mounted force to clear the western counties of the State of the plundering bands that had entered them from Kansas. 11. Price next moved to the northwest against Lex ington, where there was a Federal garrison under Oolonel Mulligan. After driving the Federals into their intrench ments Price proceeded to invest the place. In charging the Union position (September 20th) Price's men adopted the novel plan of rolling cotton bales before them as a sort of movable breast work. On the next day Colonel Mulligan surrendered. The Missourians captured 3,500 prisoners, five can non, 3,000 muskets, and valuable supplies of all kinds.2 12. General John C. Fremont, who now commanded the Union armies in the West, took the field against Price with over 40,000 men. Price sent his unarmed men home, and with about 7,000 marched quickly to Neosho, where Governor Jackson had convened the legislature (or what could be gotten together of it). The delegates present passed an ordinance of secession and allied the State with the Confederacy 13. Fremont's campaign against Price was brought to an end by his removal from command (March 2d). General Hunter, his successor, led the Union army back to St. Louis. Just before Christmas Price occu pied Springfield, where the enlistment of Missourians into the Confederate army was begun. 1 The losses in this battle were as follows : Union — killed, 223 ; wounded, 721 ; captured or missing, 291. ; total, 1,235, Confederate- killed, 265 ; wounded, 800 ; captured or missing, 30 ; total, 1,095. 2 Price's force numbered 18,000 men, half of whom were unarmed. 10 146 Story of the Confederate States. 14. The Confederates, however, never did get a firm hold in Missouri. While the people of Southern and Western Missouri were for the South the Union men were a majority of the whole State, and they Avere backed by strong Federal armies. 15. The last battle of the year in Missouri was at Belmont, in the southeast corner of the State. Here General Ulysses S. Grant attacked the Confederates under General Gideon J. Pillow. In the beginning of the fight Grant was successful; but the Confederates being reinforced defeated him and drove him to his gunboats. 16. In Kentuck}' an attempt was made by the State authorities to hold a position of neutrality between the States at Avar, but the attempt failed, as it had in Missouri. During the fall some of the people organ ized a provisional government, and tried to ally the State with the Confederate States. But the effort was a failure; for the regular State legislature and a large majority of the people of Kentucky sided with the Government of the United States. Both Kentucky and Missouri furnished many gallant soldiers to the Confederacy. But neither of these States seceded, and a majority of their people were undoubtedly on the side of the Union. 17. Operations on the coast were not very extensive during the year. On the 29th of August a Federal land force under General B. F. Butler and a fleet under Commodore Stringham captured the Confed erate forts at Hatteras Inlet, off the coast of North Carolina. Another expedition, under General T. W. Sherman and Commodore Du Pont, captured the earth works at Port Royal, South Carolina (November 7th). The War in the West and on the Coast. 147 18. The blockade of the Southern ports kept the products of the South cooped up at home, and inter fered greatly with the obtaining of necessary supplies from abroad for the Confederate armies. Armed ves sels were stationed before the leading Southern ports to prevent trading vessels from entering or departing SCENE ON THE COAST OF NORTH CAROLINA. from them. Many enterprising men, however, fitted out vessels manned by daring sailors to enter the bays, rivers and creeks, and even slip through the block ading squadron into the leading ports. If these ves sels were caught they and their cargoes were confis cated. The adventures of these " blockade runners " form a very romantic part of the story of the war. 148 Story of the Confederate States. 19. Privateers Avere fitted out by authority of the Con federate Government- which captured merchandise to the value of many millions of dollars, and greatly crippled the foreign trade of the Northern States. The chief of these during 1861 were the Sumter and the Nashville, commanded respectively by Raphael Semmes of Alabama, and Robert B. Pegram of Virginia. 20. The Trent Affair. — Toward the latter part of the year tAvo Confederate Commissioners, Mason and Slidell, Avere forcibly taken from the British ship Trent, by Captain Wilkes of the United States war-ship San Jacinto. The British government demanded repa ration, and began preparing for war. The Government of the United States apologized for the act of Captain Wilkes and restored the embassadors to a British vessel. Thus Avar with England was avoided. 21. The Close of 1861. — As the year drew to a close the Confederates felt much encouraged. Though they had been disappointed in not securing the hearty co-op eration of Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri, and had found unexpected opposition among the people of West Virginia, they had been victorious in the one great battle of the year and in most of the minor conflicts between the forces of the North and the South. PART III. The War Between the States and its Results. Section IL— Events of 1862. L 149 1 Some Minor Events in the East and West. 151 CHAPTER I. SOME MINOR EVENTS BOTH IN THE EAST AND WEST IN THE BEGINNING OF 1862 THE WESTERN CAMPAIGN OF THE SPRING AND EARLY SUMMER. LL through 1861 and in the first months of 1862 the Confederates were greatly embar rassed for lack of a sufficient supply of arms. Thus it happened that of something more than 300,000 troops enrolled, many thousands were in camps of in struction Avaiting for arms. By the 1st of January, 1862, the United States had in the field 600,000 well- equipped troops, and by the first of March many thou sands more. The result was that in the first months of the year the Confederates were so greatly outnum bered that they could offer no effective resistance when the Union armies began to advance. Jackson's Winter Campaign. 2. In November, 1861, Stonewall Jackson was sent to command in the Shenandoah Valley. At that time the Union troops held Romney and occupied the north side of the Potomac in strong force. At first Jackson had only a small command, mostly militia. Toward the middle of the month his old " Stonewall Brigade" was sent to him, and still later the troops of Loring from West Virginia also joined him. In December an expedition was sent out by him which did consider able damage to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. JACKSON PREPARING FOR BATTLE. [ 152 1 Some Minor Events in the East and West. 153 3. On the 1st of January, 1862, Jackson set out from Winchester Avith nearly 10,000 men on an expedition to clear his district of Union troops. The morning of that day was as beautiful and mild as a day in May, but before night the weather suddenly changed to be very severe. The snow and sleet made it impossible for the loaded wagons to keep up, and for several nights the soldiers bivouacked without tents or without a sufficient supply of blankets. Their sufferings were terrible, but they pressed on, drove the Federals out of Bath and across the Potomac (January 4th), occupied Romney (January 10th) and cleared the whole of Jackson's district of Union troops. On this march Jackson shared all the privations of his men.1 At the last of the month the Confederates returned to Winchester and the Federals occupied their former positions. Some Minor Battles of 1862. 4. Union successes, both in the East and in the West, marked the first months of 1862. The most important of minor battles were Mill Spring in Ken tucky (January 19th), where the Confederate General Zollicoffer was killed; Roanoke Island in North Caro lina (February 8th); the capture of Fort Pulaski near Savannah, Georgia (April 11th), and of Fort Macon in North Carolina (April 26th). 'One morning near Bath some of Jackson's men, as they crawled out from undei their snow covered blankets, began abusing him as the cause of all their sufferings. Jackson who was near by, heard it. With out noticing it he presently crawled out too, and shaking off the snow, made some jocular remark to the nearest men, who had no idea that he had ridden up during the night and laid down among them. This inci dent soon went through the army and reconciled the men to their hardships. 154 Story of the Confederate States. Fort Donelson. 5. But these were trifling successes compared to the heavy blow dealt the Confederates at Fort Donelson. For months General Albert Sidney Johnston had kept three times his numbers at bay in Southern Ken tucky. The Federal army in his front was under General Buell. Early in February General Ulysses S. Grant led a strong army into Tennessee, while Commodore Foote assisted him with a fleet of iron clad gunboats. On February 6th they attacked and took Fort Henry on the Tennessee River. 6. General Grant noAV made ready to advance against Fort Donelson on the Cumberland, distant from Fort Henry about twelve or fourteen miles. Hearing of the approach of Grant, the Confederate General Albert Sidney Johnston sent reinforcements to the garrison at Fort Donelson. By the morning of the 13th, some where between 12,000 and 15,000 Confederates, under Floyd, Pillow and Buckner, had been concentrated at the threatened fort. That morning Grant appeared before Donelson, and with an army at first but little larger than that of the Confederates proceeded at his leisure to place his opponents in a state of siege. 7. After some manoeuvering of his troops, Grant discovered that he had not a force suff ciently strong to complete the investment. So he ordered up rein forcements. Why Floyd, the Confederate commander, made no attempt to prevent these movements of Grant is difficult to understand. General Lew Wallace, of the Union army, says: "A vigorous attack on the morning of the 13th might have thrown Grant back upon Fort Henry; but nothing occurred except slight skirmishing." Some Minor Events in the East and West. 155 8. The morning of the 13th was calm and spring like. By afternoon a fierce wind from the north brought upon both armies a storm of rain, snow and sleet. With heroic fortitude the volunteers of the North and of the South endured the pitiless tempest and waited for the morning, whose coming would usher in a still more dreadful storm of whistling bul lets and shrieking shells. MONTICELLO, THE HOME OF JEFFERSON. 9. On the morning of the 14th a gallant assault by the Union troops was gallantly repulsed. Then Foote with his gunboats attacked the water batteries Through the fierce fire of the Confederate guns the fleet pushed on, until when within 350 yards of the battery 156 Story of the Confederate States. a solid shot plunged through the pilot-house of the St. Louis, carrying away the wheel. About the same time the Louisville was disabled. The Confederates redoubled their energies. "A ball got lodged in their best rifle. A corporal and some of his men took a log fitting the bore, leaped out on the parapet, and rammed the missile home. 'Now, boys,' said a gun ner in Bidwell's battery, ' see me take a chimney.' The flag of the boat and the chimney fell with the shot."1 The Union fleet was obliged to retire out of range. With their repulse, the Confederates scored success number two, and communication by the river remained open to Nashville. 10. That evening the Confederate leaders held a council of war. They knew that Grant was being heavily reinforced, and that his army had cut off land communication with Nashville. The following plan was adopted PHIoav, Avith his division, Avas to at tack the Union right at dawn. General Buck ner, being relieved by troops in the forts, was to support Pillow by assailing the right of the Union GENERAL SIMON B. BUCKNER. 1 " The Capture of Fort Donelson," by General Lew Wallace. Taken from the Century Company's War Book. Battle of Fort Donelson. 157 center. In case of success, he was to take post where he could cover the retreat. All night the troops made ready for the attack. 11. The decision of the Confederate leaders was heroic. Massing their troops on the Union right, they began the attack at dawn. Though bravely resisted, they steadily gained ground. The commands of Oglesby, Logan and W. H. L. Wallace were at last pushed aside, and Pillow's part of the programme was accomplished. The road was once more open. Buck ner had faithfully performed his task, and was ready to cover the retreat. The Union general, Lew Wal lace, says, that it may be said with strong assurance, that Floyd could have put his men fairly on the road to Nashville before Grant could have interposed an obstruction to the movement. The trouble was, now, that General PilloAV, thinking he had defeated the whole of Grant's army, ignored the orders of Floyd, and attempted a pursuit of the Federals. This gave Grant an opportunity to bring forward the fresh divis ions of C. F. Smith and Lew Wallace, renew the at tack and recover his lost ground. So night found the Confederates hopelessly enclosed by a greatly superior army, which was being constantly reinforced. 12. It was now evident to the Confederate generals that Fort Donelson must be surrendered. As the river was still open to the Confederates, Floyd put his own brigade upon two steamboats (the only trans portation on hand), and sailed away to Nashville. General Pillow accompanied him. General Buckner remained to share the fate of his troops. Colonel Forrest, the bold Tennessee trooper, declared that he could not and would not surrender. So, assembling 158 Story of the Confederate States. his men, all as hardy as himself, he plunged into a slough formed by a back water from the river. None but mounted men could have succeeded in such an attempt. After floundering about for a while in the icy water, they struck dry land and were safe. Buck ner opened communication with Grant, who de manded unconditional surrender. As he could do nothing else, Buckner complied, and 9,000 Confeder ates laid down their arms.1 13. By this disastrous defeat Nashville was lost, and the Confederates had to take a new line, extending from Middle Tennessee to the border of Alabama and Mississippi. General Grant advanced to Pittsburgh Landing on the Tennessee, not far from the northern boundary of Mississippi. General Buell occupied Nashville, and prepared to join Grant for a still farther advance into the very heart of the Confederacy. The Battle of Shiloh. 14. At Corinth, Mississippi, lay a Confederate force under General Beauregard. General Albert Sidney Johnston formed a plan to unite his force with that under Beauregard and attack Grant, with the hope of being able to crush him before the arrival of Buell. The union of the two Confederate armies was effected, and on the morning of April 3d they began their march against Grant. 15. The intention was to attack the Union army on the morning of the 5th. It was thought that this 1 General Pillow states the Confederate loss in killed and wounded at about 2,000. General Buckner says in his official report that he sur rendered 9,000 men. The total Union loss was 510 killed, 2,152 wounded, 224 missing— 2,886. The Battle of Shiloh. 159 could be easily done, as the distance to be marched was only about twenty miles. But the troops were not moved as rapidly as had been hoped. On the after noon of the 4th there was some sharp skirmishing within about six miles of the Union army. Yet Grant and Sherman did not seem to anticipate any attack. During the next day the Confederates ad vanced at their leisure, and formed line of battle within easy striking distance of their enemy. 16. On the evening of the 5th at a council of war Beauregard expressed the opinion that, as success depended upon the surprise of the Federals, and as they must now be fully aware of the presence and design of the Confederates, it was best to abandon the attack and return to Corinth Polk and Bragg did not agree with Beauregard. After listening to the views of each, Johnston closed the council with the remark, " Gentlemen, we shall attack at daylight to-morrow." 17. Grant and Sherman have claimed that they were not surprised at Shiloh, but in their dispatches of the 5th both of these officers expressed the opinion that there would be no attack upon their lines. Be sides, the absence of the usual precautions for shield ing an army in the field proves that the attack at Shiloh was, as Beauregard expressed it, one of the most surprising of surprises. 18. On the morning of April 6th the Confederates fell with resistless fury upon the Union troops, some of whom were but half dressed. Yet the Federals made va gallant resistance. In vain, however, were all the efforts to stay the overwhelming onset of the Confed erates led by Bragg, Polk, Hardee and Breckinridge. wu.-;" ;i'^t-f , ,, m o 5toEl, O W?J -1 « [ 160 ] The Battle of Shiloh. 161 Sherman and McClernand were forced back; Hurlbut, who with Prentiss and W. H. L. Wallace held so stub bornly the position called by the Confederates the " Hornet's Nest',' was at last forced back to Pittsburgh Landing; Wallace, after giving the order to his divis ion to retire, fell mortally wounded; and still later Prentiss, whose command had been the first to feel the shock of the battle in the early morning, after stoutly keeping the field until late in the afternoon, found himself completely surrounded, and was forced to surrender in person with about 2,200 officers and men. 19. The greater part of Grant's army had now been routed and driven entirely from the field, and those who maintained their organization could not have resisted a determined attack by the whole force in their front; thousands of his men had been killed and wounded, and the Union camps were in possession of the Con federates, with a rich spoil of artillery and military stores of every description. But General Albert Sid ney Johnston had been killed, and Beauregard, think ing the victory complete, and that in the morning he could finish up what was left of Grant's army, stopped the fight. That very evening Lew Wallace reinforced Grant with 5,000 fresh troops, and during the night Buell came to his assistance Avith 25,000 more. 20. Early on the morning of the 7th these fresh troops and all of Grant's men that could be rallied and gotten into position (about 15,000 or 20,000) attacked the weary Confederates, who had not been reinforced by a single man. Unfortunately for them the Confederates, too confident of complete victory, had withdrawn from some of the high ground that 11 162 Story of the Confederate States. they had captured, in order to shelter themselves during the night from the fire of the gunboats. This high ground they expected to reoccupy in the morn ing and finish up the work so well begun. But Buell's troops occupied it during the night, and from this point of advantage advanced againt the Confederates, Avho had spent the night in the captured Union camps. 21. Though now out-numbered and hard pressed, the Confederates bravely held their ground until after 2 o'clock in the afternoon. At that time Beauregard sent orders to the corps commanders to make a show of assuming the offensive, and then, taking advantage of the lull in the enemy's attack (Avhich he hoped would occur in consequence of such a movement), to retire their commands behind a covering force of in fantry and artillery, posted on elevated ground which commanded a Avide view. These orders were executed with great skill, without apparently any perception on the part of the Federals that such a movement was going on.1 Brigadier General Thomas Jordan, of Beauregard's staff, who had posted the protecting force, says: "There I remained until after 4 o'clock, or until the entire Confederate force had retired, Gen eral Breckinridge's troops being the last, and Avithout seeing a single Federal soldier Avithin the wide range of my eyes." The covering force then retired, carry ing the caissons, loaded down Avith muskets and rifles picked up on the field. Many of the soldiers had also 1 The Confederate retreat was discovered on some parts of the line, but no vigorous effort was made to interfere with them. An advance by two regiments, accompanied by General Grant, has been dignified into a charge led by that officer, although they advanced but a short dis tance, and encountered only a few skirmishers. Battle of Shiloh. 163 exchanged their arms for the superior ones of the Fed erals captured in the first day's battle. Besides this, the Confederates carried off with them 30 captured cannon, 26 stands of colors, and nearly 3,000 prisoners of Avar.1 22. Shiloh was the most terrible battle that had yet been fought during the civil war. The Con federate plan to de stroy Grant's army had nearly suc ceeded. But the timely arrival of Buell with a fresh arm}' had thwarted the plan and forced the Confederates to retreat. To this ex tent it had the ef fect of a Union victory. But to the Confederates Shiloh did not seem to be a defeat, but rather the disappointment of a hope 1 The returns for the Union army, of April 4th and 5th, show present for duty 44,895. Grant claims that of this number there were only 33,000 effectives. According to some authorities, Buell and Lew Wal lace brought in 31,000 reinforcements, according to others, 25,000, mak ing a total of Union troops for both days of 64,000 or 58,000. The Union losses were 1,754 killed, 8,408 wounded, and 2,885 captured — in all 13,047 The aggregate of the Confederate forces engaged was, according to one authority, 39,323, but according to another, 40,335. The Confederate loss was, in killed, 1,728 ; in wounded, 8,012, and 959 in missing — in all, 10,699. GENERAL ALBERT SIDNEY JOHNSTON. 164 Story of the Confederate States. almost realized. They knew that they had attacked the victors of Forts Henry and Donelson, stormed and spoiled their camp, and brought them to the verge of ruin.1 They even looked upon the second day's fight as a victory for themselves, because they had fought a fresh army assisted by the remnant of the one defeated on the day before, and when they found the odds too great had retired without the least attempt at pursuit on the part of their foe, carrying with them much of the spoil of the captured camp. 23. When on the 14th of April General Halleck arrived in camp and took command he said to Grant, "your army is not now in condition to resist attack." One of the best evidences of the stunning blow dealt the Union army is seen in the dispatch of Grant to Halleck the day after the battle : " It would be demoral izing upon our troops here to be forced to retire upon the opposite bank of the river, and unsafe to remain on this many weeks without large reinforcements." Buell's army was still with him. 24. But for the battle at Shiloh on April 6th, the Union armies would have overrun the whole Soutlwest 1 The Confederates always believed that but for the death of Albert Sidney Johnston, Grant and his army would have been forced to an un conditional surrender before the night of the 6th of April. General Buell says that of Grant's army " there were not more than five thousand men in ranks and available on the battle-field at nightfall. . . the rest were either killed, wounded, captured or scattered in hopeless con fusion for miles along the banks of the river." General Nelson describes them as " cowering under the river banks. . . frantic with fright and utterly demoralized." Had not Beauregard ordered the fight to cease for the night, the general testimony of Confederate officers and soldiers on that part of the field is to the effect that the remnant of Grant's army would have been forced to surrender. Buell shows how absurd is the statement of Grant that the arrival of Lew Wallace's division would have been enough to secure victory. Battle of Shiloh. 165 by the middle of the summer of 1862. The brilliant Confederate victory of that day, notwithstanding their enforced retreat on the 7th, by reason of the arrival of Buell's fresh army, caused the future movements of the Federals to be much sloAver and more cautious than they had hitherto been. Had the plan of the Confed erates fully succeeded, they would have recovered all that they had lost by their disaster at Donelson. The failure of their plan made Shiloh a drawn battle with complete victory for neither side.. 25. One week after Halleck's arrival General Pope, flushed with his victories at NeAv Madrid and Island No. IO,1 reached Pittsburgh Landing and united his army with those of Grant and Buell. General Curtis, who had defeated Van Dorn at Elkhorn, in Arkansas, also sent reinforcements to the same point. By the last of April Halleck had assembled on the banks of the Tennessee an army of 100,000 men. Corinth. 26. After the battle of Shiloh Beauregard had led his army, reduced by the casualties of that fierce con flict to 30,000 men, back to Corinth, which place he proceeded to fortify against the attack which he knew would soon come. Here he was reinforced by troops from across the Mississippi under Price and Van Dorn and by forces from other quarters until his army numbered 80,000 men. 27. Halleck advanced cautiously, intrenching every time that he halted. Fresh troops were constantly added to his force, so that by the time he appeared 1 Pope captured at these places about 6,000 men and seventy cannon. 166 Story of the Confederate States. before Corinth he had 110,000 fighting men. By reason of sickness arising from the pestilential air and unwholesome water Beauregard's force had now been reduced to 53,000 effectives. Accordingly, as soon as the Confederate commander was certain that Halleck was nearly ready to open his siege guns and assault his Avorks, he made preparations to retreat. The evacuation was conducted with the utmost secrecy and skill. The troops were ordered to the front with three days' rations in their haversacks, and told that they were going to attack the enemy. The sick were sent away, and all military sup plies Avere sent off by the rail- Avavs. During the night of May 29th there Avas a great running of cars, and the Con federates Avere ordered to cheer whenever a train arrived, so as to make Halleck believe that they were being rein forced. Before da3rbreak of the 30th Beauregard's Avhole army, except his cavalry, had been withdraAvn from Corinth. 28. Halleck had been completely deceived. A short while before daybreak Pope had informed Halleck that he expected to be attacked in heavy force at day light. Halleck, therefore, disposed his army for de fense and not for attack. When he discovered his mistake and marched into Corinth, Beauregard's army was already safe behind the Tuscumbia. Beau regard retreated to Tupelo, about fifty-two miles from GENERAL G. J. PILLOW. Capture of New Orleans. 167 Corinth. The official records show that he lost less than 4,000 men during these operations, and many of these came in after a feAv days. 29. Halleck now planned a campaign for the cap ture of Chattanooga and the conquest of East Tennes see. As soon as Beauregard, whose health had been seriously impaired, was satisfied that he would not be attacked at Tupelo he turned over the command for a time to General Bragg (June 17th), and went to Mo bile. President Davis then relieved Beauregard and placed Bragg in command of the department. Hal leck at Corinth and Bragg at Tupelo now employed , themselves in reorganizing their armies and getting ready for a new campaign. New Orleans, Memphis and Vicksburg. 30. While all these events were occurring the Union fleets along the Mississippi were likewise busy trying to bring the whole river under Federal control. 31. The capture of New Orleans was another severe blow to the Confederates. Towards the last of April Commodore David G. Farragut (far-ra-gu), with a powerful fleet of armed vessels, after bombarding for six days Forts Jackson and St. Philip, which defended the passage to the city, boldly ran past their guns and attacked the small Confederate fleet of rams and fire- rafts. After passing the forts Farragut's chief diffi culty was at an end. The Confederate fleet under Commodore Mitchell consisted nominally of fourteen vessels and forty guns, but only four of these vessels with twelve guns were completed and ready for action, while the Union fleet numbered forty vessels with 302 168 Story of the Confederate States. guns.1 So Farragut gained an easy victory over the Confederate fleet. As he approached the city the Confederates retired and New Orleans was occupied by the Union troops under General Benjamin F. But ler (April 28th). 32. The capture of Memphis, on June 6th, was another heavy bloAV to the Confederate cause in the West. On that day Colonel Charles Ellet's fleet of steam rams attacked the Confederate fleet and destroyed it. The result was the occupation of Memphis by the Union forces. 33. The first attack upon Vicksburg renewed the hopes of the Confederates. The Union fleets from New Or leans and Memphis iioav united before that important post and demanded its surrender. But the city was stoutly defended by the garrison under General Van Dorn. On July 15th the Confederate ram Arkansas, under Captain Isaac N. Brown, came down from .the Yazoo River, ran the gauntlet of the upper fleet, de feating every vessel that tried to impede its progress, and anchored under the guns of Vicksburg. After sending some of their best ships to destroy the Arkan sas, and meeting signal defeat, both Union fleets gave up the siege of Vicksburg and sailed away. For sev eral months thereafter the "heroic city" was left undisturbed. Energy of the Confederates. 34. During all these months the Confederate Gov ernment had been putting forth wonderful energy. • l In the Confederate forts were 126 guns. Seventy per cent, of the Confederate guns were thirty-two-pounders and below, while sixty-three per cent, of the Union guns were of heavier caliber. As the passage was open, so that the fleet was not long under fire of the guns, the forts had no advantage over the ships. ^-Vszuf or miles $&X 1 MAP OF VICKSBURG. 170 Story of the Confederate States. A law was passed bringing into the field every man be« tween the ages of eighteen and thirty-five. Blockade runners brought in large supplies of arms from Europe, and newly-built work shops were busy making arms and ammunition. From every available point rein forcements were brought to the hard pressed Confed erate army of the West. From standing on the defen sive they prepared to assume the offensive, and advance all along the line. Brilliant successes in Virginia greatly encouraged them to this change of tactics. We will in the next chapter turn to the East and note the progress of events in that quarter. Beginning of the Virginia Campaigns. 171 CHAPTER II. FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE CAMPAIGNS OF 1862 IN VIRGINIA TO THE CLOSE OF THE CAMPAIGN OF THE SECOND MANASSAS. 1HE campaign in Virginia did not begin as early as that in the West. When McClellan Avith his great army began to advance towards Man assas (March 10th) the out-numbered Confederates, un der Joseph E. Johnston, could do nothing but retire McClellan now determined to advance upon Richmond by what he considered a shorter and better way. So he moved his army to Fortress Monroe, with the view of advancing by way of the Peninsula, as that part of Virginia lying between the York and James rivers is. called. 2 The first battle of iron-clads occurred just before the beginning of these movements of the armies.1 When the. Federal authorities abandoned the navj^-yard at Norfolk in April, 1861, they sank the Merrimae, which was at that time undergoing repairs.2 This vessel was raised by the Confederate authorities during the sum mer of 1861, and rebuilt as an iron-clad according to plans suggested by Lieutenant John M. Brooke, who had resigned from the old navy and joined that of the 1 Some battles of iron-clads have already been described in the pre vious chapter on the western campaign. But the battle between the Virginia and Monitor was the first one fought between vessels of which each was a fully equipped iron-clad. 2 At the navy-yard the Confederates captured 1,200 heavy guns, which during 1861 were distributed over all the South, and mounted on fortifi cations from the Potomac to the Mississippi. Why the Federals aban doned Norfolk and the navy-yard >*¦ is impossible to understand. ' There was certainly no need for it. Beginning of the Virginia Campaigns. 173 Confederates. The vessel when rebuilt was named the Virginia. It was not ready for service until March 8th, 1862. On that day it steamed down the Eliza beth river, and headed for Newport News. The in tention was to attack the Union fleet in Hampton Roads. 3. Right gallantly did the fleet receive the onset of the iron-plated monster. All in vain, however. After a fierce conflict, the Cumberland was sunk, the Con gress was captured and burned, the Minnesota ran aground, and the rest of the fleet Avas scattered. The Virginia waited until morning to finish the work so well begun. 4. But at daylight the men on the Virginia noticed a strange looking craft lying between their ship and the Minnesota. This proved to be Ericsson's Monitor, a vessel, little of which showed above the Avater except its revolving iron turret, armed Avith heavy rifled can non. Keeping betAveen the Minnesota and the Vir ginia, the Monitor received the attack of the latter. Though the fight of the iron-clads was a drawn battle, doing no damage to either, yet the saving of the rem nant of the Union fleet gave color to the Federal claims of victory in this second day's fight. 5. But the Virginia continued to be a terror to her foes. When on April 11th she came out again, the Monitor and the fleet kept out of the way under the protection of the guns of Fortress Monroe. One month later (May 8th) the Monitor with dwo other iron clads and a number of heavy ships began to shell the Confederate batteries at Sewell's Point. The Virginia went out and made directly for the Monitor, where upon that vessel and all the other Union vessels ceased 174 Story of the Confederate States. firing and retreated below the forts. For some hours the Virginia remained in the Roads, defiantly sailing up and down, but her foes did not venture out from under the protection of the guns of the batteries. The Peninsula Campaign. 6. McClellan's advance was delayed in front of YorktoAvn until early in May, For a time Magruder, with only 11,000 men, held him at bay, and finally the Confederate army from Manassas, under Joseph E„ Johnston, was placed in his front. When at last McClellan's greatly superior force began to move for ward the Confederates retired before him. In conse quence of their retreat Norfolk was abandoned, and the iron-clad Virginia was destroyed to prevent its falling in to the hands of the Federals. At Williams burg (May 5th) a sharp but indecisive battle occurred between Johnston's rear guard and McClellan's advance. At DreAvry's Bluff the crew of the Virginia defended Fort Darling against five Federal iron-clads completely repulsing them and thus saving Richmond from cap ture by the Union fleet.1 7. The Battle of Seven Pines or Fair Oaks was fought in consequence of the discovery by General Johnston, that part of the Federal army under Casey and Couch, was in an exposed position. The Confederates utterly defeated the Federal left at Seven Pines (May 31st), capturing their camp Avith ten cannon, 6,000 muskets and a quanity of tents and camp equipage. The Union right at Fair Oaks held its ground, thus making the 1 Tht Confederates afterwards built the James River Squadron, one of the best vessels of which was the new Virginia. This fleet bore an im portant part in the defense of Richmond. Beginning of the Virginia Campaigns. 175 battle indecisive. General Johnston was so badly wounded that he had to retire from active service for several months. On the next day (June 1st) there was some heavy fighting, the Confederates being com manded by General G. W. Smith; but nothing decisive was accomplished.1 HoAvever McClellan's advance was completely checked by this battle. General Robert E. Lee Avas now put in command of the Confederate army of Northern Virginia. Jackson's Valley Campaign. 8. When McClellan with 120,000 men began his Peninsula campaign the Federal plan of operations was that Fremont should come doAvn from the north west, Banks from the Shenandoah Valley, and Mc Dowell from Fredericksburg, thus increasing the army of McClellan by more than 60,000 men. They confi dently expected to capture Richmond and drive the Confederates out of Virginia. But Stonewall Jackson, who had been left in the Shenandoah Valley, by one of the most brilliant campaigns recorded in history, kept the co-operating armies too busy to carry out their part of the programme. 9. At the beginning of March Jackson did not have over 5,000 men of all arms for the defense of his dis- drict, which began to swarm on every side with ene- 1 The largest number closely engaged in this battle was on the first day, 21,000 on the Union side, and 18,000 on the Confederate. On the second day not more than 14,000 Union troops were engaged, and only 8,300 Confederates. The losses on the Union side were 790 killed, 3,594 wounded and 647 captured or missing — 5,031. On the Confederate side the losses were 980 killed, 4,749 wounded, and 405 missing — 6,134. Other portions of the army were under fire, but not closely engaged. . 176 Story of the Confederate States. mies outnumbering his own forces ten to one. Most men under the same circumstances would have de spaired of being able to accomplish anything against such odds, and, abandoning the district, Avould have fallen back toward Richmond. But Jackson was not like most men. 10. About the middle of March he learned that the Federals had begun to withdraw some of their troops from the Valley Avith the design of reinforcing Mc Clellan. This he resolved to stop, if possible. Mov ing forward with a little more than 3,000 men he en countered the army of Shields, 7,000 strong, near Kernstown, about four miles south of Winchester (March 23d). A fierce battle was fought, in which Jackson was repulsed. But this bold movement caused the Union authorities at Washington to greatly overesti mate his strength and to stop the withdrawal of troops from the valley, 11. So well pleased were the Richmond government and General Johnston that they sent to Jackson the division of General EAvell, raising his force to about 15,000 men. Soon after Jackson retreated to the east of the Blue Ridge through Brown's and Swift Run Gaps. General Turner Ashby with 1,000 cavalry alone remained behind, and moving from point to point kept Jackson informed of the movements of his enemies. 12. Jackson's foes and friends alike thought that he was in full retreat for Richmond. Reaching the Vir ginia Central he placed his men upon the cars. All felt gloomy at the thought of abandoning the Valley, when lo! the train moved to the westward, and in a few hours brought them to Staunton. With a part of 12 MAP OF SHENANDOAH VALLEY. 178 Story of the Confederate States. his force Jackson hastened to unite with General Edward Johnson, who was threatened with an attack by the army of Fremont advancing from Franklin. 13. Near the little village of McDowell the advance divisions of Fremont under Milroy and Schenck were encountered at Bull Pasture mountain (May 8th). After a desperate conflict the Federals were repulsed and fell back towards Franklin, with their flanks pro tected from Ashby's pursuing cavalry by the high mountains which skirted the valley through which lay their retreat. On the next morning Jackson sent the following dispatch to Richmond: "God blessed our arms with victory at McDowell yesterday." This was the first of the brilliant series of victories which have linked in undying fame the names Stonewall Jackson and Shenandoah Valley. 14. Jackson, leaving part of Ashby's cavalry under Captain Sheetz to menace Fremont near Franklin, marched with his main force down the Valley1 for the purpose of attacking Banks. That officer had the larger part of his force well fortified near Strasburg, with a detachment at Front Royal, eight miles dis tant, and facing the Luray Valley. Reaching New Market Jackson left the main valley so suddenly that friends and foes were again mystified. 15. At Front Royal (May 23d) he suddenly turned up and swooped down upon the detachment under Colonel Kenly. After a fruitless resistance the Fed erals fled, with Jackson at their heels. The Confed erate cavalry, under Colonel Flournoy and Lieutenant- Colonel Watts, captured great numbers of them. Gen- 1 As the Shenandoah river flows northward, " down the Valley" means northward, Beginning of the Virginia Campaigns. 179 eral Banks at Strasburg hearing of Kenly's over throw, began a rapid retreat upon Winchester. 16. At Newtown Jackson struck his flank (May 24th), capturing many prisoners and much spoil. At Winchester Banks attempted to make a stand, but, after a sharp engagement with Ewell's division (May 25th), he fled again. As the pursuing Confederates pushed on through Winchester the ladies of that patriotic little city, regardless of the bullets which still occasionally fell around them, rushed from the houses into the streets, greeting Avith delight their Southern friends. To Jackson's men it Avas a glorious day. 17. Banks continued his retreat across the Potomac, and then sent a dispatch congratulating his govern ment that he at last had his army safe in Maryland. Jackson then advanced to Harper's Ferry, and threat ened the force there under General Saxton with an assault, staying long enough to allow the rich spoils captured at Winchester to be sent away toward Staun ton. Then he returned to Winchester. 18. Banks's defeat caused great consternation at Washington. Fremont and Shields were ordered to unite their forces and cut off Jackson's escape. Gen eral Imboden, who had been ordered by Jackson to secure the gaps giving Fremont the nearest approach to the Confederate rear, performed his part so well that Fremont's advance did not reach Strasburg until Jackson bad passed. But Shields was marching upon Jackson from another direction, and the Federals were confident that they would " bag " him. But the skillful Confederate passed between the converging armies and escaped. 180 Story of the Confederate States. 19. As the Confederates retired before their pur suers the cavalry, under the dashing Ashby, were ever impeding the Federal advance. This knightly Vir ginian, always in the front of battle, fell in a skirmish near Harrisonburg (June 6th) 20. At Cross Keys Jackson turned upon Fremont (June 8th), and after a long and bloody conflict re mained master of the field. Leaving one division under Ewell to watch Fremont, Jackson with the rest of the army marched to Port Republic, on the Shen andoah river, to meet Shields. Here he gained the crowning victory of the campaign, attacking the ad vance of the Federals under Tyler, and driving them completely from the field. Fremont, hearing the noise of the battle, attempted to go to the rescue of Shields; but Ewell, after delaying him for some time, succeeded in getting across the river and burning the bridges. When Fremont came in sight of the battle-field the Federals had already been routed, and it was impos sible for him to get across the river to assist his friends. Two days later Fremont and Shields succeeded in join ing their forces, but not as victors. By the third day after the battle of Port Republic they were retreating to Luray Valley, where they could better protect Wash ington from the dreaded advance of Stonewall Jackson.1 1 In this wonderful campaign Jackson's maximum strength was never more than 17,000. The lowest Union estimate of their forces in the Val ley, including the troops at Harper's Ferry, is 52,000. But these are not all that could have been brought against Jackson. In the three depart ments of Fremont, Banks and McDowell, there were 80,000 men that could have been united against Jackson but were not. That Jackson was able to so far out-general them as to strike his enemy in almost every instance with superior numbers shows matchless skill. The total Union loss was 4,609, of whom 3,199 were captured. Jackson's total loss was 1,878, of whom only 232 were captured or missing. Beginning of the Virginia Campaigns. 181 21. General Lee, who was now in command of the Confederate army at Richmond, had sent Whiting's division to reinforce Jackson, and at his suggestion the Richmond papers had announced that Lee was sending men enough to the Valley to enable Jackson to advance upon Washington. Lee's design was to so mystify the Federal Government and its commanders as to bring Jackson to himself without their finding it out, and thus defeat McClellan before the other Union armies could march to his assistance. In Jack son Lee had a man who knew well how to carry out this plan. Sending Imboden with a small force of infantry and cavalry to keep up a clatter in the neigh borhood of Fremont and Shields, and thus make them expect his own advance, Jackson on the 17th of June began his march for Richmond. The Seven Days' Battles. 22. Stuart's ride around McClellan was made between the time of the battle of Port 'Republic and the begin ning of Jackson's movement toward Richmond. In this daring raid Stuart made the entire circuit of Mc Clellan's army, bringing in prisoners and booty and much important information. Lee Avas now ready, so soon as Jackson should join him, to strike the blow which he had been preparing for from the time that he took command of the Army of Northern Virginia. 23. The Attack Begins. — About two hours before sun set on the 26th of June Jackson's signal guns an nounced to General A. P. Hill that he had reached the outposts on the Union right. Hill had already crossed the Chickahominy near Meadow Bridge. As he and D. H. Hill advanced the whole plateau about 182 Story of the Confederate States. Mechanicsville was yielded to the Confederates, and the Federals retired behind Beaver Dam Creek, which was strongly fortified. The brigades of Ripley and Pender assaulted this strong position just at dark, but were repulsed. 24. Gaines's Mill and Cold Harbor. — Next morning, as the Confederates advanced, the whole Federal line fell back to Gaines's Mill and New Cold Harbor. The iMpi mmmm. SCENE IN THE CHICKAHOMINY SWAMP. entire Union army before Richmond numbered at this time 105,000 effectives, of whom about 40,000 were under General Fitz John Porter, behind Powhite Creek, in the fortified lines at Gaines's Mill and Cold Harbor, and on the north side of the Chickahominy river. On the south side of that stream was Mc Clellan with the greater part of the Union army. The Confederate army, including the reinforcements under Jackson, numbered about 80,000 effectives. Of Beginning of the Virginia Campaigns. 183 this number Lee led 50,000 to attack Porter's position, and left Magruder with the balance to prevent Mc Clellan's advance upon Richmond. 25. As the Confederates under Lee advanced, A. P. Hill first struck the Federal line; then Longstreet came into action. Jackson, with his own troops and those of D. H. Hill, formed the Confederate left, and advanced to turn the Union right, while Whiting's division was sent by Jackson to the help of Longstreet, on the Confederate right and opposite Porter's left center. From early in the afternoon until nearly sun down the Confederates made charge after charge only to be repulsed. On the success of their attack hung the fate of Richmond, and it seemed as though the day was about to go against them. Just as the sun Avas setting the whole Confederate line from right to left swept forward in one grand charge. On the Con federate right Whiting's division, consisting of Law's and Hood's brigades, with trailed arms and without firing, rushed forward down a slope and towards a ravine opposite that part of the Union line.1 At every step the Federal artillery tore great gaps in their ranks. But swiftly and silently they swept on. As they approached the ravine and saw the desperate nature of the work before them they answered with a wild yell the roar of the Union musketry, and rushed for the works, sweeping out the first Federal line, which, in its flight, carried with it the second line also. On the extreme Confederate left the troops of D. H. Hill also out-flanked and broke the Union right, and 1 Law's Brigade embraced the Second and Eleventh Mississippi, the Fourth Alabama, and the Sixth North Carolina. Hood led into the charge the Fourteenth Texas and Eighteenth Georgia. 184 Story of the Confederate States. the whole Confederate line, from one end to the other, moving forward in a resistless charge, occupied the Federal intrenchments, and the hard-fought field was won.1 26. Meanwhile, on the south side of the Chickahom iny, General Magruder had so skillfully performed his part that he kept each of the Union corps commanders in momentary expectation of attack, and thus not only prevented McClellan from advancing upon Richmond, but also kept him from sending reinforcements to Porter. Thus Porter was overwhelmed, and the de cisive Confederate victory of Gaines's Mill (or Cold Harbor) compelled McClellan to give up the siege of Richmond. 27. McClellan's retreat to the James was marked by the battles of Savage's Station (June 29th), Frazer's Farm and White Oak Swamp (June 30th), and Mal vern Hill (July 1st). The last-named battle was fought with great desperation on both sides. It began late in the afternoon, and lasted until the darkness prevented farther fighting. The Confederates were repulsed, but remained close to the Federal works with the intention of renewing the battle in the morn ing. During the night some of Jackson's officers ex pressed the opinion that in the morning McClellan would assume the aggressive. " No," replied Jackson, " I think he will clear out in the morning." The Federals were gone before morning, and OAving to the belief that Longstreet and A. P. Hill were making a march between Malvern Hill and Harrison's Land ing, this retreat was attended with much disorder. 1 In this grand charge were engaged troops from every Southern State, from Virginia to Texas. MAP OP NORTHERN VIRGINIA. 186 Story ok the Confederate States. Wagons were abandoned by the Federals, who also threw away knapsacks, cartridge-boxes, clothing and rifles by the thousand. 28. The result of the Seven Days' Battles was a complete Confederate victory. Lee had attacked his enemy heavily intrenched, and had driven him to the shelter of his gunboats, capturing from him 52 cannon, more than 35,000 small arms, an immense amount of army stores, and ten thousand prisoners, of whom over six thousand were unwounded. The siege of Richmond was raised and the discouragement at the North was as great as after +he baVfcle of Manassas. President Lincoln issued a call for 300,000 more men.1 Campaign of the Second Manassag (Bull Run.) 29. On the very day that Lee V/ric fight! ig the battle of Gaines's Mill or (Cold Harbor]) General John Pope, who had made some reputation in tho \/est, took com mand of the defeated armies of Banks, Fremont and Shields, and uniting them into one force, began to make ready for an advance upon Richmond. Before Pope's army could be concentrated, the decisive defeat of McClellanJaefore Richmond compelled an alteration 1 According to the official records "the effective force of the Union army in these battles was 105,000." McClellan reports his losses as follows: 1,734 killed, 8,062 wounded, and 6,053 captured or missing — 15,849. Other authorities put the Union loss at 20,000, and this is probably nearer the correct figures. President Lincoln visited the army at Harrison's Land ing and found 86,000 men there. Thousands of McClellan's wounded fell into the hands of the Confederates and were counted by them as among their prisoners. The Confederate records are imperfect, many of them being lost at the evacuation of Richmond in 1865. As near as can be ascertained Lee's effective force in these battles was 80,000. His losses were 3,286 killed, 15,909 wounded, and 940 captured or missing — 20,135. As the Confederates in every instance attacked strongly entrenched lines, their losses in killed and wounded were much heavier than those of the Federals. u> H M O gc TTACK ON FORT SUMTER BA7 THE MONITOR FLEET. Early Military Operations of 1863. 235 the grand naval attack, from which so much had been expected, came to naught.1 16. Fort McAllister. — Previous to this great battle in Charleston Harbor the Federals had made three sep arate attacks on Fort McAllister at Genesis Point on the Ogeechee river below Savannah, Georgia. The first of these was on February 1st, 1863, when the monitor Montauk, accompanied by three gun- boats and a mortar boat, approached within a short distance of the work and opened fire. After a four-hours' fight the monitor and its companions drew off defeated. Another attack was made on this fort (February 28th) by four iron-clad gunboats under Commodore Worden, and still another on March 3d by four ironclads and three mortar schooners, commanded by Admiral Du Pont.2 The Union vessels were repulsed on each oc casion, and after that saved their ammunition by let ting Fort McAllister alone.3 17. These many successes of the Confederates in the first months of 1863 added greatly to their confidence and produced a corresponding depression in the feel ings of the Federals. 1 Admiral Du Pont's own statement See " Battles and Leaders of the Civil War," vol. IV., page 40. 2 Though repulsed by the fort on February 28th, the Union fleet suc ceeded in burning the Confederate steamer Nashville, which was anchored near by. a In one of these attacks a bursting bomb tore up the earth to such an extent as to cover up completely one of the gunners. The man scram bled out from under the earth that had been heaped upon him like a mound, wiped the sand from his mouth and called out "All quiet along the Ogeechee to-day.'' 236 Story of the Confederate States. CHAPTER II. CHANCELLORSVILLE AND GETTYSBURG. C H ANCELLORS VILLE . FTER his disastrous defeat at Fredericksburg Burnside was relieved and General Joseph Hooker was put in command of the Union Army of the Potomac. This new commander went diligently to work to reorganize the Federal army and to bring it to a high state of discipline and efficiency. By the last of April Hooker was ready to begin his campaign. He was a favorite with his soldiers, who called him " Fighting Joe." The army with which he advanced numbered 132,000 effectives and had with it 404 cannon.1 2. Lee still occupied the heights around Fredericks burg with 60,000 effectives and 170 cannon. Hooker had no intention of attacking the Confederates in this strong position, but decided to move to their left. In order to mask his real design Hooker sent a force of 10,000 cavalry under General Stoneman to operate upon Lee's communications with Richmond, and sent General Sedgwick to take position just below Freder icksburg. Then, with the balance of his army, he crossed the Rappahannock, and by the afternoon of April 30, with four corps, he occupied the position 1 Before Hooker was ready for this advance he had sent General Ave rill across the Rappahannock at Kelley's Ford with a strong body of cav alry. Fitz. Lee encountered this force and Stuart came to his assistance when Averill was defeated and compelled to recross the river. In this flght Major Pelham, the boy artillerist, was killed. Lee always spoke of him as the gallant Pelham Chancellorsville. 237 around Chancellorsville,1 ten miles southwest of Fred ericksburg. 3. Hooker was so delighted with the progress made up to this time that he issued an address to his troops, in which he said: "The operations of the last three days have determined that our enemy must either in- gloriously fly or come out from his defenses and give us battle on our own ground, where cer tain destruction awaits him." To some of his officers Hooker remarked: "The Confederate army is now the legitimate property of the Army of the Potomac. They may as well pack up their haversacks and make for Richmond, | and I shall be after them." 4. Lee's position was indeed a critical one. wick was in front of his lines at Fredericksburg with 30,000 men, Hooker with 90,000 was on his flank at Chancellorsville, and Stoneman with 10,000 cavalry was marching to intercept his retreat upon Richmond, 1 Chancellorsville was not a town or village, but simply a farm house with the usual buildings, situated at the edge of a small field, surrounded by a dense thicket,' which extends for miles in every direction, and from its wild aspect has been called the Wilderness. GENERAL JOSEPH HOOKER. Sedg- 238 Story of the Confederate States. Longstreet was absent in Southeast Virginia with 15,- 000 men, and it was impossible to bring him to his aid in time. Thus, with barely 60,000 men of all arms, he must thwart and beat back the vast host that was trying to overthrow him. 5. Leaving Early with his division, Barksdale's bri gade, and the reserve artillery under General Pendle ton, 9,000 men in all, to watch and fight Sedgwick, he LEE AND JACKSON PLANNING THE BATTLE OF CHANCELLORSVILLE. marched with the balance of his force to do what Hooker never imagined he would do — attack the Federal army. The very boldness of this move dis concerted Hooker. He had sent forward General Sykes who encountered McLaws and Anderson and was driven back. Though Couch Avith Hancock and War ren had moved to Sykes's support, Hooker became uneasy and ordered his whole line back to Chancel- Chancellorsville. 239 lorsville, giving up to Lee the ridges, whose crests that general quickly seized and crowned with his artillery. Thus Hooker lost his opportunity, and his army was thrown upon the defensive in a position where its superior numbers could not be used to the best advan tage. Lee had outgeneraled him at the very outset. 6. Lee resolved to strengthen his position so as to keep Hooker in check, while Jackson, with 22,000 men, should march to the rear of the Federal position by a road sufficiently remote to prevent discovery. General Stuart was to cover the movement with his cavalry. Early on the morning of May 2d, Jackson's column was in motion, and after making a circuit of fifteen miles reached the desired position. At one time during the day a part of Jackson's column was seen by some of the Federal officers and the fact was reported to Hooker Avho concluded that Lee was re treating towards Gordonsville. He accordingly sent part of Sickles's corps and Pleasanton's cavalry to gain information, but Colonel Thompson Brown, with his battalion of artillery, supported by Jackson's rear guard, not only checked the Federals near Catharine Furnace, but also kept them in uncertainty as to the real movements of the Southern troops. 7. When Jackson had reached the desired point, he rode forward with General Fitzhugh Lee and obtained such a view of the enemy (Howard's Eleventh corps) as to show him that the Federals were all unconscious of the thunderbolt about to fall upon their heads. Returning to his troops Jackson formed Rodes's divis ion in the front line, Colston's in the second, and A. P. Hill's in the third. Then at about 6 o'clock in the afternoon (May 2d) turning to Rodes, Jackson 240 Story of the Confederate States. asked, "Are you ready?" "Yes, sir," said Rodes, eager for the fray. "You can go forward then," said Jackson. Suddenly the woods rang with the bugle call, which was answered from right to left along the line. Then the skirmishers sprang forward, followed by the eager line of battle, whose enthusiastic " Rebel yell" re-echoed through the forest for miles around.1 8. Howard's corps, taken completely by surprise, was routed and communicated its panic to the troops through which it passed. Jackson's men pressed on, routing line after line until the close of day. After his troops had halted Jackson went forward to recon noitre, when his party was mistaken in the darkness for a party of Federal scouts and fired upon by the Confederates. The first volley killed some of his at tendants and the second Avounded Jackson himself. As he was about to be borne from the field General Pender expressed fears of not being able to hold his advanced position. " You must hold your ground, General Pender! you must hold your ground, sir!" replied Jackson. And this was. his last order upon the battle-field. 9. Early on the next morning the Confederates re newed the attack. Stuart led Jackson's men, every where conspicuous in the thickest of the fight, singing as he led the charging columns, "Old Joe Hooker, will you get out of the Wilderness? " McLaws and Ander son with their divisions supported him. Hooker had restored order during the night, and the Federals fought bravely until 10 o'clock. Then they gave way at every point before the onward rush of the Confede- 1 See Rev. James Power Smith's accou.it of " Stonewall Jackson's Las* Battle," in Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, vol. iii. 16 JACKSON ATTACKING THE RIGHT WING AT CHANCELLORSVILLE. [241] 242 Story of the Confederate States. rates led on by the leaders already named, nobly sec onded by Rodes, Heth, Doles, Pender and others. General Lee accompanied the troops in person, and as they emerged from the tangled Wilderness in which they had been fighting, driving the enemy before them, he appeared in their midst. His presence was greeted with " One long, unbroken cheer, in which the feeble cry of those who lay helpless on the earth blended with the strong voices of those who still fought, rose high above the roar of battle and hailed the presence of the victorious chief."1 10. While these events were transpiring at Chancel lorsville, Early had detained Sedgwick at Fredericks burg until the 3d, when that general, by a determined attack, drove Early back, carried Marye's Hill, and marched towards Chancellorsville. Lee being in formed of what had happened, sent Wilcox with his brigade, who checked Sedgwick at Salem Church until McLaws and Anderson could come up. Lee, leaving his other generals to look after Hooker, went to meet Sedgwick, against whom he directed a combined at tack by McLaws and Anderson in front and Early in the rear. Sedgwick was defeated, and driven back across the Rappahannock (May 4th). Next day Lee gathered all his troops in Hooker's front for the pur pose of giving him the finishing blow; but the Fed eral general, under cover of a dark and stormy night, effected his retreat. Thus the series of battles around Chancellorsville ended in a most astonishing victory for the Confederates. •Address of Colonel Charles Marshall at a soldiers' memorial meeting in Baltimore. Chancellorsville. 243 11- But the joy of the victors was turned into mourning by the loss of Stonewall Jackson. At first his Avound was not supposed to be mortal; but pneumonia set in, and on May 10th, at a quarter past GENERAL " STONEWALL" JACKSON. 3 p. m., he breathed his last. A short while before his death he aroused from a state of unconsciousness, and " spoke out very cheerfully and distinctly the beautiful sentence which has become immortal as his last: 'Let us cross over the river, and rest under the 244 Story of the Confederate States. shade of the trees.' " 1_2 General Howard, of the Union army, after describing the rout of his corps by Jack son at Chancellorsville, says: "'Stonewall' Jackson was victorious. Even his enemies praise him; but, providentially for us, it was the last battle that he waged against the American Union. For, in bold planning, in energy of execution, which he had the power to diffuse, in indefatigable activity and moral ascendancy, Jackson stood head and shoulders above his confreres, and after his death General Lee could not replace him." Gettysburg. 12. After their great victory at Chancellorsville the Confederates returned to their old quarters at Freder icksburg. The month of May was spent in recruiting and reorganizing. The infantry of the army Avas noAV formed into three corps of three divisions each. The first corps was commanded by Lieutenant-General James C. Longstreet, the second by Lieutenant-General Richard S. Ewell, and the third by Lieutenant-General Ambrose P. Hill. 13. By the first of June the Army of Northern Vir ginia Avas the best disciplined, the best organized and the most high-spirited army that had ever been seen on American soil. The successful campaigns through which it had recently passed had inspired it Avith such 1 " Life of Stonewall Jackson," by his wife. z According to the official returns, the Union army at Chancellorsville numbered 132,000 men. Its losses wore 1,606 killed, 9,762 wounded, 5,919 captured or missing— 17,287. The Confederate army numbered about 60,000. Its losses were 1,649 killed, 9,106 wounded, and 1,708 captured or missing — 12,463. Besides those mentioned as captured from the Union army thousands of wounded fell into the hands of the Confederates, who also captured thirteen cannon, and 20,000 small arms. Gettysburg. 245 ardor and enthusiasm that it felt capable of doing almost anything. 14. General Lee did not believe in sitting down quietly and waiting the movements of his enemy. He believed that the best way to defend Richmond was to so employ his army as to keep the Federals alarmed for the safety of their own capital and coun try. He believed that an advance into Pennsylvania would, if it accom plished no other good, prevent an other advance against Richmond for that year at least. General A. L. Long, at one time his military secretary, says that Lee had no idea of going to Philadelphia, but that he hoped, that if the Federal army could be decisively defeated somewhere in the vicinity of Gettysburg, the Confederates might get possession of Maryland, besides making a diver sion in favor of their Western Department, where the affairs of the Confederacy were on the decline.1 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL R. S EWELL. 1 Grant was at this time pressing the siege of Vicksburg, which was in great danger. 246 Story op the Confederate States. 15. Early in June Lee's army began to move. Hooker, uncertain as to Lee's intentions, sent General Pleasanton across the Rappahannock to get informa tion as to the movements and position of the Confed erates. At Fleetwood, near Brandy station, Pleasanton encountered Stuart (June 9th), and the greatest cavalry battle of the war took place. After several hours hard fighting the Federals Avere forced to recross the river, leaving three of their cannon as trophies to the Confederates.1 16. When Hooker ascertained that Lee was actually moving northward, and that there Avere but few troops in Richmond, he proposed to the Federal authorities that he should be allowed to march at once upon that city, but they were too uneasy about Washington to consent to Hooker's proposition. 17. Meanwhile EAvell, with his corps, leaving Brandy Station (June 10th), reached Cedarville two days later, whence he sent Rodes and Jenkins to capture Martins burg, while he, with Early's and Edward Johnson's divisions marched directly upon Winchester. On June 14th Ewell captured Winchester and Rodes cap tured Martinsburg. These brilliant operations resulted in the expulsion of the Federals from the Valley, the capture of 4,000 prisoners and their arms, 28 pieces of superior artillery, 300 Avagons and as many horses, and a large amount of all sorts of military stores. The entire Confederate loss was 47 killed, 219 wounded, and three missing. On the 23d of June Ewell, with the advance of Lee's army, crossed the Potomac. 1 1n this affair there were 10,981 Federals. The Confederate cavalry under Stuart numbered 10,292, but all were not present in the flght. The Union loss was 907, of whom 421 were killed and wounded. The Con federate loss was 485, of whom 301 were killed and wounded. Gettysburg. 247 18. On that very day General Lee wrote a letter to President Davis urging him to gather all troops that could be spared from the Carolinas and Georgia and place them at Culpeper under the command of Gen eral Beauregard, believing that the presence of that officer would give magnitude even to a small demon stration. On the 25th he wrote again to Mr. Davis urging the same views, but the Confederate President did not see how he could do this with the troops at his disposal. 19. On the 24th of June Longstreet and Hill followed EAvell, and three days later reached Chambersburg. It was expected that General Stuart would give notice whenever the Federal army should cross the Potomac. But that officer had unfortunately moved in a direc tion which made it impossible for him to keep Lee as well posted as usual. Orders were therefore issued to move upon Harrisburg. Ewell's corps moved to exe cute these orders. Two of his divisions, Rodes's and Johnson's, entered Carlisle, while Early occupied York, and sent Gordon's1 brigade to get possession of the bridge across the Susquehanna at Wrightsville. But the bridge was burned by some Federal cavalry, and Gordon's men aided the citizens to save the town from the flames. Lee had given strict orders that there should be no pillaging, and that his soldiers should not annoy the inhabitants in any way. These orders were strictly obeyed. The conduct of the Con federates in Pennsylvania was in striking contrast to that of the Federals in Virginia. 1 General John B. Gordon, a Georgian, had entered the army as a cap tain in an Alabama regiment. He had now risen to the rank of briga dier-general 248 Story of the Confederate States. 20. The Union army had now crossed the Potomac, and was moving into Pennsylvania for the purpose of encountering Lee. On account of a disagreement be tween Halleck and Hooker, the latter requested to be relieved of the command. His request was granted, and Major-General George G. Meade was placed in command of the army moving against Lee. MAP SHOWING POSITION OF TROOPS THE FIRST DAY AT GETTYSBURG. 21. The First Day.— Lee recalled Ewell's corps, and proceeded to concentrate his army for battle. On the morning of July 1st, as Hill was advancing toward Gettysburg with the divisions of Heth and Pender, his skirmishers encountered Buford's dismounted Gettysburg. 249 troopers. Archer, commanding one of Heth's bri gades, pushed on too far, when Federal reinforcements coming up, overwhelmed him, capturing Archer him self and several of his men. Heth formed for battle, and, being joined by Pender, moved forward, pressing back the Union troops, breaking two of their lines and advancing against the third. These two divisions were now engaged with the two corps of John F. Rey nolds and Howard. Just as the fight Avas at its height General Reynolds was killed. Ewell came up at an opportune moment with Rodes's division, and Early soon afterwards joined him. Then the whole Confed erate line advanced. The Federals were routed and driven through Gettysburg with the loss of more than 5,000 prisoners, exclusive of the wounded. Two briga dier-generals Avere among the captured. The Confed erates also captured three of their cannon and several colors. The Confederates had gained a brilliant suc cess. The defeated troops retreated to Cemetery Hill, where they found reinforcements. General Lee did not wish to bring on a general engagement until his Avhole army was up. He sent word to hasten the march of Longstreet's corps. 22. The Second Day — Lee wished to attack as soon after daylight as possible, before all of Meade's troops could get up. But all the dispositions for attack were not made until 4 p. m. Had the attack been begun as Lee intended, it would have struck the Federals before their whole force was concentrated, and judging from what was accomplished when the attack was made, must have resulted in a decisive success for the Con federates. In the battle of the 2d Longstreet's blow fell mainly upon Sickles's corps, which was driven 250 Story of the Confederate States. from its position with heavy loss, its commander be ing severely wounded.1 Hood tried to seize Little Round Top, but failed, though he did capture part of the line assailed. McLaws was also in part successful. Wilcox's, Wrights and Perry's brigades pressed up close to the Federal line. Wright broke through and seized the Union batteries, but not being supported was driven back. "At the close of the day the Con federates held the base of the Round Tops, Devil's Den, its woods, and the Emmettsburg road, with skirmishers thrown out as far as the Trostle House; the Federals had the Round Tops, the Plum Run Line and Cemetery Ridge." 2 Horace Greeley, in his American Conflict, says that the ground on which Reynolds had fallen was now in the centre of the Con federate army. " They held that also on which How ard had been cut up, and that from which Sickles had been driven in disorder. True they also had lost heavily, but they had reason for their hope that the morrow's triumph Avould richly repay all their losses."3 23. The Third Day — Lee says in his report: "The re sult of this day's (July 2d) operations induced the belief that with proper concert of action, and with the increased support that the positions gained on the right Avould enable the artillery to render the assault ing column, we should ultimately succeed, and it was accordingly determined to continue the attack." The general plan of battle was the same as on the second. 1 The Confederates lost in this fight Generals Barksdale, Pender and Semmes. "Account of the Becond day at Gettysburg by the Union General Hunt in Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, vol. 3. 3 In the battle of the second day the Confederates had captured four cannon, several hundred prisoners and two regimental flags. Gettysburg. 251 General Longstreet, who had been reinforced by Pickett's division, Avas ordered to attack next morning, and General Ewell was to assail the Federal right at the same time. General Longstreet was not ready as soon as had been hoped. The consequence was that POSITION OS TROOPS THE SECOND AND THIRD DAYS. General Edward Johnson of Ewell's corps, who had captured part of the works on the Union right, was, after a fight which lasted several hours, obliged to re tire to his original line. Lee now changed his plan of assault. The Union center presented a weak point, 252 Story of the Confederate States. upon which an attack could be made with a reasonable hope of success. Lee determined to attack at this point. Longstreet was to conduct the assault, while Hill and Ewell Avere to support him. One hundred and forty- five cannon were massed to cover the advance of the attacking column. After one of the most terrific and prolonged cannonades ever witnessed, the assaulting column consisting of Pickett's division, supported on the left by that of Heth under Pettigrew, and Scales's and Lane's brigades under Trimble, and on the right by Wilcox's brigade of Anderson's diAdsion, appeared from behind the ridge, and marching over the crest, descended into the depression which separated the two armies. A thrill of admiration ran through the Union army as this magnificent array of fifteen thousand men moved onward with the steadiness of a review. Then they opened upon the attacking column such a withering fire that the Confederates, after breasting the pitiless storm for a great part of the distance recoiled and fell back, with the exception of Pickett's division, who continued the charge alone. The divisions of Hood and McLaws had not been sent forward, and were not near enough to lend their aid at the critical moment. Yet the gallant Virginians rushed forward, broke through the Federal lines, and with shouts of victory planted their banners on the captured guns. Now was the time for their supports to rush in and secure the triumph so bravely won. But Heth's divi sion had not been able to force its way, and the other supports were too far off to be of timely aid. From every side the Federals rushed upon Pickett's men, who at last were compelled to retire, leaving the greater part of their number killed, wounded or prisoners. [ 253 J 254 Story Of the Confederate States. The great attack had failed, but Pickett had made one of the grandest charges recorded in history.1 24. Lee took all the blame of the failure upon him self, but his soldiers never have looked upon it that way. Every officer upon the field exerted himself to restore order, and the men of all the commands so promptly obeyed that the Avhole line was soon estab lished. General Meade has been blamed for not making a counter-attack upon Lee. But General Henry J. Hunt, chief of artillery of the Union army, bears testimony to the fact that it was in no condition to attempt such a thing. Other Union officers also state that an attack by the Federals would have resulted in disaster to them. 25. Some have criticised Lee for attacking Meade at all in his strong position, and suggested many moves that he might have made that they think would have been better. The same General Hunt who has been quoted before says: "A battle was a ne cessity to Lee, and a defeat would be more disastrous to Meade, and less so to himself at Gettysburg than at any point east of it. With the defiles of the South Mountain Range close in his rear, which could be easily held by a small force, a safe retreat through the Cumber land Valley was assured. It is more probable that Gen eral Lee Avas influenced by cool calculation of this na ture than by hot blood, or that the opening success of a chance battle had thrown him off his balance."2 1 Of Pickett's three brigade commanders, General Armistead and R. B. Garnett were killed, and General Kemper was badly wounded. 2 Meaning the first day's battle at Gettysburg. " The battle of Get tysburg closed with a sharp but indecisive cavalry combat, participated in by the brigades of Wade Hampton, B. H. Robertson, Fitzhugh and W. H. F. Lee, A. G. Jenkins, and W. E. Jones, all under the command of Stuart." Gettysburg; 255 A decisive victory at Gettysburg would probably have secured Southern independence, and thus have saved to the South the blood and suffer ing of near ly two years more, Avith final de feat. With such a pros pect in view it was worth the risk. x 26. Any thing short of a decis ive victory while in theenemy's co untry amounted to a decis ive defeat under the circumstances which surrounded Lee. It would be very difficult for him to procure supplies, and fresh Federal troops might be sent to cut off his army from the fords of the Potomac. He 'The maximum of Meade's army at Gettysburg was 101,679, of which 93,500 were engaged. Its losses were 3,072 killed, 14,497 wounded, and 5,434 captured — 23,003. Some 1,500 of the wounded were paroled by the Confederates. The Confederate army numbered 70,000 of all arms. Its losses were 2,592 killed, 12,709 wounded, and 5,150 captured— 20,451. Of the wounded 6,802 fell into the hands of the Federals. MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE E. PICKETT. 256 Story of the Confederate States. remained at Gettysburg during the 4th, waiting to see if Meade Avould attack, and feeling perfectly able to repel any assault. All that day the Confederates busied themselves in burying their dead, and in mov ing such of their wounded as were in a condition to be moved. On the night of the 4th the Confederate army began to retire, but the rear of the column did not leave Gettysburg until after daylight on the 5th. The Confederate wagon and ambulance train had been sent ahead of the army under the escort of General Imboden, Avho also had in charge nearly 5,000 pris oners. Lee's army retired by way of Fairfield, and so managed that Meade was obliged in following to make a circuitous march through the loAver passes. This makes manifest the strategic advantage to Lee and disadvantage to Meade of Gettysburg. The Union general could not pursue to advantage. 27. Early on the morning of the 6th, at Williams- port General Imboden received ne\vs that 7,000 Federal cavalry under Buford and Kilpatrick were advancing to attack him. Imboden had but 2,100 men. He increased his strength by organizing 700 Avagoners into companies of a hundred men each under the command of wounded line officers, quarter masters and commissaries. He had with him also eight guns of the famous Washington Artillery of New Orleans, under the command of Major Eshleman. With this force he held the Federal cavalry in check until Fitzhugh Lee came up from one side and Stuart from the other. Then the Union troopers were routed and chased for several miles. From the gallant con duct of the Confederate wagoners on this occasion, this has been called the "Wagoner's Fight." Gettysburg. 257 28. On the 7th of July the Confederate army reached the Potomac. Finding the river so much swollen that the trains with the wounded and prison ers could not be got across, Lee took up a position ex tending from Williamsport to Falling Waters, and waited for the sub siding of the river and the construction of bridges. When Meade appeared be fore this position he called a council of his officers, who de clared that the Con federate position was too strong to be at tacked. Lee's sol diers were eager for battle, confident of retrieving their re pulse at Gettysburg. Meade did not at tack but fortified his own position. On the night of the 1 3th, Lee withdrew his army across the Potomac into Virginia without serious interruption by the Federals.1 29. In this whole campaign the Confederates had captured 38 cannon. The Federals had captured 1 A sad loss was sustained, however, in the death of the brave General Pettigrew, who received his mortal wound in a skirmish with some Federal cavalry. 17 ,. i I.jsafr -«d 1 ' ' I \ fy f^^^^ "1 * - ':.:¦ . Wk W? " £ t t. ..'_. . -$^7. jg- ¦, ¦ " ' ¦ ;. ,, — - GENERAL W. H. F. LEE. 258 Story of the Confederate States. no cannon in battle, but had secured three guns which got stuck in the mud and were abandoned at the crossing of the Potomac. The Southerners had failed at Gettysburg ; but, as the Union General Hunt says, " Right gallantly did they act their part, and their failure carried no discredit with it. Their military honor was not tarnished by their defeat, nor their spirit lowered, but their respect for their opponents was restored to what it had been before Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville." 30. The Confederate army retreated at its leisure. On the 23d of July it was still near Winchester. When Meade at last advanced toAvard Culpeper Court house, Lee moved rapidly southward passing entirely around Meade's right flank, and appeared in front of the Union army, when it again looked across the Rap pahannock. Notwithstanding the failure at Gettys burg Lee's army had lost none of its spirit. Its con fidence in itself and its leader was unabated. But the Confederacy had been struck an almost fatal blow in the West. This was the capture of Vicksburg by the army under Grant on the same day that Lee was pre paring to retreat from Gettysburg (July 4th, 1863) = We shall read about this in our next chapter. Vicksburg. 259 CHAPTER III. vicksburg, chickamauga, chattanooga and mission ary ridge. Vicksburg. jEVERAL attempts to capture Vicksburg and their failure have already been mentioned. Near the 1st of February, 1863, General Grant appeared before Vicksburg. An immense Union fleet under Porter occupied the river, and Grant concentrated a large army on the Louisiana shore. During the next two months he made repeated attempts to capture the city. 2. His first attempt by Williams's Canal was a fail ure. Then came an expedition by Lake Providence and Bayou Macon, which was defeated by natural dif ficulties. Next an expedition was sent by way of Yazoo Pass, which was stopped by Fort Pemberton. This was a fort made of cotton bales by Captain P. Robinson of the Confederate States Engineers. It was situated on the overflowed bottom-lands of the Tallahatchie and Yallabusha rivers, near their junction. Here General Loring, with three cannon and 1,500 men, defeated a fleet and land force. In the hottest of the fight Loring stood upon the cotton-bale para pet and shouted to his men, " Give them blizzards, boys ! give them blizzards ! " From this time his men nicknamed him " Old Blizzards." The last of these flanking expeditions was led by General Sher man and Admiral Porter by way of Steele's Bayou to 260 Story of the Confederate States. reach the Sunflower and Yazoo rivers above Haynes's Bluff. This, too, was a failure. 3. Grant then adopted a bold plan. This was to send his army down the west bank of the Mississippi //.£ AN "INTELLIGENT CONTRABAND." River to a point opposite Grand Gulf, and to have his transports run past the Vicksburg batteries to the same point. His design was to cross the Mississippi below Grand Gulf, and, moving up from that point, attack Vicksburg from the rear. At the same time a force under General Sherman was again threatening Haines's Bluff, and the Union General Grierson was on a very destructive raid with a large cavalry force in Northern Mississippi. Most of Pemberton's cav- Vicksburg. 261 airy had been sent to Bragg at Tullahoma, and the rest of it was looking after Grierson. Thus he could not ascertain any thing about the movements of the Union army. 4. Before Pemberton could determine which was the real point of attack Grant had silenced the batteries at Grand Gulf and passed that point with his fleet. On the 30th of April he crossed the river at Bruins- burg. Then he marched rapidly forward, defeated Bowen at Port Gibson (May 1st) and Gregg at Ray mond (May 12th). Two days later Sherman captured the city of Jackson. The evening before the capture of Jackson General Joseph E. Johnston had sent the same dispatch by three different messengers to Pem berton, directing him to fall upon Sherman's rear. One of the messengers was a Union man, who had been expelled from Memphis by the Union General Hurlbut for uttering disloyal sentiments. But the ex pelled man and Hurlbut understood each other. The whole thing was a sham to deceive the Confederates. The expelled man was received into favor by them and was one of Johnston's messengers on this occasion. Instead of taking the dispatch direct to Pemberton, he took it first to the Union General McPherson. This enabled Grant to thwart the whole plan. 5. On the 16th Grant defeated Pemberton at Cham pion Hill, near Baker's Creek, and on the next day routed his forces at the Big Black. Pemberton re treated towards Vicksburg. He now received a dis patch from Johnston, telling him to abandon Vicks burg and make a junction with him. Under the cir cumstances, this was the right thing to do. But Pem berton had also received a dispatch from Mr. Davis, 262 Story of the Confederate States. telling him to hold Vicksburg to the last, assuring him that if besieged, he should be relieved. 6. Pemberton retired into Vicksburg with 30,000 effectives. Grant's skillful and brilliant movements had completely succeeded. When he first crossed the Mississippi Pemberton, by a rapid concentration of forces, could have crushed him. But, instead of that, the Confederates met Grant in small detachments, and were defeated in detail. Grant's force through his whole department numbered, by his report of June 30th, 103,000 effectives of all arms. As soon as he had driven Pemberton into Vicksburg he concentrated his troops around the doomed city, until he had pres ent for duty Avith him 75,000 effective soldiers. With these he not only pressed the siege of Vicksburg, but fortified his own position, so as to be secure against assault, unless attacked by an overwhelming force. Besides his army, Grant had his great fleet, of which he says: " Without its assistance the campaign could not have been successfully made with twice the num ber of men engaged." 7. On the 19th of May an assault was made on the Confederate lines, which was repulsed. On the 22d another and much more determined assault Avas made with the hearty co-operation of such able officers as Sherman, McPherson, and McClernand. But the as sailants were completely repulsed. Grant now deter mined to starve the garrison into a surrender. Vicks burg was full of people who were in great danger from the shells which were thrown into the city by the fleet night and day. Many citizens found safety for their families by making underground rooms, some of which were carpeted and neatly furnished. The Federals Vicksburg. 263 ran parallels, which gradually approached nearer and nearer to the Confederate works. Their sappers also dug mines for the purpose of blowing up the works of the defenders. . The Confederates tried to defeat these efforts by counter-mining. GENERAL JOSEPH E JOHNSTON. 8. While these things were going on at Vicksburg General Banks advanced from New Orleans with 15,000 men and began a close siege of Port Hudson, which was defended by 6,000 Confederates under General Gardner. On Mav 27th Banks assaulted the Confed- 264 Story of the Confederate States. erate works, but was repulsed with the loss of 3,000 men, while the Southerners did not lose 300 in all. 9. The Confederate Government was now making efforts to assemble an army under General Joseph E. Johnston for the relief of Vicksburg and Port Hudson. Some divisions were sent from Bragg's army and some from Beauregard's department. General Richard Tay lor, on the Louisiana side, also attempted a diversion in favor of Port Hudson. On the 22d of June he cap tured Brashear City, with 1,000 prisoners, ten large cannon, and supplies valued at $6,000,000. But his force was not strong enough to make Banks let go his hold. 10. On the 1st of July General Johnston sent a note to Pemberton, telling him that on the 7th he would make a diversion to enable him to cut his way out. But Pemberton Avas a prisoner before the message reached him. On the 4th of July he surrendered to Grant the stronghold of Vicksburg, with 172 cannon and 29,000 prisoners, including the sick and Avounded. Not more than 15,000 of them Avere at that time able to fight. When Pemberton first asked for terms, Grant demanded an unconditional surrender. To this Pem berton Avould not accede. Then Grant agreed that, as soon as paroles could be signed by officers and men, they should be alloAved to march out, the officers taking with them their side-arms and clothing, and the field, staff and cavalry officers one horse each. The rank and file were to be allowed all their clothing, but no other property. The victors did not cheer at the sur render, except that one Federal division gave three cheers for the gallant defenders of Vicksburg. Vicksburg. 265 11. On the 9th of July Port Hudson, which had been bravely defended to the last, surrendered to Gen eral Banks, with nearly 6,000 prisoners and 51 can non. Only 3,000 of the garrison were well and able to fight. 12. The surrender of Vicksburg and Port Hudson was a terrible blow to the Confederacy, made much worse by the defeat at Gettysburg. Some have said that instead of marching into Pennsylvania Lee should have sent a part of his forces to the West. But if they had not been managed any better by the offi cers then commanding in Mississippi than were the troops that they did have they would only have been thrown away for naught. It is probable that Lee did the best thing with them that could have been done, taking all things into consideration. 1 Chickamauga. 13. For nearly six months after the battle of Mur freesboro (Stone River) Bragg's army lay at Tullahoma, and that of Rosecrans at Murfreesboro. The cavalry of the two armies, however, kept busy, On the 5th of 1 The effective force of the Union army in the operations against Vicksburg ranged from 43,000 at the beginning to 75,000 at the close of the campaign. In the whole department Grant had 103,000 effectives. Its total loss in all the battles of the campaign was 1,514 killed, 7,395 wounded, and 453 captured or missing — 9,362. Pembcrton's greatest available force, including those at Raymond and Jackson, numbered 40,000. After the battle of Champion Hill Loring, with his division, marched eastward, while Pemberton entered Vicksburg with 23,000 effectives. The total number surrendered, including wounded, sick, and the non-combatants, was 29,491. In all the battles of the campaign the Confederates lost 1,260 killed, 3,572 wounded, and 4,227 captured or miss ing — 9,059. Of course, to this should be added the number surrendered at Vicksburg. By June 4th Johnston had assembled 24,000 men with which to attempt the relief of Vicksburg. 266 Story of the Confederate States. March a cavalry force under Van Dorn captured the Federal Colonel Coburn, with 1,300 men, at Spring Hill, in Middle Tennessee. Still later (May 8th) Col onel Streight, who had been sent with about 2,000 Union cavalry on a raid into Georgia to destroy mills and machine shops, was captured near Rome by For rest and Roddv. 14. About the last of June Rosecrans began to advance on Bragg, whose army had been very much weakened by the transfer of troops to Mississippi. On the afternoon of July 3d Bragg retreated southward, and the Union army entered Tullahoma. Bragg con tinued his retreat until he had crossed the Tennessee and entered Chattanooga. On the day appointed by Mr. Davis for fasting and prayer (August 21st), while the people of the town were in church, the Union army appeared opposite Chattanooga and began to throw shells into the town. Some women and children were killed by the shelling. 15. On the 7th of September Rosecrans sent McCook and Thomas to cross the mountains to the south of Chattanooga and take such positions as would completely flank the Confederate stronghold. On the next day Bragg abandoned the town and retired southward. Several days of marching and counter marching now occurred, during which Bragg missed one or two excellent opportunities of beating the Union army in detail. The Confederate Government seeing Bragg's need sent him Longstreet with part of his corps. Receiving this reinforcement Bragg began to advance against Rosecrans, who was concentrating his troops at Lee and Gordon's Mills, twelve miles south of Chattanooga. CHAKT OF IHE CHICKAMAUGA AND CHATTANOOGA CAMPAIGNS. [ 267 ] 268 Story of the Confederate States. 16. On September 19th Bragg attacked General Thomas, a Virginian by birth, who had adhered to the Union, and who commanded the left of Rosecrans's army. As Bragg hurled division after division against this wing, Rosecrans sent successive divisions to Thomas. The battle was hotly contested, and battery after battery was taken and retaken. The day closed without decisive advantage to either side. 17. During the night each commander prepared for the decisive conflict, which all believed that the mor row would bring. Bragg placed General Leonidas Polk in command of his right wing, consisting of the corps of D. H. Hill and William H. T. Walker, the division of Cheatham and the cavalry of Forrest ; to Long- street he gave the right wing, embracing the corps of Buckner and Hood, the division of Hindman and the cavalry of Wheeler. Each wing was well supplied with artillery. Thomas so arranged his line as to cover the Rossville (or Chattanooga) and the Dry Val ley roads. It began four hundred yards east of the Chattanooga road on a crest which was occupied from left to right by four divisions: Baird's of Thomas corps, R. W. Johnson's of McCook's, Palmer's of Crittenden's, and Joseph J. Reynolds's division of Thomas's corps. On the right of Reynolds came the divisions of Bran nan and Negley. Across the Chattanooga road tOAvard Missionary Ridge came the divisions of Sheridan and Jeff C. Davis of McCook's corps, Avith Wood's and Van Cleve's divisions of Crittenden's corps, in reserve. 18. Bragg's plan of battle Avas successive attacks from right to left. When the battle commenced Breckinridge's and Cleburne's divisions of Hill's corps fell with such fury upon the Union left that Chickamauga. 269 Thomas was obliged to call for help. Rosecrans kept sending troops to the help of Thomas, as that wing was pressed by troops hurried to the help of Breckin ridge and Cleburne. At length, through some misun derstanding, a gap was left in the Federal line of battle. Into this Long- street pushed the eight brigades of Bushrod Johnson, McNair, Gregg, Kershaw, Law, Humphrey, Benning, and Robertson, sweep ing completely from the field Sheridan's entire division, two brigades of Davis's division and one | of Van Cleve's. Long- street now disregarded I the order of the day,! wheeling to the right instead of the left, cap turing batteries, Avagon- trains, prisoners, and the headquarters of Rosecrans, who was borne away in the flight of his routed right. But Thomas held firm, and, assisted by Gordon Granger, who came to his support, held his ground until night-fall, when, under the combined attack of both wings of the Confederate army, he was obliged to give way and retire towards Rossville. From his firm stand on this day Thomas has been called " The Rock of Chickamauga." He had saved the Union army from utter ruin. Long- street, by his prompt action in entering the gap in GENERAL BRAXTON BRAGG. 270 Story of the Confederate States. the Federal line had won the victory for the Confed erates.1 19. The defeated Union army retreated to Chatta nooga. Had Bragg pushed the pursuit next morning he could have reaped the full fruits of his great vic tory. The roads were full of disorganized masses of men trying to get on; batteries of artilleiy were min gled with trains of wagons; everywhere there was dis order and confusion. Forrest, in front with his cav alry, sent back word to Bragg that " every hour was worth a thousand men." Rosecrans spent the day and night of the 21st hurrying his trains and artillery out of town. Then, finding that he was not pressed, remained in Chattanooga with his army. Chattanooga and Missionary Ridge. 20. Bragg spent the 21st in burying the dead and gathering up the captured stores. Among his tro phies Avere fifty-one cannon and 15,000 small arms. On the 22d he moved forward, and during the next two days came sloAvly into position on Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain, which he connected by 1 The official records are not clear as to the strength of the opposing forces at Chickamauga, on account of incompleteness in the returns. Hence conflicting estimates have been made. According to Colonel Archer Anderson's (Confederate) estimate the Union army numbered 59,000 infantry and artillery and 10,000 cavalry, while the Confed erate army numbered 55,000 infantry and artillery and 11,000 cavalry. Another estimate (Federal) says that the whole Union force was 56,965. Major E. C. Dawes (Federal) estimates the Confederate army at 71,550 of all arms. But in order to arrive at this result he counts several commands which did not arrive until after the battle. The Union loss is stated at 1,656 killed, 9,749 wounded, and 4,774 captured — 16,179. But General D. H. Hill says this is too small by more than 1,000 men. The Confederate loss was 2,389 killed, 13,412 wounded, and 2,003 captured or missing — 17,804. The Confederates lost more, because they attacked the breastworks of the Federals. Chickamauga. 271 a line of earthworks across Chattanooga Valley. Bragg sent a force into Lookout Valley, which com manded the twenty-six mile wagon road to Bridge port. Thus he forced the Union army to draw its supplies by an almost impassable mountain road ot sixty miles to the same point. Knowing that it would be impossible to long subsist an army by this route-, Bragg hoped to force the Union army into a surrender. Had the Confederate Government been able to accu mulate superior numbers at other points this plan would undoubtedly have succeeded. MISSIONARY RIDGE FROM THE CEMETERY AT CHATTANOOGA. 21. But relief came to the besieged. The two corps of Hooker and Howard were detached from the Union army in Virginia and sent to Tennessee. Grant was ordered to relieve the besieged army. He removed Rosecrans from command and put Thomas m his place. He ordered Sherman to come from Mississippi with another army. Under dispositions made by Grant the forces from Virginia and those in Chatta nooga succeeded in concealing their movements until they had seized and fortified a position which gave them command of the Tennessee river from Lookout 272 Story of the Confederate States. Valley to Bridgeport. The Federal army was no longer in danger of starvation, and the Confederate hope of effecting its capture was gone. 22. While Grant was concentrating everything avail able for the relief of the Union army in Chattanooga the Confederate authorities sent Longstreet away from Bragg with a force of about 15,000 men to drive Burn side out of East Tennessee. That officer had captured Cumberland Gap in September, and soon afterwards occupied Knoxville. As Longstreet advanced Burn- side's forces, which were some distance south of Knox ville, were defeated at Philadelphia Station and Camp bell's Station and driven into Knoxville, which place Longstreet proceeded to invest. 23. As soon as Sherman reached Chattanooga with his army, Grant resolved to attack Bragg's now weak ened forces. On the 24th of November Hooker's corps carried the works on Lookout Mountain, which point, through some bad management, was not properly defended. On the 25th occurred the battle of Mis sionary Ridge. In this battle General Hardee, who had resumed command of his old corps, commanded the Confederate right. Breckinridge commanded the left1 24. Sherman's force was to attack the Confederate right, Thomas was to move against the center and Hooker against the left. The Confederate right re pulsed every attack, and Hooker was so delayed that he could not relieve the pressure upon Sherman. Bragg had moved one body of troops after another to 1 There had been such serious dissension between Bragg and his two corp commanders, Hill and Polk, that the two latter had been assigned to duty elsewhere. Chickamauga. 273 strengthen his right until his center was weakened. Grant, who from his position could see the movements of the Confederates, ordered Thomas forward. Im- GENERAL W. T. SHERMAN. mediately the divisions of Wood and Sheridan ad vanced with such impetuosity that they carried the lower Confederate line; then without waiting for orders pressed on and carried the crest. Bragg hurried for ward General Bate's command to repair the breach, but it was too late. Soon the whole Confederate left was in utter rout. Hardee now threw a portion of 18 274 Story of the Confederate States. Cheatham's division directly across the path of the advancing Federals, and held his ground until dark ness closed the fight. During the night Bragg's army retreated. Hardee in this battle did for the Confeder ate army what Thomas had done for the Union army at Chickamauga. 25. Grant had gained a great victory. He had cap tured 40 cannon, 7,000 small arms, and many baggage wagons. Bragg had weakened his army by sending off Longstreet to Knoxville and then had sent off another division just on the eve of battle. Thus he made it possible for Grant to capture what would have been an impregnable position if properly manned. Grant lost no time in following up his victory. He sent Hooker in pursuit of Bragg's retreating army, and Sherman to relieve Burnside at Knoxville.1 26. Hooker pressed the pursuit vigorously, but at a gap in Taylor's Ridge near the little village of Ring gold General Cleburne halted his division with the intention of holding the place long enough for Bragg's trains and artillery to get safely out of the way. When Hooker came up, he attacked Cleburne, but was- repulsed, losing heavily.. He was now ordered to discontinue the pursuit and return to Chatta nooga. 27. Longstreet, who had commenced a siege of Knoxville, made an assault upon the Union works 1 Grant says that he had in this battle about 60,000 men. But the official records show that he had at and around Chattanooga 80,822 effectives present for duty. The Union loss was 752 killed, 4,713 wounded, 350 captured or missing — 5,815. The Confederate army num bered less than 40,000 of all arms. Their loss was 361 killed, 2,180 wounded and 4,146 captured or missing — 6,687. Most of the wounded fell into the hands of the Federals and thus increased their list of prisoners. Chickamauga. 275 (November 30th). He failed, being repulsed with heavy loss. He now learned of Bragg's defeat and Sherman's approach. He accordingly abandoned the siege, and retired towards Virginia. 28. By their double defeat at Chattanooga and Knoxville the Confederates had lost all the fruits of their magnificent victory at Chickamauga. Bragg felt that his army had lost all confidence in his ability to command it, and asked to be relieved. This was done, and Lieutenant-General William J. Hardee was placed in command. He, however, requested to be left in command f his own corps, and asked that General Joseph E. Johnston be appointed to lead the Confederate army of Tennessee. This was done, and the work of reorganization, which had been com menced as soon as the army halted at Dalton, went rapidly on. The spirits of the men revived, and every day their efficiency was improved. jaaa» 276 Story of the Confederate States. CHAPTER IV. other important events of 1863. Morgan's Ohio Raid. |NE of the most thrilling episodes of the war is the celebrated cavalry raid of General John H. Morgan into Ohio during the sum mer of 1863. This remarkable man was a Kentuckian who embraced with all his heart the cause of the South. He had entered the Confederate army as a captain in 1861, and by his daring exploits had rapidly risen to the rank of brigadier-general. A short while before Bragg's Kentucky cam paign Morgan, leaving Tennessee with less than a thousand men, pene trated a country in the hands of the Federals, captured seventeen towns, and destroyed all government supplies and arms in them, dispersed 1,500 home guards, and paroled nearly 1,200 regular troops. In subsequent campaigns he was equally successful. 2. Morgan's most wonderful exploit was his great raid through Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio, which be- GENERAL JOHN H. MORGAN. Other Important Events of 1863. 277 gan on the 2d of July, 1863, when, with near 2,000 horsemen and four cannon, he crossed the Cumber land river near Burksville. Moving rapidly forward, he met and defeated Wolford's Kentucky Union com mand. At Brandenburg, on the Ohio, Morgan's bold riders captured two steamboats. Then one-half of the command crossed the Ohio and attacked about a thousand men on the Indiana side, while Morgan, with the other half, turned his artillery on two gun boats that had come down the river to prevent the crossing, and drove them off. The rest of the com mand then crossed over and dispersed or captured the whole Federal force. 3. Moving on, they captured Cory don and about 1,200 citizens and soldiers, who tried to defend it. All pillaging Avas forbidden as they passed through the country. Only provisions for men and provender for stock were taken. Every effort was being made to effect their capture. At last, after having passed through fifty-two towns — nine in Kentucky, fourteen in In diana, and twenty-nine in Ohio— having captured nearly 6,000 prisoners, and damaged public property to the amount of ten million dollars, Morgan and his men Avere captured. Some were sent to Camp Mor ton, Indiana. 4. Morgan and some of his officers were taken to Columbus, where they were treated like common felons. Their heads were shaved, they were attired in prison garb and placed in stone cells, where they were carefully guarded day and night. But Morgan and six of his officers, with no tools but case-knives, cut their Avay through the solid stone, tunnelled under ground and made their escape. Morgan succeeded in 278 Story of the Confederate States. getting across Kentucky and Tennessee into North Georgia, and then went to Richmond, Avhere he was received Avith every mark of honor and esteem. Renewed Efforts to Capture Charleston. 5. On the 12th of June, 1863, General David Hunter, who had been commanding the Union army before Charleston, was superseded by General Quincy A. Gill- more, an engineering officer of great repute. On the 6th of July, Admiral Dahlgren succeeded Admiral Du Pont. On the 10th the Federals effected a landing on the south end of Morris Island and captured a small Confederate work at that point. At the same time demonstrations were made against the Con federate works on James Island. Beauregard was glad that the Federals made the attack by way of Morris Island, which he considered far less dangerous to Charleston, than an advance by James Island. 6. On July 11th, an assault was made upon Battery Wagner, which was easily repulsed. On the 18th, after a furious bombardment from the Union fleet and land batteries, about 6,000 men under General Thomas Seymour under cover of darkness made an impetuous assault upon Battery Wagner held at the time by 1,000 men under General W. B. Taliaferro. The Federals were repulsed with a loss of more than 1,500 men, among whom was General C. C. Strong After this defeat the Federals kept up a constant bombardment of the fort. 7. Among the most remarkable incidents of tl is period of the seige was the seven days' bombardment of Fort Sumter (August 17th to August 23d). It was a desperate attempt to force the surrender of the fort S3t-- FORT MOULTRIE, S. C FORT SUMTER IN THE DISTANCE. 280 Story of the Confederate States. and of the city of Charleston. Sumter was made a mass of ruins on the side facing the Union batteries, so that its guns could no longer be of assistance to the Confederate works on Morris Island (Wagner and Gregg). These would soon become untenable But Beauregard was busy constructing interior defenses, on which guns taken from Fort Sumter were mounted. Until these interior defenses should be ready, Wagner and Gregg were held with determined valor by the brave garrison, commanded in turn by Taliaferro, Hagood, Alfred Colquitt, Clingman, Graham, Harri son and L. M. Keitt. 8. Colonel Rhett, with his regulars, was placed in command of the interior defences. Major Stephen Elliott, with an infantry command of troops selected from various regiments, was put in charge of the ruins of Fort Sumter for the purpose of holding it against any storming party and to give the morning and eve ning salutes to the Confederate flag, which still floated to the breeze from the ruined fort. Then, during the night of September 6th, the garrisons of Gregg and Wagner were withdrawn and Morris Island was occu pied by the Federals. But it proved a barren victory, for it did not enable them to take Sumter or Charleston. 9. Major Elliott (afterwards lieutenant-colonel) con tinued in command of Fort Sumter until May, 1864, when he was succeeded by Captain John C. Mitchell, who lost his life there (July 20th, 1864), and was suc ceeded by Captain T. A. Huguenin, who remained in command until the evacuation of Charleston (Febru ary 17th, 1865), just before the close of the war. 10. Two nights after the evacuation of Wagner and Gregg, Admiral Dahlgren attempted to take Fort Sum- 1281 ] 282 Story of the Confederate States. ter by a night attack. But the storming party, con sisting of troops in boats, was repulsed with heavy loss. The ruins of Sumter were held and repaired, so that early in October Elliott mounted in the northeast casemates two ten-inch columbiads and one seven-inch rifled cannon. In the following January he mounted in the northwest casemates one eight-inch and two seven-inch rifled cannon. Under the diligent efforts of officers and men Fort Sumter, from a mass of shape less ruins, at length became a powerful earthwork, which for eighteen months endured the constant fire of the Federals, and " for a hundred days and nights their utmost power — even supporting the other works at the entrance of Charleston harbor with six guns of the heaviest caliber."1 11. From the Swamp Angel and (after that had exploded) from other guns Gillmore threw shells into Charleston. But all his efforts on land and water availed nothing against the skill and valor of the defenders. Sabine Pass. 12. One gallant exploit near this little fort on the Texas coast has already been recorded. Another yet remains to be told. In September a Federal land force of 4,000 men under General Franklin, assisted by a fleet, was sent to effect a landing at Sabine Pass, and from thence to operate against Galveston and Houston. On the 8th of September four Union gunboats attacked Fort Grigsby, which was defended at the time by forty- two men and two lieutenants, with an armament of six cannon. The officers and men were all Irishmen, 1 From an article on " The Confederate Defence of Fort Sumter," by Major John Johnson, " Battles and Leaders of the Civil War." Vol. iv. Other Important Events of 1863. 283 and the company was called the " Davis Guards." The captain (F. H. Odium) was not present, and the company was commanded at the time by Lieutenant R. W. Dowling. For an hour and a half this gallant little band was subjected to a terrific bombardment. The result of the fight was the repulse of the gun boats, two of which were captured with their arma ment — eighteen guns and 150 men. Just at the close of the battle a reinforcement of 200 men under Cap tain Odium arrived, and enabled the gallant defenders to secure the gunboats and prisoners. The success of this defence caused the Federals to magnify the strength of the Confederate works and the number of their troops. So the fleet of twenty vessels minus two gun boats sailed away. With Franklin's command without making any farther attempt. Besides the prisoners the attacking party lost fifty killed and wounded. Not a man of the garrison was hurt. The victory was as decisive of the attempted invasion of Texas as if it had been a great battle. Lee's Flank March in October. 13. After it became certain that Longstreet, with a large part of his corps, had gone to the West, General Meade made ready for an advance against Lee. But the defeat of Rosecrans at Chickamauga and the peril of the Union army in Chattanooga, as we have already seen, caused the government to take two corps from Meade's army and send them to the West. 14. Lee then determined upon an advance against Meade, hoping to bring that general to battle. As soon as Lee commenced his flank march the Union army, which had seemed so anxious for another battle, 284 Story of the Confederate States. at once retreated, going back as far as Centreville, near Washington. Lee, after destroying the railroad on which Meade depended for his supplies, returned to his former position on the Rappahannock. He had inflicted on the Federals a loss of 3,000 men, mostly prisoners, while his own loss was not half so many. 15. Soon after the two armies had taken up their former positions General Russell of Meade's army, by a brilliant dash, captured an exposed Confederate work at Rappahannock Station, taking four cannon and 1,600 prisoners. The Mine Run Campaign. 16. In the latter part of November Meade deter mined to advance, hoping to find Lee's army divided in their winter quarters. Lee, however, discovered this move, and, rapidly concentrating his troops, took up a strong position behind a little stream called Mine Run. Meade was greatly disappointed. After some skirmishing, which satisfied him that Lee's position was too strong to be attacked, he withdrew on the night of December 1st, and returned to his old camp north of the Rapidan.1 Summary of the Year's Fighting. 17. During 1863 the Federal Government had re covered control of the Mississippi river, had overrun the State of Tennessee, and had regained almost all of 1 In the Mine Run campaign the Union army lost 173 killed, 1,099 wounded, and 381 captured or missing— 1,653. The Confederate Iobs was 98 killed,610wounded, and 104 captured or missing— 812. Other Important Events of 1863. 285 Arkansas, and portions of Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida. Hence the people of the North were ready to continue the war. On the other hand, the Confed erates had gained some brilliant victories, and were equally determined to fight it out to the end, whatever that might be. PART III. The War Between the States and its Results. Section IV.— Events ot 1864. [287] Invasion of Florida. 289 CHAPTER I. EVENTS in the east and the west in the first months of 1864. ; S has been seen in the last chapter, the year 1863 had closed with the South disappointed, yet determined, and the North hopeful and confident. The events of the first half of 1864 revived again the hopes of the Confederates and produced in the minds of their enemies the same depression and doubt as to the final result which had prevailed during the period between the defeat of McClellan at Rich mond and the Federal victories at Vicksburg and Get tysburg. 2. The year 1864, the fourth of the war, was also the year for the election of a President of the United States. It was considered desirable that some of the Southern States should be brought so completely under the control of the Union army as to enable such of the inhabitants, white and black, as might desire to do so to form " loyal " State governments and be re-admitted to the Union. This would be looked upon as a prac tical success of the Union arms. Florida seemed to offer a good prospect of success in an undertaking of this sort. Invasion of Florida. 3. This State had within its limits only a few scat tered Confederate troops, its coast was completely at 19 B HBSO o Invasion of Florida. 291 the mercy of the Union fleet, and it was hoped that the Union army could overrun it before a sufficient force could be concentrated for its defence. Accord ingly General Gillmore, who commanded the Depart ment of the South, sent General Truman Seymour, with 7,000 troops, to take possession of Jacksonville and march from thence into the interior. The fle'et of Admiral Dahlgren accompanied the expedition. 4. Jacksonville was occupied without opposition February 7th. Then General Seymour promptly marched inland, forcing Colonel McCormick, with a small body of Confederate cavalry, to retire before him. After passing a few miles beyond Baldwin, Sey mour was obliged to halt for the lack of transporta tion. From Hilton Head, South Carolina, Gillmore issued a proclamation announcing the occupancy of Florida, which he said would not be again abandoned. 5. As soon as General Joseph Finegan, the Confed erate commander of East Florida, heard of the land ing of Seymour's force at Jacksonville, he telegraphed to Savannah and Charleston for reinforcements, which were immediately sent to him. By the 13th a Con federate force of about 5,400 men was concentrated near Lake City. It consisted of two brigades, one under General Alfred H. Colquitt and the other under Colonel George P. Harrison, Jr., all from Georgia and Florida.1 1 Colquitt's brigade consisted of the Sixth, Nineteenth, Twenty- third, Twenty-seventh, and Twenty-eighth Georgia regiments, the Sixth Florida, and the Chatham Artillery of Savannah. Harrison's brigade consisted of the Thirty-second and Sixty-fourth Georgia volunteers and the First Georgia regulars, First Florida battalion, Bonaud's infan try battalion and Guerard's light battery. The cavalry was com manded by Colonel Caraway Smith. 292 Story of the Confederate States. 6. On the 20th of February Seymour advanced against the Confederates, with 5,500 men. His force was divided into three brigades, each commanded by a colonel. Hawley's brigade consisted of Connecticut and New Hampshire troops and one regiment of col ored troops ; Barton's brigade consisted of New York, and- Montgomery's of Massachusetts regiments. 7. About two miles east of Ohistee the Federals en countered Colquitt's brig ade, and the battle com menced. Just at the right moment Colquitt was re inforced by Harrison. The two armies were nearly equal and the battle was an open, square fight. The result was a complete Con federate victory, which brought to an end the Federal scheme for the con quest and reconstruction general a. h. colquitt. 0f Florida. The year 1864 had opened with a brilliant Confederate success. Sherman's Expedition. 8. About the same time the Confederates gained another important success in Mississippi. On the 3d of February General Sherman set out from Vicksburg with two columns of infantry 20,000 strong under Generals McPherson and Hurlbut, with the purpose of breaking up the Mobile and Ohio and the Jackson and Selma railroads. He expected the co-operation of Invasion of Florida. 293 10,000 cavalry from Memphis under General William S. Smith. As Sherman advanced General Polk, whose force was not strong enough to offer effective resistance, retired before him. Sherman advanced as far as Meridian and even contemplated an attack upon Mobile from the rear. 9. Smith had been expected to start from Memphis on the 1st of February, so as \o meet Sherman at Meridian on or near the 10th. Sherman himself did not reach that place until the 14th. There he Avaited six days to hear from Smith. As no tidings came from that officer, he abandoned his expedition and went back to Vicksburg. 10. The reason for Smith's failure to appear was that he did not get ready to start until the 11th. After marching nine days almost unopposed he found the forces of Forrest drawn up to dispute his advance. The next day he began to retreat. Forrest pursued, and near Okalona made a vigorous attack (February 22d), in which that dashing Confederate cavalryman gained a complete victory, driving Smith back to Memphis, capturing prisoners, six cannon, and thirty- three stands of colors.1 Forrest's Raid. 11. After his victory over Smith, Forrest marched northward through West Tennessee, captured Union City, with 450 prisoners ; occupied Hickman, Ken tucky, and made an attack upon Paducah, which failed. Then he turned southward, and on the morn ing of April 12th appeared before Fort Pillow, forty miles above Memphis. 1 Smith had with him 7,000 men and Forrest only 2.500. 294 Story of the Confederate States. 12. Forrest attacked the fort and captured the outer line of works. The gunboat New Era joined in the defence. Forrest sent a demand to the Union com mander for a surrender of the fort and garrison. Major Booth, the first in command, had been killed in the opening of the fight, and Major Bradford, who succeeded him, refused the demand for a surrender. The Confederates then carried the fort with a rush. The Federals, half of whom were colored troops, fled towards the river, firing as they ran. The result was that at least half the force were killed and wounded. Fortunately for those of the Federals who still sur vived, one of Forrest's men pulled down the flag that was still flying over the fort, when at once the firing ceased. The failure of Sherman's expedition, and the fact that the Confederate forces in north Mississippi could hold their own, and at the same time send out successful expeditions, aroused the hope that Vicks burg was not so fatal a blow as had been supposed. The Red River Expedition. 13. Confederate hopes were destined to be raised still higher by what was on their part one of the most brilliant campaigns of the war. It has already been mentioned that in the early part of 1863, Arkansas Post was captured by a Federal land and naval force (January 11th). The subsequent capture of Helena (July 4th, 1863), and the capture of Little Rock (Sep tember 10th) had placed all of Arkansas, except a small region in the southwest under the control of the Union army. A large part of east Louisiana was also in the hands of the Federals. { 295 ] 296 Story of the Confederate States. 14. When Sherman returned to Vicksburg after his expedition to Meridian, a large part of his army was sent to General Banks, the Union commander in Loui siana. In co-operation Avith General Steele, the Union commander at Little Rock, General Banks arranged a plan by which he expected to drive the Confederates entirely out of Louisiana and Arkansas, and complete their overthrow in Texas. 16. General E. Kirby Smith, the Confederate com mander of the Trans-Mississippi Department began preparation to meet this combined movement of Banks and Steele. Shreveport, Louisiana, was th capital of the Trans-Mississippi Department and the Headquar ters of General Smith. While Banks moved forward with an army of 31,000 men Admiral Porter with his fleet ascended the Red River. 16. General Richard Taylor, who commanded the troops in front of Banks, retired slowly before the advancing column until he reached Mansfield. Here, being reinforced until he had 11,000 men, he moved forward to Sabine Cross-Roads. Banks's army, now about 26,000 strong,1 was stretched out to the length of almost a day's march, on a single narrow road, and encumbered with a long wagon- train. 17. Taylor saw that he had a fine opportunity to attack Banks while his army was so stretched out, that its superior numbers Avould be of no advantage. So, turning suddenly upon the advanced division, he routed it completely, capturing cannon, wagons, and over 2,000 prisoners (April 8th). The whole Union army now retreated. News of the disaster was sent to 1 He had left 5,000 troops at Alexandria. Invasion of Florida. 297 the fleet, which also ceased its advance and started down the river. 18. Taylor pursued, and on the next day came up with the Union army strongly posted at Pleasant Hill The Confederates attacked, but were only partially successful. The Federal left repulsed them, but they held at the close of the day part of the Federal center and right. That night Banks continued the retreat. 19. Kirby Smith, leaving only a small force with Taylor to press the pursuit, started northward after Steele, who had occupied Camden. After two battles, one at Marks's Mill (April 25th), and the other at Jenkins's Ferry, on the Saline (April 30th), Steele re treated to Little Rock. Smith then sent most of his troops back to Taylor. But before they could get there Banks was gone. 20. Porter's fleet had been detained at the rapids above Alexandria on account of the falling of the river. It seemed at one time as though the fleet would have to be abandoned to its fate. But Lieutenant- Colonel Joseph Bailey, of the Fourth Wisconsin, at that time serving on General Franklin's staff as chief engineer, succeeded in constructing a dam which raised the water sufficiently to float the vessels over the falls. In this way the fleet was saved. 21. General Taylor's force was only large enough to annoy, but not to attack the Federal army. He had urged Smith to let Steele alone and concentrate every thing against Banks, believing that Porter's whole fleet would be the rich prize that would fall into their hands by adopting such a course. But when the force that Smith had taken with him against Steele was re turned to Taylor, both Banks and the fleet had 298 Story of the Confederate States. escaped. The campaign, however, had been a great triumph to the Confederates and a great disaster to the Federals, who had lost in the Avhole campaign 8,000 men, over thirty cannon, 1,100 Avagons, one gunboat, and three transports. The Confederates had recovered large portions of Louisiana and Arkansas hitherto occupied by the Federals. x 22. Taylor, who pursued Banks's retreating army until it had crossed the Atchafalaya (May 19th). states that " in their rapid flight from Grand Ecore to Monette's ferry, a distance of forty miles, the Federals burned nearly every house on the road." He adds : " In pursuit we passed the smoking ruins of home steads, by Avhich stood weeping women and children." General Taylor also says that General Banks and the officers and men of the Nineteenth Corps (Eastern troops) did all in their power to prevent these out rages. He lays all the blame on A. J. Smith's com mand, from Sherman's army. The Capture of Plymouth. 23. In the spring of 1864 the Confederate authori ties decided to attempt the recapture of Plymouth, on the Roanoke river in North Carolina. In order to effect the capture General Hoke was ordered to take a division of troops and surround the town from the 1 In the Red River campaign Banks's army numbered 31,603, and had the assistance of Porter's fleet. Its losses, including those lost on the retreat from Alexandria, were 454 killed, 2,191 wounded and 2,600 cap tured or missing — 5,244. Steele's Union army in Arkansas numbered 13,000, and its total loss was 2,500. Total Union loss, 7,744. Taylor's Confederate army at Mansfield numbered 11,000. Its total loss in the campaign was 3,976. Kirby Smith led against Steele 14,000 men. Half of them were from Taylor's army and have already been counted. His losses were 1,200, making the total Confederate loss 5,176, [ 299 300 Invasion of Florida. river above to the river below, so as to storm the breast works as soon as the Albemarle, x a powerful Confeder ate iron-clad, should clear the river front of the Fed eral ships that protected the garrison with their guns. 24. The Albemarle, commanded by Captain J. W. Cooke, successfully passed the obstructions in the river and the fire of the Union fort ; then closing in with two ships that attacked her, she sank the Southfield and drove the Miami below Plymouth into Albemarle Sound. (April 19th.) 25. Next morning General Hoke stormed and car ried the Federal works, but not without heavy loss, Ransom's brigade alone loosing 500 killed and wounded in their heroic charge, (general Wessels, the Union commander, made a stout defence and surrendered only when farther resistance would have been mad ness. During the attack the Albemarle held the river front and poured shot and shell into the Federal fort. The Federal loss by this capture was more than 2,000 men (1,600 of whom were effective), twenty-five can non, 2,000 small arms and valuable stores. In conse quence of the loss of Plymouth the Union General Palmer soon after abandoned the little town of Wash ington 2 at the head of Pamlico Sound. The Raid of Kilpatrick and Dahlgren. 26. Early in March there occurred in Virginia the great cavalry raid of General Kilpatrick and Colonel Ulric Dahlgren, the object of Avhich was to capture 1 The Albemarle was built by Gilbert Elliott according to the plan of Chief-Constructor John L. Porter. 2 Horace Greeley in his "American Conflict" says that some of the Union soldiers disgraced themselves and their flag by arson and pillage before they left. Invasion of Florida. 301 Richmond by a surprise and release the Federal pris oners. In order to secure the success of this expedi tion General Custer was sent with another division of cavalry on a raid towards Gordonsville. The whole plan came to naught, and Dahlgren was killed on the retreat. On Dahlgren's person were found papers ordering the burning of Richmond and the killing of Mr. Davis and his Cabinet. General Lee sent photo graphic copies of these papers to General Meade, who wrote to General Lee stating that no such orders were given by the United States Government, General Kil patrick, or himself. 27. The result of this fruitless cavalry raid was the disabling for a time of three or four thousand of the very flower of the Union cavalry.1 The reader of the events recorded in this chapter will see that before the opening of the two principal campaigns of 1864 the hopes of the Confederates had been again raised by signal triumphs in the East and in the West. 1 This statement is made by General Martin T. McMahon of the Union army in " Battles and Leaders of the Civil War," Vol. IV., page 94. 302 Story of the Confederate States. CHAPTER II. FROM THE OPENING OF THE VIRGINIA CAMPAIGN TO THE END OF JULY, 1864 |N March General Ulysses S. Grant was made Lieutenant-General and placed in command of all the forces of the United States. Tavo grand campaigns were now planned — one against Richmond, in Virginia, under Grant himself ; the other against Atlanta, in Georgia, under the leader ship of General William Tecumseh Sherman Grant had proved himself the ablest of all the Union com manders. He had out-generaled everybody in the West with the single exception of Albert Sidney Johnston.1 2. The plan of campaign adopted by Grant is best expressed in his own Avords : " to hammer continuously against the armed force of the enemy and his re sources until, by mere attrition, if in no other Avay, there should be nothing left to him but an equal sub mission Avith the loyal section of our common country to the constitution and laws of the land." In other words, his plan was to press the fighting without re gard to defeats or losses in the full confidence that the North, which could bring many more men into the field than the South, and Vhich had vastly greater resources, would be sure to win in a struggle of this sort. 1 Albert Sidney Johnston had out-generaled and beaten Grant at Shiloh. and but for his death would probably have destroyed the Union army. His death caused such delay that Buell got up and saved Grant's army from the ruin that threatened it. Virginia Campaign. 303 3. It would have been well for the Confederate cause if at this time Robert E. Lee had been com mander-in-chief of all the Southern armies, with full and absolute, control of all their movements Against the policy that Grant pro posed to pur sue, it was only necessary to make a suc cessful defence of the main points assailed, to wear out the patience of the North, and bring the war to a success ful end; for Grant's plan involved such a fearful sacri fice of life that nothingbut de cided victory somewherewould make general u. s. grant. the people of the North willing to endure it. Lee had out-generaled every one who had been pitted against him. To him should have been committed full con trol of all the movements against Grant and all his lieutenants in every part of the country. 304 Story of the Confederates States. 4. Grant's plan was that both the grand campaigns should begin on the same day, and that the Confeder ate armies in Virginia and Georgia should be kept so busy that neither could send aid to the other. At the same time the Government was to keep a constant stream of reinforcements going to the front to supply the losses of the armies under himself and Sherman. On tbe 4th of May, while the Army of the Potomac was crossing the Rapidan, Grant seated on a log by the GRANT WRITING DISPATCHES TO SHERMAN BEFORE CROSSING THE RAPIDAN. side of the road, wrote a telegram to Sherman bidding him to start. The Overland Campaign. 5. Grant left Meade in nominal command of the Army of the Potomac, but he made his headquarters with that army and directed its movements. His plan for the Virginia campaign was that his own army Virginia Campaign 305 (140,000 strong) should advance from the north upon Richmond, while Generals Crook and Sigel were to capture Staunton and Lynchburg, moving from thence upon the Confederate rear, and General Butler, with a fleet and nearly 40,000 men, was to move up the James River, take Petersburg, and approach Richmond from the south. 6. The skill with which General Lee met this great combination would have made him famous if he had never done anything else. Grant crossed the Rapidan with 118,000 men of all arms, and with power to call for as many thousands more of reinforcements as he might need. Lee had but 64,000 men (according to the highest estimate) with which to meet this mighty array. General A. S. Webb, of the Union army, says:1 "Grant's 118,000 men, properly disposed for battle, would have covered a front of twenty-one miles, two ranks deep, with one-third of them held in reserve; while Lee, with his 62,000 men similarly disposed, would cover only twelve miles. Grant had a train which he states in his " Memoirs " would have reached from the Rapidan to Richmond, or sixty-five miles. 7. On the 4th of May Grant made a feint towards Lee's left, and then crossed the Rapidan on his right at Germanna and Ely's Fords. This is exactly what Lee two days before had told a group of officers that Grant would do.2 The Federal commander expected to pass around Lee's flank before he could concentrate his forces, and thus get between him and Richmond. 1 " Battles and Leaders of the Civil War," Vol. IV., page 152. 2 General E. M. Law, of the Confederate army, in "Battles and Leaders of the Civil War," Vol. IV., page 118. 20 306 Story of the Confederate States. Grant's passage of the Rapidan was unopposed, and he looked upon this as a great success. When Lee ascer tained that the Union army was moving he prepared to advance upon its flank with his whole force as soon as it should clear the river and begin its march south ward. 8. About noon on the 4th of May Lee started the corps of Hill and Ewell on the march against Grant, and ordered Longstreet, who was camped near Gor donsville, to move rapidly across the country and fol low Hill. 9. Before describing the battle let us glance for a moment at the two armies who were about to close with each other in the fierce struggle in the Wilder ness. The great superiority in numbers of the Union army has been already shown. The Union army was thoroughly equipped and well supplied with every thing needed in modern warfare. The Confederate army was scantily supplied with food and clothing. General E. M. Law of that army says: " a new pair of shoes or an overcoat Avas a luxury, and full rations would have astonished the stomachs of Lee's ragged Confederates. I have often heard expressions of sur prise that these ragged, barefooted, half-starved men, would fight at all. But the very fact that they re mained with their colors through such privations and hardships was sufficient to prove that they would be dangerous foes to encounter upon the line of battle." 10. Ewell's corps was the. first to find itself in the presence of the Federals. As it advanced along the Orange Turnpike on the morning of the 5th of May the Federal column was seen crossing it from the direction of Germanna Ford. Ewell at once formed '[gNCSTREET'1 CONFEDERATE GENERALS. 308 Story of the Confederate States. line of battle across the turnpike and notified Lee of Avhat he had done. General Warren, whose corps was passing when Ewell came up, at onced faced towards Ewell and made a vigorous attack. Sedgwick's corps came to the help of Warren, but the Confederates could not be moved from their position upon the Union flank. Soon after Ewell became engaged, A. P. Hill's advance struck the Federal outposts on the Orange plank road at Parker's store on the outskirts of the Wilderness. Heth's division in front, driving these in, came upon Getty's division of Sedgwick's corps, which was covering the junction of the Plank road with the Stevensburg and Brock roads, on which the Federal army was moving towards Spotsylvania. 11. Hancock's corps, which was already on the march to Spotsylvania by the the way of Chancelors- ville, was recalled and ordered to drive Hill out of the Wilderness. Desperate was the fighting at close quar ters in these tangled thickets, where officers could not see the whole of their commands, and could tell only by the firing whether their friends to the right or left were advancing or being driven. Night closed with the Confederate line still firmly held. Lee sent word to Longstreet to make a night march, so as to reach the battle-field by daylight of the next morning.1 12. As soon as it was light enough to see on the next morning (May 6th) Hancock's troops swept forward with such force as to hurl back Wilcox's division, of Hill's corps, to the position of Poague's artillery, which,. now opened upon the attacking force. For a feAV moments things looked bad for the Confederates, but 1 Among the killed in the battle of the 5th were General Alexander Hays, of Hancock's corps, and General J. M. Jones, of Ewell's. Virginia Campaign. 309 soon Longstreet's splendid corps was seen coming down the Orange plank road in a trot. They were in double column, and Avith ranks well closed they pushed their Avay onward. Kershaw, whose division first struck the Federals, checked their advance and drove them back to their first line of Avorks. Then, urged on by Longstreet, the division charged and captured the works. 13. Nearly at the same moment Field's division moved forward on the left. In front was Gregg's brig ade of Texans and Arkansans, behind which came Benning's Georgians, with Law's Alabamians next and Jenkins's South Carolinians following. General Law says : " As the Texans in the front line swept past the batteries, where General Lee was standing, they gave a rousing cheer for ' Mars' Robert,' who spurred his horse forward and followed them in the charge. When the men became aware that he was going in with them they called loudly to him to go back. ' We won't go on unless you go back,' Avas the general cry. One of the men dropped to the rear, and taking the bridle, turned the General's horse around, while General Gregg came up and urged him to do as the men wished. At that moment a member of his staff (Colonel Venable) directed his attention to General Longstreet, whom he had been looking for. With evident disappointment General Lee turned off and joined General Long- street." Gregg's men then rushed forward. Benning's and Law's brigades came to their support, and the whole line swept over the first line of Federal works. In a fruitless effort to re-take this line the Federal General Wadsworth was killed. 310 Story of the Confederate States. 14. Next Longstreet moved the brigades of Mahone, Wofford, Anderson, and Davis to the flank and rear of the Union line. Attacked in front, flank, and rear, the Federal left wing Avas rolled in confusion back upon the Brock road. Longstreet rode forward with Jenkins's fresh brigade, intending, with the support of Kershaw's division, to press the attack. Just then they were mis taken for ene mies by some of the Confed erates and fired upon. Jenkins was killed and Longstreet se verely wound ed. Thewound- ing of Long- street caused such delay that nothing more was effected on this part of the field. 15. Later in the day Gen. Ewell ordered a movement against the Federal right wing, and John B. Gordon, Avith tAvo brigades, just at sunset made a sudden attack upon the right flank of SedgAvick's corps, driving the Federals from their works and capturing 600 prison ers, among whom were Generals Seymour and Shaler. GENERAL WILLIAM MAHONE. Campaign in Virginia. 311 Night closed the Battle of The Wilderness. General Webb, of the Union army, says: "Grant had been thoroughly defeated in his attempt to walk past Gen eral Lee on the- way to Richmond. Ewell had most effectually stopped the forward movement of the right wing of Meade's army, and Hill and Longstreet de feated our left, under Hancock " x 16. Both armies were now strongly intrenched and neither could afford to attack. Had the numbers and resources of the two generals been reversed Grant would have been obliged to retreat. He decided to make no farther attempt to drive Lee from his path, but to try by a flank march to go around Lee's army and seize Spotsylvania Courthouse, thus putting his own army between the Confederates and Richmond. The 7th was spent in skirmishing, each army waiting to see what the other would do. 17. Grant ordered Warren's corps to withdraw from The Wilderness after dark on the 7th of May, and to move by the left behind Hancock on the Brock road, Avith Sedgwick following him, and to march as rapidly as possible to Spotsylvania Courthouse. But Stuart had posted his cavalry across the Brock road and checked Sheridan's cavalry until Warren's corps came up. This caused some delay to the Federal column. Longstreet's corps, now commanded by R. H. Ander son, marched all night, and reached Spotsylvania by 8 o'clock on the morning of the 8th. The advanced troops of the Federals were driven back and the heights were seized by the Confederates. They had won the race, and had completely baffled Grant's design. 1 "Battles and Leaders of the Civil War," Vol. IV., pages 162 and 163. 312 Story of the Confederate States. 18. During the 8th there Avas considerable skirmish ing as the armies got into position. No fighting of importance occurred during the 9th, but on that day Major-General John Sedgwick, of the Union army, Avhile bantering his men for dodging the balls of the Confederate skirmishers, Avas himself shot in the head and instantly killed. 19. Early in the morning of the 10th Hancock crossed the Po beyond the Confederate left, but he was met by Early, in command of Mahone's and Heth's divisions, and forced back across the river with severe loss. Another attack, made upon Field's divi sion of Longstreet's corps, met with a complete re pulse. In the afternoon another attack was made on the same part of the line by Warren's corps, but again "the Boys in Blue" Avere hurled back, leaving the ground covered with their dead and wounded. Ex pecting a renewal ef the assault, many of the Confed erates went out in front of their works, and, "gather ing up the muskets and cartridge-boxes of the dead and wounded, brought them in and distributed them along the line. If they did not have repeating rifles, they had a very good substitute — several loaded ones to each man."1 At last the assault came, and in such force that in one or two places the Federals broke through the Southern lines, but they were driven out again and forced back to the cover of their own works. Generals James C. Rice and T. G. Stevenson were among the Union dead in this day's fight. 20. The next day passed Avithout serious fighting. It was on that day Grant sent to Halleck his famous 1 E. M. Law in "Battles and Leaders of the Civil War," Vol. IV., page 129. GENERAL EOBEK'l Jji. LKJS, [ 31S j 314 Story of the Confederate States. dispatch, in which he stated his purpose " to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer." 21. On the 12th came the most determined effort of Grant to break Lee's line. During the night of the 11th Hancock's corps Avas massed in front oi EdAvard Johnson's division, of Ewell's corps. These troops occupied an elevated point somewhat advanced from the general line, and known as the " Salient." At dawn (May 12th) Hancock's men, by a sudden rush, burst over the Salient, capturing Edward Johnson, with 2,800 of his men and twenty cannon. Then extending their line across the works on both sides of the Salient, they resumed their advance when Lane's brigade, of Hill's corps, Avhich was on the right of the captured works, attacked Hancock's left wing, checked its advance, and forced it back. "Just -at this time General C. A. Evans led Gordon's veteran brigade against Hancock's right, causing a momentary check. At nearly the same instant other Confederate reserves reached the field, and John B. Gordon, who was that day in command of Early's division, prepared to lead his own and the other brigades in a general advance." Just as the charge Avas about to commence General Lee rode up and joined Gordon, Avho protested- earn estly against this exposure on the part of the com manding General, reminding him that these troops — Pegram's Virginians and C. A. Evans's Georgians — were men who had never failed and would not fail now. The men joined their entreaties by crying out, " Lee to the rear ! " Seeing that his presence would only embarrass his troops, Lee remained where he was and let Gordon lead the charge. The opposing lines met in rear of the captured works, and after a fierce [315] 316 Story of the Confederate States. struggle the Federals were driven back to the base of the Salient. But Gordon's division did not cover the whole front. So Rodes sent Ramseur to restore the line between himself and Gordon. After Ramseur had swept the trenches the length of hi^ brigade, the gap was still not entirely filled. Then three brigades from Hill's corps were ordered up. Perrin's Alabamians, who were the first to arrive, charging through a fear ful fire, recovered part of the line, their brave leader falling dead as they entered the works Harris's Mis sissippi and McGowan's South Carolina brigades rushed through a like fearful storm of bullets and seized the works on Ramseur's right. x The Confederates had recovered all their line except a part of the Salient, still held by the Federals. Here the men fought all day long and until past midnight, neither side being able to drive the other.2 Grant during this fierce fight at the centre pressed the attack all along the line, but Wright's corps was repulsed by Anderson's (Long- street's) troops, and Burnside was driven back by Early. So the day closed with a Confederate victory. To the Federals, who had been defeated at every other point, the possession of the Salient was a fruitless suc cess. The Confederates held the lines of Spotsylvania as firmly as ever. The Salient, from the terrible fight ing at that point, was called by both armies the "Bloody Angle." 22. From the 12th to the 18th, there was no other attack made upon the Confederates Never was re- 1 Ramseur was severely wounded in this charge, but remained in the trenches with his gallant North Carolinians. General Daniel, leading another North Carolina brigade, was killed. 1 So intense was the Are that an oak 22 inches in diameter was cut down by the constant scaling of minnie balls. Virginia Campaign. 317 spite more welcome, and never did hungry men enjoy with greater relish any luxuries, than did the weary Southerners the coffee and sugar obtained from the haversacks of the Federal dead. On the 18th Han cock's and Wright's (formerly Sedgwick's) corps made a last effort to force the lines of Spotsylvania; but Ewell's corps, which still held the lines in rear of the famous Salient, repulsed them and drove them back in disorder. This ended the series of battles at Spotsyl vania. 23. Grant had been reinforced, but he decided to make no more attacks upon Lee's army at this point. He tried again (May 20th), just as he did after his repulse in the Wilderness, to get away unobserved, and place his army between Lee and Richmond. But Avhen he reached the North Anna, he found that Lee had again thrown himself across his path. After spending two days in fruitless efforts to find a weak point in the Confederate lines, during which time the skirmishers of both sides were busy, Grant came to the conclusion that it was best not to attack the Confed erates in this new position. 24. While the armies were still facing each other at Spotsylvania Sheridan started on a raid toward Rich mond, hoping that he might be able to take that city by a sudden dash. General Stuart having part of the cavalry met him with only half his numbers at Yel low Tavern (May 11th), and checked him long enough for the works at Richmond to be manned. But this was Stuart's last battle. He was mortally wounded and was carried into Richmond, Avhere he died next day. Thus another light of the Army of Northern Vir ginia had gone out for ever. GENERAL J. E. B. STUART. [318] Virginia Campaign. 319 25. During the night of the 26th the Federal army again disappeared on another flanking march. Lee started again to head them off. On the afternoon of the 28th after a severe cavalry battle at Hawe's Shop, in which Hampton and Fitz Lee opposed the advance of Sheridan, the infantry of both armies came up and faced each other along the Totopotomoy. Grant de cided that Lee's position was too strong to be attacked and tried another flank march towards Richmond. 26. But at Cold Harbor Lee was found still barring his way. To get to Richmond it was necessary for the Federal army to storm the position which two years before under McClellan they had been unable to hold. On the evening of June 2d, Grant gave orders that on the next morning at half-past 4 a general assault should be made along Lee's whole front. At the time appointed the attack was swiftly and gallantly made, and as swiftly and gallantly repulsed. General McMa- hon, of the Union army, says : " The time of actual advance was not over eight minutes. In that little period more men fell bleeding as they advanced than in any other like period of time throughout the war. A strange and terrible feature of this battle was that as the three gallant corps moved on each was enfiladed, while receiving the full force of the enemy's direct fire in front. No troops could stand against such a fire, and the order to lie doAvn was given all along the line. At points where no shelter Avas afforded, the men were withdrawn to such cover as could be found, and the battle of Cold Harbor, as to its result at least, was over." Grant had met the most bloody and ter rible repulse of the whole campaign. In that short but fearful battle he had lost 10,000 men, and Lee but 320 Story of the Confederate States. little over 1,000. Later in the day orders were given by Grant for the renewal of the assault. But not a soldier moved forward in obedience to the command.1 27. That night many of the Union wounded were gathered up and carried behind their lines. Some of them, however, lay between the lines for several days, exposed to the summer sun. Grant was unwilling to send a flag of truce asking permission to care for his wounded and bury bis dead, since that would be a confession of defeat. He did s-end a flag of truce at last, three days after the battle, when many of the wounded needed no farther care, and the dead had to be buried where they lay. 28. Grant's overland campaign, which ended with the battle of Cold Harbor, had been a dismal failure. At no place had he gained a victory. The nearness to his line of march of so many watercourses, patroled by Federal gunboats, enabled flim to shift his base from one place to another, so that after a repulse he could retire from the front of the Confederates, and by a flank march take a position farther south. First the Rappahannock, next the York and Pamunkey, and finally the James, furnished him a new base for the receipt of supplies and reinforcements, and a new line from which to reneAv his attack. Grant's merit in this campaign lies in the fact that he saw what no Federal general before him seemed to appreciate, that an army so vastly superior in numbers and resources need not run away because it has met with a repulse from one so greatly inferior in these respects, especially when the defeated army, still superior in strength and with 1 In the battle of Cold Haibor the brave General Poles of Georgia was killed. 21 L 321 322 Story of the Confederate States. its base close at hand, can by entrenching make its position secure against attack and wait for reinforce ments. Had the circumstances surrounding the two generals been reversed, Lee would have destroyed the army of Grant. Grant's Co-operating Armies — Butler's Expedition 29. The generals who were to co-operate Avith Grant had succeeded no better. On the 5th of May General Benjamin F. Butler landed at Bermuda Hundreds with 40,000 men, and, after leaving a small force at City Point, marched to the neck of land between the James and Appomattox rivers. The Confederate authorities, however, had suspected the approach of General But ler, and had hurriedly recalled General Hoke, with his division, from the outworks of Newberne, which they had already taken. Hagood's, Wise's, and Colquitt's brigades had also been summoned from South Caro lina to assist in the defence of the Confederate capital. Hagood reached Petersburg just in time to baffle the assault of Butler's forces in their attack upon the Richmond and Petersburg railroad (May 6th and 7th). Hagood and his men were the heroes of the day, and were looked upon as the saviours of Petersburg. 30. Beauregard arrived on the same day with Hoke's command (May 10th), and three days later Whiting, with his command, came up from Wilmington. Beau regard bringing over Ransom's division also from the defences of Richmond, formed his troops into three divisions, and on the 16th of May defeated Butler at Drewry's Bluff and forced him to take refuge within his fortified lines.1 Then the Confederates fortified a 1 In this battle the Confederates captured 1,400 prisoners, five cannon, and five stands of colors. Virginia Campaign. 323 line across Butler's front, thus for the present " bot tling him up," as far as offensive operations in that quarter were concerned. As Grant approached Cold Harbor he called to his assistance the Eighteenth corps, from Butler's command.1 Lee also requested that there should be sent to his aid for that battle a large part of Beauregard's forces. The Richmond Government hesitated, but finally granted his request.2 1 Grant was able to order to his help whatever troops he wished, while Lee had to ask repeatedly for more troops before he received them, since his command did not at that time include Petersburg. 2 The effective strength of the Union army in the Wilderness was 118,000 men of all arms. The losses (including those sustained by the reinforcements at Spotsylvania and Smith's corps at Cold Harbor) from May 5th to June 15th were as follows : BATTLES, &C. Killed. Wounded. Captuked OR Missing. Total. 2,246 2,725 591 1,844 64 150 12,037 13,416 2,7349,077 337 741 3,3832,258 661 1,816 224625 17,66618,899 3,986 12,737 625 1.516 North Anna and Totopotomy . ... Cold Harbor and Bethesda Church. . Sheridan's First Expedition Sheridan's Second Expedition . Grand total from the Wilderness to j the James. . . . . . j 7,620 38,342 8,967 54,929 According to a table made up from the Official Records for " Battles and Leaders of the Civil War." Butler's army on the James numbered during the same period 36,000 effectives. Its losses were 634 killed, 3,903 wounded and 1,678 captured or missing — 6,215. This does not include the losses of Smith's corps at Cold Harbor, which are included in the above table. As Grant lost 40,- 051 up to the first of June and still had 113,875 in the battle of Cold Har bor, his total reinforcements during the campaign were 35,926, which, added to 118,000, gives 153,926 as the total effective force under his com mand during the campaign. According to General Humphreys, of the Union army, Lee's effective force at the opening of the campaign was 62,- 000. Colonel Walter H. Taylor, Lee's Adjutant-General, states that 64,000 of all arms would be a liberal estimate. The total reinforcements received 324 Story of the Confederate States. Sigel's Expedition. 31. The conjoint movement of Crook and Sigel was also a failure. Grant had intended that all his co-ope rating armies should move at the same time that he advanced against Lee. Butler attempted to carry out these orders and was defeated. Sigel began his advance early in May with about 7,000 men. Crook with about the same force was to move from West Virgi nia and join Sigel. The ad vance of Sigel was delayed in consequence of the disas trous defeat of his cavalry by General Imboden. By the time he reached New Market Imboden had been joined by 2,500 veteran troops under General John C. Breckinridge, who now took command. 32. Breckinridge brought with him also 225 cadets from the Virginia Military Institute under Colonel Ship, one of their professors. The cadets were boys between the ages of 16 and 18. SCENE ON THE JAMES RIVER NEAR DREWRY'S BLUFF. Breckinridge's whole by Lee during the campaign were 14,400. So at the highest estimate all the troops engaged under Lee from the Wilderness to Cold Harbor inclu sive amounted to 78,400 of all arms. During the whole campaingn his losses did not exceed 20,000. The losses in killed, wounded and missing are not separately stated, because many of the Confederate returns were lost. Beauregard's force in his campaign against Butler amounted to 20,000 effectives, of whom only 16,000 reached Drewry's Bluff in time for the battle of May 16th. The losses of this force were 490 killed, 2,708 wounded and 309 captured or missing— 3,507. Virginia Campaign. 325 force numbered nearly 5,000. Finding Sigel near the town of New Market he resolved to attack him. Breckinridge wished to hold the cadets in reserve, but the boys were eager to take part in the battle. First Sigel's cavalry force was routed, which exposed the flank of his infantry to the fire of McLaughlin's and McClanahan's artillery. Then under the energetic ad vance of the regulars of Wharton's and Echol's brig ades, Smith's Sixty-second Virginia regiment and the cadets, Sigel's whole line was forced back half a mile. In this new position the conflict became fiercer than ever. There was a six-gun battery which gave the Con federates considerable trouble. This the Sixty-second and the cadets charged and captured, together with most of the gunners. Exultant shouts went up, when a cadet mounted one of the captured caissons and waved over it in triumph the flag of the Institute. At the same time with the capture of the battery Wharton and Echols charged and the whole Federal line gave way. After retreating three miles Sigel again tried to make a stand; but his men retired before a fresh advance of the Confederates, and did not again stop until they had placed the Shenandoah River between them and their pursuers, and burned the bridge behind them.1 33. General Imboden says of this battle: "If Sigel had beaten Breckinridge on the 15th of May, General Lee could not have spared the men to check his pro gress (as he did that of Hunter a month later) with out exposing Richmond to immediate and almost 1 In the battle of New Market the Federal army numbered 6,500, and its losses were 93 killed, 552 wounded and 186 captured or missing — 831. The Confederates numbered 4,816, and their losses were 42 killed, 522 wounded and 13 missing— 577. Of this loss the oadets had 8 killed and 46 wounded. m ' , *$*/ A GENERAL JOHN D. IMBODEN. L 326 J Virginia Campaign. 327 inevitable capture. In view of these probable conse quences, there was no secondary battle of the war of more importance than that of New Market." The day after the battle Lee called Breckinridge to him. Im boden was left with about 1,000 men to defend the Valley as best he could. Hunter's Lynchburg Expedition. 34. Toward the last of May General David Hunter relieved Sigel in command of the Valley district. On June 1st, with 8,500 men, he began his advance, driv ing before him the small command of Imboden. That general telegraphed to Lee of his danger, where upon Lee directed Brigadier-General William E. Jones, then in Southwest Virginia, to go to the help of Imbo den with all the men that he could collect. Brigadier- General John C. Vaughn also joined him with his Tennessee cavalry. Jones having the oldest commis sion took command. 35. Near the little village of Piedmont, Hunter met this hastily-gathered army of about 5,000 men and immediately attacked. After repelling two attacks, in which Brigadier-General R. B. Hayes, afterwards Pre sident of the United States, bore a conspicuous part, the Confederates were disastrously beaten by a flank attack, losing 1,500 men and General Jones, who was killed. By this victory Hunter was enabled to effect a junction with the cavalry of Crook and Averill at Staunton. 36. With their united forces 18,000 strong the Fed erals, led by Hunter, took up the line of march for Lynchburg. At Staunton they burned, by Hunter's 328 Story of the Confederate States. orders, public and some private property. At Lexing ton Hunter burned the Virginia Military Institute, the residence of Governor Letcher, and other private property. But for the protests of his officers he would have also applied the torch to Washington College. 37. But Hunter's expedition was destined to come to an inglorious end. After the decisive defeat of Grant at Cold Harbor, Lee felt strong enough to send Breckinridge with a few troops, and shortly afterwards Early with the Second corps, to the defence of Lynch burg. To this place Breckinridge had retreated and Hunter had advanced. Early prepared to attack Hun ter at daylight on the 19th, but during the night of the 18th the Federal general retreated. The Confed erates pursued Hunter and chased him for more than sixty miles, capturing prisoners and artillery. Hun ter did not cease his flight until he had crossed the mountains into West Virginia. Sheridan's Trevilian Raid. 38. While Hunter was on his march Sheridan had been sent out with 8,000 cavalry to tear up the Vir ginia Central railroad, seize Gordonsville and Char lottesville, and then unite with Hunter. Lee detecting this move, sent Hampton, now in command of the cavalry of the Army of Northern Virginia, to head Sheridan off. Hampton, whose whole force did not exceed 5,000, hastened to carry out these instructions. Near Trevilian station, June 11th, Hampton was defeated and forced back. Then Sheridan began the work of destruction, tearing up the railroad towards Louisa Courthouse. Virginia Campaign. 329 39. In the fight of the 11th Hampton's forces were not all up and acting together; buton the 12th affairs were very different. There was more concert of action on the part of the Confederates. General M. C. But ler on this day led Hampton's division of South Caro lina, Georgia and Virginia troops, and held the left of the Confederate line. Fitzhugh Lee led his own division of Virginians, and was on the right wing. Hampton commanded the whole. Several fierce assaults were made on Butler, but they were all repulsed, and a flank attack made by Fitzhugh Lee completed the discomfiture of the Federals. During the night Sheridan retreated. He stated as his rea son for retiring that he had learned from prisoners that Hunter was not near Charlottesville, but was marching on Lynchburg, and that Breckinridge was at Gordonsville (a mistake). Had he not been de feated on the 12th Sheridan would certainly not have turned back. His desperately wounded, who could not be carried off, together with some wounded Con federates, who had fallen into his hands after the first day's fight, were left to the care of the Confederates. Grant Attacks Petersburg. 40. After Cold Harbor Grant found it necessary to give up for the present his attempt to take Richmond from the north side. He was convinced that it was useless to fight it out on that line, although the sum mer was not yet half gone. On the 13th of June Grant began to make preparations to abandon his position and withdraw his army to another line of operations. First he sent W. F. Smith with the Eighteenth corps back to Bermuda Hundreds, on the 330 Story of the Confederate States. south side of the James, with directions to begin at once an advance upon Petersburg. He intended to follow with his own army, and his hope was to take Petersburg before Lee could go to its rescue. 41. By the afternoon of the 14th Smith reached Ber muda Hundred, and by the next morning began his attack upon Petersburg. The four days of battle which followed are remarkable on account of the obstinate and successful defence made by Beauregard and his gallant command against immense odds. Lee's posi tion at this time was a very trying one. If he sent too many of his men across the James, Grant might by a sudden rush seize Richmond; and if he failed to rein force Beauregard in time, Petersburg would fall, and with that city in Grant's hands Richmond could not Jong be held. 42. The Confederate forces opposed to Smith's corps on the 15th of June consisted of the Twenty-sixth, Thirty-fourth, and Forty-sixth Virginia regiments, the Sixty-fourth Georgia, the Twenty-third South Carolina, Archer's militia, Battle's and Wood's battalions, Stur- divant's battery, Dearing's small command of cavalry, and some other transient forces, having a real effective for duty of 2,200 only.1 General Henry A. Wise was in immediate command of these forces, while Beaure gard superintended all the necessary movements of troops and the placing of reinforcements as they might arrive. Wise's brave troops resisted all day the attack of 18,000 men. Even the militia, who had hardly been under fire before, rivalled the valor of the veter- 1 G. T. Beauregard, in " Battles and Leader, of the Civil War." Vol. iv., page 540. Virginia Campaign. 331 ans by whose side they fought. Late in the evening, just as they were about to be driven from their position, there came "advancing at double quick Hagood's gal lant South Carolina brigade, followed soon after by Colquitt's, Clingman's, and in fact by the whole of Hoke's division,"1 just from Lee's army. 43. Hancock had now joined Smith, raising the Fed eral force to 38,000 men. Beauregard ordered Bush- THE BATTLE-FIELD OP MALVERN HILL. rod Johnson to evacuate the lines at Bermuda Hun dred and march at once to Petersburg. Fortunately the attack was not renewed until the afternoon of the 16th. Burnside's corps had by this time joined Han cock and Smith. The Federals, 53,000 strong, attacked the works, now held by 10,000 men. Night closed fhe conflict with the line still firmly held. Warren had by this time come up, swelling the Federal force to 67,000 men. 44. Early on the 17th the fighting began. No far ther reinforcements had yet come to Beauregard's 1 G. T.Beauregard, in "Battles and Leaders Of the Civil War." Vol. IV, page 540. 332 Story of the Confederate States. hard-pressed men. Assault after assault was made only to be repulsed, until just at dusk, when a part of the Confederate line was pierced. But just then Gra de's brigade, fresh from Chaffin's Bluff, came up and charged into the gap, retaking the line and capturing more than 1,000 prisoners. On that same day Lee's forces were approaching Petersburg, and he superin tended in person the recapture of the Bermuda Hun dred line, which had been seized by Butler when Bushrod Johnson left it to reinforce Beauregard. Pickett's and Field's divisions had been ordered to retake this line; but finding that a new line could be occupied without the loss of life that might result from its recapture the order was revoked. Field's division had been notified of this change; but Pick ett's men, Avho had not yet heard of it, "began the assault under the first order. The men of Field's division, hearing the firing and seeing Pickett's men engaged, leaped from their trenches — first the men, then the officers and flag-bearers — rushed forward and were soon in the formidable trenches, which were found to be held by a very small force."1 45. Grant's whole army was now in front of the lines of Petersburg, and an assault was ordered for 4 a. m. of the 18th. But Beauregard had caused a new line to be fortified just in rear of the one that had been so stubbornly held, and after midnight the troops had been withdrawn to this new line. When in the morning the assaulting column reached the old line and found it abandoned the Federal generals halted to reconnoiter before making an attack. Kershaw's 1 Colonel C. S. Venable in " Battles and Leaders of the Civil War," Vol. IV., page 245. A. P. HILL ORDERING LEE AND DAVIS TO THE REAR. [333] 334 Story op the Confederate States. division of Lee's army reached Petersburg early on that morning, and two hours later came Field's divi sion. Before it had been assigned to its place on the line Lee in person arrived. There were now about 20,000 Confederates in the works at Petersburg. At noon came the grand attack, which was promptly repulsed. At 4 in the afternoon the Federals tried it again, but their effort met with signal defeat. Beau regard says that their loss exceeded that of the Con federates in the proportion of nine to one. General Humphreys of the Union army in his " Virginia Campaign, 1864 and 1865," states that the Union losses in these assaults were 9,964 killed, wounded and missing. 46. A few days later (June 24th) Meade tried by a flank march to seize the Weldon road, but was defeated by A. P. Hill, with a loss of 4,000 men, mostly prison ers. About the same time Wilson and Kautz were sent with 8,000 cavalry to tear up the railroads to the south and west of Petersburg and inflict all possible damage. They did considerable damage to the rail roads, but were attacked by Hampton's cavalry and on their retreat by the infantry of Mahone and Fine- gan. They were disastrously defeated, with the loss of many in killed and wounded, 1,000 prisoners, and sixteen cannon.1 Early's March on Washington. 47. The retreat of Hunter into West Virginia had not only left the Shenandoah Valley open to the Confed- 1 Three of the guns were destroyed and thirteen were captured by the Confederates. Virginia Campaign. 335 erates, but had also uncovered Washington. Early was quick to see his advantage and prompt to improve his opportunity. By June 27th his army reached Staunton ; half the men were barefoot. Early ordered shoes to be sent on to them, and continued the march. Imboden was sent to destroy the railroad bridge over the South Branch of the Potomac and all the bridges on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad from that point to Martinsburg. By the 2d of July the Confederates entered Winches- t e r. Advancing from this point, Early drove Sigel across the Poto mac, and on the 6th led his army across that river into Maryland. On the next night the expected shoes arrived and were distributed. 48. Early's rapid march through the Valley greatly alarmed the North for the safety of Washington. And well might the North be alarmed, for there was no period of the war during which that city was in greater danger of capture. General Lew Wallace gathering as many troops as possible, set out from Baltimore to GENERAL WADE HAMPTON. 336 Story of the Confederate States. oppose Early's advance. Most of Wallace's men were raw troops, but General Grant, realizing the danger that threatened the capital of the United States, had sent Rickett's veteran division to his help. These troops overtook Wallace at the Monocacy River ; here they formed line of battle and awaited the advance of the Confederates. 49. Early's men after marching fourteen miles on the 9th, discovered this force strongly posted on the east ern bank of the stream, and prepared at once to storm the position. McCausland with his cavalry moved against the left flank of the Federals. Breckinridge was ordered to send Gordon's division to the help of McCausland. Then, while Ramseur skirmished with the force in his front, Gordon charged in gallant style, assisted by the fire of King's and Nelson's artillery. Before Gordon's resistless advance- the Federals were thrown into confusion and forced from their position. In this desperate charge General C. A. Evans, whose brigade led the attack, fell from his horse severely wounded through the body. Ramseur crossed on the railroad bridge and pressed the pursuit, in which Rodes also joined.1 While these operations had been going on a contribution of $200,000 was levied on the city of Frederick and some much needed supplies were obtained. 50. After this brilliant victory Early continued his march on Washington and arrived in front of Fort Stevens early in the afternoon of the 11th. Rodes's division, which was in front, was ordered to deploy 1 The Union army numbered 6,000 men and lost 1,880, of whom 1,100 were captured or missing. The Confederates engaged numbered 10,000, and they lost about 700. Virginia Campaign. 337 into line and occupy the fort. Before this could be done a column of Federals filed into the works and threw out skirmishers. Early reconnoitered the posi tion and ordered an attack for the next morning. But that night he learned by a dispatch from General Bradley T. Johnson that two corps from Grant's army had arrived.1 Next morning, riding to the front, Early saw the par apet lined with troops. He had to give up the idea of capturing Wash ington, after he had ar rived in sight of the dome of the capitol and given the whole North a terrible fright. If he had been just a day sooner he would have taken the city. On the night of the 12th Early retired, and on the morning of the 14th re crossed the Potomac, carrying with him the prisoners captured at the Monocacy, and a large num ber of beef-cattle and horses. Early's Pennsylvania Raid. 51. For two months after Early's return from Wash ington he remained in the lower Valley,2 keeping the 1 Grant had sent the rest of Wright's corps to Washington and also the Nineteenth corps, which had just arrived from Louisiana a The lower Valley is the northern part of It. 22 GENERAL BRADLEY T. JOHNSON. 338 Story of the Confederate States. Baltimore and Ohio railroad and the Chesapeake and Ohio canal obstructed, and threatening Maryland and Pennsylvania. During this time some important events occurred. The troops that had saved Washing ton, instead of pursuing Early, returned to that city, under the impression that Early was returning to Rich mond. 52. But Early had no notion of doing any such thing. Instead he advanced again, and defeated Crook and Averill at Kernstown (July 24th). The Federals were chased beyond Martinsburg, with the loss of 1,200 men, including General Mulligan, who was killed. Crook did not cease his retreat until he had crossed into Maryland, " leaving Early undisturbed master of the south side of the Potomac from Shepherdstown to Willi amsport." 1 Maryland and Southern Pennsylva nia were in utter panic. 53. Early now sent a cavalry expedition into Penn sylvania, which routed a small Federal force at Car lisle and then pushed on and captured Chambersburg. Here McCausland demanded a contribution of $100,- 000 in gold. As the money was not raised, acting under Early's orders, he fired the town and destroyed two-thirds of it. Early says that he did this in retalia tion for the partial burning of Lexington and of pri vate residences in the Valley by the orders of Hunter. However this act of retaliation may be viewed, it would never have been allowed by General Lee, who did not believe in thus returning evil for evil, especially when by so doing the innocent would suffer for the crime of the guilty. 1 Greeley's " American Conflict." Vol. II, page 606. Virginia Campaign. 339 The Petersburg Mine. 54. On the same day that Chambersburg was burned Grant suffered a terrible defeat at Petersburg. Having failed in other efforts to take this city, he decided to have a mine dug under one of the Confederate forts. Four tons of gun-powder were placed in it. In order to distract the attention of the Confederates Grant sent forces north of the James to threaten Richmond. This caused Lee to send some of his troops to meet this move of Grant's; but, as the event proved, Lee had retained enough for the defense of Petersburg. On the morning of July 30th the mine was exploded, making a crater 20 feet deep and 100 feet long. In stantly 110 cannon and 50 mortars, placed in com manding positions, commenced playing upon the ground to the right and left of where the Federal troops were expected to enter. 55. Ledlie's division of Burnside's corps moved for ward and entered the crater, but did not get beyond. Other Federal divisions, among them Ferrero's colored troops, moved forward, most of them becoming crowded together in the crater. The Confederates, who had now rallied from their surprise, poured in a most destruc tive fire, and the crater became a perfect slaughter pen. Finally General Mahone led the Confederates in a charge which retook the whole line and captured more than 1,000 prisoners. The Battle of the Crater had proved for the Union army, as Grant himself says, "a stupendous failure." The Federals had lost 4,000 men and the Confederates about 1000.1 1 George I. Kilmer, of the Union army, says : " It has been positively asserted that white men (Union soldiers) bayoneted blacks who fell back into the crater. This was in order to preserve the whites from Confed- 340 Virginia Campaign. 56. Grant now gave orders for a corps of infantry and a large body of cavalry to destroy fifteen or twenty miles of the Weldon railroad before Lee could get forces there to defend it. But getting news just at this time of Early's invasion of Pennsylvania, he revoked his order and directed that additional troops be embarked for Washington. erate vengeance." Mr. Kilmer also says that there was a feeling among the Union soldiers that " they had been pushed into slaughter pens from the Wilderness down." He also says that " there was a determination to rebel against further slapdash assaults." These statements are made by Mr. Kilmer in an article entitled " The Dash into the Crater," which ap peared in the Century Magazine of September, 1887. irniajifoi m PSifr »¦¦ m BATTLE OF THE CRATER, 342 Story of the Confederate States. CHAPTER III. FROM THE OPENING OF THE GEORGIA CAMPAIGN TO THE FIRST PART OF AUGUST, 1864 — EVENTS IN MISSISSIPPI — DISCOURAGEMENT AT THE NORTH. |ET us now see what had been going on in Georgia during the time in which the events recorded in the last chapter were occurring. On the same day that Grant crossed the Rapidan Sherman by his direction began to advance against Dalton. The army under Sherman numbered 100,000, and he had author ity to call for more as they were need ed. At Dalton Gen eral Joseph E. Johnston had near 45,000 men, which were increased by reinforcements soon after the cam paign opened to about sixty-five thousand. Sher- GENERAL LEONIDAS POLK. , man s army was also increased to one hundred and twelve thousand. 2. Sherman's plan was, by a series of flanking movements, to compel Johnston's retreat from the successive positions which he occupied. Johnston's Georgia Campaign. 343 plan was to avoid a general engagement, unless the advantage of position was on his side, and at the same time to delay Sherman's march as much as possible. On May 7th the Union army was drawn up in line in front of the Confederate position. Next day Geary's division of Hooker's corps assailed the Confederates in Dug Gap, but met with a decided repulse by two regiments of Reynolds's Arkansas brigade and Grigs- by's Kentuckians. On the 9th Newton's division of Howard's (Fourth) corps, supported by Judah's divi sion of the Army of the Ohio, made five assaults upon the crest of Rocky Face Ridge, each of which was repulsed. Similar assaults were made upon Stewart's and Bates's divisions in Mill Creek Gap, but the Confederates held their ground. 3. On the same day (May 9th) at Resaca Major- General McPherson, who had made a flank movement through Snake Creek Gap for the purpose of capturing the town and railroad bridge in Johnston's rear, attacked, but failed to carry the position held by two Confederate brigades under General Canty. During that night General Johnston sent down General Hood with the divisions of Hindman, Cleburne and Walker to the assistance of Canty. McPherson then retreated to Snake Creek Gap and intrenched. Johnston having ascertained that the Avhole Federal army was moving towards Resaca, abandoned Dalton and concentrated his forces in Sherman's front. During May 14th and 15th there was heavy fighting at Resaca, The Federal assaults upon Hindman's positions were repulsed, and Hood, with Stewart's and Stevenson's divisions, drove the Federal left from its ground. McPherson, how ever, drove Polk's (Confederate) skirmishers from 344 Story of the Confederate States. the hill in front of his left, which commanded the Western and Atlantic railroad bridge over the Oos- tenaula. 4. While the fighting was going on at Resaca a Union force under General Sweeny was sent across the Oostenaula. John K. Jackson's brigade, of Wal ker's division, failed in an effort to drive back this force. Since a strong force was now threatening John ston's rear, the Confederate army abandoned Resaca and retired toward Kingston. 5. On the 19th of May Johnston took position near Cassville, where he hoped to fight a decisive battle. There was heavy skirmishing during the day, and the Confederate soldiers were eager to decide at once the issue of the campaign. But the judgment of Hood and Polk was against fighting a defensive battle at that point. So the Confederates fell back to the Etowah River and crossed it the next day. 6. A few days later it was ascertained that Sher man's forces had crossed the Etowah far to the Con federate left. Johnston marched promptly to meet them, and took up a position extending from Dallas to the railroad. There now occurred a series of engage ments between portions of the two armies, which John ston and Sherman in their respective narratives of this campaign agree in calling the Battle of New Hope Church. The first of these occurred on the 25th of May, when the head of Hooker's column, driving in the Confed erate skirmishers, came upon Stewart's division (of Hood's corps) near a little meeting-house, known as New Hope Church. Hooker formed his division in parallel lines and promptly attacked, but his vig orous assaults resulted in "a succession of bloody Georgia Campaign. 345 repulses."1 A heavy shower, accompanied with light ning and thunder, was going on during " these awful charges."1 Two days later Sherman sent Howard, with two divisions, to turn Johnston's right. At Pickett's Mill, thinking he had reached the extreme of the Confederate line, Howard ordered an assault. It fell upon Kelly's cavalry, deployed on foot as skirmish ers, to whose assistance speedily came Granberry's Texas brigade, of Cleburne's division. These checked the Federals, who, however, renewed the assault. But by this time Colonel Bancum, with two Arkansas regi ments of Govan's brigade, had come up, and Cleburne had hurried to his threatened right Lowrey's brigade of Alabamians and Mississippians. The vigorous charges of the Federals were all repulsed, as Howard himself says, with much loss. The Confederates gath ered up as trophies 1,200 small small arms. The acknowledged loss in Howard's corps in this combat at Pickett's Mill was 1,500 men. Cleburne's loss was 400. The next day McPherson tried to withdraw from Dallas, so as to pass beyond Howard's left. But Bate's division, of Hardee's corps, quickly assailed him, meeting with a repulse, in which they lost about 700 men.2 7. On the 4th of June the Federal army extended so far beyond the Confederate position that John ston drew his army back to a new line. Sherman says: "With the drawn battle of New Hope Church 1 General O. 0. Howard (Federal), in the Century Magazine for July, 1887. Page 452. 2 Bate's division consisted of Kentuckians, Tennesseeans, Georgians, and Floridians. They attacked on this occasion Logan's corps, consisting of three divisions. GENERAL GEORGE H. THOMAS. [ 346 ] Georgia Campaign. 347 and our occupation of Allatoona terminated the month of May and the first stage of the campaign." 8. For several weeks now there was constant skir mishing between the two armies. All this time the Federals kept shifting position, first in one direction and then in another, in the effort to turn the flanks of the Confederates, all of which movements were skillfully met by General Johnston. Constant rains added greatly to the discomfort of the soldiers. On the 14th of June Lieutenant-General Polk, who had been distinguished in every engagement of the Con federate army of the Tennessee, Avas killed by a cannon ball while on Pine Mountain reconnoitering the posi tion of the Federals. 9. On the 19th of June the Confederate force was placed in a new position, the key of which was Ken- nesaw Mountain. On the 22d of June Schofield's and Hooker's troops attacked Hood's corps, but were repulsed. The Confederates then tried to carry the Federal position, but after seizing a line of breast works were themselves repulsed, with the loss of about 1,000 men. This is known as the battle of Kulp's (or, more properly, Kolb's) Farm. Battle of Kennesaw Mountain. 10. Part of Johnston's line was on Kennesaw and part of it along the hills to the southwest, the extreme left extending down into the more level country. Sher man hoped that by a general assault he might penetrate some weak point of Johnston's long front. The assault was ordered for the morning of June 27th. It was preceded by a furious cannonade. Then the bugles sounded the charge, and the assaulting column moved 348 Story of the Confederate States. forward. Logan, supported by Blair and Dodge, moved against the Confederate right, east of the moun tain and against the mountain itself. Logan's losses were heavy. Seven regimental commanders fell killed or wounded, so deadly was the fire from Feath- erstone's men. A furious charge upon French's division, especially upon Cockrell's Missouri brigade, though determined and impetuous, was also repulsed with heavy loss. The assailing columns broke through the skirmishers on Walker's right, attacking them in front and on the right and left. Lieutenant-Colonel Robert A. Fulton of the Fifty-third Ohio infantry says that the skirmishers encountered by his regiment were from the Sixty-third Georgia, and that they "fought with a desperation worthy of a better cause." He also tells how his command had with them " a hand-to-hand fight in which bayonets and butts of muskets were used." About eighty of Walker's skir mishers (mostly from the Sixty-third Georgia) were killed, wounded or captured.1 Major J. V. H. Allen, who commanded them, rallied the remnant on the crest of a little hill, and aided by French's guns from Little Kennesaw drove back the Federals before they encountered Walker's line of battle. But the most determined assault was made by Palmer's corps, with Hooker in reserve, upon the " intrenchments held by Cheatham's and Cleburne's divisions, which extended through the rolling country souih of the mountain."2 By Cleburne's troops they were permitted to come 1 One Company of the Sixty-third Georgia, known as the " Ogle- thorpes," lost two-thirds of their men that had been carried out upon the skirmish line. 2 From Joseph M. Brown's Mountain Campaigns in Georgia. Georgia Campaign. 349 within twenty paces before a gun was fired.. On this part of the line especially the loss among the Federals was very severe. Sherman in his Memoirs says: "By 1 1 : 30 the assault was in fact over and had failed." In another account of this battle General Sherman says: " We failed, losing 3,000 men to the Confederate loss of 630." General Howard of his army also says: " Our losses in this assault were heavy indeed, and our gain was nothing." 11. Sherman now concluded to try another flank movement. So he sent a strong column, under Scho- field and McPherson, down the valley of Olley's creek toward the Chattahoochee. Johnston seeing that this movement toward the south would break his commu nications with Atlanta, evacuated Kennesaw Moun tain on the night of July 2d. He carried off every thing — even the guns on Kennesaw being skillfully removed. Sherman had expected to take Johnston's army at a disadvantage on his retreat ; but he was dis appointed, for Johnston (as Sherman himself says) had prepared the way too well. He had done this by means of carefully-prepared lines of intrenchments all the way back to the Chattahoochee. 12. On the 10th Johnston crossed that river, " cov ered and protected," says Sherman, "by the best line of field intrenchments I have ever seen, pre pared long in advance." Johnston had shown won derful skill in manoeuvring his army, and every retreat had been conducted in a masterly manner and with out the loss of a gun or a wagon. His chief aim had been to keep between Sherman and Atlanta, which place he had thoroughly fortified, and which he believed he could hold with part of his army, while he used the rest 350 Story of the Confederate States. for more active operations. But his " Fabian " policy had dissatisfied many of the Southern people, and the Richmond Government was very much displeased with it. He had handled his army well, but in carry ing out his plan he had abandoned much territory. Mr. Davis did not believe that Johnston would be able to hold Atlanta any bet ter than other strong positions which he had abandoned. So he removed him from command (July 18th) and ap pointed General John B. Hood in his place. John- s t o n and h i s friends have always claimed that he did in Georgia just what Lee did in Virginia. There was this difference, however: Lee in carrying out his plan had lost no territory. But Johnston's ad mirers claim that this was due to the difference in the configuration of the country in Virginia and Georgia. GENERAL JOHN B. HOOD. Georgia Campaign. 351 13. Hood's idea was that whenever Sherman attempted a flanking movement, the Confederates should assail them. The passive defensive policy did not suit him at all. He did not believe in yielding any territory without first making a desperate fight to retain it. Though disabled in one arm at Gettysburg he was back in service in time to act an illustrious part in the battle of Chickamauga, in which he lost a leg close up to the hip-joint. Notwithstanding this great disability, he was in the field at the opening of the campaign of 1864. He wore a cork leg, and yet " could ride nearly as well as most men who have two legs and two arms."1 An army consisting of men filled with his heroic spirit could never have been defeated except by annihilation. The Battles of Atlanta. 14. On July 20th, while Thomas's wing of Sher man's army was crossing Peach Tree Creek, Hood sent the corps of Stewart and Hardee to attack him. Through bad management the attack was not made as promptly as Hood desired, nor with as good results as he had hoped; for the Confederates were repulsed with heavy loss. 15. McPherson with Sherman's left wing had already seized the Augusta railroad, and was prepar ing to continue his movement until he reached the Macon road, which was the main line of supply for the Confederate army. It was necessary to check this movement or Atlanta was in danger of speedy capture. Hardee was directed to move with his corps 1,1 The Georgia Militia about Atlanta," by General Gustavus W. Smith, in " Battles and Leaders of the Civil War," Vol. IV., page 335. 352 Story of the Confederate States. to the extreme left and rear of the Federal army and attack at daylight, or as near thereafter as possible. General Wheeler with his cavalry was to accompany Hardee. As soon as Hardee became fully engaged, Cheatham was to take up the movement from his right, and General G. W. Smith with the Georgia State troops was then to join in the attack. General MAP SHOWING ATLANTA AND VICINITY. Stewart, on Hood's left, was not only to watch Thomas and prevent his going to the aid of Schofield and Mc Pherson, but also to join in the battle the instant that the movement became general. The movements thus planned by Hood brought on the severest battle of the Atlanta campaign (July 22d). The attack was made with great gallantry, but was only partiallv successful, Georgia Campaign. 353 because Hardee had not gone entirely to the rear of the Federals before beginning the attack. The fight ing was fierce, and great determination was shown on both sides. At the close of the day the Confederate right held part of the ground previously occupied by the Federal left. Hardee bore off as trophies eight guns and thirteen stands of colors, Avhile Cheatham captured five guns and five stands of colors. Both Hood and Sherman claimed the victory. But the fact that Sherman's flanking movement to the Confed erate right was completely checked by this battle proves that it was more of a success to Hood than to Sherman, although the Confederates being the attack ing party sustained the greater loss. General Mc Pherson on the Federal and General William H. T. Walker on the Confederate side were killed in this engagement, generally known as the Battle of Atlanta. 16. Six days after this an attempt upon Sherman's part to turn the Confederate left brought on the battle of Ezra Church. This battle was fought by Lieutenant- General Stephen D. Lee, now in command of Hood's old corps, against Sherman's right, commanded on this occasion by General Howard. The Confederates were repulsed in their effort to capture the position of the Federals, who in their turn failed to take the position occupied by the Confederates. 17. Two great cavalry expeditions had been sent out by Sherman about this time. One column of 5,000 men, under Stoneman, was sent around the Confed erate right, and another of 4,000, under McCook, around their left, with instructions to meet at Lovejoy Station, on the Macon road, and destroy the Confed erate communications; then to push on to Anderson- 23 354 Story of the Confederate States. ville, if possible, and release 34,000 Union prisoners confined at that place. But General Wheeler defeated McCook at Newnan, inflicting heavy losses in killed and wounded, and capturing 950 prisoners, two can non, and 1,200 horses with equipments. About the same time Generals Cobb and Iverson defeated Stone man at Macon. Iverson pursued Stoneman, who sur rendered with 500 of his men. Their horses and two cannon were also the trophies of the Confederates, and many more of Stoneman's routed troops were captured as they fled towards Eatonton. Events in Mississippi. 18. While the campaign in Georgia was in progress important events were occurring in Northern Missis sippi. When Sherman began his Georgia campaign he ordered out an expedition from Memphis to defeat the cavalry of Forrest, then in North Mississippi, and prevent its descent upon his line of communication. The expedition consisted of three brigades of infantry and two of cavalry, a good train of artillery, and 250 wagons, exclusive of ambulances and medical wagons. The whole force numbered about 9,000 effectives, and was commanded by General Samuel E. Sturgis. Gen eral B. H. Grierson commanded the cavalry. Forrest, with less than 4,000 men, encountered this force on Tishamingo creek at Brice's Cross-roads, near Gun- town, June 10th. Making a fierce onset, he utterly overwhelmed the Federal force, capturing all their artillery (fourteen guns) and wagons and over 1,600 prisoners. The total Federal loss was 2,200. They did not cease their flight until they were safe in Memphis. Georgia Campaign. 355 19. Ashamed of this defeat, the Federals organized a new expedition, consisting of two divisions of infan try and one of cavalry, besides a brigade of colored troops — 14,000 in all, with twenty cannon. The whole force was commanded by General A. J. Smith, who had been with Banks in his ill-fated Red River expe dition. To meet this force General Stephen D. Lee, who at that time commanded in Northern Mississippi, stated in a dispatch to Mr. Davis that he had only 7,000 men, including the commands of Forrest and Roddy. Near Tupelo the opposing forces met (July 14th), and Forrest made attack after attack upon the greatly superior Federal force. Smith claimed to have defeated Forrest in this engagement. But he retreated next day, harassed by Forrest's cavalry. On the 23d of July Smith was back in Memphis. Forrest still held control of the open country and considered him self the victor. Discouragement at the North. 20. The summer of 1864 was rapidly drawing to a close. After the most determined efforts and the most desperate fighting of the war, the Union armies seemed to be as far as ever from effecting the conquest of the South. The Virginia campaign had been to the North a dismal failure. Sherman had by his flanking move ments penetrated far into Georgia, but he had been repulsed in several battles and had gained no decisive victory at any point. In Northern Mississippi and Western Tennessee the Confederate forces under Ste phen D. Lee and Forrest held a sway which was only for a short time interrupted by the carefully-prepared and well-equipped expedition of A. J. Smith. In fact, [ 356 J Georgia Campaign. 357 Forrest held such control of the country outside of the Union headquarters at Memphis that the Confederate legislature held its sessions in Jacksori, Tennessee. 21. Of this period of the war the Northern historian, Horace Greeley, in his "American Conflict," says: " Cold Harbor was an exceedingly expensive and dam aging failure — damaging not merely in the magnitude of our loss, but in its effect on the morale and efficiency of our chief army. It had extinguished the last hope of crushing Lee north of the James and of interposing that army between him and the Confederate capital.1 The failure to seize Petersburg when it would easily have fallen, and the repeated and costly failures to carry its defences by assault, or even to flank them on the south; the luckless conclusion of Wilson's and Kautz's raid to Staunton River; Sheridan's failure to unite with Hunter in Lee's rear; Sturgis's disastrous defeat by Forrest near Guntown ; Hunter's failure to carry Lynchburg and eccentric line of retreat; Sher man's bloody repulse at Kennesaw, and the compelled slowness of his advance on Atlanta; Early's unresisted swoop down the Valley into Maryland, his defeat of Wallace at the Monocacy, and his unpunished demon stration against the defences of Washington itself ; the raids of his troopers up to the suburbs of Baltimore, on the Philadelphia railroad, and even up into Penn sylvania, burning Chambersburg and alarming even Pittsburg; and finally the bloody, wretched fiasco of the Mine explosion before Petersburg; these and other 1 Swinton says that after the battle of Cold Harbor Grant's army, " shaken in its structure, its valor quenched in blood and thousands of its ablest officers killed or wounded, was the Army of the Potomac no more." GENERAL GEORGE B. McCLELLAN. [ 358 ] Georgia Campaign. 359 reverses relieved by a few and unimpressive triumphs, rendered the mid-summer of 1864 one of the gloomiest seasons of our great struggle for the upholders of the national cause." Speaking about the financial condi tion during this period, when it took nearly three dol lars of currency to purchase one of gold, the same writer says: " By the pecuniary gauge thus afforded, it appears that the very darkest hours of our contest — those in which our loyal people most profoundly des paired of a successful issue — were those of July and August, 1864;. following Grant's repulse from Cold Harbor, the Mine explosion before Petersburg, and during Early's unpunished incursion into Maryland, and his cavalry raids up to Chambersburg and McCon- nellsburg." 22. The convention of the Democratic party that assembled in Chicago August 29th and nominated McClellan for the presidency pronounced the war a failure, and expressed a desire for an immediate ces sation of hostilities, in order to try peaceable means for restoring the Union. 360 Story of the Confederate States. CHAPTER IV. THE TIDE TURNS — MOBILE BAY — FALL OF ATLANTA — SHERIDAN AND EARLY IN THE SHENANDOAH — HOOD'S TENNESSEE CAMPAIGN — SHERMAN'S MARCH THROUGH GEORGIA — CONFEDERATE SUCCESSES AROUND RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG. HE reader has now learned the wonderful record of Confederate achievements from the beginning of 1864 to almost the end of the summer of that year and their effect upon the feelings of the Northern people. But skill and valor cannot always supply the lack of numbers and resources, and even victories won at the cost of men that can never be replaced must end in defeat at last. Mobile Bay. 2. Ever since the capture of *Vicksburg Grant had been anxious that a formidable expedition should be sent against Mobile. In the early part of 1864 he wanted to employ the southwestern Union forces in that way, but he was overruled, and the ill-starred Red River expedition was the result. In July a fleet of twenty-eight vessels under Admiral Farragut and a land force under General Gordon Granger was sent against Mobile. On the 5th of August Admiral Far ragut with eighteen vessels, four of which were iron clad monitors, attacked the Confederate fleet, consist ing of the iron-clad ram Tennessee and three side- wheel gunboats. The Union fleet carried 159 guns and thirty4hree howitzers, and the officers and crew The Tide Turns. 361 numbered 3,000 men. The Confederate fleet, com manded by Admiral Franklin Buchanan, carried twenty-two guns and only 470 officers and men. The guns of the Union fleet were also of heavier caliber than those of the Confederate vessels. 3. As the fleets approach ed each other for the battle Admiral Farragut, in order to have a better view of the movements of his ships, climbed the rigging of his flagship, the Hartford. Captain Drayton, fearful that even a slight wound might throw the Admiral to the deck, sent the signal quartermaster aloft with a small rope to secure him to the rigging. This was quickly done, and through the hot fight which followed the Admiral occupied his dangerous post. The 362 Story of the Confederate States. little Confederate fleet made a gallant fight, in which one of the gunboats was captured, one was run ashore and afterward burned by her own crew, and one, the Morgan, escaped through the hostile fleet up to the city, in defense of which she afterwards did good ser vice. The Tennessee, after a battle with the whole fleet, in which Admiral Buchanan was severely wounded, became so disabled that her commander, Captain James D. Johnston, found it, necessary to surrender. 4. On that same day Fort Powell was blown up by its garrison, and two days later Granger took possession of Fort Gaines. He then began a siege of Fort Mor gan. On the 23d of August the fort had become unten able and was surrendered by her brave commander, Brigadier-General R. L. Page. In these operations Granger had 5,600 men. He captured with the forts their garrisons, numbering 1,400 "men, and their arma ment of 104 guns; but the Confederates had a strong line of defences, and continued to hold Mobile until just before the close of the war, though they could no longer use it as a port. The Fall of Atlanta. 5. But the taking of the outer defences of Mobile would not have done much toward allaying the dis couragement at the North, if greater successes for the; Federals had not come in other quarters. After thej brilliant victories of Wheeler and Iverson over the Federal cavalry, Hood sent Wheeler to the rear of Sherman's army to tear up the railroad to Chatta nooga, over which the supplies for that army were The Tide Turns. 363 hauled. Wheeler burned the bridge over the Etowah, captured Dalton and Resaca, and destroyed thirty- five miles of railroad in that vicinity; then go ing into Tennessee, he and Forrest did much dam age to the Federal lines of supply in that State. But it was soon made clear that cavalry raids could not cripple Sherman's roads enough to make him retreat. 6. The Federal commander continued to extend, his lines westward and southward. In one of these move ments General Schofleld's corps assaulted a part of the Confederate line near Utoy Creek, held by Bate's division.1 Twice Schofleld's troops assaulted, but each time were driven back with heavy loss. (August 6th.) 7. Taking advantage of the absence of Wheeler's cavalry, Sherman sent a force under Kilpatrick against the Macon road, but his expedition was defeated by General William H. Jackson's Confederate cavalry, and a raid along the Augusta road about the same time (August 22d) was likewise repelled. 8. During the greater part of this month the Fed erals kept up a bombardment of Atlanta. The 9th of August was made memorable by the most furious can nonade sustained by the city during the siege. General Hood, in his interesting work, " Advance and Retreat," says: "Women and children fled into cellars and were forced to seek shelter a greater length of time than at any period of the bombardment. The bombardment of the city continued until the 25th of August. It was 1 This division consisted of Lewis's Kentucky brigade, Tyler's (or Smith's) brigade of Tennesseeans and Georgians, and Finlay's Florida brigade. 364 Story of the Confederate States. painful, yet strange to mark how expert grew the old men, women and children in building their little underground forts, into which to fly for safety during the storm of shell and shot. Often 'mid the darkness of night were they constrained to seek refuge in these dungeons beneath the earth. Albeit, I can not recall one word from their lips expressive of dissatisfaction or willingness to surrender." 9. On the night of the 25th, the very day that the Confederates in Virginia gained the brilliant victory of Reams's Station, Sherman disappeared from the Confederate front and be gan a flank march to the west and south of Atlanta. He sent his sick and wounded back to his en trenched camp on the Chattahoochee, where he left Slocum with one corps. With the other five corps he moved to Fair- burn on the West Point road and then turned southward towards Jones- boro (August 30th). GENERAL WM. J. HARDEE. 10. Hood sent Hardee with his corps and that of Stephen D. Lee to attack the Federals and drive them back. In case of failure Hardee was to send back Lee's corps towards Atlanta, so as to protect Hood's line of retreat. Hardee made the attack (August 31), but the Federal force was already intrenched and Hardee was repulsed. Then according to orders he Georgia Campaign. 365 sent Lee's corps back towards Atlanta. On the next day about noon a furious attack was was made upon Har dee's single corps which had before it the difficult task of holding its position in the face of five corps of the Federal army. Fortunately the attacks were not simultaneous all along his line, and Hardee was able to shift troops to the threatened points in time to repel the assaults. About the middle of the afternoon an angle held by Govan's Arkansas brigade and Lewis's Kentucky brigade was assailed by an over whelming force. These two brigades, consisting of soldiers who had not their superiors in Hood's army, held to their line until the dense masses of Federal troops poured over the works and by weight of num bers forced back the brave defenders. The greater part of Govan's brigade and eight cannon were cap tured, but Granberry's Texans and Gordons's Ten nessee brigade charging forward formed a new line in rear of the lost angle. By hard fighting Hardee's line thus rectified was held until night, and Hood's safe retreat from Atlanta1 was secured. There was no more gallant fight of the war than the brave stand made by Hardee's men in this battle of Jonesboro. Hood left Atlanta on the evening of September 1st. 11. Next day Hood united his divided army at Lovejoy Station. Sherman took possesion of his 1 In the Atlanta campaign the greatest strength of the Union army was 113,000 men. The greatest strength of the Confederate army is variously estimated. Some put it at 65,000, others as high as 84,000. Probably 70,000 is a correct estimate. The Union losses were reported to be 4,423 killed, 22,822 wounded, and 4,442 captured or missing— 31,687. The Confederate losses were 3,044 killed, 18,952 wounded and 12,983 cap tured or missing— 34,979. Major Dawes of Cincinnati estimates that each army lost 40,000. All these figures embrace the whole campaign from Dalton to the fall of Atlanta. 366 Story of the Confederate States. prize on September 2d and telegraphed to Mr. Lincoln, " Atlanta is ours and fairly won ! " This dispatch electrified the North, and raised its drooping spirits. The fall of Atlanta was felt by the Southern people to be a disastrous blow. It was the first great victory won by the Union armies in 1864. Other events soon after occurred which raised still higher the spirits of the North, and increased the despondency of the South. Sheridan and Early in the Shenandoah. 12. We left Early master of the situation in all the country along the upper Potomac. Grant, feeling that he must put a check upon Early's movements, sent large reinforcements to the Union army in that quar ter, and put General Philip Sheridan in command of the whole force (August 7th). Upon the advance of this greatly superior force Early fell back to Fisher's Hill. Soon afterwards Early received reinforcements, whereupon Sheridan, though still having much the larger army, retired to Halltown, near Harper's Ferry. Early then advanced to Winchester and beyond, and during the whole month from August 17th to Septem ber 17th remained in the lower Valley, keeping the Baltimore railroad and the canal obstructed and threatening Maryland and Pennsylvania. During this time there were several cavalry engagements, in which sometimes one party and sometimes the other was successful. 13. Finally Sheridan learned that Early's reinforce ments had left him and were going back to Petersburg. He determined to make the best of his opportunity. Sheridan advanced against Early with 43,000 men of whom 10,000 were splendidly equipped cavalry under The Tide Tuens. 367 Torbert, Merritt, and other distinguished leaders. Early's army was in position along the Opequon, near Winchester, and numbered but little over 13,000. Of this number about 3,000 were cavalry. Sheridan's magnificent body of cavalry, operating in an open -Tj ' '! 1 &!ff§B^ ' ,;¦' .-p*^& V fe ¦K;i:Ifl§l ililiii :§§e Tflfcl / 1 Ri 1 ilililSl GENERAL PHILIP SHERIDAN. country like the Shenandoah Valley, gave to the Union general a tremendous advantage. Early's men, who had been used to victory, met with deter mination the attack of Sheridan, which began on the morning of September 19th. As both sides fought without cover the losses were very great. At about 368 Story of the Confederate States. noon the Union army had been repulsed all along the line. General Russell of the Union army and Gen erals Rodes and Godwin of the Confederate had been killed. The stress of battle compelled Sheridan to bring up his reserves, and late in the afternoon the Federal cavalry got into the rear of Early's left. There was now nothing left for the Confederates but to retreat. This they did under cover of the darkness which had come just as Early's lines were broken. Early continued his retreat to Fisher's Hill, where he had an intrenched camp. 14. Sheridan followed and on the 21st appeared in Early's front. During that day and the next he pre pared to assail the lines at Fisher's Hill. Early, feel ing sure that his army was not strong enough to encounter Sheridan, had given orders for retreating that night. But just before sundown Crook's infan try, whose movement had not been discovered, struck so suddenly Early's left and rear that his whole army was driven in confusion from its position. x Early retired to Mount Jackson and thence to New Market, where he turned off to the east toward Port Republic; he took this direction in order to meet reinforcements; for Kershaw, who had gone as far as Culpeper on his march to join Lee, was now ordered back to Early. 15. Torbert, with Sheridan's cavalry, went up the Valley as far as Staunton, where he destroyed great quantities of army stores; he also did considerable damage to the Virginia Central railroad. When Sheri dan began his return march, the cavalry was deployed across the Valley, burning, destroying or taking away 1 In the two battles of Winchester and Fisher's Hill Sheridan had taken twenty-one cannon. The Tide Turns. 369 every thing that was supposed to be of any value to the Confederates. So complete was the devastation of this lovely Valley that Sheridan telegraphed Grant that a crow in flying over it would have to carry his rations. 16. Early, whom defeats had not appalled, followed Sheridan as he retired down the Valley; his reinforce ments had about supplied his losses at Fisher's Hill. Sheridan halted beyond Strasburg and went into camp at Cedar Creek. Early went into camp again at Fish er's Hill; he formed the bold plan of attacking Sheri dan in his camp; he knew that the odds against him were great, but he felt that a victory was necessary, and that it could not be gained without fighting for it. General John B. Gordon, with General C. A. Evans and Captain Jed. Hotchkiss, took observations from the end of Massanutton Mountain, and reported that an attack could be successfully made upon the Federal left and rear, and that the approach to that part of the Union line was practicable for infantry but not for artillery. Early gave orders that the divisions of Gor don, Ramseur, and Pegram, under the command of Gordon, should take the road to the Federal rear, while he himself, with Kershaw's and Wharton's divisions and all the artillery, should move along the pike through Strasburg and attack the Union front and flank. The plan was a great success. At early dawn of October 19th the charging Confederates broke over the Federal works and rushed into their camp, cap turing prisoners and guns, which they turned upon the routed troops. The corps of Crook and Emory left their camp in utter confusion. Officers and men were driven from their beds, hurrying into their clothes as they fled in terror. Wright's corps, which was 24 PEGRAM'S DEATH. f 370 The Tide Turns. 371 farthest from the point of attack, retired in tolerable order, but offered only a feeble resistance. The cavalry on the extreme right of the Union line was unbroken and retired in order, delaying the Confederate advance The pursuit slackened, and just beyond Middletown the retreating Federals halted. The cavalry and Wright's corps considerably outnumbered the victors of that morning's battle. The Confederates had halted and many of the men had left their ranks and were plundering the captured camp. General Wright, assisted by Torbert, took up a new position, and many of the routed Federal troops were rallied and brought again into line. 17. Sheridan, who had been to Washington and had stopped at Winchester during the night of the 18th, heard the noise of the battle on the morning of the 19th, and mounting his horse hurried to the field, which he reached at about half-past 10. On the road he met stragglers, who turned and followed him as he shouted to them: "Come, boys! we are going back." He found his army already reformed. Many of those who had fled in the morning had now returned and were ready to fight again. Sheridan made the neces sary dispositions to renew the battle. Before ordering an advance he rode down the whole front of his infan try line and was greeted with hearty cheers. This was after mid-day, as Sheridan himself tells us. Late in the afternoon his whole line advanced. Before the impetuous onset the Confederates were forced to give way. Around their flanks poured Torbert's cavalry, which alone outnumbered their whole infantry force. Their officers tried to rally them, but in vain. The gallant Ramseur, while bravely stemming the tide, fell 372 Story of the Confederate States. mortally wounded. Sheridan pressed on, recovering nis camp, taking 1,000 prisoners and twenty -three cannon, besides the twenty-four which had been cap tured from him in the morning. The Confederates halted for the night at Fisher's Hill, and next morn ing continued their retreat. The pursuit stopped at Mt. Jackson. The defeated army went into camp at New Market. They brought off with them from the battle field 1,500 prisoners, who were sent to Richmond. 18. Notwithstanding these defeats Early afterwards advanced again, and for two days (November 11th and 12th) confronted Sheridan's whole force north of Cedar Creek without being attacked. He also sent out a cavalry expedition under General Rosser, which surprised and captured a fortified post at New Creek, on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, bringing off 800 prisoners and four cannon.1 19. In December Lee called back to Richmond his Second corps, which was now placed under the com mand of General John B. Gordon. Grant also called to Petersburg his Sixth corps. Early remained in the Valley, moving back to Staunton with Wharton's divi sion and a small force of cavalry and artillery. Sheri- 1 According to the return of September 10th Sheridan's army num bered 43,000 men in the field and 7,000 in garrisons at Harper's Ferry, Martinsburg, and other points. His losses in the principal engagements were as follows: At Winchester, 697 killed, 3,983 wounded, and 338 cap tured or missing— 5,018; at Fisher's Hill, 52 killed, 457 wounded, and 19 captured or missing — 528 ; at Cedar Creek, 644 killed, 3,430 wounded, and 1,591 captured or missing — 5,665; his total loss in all these battles, 11,211. Including all the cavalry fights and skirmishes Sheridan's total loss was 1,938 killed, 11,893 wounded, and 3,121 captured. or missing— 16,952. Early's maximum strength in the Valley was about 20,000 on August 15, 1864, but the departure of Kershaw's division left him 14,000 men. At Winchester he had 13,000 effectives. After the return of Ker shaw's division he had just enough to make up his losses at Winchester The Tide Turns. 373 dan went into winter quarters at Kernstown. Toward the last of December Torbert led two divisions of cav- alr}'- on a raid against the Virginia Central railroad, but he was forced to retreat. Custer also moved up the Valley to attack the cavalry of Early, but near Harrisonburg he was surprised and defeated. Hood's Tennessee Campaign. 20. Upon the fall of Atlanta General Hood felt that any farther retreat would be attended with evil results to the army commanded by him. The rapidity with which Sherman was collecting supplies and recruits from the North at Atlanta showed that the Federals would not long remain idle. It was absolutely neces- *sary to check the farther progress of the Federals, recover what had been lost in Georgia, save the Gulf States, and retain possession of the railroads on which the Southern armies depended for supplies. On Sep tember 18th Hood moved westward, and on the 20th fixed his headquarters at Palmetto, on the West Point railroad. Here Mr. Davis visited the army, to which he made an encouraging speech, and, in consultation with General Hood, formed a plan by which it was hoped that Sherman could be made to give up his con quests in Georgia. and Fisher's Hill. So at Cedar Creek his numbers were about the same as at Winchester. His loss at Winchester was 3,611 in the infantry and artillery, and adding the cavalry, about 4,000. Over half of these were prisoners. At Fisher's Hill he lost 30 killed, 210 wounded, and 995 miss ing. At Cedar Creek Early lost 1,860 in killed and wounded and a thou sand captured or missing— 2,860. In view of the official returns of Early's and Sheridan's forces, how absurd is the statement made by Grant in his memoirs that " Early had lost more men in killed, wounded and captured in the Valley than Sheridan had commanded from first to last." 374 Story of the Confederate States. 21. The plan was for Hood to move with his whole army to the rear of Sherman, tear up the single line of railroad over which the Federal supplies were car ried, destroy by cavalry raids the great railroad bridge over the Tennessee, and completely cut off communi cation between Atlanta, Chattanooga and Nashville. FEDERAL TROOPS FORAGING. It was hoped that this would force Sherman to retreat towards Tennessee. Or, if he should start from At lanta to march through Georgia to the Atlantic coast, the Confederate army having already cut his commu nications with the north, should fall upon his rear, while the cavalry and other forces placed in his front The Tide Turns. 375 should delay his march and prevent him from forag ing upon the country. It was thought that by pursu ing this course the army of Sherman could be over whelmingly defeated. Mr. Davis never intended that Hood should move his army beyond striking distance of that of Sherman. 22. Hood crossed the Chattahoochee on the 1st of October and moved to Dallas. From thence he sent a strong force against the railroad above Marietta, which destroyed it for fifteen miles. At Allatoona were large supplies collected for the use of Sherman's army. Major-General French was sent with his division to capture this post. With valor unsurpassed French's men attacked in the early morning of October 5th, captured part of the Federal works, and drove them into a little " star fort," which was bravely held by Corse's gallant men until French received news that Sherman was advancing against him. Fearing that he might be cut off from the main army, French retired. Could he have remained a short while longer Corse would have been compelled to surrender.1 23. Hood's movements caused Sherman to leave one corps in Atlanta and march northward with the main body of his army. Hood continued the work of destruction on the railroad, tearing it up from Resaca to Tunnel Hill, and capturing the Federal posts at Tilton, Dalton and Mill Creek Gap. Then, avoiding battle, he marched to Gadsden, in Alabama, where he had abundant supplies. Thence he moved in the direction of Florence, on the Tennessee. Sherman 1 In this battle 2,500 Confederates assaulted 2,100 Federals, who, be sides being fortified, were greatly aided by the fact that some of them were armed with repeating rifles, which the Confederates did not have. MAP SHOWING COUNTRY FROM CHATTANOOGA TO ATLANTA. The Tide Turns. 377 says that thus far Hood's movement against his communications had been rapid and skillful. 24. Sherman now sent by rail two of his six corps with General Schofield, to reinforce Thomas at Nash ville, and with the rest of his army turned back toward Atlanta. Hood, instead of hanging on his rear, pre venting him from repairing the railroad and harass ing him in every way, after consulting with General Beauregard, who had been placed in command of the Western Department, decided to march into Tennes see. Hood gives as his reason for thus departing from the plan agreed upon between himself and Mr. Davis that to follow Sherman southward would be construed by his army into a retreat, and would therefore be dis couraging and disastrous. He hoped by a rapid march into Tennessee to cut off and destroy Schofleld's army before it could unite with Thomas at Nashville. 25. Before entering Tennessee Hood, by Beaure gard's direction, sent back nearly all of his cavalry under Wheeler to watch and delay Sherman as much as possible. At the same time Beauregard directed Forrest, who was near Jackson, Tennessee, with a large cavalry force, to march eastward and unite with Hood. When the soldiers were informed that they were about to enter once more the State of Tennessee, there went up a hearty Confederate shout, so familiar to all who served in either army, and called by their enemies the "rebel yell." 26. On the 19th and 20th Hood crossed the Tennes see. He then pushed forward, with Forrest's cavalry in front, hoping by a rapid march to get in rear of Schofleld's forces before they could reach Duck River. The Federals, however, took the alarm and reached 378 Story of the Confederate States. Duck River ahead of him. During the night (Novem ber 28th) Hood's pontoons were laid across Duck River by Colonel Presstman, and at early dawn the army again started by a forced march to intercept the Federals. 27. Near Spring Hill came the wished -for opportunity to not only shut out the Union _ army from the road to Nashville, but to also effectually bar the way in every other direction. "A single Confederate brigade like Adams's or Cockrell's or Maney's, veterans since Shiloh, planted squarely across the pike, either south or north of Spring Hill, would have effectually prevented Schofleld's retreat, and daylight would have found his whole force cut off from every avenue of escape by more than twice its numbers, to assault whom would have been madness, and to avoid whom would have been impossible."1 By a strange misunderstanding, the way was not barred, though Hood expected it to be, and though two corps of his army were not half a mile GENERAL FORREST AND HIS ROUGH RIDERS. ¦Colonel Henry Stone, of the staff of General Thomas, in " Battles and Leaders of the Civil War," Vol. iv., page 446. The Tide Turns. 379 away. " The afternoon and night of November 29th, 1864, may well be set down in the calendar of lost opportunities. The heroic valor of the same troops the next day, and their frightful losses as they attempted to retrieve their mistake, show what might have been."1 28. Although the Confederate forces marched in pursuit next day with all possible speed, the Federals reached Franklin in time to make a good fortification before the arrival of Hood's army. It was after 4 in the afternoon when the attack began. The onward rush of Cleburne's and Brown's divisions swept the Federals out of their first line of works and carried the Confederates into their main line with them; but Opdycke with his brigade, which had stood in reserve, rushed into the breach. Stanley and Cox led other troops to the rescue, and recovered their inner line. Charge after charge was made by the determined Southerners. More than one color-bearer was shot down on the parapet. Colonel Stone, who has been already twice quoted, says: " It is impossible to exag gerate the fierce energy with which the Confederate soldiers that short November afternoon threw them selves against the works, fighting with what seemed the madness of despair." In that, fearful struggle fell hundreds of the bravest soldiers and several of the ablest generals of Hood's army. General John Adams, as he rode his horse over the works and tried to grasp the flag of the Sixty-fifth Illinois from the hands of the color-bearer, was killed and fell just outside the parapet, astride of which fell also his horse, killed at 1 Colonel Henry Stone, in " Battles and Leaders of the Civil War," Vol. iv., page 446. 380 Story of the Confederate States. the same instant. About fifty yards from the works fell Pat. Cleburne, the " Stonewall Jackson of the West." Near him lay Granberry, commander of the famous Texas brigade. Generals Strahl and Gist were also killed, and Cockrell, Quarles and Brown were se verely wounded. General G. W. Gordon was captured inside the Federal works. The Federals claimed to have also captured thirty-three Confederate flags, taken from color-bearers shot down or captured inside their works. The fighting continued until late in the night. After midnight Schofield withdrew his forces, and, cross ing the Harpeth, hastened on to Nashville, leaving his dead and wounded behind. Hood followed the retreat ing Federals, and appearing before Nashville threw up works and prepared to hold his ground. He admitted a loss at Franklin of 4,500 in killed, wounded and cap tured. The Federals, protected by their breastworks, and many of them armed with repeating rifles, had inflicted terrible losses upon their assailants and had lost 2,300 men, of whom 1,100 were captured. Of all the battles of the war there was not one more hotly contested than that of Franklin. A reunited country should cherish with pride the memory of the gallant men who attacked, and of the equally gallant men who held the works that terrible November afternoon. 29. Hood's army before Nashville was not the same in spirit and hope as before the great blunder at Spring Hill, and its fearful losses at Franklin, where every soldier felt that the very flower of the army had fallen. The absence of so many noble officers, the pride and glory of that army, on whose faces they should never look again, filled their hearts with gloom. They had hoped for brilliant results in Tennessee. Instead they GENERAL GEORGE G. MEADE. I 381 1 382 Story of the Confederate States. had met with disaster. Besides their losses in killed and wounded many were disabled by sickness, caused by the exposure to the rigors of an unusually severe winter. By the absence of Forrest's cavalry and two brigades of infantry their effective strength was re duced to 30,000 men. By the 15th of December Thomas was ready with near 60,000 splendidly equipped and well-fed troops to attack Hood's dimin- ished*force. Though bravely resisted, the Federals captured the infantry outposts and some artillery in the unfinished works. Next morning the battle was renewed. All along the line the Federals were re pulsed until late in the afternoon. Then the Federals succeeded in piercing the Confederate line a little to the left of the centre. The line thus pierced gave way, and soon after broke at all points.1 At Brent wood, a few miles in rear of the scene of disaster, order was in a measure restored among the routed troops through the promptness and gallantry of Clay ton's division. Fifty-four cannon and thousands of prisoners fell into the hands of the Federals in this disastrous Battle of Nashville. 30. General S. D. Lee showed his usual energy and skill in handling his troops while protecting the rear of the army during the 17th. In the afternoon he was wounded, and General C. L. Stevenson took command of his corps and ably discharged his duties during the continuance of the retreat. Near Colum bia General Walthall, one of the best commanders of the army, was ordered to form a rear guard of eight picked brigades (of which Mercer's had not been in 1 It was at this time that Miss Mary Bradford of Tennessee rushed amid the routed troops and begged them to rally. The Tide Turns. 383 the rout at Nashville) and Forrest's cavalry. The rear guard thus formed did its duty bravely, and saved the army from farther disaster. The Federal cavalry under General Wilson pressed upon the Confederates, picking up stragglers and making frequent attacks upon the rear guard. Just before sundown on Christ mas day Forrest made a stand on a thickly wooded ridge at the head of a ravine, and by a sudden charge forced back the Union cavalry and captured one of their cannon, which he carried off with him. With out farther serious molestation the army crossed the Tennessee and continued the retreat to Tupelo, in Mis sissippi, at which place Cheatham's corps, the last in the line of march, went into camp on the 10th of January, 1865. The army, when it reached Tupelo, numbered about 21,000 of all arms. Here, at his own request, General Hood was relieved of the command.1 1 The Union forces during Hood's Tennessee campaign amounted to 71,000 men. Of these 25,000 were in the battle of Franklin and 55,000 were at the battle of Nashville. General Thomas reports his total loss during the campaign at 10,000. Hood's strength on November 6th was about 45,000. The arrival of Forrest's cavalry would have increased it to over 53,000 ; but the sending back of Wheeler's cavalry to Georgia left his strength about the same as on the 6th. At the battle of Franklin Hood had probably 35,000 men engaged. At the battle of Nashville, with Forrest's cavalry and two infantry brigades absent, his force was rather under than over 30,000. Hood stated that his losses during the whole campaign did not exceed 10,000, including prisoners. Thomas claims to have taken during the campaign 13,189 prisoners. But this includes cap tures in East Tennessee and Southwest Virginia — in fact, throughout the whole Department of Tennessee from September 5th, 1864, to January 20th, 1865. Thomas says that during the same period over 2,000 desert ers were received. As these prisoners and deserters were from other commands besides Hood's, it is probable that Hood's entire loss was not over 12,000 all told. SECTION TRAVERSED BY SHERMAN IN HIS MARCH TO THE SEA. The Tide Turns. 386 Sherman's March to the Sea. 31. When Hood turned off toward Florence to march into Tennessee Sherman, after sending Thomas and Schofield, with two corps from his army, to reinforce the Union troops already in that State, turned back into Georgia. He repaired his railroad until he had collected abundant supplies in Atlanta; then destroyed it from Dalton to Atlanta, and burned the foundries and mills at Rome and other places. He had driven the inhabitants out of Atlanta soon after its capture by him. Now, with 63,000 infantry and artillery and 5,000 cavalry, he made ready to march to the sea. 32. He first utterly destroyed the city of Atlanta by fire. Not a single house was spared — not even a church. Captain Daniel Oakey, of the Second Mas sachusetts volunteers, says: "Sixty thousand of us witnessed the destruction of Atlanta, while our post band and that of the Thirty-third Massachusetts played martial airs and operatic selections." On November 15th the Federals left their intrenchments around Atlanta. Sherman accompanied Slocum's column of 30,000 men, which marched first by the Augusta road and then turned off and passed through Milledgeville. Howard marched by the Macon road at the head of 33,000 infantry and artillery. With him for several days went Kilpatrick with 5,000 cavalry. 33. There was no force to oppose Sherman's march except 3,000 Georgia State troops, under General Gus- tavus W. Smith, and Wheeler's cavalry. Smith, by presenting a bold front at Griffin, Forsythe and Macon successively, caused Howard to pass those places un molested. At Griswoldville the State troops, contrary 25 386 Story of the Confederate States. to Smith's orders, made an attack upon an intrenched Federal division and were repulsed with a loss of fifty- one killed and four hundred and seventy-two wounded. Yet they remained close to the Federal line until dark. Then they were withdrawn to Macon and sent by rail to Thomasville, and from that point to Savannah. Wheelerwith his cavalry har- rassed the Federals as much as pos sible, defeat- i n g ex posed de- tac h m ents, prev e n ting their for" agers from venturi ng far from the main body, defending cities and towns along the railroad lines, and saving in some instances de pots of supplies and arsenals. 34. Along the line of march of Sherman's army his "Bummers" entered private houses, took from them everything that was valuable, burned what they could not carry off, and sometimes set fire to the house itself. Rings were taken from the fingers of ladies, and old men were hung up to make them tell where their treasures were concealed- ALL THE LIVE STOCK LEFT ON McGILL S FARM. The Tide Turns. 387 35. Beauregard was unable to assemble troops enough to do more than delay for a little the march of Sherman's army, which appeared near Savannah about December 10th. This place was held by Hardee with about 18,000 men. On the 13th Hazen's division, nearly four thousand strong, stormed and captured Fort McAllister, which was defended by two hundred and thirty men. These fought the assailants until they were individually overpowered. Now Sherman's army opened communications with the fleet. Slocum crossed the Savannah, and Hardee evacuated the city to save his little army from capture. Sherman entered the city December 23d, and sent the following dispatch to Mr. Lincoln : " I beg to present to you as a Christmas gift the city of Savannah with one hundred and fifty heavy guns and plenty of ammunition, and also about 25,000 bales of cotton." In Sherman's official report he states that he had carried away with him 10,000 horses and mules and a countless number of slaves. He estimated the damage done to Georgia and its mil itary resources at $100,000,000, at least $20,000,000 of which inured to the advantage of the Federal army and government. 36. While Sherman was on his march through Georgia the Federal General Hatch, with 5,500 men, marched to destroy the railroad between Charleston and Savannah. At Honey Hill he was met by General G. W. Smith, with less than 2,000 men (Georgia State troops, the Forty-seventh Georgia, and a battery of South Carolina artillery). Hatch was repulsed, with the loss of 754 men. A remarkable feature of this battle was the presence among the Confederates of some boy volunteers, even under the age subject to 388 Story of the Confederate States. conscription. Soldiers who were present in that bat tle say that some of these boys were not tall enough to shoot over the parapet. So they resorted to the following device: A boy would get upon his hands and knees, another would stand upon his back, deliver his fire, and then change places with his friend, so that he might get a shot at the " Yanks." Other Confederate Reverses. 37. In the months of September and October Gen eral Price, of the Trans-Mississippi Department, advanced far into the interior of Missouri, driving for a while every thing that opposed him. At last he was attacked and defeated by General Rosecrans on the Big Blue (October 23d). Price then retreated into Arkansas. 38. Plymouth, North Carolina, since its capture by the Confederates in the spring of 1864, had been held by a small force, assisted by the ram Albemarle. On the night of October 27th Lieutenant W. B. Gushing, of the United States navy, went with a few men in a small boat and succeeded in approaching near enough to the Albemarle to explode a torpedo under that ves sel. Then, under a terrific fire of grape that sank his boat, he sprang into the river, and in the darkness succeeded in swimming to the Union fleet. By this daring act the Albemarle was destroyed and the Con federates could no longer hold the town. 39. On the ocean also the Confederate cruisers met with disaster. After a wonderful career, in which they had inflicted great damage on the Northern com merce, the Alabama was sunk by the Kearsarge on the The Tide Turns. 389 19th of June, and the Florida was captured by the Wachusett on the 7th of October. Some Confederate Successes. 40. There was a slight silver lining to the cloud that hung so darkly over the Confederacy as the year 1864 drew to a close. In Northern Virginia Mosby and his daring men performed many wonderful exploits, making important captures and keeping the Confed erate authorities informed of the movements of the Federals. All Federal attempts to capture Charleston and Fort Sumter failed throughout the year. An expe dition against Fort Fisher, at the entrance of Cape Fear river, consisting of a land force under General Butler and a fleet of seventy vessels under Commo dore Porter, was repulsed on the 24th and 25th of December. 41. Around Richmond and Petersburg Lee and his noble army still baffled all Grant's efforts. On August 18th General Warren advanced with a strong body of Federals, and placing them across the Weldon railroad at Globe Tavern fortified his position. He was pre paring for a farther extension of his lines when he was attacked by A. P. Hill (August 19th and 20th). Warren's position was so strong that he could not be driven from it, but he was prevented from advancing his line farther. In these battles at Globe Tavern the Federals lost 4,000 men, of whom 2,500 were prison ers. The Confederate loss was about 2,000. They continued to use the railroad. 42. Hancock now moved out with another force and took position at Ream's Station, farther south. Here he was attacked by A. P. Hill (August 25th) and defeated, 390 Story of the Confederate States. with a loss of 2,700 men and five cannon. The Con federates captured 2,000 prisoners. Their loss was 700 in all. They continued the rest of the year to A CABIN HOME BEFORE THE WAR use the Weldon railroad for bringing supplies from North Carolina, running the trains to the point which they held close up to the Federal lines. The part of the road above Globe Tavern was held by the Federals. The Tide Turns. 391 43. Hampton's " Beef Raid " was to Lee's men one of the most grateful enterprises ever performed by the cavalry of that army. On the 16th of September General Wade Hampton got into Grant's rear at City Point and brought off 400 prisoners and 2,500 beeves. This joke at the expense of the " Yanks " was well rel ished by Lee's half-starved soldiers. They had secured enough meat for rations for 50,000 men for forty days. 44. In the latter part of October Grant made attempts to push forward his lines both on the north and south sides of the James. These movements were attended by partial engagements, with success some times to one party and sometimes to the other. But the final outcome was that the Federals were thwarted in their plan and returned to their former lines with out accomplishing that which they had undertaken. This closed active operations around Richmond and Petersburg for the winter. 45. By the table in chapter second of this section it is seen that the losses of the Union armies of the Potomac and the James in the campaign against Rich mond and Petersburg from May 5th to June 15th were, according to the official records published by the United States Government, 61,144 in killed, wounded, and captured or missing. From June 15th to Decem ber 31st the losses of these armies were, according to the same authorities, 47,554 — making the appalling aggregate of 108,698 in killed, wounded and captured in the armies operating under Grant directly against Petersburg and Richmond. This is exclusive of losses in the Shenandoah Valley. The Confederate losses during the same period were about 40,000. 392 Story of the Confederate States. The Situation at the Close of 1864. 46. By the close of 1864 the Confederate power in the West had been almost annihilated. The Confed erates had also met defeat in the Shenandoah Valley, where hitherto they had known only victory. Charles ton and Wilmington still held out. Lee's army, though suffering great hardships and compelled to be ever on the watch, still barred the way to Petersburg and Richmond. Had Lee been made commander-in- chief of all the Southern armies in the spring of 1864 his admirers believe that the Confederate disasters in the West would have been avoided, and that the year 1864 would have closed with bright prospects for the South. PART III. The "War Between the States and its Results. Section V. — The Final Campaigns — Reconstruction. [ 393 3 Prisoners of War. 395 CHAPTER I. PRISONERS OF WAR — THE FINAL CAMPAIGN. EFORE giving an account of the closing struggle, let us consider for a short while the subject of the exchange and treatment of prisoners. At first the United States authorities would not recognize the belligerent rights of the Confederates, and hence would enter into no exchange with them. They even declared their intention to treat Confede rate privateers captured by them as pirates. But the many victories of the Confederates, and the large num ber of prisoners that fell into their hands, caused the Federal Government to recede from this position. In the summer of 1862 an exchange was agreed upon by commissioners appointed by the two governments, and it was also agreed that Confederate privateers should be treated like any other prisoners of war. 2. In 1864 Grant adopted as part of his plan no ex change of prisoners, on the ground that so long as pris oners were exchanged the Southern ranks ctrald be kept full, and the South be enabled to continue the war. In order to prevent any exchange General Grant ordered General Butler, in whose hands the matter had been placed by him, to demand as a condition of exchange that the Confederate Government should treat negro soldiers in the same way as the white men. The Confederates were willing to do this, except in cases where negro soldiers were slaves who had run away from their masters and enlisted in the Union armies. These they regarded as deserters. General 396 Story of the Confederate States. Butler himself says that he put forth the Federal claim to captured slaves enlisted in their armies in the most offensive form possible for the purpose of carrying out the wishes of the Lieutenant-General " that no prison ers should be exchanged." AN OLD PLANTATION HOME. 3. The laying waste of the fields of the' South, the tearing up of railroads, and the destruction of the means of transportation brought great suffering on the Southern people and soldiers, in which, of course, pris oners of war also shared. Medicines for the sick were exhausted and could not be procured. The Confeder ate commissioner, Mr. Ould, had proposed as early Prisoners of War. 397 as 1863 " that all prisoners on each side should be at tended by a proper number of their own surgeons, who under rules to be established, should be per mitted to take charge of their health and comfort. It was also proposed that these surgeons should act as commissaries, with power to receive and distribute such contributions of money, food, clothing and medi cines as might be forwarded for the relief of the pris oners. It was further proposed that these surgeons should be selected by their own Government, and that they should have full liberty at any and all times, through the agents of exchange, to make reports, not only of their own acts, but of any matters relating to the welfare of the prisoners. " To this communication no reply of any kind was ever made." x 4. When it was at last found (in 1864) that no exchange of prisoners would be made, the Confederate Government offered to the United States authorities to send them their sick and wounded without requiring any equivalents. They offered to deliver from 10,000 to 15,000 at the mouth of the Savannah River, and added that if the number for which transportation might be sent could not be made up from sick and wounded the difference would be supplied with well men. Although this offer was made in the summer, transportation did not arrive until November. As at that time the prisoners had most of them been removed fom Georgia, and enough sick and wounded could not be brought to Savannah in time, 5,000 well men were substituted. 1 " Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government," by Jefferson Davis, Vol. ii., page 598. RUINS OF RICHMOND AFTER THE WA'R. Prisoners of War. 399 5. On two occasions the Confederate authorities were requested to send the very worst cases that they had. This was done, and on their being delivered they were taken to Annapolis, Maryland, and there photographed as specimen prisoners. This was done to make the people of the North believe that the Southern people had purposely mistreated their prisoners; and yet Mr. Ould had in the summer of 1864 proposed to purchase medicines from the United States authorities to be used exclusively for the relief of Union prisoners. It was moreover proposed by Mr. Ould that United States surgeons should be allowed to go within the Confed erate lines and dispense these medicines themselves. Mr. Davis, the Confederate President, says: "In credible as it may appeal, it is nevertheless strictly true that no reply was ever received to this offer." 6. The Northern people were made to believe that their prisoners were willfully starved and mistreated in Southern prisons. Those who had charge of North ern prison camps, believing this, were often cruel in their treatment of Southern prisoners. The United States Secretaryof War, E. M= Stanton, a bitter enemy of the South, in his report made on July 19th, 1866, says that of all the Federal soldiers confined in South ern prisons 22,576 died, while of all Confederate sol diers confined in Northern prisons 26,246 died. Sur geon-General Barnes of the United States army says that the number of Confederate prisoners in their hands from first to last was 220,000, and that the number of Union prisoners in the hands of the Con federates was from first to last 270,000. These figures speak for themselves, 400 Story of the Confederate States. The Final Campaigns. 7. A Second Attack on Fort Fisher was made in January by the Union fleet under Commodore Porter and a land force under General Terry. This attack was successful. The fort was taken, together with the gar rison of 2,000 men and 169 heavy guns (January 15th, 1865). The heroic General Whiting was mor tally wounded, and Colonel Lamb, the gallant com mander of the fort, was seriously wounded. Both fell into the hands of the Federals. Soon after this Wil mington also fell. 8. An attempt at negotiations for peace was made early in February. Alexander H. Stephens, Vice- President of the Confederacy, with R. M. T. Hunter and John A. Campbell as commissioners on the part of the Confederate Government, met President Lincoln and Secretary Seward to discuss terms of peace. The meeting took place at Hampton Roads. General Grant in his " Memoirs " says that Mr. Lincoln told him that he had said to the commissioners " that there would be no use in entering into any negotia tions unless they would recognize — first, that the Union as a whole must be forever preserved; and second, that slavery must be abolished. If they were willing to concede these two points then he was ready to enter into negotiations, and was almost willing to hand them a blank sheet of paper with his signature attached for them to fill in the terms upon which they were willing to live with us in the Union and be one people." The commissioners had no authority to treat upon any terms not recognizing the Confederate States. Hence this effort at negotiation came to noth- ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS. 26 [401] 402 Story of the Confederate States. ing. If the terms were as liberal as Grant would have us to infer, although they required the absolute yielding of the right of secession and the abolition of slavery, in view of the prospects of the Confederacy at that time, they ought to have been accepted. Mr. Davis, however, was in a trying position. He did not believe that the people whom he represented would think him justifiable in thus accepting what they would regard as absolute submission. HON. JOSEPH BROWN, WAR GOVERNOR OF GEORGIA. 9. Sherman's march northward from Savannah began early in February. His army moved in two columns, one threatening Augusta and the other Charleston, each of which cities the Confederates tried to defend. Mr. Davis admits in his history of these events that instead of pursuing such a policy all Prisoners of War. 403 the Confederate forces in the Carolinas and Georgia ought to have been concentrated in Sherman's front. General Hampton also tells us that such was the opinion of General Beauregard, but does not know why it was not done. 10. As Sherman marched through South Carolina he sent Kilpatrick against Augusta; but Kilpatrick was defeated at Aiken (February 11th) by General Wheeler. Thus Augusta was saved. But Columbia, the beautiful capital of South Carolina, did not thus escape. As Sherman approached this city the Confed erate force of only 5,000 men retired. The Mayor met the advancing Federals and surrendered the city, "with the hope that, as no resistance had been offered, it would be protected from pillage and destruction." During that night the greater part of Columbia was burned. The city was full of helpless women and children and invalids, many of whom were driven from their dwellings, to which the torch was applied An effort was made by Sherman to shift the blamw upon Hampton by declaring that by that General's orders the cotton in the city was fired, and that the burning cotton was the cause of the conflagration. But General Hampton denied most positively that &ny cotton was fired by his orders. He also denied that the citizens set fire to bales of cotton, and also that any cotton was on fire when the Federals entered the city. The people of Columbia, both white and black, have borne abundant testimony to the fact that Columbia was burned by the Federal soldiers. Gen eral Slocum admits as much when he says: "I believe the immediate cause of the disaster was a free use of whiskey (which was supplied to the soldiers hy citi- 404 Story of the Confederate States. zens with great liberality). A drunken soldier, with a musket in one hand and a match in the other, is not a pleasant visitor to have about the house on a dark, windy night." He says, however, that he does not believe it was done by Sherman's orders. Sherman in his memoirs says: " The army having totally ruined Columbia, moved on toward Winnsboro." There is CHARLESTON, S. C. no doubt that the Federal soldiers burned the city, and that they were never punished for it, whether Sherman ordered it or not. 11. On the same day that Sherman entered Colum bia the Confederates under Hardee evacuated Charles ton and moved toward North Carolina, into which State various other Confederate commands were march ing. General Lee, who had at this late day been made commander-in-chief of all the armies of the Confed- Prisoners of War. 405 eracy, now called upon General Joseph E. Johnston to take command of all the forces in Carolina, concen trate them, and drive back Sherman. 12. Johnston at once took vigorous measures to per form the part assigned him. He rapidly brought together Hardee's command from the Charleston gar rison, Stevenson's and Cheatham's divisions from the Army of Tennessee, also Hampton's and Wheeler's cavalry, who had been skirmishing with the Federals as they advanced. Hoke's veteran division from the Army of Northern Virginia, which had been operating under Bragg, also joined him. Before the concentra tion had been effected Bragg had gained a partial success over the Federal General Cox at Kinston (March 8th), and Hardee had fought an indecisive battle at Avery sboro (March 16th). 13. As Johnston wished to attack the Federals before all their forces could be united he decided not to await the arrival of all Cheatham's troops,1 but to press on with what force he had. Sending Hampton ahead with Butler's division of cavalry to occupy a strong position and hold it until the infantry and artillery could come up, Johnston hurried forward. At Benton- ville he struck the Federals (March 19th). Bragg and Hoke on the left repulsed them, and Hardee on the right led a charge, which forced them back for some distance. In this charge Hardee on horseback dashed over the Union breastworks in front of his men. That night Sherman's whole army was united in John ston's front. For two days Johnston held in check Sherman's 70,000 men with not more than 20,000 of 1 Major-General Bate commanded the troops of Cheatham, who were present at Bentonville. 406 Story of the Confederate States. all arms. In a successful charge on the 21st led by Hardee that general's son, a noble lad of six teen, fell mortally wounded. Finding the Fed erals in overwhelming force concentrated on three sides of him, Johnston withdrew that night toward Raleigh. 14. Lee's noble army, the last hope of the Confed eracy, saw the toils fast closing around it. For nine months it had been engaged in the difficult task of defending two cities twenty miles apart against a greatly superior force, whose lines were so strongly entrenched that they presented no vulnerable point. During a great part of that time one corps of the army had been absent in Northeastern Virginia under Early, who after three months' successful campaign was thrice defeated by Sheridan, and yet, even after the return of the Second corps to Petersburg, continued with a small force to hold the Upper Valley. Early even sent out an expedition under Rosser, which went as far as Beverly, in West Virginia, captured that place (Jan uary 11th) with 400 prisoners and much spoil in the shape of horses and military stores, and securing much needed supplies returned in safety to the Val ley. The brave defenders of Richmond and Peters burg had also during the winter been cheered occa sionally by some daring exploit of Mosby, who with a small force gave great trouble to the Federals, and had everything so much his own way in Eastern Virginia that the country in which he operated was called " Mosby's Confederacy." Lieutenant McNeill with a squad of Mosby's men actually crossed the Potomac, and dashing into Cumberland, Maryland, at 3 o'clock in the morning of February 21st captured Major-Gen- Prisoners of War. 407 erals Kelley and Crook in their beds, mounted them on horses and hurried them off to Richmond 15. Early in February Grant renewed his efforts to extend his lines around Lee's right. Warren1 and Hum phreys drove the Confederates across Hatcher's Run and advanced to Dabney's Mill, the cavalry going as far as Dinwiddie Courthouse (Fe b r u- ary 5th). But A. P, Hill now struck them in front, while Gor don2 assailed them in flank and rear, and forced them back to Hatcher's Run. To this point the Fed eral left was extended, but their attempt to advance beyond it had been defeated. The Weldon road could no longer be used by the Confederates as it had been. Grant's a i m was now to get pos session of the Southside railroad, Lee's last remain ing line of supply. 16. Lee wished to retire from Richmond and Peters burg and have his army free for movements in the 1 In December Warren hai led an expedition which tore up the Wel don road as far south as Hicksford. But as far as that point the Con federates still used it, 2 Gordon had now been promoted to the command of a corps and Evans to the command of a division. GENERAL JOHN B. GORDON. 408 Story of the Confederate States. open country, but yielded his better judgment to the desire of Mr. Davis to hold on where he was as long as possible. There was some slight hope that John ston might defeat Sherman in North Carolina and then hasten to Lee's help. But it was evident after Benton- ville that Johnston could not with the force under him do more than delay the march of Sherman. Troops that ought to have been with Lee were obliged to remain in North Carolina. 17. The case of the Confederacy was indeed desper ate. But Lee's veterans, though with diminished hope, yet with undaunted spirit, faced the hostile host. Faithful unto deatb, " For Dixie's Land they took their stand, To live or die for Dixie." During March Lee transferred Gordon's corps from the extreme right of the Confederate army to the trenches in and around Petersburg, and, after consultation with Gordon, planned an attack upon Fort Steadman, near Grant's center, with the hope of being able to pierce the Union lines and throw into the gap thus made a force sufficient to destroy the left wing of Grant's army before he could concentrate his forces and come to its assistance. Gordon was to lead the assault, and a force of 20,000 men was to follow up and secure the ground that Gordon might seize. Gordon moved forward before daylight of March 25th, with the division of Evans in front, captured Fort Steadman, and turned its guns upon the other Union works. Several bat teries to the right and left were thus cleared of their defenders and were occupied by Gordon's brave men. The supporting column did not get up in time to go promptly forward, so the Federals were enabled to con- MAP SHO WINS POSITION OF ARMIES NEAR PETERSBURG, VA. [ 409 ] 410 Story of the Confederate States. centrate against Gordon in such force that he was obliged to fall back to his own lines with heavy loss. 18. Two days later Sheridan joined Grant with 10,000 cavalry. He had come down from the Shenan doah Valley, defeating near Waynesboro Early's small force of less than 2,000 men, and doing immense dam age all along the line of his march. Grant nbw rap idly concentrated his principal force to the south and west of Petersburg with the purpose of assailing the Confederate right. This movement did not escape Lee's watchful eye. Leaving the works north of the James under Longstreet and those of Petersburg under Gordon weakly garrisoned, he moved with the rest of his force into the works along the White Oak road. 19. Without waiting to be attacked Lee fell upon the exposed flank of the Federals entangled in the swampy forest with so sudden and heavy a blow that the divisions thus struck gave way. Lee pursued until he came to a force too strongly posted to be assailed. So he drew his troops back to his own works. On the same day Sheridan advanced toward Five Forks, but he was assailed by the Confederate cavalry under Fitz Lee and the infantry under Pickett, and was driven back to Dinwiddie Courthouse (March 31st). 20. Next day (April 1st) Sheridan, being reinforced by two corps of infantry, attacked Five Forks. Late in the evening the Confederates, assailed on three sides by this overwhelming force, were after a desperate resistance driven from their position. Early next morning, before Longstreet could be brought over from Richmond, the Federals attacked all along the Prisoners of War. 411 line, and broke through at several points1 where Lee's line was so separated that there was only one man to every seven yards. They then took possession of the Southside railroad, and followed the Confederates until checked by the guns from Forts Alexander and Gregg, which held them back until Longstreet came up and interposed his corps. The farther advance of the Federals was then arrested by the Confederates, who had retired to an inner line, which they held against several assaults. The two forts which had enabled the Confederates thus to rally were, however, captured by the Federals. The garrison of Fort Gregg consisted of only 250 men, who repulsed three assaults made by Gibbon's division. When at last the fort was cap tured only thirty of its brave defenders were still un hurt, and 500 Federals lay stretched upon the ground. Among the slain in the desperate fighting of this day was A. P. Hill, one of Lee's ablest generals, who had borne a conspicuous part in every battle of the Army of Northern Virginia. 21. Lee at once telegraphed to Mr. Davis that Rich mond must be abandoned. That night he withdrew his forces from the lines of Petersburg and Richmond, which had been held so long and skillfully. On the next morning the Federals entered the two cities, at whose gates they had been hammering sg long. The burning of some Confederate government buildings at Richmond caused a conflagration which the com bined efforts of the citizens and troops could not arrest 1 Lee's line was so long that many parts of it were almost bare of troops. He had to strip some parts to strengthen othersi It was this that enabled the Federals to break through. 412 Story of the Confederate States. until nearly one-third of that beautiful city had been destroyed. 22. Lee's retreat was continued with his usual skill, but the failure to procure supplies atAmeliaCourthouse caused a delay which was fatal to his plans. The devotion of the famished men to their noble leader in this trying hour was truly pathetic. As they trudged along, weary and ready to faint, the sight of him would revive their flagging energies, and with such expressions as " God bless Uncle Robert," " Who wouldn't follow Marse Robert?" they would press on with renewed determina tion. 23. The pursuit was pressed with untiring energy. Attacks on flank and rear were repulsed, sometimes with heavy loss to the pursuers. But at Sail or's Creek Ewell's corps was cut off and cap tured (April 6th). On the morning of the 9th, near Appomattox Courthouse, Lee found his way barred by the Federal cavalry under Sheridan. Gordon, with his corps, assisted by Fitz. Lee's cavalry, charged this force and drove it aside, capturing 1,000 prisoners. But now he came upon i |j% J w i 5b I 'V i i ^% m 1 ¦ - "iSB GENERAL A. P. HILL. Prisoners of War. 413 heavy masses of infantry, and halted. Longstreet was too busily engaged to send him any aid. It,was now plain that nothing more could be done. It would be madness to prolong the struggle. Two days before Grant had addressed a note to Lee proposing to accept the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia, and several notes had passed between the two generals. Lee now addressed one to Grant, agreeing to meet him to discuss the terms of surrender, which Grant had again proposed in a note written that morning. A truce was made until the meeting could take place. General C. A. Evans, whose division formed the left wing of Gordon's line 'of advance, was in front of his old brigade and had pushed out his skirmishers, under Captain Kaigler. xThe notice of the surrender had not reached him. Suddenly a Federal force appeared advancing on his flank and a small battery opened fire. Immediately forwarding his skirmishers under Kaig ler, Evans led a desperate charge, capturing the bat tery, with a number of prisoners, and driving his assailant from the field. At this moment General Cus ter came riding up to Evans on a magnificent horse. After saluting, he asked where General Lee could be found, and stated that a surrender had been agreed upon. A few minutes later Evans received official notice of the surrender, and slowly drew back his com- 1 General Gordon says that after he had received notice of the sur render he and Sheridan were on the right of his line engaged in con versation, when the sudden and fierce firing on the Confederate left caused Sheridan to rise quickly and say : " General, what does that mean?" Gordon replied, "I do not know. Perhaps the notice of the surrender has not reached that part of the line. I have sent away all my staff and every courier on this duty." Sheridan proposed to lend him one of his own aides, and the notice was thus sent. 414 Story of the Confederate States. mand toward Appomattox. He and his gallant men, all unconscious of what was transpiring elsewhere, had gained one more victory for the falling Confederacy, and had shed a parting glory over the last hours of the Army of Northern Virginia. 24. A suitable room for the interview was selected in the house of Mr. McLean in the little village of Appo mattox Courthouse. After some pleasant conversa tion, the terms were dis cussed and agreed upon. Then Grant wrote them out, and Lee wrote a reply ac cepting the terms offered. These were that the officers and men should give their parole not to take up arms general clement a. evans. against the United States until properly exchanged that the arms and artillery and public property were to be parked and stacked and turned over to the offi cers appointed to receive them; that the officers should retain their side arms, private horses and baggage; and that officers and men should be allowed to return to their homes, not to be disturbed by the United States authorities so long as they observed their paroles and the laws in force where they might reside. Lee men' tioned to Grant that a great many of the men owned their own horses and mules. Grant replied that they might keep them, and that he would instruct his offi- cors to let " all the men who claimed to own a horse GENERAL LEE SIGNING THE TERMS OF SURRENDER. 416 Story of the Confederate States. or mule take the animals home with them to work their little farms."1 25. When Lee returned to his army his men greeted him with the old shout of welcome; then, remember ing the occasion, became silent. Every hat was raised and tears rolled down the cheeks of the grim warriors who had faced death on many a bloody field. Filled with deep emotion Lee at length found words to say: " Men, we have fought through the war together. I have done the best that I could for you." Then he told them to return to their homes and prove them selves as worthy in peace as they had been in war. Such was the parting between Lee and that gallant band that had never yet known fear. 26. Horace Greeley in his "American Conflict" says: "Of the proud army which, dating its victories from Bull Run, had driven McClellan from before Richmond, and withstood his best effort at Antietam, and shattered Burnside's host at Fredericksburg, and worsted Hooker at Chancellorsville, and fought Meade so stoutly though unsuccessfully before Gettysburg, and baffled Grant's bounteous resources and desperate efforts in the Wilderness, at Spotsylvania, on the North Anna, at Cold Harbor, and before Petersburg and Richmond, a mere Avreck remained. It is said that 27,000 were included in Lee's capitulation, but of these not more than 10,000 had been able to carry their arms thus far on their hopeless and almost food- less flight. The rebellion had failed and gone down; 1 General Fitzhugh Lee, in his " Life of Robert E. Lee," says: " Gen eral Grant's behavior at Appomattox was marked by a desire to spare the feelings of his great opponent. There was no theatrical display; 'he' promptly stopped salutes from being fired to mark the event, and the terms granted were liberal and generous." Prisoners of War. 417 but the rebel army of Virginia and its commander had not failed." 27. Swinton in his "Army of the Potomac" often pays high tribute to Lee's ability as a soldier, and on page 16 thus speaks of the Army of Northern Vir ginia: "Nor can there fail to arise the image of that other army that was the adversary of the Army of the Potomac, and which who can ever forget that once looked upon it? That array of tattered uniforms and bright muskets; that body of incomparable infantry, the Army of Northern Virginia, which for four years carried the revolt on its bayonets, opposing a constant front to the mighty concentration of power brought against it; which, receiving terrible blows, did not fail to give the like; and which, vital in all its parts, died only with its annihilation."1 28. A farther prosecution of the war was now hope less. After an interview with Generals Johnston and Beauregard at Greensboro', North Carolina, Mr. Davis authorized General Johnston to make whatever terms he could for the termination of the war. On the 18th of April Johnston and Sherman met at the house of 1 The total force at Grant's disposal on March 1st, 1865, was stated in the report of the Secretary of War to the Thirty-eighth Congress to be 162,000. According to the revised returns he began the Appomattox campaign on March 29th with 120,000 effectives. His losses during the campaign were 10,615 in killed, wounded and missing. According to the returns of February 28th Lee's total effective force was 55,000, and on March 29th Lee, according to his own statement, had 33,000 muskets from his left on the Chickahominy to his right at Dinwiddie Courthouse. This would indicate a total force of only 45,000 men to cover his long line. He began the retreat with 30,000 effectives. At Appomattox 28,000 men were paroled, including wagoners, extra-duty men, sick and broken-down men. His effective force numbered only 10,000, of whom about 8,000 were infantry. This force was hemmed in on every side by more than 100,000 men. 27 [418] Prisoners of War. 419 a Mr. Bennett near Durham's Station. The terms then agreed upon were that the troops should march to their respective States and deposit their arms in the State arsenals, each officer and man pledging himself to cease from acts of war and abide the action of State and Federal authority; the President of the United States to recog nize the several State governments on their officers and legisla tures taking the oath of allegiance to the United States, and all persons to be secured in person, property and political rights. This agreement was design ed to immediately re store the Union and end the war. Sherman thought that the terms agreed with the views expressed by Mr. Lin coln. 29. But Mr. Lincoln had been assassinated at Ford's Theatre, in Washington city, on the night of April 14th by John Wilkes Booth, an actor of considerable note. The Southern people were as much shocked by this horrible crime as were the people of. the North. They had waged war like honorable men and did not countenance brutal and cowardly murder. The tem- JOHN WILKES BOOTH. 420 Story of the Confederate States. per of the Northern people was such after Mr. Lincoln's assassination that the liberal terms offered by Sherman were not acceptable to them. Andrew Johnson, a Unionist of Tennessee, who, in the preceding fall had been elected Vice-President, now by the terms of the Constitution became President. He refused to ratify the treaty between Sherman and Johnston. 30. The two generals then had a second meeting and agreed upon terms of capitulation similar to those given to Lee, with the additional provision that each brigade or separate body of troops was permitted to retain a number of arms equal to one-seventh of its effective strength, which, when the troops reached the capitals of their respective States, were to be disposed of as the general commanding the department might direct. This agreement embraced all the troops in Johnston's department, which included the States of North and South Carolina and Georgia. The date of this agreement, April 26th, 1865, is considered the close of the civil war. The surrender of Johnston was followed by that of all the other Confederate armies, who received the same terms as Lee and Johnston. Between the surrender of Lee and that of Johnston Mobile yielded to an attack by land and water, and General Wilson,with a cavalry expedition from Nash ville, captured the cities of Selma, Montgomery, Co lumbus and Macon. 31. The last surrender was that of General E. Kirby Smith in Texas on the 26th of May. The last fight occurred near Palmetto Ranche. on the Rio Grande, in Texas, on the 13th of May, 1865. A Federal force under Colonel Barrett, which was plundering a Con federate camp, was attacked and defeated by some y, '% ' i, 'n'^ 111! CAPTURE OF JEFFERSON DAVIS. [4213 422 Story of the Confederate States. Confederate cavalry led by General J. E. Slaughter and chased a distance of fifteen miles. Thus the last combat of the war, like the first, was a Confederate victory. 32. Some of the civil officers of the Confederacy left the country. Mr. Davis, the President, was cap tured and closely confined in Fortress Monroe, and Mr. Stephens, the Vice-President, was imprisoned in Fort Warren, in Boston Harbor. M,r. Stephens was soon released. Mr. Davis, though always anxious for a trial, remained a prisoner for nearly two years. Desperate efforts were made to have him hanged on some trumped-up charge. He was first accused of being an accomplice in the murder of Mr. Lincoln, but there was not the least evidence of such a thing. Even such bitter enemies as Secretary Stanton and Judge- Advo cate Holt found it necessary to abandon this charge. Then they accused him of cruelty to prisoners. But in this they failed utterly to " make out a case." Then an effort was made to have him tried for " treason." But the authorities at Washington and Chief-Justice Chase himself decided, after full consideration and consultation with the best lawyers of the country, that the charge of treason could not be maintained. Mr. Davis was carried to the United States court-room in the Custom-House at Richmond and there admitted to bail. Horace Greeley, of New York, was the first to sign his bond, on which were also Gerritt Smith and Cornelius Vanderbilt. He passed out of the court room to his carriage amid the cheers of the people. The negroes also united in the general rejoicing, many of them " climbing upon his carriage, shaking and kissing his hand " and calling out "God bless Marse Prisoners of War. 423 Davis." Mr. Davis was never brought to trial, but an "unwilling to prosecute" was entered in his case.1 Mr. Davis survived the war many years. Twice he made a journey from his home at Beauvoir, Missis sippi, through the States of Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia and received a perfect ovation all along the way. He died in the city of New Orleans December 6th, 1889, at the advanced age of eighty-one, sincerely mourned by the people whom he had once served so faithfully. 33. After the surrender at Appomattox General Lee went back to Richmond, riding on his iron-gray "Traveler," who had borne him through" all the years of the war. All along the road to Richmond he received every evidence of admiration and respect from friends and former foes. On reaching Rich mond he was riding toward his home in Franklin street when he was recognized, and the people rushed out from all directions to meet him, cheering and waving hats and handkerchiefs^} Simply raising his hat in reply to these greetings, Lee hurried to his home. Secretary Stanton was determined to have Lee arrested, but General Grant opposed it so earn estly that the Government of the United States was saved the disgrace of violating the protection pro mised at Appomattox. (Lee became president of Washington College at Lexington, Virginia, where, he died on October 12th, 1870/beloved and mour-ned by the whole South and honored by the whole world. Thejsollege over which he presided has since his death been known as the Washington-Lee University. 1 Abridged from an account by Rev. J. Wm, Jones, in his "Davis Memo rial Volume." — < CO WW&P Hw ?J O SS<155 O H o ->i 424 Prisoners of War. 425 He was sixty-three years old at the time of his death. Note on the Union and Confederate Armies. — The total enlistments in the Union army and navy were 2,773,304. Of these 178,975 were col ored troops. Of the white troops 282,619 were from the slave States, and 54,000 of that number were from the eleven seceding States. A liberal allowance for reinlistments would make the total number brought into the field on the Union side amount to 2,400,000. The number of deaths from all causes was 360,222. The total number of enlistments in the Confederate army from first to last was 700,000. The naval force did not exceed 30,000. Considering that the militia embraced only those who were exempt from service in the army 100,000 would be an exceedingly liberal estimate for them. So the total number of men in the armies of the Confederacy, includ ing militia and seamen, did not exceed 830,000. At the close of the war the North had in the field 1,000,000 men and the South 170,000. If, as claimed by Northern writers, the deaths in the Southern armies num bered 300,000, the war cost the lives of 660,000 men. It has been esti mated that the loss on both sides, including those permanently dis abled, amounted to more than 1,000,000 men. 426 Story of the Confederate States. CHAPTER II. RECONSTRUCTION THE UNION RESTORED CLOSING RE MARKS. NDREW JOHNSON, the new President of the United States, on the 29th of May, 1865, is sued a Proclamation of Amnesty to the great majority of those who had fought for the Confederate States in the late Avar. He was at first inclined to be very severe towards the Southern leaders, and excluded from the benefits of this amnesty all the higher civil and diplomatic officers and agents, and all officers of the Confederate service above the rank of colonel in the army and lieutenant in the navy, and all who had been educated at the United States military and naval academies. But Mr. Johnson's sentiments afterwards changed very much, and his feelings toward the Southern leaders were greatly softened. On the 7th of September, 1867, he reduced the exceptions to all Confederate officers above the rank of brigadier-gen eral in the army and captain in the navy. Finally, on Christmas day, 1868, he issued another proclamation extending unconditional pardon, without the formality of any oath and without exception, to all who had in any way sided with the Confederacy during the war. 2. Upon the close of the war, the most important question was the terms on which the seceded States should be restored to their places in the Union. The President appointed provisional governors in all the States that had seceded, except Tennessee, which had been restored to the Union just before the close of the ANDREW JOHNSON. [427 ] 428 Story of the Confederate States. war. Those States were required to hold conventions which should form new State Constitutions, repeal their ordinances of secession, and ratify a Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States providing for the complete abolition of slavery.1 The President assured them that when this was done they should be at once restored to all their original rights in the Union. The seceded States complied with the required terms and elected senators and representa tives to Congress. 3. But when Congress met in December, 1865, the Republican majority refused to admit the Southern members unless their States would ratify a Four teenth Amendment, making citizens of the negroes and fixing political disabilities on every one who had ever held a State or a Federal office and afterwards sided with the Confederates. When the seceded States refused to ratify the fourteenth amendment the Republican majority in Congress passed an act declaring the States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas to be in a state of rebellion. This act overturned the existing governments of these States and divided them into five military districts, each governed by an officer of the Federal army. It also provided for the calling of new conventions in all these States, disfranchised thousands of the whites and gave the right to vote to all male negroes above twenty- one years of age. The President vetoed these measures 1 Before the close of the war, the Southern people had begun to look upon slavery as doomed, no matter which way the war might end. Cleburne, and afterwards Lee, Beauregard and others recommended the enlisting of negroes, and the giving of freedom to all who enlisted. Such enlistment had actually begun when the war ended. Reconstruction. 429 as contrary to the Constitution, and he was right. If the seceded States were in the Union they had as much right to reject as to approve an amendment, and their rejection of it did not make them rebels. Every Southerner ought to be proud of the fact that the Southern people had the manhood to refuse to pur chase their former privileges in the Union by placing a stigma on the men whom they had chosen to lead them in their struggle for what they deemed the right, and that the ratification of the fourteenth and fif teenth amendments to the Constitution was secured by stifling the voice of the white people of the South. Congress passed its favorite measure over the Presi dent's veto. 4. The rescue at this time of the Great Seal of Georgia from the hands of the usurper deserves to rank with the hiding of the charter of Connecticut in the old colonial days. When the Governor of the State, Charles J. Jenkins, was deposed and an officer of the United States army appointed in his place, he carried off the great seal of the State and refused to give it up or tell where he had placed it until a governor should be elected by the free voice of the people. This occurred in 1872, when James M. Smith was elected governor. Then Mr. Jenkins restored the seal, and received the thanks of the legislature for his fidelity to the honor of Georgia. 5. Under the reconstruction measures of Congress, elections were held for conventions in all the seceded States affected by the law. . In some of these States the officers in charge of the election continued it for three days, so that the negroes might vote "early and often." By January 24th, 1868, the Republican plan had been Jta^.^_ GENERAL LEE TAKING LEAVE OF HIS SOLDIERS. Reconstruction. 431 carried out in Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, which States were then re-admitted to the Union. But Geor gia's representatives were soon after excluded because the legislature of that State had refused to let negroes sit in that body. It was declared that Georgia should not be re-admitted until it should ratify the fifteenth amendment. In order to insure its ratification by Georgia, a man named Harris was appointed to purge the legislature until it had the kind of majority that was desired. 6. The Fifteenth Amendment declares that the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servi tude. This amendment was carried through in the same manner as the fourteenth. In 1870, after the fifteenth amendment had been ratified, Virginia, Mis sissippi and Texas were re-admitted, and, last of all, Georgia was a second time re-admitted. Grant was President when reconstruction was thus completed. 7. The last year of Johnson's term an effort was made to remove him from office because he was too much in the way of the Republican majority in Con gress. The pretext for this was his quarrel with Stan ton, the Secretary of War. Mr. Johnson attempted to dismiss Mr. Stanton from his office. For this he was impeached by the House of Representatives on the 22d of February, 1868. He was tried by the Senate, Chief- Justice Chase presiding. The President was acquitted by one vote (May 26th). 8. Test Oaths, Confiscation Laws, and Civil-Rights Bill. — Among other laws unfriendly to the South, Congress 432 Story of the Confederate States. passed an act forbidding lawyers to practice in courts unless they would take an oath that they had never in any way aided the Confederacy. This practically excluded every southern lawyer from practice, since there was not one in a hundred of them who could truthfully take any such oath. Augustus H. Garland, of Arkansas, who was afterwards Attorney-General of the United States, contested this law in every court up to the Supreme Court of the United States. Most of the judges of this court were Republican and hence of the same party with the majority in Congress; but the court solemnly declared the law to be unconstitutional. The Supreme Court also declared that the laws passed by Congress confiscating the property of Confederates were contrary to the Constitution. Congress also passed a civil-rights bill, one of the purposes of which was to compel hotels to receive negro guests just as they did whites. The Supreme Court also decided this law to be contrary to the Constitution. Thus in this dark hour, when partisan hatred seemed about to make total wreck of individual as well as State rights, the Supreme Court stood as the bulwark of liberty, and earned the lasting gratitude of every lover of freedom. 9. The Carpet-bag Governments. — The State govern ments that had been established in the South under the reconstruction measures were notoriously corrupt. They had been organized by a few whites and all the negroes under the lead of Northern adventurers, whom the Southern people called carpet-baggers. The few Southern white men who joined in with the car pet-baggers were called " scalawags." In some of the States there were returning boards, who had power to revise election returns and throw out such votes as LAST MEETING OF THE CONFEDERATE CABINET. [ 433 ] 434 Story of the Confederates States. they might decide to be illegal. In 1873, after Grant's election to a second term, the Louisiana returning board seated as governor a man who had not been elected. The Southern white people at last resolved to put forth every effort to overthrow the so-called carpet-bag governments. 10. Congressional Elections of 1874. — The Democratic party favored the wishes of the white people of the South. The Republicans backed up the carpet-bag governments. On this issue mainly the two parties went before the country in the congressional elections of 1874, and the result was an overwhelming Dem ocratic triumph. 11. Trouble in Louisiana. — Elections were also held in Louisiana for members of the State legislature, and the returning board gave certificates to men who had not been elected. The elected men took possession of the State-house, but were driven out by United States troops. But the Democrats of Louisiana were deter mined to contend for their rights, and serious trouble was feared. The time had not yet come for the new Democratic Congress to assemble, and the Republican Congress was in session. This body appointed a com mittee of investigation, headed by W. A. Wheeler of New York, afterwards Vice-President of the United States. The committee condemned the outrage, and the elected Democrats were allowed to take their seats. A similar thing occurred in Arkansas, and with a like result. 12. Presidential Election of 1876. — When the time came to elect a successor to General Grant the Republicans nominated Rutherford B. Hayes of Ohio for President and William A. Wheeler of New York for Vice-Pres- Reconstruction. 435 ident. The candidates of the Democrats were Samuel J. Tilden of New York for President and Thomas A. Hendricks of Indiana for Vice-President. The Dem ocrats carried enough States to give them a good majority of the electoral vote. But the returning boards of Louisiana and Florida, which were made up of Republicans acting under the authority of the car pet-bag governments, threw out thousands of Dem- M'LEAN'S HOUSE, APPOMATTOX, C H., WHERE LEE AND GRANT ARRANGED THE TERMS OF SURRENDER. ocratic votes in each of those States, so as to give their electoral vote to Hayes and Wheeler. South Carolina also was in doubt, and one of the electors of Oregon was claimed by the Democrats. 13. There was intense excitement throughout the country. The Republicans contended that it was the duty of the President of the Senate to decide the dis pute about the electoral vote in the contested States. The Democrats insisted that the dispute should be 436 Story of the Confederate States. settled under the joint rule controlling both houses. By a compromise between the House and Senate the matter was referred to an Electoral Commission con sisting of five from each house and five judges of the Supreme Court. On this commission the Republicans had one majority, and on the plea that they could not go behind the official returns from a State the eight Republicans voted to give all the disputed votes to Hayes and Wheeler, which would elect them by one majority. The Democrats considered the decision unjust, but submitted to it for the sake of peace. There were some Republicans who agreed with the Democrats in their opinion about the decision of the " eight-by-seven commission." 14. Troops at the State-Houses. — In Louisiana and South Carolina the Republicans tried to hold on to the State governments, although everybody knew that the Democratic candidates had been elected. United States troops were stationed at the capitals of these two States, who forcibly prevented the entrance of Demo cratic members of the legislature and upheld the usurping governors. Such was the state of affairs at the close of Grant's administration. 15. Removal of the Troops. — One of the first acts of Mr. Hayes, the new President, was the removal ^f the United States troops from the capitals of Louisiana and South" Carolina.1 Immediately the Democratic State govern ments were peaceably established, and the reign of the carpet-bagger was ended. At once there began to pre vail a better feeling between the North and the South. 1 South Carolina owed her deliverance in a great measure to the un tiring efforts and undaunted courage of the gallant Wade Hampton, to whom she owes a debt of gratitude that can never be paid. Reconstruction. 437 Some of the Republicans were displeased at what Mr. Hayes had done, but the great mass of the people of both political parties approved it. They were tired of strife, and longed for peace and for the Union of their fathers — not a Union one part of which was pinned to the other by bayonets, but a Union of co-equal States. 16. A new era of good will had begun. Since that time so unmistakable has been the voice of the Ameri- can people against any more legisla- t i o n u n - friendly t o the South, that even in times when the Republi can party has had full control again V e r v little H0USE IN which johnston and sherman met. such legislation has been attempted. When it has been attempted, there have been found conservative Republicans who helped the Democrats to defeat it, and on the first opportunity the people have through the ballot-box rebuked even the attempt. The people have twice elected a Democratic President. Promi nent ex-Confederates have held positions in the Presi dent's Cabinet and have been made judges of the Supreme Court. There have been friendly re-unions of Union and Confederate veterans on the old battle fields of the war. One of the most notable of these fras on the battle-field of Gettysburg, where the survi- 438 Story of the Confederate States. vors of Pickett's division again moved up the slope of Cemetery Hill, and were met by some of their for mer foes with hearty clasp of the hand and cordial greetings. 17. The Sentiment of the South. — In 1861 the majority of the Southern people believed that there was no security for the South in the Union. Therefore they desired peaceable separation. This was not allowed, but coercion was the policy adopted by the Govern ment. This the South resisted with all its power. The Confederate soldier never thought that he was fighting to destroy the Government of the United States. He fought only for home and loved ones and the liberty of the South. No truer patriots ever mustered for battle than those who marched under the Starry Cross of the Confederacy. When the sun of the Confederacy went down at Appomattox they who had followed Lee in war continued to follow him in peace. They tried to imi tate their peerless leader, as he followed Christ, in casting from him every vindictive sentiment. With no feeling of shame, but with a consciousness of duty well performed in their brave defense of what they deemed the right, they accepted in good faith the results of the war, abandoned secession, and without mental reservation agreed to the abolition of slavery. In the same good faith they renewed their allegiance to the Union, and are ready to defend it against any and all foes. They build monuments to their hero dead and tell of their valorous deeds to their children's children. They cherish as a sweet memory the South ern Cross, under whose folds their half-starved, ragged veterans performed such mighty deeds of valor, but at the same time they hail the Stars and Stripes as distributing tracts in the trenches. 440 Story of the Confederate States. the banner under which the great Southern General Washington led their fathers to victory and independ ence, and look upon it as the symbol of sovereign, co equal States joined together in an indestructible Union. 18. The lesson of the war and of events since its close is that there is a stronger defense for the rights of the States in one majority in either house of Con gress or in the Supreme Court of the United States than in hundreds of thousands of armed warriors, and that the liberties of States and individuals are best secured in the Union and under the broad aegis of the Constitution. " God bless our whole country and make ours a union of hearts and of hands " is the prayer of every true patriot North and South. Note. — The wonderful revivals of religion that occurred in the South ern camps is a subject worthy of an entire volume. The great work that was done among the officers and soldiers of the Army of Northern Virginia has been well told in that excellent work of Rev. J. William Jones entitled " Christ in the Camp." There was throughout the South ern army a strong religious sentiment, and many of the -officers and men were deeply pious. It was the firm belief in the overruling provi dence of God, who doeth all things well, that prepared Lee and other prominent leaders to accept the result as an expression of the Divine will, and to set an example of quiet submission to the inevitable, which was followed by those who had been in the habit of looking to them for counsel and direction. Firmly believing that God gave to them all the brilliant victories that shed such lustre on their arms, they also believed that God in his wisdom had given to them final defeat. It is this feel ing that has caused the Southern people, without any consciousness of guilt or shame, to accept in perfect good faith the result of the war and the changed order of things, and at the same time to use every consti tutional method to maintain the rights of their States as co-equal mem bers of the Union. NOTES. The fidelity of the great mass of the slave population during the war has already been spoken of. Perhaps it may be well to give two incidents of individual devotion and heroism on the part of slaves — one of which came under the writer's own observation, while the other is related in General Dick Taylor's " Destruction and Reconstruction." At the battle of Greenbrier River (October 3, 1861,) Dr. Frank Ruder- sill, whose heroic spirit had impelled him to go to the field notwithstand ing a very painful physical disability, was acting as assistant surgeon of the First Georgia Regiment. While busily employed with the wounded, he remembered that a case of surgical instruments, which he very much needed, was in a house exposed to the hottest Are of the Union artillery. A young colored man, his slave, volunteered to go for the case of instru ments, and at the imminent peril of his life brought it to his master. The other incident is best told in General Taylor's own words : " I used to fancy that there was a mute sympathy between General Jackson and Tom, as they sat silent by a camp fire, the latter respectfully with drawn ; and an incident here at Strasburg cemented this friendship. When my command was called into action, I left Tom on a hill where all was quiet. Thereafter, from a change in the enemy's dispositions, the place became rather hot, and Jackson passing by advised Tom to move ; but he replied, if the General pleased, his master told him to stay there and would know where to find him, and he did not believe shells would trouble him. Two or three nights later Jackson was at my Are when Tom came to give me some coffee ; whereupon Jackson rose and gravely shook him by the hand, and then told me the above." General Taylor adds: "After the war was closed, Tom returned with me to New Orleans, found his wife and children all right, and is now prosperous." Reunions of the "Blue and Gray" on the old battle-fields of the war have of late years been quite frequent. In August, 1890, the Congress of the United States passed a bill, which was approved by the President, to establish a National Military Park on the battle-field of Chickamauga. The commission appointed to superintend this work consists of one 442 . Notes. member from the Union volunteer army, one from the regular army, and one from the Confederate army. In the battle of Chickamauga four brigade commanders on each side were either killed or mortally wounded. The names of the four on the Southern side were Helm of Kentucky, Peyton Colquitt of Georgia, Deshler of Arkansas, and Preston Smith of Tennessee ; the four on the Northern side were King, Baldwin, Hegg, and Lyttle, the latter being the Cincinnati poet. The government has erected monuments to these officers on the spot where each one fell, and without making any distinction between those who fell on the Northern or on the Southern side. May this be a token of the brotherly love that shall henceforth prevail between the once severed sections of our now united country. Lat " peace on earth and good will toward man " be the principle that shall control the councils of the American people, and may "wisdom, justice, and moderation" guide our now peaceful States in their conduct toward each other and toward all the nations of the earth. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART I. A Short Sketch of United States History from the Colonial Times to the Establishment of the Government under the Constitution. CHAPTER FIRST. A Brief Sketch of Colonial History. CHAPTER SECOND. The War for American Independence and the Establishment of the Government of the United States. CHAPTER THIRD. The Formation and Adoption of the Constitution and the Establishment of the Government thereunder. PART II. The Growth of the United States and the Causes which led to the Formation of the Government of the Confederate States. CHAPTER FIRST. Politics in the United States from Washington to Monroe. CHAPTER SECOND. Disputes between tbe Federal Government and Some of the States. Georgia and the Indians. South Carolina and Nullification. CHAPTER THIRD. The Slavery Quarrel. 444 Table of Contents. PART III. The Formation of the Confederate Government. The War between the States and its Results. Section I. Events of 1861. CHAPTER FIRST. Secession of Seven Southern States. Formation of the Confederate Government. Efforts at Reconciliation. CHAPTER SECOND. The Beginning of the War. Secession of Four Other States. The Cam paign in West Virginia. CHAPTER THIRD. The Campaign of the First Manassas (Bull Run). Other Events in Vir ginia and West Virginia. CHAPTER FOURTH. The War in the West and on the Coast during 1861. Section II. Events of 1862. CHAPTER FIRST. Some Minor Events both in the East and West in the Beginning of 1862. The Western Campaign of the Spring and Early Summer. CHAPTER SECOND. From the Beginning of the Campaign of 1862 in Virginia to the Close of the Campaign of the Second Manassas. CHAPTER THIRD. The Maryland and Kentucky Campaign. CHAPTER FOURTH. Fredericksburg. Second Attempt upon Vicksburg. Murfreesboro (Stone River). Table of Contents. 445 Section III. Events of 1863. CHAPTER FIRST. The Emancipation Proclamation. The Admission of West Virginia Early Military Operations of 1883. CHAPTER SECOND. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. CHAPTER THIRD. Fall of Vicksburg. Chickamauga. Chattanooga and Missionary Ridge. CHAPTER FOURTH. Other Important Events of 1863. Section IV. Events o.f 1864. CHAPTER FIRST. Events in tne East and West in the First Months of 1864. CHAPTER SECOND. From the Opening of the Virginia Campaign to the end of July, 1864. CHAPTER THIRD. From the Opening of the Georgia Campaign to the first part of August, 1864. Events in Mississippi. Discouragement at the North. CHAPTER FOURTH. The Tide Turns. Mobile Bay. Fall of Atlanta. Sheridan and Early in the Shenandoah. Hood's Tennessee Campaign. Sherman's March Through Georgia. Confederate Successes Around Petersburg and Richmond. Section V. The Final Campaigns— Reconstruction. CHAPTER FIRST. Prisoners of War. The Final Campaign. CHAPTER SECOND. Reconstruction. The Union Restored. Closing remarks. ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE. Ruins of Jamestown 20 William and Mary College • ¦ 23 Battle of Lexington. 27 Bunker Hill and Warren 29 Surrender of Cornwallis 33 George Washington 43 John Adams 50 Thomas Jefferson . 52 James Madison oti Battle of New Orleans 57 James Monroe 59 Andrew Jackson 63 Henry Clay es John C. Calhoun 72 John Tyler 75 Sam Houston . . . ; 77 Robert Toombs 79 James K. Polk 80 Daniel Webster 83 James Buchanan 88 Abraham Lincoln 91 Harper's Ferry . . 92 Secession Hall, Charleston, South Carolina 98 Alexander H. Stephens . 100 Inauguration of President Davis 103 Jefferson Davis . 105 Attack on Fort Sumter from Morris Island 108 Confederate Flag . . . . . Ill Sergeant Collier's Brave Act 113 Capitol of the Confederacy at Richmond 116 Confederate Battle Flag ••....... 120 Colonel R. E. Lee 125 P. G. T. Beauregard. 127 First Battle of Manassas (Bull Run) 129 Stonewall Jackson at Bull Run . . 132 President Davis and General Jackson at Manassas 135 John B. Floyd ... 138 Sterling Price. . • 142 Scene on the Coast of North Carolina 147 Jackson Preparing for Battle 152 Monticello, the Home of Jefferson 155 Simon B. Buckner 156 Battle of Shiloh 160 Albert Sidney Johnston 163 G. J. Pillow 166 Map of Vicksburg ........ 169 Battle between the Monitor and the Merrimac 172 Map of Shenandoah Valley 177 Scene in the Chickahominy Swamp 182 I '446 ] Illustrations. 447 Map of Northern Virginia 185 Battle of Malvern Hill 187 Lee at the Soldiers' Prayer-Meeting. ........ 189 A Full-Dress Reception at the Confederate White House 196 Howell Cobb 197 Jubal A. Early 200 Burnside 201 E. Kirby Smith 204 Fitzhugh Lee 207 James Longstreet . ... 208 Attack on Fredericksburg 212 Richard Kirkland Carrying Water to the Wounded 217 Robert Ransom. 220 Old St. John's Church, Richmond, Va 226 Battle of Charleston Harbor 2-il Attack on Fort Sumter by the Monitor Fleet 234 Joseph Hooker . . . .... 237 Lee and Jackson Planning the Battle of Chancellorsville 238 Jackson Attacking tho Right Wing at Chancellorsville ... . 241 "Stonewall" Jackson 243 R. S Ewell . 245 Map Showing Position of Troops the First Day at Gettysburg . . . 248 Position of Troops the Second and Third Days 251 Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg . 253 George E. Pickett 255 W. H. F. Lee 257 An "Intelligent Contraband" 260 Joseph E. Johnston . . . 263 Chart of the Chickamauga and Chattanooga Campaigns 267 Braxton Bragg .... . . 269 Missionary Ridge from the Cemetery at Chattanooga 271 W. T. Sherman 273 John H. Morgan . 276 Fort Moultrie, S. C. Fort Sumter in the Distance 279 Calhoun's Homestead at Fort Hill, S. C 281 Winter Scene in Florida . 29Q A. H. Colquitt. . : . . 292 Burnside's Expedition Crossing Hatteras Bar 295 President Davis's First Cabinet . 299 U.S.Grant 303 Grant Writing Dispatches to Sherman before Crossing the Rapidan 304 Prominent Confederate Generals . 307 William Mahone 310 Robert E. Lee . 313 Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse 315 J. E. B. Stuart. 318 Battle of Cold Harbor 321 Scene on James River near Drewry's Bluff 324 John D. Imboden .... ¦ ¦ ¦ 326 The Battlefield of Malvern Hill 331 A. P. Hill Ordering Lee and Davis to the Rear 3^3 Wade Hampton 335 Bradley T. Johnson 337 Battle of the Crater 341 Leonidas Polk 342 George H. Thomas 346 John B. Hood 350 Map Showing Atlanta and Vicinity 352 Beauvoir, Miss., the Home of Jefferson Davis 356 448 Illustrations. George B. McClellan 858 Naval Battle in Mobile Bay ' 361 William J. Hardee • • • 364 Philip Sheridan j67 Pegram's Death. 370 Federal Troops Foraging ¦ 374 Map Showing Country from Chattanooga to Atlanta 376 Forrest and His Rough Riders 378 George C. Meade 381 Section Traversed by Sherman in His March to the Sea 384 All the Live Stock Left on McGill's Farm . . 386 A Cabin Home Before the War 390 An Old Plantation Home 396 Ruins of Richmond After the War 398 Alexander H. Stephens 401 Joseph Brown, War Governor of Georgia 4()2 Charleston, S. C. . . . 404 John B. Gordon . 407 Map Showing Position of Armies Near Petersburg, Va 409 A. P. Hill . 412 Clement A. Evans. 414 Lee Signing the Terms of Surrender 415 Interview Between Sherman and Johnson 418 John Wilkes Booth 419 Capture of Jefferson Davis 421 Washington and Lee University 424 Andrew Johnson 427 Lee Taking Leave of His Soldiers ... 430 Last Meeting of the Confederate Cabinet ... . . 433 McLean's House, Appomattox Courthouse, Va., Where Lee and Grant Arranged the Terms of Surrender . .... 435 House in Which Johnston and Sherman Met 437 Distributing Tracts in the Trenches , 439 JOSEPH T. DERRY.