•i^.'..'e%-'-.f^j9 (?'!,^.^. if' M '¦"Wfi ¦ «* ¦• '^^»wip¥s^f*'j*'*i*-'>-»-i*«f^^ ''£mm mi-mm^:' -imi^-' for the fatirulin^of a, CoWigi in, this Colptiyp. From the library of David Willcox, 1909 HENRY WILSON §>tate«man CUDition Vol. IV Charles Sumner HIS COMPLETE WORKS [itf) JEittrobuctton BY HON. GEORGE FRISBIE HOAR BOSTON LEE AND SHEPARD MCM Copyright, 1900, BY LEE AND SHEPARD. Statesman ^tsitian. Limited to One Thousand Copies. Of which this is Wo. ^ f—i tNortoanli ^tess : Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. CONTENTS OF VOLUME IV. PAGE Andrew J. Downing, the Landscape Gardener. Speeoh in the Senate, in Favor of an Allowance to the Widow of the late Andrew J. Downing, August 26, 1852 . . 1 The Party of Freedom : Its Necessity and Practica bility. Speech at the State Convention of the Free-Soil Party of Massachusetts, held at Lowell, September 15, 1852 3 Civil Superintendents of Armories. Speech in the Senate, on the Proposition to change the Superintendents of Armories, February 23, 1853 12 Necessity of Union to uphold Freedom. Letter to a Rhode Island Committee, March 26, 1853 . . .15 Against Secrecy in Proceedings of the Senate. Speech in the Senate, on the Proposition to limit the Secret Ses sions of the Senate, April 6, 1853 16 The German Emigrant must be against Slavery. Letter to Lewis Tappan, Esq., May 17, 1853 . . . .19 Powers of the State over the Militia : Exemptions FOR Conscientious Scruples. Speech in Convention to revise and amend the Constitution of Massachusetts, June 21, 1853 20 Powers or the State over the Militia : Colored Com panies. Speech in Convention to revise and amend the Constitution of Massachusetts, June 22, 1853 ... 25 iii iv CONTENTS. PAGE The Pacific Railroad and the Declaration of Inde pendence. Letter to the Mayor of Boston, for the Cele bration of July 4, 1853 32 The Representative System, and its Proper Basis. Speech on the Proposition to amend the Basis of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, in the Con vention to revise and amend the Constitution of that State, July 7, 1853 33 Bills op Rights : Their History and Policy. Speech on the Report from the Committee on the Bill of Rights, in the Convention to revise and amend the Constitution of Massachusetts, July 25, 1853 62 FiNGEK-PoiNT from PLYMOUTH RocK. Speech at the Ply mouth Festival in Commemoration of the Embarkation of the Pilgrims, August 1, 1853 73 Ireland and Irishmen. Letter to a Committee of Irish- bom Citizens, August 2, 1853 80 The Landmark of Freedom : No Repeal of the Mis souri Compromise. Speech in the Senate, against the Repeal of the Missouri Prohibition of Slavery north of 36° 30' in the Nebraska and Kansas Bill, February 21, 1854 81 When will the North be aroused ? Letter to a Personal Friend, March 30, 1854 . 137 A Liberty-Loving Emigration to guard Kansas. Letter to a Massachusetts Committee, May 1, 1854 . . . 138 Final Protest, foe himself and the Clergy op New England, against Slavery in Nebraska and Kansas. Speech in the Senate, on the Night of the Final Passage of the Nebraska and Kansas Bill, May 25, 1854 . . 140 Union of All Parties Necessary against the Slave Power. Letter to a Massachusetts Committee, May 20, 1854 157 CONTENTS. PAGE Boston Petition for the Repeal of the Fugitive Slave Act. Speech in the Senate, on the Boston Petition for the Repeal of the Fugitive Slave Aot, June 26, 1854 . 159 Reply to Assailants : Oath to support the Constitu tion ; Weakness of the South from Slavery. Sec ond Speech in the Senate on the Boston Petition for the Repeal of the Fugitive Slave Act, June 28, 1854 . . 172 Peaceful Opposition to the Fugitive Slave Act. Let ter to the Mayor of Boston, for the Celebration of July 4, 1854 228 No Pension for Service in Support of the Fugitive Slave Act. Minority Report to the Senate of the United States, on the Bill granting to the Widow of James Batchelder a Provision for her Future Support, July 13, 1854 . 230 James Otis an Example to Massachusetts. Letter to the Cape Cod Association of Massachusetts, July 30, 1854 287 Struggle foe Repeal of the Fugitive Slave Act. De bate in the Senate, July 31, 1854 239 Duties of Massachusetts at the Present Crisis. For mation OF the Republican Party. Speech before the Republican State Convention at Worcester, September 7, 1854 .... 255 The Good Farmer and the Good Citizen. Letter to the Norfolk Agricultural Society, September 25, 1854 . . 280 The Fugitive Slave Act to be disobeyed. Letter to a Committee at Syracuse, New York, September 28, 1854 . 282 Position and Duties of the Merchant, illustrated by tee Life of Granville Sharp. Address before the Mercantile Library Association of Boston, on the Even ing of November 13, 1854 283 vi CONTENTS. PAGE Wages of Seamen in Case or Wreck. Speech in the Senate, on introducing a Bill to secure Wages to Seamen in Case of Wreck, February 12, 1855 . . . .324 Against Capital Punishment. Letter to a Committee of the Massachusetts Legislature, February 12, 1855 . . 331 The Demands of Freedom : Repeal op the Fugitive Slave Act. Speech in the Senate against Mr. Toucey's Bill, and for the Repeal of the Fugitive Slave Aot, Feb ruary 23, 1855 333 ANDREW J. DOWNING, THE LANDSCAPE GAEDENER. Speech in the Senate, in Favor of an Allowance to the Widow OF the late Andrew J. Downing, August 26, 1852. The Civil and Diplomatic Appropriation BUl being under considera tion, Mr. Pearce, of Maryland, under instructions from the Committee on Finance, moved the foUowing amendment : — " For the payment of the arrears of salary due to the late Rural Architect, A. J. Downing, deceased, from the 1st of May, 1852, to the date of his death, and a farther allowance to his widow, equal to the salary for one year, $ 2,500 : Promded, that the said sum shall be in full of all claim for the ser vices of the said deceased, and for all models, specifications, and drawings, designed for the benefit of the United States, which are not in its possession." In the course of the debate wliich ensued, Mr. Sumner spoke as fol lows. ME. PEESIDENT, — The laborer is worthy of his hire ; and I believe at this moment there is no