YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Gift of Mrs. Edward Allen Wilson THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, POOR RICHARD'S ALMANAC, AND OTHER PAPERS. Bt benjamin FRANKLIN. KBW YOBK: y^ A. L. BUET, PUBLI8HBB. INTRODUCTION. Benjamin Franklin's autobiography ends with the year 1757, when he was sent to England as represent ative of the Asserably of Philadelphia. His services were found to be so valuable that he was appointed agent also for the States of Massachusetts, Maryland, and Georgia. The Royal Society of England not only made him one of its Fellows, but also awarded to hira a gold medal. He received honorary doctorates from the universities of Oxford, Edinburgh, and St. An drews ; and he was made an Associate of the Acaderay of Paris. Having returned to America in 1762, he was again sent to England to assist in laboring to avert war between the raother country and the trans atlantic colonies. After strenuous efforts, that were made in vain, Franklin returned to Philadelphia in 1775, and was thenceforth active araong those leaders of opinion who secured the Declaration of Independ ence of the thirteen United States on the 14th of July, 1776. Franklin then went to Paris as minister for the United States of America. In Paris he secured the aid of France in the coming struggle. When the struggle ended with the signing of a treaty of peace that conceded independence, Franklin, then seventy^ six years old, signed for the United States the treaty wbich he had assisted in negotiating. Three years later be went hack to America, where he took part in iv IHTRODUOTION. the revision of the Articles of Union. He died full of years and honors on the 17th of April, 1790, at the age of eighty-four. After his death a general mourning for two months was ordered by Congress as a tribute to the memory of one of the best and wisest of those who had assisted in the forming of the thirteen States into a nation. H. M. CONTENTS. I VLQ* Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin 1 Poor Richard's Almanac 215 Plan for Saving One Hundred Thousand Pounds 282 Necessary Hints to Those that would be Rich 284 Advice to a Toung Tradesman 286 Digging for Hidden Treasure 289 Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America 240 A Petition of the Left Hand 265 The Whistle 267 Dialogue Between Franklin and the Goat 200 The Art of Procuring Pleasant Dreams 268 The Ephemera: An Emblem of Human Life 274 To Miss Georgiana Shipley, on the Loss of Her American Squirrel 277 Familiar Letters: L To Miss Jane Franklin 279 n. To Mrs. Jane Mecom 280 IIL To Mrs. Deborah Franklin '. 284 IV. To Miss Hubbard ¦. 285 V. To Mrs. Jane Mecom* ••• 287 VL To Miss Stevenson 288 VIL To Miss Stevenson • 296 VIIL To MlsB Stevenson 298 IX. To Mrs. Stevenson 800 X. To Benjamin Webb -^ 808 XL To Samuel Mather • 804 301. To the Bev. Dr. Lathrop..., 805 THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. CHAPTER I. I HAVE ever had a pleasure in obtaining any little anecdotes of my ancestors. You may remember the inquiries I made among the reraains of my relations when you were with me in England, and the journey I undertook for that purpose. Imagining it raay be equally agreeable to you to learn the circurastances of my life, raany of which you are unacquainted with, and expecting the enjoyraent of a few weeks' uninter rupted leisure, I sit down to write thera. Besides, there are sorae other induceraents that excite rae to this undertaking. Frora the poverty and obscurity in which I was born and in which I passed ray earliest years, I have raised myself to a state of affluence' and some degree of celebrity in the world. As constant good fortune has accompanied me even to an advanced period of life, my posterity will perhaps be desirous of learning the means which I employed, and whioh, thanks to Providence, so well succeeded with me. Tbey may also deem them fit to be imitated, should any of them find themselves in similar circumstances. Tbis good fortune, when I reflect on it (which is 3 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF frequently the case), has induced me sometiraes to sa^ that if it were left to my choice 1 should have no objection to go over the same life frora its beginning to the end; requesting only the advantage authors have of correcting in a second edition the faults of the first. So would I also wish to ohange some incidents of it for others more favorable. Notwithstanding, if this condition was denied I should still accept the offer recoraraencing the same life. But as this repetition is not to be expected, that which resembles most living one's life over again seems to be to recall all the cir cumstances of it, and, to render this remembrance more durable, to record them in writing. In thus eraploying rayself, I shall yield to the inclina tion, so natural to old raen, of talking of theraselves and their own actions ; and I shall indulge it without being tiresorae to those who, from respect to my age, might conceive themselves obliged. to listen to me, since they will be always free to read me or not. And lastly (I may as well confess it, as the denial of it vvould be believed by nobody), I shall, perhaps, not a little gratify my own vanity. Indeed, I never heard or saw the introductory words, " Without vanity I may say," etc, but sorae vain thing imraediately followed. Most people dislike vanity in others, what ever share they have of it theraselves ; but I give it- fair quarter wherever I meet with it, being persuaded that it is often productive of good to the possessor and to others who are within his sphere of action ; and therefore, in many cases, it would not be altogether absurd if a man were to thank God for his vanity among the other comforts of life. And now 1 speak of thanking Qod, I desire with all \ \ BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 8 humility to acknowledge that I attribute the mentioned happiness of ray past life to his divine providence, which led me to the means I used and gave the success. My belief of this induces me to hope, though I must not preisume, that the same goodness will still be exercised toward rae in continuing that happiness or enabling me to bear a fatal reverse, which I may ex perience as others have done ; the complexion of my future fortune being known to Him only in whose power it is to bless us, even in our afflictions. Some notes which one of my uncles, who had the same curiosity in collecting family anecdotes, once put into my hands, furnished rae with several particulars relative to our ancestors. Frora these notes 1 learned that they lived in the same village, Ecton, in Northamptonshire, on a freehold of about thirty acres, for at least three hundred years, and how much longer could not be ascertained. This sraall estate would not have suflBced for their raaintenance without the business of a sraith which had continued in the faraily down to ray uncle's' tirae, the eldest son being always brought up to that era ployraent; a custora which he and ray father followed with regard to their eldest sons. When I searched the registers at Ecton I found an account of their raarriages and burials from the year 1555 only, as the registers kept did not commence previous thereto. I, however, learned frona it that I was the youngest son of the youngest son for five generations back. My grandfather, Thomas, who was born in 1598, lived at Ecton till he was too old to continue his business, when he retired to Banbury, in Oxfordshire, to the house of bis son John, with whora my father served i A UTOBIOORAPHY OF an approntlcoship. There my uncle died and lies buried. We saw his grave-stone In 1768, His oldest son Thoraas lived in the house at Ecton, and left It, with the land, to his only daughter, who, with her husband, one Fisher, of Wellingborough, sold it to Mr. Isted, now lord of the manor thoro. My grandfather had four sons, who grew up, viz., Thomas, John, Benjarain, and Josiah. Being at a distance frora my papers, I will give you what account I can of thera from memory ; and if my papers are not lost in my absence, you will flnd among them many more particulars. Thomas, my oldest uncle, was bred a smith under his father, but being ingenious and encouraged in leaming, as all his brothers wore, by an Esquire Palmer, thon tho principal inhabitant of that parish, ho qualillod himself for tho bar and booamo a oonsidorablo raan in the county ; was chief mover of all public- spirited enterprises for the county or town of North ampton, as well as of his own village, of which many instances wore related of him ; and ho was much taken notice of and patronized by Lord Halifax. He died in 1702, the 6th of January, four years to a day before I was born. The recital which some elderly persons made to us of his character I remember stcjwk you as something extraordinary, from its similarity with what you knew of me, "Had he died," said you, '* four years later on the sarae day, one might have supposed a transmigration," John, my next uncle, was bred a dyier, I believe of wool. Benjamin was bred a silk-dyer, serving an apprenticeship in London. He was an ingenious man. I reraeraber when I was a boy he came to my father's in BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 6 Boston and resided in the house with us for several years. There was ahvays a particular affection between ray father and hira, and I was his godson. He lived to a great age. He left behind him two quarto voluraes of manuscript of his own poetry, consisting of fugitive pieces addressed to his friends. He had invented a short-hand of his own, which he taught me; but not having practiced it I have now forgotten it. He was very pious and an assiduous attendant at the sermons of the best preachers, which he reduced to writing according to his raethod, and had thus collected several voluraes of thera. He was also a good deal of a politician; too much so, perhaps, for his station. There fell lately into my hands, in London, a collection he had raade of all the principal political pamphlets relating to public affairs from the year 1641 to 1717. Many of the voluraes are wanting, as appears by their nurabering ; but there still remain eight voluraes in folio and twenty in quarto and in octavo. A dealer in old books had raet with thera, and knowing rae by narae, having bought books of hira, he brought thera to rae. It would appear that my uncle must have left thera here when he went to Araerica, which was about fifty years ago. I found several of his notes in the raargins. His grandson, Sarauel Franklin, is still living in Boston. Our humble family early erabraced the reforraed religion. Our forefathers continued Protestants through the reign of Mary, when they were soraetimes in danger of persecution on account of their zeal against popery. They had an English Bible, and to conceal it and place it in safety, it was fastened open with tapes under and within the cover of a joint stool. 6 AUTOBIOaRAPHT OF When my great-grandfather wished to read it to his faraily, he placed the joint stool on his knees and then turned over the leaves under the tapes. One of the children stood at the door to give notice if he saw the apparitor coraing, who was an offlcer of the spiritual court. In that case the stool was turned down again upon its feet, when the Biblo remained concealed under it as before. This anecdote I had frora Uncle Benja min. The faraily continued all of the Church of England till about the end of Charles the Second's reign, when some of the rainisters that had been ousted for their non-conformity, holding conventicles in North- araptonshire, ray Uncle Benjarain and my father Josiah adhered to thera, and so continued all their lives. The rest of the family remained with the Episcopal Church. My father married young, and carried his wife, with three children, to New England about 1685. The conventicles being at that tirae forbiddyn by law and frequently disturbed in the meetingSj some consider able men of his acquaintances deterrained to go to that country, and he was prevailed with to accorapany thera thither, where they expected to enjoy the exer- cise of thoir religion with freedora. By the same wife my father had four children more born there, and by a second ten others — in all seventeen; of whora I reraember to have seen thirteen sitting together at his table, who all grew up to 3'ears of raaturity and were raarried. I was the youngest son and the youngest of all the children except two daughters. I vvas born in Boston, in New England. My mother, the second wiIq of my father, vvas Abiah Folger, daughter of Peter Folger, one of the first settlers of New England, of whora honorable mention is made by Cotton Mather BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 7 in his ecclesiastical history of that country, entitled "Magnalia Christi Americana,'^' as "a godly and learned Englishman," if I reraeraber the words rightly, I was informed he wrote several small occasional works, but only one of. them was printed, which I reraeraber to have seen several years since. It was written in 1675. It was in familiar verse, according to the taste of the times and people, and addressed to the government there. It asserts the liberty of con science in behalf of the Anabaptist, the Quakers, and other sectaries that had been persecuted. He attrib utes to this persecution the Indian wars and other calaraities that had befallen the cpuntry, regarding them as so many judgments of God to punish so heinous an offense and exhorting the repeal of those laws, so contrary to charity. This piece appeared to me as written with raanly freedora and a pleasing siraplicity. The six lines I reraember, but have forgotten the preceding ones of the stanza; the purport of them was that his censures proceeded from good will, and therefore he would be known to be the author : •• Because to be a libeler I bate it with my heart. From Sherbon Town* where now I dwell, My name I do put here; Without oflfense your real friend. It is Peter Folger." My elder brothers were all put apprentices to different trades. I was put to the grararaar school at eight years of age, my father intending to devote me * Id the Island of Nantucket. 8 AUTOBIOORAPET OF as the tithe of his sons to the service of the Ohuroh. My early readiness in learning to read, which must have been very early, as I do not remember when I could not read, and the opinion of all his friends that I should certainly make a good scholar, encouraged him in this purpose of his. My Uncle Benjamin, too, approved of it, and proposed to giv&me his short-hand voluraes of serraons to set up with if I would learn his short-hand. I continued, however, at the grararaar school rather less than a year, though in that tirae I had risen gradually from the middle of the class of that year to be at the head of the same class, and was removed into the next class, whence I was to be placed in the third at the end of the year. But my father, burdened with a numerous family, was unable, without inconvenience, to support the expense of a college education. Considering, more over, as he said to one of his friends in my presence, the little encouragement that line of life afforded to those educated for it, he gave up his first intentions, took rae frora the grararaar school, and sent me to a school for writing and arithraetic, kept by a then famous man, Mr. George Brownwell. He was a skill ful master and succeeded in his profession, employing the mildest and most encouraging methods. Under hira I learned to write a good hand pretty soon, but I failed entirely in arithraetic. At ten years old I was taken to help ray father in his business, which was that of a tallow-chandler and soap-boiler ; a business to which he was not bred, but had assumed on his arrival in New England, because he found that his dyeing trade, being in little request, would not main tain his faraily. Accordingly I was employed in cutting BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 9 wicks for the candles, filling the molds for cast candles, attending the shop, going of errands, etc. I disliked the trade and had a strong inclination to go to sea, but ray father declared against it. But residing near the water 1 was rauch in it and on it. I learned to swira well and to raanage boats, and when erabarked with other boys I was comraonly allowed to govern, especially in any case of difficulty ; and upon other occasions I was generally the leader araong the boys, and soraetiraes led thera into scrapes, of whichi will raention one instance, as it shows an early project ing publio spirit, though not then justly conducted. There was a salt marsh which bounded part of the mill-pond on the edge of which, at high water, we used to stand to fish for minnows. By much trarapling we had raade it a mere quagmire. My proposal was to build a wharf there for us to stand upon, andl showed my comrades a large heap of stones whioh were intended for a new house near the marsh and which would very well suit our purpose. Accordingly in the evening, when the workraen were gone horae, I assera bled a number of my playfellows, and we worked diligently like so many emmets, soraetiraes two or three to a stone, till we brought them all to make our little wharf. The next morning the workmen were surprised at missing the stones, whioh had formed our wharf. Inquiry was made after the authors of this transfer; we were discovered, coraplained of, and corrected by our fathers ; and though I demonstrated the utility of our work, inine convinced me that that which was not honest could not be truly useful. I suppose you may like to know what kind of a man my father was. He had an excellent constitution, was of 10 A UTOBIOORAPHY OF a middle stature, well set, and very strong. He conld draw prettily and was skilled a little in music. His voice was sonorous and agreeable, so that when he played on his violin and sung withal, as he was accus toraed to do after the business of the day was over, it was extreraely agreeable to hear. He had some knowl edge of mechanics, and on occasion was very handy with other tradesmen's tools. But his great excel lence was his sound understanding and his solid judg ment in prudential matters, both in private and publio affairs. It is true he was never eraployed in the latter, the numerous family he had to educate and the strait ness of his circurastances keeping hira close to his trade, but I reraeraber well his being frequently visited by leading men, who consulted hira for his opinion in publio affairs and those of the church he belonged to, showing a great respect for his judgment and advice. He was also much consulted by private persons about their affairs when any difficulty occurred, and frequently chosen an arbitrator between contending parties. At his table he liked to have, as often as he oould, some sensible friend or neighbor to converse with, and always took care to start some ingenious or useful topic for discourse which might tend to improve the minds of his children. By this means he turned our attention to what was good, just, and prudent in the conduct of life, and little or no notice was ever taken of what related to the victuals on the table, whether it was well or ill dressed, in or out of season, of good or bad flavor, preferable or inferior to this oi that other thing of the kind ; so that I was brought up in suoh a perfect inattention to those matters as to be quite indifferent what kind of food was set before BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. \x rae. Indeed, I am so unobservant of it that to this day I can scarce tell a few hours after dinner of what dishes it consisted. This has been a great convenience to rae in traveling, where ray corapanions have been soraetiraes very unhappj' for want of a suitable grati fication of their raore delicate, because better instructed, tastes and appetites. My raother had likewise an excellent constitution ; she suckled all her ten children. I never knew either my father or mother to have any sickness but that of which they died ; he at eighty -nine and she at eighty- five years of age. They lie buried together at Boston, where I some years since placed a marble over their grave with this inscription : JOSIAP FRANKLIN and ABIAH his wife, Lie here interred. They lived lovingly together in wedlock, Fifty-five years; And without an estate or any gainful employment, By constant labor, and honest industry, (With God's blessing,) Maintained a large family comfortably; And brought up thirteen children and seven grandchildren Reputably. From this instance, Reader, Be encouraged to diligence in thy calling, And distrust not Providence. He was a pious and prudent man, She a discreet and virtuous woman. Their youngest son, , In fllifd regard to their memory, * Places. this stone. J. F. bom 1665; died 1744. Mt. 89. A. F. bom 1667: died 1763, Mi. M. 13 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF By my rambling digressions I perceive rayself to be grown old. I used to write more methodically. But one does not dress for private company as for a publio ball. Perhaps it is only negligence. To return : I continued thus employed In my father's business for two years, that is, till I was twelve years old ; and my brother John, who was bred to that busi ness, having loft my father, married and set up for hiraself at Bhode Island, thore was every appearance that I was destined to supply his place and become a tallow-chandler. But my dislike to the trade continu ing, my father had apprehensions that if he did not put me to one more agreeable I should break loose and go to sea, as my brother Josiah had done, to bis groat vexation. In consequence, he took me to walk with him and see joiners, bricklayers, turners, braziers, etc., at thoir work, that he might observe my inclina tion and endeavor to fix it on somo trade or profession that would keep me on land. It has ovor since boon a pleasure to me to soo good workmen handle their tools. And it has beon often usoful to mo to havo learned so much by it as to bo able to do somo trifling jobs in the house when a workman was not at hand, and to construct little machines for my experiments at the moment when the intention of making theso was warm in my mind. My father deterrained at last for the cutler's trade, and placed rae for some days on trial with Samuel, son to ray Uncle Benjamin, who was bred to that trade in I^ondon and had just estab lished himself in Boston. But tho sum he oxaotod as a fee for my apprenticeship displeased my father, and I was taken home again. From my infancy I was passionately fond of read- BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 13 ing, and all the money that came into ray hands was laid out in the purchasing of books. I was very fond of voyages. My first acquisition was Bunyan's vvorks in separate little volumes. I afterward sold thera to enable me to buy R. Burton's "Historical Collec tions," They were sraall chap-men's books,* and cheap, forty voluraes in all. My father's little library con sisted chiefly of books in poleraic divinity, raost of which I read. I have often regretted that at a time when I had such a thirst for knowledge raore proper books had not fallen in ray way, since it was resolved I should not be bred to divinity. There vvas araong thera Plutarch's "Lives," which I read abundantly, and I still think that time spent to great advantage. There was also a book of Defoe's, called " An Essay on Projects," and another of Dr. Mather's, called " An Essay to Do Good," which perhaps gave me a turn of thinking that had an influence on some of the principal future events of my life. This bookish inclination at length deterrained ray father to raake rae a printer, dthough he had already one son, Jaraes, of that profession. In 1717 ray brother James returned from England, with a press and letters, to set up his business in Boston. I liked it rauch better than that of ray father, but still had a hankering for the sea. To prevent the apprehended effect of such an inclination, ray father was irapatient * Commonly called •• chap-books," a term applied to popular story-books which in former days used to be hawked about by chap-men; suchas " Tom Hickathrift," " Jackthe Giant Killer," eto. Burton's histories were of rather a better class and com prised •' The English Hero; or, Sir Francis Drake Revived;" "Admirable Cariosities," etc,, eto. 14 A UT0B10QRAPH7 OF to have me bound to my brother. I stood out sorae time, but at last was persuaded and signed the inden ture when I was yet but twelve years old. I was to serve an apprenticeship till I was twenty-one years of age, only I was to be allowed journeyman's wages during the last year. In a little time I made a great progress in the business and became a useful hand to ra}' brother. I now had access to better books. An ac quaintance vvith the apprentices of booksellers enabled nie soraetimes to borrow a sraall one, whioh I was care ful to return soon and clean. Often I sat up in ray chamber reading the greatest part of the night when the book was borrowed in the evening nnd to be re turned in the raorning, lest it should be found raissing. After sorae time a raerchant, an ingenious, sensible raan, Mr, Matthew Adams, who had a pretty collection of books, frequented our printing-office, took notioe of rae, and invited me to see his library and very kindly proposed to loan me such books as I chose to read. I now took a strong inclination for poetry and wrote some little pieces. My brother, supposing it might turn to account, encouraged me and induced me to compose two occasional ballads. Ono was called " The Light-House Tragedy," and contained an account of the shipwreck of Captain Worthilake with his two daughters ; the other was a sailor's song, on the taking of the famous Teaoh, or " Blackboard," tho pirate. They were wretched stuff, in street-ballad style ; and when they were printed ray brother sent me about the town to sell them. The first sold prodigiously, the event being recent and having made a great noise. This success flattered my vanity ; but my father dis couraged me by criticising my performances and BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 15 telling me verse-makers were generally beggars. Thus I escaped being a poet, and probably a very bad one ; but as prose-writing had been of great use to rae in the course of my life and was a principal means of my advancement, I shall tell you how in such a situation I acquired what little ability I may be -supposed to have in that way. There was another bookish lad in the town, John Collins by name, with whom I was intiraately ac quainted. We soraetiraes disputed, and very fond vve were of argument and very desirous of confuting one another; which disputatious turn, by the way, is apt to becorae a very bad habit, making people often ex treraely disagreeable in company by the contradiction that is necessary to bring it into practice, and thence, besides souring and spoiling the conversation, it is •productive of disgusts, and perhaps enmities, with those who may have occasion for friendship, I had caught this by reading ray father's books of dispute on religion. Persons of good sense, 1 have since observed, seldom fall into it, except lawyers, university raen, and generally raen of all sorts who have been bred at Edinburgh, A question was once, soraehow or other, started . between Collins and rae on the propriety of educating the feraale sex in learning and their abilities for study. He was of opinion that it was iraproper and that they were naturally unequal to it. I took the contrary side, perhaps a little for dispute's sake. He was naturally niore eloquent, having a greater plenty of words, and sometimes, as I thought, I was vanquished raore by his fluency than by the strength of his reasons. As we parted without settling the point and le - AUTOBIOOBAPHT OF were not to see one another again for some time, I sat down to put my arguments in writing, which I copied fair and sent to hira. He answered and I replied. Three or four letters on a side had passed, when my father happened to flnd my papers and read them. Without entering into the subject in dispute, he took occasion to talk to me about my manner of writing ; observed that though I had the advantage of my antagonist in correct spelling and pointing (which he attributed to the printing-house), I fell far short in elegance of expression, in method, and in perspicuity, of which he convinced me by several instances. I saw the justice of his remarks, and thence grew more attentive to my manner of writing and determined to endeavor to improve ray style. At this tirae I met with an odd volume of the "Spectator." Ihad never before seen any of them. I bought it, road it over and over, and was much delighted vvith it, I thought the writing excellent, and wished if possible to imitate it. With that view I took some of the papers, and raaking short hints of the sentiraents in each sentence, laid them by a few days, and then, without looking at the book, tried to complete the papers again, by ex pressing each hinted sentiraent at length, and as fully as it had been expressed before, in any suitable words that should occur to me. Then I corapared ray "Spectator" with the original, discovered sorae of ray faults, and corrected thera. But I found I wanted a stock of words or a readiness in recollecting and using thera, which I thought I should have acquired before that time if 1 had gone on raaking verses ; since the continual search for words of the same import, but of different length to suit tbe raeasure or of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 17 different sound for the rhyme, would have laid me under a constant necessity of searching for variety, and also havo tended to fix that variety in my mind and make rae raaster of it. Therefore I took some of the tales in the "Spectator" and turned them into verse ; and after a time, when I had pretty well forgotten the prose, turned thera back again. I also sometiraes jurabled ray collection of hints into confusion, and after sorae weeks endeavored to reduce thera into the best order before I began to lorra the full sentences and coraplete the subject. This was to teach rae raethod in the arrangeraent of the thoughts. By coraparing ray work with the original, I discovered raany faults and corrected thera ; but I soraetiraes had the pleasure to fancy that in certain particulars of sraall consequence I had been fortunate enough to iraprove the raethod or the language, and this en couraged rae to think that I raight in tfrae corae to be a tolerable English writer, of which I was extreraely arabitious. The tirae I allotted for writing exercises and for reading was at night, or before work began in the raorning, or on Sundays, when I contrived to be in the printing-house, avoiding as much as I could the constant attendance at public worship which my father used to exact of me when I was under his care, and which I still continued to consider a duty, though I could not afford time to practice it. When about sixteen years of age I happened to meet with a book, written by one Tryon, recomraending a vegetable diet. I determined to go into it. My brother being yet unmarried did not keep house, but boarded himself and his apprentices in another faraily, My ref us- iny to 9at flesb oooasioned au inooorenldnoe, and | waq 18 A UTOBIOGRAPH T OF frequently chid for my singularity. I raade myself acquainted with Tryon's raanner of preparing sorae of his dishes, such as boiling potatoes or rice, raaking hasty-pudding and a few others, and then proposed to ray brother that if he would give rae weekly half the raoney he paid for ray board, I would board rayself. He instantly agreed to it, and I presently found that I could save half what he paid ine. This was an ad ditional fund for buying of books ; but I had another advantage in it. My brother and the rest going from the printing-house to their meals, I remained there alone, and dispatching presently my light repast (which was often no more than a biscuit or a slice of bread, a handful of raisins or a tart frora the pastry cook's, and a glass of water), had the rest of the time till their return for study ; in which I raade the greater progress from that greater clearness of head and quicker apprehension whioh generally attend temper ance in eating and drinking. Now it was that (being on sorae oocasion raade asharaed of my ignorance in figures, whioh I had twice failed learning when at school) I took Cocker's book on " Arithraetic," and went through the whole by rayself with the greatest ease, I also read Seller's and Sturny's book on " Navi gation," which made rae acquainted with the little geometry it contains ; but I never proceeded far in that science. I read about this time Locke "On Human Understanding" and "The Art of Thinking," by Messrs. de Port-Koyal. While I was intent on improving my language I raet with an English grammar (I think it was Greenwood's), having at the end of it two little sketches on the arts of rhetoric and logic, the latter finishing with a dispute BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 19 in the Socratic raethod ; and soon after I procured Xenophon's " Meraoi*able Things of Socrates," wherein there are raany examples of the same raethod. I was charmed with it, adopted it, dropped my abrupt con tradictions and positive argumentation, and put on the hurable inquirer. And being then, frora reading Shaftesbury and Collins, made a doubter, as I already vvas in many points of our religious doctrines, I found this method the safest for myself and very embarrass' ing to those against whom I used it ; therefore I took delight in it, practiced it continually, and grew very artful and expert in drawing people even of superior knowledge into concessions the consequence of which they did not foresee, entangling thera in difficulties out of vvhich they could not extricate themselves, and so obtaining victories that neither myself nor ray cause always deserved, I continued this raethod some few years, but grad ually left it, retaining only the habit of expressing myself in terms of modest diffidence, never using, vvhen I advanced anything that may possibly be dis puted, the words certainly, undoubtedly, or any others that give the air of positiveness to an opinion ; but rather say, / conceive or apprehend a thing to be so and so ; It appears to me, or, / should not think it, so or so, for such and such reasons ; or, I imagine it to he so; or. It is so, if I am not mistaken. This habit, I believe, has been of great advantage to rae when I have had occasion to inculcate ray opinions and persuade raen into raeasures that I have been frora tirae to tirae en gaged in proraoting. And as the chief ends of con versation are to inform or to he informed, to please or to persuade, I wish well-meaning and sensible men 20 AUTOBIOOBAPHT OF would not lessen their power of doing good by a positive assuming manner that seldom fails to disgust, tends to create opposition, and to defeat most of those purposes for which speech was given to us. In fact, if you wish to instruct others, a positive dogmatical manner in advancing your sentiraents may occasion opposition and prevent a candid attention. If you desire instruction and improveraent frora others, you should not at the sarae tirae express yourself fixed in your present opinions. Modest and sensible raen, who do not love disputation, will leave you undisturbed in the possession of your errors. In adopting such a raanner, you can seldora expect to please your hearers or obtain the concurrence you desire. Pope judiciously observes — " Men must be taught as if you taught them not, And things unknown proposed as things forgot." He also coraraended it to us "To speak, though sure, with seeming diffidence." And he raight have joined with this line that which he has coupled with another, I think,, less properly — " For want of modesty is want of sense." If you ask, Why less properly? I must repeat the lines, " Immodest words admit of no defense, For want of modesty is want of sense." Now, is not the want of sense, where a man is so unfor tunate as to want it, some apology for his want of modesty f And would not tbe Unes 8tan4 raore justly thus f BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. %l " Immodest words admit but this defense, That want of modesty is want of sense." This, however, I should subrait to better judgraents. My brother had, in 1720 or 1721, begun to print a newspaper. It was the second that appeared in Araerica and was called the New England Courant. The only one before it was the Boston News-Letter. I reraeraber his being dissuaded by sorae of his friends from the undertaking as not likely to succeed, one newspaper being in their judgment enough for Araerica, At this tirae, 1771, there are not less than twenty -fivo. He went on, however, with the undertaking. I was employed to carry the papers to the custoraers after having worked in coraposing the types and printing off the sheets. He had sorae ingenious raen among his friends, wlio araused theraselves by writing little pieces for this paper, which gained it credit and raade it raore in de raand, and these gentlemen often visited us. Hearing their conversations and their accounts of the approba tion their papers were received with, 1 was excited to try ray hand araong thera. But being still a boy, and suspecting that ray brother would object to printing anything of mine in his paper if he knew it to be mine, I contrived to disguise ray hand,, and writing an annonyraous paper, I put it at night under the door of the printing-house. It was found in the raorning and coramunicated to his writing friends when they called iu as usual. They read it, coraraented on it in ray hearing, and I had the exquisite pleasure of finding it met with tbeir approbation, and that in their different jesses at tbe autbor none were naraed but raen of 23 AUTOBIOOBAPHT OF sorae character among us for learning and ingenuity. I suppose that I was rather lucky in ray judges, and that they were not really so very good as I then be lieved them to be. Encouraged, however, by this atterapt, I wrote and sent in the same way to the press several other pieces that were equally approved ; and I kept my secret till all my fund of sense for such per formances was exhausted, and then discovered it, when I began to be considered a little more by ray brother's acquaintance. However, that did not quite please hira, as he thought it tended to make me too vain. This raight be one occasion of the differences we began to have about this time. Though a brother, he considered hiraself as ray master and me as his apprentice, and accordingly expected the same services from rae as he would from another, while I thought he degraded me too much in some he required of me, who frora a brother expected raore indulgence. Our disputes were often brought before our father, and I fancy I was either generally in the right or else a better pleader, because the judgment was generally in ray favor. But my brother was passionate and had often beaten me, vvhich I took extremely amiss; and thinking ray apprenticeship very tedious, I was continually wishing for some opportunity of shortening it, which at length offered in a raanner unexpected. Perhaps this harsh and tyrannical treatment of rae raight be a raeans of impressing rae with the aversion to arbitrary power that has stuck to rae through ray whole life. One of the pieces in our newspaper on some political point, vvhich I have now forgotten, gave offense to the Assembly. He was taken up, censured, and imprisoned BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 23 for a month by the Speaker's warrant, I suppose be cause he would not discover the author, I, too, was taken up and examined before the Council ; but though I did not give them any satisfaction, they con tented themselves with adraonishing me, and disraissed rae, considering rae perhaps as an apprentice who was , bound to keep his raaster's secrets. During my brother'sconfinement, vvhich I resentedagood deal, not withstanding our private differences, I had the raanage ment pf the paper; and I made bold to give our rulers some rubs in it, which my brother took very kindly, while others began to consider rae in an unfavorable light as a youth who had a turn for libeling and satire. My brother's discharge was accorapanied witb an order, and a very odd one, that " James Franklin should no longer print the newspaper called the New England Courant." On a consultation held in our printing-office araong his friends vvhat he should do in this conjuncture, it was proposed to elude the order by changing the name of the paper. But my brother, seeing inconveniences in this, came to a con clusion, as a better way, to let the paper in future be printed in the name of Benjamin Franklin ; and in order to avoid the censure of the Asserably, that raight fall on hira as still printing it by his apprentice, he contrived and consented that ray old indenture should be returned to rae with a discharge on the back of it, to show in case of necessity ; and in order to secure to hira the benefit of ray service, I should sign new indentures for the reraainder of ray tirae, which were to be kept private. A very flirasy scherae it was ; however, it was immediately executed, and the 24 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF paper was printed aocordingly, under my name, for several raonths. At length, a fresh difference arising betvveen my brother and rae, I took upon rae to assert ray freedom, presuming that he would not venture to produce tiie new indentures. It was not fair in rae to take this advantage, and this I therefore reckon one of the flrst errata of my life ; but the unfairness of it weighed little with me when under the impressions of resent ment for the blows his passion too often urged hira to bestow upon me. Though he was otherwise not an ill-natured man ; perhaps I was too saucy and pro voking. When he found I would leave him, he took care to prevent ray getting eraployraent in any other printing- house of the town by going round and speaking to every raaster, vvho accordingly refused to give rae work. I then thought of going to Nevv York, as the nearest place where there was a printer. And I vvas rather inclined to leave Boston when I reflected that I had already made myself a little obnoxious to the govern ing party, and from the arbitrary proceedings of the Asserably in my brother's case, it vvas likely I raight, if I stayed, soon bring rayself into scrapes ; and further, that ray indiscreet disputations about religion began to raake rae pointed at vvith horror by good people as an infidel and atheist, I concluded, therefore, to remove to New York ; but my father now siding vvith my brother, I was sensible that if I atterapted to go openly raeans would be used to prevent rae. My friend Collins, therefore, undertook to raanage ray- flight. He agreed with the captain of a New York sloop to take me, under pretense of my being a young BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 25 raan of his acquaintance that had an intrigue with a girl of bad character, whose parents would corapel rae to raarry her, and that I could neither appear nor corae away publicly. I sold ray books to raise a little raoney, was taken on board the sloop privately, had a fair wind, and in three days found rayself at New York, near three hundred railes frora ray horae, at the age of seventeen (October, 1723), without the least recommendation or knowledge of any person in the place, and very little money in iny pocket. 26 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF OHAPTER IL The inclination I had had for the sea wak by thie tirae done away, or I might now have gratified il. But having another profession and conceiving myself a pretty good workman, I offered my services to a printer of the place, old Mr. William Bradford, who had been the first printer in Pennsylvania, but had removed thence in consequenceof a quarrel with the governor, George Keith, He could give me no em ployment, having little to do and hands enough already ; but he said, " My son at Philadelphia has lately lost his principal hand, Aquila Rose, by death ; if you go thither r believe he may employ you," Philadelphia was one hundred miles further. I set out, however, iu a boat for Amboy, leaving ray chest and things to follow me round by sea. In crossing the bay we met with a squall that tore our rotten sails to pieces, preventing our getting into the Kill, and drove us upon Long Island. In our way a drunken Dutchman, who was a passenger too, fell overboard ; when he was sinking I reached through the water to his shock pate and drew hira up, so that we got hira in again. His ducking sobered him a little and he went to sleep, taking first out of his pocket a book, which he desired I would dry for him. It proved to be my old favorite author, Bunyan's " Pilgrim's Progress," in Dutch, finely printed on good BENJAMIN FRAtfKLIN. 2"? paper, copper cuts, a dress better than I had overseen it wear in it^ own language, I have since found that it has been translated into most of the languages of Europe, and suppose it has been raore generally read than any other book, except perhaps the Bible. Honest John was the first that I know of who mixed narration and dialogue : a method of writing very engaging to the reader, who in the most interesting parts find himself, as it were, adraitted into the com pany and present at the conversation. Defoe has iraitated him successfully in his " Robinson Crusoe," in his " Moll Flanders," and other pieces ; and Richard son has done the sarae in his " Pamela," etc. On approaching the island we found it was in a place where there could be no landing, there being a great surge on the stony beach. So we dropped anchor and swung out our cable toward the shore. Some people carae down to the shore and hallooed to us, as we did to thera ; but the wind was so high and the surge so loud that we could not understand each other. There were sorae small boats near the shore, and we raade signs and called to thera to fetch us ; but they either did not comprehend us or it was impracticable, so they went off. Night approaching, we had no remedy but to have patience till the wind abated, and in the mean tirae the boatmen and rayself concluded to sleep if we could ; and so we crowded into the hatches, where vve joined the Dutchraan, who vvas still wet, and the spray, breaking over the head of our boat, leaked through to us, so that we were soon almost as wet as he. In this manner we lay all night, vyith very little rest ; but the wind abating the next day, we made a shift to reach Amboy before night, 28 A UTOBIOGRA PHT OF having been thirty hours on the water, without victuals or any drink but a bottle of filthy rum, the vvater we sailed on being salt. In the evening I found myself very feverish and went to bed ; but having read soraewhere that cold water drunk plentifully was good for fever, I followed the prescription and sweat plentifully most of the night. My fever left rae, and in the morning, crossing the ferry, I proceeded on ray journey on foot, having fifty railes to go to Burlington, wherelwastold I should find boats that would earry me the rest of the way to Philadelphia. It rained very hard all the day ; I was thoroughly soaked, and by noon a good deal tired ; so I stopped at a poor inn, where I stayed all night, beginning now to wish T had never left home, I made so raiserable a figure, too, that I found, by the questions asked rae, I was suspected to be some runaway indentured servant and in danger of being taken up on that sus picion. However, I proceeded next day and got in the evening to an inn within eight or ten miles of Burlington, kept by one Dr. Brown, He entered into conversation vvith rae vvhile I took sorae refreshment, and finding I had read a little, becarae very obliging and friendly. Our acquaintance continued all the rest of his life. He had been, I imagine, an ambula tor}' quack doctor, for there was no town in England nor any country in Europe of which he could not give a very particular account. He had some letters, and was ingenious, but he was an infidel, and wickedly undertook, some years after, to turn the Bible into doggerel verse, as Cotton had formerly done with Virgil. By this means he set many facts in a ridicu- BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 29 lous light, and might have done mischief with weak minds if his work had been published; but it never was. At his house I lay that night, and arrived the next morning at Burlington, but had the raortification to find that the regular boats were gone a Httle before, and no other expected to go before Tuesday, this being Saturday. Wherefore I returned to an old woraan in the town, of whora I had bought sorae gingerbread to eat on the vvater, and asked her ad vice. She proposed to lodge rae till a passage by sorae other boat occurred, I accepted her offer, being rauch fatigued by traveling on foot. Understanding I was a printer, she would have had me remain in that town and follow my business, being ignorant what stock was necessary to begin with. She was very hospitable, gave rae a dinner of ox-cheek with great good-will, accepting only of a pot of ale in return ; and I thought rayself fixed till Tuesday should corae. However, walking in the evening by the side of the river, a boat carae by, vvhich I found was going toward Philadelphia with several people in her. They took rae in, and as there was no wind we rowed all the way ; and about midnight, not having yet seen the city, sorae of the corapany were confident vve raust have passed it and vvould row no further ; the others knew not where we were, so we put toward the shore, got into a creek, landed near an old fence, with the rails of which we raade a fire, the night being cold, in October, and there we reraained till daylight. Then one of the corapany knew the place to be Cooper's Creek, a little above Philadelphia, which we saw as soon as vve got out of the oreek, and arrived there about eight or nine o'clock 30 A UTOBIOOBAPHT OF on the Sunday morning and landed at Market Street wharf. I have been the more particular in this description of ray journey, and shall be so of ray first entry into that city, that you raay in your mind compare suoh unlikely beginnings with the figure I have since made there, I was in my working dress, ray best clothes coming round by sea. I was dirty, from my being so long in the boat. My pockets were stuffed out with shirts and stockings, and I knew no one nor where to look for lodging. Fatigued with walking, rowing, and the want of sleep, I was very hungry ; and ray whole stook of cash consisted in a single dollar, and about a" shilling in copper coin, vvhioh I gave to the boatraen for ray passage. At first they refused it, on account of my having rowed ; but I insisted on their takino' it, Man is soraetimes more generous when he has little raoney than when he has plenty ; perhaps to prevent his being thought to have but little, I walked toward the top of the street, gazing about till near Market Street, when I met a boy with bread. I had often made a raeal of dry bread, and inquiring vvhere he had bought it, I went immediately to the baker's he directed rae to. I asked for biscuits, raean ing suoh as we had at Boston ; that sort, it seems, was not made at Philadelphia. I then asked for a three penny loaf and was told they had none. Not knowing the different prices northe naraes of the different sorts of bread, I told hira to give me threepenny worth of any sort. He gave me accordingly three great puffy rolls, I was surprised at the quantity, but took it, and having no roora in ray pockets, walked off with a roll under eaoh arm and eating the other. Thus I went up BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 81 Market Street as far as Fourth Street, passing by the door of Mr. Read, ray future wife's father; when she, standing at the door, savv rae, and thought I raade, as I certainly did, a raost awkward, ridiculous appearance. Then I turned and Went down Chestnut Street and part of Walnut Street, eating ray roll all the way ; and coraing round found rayself again at Market Street wharf, near the boat I came in, to which I went for a draughjt of the river water ; and beingfilled vvith one of my rolls, gave the other two to a woman and her child that came down the river in the boat with us and were waiting to go further. Thus refreshed I walked again up the street, whioh by this time had raany clean-dressed people in it, who were all walking the same way. I joined them, and thereby was led into the great raeeting-house of the Quakers, near the market. I sat down araong thera, and after looking round a while and hearing nothing said, being very drowsy through labor and want of rest the preceding night, I fell fast asleep and continued so till the meeting broke upj when sorae one was kind enough to rouse me. This, therefore, was the firet house I was in, or slept in, in Philadelphia. I then walked down toward the river, and looking in the face of every one, I met a young Quaker raun whose countenance pleased rae, and accosting hira re quested he would tell rae vvhere a stranger could get a lodging. We were then near the sign of the Three Mariners. ** Here," said he, " is a house where they receive strangers ; but it is not a reputable one. If thee wilt walk with rae I'll show thee a better one," and he conducted rae to the Crooked Billet, in Water Street. Tbere I got a dinner, and while I was eating several 82 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF questions were asked me, as from my youth and ap pearance I was suspected of being a runaway. After dinner, my host having shown rae to a bed, I laid rayself on it without undressing and slept till six in the evening, when I was called to supper, I went to bed again very early and slept very soundly till next morning. Then I dressed rayself as neat as I could and went to Andrew Bradford, the printer's. I found iri the shop the old man his father, vvhom I had seen at New York, and who, traveling on horseback, had got to Philadelphia before me. He introduced me to bis son, who received me civilly, gave me a breakfast, but told me he did not at present want a hand, being lately supplied with one ; but there was another printer in town, lately set up, one Keimer, who perhaps might employ me ; if not, I should be welcome to lodge at his house, and ho would give me a little work to do now and then till fuller business should offer. The old gentleman said he would go witb me to the new printer ; and when vve found him, " Neighbor," said Bradford, " I have brought to see you a young man of your business : perhaps you may want such a one." He asked me a few questions, put a composing- stick in ray hand to see how I worked, and then said he would eraploy me soon, though he had just then nothing for rae to do. And taking old Bradford, vvhom he had never seen before, to be one of the townspeople that had a good-will for him, entered into a con versation on his present undertaking and prospects; while Bradford, not discovering that he was the other printer's father, on Keimer's saying he expected soon to get the greatest part of the business in his own BENJAMIN FRANKUN. 33 hands, drew him on, by artful questions and starting little doubts, to explain all his views, what influence he relied on, and in what raanner he intended to pro ceed. I, who stood by and heard all, saw iramediately that one was a crafty pld sophister and the other a true novice, Bradford left rae with Keimer, who was greatly surprised when I told hira who the old man vvas, , The printing-house, I found, consisted of an old damaged press and a small, worn-out font of English types, which he was using himself, composing an "Elegy " on Aquila Rose, before mentioned; an in genious young raan, of excellent character, rauch respected in the town, secretary to the Assembly, and a pretty poet, Keimer made verses too, but very indifferently. He could not be said to virite tliem, for his raethod was to compose thera in the types directly out pf his head. There being no copy, but one pair of cases, and the " Elegy " probably requiring all the let ter, np one could help him. I endeavored to put his press (which he had not yet used and of which he un derstood nothing) into order to be worked with ; and promising to come and print off his " Elegy " as soon as he should have got it ready, I returned to Bradford's, who gaye rae a little job to do for the present, and there I lodged and dieted. A few days after Keimer sent for rae to print off the " Elegy." And now had got another pair of cases and a pamphlet to reprint, on which he set me to work. These two printers I found poorly qualified for their business. Bradford had not been bred to it and was very illiterate, and Keimer, though soraething of a scholar, was a mere compositor, knowing nothing of 34 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF press-work. He had been one of the French prophets and could act their enthusiastic agitations. At this tirae he did not profess any particulur religion, but soraething of all on occasion; was very ignorant of the world, and had, as I afterward found, a good deal of the knavo in his coraposition. Ho did not like my lodging at Bradford's whilo I worked with hira. Ho had a house, indeed, but without furniture, so ho could not lodge rae ; but he got me a lodging at Mr. Read's, before mentioned, who was the owner of his house ; and my chest of clothes being come by this tirae, I made rather a more respectable appearance in the eyes of Miss Read than I had done vvhen she flrst happened to see rae eating ray roll in the street, I began now to have some acquaintance araong the young people of the town that were lovers of reading, with whora I spent my evenings very pleasantly, and gained raoney by ray industry and frugality. 1 lived very contented and forgot Boston as rauch as I could, and did not wish to be known where I resided except to ray friend Collins, vvho was in the secret and kept it faithfully. At length, however, an incident hap pened that occasioned ray return horae rauch sooner than I had intended, I had a brother-in-law, Robert Holraes, raaster of a sloop that traded between Boston and Delaware. He being at Newcastle, forty railes below Philadelphia, and hearing Of rae, wrote rae a letter raentioning the grief of my relations and friends in Boston at ray abrupt departure, assuring rae of their good-will to rae, and that everything vvould be accoraraodated to ray mind if I would return, to which he entreated me earnestly, I wrote an answer to his letter, thanked him for his advice, but stated my rea- BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 35 sons for quitting Boston so fully and in such a light as to convince him that I was not so rauch in the wrong as he had apprehended. Sir William Keith, governor of the province, was then at Newcastle, and Captain Holmes, happening to be in company with him when my letter came to hand,' spoke to him of rae and showed him the letter. The governor read it and seemed surprised when he was told my age. He said I appeared a young man of promising parts and therefore should be encouraged ; the printers at Philadelphia were wretched ones, and if I vvould set up there he raade no doubt I should suc ceed ; for his part he would procure rae the public business and do rae every other service in his power. This my brother-in-law Holmes afterward told rae in Boston, but I knew as yet nothing of it ; when one day Keiraer and I, being at work together near the window, we saw the governor and another gentleraan (who proved to be Colonel French, of Newcastle, in the province of Delaware), finely dressed, corae directly across the street to our house, and heard thera at the door. Keiraer ran down iraraediately, thinking it a visit to hira ; but the governor inquired for rae, carae up, and , with a condescension and politeness I had been quito unused to raade hira many corapliraents, desired to be acquainted with rae, blaraed rae kindly for not hav ing raade raj'self known to him when I first carae to the place, and would have rae away with hira to the tavern, where he was going with Colonel French to taste, as he said, some excellent Madeira. I was not a little surprised and Keimer stared with astonishment, I went, however, with the governor and Colonel French 80 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF to a tavern at the corner of Third Street, and over the Madeira he proposed ray setting up my business. He stated the probabilities of niy success, and both he and Colonel French assured me I should have their interest and influence to obtain for rae the publio busi ness of both governraents. And as I expressed doubts that my father would assist me in it. Sir William said he would give rae a letter to him, in which he would set forth the advantages, and he did not doubt he should deterraine hira to coraply. So it was concluded I should return to Boston by the first vessel, with the governor's letter, to ray father. In the raean tirae it was to be kept a secret, and I wont on working with Keiraer as usual. The governpr sent for rae now and then to dine with hira, which I considered a great honor, raore particularly as he conversed with me in a most affable, farailiar, and friendly manner. About the end of April, 1724, a little vessel offered for Boston. I took leave of Keiraer as going to see my friends. The governor gave me an ample letter, saying many flattering things of rae to ray father and strongly recommending the project of my setting up at Philadelphia as a thing that would make my for tune. We struck on a shoal in going down the bay and sprung a leak ; we had a blustering tirae at sea and were obliged to purap alraostcontinually, at which I took ray turn. We arrived safe, however, at Boston in about a fortnight. I had been absent seven raonths, and ray friends had heard nothing of rae, for ray brother Jaraes was not yet returned and had not written about me. My unexpected appearance sur prised the faraily ; all were, however, very glad to see me and raade rae welcome except my brother. I went * ¦ BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 87 to see hira at his printing-house. I vvas better dressed than ever while in his service, having a genteel new suit frora head to foot, a watch, and ray pockets lined vvith near five pounds sterling in silver. He received rae not very frankly, looked rae all over, and turned to his work again. The journeyraen were inquisitive where I had been, vvhat sort of a country it was, and how I liked it, I praised It rauch and the happy life I led in it, express ing strongly my intention of returning to it ; and one of thera asking what kind of raoney we had there, I produced a handful of silver and spread it before thera, which was a kind of raree-show they had not been used to, paper being the raoney of Boston, Then I took an opportunity of letting thera see my watch ; and lastly (ray brother still grura and sullen) gave thera a dollar to drink and took ray leave. This visit of raine of fended him extreraely. For when ray raother sorae tirae after spoke to hira of a reconciliation and of her wish to see us on good terins together, and that we raight live for the future as brothers, he said I had insulted hira in such a raanner before his people that he could never forget or forgive it. In this, however, he was raistaken. My father received the governor's letter with sorae surprise, but said little of it to rae for sorae tirae. Captain Holraes returning, he showed it to hira and asked him if he knew Sir Williara Keith, and what kind of a raan he was; adding that he must be of small discretion to think of setting a youth up in busi ness who wanted three years to arrive at man's estate. Holmes said what he could in favor of the project, but my father was decidedly against it and at last gave a 88 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF flat denial. He wrote a civil letter to Sir William, thanking him for the patronage he had so kindly offered me, and declined to assist rae as yet in setting up, I being, in his opinion, too young to be trusted with the raanageraent of an undertaking so iraportant, and for whioh the preparation required a considerable expenditure. My old corapanion Collins, who was a clerk in the ppst-office, pleased vvith the account I gave hira of my new country, determined to go thither also ; and while I waited for my father's deterraination, he set out be fore me by land to Rhode Island, leaving his books, which were a pretty collection in ma-theraatics and natural philosophy, to corae vvith raine and rae to New York, where he proposed to wait for me. My father, though he did not approve Sir William's proposition, was yet pleased that I had been able to obtain so advantageous a character from a person of such note vvhere I bad resided, and that I had been so industrious and careful as to equip rayself so hand soraely in so short a time ; therefore, seeing no prospect of an accoraraodation between ray brother and rae, he gave his consent to ray returning again to Philadelphia, advised rae to behave respectfully to the people there, endeavor to obtain the general esteera and avoid larapooning and libeling, to whioh he thought I had too much inclination ; telling rae that by steady industry and prudent parsiraony I raight save enough by the tirae I was twenty-one to set me up, and that if 1 carae near the raatter he would help rae out with the rest. This was all I could obtain, except sorae sraall gifts as tokens of his and ray mother's love, vvhen I erabarked again for New York, now with their appro bation and their blessing^^ BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 39 The sloop putting in at Newport, Rhode Island, I visited ray brother John, who had been married and settled there some years. He received me very affectionately, for he always loved rae. A friend of his, one Vernon, having some money due to hira in Pennsylvania, about tltirty-five pounds currency, desired I would recover it for hira and keep it till I had his directions what to eraploy it in. Accordingly he gave me an order to receive it. This business after ward occasioned rae a good deal of uneasiness. At Newport we took in a nuraber of passengers, among whom were two young women traveling together and a sensible^ matron-like Quaker lady, with her servants, I had shown an obliging disposition to render her some little services, which probably im pressed her with sentiraents of good-will toward me, for when she witnessed the daily growing familiarity between the young women and myself, which they appeared to encourage, she took me aside and said : " Young raan, I ara concerned for thee, as thou hast no friend with thee and seeras not to know rauch of the vvorld or of the snares youth is exposed to. Depend upon it, these are very bad woraen: I can see it by all their actions; and if thee art not upon thy guard they will draw thee into sorae danger; they are strangers to thee, and I advise thee, in a friendly concern for thy welfare, to have no acquaintance vvith them." As 1 seemed at first not to think so ill of them as she did, she raentioned sorae things she had observed and heard that had escaped ray notice, but now convinced rae she was right. I thanked her for her kind advice and proraised to follow it. When we arrived at New York they told rae where they lived and invited me to 40 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF oome and see them, but I avoided it ; and it was well I did, for the noxt day the captain missed a silver spoon and sorae other things that had been taken out of his cabin, and knowing that these were a couple of strurapets, he got a warrant tb searoh their lodgings, ' found the stolen goods, and had the thieves punished. So though we had escaped a siinkeh rock, whioh we scraped upon in the passage, I thought this escape of rather raore importance to rae^ At New York I found ray friend Collins, who had arrived there sorae time before rae. We had been intiraate from children and had read the sarae books together, but he had the advantage of raore tirae for reading and studying and a wonderful genius for matheraatical learning, in which he far outstripped me. While 1 lived in Boston, most of my hours of leisure for conversation vvere spent with him, and he continued a sober as well as industrious lad, was much respected for his learning by several of the clergy and other gentlemen, and seeraed to proraise raaking a good figure in life. But during ray absence he had acquired a habit of drinking brandy, and I found by his own account, as well as that of others, that he had been drunk every day since his arrival at New York, and behaved hiraself in a very extravagant manner. He had gamed, too, and lost his raoney, so that I was obliged to discharge his lodgings and defray his expenses on the road and at Philadelphia, which proved a great burden to rae. The then Governor of New York, Burnet (son of Bishop Burnet), hearing frora the captain that one of the passengers had a great raany books on board, desired him to bring me to see hira. I waited on hira, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 41 and should have taken Collins with me had he been sober. The governor received me with great civility, showed me his library, which was a considerable one, and we had a good deal of conversation relative to books and authors. This was the second governor who had done rae the honor to take notice of me, and for a poor boy like rae it was very pleasing. We proceeded to Philadelphia. I receiyed in the way Vernon's raoney, without which we could hardly have finished our journey. Collins wished to be eraployed in sorae counting-house ; but vvhether they discovered his drara-drinking by his breath or by his behavior, though he had sorae recoramendations he met with no success in any application, and continued lodging and boarding at the same house with me, and at my expense. Knowing I had that raoney of Vernon's he was continually borrowing of me, still promising repayment as soon as he should be in business. At length he had got so much ofit that I • was distressed to think what I should do in case of being called on to remit it. His drinking continued, about which we soraetiraes quarreled, for vvhen a little intoxicated he vvas very irritable. Once in a boat on the Delaware, with sorae other voung raen, he refused to row in his turn. " I will be rowed horae," said he. " We will not row you," said I. " You must," said he, " or stay all night on the water, just as you please." The others said, " Let us row ; what signifies it ?" But, my raind being soured with his other conduct, I continued, to refuse. So he swore he would make rae row or throw rae over board; and coming along stepping on the thwarts toward nie, when he came up and struck at me, I 42 AUTOBIOOBAPHT OF clapped my head under his thighs and, rising, pitched him headforemost into the river. I knew he was a good swimraer and so vvas under little concern about hira ; but before he could get round to lay hold of the boat we had vvith a fevv strokes pulled her out of bis reach, and whenever he drew near the boat we asked him if he would row, striking a few strokes to slide her away frora him. He was ready to stifle with vex ation and obstinately would not proraise to row. Find ing him at last beginning to tire, we drew him into the boat and brought hira horae dripping wet. We hardly exchanged a civil word after this adventure. At length a West India captain, who had a coraraission to procure a preceptor for the sons of a gentleman at Barbadoes, raet with hira and proposed to carry him thither to flll that situation. He accepted, and proraised to rerait rae vvhat he owed rae out of the flrst raoney he should receive, but I never heard of hira after. The violation of my trust respecting Vernon's raoney was one of the first great errata of my life ; and this showed that ray father was not rauch out in his judg raent when he oonsidered rae as too young to manage business. But Sir Williara, on reading his letter, said he was too prudent — that there vvas a great difference in persons, and discretion did not always accompany years, nor was youth always without it. " But since he will not set you up I vvill do it myself. Give me an inventory of the things necessary to bo had frora England and I will send for thera. You shall repay rae when you are able. I ara resolved to have a good printer here, and I ara sure you must succeed," This was spoken vvith such an appearance of cordiality that I had not the least doubt of his meaning what he said. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 43 I had hitherto kept the proposition of ray setting up a secret in Philadelphia, and I still kept it. Had it been known that I depended on the governor, probably sorae friend that knew hira better would have advised me not to rely on hira, as I afterward heard it aS his known character to be liberal of promises vvhich he never raeant to keep. Yet, unsolicited as he was by rae, how could I think his generous offers insincere ? I believed hira one of the best raen in the world. I presented hira an inventory of a little printing- house, amounting, by my coraputation, to about one hundred pounds sterling. He liked it, but asked rae if my being on the spot in England to choose the types and see that everything was good of the kind raight not be of sorae advantage. "Then," said he, " when there you raay raake acquaintance and establish cor respondences in the book-selling and stationery line." I agreed that this raight be advantageous. "Then," said he, " get yourself ready to go by the Annis," which was the annual ship, and the only one, at that tirae usually passing between London and Philadelphia. But as it would be sorae raonths before the Annis sailed I continued working with Keiraer, fretting ex treraely about the raoney Collins had got frora me and in great apprehensions of being called upon for it by Vernon ; this, how^ever, did not happen for some years after. I believe I have oraitted raentioning that in ray first voyage frora Boston to Philadelphia, being becalraed off Block Island, our crew employed theraselves in catching cod, and hauled up a great nuraber. Till then I bad stuck to ray resolution to eat nothing that bad bad life ; and on this occasion I oonsidered, accord* 44 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF ing to my master Tryon, the taking of every flsh as a kind of unprovoked raurder, since none of thera had done or oould do us any injury that raight justify this raassacre. All this soeraed very reasonable. But I had been formerly a great lover of flsh, and when it came out of the frying-pan it sraelled adrairably vvell. I balanced sorae tirae between principle and inclination, till, recollecting that when the flsh were opened I saw sraaller flsh taken out pf their storaachs, then, thought I, " If you eat one another I don't see why vve raay not eat you ;" so I dined upon cod very heartily, and have since continued to eat as other people, returning only now and then occasionally to a vegetable diet. So convenient a thing it is to bf a rfiaf\(mnhle^j}rfi,nj;itT*,^ aince it enables^ono tofindor make a reason for every thing ono has_a_mindJ;OjhX- ^^ ^ Keiraer and I lived on a pretty good farailiar footing and agreed tolerably well, for he suspected nothing of ray setting up. He retained a great deal of his old enthusiasra and loved arguraeutation; vve therefore had raany disputations. I used to work hira so with with ray Socratic raethod, and had trepanned hira so often b}' questions apparently so distant frora any point we had in hand, yet by degrees leading to the point and bringing hira into difficulties and contra dictions, that at last he grew ridiculously cautious, and would hardly ansvver rae the raost comraon question 'without asking first, " What do you intend to infer from that ?" However, it gave him so high an opinion of my abilities in the confuting way that he seriously proposed my being his colleague in a project he had of setting up a new sect. He vvas to preach the doctrines and I was to confound all opponents. When he oame BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 45 to explain with rae upon the doctrines I found several conundruras, which I objected to unless I might have my way a little too and introduce some of mine. keiraer wore his beard at full length, because some where in the Mosaic law it is said, " Thou shalt not mar the corners of thy heardP He likewise kept the seventh day. Sabbath; and these two points were essential with hira. I disliked both, but agreed to them on condition of his adopting the doctrine of not using animal food. " I doubt,'' said he, " my constitution will not bear it." I assured him it would and that he vvould be the better for it. He was usually a great eater, and I wished to give myself sorae diversion in half-starving hira. He consented to try the practice if I vvould keep hira company, 1 did so, and we held it for three raonths. Our provisions were purchased, cooked, and brought to us regularly by a woraan in the neigh borhood, who had from me a list of forty dishes vvhich she prepared for us at different times, in which there entered neither fish, fiesh, nor fowl. This whim suited ra« the better at this time frora the cheapness of it, not costing us above eighteen pence sterling each per week. I have since kept several Lents raost strictly, leaving the coramon diet for that, and that for the comraon, abruptly, without the least inconvenience ; so that I think there is little in the advice of making those changes by easy gradations. I went on pleasantly, but poor Keiraer suffered grievously, grew tired of the project, longed forthe flesh-pots of Egypt, and ordered a roast pig. He invited rae and tvvo woraen friends to dine with hira, but, it being brought too soon upon table, he could not resist the teraptation and ate the vvhole before we came. 46 A UTOBIOQRAPHT OF I bad made some courtship during this tirae to Miss Read. I had a great respect and affection for her, and had sorae reasons to believe she had the same for me ; but as I vvas about to take a long voyage and we were both very young, only a little above eighteen, it was thought most prudent by her raother to prevent our going too far at present, as a raarriage, if it were to take place, would be more convenient after my re turn, when I should be, as I hoped, set up in my busi ness. Perhaps, too, she thought my expectations not so vvell founded as I iraagined thera to be. My chief acquaintances at this tirae vvere Charles Osborne, Joseph Watson, and Jaraes Ralph, all lovers of reading. The two first vvhere clerks to an eminent scrivener or conveyancer in the town, Charles Brock- den, The other vvas a clerk to a merchant. Watson was a pious, sensible young man, of great integrity ; the others rather more lax in their princi pies of religion, particularly Ralph, who, as well as Collins, had been unsettled by rae, for which they both made rae suffer. Osborne vvas sensible, candid, frank, sincere, and affectionate to his friends, but in literary raatters too foud of criticism. Ralph was ingenious, genteel in his raanners, and extreraely eloquent. I think I never knew a prettier talker. Both vvere great adrairers of poetry and began to try their hands in little pieces. Many pleasant walks we have had together on Sun days in the woods on the banks of the Schuylkill, vvhere we read to one another and conferred on what we had read. Ralph vvas inclined to give hiraself up entirely to poetry, not doubting that he might raake great pro ficiency in it and even make his fortune by it. He BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 47 pretended that the greatest poets raust, when they first began to write, bave coraraitted as many faults as he did. Osborne endeavored to dissuade hini, assured hira he had no genius for poetry, and ad vised hira to think of nothing beyond the business he vvas bred to; that in the raercantile vvay, though he had no stock, he raight by his diligence and punctual ity recoraraend hiraself to eraployraent as a factor and in tirae acquire wherewith to trade on his own account. I approved for ray part the arausing one's self vvith poetry now and then, so far as to iraprove one's lan guage, but no further. On this it was proposed that we should each of us, at our next raeeting, produce a piece of our own cora posing, in order to iraprove by our rautual observa tions, criticisras, and corrections, As language and expression were what vye had in view, vve excluded all considerations of invention by agreeing that the task should be a version of the eighteenth psalra, which describes the descent of a Deity. When the tirae of our raeeting drew nigh, Ralph called on rae first and let rae know his piece vvas ready. I told hira I had been busy, and having little inclination had done noth ing. He then showed rae his piece for my opinion, and I rauch approved it, as It appeared to rae to have great raerit. " Now," said he, " Osborne never will allow the least raerit in anything of raine, but raakes a thousand criticisms out of raere envy. He is not so jealous of you. I wish, therefore, you would take this piece and produce it as yours. I will pretend not tp have had tirae and so produce nothing. We shall then hear what he will say to it." It was agreed, and I iramediately transcribed it, tbat it migbt appear in my own hand. 48 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF We met. Watson's performance was read ; there were some beauties in it, but raany defects. Osborne's was read ; it vvas rauch better. Ralph did it justice ; re raarked some faults, but applauded the beauties. He hiraself had nothing to produce. I was backward, seeraed desirous of being excused, had not had suffi cient tirae to correct, etc. But no excuse could be ad raitted ; produce I raust. It was read and repeated. Watson and Osborne gave up the contest and joined in applauding it. Ralph only made sorae criticisras and proposed some amendraents; but I defended ray text. Osborne was severe against Ralph and told me he was no better able to criticise than corapose verses. As these tvvo were returning horae, Osborne expressed hiraself still raore strongly in favor of what he thought ray production, having before refrained, as he said, lest I should think he raeant to flatter rae, "But who would have imagined," said he, " that Franklin was capable of such a performance; such painting, such force, such fire I He has even improved on the original. In coraraon conversation he seems to have no choice of words ; he hesitates and blunders, and yet, good God, how he writes!" When we next met, Ralph discov ered the trick we had played and Osborne was laughed at. This transaction fixed Ralph in his resolution of be coming a poet. I did all I could to persuade hira frora it, but he continued scribbling verses till Pope cured hira. He becarae, however, a pretty good prose-writer. More of hira hereafter. But as I raay not havo occa sion to raention the other two, I shall just remark here that Watson died in my arras a few years after, rauch lamented, being the best of our set. Osborne went to BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 49 the West Indies, where he becarae an erainent lawyer and raade raoney, but died young. He and I had raade a serious agreeraent that the one who happened first to die should, if possible, raake a friendly visit to the other and acquaint hira how he found things in that separate state. But he never fulfilled his proraise. The governor, seeraing to like ray corapany, had rae frequently at his house, and his setting rae up was always raentioned as a fixed thing. I was to take vvith rae letters recommendatory to a nuraber of his friends, besides the letter of credit to furnish rae vvith the necessary raoney for purchasing the press, types, paper, etc. For these letters I was appointed to call at different tiraes, when they were to be ready ; but a future tirae was still naraed. Thus we went on till the ship — whose departure, too, had been several tiraes postponed — was on the point of sailing. Then vvhen I called to take ray leave and receive the letters, his sec retary. Dr. Baird, carae out to me and said the gov ernor was extremely busy in writing, but would be down at Newcastle before the ship, and then the letters would be delivered to me. Ralph, though raarried, and having one child, had deterrained to accorapany rae in this voyage. It vvas thought he intended to establish a correspondence and obtain goods to sell on coraraission ; but I found after that having sorae cause of discontent vvith his wife's relations, he proposed to leave her on their hands and never return to Araerica. Having taken leave of my friends and exchanged proraises vvith Miss Read, I quitted Philadelphia in the ship, which anchored at Newcastle. The governor was there, but when I went to his lodging bis secretary carae to rae from bim witb 50 A utobioqra pht 0F expressions of tbe greatest regret tbat he oould not then see me, being engaged in business of the utmost importance, but that he would send tbe letters to me on board, wishing me heartily a good voyage and a speedy return, etc, I returned on board a little puzzled, but still not doubting. BMJAMIN FRANKLIN. . t\ OHAPTER IIL Mk. Andrew Hamilton, a celebrated lawyer of Philadelphia, had taken his passage in the same ship for hiraself and son, with Mr. Denhara, a Quaker merchant, and Messrs, Oniam and Russel, raasters of an iron works in Maryland, vvho had engaged the great caTsin ; so that Ralph and I were forced to take up with a berth in the steerage, and none on board knowing us, were considered as ordinary persons. But Mr. Harailton and his son (it was Jaraes, since governor) returned frora Newcastle to Philadelphia, the father being recalled by a great fee to plead for a seized ship. And just before we sailed Colonel French coraing on board and showing me great respect I vvas raore taken notice of, and, with my friend Ralph, invited by the other gentlemen to corae into the cabin, there being now roora. Accordingly we reraoved thither. Understanding that Colonel French had brought on board the governor's dispatches, I asked the captain for those letters that vvere to be under ray care. He said all were put into the bag together and he could not tben corae at tbem, but before we landed in Eng land 1 should have an opportunity of picking tbem out ; so I was satisfled for the present and we proceeded on our voyage. We had a sociable company in the cabin and lived unoomraonly well, having tbe addition of all Mr. Hamilton's stores, who e» A UTOBIOQRA PS 7 OF had laid in plentifully. In this passage Mr. Denham contracted a friendship for me that continued during his life. The voyage was otherwise not a pleasant one, as we had a great deal of bad weather. When we came into the Channel, the captain kept his word vvith me and gave rae an opportunity of exaraining the bag for the governor's letters. I found sorae upon whioh ray name was put as under my care. I picked out six or seven that by the handwriting I thought might be the promised letters, especially as one of them vvas addressed to Baskett, the king's printer, and another to sorae stationer. We arrived in London tho 24th Dooombor, 1724. I waited upon tho stationer, who carae flrst in my way, dolivoring the letter as frora Governor Keith. " I don't know suoh a person," said he ; but opening the letter, " Oh, this is from Riddlesden, I have lately found him to be a complete rascal, and I will have nothing to do with hira nor receive any letters from him." So putting the letter into ray hand, ho turned on his heel and loft rae to servo somo customer. I was surprised to flnd these vvere not the governor's letters, and after recollecting and coraparing circumstanoos, I began to doubt his sincerity. I found ray friend Donham and opened the wholo affair to hira. He lot mo into Keith's character, told mo thoro was not tho least probability that ho had written any letters for rae ; that no one who knovv him had tlio sraallest dopondonoo on hira ; and ho laughed at tho Idoa of the governor's giving mo a letter of credit, having, as ho said, no credit to give. On ray expressing sorae concern about what I should do, he advised rae to endeavor getting somo employment in the way of my BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 53 business. "Among the printers here," said he, ''you vvill iraprove yourself, and when you return to Araer ica you vvill set up to greater advantage," We both of us happened to know, as well as the stationer, that Riddlesden, the attorney, was a very knave. He had half-ruined Miss Read's father by persuading him to be bound for him. By this letter it appeared' there was a secret scheme on foot to the prejudice of Mr. Hamilton (supposed to be then coming over vvith us); that Keith was concerned in it with Riddlesden. Denham, vvho was a friend of Hamilton's, thought he ought to be acquainted with it ; so vvhen he arrived in England, which vvas soon after, partly from resentment and ill-will to Keith and Riddlesden and partly frora good-will tp hira, I waited on hira and gave him the letter. He thanked rae cordially, the inforraation being of iraportance to hira, and frora that tirae he becarae ray friend, greatly to ray advantage afterward on raany occasions. But what shall we think of a governor playing such pitiful tricks and iraposing so grossly on a poor ignorant boy ! It was a habit he had acquired. He wished to please everybody, and having little to give he gave expectations. He was othervvise an ingenious, sensible raan, a pretty good writer, and a good gov ernor for the people, though not for his constituents, the proprietaries, whose instructions he soraetiraes dis regarded. Several of our best laws vvere of his plan ning and passed during bis adrainistration. Ralph and I were inseparable corapanions. We took lodgings together in Little Britain at three shillings and sixpence a vveek, as much as we could tben afford. . He found some relations, bnt they were AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF ' poor and unable to assist hira. He now let me know bis intentions of remaining in London and that he never meant to return to Philadelphia. He had brought no money with him, tho whole he oould muster having been expended in paying his passage, I had fiftoon pistoles, so he borrowed occasionally of me to subsist whilo he was looking out for business. He first endeavored to get into the play-house, believ ing hiraself qualifled for an actor; but Wilkes,* to whom he applied, advised him candidly not to think of that eraployraent, as it was irapossible he should succeed in it. Then he proposed to Roberts, a publisher in Paternoster Row, to write for hira a weekly paper like the Spectator, on certain conditions, vvhich Roberts did not approve. Then he endeavored to get eraployraent as a hackney writer, to copy for the stationers and lawyers about the Teraple, but could not flnd a vacancy. For rayself, I iramediately got into work at Palmer's, a famous printing-house in Bartholoraew Close, where I continued near a year. I was pretty diligent, but I spent with Ralph a good deal of ray earnings at plays and publio arauseraents. Wo had nearly consuraed all ray pistoles, and now just rubbed on from hand to mouth. He seemed quite to have forgotten his vvife and child, and I by degrees my engageraents with Miss Read, to whom I never wrote raore than one letter, and that was to let her know I was not likely soon to return. This was another of the groat errata of my life, which I could wish to correct if I were to live it over again. In fact, by our expenses I was constantly kept unable to pay my passage. *A comedian of eminence. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 56 At Palraer's I vvas eraployed in composing for the second edition of WoUaston's " Religion of Nature," Sorae of his reasonings not appearing to rae well founded, I wrote a little metaphysical piece in which I made remarks on thera. It vvas entitled " A Dis sertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain." I inscribed it to ray friend Ralph ; I printed ll small number. It occasioned, ray being raore con sidered by Mr. Palmer as a young raan of sorae ingenuity, though he seriously expostulated with rae upon the principles of my paraphlet, which to hira ap peared aborainable. My printing this paraphlet was another erratum. While I lodged in Little Britain I raade an acquaintance with one Wilcox, a bookseller, whose shop was next door. He had an iramense collection of second-hand books. Circulating libraries were not then in use, but we agr^eed that on certain reasonable terms, which I now have forgotten, I might take, read, and return any of his books. This I esteeraed a great advantage, and I raade as much use of it as I could. My pamphlet by some means falling into the hands of one Lyons, a surgeon, author of a book entitled " The Infallibility of Huraan Judgraent," it occasioned an acquaintance betvveen us. He took great notice of rae, called on rae often to converse on those subjects, carried rae to the Horns, a pale-ale-hpuso in Lane, Cheapside, and introduced rae to Dr. Mandevilje, author of the " Fable of the Bees," who had a club there, of which he was the soul ; being a raost facetious, entertaining corapanion, Lyons too introduced rae to Dr. Pemberton, at Batson's coffee-house, who proraised to give me an opportunity, sorae tirae or otber^ of .y 66 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF seeing Sir Isaac Newton, of whioh I was extremely desirous; but this never happened. I had brought over a fevv curiosities, among which the principal vvas a purse raade of the ashestoa, which purifles by flre. Sir Hans Sloane heard of it, carae to see rae, and invited me to his house in Bloomsbury Square, showed rae all bis curiosities, and persuaded rae to add that to the nuraber ; for which he paid rae handsoraely. In our house lodged a young woman, a milliner, who I think had a shop in the Cloisters. She had been genteelly bred, vvas sensible, lively, and of a raost pleasing conversation. Ralph read plays to her inthe evenings, they grew intiraate, she took another lodg ing, and he followed her. They lived together sorae tirae ; but he being still out of business and her incorae not sufficient to raaintain thera with her child, he took a resolution of going to London to try for a country school, which he thought hiraself well qualified to un dertake, as he wrote an excellent hand and vvas a raaster of arithmetic and accounts. This, however, he deemed a business below hira, and confident of future better fortune, vvhen he should be unwilling to have it known that he vvas once so meanly eraployed, he changed his narae and did me the honor to assurae raine ; for I soon after had a letter from hira, acquaint ing rae that he was settled in a sraall village (in Berk shire, I think it vvas, where he taught reading and writing to ten or a dozen boys at sixpence each per week), recoraraending Mrs. T to my care and de siring me to write to him, directing for Mr. FranMin, schoolmaster, at such a place. He continued to write to me frequently, sending me BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 67 large specimens of an epic poem which he was then coraposing, and desiring my reraarks and corrections. These I gave him from time to time, but endeavored rather to discourage his proceeding. One of Young's Satires vvas then just published. I copied and sent hira a great part of it, which set in a strong light the folly of pursuing the Muses. All was in vain ; sheets of the poera continued to corae by every post. In the mean tirae^ Mrs. T , having on his account lost her friends and business, was often in distresses, and used to send for me and borrow what raoney I could spare to help to alleviate thera. I grew fond of her company, and being at that time under no religious restraint, and taking advantage of ray iraportance to her, I at tempted to take some liberties with her (another erratum), vvhich she repulsed, with a proper degree of resentment. She Wrote to Ralph and acquainted him with my conduct ; this occasioned a breach between us ; and vvhen he returned to London he let me know he considered all the obligations he had beeri under to me as annulled ; frora which I concluded I was never to expect his repaying the money I had lent hira or that I had advanced for hira. This, however, was of little consequence, as he vvas totally unable, and by the loss of his friendship I found rayself relieved frora a heavy burden. I now began to think of getting a little be forehand, and, expecting better eraployraent, I left Palraer's to work at Watt's, near Lincoln's Inn Fields, a still greater printing-house. Here I continued all tho rest of ray stay in London. At my first admission into the printing-house I took to working at press, imagining I felt a want of bodily exeroise I had been used to in America, where press- ^8 AUTOBIOOBAPHT OF work is mixed with the composing. I drank only water ; the other workraen, near fifty in number, were great drinkers of beer. On occasion I carried up and down stairs a large form of type in each hand, when others carried but one in both hands. They wondered to see, from this and several instances, that the Water- American, as they called rae, vvas stronger than them selves, vvho drank strong beer ! We had an ale-house boy, who attended always in the house to supply the workraen. My companion at the press drank every day a pint before breakfast, a pint at breakfast with his bread and cheese, a pint between breakfast and dinner, a pint at dinner, a pint in the afternoon about six o'clock, and another pint when he had done his day's work. I thought it a detestable custora ; but it vvas necessary, he supposed, to drink strong beer that he raight be strong to labor. 1 endeavored td convince hira that the bodily strength afforded by beer could only be in proportion to the grain or fiour of the barley dissolved in the water of vvhioh it was raade ; that there vvas raore flour in a pennyworth of bread ; and therefore if he could eat that vvith a pint of vvater it would give hira more strength than a quart of beer. He drank on, however, and had four or five shillings to pay out of his wages every Saturday night for that vile liquor, an expense I vvas free frora. And thus these poor devils keep theraselves always under. Watts, after some weeks, desiring to have rae in the coraposing-room, I left the press-room ; a new hien venu for drink, being five shillings, was deraanded of rae by the compositors. I thought it an imposition, as I had paid one to the pressman ; the raaster thought so too and forbade ray paying it. I stood out tvvo or . BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 69 three weeks, was accordingly considered as an excora- raunicate, and had so raany little pieces of private malice practiced on me, by mixing my sorts, transpos ing and breaking my matter, etc., etc, if ever I stepped out of the room, and all ascribed to the chapel ghost, which they said ever haunted those not regularly ad mitted, that notwithstanding the raaster's protection, I found rayself obliged to coraply and pay the raoney; convinced of the folly of being on ill-terras with those one is to live vvith continually. I vvas now on a fair footing vvith thera and soon ac quired considerable influence, I proposed some reason able alterations in the chapel* laws and carried them against all opposition. From my example a great raany of them left their rauddling breakfast of beer, bread, and cheese, finding tbey could with rae be sup plied frora a neighboring house with a large porringer of hot-water gruel, sprinkled with pepper, crumbled vvith bread, and a bit of butter in it, for the price of a pint of beer, viz., three halfpence. This was a more corafortable as well as a cheaper breakfast and kept their heads clearer. Those vvho continued sotting with their beer all day vvere often, by not paying, out of credit at the ale-house, and used to raake interest vvith rae to get beer ; their light, as they phrased it, heing out. I watched the pay-table on Saturday night and collected what I stood engaged for thera, having to pay soraetiraes near thirty shillings a week on their accounts. . This, and ray being estiraated a pretty good riggite, tbat is, a jocular verbal satirist, supported my consequence in the society. My constant attendance * A printing-house is called a chapd by tbe workmen. 60 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF , (I never making a St. Monday) recommended rae to the master, and my uncoraraon quickness at coraposing occasioned my being put upon work of dispatch, which was generally better paid. So I went on now very agreeably. My lodgings in Little Britain being too remote, 1 found another in Duke Street, opposite to the Romish chapel. It was up three pair of stairs backward, at an Italian warehouse. A widow lady kept the house : she had a daughter, and a maid-servant, and a journey man who attended the warehouse, but lodged abroad. After sending to inquire ray character at the house where I last lodged, she agreed to take rae in at the sarae rate— three shillings and sixpence a vveek; cheaper, as she said, frora the protection she expected in having a raan to lodge in the house. She was a widow, an elderly woraan ; had been bred a Protestant, being a olergyraan's daughter, but was converted to the Catholio religion by her husband, whose raeraorv she rauch revered; had lived rauch araong people of distinction, and knew a thousand anecdotes of thera as far back as the time of Charles II. She was larae in her knees with the gout and therefore seldora stirred out of her roora, so soraetiraes wanted corapany ; and hers vvas so highly arausing to rae that I was sure to spend an evening with her whenever she desired it. Our supper was orily half an anchovy each on a very little slice of bread and butter and half a pint of afe between us; but the entertainraent was in her conver sation. My alvvays keeping good hours and giving little trouble in the family made her unwilling to part with rae, so that when I talked of a lodging I had heard of, nearer ray business, for two shillings a vveek BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 61 (which, intent as I was on saving money, made sorae difference), she bid rae not think of it, for she would abate rae two shillings a vveek fpr the future ; so I re raained with her at one shilling and sixpence as long as I stayed in London. In the garret of her house there lived a raaiden lady of seventy, in the raost retired raanner, of whora ray landlady gave rae this account : that she was a Roraan Catholic; had been sent abroad when young and lodged in a nunnery, vvith an intent of becoraing a nun; but, the country not agreeing with her, she returned to England, where, there being no nunnery, she had vowed to lead the life of a nun as near as raight be done in those circumstances. Accordingly she had given all her estate to charitable purposes, reserving only twelve pounds a year to live on ; and out of this sum she still gave a part in charity, living herself on water-gruel only and using no fire but to boil it. She had lived many years in that garret, being permitted to remain there gratis by successive Catholic tenants of the house below, as they deeraed it a blessing to have her there. A priest visited her to confess her every day. " Frora this I asked her," said ray land lady, " how she, as she lived, could possibly find so much eraployraent for a confessor." " Oh 1" said sho, " it is irapossible to avoid vain thoughts.''^ I was per mitted once to visit her. She vvas cheerful and polite and conversed pleasantly. The room was clean, but had no other furniture than a raattress, a table witb a crucifix and a book, a stool which she gave rae to sit on, and a picture over the chimney of St. Veronica displaying ber handkerchief, with the miraculous flgure of Christ's bleeding face on it, whicb she ex plained to me witb great seriousness. 62 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF She looked pale, but was never sick ; and I give it as another instance on how sraall an incorae life and health raay be supported. At Watt's printing-house I contracted an acquaint ance with an ingenious young raan, one Wy gate, who, having wealthy relations, had been better educated than raost printers; was a tolerable Latinist, spoke French, and loved reading. I taught him and a friend of his to swim at twice going into the river, and they soon became good swimraers. They introduced rae to sorae gentleraen frora the country, who went to Chelsea by water to see the college and Don Saltero's curiosities. In our return at the request of the com. pany, whose curiosity Wygate had excited, I stripped and leaped into the river and swam from near Chelsea to Blackfriars; performing in the way many feats of activity, both upon and under the vvater, and surprised and pleased those to vvhom they vvere novelties, I had from a ohild boon delighted with this exorcise, hnd studied and i)i'actiood Thovonot's motions and positions and added some of my ovvn, aiming at tho graceful and easy as vvell as the useful. All thoso I took this occasion of exhibiting to the company, and was much flattered by their admiration ; and Wygato, who was desirous of becoming a master, grow moro and moro attached to mo on that account, as well as from the similarity of our studios. Ho at length proposed to me traveling all over Europe togethor, sup porting ourselves everywhere by working at our business, I vvas once inclined to it, but raentioning it to my good friend Mr. Denham, with whom I often spent an hour vvhen I had leisuro, he dissuaded me from it, advising mo to think only of returning to PonnByivftnJu, wbjpt) ||0 w^ij npW ttbout to do. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 63 I raust record one trait of this good raan's character. He had formerly been in business at Bristol, but failed in debt to a number of people, conipounded, and went to America. There, by a close application to business as a merchant, he acquired a plentiful fortune in a few years. Returning to England in the ship vvith rae, he invited his old creditors to an entertain raent, at which he thanked them for the easy com position they had favored hira with ; and when they expected nothing but the treat, every raan, at the first reraove, found under his plate an order on a banker for the amount of the unpaid remainder, with interest. He now told me he was about to return to Philadel phia, and should carry over a great quantity of goods in order to open a store there. He proposed to take me over as his clerk, to keep his books — in which he would instruct . me — copy his letters, and attend the store. He added that as soon as I should be acquainted with raercantile business he would proraote rae by sending me with a cargo of flour and bread to the West Indies, and procure rae coraraissions from others vvhich vvould be profitable, and if I managed well would establish me handsomely. The thing pleased me, for I was grown tired of London, remembered with pleasure the happy months I had spent in Penn sylvania, and wished again to see it. Therefore I iraraediately agreed, on the terras of fifty pounds a year, Pennsylvania raoney ; less than ray then present gettingsasa corapositor, but affording a better prospect. I now took leave of printing, as I thought, forever, and was daily eraployed in ray nevv business, going about with Mr. Denham among the tradesraen to purchase various articles and see thera packed up. 64 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF delivering mesBages, oalllng upon workmen todispatob, oto. ; and when all was on board I had a few days* leisure. On one of these days I was, to my surprise, sent for by a groat man I knew only by name. Sir William Wyndham, and I waited upon hira. He had heard, by sorae means or other, of my swimming from Chelsea to Blackfriars and of ray teaching Wygate and another young raan to swira in a few hours. He had two sons about to sot out on thoir travels ; ho wished to havo thom flrst taught swimming, and proposed to gratify mo handsomely if I would toaoli thom, Thoy wero not yot oomo to town and my stay was uncertain, so I oould not. undertake It, But from tho inoldont I thought it likely that if I wore to rouiuin in England and open a swimraing-sohool I might got a good deal of raoney ; and it struck mo so strongly that had the overture been made me sooner, probably I should not so soon have returned to America. Many years after, you and I had something of more impor tance to do vvith one of these sons of Sir William Wyndham, becorae Earl of Egreraont, whioh I shall mention in its place. Thus I passed about eighteen months in London ; most part of the time I worked hard at my business and spent but little upon myself, except in seeing plays and in books. My friend Ralph had kept rae poor. He owed me about twenty-seven pounds, which I was now never likely to receive ; a great sum out of my small earnings ! I loved him, notwithstanding, for he had many amiable qualities. I had improved liiy knowledge, hovvever, though I had by no means im proved my fortune; but I had made some very ingenious acquaintance, whose conversation was of great advantage to rae, and I had read considerably. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 66 OHAPTER IV. We sailed from Gravesend on the 23d of July, 1726. For the incidents of the voyage I refer you to my journal,. where you will find thera all rainutely related. Perhaps the raost iraportant part of that journal is iheplan* to be found in it, vvhich I fraraed at sea, for regulating the future conduct of ray life. It is the raore reraarkable as being forraed when I was so young, and yet being pretty faithfully adhered to quite through to old age. We landed at Philadelphia the llth of October, where I found sundry alterations. Keith was no longer governor, being superseded by Major Gordon ; I raet him walking the streets as a common citizen. He seeraed a little asharaed at seeing rae and passed without saying anything, I should have been as rauch asharaed at seeing Miss Read had not her friends, despairing with reason of ray return after the receipt of ray letter, persuaded her to raarry; another, one Rogers, a potter, which was done in ray absence. With him, however, she was never happy, and soon parted from him, refusing to cohabit with him or bear bis name, it being now said he had another wife. He was a worthless fellow, though an excellent work- *Th\s plan does not exist in the manuscript journal found among Dr. Franklin's papers, whioh appears, by a note thereon, to be a "copy made, at Reading, in Pennsylvania, October M, 1787." 66 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF man, which was the teraptation to her friends. He got into debt, ran away in 1727 or 1728, went to the West Indies, and died there. Keiraer had got a better house, a shop well supplied with stationery, plenty of new types, and a nuraber of hands, though none good, and seeraed to have a great deal of business. Mr. Denhara took a store in Water Street, where we opened our goods ; I attended the business dili gently, studied accounts, and grew in a little time expert at selling. We lodged and boarded together ; he counseled me as a father, having a sincere regard for me. I respected and loved him, and vve might have gone on together very happily, but in the begin ning of February, 1727, vvhen I had just passed my twenty-first year, we both vvere taken ill. My dis temper was a pleurisy, which very nearly carried me off. I suffered a good deal, gave up the point in my own mind, and was at the time rather disappointed when I found rayself recovering; regretting, in sorae degree, that I raust now, some time or other, have all that disagreeable vvork to go over again. I forget what Mr. Denham's distemper vvas ; it held him a long time and at length carried hira off. He left me a small legacy in a nuncupative will as a token of his kindness for me, and he left me once raore to the wide world ; for the store was taken into the care of his executors and my employment under hira ended. My brother-in-law, Holraes, being now in Philadel phia, advised ray return to my business ; and Keimer terapted rae, with an offer of large wages by the year, to corae and take the management of his printing- house, that he might better attend to his stationer's shop, I had heard a bad character of hira in London BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 67 from his vvife and her friends, and was not for having any more to do with him. I wished for employment as a merchant's clerk, but, not raeeting with any, I closed again with Keiraer. I found in his house these hands-: Hugh Meredith, a Welsh Pennsylvanian, thirty years of age, bred to country work ; he was honest, sensible, a raan of experience, and fond of reading, but addicted to drinking. Stephen Potts, a young country raan of full age, bred to the sarae, of uncommon natural parts and great wit and humor, but a little idle. These he had agreed vvith at extreme low wages per week, to be raised a shilling every three months, as they vvould deserve by improving in their business ; and the expectation of these high wages, to corae on hereafter, was what he had drawn thera in with, Meredith was to work at press ; Potts at bookbinding, which he by agreeraent was to teach thera, though he knew neither one nor the other; John , a wild Irishman, brought up to no business, whose services for four years Keimer had purchased frora the captain of a ship ; he, too, was to be made a pressman ; George Webb, an Oxford scholar, whose tinije for four years he had likewise bought, intending him for a compositor, of whora raore presently ; and David Harry, a country boy whora he had taken apprentice. I soon perceived that the intention of engaging rae at wages so much higher than he had been used to give. was to bave these raw cheap hands forraed through rae ; and as soon as I had instructed thera, they being all articled to hira, he should be able to do without rae. I went, however, very cheerfully, put his print ing-house in order, which had been in great confusion, and brougbt his bands by degrees to raind tbeir busi ness and to do it better. 68 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF It was an odd tbing to find an Oxford scholar in the situation of a bought Servant. He was not more than eighteen years of age, and he gave me this account of himself : that he was born in Gloucester, educated at a grararaar school, and had been distinguished among his scholars for sorae apparent superiority in perform ing his part when they exhibited plays ; belonged to the Wits' Club there and had written some pieces in prose and verse, which were printed in the Gloucester newspapers. Thence was sent to Oxford; there he continued about a year, but not well satisfied, wishing of all things to see London and becorae a player. At length receiving his quarterly allowance of fifteen guineas, instead of discharging his debts he went out of town, hid his gown in a furze bush, and walked to London, where, having no friend to advise hira, he fell into bad company, soon spent his guineas, found no means of being introduced araong the players, grew necessitous, pawned his clothes, and wanted bread. Walking the street very hungry, not knowing what to do with hiraself, a crimp's bill was put into his hand offering immediate entertainment and encouragement to such as would bind theraselves to serve in Araerica. He went directly, signed the indentures, was put into the ship and came over, never writing a line to his friends to acquaint them what vvas becorae of hira. He was lively, witty, good-natured, and a pleasant cora panion, but idle, thoughtless, and iraprudent to the last degree. John, the Irishman, soon ran away ; with the rest I began to live very agreeably, for they all respected me the raore as they found Keimer incapable of in structing them, and that from rae they learned sorae- BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 69 thing daily. My acquaintance with ingenious people in the town increased. We never worked on Saturday, that being Keimer's Sabbath, so that I had tvvo days for reading. Keimer himself treated rae with great civility and apparent regard, and nothing now raade me uneasy but ray debt to Vernon, which I vvas yet unable to pay, being hitherto but a poor economist. He, however, kindly made no demand of it. Our printing-house often wanted sorts, and there was no letter foundry in America. I had seen types cast at James' in London, but without much attention to the raanner ; however, I contrived a mold and raade use of the letters we had as puncheons, struck the raatrices in lead, and thus supplied in a pretty tolerable way aU deficiencies. I also engraved several things on occasion ; raade the ink ; I was warehouseraan ; and, in short, quite a factotum. But however serviceable I raight be, I found that ray services becarae every day of less iraportance as the other hands iraproved in their business ; and vvhen Keiraer paid rae a second quarter's wages, he let rae know that he felt thera too heavy and thought I should raake an abateraent. He grew by degrees less civil, put on raore the airs of raaster, frequently found fault, vvas captious, and seeraed ready for an outbreaking. I went on nevertheless with a good deal of patience, thinking that his incurabered circurastances were partly the cause. At length a trifle snapped our oon nection ; for, a great noise happening near the court house, I put ray head out of the window to see what was the matter. Keiraer, being in the street, looked up and saw me, oalled out to rae in a loud voice and angry tone to mind my business, adding some reproach* 70 A UTOBIOQRAPH T OF I ful words tbat nettled rae tbe raore for tbeir publicity ; all the neighbors who were looking out on the same occasion being witnesses how I was treated. He carae up iraraediately into the printing-house ; continued the quarrel, high words passed on both sides, be gave me the quarter's warning we had stipulated, expressing a wish that he had not been obliged to give so long a warning. I told him his wish was unnecessary, for I would leave him that instant ; and so taking my hat walked out-of-doors, desiring Meredith, whora I saw below, to take care of sorae things I left and bring thera to ray lodgings. Meredith carae accordingly in the evening, when we talked ray affair over. He had conceived a great regard for mo and w^ very unwilling that I should leave the house while he remained in it. He dissuaded me from returning to my native couritry, which I be gan to t-hink of ; reminded rae that Keiraer was in debt for all he possessed ; that his creditors began to be uneasj' ; that he kept his shop raiserably, sold often without a profit for ready raoney, and often trusted without keeping accounts; that he raust therefore fail, which would raake a vacancy I raight profit of. I objected ray want of raoney. He then let rae know that his father had a high opinion of rae, and frora sorae discourse that had passed between thera he was sure would advance raoney to set rae up ifl would enter into partnership vvith hira. " My tirae," said he, " will be out with Keiraer in the spring ; by that tirae we raay have our press and types in from London. I am sensible I ani no workman. If you like it your skill in the business shall be set against the stock I furnish, and we will share the profits equally." BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 71 The proposal was agreeable to rae and I consented ; his father was in town and approved of it, the raore as he said I had great infiuence with his son, had prevailed on hira to abstain long frora drara-drinking, and he hoped raight break hira of that wretched habit entirely when we carae to be so closely connected. I gave an inventory to the father, who carried it to a raerchant ; the things were sent for, the secret was to be kept till they should arrive, and in the raean tirae I was to get work, if I could, at the other printing-house. But I found no vacancy there, and so reraained idle a few days, vvhen Keiraer, on a prospect of being employed to print sorae paper raoney in New Jersey which vvould require cuts and various types that I only could supply, and apprehending Bradford raight engage rae and get the job frora him, sent me a very civil message that old friends should not part for a few words, the effect of sudden passion, and wishing me to return. Meredith persuaded rae to coraply, as it vvould give more opportunity for his iraproveraent under my daily instructions ; so I returned, and we went on more smoothly than for some time before. The New Jersey job was obtained ; I contrived a copper-plate press for it, the first that had been seen in the country; I cut several ornaraents and checks for the bills. We went together to Burlington, vvhere I executed the whole to satisfaction, and he received so large a sura for the vvork as to be enabled thereby to keep hiraself longer frora ruin. At Burlington I made acquaintance with many prin cipal, people of the province. Several of them had been appointed by the Asserably a coraraittee to attend the press and take care that no raore bills were printed 72 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF than the law directed. They were, therefore, by turns constantly with us, and generally he who attended brought with hira a friend or two for corapany. My mind having been much, more iraproved by reading than Keimer's, I suppose it was for that reason my conversation soeraed to be more valued. They had me to their houses, introduced rae to their friends, and showed rae ranch civility ; while he, though the raaster, was a little neglected. In truth, he was an odd creature, ignorant of coraraon life, fond of rudely opposing re ceived opinions, slovenly to extrerae dirtiness, enthusi- , astic in sorae points of religion, and a little knavish withal. We continued there near three raonths, and by that time I could reckon araong ray acquired friends Judge Allen, Samuel Bustill, the Secretary of the Province, Isaac Pearson, Joseph Cooper, and several of the Smiths, merabers of Asserably, and Isaac Decow, the Surveyor-General. The latter was a shrewd, sagacious old raan, who told rae that he began for hiraself, vvhen young, by wheeling clay for the brick- raakers ; learned to write after he vvas of age ; carried the chain for surveyors, vvho taught hira surveying, and he had now, by his industry, acquired a good es tate ; and said he, " I foresee that you will soon vvork this raan out of his business and make a fortune in it at Philadelphia." He had then not the least intima tion of my intention to set up there or anywhere. These friends vvere afterward of great use to rae, as I occasionally was to sorae of thera. They all continued their regard for rae us long as they lived. Before I outer upon my publio appearance in busi ness, it may be vvell to let you knovv tho then state of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 73 ray raind with regard to ray principles and raorals, that you raay see how far those influenced the future events of ray life. My parents had early given, rae religious irapressions and brought rae through ray childhood piously in the Dissenting way. But I was scarce flfteen when, after doubting by turns several points as I found them disputed in the different books I read, I began to doubt of the Revelation itself. Sorae books against deisra fell into ray hands ; they were said to be the substance of the serraons which had been preached at Boyle's Lectures. It happened that they wrought an effect on rae quite contrary to what was intended by thera. For the arguraents of the deists, which were quoted to be refuted, appeared to rae rauch stronger than the refutations ; in short, I soon becarae a thorough deist. My arguments per verted some others, particularly Collins and Ralph, but each of those having wronged me greatly vvithout the least corapunction, and recollecting Keith's con duct toward rae (who was another freethinker) and my own toward Vernon and Miss Read, which at tiraes gave rae great trouble, I began to suspect that this doctrine, though it raight be true, was not very useful. My London paraphlet, printed in 1725,* which had for its raotto these lines of Dryden : . " Whatever is, is right. But purblind man Sees but a part o' the chain, the nearest links; His eyes not carrying to that equal beam. That poises all above," * Dr. Franklin, in a letter to Benjamin Vaughan, dated Novem ber Qtb, 1779, gives a further account of this pamphlet in these words: "It was addressed to Mr. 3. B,, tbat is, James Ralph, tben a 74 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF and which from the attributes of God, bis inflnite wisdora, goodness, and power, concluded tbat nothing could possibly be wrong in the world, and that vice and virtue were erapty distinctions, no such things ex isting, appeared now not so clever a perforraance as I once thought it; and I doubted vvhether some error had not insinuated itself unperceived into ray arguraent so as to infect all that followed, as is coramon in metaphysical reasonings. youth of about my age and my Intimate friend, afterward a polit ical writer and historian. The purport of it was to prove the doctrine of fate, from the supposed attributes of God, in some such manner as this. That in erecting and governing the world, as he was Infinitely wise he knew what would be beat; inflnitely good, he must he disposed; and infinitely powerful, he must be able to execute it. Consequently all is right. " There were only a hundred copies printed, of which I gave a few to frienda; aud afterward disliking the piece, as conceiv ing it might have an ill tendency, I burned the rest, except one copy, the margin of whioh was flllod with manuscript notes by Lyons, author of ' The Infalllbilityof Human Judgment, who was at that time another of my acquaintance in London. I was not nineteen yeara of ago when it was written. In 1780 I wrote a plooo on the other sido of tho question, whicli began with laying for its foundation this fact: 'That almost all men in all ages and countries have at times made use of prayer.' Tlienco I reasoned that if all thinga are ordain-ed, prayer muat among the rest be ordained. But as prayer can procure no change in thinga that are ordained, prayer muat then be uselesa and an absurdity. God would therefore not ordain prayi.ng if everything else waa ordained. But praying exiats, therefore all other thinga are not ordained, etc. Thia pamphlet waa never printed and the manu script haa long been lost. The great uncertainty I found in meta physical reasoniuga disguated me, and I quitted that kind of reading and study for others more satisfactory." BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 75 I grew convinced that truth, sincerity, and integrity, in dealings between man and man, were of the utmost importance to the felicity of life ; and I formed vvritten resolutions, vvhich still remain in my journal book, to practice thera ever vvhile I lived. Revelation . had indeed no weight vvith meas such ; but I entertained an opinion that though certain actions raight not be bad hecause they were forbidden by it, or good hecause it commanded them, yet probably those actions raight be forbidden hecause they were bad for us, or commanded hecause they were beneficial to us in their ovvn natures, all the circumstances of things considered. And this persuasion, with the kind hand of Providence, or some guardian angel, or accidental favorable circumstances and situations, or all together, preserved rae, through this dangerous time of youth and the hazardous situa tions I was sometimes in among strangers, remote frora the eye and advice of ray father, free frora any willful gross iraraorality or injustice that might have been expected from my want of religion. I say willful, because the instances I have raentioned had something of necessity m thera, frora my youth, inex perience, and the knavery of others. I had therefore a tolerable character to begin in the world with. I valued it properly and determined to preserve it. We had not been long returned to Philadelphia before the nevv types arrived frora London, We settled with Keiraer and left hira by his consent before he heard of it. We found a house to let near the raarket and took it. To lessen the rent, which vvas then but twenty-four pounds a year, though I have since known it let for seventy, we took in Thoraas Godfrey, a glazier, and his family, vvho were to pay a 76 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF considerable part of it to us and we to board With thera. We had scarce opened our letters and put our press in order, before George House, an acquaintance of raine, brought a countryraan to us whora he had raet in the street inquiring for a printer. All our cash vvas now expended in the variety of particulars we had boen obliged to procure, and this countryraan's five shillings, being our first-fruits and coraing so seasonably, gave rae more pleasure than any crown I have since earned ; and the gratitude I felt toward House has made rae often raore ready than perhaps I othervvise should have been to assist young begin ners. There are croakers in every country, alvvays boding its ruin. Such an one there lived in Philadelphia ; a person of note, an elderly raan with a wise look and a very grave raanner of speaking ; his narae was Sarauel Mickle. This gentleman, a stranger to rae, stopped rae one d?y at ray door and asked rae if I was the young msr. vvho had lately opened a new printing- house. Being answered in the affirraative, he said he was sorry for rae, because it vvas an expensive under taking and the expense vvould be lost ; for Philadelphia was a sinking place, the people already half-bankrupts or near being so ; all the appearances of the contrary, such as new buildings and the rise of rents, being to his certain knowledge fallacious, for they were in fact araong the things that would ruin us. Then he gave me such a detail of raisfortunes now existing or that were soon to exist that he left rae half-melancholy. Had I known him before I engaged in this business, probably I never should have done it. This person continued to live in tbis decaying place and to declaim BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 77 in the sarae strain, refusing for raany years to buy a house tbere because all vvas going to destruction ; and at last I had the pleasure of seeing hira give five tiraes as much for one as he might have bought it for wben be first began croaking. 70 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF OHAPTER V. I BHOTTLD have raentioned before that in the auturan of the preceding year I had forraed most of ray ingenious acquaintance in to a club for rautual iraprove raent, which we called the Jpnto. We raet on Friday evenings. The rules that I drew up required that every raember in his turn should produce one or more queries on any point of morals, politics, or natural philosophy, to be discussed by the company ; and onoe in three raonths produce and read an essay of his own writing on any subject he pleased. Our debates were to be under the direction of a president and to be conducted in the sincere spirit of inquiry after trnth, without fondness for dispute or desire of victory ; and to prevent warmth, all expressions of positiveness in opinions or direct contradiction vvere after sorae time made contraband and prohibited under small pecuniary penalties. The first members were Joseph Breintnal, a copier of deeds for the scriveners, a good-natured, friendly, raiddle-aged raan, a great lover of poetry, reading all he could meet with and writing some that was toler able; very ingenious in raaking little knick-knackeries and of sensible conversation. Thoraas Godfrey, a self-taught mathematician, great in his way and afterward inventor of what is now BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 79 called Hadley'a quadrant,* But he knew little out of his way and was not a pleasing corapanion ; as, like most great matheraaticians I have raet vvith, he ex pected universal precision in everything said, or vvas forever denying or distinguishing upon trifies, to the disturbance of all conversation. He soon left us. Nicholas Scull, a surveyor, afterward surveyor- general, who loved books and soraetiraes raade a fevv verses. Williara Parsons, bred a shoemaker, but loving reading, had acquired a considerable share of maihe- raatics, which he first studied with a view to astrology and afterward laughed at it. He also becarae sur veyor-general. Williara Mauridge, joiner, but a raost exquisite raechanic, and a solid, sensible man, Hugh Meredith, Stephen Potts, and George Webb I have characterized before, Robert Grace, a young gentleraan of some fortune, generous, lively, and witty ; a lover of punning and of his friends. Lastly, Williara Coleraan, then a raerchant's clerk, about ray age, who had the coolest, clearest head, the best heart,. and exactest raorals of almost any man I have ever raet with. He becarae afterward a raerchant of great note and otte of our provincial judges. Our friendship continued without interruption to his death, upward of forty years ; and the club continued alraost as longand was the best school of philosophy, morality, and politics that then existed in the province, for our • Godfrey's claims to this invention are fully explained and conflrmed In Miller's " Retrospect of the Eighteenth Century," VoL L, pp. 468— 480. 80 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF queries, wbicb were read tbe week preceding tbeir discussion, put us upon reading with attention on tbe several subjects, that we raight speak raore to the purpose; and here, too, vve acquired better habits of conversation, everything being studied in our rules which might prevent our disgusting each other. Hence the long continuance of the club, which I shall have frequent occasion to speak further of hereafter. But my giving this account of it here is to show soraething of the interest I had, every one of these exerting theraselves in recomraending business to us. Breintnal particularly procured us frora the Quakers the printing of forty sheets of their history, the rest being done by Keiraer, and upon these we worked ex ceedingly hard, for the price was low. It was a folio, pro patria size, in pica, with long priraer notes. I composed a sheet a day and Meredith worked it off at press. It was often eleven at night, and sometimes later, before I had finished my distribution for the next day's work ; for the little jobs sent in by our other friends now and then put us back. But so de termined I was to continue doing a sheet a day of the folio that one night, when having iraposed ray forras I thought ray day's work over, oneof thera by accident vvas broken and two pages reduced to pi. I imrae diately distributed and coraposed it over again before I went to bed ; and this industry, visible to our neigh bors, began to give us character and credit. Partic ularly I vvas told that raention being raade of the nevv printing-oflBce at the raerchant's every-night club, the general opinion was that it must fail, there being already two printers in the place, Keimer and Brad ford. But Dr. Baird (whom you and I saw raany yee^rs BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. gl after at his native place, St. Andrew's, in Scotland) gave a contrary opinion : " For the industry of that Franklin," said he, " is superior to anything I ever saw of the kind. I see him still at vvork when I go horae frora club, and he is at work again before his neighbors are out of bed." This struck the rest, and we soon after had offers from one of them to supply us vvith stationery, but as yet vve did not choose to engage in shop business. I mention this industry more particularly arid the raore freely, though it seems to be talking in ray own praise, that those of ray posterity who shall read it raay know the use of that virtue when they see its effects in ray favor throughout this relation, George Webb, vvho had found a female friend that lent hira wherewith to purchase his time of Keimer, now came to offer himself as a journeyman to us. We could not then emploj' him; but I foolishly let him knovv, as a secret, that I soon intended to begin a newspaper and raight then have work for hira. My hopes of success, as I told him, were founded on this : that the then only newspaper, printed by Bradford, was a paltry thing, wretchedly managed, no way entertaining, and yet was profitable to him ; I there fore freely thought a good paper would scarcely fail of good encourageraent. I requested Webb not to raention it, but he told it to Keiraer, who iramediately, to be beforehand with rae, published proposals for one hiraself, on which Webb was to be eraployed, I was vexed at this, and to counteract thera, not being able to coraraence our paper, I wrote several arausing pieces for Bradford's paper, under the title of " The Busy- Body," which Breintnal continued sorae months. By 82 A UTOBIOQRAPH TOP this raeans the attention of the publio was fixed on that paper, and Keimer's proposals, which vve bur lesqued and ridiculed, were disregarded. He began bis paper, however, and before carrying it on three- quarters of a year, with at raost only ninety subscribers, he offered it rae for a trifle ; and I, having been ready some time to go on with it, took it in hand directly, and it proved in a fevv years extremoly profitable to rae.* I perceive that I am apt to speak in the singular number, though our partnership still continued; it may be that in fact the vvhole management of the business lay upon me. Meredith vvas no compositor, a poor pressraan, and seldora sober. My friends lamented my connection with hira, but I was to raake the best of it. Our flrst papers made quite a different appearance from any before in the province; a bettor typo and hotter printed ; but some remarks of my writing on the dispute then going on between Governor Burnet and tho Massachusetts Assembly struck the principal people, occasioned the paper and the manager of it to be rauch talked of, and in a few weeks brought them all to be our subscribers. Their exaraple was followed by raany, and our number went on growing continually. This was one of the first good effects of ray having learned a little to scribble. Another was that the leading raen, seeing a newspaper now in the hands of those who could also handle a pen, thought it convenient to oblige and on-" courage rae, Bradford still printed tho votes and * It was called the Pennsylmnia Gazette. Franklin and More* dlth began tho paper with No. 40, Sopt«mbor 20tli, 1720. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 83 laws and other public business. He had printed an address of the House to the governor in a coarse, blundering manner. We reprinted it elegantly and correctly and sent one to every member. They were sensible of the difference, it strengthened the hands of our friends in the House, and they voted us their printers for the year ensuing. Among my friends in the House I raust not forget Mr, Harailton, before raentioned, who was then returned from England, and had a seat in it. He interested himself for rae strongly in that instance, as he did in many others afterward, continuing his patronage till his death. Mr. Vernon about this time put rae in raind of the debt I owed hira, but did not press me. I wrote to him an ingenuous letter of acknowledgraent, craving his forbearance a little longer, vvhich he allowed rae. As soon as I was able I paid the principal, with the interest and raany thanks, so that erratum was in sorae degree corrected. But now another diflSculty came upon me, which I had never the least reason to expect. Mr. Meredith's father, vvho was to have paid for our printing-house, according to the expectations given me, was able to advance only one hundred pounds currency, which had been paid, and a hundred raore were due to the merchant, who grew impatient and sued us all. We gave bail, but saw that if the money could not be raised in time the suit raust soon oome toa judgraent and execution, and our hopeful prospects must with us be ruined, as the press and letters must be sold for payment, perhaps at half-price. in this distress two true friends, whose kindness I 84 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF have never forgotten nor ever shall forget while I can reraeraber anything, carae to rae separately, unknown to eaoh other, and, without any application frora me, offered each of them to advance rae all the raoney that should be necessary to enable rae to take the whole business upon rayself, if that should be practicable ; but they did not like ray continuing the partnership with Meredith, who, as they said, was often seen drunk in the street, playing at low garaes in ale-houses, much to our discredit. These tvvo friends vvere William Coleraan and Robert Grace. I told thera I could not propose a separation vvhile any prospect reraained of the Merediths fulfilling their part of our agreeraent, because I thought rayself under great obligations to thera for what they had done and would do if they could, but if they finally failed in their perforraance and our partnership raust be dissolved, I should then think rayself at liberty to accept the assistance of my friends. Thus the matter rested for sorae tirae, when I said to ray partner: "Perhaps your father is dissatisfied at the part you have undertaken in this affair of ours and is unwilling to advance for you and me vvhat he vvould for you. If that is the case tell me, and I vvill resign the whole to you and go about my business." "No," said he, "ray father has really been dis appointed and is really unable, and I ara unwilling to distress hira further, I see this is a business I am not fit for, I was bred a farraer, and it was folly in rae to corae to town and put rayself, at thirty years of age, an apprentice to learn a new trade. Many of our Welsh people are going to settle in North Carolina, where land is cheap, I am inclined to go with them BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 85 and follow ray old eraployraent ; you raay find friends to assist you. If you take the debts of the company upon you, return to my father the hundred pounds he has advanced, pay my little personal debts, and give rae thirty pounds and a nevv saddle, I will relinquish the partnership and leave the vvhole in your hands," I agreed to this proposal ; it vvas drawn up in writing, signed and sealed iramediately. I gave hira what he demanded and he went soon after to Carolina, whence he sent rae next year two long letters, containing the best account that had been given of that country, the cliraate, the soil, and husbandry, for in those raatters he was very judicious. I printed thera in the paper, and they gave great satisfaction to the public. As soon as he was gone I recurred to ray two friends and, because I vvould not give an unkind preference to either, I took half of what each had offered and I wanted of one, and half of the other, paid off the corapany's debt, and went on with the business in ray own narae, advertising that the partnership was dissolved. I think this vvas in or about the year 1729,* * The dissolution of the partnership was a year later; as appears by the following agreement, transcribed from the original in Franklin's handwriting. — Ed. "Be it remembered, that Hugh Meredith and Benjamin Franklin have this day separated as partners, and will henceforth act each on his own account; and that the said Hugh Meredith, for a valuable consideration by him received from the said Benjamin Franklin, hath relinquished, and doth hereby relin quish, to the said Franklin, all claim, right, or property to or in the printing materials and stock heretofore jointly possessed by them in partnership ; and to all debts due to them as partners in the course of their business; which are all from henceforth the sole property of the said Benjamin Franklin, In witness whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand this 14th day of July, 1780. HcOB MEBKonu" 86 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF About this time there vvas a ory araong the people for raore paper raoney, only fifteen thousand pounds being extant in the province, and that soon to be sunk. The wealthy inhabitants, opposed any addition, being against all paper currency, frora the apprehension that it vvould depreciate as it had done in Nevv England, to the injury of all creditors. We had discussed this point in our Junto, vvhere I vvas on the side of an addition, being persuaded that the first sraall sum, struck in 1723, had done rauch good by increasing the trade, eraployraent and number of inhabitants in the province, since I now saw all the old houses inhabited and raany new ones building; whereas I reraembered well, when I first walked about the streets' of Philadel phia eating my roll, I savv many of the houses in Walnut Street, betvveen Second and Front Streets, with bills on their doors, " To he let," and raany like wise in Chestnut Street and other streets, which made me think the inhabitants of the city were, one after another, deserting it. Our debates possessed me so fully of the subject that I wrote and printed an anonymous pamphlet on it, entitled " The Nature and Necessity of a Paper Currency." * It was well received by the com- • " It is little known or set down to the condemnation of Franklin that, when he was young in business, and stood in need of sundry articlea in the line of his profession as a printer, he had the ingenuity to make them for himself. In this way he founded lettera of lead, engraved various printing ornaments, cut wood-cuts, made printer's ink, engraved copper-plate vi gnettes, and made hisplate-presa." — Watson's "Annala of Phila delphia," p. 618. Mr. Watson relates another anecdote. He says that the " yel low willow tree," now BO common throughont the country, was BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 87 mon people in general, but the rich men disliked it, for it increased and strengthened the claraor for raore raoney ; and they happening to have no writers araong thera that were able to answer it, their opposition slackened and the point was carried by a raajority in the House. My friends there, who considered I had been of sorae service, thought fit to reward me by employing me in printing the raoney ; a very profit able job and a great help to rae. This vvas another advantage gained by ray being able to write. The utility of this currency becarae by time and ex perience so evident that the principles upon which it was founded were never afterward rauch disputed, so that it grew soon to fifty-five thousand pounds, and in 1739 to eighty thousand pounds ; trade, building, and inhabitants all the vvhile increasing. Though I now think there are liraits beyond which the quantity raay be hurtful. first introduced into America by Franklin. A wicker-basket made of willow, in which some foreign article had been imported, he saw sprouting in a ditch, and directed some of the twigs to be planted. They took root, and from these shoots are supposed to have sprung all the yellow willows which have grown on this side of the Atlantic. Ohaptal ascribes to Franklhi also' the introduction of the agri cultural use of plaster of Paris into the United States. " As this celebrated philosopher," says he, " wished that the effects of this manure should strike the gaze of all cultivators, he wrote in great letters, formed by the upe of the ground plaster, in a field of clover lying upon the great road, ' This has been plastered.'' The prodigious vegetation which was developed in the plastered portion led him to adopt this method. Volumes upon the excel lency of plaster would not have produced so speedy a revolu tion. From that period the Americans have imported great quantities of plastor of Paris. "—Ohaptal's " Agrienltural Chem istry," Boston edition, p. 78.— En. 88 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF I soon after obtained, thrbugh my friend Hara ilton, the printing of the Newcastlia paper raoney, another profitable job, as I then thought it; sraall things appearing great to those in sraall circurastances, and these to rae were really great advantages, as they were great encourageraents. Mr. Harailton procured for rae also the printing of the laws and votes of that governraent, which continued in ray hands as long as I followed the business. I now opened a small stationer's shop. I had in it blanks of all kinds, the correotest that ever appeared araong us. I was assisted in that vvay by ray friend Breintnal. I had also paper, parchraent, cbnp-raen's books, etc. One Whiteraarsh, a corapositor I had known in London, an excellent workraan, now came to me and worked with me constantly and diligently ; and I took an apprentice, tha son of Aquila Rose. I began now gradually to pay offthe debt I was under for the printing-house. In order to secure my oredit and oharaoter as a tradesraan, I took care not only to be in reality industrious and frugal, but to avoid the ap pearances to the contrary. I dressed plain nnd vvas seen at no places of idle diversion, I never went out a-fishing or shooting; a book indeed soraetimes de bauched me from my work, but that was seldom, vvas private, and gave no scandal ; and to show that I vvas not above my business, I soraetiraes brought home the paper I purchased at the stores through the streets on a wheelbarrow. Thus being esteenied an industrious, thriving young man and paying duly for what I bought, the merchants who iraported stationery solic ited my custom, others proposed supplying me vvith books, and I went on prosperously. In the raean tirae. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 89 Keimer's credit and business declining daily, he vvas at last forced to sell his printing-house, to satisfy his cred itors. He went to Barbadoes and there lived, some years in very poor circurastances. His apprentice, David Harry, whora I had instructed while I worked vvith him, set up in his place at Phila delphia, having bought his materials, I was at first apprehensive of a powerful rival in Harry, as his friends vvere very able and had a good deal of interest, I therefore proposed a partnership to hira, which he fortunately for rae rejected vvith scorn. He was very proud, dressed like a gentleman, lived expensively, took much diversion and pleasure abroad, ran in debt, and neglected his business ; upon which all business left hira, and finding nothing to do, he followed Keiraer to Barbadoes, taking the printing-house vvith him. There this apprentice eraployed his forraer raaster as a journeyraan ; they quarreled often, and Harry went continually behindhand and at length vvas obliged to sell his types and return to country work in Pennsylvania, The person vvho bought them employed Keiraer to use thera, but a fevv years after he died. There reraained now no other printer in Philadel phia but the old Bradford; but he was rich and easy, did a little in the business by straggling hands, but was not anxious about it. However, as he held the post-oflice, it was iraagined he had better opportunities of obtaining news, his paper was thought a better distributer of advertiseraents than raine, and therefore had many more ; which was a profitable thing to him and a disadvantage to rao. For though I did, indeed, receive and send papers by the post, yet the publio opinion was otherwise ; for what I did send was by 90 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF bribing tbe riders, who took them privately, Bradford being unkind enough to forbid it, wbich occasioned sorae resentraent on ray part ; and I thought so meanly of the practice that vvhen I afterward carae into his situation I took care never to imitate it. I had hitherto continued to board with Godfrey, who lived in a part of my house vvith his wife and children and had one side of the shop for his glazier's business, though he worked little, being always ab sorbed in his matheraatics. Mrs. Godfrey projected a raatch for me with a relation's daughter, took oppor tunities of bringing us often together, till a serious courtship on my part ensued, the girl being in herself very deserving. The old folks encouraged rae by continual invitations to supper and by leaving us together, till at length it vvas tirae to explain. Mrs. Godfrey raanaged our little treaty. I let her knovv that I expected as rauch raoney vvith their daughter as would pay off ray reraaining debt for the printing- house, which I believe was not then above a hundred pounds. She brought rae word they had nO such sura to spare. \ sa,id they raight raortgage their house in the loan ofiice. The ansvver to this, after sorae days, was that they did not approve the match ; that on inquiry of Bradford they had been inforraed the printing business vvas not a profitable one, the types would soon be worn, out and more wanted ; that Keiraer and David Harry had failed one after the other, and I should probably soon follow thera ; and therefore I was forbidden the house and the daughter was shut up. Whether this was a real change of sentiraent or only artifice, on a supposition of our being too far BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 91 engaged in affection to retract, and therefore that we should steal a marriage, which vvould leave thera at liberty to give or withhold what they pleased, I know not. But I suspected the raotive, resented it, and went no raore. Mrs. Godfrey brought rae afterward some raore favorable accounts of their disposition and would have drawn rae on again, but 1 declared abso lutely ray resolution to have nothing more to do with that faraily. This was resented by the Godfreys, vve differed, and they removed, leaving me the whole house, and I resolved to take no raore inraates. But this affair having turned my thoughts to raarriage, I looked round me and made overtures of acquaintance in other places, but soon found that the business of a printer being generally thought a poor one, I was not to expect money vvith a wife, unless with such a one as I should not otherwise think agreeable. In the mean time, that hard-to-be-governed passion of youth had hurried me frequently into intrigues with low women that fell in my Avay, which were attended vvith sorae expense and great inconvenience, besides a continual risk to ray health by a distemper, which of all things I dreaded, though by great good luck I escaped it, A friendly correspondence as neighbors had con tinued between me and Miss Read's family, who all had a regard for me frora the time of ray first lodging in their house. I vvas often invited thero and con sulted in their affairs, wherein I soraetimes was of service. I pitied poor Miss Read's unfortunate situa tion, who was generally dejected, seldora cheerful, and avoided corapany. 1 considered ray giddiness and inconstancy when in London as, in a great degree, the 92 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF cause of her unhappiness, though the mother was good enough to think the fault more her own than mine, as she had prevented our marrying before I went thither and persuaded the other raatch in ray absence. Our mutual affection was revived, but there were now- great objections to our union. That match was indeed looked upon as invalid, a preceding wife being said to be living in England, but this could not easily be proved, because of the distance, etc, ; and though there vvas a report of his death, it was not certain. Thon, though it should be true, he had left many debts, which his successor raight be called upon to pay. We ventured, however, over all these ditficulties, and I took hor to wifo September lst, 1780. Nono of tho inconvoniencos happened that wo had apprehended. Sho proved a good and faithful helpmate, assisted rae much by attending to the shop ; we throve together and ever mutually endeavored to make each other happy. Thus I corrected that great erratum as well as I could. About this tirae our club raeeting, not at a tavern, but in a little roora of Mr. Grace's set apart for that pur pose, a proposition vvas made by me that since our books wore often referred to in our disquisitions upon the queries, it raight be oonvoniont to us to have thom all together where we met, that upon occasion they raight be consulted; and by thus clubbing our books in a common library vve should, while we likodtokoep thora together, have each of us the advantage of using the books of all the other raembers, whioh vvould be nearly as beneficial as if eaoh owned the whole. It vvas liked and agreed to, and we filled one end of tho roora with such books as we could best spare. The BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 93 nuraber was not so great as we expected, and though they had been of great use, yet sorae inconveniences occurring for want of due care of thera, the collection, after about a 3'ear, was separated, and each took his books horae again. And now I set on foot ray first project of a public nature — that for a subscription library. I drew up the proposals, got thera put into forra by our great scrivener, Brockden, and by the help of ray friends in the Junto procured fifty subscribers of forty shillings eaoh to begin with and ten shillings a year for fifty years, the term our company was to continue. We afterward obtained a charter, the company being in creased to one hundred. This was the raother of all the North Araerican subscription libraries, now so nuraerous ; it is becorae a great thing itself and con tinually goes on increasing. The libraries have ira proved the general conversation of the Araericans, raade the coraraon tradesraen and farraers as intelligent as raost gentleraen from other countries, and perhaps have contributed in some degree to the stand so generally made throughout the colonies in defense of their privileges. 94 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF CHAPTER^* At the time I established myself in Pennsylvania there vvas not a good bookseller's shop in any of the colonies to the southward of Boston. In New York and Philadelphia the printers vvere indeed stationers, but they sold only paper, almanacs, ballads, and a few coraraon school-books. Those who loved reading were obliged to send for their books frora England ; the raerabers of the Junto had each a few. We had left the ale-house vvhere we first raet and hired a room to hold our club in. I proposed that vve should all of us bring our books to tbat roora, vvhere they would not only be ready to consult in our conferences, but be corae a comraon benefit, each of us being at liberty to borrow such as he wished to read at home. This was accordingly done and for some time contented us. Finding the advantage of this little collection, I pro posed to render the benefit from the books more cora mon by commencing a public subscription library. I drew a sketch of the plan and rules that vvould be necessary, and got a skillful conveyancer, Mr, Charles ? Down to this period the memoir was written in the year 1771, and the task was then laid aside for several years. In tho moan time the manuscript waa shown to several Of the author's friends, who pressed him to complete what he hud begun. lie accord ingly yioUlod to thoir solicitations, and to thu part with whicb this chapter commences he proflxed tho following introductory remarks and also ^h^ two l9tt«rs to which he alludes. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 95 Brockden, to put the whole in forra of articles of agreeraent to be subscribed, by which each subscriber engaged to pay a certain sum down for the first pur chase of the books and an annual contribution for in creasing them. So few were the readers at that time in Philadelphia, and the raajority of us so poor, that I vvas not able, vvith great industry, to find raore than fifty persons, mostly young tradesraen, willing to pay down for this purpose forty shillings each and ten shillings per annura. With this little fund we began. The books were iraported. The library was opened one day in the week for lending thera to subscribers, on their promissory notes to pay double the value if not duly returned. The institution soon raanifested its utility, was iraitated by other towns and in other provinces. The libraries were augraented by dona tions, reading became fashionable, and our people, having no public amuseraents to divert their attention frora study, became better acquainted vvith books, and in a few years vvere observed by strangers to be better instructed and raore intelligent than people in the sarae rank generally are in other countries. When we vvere about to sign the above-raentioned articles, which were to be binding on us, our heirs, etc., for fifty years, Mr. Brockden, the scrivener, said to us: " You are young raen, but it is scarcely possible that any of you will live to see the expiration of the terra fixed in the instriiiuent." A nuraber of us, how ever, are yet living ; but the instruraent was after a few years rendered null by a charter that incorporated and gave perpetuity to the corapany. The objections and reluctances I met with in solicit ing the subscriptions made me soon feel the impropriety 96 AUTOBIOQRAPHT OF of presenting one's self as the proposer of any useful project that raight be supposed to raise one's reputa tion in the sraallest degree above that of one's neigh bors, when one has need of their assistance to accora plish that project. I therefore put rayself as rauch as I could out of sight, and stated it to be a scherae of a number of friends who had requested rae to go about and propose it to such as they thought lovers of read ing. In this way ray affair went on raore sraoothly, and I ever after practiced it on such occasions ; and frora ray frequent successes can heartily recomraend it. The present little sacrifice of your vanity will after ward be araply repaid. If it reraains awhile uncertain to whora the raerit belongs, sorae one more vain than yourself raay be encouraged to claira it, and then even envy will be disposed to do you justice by plucking those assuraed feathers and restoring them to their right owner. This library afforded me the raeans of iraproveraent by constant study, for which I set apart an hour or tvvo each day, and thus repaired in sorae degree the loss of the learned education ray father onoe intended for rae. Reading was the only arauseraent I allowed rayself. I spent no tirae in taverns, garaes, or frolics of any kind ; and my industry in my business continued as indefati gable as it was necessary. I was indebted for my printing-house, I had a young faraily coraing on to be educated, and I had two oorapetitors to contend with for business who vvere established in the place before me. My circumstances, however, grew daily easier. My original habits of frugality continuing, and my father having, among his instructions to rae when a boy, frequently repeated a proverb of Soloraon, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 97 " Seest thou, a man diligent in his caUing, he shall stand hefore kings, he shall not stand hefore mean men," I thence considered industry as a means of obtaining wealth and distinction which encouraged rae — though 1 did not think that I should ever literally stand hefore kings, whjch, however, has since happened ; for 1 have stood before five, and even had ]the honor of sitting down with one, the King of Denmark, to dinner. We have an English proverb that says, " He that vvould thrive raust ask his vvife," It vvas lucky for rae that I had one as rauch disposed to industry and frugality as rayself. She assisted rae cheerfully in ray business, folding and stitching pamphlets, tending shop, purchasing old linen rags for tbe paper-makers, etc. We kept no idle servants, our table was plain and simple, our furniture of the cheapest. For instance, ray breakfast for a long tirae was bread and milk (no tea), and I eat it out of a twopenny earthen porringer with a pewter spoon. But raark how luxuries vvill enter farailies and make a progress in spite of principle °. being called one morning to breakfast, I found it in a china bowl with a spoon of silver 1 They had been bought for rae without ray knowledge by ray wife, and had cost hor the enorraous sura of twenty-three shil lings, for which she had no other excuse or apology to raake but that she thought her husband deserved a silver spoon and china bowl as well as any of his neighbors. This was the first appearance of plate and china in our house, which afterward, in a course of years as our wealth increased, augraented gradually to several hundred pounds in value. I had been religiously educated as a Presbyterian ; bnt though some of the dograas of that persuasion, 98 A UTOBIOQRAPHT OF such as the etemal decrees of God, election, reprobation, e