YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THE WENTWORTH GENEALOGY: EXGLISH AND AMEKICAN. By JOHX WENTWORTH, LL.D., OP CHICAGO, ILL. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOLUME IL BOSTON: LITTLE, BEOWN, AND COMPANY. 18 78. B-v.^ >'^ TRKSS OF ALFRED MUDGE AND SON, BOSTON. THE AMEEIGAN aEN^EALOGY. CONTINUED. FIFTH GENERATION — CoiTTmuED. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL2 WENTWORTH. John* (512), son of Richard* and Rebecca (Nock, now Knox) Wentworth, was of Rochester. N. H., 10 October 1759, when Samuel Richards of that place deeded land to him. He was of Wakefield (then "East-town") , N. H., in 1769, when his son John6 was baptized ; and in 1776, when he signed the pledge to stand by the Revolutionary cause. He became a soldier in the Revolution, was at the battle of Bunker Hill, enlisted in the expedition against Canada, 27 July 1776, and was several times under Washington's immediate command. After the war, he removed to Parsonsfleld, Me., thence with his son JohnS to Brownfield, Me., where he died in October 1806. John^ married, 1st, Hannah, daughter of Jonathan Hodgdon.* In 1773 she was in Newington, N. H., to be under the medical care of Dr. Hall Jackson, of Portsmouth, N. H. The N. H. Ga zette, Portsmouth, 29 October 1773, gives her death by dropsjs as " week before last " ; and states that Dr. Jackson commenced tap ping her 15 May 1773, and gets 126 quarts of water and matter before she died. John^ married, 2d, about 1775, Ann, daughter of Amos Blazo, of Parsonsfield, Me. ; she died in 1807, in Brownfield, Me. John* had, by his first wife : 1440. Abra", born 21 May 1763 ; married at Berwick, Me., 22 July 1793, Jonathan Dow, of China, Me., who was born 26 Sep tember 1762, died 24 June 1849, at China, Me. She died 18 September 1843. They had : * The wife of Jonathan Hodgdon (now sometimes spelled Hodsdon) was killed by the Indians at Rochester, N. H., 1 May 1748. VOI,. II. 1 2 FIFTH GENERATION. 1. John' Dow, born 5 April 1797. 2. Richard'' Dow, born 10 March 1799, died 10 March 1833. 3. Elijah'' Dow, born 2 June 1801, died 2 October 1816. 4. Daniel W.^ Dow, born 18 May 1805, lived on the farm where his father lived and died. 1441. Patience^ born in Rochester, N. H., 1 March 1764 ; died single, 28 January 1853, at the house of her nephew, Daniel W.'' Dow, in China, Me. 1442. Rebecca", born 7 June 1765 ; married, 17 September 1787, Benjamin Reynolds.* He was born 21 July 1765, and died in Vas- salborongh, Me., 27 December 1834. She died there 6 March 1833. They had lived in Rochester, N. H., until 15 October 1798, when they removed to China, Me. They had (besides three who died in infancy) : 1. Lydia' Reynolds, born 15 April 1789 ; married, 23 October 1806, John Jepson, born 24 August 1782, died 22 September 1822 ; she died 3 March 1822. 2. Hannah' Reynolds, born 7 April 1791 ; married William Moody, who died in Vassalborough, Me., where they lived, 30 May 1830. She died August 1839. They had three cliildren. 3. DanieP Reynolds, born 20 June 1793 ; married, 28 Decem ber 1822, Mary Allen, and lived in China, Me. ; he died 24 July 1859 ; had seven children. 4. Benjamin' Reynolds, born 7 May 1796 ; married Sally Webb, and died 5 January 1843, in Chelsea, Mass., where they then lived ; had nine children. 5. Lois' Reynolds, born 11 October 1798 ; married Aaron Brown, who died 7 June 1868; she died February 1869; had four children. 6.' Jonathan D.' Reynolds, born 5 January 1805 ; married, 2 March 1828, Hannah Clark, born 31 August 1806. In 1873 he lUved in Portland, Me. ; had four children. 7. Isaac Randall' Reynolds, born 13 July 1808 ; married, 1st, 19 April 1831, at Vassalborough, Me., Hannah Moody, born in Nobleborough, Me., 4 December 1814, died in Vassalborough, Me., 4 July 1839 ; 2d, in 1850, at Lowell, Mass., Caretha Ken dall ; 3d, 8 December 1858, Mary D. Whitehouse ; she lived in Vassalborough, and died there 4 July 1864. He had five chil dren. * See Reynolds Genealogy. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 3 1443. Richards, born 10 July 1767 ; baptized in Wakefield, by the Dover minister, 13 September 1769 (Dover church records) ; married in Boston ; followed the sea until infirm from age ; in 1836 went from Boston to Vassalborough, Me., where he died, 25 August 1840. It is not known what became of his children, viz. : 1. Mary'. 2. Son'. 1444. MercyS, born 27 August 1769 ; baptized in 1773 ; mar ried in Vassalborough, Me., 6 August 1809, Caleb Cross ; and died there 30 March 1839. 1445. Hannah^, born 23 November 1771 ; baptized in 1773 ; married Otis Goudy, lived in Wakefield, N. H., where he died. His widow moved, with her son Wentworth' G-oudy, to some town in Waldo co.. Me., where she married again. John* had, bj' his second wife : 1446. Johns, ijorn 29 April 1775. [3161] 1447. Daniels, born 1777. [3167] 1448. LydiaS, baptized at Rochester, N. H., 12 November 1789 ; married, in 1808, Samuel Cook, and moved " eastward" soon after. JosiAH* (513) , son of Richard* and Rebecca (Nock) Wentworth, married Abiah, daughter of Abraham and Abigail Cook, of Roches ter, N. H. ; she died before her husband. He was a blacksmith, and died in Milton, N. H. They had : 1449. Rebecca", married, 18 September 1792, Josiah Nute, of Milton, N. H. 1450. Jane", married, 14 November 1796, Daniel Hoyt, of Rochester, N. H. 1451. Josiahs, bom in Rochester, N. H., 24 May 1780. [3174] 1452. Stephens. [3185] 1453. PhebeS, died single about 1825, in Rochester, N. H. 1454. Abigails, married, 7 April 1796, at Rochester, N. H., Stephen Nutter, of Milton, N. H. Isaac* (514), son of Richard* and Rebecca (Nock) Wentworth, born in Rochester, N. H., 29 August 1752 ; was in the Revolution ary army. He inherited the homestead in Rochester. He married, 30 January 1777, Abigail Nutter, of Rochester, N. H., born 30 October 1753, died in 1820. He died in 1807. They had : 1455. Sarahs, born 17 May 1777, died single in Bridgewater, N. H., June 1824. 4 FIFTH GENERATION. 1456. ThomasS, born 7 January 1779. [3188] 1457. Betseys, ^orn 4 June 1780, died single in Rochester, N.H., in 1807. 1458. Temperance", born 16 December 1781 ; married, 4 March 1802, James Mordough, of Wakefield, N. H., and died 2 December 1850, in Portsmouth, N. H. 1459. Daniel" (Rev.), born 16 July 1783. [3194] 1460. Mercy", born 15 April 1785 ; married, 29 March 1804, Col. Isaac Jenness, of Rochester, N. H., and died in 1828. 1461. Richard", born in Rochester, N. H., 14 January 1789. [3205] 1462. Isaac", born 20 February 1793, died young. 1463. Abigail", twin with Isaac", died young. 1464. Rebecca", born 12 November 1794; married Nathaniel Howe, of Rochester, N. H., and survived him. Paul* (518), son of Ezekiel* and Martha (Lord) Wentworth, born in Berwick, Me., about 1737, and lived there. He married, 21 January 1760, Hannah, daughter of Daniel Smith, of Berwick, Me., born 5 May 1738. He died in Berwick, April 1783. His widow married, 2d, at Berwick, 14 January 1785, as his second wife, Aaron Tibbetts,* and died 12 April 1844, at Lebanon, Me., * Aaron Tibbetts married, 1st, Mehepsabah Hussey; 2d, at Berwick, Me., 14 January 1785, Hannah (Smith), widow of Paul^ (518) Wentworth. He died in 1830, aged 88. He had, by his first wife: 1. Henry Tibbetts, married Mary Hasty, of Lebanon, Me., and had: Lydia Tibbetts and Aaron Tibbetts. 2. Daniel Tibbetts, born June 1768; married, 1795, Hannah Abbott, of Ber wick, Me., where he lived and died. They had : 1. Huldah Tibbetts, born 1796 ; married McDuffle, of Rochester, N. H. 2. Esther Tibbetts, married Jacob Slager, of Wolfeborongh, N. H. \ Anna Tibbetts, married John Lord, of Berwick, Me., brother of James Lord who married her sister Lizzie. 4. Lizzie Tibbetts, married James Lord, of Great Falls, N. H., brother of John Lord who married her sister Anna. 5. Isette Tibbetts, married King Downs, of Berwick, Me. 6. Elisha Tibbetts, killed in a saw-mill, at Sacarappa, Me. 7. Wiggins Tibbetts, died single. 8. Dudley Tibbetts, married, 1st, Martha', daughter of William and MaryS (1501) (Wentworth) Guptill, who died, having had one daughter who died aged 15 ; 2d, Olive A. Whitteu, who after his death married George T.6 (2349) Wentworth, whom see. 9. Aaron Tibbetts, married Lucy S. Whitten, sister of Olive A. Whitten who married his brother Dudley Tibbetts. She died 11 January 1870. 10. Daniel Tibbetts, married Martha Downs, of Berwick, Me. 11. James Tibbetts, youngest child. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 5 in the family of her son Benjamin", wanting but twenty-three days of being 106 years of age. The descendants of Paul Wentworth, whose name in the first edition was given among the " Wentworths whose origin is un known," claim that this Paul* had a prior wife. Patience Abbot, and that they separated by mutual consent, she afterwards becom ing the wife of his cousin Nathaniel* (525), whom see. This would make the unknown Paul of the first edition Paul" (1464a), and we insert him, by request of his descendants, at this place. It will be seen that this Paul unknown was born before the marriage of Paul* (518) to Hannah Smith, or of Patience Abbot to Nathan iel* (525) , and that neither afterwards had a son Paul, which gives probability to this claim of his origin. Paul* had : 1464a. Paul", said to have been born in Kittery, Me., of which Berwick once constituted a part. From his age given at his death, he was born in 1758. He married Mary Coffin, 4 February 1782, at the house of Deacon Benjamin Knight, of Berwick, Me. (Dea con Knight had a brother John Knight, who married her sister Sarah Coffin, 9 October 1773. Berwick records mention a Jona than Knight, of Berwick, Me., as " published" to Abiah Coffin, of Conway, N. H., 21 May 1788. Benjamin Knight was a descend ant of Grindall Knight, one of the first settlers of Berwick.) There was a Paul Wentworth, jr. , " published " at Berwick, 7 Feb ruary 1778, to Lydia Coffin. Under the record of the publishment Aaron Tibbetts had, by his second wife (besides son Aaron Tibbetts who died in infancy) : 3. Mehepsabah Tibbetts, bom in Berwick, Me., 31 March 1786; married, 17 June 1807, Joseph Nason, who died 7 January 1843, in Wakefield, N. H., where she now lives with her ^ughter Irena. They had : 1. Eliza Nason, born 1 April 1808; married John Marston, and lived in Parsonsfield, Me. 2. Rufus Nason, bom 6 February 1810; married Dolly Getchell, of New- field, Me., and lived in West Parsonsfield, Me. His son Isaac Nason mar ried, 26 January 1854, Elizabeth' (4262), daughter of PhineasO (2172) Went worth by his first wife. 3. Irena Nason, born 18 August 1813; married (second wife), 5 March 1863, PhineasS (2172) Wentworth, and lived at Wakefield, N. H. 4. Mary Ann Nason, bom 15 April 1823; married Jefferson Merrow, of Bangor, Me., and lived at Portland, Me. 6. Aaron Nason, born 9 July 1825; married Mary Bean, of EfSngham, N. H., and lived at Parsonsfleld, Me. 6. Hannah Nason, bom 22 February 1828; married Daniel D. Clark, and lived at Mystic Bridge, Conn. 7. Ursula Nason, bom 3 March 1832; married James Berry, and lived at Metamora, 111. 6 FIFTH GENERATION. was written, "Forbid by Jonathan Hamilton." No reason was given ; but it may have been because he was not then of age. When Paul's" marriage was recorded, the "jr." was not given. This Lydia Coffin married James Sterling, and lived at Conway, N. H. There was a John Knight, of Berwick, "published" to Mary Coffin, 22 March 1766. But there are no means of knowing whether this is the same one that was married to Paul" Wentworth or not. Paul" enlisted in the Revolutionary war when very young. After the war he moved to Waterborough, Me. Then he moved to that part of Conway, N. H., known as Goshen, where he lived until June 1822, when he moved to East Knox, Me., and there died 4 September 1833, aged 75. He drew a pension for his Revolutionarj' services, until his death, and then his widow drew the pension until her death, which took place at East Knox, Me., 4 September 1842, aged 79 years. They lived with their son Stephen' the lat ter part of their Uves. They had, all born in Conway, N. H., except the first, his birthplace not given : 1. Paul', born 5 August 1787 ; married, 1 January 1806, at Unity, Me., Arabella Rackliflfe, of that place, and died at Knox, Me., 5 June, 1827. She died in Boston, Mass., August 1839. They had : 1. Sumner^, born in Unity, Me., 5 November 1806; married, 30 October 1829, Nancy Sherman, of Thomaston, Me. ; lived in Rockland, Me., and had : 1. Nelson^, born in Thomaston, 15 April 1830. 2. Thomas Augustus^, born in Brooks, Me., 11 February 1832 ; married, 4 January 1858, Mary R. Harrington, of Thomaston, Me. 3. Mary Elizabeths, born in Belfast, Me., 16 May 1834. 4. Matilda^, born in Prospect, Me., 16 May 1836 ; married, 27 February 1859, Alexander B. Riff. 5. Arabella^, born in Thomaston, Me., 17 June 1838 ; married, October 1860, Lewis Childs. 6. John SumnerS, born in Thomaston, Me., 23 June 1841, died 31 August 1857. 7. Sarah Ann^, born in Thomaston, Me. , 29 August 1843 ; married, 12 March 1863, Hiram G. Pillsbury. 8. William B.9, born 1 March 1848. All the surviving children reside in Rockland, Me. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 7 2. PauF, born 5 July 1808 ; married, 9 October 1829, Eliza Snow, of Thomaston, Me., and died a soldier in the Mexican war, leaving : 1. Frederick Gilmore^, born 20 April 1830; mar ried at San Francisco, Cal., in 1856, Charlotte R. Nokes, and resided there, where she died in 1871, childless. 2. Saratf, married Capt. Henr^' Pearson, of Thom aston, Me. At last dates was living at Antwerp, Belgium. 3. Sarah A.^, born 19 September 1810 ; married, May 1833, F. W. A. Rankin, of Melrose, Mass., and had sev eral children. 4. Arabella^, born 29 July 1811 ; married, 7 November 1834, Henry Herrick ; lived at Melrose, and had : 1. Arabella J.9 Herrick, born 1 March 1837. 5. Nelson^, born at Castine, Me., December 1813, died 1 August 1820, at Belfast, Me. 6. Mary Ann^, born at Castine, Me., 27 August 1815 ; married, 22 January 1839, Dwight Hixon. He died 22 July 1853, and his widow now resides, with several chil dren, at Charlestown, Mass. 7. Annabella S.^, born at Belfast, Me., 17 January 1819 ; married, 19 August 1839, Joseph Bigelow ; resided at Melrose, Mass., and had : 1. Addison J.^ Bigelow, born 18 June 1847. 8. Diantha^, born at Belfast, Me., 13 August 1821 ; married, 17 March 1842, Isaac T. Winchester; resided at East Somerville, Mass., and had several children. 9. Stephen^, born at Belfast, Me., died 1 May 1835. 10. Nelson^, bom at Thorndike, Me., in 1823, was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion. 11. LemueF, born at Unity, Me., 20 May 1824, died there 1 August 1825. 2. Patience', born in 1788 ; married Oliver Knights, and were both living at Lovell P. O., Sweden, Me., in 1864. They had : 1. Alpha^ Knights. 2. Noyes^ Knights. 3. Leah^ Knights. 4. Streeter^ Knights. FIFTH GENERATION. 5. Caleb^ Knights. 6. Alberts Knights. 7. MaryS Knights. 8. Stephen^ Knights, who lived in Sweden, Me., at Lovell P. O. 9. SallyS Knights. 3. Stephen', born 1 April 1789; married, 12 April 1827, Nancy Walker, born 29 November 1805. They lived in Bangor, Me., where he died. She was living there in 1871, with her daughter Nancy M.^. They had : 1. Nancy M.^, born 1829 ; married, 31 October 1858, John N. Farnham, born at Jefferson, Me., 5 March 1833. They had : 1. Frederic W^9 Farnham, born 20 May 1861. 2. Martindale^ Farnham. 2. Stephen L.^, born 16 May 1832 ; in 1862 was a sol dier in Co. G, 8th Maine Vols., in the war of the Rebellion. 4. James', born 17 February 1791 ; married, at Conway, N. H., August 1807, Dorothy Palmer, born in Weare, N. H., 21 October 1787 ; he died 14 October 1829, at Conway, N. H. ; his widow and children soon thereafter moved to Knox, Me. She married, 2d, 18 August 1836, Joshua Thompson, and lived in Waldo, Me. James' had : 1. Samuel P.*, born at Conway, 26 October 1809 ; mar ried, 1st, 2 October 1837, Jane R. Nason, born 8 March 1817, died 12 December 1842. He lived at Knox, Me., and married, 2d, 13 October 1844, Mary Ann Pote, born at Castine, Me., 30 March 1809 ; she died 21 Febniary 1859. He had, by his first wife : 1. Cyrena^, born at Knox, Me., 20 September 1839 ; married her father's cousin Edwin^ Wentworth, son of Benjamin' (1464a. 5). ^ 2. Fanny B.9, born 12 August 1846. 3. Juha A.9, born 9 October 1850, died 14 Febru ary 1859. 2. JamesS, born at Conway, N. H., 18 December 1811 ; married, 17 July 1832, Eliza T. Cumal, born at Trenton, N. J., 17 March 1817 ; he lived at Searsport, Me., and died about 1865. They had : 1. Jeremiah C.^, born in Montville, Waldo co., Me., 24 June 1833. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 9 2. Esther A.^, born 10 December 1835. 3. Mary E.9, born 20 September 1837. 4. Dorothy E.9, born 20 June 1840. 5. Albert B.^, born 1 April 1853, died in Havana, Cuba, 11 January 1872. 3. MaryS, born 11 November 1813 ; married, 1st, 17 July 1836, John D. Reed; 2d, 17 February 1846, her cousin Nicholas C* Wentworth, son of John' (1464a. 6), whom see for children. He died 23 September 1861. She lives in Bangor, Me. Mary® had, by her first marriage : 1. Ahnon E.s Eeed, born 19 October 1838, died in 1844. 2. Judith EllenS Reed, bom 27 December 1839 ; married, 26 May 1860, Samuel Emory, jr., and resided at Bangor, Me. 4. Stephen^, born at Conway, N. H., 25 October 1814 ; married, at Oldtown, Penobscot co.. Me., 14 February 1847, Sylvinia C. Whitney. He started for California in 1855, and never has been heard from. His wife married, 2d, in Lincoln, Me., 21 October 1868, Erastus Adams, of that place, and lived there. Stephen* had : 1. Isaac A.9, born in Lincoln, Me., 16 June 1853 ; lived at Sabula, Iowa. 5. Almond*, born at Conway, N. H., 19 May 1817; married, 4 May 1843, his cousin Delinda*, daughter of John' (1464a.6) Wentworth. They had : 1. Juliets, born at Belfast, Me., 30 April 1848; married, in Bangor, Me., 29 September 1867, Leonard G. Freeman, and had : 1. Alice G.io Freeman, born 29 March 1868. 2 . Leonardi" Freeman, born 2 6 December 1870. 2. Ella G.s, born at Belfast, 12 October 1852, died 8 May 1854. 3. Lydia C.s, bom at Belfast, 10 July 1854. 6. Eliza F.*, born at Conway, N. H., 1 April 1821 ; married, 1st, 3 October 1841, Halsey H. Blood, born in Hope, Me., 15 August 1820, died 6 September 1858 ; 2d, 20 April 1862, Thomas Cobb, born at Freeport, Me., 22 March 1810. Eliza F.* had, by her first marriage : 1. Margeanna* Blood, born 4 May 1845. 2. Alexander H.9 Blood, born 22 December 1847. 3. Lorenzo D.^ Blood, born 16 March 1856. 10 FIFTH GENERATION. 7. Lydia*, born at Conway, 6 May 1819, died 20 Sep tember 1822. 8. Abram P.*, born 15 March 1823 ; married, 17 May 1846, Lucinda C; Pendleton, and had : 1. James E.^, bom 14 April 1847. 2. Everett P.9, born 2 January 1849. 3. Wellingtons, born 2 Febraary 1851. 4. Frank H.s, born 14 October 1855. 5. Hattie E.s, born 13 January 1858. 6. PendletonS, born 10 January 1861. 7. Louis CliftonS, born 5 January 1864. 9. Reuel*, born at Conway^ N. H., 15 April 1825; married, 30 April 1856, Nancy P. Ward, and had: 1. JamesS, born 21 June 1857, died in Knox, Me., 25 April 1858. 2. GeorgiannaS, i^orn 29 March 1859. 3. Abbie C.s, born 31 December 1860. 5. Benjamin', bom 19 November 1794 ; married Ruth Early, of Conway, bom 13 March 1799. He was in the war of 1812. He died in Waldo, Me., 18 February 1849. His widow resided at Waldo, Me., at last dates. They had : 1. John*, born 19 November 1817 ; married Mehitabel Gurney, born 7 November 1823 ; lived at Waldo, Me. He died 22 December 1863. They had : 1. FranklinS, born 24 August 1838; married, 24 August 1860, Everhine Hawkins. In 1863 he was in the 19th Maine Vols., war of the Rebellion. 2. Olive J.s, born 25 May 1840 ; married, 5 June 1861, George H. F. Hunt, and lived in LoweU, Mass.- 3. C3'nthiaS, born 28 December 1841 ; married, 27 February 1862, Kingman Blood, and Uved in Waldo, Maine. 4. Sarah G.s, born 15 October 1843. 5. JamesS, born 19 May 1845, died 1 October 1845. 6. Persis A.s, born 3 November 1846. 7. James H.s, born 29 February 1848. 8. Alvira H.s, born 23 February 1850. 9. Lydia A.s, bom 7 September 1853, died 29 April 1862. 10. Adora E.s, bom 9 June 1855. 11. Ada M.9, born 31 March 1857, died 2 May 1862. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 11 12. Mamas L.s, born 5 March 1860. 13. Ada E.9, born 29 January 1862. 2. Williams, born 20 June 1819, died 2 June 1839. 3. Joshua G.*, born 2 August 1821 ; married Emily Bradford, born 5 May 1813 ; live in Waldo, Me., and had : 1. Charles B.9, born 5 August 1847, died 1849. 2. Ruth A.9, bom 4 March 1852. 4. Thomas*, born 8 December 1823 ; married Harriet Coombs, born 1 July 1830 ; in 1863 was in the 7th Maine Vols., war of the Rebellion ; lived in Waldo, Me., and had : 1. Charlotte A.9, born 3 August 1848. 2. WiUiamL.9, born 22 July 1851, died in 1853. 3. Willettas, born 10 June 1855. 4. Harriet E.s, born 7 July 1859. 5. Flora A.s, born 22 August 1860. 5. Sarah E.*, bom 8 March 1825 ; married Israel T. Blether, born 4 December 1826 ; lives in Bangor, Me., and had several children. 6. Louisa*, bora 18 October 1827 ; married, in 1848, her cousin Freeman*, son of Proctor S. and Sophia' (1464a.9) (Wentworth) Walker, born 18 November 1827 ; lived in Hermon, Me., and had several children. 7. Benjamin*, born 10 February 1830 ; married Amanda M. Rand, born 20 May 1835 ; lived in Hennon, Me., and had: 1. Forests, born 1 October 1860. 8. Maiy*, bom 25 May 1832 ; married, 17 June 1852, at Knox, Me., William Twombly ; lived, in 1871, in Bel fast, Me., and had (besides one who died in infancy): 1. Charles HenryS Twombly, born in Belfast, Me., 10 November 1853. 2. Benjamin FranklinS Twombly, born in Waldo, Me., 29 February 1856. 3. Frederick WilliamS Twombly, born in Belfast, Me., 27 August 1860, died in Waldo, Me., 22 March 1863. 4. Ahner WesleyS Twombly, born in Belfast, Me., 20 August 1862. 5. Mary EUenS Twombly, born in Belfast, Me., 21 March 1865. 6. Sarahs Twombly, born in Searsmont, Me., 17 September 1867. 12 FIFTH GENERATION. 9. Martha* (twin to above), married Daniel Page, and had several children ; she died 21 April 1857. 10. Edwin*, bom 2 July 1836 ; married CyrenaS Went worth, daughter of his cousin Samuel P.*, son of James' (1464a.4) Wentworth, born 25 September 1839 ; lived in Waldo, Me., in 1863 ; was in the war of the Rebellion, in the 2d Maine Cavalry. He had : 1. Charles E.s, born 4 March 1861 . 11. Edward* (twin to above), died 5 March 1837. 12. Lewis*, born 25 June 1838, lived at Waldo, Me. 13. Hollis M.*, bom 14 January 1840, lived at Waldo, Me. 14. George W.*, born 8 February 1842, lived at Waldo, Me. 15. Lydia M.*, born 11 June 1844, lived at Belfast, Me. 16. Proctor W.*, bom 4 December 1847, and lived at Waldo, Me. 6. John', born 20 December 1797; married, 18 September 1817, Diantha French, born in Abington, Mass., 27 May 1800. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. They Uved in Bangor, Me. , and had : 1. Nicholas Coffin*, born 13 December 1818. He mar ried, 17 February 1847, his cousin Mary*, daughter of James' (1464a.4) Wentworth, and widow of John D. Reed. He died in Bangor, 23 September 1861 ; his widow now lives there. They had : 1. Lydia A.s, born 6 March 1847, died 4 ApiH following. 2. Oranah E.s, bom 1 June 1848. 3. Eliza A.s, born 6 December 1851. 4. Addison N.s, born 20 November 1857, died 26 December following. 2. Hezekiah*, born 7 June 1821 ; married, 20 October 1844, Louisa Farnham, born in 1827 ; lived in Hermon, Me., and had: 1. OliveS, born 30 August 1845. 2. Almond J.s, born 27 June 1847. 3. Mary E.s, bom 29 June 1849. 4. Helen L.s, born 1 May 1851. 5. Lydia C.s, born 21 April 1853, died 29 April 1854. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 13 6. John W.s, bom 14 February 1855. 7. OtisS, born 9 April 1856, died 29 September 1856. 8. CharlesS, born 1 July 1857, at Belfast, Me. 3. DeUnda*, born 17 March 1823, at Belfast, Me. ; married, 4 May 1843, her cousin Almond* Wentworth, son of James' (1464a.4), whom see for children. 4. Lydia C.*, born 28 May 1825 ; married, 27 April 1845, James N. Carver, and Uved at Searsport, Me., hav ing two children. 5. John*, bom 14 July 1827, died in Mexico, 15 Jan uary 1847, a member of one of the Maine companies under Capt. A. P. Palmer, in the 9th Regiment. 6. Diantha*, born 18 March 1829, died 19 August 1830. 7. Diantha*, born 5 August 1831 ; married, 25 Decem ber 1851, her cousin Freeland A.* Wentworth, son of Hez ekiah' (1468a.8), whom see for children. 8. Daniel*, born 1 July 1833 ; married, 25 December 1857, Mary E. Kenney; was Sergeant in 12th Maine Vols., war of the Rebellion, and died at New Orleans, 25 June 1863. His widow lives at Bangor, Me., having : 1. Daniel F.s, born 23 December 1859. 9. Ezekiel F.*, born 10 April 1835 ; died 21 August 1862, in Virginia, a member of the 2d Maine Vols., war of the RebelUon. 7. Polly', bom 31 January 1798 ; married, in Castine, Me., 15 June 1814, Thomas Tapley, and Uved in Belfast, Me. She died about 1872. They had : 1. Thomas* Tapley, bom at Castine, Me., 13 July 1815, died in Brooksville, Me., 5 December 1817. 2. Eliza* Tapley, born at Brooksville, Me., 25 April 1817 ; married, 9 March 1836, Thomas N. Park, and lived in Monroe, Me. 3. Mary* Tapley, bom at Brooksville, Me., 17 June 1820 ; married, 1st, 4 February 1838, William P. Powers, of Boston, Mass., who died in 1846 ; 2d, 19 September 1850, Joseph McDonald, of Belfast, Me. 4. Sophia* Tapley, born 17 August 1822 ; married, 9 Febraary 1845, H. H. Forbes, of Belfast, Me., and Uved there. 14 FIFTH GENERATION. 8. Hezekiah', born 10 February 1801 ; married, at Belfast, Me., Betsey M. Frost, who was born in Unity, Me. ; she died 23 February 1862, at Belfast, Me., where he lived in 1871. They had : 1. William Jordon*, born 15 August 1821 ; married, 13 June 1855, Adeline Hilt, and had : 1. Ella A.s, born 11 September 1856. 2. Ada F.s, born 17 September 1858. 2. Albion K. P.*, born 11 January 1825; married, 13 November 1851, Margaret S. Hartshorn, and had: 1 . Abby E.s, born 8 September 1853 ; married, 24 December 1871, Charles G. West, both of Belfast, Me. 2. Freeman T.s, born 15 February 1857. 3. Freeland A.*, born 1 April 1828; married, 25 De cember 1851, his cousin Diantha*, daughter of John' (1464a. 6) Wentworth, born 5 August 1831 ; lived in Sears port, Me., and had : 1 . Melnotte F.s, born 10 June 1852. 4. Thomas T.*, born 2 October 1830 ; married, 1 Jan uary 1852, Mary A. Hartshorn, and had : 1. Elizabeth A.s, born 1 May 1854. 2. Albert N.s, born 15 May 1856. 3. WilUam S.s, born 8 May 1858. 4. James H.s, born 19 May 1860. 5. Noyes K.*, bom 2 March 1833. 6. Franklin A.*, born 6 June 1836. 7. Mary Ellen*, bom 22 September 1841 ; married Blodgett, and died December 1869. 8. Sophia W.*, born 2 January 1845. 9. Hezekiah Dana*, born 8 August 1849. 9. Sophia', born in 1803 ; married, in Knox, Me., 12 March 1824, Proctor S. Walker, and Uved at Hermon, Me. ; she died 28 June 1865. They had: 1. Freeman* Walker, born 18 November 1827 ; mar ried, in 1848, his cousin Louisa*, daughter of Benjamin' (1464a.5) Wentworth, and had five chUdren. 2. Benjamin* Walker, born 27 October 1835 ; married, in 1854, and had two children. 10. Freeman', born 21 October 1808 ; married, 22 January 1834, Sally Reed, of Knox, Me., and lived at East Knox, in 1871. They had, aU born in the same house in East Knox, Me. : DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 15 1. Mary C.*, born 18 May 1835 ; married, 5 November 1854, Daniel W. Baker, of Knox, Me., and lived in Liberty, Me. They had : 1. Freeman W.s Baker, born 16 May 1866. 2. Freeman A.*, bom 28 August 1838 ; married, 13 August 1861, Lucy Frye, of Knox, Me. ; lived in East Knox, Me., and had : 1. Huldah E.s, born 13 July 1863. 2. William H.s, born 24 December 1866. 3. John WesleyS, born 24 May 1869. 3. Sarah E.*, born 21 October 1843 ; married, 3 Novem ber 1860, Albert W. Lord, of Montville, Me. ; Uved in East Knox, Me., and had : - 1. Cora M.s Lord, born 9 May 1861. 2. WiUiam A.s Lord, born 30 May 1867. 3. Charles E.s Lord, born 17 February 1869. 4. EUjah R.*, bom 28 June 1847 ; single in 1871. 5. Nancy M.*, born 21 January 1849 ; married Way- land Knowlton, and lived in Liberty, Me. Paul* and Hannah (Smith) Wentworth had : 1465. Benjamin", born 23 November 1762. An old record in the handwriting of the husband of his sister Lydia", makes him the second child and Lydia" to be the eldest. [3211] 1466. John", born 176-. [3221] 1467. George", bom 9 June 1777. This date has been given by his descendants, from old family records, since the publication of first edition ; but they cannot give the order of his birth as regards the other children. [3229] 1468. Daniel", born 16 July 1773. [3232] 1469. Lydia", born at Berwick, Me., 19 September 1760; mar ried at Barrington, N. H., 1782, Ebenezer Bean, born at Epping, N. H., in 1760 ; a record in whose handwriting makes his wife the eldest child, and Benjamin" the second. He died at Berlin, Vt., 26 Febraary 1830, where she died 31 May 1830. They had : 1. Ebenezer' Bean, bora in Pittsfield, N. H., 9 Febraary 1783 ; married Deborah Downs, in Gilmanton, N. H., and died in BerUn, Vt. They had : 1 . Ebenezer* Bean. 2. Jemima* Bean. 3. £)eborah* Bean. 4. John* Bean. 16 FIFTH GENERATION. 5. Benjamin* Bean. 6. Hezekiah* Bean. 2. Wentworth' Bean, born 20 December 1786 ; married in Berlin, Vt., October 1811, Anna Grant; lived there, and had (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Lydia* Bean, born in Berlin, Vt., 17 June 1812; married, in 1829, Nehemiah Culver, lived in Stowe, Vt., and had ten children. ' 2. Hannah* Bean, born 7 February 1814 ; married in Bolton, Vt., in 1832, Alonzo Whitcomb, and died in 1852 ; had two children. 3. Barnard* Bean, born 29 February 1816 ; married in Montpelier, Vt., in 1848, Caroline Gellison. Both died the same day in July 1850 ; had two children. 4. Caira* Bean, born 23 May 1818 ; married in Under bill, Vt., December 1836, Willard Hodgman, and had two children. 5. Francis Avery* Bean, bom 1824 ; went to Manito woc, Wis., married there, and lived there. 6. James* Bean, bom in 1826 ; married Ann Bowman, lived in Reedsborough, Adams co.. Wis., and had one child. 7. CaroUne* Bean, bom in 1828 ; married, 1st, Isaac Story ; he was a soldier in the war of the RebeUion, and died in service in 1864 ; 2d, December 1871, Martin Wood- worth. She had, by her first husband, three children. 8. Juliette* Bean, born in 1830, died in 1848. 3. John' Bean, born 25 December 1784 ; went away when 21 years of age, and was not heard from afterwards. 4. Lydia' Bean, born 7 November 1790 ; married James Ran dall. In 1872 they were living at Centre Harbor, N. H., about two miles from Fogg's Station, and had, all born there : 1. Aaron* Randall. 2. Samuel H.* RandaU. 3. James* RandaU; married in Ellsworth, N. H., June 1833, his mother's cousin Eleanor', daughter of Francis and Hannah" (1470) (Wentworth) Avery ; Uved in Went worth, N. H., and had : 1. EmeUneS RandaU, bora 25 September 1833. 2. Francis A.s RandaU, born 26 August 1837. 3. Sarah l.s RandaU, born 22 July 1842. 4. Esther A.s Randall, born 11 February 1845. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 17 5. Hannah W.s Randall, bora 8 January 1849. 6. Oliver H.s RandaU, born 26 October 1851, died 22 July 1869. 7. Barnards Randall, bom 4 January 1859. 4. SaUy* RandaU. 5. John L.* Randall, married; lived with his parents, and had children . 6. Ann* Randall. 7. Lydia B.* RandaU. 8. Hannah* Randall. 9. Oliver* RandaU. 10. Benjamin* Randall. 5. Aaron' Bean, bora 10 August 1792, died in Bamstead, N. H., 1806. 6. Hannah' Bean, born 10 March 1795 ; married in Barring- ton, N. H., 12 October 1813, John RandaU, of BerUn, Vt. ; lived there, and had (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Sarah* Randall, born at Andover, N. H., 1 January 1815 ; married, 6 February 1849, Carter Kimball, and lived in Warsaw, N. Y. 2. Nancy J.* RandaU, bom 10 October 1820 ; married, 1st, in MontpeUer, Vt., August 1843, Josiah Booth; 2d, in Maiden, Mass., in 1856, Reed P. Parker, and Uved in Chelsea, Mass. 3. Lydia* RandaU, bom in WiUnot, N. H., 20 May 1822 ; married, 27 March 1842, in Montpelier, Vt., William Dodge, and had four children. 4. John* RandaU, bom in Berlin, Vt., 11 October 1824 ; married in LoweU, Mass., in 1847, EUzabeth Rowe ; Uved in Boston, Mass., and had five chUdren. 5. Emily* RandaU, born 24 January 1827 ; married in CentreviUe, N. Y., in 1857, A. D. Baker; Uved in New York city, and had one child. 6. James* RandaU, born 14 June 1836 ; married, in 1857, in MontpeUer, Vt., Nancy Wade, and lived there. 7. Sarah' Bean, born 23 March 1797 ; married in Andover, N. H., 9 August 1812, Benjamin Sleeper, and Uved in Berlin, Vt., where he died 9 May 1848. They had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Lydia* Sleeper, bom in Andover, N. H., 13 May 1813 ; Uved at Berlin, Vt., jingle. VOL. n. — 2 18 FIFTH GENERATION. 2. Marian* Sleeper, born 24 January 1815 ; Uved in Montpelier, Vt., single. 3. Nancj'* Sleeper, born in BerUn, Vt., 14 July 1821 ; lived there single. 4. Maria* Sleeper, born 28 April 1824 ; Uved in BerUn, Vt., single. 5. Deborah* Sleeper, born 25 August 1828, died 23 April 1852. 8. Nancy' Bean, born 2 March 1799 ; married in BerUn, Vt., 15 June 1859, Alfred Blodgett ; is childless. 9. Moses' Bean, born 8 September 1801 ; married at Mont peUer, Vt., Polly Standish; lived in Coventry, N. Y., and had seven children. 10. Oliver' Bean, bora 18 February 1804 ; married in Berlin, Vt., in 1825, Patience', daughter of Francis and Hannah" (1470) (Wentworth) Avery. They lived in Berlin, Vt. , and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Jemima* Bean, born 4 March 1826. . 2. Hannah* Bean, born 2 February 1828. 3. Norman* Bean, born 1 November 1830. 4. Lyman R.* Bean, bom 20 September 1832, died 10 December 1839. ' 6. Ellen B.* Bean, born 12 November 1837. 6. Albert* Bean, born 9 November 1839 ; enUsted in the 2d Vermont Vols., and died at Sandy Hook, Harford CO., Md., 4 October 1864. 7. William R.* Bean, bom 14 January 1841. 8. Sarah A.* Bean, bom 14 August 1843. 9. Dudley M.* Bean, born 11 October 1845. 10. George E.* Bean, bora 20 April 1851. 1470. Hannah", born in Barnstead, N. H., in 1770; married there, in 1791, Francis Averj', bom there 30 September 1773 ; removed to Ellsworth, N. H., where he was one of the first set tlers, and died there 6 July 1860. She died there February 1845. They had : 1. Wentworth' Avery, bora at Bamstead, N. H., in 1794; married, at Ellsworth, N. 11., Judith Hill, and died there 1 Jan uary 1852. She was living there in 1872. They had : 1. Oilman* Avery. 2. Ada* Avery. 3. Louisa* Avery. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 19 4. Daniel* Avery. 5. Sherburne* Avery. 6. Grace* Avery. 7. Jane* Averj-. 8. Maria* Avery. 9. Adeline* Avery. 10. NeweU* Avery. 11. C7u7d*, name not given. 2. Betsey' Avery, born at Bamstead, N, H., in 1796 ; mar ried, at EUsworth, N. H., Stephen WUley; at last dates they were Uving at Plymouth, N. H., and had : 1 . Samuel* Willey. 2. Hannah* WiUey. 3. Francis* Willey. 4. Lucinda* Willey. 5. WiUiam* Willey. 6. Caroline* Willey. 7. Calvin* WUley. 8. Emily* Willey. 9. E&ins* Willey. 10. John* WiUey. 11. Mary* WUley. 3. SaUy' Avery, born at Bamstead, N. H., in 1798 ; married, at Ellsworth, N. H., Jonathan Downing, and died there. They had: 1. PriscUla* Downing. 2. Belinda* Downing. 3. Leah* Downing. 4. Jeremiah* Downing. , 5. Josiah* Downing. 4. Francis' Avery, born at Barnstead, N. H., in 1800 ; mar ried, at Ellsworth, N. H., 1820, Abigail Crosby, and died at Thornton, N. H., July 1827. They had : 1 . Paul* Avery. 2. Oliye* Avery. 3. Francis* Avery. 5. Hannah' Avery, born at Barnstead, N. H., in 1802 ; mar ried, at Ellsworth, N. H., about 1830, Benjamin Palmer; lived in Ellsworth, N. H., and had: 1. Exa Ann* Palmer. 2. Christopher* Palmer. 20 FIFTH GENERATION. 3. Mary Ann* Palmer. 4. Charles* Palmer. 5. Hanjiah* Palmer. 6. Israel' Avery, born in Ellsworth, N. H., 14 April 1803 ; married, 25 April 1823, Mary Brown, of that place; lived in Northfield, Vt. , and had : 1. Agnes B.* Avery, born 26 August 1824; married, 19 March 1848, John Willey, of Sharon, Vt., and had (besides three who died in infancy): 1. Maiy E.s Wffley, born 2 August 1853. 2. Lewis Wentworth* Avery, born 29 August 1827 ; married, 26 January 1854, Lydia A. Briggs, of Northfield, Vt., and had (besides one who died in infancy): 1. Ida JaneS Avery, bom 10 November 1854. 2. George O.s Avery, born 4 May 1860. 3. Frank L.s Avery, born June 1870. 3. Asa E.* Avery, born 28 April 1829 ; married, 27 March 1853, Maria Avery, of Strafford, Vt., and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Lucy S.s Avery, born 1 April 1854. 2. ArvillaS Avery, born 1 July 1856. 3. Lucia A.s Avery, born 26 July 1860. 4. Ella R.s Avery, bom 3 May 1862. 5. Isabels Avery, born 7 May 1864. 6. May J.s Avery, bom 27 March 1866. 7. Sidneys Avery, born 12 May 1868. 4. Sarah E.* Avery, bom 30 March 1835 ; married, 14 October 1857, Andrew J. Moulton, and had (besides one who died young) : 1. Mary E.s Moulton, born 14 October 1858. 2. Agnes J.s Moulton, born 4 April 1860. 3. Freddie A.s Moulton, born 10 April 1869. 5. Tryphena V.* Avery, born 28 September 1837, died 28 July 1850. 6. Sidney B.* Avery, born 26 June 1839, died 14 August 1850. 7. Harriet J.* Avery, born 8 March 1841, died 24 July 1850. 8. Mary Jerusha* Avery, bom 13 January 1844. 7. Patience' Avery, bora 16 July 1806 ; married, in Berlin, Vt., in 1825, her cousin Oliver' Bean, son of Ebenezer and Lydia" (1469) (Wentworth) Bean, whom see for children. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 21 8. Aaron' Avery, born in EUsworth, N. H., in 1808 ; married there Fanny Jacobs ; lived there, and had : 1. George* Avery, accidentally shot at Thornton, N. H. 2. Abigail* Avery. 3. Sarah Ann* Avery. 4. MeUssa* Avery. 5. Orin* Avery. 6. Jane* Avery. 7. Ellen* Avery. 8. Frank* Avery. 9. Eleanor' Avery, born at EUsworth, N. H., in 1810 ; mar ried there, June 1833, James* RandaU, son of her cousin Lydia', daughter of Ebenezer and Lj-dia" (1469) (Wentworth) Bean, whom see for children. They Uved in Wentworth, N. H. 10. Lavinia' Avery, born 25 May 1813; married, at Ells worth, N. H., 15 November 1832, Nicholas Jacobs, born 29 March 1813 ; Uved m Sharon, Vt., and had : 1. Darius* Jacobs, born 19 December 1833 ; married, 14 March 1858, Cynthia Briggs. 2. Daniel W.* Jacobs, born 24 May 1839 ; married, in 1860, EUen Cory, and died 20 July 1865. 3. Mary E.* Jacobs, born 9 May 1846 ; married, 7 Sep tember 1865, Alonzo Packard. 1471. Patience", married Joshua Grant (brother of Capt. Nath aniel Grant who married Mercy* Ricker, daughter of Moses* Ricker and granddaughter of Sarah^ (29a) (Wentworth) Ricker) . He was a wood-coaster, and was drowned, with others, off Portsmouth, N. H., about 1820. His widow died a few years afterwards, at Portsmouth, N. H. They had (order of birth not certain, and the five first named bom in Berwick, Me.): 1. Daniel' Grant, died in Portsmouth, N. H., in 1812. 2. Joshua' Grant, supposed to have died in California. It is not known that he ever married. 3. Betsey' Grant, died in Ossipee, N. H. 4. Hannah' Grant, married James Blake, and died in Wal- tham, Mass. 5. AbigaU Ann' Grant, died in Somersworth, N. H. 6. Wentworth' Grant, born 8 February 1812 ; married Lo- vina Gates, of Newington, N. H., and lives in North Sandwich, N. H. He had (besides one who died young) : 1. Daniel B.* Grant, born 18 September 1833 ; is mar ried. 22 FIFTH GENERATION. 2. Martha Jane* Grant, born 13 October 1835 ; mar ried Joseph Clifford, and lives, a widow, with her father. 3. Lydia Frances* Grant, bom 20 March 1837, died single. 4. Mary L.* Grant, born 27 May 1839 ; married Alvin Williams, and died 7 September 1860. 5. Susan E.* Grant, born 3 November 1843; married Stephen Bennett, and died 4 July 1867. 6. AmeUa Annette* Grant, born 4 November 1844, died single 24 April 1861. 7. Aristus Wentworth* Grant, born 29 February 1847 ; is single. 8. EUza Emily* Grant, born 3 April 1849, died single, about 1870. 9. Henry FrankUn* Grant, bom 1 October 1851 ; mar ried Huldah Abbott. 10. George Ambrose Martin* Grant, born 30 January 1854 ; married Clarissa Headle. 7. Lj'dia Frances' Grant, born in Ossipee, N. H., 5 April 1814 ; married, 1 March 1838, Henry Mclntire, of Danvers, Mass. She died in Lynn, Mass., 5 September 1849, and he married, 2d, her sister Martha Ann' Grant. Lydia Fran ces' had : 1. Charles Henry* Mclntire, born in Boston, Mass., 10 September 1839 ; married, 29 March 1864, Susan Maria Williams, of Lynn, Mass., and Uves there. He was a soldier in the war of the RebeUion. 2. George Rains* Mclntire, born in Boston, Mass., 22 November 1845 ; married, January 1873, Ellen L. Stack- pole, of East Lebanon, Me., and Uves in Lynn, Mass. He served three years in the war of the Rebellion. 3. Lydia Frances* Mclntire, born and died an infant, 23 September 1846. 4. Lydia Frances* Mclntire, born in Lynn, Mass. , 5 Sep tember 1849 ; Uves single, with her father, at Lynn, Mass. 5. Frances Lydia* Mclntire, twin with Lydia F.*, died soon after birth. 8. Martha Ann' Grant, born in Ossipee, N. H., 17 May 1816 ; married (second wife), 21 January 1853, Henry Mclntire, whose first wife was her sister Lydia Frances'. She is childless. They live in Lynn, Mass. 1472. MarthaS, married, 14 October 1784, David Page, of South DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 23 Hampton, N. H. ; 2d, Asa Fuller, who died at Starksborough, Vt., where she also died. She had, by her first husband, sis children, of whom were : 1. Isaiah' Page, lived at Colchester, Vt. 2. Hannah' Page, married William Brown, and lived in Starks borough, Vt. 3. Sally' Page, married Brown, brother of William Brown who married her sister Hannah'. 1473. Mercy", born in 1781 ; married, 20 November 1797, Eph- raim Hanson, at Lebanon, Me. He died at Great FaUs, N. H., in 1825. She died in 1861, at the residence of her daughter Irene' (Hanson) Hammond, in Tamworth, N. H. They had : 1 . John' Hanson, bom in 1800 ; is dead. 2. Gershom' Hanson, bom in 1802 ; is dead. 3. Jeremiah' Hanson, born in 1804 ; married Mary Br3'ant, of Effingham, N. H. ; both are dead. 4. Paul' Hanson, born in 1806 ; is dead. 5. Stacey' Hanson, born 11 May 1808 ; married, 1st, in Ossipee, N. H., September 1827, Jane Abbott, who died in 1837 ; 2d, in 1838, AdeUne Wood. They lived near Duncan's Lake, Ossipee, N. H., where he died in 1873. He had, by his fitrst wife : 1. Mary* Hanson, born 5 May 1828; married, and lived in Pennsylvania. 2. Ephraim* Hanson, born 10 August 1830 ; married, and Uved in Pennsylvania. 3. Hannah* Hanson, bora 31 January 1832 ; mamed, and lived in Pennsylvania. 4. Irene* Hanson, born 17 July 1834 ; married, and Uved in Lynn, Mass. Stacey' Hanson had, by his second wife : 5. AdeUne* Hanson, bora 9 December 1843, is single. 6. John* Hanson, born 1 April 1845 ; married, in Ossi pee, N. H., 18 November 1869, Lydia C. Peavey ; lived two miles from Ossipee Comer, and one mile from Dun can's Lake. 7. Jeremiah* Hanson, bom 23 November 1847, is single. 8. BeUnda* Hanson, born 30 June 1850; married, 4 July 1870, Joseph B. Lewis. 9. George* Hanson, born 11 April 1857, is single. 6. Mercy' Hanson, born in 1810 ; Uved at Marlborough, Mass., single. 24 FIFTH GENERATION. ' 7. Betsey' Hanson, born in 1812 ; married David Hammond, of Ossipee, N. H. ; both are dead. 8. Daniel' Hanson, born in 1814 ; is dead. 9. Apphia' Hanson, born in 1816 ; married Isaac BusweU, of Ossipee, N. H. He is dead ; she lived at Haverhill, Mass. 10. Irene' Hanson, born in 1818; married, 18 March 1841, Phineas Hammond, of Ossipee, N. H., and lived there, or at Tamworth. Noah* (519), son of Ezekiel* and. Martha (Lord) Wentworth, born in Berwick, Me., about 1740; married Judith, daughter of Samuel Wooster and cousin to Molly Wooster (daughter of Lem uel) , the third wife of his brother Ezekiel*. Noah* took the place of his brother Ezekiel* in the Revolutionary army ; was taken sick and died in service in 1776, at Cambridge, Mass. His widow died at Belgrade, Me., about 1831. They had : 1474. Ichabod", born March 1774. [3243] 1475. Mercy", married, 22 April 1790, in Lebanon, Me., Capt. Moses Pierce. 1476. Betsey", married, 21 May 1789, John Goodridge (the name is sometimes written in the old records, " Guttridge," but is the same as " Goodrich"), of Berwick, Me. They had (all .dead at last dates but Betsey' and Samuel') : 1. John' Goodridge. 2. Isaac' Goodridge. 3. Betsey' Goodridge. 4. Sarah' Goodridge. 5. Samuel' Goodridge. 6. Lydia' Goodridge. 7. Asa' Goodridge. 1477. Sarah", married, 19 October 1792, Jeremiah Goodridge, of Berwick, Me. 1478. Noah", married, 1st, 17 July 1803, Lydia WiUey, of Shapleigh, Me., who died at Mount Vernon, Me., about 1846 ; 2d, Lydia BlaisdeU, of Rome, Me., who died about 1851. He Uved at Rome, Me., at last dates, childless. Samcel* (520), son of Ezekiel* and Martha (Lord) Wentworth, born in Berwick, Me., 19 February 1742 ; married, 23 October 1766, Lydia GoweU. He died 19 May 1798. His widow married, 2d, 4 July 1805, Lemuel Wooster. She Uved with her daughter Sarah", at Albion, Me., and died there in 1843, aged 96. They had: DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 25 1479. DorcasS, married, 25 February 1790, John FaU, of Ber wick, Me., and died there. He married, 2d, 23 July 1800, her sister Sarah", and died in Albion, Me., in 1842. DorcasS had : 1. Tristram' FaU, married PoUy Hurd, of Berwick, Me., and lived at Albion, Me. 2. Lydia' FaU, married Andrew Abbot, brother of Benjamin Abbot who married her sister Mary'. She died October 1845. He was U^-ing at Berwick, Me., at last dates. 3. Samuel' FaU, married Keziah Berry, and died 5 April 1855. 4. Mary' FaU, married Benjamin Abbot, brother of Andrew Abbot who married her sister Lydia'. Mary' had eight chUdren, of whom : 1. Sarah F.* Abbot, married, 1st, her mother's cousin Lyman' (3280) Wentworth, who died 17 February 1860, childless ; 2d, Albert Hasey ; Uved in Albion, Me. , and had one child. 2. Mary J.* Abbot, married Greenleaf William Stack- pole, of Boston, Mass. 1480. Eunices, born 12 November 1768 ; married, 28 February 1793, at Farmington, N. H., Peter Home, of Rochester, N. H. (See note to Thomas* (766) Wentworth.) They Uved at Chestnut HiUs, Farmington, N. H., and had: 1. PoUy' Home, born 15 September 1794. 2. Lydia D.' Home, bom 26 April 1796. 3. Parker W.' Home, bom 25 April 1798 ; married, at East KendaU, N. Y., 24 March 1870, SybU' (3266) (Wentworth), widow of James B. Noyes, whom see. They Uved in Farming- ton, N. H. 4. Dorcas' Home, bom 15 July 1800. 5. Moses' Home, born 12 December 1804. 6. Peter J.' Home, bom 2 December 1809. 1481. Joanna", married, 27 December 1792, Ephraim Twombly, of Rochester, N. H., and died at Berwick, Me. They had two sons. 1482. Parker", bom April 1773. [3249] 1483. Sarahs, married, 23 July 1800, as his second wife, John FaU, whose first wife was her sister Dorcas". They had : 1. Dorcas' FaU, died single. 2. Martha' Fall, married Daniel Ford, and lived in China, Me. 3. John' FaU, married Ruth Libby. 4. Parker' Fall, bom December 1807 ; married Dorothy Stewart ; had nine chUdren, eight of whom are now Uving ; and lived in Charlestown, Mass. 26 FIFTH GENERATION. 5. Joshua' FaU, twin with Parker', died single. 6. Wentworth' Fall, married Mary Washburn, and Uved in Holton, Me. 7. Otis' Fall, married Julia Baker, had five children, and lived on the homestead at Albion, Me. 8. Timothy' FaU, twin with Otis', died single. 9. D&vid' Fall, married, 1st, Martha Taylor; 2d, CaroUne Rackliff, and lived in Albion, Me. 10. Andrew' Fall, died single. 11. EU' Fall, married, 1st, Abigail Crosby, who died 18 April 1852 ; 2d, Mary Ewer. 12. Harriet' Fall, married Moses 0. StUes, had three children, and lived in Amesbury, Mass. 1484. Samuel", died aged eight years. 1485. Paul", born 9 June 1780. [3254] 1486. Samuel", died at sea. 1487. Andrew" (tenth child), born at Berwick, Me., 31 August 1789. [3265] 1488. Timothy" (ninth child), born 12 January 1786. [3276] 1489. David", born 17 October 1790. [3285] 1490. Ezekiel". [3291] Ezekiel* (521), son of Ezekiel* and Martha (Lord) Wentworth, born in 1743 ; lived in Berwick, Me. He married, 1st, 4 October 1770, Betsey Pike, who died in 1795, leaving eleven children ; 2d, 20 December 1795, Patience Pike, who died without issue, 27 Octo ber 1808 ; 3d, 15 July 1809, Molly, daughter of Lemuel Wooster, and cousin to Judith (daughter of Samuel Wooster) , wife of Eze- kiel's* brother Noah*. Ezekiel* died in Berwick, Me., 6 May 1811, aged 68 years ; his third wife survived him without issue. He had, all by his first wife : 1491. Betsey", bom 1771 ; married, 10 November 1791, William Keays, of Berwick, Me. ; lived in Corinth, Me. Of their children were (one daughter marrying Jonathan Bean, of Tuftonborough, N. H.): 1. Sally' Keays. 2. Betsey' Keays. 3. Catherine' Keays. 4. Lydia' Keays. 5. Ezekiel' Keays. 6. Lewis B.' Keays, married, 30 December 1831, Hannah" Knox, daughter of Rachel* (838) (Wentworth) Knox, and had: DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 27 1. Lucy Ann* Keays, born 13 January 1834 ; married, January 1861, Aaron HiU, of Newfield, Me. ; is childless. 2. Hannah Esther* Keays, bom in Saco, Me., 10 May 1836 ; married, 19 October'l854, Allen Maxfield, of Bidde- ford. Me. 3. Lewis G.* Keays, bora in Saco, Me., 23 May 1844 ; married Minnie Hollis, and Uves in Charlestown,' Mass. 1492. Experience", bom 1773; married, 1st, 1 March 1792, WilUam Lord, of Berwick ; and, 2d, prior to the date of her father's Will (which was 7 November 1810) , Hayes. She died at Bel grade, Me., leaving two sons; also a daughter Polly' Hayes, who married Cyrus Allen, and Uved in Vienna, Me. 1493. Susanna", bora 18 July 1775 ; married, 29 November 1 795, in Berwick, Me., Nathaniel" (1521) Wentworth, whom see for children. She died at Belgrade, Me., 6 September 1852. 1494. Noah", born 1777. [3292] 1495. TobiasS, born 1779. [3304] 1496. Jonathan", born in 1781, died in infancy. 1497. Marks, born 14 February 1783. [3306] 1498. John", born 9 October 1785. He Uved near Effingham FaUs, N. H., and was deacon of the 3d Free WiU Baptist church there. He married Sarah* (898), daughter of Nicholas* (323) Wentworth, of Conway, N. H. She was born 5 August 1796. He died at Effingham, childless, 1 January 1856. His widow married, 9 March 1857, Rev. Enos G. Page, a Methodist clergyman, and Uved on the old homestead. 1499. Sarah", born 1789 ; married, 6 October 1806, Peter Downs, of Shapleigh, Me. She died in 1813 ; her two children died before her. 1500. Ivory", born 23 January 1789. [3314] 1501. MaryS, bora 12 October 1790 ; man-ied, 24 January 1811, WilUam GuptiU, of Berwick, Me., where she lived. He died 19 November 1833, and she married, 2d, 30 September 1837, Eleazer Fish, and died in Berwick, 24 August 1855. Mary" had : 1. Sarah' GuptiU, born 11 November 1811, died, aged 9 years. 2. Ezekiel' GuptiU, bora 7 September 1813, died, aged 14 years. 3. Moses' GuptiU, bora 27 June 1815 ; married and had four children. The whole family are dead. 4. Martha' Guptill, born May 1820 ; married, 11 November 28 FIFTH GENERATION. 1841, Dudley Tibbetts. (See note to Paul* (518) Wentworth.) She died 28 October 1846, and he married, 2d, OUve A. Whit ten, and died 17 June 1855. She married, 2d, 15 July 1858, George T." (2349) Wentworth, of Dover, N. H. Dudley and Martha' (GuptiU) Tibbetts had : 1. Harriet* Tibbetts, married George S. Tibbetts, son of. Lewis and Hannah (Roberts) Tibbetts, of Berwick, Me., and died in about eight months thereafter, aged 15 years. 5. Sarah' GuptiU, born 30 October 1827 ; married, 23 April 1848, Bartholomew T." (2372) Wentworth, whom see. 1502. Hiram", born 6 April 1793. [3324] Martha* (522), daughter of Thomas* and Mary (Nock) Went worth, born 17 January 1738 ; was named for her grandmother Martha (MiUer) , wife of John^ (31) . She married Ebenezer Han son, and Uved in Berwick, Me. They had : 1503. Patience" Hanson, married Josiah Clark. [3332] 1504. Peter" Hanson, married, 1st, 28 August 1794, his cousin Abigail" (1533) , daughter of Jedediah* Wentworth, who died child less, 2 May 1795 ; 2d, Hannah Tibbets, and had four daughters, of whom Betsey' Hanson was eldest, and one daughter' married Whittier. After the death of Peter" in Berwick, in 1808, his widow married Aaron Downs. 1505. Abigail" Hanson, mamed Samuel Clark ; lived in Wolfe- borough, N. H., and had children. MosES* (523), son of Thomas* and Mary (Nock) Wentworth, born 8 November 1740; married, 1st, about 1761, Judith Grant, who died July 1782 ; 2d, February 1783, Elizabeth, daughter of Capt. Swett, of Wellfleet, Mass., and widow of Simeon Smith, of Orrington, Me. She died November 1823 ; he died 27 March 1812. He removed from Somersworth, N. H., to the Penobscot River, and was the first settler of Orrington, Me. (about eight miles from Bangor) . He took up four hundred and fifty acres of land, for which he afterwards obtained a deed, and erected a grist-mill and' a saw-mill on what is called Mill Creek, South Orrington. Me. Town records of Orrington, Me., show that he took up his land in that town in 1772. He was a soldier in the French and Indian wars, and he spoke of seeing Washington when a colonel. In 1758 he and his father were DESCENDANTS OP EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 29 in the same expedition against Canada. He was in the battle of Ticonderoga. He served also in active campaigns in the Revolu tionary war. The descendants of Moses*, up to 1 April 1852, numbered three hundred and six. He had, by his first wife : 1506. WilUam", born 19 May 1763. [3342] 1507. Thomas", born probably next after WiUiam". In the old manuscript record of "Master Tate,"* schoolmaster in Somers worth, N. H. , is thefoUowing : ' ' May, 1 770. Thomas Wentworth, son of Moses, lost in the woods at Tufton Town ; lived seventeen days on berries before found." " May 22, 1771 . Thomas Went worth, son of Moses of Somersworth, was drowned in Salmon Falls River, between the Bridge and the MiU, the same boy that was lost in the woods." 1508. Grant", born 8 September 1768. [3349] 1509. Joshua", bom in Somersworth, N. H., 10 June 1770 [3350] 1510. Mary", born in Orrington, Me., 18 December 1774 ; mar ried Capt. Jonathan Barnes. [3368] 1511. Moses", bom 7 January 1776. [3364] 1512. Judith Grant", born 17 February 1777; married Samuel Veazie. [3376] 1513. Ephraim" (ninth child), born 19 July 1781. [3380] 1514. Jeremiah" (eighth chUd), born 18 October 1779 ; went to sea when quite young ; lived in Honduras, single, when he was last heard from, and is supposed to have been dead many years. Moses* had, by his second wife : 1515. EUzabeth" (eleventh chUd), born 3 November 1785 ; mar ried Amariah Rogers. [3387] 1516. SaUyS (twelfth child), born 14 September 1787; married Reuben Freeman. [3393] 1517. John" (tenth child), bom 11 November 1783. [3396] NATHAinEL* (525), son of Thomas* and Mary (Nock) Went worth, born in 1743 ; was residing in Middleton, N. H., 7 Septem ber 1770, when his house was burned. He was a soldier of the Revolution, being at the battle of Bunker Hill ; was a sergeant in 1775, and Ueutenant under Gen. Stark in 1777. He married, 1st, Patience Abbot, of Middleton, N. H. (see Paul* (518) Wentworth) , who died there January 1776. He married, 2d, 7 October 1777, * For "Tate," see note to John B.8 (1587). 30 FIFTH GENERATION. Sarah (Scates) , widow of Thomas Nock, of Berwick, Me. (Nock had Uved about a year after marriage.) (See "Nock" or "Knox" note to EzekieP (57) Wentworth.) Nathaniel* died at Middleton, March 1788. His widow married, 3d, 21 June 1798, Deacon Samuel Copp, of Lebanon, Me. Nathaniel* had, by his first wife : 1518. Moses", bom in Somersworth, N. H., 6 April 1766. [3405] 1519. Mary", born in Somersworth, N. H., 10 April 1768 ; mar ried, at Rochester, N. H., 30 November 1786, Ephraim Home, of Lebanon, Me., and Uved in Lebanon. The marriage was recorded 4is " both of Somersworth, N. H." 1520. Patience", bom in Middleton, N. H., in 1773 ; married, 1st, 19 September 1793, Daniel" (1468) Wentworth, whom see for children. He died in Campton, N. H., 22 February 1817. She married, 2d, Gideon HiU, of EUsworth, N. H. ; survived him, and died at Ellsworth, N. H., 24 Febniary 1857. 1521. Nathaniel", bom 20 May 1774. [3413] Nathaniel* had, by his second wife : 1522. Lydia", born in Middleton, N. H. ; married, 3 June 1801, Joseph Copp, and moved to one of the Western States about 1804. Richard* (526), son of Thomas* and Mary (Nock) Wentworth, born in Berwick, Me., in 1746 ; married Joanna Clark. He was a soldier of the Revolution, and a pensioner. Congress voted him $200 for his gallantry in kilUng an Indian chief one night on duty.* He died in Lebanon, Me., 15 June 1835, and was buried in the bury ing ground of his brother Caleb*. His wife received the pension after him. She died at Lebanon, Me., 28 July 1838, aged 86. They had : 1523. Stephen", born in Berwick, Me., in 1767. [3426] 1524. Richard", born in the autumn of 1769. [3437] 1525. Joanna", born 16 June 1779, one account says ; another account says 1772, and was the third child. She married Went worth Lord. [3448] * The family tradition respecting this action is as follows : Each sentry, for many nights in succession, had been killed. Richards volunteered one night to take the place of a comrade detailed for that duty, who was much affected in the belief that he should share the fate of his predecessors. Richard placed his clothes upon n, post, and hid himself in bushes where he could see who fired. Eventually he saw a bush moving slowly, and watching carefully, thought he saw an enemy behind it. Waiting till he was satisfied of the fact, he fired. The shot was fatal, and it was found to have slain a noted Indian chief. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 31 1526. Nathan", born 1774. [3455] 1527. Marj^", born 1776 ; died, aged 21 years. 1528. Ruth", bora 12 May 1778 ; married, 15 November 1807, Paul" (1485) Wentworth. [3254] 1529. ThomasS, bom in Berwick, Me., 13 June 1782. [3465] 1530. Caleb", born 1784. He enUsted, when seventeen years of age, from Maine, for one year, as a drummer in the army ; re- enUsted for the war, and was in the battle of Plattsburg, N. Y., in 1814 ; was in that vicinity until he was discharged June 1815, hav ing served in all two years and two months. Before his discharge he married (after December 1814) Clarissa CoUins, born near Platts burg, 12 July 1796. They moved to North Hero, Grand Isle co., Vt., and in 1828 to TitusviUe, in Malone, Franklin co., N. Y. He was a carpenter, and was killed by the faU of some timber, 27 Sep tember 1832. His widow died in Oberlin, O., 18 February 1860. They had, the first five bom in North Hero, Vt., the others in Malone, N. Y. : 1. Rumina', bom 18 May 1816, died in Malone, 14 Septem ber 1832. 2. Nathaniel', born 28 June 1818 ; married in Malone, N. Y., 3 April 1867, Sarah E. (Cushman) Pierce, widow of Edward B. Pierce, a soldier in the war of the Rebellion, who died at Beau fort, S. C, leaving Robert Nathaniel Pierce, born 12 September 1859. Nathaniel' lived at Ashland, Ohio, and had : 1. Maude*, born in Canfield, O., 23 March 1868. 2. WiUiam Jerome*, born in Ashland, O., 5 June 1871. 3. John Cushman*, twin with William J.* 3. Joanna', born 25 April 1821 ; married Joseph Moodjr, and died in New York city, 15 AprU 1857, childless. 4. Sarah L.', born 6 November 1823 ; married, 19 May 1841, Richard Dorsey, born 20 April 1819 ; he died 1 September 1853. They Uved in OberUn, O., and had : 1. Agnes M.* Dorsey, born 3 September 1846 ; mar ried, 3 September 1868, E. H. Thurston. 2. Eugene W.* Dorsey, born 28 June 1848 ; married, 28 Febraary 1872, Eva J. Rainey. 3. Seymour* Dorsey, bom 22 September 1849, died 31 August 1871. 4. Frederick E.* Dorsey, bom 4 July 1852. 5. Emeline', born 12 July 1827 ; inamed in Ohio, 9 Novem ber 1855, Hosea Wilder, who died in Ohio, 15 September 1866. At last dates she was living in Malone, N. Y., childless. 32 FIFTH GENERATION. 6. RusseU C, born 18 AprU 1830; married, 2 November 1853, Matilda Johnson, born in Malone, N. Y., 14 December 1835 ; lived there, and had : 1. Walter White*, born 28 February 1855. 2. Florence IsteUa*, bom 5 June 1857. 7. Henry Jerome', born 23 October 1832; married, 22 November 1854, Almira Willcox, bom in Malone, 16 January 1837. He was accidentally shot, 9 August 1868, within a mUe and a half of the spot where his father was killed, and died 18 August 1868, at Malone. His family at last dates was Uving at Malone, N. Y. He had : 1. Lola*, born 1 January 1857. 2. Clara*, bom 22 July 1861. 3. Charles*, bom 12 May 1865. 4. Morgan G.*, bom 14 February 1869. 1531. Clark", born 4 April 1792. [3480] 1532. Charles", bom 3 August 1795. [3488] Jedediah* (527), son of Thomas* and Mary (Nock) Wentworth, born in 1748; married, 1st, 8 September 1771, Eunice Clarke, of Berwick, Me^ At that time he was " of Berwick, Me." He mar ried, 2d, 20 February 1794, Shore (or Shorey) Hodsdon, who died at Lebanon, Me., 21 August 1847. He died 7 October 1821. He had (order of birth is doubtful) , by his first wife : 1533. Abigail", married, 28 August 1794, her cousin Peter" (1504) Hanson, whom see. She died 2 May 1795, childless. 1534. Mercy", married at Rochester, N. H., 1 May 1803, Enoch Hoyt, son of Enoch and Betsey (Coleman) Hoyt. He was brother of John Hoyt, whose daughter Abby S. Hoj-t married Samuel" (1930) Wentworth. They lived in Rochester, N. H., and had : 1 . Hiram' Hoyt, born in Rochester, N. H. , 9 November 1804 ; married Adeline Perkins, and had : 1. Nathaniel* Hoyt ; and others. 2. Levi' Hoyt, born in Rochester, N. H., 11 August 1806; married Margaret Lord, of Berwick, Me. , and had : 1. Levi F.* Hoyt, born 2 February 1839 ; married Mercy Freeman, and had three children. 2. Mercy E.* Hoyt, born in 1842 ; married Ezra M. Goodwin. 3. Margaret Ann* Hoyt, bom 15 March 1844, died 20 October 1857. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 33 4. David F.* Hoyt, born 10 December 1846, died Jan uary 1848. 5. Elmer* Hoyt, born March 1848, died April 1865. 6. Charles* Hoyt, born September 1851, died Novem ber 1863. 3. Mary Ann' Hoyt, bora August 1808; married Charies Dearborn, lived at Centre Harbor, N. H., and had: 1. Charles H.* Dearborn. 2. Harriet* Dearborn. 4. Jeremiah' Hoyt, bom December 1810 ; married Jane Clark, and had : 1. George* Hoyt. 2. Mary Jane* Hoyt. 5. Eunice' Hoyt, born August 1812, died May 1852. 6. Hai-riet' Hoyt, born December 1814, died September 1857. 7. Nathaniel' Hoyt, born April 1816, died August 1839. 1535. PoUyS, Uved in Lebanon, Me., where she died 19 Decem ber 1867, single. 1536. James",borninBerwick, Me., 10 February 1779. [3497] 1537. Jedediah". [3507] 1538. John", born 11 March 1783. [3511] 1539. Eunice", married. May 1816, as his second wife, Samuel Shapleigh.* She died 6 Febraary 1843. They had : 1. David Legro' Shapleigh, born 5 March 1817, died 5 Sep tember 1826. * Shapleigh. — This is an unusual but ancient name in Devonshire and Corn wall, England. Alexander i Shapleigh, born in Devonshire in 1585, was the ancestor of all in New England now bearing that name. He was a merchant ship-owner, and interested in the primitive plantations and trading establishments in Maine and New Hampshire, where he found a market for his goods sent over in his own ships. He came over as agent of Sir Ferdinando Gorges. The exact date of his coming is unknown, but he was here as early as 1642, as appears by a deed executed by him in that year. He lived in Kittery, Me., where his male lineal descendants still occupy lands once in his possession. He had: 1. Catherine^ Shapleigh, married, 1st, James Treworgie, born in England about 1614. He came to this country about 1635 as supercargo of one of his father- in-law's vessels, and died in Newfoundland prior to July 1650. She married, 2d, as his second wife, Edward Hilton, the Dover settler in 1623, Magistrate there 1641, afterwards of Exeter, N. H. She had, by her first husband : 1. JohnS Treworgie. 2. Elizabeth* Treworgie, bom 1639; married John GUman, and died 8 September 1719. See ' ' Gilman ' ' note to John* (160) Wentworth. 3. Joan^ Treworgie, married John Ameridith, of Kittery, Me. 4. Lucy3 Treworgie, married Thomas Willis, of Kittery, Me. Savage says she had a prior husband, " young Humphrey Chadbourne." VOL. n. — 3 34 FIFTH GENERATION. 2. Moses W.' Shapleigh, bora 22 February 1819 ; married, 1st, 16 September 1841, Mary Esther Hayes, who died 1 August 1816; 2d, 14 September 1847, Abby Jane Drew, who died 15 June 1848 ; 3d, 14 May 1850, Emma Marie, daughter of Rev. Thomas Perkins, of New Hampton, N. H. (for several j-ears a member of the Legislature) . Moses W.' represented New Hamp ton in the Legislature in 1874. 3. WiUiam Bartlett' Shapleigh, born 25 May 1823, died 20 AprU 1854. 4. Mary Esther' Shapleigh, born 25 September 1825, died 28 September 1828. 5. Augustine Washington' Shapleigh, born 1 July 1827 ; married, January 1849, Sarah Stickney, and had: 1. Ellen* Shapleigh, born 20 January 1850; married, 12 May 1869, George A. MiUer, of Lebanon, Me., and had : 1. George A.s MiUer, bom 29 September 1870. 2. Emma EsteUa* Shapleigh, born 2 July 1859. 6. Martha J.' Shapleigh, born 17 February 1831 ; married, 11 November 1850, Alonzo H. Sawyer. 2. Nicholas^ Shapleigh, Major, married Alice (or Elsy) , and died child less. He was a man of high repute in the colonies, and in connection with civil affairs and treaties with the Indians ; his name is a frequent one in the colonial history of Maine. 3. Alexander^ Shapleigh, born in Devonshire, Eng., 1606, died there 1642. It is uncertain whether he ever came to this country, though it is very probable that his widow came over with his father's family. A widow Mary married (as his second wife), iu Kittery, Me., 9 February 1701-2, John Dennett, of Portsmouth, N. H., made freeman 1672, and father of Ephraim Dennett, born 2 August 1683, Counsellor for New Hampshire 1732. Alexander^ had: 3. John3 Shapleigh, born (probably in England) in 1640 ; killed by the Indians in 1706. Pike's Journal says, "June 6, 1706. L' John Shapley, of Kittery, was slain by the Indians, & his sou Nicholas carried away, as they were Returning from j" Mill at Spruce-Creek. This was done by (y good friends) the Hegans. Nicholas is come home again." He had: 1. John* Shapleigh (Capt.), married Dorcas Littlefield. His great great-grandson John8 Shapleigh, married, 29 July 1857, Caroline T.8 (5389) Wentworth, whom see. 2. Nicholas* Shapleigh. He was for^ some time a prisoner among the Indians. He married, 1715, Martha Langdon, daughter of Tobias Langdon and granddaughter of Tobias Langdon by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Henry and Rebecca (Gibbons) Sherburne. Elizabeth Sher burne's brother Samuel Sherburne was father of Henry Sherburue who married Dorothy^ (17) Wentworth, under whom see "Sherburne" note. Martha Langdon was sister of John Langdon, the father of Hon. Wood bury Langdon and Gov. John Langdon, as see "Langdon" note to Elizabeths (385) Sherburne. Nicholas* had : DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 35 1540. Moses" (tenth child, being first son and second child of second wife), born 8 March 1798. [3524] 1541. Nathaniel" (eighth chUd), born in Lebanon, Me., 10 May 1790. [3536] 1542-3. Abigail" (ninth child, being the first by second wife), born 8 November 1796 ; married, 2 Febraary 1820, Jonathan Spen cer, of Berwick, Me., and died 24 December 1866. They had : 1. Daniel Wentworth' Spencer, born 8 November 1820 ; mar ried, 1st, Sophia H. Tuttle ; 2d, Amanda A. Prescott, and Uved in Berwick, Me. He had, by his first wife : 1. Clara EUa* Spencer, born 6 January 1851. He had, by his second wife : 2. Jessie Sophia* Spencer, born 6 May 1870. 3. Wilbur D.* Spencer, born 24 January 1872. 2. Mary E.' Spencer, born 2 April 1822 ; married Amasa Grant, of Lebanon, Me. ; lived there, childless. 3. Lydia A.' Spencer, born 16 August 1824; married (sec ond wife) Horatio N. Mathews (whose sister Nancy Mathews married James M.' Haynes, grandson of Wentworth* (612) Lord) ; Uved in Berwick, Me., and had : 1. Nicholas^ Shapleigh, bom 1720, died 1786. He married Eliz abeth, daughter of Capt. Elisha Plaisted, by his wife Hannah (Wheelwright), daughter of Judge John Wheelwright, son or nephew of Samuel Wheelwright, who was son of Rev. John Wheelwright, of the Exeter Combination. For " Plaisted" see note under Hannah* (82) Wentworth. Nicholas^ had: 1. Capt. Elisha^ Shapleigh, married Elizabeth Waldron. (See "Waldron" note under James* (167) Chesley.) He had ten children, of whom : 1. Nicholas' Shapleigh, born 23 May 1771; married Dor cas Stacey. His granddaughter Dorcas Jane^ Shapleigh, born 24 November 1827, married George' (.3566) Wentworth, whom see. 2. Samuel' Shapleigh, married Eunice" (1539) Went worth, above mentioned. He had, by a previous wife: 1. Richards Shapleigh, lived in Boston, Mass. 2. Samuel Chandlers Shapleigh, born 31 August 1809 ; lived in Boston, Mass. He married, 12 October 1831, in North Yarmouth, Me., Amy Ann" (1937) Went worth, whom see. 3. Blishas Shapleigh, married, September 1828, Bet sey' (1552) Wentworth, whom see. They lived at Great Falls, N. H. 3. Betsey' Shapleigh, married, August 1791, John" (15(16) Rollins, whom see. He was grandson of Judge Ichabod and Abigail* (162) (Wentworth) Rollins. 36 FIFTH g;ei^eeation. 1. John* Mathews, born 16 September 1854. 2. WiUiam S.* Mathews, bom 2 April 1856. 3. Joseph M.* Mathews, born 13 March 1858. 4. Samuel S.* Mathews, bora 3 June 1861. 5. George A.* Mathews, born 30 June 1863. 6. Harry N.* Mathews, born 1 February 1866. 4. Nancy F.' Spencer, born 15 August 1826 ; married B. B. Hutchins ; Uved in Salem, N. H., and had : 1. Emma* Hutchins, born 11 April 1850, died 25 August 1851. 2. Charles* Hutchins, born 2 December 1853. 3. Warren* Hutchins, bom 31 October 1855. 4. Edwin* Hutchins, born 12 December 1861. 5. WiUis* Hutchins, born 14 July 1869. 5. Alvan B.'^ Spencer, bora 18 May 1829 ; married OUve Tuttle, Uved in Berwick, Me., and had : 1. Emma H.* Spencer, born 20 July 1852, died 20 Feb ruary 1854. 2. Hattie E.* Spencer, born 21 December 1853. 3. Frank C* Spencer, born 18 February 1856. 4. Abbie E.* Spencer, born 2 March 1862. 5. Frederick A.* Spencer, bom 27 April 1871. 6. John W.' Spencer, born 13 December 1831 ; married, 1st, Elizabeth Brown ; 2d, Eliza E. Sanborn. He Uved in Stoneham, Mass., and had, by his first wife : 1. Frank W.* Spencer, born 1 AprU 1856. He had, by his second wife : 2. Lizzie* Spencer, bom 27 December 1870. 7. Emily A. C Spencer, bom 11 May 1833, died young. In memory of this deceased Emily A. C Spencer, the famUy adopted an Irish child and gave it the same name ; who married BeU, attorney at law; they moved to Ohio, and he died there soon after marriage. 8. Joseph H.' Spencer, bom 22 November 1837, died 2 Sep tember 1857. 1544. Joshua" (third child of the second wife), bora 2 Septem ber 1802. [3550] Caleb* (529), son of Thomas* and Mary (Nock) Wentworth, bora 20 October 1754 ; married, 1st, 15 May 1780, Sarah James, who died 15 September 1792, aged about 36 ; 2d, February 1799, DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 37 Lydia (Brackett) , widow of Benjamin Stanton * ; Uved in Lebanon, Me., where she died 24 January 1839. He died there 7 April 1830. He had, by his first wife : 1545. Abra", born 10 April 1781, died single. 1546. Hannah", born 10 January 1783 ; married, 27 December 1806, Joseph Lord ; she died 15 June 1835. They had : 1. Abra' Lord, bom 18 June 1802 ; married, Jason Bickford, of Ossipee, N. H. 2. Caleb' Lord, born 10 May 1804 ; married Mary Sheldon, of Beverly, Mass. 3. Sarah' Lord, born 17 March 1808; married, 17 March 1830, Josiah Winn, of Great FaUs, N. H., and had : 1. EUas* Winn, born 2 October 1832, died 10 May 1845. 2. Eben* Winn, bom 2 June 1837. 3. Abbie* Winn, born 13 April 1840 ; mamed, 1 June 1864, Charles W. Town, of New York city, and had : 1. Joseph L." Town, bora 5 March 1867. 2. AUce G.9 Town, born 24 September 1870. 4. Joseph L.* Winn, born 5 June 1843, died of wounds, 8 August 1864, while in 4th N. H. Vols., war of the Rebel Uon ; he had received a medal for gaUant conduct. 5. Sarah* Winn, born 6 March 1845 ; married, 7 November 1865, WiUiam Starr, of Portland, Me., and died 15 November 1870. 4. EUas' Lord, bom 17 March 1810, died July 1832. 5. Luther' Lord, born 14 April 1812 ; married Sally Sheldon, of Beverly, Mass. 6. Calvin' Lord, born 10 March 1814 ; married at Beverly, Mass., Abby Nutter, and died 26 February 1875. 7. Lucina' Lord, born 22 July 1816 ; married Brackett Chamberlain, of Lebanon, Me., and died 2 July 1870. 1547. Thomas", bom 5 December 1784. [3558] 1548. Love", born 19 November 1786; married, 17 January 1805, William M. Furbish, brother to Daniel Furbish who married Lydia* (839) Wentworth, whose daughter Rachel" Furbish married Love's" brother Samuel" (1549). He died 4 December 1822. She died 14 November 1839. They had : * Benjamin Stanton was son of Benjamin and Eleanor (Jones) Stanton (each of whom was grandchild of the emigrant George Ricker). He had, by his wife Lydia (Brackett), James Stanton, who married Sabra" (2313) Wentworth; and Dorcas Stanton, who married Levi' (2312) Wentworth. 38 FIFTH generation. 1 . Benjamin' Furbish, married Patience Varnej', of Rockport, Me., and had one daughter. 2. Lucinda A.' Furbish, born 7 March 1803 ; married James W. Pike, of Troy, N. Y., who died 17 March 1859. She was living in Troy, N. Y., January 1873. They had (besides three who died in infancy) : 1. William H.* Pike, born 27 November 1830 ; married, September 1858, Hannah M. GiUiland, and had: 1. WUUamS Pike, born 13 August 1859. 2. Eleanor M.9 PUie, born 27 AprU 1862. 3. Alonzo P.9 Vike, born 15 June 1864. 2. Jane A.*, Pike, born 23 September 1832 ; married, 1850, Dana Whitcomb, who died in 1867. 3. Minerva* Tike, born 11 February 1837, died 18 August 1863. 4. Mary E.* Pike, bom 15 September^ 1840 ; married, ' 16 November 1859, WiUiam SterUng, and had : 1. Helen J.s SterUng, born 10 July 1860. 2. Lucinda A. 9 Sterling, bom 4 February 1862. 3. HarryS SterUng, born 1 May 1870. 5. James* Pike, born 13 April 1845 ; married, 23 Sep tember 1869, Frances E. Ham. 6. Charles S.* Pike, born 20 March 1850. 3. Jane' Furbish, married Charles Tibbetts, of Wolfebor ongh, N. H., and died September 1862. 4. Giles' Furbish, married Sabra Furbish, of Lebanon, Me. 5. Sarah' Furbish, married Levi Allen, of Rochester, N. H. 1549. Samuel", born 1 March 1789. [3568] Caleb* had, by his second wife : 1550. Sarah", bora 30 November 1799, died 12 June 1804. 1551. Mary", born in Lebanon, Me., 10 June 1802 ; married, in 1821, Jotham Winn, born 24 September 1796. She had the home stead of her father Caleb*, in Lebanon, Me., and her son Caleb W.' Winn had it after her. She died 11 November 1869. She had, all born in Lebanon (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. OUve Goodwin' Winn, bora 11 June 1823 ; married, November 1845, Charles H. Furbish, and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Hannah Jane* Furbish, bom December 1848, died January 1859. 2. Sylvester* Furbish, born 15 February 1851. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 39 3. Charles H.* Furbish, bom November 1853. 4. Emma J.* Furbish, born July 1857. 5. Edward* Furbish, born September 1859. 2. Sarah Elizabeth' Winn, born 29 December 1827. 3. Lydia Brackett' Winn, born 14 May 1829 ; married (his first wife), 8 AprU 1858, Daniel' (3570) Wentworth, whom see. She died 26 June 1861. 4. Dorcas' Winn, born 4 December 1832. 5. Caleb W.' Winn, born 12 April 1835 ; lived on the home stead of his grandfather Caleb* (529) Wentworth; married, 16 September 1861, Sarah' (4399) Wentworth, and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. John WiUiam* Winn, born 3 July 1862. 2. Annie A.* Winn, born 7 August 1869. 6. Mary F.' Winn, born 27 September 1838. 7. Ebenezer' Winn, born 2 March 1841 , died 4 November 1865. 1552. Betsey", born 26 November 1804 ; married, September 1828, EUsha Shapleigh, son of Samuel Shapleigh by his first wife, (Samuel Shapleigh marrying^ 2d, Eunice" (1539) Wentworth), and brother of Samuel C. Shapleigh, who married Amy Ann" (1937) Wentworth . See " Shapleigh " note to Eunjce" (1539) Wentworth) . He died 8 December 1849. She was living at Great Falls, N. H., in 1871.' They had: 1. Betsey W.' Shapleigh, born 31 March 1831 ; married, 18 May 1854, John S. Haj'es, of Great Falls, N. H. He was son of EUsha Hayes (brother of Elihu Hayes, who married Sarah* (629)1 (Lord) Clark), and grandson of Capt. John and Hannah (Waldron) Hayes. See "Waldron" note to James* (167) Ches ley and EUhu* (171) Hayes. They had : 1. George S.* Hayes, born 5 June 1864. 2. Eunice Kenney' Shapleigh, born 13 May 1833 ; married, 14 June 1860, Jarvis A. Underwood, of Fort Edward, N. Y., and had : 1. Herbert S.* Underwood, born 5 June 1861. 2. Arthur Warring* Underwood, born 6 June 1863. 3. Susan Wentworth* Underwood, bom 16 April 1865. 4. Helen Jarvis* Underwood, born 20 February 1868. 3. George Almon' Shapleigh, born 6 May 1835 ; married, 31 October 1865, Abbie E. Bartlett, of New Portland, Me., and had (beMdes one who died in infancy) : 1. WiUie C* Shapleigh, born 8 December 1866. 40 FIFTH GENERATION. 2. AmeUa* Shapleigh, born 29 August 1868. 4. Charles Henry' Shapleigh, born 4 September 1838 ; mar ried, 24 October 1866, Mary C. Page, of Maiden, Mass., and had : 1. PhiUp Page* Shapleigh, born 15 January 1871. 1553. Sally", born 1 March 1807 ; married, 5 April 1832, Jona than BlaisdeU, of Lebanon, Me., who died 28 December 1861. They had (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Clarinda' BlaisdeU, born 15 Januaiy 1836 ; married, 10 November 1857, John Tebbetts, of Rochester, N. H., and had : 1. Cora B.* Tebbetts, born 12 July 1859. 2. Avia C* Tebbetts, bom 4 October 1864. 2. Eli' BlaisdeU, born 3 July 1838 ; married, 14 February 1862, Phebe Noyes, and had : 1. Frank J.* BlaisdeU, born 3 October 1863. 3. Lydia Jane' BlaisdeU, born 17 April 1847 ; married, 12 April 1865, Almon Quimby, and had : 1. Orrin L^* Quimby, born 12 April 1866. 2. Frank A.* Quimby, born 7 April 1868. 4. Jonathan Wesley' BlaisdeU, born 17 November 1850; married, 4 July 1870, Henrietta Parker. Paul* (530) , son of Col. John* and Joanna (Gibnaiji) Went worth, bom 3 October 1743, was named for his father's uncle Col. PauF (32). Paul* is called in old deeds " yeoman." He was one of the Selectmen of Somersworth, N. H., with Col. Jonathan* (274) Wentworth, in 1774 ; he was appointed Second Major of the 2d N. H. regiment, 23 August 1775. He represented Somersworth in all the legislative conventions from "19 December 1776 to 16 December 1778. He lived a little out from the site of the present town of Great FaUs, on the old road to Dover, then reckoned six miles to Dover Landing. From his residence to Exeter, N. H., the Legis lature allowed him for twenty-four miles of travel. A record says : " Paul Wentworth paid for marrying, £9, Os. Od., & pair of gloves." Paul* married, 21 June 1769, Molly, daughter of TiUy Higgins,* * Higgins. — Tilly Higgins was an importer and trader in South Berwick, Me. , in 1744. He planted some of those now beautiful elms iu South Berwick; partic ularly those in front of the house which he built (next to the Congregational church), which place is still owned by his descendants. He married Mary, daugh ter of John and Mary Woodsum. He made his Will 16 July 1777, which was DESCENDANTS OP EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 41 of Berwick, Me. She was born 23 March 1750, and died 15 Jan uary 1777. He died 9 February 1781, at 3 o'clock, P. M. They had: 1554. Joanna", born 10 November 1770 ; married Capt. Hiram" (1594) Rollins. [3572] 1555. MoUj^", bora 28 March 1772, died aged six months. 1556. TiUy", bora 26 July 1773 ; was a sea-captain ; married EUzabeth" (1600) RolUns, daughter of John* RolUns, and grand daughter of Judge Ichabod RoUins (who married Abigail* (162), sister to Col. John* Wentworth. See " Rollins" note under Abi gail*) . TUly" died childless, 12 November 1801, at South Berwick, Me. ; his widow married, 2d, Benjamin Pike ; 3d, Christopher Howe, survived him, and died in Saco, Me., in 1856. 1557. Michael", bora 31 May 1775, died 30 August 1.777. John** (531) (known as " John Wentworth, jr.") , son of " Col. John*" and Joanna (Gilman) Wentworth, born 17 July 1745, at Salmon FaUs, N. H., in the house built by his great-uncle. Col. Paul^ (32), and graduated at Harvard College in 1768. John* Wentworth, jr., studied law with Judge WiUiam Parker, f of Portsmouth, N. H. , and first saw his wife as she accompanied her mother into Court in that town. In 1767-8 there was but one attorney-at-law in the limits of old StraflEbrd County, viz., John Sullivan, of Durham, afterwards a Major-General in the Revolution ; but John Wentworth, jr., was in the practice of the law before the organization of the county in 1773. These two were then and for many years after, the only at torneys in the county. In 1787 he was one of the only twenty- nine lawyers in aU New Hampshire. He Uved and died in Dover, in a house stiU standing (though greatly altered) , known as " the Durell house,"]: being the building proved 16 September 1777, giving property to wife Mary; to sons John Higgins, Daniel Higgins, Edmund Higgins ; to Sarah HoUon, Elizabeth Higgins ; to grand sons TUlyS (1556) and Michael^ (1557) and granddaughter Joanna* (1554), children of daughter Mary Wentworth, deceased. * He was grandfather of the author of this work. t William Parker was born in Portsmouth, N. H., in 1703. He was attorney at law. Register of Probate from 1736 to his death, Representative from Ports mouth, and one of the Justices of the Superior Court from 1771 to 1776. He died 59 AprU 1791. J: The author of this work visited this house 13 September 1872, with his daughter Roxanna Atwater' (5513) and his maternal cousin Mrs. Sarah Chase' (Currier) Upham. 42 FIFTH GENERATION. on the west side of Central Street, next south of the present Belknap Church. It was built by Dr. Samuel Wigglesworth, who also (with James Calef) built the house next south, long the residence of Hon. WiUiam King Atkinson, and later of Hon. Asa Freeman. Samuel and John Wigglesworth conveyed the property to John* (531) Wentworth, 4 November 1771, for £400, describing it as " a quarter of an acre or thereabouts, with the dwelling-house, barn, store, etc., upon it, bounded north by land of heirs of Tristram Coffin, south by land of James Calef, east by the road, and west by land of Samuel Hodge." The lower story of the building next the dwelling-house, on the same lot, Mr. Wentworth occupied as his law-offlce. On the 10th of January 1774, at a legal meeting of Dover, he was appointed one of the Committee of Conespondence for Dover, in the beginning of the Revolutionary troubles. Col. Otis Baker being chairman. In 1777 he was chosen Moderator of the Dover town meeting, and was re-elected nearly every year until 1786 (inclusive) , presiding over the last meeting before his death. On the 19th of December 1776, he took his seat as Representa tive of Dover in the Assembly, which met at Exeter, N. H., and was re-elected anntially until 1781, when he was transferred to the Council, to succeed his father, whose term expired 19 December -1780, and who died 17 May 1781. He served in the CouncU until 19 December 1783 ; was chosen for another year, but at the first organization of a Senate for the State at its session, 2 June 1784, he took his seat as a member, and served until 7 June 1786. At this time his protracted ill-health compelled him to decline all fur ther public life, and he lived only until the following January. His travel to Exeter, where the Legislature held its sessions, was reck oned in the mileage account at eighteen miles. At the organization of the Probate Court for Straff'ord County,* he was appointed Reg ister of Probate, and held that oflSce until his death. He attended all the sessions of the Legislature to which he was elected except those of 20 May 1778 and 12 August 1778, when he was attending the session of the Continental Congress. Among references to him on the records are the following : — January 1, 1777, Voted, That a Committee to draw up and bring in a Bill for the Trial and Punishment of Persons who shall by any misbehav- » Although New Hampshu-e was divided into five counties, 19 March 1771, the counties of Strafford and Grafton were coi^nued with Rockingham County for Court business until 5 February 1773. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL2 "WENTWORTH. 43 iour in word or deed be adjudged Enemical to the Liberty & Freedom of the States of America (not within the Act against Treason) and directing how such Trials shall be had, and how judgments thereon shall be exe cuted ; and that John Wentworth jun. Esq., Jonathan Mitchell, Esq., Sam uel Sewall, Esq., Samuel Gilman, jun., & Col" [Nathaniel] Peabody, be the Committee for that purpose. March 1778, he was on a committee, with Jonathan Blauchard and Col. Samuel Hobart, to "form and lay a bill before the Assemr bly" for raising £80,000,— £60,000 for the Continental treasury and £20,000 for the State treasury. March 5, 1778 he was on a committee, with Mr. Samuel Cutts and Mr. Jonathan Blanchard, to prepare and bring in a bill to Discriminate and point out what Es tates of persons who are gone over to the Enemy, or have aided them, &c., shall be confiscated and sold for the benefit of the State. November 12, 1779. Paid to John Wentworth, jr., Esq., for service in Congress, £21, 17s., Id. In November 1780, Attorney-General Samuel Livermore being absent, John Wentworth, jr., was appointed, with Jonathan Blanch ard and Nathaniel Peabody, a "committee to prosecute State prisoners." While a member of the Council, he was appointed on its behalf, 1 January 1782, with three members of the House, to draft all and such bills as are necessary to be passed this session, and lay the same before this house. February 26, 1783, he was one of a committee to draft a resolve recommending to the several Towns and places in this State, the continuance of the present form of Government till the 10th of June, 1784, unless a permanent plan of Government shall take place sooner. June 18, 1783, he was one of a committee ' to draft An Address to the Inhabitants of this State requesting an alteration in several Articles of the Confederation of the United States as recommended by Congress, and such other matters as they judge neces sary. WhUe a member of the Assembly he was also appointed one of the Committee of Safetey for the State, as by the following, adopted on report of a committee : — June 13, 1777. — Voted, That the Committee of Safety do consist of thirteen members, viz : The Hon"' ^esbech Weare, Josiah Bartlett, Nich; olas Gilman, Ebenezer Thompson, John Dudley, George Gains, Josiah 44 FIFTH GENERATION. Moulton, John Wentworth, Jun., Nathaniel Peabody, John McClary, Thoinas Odiorne, Jonathan Lovewell, & Benjamin Giles, Esq". — & that they continue in office until another Committee of Safety be appointed. On the next day the records give the following : — Resolve Impowering the Committee of Safety of this State to cause to be apprehended and convened before them and committ such persons as they shall find Enemical to the American States &c., was read a third time and passed. This Committee of Safety, during the recess of the Legislature performed all the duties of the Government, legislative, executive, and judicial. It was also whUe a member of the Assembly that he was appointed a Delegate of New Hampshire in the Continental Congress. On the 10th of March, 1778, a committee nominated six persons from whom to choose two delegates ; Whereupon the House proceeded to the choice of two of the said per sons for Delegates to represent this State in the Continental Congress, for the current year, and the ballots being taken & counted, it appeared that the Hon''i« William Whipple, and John Wentworth, Jr., Esq', were chosen to that purpose. March 14, 1778, Voted, That the Hon"" Josiah Bartlett and John Went worth, jun., Esq., be and hereby are appointed to serve as Delegates to represent this State in the Continental Congress for and during the term of one year from the date hereof unless sooner recalled, and that they & each of them in the absence of the other, have full and ample power in behalf of the State to consent and agree to all measures which Congress shall deem necessary for the public good. On the 18th of August 1778, he was chosen one of the delegates to serve for one year from the 1st of the foUowing November. In Vol. I of Farmer and Moore's Histoncal Collections, in a Memoir of Hon. Josiah Bartlett, it is said : — In May 1778, Col. Bartlett again attended as a delegate at Congress, which sat at Yorktown [Pa.],* the enemy occupying Philadelphia. He went in company with Mr. John Wentworth, jr., who was so unwell that he could not long attend Congress ; returned early in August. After the enemy evacuated Philadelphia, Congress adjourned to meet there again July 1st. * Congress first met at Yorktown, 30 September 1777. At Philadelphia, Sun day, 14 September 1777, a resolution was passed providing for the removal of the records of Congress to Lancaster, Pa., in case it was found necessary to leave Philadelphia. On Thursday, 18 September 1777, the President of Congress having received a letter from Col. Alexander Hamilton, one of Gen. Washington's aids intimating the necessity of an immediate removal, the Congress met at Lancaster, Pa., 27 September 1777, and adjourned to Yorktown, Pa. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 45 By a letter* to his wife, it appears that Mr. Wentworth arrived at Yorktown, 28 May 1778. The records of the Continental Con gress show that Hon. Josiah Bartlett, 20 May 1778, presented the credentials of Mr. Wentworth and himself for one year, unless sooner recaUed ; and that Mr. Wentworth took his seat on the 30th of May. June 9th he (Mr. Wentworth) , Thomas Hayward, of South CaroUna, Henry Marchant, of Rhode Island, and Roger Sherman, of Connecticut, were added to the Board of the treasury. There were votes of his recorded on the 11th, 16th, i7th, and 18th of June. There was a vote taken on the afternoon pf the 18th of June, on which his name does not appear ; nor does it ever appear afterwards, yet on the 22d June a petition was referred to a select committee upon which he was appointed. On the 20th August 1778, an order was passed for issuing a warrant on the * The following letter was written by Hon. JohnS (531) Wentworth, jr., when at Yorktown, to his wife : Yorktown, PennsyIiVAnia, June 10, 1778. My Deab, — I well know from my own feelings the anxiety you must have undergone since my leaving Dover. Whether I could have relieved you from it before the receipt of this letter, is very uncertain. As many of the letters sent from hence to the Eastern States have hitherto miscarried, I chose to delay writing a few days, when I should have an opportu nity by a gentleman going on for Boston, who engaged to forward my letter to Col. Langdon by a safe hand, in which I enclose this. Our journey (rather too lengthy for recreation) was agreeable enough for the times. We were, however, extremely hardshipped in passing through Connecti cut, being sometimes considerahly puzzled to find provender for our horses or en tertainment for ourselves — occasioned partly by the multiplicity of travellers — but principally from the wisdom of partial regulations, that State having come fully into the mode of restricting prices. Before that happened I imagine a traveller must have met with most excellent fare. For we could scarcely ride a mUe with out reaching ffte si.grra o/ a sj^ti; so powerful were the operations of the act, that nothing but the posts were left standing. On our arrival at Fishkill [N. Y.], on the 13th of May, agreeable to my deter mination, I went into the Hospital and got myself and waiter inoculated. From then, until my arrival at Congress, I endured much mortification by a total absti nence from animal food; which really must have happened to one who during the whole time had a pretty keen appetite. We travelled on to Sussex Court House [N. J.], without any great inconven ience, save the inflammation in my arm, caused by the heat and the smallness of my coat-sleeve. At the place last mentioned, we met with General [Horatio] Gates and his lady; who being acquainted with my situation, and the nature of the disorder, perhaps better than the generality of those who are not of the Fac ulty, advised me to measures too rational not to be complied with; and from which I reaped considerable benefit. The General, in a very polite manner, addressed a letter to Dr. [Jonathan] Potts, a physician of note at Reading Town, about fifty miles short of this place, that when I should arrive there, he might take me into his immediate care. He did so- and although I thought myself suflBlciently able to have completed my journey, I was obliged, agreeable to his directions, to tarry a short space at Read- 46 FIFTH GENERATION. treasury for $500 for him, but his coUeague alone was present to vote on all the votes on that day. His name appears as one of the signers of the original Articles of Confederation. They were signed at Philadelphia, the 9th of July, by the mass of delegates. A few, from the dates to their names, must have signed afterwards. Mr. Wentworth dates his signature 8 August 1778. ing Town. During which, I received the utmost kindness from the Doctor, as well as from a number of other gentlemen, refugees from Philadelphia. In short, I had everything that could possibly render my situation in the highest degree comfortable. Tho' the small-pox were at their full, I set off for, and got here with convenience on the 28th May. I think myself now entirely rid of a disease which in New Hampshire is even thought of with honor, but here deemed a mere trifle. So much so, that it would he hardly worth while to complain, especially if taken by inoculation. For my own part I was not a little surprised at an instance in Reading Town. The gen tleman's housekeeper, where I resided, and who constantly attended me, had never had it; and when I mentioned the risque she ran, she only replied that she was very indifferent about it. Upon the whole, I had the disorder very favora bly, having in the whole not more than one liundred pustules. I should have been extremely glad to have tarried a day or two at Bethlehem, in this State, a pretty little town. The whole town, containing, as I was in formed, ahout one thousand souls, constitutes but one family. They call them selves Moravians. The whole attend morning and evening prayers iu one great hall. As I lodged in town, I attended, with a number of other strangers, the lat ter exercise. They are very fond of music, of which they have a fine band. An organ only was made use of that evening. The upper end of the hall was filled by two or three hundred women, dressed exactly alike, and the lower with men. The gravity of the music and the decency of the worshippers were worthy the imitation of those who professed to have embraced a better religion. The single women live all together in a spacious building of five stories. One of the chambers is so long as to contain sixty heds. They are employed iu various sorts of manufactures, and are very industrious. They have but Due tavern (which however is capable of entertaining one hundred travellers at a time), hut one tan yard, one shoe maker's shop, and even but one cow-house; and so of every other business, all things being in common. Every matter seems to be conducted with more regularity than in the smallest family among us. They are the most obliging, inoffensive people I ever saw ' I can give you no news but such as you already must have heard, viz. of the arrival of the Commissioners, a few days since, from England. We shall not have an opportunity of seeing them unless they comply with measures, which from the present conduct of their army, seems unlikely. They have come out for the purpose of settling the dispute to the mutual advantage of both parties ; and their army have within a few days past, commenced another campaign, with every mark of cruelty. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 47 The Ul health of Mr. Wentworth, however, may have kept him at Yorktown, after the other delegates returned to PMladelphia. The family tradition is that Mr. Wentworth was so unwell that he was able to attend scarcely any of the sessions of Congress, and that it was his sickness, while at Congress, that brought on the consumption of which he finally died. He was in New Hampshire 28 October 1778, as he then was at a session of the Legislature at Exeter, N. H. The traces of Mr. Wentworth at home make it ap parent that he could have absent at Congress only one season, and that in 1778. The Hon. William Whipple, under date of Portsmouth, N. H., 13 September 1778, writes as follows to Hon. Josiah Bartlett, then at Congress : Since my last, I am informed that Mr. Wentworth has returned home in a bad state of health, and that your ill health will not permit you to tarry long after him. From various circumstances they seem determined on the evacuation of Phila delphia. How long that step may be retarded by the arrival of the Commissioners, is altogether uncertain. As soon after the evacuation as the city, can be cleansed, I presume Congress will remove thither. As soon after receiving this as conve nience will permit, you will forward me a line at least, giving me an account of every matter worth communicating. It will be best that the superscription be in a man's hand. You will send it by a trusty hand to Col. [John] Langdon, whose assistance I have asked. He wUl enclose it in a letter to me. It must unavoidably be both disagreeable and inconvenient for a person to leave his family and connections for any considerable time, but the consideration of their being within the reach of a kind Providence and in an obliging neighborhood, must greatly tend to give bim ease on that head. For me, you need be under no particular concern, for though I am not among a people quite so benevolent as those of my own neighborhood, yet, as an individual, I have no reason to find fault, as I stand precisely on a footing with the natives of the place, — it being an established principle with each of them to care for no one but themselves. You will no doubt wonder how I came to write so long a letter, as I am not very fond of writing. I determined when I got engaged to make but one piece of busi ness of it. Now, this letter is long enough, in all conscience, for half a dozen; you will, therefore, do me the justice to divide it into six equal portions, so as to make one a month, which will answer for the whole time that I expect to be absent. I wish it was possible for you to make our little folks know how much I regard them. You, however, my dear, may be assured that I am. With all due affection, your JOHN WENTWORTH, Jk. P. S. — You will not omit giving my proper regards to all relations as you see, and to all friends who enquire after me. You will also inform my waiter's father at Durham that his son had the small pox very light, and that he is now well and does his duty to acceptance. The first class of the Lottery is drawn, but neither of the tickets in which you are concerned has drawn anything, unless perhaps a twenty dollar prize, a list of which has not yet been published. You will direct to me, a Member of Congress, Yorktown, Pennsylvania. 48 FIFTH GENERATION. On the 30th of March 1781, he was again chosen, with John Taylor Oilman,* Delegate to the Continental Congress ; but it does not appear that he attended. The New Hampshire Literary Gazette, pubUshed at Concord, N.H., in 1835, says: — As a lawyer, Mr. Wentworth was far above mediocrity, and as a states man and lawgiver, he was superior to most of his contemporaries in the circle in which he moved. But it was as a man that his virtues shone ' forth pre-eminent. His benevolence was of the purest order. He was never wearied of well doing, and at this day the aged speak of his character in terms of grateful remembrance. He made his profession an instrument of doing good to his fellow-men, and not a stalking horse, on which he might ride to fame and wealth over the necks of the poor and the igno rant. Many anecdotes are related of the good-natured address which he made use of in settling the disputes and difficulties betwen his neighbors which might be referred to him in his professional capacity, and which, had he practised the arts of the pettifogger, he might have rendered sources of litigation and profit. When an account was placed in his hands for suit, he was in the habit of inquiring into the circumstances of the debtor, and if he found him unable to pay the demand, he would bring the parties together, he would elfect a peaceable compromise between them, redound ing more to the honor and profit of both debtor and creditor than if rigor ous measures, better calculated to exasperate than reconcile, had been pursued. The name of this excellent young man deserves to be held by the citi zens of New Hampshire in affectionate and lasting remembrance. John Wentworth, jr., died a member of the Congregational Church, in Dover, N. H., as all his American ancestors by the name of Wentworth had been before him. His ill health, which bore consumptive tendencies ever after his sickness at the Conti- * Tliis John Taylor Gilman was son of Nicholas Gilman, cousin of John^ (531) Wentworth and grandson of his mother's brother, Daniel Gilman, of Exeter, N. H. He was afterwards Governor of New Hampshire, and was brother of Nicholas Gilman, who was one of the delegates who framed the present Constitution of the United States. In February 1867, the author copied his autograph from the original parchment copy of the Constitution at Washington, in the office of the Secretary of State, at the same time that he did that of his own grandfather John^ Wentworth, jr., from the original Articles of Confederation. The author's wife, daughter, and brother Samuel H.t (3597) accompanied him. This Nicholas Gil man was grandson of Daniel Gilman, brother of Hon. John^ (531) Wentworth, jr.'s mother. See note to John* (160). DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 49 nental Congress, reminded him of his duty to his wife and young chUdren, the youngest of whom (the author's father) PauF (1564), was not five years old at his death, and he endeavored to confine himself to his profession during the last few years of his life ; but with aU his efforts, such was his confiding and liberal disposition, that what he hoped at his death might be a competence, became in the end but a little more than the fruits of his own good name and example. Could his health and Ufe have been spared to mature or old age, it is but fair to conclude that other and higher honors would have been bestowed upon one who, until it became evident that consumption had marked him for an early death, had been more highly honored than any man of his age in the State. Gov. John Langdon, after complimenting Mr. Wentworth one day very highly, wound up his sentence as foUows : "His father's blood runs through all his veins." To those who knew Col. John* (160) Wentworth, as the men of those days did, no higher eulogy could have been pro nounced. John* Wentworth, jr., married, July 1771, Margaret Frost, of New Castle, N. H. (They were "published," as by New Castle records, 28 April 1771.) She.was bora 3 December 1747, in New Castle, and was daughter of Joseph and Margaret (Colton) Frost,* * Fkost. — There was a George Frost in York co.. Me., 15 June 1635. He was on a jury, 1640. Nicholas! Frost was a native of Tiverton, England. Dr. Usher Parsons, of Providence, R. I., one of his descendants, says he was born about 1595., John Farmer, of Concord, N. H., says about 1589. He arrived at Piscataqua about 1635 or 1636, and settled at the head of Sturgeon Creek, on the south side of Frost's Hill in Eliot, Me., where he died 20 July 1663. He was buried in the rear of his house. Of his wife, nothing is known, she not being mentioned in his Will, made in 1650. He was on the jury in York co. in 1650. His children were : 1. John2 Frost, settled in York, and afterwards on the Isles of Shoals, where he died leaving widow Sarah and children. 2. Charles^ Frost, bom 2 July 1631; of whom see below. 3. Nicholas^ Frost. His brother Charles^ was made his guardian 5 March 1663. He died single, August 1673. 4. Catherine^ Frost, eldest daughter, and married before her father died. She married William Leighton, of whose family see account in note to Benjamin^ (.33) Wentworth, son of Ezekiel^, who married her granddaughter Elizabeth, daughter of John and Oner (Langdon) Leighton. 5. Elizabeth^ Frost, married William Smith. Charles^ Frost, son of Nicholasi as above, as the eldest, took the homestead, containing five hundred acres of land. He was Major, and actively engaged in the Indian war, for which, and for other facts, see sketch of his life by his de scendant Dr. Usher Parsons, in N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, 1849, pp. 249-'62. He represented Kittery in the Massachusetts Legislature 1660 and 1661, and also VOL. n. — 4 no FIFTH GENERATION. of New Castle. She was admitted to the church in Dover, N. H., from the church in New Castle, 29 December 1771. After the death of her husband John*, jr., she became the third wife of Col. in 1669 and 1674. He married, at the age of forty-four, Mary, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Howell) Bowles, of Wells, Me. Mary, wife of Joseph Bowles, was daughter of Morgan Howell, who made his Will, in 1667, at Cape Porpoise or Arundel (now Kennebunk Port, Me. ), where he had bought one hundred acres of land in 1648. Major Charles^ Frost was killed by the Indians 4 July 1697. Parsons, in his memoir, says, "On Sabbath morning, July 4, 1697, he expressed an unusually strong desire to go with his family to his wonted place of worship at Newichewan- nick [Berwick], a distance of five miles. His wife and two sons, Charles* and John*, with some friends, accompanied him. On their return homeward, and within a mUe of his dwelling, a volley of musketry was suddenly discharged at them, which brought several of them to the ground. It was the work of a party of Indians hid by the wayside under a large log, in which they had stuck a row of green boughs." Pike says that the persons killed were Major Charles^ Frost, Dennis Downing, and Phebe Heard [wife of John Heard], and that John Heard was wounded. In August 1853 the author of this work and his wife, after visiting the adjoin ing graves of his ancestors Joseph* and his father John* Frost, at New Castle, rode to Eliot, Me., to see the grave of Major Charles^ Frost, who was killed by the Indians. It was on the "Old Berwick road," so called, about half way to South Berwick, Me , from Portsmouth, N. H. He was killed about a mUe far ther on towards South Berwick, at a place ever since called "The Ambush." The place has never been out of the possession of the family of Frost. Nicholas!, the emigrant settler and father of Charles^, lived at the garrison down in the field, across the road, nearly opposite the one-story house behind which the grave of Charles'' is. The inscription is yet readable. The stone is a heavy one and lies flat on the ground, because as tradition says the Indians once dug up the body, and stuck it upon a pole, upon the great hill known as Frost's HUl. At our visit, the old two-story house had just been torn down and a new one-story one erected. There were several graves, but only a few stones with inscriptions: "Here lies interred the body of Mr Charles Frost, aged 65 years deceased July 4 1697." "Mrs. Mary Frost wife of Charles Frost Esq. deceased Saturday Nov' yell 1704 in ye 62'>9 ; married, 5 February 1789, Mar tha Weeks, of Greenland, N. H. ; lived in Somersworth, N. H., and was a delegate from that town to the New Hampshire Consti tutional Convention in 1791. He died 4 June 1795. Thej' had : 1608. Ichabod" RoUins, born 12 January 1790; married, 2 November 1818, Martha Ann, daughter of Capt. Michael Hooker, of Portsmouth, N. H., and Uved there. He died 9 May 1873. They had (besides two who died in infancjr) : 1. WUUam H.' RolUns, bom 7 September 1822 ; graduated H. C. 1841 ; was a lawyer in Portsmouth, N. H., and represented that town in the N. H. Legislature in 1865 and 1867. 2. Charles H.' RoUins, born 22 August 1824; married, 24 DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 81 June 1850, CaroUne, daughter of James Kennard ; lived at Ports mouth, N. H., and was a shipmaster. They had (besides one who died in infancj') : 1. WilUam Manning* RolUns, Uved in Boston. 2. Charles Hooker* Rollins, bora 23 August 1862. 3. Daniel M.' Rollins, bora 29 December 1833 ; married, June 1865, Ellen R., daughter of Josiah Swift, of New Bedford, Mass., and Uved in New York city. She died at Portsmouth, N. H., 23 April 1870. They had : 1. Mary H.* Rollins, born 23 March 1866. 2. Frank S.* Rollins, born 3 April 1870. 1609. WUUam W." RolUns, born 15 February 1794; married, 28 May 1828, EUzabeth, daughter of George Frost, of Durham, N. H., and lives on the homestead of Judge Ichabod Rollins, and of Judge Ichabod's father Jeremiah, at Somersworth, N. H. He has several times represented that town in the N. H. Legislature, and was a member of the State Senate in 1846. ' They had : 1. George Frost' Rollins, born 29 March 1828 ; married, 3 November 1853, Mary, daughter of Dr. Josiah Bartlett, of Strat- ham, N. H., a grandson of Dr. Josiah Bartlett, formerly of Kings ton, N. H., who was a member of the Continental Congress. They Uved at Dover, N. H., and had : 1. Daniel* Rollins, born 9 July 1858. 2. Hannah B.* RoUins, born 10 June 1861. 2. WiUiam H.' RoUins, born 4 July 1840 ; lived at RolUns ford, N. H. 3. Samuel H.' RolUns, bom 17 January 1842, lived at Rol- linsford, N. H. ; married, 1 December 1875, Susan Jane', daugh ter of Hon. Hiram R." (2407) Roberts, born 13 March 1847. 1610. Ann W." RoUins, married, 19 March 1822, her cousin Samuel" (550.1) Hale, of RoUinsford, N. H., son of Hon. Samuel and Mary* (550) (Rollins) Hale, of Barrington, N. H. They lived at RoUinsford ; he died in 1870. They had (besides one who died in infancj') : 1. Samuel' Hale, born in 1824, died single. 2. Francis W.' Hale, married Sophia Lord, of South Ber wick, Me. 3. Ann M.' Hale. Amos* (552) Wallingfoed, son of Ebenezer and Mary* (Went worth) WaUingford, born 6 March 1762 ; was a distinguished school- VOL. H. — 6 82 FIFTH GENERATION. teacher, and known for years as " Master WaUingford." He was town clerk of Somersworth, N. H., twenty-one years. He mar ried, 28 November 1785, Phebe Brewster, who died 20 October 1837. He died 10 (or 11) January 1837. They had : 1611-14. Polly" WaUingford, born 20 September 1786'; lived single with her sister Mrs. Betse}'" Pike. 1615. Betsey" WaUingford, born 9 October 1789 ; married, 18 October 1814, Nathaniel Green Pike, born 13 January 1783, grand son of Rev. James Pike,* and lived in his old house near Salmon Falls, N. H., on the old road to Dover, via the " old Somersworth meeting-house," which was burned a few years since. They had : 1. Martha' Pike, bom 1 January 1816. 2. John Gilman' Pike, born 17 August 1817 ; was a phj'sician (M. D., Bowdoin, 1847) in RolUnsford, and town clerk ; resides (1877) in Dover, N. H. He married, 1st, 15 July 1847, Mary Y. Cressey, of Gorham, Me., who died 23 May 1866, aged 46 ; 2d, widow AUce W. (Ham) Horne, of Dover, N. H. He had, by his first wife : * Rev. James Pike was ordained the first pastor of the church at Somersworth, N. H., 28 October 1730. He was born at Newbury, Mass., 1 March 1703, and was son of Joseph Pike, who married Hannah Smith, December 1695. This Joseph Pike, born 17 AprU 1674, was son of Joseph Pike, who married Susanna Kingsbury 29 January 1662, and grandson of John Pike, whose wife was Mary , and this John was son of the emigrant settler John Pike, who came to Newbury in 1635. There was an Elizabeth Pike signed as a witness to a deed in November 1730, with James Pike, at Somersworth, probably his sister. Rev. James Pike gradu ated at Harvard CoUege in 1725, in the same class with Dr. Mather Byles, of Boston, and Rev. Timothy Walker, first minister of Concord, N. H. Soon after he graduated he taught the first grammar school ever had in Berwick, Me. He preached his first sermon. 23 October 1726. He began to preach to the people of that part of Dover now known as RoUinsford, 27 August 1727, and was ordained 28 October 1730. He preached his last sermon 31 October 1790. He died 19 March 1792, aged 89 years. The Congregational Journal, published at Concord, N. H., 10 January 1850, says : — "Near the junction of the Maine and Great Falls RaUroad stands an ancient but well-preserved house with three venerable elms in front. In that house lived. and died the first minister of Somersworth, and these elms were borne from the forest on his shoulder and planted where they stand, by his hand." Rev. James Pike married, 26 August 1730, Sarah, daughter of Nicholas and Sarah (Clark) GUman, of Exeter, N. H., and sister to Joanna, the first wife of Col. John* (160) Wentworth, under whose family see " GUman" note. She died 19 March 1792. They had ¦ 1. Sarah Pike, born 13 July 1731; married Paul* (184) Brown, son of Nathan iel and Elizabeths (Wentworth) Brown; and surviving her husband, she wUled property to brothers Daniel Pike and John PUse, and to sisters Betsey, wife of Joseph Roberts, and AbigaU, wife of Rev. Avery HaU. She died chUdless. 12 January 1799. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 83 1. Francis WaUingford* Pike, born 10 July 1848, died 1 October 1851. 2. Frances Adelaide* Pike, born 6 August 1852 ; mar ried, 1 January 1873, Arthur D. CoUins, attorney-at-law, and died in Dover, 20 June 1873. 3. Nathaniel Howard* Pike, born 31 August 1859, died 9 January 1863. 3. Amos WaUingford' Pike, born 15 December 1819 ; mar ried, 20 May 1844, EUzabeth M. Chadbourne, of South Berwick, Me. They had : 1. John Edward* Pike, born 3 August 1847 ; graduated D. C. 1870. 2. Robert Gordon* Pike, born 28 July 1851. 3. Lydia Josephine* Pike, born 15 October 1856. Paul* (554), son of Gershom* and Deborah* (Wentworth) Wentworth, born 31 October 1765 ; settled in Acton, Me. He 2. Daniel Pike, bom 2 December 1732; married Anna, sister of Dr. Moses Carr, of Somersworth, and died 2 April 1806. Their daughter Elizabeth Pike married Benjamin* (335) Wentworth. 3. Betsey Pike, bom 21 January 1738; married Joseph Roberts, and died 2 February 1810. 4. AbigaU Pike, bom 30 March 1740; married, 17 May 1772 (second wife). Rev. Avery HaU, of Rochester. She died 22 July 1819. His first wife was Hannah" (568) Chesley. 5. Nicholas Pike, horn 6 October 1743; graduated at Harvard College, 1766; taught school at York, Me., and afterwards at Newburyport, Mass. In 1778 he published his Arithmetic, which was widely circulated, and which was iu use when the author of this work first went to school. Mr. Pike was a justice of the peace over fifty years. He endowed a scholarship at Andover, Mass. He mar ried, 1st, Boardman; 2d, Eunice Smith. He died at Newburyport, Mass., 9 December 1819. He left an only chUd, by his last wife, Joseph S. Pike, who has descendants living at Newburyport, Mass. 6. John Pike, bom 11 March 1747; was many years town clerk of Somers worth, N. H.; married, 17 September 1770, Martha Trevitt, of York, Me., and had: 1. Nathaniel Pike, bom 16 September 1771, died 30 September 1771. 2. Sarah Pike, bom 11 July 1773, died 28 August 1775. 3. Hannah Pike, born 4 January 1775, died 13 December 1828. 4. James Pike, born 26 March 1777, died 19 December 1842. 5. Nicholas Pike, hom 4 October 1779; married, 1 October 1809, Sarah A. 6, daughter of ElUiuS Hayes, and granddaughter of Hezekiah^ (172) Hayes, of Madbury, N. H. ; he died 14 December 1810. 6. Nathaniel Green Pike, born 13 January 1783; married, 18 October 1814, Betsey* (1615) WalUngford, as above, and died 9 May 1858. 7. Joseph Pike, hom 22 November 1785; married, 30 November 1809, Sarah Gordon, of Newburyport, Mass., and had a large famUy. 7. Mary Pike, born 26 July 1754; married her cousiu, Nicholas GUman, son of Trueworthy GUman, and died 28 December 1777. 84 FIFTH GENERATION. thence moved to Alton, N. H., where his wife died. He then moved with his son-in-law John Odiorne to Wheelock, Vt., where he died, June 1851. His wife was Deborah Naylor, of Somers worth, N. H., sister of Zachariah Nock's wife. (See " Nock" or "Knox" note under EzekieP (57) Wentworth.) She died in Alton, N. H., in 1848, aged 82 years. They had : 1616. Hiram", once a merchant in Boston, Mass. ; died single, 2 May 1850, aged 62. 1617. Amasa", born 1792. [3624] 1618. Lydia", mamed, 29 March 1810, at Rochester, N. H., John Odiorne, of Alton, N. H., son of Benjamin. See Odiorne Genealogy. After his death she removed to Wheelock, Vt., where she died at an advanced age. Thej' had : 1 . Hiram W.' Odiorne, born 1811, Uved single in Lyndon, Vt. 2. Calvin Howe' Odiorne, born 1813 ; married, 22 February 1843, JuUa Ann Everett, of New London, N. H., Uved in Bos ton, Mass., and died July 1847, having three sons. 3. Benjamin' Odiorne, born about 1815 ; married Louisa O. Ayers, of New London, N. H., 25 May 1845 ; Uved in Lyndon, Vt., and had three children. 1619. SaUy", married, in 1813, Nathaniel Roberts, son of James and Mary Roberts, of Alton, N. H., and had : 1. AUen' Roberts, born 1816 ; married Cynthia Coldbraith, and had a son and daughter. 1620. Polly", married, in 1822, Samuel SmaU, of Alton, N. H., and died, leaving : 1. Hanson' SmaU. 2. Joanna' Small. 1621. Joanna", married, in 1817, James McDuffle, of Alton, N. H., and had: 1. Hiram' McDuffle. 2. Dana' McDuffle. 3. Franklin' McDuffle. 4. Lyman' McDuffle. 5. Louisa' McDuffle, married Enos Whitehouse, of Alton, N. H., and died childless. 6. Deborah' McDuffle, married Nathaniel Chase, and had a daughter. 1622. Louisa", married, 28 September 1830, Capt. Charles Hunt, of Boston, Mass. 1623. Mahala Frances" , married Simon York, of Boston, Mass. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL** WENTWORTH. 85 Otis* (556), son of Gershom* and Deborah* (Wentworth) Went worth, born 4 September 1772 ; married, in 1799, Abigail, daughter of WilUam BlaisdeU, of Jeffierson, N. H., formerly of Wakefield, N. H. She died at Jeflerson, in the family of her son William B.", about 1839. He died at JeflTerson, about 1851. They had: 1624. William B.", born 11 July 1801. [3626] 1625. Otis", born in Milton, N.H., 19 June 1807. [3628] 1626. Tobias", left home about 1830, and was never heard from. 1627. John", born 10 June 1810. [3633] 1628. AbigaU", died single, aged about 17 years. Feanois* (559), son of Benjamin* and Elizabeth (Drew) Went worth, born 14 January 1763 ; married his maternal cousin Eliza beth C, daughter of Capt. Ephraim and Lois (Drew) Davis, of Madburj^, N. H. Her mother Lois, who died 29 January 1833, aged 95 j-ears, was daughter of Francis and Sarah Drew, was bap tized 31 July 1740, and was sister of Elizabeth Drew who married Benjamin* (165) Wentworth. Francis* died in 1801 ; his widow died at Somersworth, N. H., 14 December 1849, aged 85 j'ears and 8 months. They had : 1629. AdeUne", married, 23 December 1827, Samuel Paul, of Somersworth, N. H. ; they lived in the old house of her grandfather Benjamin* (165) Wentworth, the second house from " the Col. Carr house," on the road from Salmon FaUs to Dover. He died 19 August 1868, aged 76 years ; she died 4 January 1872, aged 76 years and 6 months. They had : 1. Ambrose B.' Paul, born 12 March 1829, died 25 February 1854. Gershom* (560) , son of Benjamin* and Elizabeth (Drew) Went worth, born 19 March 1765 ; was a trader in Somersworth, N. H., in 1805. He married Abigail* (806) , daughter of Gershom* (292) Wentworth, born 7 August 1763. He died 28 July 1814 ; she died 25 November 1814. They had : 1630. Joseph", born 19 May 1789. [3641] 1631. Betsey", born 28 April 1792 ; married at Shapleigh, Me., 6 January 1814, Jonathan Fox, born 8 July 1784 ; and lived in Acton (which was set off from Shapleigh, Me., 6 March 1830). He died 14 September 1850 ; she died 4 July 1876. They had (be sides one who died in infancy) : 1. Andrew W.' Fox, bora 28 January 1815 ; married, 29 86 FIFTH GENERATION. December 1842, his cousin Mary B. Fox ; Uved in Acton, Me., and had : 1. Alonzo C* Fox, bom 21 August 1844 ; man-ied, 10 September 1865, Martha Ann*, daughter of James W.' (3465) Wentworth, and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Charles H.^ Fox, born 28 June 1866. 2. Elwin N.* Fox, born 5 July 1847 ; married at San ford, Me., 10 November 1870, Ida J. (MUls), widow of Joseph F.* (5365) Wentworth ; and had : 1. Eva J.9 Fox, born 20 November 1871, died 7 April 1872. 2. Ira' Fox, born 12 January 1817 ; married, 1 January 1864, Emeline Dore, of Acton, Me., and Uved there, childless. 3. SaUy' Fox, born 3 July 1820; married, 24 September 1843, Edward Hart, of Milton, N. H., born 5 March 1812, son of John Hart ; see note to Ruth* (849) (Wentworth) Nutter. They had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Mary EUen* Hart, born 24 December 1844, died 28 April 1865. 2. Sarah Elizabeth* Hart, born 9 September 1845, died 2 December 1874. 3. Harriet A.* Hart, bora 30 April 1852. 4. John F.* Hart, born 1 May 1855. 5. George E.* Hart, born 1 November 1859. , 4. AbigaU E.' Fox, bom 9 July 1822 ; married, 6 May 1855, Thomas Sherman, of Lebanon, Me., born 14 January 1823, and had : 1. WaUer H.* Sherman, born 10 May 1856. 2. Harriet E.* Sherman, born 11 May 1859. 5. Hannah' Fox, born 7 January 1828 ; married, 27 June 1864, Benjamin F. Titcomb, of Acton, Me. ; no children. 6. Jonathan' Fox, born 30 May 1832 ; married in California, 6 March 1858, Mary J. SaUnan ; Uved there, and had : 1. Ida May* Fox. 2. Ira* Fox. 3. Charles* Fox. 4. Carrie* Fox ; and others. 1632. Shadrach", born 20 May 1794. [3652] 1633. Mary", born in Somersworth, N. H., 27 June 1796 ; mar ried, 1st, 27 November 1819, David RusseU, bom in Waterborough, DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 87 Me., 17 April 1798, died 27 June 1835. She married, 2d, Daniel Bennett, of Alfred, Me., who died childless. She was living in 1874. She had, by her first husband : 1. Louisa W.' RusseU, born 26 January 1821 ; married, June 1845, Joseph D. Sanborn, and lived in Acton, Me., childless. 2. Nathaniel H.' Russell, born 27 November 1825 ; married, 13 AprU 1848, Judith Fernald, of Shapleigh, Me., and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Marietta* RusseU, born 13 May 1851 ; married, 22 March 1872, SUas Stevens, of Salmon Falls, N. H. 2. Tristram* RusseU, born 1 May 1854. 3. David E.* RusseU, born 11 April 1856. 4. Eva E.* RusseU, born 5 February 1860. 5. Walter* RusseU, born 31 October 1862. 3. Abbie M.' RusseU, born 26 February 1832 ; married 5 June 1870, Alonzo Roberts, of AUred, Me., bom there 1 Sep tember 1834, and had : 1. Minnie Mabel* Roberts, bora 27 June 1871. 2. Mamie L.* Roberts, born 22 March 1875. 1634. Sarah", born 4 July 1797; married, March 1821, her paternal cousin Wentworth" (1638) Garvin, son of Ebenezer and Lydia* (Wentworth) Garvin. She died 9 January 1835, at Wake field, N. H. See her husband's family for children. 1635. Hannah", born 22 June 1801 ; married, at Acton, Me., 5 October 1828, Nathaniel Hilton, born 9 April 1797 ; Uved in Acton, Me., and had : 1. Cyras W.' HUton, bora 30 May 1829; married, AprU 1853, Ida R. Williams, of Marshfleld, Mass. He died 14 April • 1867. They had : 1. Carrie I.* Hilton, born 27 May 1855 ; married Charles Bennett, of South Berwick, Me., and had one child, who died in infancy. She died 9 September 1873. 2. Nellie J.* Hilton, bora 27 October 1860. 2. Andrew F.' HUton, born 24 February 1836 ; married, 3 February 1861, Emeline A., daughter of Deacon Nahum Hersom, of Lebanon, Me., born 15 February 1838. They had : 1. Georgie A.* Hilton, born 12 November 1864. 3. Mary S.' Hilton, bora 15 August 1842; married, 20 November 1864, Albert Downs, of Lebanon, Me. ; no children. 1636. EUjah", born 15 November 1805. [3658] 88 FIFTH GENERATION. Ltdia* (561), daughter of Benjamin* and EUzabeth (Drew) Wentworth, born 20 August 1772; married, in Somersworth, N. H., 9 July 1794, Ebenezer* Garvin, son of Dorothy* (315) (Wentworth) Garvin, and moved to Wakefield, N. H. She died 30 AprU 1856. He died 15 May 1858. They had : 1637. James" Garvin, born 29 September 1794 ; lived at Wake field, N. H. ; was Selectman four years ; Representative to the Legislature in 1835, 1836, and 1837 ; Sherifi' of CarroU County, 1840 to 1845. He married, 1st, about 1817, Nancy, daughter of EUphalet Philbrick, of Wakefield, N. H., who had one child, who died young. He married, 2d, Mary,* daughter of Benjamin and AbigaU (Merrow) GuptiU, of Newfield, Me. He died 5 February 1875. He had, by his second wife (besides one who died in in fancy) : 1. John Wentworth' Garvin, born 20 August 1832 ; lived in New York city. 1638. Wentworth" Garvin, born 1 March 1797 ; married, March 1821, his maternal cousin Sarah" (1634), daughter of Gershom* (560) Wentworth, and died 15 April 1831 ; she died 9 January 1835, both at Wakefield, N. H. They had : 1. Eliza' Garvin, born 19 June 1823 ; married, 5 March 1838, Carr Ricker, of Wakefield, N. H., son of Nathaniel and Mehitable Ricker, of Acton, Me., and grandson of Ebenezer Ricker, of Acton. She died 21 February 1848. He married, 2d, 3 June 1849, Abigail Taylor, daughter of John and Betsey Roberts, of Kennebunk, Me., and cousin to Abbie Frances (Tay lor) , wife of his son Wentworth G.* They Uved in Biddeford, Me., and had several children. Eliza' had : 1. Sarah Mehitabel* Ricker, born 21 November 1840 ; lived with her father at Biddeford, Me., single. 2. Wentworth Garvin* Ricker, born 21 December 1841 ; married, 26 August 1866, Abbie Frances, daughter of John L. and Sally Taj'lor, of Lyman, Me. ; she was cousin to his father's second wife. They lived in Rochester, N. Y. 3. Lydia Lucy* Ricker, born 8 October 1843 ; married, 12 June 1864, Orrin Blake Webber, son of WiUiam and Abigail Webber, of Lisbon, Me., and lived at Roches ter, N. Y. * Her sister Phebe Guptill married Capt. Thomas Bond, whose only brother was the late Prof. William Cranch Bond, director of Observatory at Harvard College. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 89 4. Angelia* Ricker, born 27 November 1845 ; mar ried Zebulon Gilman Horne, son of David and Ann G. Home, of Acton, Me., and lived at Home's Mills, Wake field, N. H. 1639. Betsey" Garvin, born 22 Febraary 1801, died 16 March 1816. 1640. Joseph" Garvin, born 21 March 1803, died 22 November 1811. 1641. Sarah Ann" Garvin, born 16 May 1806, died 10 March 1816. 1642. Mary" Garvin, born 31 May 1809 ; married, 2 December 1832, Peter Young, of Acton, Me., and died 27 June 1841. She had: 1. Betsey Garvin' Young, born 3 April 1834; lived at Acton, Me. 2. Joshua Moody' Young, born 9 April 1836 ; married, 21 November 1861, Georgiana, daughter of John and Sarah Ricker, of Biddeford, Me. ; lived at Acton, Me., and had (besides three who died in infancy) : 1. Florence* Young, born 1 November 1862. 2. Josephine* Young, bom 10 October 1868. 3. Emma EUzabeth* Young, born 26 March 1873. 3. John WiUiam' Young, born 7 May 1838 ; was a soldier in the war of the RebeUion, was taken prisoner, and died at Ander- sonviUe, Ga., 8 September 1864. 4. Sarah Hayes' Young, born 8 June 1840. 1643. Lois" Garvin, born 16 AprU 1812, died 22 March 1816. 1644. Ebenezer" Garvin, bora 6 August 1815 ; was Selectman in Wakefield, N. H., six years, holding that office in 1871, and living there in 1874 ; Representative in 1851 and 1852. He mar ried, 19 April 1848, Almira, daughter of Samuel Lang, and had : 1. James Wentworth' Garvin, born 14 January 1849 ; mar ried 7 March 1872, Charlotte J., daughter of WiUiam A. Match- am, of Wakefield, N. H. ; lived there, and had : 1. Bertha Maud* Garvin, bom 12 February 1873. 2. Mary Eliza' Garvin, bom 20 August 1852, died 17 Feb ruary 1874, single. 3. Frank Samuel' Garvin, born 21 February 1858. 4. Lydia Maria' Garvin, born 4 August 1861. 5. John Herbert' Garvin, born 15 July 1866. 90 FIFTH GENERATION. Tamsen** (567) Chesley, daughter of James* and Mehitable (Waldron) Chesley, born in 1728 ; married, 1st, John Twombly, born 19 September 1725, son of William and Mary (Ricker) Twombly, his mother being daughter of the emigrant George Ricker, as see "Ricker" note to Sarah^ (29a) (Wentworth) Ricker , see also "Twombly" note to Sarah* (316) (Wentworth) Twombly. In his father's WiU, dated 14 September 1763, John Twombly is mentioned as deceased, and a legacy is left to his daughter Tamsen". Tamsen* married, 2d (his second wife) , Col. Otis Baker, of Dover, N. H. Col. Baker's first wife Lydia* (166), daughter of Gershom' Wentworth, was cousin to his second wife's (Tamsen*) father. His children by his first wife are given with Lydia* (166). Col. Baker died 27 October 1801 ; Tamsen* died 6 November 1801. She had, by her first marriage : 1645. Hannah" Twombly, died young. 1646. Sarah" Twombly, died young. 1647. Tamsen" Twombly, born 18 September 1750 ; mamed, 16 AprU 1772, her cousin Joseph Waldron, born 16 May 1744, son of Richard Waldron, and brother of Col. John Waldron whose third wife was Margaret (Frost), widow of Hon. John* (531) Wentworth, jr. See "Waldron" note under James* (167) Ches ley. They Uved near the present residence of Oliver S. Horne, in the "upper factory" part of Dover, N. H. He died 8 AprU 1821 ; she died 11 March 1823. They had : 1. Mary' Waldron, born 13 January 1773, died young. 2. Moses' Waldron, born 7 July 1774, lived in Rochester, N. H., and left children. 3. Joseph' Waldron, born 10 AprU 1776 ; married Elizabeth, daughter of Winthrop and Mary (Horne) Watson, and grand daughter of Capt. Dudley and Christine (Baker) Watson, and had nine children. 4. James' Waldron, born 23 August 1778, died single, in 1814. 5. Sarah' Waldron, born 13 March 1781 ; married George W. Quimby, of Dover, N. H. ; lived there, and had (with others) : 1. Nancy A.* Quimby, married, 12 December 1824, Joseph MorriU, of Dover, and Uves there. 6. Olive' Waldron, died young. * Maternal great-grandmother of the author of this work. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 91 7. Samuel' Waldron, died young. 8. Olive' Waldron, born 4 April 1787 ; married James Ham, and lived in Rochester, N. H. 9. Mehitable' Waldron, born 25 July 1789 ; married, 25 July 1824, Henry Quimby, and lived in Dover, N. H. 10. Mary' Waldron, born 14 March 1796 ; married, 27 Octo ber 1815, John Plummer, 3d, of Rochester, N. H. ; had seven children, and died in 1836. Tamsen* had, by her marriage with Col. Otis Baker : 1648. Lydia" Baker, bora at Dover, N. H., 12 May 1759; married, 1st, 22 July 1775, Capt. Samuel WaUingford,* of Dover, N. H., born 4 February 1755. See "WaUingford" note to Mary* (163), daughter of Capt. Benjamin' (33) Wentworth. He was killed on board the American ship Banger in her successful engage- * Capt. Samuel WaUingford, son of Col. Thomas and Elizabeth (Swett) Wal Ungford, was lieutenant in Capt. Moses Yeaton's company, in 1775, and Captain in Col. Stephen Evans' regiment, 17 December 1776. He also served with distinc tion as Lieutenant of the Marines under the celebrated John Paul Jones. He aided m the capture of the British brig George ; and was killed in an engagement between the Drake and Ranger, 24 AprU 1778. This engagement was one of the most daring actions of that renowned naval commander. It took place off Belfast, Ireland. Jones had been cruising on that coast, and by his many bold enterprises had struck terror into the minds of the people of that neighborhood. To stop his marauding, the sloop-of-war Drake, of twenty guns, was prepared for sea, on board of which a large number of volunteers entered as for a holiday expedition, making her crew one hundred and sixty men, so determined were they to get rid of the pest. On the morning of AprU 24, Jones' ship, the Ranger, of eighteen guns, was off the harbor, and the Drake immediately proceeded to get under way, and came slowly out to sea. The Ranger ran down toward her, and hauling up her courses, lay to, awaiting her arrival. On her coming up, Jones sheered across her bow, and poured into her the first broadside. The engagement was maintained with great energy and obstinacy at close quarters for more than an hour, when the Cap tain of the Drake receiving a musket-hall in his head, his crew called for quarter, and the action ceased. The Captain and Lieutenant of the Drake died of their wounds, and forty-two of her crew were kUled. The loss on board the Ranger was the brave and noble Lieutenant WaUingford, and one seaman killed and six wounded. The prize was taken to Brest, with two hundred prisoners, being double the number of his own crew, and Jones was greeted with lively demonstrations of joy by the American commissioners, in which the French Court heartUy joined. One incident honorable to the humanity of Lieut. WaUingford we cannot for bear to mention. Jones, just previous to the above-named battle, had entered Whitehaven harbor in the night, with the intention of destroying the town and a large fleet of vessels lying there. He assigned to WaUingford the duty of firing a portion of the fleet, whUe he scaled the forts and spiked the guns. Having entirely accomplished this object, Jones was surprised not to see the shipping on fire. Meeting WaUingford on the pier, he inquired as to the failure of his part of the plan. WaUingford replied that his light had gone out, and besides, he did not see that anything could he gained by burning poor people's property. 93 FIFTH GENERATION. ment with the Drake off the British coast, 24 April 1778. She was married, 2d, 20 November 1785 (by Rev. Jeremy Belknap, the historian of New Hampshire ; see " Belknap " note following ' ' Cogs weU" note herewith), to Col. Amos Cogswell,* of Dover, N. H., •« Cogswell. — Col. Amos Cogswell was a descendant of Johni Cogswell, the emigrant. "Johannes Cogswell, filius Johannes Cogswell, haptizatus fuit, 25 July 1622," at Wesbury, co. Wilts, England. Johni Cogswell, a, merchant of London, England, embarked from Bristol 4 June 1635, and lastly from Milford Haven, Wales, in the "Angel Gabriel," which reached Pemaquid, but was driven from her anchorage there by the " Great Hur ricane" of 15 August 1635, and totally wrecked. He brought with him his sons WUliam^ Cogswell, aged 14, John^ Cogswell, aged 12, and Edward^ CogsweU, aged 6, the ages being given in 1635. It is not known where or when his daughters Mary2 CogsweU, Hannah^ Cogswell, Abigail^ CogsweU, and Sarah^ CogsweU were born. Johnl Cogswell was admitted freeman 3 March 1636, and died 29 Novem ber 1669. His inventory was taken in 1670. He had wife Elizabeth, who died 2 June 1676. Their children : 1. William^ CogsweU, born about 1619, of whom see below. 2. John^ Cogswell, of Ipswich, bound for England, in 1653 (iu which year he died at sea), made Will, and besides his brother William^ Cogswell, and two others whose names are torn off the paper (in Salem, Mass., examined in August 1859), mentions : 1. Samuel' Cogswell, (was he the Samuel whom Savage says was of Saybrook, and married, 22 October 1668, Susan Heam, and had eight chU dren?) and 2. Elizabeth^ Cogswell. 3. Edward^ Cogswell, born abdut 1629, probably of Ipswich, and died about 1700. 4. Mary2 Cogswell. 6. Hannah^ Cogswell. 6. Abigail^ Cogswell. 7. Sarah2 Cogswell, born about 1647 ; married Simon Tuttle. William^ CogsweU, son of Johni, as above, born about 1619; was of Ipswich in 1646; had wife Elizabeth, and died there about 1701, wUling property to sous WU liamS Cogswell, JohnS Cogswell, Jonathan' Cogswell, AdamS Cogswell, daughter HesterS Cogswell, and her three sisters. (Savage gives this list to Edward^ Cogs well, but he mentions Jonathans Cogswell and JohnS Cogswell, as children of WU- liamS Cogswell; and records in Salem give WUliamS Cogswell, son of WUliam" CogsweU, born 4 December 1659.) A Jonathan CogsweU married, in Hamilton, Mass., 23 October 1717, Hannah Wiggins. WUliamS CogsweU certainly had (doubtless with others): 1. Johns CogsweU, born about 1650, in Ipswich, of whom see below. 2. Jonathans Cogswell, married, 14 May 1686, Elizabeth, daughter of Francis Wainwright. 3. WUliamS CogsweU, born (by Salem records) 4 December 1659. (Was he the WiUiam CogsweU who married, at Ipswich, 9 October 1685, Martha Emer son?) 4. Edmunds CogsweU, died (by Salem records) 14 May 1680. Johns CogsweU, son of WiUiam" as above, had wife Hannah, and eleven chU dren; he died in Ipswich, in 1710. (A John CogsweU married, as by Salem records, 22 July 1674, Mrs. Margaret Gifford.) Of the eleven chUdren was : Nathaniel^ CogsweU, born in HaverhUl, Mass., 19 January 1707, and was afterwards a merchant there. He removed thence to Atkinson N. H. DESCENDANTS OP EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 93 born in Haverhill, Mass., 2 October 1752. He represented Dover in the New Hampshire House of Representatives from 1807 to 1810, in 1812, 1814, and 1815, and perhaps in other years ; was in the State Senate 1818, 1819, and 1820, and was one of the Presi- where he died 23 March 1783. He married, 31 Januaiy 1739, Judith, daugh ter of Joseph and Hannah (Peaslee) Badger, of Newbury, Mass. ; she was born 3 February 1724, died 17 May 1810. (For "Badger," see below in this note.) Their children were : 1. Nathaniel^ CogsweU, born 14 August 1741, died 9 November 1754. 2. Jeremiah^ Cogswell, born 12 July 1743; known as "Lieut. Cogs weU"; was Selectman in GUmanton, N. H., in 1775, and one of the Committee of Safety in 1777. He married, 12 June 1766, Mehitable Clement, and had several chUdren. He died 20 AprU 1802. She died 8 June 1829. 3. Joseph^ CogsweU, bom 23 November 1744, died 1 December 1746. 4. Thomas^ CogsweU, bom 4 August 1746 ; was captain in the war of the Revolution. He married, February 1769, Ruth, daughter of Gen. Joseph and Hannah (Pearson) Badger, born 14 September 1751. (See "Badger" note below.) He lived in Gilmanton, N. H., and died 3 September 1810. He had: Judith^ Cogswell, married Hon. Nathaniel TJpham, of Rochester, N. H. (see "Wingate" note to Joanna GUraan^ (537), and see Sophia' (1648.2) Cogswell, whose daughter Sarah Chase' (Currier) married Joseph B. Upham, son of Judith' (Cogswell) Up ham); Hon. Pearson' CogsweU, of GUmanton, N. H. ; William' Cogs well, of Rochester, N, Y.; Thomas Cogswell; Francis' CogsweU ; Rev. Frederick' CogsweU; and Alfred' Cogswell. 5. Joseph' CogsweU, born 31 December 1747, died 22 July 1752. 6. Hannahs CogsweU, born 13 July 1749; married Rev. Jonathan Searle, of Mason, N. H. He was born in Rowley, Mass., 15 March 1741; graduated Harvard College, 1764; ordained 14 October 1772; died 7 December 1812. His descendants stUl occupy his premises. 7. Judith' Cogswell, born 23 March 1750, died 23 August 1753. 8. Amos' CogsweU, born in HaverhUl, Mass., 2 October 1752; mar ried Lydia' (1648), daughter of Col. Otis Baker, as above. 9. Judith' Cogswell, born 24 March 1754, died 2 September 1754. 10. Nathaniel Peaslee' Cogswell, born 10 July 1755, died single, 10 January 1798, at the house of Col. Amos' CogsweU ta Dover, N. H. He was in the war of the Revolution, a sear-captain. 11. Joseph' Cogswell, bom 1 August 1756, died 27 August 1756. 12. Moses' Cogswell, born 22 September 1757 ; married, 13 June 1781, Hannah, daughter of Abial and Hannah Foster, and granddaughter of Asa and Elizabeth Foster, of Canterbury, N. H. She was born 25 AprU 1762, and died 16 September 1814. He died 16 September 1811. They lived at Canterbury, N. H., and had fourteen chUdren, the eldest of whom was Hon. Amos' Cogswell, of Canterbury, who died there June 1848, aged 66. Moses' was in the war of the Revolution. 13. Daughter^, born January 1759, died same day. 14. WUUam' Cogswell, born 11 July 1760; married, 22 July 1786, Ju dith, daughter of Hon. Joseph and Hannah (Pearson) Badger, of GU manton, N. H. ; she was born 15 May 1766. He died at Atkinson, N. H., 1 January 1831, where she died, 30 September 1859. He was over five years in the army of the Revolution, and acted as surgeon. Among their 94 FIFTH GENERATION. dential electors in 1816. He died at Dover, N. H., 28 January 1826. The house in Dover, N. H., where all his children were bora, is stiU standing, and is now owned by Edward Wiggin of that place. After his death, his widow resided with her daughter Mrs. children were: the late Rev. WUliam' CogsweU, D. D., who married, 11 November 1818, Joanna, daughter of Rev. Jonathan (D. D. ) and Joanna (Odiorne) Strong (see Odiorne Genealogy), and who died at Gilmanton, N. H., 18 AprU 1850, aged 62; Rev. Nathaniel' CogsweU, late of Yar mouth, Mass., father of Hon. John B. D.'' Cogswell, of that place; Han nah Pearson' CogsweU, second wife of her cousin Gov. WUliam Badger, of GUmanton, and who died at the homestead in Upper GUmanton, 22 Febmary 1869, aged 78 years, 7 months, and 16 days ; Francis' Cogswell, late President of the Boston and Maine Railroad; Judith' Cogswell, married Greenleaf Clarke; Joseph B.' Cogswell; Hon. Thomas' Cogs well; Dr. George' Cogswell, of Bradford, Mass., whose son WUUam' Cogswell (a lawyer) entered the army in the war of the RebeUion, as Captain 2d Massachusetts Infantry, rose to be Brevet Brigadier-General, and has been Mayor of Salem, Mass. ; and John" Cogswell. 15. John' CogsweU, bom 4 December 1761 ; lived at LandafE, N. H. He was in the war of the Revolution. See Additions and Corrections. 16. EbenezerS Cogswell, born 14 February 1763; lived and died in Wiscasset, Me. He was in the war of the Revolution. See Additions and Corrections. 17. Joseph' CogsweU, born 16 AprU 1764; married, 27 December 1788, Judith Colby, of Warner, N. H. ; was a physician; had twelve chUdren (some now living), and among them Rev. Elliot C." Cogswell, of North- wood, N. H., graduated at Dartmouth CoUege, 1838. Joseph' lived at Tamworth, N. H., where he died 17 March 1861, and where his widow survived him. He was in the war of the Revolution. 18. Francis' Cogswell, born 27 September 1765, died next day. 19. Daughter^, born 18 October 1767, died same day. Eight of these sons of Nathaniel* and Judith (Badger) Cogswell were in the war of the Revolution, and they performed in the aggregate over thirty-eight years of service. Amos Cogswell was breveted Major at Princeton, 10 October 1783. Gov. John Langdon, of N. H., made him Colonel of 1st Regiment of Light Horse, 4 November 1785. From a petition of Col. Amos CogsweU to the Secretary of War for his pension, dated 8 July 1820, which is stiU extant in his own handwriting, we take the fol lowing extract: " About the 10 May 1775, I entered the service of my country as a second Lieu tenant in Col. Gerrish's regiment, in the Massachusetts line, and was in a smaU action with the enemy at Sewell's Point with their floating batteries. In 1776, 1 served as second Lieutenant in Col. Baldwin's regiment, .in New York; was in a smaU action with the enemy when they landed at Throg's neck, and also at White Plains. At Trenton, I- waded across the river, and took two Hessian prisoners under the Bridge; in doing which, I got a bad cold, and have had the rheumatism more or less ever since. In 1777, January 1st, I was appointed a Captain in the 9th Massachusetts Regiment, commanded by Col. James Wasson; was up the Mohawk River; took Ensign Butler, with fourteen Canada Rangers, and three Indians, prisoners; was at the raising of the siege of Fort Schuyler; marched from Albany to BaUstou with one hundred men, and took forty refugees prisoners, that were going to Canada; was at the taking of Burgoyne; marched DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 95 Abigail' (CogsweU) Smart, at Kennebunk, Me., until Mrs. Smart's death in 1827, when she went to live with her daughter (the auth or's mother) Mrs. Paul" (1564) Wentworth, at Sandwich, N. H., where she died 14 February 1828. Her remains have been recently into their encampment with one hundred men, when their troops marched out, and coUected together aU their arms, and made my report to the Adjutant Gen eral that night. From there I joined General Washington, at Whitemarsh ; was in the battle of Monmouth; was in a small action near King's Bridge, when the French troops joined the American army. "I continued in service untU the last day of December 1783, when I left with a commission of Brevet Major. " I retired from service, and settled at Dover, N. H. "I married a young widow, whose husband was a Captain of Marines [Samuel WaUingford], in the ship Ranger, with Capt. Paul Jones, Commander, when he took the British ship of war, Drake, and then lost his life. According to the several acts of Congress, she was entitled to about $1,000 for the prisoners and guns so taken, but she could never obtain anything. She is now in years, very infirm, of the same complaint as my own. She thinks she ought to draw a stipend from Government for one or the other of her husbands. "I have always been a true friend to my country, both in the field and cabinet. I have served about ten years as a member in our General Court, three years in the Honorable Senate, and have had the honor of being one of the electors [in 1816] for our present President and Vice-President. I do say, not to my knowl edge, did I ever miss a regular tour of duty the whole time I was in service, but performed hundreds for my brother officers that were absent in visiting their friends." Upon the records in Salem are also the following CogsweU items : John CogsweU, saddler, of Hampton, in 1721. John CogsweU, juryman, Essex County, 1724. John CogsweU, Marblehead, 1722. WilUam CogsweU, Ipswich, 1720. Sarah Cogswell, of Ipswich, was a defendant in a suit in 1722. John CogsweU, married 29 August 1749, AbigaU White. Dr. Nathaniel Cogswell, married, 8 March 1777, Lois Searle, both of Rowley, Mass. Badger. — GUes^ Badger was of Newbury, Mass ., 1635, and had wife Elizabeth, daughter of Capt. Edmund Greenleaf (who came early to Newbury with his wife, Sarah; removed to Boston about 1650, and died there, 1671.) GUesi died at New bury, 10 July 1647; his widow married (second wife), 16 February 1648, Richard Browne, of Newbury, Mass. GUesi made Will 29 June 1647; proved September following. He had : 1. John2 Badger ("Sergeant"), born 30 June 1643; freeman, 1674; married, 1st, Elizabeth , who died 8 AprU 1669; 2d, 23 February 1671, Hannah, daughter of Stephen Swett. He died 31 March 1691, and his wife near that date, both of small-pox. He had chUdren (four by first wife): 1. JohnS, bom 4 April 1644, died young. 2. JohnS Badger, born 26 AprU 1665; of whom see below. 3. Sarah' Badger, bom 25 January 1667. 4. JamesS Badger, horn 19 March 1669. 5. Hannah' Badger, born 3 December 1673. 6. Nathaniel' Badger, born 16 January 1676 7. MaryS Badger, horn 2 May 1678. 96 FIFTH GENERATION. removed to Pine HiU cemetery, Dover, N. H., and deposited by the side of her husband. The author of this work, her grandson, was present at her death. He has recently caused new tombstones to be erected at her grave and that of her husband. 8. Elizabeths Badger, born 30 AprU 1680. 9. RuthS Badger, bom 10 Febraary 1683. 10. Son^, born 9 March 1685, died soon. 11. AbigaUS Badger, bom 29 June 1687. 12. Lydia' Badger, born 30 AprU 1690. "Lydia Badger and Jeremiah Libbey, both of Portsmouth," N. H., were married 28 April 1715. JohnS Badger, son of Sergeant John^, as above, bom 26 AprU 1665; married, 5 October 1691, Rebecca (bom 15 March 1667), daughter of Isaac and Rebecca (Bai ley) Brown. (This Isaac Brown married Rebecca BaUey, 22 August 1661, and died 13 May 1764. He was son of Thomas Brown, weaver, who came to Newbury, Mass., 1635, from Malford, England, and died by a fall, 8 January 1687, aged 80 years; his wife Mary died 2 June 1655. This Rebecca BaUey is believed to have been the daughter of John BaUey, jr., horn 1613, who married Eleanor Emery, and granddaughter of John BaUey, sen., weaver, from Clippenham, England, who was shipwrecked at Pemaquid, now Bristol, Me., 15 August 1635; went to Salis bury, Mass., thence to Newbury, in 1650, where he died 2 November 1651.) Of the chUdren of JohnS Badger was : Joseph* Badger, bom in Newbury, Mass., in 1698; moved to HaverhUl, Mass.; married, 1st, Hannah, daughter of Col. Nathaniel and Judith (Kimball) Peaslee; she was born 1 May 1703, and died 15 January 1734. He died 7 April 1760, having married, 2d, 29 July 1735, Hannah (Moody), widow of Ebenezer Pearson, of Brad ford, Mass. ; she died 22 December 1762. See N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, 1852. (Col. Nathaniel Peaslee, born 25 June 1682, who married Judith Kimball, was son of Dr. Joseph Peaslee, of HaverhiU, Mass., who was born 9 September 1646, and died 5 November 1723. and whose wife was Ruth Barnard; and was grandson of Joseph Peaslee, the emigrant settler. Joseph Peaslee, the emigrant, was made freeman in 1642; settled in Newbury, Mass.; went to HaverhiU, Mass., before 1646; thence to that part of Salisbury which is now Amesbury, Mass., where he died 3 December 1660, and had wife, Mary .) Joseph* Badger had two chUdren : 1. Judith' Badger, born 3 February 1724, married Nathaniel Cogswell, as above, under " Cogswell " ; and 2. Gen. Joseph' Badger, moved to GUmanton, N. H., about 1764, before which date he married Hannah, daughter of Ebenezer and Hannah (Moody) Pearson, — her mother being the second wife of his father. Gen. Joseph' was delegate from GUmanton to the Convention at Exeter, 21 December 1775; to the N. H. Constitutional Convention, 5 June 1781; .and tc the Con vention on ratifying the Constitution of the U . S. Was appointed Brigadier- General in 1780; was Judge of Probate 1784 untU 70 years of age. He died 4 April 1803, aged 82. Among his chUdren were; 1. Ruth'= Badger, married Capt. Thomas CogsweU, of Gilmanton, N. H., as above in " Cogswell " note. 2. Judith" Badger, born 15 May 1766 ; married Dr. WUliam Cogswell, of Atkinson, N. H., as above, and brother of Capt. Thomas Cogswell, just mentioned : 3. Joseph" Badger, jr., of GUmanton, N. H. He was CounseUor in 1790, '1, '2, '6, 1805, '6, '7, and '8, and died 14 January 1809, aged 63 years. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. WUliam Parsons (who DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 97 She had, by her first husband : 1. George W.' WaUingford, bom at Dover, N. H., 19 Feb- raarj"^ 1776 ; graduated at Harvard College, 1795 ; admitted to was twenty years a settled minister in South Hampton, N. H., but who removed to GUmanton, N. H., about the time that Gen. Joseph" Badger, sen., died). Joseph" Badger, jr., had (with others): 1. Hannah' Badger, who, in 1793, married Dr. Obadiah Parish; whose only child, Cynthia' Parish, married, in 1819, Dr. WUliam Prescott, of Concord, N. H., author of the Prescott Memorial. 2. WUliam' Badger, of Gilmanton, N. H. He was in the State Senate 1814, '15, '16, resigning in that year on being appointed Judge C. C. P. ; was Elector of President in 1816 and 1824, and was Gover nor of New Hampshire 1834 and 1835. He married, 1st, Martha Smith, daughter of Rev. Isaac Smith; 2d, his cousin Hannah Pear son, daughter of Dr. William and Judith (Badger) Cogswell. He died 21 September 1852. He had, by his second wife, two sons : Jo seph' Badger, graduated at Dartmouth College, 1839, Uves upon the homestead, iu that part of Gilmanton which is now Belmont, .N. H. ; and William' Badger, graduated at Dartmouth College, 1848, was Colonel in the war of the Rebellion, and afterwards Captain in the Regular Army. 3. Joseph' Badger, married Sarah Weeks. 4. Sarah' Badger, married Rufus Parish. 5. Elizabeth' Badger, married Daniel Jacobs. 6. Ebenezer' Badger. Belknap. — Jeremy Belknap, D.D., eleventh minister of the First Parish in Dover, N. H. (ninth of the church), was born in Boston, Mass., 4 June 1744; eldest son of Joseph and Sarah (Byles) Belknap; graduated at Harvard College, 1762; was ordained, 18 Febraary 1767, colleague pastor (with Rev. Jonathan Cushing) at Dover. By the death of Mr. Cushing, 25 March 1769, he became sole pastor. The residence of Dr. Belknap was on the northwest corner of Silver and Atkinson Streets, fronting south, next door to the Dr. Ezra Green house, which stUl stands. The Belknap house was standing in 1845. The "Belknap school-house " is now on the lot. Before Dr. Green's house was buUt, Col. Otis Baker above, was Dr. Bel knap's nearest neighbor. His pastorate ceased (by his resignation) 11 September 1786. He was installed over the Federal Street church, Boston, Mass. (afterwards Dr. Channing's), 4 AprU 1787. He received the degree of D.D. from Harvard Col lege, 1792. He died, of apoplexy, 20 June 1798. Dr. Belknap's wife was Ruth, daughter of Samuel Eliot, of Boston, whom he married 15 June 1767. His biogra phy, by his granddaughter, has been published in Boston, Mass. Dr. Belknap was a historical writer of taste, accuracy, and judgment. His chief work was the History of New Hampshire. He was founder and Correspond ing Secretary of the Massachusetts Historical Society, whose library now contains an invaluable collection of his manuscripts. The earliest extant records of the first church in Dover exist only as compUed or copied by Dr. Belknap. VOL. n. — 7 98 FIFTH GENERATION. the bar in 1798, and settled, in 1800, in that part of the town of Wells incorporated, 24 June 1820, as a separate town by the Indian name of Kennebunk. In 1813 he was elected a Repre sentative of Wells to the Legislature, and was successively re-elected while Maine was a district of Massachusetts. In 1816 he was chosen a member of the Brunswick convention, and united with those who protested against the action of the majority in declaring that the conditions of separation from Mas sachusetts had not been complied with. He was also a member of the convention held in Portland in October 1819, which framed the present Maine Constitution. His membership in the convention was his last public ofl3ce, with the exception of his representing his town in the Maine Legislature in 1823. He died at Kennebunk, Me., 20 January 1824, at the age of 48, much honored and lamented. He married, 1st, 15 February 1806, Abigail", daughter of Jonathan Chesley and EUzabeth* (548) (RolUns) Chadbourne, and granddaughter of Judge Ichabod and Abigail* (162) (Wentworth) RoUins. She died 1 January 1808, aged 23 years. He married, 2d, 21 November 1811, Mary, daughter of Dr. Jacob Fisher, of Kennebunk, Me., born 25 February 1789. After his death she married, 2d (second wife). Dr. James Dorrance, and in 1874 was living a widow on the WaUingford homestead in Kennebunk, Me. George W.' Wal Ungford had, by his first wife : 1. Elizabeth Abigail^ WaUingford, born 2 December 1806 ; married, 8 October 1829, Dr. Samuel Dow, of Dover, N. H. She died 6 May 1830, chUdless ; he died 15 May 1837. George W.' WaUingford had, by his second wife : 2. LucretiaS WalUngford, born 8 January 1813 ; married, 22 August 1834, Francis M. Sabine, of Bangor, Me., and died 29 October 1870. They had : 1. Francis W.s Sabine, born 7 August 1839 ; grad uated B. C. ; was captain of Co. G, 11th Maine Vol^., and died 15 September 1864, at Fortress Monroe, from wounds received at Deep Bottom 14 August 1864. 2. Mary LincolnS Sabine, born 10 June 1841 ; lived at Bangor, Me. 3. Helen Sophia^ Sabine, born 26 October 1845; lived at Bangor, Me. 4. AnnaWeld^ Sabine, bora 18 September 1852; lived at Bangor, Me. DESCENDANTS OP EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 99 •3. George W.8 WaUingford, born 27 May 1815; mar ried, 25 December 1855, widow Mary E. (Ford) Pettengill, daughter of Stephen Ford, of Portland, Me., and lived in Kennebunk, Me., childless. 4. Olive CushingS WalUngford, born 30 May 1817 ; Uved in Kennebunk, Me., single. 5. Fredericks WaUingford, born 27 October 1818, died 17 January 1819. 6. Sophia CogsweU^ WalUngford, born 2 May 1820; married, 31 October 1839, Benjamin Smith, of Kennebunk, Me., and lived there, childless. 7. Helen Maria^ WaUingford, born 31 August 1822 ; married, 1st, 11 September 1845, Dr. Joseph C. Hooper, of Kennebunk, Me., who died at Portland, Oregon, 4 April 1851; 2d, 24 October 1861, Edwin C. Frost, son of Timo thy Frost; he died chUdless, 21 March 1867. She had, by her first husband : 1. Florence W.^ Hooper, born 7 October 1847. 2. Josephine C.^ Hooper, born 10 March 1850. Lydia" Baker had, by her second husband : 2. Sophia' CogsweU, born 20 July 1786 ; married, 28 Octo ber 1804 (his second wife) , Jacob M. Currier, of Dover, N. H. , and died 18 September 1817. They had : 1. EUzabeth^ Currier, born 7 October 1805 ; married, November 1826, Joseph G. Moody, of Augusta, Me., and died 15 July 1833. He married again, and lived in Boston, Mass. Elizabeth^ had : 1. Maria Elizabeth^ Moody. 2. George^ Moody. 2. Sophia'* Currier, born 10 April 1807, died single, in Dover; N. H., 19 October 1835. 3. Sarah Chase^ Currier, born 18 November 1808 ; mar ried, 8 May 1833, Joseph B. Upham, of Portsmouth, N. H., son of Hon. Nathaniel Upham, M. C, of Rochester, N. H., by his wife Judith, daughter of Capt. Thomas CogsweU (brother of Col. Amos Cogswell who married Lydia" Baker) ; and grandson of Rev. Timothy Upham, the first minister of Deerfield, N. H. ; he was also brother to Judge Nathaniel G. Upham, and others, as see "Wingate" note to Joanna Gilman* (537). He was for many years Collector of the port of Portsmouth. They had : 100 FIFTH GENERATION. 1. Sarah A.^ Upham, born 12 September 1835, died 9 April 1839. 2. Joseph B.9 Upham, born 25 December 1840 ; graduated B. C. 1861, and is engineer in the U. S. Navy. 4. Harriet Amanda^ Currier, bora 30 November 1811 ; married, 27 December 1836, John Morris, of New York, and died at Wolfeborough, N. H., 9 October 1844. They had : 1. Amanda Currier^ Morris, born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 26 November 1840; married, 3 August 1864, Bradbury L. Cilley, who graduated H. C. 1858, and is Professor in PhUlips Exeter Academy, N. H. They had : 1. Frank Morris^" Cilley, bora 12 December 1866. 2. Laviniai" Cilley, bora 13 September 1868, died at Exeter, 4 December 1876. 3. Robert LongfeUowi" CiUey, born 17 Decem ber 1870, died 13 December 1871. 4. GUbert LongfeUow"" CiUey, bora in 1873, died 5 April 1876. 2. Harriet Agnes^ Morris, born in Wolfeborough, N. H., 3 January 1844, died there 26 January 1862. 5. Jacob MorriU^ Currier, born 11 February 1814 ; mar ried, in 1844, EmUy Johnson, and died in Pensacola, Fla., 20 October 1847. She married, 2d, Judge B. D. Wright, of Pensacola, and died about three years after. Jacob M.^ had (besides one son who died in infancy) : 1 . EmUyS Currier, resided with her stepfather. Judge Wright, and married, about 1863, Thomas E. Jordon, son of Hon. Dillon Jordon, of Pensacola, Fla. 3. EUzabeth' Cogswell, born 8 June 1788, died 18 November 1804, single. 4. Francis' Cogswell, born 16 April 1790 ; married, bj' Rev. Joseph W. Clary, 7 March 1820, EUzabeth, daughter of Joseph and Judith (Bell) Smith, and widow of John G. Tibbets, of Dover, N. H. She was born 20 May 1794. Her mother was daughter of Capt. Frederick Mordant Bell, of Dover, N. H., who feU at Stillwater, in 1777. Francis' is living, in 1876, at Blooming Prairie, Steele co., Minn., where she died 24 January 1876. They had: 1. Sophia C.8 CogsweU, born 9 June 1822 ; married, in DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL*-* AVENTWORTH. 101 1814, Samuel W. Brown, of Raj-mond, N. H. In 1872 they were Uving at Hebron, IU., and had : 1. J. Swaine^ Brown, born 11 January 1842. 2. Francis C.^ Brown, bora 11 November 1846. 3. Betsey Jane" Brown, born 28 October 1849. 4. George WaUingford^ Brown, born 11 April 1851. 2. Amos^ Cogswell, born 29 September 1824 ; married, 1st, in 1848, at Hebron, IU., Hannah Irene Clark, whose sister Sitney Jane Clark married his brother George W.^ ; she died 27 October 1869 ; 2d, 14 December 1872, widow Lucinda M. Dunning, of Owatonna, Minn., where she died 3 March 1874, aged 35. He was an attorney-at-law, and Uved at Blooming Prairie, Minn. ; has been Speaker of the House of Representatives of that State, and afterwards in the State Senate. He had, by his first wife : 1. Heman Clark^ Cogswell, born at Hebron, 111., 19 September 1849 ; married, 22 February 1871, Alice Tifiany ; live at Blooming Prairie, Minn., and had : 1. Helen Inezi" CogsweU. 2. Helen C.9 CogsweU, born 6 March 1857 ; said to be the first white child born in Steele co., Minnesota. 3. Abigails CogsweU, born 29 March 1861. 3. George WalUngford^ Cogswell, born 3 June 1829 ; married, 11 April 1868, Sitney Jane Clark, of Hebron, IU., sister of Hannah Irene Clark who married his brother Amos^. She was born July 1836. They lived at Blooming Prairie, Steele co., Minn., and had : 1. May9 CogsweU, born 21 May 1869. 2. Annettes CogsweU, born 13 April 1871. 3. Idafl CogsweU, born 26 July 1873. 4. Lydia Baker® Cogswell, born 7 March 1832 ; married George MitcheU, of Andover, N. H., and died there, 1 Sep tember 1861. They had, all bora at Andover, N. H. : 1. George Edgar^ Mitchellj born 7 July 1854. 2. Sophia EUzabetM MitcheU, born 7 November 1856 ; Uved in New York city, with her aunt Annette Frances® CogsweU. 3. Francis C.s MitcheU, bora 4 May 1858. 5. Annette Frances® Cogswell, born 5 June 1834 ; at last dates she lived in New York city, single ; was a teacher in one of the grammar schools. 102 FIFTH GENERATION. 6. Joseph Smith® CogsweU, born 29 October 1836 ; grad uated at Bangor Theological Seminary in 1868, and was a Congregational clergyman, in 1874, in Strong, FrankUn co.. Me. He married, 1st, 8 October 1864, Mary Francis Dar- rah, of Bedford, N. H., who died at Zumbrota, Goodhue co., Minn., 15 November 1868. He married, 2d, 23 February 1870, at Holden, Me., Ellen Victoria Hart. He had, by his first wife (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Mary UphamS Cogswell, born at Bangor, Me., 1 January 1868. 5. AbigaU' CogsweU, bom 29 October 1791 ; married (his first wife) Dr. Burleigh Smart, of Kennebunk, Me., and died there 21 June 1827. He married twice afterwards, and, in the midst of the most robust health, fell dead on the floor in his own house, 6 April 1852, leaving a widow. Abigail' had : 1. Dr. Irving WalUngford® Smart, born at Kennebunk- port, 21 March 1823 ; he was medical commissary on board one of the Government monitors on the Mississippi River in the war of the RebelUon, and was in several severe engage ments. In 1874 he was Uving in Boston, Mass., single. 2. Martha Abigail® Smart, born 26 February 1825 ; mar ried, 13 July 1852, Henry Wenzell, of Boston, Mass. He was a ship-owner, and died 15 July 1867 ; she died 15 March 1855. They had: 1 . Henry Burleighs WenzeU, born in Newton, Mass., 21 AprU 1853, graduated H. C. 1875. 6. Lydia' CogsweU (the author's mother), born in Dover, N. I-L, 30 May 1793 ; married (by Rev. Joseph W. Clarj"), at Dover, 30 March 1814, Paul" (1564) Wentworth, whom see for children. She died at Concord, N. H., 24 August 1872. 1649. Ebenezer" Baker, born 22 December 1760. [3664] 1650. John" Baker, born 12 December 1762. [3669] 1651. Mehitable" Baker, born 23 November 1764; married Capt. WUliam Twombly. [3670] 1652. Otis" Baker, born 3 August 1766. [3675] 1653. James Chesley" Baker, born 15 AprU 1768. [3678] 1654. Thomas" Baker, born 21 January 1770 ; graduated at Harvard CoUege, 1795 ; studied medicine, but on account of Ul- health never practised. He died single, 20 April 1803. DESCENDANTS OF PAULS WENTWORTH. 103 DESCENDANTS OF FXUl? WENTWORTH. Phebe* (572), daughter of William* and Martha (Ai-mstrong) Wentworth, born 18 January 1731-2 ; married Josiah Hurd, and lived in SterUng, Conn. He died there about 1812 ; she died there about 1818. They had : 1655. Rufus" Hurd, died young, in Plainfield, Conn. 1656. OUve" Hurd, married Amos Barret, who lived and died in Hinsdale, Mass. ; each died aged about 80 years, he in 1831, she in 1837. 1657. Phebe" Hurd, married, 1st, Ezra Thurston, who died many years ago in Schenectady, N. Y. ; 2d, Kenyon, and died in SterUng or Plainfield, Conn., having had two sons and one daughter. 1658. Hannah" Hurd, married Reuben Thayer. They Uved, and died childless, in Sterling, Conn. 1659. Rachel" Hurd, married her cousin Ezra" (1679) Pennery, son of her aunt Sarah*, whom see. 1660. Martha" Hurd, married Solomon Place. They lived and died in Greenwich, N. Y., she dying in 1826, he in 1834. They had three daughters and a son. 1661. WiUiam" Hurd, died single, in SterUng, Conn. 1662. Joseph" Hurd, married Casey, and died in SterUng, Conn. William* (575), son of WiUiam* and Martha (Armstrong) Wentworth, bom 22 August 1736. In 1776 he purchased real estate in Ashford, Conn., which he sold in 1802, and moved to Pel- ham, Mass. He writes, 20 January 1794, from Ashford to Gov. Increase Sumner, of Roxbury, Mass., that he has been building a ccc4^H^ fire^. new house, and had just got into it. He deeded, 11 June 1794, land, part in Canterbury and part in Lisbon, Conn., being land set oifto him in the division of his father's estate, and joining easterly land of his sister Hannah*. He moved, in 1807, to Verona, Oneida co., N. Y., where he died in 1820. He married, 9 November 1766, at Newent Society, Norwich, Zerviah Chapman, who died in Verona, 104 FIFTH GENERATION. N. Y., 19 May 1814, aged 70 years. They had (aU born in Nor wich, Conn., it is said. Lisbon was then a part of Norwich) : 1663. WiUiam", born 13 February 1768 ; the only child whose birth is recorded in Norwich records. He married, lived in CUn- ton, N. Y., and died childless, about 1825. 1664. Zerviah", born 1770; married EUas Brewster, of Lee, Oneida co., N. Y., and died there about 1830. She had : 1. Morgan' Brewster, died about 1838. 2. WiUiam C Brewster, born about 1807, was in CaUfornia in 1869. 1665. Fanny", bora 1772, died single, in Verona, 23 July 1813. 1666. Ezra", born 1775 ; married, but died childless, in Rome, N.Y., November 1832. 1667. Uriah", born 1775. [3680] 1668. Benjamin", born 28 May 1777, in Newent Society, Nor wich. Conn. [3682] 1669. Asa", born 1779, died single, in Floyd, Oneida co., N. Y., September 1838. 1670. EUphalet", born 20 September 1738. [3688] 1671. Zebediah" (or Zabdial"), born in 1785. [3697] Joseph* (577), son of WilUam* and Martha (Armstrong) Went worth, born in Lisbon, Conn., 14 July 1739; married, 1st, 2 December 1773, Experience, daughter of Elder Joshua Morse, of New London, Conn. ; 2d, 5 March 1781, Anna, daughter of Capt. James Ingraham, of Saybrook, Conn. He died in Sandisfield, Mass., 17 January 1806. He had, by his first wife : 1672. Benning", born 19 October 1774. [3698] Joseph* had, by his second wife : 1673. Experience", born 29 January 1782 ; married WilUam Miller. [3706] 1674. Joseph", born 31 December 1784. [3712] 1675. Anna W.", born 17 June 1786; mamed Abner Claflin, jr. [3714] 1676. Lebbeus", born 25 December 1787. [3720] 1677. Susanna", born 28 August 1789 ; married Horatio Til- den. [3728] 1678. Chester", bora 8 January 1791. [3731] Sarah* (580), daughter of WiUiam* and Martha (Armstrong) Wentworth, born 8 AprU 1744; married, 1st, Ezra Pennery; 2d, Paul Palmer, who lived and died in Stephenton, near Troy, N. Y. She died there. She had, by her first marriage : descendants OP PAUL^ WENTWORTH. 105 1679. Ezra" Pennery, married his cousin Rachel" (1659) Hurd, daughter of his aunt Phebe* (Wentworth) Hurd. They died on the old place of their grandfather William* (185) Wentworth, in Hanover parish, Lisbon, Conn., leaving a large number of children. 1680. Joanna" Pennery, married Comfort Ames. Sarah* had, by her second marriage : 1681. John" Palmer. 1682. Shubael" Palmer. Stlvantjs* (581), son of WilUam* and Martha (Armstrong) Wentworth, born about 1746, in Lisbon, a town taken from Nor wich, Conn. ; Uved and died in Windsor, Mass., which was some times formerly called Gageborough, and sometimes New Windsor. He was in the Revolutionary arm}' about two years. He was sur veyor of highways in Windsor, in 1778, and several years after wards. He married in Lisbon, Conn., 21 May 1775, Anna Fuller, born 3 April 1754, died 10 October 1823. He died 22 July 1832. They had, tha first born in Lisbon, Conn., the others in Windsor : 1683. Nijah", born 20 AprU 1777, died 15 July 1785. 1684. Anna", born 7 January 1779 ; married Cyrus Childs ; she Uved in Worthington, Mass., and died there 25 April 1813. He then moved to Conewango, Cattaraugus co., N. Y., where he was Uving in 1852. They had : 1. Osmyn' Childs, Uved in Charlotte, Eaton co., Mich. 2. AdeUne' Childs. 3. Alden' Childs. 4. Emily' ChUds. 5. Cyrus Wentworth' Childs. 6. WiUiam' ChUds. 1685. Hannah", born 24 February 1781 ; married David Mat- toon, and died in Colesville, Broome co., N. Y., 22 November 1843, where her husband was living in 1852. They had (ten were living in 1852) : 1. Almira' Mattoon. 2. Amanda' Mattoon. 3. Hannah' Mattoon. 4. Anna' Mattoon. 5. Laura' Mattoon. 6. Eunice' Mattoon. 7. David' Mattoon. 8. Mervin' Mattoon. 106 FIFTH GENERATION. 9. Angeline' Mattoon. 10. Jane' Mattoon. 11. Nancy' Mattoon. 12. Lavinia' Mattoon. 1686. Sylvanus", bom 29 December 1782. [3739] 1687. William", born 6 February 1785, died 4 August 1785. 1688. Nijah", born 12 May 1788, died 11 July 1795. 1689. William", born 8 December 1790, died 24 June 1795. 1690. Joseph Fuller", born 24 November 1792. [3744] 1691. Almira", born 11 November 1797, died 6 April 1804. Elizabeth* (584), daughter of WilUam* and Martha (Arm strong) Wentworth ; married Elisha Babcock ; lived in Hinsdale, Mass., but moved, after the birth of their children, into " the Sus quehanna country," N. Y., and were not afterwards heard from by their eastern relatives. They had : 1692. Ezra" Babcock. 1693. Elisha" Babcock. 1694. Sylvanus" Babcock. 1695. Alice" Babcock. 1696. Abel" Babcock. 1697. Joanna" Babcock. 1698. Wentworth" Babcock. 1699. Zipporah" Babcock. John* (585) , son of William* and Martha (Armstrong) Went worth, was the youngest child. Reports as to the date of his birth conflict a few years, some saying that he was born about 1753 ; others, that he died in 1834, aged 78 ; stUl others, that he died at or about 1836, aged 80 years. He lived at first on a part of his father's farm, in Lisbon, Conn., and his first eleven children were baptized by Rev. Andrew Lee, of Hanover church, Lisbon (the first eight 28 November 1787), where he and his father always wor shiped. After the birth of the fourth chUd he Uved in Hanover Society, now Sprague, Conn. He married, 1st, in Norwich, Conn., EUzabeth Webb, sister of Christopher Webb who moved to Homer, N. Y., and daughter of Ebenezer Webb (in line of Samuel Webb, Samuel Webb, Christopher Webb, and Christopher Webb, the emi grant) . She was born about 1759, died July 1798, at Canajoharie, N. Y. He married, 2d, in 1799, widow Wheeler, of Canajoharie, who had twelve children when he married her, he having then the DESCENDANTS OF PAUL^ WENTWORTH. 107 same number. John* died at Port Gibson, Wayne co., N. Y., Sep tember 1834. He had, by his first wife : 1700. John C", born 10 May 1774. [3753] 1701. Elizabeth", bora 7 September 1775 ; married EUsha Andrews; moved to Rome, Cattaraugus co., N. Y., and soon died, childless. 1702. Charles", born 18 May 1777. [3757] 1703. Phebe", born in Lisbon, Conn., 14 January 1779 ; mar ried Amasa Adams. [3758] 1704. Oliver", born 27 November 1780. [3768] 1705. Ebenezer", born 28 December 1782. [3780] 1706. Matilda", born about 1784 ; married Adam H. Van Slyke. [3789] 1707. Joseph", born 4 June 1786. [3799] 1708. Joanna", born abont 1788; baptized 26 June 1791, died in 1803. 1709. Eunice", bora in Norwich, Conn., 13 October 1794 ; mar ried George G. Shultz. [3807] 1710. Lorian", bora 4 July 1792 ; baptized 9 August 1792, died in 1803. 1711. Rhoda", bora after her father moved to Canajoharie, died young. John* had, had by his second wife : 1712. SaUy", died in Westernville, Oneida co., N. Y., about 1840, single. 1713. Lorian", married James Fowler, of Cold Water, Branch CO., Mich., where she lived in 1860. At last dates she was living at Algansee, Mich., with her son-in-law George Clark, and had four chUdren Uving. Her daughter Sarah' Fowler married Peter W. Emmons. BiLDAD* (588), son of Ebenezer* and Sarah (French) Went worth, born 10 April 1765 ; married Polly Snow, and died in Cov entry, Conn., about 1822. They had : 1714. Reuben", bora about 1800 ; lived single in Coventry, some say South Coventry. 1715. Phebe". 1716. Mary Ann", was married. 1716a. Nathan", said to have lived at one time at Meriden, Conn. 17166. Daughter^, said to be Uving at one time at Meriden, Conn. 108 FIFTH GENERATION. loHABOD French* (593) , son of Ebenezer* and Ann (Haskins) Wentworth, born 19 October 1776 ; married Sarah Edward, in Coventry', Conn. He moved to Hinsdale, Mass., and thence to Pittsfield, Mass., where he died 31 July 1855. They had : 1717. Mary", born in Coventry, Conn., 17 March 1796 ; mar ried, in 1817, Martin Segars, of Washington, Mass., born there January 1795 ; he died in Pittsfield, Mass., February 1855. She lived at Chatham ViUage, N. Y., with her daughter Mrs. Henrietta' Barnes. They had, the first seven bom in Hinsdale, Mass. : 1. Mary' Segars, born in 1819, died in 1835. 2. Fanny' Segars, bom 16 September 1821 ; married, Sep tember 1839, Henry Wells, of Lenox, Mass. ; lived in Pittsfield, Mass., and had, born there : 1. Helen M.® Wells, born 21 October 1841 ; married, 20 September 1858, Milo D. Benson, of Hinsdale, Mass., and had: 1 . Nellie WeUsS Benson, born in New Haven, Conn., 20 October 1864, died in Brooklyn, N. Y., 21 May 1873. 2. Frank BameS Benson, born in Pittsfield, Mass., 13 May 1869. 2. Fannie S.® Wells, born 4 March 1848; married, 20 September 1869, Orlando H. Bame, of Claverack, N. Y., and had, born in Chatham Village, N. Y. : 1. Bertha WellsS Bame, born 16 July 1870. 2. Nellie BensonS Bame, born 17 January 1875. 3. Edward Henry® Wells, born 17 January 1852. 3. WiUiam' Segars, born 1 July 1824 ; married CaroUne Dunbar ; lived in Pittsfield, Mass.. and had : 1. WilUam® Segars, born January 1845. 2. Mary® Segars, bora March 1848. 3. Jane® Segars, born May 1851. 4. Carrie® Segars. 4. Sarah' Segars, born 4 March 1826 ; married, 1 April 1859, George Beebe, of FaUs ViUage, Conn., and had, born in Bridge port, Conn. : 1. Stella M.® Beebe, born 17 January 1860. 2. Nellie E.® Beebe, born 13 AprU 1861. 5. Lovina D.' Segars, born 5 October 1828 ; married, Octo ber 1851, Henry Moshier, of Chatham, Columbia co., N. Y., and had: DESCENDANTS OF PAUL9 WENTWORTH. 109 1. Charles® Moshier, born there 15 April 1860. 6. Henrietta' Segars, born 14 July 1831 ; married, in Pitts field, Mass., 7 November 1850, Dr. Wright H. Barnes, of Mid- dlefield, Mass., and had (besides one who died in infancy), bora in Chatham, N. Y. : 1. Henry A.® Barnes, born 26 April 1854. 2. Carrie M.® Barnes, born 8 October 1864. ' 7. Jane' Segars, born 22 November 1833, died in Pittsfield, Mass., 1 October 1850. 8. Edwin' Segars, bom in Pittsfield, Mass., 29 October 1836 ; married, 25 November 1858, Catherine Sperry, of Waterbury, Conn., and had, aU but the last born there (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Edwin Martin® Segars, born 8 August 1861. 2. Katy Jane® Segars, born 5 November 1864. 3. George Henry® Segars, born in Bridgeport, Conn., 25 NoA-ember 1870. 1718. Sterling", born in Coventry, Conn., 8 October 1798. [3814] 1719. Sarah", born in Washington, Mass., 2 February 1804; married, 3 March 1826, Nelson Merrifield, of Washington, Mass., born 27 May 1804 ; Uved in 1876 in Holyoke, Mass., and had, the first two born in Washington, Mass., the next five in Richmond, Ma.ss. : 1. Cyrenus Nelson' Merrifield, born 25 May 1827 ; married, 1st, 11 March 1855, Sarah Elvira Oakes, of Prescott, Mass., who died in Savoy, Mass., 5 October 1860; 2d, 10 February 1863, Carrie I. Scott, of Guilford, Vt. He is a Methodist clergy man, and lived at Bernardston, Mass. He had, by his first wife : 1. LiUian A.® Merrifield, born at Chester Factory, Mass. , 14 July 1856. Cyrenus N.' Merrifield had, by his second wife : 2 . Frederick SUas® Merrifield, born in Charlemont, Mass. , 4 July 1864. 3. Frank Cyrenus® Merrifield, born in Heath, Mass., 16 March 1866. 4. John Goodwin® Merrifield, born in Bernardston, Mass., 22 September 1873. 2. PameUa S.' Merrifield, born 1 September 1828 ; married, 7 March 1863, WiUiam ErviU Trim, of Bozrah, Conn., and had : 1. Flora M.® Trim, born in Brattieborough, Vt., 5 December 1863. 110 FIFTH GENERATION. 2. WilUam Arthur® Trim, born in Conway, Mass., 28 October 1866. 3. CordeUa Jane' Merrifield, born 24 November 1830, is dead. 4. Fanny Maria' Merrifield, is dead. 5. Annette Almira' Merrifield, born 29 September 1835 ; married, 27 November 1857, Dennison M. Sturtevant, of Savoy, Mass., and had, the fii'st two born there : 1. Hattie Amelia® Sturtevant, born 12 January 1859. 2. Francis Adelbert® Sturtevant, born 6 March 1862. 3. William Dennison® Sturtevant, born in Belchertown, Mass., 5 June 1873. 6. Charles Franklin' Merrifield, born 22 September 1839. 7. Lucius William' Merrifield, born 16 December 1843 ; mar ried, 26 November 1868, Orissa L. Scott, of Bernardston, Mass., and had, the first two born in Canterbury, Conn. : 1. George Ernest® Merrifield, born 9 September 1869. 2. Silas Scott® Merrifield, born 8 November 1870. 3. Charles Albert® Merrifield, born in Belchertown, Mass., 23 January 1873. 8. Lillian Emily' Merrifield, born in Pittsfield, Mass., 25 February 1848 ; married, 12 January 1864, Charles M. Cook, of Georgia, Vt., and had : 1. Edgar Nelson® Cook, born in Coventry, Conn., 17 AprU 1868. 2. Ida L.® Cook, born in Monson, Mass., 21 February 1871. 3. Eugene® Cook, born in Monson, Mass., 16 Novem ber 1873. 1720. Ebenezer", born in Hinsdale, Mass., 25 October 1815. [3816] 1721. Almira", bom in Hinsdale, Mass., 23 September 1819; married, in 1841, John F. Baldwin, of Palmer, Mass. ; she died in Hartford, Conn., 2 October 1871. They had : 1. Rosetta M.' Baldwin, born in Lee, Mass., 2 March 1843 ; married, 30 December 1874, John S. BurweU, of Hartford, Conn. 2. Frank' Baldwin, born in Palmer, Mass., 7 June 1846. Ariel* (596), son of Daniel* and Susanna (Turner) Wentworth, born in Hinsdale, Mass., about 1783 (he may not have been the eldest) ; moved to Otsego co., N. Y. He married, October 1808, Clarissa BisseU, of Hartwick, N. Y., who died in Rochester, N. Y., DESCENDANTS OP PAUL^ WENTWORTH. Ill 8 Febraary 1864, aged 76 years. He died in Clarkson, Monroe CO., N. Y., 27 August 1819. They had : 1722. Ariel", born 8 September 1809. [3822] 1723. Delos", born in Milford, Otsego co., N. Y., 30 December 1814. [3829] 1724. Dennis", died 22 August 1819. 1725. Levi", died 12 September 1819. 1726. Clarissa Verona", died young. John* (597) , son of Daniel* and Susanna (Turner) Wentworth, born 3 AprU 1783, said bj^ some to be the eldest son; married, 7 February 1805, Polly Parsons, of Worthington, Mass. He died 5 July 1852, in Luzerne, N. Y. His widow died March 1866, at the house of her daughter Mary", in West Hartford, Conn. They had : 1727. EUsha P.", born in Hinsdale, Mass., 22 September 1806. [3830] 1728. Daniel James", bora in Middlefield, N. Y., 16 January 1811. [3837] 1729. Sylvanus", born in Hinsdale, Mass., 16 July 1814. [3839] 1730. David Parsons", born in Windsor, Mass., 23 May 1820. [3843] 1731. Mary Elizabeth", born in Windsor, 7 March 1830 ; mar ried, 21 AprU 1850, Benjamin F. Bissell, of West Hartford, Conn., where they hved. They had : 1. John Benjamin' BisseU, died 20 February 1875, aged 24 years. 2. Mary AdeUa' BisseU, died 1 December 1872, aged 18 years. 1732. WiUiam Augustus", born 3 April 1808. [3848] 1733. John Franklin", born 16 June 1818. [3858] ' Daniel* (599) , son of Daniel* and Susanna (Turner) Wentworth, bom 8 May 1787; married, 2 February 1811, Mary Haradon, of Hinsdale, Mass., bom 5 August 1791. He died in Hinsdale, Mass., at the house of his daughter Nancy", 1 January 1850. His widow lived with her daughter OUve", of Norwich, Conn., and died at Hinsdale, INIass., 12 January 1861. They had, bora in Hins dale, Mass. (except the last) : 1734. Olive", born 10 December 1811 ; married, 11 September 112 FIFTH GENERATION. 1830, Aaron Fox, of Lebanon, N. Y., and lived in Norwich, Conn. She died 21 March 1854 ; he died before 1875. They had : 1. George Aaron' Fox. 2. David Delos' Fox. 3. OUve EUzabeth' Fox, died in 1844. 4. Frances Henrietta' Fox. 5. Adelaide' Fox, died in 1848. 1735. Mary", born 25 December 1813 ; married, 3 September 1835, Thomas J. Mallison, of New Hartford, Conn., and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Mary Jane' MaUison, born 8 November 1838 ; married, 6 February 1859, Hulbert Royce, and had one child who died in infancy ; and she died 16 August 1862. 2. EUen Elizabeth' MalUson, born 29 July 1846 ; married, 12 March 1866, Oscar A. Denslow ; 2d, 15 October 1873, Flavel F. Slade. She had, by her first husband : 1. Mary EsteUa® Denslow, born 6 .luly 1867 3. Clara Isabel' MalUson, born 14 June 1853 ; married, 22 October 1871, Julius H. Barnard, and had : 1. Alice Almira® Barnard, born 4 August 1872. 2. Arthur Julius® Barnard, born 6 December 1873. 1736. David", born 22 December 1815. [3860] 1737. Eliza L.", born 12 AprU 1818 ; married, 28 November 1841, at New Hartford, Conn., Sj'dney 0. Maine, of that place, bora 6 May 1818 ; and had : 1. Charles' Maine, born 10 AprU 1843, is M.D. 2. Milo M.' Maine, born 10 October 1845. 3. Albert Stanley' Maine, born 3 September 1849. 4. Mj'i-on M.' Maine, born 12 September 1851. 5. Oreanna Maria' Maine, born 17 February 1861. 1738. Amanda M.", bom 2 July 1820, died in New Hartford, 17 March 1844. 1739. Emeline", born 22 August 1823 ; married, 27 November 1848, Adolphus M. Gardner, born 10 August 1818, Uved in Nor wich, Conn., and had: 1. Ella Wesley' Gardner, born 1 October 1849 ; married Richard Peale, and lived in Chicago, III. ; she had twin daugh ters, and died a few days thereafter. 2. Charles Bingham' Gardner, born 6 August 1851. 1740. Nancy G.", bora in Hinsdale, Mass., 8 June 1825 ; mar ried in New Hartford, Conn., 18 August 1846, Henry Church, DESCENDANTS OF PAUL^ WENTWORTH. 113 born in Canton, Conn., 15 March 1834. They lived in Barkham- sted, Litchfield co.. Conn., and had (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Henry Stanley' Church, born in Bakersville, Conn., 30 June 1847. 2. Josephine Idella' Church, bom in Bakersville, Conn., 28 Januarj' 1849. 3. Joseph Selden' Church, born in Torringford, Conn., 8 July 1852. 4. Ellen EUza' Church, born in Torringford, Conn., 24 November 1855. 5. CoraBeUe' Church, born in Bakersville, Conn., 25 August 1862. 1741. Cynthia", born 16 September 1827 ; married, 1st, Luther Locke, of Stoneham, Mass. ; married twice afterwards, and lives at Upper Black Rock, near Buffalo, N. Y. 1742. John Sextus", born 31 January 1829, died 26 Decem ber 1830. 1743. Isabel Jane", born in Stockbridge, N. Y., 15 October 1832 ; married, 25 August 1858 (his second wife) , Julius F. Blakes- lee, bora 4 December 1825. She died 5 August 1870. They had : 1. Mary Isabel' Blakeslee, born 5 June 1859. 2. Clara Evelyn' Blakeslee, born 11 December 1866. 3. Daniel Burton' Blakeslee, born 26 August 1870. Elijah Augustus* (604) , son of Daniel* and Susanna (Turner) Wentworth, born in 1800 ; lived in Hinsdale, Mass. He married, 1st, Caroline Stowell, of Peru, Mass., who died in 1838. He mar ried, 2d, in 1839, Cynthia Stowell, who was living in 1875 with her son Edward F." at Hinsdale. Elijah A.* died 21 June 1858. He had, by his first wife (all born in Hinsdale) : 1744. Esther CaroUne" (third child), died in 1838, aged six weeks. 1745. Austin Merrick" (eldest child), born 19 August 1825; married, 4 September 1849, Sarah L. Mecum ; lived in Chatham, N. Y., in 1875, and had: 1. Martha C, born in Becket, Mass., 14 February 1851. 2. Charles A.', born in Chatham, N. Y., 9 January 1859. 1746. Milo Milton" (second child), born 13 November 1827; married, 1st, EUza Jane Parish, born 9 January 1826, died 16 114 FIFTH GENERATION. November 1859 ; 2d, 9 April 1861, Clara ChurchiU. He lived in Hinsdale, Mass., 1875, and liad, by his first wife : 1. William P.', born 25 April 1858. Milo Milton" had, by his second wife : 2. Ella Maria', bom 19 December 1864. 3. Arthur Milton', bora 4 September 1870. 4. Ada Lilian', born 14 November 1871. Elijah A.* had, by his second wife : 1747. Emily Clapp", born 18 February 1841 ; married, 20 March 1867, Alfred L. Dyer, of Plainfield, Mass. 1748. Edward Franklin", born 17 February 1850 ; Uved single, in Hinsdale, Mass., in 1875. David* (605), son of Daniel* and Susanna (Turner) Wentworth, bom iu Hinsdale, Mass., 3 Febraary 1803 ; lived there. He mar ried, 8 September 1842, Naomi HaU, of Riga, Monroe co., N. Y., who died in Wayne, Wayne co., Mich., 23 January 1863 ; he died 7 August 1853. They had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1749. Elmore Clinton", born 9 December 1844; married, 15 October 1874, Josephine A. Wingate, and Uves in Columbus, Ohio. 1750. Henry Martyn", born 28 October 1846 ; married, 17 May 1870, Lena E. Manry ; lives in Hastings, Barrj- co., Mich., and had : 1. Orpha Clyde', bom 4 October 1871. 2. Fred', born 4 July 1874. 1751. Celia Hall", born 25 December 1848; Uved single, in Wayne, Mich., in 1875. 1752. George Milnor", born 15 January 1852 ; married, 31 De cember 1874, Alice Katie Hall, and Uves in Pittsfield, Mass. John* (608) Lord, known as "General John Lord," son of Nathan* and Esther (Perkins) Lord, born 29 March 1764 ; Uved at South Berwick, Me. He married, 29 October 1785, Mehitable, daughter of Capt. John Perkins, of Wells, Me. She was born 4 March 1766. Gen. John* Lord died 20 February 1815, and estab lished a fund out of which every student in South Berwick Academy should be given a copj"^ of the Holy Bible. The author of this work received one when a student there in 1832. John* Lord had: 1753. John Perkins" Lord, born 29 January 1786 ; married, 1st, Sophia Ladd; 2d, Noble. He lived at South Berwick, Me., in 1875. Among his children were : 1. John' Lord (LL. D.), born 27 December 1810 ; graduated DESCENDANTS OF PAUL^ WENTWORTH. 115 D. C. 1833; married, and lives in Stamford, Conn., — the emi nent historical lecturer. 2. William Henry' Lord, born 10 September 1812 ; graduated D.C. 1832 ; was a Unitarian clergyman ; married, and died in 1866. 3. Charles EUphalet' Lord, born 11 February 1817; grad uated D. C. 1838 ; is a Congregational clergjrman. 4. Ellen A.' Lord, born 8 October 1834 ; married, 8 Octo ber 1855, Theodore Atkinson® (3577.4) RoUins, whom see. 1754. Samuel" Lord, born 5 July 1788 ; married, 1st, , daughter of Gen. McLeaiy ; 2d, Withered ; lived in Ports mouth, N. H., and had a daughter and two sons. 1755. Susannah" Lord, bora 15 May 1790 ; married, 2 June 1811, William AUen Hayes, born at North Yarmouth, Me., 20 October 1783, son of David A. and Dorcas (Allen) Hayes, and grandson of John Hayes, who was grandson of the emigrant John Hayes. (For " Hayes," see N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, Octo ber 1852 and January 1853.) He graduated D. C. 1805 ; was Judge of Probate, York co.. Me., 1828 to 1847 inclusive ; lived at South Berwick, Me., and died there 15 April 1851 ; she died there 20 September 1870. They had twelve children, among whom were : 1. John Lord' Hayes, born 13 April 1812, graduated D. C. 1831 ; married, 28 May 1839, Caroline Sarah, daughter of Alex ander Ladd, of Portsmouth, N. H., and lives in Boston, Mass. ; had son Alexander Ladd® Hayes, graduated H. C. 1863, and is an attorney-at-law in Boston, Mass. 2. Francis Brown' Hayes, graduated Harv. Coll. 1839 ; is of Boston, Mass. 3. Charles CogsweU' Hayes, born 4 January 1823 ; graduated D. C. 1849 ; is M. D., married, and is of Madison, Wis. 4. Susan' Hayes, married Ebenezer Ricker Doe, brother of Judge Charles Doe, of RolUnsford, N. H., son of Joseph and Mary (Ricker) Doe, and grandson of Ebenezer Ricker who was grandson of the emigrant Maturin Ricker. See " Ricker" note to Sarah^ (29a) Wentworth. Both are dead, childless. 5. Charlotte Haven Lord' Hayes, born 17 July 1828; mar ried, 25 December 1855, William Phipps Blake, born in New York city, 1 June 1826 ; lives at Mill Rock, New Haven, Conn., and had (besides one who died young) : 1. Francis Hayes® Blake, born 3 January 1860. 2. Joseph Augustus® Blake, born 30 August 1864. 3. Theodore Whitney® Blake, born 9 May 1866. 116 FIFTH GENERATION. 4. . Constantia Hayes® Blake, born 19 September 1868. 5. Danforth Phipps® Blake, bom 11 August 1874. 1756. Nathari" Lord (D.D., LL.D.) , born 28 November 1792 ; graduated at Bowdoin CoUege, 1809 ; was pastor of the Congrega tional church in Amherst, N. H., 22 May 1816 to 22 November 1828 ; President of Dartmouth College whUe the author of this work was there, and from 1828 to 1863. He married Betsey King Leland, who died 30 January 1869, aged 78, at LoweU, Mass., in the home of her son-in-law Andrew Moody. He died at Hanover, N. H., 9 September 1870. They had (besides daughters) the fol lowing sons, the first six bom at Amherst, N. H. : 1. John King' Lord, born 22 March 1819, graduated D. C. 1836 ; was a Congregational minister ; married, and died at Cin cinnati, Ohio, 13 July 1849 ; he was a classmate of the author of this work. 2. Joseph Leland' Lord, born 30 June 1820 ; graduated D.C. 1839; died at Saxonville, Mass., 1 AprU 1874; was married. 3. Frederick Richardson' Lord, born 13 February 1822 ; gi'aduated D. C. 1842 ; had a private classical school at Buffalo, N. Y. ; is married. 4. Samuel Augustus' Lord, born 13 February 1822 ; gradu ated D. C. 1843 ; was M. D. ; lived at South Danvers (now Pea body), Mass., and died there 29 October 1862 ; was married. 5. William Hayes' Lord (D. D.) , born 11 March 1824 ; grad uated D. C. 1843 ; ordained pastor of Congregational church at Montpelier, Vt., 20 September 1847, and stiU (1877) remains; is married. 6. Henry Clark' Lord, bom 2 October 1825 ; graduated D.C. 1843 ; is attornej'-at-law in Cincinnati, Ohio ; is married. •7. Nathan' Lord, born at Hanover, N. H., 17 July 1831; graduated D. C. 1851 ; attorney-at-law at Cincinnati, Ohio, and later lived at Lawrenceburg, Ind. ; was Lieut. -Col. of 5th (and afterwards of 6th) Vermont Vols., in the war of the Rebellion. 8. Francis Brown' Lord, born at Hanover, N. H., 6 June 1833 ; graduated D. C. 1856 ; Uved in Indianapolis, Ind. ; was Major of the 56th Indiana Vols., war of the RebeUion. 1757. Augustus" iord, born 22 January 1798; married Char lotte, daughter of Dr. Nathaniel A. Haven. He died childless, and she married, 2d, Rev. Charles Brooks, D. D., of Medford, Mass. DESCENDANTS OF PAUL^ WENTWORTH. 117 Elizabeth* (630) , daughter of Moses* and Mindwell (Stone) Wentworth, born in Groton, Mass., 11 January'' 1748; married, 1st, 11 September 1770, Oliver Sanders, bom 24 March 1751, died in Harvard, Mass., 4 January 1805 ; 2d, 4 October 1815, Jonas Baker, of Shirley, Mass., bom 31 March 1747, died 6 March 1829. She died at the house of her daughter Polly", in Groton, Mass., 2 March 1843, aged 94 years. She had, all by her first marriage : 1758. OUver" Sanders, born 13 AprU 1771. 1759. Theophilus" Sanders, bom 29 March 1773. 1760. Moses" Sanders, born 9 December 1774. 1761. John" Sanders, born 17 September 1776. 1762. Elizabeth" Sanders, born 21 July 1778. 1.763. Isaac" Sanders, bom 1 1 May 1780, died 17 February 1836. 1764. Sarah" Sanders, bom 21 March 1'782. 1765. Polly" Sanders, born 4 April 1784 ; married, 1st, in 1803, Ebenezer Lewis Blood, of Groton, Mass., who died 3 June 1818, aged 40 ; 2d, 27 January 1826, Jonathan Hartwell, of Groton, Mass., who died 21 February 1743, aged 64; 3d, 28 July 1844, John Searle, who died 2 October 1847, aged 72. She had, both by first marriage : 1. Edmund' Blood, born 12 February 1804. 2. Lewis' Blood, born 5 March 1805. 1766. Lucy" Sanders, born 30 March 1786. 1767. Emma" Sanders, born 8 June 1788 ; married Blan chard, and died November 1819. 1768. WiUiam" Sanders, born 15 February 1791, died in 1797. Asa* (636), son of Moses* and Mindwell (Stone) Wentworth, bom 10 June 1766 ; married, 17 October 1790, Lydia Robbins, of Harvard, Mass., who died in Alstead, N. H., 20 September 1842, aged 74 years. He died at FelchviUe, Vt., 6 May 1862, aged 96 years. They had, the first three born in Littleton, Mass., the others in Alstead, N. H. : 1769. Lydia", born 23 March 1791 ; married, November 1813, Theron Partridge, of Alstead, N. H., and died before 1871. They had : 118 FIFTH GENERATION. 1. WilUard W.' Partridge, born 18 AprU 1814; moved to Potsdam, N. Y., and thence to Burlington, Vt. ; married, 1st, Hannah Goulding, of Potsdam, N. Y. ; 2d, Charlotte E. Smith, of Potsdam, and had two children by the last wife. 2. Alfred W.' Partridge, bora 9 November 1817. 3. James' Partridge, born 29 December 1818 ; married Har riet Kent, of Alstead, N. H. , where he had two children. 1770. Anna", born 20 Febraary 1793 ; married, 27 June 1813, Thomas Whitcomb, of Cavendish, Vt., and died before 1871. They had: 1. Anna Abigail' Whitcomb, born 7 October 1814. 2. RaveUa Calista' Whitcomb, born 25 May 1817. 3. WUUard FrankUn' Whitcomb, born 29 March 1819. 4. Asa Wentworth' Whitcomb, born 11 September 1822. 5. Victoria Maria' Whitcomb, born 25 January 1825. 6. M. Warren' Whitcomb, born 25 May 1827, died 2 Feb ruary 1851. 7. Victor 0.' Whitcomb, born 18 January 1830, died 4 Jan uary 1837. 1771. Sophia", bom 14 June 1795 ; married, 16 Febraary 1817, John Tenney, of Dalton, N. H., and died 30 October 1863; he died at Waterbury, Vt., 5 January 1869. They had : 1. Lydia Emily' Tenney, born 18 October 1817; married O. M. Brooks, and lived in Portland, Me. 2. Lucy Ann' Tenney, born 14 September 1819 ; married John Blakeslee, jr., and Uved in Dalton, N. H. 3. PhUetta W.' Tenney, born 10 December 1823, died 20 December 1824. 4. John Wentworth' Tenney, born 4 December 1826, died 7 July 1832. 5. Philetta W.' Tenney, bora 30 August 1828 ; married George Butterfield, and Uved at Columbus, Wis. 6. JuUa Maria' Tenney, born 17 May 1830 ; married L. L. Durant, and lived in Montpelier, Vt. 7. Asa Wentworth' Tenney, born 20 May 1833 ; graduated D. C. 1859 ; lawyer in New York city. 1772. Philetta", born 26 November 1804; married Dr. Levi Putnam, of FelchviUe, Vt., who died in 1845. His widow lived in Reading, Vt., in 1870. They had : 1. Lydia Ann' Putnam, born 10 February 1838. 2. Eugene Parker' Putnam, born 12 December 1839, diad 23 November 1842. DESCENDANTS OF PAUL^ WENTWORTH. 119 3. Asa Wentworth' Putnam, born 11 August 1844. , 1773. Mindwell", born 20 August 1809 ; married, 7 February 1837, Oliver S. Webster, of Alstead, N. H. She died 8 AprU 1851. They had, bora in Alstead : 1. EUen Augusta' Webster, born 3 February 1838. 2. Lydia Philetta' Webster, born 8 June 1849. 1774. Asa", bora 4 April 1797. [3862] 1775. Merrick", born 20 September 1799. [3869] 1776. Jacob Warren", born 20 September 1802. [3871] 1777. WiUiard", bora 5 AprU 1807, died 8 AprU 1812. Moses* (637) , son of Moses* and MindweU (Stone) Wentworth, born about 1773 ; married Ann Hony, who was born in Reading, Vt., and died at the house of son Warren", in East Constable, N. Y., 26 September 1842. He died there 5 February 1848. They had: 1778. Polly", born 1795 ; married Asa Ordway, and died child less, in Swanton, Vt., 7 May 1823. 1779. Sarah", born 1799, died single, in East Constable, N. Y., 25 May 1850. 1780. Warren", born in Cavendish, Vt., 10 September 1800. [3878] 1781. Mindwell", born in Eden, Vt., 15 June 1804; married, 26 November 1820, Caleb D. Hutchins ; lived, in 1871, in Malone, N. Y., and had: 1. Sarah' Hutchins, born August 1821 ; married Samuel Esty, and lived in Burke, N. Y. 2. PoUy' Hutchins, born 17 December 1823, died aged 19. 3. Ann Eliza' Hutchins, born 25 April 1826 ; is single. 4. AdeUne' Hutchins, bora 12 November 1828 ; married GUes Cheney, and lived in Dickinson, N. Y. v 5. Marvin' Hutchins, born 24 February 1831 ; married Fidelia Button, and Uved in Delhi, Iowa. 6. Melvin' Hutchins, bom 11 April 1833 ; married Louisa Pierson, and Uved at Black Brook, Clinton co., N. Y. 7. Susannah' Hutchins, born 24 May 1835 ; married George Works, and died 11 October 1868. 8. Charlotte' Hutchins, born 9 October 1838 ; married Horace Dudley, and Uved at Fort Covington, N. Y. John Harkness* (641), son of Jared* and Abigail (Wilson) Wentworth, born at Ashford, Conn., in 1765 ; chose Mundator 120 FIFTH GENERATION. Tracy as his guardian, 6 May 1784. He married, in Crawford co., Pa., Mary Gibson, who died at the homestead, 26 March 1816, aged 36 years. He died 6 May 1841, on his homestead at French Creek, where he was one of the first settlers, a few miles south of Meadville, Crawford co.. Pa. They had : 1782. Elizabeth", born 1803, died in MeadvUle, Pa., August 1818, within one year after her marriage, childless. 1783. Andrew Gibson", born in Fairfield, Crawford co.. Pa., 16 October 1801 ; mamed, 26 August 1833, Eliza Shofestall ; lived in Wayne township, Crawford co. , Pa. , and had, all born near there : 1. Andrew', born 2 August 1835 ; married Martha Barnard, and lived on a farm adjoining his father's. He was ten months in Co. K, 169th Penn. Vols., war of the Rebellion. He had: 1. John Elmer*, born 9 December 1865. 2. Joseph Dwight®, born 6 May 1868. 2. Mary Ann', born 10 November 1837 ; married Samuel WhaUng, and lived in Wayne, Pa. 3. John Harkness', born 4 January 1840, died 1 Octo ber 1856. 4. Catherine', born 17 October 1842 ; lived with her father, single. 5. Isaiah', born 28 December 1844, died 9 October 1856. 6. Peter', born 7 December 1846 ; married, 1 January 1871, Margaret Ferry, and lived near his father. 7. Sarah', born 10 November 1848 ; married Thomas Cous ins, and lived in Wayne, Penn. 8. Eliza', born 10 October 1850 ; lived at home, single. 9. Seaman', born 17 November 1852 ; lived at home, single. 10. Rebecca', born 27 September 1854, died 18 January 1861. 11. Thomas', born 5 March 1857 ; lived at home. 1784. Mary" (eighth child), born in 1814; mamed, 1836, Francis M. LattereU, and died childless, in Fairfield, Crawford co., Pa., the same year. 1785. John", born on the homestead, 31 October 1805. [3881] 1786. Sarah", born 13 September 1806 ; married, 24 March 1849, WilUam Mumford, and in 1871 was Uving, a widow and childless, with her nephew George H.', son of her brother WiUiam" (1790). 1787. Jedediah" (seventh child) , bora in 1813, died single, in Centre, Pa. 1788. David" (fifth child), bom 2 June 1811. [3893] DESCENDANTS OF PAUL2 WENTWORTH. 121 1789. Thomas Gibson" (sixth child) , born in Crawford co.. Pa., 28 December 1812 ; married, 8 August 1845, Ann EUza, daughter of Finlaw Baittj--, of Crawford, co.. Pa. ; was Uving, in 1877, at Cedar Rapids, Linn co., Iowa, and had : 1. William M.', bora 30 May 1847, died 28 December 1869. 2. Finlaw B.', bom 21 March 1849. 3. John A.', born 22 September 1850. 4. David W.', born 25 January 1852. 5. Nancy J.', born 15 December 1853, died 19 March 1870. 6. Annetta C, born 29 May 1856. 7. CaroUne R.', born 11 March 1858. 1790. WUUam", born about 1815. [3899] Sophia* (642) , daughter of Jared* and AbigaU (Wilson) Went worth, born in Bozrah, Conn., 12 April 1766; married (second wife), 28 November 1790, Ezekiel Huntley, jr., of Norwich, Conn. He was bom in FrankUn, Conn., 12 March 1752 ; was son of Eze kiel Huntley (a native of Scotland, who died of small-pox, in 1760, on his way home from an expedition against the Indians ; his wife, Mary Walbridge, bom August 1730, was over forty years a widow, and died 12 December 1800, at the house of her son Ezekiel). Ezekiel Huntley, husband of Sophia* Wentworth, joined the first regiment raised in his section of Connecticut, in the war of the Rev olution, and marched with it to Boston. His first wife, Lydia How ard, died within a year after marriage ; and it was for her that his only child was named. He died in Hartford, Conn., 13 August 1839, after a few hours' sickness, with unfrosted hair and unim paired mind, in his 88th j^ear. His wife Sophia* died 28 August 1833, at the house of her only child, Mrs. Sigourney. They had : 1791. Lydia Howard" Huntley, born 1 September 1791; mar ried Charles Sigouraey. [3902] The reader is indebted to Mrs. Sigourney for the foUowing prose and poetry respecting her mother, sent, in the original manuscript, to the author of this work, and expressly for its pages : — Mrs. Huntley possessed much native talent, with that quickness of feeling and perception that betokens genius, but received Uttle aid from regular scholastic training. The advantages of education were, in those times, not very ably sustained or widely diffused in that region of Connecticut. Yet her mind, combining unusual vivacity with great strength of the retentive powers, was earnest in self- culture. Books being far scarcer and precious than at present, she 122 FIFTH GENERATION. perased with eager attention, and engraved the contents of favorite authors so firmly on her memory that years seemed to have no power in obliterating their traces. Some of the poets, especiaUy Watts, were thus enshrined and embalmed ; and she could repeat, verbatim, page after page of the most striking parts of ' ' Clarissa Harlowe," Richardson then occupying that pre-eminence among writers of fiction that has since been accorded to the Magician of Abbotsford. She evinced from early years acute sensibiUties, with originality and force in their expression. She had an exquisite perception of melody and a clear voice in the gay or the sacred song. Habits of industry and economy were integral elements in her character and conspicuous in the order and neatness of her house keeping, a department that in the olden times was no sinecure, and which amid the primitive tastes of the pleasant city where she dwelt, it would not have been held fitting or respectable either to neglect or imperfectly to understand. She was blessed with a piety that pervaded both heart and life, and was for many years a com municant in the church under the pastoral care of the Rev. Dr. Joseph Strong, in what was then called the Upper or Old Town of Norwich, a locality remarkable for romantic scenery and a deUght- ful state of society. In person she was decidedly comely ; her complexion florid, her eye bright, and her well-proportioned form so active in its move ments that at the age of more than half a century she might have been easily mistaken for a fair woman of thirty. Infirm health during the close of her earthly pilgrimage saddened the naturally animated expression of her countenance ; but no frost of time dimmed the quick glance of her ever unspectacled eye or impaired the susceptibilty of her ear to sound. The exceeding beauty of 'her chiselled features was so marked after death, and her pure, symmetrical forehead so unfurrowed, that those who gazed on her in the sleep of the coffin could scarcely be persuaded that almost three-score and ten years had passed over her. The following Unes were written by her daughter, at planting flowers on the grave, just before leaving for Europe : — On thy cold pillow, mother dear, I've placed thy favorite flower, The bright-eyed, purple violet. That decked thy summer bower, DESCENDANTS OP PAUL*^ WENTWORTH. 123 The fragrant chamomile, that spreads Its tendrils fresh and green. And richly broiders every chasm The velvet turf between. I kissed the tender violet. That drooped its stranger head, And call'd it blessed thus to dwell So near my precious dead. And when my venturous path shall tend Across the deep-blue sea, I bade it all unshrinking rise, And guard this spot for me. Mother, there was no one beside, To do this deed for thee ; No other new-born, nursling babe Was cradled on thy knee ; Nor to thine ear, that hallowed name Did other Ups than mine E'er breathe, to prompt thy fervent prayer At morn and eve's decline. Spare ye to pluck these sacred plants, Te groups that wander near. When summer sunsets gild the sky, Or autumn's tints appear ! So when your sleep is in the dust, Where now ye Ughtly tread, Some flUal hand may train the rose To deck your lowly bed. MY MOTHER'S GRAVE. I have enriched this soU. Flesh of my flesh Is here deposited. Low at my feet A casket lies, which love's best essence held. — O mother ! mother ! What a thrilUng tide Flows o'er me at thy name ! Thy tender cares Thy footstep wearied in this thorny vale, The sculptured beauty of thy pale, pale brow. When death restored what years of pain had marr'd, The smooth, benignant forehead, and the smUe That curved the perfect Ups, — Let me sit down On thy green sepulchre, and muse of thee. Still sounds thy heavy death-moan in my ears. 0 mother ! mother ! 124 FIFTH GENERATION. Yet it is not well To mourn supinely. Rather let us pay To our own little ones that debt of love Which nothing earthly, save a mother's heart, Can comprehend or cancel. Let us strive The good we have received to render back Into the bosom of the rising race. So shall we keep Heaven's law. Sad harp, be still ! Jedediah* (643), son of Jared* and Abigail (Wilson) Wentworth, born 20 AprU 1771 ; married, 9 May 1799, Betsey Webb, of Ash ford, Conn., who was born 27 June 1778, died 18 April 1857. He died 31 May 1834. They had : 1792. Betsej'", born 2 AprU 1800, died 5 January 1802. 1793. Sarah", born 11 October 1801, died 27 June 1805. 1794. Jared", born 16 March 1803. [3904] 1795. EUzabeth", born 14 January 1805 ; married, 1 December 1824, Ebenezer Storrs Ross, bom 16 November 1798. She died 18 January 1841 ; he died 26 October 1845. They had : 1. Elizabeth' Ross, born 2 February 1825; married David Potter, of Willington, Conn. 2. Cornelia' Ross, born 24 April 1826 ; married James R. Lyman, of Mansfield, Conn., and had: 1 . Emma Jane® Lyman. 3. Cynthia' Ross, born 30 October 1827 ; married Reuben Dean, of Woodstock, Conn. , and had : 1. Oscar® Dean. 2. Eliza® Dean. 4. Webb' Ross, bom 29 June 1829. 5. Elnathan' Ross, bom 5 March 1833. 1796. Susan", born 31 December 1807; married, 11 March 1830, Arnon Knowlton, born 28 January 1800. She died 27 November 1857 ; he died 6 December 1874. They had (besides one who died in infancj"^) : 1. Ezra Lncien' Knowlton, born 21 March 1831 ; married, 22 March 1857, Emerancy EUza Coman, born 19 February 1836. 2. Lydia Minerva' Knowlton, bora 9 November 1832 ; mar ried, 16 October 1853, WilUam Reynolds James, of Ashford, Conn. 3. Ralph Harrison' Knowlton, born 19 June 1835, died 9 January 1860. 4. Maria Janette' Knowlton, born 10 September 1838, died . 10 August 1870. descendants of PAUL2 WENTWORTH. 125 1797. Maria", bom 9 June 1810; married, 25 .March 1829, Fielder Watkins, born 16 March 1800. He died 16 November 1855. They had (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Lj'man Bruce' Watkins, born 23 June 1830; married Lorain Converse, and died 14 December 1869. 2. Martha Maria' Watkins, born 12 May 1842 ; married, 11 October 1860, Palmer S. Com^erse. 3. Clarissa Wentworth' Watkins, born 3 November 1844 ; married, 18 September 1864, Moses S. Read, born 7 Octo ber 1836 ; he died 25 March 1866. 1798. Lydia Huntley", born 19 August 1814 ; married, 27 March 1833, Thomas Wan-en, born 12 February 1805. She died 6 October 1870. They had (besides two died in infancj^) : 1. Susan Maria' Warren, born 23 March 1834 ; married, 1st, 1 November 1859, Lewis Potter, born 30 January 1832, died 2 January 1864 ; 2d, in 1867, Luther Warren, born 23 July 1834 ; and had : 1. Luther Webb® Warren, born 15 February 1868. Philura* (644) , daughter of Jared* and Abigail (Wilson) Went worth, born 12 August 1773 ; married, 17 March 1793, Samuel Griswold Tracy, of Franklin, Conn. She died in Preston, Conn., 22 September 1799, leaving: 1799. Julia De Robigne" Tracy, bora 3 February 1794; mar ried, 16 May 1823, Richard A. Browne, and was living, in 18.0, in Providence, R. I. They had : 1. WiUiam E.' Browne, li-dng in Providence, R. I., in 1871. 2. Richard Wentworth' Browne, living in New London, Conn. , in 1871. 1800. Jared Wentworth" Tracy, born 19 December 1795 ; mar ried, July 1835, Mary L. Hussey, and lived in Nantucket, Mass. 1801. Willys Huntley" Tracy, bora 22 January 1798 ; married, 1st, 8 Febraary 1818, RoxaUnda Burdick ; 2d, 27 January 1839, Sarah J. Graves. He died 27 Febraary 1854, at Stonington, Conn. Benjamin* (647), son of Edward* and Mary (Lord) Wentworth, baptized in Norwich, Conn., 19 March 1764 ; mamed Sally Morgan, born 5 August 1775. He died in Hamilton, Madison co., N. Y., 20 November 1817. She married, 2d, Abner Miller, and died in Spartansburg, Crawford co.. Pa., 2 April 1841. Benjamin* had: 1802. Betsey", born 18 August 1800 ; married George Washing ton Bass, and died in MarshaU, Oneida co., N. Y., 24 June 1864. 126 FIFTH GENERATION. 1803. Irena", born November 1801 ; married, 9 January 1823, Milan Kellogg, and Uves in Limestone, Cattaraugus co., N. Y. They had : 1. Giles M.' Kellogg, born 24 December 1825. 2. Nelson S.' KeUogg, born 24 December 1827. 3. Olivia A.' Kellogg, born 12 December 1831. 1804. Anna" (fifth child), born 15 April 1807; married, 2 March 1832, Zenas Pool, born 15 April 1807, who lived in Lowell, Dodge CO., Wis., and moved to Portage, Columbia co.. Wis. They had : 1. Samuel Alphonso' Pool, born 5 April 1833. 2. Orestes G.' Pool, born 8 January 1835. 3. Harriet N.' Pool, born 14 March 1837. 4. Zenas' Pool, born 9 May 1839. 5. Wilson L.' Pool, born 12 October 1845. 6. Ahnon A.' Pool, bom 30 March 1848. 1805. Eunice" (sixth child) , born 6 August 1810 ; married James D. MiUer ; lives in Spartansburg, Crawford co.. Pa., and had : 1. James' Miller, born June 1832. 2. Sarah' Miller, born 25 March 1834 ; married Daniel Aiken, and had : 1. Emma® Aiken, born 9 April 1864. 2. Clara® Aiken, born 8 September 1868. 3. Preston' Miller, bom October 1837. 4. Nancy' Miller, born 9 February 1840 ; married Culver, and had : 1. NelUe® Culver, born 1 February 1866. 5. Albert' Miller, born 30 August 1846. 6. George' MiUer, born 19 August 1848. 1806. Mary" (seventh child), born 7 August 1813; mai-ried David Fisk; Uves in ForestviUe, Chatauqua co., N. Y., and had: 1. Mary' Fisk. 2. Henry' Fisk. 3. Helen' Fisk. 1807. Gary" (third child), bom 12 June 1803; married, 10 June 1830, Minerva MUler, born in 1809, died in Hamilton, Mad ison CO., N. Y., 15 May 1843. He lives in Spartansburg, Corry P. O., Crawford co.. Pa., and had : 1. Benjamin F.', born 15 January 1831 ; was in the war of the RebeUion. He lived, in 1871, in Spartansburg, Corry P. 0., Pa. ; married, 20 March 1861, Mary M. Dumond, of Wattsburgh, Erie co.. Pa., and had : DESCENDANTS OF PAUL^ WENTWORTH. 127 1. Gary W.®, born 19 August 1862. 2. Hettie B.®, born 28 July 1864. 3. Mary M.®, born 24 March 1866. 4. Lula M.8, born 10 October 1869. 2. Francis -M.', born 1 February 1833 ; went to California, and died in Yreka, Siskiyou co., 8 January 1862. 3. George D.', born 4 July 1835 ; went to CaUfornia with Francis M.' ; married there ; Uved in Sacramento city in 1873 ; and had one son. 4. Charles', born 8 February 1837 ; was over four years in the war of the Rebellion ; married, 4 July 1865, Maria Davis, of Binghamton, N. Y., and lived at Hooper, Broome co., N. Y. 5. Betsey Irena', born 15 October 1840 ; married, at East Hamilton, Madison co., N. Y., 31 August 1862, Asa J. Dutton, of Charles City, Floyd co., Iowa, born at Georgetown, Madison CO., N. Y., 5 May 1836 ; Uved at Georgetown, and had : 1. Clara BeUe® Dutton, born 25 September 1866. 2. Eugene Wentworth® Dutton, born 12 June 1871. 1808. Erastus" (fourth chUd), born 26 May 1805, at German, Chenango co., N. Y. ; married, at Leon, 18 February 1858, Anna Coe, born 20 May 1809, and lives at Leon, Cattaraugus co., N. Y., chUdless. Elisha* (649), son of Edward* and Mary (Lord) Wentworth, baptized at Norwich, Conn., 9 July 1769 ; married Mary Crane, who died 10 May 1847, aged 69. He died 19 November 1846; both died in Utica, Mich. They had : 1809. Walter", bom in Hamilton, N. Y., 28 January 1802. [3905] 1810. SarUna", bora in Hamilton, 27 September 1806 ; married, 7 January 1830, in Rush, N. Y., Christopher Sparks. He was born 9 January 1797, and died in Sterling, Macomb co., Mich., 12 February 1838, where their children reside. 1811. EUsha", borainRush,N. Y., 4 August 1812. [3909] 1812. LjTnan", bom in Rush, N. Y., 18 February 1815. [3921] BuRRiL* (651), son of Edward* and Mary (Lord) Wentworth, baptized at Norwich, Conn., 10 April 1774; married, 1st, about 1798, in Tinmouth, Vt., Rebecca Campbell, and had five children born in that place. He then removed to Hamilton, N. Y. , where his other children by his first wife were born. She died there 4 128 FIFTH GENERATION. May 1821. He married, 2d, 9 October 1829, L3'dia, daughter of Andrew (son of David) and Jessie Baker ; she was bom in Cam bridge, N. Y., 17 March 1803, and at last dates was living in Washington co., N. Y. Burril* died in Hamilton, N. Y., 2 March 1839. He had, by his first wife : 1813. Mary Lord", bom 14 August 1798 ; married Dexter Smith, and lived in Kalamazoo co., Mich. 1814. Harriet", bom 31 October 1800 ; married Charles Squares ; lived in Lebanon, Madison co., N. Y, and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Charles' Squares, born 8 May 1825, died 28 July 1833. 2. Hiram' Squares, born 28 July 1827, died 13 October 1847. 3. Frances' Squares, born 30 January 1838 ; married, 9 November 1859, John G. Deyo ; lived in Lebanon, Madison co., N. Y. , and had : 1. Charles H.® Dej'o, born 13 September 1866. 2. Edward Wentworth® Deyo, born 22 June 1868. 3. Hattie May® Deyo, born 27 February 1870. 1815. Philena", born 8 June 1802 ; married Henry AUen, who died at Eaton, N. Y., 22 May 1864. She died there 11 May 1863. They had : 1. Theodore F.' AUen, born at Eaton, N. Y., 18 AprU 1822, died at Oil City, Pa., 9 October 1862. 2. Clarissa C AUen, born in Hamilton, N. Y., 26 January 1825 ; married, in Eaton, N. Y., 8 March 1849, Alvah Hebbard, brother of Ira A. Hebbard who married her sister Emogene F.' ; he was born in Riga, N. Y., 12 July 1823. They Uved in Greece city,^Butler co.. Pa., and had (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Hattie R. Wentworth® Hebbard, born in Riga, N. Y., 3 June 1850. 2. Allen C.® Hebbard, born in Milford, Mich., 1 Septem ber 1855. 3. Curtis J.® ^Hebbard, bom in Rochester, N. Y., 4 November 1865. 3. Henry' Allen, born at Eaton, N. Y., 23 December 1828 : married, in Bridgewater, Oneida co., N. Y., 29 October 1850, Matilda S. Gray, born 12 December 1829 ; Uved in Eaton, N. Y., and had, born there : 1. Chariotte Augusta® Allen, bom 13 December 1851. 2. Nellie Gray® AUen, born 18 September 1858. 3. NeweU Henry® Allen, born 27 November 1860. DESCENDANTS OF PAUL^ WENTWORTH. 129 4. Emogene F.' Allen, born in Eaton, N. Y., 8 February 1831 ; married there, 10 September 1852, Ira A. Hebbard, brother of Alvah Hebbard who married her sister Clarissa C ; he was born in Riga, N. Y., 4 July 1830. They lived in Rochester, N. Y., and had, born there : 1. Charles A.® Hebbard, born 28 April 18,65. 2. AUa Maud® Hebbard, born 30 March 1868. 1816. Edward", born 12 January 1805 ; married, 1st, Maria Smith; 2d, in New Berlin, N. Y., Rhoda Cooper, who died there in 1846. He died 3 November 1854, in Hamilton, N. Y. He had, by his first wife : 1. WiUiam Wallace'. Edward" had, by his second wife, born in Sherburne, Chenango CO., N. Y. : 2. John Chester', born 6 November 1840 ; married, 28 August 1861, Catherine Sarah MiUer, bom 10 January 1838 ; lived in Lebanon, N. Y., and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. WiUiam E.®, born in Smyrma, N. Y., 17 July 1862. 2. Edward^, born in Lebanon, N. Y., 3 June 1869. 3. Aaron EUsha', born 11 April 1842 ; lived in Michigan. 4. AUen Edward', born 17 March 1844 ; enUsted in Co. M, 1st New York Mounted Riflemen, and died in service, 23 Aug ust 1865. 1817. Alzina", bom 20 February 1807 ; married in Eaton, N. Y., 15 January 1829, Daniel S. Smith; in 1871 was living at Fort Lincoln, Bourbon co., Kansas, and had : 1. AdeUa M.' Smith, born 7 AprU 1831 ; married in Edin- burg. Pa., 21 February 1847, Van Rennselaer Vancuren ; Uved at Albany, Wis., and had : 1. Hannah A.® Vancuren, born 28 February 1848 ; mar ried Hosea Bridgman ; lived in Albany, Wis., and had one son. 2. Sarah A.® Vancuren, born 27 September 1851. 2. James S.' Smith, bom 8 July 1833 ; married Mary Hess, and Uved at Albany, Wis. 3. Segur F.' Smith, bom 8 April 1835 ; married Emily C. Wright, and lived in Albany, Wis. 4. Susan A.' Smith, born 22 March 1837; married John Knowles, and lived at Baxter Springs, Kansas. VOL. n. — 9 130 FIFTH GENERATION. 5. Alba D.' Smith, born 20 March 1839 ; lived at Fort Lin coln, Kansas. 6. Albert C Smith, born 20 May 1841 ; married Carrie Cowen, and lived at Fort Lincoln, Kansas. 7. Joseph F.' Smith, bom 9 June 1843 ; man-ied Alice Wil son, and lived at Fort Lincoln, Kansas. 8. Mary A.' Smith, born 16 September 1846 ; lived at Fort Lincoln, Kansas. 9. Emily J.' Smith, born 20 May 1849 ; Uved at Fort Lin coln, Kansas. 1818. Abigail", born 12 April 1810 ; married, 5 January 1843, Thomas Babcock, and Uved in EarlviUe, Madison co., N. Y., where he died 11 December 1871. At last dates she was living at Ran- dallsville, Madison co., N. Y. They had : 1. Henry Claj^' Babcock, born 21 December 1843 ; married, in Smyrna, N. Y., 18 April 1871, Dora A. Beach, and had : 1. Lizzie L.® Beach, born at Lebanon, N. Y., 23 June 1872. 2. WiUiam Felt' Babcock, born 31 July 1845. 3. Mary Alzina' Babcock, born 24 February 1847 ; married, 7 February 1871, in Deansville, Oneida co., N. Y., Adelbert E. Stone ; Uves at Randallsville, N. Y., and had : 1. Jennie A.® Stone, bom at Lebanon, N. Y., 16 Sep tember 1872. 4. James Hiram' Babcock, born 24 June 1850. 5. Charles Edward' Babcock, born 18 January 1852. 1819. Elisha", born 25 May 1812 ; married, 17 November 1853, Jane W. Carpenter, born in Sherburne, Chenango co., N. Y., 7 December 1820. She died 6 January 1865 ; he died in Hamilton, N. Y., 19 March 1857. They had : . 1. Robert Burril', born in Hamilton, 15 October 1854 ; was living in 1873 at Buffalo, N. Y.,with relatives on his mother's side. 1820. Allen", bom 7 October 1814 ; married, in Lebanon, N. Y., 19 March 1835, Ann Neal, born there 13 May 1816 ; Uved at SUver Creek, AUegan co., Mich., in 1873, and had: 1. Abigail Amanda', born in Catskill, Green co., N. Y., 11 February 1836 ; married, 16 December 1852, in Richland, Kala mazoo CO., Mich., Wellington Travis, and died in Cooper, Kala mazoo CO., Mich., 18 March 1865. They had, all born in Cooper, Mich. : 1. William Allen® Travis, born 5 November 1854. DESCENDANTS OF PAUL^ WENTWORTH. 131 2. Anne Jane® Travis, born 16 July 1856. 3. Charles Eckard® Travis, born 3 August 1858. 4. Cora Rebecca® Travis, born 29 March 1861. 2. Edward Joseph', born in CatskiU, N. Y., 8 October 1837 ; was sergeant in Co. F, 19th Michigan Vols., war of the Rebellion, and died at Chattanooga, Tenn., 4 April 1863. 3. AUce Augusta', bom in Hamilton, N. Y., 11 December 1843, died there 12 October 1867. 1821. Robert", born 9 March 1817, died 13 September 1817. 1822. Benjamin", born 8 August 1818, died 24 April 1821. 1823. Chester", born 14 January 1821 ; married in Sherburne, N. Y., 28 December 1848, Sarah M. Owen, bom in Lebanon, N. Y., 26 Febraary 1830; lived in Elkhart, Ind., and had, born in Lebanon, Madison co., N. Y. : 1. Orrin C, born 26 October 1849 ; lived in Chicago, IU. 2. Jennie E.', born 6 AprU 1851. BurrU* had, by his second wife, all born in Lebanon, N. Y. : 1823a. Helen Roxanna", born 2 May 1831, died 9 June 1839. 18236. Frances Marian", born 25 April 1833 ; married in Oxford, N. Y., 18 August 1850, Norman Stewart ; lived at Gaines Station, Mich., and had: 1. Charles' Stewart, born in Lebanon, N. Y., 1 December 1851. 2. Daigh' Stewart, bom in Lebanon, N. Y., 6 September 1853. 3. Bert' Stewart, born in Madison, N. Y., 28 January 1856. 4. Eugene' Stewart, born in Burns, Shiawassee co., Mich., 27 September 1865. 1823c. Robert Bruce", born 14 May 1836 ; married, in Lebanon, N. Y., in 1859, Harriet Ann Thomas, born 19 Januarj'^ 1837 ; lived in Madison (BouckviUe P.O.), N.Y. He enlisted 3 September 1861, in — Cavalry, war of the RebeUion. They had : 1. Frederick Bruce', born in Madison, N. Y., 22 July 1860. 2. Harriet', born 31 October 1870. 1823d. Martha Ann", born 29 November 1838 ; married, 23 October 1853, WiUiam Sawdey ; Uved at South Creek, Bradford CO., Pa., and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Ellen M.' Sawdey, bora 26 Febraary 1855. 2. Ella Winettie' Sawdey, born 7 July 1857. 3. WiUiam Henry' Sawdey, born 24 September 1859. 4. Asa Adelbert' Sawdey, born 9 June 1861. 5. George McLeUan' Sawdey, born 26 October 1863. 132 FIFTH GENERATION. DESCENDANTS OF TIMOTHY^ WENTWORTH. Ebenezer* (657) , son of Samuel* and Lois (Jones) Wentworth, was born 7 December 1748, upon the old homestead of Timothy^, in Berwick, Me. His father djdng when he was young, Ebenezer* was brought up hy his grandfather. Deacon SamueF (52) Went worth. When nineteen years old he went to Narragansett (now Bux ton) , Me. About 1771 he married Jane, daughter of Lieut. Samuel MerriU, of Buxton, Me. ; she was born 12 July 1752 ; her father was born in what is known as Blackberry HiU parish, in Berwick, where his father formerly lived. Ebenezer* was Town Treasurer over thirty years, and was a member of the Constitutional Conven tion from Buxton in 1817. He died 6 February 1820. His wife died 11 July 1843. They had (born in Buxton, Me.) : 1824. Samuel", born 26 July 1772. [3931] 1825. Betsey", born 14 April 1774; married James Bickford. [3940] 1826. WilUam", born 28 January 1776. ^[3955] 1827. Paul", born 29 December 1777, died 14 August 1778. 1828. Paul", bom 18 July 1779. [3964] 1829. Moses", born 15 December 1782, died 20 July 1783. 1830. Ebenezer", born 16 June 1784. [3969] 1831. Robert", born 3 September 1786. [3978] 1832. Sally", born 25 December 1788 ; married Michael Han son. [3990] 1833. Thomas", born 26 May 1791. [3998] 1834. Daniel", born 6 March 1794. [4007] 1835. Jane", born 25 December 1796 ; married, 20 Novem ber 1846, James Patten, and lived at Kennebunkport, Me. Betsey* (658), daughter of Samuel* and Lois (Jones) Went worth; married, 13 AprU 1773, John Keay, 4th, of Berwick, Me. He died 24 January 1840 ; she died 22 November 1802. They had : 1836. Anna" Keay, born 19 September 1773 ; married, 2 Sep tember 1797, her cousin Samuel" (1824) Wentworth, whom see. 1837. Samuel" Keay, born 20 AprU 1775, died 24 February 1829. 1838. Charity" Keay, bom 19 September 1776, died 20 March 1862. 1839. Betsey" Keay, bom 20 February 1779 ; married, 20 Jan uary 1804, Samuel Goodwin, and died 14 Febraary 1826 ; he died 23 January 1851. They had (besides two who died in infancy) : DESCENDANTS OF TIMOTHY^ WENTWORTH. 133 1. Almira' Goodwin, bom 17 August 1804, died 22 Novem ber 1823. 2. John' Goodwin, born 22 April 1806, died 29 January 1826. 3. Marj-' Goodwin, born 22 May 1808, died 14 October 1824. 4. OUve' Goodwin, born 28 May 1810, died 29 October 1825. 5. James' Goodwin, born 3 AprU 1812 ; married, 20 May 1835, , and died 20 March 1850. 6. Elizabeth W.' Goodwin, born 22 June 1816 ; married, 23 July 1848. 7. Sarah' Goodwin, born 7 July 1820, died 12 February 1862. 1840. Wentworth" Keay, born 19 September 1781 ; married, in 1808, Hannah Bartlett, of EUot, Me., bora 1 May 1785 ; Uved in Newfield, Me., where she died 9 January 1852 ; he died there 4 June 1852. They had : 1. Caroline' Keay, born 22 June 1809 ; lived single. 2. Charles' Keay, born 21 May 1812 ; married, 14 Novem ber 1833, Matilda Mclntire, of York, Me., born 12 December 1810, and had : 1. Hannah Jane® Keay, born 12 October 1834 ; married, 13 June 1869, John Grover Cooke, and had: 1. Alice EdnaS Cooke, born 6 September 1870. 2. Evelyn Mclntire® Keay, born, 11 AprU 1837; mar ried, 5 March 1859, George Florian Stone, and had : 1. Eva Matildas Stone, born 16 May 1862. 2. Charles EdwinS Stone, bom 19 April 1868. 3. Frederick SheldonS Stone, bom 9 March 1870. 3. WiUiam Wentworth® Keay, born in Newfield, Me., 30 March 1840 ; his post-office address is South Berwick, Me. ; married, 1 December 1865, Mary Frances Hooper, and had : 1. Lizzie M.s Keay, born at Berwick, Me., 8 De cember 1867. 3. George Washington' Keay, born 10 May 1818 ; married, 10 June 1840, Sarah Brackett, and lived in South Berwick, Me., childless, in 1871. 4. Hannah S.' Keay, bom 14 March 1822 ; married, Feb raary 1848, David Staples, of Shapleigh, Me., son of James Staples, and lived, in 1871, in Danvers, Mass. They had : 1. Charles Henry® Staples, born January 1869. 2. Maria EUzabeth® Staples, born 8 Julj' 1851 ; married Henry Hilton. 134 FIFTH GENERATION. 3. Hattie Ardele® Staples, born February 1860. 5. EUzabeth Wentworth' Keay, born 14 Febraary 1827, died at Newfield, Me., 20 Febraary 1845. 1841. Polly" Keay, born 7 September 1782, died November 1823. 1842. Lois" Keay, born 7 June 1785, died January 1820. 1843. Jane" Keay, born 31 August 1786, died 18 February 1806. 1844. Lucy" Keay, born 2 June 1788, died 19 December 1829. 1845. Hiram" Keay, born 20 October 1790 ; married, 11 July 1842, Olive Thompson, of Berwick, Me., and Uved in South Ber wick. He died 25 April 1861. 1846. Joanna" Keay, born 17 August 1792 ; married, 1 October 1810, Reuben Hamilton, born 4 July 1783, and Uved at Great FaUs, N. H. He died 21 October 1841. They had (besides two who died in infancj^) : 1. Jerusha R.' Hamilton, bom 20 May 1811, died 19 Octo ber 1844. 2. Hiram' Hamilton, born 15 May 1814, died 24 Novem ber 1833. 3. Reuben' Hamilton, born 18 April 1816, died 22 AprU 1834. 4. John' Hamilton, born 29 September 1818 ; married, 28 September 1845, Sarah A. Keay, born 22 March 1823, and lived in Manchester, N. H., in 1871, childless. 5. Elizabeth J.' Hamilton, born 28 December 1820 ; lived at Great FaUs, N. H., single. 6. Silas' Hamilton, born 15 November 1822 ; married, 1 Jan uary 1852, Emily A. Davis, born 22 December 1826. She died 29 May 1868. They had : 1. WUUam® HamUton, born 9 October 1862. 7. Orrin' Hamilton, born 14 March 1825 ; married Lizzie A. Poor. 8. Almira G.' Hamilton, born 14 February 1827 ; married, 20 AprU 1848, Charles P. Cotton; lived in Wisconsin in 1871, and had : 1. Magdalena Almira® Cotton, born 13 March 1849; married, November .1869, WiUiam Peirce. 2. Orrin HamUton® Cotton, born 8 August 1866. 9. Albert' Hamilton, born 25 July 1829 ; married, 6 June 1852, Sarah E. Davis, born 6 September 1832 ; lived in Great FaUs, N. H., and had (besides one who died young) : 1. Charles Albert® Hamilton, bom 9 July 1857. 2. Sarah AUce® Hamilton, born 21 August 1863. DESCENDANTS OF TIMOTHY^ WENTWORTH. 135 3. Frank Herbert® Hamilton, born 12 August 1864. 10. Lucy A.' HamUton, bora 2 September 1836, died 10 November 1841. John* (660), son of Samuel* and Lois (Jones) Wentworth, born in Berwick, Me., 21 September 1761 ; when only ten years old went to Uve with his brother Ebenezer* in Buxton, Me. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary army. He married, 8 October 1785, Hannah ElweU, of Buxton, Me., born 1 July 1763. In 1790 he removed to Limington, Me., and in 1798 to Athens, Me., where he died 19 July 1825. He had been on the pension rolls, but was dropped 4 September 1823, in consequence of a law passed debar ring men who were in good financial circumstances. His wife died 1 October 1831. They had: 1847. John", bom in Buxton, Me., 23 June 1786. [4011] 1848. Mary", born in Limington, Me., 30 March 1791 ; married David P. Palmer. [4016] 1849. Ebenezer", borninLimington,Me., 12 July 1793-. [4024] 1850. Robert", born in Limington, 18 November 1795. [4033] 1851. Phebe", born in Athens, Me., 11 September 1798, died there in 1810. 1852. Lois", born 17 January 1801 ; married Robert Hall. [4040] 1853. Achsah", bom 7 August 1803 ; married Elkins Smith. [4043] 1854. Parmelia", born 11 August 1806, died November 1832. Mary* (661) , daughter of Samuel* and Lois (Jones) Wentworth, bom in Berwick, Me., May 1763 ; married, 26 AprU 1781, Samuel Brackett. When he married, he was called " Samuel Brackett, 3d." (He had a brother Reuben Brackett, an uncle John Brackett, bom 29 January 1720, and a nephew John Brackett who lived in China, Me.) He moved to Limington, Me., where he died 31 October 1850, aged 93 years. Mary's* father having died when she was about three years old, she was brought up by her grandparents, and lived with them until their death, which was less than a year before her marriage. She survived her husband, and died in Limington, Me., of infiuenza, 24 January 1853, in her 90th year. Her memory continued good to the last ; and through her daugh ter Phebe", the author of this work had correspondence with her. 136 FIFTH GENERATION. Her grandfather was Deacon SamueF (52) Wentworth, son of Tim- othy^, and was living with him when he died, and must then have been near twenty years of age. Mary* had often heard her grand father Deacon SamueF speak of his father Timothjr^, and of his grandfather Elder William^. From her the author gathered much information that was entirely new. Most of her statements have been confirmed from other sources ; none of them have been refuted. She alwaj's insisted that Elder William^ Wentworth married a second wife in his old age, who was much under twenty j'ears of age, and that he had children by her. She related many anecdotes in confirmation. Timothy^, she said, was a son of the first wife. She insisted that Sarah, wife of Timothy^, was a CromweU. Samuel and Mary* (Wentworth) Brackett had : 1855. Wentworth" Brackett, bom 3 September 1782 ; died 20 September 1807. 1856. Samuel" Brackett, born 14 September 1784 ; married Abigail Munson ; lived in Limerick, Me., and had : 1. Mary' Brackett. 2. Nathaniel' Brackett ; married Rosanna Hasty ; lived in Limerick, Me., and had: 1. Edward Pay son® Brackett. 2. Dominicus® Brackett. 3. George® Brackett. 4. Abigail® Brackett. 3. Edward' Brackett, married Susan Hardy, and had : 1. Albert® Brackett. 2. Susan® Brackett. 3. Edward® Brackett. 4. Ahnira' Brackett. 5. Abigail' Brackett. 1857. John" Brackett, born 20 January 1787; married Phebe Gilkey ; lived in Limington, Me., and had : 1. James' Brackett, man-ied Elizabeth Thomas; lived in Biddeford, Me., in 1871, and had: 1 . CaroUne® Brackett. 2. Harriet® Brackett. 2. Isaac' Brackett, died. 3. Joseph' Brackett, married Jane Hasty, and Uved in Bidde ford, Me. 4. EUzabeth' Brackett, mamed SUas Elden, and had : DESCENDANTS OF TIMOTHT^ WENTWORTH. 137 1. Martha® Elden. 5. Wentworth' Brackett. 6. Charles Henry' Brackett. 7. Martha' Brackett. 1858. David" Brackett, born 2 February 1789 ; married, 1st, Mary Bean, of Limerick, Me. ; 2d, Betsey Cook ; 3d, OUve True- worthy ; and lived in Jackson, Me. He had : 1. Charles' Brackett, died. 2. Thomas' Brackett. 3. EUza' Brackett. 4. Lydia' Brackett. 5. David' Brackett. 6. Julia' Brackett. 7. Ann' Brackett. 8. Charles' Brackett. 1859. Nathaniel" Brackett, born 3 October 1791, died 27 Feb ruary 1815. 1860. Daniel" Brackett, born 21 September 1794, died 1795. 1861. Comfort" Brackett, born 8 July 1796 ; married Samuel Wiggin ; Uved in Standish, Me., and had : 1. Charles' Wiggin, died. 2. Harriet' Wiggin, born 1832, died 1850. 3. Jane' Wiggin. 4. Phebe Anna' Wiggin. 1862. Daniel" Brackett, born 5 September 1799 ; in 1871 lived, single, in Biddeford, Me. 1863. Mark" Brackett, born 3 March 1802, died 22 AprU 1803. 1864. Phebe" Brackett, bom 26 January 1804 ; manied Capt. Bradford Oakes, and Uved in Kennebunk, Me., in 1871. 1865. Mary" Brackett, born 18 February 1812, died 15 Febru ary 1813. Timothy* (664) Ricker, son of Jabez and Mary* (Wentworth) Ricker, born in Berwick, Me., November 1761 ; married, about 1781, Eunice Pray. They had : 1866. Alice" Ricker, married Nathaniel Brackett, of Limington, Me., and had: 1. Phebe' Brackett, married Allen. 2. Moses' Brackett, married Mercy Weeks, and had : 1. Eunice® Brackett. 2. Sarah® Brackett. 138 FIFTH GENERATION. 3. Sally' Brackett. 4. Eunice' Brackett, is dead. » 1867. Molly" Ricker, married James Smith, and had : 1. Samuel' Smith, manied Lydia AUen, and had : 1. Mary® Smith. 2. Wentworth® Smith. 3. Alien® Smith. 2. Eunice' Smith, married Ivory Jellison, who, after her death, married, 2d, Esther Wentworth" (Knox), daughter of Henry and Rachel* (838) (Wentworth) Knox, and widow of Samuel Wentworth® Drew, son of Margery Pepperrell' (2659) (Wentworth) Drew. Eunice' had, born in Waterborough, Me. : 1. Mary® Jellison, born 13 February 1835; manied, 1856, Stephen Grant, of Berwick, Me., and had (besides one who died young) : 1. IraS Grant, born September 1857. 2. FlaggS Grant, bom September 1859. 3. CynthiaS Grant, born November 1861. 4. Edwards Grant, bom 10 February 1863. 5. BerthaS Grant, born 20 February 1865. 6. BeUeS Grant, born 4 August 1869. 2. Cynthia® JelUson, born 13 September 1837 ; married Reuben Clarke, of Great FaUs, N. H., and had: 1. CharlesS Clarke, born 10 December 1867. 3. Electa® JelUson, born 10 September 1840 ; married, 1860, Henry J. Austin, of Springvale, Me., and had : 1. PearF Austin, born 1860. 2. Eunices Austin, born 13 October 1864. 3. HarryS Austin, born December 1871. 4. James Smith® JelUson, born 7 October 1842 ; mar ried, 1872, Abby Pitts, of Shapleigh, Me. 5. Charles E.® Jellison, born 13 September 1844 ; mar ried in 1866 ; lived in Boston, Mass., and had : 1. Blanches Jellison, bora June 1870. 2. Forrests JelUson, born August 1872. 6. Ellen® Jellison, born 13 April 1847 ; married, 7 June 1872, Thomas Brown, of Berwick, Me. 7. Lloyd J.® JelUson, born 24 March 1853. 1868. Moses" Ricker, born February 1787 ; married Mehitable Brackett, lived in Waterborough, Me., and had : 1. Enos' Ricker, is dead. DESCENDANTS OF TIMOTHY^ WENTWORTH. 139 2. Sally' Ricker, is dead. 3. John' Ricker. 1869. Margaret" Ricker, married Isaac Brackett, and had : 1. Mary' Brackett, married WilUam O'Brian ; lived in Cor nish, Me., in 1871, and had two daughters. 1870. Jabez" Ricker, married, 1st, Alice Pray ; 2d, . He had, by his first wife : 1. Samuel' Ricker, is dead. 2. Joseph' Ricker, is dead. 3. Dorothy' Ricker, is dead. 4. Joseph' Ricker, is married. 5. Abiel' Ricker, is mar];ied. Jabez" Ricker had, by his second wife : 6. Samuel' Ricker. 7. So7i'. 1871. Timothy" Ricker, manied Mary Ann Hills, and had : 1. Eunice' Ricker, born in 1826 ; married Isaac Soule, and had two sons. 2. Polly' Ricker, bom in 1828 ; married John Warren, had one child, which died, and she died soon. 3. Sophronia' Ricker, born in 1830, died in infancy. 4. Sophronia' Ricker, born in 1832 ; married, and moved to lUinois. 5. Harriet' Ricker, born in 1834. 6. Lavina' Ricker. born in 1836. 7. Timothy' Ricker, born in 1838. 1872. Benjamin" Ricker ; married Judith Pitts, and had : 1. Moses' Ricker, married Knight, and had two sons and a daughter. 2. SaUy' Ricker, manied B. Crockett, and had : 1. Antoinette® Crockett. 3. Eunice' Ricker, is dead. 4. Timothy' Ricker, is dead. 5. Benjamin' Ricker. 6. Alice' Ricker. 1873. Isaac" Ricker, manied Ruth Stackpole, and had: 1. Lydia' Ricker. 2. Mary' Ricker. 3. Margaret' Ricker. 4. Eunice' Ricker. 5. Julia" Ricker. 140 FIFTH GENERATION. 6. John' Ricker. 1874. Eunice" Ricker, born 7 January 1796, died 5 Decem ber 1813. 1875. Joanna" Ricker, twin with Eunice" ; manied, 2 Decem ber 1819, Humphrey Brackett, and had (besides one who died young) : 1. Lorenzo' Brackett, born 5 January 1821. 2. Mary' Brackett, born 29 July 1824. 3. Eunice R.' Brackett, born 21 February 1833. Joanna* (665) Ricker, daughter of Jabez and Mary* (Went worth) Ricker, born in Berwick, Me., 26 February 1764 ; manied, 15 October 1781, Paul Stanton. He was born in Berwick, 14 October 1757, died 2 April 1842. She died 6 June 1842. Her descendants Uve in Poland, Me., except those of Polly", who live in Raymond, Me. Thej"^ had : 1876. Hannah" Stanton, born in Lebanon, Me., 30 September 1782 ; married, in 1804, Benjamin Haskell, born in New Gloucester, Me., 4 June 1779, and had : 1. Benjamin Bradbury' Haskell, born in 1805 ; married, 1833, Sabrina' (3419), daughter of NathanieF (1521) and Susanna" (1493) (Wentworth) Wentworth, born 12 September 1805. They lived in West Poland, Me., and had : 1. Moses True® HaskeU, born in 1834. 2. Henry Perkins® HaskeU, born in 1838. 3. Freeman Brown® HaskeU, born in 1843. 4. Benjamin Franklin® Haskell, born 23 June 1851. 2. WiUiam True' HaskeU, born in 1815 ; married, in 1844, Jane Emery, born in 1817 ; he died in 1847. They had : 1. Roswell Kennard® HaskeU, born in 1846. 2. Nelcour D. Valson® HaskeU, born in 1850. 3. Moses Kennard' HaskeU, born 1821 ; married, in 1849, Lydia Jane Morse, who was born in 1825. They had : 1. Clarence Edson® Haskell, born in 1851. 1877. John" Stanton, born in Lebanon, Me., 30 September 1784 ; married, in 1808, Elizabeth Emery, born in New Gloucester, Me., in 1787. They had : 1. John E.' Stanton, born in 1809 ; married, in 1835, Elvira B. Stevens, born in 1818. They had : 1. Edward H.® Stanton, bora in 1836. 2. Mary E.® Stanton, born in 1837. 3. William 0.® Stanton, bom in 1839. DESCENDANTS OF TIMOTHY® WENTWORTH. 141 4. Nelson V.® Stanton, born in 1841. 5. PauUna H.® Stanton, born in 1844. 2. Mary B.' Stanton, born in 1811, died in 1838. 3. Benjamin L.' Stanton, born in 1813 ; married, in 1844, Sophia Granger, and had : 1. John Edwin® Stanton, born in 1846. 4. Sarah M.' Stanton, born in 1815. 5. William E.' Stanton, bom in 1817. 6. Jabez Ricker' Stanton, born in 1821, died in 1822. 7. Hannah H.' Stanton, born in 1820 ; married, in 1848, Joel W. MerriU, born 1825, and had : 1. Joel F.® MerrUl, born in 1849. 8. Isaac' Stanton, born in 1822. 9. Otis' Stanton, born in 1827 ; married, in 1850, Ann Clem entine Ricker, born in 1832. 1878. Polly" Stanton, born in Waterbury, Me., 20 March 1787 ; married, in 1811, Simon Brown, born in 1782. They had : 1. WiUiam' Brown, born in 1812 ; married, in 1836, Esther Tickett, born in 1811. 2. Sewell' Brown, born in 1814 ; married, in 1840, Charlotte Plummer ; she was born in 1818, died in 1849. They had : 1. Mary® Brown, born in 1842. 2. Abby Jane® Brown, born in 1846. 3. Ira' Brown, born in 1816, died in 1831. 4. Benjamin S.' Brown, born 28 March 1818 ; married, 10 September 1843, Mary Manes, born 26 January 1826 ; and had : 1. Clarinda® Brown, born 24 March 1844; married, 5 February 1861, George Frederick Jordon; lived in 1871 at Raymond, Me., and had : 1. John B.s Jordon, bom 20 November 1861. 2. Frederick S.s Jordon, born 28 March 1864. 3. Albert W.s Jordon, born 20 April 1866. 2. George W.® Brown, born 16 Febraary 1846. 3. Ann Maria® Brown, born 3 January 1848 ; married, 16 September 1867, Henry Graffam, and had : 1. Mary J.s Graffam, born 28 March 1868. 4. Charles M.® Brown, born 24 September 1853. 5. Abbie Susan® Brown, bora 8 February 1856. 6. Samuel B.® Brown, born 4 January 1862. 5. Thomas' Brown, born in 1820. 6. Freeman' Brown, bom in 1823 ; married, 1st, in 1851, 142 FIFTH GENERATION. Lois G. Brown, born in 1820 ; 2d, Hannah Perkins®, daughter of his cousin Benjamin Bradbury' (1876.1) and Sabrina' (3419) (Wentworth) Haskell, born in 1838. They Uved at Oxford, Me He had, by his second wife : ¦ 1. CoraS Brown, born 27 September 1857. 2. LoisS Brown, born 1 IMarch 1862. 3. Daughter^, born 2 February 1871. 7. Alfred' Brown, born in 1827. 8. Ira' Brown, born in 1835. 1879. Benjamin" Stanton, born in Waterborough, Me., 9 November 1789 ; married, in 1819, Lydia Brown, born in Ray mond, Me., 1792. He died in 1831. They had: 1. Elsie' Stanton, born in 1820. 2. Lucy A.' Stanton, born in 1822. 3. Paul' Stanton, born in 1824. 4. Lydia M.' Stanton, born in 1827. 5. Jessie B.' Stanton, born in 1829. 1880. Betsey" Stanton, born in Waterborough, Me., 17 March 1791 ; married, in 1814, William Estes, of Windham, Me., bom in 1789, and had: 1. Joanna' Estes, born in 1816 ; married, in 1834, WiUiam Thurlow ; she died in 1843, having had : 1. Ellen® Thurlow, born in 1836. 2. MaMna® Thurlow, born in 1841. 2. Eunice' Estes, born in 1818, died in 1820. 3. Malvina F.' Estes, born in 1818, died in 1843. 4. Samuel' Estes, bom in 1822 ; married, in 1849, Margaret Strout, and had : 1. Alverde® Estes, bom in 1850. 5. Rosette F.' Estes, married, in 1843, Seward SchUlenger, and had : 1. Mary® SchUlenger, born in 1844. 6. William S.' Estes, born in 1826. 7. Mary B.' Estes, bora in 1830 ; married, in 1849, George Strout, and had : 1. Simeon B.® Strout, born in 1850. 8. SUas' Estes, born in 1834. 1881. PauF Stanton, born in Poland, Me., 14 December 1799 ; married, in 1820, Thankful Emery, bom in Poland, Me., in 1800. He died in 1824. She died in 1843. They had : 1. Betsey' Stanton, born in 1821; married, in 1841, Isaac McCann, and had : DESCENDANTS OF TIMOTHY® WENTAVORTH. 143 1 . Mary EUza® McCann, born in 1846. 2. Mark E.' Stanton, born in 1823; married Mary B. Sta ples, born in 1833. 1882. William" Stanton, born in Poland, Me., 3 December 1806 ; married, in 1831, Rachel Estes, bom in Poland, Me., 22 July 1807 ; and had : 1. Ann H.' Stanton, born in 1832. 2. James H.' Stanton, bom in 1835. 3. Mary B.'Stanton, born in 1838. 4. Benjamin' Stanton, born in 1841. 5. Abby Malvina' Stanton, born in 1848. Samuel* (666) Ricker, son of Jabez and Mary* (Wentworth) Ricker, bom in Berwick, Me., 7 July 1766 ; married, 17 January 1790, Susanna, daughter of Benjamin and Mary (Dearborn) Jewett, born in Londonderry, N. H., 28 March 1770. He moved in 1814, with his famUy, from Poland, Me., to Pleasant Hill, Clermont co., Ohio, sixteen miles from Cincinnati. He died there, 10 March 1838. His widow died there, 28 October 1855. They had : 1883. Rufus" Ricker, born in Sanford, Me., 3 April 1791. [4051] 1884. Jabez" Ricker, born in Poland, Me., 25 May 1794; drowned 12 January 1821, in the Arkansas River ; single. 1885. Benjamin Jewett"' Ricker, born in Poland, Me., 7 July 1796. [4058] 1886. Samuel" Ricker, bom in Poland, Me., 3 February 1800. [4063] 1887. Susanna" Ricker, born 1 November 1802 ; married John Fitzpatrick. [4069] 1888. Eben Smith" Ricker, born in Poland, Me., 9 March 1805. [4072] 1889. Darius" Ricker, born 25 April 1810. [4074] Joseph* (668) Ricker, son of Jabez and Mary* (Wentworth) Ricker, born about 1771 ; baptized 24 June 1773 ; married Betsey MarshaU, of Lyman (or Alfred), Me., where she was born 12 De cember 1773. He died May 1852. They had : 1890. Mary" Ricker, born 1 January 1795. 1891. WiUiam" Ricker, born 6 April 1796 ; manied Eliza Mc Cann, of Poland, Me., and had several chUdren. 1892. Joseph" Ricker, born 8 December 1801 ; married Eliza Walker, of Peru, Me. ; had seven children, and died about 1845. 144 FIFTH GENERATION. 1893. Joshua" Ricker, born 1 May 1803 ; married, 1st, Mary MorriU, of Poland, Me. ; 2d, Phebe Knights, of Peru, Me. He had a large number of chUdren, and died 5 April 1844. 1894. Henry" Ricker, born 2 January 1805 ; married SaUy Pratt, of Oxford, Me., and had two children. 1895. Betsey" Ricker, born 9 May 1806 ; married Putnam, of Peru, Me. ; died 22 December 1828, having had one chUd, which died in infancy. 1896. Sarah" Ricker, born 14 May 1807 ; manied R. B. Dock- ham, and had five children. 1897. John G." Ricker, born 14 March 1810 ; manied, 13 June 1839, Mary Ann Gay. 1898. Noah" Ricker, born 27 March 1812 ; married, 1st, Char lotte Foster, of Gray, Me. ; 2d, Ann SmaU, of Raymond, Me., and had seven chUdren. 1899. MarshaU" Ricker, born 30 August 1813, died 16 July 1833. 1900. Ann M." Ricker, born 27 March 1815 ; married WUUam Taylor, and had five children. 1901. Eunice" Ricker, born 4 March 1817; married Solomon Foster, and had six children. Anna* (670) Ricker, daughter of Jabez and Mary* (Wentworth) Ricker, born 2 August 1776 ; married, 17 January 1797, WiUiam Pottle, bom in Stratham, N. H., 26 July 1763. He had four chil dren in Minot, Me. ; moved to Poland, Me., and had two ; moved back to Minot, and had two. In June 1846 he moved with his son William R." Pottle, to Chelsea, Mass., where she died 4 May 1847. They had : 1902. Simon" Pottie, born 29 January 1798, died 8 February following. 1903. Nancy" Pottle, bom 1 January 1800 ; married, in Minot, Me., 20 November 1817, Jonathan Pulsifer, born in Poland, Me., April 1795. They had only : 1. John Rust' Pulsifer, born in Poland, Me., 17 May 1820. 1904. Sarah L." Pottle, born 26 AprU 1803; married, in Minot, Me., Edward Andrews, bom in Paris, Me., 5 January 1797. They moved to Paris, Me. They had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. John N.' Andrews, bom in Poland, Me., 22 July 1829. 2. William P.' Andrews, born in Paris, Me., 13 August 1838. DESCENDANTS OF TIMOTHY® WENTWORTH. 145 1905. Mary W." Pottle, born 16 September 1805, died 19 March 1809. 1906. Phebe R." Pottle, born 29 March 1808 ; married, 2 De cember 1829, Ezra Bartlett, born in Oxford, Me., 9 June 1800. They had, born in Oxford, Me. (besides one who died in infancj^) : 1. Eugene Kincaid' Bartlett, born 5 March 1836, died 26 March 1836. 2. Mary Elizabeth' Bartlett, born 16 February 1837. 3. Martha Ann' Bartlett, twin with Mary E.',died 4 Decem ber 1842. 4. Edward Payson' Bartlett, born 15 February 1844. 5. Francis Wayland' Bartlett, born 20 June 1846; 6. Ezra Artemas' Bartlett, born 9 August 1849. 1907. WUUam- R." Pottie, born 8 February 1811 ; married, in Bangor, Me., 26 AprU 1843, Almeda L. Hersey, bora in Foxcroft, Me., 6 July 1817, and had (besides one who died young) : 1. Almeda Alathea' Pottle, born in Minot, Me., 4 March 1846. 2. Anna Maria' Pottle, born in Chelsea, Mass., February 1850. 1908. Edward L." Pottle, born 10 August 1813 ; married, in St. Louis, Mo., Sarah D. Woodruff, born in Essex co., N. Y., 11 September 1815, and lived in Chelsea, Mass., childless. 1909. Jonathan W." Pottle, born 3 December 1818 ; married, in Bangor, Me., 18 September 1845, Matilda A. Bradbury, born in Foxcroft, Me., 27 July 1821 ; lived in Chelsea, Mass., and had, born there : 1. Helen M.' Pottle, born 12 June 1847. 2. Mary E.' Pottle, born 2 May 1849. Elizabeth* (672) Ricker, daughter of Jabez and Mary* (Went worth) Ricker, born 24 June 1781 ; married, 10 January 1805, Henry By ram. He was born in North Yarmouth, Me., 15 August 1780, and died 16 Febraary 1848. They had, the first five born in North Yarmouth, Me., the others in Eastport, Me. : 1910. AUbrd Richardson" Byram, born 13 January 1806, died 22 March 1810. 1911. Henry OUver" Byram, born 6 February 1808 ; married, 25 October 1832, Lucretia R. Loring ; lived in Boston, Mass., and had: 1. Edward Randolph' Byram, born 23 August 1833. 2. WUliam Henry' Byram, born 12 January 1836. VOL. n. — 10 146 FIFTH GENERATION. 3. Lucretia R.' Byram, born 26 September 1841. 4. Sarah Elizabeth' Byram, born 31 December 1842. 1912. Delano" Byram, born 29 September 1809, died 1834. 1913. Alford Richardson" Byram, born 30 October 1811 ; mar ried, September 1840, Ann Hatch, of Eastport, Me., and had (besides one who died young) : 1. Edward' Byram, born 3 September 1842. 2. Anne Elizabeth' Byram, born 23 August 1844. 1914. Jabez Ricker" Byram, born 11 September 1813. 1915. James Ricker" Byram, born 8 September 1818 ; was clerk of the town of Eastport, Me. 1916. WiUiam Pottie" Byram, born 8 October 1820, died 16 November 1820. Phebe* (674) , daughter of Timothy* and Amy (Hodgdon) Went worth, born 9 December 1771 ; married, 28 September 1794, Phineas Yeaton, of Berwick, Me., and moved to HaUoweU, Me. They had : 1917. John" Yeaton. 1918. Polly" Yeaton, married Toby. 1919. Timothy" Yeaton, died. 1920. Thomas" Yeaton. 1921. Sarah" Yeaton, married Davenport. 1922. Phineas" Yeaton, married Rebecca Boynton, of Bangor, Maine. Samuel* (675), son of Timothy* and Amy (Hodgdon) "Went worth, born 24 May 1773 ; Uved in South Berwick, Me., on the road from that place to Great Falls, N. H. He was for many years a Justice of the Peace. He married, 18 January 1796, SaUy Yea ton, of Berwick, Me., born 25 June 1773, died 19 September 1847. He died 6 November 1849. They had : 1923. Thomas", born 20 June 1797. [4079] 1924. Jacob", born 8 January 1799. [4087] 1925. Lavina" (fourth chUd), born 7 June 1804 ; married, 16 February 1823, James Clark, of South Berwick, Me., and died 28 May 1870, at Maiden, Mass. ; and had : 1. Emeline' Clark, born 7 October 1824, died 19 March 1826. 2. James A.' Clark, born 15 April 1827. 3. Olive Ann' Clark, born 22 September 1830 ; married, 19 November 1849, George E. Streeter, of Boston, Mass., and Uved there. DESCENDANTS OF TIMOTHY® WENT-WORTH. 147 4. Lavinia E.' Clark, bora 22 December 1831. 5. Sarah W.' Clark, born 19 November 1833 ; married, in Maiden, Mass., 2 August 1870, Levi Clark, of Berwick, Me. 6. Levi C Clark, born 3 March 1835. 7. Ellen M.' Clark, born 19 December 1837, died 7 June 1849. 8. Horace P.' Clark, born 3 May 1839 ; married, 1 November 1864, Hattie E. Haynes ; lived in PMladelphia, Pa., and had : 1. James RusseU® Clark, born 23 September 1865. 2. Edith Kinsley® Clark, born 14 February 1868. 9. Lavinia E.' Clark, born in South Berwick, Me., 3 Sep tember 1840; married, in Maiden, Mass., 16 July 1868, her mother's cousin George Homer" (1988) Wentworth, and Uved in Maldei^. He died at Berwick, Me., 13 September 1874. 10. EUzabeth B.' Clark, born 15 June 1845. 11. Charles E. N.' Clark, born 23 December 1848. 1926. Phebe" (third child), born 9 August 1803; married, 7 July 1828, David Moulton, of Foxcroft, Me., and afterwards re moved to some Western State ; they had a son and a daughter. 1927. Edmund H.", born 29 October 1805. [4090] 1928. Nancy E.", born 10 October 1807; married, 10 July 1831, Elijah B. Stackpole, of Buxton, Me. ; lived in Kenduskeag, Me. , and had : 1. Henry Augustus' Stackpole, born 21 March 1832. 2. Charles CarroU' Stackpole, born 28 August 1833. 3. WiUiam H. Harrison' Stackpole, born 29 January 1840. 4. Frederick A. Hodgdon' Stackpole, born 14 February 1843. 5. Edwin Moulton' Stackpole, born 21 February 1845. 1929. Bartholomew", born 7 April 1810. [4092] 1930. SamueF, born 24 March 1812. [4097] 1931. Sarah", bom 9 November 1814 ; married, 11 June 1842, Tunothy Hazeltine, of Foxcroft, Me., who died in 1875. 1932. Maria", born 29 April 1816 ; married, 22 December 1838, Timothy H. Chamberlain, of Foxcroft, Me., and had several chil dren, among whom is Ervin' Chamberlain, of La Crosse, Wis. 1933. Timothy", born 17 September 1820; Uved single, in Providence, R. I., and has been dead many j'ears. Thomas* (676), son of Timothy* and Amy (Hodgdon) Went worth, bom in Berwick, Me., 8 December 1774 ; married, 1st, May 1798, Rachel Humphrey, of North Yarmouth, Me., who died there May 1809. He married, ^d, 31 December 1809, Martha, daughter 148 FIFTH GENERATION. of EUas and Mary (Rogers) Haskell, of Gloucester, Mass. (Her mother, Mary Rogers, was daughter of Rev. John and Susanna (Allen) Rogers, of Gloucester, and man-ied, 1st, Capt. James R. Riggs, of Gloucester ; 2d, EUas HaskeU, of Gloucester. See N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, January 1859.) The children of Thomas* were aU born in North Yarmouth, Me. ; and he died there 9 Octo ber 1820 ; his widow was living, at last dates, with her son John R.", in LoweU, Mass. Thomas* had, by his first wife : 1934. Nancy Underwood", bom 30 May 1800 ; married, June 1820, John Kendrick, of Saco, Me., and died at North Yarmouth, 19 May 1824. She had : 1. Charlotte' Kendrick, born 22 March 1821, in North Yar mouth. 2. Samuel Wentworth' Kendrick, born 16 Febraary 1823. 1935. Caleb Humphrey", born 13 August 1804. [4101] Thomas* had, by his second wife : 1936. John Rogers", born 25 September 1810. [4108] 1937. Amy Ann", born 23 May 1812 ; married, in North Yar mouth, Me., 12 October 1831, Samuel Chandler Shapleigh, of Leb anon, Me., born there 31 August 1809, son of Samuel Shapleigh, by his first wife, his second wife being Eunice" (1539) Wentworth, whom see for "Shapleigh" note. They Uved in Boston, Mass., and had : 1. William Twining' Shapleigh, born at Great FaUs, N. H., 3 July 1833 ; married, in LoweU, Mass., 8 June 1858, Henrietta FaiUng Hovey, born in LoweU, Mass., 26 April 1836, daughter of William and Hannah (Carhart) Hovey; Uved in TBoston, Mass., and had: 1. Frances Hovey® Shapleigh, born in Boston, 27 Jan uary 1869. 2. EUen Louisa' Shapleigh, bom in Portland, Me., 4 Sep tember 1836 ; Uves in Boston with her parents. 3. Thomas Wentworth' Shapleigh, born in Portland, Me., 28 February 1841; married, in Boston, Mass., 3 March 1869, Emma Frances Hovey, born in Cambridgeix)rt, Mass., 10 Jan uary 1847, daughter of James G. and Harriet (Lincoln) Hovey, of that place. He enUsted, 26 August 1862, in Co. A, 45th Mass. Vols., and served the nine months of enUstment ; Uved in Cambridgeport, Mass., and had, born there : 1. Bertram Lincoln^ Shapleigh, bom 15 January 1871. 4. Samuel Bartiett' Shapleigh, born in LoweU, Mass., 3 Feb- DESCENDANTS OF TIMOTHY® WENTWORTH. 149 ruary 1844; married, in Montreal, P. Q., 8 April 1868, Clara Donatella Hitchcock, born in St. HUaire, P. Q., 20 August 1847, daughter of Hiram Washington and Mary Maria (Andres) Hitch cock. He enUsted, 26 August 1862, with his brother Thomas W.', in Co. A, 45th Mass. Vols., and served the nine months ; Uved at AUston, Brighton, Mass., and had : 1. Alfred Lindsay® Shapleigh, bom at AUston, 5 Sep tember 1869. 5. Charles Fitz' Shapleigh, bom in LoweU, Mass., 15 July 1846, died there 15 September 1846. 6. John Rogers Wentworth' Shapleigh, twin with Charles F.' ; lived in Boston. 7. Annie Chandler' Shapleigh, born in Lowell, Mass., 23 May 1853 ; Uved in Boston. 1938. Thomas Edward", born 14 September 1814. [4110] 1939. Rachel Humphrey", born 18 November 1817, died at Great FaUs, N. H., 14 January 1833. Betsey* (679), daughter of Timothy* and Amy (Hodgdon) Wentworth, bora 4 January 1780 ; married, 30 September 1802, Samuel Pray, of Lebanon, Me. He represented Lebanon in the State Legislature. He died in 1848. She died 27 January 1873. They had : 1940. Isaac" Pray, born 19 November 1803, died 29 October 1825. 1941. Erastus" Pray, born 7 July 1805, died 19 February 1806. 1942. Martha" Pray, born 28 February 1807; married, 21 August 1825, Isaac FaU, of Lebanon, Me., brothe.r to ParneU Fall who married (his second wife), Hiram" (1502) Wentworth. They had: 1. AngeUna P.' FaU, born 2 September 1826. 2. Sylvester' FaU, born 23 August 1828. 3. Mary E.' FaU, bom 25 August 1830. 4. Harriet W.' FaU, bom 18 February 1832. 5. Samuel P.' FaU, born 21 February 1834. 6. Martha J.' FaU, born 28 September 1835. 7. Isaac' FaU, born 30 September 1837. 8. Henry R.' FaU, born 21 January 1840. 9. Frank H.' FaU, bom 1 February 1842. 10. Albert' FaU, born 8 January 1844. 11. Stephen' FaU, born 22 October 1847. 150 FIFTH GENERATION. 1943. Mary" Pray, born 29 October 1808 ; mamed Daniel Wood, of Lebanon, Me. 1944. Ebenezer" Pray, born 7 July 1811, died 4 March 1815. 1945. SamueF Pray, born 28 October 1812, died 6 February 1815. 1946. Betsey" Pray, born 2 AprU 1814 ; married, 28 November 1839, Levi L. Chick, of Great FaUs, N. H., and died 4 June 1856. He married, 2d, EUzabeth R. Perkins, of New Durham, N. H., and died 29 November 1874. Betsey" had (besides three who died young) : 1. Charles L.' Chick, bom 10 March 1843. 1947. Nancy" Pray, born 11 August 1818 ; married, 15 Novem ber 1840, Elza W. Ricker, and had : 1. George F.' Ricker, bom 10 February 1842. 2. Charles A.' Ricker, bom 25 August 1843. 1948. Lucy Jane" Pray, born 1 August 1820 ; married, 12 October 1845, her cousin Mark" (1953) Wentworth, son of her mother's brother Timothy*, whom see. She died 19 October 1849. 1949. Harriet" Pray, married, 28 May 1842, Hebron Libbey, of Lebanon, Me. , and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Athelbert E.' Libbey, born 28 May 1846. 2. Samuel' Libbey, born 15 October 1848. Timothy* (682), son of Timothy* and Amy (Hodgdon) Went worth, born 29 May 1786 ; married, 30 November 1809, Betsey, daughter of Henry Ricker ; she was born 19 April 1788. (Henry Ricker was Son of Reuben Ricker, who was grandson of the emi grant George Ricker. See " Ricker" note to Sarah** (29a) Went worth.) Betsey Ricker was sister of Stephen Ricker who married her husband's sister Joanna*, and of Lydia Ricker who married his brother Moses* (685). Timothy* died in Berwick, Me., 24 June 1859. They had: 1950. Child^, born 1 November 1810, died 10 November 1810. 1951. Edward", born 15 February 1812. [4118] 1952. Lydia", born 1 February 1816 ; married, 3 January 1834, John F. Chick, of South Berwick, Me., bom 7 December 1810, and lived there in 1873. They had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. EUzabeth' Chick, born 22 March 1835 ; married, 23 May 1H54, Henry R. Hanson, of Great Falls, N. II., and had: 1. Perley® Hanson, born 9 January 1856. DESCENDANTS OF TIMOTHY® WENTWORTH. 151 2. Lilla Estelle® Hanson, born 22 November 1860. 2. Mark' Chick, born 3 January 1837 ; married, 1st, 2 Octo ber 1858, Olive A. Hunta-ess, of Newfield, Me. ; 2d, 25 Decem ber 1871, Mary Tuttle. He had, by his first wife (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. John F.® Chick, born 22 October 1860. 2. Ida B.® Chick, born 12 September 1862. 3. EUa Estelle® Chick, born May 1864. 4. Jessie® Chick, born 15 May 1864. 3. Anna' Chick, bom 11 April 1840; married, 15 March 1860, Nathaniel Watson, of Dover, N. H., bom 28 December 1827, and lived there. They had (besides one who died in infancj') : 1. Carrie LUUe® Watson, born 30 June 1860. 2. Frank Edwin® Watson, born 17 November 1861. 3. Nathaniel Haley® Watson, born 10 August 1865. 4. Annie BeUe® Watson, born 19 January 1868. 5. Arthur RolUns® Watson, born 28 September 1869. 6. Charles CarroU® Watson, born 20 April 1872. 4. Mary Abbj'' Chick, born 17 June 1843 ; married, 4 July 1865, Asa W. Knox, of Berwick, Me., and had : 1. Walter H.® Knox, born 23 October 1867. 2. Edward M.® Knox, bora 3 AprU 1871. 5. George E.' Chick, born 5 January 1846. 6. Augusta H.' Chick, born 7 July 1848 ; married, 5 Decem ber 1870, WiUiam H. Tucker, of EUot, Me., and had: 1. George H.® Tucker, born 15 March 1871. 2. Frank E.® Tucker, born 5 September 1872. 7. Lucy G.' Chick, born 17 AprU 1850, died 23 Novem ber 1865. 8. Frank P.' Chick, born 1 December 1852 ; married, 17 October 1871, Amanda Horne, of Lebanon, Me. They lived in MUton, N. H., and had: 1. Charles Clinton® Chick, born 30 September 1872. 9. Charles H.' Chick, bom 5 March 1854. 10. Fannie' Chick, born 1 March 1856, died 2 December 1865. 1953. Mark Ricker", born 11 March 1818. [4121] 1954. George", bora 26 September 1825, died 6 January 1841. Joanna* (683), daughter of Timothy* and Amy (Hodgdon) Wentworth, born 17 September 1788; married, 17 March 1808, 152 FIFTH GENERATION. Stephen Ricker, son of Henry Ricker, of Berwick, Me. (Henry Ricker was son of Reuben Ricker, who was grandson of the emi grant George Ricker. See "Ricker" note to Sarah® (29a) Went worth.) Stephen Ricker -was brother of the wives of Joanna's* brothers Timothy'' and Moses*. Joanna* died at Dover, N. H., 2 January 1873. They lived at South Berwick, Me., and had: 1955. Timothy" Ricker, born 14 July 1808 ; manied Sabra Roberts, of Alfred, Me. ; had three chUdren, and is dead. 1956. Henry" Ricker, bom 12 December 1809 ; married Eliza beth Chesley, of Barrington, N. H., and had three children, who Uved in Berwick, Me. 1957. John" Ricker, born 1 October 1811 ; married Nancy Simpson, and had seven chUdren, aU of Berwick, Me. 1958. Reuben" Ricker, born 8 July 1814 ; married Eunice Saville, of Quincj^, Mass. ; Uved there, and had two chUdren. 1959. EUzabeth P." Ricker, bom 19 January 1815 ; manied, AprU 1841, Andrew J. Meserve, son of Col. John Meserve, of South Berwick, Me., and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Albert' Meserve, bora 12 September 1845. 2. Lucler' Meserve, born June 1846. 3. Jenny Lind' Meserve, born 27 September 1850. 1960. Emma" Ricker, born 8 June 1818 ; man-ied, 23 Febraary 1843, John C. GoweU, of Sanford, Me. ; Uved in South Berwick, Me., and had: 1. EUen' GoweU. 2. Olivia E.' GoweU. 1961. Susan" Ricker, born 19 May 1820; married Leonard SoUendine ; lived in South Berwick, Me., and had three children. 1962. Phebe Y." Ricker, bom 25 December 1823 ; married, 22 November 1848, Benjamin Butler, of South Berwick, Me. 1963. Mary Jane" Ricker, born 7 November 1825 ; married, 15 October 1848, Emery G. Meserve, of South Berwick, Me., and had: 1. Orin Emery' Meserve, born 13 July 1849. 1964. Lucinda M." Ricker, born 3 December 1827. 1965. Silvina" Ricker, born 20 November 1829. 1966. Charles" Ricker, born 14 August 1833. Nancy* (684) , daughter of Timothy* and Amy (Hodgdon) Went worth, born 29 AprU 1791 ; married, 1 December 1813, Hiram But ler, of South Berwick, Me., born 26 December 1790, and lived at DESCENDANTS OF TIMOTHYS WENTWORTH. 153 South Berwick. He died 13 August 1867. She died 27 AprU 1870. They had : 1967. Sabrina" Butler, born 20 May 1814 ; married, 25 Decem ber 1842, James Robbins ; lived in South Berwick, Me., and had : 1. Charles' Robbins, born 8 May 1846. 2. Harriet A.' Robbins, born 30 August 1849. 3. George H.' Robbins, born 28 October 1859. 1968. Shepherd N." Butler, born 18 September 1817 ; married, 10 August 1845, Huldah Austin, of South Berwick, Me., bom 7 May 1821 ; lived in South Berwick, and had : 1. Norris' Butler, born 15 November 1852. 2. Annie A.' Butler, bom 24 July 1857. 3. Harry W.' Butler, born 18 March 1860. 1969. Thomas W." Butler, born 8 May 1822 ; is single. 1970. Lydia" Butler, born 18 March 1823 ; married, 2 August 1850, Joseph T. Chase, of Newburyport, Mass., born 8 March 1826 ; Uved in Boston, Mass., and had : 1. Joseph T.' Chase, born 21 October 1853. 2. Lizzie E.' Chase, bom 28 July 1856. 3. Herbert I.' Chase, born 27 June 1858. 1971. Hiram A." Butler, born 8 September 1824; married, 14 September 1850, his cousin Mary Ricker" (1978) Wentworth, daughter of his mother's brother Moses*. They lived, in 1874, in South Berwick, Me., and had : 1. Herman Wentworth' Butler, born 31 January 1852. 2. John Frederick' Butler, born 14 February 1857. 3. Hiram Alonzo' Butler, born 17 November 1861. 1972. Emeline C." Butler, born 2 April 1827; married, 18 March 1862, WUUam Burleigh, of South Berwick, Me. ; lived in Wentworth, MitcheU co., Iowa, and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Mary Elizabeth' Burleigh, born 27 December 1862. 1973. Harriet" Butler, born 4 April 1828 ; is single. MosES* (685), son of Timothy* and Amy (Hodgdon) Wentworth, born 26 December 1792 ; married, 17 February 1818, Lydia, daughter of Henry Ricker, of Berwick, Me., and lived at Great FaUs, N. H. (Henry Ricker was son of Reuben Ricker, who was grandson of the emigrant George Ricker. See "Ricker" note at Sarah3 (29a) Wentworth). Lydia Ricker was sister of Stephen Ricker who married her husband's sister Joanna*, and of Betsey 154 FIFTH GENERATION. Ricker who married his brother Timothy*. Moses* died in 1862. They had : 1974. Betsey", bom 26 October 1819, died 15 January 1861. 1975. James", born 21 August 1820, died in GreatFalls, N. H., 27 March 1853. 1976. Mary", born 11 February 1823, died 29 January 1826. 1977. Olive Shapleigh", born 15 January 1825 ; married, 9 September 1858, Erastus Knight, of South Berwick, Me., born 27 January 1837 ; lived at Great Falls, N. H., and had, born there : 1. Alminia' Knight, born 19 August 1861. 2. Edgar Melcher' Knight, born 28 February 1862. 1978. Mary Ricker", bora 4 November 1826 ; married, 14 Sep tember 1850, her cousin Hiram A." (1971) Butler, son of her father's sister Nancy*, and Uved, in 1874, in South Berwick, Me. See her husband for children. 1979. Ljrdia Ricker", born 27 December 1828 ; married, 6 March 1851, John F. Sanborn, born at Durham, N. H., 29 March 1827; lived in Medford, Mass., and had two children, who died in in fancy. 1980. Hannah Hilliard", born 25 October 1830; married, 2 July 1849, Ebenezer S. Hanson, son of Nicholas Hanson, of South Berwick, Me., born 25 November 1825, and had (besides one who died in infancj'') : 1. Charles Frederick' Hanson, born 19 May 1850. 2. Henry H.' Hanson, born 1 December 1851. 3. Nicholas S.' Hanson, born 2 October 1853. 4. Cynthia Ann' Hanson, born 15 June 1857. 5. John Malcomb R.' Hanson, born 31 January 1860. 1981. Henry Ricker", bom 25 June 1833 ; married, 23 April 1855, Olive Augusta Shaw, bom in York, Me., 28 October 1836 ; lived in Great Falls, N. H., in 1873. She died in East Lexington, Mass., 10 August 1876. They had (besides one who died in in fancy) : 1. Frank Frye', born 8 AprU 1856. 1982. Lucy Jane", bom 5 June 1837 ; married, 16 M.iy 1862, Nicholas Hanson, whose brother Ebenezer S. Hanson married her sister Hannah" (1980). He was bom 21 December 1832. They Uved in Lewiston, Me., and had, born in South Berwick, Me. : 1. Lizzie S.' Hanson, born 21 December 1864. 2. Gertrude' Hanson, bora 21 March 1870. DESCENDANTS OP TIMOTHY® WENTWORTH. 155 Daniel* (686) , son of Timothy* and Amj- (Hodgdon) Wentworth, born 20 June 1795 ; married, 27 November 1824, Mary J.", daugh ter of Daniel* (856) Twombly, who was son of Samuel and Sarah* (316) (Wentworth) Twombly, of Rochester, N. H. She was born in Rochester, N. H., 3 May 1799, and died in Berwick, Me., 17 January 1865. Daniel* had, and at last dates was living on, the very farm which his ancestor Timothy® Wentworth bought of Too- good in 1705, and which has continued in the family without inter ruption. Daniel* had : 1983. Sarah HUUard", born 10 September 1825. 1984. Albert", born 29 June 1828 ; married, 1st, 13 February 1855, Ann Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel D. and Susan Evans, of South Berwick, Me. She died 20 March 1869. He married, 2d, 22 July 1872, Harriet Augusta, daughter of Asa and Betsey Rich ardson, of Manchester, Mass. He Uved in Haverhill, Mass., and had, by first wife, one child, who died young. 1985. Mary EUzabeth", born 20 March 1833, died 19 Janu ary 1853. 1986. Charles Keeler", born 27 AprU 1836 ; married, 1 January 1864, Ellen M. Plummer, daughter of Deacon John Plummer, of South Berwick, Me., a descendant of Sarah ^ (65) Wentworth. They had : 1. Charles Hayward', bom 13 December 1866. 2. Arthur Clayton', born 15 November 1871. 1987. Timothy Rankin", born 20 March 1838 ; Uved with his father, single. 1988. George Homer", born 30 September 1841 ; married, 16 J\i\y 1868, Lavinia E.', daughter of his cousin Lavinia" (1925) (Wentworth) Clark, and died at South Berwick, Me., 13 Septem ber 1874. 1989. Emma Shapleigh", born 31 August 1843 ; married, 3 January 1864, George H. Fogg, of South Berwick, Me., and died there 26 September 1874. They had, born at Berwick : 1. AUce Mary' Fogg, born 10 June 1868. Dorcas* (687) Ricker, daughter of Joseph and Deborah* (Went worth) Ricker, born 25 November 1768 ; married, in 1786, Joseph Shores ; Uved in Berwick, Me., and had : 1990. Agnes" Shores, born September 1787 ; manied Francis Grace, of Effingham, N. H., who died about 1844 ; and had : 1. Clarissa' Grace, bora about 1815. 156 FIFTH GENERATION. 1991. Polly" Shores, born about 1789; married Walter Neal; lived in Parsonsfield, Me., and had : 1. Nancy' Neal, bom September 1814. 2. Walter C Neal, born January 1820. 3. Mary' Neal, born about 1822. 4. Joseph' Neal, born about 1824. 5. George' Neal, born about 1826. 6. Martha' Neal, born about 1828. 7. WUUam' Neal, born about 1832. 8. Stephen' Neal, born about 1834. 1992. Clarissa" Shores, married Thomas Monow ; lived in Som ersworth, N. H., and had : 1. Thomas' Morrow. 2. Deborah' Morrow. 3. Granville' Morrow. 4. Marj-' Morrow. 1993. Stephen" Shores, married, March 1822, SaUy Knapp ; was deacon of Baptist church, at Great Falls, N. H. ; died at Exeter, N. H., and had: 1. Isaac' Shores, born October 1823, died in 1827. 2. William' Shores, born in 1825, died in 1827. 3. Joseph Augustus' Shores, bom 23 November 1827, at Acton, Me. ; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1851 ; married, 25 August 1852, Clarissa Melissa Antoinette, daughter of Harvey M. Towle, at Parsonsfield, Me. Molly* (688) Ricker, daughter of Joseph and Deborah* (Went worth) Ricker, born 19 April 1771 ; married, 1st, 25 December 1794, Edward Scribner, of Waterborough, Me., who died March 1804 ; 2d, Josiah Perkins. She died in Litchfield, Me., 6 Septemn ber 1861. She had, by her first marriage : 1994. David" Scribner, born in 1795 ; married, 1st, about 1822, Althea Howland, who died February 1843 ; 2d, Mary Ann, bor- 2 September 1808, daughter of Nathaniel and Eleanor (Staples) Quint, of Topsham, and widow of Capt. Stephen Whitmore, of Bowdoinham, Me. He was deacon in Baptist church, and several times represented Topsham, Me., in the Legislature. He had, by his first wife : 1. Charles' Scribner, bom 20 October 1823. 2. Marj-' Scribner, born 6 April 1825 ; married Alvah Mars ton, of Topsham, Me., and is dead. DESCENDANTS OF TIMOTHY^ WENTWORTH. 157 3. Albert' Scribner, bom 17 May 1827, and died 7 October 1828. 4. Sarah Alice' Scribner, born 26 September 1829. 5. Francis E.' Scribner, born 21 February 1834. 6. James M.' Scribner, born 19 February 1836. 7. Octavia' Scribner, born 20 August 1838, and died 20 Sep tember 1862. 8. Da-vid Alvah' Scribner, born 30 November 1840. David" Scribner had, by his second wife : 9. Mary Ann' Scribner, born 26 February 1846, is dead. 10. EUzabeth' Scribner, born 25 July 1848. 1995. Rebecca" Scribner, bom about 1796, died. 1996. Deborah" Scribner, born in Waterborough, Me. , 9 Novem ber 1799 ; married, 18 September 1821, Newell Nutting, of Otisfield, Me., and had: 1. Edward D.' Nutting, born 1 September 1822; married Esther Godding, of Gardiner, Me., and died 12 August 1857. 2. Samuel G.' Nutting, born 12 June 1825 ; married Martha Hancock, of Otisfield, Me., and had : 1. Hattie F.® Nutting, born in Otisfield, Me., 2 Septem ber 1852. 2. Edward D.® Nutting, born in Litchfield, Me., 4 March 1864. 3. Peter' Nutting (Rev.), born 13 July 1828; married, 4 March 1852, Amanda J. Allen, of Minot, Me. He died 17 July 1861, while pastor of Congregational church, at Westford, Vt. 4. Josiah P.' Nutting (Rev.), born 30 June 1832; was a FreewiU Baptist clergyman in Concord, N. H., and elsewhere. He married, August 1858, Hannah E. Ball, of Auburn, N. H., and had : 1. NeweU C.® Nutting, born 16 June 1859. 5. Benjamin N.' Nutting, born 13 January 1836, died 28 June 1843. 6. Mary A.' Nutting, born 12 March 1839, died 10 Septem ber 1840. 1997. Sarah" Scribner, born in Waterborough, Me., 19 January 1802 ; manied, 30 April 1820, Benjamin Sanborn, of Parsonsfield, Me ; Uved in Webster, Me. , and had : 1. David S.' Sanborn, born in Ossipee, N. H., 18 August 1822; married, 21 June 1849, Azalia Davis, of Webster, Me. He was representative in the Maine Legislature. He had, all born in Webster, except the last: 158 FIFTH GENERATION. 1. George Irving® Sanborn, bora 19 January 1852. 2. Frank Leslie® Sanborn, born 22 August 1853. 3. David® Sanborn, born 29 April 1856. 4. Milan B.® Sanborn, born 13 April 1862. 5. Jesse Albert® Sanborn, born in Wales, Me., 19 Janu ary 1866. 2. Nancy P.' Sanborn, born in Ossipee, N. H., 13 January 1824, died 27 June 1840. 3. Althea H.' Sanborn, born in Litchfield, Me., 5 September 1826 ; married, 1st, 26 May 1853, John M. Jameson, of Lewis- ton, Me. ; 2d, 2 November 1864, Given , of Topsham, Me. 4. Hannah B.' Sanborn, born in Litchfield, Me., 14 March 1830 ; married, 29 December 1856, George W. Crockett, of Lew iston, Me., and had: 1. Sarah Annette® Crockett, born August 1858, died October, 1860. 2. Milton® Crockett, died j'oung. 3. Alice May® Crockett, born September 1861, died April 1867. 4. WaUace® Crockett, bom April 1867. 5. Ralph Wardlaw® Crockett, born April 1869. 6. Ernest Amzi® Crockett, born April 1871. 5. Amzi' Sanborn, born in Webster, Me., 29 June 1840; was a successful school-teacher. He married Mary Emma Davis, of Sebattisville, Me., and died about 1874. They had : 1. Ella May® Sanborn, bom in Webster, Me., 29 May 1868. 1998. Mary" Scribner, born May 1804, died. Molly* Ricker had, by her second marriage : 1999. Joan" Perkins, born about 1808, died about 1817. 2000. Edward Scribner" Perkins, born 10 AprU 1810 ; married, 29 January 1835, Lucy Anne Farrow, and Uved in Litchfield, and Lewiston, Me. They had : 1. Josiah W.' Perkins, born 29 March 1836 ; married, 23 November, 1863, Lydia Chipman, and had : 1. Archie Chipman® Perkins, born 16 September 1867. 2. Bertha L.® Perkins, born 6 October 1874. 2. Nancy' Perkins, born 2 August 1839 ; married, 1st, 12 September 1859, Sidney S. Wright; 2d, 9 April 1870, C. C. Spear. She had, hy her first marriage = 1. B. Franklin® Wright, born 27 August 1861. 2. Sidney® Wright, born 29 April 1863. DESCENDANTS OF TIMOTHY® WENTWORTH. 159 Nancy' had, by her second marriage : 3. WilUam Everett® Spear, born 28 August 1871. 4. Harry Eugene® Spear, born 6 June 1874. 3. Mary Jane' Perkins, born 23 April 1850 ; married, 30 October 1872, Wilson L. Hawkes. 4. Samuel S.' Perkins, born in 1853 ; married, 8 September 1874, Cora Babcock, and had : 1. Samuel Linwood® Perkins, born July 1875. 5. Harriet W.' Perkins, born 2 June 1855 ; married, 15 Octo ber 1874, George C. Judkins. 2001. Nanc}-" Perkins, born about 1812, died about 1824. 2002. Betsey" Perkins, born about 1814, died about 1819. Dominicus* (689) Ricker, son of Joseph and Deborah* (Went worth) Ricker, born 4 June 1773 ; married, 1st, 19 November 1801, Sarah Haines, who died 19 September 1803 ; 2d, 4 October 1804, Susanna Perkins. He was a deacon in the Baptist church in Par sonsfield, Me. He died 30 December 1864. He had, by his first wife : 2003. John H." Ricker, born in Lyman, Me., 19 February 1803 ; married, 1st, 19 September 1831, Eloisa A. MorriU, of Dexter, Me. ; 2d, 7 March 1852, his cousin Mary Jane", daughter of Pela- tiah* (690) Ricker, born 20 April 1802. He had, by his first wife : 1. Sarah H.' Ricker, born in Dexter, Me., 13 July 1832; married, 20 Febraary 1851, William P. MerriU, of Topsham, Me., and had: 1. Charlotte WilUe® MerriU, born 10 August 1852. 2. Edith Banows® MerriU, bom 10 September 1859. 3. Louise Harding® Merrill, born 13 February 1862. 4. Minnie Bradbury® Merrill, born 19 June 1865. 5. Oscar Patten® MerriU, born 16 June 1870. 2. Levi Weston' Ricker, born 18 December 1833, died Feb ruary 1834. 3. Abbie E.' Ricker, born in Dexter, Me., 7 December 1840 ; married, 10 August 1856, John M. Ames, of Parsonsfield, Me., and had : 1. Charles® Ames, born 10 July 1^58, died 28 Novem ber 1868. 2. John P.® Ames, born 12 December 1859. Dominicus* Ricker had, by his second wife : 2004. Rufus" Ricker, born in Lyman, Me., 28 July 1805 ; mar- 160 FIFTH GENERATION. ried, 1st, in 1829, Nancy Whittemore, of Topsham, Me. ; 2d, 12 September 1865, Lucy M. Strout, of Poland, Me. He died in Charlestown, Mass., 19 September 1866. He had, by his first wife (the first three born in Dexter, Me., the others in Tops ham, Me.) : 1. Rufus Weston' Ricker, born 14 Febraary 1831 ; was a sol dier in the war of the Rebellion. He married, 10 July 1855, Annie Patten Sandford, of Topsham, Me., and had: 1. Thomas Wilson® Ricker, bom 6 June 1856. 2. John Minot® Ricker, born 18 AprU 1858. 3. James Winchell® Ricker, born 7 August 1862. 4. NelUe Drew® Ricker, born 27 April 1866. 5. Maud Fairfield® Ricker, born 20 February 1875. 2. Abbie MorriU' Ricker, born June 1835 ; married, 4 De cember 1856, James Henry Colbj^, of Topsham, Me., and had: 1. Fred Weston® Colby, born 23 September 1858. 2. Annie Sandford® Colby, born 12 March 1861. 3. Jessie Eloise® Colby, bom 8 March 1869. 3. Eloisa Emeline' Ricker, born in 1838 ; manied, about 1860, John Drew, of Boston, Mass. He died in 1876, childless. 4. George Edwin' Ricker, born in 1841 ; was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion. He married Georgie Sampson, of Charles town, Mass., and had two children, who died in infancy. 5. Mary Scribner' Ricker, born in 1844 ; married Nelson Sargent, of Charlestown, Mass. She died in Poland, Me., in 1875. They had : 1. Grace® Ricker, born 31 July 1869. 2. Waldo® Ricker. 3. Walter® Ricker, twin with Waldo®, died in infancy. 6. Alfred Thompson' Ricker, born in 1847 ; married Emma Clark, of Boston, Mass., and had : 1. Edith® Ricker. 2005. Sally H." Ricker, bora 15 October 1807 ; married, 23 January 1833, Rev. Adam Wilson, a Baptist clergj-man of Port land, Me. He was born in Topsham, Me. ; graduated Bowdoin College in 1819, D. D. Colby Univ. 1851. He was founder and many years editor of Zion's Advocate, Portland, Me. He died aged 77. They had (first three born in Portland) : 1. John Butler' Wilson, born 31 July 1834 ; graduated Colby Univ. 1854 ; was M. D. and physician in Exeter, Me. He mar ried, 1 January 1861, Samantha T. Perkins, of Exeter; was DESCENDANTS OF TIMOTHY® WENTWORTH. 161 captain, afterwards surgeon, war of the Rebellion, and died at Dexter, Me., 15 March 1866, of disease contracted in service. He had : 1. Charles B.® Wilson, bom in Exeter, Me., 20 Octo ber 1861. 2. Malville Ann' Wilson, born 19 November 1835, died 2 September 1837. 3. Angelia R.' Wilson, born 31 May 1838 ; married Rev. WiUiam Eustis Brooks, of Weld, Me., who graduated at Colbj" Univ. He was captain in the war of the Rebellion. They had : 1. Albion Dennis® Brooks, born in New Haven, Conn., 12 December 1864, died in Clinton, Conn., 25 Jan- nary 1870. 2. Wilson® Brooks, born in Derby, Conn., 7 April 1866. 3. WUUam Eustis® Brooks, born in Clinton, Conn., 27 August 1868. 4. Ida May® Brooks, bora in Clinton, Conn., 30 June 1870. 5. Clayton Kingman® Brooks, bom in West Haven, Conn., 16 July 1874. 4. Charles Howard' Wilson, born in Bangor, Me., 2 June 1840, died 4 June 1841. 5. George Adam' Wilson, born in Turner, Me., 31 July 1842 ; graduated Colby Univ. 1864, and immediately entered the army, war of the RebeUion. He became a lawyer, at South Paris, Me. He married Annie Blake, of Belgrade, Me., and had : 1. Madge® Wilson, born in South Paris, Me., July 1872. 6. Fred Morse' Wilson, born in Hebron, Me., 8 December 1850; graduated Colby Univ., M.D. Harvard Medical School, and was a physician at Waterville, Me. 2006. Nancy" Ricker, born 14 March 1810 ; married, George Thompson, of Parsonsfield, Me., 12 June 1831. She died 6 August 1849 . They had ; 1. George Boardman' Thompson, born 6 December 1832 ; married, and went to Pike's Peak, Colorado. 2. Albert Ricker' Thompson, born 22 July 1834 ; lived sin gle in IlUnois and Tennessee. 3. WiUiam Ricker' Thompson, born 13 March 1837 ; gradu ated at Colby Univ. 1863, and at Newton Theological Seminary 1868; was a Baptist clergyman in Brighton, Mass., and else- VOL. n. — 11 162 FIFTH GENERATION. where. He married, 2 December 1865, at Saco, Me., Dora Steele McGrath, and had : 1. Walter Newton® Thompson, born 16 July 1867. 4. Charles Green' Thompson, born 19 June 1839 ; married, and lived in Tennessee. 5. Horace Preble' Thompson, twin with Charles G.' ; manied, 25 December 1870, widow Lydia (Tigner) Yockey, of Iowa, and Uved in Towanda co.. 111. He had : 1. Arthur WiUiam® Thompson, born 25 September 1871. 2. Hattie BeUe® Thompson, born 3 December 1872, died 7 October 1873. 3. Carrie Estelle® Thompson, twin with Hattie B.®, died 14 April 1873. 2007. WiUiam" Ricker, born in Parsonsfield, Me., 12 August 1812 ; he was deacon of the Baptist church in Laprairie, Adams CO., IU., and afterwards in Chillicothe, 111. He married, 1 October 1840, Harriet N. Morrell, of Dexter, Me., and had, the first five bom in Topsham, 111., the others in Laprairie, IU. : 1. Mary EUen Larrabee' Ricker, born 16 December 1841; married Thomas Lovell, of Towanda, IU., and had, aU born in Towanda : 1. Walter D.® LoveU, bora 25 October 1866. 2. Julia Alice® Lovell, born 4 September 1868, died 20 April 1869. 3. Frederick WUUam® LoveU, born 26 January 1872. 2. Lyman Jordan' Ricker, bom 18 August 1843, died 29 May 1846. 3. Harriet NeweU' Ricker, born 17 November 1845 ; mar ried, 25 November 1863, Asahel Camden Wiknot, of Laprairie, IU. , and had, the first four born in Vallej', 111. : 1. Asahel C.® WUmot, born 17 November 1864. 2. LiUie Budd® WUmot, born 26 December 1-866. 3. WUliam Richardson'' WUmot, born 7 Februai-y 1869. 4. Ambrosia Davis® WUmot, born 11 December 1871. 5. Fred LoveU® WUmot, born in ChiUicothe, IU., 31 August 1874. 4. Samuel Morrell' Ricker, born 18 January 1848. 5. WUUam Clarence' Ricker, born 13 January 1851. 6. Anna Eloise' Ricker, born 23 August 1854. 7. Susan Ideletta' Ricker, born 10 May 1857. 8. Josie AUce' Ricker, bom 13 August 1860. DESCENDANTS OF TIMOTHY® WENTWORTH. 163 9. Dominicus' Ricker, born 31 October 1862, died 3 June 1865. 10. Lucj' OpheUa' Ricker, born 5 November 1866, died in Chillicothe, IU., 23 October 1870. 11. Frederick O.' Ricker, born 21 April 1869, died in Chilli cothe, IU., 21 October 1869. 2008. Joseph" Ricker (D. D.), bom in Pari5onsfield, Me., 27 June 1814; graduated Colby University 1839 (D.D. 1868), is a Baptist clergyman, and resides in Augusta, Me. From 1839 to 1843 he was editor of Zion's Advocate, Portland, Me. He be came pastor of churches, successively, in New Gloucester, Me., Belfast, Me., and Woburn, Mass., and from 1858 to 1860 chaplain of the Massachusetts State Prison. From 1860 to 1865 he was pastor at MUford, Mass. ; and from 1865 to 1872, at Augusta, Me. ; and (in 1876) is Superintendent of Domestic Missions in Maine. He man-ied, 1st, 9 June 1841, Ann Judson, daughter oi Deacon Royal Clarke, of Bangor, Me., who died 16 November 1847 ; 2d, 7 May 1849, Lucy Maria, daughter of Deacon Timothy Corey, of BrookUne, Mass. He had, by his first wife : 1. Howard Clarke' Ricker, bom in New Gloucester, Me., 3 February 1844, died 4 January 1845. 2. Anna Judson' Ricker, born in New Gloucester, Me., 12 July 1846 ; married, 1 January 1872, George A. Philbrook, of Augusta, Me. 2009. Mary" Ricker, twin with Joseph" ; married, June 1843, David Whittier, of Bangor, Me., who died 24 June 1865 ; and had: 1. Charles Howard' Whittier, born 5 September 1844. He died in 1864 of wounds received before Petersburg, in the war of the Rebellion. 2. Abbie M.' Whittier, born 4 July 1855. 2010. OUve" Ricker, born 2 July 1818, died 17 May 1820. 2011. Ann" Ricker, born 12 April 1820 ; married, in Parsons field, Me., 8 October 1844, Danville D. Swett, born 20 July 1817, of Turner, Me. ; lived in Normal, 111., in 1876, and had : 1. John Adams' Swett, born 9 March 1848, in Turner, Me. ; manied, 9 October 1873, Jennie Sands, of Towanda, 111., born 20 September 1854, and resides at Saybrook, McLean co.. 111., and had : 1. Herbert D.® Swett, born in Towanda, IU., 10 August 1874. 164 FIFTH GENERATION. 2. John Wentworth® Swett, born 13 October 1875. 2. Edward Ricker' Swett, born 6 November 1856, in Bloom- ington, McLean co.. 111. 2012. Dominicus" Ricker, born in Parsonsfield, Me, 14 May 1823 ; was alderman of Biddeford, Me., and its representative in the Maine Legislature. He is a Baptist deacon. He manied, 20 August 1848, CaroUne Elizabeth Thompson, of Parsonsfield, Me., and had : 1. Frank Howard' Ricker, born 7 October 1850. 2. Abbie C Ricker, born 19 August 1856. 2013. Lucy Jane" Ricker, born in Parsonsfield, Me., 19 Sep tember 1825 ; manied, 1st, 7 November 1849, Enoch Wedgewood Neal, of Parsonsfield, Me. ; 2d, 15 May 1861, Ira A. Philbrick, of Parsonsfield, Me. She died 27 December 1861. She had, by her first marriage : 1. Florence E.' Neal, born 6 June 1854. 2014. Susan" Ricker, born in Parsonsfield, Me., 30 AprU 1828 ; married, 17 January 1850, George Boardman Wing, of Bangor, Me. ; she died at Normal, 111., 11 September 1876. They had : 1. Cora' Wing, born in Bangor, Me. ; married, June 1871, in ChiUicothe, 111., Ninian Nichols, and had: 1. Alonzo® Nichols, born 14 February 1871, died in infancy. 2. Howard Malcolm' Wing, bom in Paris, Me., 13 August 1858. 3. George Herbert' Wing, born in Bucksport, Me., Novem ber 1863. 4. MabeF Wing, born in Bucksport, Me., 24 October 1866. 2015. Abbie W." Ricker, born in Parsonsfield, Me., 31 Decem ber 1831 ; married, 1 June 1854, A. C. Whittier, of Bangor, Me., and died in Bangor, 23 September 1854. Pelatiah* (690) Ricker, son of Joseph and Deborah* (Went worth) Ricker, born December 1775 ; married, 25 June 1799, Jane Leighton. He died 4 December 1842. She died in Parsonsfield, Me., 15 October 1870, aged 91 years and 4 months. They had: 2016. Mary Jane" Ricker, born 20 April 1802 ; married (second wife), 7 March 1852, her cousin John H." (2003) Ricker, whom see. 2017. AbigaU F." Ricker, born in Alfred, Me., 21 January 1804 ; married, 21 January 1823, George Hilton, of Parsonsfield, DESCENDANTS OF TIMOTHYS WENTWORTH. 165 Me., born there 22 March 1799, son of Dudley and Rhoda (Bick ford) Hilton; she died, and he married, 2d, 17 November 1858, Martha Ann Eastman. AbigaU F." had (all born in Parsonsfield) : 1. Rhoda J.' Hilton, born 22 Januarj' 1824 ; married, August 1850, William H. Hoyt; Uves in Lowell, Mass., and had (all born there) : 1. WilUam A.® Hoyt, born 14 June 1853. 2. Frank® Hoyt, born 30 April 1856. 3. James Arthur® Hoj^t, born 31 March 1866. 2. Susan EUzabeth' HUton, born 12 January 1826 ; married Frederick Lovejoy ; Uve in LoweU, Mass., and had (born there) : 1. George HUton® Lovejoy, bom May 1856 ; is dead. 2. Abbie Hilton® Lovejoy, born September 1859. 3. Rufus Mclntire' Hilton, born 1 January 1828 ; married Susan Dunnels, of Newfield, Me. ; Uves in Parsonsfield, Me., and had : 1. Eva AbigaU® Hilton, born 2 June 1853. 4. Marj- Ann' Hilton, born 1 December 1829 ; married Wil Uam B. Cross ; Uve in Sacramento, Cal., and had (besides some who died in infancy) : 1. Arthur Dudley® Cross, born December 1864. 5. Alpheus Spring' Hilton, born 19 February 1832 ; married OraviUe Adams Parks ; Uves in Parsonsfield, Me., and had : 1. Frank Arthur® HUton, born 17 January 1860, died 17 December 1863. 2. Frank Arthur® Hilton, born 9 December 1864. 6. Moses Mason' Hilton, born 27 November 1835 ; married Canie Huse, of Lowell, Mass. ; enlisted, 31 August 1862, in the 6th Mass. Vols., and died at Hampton, Va., 26 April 1863. 7. George Whitefield' Hilton, born 9 August 1839; was a soldier in the 8th Mass. Vols., war of the Rebellion; married Mary McEmerson, and Uves in Chicago, 111. They had : 1. Jennie® Hilton, born in 1867. 2. Grace® Hilton, born in 1869. 8. Pelatiah Ricker' HUton, bom 1 March 1843 ; married Agnes Ricker, of Portland, Me. ; Uves in Chicago, IU., and had : 1. Fred Lovejoy® Hilton. 9. Charles Augustus' Hilton, born 22 July 1845 ; was nine months in the 27th Maine Vols., war of the RebeUion, in the 6th Mass. Vols, from 15 January 1864 to 27 October 1864, and in 12th Mass. Battery from 14 November 1864 to 25 July 1865. 166 FIFTH GENERATION. He is a Free Will Baptist minister in Frankfort, IU. He married Sarah Carpenter, of Illinois, and had : 1. Daughter^, born April 1873. 2018. JuUa Ann" Ricker, born 12 February 1806 ; married, 26 November 1828, Hiram Noble Tripp, born 13 February 1800, and lived in Alfred, Me. He died 12 Aug-ust 1868 ; she died 23 April 1876. They had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Edwin' Tripp, born 7 April 1830, died 4 September 1857. 2. Frank' Tripp, born 27 July 1832 ; married, 16 October 1861 , Lucina Foster, and had : 1. Frank Foster® Tripp, born 1 November 1866. 2. Marian® Tripp, born September 1868. 3. Mary Noble' Tripp, born 17 September 1834, died 9 March 1836. 4. Alonzo' Tripp, born 27 August 1836 ; married Cyntha A. Grosvenor, and had : 1 . Frank Adelbert® Tripp, born in 1865. 2. Cora Ann® Tripp, born in 1867. 5. Abbie' Tripp, born 25 June 1838 ; married, 9 January 1872, Capt. Melville Hartley Walker, born in Kennebunkport, Me., 17 September 1835 ; and had : 1. Julia® Walker, born 10 October 1872. 2. Daisy® Walker, born 30 December 1874. 6. George Leighton' Tripp, born 9 December 1840, died 13 March 1867. 7. Pelatiah Ricker' Tripp, born 15 August 1842 ; married, 13 May 1870, Sophia G. Kemp. 8. Annette Mclntyre' Tripp, bom 26 October 1844 ; married, March 1868, Moses Ayer Drew, attornej'-at-law, and had: 1. Agnes Aj'er® Drew, born March 1869. 2. George Edwin® Drew, born in 1871. 9. Lucy Gooch' Tripp, born 27 September 1846. 10. Charles Hiram' Tripp, born 19 December 1849. 2019. Samuel Leighton" Ricker, bora 18 December 1808 ; mar ried EUzabeth" (2339), daughter of Tappan* (816) Wentworth, born 10 November 1813. 2020. Betsey H." Ricker, born 28 March 1822, died 9 January 1831. Amaziah* (691) Ricker, son of Joseph and Deborah* (Went worth) Ricker, bora 4 May 1778 ; married, 7 December 1803, DESCENDANTS OF TIMOTHY® WENTWORTH. 167 Susannah Baker, born 13 January 1785, and lived in Cherryfield, Me. He died 24 March 1826. She died August 1862. They had : 2021. Sarah G." Ricker, born 3 August 1805 ; married, 1st, 18 November 1824, CoUn CampbeU, of Cherryfield, Me. ; 2d, 1 AprU 1845, Rev. Edmund Nugent. She had, by her first husband (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Susannah R.' CampbeU, born 18 March 1826, died 20 September 1846. 2. Marj' E.' Campbell, born 25 May 1831 ; married, Septem ber 1857, Joseph Fisher, of Dedham, Mass., and had. 1. Haniet® Fisher. 2. Joseph® Fisher. 3. EUzabeth® Fisher. 4. Mary® Fisher. 3. Abby R.' CampbeU, born 27 January 1834 ; married, 11 November 1853, Moses Fickett, of Millbridge, Me. ; lived in Chelsea, Mass., and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Colin C.® Fickett, bom 19 September 1855. 2. Lizzie F.® Fickett, born 8 March 1862. 3. Canie S.® Fickett, born 27 AprU 1867. 4. Edith A.® Fickett, twin with above. 5. George E.® Fickett, born 13 November 1871. 4. Thomas S.' CampbeU, born 13 June 1836 ; married, 25 March 1866, Georgia Stanley, of Portland, Me. ; Uved in Bos ton, Mass., and had : 1. Walter S.® CampbeU, born 24 May 1868. 2. R. Colin® CampbeU, born 13 September 1870. 3. Thomas S.® CampbeU, born 10 November 1873. 5. Colin G.' CampbeU, born 6 September 1838, died 16 May 1863. Sarah G." had, by her second husband : 6. Sarah F.' Nugent, born 19 December 1845. 7. George E.' Nugent, born 23 Januar}' 1848. 8. Harriet E.' Nugent, born 26 January 1857. 2022. Benjamin Gleason" Ricker, born 24 September 1807 ; married, 10 May 1834, Betsey CampbeU, of Cherryfield, Me., and had (besides three who died young) : 1. William C Ricker, born 31 March 1837; married, 10 November 1862, Emily D. Campbell; Uved at Cherryfield, Me., and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Josephine® Ricker, bora 22 June 1868. 2. John Hale® Ricker, born 24 October 1871. 168 FIFTH GENERATION. 2. CaroUne A.' Ricker, born 28 February 1839 ; married, 19 December 1864, George W. Emery, of Rockland, Me. ; Uved in Harrington, Me., and had: 1. Helen R.® Emery, born 22 October 1865. 2. Lucy® Emery, born March 1868. 3. Gleason R.® Emery, born 16 AprU 1871. 4. WilUam C.® Emery, born 26 November 1873. 3. Susan J.' Ricker, born 4 March 1841. 4. Amaziah' Ricker, born 24 March 1843 ; manied, 16 Octo ber 1872, Charlotte A. Ginn, of Bucksport, Me. ; Uved at Cher ryfield, Me., and had : 1. Arthur G.® Ricker, bom 13 May 1874. 5. Hannah F.' Ricker, born 6 September 1848. 6. Abbie W.' Ricker, born 16 December 1850. 2023. Caroline" Ricker, born 14 February 1810 ; married, 13 December 1829, Alexander Campbell, of Cherryfield, Me., and had (besides three who died in infancy) : 1. Frances S.' Campbell, born 18 November 1830 ; married, 13 December 1853, C. P. Nichols, of Cherryfield, Me.; Uved there and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Charles Fremont® Nichols, bom 9 July 1856. 2. Frank Campbell® Nichols, born 5 August 1858. 3. Frederick Snow® Nichols, born 21 January 1860. 4. Arthur. Ricker® Nichols, bom 20 February 1862. 5. Ellen Dodge® Nichols, born 21 May 1867. 2. Gleason R.' Campbell, bom 7 October 1832 ; married, 24 December 1858, Juliette Brown, of Maiden, Mass. ; Uved at Cherryfield, Me., and had : 1. Carrie Eleanor® Campbell, born at Jamaica Plain, Mass., 28 February 1862. 2. Fannie Nichols® CampbeU, born at Boston, Mass., 2 December 1863. 3. Henrietta Shapleigh® CampbeU, born at Cherryfield, Me., 14 March 1866. 3. Samuel N.' CampbeU, born 15 August 1834 ; married, 1 June 1859, EUzabeth Redman, of Cherryfield, Me. ; Uved there and had (besides one who died in infancj-) : 1. Alexander® CampbeU, born 4 October 1859. 2. WiUiam Freeman® CampbeU, born 11 October 1867. 4. Delia Smith' CampbeU, bom 21 October 1836 ; married, 20 August 1860, Lot Myrick Rollins, of China, Me., son of Wil- DESCENDANTS OF T1MOTHY2 WENTWORTH. 169 liam Reade Rollins,* of Nobleboro', Me. ; lived at Boston, Mass., and had: 1. William Reed® RolUns, born at Cherryfield, Me., 17 June 1861. 2. Caroline Campbell® Rollins, born at Brighton, Mass., 23 June 1868. 5. Bartlett A.' Campbell, born 31 Julj' 1843 ; married Grace Learned, of AUston, Mass. 6. Susan M.' CampbeU, born 7 August 1847; married, 11 June 1873, George W. Clapp. 7. Frederick I.' Campbell, born 24 February 1850. 8. David W.' CampbeU, born 1 July 1852. 2024. George B." Ricker, born 13 January'- 1813 ; married, 4 January 1837, Mary Upton, of Salem, Mass., and died December 1852. They had : 1. Sarah S.' Ricker, born 7 August 1838 ; married, 23 Octo ber 1857, A. C. Small, of Cherryfield, Me. ; lived at Jackson- viUe, Fla., and had (besides two who died young) : 1. Helen Perley® SmaU, born 18 October 1858. 2. George Ricker® Small, born 14 November 1860. 2. Edward' Ricker. 3. Harriet C Ricker, born 14 February 1849. 4. AUce P.' Ricker, born 7 March 1850 ; married, 1 Novem ber 1870, J. S. Driggs. 2025. Arthur S." Ricker, bom 2o April 1817 ; married, 26 Sep tember 1842, Jane Stoddard, of Hingham, Mass., and had : 1. Jane E.' Ricker, born 3 April 1845. 2. Arthur S. M.' Ricker, born 10 October 1847. 3. Leonora S.' Ricker, born 12 October 1856. 2026. AbigaU B." Ricker, bom 5 June 1819 ; married, 7 De cember 1843, George Wingate, and had (besides three who died in infancy) : 1. Haniet S.' Wingate, born 17 October 1844; married, 2 December 1868, Edwin C. Wakefield, of Cherryfield, Me. ; Uved there, and had : 1. Ida E.® Wakefield, born 15 September 1869. 2. Edward R.' Wingate, born 28 March 1852. 3. Mary A.' Wingate, born 13 October 1855. * See Rollins Genealogy, page 64. 170 FIFTH GENERATION. Anna* (693) Ricker, daughter of Joseph and Deborah* (Went worth) Ricker, born 11 June 1784; married, August 1816, EUsha Strout ; Uved in Cherryfield, Me., where she died 20 January 1870. They had : 2027. James" Strout, born 9 September 1817; married, Sep tember 1842, Mary A. Coney, and had: 1. Daniel F.' Strout, born 26 June 1843 ; married, 1868, Caroline L. Ray, and had : 1. Annie® Strout, born 7 March 1869. 2. Judson' Strout, born 29 AprU 1845 ; married, 1873, Adri- anna Martin, and had : 1. CarroU® Strout, born 10 March 1874. 3. AUce E.' Strout, born 28 February 1854. 4. George H.'' Strout, bom 1 May 1856. 2028. Deborah" Strout, born in 1820, died in 1822. 2029. George W." Strout, bom 12 June 1822 ; married, 18 April 1863, CaroUne Wallace, and had: 1. Fannie R.' Strout, born 8 September 1865. 2. Ulmer H.' Strout, born 3 December 1867. 3. Ella M.' Strout, born 9 AprU 1869. 4. Gertrude B.' Strout, bom 14 July 1871. 5. Annie' Strout, born 15 August 1873. 2030. Tobias R." Strout, born 6 June 1825 ; married, 18 Jan uary 1850, Rebecca Nash, and had : 1. Wilber' Strout, born l" March 1868. Tobias* (694) Ricker, son of Joseph and Deborah* (Wentworth) Richer, born 15 July 1786; lived in Parsonsfield, Me., where he was Deputy Sheriff. He married Sallj' Hannaford, whose sister was wife of Hon. Rufus Mclntire (Representative in Congress from Maine 1827 to 1835). Tobias* Ricker died about 1849. His widow was living, at last dates, with her brother Dr. Levi A. Han naford, in Tivoli, 111. They had : 2031. Josiah H." Ricker, born March 1816. 2032. Elizabeth H." Ricker, born 25 December 1817 ; married, in 1836, Charles Malloy ; lived in Parsonsfleld, Me., and died soon after 1850. Her husband married, 2d, Ellen Jane' (4772), daugh ter of Capt. John Hanson" (2645) Wentworth, of Greenland, N.H., and lived in RolUnsford, N. H. Elizabeth H." had : 1. Harriet Emma' Malloj', born 1850. 2033. ISrastus F." Ricker, bom 27 AprU 1823 ; married, in 1850, OUve B. Trull, and had : descendants of ephraim® wentworth. 171 1. Edward Bruce' Ricker, born October 1850. 2034. Harriet F." Ricker, born 27 December 1824, died. 2035. Amaziah" Ricker, died young. 2036. Anna W." Ricker, born 29 December 1832. descendants of ephraim® wentworth. Ichabod* (698) , son of William* and Hannah (Hayes) Went worth, bom 25 February 1759 ; was admitted to the church in Rochester, N. H. , 4 July 1790. He married, 1st, his cousin Mercy* (705), daughter of his uncle Ephraim* (260) Wentworth; she was born 7 October 1764, died 23 January 1790. He married, 2d, 10 March 1791, Keziah Cook, of Somersworth, N. H., born 14 January 1763, died 4 April 1833. He died 10 AprU 1834. He had, by his first wife : 2037. Jonathan", born at Rochester, N. H., 21 November 1787. [4122] 2038. Abigail", born 1 Februarj' 1789 ; married, 30 August 1835, Jonathan Howe, of Milton, N. H., and died December 1869. Ichabod* had, by his second wife : 2039. Mercy", born at Rochester, N. H., 16 January 1791 ; married, 16 November 1808, James Cook, of Rochester, N. H. ; she died 2 January 1851. They had: 1. Joseph W.' Cook, bom 8 October 1809. 2. Seth F.' Cook, manied Martha Page, of Orono, Me., and lived in Exeter, Me. 3. Benjamin -R.' Cook. 4. Eri' Cook, man-ied Lovina Hill, of Alton, N. H.. and had children. 2040. Martha", bom at Rochester, N. H., 4 April 1793 ; mar ried there, 30 October 1814, Elihu" Haj^es, of Farmington, N. H. He was son of Daniel* and Hannah* (Hayes) Hayes, and grandson of Hezekiah* (172) Hayes, and of Ichabod and EUzabeth* (173) (Hayes) Hayes. They lived at Exeter, Me. He died 11 March 1862; she died 18 January 1871, at the house of her brother Ichabod H.", p,t MiUon, N. H. They had : 1. Charles Henry' Ha3'es, now dead. 2041. Ichabod H.", born 14 December 1795. [4124] 2042. William", born 30 October 1797. [4127] 2043.. Kezia", born 14 January 1799 ; married, at Rochester, N. H., 2 AprU 1817, Joshua Pray, of Farmington, N. H. He went to California. They had : 172 fifth generation. 1. Mary J.' Pray, married, 1st, Hanscom, of Milton, N. H. ; 2d, WilUam Mason, of Milton, N. H. ; she had, by her first marriage : 1. Charles H.® Hanscom. 2. Mary P.® Hanscom. 3. Abby S.® Hanscom. Mary J.' had, by her second maniage : 4. WiUiam W.® Mason. 2044. Joseph C", born 24 September 1801. [4132] William* (699), son of William* and Hannah (Hayes) Went worth, born 15 August 1761 ; lived and died in Parsonsfield, Me. He married Jemima Dearborn, of Hampton, N. H., born 15 Au gust 1761 ; he died 6 May 1795. His widow married, 2d, 15 April 1798, Joshua Palmer, of Parsonsfield, Me., where she died 3 Feb ruary 1849. (She had, by her second marriage: 1. Joshua Palmer, born 18 September 1800 ; 2. Nancj^ H. Palmer, born 1 AprU, 1803 ; 3. Trueworthy D. Palmer, born 12 November 1806, lived at West Parsonsfield, Me.) William* had : 2045. Ezekiel" (second child), bom 19 September 1789; mar ried in Newburyport, Mass., Hannah Wigger. He served through the war of 1812. They Uved in Parsonsfield, Me. He left there to go to Boston, to dispose of a land warrant, and was never heard from afterwards ; his family have no idea what became of him. His wife married again, and lived and died in Newburyport, Mass. He had : 1. Hannah' ,born in Newburj-port, Mass., January 1813, died at Parsonsfleld, Me., aged fifteen years. 2. Joseph D.', bom in Parsonsfield, Me., in 1816 ; went to sea from Newburyport when quite young, and was never heard from afterwards. 2046. Daniel Sanborn" (eldest child), born in Parsonsfleld, Me., 24 May 1787. [4138] 2046a. Trueworthy D.", bom 31 January 1791, died young. 2046&. WiUiam", born 15 September 1793, died .young. Ephraim* (703) , son of WiUiam* and Hannah (Hayes) Went worth, born 16 June 1773 ; married, 7 AprU 1796, Susannah Cook, of Middleton, N. H. ; she was born 6 May 1774, died 6 September 1848. He died 17 October 1846. They had : 2047. Hannah", born 27 December 1796, died 24 August 1811. descendants OP ephraim^ wentworth. 173 2018. Mary", born 4 September 1 798 ; married, 12 September 1849, James Sanborn, of Wakefield, N. H. ; moved to Milton, N. H., and was Uving there in 1875. 2049. Ephraim H.", born 20 April 1801, died single, at Fort Jesup, La., 1 May 1850. 2050. Susan", born 11 Februai-y 1806; married, 24 Febraary 1833, Ephraim Perkins; lived in Farmington, N. H., where she died 7 January 1870. They had seven children. 2051. Kezia", twin with Susan", died single, 29 October 1827. 2052. Luther H.", bom 19 February 1810, died single, in New York, 6 October 1848. 2053. Alvah C", twin with Luther H." [4149] Jonathan* (706), son of Ephraim* and Phebe* (Wentworth) Wentworth, born 17 January 1767 ; married, 30 June 1791, Eliza beth", born 30 April 1774, daughter of Ephraim* and Hannah (Emerson) Kimball, and gTanddaughter of Ephraim* Kimball, who was son of Nehemiah and Mary® (60) (Wentworth) Kimball. He died in Hiram, Me., 11 September 1844; she died 20 May 1861. They had : 2054. Ephraim", bom 23 January 1792. [4150] 2055. Mercy", born 21 November 1800 ; married, 1st, 6 April 1824, Henry S. Burbank, of Hiram, Me. ; 2d, Ezra Davis ; and had no children. 2056. Moses Emerson", bom in Farmington, N. H., 12 January 1795. [4152] 2057. Noah", born 13 March 1797 ; manied, 1st, in 1819, Mary Gray ; 2d, Louisa Miller ; and died childless, 1 May 1825. 2058. Hannah Smith", born 14 April 1803 ; married, 1st, in 1821, Asa Osgood, who died] in 1835; 2d, John Bucknall, of Hham, Me. She had, by her first marriage : 1. Charles Asa' Osgood, born 2 May 1822 ; married, in 1846, Elizabeth Cate, and had : 1. Louisa® Osgood, born June 1847. 2. Charles® Osgood, bom 1849. Hannah S." had, by her second marriage, three children. 2059. Stephen", born 24 AprU 1805. [4159] 2060. Eliza", bom 25 September 1807 ; married, 18 Septem ber 1825, WiUiam G. Burbank, of Hiram, Me. ; lived there in 1871, and had (besides four who died young) : 1. Elizabeth' Burbank, born 27September 1826 ; married, 26 October 1849, Charles G. AUen, and had: 174 fifth generation. 1. EUa Ann® Alien, born 14 June 1854. 2. WiUie® Allen, born 16 January 1859. 2. Frances A.' Burbank, born 5 January 1837; manied, 15 November 1856, Ivory Clark, and had: 1. Waldo A.® Clark, born 25 June 1860. 2. Nettie® Clark, born 26 January 1864. 3. Mercy J.' Burbank, born 18 April 1840 ; married, 4 Octo ber 1867, Charles G. Derby, and had: 1. Franklin® Derby, born 13 December 1869. 4. Abby S.' Burbank, born 24 April 1842 ; manied, 30 June 1864, James Evans, jr., and had : 1. Clifton® Evans, born 25 October 1867. 2061. AbigaiF, born 2 June 1812 ; married, 3 December 1830, Thomas Seavj-, of Hiram, Me. , and had : 1. Georgianna D.' Seavy, born 27 January 1832 ; married, 18 December 1850, Marshall W. Spring, and had : 1. Ormand S.® Spring, born 27 February 1852. 2. Abby S.® Spring, born 30 December 1866. 2. Ira' Seavy, born 30 March 1834 ; married, 1st, 15 Decem ber 1855, Jane A. Osgood ; 2d, , and lived at North Frj-e- burg. Me. 3. Mary H.' Seavy, born 27 March 1848. 4. Thomas' Seavy, born 7 July 1851. 2062. Lydia", born 9 December 1809 ; married, in 1831, Joseph Rankin, of Hiram, Me., and bad": 1. Jane P.' Rankin, born 2 December 1831. 2. Noah' Rankin, born 27 November 1835 ; lived in Erving, Mass., in 1871. 3. Mark' Rankin, born August 18d0 ; was in the war of the Rebellion, and died a prisoner. 2063. Mary Jane", born 3 November 1816 ; married, 19 Jan uary 1837. Jonas Alexander, of Hiram, Me., and had : 1. Dorcas' Alexander, born 8 December 1838 ; married Royal Mabry. 2. EUzabeth' Alexander, born 9 February 1841 ; married Joseph L. Stanton. 3. Mary Emma' Alexander, born 7 October 1848, died 24 January 1871. 4. Charles' Alexander, born 12 September 1849. 5. Lydia' Alexander, born 2 September 1852. DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM® WENTWORTH. 175 Stephen* (707), son of Ephraim* and Phebe* (Wentworth) Wentworth, born 26 February 1772 ; married, 16 December 1797, Sarah, daughter of John Cottle, of Kittery, Me., who survived him. They had : 2064. Phebe", born 22 November 1798; married John Green field (originaUy Ton-) , of Rochester, N. H. He died 13 January 1863. They had : 1. Charles' Greenfield, born 18 February 1826; married, 5 July 1846, AroUne B., daughter of Gershom and Salh' P. Downs, of Rochester, N. H. ; lived there, and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. MUlie A.® Greenfield, bom 27 June 1847; married, 27 June 1872, Horace L. Worster, and lived in Dover, N. H. 2. John® Greenfield, born 28 March 1849. 3. EUa S.® Greenfield, born 23 November 1851 ; married, 23 November 1875, Justin M. Leavitt, of Buxton, Me. 4. Sarah E.® Greenfield, born 1 April 1854. 5. Hattie A.® Greenfield, born 18 July 1856. 6. Frank® Greenfield, born 13 February 1859. 2. Sarah Esther' Greenfield, born 2 January 1828 ; married, May 1853, Ebenezer G. Wallace, of Rochester, N. H., and had several children. 3. Almira' Greenfield, born 7 October 1830 ; married, 26 November 1851, Daniel Jacobs Parsons,* born 15 April 1821. He is attornej'-at-law at Rochester, N. H. Thej' had several children. 4. George' Greenfield, born 22 March 1837 ; married Mary Frances Parshley, April 1864, had children, and died 10 Septem ber 1871. 2065. Charles", bom 19 August 1800. [4165] 2066. Jonathan". [4173] 2067. Ezra", born 30 January 1804. [4175] Spencer* (708), son of Ephraim* and Phebe* (Wentworth) Wentworth, born in Rochester, N. H., 13 August 1777; married, 1st, 19 March 1799 (by Rev. Robert Gray, of Dover, N. H.), Eunice, daughter of Jonathan and Lucy (Smith) Smith, of Mere dith, N. H. (Lucy Smith was daughter of Dr. Cheney and Eu- * Son of Josiah Parsons, who married Sarah, daughter of Joseph Badger, who was brother of Gov. William Badger. 176 FIFTH GENERATION. nice (Baker) Smith, of Dover.*) She was born in Meredith, N. H., 19 February 1799 ; died in Jackson, N. H., 7 March 1828. Spencer* married, 2d, 9 March 1829 (by Rev. Samuel Hidden, of Tamworth, N. H.), Nancy, daughter of Nathaniel B. Gannett, of Tamworth. He died 5 February 1869. Spencer* had chUdren, by his first wife (first five born in Meredith, the others in Jack son, N. H.) : 2068. Charles B.", born 27 April 1801. [4179] 2069. Florinda", born 7 April 1803 ; married, April 1820, George F. Perkins, son of Timothy Perkins, of Jackson, N. H., and had : 1. Alice' Perkins, born in 1820, died in 1828. 2. Eunice' Perkins, born in 1823 ; married David Butler, of Pelham, Vt., and had: 1. AmeUa® Butler. * Eunice (Balier), wife of Dr. Cheney Smith, was daughter of Capt. Thomas Balrer, and of his wife Christina (daughter of Richard Otis), who was carried captive by the Indians in the Dover massacre of 1689, as related iu notes to Lydia* (166) Wentworth, and in N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, 1851. Dr. Cheney Smith practised medicine in Dover, as early as 1735 ; lived on the lot, corner of Silver and Pleasant Streets, and died between 1756 and 1759. He had, baptized iu Dover: 1. Mercy Smith, baptized 7 June 1741, died 22 March 1795, single. 2. Eunice Smith, baptized 18 September 1743 ; married, in Dover, 21 Septem ber 1780, Benjamin Church. 3. Sarah Smith, baptized 23 February 1746; married Capt. Joshua Crockett, of Meredith, N. H. 4. Lucy Smith, baptized 16 July 1749; lived with her sister Sarah at Meredith, and there married Jonathan Smith of that place. She died there about 1840. He died near Buffalo, N. T., about 1815. Their child Eunice Smith, married Spen- cer5 (708) Wentworth, as above, and was the only child who had issue. A son of Jonathan and Lucy (Smith) Smith, Pearson Smith, never married, but passed his time for about fifty years in extensive travels on foot, and was still travelling at last dates. Jonathan Smith was son of Jonathan (of Brentwood, N. H.) and (Pearson) Smith. His mother was daughter of Ebenezer (of Brentwood) and Hannah (daughter of Samuel Moody) Pearson (Hannah Moody afterwards being the sec ond wife of Joseph Badger, father of Gen. Joseph Badger). Jonathan Smith's mother had a sister, Hannah Pearson, who married Gen. Joseph Badger (the son of her mother's second husband), and their daughter Ruth Badger married Col. Thomas Cogswell (brother of Col. Amos Cogswell, as see " Cogswell " note under LydiaS (1648) Baker). 5. Hannah Smith, born 17 June 1753; married, 27 October 1774, Paul Horne, son of Daniel and Lydia (Roberts) Horne. See "Home" note under Lydia* (166) Wentworth. He was brother of Ichabod Horne who married Sally' (565), daughter of Col. Otis and Lydia" (Wentworth) Baker. They had five children, one of whom, Eunice Horne, married Paul" Hayes, son of James', and grandson of Paul' (169) Hayes. See also, N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, 1851, pp. 199, 200. DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM^ WENTWORTH. 177 2. Phebe® Butter. 3. David® Butier. 3. Francis L.' Perldns, born in 1824. 4. Ezra G.' Perkins, born in 1826. 5. Diantha L.' Perkins, bora in 1827. 6. Lucinda' Perkins, born in 1828, died in 1846. 7. James E.' Perkins, born in 1832. 8. Charles M.' Perkins, born in 1835. 9. Louisa' Perkins, bom in 1837, died in 1849. 10. Laura A.' Perkins, born in 1842. 11. Lafayette' Perkins, born in 1845. 2070. Samuel Hayes", born 27 April 1805. [4185] 2071. WiUiam G.", bora 1 March, 1807; married, 1st, March 1830, Louisa, daughter of Nathaniel B. Gannett, of Tamworth, N. H. ; she died 5 July 1835. He married, 2d, Sarah, daughter of Rev. Daniel Pinkham, of Lancaster, N. H. 2072. Lydia H.", born 8 June 1809 ; married, 8 AprU 1829, Daniel G. Smith, a merchant in Jackson, N. H., son of Daniel and Betsey Smith, of that place. They had : 1. Alphena M.' Smith, born 29 July 1830 ; married, 8 April 1852, Samuel M. Mudgett, and had : 1. Sarah Helen® Mudgett, born April 1853. 2. George S.' Smith, born 24 October 1832. 3. Caroline N.' Smith, born 21 March 1835. 4. Mary Ann' Smith, born 24 November 1837. 5. Lacroy S.' Smith, bom 23 January 1840. 6. EUhu B.' Smith, born 29 May 1843. 7. MarshaU N.' Smith, born 9 March 1845. 8. Austin G.' Smith, born 14 June 1847. 9. Sarah H.' Smith, born 14 June 1849, died 25 January 1850. 2073, Mary Jane", born 25 July 1815 ; married, 24 March 1846, WilUam Howe, of Jeflerson, N. H., son of Samuel and Mercy Howe, of GuUdhaU, Vt. She died 6 August 1855. They had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Edgar S.' Howe, bora 20 Febraary 1848. 2. Sophia M.' Howe, bora 25 October 1849. 3. Selden C. B.' Howe, born 22 February 1851. 2074. Christine Otis", born 2 August 1820. Spencer* had, by his second wife : 2075. Nancy G.", bora 3 December 1829 ; married, 27 Novem- voL. n. — 12 178 FIFTH GENERATION. ber 1854, John McMahan, of Berlin, N. H., and died 10 Febraary 1861. They had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Phebe Jane' McMahan, born at Jackson, N. H., 19 Feb ruary 1856. 2. Lizzie Idela' McMahan, bom at Berlin, N. H., 5 Septem ber 1859. 2076. Wanen Chandler", born 8 October 1833. [4188] 2077. Philena H.", born 22 October 1845 ; married, at Dover, N. H., 5 July 1869, Alva H. Foss, and had, born there : 1. WilUe E.' Foss, bora 20 February 1870. 2. Irilla N.' Foss, born 3 June 1872. Ephraim* (709), son of Ephraim* and Phebe* (Wentworth) Wentworth, born at Rochester, N. H., 11 August 1780; manied in 1808, "pubUshed" 11 February 1808, Nancy, daughter of Col. Benjamin and Hannah (Hanson) Titcomb, of Dover, N. H., born 26 August 1780. She died 29 March 1863,. He died 2 November 1867. In April 1808 they removed to West Newfield, Me., where both died. They had : 2078. Cyrus", born 21 January 1809 ; married, 1st, 20 Novem ber 1837, Mary Ann Lane, of Meredith, N. H., born 26 April 1808, died 2 February 1846 ; 2d, his cousin Nancy Titcomb, daughter of Benjamin Titcomb, of Acton, Me., who survived him. He Uved in Boston, Mass., and died there, 25 September 1865, childless. 2079. Titcomb", born in Newfield, Me., 13 April 1812. [4189] T'riphena* (711), daughter of Spencer* and Sarah (Stiles) Wentworth, born 27 October 1772; married Jonathan Cook, of Porter, Me., and died in 1841. They had: 2080. AbigaiF Cook, married John Blake, of Brownfield, Me., and had children, one of whom, Edward Wentworth' Blake, enlisted, 21 September 1864, in the 8th Maine Vols. ; was Uving in Brown field, Me., in 1871. 2081. EUza" Cook, married Joseph Pearl, of Porter, Me. 2082. Spencer" Cook, married Susan Ordway. 2083. Polly" Cook, married Michael Varney, of Porter, Me. 2084. WUUam" Cook, married AbigaU Bickford, and had : 1. WUUam' Cook. 2. Deborah' Cook. 3. Levi' Cook. 4. Joseph' Cook. DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM^ WENTWORTH. 179 2085. Jonathan" Cook, married Brooks, and had : 1. Sarah Ann' Cook, married Pearl, of Porter, Me. 2. Jonathan W.' Cook. 3. Horace' Cook. 4. George W.' Cook. 5. Rosanna' Cook. 6. Lorenzo D.' Cook. 7. Asenith Ann' Cook. 8. Eliza Jane' Cook. 9. Mary Jane' Cook. Spencer* (712), son and seventh child of Spencer* and Sarah (Stiles) Wentworth, born 17 July 1789 ; married, 25 September 1813, Lydia Dow, of Lee, N. H., born 1 AprU 1791 ; she died at the house of her son Asa", in Saco, Me., 24 July 1873. They lived in Brookfield, N. H., where he died 9 October 1872. They had: 2086. Asa", born 21 September 1814. [4193] 2087. Henry T.", bom 24 April 1817. [4199] 2088. Ann Jane", born 27 October 1819 ; married Nathan C. Weeks, and lived in Brookfield, N. H., and had (besides five who died young) : 1. John Sweet' Weeks, born 24 October 1850. 2. Asa Taylor' Weeks, born 13 May 1863. 3. Lucretia' Weeks, born 13 March 1865. 2089. Horace", born 26 AprU 1822 ; married, 15 October 1855, Lucretia W., daughter of J. M. Hewes, of Boston, Mass., where he Uved. They had : 1. Edward Spencer', born 4 November 1856. 2. Lydia G.', born 17 October 1858. 3. Edith H.', born 15 December 1862. 4. AUce', bom 8 November 1866. 2090. Stephen Sweat", born 27 Febraary 1828 ; manied, 9 Octo ber 1852, Ann B. Smith, and lived in Wakefield, N. H., in 1873. They had : 1. EveUne EUza', born 23 February 1858. 2. Henry Everett', bom 5 September 1864. 2091. Lydia Wealthy", died young. 2092. Lydia Susan", bora 20 January 1831, died 25 January 1841. 2093. Amanda E.", born 9 August 1836 ; is single. 180 FIFTH GENERATION. Ephraim* (713), son of Spencer* and Sarah (Stiles) Wentworth, born 19 April 1776 ; married, 1st, 9 September 1799, Bathsheba Blake, of Dover, N. H., born 2 January 1770, died in Wakefield, N. H., 22 September 1845 ; 2d, in 1850 or '51, widow Dow, of Woburn, Mass. He died in Wakefield, N. H., 8 January 1852. She died in Woburn, in 1854. Ephraiin* had, aU by his first -wife : 2094. AbigaiF, bora 9 July 1800; Uved in Chester, N. H., single. 2095. John", bom 2 June 1803 ; married, 1st, about 1833, Mary Seavy, of Rochester, N. H., who died in 1840 ; 2d, in 1841, Abi gaU Hanson, of Dover, N. H. He lived in Medford, Mass., and had, by his first wife : 1. Andrew Jackson', born 10 February 1838 ; enlisted 9 August 1862, and served through the war of the RebeUion. He married, 26 February 1868, widow Victorine E. Lougee, of Efiingham, N. H., and at last dates lived at Wakefield, N. H. 2096. Betsey", born 13 July 1804; married, 17 August 1834, Dearborn Foss, and lived in Hampstead, N. H., and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Anna Maria' Foss, born 13 June 1837; married, 2 Octo ber 1855, Daniel J. AUen. 2. EzraWanen' Foss, born 4 July 1839 ; married, 24 July 1859, Nancy J. Haynes. 2097. Thais", born 17 December 1805, died in 1807. 2098. Edmund Taylor", born 2 August 1807. [4207] 2099. Dearbom", born 19 September 1808, died 25 February 1849. 2100. Deborah", born 12 August 1810 ; married, in 1843, David Tweed, of Woburn, Mass., and lived there. 2101. WilUam B.", born 30 May 1812; married, 9 January 1842, Adeline Belding, of Boston, Mass., and Uved in North Wake field, N. H., in 1873. They had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Madison Stacy', born 3 January 1844 ; married, 13 April 1871, in Newfield, Me., Rose Adele Merrow, of that place, and had : 1. Grace LUian®, born 3 July 1872. 2. Charlotte Marian', born 2 September 1845 ; married, 22 September 1867, Martin V. B. Drury, of Randolph, N. H. 2102. Marj^", born 28 January 1814 ; married, 25 October 1838, WilUam W. Murray ; lived in Woburn, Mass., and had : 1. George A.' Murray, born 12 September 1839. DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM^ WENTWORTH. 181 2. MeUssa J.' Murray, born 24 December 1842. 3. Nettie A.' Murray, born 5 May 1845. 4. S. Ward' Munay, bom 25 March 1847. 2103. Ezra", born 9 May 1816. [4208] Deborah* (714) , daughter and third child of Spencer* and Sarah (Stiles) Wentworth, born 1778 ; married, about 1794, James Haw kins, and had : 2104. SaUy" Hawkins, married Calvin Johnson, and died in Brownfield, Me., August 1853. She had : 1. Elbridge G.' Johnson, born 1827 ; married Eliza Little- field, and Uved in Kennebunkport, Me. 2. John' Johnson, born in 1832. 3. Ivory' Johnson, born in 1834. 4. Abigail' Johnson, bom in 1836. 2105. Charlotte" Hawkins, married, 1st, Bickford ; 2d, Abbott. She had, by her first husband : 1 . Abraham M . ' Bickford . 2. Samuel' Bickford. 3. Susanna' Bickford, married James Tate. 4. Dana' Bickford. 5. Davis' Bickford. 6. Isaac' Bickford. 2106. Rachel" Hawkins, married Nathaniel Cook, and had : 1. EUza' Cook. 2. Nathaniel' Cook. 3. Adeline' Cook. 4. SaUy' Cook. ' 5. Ljinan' Cook. 6. Elvira' Cook. John* (715), son of Spencer* and Sarah (StUes) Wentworth, born in Wakefield, N. H., April 1781 ; moved to Hiram, Me. He married, 28 September 1806, Esther HaU, of Standish, Me., born 1 March 1788. He died in Hiram, 16 June 1827 ; she died there 23 February 1865. They had : 2107. Charles", born in Standish, Me., 13 November 1807; married, in Hiram, Me., 28 November 1870, Philena Davis, of Naples, Me., born 11 May 1831, and Uved in Hiram. 2108. Martha", born 15 January 1810 ; married, 22 February 1834, Ira RamsdeU, of Parsonsfield, Me., bom 9 February 1813. They had (besides two who died young) : 182 FIFTH GENERATION. 1. Martha' RamsdeU, born 27 July 1834; manied, m Cor nish, Me., 10 November 1852, Moses B. Davis, then of Parsons field, Me., born 8 November 1824, and had (the last four born in Cornish, Me.) : 1. Lusette® Da\'is, born in Parsonsfield, Me., 30 Octo ber 1853. 2. Lizzie® Davis, born 25 December 1856. 3. Fulton® Davis, born 23 October 1859. 4. Anna® Davis, bora 20 September 1863. 5. Albert Cole® Davis, born 26 April 1866. 2. Lovina' RamsdeU, born 11 August 1836 ; married, in Hiram, Me., 21 November 1855, MarshaU O. Warren, born in Hiram, 2 July 1836. She died in Cornish, Me., 22 November 1856. They had one child, who died in infancy. 3. Ira' RamsdeU, born 23 October 1838 ; married, in Cornish, Me., 18 June 1859, Hannah Durgin, of Freedom, N. H., born there 23 September 1839. He enUsted, September 1861, in Co. E, 9th Maine Vols. , and served untU discharged, September 1864. They had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. WUson® RamsdeU, born in Freedom, N. H., 19 April 1860. 2. Lavina® RamsdeU, born in Parsonsfield, Me., 20 Aug ust 1861. 3. Frank® RamsdeU, born in South Boston, Mass., 17 January 1867. 4. George M.® RamsdeU, born in Cornish, Me., 17 Aug ust 1870. 4. Charles' RamsdeU, born 24 November 1842 ; enUsted, 11 April 1861, for three months, again in 1862, and was discharged on account of wounds received in action ; re enlisted, 28 August 1863, and served until the close of the war. He married in Portland, Me., 2 July 1863, Helen Maria Noble, born there 10 July 1845. They had : 1. Mary Etta® Noble, born in Cornish, Me., 28 March 1865. 5. John' RamsdeU, born 19 August 1845 ; enUsted, in 1862, in the 25th Maine Vols., for nine months ; is single. 6. Edwin E.' RamsdeU, bora 22 July 1849 ; married, in Boston, Mass., 1 AprU 1871, Lizzie E. Kuhn, born there, 7 September 1849. 7. Weston' RamsdeU, born 6 August 1852 ; is single. DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM^ WENTWORTH. 183 2109. Mary Ann", born in Standish, Me., 10 February 1812 ; manied, in Hiram, Me., 27 November 1831, Henry Wadsworth, of Hiram, Me., born there 3 November 1804 ; he was living there at last dates; she died 12 June 1845. He married, 2d, her sister Catherine" (2114). Mary Ann" had, aU born in Hiram (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Mary Ann' Wadsworth, born 10 August 1832; married, in Hiram, Me., 29 October 1850, Seth Wadsworth, born 18 August 1829 ; and had : 1. Emma® Wadsworth, born 16 June 1853. 2. Jane' Wadsworth, born 18 August 1833 ; married, in Cor nish, Me., August 1864, James Gould. 3. Elizabeth F.' Wadsworth, born 9 January 1836 ; married Henry" (656.5) Barnes, and lived in Hiram, Me. 4. DoUy J.' Wadsworth, born 20 November 1838, died in Hiram, 7 June 1851. 5. Henry H.' Wadsworth, born 14 October 1840, died in Hh-am, 23 October 1864. 6. EUen M.' Wadsworth, bom 30 November 1812, died in Hiram, 25 November 1864. 2110. Eunice", born 9 October 1814 ; married, 6 August 1843, John Butterfield, of Hiram, Me., born 10 August 1813 ; lived in Brownfield Centre, Me., in 1871, and had : 1. Henry H.' Butterfield, born in Hiram, Me., 22 March 1844 ; manied, in Baldwin, Me., 7 January 1865, Annetta York, bom there 13 May 1850. He enlisted, 12 April 1865, in the 30th Maine Vols., and served untU 10 May 1865. They had two chUdren, who died in infancJ^ 2. Mary Ann' Butterfield, born 10 August 1846 ; married, in Hil-am, Me., 13 July 1862, Francis W. Poor, born in Brown field, Me., 4 June 1837 ; and had : 1. Eugene® Poor, born in Chester Springs, Cambria co.. Pa., 30 July 1863. 2. Lilla Emma® Poor, born in Brownfield, Me., 27 November 1866. 3. Mary EUen® Poor, bom in Brownfield, Me., 3 Novem ber 1868. 3. John' Butterfield, born 6 September 1847 ; married, 1st, 20 July 1867, widow Rebecca Cross, born in Brownfield, in 1832, died there 16 October 1867 ; 2d, at Bridgton Centre, Me., 25 November 1868, Augusta EUen Knox, born there June 1852 ; and had : 184 FIFTH GENERATION. 1. Cora Ann® Butterfield, born in Brownfield, Me., 29 December 1869. 4. Esther Jane' Butterfield, born 7 Febraary 1850 ; married, in Hiram, Me., 7 January 1866, Josiah Poor, born in Brown field, Me., 25 November 1845 ; he died there 23 October 1868, childless. 5. WiUiam J.' Butterfield, bom 10 July 1852. 6. Susan' Butterfield, twin with preceding, died 15 Septem ber 1854. 7. SamueF Butterfield, born 12 Febraary 1857. 2111. William", born 10 October 1816. [4209] 2112. John", born 9 May 1820. [4214] 2113. Esther Ann", born 28 September 1822; married, 19 August 1850, Nathaniel Rose, of HaUoweU, Me., born 9 October 1825. At last dates she was living at North Parsonsfield, Me., Cornish P. 0. They had : 1. Eugene' Rose, bora 2 September 1851. 2. George' Rose, born 10 October 1858. 2114. Catherine", born in Hiram, Me., 29 Febraary 1824 ; mar ried, 8 October 1849, Henry Wadsworth, whose first wife was her sister Mary Ann". They lived in Hiram, Me. , and had, born there : 1. Freedom' Wadsworth, born 31 July 1850. 2. Dolly' Wadsworth, born 3 October 1854, died in Hiram, Me., 1864. Edmund* (717), son of Spencer* and Sarah (StUes) Wentworth, born 9 AprU 1787 ; manied, 1st, 26 October 1810, Martha Young, of Wakefield, N. H., and moved there. She died 26 July 1814, aged 27. He married, 2d, 14 Febraary 1819, Eliza Lang, of Lee, N. H., and died 17 September 1868. He had, by his first wife : 2115. Mary", born 14 July 1812. 2116. Ethelinda", bom 6 December 1814, died 25 September 1831. Edmund* had, by his second wife : 2117. Martha Ann", born 17 October 1821 , died 14 March 1833. 2118. Thomas Lang", bom 29 November 1823 ; manied, 27 May 1849, Olive Farnham, of Wakefield, N. H. ; Uved in Ossipee, N. H., in 1873, and had : 1. Thomas Adriel', born 17 November 1852 ; married, 25 June 1871, Hannah Jane Kimball, and had: 1. El-nest AdrieF, born 1 July 1872. DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM^ WENTWORTH. 185 2119. EUzabeth", born 25 July 1825 ; married, 4 July 1846, George Pearson ; lived in Newburj'port, Mass., and had : 1. George Edmund' Pearson, born 2 September 1851 ; mar ried, 1 June 1871, Rebecca Jane Webber, of Newburyport, Mass., and had: 1. Frank Edmund® Pearson, born 30 October 1872. 2. Charies Albert' Pearson, born 13 April 1858. 2120. David Lang", born 13 September 1827 ; married, 15 November 1851, Mary Allen, of Brookfield, N. H., and lived there; was sergeant in Co. D, 6th New Hampshire Vols., war of the RebelUon, and mustered out 17 July 1865. He has an adopted son, who was an Allen, but he calls him Frank H. Wentworth. Both Uved in Brookfield, N. H., in 1873. 2121. John Osborne", born 16 November 1829, died in Wake field, N. H., 16 May 1870. 2122. Joseph Smith", bom 15 April 1831 ; married Mary E. Weeks, of Brookfield, N. H., November 1859, and in 1871 lived there. They had : 1. Sherman', born 2 July 1860. 2. Lizzie May', born 14 July 1862. 3. OUve Emma', born 8 September 1872. 2123. George Albert", bom 31 July 1835. [4215] Elisha* (729), son of Reuben* and Eleanor (James) Wentworth, born in Lebanon, Me., 21 November 1770; married, 8 December 1796, Meribah Nason, of Farmington, N. H., who died 4 July 1815, aged 38 years and 7 months. He died in Sanford, Me., 29 November 1818. They had : 2124. Reuben", bom 30 January 1797. [4217] 2125. Enoch", born 28 January 1799, died 24 November 1815. 2126. Martha", born 13 April 1801 ; manied, 30 July 1820, in Shapleigh, Me., WilUam Murray, jr., of Sanford, Me. She sur vived him, and died there October 1869. 2127. Nancy", born 19 June 1803 ; married Samuel Goodwin ; lived at Great FaUs, N. H., in 1871, and had : 1. Wentworth' Goodwin, born 11 Febraary 1824 ; married, 28 January 1847, Amanda Perry. He enlisted, 4 June 1861, in Co. F, 2d N. H. Vols., war of the RebeUion, and died at Fort ress Monroe, 27 March 1864, having had : 1. Charies® Goodwin, born 26 May 1849. 2. Martha Wentworth' Goodwin, bom July 1826 ; lived at Great FaUs, N. H. 186 FIFTH GENERATION. 3. David' Goodwin, born October 1828 ; married, in 1849, Louisa Thompson, of Sanford, Me., and had (besides two who died young) : 1. Martha Ann® Goodwin, bom June 1850. 2. Miriam® Goodwin. 3. Louisa® Goodwin. 4. Lila® Goodwin. 4. Ann' Goodwin, born October 1830 ; married Leander Earl, and went to California. 5. Mary' Goodwin, bom 15 May 1832 ; married Pills- bury ; lived in Newfield, Me., and had children. 6. Cyrus' Goodwin, born 4 May 1837 ; married, and Uved in Cleveland, Ohio. 2128. Ham N.", born 11 April 1805. [4225] 2129. Simon", born 11 December 1808, died in Shapleigh, Me., 19 January 1816. 2130. Harriet", bom 29 August 1812, died 23 January 1816. 2131. Lyman", born 27 June 1815. [4229] Ephraim* (730), son of Reuben* and Eleanor (James) Went worth, born in Dover, N. H., in 1779 ; married, 29 November 1805 (by Rev. Isaac Hasey, of Lebanon, Me.), Betsey Murphy, born in Somersworth, N. H., 18 November 1786. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. He died in Shapleigh, Me., 29 AprU 1820. His widow married, 2d (his second wife) , Samuel Corson, whose first wife was widow Mercy* (517) (Wentworth) Smith, daughter of Ezekiel* (156) ; he died 21 October 1849, leaving a son, viz. Eri F. Corson, born 10 July 1830 (now dead), with whom she lived at Concord, N. H. She died at Springvale, Me., 18 August 1857. Ephraim* had, born in Shapleigh, Me. , or in that part of it known as Acton : 2132. Sophia", born 12 November 1806 ; married, 19 July 1826, Samuel Davis, bom in Shapleigh, Me., 15 February 1805. At last dates they lived at Eddington, Me. They had : 1. Ivory' Davis, born 20 December 1829 ; manied Irene Welch, and had : 1. Miranda® Davis, bora 12 January 1855. 2. AmeUa® Davis, born 10 April 1861. 2. Sarah' Davis, born 10 August 1833 ; married, 3 July 1850, Eben Giles. She died 15 May 1865. They had : 1. Sarah E.® Giles, born 16 January 1853. DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM^ WENTWORTH. 187 2. Davis H.® Giles, born 4 March 1855. 3. Lizzie A.® Giles, bora 22 June 1856. 4. George A.® Giles, born 14 August 1857. 5. WilUam E.® Giles, born 25 September 1858. 6. Abbie E.® Giles, born 4 January 1860. 7. Carrie I.® Giles, born 10 AprU 1861. 8. Martha J.® GUes, born 24 July 1862. - 9. Henry W.® Giles, born 15 May 1865. 3. Abnira' Da^¦is, born 14 October 1831 ; married, 10 Sep tember 1850, Samuel Giles, and had : 1. Eva A.® Giles, born 16 November 1854. 2. Franklin W.® Giles, born 3 May 1856. 3. Edmund R.® Giles, bom 26 February 1859. 4. John H.® Giles, born 8 May 1861. 5. NeUie F.® Giles, born 3 April 1863. 6. Otis E.® Giles, born 10 October 1865. 7. Delbert S.® Giles, bom 28 February 1867. 8. Ar-viUa F.® Giles, bom 19 July 1869. 4. Robert' Davis, born 1 May 1834 ; married, 10 December 1853, Mary GUes, and had : 1. Hattie E.® Davis, born 27 January 1854. 2. Mary E.® Davis, born 27 May 1859. 3. Robert E.® Davis,bom 13 March 1861. 4. Augustus B.® Davis, born 22 February 1863. 5. Charles S.® Davis, bora 3 April 1866. 6. Howard B.® Davis, born 8 January 1868. 7. Dora E.® Davis, born 19 December 1870. 5. Eliza' Davis, born 16 March 1835 ; married, 30 May 1855, WiUiam F. Daj-, and had : 1. Alvin® Day, born 18 June 1856, died in 1868. 2. George® Day, born 6 June 1859. 3. Mary® Day, born 28 November 1862. 4. WilUam® Day, born 25 November 1866. 5. Herbert® Day, born 20 AprU 1869. 6. Oscar' Davis, born 28 February 1837. 7. Frances' Davis, bom 20 June 1841 ; married, 4 July 1863, Moses Giles. 8. WiUiam H.' Davis, born 18 May 1843 ; married, 3 Decem ber 1870, Rosannah Tebbetts. 9. Clara M.' Davis, born 5 May 1846 ; manied, 27 Septem ber 1862, Edwin J. Hapworth, and had : 188 FIFTH GENERATION. 1. Ann J.® Hapworth, born 17 July 1863. 2. Chester G.® Hapworth, born 15 April 1866. 3. George E.® Hapworth, born 4 July 1868. 4. Fannie M.® Hapworth, born 29 December 1870. 2133. Ivory", born 12 March 1808. [4232] 2134. Joseph P.", born 30 January 1811. [4235] 2135. Ephraim", born 23 March 1813. [4240] 2136. John", born 9 August 1815. [4241] 2137. Elisha", born 13 August 18 — , died in Shapleigh, Me., 26 July 1847. 2137a. George", born 11 June 1820; married, 10 April 1842, Sarah A. Salsbury, of Trenton, Me. ; lived in Boston, Mass., and had: 1. Adelaide E.', born 27 AprU 1843. 2. George Greenleaf, born 29 August 1846 ; married, 8 October 1868, Nellie Boyson, and had : 1. Charles Edward®, born 22 September 1869. 3. Frank Gardner', born 1 July 1849. 4. Sarah', born 31 December 1852. 5. Joseph Warren', born 11 September 1854. 6. Arthur WilUs', born 19 February 1856. 7. WiUard Everett', born 28 December 1860. 8. Frederick Winfield', born 18 AprU 1862. William* (731), son of Reuben* and Eleanor (James) Went worth, born in Shapleigh, Me., 24 July 1776; married, 1st, 7 August 1799, AbigaU, daughter of Samuel JelUson ; she died in Newfield, Me., March 1821. He married, 2d, 21 March 1823, Mary, daughter of WilUam Freleigh, of Grimsby, Province Ontario, (a station on the Great Western R. R.), bom 17 January 1807. He was in the U. S. Army, in the war of 1812. Afterward he settled in Grimsby, and died there 11 August 1863. He had, by his first wife : 2138. Samuel J.", born at Shapleigh, Me., 26 June 1800. [4246/1] 2139. Reuben J." (said to be voungest child by first wife) , born in 1806. [4254] 2140. Sarah" (second child), bom in Lebanon, Me., 14 May 1802; married, 20 October 1826, Joshua Moore, born at Spring Vale, Sanford, Me., 10 August 1804 ; he died 27 September 1870. At last dates she was living at East Rochester, N. H. They had (besides two who died in infancj-) , aU born in Sanford, Me. : DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM^ WENTWORTH. 189 1. Elizabeth C Moore, bora 18 May 1830 ; married, 13 April 1853, Elihu McCrilUs, and had, born in Great FaUs, N. H. : 1. Ida M.® McCrilUs, born 30 May 1864. 2. Abbie A.® McCriUis, born 14 April 1866. 2. Mary A.' Moore, born 19 March 1832 ; married, 8 Decem ber 1854, Simon R. Murray, and had : 1. George A.® Murray, born in Sanford, Me., 28 Feb ruary 1854. 2. Hattie E.® Murray, bom in Georgetown, Mass., 16 January 1864. 3. Charles A.® Murray, born in Topsfield, Mass., 12 August 1866. 4. Howard® Murray, born in Topsfield, Mass., 7 Novem ber 1868. 3. WiUiam A.' Moore, bom 13 June 1834, died 8 March 1867. 4. Martha E.' Moore, bora 19 October 1836 ; married, 10 Febraary 1856, Moses B. Clark, and had, born in Berwick, Me. : 1. Luella M.® Clark, bom 28 March 1860. 2. Charies W.® Clark, born 7 April 1862. 5. Eliza A.' Moore, born 10 January 1841 ; married, 6 March 1870, Charles Folsom, and had : 1. Hem-y J.® Folsom, bom in Berwick, Me., 12 Septem ber 1870. 6. Sarah F.' Moore, born 22 March 1844 ; married, 23 Octo ber 1864, James P. Hooper. 7. Abbie J.' Moore, bora 17 March 1847; manied, 14 October 1867, Charles F. Davis, and had : 1. EvaA.® Davis, born in Sanford, Me., 14 February 1866. 8. John H.' Moore, born 3 February 1851. 2141. EUza Ann" (third child), born in Shapleigh, Me., 2 July 1804 ; married, 8 December 1824, Alvah Day, bom in Alfred, Me., 26 March 1806. They Uved in Brownfield, Me. He died 21 Aug ust 1863, and she has since lived with her daughter Jerusha', at Rosendale, West Roxbury, now a part of Boston, Mass. They had (besides one who died in infancy), aU born in Brownfield, Me., except the first : 1. Jerusha' Day, bom in Alfred, Me., 30 AprU 1825 ; mar ried, in Boston, Mass., 25 December 1851, Richard Hewins, born m Washington, D. C, 7 Febraary 1827 ; lived at West Roxbury, Mass., and had: 190 FIFTH GENERATION. 1. Mary Amanda® Hewins, born in Richmond, Va., 1 November 1852. 2. Hattie Elizabeth® Hewins, born in Brooklyn, N.Y., 20 October 1854. 3. Edward Hasley® Hewins, born in Philadelphia, Pa., 10 July 1859. 4. George Frederick® Hewins, bora in Philadelphia, Pa., 25 July 1863. 2. L3'dia Ann' Day, born 13 July 1828 ; manied, in Canton, Mass., 25 January 1849, Augustus C. French, born there 6 Aug ust 1820 ; he died 20 April 1870. They had, born in Canton : 1. EUza Abby® French, born 5 November 1849. 2. Mary Elizabeth® French, born 4 November 1851. 3. Lucy Adelaide® French, born 27 September 1853. 4. Sophia Wentworth® French, born 10 August 1862. 5. Lilly Augusta® French, born 14 November 1869. 3. Sarah Jane' Day, born 16 July 1830 ; married, in Brown field, Me., 4 July 1850, Bradford Cole, born in Eaton, N.H., 5 December 1828. They had (besides one who died in infancy), all born in Brownfield : 1. OravUle Adelaide® Cole, born 27 September 1853; married, in Brownfield, 4 June 1870, Amisia Greenlaw, born in Conway, N. H., 4 May 1846. 2. Lewellyn Alvah® Cole, born 14 July 1856. 3. Olive Jane® Cole, born 20 June 1858. ,4. OUve Jane' Day, born 31 January 1833 ; married, in Can ton, Mass., 10 August 1850, Elbridge G. Snow, born in MUton, Mass., 31 January 1825. They had (besides one who died in infancy), all born in Milton, Mass., except Alvah D.® : 1. Elbridge Gerry® Snow, born 15 August 1851. 2. Sarah Elizabeth® Snow, born 15 June 1854. 3. Alvah Day® Snow, bom in Dover, Mass., 10 Octo ber 1857. 4. Emma Alice® Snow, born 2 April 1862. 5. Royal Gardiner® Snow, born 1 March 1866. 6. Laura M.® Snow, bom 23 December 1869. 5. Eliza Ann' Day, born 7 May 1836, died 20 March 1854. 6. Mary Clementine' Day, born 1 May 1839; married, in Brownfield, 11 November 1850, Nehemiah Chatbourne, bora in Wells, Me., 31 August 1829 ; he died 15 May 1870. They had, the first three born in Conway, N. H. : DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM^ WENTWORTH. 191 1. Asenath® Chatbourne, bom 12 June 1858. 2. NelUe Rosetta® Chatbourne, born 14 August 1860. 3. Warren S.® Chatbourne, bora 13 August 1862. 4. WilUam Henry® Chatbourne, bom in Brownfield, Me., 11 July 1863. 5. Laura BeU® Chatbourne, bom in Eaton, N. H., 2 Sep tember 1869. 7. WilUam Henry' Day, born 15 August 1843 ; enlisted in Co. F, 17th Maine Vols. ; was wounded at Gettysburg, and died of his wounds, 31 August 1863, single. 8. Louisa Jackson' Day, born 17 August 1845 ; married, in Boston, Mass., 17 August 1867, Edward K. Johnson, born at East Newmarket, Md., 26 September 1842; and had, boin in Milton, Mass. : 1. Charles Hunter® Johnson, born 12 November 1868. 2. WiUiam Henry® Johnson, bom 30 March 1871. 2142-2147. Six children, all died j'oung. WiUiam* had, by his second wife : 2148. Eleanor Eliza", born 28 March 1825 ; married, 1st, Daniel Cole, and Uved at Lewiston, N. Y. ; 2d, William Wood, who died 24 September 1869. She was Uving in 1871. She had, by her second husband, born in the Province of Ontario : 1. Ann' Wood, born at StreetsviUe, 9 November 1856. 2. Alls' Wood, born at Grimsbj^, 3 January 1859. 3. Robert' Wood, born at Grunsby, 22 July 1863. 2149. Hezekiah", born 6 July 1827, died aged 12 years. 2150. Amy", born 18 AprU 1829, died 20 June 1833. 2151. Cordelia", born 26 February 1831 ; married, in 1851, Peter Easling, and died 29 January 1870. They had : 1. Sarah Jane' Easling, born at Grimsby, 3 November 1851, died there 7 August 1854. 2. Mary EUen' Easling, born 2 July 1854. 3. Annie' Easling, born 17 December 1856. 4. Robert' EasUng, bom 15 November 1858. 5. William' EasUng, bom 17 February 1861. 6. George' Easling, born 17 October 1863. 2152. Sarah Ann", born 26 March 1833 ; married Niel McElroy, of St. Catharine's, Province of Ontario, and was Uving there in 1871. They had: 1. Olivia' McEboy, born 18 December 1853. 2. WiUiam' McElroy, born 2 Febraary 1855. 192 FIFTH GENERATION. 3. Mary' McEboy, born 23 February 1857. 4. JuUa' McElroy, born 1 January 1859. 5. Jeanette LueUa' McEUoy, born 1 January 1869. 2153. WUUam Grant", born 20 March 1835 ; Uved in Grimsby, and died single. 2154. PrisciUa", born 16 August 1837, died aged 2 years. 2155. Amos Marven", born 24 December 1839 ; married, 20 June 1866, at Grimsby, Catherine Scram, and was Uving there in 1871. They had: 1 . Mary EUen', bom 28 January 1867. 2. Cordelia', born 13 June 1869. 3. WilUam Adolphus', born 11 June 1871. 2156. Mary Catherine", born 14 February 1842, died 23 Sep tember 1853. 2157. Jane Olivia", born 14 AprU 1844 ; at last dates was Uv ing at KendaU, Orleans co., N. Y., single. 2158. Catherine Maria", bom 13 May 1846 ; married, 5 March 1864, at Grimsby, Abraham Bolow, and Uved in Kendall, Orleans CO., N. Y. They had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Sarah' Bolow, bom 12 December 1864. 2. Mary' Bolow, bom 11 January 1869. 2159. Martha Mary", born 16 February 1849, died in 1851 at Grimsby. 2160. JuUetta" (twenty-third and last child), born 4 April 1851 , fifty years after the bUth of her father's first child. She died 1 February 1857. Ezekiel* (733) , son of Ephraim* and Deborah (Menow) Went worth, born in Rochester, N. H., 16 January 1774 ; married there, 30 August 1807, his cousin Rebecca* (745), daughter of Drisco* (270) and Anna (Libbey) Wentworth, born in Dover, N. H., 25 September 1788. They lived in Acton, Me., where he died 3 Feb ruary 1856. She was living in 1876 at Acton Corner, Me., with her son Ephraim D." They had : 2161. Isaac", bom in Somersworth, N. H., 17 October 1808; married, 31 December 1829, Ann Maria Remick, born in Acton, Me., 21 January 1812. They Uved at Ayer's Village, HaverhUl, Mass., in 1871. He died at Lynn, Mass., 8 July 1873. They had, the first three born in Shapleigh, Me. : 1. Mary Abbie', born 10 November 1830 ; married, 1 Jan uary 1854, Edmund Brickett Taylor ; Uved in Portland, Me., and had: DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM® WENTWORTH. 193 1. George Francis® Taylor, born in Dorchester, Mass., 12 October 1854 ; lived at Yonkers, N. Y. 2. Frederick Allen® Taylor, born in Haverhill, Mass., 8 February 1860. 3. Herbert Edgar® Taylor, born in Natick, Mass., 31 July 1862. 2. George Walker', bom 1 February 1835 ; married, 3 April 1862, Hannah Jane, daughter of Isaac Pettengill, of Methuen, Mass., and Uved at HaverhUl, Mass., childless. 3. Lydia Anne', born 25 June 1838 ; married, 15 April 1860, Henry C. Butterfield, of Tyngsborough, Mass. He died 25 August 1874. She lives a widow, childless, at Haverhill, Mass. 4. John Wedgewood', born in Acton, Me., 21 January 1843, died in Salem, N. H., 17 August 1859. 5. Ella Maria', born in Acton, Me., 9 August 1850; mar ried, 8 March 1870, Andrew J. Murch, of Lawrence, Mass., and lived there. 2162. Jeremiah", born 22 December 1810 ; married, 17 October 1836, AmeUa P. Grant, born 20 July 1813. They Uved in Par sonsfield, Me., where he died 26 December 1871. They had (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Edward W.', born 8 March 1841; married, 1 September 1864, Mary F. Hurd, of Newfield, Me., born 1 March 1848. She was cousin of Abby C. Hurd, who married Charles L.' (4264) Wentworth. They Uved in North Newfield, Me., and had: 1. Mary M.®, born 25 November 1868. 2. Gilbert I.®, born 18 July 1876. 2. John G.', bom 7 January 1844, died 24 September 1866. 3. Jeremiah C, bom 3 March 1833, died 28 July 1866. 2163. Leonard", born 8 AprU 1813 ; manied, 27 October 1839, Jane Brackett; lived at Acton Corner, Me., and had (besides four who died in infancy) : 1. Martin Van Buren', born 2 October 1841 ; manied, at Springvale, Me., 5 August 1869, Ora, daughter of Charles C. Lord, and died 28 September 1870. She married, 2d, 5 Feb ruary 1874, George Daland, of South Berwick, Me. 2. Edward A.', born 14 August 1843 ; married, 16 May 1875, Fannie H.®, daughter of Stephen and Mary' (4219) (Wentworth) Lary, of Acton, Me., and had : 1. Lilly A.8, born 24 June 1876. VOL. n. — 13 194 FIFTH GENERATION. 3. Martha J.', born 4 May 1846 ; manied, 24 October 1875, Stephen Marsh, of Acton, Me., and had : 1. Forest J.® Marsh, bom 5 September 1876. 4. Crosby L.', born 28 January 1849. 5. John B.', born 4 November 1855. 2164. Lewis", born 21 August 1815; manied, 31 May 18i0, Sally B. BodweU, and died 3 AprU 1852. She married, 2d, Morris Dalton, and lived in Acton, Me. 2165. Elizabeth B.", born 20 August 1817 ; married, 25 June 1846, Rev. John MitcheU, born 17 November 1819. He is a Meth odist minister, and was living in Strong, Me., in 1871. They had : 1. Frances E.' MitcheU, born in Kennebunkport, Me., 19 August 1847 ; is single. 2. EUen' MitcheU, born in York, Me., 20 AprU 1851; is single.2166. Deborah A.", born 30 August 1819; married, m 1850 (his second wife) , Edmund" Roberts, son of George and Mary* (931) Roberts. His first wife was AbigaU Brown. They Uved in Lebanon, Me. She died there 18 June 1864, leaving three chil dren. He married, 3d, Mary C. (Hodge), widow of Edward" (1951) Wentworth. 2167. Ephraim Drisco", born 20 September 1821 ; married, 3 January 1852, Martha Brackett, bom 23 November 1822 ; was liv ing in Acton Corner, Me., in 1871, and had : 1. Alfaretta Augusta', born 24 April 1853. 2. Harry Alton', born 7 November 1856. 3. Rose Ann', born 31 May 1859. 4. OrviUe Drisco', born 26 August 1862. 2168. Levi H.", born 24 February 1824 ; married, 10 August 1852, Betsey H. Hubbard, born 10 May 1808; lived at Great Falls, N. H., in 1873, childless. He adopted his wife's sister's child, Emma E. WiUard, born in Rochester, N. H., 21 January 1840, and changed her name to Wentworth. 2169. John", born 2 December 1828 ; married, 1st, 4 January 1862, Lucy M., daughter of Deacon John Farnham, of Wakefield, N. H. She died 24 January 1866, having had one chUd who died in infancy. He married, 2d, 1 January 1867, Sarah M., daughter of Joseph S. Matthews, of Ossipee, N. H. He Uved in AVakefield, N. H., in 1873, and had, by his second wife (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Lulu M.', born 13 March 1869. DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM® WENTWORTH. 195 John* (735) , son of Jonathan* and Esther (Whitehouse) Went worth, born 24 February 1773 ; married, 1st, 4 February 1794, Mary Rowe, and settled on an uncultivated tract in Wakefield, N. H., where they lived, and where she died 7 April 1830. He married, 2d, 1 December 1831, Mrs. Hannah (Graves), widow of David Philbrick. She died June 1863. He died in Ossipee, N. H. , 3 August 1854. John* had, aU by his first wife : 2170. Esther", bom 2 June 1794 ; lived in Parsonsfleld,. Me. ; died 1 April 1864, single. 2171. Polly", born 14 February 1796 ; married, in January 1816, John Roberts, brother of Maria Roberts who married Moses" (2222) Wentworth, and of Mary Ann Roberts who married Benja min" (2223) Wentworth. She died 21 September 1821. They had : 1. Naomi' Roberts, born in Wakefield, N. H., 19 June 1816 ; married, at Ossipee, N. H., 18 November 1838, Charles Hodg don, born there 25 November 1817 ; Uved at North Wakefield, N. H., and had: 1. Charles H.® Hodgdon, born at Ossipee, N. H., 20 January 1840 ; married, 26 August 1862, Helen B. Garland, of Wolfeborough, N. H. ; lived there, and had : 1. AdelleS Hodgdon, born 10 August 1865. 2. Mary Josephine^ Hodgdon, born 19 July 1870. 2. John E.® Hodgdon, born at Newburyport, Mass., 20 June 1847 ; married, 12 September 1870, Lucinda Abbott, of Ossipee, N. H., and lived at Wolfeborough, N. H., chUdless. 3. Albert® Hodgdon, born 29 July 1849. 4. Susan E.® Hodgdon, born at Newburyport, Mass., 7 May 1851, died at Ossipee, N. H., 15 October 1854. 5. Mary S.® Hodgdon, born at Ossipee, N. H., 20 May 1856. 6. Sarah S.® Hodgdon, twin with Mary S.® 2. Mary Jane' Roberts, born 2 January 1819 ; married, 12 March 1840, Joseph Sanders, son of Deacon William and Lois (HaU) Sanders, of Ossipee, N. H. His maternal grandfather was Joseph HaU, of Strafford, N. H. See " HaU" note to Bar tholomew* (310) Wentworth. Mary Jane' died in Newburyport, Mass., August 1868. They had (besides one who died in in fancy) : 1. Abel® Sanders, born 8 February 1843. 2172. Phineas", born 4 December 1797. [4258] 2173. JoeF, born 16 January 1801. [4264] 196 FIFTH GENERATION. Elias* (736) , son of Jonathan* and Esther (Whitehouse) Went worth, born 22 May 1774. He lived in Wakefield, N. H., on the same lot of land with his brother John*, and was neighbor to his uncles Mark* and Sylvanus*. He was for many years one of the selectmen of Wakefield. He married, 29 November 1797, Lydia* (916), daughter of WiUiam* (327) Chadwick. She was bom 25 September 1778. EUas* died in Wakefield, 21 September 1852. His wife died there, 16 April 1867. They had : 2174. Betsey", born 22 March 1798; married, 11 December 1823, Samuel Seward, of Wakefield, N. H., where they Uved. She died 19 June 1864. They had: 1. Mary' Seward, born 18 November 1824, died 2 May 1828. 2. Lydia' Seward, born 18 December 1825. 3. Ruth J.' Seward, bom 26 January 1827 ; married, 22 Sep tember 1853, James Leander' (4176) Wentworth, son of Ezra" (2067) Wentworth, whom see for chUdren. 4. Andrew Jackson' Seward, born 22 June 1828, died 26 August 1856. 5. Samuel' Seward, born 29 June 1830. 6. Sabrina' Seward, born 27 July 1832 ; married, 29 May 1851, John M. Moore, of Middleton, N. H. He died 4 June 1859. 7. Turner' Seward, bom 31 December 1833 ; Uved in North Wakefield, N. H., in 1875. 8. EU W.' Seward, bom 2 March 1837, died 11 January 1861. 2175. Jonathan", born 6 July 1799, died single, 5 May 1826. 2176. EzekieF, born 5 April 1801, died 14 January 1804. 2177. DanieF, born 31 October 1802. [4271] 2178. William", born 16 October 1804. [4275] 2179. Albra", bom 10 March 1807. [4284] 2180. EU", born 25 January 1810 ; manied, about 1834, JuUa Ann Hodgeman, of Lowell, Mass. He was blown up in a powder- miU in LoweU, 17 December 1835, and was buried in Wakefield, N. H. The had one child, died an infant. 2181. Noah Horne", born 28 October 1811. [4290] 2182. Sarah", born 26 January 1814, died single, in Wakefield, N. H., 10 August 1862. 2183. Jacob C", twin with Sarah". [4297] 2184. David W. C", bom 26 March 1816. [4302] William* (739), son of Jonathan* and Esther (Whitehouse) Wentworth, born 20 April 1787 ; married, 28 March 1816, Huldah, DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM® WENTWORTH. 197 daughter of Micajah Hussey, of Farmington, N. H. ; lived on the homestead of his father in Farmington, N. H., and died there, 13 June 1827. His widow married, 2d, Phineas Vamey, of Farming- ton, N. H., and died there, 8 July 1872. WUliam* had : 2185. Jonathan", bom 29 April 1817; married, 20 January 1840, his cousin Mary Wentworth" (2193) Horne, daughter of his father's sister Sarah* (740) ; lived in Rochester, N. H., in 1873. 2186. Micajah H.", born 1 December 1818 ; married, 14 Janu ary 1851, EUzabeth P. Rogers ; Uved, in 1873, in Rochester, N.H., of which he was Representative in the State Legislature in 1861 and 1862. 2187. WilUam", born 10 November 1820. [4306] 2188. EzekieF, born 12 November 1822 ; married, 1st, 25 Sep tember 1856, Cynthia Jane Davis, who died, chUdless, 16 Novem ber 1866, in her 28th j'ear. He married, 2d, in Rochester, N. H., 8 January 1872, Lydia BlaisdeU, born there 7 March 1843 ; Uved there in 1873, and had : 1. Laura BeU', born 5 November 1872. 2189. SUas Hanson", born 6 June 1825. [4310] Sarah* (740), daughter of Jonathan* and Esther (Whitehouse) Wentworth, . bora 9 June 1781; married, 18 March 1801, Noah Horne, of Farmington, N. H. She died 25 August 1827. They had: 2190. Esther W." Horne, born 1802 ; manied, 25 June 1826, Nahum Nutter, and Uved in Ossipee, N. H. They had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Emory A.' Nutter, born 1 October 1827, died 26 Novem ber 1846. 2. Sarah A.' Nutter, born 27 July 1830 ; married, 19 Decem ber 1852, Bartlett Moody, and had : 1. Alden B.® Moody, born 8 November 1863. 3. Mary E.' Nutter, born 18 December 1832, died 26 October 1846. 4. Stephen' Nutter, bom 24 March 1835 ; married, 10 April 1858, Sarah E. Roberts, of Tamworth, N. H., and had : 1. Wesley J.® Nutter, born in Farmington, N. H., 21 May 1859. 5. Rebecca R.' Nutter, born 28 July 1837; married, 10 November 1861, Smith Dore, of Ossipee, N. H. 6. Noah H.' Nutter, born 17 April 1843 ; married, 12 Novem ber 1865, Anna Pease, of Freedom, N. H. 198 FIFTH GENERATION. 2191. AbigaiF Horne, born 4 September 1804, died September 1820. 2192. Rebecca P." Horne, born 20 January 1807 ; married, 26 November 1829, John L. Roberts, and had : 1. Noah H.' Roberts, born 11 December 1831. 2. John Harrison' Roberts, born 30 July 1840 ; was in the war of the Rebellion, and killed in action. 3. Henry K.' Roberts, born 3 October 1845. 4. Herman W.' Roberts, born 5 May 1847 ; married, 7 May 1867, Emma A. Snow, of Rochester, N. H., boi-n 7 Sep tember 1850, and died 22 October 1870. 2193. Mary W." Horne, bom 7 April 1809 ; manie,d, 20 Jan uary 1840, her cousin Jonathan" (2185) Wentworth, son of her mother's brother William*. 2194. Jonathan Wentworth" Horne, born 21 March 1811 ; mar ried, 13 August 1843, Martha S. Bodge, and had: 1. Sarah A.' Horne, born 5 April 1845 ; married, 19 Decem ber 1861, George H. Downs, and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Charles L.® Downs, born 20 November 1866. 2. ¦ WilUe B.® Downs, bom 22 December 1869. 2. Charles B.' Horne, born 4 August 1847, died 10 Novem ber 1864. 3. Arthur S.' Horne, born 22 Febraary 1850, died 17 Sep tember 1852. 4. Henry L.' Horne, born 4 December 1855. 5. Irving E.' Horne, born 2 AprU 1857. Ezekiel* (741), son of Jonathan* and Esther (Whitehouse) Wentworth, bom 23 AprU 1783. He lived in Ossipee, N. H., where he held various town offices. Between the years 1808 and 1829 he was Representative of Ossipee sixteen years, and was in the State Senate in 1831 and 1832. He married, 1 May 1808, Ruth Mathews, born 24 August 1792, died 13 September 1839. He died in Ossipee, 4 April 1852. They had : 2195. Sally H.", born 26 November 1809 ; married, 3 July 1836, Isaiah Varney, of Ossipee, N. H., and died there, 22 May 1840. They had : 1. Julia E.' Varney, born in 1837. 2. Sally' Varney, died an infant. 2196. John Bradley" , born 2 2 February 1 812, died 1 January 1 839 . DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM® WENTWORTH. 199 2197. David Porter", born 9 August 1814. [4312] 2198. Lucy J.", born 1 July 1817, died 19 September 1838. 2199. Catherine T.", born 24 December 1819, died 8 July 1838. 2200. Elias M.", bom 5 AprU 1822. [4314] /2201. Esther W.", born 19 September 1824; married, 22 De cember 1844, Daniel Wheeler, and Uved in East Boston, Mass. 2202. Ruth M.", bom 29 September 1826 ; married, 7 Decem ber 1852, Thomas R. Gilman, and had : 1. John Bradley' Gihnan, born 22 January 1857. 2. Warren Randall' Gihnan, born 14 December 1861. Sarah* (744), daughter of Drisco* and Anna (Libbey) Went worth, born 21 June 1785; married, 19 December 1806, Jacob Leighton; lived in Ossipee, N. H., and died 12 August 1862. They had : 2203. Ephraim" Leighton, born 8 September 1807 ; married, and had:1. John M.' Leighton, bom 12 AprU 1827 ; married in 1855. 2. Jacob' Leighton, born September 1828 ; married, in 1851, Susan Young, and had : 1. Frank® Leighton, born October 1851. 3. Sarah A.' Leighton, married Joseph Morrill Woodman, lived at East Wakefield Station, N. H., and had four children. 4. Charles H.' Leighton, born February 1833. 5. Washington W.' Leighton, born 1835. 6. Lewis' Leighton, born 1838. 7. George E.' Leighton, born 1842. 8. Elizabeth M.' Leighton, born April 1845 ; married Free man Home, of Wakefield, N. H., and had : 1. Lewis Edwin® Horne, born 22 October 1870. 2204. WUliam" Leighton, born 4 January 1809, died 15 May 1811. 2205. John" Leighton, born 5 June 1811, died 5 June 1813. 2206. John W." Leighton, born 18 April 1813, died 22 March 1815. 2207. Charles B." Leighton, born 7 August 1815 ; married, 14 October 1838, his second cousin Sally" (2225), daughter of Mark* (755) Wentworth, born 17 July 1820. He died 1 April 1857, and his widow manied, 2d, 20 April 1861, Benjamin R. Lyons, of Wolfeborough, N. H. Charles B." had : 1. Olive J.' Leighton, born in Ossipee, N. H., 8 July 1839, died 9 November 1861. 200 FIFTH GENERATION. 2. Albert Weeks' Leighton, bom in Ossipee, N. H., 12 March 1843 ; enUsted 12 September 1862, in the 44th Mass. Vols., and served nine months. He married, at Ossipee, N. H., 14 June 1869, Kate C. Smith, born at Buxton, Me., 28 June 1839. They lived in New York city in 1874, and had : 1. Charles Howard® Leighton, born in Ossipee, N. H., 7 August 1872. 3. George Henry' Leighton, born 22 AprU 1848 ; married, at Danvers, Mass., 25 November 1870, Sarah E. Fish, born there 10 February 1847; lived at HaverhiU, Mass., in 1874, and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Lizzie Wilkins® Leighton, bom in Danvers, Mass., 22 October 1871. 4. Charles Byron' Leighton, bom at Ossipee, N. H., 25 March 1855. 2208. EUzabeth Wentworth" Leighton, bom 25 July 1817; married, 19 March 1846, Israel Leighton Sanders, of Leighton's Corner, Ossipee, N. H., born 5 June 1820, son of John and Eliza beth (Buzzell) Sanders. John Sanders was cousin of Joseph San ders who married Mary Jane', daughter of John and PoUy" (2171) (Wentworth) Roberts. EUzabeth W." Uved there, and had, aU born there : 1. Harriet' Sanders, born 6 December 1846. 2. Elvira' Sanders, born 12 August 1849. 3. Sarah EUzabeth' Sanders, born 18 February 1852. 4. Francena Israelette' Sanders, born 17 November 1855. 5. Charles Leighton' Sanders, born 2 May 1859. 2209. Jacob M." Leighton, born 24 September 1819 ; married, June 1848, Adeline Hunnewell, of Exeter, N. H. He was surgeon in the 168th N. Y. Vols., war of the Rebellion, three years ; died at Boston, Mass., 26 March 1873. They had : 1. Edward' Leighton, born 29 July 1850. 2. Mary' Leighton, born in 1853. 2210. Leonard Wentworth" Leighton (M. D.), born 12 Sep tember 1822 ; married, 1st, 1 May 1850, Isabella Graham Hoole, of Portiand, Me. ; 2d, 22 October 1866, Hannah Moulton Little- field, of Shapleigh, Me., who had one child, who died in infancy. He lived in 1874, at Ross Comer, Shapleigh, Me. He had, by his first wife : 1. Joseph Edward' Leighton, born 8 February 1852. 2. Florence Isabella' Leighton, born 10 June 1857. DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM® AVENTWORTH. 201 2211. Elvira M." Leighton, born 3 March 1825 ; married, 1st, August 1845, Benjamin B. Smith, who died September 1859 ; 2d, 8 December 1860, Samuel F. Allen, who died July 1862 ; 3d, June 1864, Gustavus Additon, of Falmouth, Me. She had, by her first husband : 1. James Edwin' Smith, born 6 February 1847 ; married, 9 January 1869, Susie A. Sennett, and died 20 November 1872. He had : 1. Edwin® Smith, born December 1872. 2. Betsey E.' Smith, born 8 September 1851, died 19 Sep tember 1859. 3. Ann Augusta' Smith, bom 13 June 1853 ; married James Dickey, of Cumberland, Me., March 1873. 2212. Benjamin" Leighton, bom 28 November 1826. 2213. Susan" Leighton, born 29 September 1829. Susan* (747) , daughter of Drisco* and Anna (Libbey) Went worth, married Ezra Drew, of Brunswick, Me. She died there in 1876. They had : 2214. Henry P." Drew, born 28 December 1812 ; married, 7 November 1837, Harriet HaU, of Portland, Me., and had : 1. George H.' Drew, born 3 September 1838. 2. Charles E.' Drew, born 27 April 1840, died 27 August 1841. 3. Horace G.' Drew, born 29 July 1844. 2215. Ezra" Drew, born 25 January 1815, died 20 AprU 1815. 2216. Charles W." Drew, married, October 1851, Roxanna Howland, of Branswick, Me. ; lived in Lowell, Mass., and had : 1. Emma H.' Drew, born 10 August 1853. 2217. WilUam C." Drew, born 16 October 1819 ; married Louisa MitcheU, of Branswick, Me., and had : 1. Frederick W.' Drew, and others. 2218. George E." Drew, born 17 January 1823 ; married. May 1852, Harriet Haskell, of Topsham, Me. ; lived in Stockton, Cal., and had one chUd. 2219. Lydia A." Drew, bom 7 August 1834 ; lived in Brans wick, Me., in 1872. Benjamin* (748), son of Drisco* and Anna (Libbey) Went worth, married, in 1820, Clarissa Joscelyn, of Danvers, Mass. He died 4 November 1824. She married, 2d, Joshua Veazie, of Quincy, Mass., and died 1 September 1867. Benjamin* had : 202 FIFTH GENERATION. 2220. Lucy Ann", born 8 March 1821 ; married, 3 October 1843, Augustus Mudge,* of Danvers Centre, Mass. ; lived there in 1871, and had (besides four who died in infancy) : 1. Clara H.' Mudge, born 24 September 1847. 2. Pamelia J.' Mudge, born 27 September 1849. 3. Lucius A.' Mudge, born 4 October 1852. 4. Mary Braman' Mudge, born 20 March 1860. 2221. Clarissa", born 10 July 1822 ; married, July 1844, How ard Vinal, of Scituate, Mass., lived in Quincy, Mass., and had (besides one who died in ' infancy) : 1. EUa Wentworth' Vinal, born 10 March 1848. 2. Henry Joscelyn' Vinal, born 21 June 1850. 3. Ann E. B.' Vinal, born 2 December 1853. 4. Arthur Howard' Vinal, born 1 July 1855. 5. Lucy Emma' Vinal, born 22 September 1864. Mark* (755) , son of Mark* and Sally (Plummer) Wentworth, born 4 January 1791 ; married, 10 November 1812, Betsey White- house ; she died 6 June 1858. He lived on the farm he was born upon, with his son Samuel G.", in Wakefield, N. H. (Leighton's Corner P. O.) , and died there 31 January 1876. They had : 2222. Moses", born 22 December 1813. [4316] 2223. Benjamin", born 24 September 1815. [4319] 2224. Catherine", born 9 September 1818, died 3 October 1819. 2225. Sally", born 17 July 1820; married, 1st, 14 October 1838, her second cousin Charles B." (2207) Leighton, son of Jacob and Sarah* (744) (Wentworth) Leighton, whom see for children. She married, 2d, 20 April 1861, Benjamin R. Lyons, of Wolfe borough, N. H. 2226. Lydia A.", born 15 November 1822 ; manied, 1st, 16 April 1854, Daniel Young, jr., of Wakefield, N. H. ; moved in 1857 to Stoneham, Mass. He died in Woburn, Mass., 17 Janu ary 1865. She manied, 2d, 28 June 1870, Rev. Lewis PhilUps, of the First Christian Church of Wolfeborough, N. H. She had, by her first husband, twins, born 4 July 1859, both of whom died in infanc3^ 2227. Mark H.", born 29 June 1825 ; lived at North Wakefield, N. H., single. 2228. WiUiam H.", twin with Mark H." ; married, 1 July 1861, JuUa Eliza, daughter of Thomas and Anna Louisa (Morfitt) New- * See Mudge Genealogy. DESCENDANTS OP EPHRAIM® WENTWORTH. 203 comb, of Boston, Mass., born at Auburn, N. Y., 26 June 1839 ; see JSfeivcomb Genealogy, page 483. They had: 1. WiUiam Mark', bom 31 January 1862. 2. Thomas Edward', born at Boston, 11 June 1863. 3. Charles Benjamin', born at Elizabeth, N. J., June 1865. 4. Frederick Albert', born at Jersey City, N. J., 16 April 1870. 2229. Betsey", bom 23 May 1827; married, 1st, in 1849, Charles Abbott ; 2d, 2 August 1862, Alonzo Thompson. She had, by her first husband : 1. Charles F.' Abbott, born 9 December 1849 ; married, 26 February 1870, Alice A. Young. 2. Mark W.' Abbott, bom 9 January 1852. 3. Laura Ann' Abbott, born 6 December 1853. 2230. SamuelG.", born 21 April 1831. [4324] John S.* (757), son of Sjdvanus* and Hannah (Stevens) Went worth, born in Wakefield, N. H., 19 April 1795 ; married, 17 Novem ber 1817, AbigaU", daughter of Thomas* (925) and Lydia (Plum mer) Roberts, and granddaughter of Joshua and Joanna* (333) (Wentworth) Roberts. She was born 29 August 1798, died in Danvers, Mass., 2 September 1863. John S.* died in Wakefield, N. H., 28 September 1841. They had, aU born in Wakefield, N. H. (besides one who died in infancy) : 2231. Matilda", born 6 August 1818, died in Dover, N. H., 21 November 1850, single. 2232. Nancy P.", born 5 May 1820 ; manied, 1 January 1847, Jerome B. Canney, of Strafford, N. H. ; lived in Dover, N. H., and had : 1. Herbert A. B.' Canney, born 18 September 1848 ; married, 25 December 1871, Annie F. Nute, of Dover, N. H. 2. Herman E.' Canney, born 6 March 1851. 3. Abbie Etta' Canney, born 4 August 1859. 2233. Henry R.", born 15 October 1824. [4325] 2234. Ambrose Jackson", born 16 November 1826. [4329] 2235. George M.", born 13 June 1829. [4333] 2236. Harriet J.", twin with George M." ; married, 9 December 1863, Charles A. Nevers, of Peabody, Mass., and had : 1. Addie M.' Nevers, born 5 August 1864. 2237. Maria", born 1 April 1831 ; married, 19 September 1855, Ebenezer Hanson, of Alton, N. H., son of John and Abigail (HaU) Hanson ; lives there, and had : 1. John F.' Hanson, born 4 September 1860. 204 FIFTH GENERATION. 2238. Amasa F.", born 16 November 1833. [4334] 2239. John F.", born 28 October 1835, died young. 2240. AbigaU R. D.", born 1 December 1838; married, 24 December 1859, S. Asa' (4451) Wentworth, whom see for chU dren. She died in San Francisco, Cal., 18 February 1873. 2241. William", born 8 October 1840. [4337] Richard Philpot* (765), son of Col. Jonathan* and Betsey (Philpot) Wentworth, born 29 April 1766 ; married Deborah Bur- ley, of Newmarket, N. H. He moved to Middleton, N. H., thence to Brookfield, N. H. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and died of fever, near " Shadegee" Woods (Chateaugay, Franklin co., N. Y.) , near Canada line. His wife died in Boston, Mass., 29 June 1828. They had: 2242. Judith", manied Dr. Joshua Abbott, of Boston, Mass., and died in St. Louis, Mo., 2 February 1845. He died 1 Novem ber 1868, childless. 2243. Jonathan", born in Newmarket, N. H., 10 January 1793. [4339] 2244. Hannah", married Charles Pond ; Uved for some years in Bangor, Me. ; then moved to St. Louis, Mo., where she died in 1857. He was living there in 1871. They had children, one of whom, Henrietta' Pond, married Charles Clapp. 2245. Deborah", married Nathan B. Wiggin, and Uved in Ban gor, Me., where she died 29 December 1863. He died there 22 October 1869, leaving a large family of children, of whom is Charles P.' Wiggin, of Bangor, Me. ; and a daughter', who mar ried Dr. B. F. Abbott, of Melrose, Mass. (a relative of the late Dr. Joshua Abbott, of Boston, Mass., who married her aunt Judith" (2242) Wentworth). 2246. Richard Philpot", went away from home when a young man, and was not afterwards heard from. 2247. Thomas J.", born in New Hampshire in 1804. He was a soldier in the Florida war. He married, 1st, in 1830, Ann WU son, of Baltimore, Md., born in Maryland, 10 May 1813, died 20 May 1849. He married, 2d, 10 May 1851, Earry Ann Hobbs, of Baltimore, Md., and lived there. He had, by his first wife : 1. John W.', born 19 March 1831, died 20 February 1859. •2. Thomas J.', born 1 January 1834 ; lived in CaUfornia. 3. George W.', bora 14 February 1836 ; was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion ; Uved in Baltimore at last dates. DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM® WENTWORTH. 205 4. Joseph B.', born 8 July 1838 ; was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion. He married, 14 Aug-ust 1864, Laura Lentz, and had : 1. Maggie Ann®, born 12 February 1866. 2. George Thoma.s®, born 23 September 1867. 3. Carrie Maj-®, born 13 May 1870. 5. AbigaU C, born 10 April 1843 ; married, 29 May 1865, George W. Hj-man, and had : 1. WiUiam H.® Hj-man, born 4 August 1866. 2. George Thomas® Hyman, bom 4 August 1869. Thomas J." had, by his second wife : 6. Charles H.', born 20 December 1852. 7. Marian', born 26 September 1854. 8. Oliver', born 6 October 1857. 9. Henry', born 4 September 1861. 10. Rebecca', born 7 October 1864. 2248. AbigaiF, married, in 1828, James W. PhilUps, of Bos- ,on, Mass., and died 10 August 1829. The had : 1. AbigaU' PhiUips, married, November 1851, William H. Thomas, of Foxborough, Mass., and died 3 August 1858, aged 28 years, and was buried in North Bridgewater (Mass.) ceme tery, in the same lot with her father and mother. She had : 1. James W.® Thomas, born 3 May 1856. Thomas* (766), son of Col. Jonathan* and Betsey (Philpot) Wentworth, bom 4 June 1768 ; married, in Rochester, N. H., 16 Febraary 1790, Mary, daughter of Col. James Roberts (a soldier )f the Revolution), and granddaughter of Joshua Roberts,* of Ber- .vick. Me. ; she was born 12 May 1769. Thomas* died in Dover, * Joshua Roberts came from York, Me., to Berwick, Me. His connection with other Roberts families is not known, but his mother married, 2d, Freethy, and, 3d, Hersom. Joshua Roberts married Ruth Smith, of Berwick, appar ently one of the eleven children of John and Elizabeth Smith, born about 1726. They removed, about 1803, to Kennebunk, Me., lived there with their son Joshua Roberts, and died there. They had, bom in Berwick, Me. -. 1. James Roberts, bom 31 May 1745, of whom see below. 2. Margaret Roberts, born 29 July 1749; married, 1st, 26 December 1768, Mark^ ("31) Wentworth, whom see; 2d, Capt. Ebenezer Ricker, son of Maturin, and grandson of the emigrant Maturin Ricker. (See "Ricker" note to Sarah' (29a!) Wentworth.) She had no children. 3. Joseph Roberts, born 5 May 1751 ; married, 7 July 1774, Elizabeth Heard, whose brother Tristram Heard married Joseph's sister Mary Roberts as below. 4. Oner Roberts, bom 6 January 1754; married, 8 November 1770, Joseph Hubbard, jr. 206 FIFTH GENERATION. N. H., 3 Febraary 1805. His widow married, 2d, 7 September 1826, SamueF (622) Lord, of Berwick, Me., son of Elder Ebene zer* (203) Lord. SamueF Lord was bora 4 September 1759, died 8 Febraary 1855 ; the widow died 1 May 1858. Thomas* had : 2249. Betsey", born 7 AprU 1791 ; married Capt. Andrew Pierce, jr., of Dover, N. H., who died 29 March 1850, aged 58. 5. Elizabeth Roberts, hom 27 Febraary 1756; married, 1st, 15 May 1777, Tobias* (334) Wentworth, brother of Mark* (331), who married her sister Margaret Roberts, and whom see; 2d, 27 June 1810, Elder Nathaniel (613) Lord, of Ber wick, Me., whom see. She died 8 April 1832. 6. Ruth Roberts, born 12 May 1758; married, 20 April 1775, Eliphalet Jones. 7. Samuel Roberts, born 12 November 1760; married Tibbetts. 8. Jemima Roberts, bom 19 March 1763; married, 21 February 1782, Joseph Brackett. 9. Mary Roberts, born 24 May 1765 ; married, 1st, Ichabod Cook, who went to Ohio and never returned ; 2d (his third wife), Tristram Heard, brother of Eliza^ beth Heard who married her brother Joseph Roberts; Tristram Heard's first wife was Anna* (250) Wentworth; his second wife was Elizabeth Hooper, sister of Sarah Hooper who married Mary Roberts's brother Rev. Joshua Roberts, as below, and sister also of John Hooper who married Janes (628) Lord. Of the children of Tristram and Mary (Roberts) Heard was Esther Heard, who married Jacob Home, son of Gershom and Lydia (Roberts, cousin to Esther Heard) Horne, whom see below. 10. Joshua Roberts, baptized 25 October 1769 ; was a clergyman, and lived in Kennebunk, Me.; married, 1st, 21 June 1790, Sarah Hooper; 2d, the widow of Washington Drake. Col. James Roberts, son of Joshua and Ruth (Smith) Roberts, as above, born 31 May 1745, lived in Berwick, Me. ; he was a soldier of the Revolution. He mar ried, 9 July 1767, Martha Woodsum. He was drowned while going to Portsmouth, N. H., and his widow married, 2d, 12 March 1782, Daniel Whitehouse, of Somers worth, and had children. Col. James Roberts had: 1. John Roberts, married, and lived at Vassalborough, Me. 2. James Roberts, lived at Ossipee, N. H. 3. Mary Roberts, born 12 May 1769; married, 1st, 16 Febmary 1790, Thomas^ (766) Wentworth, as above; 2d, Samuel^ (622) Lord, whom see. 4. Lydia Roberts, man-ied Gershom Horne, of Somerswoi-th, N. H., son of Andrew Horne, who was son of William Horne, of Dover, N. H. See "Horne" note below. 5 Martha Roberts, married Elijah Estes. 6. Betsey Roberts, married Moses Ham. 7. Sarah Roberts, man-ied, 26 November 1799, Ebenezer Roberts, son of Alex ander and Rebecca (Garland) Roberts; see note to Samuel^ (52) Wentworth. Their daughter Elizabeth Roberts married Michael" Tibbetts, son of Dorothys (732) (Wentworth) Tibbetts. HOBNE. — There were two distinct Home families in Dover, N. H. The Homes mentioned in the above note were descended from William Home, but the suc cessive steps are not yet absolutely ascertained. Williami Horne was first taxed at Cochecho, Dover, N. H., in 1659. He is doubtless the William Horne who was earlier at Salisbury, Mass., deeds of Salis bury lands being on record. He bought of Elder Edward Starbuck, of Dover, DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM® WENTWORTH. 207 He was Representative of Dover, in the New Hampshire House, and of his district in the State Senate. They had, aU born in Dover, N. H. : ] . Mary Ann' Pierce, married WilUam Robinson, and died ten or eleven weeks after marriage. 2. Andrew' Pierce (formerly called "Andrew 3d"), tnarried, 1st, 11 AprU 1834, Rebecca Dunnaway, of Rockport, Mass., who 20 September 1661, two hundred and forty acres between Cochecho and Tole-End, in Dover, parts of which were recently in the possession of his lineal descendants. He was killed in the massacre by the Indians, 28 June 1689. He had wife Eliza beth, and children (at least) : 1. Elizabeth^ Horne, bom (as by Salisbury records) 1 February 1662. 2. John2 Horne, born (as by New Hampshire records) 25 October 1663 ; of whom see below. . 3. WUliam^ Home, born 11 May 1674; was of Dover; and died 12 AprU 1697. He had (perhaps other daughters also) : 1. Thomas^ Home, who, as "only son," quitclaimed to "cousin John' Home," 6 January 1717-18. 2. Elizabeths Horne, married Moses Kimmin. John Evans, of Dover, and -wife Elizabeth*, "daughter of Moses and Elizabeth' Kimmin," and "granddaughter of William'^ Horne, 10 August 1749, for £62, quitclaimed to John Horne all her right by heirship by our mother Elizabeth' Kimmin." 4. Thomas^ Home, bom 28 November 1676 ; was of Dover. He married, 1st, 14 April 1699, Judith, daughter of George and Eleanor (Evans) Ricker, born 1 Feb ruary 1681. See " Ricker " note to Sarah' (29a) (Wentworth) Ricker. Either this Thomas^, or his nephew Thomas' ( sou of William^), married Esther . Thomas^ Horne had, by wife Judith (Ricker) : 1. Sarah' Home, born 14 January 1699-1700. 2. Ichabod' Home, born 7 November 1702. 3. Thomas' Home, born 23 October 1705. 4. William' Home, born 25 June 1710. The Thomas Home (perhaps this Thomas^) who had -wife Esther, had: 1. Judith Horne, bom 16 August 1720. 2. Margaret Horne, born 16 April 1722. 3. Samuel Horne, bom 16 February 1724. 4. Abigail Horne, bom 7 December 1725. 5. Drusilla Home, born 18 June 1727. 5. Margaret^ Horne, bom 10 May 1679, died in 1697. 6. Mercy2 Home. Joseph Evans, of Dover, married, 6 April 1704, Mercy Horne. Joseph Evans and wife, "daughter of William Horne," 1 December 1748, conveyed to "John' Home, grandson of WUliam Horne," all her right in land which her father purchased of Elder Starbuck in 1661. Their great-grand daughter Hannah Evans married Lorenzof (16060 Rollins. John2 Home, son of William^ as above, was of Dover. He married, 30 June 1686, Mary, daughter of John and Mary (Heard) Ham, bom 2 October 1668. He died March 1696-7, and she married, 2d, 29 August 1698, John Waldron; and was mother of Mehitable Waldron, who married James* (167) Chesley; and grand mother of Col. John Waldron, who married (third wife), Margaret (Frost), widow of Hon. John" (531) Wentworth, jr., grandmother of the author of this work. See "Waldron" note to James* (167) Chesley, and "Heard" note to Spencer' (56) Wentworth. John^ Home had (probably others also) : 208 FIFTH GENERATION. died 6 November 1860. He married, 2d, 6 June 1861, Mary Frances Gilman, of Nashua, N. H. In 1873 he was Uving at St. Louis, Mo. He had, born in Dover, N. H., by his first wife (besides three who died in infancy) : 1. Charles Henry® Pierce, born 25 October 1836. 2. Andrine Luella® Pierce, born 28 June 1850 ; married, 22 March 1871, Capt. WiUiam Ennis, U. S. Army, of New port, R. I., and had : 1. Mary Frances^ Ennis, born 24 February 1872. Andrew' had, hy his second wife, born in Boston, Mass. : 3. Elizabeth Gilman® Pierce, born 9 December 1864. 4. Clara Louisa® Pierce, born 8 Maj' 1866. 3. Thomas W.' Pierce, married Mary Curtis, who died in Topsfield, Mass., where at last dates he was living, childless. 4. James W.' Pierce, died, single, in Dover, N. H. 1. John' Home, of Dover, who, as "eldest son and rightful heir," acknowl edged, 31 October 1717, receipt of 60 acres in Dover, from uncle Thomas^ Home, as ' ' full proportion due " his father John^ Home, out of estate of William^ Home. He married, 29 December 1708, Elizabeth Heard. By deeds, he appears to have had: 1. Nathaniel* Horne, to whom his father conveyed land 9 January 1734-5. He married Sarah, daughter of Ichabod and Abigail Hayes, bom 30 Decem ber 1716. Baptisms of three daughters of Nathaniel* Horne are on Dover church records. 2. Isaac* Horne, to whom his father gave the homestead 14 December 1749, recorded 18 March 1773. He is doubtless the Isaac Horne whose daugh ter Lydia Horne married (second wife), James* (167) Chesley. 3. William* Horne, who quitclaimed to John Horne, 21 February 1754, all right in his (William's*) father John's' estate. 4. John* Horne. 2. William' Horne, probably. He gave receipt in full, for £20, to John' Horne, 17 July 1731; Thomas Horne, witness. He conveyed this land, with dwelling-house then on it, to son " Ebenezer Home and Mary his wife," 26 Feb ruary 1754. Same date, he conveyed to son William Home, 3d, land in Somers worth, N. H., on which said son William then lived. (A William Home (appar ently not this one), then a "Friend," married, 9 September 1713, Mary Yarney, and had daughter Sarah Horne, bom 1 August 1714, who married, 1st, 31 July 1734, Isaac Hanson; 2d, 2 January 1760, Thomas Tuttle, and died in 1812.) Wil liam' made Will 14 December 1767, proved 29 August 1770, mentioning wife Eliza beth (from some language apparently a second wife) and eleven children, the married daughters' names given iu the Will, as follows : 1. Ebenezer* Horne, who had wife Mary; he, "gentleman," of Dover, conveyed to Moses Horne, 17 October 1777, the land which his father bought of John Horne in 1722, with two other pieces, excepting three acres he had given to his son William" Horne. The baptisms of five sons and two daugh ters are on Dover church records, including Stephen Wentworth' Horne, who was the youngest of five children baptized 31 October 1756; he was collector of Wolfeborough, N. H., in 1791. DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM® WENTWORTH. 209 5. WUUam' Pierce, born in 1825 ; married, December 1843, EUza J. Twombly, of Dover, N. H. He died at Charlestown, Mass., 13 January 1861. They had : 1. Annie® Pierce, born 1 December 1846, died in Charles town, Mass., 27 June 1861. 2. Fannie® Pierce, born 23 May 1852. 3. Andrew® Pierce, born 1 November 1856. 6. Elizabeth' Pierce, born 28 July 1827 ; married, 25 July 1851, Benjamin Franklin Vittum, son of David Vittum, of Sand wich, N. H. ; and had, born in Dover, N. H. : 1. Frank Pierce® Vittum, born 23 October 1852. 2. EUen Augusta® Vittum, born 3 July 1857. 3. Jeannie Fuller® Vittum, born 2 December 1858. 2. Andrew* Horne, was of Dover, N. H. He had (probably with others) : 1. Andrew^ Home, of Somersworth, N. H., who married Mary* (278) Wentworth, whom see. 2. Jacob^ Horne, never married. By Will, dated 1 October 1808, proved 29 November 1808, he left all his property to nephew Jacob' Horne, son of Gershom" Home. 3. Gershom' Horne, married Lydia, daughter of Col. James and Martha (Woodsum) Roberts, as in note above. Besides sons James' Home, Charles' Home, and Jesse' Home, he had : 1. Jacobs Home, manied his mother's cousin Esther Heard, as in above note. 2. Gershom' Horne, bom 4 December 1803; married, 14 Septem ber 1830, Abigail K.« (2462) Wentworth, whom see. 3. John' Horne, married, 4 January 1827, his cousin Ruth= (2254) Wentworth, whom see. 4. Ephraim' Home, married Mary" (1519) Wentworth ; their son John' Home married, 3 March 1835, Martha' (2271) Wentworth, -whom see. 3. William* Home, was of Somersworth, N. H. 4. Peter* Home, blacksmith ; received from his father, 26 February 1754, land in Rochester, N. H., and lived there. He married Mercy" (510) Went worth. His inventory, entered 19 September 1795, included eighty acres in Rochester, N. H., "drawn to the original right of William Horne." The dower of his widow Mercy" was set off 14 November 1800. "Rebecca, daugh ter of Peter Home, of Rochester," doubtless this Peter, married, 20 October 1783, John" (865) Wentworth, whom see. Peter Horne, of Rochester, who married, 28 February 1793, Eunice" (1480) Wentworth (whom see), is said to have been his son. 5. Moses* Horne. lived in Rochester, N. H., on land joining his brother Peter's*. Was dead before 1800. Guardians were appointed to four children under the age of fourteen. 6. Sarah* Home, married Gould. 7. Mary* Home, living at date of her father's Will. 8. Lydia* Horne, manied Twombly. 9. Mercy* Horne, married Hussey. 10. Abigail* Horne, manied Hayes. 11. Martha* Horne, married Copp. VOL. n. — 14 210 FIFTH GENERATION. 4. George Henry® Vittum, born 29 June 1864. 7. George H.' Pierce (Col.) , born 28 July 1827 ; manied, 7 June 1849, Sarah Jane, daughter of Daniel Niles, of Dover, N. H. He was Representative of Dover in 1873, and died there 13 September 1873. They had, born in Dover : 1. Ida Florence® Pierce, born 31 July 1850 ; manied, in Dover, N. H., 4 January 1876, Arthur D. Whitehouse, of Rochester, N. H., son of Nicholas V. Whitehouse. 2. Frank Niles® Pierce, born 18 December 1851. 3. Thomas Wentworth® Pierce, born 25 September 1853. 4. Bessie Damon® Pierce, born 8 October 1855. 8. Lucy D.' Pierce, died in Topsfield, Mass., 18 November 1872, aged about 42 years. 2250. James", born 21 May 1793. [4344] 2251. Martha", born 4 AprU 1795 ; married, 1st, 19 March 1813, John Drew, of Dover, N. H., son of Joseph Drew; 2d, 14 May 1838, John Ham, son of John and grandson of Benjamin Ham. He was born on the old homestead of Richard Otis, who was killed by the Indians in the massacre of 1689. (See " Ham," JV. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, October 1872.) His first wife was Mercy* (850), daughter of Bartholomew* (310) Wentworth, whom see for children by her. Martha" had children, by her first marriage : 1. Sarah' Drew, born 19 February 1814; married David Watson Chapin, of Dover, N. H., and lived there. She died 17 August 1869. They had two children, who died young. 2. EUzabeth' Drew, born 10 September 1816 ; mamed Daniel Moulton, of Portsmouth, N. H., and lived in "Friend John Ham's " old residence at Dover. They had : 1. Ann Elizabeth® Moulton, born 9 October 1843 ; mar ried, 7 August 1867, Benajah Varnej', of Dover, N. H., and had : 1. Fred Moulton^ Varney, born 17 July 1868. 2. Adelaide® Moulton, bom 16 August 1849 ; married, 31 December 1874, Winslow L. Horne. 3. Abby Florence® Moulton, born 23 November 1853 ; is teacher in High School, Dover, N. H. 4. John® Moulton, born 28 February 1855. 3. Mary Baker' Drew, born 5 May 1819 ; married, 11 June 1854, Dr. Caleb Blakeslee, of WiUiamsviUe, Vt., and lived there, childless. 4. Martha' Drew, born 5 September 1822 ; lived single, on the old homestead in Dover, N. H. DESCEND AN-rS OP EPHRAIM® WENTWORTH. 211 Martha" had, bj' her second marriage : 5. John Thomas Wentworth' Ham, born 1 July 1839 ; mar ried, 1 May 1860, Abbie Maria, daughter of Amos D. Purinton, of Dover, N. H., and lives there, childless. 2252. Mary", married John Gardner; lived in Salem, Mass., and had: 1. Thomas' Gardner. 2. WilUam' Gardner. 3. Albert' Gardner. 4. Caroline' Gardner. 5. Susan' Gardner. 6. Charles B.' Gardner. 7. James' Gardner. 2253. Andrew", burned to death, aged 4 years and 15 days. 2254. Ruth", born in Dover, N. H., 30 March 1802 ; married, 4 January 1827, her cousin John Horne, of Somersworth, N. H., born 14 January 1802, son of Gershom and Lydia (Roberts) Horne, and grandson of Andrew Horne. His mother Lydia (Roberts) was sister of Ruth's" mother, and his brother Gershom Horne married AbigaU K." (2462) Wentworth. See note to Thomas* (766) Went worth. Thej' had (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Gershom Henry' Horne, born in Somersworth, N. H., 12 March 1828, died there, 3 January 1838. 2. Mary Louisa' Horne, born in Somersworth, N. H., 1 July 1830. 3. Charlotte Wentworth' Horne, born in Somersworth, N. H., 3 September 1833 ; manied, 3 July 1866, Walter Ordway, of South New Market, N. H., and lived there. They had : 1. Betsey Pierce® Ordwaj', born 24 February 1869. 4. James Andrew' Horne, born in Berwick, Me., 6 January 1835 ; lived in Dover, N. H. ; mai-ried, 12 January 1876, Annie L. KimbaU. 5. Charles Adams' Horne, born in Berwick, Me., 30 June 1837 ; married Florence Allen, of Salmon FaUs, N. H. ; lived in Albany, N. Y., a Professor of mathematics. They had : 1. Florence® Horne, born 25 October 1867. 6. Wilbur Fisk' Horne, born in Great FaUs, N. H., 15 April 1846 ; married, 4 January 1871, Mary LoweU, of Dover, N. H., and lived in Rochester, N. H. 2255. Lydia", born May 1804; married, 11 January 1827, Joseph Stackpole, of Great FaUs, N. H. (son of Douglass and 212 FIFTH GENERATION. Sarah (Lord) Stackpole, grandson of Samuel Stackpole, a lieuten ant in the Revolutionary army, and great-grandson of Christine (Otis) Baker, who was carried to Canada by the Indians in 1689.) They had (besides two who died j'oung) : 1. Sarah Frances' Stackpole, born 21 October 1829. 2. Thomas W.' Stackpole, born 23 September 1831. 3. Joseph E.' Stackpole, born 9 January 1836. 4. James W.' Stackpole, born 30 November 1842. 5. Anna EUen' Stackpole, born 13 October 1845, died in 1860. Lewis* (769), son of Col. Jonathan* and Betsey (Philpot) Wentworth, born 10 September 1779 ; married Susan, daughter of Benjamin and Lydia (Hanson) Watson, of Dover, bora 15 April 1770. Her mother Lydia (Hanson) was daughter of Isaac and Susannah (Canney) Hanson. (Susannah Canney was daughter of Thomas and Rose (Pinkham) Canney ; Rose Pinkham was daughter of John and Rose (Otis) Pinkham ; Rose Otis was daughter of Richard Otis, who was killed by the Indians in Dover in 1689. See "Otis" genealogy, N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, 1851). Lewis* died in Brookfield, N. H., 30 May 1803. His widow mar ried, 2d, after 27 March 1817 (his second wife) , Thomas Burleigh,* of Burleigh HiU, Sandwich, N. H., and died there about 1835. Lewis* had (besides one who died in infancy) : 2256. Susan Hanson", born a few months after her father's death ; was a school teacher, and living single in Urbana, Ohio, in 1877. Jonathan* (771), son of Col. Jonathan* and Betsey (Philpot) Wentworth, born 14 August 1784; married in Dover, N. H., 7 August 1808, Betsey Ricker.t They moved, in 1822, 'to South * Thomas Burleigh had, by a former wife, a daughter who manied Col Ben jamin Cook, of Wakefield, N. H., and their daughter Julia A. Cook married George L.' (2653) Wentworth, whom see. He had also (with other children) : Nathaniel Burleigh (who represented Sandwich in the New Hampshire Legis- latui-e with Paul' (1564), the father of the author of this work) ; Dr. Gilman Burleigh (married Sarah, daughter of Dr. Asa Crosby, of Sand wich, N. H., and sister of Prof. Alpheus Crosby, late of Dartmouth College); Thomas Burleigh (who was a member of the Senate in the State of Maine) ; and Col. Lewis Burleigh (who married Sarah Ralph, of Sandwich, N. H., she being born there 15 May 1782, and dying at Springfield, Me., 10 April 1874; and with whom the author of this work boarded while at New Hampton (N. H.) Academy in 1829). t Betsey Ricker was granddaughter of Paul Ricker who married Abigail Hodsdon. Paul Ricker was son of John Ricker, and grandson of the emigrant DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM® WENTWORTH. 213 China, Me., where she died 12 March 1860, aged 77 years, 3 months, and 7 days ; he died 28 Febraary 1867. They had : 2257. Olive R.", born in Dover, N. H., 18 September 1808 ; married, 17 October 1838, Caleb Randall, son of Benjamin and Susan (Cross) RandaU, born 28 April 1811 ; he died in Vassal borough, Me., 26 August 1862. They lived at Cross HiU P. 0., in Vassalborough, Me. , and had : 1. Lucy E. W.' Randall, born 10 November 1840 ; is single. 2. John W.' Randall, born 13 September 1842 ; married, in Lancaster, Mass., 20 December 1866, Melinda Susan, daughter of WiUiam Bickford, of Exeter, N. H., and sister to Annie (Bickford), wife of his brother Charles W.' Thej^ lived in Charlestown, Mass. 3. Charles W.' Randall, born 27 December 1843 ; married, in Cambridge, Mass., 15 August 1871, Annie, daughter of Wil Uam Bickford, of Exeter, N. H., and sister to Melinda Susan (Bickford) , -wife of his brother John W.' They live in Boston, Mass. 4. Anna B.' Randall, born 5 September 1845 ; married, in Charlestown, Mass., 24 April 1872, George A. Robbins, son of James and Harriet (Turner) Robbins, of Vassalborough, Me., where they Uved at last dates. 5. Mary F.' RandaU, born 15 August 1847, died 13 April 1857. 6. Susan J.' Randall, born 17 August 1849; married, 12 February 1874, WUUam F. Mills, son of Rev. James MiUs, of Vassalborough, Me. 2258. Mercy P.", born in Vassalborough, Me., 17 January 1815 ; was Uving single at last dates, in Vassalborough, with her sister Olive R." (2257), about five miles from her uncle David*. This lady has been of incalculable advantage to the author of this work in assisting him to trace out the Wentworth families in her region of the country. 2259. Betsey P.", bom in Vassalborough, Me., 11 September 1820 ; married, 1st, 20 August 1843, Philander Freeman, who died chUdless, 18 September 1848. She married, 2d, 24 December GeorgeRicker. (See "Ricker" note to Sarah' (29a) Wentworth.) Paul Ricker had a son Gershom Ricker, who had son Paul Ricker, whose daughter Anna Gilman Ricker manied George' (3463) Wentworth. Paul Ricker (who married Abigail Hodsdon) was also brother to Phineas Ricker whose daughter married Luke" (767) Wentworth, the brother of Jonathan" (771) above. 214 FIFTH GENERATION. 1852, Capt. EU Cox, of Bath, Me., a shipmaster, and lived at Branch MiUs, China, Me. 2260. Lucy E.", born 29 April 1823, died 30 May 1838. David* (772), son of Col. Jonathan* and Betsey (Philpot) Wentworth, born 2 May 1788; married Nancy Ham, of Dover, N. H., born June 1789, and lived at Brown's Comers, Vassalbor ough, Me., where she died 27 December 1852, aged 63 years. He died 3 March 1854, in Augusta, Me., at the residence of his son George P." They had : ' 2261. Ghild^, born 17 September 1821, died an infant. 2262. Charles W.", born 21 August 1822. [4350] 2263. George P.", bom in Vassalborough, Me., 11 August 1824. [4353] 2264. Jonathan", born 6 August 1832, died AprU 1833. Benning* (773), son of Enoch* and Lydia (Marden) Went worth, born 7 November 1794 ; lived in Somersworth, N. H. He married Hannah, daughter of John F. and DeUverance (Varney) Meader, of Rochester, N. H., born in Lee, N. H. He died in Dover, N. H., 14 March 1861. She died 20 March 1861, aged 46 years. They had : 2265. Clara Augusta", born 13 July 1840 ; married Hussey, and died 8 May 1863. 2266. George Whitefield", born 7 April 1842. 2267. Charles Wesley", born 9 December 1843, died 15 May 1846. 2268. John Cumley", born 7 January 1845. 2269. Mary Ellen", born 7 AprU 1849. Timothy* (787) son of Amaziah* and SaUy (Davis) Wentworth; married, in 1800 ("published" 6 October 1800), Betsey Roberts, of Shapleigh, Me. He died 31 December 1835. They had : 2270. Sarah", born 30 September 1801 ; married, 18 December 1823, John Jaj' Downs, who died at Contra Costa, Cal., 10 Novem ber 1852, aged 50 years. She died in 1864. They had (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Elizabeth Ann' Downs, bom in Lebanon, Me., in 1825; married, 19 August 1856, James Nourse Lindsay, of Lynn, Mass., and died 11 July 1869. She had: 1. Florence® Lindsay, born 12 October 1858. DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM® WENTWORTH. 215 2. Harriet Atwood' Downs, born 1827 ; married, in Somers worth, N. H., John Daniel Aymar ; lived in New York city, and had : 1. EUen PauUne® Aymar ; is dead. 2. John Wentworth® Aj-mar. 3. Sarah Ada' Downs, born in 1830 ; married, at Lynn, Mass., 1 January 1866, Albert Philips Taber ; lived in Somer- vUle, Mass., and had: 1. Ella Wentworth® Taber ; is dead. 2. George Aj-mai-® Taber. 4. PauUne SewaU' Downs, born in 1833 ; lived in Somerville, Mass., single. 5. John Quincy Adams' Downs, born 1 June 1836 ; is dead. 6. George Sumner' Downs, married Clara Louise Gilbert ; lived in PhUadelphia, Pa., and had : 1. Gilbert Bradley® Downs. 2. Louise Wentworth® Downs. 7. Eugene Radford' Downs, lived in Somerville, Mass. 2271. Martha", born 8 October 1804 ; married, 3 March 1835, John Home, of Lebanon, Me., nephew of Gershom Horne, who mar ried Lydia Roberts, and cousin of John Horne who married Ruth" (2254) Wentworth ; and died about 1842. See note to Thomas* (766) Wentworth. Her husband married again. She had : 1. Gershom Henry' Horne, married Mary Bartlett, and in 1874 was master mechanic somewhere on the Indiana Central R. R. They had : 1. Horace Bartlett® Horne. 2. Hany® Horne. 2272. PauUna Fairfield", born 19 July 1807 ; married, 24 August 1828, Benjamin Chapman Sewall, of Somersworth, N. H. He was bom in Edgecomb, Me., 14 May 1805. She died in Beloit, Wis., September 1854. They had (besides three who died in infancy) : 1. Charles Edgar' Sewall, born 6 February 1832 ; married, at Auburn, Me., 14 October 1861, Martha E. Kingsley, and had : 1. Charles Benjamin® Sewall, born 14 October 1862. 2. Minnie PauUne® SewaU, born 18 March 1867. 3. Edgar DanieF Sewall, born 4 May 1874. 2273, Charles R. P.", born 3 August 1809. [4355] 2274. Amasa", bom 18 October 1812. [4358] 2275. Cyrus K.", born 2 August 1816. [4362] 2276. Benjamin F.", born 4 July 1818, died single, in Lebanon, Me., about 1842. 216 FIFTH GENERATION. 2277. Eliza Jane", born 31 May 1821 ; married Ambrose Herri- man ; lived in Boston, Mass., and had (besides two who died in infancy) : 1 . Etta Pauline' Herriman, married George Orin Ross ; lived at Everett, Mass. , and had : 1. Hany Wentworth® Ross. 2. George Orin® Ross. 3. Ambrose Herriman® Ross. 2. Frank Ambrose' Herriman, lived in Boston. Samuel* (789), son of Samuel* and Rosanna (Hill) Wentworth, born in Somersworth, N. H., 10 September 1792. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and was called "Captain Sam." He married in Dover, N. H., 19 August 1819, Sarah Varney, born 11 July 1802. He died in South Berwick, Me., 26 July 1851 ; she died in Milton, N. H., 24 January 1874. They had : 2278. Mary Ann", born in Farmington, N. H., 5 April 1820; married, 9 March 1843, Simon Hart, of Rochester, N. H. He was brother of Mark Hunking Hart, whose first wife was a daughter of John and Sally* (Dore) Downs, and granddaughter of John and Charity* (325&) (Wentworth) Dore. They Uved in Milton, N. H., until 1865, since then in South Berwick, Me. They had (^born in Berwick) : 1. Alfred Wentworth' Hart, born 18 December 1843; en listed, 23 September 1861, in the 5th N. H. Vols.; was dis charged, from sickness, 2 August 1862, and died 4 May 1863, of the same disease. 2. Roscoe Cecil' Hart, born 18 January 1846, died 18 July 1860. 3. Alzade EUzabeth' Hart, born 13 November 1847 ; married, 28 May 1874 (his second wife), Ljnnan Shaw, of Standish, Me., born there 18 October 1833. His first wife was Hattie Whitney, of Standish, Me.. 4. Lyndal Simon' Hart, born 18 April 1850 ; married in South Berwick, Me., 30 July 1873, EmeUne F. BuzzeU, of Charleston, Me. 5. HamUn Guy' Hart, boin 25 May 1854. 6. Justin' Hart, born in Milton, N. H., 22 May 1857. 7. Bertha Louisa' Hart, born 19 June 1859. 8. Malcolm AUen Hayes' Hart, born 28 December 1861. 9. Ernest Lincoln' Hart, bom 21 October 1866. DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM^ WENTWORTH. 217 2279. Samuel Alfred", born in Milton, N. H., 9 September 1821. [4364] 2280. Hannah Parker", born 27 May 1824, died in Somers worth, N. H., 12 September 1825. 2281. WilUam King B.", born 24 March 1831 , died 8 July 1834. 2281a. Sarah E.", born 23 May 1832, died 12 Febraary 1836. 22816. WilUam King", born 18 AprU 1834, died 14 March 1836. 2282. EUzabeth Aramanta D.", bom 11 February 1837 ; mar ried, 26 January 1859, Nathaniel J. Kenney, of Lebanon, Me., and had: 1. EsteUa I.' Kenney, bom 7 April 1860. 2. Emily E.'. Kenney, bom 31 January 1863. 3. Addie R.' Kenney, born 24 May 1869. 2283. Sarah K. Malvina", born 4 May 1838, died 17 August 1838. 2284. George Clarence Scott", born 18 October 1839 ; married, 1 January 1866, Mary Chamberlain Hanson, of MUton, N. H. ; lives there, and had : 1. Lucia Chandler', born 23 June 1867. 2. Ina Frances', bora 26 June 1874. Joseph Hill* (790) , son of Samuel* and Rosanna (HiU) Went worth, bom 13 July 1794. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. He manied, 6 May 1816, EUzabeth Plummer, of Rochester, N. H. ; she was bom in 1790, died 12 May 1864, in Wakefield, N. H., where he died 23 December 1852. They had eight children, of whom three died young. The others were : 2285. Susan Ann", born 2 April 1822 ; married, in 1852, Moses Chamberlain Cate, born 6 June 1829, and lived in Brookfield, N. H. He died there 21 February 1876. They had : 1. Edgar Moreland' Cate, born 9 March 1853. 2. Ida Belle' Cate, born 4 August 1854. 3. Cora Emma' Cate, born 12 May 1856. 4. Hany Wentworth' Cate, born 30 November 1859. * 5. Lizzie Bacon' Cate, born 22 December 1861. 2286,. Mary Elizabeth", born 11 October 1824 ; lived in Wake field, N. H., single. 2287. Charles WilUam", born 4 April 1827 ; married, 1st, 17 June 1851, JuUet Walker, daughter of John and SaUy (Bean) Fuller, of Peacham, Vt., born 11 August 1822, died in Worcester, Mass., 2 September 1862. He married, 2d, 15 October 1863, 218 FIFTH GENERATION. Sarah Jane, daughter of Nathaniel and Sally (Gould) Blodgett, of Newfane, Vt., and Uved in Worcester, Mass. He had, by his first wife (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Frank FuUer', born 21 February 1853, died in Worcester, Mass., 20 July 1875. Charles WilUam" had, by his second wife (besides one who died in infancy) : 2. Harry Benning', born 4 February 1872. 2288. Joseph", bom 3 October 1829 ; married, 1 August 1851, Margaret Harriman, of Eaton, N. H., and died 22 February 1863, at Wakefield, N. H. She died December 1873, at Lebanon, Me. They had (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Clara Elizabeth', born 24 February 1852. 2. Frederick Morton', born 28 October 1854. 3. Harriet Emma', born 29 February 1856. 2289. Emily Rosanna", born 3 October 1833 ; at last dates was a school teacher in New Bedford, Mass. William Gowen* (794), son of Samuel* and Rosanna (HiU) Wentworth, born in Somersworth, N. H., 23 November 1803 ; married, 1st, 6 December 1829, Sophia', daughter of John" and Abra (Chadwick) Lord, and granddaughter of Samuel* (622) Lord. She was of Berwick, Me., born 7 November 1807, died 19 AprU 1833. He married, 2d, 6 July 1833, Martha Harvey, of Nottingham, N. H., born 13 June 1808. He died in Lawrence, Mass., December 1852. He had, by his first wife : 2290. Thomas Grafton", born 7 November 1830. 2291. Charles Edward", born 22 December 1831. 2292. William Gowen", born 13 AprU 1833, died 12 August 1833. William G.* had by his second wife : 2293. William Washington", born 19 June 1834; manied, and had one child ; was travelUng in the West at last dates. 2294. Samuel CUnton", born 17 December 1835 ; married Car oUne Putnam, of Nashua, N. H., born there 23 July 1835, and Uved in Haydenville, Mass. They had, born in Nashua, N. H. : 1. WilUam Grafton', bom 28 August 1857. 2. Periey', born 28 August 1860. 3. Charles Harve}'', died June 1867. 2295. Joseph Harvey", born 22 Febraary 1837 ; Uved in Hay denville, Mass., and had: DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM3 WENTWORTH. 219 1. Albert', born 1868. 2. Charles', born 1873. 2295a. James Morrill", bora in South Berwick, Me., 3 June 1839; married, at Haydenville, Mass., 31 July 1861, Henrietta Louisa Pierce ; Uved at Providence, R. I., and had : 1. Harrison Harvey', born 24 December 1866. 2. Dorman Deane', born 10 January 1869. 22956. Ellen Victoria", born October 1842 ; married Lewis Por ter ; lived at Haydenville, Mass., and had one child. Thomas Rickek* (795), son of Samuel* and Rosanna (Hill) Wentworth, born in Somersworth, N. H., in 1809; married, in Gi?eat Falls, N. H., 3 October 1830, Eunice Stackpole, of Somers worth, N. H., and died there in November 1835. She married, 2d, Jacob Sanborn, of Dover, N. H., and died in March 1842. Thomas R.* had (besides two who died young) : 2296. WiUiam", born February 1831. After his mother's death, he was adopted by his aunt Mrs. Abra (Stackpole) Leigh. He died in Dover, N. H., 18 March 1853. John* (797), son of Jacob* and Martha (Hurd) Wentworth, born 3 August 1790 ; manied Sarah Bowditch, of Salem, Mass., born 22 May 1793. He lived in Paris, Wis., untU 1850, after which he hved in Lynn, Mass., untU he died, 2 October 1863. She died 3 October 1859. They had : 2297. John B.", bom in 1813. [4367] 2298. Jacob Samuel", born 19 August 1817. [4370] 2299. Thomas Bradbury", born in Exeter, N. H., May 1821 ; was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion. He married, 16 June"" 1856, in Sharon-yille, Ohio, Nancy Martin, born 30 January 1837 ; hved there, and had (besides four who died in infancy) : 1. John L.', born 24 July 1857. 2. Edwin', born 8 December 1870. 2300. Alexander", born April 1825. [4371] 2301. Sarah Ann", born in Exeter, N. H., 10 August 1831 ; married, 16 June 1851, Henry Wing Holbrook, of Boston, Mass., born there 22 March 1831; Uved in Nashua, N. H., and had (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. George Keene' Holbrook, born 13 August 1852. 2. Helene' Holbrook, born 23 November 1854. 3. Louis Henri' Holbrook, born 31 March 1859. 220 FIFTH GENERATION. 4. Jennie May' Holbrook, born 5 September 1861. 5. Jacob Wentworth' Holbrook, born 23 October 1869. 2302. Lucy Martha", born 15 September 1836 ; married, 15 September 1854, George Washington MerriU; lived in LoweU, Mass. , and had (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Walter Fremont' MerriU, born 29 AprU 1856. 2. Clair Bowditch' MerriU, born 17 Decemb'er 1865. 2303. KimbaU E.", died young. Lewis* (798), son of Jacob* and Martha (Hurd) Wentworth, born 6 June 1792 ; married, 27 September 1813, Hannah Everson, of Dover, N. H., bora 26 November 1787. He died in Exeter, N. H. They had (besides one who died in infancy) : 23()4. John R.", born 13 November 1815. [4373] 2305. James M.", born 9 November 1818. [4379] 2306. Lewis E.", born 29 AprU 1823. [4380] Moses* (802), son of Jacob* and Martha (Hurd) Wentworth, born 29 May 1802; married, in RoUinsford, N. H., March 1830, Jane, daughter of Jeremiah Kennison, of Northwood, N. H., born 17 February 1798. They lived in Lynn, Mass. He died in Strat ham, N. H., 27 January 1871. She was living at Wadleigh's FaUs, Lee, N. H. , in 1872, with her daughter Martha EUen". They had : 2306a. Sarah Ann", born in RolUnsford, N. H., 7 January 1831 ; married, 1st, in Great Falls, N. H., in 1848, Charles RamsdeU, of York, Me., who died February 1860; 2d, August 1863, Gilman Trefing, of New York. She died in Raymond, N. H., August 1865. She had, by her first husband, first three born in South Berwick, Me. : 1. Lydia Jane' RamsdeU, born in 1848 ; married Charles West, of Raymond, N. H. ; Uved there, and had one child, born about 1870. 2. Charles Moses' RamsdeU, born in 1850. 3. Sarah EUen' RamsdeU, born iu 1854 ; married Sylvester Sargent, of WeUs, Me., and Uved in North Berwick, Me. 4. Pitman Octavius' RamsdeU, born in York, Me., 15 Feb ruary 1859. 23066. Rebecca", bom in Exeter, N. H., March 1835, died in Portsmouth, N. H., 28 July 1845. 2307. Martha Ellen", born in Watertown, Mass., June 1843; married, 1st, in Lee, N. H., 15 AprU 1856, Benjamin F. Bennett, DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 221 of Northwood, N. H., where he died 8 May 1861 ; 2d, in 1864, r,t Durham, N. H., John Cook, of St. Johns, N. B., and lived at Wadleigh's Falls, Lee, N. H. She had, by her first husband : 1. Minnie C Bennett, born in Stratham, N. H., 15 Decem ber 1858. 2308. Jacob", born in RolUnsford, N. H., in 1845 ; married, 1st, 19 April 1863, Alwilda Emerson, of Barnstead, N. H., sister to the wives pf Ichabod" (780.4) Philpot and Richard" (780.5) Philpot; also, to John Emerson who married Clara L." (2421) Wentworth. They had : 1. Wilbur', bom at RoUinsford, N. H., 14 October 1863. After his birth the parents separated. Jacob" married again ; Uved in Boston, Mass., and has children. His wife married, 2d, Horace Lord, and has children. 2309. Lydia Jane", born in RolUnsford, N. H., 20 May 1847 ; lived in Albany, Vt., single. Ezekiel* (803), son of Jacob* and Martha (Hurd) Wentworth, born 11 May 1806 ; married, in Exeter, N. H., Shuah Carter. He died March 1835. She ijaarried again, had children, and is dead. Ezekiel* had : 2310. Andrew E.", born at Exeter, N. H., 15 July 1834 ; mar ried, 15 July 1861, Emma A. Harrington, of Eastport, Me., born 2 April 1842, and lived at Great Falls, N. H. He was Represen tative from Somersworth in the Legislature in 1876. He had : 1. Harry Parker', bora at Great FaUs, N. H., 1 March 1862. 2. Elizabeth Maud', bom 20 July 1870. 2311. Anna", married, in Lee, N. H., 1 September 1862 (his second wife), WilUam H. Ballard, of Peoria, 111. ; lives there, and has chUdren. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWOETH. Jonathan Young* (807) , son of Gershom* and Hannah (Young) Wentworth; married Sarah* (841), daughter of Bartholomew* (310) Wentworth, bom 9 January 1772. They Uved in Lebanon, Me. He died 25 October 1815, aged 50 years ; she died 12 March 1843. They had: 2312. Levi", born 19 August 1791. [4383] 2313. Sabra", born in Lebanon, Me., 24 December 1792 ; mar ried, 16 January 1812, James Stanton, son of Benjamin and Lydia (Brackett) Stanton, of Alfred, Me., born there 11 December 1796 ; I I 222 FIFTH GENERATION. he was brother of Dorcas Stanton who married Sabra's" brother Levi". Benjamin Stanton was son of Benjamin and Eleanor (Jones) Stanton, both being grandchildren of the emigrant George Ricker. James Stanton's mother became second wife of Caleb* (529) Wentworth. James Stanton died 28 August 1867 ; she died 6 AprU 1872, both at West Lebanon, Me., on their old homestead, the farm now owned by their son James Brackett' Stanton. They had : 1. Caroline' Stanton, born 14 February 1813 ; married, 26 November 1835, Frederick Dixon, of Lebanon, Me., born 30 August 1811, and had : 1. Achsah Stanton® Dixon, born 3 March 1837 ; married, in 1857, Noah Horne Roberts, of Rochester, N. H., and had : 1. Charles Frederick^ Roberts, born 4 August 1860. 2. Caroline Rebecca^ Roberts, born 6 December 1861. 3. John Hanison" Roberts, born 2 June 1865. 4. WilUam Pitt^ Roberts, born 14 February 1867. 5. James Stanton^ Roberts, born 7 January 1872. 6. Luther Hayes^ Roberts, born 26 July 1873. 2. James Payson® Dixon, bom 20 September 1842 ; graduated B. C. 1867 ; married, 4 July 1872, Mary Abby Lord, born 26 AprU 1844. 3. Horace Frederick® Dixon, born 30 July 1850. 2. Achsah' Stanton, born 27 September 1814, died 2 August 1836. 3. Benjamin' Stanton, born 20 October 1816 ; graduated B. C. 1848 ; was once Principal of New Hampton (N. H.) Insti tution, and afterwards Professor in Union College. He married, in 1848, Catherine Philbook Coffin, of Wolfeborough, N. H., and died 18 July 1874, at Schenectady, N. Y. He had : 1. Horace Coflin® Stanton, born 1 April 1849 ; is a Pres byterian minister. 2. Benjamin Irving® Stanton, born 9 June 1853. 3. Katie Lj'rie® Stanton, born 18 January 1858. 4. LUUe Brackett® Stanton, born 9 February 1861. 4. Horace' Stanton, born 27 August 1818, died 28 January 1847, single. 5. Lydia Brackett' Stanton, born 2 AprU 1820; married, 15 March 1846, John C. White, of Gorham, Me., born 24 June 1822; and had: DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 223 1. Francena Stanton® White, born 2 June 1848; mar ried, 5 September 1867, Thomas Thaddeus Morrill, of Farmington, N. H., born 30 November 1840. 2. EUa EUzabeth® White, born 10 June 1853. 3. Chauncey BaUow® White, born 26 March 1856. 6. Sabra' Stanton, born 24 December 1822, died single, 7 March 1869. 7. James Brackett' Stanton, born 4 October 1824 ; married, 19 March 1851, Catherine White, of Gorham, Me., born 27 August 1826, and had : 1. Clara Edith® Stanton, bom 4 September 1856. 2. Mary EUna® Stanton, born 10 January 1860. 3. Helen White® Stanton, born 13 October 1863. 8. Levi Wentworth' Stanton, born 19 January 1826 ; gradu ated B. C. 1855 ; married,' 17 August 1858, Anna Theresa Bur leigh, of Sandwich, N. H., born 5 June 1838 ; and had : 1. Mary® Stanton, born 17 July 1861. 2. Grace® Stanton, born 6 October 1865. 3. Theresa® Stanton, born 9 AprU 1870. 9. Sarah Wentworth' Stanton, born 30 October 1829 ; is single. 10. Clarinda' Stanton, born 3 May 1832 ; married, 11 Novem ber 1857, Rev. Ebenezer S. Jordan, of Raymond, Me., born 11 September 1819. She was at one time principal of the female department of the New Hampton (N. H.) Institution. They had : 1. Herbert Stanton® Jordan, born 23 September 1858. 11. Jonathan Young' Stanton, born 16 June 1834 ; graduated B. C. 1856 ; married, 7 August 1866, Harriet Cushman Wood man, of Portland, Me., born 6 January 1831 ; is Professor in Bates CoUege, Lewiston, Me. 2314. Seth", born 22 January 1794. [4387] 2315. Lucy", born 24 February 1796 ; married James Kilgore Lord ; lived in Lebanon, Me. , and had : 1. Hannah Wentworth' Lord, manied, 23 June 1844, her cousin Jonathan Young' (4384) Wentworth, son of Levi" (2312) and Dorcas (Stanton) Wentworth, whom see. 2316. Charlotte", born 15 May 1798 ; married, in Lebanon, Me., 12 December 1821, Daniel Goodwin, who died 2 August 1832. She died 31 August 1844, leaving children in Reading, Mass. 2317. WiUiam", born 3 AprU 1801. [4394] 2318. Marianne", born 15 March 1802 ; married, 2 December 1821, Edmund Clark CoweU, born in 1799. They had : 224 FIFTH GENERATION. 1. Levi Samuel'- CoweU, born 15 December 1822 ; manied, 6 June 1850, Sarah Anne Frj^e, born 9 October 1826, and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Orrin Kossuth® CoweU, born 28 Febraary 1852. 2. Otho M.® CoweU, bom 6 March 1855. 3. Sabra® CoweU, born 6 December 1856. 4. J. Bell® CoweU, born 7 October 1858. 2. Mary A.' CoweU, born 21 August 1824; married, 13 December 1849, Jonathan Rankin, born 12 December 1828; and had : 1. Francena Eveline® Rankin, born 9 December 1850; married 18 March 1871, Stephen D. Lord, born in 1844. 2. Zelona Ildefonse® Rankin, born 10 April 1852. 3. Henry Clark® Rankin, born 16 February 1859. 3. Hosea BaUou' CoweU, born 24 June 1826, died 11 June 1849. 4. Sally Wentworth' CoweU, born 21 August 1829 ; married, 18 October 1819, John MiUs, born February 1829. 5. Shem Wentworth' CoweU, bom 20 October 1831 ; married Cynthia Story. 6. Sabra Brackett' CoweU, born 28 March 1833. 7. Isaac HaU' CoweU, born 18 March 1836, died 15 June 1872. 2319. Betsey", bom 4 June 1804 ; married, 16 May 1824, Isaac Copp, of Lebanon, Me., born 31 January 1801 ; lived in Farming- ton, N. H., and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Reuben H.' Copp, born 3 March 1825 ; married, 1st, 31 October 1853, Hannah J. Burke, of Wolfeborough, N. H,, born 13 September 1832, died 13 December 1865 ; 2d, 26 December 1866, Betsey J. Burke, of Wolfeborough, N. H., sister of his first wife ; lived in 1877, in Barnstead, N. H., and had, by first wife : 1. Ida J.® Copp, born 28 August 1854 ; married in 1875, Albion J. McNeal, of Barnstead, N. H. 2. Velzora® Copp, born 5 AprU 1857. 3. Isaac® Copp, born 28 August 1858. 4. John® Copp, born 15 April 1862. 2. Belinda' Copp, born 2 February 1833. 3. Sophronia' Copp, born 14 September 1834 ; married, 28 October 1854, her cousin Moses L.' (4395) Wentworth, whom see. 2320. , Shem", born 3 AprU 1807, died in Biddeford, Me., 21 May 1835, single. 2321. Cyrus", born 4 AprU 1809, died 15 September 1814. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 225 Andrew* (809) , son of Gershom* and Hannah (Young) Went worth, born 17 June 1771 ; married Martha Goodwin, of Wells, Me., bora 15 February 1775. Her father Joseph Goodwin was a soldier in the Revolution. Thej^ removed to Brownfield, Me., in 1800, where he died 8 December 1854. She died 30 January 1860. He said that he was the fourth child, but could not give the author the dates of birth of his brothers and sisters. He had : 2322. Hannah", born 8 January 1799 ; married, 4 August 1827, Charles Fogg, of Brownfield, Me., bom in Limington, Me., 18 November 1798. He died 20 March 1870. His father Charles Fogg drew a pension as a Revolutionary soldier. They had : 1 . Angeline Brackett' Fogg, born 28 February 1828 ; married, June 1874, Elisha Stanley, of Porter, Me. 2. AvUda Catherine' Fogg, born 30 June 1830. 3. Martha Wentworth' Fogg, born 4 August 1831. 4. Alphonzo' Fogg, born 24 March 1834, died 12 May 1873. 5. Meribah Wentworth' Fogg, born 2 March 1836, died 3 October 1868. 6. Charles Henry' Fogg, bom 2 January 1838 ; married, 18 March 1866, Ernestine Cobb, of Providence, R. I., born 12 May 1843 ; lived on the home farm. They had : 1. Jennie AugTista® Fogg, born in Boston, Mass., 11 August 1867. 7. WiUiam WaUace' Fogg, bom 30 September 1839 ; enlisted, 22 September 1861, in Co. C, 9th Maine Vols. ; was wounded at Fort Wagner ; discharged 27 September 1864 ; and at last dates Uved in California. He married, 30 May 1874, Susan E. Lord, of Porter, Me. 2323. WUUam", born 2 March 1801. [4400] 2324. Jacob Brackett", born 1 September 1803. [4403] 2325. Joseph Goodwin", born 5 April 1806. [4404] 2326. Lucinda MerriU", bom 22 December 1808 ; married, 29 June 1842, Joshua Goodwin, of Wells, Me., bom 29 January 1816, died 11 August 1864. She was Uving at Wells in 1875. They had: 1. Joseph Andrew' Goodwin, born 15 January 1849 ; mar ried, 8 August 1871, Adelphia Jane Littlefield, born in WeUs, Me., 15 September 1841. 2327. Meribah Goodwin", born 17 June 1811, died 26 Febru ary 1836. 2328. Martha", born 10 November 1813, died 3 June 1855. VOL. n. — 15 226 FIFTH GENERATION. 2329. Sabra", born 12 October 1816; lived in Boston, Mass., and died 11 November 1866. 2330. Andrew Hobbs", born 12 September 1819. [4407] Elijah* (810), son of Gershom* and Hannah (Young) Went worth, born in Somersworth, N. H., 21 September 1775 ; married, November 1805, AbigaU Burleigh Sands, bom 29 June 1783, died 29 June 1832 ; he died in Lyman, Me., 24 September 1854. They had : 2331. Francis", born 13 October 1806 ; lived single, in Alfred, Maine. 2332. Sarah Ann Fisher", born 9 October 1808, died, single, 7 September 1845. 2333. Eli", born 30 July 1814, died 5 June 1865. 2334. Charlotte Skeele", born 18 March 1818 ; lived single, in Alfred, Me., in 1872. 2335. Alvah", born 14 December 1832. [4410] Tappan* (816), son of Evans* and Dorothy* (Wentworth) Went worth, born ill Somersworth, N. H., 16 AprU 1774 ; manied, July 1804, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Bradburj^ ; removed to Par sonsfield, Me., June 1806, where he died 21 June 1850 ; she died 4 November 1849. They had : 2336. Thomas Bradbury", bom 28 January 1806. [4411] 2337. Zenas Paine", born in Parsonsfield, Me., 15 June 1809 ; graduated at Dartmouth CoUege in 1836 (in class with the author of this work) ; was admitted to the Bar in 1839 ; removed to Hol ton, Me. ; was County Treasurer, County Attorney, and Judge of Probate ; and died at Parsonsfield, Me., single, 2 September 1864. 2338. GUes Merrill", born 17 June 1811. [4414] 2339. Elizabeth", born 10 November 1813 ; married, in Parsons field, Me., Samuel Leighton" (2019) Ricker, born 18 December 1808, son of Pelatiah* (690) and Jane (Leighton) Ricker; whom see. Isaac* (817), son of Evans* and Dorothy* (Wentworth) Went worth, born 13 August 1776 ; married Eleanor (bom 1775), daugh ter of Thomas Goudy (who emigrated from England, and lived in Newcastle, N. H.). Isaac* died in Dover, N. H., 23 July 1827 She died 5 October 1859. They had : 2340. Lydia", born 3 November 1798 ; married, 30 March 1821 , Richard Gove, of Dover, N. H., and died 9 December 1863, hav ing had : DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 227 1. Rebecca Jane' Gove, bom 21 November 1821 ; married, 25 February 1845, Jacob K. Young, of Dover, N. H., and had (besides one who died in infancj') : 1. Frederick Lawrence® Young, born 17 November 1847 ; married, 8 August 1872, Alice W. Sherman, of Marshfield, Mass. He enUsted, 6 September 1864, in Bat tery J, 2d Mass. Artillery, and served until the close of the war. They had : 1. Avery Lawrence^ Young, born 24 August 1873. 2. Arabella Wentworth® Young, born 8 May 1855. 3. George Howard® Young, bom 16 November 1860. 2341. Levi G.", born 22 November 1799, died in Dover, N. H., single, 3 October 1865. 2342. Tappan", born 24 February 1802. [4415] 2343. Mary Watts", born January 1804, died in infancy. 2344. Amos", born August 1805, drowned, 22 May 1810, in Dover, N. H. 2345. Susan", born March 1807, died October 1818. 2346. Dorothy J.", born 10 November 1808 ; married, 14 Octo ber 1832, Thomas Joshua Roberts, of RolUnsford, N. H. He was son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Garvin) Roberts, and grandson of Alexander and Rebecca (Garland) Roberts. (Alexander Roberts was half-brother of Joanna Roberts who married Deacon SamueF (52) Wentworth (under whom see note) ; and of Sarah Roberts who manied Ebenezer® (68) Wentworth.) Thomas J. Roberts was born 11 June 1807, died 18 February 1834 ; she died at LoweU, Mass., 25 March 1858. Thej' had one child, which died in infancy. 2347. Mary Mansfield", born 14 November 1810; married, 17 November 1833, David C. Morrill, of Epping, N. H. ; lived at Providence, R. I. ; she died af Bristol, R. I., 25 September 1876. They had (besides three who died young) : 1. Tappan Wentworth' Morrill, born 12 August 1834 ; mar ried, 15 July 1856, Frances J. Gleason, of Durham, N. H., and had: 1. Albert Everett® MorriU, born 13 September 1857. 2. WilUam Harris® MoniU, born 8 February 1859, died 24 November 1864. 2. Eleanor Frances' MorriU, bom 28 June 1836 ; married, 8 September 1859, WUUam A. Harris, J3f Providence, R. I. ; lived there, and had : 1. Frederick A.® Harris, born 22 August 1864. 228 FIFTH GENERATION, 2. William A.® Harris, born 22 June 1872. 3. EUzabeth Roberts' MorriU, born 16 Febraary 1838 ; mar ried, 24 August 1863, Augustus O. Bourn, of Providence, R. I. ; lived at Bristol, R. I., and had : f 1. Augustus O.® Bourn, bom 7 May 1865. 2. Elizabeth Roberts® Bourn, born 6 January 1874. 3. George Osborne® Bourn, twin with EUzabeth R.® 4. AUce Mansfield Wentworth® Bourn, born 5 May 1876. 4. George Albert' MorriU, born 12 July 1842 ; married, 12 June 1866, Mary Irwin, of Providence, R. I., and had : 1. George Irwin® MorriU, born 8 May 1869. 2. David Cliflbrd® MorrUl, born 3 December 1870. 3. WiUiam Dickson® MorriU, bom 7 March 1872. 4. Frederick Wentworth® MorriU, born 7 April 1873. 5. Mary Wentworth' Morrill, born 14 Febraary 1850 ; Uved at Providence, R. I. 2348. Amos", born 9 August 1812. [4416] 2349. George Thomas", born 17 October 1814. [4420] 2350. EUzabeth Reed", born 13 December 1817 ; married, 3 July 1842, John B. HuU, of Dover, N. H. She died 6 January 1846. He married, 2d, Sarah N., daughter of Samuel Horne, of Dover, N. H., and had children. Elizabeth R." had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Mary Eleanor' HuU, born 23 June 1845; married, 24 October 1863, Parker S. Kimball, of Providence, R. I., and had one child, who died in infancy. 2351.' Harriet A. N.", born 9 July 1820 ; married, 18 May 1843, John Osborne Pierce, son of Col. Andrew and Abigail Smith (Os borne) Pierce, of Dover, N. H. He died in Charlestown, Mass., 2 May 1869. They had : 1. Andrew Osborne' Pierce, born 21 December 1844 ; mar ried, 18 September 1873, Lucy L., daughter of William Denton, of Charlestown, Mass. ; lived there, and had: 1. Ethel Louise® Pierce, born in 1875. 2. Lizzie Wentworth' Pierce, born 9 October 1849, died in Charlestown, Mass., 27 June 1866. William P.* (824) , son of Evans* and Dorothy* (Wentworth) Wentworth, born 17 November 1798 ; married Judith Tibbetts, of Wolfeborough, N. H. He died 4 August 1856 ; she died December 1850. They had: DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 229 2352. Mehitable Jane", born July 1821 ; married, 1st, John HiU, of Providence, R. I. ; 2d, in 1856, George W. Lake, of Prov idence, R. I., and lived there. Silas* (832) , son of Benjamin* and Rachel* (Wentworth) Went worth, born 1 March 1756 ; married Mary Bickford, of Madbury, N. H. He died in Shapleigh, Me., May 1808. She married, 2d (his second wife), Edmund Webber,* of Shapleigh, Me., and removed to North Waterborough, Me., where she died about 1812,, aged about 65 years. Silas* had : 2353. Benjamin", born 1 May 1781. [4422] 2354. Joseph", born 9 November 1782. [4428] 2355. Rachel", born 1784 ; married, 28 November 1805, Sam uel Jones, jr., of Lebanon, Me., and died there September 1823 ; he died there October 1826. They had, all born there (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Samuel N.' Jones, born 7 June 1808 ; married, in 1828, Eliza Parsons, of Newfield, Me., sister of Harriet Parsons, wife of his brother Ivory', and lived at Great Falls, N. H. He died March 1874. 2. Wentworth' Jones, born Februarj^ 1810, died about 1840. 3. Louisa' Jones, born 20 November 1817 ; married, 1840, Joseph Chase, of Lowell, Mass., and had (besides one who died young): 1. Frederick® Chase, born about 1852. 4. Ivory' Jones, married, 1840, Harriet Parsons, of New- field, Me., sister of Eliza Parsons, wife of his brother Samuel N.' ; Uved at Great Falls, N. H. 2356. Jonathan", bom in 1786 ; manied, in Shapleigh, Me., 30 March 1811, Dorcas Hubbard. He died childless, in the war of 1812. Some say he left a daughter Ada'. His widow married, 26 AprU 1819, John Hersom, of Shapleigh, Me. 2357. Nancy", born in 1787 ; married, in 1810, Samuel Earl, a farmer and teacher, born in North Waterborough, Me., 3 March 1783, where he died in 1843. She died in 1832. They had : * Edmund Webber, by his first wife Mary, had four sons and three daughters, one son being a Baptist minister. He was once a captive in the French and In dian war, and was also a soldier in the Revolutionary war. His third wife was Mrs. Rebecca SkUlings, of Saco, Me., who died in 1835, aged 70. He had no chil dren by the last two wives. He died at North Waterborough, Me., December 1819, aged 90 years. Allen Bradeen, of North Waterborough, Me., is a great- grandson by the first wife. 230 FIFTH GENERATION. 1. .Tames Uran' Earl, born 10 October 1811 ; married, 20 January 1834, Mary Dearborn, born 2 October 1811, died 7 Au gust 1865. He died 10 December 1863. They had: 1. Nancy Jane® Earl, born 25 July 1836, died 12 Sep tember 1848. 2. Mary Ann® Earl, born 21 June 1839 ; married, 3 May 1863, Alonzo J. Bradeen, lived on the old homestead at Waterborough, Me., and had: 1. Herberts Bradeen, born 31 August 1866. 3. Moses D.® Earl, born 11 June 1841, died 1 September 1865. 4. Martha Ann® Eari, born 11 May 1843, died 27 July 1865. 5. Nancy Jane® Earl, bom 8 April 1851 ; married, 24 December 1868, Melville Ridlon. 2. SUas' Earl, born 30 December 1812, died 5 March 1825. 2358. Amos", born 1790 ; enlisted in the war of 1812, and was not heard of afterwards. 2359. Mary Tibbetts", born in Shapleigh, Me., 9 April 1795 ; man-ied, in 1813, Weymouth Ricker, son of Levi and Abigail (Weymouth) Ricker,* of Waterborough, Me., born there in 1793. He died 26 December 1865, in New Vinej'ard, Me., where she died 8 January 1868. They had (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Hannah Sedgley' Ricker, born in Waterborough, Me., 12 February 1814 ; married, 31 March 1835, Moses Hoyt, born in New Portiand, Me., 1 September 1811. They had : 1. Charles Wentworth® Hoyt, born in New Vineyard, Me., 1 July 1837 ; died in California, 11 September 1863. 2. Augusta Ellen® Hoyt, born in New Vineyard, Me., 29 October 1839 ; married, September 1859, Charles Cars- ley, and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Mary Etta^ Carsley. 2. Charies^ Carsley. 3. John Frank® Hoyt, born in Industry, Me., 23 August 1841 ; married, 1870, OUve Wejonouth, of Aroostook co.. Me. 4. Alexander® Hoyt, born in Industry, Me., 27 October 1843 ; married, 12 July 1873, Angle L. Porter, of Framing- ham, Mass. * Levi Ricker, born 30 July 1747; married, 13 February 1772, Abigail Wey mouth. He was son of George Ricker, who was son of Maturin, who was son of the emigrant George Ricker. See " Ricker " note under Sarah' (29a). DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 231 5. Hiram Laforest® Hoyt, bom in Industry, Me., 5 Jan uary 1845 ; married, 4 March 1871, Ada Spooner, and had one child, who died in infancj'. 6. Christopher Columbus® Hoyt, born in Industry, Me., 2 August 1848. 7. Joseph Warren® Hoyt, born in New Portland, Me., 1 January 1851. 8. Mary Ella® Hoyt, born in New Portland, Me., 18 August 1854. 2. Wentworth' Ricker, born in Waterborough, Me., 11 Julj^ 1815 ; manied, 1st, 1 January 1840, Martha Lewis, of New Vineyard, Me., who died 11 July 1854; 2d, 26 May 1855, Wealthy Sprague, of Farmington, Me. He had, by his first wife (besides two who died young) : 1. Samuel Lewis® Ricker, born in New Vineyard, Me., 19 June 1847. Wentworth' had, by his second wife : 2. Berney Wentworth® Ricker, born 5 April 1856. 3 EUzabeth Wentworth' Ricker, bom in New Portland, Me., 12 AprU 1819 ; married, 2 July 1843, Orin HaU, bom 3 June 1817 ; and had (besides one who died in infancy): 1. Alton® HaU, born in Anson, Me., 30 December 1846 ; married, 12 August 1871, Mary Esther Elder. 2. Mabel® HaU, born in Anson, Me., 25 July 1851; married, 11 May 1873, John Metcalf, of New Portiand, Me. 3. Orin Fremont® HaU, bom in Anson, Me., 18 Janu ary 1859. 4. lEary Sedgley' Ricker, born 20 March 1821 ; married, 8 October 1846, Hersom Morse, and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Levi Humphrey® Morse, born in Lowell, Mass., 7 January 1847; married, 26 November 1869, Esther Rand, of New Vineyard, Me. 2. Simeon WejTnouth® Morse, born in New Vineyard, Me., 3 December 1848. 3. Emmogene® Morse, born in New Vineyard, Me., 9 November 1850; married, 4 March 1871, WilUam Patten, of Parkman, Me. 4. Alvin Strickland® Morse, born in New Vineyard, Me., 8 August 1855. 5. Hiram Weymouth' Ricker, born 9 August 1827 ; is single. 232 FIFTH GENERATION. 6. Caroline Almira' Ricker, born 6 October 1832; married, 20 October 1856, Jesse Martin Doyn, of Farmington, Me., born 21 November 1830 ; and had : 1. Clara EUa® Doyn, born in Farmington, Me., 2 June 1857, died in New Vineyard, Me., 10 February 1871. 2. Eldora May® Doyn, born in New Vineyard, Me., 25 December 1858. 3. Martha Manora® Doyn, born 11 August 1863. 4. Sadie BeU® Doyn, born 16 September 1869. 7. Martha Snow' Ricker, born 27 February 1834 ; married, 27 September 1851, Reuben Turner Spear, born 20 January 1825 ; removed to Aroostook, co.. Me., in 1863 ; they had (the first four born in New Portland, Me., the others in Aroostook count}') : 1. William T.® Spear, born 19 February 1853. 2. Frank LaForest® Spear, born 28 February 1854. 3. Mary Octa^da® Spear, born 27 February 1856. 4. Flora® Spear, born 21 March 1859. 5. Cora Nell® Spear, born 22 June 1863. 6. Mary Elizabeth® Spear, born 14 November 1866. 7. Charles W.® Spear, born 8 January 1869. Benjamin* (834), son of Benjamin* and Rachel* (Wentworth) Wentworth, bom in Somersworth, N. H., 19 February 1762 ; mar ried, 1st, in Berwick, Me., 15 September 1785, Abigail, daughter of Alexander Thompson, of Berwick, Me., bj'^ his first wife. She was born 18 January 1762, and died 18 November 1814. 2d, Nancy*, daughter of Alexander Thompson by his second wife, who was Dorothy* (315), daughter of Benjamin^ (67) Wentworth, whom see. She was born 18 January 1782. Benjamin* died in Berwick, Me., 21 January 1837. He had, by his first wife : 2360. Abigail", bom in Somersworth, N. H., 7 June 1787; married, 21 November 1811, Isaac Curtis, born in Arundel (now Kennebunkport), Me., 18 August 1787. He was brother of Joseph Curtis who married her sister Rachel" (2362) , and of Elijah Curtis who married her sister Betsey" (2363). They Uved in Brighton, Me., but just before his death he removed to Bingham, Me., where he died 22 October 1853 ; she died 11 September 1854. They had : 1. Abigail C Curtis, born in Berwick, Me., 10 AprU 1812 ; married, 8 May 1843, Asa York, of Brighton, Me., born in Shapleigh, Me., 20 October 1812. She died 3 January 1871, in Brighton, Me. They had : DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 233 1. Almira® York, born 7 May 1844 ; married, 1st, 14 February 1864, H. Libby ; 2d, 10 November 1867, Charles H. Clarke. She had, by her first husband : 1. SamueP Libby, bom in 1864. 2. David H.® York, born 8 November 1846. 3. Daniel S.® York, born 18 June 1848. 4. Martin B.® York, born 26 March 1851. 5. George Walter® York, born 7 July 1857. 2. Ivory W.' Curtis, born in Berwick, Me., 26 March 1813 ; married, 1st, 19 February 1839, Lucinda Maynard, born 20 May 1814, died 24 November 1848 ; 2d, 14 June 1849, Catherine MuUin, born 15 January 1831, died 28 February 1860; 3d, 21 AprU 1861, Ann C. Squire, bom 5 December 1837. He had, by his first wife : 1. Isaac® Curtis, bom in Brighton, Me., 26 June 1840 ; married, 19 January 1860, Lucy Mclntire, born 7 January 1842. They had : 1. Fabian Franklin^ Curtis, born 8 August 1860. 2. Adah V.s Curtis, born 19 November 1865. 3. Minnie E.9 Curtis, bom 8 February 1868. 2. Harriet Ann® Curtis, born 11 May 1842 ; married, 11 September 1869, Abram P. Andrews, born 10 August 1834. They had : 1. Rose Maud^ Andrews, born 13 February 1871. 3. Abena Frances® Curtis, born in Brighton, Me., 28 AprU 1844; married, 23 September 1866, Samuel S. Hus sey, born 25 June 1843 ; they had : 1. Iva AlbaS Hussey, born 6 March 1871. Ivory W.' had, by his second wife : 4. AbigaU Jane® Curtis, born in Brighton, Me., 18 Feb raary 1850 ; manied Charles F. Holom, and had : 1 . Frederick Burton^ Holom. Ivory W.' had, by his third wife : 5. Nelson Wentworth® Curtis, born in Brighton, Me., 17 January 1862. 6. Ivory Edgar® Curtis, born 23 April 1863. 7. Carrie Mabel® Curtis, born 25 July 1864. 8. Frederick Tristram® Curtis, born 28 March 1866. 9. Frank Herbert® Curtis, twin with Frederick T.® 3. Mary J.' Curtis, born in Lebanon, Me., 2 October 1814 ; married, 20 March 1850, John Hughes, born 2 February 1816. 234 FIFTH GENERATION. They Uved in Bingham, Me., and had (besides two who died young): 1. John P.® Hughes, born 22 November 1850, died 8 Febraary 1870. 2. Daniel G.® Hughes, born 6 May 1852. 3. Isaac® Hughes, born 13 December 1853. 4. Benjamin D.' Curtis, born in Berwick, Me., 5 May 1816 ; married Annie Good, and died June 1849, leaving one child. 5. Irilla R.' Curtis, born in York, Me., in 1818. 6. Alfonzo G.' Curtis, born in Berwick, Me., 2 July 1821 ; married, 19 October 1842, Lucinda S. Rice, born in Solon, Me., 18 December 1820. They had : 1. ArdeUa N.® Curtis, born in Brighton, Me., 25 Febru ary 1844 ; married, 20 October 1858, Jesse W. Forbes, born in Brighton, Me., 6 March 1830. They had, born in Brigh ton, Me. : 1. Edmund E.9 Forbes, born 10 May 1862. 2. Mary E.9 Forbes, born 3 December 1864. 3. Lamont9 Forbes, born 16 November 1867. 4. Alonzo9 Forbes, bom 3 June 1870. 2. Emma A.® Curtis, born in Bingham, Me., 3 March 1848 ; married, 14 November 1867, Augustus B. Clarke, born in Wilton, Me., 9 March 1839. 3. Llewellyn H.® Curtis, born 2 December 1849. 4. Lydia E.® Curtis, born 30 March 1852. 5. Stihnan F.® Curtis, born 19 August 1854. 6. Melvin E.® Curtis, born 19 July 1858. 7. Nancy N.' Curtis, born in Shapleigh, Me., 25 March 1822 ; married, 28 December 1841, Jehiel Rice; and died February 1846, in Solon, Me. They had: 1. John A.® Rice, born in Solon, Me., 16 October 1842 ; married, 8 May 1870, Izora Davis, born in Cornville, Me., 24 AprU 1852. They had : 1. Harry A.9 Rice, born 31 July 1870. 2. Thomas N.® Rice, born in Brighton, Me., 18 Septem ber 1844, died in Solon, Me., 1 September 1861. 8. Samuel' Curtis, bom in Brighton, Me., 19 March 1824; married, 5 December 1853, Martha Ann Hersey, bom in New Gloucester, Me., 4 October 1829. They lived in Solon, Me., and had (besides one who died in infancy): 1. Melvina Hersey^ Curtis, born 9 November 1854. DESCElfDANTS OF BEN.IAMIN® WENTWORTH. 235 2. Milford Augustus® Curtis, born 2 November 1856. 3. WiUiam Herbert® Curtis, born 3 December 1858. 4. Stilman Henry® Curtis, born 10 March 1861. 9. Lorena' Curtis, bom in Brighton, Me., 25 September 1825 ; married, 3 December 1846, Israel Drew, bom in Athens, Me., 1 June 1820. They had : 1. Alonzo B.® Drew, born in Athens, Me., 22 September 1847. 2. Charles F.® Drew, bom in Solon, Me., 22 May 1849. 3. Lorena L.® Drew, born 10 July 1852 ; married, 1 Jan uary 1872, Rufus H. Townson, bom in Pleasant Ridge, Me., 16 April 1843. 4. Abby A.® Drew, bom in Solon, Me. , 30 October 1854. 5. Esther J.® Drew, born 14 December 1856. 6. Israel E.® Drew, born 29 August 1859. 7. Joseph H.® Drew, born 1 January 1862. 8. John E.® Drew, born 8 November 1866. 10. Sarah Ann' Curtis, born in Brighton, Me., 21 May 1827 ; married, 27 September 1851, George Royal, born 14 September 1822 ; he enlisted in Co. H, 24th Maine Vols., and died 28 July 1863. They had (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. George F.® Royal, born in Solon, Me., 6 Novem ber 1853. 11. Lafayette' Curtis, born in Brighton, Me., 3 December 1828 ; married, 1st, 20 November 1856, Lucy P. Raymond, bom in Solon, Me., 16 July 1832, died 14 December 1870; 2d, 26 November 1871, Elizabeth E. Drew, of Athens, Me., born 16 March 1844, and lived in Brighton, Me. He had, by his first wife (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. BeU Dora® Curtis, bom 3 October 1857. 2. Ida May® Curtis, born 1 May 1861. 3. LiUie Etta® Curtis, born 27 July 1863. 4. Lucy Nettie® Curtis, born 1 August 1865. 5. Lizzie Lorana® Curtis, born 12 October 1868. 12. Elvira' Curtis, born in Brighton, Me., 15 February 1832. 2361. Mary", born in Lebanon, Me., 19 July 1790 ; married her maternal cousin Stephen Thompson, and lived in Acton, Me. He died August 1859 ; she died 6 June 1873. They had : 1. Mary' Thompson, married Daniel Quimby, of Acton, Me., and died childless, August 1874. 2. Abigail' Thompson. 236 FIFTH GENERATION. 3. Nancy' Thompson. 4. Almira' Thompson. 5. Stephen' Thompson. 6. Samuel' Thompson ; all of whom are dead. 2362. Rachel", born in Berwick, Me., 9 September 1791 ; mar ried, 5 December 1813, Joseph Curtis. He was born 20 December 1790, in Arundel (now called Kennebunkport), Me., where they lived on the old homestead of his father. He was brother of Isaac Curtis who manied her sister Abigail" (2360), and of Elijah Curtis who married her sister Betsey" (2363). Rachel" died 24 April 1871 ; he died 23 January' 1875. They had, aU born in Kenne bunkport, Me. (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Joseph' Curtis, bom 28 September 1816 ; married, 31 December 1842, Lucy D. Perkins, of Kennebunkport; Uved in Biddeford, Me., and had: 1. Charles Henry® Curtis, born 14 September 1843; married Georgia Leavitt, of Portsmouth, N. H. ; lived in Oshkosh, Wis., and had one child. 2. Martha Deering® Curtis, born 22 June 1846 ; married William H. Clough ; Uved in Kennebunkport, Me., and died 11 December 1866. 3. Clara EUen® Curtis, born 15 October 1855. 2. Benjamin Wentworth' Curtis, born 5 February 1818 ; married, 8 June 1843, Susan Wilds, of Kennebunkport, Me., and had : 1. Benjamin FrankUn® Curtis, born 3 April 1844, died 16 June 1866. 2. Jason Langdon® Curtis, bom 11 March 1846, died 8 September 1863. 3. Susan MariUa® Curtis, born 13 January 1848. 4. Samuel Wentworth® Curtis. 5. Rachel Marj-® Curtis. 3. Cyrus King' Curtis, born 31 May 1819 ; married, 23 January 1848, Rachel' (4433) Wentworth, of Rochester, N. H., whom see for children. 4. Erastus Hayes' Curtis, born 28 October 1820 ; married Theodosia Libbey, of Lebanon, Me., and lived in Kennebunkport, Maine. 5. Mary Perkins' Curtis, born 17 May 1822 ;' married, 18 February 1865, John Lord, of Lj^man, Me., and had : 1. Lillian Jane® Lord, born 1 September 1868. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 237 6. Jason Langdon' Curtis, born 15 November 1823 ; married, 15 December 1847, Susan Oakes, of Rockport, Mass. ; lived there and had : 1. Jason Langdon® Curtis. 2. Susan Emma® Curtis. 3. Clara Sophia® Curtis. 7. James Lewis' Curtis, born 3 February 1826 ; married, 8 October 1849, Olive E. Daniels, of Kennebunkport, Me., and had: 1. Marj- Lizzie® Curtis, born 4 August 1850, died 11 March 1865. 8. George Whitefield' Curtis, born 16 May 1829 ; married, 12 June 1848, JuUa W. Webber, of Freeport, Me., and had : 1 . Olivia Brock® Curtis, died young. 2. Ariana® Curtis, born 18 Febraary 1851. 9. John Wesley' Curtis, born 16 May 1829 ; married, 8 Oc tober 1848, Sarah Merrill, of Parkman, Me., and had one child, who died young. 10. Rachel Wentworth' Curtis, bom 31 August 1831. 11. Jacob Mitchell' Cui-tis, born 20 AprU 1833. 2363. Betsey", born 27 February 1794; married, 1st, 11 Sep tember 1815, EUjah Curtis, brother to the husbands of her sisters Abigail" (2360) and Rachel" (2361) ; 2d, GoweU, and at last dates was Uving a Vidow at Lebanon or Berwick, Me. She had, by her first husband : 1. Benjamin' Curtis, born 27 April 1816 ; married, in Mont peUer, Vt. ; went West and died. 2. David B.' Curtis, bom 8 January 1819 ; manied, in 1844, Ruth Noyes, of Lisbon, N. H., and had : 1. Eliza® Curtis. 3. Silas Wentworth' Curtis, born 29 November 1821 ; mar ried, 25 March 1844, Albina E. KimbaU, of Stratford, N. H., and had (besides three who died young) : 1. Mary A.® Curtis, born 1 December 1845 ; married, 23 June 1863, Ephraim H. HaU, and had : 1. Julia9 Hall, born 5 AprU 1864. 2. Silas C.9 HaU. 3. Elroy9 HaU. 4. Albina9 HaU. 2. Maria W.® Curtis, bom 11 December 1846 ; married, 28 December 1866, WiUiam Bennett, and had : 238 FIFTH GENERATION. 1. Archie9 Bennett. 2. Edward9 Bennett. 3. Charles C.® Curtis, born 8 Febraary 1848 ; manied, 3 December 1873, Anna Luce. 4. Elsie A.® Curtis, born 7 July 1849 ; married, 27 De cember 1868, Oriman E. Kenney, and had : 1. Ola C.9 Kenney, born 6 November 1869. 2. Hiram H.9 Kenney, born 2 March 1872. 5. AdeUa T.® Curtis, born 20 December 1852. 6. Eliza J.® Curtis, born 1 August 1857. 7. Alice K.® Curtis, born 3 March 1859. 8. Lottie T.® Curtis, born 23 November 1860. 9. Olivia K.® Curtis, born 3 March 1862. 4. Elijah' Curtis, horn 1 July 1823, died 3 September 1834. 5. Betsey J.' Curtis, born 7 September 1825 ; married Aldiii Hurlburt, and lived in North Benton, N. H. 6. Francis P.' Curtis, born 22 November 1831, died 22 April 1843. 2364. Samuel", born 17 April 1798. [4432] 2365. Alexander", born 3 August 1800, died 18 December 1814. 2366. Stephen" (originally named "Stimpson"), born in Ber wick, Me., 1 June 1801. [1442] 2367. Benjamin", born 26 August 1803 ; bought, about 1824, of his brother Stephen" (2366) , a tract of land about two miles out side the present limits of the city of Bangor, Me. (where Stephen" afterwards visited him) , and settled upon it. He married, and went away, leaving three iufant children. His wife soon after died, and also her daughter Susan'. He had : 1. Benjamin B.', born 1 September 1826; was brought up at Harmony, Fairfield, and Bath, Me., until twenty-one years of age; married, in Albion, Me., 5 Februarj- 1854, Emily L., daughter of Hiram and Ann (Bessey) Judkins, born in Bingham, Me., 3 February 1837. He lives in Lewiston, Me., and had : . 1. Benjamin B.®, born in Albion, Me., 12 November 1856. 2. Laura A.®, born in Albion, Me., 1 December 1860. 3. Mary E.®, born in Newjiort, Me., 28 June 1863. 4. MiUard F.®, born in St. Albans, Me., 20 March 1867. 5. Daughter.^ 2. Charles', brought up by Hiram Marble, of Newbury, Me., and moved to parts unknown. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 239 3. Susan', died. 2368. Nancj^", born 6 June 1805 ; married, 3 May 1829, Moses Chamberlain, of Rochester, N. H. ; lived there, and had : 1. Samuel Wentworth' Chamberlain, born in Rochester, N. IL, 31 December 1832 ; mai-ried, 17 June 1855, EUen Au gusta Austin, of Natick, Mass., and had one child, who died j-oung. 2. Mary Abigail' Chamberlain, born in Rochester, N. I-L, 6 December 1835 ; married, 2 November 1853, John Randolph Folsom, of Tamworth, N. H., and died in Montreal, P. Q., 25 October 1865. She had two children, who died in infanc3^ 2369. Silas", born in Berwick, Me., 19 December 1807. [4456] Benjamin* had, by his second wife : 2370. Dorothy", born in Berwick, Me., 13 Febraary 1816; manied, 3 February 1839, Samuel Clark, and lived in Rochester, N . H. They had (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Lois Jane' Clark, born 4 November 1839 ; married Jere miah Randall, jr. , and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Sadie Albertine® Randall, born 12 January 1858. 2. Winfield Scott® Randall, born 13 October 1860. 3. Grace Lilian® Randall, born 16 October 1874. 2. Charles Henry' Clark, born 17 February 1841. 3. Abbie Wentworth' Clark, born 16 November 1843, died 11 November 1874. 4. Mary Maria' Clark, born 9 January 1846 ; married, 1 March 1871, John Henry Waison, and had : 1. Charles William® Watson, born 17 April 1872. 2. George Clark® Watson, born 9 November 1874. 5. Silas Wentworth' Clark, born 6 January 1852. 6. Samuel' Clark, born 26 April 1854 ; married Lizzie C. Dame, of Rochester, N. H., 1 August 1874. 7. George Edward' Clark, born 4 September 1856. 2371. Sabrina", born in Berwick, Me., 6 November 1821 ; mar ried, 4 June 1849, Jesse W. Clough, of Wolfeborough, N. H., and had : 1. George Henry Augustus' Clough, bom 30 March 1852 ; married, 26 November 1874, Inez W. BlaisdeU, of Lebanon, Me. 2. Nancy W.' Cldugh, born 4 May 1854 ; married, 1 January 1871, Woodbury F. BlaisdeU. 3. Joshua HoUand' Clough, born 7 November 1862. 240 FIFTH GENERATION. 2372. Bartholomew T.", born 21 April 1827 ; manied, 23 April 1848, Sarah', daughter of WilUam and Mary" (1501) (Wentworth) Gubtail, of Berwick, Me., born 11 November 1811. He was drowned, 28 May 1871, chUdless. She was living a widow, in Lebanon, Me., in 1875. She was sister of Martha' Gubtail, who was first wife of Dudley Tebbetts, whose second wife, after his death, married George T." (2349) Wentworth. 2373. George", born 15 July 1827, died in 1829. Stimpson* (836) , son of Benjamin* and Rachel* (Wentworth) Wentworth, born 25 September 1767 ; moved to Lebanon, Me. ; married Martha Bragdon, of that place, and lived there. He dropped suddenly dead, 3 January 1799, in his mill, which is now called Lankton's Mills, near what is now East Rochester, N. H. His widow did not many again. They had : 2374. Tamsen", born 1 August 1791 ; married Israel Smith, of Waterborough, Me., where she died 16 February 1864. They had : 1. Clarissa Wentworth' Smith, born 28 May 1818 ; manied Nathaniel Carl, and had : 1. Mary Adeline® Carl, married Jotham A. Smith, and died in 1858, leaving three children. 2. Samuel Harrison® Carl, married Sabra Guptail, and had three children. 3. .Clara Amelia® Carl, married Edwin Durgin, of Water borough, Me. 4. Lucina A.® Carl, married Levi Hobbs, and had : 1. AUce9 Hobbs. 5. Marcia AUce® Carl. 6. Fannie® Carl. 7. Nathaniel S.® Carl, married, 3 July 1872, Mary Esther® (5454) Wentworth, and died 9 February 1873. They had : 1. Nathaniel S.9 Carl, born 2 February 1873. 8. Ida Bell® Carl, married Frank Roberts, and had : 1. Ida May9 Roberts. 9. Charies Kellogg® Cari. 2. Mary Alvira' Smith, bom 1 July 1821 ; manied, 3 May 1845, Jesse Hersom, of Lebanon, Me., and had, in Spring vale, Me. : 1. Martha Olive® Hersom, born 25 December 1846; married, AprU 1868, Charies F. Ferguson, of South Ber wick, Me., and had : DESCENDANTS OP BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 241 1. Arthur C.9 Ferguson, born 2 May 1869. 2. Mattie9 Ferguson, born 27 September 1870. 2. Fannie Mary® Hersom, bom 30 July 1848. 3. NelUe Louisa® Hersom, born 22 May 1852. 4. Lettie S.® Hersom, born 10 February 1854. 5. Charles Sumner® Hersom, born 22 June 1858. 6. Mabel Alice® Hersom, born 7 September 1861. 2375. Deborah", born in 1793; lived at Milton Mills, N". H., with her sister Ada", and probably moved West with her. 2376. Ada", bom in 1795 ; married, 1st, in 1826, Aaron Dex ter ; 2d, George Parker, and moved West, probably to Minnesota. She had, by her first husband : 1. Amanda' Dexter, bom in 1830. 2377. Susan", born in 1797, died single, in 1843, in Kenne bunk, Me. Benjamin* (840) , son of Bartholomew* and Ruth (Hall) Went worth, bora in (now) RolUnsford, N. H., 21 Febraary 1771 ; mar ried, in Kennebunk, Me., 21 February 1803, Olive Cousins. She died 26 January 1845 ; he died 3 August 1854, in Kennebunk, Me., on the farm where his son Owen" lived in 1874. They had, aU born there, and living there at the time of his death : 2378. Elvira", born 3 August 1803 ; married, 22 February 1824, John Peabody, of Kennebunk, Me., and had there : 1. Theodore G.' Peabody, born 14 October 1825 ; married, December 1863, FloriUa Bagger, of New York. He was a ship master many years. 2. Betsey G.' Peabody, born 26 November 1827 ; married, 24 November 1846, OUver H. DureU ; moved to Cambridge, Mass., where he died 19 August 1856. They had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. OUver H.® Durell, bom 11 September 1847 ; married, 18 October 1871, S. Gertrude Eaton, and had : 1. Jessie Maud9 DureU, born 7 AprU 1874. 2. Charles® DureU, born 14 July 1856. 3. John A.' Peabody, born 10 May 1830 ; was oflicer of a vessel. 4. Horace W.' Peabody, born 16 June 1832 ; was first mate of a steamer, and died at Shanghai, China, May 1861. 5. Charles A.' Peabody, born 24 November 1833 ; married, VOL. n — 16 242 FIFTH GENERATION. 24 November 1865, Mary O. Shay, of Liverpool, England; was ofllcer of a ship. They had : 1. Horatio G.® Peabody, born 14 October 1866. 2. AUce W.® Peabody, born 6 September 1869. 6. Olive W.' Peabody, born 15 September 1835 ; married, 22 September 1865, W. Frank Currier, of Exeter, N. H., and lived there. 7. George E.' Peabody, bom 6 March 1837 ; was officer of a ship. 8. Henry H.' Peabody, born 20 January 1839 ; was officer of a ship; married, 3 Febraary 1875, Jane Bowes, of Kenne bunk, Me. 9. Stephen R.' Peabody, born 25 September 1840; was a sailor; died in Havana, Cuba, 10 July 1858. 10. Porter T.' Peabody, born 23 August 1842 ; was officer of a ship. 11. Frank H.' Peabody, born 2 January 1848 ; was officer of a ship. He manied, March 1870, Georgianna Gooch, of Ken nebunk, Me. , and had : 1. Elvira® Peabody, born 19 June 1870. 2379. Horace", born 22 Febraary 1805. [4465] 2380. Stacy H.", born 7 September 1807. [4470] 2381. George", born 23 June 1810. [4476] 2382. Charlotte A.", bom 7 March 1813 ; married, 15 Janu ary 1837, Henry C. Hart, of Kennebunk, Me., and Uved there. He died 9 December 1874, childless. 2383. Alden", born 4 April 1815. [4485] 2384. Mary Horatia", born 31 August 1817 ; married, in Ken nebunk, 1 February 1852, Warwick Gooch, and Uved there. 2385. Victoria", born 21 December 1819 ; manied, 1st, 27 March 1841, Jacob Emery, of Kennebunk, who died June 1841; 2d, 27 March 1842, J. R. Knowles, of Corinna, Me. ; had three children, and lived at Corinna, Me. 2386. Cassandra", born 25 January 1822 ; manied, 1st, 2 De cember 1845, John F. Lord, of Kennebunk, who died 3 March 1847, lost overboard at sea ; she manied, 2d, in RolUnsford, N. H., 29 November 1854, her cousin Edwin S." (2416) Wentworth, whom see for children. She had by her first husband : 1. Florentina O. W.' Lord, bora 25 May 1846. 2387. Owen", born 10 November 1824. [4487] 2388. IsabeUa", born 9 December 1831 ; married, 3 Janu- DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 243 ary 1864, George Hubbard, of Kennebunk, Me. ; lived there and had: 1. Hope V.' Hubbard, born 14 November 1869. John* (842), son of Bartholomew* and Ruth (Hall) Wentworth, bora 30 January 1773 ; married, October 1804, his maternal cousin Joanna, daughter of Capt. William HaU, of Berwick, Me., by his second wife Sarah (Roberts), born 16 March 1787. (See "HaU" note to Bartholomew* (310).) They lived in Somersworth, N. IL, where he died 25 August 1855. They had : 2389. Moses R.", born 24 February 1805. [4490] 2390. Armine", born 14 March 1807 ; married, 30 May 1838, Abner Palmer Dunaway, of Grenada, Miss., and lived there in 1874. They had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Anna EUzabeth' Dunaway, born 28 August 1839 ; mar ried, 7 Febraary 1866, Henry A. Johnson, and had: 1. Lorle® Johnson, born 30 November 1866. 2. Florida Dunaway® Johnson, born 22 February 1871. 3. Henry Allen® Johnson, bom 29 July 1873. 2. Laura Armine' Dunaway, born 2 February 1841 ; mar ried, 15 February 1865, John A. Binford, and had : 1. John A.® Binford, born 13 January 1868. 2. Laura PrisciUa® Binford, born 27 August 1872. 3. John Palmer' Dunaway, born 21 April 1846. 4. Florida Wentworth' Dunaway, born 25 September 1848. 5. Samuel Can' Dunaway, born 27 November 1850. 2391. Mercy H.", born 24 February 1809 ; manied, in 1832, Oliver Peabody" (1585) Can, son of Col. James and Susanna* (Wentworth) Can, whom see for children. She died at PricevUle, Hancock co., Miss., 12 July 1852. He died 2 January 1855. 2392. Ruth", born 16 December 1812 ; married, at Great FaUs, N. H., 23 May 1839, Isaac Decatur, of Barrington, N. H., born there 28 March 1815. They Uved in RoUinsford, N. H., and had, all born in Barrington, N. H. , except the last (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Armine Augusta' Decatur, born 5 January 1840 ; married, at South Berwick, Me., 30 June 1861, Amos Jackson Foss, born in Concord, Me., 9 November 1839, died at Great FaUs, N. H., 23 August 1874. They had : 1. SUas Ernest® Foss, born in RolUnsford, N. H., 30 May 1862. 244 FIFTH GENERATION. 2. Isaac Newton® Foss, bom in Moscow, Me., 2 April 1864. 3. Perley Cheney® Foss, born in Great FaUs, N. H., 18 March 1868. 2. Annie Amanda' Decatur, born 30 October 1841 ; married, 25 July 1866, Perley Chandler Jones Cheney, of Chelsea, Mass., born in Washington, Vt., 23 June 1839 ; lives in Chelsea, Mass., childless. 3. John Wentworth' Decatur, born 16 October 1844. 4. Samuel HaU' Decatur, born 6 Febraary 1847 ; manied, 10 November 1870, Emma Vanell Thayer, of Portsmouth, N. H., born there 1 May 1853. They had one child, born in RoUins ford, N. H. , who died in infancy. 2393. Calvin", born 24 August 1814, died at Dover, N. H., 24 November 1871. 2394. Samuel Hall", born 15 December 1815. [4492] 2395. Bartholomew", born 18 December 1818, died 15 March 1820. 2396. Sarah Ann", born 30 July 1821 ; married, m 1845, Charles Sanborn, of Berwick, Me., born 20 March 1824. She died 19 July 1851. They had: 1. John Wentworth' Sanborn, born 14 December 1845; married, in Great FaUs, N. H., January 1872, Maria Perkins. 2. Gustavus Wentworth' Sanborn, born 5 December 1847. 2397. John Hall", born 22 March 1823. [4493] .2398. Caroline A.", born 13 August 1826, died 8 September 1828. 2399. Jane", born 14 September 1828, died 9 August 1842. 2400. Elvira Carr", born 4 January 1832 ; married, 7 Novem ber 1849, Lorenzo Stackpole. They lived in RolUnsford, N. H., and had, born in South Berwick, Me. (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Annie Wentworth' Stackpole, born 10 December 1850; manied, 1st, 6 July 1869, Joshua H. Lame, died 10 September 1869 ; 2d, 3 January 1872, Bernard Baer. She had, by her sec ond maniage : 1. Lorenzo® Baer, born 10 July 1876. Nahum* (843), son of Bartholomew* and Ruth (HaU) Went worth, born 7 April 1774; married, in Kennebunk, Me., 19 May 1804, widow Judith (Oakes) Buzzell, born in York, Me., 24 No- DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 245 vember 1775. (Her first husband, John BuzzeU, was drowned at sea, soon after marriage.) He died 1 January 1837. They had : 2401. Maria", born 10 December 1805 ; married Oliver Drown, of Kennebunk, Me., born 18 August 1806. They had : 1. Nahum Stacy' Drown, born 24 July 1844; married, 6 April 1867, Ann M. Coffin, of Biddeford, Me. ; lived there, and had: 1. Erwin Saville® Drown, born 30 AprU 1869. 2. Medora' Drown, born 9 December 1846, died 22 October 1849. 2402. Charles", born 2 November 1807. [4497] 2403. Ruth Hall", born in Kennebunk, Me., 18 August 1811 ; married, 28 February 1832, Capt. Charles MitcheU, of Kennebunk, Me., son of John and Miriam MitcheU, born 6 July 1802. They Uved in West Newfield, Me., in 1871, and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Aramantha' MitcheU, born 20 December 1832 ; lived in Rochester, N. H. 2. Francis Wentworth' MitcheU, born 19 October 1834 ; lived in Boston, Mass. 3. Charles Augustus' Mitchell, born 19 September 1835, died in Boston, Mass., 2 May 1859. 4. Arabella Maria' MitcheU, born 15 May 1837. 5. Ahnira Wentworth' Mitchell, twin with ArabeUa M.' 6. Nahum Wentworth' MitcheU, born 20 November 1839 ; enUsted, 21 October 1861, in Co. I, 1st Maine Cavalry, was prisoner in 1863, and kiUed at battie of Stony Creek, Va., 31 March 1865. 7. Oliver' MitcheU, born 31 July 1842 ; Uved in Boston, Mass. 8. Quincy' Mitchell, born 6 January 1849 ; married, in 1872, Emma, daughter of Benjamin Carlton, of West Newfield, Me. ; Uved in Boston, Mass., and had : 1. Nahum Wentworth® MitcheU, born 23 October 1872. 9 . Eugene Usher' Mitchell, born 14 February 1851 ; graduated H. C. 1874. 10. George Edgar' MitcheU, born 15 October 1854. 2404. Hester", born 8 December 1816 ; married, 8 December 1839, Calvin Hutchins, of Boston, Mass. She died 29 March 1852, leaving two children ; four others were dead. 2405. Sabra", bom 30 September 1818. Deboeah* (847), daughter of Bartholomew* and Ruth (HaU) Wentworth, born 18 November 1779 ; married, 4 July 1803, Ste- 246 FIFTH GENERATION. phen Roberts, born 21 July 1775, died 30 January 1821. He was son of John and EUzabeth (Hodgdon) Roberts. She died 25 April 1862. They had : 2406. Susan" Roberts, born 19 April 1804; manied Samuel Garvin, of RoUinsford, N. H., and had: 1. William R.' Garvin, bom 1 6 March 1830 ; married Frances Helen' Yeaton, born 6 January 1836, daughter of his mother's cousin Mary Jane" (2414) (Wentworth) Yeaton, and had : 1. Anna Bertha® Garvin, born 29 November 1862. 2. Clara Wentworth® Garvin, born 3 April 1864. 3. WilUam® Garvin, born 10 January 1866. 4. Susan Edna® Garvin, born 3 June 1859. 2407. Hiram R." Roberts, born 16 May 1806, in Somersworth, N. H. ; lived in RolUnsford, N. H. He was one of the Select men of Somersworth and of RolUnsford, and Representative from Somersworth ; President of the Salmon Falls Bank, and of the Rol Unsford Savings Bank ; County Judge C. C. P. ; and Judge of Probate many years. He married, 7 November 1830, his cousin Ruth" Ham, daughter of John Ham who manied his mother's sister Mercy* (850) . He died 30 May 1876. They had : 1. John Ham' Roberts, born 19 October 1832. 2. Stephen' Roberts, born 25 February 1834, died 2 Octo ber 1854. 3. EUzabeth' Roberts, born 25 November 1836, died 12 August 1842. 4. Edward H.' Roberts, born 11 June 1839, died 11 Novem ber 1859. 5. Walter Scott' Roberts, bom 21 January 1842. 6. HaU' Roberts, born 7 March 1844. 7. Susan Jane' Roberts, born 13 March 1847 ; married, at RolUnsford, N. H., 1 December 1875, Samuel H.' Rollins, son of Hon. William W." (1609) RoUins, of RolUnsford, N. H. 8. Joseph Doe' Roberts, born 12 November 1848. 9. Francis Wayland' Roberts, born 16 December 1851. 2408. WiUiam H." Roberts, born 1 July 1808 ; married Clarissa", daughter of PhUip* and Joanna (Nason) HaU, of Berwick, Me., aud granddaughter of WilUam and Lydia* (314) (Wentworth) HaU. WiUiam HaU was brother to Ruth (HaU) Wentworth, grandmother of William H." Roberts. WiUiam H." died in RolUnsford, N. H., 1 May 1859. They had: 1. Moses' Roberts, born 7 June 1832. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 247 2. Mercy H.' Roberts, bom 5 August 1835. 3. Betsey' Roberts, born 31 December 1836. 4. Harriet A.' Roberts, born 28 December 1841. 2409. Hall" Roberts, born 7 November 1813 ; was President of the State Capital Bank, Concord, N. H. He married Jane Curtis, of Kennebunk, Me., who died in Concord, N. H., in 1851, childless ; he died there 13 October 1862. 2410. Stephen" Roberts, died in infancy. George* (848), son of Bartholomew* and Ruth (Hall) Went worth, born in (now) RolUnsford, N. H., 14 July 1781 ; married, 1st, in 1806, SaUy Brown, bom in Rochester, N. H., 29 August 1785, died 26 February 1827 ; 2d, her sister Judith Brown, born in Roches ter, N. H., 15 AprU 1796, who was living in 1874. He died in RoUinsford, N. H., 3 AprU 1870. He had, by his first wife : 2411. Gustavus", born 21 November 1806, died 4 February 1870, single. 2412. ParmeUa", born 8 October 1808, died 25 December 1808. 2413. Judith S.", born in (now) RolUnsford, N. H., 8 Febru ary 1810 ; married, in 1828, Ivory Paul, of Dover, N. H., born 31 October 1804, and Uves there. They had : 1. John B.' Paul, born in RolUnsford, N. H., 2 February 1829 ; married, 30 March 1852, Frances Elvira KendaU ; lived in Chelsea, Mass., and had : 1. John Herbert® Paul, born 21 December 1852. 2. Forrest Edgar® Paul, born 20 March 1855. 3. Emma Frances® Paul, born 22 September 1858. 4. George Wentworth® Paul, born 6 November 1865. 2. Rebecca J.' Paul, bora in RolUnsford, N. H., 11 August 1831, died 25 Febraary 1854. 3. Roxanna L.' Paul, born 7 May 1834, died 11 March 1859. 4. George Wentworth' Paul, born 5 November 1836 ; enlisted in Co. D, 17th N. H. Vols., and was kiUed in the battle of the Wil derness, Va., 12 May 1864. 5. Caroline H.' Paul, born 21 September 1840 ; married, 22 December 1863, Joseph Edward Tuttle, of Dover, N. H., where they lived; she died there 31 January 1872. He died there 12 July 1874. They had : 1. George WilUam® Tuttie, bom 22 October 1865. 2. Lewis Edward® Tuttle, born 23 January 1870. 6. ArabeUa E.' Paul, born 6 October 1846 ; married Richard 248 FIFTH GENERATION. Wills, of PhilUps, Me., 3 May 1874; Uved in Dover, N. H., and had : 1. Mabel® Wills, born in Dover, 29 January 1875. 2414. Mary Jane", born 4 March 1812 ; married Leavitt H. Yeaton, of RolUnsford, N. H., 5 February 1835, and had (besides three who died in infancy) : 1. Frances Helen' Yeaton, born 6 January 1836 ; married WilUam R.' Garvin, son of her mother's cousin Susan" (2406) (Roberts) Garvin, whom see for children. 2. Cyrus Freeman' Yeaton, born 10 February 1837 ; married, 9 June 1864, Lizzie Catherine Bates, of Maiden, Mass., and removed to Salem, Oregon. They had : 1. Lizzie Smith® Yeaton, born 24 August 1868. 3. Arthur Tappan' Yeaton, born 1 May 1840 ; was in the war of the RebelUon. 4. EUzabeth Stacy' Yeaton, born 9 September 1841. 5. Martha Ann' Yeaton, born 10 September 1845. 6. Sarah Emma' Yeaton, born 30 AprU 1847. 7. Mahala' Yeaton, born 26 March 1849, died 25 Janu ary 1860. 8. George Herbert' Yeaton, born 24 March 1852. 9. Mary Adelaide' Yeaton, born 11 March 1854. 2415. Benjamin H.", born 25 July 1814, died 28 October 1817. 2416. Edwin S.", born 25 November 1817. [4503] 2417. George", born 23 May 1819 ; in 1873 was living on the homestead of his father in RolUnsford, N. H. 2418. John Paul Robinson", born 23 March 1825 ; married, 23 January 1850, Helen S. Stone, of HolUston, Mass. ; Uved at North- field, Mass., in 1875, and had (besides two sons who died in in fancy) : 1. Vera Hannah', born .31 August 1855 ; married Charles Albert Ham, of RolUnsford, N. H., 2 May 1875, and had : 1. Arthur Morris® Ham, born 24 March 1876. 2. John Herbert', born 29 March 1857. 3. NeUie Augusta', born 23 July 1860. 4. George Paul', born 12 March 1863. 5. Henry C. S.', born 22 January 1871. 2419. Susan", twin with John P. R.", married, 13 October 1862, Richard H. Walker, of York, Me. George* had, by his second wife (besides five who died in in fancy) : DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 249 2420. Sarah A.", born 13 October 1830 ; married, 25 May 1851, her cousin WilUam Augustus" Nutter, son of William Shackford and Ruth* (849) (Wentworth) Nutter, whom see for children. They lived in Waterborough, Me. 2421. Clara L.", born 5 May 1836 ; married, 26 October 1869, John Emerson, brother of Alwilda (Emerson), wife of Jacob" (2308) Wentworth, and of the wives of Ichabod" (780.4) Philpot and Jacob" (780.5) Philpot. Clara L." had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. George Wentworth' Emerson, born 3 October 1871. Baetholomew* (851), son of Bartholomew* and Ruth (HaU) Wentworth, born 7 January 1788; married, 28 July 1811, his cousin Nanc}^, daughter of Capt. William and Sarah (Roberts) HaU, of Berwick, Me., bora 12 April 1793. See "HaU" note under Bartholomew* (310). He lived, in 1877, in RolUnsford, N. H., where his father and paternal ancestors lived, it being that part of the property of Elder William^ which he gave to his son Benjamm® (11) in 1693. They had: 2422. Nahum", died in infancy. 2423. Arioch", born 13 June 1813. [4507] 2424. Catherine", born 28 AprU 1815 ; married, 26 May 1836, Charles Ela, of Dover, N. H. She died 1 August 1836. He was kiUed by the Indians (it has always been supposed) in Texas, at the same time with George C Durell, of Dover, N. H., son of Hon. Daniel M. and EUzabeth" (1560) (Wentworth) DureU. 2425. Ruth", bom 26 April 1818 ; married, 6 December 1838, John B. Griffiths, of Durham, N. H. ; in 1877 was Uving at New Market, N. H., and had : 1. Edward B.' Griffiths, born 13 January 1842 ; married, 24 May 1876, Clara A., daughter of Stephen Chapman, of New Market, N. H. 2. WilUam H.' Griffiths, born 15 May 1843 ; married, 15 May 1873, Amy J., daughter of WilUam M. and Mary (Stack- pole) Robinson, of Cambridge, Mass., and had: 1. Edna May® Grifllths, born 7 November 1874. 3. Annie M.' Griffiths, born 21 November 1844 ; married, 18 November 1869, Chase G. Watson, of Marlborough, Mass., son of Henry and Sally (Gilman) Watson, of New Market, N. H. ; and had : 1. Blanche® Watson, born 2 July 1870. 250 FIFTH GENERATION. 2. John H.® Watson, born 9 June 1872. 4. Arioch W.' Griffiths, born 31 August 1851 ; married, 14 June 1876, Sadie B., daughter of Frank McDaniel, of New Mar ket, N. H. 2426. Sally", born 12 December 1822, is single. 2427. WiUiam Hall", born 30 March 1824; married, 1st, 23 January 1849, Martha Ann, daughter of Capt. Edward Griffiths, of Durham, N. H. ; she died 8 April 1849 ; 2d, 30 June 1850, Corde lia D. Ingalls, of Boston, Mass., where he Uved, and had : 1. WUUam HaU', bom 15 September 1852. 2. Emma Blanche', born 22 May 1855. 3. George Frederick', born 8 November 1862. 4. Clarence Eugene', born 3 May 1868. 2428. Rebecca Ann", born 2 March 1826, is single. 2429. Seleucus", born 3 March 1831 ; married, 26 October 1875, Martha A. Yeaton, of RoUinsford, N. H., and lived there. Hall* (852) , son of Bartholomew* and Ruth (Hall) Wentworth, born 11 May 1790 ; married, 1 July 1816, Nancy", born 23 Octo ber 1792, only chUd of Benjamin and Sarah* (924) (Roberts) Wentworth. (The origin of this Benjamin Wentworth is not traced out, there being so many of the name ; his wife Sarah* (924) Rob erts was daughter of Joshua and Joanna* (333) (Wentworth) Roberts.) They lived in RolUnsford, where she died 4 August 1867. He died there 13 November 1869, on the old homestead which came down from Benjamin® (11), given to him by his father Elder Williami. He had: 2430. John", born 1 May 1817 ; married, 10 April 1853, EUz abeth, daughter of Valentine Mathes, of RolUnsford, N. H. ; she was sister of George Mathes, husband of her sister Mary Ann". In 1877 they lived in RolUnsford, N. H., on the old Evans* (296) Wentworth place, adjoining the places of his uncle Bartholomew* (851 ) and father Hall* (852) . They had : 1. Mary EUzabeth', born 20 February 1854, died 19 May 1864. 2. Abbie Frances', born 26 July 1856. 3. Alice', born 30 January 1858. 4. George Mathes', born 28 September 1865. 2431. Nahum", bom 17 February 1819. [4508] 2432. Sally", born 30 June 1821 ; married, 22 April 1855, James Hawkes, of HolUston, Mass., and had (besides one who died young) : 1. LoweU HaU' Hawkes, born 9 AprU 1859. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 251 2433. Mary Ann", born 12 May 1824 ; married, 28 March 1844, George Mathes, brother of EUzabeth (Mathes) , wife of her brother John" ; she died in RolUnsford, N. H., 10 Januarj' 1862 ; they had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Annie Ruth' Mathes, born 23 January 1845 ; married at West Newbury, Mass., 7 January 1868, Charles H. Bunker, of Durham, N. H., where they live ; and had : 1. Fred Irving® Bunker, born in Durham, N. H., 26 AprU 1871. 2. George HaU' Mathes, born 17 September 1846 ; married at Dover, N. H., 20 August 1867, Georgiana Perkins, of Mere dith, N. H. ; Uved at Laconia, N. H., and had : 1. George Lawrence® Mathes, born at Laconia, 18 Sep tember 1870. 3. John Wentworth' Mathes, born 1 October 1849 ; married in Laconia, N. H., 17 September 1871, Eliza Reilly Sanborn, of Meredith, N. H. 4. Bowen Tufts' Mathes, born 26 July 1855. 2434. Levi", born 16 May 1827 ; Uves single, at Dover, N. H. 2435. Gustavus", born 14 April 1829 ; married, 5 January 1859, Mary Lizzie, daughter of Jacob Peaslee, of Whitefield, Me. ; lived in RoUinsford, N. H., on the old homestead, and died there 29 March 1876. 2435a. Caroline", born 27 November 1830 ; manied in Rollins- ford, N. H., 2 September 1860, Edward M. Morse, of Paradise, Nova Scotia ; lived there, and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Ernest RosweU' Morse, born 6 February 1863. 2. Ida BeUe' Morse, born 24 September 1864. 3. EvangeUne Mary' Morse, born 14 April 1869. 4. Jessie Lilian' Morse, born 17 February 1871. 5. Charles Edward' Morse, born 26 August 1823. 24356. Louisa Jane", born 16 July 1835 ; married, 19 April 1854, Henry W. Brown, of RolUnsford, N. H., and had, born there : 1. Edward Kirk' Brown, born 18 October 1855, died in Dover, N. H., 18 October 1870. 2. George H.' Brown, born 14 September 1857. 3. EUa Florence' Brown, born 24 October 1859. 4. Ida May' Brown, born 4 September 1861. 5. Kate Evelyn' Brown, born 19 September 1863. 6. Estelle Gertrude' Brown, born 30 October 1876. 2435c. Henry Frank", born 17 December 1842 ; lives in Dover, N.H. 252 FIFTH GENERATION. Samuel Shackford* (862), son of Benjamin* and Rebecca (Hodsdon) Wentworth, born 12 August 1756. He was three years a soldier in the Revolutionary army. He married, 16 August 1781, Mary, daughter of Stephen Beny, of Rochester, N. H. ; she died in Lancaster, N. H., 15 May 1827, aged 72 j-ears. He died 27 July 1850. They had, all born in MUton, N. H. : 2436. Rebecca", born 3 Febraary 1782 ; married, 19 Febraary 1806, Beniah Colby, both of Milton, N. H. They moved to Lan caster, N. H. She died 12 November 1857. He died 18 August 1872. They had, the last five born in Lancaster, N. H. : 1. Beniah' Colby, born in Milton, N. H., 25 July 1808; married Mary Stone. 2. Mary Ann' Colby, born in Milton, N. H., 2 January 1811. 3. Jonathan E.' Colby, born 2 August 1814. 4. Rebecca H.' Colby, born 14 August 1816. 5. Joseph' Colby, born 4 April 1819. 6. John W.' Colby, born 2 May 1824. 7. Abigail' Colby, born 13 October 1830. 2437. Stephen", born 28 June 1784, died single, in Lancaster, N.H., 13 May 1854. 2438. OUve", born 24 October 1786; married, at Rochester, N. H., 21 May 1807, her father's cousin Thomas* (900) Went worth, whom see for children. He died at Great Falls, N. H., 25 March 1850 ; she died there, 3 February 1875. 2439. Benjamin", born 13 September 1789. [4513] 2440. Rosamond", born 10 June 1792, died in Lancaster, N. H., January 1814. 2441. Shackford", born 24 July 1794. [4515] 2442. Joseph", born 17 May 1798. [4519] 2443. Mary", born 22 May 1802 ; married Hiram Ward" Hayes, of Great Falls, N. H., son of Clement and Joanna* (873) (Went worth) Hayes, whom see for her children. He was born 7 May 1803, and died at Lynn, Mass. ; she had died previously, at Great Falls, N. H. His sisters Joanna" Hayes, and Lucinda" Hayes, married respectively, her brothers Joseph" (2442) and Benjamin" (2439). John* (865), son of Benjamin* and Rebecca (Hodsdon) Went worth, born 14 AprU 1762; married, 1st, 20 October 1783, DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 253 Rebecca, daughter of Peter Horne, of Rochester, N. H. (see " Horne" note to Thomas* (766) ; she died in 1800 ; 2d, Patience, daughter of Ebenezer Ricker, of Somersworth, N. H., who was son of John Ricker, and grandson of the emigrant George Ricker (see " Ricker" note to Sarah^ (29a) Wentworth) ; she died 20 January 1839, aged 69 years, 8 months, and 20 days. He married, 3d, Mary (Greenough), widow of James* Dore, son of John and Charity* (3256) (Wentworth) Dore ; she was born in Milton, N. H., 3 May 1777, and died there 1 AprU 1853. John* died in Milton, 13 February 1849. He had, by his first wife : 2444. Mercy", born in 1784 ; married, 2 July 1804, James" Roberts, of Milton, N. H., son of Timothy and Betsey* (Hayes) Roberts, and grandson of Wentworth* (176) Hayes. (His sister Betsey" Roberts married Rev. Charles Corson, whose daughter EUza' Corson was the first wife of Jeremiah" Shorey, whom see under Susannah^ (69) Wentworth.) James" Roberts was dead in 1839. His -wife died 10 September 1845. They had : 1. Owen Swain' Roberts ; married Harriet Foss, and died about 1850. 2. John Weston' Roberts. 3. James E.' Roberts. 4. Bard Page' Roberts. 5. Hezekiah Wentworth' Roberts ; married Persis Broughton, and died about 1850 ; his widow married George Sanford. 6. Rebecca' Roberts. 7. Susan' Roberts. 8. Betsey' Roberts. 9. Mary Ann' Roberts. The daughters were aU dead in 1851. 2445. Sarah", born in 1792 ; married Mathias Nutter, and died in MUton, N. H. , October 1844. They had : 1. Emily' Nutter, died single, September 1848. 2. Martha Ann' Nutter, born September 1814 ; married El bridge Towle ; and died August 1850 ; and had (besides two who died young) : 1. Lydia Maria® Towle. 2. Sarah® Towle. 3. Margaret' Nutter, born 7 April 1816 ; married John W. Roberts, and had : 1. Timothy® Roberts, lived in Natick, Mass. 2. Charles Francis® Roberts. 254 FIFTH GENERATION. 3. James Benton® Roberts. 4. Thomas' Nutter, born December 1818 ; married Elizabeth Pinkham ; lived in MUton, N. H., and had : 1. Sidney® Nutter. 2. Charles Everett® Nutter. 3. James Matthias® Nutter. 5. John W.' Nutter, born August 1820 ; married, November 1850, Ruth Pike ; lived in Milton, N. H., and had : 1. Charles Francis® Nutter, born 25 August 1853. 2. Jacob® Nutter, born 31 July 1856. 3. Sarah Hanson® Nutter, bom 30 September 1858. 4. Frederick C.® Nutter, born 19 May 1861. 5. John Ellsworth® Nutter, born 28 July 1864. 6. Sarah' Nutter, born August 1822, died March 1844. 7. Abigail' Nutter, born May 1824 ; married Jonas Howe, of Dover, N. H., and had : 1. John® Howe. 2. Sarah Emma® Howe. 8. Rebecca' Nutter, born September 1827, died aged 6 months. 9. James W.' Nutter, born 26 May 1829; married Ruth Varney ; Uved in Milton, N. H., and had one child, who died. 10. Matthias' Nutter, born 12 May 1832, died August 1850. 2446. John", born October 1795. [4524] 2447. Jacob", died in Milton, N. H., when about fifteen years of age. ' John* had, by his second wife : 2448. Rebecca", born 18 May 1805 ; manied, 1st, Elijah Blais deU, who died 22 February 1833 ; 2d, 22 February 1838, Moses J.' Downs, son of James and Judith" (2494) (Wentworth) Downs. She died 14 February 1870. He married, 2d, 6 December 1870, Sarah Roberts', daughter of Gershom and Abigail King" (2462) (Wentworth) Horne. Rebecca" had, by her first husband : 1. Patience W.' BlaisdeU, born 18 May 1828. 2. Lydia Ann' BlaisdeU, born 22 February 1831. 3. Samuel Mclntyre' BlaisdeU, born 6 May 1832. Rebecca" had, by her second marriage : 4. Enoch Alphonzo' Downs, born 4 October 1838. 5. Sarah Matilda' Downs, born 19 August 1845, died 5 Sep tember 1848. 2449. Enoch", born 6 May 1807. [4535] DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 255 2450. Matilda", born 27 April 1809, died single, 5 June 1833. 2451. Jacob", born 24 February 1811 ; left home, single, and was never afterwards heard of. Enoch* (866), son of Benjamin* and Rebecca (Hodsdon) Went worth, born 11 May 1764 ; married, 1st, 26 December 1793, Jane Leighton, bom 24 August 1768, died 24 December 1794, without issue ; 2d, 10 November 1796, " both of Rochester, N. H.," Anna Young, born 23 February 1760, died 22 February 1846. Enoch* died in 1806. He had : 2452. Thomas Young", born 12 December 1798. [4540] 2453. Susan", born 20 March 1803 ; married, 6 February 1823, WilUam" (2042) Wentworth, of MUton, N. H., whom see for chil dren. She died 28 June 1854. Benjamin* (867), son of Benjamin* and Rebecca (Hodsdon) Wentworth, born 28 December 1767 ; married Abigail Bennett. He was residing in Portsmouth, N. H., 26 AprU 1803, and proba bly ended his days there. He died May 1818. She died in Bos ton, Mass., 23 July 1837, aged 69. He had : 2454. Samuel", died at sea, single. 2455. Susan", born 9 January 1795 ; married, in Portsmouth, N. H., 8 October 1818, Joseph Remick, born 16 December 1794. She died 29 June 1838. They had (besides four who died in in fancy): 1. Susan W.' Remick, born 29 August 1819 ; married. May 1841, Benjamin D. Laighton. 2. Joseph' Remick, born 27 January 1823 ; married, 1st, 14 July 1839, Harriet Meniam; 2d, 23 November 1858, Mary A. Hammond. 3. WilUam A.' Remick, bom 11 November 1824 ; married, Ist, 5 December 1847, Susan A. E. Pierce ; 2d, 30 August 1855, S. Jennie Lund. 4. Frances M.' Remick, born 18 March 1827. 5. Herman' Remick, born 3 June 1830 ; married, October 1851, Amanda M. Mack. 6. Ralph' Remick, born 22 May 1832, died 6 October 1847. 7. Albert' Remick, born 27 May 1834 ; married, June 1858, Carrie A. Beck. 8. Harriet M.' Remick, born 9 July 1840. 9. Georgia' Remick, bom 22 April 1848. 256 FIFTH GENERATION. 2456. Chariotte HUdreth", born in Portsmouth, N. H., 18 Feb ruary 1801 ; married, in South Boston, Mass., 6 November 1825, WiUiam Locke, of Rye Beach, N. H., who died 22 March 1843, aged 43 years. She died in Corry, Penn., 20 May 1867. They had (besides one who died in infancy): 1. WiUiam S.' Locke, born 17 September 1826 ; married, 24 November 1858, Augusta A. Henderson, of Boston, Mass., and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. William S.® Locke, born 23 AprU 1861. 2. Sarah M.® Locke, born 10 March 1863. 3. Lizzie Augusta® Locke, born 9 AprU 1871. 2. Charlotte A.' Locke, born AprU 1830 ; married, July 1856, Henry F. Shaw ; is childless. 3. Sarah M.' Locke, born June 1832, died in 1860. 4. Mary F.' Locke, born July 1834; manied, July 1854, WilUam S. Nutting, and had : 1. WiUiam P.® Nutting, born 6 June 1855. 5. Susan P.' Locke, born in 1840. 2457. WilUam", died single, in Exeter, N. H. 2458. Charles", died single, at sea. 2459. Abigail", married, 28 January 1830, in South Boston, Mass., Hiram Mason, of HiU, N. H. He died in 1872. They had (besides five who died young) : 1. Josephine Eaton' Mason, born in South Boston, Mass., in 1833 ; married, 1857, Samuel Ricker, of Webster, Me., born in 1832. 2. Mary Marsh' Mason, born in New York city in 1835 ; married, in 1860, Silas M. Ellis, of Andover, N. H., and had one child, who died in infancy. 3. Helen Atwood' Mason, born in HiU, N. H., in 1842 ; mar ried, in 1865, Edwin Smith, of Barnstable, Mass., and died in Maine in 1873. They had, bom in Boston, Mass. : 1. Edward Atwood® Smith, born 30 September 1868. 2. Grace Wentworth® Smith, born 24 February 1873. 4. Harriet Frances' Mason, born in Franklin, N. H., in 1850. David* (868), son of Benjamin* and Rebecca (Hodsdon) Went worth, bom in Somersworth, N. H., 4 March 1770; married, in Dover, N. H., 11 February 1799, Hannah Estes, bom in Dover, 12 November 1774, died in Milton, N. H., 28 November 1832 ; he died 18 May 1832. They had : DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 257 2460. Luther", born in Milton, N. H., 26 December 1803. [4541] Asahel* (869) , son of Benjamin* and Rebecca (Hodsdon) Went worth, born 16 April 1772; married, 14 February 1802, Hannah Broughton, of Conway, N. H., sister of Mark Broughton who mar ried Lydia" (2513) Wentworth. She was living in 1873 with her daughter AbigaU K.", aged 92 j-earsl He died in Somersworth, N. H., 9 May 1852. He had : 2461. Thomas King", bom 28 July 1803. [4549] 2462. Abigail King", born 9 November 1806 ; married, 14 Sep tember 1830, Gershom Horne, of Rochester, N. H., born 4 Decem ber 1803. He was son of Gershom and Lydia (Roberts) Horne, of Somersworth, N. H., and grandson of Andrew Horne ; and he was brother of John Horne who married Ruth" (2254) Wentworth. See note to Thomas* (766) Wentworth. They lived in Rochester, N. H., and had: 1. Sarah Roberts' Home, born 15 August 1832; married (his second wife) , Moses J.' Downs, son of James and Judith" (2494) (Wentworth) Downs. 2. Mark Broughton' Horne, born 20 January 1834. 3. Abigail Wentworth' Horne, born 29 November 1835. 4. Henry Blake' Horne, born 8 December 1838. 5. Helen Sarissa' Horne, born 14 July 1840. 2463. Mark Broughton", born 5 Januarj' 1809, died 19 Septem ber 1830. 2464. Benjamin Redman", born 16 June 1814. [4557] Alexander* (871), son of Benjamin* and Rebecca (Hodsdon) Wentworth, born 25 .Tune 1778 ; married, 1st, February 1807, Susannah King, who died 19 April 1815 ; 2d, Anne Rowell, who died in Lancaster, N. H., 30 August 1858. He died there 19 July 1848. He had, by his first wife : 2465. Polly King", born 8 March 1809 ; married, 23 October 1833, Chase Taylor, and Uved in Conway, N. H. He died child less, 5 December 1846, and she died about 1848. 2466. Abigail", born 27 June 1813 ; lived in Conway, N. H., and died there 22 January 1873. Alexander* had, by his second wife : 2467. Edward Rowell", born 16 October 1822. [4559] 2468. Jane", born 4 May 1825 ; Uved single with brother Edward R.", in Lancaster, N. H. VOL. n. — 17 258 FIFTH GENERATION. 2469-70. David", died in infancy. 2471. Alexander", born 9 December 1827; married, October 1852, his second cousin Nancy Rowell, born 21 March 1827 ; and lived in Stark, N. H., childless. 2472. David", born March 1836, died August 1843. Ebenezer* (874), son of Ebenezer* and Dorothy (Harford) Wentworth, born 9 February 1770 ; married, 28 May 1794, EUza beth Hayes, born 16 January 1774, died in Farmington, N. H., 29 July 1860. He died 1 July 1839. They had : 2473. Charlotte", born in 1795 ; married, 1st, 3 November 1814, David Richards ; 2d, 9 December 1850, John Drew. She had, by^ her first marriage : 1. John M.' Richards, born 16 Febraary 1815. 2. Rhoda' Richards, born 24 October 1818. 3. Sarah' Richards, born 23 September 1820, died 23 May 1844. 2474. Ebenezer", born 26 June 1797. [4562] 2475. Sally", born 1 7 November 1798 ; manied, 16 March 1820, Tristram FaU, who died 10 September 1828. They had : 1. Otis W.' Fall, born 26 July 1822. 2. Orrin' FaU, born 3 September 1823, died. 3. Louisa M.' FaU, born 10 January 1825. 4. Catherine A.' FaU, born 18 September 1826. 5. Orrin T.' FaU, born 7 May 1828 ; married, 1st, Lydia', daughter of Simon F.' and Lydia" (Hayes) Hayes, and grand- ' daughter of Ichabod and Lydia* (710) (Wentworth) Hayes; and had one child, which died. She died 22 August 1861, and he married, 2d, her sister Mary Annie' Hayes, and had : 1. Henry® Fall. 2. Katie® FaU. 6. Sally' FaU, died 11 January 1837. 2476. Dorothy", born 8 March 1801, died 8 AprU 1819. 2477. Benjamin", born 1 August 1803, died 2 October 1822. 2478. Louisa", born 27 December 1806, died 11 August 1809. 2479. David", born 3 October 1808. [4572] 2480. Luther", bom 25 February 1812. [4581] 2481. Betsey H.", born 13 August 1814; married Mark Per kins, October 1849. 2482. Alvin IL", born 26 AprU 1819, died 3 February 1825. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 259 David* (876), son of Ebenezer* and Dorothy (Harford) Went worth, born 7 September 1774 ; Uved in Dover, N. H. He married, 1st, 30 January 1799, Mercy Smith, of Wolfeborough, N. H., born 16 June 1776, died 10 January 1837 ; 2d, Mary H. Nutter, born in Portsmouth, N. H., died 29 March 1856. David" was Deacon in First Freewill Baptist church, in Dover, and died there 8 October 1852. He had, all by his first wife, the first two born in Wolfe borough, N. H., the others in Alton, N. H. : 2483; Jacob Smith", born 14 January 1800. [45S2] 2484. Susan Lary", born 21 November 1801 ; lived in Alton, N. H., with her sister Elizabeth A." 2485. James Jewett", born 25 July 1803. [4588] 2486. Elizabeth Ann", born 19 March 1807 ; married, 1st, 27 November 1834, Rev. Aaron B. Rollins,* a FreewiU Baptist minis ter, who died in Dover, childless, 31 August 1835 ; 2d, 7 Decem ber 1852, Ichabod" (2496) Wentworth. 2487. Nancy", born 22 January 1809, drowned 19 June 1812. 2488. Mary Smith", bom 4 February 1811 ; lived in Dover, N. H., at last dates, with her niece Mrs. Mary E.' (4594) Courser. 2489. Hiram Hayes", born 21 December 1812. [4597] 2490. John Morrison", born 17 December 1815, died single, 25 October 1841. Dudley* (879), son of Stephen* and Mary (Malcomb) Went worth, born 1 March 1764; married, 22 December 1784, Abigail Nutter, of Newington, N. H. There was a Dudley Wentworth, very sick, baptized at Rochester, N. H., 30 April 1789 ; he died soon after. "Mathias and Joseph, sons of Dudley Wentworth's widow," were baptized 23 October 1791. The widow married, 21 June 1792, Joseph Fogg, of Ossipee, N. H. Sometime between 1814 and 1820, Stephen* Wentworth, of Milton, N. H., deeded to Mathias" and Joseph", yeomen, " land that Stephen*, of Rochester, N. H., now lives upon." He had : 2491. Mathias", was of Ossipee, N. H., 6 January 1814 ; went to sea, and died single. 2492. Joseph", was of Newburyport, Mass., 29 January 1820 ; had wife Hannah, and deeded, at that date, " land in Rochester, N. H., on which his grandfather Stephen* and wife Uved." * See Rollins Genealogy, page 101. 260 FIFTH GENERATION. Stephen* (880) , son of Stephen* and Mary (Malcomb) Went worth, born 8 AprU 1776 ; married, 1st, 8 November 1787, Olive, daughter of Ichabod and OUve (Nutter) RoUins, of Newington, N. H. (Ichabod RolUns was brother of Edward Rollins, whose son Edward RolUns manied Anne* (878) Wentworth, sisterof Stephen*.) Olive died in 1815. He married, 2d, 14 January 1816, Lydia (Leighton), daughter of Amos Leighton, and widow of Jonathan Place. She was born 24 April 1768, and died 29 September 1863. He died in Milton, N. H., 15 December 1822. He had, aU by his first wife : 2493. Polly", born 27 January 1790 ; married, 10 November 1811, WilUam" Hayes, of Alton, N. H., born 22 December 1781 ; he was son of Daniel* Haj'cs, and grandson of Ichabod and Eliza beth* (173) (Hayes) Hayes. They had: 1. Daniel' Hayes, born 1 July 1814 ; married, 1st, 28 March 1839, Patience H. Evans, born 26 October 1818, died 11 Novem ber 1854. He married, 2d, 2 November 1856, Abby M. Robin son, born 4 September 1822. He had, aU bj' his first wife : 1. Charlotte Jane® Hayes, born 17 November 1843; married, 12 November 1865, Charles B. Richardson, of Farmington, N. H., born 1 August 1844 ; and had : 1 , Emma Augusta9 Richardson, born 30 August 1866. 2. Annie Wright9 Richardson, born 17 September 1869. 2. Ellen Gertrude® Hayes, born 1 December 1847. 3. Seth C.® Ha.yes, born 27 October 1854. 2. Stephen W.' Hayes, born 12 July 1816 ; married, 16 No vember 1843, Abigail H. Ross, of Gilmanton, N. H., born 23 August 1822. They had: 1. JuUa Adelaide® Hayes, born 14 September 1844 ; married, 14 January 1866, Hiram O. Tuttle. 2. Charles W.® Hayes, born 25 January 1847 ; married, 28 February 1868, Elizabeth Ann Sampson, of New Dur ham, N. H., and had one child, who died in infancy. 3. Sarah E.® Hayes, born 23 June 1850 ; married, 18 January 1870, Charles GetcheU, of Alton, N. H. 4. John Fremont® Hayes, bom 18 April 1856. 5. Henry Thornton® Haj'es, born 10 June 1858. 6. Mary Abbie® Hayes, born 10 April 1860. 3. Olive' Hayes, bom 27 October 1819 ; married, in 1844, DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 261 Joshua Wright, of Beverly, Mass., who died in Gilmanton, N. H., 4 March 1873. 4. Ira F.' Hayes, born 9 January 1823 ; married, 25 July 1852, Patience E. (Gilman) , widow of his uncle Stephen" (2501) Wentworth, whom see. She was born 17 Febraary 1824. They had : 1. Ida Marietta® Haj^es, bom 14 AprU 1856. 5. Ezekiel' Hayes, born 4 May 1826 ; married, 20 October 1851, Lydia AbigaU French, born 4 AprU 1832 ; and had : 1. Mary Ellen® Hayes, born 17 July 1855. 2. Herbert EUsworth® Hayes, born 15 August 1861. 6. WUUam' Hayes, born 30 November 1828 ; married, 7 De cember 1856, Nancy Rust McDuffle, born 1 April 1837. 2494. Judith", born 30 June 1792 ; married, 24 October 1813, James Downs, of Milton, N. H., son of Moses and Sarah (Tripe) Downs, and brother of Hannah (Downs), wife of John" (2579) Wentworth. They had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Moses J.' Downs, born at Vermont Gore,* 26 May 1817 ; married, 1st, 22 February 1838, Rebecca" (2448) (Wentworth), widow of Elijah BlaisdeU, whom see for children. She died 14 February 1870. He manied, 2d, 6 December 1870, Sarah Rob erts', daughter of Gershom and Abigail King" (2462) (Wentworth) Horne. 2. Henry' Downs, born at Barnston, Prov. Que., 11 Novem ber 1819 ; manied, in 1844, EUzabeth L. Drew, and had three chUdren. He was a soldier in the war of the RebeUion. 3. Olive' Downs, born 20 August 1822 ; manied, 1st, John' (4674) Wentworth, whom see for children; 2d, 1 April 1868, John Rogers, son of John Shubael Rogers ; he died April 1869 ; 3d, 28 November 1869, John WaUace. 4. SaUy' Downs, born 4 July 1825, died in Alton, N. H., 18 September 1844. 5. Mary H.' Downs, born 11 November 1827. 6. John T.' Downs, born 12 February 1830; married, 27 June 1850, his cousin Olive' (4610) Wentworth, daughter of his mother's brother Jacob" (2498) . He was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion. They had : 1. Frank Leslie® Downs, born 27 August 1860. 7. Maria' Downs, born 31 January 1832 ; married Went- * There are several of these Gores in Vermont, having distinct names. 262 FIFTH GENERATION. worth R." Ricker, 2 July 1848. He was son of Samuel* and Polly (Foss) Ricker, and grandson of Lemuel* and Dorothy (Knox)* Ricker. Lemuel* Ricker was son of Ephraim and Sarah^ (29a) (Wentworth) Ricker, under whom see "Ricker" note. Maria' died August 1851. They had : 1. ^071®, born October 1849. 2495. Dudley", born 29 January 1795. [4600] 2496. Ichabod", born 5 November 1797. [4605] 2497. Stephen", born 23 May 1800, died in 1803. 2498. Jacob", born 13 September 1802. [4609] 2499. OUve N.", born 20 May 1805 ; married, 21 AprU 1831, Jeremiah B. Mooney, born 24 May 1805, and had : 1. Olive N.' Mooney, born 23 March 1832. 2. Catherine' Mooney, born 17 August 1836. 3. Eleanor' Mooney, born 29 November 1838. 4. Charles' Mooney, born 2 March 1842. 5. Hannah' Mooney, born 2 May 1844. 6. John' Mooney, born 30 September 1846. 2500. AbigaU RoUins", born 17 March 1808 ; manied, 1st, 7 July 1847, Samuel Hayes, and lived in Wolfeborough, N. H. ; 2d, 15 February 1860, John Bickford, born 22 February 1802. 2501. Stephen", bom 29 November 1811. [4613] John* (886) , son of Aaron* and EUzabeth (Vickery) Wentworth ; married Margaret, daughter of John Wooster, of Bartlett, N. H., born in 1787. He died October 1808. In 1810 his widow moved, with her father's family, to Union Valley, Cortlandt co., N. Y. She married, 2d, July 1811, Clark JosUn, in Montgomery co., N. Y., and had children by him. He died at NewvUle, DeKalb CO.. Ind., 22 October 1869, aged 80 years. She died there 1 May 1871, at the house of her son Clark Joslyn. John* had : 2502. Polly", born in Bartiett, N. H., 13 AprU 1804 ; married, 17 May 1829, iu Chenango co., N. Y., Lewis Sergent; lived at DeRuyter, Madison co., N.Y., and had: 1. John A.' Sergent, bom 13 Maj' 1830 ; married, 25 Decem ber 1851, Betsey J. Williams, born 17 January 1829. He eiUisted in Co. L, 10th N. Y. Cavalry ; wounded 12 May 1864 ; mustered out 4 September 1865. They had (besides some who died in infancy) : 1. Lewis J.® Sergent, born 25 December 1852. * See "Nook or Knox" note to Ezekiel' (67) Wentworth. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 263 2. Emma Amelia® Sergent, born 25 January 1857. 3. Walter E.® Sergent, born 13 January 1862. 4. Libbie J.^ Sergent, born 8 January 1867. 5. Jay® Sergent, born 27 March 1869. 6. May® Sergent, twin with Jay®. 2. James D.' Sergent, born 14 Februarj' 1832, died at New Berlin, Chenango co., N. Y., 17 October 1844. 3. Arnold S.' Sergent, bom 8 July 1833 ; enlisted, 20 Sep tember 1861, in Co. B, 76th N. Y. Vols. ; discharged for disa- biUty, 18 October 1862 ; Uves single, at DeRuyter, Madison CO., N.Y. 4. Lewis H.' Sergent, born 24 Januarj' 1835 ; married, 26 December 1855, Elizabeth A. Potter, of Taylor, Cortland co., N. Y. He enlisted, 31 August 1864, in Co. E, 186th N. Y. Vols. ; mustered out 30 May 1865. They had (besides one who died in infancy') : 1. Emma A.® Sergent, born 24 September 1857. 2. Harlie M.® Sergent, born 1 December 1860. 3. Oscar P.® Sergent, born 23 December 1862. 4. Stella M.® Sergent, born 27 September 1864. 5. Sarah Jane' Sergent, born 8 December 1836 ; married, 4 July 1854, WUson Elwood, and died at Taylor, Cortland co., N. Y., 19 June 1861. They had : 1. Dott® Elwood, born 2 October 1859. 6. Lucy Ann' Sergent, born 12 January 1844. 7. Jay' Sergent, born 2 June 1847 ; lives single, at DeRuy ter, N. Y. 2503. John", born in Bartlett, N. H., 9 Febraary 1806. [4614] 2504. Thomas C", born in Bartlett, N. H., 25 February 1808. [4621] Stephen* (887) , son of Nicholas* and Patience* (Wentworth) Wentworth, born 12 July 1772 ; manied his cousin Esther*, daugh ter of his father's sister Mary* (321) (Wentworth) Cole. He lived in Bartlett, N. H., where he died 24 August 1827 ; his widow manied, 2d, NeweU, and died at Guildhall, Vt., in 1848. Stephen* had : 2505. Patience", died single. 2506. Esther", born in Bartlett, N. H., in 1804; married, in 1824, William W. Moore, of Lancaster, N. H. ; she died August 1839 ; he died 11 November 1869. They had, all born in Lancas ter (besides one who died in infancy) : 264 FIFTH GENERATION. 1. Stephen Weeks' Moore, born 29 August 1826 ; married, at Hollis, N. H., 1 November 1859, Julia Rideout, and had : 1. Luetta Marian® Moore, born 13 October 1860. 2. Martha Jane' Moore, born 12 May 1828, died at LoweU, Mass., in 1853. 3. George Washington' Moore, born 12 October 1832 ; mar ried, 19 April 1872, Belinda Stewart, and had : 1. Georgie Martha® Moore, born 9 December 1874. 4. Annie Lucretia' Moore, born 23 January 1834 ; manied, 18 December 1854, Harvey H. Lucas, of Lancaster, N. H., and had (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Sarah Howe Bacon® Lucas, born at Lancaster, N. H., 16 October 1855 ; married, at Canaan, Vt., 25 December 1876, Charles E. Gray. 2. Jared Williams® Lucas, born at Lancaster, N. H., 17 September 1859. 3. Laura Martha® Lucas, born at Canaan, Vt., 4 Au gust 1863. 4. JuUa Lucretia® Lucas, born at Canaan, Vt., 4 Octo ber 1866. 2507. Hannah", born in 1810 ; married, in 1827, Joshua Emery, of Bartlett, N. H. ; she died at Canaan, Vt., 12 AprU 1876. They had, born in Shelburne, N. H., except the last : 1. John Pitman' Emery, born 23 June 1828 ; married, 16 Jan uary 1853, Louisa Sanderson ; Uves in Guildhall, Vt., and had : 1. Adelaide Louisa® Emery, born 4 November 1854; married, 27 November 1875, George Pilbro, of Canaan, Vt. 2 . Luella Cornelia® Emery, born 3 October 1856; married, 1 March 1873, Benjamin Charles Gleason, of Granby, Vt. 3. NelUe Attara® Emery, born 21 May 1860. 4. George Irving® Emery, born 26 Januar}' 1862. 5. Maggie Hannah® Emery, born 10 August 1869. 6. Mirtie Maud® Emery, born 13 July 1871. 7. Minnie Agnes® Emery, born 13 July 1873. 2. George Cass' Emery, bom 20 May 1830, died single, at Guildhall, Vt., January 1855. 3. Stephen Wentworth' Emery, born 17 February 1832; married, 12 June 1864, Betsey Amy; Uves at Guildhall, Vt., and had : 1. Fletcher Stephen® Emery, born 14 AprU 1866. 2. Albert® Emery, born 14 AprU 1873. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 265 4. Louisa Lucretia' Emery, born 6 August 1834 ; married, 1 January 1867, Frank J. Hartshorn, of Canaan, Vt., and had : 1. Frank M.® Hartshorn, born 6 October 1874. 5. Warren Dana' Emerj-^, born 12 November 1837 ; married, 1 November 1870, Ruby Hendrick; Uved at Guildhall, Vt., and had : 1. Everett Joshua® Emery. 2. Harriet® Emery. 3. Charles® Emery. 6. EUzabeth Hannah' Emery, born 20 April 1839 ; married, 1st, 1 January 1864, Marvin Fletcher, of Canaan, Vt., who died there 21 October 1872 ; 2d, 5 May 1873, Charles H. Weeks, of Canaan, Vt. , and had : 1. Jennie H.® Weeks, born 3 June 1875. 2. Gertrude® Weeks, born in 1875. 7. Elsie Ann' Emery, bora 29 January 1846 ; married, 15 August 1863, John Carbe, of Canaan, Vt., and had: 1. Elmer Eugene® Carbe, born in 1864. 2. Frank Dana® Carbe, born in 1866. 3. Everett Irving" Carbe, born in 1869. 8. Haniet AdeUne' Emery, born 19 July 1849, in Guildhall, Vt. ; married, 15 May 1867, John Flanders, of Canaan, Vt. 2508. Ruth", married Newell, son of her mother's second husband bj^ a former wife. Ezekiel* (888), son of Nicholas* and Patience* (Wentworth) Wentworth, born 2 May 1774;. married, 25 June 1801, Betsey Abbott, of Conway, N. H., born 10 May 1783. He lived in Jack son, N. H., and there died 12 July 1850. She lived in Jackson, N. H., with one of her sons, and died there. They had : 2509. John A.", born 23 February 1803. [4626] 2510. Nicholas", born 28 May 1805, died aged 5 years. 2511. Daniel", born 7 August 1807 ; married, at Thorold, Prov. Out., 30 June 1835, Lorinda Savicole, born 12 June 1819. He is supposed to have been drowned in the Niagara River, at Lewiston, N. Y., as he was last seen on the dock 14 January 1853. His widow manied, 15 March 1855, Frederic John Schueeberger, at Manchester, Niagara Falls, N. Y. , and now lives at Meadville, Pa. Daniel" had, aU born at Thorold, P. 0. : 1. WilUam HiU', born 6 May 1836 ; married, at St. Cathe rine's, Prov. Ont., 26 December 1856, Mary Walker. He Uved at Bufi'alo, N. Y., in 1871, and had, born at St. Catherine's : 266 FIFTH GENERATION. 1. Joseph Isaac®, born 16 October 1857. 2. Ida EUzabeth®, born 8 February 1863. 2. Albert Edgar', born 16 January 1839 ; manied, in Buf falo, N. Y., 13 September 1859, Emma Althea Darnious. He enUsted in the 151st N. Y. Vols., 26 August 1862; honorably discharged 26 June 1865. He Uves in Bufi'alo, N. Y. 3. EUzabeth Alwilda', born 6 December 1840 ; manied, 20 November 1864, George Foote, in Bufi'alo, N. Y., and had there : 1. Frank Wentworth® Foote, born 18 August 1867. 4. Isaac B.', born 14 March 1845 ; manied, 29 March 1866, Mary Hughes, in New York citj-, where he lives, and had one child, who died in infancy. 2512. PrisciUa", bora 10 January 1810 ; married, 1st, in Dover, N. H., in 1836, Bartholomew Flynn ; 2d, in 1849, Elkanan Win chester, and lived in Boston, Mass. She had, by her first hus band : 1. Mary Ann' Flynn, born 10 April 1837 ; married, 15 Jan uary 1856, Charles H. Atkinson, born in Limington, Me. ; and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Charles Franklin® Atkinson, born 7 May 1857. 2. Ella Maria® Atkinson, born 7 September 1863. PrisciUa" had, by her second husband : 2. Clara' Winchester, born 10 January 1850 ; married, 29 August 1865, Milton C. Loomis ; is childless. 2513. Lydia", born 4 January 1812 ; married, 24 May 1832, Mark Broughton, brother of Hannah (Broughton) , wife of Asahel* (869) Wentworth. They lived in Conway, N. H., and she died there 29 July 1868. After her death he removed to Stoneham, Mass., and lived with one of his daughters married there. They had : 1. Elizabeth W.' Broughton, born 25 October 1832; mar ried, 17 June 1854, Frank A. Cloutman ; lived in Stoneham, Mass., and had two children, who died in infancy. 2. WilUam' Broughton, born 8 June 1835 ; married, at Con way, N. H., 17 December 1868, Jennie E. Flanders, and died next day. She is living in Lynn, Mass. 3. James Harrison' Broughton, bom 20 October 1836 ; mar ried JuUa A. Wells, of Portsmouth, N. H., and Uves there. 4. Harriet Atwood' Broughton, born 23 January 1840 ; mar ried, in Stoneham, Mass., 12 May 1866, Hollis S. Berry, and died there 20 December 1872. He lives there. They had : DESCENDANTS OP BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 267 1. DeUa R.® Berry, born 23 September 1868. 5. Susan King' Broughton, born 27 March 1846 ; married, in Worcester, Mass., 4 May 1865, Frank P. Sawyer, born in LoweU, Mass., 14 February 1839 ; they Uved in Boston, Mass., and had : 1. James Andrew® Sawyer, born in Brookfield, Mass., 3 November 1867. 2. Wilson Lane® Sawyer, born in Boston, Mass., 21 Maj^ 1869. 3. Mark Harry® Sawyer, born in Boston, Mass., 17 May 1871. 6. George Henry' Broughton, born 20 April 1850, died 11 July 1861. 2514. Enoch D.", bom 31 March 1814 ; supposed to have been lost at sea when about 24 years old. 2515. Levi", born 24 July 1816. [4629] 2516. Betsey A.", born 23 September 1818 ; married, in 1844, Converse Weymouth, of Lowell, Mass. He was a soldier in the war of the RebeUion, and was wounded at Drury's Bluff, 13 May 1865. They lived in Chester, N. H., and had : 1. Charles Henrj^' Weymouth, born at Chelmsford, Mass., 15 September 1846. He was a soldier in the war of ^the Rebel Uon, was wounded near Wilmington, N. C, February 1865, and died from wounds, at Baltimore, Md., 20 April 1865. 2. Edgar Eugene' Weymouth, born at Sandown, N. H., 4 June 1848 ; lives at Chester, N. H. 3. Clarence Albion' Wej^mouth, bora at Sandown, N. H., 23 AprU 1851. 4. Clara Jane' Weymouth, born at Chester, N. H., 4 June 1853. 6. Frank WiUis' Weymouth, born at Chester, N. H., 20 June 1855. 2517. Andrew T.", born 9 August 1823. [4633] Edmund* (889), son of Nicholas* and Patience* (Wentworth) Wentworth, born 5 February 1775 ; manied, 15 April 1795, Ruth Philpot, born 30 March 1775. He Uved in Conway, N. H. He entered the U. S. army, 6 February 1812, and died in service at Burlington, Vt. , 14 January 1814. His widow was living, in August 1858, with Capt. David AUard, of Albany, N. H. Edmund* had : 2518. Benjamin", bora 25 September 1795, died single, Octo ber 1837. 268 FIFTH GENERATION. 2519. Sally", born 23 July 1797; married (his second wife) Samuel Nutt (formerly Nutter*), of Wolfeborough, N. H., and died at Great FaUs, N. H., 30 March 1861. They had (besides several who died young) : 1. Betsey' Nutt, married David Richards; lived in LoweU, Mass., and had : 1. David B.® Richards. 2. Mary Eunice® Richards. 2. Martha J.' Nutt, manied Enoch Mugford ; lived in Hart, Oceana co., Mich., and had nine children. 3. Andrew Jackson' Nutt, enlisted in the 39th Indiana Vols., war of the RebelUon, and has not since been heard from. 4. Ezra' Nutt, enlisted in 5th N. H. Vols., and was wounded ; lived in Wolfeborough, N. H. 5. Henry' Nutt, married Emeline Edgerly, of Wolfeborough, N. H. ; Uved in Brookfield, N. H., and had : 1 . Henry Napoleon® Nutt. 2. Alberta C.® Nutt. 3. WilUam® Nutt. 6. Ann Maria' Nutt, married WiUiam B. Nason. 7. Samuel A.' Nutt, married, 1st, Rorena E. Fallan ; 2d, Sarah J. Hooper, and lived in Biddeford, Me. 8. Frank Nelson' Nutt, married Grace Tebbetts, and lived at Melvin ViUage, Tuftonborough, N. H. 2520. Lavina", born 8 March 1799 ; manied, 1st, Edmund Tay lor" (2098) Wentworth, whom see for children. They separated, and she married, 2d, Daniel Chase ; and died at South Milton, N. H., 8 March 1872. 2521. Nicholas", bom 11 April 1801 ; married, 1st, SaUy, daughter of Aaron Fales, of Walpole, Mass. ; she died childless; 2d, Sarah Clark, of Rutland, Mass. He Uved in Medwaj-, Mass., and had, by his second wife : 1. Edmund', born August 1818 ; married, September 1872, Louisa HaU. 2. EmeUne', born 28 January 1853. 3. Sarah', born 30 December 1856 ; married John Snow. 4. Martha Dana', born 30 October 1860. 2522. Edmund", born 28 May 1805. [4639] * Among the descendants of New Hampshu-e families, the names "Nute," "Nutt," and "Nutter," although distinct families, have sometimes heeu con founded. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 269 2523. Martha A.", born 15 August 1805 ; married James M. Stevens, who died many years ago. His widow lived at Newmar ket, N. H. They had (besides one who died young) : 1. Lydia' Stevens, married WiUiam Orrill, Uved in Lebanon, Me., and was a widow in 1873. 2. Rebecca' Stevens, Uved with her mother. 2524. Joanna", born 16 June 1807 ; married John Nutt, son (by his first wife) of Samuel Nutt who married her sister Sally" as his second wife. She lived at East Boston, Mass., and had five children. 2525. Alice", born 5 April 1809 ; married John Bell, of Lynn, 2526. Betsey", born 6 October 1811 ; married Robert Dana, of Boston, Mass. ; is chUdless. Phineas* (890), son of Nicholas* and Patience* (Wentworth) Wentworth, born about 1777 ; married, 1st, in Banington, N. H., 7 November 1798, Elizabeth, daughter of Israel Pierce, of Barring ton, N. H., born 26 July 1774, died 18 May 1832. He manied, 2d, AbigaU (Nutter) , widow of George Libbey, of Durham, N. H. ; she was born in Newington, N. H., and died childless, in New York State, 19 July 1844, aged 45 years, and willed her individual property' to the daughters of her husband's son Israel P." (2529) Wentworth. He married, 3d, Mary (Chapman), widow of Brad bury JeweU, of Tamworth, N. H. ; she died in Barrington, N. H., June 1861. He died 4 February 1854. He had, all by his first wife: 2527. Susannah", born 10 March 1799 ; married, 12 AprU 1838, Samuel James, and died childless, 5 March 1855. He died Septem ber 1857. 2528. SaUy", born 22 August 1802 ; married, in 1829, Richard Stimpson ; she died 11 March 1868. 2529. Israel Pierce", born 17 August 1804. [4647] 2530. Mary", born April 1808, died 18 September 1835. 2531. OUve B.", born 7 December 1810; married, December 1837, Nathaniel Stimpson, and lived in Durham, N. H. She died 28 December 1870. They had : 1. Alfred' Stimpson, born in Durham, N.H. , 19 January 1838. 2. Curtis' Stimpson, born in Barrjngton, N. H., 5 Septem ber 1840. 270 FIFTH GENERATION. 3. WiUiam' Stimpson, born in Nottingham, N. H., 29 Febru ary 1844. 4. Mary Susan' Stimpson, born in Durham, N. H., 3 Decem ber 1847. Paul* (891) , son of Nicholas* and Patience* (Wentworth) Went worth, born 23 October 1778 ; manied, October 1705, Eunice, daughter of Isaiah Forrest, of Eaton, N. H., bom in Bridgewater, Mass., 17 April 1787. He lived in Conway, N. H., and died there 17 July 1849. His widow Uved in Conwaj' with her daughter Har riet N.", and died 9 May 1867. They had : 2532. Richard Odell", born 14 January 1807 ; Uved, in 1873, single, in Dummer, N. H., Milan post-office, with his brother Eph raim F." 2533. Sarah Thompson", born 9 March 1808; married, 3 June 1849, Josiah Merrill, former husband of her sister Eunice", and lived in Great FaUs, N. H., in 1871, childless. 2534. Harriet Newell", born 14 May 1809 ; manied, Novem ber 1842, Warren Gannett, of Tamworth, N. H. ; lived in Somers worth, N. H., where she died childless, 20 April 1853. He became the second husband of her sister Lucj'". 2535. Isaiah Forrest", born 28 January 1811. [4651] 2536. Thomas", born 9 November 1813. [4656] 2537. Rosetta", born 9 March 1815 ; lived single, in Great Falls, N. H., with her sister Sarah T." 2538. Lucy", born 9 January 1816 ; married, 1st, in 1839, David Hardy, of Fryeburg, Me., who died there 11 March 1849; 2d, in 1853, Warren Gannett, whose former wife was her sister Harriet N." She was Uving in 1871 at HaverhiU, Mass. She had, by her first marriage : 1. George WiUiam' Hardy, born 1841 ; married, in 1864, Sarah Fogg, of HaverhiU, Mass., and had: 1. George Otis® Hardy, born 6 March 1865. 2. Frank Wilbert® Hardy, born 21 July 1869. 3. Sarah Alice® Hardy, born 15 August 1872. 2. Emily' Hardy, born 1842 ; married, in 1860, James F. Perry, of Auburn, Me., and had : 1. Florence® Perry, born 16 October 1861. 2. Lucy® Perry, born 8 August 1863. 3. Albertina® Perry, born 19 November 1867. 4. Albert G.® Perry, born 24 November 1872. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 271 3. Sarah Frances' Hardy, born 1843 ; married, April 1864, Frank Hall, of HaverhiU, Mass., and died 7 May 1870, childless. 4. Lucy' Hardy, born 1845 ; married, 1st, 14 November 1862, Otis Bond, of HaverhiU, Mass., who died 12 April 1867, chUd less ; 2d, Alvah B. Clark, of Salem, Mass., and had : 1. Maud® Clark, born October 1872. 5. Mary Elizabeth' Hardy, born 1847 ; married, 14 June 1868, Edward How, of Haverhill, Mass., and had : 1. Mabel G.® How, born 23 March 1870. Lucy" had, by her second marriage : 6. Charles Warren' Gannett, born 2 January 1854. 7. Lewis Wanen' Gannett, born 18 March 1857. 2539. Ephraim Foster", born 9 December 1818. [4659] 2540. Eunice", born 2 December 1820 ; married, June 1842, Josiah MerriU, of LoveU, Me., born 29 November 1819 ; she died at Somersworth, N. H., 24 September 1848; he married, 2d, her sister Sarah". Eunice" had : 1 . Rosette' MenUl, died in infancy. 2. Francis RusseU' MerrUl, born 5 July 1843 ; married, 2 September 1867, Sarah Bigney, of Nova Scotia, born 15 Novem ber 1843. They Uved in Great Falls, N. H., and had : 1. Canie Ward® MerriU, born 13 April 1868. 2, Frank Russell® MeniU, born 17 October 1869. 3. Sarah Etta® Merrill, born 23 March 1871. 3. Richard' MerriU, born 28 November 1844 ; married, 8 August 1870, Josephine Boj'nton, of Buxton, Me., and lived in Haverhill, Mass. 4. Nancy Etta' MerrUl, bom 14 May 1847 ; married, 18 November 1867, James S. Wiggin, of Tuftonborough, N. H. ; lived in South Berwick, Me., and had : 1. James Frederick® Wiggin, born 13 August 1871. 2. Son^, born 14 January 1873. 2541. Paul", born in Berwick, Me., 12 September 1823. [4661] 2542. Nancy MerriU", born 1 December 1824, died 23 April 1847, at Conway, N. H. Daniel* (894), son of Nicholas* and Patience* (Wentworth) Wentworth, born 12 January 1785 ; went to Ohio with his brother Levi*, and stopped at Cincinnati. He manied, 9 March 1815, Mary, daughter of WilUam and Jerusha Sharp, then of Cincinnati ; she was born in Pennsylvania, 29 December 1795. He moved to 272 FIFTH GENERATION. Brownsville, Ind., lived there several j-^ears, and then moved to near Jerome, Howard co., Ind., where he died about 1862. His widow Uved, at last dates, at Greentown, Howard co., Ind. They had: 2543. William", born in Cincinnati, 0., 4 April 1816 ; married in Wayne co., Ind., 18 Febraary 1838, Mary Clevenzer, born 19 October 1812, and lived at Williamsburg, Franklin co., Kansas. They had : 1. Annie Eliza', born in Wayne co., Ind., 21 March 1839; married, in Grant co., Ind., 30 October 1859, Jonathan Osborn, born in Ohio, 18 September 1835; lived in Osage co., Kansas, in 1870, and had : 1. Mary Frances® Osborn, born in Grant co., Ind., 19 November 1860. 2. William® Osborn, born in Grant co., Ind., 7 Decem ber 1863. 3. Samuel® Osborn, born in Howard co., Ind., 29 June 1866. 4. Chapman® Osborn, born in Grant co.. Ind., 24 July 1867. 5. Isaac Leroy® Osborn, born in Osage co., Kansas, 9 November 1869. 2. Susan', born in Wayne co., Ind., 3 September 1840 ; mar ried in Grant co., Ind., 20 October 1859, John White, born in Brown co., Ohio, 14 October 1839. They Uved in Osage co., Kansas, and had : 1. Mary Angeline® White, born in Grant co., Ind., 11 February 1861. 2. William V.® White, bom in Grant co., Ind., 11 May 1863. 3. Sarah Elizabeth® White, born in Howard co., Ind., 29 August 1865. 4. Eliza Jane® White, bora in Grant co., Ind., 15 Octo ber 1867. 3. Daniel', born in Wayne co., Ind., 18 February 1842; married, 29 August 1863, Mary Ann GUland, born 28 January 1811. They live in Yorktown, Delaware co., Ind., and had : 1. James WiUiam^, born 23 May 1864. 2. Mary C®, born 1 January 1866. 3. Sarah Elizabeth®, born 15 November 1869. 4. Samuel', born in Delaware co., Ind., 1 May 1844; mar- DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 273 ried, in Grant co., Ind., 15 October 1861, C3'nthia H. WUson, born in Adams co., Ohio, 2 October 1847. They lived in Xenia, Miami co., Ind., and had : 1. Mary Ann®, born in Howard co., Ind., 17 July 1866. 2. Naomi E.®, born in Howard co., Ind., 20 August 1869. 3. Martha E.®, born in Osage co., Kansas, 20 January 1871. 5. Mary Elizabeth', bom in Delaware co., Ind., 21 August 1846 ; married, in Kansas, 17 June 1869, WiUiam Beale, born in Ohio, 6 June 1849. They Uved in Kansas, and had : 1. John P.® Beale, born in Osage co., Kansas, 28 March 1870. 6. John WUUam', born in Delaware co., Ind., 16 July 1848 ; Uved in Osage co., Kansas. 7. Cynthia Maria', born in Grant co., Ind., 30 May 1851 ; lived in Osage co., Kansas. 2544. Patience", born 9 February 1819 ; married, 13 September 1840, James Miner, and died at Jonesboro', Grant co., Ind., 19 June 1870. They had : 1. Daniel' Miner, born 25 June 1841. 2. John H.' Miner, born 3 December 1843. 3. Mary J.' Miner, born 8 August 1845. 4. WiUiam A.' Miner, born 2 April 1852. 2545. Jerusha", born 11 March 1824; married, 1st, John Marts ; 2d, 27 January 1855, Tarver Seagraves, and Uved in Greentown, Howard co., Ind., childless. 2546. PriscUla", born 1 April 1828 ; married, Joel E. Eng- hsh, 26 December 1844 ; is childless. 2547. Sarah J.", born 2 May 1830 ; married, 22 March 1852, John Hammers ; lived at Pleasant Grove, Fulton co. , Ind. , and had ; 1. George W.' Hammers, born 25 August 1853. 2. Mary E. J.' Hammers, born 5 June 1858. 2548. Phebe D.", born 10 November 1833; married, 1st, 15 September 1850, Thomas Partington. After his death she was a widow about two years, and married, 12 May 1856, Thomas Gold- ing. She died 31 August 1865, at Greentown, Ind. She had, by her first husband : 1. Amanda Ann' Partington, born 14 May 1851. Phebe D." had, by her second husband (besides one who died in infancy) : VOL. n. — 18 274 FIFTH GENERATION. 2. Alonzo J.' Golding, born 17 February 1857. 3. Orlando M.' Golding, born 18 November 1858. 4. Lorin W.' Golding, born 2 October 1860. 2548a. Rachel E.", born 4 November 1835 ; married, 11 Octo ber 1860, Eleazar Gipson, and had: 1. Mary J.' Gipson, born 13 October 1862. 2. George W.' Gipson, born 27 December 1864. 3. Amanda B.' Gipson, born 13 November 1865. 4. William A.' Gipson, born 24 October 1867. 2549. Margaret Elizabeth", born 28 January 1837 ; married, 11 February 1858, WilUam J. Murphy; Uved on the homestead, and had : 1. William A.' Murphy, born 13 December 1858. 2. Laura B.' Murphy, bora 1 November 1861. 3. Ella M.' Murphy, born 16 November 1865. Thomas* (900), son of Elihu* and Lois (Pinkham) Wentworth, born 18 September 1780; married, in Rochester, N. H., 21 May 1807, "both of Milton, N. H.," Olive" (2438;, daughter of Sam uel S.5 (862) Wentworth. He died at Great Falls, N. H., 25 March 1850, and she died there 2 February 1875. They had : 2550. Benjamin FrankUn", born in Milton, N. H., 3 Decem ber 1807; married, 12 September 1832, Rebecca Knox; lived at Great FaUs, N. H., and died 4 October 1860. They had : 1. Thomas Millet', born 27 November 1827; married, 14 May 1854, Melissa Gowan, of Littleton, N. H. ; lived in Great FaUs, N. H., 1871, and had : 1. EUa®, born 20 August 1858. 2. Frederick®, born 11 February 1862. 2. Harriet Amanda', born 6 December 1838 ; married, 20 February 1856, Joseph Rowe; lived at Great Falls, N.H., and had: 1. Frank® Rowe, born 7 January 1867. 3. Jared Perkins', born 23 August 1840 ; married, 16 August 1862, at Clinton, Me., Lizzie Flood, born there 22 July 1839. They lived at Holyoke, Mass., where she died 15 August 1871. They had, born there (besides one who died in infancj'): 1. Clara Belle®, born 7 February 1868. 2. Florence Ethel®, born 12 November 1869. 4. David W.', born 10 February 1845 ; lived at Great FaUs, N. H., single. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 275 2551. Lavina B.", born 3 November 1809, died 16 May 1816. 2552. Eliza", born 25 March 1812 ; living single, in 1875, with her brother Samuel S." 2553. Rosemond", born 25 June 1814, died 7 March 1818. 2554. Stephen", born 13 August 1816. [4664] 2555. David", born 11 AprU 1819. [4667] 2556. Mary A.", born 20 March 1821 ; married Chester AUen, of Great Falls, N. H., and died 18 May 1853. They had, Uving in Lowell, Mass. : 1. Helen M.' Allen, born 1 August 1845 ; married, 4 Octo ber 1866, Joseph Cor Us. 2. Charles Henry' Allen, born 27 May 1850 ; married, 4 July 1869, Emma Tower, of St. John, N. B. 3. Mary Olive' AUen, born 4 July 1852. 2557. Samuels.", bom in Milton. N. H., 16 July 1823. [4668] 2558. Thomas MiUet", born 24 February 1826, died 21 Decem ber 1832. 2559. Rebecca R.", born 29 December 1829 ; married, 20 De cember 1846, Walter S. Plummer, and lived in Great Falls, N. H., in 1871. They had (besides two who died young): 1. Belle' Plummer, born 1 April 1850. 2. Alice' Plummer, born 13 August 1854. 3. Thomas H.' Plummer, born 9 July 1856. 4. Walter S.' Plummer, bom 25 October 1859. 5. Eugene' Plummer, born 4 May 1862. 6. Gertrude' Plummer, born 23 January 1867. Isaac* (901), son of Elihu* and Lois (Pinkham) Wentworth, born 6 December 1782 ; Uved in MUton, N. H. ; married, 12 De cember 1814, Lucy" Twombly, of Milton, N. H., daughter of Samuel* (854) Twombly, born 7 March 1795. She died at South Milton in 1864 ; he was living there in 1877. They had : 2560. Eri", born 10 November 1815 ; married, in 1846, Mary Jane Shute, who died in Milton 16 January 1861 ; he died there 31 January 1869. They had : 1. Ellen H.', born 25 March 1850 ; manied, 8 May 1872, James H. Twombly. 2561. Mary", born 26 September 1817 ; married, 1 May 1844, Seth Meserve, born 1 November 1816. She died 17 January 1873. They had : 1. George S.' Meserve, bora 22 March 1845. 276 FIFTH GENERATION. 2. John W.' Meserve, born 26 AprU 1856. 2562. Clarissa", bom 8 September 1819 ; lived single, on the homestead. 2563. Hannah", born 23 October 1821, died 7 October 1844. 2564. Isaac", born 5 December 1823 ; married, Januaiy 1849, Abigail Watson, born 13 September 1823. They lived in Milton, N. H., and had (besides one who died in infancj'): 1. Frances Olive', born 29 March 1850; married Walter S. Stanlej^ born in Tamworth, N. H., 9 May 1851 ; lived in Roches ter, N. H. 2. Mary EUzabeth', born 2 May 1852. 3. John Henry', born 23 February 1855, died 11 June 1876. 4. Charles Herbert', born 8 May 1857. 5. Abbie Jane', born 1 December 1869. 6. Hattie BeUe', born 1 Octoberrl862. 7. Frank Oscar', born 2 January 1867. 2565. Lois A.", born 18 December 1825 ; married in Newmar ket, N. H., 10 November 1852, James T;® Hanson, of Rochester, N. H., son of Timothy and Lydia' (3676) (Baker) Hanson, bora 15 May 1818. They lived at Great FaUs, N. H., and had : 1. Clara Ida' Hanson, born 14 October 1853 ; married Charles Herbert Andrews. 2. Lucy EUa' Hanson, born 17 July 1858. 3. Cora Belle' Hanson, born 5 September 1863. 2566. Emilj-", born 14 October 1827; married, 28 December 1854, Calvin Smith, of HaverhiU, Mass., born 9 October 1831; and had : 1. Cora BeU' Smith, born in HaverhiU, Mass., 19 Septem ber 1860. 2567. Lucy", born 12 December 1829 ; manied, 18 AprU 1858, Daniel W. Roberts, and lived on the Point Road, Dover, N. H. ; they had : 1. Eva Lucy' Roberts, born 11 August 1867. 2568. Seth", born 1 March 1835 ; married, and lived in Bos ton, Mass. Beard* (903), son of EUhu* and Lois (Pinkham) Wentworth, born 4 June 1792; had his father's homestead in Milton, N. H., and died there 22 February 1873. He married Sarah Roberts, and had : 2569. Ira", born 20 November 1821 ; married Lucretia Hayes; lived in Rochester, N. H., in 1873, childless. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 277 2570. Simon", born 13 October 1823 ; married, 15 December 1858, Frances J.', daughter of Joseph" Cook, and granddaughter of Jeremiah and Hannah* (704) (Wentworth) Cook, of Milton, N.^H. They Uved in Rochester, N. H., and had : 1. Ehner E.', born 23 April 1861. 2. Walter S.', born 28 June 1863. 3. Fred B.', born 3 August 1864. 2571. Jonas R.", born 20 November 1825 ; married, 22 Febru ary 1852, Martha L. KimbaU ; Uved in Rochester, N. H., in 1873, and had : 1. Fannie S.', born 6 July 1855. 2. Stella E.', born 12 July 1859. 2572. EUza Ann", born 3 November 1827 ; married, in 1852, Leonard Haj'es, who died 10 January 1875. They had : 1. Henry B.' Hayes, born 24 May 1853. 2. Herbert N.' Hayes, born 19 September 1857. 2573. George B.", born 12 January 1830. [4669] 2574. John F.", born 15 February 1832 ; married, 8 June 1864, Lydia S., daughter of James Y. Hayes, of Rochester, N. H. ; and hved in Rochester, N. H., in 1873, childless. 2575. Martin Van Buren", born 9 AprU 1834 ; married, in Great Falls, N. H., 9 June 1875, Rebecca E. Seavey, of Rochester, N. H., and lived in Dover, N. H. 2576. Lois", bora 24 December 1835, died 11 February 1836. 2577. Sarah A.", born 13 March 1841. Samuel* (906), son of Joseph* and Eunice (Shorey) Wentworth, bom 1 July 17^0. He was a soldier in the war of the Revolution. He was known as " Gunner Sam," to distinguish him from the numerous other Samuels. He married, as " of Rochester, N. H.," 2 May 1782, Sarah Stone, of Berwick, Me. He died about 1831. They had : 2578. Daniel", bom 6 May 178-. [4670] 2579. John", born in Milton, N. H., about 1790. [4680] 2580. Mary", born 4 February 1788 ; married Benjamin Wake- ham, and lived in Milton, N.H. She died in Dover, N. H., 25 November 1874. They had : 1. Hezekiah' Wakeham, died childless. 2. Drusilla' Wakeham, manied EUhu Hersom, and died August 1834. He married again, and he and wife are dead. DrusiUa' had : 278 FIFTH GENERATION. 1. George L.® Hersom, born 10 July 1834 ; was lieuten ant in the 5th N. H. Vols., war of the RebeUion. Manied twice ; his second wife was his mother's cousin Ann Ade line', daughter of Simeon and Sarah" (2587) (Wentworth) Wiggin. They Uved at Milton Three Ponds, N. H. 2581. Aaron", born 23 September 1793. [4684] 2582. Moses", twin with Aaron", died in the army, in the war of 1812. 2583. Betsey", married, 24 August 1818, John Whitehouse, and lived in Middleton, N. H., in 1875. They had : 1. Naomi' Whitehouse, married George Stevens, and had three children. 2. Hannah' Whitehouse, married, 1st, Stevens ; 2d, Dearborn ; lived at Middleton Corner, N. H. 2584. Mehitable", married, 7 January 1816, WiUiam Wejonouth, of South Berwick, Me., and had : 1 . Sarah' Weymouth, married Henry Whitten. 2. EUzabeth' Weymouth, married Daniel Ridley. 3. Harriet' Weymouth, married Levi Bracy. 4. Marj'' Weymouth. 5. Nathaniel' Weymouth, married widow Mary Furbish. 2585. Levi", born 4 July 1801. [4688] 2586. Phineas". [4696] 2587. Sarah", married, 6 May 1824, Simeon Wiggin, of MUton, N. H. ; Uved, in 1875, at Wakefield, N. IL, and had : 1. Mary' Wiggin. 2. William' Wiggin. 3. Alonzo' Wiggin, was in 9th N. H. Vols., war of the Re bellion, and died in service. 4. Alvah' Wiggin. 5. Lydia' Wiggin. 6. John' Wiggin. 7. Drusilla' Wiggin. 8. Mark N.' Wiggin, was in Co. H, 27th Maine Vols. 9. Ann Adeline' Wiggin, married (his second wife) George L.® Hersom, of Milton Three Ponds, N. H., son of her mother's cousin DrusiUa' (Wakeman) Hersom, who was daughter of Mary" (2580) (Wentworth) Wakeman. 10. Luther P.' Wiggin, Uved in Boston, Mass. 11. Sarah EUzabeth' Wiggin. 12. Henry' Wiggin. 2588. Samuel Lyman". [4698] DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 279 William* (907), son of Joseph* and Eunice (Shorey) Went worth, born 7 April 1762 ; married, 7 October 1784, Judith Knight, both of Berwick, Me. They moved to Limington, Me., where he died 6 April 1807. His widow married, 2d, David DureU, and died in Limington, Me., 3 May 1838. William* had : 2589. Joseph", born in Kittery, Me., 15 March 1785. [4702] 2590. WiUiam", born in RajTuond, Me., in 1787. [4713] 2591. George", born in Limington, Me., about 1790; married Hannah Douglas, both then of Limington, Me., and lived in Swe den, Me. She died 10 August 1832 ; he died 10 July 1866. They had (besides three who died young) : 1. OUve', born 19 December 1817; married, 2 May 1841, James Griffin Porter ; lived in Sweden, Me., and had : 1. Sarah Jane® Porter, born 3 February 1842 ; married Albion Nevers, and had : 1. Sarah LilUe9 Nevers, born 22 March 1864. 2. Minnie Adelaide9 Nevers, born 31 August 1866. 3. . Georgia Adelia9 Nevers, born 6 June 1870. 2. James Griffin® Porter, born 22 February 1844. 3. Julia Kimball® Porter, born 20 November 1846. 4. Ellen Beman® Porter, born 14 April 1849. 5. Charles Henry® Porter, born 11 November 1851. 2. Charlotte Rounds', born 5 March 1819 ; married, Edward KimbaU, of Denmark, Me., AprU 1838; lived in Sweden, Me., and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. WilUam® Kimball, born 10 August 1839 ; enlisted in the 23d Maine Vols., war of the Rebellion. 2. Lucy® Kimball, born 9 August 1841. 3. Bradford® Kimball, born 8 December 1 844 ; enlisted, in 1862, in the 23d Maine Vols., and died in service, in 1863. 4. George Wentworth® Kimball, born 17 June 1846. 5. Hannah Eliza® Kimball, born 8 January 1848. 6. Richard Everett® Kimball, born 17 June 1852. 7. Susan Abby® KimbaU, born 17 November 1854. 8. Emily® KimbaU, born 14 September 1857. 9. Melville® KimbaU, born 15 February 1859. 10. Frank® KimbaU, bora 9 September 1863. 3. Daniel', born in Denmark, Me., 2 August 1823 ; married, 9 January 1853, Temperance S. Littlefield, born in Auburn, Me. They Uved in East Stoneham, Me., and had (besides two who died in infancj') : 280 FIFTH GENERATION. 1. Betsey Cora®, born 31 December 1858. 2. Frank H.®, bom 24 January 1860. 3. Nellie' Nora®, born 28 November 1862. 4. Mary Frances®, born 10 April 1867. 4. William', born in 1830 ; married, June 1867, Joan Kim ball, who died August 1869, in Sweden, Me., where they lived. 5. Hannah Eliza', born 10 October 1832 ; married, 1 Febru ary 1862, William Ridlon, lived in North Bridgton, Me., and had: 1. Jesse Levi® Ridlon, born 10 October 1866. 2. Martha EUen® Ridlon, born 1 September 1870. 2592. Samuel", born 6 AprU 1791. [4722] 2593. John", twin with Samuel". [4727] 2594. Olive" (seventh child) , born about 1795 ; manied, 4 Jan uary 1815, Timothy Emery, of York, Me. They lived in Dover, N. H., where she died 13 August 1851, aged 56. He died there 16 July 1860, aged 74. They had : 1. Julia A.' Emery, born 1 April 1817 ; married, 1838, John Perkins, of Parsonsfield, Me., and died June 1845. Thej' had : 1. Edward A.® Perkins, born Januarj' 1843. 2. Nancy S.' Emery, born 28 Febraary 1819 ; married, 22 February 1840, John Pinkham, who died 1 July 1856. They had : 1. Mary A.® Pinkham, born 9 July 1841 ; married, 18 October 1857, Charles Coleman. 2. John H.® Pinkham, born 13 August 1843 ; married, 6 AprU 1871, CorneUa H. Dresser, of HaverhUl, Mass. 3. Charles E.® Pinkham, born 13 March 1848. 4. WilUam S.® Pinkham, born 20 August 1851 ; married, 6 September 1870, Lizzie A. Ricker. 3. Horace W.' Emerj', born August 1821. 4. Daniel C Emery, born 19 November 1824, in Milton, N. H. ; married, 28 Januarj' 1846, Abigail Whitehouse, of Mid dleton, N. H., and had : 1. Edward H.® Emery, born 22 January 1847 ; married, 7 November 1867, Fannie L. Jenkins, of Milton, N. H. 2. Thomas D.® Emery, born 26 July 1849. 3. Lester® Emery, born 12 November 1852. 4. Ira G.® Emery, born 28 December 1856. 5. Asenath J.® Emery, born 19 August 1858. 6. King D.® Emery, born 9 December 1863. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 281 7. Frederick H.® Emery, bom 3 August 1866. 5. Timothy K.' Emerj', born June 1827 ; married, 1st, No vember 1849, Hannah E. Pinkham, of Milton, N. IL, who died September 1851 ; 2d, December 1855, Irene P. Merrow, of MU ton MiUs, N. H. He died July 1863. He had, by his first wife : 1. Lizzie H.® Emery, born 7 May 1851. Timothy K.' had, by his second wife : 2. James S.® Emerj', born 24 June 1856. 3. John H.® Emery, born 11 December 1858. 6. Olive J.' Emery, born 21 September 1829 ; married, 14 August 1849, William S. Keay, of Dover, N. H. ; lived there in 1871, and had: 1. James C.® Keay, born 14 January 1856. 2595. Eunice" (ninth child), born 15 September 1799 ; married John Stanley, of Harrison, Me., born 25 December 1798 ; lived there in 1870, and had : 1. Sarah B.' Stanley, born 15 September 1820 ; married, 26 March 1840, her cousin William W.' (4753) Wentworth, son of her uncle Benjamin" (2599) , whom see. Thej' removed to Par sonsfield, Me., in 1863, and Uve there. 2. Roxanna' Stanley, born 15 April 1822. 2596. Daniel", borninLimington,Me.,27Januaryl797. [4737] 2597. Mary" (tenth child), married, 1st, Nathan Nason, of Alfred, Me., who died about 1836; 2d, Joab Ricker, of Alfred ; 3d, ' Whitten, of Alfred, Me., who is dead. She at last dates hved with her son Samuel' Ricker, at Waterborough, Me. She had, by her first maniage : 1. Freeman' Nason. 2. John' Nason, Uved in Saccarappa, Me., 1871. 3. Nathan' Nason ; and two others. She had, by her second maniage : 6. Samuel' Ricker, lived in Waterborough, Me. 2598. Stephen" (eleventh child), born 20 April 1804. [4743] 2599. Benjamin" (sixth child) , born 24 January 1793. [4749] Ichabod* (909) , son of Joseph* and Eunice (Shorey) Wentworth, born 16 October 1767; his "intentions of marriage " with Lj'dia Goodwin were pubUshed, "both of Berwick, Me.," 22 September 1790, and they were manied in October. She died at Alfred, Me., in 1825. He married, 2d, in Alfred, Me., 22 August 1829, widow 282 FIFTH GENERATION. Sally (Littlefield) Morgridge, who survived him. He died in Alfred, Me., January 1854. He had, aU by his first wife : 2600. Jeremiah", born about 1792. [4763] 2601. Sallj'", married, 9 January 1822, Levi Abbott, who moved from Alfred, Me., to Ossipee, N. H., and died there. They had : 1. Elizabeth' Abbott, Uved in Alfred, Me. 2. Charles' Abbott, Uved in Shapleigh, Me. 2602. Polly", born 2 September 1793, lived in Alfred, Me., and died 26 December, 1874, single. 2603. John", died j'oung. 2604. WiUiam", died at sea. 2605. James", died single, in Alfred, Me. James* (910) Chadwick, son of WUliam* and Betsey (Goodwin) Chadwick, married Dorcas, daughter of Eliphalet and Abigail (PUie) Ricker, and granddaughter of John Ricker, who was son of Joseph, and grandson of the emigrant Maturin Ricker. See ' ' Ricker " note to Sarah^ (29a) Wentworth. James* had : 2606. Daniel" Chadwick, married in New Bedford, Mass., and had children. 2607. James" Chadwick, died single. 2608. John" Chadwick, married Ann Cottage, of Quincj-, Mass., and had four children. 2609. WilUam" Chadwick, single. 2610. Samuel" Chadwick, single. 2611. Olive" Chadwick, married Benjamin Wilkinson, and died before 1855. She had : 1. Rebecca' Wilkinson. 2. Martha' Wilkinson. 3. John' Wilkinson. 4. James' Wilkinson. 2612. Dorcas" Chadwick, married Joseph Pearson, of Andover, Mass., and had : 1. George Henry' Pearson. 2613. EUza Ann" Chadwick, married Daniel Stam, of Berwick, Me. , and had : 1. Oliver' Stam. 2. George Henry' Stam. 2614. Rebecca" Chadwick. 2615. Abigail" Chadwick. 2616. Mary Jane" Chadwick. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 283 Paul* (911) Chadwick, son of William* and Betsey (Goodwin) Chadwick; married Triphena Stiles, of Somersworth, N. H., and died 10 March 1832, aged 42 ; she died 8 February 1861, aged 72. They had (besides one who died in infancy) : 2617. Betsey" Chadwick, married Rev. Ebenezer Gerrj', of Al fred, Me., and died 10 AprU 1875. They had : 1. Mary Abbj'' Gerrj', born 15 March 1835 ; married Charles Whall, of Dorchester, Mass., and had two children. 2. Sarah Ann' Gerry, born 15 September 1838; married Albert Dana, of Augusta, Me., and had two children. 3. Green Grove' Gerry, born 18 August 1843 ; married Hettj- Foster, of Boston, Mass. 2618. Sarah Ann" Chadwick, died single, 11 June 1838, aged 25. , 2619. Paul" Chadwick, born 7 August 1818 ; married, 20 July 1840, Mary EUzabeth Stiles, born 8 May 1816 ; she died 1 July 1853 ; he iived in Dover, N. H., and died 30 January 1852. They had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. WiUiam Bartiett' Chadwick, born 17 July 1843. 2. George Haven' Chadwick, born 13 March 1845 ; enlisted in the armj-, war of the Rebellion, was severelj' wounded at Cole Harbor, 3 June 1864, and was discharged ; has since lived in Dover, N. H. 2620. WilUam" Chadwick, died 20 October 1839, aged 19. 2621. AbigaU" Chadwick, died 23 November 1839. 2622. Daniel" Chadwick, born 2 December 1824, married, 7 September 1845, Louisa Seavej', of Dover, N. H., born 4 March, 1829 ; lives there, and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. WiUiam Kirkwood' Chadwick, born 13 December 1846. 2. ArabeUa Haley' Chadwick, born 21 April 1858. 2622a. Lydia Wentworth" Chadwick, born 1 February 1829 ; married, 20 November 1861, Capt. Charies Dodge Moulton, of Alfred, Me., and had one child, who died in infancj'. Joanna* (927) Roberts, daughter of Capt. Joshua and Joanna* (Wentworth) Roberts, born 14 October 1777 ; married James Tut tle, of Dover, N. H. (a descendant of John Tuttle,* the Dover (N. H.) emigrant). He was born 25 December 1773, died 28 August 1856. She died 27 September 1849. They had : * Tuttle. — Johnl Tuttle prohahly was a settler of Dover, N. H., in 1635; lived on Dover Neck, where his posterity in the male line still live, and died in 1663; he had wife Dorothy; and four children, among whom was: 284 FIFTH GENERATION. 2623. Charies" Tuttle, born 26 AprU 1801, died 31 May 1814. 2624. Moses" Tuttle, born 26 July 1803 ; married, 1st, in 1829, Mary, daughter of Joseph and Mehitable (Dore) Merrow, of New- field, Me. (Joseph Merrow, a Ueutenant in the war of 1812, and son of Joseph and Mary (Dore) Merrow, of Rochester, N. H., who was grandson of Dr. Samuel Menow,* ancestor of the Mer- rows in New Hampshire.) She was born 7 February 1806, died 23 August 1845. He married, 2d, in 1848, Lydia (Brock), daugh ter of John Brock, of Berwick, Me., and widow of Stephen Waite (by whom she had Sarah B. Waite), by whom he had one child who died young. He settled in Newfield, Me., in 1829 ; on the death of his first wife, he returned to Dover, N. H. ; in 1849, removed to Cambridge, Mass., and died there 28 October 1859. He had, by his first wife (all born in Newfield, Me.): 1. Charles Wesley' Tuttle, born 1 November 1829 ; was As sistant Professor of Astronomy at the Observatory of Harvard College from 1849 to 1855 inclusive; honorary A. M., H. C. 1854 ; discovered a comet in 1853, and calculated its orbit ; par ticipated in the discoverj' of the new Ring of Saturn, and in the celebrated series of observations on the planet Saturn, Annals of Harvard College Observatory, Vols. I, II, et seq. ; also in the Zone Observations ; was one of the astronomers attached to the U. S. Chronometric expedition to England in 1855. His eyesight faiUng him, he studied law at the Harvard Law School, and with Hon. Harvey JeweU in Boston, and began practice of his profes sion in Newburyport, but soon removed to Boston, where he now is. He was appointed U. S. Commissioner in 1860. He mar ried, 31 January 1872, Mary Louisa, only daughter of Hon. John C. Park, of Boston, Mass. John2 Tuttle, born in 1646 ; lived in Dover, and died in June 1720, leaving large estates ; was town clerk twenty-three years ; treasurer, selectman, member of As sembly, etc., and Judge C. C. P. Had wife Mary, and seven children; daughter MaryS Tuttle married John WaUingford (see " WaUingford " note to Mary* (163) Wentworth) ; another child was : John8 Tuttle (Ensign), who married Judith, daughter of Richard and Rose (Stoughton) Otis (see note under Lydia* (166),); lived iu Dover, and was killed by Indians 7 May 1712. They had seven children, among whom -was ; John* Tuttle, born 8 May 1704; lived in Dover; married, 1st, Elizabeth, daugh ter of James and Prudence Nute, and had nine children; 2d, Anna, daughter of James and Anne (Meserve) Nute, and had two children, viz. Esther' Tattle, and James^ Tuttle, born 25 December 1773, lived in Dover, married Joanna' (927) Roberts, and had son Moses^ (2624) Tuttle who married Mary Merrow, of New- field, Me. For extended information, see N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, April 1867. * See "Merrow " note to Hannah* (291) Wentworth. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 285 2. Freeman' Tuttle, born 24 September 1831 ; was a soldier in the 47th Mass. Vols., war of the RebeUion. 3. Mary Merrow' Tuttle, born 7 May 1833, died single, 12 March 1866. 4. Joel Stoughton' Tuttle, born 25 March 1835 ; was a mechan ical engineer in Illinois. He married, 22 November 1871, Mar garet Caroline Spencer, of Mattison, Ark., and died at Centre Point, Ark., 19 October 1874, childless. 5. Horace ParneU' Tuttle, born 17 March 1837 ; Acting Assistant at the Observatory of Harvard College from 1856 to 1863 ; discovered the planets Maia and Clytia, several new neb ulae, and a greater number of comets than anj' other living astron omer prior to 1 865 ; received the ' ' La Lande Prize " of astronomy from the Imperial French Academy of Sciences in 1859 for his asti-onomical discoveries, being the first American astronomer to receive that prize ; inventor of method of telegraphing at night bj' a calcium light ; was a soldier for some time in the 44th Mass. Vols, in the war of the Rebellion ; is now Paymaster in the U. S. Navj'. A periodic comet, having a period of thirteen years, bears his name, and also one having a period of one hundred and twenty years. He received the honorary degree of A. M. from Dart mouth CoUege in 1866, and from Harvard CoUege in 1868. 6. Ira' Tuttie, born 17 July 1840, died 24 September 1843. 7. Francis' Tuttle, born 4 September 1842 ; was Acting En sign in U. S. Navy, and was attached to the " Galena," in the naval battle in Mobile Baj', in Aug-ust 1864, and was in the Navy nntU 1869. In 1870 he was appointed Lieutenant in the U. S. Revenue Marine. He married, 1 Febraary 1871, Emma Matilda Mj'ers, of Philadelphia, Pa. 2625. Sarah Ann" Tuttle, born 2 May 1806 ; married her cousin John WiUiams Tuttle, son of James Tuttle, of Dover, N. H., and had (besides one who died j-oung) : 1. John Tucker Gibbs' Tuttle, born 1 June 1842 ; Represent^ ative from Dover, in 1873 and 1874 ; alderman in 1875. 2626. Joanna" Tuttle, born 8 April 1811, died 8 August 1829. 2627. Charlotte" Tuttle, bom 18 April 1812. 2628. Elizabeth Abbie" Tuttle, bom 22 November 1816 ; mar ried Col. Henry Meserve, of Dover, N. H., and had (besides one who died j-oung) : 1. Joanna Morse' Meserve, born 20 August 1848, died 20 March 1864. 286 FIFTH GENERATION. 2. Augusta Hannah' Meserve, born 21 August 1850, died 26 May 1868. 2629. Hannah Cushing" Tuttle, born 26 October 1823 ; married Capt. Joseph Augustus Nute, of Dover, who died in 1846, and had (besides one who died young) : 1. Elizabeth Joanna' Nute, born 24 January 1846. Ichabod* (935), son of Tobias* and Elizabeth (Roberts) Went worth, born 2 'November 1787 ; was a soldier in the war of 1812, and was pensioned for wounds received in service. He married, 1st, Mary Homan, of Marblehead, Mass., who died in 1828 ; 2d, 6 September 1830, Lydia Buffum. He died in North Berwick, Me., 10 Januarj' 1845. His widow married John Furbish, and, in 1871, lived twelve miles from South Berwick, Me., on the road to Alfred, Me. Ichabod* had, by his first wife : 2630. Alexander H.", born in North Bei-wick, Me., 12 March 1816, and died there, single, 2 November 1837. 2631. Hannah H.", born 14 January 1819 ; married, March 1839, Josiah P. Hatch, of WeUs, Me., brother to Elijah Hatch who married her cousin EUza" Hanson, daughter of her father's sister Margaret* (934). She lived in Lewiston, Me., and died 26 May 1861. Thej' had (besides three who died in infancy) : 1. Mary A.' Hatch, born 27 August 1840; married Samuel Marble, and died 5 September 1870, childless. 2. Hannah E.' Hatch, born 29 August 1843 ; married Stephen Small, of Concord, N. H. 3. George W.' Hatch, bom 22 February 1845 ; enUsted in the army, war of the RebelUon, and died in the service, 27 June 1864. 4. James M.' Hatch, born 4 March 1847 ; enlisted in the army, war of the RebelUon, and died in the service, 7 June 1864. 5. Bj'ron S.' Hatch, born 26 February 1849. 6. Josephine' Hatch, born 13 August 1856. 2632. Mary Ann", born in North Berwick, Me., 13 June 1821, died there December 1839. 2633. Margaret", born in North Berwick, Me., 10 June 1823 ; married Samuel Kilbourne, of Newburyport, Mass., where he is living. She died at Salmon Falls, N. H., 31 October 1849. They had one child, who died in infancy. Ichabod* had, by his second wife : 2634. Mary B.", born in North Berwick, Me., 4 July 1831, died 1 July 1851. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 287 2635. George H.,", born 30 Januarj' 1835 ; married in Lj'un, Mass., 14 April 1858, Catherine, daughter of Samuel Plaisted, of York, Me. He represented North Berwick in the Maine Legisla ture, in 1871. They had (besides one who died in infancj') : 1. Mary E.', born 19 September 1860. 2. George M.', born 3 August 1862, died 13 July 1874. 3. Frank H.', born 10 February 1864. 4. Lj'dia F.', born 29 September 1865. 5. Sarah G.', born 23 July 1868. 6. Harvey E.', born 3 May 1870. Mark* (936) , son of Tobias* and EUzabeth (Roberts) Went worth, born 22 Febraarj' 1777 ; married Patience* (770), daughter of Col. Jonathan* (274) Wentworth, bom 24 November 1781. They Uved in Berwick, Me., but she died in Durham, N. H., 2 October 1835 ; he died 28 AprU 1836. They had : 2636. Lewis", born 12 May 1803 ; married Hannah, daughter of Samuel Watson, of Dover, N. H., and died 25 January 1846. He had (besides one daughter who died in infancj') : 1. Andrew', born in Dover, N. H., 10 January 1830; mar ried there, 4 May 1849, Abbie Tuttle, of that place; Uved in Maiden, Mass., and had : 1. NelUe Augusta®, born in Maiden, Mass., 14 Febru ary 1850 ; married there, 5 December 1862, Joseph Putnam, of Maiden ; lived there, and had : 1. Walter Jackson9 Putnam, born 4 January 1871. 2. Carrie A.®, born 2 September 1854. 3. George Augustus®, bom 20 January 1858. 2. John', Uved in Maiden, Mass., single. 3. George W.', married, 1st, 13 June 1871, in Rochester, N. H., Sarah E. Lord, of Barrington, N. H., who died 28 March 1872, aged 19 years and 9 months ; 2d, 20 Febraary 1875, Mrs. Emily F. French, both of Dover, N. IL, where they Uved. 2637*. Margaret", bora 28 May 1805, died 28 May 1831, single. 2638. Betsey", bom 11 November 1807; married Jeremiah Locke, of Strafi-ord, N. H., and died 14 August 1848. They had : 1. Ira A.' Locke, born 5 September 1828 ; married Lydia V. Church, of Madbury, N. H., and had : 1. George A.® Locke, born 28 November 1850. 2. Annie L.® Locke, born 19 August 1852. 3. WilUam E.® Locke, born 16 March 1856. 288 FIFTH GENERATION. 4. Ida BeU® Locke, born 10 May 1858. 5. Frederick C.® Locke, born 24 June 1861. 6. James J.® Locke, born 11 September 1870. 2. Mark W.' Locke, born 25 April 1830 ; went to sea, and has not been heard from for many years. 3. Susan J.' Locke, born 29 July 1832, died April 1850. 4. EUzabeth A.' Locke, born 27 July 1834 ; married Hiram GoodeU, of Bradford, Mass. ; lived there, and had : 1. Percy H.® GoodeU. 2. Charier W.® GoodeU. 3. Mabel® GoodeU. 4. Frank® GoodeU. 5. Carrie® GoodeU. 5. Andrew J.' Locke, born 29 September 1836 ; married, lived in Boston, and had children. 6. OUver B.' Locke, born 7 October 1838 ; married, and Uved in Boston. 7. James W.' Locke, bora 20 September 1840 ; served four years in the armj*, war of the Rebellion. 8. Jeremiah Y.' Locke, born 27 August 1842 ; married, and lived in Boston, Mass. 9. Margaret A.' Locke, born 17 April 1844. 2639. Tobias", born 14 July 1810. [4765] 2640. James", bora 21 Julj' 1812, died single, 14 Febraary 1840. 2640a. John", born 12 June 1815, died 11 November 1824. 2641. Luke", born 10 February 1818, died single, at Great Falls, N. H., 7 November 1846. 2642. Rosilla P.", born 5 April 1820; married, 24 October 1861, Horace C. Smith, of South Newmarket, N. H., where they lived at last dates. 2643. Adeline J.", born 24 Decembfir 1824 ; married, 9 Decem ber 1849, J. Smith Clarke, of South Newmarket, N. H. ; Uved there, and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Ellen Wentworth' Clarke, born 13 March 1852. 2. Ida Belle" Clarke, born 22 December 1854. 3. Charles Sumner' Clarke, born 23 August 1856. James* (937), son of Tobias* and EUzabeth (Roberts) Went worth, born in Berwick, Me., 11 June 1784; married Sabra Ken- niston, born in Brookfield, N. H., 11 June 1794. He died 5 DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN® WENTWORTH. 289 September 1823, at Gardiner, Me., where he had lived. She mar ried, 2d, John Luman, and died in Gardiner, Me., 15 September 1861. James* had: 2644. Tobias", born in Brookfield, N. IL, 19 November 1813, died in New York, 5 September 1838. 2644a. Elizabeth", born in Berwick, Me., 16 June 1816 ; married at Gardiner, Me., 20 December 1835, George Washington Barker, born in Windham, Me., 18 Febraary 1816. Thej' had, all bom in Gardiner, Me. : 1. Ann' Barker, born 16 Januarj' 1840 ; married Gilman B. Garland, born in Andover, Me., 22 May 1831, and had, the first three born in Paris. Me. : 1. Adelbert® Garland, born 27 June 1859. 2. LueUa® Garland, bom 31 December 1861. 3. Josephine® Garland, born 31 October 1863. 4. Stella® Garland, born in Gardiner, Me., 24 May 1868. 5. Roger F.® Garland, born in Gardiner, Me., 29 No vember 1870. 2. Martha' Barker, born 4 AprU 1842. 3. James Frederick' Barker, born 29 March 1844 ; married, in California, 8 July 1866, Sarah English, and died there 15 July 1868. 4. George W.' Barker, born 27 May 1846 ; married Rebecca S. Dean, born 17 July 1844. 5. Fannie' Barker, born 25 June 1849 ; married, 20 August 1870, Darius Meader, born 20 September 1837. 6. VirgU' Barker, born 11 September 1851. 7. Charles Edward' Barker, born 30 July 1854. 26446. Mary Ann", born in Berwick, Me., 28 March 1819 ; mar ried in HaUoweU, Me., 1 September 1842, James A. Cox, born in Bowdoin, Me., 16 Januarj- 1818. They had (besides three who died in infancy) : 1. JuUa Augusta' Cox, born 2 February 1844, in Gardiner, Me. ; married there, 22 May 1868, John GUdden Wiley, born at Damariscotta, Me., 13 August 1838 ; and had : 1. Eva Luman" Wiley, born in Bangor, Me., 22 January 1869. 2. George Franklin' Cox, born 15 September 1846. 3. Carrie Hurlburt' Cox, born 31 .January 1856. 4. Gertrude Altkoff'' Cox, bora 15 December 1858. 2644c. George RoUa", born in Gardiner, Me., 19 October 1822 ; VOL. n. — 19 290 FIFTH GENERATION. married, 7 November 1862, Nancy E. Murphy, born in Jeflerson, Me., 21 May 1825, and lived in Pittson, Me. Thomas Wallingfoed* (939), son of Tobias* and EUzabeth (Roberts) Wentworth, born 13 AprU 1779; married, in 1804, Mary, daughter of Richard Hanson, of Brookfield, N. H., born 20 July 1783. After Uving in Brookfield about twenty-nine years, he moved to Wakefield, N. H., and died 28 February 1843. She died there 19 July 1857. They had : 2645. John Hanson", born in Brookfield, N. H., 9 January 1805. [4767] 2646. Anna H.", born 18 December 1807; married, 3 June 1825, Thomas T. ChurchiU, of Brookfield, N. H., and moved to Newmarket, N. H. She died 27 Febraary 1836 ; he married again, and Uved in Lawrence, Mass. Anna H." had (besides two who died in infancj') : 1. Julia A.' ChurchiU, born 29 March 1826, died 15 AprU 1852. , 2. Sarah' Churchill, born 27 March 1827; married John Chapman, 13 May 1849. 3. Susan M.' ChurchiU, born 26 June 1832; married, 8 May 1851. 4. Jay IL' ChurcMU, born 3 January 1855, died 8 July 1862. 2647. JuUa F.", born 14 May 1809, died 10 October 1813. 2648. CordeUa C", born 11 June 1811, died 5 November 1811. 2649. Susan H.", born 20 July 1813 ; married, 16 September 1834, Dr. Sumner Gilman, of Wakefield. N. H., where he died 31 January 1841. She died 24 November 1860. They had : ] . Mary EUza' GUman, born 8 April 1838 ; married Albert Libbey ; she died 12 October 1866. They had : 1. Daniel Sumnei-® Libbej', born 12 Julj' 1863. 2650. Tobias", born 1 November 1815, died 3 December 1815. 2651. Eliza", born 8 AprU 1817 ; married, 7 June 1850, Thomas Blake, of Brookfield, N. H. 2652. Thoinas L.", born 12 October 1819, died 10 June 1823. 2653. George L.", born 12 November 1822 ; married, 10 Feb- ruarj' 1861, Julia A., daughter of Col. Benjamin and (Bur leigh) Cook, of Wakefield, N. H. Her mother was daughter of Thomas Burleigh, of Sandwich, N. H., by his first wife, — his second wife being Lydia (Hanson) , widow of Lewis* (769) Went worth, whom see. George L." lived in North Wakefield, N. H., and had (besides one who died in infancy) : DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN^ WENTWORTH. 291 1. Mary Sophia', born 30 June 1863. 2. Ada Eliza', born 20 June 1866. 2654. Mary AdeUne", born 22 March 1826 ; Uved in Wake field, N. H. James Pike* (940), son of Benjamin* and Elizabeth (Pike) Wentworth, married Lovey, daughter of Theodore Yeaton, of Som ersworth, N. H. He died there in 1816. They had : 2655. Elizabeth Mary", bom 1813 ; married, 5 December 1839, John R." (2304) Wentworth, whom see. She died childless, 23 March 1842, and he married again. 2656. Daniel", bom 6 April 1816. [4775] SIXTH GBNERATIOI^. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL2 WENTWORTH. Andrew Peppeeeell" (960), son of Capt. John* and Hannah (Furnald) Wentworth, born at Kittery, Me., 2 December 1761 ; was named for the father of his father's grandmother. He was the eldest descendant of Elder William^ Wentworth, in the direct male line of the sixth generation, whose male descendants are now Uv- ixvV» ing. He was Town Clerk, and one of the Selectmen of Kittery for several years. He received a pension for his ser-vices in the Revo lutionary war. (See account of his father.) He married, at Kit tery, 29 January 1793, SaUy Weeks, daughter of Nicholas and Rhoda Weeks, born in Kittery, 2 November 1766 ; she died there, 23 March 1822. He died there, 25 June 1823. They had, aU born in Kittery : 2657. Hannah', born 23 September 1793 ; married, 23 Febraary 1820, Josiah Haley, of Kittery, son of Josiah and Susan Haley; he died 15 January 1837 ; she died 3 November 1860. They lived on the farm granted to his ancestors in 1673, and had, born in Kit- terj'. Me. (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. John Rogers® Haley, born 1 December 1820; married, January 1859, Mary Abby Moulton, of Kittery, Me. He held various town offices, and died, childless, 22 July 1864. She was li-ving at last dates, a widow, on part of the old homestead, at (now) Kittery Depot. 2. Wentworth® Haley, born 7 July 1828 ; married Mercy A. Adams, of Kittery, Me., 8 June 1857, and Uved there, child less. 2658. John', born 28 October, 1795. [4776] 2659. Margarey Pepperrell', bom 17 March 1799 ; married, 22 February 1823, Andrew Drew, jr., son of Andrew (formerly of DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL® WENTWORTH. 293 Durham, N. H.) and Hannah (Weeks) Drew, of Kittery, born 25 March 1797. They lived in West Newfield, Me., where he died 13 October 1859. She died there, on the old homestead, 6 Maj' 1875. They had, born in West Newfield, Me. (besides one who died in infancj') : 1. Samuel Wentworth® Drew, born 9 Januarj' 1824 ; married, 15 May 1850, Esther Wentworth" Knox, of Newfield, Me., born Febraary 1818, daughter of Henry and Rachel* (838) (Went worth) Knox, of Waterborough, Me., whom see. He died, childless, in Newfield, Me., 15 February 1864. She married, 2d (his second wife). Ivory JeUison, of Waterborough, Me. 2. Sarah Ann® Drew, born 16 September 1825 ; manied, 16 September 1849, John BlaisdeU, of Lebanon, Me., son of Enoch BlaisdeU ; lived at Lebanon Centre, Me., and had, all born there : 1. Andrew Drew^ BlaisdeU, born 27 November 1850. 2. George W.s BlaisdeU, born 14 October 1854. 3. John HenryS BlaisdeU, born 19 May 1856. 4. Curtis WUsonS BlaisdeU, bora 20 January 1858. 3. Hannah® Drew, born 31 December 1826 ; married, 1st, 10 June 1849, FoxweU Curtis WUson, of Kittery, Me., son of James and Dorothy (Curtis) WUson, of New Castle, N. H. He died, aged 33. She married, 2d, 10 June 1866, Capt. Daniel Hutchings, of Kittery, Me., and Uved there. She had, by her first husband, born in Kittery (besides one who died in in fancy) : 1. Irvm Ijah9 WUson, born 19 May 1850. 2. Flora Etta^ Wilson, born 1 May 1852. 4. Catherine Wentworth® Drew, born 21 October 1828 ; mar ried, 29 November 1862, Asa W. Goodwin, of Kittery, Me. They Uved on the old homestead in West Newfield, Me., and her mother lived with them. They had one child, who died in infancj'. 5. IsabeUa® Drew, born 16 May 1831 ; married, 23 March 1856, Jesse GUes, of Newfield, Me. He enUsted, October 1862, in Co. E, 27th Maine Vols., was corporal, and served the nine months. She died 24 April 1873, at Sanford, Me., where they Uved, Springdale P. O. They had, the last tiiree born in Sanford : 1. AnnaBelP Giles, born in Newfield, Me., 22 AprU1857. 2. Catherine EUa^ GUes, born 9 December 1858. 3. Charies FrankUn^ GUes, born 28 September 1861. 4. Fannie MabeP Giles, born 26 April 1865. 294 SIXTH GENERATION. 6. Lucy Jane® Drew, born 4 April 1833, died single, in New- field, Me., 8 November 1859. 2660. Sarah Ann', born 19 AprU 1802 ; married, 25 Decem ber 1824, Capt. Daniel Jones, of Lebanon, Me. She died 3 Novem ber 1866. He was Uving at Kittery, Me., at last dates. They had, born at Kittery (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Sarah Ann® Jones, born 26 AprU 1826 ; married, 31 Jan uary 1847, her cousin Andrew Pepperrell® (4777a) Wentworth, bora 6 August 1822, whom see for chUdren. They Uved in KU- terj'. Me. 2. Dorothy® Jones, bom 9 January 1828 ; married, in 1861, Augustus Wanen, an officer in the U. S. Navy. They had, born in Kittery (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Augustus^ Warren. 2. Mary Edith^ Warren. 3. Lamar LeroyS Wanen. 3. Hannah® Jones, born 14 September 1829 ; married, 5 November 1849, Augustus Hamilton Adams, son of Joseph Adams, of Kittery, born 9 October 1828 ; Uved there, and had, born there (besides two who died young) : 1. Fannie Wentworth^ Adams, born 15 June 1858. 4. AdeUne'' Jones, born 23 November 1833 ; married Na thaniel Calar, of Chelsea, in 1849, and had : 1. Lizzie EUenS Calar, born November 1849; married, 1869, Andrew Milne, of U. S. Navy, and had : 1. Ralphi" Milne, born on League Island, Philadel phia, 1872. 2. Sarah Jones^ Calar, born 25 August 1852; married, November 1874, James Dustan, of Lawrence, Mass. 3. Addie Jane^ Calar, born 15 August 1854. 4. Charies Herberts Calar, born 4 July 1856. 5. Walter Edwin^ Calar, born 2 October 1858. 5. Daniel Wentworth® Jones, born 25 May 1841 ; entered the Navy as A. A. Surgeon, in 1863, and was in Admiral David D. Porter's squadron. He married, 3 November 1871, Fannie M., daughter of John Neal, and granddaughter of Capt. Samuel Badger, of Kitterj', Me. At last dates he was a physician in EUenburgh Centre, Clinton co., N. Y., with Dr. Samuel S.' (3556) Wentworth, who married his cousin Margery Pepperrell® (2661.5) Jones. They had : 1. Annie M.s Jones, born 6 October 1872. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL® WENTWORTH. 295 6. Frances Emily® Jones, born 13 February 1844; married, 15 April 1869, Augustus Octavius Goodsoe, son of John and Catherine Goodsoe, of Kittery, Me., born 7 December 1833 ; and had : 1. Emma Shirlej'S Goodsoe, born 3 June 1874. 7. John Edwin® Jones, twin with preceding ; graduated at Harvard Scientific School ; married, 6 June 1866, Mariana Tread- well, of East Boston, Mass. Was a civil engineer in Boston, Mass. They had (besides one who died in infancv): 1. Adela WentworthS Jones, born in East Boston, Mass., AprU 1870. 2661. Catherine', born 31 July 1804; married, 30 December 1826, Ephraim Jones, son of Pelatiah and Sallj' Jones, of Lebanon, Me., born in Kitterj-, Me., 14 Julj' 1807. Thej' lived in Lebanon, Me., where he died 6 June 1853 ; she died there 30 Julj' 1857. They had, all born in Lebanon (besides three who died in infancj') : 1. Sarah Jane® Jones, born in 1828, died in Lebanon, in 1844. 2. Hannah Maria® Jones, born 22 November 1831 ; married, 1st, 29 July 1849, Tunothy Goldthwait, of Great Falls, N. II. After his death, she manied, 2d, January 1867, Salisbury H. Williams, of York, Me., born there 4 Januarj' 1840 ; and lived in York, Me. She had, by her first husband, all born in Leba non, Me. : 1. Ephraim JonesS Goldthwait, born 18 January 1850 ; married, January 1873, Josephine Perrigny, of East Boston, Mass., and had : 1. Georgiettai" Goldthwait, born iu Boston, 3 June 1874. 2. Catherine WentworthS Goldthwait, born 18 Decem ber 1853 ; married, 29 April 1873, John W. Lingley, of Halifax, N. S. ; lived in Charlestown, Mass., and had (be sides one who died in infancy) : 1. Annie Valvarett^s Lingley, born in Boston , Mass. , 13 May 1874. 3. AUce Thompsons Goldthwait, born 2 AprU 1855. 4. Cora F.s Goldthwait, bom 10 November 1856, died at EUenburgh, N. Y., 13 September 1865. Hannah M.® had, by her second husband : 5. George Arnolds Williams, born in York, Me., 28 May 1868. 296 SIXTH GENERATION. 3. CaroUne M.® Jones, born 25 January 1833 ; lived single, on the old homestead, at Lebanon Centre, Me. 4. Lucinda J.® Jones, born 2 March 1838 ; married, in Leba non, Me., 25 January 1855, Samuel W.' (3572) Wentworth, born 26 February 1834, whom see for children. They Uved in West Lebanon, Me. 5. Margery PepperreU® Jones, born 5 September 1840 ; mar ried, 16 December 1862, Dr. Samuel S.' (3556) Wentworth, born 20 October 1836, whom see for chUdren. They lived in EUenburgh Centre, N. Y. Benning" (961), son of Capt. John* and Sarah (Bartlett) Went worth, born in Kittery, Me., 2 October 1763 ; was named for his father's uncle. Gov. Benning* (30) Wentworth, who, when he died, was about making out a deed of a tract of land to him. He drew a pension until his death, for five years' service in the Revolutionary war, for which, see account of his father. Benning" left his home in Maine, 17 September 1816, anived at Chillicothe, Ohio, 2 No vember 1816, and settled about nine miles out of that place. In 1850 he had over fifty grandchildren living. The autograph here copied was written 17 September 1851, when he was eighty-eight years of age, being the signature to a letter addressed to the author of this work. He married, in 1792, Phebe, daughter of Capt. Ben jamin Sawyer, born at Cape Elizabeth, Me., 11 December 1771 ; she died 17 March 1851, at ChilUcothe, Ohio; he died there 3 March 1852. They had (besides two who died in infancy): 2662. Andrew PepperreU', bom 18 November 1792. [4778] 2663. Sarah Bartlett', born 3 December 1794 ; married, 6 AprU 1815, Rev. James Garcelon, a Baptist minister, of Lewiston, Me., where he died in 1851. When married, she was living at Freeport, Me. She died in 1861. They had : 1. Phebe® Garcelon, married Orin Jones. 2. Ursula® Garcelon, married Charles Coleman, of Sanger- ville. Me. 3. Cj'beUa® Garcelon, married Alpheus Lester Faunce, and Uved at Stoneham, Mass. 4. Sarah® Garcelon. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL® WENTWORTH. 297 2664. John Heard', born 27 February 1797. [4780] 2665. Benjamin Sawyer', born 25 June 1799. [4789] 2666. Mary Webber', bom 12 February 1802 ; married, 21 August 1823, John Finlej-, of Huntington, Ross co., Ohio (near Chillicothe), where she lived in 1871. He died 17 August 1861. They had : 1. Ann Sarah® Finley, born 3 July 18!24; married, 5 April 1848, James Elliot, born 25 May 1823 ; and had (besides four who died young) : 1. Richard McNutts Elliot, born 10 December 1852. 2. Isaac FinleyS Elliot, bom 3 April 1865. 2. Elizabeth W.® Finley, born 20 February 1826; married, 31 January 1847, SUas P. Nessell, bom 16 November 1825 ; lived at Bonrneville, Ross co., O., and had : 1. Mary AnnS Nessell, born 23 December 1847. 2. Mahala PerUS NesseU, born 7 June 1850. 3. Joseph EdwinS NesseU, bora 31 August 1853. 4. WilUe Shermans NesseU, born 16 March 1865.^ 3. Isaac Jackson® Finlej', married, 4 December 1851, Maria MUler, born 14 Febraary 1832 ; thej' lived at BournevUle, 0. He was a member of the Ohio Legislature. Thej' had : 1. WiUiam A.s Finley, born 26 November 1852. 2. James Fosters pinley, born 6 December 1854. 3. NannieS Finley, born 1 February 1858. 4. John JacksonS Finlej-, born 20 October 1864. 4. Nancy Park® Finley, died single, 15 October 1876. 5. John Horace® Finley, born 23 August 1832; married, 11 September 1853, Mary Ward, and died 29 AprU 1861. They had (besides one who died young) : 1. NathanS Finley, born 29 August 1854. 2. EmmaS Finley, born 11 March 1856. 3. John Scotts Finley, born 29 May 1858. 6. Susan Caroline® Finley, born 26 August 1840 ; married, 4 November 1861, George Grubb, born 30 October 1826. She died 26 March 1875. They had : 1. Emerson E.s Grubb, born 1 August 1862. 2. Lucy MayS Grubb, born 13 November 1863. 3. Inez LeotiaS Grubb, born 26 September 1865. 4. George ThurmanS Grubb, born 1 August 1867. 5. May Florences Grubb, born 3 April 1869. 6. Edward FinleyS Grubb, born 13 December 1871. 298 SIXTH GENERATION. 7. Oliver FranklinS Grubb, born 19 September 1872. 8. Susan BerthaS Grubb, born 5 March 1875. 2667. Shuah Jordon', born 25 April 1804 ; married, 25 August 1825, John H. Robinson, of Chillicothe, O., born 19 October 1803 ; he died at Columbus, O., 22 May 1864. At last dates she was living, a widow, with her son-in-law George W. Frew, at St. James Station, Mo. They had : 1. Abigail Minot® Robinson, born 6 July 1826 ; married, 22 November 1843, George W. Frew, born 16 November 1824 ; lived at St. James Station, Mo. , and had (besides one who died j'oung) : 1. John RobinsonS Frew, born 30 December 1847 ; mar ried, 4 July 1868, Kate Jay, and had (besides twins who died in infancy) : 1. William Shermani" Frew, born 23 October 1871. 2. Helen Man-s Frew, born 30 December 1849 ; married, 23 June 1867, Isaac Brenberger, and had two children, who died in infancy. 3. James BarcusS Frew, born 9 January 1856. 2. Susan W.® Robinson, born 21 August 1828, died 15 Octo ber 1830. 3. John W.® Robinson, born 23 July 1830, died 28 October following. 4. Sarah Bartlett® Robinson, bora 27 November 1831 ; mar ried, 18 February 1849, Henry J. Ferris, from Newark, N. J., who died 28 January 1 850 ; they had : 1. John H.s Ferris, born 22 June 1850 ; married, 17 May 1871, Emma Lakin, born 8 June 1854. 2668. Susan Mitchell', born 3 AprU 1811; married Jacob Grubb, of Ohio, 8 April 1830, and died 9 September 1864. He married, 2d, Mary, daughter of Isaac and Shuah (Jordon) Brad ford, of New Gloucester, Me., and granddaughter of Clement and Sarah (Bartlett) (Wentworth) Jordon, who was also grandmother, by her first husband Capt. John* (353), of Susan M.' Jacob Grubb had two children by his second marriage. Susan M.' had : 1.. Daniel® Grubb, born 4 May 1831 ; married N. J. Wood land, in 1860. 2. Abigail® Grubb, born 14 March 1833 ; married HamUton Robinson, in 1859. 3. Henry® Grubb, born 9 February 1835 ; married Sarah Hudson, in 1869. DESCENDANTS OF S.\MUEL® WEXTWORTH. 299 4. Andrew^ Grubb, born 30 April 1837. 5. John® Grubb, twin with Andrew®, died 13 September 1863, at Covington, Kj'., a soldier in 18th Ohio Heavy Artillery, war of the Rebellion. 6. Ursula® Grubb, born 8 July 1839 ; married, in 1870, MUton ElUot. 7. David® Grubb, born 14 November 1842 ; a resident of Arizona. 8. Jacob Benning® Grubb, born 13 August 1843 or 1844 ; married, in 1871, Ada Eggleston. 9. Sarah Ann® Grubb, born 27 April 1845 ; married, in 1867, Robert Earl. 10. Susan® Grubb, born 28 February 1849. 2669. Abigail Peoples', born 18 September 1814 ; married, 26 June 1834, Stephen March,* of Ohio, born 9 February 1799, died 23 February 1872. She died 8 May 1875, at Decatur, IU. They had: 1. Sarah B.® March, born 18 July 1835 ; married John W. Dawson, and lived at Decatur, IU., childless. 2. Clement® March, born 29 April 1837 ; married, and has four children. 3. Lewis B.® March, born 17 September 1840 ; married, and has one child. 4. Stephen® March, born 8 September 1844 ; is single. 5. John W.® March, bora 22 April 1846, died 27 Janu ary 1852. 6. Samuel SoUey Foster® March, born 30 March 1850 ; is a teacher.Foster" (962) , son of Capt. John* and Sarah (Bartiett) Went worth, born in Kitterj', Me., 24 July 1765 ; was named for one of the sons of his father's uncle Gov. Benning*. He followed the sea in early life, but was in the Revolutionary war, and drew a pension. He married, at Cape Elizabeth, Me., 10 June 1788, Catherine Jor don, of that place, borp 30 Januarj' 1767. He went to Ohio with his brother Benning" in 1816, but not liking it, returned to Maine. * The Boston Weekly Messenger, 29 October 1819, says, "Died in Chillicothe, 0., Stephen March, Esq., aged 62." 300 SIXTH GENERATION. In 1867 there were living two children, Tabitha' and Eliza H.', 25 grandchildren, 50 great-grandchildren, and 8 great-great-grand children. Mrs. Wentworth died 6 September 1850. He died 23 August 1861, aged 96 j'cars and 7 months, in the house with his grandson Foster D.®, in Webster (a town set off from Lisbon) , Me. Thej' had, all born in Lisbon, Me. : 2670. John B.', born 27 December 1789. [4800] 2671. Tabitha', born 10 September 1792 ; lived with her father, and died 1 March 1870. 2672. Lucy', born 31 January 1795 ; married, 3 AprU 1825, Isaac Jennings, of Leeds, Me., born there 19 December 1797; he lived (1876) in Lewiston, Me. She died at Leeds, 8 October 1829. They had, bom at Leeds : 1. Wentworth® Jennings, born 22 December 1826 ; married, at Winthrop, Me., 22 July 1856, Mary A., daughter of Capt. Samuel Benjamin (an officer in the war of 1812) ; she was born in Winthrop, Me., 16 March 1827. They Uved at Stoneham, Mass., and had (the last two born in Stoneham): 1 . Samuel WentworthS Jennings, born in Winthrop, Me. , 27 August 1858. 2. Charles EdwinS Jennings, born 23 July 1860. 3. Grace WashburnS Jennings, born 16 November 1865. 2. Lucy Wentworth® Jennings, born in Leeds, Me., 16 Sep tember 1829 ; married, 11 May 1852, Benjamin Conant, of Turner, Me., born 5 September 1825 ; lives at Auburn, Me. They had : 1. EvaS Qonant, born May 1853, died 3 August 1853. 2. Frank R.s Conant, born 19 August 1854. 3. Walter L.s Conant, born 1 August 1855, died Febru ary 1856. 4. Carrie A.s Conant, born 16 March 1859. 5. Edith A.s Conant, born 15 August 1862. 6. Lizzie E.s Conant, born 18 September 1865. 7. Albert R.s Conant, born 6 January 1868. 8. Charles S.s Conant, born 19 February 1870. 2673. WiUiam', born 10 January 1798. [4809] 2674. Arnold', born 6 July 1801. [4817] 2675. EUza H.', born 15 December 1813 ; married Egbert Gris wold, of Leeds, Me., and had: 1. Julia Ann® Griswold, born 10 December 1843. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL® WENTWORTH. 301 Samuel Sollet" (965) , son of Capt. John* and Sarah (Bartlett) Wentworth, born at Cape EUzabeth, Me., 29 September 1771 ; married, 1st, in 1793, Hebsibah Hanscom, who died 6 January 1802 ; he married, 2d, 3 August 1802, Sally Parker. He died 6 March 1815, in Danville, Me. His widow married, in 1817, Wil liam Parker, of North Yarmouth, Me., and died in Greene, Me. Samuel SoUej-" had, by his first wife : 2676. Sarah Bartlett', born 3 August 1794; married, in Dan ville, 30 March 1813, Ephraim Crockett, brother of her sister Bet sey's' husband Joseph Crockett. Thej' moved to Norway, Oxford CO., Me., in 1814, where he died 11 December 1856 ; she died 6 May 1875. They had fourteen chUdren, four of whom married into the family of Capt. John Penley, of Danville, Me. ; and in 1872 they had living forty-five out of fifty-seven grandchildren, and eighteen out of twenty great-grandchildren. Thej' had (be sides one who died in infancy) : 1. Sarah W.® Crockett, born 11 November 1813 ; married, in Norway, Me., 8 November 1834, Charles Penlej', of Danville, Me., and died at Portland, Me., 3 July 1863. They had : 1. Esther A. W.s Penley, born 10 June 1835 ; married, in Norway, Me., 17 November 1863, Henry Cotton, of Port land, Me. 2. Ephraim C.s Penley, born 29 November 1836 ; was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion. 3. Francina J.s Penlej', born 26 March 1839 ; married, in Norway, Me., 15 March 1856, Joseph F. Herrick, and has several children. 4. Nathan N.s Penley, born 10 Januarj' 1842 ; was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion. He married, in Norway, Me., 9 Januarj- 1869, Ada Chapman, of Bethel, Me. 5. Rufus C.s Penlej', born 18 Febraary 1844 ; was a sol dier in the war of the Rebellion, and died at White Oak Church, Va., 28 December 1862. 6. AdrianneS Penley, born 16 October 1847 ; married in Haverhill, Mass., 6 July 1868, William Knipe, of that place, and has several children. 7. Hannah ParmelaS Penley, born 7 April 1855. 2. Samuel Wentworth® Crockett, born 15 Januarj' 1815 ; manied, 1st, in Norway, Me., 18 October 1838, Nancy Twom bly, of that place, who died 24 June 1857 ; 2d, 3 July 1868, Sarah Hurlburt; lived in Augusta, Eau Claire co.. Wis., in 1871, and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 302 SIXTH GENERATION. 1. Sarah MariaS Crockett, born 15 July 1839 ; manied, 23 November 1857, Stephen George Lampman, of Kingston, Wis., and had several children. 2. Ephraim WentworthS Crockett, born 1 January 1842 ; married, 15 March 1866, Mary Kate Babcock, of Nelson, Wis., and had several children. 3. Lj'dia EUenS Crockett, born 27 Febraarj' 1844 ; mar ried, 1 August 1863, Henry Tahnadge, of Lincoln, Wis., and had several children. 4. Nancy LucetteS Crockett, born 28 July 1847 ; mar ried? 16 October 1865, Edwin Ruthven Bufflngton, of Buf- fington. Wis., and had several children. 5. Marj' EmelineS Crockett, born 10 March 1850; mar ried, 4 July 1867, James Dustin Marshall, of West Eau Claire, Wis. 6. Alice RosinaS Crockett, born 28 April 1852. 7. Hannah PermeliaS Crockett, born 27 March 1855. 3. Ephraim S.® Crockett, bom 29 July 1817 ; married, in DanvUle, Me., 28 March 1843, Sarah D. Penley, of that place, who died 1 August 1859. He died in Norway, Me., 17 January 1874. They had : 1. John F.s Crockett, born 23 October 1844, died in Richmond, Ind., 23 April 1875. 2. Abby J.s Crockett, born 20 December 1845. 3. Josiah P.s Crockett, born 22 June 1847. 4. Minerva E.s Crockett, born 14 Januai-y 1849. 5. Sarah A.s Crockett, born 12 November 1850. 6. Edgar L.s Crockett, born 21 December 1852. 7. Louisa FrancesS Crockett, born 22 July 1854. 8. Ephraim WarrenS Crockett, born 8 August 1856. 9. Oscar OstisS Crockett, born 9 December 1858. 4. Betsey Wentworth® Crockett, born 7 February 1819 ; mar ried, 1st, in Norway, Me., 20 March 1842, John Penley, jr., of DanviUe. He died in Westbrook, Me., 7 November 1847. ^he married, 2d, at her mother's house in Norway, Me., 11 October 1871, Albion Chapman, of Bethel, Me. There were seventy-five of the family present at the wedding, twenty-five of her mother's grandchUdren, and five great-grandchildren. She had, by her first husband : 1. Mary D.s Penley, born 23 January 1843; married, 4 October 1861, William ChurchiU, of Norway, Me., and had several children. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL® WENTWORTH. 303 2. Charles Sewel C.s Penley, born 26 AprU 1844 ; mar ried, 24 November 1865, Lizzie Frost, of Norway, Me. 3. Rufus L. S.s Penley, bom 17 May 1847 ; married, 18 June 1870, Ella Abbott, of WelchviUe, Me. 5. Nathan M.® Crockett, born 8 September 1821 ; married, in Paris, Me., 16 January 1845, Mary D. StoweU, of that place, and Uved in South Paris, Me. He was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion. Thej- had : 1. Abba Annas Crockett, born 16 July 1851. 6. William R.® Crockett, born 30 August 1823 ; manied, in Sumner, Me., 11 November 1849, Lydia B. Stetson, of that place, and had : 1. Abel S.s Crockett, born 14 September 1850. 2. Josephine BonaparteS Crockett, bom 27 February 1854. 3. EmmaS Crockett, born 15 December 1858. 4. Henriettas Crockett, born 2 February 1868. 7. David B.® Crockett, born 27 July 1825 ; married, in Shel burne, N. H., 10 August 1851, Laura A. Swift, of Norway, Me., and died in Gilead, Me., 4 June 1863. She married, 2d, 11 May 1865, Stearns Haines, lived at Island Pond, Vt., and died 24 March 1868. David B.® had : 1. Inez EstelleS Crockett, born 16 September 1853 ; mar ried, 26 February 1872, Henry Wilson, of Island Pond, Vt. 8. James Sewall® Crockett, born 15 August 1827 ; married, in Norwaj-, Me., 8 December 1850, Salome Frank, of Norway; he died there, 9 December 1853. They had : 1. Rose EmmaS Crockett, born 3 Januarj- 1852. 2. Mary JaneS Crockett, born 6 May 1854. 9. Joseph Francis® Crockett, born 9 December 1829 ; mar ried, in Paris, Me., 20 April 1863, Annette Stetson, of Sumner, Me. He served nine months in Co. D, 25th Maine Vols. ; Uved in West Paris, Me. 10. Hannah J.® Crockett, born 7 August 1831 ; married, in Norway, Me., 12 March 1849, Thomas H. Richardson, of Port land, Me. ; lived in Norway, Me., in 1871, and had : 1. Alberts Richardson, born 16 December 1849 ; mar ried, 21 November 1871, in Norwaj', Me., Louisa A. Lakin, of Hanison, Me. 2. George H.s Richardson, born 23 January 1852. 3. Thomas PutnamS Richardson, born 15 August 1853. 304 SIXTH GENERATION. 4. JuUa AnnS Richardson, born 3 July 1857 ; lived at Norway, Me., where she married, 1 June 1875, Chester W. Horne, of that place. 5. Edwina MaudS Richardson, born 23 November 1864. 11. Mary Amanda® Crockett, born 19 October 1833 ; married, in Norway, Me., 18 March 1851, Isaiah V. Penley, of DanvUle, Me., and had (besides two who died young): 1. Laura A.s Penley, born 7 April 1852; manied, in Norway, Me., 4 January 1868, Albert P. Farnham, of Al bion, Me. ; and died 22 March 1869. He married, 2d, her sister Sarah B.s Penley. 2. Sarah B.s Penley, born 13 May 1857 ; married, in Paris, Me., 1 Januarj' 1872 (his second wife) , Albert P. Farnham, whose first wife was her sister Laura A.s 3. True D.s Penley, born 27 March 1863. 4. Harriets Penley, born 18 September 1866. 12. Eliza Jane® Crockett, born 27 August 1835 ; manied, in Norway, Me., 4 January 1854, Joseph Morrill Little, of Warren, N. H., where she died 4 December 1873 ; and had : 1. Frederick JesseS Little, born 6 February 1855, died in Warren, N. H., 17 November 1873. 2. Frank B.s Little, born 16 December 1861. 3. LilUanS Littie, born 8 July 1866. 13. Charles A. P.® Crockett, born 12 June 1837 ; married, in Richmond, Ind., 27 December 1866, Sarah League, of that place, and had : 1. John OranS Crockett, born 28 March 1868. 2. Oscar Leagues Crockett, born 19 April 1870. 2677. Betsey', born 13 Febraarj- 1796 ; manied Joseph Crock ett, whose brother Ephraim Crockett married her sister Sarah B.' ; moved to Ohio, twelve miles from Chillicothe ; she died there about 1821. He married again, lived there, and his second wife died there, 8 February 1872. Betsej'' had : 1. Mary® Crockett, married, and died childless. 2. Rebecca® Crockett, married James Bowditch, of Omega, Pike CO., O., and had : 1. Viola Crocketts Bowditch. 3. Joseph® Crockett, died single. 2678. WUUam', born 20 February 1798. [4822] 2679.. Samuel SoUej'', born 3 January 1800, died 29 Febru ary 1815. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL® WENTWORTH. 305 Samuel SoUey" had, by his second wife : 2680. Foster', born in Danville, Me., 9 March 1805. [4828] 2681. Rebecca P.', born in DanviUe, Me., 10 June 1807 ; mar ried, 1st, 22 March 1827, John M. Grant, of North Yarmouth, Me., born 22 June 1808, in Greene, Me. They lived in Poland, Me. He died there 20 March 1840. She married, 2d, 6 Febru ary 1843, David DonneU, of Poland, Me. In 1871 she lived at South Paris, Mechanic FaUs P. O., Me. She had, by her first husband : 1. Margaret Ann® Grant, born 7 April 1831, in Westbrook, Me., died 4 September 1846. 2. Joseph® Grant, born 22 December 1825, in Westbrook, Me., died 6 October 1837. 3. Edwin P.® Grant, born 19 January 1832, in Westbrook, Me. ; married, 1 January 1856, Angerona M. Waterman, of Poland, Me.^born there in 1836. They had : 1. Nettie P.s Grant, born 6 July 1863. 2. NelUe S.s Grant, born 24 November 1870. 4. Leander W.® Grant, born 22 September 1834, in Poland, Me. ; left home in 1855, and not since heard from. 5. Alura M.® Grant, bora in Poland, Me., 1 Februarj' 1840 ; married, in 1858, Augustus M. Perkins, of Mechanic Falls, Me. ; Uved there, and had : 1. Jennie E.s Perkins, bom 22 March 1860. 2. Eva C.s Perkins, born 10 September 1863. Rebecca P.' had, by her second husband (besides two who died in infancy) : 6. James F.® DonneU, born in Poland, Me., 25 January 1845 ; he enlisted in Co. C, 17th Maine Vols., and died at Camp Pitcher, Va., April 1863. 7. Abbie M.® DonneU, bom 29 April 1848. 2682. Hannah Jordon', born 1 April 1810 ; married, 14 Octo ber 1833, James Tubbs, of Norwaj-, Me., born there in 1805 ; lived in Gorham, N. H., in 1871, and had : 1. Charles NeweU® Tubbs, born 27 August 1837; Uved in Gorham, N. H., in 1871, single. 2683. Esther', born 17 July 1812, died 1 April 1819. 2684. Samuel', bora 2 February 1815, died 1 April 1819. These last two were burnt to death in the house at DanvUle, Me., on the Great Androscoggin River. VOL. n. — 20 306 SIXTH GENERATION. William Fitzwilliam" (988) , son of Benning* and Anne (Bird) Wentworth, born in Hereford, England, 8 May 1792 ; was a cap tain in the British navy, and was superintendent of the hospital at Greenwich, where he died 18 March 1865. He married, 17 Janu ary 1817, 1st, Anne Roberts, of Ardmore, Ireland; 2d, Sarah Hogg, of Scotland, who survived him. He had : 2685-6. Edward Frederick Thomas', born 4 March 1819, died 4 August 1858. 2687. .Frances Hannah', born 3 February 1821 ; married, 17 April 1856, Charles Evanson Logan, and had a son born in 1858. 2688. Fitzwilliam', born 18 March 1823, died 17 June 1824. 2689. Henry Bowyer', born 12 December 1825, died at Brom ley, England, 23 Januarj' 1848. 2690. William Fitzwilliam', bom 25 August 1827, died 28 May 1853, at Hayti. 2691. Charles Cornelius', born 7 June 1832,*lied 16 Novem ber 1834. Samuel Heney" (991), son of Benning* and Anne (Bird) Went worth, born at Halifax, N. S., 5 March 1797. He was at school at Hereford, England, until September 1812, when he joined the militarj' academy at Woolwich as a cadet. He was a captain in the Royal Engineers,* and was ordered to Bermuda ; took his fam- ilj' with him, and died of j'ellow fever 21 September 1843, soon after his arrival, as did several of his children. His wife (married 1 October 1828) was Louisa, daughter of John Prj'or, of Halifax, N. S: After his death, she returned to Halifax, and manied, 2d, Hon. James William Johnston, Judge of the Supreme Court in Equity (who died in December 1873) , and had three sons and one daughter. The surviving children of Samuel Henrj'" were : 2692. Adelaide', born at HaUfax, 11 April 1831 ; married, 25 May 1858, Dr. Eugene dc Courcillon, of St. Louis, Mo. ; is child- 'iless. 2693. Gertrude Mary', born at Halifax, 10 September 1839 ; imarried, 3 August 1804, Major William Fitzroy, of the 63d Regi ment, and had : * From a journal kept by him, the following is extracted; — June 1809, left Halifax, Nova Scotia, for England with my mother, brother,? and sisters, & reached Plymouth in July. December 29, 1818, Brother Augustus arrived in town from Wales & entered St. Bartholomew's hospital as a student. March 23, 1820, Augustus, having finished his course of study at St. Bartholo mew's, sailed to try his fortune at the Cape of Good Hope. DESCEND.ANTS OF SAMUEL® WENTWORTH. 307 1. Gertrude Anna® Fitzroy, born at Colchester, England, 10 July 1865. 2. William Wentworth® Fitzroj-, bora at Paisley, Scotland, 3 March 1867. Anna" (999) , daughter of Thomas* and Anna (Tasker) Went worth, baptized 27 Julj- 1766 ; married, 18 December 1786, William Sheafe,* a merchant of Portsmouth, N. H., and died, at Portsmouth, * Sheafe. — Edmimdi Sheafe had : 1. Sampson^ Sheafe, born in Boston, in 1650; removed to Great Island (New Castle), N. H., in 1675; was Counsellor, Secretary of the Province, and Clerk of Superior Court; he returned to Boston, and died there iu 1724. He married (her first husband) Mehitable, daughter of Jacob Sheafe, of Boston, by his wife Mar garet, daughter of Henry Webb. Henry Webb made his Will 5 April 1660; inventory entered 25 September 1660; he willed property to only daughter Margaret (Webb), widow of the late Jacob Sheafe, and to granddaughters Elizabeth Sheafe (born 1 October 1644; married, 1st, 7 September 1660, Robert Gibbs; 2d, 20 March 1675, Jonathan Corwen), and Mehitable Sheafe (born 28 May 1658; married, 1st, her cousiu Sampson Sheafe; 2d, Rev. Thomas Thatcher, and died 23 February 1694). Sampson^ Sheafe had : 1. Sampson' Sheafe, born at Great Island (New Castle), in 1681 ; graduated at Harvard College, 1702 ; married, November 1711, Sarah, daughter of Hon , Shadrach Walton, and granddaughter of George Walton, as see "Jeffries" and -'Walton" notes to Ebenezer* (16). He was appointed Counsellor in 1740, resigned in 1761, and died 1772. He had : 1. Jacob^ Sheafe, born 1715; married, 1st, 24 July 1740, Hannah Seavy, born 1719, died at Portsmouth, N. H., 12 November 1773; 2d, Mrs. Abigail (Haly- burtou) Hamilton. He died 26 June 1791. He had, by his first wife : 1. Mathew' Sheafe, born 1741, died at sea, single. 2. AbigaU^ Sheafe, born 1744; married Hon. John Pickering, LL.D., of Portsmouth, N. H. He was horn at Newington, N. H., 22 September 1737; graduated H. C. 1761; member of the Convention which framed the Constitution of New Hampshire; Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State, and subsequently U. S. District Judge. He died at Portsmouth, N.H., 11 April 1805. She died 10 December 1805. They had: 1. Hannah^ Pickering, married Charles Walker, of Concord, N. H., and had : 1. Charles' Walker, born 1798, died 1843, single. 2. Lucretia Pickering' Walker, born 1799 ; married, 29 Septem ber 1818, Samuel Finley Breese Morse, eldest son of Rev. Jedediah Morse, D. D., of Charlestown, Mass., born there 27 April 1791; graduated Y.C. 1810; received the degree of LL. D. from the same institution in 1846. He is well known as the inventor of the electro magnetic telegraph. His wife died February 1825. He married, 2d, iu 1848, Sarah Elizabeth Griswold, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., where he lived, and died there 2 April 1872. She survived him. They had three sons and one daughter. Lucretia P.' had: 1. Susan WalkerS Morse, married Edward Lind; lived in Guayura, Porto Rico, W. I., and had: 1. Charles Walkei-s Lind. 308 SIXTH GENERATION. in 1806, leaving eleven children, seven of whom were alive in 1850. He died 2 March 1839. The children were : 2694. Elizabeth Wentworth' Sheafe, married, 15 February 1812, 2. Charles Walker^ Morse, married Finley; lived in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and had three children. 3. FinleyS Morse, lived with his brother Charles^. 3. Susan Burbeen' Walker, hom 1801; married William Picker ing, of Greenland, N. H., and had (besides two who died young): 1. Lucretia Morse* Pickering, married Hon. John S. H. Frink, and had one son. 2. Charles Walker* Pickering. 4. Augustus WUlard' Walker, born 1803; married Abigail A. Hanson, and had : 1. Susan Pickering* Walker, married Getchell. 2. Charles* Walker. 3. Sarah Livermore* Walker. 4. Joseph Burbeen* Walker, of Concord, N. H., married Elizabeth Lord, daughter of Hon. Nathaniel G. Upham. (See " Wingate" note to Joanna GUman" (537) for " Upham.") 5. Augustus Willard* Walker. 6. Lucretia Pickering* Walker. 5. Timothy' Walker, horn 1813 ; married Laura Abbot, and had : 1. Sarah* Walker, married Capt. Manning, U. S. Navy. 2. Charles* Walker. 3. Hannah* Walker, married Dr. Parker, and had one child. 4. Cynthia* Walker. 5. Susan* Walker. 2. Abigail' Pickering, married, 3 September 1788, Hon. William King Atkinson. See " King-Atkinson " note to Theodore^ (341) Atkin son, jr., for children. 3. Fanny* Pickering, died single. 4. Lucretia* Pickering, married Isaac Lyman, of York, Me., and had: 1. John Pickering' Lyman, married Mary Peabody, and had: 1. John Pickering* Lyman. 2. Mary Pickering* Lyman. 3. Theodora* Lyman. 2. Abby' Lyman, married Joseph G. Sise, and had: 1. Albert* Sise, married Edith Ware, and had two children. 2. Frank P.* Sise. 3. Abby Lyman* Sise, married C. H. Burbank, U. S. Navy. 4. George L.* Sise, married Louise Rosenberg. 5. Horace* Sise. 3. Lucretia' Lyman. 4. Susan' Lyman, married, 1st, William Haven; 2d, Dr. Kit- tredge. She had, by her first husband: 1. Nathan Parker* Haven. 5. Charles' Lyman, married Lizzie Hollingsworth, and had: 1. Emilia Redwood* Lyman. 2. Thomas Hollingsworth* Lyman. 3. Charles Augustus* Lyman. 4. Fanny Hollingsworth* Lyman. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL® WENTWORTH. 309 her cousin Jacob Sheafe Pickering, son of Judge John and Abigail (Sheafe) Pickering. He died in 1849 ; she died 11 September 1858. They had (besides three who died young) : 6. Hannah' Lyman, married Samuel Long; is childless. 7. Isaac' Lyman. 8. Parker' Lyman. 5. Jacob Sheafe* Pickering, married, 15 February 1812, Elizabeth Wentworth' (2694) Sheafe, whom see for children. He died 1849. She died 11 September 1858. 6. Susan* Pickering, born 1782; married Rev. Nathan Parker, and died 1833. They had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Francis E.' Parker, a lawyer in Boston. 3. Jacob* Sheafe, born 1745 ; married Mary, daughter of Edmund Quincy, jr., by his wife Anne, daughter of Ellis Huske. See " Huske " note under Gov. Penning^ (80). He died at Portsmouth, N. H., 25 January 1829. They had: 1. Hannah* Sheafe, married Benjamin Prescott, and had : 1. Adeline' Prescott, married Col. S. E.Watson, U. S. Marines, and had (besides four who died young) : 1. Margaret E.* Watson, married William Fowler, U. S. Army, and had three children. 2. Ann Prescott* Watson. 3. Letitia B.* Watson, married Sopier, and had one chUd. 4. Martha Jane* Watson. 5. Theodora Sheafe* Watson. 2. Olive Huske* Sheafe, born 24 May 1777 ; married, 5 June 1802, Daniel Waldron, of Dover, N. H., horn 9 November 1776, son of Col. Thomas Westbrook Waldron. She died September 1845. They had: 1. Richard Russell' Waldron, bom 28 March 1803, died 1846, single. 2. Nathaniel Sheafe' Waldron, born 10 October 1804; Major U. S. Marines; married Virginia Riggs. He died 2 February 1857. They had two sons who died young. 3. Charles' Waldron, born 7 March 1806; lived in Cleveland, O. ; married, and had children. 4. Daniel' Waldron, bom 3 July 1809; married Susan Wingate; he died iu Augusta, Me., November 1873. Rev. Daniel W.* Wal dron, of Boston, Mass., is his son. 5. Mary Constantia' Waldron, married Col. Justin Dimmick, U . S. Army, and died 1865 ; he died October 1871, aged 77. They had : 1. Mary Ann* Dimmick, married Capt. Taylor, U. S. Navy, and had one son. 2. Kate* Dimmick, married Capt. O. A. Mack, U. S. Army, and had one daughter. 3. Russell* Dimmick. 4. Addie* Dimmick, married Gen. Joseph Roberts, U. S. Army. 5. Fanny* Dimmick, married Lieut E. Pai-ry, U. S. Army, and had one daughter. 6. Justin* Dimmick, died 1863. 7. George* Dimmick, died 1857. 310 SIXTH GENERATION. 1. Abby® Pickering, lived in Portsmouth, N. H., single. She had in her possession the portrait of her great-grandfather Thomas* (372), by Blackburn. 8. Edward Cutts* Dimmick, died 1866. 9. Otis Sheafe* Dimmick. 6. Olive' Waldron, born 3 July 1811, died young. 7. Edmund Quincy Sheafe' Waldron, bom 6 July 1S12; grad uated D. C. 1833, is a Catholic priest; was President of Borromeo College, Pikesville, Baltimore co., Md. 8. Thomas Westbrook' Waldron, bom 21 May 1814, died at Hong Kong. 3. Henry* Sheafe, married Lucy Cushing, and had : 1. Harriet' Sheafe, married Dr. Gould, and died 1866. They had: 1. Harriet D.* Gould, married Horace Gooch. 2. Lucy* Gould, married Charles Richardson. 3. Julia* Gould. 4. Charles* Gould. 5. William* Gould. 6. Edward Cutts* Gould. 7. Louis Agassiz* Gould. 2. Charles' Sheafe. 3. Henry' Sheafe, married, and is dead. 4. Lucy' Sheafe, born 19 July 1814; married, 1st, 4 February 1835, her father's cousin Augustus WiUard' (2701) Sheafe, whom see for her chUdren. He died at Rio Janeiro, BrazU, in 1835. She married, 2d, 25 June 1846, her cousin Theodore Sheafe' Cushing. 4. Nathaniel Tracy* Sheafe, died single. 5. Ann Huske" Sheafe, bom 14 January 1781; married, 12 March 1805, Charles Cushing, of Little Harbor, at Portsmouth, N. H., born 22 December 1775, died 6 August 1849. Mrs. Cushing lived at the old mansion of Gov. Benning* Wentworth, where the writer of this (with his wife) visited her in 1851 and 1855. She died June 1875. They had: 1. Ann' Cushing, married Thomas Sheafe Coffin, son of Charles Coffin who married her mother's cousin Mehitable", daughter of Thomas* Sheafe; is chUdless. 2. Charles' Cushing, died in New Orleans. 3. Mary' Cushing, married Robert Israel, and had : 1. Mary* Israel, married Dr. Rose, and had one son. 2. Charles* Israel, is dead. 3. WUliam* Israel. 4. Josephine* Israel, married McMahon. 5. Kate* Israel. 4. Theodore Sheafe' Cushing, married (her second husband), 25 June 1846, his cousin Lucy' (Sheafe) Sheafe, and had Anna* Cush ing. 5. Harriet' Cushing. 6. Jacob" Sheafe, married Mary, daughter of Rev. Dr. Samuel Ha ven, and had : 1. Charles' Sheafe. 2. Nathaniel Tracy' Sheafe, married Gertrude Hyde, and had: 1 Sarah* Sheafe. 3. Ann' Sheafe, died single. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL® WENTAVORTH. 311 2. John Jacob® Pickering, married Sarah, daughter of Hon. Peter Jenness ; childless. 3. Elizabeth Wentworth® Pickering, married WiUiam F. Par- rott ; chUdless. 4. Mary Quincy' Sheafe, married Casey, and had : 1. Harriet* Casey. 2. George* Casey. 3. Jacob* Casey. 5. Margaret' Sheafe, married John Taylor, and had : 1. Allene* Taylor. 2. Alfred* Taylor. 3. Antoinette* Taylor. 4. De Quincey* Taylor. 6. Augusta' Sheafe, married William Osborne, and had : 1. Frank* Osborne. 2. Charles* Osborne. 3. Joseph* Osborne. 4. Arthur* Osborne. 7. Louisa' Sheafe, married Thomas Richards, and had : 1. Mary* Richards. 2. Howell* Richards. 8. Charlotte' Sheafe, married Howell Fisher, and had : 1. Mary H.* Fisher. 2. Samuel* Fisher. 3. Gertmde* Fisher. 4. Helen A.* Fisher. 5. Harvey* Fisher. 7. Daniel* Sheafe, died single. 8. Mary* Sheafe, married Edward Cutts, and died childless, in 1868. 9. Edmund Quincy* Sheafe, married Susan' (2704) Sheafe, and died December 1839; she died 1842, chUdless. 10. John Lane* Sheafe, died iu New Orleans in 1868, single. 11. Theodore* Sheafe, died single. 4. Sarah* Sheafe, horn 1748; married John March who died in 1777; she died in 1839. They had : 1. Ann" March, married Samuel Elliot, and had : 1. John' Elliot. 2. Hannah' Elliot. 3. Ann' Elliot. 2. John" March, born 1771, died single, 1814. 3. Mathew* March, born 1773; married Sarah C. Massey, and died 1814; she died 1848. They had: 1. Sarah Ann' March, died 1810. 2. Almira' March, died 1866. 3. Joseph' March, died 1801. 4. Mehitable' March, married John Blunt, and had : 1. Charles Edward* Blunt, married Penelope English, and had two children. 2. Evelina S.* Blunt, died 1848. 3. Almira' Blunt, married Charles B. Coffin, and had two sons. 312 SIXTH GENERATION. 2695. WilUam Thomas' Sheafe, died in Havana, Febraary 1811 . 2696. Ann Bellew' Sheafe, died single, in 1843. 2697. Frances' Sheafe, died in Boston, 5 February 1875, aged 79 years. 4. John" Blunt, married, 1st, E. Hemmingway; 2d, Geor- gine Fisk; 3d, EmUy Bacon; and had two chUdren. 5. George M.' March. 6. Mathew S.' March, married Martha J. Short, and had one daughter. 7. Sarah Ann' March, married Robert Henderson, and had two chUdren. 4. Joseph" March, born 1775, died 17M. 5. Hannah^ Sheafe, horn 1750; married, 1st, Hugh Henderson, from Scotland, born 1747, died 1794; 2d, WUliam Hart; she died 1845. She had, by her first husband (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Hannah" Henderson, born 1773; married John TumbuU, of Scot land, and died 1861. She had (besides two who died young) : 1. WUliam' TurnbuU, married, and had : 1. John" TurnbuU. 2. Joanna* TurnbuU. 3. Allison" TurnbuU. 4. Elizabeth" TurnbuU. 5. James" Turnhull. 2. Richard' Turnhull, died at sea. 3. Sidney' TurnbuU, married Jane Nesbitt, and had : 1. John" TurnbuU. 2. James' TurnbuU. 3. Andrew* TurnbuU. 4. Sidney" TumbuU. 5. David' TurnbuU. 6. Jane' TurnbuU. 7. Hannah" TurnbuU. 8. Emma" TurnbuU. 4. Isabella' TurnbuU, married Rennie, and had: 1. Hannah* Rennie, married Cowan, and had eight chUdren. 2. Patrick* Rennie, married, and had five chUdren. 2. Sarah* Henderson, born 1777; married Samuel Pearse, and died 1854. They had: 1. Hugh Henderson' Pearse, born 1800, died 1833. 2. Mary' Pearse, born 1801, died 1818. 3. Harriet Sheafe' Pearse, married Joshua B. Whidden, and had two chUdren, who died young. 4. Ann Treadwell' Pearse. 6. Sarah Henderson' Pearse, married John J. "White, and had: 1. Amelia McAlister* White. 2. Sarah Henderson* White. 3. Annie Louise* White, married T. H. Lee, and had one daughter. 3. James* Henderson, born 1779, died single, 1818. 4. Mary* Henderson, born 1781, died 1798. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL® WENTWORTH. 313 2698. Emilj-' Sheafe, married, 4 May 1823, Col. Joshua Win- slow Peirce, of Greenland, N. H. (son of John Peirce, for whose family see note to Mark Hunking-* (88) Wentworth), born 14 May 1791. > He died 10 April 1874, at Portsmouth, N. H. ; she 5. Alexander* Henderson, born 1783, died 1798. 6. Sophia* Henderson, born 1785; married William Haven, and had: 1. James Henderson' Haven, born 1807; married Elizabeth, daughter of Hon. Samuel Cushman. He died 1849, and she married, 2d, Hon. Samuel Tilton, of Sanbornton Bridge, N. H., and was liv ing a widow at last dates. James H.' Haven had : 1. Samuel Cushman* Haven. 2. WiUiam* Haven. 2. Sophia' Haven, married Charles J. Appleton, and had : 1. Sophia Louisa* Appleton, married Bradbury. 2. Sarah F.* Appleton, married Charles Cutter, and had two sons. 3. WUliam' Haven, died at sea, 1828. 4. Alexander' Haven, died 1822. 5. Samuel' Haven, married Ann Churchill, and had: 1. Charlotte A.* Haven. 2. W. Roscoe* Haven. 3. Augusta* Haven, married Ross, and had one son. 4. Sophia L.* Haven. 6. Augustus L.' Haven, married Agnes Poor, and had: 1. Alexander* Haven. 2. WUliam* Haven. 3. Sophia* Haven. 4. Jaines* Haven. 7. Charlotte A.' Haven, married Volney C. Mason, and had: 1. Gertrude* Mason. 2. Harriet* Mason. 3. Haven* Mason. 4. Edith* Mason. 8. Isabella T.' Haven. 9. Alexander' Haven, died 1853. 10. Hannah S.' Haven. 11. Harriet H.' Haven. 12. William A.' Haven. 7. Harriet* Henderson, born 1788 ; married Thomas S. Lewis, and had : 1. Sarah Caroline' Lewis, married Robert F. Gerrish, and had: 1. Mary PoUett* Gerrish. 2. Hannah S.* Gerrish. 3. Caroline* Gerrish. 4. FoUett* Gerrish. 2. EmUy H.' Lewis, died 1853. 6. Thomas^ Sheafe, bora 1782; married, 1st, Mary Bell; 2d, Mary Hale; and died 1831. He had: 1. Mehitable* Sheafe, married Charles Coffin, and had: 1. Thomas Sheafe' Coffin, married Ann, daughter of Charles and (his mother's cousin) Ann Huske* (Sheafe) Cushing; childless. 2. Mary' Coffin. 3. Charles' Coffin. 314 SIXTH GENERATION. died there 9 March 1871. Thej- had (besides four who died in infancj-) : 1. John Peter® Peirce, born in Portsmouth, N. H., 25 April 1824. 4. Francis' Coffin. 5. Horatio' Coffin. 2. Abigail* Sheafe, died single. 3. Sally* Sheafe. 4. Thomas" Sheafe. 5. Samuel" Sheafe, died single. 6. Frances* Sheafe. 7. Charles* Sheafe, lost at sea 8. James" Sheafe. 9. John Hile" Sheafe, married Maria Lang' (2702) Sheafe, whom see for children. He died in 1840. 10. Mary" Sheafe. 11. Horatio" Sheafe. 12. Oliver" Sheafe. 7. Mary* Sheafe, born 1753; married Rev. Joseph Willard, D. D., LL. D. (born 29 December 1738), President of Harvard CoUege, and died 1826. They had : 1. Sophia" Willard, married Rev. Dana, and had : 1. Sophia' Dana, married Rev. Ripley. 2. Frank' Dana, married Isabella White, and had: 1. Frank* Dana. 2. Hazen* Dana. 3. Isabella* Dana. 4. Mary E.* Dana. 2. Augustus" WiUard, died single. 3. Mary« WUlard. 4. Sidney* WiUard, born 19 September 1780; Professor in Harvard College; married, 1st, Andrews; 2d, Hannah Hurd; he died 6 December 1856 ; they had : 1. Joseph A.' WUlard, married Penelope Cochran, and had: 1. Elizabeth A.* Willard, married Henry F. Coolidge. 2. Edward A.* WUlard. 3. Mary M.* Willard, married Alvin Clark. 4. Penelope F.* WiUard. 5. Sidney F.* WUlard. 6. Edith G.s WUlard. 5. Samuel" WUlard. 0. Sheafe* Willard. 7. Lucinda* Willard. 8. Theodora* Willard, marrried Dr. Dana, who married, 2d, her sister Augusta*. Theodora* had : 1 . James' Dana, married Thursta Dana. 2. Mary' Dana. 3. Lucy' Dana, married Dr. Kittredge, and had: 1. SaUy* Kittredge. 9. Augusta* WiUard, married (his second wife). Dr. Dana, whose first wife was her sister Theodora". DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL® WENTWORTH. 315 2. Sarah Coflin® Peirce, born in Somersworth, N. H., 24 April 1826 ; lived in Portsmouth, N. H. 3. Ann Wentworth® Peirce, born in Somersworth, N. H., 1 July 1827. 10. Joseph" WiUard, horn 14 March 1798; married Susanna H. Lewis, and died 1866. He had: 1. Sidney' Willard, born 3 February 1831; married Sarah Fisk; he was Major 35th Mass. Vols., and fell in action at Fredericks burg, Va., 13 December 1862. 2. Theodora' WUlard. 3. Joseph' WUlard. 4. Robert' WUlard. 5. Susanna' Willard. 8. James* Sheafe, born 17 November 1755; married, 1st, Sarah Meserve, daughter of Hon. George Meserve, Collector of Customs, at Portsmouth, N. H., and Stamp Officer for N. H., under the " Stamp Act," who was son of Col. Nathaniel Meserve, who distinguished himself at the capture of Louisburg in 1745. See "Odiorne" note to M.ark Hunking* (88) Went worth. He married, 2d, 13 JvUy 1800, Sarah" (1006) Fisher, whom see. She was daughter of John and Anna* (373) (Wentworth) Fisher, and grand daughter of Mark Hunking'' (88) Wentworth ; also, cousin to Anna" (999) (Wentworth), wife of his brother William' Sheafe. She died at New York city, 7 February 1863; he died 5 December 1829. For children by his sec ond wife, see Sarah" (1006). He had, by his first wife : 1. George" Sheafe, died at Madeira. 9. WUliam* Sheafe, born 1758, died 2 March 1839. He married, 18 De cember 1786, Anna" (999) Wentworth, as given above, and whom see for chUdren. 10. Mehitable* Sheafe, born 1760; married, 5 May 1785, Hon. Ebenezer Smith, of Durham, N. H., born 13 March 1758; he was a lawyer. Represent ative in the Legislature, Aid to Gov. John Taylor Gilman, Counsellor, and was appointed Judge S. C. in 1798; he died 24 September 1831; she died 4 September 1843. They had (besides three who died in infancy): 1. Jacob Sheafe" Smith, born 1786; married Mary P. Lewis, and had : 1. Samuel' Smith, died 1839. 2. Lathrop L.' Smith, married Margaret Mallet, and had: 1. Lathrop L.' Smith. 2. Johnson M." Smith. 3. Percy H." Smith. 4. Logan M." Smith. 2. Ebenezer" Smith, born 1787; married Hannah Richardson, and died 1868. He had : 1. James Sheafe' Smith, married, 1st, Eunice Dodge; 2d, Louisa Terry, and had : 1. Charles' Smith. 2. Mary' Smith. 2. Susan R.' Smith, married George W. Wilson. 3. Henry Burt' Smith, maixied Mary Ann Coburn, and had : 1. Henry B.' Smith. 2. Fanny R.« Smith. 3. Mary C Smith. 4. Nelly C." Smith. 316 SIXTH GENERATION. 4. Joseph Wentworth" Peirce, born in Somersworth, N. IL, 18 December 1829. 5. Joshua Eindge® Peirce, born in Somersworth, N. H., 14 November 1831 ; graduated H. C. 1852 ; was ordained an Epis copal clergyman 1856 ; married Marcia, daughter of Rev. John P. R6binson, and had (besides one who died iu infancy): 1 ., Mark Wentworth^ Peirce, born 1861. 2. Emily MUnor^ Peirce, born 1863. 4. Joseph Edwin' Smith, married Mary Dunster, and had two daughters, who died young. 5. Almira' Smith, married Theodore S. Jennings, and had: 1. Mary' Jennings. 2. George' Jennings. 3. Edwin" Jennings. 6. Louisa Sheafe' Smith. 7. Sarah B.' Smith, married John I. Hanson, and had: 1. Alice S.' Hanson. 2. Carrie L." Hanson. 3. Frank W.' Hanson. 3. Henry" Smith, bom 1789; married Hannah Huntington; was a Congregational minister, and died 1828. He had : 1. Hannah Huntington' Smith, married her cousin Henry W. Coe, and had : 1. Henry" Coe. 2. Charles' Coe. 2. Henry S.' Smith (changed his name to Huntington), married Geneva Crosby, and had; 1. George' Huntington. 2. Eliza' Huntington. 4. Alfred" Smith, born 1791, married Clara Blydenburg, and had: 1. John Henry' Smith, died 1867. 5. Mehitable" Smith, born 1794; married Ebenezer Coe, and had: 1. Ebenezer Smith' Coe, married (his second wife) Mary, daugh ter of Hon. Nathaniel Upham, of Rochester, N. H., and widow of Hon. David Barker, jr., of that place. See "Wingate" note to Joanna Gilman" (537), for " Upham." 2. Henry W.' Coe, married his cousin Hannah H.' Smith. 6. Charles' Smith, born 1795; married Anne Smith, and had: 1. Mary Jane' Smith, married Lucian Ladd, and had: 1. Charles" Ladd. 2. Frances" Ladd. 3. Frederick" Ladd. 4. Clarissa* Ladd. 2. Sarah Elizabeth' Smith, married Frank Weeks. 7. Charlotte" Smith, born 1801, died 1833. 8. Mary WUlard" Smith, born 1807; married, 10 March 1833, Rev. John K. Young, D. D., who died in 1875. They had: 1. Ellen A.' Young. 11. John" Sheafe, born 1762; married, 11 November 1787, Elizabeth", daughter of Monsieur and Hannah" (379) (Wentworth) Bunbury, whom see for children. He died 24 January 1812. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL® WENTWORTH. 317 3. Anne Burroughs^ Peirce, born 1866. 4. Joseph Parish^ Peirce, born 1870. 6. Mary Pearse® Peirce, bora 23 January 1833, died 10 Sep tember 1858. 7. WilUam Augustus® Peirce, born in Portsmouth, N. IL, 16 July 1836. 8. Robert Cutts® Peirce, born in Greenland, N. H., 3 Janu ary 1840. 2699. Mark Wentworth' Sheafe, married, in 1843, widow Mary Weston ; lived in Janesville, Wis., and had : 1. Mark Wentworth® Sheafe, married Cassa A. Hall, and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Anna Wentworth^ Sheafe. 2. Anne Wentworth® Sheafe. 2700. Charlotte' Sheafe, lived in Boston, Mass. 2701. Augustus WiUard' Sheafe, married, 4 February 1835, Lucy, daughter of his cousin Henry Sheafe, and granddaughter of Jacob Sheafe who was brother to his father WUliam Sheafe. She was bom 19 July 1814. He died at Rio Janeiro, BrazU, in 1835. His widow married, 2d, 25 June 1846, her cousin Theodore Sheafe Cushing, and had Anna Cushing. Augustus W.' had : 1. ^Lucy Augustina® Sheafe, born 4 Febraary 1836 ; married Russell T. Hj'de, and had (besides one who died in infancj'): 1. Russell Fitz9 Hyde. 2. Daughter^. 2702. Maria Lang' Sheafe, married her cousin John Hale Sheafe, son of Thomas, who was brother of her father WilUam Sheafe. He died in 1840. They had (besides one who died young) : 1. Thomas® Sheafe. 2. Mary Hale® Sheafe, married F. Douglas, and had : 1. John^ Douglas. 3. William® Sheafe, married Josephine Peckham, of Provi dence, R. I., and had : 1. Harriet P.9 Sheafe. 2. WilUamS Sheafe. 3. Fannj'9 Sheafe. 4. Marj'9 Sheafe. 5. EdwinS Sheafe. 4. John Hale® Sheafe, married Lucj- March. 5. Maria® Sheafe. 6. Chariotte® Sheafe. 318 SIXTH GENERATION. 2703. Hannah' Sheafe, manied Capt. Nathaniel Folsom, a ship master, son of Nathaniel Folsom, of Portsmouth, N. H., by his second wife Olive Huske (Rindge) , and had : 1 . WilUam® Folsom, lived in India. 2704. Susan' Sheafe, married her cousin Edmund Quincy Sheafe, son of Jacob, who was brother of her father WiUiam Sheafe. He died December 1839 ; and she died, childless, in 1842. Nathaniel" (1016), son of George* and Rebecca* (Wentworth) Wentworth, born 4 May 1767 ; followed the sea, and died in India, September 1801. His wife (manied, 19 February 1791, by Rev. Dr. Samuel McClintock, at Greenland, N. H.) was Nancy Hodg- kins. They had : 2705. Nancj'', died in infancj-. 2706. Daniel' (eldest), born "22 April 1788. [4833] Daniel" (1019), son of George* and Rebecca* (Wentworth) Wentworth, born 2 July 1773 ; married, 13 October 1798, Mary Hardy, who died 20 May 1843, aged 69 ; he died 31 March 1812. Thej- had : 2707. George Parrj-', born 27 May 1802 ; was a sea captain, and died single, October 1832. 2708. EUzabeth Hardj-', born 10 July 1804 ; married, 28 May 1835, Seward C. Bucknam, of Calais, Me. Thej^ had four children, all of whom died single prior to March 1868. 2709. Mary', born 15 April 1806 ; married, 10 May 1829, Tim- othj' Hall, born 11 November 1796. He was brother of Catherine Henshaw (Plall), wife of her uncle Ebenezer" (1021) Wentworth. In 1871 they lived at Harrison Square, Dorchester, Mass., and had (the first five born in Portsmouth, N. H.): 1. Charles Carroll® Hall, born 18 September 1830; married, 8 Febraary 1861, Mrs. Isabella Webbe, formerlj- of Portland, Me.,. and lived in Boston, Mass. 2. Mary Wentworth® HaU, born 16 October 1832. 3. Frank Seaburj'® Hall, born 2 February 1836 ; married, 25 December 1860, Maria Louisa Pope, of Dorchester, Mass., and Uved in New York citj'. 4. Annie Catherine® Hall, born 27 October 1840. 5. Robert Morris® Hall, born 12 July 1844; served nine months in Co. C, 44th Mass. Vols., war of the Rebellion. He mai-ried, 31 March 1868, Ann Elizabeth Webbe, oldest daughter descendants OF SAMUEL® WENTWORTH. 319 of his brother Charles Carroll's® wife by her first husband, and Uved in New York city. 6. George Wentworth® HaU, born 3 July 1843, in Boston, Mass., died 14 September 1849. 2710. Rebecca Jefli-ies', Uved in Portsmouth, N. II. , and died there single, 11 December 1869. 2711. Sarah Simes', born 13 October 1810, died 21 May 1812. Ebenezer" (1021), son of George* and Rebecca* (Wentworth) Wentworth, born 4 September 1779; lived on Pleasant Street, Portsmouth, in the house from which Gov. John* and Lady Went worth fled at the breaking out of the Revolution. In that house he had portraits of Lieut.-Gov. John^, Gov. Benning*, Gov. Benning's son Jghn*, and many other family mementos, which, at his death, he gave to his son Mark Hunking' Wentworth. He was a leading merchant untU appointed cashier of the New Hampshire branch of the United States Bank, which office he held until the expiration of its charter. He died 13 August 1860. His wife (married by Rev. Charles Burroughs, D. D., at St. John's Chapel, Portsmouth, 18 November 1810), was Catherine Henshaw HaU,* born 8 September 1788, and died in 1866. They had : * Hall. — She was descended from Widow Mary Hall, who had lands granted her in Cambridge, Mass., in 1662. Widow Maryi Hall moved to Medford in 1662. Her children, then adult or nearly so, were : 1. John2 Hall, of whom see below. 2. Susanna^ Hall. 3. Stephen^ Hall, was of Concord, Mass., but was of Stow in 1685, of which he was Representative in 1689; married, 3 December 1663, Ruth, daughter of Dolor Davis, and had five children, one of whom, Stephen* Hall, was father of Rev. Willard* Hall (H. C. 1722); whose son Stephen' Hall (H. C. 1765) was tutor there; whose son John" Hall was inventor of "Hall',s Carbine," and was armorer at Harper's Ferry; whose son WUlard P.' Hall was late M. C. from Missouri. Rev. WiUard* Hall's son WiUis" Hall was father of Hon. WiUard" Hall, Secretary of State of Delaware 1811-1814; Representative in Congress 1816-1820; and U. S. District Judge for Delaware from 6 May 1823 many years. 4. William^ HaU, removed to Concord, Mass. ; married, 14 October 1658, Sarah Meriam, and died 10 March 1667, chUdless. 5. Mary2 Hall, married, 26 February 1669, Israel Meade. 320 SIXTH GENERATION. 2712. Mark Hunking', born 12 March 1813. [48346] 2713. Charles Ebenezer', born 12 January 1815, died 29 Decem ber 1831. 6. Hannah^ Hall, married 27 December 1670, Stephen Francis. 7. Lydia2 Hall, married, 6 March 1678, Gershom Cutter. John2 Hall, son of Widow Mary^, as above, was in Cambridge in 1652; of Con cord, Mass., in 1658; married 4 April 1656, Elizabeth, daughter of Percival and Ellen Green, of Cambridge; removed to Medford after 1666, and died there, 18 October 1701; his widow died 4 February 1714. They had: 1. Elizabeth* Hall, bom 18 September 1658, married John Oldham. 2. John* Hall, born 13 December 1660, of whom see below. 3. Nathaniel* Hall, bom 7 July 1666; married, 16 AprU 1090, Elizabeth Cut ter, and had two sons and four daughters. 4. Mary* HaU, born 1668, married John Bradshaw. 5. Stephen* Hall (Lieutenant), born 1670 ; married, 1st, Elizabeth , who died childless, 14 May 1714, aged 42; 2d, Elizabeth ,'by whom he had four children. 6. Percival* Hall, bom 11 February 1672; married, about 1697, Jane, daugh ter of Thomas Willis; removed to Sutton, Mass.; was Representative, Deacon, etc. He died 25 December 1752. He had eleven chUdren ; his son Stephen^ Hall (Quartermaster in the old French war) had seven chUdren,M)f whom Rev. Sam uel R.° Hall was father to Rev. Samuel R.'Hall, LL. D., founder of the Normal School system. Percival* Hall's son Thomas* Hall was father of Percival' Hall, a Surgeon in the Revolutionary war ; whose son Jairus" HaU was Judge C. C. P. in Vermont. Percival* Hall's son WUlis* HaU was father of Rev. Nathan iel' Hall (D.C. 1790), who was father of Hon. WUlis" HaU, late Attorney-General of the State of New York. 7. Jonathan* Hall, bom 1677; married Lydia, daughter of Gershom Cutter; had three children, and died 11 January 1754. She died 1 January 1754. His son Jonathan* Hall was father of Samuel' Hall, who served his apprenticeship with his uncle Daniel Fowle (the first printer in New Hampshire), and published the Essex Gazette, N. E. Chronicle, Salem Gazette, and Massachusetts Gazette, and died 10 October 1807, aged 67 years. 8. Sarah* Hall, bom 1679. 9. Susannah* Hall (possibly born before Jonathan*). John* Hall, son of John^, as above, was of Medford; married, 2d December 1687, Jemima, daughter of Capt. Joseph SUl; she died 12 December 1712, aged 45; he died 14 November 1720. They had ten (perhaps twelve) chUdren, among whom, the second was : Capt. John* Hall, born 19 September 1690; married, 27 April 1720, Elizabeth Walker, and died 8 August 1746. They had ten children, of whom: Timothy' Hall (fourth chUd), born 13 March 1726; married, 29 June 1749, Mary Cutter, and had five sons and three daughters. Of their children was : Ammi R.» Hall, born 27 August 1758; was a soldier of the Revolution, fought at Bunker HiU, and was a pensioner. He married Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth Seabury, of Newport, R. I., and died 9 June 1833. Of their chil dren were: Catherine Henshaw' HaU, who married Ebenezer" (1021) Wentworth, as above; and Timothy' Hall, who married Mary' (2709), daughter of Daniel' Wentworth. He had a cousin Timothy' Hall, who died iu Boston, Mass., in 1872, aged 96 years and 6 months. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL® WENTWORTH. 321 2714. George Joshua', born 6 February 1817 ; resided in Ports mouth, N. H., and died there, single, 19 November 1872, in the old house occupied by Gov. John* (371) Wentworth at the time of the Revolution. 2715. John Langdon', born 26 November 1819. [4836] 2716. Alfred Seabury', born 27 August 1821 ; lived in Cin cinnati. 2717. Catherine Louisa', born 21 August 1822 ; lived at Ports mouth, N. H. 2718. Algernon Sidney', born 7 December 1826 ; lived in Philadelphia. 2719. Frances Mary', born 20 September 1831 ; lived in Ports mouth, N. H. Joshua" (1030), son of Joshua* and SaUy (Peirce) Wentworth, born 31 December 1785 ; married, 28 June 1806, Ann Tredick. He died 22 May 1816. His widow married, 2d, 23 February 1817, Samuel Furnald, of Portsmouth ; they removed to Troj', N. Y. , where she died 24 November 1825, having no children by her second marriage. Mr. Furnald married again, and died in Troy. Joshua" had : 2720. Sarah Jane', born 28 August 1807 ; married, 17 Novem ber 1829, Capt. William Parker, and lived at Portsmouth, N. H. ; she died 27 September 1841 . They had : 1. Ann Mary® Parker, born 19 September 1831 ; married, 8 May 1851, WilUam Henry Sise, of Portsmouth, N. H., and had : 1. Sarah Wentworth^ Sise, born 23 October 1853, died 21 October 1865. 2. Emma St. Lize** Sise, born 23 AprU 1856. 3. Florence Parker^ Sise, born 20 August 1857. 2. Robert Rice" Parker, born 8 January 1836, died 15 Sep tember 1841. 3. Sarah Wentworth® Parker, born 10 May 1838 ; married, 15 October 1863, Percival C. Pope, of Portsmouth, N. H. ; and had : VOL. n. — 21 322 SIXTH GENERATION. 1. PercivaF Pope, born 1 August 1865. 2. John Parker^ Pope, born 18 December 1868. 2721. Joshua Larkin', born 6 October 1809 ; died in New York city, about 1850. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® -WENTWORTH. James" (1042), son of Benjamin* and Rachel (Lewis) Went worth, born 30 July 1787; lived in Embden, Somerset co.. Me., next to his brother Andrew". He married, 1st, 25 December 1815, Hannah Blackman, born 27 October 1795, who died 28 January 1827 ; 2d, 28 September 1828, Deborah Burns. He died 22 May 1847. His widow lived in Embden, Me. He had, by his first wife : 2722. Jarvis', bom 14 October 1816 ; was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion, sergeant in Co. E, 1st Vermont Cavalry. He married, 9 December 1849, in Chelsea, Vt., Nancy Fifield. He died at Frederick Citj', Md., 17 July 1863, of wounds received in the battle of Fredericksburg ; his widow Uves in Tunbridge, Vt. He had : 1. Mary A.®, born 9 November 1852. 2. Junius®, born 29 July 1856. 2722a. Harriet', born 22 November 1817 ; married, 1 October 1841, Rufus Burns, and had (besides three who died in infancy): 1. George W.® Burns, born 26 August 1843 ; enlisted in Co. C, 24th Maine Vols., and died at New Orleans, 27 March 1862. 2. Ellen 0.® Burns, born 27 March 1846. 3. Harrison T.® Burns, born 2 November 1849. 4. Warren S.® Burns, born 5 Januarj' 1851. 5. Charles O.® Burns, born 30 March 1853. 6. Moses T.® Burns, born 27 AprU 1857. 2722&. Fanny', born 5 April 1819. 2722c. Louisa', born 16 October 1820, died 21 February 1842. . 2723. Octavia', born 7 July 1822 ; married, 19 July 1843, Ben jamin Cleveland, and had : 1. Lj-dia F.® Cleveland, born 26 May 1844; married, 15 November 1868, Sumner W. Wiggins ; lived in Hardin, Iowa, and had : 1. Edith9 Wiggins, born 19 October 1869. 2. Hannah B.® Cleveland, born 26 August 1845 ; married, 1 May 1870, Charles Wiggins, and lived in Hardin, Iowa. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 323 3. Ellen A.® Cleveland, born 7 January 1847 ; married, 4 March 1869, George Savage, and lived in Wright co., Iowa. 4. Elden S.® Cleveland, born 18 January 1849 ; married, 14 March 1869, Addie P. Adams ; lived in Jordan, Wis., and had : 1. George Victor^ Cleveland, born 24 August 1870. 5. Albion P.® Cleveland, born 4 August 1850. 6. Martha J.® Cleveland, born 12 May 1852. 7. MarshaU B.® Cleveland, born 19 August 1853. 8. Homer P.® Cleveland, born 8 July 1857. 2723a. John', born 8 February 1826, died 21 September 1829. 27236. Jane', twin with John', died 11 February 1826. James" had, by his second wife : 2723c. Jesse'', born 9 April 1829 ; married, 7 January 1863, Jane MnlUn, and had : 1. John®, bora 13 April 1865. 2723d. Ruth', born 30 March 1831. 2723e. Hannah', born 20 November 1832. 2723/. Joel', bom 10 September 1834, died 21 March 1842. 2723g'. Jeremiah', born 20 January 1836, died 8 February 1836. 2724. Jefferson', bom 6 February 1838 ; enlisted, 24 October 1861, in Co. D, 13th Maine Vols. ; mustered out 7 January 1865. He married, 30 April 1865, Julia Burns, and had : 1. Herman®, born 15 March 1868. 2724a. Nancy', born 4 January 1840. 27246. James L.', born 6 January 1842 ; enlisted, 24 October 1861, in Co. D, 13th MaUie Vols. ; mustered out 7 January 1865 ; lives on the old homestead at Embden, Me. 2724c. Martha R.', bom 14 December 1843 ; married, 27 June 1868, Stilhnan Walker, and had : 1. George E.® Walker, born 1 September 1869. 2. Charles S.® WaUcer, born 3 November 1870. 2724d. Jerry', bom 7 September 1845 ; married, 29 March 1871, Sarah M. Cleveland, and lived at West Embden, Me. 2724e. John A.', born 22 June 1847. Andrew" (1043), son of Benjamin* and Rachel (Lewis) Went worth, born 18 December 1789 ; lived in Embden, Me. He mar ried, 1st, 1 January 1818, Sally Howard, who died 16 AprU 1835 ; 2d, 18 June 1837, Rosilla Thompson, who died at China, Me., 8 August 1872. He died 10 February 1852. He had, by his first wife : 324 SIXTH GENERATION. 2725. Susan R.', born 8 October 1818 ; married, 5 June 1838, Daniel HUton, and died 9 November 1840. She had : 1 . Martha® Hilton, born 26 March 1840 ; married Parks, of Washington, Wis. 2726. Lois', born 19 March 1720 ; married, 20 May 1839, Wil liam Jackson ; lived in Embden, Me., and had : 1. Eliza® Jackson, born 20 Febraary 1840. 2. Allen® Jackson, born 8 April 1842. 3. Andrew W.® Jackson, born 4 July 1844. 4. William B.® Jackson, born 12 February 18 16. 5. Sylvester** Jackson, born 26 April 1849. 6. Olive® Jackson, born 17 February 1852. 7. Frederic A.® Jackson, born 3 Julj- 1854. 8. Flora® Jackson, born 2 Februarj' 1857, died 22 Febraary 1865. 9. Mary® Jackson, born 9 August 1867. ,2727. Seth', born 17 November 1821. [4840] 2728. Lewis', born 13 July 1823; is a Methodist clergj-man ; married, 3 September 1846, Mary S. Hawes, and lives in CUnton, Me., childless. 2729. Marj^', born 12 June 1828 ; married, 25 July 1847, Wil liam H. Hodges, and lived in Winslow, Me., where she died 11 AprU 1864. She had : 1. Lewis H.® Hodges, born 15 Febraarj' 1848. 2. Emma E.® Hodges, born 29 May 1849. 3. Alton A.® Hodges, born 22 September 1854. 2730. Nathan', born 14 October 1830 ; married, 14 Febru ary 1856, Didama R. Abbot ; lived in Albion, Me., and had : 1. Ella®, born 16 November 1858. Andrew" had, bj' his second wife : 2731. Sarah', born 13 March 1838; married, 24 June 1862, Bateman Conforth. 2732. Daniel', born 23 March 1839 ; married, 24 Decem ber 1866, Eliza, daughter of Jeremiah Mitchell, of China, Me. ; lived there, and had : 1. Elmer Edwin®, born 31 March 1868. 2. Julia E.®, born 14 May 1871. 3. George W.®, born 26 December 1873. 2733. EUen', born 3 July 1840 ; married, August 1866, Alonzo M. Kitchen, of China, Me. ; lived there, and had : 1. Charles H.® Kitchen, born 25 July 1867. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 325 2. Mark M.s Kitchen, born 14 AprU 1869. 3. Seth M.® Kitchen, born 29 September 1871. 2734. Amos J.', bore 20 June 1842 ; was a soldier in the war of the RebelUon, and died 22 September 1863, of disease contracted in the army. 2735. Mark', born 9 April 1844 ; was a soldier in the war of the RebelUon, was wounded at the battle of Cole Harbor, and died at City Point hospital, 8 June 1864. Phineas" (1047), son of Isaac* and Jerusha* (Wentworth) Wentworth, born 17 November 1774; married, 1st, ; 2d, 7 December 1805, in Salem, Mass., widow Marj' (Lawrence) Pease, then thirty-one years of age, he being thirty-two. (She had .one son by her first marriage, viz., Samuel Pease, given erroneouslj' in first edition as Samuel' (2738), third son of Phineas". He married Hannah Read, of Cambridge, Mass., and died in St. Do mingo, about 1837. She had also a daughter Mary Pease, who married John Emerson, and Uved in Newark, N. J.) Phineas" lived in Boston, and died, in 1826, in Sudbury, Mass. She died, 6 AprU 1852. He had, by his first wife : 2736. Phineas', died at sea, aged about 21 years, single. Phineas" had, by his second wife : 2737. William', born in Salem, 13 January 1807 ; married, 6 AprU 1829, MaryB. Prescott, of LoweU, Mass., born 31 May 1809 ; Uved in Chicago, 111., and had (besides two who died in infancy): 1. Samuel Tenney®, born 29 August 1835 ; was in Co. B, Taylor's Battery, 1st IlUnois Light Artillery, war of the Rebel Uon, enlisting 18 August 1862, and mustered out 1 June 1865. He died single at his father's, in Chicago, 29 March 1869. 2. Mary Ann®, bora 10 September 1837. 2738-9. Mehitable', born in Salem, Mass., 1 December 1809 ; married, 3 July 1829, in Charlestown, Mass., John Wood Butts, born in Boston, Mass., 10 Febraary 1806. They lived in Provi dence, R. I., and had, aU born there : 1. John Wood® Butts, born 14 September 1830 ; married, 1st, 30 May 1852, Amanda Young Thornton ; 2d, 18 July 1864, Josephine Mathewson, of Providence. He had by his first wife : 1. Annie C.^ Butts, married, 11 November 1869, Sebas tian Duncan, jr., and lived at Cranston, R. I. 2. WiUiam Daggett® Butts, born 27 July 1832, died in Cali fornia, 14 June 1856. 326 SIXTH GENERATION. 3. Caroline Martha® Butts, born 23 October 1834; married, 27 September 1852, James T. Fisher, of Providence. 4. Edwin Wentworth® Butts, born 17 October 1836 ; married, 24 February 1859, Eunice Hawkins, of Providence. He was three years in the army, war of the RebelUon, and died at Vicks- burg. Miss., 17 August 1864. 5. Lydia Anna® Butts, born 9 November 1838 ; married, 10 October 1858, Frederick H. Hayward, born in Birmingham, England. 6. Hannah Campbell® Butts, born 16 August 1841. 7. Francis Banister® Butts, born 27 January 1844 ; married, 25 December 1867, Hefen Francis Battey. 8. Mary Augusta® Butts, born 15 November 1845. Isaac" (1048), son of Isaac* and Jerusha* (Wentworth) Went worth, born 22 July 1777; was a housewright in Boston, Mass., in 1816. In 1864 he lived in Sherborn, Mass. He married, Jan uary 1803, Mary Hunting, of Needham, Mass., who died at Sher- ,born, Mass., November 1868 ; he died there 1 April 1869. They had : 2740. Jerusha', bom in East Newton, Mass., 5 December 1803, died in Newton, 9 December 1830. 2741. Mary Hunting', born in Rutland, Mass., 9 September 1805; married. May 1831, John Ware, of Sherborn, Mass., and died 19 March 1872. They had, born in Sherborn : 1. Ann Maria® Ware, born 15 August 1837; married John Shumway BuUard, of Sherborn, Mass., 1 May 1861, and had, born there : 1. WiUiam Herbert^ BuUard, born 21 AprU 1866. 2. Arthur Ware^ BuUard, born 3 October 1868. 2. Mary Elizabeth® Ware, born 16 July 1840. 2742. Maria', bora in Newtonville, Mass., 5 April 1814 ; Uved in Sherborn, Mass. 2743. Hannah Hunting', born in Boston, 11 August 1816 ; married, AprU 1847, Addison HiU, of Sherborn, Mass., who died 25 July 1862. They had : 1. Lucy Mason® Hill, born in West Newton, Mass., 3 Octo ber 1849, died in Sherborn, Mass., 26 AprU 1858. 2. Mary Elizabeth" HiU, born in Sherborn, 31 January 1852. ¦3. Cynthia Whiting® HiU, born in Sherborn, 13 April 1856. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWOETH. 327 William" (1049), son of Isaac* and Jerusha* (Wentworth) Wentworth, bora 2 September 1781 ; Uved in Boston, Mass. He married, 1st, at Andover, Mass., October 1805, Silence Jordon, who died childless, about 1807 ; 2d, September 1809, Mary Pitcher, born in Andover, 4 June 1795, died 1 February 1867; he died in Boston, 4 June 1845. He had, by his second wife, all born in Boston : 2744. Elizabeth', bora 3 July 1810; man-ied, 3 June 1832, Thomas Nash. She died 9 March 1839, having had two children, who died in infancy. 2745. Silence Jordon', named for first wife, bom October 1812 ; married, December 1841, George W. Patch, of Marblehead, Mass., a Baptist clergj'man ; he was born April 1817, graduated Brown University 1839, and at Newton Theological Seminarj' 1841 ; was settled at Wenham, Mass., Sharon, Mass., and twenty-six years at Marblehead, Mass., to the fall of 1875, and died in Cambridge, Mass., 24 December 1875 ; a second wife died a few months before him. Silence J.' died April 1849, and had (besides a daughter who died in infancy) : 1. George A.® Patch, born 3 July 1848. 2746. WUUam', born May 1815 ; married, at Mobile, Ala., and died there childless, 11 March 1851. 2747. Marj- Ann', born 24 January 1818 ; married, 2 Septem ber 1838, Franklin F. Patch, M. D., of Boston, Mass., brother of Rev. George W. Patch who married her sister Silence J.' ; and had (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Clara Elizabeth® Patch, born 10 September 1840 ; married Henry Augustus Gowing, of Boston, Mass., born at Weston, Mass., 2 August 1834 ; and had, born at Boston : 1. Mary Sophia^ Gowing, born 22 November 1861. 2. Franklin Patctf Gowing, born 19 March 1869. 2748. Isaac', born 26 February 1821 ; married Mary E. Bab bit, 11 December 1842 ; Uved in Cambridgeport, Mass., and had : 1. Charlotte Augusta®, born 1 September 1843 ; married, 21 April 1864, Timothy CroweU, of Boston, Mass. ; lived in Cam bridge, Mass., and had : 1. Frederick Wentworth ^ CroweU, born 29 Decem ber 1865. 2. Alice Josephine^ CroweU, born 1 March 1870. 2. Henry Arthur®, born 6 July 1853. 2749. James', born in 1824, died young. 328 SIXTH GENERATION. 2750. Almira Homer', born 4 April 1827 ; married, 31 December 1846, Nelson Robinson, and had (besides two who died in infancy): 1. Mary W.® Robinson, born 16 February 1850. 2. Albert H.® Robinson, born 29 March 1852. 3. Emma N.® Robinson, born 16 September 1854. 4. Carrie® Robinson, born 19 February 1861. 2750a. Samuel', born 9 September 1830 ; lived in Boston, Mass., single. , Stephen" (1056) , son of Stephen* and Abigail (HartweU) Went worth, born 18 February 1779 ; married, in 1804, Hannah H. Capen, born 13 September 1782. She died 11 September 1856. He died 2 May 1848, in Milton, Mass. They had : 2751. Jaazaniah', born 28 June 1805, died October 1822. 2751a. Amos H.', born 1 June 1807, in Milton, Mass. ; married, 30 AprU 1832, Hannah M. Foster. He died 17 March 1841 ; his widow married, 2d, 9 January 1848, Josiah Richardson, whose prior wife was Martha" (1041) Wentworth. Amos H.' had : 1. Amos Holbrook®, born 14 December 1834; married, 6 December 1867, Isabel M. Turner. 2. Walter Houghton®, born 8 March 1839 ; married, 28 August 1864, Jennie Shaffer. He enUsted 21 July 1862, in Co. E, 13th Mass. Vols. 3. Maria Elizabeth®, born 14 August 1840 ; married Edward S. Colton, 16 June 1869, and lived at Wakefield, Mass. 27516. Ruth Bussey', bom 6 May 1809 ; married (his second wife), 17 July 1849, George Paul, and lived in Taunton, Mass., childless. 2751c. AbigaU Tolman', born 26 October 1813 ; married, 1st, 25 February 1836, Charles Francis Davenport, born 18 July 1812, died 21 AprU 1847 ; 2d, 23 October 1850, William Mead, jr., born 19 January 1816, and lived in Taunton, Mass., in 1871. 2751d. Benjamin Bussey', born December 1815 ; married Abi gail Dow, and lived in Brighton, Mass., in 1871. 2751e. Stephen J.', born 21 October 1824 ; married, 19 Novem ber 1848, Susaii, daughter of Lemuel Adams, of Quincy, Mass., born 9 AprU 1832. He died childless, 7 May 1858. Jason" (1059), son of Stephen* and Abigail (Hartwell) Went worth, married, December 1815, Bethiah Allen, of Bridgewater, Mass., and died March 1829. His widow was living in 1864. They had : DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 329 2752. Jason', died aged twentj' months. 2753. Eliza Jane', married, 1 November 1846, Benjamin Chandler, of Maine. She died July 1856, leaving a daughter. 2754. Jason'. [4841] Alexander" (1061), son of Philip* and Elizabeth (Morrison) Wentworth, born 25 August 1787 ; married Lillis Stoddard, of Hingham, Mass., born 12 November 1790, died in Boston, 26 August 1834. He died November 1832. Thej' had (besides four who died young) : 2755. Mary H.', born 22 November 1822, died single, 24 May 1856. 2756. Alexander', born 19 July 1824, lived in Boston, Mass. ; married, 13 September 1853, CaroUne Augusta Federhen, and died 21 February 1859. He had : 1. Mary EUzabeth®, born 28 August 1854. Philip" (1062), son of Philip* and EUzabeth (Morrison) Went worth, born 25 August 1787 ; manied, 1st, EUzabeth Orrok, born 25 March 1789, died 27 April 1824 ; 2d, Catherine Bruce, of Marl borough, Mass. He died 17 June 1834. He had, by his first wife : 2757. Mary', born 24 June 1807; married Nathan Hersey, and had : 1. James Augustus® Hersey, bom 6 July 1828. 2. Nancy EUzabeth® Hersey, born 6 July 1830. 2758. Eliza Murray', born 23 April 1809 ; manied, 8 Novem ber 1829, Thatcher Sweat, who died 16 October 1854. They had : 1. Thatcher FrankUn® Sweat, born 5 October 1830. 2. Thomas Piermont® Sweat, born 6 November 1832. 3. Eliza Murray® Sweat, bom 10 June 1834. 4. Augustus Tower® Sweat, born 3 December 1837. 5. Ellen Frances® Sweat, bora 18 September 1840. 6. Philip Wentworth® Sweat, born 15 June 1843. 7. Mary AdeUne® Sweat, born 23 September 1846. 2759. Susan B.', born 22 January 1811 ; married Gideon Cas- sell, and had : 1. Frank Wentworth® CasseU, born 27 April 1842. 2760. Ann C. L.', bom 19 May 1814 ; married W. M. Loring. 2761. Martha P.', born 23 August 1816 ; married William Seaver. 2762. PhUip H.', born 6 July 1818. [4842a] 330 SIXTH GENERATION. By his second wife, PhiUp" had : 2763. Sarah E.', born 8 July 1826 ; married, 2 November 1852, Charles E. Wright, and had : 1. EUa L.s Wright, born 10 January 1856. 2764. Frederick B.', born 16 September 1828 ; married, 18 November 1858, Anne L., daughter of Samuel N. Brown, of Bos ton, Mass. ; and had : 1. Grace Dunbar®, bora 30 March 1863. 2. Walter Bruce®, born 16 February 1866. 3. Winslow®, born 1 April 1869. 2765. Anna M.', born 7 June 1830. 2766. Louisa K.', born 8 February 1832, died 16 July 1852. Samuel" (1080), son of Enoch* and Sarah (Kenney) Went worth, born in Mount Desert, Me., June 1801 ; married, 1st, SaUy Walls, of Mount Desert, Me. ; 2d, Eunice Manchester, who died in Tremont, Me., about 1834. He lived upon his father's home stead, and died 5 Februarj' 1833 ; his second wife survived him. He had, bj' his first wife : 2767. John McKenzie', born 10 September 1825. [4846c] 2768. Samuel', born in 1829; lived at Eden, Me., in 1855; was captain of schooner A. Hooper, which sailed to Boston. He married, 3 Februarj' 1857, in Boston, Martha Hannah, and lived in Salem, Mass. Samuel" had, by his second wife : 2769. Thomas H.', born September 1832. [4847c] Thomas" (1084), son of Jedediah* and Mary (Jordon) Went worth, born about 1790 ; married Rebecca Blackman, born in Dor chester, Mass., who died in Concord, Mass., aged 42. He died in Walpole, Mass., in 1840, aged 50. They had : 2770. Mary Abigail', born 29 February 1808 ; married Hugh Dunlap, who was drowned June 1855. She never remarried, but was living a widow at last dates, at Pawtucket, R. I. She had : 1. Thomas® Dunlap, married, lived at Roxburj', Mass., and had children. 2. Abby® Dunlap, married Andrew Ross, Uved at Dedham, Mass., and had children. 3. Theodore Francis® Dunlap. 4. Josephine® Dunlap. 5. Jerome® Dunlap, married, and lived in South Boston, Mass. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 331 6. Eugene® Dunlap. 2771. Thomas', born 10 January 1810; lived in Brooklyn, N. Y., where he married a widow, and died there childless, in 1866. 2772. Jedediah', born 12 February 1812, died at sea, 2 Octo ber 1858. He had one daughter, believed to have died j'oung. 2773. Edwin Hanison', born in Concord, Mass., 6 April 1815 ; married, 23 November 1838, Susan Maria Price, of Sandwich, Mass. ; lived in HaverhiU, Mass., and had : 1. Mary Elizabeth®, born 27 AprU 1839, died 16 October 1842. 2. MarceUus®, born 27 September 1841. 3. EUzabeth Lewis®, born 22 November 1844 ; married, 10 September 1863, MerriU Samson Stevens ; lived in Chelmsford, Mass., and had (besides one who died in infancy): 1. Mildred Eva^ Stevens, born 19 January 1866. 2. Florence Elizabeth^ Stevens, born 26 November 1869. 4. Augusta Frances®, born 17 June 1846 ; married, 1 Janu ary 1866, James OUver Wallace ; lived in Detroit, Mich. , and had : 1. Wilfred Forest^ WaUace, born 14 November 1872. 5. Edwin Harrison®, born 26 November 1848. 6. Susan Maria®, born 12 July 1851. 7. Ernest FrankUn®, born 13 April 1856. 2774. Hiram D.', bora in Boston, Mass., 11 June 1818 ; mar ried, in New Bedford, Mass., 4 April 1844, Lucj' Frothingham Wead, sister of Dr. Charles W. Wead, of Natchez, Miss. He died 31 August 1863. She is living a Tvidow in Chester, Pa. They had (besides one who died in infancj') : 1. Elizabeth Read®, born 7 September 1847, died 4 Decem ber 1858. 2. Charles Hiram®, born in New Bedford, Mass., 20 Septem ber 1849 ; married, 4 April 1876, Mary E. Greene, of PhUadel phia, Pa. ; lives in Chester, Pa. 3. George Orlando®, born 15 October 1853 ; lived in New Bedford, Mass. 2775. Jerome Blackman', bom 18 December 1818 ; married, 30 November 1848, Catherine Rogers Motley Clapp, of Boston, Mass. ; lived there, and had : 1. Frances Leocade®, born 28 AprU 1851 ; married Andrew P. Crane, of Boston, 25 March 1874, and lives there. Alexander Potter" (1087), son of John* and Miriam (Potter) Wentworth, born 6 May 1805 ; married, 9 August 1829, Margaret 332 SIXTH GENERATION. Elliott House, of Brunswick, Me. He and his eldest son went to Sacramento, California. He had (the first four born in Bruns-mck, Maine) : 2776. Albert Page', born 8 August 1830, died in Sacramento, Cal., 1851, single. 2777. Mary Thompson', born 6 November 1832, died 8 Octo ber 1833. 2778. Mary Thompson', born 25 June 1834. 2779. John True', bom 8 July 1836 ; was in Co. G, 12th Maine Vols., and in Co. D, 25th Maine Vols., nine months. 2780. Alfred Dunning', born in Dunham, Me., 11 September 1839 ; enlisted August 1861, in Co. K, 7th Maine Vols., and served fourteen months. He died in Brunswick, Me., 21 March 1867, single. 2781. Margaret EUen', born in Freeport, Me., 29 October 1841 ; married, at Brunswick, Me., March 1866, George M. Bodge, and lived in Bethel, Me., in 1871. 2782. Rebecca Lucretia', born in Bethel, Me., 3 July 1846. George BoARDMAiit" (1101), son of John* and Miriam (Potter) Wentworth, born 31 August 1820 ; married, 19 December 1844, Comfort Fisher, of Bath, Me., and lived in Hartford, Conn., in 1875. He was in Co. B, 22d Conn. Vols., from 22 September 1862 to 7 July 1863, his full term, and was corporal. He had {besides one who died in infancy) : 2783. George WUUam', bora 19 February 1846 ; Uved in Hart ford, Conn., single. 2784. Charles Andrew', born 18 May 1847, died in Hartford, Conn. 2785. Daniel Fisher', born 1 November 1849 ; married, 1 Jan uary 1874, Sarah Owen, daughter of Chester W. and Laura A. Cooley, of Hartford ; Uved there, and had one child, who died in infancy. 2785a. Adeline Miriam', born 5 April 1853. Thomas Hanpord" (1102), son of Josiah W.* and Mary (Han- ford) Wentworth, born in Norwalk, Conn., 15 March 1781; was educated at St. John, N. B., by his uncle Thomas Hanford, in mercantile business. He was in England in 1805, but returned to America in 1806, and settled at Oswego, N. Y. He married, 5 June 1806, at Utica, N. Y., Hannah M., daughter of John Smith DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 333 (a native of Scotland, but resident in New York, where his daugh ter was born. John Smith settled at St. John, N. B. ; but, in 1799, removed thence to New York. He married, about 1767 or 1768, Hannah Lowell, of Portsmouth, N. H.) . Mrs. Wentworth died at Oswego, N. Y., 7 July 1863, aged 82. He died at the same place, 18 December 1849. He had, aU born in Oswego, N. Y., except the first : 2786. Mary', born at Utica, N. Y., 27 December 1807 ; married, 6 December 1830, Dr. Pierre Mathivet, a native of France, residing in 1871 at Cleveland, O., where she died 3 March 1861. They had: 1. Jean Victor® Mathivet, bora in Philadelphia, Pa., 24 Au gust 1831 ; married, in Cleveland, 0., 15 November 1853, Mary Chidgey, born in Bath, England, 10 January 1833 ; and had (besides one who died in infancy): 1. Victor Piene^ Mathivet, born in Cleveland, 0., 17 August 1854. 2. Mary Wentworth^ Mathivet, bom in Cleveland, O., 29 November 1866. 2. Eugene® Mathivet, bom 2 December 1833, in Watertown, N. Y. ; married, in Brooklyn, N. Y., 3 January 1872, Laurie Curie, born in France, 25 May 1842 ; and has a daughter, born 10 October 1872. 2787. Edward', born 2 May 1809, at Oswego, N. Y. [48506] 2788. Thomas Hanford', born 22 October 1810, at Oswego. [4853] 2789. Robert Smith', born 14 April 1812, at Oswego. [4855] 2790. William Henrj-', born 29 November 1813. [4855/i] 2791. Josiah Winslow', born at Oswego, 16 February 1815. [4862] 2792. Hannah Matilda Smith', born 15 March 1818 ; married, 21 May 1842, Aaron Brooks Meriam, of Oswego, N. Y., and Uved in Atlanta, Ga. They had : 1. Ada Virginia® Meriam, born 30 April 1843, died 8 Febru ary 1865. 2. John Wentworth® Meriam, born 12 July 1845. 3. Mary Wentworth® Meriam, born 31 July 1848, died 20 June 1866. 4. Charles E.® Meriam, born 7 September 1850 ; lived at Chicago, 111. 5. Alfred Brooks® Meriam, born 17 April 1859. 334 SIXTH GENERATION. Josiah WiNSLOw" (1106), son of Josiah* and Frances (Fordham) Wentworth, born 25 May 1806 ; married, 4 November 1828, Eliza Ann Ward, of New York citj-, daughter of John and Zipporah Ward. They lived in Brooklyn, N. Y., and had: 2793. Josephine', born 19 October 1829 ; manied, 8 October 1849, George V. Hecker, and had : 1. Josephine® Hecker, born 11 April 1851. 2. George A.® Hecker, born 4 July 1852, died 11 June 1854. 3. George F.® Hecker, born 16 May 1855. 4. Caroline® Hecker, born 24 April 1858. 5. John T.® Hecker, born 25 July 1860. 6. Anna Wentworth® Hecker, born 29 March 1862. 2794. Frances Zipporah', born 24 January 1832 ; married, 1st, 9 July 1849, Stephen N. Wood, who died 23 October 1852. She married, 2d, 15 June 1858, Benjamin F. White. She had, bj' her first marriage : 1. Frances Wentworth® Wood, born 28 July 1850, died 13 March 1854. Frances Z.' had, by her second marriage : 2. Benjamin Rogers® White, born 2 May 1860, died 22 Jan uary 1861. 3. Henry Winslow® White, born 28 March 1862. 2795. John Henrj'', born 29 August 1833, died 22 April 1837. 2796. Olinskia', born 25 July 1835, died 19 November 1837. 2797. Josiah Winslow', born 9 May 1838 ; Uved in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; married, 24 August 1863, Libbie L. Smith, of Brooklyn. 2798. Ann Eliza', born 13 March 1843 ; married, 30 June 1862, Oscar Place. James" (1115), son of Edward* and EUzabeth (Wood) Went worth, born at Boston, 14 February 1794; married, 22 February 1820, AbigaU Dunbar, of Gloucester, Mass. ; lived in Boston, and was long connected with the Transcript. He died 24 October 1847. She died, at Framingham, Mass., 6 May 1869, aged 76 j-ears and 6 months. They had : 2799. AbigaU Elizabeth', born 20 May 1821 ; married, 2 No vember 1847, Henry W. Queen, Ueutenant U. S. Marines, who died at sea in 1858. She married, 2d, 15 February I860,- Eugene Cha pin, of Boston, and lived in New York. She had, by her first husband : 1. Mary Wentworth® Queen, born 6 May 1849. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 335 2. Annie Elizabeth® Queen, born 9 June 1854. 2800. James', born 10 January 1823 ; married, 22 March 1861, A. L. Freemont ; lived in Framingham, Mass., and had : 1. Elizabeth Abigail®, born 18 August 1863. 2801. Edward', born 14 September 1826, died young. 2802. Benning', born 7 October 1829. [4863] 2803. Anna Maria', born 8 February 1831, died j'oung. 2804. Anna Maria', born 31 March 1833 ; married, 27 Octo ber 1857, Reginald Foster, of Boston, and had : 1. Annie Regina® Foster, born in Boston, Mass., 13 Janu ary 1862. Theophilus" (1117), son of Elijah* and Rebecca (Capen) Went worth, born in Canton, Mass., 3 August 1773 ; married, at Ran dolph, 19 November 1794, Betsey French, born there 10 September 1779, died 19 January 1861. He lived in South Bridgewater, Mass., and died 6 Februarj' 1861. His son Lewis' had the home stead. He had : 2805. Eliza', born 17 December 1796 ; married, 4 AprU 1819, Ezra Edson, who died 4 October 1828 ; she died in East Middle- borough, Mass., 7 AprU 1871. They had : 1. Joanna® Edson, born 13 March 1820, died 26 AprU 1821. 2. Ephraim F.® Edson, born 2 December 1821, died 29 March 1842. 3. Betsey® Edson, born 30 August 1826 ; married George Leach; Uved in Middleborough, Mass., and had (besides three who died in infancy) : 1. George Myron^ Leach, born 22 June 1845 ; married, 16 November 1869, Bessie Pratt, and had : 1. Franki" Leach, born 13 August 1870. 2. GUesS Leach, born 13 October 1849. 3. Annie Elizabeth^ Leach, born 1 February 1857. 2806. Prince Wales', born 6 November 1798. [4865] 2807. ' Martin', born 31 August 1801. [4867] 2808. Darius', bom 5 September 1803. [4873] 2809. Hiram', born 22 September 1807. [4875] 2810. Soranus', born 26 January 1810. [4877] 2811. Lewis', born 14 June 1814. [4880] 2812. Ephraim French', born 1 July 1818, died 3 AprU 1820. Elijah" (1118), son of EUjah* and Rebecca (Capen) Wentworth, born in Stoughton, Mass., 25 September 1776; married, in 1798 336 SIXTH GENERATION. or 1799, Lucy Walker, of Hampden, Me. In 1813 he moved from Duck Trap, Me., to Kentucky, and thence to lUinois in 1817, taking his whole familj' with him. He removed from Dodgeville, Wis., to Chicago, in 1830, opened a hotel there in 1831, and re mained there until after the Black Hawk war ; thence he removed eight miles ojit, near where Jefferson Station on the Northwestern Railroad now is, where he resided when the author of this work arrived at Chicago, 25 October 1836. His wife died at Chicago, 22 July 1849. He died at St. Joseph, Mich., November 1863, at the house of his daughter Susan' (2820), and his bodj' was taken to Chicago for burial. They had : 2813. Hiram', born at Vassalborough, Me., 22 April 1800. [4282/] 2814. Elijah',borninLincolnville, Me. ,30 March 1803. [4887] 2815. Eliza', died j'oung, in Illinois. 2816. Lucy', born at Lincolnville, Me., 25 October 1807 ; mar ried, 12 October 1827, in Joe Da-viess co., HI., John Ray. He lived at WiUow Springs, Wis., and died 4 AprU 1859. She died 24 April 1864. They had, aU born at Willow Springs, Wis. (besides one who died in infancy): 1. John Andrew Jackson® Ray, born 5 October 1828 ; mar ried, at Shady Creek Branch, California, 15 November 1854, Rosamie Farry, and had, all born there : 1. Virginia June^ Raj', born 2 December 1855. 2. LUla Dale^ Ray, born 8 September 1857. 3. George WilUam^ Ray, born 25 April 1859. 4. Ida Emma^ Ray, born 18 October 1863. 2. JuUa Eliza® Ray, born 15 December 1830 ; married, 31 December 1848, Abraham PilUng, M. D., and had (besides two who died j'oung): 1. Lucy Eva9 PiUing, born at Mineral Point, Wis., 13 September 1853; married, 26 October 1871, John Wright, of Burlington, Iowa. 2. William EUas^ PilUng, born at DarUngton, Wis., 25 July 1854. 3. John Ray9 PilUng, born at Darlington, Wis., 31 March 1859. 3. Samuel Elijah® Ray, born 30 March 1835. 4. Thomas Brainerd® Ray, born 18 May 1837; married, 29 December 1859, Nancy Monihan, and had, born at Willow Springs, Wis. : DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 337 1. John A. J. 9 Ray, born 14 October 1860. 2. Mary Etta^ Ray, born 30 March 1864. 5. George Bennett® Raj', born 18 March 1839 ; was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion, and was killed at Post Arkansas, 11 Januarj' 1863. 6. Lucy Ann® Ray, born 6 Maj' 1841 ; married, at Darling ton, Wis., 17 December 1863, Arthur W. Chamberlin, and had, born at Willow Springs, Wis. (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. George W.9 ChamberUn, born 23 April 1866. 2. Frank HenryS ChamberUn, born 7 June 1869. 3. Ray Wentworth^ ChamberUn, born June 1871. 7. William Wesley® Ray, born 4 May 1843. 8. Henry Hurom® Raj', born 4 March 1846 ; lived in Bellevue, Iowa, in 1871. 9. Hiram Wentworth® Ray, twin with Henry H.® ; married, 27 December 1871, Isabella Wj'nkoop, of Bellevue, Iowa, and Uved there. 10. Virginia Jane® Ray, born 5 Febraary 1848 ; married Louis King, of DarUngton, Wis. 2817. Mary Wilson', born 19 October 1808; married, 1st, WUUam Clarkji of Lewiston, Fulton co.. 111., who died at Fort Winnebago, Wis., in 1831 ; 2d, in 1832, John Holcomb, and died in 1834, at Pekin, IU. She had, by her first husband : 1. WiUiam® Clark, born 5 December 1824, died 28 Febru ary 1840. 2. Mary E.® Clark, born 6 August 1827 ; manied, at Otto, Fulton CO., 111., 15 May 1844, Edward Sayre, Clerk of Circmt Court at Lewiston, Fulton co., IU. ; has since lived at Unadilla, Otoe CO., Neb., and had : 1. George^ Sayre, bora 28 October 1846 ; lived in Chi cago, 111. 2. Edward^ Sayre, born 31 December 1848 ; lived in Nebraska city. Neb. 3. Ada C* Sayre, born in Lewiston, IU., 22 June 1853 ; married, March 1873, Munn, and lived in Lewiston, IU. 4. Alice Eva^ Sayre, born in Lewiston, IU., 25 March 1856 ; lived with her sister Ada^. 3. John Alexander® Clark, born 6 July 1830, died 7 Febru ary 1842. Mary W.' had, by her second marriage : VOL. II. — 22 338 SIXTH GENERATION. 4. Guy® Holcomb, born 15 June 1833. 2818. Ruth Whitney', died young, in Lexington, Kj'. 2819. Zebiah Walker', born in Maine, 19 April 1810 ; married, 4 September 1836, Elijah S. Estes, born in North Carolina, and lived at Bay View, near Milwaukee, Wis. Thej' had (besides three who died in infancy) : 1. Lucy Ellen® E-stes, born 22 July 1837; married, 14 De cember 1859, Rev. Isaac Lineburger, and had: 1. George Estes^ Lineburger, born 10 January 1861. 2. Mary L.^ Lineburger, born 8 October 1863. 3. Zebiah^ Lineburger, born 5 October 1865. 4. Charles E.^ Lineburger, born 21 Februarj- 1867. 5. John B.9 Lineburger, born 1 Februarj- 1869. 2. Langton Lorenzo® Estes, born 22 November 1839 ; mar ried, 25 December 1866, Mary A. Farmer, and had : 1. Anna L.9 Estes, born 6 October 1867. 2. John H.9 Estes, born 28 February 1869. 3. Elijah" Estes, born 20 October 1870. 3. John MitcheU® Estes, born 1 March 1842 ; married, 8 September 1869, Martha A. Martin. 4. Augustus Gallagher" Estes, born 10 March»1844 ; married, 4 March 1868, Martha A. Roach, and had : 1. Frederick^ Estes, born 14 January 1869. 5. Mary Susannah® Estes, born 14 March 1846 ; married, 9 April 1867, Horace Rising, and had : 1. Bertha E.9 Rising, born 5 August 1868. 6. WiUiam Carosso® Estes, born 2 February 1850. 2820. Susan', born 12 July 1811; married, 1st, July 1831, WilUam Anderson ; 2d, 16 February 1836, Charles Sweet, of Chi cago, IU., but was living at St. Joseph, Mich., at last dates. She had, by her first marriage : 1. WilUam W.® Anderson, bom 23 April 1832, at Chicago, IU., died there, 16 March 1846. Susan' had, by her second marriage : 2. EUzabeth L.® Sweet, born 9 September 1838. 3. Charles C.® Sweet, born 10 October 1839 ; Uves at St. Joseph, Mich. 4. Emma Z.® Sweet, born 31 August 1842. 5. WilUam B. Ogden® Sweet, born 29 August 1844. 6. Mary Gertrude® Sweet, born 8 September 1846. 7. Philura EUenS Sweet, born 16 August 1850. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 339 2821. Isaac', died in infancy, at ChiUicothe, Ohio, about 1813. 2822. George', born 9 September 1815, near Lexingten, Ky. [4895] Simeon" (1131), son of Joseph* and Rebecca (Shurtleff) Went worth, born in Stoughton, Mass., before 1784: married Eunice GiU ; Uved in Canton, Mass., and had, all born there : 2823. EUis', born 3 October 1803. [4900a] 2824. Mira' (eldest child) , born 13 June 1801 ; married, 8 October 1820, Abner Capen (whose sister was mother of Ellis Ames), of Canton, and had: 1. Abner® Capen, born 15 October 1825. 2. Eunice GiU® Capen, born 12 July 1827 ; married, in North Bridgewater (now Brockton) , Mass., October 1848, John Sum ner Wheeler, of Boston, Mass., and lived in TitusviUe, Pa., in 1875. They had: 1. Sarah Augusta9 Wheeler, born in Stoughton, Mass., 10 June 1849. 2. Nannie Brown9 Wheeler, born in TitusviUe, Pa., 14 December 1867. 3. Mira Adelaide® Capen, born 26 June 1833. 4. Charles Augustus® Capen, born 16 March 1836 ; married, 24 November 1861, in Stoughton, Mass., Julia Frances Lowe, of Canton, Mass., and had, born in Stoughton : 1. Mira Alice9 Capen, born 14 January 1862. 2. Lillian Frances9 Capen, born 26 August 1866. 2825. Lucinda', born 26 Febraary 1811 ; married, 22 May 1832, Norman Mills ; lived in Stoughton, Mass., and had, born there : 1. Norman Ellis® MUls, born 26 February 1833, died 2 De cember 1847. 2. Julia Fidelia® Mills, born 13 August 1838 ; married, in Randolph, Mass., 15 December 1861, Alonzo T. Raymond, and had, born in Stoughton, Mass. : 1. JuUa M.9 Raymond, born 17 May 1862. 2. Flora T.9 Raymond, born 8 November 1868. 3. Rosina Augusta® MiUs, born 30 March 1840 ; married, 22 October 1859, in Stoughton, Mass., Lyman H. Thayer, of Ran dolph, Mass., and had : 1. Flora Augusta* Thayer, born in Randolph, Mass., 21 January 1864, died 17 July 1865. 4. Ella Luci,nda® MiUs, born 20 February 1851. 340 SIXTH GENERATION. 2826. Clarissa', born 26 July 1814 ; married, 5 Febraary 1839, Jefferson May ; lived in Canton, and had, bora there : 1. Frederic Alonzo® May, born 31 December 1839. 2. Henry Starr® May, born 8 January 1842. 3. Clarissa EUzabeth® May, born 12 November 1843. 4. Adelaide Maria® May, born 29 May 1850. 5. George Houghton® May, born 13 February 1853. Nathan" (1133), son of Charles* and Mary (Fenno) Wentworth, bora 12 July 1775 ; married, in 1803, Desire Peny, born 19 Feb ruary 1781. He was in the war of 1812. He died in Lockport, N. Y., 26 February 1847 ; she died there 24 May 1853. They had (the first four born in Adams, Jefferson co., N. Y., the last three in Sackett's Harbor, N. Y.) : 2827. Gratia', born 5 December 1804 ; married John Smith, and lived at Brock P. O., Dark co., Ohio. He started early for California, and is supposed to have been kiUed by the Indians on the overland route. They had : 1. Egbert N.® Smith, born 31 October 1821. After his father left for California, he was adopted by his grandfather, and took the name of Wentworth, and is known as Egbert N.® Wentworth. He married, 1st, 4 May 1847, Cj'uthia A. Hughes, born 4 De cember 1830, died 20 March 1856 ; 2d, 2 November 1856, Phebe Ann Chambers, born 21 July 1830. He lived in Brock, Dark CO., O., and had, by his first wife (and all single in 1871): 1. Amanda Jane*, born 9 August 1848. 2. John Calvin9, born 24 May 1850 ; lives (1876) at Ansonia, Dark co., O. 3. Lewis R.9, born 15 March 1852. 4. Laura Ann*, born 3 March 1854. 5. Margaret CUmena*, born 31 March 1855. Egbert N.® had, by his second wife : 6. Margaret Ann*, born 18 October 1857. 7. Nelson H.*, born 11 February 1859, died 5 June 1860. 8. Charies Fremont*, born 16 January 1862. 9. Flora BelP, born 21 March 1864. 10. William Albert*, born 5 October 1865. 11. Frank Monroe*, born 26 May 1868. 12. Mary Ella9, born 23 December 1869. 2. Electa Desire® Smith, born 29 March 1824 ; married, 29 February 1844, Lorenzo Dow Hughes, and had : DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 341 1. Semantha9 Hughes, born 4 January 1845; married C. M. Leeper. 2. Sarah Jane* Hughes, born 26 June 1846 ; married John Wagner. 3. Winfield Scott* Hughes, born 14 March 1848. 4. Cynthia Ann* Hughes, born 20 July 1850 ; married John Marts. 5. Lewis Cass* Hughes, born 20 March 1852. 6. James Henry* Hughes, bora 27 January 1854. 7. Francelia* Hughes, born 22 October 1855. 8. Phebe Ann* Hughes, born 4 September 1857. 9. Amanda EUen* Hughes, born 16 August 1859. 10. WiUiam Marshall* Hughes, born 10 May 1861. 2828. Electa', bom 2 August 1806 ; married, 1st, Giles West ern ; 2d, 20 October 1830, Reuel Edmonds, who moved to Illinois in 1859. She died 10 January 1858. She had, by her first mar riage: 1. Giles EUas® Western, born 6 May 1827, died 14 July 1856. Electa' had, bj- her second marriage : 2. FranceUa R.® Edmonds, bora 26 November 1831 ; manied, 6 May 1851, Evart W. Lusk. He was first lieutenant in a Michigan regiment in the war of the Rebellion, and died at Frederick City, Md., 4 February 1862. She died, chUdless, 8 December 1855. 3. CorneUa H.® Edmonds, born 11 April 1834 ; married, 4 March 1858, George H. WestfaU, and had : 1. Alice J.9 WestfaU, born 31 March 1861. 2. Hattie Electa* WestfaU, born 15 August 1865. 4. Henry Clay® Edmonds, born 15 March 1837, died 1 Feb raary. 1858. 2829. Lydia', bom in 1808 ; manied, in 1830, John French. He died in Ohio, 23 July 1871, aged over 80. She died 28 April 1833. they had : 1. WilUam T.® French, born 28 AprU 1833; married, 11 November 1858, Maria Curtis, and died in Toledo, O., 24 Jan uary 1865. They had one child, who died in infancy. 2830. Ezra Perry', born 5 May 1810. [4903t.] 2831. Nathan', born 25 December 1811; married Mary E. Rushmore, born in Toronto, Prov. Ont., 10 October 1820. He went to California in 1849, and lives there, childless. He adopted a chUd, giving her the name of May Wentworth, born in 1854. 342 SIXTH GENERATION. 2832. Louisa', born in 1814 ; was adopted by James Oatman ; married, 10 June 1834, went at once to Canada, and died 10 Octo ber 1835, childless. 2833. CaroUne', born 10 September 1816 ; married, 4 October 1837, George H. Imerson ; lived in Adrian, Mich., and had: 1. George WUUam® Imerson, born 7 September 1838. 2. Mary Louisa® Imerson, born 30 November 1840 ; married, 2 January 1860, John F. EgUn, who was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion. ' They had : 1. EUa Louisa* EgUn, born 11 October 1861. 3. Ezra Hanison® Imerson, born 14 February 1846 ; married, 3 February 1870, Josephine WeUs, and had : 1. Charles E.* Imerson, born 10 May 1871. 2834. WilUam Emerson', born 10 September 1819, died in Lockport, N. Y., in 1838. Charles" (1137) , son of Charles* and Mary (Fenno) Wentworth, born in Adams, N. Y., 8 June 1800 ; married there, in 1816, So phia Nichols, who died in 1834. He was in the war of 1812. He moved to Ohio, in 1834, and died in Huron, Ohio, 13 February 1861. They had: 2835. Leonard', died in Huron, in 1837. 2836. James M.', born March 1820. [4908] 2837. Luther', born 9 December 1821. [4913] 2838. Mary', born in Adams, N. Y., about 1824; married, 5 October 1845, WiUiam A.® (4824) Wentworth, whom see for chil dren. She died in Bellville, St. Clair co., IU., 18 May 1861. He afterwards moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, and lived there. 2839. Climena', died single, in Huron, Ohio, about 1836. 2840. Jane', born in 1833 ; married Aaron Conn, and died in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1849 ; he died in Louisville, Ky., in 1864. They had : 1 . Mary Jane® Conn ; on her mother's death, she was adopted by her aunt Mary's' husband, WilUam A.s (4824) Wentworth. She married, 17 April 1866, Henry Young, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and had (besides two who died in infancj') : 1. Henry* Young, born 1 Januarj- 1867. 2. Mary Jane* Young, born 1 November 1868. 3. Martha Bell* Young, bora 16 January 1873. Simeon" (1140), son of Seth* and Jane (Warren) Wentworth, born in Stoughton, Mass., in 1777; lived in Canton, Mass. He descendants of JOHN® WENTWORTH. 313 married EUzabeth Hayden, of Braintree, Mass., and died 20 Sep tember 1836. They had: 2841. Relief, born 2 August 1799 ; married, 14 November 1817, Charles BUlings, of Canton, Mass. ; she died April 1835. Thej' had: 1. Charles® Billings, manied Milly Holbrook, and died 23 August 1853, leaving one child. His widow married, 2d, his cousin Charles® Wentworth, son of Simeon' (2842) Went worth.2842. Simeon', born in Canton, Mass., 2 March 1803; Uved there. He married his cousin Mary Haj'den, who died 31 Decem ber 1870. He died 4 November 1857. They had, born in Canton (besides nine who died in infis^ncj') : 1. Simeon®, born 21 July 1829 ; lived in Canton, Mass. ; manied Olive Simpson, born 17 August 1837, and had (besides one who died in infancj-) : 1. Albert Francis*, born 31 December 1857. 2. Sarah Abbie*, born 14 October 1862. 3. Frank Ehnore*, born 28 June 1864. 4. Leonard Anderson*, born 9 January 1867. 5. OUve Elizabeth*, born 30 September 1869. 2. Charles®, married Milly (Holbrook), widow of his cousin CharlesS BiUings ; lived in Canton, Mass. , and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. MiUy Etta*, born 18 August I860. 2. Emma BeUe*, born 4 March 1866. 3. Henry®, born 26 December 1850. 2843. Seth', born in Canton, Mass., 10 March 1817. [4916] Spencer" (1141), son of Seth* and Jane (Warren) Wentworth, born in Stoughton, Mass., in 1781 ; married, 1st, widow Grace (Whiting) Pettengill, who died 8 October 1817, aged 41 ; 2d, 24 June 1825, widow Joanna Belcher, who died 20 November 1840, aged 62 ; 3d, 25 Januarj- 1843, widow Caroline Stimpson. He died 15 October 1857. He had, by his first wife : 2844. Nathaniel', born in 1803, died 7 November 1840. 2845. Leonard', born in 1805, died 7 March 1828. 2846. Caroline', manied Isaac Pierce, lived in Randolph, Mass. , and had : 1. George® Pierce, married Hannah Holbrook. 2. Leonard® Pierce, is married. 344 SIXTH GENERATION. 3. Jane® Pierce, married WiUiam Fritz, and is dead. 2846a. Lemuel', married Charlotte Jones, and lived in Ran dolph, Mass. 2847. George W.', born about 1812 ; married CaroUne Wood ward, of Boston, who died childless, at Hardin, Calhoun co., IU. He then went to CaUfornia. 2848. Jane', died 15 September 1838, in her 19th year. 2849. Elias', married, 1st, 5 November 1843, Sarah Bright, of Stoughton; 2d, Eliza Brigg. He lives in Canton, Mass., childless. Spencer" had, by his third wife : 2849a. Jane', lived in Foxborough, Mass. Seth" (1142) , son of Seth* and Jane (Warren) Wentworth, born in Stoughton, Mass., 5 November 1790 ; manied, 23 August 1818, Prudence TUden, born 2 AprU 1796, died 2 July 1839. He died 10 September 1867. He had (besides one who died in infancy): 2850. Rufus', born 1819 ; married, 15 June 1845, Clementine Lucy Capen, born 3 AprU 1823. He died in California, 4 Novem ber 1850. They had : 1. Elmer Clarence®, born 28 December 1848 ; lived in North Stoughton, Mass., in 1871. 2850a. Prudence Farrington', born 17 September 1824; Uved in Lowell, Mass., single. 2851. Lucy Abbie', . born 29 August 1830; married, 28 April 1850, Emory' Hawes, son of John" Hawes, and grandson of Sarah* (428) (Wentworth) Hawes, whom see. They had one child, who died in infancy. Jesse" (1145), son of OUver* and Sarah (Leach) Wentworth, born 30 October 1780 ; married, 28 November 1805, Hannah Cur tis, born 21 September 1786. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and his widow received the bounty land warrant. He died 14 June 1849. They had: 2852. Veranus', born 14 September 1806. [4918] 2852a. Sarah Leach', born 18 December 1808 ; married, in 1829, Ethan French, born 19 April 1804. They had : 1. Ethan Emery® French, born 1 March 1830. 2. Sally Brett® French, born 23 August 1833. 3. Sophia Howard® French, born 6 July 1836. 4. Martha Agnes® French, born 21 October 1840. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 345 5. Alpheus® French, born 6 September 1843. 6. Mary Adna® French, bom 6 March 1850. 2853. Alanson Curtis', born 9 April 1812. [4919] 2853a. Hannah', bom 22 February 1817, died 8 March 1823. 2854. EUzabeth', born 5 January 1821 ; married, 20 Febru ary 1844, Amos Penniman, born 1 June 1810 ; and had : 1. Lizzie Wentworth® Penniman, born 20 November 1844, died 30 October 1865. 2. Evelyn Frances® Penniman, born 9 April 1848. 3. George WaUace® Penniman, born 29 July 1857. Elihu" (1146), son of Oliver* and Abigail (TUden) Wentworth, born in Canton, Mass., 30 June 1799; Uved there. He married, 30 November 1837, Mary Ann Francis, born 9 April 1804 ; she died 10 May 1863. They had, born in Canton, Mass. : 2855. Emory Francis', born 24 April 1839 ; married, 9 May 1867, Isabella Scott, born at Blue Mills, Me., 22 October 1843 ; lived in New York city, and had : 1. Grace®, born 13 March 1870. 2. Genio Scott®, born 25 January 1872. 3. Frank Tisdale®, born 24 October 1873. 2856. Henry Tisdale', born 21 April 1841 ; married, 12 May 1868, AbigaU Davenport Gay, born 20 June 1848 ; Uved in Canton, Mass., and had : 1. EUhu Francis®, born 28 January 1869. 2. Bradford Reginald®, born 6 December 1871. 3. Charles Henry®, born 3 September 1874. Nathaniel" (1152), son of Nathaniel* and Olive (Capen) Went worth, born 21 June 1795 ; lived in Canton, Mass. ; married, 1st, 12 May 1827, Rebecca, daughter of Simeon and Rebecca (New- comb) Presbrey, of Norton, Mass. (see Newcomb Genealogy page 468), born 11 February 1807, died 25 December 1847 ; 2d, 4 March 1850, Jane Bacheldor, of Bradford, N. H., who died 17 April 1853- He died in Canton, 29 November 1876 . He had, all by his first wife : 2857. James N.', born 29 June 1828. [4920c] 2858. Charles P.', born 14 January 1831. [4920e] 2859. Alfred', born 16 August 1835, died December 1841. 2860. Lana Edwin', born at Canton, Mass., 25 April 1844. [4920d] 346 SIXTH GENERATION. Edwin" (1155), son of Nathaniel* and Olive (Capen) Went worth, born 1 April 1805 ; Uved in Canton, Mass., in 1877 ; mar ried, 19 February 1827, Julia, daughter of Friend Crane, born 5 May 1807 ; and had : 2861. Mary', born 28 April 1836 ; married, at Canton, Mass., 1 June 1858, Horace H. Mansfield. She died 1 May 1867. They had (besides two who died j'oung) : 1. Helen M.® Mansfield, born 19 February 1865. 2862. Edwin', born 19 July 1849, died 23 September 1849. John" (1161), son of John* and PoUy (Crane) Wentworth, born in 1794. He shipped on board the letter-of-marqne Prince of Neufchatel, in company with his subsequent brother-in-law Fred erick Davis. They were captured by a British frigate and thrown into Dartmoor prison ; they were there at the time of the massacre, and were not liberated until the 5th of July subsequent to the rati fication of a treatj' of peace. He afterwards made one voyage to the coast of Africa and one to the West Indies. About 1822 he went into business with his brother-in-law Frederick Davis. He married, 31 July 1825, Eliza Ann Wood. He died in Boston, 4 August 1830. His widow married Capt. Elisha Swan, of Stough ton ; both are dead. John" had : 2863. John Wood', born in Boston, Mass., 16 May 1826 ; mar ried, 19 October 1848, Harriet E. Chamberlain. He died at Can ton, Mass., 18 March 1861. 2864. BenjaminWood',borninBoston, 6 January 1830. [4920e] John" (1172), son of Frederick* and Christina (Cole) Wentworth, born 4 November 1795 ; married, 1 January 1820, Ann Dennis, of Olive, Ulster co., N.Y.,born 19 September 1802; they lived at Garnavillo, Guttenburgh P. O., Clayton co., Iowa, where he died 26 February 1870 : she was Uving in 1872. They had : 2865. Christina', born 22 May 1821 ; married, 2 April 1839, her cousin Henry Dennis, born 28 July 1819. They lived in Gar navillo, Iowa, and had (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Mary L.® Dennis, born 7 June 1844 ; married, 7 October 1869, H. Wheeler, and lived at Keeler's Bay, Grand Isle co., Vt. 2. Sarah H.® Dennis, twin with Mary L.®, married, 20 AprU 1861, Harrison Tyler whose brother Joseph Tj'ler married her sister Helen®. They lived in GarnaviUo, Iowa. 3. Helen® Dennis, born 3 April 1846 : married, 9 September 1865, Joseph Tyler whose brother Harrison Tj'ler married her sister Sarah H.® They lived in GarnaviUo, Iowa. -i' Srruf'^/i J DESCENDANTS OF JOHN'S WENTWORTH. 347 4. Charles H.® Dennis, born 17 August 1862. 2866. Maria', born 5 December 1823 ; married, 1st, 6 August 1848, John Freeman, who died 30 July 1850 ; 2d, at Garnavillo, Iowa, 1 March 1854, Stephen Warren Cooley. She had, by her first husband : 1. Nettie M.® Freeman, born 15 August 1849, at Pittsford, N. Y. ; was a school teacher at GarnaviUo'; Iowa. Maria' had, by her second husband (besides three who died in infancy) : 2. Albert WaUace® Cooley, born 14 March 1856. 3. Luella® Cooley, born 20 April 1860. 4. Ida May® Cooley, born 26 Febraary 1864. 2867. John B.', born about 1833. [4921] Alexander" (1179), son of Henry* and Hannah (Romer) Went worth, born in MarceUus, Onondaga co., N. Y. ; married, 3 Febru ary 1829, Asenath, daughter of Rev. Elias Harmon, born at MarceUus, 27 November 1804. They lived at Randolph, Cattarau gus CO., N. Y., wl^ere he died 4 AprU 1861. She died there, 12 Febraary 1865. They had : 2868. Ruth', born in Boston, Erie co., Pa., 19 September 1830, died in Aurora, N. Y., 27 February 1841. 2869. Darwin', born in Aurora, Erie co. , N. Y. , 24 March 1835 ; married, 7 June 1859, Agnes G., daughter of David S. Van Rens selaer, and had : 1. Clarence D.®, born 7 November 1860. 2. KiUian®, born 1 September 1866. 2870. Alexander', born in Aurora, Erie co., N. Y., 26 July 1837 ; is a lawyer. He married, 10 October 1859, Ellen, daughter of Asahel Crowley, of Randolph, N. Y. ; Uved there, and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Isabel C®, born 13 September 1860. 2. Crowley A.®, born 13 May 1868. 3. Anna L.®, born 15 August 1869. 2871. Mary', born 25 November 1840, died 27 March 1841, in Aurora, N. Y. 2872. Harmon E.', born in EUicot-nlle, Cattaraugus co., N. Y., 6 June 1844 ; married, January 1867, Marian, daughter of WilUam Calhoun, of Randolph, N. Y. ' Joseph" (1189), son of Gibbons* and Mary (Munay) Went worth, born 13 November 17^0; married, 1st, 22 December 1813, V 348 SIXTH generation. Catherine Curtis, who died 27 December 1835 ; 2d, 15 November 1836, Mary Wilson, born 11 February 1812 ; lived at Loon Lake, Steuben co., N. Y. He and all his family moved to Genesee, Mich., in 1864, where his wife died 18 August 1868 ; and he died there, 9 January 1871. He had : 2873. Edward', bora 23 August 1814. [4923a] 2874. Hannah', born 11 AprU 1816, died 1 March 1829. 2875. Mary Ann', born 2 December 1817, died 31 March 1818. 2876. Rosannah', born 9 May 1819 ; married, 7 October 1843, Jeremiah Hiles, and had : 1. Francis H.® Hiles, born 21 April 1845. 2. Marquis De Lafayette® HUes, born 29 AprU 1847. 3. Marian Dwight® HUes, born 26 July 1852. 4. Edward 0.® Hiles, born 23 January 1855. 5. Eleroy Clifton® Hiles, born 22 December 1864. 2877. Gibbons', born in Gorham, Ontario co., N. Y., .25 July 1821. [4924] 2878. Mary Ann', born 1 September 1823, died 23 August 1828. 2879. Nancy Jane', born 15 November 1825, died 25 AprU 1839. 2880. Harriet', born 15 September 1828 ; married, 15 Septem ber 1846, Elisha Brownson, and had: 1. Melissa® Brownson, born 23 April 1850. 2. Florence A.® Brownson, born 17 January 1857. 3. Murry® Brownson, born 18 October 1861. 2881. Marquis De Lafayette', born 25 October 1837, died 4 December 1839. 2882. Lucy Jane', born 24 September 1840 ; married, 22 Feb ruary 1868, William Delaskey Harger, and died 13 December 1869. She had one child, who died in infancy. 2883. Delilah', born 15 May 1851 ; married, 28 December 1871, John W. Hall, of Genesee, Mich. ; lived in Brighton, Mich., and had: 1. Verna Bell® HaU, born 22 February 18.73. 2. Grace® HaU, born 14 September 1874. 2884. John Henry', born 21 March 1852 ; is single. Henry" (1190), son of Gibbons* and Mary (Murray) Wentworth, born in Duanesburg, Schenectady co., N. Y., 23 February 1799; married, 23 February 1815, Susan Wilson, of Ovid, N. Y., born in Delaware, Dutchess co., N. Y., 24 July 1797. He died in Albany, N. Y., 28 June 1849. She married, 2d, in 1854, Joseph Briggs, and lived at Fonda's Bush, Fulton co., N. Y. Henry" had : DESCENDANTS OF JOHN2 WENTWORTH. 349 2885. Isaac', born 9 June 1818. [49266] 2886. Joseph', bom 26 June 1826. [4929] 2887. Betsey', born 15 June 1821 ; married John Rediker, of Albany, N. Y., where thej- Uved. They had (besides three who died young): 1. John® Rediker, born 5 July 1844 ; enUsted in 1861, served through the war, and then entered the regular armj'. 2888. PreciUa', born 25 June 1828 ; manied, 8 October 1844, William Henrj' Gardineer, lived in New York city, and had : 1. WilUam H.® Gardineer, born 1 April 1847. 2. Susan E.® Gardineer, born 21 October 1849. 3. Frederick® Gardineer, born 16 April 1853. 4. James S.® Gardineer, born 4 June 1854. 5. Josephine® Gardineer, born 22 May 1858. 6. Frank® Gardineer, born 6 August 1861. 7. Ida® Gardineer, born 24 August 1865. 2889. Henry', born 17 August 1833 ; married, 1 June 1856, Isabella HamUton, and Uved in Albany, N. Y. He enlisted, 6 September 1864, in the 91st N. Y. Vols., and served until 10 June 1865. They had (besides two who died in infancy): 1. George H.®, born 25 December 1859. 2. WilUam®, born 25 February 1865. Da-vid" (1200), son of David* and Christina (Tucker) Went worth ; was probably the eldest, as his first child was born in 1797. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. He married Jerusha, daugh ter of John Goodfellow. He died about 1832, at ManUus, Onon daga CO., N. Y., where all his children were born, except Samuel', who was born before they removed to ManUus ; she died November 1872, at HaU's Corners, Allen co., Ind., aged about 100. They had: 2890. Charlotte' (second child) , born 6 August 1800 ; married, 10 November 1817, Ira Worden, of ManUus, N. Y., son of David. He was born 5 August 1795, died 6 December 1869 ; she died 18 February 1867. They had: 1. Clarissa® Worden, born 20 August 1818 ; married James Maxfield, in ManUus, N. Y., and had: 1 . Mary Jane* Maxfield. 2. James Henry* Maxfield. 3. Darius* Maxfield, died in the armj-, war of the Rebel lion. 350 SIXTH GENERATION. 4. Chariotte* Maxfield, died about 1848. 2. JoshuaS Worden, bora 10 February 1821 ; married, 6 De cember 1843, Caroline Watson, of SterUng, Caj'uga co., N. Y., bora 6 April 1827. They lived at Hall's Corners, AUen co., Ind., childless. 3. Jerusha® Worden, born 13 November 1822 ; married, 1st, 26 December 1840, John Gillispie ; 2d, 27 Januaiy 1856, Corn- stock Paine, born in Rhode Island, 17 August 1809, died in 1873. She lives in Antwerp, Paulding co., Ohio. She had, by her first husband (besides one who died in infancj') : 1. WilUam Riley* GilUspie, born 10 July 1849. She had, by her second husband (besides one who died in infancy) : 2. Reuben* Paine, bora 14 June 1857. 4. Ira® Worden, born 11 June 1824; married, December 1847, Maria Lyons. He was a soldier in the war of the Rebel lion, and died August 1864, in Libbj' Prison, Richmond, Va. 5. Ezra® Worden, born 25 July 1827 ; married, 13 March 1853, in Erie co., N. Y., Elizabeth A. Walworth, born in Roj'- alton, Niagara co., N. Y., 11 October 1833. They moved, in 1853, to Hall's Corners, Allen co., Ind., and lived there. They had (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Emma Augusta* Worden, born 26 Marcli 1854. 2. John Wesley* Worden, born 14 November 1857. 3. WilUam Ezra* Worden, born 13 December 1861. 4. Ellen Agnes* Worden, born 23 March 1865. 5. Charles Franklin* Worden, bora 7 November 1867. 6. Joseph Frank Grant* Worden, born 17 January 1870. 6. David® Worden, born 20 February 1829 ; inarried Bridget Arona ; lived at Fort Wayne, Ind., and had : 1. Mary EUen* Worden. 2. WiUiam RUey* Worden. 3. Albert* Worden. 4. David* Worden. 7. Mary® Worden, married, 28 February 1853, Alexander McDugal, and had : 1. WiUiam Rilej'* McDugal, born 29 June 1854, died 29 May 1870. 2. Seth Wesley* McDugal, born 14 January 1856. 3. Addie Florence* McDugal, born 10 December 1858. 4. MarceUus* McDugal, born 15 August 1860. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 351 5. Nora Ellen* McDugal, born 24 June 1862. 8. Betsey® Worden, born 31 March 1834 ; married, 20 Feb ruary 1849, William Johnson; lived in Antwerp, Paulding co., Ohio, and had : 1. Darius J.* Johnson, born 17 Februai-y 1850. 2. Laura* Johnson, born 24 July 1852. 3. Alice* Johnson, born 18 June 1854. 4. Roj-al* Johnson, born 18 October ,1857. 5. Mary* Johnson, born 26 February 1862. 6. Ida Dora* Johnson, born 17 August 1864. 7. Albert Andrew* Johnson, born 12 May 1868. 8. Howard* Johnson, born 4 September 1870. 9. Charlotte® Worden, born 29 July 1835 ; married George Lamb, and Uved in Antwerp, Ohio, where she died in 1870. She had : 1. Mariot* Lamb, born 4 August 1853. 2. George* Lamb. 3. Lewis* Lamb. 4. Frank* Lamb. 10. Sanford® Worden, born 8 December 1837 ; he was a sol dier in the war of the RebelUon, and was in Libby Prison when his brother Ira® died there. He married, 12 October 1865, Mary Nancy Hodge, who is dead. They lived in Antwerp, Paulding CO., Ohio, and had (besides one who died in infancj'): 1. Minerva EUen* Worden, born 5 AprU 1868. 2891. Samuel' (eldest child), born 5 October 1797. [4932c] 2892. David', drowned when in his 14th j'ear. 2893. Betsey', married, 1st, in 1817, Ezra Mead, son of Jacob Mead, of ManUus, N. Y. ; 2d, Benjamin Marvin. She had, by her first husband : 1. Ezra® Mead. 2. Lorania® Mead, died about 1842, aged 14. Betsey' had. by her second husband : 3. Barney® Marvin. 4. Eli® Marvin ; and probably others. 2894. Hiram', married (her third husband) widow Sarah" (Calkms) Simons, daughter of Sarah* (448) (Wentworth) Calk ins, whom see for her prior husbands, and for children by them. Hiram' died in SterUng, N. Y., childless. His widow lived with her daughter Rhoda' (Simons) Bliss, at ManUus Station, Onondaga CO., N. Y. 352 SIXTH GENERATION. 2895. Jasper', born 10 October 1812. [4943] 2896. Henry', born 3 October 1815. [4945] 2897. John', born 10 March 1817. [4948c] 2898. Ichabod'. [4952] 2899. Loren^t) Dow', born 5 March 1821. [4954] 2900. Andrew Jackson', born 15 April 1824 ; manied, 25 Sep tember 1854, Christiana Bowman, born in Richfield, Summit co., Ohio, 4 October 1835, and lived in Brighton, Washington co., Iowa. He enlisted, 26 August 1862, in Co. E, 30th Iowa Vols., and was discharged 25 Januarj' 1863, for injuries received in the White River expedition. They had (all except the first, born in Clay, Washington co., Iowa): 1. Mary Alice®, bora at Hall's Corners, Allen co., Ind., 13 July 1855. 2. Laura A.®, born 31 January 1858. 3. Coppy Andrew Jackson®, born 22 December 1859. 4. Benjamin Franklin®, bom 2 September 1864. 5. David Henry®, born 11 August 1866. 6. U. S. Grant®, born 31 May 1868. Andrew" (1201), son of Isaac* and Elizabeth (Hawver) Went worth, born 17 July 1793 ; manied, in 1815, EUzabeth Rose. He died in 1841. She married again, and died about 1860. They had: 2901. Anson', born 10 May 1815. [4955] 2902. Margaret EUzabeth', born 8 March 1818 ; manied, 20 September 1855, Timothy WeUs Redding, of Hudson, N. Y. , Uved there, and had (besides one who died in infancy): 1. Mary Grace® Redding, bora 26 December 1858. 2. Margaret EUa® Redding, born 23 November 1867. 2903. Mary Ann', born 23 June 1821 ; lived single, at Hud son, N. Y. Jacob" (1203), son of Isaac* and Elizabeth (Hawver) Went worth, born in Livingston, N. Y., 7 October 17^^; married, in Clermont, N. Y., 15 AprU 1823, Catherine Fletcher, born 6 January 1803. They lived at Albany, N. Y., where she was living in 1871 with her daughter Mrs. EUza' Crew. They had : 2904. Mary', born in Clermont, N. Y., 29 January 1824 ; mar ried, 29 December 1842, WilUam Todd. She died 6 September 1859. They had (besides three who died in infancy): descendants of JOHN® WENTWORTH. 353 1. Charles® Todd, born 9 August 1845, died 15 August 1865. 2. Sarah A.® Todd, born 19 December 1847. 3. Mary® Todd, born 1 September 1851, died 23 July 1869. 4. William® Todd, born 4 July 1857. 2905. James', born in Hudson, N. Y., 20 January 1826, died 15 September 1827. 2906, Charles', born in Albany, N. Y., 20 February 1828 ; was a printer ; died 19 November 1850, in New York city. 2907. Leonard', born 27 August 1830. [4961a] 2908. Elizabeth Ann', born 2 August 1832, died 4 August 1833. 2909. Sarah', born 28 September 1834, died 6 May 1844. 2910. EUza', born 26 January 1837 ; married, 13 June 1854, WiUiam Crew, and Uved in Albany, N. Y., where she died March 1875. They had (besides two who died in infancj'): 1. Kate F.® Crew, born 13 March 1855. 2. Bessie S.® Crew, born 30 June 1866. 3. NeUie® Crew, born 21 AprU 1870. 2911. Jacob Fletcher', born 25 April 1839. [4963] John" (1204), son of Isaac* and EUzabeth (Ha-wrer) Wentworth, born 12 June 1801 ; lived in Athens, Greene co., N. Y. He mar ried, 1st, 15 June 1828, Catherine Makley, who died 28 Februarj' 1829, aged 21 ; 2d, 28 February 1831, Catherine Hawver, who died 11 June 1854, aged 53 years. John" had, by his second wife : 2912. Isaac', born 3 March 1832. [4964a] 2913. Jacob', born 30 May 1834 ; enUsted in 1861 as dram major 38th N. Y. Vols., and served out his enlistment of two years. He married, 1 June 1865, Ellen Simpson, of Acra, Greene CO., N. Y. ; Uved there, and had : » 1. Isaac®, born 9 November 1866. 2. George®, bom 19 November 1868. 3. FrankUn®. 2914. Mary Ann', born 22 September 1838 ; married, 3 June 1855, Alexander Raney, and died childless, March 1867. 2915. Rebecca B.', bom 12 August 1844 ; married, in 1867, Charles Brown, of Hudson, N. Y. ; is childless. Isaac" (1205), son of Isaac* and Elizabeth (Hawver) Went worth, born in Livingston, N. Y., 24 May 1804 ; lived at Living ston, N. Y. ; married there in 1826, EUzabeth Magley, born there 8 November 1805. They had, all born in Livingston, N. Y. (besides one who died young) : VOL. n. — 23 354 sixth generation. 2916. John', born 12 December 1828; married in Clermont, N. Y., 27 October 1853, Mary Ham, born 8 November 1833. He was in the war of the RebeUion. They had, all born in Living ston, N. Y. : 1. JuUa®, born 13 AprU 1860. 2. John H.®, born 2 May 1863. 3. Roberts, i^om 30 October 1866. 4. Norman®, born 17 November 1870. 2917. Jane', born 16 Julj' 1831 ; manied, at Pine Plains, Dutchess CO., N. Y., 24 November 1853, Michael Feltz, bom in GaUatinviUe, N. Y., 2 September 1831 ; lived in Hudson, N. Y., and had : 1. LUUe KateS Feltz, born at Milan, Dutchess co., N. Y., 24 Februarj' 1855. 2. Walter® Feltz, born at GaUatinviUe, Columbia co., N. Y., 30 September 1860. 2918. Peter William', born about 1833; married Mary Root and died at Springfield, Oakland co., Mich., 23 August 1855 They had : 1. Lucilla®, born at Livingston, N. Y., 11 October 1853 married, 28 September 1869, Yates Row. 2. Elizabeth®, born at Dayton Plains, Mich., 9 March 1855 married, 25 November 1869, Wesley Row. 2919. Mary', born 15 AprU 1835 ; married, at GaUatinviUe N. Y., 27 November 1853, Peter H. Teator, born in Dutchess co. N. Y., 19 December 1828 ; lived in Troy, N. Y., and had: 1. Irene® Teator, born at Saugerties, Ulster co., N. Y., 19 February 1855. 2. Rowland® Teator,*born at Troy, N. Y., 21 March 1860. 2920. Christina', bom 14 November 1837 ; married, 6 Novem ber 1856, Ezra Couse, born at MUan, Dutchess co., N. Y., 1 Jan uary 18^3. They had, all born there : 1. Fenis® Couse, born 1 September 1857. 2. Ashley® Couse, born 25 March 1861. 3. Mary Elizabeth® Couse, born 1 June 1866. 2921. Cornelia', born 7 January 1839 ; married, 20 September 1860, Andrew Ham, born at Clermont, N. Y., 31 March 1838; and had, all born in Clermont, N. Y. : 1. Chancellors Ham, born 7 September 1861. 2. OUverS Ham, born 27 July 1863. 3. Franklin® Ham, born 24 October 1865. descendants of JOHN® WENTWORTH. 355 4. Isaac® Ham, bora 9 May 1868. 5. Ashton® Ham, born 29 August 1870. 2922. James', born 11 October 1841; was in the war of the RebeUion, in the army of the Potomac, twenty one months ; dis charged 5 August 1863. He married, in 1865, Mary E. Darling, born 24 November 1842, and had : 1. LiUieS, born 27 May 1867. 2923. Elizabeth', born 16 July 1843 ; manied, in Clermont, N. Y., 6 September 1860, Augustus Van Netan, born in Clermont, N. Y., 13 July 1837 ; and had : 1. Henry® Van Netan, born 13 July 1864. 2. Lizzie® Van Netan, born 8 May 1867. 3. Jane® Van Netan, born 6 December 1869. 2924. Frederick', born 16 June 1845 ; married Harriet Kilmar- tin ; in 1875 Uved at Glen, Montgomerj' co., N. Y., and had two children. 2925. La^'inia', born 8 December 1850. Abr-^ham" (1207), son of Isaac* and Elizabeth (Ha-swer) Went worth, born 16 July 1813 ; Uved at Windham, Greene co., N. Y. He manied, 1st, about 1837, in Kinderhook, N. Y., Maria Mor- rignotte ; 2d, 12 October 1847, Lucy, daughter of Jesse and Lucy (Miller) Loomis, of Windham, N. Y., born 6 July 1813. He died about 1860 ; she died February 1868. He had, by his first wife : 2925a. Daughter'^. He had, by his second wife : 2926. Mary Eugenia', bora 3 AprU 1850. Jesse" (1208), son of Lemuel* and Susanna (Whittemore) Wentworth, born in Sharon, Mass., 12 June 1783; manied, in Hope, Me., 11 November 1819, Lydia B. Hilt, born in Hope, 1 No vember 1796. He died in Brooks, Me., 29 August 1849 ; she died there 6 June 1850. Thej- had (fourth to eighth inclusive born in Waldo, Me.) : 2927. Lydia T.', born 4 September 1820 ; married, 1 Novem ber 1841, Gershom Hamlin, of Brooks, Me., and lived there. They had, all born there : 1. Lydia EUenS HamUn, born 17 May 1843 ; married, 7 November 1864, Joseph Rackliff Littlefield, and had : 1 . WiUiam Henry WUson* Littlefield, born 31 July 1869. 2. Julia EUzabeth® HamUn, born 26 April 1844. 356 SIXTH GENERATION. 3. Mary Etta® HamUn, born 3 October 1846. 4. Albert Gershom® HamUn, born 22 Febraary 1848. 5. Anne Louisa® Hamlin, born 11 May 1851. 6. Susan Adelaide® Hamlin, born 6 September 1854. 7. Edwin Sumner® HamUn, born 12 May 1856. 2928. Daniel Hilt', born 27 September 1822, died 14 May 1831 . 2929. Susannah Whittemore', born 9 January 1826; married Abijah Gilson, of Boston, Mass., and had : 1. Harriet Viola® Gilson, bom in Boston, Mass., 2 April 1861. 2930. Mary Elizabeth', born 28 December 1827. 2931. Silas Lewis', born 24 January 1830 ; was single in 1871. 2932. Sylvia Augusta', born 1 November 1831 ; married, in 1852, Greenleaf N. Daniels, of MorrUl, Me. ; moved to Califor nia, and had : 1. Addie Florence® Daniels, born in El Dorado co., Cal., 30 May 1858. 2. Mary Loette® Daniels, born in Solano co., Cal., 1 Novem ber 1861. 3. Herbert MeniU® Daniels, born in Solano co., Cal., 31 December 1863. 2933. Albert Bingham', born 11 December 1833; manied, 4 July 1859, MeUssa A. Mathews, born in Brooks, Me., 25 August 1841 ; lived in South Brooks, Me., and had : 1. Frank BurtonS, born in Brooks, Me., 7 April 1867. 2934. Louisa Malantha', born 29 June 1837 ; married, April 1857, John Gardner Woods, of Waldo, Me., and removed to Lib- ertj'. Me., in AprU 1861. They had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Henrietta R.s Woods, born in Waldo, Me., 17-March 1858. 2. Albert 0.® Woods, born 19 December 1861. 3. Harry L.® Woods, born February 1866. 2935. Jesse Merrill', born in Brooks, Me., 27 July 1839 ; was a soldier in 6th Mass. Vols., war of the RebeUion. He man-ied, September 1862, Sarah Johnson, of Lowell, Mass., and went to California. Lemuel" (1210), son of Lemuel* and Susanna (Whittemore) Wentworth, born in Friendship, Me., 1 November 1786; married, 13 May 1818, Dorothy KendaU, born in Hope, Me., 17 October 1800. He died in Hope, 2 September 1849. They had : DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 357 2936. Arthur', born in Hope, 23 December 1820 ; married Mary AdeUne Heel, born in Northport, Me., 28 October 1828 ; Uved in South Hope, Me., and had, all born there : 1. Melvina®, born 23 AprU 1848; married, 14 June 1871, Erastus Wellman, born in Hope, Me., 24 October 1848. 2. Austin M.s, born 17 September 1851. 3. Ella MerildaS, born 25 February 1853 ; married, 3 Octo ber 18^9, Charies T. Melvin, born in Hope, 28 December 1849. 4. EdwinS, born 15 April 1855. 5. Sarah E.s, born 24 March 1859. " 6. Etta.E.s, born 28 May 1862. 7. Henry Elmei-®, bom 28 March 1866. 8. Abbie®, born 7 August 1867. 2937. Otis', born in Hope, Me., 25 AprU 1822 ; lost at sea, 17 December 1844. 2938. Elvira', bom m Hope, Me., 28 November 1823 ; mar ried, 4 November 1849, Philip Mahoney, born in Searsmont, Me., 18 July 1823. She died 18 November 1851. They had : 1. Elvira Ethel® Mahoney, born in Northport, Me., 16 No vember 1851. 2939. Cyrus', born 17 May 1826 ; married, 26 March 1853, Maria Mehan, born in Wanen, Me., 26 May 1826; and lived in Rockland, Me., chUdless. 2940. Sanford', born 21 July 1828 ; married, in Rockland, Me., August 1854, SyMa J. Skinner, born in Union, Me., 13 May 1836. He Uved in AUegan, Mich., and served fourteen months in the 12th Mich. Infantry, war of the RebeUion. They had, born in Niles, Mich, (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Elva F.®, bom 13 May 1857. 2. Rosa E.®, bom 15 July 1862. 2941. Leonora', bom 5 August 1830; married, 24 Novem ber 1850, Charles Mahonej', born in Searsmont, Me., 28 March 1828. She died 4 June 1871, childless. 2942. Albion P.', born 20 December 1832 ; married, 30 De cember 1855, Ann Robbins, bom in Hope, Me., 26 December 1834. He died 6 December 1869. They had : 1. Clifford Leroy®, born in Hope, Me., 5 August 1858. 2943. CUfford', bom 28 November 1834 ; married, 18 Febra ary 1867, Lucy Robbins, born in Hope, Me., 15 April 1843. He died 27 June 1868, childless. 358 SIXTH GENERATION. Samuel" (1211), son of Lemuel* and Susanna (Whittemore) Wentworth, born in Waldoborough, Me., 11 .lanuary 1789 ; mar ried Sarah Gay, born in Friendship, Me., 16 June 1789. She died in Hope, Me., 6 March 1871 ; he died there 19 April 1857. They had : 2944. Jonah Gay', born in Union, Me., 9 October 1812 ; mar ried, in Waldo, Me., 23 May 1835, Byancy H. Godding, born there 10 March 1817. They had : 1. Sarah A.®, born in Hope, Me., 27 October 1838, died in Belfast, Me., 27 January 1854. 2. MeUssa B.®, born in Hope, Me., 17 August 1841. 3. Sabra M.®, born in Waldo, Me., 23 Februarj' 1843 ; mar ried, 4 July 1868, Samuel Rhodes, of Alva, Me. ; and had: 1. Annie AUce* Rhodes, born in Marshall, Me., 2 AprU 1869. 4. Francina A.®, born in Belfast, Me., 10 December 1845; married, 25 December 1869, Elbridge G. Lermond, of South Hope, Me., born in Union, Me., 23 August 1841 ; and had : 1. Sidnej- Bird* Lermond, born in Hope, Me., 21 Octo ber 1870. 5. Georgie A.®, born in Belfast, Me., 29 July 1848 ; married, 16 December 1870, George W. Nettleton, of Milford, Conn., born in Derby, Conn., 22 Julj' 1847. 6. Albert F.®, born in Belfast, Me., 10 June 1853. 7. AUce J.®, born in Waldo, Me., 1 March 1858. 2945. Joshua Whittemore', born in Union, Me., 18 February 1815 ; married, 1st, 5 August 1838, Beniah WeUman, of Hope, Me., born there 15 AprU 1814; she died there 6 March 1855. He married, 2d, 29 June 1856, Lovina CortheU, of Camden, Me., bom there 22 June 1822. He had, by his first wife (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Laura Arvesta®, born in Hope, Me., 1 June 1842 ; mar ried, 14 December 1862, Edmund R. Wotton, of Beknont, Me., born there 23 June 1833, and had (born in LincohivUle, Me.) : 1. Melvin E.* Wotton, born 14 March 1868. 2. Sarah L.9 Wotton, born 6 September 1869. 2. Ethelbert®, born in Appleton, Me., 15 November 1845; enlisted in 1862, in Co. B, 26th Maine Vols. ; mustered out 17 August 1863 ; re-enUsted 15 September 1864, in the 1st Maine Cavalry, and died 8 May 1865, of wounds received at Hatcher's Run. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 359 3. MarceUus®, born in Union, Me., 20 October 1847 ; enlisted 15 Febraary 1864, in Co. F, 1st Maine Cavalry, and was at Lee's surrender. He married, 1 January 1869, Emma A. Rokes, born in Hope, Me., 3 AprU 1851 ; and had : 1. Bertha E.*, born in Hope, Me., 20 October 1869. 4." Myron®, born in Hope, Me., 11 May 1851. 2946. Edwin', born 20 March 1819, died aged five weeks. 2947. Lemuel', born in Union, Me., 16 May 1821 ; married, 2 July 1857, Mary Ann Mink, born in Waldoborough, Me., 3 Octo ber 1833. He died in Hope, Me., 18 February 1859, and she mar ried, 2d, his brother Horace'. 2948. Horace', born in Hope, Me., 1 August 1823; married, 11 March 1860, Mary Ann (Mink) Wentworth, widow of his brother Lemuel', and had : 1. Mary Ida®, born in Hope, Me., 11 February 1864. 2949. Samuel', born in Hope, Me., 5 October 1828; married, 1 May 1851, his cousin OUve Clark' (2954) Wentworth, born in Hope, Me., 6 February 1830; lived there and had, all born there (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Jesse Lysander®, born 30 April 1852. 2. EUa Augusta®, born 13 September 1854. 3. Alberta Elizabeth®, born 2 June 1857. 4. Samuel Evander®, born 16 February 1862. 5. Charles MUler®, born 12 August 1868. 2950. Sarah', born 12 February 1831, died 11 August 1833. Le-svis" (1214), son of Lemuel* and Susanna (Whittemore) Wentworth, bom in Hope, Me., 13 December 1797; married, 1st, 1822, Elizabeth HiU Fairbanks, born in Hope, 12 December 1804, died 24 March 1834 ; 2d, 26 July 1835, Sarah Noyes Fairbanks, born in Hope, Me., 2 August 1796. After her death, he married, 3d, SaUy MitcheU, and died 13 October 1871. Lewis" had, all born in Hope, Me., by his first wife : 2951. Halsey Healey', born 13 August 1822 ; went to Califor nia, reached San Francisco, 17 July 1867 ; wrote back on the 21st, and never heard from since ; letters written to him were returned. 2952. Martha Maria', bora 17 August 1824, died 22 January 1827. 2953. Eunice Payson', born 6 March 1827 ; married Mark Young, born in Wanen, 5 June 1819, and had (the first four born in Hope, Me.) : 360 SIXTH GENERATION. 1. Isadora AdeUa® Young, born 28 April 1855. 2. Leander Forester® Young, born 16 May 1857. 3. Lewis Wentworth® Young, born 15 March 1859. 4. Herbert Winfield® Young, born in Wayne, Me., 31 June 1861. 5. Harriet EUzabeth® Young, born in Wayne, Me., 28 July 1862. 2954. Olive Clark', born 6 Febraary 1830 ; manied, 1 May 1851, her cousin Samuel' (2949) Wentworth, whom see for chUdren. 2955. CaroUne EUzabeth', born 10 AprU 1832, died 27 June 1832. 2956. Joseph Franklin', born 1 March 1834 ; he was given by his dying mother to his aunt Caroline (Fairbanks) Gleason, of Union, Me. He enUsted 29 September 1862, in Co. D, 25th Maine Vols., for nine months ; re-enlisted, and died in hospital, at Wash ington, D. C, 5 January 1865. Lewis" had, by his second -mfe : 2957. Sarah Elizabeth', born 3 September 1837 ; married, 10 November 1870, Abner Hollis Fairbanks, born in Charlestown, Mass., 29 August 1829. Enoch" (1216), son of Lemuel* and Susanna (Whittemore) Wentworth, born in Hope, Me., 3 August 1800 ; married, Febru ary 1825, Ruth Sweet, born in Knox, Me., and had : 2958. WiUiam Otis', born in Waldo, Me., June 1826 ; married. Thankful Irish Philbrook, born in Hope, Me., 30 December 1822 ; lived in Waldo, Me., childless. 2959. Lydia Jane', born in Searsmont, Me. ; married, in Knox, Me., 22 November 1857, Ezra James Roberts, born in Brooks, Me., 14 March 1827 ; and had : 1. Freeman Otis® Roberts, born in Knox, Me., 11 September 1858. 2960. Lemuel', born in Belmont, Me. ; married Lucy White Sawyer, born in Montville, Me., 3 November 1831. He died in Rockland, Me., 30 August 1861. 2960a. MarthaAnn', born in MorriU, Me., 28 AprU 1839 ; mamed Elias Henry Davis, born in Lowell, Me., 13 July 1841 ; and had: 1. Lemuel Wentworth® Da\'is, born in Waldo, Me., 28 July 1866. 2. Georgie EdoraS Davis, born in Waldo, Me., 24 March 1870. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 361 Silas" (1218) , son of Lemuel* and Susanna (Whittemore) Went worth, born in Hope, Me., 20 May 1806 ; married, 1st, 5 April 1832, Mary Carter HUt, born in Hope, Me., 8 April 1801 ; 2d, 17 November 1855, Ruth Ann McKinney, of Lincoln, Me., born in Hope, Me., 13 January 1828. He died 19 AprU 1865 ; she died 31 December 1870. He had, by his first wife : 2961. John Edelbert', born in Hope, 26 July 1833 ; went to CaUfornia in 1854. In the winter of 1856 he went on an exploring expedition, and has not been heard from since. 2962. SUas Roscoe', born 10 February 1835, died 8 Janu ary 1836. 2963. LendeU Pitman', born 16 October 1836, died 1 Febra ary 1838. 2964. Ambrose Roscoe', born 24 December 1838. 2965. Orland', bom 10 September 1842 ; enUsted in the 17th Maine Vols., and was kiUed at the battle of the Wilderness. 2966. SUas Orin', born 3 April 1846 ; enUsted, 1st, in the 26th Maine Vols. ; 2d, in the D. C. Cavalry, and served to the end of the war. SUas" had, by his second wife, aU born in Waldo, Me. : 2966a. Charles Danford', born 8 September 1856. 29666. George Emery', born 11 Febraary 1858. 2966c. Albert Augustus', born 16 September 1860. 2966d. Henry Herbert', born 23 November 1862. 2966e. Mary Ann', bom 22 November 1864. John Danford" (1219), son pf Lemuel* and Susanna (Whitte more) Wentworth, bom in Hope, Me., 4 September 1809 ; mar ried, in Waldoborough, Me., 8 April 1832, Ann Newbit, and lived at East MontviUe, Me. They had, all but the first born in Waldo, Maine : 2967. Emily R.', bom m Belfast, Me., 4 September 1833 ; married, 3 November 1867, Charles S. Tanner, of Providence, Rhode Island. 2968. Augustus P.', bom 27 July 1835, died in 1851. 2969. Loann', born 18 September 1837, died 21 August 1838. 2970. Austin', born 19 August 1839 ; enUsted 10 September 1862, in the 26th Maine Vols., mustered out 17 August 1863 ; re- enlisted at LoweU, Mass., in — Cavalry, and mustered out 30 June 1865. He married, 11 February 1868, Mary H. Crosby; lived in MontvUle, Me., and had : 362 SIXTH GENERATION. 1. John D.s, born 31 December 1868. 2970a. Alvin', born 7 March 1841, died 7 July 1843. 2971. Elsy N.', born 30 April 1844, died 7 March 1853. Sinai" (1220), son of Shubael* and Lavinia (Tozer) Wentworth, born 8 August 1798; manied, in St. John, New Brunswick, 14 November 1827, Anne Horsefield, born 12 August 1808, in Pen rith, CO. Cumberland, England. He Uved in North Bradford, Me., and died there 24 August 1873. They had, all born in Orneville, Me., except the first four : 2972. George William', born in St. John, N. B., 13 April 1829; married, in Orneville, Me., 22 October 1851, Adeline Lib bey, born in Anson, Me., 1 August 1831. He died in OrneviUe, Me., 28 January 1857 ; she died 20 March 1857. They had (be sides one who died in infancy) : 1. George Fredericks, born 9 February 1853, in Orneville, Me., died in Bradford, Me., 1 May 1872. 2973. Lavina', born in St. John, N. B., 30 June 1830, died there, 22 July 1831. 2974. Matilda', born in St. John, N. B., 12 June 1832, died in Orneville, Me., 1 March 1855. 2975. Elizabeth', born in Milton, Me., 6 November 1834 ; mar ried John F. Hall, of Orneville, Me., born in Jefferson, Me., 19 November 1830. She died 8 January 1875. They had, aU born in Orne-viUe, Me. (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Thomas WanenS Hall, born 2 January 1854. 2. Catherine Elizabeths Hall, born 1 September 1855, died 10 October 1873. 3. Ann Frances® Hall, born 12 February 1857. 4. Lucinda Ellen® HaU, born 12 January 1860. 5. John Amial® Hall, born 10 November 1864. 6. AUce Amanda® Hall, born 16 November 1866. 2976. Thomas Horsefield', born 21 August 1837; enUsted, 4 November 1861, in the 15th Maine Vols. ; became 1st lieutenant, mustered out 13 March 1865. He married, 30 January 1865, Abbie E. Wheeler, of Exeter, Me., born in Corinth, Me., 10 December 1840. He is an attorney-at-law, at North Bradford, Me. In 1876 he was Representative of Bradford in the Maine Legislature. He bad: 1. Thomas Roscoe®, bom in Exeter, Me., 10 January 1866. 2, Stella Abbie®, bora in Bradford, Me., 16 December 1868. DESCENDANTS OF JOHNS WENTWORTH. 363 2976a. Ann', born 29 December 1839, died in Orneville, Me., 1 May 1862. 29766. Freelove Daniels', born 23 December 1845 ; married, 15 March 1866, Alonzo Ewer, of Orneville, Me., and had : 1. Ann Matilda® Ewer, born 29 January 1867, died 19 No vember 1874. 2. Sinai W.® Ewer, born 7 September 1870. 2976c. Lucinda E.', bom 3 AprU 1848 ; married, 19 November 1866, Ambrose Sanborn, of Atkinson, Me., and died 8 November 1868. She had : 1. Susan Nettie® Sanborn, born in Bradford, Me., 17 Febru ary 1868. Freelo-ve" (1222), daughter of Shubael* and Lavinia (Tozer) Wentworth, born 6 May 1802 ; married, 6 February 1823, EUis Daniels, born in Union, Me., 15 October 1799. She died in Hope, Me., 10 January 1862; he died in Boston, Mass., 8 July 1875. They had: 2977. La-vinia Lois' Daniels, born 19 June 1823 ; married, November 1854, MUlard GUmore Drake, born 9 September 1821. She died 13 September 1855. They had : 1. JuUa Emma' Drake, born 1 September 1855. 2978. Sylva Abigail' Daniels, born 14 January 1825, died 12 December 1846. 2979. Bethuel E.' Daniels, born 21 September 1826 ; married, 13 MeLTch 1854, MartheUa Payson, of Hope, Me., born 20 March 1827; and had: 1. WUlard EUis® Daniel, 22 April 1855. 2. Henrj' L.® Daniels, born 4 November 1857. 2980. Freedom Fisher' Daniels, born 21 March 1829 ; married, 1st, 17 October 1855, Adalenta Frances Teel, of Hope, Me., born in St. George, Me., 20 January 1835, died in Union, Me., 13 April 1869 ; 2d, 11 June 1871, -widow Arthusa R. (Grinnell) Greeley, daughter of James Grinnell, of Union, Me., born 12 April 1829. Freedom F.' had, by his first wife : 1. George F.® Daniels, born 17 October 1856. 2. Oramel Losea® Daniels, born 20 August 1860. 3. Maiy F.® Daniels, born 31 August 1865. 4. Frederick® Daniels, born 14 October 1867, died at Libertj', Me., 8 September 1869. 2981. Lucinda Ann' Daniels, born 27 May 1832 ; married, 16 364 SIXTH GENERATION. July 1870, Daniel 0. Whitman, of Boston, Mass., born 17 July 1843. 2982. Nathan Shubael' Daniels, born 13 April 1835 ; married EmUy Merritt, of Waltham, Mass., born 26 July 1839 ; and had: 1. Clara Josephine® Daniels, born 5 August 1868. 2982a. Rhoda Cordelia' Daniels, born 29 August 1840 ; mar ried, 1 May 1862, Edwin Lafayette Morse, of Union, Me., born 5 August 1837, and had: 1. Blanche Mabel® Morse, born 7 March 1866. 2. Bertha Eudora® Morse, born 4 August 1868. 3. Ida Flora® Morse, born 7 June 1870. 29826. Philander' Daniels, born 18 April 1843. Freedom" (1224) , son of Shubael* and La-vinia (Tozer) Went worth, born 24 December 1808 ; married, 24 September 1833, Hannah M. Perrigo, born in Searsmont, Me., 8 December 1813. He died at Hope, Me., 3 September 1843. She married, 2d, May 1854, Ambrose Arnold ; he was a member of the Mauie Legisla ture in 1868. Freedom" had (besides two who died in infancy): 2983. Charles FrankUn', born 28 September 1836. 2984. Helen Rosina', born 25 February 1838. 2985. George Everett', born 16 AprU 1839 ; married, 10 Feb raary 1869, Minnie, daughter of Capt. Abner Grant, of Rockland, Me., and Uved at Appleton, Me. 2985a. John Munay', bora 10 March 1842 ; was a physician in Sedgwick, Me., and died at Appleton, Me., 5 July 1873. 29856. Freedom', born 31 December 1843, died 18 Decem ber 1865. Jesse" (1229) , son of David* and Elizabeth (Brown) Wentworth, Dorn 3 November 1792 ; lived in Farmington, Me. He married, 1st, in Hampden, Me., 5 September 1825, Frances Tyler Herrick, born 25 December 1807, in Hampden, Me., where she died 20 May 1829 ;¦ 2d, 10 July 1860, Mary Morton, of New Portland, Me. He died 1 July 1868. His -widow lived at Fai-mington, Me. Jesse" had, by his first wife : ' 2986. Frances EUzabeth', born in Hampden, Me. , 26 May 1826 ; married, 26 February 1855, Reuben Cutler, a merchant in Farm ington, Me., son of Hon. Nathan Cutler. They had (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Charles HerrickS Cutler, born 18 December 1859. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 365 2986a. Jedediah Herrick', born in Farmington, Me., 14 April 1828, died 9 February 1856. Jesse" had, by his second wife : 2987. Jessie May', born in Farmington, Me., 3 November 1861. David" (1230), son of David* and EUzabeth (Brown) Went worth, born in Farmington, Me., 21 September 1794; married there, 13 March 1828, Myra Mayhew, born in Chilmark, Mass., 9 April 1798. She died in Strong, Me., 3 March 1854; he died 2 March 1856. They had, all born in Strong, Me. (besides one who died in infancy) : 2988. Mary EUza', born 25 December 1828 ; married, 1st, 3 June 1860, at Farmington, Me., SUas Gurney, of Greene, Me. After his death, she married, 2d, 29 November 1865, Moses B. Morrison ; and died 17 November 1869, at Gardiner, Me. She had, by her second husband : 1. Haniet May® Morrison, born 24 November 1866. 2. AUce Wentworth® Morrison, born 4 April 1869. 2989. Hebron Mayhew', born 21 February 1830. [4694/] 2990. Harriet Gertrude', born 9 November 1832 ; married, 27 January 1853, Thomas H. Hunter, of Farmington, Me., where she died chUdless, 1 August 1854. 2991. Augustus', twin with Harriet', died 24 February 1835. 2992. Charies Augustus', born in Strong, Me., 6 August 1835. [49646] 2993. David', born 12 January 1838. [4964j] George" (1231), son of David* and Elizabeth (Brown) Went worth, bom 16 September 1796; married, in Strong, Me., 3 Feb ruary 1825, Susan, daughter of Hon. John Reed, of Strong. She was born there, 3 Febraary 1804, and died in Farmington, Me., 22 February 1849. They had : 2994. WUliam Reed', born in Strong, Me., 13 February 1826 ; went to CaUfornia many years ago, and was never heard from. 2995. George Obed', born in Strong, Me., 17 AprU 1827, died 12 October 1827. 2996. Mary Valmia', born 11 A.prU 1820, died 14 October 1828. 2997. Susan EUen', bom 7 May 1829, died at Farmington, Me., 30 January 1851. 2998. Enoch', born 4 July 183Q, died 7 November 1831. 2999. Charles Reed', born 13 September 1831, died in Strong, Me., 10 November 1850. 366 SIXTH GENERATION. 3000. Amanda Melvina', born 24 December 1833 ; manied, at Skowhegan, Me, 24 June 1860, Daniel W. Pratt ; lived in Farm ington, Me., and had: 1. Fannie Cutler® Pratt, born 24 September 1863. 2. Anna Reed® Pratt, born 2 August 1868. 3. William M.® Pratt, born 23 December 1869. 3001. George Hanison', born 4 August 1836, died 9 April 1851. 3002. Jesse', born 9 January 1838 ; married, 20 September 1863, Elvira Rice Kilby, of Dennj'sville, Me. He enUsted in the 1st Maine Vols., war of the Rebellion. He died at Farmington, Me., in 1867. His widow and child Uved at Dennj'sville, Me. He had : 1. Elizabeth SusanS, born at Wilton, Me., 9 February 1866. 3003. Abby Elizabeth',born 7Novemberl839,died2 AprU1851. 3004. John Reed', born 1 May 1841, died 7 October 1841. Benjamin" (1247), son of Enoch* and Azubah (Bradford) Went worth, born 13 July 1808 ; manied, in Cushing, Me., 19 Febraary 1833, Barbara B. Copeland, born in Wanen, Me., 21 June 1811. He died 21 January 1873. They had : 3005. Charlotte', born in Cushing, 9 December 1833 ; married, 6 May 1852, John Jones, of Warren, Me. ; lived there, and had: 1. LizzieS Jones, born 27 May 1854. 2. Clara® Jones, born 24 December 1855. 3. Clifford® Jones, born 21 March 1858. 4. Edwin® Jones, born 20 August 1859. 5. Nellie M.® Jones, born 5 Febraary 1861. 3006. CordeUa Jane', born in Cushing, 22 November 1835 ; married Arad Hazeltine" (1435) Wentworth, whom see for children. 3007. Lucy Copeland', born 6 February 1838 ; married, 1st, Capt. John W. Mclntyre, of Cushing, Me., who died 22 August 1860, aged 29 ; 2d, 23 December 1863, Capt. Horace W. Pitcher, mariner, of Waldoborough, Me. She had, by her first husband : 1. John W.s Mclntyre, born 20 April 1860. Lucy C had, by her second husband : 2. Elbridge S.® Pitcher, born 4 February 1865. 3008. Harriet J.', born 3 June 1840 ; married, 24 September 1869, Alexander R. Rivers, of Cushing, Me., a teacher ; Uved there, and had : 1. Grace L.® Rivers, born 7 August 1870. 3009. Sarah J.', born 5 January 1843 ; married, 18 Decem ber 1864, Tolman Rivers, of Cushing, Me. He was three years in DESCENDANTS OP JOHN® -WENTWORTH. 367 the 3d Indiana Cavalrj', war of the RebelUon ; Uved in Hoboken, N. J., and had : 1. WilUam® Rivers, born 6 December 1865. 3010. Jerusha L.' born 17 June 1845 ; married, 22 Novem ber 1863, Selden D. Hunt, of Waldoborough, Me. He was in the 20th Maine Vols., war of the Rebellion. They had : 1. Laura S.® Hunt, born 4 September 1865. 2. Edith M.® Hunt, bom 17 May 1868. 3. Inez® Hunt, born 22 May 1870. 3011. Benjamin C, born 25 February 1848 ; is a Methodist clergyman. He married, 13 October 1869, lantha S., daughter of Rev. WiUiam J. Clifford, of MontviUe, Me., and lived there. Leonard" (1248), son of Sion* and Mary (Morgan) Wentworth, born in Hope, Me., 22 February 1796 ; married, 1st, 21 January 1827, Mary Arnold, born in Hope, 6 July 1806 ; she died 22 Octo ber 1851. He married, 2d, 16 March 1856, Almira (Arnold) Wentworth, widow of his brother Artist" (1249). He had, bj' his first wife (besides one who died in infancy) : 3012. Elizabeth', born 24 December 1827 ; married, 29 Au gust 1847, Larkin Safford ; lived in Hope, Me., and had : 1. Charles W.® Safford, born 1 February 1851. 2. Herbert V.® Safford, born 26 June 1859. 3. Leonard W.® Safford, born 10 December 1861 . 4. WiUiam G.® Safford, born 1 July 1865. 3013. Augustus L.', born 7 February 1830 ; married, 22 Sep tember 1855, Olinda S. Safford ; lived in Montville, Me., and had (besides one who died in infancj-) : 1. Mary E.®, born 6 July 1858. 2. Bennie S.®, born 1 October 1861. 3. LueUa S.®, born 8 October 1867. 3014. Delphina', born 29 March 1832 ; married, 4 June 1854, EUsha Safford, and died 7 April 1858. She had : 1. Justin W.® Safford, born 1 June 1856. 3015. Justin', bom 7 March 1834 ; married, 20 October 1858, Sophronia Merrill, and had : 1. George W.®, born 26 August 1860. 2. William A.s, born 15 January 1865. 3. Norris R.s, born 22 June 1867. 3016. Veranus', born in Hope, Me., 9 February 1836 ; married, in LoweU, Mass., 20 Febraary 1861, Mary Antoinette Metcalf, born 368 SIXTH GENERATION. in Lisbon, Me., 2 October 1837 ; lived in Newtonville, Mass., and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Willard Eugene®, born in Hope, Me., 15 February 1862. 3016a. Mary CaUsta', born 30 January 1839 ; married, 22 October 1866, James B. Trowbridge, of Newtonville, Mass. ; lived there, and had : 1. Mai-y Elizabeth® Trowbridge, born 5 November 1868. 30166. WilUam A.', born 4 December 1840 ; was a soldier in the war of the RebelUon, and killed at Thatcher's Run, 6 February 1865. 3016c. George K.', born 28 October 1842; lived at Vassar, Mich. 3016q!. Sion R.', born in Hope, Me., 17 September 1844; Uved in Eau Claire, Wis., single. 3016e. Nelson L.', born 21 November 1847 ; married, 30 April 1871, Mary AureUa®, born 12 December 1848, daughter of Enoch Wentworth' Conant, who was son of Abram and Emilj-" (1239) (Wentworth) Conant. Artist" (1249), son of Sion* and Mary (Morgan) Wentworth, born 23 August 1797 ; man-ied, 22 January 1827, Almira Arnold, born in Hope, Me., 18 February 1808. They lived in Appleton, Me., where he died 24 November 1851. She man-ied, 2d, his brother Leonard" (1248) . Artist" had (besides one who died in infancy) : 3017. Thomas Arnold', born in Hope, Me., 22 June 1828; married, 30 March 1851, Nancy B. HaU, of Appleton, Me. ; lived in Fremont, Neb., and had, born in Appleton, Me. (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Edward A.®, born 12 February 1853. 2. Artist A.®, born 1 February 1854. 3. Lizzie Maria®, born 16 November 1855. 4. Lavinia E.®, born 21 September 1858. 5. WiUiam O.s, born 23 AprU 1861, died 8 AprU 1870. 6. Julia O.s, born 17 March 1863. 3018. Ruhamah AdeUne', born 29 November 1830 ; manied, 6 July 1851, RusseU Le Barron ; Uved in Hingham, Mass., and had (besides one who died in infancj') : 1. Lydia AhniraS Le Barron, born 19 January 1853. 2. Frank Russelis Le Barron, born 15 October 1856. 3. Addie Wentworth® Le Barron, born 17 Febraary 1862. 4. George L.s Le Barron, born 10 February' 1864. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 369 3019. Almira Oravilla', born 13 November 1831 ; married, 13 November 1850, Joseph Bartlett; lived in Appleton, Me., and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Artist WentworthS Bartlett, born 1 August 1851. 2. Mary A.® Bartlett, born 14 February 1855. 3. WilUam Dix® Bartlett, bom 20 February 1870. 3020. WiUiam Alonzo', bom 23 July 1833 ; married, 14 No vember 1860, Sarah H. Smith; lived at Vinal Haven, Me., child less. 3021. Lo-\'ina', born 27 May 1835 ; married, 6 December 1854, WilUam Dix ; Uved in West Newton, Mass., and had : 1. Sarah L.® Dix, born 16 March 1856. 2. NelUe O.® Dix, born 19 September 1860. 3. Mattie Maria® Dix, born 25 March 1866. 4. Mary Alnm-a® Dix, born 15 May 1868. 3022. Maria', born 23 December 1839. 3022a. Ella A.', bom 17 February 1841 ; lived with her mother at Appleton, Me., single. Alden" (1251), son of Sion* and Mary (Morgan) Wentworth, born 6 January 1801 ; Uved in Appleton, Me. He married Lj'dia Pease, born in Hope, Me., 18 February 1808. They had : 3023. DeUlah', born 15 February 1826 ; married Jonas Parker, and lived in Lonsdale, R. I. 3024. Margaret', born 29 March 1827 ; married James Fuller, and lived in Appleton, Me. 3025. Abby P.', born 28 March 1831 ; married, 2 July 1848, WilUam Smith ; Uved in Alfred, Me., and had : 1. Lj-dia Emma® Smith, born August 1854. 2. Frank® Smith, born 16 February 1858. 3. Hattie® Smith, born 23 October 1860. 4. Charles H.® Smith, born 3 December 1872. 3026. James Alden', born 1840 ; married, in 1868, Susan P. Sweetland. Alden" also adopted a chUd whom he named Warren P. Went worth, born in Appleton, Me., 19 November 1825. Warren P. married, 10 December 1848, Elizabeth Wellman, of Hope, Me., born 26 July 1829 ; lived at Appleton, Me., and had : 1. EUsta A., bora 21 October 1849. 2. Maggie, born 3 October 1854. 3. NeweU B., born 30 April 1857. VOL. n. — 24 370 SIXTH GENERATION, 4. Lizzie J., born 3 April 1859. 5. Sophronia, born 12 September 1861. Ward" (1252), son of Sion* and Mary (Morgan) Wentworth, born 1 September 1802 ; married, 27 December 1827, Betsey C. Hewitt, born 26 July 1809. She died November 1856. They had : 3027. Thomas J.', born 10 April 1829, died 22 October 1831. 3028. Rosalinda', born 29 February 1832 ; married, 1 Janu ary 1850, WilUam Smith, and had: 1. Chandler A.® Smith, born 11 June 1852; married, 31 December 1874, Elizabeth Rowell, of Bradley, Me. 2. Ida M.® Smith, born 3 October 1854. 3. Preston A.® Smith, born 14 May 1859. 4. Charles N.® Smith, born 1 AprU 1861. 5. Liona A.® Smith, born 28 January 1866. 3029. Leonidas', bom 26 July 1834 ; enlisted in the 16th Maine Vols., and died 5 October 1862. 3030. William H.', born 4 January 1837; was in the war of the Rebellion; died 25 December 1866. 3030a. Orintha J.', born 11 February 1839 ; married, 5 AprU 1857, Jason Peabody, and had : 1. Elmer E.® Peabody. 30306. Rufus D.', born 6 AprU 1841 ; manied, 20 March 1863, Hannah Gleason, of Union, Me., and died 15 May 1863, while in service as a soldier in the war of the Rebellion. 3030c. Sarah A.', born 8 June 1844 ; married, 1 March 1863, Frederick A. Packard, of Rockland, Me. , and had : 1. Cora L.s Packard, born September 1866. 3030d. Anson L.', born 31 May 1848. 3030e. George O.'. born 4 April 1853. Richmond" (1253) , son of Sion* and Mary (Morgan) Wentworth. born 7 June 1804 ; married, 21 October 1835, Nancy H. Meservy, bora in Hope, Me., 9 November 1813. They lived in Appleton, Me., and had : 3031. Delora A.', born 12 January 1836; married, in 1860, Franklin F. Sleeper; lived in Appleton, Me., and had (besides one who died in infancj-) : 1. Charles Edrick® Sleeper, born 27 October 1861. 2. Helen RosUla® Sleeper, born 11 September 1863. 3. Franklin Caswell® Sleeper, born 14 February 1866. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 371 4. Anna Laura® Sleeper, born 11 February 1868. 3032. Charles E.', born in 1837. 3032a. Helen A.', born in 1839 ; married, in 1865, Samuel D. Pease. 30326. Rosa H.', born in 1841 ; married, 15 September 1867, Stephen L. Sleeper, and had : 1. LiUian JessieS Sleeper, born 29 January 1869. 2. Rosetta F.s Sleeper, born 20 AprU 1872. 3032c. Jesse A.', born in 1843. 3032(Z. Franklin A.', born in 1845. 3032e. Herbert A.', born in 1846. 3032/ Washington I.', born in 1849. 30325r. Lillian C, bom in 1851. 3032/1. CaroUne M.', born in 1853. 3032i. Richmond A.', born in 1855. 303-2J. Edward H.', born in 1857. 3032A;. Inez V.', born in 1859. Charles" (1262), son of Lemuel* and EUzabeth (Sanger) Went worth, born in Norwich, Conn., 15 February 1779. He was a car penter, and worked at one time in Savannah, Ga. He moved to Purysburgh, S. C, and there married, October 1812, Ann Wynburn, who died probably about 1827. He died at Purj'sburgh, in August 1814. They had: 3033. Charles Mj-ers', born at Purj-sburgh, S. C, 1 Janu ary 1814. [4965] Sherman^ (1264), son o ' Lemuel* and Elizabeth (Sanger) Went worth, born 8 April 1781, in Norwich, Conn. ; married, in Minden (now StarkviUe), Herkimer co., N. Y., 21 September 1808, Nancy Leach. She was born in Lyme, Conn. ; died 21 December 1821, in Palatine, N. Y. He died there 18 August 1825. They had (the first three born in Minden, the others in Palatine, N. Y.): 3034. Charles', born 17 June 1809. [4975] 3035. Erastus', born 17 September 1811. [4980] 3036. EUsha', born 2 May 1814. [4985a] 3037. Lucj'', born 21 June 1816 ; married, 15 April 1838, Delos D. Gibson, and lived in Ilion, Herkimer co., N. Y. 3038. Lemuel', born 16 August 1818. [4990] •3039. Sherman', born 7 June 1821, died October 1823, in Palatine, N. Y. 372 SIXTH GENERATION. Erastus" (1268), son of Lemuel* and Elizabeth (Sanger) Went worth, born 5 November 1788 ; manied, 1st, March 1812, Esther, daughter of Adam States, of Stonington, Conn. She died 11 Jan uary 1841. He married, 2d, her sister Cynthia States, who died 22 March 1871. He Uved in Stonington, Conn., which he repre sented in the Legislature ; held city offices, and was Justice of the Peace. He was many years deacon in the Congregational church. He died 14 June 1873, at the residence of his son Noyes S.' (3044), in Preston, Conn. Erastus" had, all by his first wife : 3040. Erastus', (D.D.), born 5 August 1813. [4991] 3041. Edward', born 13 December 1814; manied, 16 Septem ber 1835, at Norwich, Conn., Ruth Ann Cook ; and died at Cincin nati, Ohio, 27 September 1858. 3042. Abby Esther', born 7 June 1816; married, 12 October 1856 (his second wife), her second cousin, John D. Brown, of Stonington, Christian co., IU., and died there 16 September 1870. 3043. Cj-nthia States', born 15 March 1818, died 19 September 1819. 3044. Noyes States', born 9 December 1819. [5001] 3045. Frances Ann', born 16 Februarj' 1821 ; manied, in Ver mont, Dr. WilUam H. Miller, and Uved at Sandy HUl, N. Y., where he died 24 May 1873. 3046. Charles Peter', born 15 August 1822; married, 1st, 19 February 1843, Julia Elizabeth, daughter of EUsha Starkweather, of Windham, Conn., born there in 1823 ; she died in Norwich, Conn., in 1847. He married, 2d, 4 December 1853, Melinda, daughter of William Bowley, of Lynn, Mass., born 23 September 1832. He lived in Lj'nn, Mass. He had, by his first wife, one child, who died in infancj'. He had, by his second wife, the first three born in Lj'nn, Mass. : 1. Julian®, born 4 November 1855. 2. Lizzie Badger®, born 6 March 1858, died in Lynn, Mass., 8 December 1876. 3. Lucinda Bowlej'®, born 13 October 1859. 4. Frederick®, born in Cliftondale, Mass., 9 February 1864. 3047. Cynthia States', born 18 February 1824, died young, single. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 373 3048. Mary Elizabeth', bora 12 September 1825 ; married Dr. Dixon Alexander ; Uved in Faj'ette, Fayette co., Iowa, and had : 1. Fanny Wentworth® Alexander, born May 1856. 2. Edward Dixon® Alexander, born 14 February 1863. 3049. Jane Maria', born 7 March 1827, died 18 August 1828. 3050. Horace Benning', born 3 August 1828, died aged 15 days. 3051. Nancy Champion', born 25 September 1829 ; lived single, in 1874, -with her brother Erastus' (3040) in Cincinnati, Ohio. James" (1271), son of Da-vid* and Anna (Marks) Wentworth, born in Bennington, Vt., 28 April 1783 ; married, 19 May 1808, Martha Bliss, of Wilbraham, Mass., born there 23 November 1780. She died 9 February 1860, in Belchertown, Mass., where James" died 1 March 1872. They had, aU born in Belchertown, Mass., except the first : 3052. WilUam E.', born in Somers, Conn., 26 October 1810. [5004] 3053. Martha M.', born 31 May 1812 ; married, 22 AprU 1835, George Wilder, of WUmington, Vt., and died there, 6 April 1837, lea-ving : 1. Martha Maria® WUder, born 29 March 1837 ; manied, 7 October 1855, in Chicopee, Mass., Charles Holcomb; lived in Belchertown, Mass., and had: 1. George F.* Holcomb, born 8 October 1856. 2. Henry C* Holcomb, born 27 July 1858. 3. Nellie M.* Holcomb, born 24 August 1861. 4. James WUliam* Holcomb, born 28 May 1864. 5. Hattie Geneva* Holcomb, born 20 January 1867. 6. OUve M. Wentworth* Holcomb, born 26 February 1870. 7. Minnie W.* Holcomb, born 12 May 1872. 8. Frederick E.* Holcomb, born 12 April 1874. 3054. OUve M.', born 12 November 1814 ; married, 22 Sep tember 1844, Lyman Smith, of Amherst, Mass., bom there, 20 July 1816, and Uved in Belchertown. They had two chUdren, who died in infancj'. 3055. James L.', born 20 January 1817, died in Springfield, Mass., 28 February 1837. 3056. Joel B.', born 10 AprU 1819, died in Chicopee, Mass., 29 December 1841. 3057. Sarah A.', born 11 March 1821, died 2 April 1821, in Belchertown. 374 SIXTH GENERATION. 3058. Mary A.', born 16 Febraary 1822 ; manied, 14 May 1844, Henry P. Knowlton, of Belchertown, born there 26 April 1824 ; lived there, and had, all born in Belchertown : 1. James W.® Knowlton, born 29 March 1847. 2. Mary L.s Knowlton, born 23 May 1848. 3. WilUam H.s Knowlton, born 29 August 1851. 4. OUver Watson® Knowlton, born 14 June 1857. William" (1272), son of David* and Anna (Marks) Wentworth, born in Bennington, Vt., 2 May 1785 ; went to Liverpool, near Syracuse, N. Y., when about fourteen j'cars of age. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. He was largely engaged all his Ufe in the manufacture of salt. He manied, 4 April 1811, Lucy Inger- soU, born 22 May 1795. She died in Liverpool, 26 December 1858 ; he died there 28 March 1867. They had, all born in Liverpool, New York : 3059. WilUam J.', born 13 September 1812, died 30 August 1814. 3060. Morris Marks', born 30 June 1815. [5009] 3061. Hannah', born 10 January 1818 ; married, 10 April 1836, Lewis Monk, born 14 November 1813 ; they Uved in Syracuse, N. Y., and had: 1. Lucy M.® Monk, born 7 September 1837. 2. Helen R.® Monk, born 10 November 1844, died 29 Jan uary 1845. 3. Ida Ann® Monk, born 25 June 1848, died 21 August 1850. 4. Ella A.® Monk, bora 7 June 1851 ; married, 17 June 1867, Samuel. W. Day, born 16 December 1845 ; and had: 1. Lalla A.9 Day, born 9 October 1870. 5. Ida S.® Monk, born 5 June 1853. 3062. Pattie', born 4 July 1820 ; married, 16 February 1836, Daniel KiU, of Liverpool, N. Y., born 5 March 1811. They re sided at Laporte, Ind., and had (besides two who died in infancy): 1. Lucy M.® KUl, bom 7 September 1837 ; married, 24 Jan uary 1858, Peter George Winn, born in Cattaraugus co., N. Y., 13 April 1834 ; they Uved in Laporte, Ind., and had : 1. Willie* Winn, born 26 February 1859, died 16 April 1859. 2. Hattie* Winn, born 26 September 1860, died 5 July 1861. 2. Ellen A.® KiU, born 14 March 1844; manied Robert Bottom, of Stonington, Conn., 10 March 1868, and had: DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 375 1 . Harriet N.* Bottom, born 25 June 1869. 3. Mary C.® KiU, bom 19 March 1846 ; married Oscar Young, 12 February 1868, and had : 1. EUen Gertrude* Young, born 11 February 1869. 4. Martha A.® KiU, born 3 March 1848. 5. Emma A.® Kill, born 20 January 1851, died 10 August 1868. 6. George Lewis® Kill, born 17 June 1853. 7. Rosabel® KiU, born 30 June 1860. 3063. Anna', born 6 July 1823 ; married, 14 July 1850, Urias Algire, born in the Province of Ontario, 23 February 1826. They lived in Sjrracuse, Onondaga co., N. Y., and had : 1. James C.® Algire, born in Liverpool, N. Y., 12 May 1851. 2. Emma Jane® Algire, born 9 October 1853, died 29 Decem ber 1854. 3064. William P.', born 13 September 1825. [5016a] 3065. Amanda', born 12 February 1828 ; married, 27 March 1846, Ambrose S. IngersoU, born 18 October 1813 ; Uved at Sj'ra- cuse, N. Y., and had : 1. Agnes F.s IngersoU, born 4 May 1847 ; married, 14 Octo ber 1869, Edson H. Threcher, and lived at Saratoga Springs, New York. 2. EUa Medora® IngersoU, born 5 January 1849 ; married, 13 February 1867, George H. Stevens, of Syracuse, N. Y. He was a captain in the war of the Rebellion. He died at TitusviUe, Pa., 25 December 1870. They had : 1. Florence* Stevens, born 9 October 1869. 3. WilUam® IngersoU, born 21 April 1851, died 26 June 1866. 4. Frank A.® IngersoU, born 1 August 1855. 3066. James', born 7 September 1830. [5018] 3067. Thomas D.', born 10 March 1837; lived in Buffalo, N.Y. He enlisted in 1861, in the 9th N.Y. Cavalry, and died of wounds, 11 June 1864, single. Da-vid" (1274), son of David* and Rebecca (Dyer) (Paj-ne) Wentworth, born 17 April 1791 ; married, in 1815, Harriet Gould, and had twelve children, eleven born in Otsego co., N. Y., of whom four sons and two daughters died under three years of age. He died in Rome, N. Y., in 1841. His widow married, 2d, Kingsley Peckham, of Columbia, Bradford co., Penn., and died 14 November 1862, aged 69. David" had children, who Uved to maturity : 376 SIXTH GENERATION. 3068. Maria', born 3 July 1816 ; married, 1st, in 1840, Urial S. Peake, who died in 1849 ; 2d, Johnson Compton, of Washing ton, Erie CO. Pa. ; lived in McLean, Erie co.. Pa., childless. 3069. Lucius', born 3 AprU 1817. [6021a] 3070. Louisa', born 2 May 1822 ; married, June 1846, P. P. Peckham ; lived near Columbia, Bradford co.. Pa., and had : 1. Harriet Maria® Peckham, bora 19 May 1847. 2. Emma Augusta® Peckham, born 3 December 1848. 3. Lowell Mason® Peckham, born 11 Februarj' 1855. 3071. Delavan', born 3 April 1824; married, 1st, 27 August 1849, Lucj' Ann, daughter of Davis Cobb, of Columbia township, Bradford co.. Pa. She died in Washington township, Erie co.. Pa., 13 July 1861. He married, 2d, in Cornplanter township, Venango CO., Pa., 13 April 1865, .Julia Ann, daughter of Edward Forsyth, of Barnard township, Jefferson co. , Pa. Thej' lived in Ripon, Wis. ; moved to MeadvUle, Pa., in 1870. He had, by his first wife : 1. Menzo RadleyS, born in Buffalo, N. Y., 21 January 1855. 2. George DelavanS, born in Washington, Erie co.. Pa., 20 October 1856. 3. Frank Cobbs, born in Buffalo, N. Y., 6 December 1858. Delavan' had, by his second wife (three born in Ripon, Wis.): 4. May®, born 27 February 1866. 5. BurdetfS, born 9 AprU 1867. 6. Henry®, born 23 November 1868. 7. Eva®, born at Meadville, Pa., 13 October 1870. 3072. David', born 4 AprU 1828. [5027] 3073. Hiram', born in Exeter, N. Y., 6 September 1830 ; mar ried, at Factoryville, Wyoming co.. Pa., 11 October 1856, Char lotte B. Mills. They lived in Ripon, Wis., and later in Osage, Mitchell CO., Iowa, and had, born in Ripon, Wis. : 1, Frances E.®, born 29 AprU 1862. 2. Everett MiUs®, born 21 April 1864. Reuben" (1277), son of EUjah* and Ruth (Griswold) Wentworth, born 6 October 1779 ; married, in Castleton, Vt., 16 October 1802, EUzabeth Sanford, born 12 May 1786. She died 27 May 1862 ; he died 26 August 1866. They Uved in Batavia, N. Y., and had : 3074. Sanford', born 26 Febraary 1804 ; kUled by Ughtning, 12 June 1825, in Sudbury, Vt. 3075. Erwin', bora in Sudbury, Vt., 25 September 1806. [5028a] 3076. Adeline E.', born in Sudbury, Vt., 20 November 1808; DESCENDANTS OF JOHNS WENTWORTH. 377 manied, 1 February 1831, in Sudbury, Vt., Lyman Stewart, who died 6 October 1837 ; she died 25 January 1866. They had : 1. EUza A.® Stewart, born in Sudbury, Vt., 21 October 1831 ; manied, in Batavia, N. Y., 18 March 1852, Joseph E. Scott; lived there, and had : 1. George Stewart* Scott, born in Stafford, Genesee co., N.Y., 23 March 1857. 2. Charles Lyman* Scott, born in Batavia, N. Y., 12 March 1864. 3. AdeUne Eliza* Scott, born in Batavia. N. Y., 18 No vember 1866. 2. Caroline® Stewart, born 6 July 1835, in Batavia, N. Y., and Uved there. 3077. Albert', born 23 April 1810, died 18 November 1842, in Batavia, N. Y., single. Asahel" (1281), son of Elijah* and Ruth (Griswold) Wentworth, born in OrweU, Vt., 27 March 1789 ; Uved in Starksborough, Vt., which he represented in the Vermont Legislature in 1829. He married Lucia Hall, and died in Starksborough, 6 November 1833. His widow lived at Vergennes, Vt., in 1872, aged 78, with her daughter Mary E.' Asahel" had, born in Starksborough, Vt. : 3078. Anson H.', born 31 May 1814. [5031] 3079. JuUa L.'. born 19 May 1816 ; married, 7 January 1835, Myron Corey; lived in Pekin, 111., in 1874, and had (besides one who died in infancj-) : 1. Lucien M.® Corey, born 9 January 1837. 2. Ellen V.® Corey, born in Norfolk, Va., 18 August 1842. 3. JuUa T.s Corey, born in Norfolk, Va., 4 July 1825, died 16 June 1846. 3080. Franklin', born 31 July 1820. [5038d] 3081. Lucia Ann', born 10 January 1824 ; married. May 1851, Alonzo Landon, of Vergennes, Vt. They lived in Jerseyville, IU., where she died in 1856, childless. 3082. Marcia L.', born 30 April 1822 ; married, 1st, 1 January 1845, Ransom C. Taft, of Starksborough, who died in Bristol, Vt., in 1855 ; 2d, in 1857, Charles J. Soper, and lived at Middlebury, Vt. She had, by her first husband, the first three born in Starksborough : 1. George W.® Taft, born 3 July 1847. , 2. Charles C.® Taft, born 15 August 1848, died in Starks borough, 24 February 1852. 378 SIXTH GENERATION. 3. WUUard A.® Taft, born 16 March 1850, died at Middle- bury, Vt., in 1866. 4. Marcia L.® Taft, born in 1854, lived in Middlebury, Vt. 308^. Mary E.', born 31 July 1829 ; married, in Starksbor ough, 4 Maj- 1846, George W. Grandey. He was Speaker of the Vermont House of Representatives in 1869, of which body Mirick" (1775) Wentworth was a member from Chester. They lived in Vergennes, Vt., and had, born there : 1. George W.® Grandey, bom 13 March 1857. 2. Jesse Wentworth® Grandey, born 17 June 1866. 3084. Helen A.', born 10 April 1832 ; married, 19 March 1870, J. W. Barnes, and lived in Fenisburgh, Vt. Enos" (1284), son of Elijah* and Ruth (Griswold) Wentworth, born in OrweU, Vt., 4 July 1797 ; married, 15 Julj- 1819, in Starks borough, Vt., Sarah Ferguson, bom in 1799 ; Uved in Starksbor ough, where she died 31 December 1842. He died there, 20 October 1850. They had (born there): 3085. Nelson', born 10 July 1820. [5041c] 3086. Warren', died in Starksborough, Vt., 18 August 1827, aged 5 j'ears. 3087. Nancj-', born 7 November 1824 ; married, in Starks borough, 13 March 1845, Almon Allen; lived at Brandon, Wis., and had : 1. George H.® Allen, born in Monkton, Vt., 17 February 1846. 2. Harriet A.® Allen, born 25 May 1854. 3. Celia E.® Allen, born 10 August 1855. 4. Charles C.® Allen, born 30 May 1860. 5. Mary D.® Allen, born 22 AprU 1863. 3088. Pamelia', born 7 April 1826 ; marrie4, 1st, in Burling ton, Vt., 17 June 1849, William Boynton Brigham, born in Groton, Mass., 18 May 1827. He died 1 AprU 1856. She removed to Galva, Henry co., IU., in 1858; married there, 2d, 2 September 1860, George W. Sipes, and Uved there. She had, by her firSt husband, one chUd, who died in infancy. She had, by her second husband : 1. Lestina JaneS Sipes, born 20 May 1862. 2. Dora AmeUa® Sipes, born 6 July 1864. 3. Gardenia WentworthS Sipes, born 29 August 1870. 3089. Sanford', died in Starksborough, Vt., 23 September 1831, aged 2 years. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 379 3090. Amj-', died in Starksborough, Vt., 21 June 1833, aged 2 years. 3091. Edwin', born 7 December 1833; married, 20 February 1857, Giannetta Hall ; Uved in Osage, Mitchell co., Iowa, and had (besides one who died in infancj') : 1. Ernests, born 14, AprU 1858. 2. Emmett®, born 11 June 1861. 3. Earl®, born at Osage, Iowa, 4 February 1872. 3092. Orissa', bom Febraary 1836, died in Starksborough, Vt., 17 May 1836. 3093. Tarancy F.', died m Starksborough, Vt., 23 August 1839, aged 13 months. 3094. Lestina', born 19 June 1841 ; Uved in Brandon, Wis. Wakren" (1285), son of EUjah* and Ruth (Griswold) Went worth, born in Sudbury, Vt., 17 February 1800; married, in Starksborough, Vt., 27 May 1824, Semira Holcomb, and lived there. They had, born there (besides one who died an infant) : 3095. CorneUa E.', born 28 September 1826 ; lived in Starks borough, Vt. 3096. Mary Abigail', born 25 November 1828 ; married, 9 Feb ruary 1848, James CoUins, and had : 1. CeUaS Collins, bom in Monkton, Vt., 24 December 1848. 2. DeUa® CoUins, twin with CeUa®. 3097. Harriet A.', bom 23 May 1831 ; married Samuel Clark, and Uved at Starksborough, Vt. Elihu" (1287), son of Alpheus* and Polly (Tubbs) Wentworth, bora in Bennington, Vt., 10 May 1782 ; Uved in Hartwick, Otsego CO., N. Y., about six miles from the viUage. He married, in Otsego CO., PoUy Shipman, who died 28 December 1846, aged 60. He died 9 May 1865. They had : 3098. Eliza', bom in Otsego co., N. Y., 17 May 1804 ; lived in New Lisbon, N. Y. ; married, 12 November 1822, Jacob Anthony, and died 18 June 1846, in Middlefield, N. Y. She had, the first four born in Greig, Lewis co., N. Y. : 1. Marj' AnnS Anthony, bom 27 April 1824; manied, in Milford, N. Y., 2 July 1846, Job R. WiUiams; lived at Fly Creek, Otsego co., N. Y., and had : 1. Mary EUza* WUliams, born 8 April 1847. 2. Kent J.* Williams, born 26 October 1850. 380 SIXTH GENERATION. 2. Lydia A.® Anthony, born 2 December 1826; manied, 11 July 1847, Joseph Northrop ; lived in Greig, and had : 1. Lydia Maria* Northrop, born 12 November 1849. 2. Alda Eugene* Northrop, born 12 April 1855. 3. Celyna® Anthony, born 27 July 1828 ; lived at Garrats- vUle, N. Y. 4. WilUamS Anthony, born 11 March 1831. 5. Cornelia A.® Anthony, born in Turin, N. Y., 2 Julj' 1833 ; married there, 6 September 1849, WUliam AUen, and Uved at Greig, N. Y. 6. Delos® Anthony, born in Otsego, N. Y., 2 May 1836. 7. EUza Roseltha® Anthony, born in Otsego, N. Y., 25 No vember 1845. 3099. John R.', born 1 July 1810 ; married Eunice Forcyth. 3100. David S.', born 9 May 1812. [5045] 3101. Allen D.', born 7 March 1815; married, 1st, Mary Storms, of Weedsport, N. Y. ; 2d, . He removed to Chicago after his second marriage, and thence to St. Louis, Mo., where he died about December 1858. 3102. Celj-na', born in Otsego, N. Y., 27 June 1817 ; married, 25 December 1835, Harvey Holbrook, born in Hartwick, N. Y., 27 April 1810 ; and had, all born in Hartwick : 1. Mary P.® Holbrook, born 27 November 1838 ; married, 2 September 1858, at Richfield, N. Y., Edgar J. Jones. 2. Chester A.® Holbrook, born 6 August 1845 ; married, at Hartwick, N. Y., 23 December 1868, Evelyn Field. 3. George A.® Holbrook, born 1 August 1851. 4. Alice E.s Holbrook, bom 23 January 1853. 3103. Harriet', born 26 August 1819 ; married Jacob Bunn, and had : 1. HenryS Bunn. 2. EmerS Bunn. 3. Orlando® Bunn. 4. Albert® Bunn. Elisha" (1296), son of Alpheus* and Polly (Tubbs) Wentworth, born 14 November 1801 ; married, in Otsego co., N. Y., 20 April 1828, Lucy Brockway ; he died in Hartwick, N. Y., 20 November 1848. They had (besides two who died in infancy): 3104. Harvej'', born in Otsego co., N. Y., 12 August 1831; went to California about 1851 ; when last heard of was near Salt Lake Citj', Utah. descendants op JOHN® WENTWORTH. 381 3105. Edgar', bora inHartwick, N. Y. , 25 August 1835 ; married, 8 August 1863, EmmaD. Mack, born in Springwater, Livingston co., N. Y., in 1845. He enUsted in the 18th New York Light Battery, commanded by his wife's brother; was discharged 16 July 1865. They Uved in Marshall, Mich., and had one child, who died young. 3106. Emma', born in Hartwick, N. Y., 17 AprU 1841 ; mar ried there, 2 January 1860, Adolphus S. Luce ; lived in Hartwick, N. Y., and had (besides one who died in infancy): 1. Daniel® Luce, born in Plj'mouth, Ohio, 20 December 1863. 2. John® Luce, born at Sparta, Yarmouth township, P. Out., 29 March 1865. 3107. Helen', born in Hartwick, N. Y., 17 August 1845 ; mar ried there, 2 March 1868, Del. SaUsbury. William" (1299), son of Alpheus* and Polly (Tubbs) Went worth, born 13 July 1807 ; married, about 1827, Laura Henderson, moved to Illinois, and thence to Wisconsin, and died at Milwau kee, about 1855. His widow manied at Hazel Green, Grant co.. Wis., 13 April 1857, John Atwood, who died there. She was liv ing at last dates at Sandwich, 111. William" had : 3108. Henry', married in Winfield, Du Page co., IU., Ellen Maria, daughter of Proctor Coolej-, and lived at Wheaton, 111. She married, 2d, Judson Woodbury Daniels, of Clinton ville, Kane co., IU., and Uved there. Henry' had : 1. George W.s, born 13 August 1851 ; manied, 23 July 1872, Barbara Winters. 2. Emma L.®, born 17 July 1854 ; married Timothj' Webb, 25 November 1871. 3. EUzabeth J.s, born 15 October 1858 ; married, 30 Septem ber 1874, John GiU, of ClintonviUe, 111. 4. Laura IsabeF, born 20 March 1861. 3108a. Charles Elisha', born in Rome, N. Y., July 1828 ; was for three years a surgeon in the armj- in the war of the Rebel Uon ; married, 12 September 1865, in Genoa, Wis., widow Huldah (Wightman) Wheeler, daughter of E. E. Wightman, of McHenry, IU. Her first husband (by whom she had children) was a brother of Wheeler who married a sister of the wife of Charles E.'s' brother George W.' (3109) , and a son of Rev. Christie G. Wheeler, of McHenry, 111. She separated from her second husband, married, 3d, Bartley Clarke, and Uved in Humboldt, Kansas. Charles E.' lived at Baxter Springs, Cherokee co., Kansas. 382 SIXTH GENERATION. 3109. George W.', born 6 August 1833 ; manied, 1 Janu ary 1852, Olive Selden, born at Sherman, Chautauqua co., N. Y., 6 December 1835. Her sister married Wheeler, son of Rev. Christie G. Wheeler, of McHenry, 111., and brother of the first hus band of the wife of Dr. Charles E.' (3108a) . George W.' died at Racine, Wis., 3 August 1856. His -widow married John J. Foster, of Chicago, who died soon after marriage, and she married again and lives in Chicago. George W.' had : 1. Ali^haretta Cecilia®, born 15 August 1854 ; married, 1st, 18 November 1870, Charles Norton; 2d, 14 October 1875, Ben jamin N. Anderson, of Chicago, 111. 3110. Albert', manied, 1st, at Hazel Green, Wis., Marj' Hobby, of that place. They separated, and he married again and Uved in Fredonia, Kan. He had, by his first wife : 1. Daughter^, who lived with her mother in CaUfornia. 2. Chariess. Joel" (1305) , son of Levi* and Charity (Stiel) Wentworth, born 20 April 1801 ; lived at Consolation, Shelby co., fourteen miles from Frankfort, Ky. ; married, 1st, 22 October 1823,Rozannah Ynnt, born 5 January 1806, who died 24 August 1843, at Jacksonville, Shelby CO., Ky. ; 2d, 8 January 1844, Martha Mann, born 9 July 1822, died at Jacksonville, 6 March 1850 ; 3d, 29 May 1852, Mary Sanford, born 14 March 1814. He died at Bagdad, Shelby co., Ky., 5 February 1865. His widow married James Brooks, and lived (in 1876) at Sharpsville, Tipton co., Ind. Joel" had, by his first -wife : 3111. Maria', born 25 November 1825 ; married, 1st, 28 Jan uary 1843, James Perry LindeU, born in Spencer co., Ky., 26 December 1824, died in Shelby co., Ky., 2 April 1856 ; 2d, 28 Janu ary 1864, John Shackleford, born in Virginia, 23 June 1802. They Uved at Cropper's Depot, Shelby co. , Ky. She died 23 October 1876. She had, by her first husband (besides four who died in infancy): 1. James William® LindeU, born 5 January 1844 ; married, in 1865, Mary Jane Mitchell, and had : 1. Pleasant Samuel* LindeU, born 17 August 1866. 2. John W.* LindeU, born 10 November 1869. 2. Amos® LindeU, born 21 August 1850, died 12 July 1860. 3. John Wesley® LindeU, born 2 February 1852. 4. Nancy Ann® LindeU, born 26 May 1855 ; married, 14 March 1876, her second cousin John® (5053) Wentworth, whom DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 383 Maria' had, by her second husband : 5. Celia Frances® Shackleford, born 9 November 1861. 6. Agnes® Shackleford, born 25 January 1866. 3112. Nancy', born 19 December 1827, died single, in Hardin- ¦vUle, Shelby co., Kj'., 25 January 1870. 3113. Delilah', born 27 July 1828 ; married, 10 AprU 1848, her cousin WUUam' (3123) Wentworth, whom see. 3114. Emeline', born 18 August 1830 ; married Charles Amer ; lived at DanviUe, Hendricks co., Ind., and had : 1 . John® Amer. 2. Nancy Anne® Amer. 3115. Martin', born 17 November 1831 ; married, at Bagdad, Shelby co., Ky., 12 August 1855, Amanda Melvina Gibbs, bora 12 Februarj' 1841 ; lived at Columbus, Bartholomew co. , Ind. , and had : 1. Emily®, born 10 October 1856 ; married, 18 May 1874, George Van Norman, and has one child. 2. Joan®, born 12 August 1858. 3. Mary Matilda®, born 13 February 1859. 4. Catharine E.®, bora 25 January 1864, is dead. 5. Martha®, born 13 August 1866, is dead. 6. Susan IdaS, born 8 February 1868. 7. Canie®, born 3 July 1870. 8. George WilUam®, born 20 January 1872. 3116. John', born 21 March 1833 ; married, in 1853, his cousin Jane' (3126), daughter of his uncle James" (1306) Wentworth, born 14 December 1833. She died in Shelby co., Ky., about 1863 ; he died there about 1868. They had (besides three who died j'oung) : 1. LovinaS, born 13 July 1860. 2. EUzabeth®, born 28 July 1862. Both Uve with their grandfather James" (1306) Wentworth. 3117. Willis', born 14 May 1834, died at Bagdad, Shelby co., Ky-. , about six months old. Joel" had, by his second wife : 3118. James', born 20 November 1844, died at Bagdad, Au gust 1850. 3119. Levi', born 4 September 1846 ; married, in 1873, Marga ret Purvis; his P. O. is Fisher's Switch, Hamilton co., Ind.; he had : 1. Ada®, born in 1874. 3120. Mananda', born 7 September 1848 ; married, 14 March 384 SIXTH GENERATION. 1871, Daniel Leatherman ; lived at Pleasure ville, Henrj' co., Ky., and had : 1. Baxter FranklinS Leatherman, born 28 August 1873. Joel" had, by his third -wife : 3121. Charity', born 23 April 1853 ; married John Shuck ; Uves at Sharpsville, Tipton co., Ind., and had: 1. John ThomasS Shuck, born August 1875. James" (1306), son of Levi* and Charity (Stiel) Wentworth, born 13 October 1802 ; was brought up in Consolation, Shelby co., Ky. He was the only one of Levi's* children living in 1876. He married, 12 December 1824, near Sligo, Henry co., Ky., Lovina (Davis) , widow of Levi Long, born 9 June 1800. Thej- Uved at Winona, Trimble co., Ky., and had : 3122. Sally', bora 3 September 1825 ; manied, 1st, in Boone CO., Ind., WUliam Hancock, whose cousin Robert Hancock married her sister Nancj''. He died in the army, war of the Rebellion. She married, 2d, Zachariah Kinnamon, and had three children by him. She died in Lebanon, Boone CO., Ind., September 1872. She had, by her first husband : 1. Robert® Hancock, lives at Lebanon, Boone co., Ind. 2. James Clinton® Hancock. 3. John® Hancock. 4. Elizabeth® Hancock. 5. Stephen Alien® Hancock. 6. Lavinia Ann" Hancock. 7. Mary® Hancock. 8. Richard® Hancock. 9. George Washington® Hancock. 3123. WilUam', born 12 March 1828. [5050] 3124. Charitj'', bora 20 September 1829 ; married Rankin Welch; lived at Winona, Trimble co., Kj'., and had seven chil dren, four of whom are dead. 3125. Nancy', born 26 March 1832 ; married, October 1854, Robert Hancock, cousin of WiUiam Hancock who married her sister Sallj''. They live at Ino Station, Carroll co., Ind. 3126. Jane', born 14 December 1833 ; married her cousin John' (3116) Wentworth, whom see for children. She died in Shelby CO., Ky., about 1863. 3126a. Barlow', born 3 August 1836, died 2 August 1849. 31266. Joseph Alien', bom in Oldham co. (near Lagrange) , Ky., DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 385 3 May 1838 ; married, 4 February 1866, Anna Davis, born 20 April 1850; Uved in Bedford, Trimble co., Ky., and had (besides two who died in infancj') : 1. James AUen®, born 4 April 1868. 2. Jesse Coombs®, bora 13 March 1871. 3. Eliza Jane®, born 21 August 1873. 4. Joseph A.®, born 9 August 1875. David" (1307), son of Levi* and Charity (Stiel) Wentworth, born 20 August 1804 ; married, in Franklin co., Ky., 22 November 1827, Anna Reeves, born in Gallatin co., Ky., 22 October 1809. He died 13 October 1844, at Consolation, Shelby co., Ky. ; she died 9 March 1876, at PleasureviUe, Henry co., Ky. They had : 3127. John', born 15' September 1828. He enUsted in New Orleans, La., 10 December 1847, in Co. A, 12th U. S. Infantry, and served untU 25 July 1848, in the Mexican war. He enlisted, 19 October 1861, in Co. H, 6th Kentucky (U. S.) Vols., and served three j-ears and three months ; was se-p-erelj' wounded at the battle of Chickamauga. He married, 1st, in Macon co.. Mo., 9 August 1855, Elizabeth Branscom, born in Waj'ne co., Kj'., 19 September 1825, died in Macon co.. Mo., 29 October 1859. He married, 2d, in Shelby co., Ky., 19 February 1865, Lucinda Ellen Biggers, born there 20 August 1840. He lived in Bethlehem, Henry co., Ky., and had, bj' his first wife : 1. George Thomas®, born 25 May 1856. 2. Barbara Anna®, born 10 March 1858. John' had, by his second wife : 3. Susan Isabel®, born 2 January 1866. 4. Amanda EUen®, born 27 October 1870. 3128. AngeUna', born 18 November 1829 ; married, in Henry CO., Ky., 15 Febraarj- 1857, Robert T. Biggers, born in Rock bridge CO., Va., 28 May- 1831. They live at PleasureviUe, Henry CO., Kj'. They had (besides three who died in infancy): 1. Mary Belle® Biggers, born 17 November 1857. 2. Lucinda Jane® Biggers, born 19 January 1862. 3. John Lemuels Biggers, born 26 October 1863. 4. Sarah Catherines Biggers, born 12 November 1867. 3129. George Washington', born 1 Febraary 1831 ; married, 20 March 1851, in Henry co., Ky., Nancy Downey, born there 27 April 1829. She died in Shelby co., Ky., 2 February 1853; he died in Bloomington, Macon co.. Mo., 27 May 1854. They had : VOL. n. — 25 386 SIXTH GENERATION. 1. Alien Thomas®, born 23 December 1851 ; married, 10 March 1875, Fanny Miles, born 28 August 1854 ; and had: 1. Robertie*, born 28 Febraary 1876. 3130. Lemuel', bora 15 September 1836 ; married, in Henry CO., Ky., 24 June 1860, Isabel Ruth Steele, born in Franklin co., Ky., 5 August 1838 ; and Uved at Bailey's Store (P. O. Flagfork), Franklin co., Ky. He served one year in the army, war of the RebelUon. They had : 1. Ann Eliza®, born 9 December 1862. 2. Lucy Catherines, born 18 March 1867. 3. CaroUne®, born 12 April 1870. 4. Mary F.®, born 7 December 1871. 5. Lucinda J.®, born 4 November 1873. 6. Jenetta®, born 9 November 1875. 3131. Willis Oliver', born 8 September 1838, died 1 AprU 1859, at PleasureviUe, Henry co., Ky. 3132. Mary Jane', born 21 September 1840 ; married^ in Henry CO., Ky., 3 March 1868, William Grigsby, born in Woodford, co., Ky., 20 October 1826 ; Uved at PleasureviUe, Henry co. He died 2 March 1876. They had (besides one who died in infancy): 1. James Lemuel® Grigsby, born 21 December 1868. 2. Anna Belle® Grigsby, born 26 April 1870. 3. William® Grigsby, born 14 June 1874. 3133. Lucy Catherine', born 5 January 1842, died single, 10 October 1864, at PleasureviUe, Henry co., Ky. 3134. Sarah Frances', born 8 February 1845 ; manied, in Henry co., Ky., 29 November 1870, John W. Simpson, born there 19 October 1844 ; lived at PleasurevUle, Henry co., Ky., and had : 1. Barnett A.® Simpson, born 23 September 1871. 2. Ida Bell® Simpson, born 6 November 1873. 3. Artemisia® Simpson, born 10 January 1876. Oliver Stiel" (1313), son of Levi* and Charity (Stiel) Went worth, born 8 May 1816 ; married, 1st, 15 August 1836, in Indiana, Mary Ann Lewis, who died 9 September 1840 ; 2d, 15 May 1842, at Meredosia, IU., widow Luna Atkin, who died 1 April 1845 ; 3d, at Meredosia, 15 December 1850, Elizabeth Chapman. He was iu Co. A, 12th U. S. Infantry, in the Mexican war. He died at the St. Louis Hospital early in 1859, and is said to have left his family at Meredosia, IU. His widow died about 1872, at Frederick, Schuy ler CO., 111. OUver S." had, bv his first wife : DESCENDANTS OF JOHN® WENTWORTH. 387 3135. Levi', born 9 September 1838, died 15 December 1840. 3136. WUUam', born 10 May 1840, died 5 October 1840. Oliver S." had, by his second wife : 3137. Charity', born 9 July 1843 ; was living at St. Louis, Mo., in 1863. 3138. WilUam Henry', born 5 December 1844, died 25 July 1 845. Stl-vester" (1317), son of John* and Polly (Armstrong) Went worth, bom in 1794 ; married, 8 July 1819, EUzabeth Pettis, of Broome, Prov. Quebec, Canada, bom in 1801 ; lived in Sutton, West Broome, P. Q. She died 16 June 1863. He died 27 August 1866. They had : 3139. Sylvanus', born in Highgate, Vt., 7 September 1824 ; mar ried, in Woodford, Vt., 22 September 1860, widow Jane Louisa (Knapp) MaUory, born in Woodford, Vt., 7 April 1824; Uved there, and had : 1. Helen Ida®, born 13 April 1863. 3140. DrusiUa Anna', born 25 May 1826 ; manied, at Richford, Vt., 17 October 1863, WiUard Burt, born 10 October 1813. He died 5 September 1873. She lived at Sutton Flat, Broome, P. Q., and had : 1. AUnon® Bm-t, born 11 April 1854. 2. Harriet Jane® Burt, bom 15 October 1856. 3. Edna Rowena® Burt, born 18 Febraary 1859, died 18 March 1871. 4. Nettie Louisa® Burt, born 12 March 1861. 3141. Henrjr', born 19 June 1829; manied, in Sudburj', Vt., 30 December 1852, Mary W. Bodfish, born there 8 April 1835. He died 13 November 1873. She lived at Emerson's Station, Sutton, West Broome, P. Q. They had (besides six who died in infancy) : 1. Sarah Elizabeth H.®, born 16 December 1853 ; married, 7 October 1873, Alexander Buchanan, and lived at Dunham Flat, P. Q. 2. Nancy Ann®, born 7 July 1855 ; manied, 12 March 1872, MerriU Westover, and Uved at Emerson's Station, P. Q. 3. Edson Simeon®, bora 7 September 1861. 4. John Ernest®, born 13 AprU 1863. 5. Hattie May®, born 11 June 1866. 6. Ida Emogene®, born 22 July 1869. 3142. Daniel M.', born 23 December 1829 ; married, in Whi- 388 SIXTH GENERATION. ting, Vt., 25 September 1855, Elizabeth A. Hayford, born 28 April 1833 ; Uved in Fitchburg, Mass., and had : 1. Ida May®, born 8 July 1857, died 19 March 1861. 2. Edward S.®, born 29 January 1860. 3. George H.s, born 23 March 1863. 4. Daniel N.s, born 5 December 1865. 3143. Mary Catherine', born 22 August 1834; married, 20 January 1863, Joseph Benjamin RockweU, born in Broome, P. Q., 28 October 1836 ; lived at Sweetsburg, P. Q., and had: 1. Eliza Edith® RockweU, born 23 November 1866. 2. WUUam Addison® RockweU, born 30 October 1873. 3144. James', born 2 September 1839 ; married, 26 May 1868, Lettie Amelia Westover, born 9 Julj- 1847 ; Uved at Knowlton, P. Q., and had (besides one who died in infancy): 1. James Merrill®, born 9 May 1870. 3145. William A.', born 23 August 1844 ; married, 3 Decem ber 1870, Margaret McDonald, born 6 March 1849 ; Uved in Knowl ton, P. Q., and had : 1. Emily Maud®, born 6 December 1872. DESCENDANTS OF GERSHOM® -WENTWORTH. Samuel" (1399), son of Samuel* and Sarah (Colbath) Went worth, born 1 Januarj' 1815; married, 2 Januarj' 1835, Hannah" (1362), daughter of James* (482) Kelsey. They lived in Bristol, Me., and had : 3146. Olive K.', born 22 July 1835, died 20 April 1872. 3147. Enoch', born 4 December 1840 ; enlisted, October 1864, in the 15th Maine Vols., and died at Martinsburgh, Va., 2 Decem ber 1864. Abial" (1 408) , son of James* and Susan (WUliams) Wentworth, born 4 February 1808; married, 20 May 1831, his cousin Mary Ann" (1396), daughter of, Samuel* (489) Wentworth, and lived in Bristol, Me. She died 28 AprU 1872. They had, aU born there : 3148. Edmund', born 20 January 1832 ; married, 13 AprU 1865, Sarah M. Haughwout, of Staten Island, N.Y. ; Uved in Brooklyn, N. Y., and had (besides one who died in infancj-): 1. Edmund Winan®, born 2 AprU 1866. 3149. Sarah C, bora 24 August 1833, died 9 February 1867. DESCENDANTS OF GERSHOM® WENTWORTH. 389 3150. Mary Ann', born 20 April 1835, died 22 January 1864. 3151. Henry NeweU', born 6 June 1837 ; married, 22 Septem ber 1868, Maggie HiU ; lived at Chelsea, Mass., and had : 1. Henry Wilde®, born 11 October 1869. 2. Ida May®, born 13 AprU 1871. 3152. Elizabeth Achsah', born 23 July 1839 ; married, at Kan sas City, Mo., January 1869, Dr. John D. Adams, who moved to Independence, Mo. 3153. William Augustus', born 26 August 1841 , Uved at Green- point, Long Island. 3154. Rosanna A.', born 11 November 1844. 3155. George FrankUn', born 9 January 1847. Arnold Blanet" (1430), son of John* and Hannah (Little) Wentworth, born 20 June 1814 ; manied, 3 April 1844, Mahala' Sheldon, of Camden, Me., daughter of Lydia" (1414) (Richards) Sheldon. They Uved in Searsmont, Me., and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 3156. George A.', born 27 March 1845 ; enUsted in Co. H, 2d Maine Cavalry, and died in service, 14 January 1865, in the U. S. hospital in New York. 3157. Harris R.', bora 8 October 1846, lived in Searsmont, Maine. 3158. Ambrose S.', born 21 Febraary 1849 ; married, 15 Sep tember 1870, his cousin Mary R.', daughter of Thomas L." (1431) Wentworth, and lived in Hope, Me. 3159. Fanny H.', born 27 June 1851 ; married, 1 May 1870, Luther Wyman ; lived in Searsmont, Me., and had : 1. Lizzie® Wyman, born 7 November 1870. 3159a. WUUam R.', bom 8 April 1860. 31596. Adele R.', bom 6 June 1865./ Thomas" (1439) , son of Joshua* and Mary Ann (Norris) Went worth, born in Somersworth, N. H., 25 August 1837 ; married, 16 April 1861, in Lynn, Mass., Sarah Ann Upton; moved to Ray mond, Racine co.,Wis., and afterwards returned to Lynn, Mass. They had (two born in Lynn) : 3160. Anna Louisa', born 1 January 1863. 3161. NelUe Marj'', bom 1 AprU 1864, died in Lynn, 16 June 1875. 3161a. Clarence', born in Raymond, Wis., 1 April 1866. 390 SIXTH GENERATION. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. John" (1446), son of John* and Ann (Blazo) Wentworth, born in Wakefield, N. H., 29 April 1775 ; manied, 14 May 1799, Betsej', daughter of John Patterson, of Saco, Me. He settled in Parsonsfield, Me., and thence moved to Brownfield, Me., in 1802, with his father. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and drew a pension the last two years of his Ufe. He died at Brown field, 23 August 1848; his wife died 6 March 1843. They had (the last four born in Brownfield, Me.): 3162. Ann B.', born in Parsonsfield, Me., 7 April 1800 ; mar ried, 21 October 1821, Ransom Smith, born in Epping, N. H., 11 June 1798. They lived at Kesar FaUs, Hiram, Me., where he died 22 February 1867. She Uves there on the old homestead. They had, all, except the first, born in Hiram : 1. David Fox® Smith, born in Parsonsfleld, Me., 3 May 1823. 2. John R.® Smith, born 10 September 1826 ; married Han nah Huzzy, and had : 1. Mary Esther* Smith. 3. Jacob® Smith, born 6 February 1829 ; was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion, and served through ; lived at Marion Cen tre, Marion co., Kan. 4. Betsey® Smith, born 23 February 1831. 5. Sarah Ann® Smith, born 14 September 1836. 6. Ransom Erastus® Smith, born 21 November 1838 ; served nine months in the war of the Rebellion ; lived at Ebensburgh, Penn. 7. NancyS Smith, born 3 August 1841. 8. Abraham Wentworth® Smith, born 18 October 1843 ; served three years in the war of the Rebellion, and was a pris oner at Andersonville, Ga. ; lived at Johnstown, Penn. 9. Polly® Smith, born 1 September 1846. 3163. Aaron P.', born in Parsonsfield, Me., 9 April 1803. [5054] 3164. John B.', born 5 November 1805. [5063] 3165. Daniel', born 12 November 1807. [5072] 3166. Thankful', born 12 February 1811, died AprU 1812. 3167. Abraham White', born 18 August 1815. [5075] Daniel" (1447), son of John* and Ann (Blazo) Wentworth, born in Wakefield, N. H., in 1777 ; married, in 1800, Eunice Lum- DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 391 ber [Lumbard?], of Sac6, Me. ; settled in Brownfield, Me. ; enlisted in the army, in the war of 1812, with his brother John", and died in Plattsburg, N. Y., in 1813. His widow married John Randall, and moved to the vicinity of Bangor, Me., abont 1820. Daniel" had : 3168. Daniel Lumber', married Peace Fly, and died soon after, childless. 3169. Mary'. 3170. Ruth', born in Porter, Me., 25 March 1808 ; married, January, 1830, John Hamilton, and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Edwin® Hamilton, born 9 October 1832. 2. EmUyS HamUton, born 2 May 1834. 3. Betsey JaneS Hamilton, born 3 October 1840. 4. Josiah® Hamilton, born 14 February 1843. 5. Abby® Hamilton, born 11 August 1846. 6. Cyry M.® HamUton, born 4 March 1849. 3171-2. Urania'. 3173. Nancy', born in Saco, Me., 3 August 1806 ; married, in Harmony, Me., 5 August 1827, Isaac Pease, of WeUington, Me. ; lived last in Parkman, Me., and had, born in Wellington, Me. : 1. Gorham® Pease, born 10 April 1828; married, in Abbot, Me., Leonora Jane Cummins ; is childless. 2. Jerome® Pease, born 3 August 1829 ; married, in Park- man, Me., Orissa Harriet Cole, of Abbot, Me., and had : 1. Frank* Pease, born about 1859. 2. Cora F.* Pease, born about 1863. 3. Mary Jane® Pease, born 8 July 1833 ; married, in Park- man, Me., July 1853, Hiram Osgood MerriU, and had, all born in Parkman : 1. Eflfle Isadore* MeniU, born 3 January 1855. 2. lora Estelle* MerriU, bora 27 February 1856. 3. Everett Idan* MerriU, born 25 December 1859. 3174. Eunice', married Bickford, and had a daughter who married Atkins, of South Dover, Me. Josiah" (1451), son of Josiah* and Abiah (Cook) Wentworth, born in Rochester, N. H., 24 May 1780; married, 25 June 1802, Rosannah Horne, of Milton, N. H., born 14 July 1781. He died 12 August 1855, at New Durham, N. H. ; she died at South Wolfe borough, N. H., 10 September 1872. They had (the first four born in Rochester, the others in New Durham, N. H.): 392 SIXTH GENERATION. 3175. Ira', born 26 November 1802, died in New Durham, 27 AprU 1842. 3176. George', born 15 January 1804. [5077]' 3177. Lavinia', born 2 September 1805 ; manied, 26 August 1829, John B. York, of Middleton, N. H., and had (the first four born in New Durham, N. H.): 1. John F.® York, born 3 December 1829. 2. George H. D.® York, born 15 May 1833 ; married, 3 Sep tember 1852, Mary Jane Copp, of Ipswich, Mass. He enlisted in the 7tli N. H. Vols., and was killed at Bermuda Hundred, 18 June 1864. They had two children who died young. 3. Hannah Y.® York, born 14 August 1836 ; married, in Dover, N. H., 14 July 1856, Eleazer A. Johnson, of Amesbury, Mass., and died at Manchester, N. H., 4 March 1862. They had one child, who died young. 4. Lavinia® York, born 9 October 1837 ; married in Roches ter, N. H., 4 August 1863, Charles H. Storer, of Wells, Me. 5. Simeon Dana® York, bom 21 Januarj' 1842, in Dover, N. H. ; married, 28 November 1866, Mary E. Keith, of Dover, N. H., and had: 1. Alice L.* York, born in Dover, N. H., 16 August 1871. 3178. Sarah', born 8 September 1808 ; married Ira Andrews, of Biddeford, Me., 12 August 1832. She died 14 June 1850, leaving three sons and one daughter. 3179. Ephraim S.', born 20 March 1810, died single, 27 Novem ber 1849. 3180. Rebecca', born 4 November 1812 ; married, 25 Decem ber 1844, Timothy Hoj't, and Uved in Dover, N. H. She died, and he married, 2d, Mehitable Chapman. Rebecca' had : 1. George F.s Hoyt. 3181. Eleanor', born 20 April 1813 ; married, 3 August 1843, Moses Edgerly, and died childless. 3182. Josiah', born 14 April 1815 ; married, 17 October 1836, Betsey Ann Lucas, of Alton, N. H., born there 17 August 1812. They lived in South Wolfeborough, N. H., where she died 3 AprU 1872. They had, aU born in Wolfeborough, except as mentioned: 1. Almena Sarah®, born 11 April 1837; married, in Dover, N. H., 16 June 1861, Joseph Bunker, of New Durham, N. H. 2. Ellen Elvira®, born in Alton, N. H., 12 November 1838, died in Wolfeborough, N. H., 31 May 1853. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 393 3. James FrankUn®, born in Alton, N. IL, 10 November 1840; married, 12 January 1870, Salome SmaUbridge ; and died at Detroit, Mich., 2 February 1873. 4. Ira AlvenS, born in Alton, N. H., 22 March 1843, died at Wolfeborough, 13 October 1847. 5. Susan Adelaide®, born 18 August 1845 ; married, in Wolfe borough, 26 November 1870, John T. Burns, of Troy, N. Y., and had : 1. James E. Wentworth* Burns, born at South Wolfe borough, N. H., 9 December 1872. 6. Jennie Mary®, born 8 June 1847 ; married, at South Wolfe borough, 17 February 1872, Levi C. Cooper, of Dover, N. H. 7. Hannah Ellen®, born 17 October 1848. 8. Ira Alven®, born in New Durham, N. H., 13 Novem ber 1850 ; married, 25 January 1873, EUen M. Palmer, of Tuf tonborough, N. H. 9. John Henry®, born 3 June 1852. 10. Clarence Cooper®, born 11 December 1854, died in Dover, N. H., 27 November 1874. 3183. Hannah', born 3 April 1817 ; married, 3 May 1849, Asa Edgerly, both of New Durham. They had : 1. Sarah .Jane®, born 30 August 1856. 3184. Richard P.', born 10 November 1819; married, 1st, 13 April 1845, Sarah Jane Ricker, who died childless, in Dover, N. H., 8 July 1849, aged 29 ; 2d, 13 AprU 1856, Sarah Ann Smart, of Durham, N.H. He died in Dover, N. H., 27 May 1866. He had, bj' his second wife (besides two who died in infancj') : 1. Nettie Isabel®, born 31 August 1866. 3185. Mary Jane', born 1 May 1822, died in New Durham, N. H., single, 22 June 1871. Stephen" (1452), son of Josiah* and Abiah (Cook) Wentworth ; married Elizabeth Clements, and died at Hallowell, Me. His widow married a sea-captain, and died. The following is from the Probate records of York co.. Me. : " Betsey Wentworth, of Berwick, Me., made guardian of Cordelia, Charles, and Stephen Wentworth, chil dren under fourteen years of age, of Stephen Wentworth, late of Rochester, N. H." They were : 3186. CordeUa', married, 27 December 1851, WUUam Knight; lived at South Berwick, Me. He died there, 23 October 1862, childless. She married, 2d, 13 October 1867, John S. Fenner, 394 SIXTH GENERATION. who died 7 March 1871, aged 70 j'ears, childless. She lived at South Berwick Junction, Me. 3187. Stephen', died in South Berwick, Me., aged two j'ears. 3188. Charles', born in HaUoweU, Me., 23 September 1809. [5083] Thomas" (1456), son of Isaac* and Abigail (Nutter) Wentworth, born 7 Februarj' 1779 ; married, 25 December 1806, Lydia Odi orne,* of Rochester, N. H., born in 1791. He died in Rochester, N. H., 6 July 1867 ; she died there, 19 April 1857. They had : 3189. Isaac', born 8 October 1807. [5084] 3190. Lewis B.', born 31 December 1809. [5087] 3191. Betsey', born 4 June 1812, died 15 March 1814. 3192. Daniel', born 3 September 1814. [5094] 3193. Charies Weslej'', born in Rochester, N. H., 27 May 1818; married, 1st, 29 March 1842, Lavinia Tibbetts Clarke, of Barrington, N. H., who died 4 September 1861, childless. He married, 2d, 28 February 1862, Angie Graj' Thompson, of Man chester, Mass. ; Uved at HaverhiU, IVCass., and had (besides one who died in infancj') : 1. Harriet Lavinia®, born 12 December 1862. 2. Ida Josie®, born 17 September 1869. 3194. Thomas D.', born 12 March 1824. [5096] Daniel" (Rev.) (1459), son of Isaac* and Abigail (Nutter) Wentworth, born 16 July 1783 ; was a Methodist clergyman. He married. May 1814, Elizabeth Holt, of Bangor, Me., born 30 Sep tember 1796. He died at Skowhegan, Me., 20 October 1869. They had : 3195. Selden' (Rev.), born 20 April 1816. [5098] 3196. Hester Ann', born 20 November 1817; married, 11 March 1847 (his second wife) , Dr. WiUiam Snow, of Skowhegan, Maine. 3197. EUzabeth Craig', born 22 November 1819 ; married, 11 January 1847, WiUiam E. Whitcomb, of Sweden, Me. ; Uved in Fryeburg, Me., and had: 1. WiUiam Henry® Whitcomb, born 6 July 1850. 2. Ida® Whitcomb, born 16 June 1852. 3. Fremont® Whitcomb, born 13 October 1856. 4. Florences Whitcomb, born 5 November 1861. * See Odiorne Genealogy, page 108. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 395 3198. Daniel', born 8 October 1822 ; is single. 3199. Henry Craig,' born 8 June 1825 ; graduated at Wesleyan University 1852. He was a lawyer, at Livermore Falls, Me. ; was second lieutenant, Co. D, 23d Maine Vols., war of the Rebellion. He was a member of the Maine Legislature in 1861 and 1862. He married, 25 November 1860, Martha Sprague, of Pembroke. Me., and had : 1. Grace®, born 16 September 1868. 3200. David Kilbourn', born 15 July 1827. 3201. Mary Fletcher', born 10 September 1828, died 5 Sep tember 1869. 3202. Cynthia HaskeU', born 8 April 1830 ; married, 27 Janu ary 1861, Charles W. Snow, M. D., of Skowhegan, Me., born 13 August 1834. He was son of Dr. William Snow who married (2d) her sister Hester Ann'. Cynthia H.' died 18 July 1863. She had one child, who died in infancy. 3203. Charles Wesley', born 5 April 1832. [5104] 3204. John Wesley', born 23 June 1835. 3205. Thomas FrankUn', born 22 March 1839. He was in the 2d Maine Vols., and died in service, 24 May 1864, at Fredericks burg, Va. Richard" (1461), son of Isaac* and Abigail (Nutter) Went worth, bom in Rochester, N. H., 14 January 1789 ; lived in Dover, N. H. He married, 3 January 1814, Betsey Brodhead, born in Smithfield, Northampton co.. Pa., 15 AprU 1787, daughter of Capt. Luke Brodhead, of that place, a soldier of the Revolution, and sister of Hon. John Brodhead, late of Newmarket, N. H. She died at Newmarket, October 1867 ; he died in Dover, N. H., 18 February 1854. They had (born in Bristol, N. H., except the first and last) : 3206. EUzabeth H.', born 5 December 1814, in Rochester, N. H. 3207. OUve C, born 2 October 1816; married, April 1841, Jeremiah Sanborn, of Epping, N. H., and had, aU born in Epping, N. H. : 1. Haniet EUzabeth® Sanborn, born 13 September 1843. 2. Sarah Brodhead® Sanborn, born 22 June 1845. 3. John B. Wentworth® Sanborn, born 3 November 1847. 3208. Mehitable', bora 1 April 1820, died 16 December 1828. 3209. John Brodhead', born 29 August 1823. [5106] 3210. Harriet Newell', born 14 AprU 1828 ; married, Novem ber 1867, Capt. Moses PettingiU, jr., of Newburyport, Mass. 396 SIXTH GENERATION. 3211. Hiram Romaine', born in Dover, N. H., 16 May 1830; lived single, in South Newmarket, N. H. Benjamin" (1465), son of Paul* and Hannah (Smith) Wentworth, born 23 November 1762 ; married, 8 September 1791, Mercy, daughter of Jacob Lord, of Berwick, Me. She was born in 1769 ; was sister to Lydia Lord who married Richard" (1524) Wentworth. Benjamin" died 16 April 1817; his widow married, 2 July 1826, Daniel Keay. She died August 1847 ; had no children by her second marriage. Benjamin" had : 3212. Paul', born 31 December 1792. [5115] 3213. Mercy', born 31 March 1794, died 14 May 1817. 3214. Jacob', born 14 July 1796. [5127] 3215. Benjamin', born 13 August 1798. [5135] 3216. Polly', born 7 October 1800; married, 1st, 1 Novem ber 1821, Oliver Staples; 2d, 1 June 1832, his cousin Nathaniel Staples. They lived in Belgrade, Me. She died there, 8 March 1870. She had : 1. Daniel W.® Staples, Uved at Springfield, Vt. 2. Roxanna® Staples, lived at Springfield, Vt. 3217. John', born 22 February 1803, died 2 January 1832. 3218. Reuben', born 13 September 1806. [51386] 3219. Daniel', born 11 November 1808, died 14 May 1817. 3220. Samuel', born 8 June 1811. [5147] 3221. Hannah', born 14 June 1814; married, 12 December 1836, Ezekiel Ricker, of Lebanon, Me. ; lived there, and had: 1. James A.® Ricker, born 19 July 1838 ; married, 4 Octo ber 1860, JuUet , and died 5 February 1870. They had: 1. Florietta* Ricker, born 3 September 1861. 2. Augusta A.® Ricker, born 14 March 1840. 3. Nancy J.® Ricker, born 23 February 1847. John" (1466), son of Paul* and Hannah (Smith) Wentworth, bora in 176- ; settled in Ellsworth, Me. He was in the Revolu tionary army. He married, 1st, Sarah Young, of Surry, Me. They separated, and she married, 2d, JeUison ; lived at EUsworth ViUage, Me., and had John JelUson, who married and had three children. John" married, 2d, Lydia Fletcher, of Ellsworth, Me., in 1793, when she was about nineteen years of age. He died 18 June 1824, in Belmont, Me., on his way home after securing a pen sion. His widow, who drew a pension, lived with her daughter DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 397 Hannah', at Brewer, Me., and died there 19 January 1853, aged 79 J-ears. John" had, by his first wife : 3222. John', born 23 March 1792. [5153] John" had, by his second wife : 3223. Martha', born 1794; she married (his second wife) Samuel Bonsey, of Ellsworth, Me., born February 1783, died 31 July 1856. She died 20 September 1856. They had : 1. Charlotte® Bonsey, born 15 October 1827 ; married Charles Lord. He is dead. She lived in EUsworth, Me. 2. Harriet® Bonsey, born 11 May 1829 ; married Reuben Treworgj', and had : 1. AUce* Treworgy, born 1849. 2. EUen Mary* Treworgy, born 1850. 3. Charles* Treworgy, born 1852. 4. FrankUn* Treworgy, born 1854, Uved at EUsworth, Maine. 3. Almira® Bonsey, born 10 November 1831 ; married Love Joy ; Uved in Boston, Mass., and had : 1. EmUy* Joy, born 1851. 2. George W.* Joy, born 1853. 3. Marian* Joy, born 1855. 3224. WiUiam', died single, in Calais, Me., aged 24. 3225. Mark', bom 5 November 1801. [5173] 3226. Hiram', born 1810 ; went to Boston in 1831, and shipped for New Orleans in a vessel, which has never been heard from. 3227. Hannah', born in EUsworth, Me., 8 September 1798; married, 12 December 1822, Jonathan H. Foss, born in New Dur ham, N. H., 29 July 1796. She was living in EUsworth, Me., in 1871. They had, the first three born in Ellsworth, Me. : 1. AbigaU® 'Foss, bom 27 July 1823; married, 17 Febru ary 1846, George P. BramhaU, and lived in Brewer, Me. 2. Mary Ann® Foss, born 26 March 1825; married, 1st, 15 December 1847, Luther Sargent, who was lost at sea 16 April 1854 ; 2d, 19 October 1858, Alfred GUmore Fickett. She had, by her first husband : 1. OUve* Sargent, born in Brewer, Me., 28 May 1848, died there, 16 July 1870. 2. Frederick S.* Sargent, born in Brewer, Me., 8 April 1853 ; lived there. Mary Ann® had, by her second husband (besides one who died in infancy) : 398 SIXTH GENERATION. 3. Alfred Ervin* Fickett, born 17 June 1859. 4. Henry Scott* Fickett, born 19 October 1867. 3. Hannah W.® Foss, born 24 January 1829 ; married, in Bangor, Me., 13 September 1852, Lewis Carlow ; lived in Brewer, Me., and bad: 1. Edwin* Carlow, born in Brewer, Me., 26 Septem ber 1853. 2. Hiram Albert* Carlow, born in Brewer, Me., 15 May 1858. 3. George Wilbur9 Carlow, born in Hoklen, Me., 15 May 1860. 4. Isabel® Foss, born in Amherst, Me., 2 June 1831 ; mar ried, in Brewer, Me., 31 Maj' 1863, Lewis Lambert. He was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion, and was killed in front of Petersburg, Va., 21 June 1864. 5. Hiram® Foss, born in Clifton, Me., 22 May 1834 ; lost at sea -with Luther Sargent, husband of his sister Mary Ann®, 16 April 1854. 6. Martha B.® Foss, born in Amherst, Me., 27 October 1838 ; married, in Brewer, Me., 26 April 1862, George M. Harlow, and died 2 June 1864. 3228. Lydia', died j'oung, in Bangor, Me. 3229. Abigail', died in Ellsworth Me., aged 12 years. George" (1467), son of Paul* and Hannah (Smith) Wentworth, born in Lebanon, Me., 9 June 1777; manied, 26 August 1802, Lydia Nute,' of Milton, N. H. ; moved to Bartlett, N. H., after wards to Lake Village, Meredith, N. H., thence to Jackson, N. H., where he died 27 May 1860. She died 15 June 1853. They had (besides one who died in infancy) : 3230. John Tuttle', born 2 January 1803. [5175] 3231. James', born in Jackson, N. H., 9 December 1808 ; mar ried, 10 March 1834, Lydia Cole Emory, of Bartlett, N. H. They lived at Bartlett Centre, N. H., where she died 13 January 1868. They had, aU born in Bartlett (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. James RileyS, born 9 October 1836; married, 1st, 5 AprU 1860, Almira Deering, of Bartlett, N. H., who died 27 April 1865 ; 2d, 13 September 1866, Martha, daughter of Wil Uam Swett, and sister to Benjamin Swett who married (first husband) his sister Hannah S.s, and cousin to Frank R. Swett, her second husband. James R.s died at Brownfield, Me., 21 January 1875. He had, by his first wife : DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 399 1. Cora BelP, born 27 December 1861. 2. Estelle9, born 14 December 1863. James R.® had, by his second wife : 3. Florence9, born 21 February 1867. 4. Almira9, born 25 November 1872. 2. Hannah Smith®, born 24 February 1838 ; manied, 1st, 6 September 1861, Benjamin Swett, son of William Swett, and brother to Martha Swett, second wife of her brother James R.® He died 28 January 1871. She married, 2d, 26 February 1873, Frank R. Swett, of Bartlett, N. H., cousin to her first husband, and had one chUd who died in infancy. She had, bj' her first husband (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Florabella* Swett, bora 3 June 1862. 2. Roscoe* Swett, born 5 December 1863. 3. George Nelson* Swett, born 14 December 1866. 3. Marj- Ann®, born 6 October 1841 ; married Paul Hayes, of Jackson, N. H., 19 May 1863, and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Ida May* Hayes, bom 19 September 1863. 2. Almon Wallace* Hayes, born 25 August 1865. 3. Viola* Hayes, born 22 February 1869. 4. Josephine* Hayes, born 23 December 1872. 4. Charles Freeman®, ~born 19 June 1845 ; married Lydia Abbott, of Jackson, N. IL, 25 March 1872, and had: 1. Annie Cole*, born 15 June 1874. 2. Albertia*, born 26 November 1875. 5. Wilbur Fisk®, born 4 April 1848 ; married Hattie Bur bank, of Conway, N. H., 13 January 1874 ; lived in Brownfield, Me., and had: 1. EflSe May*, born 23 January 1876. 6. EsteUe®, born 21 February 1855, died 3 December 1863. 3232. Nancy', born 28 September 1819 ; married, in 1843, Myron Gray ; Uved at Lake Village, Meredith, N. H., and had : 1. George® Graj-, born 13 September 1845. 2. Charles HenryS Gray, born 24 August 1851. Daniel" (1468), son of Paul* and Hannah (Smith) Wentworth, born 16 July 1773, at Berwick, Me. ; married, 19 September 1793, his second cousin Patience" (1520), daughter of Nathaniel* Went worth, of Berwick, Me. He died at Campton, N. H., 22 February 1817. His widow married Deacon Gideon HiU, of Ellsworth, 400 SIXTH GENERATION. N. H., who was a Representative from that town. She survived him, and died there, 24 Februarj' 1857. Daniel" had : 3233. Hannah', born in Milton, N. H., 10 February 1794, died in Woodstock, N. H., 22 November 1815. 3234. Nathaniel', born in New Durham, N. H. [5180] 3235. Frederick', born 10 November 1798. [5181] 3236. Elizabeth', born at Wolfeborough, N. H., 1 January 1800 ; married, 4 December 1826, Robert Taylor, of Derry, N. H. ; moved to Chicago, 111., and had : 1. Lucy A. L.® Taylor, born 2 October 1827; married, 5 February 1857, WiUiam Boardman Shute, of Derry, N. H. ; hved in Chicago, IU., and had : 1. WUliam Boardman* Shute, born 20 February 1864. 2. Herbert Wentworth* Shute, born 11 AprU 1866. 2. Frederick W.® Taylor, born 4 December 1829 ; lived in Lawrence, Mass. He married, 1st, 27 Febraary 1851, Lj-dia A. Skinner, who died 2 February 1862 ; 2d, 24 January 1863, Helen E. McKenney. He had, by his first wife : 1. Cora Augusta9 Taylor, born in Lynn, Mass., 15 De cember 1851. 3. Helen A.® Taj'lor, born 10 November 1832, died 23 June 1834. 3237. Patience', born 7 October 1802 ; married, in 1823, Gil man Seavej', of Campton, N. H., and lived at Nashua, N. H., where he died Maj' 1867. They had : 1. Dorus T.® Seavej-, born 6 June 1826 ; married Hannah Lake, and went to CaUfornia. They had : 1. Frank Wentworth* Seavey. 2. Emma W.* Seavey. 2. Frank Alanson® Seavey, born 31 August 1829 ; married Eliza Wright; Uved in Worcester, Mass., and had (besides one who died in hifancj-) : 1. Clara Osborn* Seavey, bom 18 April 1852. 2. Emma* Seavey, born 6 December 1858. 3. Oscar F.® Seavey, bom 2 September 1831 ; married, Feb ruary 1858, Emily Trow ; lived at Amesbury, Mass., and had: 1. Emma* Seavey, born 10 July 1859. 4. Fayette G.® Seavey, born 27 October 1836. 5. JuUa F.® Seavey, born 22 July 1842 ; married Joseph W. Webster ; lived at St. Johnsbury, Vt., and had : 1. Gilmanetta S.* Webster, bom 2 September 1866. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 401 2. Frank A.* Webster, born June 1871. 3238. Daniel', born at Alton, N. H., 10 August 1804 ; married Susan Pingree, of Littleton, Mass. ; removed to Waj'ne, Du Page CO., IU., where he left his family to go to California, whence he was heard from about 1865. His wife and children resided at Xenia, DaUas co. , Iowa. He had : 1. Daniel®, married, and he and wife both died about the same time, childless. 2. Jerome®, was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion. 3. Augustus®, Uved at Eldora, Hardin co., Iowa ; is married. 4. CaroUne Maria®, manied Gustavus Hammond, and had one child, who died in infancy. She died in 1861. 3239. John', born 1 August 1806. [5182] 3240. ParmeUa', born in Thornton, N. IL, 13 September 1808 ; manied, in 1828, Ralph Woods, of Westford, Mass., who died September 1847, at Brady, Mich. ; she died 1 Febraary 1855, in Lawrence, Mass. They had : 1. Emerson® Woods, married Fanny Joy ; lived in Lawrence, Mass., and had : 1. EUzabeth Taylor* Woods. 2. Arthur Tenney* Woods. 2. ParmeUa® Woods, married Charles Sumner Robinson ; lived in Lowell, Mass., and bad (besides one who died in in fancy) : 1. Etta Eldora* Robinson. 2. Charles Eugene* Robinson. 3241. Lewis', born in Thornton, N. IL, 26 May 1810, died 17 December 1813. 3242. Paul', bora in Campton, N. H., 30 March 1812, died there, 22 January 1816. 3243. Enoch', born in Campton, N. H., 17 November 1813, died there 6 Febraary 1816. / Ichabod" (1474), son of Noah* and Judith (Wooster) Went worth, born in Berwick, Me., March 1774 ; married Rhoda Beny, of Gardiner, Me., and settled there. He moved to Vassalborough, Me., about 1835. His wife died 7 September 1848, aged 69 ; he died 3 April 1855, at the house of his daughter Mrs. Lydia Ann' Lyon. Thej' had, all born in Gardiner : 3244. Elizabeth', born 6 Febraary 1799 ; married, in Gardiner, 11 December 1817, George Cox, of that place, bom in Dorchester, VOL. n. — 26 402 SIXTH GENERATION. Mass., 12 October 1793 ; lived at Brown's Corner, Vassalborough, Me., to which place he moved in 1826. Was at one time Repre sentative in the State Legislature. He died 25 August 1870. She lived in 1874 near Riverside post-ofHce, Vassalborough, Me. They had : 1. George Washington® Cox, born in Gardiner, Me., 18 Octo ber 1819, died in Vassalborough, Me., 12 November 1842. 2. Mary EUzabeth® Cox, bora in Gardiner, Me., 2 Febru ary 1822 ; married, in Vassalborough, Me., in 1850, Alexander Hall, of that place, and had : 1. William Alexander* Hall, born 7 January 1851. 3. Julia Wentworth® Cox, born in Gardiner, Me., 26 Febru ary 1825 ; married, 11 December 1846, Edwin F. Hoyt. He enlisted, 8 December 1863, in Co. B, 2d Maine Cavalry, and died 29 February 1864, at home. They had : 1 . George Cox* Hoji;, born 9 February 1848 ; enlisted, 8 December 1863, in Co. B, 2d Maine Cavalry, with his father, and died at New Orleans, 26 July 1864. 4. Ellen Maria® Cox, bora in Vassalborough, Me., 27 May 1827, died there 26 May 1845. 5. Quincy Adams® Cox, born in Vassalborough, Me., 8 April 1830 ; married there, 1st, November 1850, Caroline M. McCaus- land, of Augusta, Me. ; 2d, 15 May 1857, Helen Ingraham, of Augusta, Me., and died in Vassalborough, Me., 9 June 1868. He had, by his first wife : 1. John Quincj'9 Cox, born in Augusta, Me., 26 May 1851. 2. George* Cox, born in Vassalborough, Me., 28 Au gust 1853. 3. Ellen Maria* Cox, born in Vassalborough, Me., 18 October 1855. Quincj' A.s had, by his second wife : 4. Caroline Matilda* Cox, born 18 November 1859. 5. Mary Elizabeth* Cox, born 3 November 1862. 6. WiUiam EugeneS Cox, born 30 April 1837 ; married, in Winslow, Me., 23 February 1862, SybU Ann Wood, of Winslow. He enlisted, 8 December 1863, in Co. B, 2d Maine Cavalry ; dis charged, for sickness, 5 April 1864. They had : 1. Lizzie* Cox, born in Winslow, Me., 9 February 1864. 3245. John', born 16 May 1804. [5188] 3246. JuUette', born 30 October 1808 ; married, in Gardiner, DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 403 8 January 1832, Zachariah Withee, born in Industry, Me., 4 March 1800; lived in Boston, Mass., and had, aU born in Indus try, except Blanche® (besides two who died in infancy) : ' 1. JuUa Ann® Withee, born 18 November 1835 ; married, in Farmington, Me., 28 March 1864, George Henry MiUs, bora in Paxton, Mass., 4 March 1834. They Uved in Boston, and had, born there : 1 . George Henry* MiUs, born 19 April 1865. 2. Charles Cunningham* Mills, born 1 March 1871. 2. Josiah Wentworth® Withee, born 21 December 1837 ; mar ried, in Boston, Mass., 4 March 1869, EmiUe Gardner, born in Wiscasset, Me., 4 July 1837, and lived in Boston. 3. Edward Augustus® Withee, born 25 March 1840 ; lived in Boston, single. 4. Blanche® Withee, born in Gardiner, Me., 9 April 1845; married, in Albany, N. Y., 6 October 1869, Henry Woodman, born at Pound Ridge, N. Y., 9 May 1840, and Uved in Boston, Mass. He is an architect and civil engineer. 3247. Noah', born 27 February 1810. [5194] 3248. Josiah Berry', born 11 June 1812. [5196^¦] 3249. Lydia Ann', born June 1817; lived in Vassalborough, Me., ; married PUny Lyon, and died manj' j-ears since. Parker" (1482) , son of Samuel* and Lj'dia (GoweU) Wentworth, born April 1773 ; married Mehitable Colt, whose mother's second husband was Perkins. Parker" moved to Saco, Me., about 1797, where he died March 1806. His widow married Richard Patterson, of Saco, Me., and lived in Albion, Me. Parker" had: 3250. Sarah', born May 1798 ; married, 1st, Benjamin Hall, and lived in Biddeford, Me. ; 2d, Ebenezer Scammon, and lived in Saco, Me. She had, by her first husband : 1. Joseph A.® HaU. 2. Benjamin T.® HaU. 3. George W.® HaU. 4. Ellen M.® Hall. 3251. Samuel H.', born 4 March 1801. [5197] 3252. Nathaniel C, born 1803 ; was lost at sea, about 1831. 3253. Hannah', bom 1805 ; married George Roberts, and lived in Limerick, Me. 3254. Mary', born 1806 ; married Tristram Foss, of Saco, Me., and died there about 1832. 404 SIXTH GENERATION. Paul" (1485), son of Samuel* and Lydia (GoweU) Wentworth, born 9 June 1780 ; married, 15 November 1807, his second cousin Ruth" (1528) , daughter of Richard* (526) Wentworth, born 12 May 1778. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. He lived at Cran berry Meadow, in Berwick, Me., about four miles from Great Falls, N. H., and died 9 November 1857. She died there, 3 March 1867. They had : 3255. Mary', born 8 December 1808 ; married, 17 September 1827, Parker C. Smith, of Sandwich, N. H., born about 1800, and Uved in Boston, Mass. He died about 1852 ; she died in Boston, Mass., 20 January 1876. They had (besides one who died in in fancj') : 1. Nancj'® Smith, born in Portsmouth, N. H., 20 March 1833 ; married, 15 September 1862, George W. Foss, and Uved in Pennsylvania. 2. William H.® Smith, born in Portsmouth, N. H., 9 Decem ber 1835 ; married Olivia Jenkins, and had : 1. Harry* Smith, born 7 June 1855. 2. Paul Wentworth* Smith, born 8 October 1857. 3. Lizzie* Smith, born 14 May 1863. 4. Lucy* Smith, born 2 March 1867. 3. James C.® Smith, born in Berwick, Me., 15 March 1839 ; married, November 1863, Luella (Hurd), daughter of Hartford Hurd, of Lynn, Mass., and widow of George G.' (4255) Went worth, and lived at Natick, Mass. He enlisted in Co. I, 14th Mass. Vols., and was in Libby Prison, Richmond, thirty days. He died in Natick, Mass., 14 January 1876. He had : 1. Winnie* Smith, born 31 October 1870. 3256. Parker', born 9 January 1810; lived at home, and died single in 1866. 3257. Samuel', born 30 August 1812 ; married, and his wife is dead. He went to sea; was living in Boston, Mass., when last heard from. Thej' had : . 1. Susan®. 2. (Sow®, killed in the war of the RebelUon. 3258. Clark', born 21 January 1815. He was in the U. S. ship Pennsylvania, in 1850, and died single, at Norfolk, Va., from a fall upon the ship. 3259. Lydia', bora 12 October 1818 ; married, at Berwick, Me., 6 September 1840, James H. Scofield, of Walcottville, Conn. ; lived in Westford, R. I., and had : DESCENDANTS OP EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 405 1. Haniet® Scofield ; and one other. 3260. OUver', born 18 January 1821. [5203] ' > 3261. Harriet E.', born 9 October 1823, died at LoweU, Mass., 23 March 1846. 3262. Joseph H.', born 9 AprU 1826 ; was three years in Co. D, 7th New Hampshire Vols. ; lived at Gonic ViUage, Rochester, N. H., single. 3263. Eunice F.', born 16 November 1828 ; manied Edward C. Berick, and Uved in Cambridgeport, Mass., childless. 3264. George E.', born 5 February 1830 ; Uved at Cambridge- port, Mass., single. 3265. Nathaniel', born 22 April 1833 ; was one year in Co. D, 15th Maine Vols. ; Uved single, in Berwick, Me. Andre-w® (1487), son of Samuel* and Lj'dia (GoweU) Went worth, born at Berwick, Me., 31 August 1789 ; went to New York State in 1813 ; married, 8 Februarj' 1815, Ruth Spooner, of Swe den (Clarkson P. O.), Monroe co., N. Y. ; lived at East Kendall, Orleans co., N. Y. They had : 3266. SybU', bom 25 March 1816 ; manied, 1st, at Union, Monroe co., N. Y., 10 October 1850, James B. Noyes, and moved to Annawam, IU., where he died 15 November 1860 ; 2d, at East KendaU, N. Y., 24 March 1870, her cousin Parker W.' Horne, born 25 AprU 1798, son of Eunice" (1480) (Wentworth) Horne. He was of Farmington, N. H., and they lived there. She had, by her first husband : 1. MaryS Noyes, born 21 November 1855. 2. Hem-j' James® Noyes, born 7 April 1858. 3267. Lydia L.', born 17 January 1818, died 20 March 1819. 3268. Chauncey', born 1 April 1820. [5205a] 3269. Louisa L.', born 27 June 1822 ; married, 2 December 1849, Charles F. Randall, of Union, Monroe co., N. Y., and had (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. Harriet L.® RandaU, born 18 July 1853, died 11 April 1868. 2. Fannie R.® Randall, born 8 September 1859. 3270. Seth Monroe', born 4 November 1824, died 8 April 1831. 3271. George', bom 3 April 1827, died 28 May 1830. 3272. Eunice H.', born 1 June^l830 ; manied, 27 October 1852, Marcelan Smith, of Union, N. Y. , where they Uved ; and had : 1. Andrew J.® Smith, born 10 September 1853. 406 SIXTH GENERATION. 2. Mary E.® Smith, born 20 August 1858. 3273. Haniet E.', born 30 AprU 1833 ; married, 27 AprU 1859, Henry Noyes, of Clarkson, N. Y., who died 22 January 1867, childless. She lives with her father. 3274. Mary R.', born 27 November 1835 ; married, 7 March 1860, George Austin, of East KendaU, N. Y. He enUsted in the 180th New York Vols., 6 September 1862, and was IdUed in the battle of the Wilderness, 5 May 1864, chUdless. She Uves -with her father. 3275. Andrew', born 19 December 1837, died 8 October 1840. 3276. Helen S.', born 19 November 1842 ; married, 26 Janu ary 1870, WilUam Henry BilUngs, and lived at East KendaU, N. Y. Timothy" (1488), son of Samuel* and Lydia (GoweU) Went worth, bom 12 January 1786 ; married, 18 January 1816, AbigaU, , daughter of Joab Black, born 26 February 1796. (Joab Black was born in 1748, in York, Me. ; was at the battle of Bunker HiU, and elsewhere in the Revolutionary war, and died in North Yarmouth, Me., in 1822.) Timothy" Uved in Albion, Me., and died there, 11 Febraary 1843. She died 31 August 1866. They had (besides two who died in infancy) : • 3277. WUUam', born 7 May 1818. [5207a] 3278. Lj'dia', bom 25 December 1820 ; married, 15 October 1842, Charles W. Jackson, born in Unity, Me., 22 July 1815; lived in Albion, Me., and had : 1. George M.® Jackson, born 25 December 1844; married, 29 October 1870, Josephine ColUe, of Albion, Me. 2. John Albert® Jackson, born 5 November 1850. 3279. Emily', born in Albion, Me., 13 AprU 1822 ; married, 30 March 1843, Robert W. Hawes, born in Grafton, N. H., 3 Jan uary 1816. They lived in Albion, Me., then removed to Troy, Me. They had, the first six born in Albion, Me. : , 1. Timothy W.® Hawes, born 31 January 1844. 2. Charles W.® Hawes, born 7 December 1846. 3. Lizzie E.® Hawes, born 17 August 1849. 4. George E.® Hawes, born 8 August 1851. 5. Walter E.® Hawes, born 3 May 1853. 6. Abbie M.® Hawes, born 1 October, 1855. 7. Frederick M.® Hawes, born in Troy, Me., 8 September 1859. 8. Edward E.® Hawes, born in Troy, Me., 5 March 1862. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 407 3280. Lyman', bom 31 January 1826 ; married, 12 February 1851, Sarah F.®, daughter of Mary' (FaU) Abbott, and grand daughter of John and Dorcas" (1479) (Wentworth) FaU. Lyman' died 17 February 1860, childless. His widow married, 2d, Albert Hasey ; lived in Albion, Me., and had one daughter. 3281. Timothj-', born in Albion, Me., 22 June 1828 ; married, 10 June 1856, Almira S. Pierce, bora 28 March 1835. They removed to WaterviUe, Me., in 1868, and had two daughters, who died young. 3282. John F.', born in Albion, Me., 21 July 1830; married, 1st, 25 May 1854, Catherine C. Webb, of Albion, Me., who died 23 January 1855 ; 2d, 15 October 1864, Harriet E. Hasey, of Albion, Me., born 18 August 1836 ; Uved in Kenduskeag, Me., and had, born there : 1. Frederick H.®, born 20 June 1867. 2. Frank T.s, born 6 June 1869. 3283. George', born 1 September 1834 ; married, 15 Novem ber 1856, Ellen D. Libbey, of China, Me., born in Albion, Me., 1 June 1837. They lived in China, Me. He enUsted in 1861 in Co. F, 3d Maine Vols., served one year, and was discharged for disabiUty. She died in 1876. They had : 1. NeUie M.®, born 20 August 1858. 2. Alton®, born 24 May 1863. 3. George F.®, born 21 June 1867. 3284. Charles F.', born 13 October 1836; married, 1st, 14 April 1856, Diantha Smith, of Winthrop, Me., born March 1840, died 2 February 1857 ; 2d, 4 August 1867, CaroUne R. Emery, of Skowhegan, Me., and lived in Clinton, Me. He had, by his first wife, one child, who died in infancy. 3285. Isabel M.', bora 29 AprU 1839 ; married, 2 April 1865, Newell Wolcott, of Vermont, born 22 January 1842. They Uved in Albion, Me., and had (besides one who died in infancj'): 1. Alton® Wolcott, born 26 August 1867. 2. WiUard® Wolcott, born 20 May 1870. David" (1489), son of Samuel* and Lydia (GoweU) Wentworth, bom in Berwick, Me., 17 October 1790; married, 20 November 1815, Nancy, daughter of Gardiner McCausland, born in Gardiner, Me., 6 November 1789 ; and Uved there. He died 21 June 1840. She died there, 14 July 1871. They had : 3286. EmeUne', born 18 January 1817; married, in 1839, 408 SIXTH GENERATION. Edwin H. Ransom, from Barkhamsted, Conn., and lived at Hitch- cockville. Conn. He died in IlUnois, September 1855 ; she died in Gardiner, Me., 23 August 1867. They had (besides one who died in infancy): 1. Nancy Jane® Ransom, born 4 Febraary 1841; manied Rufus McCurtin, of Gardiner, Me. 3287. David', born 4 July 1819. [5210] 3288. George M.', born 12 September 1821. [5212] 3289. WUliam', born 29 February 1823 ; went to CaUfornia. 3290. Samuel', born 18 Febraary 1825 ; went to California. 3291. Henry', born in Gardiner, Me., 6 September 1831 ; mar ried, 26 December 1860, EUen, daughter of James and Jane (Doug las) Potter, born in Gardiner, Me., 24 September 1835. Ezekiel" (1490), son of Samuel* and Lydia (GoweU) Went worth, married Sarah Waldron, recorded as "both of Dover, N. H." She was daughter of William and Sarah (Ham) Waldron, born 7 April 1789. Her father William Waldron was son of John Wal dron and cousin of Col. John Waldron, of Dover. (See " Wal dron" note under James* (167) Chesley.) Ezekiel* left home one day to visit friends in Berwick, Me. , and was never heard of after wards, — supposed to be drowned. His widow married, 2d, Booth, and died in Dover, N. H., 9 February 1876, the last of her father's children. Ezekiel* had (besides one who died in infancy): 3292. Susan', born 14 November 1813 ; married James Reed, and lived in Dover, N. H. 3292a. Samuel Parker', born 16 January 1815 ; married, 1 June 1844, Susan Abbot, and had two children, who died in infancy. 32926. Ezekiel', born 10 October 1826; married, July 1852, Elizabeth Canney, who died 26 August 1864. They lived in Bid deford, Me., and had (besides three who died j'oung): 1. Sarah E.®, born 12 November 1852; who lives with her father in Dover. Noah" (1494), son of Ezekiel* and Betsey (Pike) Wentworth, born in 1777 ; married, 24 September 1799, Hannah Lord, who survived him. He was killed in a saw-mill, in Lebanon, Me., where he lived, 6 December 1833. They had : 3293. Patience', born August 1800; married Mark Lang, jr., of Portsmouth, N. H., 16 November 1823. She was living in 1876 with her son-in-law John Fisher, at Royalston, Mass. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 409 3294. Dominicus', born 1 February 1802. [52136] 3295. Ezekiel', born 15 May 1804. [5221] 3296. David', died young. 3297. Jacob' (eighth child), born in Lebanon, Me., 4 April 1815. [5228] 3298. Hiram', born in Lebanon, Me., 15 December 1817 ; mar ried, 12 November 1840, EUza, daughter of Joshua Folsom, born in Washington, D. C, 20 AprU 1820. They lived in South Bos ton, Mass. ; he is on the poUce there. They had three children, who died j'oung. 3299. Hannah', married Thomas Doland, of Roxbury, Mass. She Uves (1876) near Forest HiU Cemetery, West Roxbur>', Mass. They had : 1. Anna® Doland. 2. Timothy s Doland ; and others. 3300. Benjamin'. [52306] 3301. Betsey', died j'oung. 3302. WiUiam L.', born 20 March 1820. [5233] 3303. John', born 28 March 1821 ; lived in North Lebanon, Me. ; married, 8 December 1861, Nancy Goodwin, of that place, bom in 1836 ; and Uved there, childless. 3304. Leonard', born in 1824, died single. ToBLAs" (1495), son of Ezekiel* and Betsey (Pike) Wentworth, born in 1779; married Betsey Herrick, of Thomaston, Me. He left his wife and children in Camden, Me., and died in Mobile, Ala. His wife died soon after, leaving : 3305. Mark Langdon'. 3306. Oscar Fitzalan'. Mark" (1497), son of Ezekiel* and Betsey (Pike) Wentworth, born 14 February 1783 ; manied, 30 December 1805, Abigail Fall, born in Berwick, Me., 15 October 1780. He died in Rome, Me., 30 June 1831. She married, 2d, Matthew Farnham, of Belgrade, Me., whom she sur-vived. Farnham had, bj' her or by a former wife, John Farnham, who manied Jane® BlaisdeU, daughter of Bet sey' (3414) (Wentworth) BlaisdeU, whom see. Mark" had, the first born in Berwick, Me., the others in Rome, Me. (besides one who died in infancy) : 3307. Sally', born 12 January 1807 ; manied, 25 November 1824, Joseph Furbish, born 27 March 1794, and lived in Bradford, 410 SIXTH GENERATION. Me., where she died 5 March 1866. They had (besides one who died j'oung): 1. Betsey® Furbish, born in 1827, died 23 Febraary 1868. 2. JohnS Furbish, born in 1829 ; married, in 1851, Amanda WiUey. 3. Mark W.s Furbish, born in 1831 ; married, in 1851, Lu cinda Reeves, and died in 1868. 4. Henriettas Furbish, born in 1834; married, in 1851, E. Leach. 5. FrancesS Furbish, born in 1834 ; married, in 1856, Ira Allen. 6. Josiah® Furbish, born in 1836. 7. Harriet® Furbish, born in 1838. 8. Sarah® Furbish, born in 1841 ; married, in 1867, Peter Gorman. 9. AnnS Furbish, born in 1845 ; married Amos SiUoway. 10. Helens Furbish, born in 1847 ; married D. Poole. 3308. Experience', born in 1808, died 27 April 1808. 3309. Ann', born 9 April 1809 ; manied, in Rome, Me., 11 November 1832, Nathaniel Morrill, born in Reedfleld, Me., 21 April 1808; and lived at Belgrade, Me. They had: 1. Stephen OrinS MoniU, born 11 March 1833. 2. Cordelias MonUl, born 15 September 1834. 3. Nathaniels MorriU, born 18 AprU 1836. 4. Henry A.® MorrUl, born 19 November 1837. 5. Mary E.® MorriU, born 11 April 1839. 6. James H.® Morrill, born 14 March 1841. 7. JuUa A.® MorriU, born 8 February 1843. 8. Charles E.s MonUl, born 14 August 1845. 9. Angenett® MorrUl, born 10 October 1847. 10. Laforest® MorriU, born 20 August 1849. 11. Sarah® MorriU, born 14 Novembei- 1851. 12. Sewell® MorrUl, bora 26 January 1856. 3310. Ezekiel', born 21 June 1812. [5236] 3311. Abigail', born 30 September 1814 ; manied, 24 April 1833, Ebenezer Clark, born 13 August 1810 ; lived in Bradford, Me., and had (besides two who died j'Oung) : 1. Laura A.® Clark, born 6 February 1834; married, 14 April 1864, Hiram P. Gerrish. 2. Caroline® Clark, born 16 October 1835, died 16 June 1855. 3. Charles H.® Clark, born 16 November 1837 ; married, 30 March 1861, Armina J. Bennett. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 411 4. Julia B.® Clark, bom 8 June 1842 ; married Benjamin T. Palmer, 14 March 1866. 5. Augustus E.® Clark, born 2 December 1845, died 24 May 1869. 6. John B.® Clark, born 26 July 1848. 7. George S.® Clark, born 25 June 1850. 8. Frank® Clark, born 2 June 1853. 9. Fannie® Clark, born 8 February 1856. 3312. Mark', born 30 August 1816. [5242a] 3313. Mary Ann', born 14 April 1820 ; married, 1 January 1842, Lewis Gordon ; Uved in Rome, Me., and had : 1. MeUssa® Gordon, born 20 October 1842. 2. Melvina® Gordon, born 6 April 1844. 3. Le-d J.® Gordon, born 16 August 1845. 4. Julia A.s Gordon, born 13 November 1847. 3314. JuUa', twin -with Mary Ann', died at Rome, N. Y., 10 September 1836. Ivory" (1500), son of Ezekiel* and Betsey (PUie) Wentworth, born 23 January 1789 ; man-ied, 28 December 1811, AbigaU Jones, of Lebanon, Me., born 28 November 1791. They Uved at Effing ham FaUs, N. H., where he died 30 December 1860. She died 15 August 1859. They had : 3315. Ezekiel', born 11 December 1812 ; married, and lived in New Bedford, Mass., from 1852 to 1859, then removed to Easton, Mass., childless. 3316. Ebenezer', born 27 September 1814, died 21 January 1842. 3317. Randolph', born 28 December 1816 ; went to Peru, South America, and was never afterwards heard of. 3318. Mary', born 26 March 1818; married, 20 May 1841, Charles Davis ; Uved in Effingham Falls, N. H., and had : 1. Da-ris® Davis, born 28 August 1841. 2. Joseph® Davis, born 15 July 1844. 3. Ebenezer® Davis, born 18 May 1846. 4. David® Davis, born 9 May 1850. 5. Mary® Da-ds, born 16 November 1852, died 2 April 1853. 3319. Hiram', born 28 December 1820. [5248c] 3320. Mahala', born 21 December 1823 ; married, 31 March 1847, Ebenezer Hersom ; lived in Acton, Me. , and had : 1. Joel® Hersom, born 25 August 1850, died 14 August 1860. 2. Abbie D.® Hersom, born 9 October 1853, died 6 Octo ber 1862. 412 SIXTH GENERATION. 3. Ivory W.® Hersom, born 23 July 1854. 4. George® Hersom, born 15 March 1857. 5. Josephine® Hersom, born 5 June 1860. 3321. Adah', born 26 December 1825, died 10 May 1843. 3322. Joanna', born 31 December 1828 ; married 7 August 1852, Oliver P. Cate, of Somersworth, N. H. She died 5 September 1854, childless. 3323. Josephine', born 18 August 1831, died 1 June 1844. 3324. Sarah', born 31 May 1834, died 21 July 1837. Hiram" (1502), son of Ezekiel* and Betsey (Pike) Wentworth, bom 6 April 1793 ; married, 1st, 11 September 1820, Sally, daugh ter of Humphrey Lord ; she died 27 Febraary 18|8 ; 2d, 26 Sep tember 1838, ParneU Fall, sister to Isaac Fall who married Martha" (1942) Praj'. He lived on the homestead, and died 16 January 1846. He had, all bj' his first wife : 3325. Mary', bom 3 September 1822 ; married, 1 September 1852, Moses Worster; lived in Berwick, Me., on the old farm of Ezekiel* (156) Wentworth, and had (besides one who died young): 1. Hattie E.® Worster, born 5 December 1853. 2. Georgiana® Worster, born 22 June 1855. 3. Dora F.® Worster, born 8 August 1857. 4. Olin J.® Worster, born 12 January 1863. 3326. Abby', born 29 October 1824; married, July 1861, Elbridge E. Venning, of Somersworth, N. H., and died 13 November 1863. She had: 1. Abby O.s Venning, born 12 November 1863. 3327. Orin', born 6 April 1827, died January 1839. 3328. Olive', born 13 September 1828, died 13 June 1858. 3329. Hiram', born 28 April 1830; lived on the homesteadof his father and his grandfather Ezekiel*, where the latter died. He was a printer, and last heard of in San Francisco, Cal., single. 3330. Jane', born October 1831, died 16 January 1836. 3331. Sarah', born 20 August 1834, died 5 March 1849. 3332. John', bom 6 April 1836, died 1 March 1836. Patience" (1503) Hanson, daughter of Ebenezer and Martha* (Wentworth) Hanson, married Josiah Clark ; lived in Lebanon, Me., and died about 1847, aged 90. She had: 3333. Martha' Clark, born October 1777 ; married Tobias Smith, and had : DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 413 1. JohnS Smith, born 2 July 1804 ; lived in Lebanon, Me. ; married Lj'dia Jackson, and had : 1. Martha Jane* Smith. 2. Langdon* Smith. 3. Clark* Smith. 2. Isaiah® Smith, born 26 May 1806 ; married AbigaU Gold smith, and lived, childless, in Ossipee, N. H. 3. Patience® Smith, born 18 February 1808 ; married, 4 November 1832 (his second wife), Moses" (1540) Wentworth, whom see for children. 4. Juliana® Smith, born 22 March 1810 ; married, 1st, Heze kiah Webber ; 2d, Amos Goodwin ; lived in Lebanon, Me., and had, by her first husband : 1. Laura* Webber. 2. Freeman* Webber. 3. Almira* Webber. 4. Daniel Wesley* Webber, married, 20 May 1866, Ab bie Etta' (3535) Wentworth, born 4 April 1845, and Uved in Norwich, Conn. 5. Amy® Smith, born 9 February 1812 ; married John Good- ¦win ; lived in Lebanon, Me., and had : 1 . Martha Jane* Goodwin. 2. Andrew* Goodwin. 3. Raspas* Goodwin. 4. Lorenzo* Good-win. 5. Lemuel* Goodwin. 6. Paul® Smith, born 9 March 1814 ; lived in Lebanon, Me. ; married Abigail Goodwin ; is chUdless. 7. Clark® Smith, born 11 August 1816 ; married Nancy Jor- • dan ; lived in Brighton, Mass., and had : 1. JuUanna* Smith ; and others. 8. Josiah® Smith, bom 11 March 1818 ; married Eliza Jane Remick ; Uved in Lebanon, Me., and had : 1. Josiah Alvin* Smith, born 23 October 1845. 2. Clara Adelaide* Smith, born 11 May 1848. 3. Child^, born 16 October 1850. 9. Mahala® Smith, born 22 March 1820 ; manied Jesse Ben ton ; lived in Boston, Mass., and had : 1. Frank* Benton. 2. Albert* Benton. 3334. Abigail' Clark, married George Nichols, who died in Leb anon, Me., about 1840. They had : 414 SIXTH GENERATION. 1 . George Washington® Nichols, manied Lovina Knox, aunt of Knox who married AngeUna* Canney, daughter of his sister Betsej'®. 2. Ebenezer® Nichols, died aged 12. 3. Betsey® Nichols, married, 1st, Timothy Gerrish ; 2d, Lem uel Canney, and lived in Lebanon, Me. She had, by her first husband : 1 . Orrin* Gerrish, drowned, aged about 14 years. She had, by her second husband : 2. Angeline* Canney, married Knox. 4. PoUj'® Nichols, manied Joseph Furnald. 3335 . Ebenezer' Clark, married Sallj', daughter of Ichabod Smith, of Lebanon, Me. ; lived in Rome, Me. , with a large number of children. 3336. Patience' Clark, married Ephraim Tebbets, son of Eph raim ; lived in Belgrade, Me. , and had chUdren. 3337. Mary' Clark, married Paul Stevens, and lived in Acton, Maine. 3338. Mercy' Clark, married John CoweU, and Uved in Leba non, Me. 3339. Rebecca' Clark, married Ichabod CoweU, and Uved in Lebanon, Me. 3340. Eunice' Clark, married Jesse Walden. 3341. EUzabeth' Clark, married Mark CoweU, and Uved at Great FaUs, N. H. 3342. Jonathan' Clark, married , daughter of George FaU, and lived in Lebanon, Me. William" (1506), son of Moses* and Judith (Grant) Went worth, bom 19 May 1763 ; married, 1790, Martha, daughter of John Calef, of BrooksvUle, Me., born 18 October 1768; hved in Frankfort, Me., where five of their chUdren were born; they then moved to Perry, Me. He died 10 May 1845 ; she died 5 August 1853, at the house of her daughter Mrs. Nancy' Smith, at Pem broke, Me. WiUiam" had : 3343. WiUiam', born 27 March 1791. [5250a] 3344. Thomas', born 25 July 1792. [5256] 3345. John', born 30 August 1795. [5270] 3346. Polly', born 9 December 1798; married, in 1816, her cousin John W.' (3350) Wentworth, whom see for children. 3347. Betsej'', born 8 December 1799 ; lived in Pembroke, Me., single. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 415 3348. Nancy', born 3 February 1804 ; married, in 1825, John Smith, of Pembroke, Me. ; Uved there, and had : 1. EUzabeth Wentworth® Smith, bom 5 May 1827 ; married, 24 December 1848, Thomas Hazen Lyons, of Pembroke, and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Ezra WeUington* Lj'ons, born 8 October 1849. 2. Thomas Hazen* Lyons, born 23 December 1851. 3. Chloe Ann* Lyons, born 8 October 1853. 4. Nancj' Emeline* Lyons, born 13 November 1855. 5. Niles Simpson* Lyons, born 4 January 1858. 6. SUas Ward* Lyons, born 3 June 1860. 7. Harriet AdeUa* Lyons, born 21 November 1863. 8. Eva Imogene* Lyons, born 26 February 1866. 9. MeUssa Jane* Lyons, born 20 August 1868. 2. Benjamin AUen® Snoith, born 15 February 1829, died 16 July 1839. 3. Melissa AnnS Smith, born 15 February 1831 ; married, 1st, 19 June 1849, Elias Laughton, of Dennysville, Me., who was lost at sea, 6 October 1859. She married, 2d, 4 June 1870, Simeon Smith, of Pembroke, Me. She had, by her first husband (besides two who died in infancy) : 1. WUliam Edgar* Laughton, born 25 December 1852. 2. Asa Kingman* Laughton, born 19 March 1854. 3. Laura Jane* Laughton, born 2 February 1857. 4. Addie Maria* Laughton, born 23 October 1859. 4. Asa KingmanS Smith, born 22 April 1833 ; married, 4 July 1857, Hannah, daughter of Aaron Pennell, of Machias, Me., and sister of Laura (PenneU) , -wife of his brother Calef®. He enlisted, September 1861, in Co.. C, 11th Maine Vols., and served three years. They had : 1. Frederick Stanley* Smith, born 15 August 1858. 2. Arthur Bridgman* Smith, boa-n 12 January 1861. 3. Mj'rtle Louisa* Smith, bora 19 November 1865. 4. John* Smith, bom 28 July 1867. 5. Charies PenneU* Smith, born 24 March 1869. 5. Calef® Smith, born 1 April 1835 ; married, 18 July 1857, Laura, daughter of Aaron Pennell, of Machias, Me., and sister of Hannah (PenneU) , wife of his brother Asa K.® He enUsted, September 1861, in Co. C, 11th Maine Vols., for three years, and was discharged for disability. He lived in WhitneyviUe, Me., and had: 416 SIXTH GENERATION. 1. Aaron Pennell* Smith, born 30 May 1858. 2. Minnie Parlin* Smith, born 12 June 1862. 6. Thomas Wentworth® Smith, bora 18 April 1837 ; married, 15 September 1860, Emily, daughter of Leonard P. Boswith, of Dennysville, Me. ; lived in Pembroke, Me., and had : 1. Clara Etta* Smith, born 27 March 1862. 2. Venenina EsteUa* Smith, born 13 AprU 1866. 3. Gracia* Smith, born 27 January 1868. 4. Elias Laughton* Smith, born 18 June 1871. 7. Stephen Wentworth® Smith, born 26 July 1839 ; manied, 3 March 1860, Catherine M., daughter of Simeon Smith, of Pem broke, Me., where they Uved, and had : 1 . EUa Mary*' Smith, bora 21 March 1861 . 2. Simeon John* Smith, born 9 January 1863. 3. Catherine Adelphia* Smith, born 17 July 1868. 4. Anna Luella* Smith, born 5 November 1870. 5. Son^, born 16 October 1872. 8. Sophronia Jane® Smith, born 28 October 1842 ; married, 2 December 1862, Charles Ward, of Pembroke, Me., and had : 1. Ida AmeUa* Ward, born 21 October 1863. 2. Berta Eldora* Ward, born 23 December 1864. 3. Winifred May* Ward, born 30 October 1866. 4. Emily Jane* Ward, born 10 January 1869. 5. Lucy PrisciUa* Ward, born 23 January 1871. 9. Adna Alonzo® Smith, born 2 February 1851. 3349. Martha', born 29 March 1807 ; married, 1828, Benjanun Smith, of WhitneyviUe, Me. He died 2 October 1868. They had (besides two who died young) : 1. Benjamin Franklin® Smith, born 21 October 1833 ; enUsted, 15 September 1862, in the 28th Maine Vols., and served untU 31 August 1863 ; lived in WhitneyviUe, Me., single. 2. Dorothea® Smith, born 14 Augu.st 1838 ; married, 17 November 1857, Charles Skinner, of Whitney-vdlle, Me., and died 18 November, 1867. They had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Jessie Ross* Skinner, born 3 April 1861. 2. Benjamin* Skinner, born 1 August 1864. 3. Dora Emma* Skinner, born 31 May 1866. 3. Martha AnnS Smith, bom 14 September 1841 ; married, August 1857, WiUiam McReavey, of WhitneyviUe, Me., and had : 1. Abbie Etta* McReavey, bom 14 January 1859. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® WENTAVORTH. 417 2. Harriet DeUa* McReavey, born 12 May 1861. 4. EmelineS Smith, born 11 December 1842 ; married, Decem ber 1863, Bayliss Atkinson Campbell, of Pembroke, Me. 5. AngeUne GuyS Smith, born 20 August 1845 ; married, 8 September 1866, Joshua L. Bridgham, of WhitneyviUe, Me., and had : 1. EUa Smith* Bridgham, born 21 July 1867. Grant" (1508) , son of Moses* and Judith (Grant) Wentworth, born in Somersworth, N. H., 8 September 1768 ; married, in 1790, Lucy Woodman, of York, Me., sister of Betsey (Woodman), wife of his brother Joshua" (1509). He was lost at sea in 1795. She manied, 2d (his second wife) , Capt. Jonathan Barnes, of Orring ton, Me., whose first wife was Mary" (1510), sister to Grant". Grant" had : 3350. John Woodman', born 28 January 1791. [5278] Joshua" (1509), son of Moses* and Judith (Grant) Wentworth, born in Somersworth, N. H., 10 June 1770 ; manied, 1st, 4 April 1793, Betsey Woodman, of York, Me., sister of Lucy (Woodman), wife of his brother Grant" (1508) ; 2d, in 1823, Betsey Lindsey, of Isle an Haut, Me., where they lived. He died there, August 1837 ; she died there, 14 January 1857. He had, by his first wife, born in Frankfort, Me. (where they then lived) : 3351. James' (second child), born 9 September 1801. [5290] 3352. Lucy' (third child), bora 30 August 1804 ; married, 1st, 13 January 1822, her cousin Moses W.' (3362) Barnes, bora 9 September 1800, and lived in Orrington, Me. He died 12 Decem ber 1825. She married, 2d, 27 January 1828, John Grant, of Omngton, Me., who died 4 October 1851. She had, by her first husband : 1. Phebe M.s Barnes, born 27 September 1822 ; married, 1st, 28 November 1848, George W. Littlefield, of Bangor, Me. ; he enUsted in the 31st Maine Vols., war of the RebeUion, was wounded at Petersburg, and died in Bangor, Me., 7 December 1867. She married, 2d, 12 December 1870, D. de la Tour, and lived in 1871 in Hampden Corner, Me. Lucy' had, by her second husband : 2. Mary Elizabeths Grant, bom 9 August 1829 ; married, 19 January 1847, Lorain Rogers, of Orrington, Me., and had (be sides one who died in infancy) : VOL. n. — 27 418 SIXTH GENERATION. 1. Azelia Lorietta* Rogers, born 30 March 1849. 2. Georgianna Jane* Rogers, born 6 December 1850, died 1 June 1869. 3. Mary Isabella* Rogers, born 6 Maj' 1852 ; married, 6 January 1872, Otis O. Harriman, of Brewer, Me. 4. Elden Cromett* Rogers, born 2 December 1854. 5. Charles Powers* Rogers, born 17 June 1857. 6. Irving Leslie* Rogers, born 17 Januarj' 1859. 7. MarshaU Austin* Rogers, born 17 November 1860. 8. Lenora* Rogers, born 28 June 1866. 9. Merton Linwood* Rogers, born 25 October 1867. 10. George WeUs* Rogers, born 13 September 1869. 11. Gertrude Greenwood* Rogers, born 9 June 1872. 3. Jane Littlefield® Grant, born 28 December 1831 ; married, 28 August 1853, Capt. Henrj- R. Powers, of Omngton, Me., and had (besides three who died young) : 1. Minnie Olea* Powers, bom 9 November 1864. 4. Lucj' WentworthS Grant, born 23 March 1835 ; married, 12 April 1854, Capt. Charles R. Powers, of Orrington, Me., and had (besides three who died young) : 1. Augusta Frances* Powers, born 30 Julj' 1867. 5. Julia Ann® Grant, born 27 June 1842 ; married, 20 July 1861, Capt. Charles McCormick, of Orrington, Me., and had (besides two who died j-oung) : 1. Grace Mabel* McCormick, born 2 October 1867. 2. Leah EsteUa* McCormick, born 5 September 1872. 6. Sarah Caroline® Grant, born 28 April 1844; married, 13 April 1864, George E. Powers, of Orrington, Me. ; he enlisted in the D. C. Cavalry, war of the Rebellion, was transferred to 1st Maine Cavalry, and served until 20 June 1865. They had: 1. Florence Augusta* Powers, born 6 Julj' 1864. 2. Louie Eveline* Powers, born 22 May 1867. 3. George Edwin* Powers, born 11 July 1870. 4. Child^, born 2 August 1872. 7. Helen Augusta® Grant, born 25 March 1846, died 4 Octo ber 1869. 3353. Grant' (eldest child), born 3 May 1794. [5293] 3354. Betsey Woodman', born 11 March 1808; married, 12 October 1831, Amasa S. Conant, of Orrington, Me. ; she died 15 October 1866. They had : 1. George Wentworth® Conant, bom 20 April 1832 ; married, DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 419 1 July 1854, Martha Dow, of Deer Island-, Me., and died in Cuba, W. I., 24 June 1859. They had : 1. George Wentworth* Conant, born July 1857. 2. Lorenzo Dow* Conant, born February 1859. 2. Lorenzo Dow® Conant, born 8 October 1834 ; manied, 29 April 1860, Maria Antoinette, daughter of Charles R. Trask, of Orrington, Me., and lived there, childless. 3. Edna Alice® Conant, born 20 September 1836 ; married, 28 December 1857, Charles Moore' (3405) Wentworth, and died 30 November 1873. 4. Amasa Lumbert® Conant, born 31 January 1844 ; was in the 22d Maine Vols., war of the Rebellion. He married, 1 Jan uary 1871, Abby M., daughter of Thomas Barstow, of Orrington, Me., and lived in Bucksport, Me. 5. Mary Thankful® Conant, born 24 November 1846, died 22 May 1858. 6. Abram Walters® Conant, born 4 December 1848. 3355. John', born 12 May 1809 ; married, 25 November 1828, Julia Ann NeweU. She is dead. He lived in Winterport, Me., childless. 3356. Lorenzo Dow', born 23 July 1811. [5296] 3357. George Washington', born 23 Febraary 1814. [5300] 3358. Mary Barnes', born 23 September 1817 ; married, 7 May 1837, Richard Hoben, of Orrington, Me. He died 1 September 1867. They had (besides one who died in infancy): 1. Emma CorneUa® Hoben, born 30 April 1838 ; married, 27 July 1857, Simeon H. Rich, of Omngton, Me., and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Mabel Hudson* Rich, born 27 May 1861. 2. Edgar Burton* Rich, born 27 September 1867. 2. James® Hoben, born 29 April 1840 ; manied, August 186 1 , Eliza Ann, daughter of Benjamin Wheelden, of Orrington, Me., where they Uved, and had : 1. Edwin Parker* Hoben, born 9 September 1861. 2. Emma Frances* Hoben, born 13 August 1863. 3. Flora May* Hoben, born 5 August 1865. 3. Celestia Frances® Hoben, bom 27 March 1842 ; married, 20 December 1868, WilUam P. Stubbs, of Bucksport, Me., and had: 1. Maud Ashton* Stubbs, bom 20 October 1869. 4. John Wentworth® Hoben, born 23 November 1845; 420 SIXTH GENERATION. enlisted in Co. H, 56th Mass. Vols., and was killed in action, 30 September 1864. 5. Richard HenryS Hoben, born 19 November 1847, drowned 8 November 1864, in Penobscot River. 6. Mary Delphine® Hoben, born 9 December 1851, drowned 4 May 1857. 7. Samuel Etson® Hoben, born 5 September 1854. 8. Frederick® Hoben, born 19 August 1860. Joshua" had, by his second wife : 3358a. Michael', born 14 October 1824 ; married, 4 March 1844, Harriet Hipsey Linsey, born at Isle an Haut, Me., 11 May 1827 ; and had : 1. Matilda®, born 15 June 1845, died at Cutler, Me., 27 Sep tember 1862. 2. Stephen Dow®, born at Bucksport, Me., 3 May 1847; drowned, 11 May 1870, near Delaware Bay. 3. Julia Ann®, born 21 August 1849 ; married, 1 January 1869, Alden Debate Cates, of Cutler, Me., born 25 July 1847 ; and had : 1. Nellie* Cates, born 9 July 1869. 2. Harriet Hipsey* Cates, born 23 AprU 1871. 4. George Howards, i^orn in Cutler, Me., 31 October 1851. 33586. Sarah Ann', bom at Isle an Haut, Me. , 27 February 1829 ; married, 6 March 1845, George Howard, of Cutler, Me., and had: 1. Mary EUzabeths Howard, born 14 May 1846 ; married, 7 October 1867, Frederick Henry Cates, of Cutler, Me., and had: 1. Stella* Cates, born 12 AprU 1868. 2. George* Cates, born 27 December 1869. 2. Michael WentworthS Howard, born 6 September 1856. 3. William® Howard, born 12 June 1859. 4. Ella Matilda® Howard, born 12 July 1867. 3358c. Lemuel', born at Isle an Haut, Me., March 1833, died at Gouldsborough, Me., April 1854. (A Mary" (1510), daughter of Moses* and Judith (Grant) Went worth, born in Orrington, Me., 18 December 1774, was the first child of her parents born there. She married, 25 October 1793, Capt. Jonathan Barnes, of Orrington, Me., and died 5 October 1807. He manied, 2d, Lucy (Woodman) Wentworth, widow of her brother Grant" (1508), and sister to Betsey (Woodman), wife of her brother Joshua" (1509) . Mary" had : DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL^ WENTWORTH. 421 3359. Jonathan' Barnes, born 18 November 1794 ; lived in Omngton, Me. ; married, March 1814, Charlotte Moore ; he per ished from exposure on a wreck, 26 October 1860, childless. 3360. Hannah Curtis' Barnes, born 25 March 1797; married, 14 October 1821, WiUiam Rhoades, of Lynn, Mass. He died 28 May 1873. They had: 1. William B.s Rhoades, bom 13 July 1823, died 30 Novem ber 1849. 2. Mary Jane® Rhoades, born 20 September 1828, died 6 De cember 1841. 3. Phebe Maria® Rhoades, born 3 August 1832 ; lived in Lynn, Mass., single. 3361. Zaccheus' Barnes, born 23 November 1798 ; married, 18 August 1821, in Plymouth, Mass., Marj-, daughter of Nathaniel ChurchUl, of that place, where they lived. He died 26 December 1832 ; she is dead. They had (besides one who died young): 1. Nancy P.® Barnes, married Hosea Bates, of Plymouth, Mass. Both are dead. They had one child, who is dead. Zaccheus' and his descendants are all dead. 3362. Moses' Barnes, born 9 September 1800 ; married, 13 January 1822, his cousin Lucy' (3352), daughter of Joshua" (1509) Wentworth, whom see for his only child. He died 12 December 1825 ; and she married, 2d, 27 January 1828, John Grant, of Frank fort, Me. 3363. Mary' Barnes, born 21 July 1802 ; married, 19 Novem ber 1827, Nathan Nickerson, of Orrington, Me., and died 19 October 1871 ; he died 15 April 1874. They had : 1. Mary EUen® Nickerson, born 16 July 1830; married, 8 November 1853, James B. Bartlett, of Orrington, Me., and had: 1. Nettie F.* Bartlett, born 15 June 1855. 2. J. Albert* Bartlett, born 19 January 1857. 3. WilUam R.* Bartlett, born 25 May 1859. 4. Alden B.* Bartlett, born 17 July 1863. 5. AUce M.* Bartlett, bora 1 April 1871. 2. Zaccheus Barnes® Nickerson, born 25 December 1832 ; died 27 September 1861, single. 3. AnnElizabeth® Nickerson, born 7November 1839 ; married, 31 December 1863, D. M. Barker, of BothweU, P. Ont., Canada. 4. Nathan AldenS Nickerson, born 27 January 1842 ; mar ried, 3 October 1863, Abbie, daughter of Samuel MitcheU, of Orrington, Me. ; lived there, and had : 422 SIXTH GENERATION. 1. George B.* Nickerson, born 30 August 1864. 2. Arthur C* Nickerson, born 9 May 1868. 3. Lizzie May* Nickerson, born 10 November 1870. 3364. Phebe Morse' Barnes, born 5 September 1807 ; married, 1 September 1832, Capt. Jesse H. Nickerson, of Orring-ton, Me., andhad: 1. Hannah Maria® Nickerson, born 12 April 1834; manied, 29 AprU 1868, Capt. Charles F. Smith, of Orrington, Me., and died at Montevideo, South America, 29 August 1870, while on a voyage with her husband. They had : 1. Mabel Maria* Smith, born 17 February 1869. 2. Warren® Nickerson, born 15 October 1845 ; married, 15 October 1871, Louisa, daughter of E. H. Gibbs, of Glenburn, Me. ; lived in Orrington, Me., and had : 1. Albert Wanen* Nickerson, born 17 November 1872. Moses" (1511), son of Moses* and Judith (Grant) Wentworth, born in Orrington, Me., 7 January 1776 ; went to Franklin, Me., when about ten years old; married, 19 December 1799, Sarah S. Hooper, of FrankUn, Me., bOrn 13 May 1778 ; lived there, where he died 8 January 1857. She died 3 May 1866. They had : 3365. Daniel Potter', bora 7 January 1801 ; married Asenath Starkey, 14 July 1834, and lived in Eastbrook, Me., childless. 3366. Joshua Hooper', born 13 January 1803. [5305] 3367. David Hooper', born 29 November 1805. [5308] 3368. Phineas PUsbury', born 30 July 1807, died June 1825. 3369. Ephraim', born 14 November 1808. [5312] 3370. John', born 26 November 1810 ; Uved in FrankUn, Me., single. 3371. Joanna', bora 26 March 1813, died in infancy. 3372. Joanna Roundy', born 5 April 1814, died September 1834. 3373. AbigaU Hooper Brj'ant', born 6 June 1816, died 3 May 1868, single. 3374. Colman Rand', born 30 June 1821, died in infancy. 3375. Sarah Wentworth', twin with Colman R.', died in infancj'. 3376. Joseph Card', born 9 August 1823 ; married, 18 May 1851, widow Hannah W. (Thurber) Smith, daughter of Capt. Benjamin Thurber, of West Trenton, Me. He enUsted, September 1861, in the 6th Maine Vols., served three years, re-enUsted in 1864 in the 11th Maine Vols., and served to the close of the war. He lived in FrankUn, Me., where he died 30 June 1870, after which his family removed to Portland, Me. He had : DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 423 1. WiUiam Livingston®, born 30 June 1852 ; lived in Frank lin, Me. 2. Phebe Nickerson®, born 23 March 1854; lived in Port land, Me. 3. Moses Putnam®, born 18 May 1856 ; lived in Portland, Me. Judith Grant" (1512), daughter of Moses* and Judith (Grant) Wentworth, born 17 February 1777 ; married, August 1797, Samuel Veazie, of Orrington, Me. ; Uved there, and died 4 November 1838. He died November 1848. They had : 3377. JuUa Grant' Veazie, bom 28 Januarj' 1799, died 14 AprU 1820. 3378. Simeon Smith' Veazie, born 18 October 1801, died at sea, November 1822. 3379. Sarah Wentworth' Veazie, born 14 November 1802; married, 28 June 1825, Solomon Nickerson, of Onington, Me. ; lived there until about 1850, then removed to Brewer, Me., where he died 30 August 1856. They had (besides three who died young): 1. David Veazie® Nickerson, born 9 August 1831 ; married, 16 December 1855, Sabra Hutchins, of Brewer, Me., where thej' lived, and had : 1. Frank H.* Nickerson, born 26 March 1857. 2. OUver Moore® Nickerson, born 8 May 1834 ; married, 23 November 1864, Clara A. Babcock, of Bangor, Me., where they Uved, and had : 1. WilUs C.9 Nickerson, born 8 April 1867. 3. Mary Reed® Nickerson, born 11 December 1835 ; mar ried, 15 December 1860, James S. Young, of Bangor, Me., and had: 1. Annie M.* Young, bom 18 AprU 1862. 2. Arthur W.* Young, bom 13 March 1866. 4. MelvUle Parker® Nickerson, born 13 May 1838 ; married, 7 April 1870, Mary E. Holyoke, of Brewer, Me., and lived in Ban gor, Me. 5. Judith Eliza® Nickerson, born 31 August 1840 ; married, 31 October 1863, Horace E. Baker, of Brewer, Me. 6. Orrilla A.® Nickerson, born 13 January 1844 ; married, 3 June 1865, Charles Morey, of Brewer, Me. 3380. Da-vid' Veazie, born 4 September 1804, died 4 Novem ber 1814. 424 SIXTH GENERATION. Ephraim" (1513), son of Moses* and Judith (Grant) Wentworth, born 19 July 1781 ; married, 16 March*'1803, Hannah, daughter of Capt. Barzillai Rich, of Omngton, Me., where she died 8 Febraary 1860. He Uved in Portland, Me., untU 1851, when he removed to Boston, Mass., where he died about 2 January 1854. They had, all born in Orrington, Me. : 3381. Betsey Hopkins', born 1 July 1804 ; married, 1st, 7 Oc tober 1824, Capt. Elisha Hinks, jr., of Bucksport, Me., where they Uved. He was lost at sea, 14 January 1831. She married, 2d, 7 September 1847, Samuel Higgins, of Orrington, Me., who died 25 October 1863. She had, by her first husband : 1. Temperance AnnS Hinks, born 23 April 1826 ; married, 19 December 1849, Augustus Chapin, of Onington, Me., and had (all born there) : 1. EUzabeth Ellen* Chapin, born 15 January 1852. 2. Albert Leslie* Chapin, born 3 February 1853, died 9 January 1861. 3. Arthur* Chapin, born 5 October 1857. 4. Charles Edward* Chapin, born 25 September 1860. 5. Anna Leslie* Chapin, born 21 December 1864. 2. EUsha Albert® Hinks, born in North Bucksport, Me., 27 May 1828. He was a sea-captain, and in Texas wTien the Rebel lion commenced, was taken prisoner by the rebel Gen. Earl Van Dorn, and was kept three months on Matagorda Island, but es caped by way of Cuba. He enlisted as private in the 19th Mass. Vols. ; was commissioned 2d Lieutenant, 22 October 1861 ; 1st Lieutenant, 25 June 1862 ; was promoted to be Captain, 27 Feb ruary 1863 ; was brevetted Major, Lieutenant-Colonel, and Colo nel. He was wounded in seven battles, three times very severely, and was honorably discharged, for wounds, 7 October 1864. He married, 19 April 1853, Lucy Maria Pinhorn, of Orrington, Me. ; lived at Brewer, Me., and had, all born there : 1. Lizzie Maria* Hinks, born 31 March 1854, died 10 February 1855. 2. Mary Lizzie* Hinks, born 27 June 1860. 3. Eddie BurUngame* Hinks, born 30 June 1863. 4. Vincent Pinhorn* Hinks, born 11 July 1865. 5. Alice Wealthy* Hinks, born 29 July 1868. 6. Harry Barton* Hinks, born 2 August 1870. 3. Edward Ward® Hinks, born 30 May 1830. He was Rep resentative from Boston, Mass., in the Legislature in 1855. DESCENDANTS OP EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 425 Was appointed Adjutant of 8th Mass. Vol. MiUtia, 18 August 1859 ; 2d Lieutenant in*2d (now 5th) U. S. Cavalry, 26 AprU 1861 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 8th Mass. Vol. Militia, 30 AprU 1861, and mustered into the service of the United Stales for three months; Colonel, 30 May 1861, and was in command from Washington to Baltimore. Was appointed Colonel of 19th Mass. Vols., 3 August 1861 ; severely wounded at Glendale, Va., and at Antietam, where his life was despaired of; Brigadier-General of Volunteers, 29 November 1862, and brevetted Major-General of Volunteers, 13 March 1805, "for gaUant and meritorious services." Retired from service 30 June 1865. On the 28 July 1866, he was appointed Lieutenant-Colonel 40th U. S. Infantry ; brevetted Colonel U. S. Army from 2 March 1867 ; brevetted Brigadier-General U. S. Army from 2 March 1867, for " gallant and meritorious services in the assault on Petersburg, Va." Gen. Hinks has received repeated official commendation for gal lant service. He is stUl in the army. He married, 1st, 25 Jan uarj- 1855, Annie Rebecca, daughter of Moody Dow, Esq., of Lynn, Mass., who died at Lynn, 21 August 1862 ; 2d, 3 Sep tember 1863, LUUe Pierce, daughter of George Nichols, of Cam bridge, Mass. He had, by his first wife : 1. Anson BurUngame* Hinks, born at Lj'nn, 14 Octo ber 1856, died at Rockville, Md., 27 January 1862. Edward W.® had, by his second wife : 2. Bessie* Hinks, born at Cambridge, Mass., 11 April 1865. Betsey H.' had, by her second marriage : 4. Samuel Howard® Higgins, born 27 July.1849 ; married, 10 September 1872, Eva, daughter of Warren Ware, of Orrington, Me., where they Uved. 3382. Hannah', born 18 July 1806 ; married, 10 October 1831, Capt. Charles Colby, of Newburyport, Mass., who died in 1845, and she removed to Connecticut. They had : 1. Charles Edwin® Colby, married, in Gloucester, Mass., about 1854, and died at East Boston in 1861. 2. John NewtonS Colby. 3. Maiy Elizabeth® Colby. 4. Samuel Nelson® Colby, was in the navy, in the war of the RebeUion, from September 1862 to April 1865. 5. Amos G.s Colby, was in the 3d Mass. Battery, war of the RebelUon. 426 SIXTH GENERATION. 3383. Mary Rich', born 16 September 1809 ; married, 8 April 1828, Joseph Maker, of Orrir^ton, Me., formerly of St. George, Me., and had: 1. Mary JaneS Maker, born 21 Febraary 1829; married, 3 September 1845, William McKennej', of Hallowell, Me., and had : 1. William Arthur* McKenney, born 23 November 1848 ; married, 20 September 1867, AbigaU Overlook, of Liberty, Me. ; lived in Augusta, Me., and had : 1 . Grace Eveline^" McKenney, born 25 January 1869. 2. AUce MabeU" McKenney, born 30 October 1870. 2. Hannah Elizabeths Maker, born 16 August 1832 ; manied, November 1845, John Taylor Nickerson, of Orrington, Me., and died 6 September 1866. They had : 1. Lysander Herbert* Nickerson, born 12 November 1849 ; married, 25 December 1871, Ruth Sweetser, of Hampden, Me., and lived there. 3. CaroUneS Maker, bom 29 March 1837 ; married, 18 Novem ber 1853, Isaac Brastow, of Orrington, Me., and had: 1. Mary EUa* Brastow, born 19 October 1854. 2. Lizzie Emma* Brastow, born 19 Julj' 1856. 3. Frank Leslie* Brastow, born 30 August 1860. 4. Isaac Maker* Brastow, born 1 September 1870. 4. Joseph Henrj'S Maker, born 12 August 1844 ; married, 23 November 1866, Abigail Thaxter Page, of East Bucksport, Me. ; lived in East Brooksville, Me., and had : 1. Frederick Leslie* Maker, born 7 February 1867. 2. Hattie May* Maker, born 30 July 1871. 5. Amelia Etta WentworthS Maker, born 12 March 1848. 3384. Ephraim', born in Orrington, Me., 14 February 1814. [5315] 3385. Jeremiah Rich', born 14 January 1816. [5320] 3386. Sarah Jane', born 4 March 1818 ; married, 10 Decem ber 1834, Hezekiah Colbj', of Deer Isle, Me. ; removed to New buryport, Mass., and had (besides one who died in infancy): 1. Daniel H.s Colby, born 1 Febraary 1837; enlisted, 12 September 1862, in Co. K, 12th Mass Vols., and was discharged on account of wounds received in action, 2 January 1864. He married, 1 September 1861, Abby Drew, of Newburyport, Mass. ; lived in Amesbury, Mass., childless. 2. Hannah ParsonsS Colby, born 4 November 1838 ; married, 1 September 1859, Stephen Fowls, of Newburyport, Mass., and had one child who died in infancy. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 427 3. Mary Elizabeth® Colby, bom 23 September 1840 ; married, and moved West. 4. Hezekiahs Colby, bora 23 May 1842 ; enlisted, 1 Septem ber 1861, in Co. K, 12th Mass. Vols. ; was color-sergeant, and was killed at Chantilly, Va., 5 September 1862. 5. John E.® Colby, born 12 July 1845 ; enlisted, 2 October 1862, in Co. B, 24th Mass. Vols., and served tiU 18 April 1865 ; Uved in Rockport, Mass. 6. Charles Edwin® Colby, bom 21 June 1851 ; lived in Ames bury, Mass. 7. Ada S.® Colby, born 18 July 1855 ; Uved with her mother in New York city. 3387. Judith Veazie', born 6 May 1820 ; married, 4 June 1835, David Leighton, of Harmony, Me., formerly of Athens, Me. ; lived in Levant, Me., and had : 1. Charles WeUmgton® Leighton, born 31 March 1837; married, 18 June 1861, Jane Boynton; lived in Levant, Me., childless. Elizabeth" (1515), daughter of Moses* and Elizabeth (Swett) (Smith) Wentworth, bora 3 November 1785 ; married, 25 Novem ber 1805, Amariah Rogers, son of Jesse and Mary (Freeman) Rogers, of Orrington, Me., bom 4 June 17H2 : he died at Orrington, Me., 8 November 1846 ; she died 21 November 1866. They had : 3388. Henry' Rogers, bom 18 December 1806 ; married, 21 June l'>30, MeUssa Ann, daughter of Capt. Josiah Chapin, of Orrington, Me. ; lived there, and had (besides five who died in infancy) : 1. EUzabeth® Rogers, bom 11 October 1838 ; is single. 2. Angenette® Rogers, bom 28 March 1840; married, 10 March 1861, Edward Cross, of Greenbush, Me., and died 21 April 1869. They had (besides one who died in infancy): 1. Nettie May* Cross, bom 3 March 1862. 2. Edward Sumner* Cross, born 16 October 1863. 3. Minnie Nora* Cross, born 4 Januarj' 1868. 3. Olive Sumner® Rogers, born 16 February 1842 ; married, 12 March 1869, George A. Monroe, of Bangor, Me., and had : 1. Sophie OMve* Monroe, born 11 December 1871. 4. Mary Abby® Rogers, born 21 January 1846 ; married, 5 March 1864, WUUam Sumner Pond, of Onington, Me., and had : 1. Minnie Eugenia* Pond, born 6 September 1867. 428 SIXTH GENERATION. 2. Nellie Mamie* Pond, born 18 August 1869. 5. EUenora® Rogers, born 24 February 1848, died 14 October 1867. 6. Henrj- Greenleaf® Rogers, bom 27 November 1852, died 26 January 1871. 3388a. Sarah Wentworth' Rogers, born 22 September 1812; married, 20 October 1835, Michael Rich, of Orrington, Me., son of Barzillai Rich ; and had (besides one who died young): 1. Elsie Swett® Rich, born 8 February 1S42; married, 24 May 1865, WiUiam Ryder, of Orrington, Me., and had: 1. Jane Elsie* Ryder, 10 September 1869. 2. Mary EUzabeth® Rich, born 6 March 1844 ; married, 13 Januarj' 1868, Enoch M. Blake, of Holden, Me., and had: 1. Leland BiUing* Blake, born 30 August 1867. 3. Julia Etta® Rich, born 20 January 1848 ; married, 1 Jan uary 1872, Everett B. Johnson, of Robbinston, Me. 3389. Eliza Wentworth' Rogers, born 15 March 1816 ; married, 10 September 1836, Elisha T. Fowler, of Orrington, Me., and died 5 April 1845. They had: 1. Henry A.® Fowler, born 23 'September 1837; Uved in Orrington, Me. 2. Francis Boynton® Fowler, born 2 April 1839 ; Uved in Minneapolis, Minn. 3. Amariah Wilber® Fowler, born 7 April 1841 ; married Susan Dj-er, of Deblois, Me., in 1869 ; lived there, and had: 1. Wilber* Fowler, born May 1870. 3390. Mary' Rogers, born 18 September 1818; married, 20 May- 1848, Zenas Smith, of Orrington, Me., and had: 1. Zenas WilberS Smith, born 21 September 1851. 2. Almedia Louisa® Smith, born 6 October 1857. 3391. Julia Ann' Rogers, born 14 December 1821 ; married, 16 April 1843, Charles W. Freeman, of Orrington, Me., and had: 1. Melvin Roscoe® Freeman, born 20 April 1846. 2. Charles Howard® Freeman, born 19 December 1851. 3. Emma Azubah® Freeman, born 7 January 1862. 3392. Betsey W.' Rogers, born 10 August 1824; inamed, 16 April 1843, Capt. James Harriman, of Onington, Me., and died 2 AprU 1851. They had: 1. GeorgianaS Harriman, born 8 October 1845, died 7 Feb ruary 1861. 2. FrancellaS Harriman, bom 21 September 1849. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 429 3393. CaroUne Wood' Rogers, bora 8 February 1829 ; married, 16 February 1851, Theophilus Swett, of Orrington, Me., who died at sea. They had : 1. Ella Mehitable® Swett, born 11 May 1853. 2. Charles AUenS Swett, born 1 May 1855. 3. Edward TheophilusS Swett, born 16 April 1857. Sally" (1516), daughter of Moses* and Elizabeth (Swett) (Smith) Wentworth, born in Orrington, Me., 14 September 1787 ; married, 17 March 1806, Reuben Freeman, of Bucksport, Me., and died 8 August 1813 ; he died 8 May 1871. They had : 3394. Reuben' Freeman, born 17 October 1807 ; married, 21 January 1834, Shuah W. Roe, bom in Sandwich, N. H., 13 Sep tember 1813. He Uved in Bucksport, Me. ; left on a sea voyage, 3 December 1834, and the vessel was never again heard from. 3395. James' Freeman, born 25 August 1808 ; married, 3 Octo ber 1830, Huldah B. Roe, of Sandwich, N. H., and died 4 June 1839 ; she died 11 July 1867. They lived in Bucksport, Me., and had : 1. Sarah Jane® Freeman, born 11 November 1831 ; married, 26 August 1849, Stephen Chipman, of Bucksport, Me., who died 19 January 1855. They had : 1. Ella Frances* Chipman, born 6 April 1853. 2. James® Freeman, born 11 February 1834 ; married, 10 Sep tember 1856, Mary Gordon ; Uved in Winterport, Me., and had : 1. Annie C* Freeman, bora 7 October 1859. 3. Reuben® Freeman, born 25 September 1837 ; moved to Minnesota in 1857. In 1862 he enlisted in the 2d Minnesota Vols., was wounded in the battle of Mill Springs, and discharged for disability ; re-enUsted, and served with troops sent against hostile Indians. He lived in Grey Cloud, Minn., where he mar ried, 3 July 1865, Elizabeth J. Anderson, and died 16 March 1869. They had (besides one who died in infancj') : 1. Reuben* Freeman, born 25 October 1868. 3396. Smith' Freeman, bora 8 April 1813 ; married, 9 Febru ary 1836, Helen C. Boyd ; lived in Bucksport, Me., and had : 1. Asa AUenS Freeman, born 2 January 1837; married, 17 June 1861, Susanna, daughter of Jude Young, of Orrington, Me. ; Uved there, and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Edmund Wanen* Freeman, born 8 April 1868. 2. Susan DeanS Freeman, bora 7 July 1843 ; married, 25 December 1863, Henry W. Smith, of Bangor, Me. ; is chUdless. 430 SIXTH GENERATION. 3. WilUam JonesS Freeman, born 10 September 1850. 4. Roscoe Selwj-nS Freeman, born 8 May .1857, died 2 No vember 1872. John" (1517), son of Moses* and Elizabeth (Swett) (Smith) Wentworth, born at Orrington, Me., 11 November 1783 ; married, 25 Februarj' 1806, Harriet, daughter of Barnabas Young, a sea- captain of Wellfleet, Cape Cod, Mass., born there 1 December 1787. He bought, 1 April 1809, of his father, a farm in Orrington, Me., lying on the Penobscot River, and being a part of the four hundred and fifty acres taken up bj' Moses* in 1772. John" always Uved on this farm, and died there 4 July 1856 ; his widow died there 9 Sep tember 1869. They had: 3397. Matilda Parker', born 8 December 1807; married, 13 July 1837, Isaac H. Rhodes, of Orrington, Me., and had: ' 1. Alfred WentworthS Rhodes, born 3 May 1838, died 3 April 1856. 3398. Ruth', born 22 May 1811, died 24 September 1819. 3399. Alfred', born 17 January 1813, lost at sea in Massachu setts-Bay, 22 April 1836. 3400. Elvira', born 18 November 1815 ; married, 4 January 1838, her cousin Capt. Lorenzo Dow' (3356) Wentworth, whom see for children. 3401. John', born 16 December 1817. [5324] 3402. Simeon Veazie', born 16 AprU 1822. [5329] 3403. Reuben Young', born 24 April 1824. [5331] 3404. Mary Ann', born 8 February 1829, died 4 May 1844. 3405. Charles Moore', born 20 June 1831 ; enUsted, Febru ary 1863, in Baker's D. C. Cavalry, and served until August 1865. He married, 28 December 1857, Edna Alices, daughter of Amasa S. Conant who married Charles M.'s' cousin Betsey Woodman' (3354) Wentworth. They Uved in Orrington, Me., where she died 30 No vember 1873. They had : 1. Alice BerniceS Wentworth, born 14 April 1870. Moses" (1518), son of Nathaniel* and Patience (Abbot) Went worth, born in Somersworth, N. H., 6 April 1766 ; married, 1st, in Middleton, N. H., Elizabeth Libbey, born 1763 ; she died at the residence of her son Nathaniel', at Middlesex, Vt., 27 May 1850. Moses" moved from Middleton, N. H., to Thornton, N. H., where his son Nathaniel' was born. He was with his brother Nathaniel" three DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 431 months, in 1822. He separated from his family at Peeling, now Woodstock, N. H., about 1823, and moved to Ellsworth, Me., where he married, 2d, Susan Madox, who died childless, about 1843. Moses" died at EUsworth, Me. He had, by his first wife : 3406. Nathaniel', born in 1792 ; married EUzabeth, daughter of James and Temperance (Knight) Edgerly, of Woodstock, N. H., born about 1798. They moved from Middlesex, Vt., to East Con stable, N. Y., where she died chUdless. He died 8 June 1864. 3407. Mary', born in 1794 ; married, in 1812, John B. Brj'ant. She died in Middlesex, Vt., 10 December 1839. He died in Wol cott, Vt., in 1860. They had, aU born in Middlesex, Vt. : 1. LovinaS Brj-ant, born 15 November 1815 ; married A. Draper, of Brandon, Vt., and died there 8 November 1865, childless. 2. Hannah® Bryant, born 10 June 1818 ; married WiUiam H. Phelps, and moved to Sauk co., Wis. 3. Lydia C.s Bryant, born 10 November 1821 ; married Phi lander B. Hatch, of Montpelier, Vt. ; moved to Brandon, Vt., and died there. He died shortly afterwards. They had : 1. Mary* Hatch, married, and Uves at Brandon, Vt. 2. Ira M.* Hatch, manied, and Uves at Brandon, Vt. 4. John Owen® Bryant, born 24 March 1825 ; lived in Edson, Wis. He married, 1st, 10 September 1848, ArvUla Walling, who died May 1859 ; 2d, in 1861, Sarah A. Chubb. He had, by his first wife (besides two who died young) : 1. Owen* Bryant, born 12 December 1850. 3408. Betsej-', born in 1798 ; manied, in 1818 (his second wife), Nathaniel Winter, born in Worcester, Mass., in 1786. (He had, by his first wife, a son, Christopher Winter, who lived at Gouldsville, Vt.) Nathaniel Winter died in BerUn, Vt., in 1843. Betsey' had : 1. Betsey® Winter, born in Berlin, Vt., in 1819; married, 1st, WiUiam Whitney ; 2d, Levi S. Humphrey, of Montpelier, Vt. She died at Hamilton, Province Ontario, Canada, in 1853. She had, by her second husband : 1. John* Humphrey, bom at Hamilton, Province Onta rio, in 1853 ; lived at Monroe, Mich. 2. Hephzibah E.® Winter, born in 1821 ; married, in 1843, Simeon Rawson Hale, of Middlesex, Vt., and had (besides two who died j'oung) : 1. Calvin* Hale, born 2 February 1844, died 9 March 1866. 2. John E.* Hale, born 25 June 1846. 432 SIXTH GENERATION. 3. George* Hale, bom 2 Februarj' 1855. 4. Edgar* Hale, born 27 August 1860. 3. John W.® Winter, born in 1823, died in Hamilton, Prov ince Ontario, 16 November 1853. 4. Samuel D.® Winter, boi-n in 1825 ; married, in 1848, Laura A. Cram, of Berlin, Vt. ; lived in Northfleld, Vt., and had (besides one who died young) : 1. Anna L.* Winter, born 12 November 1860. 2. WUUam N.* Winter, bom 21 January 1867. 3. Samuel D.* Winter, born 14 December 1870. 5. Luther® Winter, born in 1827 ; married, in 1858, Mary J. Wescott, of Oswego, N. Y., where they lived. She died in 1861. He enlisted in N. Y. Zouaves, and served through the war of the Rebellion. They had : 1. Cynthia Jane* Winter, born in Oswego, N. Y., 9 Feb ruary 1861 ; lived in West Randolph, Vt., with her aunt Mrs. Lucj- A-® Bemis. 6. Lucj' A.® Winter, born 26 February 1831 ; married Benja min Bemis, of Portland, Me., in 1850 ; lived in West Randolph, Vt., childless. 7. Cynthia B.® Winter, born 8 September 1838; lived at West Randolph, Vt., with her sister Mrs. Lucy A.s Bemis, single. 3409. Moses', born in PeeUng (now Woodstock) , N. H., 2 Feb ruary 1799, died at Middlesex, Vt., 27 January 1870, single. 3410. William',borninWoodstock,N.H., 13Junel800. [5333] 3411. Sarah F.', born about 1802; married, 30 April 1826, David Hatch, born in Barnstable, Mass., in 1789. They lived in Middlesex, Vt., where he died 23 March 1852, and where she died 9 February 1859. They had, all born in Middlesex : 1. Lucy AnnS Hatch, born 20 May 1827 ; mamed, 15 Octo ber 1843, George Ripley, and Uved in Middlesex, Vt., where she died 14 December 1866. They had : 1. WilUam C* Ripley, born in Middlesex, 24 January 1844 ; lived there. 2. Mary EUzabeth* Ripley, born in Middlesex, 29 Au gust 1846 ; married, 1 January 1863, WilUam H. Wakefield, and died 15 April 1866. They had : 1. Lewis C.i" Wakefield, born in Middlesex, 28 August 1863. 2. Tamsen U.s Hatch, born 4 October 1828, died in Middle sex, 20 September 1848. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® AVENTWORTH. 433 3. Sarah U." Hatch, born 27 December 1830 ; married, 29 December 1849, Enoch S. Cole, of Chicago ; lived at Towanda, Butler CO., Kansas, and had : 1. EUa* Cole ; and two others. 4. Mary L.® Hatch, born 1834, died 9 January 1852. 5. Theresa M.® Hatch, born 1836, died 1 February 1863. 6. Gardner D.® Hatch, born 29 June 1838; married,.. 31 December 1862, MatUda McElroy; Uved in Chicago, HI., and died 9 September 1868. They had : 1. Frank W.* Hatch, born 12 February 1864. 2. Mabel F.* Hatch, born 19 June 1867, died in Mont pelier, Vt., 10 January 1871. 7. Zenas® Hatch, born 1842. He enlisted in Co. D, 2d Ver mont Vols. ; was wounded at the Battle of Cedar Creek, and died of wounds in hospital, at Brattleboro', Vt., 10 November 1864. 3412. PriscUla', born in Woodstock, N. H., 15 January 1807 ; married EUsha Phinney. He was born in Montpelier, Vt. , 1 August 1803, and died 6 December 1852. She died in Middlesex, Vt., 6 Febraary 1845. They had (besides two who died young): 1. Freeman Curtis® Phinney, born in Middlesex, Vt., 11 April 1828; manied, in Albany, HI., 7 September 1855, Sarah E. Barnes, born in Wheeling, Va., 16 Febraary 1836 ; and had, born in Montpelier, Vt. : 1. Mary A.* Phinney, born 19 October 1859. 2. Jennie P.* Phinney, born 29 March 1863. 2. Danforth Jay® Phinney, born 7 September 1829, died 21 December 1858. 3413. George Washington', married Marj' Snow, and died in Connecticut, 20 May 1850, chUdless. Nathaniel" (1521), son of Nathaniel* and Patience (Abbot) Wentworth, born 20 May 1774; manied, in Berwick, Me., 29 October 1795, Susannah" (1493), daughter of Ezekiel* (521) Went worth. She died at Belgrade, Me., 6 September 1852. He was a valuable conespondent of the author of this work. He died at the house of his son-in-law Benjamin Bradbury Haskell, West Poland, Me., 11 December 1856, having lived in Berwick, Me., one year after his marriage, in Lebanon ten years, in Rome, Me., ten years, and in Belgrade from 6 May 1817 until his wife's death. He had the foUowing children, of whom the first was born in Berwick, Me., five in Lebanon, Me., five in Rome, Me., and two in Belgrade, Me. : VOL. n. — 28 434 SLSTH GENERATION. 3414. Betsey', born 4 February 1796 ; married, 1st, Weber BlaisdeU ; 2d, Samuel BlaisdeU, of Rome, Me. She had (besides four who died young) : 1. Jane® BlaisdeU, married John Farnham, son of Matthew Farnham, of Belgrade, Me., by his first wife. (Matthew Fam- ham's second wife was Abigail (FaU), -widow of Mark" (1497) Wentworth.) Jane® had: 1. John E.* Farnham, lived in Rome, Me. 2. Susannah* Farnham. 3. Sarah J.* Farnham. 4. Orson* Farnham. 2. Nathaniel W.® BlaisdeU, born May 1829. 3415. Patience', born 16 January 1798 ; married, 16 Janu ary 1816, John" (1359) Kelsej", whom see for children. He died about 1860. 3416. Mark', born 22 December 1799. [5334] 3417. Ephraim', born 14 August 1801. [5343] 3418. Mary', born 10 Julj- 1803 ; married Cyrus Austin, of Belgrade, Me. She died 19 Febraary 1848. They had: 1. MaryS Austin. 2. DelancyS Austin. 3. Franklin® Austin. 4. Rosanna® Austin. 5. Joseph® Austin. 3419. Sabrina', bom 12 September 1805 ; married, 1st, in 1833, Benjamin Bradbury' Haskell, son of Benjamin and Hannah" (1876) (Stanton) Haskell. He was born in 1805, and killed by railway accident, 5 March 1867. She married, 2d, 3 October 1870, Capt. Henry C. Dean, of Oxford, Me. Benjamin B.' and Sabrina' (Went worth) HaskeU lived in West Poland, Me. , and had : 1. Moses True® HaskeU, born 1834. 2. Hannah Perldns® Haskell, born 1838 ; married (his second wife) her father's cousin. Freeman' Brown, son of Simon and Polly" (1878) (Stanton) Brown, whom see for children. They lived at Oxford, Me. 3. Freeman Brown® Haskell, born 1843 ; Uved at Mechanic FaUs, Me. 4. Benjamin FrankUn® Haskell, born 23 June 1851. 3420. Sally', born 18 August 1807 ; married Daniel Robinson, of Sidney, Me. 3421. George', bora 20 November 1809. [5344] DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 435 3422. Experience', born 20 October 1811 ; married Ambrose SmaU, of CUnton, Me. ; lived in Augusta, Me., and had : 1. Roxana® Small, born 1824. 2. Ursula® SmaU, born 1829. 3. Harlan® SmaU, born 1831. 4. Frances® SmaU, bom 1843. 5. WilUam® SmaU, born 1845. 6. CharlesS SmaU, born 1847. 7. EUaS SmaU, born 1850. 8. Franks SmaU, born 1852. 3423. Nathaniel', born 12 September 1813, died young. 3424. Rosanna', bora 27 October 1815 ; married WilUam Y. Bartlett, and died chUdless, 10 October 1851. 3425. Susannah', born 27 February 1818 ; married Alfred Davis, of Belgrade, Me., and had : 1. CharlesS Da-vis. 2. George® Da-vis. 3426. Nathaniel', born 27 February 1821 ; married, in 1852, Mary Ann Coy, of Augusta, Me. He was a soldier in the war of the RebelUon. He Uved in Augusta, Me., and died there August 1869. He had one child, who died young. Stephen" (1523), son of Richard* and Joanna (Clark) Went worth, born in Berwick, Me., in 1767 ; married, 22 December 1791, Sarah Nutter; removed to Ossipee, N. H., thence to Moulton- borough, N. H., thence to Great Falls, N. H., where he died 4 AprU 1856. She died 19 January 1854, aged 81. They had : 3427. Theodore', born in Ossipee, N. H., 26 May 1792 ; mar ried, in New Sharon, Me., 14 January 1820, Eunice, daughter of Nathaniel Harding, of that place, where she was born 23 July 1800. He died at Bingham, Me., 14 March 1863. She married, 2d, Oc tober 1867, John Hunnewell, of Bingham, Me., and lived there. Theodore' had (besides several who died in infancy) : 1. John A.®, born at Dead River, Me., 9 March 1823 ; mar ried, 4 July 1845, Phebe, daughter of Aaron Bean, of Pleasant Ridge, Me. , and cousin to Harriet (Bean) , wife of his brother Edward LarkinS. She died there, 5 July 1868, and he removed to CaUfornia. They had, born in Moscow, Me. : 1. Lizzie*, born 8 AprU 1846; married, 17 February 1865, Charles E. Brown. He was in the war of the Rebel lion. He removed to California, and lived in Laporte, Plu mas CO. They had (besides one who died in infancy): 436 SIXTH GENERATION. 1. Hattie BelU* Brown, born in Somerset co.. Me., 29 June 1866. 2. Sarah*, born 20 Febraary 1848 ; lived in Moscow, Maine. 2. Edward Larkin®, born in New Vineyard, Me., 26 June 1825 ; married, 14 October 1847, Harriet Bean, of Fayette, Me., cousin to Phebe (Bean) , wife of his brother John A.® He was in the war of the RebelUon. He lived in Vienna, Me. (Mount Vernon P. O.) , and was a Baptist clergyman. They had : 1. Charles W.*, born in Vienna, Me., 9 August 1849; married, 24 November 1870, Rosa Jackson, of Sidney, Me., and lived in Danvers, Mass. 2. Hattie E.*, born in Vienna, Me., 20 May 1854; lived there 3. Emma E.*, born in ChesterviUe, Me., 10 January 1858. 4. Nancy J.*, born in Moscow, Me., 17 AprU 1860. 5. Frederick L.*, born in Vienna, Me., 4 AprU 1864. 6. Edward L.*, born in Vienna, Me., 14 December 1866. 3. Mary L.®, born in New Vineyard, Me., 15 AprU 1827; married, 30 April 1844, Asa Andrews ; Uved in Neponset, Bureau co., IU., and had, all born in New Vineyard, Me., except the last : 1. Martin v.* Andrews, born 3 May 1845; was in the war of the RebeUion two years. He manied, in Neponset, IU., 28 November 1867, Hattie Sweet. 2. Sarah E.* Andrews, born 28 AprU 1847 ; lost her first husband in the army, and married, 2d, in Moscow, Me., 22 August 1864, John T. Henderson, who was in the army two years. 3. Grover* Andrews, born 5 March 1849. 4. Theodore* Andrews, born 16 January 1851. 5. John W.* Andrews, born 2 February 1853. 6. Josephine* Andrews, born 30 December 1859. 7. Mary* Andrews, born 10 December 1862. 8. Hattie BeU* Andrews, born in Neponset, IU., 13 May 1868. 4. Eunice H.®, born in New Vineyard, Me., December 1829 ; married, 26 September 1848, Calvin B. Rowe, of Moscow, Me. ; lived in Bingham, Me., and had : 1. Calvin E.* Rowe, born in Pleasant Ridge, Me., 11 December 1849 ; Uved in CaUfornia. DESCENDANTS OP EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 437 2. -Eunice W.* Rowe, born in Pleasant Ridge, Me., 22 September 1853. 3. Nathan A.* Rowe, born in Moscow, Me., 6 Septem ber 1862. 5. Charles Wesley®, born in Starks, Me., 19 May 1835 ; mar ried, 19 June 1861, Loantha Baker, born in Moscow, Me., 15 April 1833 ; Uved there, and had, born there : 1. Ada*, born 2 June 1862. 2. Elmer L.*, born 23 March 1866. 3. Isola F.*, born 29 December 1871. 3428. Armitta', born in Ossipee, N. H., 14 Febraary 1794; manied, 19 October 1815, both of Marlborough, N. H., Nathaniel Bunker; Uved in Sutton, Vt. ; she died 14 December 1841. Thej' had eight chUdren, one of whom, Daniel® Bunker, lived in Sutton, Vermont. 3429. Mary', born 13 February 1796 ; married, 13 September 1818, Ivory Lord. He was brother of Wentworth Lord who mar ried Joanna" (1525) Wentworth, and of Eleanor Lord who married Clark" (1531) Wentworth. They Uved in Lebanon. He died about 1858 ; she died 15 November 1871. They had (with others) : 1. Wentworth W.® Lord, Uves on the homestead, P. O. North Lebanon, Me., 1876. 2. IvoryS Lord. 3. SamueF Lord. 4. Hosea® Lord. 5. EUen® Lord. 6. Lucinda® Lord. 7. Roxana® Lord. 3430. Joanna', born 5 August 1798, died in Providence, R. I., December 1860. 3431. Samuel', bom 8 May 1801 ; married, 10 February 1822, Mary Ann Brown, of Tuftonborough, N. H., born 30 January 1805 ; lived on Long Island, in Tuftonborough, Melvin VUlage P. 0., N. H., and had, all born there : 1. Clark®, born 27 November 1827; married, 15 July 1854, Elizabeth C. AUard ; Uved in Melvin ViUage, N. H., and had : 1. Harry L.*, born 5 October 1859. 2. Carrie L.*, born 22 July 1869. 2. Benjamin Franklin®, born 8 February 1829 ; married, 15 January 1859, Abby M. AUard, of Moultonborough, N. H. ; lived in Meredith, N. H., in 1873, childless. 438 SIXTH GENERATION. 3. EUzabethS, born 1 July 1837 ; married Richard Boody, of Moultonborough, N. H. 4. AdeUa AnnS, born 27 July 1843 ; married, 14 March 1861, her cousin Samuel G.s (5363) Wentworth, whom see for chUdren. He was brother to Mark D.s, husband of her sister Mary Jane®. 5. Mary Jane®, born 30 January 1849 ; manied, 5 March 1868, her cousin Mark D.® (5366) Wentworth, whom see for chU dren. He was brother to Samuel G.®, husband of her sister AdeUa A.s 3432. Oliver', born 3 April 1803. [5348] 3433. Clark', born in Ossipee, N. H., 31 January 1806. [5359] 3434. Ruth', born in Ossipee, N. H., 5 September 1808, died June 1809. 3435. Ruth', bora in Ossipee, N. H., 25 May 1810; married, in 1833, James S. Bunker; lived at Cranberry Meadow, Berwick, Me., near Great FaUs, N. H.,-aHd died there 21 February 1872. They had : 1. John T. G.s Bunker, bom 1 AprU 1834. 2. EU G.® Bunker, born 17 November 1838. 3436. Charles Darling', born 6 June 1813. [5367] 3437. Stephen', born in Moultonborough, N. H., 1 October 1818 ; married Sarah A. Watson, of that place, born 25 Novem ber 1818 ; Uved at Centre Harbor, N. H., and had : 1. Augusta A.®, born 7 January 1846; manied, 3 Septem ber 1869, J. L. Smith, of Sandwich, N. H. ; Uved at Centre Harbor, N. H., and had one daughter. 2. Jennette®, born 1 March 1851. 3. Clara Eldora®, born 26 July 1854. Richard" (1524), son of Richard* and Joanna (Clark) Went worth, born in the autumn of 1769 ; married, 3 July 1794, Lydia, daughter of Jacob Lord. She was born AprU 1772, and was a sister of Mercy Lord who manied Benjamin" (1465) Wentworth. She had a brother Benjamin Lord, who was a sea-captain. Richard" was a soldier in the war of 1812. He died in Lebanon, Me., in May 1826 ; she died 10 December 1857. They had : 3438. Mary', born 2 September 1794; manied, 3 September 1814, Nathaniel Staples; lived in Lebanon, Me., and are both dead. They had : 1. Christopher® Staples, lived in Exeter, N. H. 2. Joseph® Staples, lived in Exeter, N. H. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® "WENTWORTH. 439 3. Oliver® Staples, killed on the railroad, at Exeter, N. H. 4. Mahala® Staples, married William Cate, brother of Joseph Cate who married her aunt Ada' (3444) . 5. Nancy® Staples, married John Perkins, and lives at North Berwick, Me. 3439. Joanna', died aged 7 j'ears. 3440. Joanna', born 1798 ; married, 3 September 1822, Charles Grant, who died about 1850, aged 59. She married, 2d, John BeU ; 3d, WilUam Cate (brother to Joseph Cate who married her sister Ada' (3444) , whose first wife was her niece MahalaS (3438.4) Staples) ; and Uves in Exeter, N. H. By her first marriage she had : 1. Edward® Grant, born 19 March 1824; married Sophia Downs ; Uves at Lebanon, Me., and has one child. 2. Abigail® Grant, bom 18 March 1826 ; married. May 1844, Frank Hamilton, and had seven children, four of whom are dead. 3. Richard® Grant, born about 1828 ; married Hannah Pierce, and Uved at Newmarket, N. H. 4. Isaac® Grant, born 1 June 1831 ; married MeUssa® (5374) Wentworth, whom see. They had (besides one who died in in fancy): 1. James Alphonso* Grant, born 5 Februarj' 18^8. 2. Georgianna* Grant, born 26 November 1861. 3. Roscoe* Grant, born 25 March 1865. 4. Harvey* Grant, born 11 July 1866. 5. Frank Herbert* Grant, born 2 Febrjiary 1872. 5. George® Grant, born about 1832 ; married Maria Rounds, and lived in Kennebunk, Me. 6. Mary® Grant, born about 1834 ; married Henry WUds, and Uved at Kennebunk, Me. 7. Charles® Grant, born about 1836 ; married Huldah Thomp son, and lived in Lebanon, Me. 3441. Nancy', married Samuel Champion, of Boston, Mass., and lived there. She died in 1868, having had : 1. Alvah® Champion. 2. Samuel® Champion. 3442. Abraham', born about 1800. [5369] 3443. Isaac', born September 1803. [5379] • 3444. Ada', married Joseph Cate, of Exeter, N. H. ; lived there, and had : 1. Sarah® Cate. 2. EUza® Cate. 440 SIXTH GENERATION. 3445. Jacob', married Betsey Dearborn, of Greenland, N. H., and died 14 January 1860. He had : 1 . Andrew® ; he was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion, and some time a prisoner, and lived at Spring Vale, Sanford, Me. 2. Joseph®. 3. Samuels. 3446. Amy', died aged six years. 3447. Lj'dia', manied Mark Goodwin, of Lebanon, Me. ; Uved at Little River FaUs, in Lebanon, and had : 1. SophroniaS Goodwin, born 10 December 1831. 2. Horace® Goodwin, born 28 July 1834. 3. Ruth® Goodwin, born 19 AprU 1838, died 4 July 1857. 4. Joel® Good-win, born 26 November 1840 ; served nine months in Co. F, 23d Maine Vols., and then enlisted in 7th Me. Battery. 5. SimeonS Goodwin, died 11 June 1843, aged five months. 6. Samuel F.® Good-win, born 5 June 1845 ; was a soldier in Co. F, 23d Maine Vols., and died in service 4 October 1864. 7. Mary FrancesS Goodwin, died 1 September 1848. 8. Benjamin Franklin® Goodwin, twin with Mary F.", and died on same daj' with her. 9. Benjamin Franklin® Good-win, born 30 November 1851. 3448. Richard', died 15 June 1835, single. Joanna" (1525), daughter of Richard* and Joanna (Clark) Wentworth, born, one account says, 16 June 1779, another account saj-s 1772, and that she was the thU-d child. She married, 12 June 1803, Wentworth Lord, born 10 January 1779. He was son of Benjamin and Betsey (Stanton) Lord, and brother of Ivory Lord who married Mary' (3429) Wentworth, and of Eleanor Lord who married Clark" (1531) Wentworth. (Benjamin Lord was son of Benjamin ; his wife Betsey (Stanton) was daughter of Benjamin and Eleanor (Jones) Stanton, both Benjamin Stanton and his -wife being grandchildren of the emigrant George Ricker, as see "Ricker" note to Sarah^ (29a) Wentworth.) 3449, EUzabeth' Lord (eldest child), married Joseph Hersom. She died 11 June 1838, and he married, 2d, March 1839, Nancy Goodwin, and died 20 January 1862. EUzabeth' had : 1. Lj'dia® Hersom, born 15 June 1827; married Charles F. Mitchell, 28 March 1859, and lived at Great FaUs, N. H. 2. Asa® Hersom, born 10 December 1829 ; married, 12 Feb- DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 441 ruary 1852, Emily M., daughter of Clement and Maria Parker, and granddaughter of Rev. Clement Parker, a Congregational clergy man, and a nephew of Jonas Parker who was kiUed at the battle of Lexington. They live (1875) at Great Falls, N. H. , and had : 1. Fred P.* Hersom, born 12 February 1853. 2. Frank S.* Hersom, born 25 February 1856. 3. Clement E.* Hersom, born 1 October 1861. 4. Harry L.* Hersom, born 4 November 1868. 5. Asa* Hersom, born 10 November 1870. 3. Lorenzo R.® Hersom, born 19 October 1831 ; married, 21 September 1854, Martha E., daughter of Elliot and Polly (Chad bourne) Tebbetts. They live at Berwick, Me., of which he was Representative in the Maine Legislature of 1876. They had (besides three who died young) : 1. Alton Everett* Hersom, bora 24 April 1858. 4. Andrew J.® Hersom, born 11 July 1835 ; married, 4 Octo ber 1857, Susan Pike, daughter of David G. Butler, of Great FaUs, formerly of Berwick, Me., and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Addie L.* Hersom, born 2 July 1862. 5. EUzabeth® Hersom, born 17 May 1838 ; married, Novem ber 1857, Leonard J. Perkins, of Berwick, now of Portland, Me., and had (besides one who died young) : 1. Carrie A.* Perkins. 2. EUa F.* Perkins. 3. Leonard J.* Perkins. 4. Lizzie B.* Perkins. 5. WiUiam H.* Perkins. 6. Frank C* Perkins. 7. Grace W.* Perkins. 3450. Polly' Lord, manied, 8 April 1829, Dominicus' (3294) Wentworth, whom see for chUdren. He died at Lebanon, Me., 4 July 1847. She died 29 January 1856. 3451. Albin' Lord, married OUve Goodwin ; lived in Lebanon, Me., and had (besides one who died): 1. Susan® Lord, married, 1st, David Kincaid, who was drowned; 2d, Harvey. 2. Sarah® Lord, married John Fernald, and Uved in Leb anon, Me. 3. Laura® Lord, manied Trae William Thompson, and lived in Newmarket, N. H. • 442 SIXTH GENERATION. 4. OUveS Lord, married Thomas F. Marston, of Great Falls, N. H., son of Thomas Marston. 5. EUzabethS Lord, married John Chick, and Uved in Great FaUs, N. H. 6. JennieS Lord, married Howard Chick, and Uved in Leb anon, Me. 7. Lyman W.® Lord, married, 1st, Sarah Roberts, of Leb anon, Me. ; 2d, Maria Roberts. 8. Ransom D.® Lord, married OUve Estes. 9. Julia® Lord, is single. 3452. Hannah' Lord, married Thomas Butler, who died March 1851, at Milton, N. H., and had : 1 . Adeline® Butler. 2. Wentworth® Butler. 3. Hannah® Butler ; and at least two others. 3453. Ira' Lord, lived single, at Lebanon, Me. 3454. BeUnda' Lord, married Layton Pierce, and had : 1. Mary EUzabeth® Pierce, born 27 December 1848. 2. JoannaS Pierce, born 1 July 1850. 3455. Lyman Walker' Lord, born 11 March 1818 ; married Elizabeth (Hanscom) Goodwin, widow of Joel Goodwin, of Leb anon, Me. (She had, by her flrst husband, a son, Joel Goodwin, born 12 February 1840.) Lyman W.' Lord had : 1. Elbin® Lord, born 15 AprU 1843 ; was in the 2d N. H. Vols., war of the RebelUon; wounded at battle of BuU Run, taken to Libby Prison, and never again heard of. 2. Charles® Lord, born 10 November 1845. 3. Oriandos Lord, born 17 July 1846. Nathan" (1526), son of Richard* and Joanna (Clark) Went worth, born in 1774; married Lydia Whitehouse, and lived in Lebanon, Me. He died before 1834. She died 8 March 1848, aged 72 years. They had: 3456. Nathaniel', born in Lebanon, 31 December 1798. [5382] 3457. George', drowned 20 September 1811, in his twelfth j'ear. 3458. Andrew', born 22 March 1803. [5392d] 3459. Hannah', born 1807 ; married, 2 February 1832, OUver Titcomb, of Acton, Me. 3460. Ebenezer', born 1809, died single, in 1830. 3461. WiUiam T.', born 10 July 1811. [6402] 3462. Eunice', born 20 February 1813 ; married, 9 June 1833, DESCENDANTS OP EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 443 Howard Locke, of Great Falls, N. H., born 3 October 1810. She died 8 October 1852. He married, 2d, 27 June 1853, her niece SusanS (5393) , daughter of Andrew' Wentworth, whom see for children. Eunice' had (besides seven who died in infancy): 1. Edwin H.® Locke, bora 3 October 1844; served four years in U. S. Na-vy ship Colorado, through the Rebellion. He married, in 1869, Anna Howard, of Boston, Mass., and died 25 March 1875, childless. 2. James A.® Locke, born 8 February 1847 ; served five years in U. S. Na-vy ship Colorado; married, 3 July 1869, Susan A. Hamilton, of Waterborough, Me. , and had : 1. Guy H.* Locke. 2. Roy H.* Locke. 3. Edwin* Locke. 3. Charles H.® Locke, born 31 December 1849 ; married, 30 November 1876, Lettie H., daughter of Uriah BlaisdeU, of Som ersworth, N. H. 3463. George', born 12 April 1815. [5409] 3464. Betsey', born m 1817 ; married, 18 AprU 1841, Thomas L. Goodwin, of Salem, Mass. 3465. James W.', bom 1822. [5413] Thomas" (1529), son of Richard* and Joanna (Clark) Went worth, bom in Berwick, Me., 13 June 1782 ; was in the war of 181^, in an ArtUlery company. He married, 1st, 21 March 1804, Mary, daughter of Tristram and EUzabeth (Hooper) Heard, of Berwick, Me. (Tristram Heard's first wife was Anna* (250) Wentworth, whom see for maniages.) She died 3 June 1830. Thomas" married, 2d, 16 December 1832, Hannah (Mann) Stephens, -widow of Levi Stephens, and lived in Exeter, Me. He died there 17 December 1874. She was living there (in 1876), with his son Nathaniel S.' Thomas" had, by his first wife : 3466. Ebenezer', born 13 June 1805 ; manied, 18 December 1830, Lucy M. Greeley, of Garland, Me., and lived in Stetson, Me., childless. 3467. Eliza', born 5 July 1807 ; married, 18 March 1826, Ben jamin Crocket, of Stetson, Me. She died 27 May 1848, having had : 1. Joel® Crocket, born 6 February 1828 ; married, 1st, Mar tha Tuck, of Stetson, Me., who died in Bradford, Me., 24 August 1866 ; 2d, 25 November 1868, Lizzie C. Otis, of Charles ton, Me. He had, by his first wife : 444 SIXTH GENERATION. 1. Flora E.9 Crocket, born in Exeter, Me., 11 AprU 1860. 2. Francis® Crocket, born 19 May 1829 ; lived in Chicago, in 1871. 3. Lucy Ann® Crocket, born 22 October 1830 ; married Mark Cloudman, of Stetson, Me., and had: 1. Anna* Cloudman, born 20 October 1860. 4. Nancy AnnS Crocket, twin with preceding ; manied, 30 June 1860, Charles Barron, of Topsham, Me., and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Minnie May* Barron, born 27 AprU 1870. 5. John B.® Crocket, born 2 October 1832 ; married, 28 Feb raary 1857, Orra Ann Mooar, of Stetson, Me., and had, born there (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Sarah Ella* Crocket, born 7 April 1858. 2. Lizzie* Crocket, born 12 May 1866. 6. Jetson® Crocket, bora 22 March 1834, died 26 October 1855. 7. Harriet® Crocket, born 5 August 1837 ; married, 4 Novem ber 1860, William Mason, of Boston, Mass., and had: 1. Courtland* Mason, born in Oldtown, Me., 5 April 1862. 8. Henry® Crocket, born 4 August 1839 ; went to California in 1860 ; married there, 9 November 1864, Margaret Davis, of Placer co., and had children. He lives at Forest Hill, Placer CO., Cal. 9. Charles® Crocket, born 27 April 1843 ; married, 27 Octo ber 1870, Lora A. Raines, of Stetson, Me. 10. Martha® Crocket, born 26 January 1847, died 8 March 1850. 3468. Thomas', born 22 May 1810 ; Uved in Stetson, Me., until he went to CaUfornia in 1851 ; now Uves there, at Georgetown, El Dorado co., single. 3469. Ruth', born 26 December 1812 ; married, October 1832, Thomas Clarke, of Stetson, Me., and had: 1. AureUa® Clarke, born 29 March 1833 ; married Pratt B. Hubbard, of Stetson, Me., and had: 1. Clarence LesUe* Hubbard, died before 1856. 2. Samuel C.® Clarke, born 13 April 1835 ; married, 1st, 12 May 1861, Annie S. Perkins, of Stetson, Me., who died April 1863 ; 2d, Naomi Menifee, of Sacramento, Cal., where they hved. 3. Lemuel S.s Clarke, born 15 November 1837 ; married DESCENDANTS OP EZEKIEL® WENTWORTH. 445 Emma Coates, formerly of Rochester, N. Y. ; lived at Reno, Nevada, and had a son born 2 February 1871. 4. Sarah J.® Clarke, bom 17 March 1844 ; married, 1 Janu ary 1866, John A. Jordan, of Stetson, Me., and had : 1. Horace G.* Jordan, born 29 August 1870. 5. Fisher R.s Clarke, bom 22 February 1846 ; lived at Sacra mento, Cal. 3470. Caleb', born 7 April 1816. [54146] 3471. Samuel', born 14 April 1817 ; married, in 1841, Lucinda CampbeU, of Exeter, Me., and died 28 February 1843 ; she died September 1843, chUdless. 3472. Hannah', born 3 May 1819 ; married, AprU 1847, Samuel D. Brown, of Bangor, Me., and died there 20 August 1876, childless. 3473. Nathaniel S.', bom in 1821. [5419] 3474. Mary', bom '24 March 1823 ; married, November 1843, Seth Wheeler, of Canaan, Me. ; is childless. 3475. Charles', born 29 January- 1825 ; lived single, in George town, El Dorado co., Cal. 3476. Nathan', born 23 May 1828 ; married, 1st, 18 Septem ber 1856, Frances Maria Nutting, daughter of Jacob Nutting, of Canaan, Me. She died at Michigan Bluff, Cal., 23 April 1861. 2d, 1 Januaiy 1869, -widow Mary Elizabeth (Marlett) Andrews, of Sacramento, Cal., daughter of Daniel Marlett, of Adrian, Mich. He Uved at Georgetown, El Dorado co., Cal. ; he had, born at Michigan Bluff, Cal. , by his first wife : 1. LUlian®, born 24 September 1857. 2. Frank®, born 25 September 1859. 3. Frances Maria®, born 7 April 1861. Nathan' had, by his second wife : 4. Guy Elmer®, born 26 Febraaiy 1874. Thomas" had, by his second wife : 3477-8. Betsey', born 30 September 1832 ; manied, 2 Novem ber 1851, David Peavy, of Corinna, Me., and had : 1. Albina® Peavy, bora 15 December 1852. 2. Tristam D.® Peavy, born 22 June 1856. 3. Ida Ann® Peavy, bom 1 December 1859. 4. Emma Cora® Pea-vy, born 19 July 1861. 5. Georgianna® Peavy, bom 14 May 1863. 6. Oscar W.® Peavy, bom 18 May 1870. 3479. Abigail', bom 16 January 1835 ; married, 1853, Charles Perkins, of Bangor, Me., and had : 446 • SIXTH GENERATION. 1. Charles Nelson® Perkins, born 28 April 1854. 2. Ida May® Perkins, born 3 January 1856. 3. Abbie L.® Perkins, born 22 January 1858. 4. VaUencourt Onelisky® Perkins, born 10 March 1861. 5. Fred Warren® Perkins, born 17 July 1863. 6. Hattie MariaS Perkins, bora 30 September 1865. 7. NettieS Perkins, born 7 April 1868. 3480. Tristram', born 19 September 1837 ; married, July 1856, Jane BlaisdeU, of Corinna, Me. ; went to California ; enUsted, and died in the war of the Rebellion. She manied, 2d, George Hods don, of Exeter, Me. Tristram' had : 1. Son^, born 1 May 1857. Clark" (1531), son of Richard* and Joanna (Clark) Wentworth, born 4 April 1792 ; was a soldier in the war of 1812, and was wounded at the battle of Plattsburg. He married, 1st, Eleanor Lord (sister of Wentworth Lord who married Joanna" (1525) Wentworth, and of Ivory Lord who married Mary' (3429) Went worth), and lived in Lebanon, Me. They separated. She died at Berwick, Me., 6 March 1872. He married, 2d, Margaret Watson, born 1 November 1796, and Uved in Brighton, Mass., where he died 23 October 1845 ; she died November 1848. ' Clark" had, by his first wife : 3481. Jane I.', bora 22 July 1817 ; manied, 29 September 1840, Hiram Clark, of Berwick, Me., born 13 September 1817 ; and had, born in Berwick, Me. : 1. SylvanusS Clark, born 2 August 1841, died 1 May 1865. 2. Frederick Moses® Clark, born 25 June 1843 ; married, 22 May 1869, Susan E. Nute, of Berwick, Me. 3. John W.® Clark, born 30 October 1845 ; Uved at Great FaUs, N. H., attorney-at-law, and died S.September 1874. 4. Benjamin L.® Clark, born 17 December 1848 ; married, 24 November 1870, LnceUa J.', daughter of Elza W. and Nancy" (1947) (Pray) Ricker, born 8 February 1851 ; Uved in Berwick, Me., and had: 1. Bertha L.* Clark, born 8 July 1871. 5. Walter M.® Clark, born 19 December 1850, died 17 Jan uary 1852. 6. Jennie C.® Clark, born 22 July 1859. Clark" had, by his second wife : 3482. WUUam', bom 10 March 1816, died 10 August following. DESCENDANTS OF EZEKIEL® WENTAVORTH. 447 3483. Martha Ann', born 30 March 1821 ; married, 21 Jan uary 1846, Henry Earle, and died childless, 18 July 1849. 3484. George Spinney', born 13 November 1825. [54226] 3485. Charles W.', born 22 AprU 1826. [5424] 3486. Elizabeth W.', born 30 August 1829 ; married, 11 Sep tember 1849, Joseph A. Brackett, and lived in Brighton, Mass. 3487. Clark', born 4 AprU 1833. [5427] 3488. Harriet Augusta', born 21 December 1840 ; married, October 1857, Warren Phillips ; Uved in Brighton, Mass., and had : 1. Carrie EUsworth® Phillips, born June 1861. Charles" (1532), son of Richard* and Joanna (Clark) Went worth, bora 3 August 1795 ; married, December 1822, Harriet Thompson ; Uved in Dover, N. H., and died there, 12 April 1861. She died there, 2 March 1876. They had : 3489. Oliver', born 3 August 1823. [5431] 3490. Eliza Ann', born 22 December 1825 ; married, 1st, John Smith, who soon died, lea-ving one child, who took the name of Wentworth; 2d, 1 May 1869, Joseph Lane, of Dover, N. H., and Uved in Dover. She had, by her flrst husband : 1. Herberts, born 11 Febraary 1853 ; lived in Dover, N. H. ; married there, 26 November 1875, Mary Dyer, of that place. 3491. Clark', born 16 July 1827 ; enlisted in Co. B, 1st N. H. Vols. ; re-enUsted in the 11th N. H. Vols. ; was afterwards in an Ohio cavalry regiment, and has not since been heard from. 3492. Charles', born 7 August 1829; enlisted in 1861, served eighteen months, and was discharged for disability. 3493. Susan E.', born 5 December 1833; married, 11 Novem ber 1854, John P. Hammond, of EUot, Me. ; lived in Dover, N. H., and had (besides one who died in infancy) : 1. Cora May® Hammond, bom 16 October 1857. 2. Mabel Grace® Hammond, born 29 June 1860. 3. Mary Haniet® Hammond, born 9 September 1862. 4. Carrie E.s Hammond, born 29 October 1867. 5. Joseph WUlis® Hammond, bom 14 January 1870. 6. Flora EsteUe® Hammond, born 20 February 1874. 3494. Thomas', bora 2 June 1835 ; married, 4 September 1865, Hannah Place, of New Durham, N. H. 3495. Stephen', born 3 May 1836, died 5 September 1838. 3496. Stephen', born 14 August 1838, died 20 August 1840. 3497. John A.', born 17 April 1840; enUsted, 18 Septem- 448 SIXTH generation. ber 1861, in Co. G, 4th N. H. Vols. ; re-enlisted 24 September 1864, and served until the end of the war. James" (1536) , son of Jedediah* and Eunice (Clarke) Wentworth, born in Berwick, Me., 10 Febraary 1779 ; married, 11 November 1802, Lj'dia Pierce. He was a deacon, and died in Ossipee, N. H., 31 December 1837. His widow became the second -wife of Robert Chick, and died 18 Februarj' 1869, aged 86 years. James" had, the first two born in Lebanon, Me., the others in Ossipee, N. H. : 3498. Jesse', born 6 October 1803, died 10 July 1805. 3499. Freeman Pierce', born 4 October 1805. [5432] 3500. Jeremiah', born 6 October 1807, died 14 March 1825. 3501. Eunice', born 8 Januarj' 1810; married, 23 February 1842, Richard Hilton, and had: 1. James F.® Hilton, born 26 Febraary 1843. 2. George A.® Hilton, born 1 August 1845. 3. Richard S.® Hilton, born 20 December 1847, died 19 Feb ruary 1852. 4. Joseph F.s Hilton, born 23 February 1849. 5. Smith C.® Hilton, bora 17 July 1852. 3502. James M.', born 18 June 1812. [5433] 3503. Lydia P.', born 22 August 1816; married, 19 Novem ber 1840, Ivory Stillings ; Uved in Alton, N. H., and had: 1. James G.® StiUings, born 21 September 1841 ; married, 23 February 1867, Sophronia E., daughter of James and AbigaU Corson, and lived at AUston, Mass. 2. George M.® StiUings, born 19 January 1843 ; was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion, and was killed at Fair Oaks, 25 June 1862. 3. Joseph A.® Stillings, born 5 July 1845. 4. Oriando F.® Stillings, born 25 August 1846, died 23 Feb ruarj' 1858. 5. Rufus J.® Stillings, bom 29 November 1850. 6. Charies H. R.® Stillings, born 9 September 1853. 7. Emma F. A.® Stillings, born 23 September 1855. 8. Frank 0.® Stillings, born 29 July 1860. 3504. John J.', born 30 September 1819. [5343] 3505. Moses', bora 7 May 1823, died 8 April 1825. 3506. Moses C, born 26 May 1825. 3507. Leonora E. F.', born 14 May 1827 ; married, 1 June 1845, Amasa Chick, and had : descendants of ezekiel^ wentworth. 449 1. Emma F.® Chick, born 13 January 1847; married, 28 March 1866, Frank S. FaU, son of EU and Eliza FaU. 2. Lydia A.® Chick, bom 10 May 1850 ; married, 27 Janu ary 1867, James O. Fall, brother of Frank S. Fall, just men tioned. 3. Augusta E.s Chick, born 2 AprU 1853. 4. Charles D.® Chick, born 1 September 1855. 5. NeweU A.® Chick, born 27 April 1857. 6. Frank H.® Chick, born 15 September 1859. 7. Nora L.® Chick, born 21 May 1862. 8. George F.s Chick, born 23 October 1864. 9. Edwin H.® Chick, born 6 December 1866, died 18 Octo ber 1870. Jedediah" (1537), son of Jedediah* and Eunice (Clarke) Went worth, married, 1st, in Dover, N. H., 1 October 1807, Betsey Hanson, born 12 AprU 1790, in Lebanon, Me., died there Novem ber 1821 ; 2d, in 1826, a Mrs. Bishop, who died childless, in about eighteen months. (She had one son and two daughters by her first husband ; he went into the army in the war of 1812, and as she heard nothing more of him supposed him dead ; but he had been taken prisoner, put on board a British man-of-war, and came back a few weeks after her death, and lived with his own children.) Jedediah" married, 3d, in 1831, Lydia Hersom, of Lebanon, Me., who died at Great Falls, N. H., about 1840. He was an invaUd pensioner, for service rendered in the war of 1812, and died at Great Falls, N. H., 17 April 1837. He had, by his first wife : 3508. Charles', born 10 February 1809. [5447] 3509. Eunice EUzabeth', born 28 December 1813 ; married, 5 January 1832, Robert SmaUcorn, born 14 July 1809, and Uved 'in Charlestown, Mass. They had one child who died in infancy. 3510. Horatio Gates', born in Dover, N. H., 12 March 1817. [5450] Jedediah" had, by his third wife : 3511. Rowena', born 23 November 1832 ; married, 30 Novem ber 1853, MiUett G. Copp, and lived in Lawrence, Mass. John" (1538), son of Jedediah* and Eunice (Clarke) Wentworth, born 11 March 1783 ; he was adopted by WilUam Grant, jr., who married his aunt Mary* (524) , and inherited, lived, and died upon the homestead in Lebanon, Me., which is still in possession of the VOL. n. — 29 450 sixth generation. family. He married, 18 Febraary 1811, Abigail Gerrish, of Leba non, Me. He died there, 7 August 1855. He had : 3512. Mary', born 27 May 1812 ; lived at MUton Three Ponds, N. H., single. 3513. George' (originally named Adoniram), born 10 March 1814. [5454a] 3514. Eli', born 19 November 1815. [5456] 3515. William G.', born 29 October 1817. [5462] 3516. John', born 13 December 1819. [5464] 3517. Jeremiah' (formerly named Jedediah) , born 25 Septem ber 1821. [5470a] 3518. Eunice', born 26 May 1823 ; married, 1st, 9 May 1841, Simeon J. Ford, of Dover, N. H. ; 2d, Sylvester D. Hagar, and lived in Essex, Vt. ; he was killed at Adrian, Mich., by raUway accident, and she married, 3d, 25 October 1855, J. E. Rhodes, of Colchester, Vt., and lived there ; he died there, 18 July 1865. 3519. Nathaniel', born 12 December 1824, died in Lawrence, Mass., 14 October 1844. 3520. Legi-o S.', born 28 February 1827. [5471] 3521. Harriet A.', born 28 October 1828, died in Lebanon, Me., 4 November 1830. 3522. Alvy', born 22 March 1831. [5476a] 3523. Abby J.', born 21 November 1833, died in Lebanon, ' Me., 27 May 1840. 3524. James S.', born 27 November 1836. [5479] Moses" (1540), son of Jedediah* and Shorey (Hodsdon) Went worth, born 8 March 1798; married, 1st, 8 January 1820, SaUy Jackson, born 9 AprU 1788, died 20 January 1830 ; 2d, 4 Novem ber 1832, Patience®, daughter of Tobias and Martha' (3333) (Clark) Smith, born 18 Febraary 1808. Moses" died in South Berwick. Me., 24 June 1858. He had, by his first wife, all born in Lebanon, Me. : 3525. Nancy EUzabeth', bora 26 January 1824 ; married, 1st, Ebenezer Dow, of Woburn, Mass. ; 2d, Mj'ron Roberts. 3526. Sarah Ann', born 19 June 1825 ; married, 1st, 1 Jan uary 1846, John Drew, jr., born 15 Febraary 1819 ; died at Eaton, N. H., 6 December 1857 ; 2d, 7 AprU 1859, Robert Nickerson, born 8 April 1818, died at Tamworth Iron Works, N. H., 25 September 1865 ; 3d, 6 May 1869, John Bickford, born 4 August 1813. She had, by her second husband : 1. Sadie A.s Nickerson, born 31 October 1860. descendants op ezekiel® wentworth. 451 3527. Joshua Jackson', born 13 May 1827 ; married, 28 Novem ber 1861, Aiianna Matilda Gannett, born 23 January 1830 ; lived at San Francisco, Cal., and had (besides one who died in infancy): 1. Mary LizzieS, born 23 March 1864. 2. Annie RosaS, born 17 March 1866. 3. Charles JacksonS, bom 29 June 1867. 4. George Gannett®, born 26 AprU 1871. 3528. Hanis Barnes', born 1 September 1829 ; married, 1st, in 1851, Amanda M. CUley, born in Andover, N. H., 17 August 1831, died at Boston, Mass., 29 August 1859 ; 2d, 7 May 1860, Sarah Burkdell, born at Cincinnati, Ohio, 13 August 1831, died 18 Jan uary 1871 . He had, by his first wife, one child, who died in infancy. He was in Eureka, Humboldt co., Cal., in 1871. Moses" had, by his second wife : 3529. Rosetta', born 17 August 1833 ; married, at Great FaUs, N. H., 7 January 1852, Ichabod Abbott, of RolUnsford, N. H., bom 13 November 1823 ; and had (besides one who died in infancy): 1. Augusta E.s Abbott, born 24 September 1854. 2. Annie Maria® Abbott, born 20 July 1856. 3530. Elvina', born 15 February 1835 ; married, 6 April 1852, WiUiam H. CiUey, of Boston, Mass., born 21 September 1822 ; lived in California, and had two children, who died in infancy. 3531. Lorinda', born 12 December 1836 ; married, 1st, Novem ber 1854, Eben S. Cousins, of Lyman, Me., who died at South Berwick, Me., 7 October 1860; 2d, Ezekiel Ricker, of Rochester, N. H., and Uved there. She had, by her first husband : 1. LUian A.® Cousins, born 26 December 1855. 2. Albert N.® Cousins, born 19 June 1857. 3532. Moses Smith', born 13 January 1839 ; lived in Trinidad, Klamoth co., Cal., single. 3533. KimbaU', born 5 Febraary 1841, died 11 November 1842. 3534. Mary Jane', born 27 February 1843 ; married, February 1864, James C. White, of Great FaUs, N. H. ; Uved in Rochester, N. H., and had: 1. J. E.® White, born 28 June 1865. 2. Lilly M.® White, born 6 December 1866. 3. Eva E.® White, born 5 June 1869. 4. Moses W.® White, born 24 October 1870. 3535. Abbie Etta', bora 4 AprU 1845 ; married, 20 May 1866, her maternal cousin Daniel Wesley* Webber, son of Hezekiah and Juliana® (Smith) Webber, an