YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY R c H I V e: s State of New Jersey. FIRST SERIES. Vol- XXII. mmmm^^'^^'^?^?'^!!''^^'^?^''^''^*^^'''^' THE COMPLIMENTS OF Tlie New Jersey Historical Society. WILLIAM NELSON,Corresponding Secretary. This volume was prepared and edited by authority of the State of New Jersey, at the request of the New Jersey Historical Society, and under the direction ofthe following Committee of the Society. William Nelson, Garret D. W. Vroom, William S. Stryker, Austin Scott, Francis B. Lee. Jl NOW all Men by thefe Prefents, JV That A: I- .''>/-^''y c -^/Vr^yc/.V/^ C ". '','yu^/ Juy'r?,/ holden and do ftand jufUy indebted unto,//>/p//-/^<''''"'^^>'^'^ /7/,-;-/'' :'f.c' 'JJ^-"'^--''r^ <' /'y/'-v/' i'/./'-'' ^ ' _ in thc Sum of Five Hundred Pounds, ot" current lawful Money of N^ii'-Ji-rfj-, to he paid to his s (mA i^cr.'^,^r"c-i^ /T/ '.- 7 //<^/ - - - his Succcffors oi'Afligns: l^or the wliich Payment ivell and tndy be naade and done, //^^ do bijid /^^/? fel '""V ,'/// Heirs, Executors and Adminiftrators, and every of' them, J'.,-i;,,//" ^1 'i-t^C-i .://'¦. ¦ firmly by thefe Piefents. Scaled with /l.'i i Scaly Dated this .-;>)^'fx// /A Day of '.?7'/7/Vi' I' ..-I iinoqiH' Domini One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Sixty h-f/i r H E Condition of this Obligation is fuch, _„ That whereas the abo\e-bonnden ./j/J/l ^AJ l^t.i/.IO^^'T/ .'^t^y/'/c/i .^tf'f-f-/,/ hath obtained Liccficeof Marriage for />y'///, -_ _. _ _ _ of thc one Party, and foi v/'/''''Y/? ^ /?/' ,• !,':/ .¦'.','.;-,c ''rr.ly,- ,V7V/V'.''' ofthe other P.trty; NV)w, if it fliall not hereafter appear, that they the faid.-f'; //.-.^//-•/-/y v^;< ''' '- V '¦//.•'// .^ I,'/- e' ¦ ¦ ' have any lawful Let or Impediment of Prc-Contrafl. .'\riinity or Confanguinity, to hinder their beini; joined in thc Holy Bands of Matrimony, and afterwards their Ui'iiig togetlier as Man and Wife; then tliis Obligation to be void, or clle to if -uid and remain in full Force and Virtue, Scah'd ,m,l D,-H-..-,:rUiti /ff/tl. /.'l*'^" the Pref lice (f r^l y, ' \ /..,.. f/r/f<'^'-^ 0 DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE COLONIAL HISTORY State of New Jersey, ATOLUME XXII. Marriage Records, 1665-1800 Edited, with an Historical Introduction on the Early Marriage Laws of New Jersey, and the Precedents on which they were Founded, By WILLIAM NELSON. paterson, n. j. ^ The Press Printing and Publi^ing Co., 269 Main Street. 1900. ¦ PREFACE. It is not necessary to expatiate on the interest and import ance of the contents of this volume. The lawyer vsrill often turn to these marriage records to solve obscure questions of title to land. The historian will find here much information throwing light on obsolete laws and customs of the past. The student of sociology will discover many odd facts bearing on .questions of race, heredity, social usages and other problems affecting the development of society. To the genealogist of course the book will be invaluable. This work had its beginning in a resolve to print the man uscript index, in the office of the Secretary of State at Trenton, to the marriage bonds on file, and the records of marriage li censes, in that office. The origin of these bonds and of these licenses seemed to deserve explanation, out of which grew the Historical Introduction on the Early Marriage Law of New Jersey, which follows. In order to expand the volume to a suitable size it was concluded to add the other marriage rec ords which will be found succeeding those in the Secretary of State's office. These exhaust the extant inarriage records prior to 1801, for the counties of Bergen, Hudson and Essex, so far as the editor has been able to learn. The early Dutch churches as a rule were scrupulously careful to keep and preserve in the chuich archives registers of baptisms and marriages. The churches of other denominations not only were not so particular, but when the records were made they were often regarded as the private property of the pastors, and were carried away by them on their removal to other charges. The first Reformed (Dutch) church in New Jersey was that at Bergen, dating back to 1660. Its marriage records are well preserved, and are reproduced down to iSoi, in VI PREFACE. this volume. This was in iS'oo the only church within the present Hudson county. Bergen county had a number of churches in iSoo, as fol lows : Hackensack, established in 1 6S6; its marriage records are well kept and are given herewith. Schraalenburgh, 1724 ; printed here. Ponds (Oakland), 1710; records destro)'ed about 1S80, bv fire. Paramus, 1725 ; no marriage records have been preserved before iSoo. English Neighborhood (now Leonia), 1770; no records prior to iSi2. There were two or three Lu theran churches in the Saddle River valley, some of them dat ing well back toward 1700, and there may be early marriage records kept by their pastors, but the editor has not been able to find them. There was a French Reformed church near Hackensack before 1700, but its records are not known to ex ist. In Essex county there were these churches previous to 1800, in the chronological order given : First Presbyterian, of New ark, 1667; Reformed (Dutch), at Second River (Belleville), 1700; Orange Presbyterian, about 1719; Reformed (Dutch), at Fairfield, 1720; Trinity (Episcopal), of Newark, about 1743; Christ (Episcopal), Belleville, about 1755; Lyons Farms Baptist, 1769; Caldwell Presbyterian, about 1780; Bloomfield Presbyterian, 179S. The writer has been unable to discover any marriage records of these churches except the in complete registers of the Belleville Reformed church, and those of the Lyons Farms Baptist church. All the records of the First Presbyterian church existing at the time ofthe Revo lution are understood to have been lost or destroyed in that troublous period, and the writer has been informed that the church possesses no marriage records earlier than 1S50. The records of the Fairfield church are believed to have been de stroyed in a fire which consumed the parsonage about 1875. The records of Trinity church in the eighteenth century were ex amined some years since by the writer, who found them to be very fragmentary, with no marriage registers among them. The session records of the First Presbyterian church of Orange are understood to have been destroyed by fire in 1802. Those in existence begin January 30, 1S03. It is a inonotonous history of disaster to church records thus PRE&ACE. VII enumerated — "destroyed by fire," and emphasizes the import ance of a work like this, which multiplies and so preserves such records beyond the chance of destruction. By a singular irony of fate, however, a large collection of copies of other church records, which had been procured during a long period of years by the editor with infinite labor and much expense, for a second volume like this, went the way ofso many origin als, in a single night, in the great Paterson fire, February 8-9, 1902. If time and opportunity permit perhaps the effort to gather another volume of such material may be renewed. But vita brevis est I In this connection the work ofthe Holland Society, in New York, and ofthe Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania is wor thy of commendation. The former has caused copies to be made of all the records of the old Reformed Dutch churches in New Jersey, and has published those of the Hackensack and Schraalenburgh churches to 1800. It is expected that others will follow. The latter Society, organized so late as 1892, has procured copies of the records of a large number of churches of various denominations in the southern part of New Jersey, and has them bound in stout quarto volumes, well indexed, which are preserved in the fireproof rooms of the Historical So ciety of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia. It is intended to pub lish shortly the records of St. Mary's Church at Burlington, which dates back to 1704, and which numbered among its members many of the most prominent men in New Jersey, in the Provincial era. These records were copied for the New Jersey Historical Society, but for the purpose of publi cation were placed at the disposal of the sister Pennsylvania Society. The following records of New Jersey churches have been published : Belleville Reformed (Dutch) — baptisms, births, marriages and membership, 1794-1827. Proceedings N. J. Historical Society, Third Series, I., 178-196; II., 65-72, 131-144, 177- 185. Bergen Reformed (Dutch) — marriages, baptisms, deaths, 1665-1850. Winfield's Land Titles of Hudson County, I., 329-419. 8°. New York, 1872. VIU PREFACE. Elizabeth — Inscriptions on Tombstones and Monuments in the Burying Grounds ofthe First Presbyterian Church and St. John's Church, 1664-1892. New Haven, Conn., 1893. 8° Pp 355- Hackensack Reformed (Dutch) — marriages, baptisms, com municants, officers, 1686-1801. Collections Holland Society, Vol. I., pp. 349. 8° New York, 1891. Hanover (now Whippany) Presbyterian Church — com municants, marriages and baptisms, 1746-1796. Morristown, 1893. 8° Pp. 32. Inscriptions on the Tombstones and Monuments in the Graveyards at Whippany and Hanover. Morristown, 1894. 8° Pp. 93. Lyons Farms Baptist — proceedings, baptisms, marriages, 1769-iSor. Proceedings N. J. Historical Society, Third Series, I., 162-177; ^m 57-64, 1 19-130, 158-168. Monmouth County— Tombstone Inscriptions Presbyterian Burying Ground, Middletown ; Hendrickson Burying Ground, Middletown ; Tallman Burying Ground on Pumpkin Point, Shrewsbury; Baptist Church Burying Ground, Middletown; Topanemus Burying Ground, Marlboro ; Christ Church (Epis copal) Graveyard, Middletown; Golden Burying Ground, Middletown ; the Ancient Lippit or Taylor Burying Ground, Middletown ; the Hartshorne Burying Ground, Middletown— in the Town Book of Old Middletown, 8° [Freehold, 18S3], PP- 39-5.3- The Quaker Records of Shrewsbury, 1674-1731, PP-, 55-66; some baptisms, 1659-1738, pp. 66-70. Old Tennent Church, Freehold— History ofthe Church, by the Rev. Frank R. Symmes. Freehold, 1897. 8° Pp- 144- Baptismal records, 1735-1760, and early burials in neighboring cemeteries, pp. 118-143. Morristown-Bill of Mortality, being a register of all the deaths in the Presbyterian and Baptist congregations, 1768- 1806. Morristown, 1806. 8° Pp. 1 12 (actually 1 16) . Record of the First Presbyterian Church of Morristown. H.Story and Records ofthe Trustees and Session, 1742-1882, pp. 2^0, 192, 168. Combined Registers of births, marriages, Preface. ix deaths and communicants, 1742-1885, pp. 328. Morristown, 1881-1885. Large 80. Newton Township — Friends' records of Marriages at Burl ington, Salem, Newton (now in Camden county), Haddon- field, Chester (Moorestown), Evesham, and Woodbury Creek — particularly of members of Newton families — are given in Sketches of the First Immigrant Settlers of Newton Town ship, Old Gloucester County, West New Jersey, by John Clement. Camden, 1877, pp. 387-411. Orange Presbyterian — baptisms, 1756-62, 1765-1784. In History ofthe Oranges, by Stephen Wickes, M. D., Newark, 1892. Passaic Reformed (Dutch), formerly the Acquackanonk — the records have been published in part in a parish periodical. Paterson — History of the Old Dutch Church at Totowa (now the First Reformed, Paterson), 1755-1827. By Wil liam Nelson. Baptismal Register (in the original Dutch), 1756-1808. Paterson, 1892. 8° Pp. 170. Second Reformed — the registers, in substance, are given in a recent history of the church. Preakness Reformed (Dutch) — the records of baptisms, 1831-1902; marriages, 1842-1902, deaths, 1837-1902, and tombstone inscriptions in neighboring burying grounds, pp. 252-315, in a History of the Church, by the pastor, the Rev. George W. Labaw. New York, 1902. 8° Pp. 344. Schraalenburgh Reformed (Dutch) — Records of baptisms, marriages, communicants and officers, 1724-1801. Collec tions Holland Society, Vol. II. , pp. 387. 8° New York, 1891. Church records of baptisms and marriages have a quasi- public character, especially as they are required by statute, and in view of this fact there has been legislation in some quarters making it the duty of the churches to provide safe receptacles for such records, to protect them against loss by fire, damp, or other exposure. In England, Ireland and Scotland the churches must either make such provision, or deposit their rec ords in the Public Record Office, at London, Dublin or Edin burgh, respectively. In Massachusetts, the Public Record X PREFACE. Commissioner has been impressing on the church authorities the importance of protecting their records, with much success. A word as to the Index to Marriage Bonds and Licenses, The bonds were printed blanks, which were filled in by the officers of the locality where the parties lived, so that there is no standartl of handwriting by which the names can be deci phered, and as for the signatures, no man is compelled to write his name legibly. So there may easily be errors in the index. Moreover, the chirography of the index itself is not exactly of the copperplate order, and so the difficulty of getting the names of the licensees correctly into print has been considera ble. In cases of doubt reference was had to the originals, and the expert skill of Alexander H. Rickey, the former Assistant Secretary of State, or of John R. B. Smith, the present Assist ant Secretary, was called into requisition, and always placed at the editor's service with unfailing readiness and courtesy. ERRATA. The names printed as Stiles, from Cape May county, on pages 359-360, and 384-3S5, should be Stites. There is an error in the foot-note on page 592. Susan Kean was a daughter of Philip Van Brugh Livingston, a broth er of Governor William Livingston; she was born April 5, 1759; married John Kean, September 27, 1786; he died in 1795. Governor Livingston's daughter Susannah was born 1748 or 1749; married Judge John Cleves Symmes, Septem ber 10, 1794. Index to Maekiage Bonds and Maeeiage Eeooeds in the opfice OF the SECEETAEy OF StATE AT TeENTON, 1 Hackensack Eefoemed (Dutch) Chuech Maekiage Eecoeds, 1695- 1800, 467 SCHEAALENBUEGH ReFOEMED (DuTCH) ChUECII MaEEIAGE ReCOEDS, 1724-1801, 515 Xll CONTENTS. Bekgen County Clerk's Maeeiage Recoeds, 1795-1800, 553 Bergen Eefoemed (Dutch) Chuech Maeeiage Eeooeds, 1664-1801, 565 Essex County Cleek's Maeeiage Eecoeds, 1795-1801, 582 Lyons Faems Baptist Chuech Maeeiage Recoeds, 1795-1800, 599^ Second Rivee Refoemed (Dutch) Chuech Maeeiage Eecoeds, 1730- 1774, 1794-1800, 605 Cheist Church, New Beunswick, Maeeiage Eecoeds, 1758-1778, 620 New Beunswick Eefoemed (Dutch) Chuech Maeeiage Eecoeds, 1794-1799, 625 Middlesex County Cleek's Maeeiage Eecoeds, 1795-1800, 629 Scotch Plains Baptist Chuech MaeeiagS Eecoeds, 1758-1761, 641 Chesteefield (Buelikgton County) Feiends' Monthly Meeting Maeeiage Eecoeds, 1686-1800, 650 ILLUSTRATIONS Fao simile of a Marriage Bond, 1768, Front Fac simile of a Marriage Bond, 1772, Opposite page 1 THE Early Marriage Laws OF NEW JERSEY, AND THE Influences Bearing upo\ their Formation, By WILLIAM NELSON. The Marriage Ceremony. I. INTRODUCTION. PRI.MITIVE MARRIAGE CUSTOMS. The earliest writings in relation to marriage indicate that the bride was captured from another tribe, or was purchased, either by gifts to her tribe or her parents, or to herself.^ Under such customs there would be little or no ceremony accompany ing the transaction, and the records are silent as to the exist ence of any special forms. The Old Testament contains many accounts of marriages, but in no instance refers to any particu lar usage that was observed. Homer shows that marriage was merely a matter of capture or purchase, without any cer emony. ^ From that wonderful collection of ancient folk lore, the Arabian Nights, we get the same impression. The folk-lore of other peoples, ante-dating their historic period, is invariably silent as to the performance of any marriage ritual. This universal recognition of marriage without any fixed formula or ceremony, antedating, as it does, any existing municipal or canonical law on the subject, may be regarded as the universal common law of marriage, based upon the actual fact of continuous, public cohabitation as husband and wife. As Grotius puts it : " We find Marriage (taken naturally) to be nothing else, but such co-habitation of a man with a woman, as placeth the Woman, as it were, under the eye (that is) under the safeguard of the Man." ROMAN MARRIAGE LAW. For the evolution of the law in relation to marriage, we 1 The most recent investigations of anthropologists do not bear out the claim of M' Lennan (" Primitive Marriage ") that this was the universal, or even the most general, practice in prehistoric times, or among the most primitive peo ples, or in all savage tribes. See "Ancient Society," by L.H.Morgan. New York, 1878, Chap. V; Weslermarck'n "History of Marriage," London, 1900. A discussion of this phase of the subject is, however, foreign to the purpose of this writing. 2 Homer's Iliad. Book ii. X ROMAN MARRIAGE LAW. are accustomed to look to the Roman law, and its gradual de velopment into the modern municipal, civil and canonical law of marriage. Among the Romans no special ceremony was required to establish the relation. It was enough that a man and a woman, to whose union there was no legal impediment, from nearness of kin or from any other cause, lived together as hus band and wife, giving themselves out as such : the law recog nized the consent ofthe parties thus expressed as sufficient to constitute the legal obligation of matrimony. There were, however, formalities .specially designed and frequently used for this object : I. The confarreatio, a religious rite; 2. The co-emptio, a higher form of civil marriage; and 3 The usus, the lower form of civil marriage. I . Confarreatio was solemnized in the presence of the Pon- tifex Maximus or the Flamen Dialis (priest of Jove) and ten witnesses. The pontiff offered a sacrifice of an ox, or of fruits, in the presence of the attending witnesses. Tlie con tracting parties were seated on the same sheepskin. Certain customary forms of words were uttered, and a salt cake of far or rice was presented as an offering, and tasted by the couple. From this the ceremony had its name, confarreatio, ixoixi far- reus,i. t.,farreus panis, cake of meal or flour. This rice-cake indicated the ancient food of Italy, and served as an emblem of their mystic union of mind and body. Or, it may be more correct to say that this was a trace of an ancient usage, by which the wife, partaking of the food of her husband's tribe, became adopted into the tribe, to some extent, while remaining under the tutelage or guardianship of her husband :i as the Romans 1 When the Navajos [of Arizona and New Mexico] desire to marry. " they sit down on opposite sides ot a basket, made to hold water, fllled.with atole or some other food, and partake of it. This simple proceeding makes them husband and wife "-^We have the like in the old Roman form of confarreatio — marriage con- stiti ,^"by jointly eating a cake. These indications that the earliest marriage ceremony was simply a formal commencement of living together, imply a preced ing time when the living together began inf ormally.— P?"inci2)ies of Sociology, by Herbert Spencer. New York, 1880, I.. 633. "It is manifest that monogamy has long been growing innate in the civilized man" — Ibid.. 704. But raay not this communion in eating have had a ceremonial signifioation as a propitiatory sacri fice to the tribal god? ROMAN MARRIAGE LAW. xi expressed it, covenire in fnanwm viri — to come under the hand of her husband. Her position was thus much the same, in fact, as later under the English common law. 2. Co-emptio was the solemn binding of the wedding couple to each other, by giving and taking a piece of money. The wife fulfilled the co-emption by purchasing, with three pieces of copper, a just introduction to her husband's house and household duties. Co-emptio was a sort of symbolic pur chase of the wife by the husband, from the family to which she belonged, per ces et libram, in the presence of five witnesses, and a sixth as libripens, or balance-holder. The precise words and actions used in the co-emptio are not known, but doubt less they resembled those used in the form of sale called man- cipatio. The effect of this ceremony was the same as in the confarreatio, in bringing the woman under the hand or power ofthe husband. This was the more frequent marriage custom among the Romans, and was still in use in the time of Gaius, but gradually disappeared. 3. Usus, the third and lowest form of marriage, was with out any ceremony, being founded, as the word implies, on pre scription, by the woman co-habiting with tiie man as her hus band for a whole year, without having been absent from his house for three whole nights in succession. The uninterrupted possession of a wife for one year gave the husband the same rights he would have acquired at the outset if married with confarreatio or co-emptio. The privilege reserved to the wife of defeating the usus and avoiding the husband's power by a three nigh:s' absence in each year was expressly granted by the Twelve Tables. 1 From being thus constantly evaded usus gradually declined, and although Cicero alluded to it as still subsisting in his day, Gaius, two centuries later, describes it as obsolete. The Roman principle was that the consent of the parties was required, not only for contracting marriage, but for ^n- tinuing it, and that hence it could be terminated at any tinie by 1 The existence of this marriage custom, and of the trinoctium, can hardly have dated back to the flfth century B. C, and this particular provision of the Twelve Tables is probably at least a century later. See La Storia at Roma, by Ettore Pais, Rome, 1893, Vol. I. xii ECCLESIASTICAL REGULATION OF MARRIAGES. either party, by the simple announcement of the fact. In the case ofthe confarreatio, however, a religious rite, called difar- eatio, was requisite to dissolve the obligation. The result was that the freer form of marriage was resorted to — what might be called the commoh law form — dispensing with all rites and ceremonies, and this prevailed in the time of Justinian. This practice, of course, did away with the husband's control over the person and property of his wife, and secured to her great independence as regards both.^ ECCLESIASTICAL REGULATION OF MARRIAGES. While it is not unlikely that the Christian church looked with great disfavor upon the increasing laxity of the marriage relation in the Roman Empire, it does not appear that any at tempt was made by the church to assert or to exercise any au thority in the matter. "Marriage was celebrated in the presence ofthe priests," we are told, " and was confirmed by some ob lation," in the first three centuries of the new era,- but this was apparently a survival of the pagan custom. In the false de cretals (said to be unknown to all the ancient fathers, to all the popes, and all the ecclesiastical authorities that wrote- be fore the ninth century), a letter attributed to Pope Evarestus relates to clandestine marriage, and several ceremonies con nected with that "sacrament," all of which by no means agreed with the avowals of Evarestus.^ St. Ambrose, cir. 3S0, held that "it is the actual consent of the parties, that makes mar riage, though it were never consummated.'"' Pope Nicholas, 1 Maine's Ancient Law, p. 148. Introduction to Roman Law, by James Hadley, New York. 1876. pp. 355, 138-143. Early History of Institutions, by Sir Henry Maine, N. Y., 1873, pp. 310-315. Gibbon's Rome, Chap. XLIV; Harper's ed., N. Y., 1853. IV., 345-7. Justinian's Institutes, Lib. I., Tit. x. Pandects. Librixxtii. xxiv, xxv. Code, Lib. V. Studies in Roman Law, by Lord Mackenzie, Edinburgh and London, 1870, pp. 97-99. Grotius on War and Peace, London, 1683. Boole II.. pp. 104-112. The Rights of tbe Clergy of that Part of Great Britain, call'd England, by Wm. Nelson, of the Middle Temple, Esq., London, 1732. p. 416. X Studies in History and Jurisprudence, by James Bryce, New Yorli and London, 1901. pp 786-793. Dr. M. Winternitz, on Indo-European Marriage Customs, Journ-al of Interna tional Folk-Lore Congress, London, 1892, pp. 273-289. - Du Pin's Ecclesiastical History, London, 1696-9, I., 182. 3 lb., I., 176. lib., 212. ECCLESIASTICAL REGULATION OF MARRIAGES. XIII A. D. 858-S67, directed that after the betrothing the priest ought to cause the persons to come into the church with their offerings, and there give them his benediction. But it was still held that "consent, according to the laws, might suffice; if that be wanting, the rest signifies nothing.'" Numerous canons concerning marriage were prescribed during the ninth century, showing the disposition of the church to regulate the matter, but it does not appear that any special form or ceremo ny was prescribed or suggested.^ The Emperor Leo the Phil osopher, A. D. 886, declared ecclesiastical benediction neces sary to marriage, but his constitution was in force only in the Eastern Empire. In the History of Gregory of Tours, mar riage is treated as a civil contract.^ In 944 King Edward of Eng land held an assembly of prelates and lords, in which he made laws forthe regulatingof marriage solemnities.* This was a qua si recognition of the rights of the clergy in considering so impor tant a subject, but it also seems to indicate that he regarded it as a matter for civil regulation. At the Council of Rouen, A. D. 1072, it was decided that "no marriages shall be solemnized privately, nor after meals ; but that the bridegroom and bride being fasting shall be blessed by a priest in like manner fasting , and that before he proceed to Tnarr-y them., inquiry shall be made, whether the parties be in relation in the seventh degree of consanguinity."' Here it is plainly indicated that the cere mony was celebrated by a priest. Ivo, Bishop of Chartres, who died Dec. 23, 11 15, wrote 2S7 letters, which are published. One of them (cxxm) refers to a priest who had made use of other ceremonies and words "than are prescribed in the form of marriage."" The annals of the church are increasingly full of orders, canons, discussions and controversies on the subject, but are singularly lacking in particulars as to the actual relig ious ceremonies observed at marriages. Particularly is there manifest a growing hostility to clandestine marriages, by which are obviously meant any contracted without the authority of 1 lb., VIL, 177. 2 lb., VII , 115, 116, 125, 126, 128, 131-8, 183-4. 3 Mackenzie's Roman Law, 1870, p. 105. 4 Du Pin, VIIL, 63; Pollock and Maitland's Hist, of English Law, 2d ed., I., 397. 5 lb., IX., 117. oib., X, 12. xiv ECCLESIASTICAL REGULATION OF MARRIAGES. the church. In the thirteenth century such marriages were for bidden in some ecclesiastical jurisdictions. Pope Innocent IIL, 1198-1216, was greatly interested in the subject, and wrote many letters on various points that were submitted to him regarding marriage and divorce.' "What punishment ought to be inflicted on those priests who celebrate marriages during Lent.? The priests ought to be punished, but the mar riages are lawful," was the decision of Manuel Charitopula, Patriarch of Constantinople, A. D. 1221-1226.^ This again shows that it was quite usual, at least, to have marriages cele brated by the priests The fourth John Lateran council, A. D. 1 2 15, prohibited (51st canon) clandestine marriages, and ordered that the priests should publish the banns in the church es, and prescribed penalties for those countenancing or author izing "insidious or clandestine marriages."^ The Council of Chateau-Gonthier, held by the Archbishop of Tours, A. D. 1 23 1, prohibited under pain of excommunication the contract ing of marriages until after the banns had been published "in the usual manner," that so "an encouragement to marry may be granted and given in the face of the congregation."'' The Council of Bourdeaux, in 1262, decreed that those who con tracted clandestine marriages, both ministers and witnesses, should be excommunicated and suspended by officio and benefi- cio, and that "those marriages shall be reckoned clandestine, which are not contracted (celebrated) by the proper curate or pastor of the husband or the wife, with the consent of the oth er curate."' In the fourteenth century numerous councils in Europe and England pronounced against clandestine marria ges, without the publication of banns, and in some instances decreed the excommunication of "all persons who procured them, or were present at them."^ Clandestine marriages, and the obligation of publishing banns of intended matrimony, were the subjects of decrees by various local councils in the fifteenth century.^ The fact of this continuous legislation by the church, century after century, indicates that civil marriages were very generally in vogue, if, indeed, they were not the 1 lb., XL. passim. 5 ib., XL, 86. 3 lb., XI., 101. * lb.. XI.., 108. 5 lb., XL, 110. 6 lb., XIL, 93-5, 97. 110, 111. 7 lb., XIIL, 113-114. ECCLESIASTICAL REGULATION OF MARRIAGES. XV rule ; but it is also evident that the jurisdiction of the church was gradually and steadily extending over the subject, and that ecclesiastical forms were coming into use, and especially the practice of public ceremonies, by the piiest, "in the face of the church" or congregation. The Council of Trent, 1537-1564, took a decisive step on November ii, 1563, in anathematizing those who should teach that marriage was not one of the seven sacraments' instituted by Jesus Christ, and declared that after that date all marriages not contracted in the presence of a priest and two or three witnesses should be void.^ It also provided that "Before the consummation of the marriage, three publi cations of banns must be made in church, so that if there be any impediment, it may be more easily shown ; unless the or dinary judge should deem it expedient to omit the said banns, which is, therefore, recommended to his good care."^ The Dean of Sorbonne in opposing the decree quaintly argued that the first marriage, between Adam and Eve, which was the pat tern for all others, was contracted privately, without witnesses * This, then, was the canon law throughout Western Europe, wherever the sway of tbe Roman church was recognized. The spread of the Reformation hindered the acceptance of the canon in Sweden, in the Protestant states of Germany, in Hol land, and largely in Englan'd and Scotland, although it was later accepted by the English church, according to eminent au thorities. Aside from the dogma that marriage was a sacra- 1 John Calvin, it is said, was elected or at least proposed as a delegate or rep resentative to the Council of Trent, in 1546, but refused to attend. He says that matrimony was first held to be a sacrament in the time of Gregory.— Coffin's •¦Iit- siltutlon of the Christian Religion," London. 1634, Book iv.. Cap. 19. Sec. 34, p 730. "By calling it a sacrament the priests drew to themselves the hearing of causes of matrimony, for it was a spiritual matter, which profane judges might not med dle with." Calvin wished marriages to be celebrated with great solemnity: he directed the bridal party "to proceed to the church without the beating ol drums or music, but seriously, as became Christians, as soon as the bells ceased; and the ceremony was to be performed before the sermon, in the presence of the whole congregation."— M/e and Times of John Calvin, by Paul Henry, New York, 1854, 1., 472. 2 Studies in Roman Law, with Comparative Views of the Laws of France, Eng land, and Scotland, by Lord Mackenzie, Edinburgh and London. 1870, p. 105; His tory of the Council of Trent, by L. F. Bungener, New York, 1855, pp. xxviii. 491. .¦5 Van Leeuwen's Roman-Dutch Law. p. 103. 4 Mackenzie, as cited, 105. xvi ECCLESIASTICAL REGULATION OF MARRIAGES. ment, the insistment that the ceremony should take place in public, before the congregation, by a prie.st, and in the pres ence of two witnesses, and only after the publication of the baims, undoubtedly commended itself to the clergy of all countries, and to right-thinking persons generally. Running all through the church regulations on the subject of marriage is manifest a constant disposition to recognize the binding force of the marriage contract, or betrothal— probably a trace of the Roman re.spect for mutual obligations,' of what ever kind. A contract or engagement of marriage was regard ed as having almost the binding force of a marriage itself This suggests a survival ofthe idea that the mutual contract be tween the parties actually constituted the marriage, and the func tion of the Roman pontifex, or later of the priest or the church, was merely to sanctify or sanction the union by Its blessing, or by other ceremonies, added to from time to time. When Henry VIII. of England had been married twenty years, and wished a new wife, he suddenly bethought him that his spouse had been previously engaged to his older brother, and although her betrothed died before marriage, nevertheless that contract constituted him virtually her husband, whereby she became as a sister to Henry VIIL, whose marriage to her was therefore incestuous. And of course the -royal monarch found many learned schoolmen, ecclesiastics and others, to argue in his fa vor, and to adduce countless citations from the fathers of the church to support his and their contentions, many of which are set forth at great length in the Appendix to Bishop Burnet's History of the Reformation in England. Illustrations of the importance attached to contracts of marriage will be found further on in these pages, especially among those people most accustomed to the Roman, and later to the Roman-Dutch law. The history of the Christian, and especially of the Roman church, indicates a steadily-growing disposition to elevate the character of the marriage tie by throwing about it the segis of its authority ; by discountenancing private marriages ; by en couraging, by urging, and finally by commanding that all mar- 1 Juvenal, in Satire vi,. speaks of the conrentum (the first overture), the pac tum (contract), and the sponsalia (betrothing). ECCLESIASTICAL REGULATION OF MARRIAGE. XVU riages"^ should be celebrated publicly, by its authority alone, and by its ministers. Its recogn-tion of the sacredness of private contracts, even without subsequent consummation, weakened the force of its contentions to some extent. Consistent with its position regarding the sacredness of the marriage tie was its attitude, expressed in the seventh canon of the decree concerning matrimony and divorce, adopted by tlie Council of Trent, that marriage, being a sacrament, was in dissoluble, for any cause whatsoever. In practice, however, it was permitted to annul a marriage, when it could be shown that it had been improperly or unlawfully contracted. As this was a difficult and expensive process, it was available only by the rich and powerful.' Such was the sentiment of the strongest and most repre sentative Christian body in the world, in the middle of the six teenth century, as crystalized into the enduring decree of the Council of Trent. It has been steadily adhered to by that church, and its influence has been felt ever since throughout Western Christendom, for the conservation of the sacredness of the marriage tie. II. FORMATIVE INFLUENCES AS TO THE LAW OF MARRIAGE IN NEW JERSEY. In the settlement of New Jersey four nationalities were prominent and influential in this chronological order: I. The Dutch. II. The Swedes. III. The English. IV. The Scotch. Moreover, the views of the English settlers were modified by the fact that many of them were V. New Englanders ; or VI. Quakers ; or VII. Settlers from New York or Pennsylvania. All of these were Protestants, and hence dissenters from the dogmas promulgated by the Council of Trent ; and al though agreeing in the main on the subject of marriage and 1 Hist, of the Council of Trent, as cited, p. 420. xviii DUTCH LAW OF MARRIAGE. , divorce, approached the matter on different lines, as we shall proceed to show. I. The Dutch Law of Marriage. The system of jurisprudence prevailing in Holland in the sixteenth century was a highly-artificial modification of the ad mirable Roman system, and was known as the Roman-Dutch Law. Grotius recognizes the fact that in Holland, as in other countries, "in olden times marriage was contracted without much ceremony; in some places by mere cohabitation (concu- bitus) with the knowledge of the nearest relations on both sides." This, however, frequently proved troublesome and dangerous, as it sometimes happened that persons contracted marriages in violation of former promises, or within the pro scribed degrees of blood or affinity, or without the previous consent of those who should have been consulted in the matter. In order to obviate all this, the States, in 1580, adopted certain regulations (a Political Ordinance) on the subject, which also agreed with the ecclesiastical law. The essential requisites thus prescribed were as follows ; ? All persons who desired to marry must appear before the court of justice or the minister of the church of their place of abode, where they had had their last fixed residence for a year and a day, and there request the publication of the banns on three successive Sundays or market-days, in the church, or court house (or other place where the court was held), so that those who wished to raise any objections might do so in the mean time, on pain of forfeiting their right to object. It was under stood that "the three publications of the banns being simply to protect the rights of a third party, and that marrying in the church was but a mere outward ceremony, by way of public confirmation," that provision could be dispensed with, with "the previous consent of the Government, after inquiry into the circumstances ; the third party, however, retaining his right, if any, so far as the three publications of banns were con cerned." It was regarded as uncertain whether the ordinary (or ecclesiastical) judge could remit the banns, as authorized by the Council of Trent, Holland being a Protestant country, dutch law of marriage. xix especially as the Political Ordinance provided (Art. 3) for the punishment of those who violated the regulations therein pre scribed, and ignored the jurisdiction of the ordinary in the prem ises. The law was very strict on these points, so much so that if there were the least deviation therefrom the transaction was not regarded as a marriage ; without prejudice, however, to the right of anyone, acquired by previous promise of marriage, to prosecute the same at law. Such promise had to be as clearly proved as any other contract, without the defendant being bound on the mere accusation of the plaintiff to clear himself on oath. On the other hand, a marriage in the church or before the civil authorities, completed as above, had its full force, so that all rights arising out of the marriage vested and took effect at once, although not followed by concubitus ; as was understood of a newly-married couple who, on their way home from their wed ding, were both drowned. Other wholesome provisions of the same Ordinance were to the effect that no banns should be granted to young men un der the age of twenty-five, or to young women under the age of twenty, until proof given of the voluntary consent of the pa rents, or the survivor of them, such consent being of the es sence of the marriage ; so that a marriage contracted without the parents' consent was per se void. If the parties -were of the ages specified, the parents were obliged to give their con sent, or to show good and lawful grounds for their refusal. To that end they could be summoned before the consistory of the church, or the civil authorities, to state their reasons. If they did not appear their silence was considered as consent; if they did appear and their reasons were not held to be good and law ful, the banns were granted. Then, if no objection was made in the meantime, the petitioners could and must be married in church, or before the court of justice, in a lawful and public manner. The consent of guardians or relatives (other than parents) was not requisite.' The power of annulling or dissolving marriages or mar riage contracts was reserved to the civil authority. 1 Grotius' Dutch Jurisprudence, I., Cap. v.. Sees. 16-17. pp. 23-24 ; Van Leeu wen's Roman-Dutch Law, I., Cap. xix, pp. 100-104, 107; Lord Stair's Institutes of Scottish Law, I., 27. XX A NEW NETHERLAND MARRIAGE CONTRACT. The Political Ordinance of 1580 was in line with the laws and customs of Holland from time immemorial, particularly in so far as it recognized the civil power in the regulation of mar riages. Hence, the Hollanders who came to New Netherland brought with them the manners and customs of the Vaderland, as crystalized into statutes, the law being sufficiently elastic to be readily adapted to novel conditions in the New World. The earliest recorded instance of a marriage contract in New Netherland is that of Jan Jacobsen and Maritje Pieters, found in the New York Colonial Manuscripts, Vol. I., page 153, for the translation of which the writer is indebted to the courtesy of the late George R. Howell, Archivist of New York. It bears date, fifteenth of August, 1639, and reacts thus: In the name of God, amen. Be it known unto all rnen that on the 15th of August in the year 1639, before me Cornelius van Tienhoven, Secretary residing in New Netherland on the behalf of the Incorporated West India Company, and the un dersigned witnesses, appeared the worthy Jan Jacobsen from Vrelant, future bridegroom, assisted by Maritje Peters from Copenhagen, his future bride, on the other part, and they the appearers declared that they had mutually resolved, engaged and agreed to enter together the holy state of matrimony, and that under the following nuptial contract, praying the Almighty God that his divine Majesty would be pleased to bless their future marriage and let it redound to his honor. Pirst. in regard to the property which he, the bridegroom, shall leave behind, in case he come to die, whether movable or immovable, or such as may rightly belong to him, it shall belong in free propriety to Marritje Peters aforesaid, with out any of Jan Jacobsen's blood relations having any claim thereto. On the other hand if Marritje Peters, the future bride, first happen to die, Jan Jacobsen shall, in like manner, own all her means and goods, whether movable or immov able, in free propriety, without his giving any account thereof to any of her blood relations. Provided always that he, the bridegroom, or she, the bride, aforesaid, whichever of them both come to live the longest, shall not possess the property longer than to the day of his or her death, and then be partitioned and divided by the brothers or lawful heirs of him. the bridegroom, and Teuntje Jeu- riaens of Amsterdam, or Jacob Bronc, her present husband, as heirs of Maritje Pieters aforesaid, each the just half. Thus done and executed in the presence of the undersigned witnesses in Fort Amsterdam, this day and year aforesaid. This is the -|- mark of Jan Jacobsen above named. This is the M mark of Marritje Peters above named. Claes van Elsant, witness. Harmanus A. Booghardij, witness. The earliest recorded marriage, and which antedates the Records ofthe Dutch Church in New York, is that of Thomas de Conine and Marritje Frans van Betts, and bears date 22 September, 1639. It is found in N. Y. Colonial Manuscripts, NEW NETHERLAND MARRIAGE CONTRACTS. XXI Vol IV., p. 50, and is as follows (we give both the original and translation, as furnished by Mr. Howell) : Op 33 Septem (1639) Ter yergaderinge syn gecompaereert en verscheenen tomas de Conine en Marrltjen frans van beets de weloke versochten wettelyok in houelycken staet bevesticht te worden. Soo syn de vooren persoonen op haer ver.soch op date in heyligen houwelyohen staet bevesticht ter vergaderinge int fort Amstm. Translation. Thomas de Conine and Marritje Frans van Beets appeared in court and re quested to be legally united in marriage. The above named persons are therefore this day at their request united in holy wedlock in court at Port Amstm. The importance of a marriage contract was recognized by the authorities of New Amsterdam in a proceeding brought before the Burgomasters and Schepens, February 24, 1653, by Peter Kock, an unmarried burgher and inhabitant of that city, against Annetie Cornelissen van Vorst, spinster, living at Ahas- imus (now a part of Jersey City). Jacob Stoffelsen, stepfather of defendant, appeared before the court and the litigants handed in some writings, presenting their respective sides of the case. The court ordered copies to be furnished to the parties, and that defendant appear in person, which she did March 10, and put in her answer. Various pleadings were presented to the court from time to time, and that body finding the subject too grave for their decision, referred it, on Feb. 19, 1654, to the Director and Council of New Netherland. They remitted the matter. May 4, 1654, to the Burgomasters and Schepens, with their solemn decision that "suit having been entered, judgment must follow, and if either party, after the decision, feel aggrieved by the judgment of the Burgomasters and Schepens, such person may appeal to the Supreme Council." The case was now re ferred to a committee of three, who reported two weeks later: that a marriage contract or an oral promise of marriage had been mutually entered into between the parties, and in confirm ation thereof certain gifts and presents were made by the de fendant; but in consequence of certain misbehavior (on his part.?) the defendant was in no wise disposed to marry said Pieter Kock, and proved by two yvitnesses that Pieter had re leased her, with promise to give her a written acquittal to that effect. The Court thereupon adjudged : that the promise of xxii MARRIAGE BANNS IN NEW NETHERLAND. marriage having been made and given before the Eyes of God, should remain in force, so that neither plaintiff nor defendant should be at liberty, without the knowledge and approbation of the magistrates and the other one of the interested parties, to enter into matrimony with any other person, man or woman. And by way of encouraging a reconciliation, the Court further adjudged: "that all the presents made in confirmation of the promise of marriage should remain in the possession of defend ant, until the parties, with the pleasure, good will, content ment and inclination of both, shall marry together or with the knowledge of the magistrates release each other.'" There having appeared a tendency to ignore the law of Hol land requiring the publication of the banns in the place of dom icile of the parties, the Director and Council of New Nether land passed an Ordinance, January 19, 1654, regulating the publication of Bajins of Matrimony, as follows : The Director General and Council of New Netherland, To all who hear or see these presents read. Greeting, Make known. That we understand and are certainly informed by the report of our fiscal and others as well as by letters from Graveserta dated 18 January, 1654, that the Mag istrates there have presumed and undertaken publiekly to post notices of Mar- riage in regard to persons both of whom are, and for a long time have been domicil iated in aud about this city of Xeto A'cnaterdam, far beyond the district of the afore said village, and whereas such is in direct contradiction to both the Civil and Ec clesiastical Law of the United Netherlands, which not only the abovementioned Magistrates of Gravesend but also all other Colonies within this Province are by contract and oath bound to observe; Therefore, the abovementioned Director General and Council order and notify the aforesaid Magistrates of Gravesend and all others within this Province, to annul such posting of intentions of Marriage, and on sight hereof to withdraw the same, and in all cases to proceed with aud confirm no such Marriages, either privately or publiekly. before .and until such persons, according to .¦^elherlar.d style, have entered and received their bans and proclamations of marriage where' they are dwelling and have resided the last year. Thus done in the Assembly of the Director and Council of Kew A'etherland, this 19 January, A. D. 1654, Sew Amslerdam.^ An instance of the violation of the law of Holland requir ing the publication of the banns in the place of domicile ofthe parties was brought to the attention of the New Amsterdam authorities on January 26, 1654, when Cornells van Tienhoven as Schout of this City appeared in Court and made an ex officio complaint of the illegal proceedings ol the Court of Gravesend in setting 1 Records of New Amsterdam. I., 54, .57, 61. 64, 76, 80. 97, 143, 154, 167, 192, 197; Winfield's Hudson County, 428-30. 2 Laws and Ordinances of New Netherland, page 152. MARRIAGE BANNS IN NEW NETHERLAND. XXIU up and affixing the bans of matrimony between Johan van Beeck and Maria Ver- ¦ leth, both of whom have their domicil in and about this City, and which bans are not publislied, in accordance with correct practice ot the ecclesiastical and civil order, in this City, so that the aforesaid proceedings greatly tend to the in fringement on the good policy of our Fatherland and the privilege and jurisdic tion of this City, and prepare a way, whereby hereafter some sons and daughters. unwilling to obey their parents and guardians, will contrary to their wishes, se cretly go and get married in such viUages or elsewhere; he requests, that the Court give heed hereunto and take such action, as their Worships shall deem proper, to maintain jurisdiction and prevent unlawful marriages. Thereupon this courteous note was dispatched, February 9, 1654, to the Court at Gravesend : Kind Friends; Whereas by petition presented to our Court this day by Johan nes van Beeck. he requests, that his bans with Maria Verleth may be entered and properly proclaimed here, and we have understood that the said parties have pre viously made proclamation of their bans through your Court at Gravesend, which (under correction) is contrary to the style and laws of our Fatherland, it is our request to your Honi>ie Court, in case such a circumstance should hereafter occur, that we may be informed thereof in order to prevent all improprieties, which we on our .part engage to do in like manner, especially as it is usual, according to the custom of our Fatherland, that everyone shall have three publications at the place where his domicile is and then he may go and be married where he pleases. Arent van Hattem. New Amsterdam. While these formal proceedings were going on with great deliberation the young people became impatient, and on Feb ruary 16, 1654, appeared in Court and " prayed most earnestly that a disposal may be made of the petition and remonstrance concerning the marriage between said van Beeck and Mary Verlet, presented to the Court." Three days later Johannes van Beeck requested as before, " that action may be had on his petition, offering furthermore, if necessary, to affirm under oath what he has stated in his pe tition respecting the private conversation with Hon*"'' Petrus Stuyvesant." " The Court having seen and examined the petitiion, presented on the 10th and 16th last, regarding the marriage bans of Johan van Beeck and Maria Verleth, it is noted 1st. Who in the beginning instituted marriage; also what the Apostle of the Gentiles teaches about it. 2d. The age resp. attained by Joh. van Beeck and Maria Verleth. 3d. The consent of the girl's parents. 4th. The distance and remoteness of this place from the Fatherland and the quarrels between Holland and England. 5th. The danger that in such circumstances a long delay might disclose mat ters between these jouflg people, which would bring disgrace to both families. 'Tis true, that our Theologians correctly say that we must not tolerate or per mit lesser sins, in order thereby to avoid greater ones. Therefore we think (with due submission), that by a proper solemnization of marriage the lesser and great- xxiv MARRIAGE BANNS IN NEW NETHERI.AND. er sins are prevented, for the Apostle to the Hebrews calls the marriage-bed hon orable and the Court opines, that the proper ecclesiastical proclamations of the aforesaid young people ought to be made at the earliest opportunity, to be follow ed by their marriage. The would-be bridegroom did not care a fig for the theol ogical or moral disquisition, and two weeks later '• advertised by a poster, that his marriage, contracted not only without his father's knowledge, but contrary to his express prohibition to marry abroad, had been declared lawful and proper by a reso lution of the Burgomasters and Schepens of this City of New Am""." Of this resolution it seems the Director General and Council were ignorant, and they therefore requested "an authen tic copy thereof and at the same time in writing the reasons, why said resolution was not communicated to us and approbation thereof applied for, according to the Iristructions given to the Inferior Court of this City." A curious sequel to this tempest in a teapot appears in the following entry, under date of February S, 1656 : Maria Verleth vs, Joost van Beeck. Pltf. demands her letters, deposited yes terday with the Secretary. Deft, maintains, as the marriage betT^een Jonhannes van Beeck (now deceased), and Maria Verleth is not yet declared legal, the let ters are not hers, until the marriage be legalized But if the marriage be declared lawful by the Court. Supreme Council and Consistory, he consents she should have them. He desires them now only as his legal right and requests that guar dians be appointed. Maria Verleth declares, that not beingr a Burgher here, but a stranger, an inhabitant and Burgher of Hartford in New England, she is not bound to accept guardians here. She requests quick dispatch, unless the Comt will declare her marriage either lawful or unlawful. Inasmuch as the Court has never been informed, that the marriage between Johan van Beeck and Maria Verleth is declared illegal, but on the coutrary. this Court has by order of Febr. 19, 1654. considered that respect must be paid to the proclamation of the church and consequently to the marriage tie between said young people, they cannot then pronounce the marriage illegal. 1 Other irregularities concerning marriage were aimed at in the following Ordinance of the Director General and Council of New Netherland to oblige parties to Marry alter the publication of their Bans, passed 15 January, 1658. Whereas the Director General and Council of liew Xetherland not only are in formed, but have even seen and remarked, that some persons, after the proclama tion and publication, for the third time, of their Bans or Intentions of Marriage, do not proceed further with the solemnization of their Marriage as they ought, but postpone it from time to time, not only weeks, but some months, which is di rectly contrary to, and in contravention of the good order and custom of our Fath erland, wherein being willing to provide, in order to prevent the mischiefs and irregularities which will flow therefrom; Therefore the Director General and Council aforesaid do hereby Ordain that all published persons, after three proclamations have been made and no lawful 1 New Amsterdam Records, I., 155, 159, t63, 164. 173; II., 36. DIVORCES I.-M NEW NETHER.LAND. XXV impediment occurs, shall cause their Marriages to be solemnized within one month at furthest, after tbe last proclamation, or within that time, appear and show cause where they ought, for refusing; and that on pain of forfeiting Ten ¦ guilders tor the first week after the expiration of the aforesaid month, and for the succeeding weeks SO guilders for each week, until they have made known the rea sons for refusing. Furthermore, no IVIan and Woman shall be at liberty to keep house as married persons, before and until they are lawfully married, on pain of forfeiting One hun dred guilders, more or less, as their quality shall be found to warrant, and all such persons may be amerced anew therefor every month by the OfBcer, accord ing to the order and the custom of our Fatherland. i The Burgomasters and Schepens of New Amsterdam, sit ting as a court, frequently exercised jurisdiction in divorce cases. It does not appear that such cases were regarded as com ing within the authority of the church. A few extracts will suffice : November 4, 1659. — Nicolas Velthuysen is asked by the Court, why he has turned his wife out of the house and why he will not live with her? He answers, he has not done so, but gave her a blow, because she took his money, that he had laid away in his chest. — — — Aaltye {Lubbert.s)2 denies having taken the money. Nicolas replying says, that he gave her child money to buy one thing or another to eat, as the child would not eat what was put on the table and what they ate; he requested separation from bed and board. Whereupon he is told, his wife is pregnant by him and the child will require maintenance. Answering he offers to maintain the child, when it comes, and to send her home a fat hog of 100 pounds weight- two skepels of wheat, one skepel of maize and then nothing more. He is aslted, if he cannot resolve to live again in love with his wife, and answers, his inclination and will do not tend that way, and he has no disposition towards her. — — Nicolas Velthuysen and his wife having been heard in Court, it is decided, whereas Nicolas cannot resolve to live any more in love with her, he shall provisionally supply her with one fat hog, 2 skepels of wheat and one of maize, according to his own offer for her support, and further disposition shall be made for the maintenance of her and her child by him. 3 December 9. 16.59. — The Schout, Nicasius de Sille. requests by petition divorce and separation of marriage, in such manner as the law allows, between himself and his wife Catharina Croegers on account of her unbecoming and careless life, both by her wasting of property without his knowledge and her habitual public drunkenness. Decision: Regard being had to the position of the petitioner, he is referred to the Director General and Counoil.4 June 23, 166.5.— Lodowyck Pos(t? his wife and daughter, wife of Arent Jurianson Jjautsman, entering, said Lautsman's wife requests to be divorced from her hus band, as she cannot keep house with bim. Decreed to postpone the matter until next Court day, when said Lautsman is to be heard, and Lodowyclt Pos is allowed to retain his daughter during that time. June 24, 1665. — Lodowyck Pos and his daughter Beletje, wife of Arent Lauts man, appear; said Beletje producing a remonstrance, wherein she demands that 1 Laws and Ordinances of New Netherland, page 338. 2 He had married Aaltye Bickers, or Lubbers, widow, in June, 1659, five months before this proceeding. 3 New Amsterdam Records, III., 73. 4 New Amsterdam Records, IIL, 90. C ' XXVI DIVORCES IN NEW NETHERLAND. she be not obliged to go back to her husband; whereupon it is apostilled: Copy hereof is on request ordered to be given to party to answer in writing next Court day and to appear himself in person, and Arent requests copy of whatever papers his wife may file. Decision; Petitioner's request is granted July 4, 1665.— Lodowyck Pos vs. Arent Lautsman. Pltf. complaining as father of Beletje Lodowycx, maketh known the unchristian and insufferable treatment andbehaviour of deft, towards said Beletje, def t's lawful wife, exhibiting divers at testations, etc., and demanding that deft, shall be condemned in such penalty as the iVIagistrates may deem proper, and further that his said daughter Beletje Jacobsen be not constrained to return again to her husband against her will. Deft, answer ing denies, that he has improperly treated his wife, but says, they had some differen ces, whereof said Lodowcli Pos and his wife were the principal causes, exhibiting a declaration to that effect, requesting that his wife be obliged again to return to him and he promising to live henceforth with her as man and wife ought to do. Pltf. replying says, that he has now been three times before the Court concerning improper treatment of his daughter by the deft., who each tiine promised amend ment, but never kept his promise; therefore he persists in his suit. The Deputy Mayor and Aldermen having heard the debates of parties on both sides— post pone the decision ol the Court to next Court day and meanwhile their Worships shall authorize some honorable and fitting person to reconcile, if possible, the parties to love and friendship— if not, to report. July II, 1665 — Arent Lautsman communicates by petition in substance, that he and his wife were, pursuant to order of July 4, with Rev. Ministers Do Johannes Megapolensis and Do Samuel Driesius, but that his wife's parents would not come to any agreement nor listen or submit to the advice of the Ministers. He requests therefore, that the Court would please to order his wife to return to him, as he no longer could live without a wife, again promi-sing to live with her as an honest man ought to do. Whereupon Arent's wife appearing, assisted by her father, and the request having been read to her, slie was asked, if for this time she would not go with her husband on the promise of amendment given by him; she answers: No, as he had already repeatedly promised the same, but never Icept it. The Mayor and Aldermen, , declare, they had contributed all in their power, as well through the clergymen as otherwise, to reconcile the parties in love and friendship, but all in vain, and whereas by divers declarations it is sutftciently ap parent, that the parents, Lodowyck Pos and his wife, are the chief and principal cause of the trouble, which has arisen between the parties, they therefore order the said Lodowyck Pos not to detain the above named Beletje, wife of Arent Lautsman, in his house beyond 14 days, within whioh time parties shall have to be reconciled to each ottier or in default thereof they must again make joint ap plication to the Court; and further said Arent Lautsman is hereby notified, that if again any complaints should be made of his improper behaviour, then he shall be delivered over to the Governor General for punishment, whether by separa tion from bed and board, imprisonment or otherwise, as his Honour shall deem proper as an example to other evil householders. July 35, 1665.-The petition of Arent Lautsman was read and considered. making complaint, that his wife still evinces her unwillingness, contrary to the last judgment of the llth inst., to come home to him; also that his father-in-law, Lod. Pos. is entertaining her contrary to said judgment, and requesting the Court to order and constrain the said Pos not to entertain his wife any longer and order her to return home to the petitioner; the Mayor and Aldermen direct that the matter be placed in the hands of the jury. The aforesaid judgment of the nth together with the other papers having been considered by the ]ury they de cide that Beletje Lodowycks. wife of said Lautsman, shall return to her husband and that Lodowyck Pos shall no longer harbour her without the consent of her MARRIAGE IN NEW NETHERLAND. XXVII husband, or allow others to harbour her, and he is to pay costs in this case. The Court approves the jury's verdict.i As in the case of the young couple who went from New Amsterdam to Gravesend to have their banns proclaimed, ap parently to avoid anticipated objections, — .so young lovers re sorted to other expedients to evade the salutary restrictions framed to secure due deliberation and protection in entering the marriage state. Witness this somewhat complicated affair : February 23, 1674.— The Fiscal, pltf. vs. Ralph Doxy, deft. Pltf. alleges that Deft, did on the 5th inst enter, in an unlawful manner, into the married state with Mary van Harris, making use for that purpose of a forged certificate and that Deft, has still a wife alive residing in New England; therefore concludes, that the Deft ought to be conveyed to the place, where justice is usually exe cuted, severely whipped and furthermore banished the country forever, with costs. Deft, denies ever having been married to a woman before; acknowledges his guilt as regards the forged certificate, says that through love for Mary Harris he had allowed it to be executed by a certain Englishman, now gone to Barbadoes and prays forgiveness. Whereas parties, on both sides, expect further proofs, the case is continued to next Court day. March 1. 1674.— Same case. The Govr General and Council of New Netherland having read and considered the papers, etc., declare the marriage ot Deft, with Mary van Harris to be unlawful, as it was solemnized by Jacobus Fabri cius [a Lutheran minister], who had no legal power so to act, and without his engage ment having been published three times according to the laws and customs of the government; but finding the charge against him of having a second wife in New England unfounded, he is therefore permitted to confirm himself in wed lock with said Mary, according to the laws; in regard to the forged certificate, exhibited to Fabricius, he is pardoned for this on his promise of improvement and request for forgiveness; finally they condemn the defendant in costs. 2 II. The Swedes. In the early times in Sweden " a purchase concluded with the father or the nearest relative (though it was rather a sym bolical expression for contract generally) , was the legal form of matrimony, and made the children legitimately born (lag- fodda). The legally married spouse, as distinguished from the woman who had been seduced or stolen away in war, was said to be won 'by gifts and speech' (medh mundok medh m£eli — Law of West Gothland, Arf. B. f. 7), or was, as in Homer, bought with presents (mundi-keypt) . The gods took to themselves wives after the same fashion. Thor's hammer, 1 New Amsterdam Records, V,, 262, 263, 271, 375, 282. •i N. Y. Colonial Documents, II., 691. xxviii LAW OF NEW SWEDEN. laid upon the knee of the veiled bride, inaugurated her into her new destiny."' In 1614 a compilation of laws was made in Sweden for the direction ofthe whole kingdom, deficiencies in the code being supplied or explained by the aid of the civil law. It was this compilation that governed the Swedes first seeking the shores of the New World. By the charter of the Swedish West India (or Southern) Company, granted by Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, on the application of William Usselinx, the grant being dated December 21, 1624, and the company incorporated June 14, 1626, it was provided that the company should be authorized to "accommodate differences between the citizens of the coun try and the natives, .... and preserve everything in good condition and under good order. "^ This was the germ of a European system of government on the shores of the Delaware. Doubtless the officers of the Company were expected to conform to the laws and customs of Sweden, but doubtless, also, there was a tacit understand ing that in new surroundings justice must be administered in a rude way, as required by circumstances. The civil law pre vailed in the home country, except as modified by the compila tion of 1614. In religious customs the Augsburg Confession was the basis of ecclesiastical law and usages. But neither the civil law, nor the statutes nor even the " Unaltered Augsburg Confession" could always be made to fit the novel situations in the little colony on the Delaware. In granting permission, January 24, 1640, to a colony of Hollanders to settle in New Sweden, Sweden gave them " the right of exercising in their district high and low justice, of founding there cities, villages, and communities, with a certain police, statutes, and ordinances, to appoint magistrates and officers. . . The statutes and ordinances which they in- 1 History of the Swedes, by Eric Gustave Geijer. London, p. 31.. 2 Hazard's Annals of Pennsylvania, 1850, p. 30; A Short Description of the Province of New Sweden, etc., by Thomas Campanius Holm (Memoirs Hist. Soe. of Pennsylvania, III.). 63-64; Hist, of the Colony of New Sweden, by Carl. K. S. Sprinchorn. Stockholm, 1878; Acrelius' New Sweden, 20; Bancroft's Hist. U. S., II. (ed. 1816), 384. LAWS OF NEW SWEDEN. XXIX tend to establish, to be communicated to the governor for ap probation and confirmation, in order to discuss and execute with him in all which may most contribute to the advantage and welfare ofthe whole country." " As regards religion, we are willing to permit that, besides the Augsburg Confession, the exercise ofthe pretended reformed religion may be estab lished and observed in that country, in such manner, however, that those who profess the one or the other religion live in peace, abstaining from every useless dispute, from all scandal and all abuse."' When Queen Christina appointed, August i6, 1642, John Printz to be governor of New Sweden, she instructed him " to render justice without distinction, so that there shall be injury to no one. If any person behave himself grossly, he must pun ish him in a convenient manner. . . . But above all, whatever . regards the political government and administration of justice, must be done in the name of her majesty. Detailed and per fect instruction cannot be given, therefore it is left to the dis cretion of the governor, according to circumstances." All con troversies were to be decided by the laws, customs and usages of Sweden, and in other things he was to " adopt and follow the laudable customs, habits and usages of Sweden." "Above all things, the governor must .... take proper care that divine service be zealously performed according to the unaltered Augsburg Confession, the Council of Upsala, and tiie cere monies of the Swedish church, having care that all men, and especially the young, be well instructed in the articles of their Christian faith, and that a good church discipline be duly ex ercised and maintained. "- In the articles of capitulation between John Rysingh, Director of New Sweden, and Peter Stuyvesant, Director-Gen eral of New Netherland, September 25, 1655, it was provided that those who chose to remain should •' have the liberty of adhering to their own Augsburg Confession."^ 1 Hazard's Annals, 52-53. 2 Acrelius's New Sweden. 30-40; Hazard's Annals, 63-68. 3 Hazard's Annals, 188; Acrelius's New Sweden, 77; History of New Nether land, by E. B. O'CaUaghan, New York, 1855, II. , 288-290. xxx MARRIAGE CONTRACTS AMONG THE SWEDES. The Augsburg Confession, which embodied Luther's views, and the Catechism, explanatory thereof, did not recog nize marriage as a sacrament, and while the Lutherans were quite strenuous in requiring the publication of banns, and the performing of the marriage ceremony by a clergyman, they nevertheless admitted the validity of civil marriage. As observed above, Director-General Stuyvesant guaran teed the Swedes on the Delaware their "liberty of the Augs burg Confession." Their local officers were also retained, and even the English conquerors continued the Swedish officers for a time.' We have no instances of marriages, etc., under the Swedish rule, but there is no doubt that Swedish customs pre vailed in that region to a considerable extent until well on into the eighteenth century." The sanctity of marriage contracts was recognized by the Swedes as well as by the Dutch, and the latter enforced the same on all occasions. Here is an in stance : To-day. date as below, appeared before me, A. Hudde. Secretary at Port Casi mir on the South-River, appointed by the HonWe Mr. Peter Stuyvesant and High Council, residing at the Manhattans, in presence of the undersigned witnesses, the worthy Jan Picolet. a native of Bruylet in France with the maiden Catrine Jans, born in Elsenburgh in Sweden. Together and each for him or herself they have made, of their free, preconsidered and unbiased will and deliberate opinion. a promise of marriage, under the condition that on account of special reasons the marriage solemnization should be delayed, until a preacher came here. And Jan Picolet promises faithfuUy to Catrine Jans to keep the aforesaid engagement un broken, likewise Catrine Jans promises in the same manner to adhere steadily, firm ly and inviolably to the promise of marriage made to Jan Picolet, to which end we, the engaged, submit ourselves, each individually, to such punishment, as is ordered by law for convicted adulterers, if one of us or both should retract the foregoing promise or violate or break it. We bind us. for the vindication and satisfaction of justice, to keep ourselves pure and undefiled in our engagement, until the com plete consummation of the marriage, as decency and the laws of our magistrates require it. We declare, by signing this, that we, for further conflrmation of this our foregoing promise, place our persons, goods, movable or immovable, now be longing or hereafter coming to us. all under the control of the pertinent laws. In attestation of the truth we have signed this without reservation or deceit. Done at Fort Casimir, this 24ni of February ol tbis Year 1656 on the South- River ol New-Netherland. Jan Nicolet her Catrine — {— Jans mark 1 N. Y, Hist. Soe. Collections, First Series, I., 236. SKalmsays: ' Before the EngUsh settled here, they (the Swedes) followed wholly the customs of Old Sv/eAen."— Travels, II.. 133. In some of the New Jersey villages as late as 1749. "not a single Englishman, or people of any other nation," lived in them.— 76.. II., 168. MARRIAGE CONTRACTS AMONG THE SWEDES. XXXI On the 24th of the following May the contracted couple ap pear before the Council, when Jan requests in writing and ver bally, that he might be discharged from his promise of mar riage, made to the aforesaid Catrine Jans on January 24, 1656, and that the same be declared null and void. He had asked her, he said, "with serious intention, upon honor and faith, to be his wife, and that he did not know else, but that she was a virtuous girl." About a month after, to his direct question, she assured him to that effect, and "they would have been married if a preacher had been at hand." It subsequently be came evident that she was not as she pretended to be. Catrine then confessed to the Council that in the fall of 1655 she had been engaged to a soldier, who was responsible for her condi tion. The Commissaries adjudged that she had gone "outside of her first betrothal, from which she had not been released, neither by the death of the bridegroom nor by other lawful rea sons, and had by her second betrothal deceived the plaintiff, contrary to the written law," and they gave judgment that the aforesaid Picolet be released from his betrothal and marriage contract aforesaid and they declared the same null, ineffectual, of no value and as if the same had never been made, passed, written nor signed." They moreover condemned Catrine to appear in Fort Casimir, and there, before the Council, to re lease the plaintiff and with bent knees to ask the pardon of God and justice and promise henceforth to behave as a virtu ous woman." On June i6th the couple once more appeared before the Council, and having heard the above judgment, "the parties, giving each other the right hand, discharged one the other legally before the Council ofthe promise of marriage."' The strict observance ofthe rule as to the publication of the banns in what was formerly New Sweden is illustrated by these citations : December 29, 16.')5,— Appears Toms Broen, as father and guardian of his daugh ter, Jannetje Tomas, and consents to the marriage between ber and Willem 1 N. Y. Col. Docs., XIL, 144-146. On November 35 following, Lawrence Pieters, bachelor, from Leyden, about 23 years old, and the fickle Catrine Jans, from Gottenburg, about 19 years old, appeared before the Council and announced their desire to enter into matrimony. They were conflrmed in marriage by the Coun cil on December 24. " after proclamation of the banns on the previous Sunday."— N. T. Col. Doc.i., xn., 154, 156. XXXII MARRIAGE CUSTOMS IN NEW SWEDEN. Maurits here present and requests that their legal bans might be published; the names being, of the bridegroom Willem Maurits. bachelor, from Walle Schier, about 33 years old, of the bride Jannetje Tomas, spinster, born in New-Nether land, about 16 years old. Witness Stuyte Andries, i July 7, 1656, — Desiring to enter into matrimony Jacob Crabbe, bachelor, born in Amsterdam, and Geertruy Jacopsen from Immenes, widow of the late Roeloff de Haes, ask to have their matter attended to and declare besides, that they have no engagement with any body else. 2 The Swedish Lutheran clergymen found it difficult to com ply with the regulations ofthe Dutch rulers, and probably did so with an ill grace, that was resented by the new government. A curious case was that of the Rev. Laers Caerlsen (Lokenius), who was brought before tbe court at Altena, April 14, 1662. From the proceedings it appeared that his wife had eloped in September, 1661. As he had "several children and a large house-hold, and so was in need of another wife, and thought that all that was necessary was to find one," and although "pursuant to the laws of our Fatherland he ought to have first asked and obtained a decree of divorce from the superior authority," he had not only waived that formality but had married himself to another woman. He protested that in this matter he "had proceeded lawfully therein and consent was given. I have fol lowed the same custom, which others have followed here, who have not been called up on that account. I declare on my conscience, that it was not done with any bad intention ; had I known, that tliis self-marriage would be thus interpreted, I would have willingly submitted to the usages of the Reformed church, which were not known to ine."^ During the period of his suspension Director-General Stuyvesant granted him a divorce and validated the second marriage, after which Mr. Laers was again invested with his gown. Again, in 167^, another Lutheran minister, the Rev. Jaco bus Fabricius, was suspended from his ministerial functions for one year, by the Governor-General and his Council, for hav ing married a couple " without having lawful authority thereto and without publication ofthe bans."* 1 N. Y. Col. Docs,, XII., 137. 2 Ibid., XII., 149, 3 Ibid,. XIL, 366-7; Acrelius's New Sweden, 101. 3 N. Y. Col. Docs.. XIL. 512, For other notices of Mr Fabricius, see Acrelius's New Sweden, 177-180; Penn. Col. Records. L, 348. MARRIAGE CUSTOMS IN NEW SWEDEN. XXXIII June 4-5, 167S, at New Castle. — Mr. Walter Wharton, a Justice of the Peace, was presented "for marrying himselfe or being married directly contrary to the Knowne Lawes of England & alsoe contrary to the Lawes and customes of this place and Province.'" June 30, 1679, Whoorekill. — Complaint was made to Gov. Andros regarding the conduct of Capt. John Aurey, a local Magistrate, president of the Court, and this pathetic incident was related, disproving the sarcastic incredulity of Rosalind : " Hee Tooke vpon himselfe to Marry the widdow Clament to one Bryant Rowles, without publiquecation nothwithstanding she was out aske at Least a Month to another man, namly Edward Cocke ; The which when the said Cocke hard that she was marryed to another man said that it would be his death And presently went home fell sick and in forty eight hours dyed ; he left it on his death that her marrying was the cause ofhis dyeing." Furthennore, it was alleged of Capt. Aurey : "Hee took upon him to grant a Licence to Marry Daniel Browne to Sussan Garland widdow, without any publiqueation, which Marrige was effected, notwithstanding it is Generally knowne or at Least the said Daniel confesses that he knows no other but that he haue a wife living in England."^ The following simply-worded entry in the record of Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) Church, Wilmington, Del., by the re tiring pastor, Ericus Biorck, in 17131 gives a picture, of a mar riage in those early times, which was doubtless a type of sim ilar occasions in the region formerly known as "New Sweden," and a suggestion, as well, of the changing customs : "The fourth Sunday after Easter the 3d of May, as with the church, Christ's prepared spiritual bride, so did Magister H.es- sellius enter matrimony with Jonas VValraven's daughter Vir gin Sarah Walraven, which after three times publishing took place in Christina church, the above named Sunday when I prieached the marriage sermon over them from John 3rd Chap., 29th verse : He that hath the Bride, is the Bridegroom, etc., and Mr. Sandall, from Wicacoe, performed all the rest with 1 N. Y. Col. Docs., XIL, 596. 2 ibid., XH., 624. xxxiv MARRIAGE CUSTOMS IN NEW SWEDEN. the speech to the bride at the house and the marriage cere mony, etc., which I would not do on account of my love for and adherence to the customs of my Fatherland and its old cus toms which I see are being done away with, such as crowning the bride, etc., through the introduction of these English cus toms."' A fe\y weeks later (May 30), at a meeting of the same con gregation it was enjoined upon them, as to " Regulating espousals and marriages that they are not al lowable according to church law before mature age,- and not without consent of parents, and must be without compulsion or secrecy, and not before being well instructed in Christian doctrines."^ By the middle of the century, as the country became more generally settled bj' people of English descent, there was much falling away from the quaint Swedish customs, espec ially among the young people, as will be noted hereafter. III. Marriage Rites in England. Sundry provisions in the Anglo-Saxon statutes, frequent al lusions in earl}' English literature, and passages in the prayer book, appear to indicate that the earliest marriages in England were by capture, consented to or condoned by the bride; or more generally by purchase, sanctioned by the village or gens, the bride's father selling or giving the bride, ^ and perhaps in latei" times performing some sort of ceremony on the occa sion.* In the language of the old prayer book of the time of Edward VI. : I Records of Holy Trinity Church, 1890, 153. 2 Ibid., 178. 3 In "The History of English Law before the time of Edward I.." by Sir Fred erick Pollock and Frederick William Maitland, Cambridge, 1899. II. , 365, a some what different view is taken ; " When light begins to fall upon Ihe Anglo-Saxon betrothal, it is not a cash transaction by whioh the bride's kinsmen receive a price in return for rights over their kinswoman ; rather we must say that the bridegroom covenants with them that he will make a settlement upon his future wife. He declares, and he gives security for, the morning-gift which she shall receive if she 'chooses his wiU' and the dower that she shall enjoy if she outlives him." This practice, however, indicates an earlier custom of simple bride- purchase, as stated above in the text. 4 It is not unlikely that this practice in a public place is the real origin of the tradition attaching to the singular group or circle of stones called "The Wed ding," described in Camden's Britannia. London 1695 col, Sl. EARLY MARRIAGE CUSTOMS IN ENGLAND. X3 I M. take thee N. , for my wife, to have and to holdi from this day forwards for better, for worse, , for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. to love and to cherish, till death us do part. and thereto I plight thee my troth. With this rynge I the wed And this gold and silver I the geveS and with my body I the worshipe, and with all my worldely cathel-* I the endowe. In that quaint satire on "the degeneracy of the times' theme ever-old, and ever-new — published in London, in i( (reprinted in 1844), entitled "A Piece of Friar Baci Brazenheads Prophesie," the writer tells us : When I was but a boye .... When wooers met, It was a sport to see How soone the match was set. How well they did agree: When that the fathei- gave the childe. And then the mother sat and smilde. Dr. Lushington, in the House of Commons, March 1S35, thus explained the history and principles of the law England in regard to marriage : " By the ancient law of t country as to marriages, the marriage was good, if celebra in the presence of two witnesses, though without the inter! ence of a priest. But then came the decision ofthe Council Trent, rendering the solemnization by a priest necessary. the Reformation we refused to accept the provision of Council of Trent ; and, inconsequence, the question was duced to this state — that a marriage by civil contract was val but, there was this extraordinary anomaly in the law, that practice of some of our Civil Courts required, in certain stances, and for some purposes, that the marriage should celebrated in a particular form. It turned out that a marris by civil contract was valid for some purposes, while for oth 1 Habendum et tenendum— words essential to a conveyance. 2 Words of the present tense - verba de prcesenti. 3 Evidence of bride-purchase, with the ring, and gold and silver. 4 Catheli or catel : goods, property, possessions, treasure, or money.— Halliw Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, 10th ed., London, 1881, 1., 235. xxxvi PUBLISHIXG OF THE BANNS. —such as the descent of real property to the heirs of the mar riage—it was invalid. Thus, a man in the presence of wit nesses, accepting a woman for his wife, per verba presenti, the marriage was valid for some purposes ; but for others, to make it valid, it was necessary that it should be celebrated in facie ecclesice. This was the state of the law until the passage ofthe marriage act in i754-" In the prayer book of Edward VI. (1553), it is ordered: " First the banns must be asked three several Sundays or holy days, in the service time, the people being present, after the accustomed manner!' The old ballad of Robin Hood and Allen a Dale refers to the same ancient custom : That shall not be, the bishop he said. For thy word shall not stand; They shall be three times askt in the church. As the law is ot our land. The rule was that the banns, or intention of marriage, should be published, or "called out," in facie ecclesice, or in front of, or before, the church; in other words, in the most public place in the village, to ascertain if the proposed mar riage met with the approval of the people — apparently a sur vival of an earlier custom, when the consent of the bride's gens was requisite, to permit of her surrender to another gens or tribe. The rule was still further modified in time, by having the banns " called out" from the pulpit, before the congrega tion, and, as education became more general, by simply post ing the notices of intended marriage on, or at, the church door, which might be construed as a compliance with the ancient custom of publishing tlie banns in facie ecclesice. Various ceremonies " at the church door," as of espousals,' dowry and the like, have been regarded as relics of a pagan sacrificial cere mony ; and the marriage at the altar, within the church, is thought to be a trace of a primitive sacrifice at the domestic altar. Certain it is, that the church was many centuries in se curing an influential part in the celebration of marriages in 1 A case of espousals at the church door was tried in 1254. See N. Y. Gen. and Biog. Record. IIL, 89. EARLY WEDDINGS IN ENGLAND. XXXVU England.i One of the earliest descriptions of a church wed ding in England is this, from Chaucer : I trow it were to longe yow to tarie. If I yow tolde of every scrit and bond. By which that .sche was feoffed in bis lend; Or for to herken of hir riche array. But finally y-comen is that day. That to the chirche bothe ben thay went. For to receyve the holy sacrement. Forth oomth the preest. with stoole about his necke, And bad hir be like Sarra and Rebecke In wisdom and in trouth of mariage; And sayd his orisouns, as is usage. And crouched hem, and bad God shuld hem blesse And made al secur ynough with holinesse. Thus ben .they wedded with solempnite.2 Another account of a wedding that actually took place sixty or seventy years later than the date of the Canterbury Tales, is described with an interesting minuteness in depositions made July 6, 1472, in which it is related that in 145 1 or 1452, Sir William Plumpton and Joan Wintringham were privately married one morning before sunrise, in the parish church at Knaresburgh, by John Brown, perpetual vicar of that parish. "Very early in the morning of the said Friday came the said Sir William and Joan to the parish church of Knaresburgh, and, they standing at the door of the chancel of the said church within the said church, the aforesaid John Brown came from the high altar in his vestments and solempnized marriage between them in the presence of the deponent, the said Sir William taking the said Joan with his right hand and repeat ing after the vicar. Here I take the Jhennett to my wed ded wife lo hold and and to have, att bed and att bont, for farer or lather, for better for worse, in sicknesse and in hele, 1 ' ¦ In the seventh century in England the church was making her voice heard about marriage." "By tbe middle of the twelfth century . . it was law in England that marriage appertained to the spiritual forum. " "In 1200 Archbishop Hubert Walter . published in a council at Lambeth a constitution which declared that no marriage was to be celebrated until after a triple publication of the church's ban." "At the Lateran Council of 1215 Innocent III. extended over the whole of Western Christendom the custom that had hitherto obtained in some countries, of 'publishing the banns of marriage.' " — History of tTie English Law. by Pollock and Maitland, as cited, IL, 366, 367, 370: Thrupp's "Anglo-Sax on Home," 50-57; Palgrave's Hist, of the English Commonwealth, IL, cxxxvi, 2 Chaucer's Marchaundes Tale, 453-465 [Chaucer's Works, edited by Richard Morris, London, 1882, Vol. II., 332], xxxviii MARRIAGE CONTRACTS IN ENGLAND. to dede us depart, and thereto T flight the my trouth, and the said Joan making like response incessantly to the said Sir William — that the said vicar, having concluded the ceremony in the usual form, said the mass of the Holy Trinity in a low voice in the hearing of the deponent." A vivid' touch of realism is imparted to the narrative by the additional information that "Sir William was clad in a garment of green checkery, and Joan in one of a red colour,'" she also having on "a grey hood."' Although the church through hundreds of years was contin ually seeking to gain entire control ofthe marriage ceremony, nevertheless marriage was still regarded as primarily a civil contract, until the passage ofthe Marriage Act of 26 Geo. IE., and the ecclesiastical ceremony was largely subsidiary to the civil contract or espousals, which olten preceded the actual mar riage by a considerable period. A precontract of this kind was, till 32 Hen. VIIL, and again after 2 and 3 Edw. VI. , considered an impediment to marriage with any other person. In the early Chancery proceedings, formerly in the Tower of London, there are numerous bills of complaint grounded on alleged contracts of marriage, some of which date back as far as 1452. In these proceedings, however, the plaintiffs seek only to recover the actual losses and disbursements, without making any claim for blighted affections. Maister Walter Leinster, Doctour of Phisik, complains of Maister Richard Narborough, Doctor of Law Sivill, for that he in the moneth of May in the ix. yere of the reigne of the Kyng oure soveraigne Lord (Edward IV.) affianced one Lucy Brampston, the daughter-in-lawe of the said plaintiff, to have her to wife, and immediately thereafter informed her that he would " depart over the see unto Padowe, there to applye his stodye for the space of ij yeres," at the end of which time he promised to return to England and to " espouse the said Lucy according to the law of Holy Churche," at the same time es pecially desiring the plaintiff to maintain the said Lucy and a 1 Plumpton Correspondence. A series of Letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV. Richard III. Henry VII. and Henry VIII. London, printed for the Camden Society, 1839, pp. Ixxvi-lxxvii. AN OLD BREACH OF PROMISE SUIT. XXXIX maidservant to attend upon her, providing them with meat, drink, clothing, and all things necessary, until his return from beyond the sea, when he promised faithfully to repay the plaintiff all the costs and charges which he had incurred in that behalf. He did not return for ten years, and then refused either to marry Lucy, or to reimburse the plaintiff, "to the greate perell and jopardy of soule of the same Maister Richard." The complainant therefore brought suit: For bedde and boorde for Lucy and hir mayde by the space of X. yere by his agrement and special desire, paying by y« week iijs. iiijd. for them twayne cxxx marks Item; For hir arayment yerely delivered to hir, to buy gownys, kirtells, smokkis, &c. xx. li. Item: For arayment of hir servande yerely delivered xiiijs. iiijd. x. marks item: For necessary expences made uppon hir in tyme of hir sore and gret sekenes caused thrugh his onkyndnes and chaungeablenes, ful hard to escape with lyiffe, as al the con trey knowith wel; and as yet apperith on her. for evir sith she hath ben sekele thrugh sorowe and pensyflenes whiche she toke for his newfanglesi xiijli. xiijs. iiijd. The feudal laws, which gave the lord the control of the marriage of his ward, were manifestly opposed to the church's claim over marriages. True, the law of Normandy was to the effect that "if a woman be in wardship, when she shall be of an age to marry, she ought to marry by the consent and license of her lord, and by the counsel and consent df her rela tions and friends, according to what the nobleness of her line age and the value of her fief shall require." But within a short period after the Norman conquest the English lords asserted absolute control over their wards, male as well as female, an abuse so notorious that it called for restrictive enactments, as Henry I., cap. i, cited in Bracton; Magna Charta^ ; the Stat ute of Merton, 20 Hen. III.; i Westminster, cap. 22; 2 Westminster, cap. 35. This control of wards and their estates by the feudal lords continued for centuries, despite adverse en actments. A remarkable instance of this happened so lately as the time of Charles I., in the case of the earl, afterwards first duke of Ormond. " A long suit had subsisted between the lady Preston, grand-daughter and heiress at law of Thomas earl of Ormond, and her cousin, the heir male of the family, 1 The Antiquary. IV. (London, Nov. 1881), 1S6-7. No decision is recorded. 2 Particularly articles vi, vii and viii. xl CONTROL OVER MARRIAGE BY THE FEUDAL LORDS. for that part of the estate her grandfather had entailed to go with the title. At length the relations on both sides thought the best expedient to end this intricate dispute, was by uniting the young relations, who likewise had conceived a strong affec tion for each other ; yet, although the king approved highly thereof, did the earl of Warwick, who was grantee of the young lady's wardship, extort ten thousand pounds before he would consent to a marriage on every account so desirable."' The primary interest of the lords in asserting control over the marriage of their wards must have interfered not a little with the church's claims to a supremacy in all that pertained to the marriage ceremony. It was evidently to the advan tage of the feudal lords likewise to attach great importance to the idea that marriage was a civil contract. Not so much in their interest was the underlying principle, recognized in Eng land from the earliest times, that consent by and between the parties was of the very essence of a valid marriage.^ This, again, was a recognition of the idea that marriage was a civil contract, between the two parties most interested, which not even the church could lawfully abrogate. ^ Herein was the basis of what has always been known as the English " common law marriage." "If a man and woman agreed forthwith (per verba de prcesenti) to take each other as husband and wife, it was a good marriage by the common law.'* "In general, 1 Lectures on the Constitution and Laws of England, etc., by Francis Stough ton Sullivan, LL.D. Second Edition. London: M, DCC, LXXVI, pp. 129-133. And see Co. Litt., 78-79. 2 "Marriage being a divine Institution, to which only a full and free Consent of the Mind is necessary."— Jfoor, 170. 3 It was held by the schoolmen to whom Henry VIII. referred the question, in 1530; "A Marriage is compleated by the Marriage Contract, though it be never Consummated." " Since Marriage was a Sacrament of the Church, its Essence could only consist in the Contract; . . .so Marriage is compleat, though its effect never follow." The canonists did not agree to this, regarding the consum mation as essential.— iJMniers Histor-y of the Reformation of the Church of Ettg land, I., 100. 4 Co. Lit. 34 a; Dy. 369, a. R, ; 6 Mod. 155; Sal. 437; Garth. 99. So if a contract pel" TO)'6adc/ii(uro be afterwards executed by consummation. Semb. Sal. 438; 2 Comyns's Digest, ed. 1793. 68. "The Dutchesse of Barr was married in a closet, without a Masse, by words onely of the Present tense, as I believe, I have read in the Historic of Thuanus." See letter of the Lord Keeper to the Duke of Buolf- ngham, 22 March 1622, given in "Cabala, Mysteries ol State, in Letters of the great Ministers to K. James and K. Charles," London, 1664, 106. See Pollock and Maitland, as cited, II., 368, 371. , THE E.VGLISH CHURCh's CONTROL OVER MARRIAGES. xli common reputation, and cohabitation as man and wife, or the acknowledgment of the parties, may be admitted as evidence of marriage in the temporal courts."' " This Marriage is not a meer Nullity, because by the Law of Nature the Contract is binding; and though the positive Law of Man ordains Mar riage to be made by a Priest, yet that Law only makes this Marriage irregular, but not void, unless the positive Law of Man had expressly ordained it to be void."^ The authority ofthe church in the celebration of marriages was first generally recognized in the time of Innocent III.^ The canon law was introduced in England in the reign 6f Henry I., and was gradually extended in its power and scope as the infiuence ofthe church became more firmly established. The canons of the Church of England threw many safeguards about the ordinance, prohibiting marriages without publishing the banns, or without a license, under heavy penalties.* The privilege of granting licenses dispensing with the publishing of the banns for three Sundays, and other requisites of the canon law, was highly prized by the church, and especially by the Pope and his prelates. One of the first acts of Henry VIII. and his Parliament, after his breaking away from Rome, was to deprive the Pope of any power in relation to marriages in England,^ by the enactment of 'a statute (25 Hen. VIIL, A. D. 1 Comb. 202; Cowp. 233,241; Rep. 877; Bspin. Ni. Pr. Cases, 21,3; 7 Bacon's Abridg. 571. 2 Cases cited in William Nelson's Abridgement of the Common Law of Eng land, London, 1726, IL, 1163. 3 "Before the time of Pope Innocent III. there was no solemnization of mar riage in the church; but the man came to the house where the woman inhabited and led her home to his own house, which was all the ceremony then used." — Mow. 170. 4 Rubrick, Canons 62, 63, 101, 103, 104; 2 Burn's Ecc. Law, 4'27. " These Canons were made in Convocation, and conflrmed by Letters Patent, and are become Part of the Law of the Land, for the Government of the Church."— 27te Rights of the Clei-gy. etc., by Wm. Nelson, London, 1732, 416-422. s .4.S the clergy were formerly the only educated persons, they arrogated to themselves the legal profession in all its branches. As to the practice temp. Hen. II,, see Pollock and Maitland, I.. 125-131. Later the claims Of the clergy were much broader. The English Parliament in the sixteenth century objected particularly to these two provisions of the canon law: " All manner of Causes, whatsoever they be. Spiritual or Temporal, ought to he determined and judged by the Clergy." " Whosoever teacheth or thinketh of the Sacraments otherwise than the See of Rome doth teach and observe, and all they that the same See D xlii THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY VS. THE POPE. 1534, cap. 21), which contained these among other provisions: III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. That neither your Highness, your Heirs nor Successors, Kings of this Realm, nor any your Sub jects of this Realm, nor ol any other your Dominions, shall from henceforth sue to the said Bishop ol Rome, called the Pope,_ or to the See of Rome, or to any Person or Persons having or pretending any Authority by the same, for Licences, Dispensations, Compositions, Faculties, Grants, Rescripts, Delegacies, or any other Instruments or Writings of what Kind, Name. Nature or Quality soever they be of, for any Cause or Matter, for which any Licence, Dispensation. Com position. Faculty, Grant. Rescript. Delegacy, Instrument, or other Writing, here tofore hath been used and accustomed to be had and obtained at the See of Home, or by Authority thereof, or ol any Prelates of this Realm; (2) nor for any manner of Licences, Dispensations, Compositions, Faculties, Grants, Rescripts, Delega cies, or any other Instruments or Writings that in Gauses of Necessity may law fully be granted without offending of the Holy Scripture and Laws of God; (3) but that from henceforth every such Licence, Dispensation, Composition. Fac ulty. Grant. Rescript. Delegacy. Instrument and other Writing afore named and mentioned, necessary for your Highness, your Heirs and Successors, and your and their People and Subjects, upon the due Examinations of the Causes and Quali ties of the Persons procuring such Dispensations, Licences, Compositions, Fac ulties, Grants. Rescripts, Delegacies, Instruments or other Writings, shall be granted, had or obtained, from Time to Time, within this your Realm, and other Dominions, and not elsewhere, (4) in Manner and form following, and none other wise; that is to say. The Archbishop of Canterbury for the Time being, and his Successors, shall have power and Authority, from Time to Time, by their Discre tion, to give, grant and dispose, by an Instrument under the Seal of the said Arch bishop, unto your Majesty, aud to your Heirs and Successors, Kings of this Realm, as well all manner such Licences, Dispensations, Compositions, Faculties, Grants, Rescripts, Delegacies, Instruments and all other Writings, for Causes not being contrary or repugnant to the Holy Scriptures and Laws of God, as heretofore hath been used and accustomed to be had and obtained by your Highness, or any your most noble Progenitors, or any of your or their Subjects, at the See of Rome, or any Person or Persons by authority of the same; (5) and all other Licences, Dis pensations, Faculties, Compositions. Grants. Rescripts, Delegacies. Instruments, and other Writings, in, for and upon all such Causes and Matters as shall be convenient and necessary to be had, for the Honour and Surety of your Highness. your Heirs and Successors and the Wealth and Profit of this your Realm; (6) so that the said Archbishop or any of his Successors, in no manner wise shall grant any Dispensation, Licence. Rescript, or any other Writing afore rehearsed, or any Cause or Matter repugnant to the Law of Almighty God. IV. Be it also enacted by Authority aforesaid. That the, said Archbishop and His Successors, after good and due Examination, by them had, of the Causes and Qualities of the Persons procuring such Licences. Dispensations, Compositions, Faculties. Delegacies, Rescripts, Instruments or other Writings shall have full Power and Authority by themselves, or by their sufficient and substantial Com missary or Deputy, by their Discretions, from Time to Time, to grant and dis pose, by any Instrument under the Name and Seal of the said Archbishop, as well to any of your Subjects, as to the Subjects of your Heirs and Successors, doth judge Hereticks, be Excommunicate." The clergy in general held that ot the seven sacraments then generally recognized, matrimony was the only one ex- firessly mentioned in scripture.— ijurnet's History of tlie Uefurmatlun of ilie Churchof Englaua, I., 116, 263, 263, 330; Collections, 203, 206-7. And see "The" Constitutional History of England." by William Stubbs, Oxford, 1880, IIL, 351, 372, 374, 379, THE ARCHBISHOP OP CANTERBURY -VS. THE POPE. xliii all manner Licences, Dispensations, Faculties. Compositions, Delegacies, Re scripts, Instruments or other Writings for any such Cause or Matters, whereof heretofore such Licences, Dispensations, Compositions, Faculties, Delegacies, Rescripts, Instruments or Writings, have been accustomed to be had at the See of Rome or by the Authority thereof, or of any Prelate of this Realm. V. And that the said Archbishop and his Commissary, shall not grant any other Licence, Dispensation. Composition, Faculty. Writing or Instrument, in cases un- wont, and not accustomed to be had or obtained at the Court of Rome, nor by Au thority thereof, nor by any Prelate of this Realm, until your Grace, your Heirs ¦ and Successors, or your or their Council shall be flrst advertised thereof, and de termine whether such Licence. Dispensations, Compositions, Faculties, or other Writings in such Cases unwont and not accustomed to be dispensed withal, or ob tained, shall commonly pass as other Dispensations. Faculties, or other Writings, shall or no; (2) upon Pain that the Grantors of every such Licence, Dispensa tion, or Writing in such Cases unwont, contrary to this Act shall make Fine at the Will and Pleasure of your Grace, your Heirs and Successors; (3) and if it be thought and determined by your Grace, your Heirs or Successors, or your or their Council, that Dispensations, Faculties, Licences, or other Writings, in any such case unwont, shall pass, then the said Archbishop or his Commissary, hav ing Licence of your Highness, your Heirs or-Successors for the same, by your or their Bill assigned, shall dispense with them accordingly i The somewhat belated scruples of Henry VIIL, as to the validity of his marriage to Catharine of Arragon, because she had been espoused to his elder brother more than a score of years before, having been appeased by the annulment of the marriage, by the Archbishop of Canterbury, notwithstanding the denunciation of Rome, after a variety of new matrimonial ventures^ the exigencies of his crown and the interests of his 1 statutes at Large, London, 1770, II, , 191-6. And see Burnet's Hist, of the Reformation, I., 144. The fees attached to the various services of the clergj^ formed a lucrative source of wealth to the church. The fee for amarriage license, at flrst 4s., by the middle of the eighteenth century was about £1, 5s., and of rcourse more could be exacted, according to tho urgency of the prospective bride groom. The cupidity of the clergy led to miany abuses and scandals. John Eve lyn notes in his diary: " [1693] 14th [July] No sermon at church; , but after pray ers, the names of the parishioners were read, in or.der to gather the tax of 4s. for marriages, burials. &c. a very imprudent tax, especially this reading the names. so that most went out of the church." The clergy found it profitable often to ignore the law requiring the publication of banns or a license, and permitted mar riages to be performed in their churches or chapels without either, by strolling ministers, having no benefices or settled habitations; and marriages were also celebrated by parsons in prison, without licenses. These irregular practices were prohibited under severe penalties in 1688 by act of 1 W. &M., cap. 35; in 1696, by act of 7 and 8 William III., cap. 35; in 1711 by act of 10 Anne, cap. 19, sec. 176; and in 1753 by act of 26 Geo. II.. cap. 33. See Statutes at Large. III., 358, 634; IV., 563; VII,. 515. An interesting description ot the manner in which the law was very generally disregarded by the English clergy, from the highest to the low est, is given in a little pamphlet printed in 1691, and reprinted in the Harleian MisoeUany, London, 1810, IX., 600-507. 2 His fourth marriage, to Anne of Cleves, in 1540, was celebrated "publicly, with great pomp, in the face of the church," writes Richard Hilles to Henry BulUnger. xliv LEGITIMIZATION OF ISSUE OF CERTAIN MARRIAGES. subjects demanded the legitimization of the issue of marriages made despite previous contracts, and accordingly a new stat ute (32 Hen. VIIL, A. D., 1540, cap. 38) was enacted, " For Marriages to stand notwithstanding Precontracts," as follows: WHEREAS heretofore the usurped Power of the Bishop of Rome hath always entangled and troubled the meer Jurisdiction and regal Power of this Realm of England, and also unquieted much the Subjects of the same, by his usurped Power in them, as by making that unlawful which by God's Word is lawful, both in Marriages and in ot"her Things, as hereafter shall appear more at length, and till now of late in our Sovereign Lord's Time, which is otherwise by Learning taught than his Predecessors in Times past ot long Time have been, hath so con tinued the same, whereof yet some Sparks be left, which hereafter might kindle a great Fire, and so remaining, his Pow,er not to seem utterly extinct: II. Therefore it is thought most convenient to the King's Highness, his Lords Spiritual and Temporal, with the Commons of tliis Realm, assembled lu this pres ent Parliament, That two Things specially for this Time be with Diligence pro vided for, whereby many nconveniences have ensued, and many more mought ensue and follow; (2) as where heretofore divers and many Persons, after long continuance together in Matrimony, without any Allegation of either of the Parties, or any other at their Marriage, why the same Matrimony should not be good. Just and lawful, and after the same Matrimony solemnized and consummate by carnal Knowledge, and also sometime Fruit of Children ensued ot the same' Marriage, have nevertheless, by an unjust law of the Bishop of Rome, which is. That upon Pretence of a former Contract made, and not consummate by carnal Copulation (for Proof whereof two Witnesses by that Law were only required) been divorced and separated, contrary to God's Law, and so the true Matrimony,. both solemnized in the face of the Church, and consummate with bodily Knowl edge, and conflrmed also with the Fruit of Children had between them, clearly frustrate and dissolved ; (3) Further also, by reason of other Prohibitions than God's Law admitteth, for their Lucre by the Court invented, the Dispensations whereof they always reserved to themselves, as in Kindred or Affinity between Cousin-Germanes, and so to third and fourth De.^rree, carnal Knowledge of any of the same Kin. or Affinity before such outward Degrees, which else were lawful, and be not prohibited by God's Law; (4) and all because they would get the Money by it, and keep a Reputation to their usurped Jurisdiction, whereby not only much Discord between lawful married Persons hath (contrary to God's Ordinance) arisen, much Debate and Suit at Law. with Wrongful Vexations, and great Dam age of the innocent Party hath been procured, and many just Marriages brought in doubt and Danger of undoing, and also many Times undone, and lawful heirs disinherited, whereof there had never else, but for his vain-glorious Usurpation. been moved by such Question, since Freedom in them was given us by God's Law, which ought to "uemost sure and certain; (5) but notwithstanding. Marriages have been brought into such an Incertainty thereby, that no Marriage could be so surely knit aiid bounden. but it should lie in either of the Parties Power and Ar biter, casting away the fear of God, by Means and Compasses to prove a Pre con tract, a Kindred and Alliance, or a Carnal Knowledge, to defeat the same, and so under the Pretence of these Allegations afore rehearsed, to live all the Days ol their Lives iu detestable Adultery, to the utter Destruction of their own Souls, and the Provocation of the terrible wrath of God upon the Places where such Abominations were used and suffered; (6) Be it therefore enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this I , in 1541, shortly after the event. See "Original Letters relative to the English Reformation," etc., 1537-1558. Parker Society Publications, Cambridge, 1846, 201. EVIL RESULTS OF THIS LEGISLATION. xlv prespnt Parliament assembled, and by Authority of the same. That from the first . Day ot the Month of July next coming in the Year ot our Lord God 1540, all and every such Marriage as within this Church of England shall be contracted between lawful Persons, (as by this Act we declare all Persons to be lawful, that be not prohibited by God's Law to Marry) ; (7) such Marriages being contracted and solemnized in the Face of the Church, and consummate with bodily Knowl edge, or Fruit of Children or Child being had therein between the Parties so mar ried, shall be by the Authority of this present Parliament aforesaid deemed, judged and taken to be lawful, good, just and indissoluble, notwithstanding any Pre contract or Pre contracts of Matrimony not consummate with bodily Knowl- , 6dge. which either of the Parties so married or both shall have raade with any other Person or Persons before the Time of contracting that Marriage which is solemnized and consummate, or whereof such Fruit is ensued, or may ensue, as- afore, and notwithstanding any Dispensation, Prescription. Law, or other Thing granted or confirmed by Act, or otherwise; (8) and that no Reservation or Prohi bition, God's Law except, shall trouble or impeach any Marriage without the Levitical Degrees ; (9) and that no Person, of what Estate, Degree or Condition soever he or she be. shall, after the flrst Day of the said Month of July aforesaid, be admitted in any of the Spiritual Courts within this the King's Realm, or any of his Grace's other Lands and Dominions, to any Process, Plea or Allegation, contrary to this aforesaid Act.t This statute was repealed in 1548 (2 and 3 Edw. VI. , cap. 23), the repealing act naively setting forth as the reason thereof: Sithence the Time of which Act, although the same was godly meant, the Un- ruliness of Man hath ungodly abused the same, and divers Inconveniences (intol erable in manner to Christian Ears and Eyes) followed thereupon. Women and Men breaking their own Promises and Faiths made by the one unto the other, so set upon Sensuality and Pleasure that if after the Contract of Matrimony they might have whom they more favoured and desired, they could be content by Light ness of their Nature to overturn all that they had done afore, and not afraid in Manner, even from the very Church Door and Marriage-Feast, the Man to take another Spouse, and the JDspoused to take another Husband, more for bodily Lust and carnal Knowledge, than for Surety of Faith andTruth, or having God in their good Remembrance, contemning many Times also the Commandment of the Eccle siastical Judge, forbidding the parties having made the (Contract to attempt to do anything in Prejudice to the same;2 An act passed in 1604 (2 Jac. I., cap. 11) made bigamy by any person living in England or Wales, a felony, punish able by death, the penalty to be enforced in any country where the offender might be apprehended. The act was not to extend, however, to any person or persons whose husband or wife should be " continually remaining beyond the seas by the space of seven years together, in any parts within his majesty's dominions, the one of them not knowing the other to be living within that time;" nor to persons lawfully di- I Statutes at Large. London, 1770, II., 298. And see Burnet's Hist, of the Ref ormation in England, I., 283. 2 Statutes at Large, London, 1770, II., 432. xlvi THE commonwealth's MARRIAGE LAW. vorced, or whose marriage should have been annulled ; nor to any person who had marned within the age of consent.' One of the earliest .acts of the Commonwealth Parliament, was to deal a blow at the supremacy ofthe church, in its most intimate relations with the people, by providing that marriages should be celebrated only by a justice of the peace. The ex cellent existing provisions of the canons and of the statute's for the publicatioil of banns were preserved, and a careful system was prescribed for keeping a register of births, marriages and burials.^ This was the protest of England's Puritans and other dissenters against the Roman dogma that marriage was a sac rament, that could be celebrated only under the sanction of the church. Milton and other leaders in the Commonwealth in sisted that it was a civil contract, and this legislation was the outcome. The act (passed August 24, 1653) provides: Be it Enacted by tbe authority of this present Parliament, That whosoever shall agree to be married within the Commonwealth of England, after the Nine and twentieth day of September, in the year One thousand six hundred fifty three, shall (one and twenty days at least betore such intended Marriage) deliver in writing, or cause to be so delivered unto the Register (hereafter appointed by this Act) for the respective Parish where each party to be married liveth, the names surnames, additions, and places of aboad of the parties so to be married, and ot their Parents, Guardians or Overseers; All which the said Register shall publi.sh or cause to be published, three several Lords-days then next following, at the close of the morning Exercise, in the publique Meeting-place commonly called the Church or Chappel; or (if the parties so to be married shall desire it) in the Market-place next to said Church or Chappel; on three Market-days in three sev eral weeks next following, between the hours of eleven and two; which be ing so performed, the Register shall (upon request of the parties concerned) make a true Certificate of the due performance thereof, without whioh Certifi cate, the persons herein after authorized shall not proceed iu such marriage: And il any Exception shall be made against the said intended Marriage, the Register shall also insert the same, with the name of the person making such Exception, and their place of aboad. in the said Certificate of Publication. Audit is further Enacted, That all such persons so intending to be married, shall come before some Justice of Peace withia and of the same County, City or Town Corporate where publication shaU be niade as aforesaid; and shaU bring a Certificate of the said publication, and shall make sufficient proof of the consent of their Parents or Guardians, if either ot the said parties shall be under the age of One and twenty years; And the said Justice shall examine by witnesses upon Oath, or otherways (as he shall see cause) concerning the truth of the Certificate, and due performance of all the premises; and also of any exception made or aris ing; And (it there appear no reasonable cause to the contrary) the IMarriage shall proceed in this manner: 1 "Statutes at Large, London, 1770, IIL. 9. 2 No registration of this kind was required by the canon law. and no such sys tem was known before the Reformation. THE commonwealth's MARRIAGE LAW. xlvii The Man to be married, taking the Woman to be married by the hand, shall plainly and distinctly pronounce these words: I A. B. do here in the presence of God the searcher of all hearts, take thee C. D. for my wedded Wife, and d^ also in the presence of God, and before these wit nesses, promise to be unto thee a loving and faithful Husband. And then the Woman, taking the Man by the hand, shall plainly and distinctly pronounce these words: I C. D. do here in the presence of God, the searcher of all hearts, take thee A. B. for my wedded Husband, and do also in the presence of God, and before these witnesses, promise to be unto thee a loving, faithful and obedient Wife.i And it is further Enacted, That the Man and Woman having made sufficient proof of the consent of their Parents or Guardians as aforesaid, and expressed their consent unto Marriage, in the manner and by the words aforesaid, before such Justice of Peace in the presence of two or more credible Witnesses; the said Justice of Peace may and shall declare the said man and woman to be from thenceforth Husband and Wife ; and from and after such consent so expressed, and such declaration made, the same, (as to the form of Marriage) shall be good and effectual in Law ; And no other Marriage whatsoever within the Common wealth of England, after the 39th of September, in the year One thousand six hundred flfty three, shall be held or accompted a Marriage according to the Laws of England: But the Justice of Peace (before whom a Marriage is solemnized) in case of dumb persons, may dispense with pronouncing the words aforesaid; and with joining hands in case of persons that have not hands. . . . And the said Justice of Peace (if it be desired) shall give unto the parties so married a Certiflcate in Parchment under his hand and seal, of such marriage, and of the day of the solemnization thereof, and of two or more of the witnesses then pres ent; and the Justices Clerk for this Certiflcate may receive Twelve pence and no more: And if such Certificate shall be produced to the Clerk of the Peace for that County, and request made to him to make an Entry thereof, then the said Clerk of the Peace is hereby required to enter the same in a Book of Parchment to be provided for that purpose, and kept amongst the Records of the said Sessions, and to restore the said Certificate; for which Entry, the Clerk of the Peace may receive Four pence and no more. Other provisions raised the marriageable age of the man to consent unto marriage to sixteen years, and of the woman to fourteen years, instead of fourteen and twelve respectively.^ Another important clause vested the jurisdiction of all matters and controversies touching contracts and marriages in the court of general quarter sessions of the county, instead of in the ecclesiastical courts.' Immediately after the Restoration, the authority of . the clergy in respect to marriages was revived (1660, 12 Chas. II. , cap. 33), but "all marriages had or solemnized' in any of his 1 This was the usuaj form of a common law marriage. 2 By the civil and the common law the age of consent of the man was fourteen, and of the woman twelve years. 1 Roi., 342. But by the common law persons may marry at any age. Co. Litt. 33 a. 3 Soobell's Acts and Ordinances; Nelson's Abridgement of the Common Law; Hallam's Const. Hist, of England (N. Y., 1865), IL, 335; Hume's Hist, of England, v.. 443; 3 Bacon's Abridgement, 575. xlviii THE MARRIAGE LAW OF ENGLAND IN 1664. Majesty's dominions since May ist, 1642, before any justice of the peace, or reputed justice of the peace of England, or , Wales, or other his Majesty's dominions, and by such justice pronounced or declared, and all marriages within any of his Majesty's dominions, since May ist, 1642, had or solemnized ,.:,; according to the direction or true intent of any act or ordi nance, or reputed act or ordinance of one or both houses of parliament, or of any convention sitting at Westminster, under the name, stile or title of a parliament, or assuming that name, stile or title ; shall be, and shall be adjudged, esteemed and taken to be, and to have been of the same, and no other force and effect, as if such marriages had been and solemnized ac cording to the rites and ceremonies established, or used in the church or kingdom of England." All pending suits fof and concerning marriages had and solemnized, as aforesaid, were to be tried by a jury of twelve men, as at the common law. Such was the law of England in 1664, when New Jersey was granted to Berkley and Carteret.' IV. Scottish Marriages. The very scanty information we have regarding the earliest inhabitants of Scotland indicates that they preserved the tribal, systerii of government some centuries later than the Teutonic peoples. We may dismiss the statement of Csesar that the Picts {supposed to be the earliest, and possibly non-Aryan, dwellers in North Britain) were polyandrous, as a conclusion derived from imperfect observation, or based on misinforma- ' tion. As to the later, invaders — the Brythones, the Gaels, and finally the Dalriadic Scots, who swept over from Scotia (or the North of Ireland) about A. D. 500 into Alba or Albany, I Lord Chancellor Hardwicke's act. passed in 1753. 36 Geo. II.. Cap. 3.3, went . further than previous statutes in checking common law marriages, by providing that " all marriages solemnized after March -ibtb, 1754, in any other Place than a. Church or Publick Chapel, unless by special license, or that shall be splemnized without Publication of Baniis, or License ot Marriage from a Person or Persons having Authority to grant the same first had and obtained, shall be null and void to all intents and purposes whatsoever." See Statutes at Large, VII,, 525. Lord John Russell's Dissenters' Marriage Act. passed Feb. 12th, 1836. authorized mar- , , , riages of dissenters to be solemnized in their own chapels, registered for the pur pose, after due notice to the registrar of the district. Dissenters desiring no re- 'J ' ligious ceremony were enabled to enter into a civil contract before the superin tendent registrar. See May's Const. Hist, of England (N. Y., 1855), II , 395. EARLIEST SCOTTISH MARRIAGE CUSTOMS. xlix settling in Kintyre— we have somewhat clearer knovyledge. They retained their tribal customs well on to the twelfth or thirteenth century ; and indeed there are traces of the primi tive rule ofthe tribe or clan to this day among the Celtic- and Gaelic-speaking villages and hamlets, stronger in their influ ence over the minds and habits of the people than church or state, although they have professed Christianity for fifteen cen turies or more, and have been " civilized " by rude acts of Par liament prescribing the cut ofthe beard and hair, the length of the coat, and even the family names thev must bear. Exogamy seems to have been the prevalent custom, as among primitive tribes elsewhere. This, of course, indicates that marriage was a matter of bride-purchase, or of capture, with various modi- fieations, according to circumstances.' Readily as the people adopted Christianity, as early perhaps as the third or fourth century, it was with reluctance that they acknowledged to any degree the control of the church over marriage. The Ger manic and Scandinavian settlers in later times in the Lowlands of Scotland were at one with their predecessors in this matter, so that the primitive idea that marriage was a private contract, to be arranged between the two parties most interested, with possibly the sanction of the family, the clan or the tribe, was 1 Lang's History of Scotland. I.. 77-82. Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Down. Connor, and Dromore, etc., by the Rev. William Reeves, Dublin, 1847, 319-321; citing the annalist Tigernaoh, MacFirbis, and Keating. The earliest Irish laws recognized three legal relations between men and women: "a flrst lawful wife;" " a flrst lawful adaltrach- woman ; " aud "anadal- trach-woman of abduotioii " "All were legal relations, and could not be dis solved except by the will of both parties or by legal process. These relations are not deflned; but I believe that the first was the only one that had a religious sanc tion, and that the second and third were merely civil relations, the third being distinctly stuprous and of itself scarcely conferring any right." "According to these laws a man might purchase a wife.'' See "The Brehon Laws," by Laurence Ginnell London, 1894, 211-214. Chronicon Scotorum. A Chronicle ot Irish Affairs, from the earliest times to A. D. 1135, etc. Edited, with a translation, by William M.. Hennessy. London, 1866. As to the invasion of " Britain" (now Scotland) by the tribe of D&l Riada. see p. 35. The evidences of tribal rule, with petty chieftains, or righ, or " kings," are apparent on nearly every page of this valuable work. Annals of the King of Ireland, by the Four Masters, from the earliest period to the year 1616. Dublin. 1851, passim. Burton's History of Scotland. I., chap. i. Acts of Parliament, temp. Hen. VIIL. passim. Sir Walter Scot's novels are full of allusions to ancient tribal or clan enstoms. E 1 THE MERCHETA MULIERUM IN SCOTLAND. most deeply seated among the inhabitants of this land, from the earliest times. ^ Immediately after the Reformation the Scottish Parliament began to exercise jurisdiction over the subjects of marriage and divorce, passing acts in 1551 " Anent them that maries twa wives or husbandes ;" and in 1567 "Anent them that commit- tis incest," and " Anent lawful mariage ofthe awin blude, in degries not forbidden by God bis Worde." The following is 2 It is said that in ancient times the Scottish nobles had gradually acquired the Juris prim(e noctix, so low had the people been abased. But when Malcolm was declared King of Scotland at Scone, April 25th. 1057, having with the assistance ot Macduff driven off the throne the spoiled Macbeth, " it is reported that his wife obtained from him a decree that the degrading custom should be altered, and the husband have liberty to redeem it by paying half a mark of silver, which payment is yet called inarcheta muleriam,."^Buchanan's Hist, of Scotland. London,' 172"2, 1,, 290. It should be noted, however, that Buchanan in this as in many other rela tions follows closely the imaginative and rather' unreliable Hector Boethius (Boyce or Boece) , whose Scotorum Historice Libri was written about the middle of the flf teenth century; whereas such writers as Roger of Wendover, in his "Flow ers of History," written prior to 1235 (Bohn's ed.. London, 1849. I., 334. 363-4), An dre of Wyntoun. in his "Orygynale Cronykil of Scotland," written 1420-1424; anil John of Ferdun, " Chronicle of the Scottish Nation," writing at the close of the fourteenth century, although all speaking warmly of St. Margaret, make no ref-^, erence to this remarkable incident. "The Chronicon Scotorum," written proba bly before ll'37, merely mentions her death, p. 301. In John Hill Burton's exhaus tive History of Scotland, there is an account of Margaret, I.. 380 foi, ; and also in Andrew Lang's History of Scotland, I,. 90-98, but neither writer deems the story worth a reference, although it is just the kind that would appeal to the imagina tion of Mr. Lang, with his fondness for aud keen insight into ancient customs and folklore. It is probable that the legend arose from a misconception of the mean ing of the term niercheta mulierum, which was really a flne paid by vassals or vil leins to their chieftains or lords on the marriage of their daughters, a custom that' seems more characteristic of the feudal system of Normandy, introduced a gener ation later.— Lang's Hist. Scotland. I., 153; Vtllainnge in England, by M. Vinogra- dofl, 153; Tribal Custom in Anglo Saxon Law, by Frederic Seebohm, London, 1903, passim ; Select Charters and ether illustrations of English Constitutional Histo ry, ... by William Stubbs, Oxford, 1870, 168. Traces of the custom in the sense used by Buchanan above are or were formerly found in certain manors in England, as mentioned in Thomas Blount's quaint little book: '• Fragmenta Antiquitatis. Antient Tenures of Land, And Jocular Customs Of some Manners." London. 1679, 143, 153. 159. There were indications of the custom in Scotland in the seven teenth century, as appears by a small pamphlet, " A Modern Account of Scptland, . . . by an English Gentleman," printed in 1670, and reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany. London, 1810, VII , 440, 443. But the writer seems to have fallen into low company, and to have been intensely prejudiced against everything Scottish, so that his statements carry little weight. In that powerful work. La Sorciere: The Witch of the Middle Ages, by J. Michelet. London. 1863. pp. 63-65. the writer gives a terrible picture of this shocking custom tn France, He fancifully ascribes to it the development of the abused woman into the witch. The efforts of the church to assert the sanctity of marriage, under the claim that it was a sac rament, found a powerful justification in these revolting practices. SCOTTISH CIVIL JURISDICTION OVER MARRIAGES. li the text ofthe latter act, which is given herewith to show the view Parliament took of the marriage ceremony : ITEM. Our Soveraine Lord, with advice & consent of my Lord Regent, and the three Estates of this present Parliament hes statute, and ordained, that the halie band of mariage made be all Estaites and sorts of men and women, to be als law ful and als trie, as the Lawe of God hes permitted the samin, to be done, without exception of person or persones. And hes declared,_an.d declares, that seconds in degrees ot oonsanguinitie, and atflnitie, and all degries outwith the samin, con tained in the word of the Eternal God. and that are not repugnant to the said word, might, and may lawfully marry at all times sen the viii day of March, the zeir of God ane thousand five hundreth fiftie auoht zeiris, notwithstanding ony Law. statute, or constitution maid in the contrare. And ratifyis and apprevis all ' the said mariages done sen the said day. And the bairnis gottiu. or to be gottin, in sik Mariage to be as lauchf ul, asweil toward their succession to landis, her itages, or ony other liberties, as ony bairnis gottin in Mariage, and to be repute and esteemed, in all times to cume, lauchfullie gottin, i,n lauchful Mariage, not withstanding any Lawes, statutes, constitutionis, or Actis, maid or to be maid, in the contrare. 1 An act passed in 1573, "Anent them that divertis fra- uthers, being joyned of befoir, in lauchful mariage," enacts " that quhat-sumever person, or persons, joyned in lauchful Matrimonie, husband or wife, divertis frauthers companie, without ane reasonable cause alledged, or reduced befoir a Judge, and remainis in their malicious obstinacie, be the space of four zeires, and in the meantime, refusis all privie admonitions," the wronged husband or wife could apply to the Lords of Session, and on due proof the offender should be " denounced rebel, and put to the hone ;" whereupon the in jured party could apply to the lawful archbishop or other spir itual authority to direct privie admonitions to the offender, and in case of disobedience by him or her, the offender should be excommunicated, " quhilk anis being pronounced, the ma licious and obstinate defection ofthe partie offender, to be ane sufficient cause of divorce, and the said parties offender to tyne and lose their tocher, & donationes propter nuptias." The Kirk of Scotland was quite as ready as its predecessor to regulate marriage, condemning in 1560 " secret joining in marridge ;" and in 1572 the commissioners appointed " to treat and conclude anent all matters tending to the ordering and es tablishing of the Policie of the Kirk," concluded among other things: "that ther be readers specially appointed at every speciall kirk, where it may be done conveniently, who, being 1 Scots' Acts, Fifth Parliament, James Sext., I., 365. lii SCOTTISH MARRIAGE RITUAL. found qualified by the Bishop or Superintendent, and entering by the lawfull order ofthe true Reformed Kirk, shall minister the sacrament of baptisme, and solemnize marriage after law ful and orderly proclamation of bannes, as effiers." About 1630 one of the criticisms upon the new Bishops was "thaf hereunto they grant liberty to solemnize marriage without ask ing of banns."' The " Book of Geneva," based upon the order of service drafted in 1554 by John Knox and others, for the use ofthe English congregation at Frankfort, was published at Geneva in 1556, and on Knox's return to Scotland in 1559, this book began to come into general use in that country, the General Assembly in 1562 enjoining its use in the " solemnisation of marriages," etc. With some slight modifications this " Book of Common Order," as it was called, embodied the law of the Scottish Church as to worship from 1564 till 1645, and was frequently recognized in acts of Parliament. It required the publication of the banns or contract for three several days in the congregation, at the expiration of which the parties were to assemble at the beginning of the sermon, whereupon the Minister would read the Exhortation, and ask for objections, if any. If none, then he would say fo the man : Forasmuch as no man speaketh against this thing. You N. shall protest here before God and His holy Congregation, that you have taken, and are contented to have M. here present for your lawful Wife, promising to keep her. to love and in treat her in all things, according to tte duty of a faithful Husband, forsaking all other during her life; and briefly, to live in an holy conversation with her, keep ing faith and truth in all points, accoi^ding as the Word of God, and His holy Gos pel doth command. Whereto the man was required to answer as follows : Even so I take her, before God, and in the presence of this His Congregation. The Minister was then to say to the woman : You M. shall protest here before the face of God. and In the presence of this His Congregation, that ye have taken, and are now contented to have N here present for your lawful Husband, promising to him sub]ection and obedience, for saking all other during his life; and.flnally, to live in an holy conversation with him, keeping faith and truth in all points, as God's Word doth prescribe.' To which she was required to answer thus : Even so I take him, before God, and in the presence of this His Congregation. ,1 An Apologetical Narration of the State and Government of the Kirk of Scot land since the Reformation, by William Scot, Edinburgh, printed for the Wodrow Sooiety, 1846, 9, 33, 333, ^ SCOTTISH MARRIAGE^ RITUAL. Iiii The Minister was then to read from St. Matthew xix., add ing: " If ye believe assuredly these words . . . then may ye be certain, that God hath so knit you together in this holy es tate of Wedlock ;" following with a blessing.' In the Westminster Assembly of Divines, 1643-4, in dis cussing the subje'ct of marriage, it was objected that the fore going ritual gave too much authority to the Minister, inasmuch as he uttered the promises of the contracting couple, who merely assented thereto ; objection was also made to his pro nouncing the final blessing, instead of praying for them. Ac cordingly, in the Directory of Worship, adopted by that body in December, 1644, and accepted by the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, and by the Scottish Parliament, in Febru ary, 1645, it was expressly declared: Although Marriage be no Sacrament, nor peculiar to the Church of God, but common to mankind, and of public intereist in every commonwealth; yet, because such as marry are to marry in the Lord, and have special need of instruction, di rection and exhortation from the Word of God at their entering into such a new condition, and of the blessing of God upon them therein, we judge it expedient that Marriage be solemnised by a lawful Minister of the Word, that he may ac cordingly counsel them, and pray for a blessing upon them. The Directory provides for the customary" publishing ofthe banrjs by the Minister three several Sabbath Days, in the Con gregation, at the place or places of their most usual and con stant abode, respectively, and finally prescribes this ritual : The Minister (if no impediment be acknowledged) shall cause flrst the Man to take the Woman by the right hand, saying these words: I N. do tnlce. Owe N. to be my marrtea Wife, ana ao, in the presence of Boa, and before this Congregation, promise ana covenant to be a loving and faithful HusbanQ, unto thee, until Goa shall separate us by death. Then the Woman shall take the Man by his right hand, and say these words: / N ao laKe thee N. to be Tny married Husbana, ana lao. in the presence of God, and before this Congregation, promise ana covenant to be a loving, faithful, ana obe dient Wife, unto thee, until Goa shall separate us by death. Then, without any further ceremony, 2 the Minister shall, in the face of the Con gregation, pronounce them to be Husband and Wife, according to God's ordi nances 1 The Book of Common Order of the Church of Scotland, commonly known as John Knox's Liturgy, and The Directory for the Public Worship of God, agreed upon'~by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, with Historical Introductions, etc., Edinburgh and London. 1868. xiii-xvi, xlv, Ixii, 132. 2 That is, omitting the use ot the ring, to which the Scottish Reformers were always opposed. 3 The Book of Common Order of the Church of Scotland,, as oit?d. 264-6, 312- 313, 358-361. The Parliamentary recognition of the Directory in 1645 was annulled bythe Act Rescissory, at the Restoration. "The [Scottish] Church, however. liv SCOTTISH LAW AGAINST CLANDESTINE MARRIAGES. The Parliament of Scotland in 1661 passed an " Act against clandestine and unlawful marriages," as follows :, OUR Sovereign Lord, and the Estates of this present Parliament, considering how necessar it is, that no Marriage be celebrat, but according to the laudable order and constitution of this Kirk; and by such persons, as are by the Authority of this Kirk warranted to celebrat the same. And notwithstanding hereof, sun dry, either out of disaffection to the Religion presently professed in this'King- dom, or being desirous to eschew the Censures of this Kirk, or to satisfie iheir promise of Marriage formerly made to others, or to decline the concurrence and consent of their Parents or others having interest, or out some other unlawful pretext, do procure themselves to be Married, and are Married either in a Clan destine way, contrary to the established order of the Kirk, or by Jesuits Priests, Deposed or Suspended Ministers, or any other not authorized by this Kirk. Therefore His Majesty, with advice of His said Estates. Statutes and Ordains, that whatsoever person or persons, shal hereafter Marry or procure themselves to ; be Married in a Clandestine and tnorderly way or by Jesuits, Priests, or any other not authorized by this Kirk ; that they shal be imprisoned for three moneths. & beside their said imprisonment shal pay, each Nobleman, one thousand pound Scots, each Barron and landed Gentleman, one thousand merks, each Gentleman and Burgess, flve hundred pounds, each other person, one hundred merks; and they shal remain in prison, ay and while they make payment of these respective penalties above-mentioned, which are hereby ordained, to be applyed to pious uses, within the several Paroches where the .said person dwellS. And that the ' Celebrator ot such Marriages be bahished the kingdom, never to return therein^ under the pain of death. Likeas His Majesty, with advice foresaid. Prohibits and Discharges all men and women, having both their ordinar residenoe within this kingdom, to get Marriage to themselves with others within the Kingdom of England, or Ireland, without Proclamation of Bannes here in Scotland, and against the Order and Constitution of this Church, or Kingdom, under the pains following, viz. For each Nobleman so Married, one thousand pounds, for each landed Gentleman, one thousand merks; for each Burgess, five hundred pounds: and for each other Substan tious person, five hundred inerks; for an Yeoman, one' hundred pounds; for each person of inferior quality, one hundred merks; the one half of the which penalties, shal belong to the Kings Majestie, the other to the Paroch, or Paroches where the Married Parties did reside; and Ordains His Majesties Advocat, and the Procurator for the Kirk, to pursue before the civil Judge, the Parties Contraveeners of this Act or either part thereof, for payment ofthe penalties respective above-mentioned; And in the case ot the poor con dition of any man, married in manner of foresaid, Ordains him to be punished with Stooks and Irons : whiph pains corporal and pecunial, shall no ways be preju- dical to, or derogst from, the Order and^ Censures of the Kirks, to be inflicted against the Delinquents.! The real object of this act was to discredit the Presbyterian ministers who had signed the Solemn League and Covenant, and to require marriages to be .celebrated only by ministers of the Established, or Episcopal, Kirk. This not proving effec tive, another act was passed in June, 1672, providing that per- 1 Scots Acts, Chap, 14, First Parliament. Charles II., 193. though not rigidly conforming to the Directory, has never treated it as an obsolete statute."— /Md., 368-271. THE SCOTTISH LAW OF MARRIAGE. Iv sons married by ministers not ordained by the Bishops should " amit and lose any Right or Interest they may have by that Marriage, jure mariti, vei jure relictce, and by and attour the Pains and Penalties provided by the Act of Parliament in anno 1661, against disorderly and clandestine Marriages." In 1679, at the suggestion of Lauderdale, and with the approval ofthe Privy Council, the King's officers were instructed to prosecute vigorously all recalcitrants against the Established Kirk, including those "guilty of illegal marriages," and on August 31, 1681, an " Act anent Religion and the Test" was jDassed, for the more vigorous enforcement ofthe laws again.st conventicles, religious services in private houses, and "disor derly baptisms and marriages," meaning such as were not cele brated by the Episcopally-ordained clergy. 1 Nevertheless, it will be observed that these several statutes, although prescribing the requirements of a lawful marriage, scarcely went so far as to declare irregular marriages null and void, and they, went on very much as before, being contracted privately by and between the parties, with out any intervening priest, preacher or other officer, or by priests or preacliers not of the Kirk of Scotland, or by civil niagistrates, as had been the custom from time whereof the memory of man knew not to the contrary. For, by the comr mon law of Scotland nothing further was necessary to con stitute a man and vvoman, husband and wife, than a mutual dec laration of consent by the parties, before witnesses, to constitute, as at that date, the relation of husband and wife Or such declaration in writing, without witnesses, constituted a rrrar- riage, which was considered binding in all respects.^ Or, as Lord Mackenzie has stated the law, more explicitly : "In Scotland marriage is a civil contract, constituted by the mutual consent of the parties. The consent to marriage must be to a present act ; a promise or engagement to marry 1 The History of theSufferi'ngs of the Church of Scotland, from the Restaura- tion to the Revolution, etc. by Mr. Robert Wodrow. Endinburgh, 1731, I.. 350, Appendix, 135; II.. 10. 12. 18. Appendix. 36. 60. 2 Institutes of the Law of Scotland, by Lord Stair. I,. 36; I Roi. 343. Wilkie Collins's novel. " The Law and the Lady." is an exposition of some of the intri^ cacies ot this apparently very simple Scottish law ot marriage. Ivi THE SCOTTISH LAW OF MARRIAGE. at a future period, however formal, where no sexual inter course has followed upon it, may be retracted, though the per son retracting may be liable in damages for breach of promise. To the marriage of minors the consent of parents or guardians is not necessary. "The law of Scotland recognises four different modes by which marriage may be constituted ; (ist) A public or regular marriage celebrated by a minister after proclamation of banns; (2d) The deliberate exchange of matrimonial consent by words de prcssenli,^ without the nuptial benediction ox concubitus] (3d) Promise of marriage followed by copula, at least when declared a marriage by an action of declarator in the Court of Session; (4th) Cohabitation as man and wife, aud being held and reputed as married persons. " A public or regular marriage is one celebrated by a cler gyman, in presence of two or more witnesses, after due procla mation of banns according to the rules of the Church. All marriages entered into in any other form are clandestine or ir regular; but if the matrimonial consent has been seriously and deliberately interposed, they are equally effectual with regular marriages, though they expose all concerned in them to certain statutory penalties, which, however, are seldom if ever en forced in modern times. " As to irregular marriages, and the evidence by which they may be established, we cannot do better than lay before our readers a short exposition of the law in the words of Lord Moncreiff, whose authority in consistorial questions is justly ejititled to the greatest weight : ' The governing rule of law is unquestionably that marriage is constituted by the consent of 1 In accordance with the general principle that a marriage per verba de prcesenti, without religious or other ceremony, if valid where celebrated is valid every where, it has been held by the English courts that such marriages in Scotland, prior to 19 and 20 Vict. chap. 96, between persons domiciled in England, would be recognized iu England, notwithstanding that they would have been invalid if cele brated in England. Ilderton v. Ilderton, 2 H. Bl. 145; McAdam v. Walker (¦1813), 1 Dow. 148, where the whole subject of Scottish marriages was care fuUy considered by the House of Lords; Dalrymple v. Dalrymple (the leading case). 2 Hagg. C. R. 95; BeU v. Graham. 13 Moore, P. C. C. 242, 1 L. T. N. S. 331. 8 Week. Rep 98; Dysart Peerage Case (I8SI). L. R. 6 App. Cas. 489, 512; Lovat Peerage Case, L. R. 10 App Cas. 763. The same general principle has been repeatedly affirmed in New Jersey. Clark v. Clark, 52 N. J. Eq. 660 (1894), 30 Atl, 81; Smith v. Smith, 53 N. J. L. 207.(1880). 19 Atl. 26.5. NEW ENGLAND MARRIAGE CUSTOMS. Ivii the parties alone ; and that upon legal and satisfactory evidence that such mutual consent has been seriously and deliberately interposed, the Court will declare such marriage, though it should be clear that no.; formal ceremony or celebration has taken place.' "' And this was the idea of marriage brought to New Jersey by the Scottish immigrants and refugees who fled or were banished from Scotland in 1685 and thereafter, to escape the persecutions of the prevailing . ecclesiastical power in that country.^ V. New England Marriage Customs. Ne-vv Jersey was settled so largely by people from New Eng land that they exercised a marked influence in the new colony on public sentiment and legislation, marriage regulations in cluded. The Pilgrims and the Puritan.s, who left England to found new homes in America were especially determined to assert their independence of the authority of the church over their domestic affairs — -at least, when that authority did notco- - 1 studies in Roman Law with comparative views of the Laws of France. Eng land and Scotland. By Lord Mackenzie. Edited by John Kirkpatrick. Fifth edi- tion. revised. Edinburgh and London, 1880, 115-118. Gretna Green (just over the Scottish border, and only nine miles from Car lisle) , as the scene of runaway marriages came into prominence in 1754, when Lord Hardwicke's Marriage act discountenanced common law marriages in Eng land. They were still valid iu Scotland, but as marriages by civil magistrates were also lawful many runaway couples from England preferred the apparently more regular form of marriage by the black.smith who was also a justice of the peace, and therefore authorized to celebrate marriages. The following is a copy of a certificate issued by one of these officials at Gretna Green a century or more ago; "This is to sartf ay all persons that may be consernid that A. B from the parish of C. and county of D. and E. F. from the parish of G. in the county of H- and both comes before me and declayred themselves both to be single persons and now mayried by the form of the Kirk of Scotland, and a'greible to the Church of England, and givine undre my hand, this 18th day of March, 1793." — TJie Topo graphical, Statistical and Historical Gazetteer of Scotland, Glasgow, 1844, I., 716. in the case of Crompton v. Bearcrof t, Deo. 1, 1768, the appellant and the respond ent, both English subjects, and the appellant being under age, ran away without the consent of her guardian, and were married in Scotland; and ou a suit brought in the spiritual court to annul the marriage, it was held that the marriage was good. See BuUer's Nisi Prius, 113, cited in 7 Bacon, Appendix, lOI. 2 For an account of the persons banished from Scotland because of their re ligious belief, and who sailed witb George Scot, Laird of Pitlochie, on the ill- fated " Henry and Francis," which flnally arrived at Perth Amboy, in Bast New Jersey, in December, 1685, see Wodrow's "History of the Sufferings," etc., II.. 484-6. S65-7. F Iviii NEW ENGLAND MARRIAGE CUSTOMS. incide with their own views. As many of them had fled first to Holland, they had there found it very agreeable to their ideas that marriage was regarded as a civil contract, and not as a sacrament. They brought the same thought with them to America, where, moreover, 'they were confronted with novel conditions that would have made it difficult, if not impossible, to conform to the law and the ecclesiastical requirements *of the mother country. Writing under date of 1621, Governor William Bradford, ofthe Plymouth Colony, says: May 13 [1631] " was ye flrst marriage in this place [Edward Winslow to Susan nah White, widow of William White, who died Feb. 21, 1621] which, according to ye laudable Custome of ye Low-Cuntries in which they had lived, was thought most requisite to be performde by the magistrate, as being a civill thing, upon which many questions aboute inheritance doe depend, with other things most proper to their cogni'zans, and most consonante to ye Scripturs, Ruth 4, and no wher found in ye gospell to be layed on ye ministers as a part of their office. This decree "of law about mariage was published by ye State of ye Low-Cuntries Ano 1590. 'That those of any religion, after lawfull and open publication, coming be fore ye magistrate in ye Town or Stat-house, were to be orderly (by them) mar led one to another.' Petet's Hist., foi. 1029.-^ And practiss hath continued among not only them but hath ben followed ,by all ye famous Churches of th Christ in these parts to this time Ano 1646. "2 Winslow being in London in 1635, was brought before the Lords Commissioners of Plantations in America, and was asked by the Archbishop of Canterbury about the practice con cerning marriage, in Plymouth. " He confessed that haveing been called to place of Magistracie, he had himself maried' some. Further he tould their Lord? y* mariage was a civille, thinge, & he found no wher in y^ word of God y' it was tyed to ministrie, again, they were necessitated so to doe, having for a long time togeather at first no minister ; besides, it was no new thing, for he had been so maried him selfe in Holand, by y" magistrates in their Statt house. "^ The General Court of Plymouth Colony enacted, November 15, 1636, that " none be allowed to marry that are under the covert of parents but by their consent and approbation, but in 1 La Grande Chronique Ancienne et Moderne, de Hollande, Zelande, West- ' Iriese, Utrecht, etc., by Jean Francois le Petit, 1601 and 1611. 2 Hist, of Plymouth Plantation, by William Bradford, the Second Governor of the Colony. Collections Mass. Hist. Society, Fourth Series, Boston, 1856, IIL, 101. 3 Ibid.. 330. And see " The Story of The Pilgrim Fathers, 1606-1623 A. D.," . . . edited by Edward Barber, London, 1897, 164, 365, 36Q. MASSACHUSETTS MARRIAGE LAWS. lix case consent cannot be had then it shall be w"^ the consent of the Gove'', or some assistant to whom the persons are knowne whose care it shall be to see the marriag be fitt before it be allpwed by him." The same ^ct also required that notice of the intended marriage " be three severall times published be fore solemnising of it," in meeting, or where there was no meet ing place, then by "a writing thereof made and set vpon the usuall publike place for the space of fifteene days. Provided the writing be vnder some majestrats hand or by his order." ^ In an act passed June 4, 1645, the General Court defined a lawful contract of marriage (preliminary to the marriage itself) to be " the mutuall consent of two parties w"" the consent of parents or guardians (if any there be to be had) and a solemme promise of marriage in due tyme to eich other before two com petent witnesses."^ Other acts provided for the registration of marriages, etc., with the town clerk^ — a provision continued in the laws of New Jersey to this day. The General Court of Massachusetts Bay passed an act, Sep tember 9th, 1639, " for prevention of all unlawful marriages," which provided : Henceforth no persons shall be joined in marriage, before the intention of the parties proceeding therein hath been three times published, at some time of publick lecture or town meeting, in both the towns where the parties or either of them do ordinarily reside, or be set up in writing upon some post of their meet ing house door in public view, there to stand so as it may be easily read, by the space of fourteen days.4 As some ofthe clergymen retained their old-world notions of their prerogative in the celebration of marriages, and occa sionally exercised the same, the General Court enacted in 1647: Th.at no person whatsoever in this jurisdiction shall join any persons together in marriage, hut the magistrate, or such, other as the general court, or court of assistants, shall authorize in such place, where no magistrate is near. Nor shall any join themselves in marriage hut before some magistrate or person author ized as aforesaid. Nor shall any magistrate or other person authorized as afore said, join any persons together in marriage, or suffer them to join together in 1 Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England, . . edited by David Pulsifer. XI. Laws, 1623-1683. Boston, 1861, ]3, 190. 2 Ibid., 46. 3 Ibid,, 52, 189, 190. 4 Charters and Laws of Massachusetts Bay, Boston, 1814, 151; Records of the Colony of the Massachusetts, I., 375. Ix MASSACHUSETTS AND CONNECTICUT MARRIAGE LAWS. their presence, before the parties to be married have been published according to law.i The foregoing statute, it will be observed, virtually prohib ited clergymen froni celebrating marriages, and also prohib ited common law marriages. The civil control over marriage was again asserted in May, 1656, when it was ordered by the General Court : That from henceforth any one of the three commissioners for ending small causes in the several towns where no magistrate dwells shall and hereby are au thorized and empowered to solemnize marriage between parties legally published, provided two of the said commissioners be present. 2 The first settlers of Connecticut closely followed the Massa chusetts precedents regarding marriage as a civil ceremony, to be performed by a magistrate. The General Court of the Colony of Connecticut enacted, April ioth, 1640: That whosoeuer intend to joyne themselues in Maridge Couenant shall cause that their purpose of Contracte to be published in some publike place & att some publike meeting in the seuerall Townes where such persons dwell, at the lest. eight dayes before they enter into such Contracte. whereby they ingadge them selues ech to other; and that they shall forbeare to joyne in Maridge Couenant at lest eight dayes after the said Contracte. And also the Magestrate who solem- nizeth Mariedge betwixt any, shall cause a record to be entered in Courte of the day & yere thereof. 3 The act passed in Massachusetts Bay in 1647 was adopted by the Connecticut Colony in 1675, with some slight changes, as follows : No person whatsoever in this Jurisdiction, shall joyn any persons together in Marriage, but the Magistrates, or such other as the General Court or Court of Assistants shall Authorize in such places where no Magistrate is near, nor shall any Magistrate or other person as aforesaid, joyn any persons together in Mar riage before the parties to be Married have been published according to law. One ofthe earliest laws of New Haven Colony was closely in line with those of her sister New England Colonies, being in these words : No persons shal be either contracted, or joyned in Marriage before the inten tion of the parties proceeding therein, hath been three times published, at some time of publick Lecture, or Town meeting in the Town, where the parties, or either of them dwel, or do ordinarily reside; or be set up in writing, upon some post of their meeting house door, in publick view, there to stand so as it may be easily read by the space of fovrteen daies; and that no man unless he be a Magis- 1 Ibid. Parson Hobart, of the church at Hingham, Mass., having had the te merity to perform a marriage ceremony, was incontinently haled before the Gov ernor and Council for thus brooking their authority. 2 Ibid. ; Records.of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, III., 398; IV., 255. 3 Colonial Records of Connecticut (1636-1665), 47. An act similar in effect was passed in 1673. See Laws of Connecticut, 1673 (Brinley Reprint, 1865), p 46. FRIENDS MARRIAGE CUSTOMS. Ixi trate in this Jurisdiction, or expresly allowed by the General Court shall Marry any persons, and that in a publick place, if they be able to go forth, under the pen-? alty of five pounds fine for every such miscarriage.i Thus the New England settlers who began to pour into New Jersey in 1665 and 1666, came from communities that had become thoroughly imbued with the idea that marriage was a civil contract, sanctioned, it is true, as a Divine ordi nance, but not a sacrament, and that, so far from a clergyman being required for the performance of the ceremony, that func tion was or ought to be vested exclusively in the magistrates or other Civil officers.^ VI. Friends' Marriage Customs. Still another potent influence in New Jersey legislation was that exercised by the Friends, who so largely settled West Jer sey, under the auspices of William Penn and his associates, and who were so prominently concerned in the government and settlement of East Jersey. Their manner of life was a protest against the excesses which had become insufferably ob noxious during the reigns of James I. and Charles I. During the consequent political and religious turmoil of the revolt against Charles I. many men sought to evolve new systems of religion, which were merely modifications of the old, and were clearly man-made. George Fox alone attempted to lead the way back to primitive forms and beliefs, seeking to guide men not by the declarations of councils, assemblies, convocations and other ecclesiastical bodies of men, but by the in-dwelling spirit of truth, which should lead all men aright, and make them all Friends. Like all other religious reformers, or lead ers, he soon gave his attention to the subject of marriage, which lies at the foundation of society, and all social life. As early as 1653^ he began to advise thereon, and by 1659 his deliver ances had assumed this tentative form : It any friends go together in the Power of the Lord, or find a necessity there unto to joyn in marriage, after the thing hath been made known between them selves, betore anything be concluded, let it be declared to Friends who are able, in the Wisdom and Power of God to see and feel into it: & if they see the thing in 1 New Haven Colonial Records (1653-1665), II.. 599. 2 See Palfrey's New England, I.. 114, 194; and N. Y. Col. Docs., IV., 793. 8 Journal of George Fox, London, 1891, II., 88. Ixii friends' marriage customs. the light and power to stand, it may be declared to friends in the meeting or Meet ings, to which the parties do belong, towards the end thereof as they are moved, by the parties themselves, or some other friends as they are moved, both of the parties being then present, that it may be by friends felt and seen in the light, and enquirie may be made touching any other engagement, to stop scandals, and things kept sweet, so that you take time in it, and you may be clear, and feel it as it was in the beginning, that no hardness ot heart get up; But if the parties who are flrst acquainted with such a marriage, or any friend or friends have any thing against it, and if any thing be resolved other wise, that ,then the matter be laid before friends the next General meeting that may be appointed, to consider of things relating to friends, and there to be seen into and ended; If in conven ient time after the thing is declared nothing appear against it by the parties who are flrst acquainted with such a marriage, nor by any Friend or Friends; and after things are all sweet and clear, and Friends have unity with it. they may as they are moved, declare it in the end of the General Meeting to which the parties . do belong, before tbe departure of Friends, or as they are 'moved, they may de clare it in the mid-time of the Market, on the Marlcet-day in the next Market- town, to such parties outward dwelling as tbey are moved, or they may not as their freedom is by the Parties themselves, or such other as the Parties do see lit as they are moved; then after a convenient time, and the thing be seen, felt, and had unity with, and an Assembly about twelve Friends met together, they may speak their Testimony (that all may take notice who are the persons) as they are moved, how the Lord hattijoyned them together in Marriage, and then a certifi cate by 'E'TlencLs then present may lie given of the Day, Month, and Year, that it may be recorded, and as they are moved, they may declare it to the Magistrate, an they will, or they may not; And that those things that cannot be owned hy all Friends, & have unitie with all in the Power and Spirit of God, may not be re- . corded, and Unrighteousness, and Filthiness. Fornication, Whoredom, and Adul- -¦tery may be shut out, that the witness of God in all Friends may in that which is done be answered, and Righteousness, and Purity, and Holiness, that all things may be done in the Power, Life, Truth, and Wlsaom of the Lord God, and in Unity, and you preserved in Unity, that you may serve God in a Sew life, and one heart, and holy Seed, and glorifie him in your Souls, Bodies, and Spirit which are his, that your Conversation may be ordered a right, that you may see the Salvation of God, and know the Marriage that is sanctified by the Word, that you may be the peculiar people, the holy Royal Seed and Generation; and that nothing be record ed for Money in these things, but freely, a free people and in love serve one an otber. . Whom God joynes together let no man put a sunder; and that you be a Royal seed, a peculiar people zealous of good works, and to know God joyning together, which is over and above mens putting a sunder. i This interesting document is fortified with numerous Scrip ture texts, to show that marriages among the Jews were not celebrated by the priests, but merely by the voluntary consent ofthe parties, declared in the presence of witnesses. The first formal endorsement of these recommendations con cerning marriage, of which we have any record,- was by a meeting of Friends of Kent, Sussex, Surrey and Hampshire, 1 Concerning Marriage, etc., by George Fox, London, 1661, 1-7. See also Works ot George Fox, VII.. 79-80: also A Collection ot Many Select and Christian Epis tles. Letters and Testimonies, written by . . George Fox; Philadelphia and New York, 1831, 1., passim. friends' MARRIAGE CUSTOMS. Ixiii England, third month, 1659, who thus tersely voiced their tes timony : That all Friends intending marriage, or witnessing a motion of the Lord unto that thing, (before they go outwardly together,) bring it to the body or that church to which they are joined; that all in the power of the Lord may feel, and in that particular nothing be done hastily or rashly, but in the fear ot the Lord; and in the presence of many witnesses they may be united, according to the ex ample of the holy men of God in the Scriptures of truth recorded; so that no scandal or blemish may be laid upon the Truth, but all to the light may be brought, which malteth manifest deceit; and that a record in writing ot the day, place, aud year of such things be kept within that meeting, whereof one or both are members; under which the witnesses may set their names, or some of them.i This form of marriage was simply the common law mar riage of England, constituted by the consent ofthe parties, and duly witnessed. The plan of bringing the matter before the Meeting was practically the same as the publishing of the banns. The Long Parliament in 1653 had legalized marriages before civil magistrates, instead of by a " hireling priest hood ;" George Fox went a step further in reverting to the earlier and simpler form of marriage without the intervention of other than the parties themselves, with certain prudent reg ulations to secure due deliberation, and proper publicity, in the celebration of the rite. So early as 1661 there was an adjudication as to the valid ity of Friends' marriages, when the Court (Arthur, J.) told the jury that " There was a Marriage in Paradise, when Adam . took Eve, and Eve took Adam ; and that it was the Consent of the Parties that made a Marriage. And as for the Quakers, he did not know their Opinions, but he did not believe, they went together as Brute Beasts, as had been said of them, but as Christians ; and therefore he did believe the Marriage was law ful." " And the better to satisfy the Jury, he brought them a Case to this Purpose : A Man that was weak of Body, and kept his Bed, had a Desire in that Condition to Marry, and did declare before Witnesses, that he did take such a Woman to be his Wife ;¦ and the Woman declared, that she took that Man to be her Husband. This Marriage was afterwards called in 1 A Journal, or Historical Account of the Life, Travels, Sufferings, Christian Experiences and Labour of Love in the Ministry of that Ancient. Eminent and Faithful Servant of Jesus Christ. George Fox; London, 1703, I., 587-588; Journal Of George Fox, London, 1891, 1 , 530 Ixiv friends' MARRIAGE CUSTOMS. Question ; and (as the Judge said) all the Bishops did at that time conclude it to be a lawful Marriage."' In 1666 George Fox attended a marriage of Friends at Oram, when, as he says, he was " moved to open to the Peo ple the State of our Marriages, declaring; How the People of God took one another in the Assemblies of the Elders : and how that it was Godthat did Join Man and Woman together before the Fall. And though Men had taken upon them to Join in the Fall, yet in the Restoration it was God's Joining, that was the right and honourable Marriage ; but never any Priest did Marry any, that we read of in the Scriptures, from Genesis to the Revelations."'' The following is one of the earliest Qiiaker marriage cer tificates extant-. May 17, 1667: These are to certifle all whom the same may concern, that whereas the agree ment ot marriage betwixt William Dewsbury of Durker in the County of York & Alice Meades of the Borough of Warwick & in the County of Warwiclc single woman, hath been published in the respebtive churches amongst which they have had their conversations, according to the order of the Spirit of the Lord, for the satisfaction of the Children of Light, who rest satisfied & have unity with them in their proceedings & coming together— Know ye therefore, that upon the sev enteenth day of the month called May in the year of our Lord one Thousand six hundred sixty & seven, they the said William & Alice did openly & solemnly as in the presence of the Lord & before his people give up themselves in the holy Covenant of God, & did take' each other iu marriage to live together according to God's holy ordinance & appointment. Gen: ch, 2'd, Ver: 24th & Ch. 24th, Ver. Mth to the end of the chapter. "And that they were this day openly & solemnly married according to the order of the Church of Christ & the good examples of God's peoples in times past men tioned in the Holy Scriptures 1st Tim. Ch. 6th Ver. I4th, 1st Corinth: Ch. 7tli, Ver. 3nd, Ruth Ch. 4th, Ver. 13th, Gen: Ch 24th Exod: Ch. 2d, Ver. 1st. And now we whose names are here underwritten being eye & ear witnesses of the Marriage aforesaid & having unity with them in the light & Truth of God do hereby give in our testimonies for them & with them, to remain upon record unto future Posterities, as witnesses for God & his people against all the works of darkness & such as go together therein; out of which God hath called us to bear witness of his everlasting light & Truth upon the earth; iu whioh stands the^ honourable marriage, whereunto we bear record for the full satisfaction of all people, that in any wise may be concerned therein 3 Robert Barclay, another eminent expounder of Friends', doctrines, thus explained their views concerning marriages: 1 The History of the Rise, Increase and Progress, of the Christian People • called Quakers, etc.. bv William Sewel, third edition, Burlington. 1774, 332; The' Friends' Library, Philadelphia, 1847, XL, 410. 2 Journal of George Fox, London, 1709, IL, 90-91; London, IS91, IL, 75. 3 Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography,' XVIIL, 256-257. The names ot twenty-four witnesses are appended. friends' marriage customs. Ixv These Meetings take Care in the Case of Marriages, that all things he clear; and that there may he nothing clone in that Procedure, which afterwards may prove to the Prejudice of Truth, or of the Partpies concerned; which being an out ward Thing (that is acknowledged in itself to be lawful) of the greatest Import ance a Man or Woman can perform in this World; and from the sudden, unwary, or disorderly Procedure whereof, very great Snares and Reproaches may be cast both upon the Parties, and the Profession owned by them; therefore it doth very fitly, among other things, when it occurs, come to be considered of by the People of God. when met. to take Care to preserve all Things right and savoury in the Household of Faith. We do believe, our Adversaries, that watch for Evil against / us. would be glad how promiscuously or disorderly we proceed in this weighty Matter, that so they might the more boldly accuse us. as Overturners of all human and Christian Order: But God hath not left us without his Counsel and Wisdom in this Thing; nor will he. that any should receive just Occasion against ua his People: And therefore in this weighty Concern, we. who can do nothing against the Truth, but all for, and with regard to the Truth, have divers Testi monies for the Lord. And — First, That we cannot Marry with those that walk not in. and obey not the • Truth, as being of another Judgment, or Fellowship; or pretending to it, .walk not suitable and answerable thereto. Secondly, Nor can we go to the Hireling-Priests, to uphold their false and usurped Authority, who take upon them to marry People without any Command. or Precedent for it from the Law of God. Lastly. Nor can we suffer any such kind of Marriage to pass among us, which either as to the Degrees of Consanguinity, or otherwise, in itself is unlawful, or from which there may be any just Refiection cast upon our Way. In that we deny the Priests their Assumed Authority and Power to marry, it is that which in no wise we can recede from, nor can we own any in the doing of it; it being Part of our Testimony against the Usurpations of that Generation, who never yet, that 1 ever heard of. could produce any Scripture-proof, or Example 'for it. — - And seeing none can pretend Conscience in the Matter (for they them selves confess that it is no Part of the Essence of Marriage) if any pretending to be among us. should, through Fear. Interest, or Prejudice to the Truth, come un der, and bow to. that Image, have we not Reason to deny such slavish and ignoble Spirits, as mind not Truth and its Testimony ? Lastly, Seeing if any walking with us. or going under the same Name, should hastily or disorderly go together, either being within the Degrees of Consanguin ity, which the Law of God forbids, or that either Party should have been former ly under any Tie or Obligation to others, or any other vast Disproportion, which might bring a just Refiection upon us from our Opposers; can any blame us for taking Care to prevent these Evils, hy appointing that such as so design, make known their Intentions to these Churches or Assemblies, where they are most known, that if any know just Cause of Hindrance, it may be mentioned, and a timous Lett put to the Hurt, either by stopping it, if they can be brought to con descend; or by refusing to be Witnesses and Concurrers with them in it, if they will not? For we take not upon us to hinder any to marry, otherwise than by Ad vice, or disconcerning ourselves; neither do we judge, that such as do marry con trary to our Mind, that therefore their Marriage is null and void in itself, or may be dissolved afterwards; Nay, all our meddling is in a holy Care for the Truth. For if the Thing be right, all that we do, is to be Witnesses; and if otherwise, that we may say for our Vindication to such as may upbraid us therewith, that we advised otherwise, and did no ways concur in the Matter; that so they may hear their own Burden, and the Truth and People of God be cleared. i 1 The Anarchy of the Ranters, etc., by Robert Barclay. London, 1674; Phila delphia. Re-printed. 1770, pp. 51 54. Ixvi friends' MARRIAGE CUSTOMS. A very clear and temperate account ofthe Friends' practice in this important matter is that given by William Penn : Their Way of Marriage is peculiar to them ; and shews a distinguishing Care; above other Societies, professing Christianity. They say that Marriage is an Ordinance ot God. and that God only can rightly join Man and Woman in Mar riage. Therefore they use neither Priest nor Magistrate; but the Man and Woman concern'd take pach other as Husband and Wire, in the" Presence ot divers credible Witnesses, promising to each other, with God's Assistance, to be loving and faithful in that relation, Iiill Death shall separate them. But antece dent to this, they flrst present themselves to the Monthly Meeting for the Affairs ' of the Church where they reside; there declaring their Intentions, to take one another as Husband and Wife, if the said Meeting have nothing material to ob-- ject against it. Tbey are constantly asked the necessary Questions, as in case of Parents or Guardians, if they have acquainted them with their Intention, and have their Consent, etc. The Method of the Meeting is. to take a Minute thereot. and to appoint proper Persoiis to enquire ot their Conversation and Clearness from all others, and whether they have discharged their Duty to their Parents or Guardians; and to make Report thereof to tbe next Monthly Meeting, where the ' same Parties are desired to give their attendance. In case it appears they have proceeded orderly, the Meeting passes their Proposal, and so records it in their Meeting-Book. And in case the Woman be a Widow, and hath Children, due Care is there taken, that Provision also be made by her for the Orphans, betore the Meeting pass the Proposals of Marriage: Advising the Parties concerned, to ap point a convenient Time and Place, and to give fitting Notice to their Relations, and such Friends and Neighbours, as they desire should be the Witnesses of their Marriage: Where they take one another by the Hand, and by Name promise re ciprocally. Love and Fidelity, after the Manner before expressed. Ot all which Proceedings, a Narrative, in Way of Certificate, is made, to which the said Far- ties first set their Hands, thereby confirming it as thdir Act and Deed; and then divers Relations, Spectators and Auditors set their Naples as Witnesses, of what they said and signed. And this Certificate is afterwards registred in the Record belougirig to the Meeting where the Marriage is solemnized. Which regular Method has' been, as it deserves, adjudged in Courts of Law, a good Marriage; where it bas been by cross and ill People disputed, and contested, for want ot the accustomed Formalities of Priest and Ring, &c. Ceremonies they have refused: ,. Not out of Humour, but Conscience reasonably grounded; inasmuch as no Scrip ture-Example tells us, that the Priest had any other Part of old Time, than that of a Witness among the rest, before whom the Jews used to talte one another: And therefore this People look upon it, as an Imposition to -advance the Power and Profits of the Clergy: And for the Use of the Ring, it is enough to say, that it was an Heathenish and vain Custom, and never in Practice among the People of God, Jews or primitive Christians: The Words of the usual Form, as with mil Body I thee worship, &c., are hardly defensible. In short, they are more careful, exact and regular, than any Form now used; and it is free of the Inconven iences, with which other Methods are attended: Their Care and Checlts being so many, and such, as that no clandestine Marriages can be performed among them 1 I It appears by the Records that the first Yearly Meeting of Friends for New Jersey and Pennsylvania was held at Burling- 1 A Brief Account of the Rise and Progress of the People called Quakers, etc. By William Penn. Philadelphia: Re-printed by Joseph Crukshank, 1770. p. 27. A terse summary of Friends' views on this subject is also given in Sewel's His tory of the Quakers, as cited, 777. friends' MARRIAGE CUSTOMS. Ixvii ton. New Jersey, in the house of Thomas Gardner, 31st of 6th mo., 1681, old style. In 16S2 it was by the Meeting advised, " that all young and unmarried people. in membership with us, previously to their making any procedure in order to marriage, do seriously and humbly wait upon the Lord for his counsel and direction in this important concern ; and when favored with satisfactory clearness therein, they should early acquaint their parents or guardians with their intentions, and wait for their consent ; thus preservation from the dangerous bias of forward, brittle, and uncertain affections would be experienced, to the real benefit of the parties, and the comfort of their friends. And it is earnestly recommended to Friends, that they tenderly and carefully watch over the youth, and extend reasonable caution and admonition, as occasion may re quire. "^ One of the earliest deliverances on the subject by the Year ly Meeting was the following : "When they understand or hear of any y' Intends to offer their proposals of Marriage to y® Monthly Meeting which seems manifest to them cannot pass there, that they then ad vise (tho' not forbid) them to forbear troubling y^ said meet ing therewith till y® said preparative Meetings Objections be removed And that the Man at least before he propose his In tended Marriage to ye Monthly meeting Do by himself or some friend at his request lay y^ matter before y^ said preparative Meeting he belongs to And if the Woman belong to another Meeting that she lay it after y^ same manner before y® Women friends to which she belongs. And if the Man belong to an other Monthly Meeting that then he produce from thence a Certificate of his clearness from all others & of his Conversa tion to y® Monthly Meeting where the Woman belongs before he have the said Meetings final approbation. "Inasmuch as neither Children nor Orphans ought to marry without Consent of parents or Guardians, therefore they often advise that no man so much as propose his Intentions of Marriage to any young Woman before the Consent of such be first had and obtained. 1 Rules of Discipline of the Yearly Meeting of Friends for Pennsylvania. New Jersey, Delaware, and the Eastern Parts of Maryland. Philadelphia, 1893, p. 50. Ixviii friends' MARRIAGE CUSTOMS. " . . . . And that y'^' Care of Marriages in the above respects may be the particular Concern of some It's advised that y'' Monthly Meeting do always appoint two friends to be at the said m-irriages to take inspection thereof and that they be appointed as aforesaid at the same monthly meeting where the Couples receive their final approbation ; and that one or both ofthe said two friends do acquaint y^ next monthly Meet ing after such Marriage is consummate whether it was carried on as above advised or not. And that the appointment of the said two friends as also theii' answer as above be entered upon record to prevent mistakes and shortness of memory."! The Yearly Meeting for Pennsylvania and New Jersey in 1702 advised " that none making profession of Truth, and would be accounted of us, do take one another in Marriage, or join in Marriage any other way, than by the Consent and xVpprobation of the monthly Meeting belonging to the place where they live; And if any should proceed, any other way, that they be dealt with according to Truth." ^ The same body advised in 1733 "that Friends being Jus tices ofthe Peace do not by Pretext of their Office undertake to marry people by Virtue of Licenses obtained to that end, it being in the Sense ofthe Yearly Meeting inconsistent with our Principles, & not any part of their duty as magi.«trates so to do "3 ' The following is the form of a marriage certificate agreed upon by the same Yearly Meeting in 1719, and again approved in 1763 : Whereas A B ot C. in the County ot D in the Province of E & F G of H &c hav ing declared their Intentions of Marriage with each other before several Mon: Meetings of the People called Quakers, at H aforesaid, according to the good Order amongst them, (where the Parties are under the Tuition of Parents, or Guardians, add) and having t'ne Consent of Parents (or Guardians as the case is) concerned, their said Proposals of Marriage were allowed by the said Meet ing. Now these are to certify whom it may concern, that for the full accomplishing their sa Intentions this day of the Month in the Year of our 1 MS. Book of Discipline, of 1704, belonging to George Vaux, of Philadelphia, to whose kindness the writer is indebted for permitting the above extracts to be taken. Mr. Vaux believes this is the oldest Book of Discipline of the Phila delphia Meeting. '.i Rules ot Discii^line, 170-. 3 Ibid friends' MARRIAGE CUSTOMS. , Ixix Lord They the said A B & F G appeared in a publick Meete of the sii Peo ple (for that purpose appointed if it be so,) at H aforesaid. & the said A B tak ing the s*! F G by the hand, did in a solemn Manner openly declare, that he toolt her the sd F G to be his Wife, promise with the Lord's Assistance to be unto her, a loving & faithful Husband untill death should seperate them. & then, & there in the same Assembly, the sd F G did in like manner, declare that she took the sd A B to be her Husband with the Lord's Assistance, promise to be unto him a faith ful. & loving Wife until Death should seperate tbem; And moreover they the said A B & F G (she accorde to the Custom of Marra assuming the Name of her Husband) as a further Conflrmation thereof, did then, & there to tbese Pres ents set their Hands; And we whose Names are hereunder also subscribtd, being prest at the solemnization of the sd Marra & Subscription have as Wit nesses thereunto, set our Hands the Day, & Year above written - -i VII. Early New York and Pennsylvania Marriage Laws. Immediately on the conquest of New York by the Eng lish, and while the Duke of York, under the grant of his brother, Charles II., held sway over New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, there was a general meeting held at Hemp stead, Long Island, on March first, 1664, at which a code of laws, " collated out of several laws in force in his Majesty's American Colonies, and Plantations, and digested into one vol ume," was published, known as " the Duke of York's Laws." These laws were re enacted from time to time, with some mod ifications, but remained substantially unchanged for twenty years or more. They went into effect immediately in N^w York, and were subsequently^ extended to the shoi'es of the Delaware. They were also in effect in N^w Jersey, during the brief period that elapsed before the transfer of that territory to Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkley, and again after the surrender by the Dutch in 1674, until the new grant by fhe Duke of York and Charles II. to the Proprietors of New Jersey. The Long Island people who afterwards migrated to New Jersey found but little change in the mar- > riage laws to which they had been accustomed under the dominion ofthe Duke of York. The first act on the subject recognized the impracticability of attempting to follow the English ecclesiastical regulations, 1 Ibid. This deliverance in ^762 was " on Account of th'e frequent Transgres sions of our discipline in respect to Marriages," and "tbe Increase of Marriages accomplished contrary to the good Order established in the Society." 2 In 1676. See Record of Upland Court, Memoirs Hist. Soe. Penh . VIL, 39-40. Ixx new YORK AND PENNSYLVANIA MARRIAGE LAWS. and sanctioned marriages by a justice of the peace, but re quired the publication of banns. The act reads thus: Whereas by the Law of England no Marriage is lawfully Consummated with out a Minister whose oflice it is to join the parties in Matrimony after the Banns thrice published in the Church or a Lycence flrst had and obtained from some person thereunto authorized, all which formality cannot be duly practiced in these parts. Yet to the end that a decent rule therein may be preserved It is Ordained that from henceforth the names and surnames of each Party who sue for Marriages shallbe Publiquely read in their Parish Church or place of usuall Meeting, where they both then Inhabit three severall Lords days successively. And where no Church or Meeting place shall happen to bee. a publication in writing shall be flrst fourteen Days before Marriage upon three doors of each parish whereof the partyes Inhabit (viz) one on the Constables the other two upon any two Doors of the Overseers of the Parrish Unless they produce a Lycence from the Governouri in both which Cases, and not otherwise, it shall be Lawfull for any Minister or for,any Justice of the Peaces to joyne the Parties in Marriage. Provided that the said Partyes do purge themselves by Oath before the Minister or Justice that they are not under the Bonds of Matrimony to any other Person Living, and if it shall be after proved, that either or both of the Parties are perjured, and thereby attained a Double Marriage, for the said Perjury the par ty or parties offending shall bee beared through the tongue with a read hot Iron ' and moreover proceeded against as in Case of Adultery is provided; But if eitiier Party be approved Innocent as to him or her Self and Ignorant of the others wicked fraud the innocent Person shall recover damage against the nocent; and be sett at Liberty as if no such Marriage had been made. 3 In the Frame o.f Government or Charter of Liberties ofthe Province of Pennsylvania, dated April ri, 16S2, by William Penn, with alterations agreed upon in England, it was pro vided : Nineteenth. That all marriages (not forbidden by the law of God, as to near ness of blood and afflnity by marriage) shall be encouraged; but the parents or guardians shall be flrst consulted, and the marriage shal! be published before it be solemnized, and it shall be solemnized by taking one another as husband and wife, before credible witnesses, and a certiflcate of the whole, under the handset parties and witnesses, shall be brought to the proper register of that county, and shall be registered iu his offlce.4 This was enacted into law by the Pennsylvania Legislature, 1 The justices of Newcastle on Delaware, on July 27th, 167S, asked " whether the commander hath power to grant licenses for marriages, as to several persons he hath done, whereby the common course of three proclamations in the church, or banns set up, is laid aside. "—A'eiocasiZe Records, 311, cited in Hazard's Annals of Pennsylvania, 456. 2 Gov. Andros, of New York, having been asked by the Board of Trade and Plantations to report the number of marriages in that Province, wrote a reply, received AprU 18, 167S: " Scarcity of Ministers aud Law admitting marriages by Justices no acct cann be given of the number marryed."— if. T. Col Docs., til., 261. 3 Duke of York's Book of Laws, Harrisburg, 1879, p. 36. 4 Ibid., 101. NEW YORK AND PENNSYLVANIA MARRIAGE LAWS. Ixxi on December 7, 1682, the Quaker practice being more clearly embodied in the statute : AU marriages not forbidden by the law of God, shall be encouraged; but the parents and guardians shall be, if possible, first Consulted; and the parties clear- nes from all other engagements assured by a Certificate from some Credible per sons where they have lived; And by their affixing of their intentions ot Marriage_ on the Court, or Meeting-house Door of the County where in they Dwell, one Month , before the solemnizing thereof; And their said marriage shall be solemnized by taking ,006 another as hiisband and wife, befor Sufficient Witnesses.; And a cer tiflcate of the whole under the hands of parties and witnesses, (at least twelve,) shall be brought to the Register of the County, where they are Marryed, and be Registered in his offlce. 1 ' ^ A similar act was passed ioth of 3d Month, 1684, but with the modification that the certificate referred to might be pro duced to " such Religious Society to which they relate ; or to some one Justice of the peace of the County in -which they Live. "2 This was still further amended by an act passed in 1693, which inserted the proviso : '^ that there be at least one Justice of the Peace of the County where such marriage shall be, at the Solemnization thereof."^ III. MARRIAGE IN NEW JERSEY. THE SOVEREIGN POWER IN THE COLONY. In tracing the laws and customs concernitig marriage in New Jersey in the Colonial period we may find it instructive to review briefly the origin of the sovereign power in the Col ony, and the agencies through which it was exercised. By the patent of King Charles II. to his brother James, Duke'of York, March 12, 1663-4, ^o'' '^'"'^ ^^s' territory ex tending from St. Croix to the Delaware, there was not only conveyed the territory, but "full & absolute power & author ity to correct punish pardon governe & rule all such the Sub jects of vs our heires and Successors as shall from time to time adventure themselves into any of the parts or places aforesaid or that shall or doe at any time hereafter inhabit within the same according to such Lawes Orders Ordinances, directions & instruments as by our said dearest Brother or 1 Ibid., 151. 2 Ibid., 171. 3 Ibid.. 229. A similar act was passed November 27, 1700, which was reenacted October 28, 1701, and has remained unrepealed ever since. By an act approved June 23, 1885, licenses are required as a prerequisite to marriages. See Statutes at Large of Pennsylvania, II., 21; Parrpph. Laws of 1885. p. 146. Ixxii THE SOVEREIGN POVV^ER IN NEW JERSEY. his Assignes shall be established And in defect thereof in cases of necessity according to the good descretions of his deputies. Commissioners Officers or agents respectively as well in all causes and matters Capitall & Criminall as civill, both marine & others^ Soe alwaies as the said Statutes ordi nances & proceedings bee not contrary to but as neare as con veniently may bee agreeable to the Lawes Statutes & governm't of this our Realme of England. . ., . And alsoe to make, or-' deyne & establish all manner of Orders Lawes directions In structions formes & ceremonies of Governm* & Magistracy fitt & necessary for & concerning the Governm* of the Territories & Islands aforesaid; Soe r4lwaies as the same be not contrary to. the Lawes & Statutes of this our Realme of England but as neare as may be agreeable thereunto ; and the same at all times 1 Closely following the language of the flrst patent from tbe Crown of England for lands in America, granted by Queen Elizabeth. June 11. 1573, to Sir Humphrey Gilbert, wherein she gave him, his heirs and assigns, forever, " full Power and Authority, to correct, punish, pardon, govern and rule, as well in Causes capital or criminal, as civil, all such her Subjects or others, as should adventure them-' selves in the said Voyages, or should at any Time thereafter inhabit the said Lands," etc. The patent to Sir Walter Raleigh, in 1581, was in similar terms. By the Virginia Charter of May 23. 1609. the London Council of the Virginia Com- ' pany was authorized to appoint Governors, and "to make, ordain, and establish all Manner of Orders, Laws, Directions, Instructions, Forms, & Ceremonies of Gov ernment & Magistracy, flt & necessary, for & concerning the Government ot the said Colony & Plantation." The Governor^ so appointed, or at least some of them, exercised the most absolute sway, ruling as by martial law. -ffocK- luyt's Voyages, IIL, 174-6, 297-300; Hazard's State Papers, I., 26, HB-, Stith's Historij of Virginia, Williamsburg. 1717, 5, 291. 305, 322, Appendix, 17; Chalmers, I,, 9. 11. The patent of Charles I., to Sir Edmund Plowden, for New Albion (including New Jersey in great part), followed tbe precedents established by Elizabeth in granting ample powers of government — Pennsylvania Mag. of Hist, d Biog., VII., 55. In like manner, the Dutch West India Company, authorized under its char ter to appoint a Director-General and Council, to administer the affairs of New Netherland. delegated large powers to that officer, who. moreover, interpreted his commissions and instructions with the utmost liberality. — O'Callaglian's New Netlierland, I., 400; II. , 18. The charter of Nova Scotia, granted by James I to Sir William Alexander, September 10, 1621, and the Novodamus of Charlesl., July 12, 1625, for the same territory, confer the same powers of government as the ear lier English patents for lands in America. See the patents to Alexander set out / in full in " Narrative of the Oppressive Law Proceedings, and other measures, resorted to by the British Government, and numerous private individuals, to over power the Earl of Stirling, and subvert his lawful rights. Written by Himselt," etc., Edinburgh, 1836, 65, 79. The foregoing recitals are instructive in the light ot the commission to Gov. Philip Carteret, ot New Jersey, hereinafter quoted. The - Governors of New England had power which "differed little from that ot the other magistrates." and they were more subject to the popular will than those . in the other Colonies.— Palfrey's Sew England, I., 67-68; IL, 9. » THE SOVEREIGN POWER IN NEW JERSEY. Ixxiii hereafter to putt in execution or abrogate revoke or change not only within the precincts ofthe said Territories or Islands but alsoe upon the Seas in goeing & comeing to & from the same as he or they in their good discretions shall think to bee fittest for the good of the Adventurers & Inhabitants there. "i Even at this early date the practical English mind recog nized the fact that laws made in and for England might not be exactly adapted to strange conditions in the new world, and that much latitude must be conceded to the " inhabitants and adventurers" ofthe distant territories in framing laws for their government, who would find it impossible to conform always to the laws and customs ofthe home country. When the Duke o'f York, by his lease and release of June 23-24, 1664, conveyed to John Lord Berkley and Sir George Carteret the present territory of New Jersey, the grant em braced not only the lands but " their and every of their appurte- n'nces in as full and ample manner as the same " were granted to the Duke himself, "and all the Estate Right Title interest benefitt advantage clayme & Demand of the said James Duke of York," etc. 2 This was understood to confer upon the Duke's grantees full powers of government. In " the Concessions and Agreement ofthe Lords Proprie tors of the Province of New Caesarea or New Jersey, to and with all and every ofthe Adventurers and all such as shall settle or plant there," it was carefully provided that all and every person and persons should "freely and fully have and enjoy his and their judgments and consciences in matters of religion throughout all the said Province . . . any law, statute or clause contained, or to be contained, usage or custom of this realm of England, to the contrary thereof in anywise notwith standing ;" and liberty was granted to the General Assembly to provide for the maintenance of a ministry.^ The General Assembly, moreover, was empowered " To enact and make all such laws, acts and constitutions as shall be necessary for the well government of the said Province, and them 1 N. J. Archives, I., 3-4; Leaming and Spicer's Collection of the Grants. Conces sions and Original Constitutions of New Jersey, etc., Philadelphia [1768] , .5. 2 N. J. Archives. I., 12-13; Leaming and Spicer, 9-10. 3 N. J. Archives, I., 30; Leaming and Spicer, 14. Ixxiv GOVERNOR CARTERET S POWERS. to repeal ; provided, that the same be consonant to reason, and as near as may be conveniently agreeable to the laws and cus toms ofhis majesty's kingdom of England."' " Lastly, to en act, constitute and ordain all such other laws, acts and constitu tions as shall or may be necessary for the good, prosperity and settlement ofthe said Province. "^ In the same broad way the Governor and his Council were authorized and directed " To Act and doe all other thing or things that may conduce to the safetie peace and well Government of the said Province, a^ they shall see fitt, soe as they bee not contrary to the Lawes of the said Province."^ The Lords Proprietors, in their commission (February lo, 1664-5) to Governor Philip Carteret empowered him "to do all and every other thing and things which unto the Share and Office of Governor doth belong or hath accustomed to belong, as fully and freely as any Governor hath ever had ;"* and in their instructions to the Governor authorized him, with the advice and consent ofthe Council, " to make, do, perform and exe-i cute all and every Act and Acts, Thing and Things, Powers and Authorities whatsoever, which we ourselves, may, can, ought or could do in, for, relating or concerning the Govern ment both Civil and Military of the said Province Pro vided also, That all the Executive Part of all the Powers hereby made and given, shall be made and exercised by our said Governor, to and with the advice of the Major Part of our Council," etc. 5 Governor Philip Carteret wrote (February 25, 1665-6) to some persons who proposed settling on the Delaware that those coming three years after them, and settling in any other county, " must be conformable to such Laws and Customs as are there Established, Excepting in matters of Judgment and Opinion in Religion."^ 1 N. J. Archives. I., 32; Leaming and Spicer, 15. 2 N. J. Archives, I., 34-35; Leaming and Spicer, 18. There are some verbal dif ferences between these authorities. 3 N. J. Archives, I., 36; Leaming and Spicer, 19. * N. J. Archives, I., 21. 5 Ibid., I., 23-34. - ing Secretary of the Province, and that it was annulled for good cause coming to the knowledge of the Deputy Governor. 2 Ibid., 149. 3 One Samuel Moore, of Woodbridge, married Sarah Higgins, Oct. 26, 1693. ¦* Original in the writer's possession. XCiv LORD CORNBURY'S INSTRUCTIONS. ner is affixed the seal of East Jersey, still quite legible ; it is protected from exposure by four paper flaps which fold over it, joining in the centre to form a perfect cover. LORD CORNBURY'S INSTRUCTIONS. The Proprietors of East Jersey and those of West Jersey having surrendered their rights of government to Queen Anne and her successors, on April 15, 1702, New Jersey thereupon became a united Royal Province, subject to the English crown. The Qiieen appointed her cousin, Edward Hyde, Viscount Cornbury, to the post of Governor of New Jersey, and gave him his Instructions, dated November 16, 1702, which con tained these clauses : "75. And to the End the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the Lord Bishop of London, may take Place in our said Province, so far as conveniently may be, we do think fit that you give all Countenance and Encouragement to the E.Kercise ofthe same, excepting only the collating to Benefices, granting Licenses for Marriage, and Probate of Wills, which we have reserved to you our Governor, and the Commander in Chief of said Prov.ince for the Time being. "76. And you are to take especial Care that a Table of Marriages established by the Cannons of the Church of Eng land, be hung up in every Orthodox Church, and duly ob served, and you are to endeavour to get a Law passed in the Assembly of our said Province, (if not already done) for the strict Observation ofthe said Table."' the LAWS OF ENGLAND IN FORCE. As Ne'w Jersey was now under the government of Great Britain it became important to have it decided just how far the law in force in England was obligatory upon the inhabitants of this Province. In 1720 Mr. West gave an opinion on the extension of the common law to the colonies, in which he said : 1 N. J. Archives. IL, .529; Leaming and Spicer. 639; Smith's Hist N. J.. 230. These Instructions were the same as those given to Gov. Thomas Dongan, of New York, in 1686; and to Col Henry Sloughter, Governor of New Y^ork, in 1690.— A^. r. Col. Docs., IIL, 37'2. e^S. In the case of the former, the Archbishop of Canter bury was recogni/^ed as the ecclesiastical superior. TIIE LAWS OF ENGLAND IN FORCE. XCV "The Common Law of England is the Common Law of the Plantations, and all statutes in affirmance of the Common Law passed in England antecedent to the settlement ofthe col ony, are in force in that colony, unless there is some private Act to the contrary ; though no statutes made since those set tlements are there in force unless the colonists are particularly mentioned. Let an Englishman go where he will, he carries as much of law and liberty with him, as the nature of things will bear."! In 1729 the Attorney-General Yorke gave an important opinion upon the statute law in the following words : f I am of opinion that such general statutes as have been made since the settlement of Maryland, and are not by express words located either to the plantations in general or to the Province in particular, are not in force there, unless they have been introduced and declared to be laws by some Acts of As sembly of the Province, or have been received there by long uninterrupted usage or practice."^ In a report to the Lords of Trade, June 11, 1774, on the condition of the Province of New York, Governor William Tryon wrote : "The Common Law of England is considered as the Fundamental Law ofthe Province, and it is the received Doc trine that all the Statutes (not Local in their Nature, and v/hich can be fitly applied to the circumstances ofthe Colony) enact ed before the Province had a Legislature, are binding upon the Colony; but that Statutes passed since do not affect the Col ony, unless by being specially named, such appears to be the Intention ofthe British Legislature. "^ 1 Opinions of Eminent Lawyers concerning the Colonies and Commerce of Great Britain, collected by George Chalmers, London, 1814, 1., 206. 2 Ibid., 208. 3 N. Y. CoL Docs.. VIIL. 444. And see discussion on the validity of a Court of Chancery, in N. J. Archives, X.. 156. The doctrine enunciated in the text has pre vailed ever since in England. Its application to the American Colonies was afflrmed in the Lauderdale peerage case, in 1885, relating to a marriage per formed in New York in 1772: •' When English settlers go out to a colony and set tle there tbey carry with them, so far as may be applicable to the purpose, all the immunities and privileges of the law of England as the law of England was at that time." See 10 App. Cases, 693, 746. XCVI SO.ME PECULIAR MARRIAGE CUSTOMS. SOME PECULIAR MARRIAGE CUSTOMS. The popular application of certain well known principles of law often leads to quaint and curious customs, and marriage is no exception to such interpretation of the law. By the com mon law " the marriage is an absolute gift of all chattels per sonals (ofthe wife) in possession of her own right, whether the husband survive the wife or not."' Conversely, "a hus band was to be charged for all debts of his wife, dum solo."^ These laws led to a peculiar custom in England, which was transplanted to America, and was practiced in New Jersey, as appears by the following entry in our public records: " Thomas Holmes of Woodbridge brickmaker and Lucra- cia the widow of John Pierce of New York [marriage li cense issued July 14, 1679] were married at Mr. Moor's house in Woodbridge TJiursday 17 July 1679 by James Bollen. " The said Holmes disclaymed any of ye Widow's Estate, but took her naked only her shift. "3 The observant Professor Kalm thus entertainingly explains the custom and its practice in New Jersey in the middle of the eighteenth century : " There is a peculiar diverting custom here, in regard to marrying. When a man dies, and leaves his widow in great poverty, or so that she cannot pay all the debts with what little she has left, and that, notwithstanding all that, there is a per son who will marry her, she must be married in no other habit than her shift. By that means, she leaves to the creditors of her deceased husband her cloaths, and every thing which they find in the house. But she is ijot obliged to pay them any thing more, because she has left them all she was worth, even her cloaths, keeping only a shift to cover her, which the laws of the country cannot refuse her. As soon as she is married, and no longer belongs to the deceased husband, she puts on the cloaths which the second has given her. The Swedish clergy men here have often been obliged to marry a woman in a dress which is so little expensive, and so light. This appears from 1 Co. Litt. 351. 2 I Roi. 321, 1. 25; 3 Mod. 186. 3 E. J. Deeds, Liber No. 3, f. 158. SOME PECULIAR MARRIAGE CUSTOMS. XCVII the registers kept in the churches,' and from the accounts given by the clergymen themselves. I have likewise often seen accounts of such marriages in the English gazettes, which are printed in these colonies ; and I particularly remember the fol lowing relation : A woman went, with no other dress than her shift, out of the house of her deceased husband to that of her bridegroom, who met her half-way with fine new cloaths, and said, before all who were present, that he lent them his bride, and put them on her with his own hands. It seems, he said, that he lent the cloaths, lest, if he had said he gave them, the creditors of the first husband should come, and take them from her ; pretending that she was looked upon as the relict of her first husband, before she was married to the second. "^ When a Jerseywoman took up her residence in a neighbor ing Province she seems to have taken this peculiar custom with her, if we are to believe a veracious newspaper of the day : " Annapolis in Maryland June 4. About a Fortnight ago there happened in Fre'derick County in this Province, as com ical a Wedding, as we remember to have heard of: A Couple, with their Guests, (having obtain'd a License) came to the House of a reverend Clergyman, late in the Evening, after he had been in Bed some time with his Wife, and desired to be married; he willing to oblige them, got up and dress'd himself in order to perform the Ceremony ; but the Bride groom having imbib'd a Notion, that if he married a Woman with any thing, he should be obliged to pay all her Debts, and not otherwise, and as she came from the Province of New Jer sey, he was doubtful about her Circumstances; the obliging Bride, to remove all incumbrances, stripped to her Buff, and two Women held a Sheet between her and the Clergyman while he perform.ed his Office ; but she having forgot her Cap at undressing, in the midst of the Ceremony it came into her Mind, and she pulled that off too, and flung it on the Bed, and was married to her Spouse (if not in a Wedding Suit) in her Birth Day Suit: After the Ceremony was over, the Bride- 1 No entry ot the kind appears in any of the records of the Dutch churches of New Jersey or New York, which the writer has examined. SKalm, ascited, II.,a9-3g. I xcviii A WORD AS TO "BUNDLING. groom put on her one of his own Shirts to cover her — This Ac count the Reader may perhaps look on as improbable and un true, but he may be assured, it is a certain and naked Truth."' In this connection a word may be expected regarding that singular custom known as "Bundling," where young people carried on their courting under circumstances calculated to hasten the wedding. The usage is an ancient one in the rural districts of England, was introduced into New Eng land by the early settlers, was very generally practiced by the original Dutch inhabitants of New Jersey and their descend ants so late as 1S30, and was much in vogue among the New England settlers in West Jersey down to the Revolution, if not later. The writer has been assured by persbns of the highest respectability that they "bundled" when courting, and that the practice was never, to their knowledge, attended with ill consequences. 2 THE MARRIAGE ACT OF 17I9. The origin of this Act does not appear. No petition for it is mentioned in the journals of either branch of the Legisla ture. It may have been politics of a certain questionable sort, as the law was to the pecuniary interest of the numerous jus tices of the peace throughout the Province. Perhaps it was designed to correct the growing abuses ofthe existing system. It shows much care and artificial skill in its drafting — so much so that it remained unchanged on the statute books for three- quarters of a century. The bill is first mentioned in the pro- 1 Pennsylvania Journal, June 18, 175-3. No. 500, quoted in N. J. Archives. Vol. XIX., pp. 161-165. It will be remembered that ¦ft'hen Benjamin Franltlin was con templating marriage with his future wife, one of the difdculties in the way was the fact that ber former husband "had left many debts, which his successor might be called upon to pay " See Sparks's Franklin, I., 96. 2 Bundling ; its Origin, Progress and Decline in America, by Henry Reed Stiles, ]W. D., Albany. 1871. For some account of the practice in New Jersey, see History of the City of Paterson and the County of Passaic, by William Nelson, Paterson, N. J., 1901, 396-7; The Plain-Dealer, 1775-1776, the First Newspaper in New Jer sey, now tirst printed from a unique manuscript copy, with an introduction and notes by Williani Nelson, privately printed, 1894, 12-17 ; Records of the First Pres byterian Society of Paterson, compiled and edited, with notes, by William Nel son, Paterson, N. J., 1893, sub " Discipline," 1831-30. THE MARRIAGE ACT OF I719. Xcix ceedings of the House of Representatives, February 9, 171S- 19, when "Coll. Bass' presented to the house a Bill Entitled ¦An Act to prevent Clandestine Marriages," which was dis cussed again and again, repeatedly amended by both houses of the Legislature, and finally received the approval of Gov. Robert Hunter on March 27th, 1719.^^ "AN ACT TO PREVENT CLANDESTINE MARRIAGES. " Sect. I. WHEREAS of late Years several Young Per sons have been, by the Wicked Practices of evil disposed Persons, and their Confederates, inticed, inveigled and de luded, led away and Clandestinely Married, which has often been to the Ruin ofthe Parties so Married, as well as the great Grief of their Parents and Relations. In order therefore to prevent the like as much as may be, for the future; Be ii Enacted by the Governor, Council and General Assembly of this Province, a/id it is hereby Enacted by the Author ity of the sa,me. That from and after the Publication of this Act, no License shall be given to Marry any Person under the Age of One and Twenty Years, until such Person have had the Consent of his or her Parent or Parents, Guardian or Guardians, or Person or Persons under whose Care and Gov ernment he or she shall be, signified by a Certificate in Writ ing, under the hand of the Parent or Parents, Guardian or Guardians, of him and her intended to be Married ; or in case any the said Persons intending to be Married have no Parent or Guardian, then by a Certificate in Writing under the hand of the Person or Persons under whose Care and Government the said Person intending to be Married, at that time, shall be ; which Certificate shall be filed in the Secretary's Office of this Province, and Registered in a Book to be kept for that Purpose ; for doing of which it shall be lawful for the Secre tary of this Province, or his lawful Deputy, to receive the Sum . of Three Shillings as a Fee or Reward. 1 Col. Jeremiah Basse was Governor of East Jersey and also of West Jersey. 1697-1699; Secretary of the Council of New Jersey, 1709-1715; and a member of the House of Representatives, I7I6-17'2I. He was appointed Attorney-General, March 23, 1719, serving more than four years. It is not unliltely that he drafted this act. No pre'oedent for it has been found; New York and Pennsylvania had no such leg islation. 2 N. J. Archives. XIIL, 84, 86, 91, 97, 103, 111. C THE MARRIAGE ACT OF 1719. "2. Any Person or Officer that now is, or hereafter shall be appointed by the Governor or Commander in Chief, for the Time being, to give out License of Marriage within this Province, who shall give or issue the same to any Person or Persons contrary to the Directions, true Intent and Meaning of this Act, or any Part thereof, shall forfeit the Sum of ^/7;e Hundred Pounds lawful Money of His Majesties Plantations in America, to be Recovered by Action of Debt, with cost of Suit, by the Parent, Guardian of (or Person under whose Care) any Person Married by Virtue of such License, shall be, in the Supream Court within this Province, in which there shall be no Essoyn, Protection or Wager of Law, or any more than one Imparlance. And any Minister or pretended Min ister of the Gospel, Justice of the Peace or other Person, hav ing or pretending to have Authority to joyn Persons together in the holy Bands of Matrimony, who shall joyn any Persons together in Marriage not having a License mentioning such Certificate had, as by this Act is directed and intended, or without having been published, as in and by this Act is ap pointed and intended, or contrary to the true Intent and Mean ing of this Act, or any part thereof, every such Minister or pre tended Minister of the Gospel, Justice of the Peace or other Person, having or pretending to have Authority to joyn Per sons together in the holy Bands of Matrimony, shall for every such Offence forfeit the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds, lawful Money of His Majesty's Colonies and Plantations in America,^ the one half thereof to his Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, the other half thereof to the Parents or Guardian of such Per sons who shall prosecute the same to Effect, to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information in any of His Majesties Courts of Record within this Province. 1 At a meeting of the Governor's Privy Councn, Feb. 31, 177-2: "A Complaint being exhibited agt Tljomas Walker Esqr One of the Justices of tbe Peace in the County of Middlesex for Marrying Persons without Licence or Publication ac cording to Law, His Excellency was pleased to order the Depy Secretary to write to the said Thomas Walker, and give him an Opportunity to answer it."— .V. J, Archives, ^..¦S,1-, XVIII., a7o. The offender probably made his peace witb the Governor, as no further record has been found in relation to the matter. Had he not done so, the Governor would probably have issued a supersedeas, removing bim from office. THE MARRIAGE ACT OP 1719. ci "3. And for the more effectual preventing Frauds in the Ob taining Licenses for Marriage, Be it enacted by the Author ity aforesaid. That every Person under the Age of Twenty- one Years, as aforesaid, praying a License to be married, and producing a Certificate as by this Act is directed, shall, before he or she obtains such License, take an Oath upon the Four Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, or if really offender Con science, shall make a solemn Affirmation and Declaration in such' Form and Manner, as in and by the Act or Acts of the General Assembly of this Province is or shall be prescribed and directed. That the Certificate by him or her produced is True and Genuine, and Truly and Bona Fide signed by the Person or Persons said to sign the same ; which Oath, Affir mation or Declaration, the Person or Officer impowered to give out Licenses, as aforesaid, is hereby Impowered, Directed and Required to administer. And the Person or Persons, so praying a License as aforesaid, shall also, before the obtain ing such License, enter into Bond to His Excellency Brigadier Robert Hunter, Esquire, now Governor of this Province or to the Governour or Commander in Chief of this Provirice for the Time being, with two sufficient Sureties, dwelling and hav ing real Estates within this Province in the Penal Sum of Five Hundred Pounds, lawful Money of His Majesties Colonies and Plantations in America, on the Conditions following, viz. "4. The Condition of this Obligation is such., That whereas there is a mutual Contract of Marriage between A. B. of on the one Party., and C. D. of on the other Party, and Certificates having been produced and sworn to, or having taken a solemn Ajffirma- tion,, according to one Act of General Assembly of this Province, made in the fifth Tear of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George, by the Grace of God King of Great-Britain, France a^zo? Ireland, and the Territories and Dominions thereunto belonging, etitituled. An Act to pre- veht Clandestine Marriages. Now if it shall hereafter ap pear that the said Certificates, or either of them, have been fraudulent., or that either of the aforesaid A. B. of cii THE MARRIAGE ACT OF 1719- or the aforesaid C. D. of had not the Consent of their Parents, Guardians, or Persons under whose Care they were, signing the said Certificates, or that the said A. B. and C. D., or either of them, had some lawful Let or Itnpediment of Pre- Contract, Affinity or Consanguinity, to hinder their being joyned in the Holy Bands of Matrimony, and afterwards of living together as Man and "Wife, then this Obligation to stand and remain in full Force and Virtue, otherwise to be void and of none Effect. Which Bond shall be and remain in the Secretaries Office of this Province, to be produced as Occasion shall require. "5. In case it shall so happen that any Person under the Age of Twenty one Years aforesaid, shall be deluded and Married, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, that then, and in such Case, it shall and may be lawful for the Parent or Guardian of such Person, under the Age of Twenty one Years, so Married by Virtue of such License, as aforesaid, or the Person under whose Care and Govern ment such Person so Married as aforesaid, shall have been, to put the Bond, before in this Act mentioned, in Suit, in the Superior Court of this Province, and recover to his, her or their Use the Sum therein mentioned, the said Parent or Parents, Guardian or Guardians or other Person or Persons, by this Act impowered to put the said Bond in Suit, first giving sufficient Security with two sufficient Sureties, dwelling in this Province, in the Sum of Twenty Pounds to pay the Costs of Suit in case they become Non-Suit, Discontinue, or Verdict be given against them, or Judgment be given against them, on Demurrer, any thing in this or in any other Act to the contrary hereof in anywise notwithstanding. "6. And for' the better and more effectually Preventing Pri vate and Clandestine Marriages to be made contrary to, and to defeat and elude the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, or any Part thereof by fraudulent and deceitful Practices in the Publications of the Intentions of Marriage between any Per sons, hereafter to be Married within this Province, Be It En acted by the Governor, Council, and General Assembly, THE MARRIAGE ACT OP 1719. ciil and it is hereby Enacted by the Authority of the same. That every Person and Persons under the Age before-men tioned, not taking a License, but intending to publish their Intentions of Marriage, in order to their being lawfully joyned together in the holy Bands of Matrimony shall, before any such Publication be made, repair to the Clerk of the Peace, or County Clerk of such County within this Province in which the Parent or Parents, Guardian or Guardians, Person or Persons under whose Care or Government each Person, so intending to be Married, does usually dwell and reside, and shall produce to such Clerk of the Peace such Certificate, as is herein before directed, and make oath or Affirmation, to be ad ministered by the said Clerk, and enter into Bond accordingly, with Sureties, in the Sum and Manner directed, which Bond shall be carefully kept in the Clerks Office of the said County, and the Certificate enregistered in a Book to be kept for that purpose, upon which the said Clerk, within Fourteen Days thereafter, shall affix a Writing in a fair legible Hand, in the English Tongue, at three the most publick Places in the said County, setting forth the Persons Names, Places of Abode, and Intentions of Marriage, to be between them ; for all which Certificate, Bond and Publication, the said Clerk shall receive as a Fee or Reward, from the Person desiring such Publication, the Sum of Twelve Shillings, Money afore said ; And if the said Writing so affixed stand and remain Publick, for and during the Space of One and Twenty Days, from the Time of setting up the same, and no Objections made to it, and signified by Writing to the Clerk aforesaid, by the Parent or Parents, Guardian or Guardians, of either of the said Persons mentioned in the said Publication, or Person or Persons under whose Care and Government the said Persons, or either of them, so intending to be Married, shall be, then upon Certificate thereof made by the said Clerk, it shall and raay be Lawful for any Person, having Authority so to do, to joyn the said Persons together in the holy Bands of Matri mony, and not otherwise. And in Case it shall so happen that the Parent or Parents, Guardian or Guardians of any such Person under Age and published as aforesaid, or that the Per- civ THE MARRIAGE ACT OF I7I9- son or Persons under whose Care, Tuition or Government any such Person under Age shall be, at any Time, during the Space of One and Twenty Days, after the Time of such Pub lication set up, as before is Directed, signify his, her or their Dislike or Disapprobation of such Marriage so intended to be consummated, by Writing under his, her or their Hands, to the Clerk of the Peace aforesaid, that then, and in such Case the said Clerk shall not give them the Certificate before-men tioned, of their being lawfully published, nor shall any Per son presume, without such Certificate, to joyn the said Persons together in the holy Bands of Matrimony, unless the said Per sons, so Intending to be Married and published as beforesaid, produce a License legally obtained, as by this Act is directed ; and every Clerk of the Peace offending contrary to the Direc tions, true Intent and Meaning of this Act, or any Part there of, shall, for every such Offence, forfeit the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds, lawful Money aforesaid, any thing in this or any other Act to the contrary hereof in anywise notwith standing. "7. If any Persons published as before directed, shall be joyned together in the Bands of Matrimony without first hav ing had the Consent of their Parents or Guardians or Persons under whose Care they at that Time shall be, it shall and may be lawful for the Parent or Parents, Guardian or Guardians or Person or Persons under whose Care such Minor shall at that Time be, to put the said Bond in Suit in the Supream Court of this Province, or in any the Inferior Courts of Common Pleas in any County within the same, where the Cause of Ac tion shall arise, and recover to the use of such Parent, Guard ian or other Person before-mentioned, empowered, by this Act, to sue for the same, the Penalties in such Bond contained, such Parent, Guardian or other Person having first given Se curity for the Paying the Costs of Suit, as in and by this Act is before directed and appointed. "8. Neither this Act, nor any Part thereof, shall be con strued to be meant and intended to prohibit the Marrying with in any Degrees of Affinity or Consanguinity, but such only as by the Laws and Statutes now in Force, or hereafter to be in PRACTICE REGARDING MARRIAGE LICENSES. CV Force, within his Majesties Kingdom of Great Britain,, are or shall be prohibited. "9. It shall and may be Lawful for all or any Religious So cieties in this Province, to joyn together in the holy Bands of Matrimony, such Persons as are of the said Society, according to the Rules and Customs of the Society they appertain to,' provided they have the Consent of Parents, Guardians, or of such Person under whose Care and Tuition they are, signified in Writing, under the Hand or Hands of such Parent or Parents, Guardian or Guardians, or such Person or Persons under whose Care and Tuition the said Persons so to be Mar ried are, any thing in this Act to the contrary, in anywise not withstanding. "^ THE PRACTICE REGARDING MARRIAGE LICENSES. Although the Act of 1719 in terms relates only to the mar riage of minors, it is evident from the records that the cus tom of " marrying by license," as it was called, became more general frora this time. This fact raay have bee,n due to the impression that licenses were required in all cases where there had been no publication of the banns — which, indeed, public sentiment required araong church-going people — but largely, no doubt, because of the rapidly increasing population of an unsettled character, and the growing reluctance of amorous swains and maidens to have their intentions proclaimed from the pulpit, or published at the church door. The practice seems to have been this : the blank bonds and blank marriage licenses (the latter signed by the Governor) were distributed to certain public officers — usually the county clerks. Upon the execution and delivery to them of a mar riage bond they would fill out and issue the license to the anx ious bridegroom, who would take it and his prospective bride before a minister or a justice of the peace, who was thereby authorized to perform the marriage ceremony without proof 1 This preserved Friends' customs. And see the Acts of East Jersey and of West Jersey, in 1683, p. Ixxxiv, infra. 2 The Act as above given has been transcribed carefully from the compilation of New Jersey statutes known as Kinsey's Laws. Philadelphia, 17:12. pp. 96-101. It is also found on pp. 53-57 of AUinson's Laws, 1776. CVi PRACTICE REGARDING MARRIAGE LICENSES. of the publishing of banns, or the consent of parents or guardians. The license was retained by the person celebrat ing the marriage, and ultimately went the way of waste paper, as very few have been preserved. The bonds were filed with the Secretary of the Province, and seem lo have been kept with much care. Ultimately, they were brought together from Perth Amboy and Burlington, the depositaries of the rec ords of East Jersey and of West Jersey, respectively, and were filed in the office ofthe Secretary of State, at Trenton, about 1790. Prof. Kalm, writing at Raccoon, New Jersey, under date of December 18, 174S, thus describes the usage as to marriage licenses : "All persons who intend to be married, must either have their banns published three times from the pulpit, or get a li cence from the governor. The banns of the poorer sort of people only are published, and all those who are a little above them get a licence from the governor. In that licence he de clares that he has examined the affair, and found no obstacles to hinder the marriage, and therefore he allows it. The licence is signed by the governor ; but, before he delivers it, the bride groom must come to him in company with two creditable and well known men, who answer for him that there really is no lawful obstacle to his marriage. These men must subscribe a certificate, in which they make themselves answerable for, and engage to bear all damages of, any complaints made by the re lations of the persons who intend to be married, by their guardians, their masters, or by those to whom they may have been promised before. For all these circumstances the gov ernor cannot possibly know. They further certify that nothing hinders the intended marriage, and that nothing is to be feared on that account. For a licence they pay five and twenty shil lings in Pennsylvania money, at Philadelphia.' The governor keeps twenty shillings, or one pound, and the remaining five shillings belong to his secretary. The licence is directed only to protestant clergymen. The quakers have a peculiar licence to their marriages. But as it would be very troublesome, es- 1 This in Pennsylvania, but the account applies to New Jersey. PRACTICE REGARDING MARRIAGE LICENSES. CVli pecially for those who live far from the governor's residence to come up to town for every licence, and to bring the men with them who are to answer for them, the clergymen in the coun try commonly take a sufficient number of licences and. certifi cates, which are ready printed, with blanks left for the names ; they give them occasionally, and get the common money, one pound, five shillings, for each of them, besides something for their trouble. The money that they have collected, they de liver to the governor as soon as they come to town, together with the certificates, which are signed by two men, as above mentioned ; they then take again as many licences as they think sufficient; from hence we may conceive that the governors in the English North American colonies, besides their salaries, have very considerable revenues. "There is a great mixture of people of all sorts in these colonies, partly of such as are lately come over from Europe, and partly of such as have not yet any settled place of abode. Hence it frequently happens that when a clergyman has mar ried such a couple, the bridegroom says he has no money at present, but would pay the fee at the first opportunity : how ever he goes off with his wife, and the clergyman never gets his due. This proceeding has given occasion to a custom Which is now common in Maryland. When the clergyman marries a very poor couple, he breaks off in the middle of the Liturgy, and cries out. Where is ¦m'y fee? The mau must then give the money, and the clergyman proceeds ; but if the bride groom has no money, the clergyman defers the marriage till another time, when the man is better provided. People ot fortune, of whom the clergyman is sure to get his due, need not fear this disagreeable question, when they are married. " However, though the parson has got licences to marry a couple, yet if he be not careful, he may get into very disagree able circumstances; for in many parts of the country there is a law made, which, notwithstanding the governor's licence, greatly limits a clergyman in some cases. He is not allowed to marry a couple who are not yet of age, unless he be certain of the consent of their parents. He cannot marry such stran gers as have bound themselves to serve a certain number of cviii A SWEDISH CRITICISM. years, in order to pay off their passage from Europe, without the consent of their masters; if he acts without their consent, or in opposition to it, he must pay a penalty of fifty pounds, Pensylvania currency, though he has the license, and the cer tificate of the two men who are to answer for any objection. But parents or masters give themselves no concern about these men, but take hold ofthe clergyman, who is at liberty to prose cute those who gave him the certificate, and to get his damages repaid. With the consent ofthe parents and masters, he may marry people without danger to himself. No clergyman is al lowed to marry a negro with one of European extraction, or he must pay a penalty of one hundred pounds, according to the laws of Pensylvania."' Acrelius .gives a somewhat similar account, but in a bitter spirit, regretting the Swedes' departure, from their ancient cus toms : "Marriage is quick, and not according to rule. To be published three Sundays and then married is only for poor peo ple. The law ofthe land permits a much shorter way, which is more agreeable and more used, except that it costs money. The Governor has a right to license marriage without the pub lication ofthe banns. In every county office marriage licenses are issued in this wise ; that the bridegroom gives his bond to pay to the Governor from five to ten thousand dollars copper, according to the ability of the applicants, if it should be found that the marriage ofthe persons named therein is not lawful. Thereupon a Manifest is issued, which is called a License, in the narae ofthe Governor, to some Protestant Minister to per form the marriage ceremony. And as this gives the Governor a considerable income, so he quite willingly allows the Minis ters theraselves to keep such a license in blank with his narae subscribed, for which payment is made when the bonds are handed in. The abuses of this are indescribable. Yet such a marriage license is usual throughout the whole English govern ment, although HO'W ranch more restricted than formerly. Our Swedish people, as naturalized Englishmen, dance to the same tune, and our Swedish raen who settle here find an equal 1 Kalm, as cited, II., 25-39. A SWEDISH CRITICISM. CIX pleasure, or are compelled thereto to gratify their brides, who would rather break off their engagements than be proclaimed in church. But when such a license comes to the bridal pair, in season or out of season, even if it be in the middle of the night or early in the morning, if they so please with more or less company, then the marriage immediately takes place. The bride is in her usual dress, so that in that respect she cannot be distinguished from any of the company. Very few cele brate their marriage with a meal and entertainment. Plays and dancing are but little in use, and are usually counted as among loose and disreputable sports. Seldom do the Minis ters prevail upon any bridal parties to go to church ; but if this is done, the marriage takes place after service. The old speak of the joy with which their bridal parties formerly came to church and sat during the whole service before the altar; but when it comes to the time for their own children to do so, then they either run off to sorae English Minister with a license, or the parents are afraid of this, or get some other reason for it, and so it is impossible any more to root out such an inveterate abuse."' It may be added here, that about 1880 the then Secretary of State — -Henry C. Kelsey — caused the marriage bonds in his office to be arranged and bound in thirty-two stout folio vol umes, and an index of the same to be prepared, in two volumes — one of the raen, and the other of the woraen. The index also includes the naraes of persons to whom licenses were is sued prior to the Act of 17191 as shown by the entries in the records in the same office. HOSTILITY TO THE MARRIAGE LICENSE SYSTEM. The quotations from Kalm and Acrelius indicate the char acter of the opposition to the system of requiring marriage licenses. It was for the rich, rather than the poor. A license cost a man a month's wages or more. When the Stamp Act was passed, in 1765, this was regarded as so unconscionable an additional burden that by coramon consent it was not enforced so far as marriage licenses were concerned, in New Jersey, ^ 1 Acrelius' New Sweden, 356. 3 N. J. Archives, XXIV., 687, ex HOSTILITY TO THE MARRIAGE LICENSE SVSTEM. The clergy of the Church of England viewed the practice- coupled as it was with provisions for marriage by civil magis trates, as an unwarrantable attack on the church and on their own prerogatives. The Rev. Richard Backhouse, writing from Chester, Penn., May 14, 1730, to the Secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, s;iys : " We live in a Government which is a stepmother to our Church, who can't rest contented only with taking away our properties and perquisites and giving them to others. But now has struck even at constitution itself by making an Act' which not only prohibits us to publish but to marry lawfully accord ing to the constitution of the Church of England without the license of Parents, Guardians, Tutors, Masters, &c., &c., first had and obtained in writing under hand upon the penalty of £5o."3 The Episcopal clergy of Pennsylvania and the three coun ties upon Delaware, under date of 16 April, 1730, represented to the Societv that this had " a raanifest tendency to extirpate the doctrine and discipline ofthe Church of England out of the said Province. That it is arbitrary and tyrannical ..." and they therefore urged that this " odious and tyrannical Law" be repealed " at the King's Council Board. "^ The clergy of the Church of England in New Jersey raeraorialized the Bishop of London on the subject, who at their request sent this, representation to the Lords of Trade, under date of November 12, 1765 : " The Bishop of London at the request of the Clergy of the Province of New Jersey begs leave to represent to the Lords of Trade and' Plantations, that by an old Law the licences for Marriages are directed to any Protestant Minister or Justice ofthe Peace, which however necessary at the first Establishment ofthe Colony to facilitate Marriages, when there 1 " A Supplement to tbe Act Entituled An Act to prevent Clandestine Mar riages,'' passed Feb. 13.1729-30. See Penn. Col. Records, IIL, 379-80. Theactwas much the same as the New Jersey Act of 1719. 2 Historical Collections, relative to the American Colonial Church, edited by William Stevens Perry, D. D. Pennsylvania. 1881,167. 3 Ibid., 173-5. HOSTILITY TO THE MARRIAGE LICENSE SYSTEM. Cxi were few Ministers in the Country, seems at present not only prejudicial to the Clergy, who are depriv'd of a considerable part of their Income, but gives occasion to many Inconven iences and abuses. " It appears by a letter from New Jersey dated .Dec : 20th 1760, that the Clergy of that Province petitioned their Gov ernor (Mr. Boone) to alter the Direction ofthe Licences. By his Answer He did not think himself authoriz'd by his Instruc tions to comply with their Petition, as He thought such an Al teration must take place by Order of the Lords of Trade upon the Bishop of London's Application. " The Clergy of New Jersey have repeated their request to the Bishop of London, who hopes, that the Lords of Trade and Plantations will taket:he niatter into Consideration, and if they see no particular Objections will give their Instructions to the Governor of that Province, that for the future Marriage Licences raay be directed only to a Protestant Minister of the Gospel."' For some reason, the Lords of Trade preferred to shift the responsibility upon Governor Franklin, to whom they wrote the following letter, dated Dec. 12th, 1765 : " The inclosed Memorial stating the propriety of Licences for Marriages in New Jersey being directed to the Clergy only, has been presented to Us by the Bishop of London. " If there is no Law in force, by which the Civil Magistrate is authorized to perform the Marriage Rites, or if long usage and custom has not established such a practice ; We see no ob jection to what his Lordship purposes: But as it does not ap pear to Us from any Information we can collect here,, how the case stands in respect to this matter, we desire you will by the first opportunity acquaint Us, whether the civil Magistrates in New Jersey do or do not perform those Ceremonies; and if they do ; whether it is by virtue of any declared Law, or by usage only ; and if the latter, whether such practice may in your opinion be altered in the manner proposed by the Bishop of London without Inconvenience or Complaint. "^ Nothing came of these memorials. Civil marriage had been too long established by law and custom in New Jersey to 1 N. J. Archives; IX., 504. 2 Ibid., 5-20. cxii BISHOP WHITE ON MARRIAGE LICENSES. make it worth while for the politic Governor — steadfast Churchman though he was — to even suggest a change, espec ially in a Province where the Dutch, the Presbyterians and the Quakers formed so large a proportion of the population. We do not find that he even replied to the Lords of Trade on the subject. BISHOP WHITE ON MARRIAGE LICENSES. The Rt. Rev. William White, Bishop of Pennsylvania, doubtless voiced a very general sentiment regarding marriage licenses in this forcible and comprehensive letter (November or December, 178S,) to the Governor of that State: " When I had }e Honor, yesterday, of stating to your Ex cellency ray Objections to ye present system of Marriage Licenses, & you condescended to recommend to me ye pro moting of a clerical Representation of ye Subject ; I expressed my Doubts as to ye Expediency of such a Measure. My Reason is, that I do not think ye Clergy, as such, materially interested in the correcting of ye Evil. We marry whom we please, un der no other Restriction than what should prevail in every Line of Life, if not Invading of ye Rights of others. It is True, a Stranger may be imposed on, by his imagining that a license from Government is soraething more than a blank Paper. But to prevent this, I have made it ray Business to advertise every Siich, of ye Church under ray care, of ye State of ye Case & of his own Responsibility. "It was as a Citizen that I introduced ye Subject to your Excellency ; And ye evils which, as such, I reprobate in ye present System are as follows : " I. The Practice of issuing Licences is, as I apprehend, without any Foundation of Law. The only Passage in our Acts of Assembly that can be supposed applicable, & this can be so by Implication only, defines a lawful Licence to be one which contains ye Consent of the Parent or Guardian ex pressed in ye Body of it. But such a Licence I never saw, nor do I know of any Clergyman who has. " 2dly. It seems to me (I speak it with submission) Dis reputable to Government, to be in ye Exercise of an Act of BISHOP WHITE ON MARRIAGE LICENSES. Cxiii Authority, disregarded (as far as I can hear) & that with Im punity, by the most respectable Clergymen in this City ; who, instead of thinking themselves under any Obligation, either of Law or of Morals, to ask for ye Licence, consider it rather as • a Snare, against which they are to be on their Guard. " 3dly. The Licenses, as issued, are a most cruel Invasion of domestic Rights. For, as if it were not enough, that ye Citizen has ye Peace of his Family exposed to ye acts of ye desperate Adventurer, ye Villain robs him of his Child under a warrant with ye Seal of ye State annexed to it, & signed by ye first Magistrate.' I hope your Excellency will not mistake rae ; I am as much an Enemy to domestic Tyranny as to ye civil ; And I know that there sho'd be a certain Age when young People may dispose of themselves without the Consent of their Parents. What I contend, for is, that there should also be a Period, during which ye Parent should have an uncon- troulable Authority over ye Child, in ye Article of preventing Marriage. "As to ye Bond of £ioo taken at the office, I think noth ing of it. To my Certain Knowledge it has been taken, both before & since ye Revolution, from persons not worth loo pence ; And besides, there are Doubts as to ye Recovery of ye Penalty. I should be sorry to be understood, in this Part of ye Subject, as reflecting either on ye worthy Gentleman who has, nominally, ye Administration of ye Licences, or on his Deputy, who is supposed to do his Business. On ye contrary, I declare that I believe ye Fault to be, not in them, but in ye System, which while it prevails, must involve ye present Consequences, let who will have ye Administration. And be sides, I have not seen above one or two Licences during Col. Biddle's Secretaryship, nor long before. "4thly. It may be of Importance to mention that ye Prac tice has been stigmatized as illegal by ye Council of Censors. I speak frora Report, not having seen their Resolves on ye 1 So early as June 6, 1709, the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania rep resented to Lieutenant Governor Gooltin that the granting of marriage licenses was " of an Evil Tendency, whereof many Istances may be given, particularly that of Israel Taylor, whose Daughter had like to have been stolen by Colour of a Lycense lately granted to one J ames Barber, of Chester County, this Province." —Penn, Gol. Records, II. , 455. J cxiv BISHOP WHITE ON MARRIAGELICENSES. Subject. But my Authority is such that I cannot doubt ye Truth of it. " And now, Sir, if your Excellency is disposed to listen to ray Proposal of a Remedy, it is as follows : "I. In regard to all Persons marrying agreeably to ye Notifications required by their respective religious Societies, ye Clergyman celebrating ye Marriage sh'd be responsible in a pecuniary, or, if you please, on repeated Transgression, in a corporal Penalty. If meer publication be made sufficient, it will amount to Nothing ; because it may be made (& is made in sorae congregations) in such a Manner as to be a meer Eva sion. " 2dly. As to Persons who may not come within ye Rules of any religious Society, some Mode of Publication sh'd be pro vided for them. There is one indeed, but it is thought insuffi cient. " 3dly. The License sh'd be considered as a Dispensation from ye Notoriety of Publication ; And accordingly. Govern ment sh'd assume ye Responsibility. The dispensing Officer .should have a Reward proportioned to his Trouble & Risque. He sh'd be liable to a Penalty according to ye Damage sus tained, at ye Discretion of ye Court, within certain Limits. He sh'd, therefore, be ye Judge of ye Amount of ye Security to be required; And if he take insufficient bondmen, it sh'd be at his Peril. The most raaterial Difficulty that can occur in ye above Plan is ye discretionary power of ye Court. But I know no other Substitute for ye English Mode, which is ye taking of Oaths that there is no legal Impediment. " Your Excellency's desiring of me to state my Sentiments in writing has occasioned you ye Trouble of reading this long Letter. I am not tenacious of any Advice I have presumed to offer ; Put am fixed in my knowledge of ye Fact, & I hope ye Freedom of ye Citizen will justify my declaring it, that ye pres ent Practice makes Government contribute to ye sacrificing of ye Peace, Honor & Fortunes of Families."' Two years later (Dec. 22, 1790) the Bishop, who was very Penn. Archives, XIL, 314; 2d Series, IL, S-II; Penn. Col. Records, XV., 614, BISHOP WHITE ON MARRIAGE LICENSES. CXV much in earnest on this subject, returned to the attack in an other letter to Gov. Mifflin : " In Compliance with your Excellency's Intimation, I am emboldened to lay before you briefly, the Substance of what I formerly delivered to you more at large, on the present State of Law and Practice, on ye Subject of Marriage. " The Objections which I had the Honor to state to you against ye Marriage License, were that it is a taking of Money out of ye people's pockets, without even ye Colour of Law, that it had been stigmatized on this Acct. by the Council of Censors ; and that to my certain Knowledge, it Prostitutes ye chief Magistrates Name & invades Domestic Rights, by the Sanction it gives to clandestine Marriages. " It is true, the Abuse is considerably lessened, by ye intire neglect which is shown the License, by ye greater Number of the Clergy of all Denominations ; who depend on their own Precaution against what they think the Snares of ye govern mental License. But I submit to your Excellency whether it be not a great. Evil to leave Matters on this Footing. " It is now so well understood that no Man takes out a licence, but either thro' Ignorance or for a Cover to an illegal Transaction, that we may presume the Doing without them will more and more prevail. It must be obvious to every Man how much this subjects the Happiness of families to the sudden Determination of very young people. Under such a Dispensa tion from all preparatory Measures, would it be surprising to hear, that a Girl ofthe Age at which Matrimony may be con tracted, were induced by a Toy or by a Sugar Plumb, to put an artful Man into ye possession of a Fortune ; out of which he would only have to pay £50 for ye Irregularity of ye Manner. Impositions may happen far short' of this, yet very distressing to Families and ruinous to the Peace of ye parties. " So far as ye Clergy in particular are concerned, it sub jects ye conscientious to great Difficulties ; It gives those of ye opposite Description unbounded License ; and it subjects to ye Determination of either (and that in situations of great Deli cacy) a Question involving Property and Character and Hap piness. cxvi DECAY OF THE LICENSE SYSTEM. " In what Manner an evil of so great Magnitude is to be reraedied, I presurae not to say. But I will hint what I think ye great Outline of ye Business; viz. : That in Favor of these who either cannot, or who, frora conscientious Scruples, will not pay for a License, there should be pointed out an unequiv ocal Mode of Publication ; and that a License being a Dispen sation frora ye Notoriety of Publication, the Officers issuing it should be accountable and should receive a Fee proportioned to ye Trust and to ye Vigilance required in it."' Wm. White. decay of the license system. Bishop White's statements as to the prevalent disregard of the law requiring marriage licenses are significant. They are borne out by the marriage bonds on file in the office ofthe Sec retary of State at Trenton. There are about 10,000 such bonds. Of 488, taken at random, 83 were given in the decade 1751-60; 1 13 in the decade 1761-70 ; 107 in the years 1771- 80, and only 38 in the next ten years, there being but two in 1790. While this examination raay be inadequate for accurate generalizations it sufficiently indicates the rapid decay of the systera. It seeras to have fallen into disrepute directly after the Revolution. Perhaps it was regarded as a relic of royal privilege, pertaining to the Governors appointed by the crown, and so to be ignored with the passing of the royal authority. The Marriage Act of 1719 remained on the statute books, how ever, until 1795^ although a dead-letter for several years before its repeal. By an act passed December 16, 1784, in relation to the Or dinary, etc., it was provided that his authority should extend, inter alia, to the granting of marriage licenses. ^ The Govern or was also the Ordinary under the new constitution, but this act was the first to define his powers in the latter capacity, as it was the first to engraft upon our system of jurisprudence a court the functions of which in the mother country had always resided in the ecclesiastical tribunals. The power to grant li- 1 Penn. Archives, XII,. 31; 2d Series, IL, 10-11, 2 Paterson's Laws, .59. THE MARRIAGE ACT OF I 795. CXvii censes was taken frora the Ordinary by an act passed June 13, 1820. THE MARRIAGE ACT OF I79S. William Paterson having been engaged by the Legislature to revise the existing statutes and prepare new ones, a bill com piled by him, entitled "An Act concerning Marriages," was laid before the Legislative Council, November 7, 1794, taken up the following Monday (November 10), and ordered a sec ond reading, and was again considered on November 13, 15 and 18, most ofthe last-mentioned day being spent in discuss ing it, after which it was ordered to be engrossed. It was passed on the 26th, and sent to the House of Assembly, whose concurrence was requested. As the Legislature was about to take its usual recess the bill went over until February iS, 1795, when " Mr. Elmer frora the coraraittee to whom was referred the Bill entitled. An Act concerning Marriages, reported the sarae with sundry Amendtnents ; which Bill, with the Araendraents, were read, and after sorae Tirae spent thereon "Ordered That the further Consideration thereof be post poned. Feb. 24. — "The House resumed the Consideration of the Bill, entitled " An Act concerning Marriages ; and, after some Time spent thereon, " Ordered, That the said Bill be re-committed to Messrs. Elmer, Peck and Clement." The next day Mr. Elmer, from the committee, reported the bill " with sundry araendraents," which were agreed to, and the bill ordered to be read a third time. On the day fol lowing the bill was passed, and sent up to the Council the same day, and their concurrence asked in the amendments. On the following Monday, March 2, the bill was taken up in the Council, read a second time, and ordered to be re-engrossed with the Assembly's amendments, and on Wednesday (March 4, 1795) the bill was finally passed.' The following is the text of the Act of 1795 : I Journals of the Council and of the Assembly. cxviii THE MARRIAGE ACT OF 1795" "I. No man or woraan shall intermarry, within the de grees hereafter named that is to say. No raan shall marry his Grandmother, [etc., etc. J.' II. Every justice of the peace of this State, and every stated and ordained minister ofthe gospel, shall be, and hereby is au thorized and empowered to solemnize marriages between such persons as may lawfully enter into the matrimonial relations. ^ "III. No justice of the peace, minister ofthe gospel, or other person having or pretending to have authority to join persons together in the holy bands of matrimony, shall marry any male under the age of twenty-one years, or female under the age of eighteen years, unless the parent or parents, guard ian or guardians or person or persons under whose care and government such minor or minors shall be, be present, and give their consent thereto, or until the minor applying to be mar ried, whether male or female, shall have produced a certificate in writing, under the hand of the parent or parents, guardian or guardians, or if such minor, so applying to be married, have no parent or guardian, then under the hand of the per son or persons, under whose care and government he or she may at that time be ;3 which certificate shall be proved to be genuine by the oath or affirmation of at least one person, of full age and discretion, who was present at the signing of the same, and affixed his or her name as a witness thereto ; which oath or affirmation any justice of the peace, or m.inister of the gospel, authorized to solemnize marriages as aforesaid, is hereby authorized to take, and shall enter upon the back of the certificate. "i " IV. Every justice of the peace, minister of the gospel, or other person, having or pretending to have authority to join 1 This list of prohibitions was usually found in the opening pages of the King James version of the Scriptures, as well as in the Prayer Book of the Church of England. It had not been incorporated before in the laws of New Jersey. See Par. 76, of the Instructions to Lord Cornbury, p. xciv, ante. 2 Compare this with the Act of the East Jersey Assembly, May 30, 1668, forbid ding marriages except by "some approved Minister or Justice of the Peace within this Province, or some chief Ofaoer, where such are not." p. Ixxvi, ante. 3 See the Act of the West Jersey Assembly, May 3-6, 1683, p Ixxxiv, ante; and the Act of the East Jersey Assembly, Nov. 2, 169.3, p. xcii, ante. Aud compare with Sees. I and 2 of the Act of 1719, pp. xcix-c, ante. 4 Compare with Sec. 3 of tbe Act of 1719, p. ci, ante. THE MARRIAGE ACT OF 1795- CXlX persons in marriage, who shall marry any minor or minors, by virtue of a certificate had and proved as above directed, shall register the same, or cause it to be registered in a book by him to be kept for the purpose of registering of marriages, and within three months after, transmit the original certificate to the clerk of the county, in which the marriage was solem nized, to be by him filed in his office. "V. If any justice ofthe peace, minister of the gospel, or other person, having or pretending to have authority to join persons together in the holy bands of matrimony, shall marry any minor or minors, without the consent of the parent or parents, guardian or guardians, person or persons, having the care and government of such rainor or rainors, had and obtained, ac cording to the direction of this act, and contrary to the true intent and meaning thereof, every such justice of the peace, minister of the gospel, or other person, having or pretending to have authority to join persons together in the holy bands of matrimony, shall, for every such offence, forfeit three hun dred dollars, to be recovered, with costs of suit, by action of debt or information, in any court of record of this State, by the parent, guardian, or person having charge of such minor, as shall be so joined in marriage as aforesaid, the one half of the said forfeiture to be paid to the treasurer of the State, for the use of the State, and the other half to be for the use of the parent, guardian, or other person, having charge of such minor, who shall prosecute the same to effect.' "VI. Every justice ofthe peace, and minister of the gos pel, shall make and keep a particular record of all marriages solemnized before him, and transmit a certificate of every par ticular marriage (containing both Christian names and sir- names) within six months after the solemnization thereof, to the clerk ofthe court of common pleas for the county, in which the marriage was solemnized. "VII. If any justice of the peace, or minister of the gos pel, shall neglect, omit, or refuse to raake return to the clerk of the county as aforesaid, of all the marriages by him pro nounced, he shall, for every such offence, forfeit the sum of • Compare with Sec. 2 of the Act of 1719. p. c, ante. CXX THE MARRIAGE ACT OF l795' fifty dollars, to be recovered, with costs, by the clerk ofthe said court of common pleas, or any other person, who shall prose cute for the sarae, by action of debt or information, in any court having cognizance thereof. " VIII. The respective clerks of the courts of common pleas, in and for the several counties of this State, shall register and re cord all such returns of raarriages at large in a book to be kept for that purpose, and no other, within the space of one calendar raonth after receiving the same, for which service the said clerks respectively shall be allowed and receive, for each and every entry aforesaid, the sum of twelve cents, to be paid by the persons married to such justice of the peace, or minister, who shall perforra the ceremony, and by such justice or min ister, with the certificate thereof, be transmitted to the clerk ; and if any such clerk shall refuse, neglect or omit to register and record, within the said time, any such return so to hini made or any part thereof, he shall forfeit the sura of one hun dred dollars, to be recovered, with costs, by any person, who shall prosecute for the same, by action of debt or information, in any court having cognizance thereof. "IX. It shall and may be lawful for every religious soci ety in this State to join together in marriage such persons as are of the said society, according to the rules and customs of the society, to which they belong ;' provided, that the clerk or keeper of the minutes, proceedings, or other book of the religious society, wherein such marriages shall be had and solemnized, shall raake a true and faithful register of all mar riages solemnized, in the society, iu the book by him kept. "X. Such books of marriages, so kept by the respective clerks of the court of common pleas, and by the clerks ofsuch religious societies, as are authorized to solemnize marriages by the preceding section of this act, shall be admitted as evi dence in all courts of law and equity in this State. "XI. If any justice of the peace, or minister of the gos pel, shall wilfully and knowingly make a false return of such raarriages, or any of them, to the said clerk of the court of common pleas, or if the said clerk of such court shall wil- 1 Substantially the same as the first part of Sec. 9 ot the Act of 1719. LATER LEGISLATION. CXxi fully and knowingly make a false entry, register and record of any return of raarriages, so to hira made, in the said book by hira before directed to be kept; or if any clerk or keeper of the minutes, and proceedings of such religious societies, as are authorized to solemnize marriages by this act, shall wilfully and knowingly make a false entry, register and record of such marriages, or any of them, then every such person, so offend ing, shall be adjudged guilty of a raisderaeanor, and, on con viction, shall be punished by fine or iraprisonment, or both, at the discretion ofthe court. "XII. The act entitled, "An act to prevent clandestine marriages," passed the twenty- seventh day of March, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, seven hundred and nineteen, be, and the same is hereby repealed."' The several provisions in this act, requiring registers of marriages to be kept by the justices or ministers officiating, were taken from the English Marriage Act of 1754. The East Jersey Assembly had passed an act at the session begun at Elizabethtown, November 5, 1675, requiring registers of mar riages to be kept by the town clerks, and the Fundamental Constitutions of East New Jersey, 1683, provided for a regis ter in each county for births, marriages and burials. The West Jersey Assembly enacted. May 2-6, 1682, that marriages should be registered in a public register, and by act of March, 1682-3, required certificates of marriage to be entered in a reg ister of the town and county, " where it is finished."^ Thus, the sections in the act of 1795 providing for public registra tion of marriages were re-enactments of laws which had exist ed in New Jersey for more than a century. LATER LEGISLATION. The act of 1795 was drawn with such artificial skill, and so accurately reflected public sentiment, that it remained on the statute-books without change for exactly sixty-one years. Then a supplement was passed (approved March 4, 1856), evidently to cover some particular case of recent occurrence. This legal- 1 Paterson's Laws, 1799, folio ed., 138-160. 2 Leaming and Spicer, 100, 163, 336, 446. cxxii ' LATER LEGISLATION. ized a marriage, acknowledged by any religious society in this state, where either of the parties had belonged to the society at the time of marriage, the same as if both parties were mem bers thereof.' Ten years later a second supplement was enacted (ap proved April 4, 1866), which in effect amended Sec. III. of the act of 1795, by adding this clause : " Should the person called upon to solemnize the marriage not be satisfied with the declarations of the parties desiring raarriage, that they are of lawful age, he shall administer an oath or affirmation that they are of lawful age, of which oath or affirmation he shall make a certificate and file with the rec ord of the marriage in the office of the clerk of the county, which certificate shall be bis justification should said parties de ceive him as to their age." The second section re-enacted Sec. V. of the former act.- The next supplement to the act of 1795 merely "extended to and conferred on the mayor of every incorporated citv, town or borough of this state," the powers conferred on justices of the peace by the second section of the original act, to solemnize marriages. 5 The Marriage Act of i795) amended as above, was consol idated with various other statutes, in " An act concerning mar riages, births and deaths — Revision," approved March 27, 1874, the essential features of the original act being retained, with but slight changes.'' A general revision of the marriage laws, entitled "An Act concerning raarriages [Revision of 1902]," approved April 3, 1902, erabodied all the existing statutes on the subject, includ ing a requireraent for a marriage license to be issued by the county clerk, where both the parties are non-residents of New Jersey ; where the male applicant for a license is under twenty- one, or the female applicant is under eighteen, the consent of the parents or guardian of such rainor is requisite to the issu ing of the license.^ 1 Laws of 1856, p. 129. 2 Laws of 1866, p. 960. 3 Laws of 18T2. p. 27. 4 Gen. St., 2003. 6 Laws of 1902, p. 490. The Marriage License Act was approved May 18, 1887 (P. L. 1897, p. 378>. LEGISLATIVE DIVORCES. CXxiil DIVORCES BY THE LEGISLATURE. For more than a century after the conquest of New Neth erland by the English, divorces were granted in New Jersey — if granted at all — only by the Governor.' Otherwise there lay an appeal to the ecclesiastical courts in England. In 1772 there was a unique departure from this practice, when the Legislature passed an act entitled "An Act to dissolve the Marriage of David Baxter with Margaret his Wife late Mar garet McMurtrie." There is nothing to explain why the Governor had not granted this divorce. Perhaps the evidence adduced before him satisfied hira of the essential propriety of a divorce, but was legally insufficient. The bill originated in the House, was promptly concurred in by the Council, and received the assent of Governor Franklin on September 26, 1772. But when it was laid before the King in Council for the royal approbation it was promptly disallowed, September i, 1773, and instructions were at the same time issued to all the Governors in North America to withhold their assent to any bills "for the divorce of Persons joined together in holy Mar riage" — so shocked were the King and his advisers at this ex traordinary departure from all precedents. "- Although the so-called constitution of 1776 was silent on the subject of divorce, it so far modified the powers of the Governor as to vest in him judicial powers only in his capac ity as chancellor, as ordinary or surrogate-general, and as a member of the court of appeals, in the. last resort, in all causes of law, as theretofore. This seemed to leave it optional with the Legislature to exercise the divorcing power, ^ but that body was slow to act in that direction, and from 1776 to 1780 only three couples were divorced by legislative act. From 1781 1 From a letter to Brigadier Hunter, Governor of New Jersey and New York, bearing date March 27. 1711, it may be inferred that the practice in divorce cases was by petition, of which notice was given to the defendant, and the matter re ferred by the Governor to a magistrate of the vicinage to investigate, perhaps taking depositions. See N. Y. Col. Docs., V., 215. No records of the New Jer sey Court of Chancery prior to 1744 are known to exist. The published reports begin with the January Term. 1830. 2 N. J. Archives, XVIIL, 334-5, 338, 371 ; X.. 410-412: N. Y. Col. Docs., VIIL, 403. 3 The constitution of 1776 vested "tlie government of the Province" in the Governor, Legislative Council, and General Assembly, the legislative depart ment thereby appearing to be supreme. cxxiv DIVORCES BY THE COURT OF CHANCERY. to 1790 but two such acts were passed; during the next ten years there were eight; in 1S01-1810 there were only four, while in the ensuing decade the nuraber jumped to twenty- five, increasing to forty-seven in 1821-1830, and to 109 in 1831- 40, and in the next four years no less than sixty-two acts were passed by the Legislature, divorcing as many couples from the bonds of matrimony. In the nature of things there could be no judicial investigation into the reasons for the divorces asked for, and they were granted through the favor and influence of sorae member of the Legislature friendly to the petitioners. During the period from 1776 to 1S44, v/hile this practice prevailed, there were two hundred and fifty-nine divorces granted in this way, one hundred and fifty-two of thera being of women from their husbands, and one hundred and seven of men frora their wives ; figures which suggest that the " weaker sex" was either less patient with raatrimonial woes, or had a greater proportion to bear than men ; or that they exercised raore persuasive powers with the legislators. The abuses of the .system were becoming so alarming that when the new constitution was framed, in 1844, there was era- bodied in it the provision, " No divorce shall be granted by the Legislature."' DIVORCES BY THE COURT OF CHANCERY. Curiously enough, while the Legislature, frora 1776 to 1844, asserted its authority in the granting of divorces, it never theless sanctioned the judicial raethod, by an act passed De cember 2, 17945 entitled " Au Act concerning divorce and alimony." This was evidently one of Mr. Paterson's, and doubtless embodied in statute form the existing practice. It provided: ist, that the court of chancery should have jurisdic tion of all causes of divorce by this act directed and allowed ; provided the parties were inhabitants of the state. 2d, that the like process and course of practice and procedure should be had and pursued in causes of divorce, as in other equity causes, except that the answer of defendants should not be un der oath. 3d, that divorces from the bond of matrimony should 1 Art. IV., Sec. VIL, PI. 1. DIVORCES BY THE COURT OF CHANCERY. CXXV be decreed in case the parties were within the degrees prohib ited by law ; in case of adultery in either of the parties, and also for wilful, continued and obstinate desertion, for the term of seven years.' 4th, divorces from the bond of matrimony were also authorized where either of the parties had another wife or husband living at the time of such second or other mar riage. Divorce from bed and board was authorized for ex treme cruelty in either of the parties. ^ By a supplement, passed March 4, i795) provision was raade for service on an absent defendant, by publication. ^ The law was revised, Feb. 3,\iSr8, the jurisdiction beirig extended to causes where the parties are or should be inhabitants of this State at the tirae of the injury, desertion or neglect complained of, or "where the marriage shall have been solemnized or taken place within this State, and the complainant shall have been an actual resident in this State, at the time of the injury, desertion or neglect complained of; and at the tirae of exhibiting the bill." The other provisions were much the same as the act of 1794, which act, and the supplement of March 2, 1^95, were re pealed.* Another revision was passed February 16, 1820, which amended the first section by providing that the com plainant should annex an oath to the bill of complaint that the complaint was not made by any collusion between the par ties. ^ By an act passed Dec. 13, 1824, it was provided that suits in the court of chancery, for divorce, might be by petition, instead of by bill, and the practice in that method was pre scribed. ^ An act passed February 32, 1S43, amended the first section of the act of 1820 by adding the requirement that where a divorce was prayed for on the ground of desertion, "the complainant or defendant shall have been a resident of this State for the term of five years, during which such deser tion shall have continued."^ By a supplement, approved Feb- 1 Reduced, by act passed February 22, 1843 (P. L. 1843, p. 48), to flve years; by act approved March 20, 1857 (P. L. 1857, p. 399), to three years; and by acts ap proved March 7, 1889 (P. L. 1889, p. 48), and March 5, 1890 (P. L. 1890, p. 34), to two years. 2 Paterson's Laws, 143. 3 ibid., 160. * Laws of 1818, p. 20. 3 Laws of 1820, p. 43. 6 Elmer's Digest, 1838, pp, 139, 141. ' Laws of 1843, p. 48, cxxvi DIVORCES BY THE COURT OF CHANCERY. ruary 21, 1871, the court was authorized to make and enforce or ders in regard to the care, custody, education and maintenance of infant children of parents bringing suit for divorce, and where they are divorced.' The Revision, approved March 27, 1874, provided (Sec. 4) that divorces might be decreed in cases of physical and incurable impotency at the tiriie of marriage, "such marriages to be invalid from the beginning and abso- lutely void."- By an act approved May 11, 1886, it was pro vided that the court should have "jurisdictipn of all cases of divorce in case of adultery committed out of this state, where the complainant or defendant was or shall have been a resi dent of this state for three years next preceding the time when said bill was or shall hereafter be filed. "^ An amendment, ap proved March 7, 1889, gave the court jurisdiction of all causes of divorce and of alimony and maintenance, where either of the parties should be resident of this state at the time of the injury, desertion or neglect complained of, or where the mar riage shall have been solemnized in this state, and the com plainant shall have been an actual resident in the state at the time of the injury, desertion or neglect complained of and at the time of exhibiting the bill ; or where the adultery was com mitted in this state, and either of the parties reside in this state at the time of exhibiting the bill; or<-' ^ j^: J. i-'r^i;: 4..S, ,^, . .;. y'.if' M-^r,-^^ .U^^ .'.,.., ^;,j,j^ - ,' kr-_ _ __ t^.'- .' ' ,', ,7,-,,t'y.- . ¦ . ¦. , ¦ ¦ .,¦/,, /''./¦,, ,' ///ZZ/ / n I'/f. : 'A-z/ 1 ;-..- - . ,. /,/.. . / /-./.(v.. / ¦:¦ -^ ./.-/ '. ; .-/, / ¦• .¦¦/ .- N -.>,¦¦ ^ Ur.---„. ! ¦ > .. • ^ ¦¦¦ '.-.-. ','/.i • .-•/- 1 /,,r,;, • , . . / . /¦ .. .' ' ¦ . -.v^'/^vti; ¦ f,^/,,,,,i.i . .. , /'' /-¦ ,'t.i'rs ,^nir/...l(^/ . > - V "-¦ ¦ '' -^.irrnA,/: ¦ /', _ . /¦// „ On, J7icii.- 1'.' . , /''• . ¦',, ¦¦¦'^^ r4-'^'J-r7'y^y ~Cv ^__ L^ ^^ ^0,s'^h\M[\Oh ¦M - /, - ,. "''" "¦ ¦¦-'•¦" i" - ¦i-^'^C i^a..rL,. ''^^I",v - rtcrL-i^tr 6finj7ycc?7..^.'/ 1?-; ,'A. ,// ' 'hnrf,t',r,j^.'q.7,'.f/ir-?-a,-. \h,,, ,7.-,yV/,y,- ^ ,.;„,, ^/,,^. ^)/>^ ,;^^_,, ,, .- , ^ ^^ . _^ A,-t.r . x,'S:&<4j,j^ ci a,i^,-rjps,xrc^r _ ¦Jfa/t:,:/'a??afZ)cu.!.'C! 'j.ct inr/?cF--r:/?na'f. -,, V ^Af/y.,^ .^Jl^a^ inri^^, MARRIAGE LICENSES. MALES. A Aaronson, Joseph, B'lrlington, and Hannah Folwell 1736 Aug. 25 Aaronson, Joseph, Burlington, and Achsiah Black 1782 Oct. 9 Aaronson, Thomas, Burlington, and Sarah Blaok 1787 July 24 Abbett, ¦William, Bucks, Pa., and Catherine Conrad 1761 Feb. 18 Abbitt, Benjamin, Salem, and Hannah Wicks, Salem 1770 Jan. 4 Abbitt, John, Hunterdon, and Elsie Akers 1770 Feb. 12 Abbot, William, Jr., Hunterdon, and Agnis Edmunds. 1778 April 4 Abbot, James, Hunterdon, and Mary Maddook, Hunterdon 1749 Nov. 15 Abbot, Jonathan, Bucks, Pa., and Sarah Strickland, Bucks, Pa 1738 Nov. 17 Abbott, John, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Harden 1784 July 0 Abelea, lilelehesidec, Burlington, and Mary Pcwer, Burlington 1780 Oct. 30 Abel, Andrew, and Cbristeena Sohujler 1779 Jan. 26 Abel, Dauiel, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Starkey 1780 Nov. 11 Abit, Burroughs, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Thompson, Gloucester 1764 Aug. 25 Able, Edward, Gloucester, and Eleanor Starkey 1779 Aprii 20 Abraham, John, Middlesex, and Abigail Perine, Middlesex 1759 Aug. 11 Abrahams, James, Jr., Matchepouix, and Anne Perine, Matohepouix .1755 June 17 Ackerman, David, Bergen, and Margaret Bauta, Bergen 1749 Mar. 31 Ackerman, John, Bergen, and Christiana Peterson, Bergen 1760 Feb. 1 Ackerman, Peter, Middletown, and Elizabeth Patten, Middletown ...1760 Nov. 3 Ackerman, Garrit, Bergen, and Mary Stag, Bergen 1761 July 8 Ackerman, Abraham, Bergen, and Braohe Blanvelt, Orange, N. Y'....1763 May 5 Ackerman, Abraham, Bergen, and Hopper 1764 Oct. 18 Ackerman, David, Bergen, aud Antje 'Vanhorn 1768 Aug. 18 Ackerman, Abraham S., Bergen, and Cerstina Mead 1769 Jan. 2 Ackerman, David, Bergen, and Catherine Cuyper, Bergen 1769 April 22 Ackerman, Albert, Bergen, and Antje St orr, Bergen 1771 Jan. 22 Ackerman, John, Bergen, and Elshe 'Van Bushkirk 1783 Aug. ll Ackerman, Garret A., Bergen, and Charity Hopper.. ,' 1790 June 23 Aeorn, Samuel, Salem, and Jane MoKean, Salem 1763 Aug. 27 Acton, John, Salem, and Mary Oakford, Salem 1772 Jan. 30 Acton, Benjamin, Salem, and Hannah Randolph, Cumberland 1773 Nov. 24 Acton, William, Salem, and Grace Ambler 1776 Nov. 18 Adaii'e, Edward, Bucks, Pa., aud Sarah Fariss, Bucks, Pa 1732 Aug. 1 2 NE'W JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Adaire, William, Bristol, Pa., and Margaret Currant 1759 July 13 Adair, John, Burlington, and Martha Crossley, Burlington 1774 Dec. 5 Adams, Stephen, Burlington, and Sarah Rogers, Burlington 1733 Sept. 1 Adams, Abel, Gloucester, and Tabitha Jay 1784 April 20 Adams, Abraham, Gloucester, and Ruth Peterson 1764 Jan. 27 Adams, David, Gloucester, aud Mary Covenover, Gloucester 1774 April 18 Adams, David, Salem, and Mary Townsend 1775 Oct. 3 Adams, David, Burlington, and Mary Eyner 1786 May 22 Adams, Ebenezer, Gloucester, and Rebecca Roberts 1781 May 16 Adams, Fenwick, Salem, and Watkins Anne, Salem 1687 Aug. 18 Adams, Isaac, Gloucester, and Bersheba Weldon, Gloucester 1730 Jan. 23 Adams, Jacob, Burlington, and Hannah Hammel 1784 May 22 Adams, Jeremiah, Gloucester, and Mary Homau Gloucester 1738 Jan. 5 Adams, John, Burlington, and Judith Pettitt, Burlington 1737 Aug. 15 Adams, John, Burlington, aud Margaret Flint 1769 Nov. 19 Adams, Joseph, Gloucester, and Sarab Reeves, Burlington 1754 June 28 Adams, Joseph, Gloucester, and Susanna Rue 1782 Jan. 1 Adams, Moses, Mansfield, and EUzabeth Ingler 1772 Sept. 12 Adams, Thomas, Burlington, aud Elizabeth Bowker, Burlington. . .. 1771 .Aug. 9 Adams, Thomas, Philadelphia, aud Sarah Shaw, Burlington 1781 Dec. 24 Adams, Thomas, Burlington, and Ann Eyres 1785 May 30 Adams, Williams, Salem, and Hannah Evans, Salem 1762 Feb. 16 Adams, William, Jr., Salem, and Sarah Bradway 1764 Aug. 18 Addams, David, Gloucester, and Catharine Wood, Gloucester 1745 June 20 Addams, Nathan, Burlington, and Sarah Oldale, Burlington 1745 Oct. 16 Addams, Jonas, Gt. Egg Harbour, aud Mary Arnal, Gt. Egg Harbour. . . . 1750 May 3 Addam3, Richard, Gloucester, aud Rebecca Ireland 1784 June 26 Addis, Thomas, Burlington, and Anne English, Burlington , ,. . . 1749 July 10 Addoms, John, Burlington, and Sarah Smith, Gloucester 1729 May 26 Addoms, Jonathan, Gloucester, and Mary Ingerson 1774 Oct. 24 Adkin, James, Morris, and Mary Budd, Morris 1751 May 4 Adrianez, Gozen, Perth Amboy, aud Cornelia Banta, Hackensack. .. .1743 June 11 Adudell, William, Freehold, aud Allot Honce, Freehold 1767 Aug. 29 Aikens, Thomas, and Margaret Rodman 1780 Oct. i Akerman, Philip, Burlington, and Hannah Stockton, Burlington 1771 Nov. 12 Akers, Jonathan, Hunterdon, and Catherine Abbit 1780 Oct. It Akin, Timothy, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Woolley, Monmouth 1748 Jan. 23 Akin, Stephen, -Monmouth, and Elizabeth King, Shrewsbury 1761 April 1 Akly, Adam, Burlington, .and Mary Parker, Burlington 1766 Feb. 17 Alberson, Jacob, Gloucester, and Patience Chew, Gloucester 1731 April 16 Alberson, Joseph, Gloucester, and Rose Hampton 1737 April 16 Alberson, Abraham, Gloucester, and Hannah Medcalf, Gloucester ...1737 Aug. 6 Alberson, Ephraim, Gloucester, aud Keziah Chew, Gloucester 1741 May 12 Alberson, Abraham, Gloucester, and Sarah Danice 1742 July 15 Alberson, William, Gloucester, and Hannah Harrison, Gloucester. ...1747 June 9 Alberson, Nathan, Gloucester, and Jane Thorne, Gloucester 1764 Jan. 17 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Albertson, 'William, Gloucester, and Hannah Harrison, Gloucester 1747 Albertson, Aron, Glouoester, and Elizabeth Albertson, Glouoester ...1756 Albertson, Levi, Glouoester, and Keziah Roberts, Burlington 1756 Albertson, Isaac, Gloucester, and Deborah Thorne, Glouoester 1761 Albertson, Abraham, Gloucester, and Sarah Albertson, Glouoester. . 1764 Albertson, Aaron, Glouoester, and Margaret Wells, Glouoester 1765 Albertson, Jacob, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Flanningham, Gloucester. 1770 Albertson, Joseph, Gloucester, and Mary Albertson 1773 Albertson, Ephraim, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Warsiok 1775 Albertson, Isaac, Gloucester, aud Sarah Thackery 1 782 Albertson, Ephraim, and Charity Langley 1782 Alcott, Thomas, Burlington, and Martha Brannin ] 780 Aloott, Jonathan, Gloucester, and Anne Phifer 1782 Alcott, Josiah, Burlington, and Tabitha O'Neal, Burlington 1782 Alder, Bartholomew, Gloucester, and Hannah Worthington, Gloucester. 1766 Aldington, John, Bergen, and Hannah Banta, Bergen 1770 Aldridge, Hermann, Salem, and Sarah England, Philadelphia 1733 Aldridge, WiUiam, Gloucester, and Rebecca Newell, Gloucester 1739 Alen, John, Salem, and Mary Huckings, Salem 1686 Alexander, Alex., Philadelphia, and Jane Hartt, Salem 1750 Alexander, David, Salem, and Catharine Dunn, Salem 1762 Alexander, George, Hunterdon, and Mary Fleming, Hunterdon 1766 Alexander, Joseph, Burlington, and Maiy Sevill, Burlington 1774 "Alexander, William. Somerset, and Janet Aikman, Somerset 1750 Alford, Benjamin, 'Woodbridge, aud Deborah Martin, Woodbridge. . 1754 Allaways, John, Burlington, and Dorothy Hughes, Burlington 1740 Alien, Daniel, Glouoester, and Mary Steelmau 1728 Allen, Benjamin, Burlington, and Elizabeth Alien, Burlington 1730 Allen, Benjamin, Burlington, and Patience Borden, Burlington 1737 Allen, Jedidiah, Monmouth, and Mary Chamless, Monmouth 1740 Alien, William, Bucks, Pa., and Mary Walsh, Bucks, Pa ] 740 Allen, Joseph, Monmouth, and Desire Rogers, Monmouth 1742 Allen, Benjamin, Burlington, and Deborah Sharp, Burlington 1744 Allen, Nathan, Monmouth, and Sarah Salter 1743 Allen, Joseph, Monmouth, aud Sarah Jackson, Monmouth 1740 Allen, Ralph, Monmouth, and Mary Bond, Monmouth 1742 Allen, James, Monmoutb, and Catherine Newman, Monmouth 1747-8 Allen, George, Monmouth, and Lydia Parker, Monmouth 1748-9 Allen, David, Monmouth, and Sarah 'Van Dike, Monmouth. . 1748 AUen, Jedidiah, Monmouth, aud Mary Allen, Monmouth 1749 Alien, John, Somerset, and Isabel McCallough, Somerset 1749 Allen, William, Somerset, aud Sophia Slover, Hunterdon 1749 Alien, Benjamin, Burlington, and Rebecca Sherwin, Chester 1749 Allen, Joseph, Salem, and Hannah Eldridge, Salem 1750 Allen, Peter, Lit. Egg Harbour, and Elizabeth Wheeler, Lit. Egg Har. 1751 Alien, James, Burlington, and Hannah Phillips, Burlington 1754 June 15 April 23 April 24 Jan. 29 June 22 April 16 Mar. 12 Aug. 23 Dec. 28 May 7 June 15 Deo. 25 July 13 Oct. 29 Deo. 16 Dec. 13 Oct. 1 June 23 Aug. 10 June 16 Deo. 19 Not. 29 Mar. 22 Deo. 3 May 1 Jan. 1 Deo. 25 Mar. 27 Deo. 8 Jan. . 26 Feb. 5 Feb. 18 Oct. 25 Oct. 6 Mar. 2 May 16 Feb. 2 Mar. 21 July 19 May 23 Aug. 8 Sept. 26 Dec. 7 June 18 Aug. 16 Jan. 1 4 NE'W JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Allen, Richard, New York, and Marah Cox, Shrewsbury 1754 Allen, John, Monmouth, and Ruth Howlan, Monmouth 1755 Alien, David, Monmouth, and Sarah Cook, Monmouth 1759 Allen, Jeremiah, Burlington, and Margaret Mairs 1760 Allen, William, Monmouth, and Elizabeth AUen, Monmouth 1760 Allen, Samuel, Burlington, and Martha Braniug 1760 AUen, Jedidiah, Salem, and Mary Thompson 1761 Alien, Samuel, Burlington, and Theodosia EUton, Burlington 1762 Allen, Nathan, Salem, and Deborah Lipincott, Salem 1764 AUen, Elisha, Salem, and Mary Smith, Salem 1765 AUen, Chamless, Wilmington, Del, and Lydia Stewart, Wilmgtn, Del. 1766 AUen, David, Salem, and Sarah Kent, Salem , 1767 Allen, John, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Brindley, Monmouth 1767 Allen, Nathan, Monmouth, and Patience BUls, Monmouth 1767 Allen, Joseph, Burlington, and Hannah Iradell, Burlington 1768 Allen, John, Sussex, and Jean Dunlop 1768 AUen, Elisha, Salem, and Hannah Smith, Salem 1771 Allen, John, Bergen, and Anne Earle, Bergen. . 1772 Allen, Samuel, Burlington, aud Elizabeth Jones, Burlington 1772 Allen, Samuel, Bucks, Pa., and Sarah Allen, Bucks, Pa 1773 Allen, John, Burlington, and Anne Herbert, Burlington 1774 Allen, John, Somerset, and Sarah Edmunds 1775 Allen, Charles, Cumberland, and Rebecca Dare 1778 Allen, Samuel, Morris, and Hannah Beach, Mendom 1779 Alien, Samuel, New Jersey, and Nancy Anderson 1780 Allen, Robert, Middlesex, and Ann Boggs 1780 AUen, Gabriel, Bordentown, and Lydia Trench 1782 Allen, Abraham, Burlington, aud Sarah Pitman, Burlington 1782 Allen, Thomas, Burlington, and Mary Prickett 1783 AUen, Joseph, Chester, and Rachel Cline 1783 Aller, Josepih, Little Egg Harbour, aud Sarah Crammer 1783 Alleson, James, New Brunswick, and Anne Wells, New Brunswick. . . . 1739 Alley. William, New Jersey, and Elizabeth Moore 1779 AUgor, William, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Havens, Monmouth 1763 AUiger, Benjamin, Redingtown, and Cisley Bartron 1780 Allin, Andrew, Monmouth, and Marah Crammer, Monmouth 1754 Alliuder, Joshua, Burlington, and Mary Nixon 1733 Alloways, Abraham, Burlington, and Hannah Lanning, Burlington. ..1773 Alloways, Isaac, Builington, and Christian Davidson, Burlington. ... 1773 Alloways, John, Burlington, and Elizabeth Shinn, Burlington 1774 Alman, Joseph, Salem, and Catherine Lambson, Salem 1763 Almond, John, Salem, and Rachel Brown 1785 Alriohe, Wessell, New Castle, Del., and Rebecca Hancock 1757 Alward, John, Woodbridge, aud Ruth Cawood, Woodbridge 1754 Alyea, Peter, Orange, N. Y., and Marrity Bertholf, Orange, N. Y 1773 Amaok, John, Middletown, and Sarah Carman, Middletown 1757 Mar.. 25 Feb. 26 Dec. 4 Jan. 5 July 28 Nov. 12 Nov. 25 May 4 Mar. 22 Oct. 16 Sept. 29 Mar. 2 Mar. 21 Deo. 24 Jan. 6 Sept. 29 Oct. 18 Mar. 28 Aug. 31 May 4 April 13 Nov. 10 April 8 July 3 April 29 Oct. 27 July 16 Oct. 28 Jan. 14 Dec. 12 May 19 Mar. 11 April 8 Jan. 7 Mar. 23 June 3 Dec. 17 July 29 Nov. 20 June 13 Mar. 10 Aug. 15 Mar. 21 Jan. 9 Mar. 1 Mar. 12 MARRtAciE LICENSES. Amaek, Stephen, Monmouth, and Mary Heavilon, Freehold 1767 Ammarman, Jacobus, Somerset, and Marica Harder, Somerset 1746 Anderson, Joshua, Trenton, and Mary Wood, Burlington 1745 Anderson, Tunis, Monmouth, and Abigail Reid, Monmouth 1746 Anderson, George, Jr., Somer-et, and Matie Van Wiokle, Somerset. . .1748 Anderson, Elias, Monmouth, and Catherine Chamberlin. , 1761 Anderson, James, Cumberland, and Theodosia Elmer 1761 Anderson, Ezekiel, Hunterdon, and Mary Combs, Middlesex 1761 Anderson, Andrew, BurUngton, and Martha Brock, Burlington 1762 Anderson, John, Freehold, and Anna Loyd, Middlesex 1763 Anderson, John, Essex, and Martha Freeman, Middlesex 1763 Anderson, John, New Y'ork, and Mary Stilwell, Middletown 1763 Anderson, David, Bergen, aud Jane Stuart, Bergen 1768 Anderson, Josiah, Burlington, and Sarah Anderson 1769 Anderson, Benjamin, Hunterdon, and Ann Bird 1772 Anderson, John, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Thomson 1773 Anderson, Andrew, and Phoebe Williamson 1775 Anderson, James, Burlington, and Elenor Toy 1777 Anderson, James, Morris, and Hannah Backhover 1779 Anderson,, John, Hunterdon, and Rebeccah Vannoy 1779 Andei-son, Simon, Somerset, and Mary Van Hauglin 1781 Anderson, Thomas, -Sussex, and Esther Hughes 1781 Anderson, JJavid, Burlington, aud Emelia Briggs 1783 Anderson, Jacob, Hunterdon, and Catherine Hunt 1785 Anderson, Thomas, Sussex, and Hannah Ewen 1786 Anderson, Aaron, Burlington, and Elizabeth Williamson 1786 Anderson, David, Bergen, and Ruth Weed 1786 Anderson, Joseph, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Stevenson 1787 Anderson, Andrew, Burlington, aud Patience Stockton 1791 Anderson, John, Bergen, and Catherine Zabrisky 1792 Andrews, Edward, Burlington, and Sarah Oag, Burlington 1694 Andrews, Jacob, Burlington, aud Keziah Rider, Burlington 1764 Andrews, Isaac, Gloucester, and Hannah Johnson, Gloucester 1767 Andrews, John, Amwell, aud Rachel Chamberlin 1773 Andrews, John, Burlington, and Hannah Parker, Burlington 1776 Andrews, Peter, Gloucester, and Hannah Cook 1779 Andrews, Peter, Glouoester, and Mary Cripps ¦ 1785 Androvet, John, Richmond, N. Y., and Zipporah Wright, Rich'd, N. Y.1747 Androvet,' Peter, Staten Island, and Catherine Nichols, Staten Island.. 1756 Angelo, Charles, Salem, and Katherine Noxe, Salem 1690 Annin, William, -Somerset, and Sarah Ross, Middlesex 1749 Annin, William, Somerset, and Sarah Davison ' i 777 Ansley, Thomas, Monmouth, and Rebecah Cocke 1760 Antonittus, John, Monmouth, and Sarah Vandom, Monmouth 1761 Atitram, Thomas, Jr., Burlington, and Margaret Lamb, Burlington. . .1757 Antram, Daniel, Burlington, aud Susanna Weaver 1758 Nov. 7 May 7 Nov. 27 Deo. 4 Nov. 22 Mar. 30 Aug. 1 Nov. 19 Feb. 1 Mar. 7 April 1 Dec. 16 Mar. 5 Deo. 26 Oct. 22 Mar. 9 Aug. 28 Oct. 17 Jan. 24 Mar. 30 Oct. 11 Nov. 13 Sept. 5 Feb. 25 Mar. 19 July 24 Dec. 20 Feb. 10 AprU 9 Feb. 23 Feb. 8 Mar. 10 Deo. 24 Oct. 19 Feb. 7 Sept. 1 Mar. 14 Jan. 14 Nov. 30 Oct. 6 Jan. 25 Sept. 23 Nov. 1 Nov. 23 Mar. 25 Jan. 30 6 NEW Jersey coLoisfiAL boctlMENTS. Antram, Isaac, BurUngton, and Ruth Webb, Burlington 1773 Jan. 26 Antram, David, Burlington, and Rebecca Bryan, Mount Holly 1773 Feb. 8 Antram, Joseph, Burlington, and Anna Merret, Burlington 1773 Nov. 18 Antram, Samuel, Burlington, and Charlotte Hawk 178 1 Nov. 10 Antram, Thomas, and Anne Hancock 1'783 Nov. 25 Applegate, Benjamin, Middlesex, aud Elizabeth Parent, Middlesex . . 1729 July 18 Applegate, John, Middlesex, and Sarah Pettitt, Middlesex 1736 Oct. 6 Applegate, Ebenezer, Monmouth, and Mary Imlay, Monmouth 1743 July 9 Applegate, James, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Buckalew 1744 Feb. 21 Applegate, Daniel, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Hulet, Monmouth 1745 Jan. 31 Applegate, William, Monmouth, aud Hannah Potter, Monmouth 1747 Oct. 28 Applegate, John, Monmouth, and Mary CottereU, Monmouth 1748 Sept. 27 Applegate. 'WiUiam, Middletown, and Elizabeth Ogborne, Middletown. 1758 Mar. 6 Applegate, Ezekiel, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Smock, Middlesex 1760 Oct. 6 Applegate, Jacob, Monmouth, and Catherine Manlees, Monmouth ...1763 Aug. 8 Applegate, George, Burlington, and Sarah Fenton, Burlington 1763 Nov. 14 Applegate, Obadiah, Monmouth, and Bethena Vaughn 1772 June 26 Applegate, Samuel, Burlington, aud Jane Scroggins 1777 Jan. 20 Applegate, SUas, Burlington, and Lydia Ivins 1777 Sept. 18 Applegate, John, Burlington, aud Sarah Johnston 1785 Oct. 22 Archer, George, Monmouth, and Diadame Droman, Shrewsbury 1762 Nov. 27 Archer, Benjamin, New York, and Margaret Brown 1784 June 14 Archer, John, Gloucester, and Anne Ong 1785 May 26 Archibald, David, Bergen, and Antje Van Houten, Bergen 1774 Aug. 13 Areyansen, Resolvert, Bergen, and Deborah Verveelen, Orange, N. Y. 1773 Aug. 1 Arden, Edward, Burlington, and Elizabeth Morton, Burlington 1730 Sept. 5 Arden,! John, Burlington, and Margaret Keen, Pa 1774 June 4 Arden, John, New York, and Sarah Thurston, Woodbridge 1758 Sept 4 Arell, 2 Peter, New York, and Hannah Shakeshaft, NewYork 1764 Aug. 3D Arrison, Ashford, Hunterdon, and Euphemia Petenger, Hunterdon. . .1769 May 9 Armourer, Edward, Philadelphia, and Ann Walker, Philadelphia 1733 Jan. 5 Armstrong, John, Burlington, and Elizabeth Shinn, Burlington 1764 July U Armstrong, Henry, Monmotith, and Elizabeth Harvey, Monmouth 1766 Sept. 5 Armstrong, John, Middlesex, and Johanna Patten. . 1768 Feb. 15 Armstrong, William, Amwell, and Catherine Johnson , . . . 1776 Jan. 19 Armstrong, 'William, Burlington, and Joanna London, Burlington 1776 Mar. 26 Armstrong, William, Orange, N. Y., and Catharine Lawrence 1777 Nov. 26 Armstrong, WiUiam, Sussex, and Elizabeth Swayze, Oxford 1778 Nov. 19 Arnell, James, Burlington, aud Mary Mott 1739 Jan. 3 Arnold, WUliam, Monmouth, and Jane Lane, Monmouth 1746 AprU 14 Aronson, Aaron, Burlington, and Rebecca Soattergood, Burlington. •... 1 730 Dec. 11 Aronson, Joseph, Burlington, and Anne Marriott, Burlington. . , 1749 Nov. 20 1 In the body of the bond this name is written Harding, but the principal signs his name Arden. 2 Entered in the body of the bond as Earle, whioh is probably correct, but signed Peter Arell, MARRIAGE LICENSES. Aronson, Benjamin, Burlington, and Hope Folwell, Burlington 1767 Arthur, WiUiam, Burlington, and Sarah Biggs, Burlington 1741 Arven, James, Perth Amboy, and Catherine Myers, Perth Amboy 1755 Asa, Jacob, Burlington, and Elizabeth Lee, Burlington 1780 Asay, Samuel, Burlington, and Sarah Atkinson. 1779 Asay, Michael, Burlington, and Bethenia Simons 1783 Ash, George, Burlington, and Sarah Bates 1759 Ashbourn, Martin, Philadelphia, and Catharine Clark, Philadelphia. .1728 Ash, William, New York, and Mary Moutanyes 1783 Ashbrook, John, Glouoester, and Hester Hamilton 1732 Aahbrook, John, Gloucester, and Mary Elwell, Greenwich 1736 Ashbrook, Thomas, Glouoester, and Ann Gibson ] 779 Ashburn, William, Chester, and Hannah Hugg, Chester 1750 Ashbury, Ebenezer, Salem, and Margaret DefEose, Salem 1634 Ashfield, Lewis M., aud Elizabeth Redf ord 1748 Ashead, Amos, Burlington, and Cecilia Cheeaeman, Burlington 1728 Ashley, John, Monmouth, and Prudence Maxeu, Middletown 1765 Ashton, Isaac, Bucks, Pa., and Dorothy Carr, Bucks, Pa 1736 Ashton, Joseph, Monmouth, and Mary Stillwell, Monmouth 1740 Ashton, John, Monmouth, and Catharine T'aylor, Monmouth 1741 Ashton, Robert, and Hannah Famsworth 1747-8 Ashton, John, Monmouth, and Katherine Taylor, Monmouth 1742 Ashton, Joseph, Bucks, Pa., and Susannah Nutt, Bucks, Pa 1765 Ashton, John, Bucks, Pa., and Mary Fenton, Burlington 1765 Ashton, Joseph, Burlington, and Anne Helson, Burlington 1770 Ashton, Thomas, Glouoester, and Hannah Hugg, Gloucester 1771 Ashton, Eden, Hunterdon, aud Margaret Londibank 1780 Asken, James, and Judith Andera 1 774 Aspinwall, Thomas, Piscataway, and Hannah Hull, Piscataway .. ».1743 Asson, WiUiam, Burlington, and Mary Platt 1746 Asson, Thomas, aud Margaret Clevenger 1746 Atchley, Nathaniel, Middlesex, and Keziah Hull, Middlesex 1764 Aten, Dirck, Hunterdon, aud Judick Van Vliet ' 1745 Aten, Derrick, Hunterdon, and Ariantie Longstreet, Hunterdon 1749 Aten, Gerardus, Reading Town, and Dinah Johnson, Reading Town. .1756 Atkinson, William, Burlington, and Mary Bishop, Burlington 1731 Atkinson, Joseph, Burlington, and Sarah Aaronson, Burlington 1731 Atkinson, John, Bucks, Pa., and Margaret Yaets, Bucks, Pa 1735 Atkinson, Isaac, Burlington, and Elizabeth Reeves, Burlington 1736 Atkinson, Walker, Burlington, and Rachel 'Wallis, Burlington 1746 Atkinson, John, Burlington, and Sarah Folwell, Burlington 1754 Atkinson, James, Burlington, and Sarah Arison, Burlington 1756 Atkinson, Moses, Burlington, and Rachel Shreve, Burlington 1761 Atkinson, John, Burlington, and Sarah Berry, Burlington 1761 Atkinson, Job, Burlington, and Mary Arison, Burlington 1761 Atkinson, John, Burlington, and Mary Cooper, Burlington 1761 Mar. 13 Nov. 23 April 4 Feb. 12 Aug. 3 Dec. 16 Sept. 24 Feb. 20 Aug. 19 Jaly 21 June 28 Feb. 4 July 21 July 19 Feb. 4 Aug. 14 July 1 Nov. 30 Feb. 5 June 2 Feb. 15 Aug. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 13 June 19 June 19 Aug. 17 June 13 July 28 Feb. 9 Feb. 9 July 2 Dec. 24 Aug. 16 Aug. 28 Feb. 3 Feb. 10 July 28 Jan. 12 Sept. 10 Jan. 21 May 11 Feb. 22 Feb. 25 Sept. 21 Nov. 12 § NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTg. Atkinson, John, Burlington, Elizabeth Clevenger, Burlington 1764 Feb. 8 Atkinson, Jonathan, Burlington, and Mary Hillyer, Burlington 1767 Deo. 7 Atkinson, Samuel, Burlington, and Hannah Chester, Burlington 1774 Aug. 18 Atk.iuson, Samuel, Burlington, and Elizabeth Lippiucott 1779 April 22 Atkinson, Samuel, Burlington, and Mariam Norton. ... 1779 May 25 Atkinson, Amos, Burlington, and Mary Bishop 1779 Nov. 17 Atkinson, Job, Gloucester, and Esther Sharp, Burlington 1780 Aug. 17 Atkinson, Joseph, Burlington, and Rebecca Garwood 1780 Dec. 20 Atkinson, Isaac, Burlington, and Rosity Beats 1784 Mar. 17 Atkinson, Moses, Burlington, and Elizabeth Powell 1784 Oct. 21 Atkinson, Moses, New Jersey, and Sarah Abbot 1786 Oct. 31 Aumack, Tunis, Shrewsbury, and Anne Killey, Shrewsbury 1758 Oct. 17 Aurijanse, Aurie, Bergen, and Elizabeth Verveelen 1782 Nov. 1 Austin, Amos, Burlington, and Esther Haines 1736 Sept. 27 Austin, Edward, Philadelphia, and EUzabeth Bower, PhUadelphia ...1737 Sept. 27 Austin, Francis, Burlington, and Deborah Allen, Burlington 1748 May 11 Austin, Edward, Philadelphia, aud Sarah Wetherby', Salem 1748 May 6 Austin, Jacob, Burlington, and Hannah Austin, Burlington 1764 Sept. 20 Austen, Seth, Burlington, and Lydia Nailor, Burlington 1770 Mar. 7 Austin, Joseph, Burlington, and Elizabeth Ballenger 1782 April 19 Autor, Derick, Monis, and Hannah Quick.. 1778 Jan. 16 Aves, George, Gloucester, and Sarah Whitall, Gloucester 1730 Mar. 16 Avis, George, Gloucester, and Hannah Rumford, Gloucester 1761 Jan. 30 Avise, John, Gloucester, and Agnes Holmes, Gloucester 1765 April 8 Avise, Jame s, Gloucester, aud Mary Guest, Gloucester 1773 May 18 Avise,! Joseph, Salem, and Sarah Bates 1781 Dec. 10 Axford, Charles, and Kebecoa Beekes 1735 Oct. 13 Ayar, Moses, Cumberland, and Sarah Pettet, Cumberland. . 1777 July 16 Ayars, John, Cum iierlaud, and Susannah Jerman, Hopewell 1751 Nov. 17 Ayars, Joshua, Salem, and Zerviah Ayars 1764 Mar. 13 Ajdelow, Caleb, Richmond, N..Y., and Ann Raccow, Richmond, N. Y.1763 July 11 Ayers, Moses, Somer set, aud Jane Chambers, Somerset 1739 Nov. 13 Ayers, Obadiah, Somerset, and Dorothy Landol 1746 Feb. 12 Ayers, Frazee, M iddlesex, and Phebe Bloomfield, Middlesex 1749 Feb. 24 Ayers, Enos, Woodbridge, and Martha Gold, Woodbridge 1749 May 8 Ayers, Obadiah, Middlesex, and Mary Wessels, Peith Amboy 1750 Deo. 5 Ayers, Bargin, Salem, and Susannah GUmau 1754 May 28 Ayers, Caleb, Cumbeiland, aud Amy Dunn 1760 July 30 Ayers, Robert, Perth Amboy, and Ann Jackson, Perth Amboy 1763 Dec. 31 Ayers, James, Woodbridge, and Hope Bloomfield, Woodbridge 1743-4 Mar. 13 Ayers, Samuel, Middletown, aud Martha Wilson, Middletown 1760 Nov. 7 Ayrs, Valentine, Burlington, and Elizabeth Parker, Burlington 1749 April 3 1 Thus signed to the bond, but entered in the body of the instrument as Evas. kARkiAGE LICENSES. PElVtALES. A Aarison, Ann, Burliugton, and David Rookhill, Burlington 1758 Aaronson, Sarah, Burliugton, and Joseph Atkinson, Burlington 1731 Aastley, Bershaba, and Nicholas Hight, Middlesex 1774 Abbit, Catherine, and John Akers, Hunterdon 1780 Abbit, Sarah, and Enoch Lanning, Hunterdon 1785 Abbot, Sarah, and Moses Atkinson, New Jersey -1786 Abbott, Jane, and Edward Smout 1691 Abel, Elizabeth, Salem, and John Burgin, Cumberland 1761 Abraham, Hannah, South Amboy, and William Jolly, South Amboy ,.1759 Abrahams, EUzabeth, Perth Amboy, and Enoch Davis, Middletown. . . 1754 Abrahams, Margaret, Middlesex, and Thomas Erickson, Middlesex. . . . 1761 Abrahams, Mary, Perth Amboy, and John Combs, Perth Amboy 1748 Abrahams, Sarah, Perth Amboy, and John Combs, Jr., Perth Amboy. 1753 Ackerly, Sarah, and Richard Thomas, Windsor 1778 Ackerman, Altje, Hackensack, and William Wright, Hackensack 1 76 1 Ackerman, Altie, and Cornelius Van Horn, Bergen 1790 Ackerman, Dorcas, and Joseph Peighte, Bergen 1790 Ackerman, Elizabeth, aud John Pulishfalt, Bergen 1780 Ackerman, Mary, Bergen, and John Jones, Bergen 1764 Ackerman, Rachel, Bergen, and Peter Earle, Bergen 1767 Ackerman, Wyntye, and John Van Buskirk, Bergen 1789 Aokermon, Rachel, Bergen, and Albert Vandene, Bergen 1753 Ackereon, Rachel, New York, and David Blauvelt, New York 1765 Ackley, Sarah, and William Watson, Gloucester 1783 Acres, Elizabeth, and Daniel Graaf, Hunterdon 1763 Adams, Abigail, Egg Harbour, and John Sleelman, Egg Harbour 1755 Adams, Ann, aud John Doughten, Burlington 1762 Adams, Barbara, Gloucester, and Stephen Morris, Gloucester 1731 Adams, Diadame, and Benjamin Brightwell, Burlington 1764 Adams, Dinah, Gloucester, and Alexander Fish, Gloucester 1737 Adams, Elizabeth, Salem, and Anthony Windsor, Salem 1683 Adams, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and John Felgelder, Gloucester 1729 Adams, Else, Hunterdon, and Thomas RusseU, Middlesex 1768 Adams, Esther, Gloucester, aud Silvanus Smith, Gloucester 1740 Adams, Ester, and Thomas England, Gloucester 1782 Adams, Hannah, Egg Harbour, and Isaiah Willey, Gt. Egg Harbour. . 1750 Adams, Hannah, Philadelphia, and Arthur HamUton, Philadelphia. . 1762 Adams, Hannah, and Thomas Freeing, BurUngton 1778 Adams, Irene, and Lynch Gray, Trenton 1778 Adams, Martha, Burlington, and James Walne, Burlington 1746 Adams, Martha, and Ezekiel Price, Mansfield 1781 Adams, Mary, Salem, and Hugh Hutohiugs, Salem 1686-7 Adams, Mary, Glouoester, and Richard Mauring, Glouoester 1749 Adams, Mercy, Burlington, and Joseph Foroe, Burliugton 1774 Aug. 30 Feb. 10 April 5 Oct. 14 Mar. 6 Oct. 31 Feb. 16 Mar. 2 May 12 Nov. 22 April 9 Dec. 23 Dec. 24 Oct. 25 Aug. 17 July 24 Mar. 3 Feb. 9 AprU 12 Aug. 7 Sept. 17 Nov. 12 Oct. 12 Jan. 16 July 4 Jan. 25 April 29 April 24 Jan. 18 Dec. 1'2 Aug. 23 May 22 Dec. 23 Dec. 6 Jan. 1 July 15 Sept. 15 July 20 June 4 Oct. 13 Feb. 14 Feb. 3 Nov. 6 Jan. 11 to NEW JERSEV COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Adams, Phebe, Egg Harbour, and George Steelman, Gt. Egg Harbour. 1737 ' Deo. 12. Adams, Phebe, and Richard Davis l'^56 Nov. 24 Adams, Rachel, Glouoester, and Abraham Matson, Gloucester 1762 Mar. 4 Adams, Eaohel, and Job Key, Gloucester 1773 Mar. 3 Adams, Sarah, Gloucester, and Mathias Steelman, Gloucester 1730 Sept. 14 Adams, Sarah, and David Finlaw, Salem 1771 Aug. 27 Adams, Sarah, AUoways Creek, and Richard Ware, Stow Creek 1775 July 25 Adams, Sarah, and William Shute, Woolwich 1783 Feb. 23 Adams, Sarah, aud John Garwood, Gloutester 1784 Mar. 9 Adare, Margaret, Burlington, and Adam Parker, Burlington 1757 Dec, 6 Addams, Margery, Burlington, and Arthur BooradaUe, Burlington 1731 April 27 Addis, Ann, and James Ellison, Burlington 1758 Feb. 11 Addiss, Bridget, and WiUiam Peachee, Burlington 1733 Dec. 19 Adington, Elizabeth, Pennsylvania, and Andrew Golloway, Pa 1727 Oct. 30 Adman, Esther, Gt. Egg Harbour, and James Robertson, Gloucester. .1736 Mar. 14 Agnew, LyUa, Salem, aud John Walker, AUoways Creek 1768 Aug. 2 Aikman, Agnes, Somerset, and Samuel Niblak, Somerset 1746 May 8 Aikman, Janet, Somerset, and William Alexander, Somerset 1750 Deo. 3 Aikman, Margaret, Morris, and John Brown, Somerset 1753 Jan. 17 Aikman, Sarah, aud LefEerts Haughawout, Middlesex 1747 May 29 Akers, Elsie, and John Abbit, Hunterdon 1779 Feb. 12 Akelar, Barbara, aud Samuel Hixson, Hunterdon 1777 April 5 Akin, Elizabeth, Perth Amboy, and Andrew KeUy, Perth Amboy 175'2 Aug. 18 Akin, Lydia, and Kraghead, Ryle 1779 Mar. 27 Alberson, , Burlington, and Thomas Hackney, Burlington 1748 Sept. 19 Alberson, Augee, Bethlehem, and Daniel Okeson, New Jersey 1748 Feb. 11 Alberson, Ann, Gloucester, and Richard Chew, Glouoester 1766 Oct. 3 Alberson, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and WiUiam Beakley, Gloucester 1768 July 18 Alberson, Hannah, Gloucester, aud Joseph Thackery, Gloucester 1731 June 1 Alberson, Judith, Gloucester, and .Joseph Bate, Gloucester 1768 Mar. U Alberson, Letitia, and Charles Day, Gloucester 1759 Sept. 25 Alberson, Patience, Glouoester, and John CoUins, Gloucester 1766 Oct. 3 Albertis, Elizabeth, Trenton, and Jonathan Davice, Hunterdon 1740 May 12 Albertson, Anna, Bucks Co., Pa., and Joseph Severns, Bucks Co., Pa.. 1776 Sept. 30 Albertson, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and Aron Albertson, Gloucester 1756 April 23 Albertson, Hannah, and Thomas Ellis, Jr. , Gloucester 1759 Sept. 26 Albertson, Keziah, Gloucester, and Josiah Ward, Gloucester 1750 Mar. 1 Albertson, Mary, and Joseph Albertson, Gloucester 1773 Aug. 23 Albertson, Sarah, Gloucester, and Abraham Albertson, Gloucester 1764 June 22 Alburtice, Sarah, Burlington, and Hugh Wilcocks, Burlington 1727 June 5 Alburtis, Sarah, and Stephen Humphries, Hunterdon 1769 Mar. 6 Alcot, Hester, Burlington, and John Borton, Burlington 1754 Sept 16 Aloott, Ann, Burlington, aud Joseph Eozell, Burlington 1737 Deo. 29 Alcott, Elizabeth, Burlington, and James Kosell, BurUngton 1745 April 24 Alcott, Elizabeth, Burlington, and James Logan, BurUngton 1 780 May 20 Alcott, Rebecca, Burlington, and Joseph Farrington, Burlington 1761 . Feb, 2i MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 1 Alders, Mary, Middlesex, and WiUiam Cheesman, Jr., Middlesex. 1747 Aldridge, Michael, Burlington, and WiUiam Smith, Burlington 1761 Alen, Mary, and WiUiam Van Fleet 1748 Alexander, Eleanor, and John Mott, Trenton 1 784 Alexander, Mary, and John Nutt, Mansfield 1781 Alford, Margaret, Woodbridge, and Richard Turner, Perth Amboy. . .1762 Alford, Sarah, Woodbridge, and David Herriot, Jr., Woodbridge 1741 Alison, Mary, and George Githens, Gloucester 1774 AUan, Mary, Middlesex, and Joseph McDaniel, Somerset 1768 AUcott, Elizabeth, Northampton, and James Rosele, Northampton 1745 Allen, Agnes, Evesham, and Joshua Parker, Burlington 1750 AUen, Ann, and Robert Newell, Monmouth 1 759 Allen, Catharine, Burlington, and David Budd, Burlington 1738 Allen, Catharine, Monmouth, and 'William Yard, Monmouth 1756 Allen, Deborah, Burlington, and Francis Austin, Burlington 1748 Allen, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Benjamin Alien, Burlington 1730 Allen, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Josiah Cramer, Monmouth 1750 Allen, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and John Jeffery, Monmouth 1 751 Allen, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and "William Allen, Monmouth 1760 Allen, Elizabeth, Salem, and Peter Smith, Salem 1760 AUen, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Michael V. D. Haef, Monmouth 1760 Allen, EUzabeth, and John Kerby, Greenwich 1774 Allen, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Alexander McDowel, Burlington . . .1782 Allen, Exercise, Shrewsbury, and Uriah Curlies, Shrewsbury 1746 Allen, Hannah, Burlington, and Richard Fenimore, Burlington 1759 AUen, Jane, Bedminster, aud Ephraim Herriot, Bedminster 1756 AUen, Kesiah, and Andrew Hoffman 1735 Allen, Margery, and Job Rogers, Burlington 1769 Allen, Margrett, and Nathaniel Hodgson, Middlesex. 1783 Allen, Martha, and "WiUiam "Wilson 1782 AUen, Mary, Burlington, and Jonathan Stevenson, Burlington 1684 Allen, Mary, Gloucester, and Andrew Blakeman, Gloucester, i 733 AUen, Mary, Middlesex, and John Buckerlow, Middlesex 1745 AUen, Mary, Monmouth, and Jedidiah Allen, Monmouth 1749 Allen, Mary, and Edward Hancock, Salem 1757 Alien, Mary, Burlington, and John Shinn, Burlington 1763 Allen, Mary, Shrewsbury, and Alexander Rose Kraus, Shrewsbury 1765 Alien, Mary, Burlington, and David Fisher, Burlington 1766 AUen, Mary, and Benjamin "Ware, Salem 1773 AUen, Mary, and Guisbert Sutphin, Roxbury 1778 AUen, Mary, and Daniel Severns, Bucks Co.,, Pa 1779 AUen, Mary, Burlington, aud George Chumard, Burlington 1782 Allen, Massey, and Joseph Gale, Burlington 1783 Allen, Mercy, Monmouth, and Joseph Hulit, Monmouth 1750 Allen, Mercy, Monmouth, and Thomas Jefferey, Monmouth 1750 Allen, Naomi, Monmoutb, and Darius Lippiucott, Monmouth 1743 Feb. 19 Oct. 28 Aug. 24 Juue 15 May 13 Dec. 6 Sept. 9 Oct. 29 Oct. 1 April 24 Sept. 5 July 5 Feb. 6 May 29 May 11 Mar. 29 Sept. 24 April 25 July 28 Sept. 30 Dec. 18 Feb. 1 May 8 May 23 Nov. 13 Dec. 11 Dec. 11 Jan. 16 Dec. 11 Mar. 23 July 17 July 25 June 12 May 23 Deo. 17 June 11 Feb. 21 Feb. 5 Nov. 9 Sept. 10 Oct. 25 Nov. 21 Mar. 16 Mar. 7 April 30 July 30 ii NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Allen, Rachel, PhUadelphia, and John Hatkinson, PhUadelpbia 1750 AUen, Rachel, and David Cramer, Burlington 1767 Allen, Rachel, and Isaac Perkins, Hackensack 1769 AUen, Rebeckah, Gloucester, and Benjamin Lodge, Gloucester 1762 AUen, Sarah, Shrewsbury, and AViUiam Brower, Shrewsbury 1751 Allen, Sarah, Salem, and John Longlee, Salem 17G 1 Allen, Sarah, Shrewsbury, and Dauiel Woolley, Shrewsbury 1763 AUen, Sarah, Bucks Co., Pa., and Samuel AUen, Bucks Co., Pa 1737 AUen, Sary, Shrewsbury, and Samuel Scott, Shrewsbury 1758 AUgur, Mary, Middlesex, and Thomas Walker, Middlesex 1764 AUin, Elizabeth, Monmouth, nud Jacob Harvey, Monmouth 1776 AUiu, Hannar, Shrewsbury, and Peleg Slocum, Shrewsbury 1755 Allin, Lydia, Shrewsbury, and Jacob Stookey, Shrewsbury 1755 AUinson, Elizabeth, Mount HoUey, and WiUiam Chew, Gloucester. . . .1774 AUison, Ann, and Robert Spencer, Hunterdon 1733 AUison, Anne, Piscataway, and James Walker, Piscataway 1754 Allison, Phebee, Burlington, and John Ely, Hunterdon 1 731 AUoways, Elizabeth, Northampton, and James Penn, Northampton. . .1749 AUoways, Judith, and Michael Chemaly, Burlington 1783 AUoways, Sarah, Sand Plains, and John Roy, Sand Plains 1745 Alloways, Sarah, and Josiah Stratton, Evesham 1784 AUward, Rachel, and John Harned, Middlesex 1768 Almon, Rebecca, Burlington, and Arney Lippiucott, Burlington 1761 Alston; Hannah, Woodbridge, and WUliam Wright, Perth Amboy . . . 1773 Alston, Mary, and George Brown, Middlesex 1745 Alston, Mary, Rahway, and Michael Hays, Elizabeth Town 1758 Alstone, Rhode, Middlesex and John Morris, Essex 1763 Alton, -Sarah, Burlington, and John Condriok, Burlington 1763 Alyea, Jannetye, and John Blauvelt, Bergen 1783 Alyea, Rachel, and Jacobus T. Post, Ramapo 1783 Alyea, Susannah, and Henry Berry, Morris 1785 Amack, Mary, Monmouth, and John Ilonson, Jr., Monmouth 1754 Ambler, Grace, and William Acton, Salem 1776 Ambruster, Elizabeth, and John Cove, Burlington 1778 Ammermon, Jenny, and Michael Murphy, Burlington 1781 Amock, Apham, Monmouth, aud Joseph Davis, Monmouth 1754 Anders, Judith, and James Asken 1774 Anderson, Anna, and Tallman Smith, Chesterfield 1756 Anderson, Anna, Monmouth, and James Johnston, Middlesex 1756 Anderson, Anne, Hunterdon, aud John Braines, Hunterdon 1728 Anderson, Catherine, and John Tindall, Trenton 1768 Anderson, Eleauor, Hunterdon, and Cornelius PoUemus, Monmouth. . 1741 Anderson, Elizabeth, Somerset, aud Cornelius Wychof, Somerset 1740 Anderson, Elizabeth, Bergen, and John Heaton, Bergen 1765 Anderson, Elizabeth, Hunterdon, and Benjamin Stout, jr., Hunterdon. 1765 Anderson, Elizabeth, and John Davison, Middlesex . 1774 June 21 June 8 July 21 Nov. 17 Mar. 2.5 May 13 Feb. 23 May 4 Sept. 13 Deo. 18 Nov. 17 Jan. 13 Nov, 19 April 21 Feb. 19 April 17 May 3 Nov. 3 Aug. 28 Jan. 16 Feb. 20 Sept. 20 Mar. 21 Aug. 20 Aug. 24 May 18 Nov. 26 May 5 Mar. 6 Mar. 11 Sept. 17 Dec. 10 Nov. 18 Dec. 3 June 9 Sept. 14 June 13 April 27 May 3 July 30 June 1 June 3 June 9 Oct. 30 Deo. 11 Feb, 1 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 3 Anderson, Elizabeth, Burlington, and William Boyd, Burlington 1775 Anderson, Elizabeth, and Samuel Hendry, Burlington 1785 Anderson, Elizabeth, and John Bispham, Gloucester 1787 Anderson, Hannah, arid Joseph Bowne, Monmouth 1763 Anderson, Jameminah, Somerset, and Simon Wiokoff, Hunterdon 1770 Anderson, Lydya, Newcastle, Del., and Isaac Stathem, Cumberland. . .1769 Anderson, Martha, Hunterdon, and John Roland, Hunterdon 1740 Anderson, Mary, and Cornelius Rappalje, Somerset 1743 Anderson, Mary, Freehold, and John Cook, Pa 1761 Anderson, Mary, Hackensack, and Christian Van Horn, Hackensack . . 1768 Anderson, Mary, and Samuel Dorland, Morris 1778 Anderson, Mary, and Francis Vaunoy, Hunterdon 1781. Anderson, Nancy, and Samuel Allen, New Jersey 1780 Anderson, Pamela, and Edmond Palmer, Hunterdon 1782 Anderson, Penelope, and Ralph Hart, Hunterdon 1770 Anderson, Rachel, Hunterdon, and David Frazer, Hunterdon 1771 Anderson, Sarah, Maidenhead, aud Andrew Willson, Bucks Co., Pa. ..1769 Anderson, Sarah, and Josiah Anderson ... 176'J Andrews, Amy, Burlington, and Ebenezer Borden, Burlington 1748 Andrews, Dorcas, Burlington, and Abram Miers, Burlington 1757 Andrews, Elizabeth, Middletown, and Thomas Farnum, Middletown ..1750 Andrews, Elizabeth, Burlington, and William Myars, Burlington 1766 Andrews, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Levi Haines, Burlington 1767 Andrews, Esther, and Joseph Silver, Mannington 1784 Andrews, Patience, Burlington, and Joseph Hancock, Burlington 1751 - Audrews, Prudence, and John Bevy, Burlington 1764 Andrews, Phebe, aud Jtjseph Holmes, Jr., Monmouth 1758 Andrews, Rebecca, Monmouth, and David Gorden, Monmouth 1746-7 Andrewson, Catherine, Hunterdon, and Joseph Hudnut, Hunterdon.. 1764 Andrewvet, Rebecca, and John Story, Staten Island 1744 Andriss, Catherine, BurUngton, and Samuel Emley, Jr., Burlington. . .1763 Andriss, Mary, and Solomon Wardell, Shrewsbury 1767 Angle, Judah, and Peter Ten Eick, Somerse t 1768 Anuis, Elizabeth, and Samuel Hall, Philadelphia 1732 Ansley, Anne, Monmouth, and Moses Robins. Monmouth 1761 Ansley, Ehzabeth, Monmouth, and Jacob Morris, Monmouth 1765 Ansley, Mary, Monmouth, and Job Morris, Monmouth 1760 Anthony, Aune, Hunterdon, and Francis Bowes, Hunterdon .1728 Anthony, Clara, and John Brand, Hunterdon 1779 Anthony, Mary, and John Paradis, Hunterdon 1778 Antill, Mary, Middlesex, and Richard Cochran, Middlesex 1764 Antonides, Barbara, Monmouth, and Samuel Longstreet, Monmouth ..1756 Antram, Hannah, and William Stratton, Burlington 1777 Antram, Hannah, and Samuel Norcross, Burlington 1789 Autram, Mary, and James Webb, Burlington 1783 Antram, Patience, and Moses Haines, Burlington 1747 Nov. 8 Mar. 2 Oct. 8 Jan. 18 Julv 27 Nov. 27 June 16 Oct. 17 Nov. 17 Mar. 5 Nov. 28 Jan. 12 April 29 April 20 Sept. 5 Sept. 28 Jan. 31 Dec. 26 Oct. 18 Nov. 14 June 15 Mar. 6 Sept. 7 Mar. 2 May 2 Feb. 6 Nov. 4 Feb. 13 Feb. 4 Mar. 8 May 21 July 11 Oct. 25 Jan. 31 Nov. 13 Feb, 13 May 17 Nov. 18 Apl. 17 Aug. 25 Oct. 15 Oct. 30 July 28 Mar. 2 Deo. 16 Dec. 11 14 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Antram, Rachel, Mansfield, and WiUiam Talbot, Mansfield 1767 Feb. 13 Antram, Sarah, Burlington, and WUUam Evan Hughes, Burlington. . . 1775 Oct. 28 Antram, Susannah, Burlington, and Samuel Steward, Burlington 1774 May 7 Antrim, Sarah, Mansfield, and Edward Church, Bristol, Pa 1765 Feb. 1 Antrum, Elizabeth, BurUngton, and Joseph Garwood, Burlington . . , 1732 Mar. 27 Antrum, Margaret, and HoweU Davis, Burlington 1761 April 18 Antrum, Mary, Burlington, and Thomas Biddle, Burlington 1728 Oct. 30 Antrum, Mary, Burlington, and Jonathan Eldridge, Burlington 1744 Sept. 12 Auvey, Mary, Salem, and Edward Harvey, Salem 1749 May 1 Aplen, Mary, Glouoester, and Noah Harris, Cumberland 1761 July 23 Appleby, Mary, and Jonathan Duel, Trenton 1779 April 28 Applegat, Hannes, Middletown, and Jonas Solomon, Monmouth 1 757 Dec. 27 Applegat, Sarah, Monmouth, and Richard Francis, Monmouth 1766 July 3 Applegate, Betheney, and William Throp, Upper Freehold 1773 Mar. 26 Applegate, Catherine, Monmouth, and Levy Hart, Monmouth 1757 Dec. 9 Applegate, Elizabeth, and William Hutchinson, Middlesex 1767 Jan. 3 Applegate, Hannah, Perth Amboy, and George Watwood, Perth Amb. .1745 Mar. 25 Applegate, Hannah, Middlesex, and Henry Johnston, Middlesex 1760 June 12 Applegate, Jemimab, Burlington, and Is-aao Morris, Burlington 1759 April U Applegate, Joanna, Middlesex, and John Feavil, Monmouth 1737 Mar. 11 Applegate, Mary, and John Thomson, Middletown 1746-7 Mar. 2 Applegate, Rebecca, Middletown, and Samuel Bray, Middletown 1753 Oct. 2 Applegate, Rebekah, Monmouth, and John TUton, Monmonth 1744 Aug. U Applegate, Sarah, Burlington, and Isaac Boulton, Burliugton 1745 July 15 Applegate, Sarah, and Samuel Ivins, Burlington 1779 Jan. 11 Appleget, Elizabeth, and Isaac Potter, Shrewsbury 1761 Dec. 16 Appleton, Ann, Burlington, and George Bass, Burlington 1767 Aug. 3 Appleton, Mary, Burlington, and Samuel Smith, Burlington 1685 Nov. 25 Applyn, Elizabeth, and Samuel Lippiucott, Gloucester 1758 Jan. 7 Arason, Elizabeth, and Hugh Hunter, Hunterdon 1769 June 3 Archad, Christian, and William Guest, Gloucester 1735 Feb. 1 Archer, Mary, Burlington, aud Isaac Field, Burlington 1772 April 10 Arey, Mary, Burlington, and James Fagens, Burlington.. 1769 Dec. 23 Arey, Rachel, and Restore Morton, Burlington 1779 Nov. 2 Arison, Hannah, Burlington, and Cornwell Woolston, Burlington 1762 April W Arison, Mary, Burlington, and Job Atkinson, Burlington 1761 Sept 21 Arison, Sarah, Burlington, and James Atkinson, Burlington 1756 May 11 Arkley, Catharine, and John Thompson, Bucks Co., Pa 1778 April 24 Arnal, Mary, Egg Harbor, and WUliam Carney 1750 May 3 Arnal, Mary, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Jonas Addams, Gt. Egg Harbour . 1750 May 3 Arned, Elizabeth, and Daniel West, Burlington 1736 Juue 5 Arnel, Amey, and John Lanning, Burlington 1777 Nov. 12 ArneU, Elizabeth, Burlington, and James Pearson, Burliugton 1767 Feb. 9 Arney, Mary, and Samuel Lippiucott, Burlington 1737 Oct. 20 Arney, Mary, Burlington, and John Linnington, Philadelphia 1766 Mar. 13 Arnold, Betsy, Burlington, and Jacob Foroe, Burlington , 1781 April 27 ., MARRIAGE LICENSES. 15 Arnold, Martha, and Nicholas Foster, BurUngton 1778 Arnold, Phebe, Morristown, aud Jonas Phillips, Morristown 1766 Arnold, Rebecca, Burlington, and Andrew Conerow, Burlington 1727 Armitage, Sarah, and Benjamin Van Kirk, Hunterdon 1769 Armour, S.araii, and Samuel Peterson, Cape May 1775 Armstrong, Agnes, Hunterdon, and William Little, Hunterdon 1770 Armstrong, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and John Craddock, Monmouth. . .1749 Armstrong, Hannah, and Alexander Linn, Sussex ... 1779 Armstrong, Mary, Sussex, and Robert Beavers, Sussex 1773 Armstrong, Mary, and Jesse Haines, Burlington 1783 Armstrong, Sarah, Essex, and John O'harah, Somerset 1752 Artepe, Sarah, Somerset, aud Vincent Dye, Eastern Division 1746 Arvin, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and John Stewart, Somerset 1753 Arvine, Hannah, Staten Island, and John Lee, Middlesex 1741 Ash, Mary, Burlington, and John West, Burlington 1728 Ashbrook, Hannah, Glouoester, aud Jeremiah Chew, Gloucester 1745 Ashbrook, Mary, Glouoester, and Benjamin Cheesman, Jr., Gloucester. 175 3 Ashbrook, Hannah, Gloucester, and James Gibson, Glouoester 1768 Ashburn, Elizabeth, and Joseph Newton, Burlington 1775 Ashburne, Sarah, Jr., Bucks Co., Pa., and John Thornton,BuoksCo.,Pa.l756 Ashbury, Hannah, and Alexander Smith, Salem 1687 Asheton, Susanna, Philadelphia, and , Philadelphia 1740 Ashfield, IsabeUa, Monmouth, and Samuel Hunt, West Chester, N. Y . . 1749 Ashlee, Anne, and Richard Cook, Hunterdon 1783 Ashmore, Elizabeth, and Hugh Smith, Nottingham 1778 • Ashmore, Hannah, New Jersey, and AVUliam Gifford, New Jersey 1727 Ashton, Ann, Salem, and John Breding, Salem 1764 Ashton, Coziah, and Thomas Starkey 1761 Ashton, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Joseph Taylor, Monmouth 1743 Ashton, Elizabeth, Burlington, and William HiU, Burlington 1749 Ashton, Elizabeth, Bucks Co., Pa. , and William Shallcross, Bucks Co. ,Pa. 1764 Ashton, Hannah, and David Newburn, Bucks Co. , Pa 1733 ¦Ashton, Hannah, Hunterdon, aud Thomas Burrowes, Hunterdon 1772 Ashton, Jemima, and John Harris, Burlington 1750 Ashton, Lidia, and John Horner, Monmouth 1773 Ashton, Margaret, Salem, aud Elwell Moore, Salem 1765 Ashton, Mary, PhUadelphia, and Benjamin Wood, Gloucester 1727 Ashton, Mary, Monmouth, and WUUam Willson, Burlington 1730 Ashton, Sarah, Monmouth, and Daniel Stillwell, Monmouth 1741 Ashton, Sarah, and Thomas Potts, New Hanover 1777 Ashton, Susannah, Middletown, and Gabriel Vanhorn, Middletown. . .1767 Asson, Hannah, Monmouth, and Joseph Morris, Burlington 1744 Asson, Mercy, and William Clevenger, Burlington 1750 Atan, Judith, and Joseph Moorhead, Hunterdon 1770 Aten, Yannetie, Somerset, and Rike V. D. BUt, Middlesex 1749 Atkinson, Abigail, and Isaac Pierson, Burlington 1773 Nov. 18 Deo. 18 Mar. 29 Nov. 23 July 5 July 5 Oct. 30 April 17 May 3 Aug. 2 Oct. 13 Sept. 1 Nov. 5 July 21 Oct. 19 Oct. 22 June 13 Jan. 8 Nov. 29 Oct. 28 Aug. 8 Deo. 14 Nov. 27 May 13 Juue 9 May 8 Dec. 12 May 23 May 12 Sept. 9 Dec. 4 Deo. 4 Feb. 18 April 25 Jan. 20 April 9 Mar. 30 Aug. 29 Nov. 7 Nov. 20 Nov. 17 Aug. 21 Aug. 17 April 6 July 26 Dec. 25 l6 _^_ NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Atkinson, Ann, and Richard Jennings, Salem 1734 Atkinson, Anna, Burlington, and "IVilliam Shaw, Burlington 1713 Atkinson, Anne, Burlington, aud John Scott, Burlington 1754 Atkinson, Christian, Burlington, and Ezekiah Willson, Burlington . . . 1727 Atkinson, Elizabeth, Burlington, and George Farrell, Burlington 1766 Atkinson, Hannah, Burliugton, and Hugh Copperthwaite, Burlington . 1737 Atkinson, Hannah, Essex, and Benjamin Kelsey,. Essex 1741 -Atkinson, Hannah, Hunterdon, and Joseph Hankinson, Hunterdon . . 1770 Atkinson, Hester, Northampton, aud Joseph Rogers, Northampton . . . 1783 Atkinson, Hope, Burlington, and Zebedee Robbins, Burlington 1766 Atkinson, Hope, and Nathan Folwell, Burlington 1785 Atkinson, Lydia, Burlington, and John Lavenner, Burliugton 1729 Atkinson, Lydia, Burlington, and Chris Kale, Burlington 1767 Atkinson, Mary, and James Smith, Burlington 1756 Atkinson, Mary, and Job Deacon, Burlington 1784 Atkinson, Sarah, Burlington, and WUliam Hariis, Burlington 1731 Atkinson, Sarah, and Samuel Asay, Burlington 1779 Atkinson, Sarah, and Samuel Mullen, Burlington 1784 Atkinson, Sibilla, Northampton, and Samuel Parker, Northampton. ..1772 Atkinson, Susanna, Evesham, and William Ridgents, Northampton. , . 1776 Attmore, Susannah, and WUliam Clark, Jr., Gloucester ...1763 Attwood, Susannah, Gloucester, and Edmond Lord, Gloucester 1736 Aumack, Garcha, Shrewsbury, and John Sutphen, Freehold 1767 Aumermau, Anne, and Christopher Herder, Somerset 1779 Austin, Abigail, Burlington, and Samuel Downs, Burlington 1783 Austin, Ann, Burlington, and William Walker, Glouoester. 1773 Austin, Esther, and John Wright, Northampton 1772 Austin, Esther, and Isaac Barber, Burlington 1773 Austin, Hannah, Burlington, and WUliam Sharp, Burlington 1735 Austin, Hannah, Evesham, and Thomas Talman, Evesham 1763 Austin, Hannah, Burlington, and Jacob Austin, Burlington 1764 Austin, Hannah, and Thomas Buzby, Burliugton 1795 Austin, Jane, and Thomas Shinn, Evesham 1782 Austin, Martha, Burlington, .ind John Hughston, Gloucester 1740 .Austin, Marthew, and John Reeves, Cumberland 1777 Austin, Mary, Evesham, and John Somers, Evesham 1761 Austin, Patience, Burlington, and John Mott, BurUngton 1771 Austin, Rebecca, Evesham, aud John Sharp, Evesham 1782 Austin, Sarah, Burlington, and Jacob Haines, Burlington 1770 Austin, Susanuab, aud Enoch Sharp, Evesham 1783 Austin, Tamar, Chester, aud Benjamin Sharp, Chester 1773 Austin, Vesti, Burliugton, and John Rogers, Burlington 1754 Austin, Zilpa, Evesham, and Levi Prickett, Evesham 1775 Auten, Tyne, and William Wilson, Somerset 1781 Autrurman, Alitia, and John Degrave, Middlesex md Aves, Sarah, and Isaac Farra, Philadelphia 1759 April 18 Nov. 16 April 29 Feb. 1 Sept. 2.5 April 19 July 1 April 3 Aug, 25 Oct. 23 Feb. 4 Aug. 20 Mar. 5 Jan. 17 Mar. 14 Jan. 5 Aug. 3 May 13 April 1-5 Jan. 5 Mar. 28 Dec. 6 Mar. 28 Aug. 17 Nov. 24 Sept. 20 July 23 Sept. 24 May 6 Aug 18 Sept. 20 Mar. 2 April 16 Nov. 1 Nov. 19 April 1 Sept. 15 April 23 April 5 Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Aug. 6 Feb. 27 Sept. 3 May 23 Jan. 6 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 7 ^yars, Darkis, Cumberland, and David Randolph, Cumberland 1775 Ayars, Rachel, AUoways Creek, and Daniel Rumsey, Piles Grove 1772 Ayeres, Zeruiah, and Joshua Ayars, Salem 1764 Ayeres, Esther, and William Guest, Jr., Gloucester 1771 Ayers, Hume, Middlesex, and Peter Knap, Middlesex 1743 Ayers, Johanna, Woodbridge, and William Tappen, Woodbridge 1762 Ayer's, Mary, Woodbridge, and George Herriot, Woodbridge 1750 Ayers, Mary, New York, and John Parry, Sussex . . 1778 Ayers, Rachel, Middlesex, and Mulford Martin, Middlesex 1741 Ayres, Anne, Middlesex, and John Dunn, Middlesex 1764 Ayres, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and Thomas Martin, Middlesex 1762 Ayres, Esther, Somei'set, and Joseph Prndden, Morris 1770 MALES. B Babbit, Daniel, Morris, and Sarah Beach, Morris , 1779 Babcock, George W., Gloucester, and Elizabeth Roe 1784 Babcock, Nathaniel, Burlington, and Lsvina Bishop, Burlington 1760 Babcock, Simeon, Monmouth, aud Jane Greggory, Monmouth 1757 Bachman, John, Hunterdon, and Ketrina Piokel 1775 Bacon, Amos, Cumberland, and Elizabeth MiUs, Cumberland 1769 Bacon, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Mary Davis 1775 Bacon, David, Cumberland, and Sarah B.irker 1786 Bacon, Edmond, Cumberland, and Mary Eldredge, Cape May 1766 Bacon, Isaac, Cumberland, and Mary Sayre, Cumberland 1764 Bacon, Jeremiah, Monmoutb, and Eunice Culver, Monmouth 1762 Bacon, Jeremiah, Jr., Cumberland, and Rachel Shepherd 1757 Bacon, Jesse, Salem, and Sarah Pairpoint 1773 Bacon, John, Salem, and Elizabeth Smith, Salem 1688 Bacon, Joseph, Salem, and Elizabeth Pancost, Salem 1693 Bacon, Phillip, Cumberland, and Sarah Ward, Cumberland 1763 Bacon, Richard, Cumberland, and Martha Deviue, Salem 1774 Bacon, Richard, Cumberland, and Rebecca Marshall 1779 Bacon, Samuel, Cumberland, and Mary Fitzgerald, Cumberland 1767 Badcock, Gideon, Gloucester, and Rebekah Townsend 1768 Badcock, Gideon, Gloucester, and Pheby May 1772 Badcock, Gideon, Gloucester, and Margaret Bright, Philadelphia 1773 Badcock, John, Gloucester, and Rebecca S-imers, Gloucester 1750 Badcock, John, Cape May, and Abiah Badcock 1778 Badcock, Joseph, Cape May, and Phebe Mackey 1780 Badcock, Retui'n, Cape May, and Abigail Cresse 1733 Baester, Eobert, Burlington, and Mary Doren, Burlington 1774 Baggley, Charles, Burlington, and Elizabeth Stevens, Burlington . . 1682 Baggs, Isaac, Burlington, and Sarah Lanning, Burlington 1763 Bailey, Elias, and Mary Garretson, Middletown 17-'59 Bailey, James, Philadelphia, and Sarah Marsh, Perth Amboy 1759 Bailey, John, Burlington, and Bachel Harris 1739 it Nov. 8 April 1 Mar. 13 Nov. 19 Feb. ]5 Jan. 26 Deo. 24 Nov. 26 Jan. 23 Jan. 11 Feb. 15 Nov. 26 May 26 Oct. 13 Nov. 12 Aug. 20 Aug. 30 Nov. 22 April 18 Mar. 7 Mar. 28 Feb. 29 Nov. 6 April 10 Oct. 20 Oct. 17 Aug. 11 Mar. 1 Feb. 24 Dec. 1 April 2 Aug. 23 Nov. 14 Feb. 23 Aug. 11 Nov. 16 Feb. 1 Feb. 22 July 23 May 27 Aug. 13 Feb. 8 May 12 Aug. 31 l8 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Bailey, Joseph, Monmouth, and Mary WaUing 1771 Bailie, Henry, Hunterdon, and Isabella Heading 1767 Bailler, Michael, Hunterdon, and Mary Bunyan 1774 Barn, Samuel, Gloucester, and S-arah Gerrard, Gloucester 1739 Bainbridge, John, Hunterdon, and Sarah Daughty, Somerset 1740 Bainbridge, John, Hunterdon, and Frances PhUips 1745 Bainbridge, WiUiam, Hunterdon, and Hannah Hunt 1777 Baird, Andrew, Monmouth, and Sarah Heldridge, Monmouth 1762 Baird, David, Monmouth, and Sarah Compton, Monmouth 1744 Baird, John, Somerset, and Catharine Deboise 1779 Baird, Samuel, Monmouth, and Susannah Kogers, Monmouth 1762 Baird, William, Somerset, and Margaret O'harah, Somerset 1751 Baird, William, Morris, and Margaret Kiley, Monmouth 1758 Baird, Zebulon, Monmouth, and Lidy Hildreth, Monmouth 1765 Baites, WiU, Gloucester, and Kebecoa Tomlinson, Burlington 1741 Bake, John, Hunterdon, and Ellenor Slaught, Hunterdon 1772 Baker, Henry, Bucks, Pa., and Patience Kose, Hunterdon 1764 Baker, Jacob, Salem, and Elizabeth Lippiucott 1785 Baker, John, and Mary Peachee. . 1696 Baker, John, Middlesex, and Ann Swim, Middlesex ...."... 1736 Baker, John, Burlington, and Barbara Sheydeoker, Burlington 1742 Baker, John, Cape May, and Elizabeth Scull, Cape May. , 1760 Baker, John, Burlington, and Hannah Price 1779 Baker, Joseph, Bucks, Pa., and Martha Clarke, Burlington 1747 Baker, Joseph, Burlington, and Bachel Kimble, Burlington 1754 Baker, Joseph, Hunterdon, and Getty BuUman 1785 Baker, Michael, Burlington, and Rebecca Middleton, Burlington. .. 1758 Baker, Michael, BurUngton, and Leah Bishop 1768 Baker, Thomas, Burlington, and Sarah Hazelton, Burlington, 1749 Baker, Timothy, Hunterdon, aud Jemima Nox, Somerset 1764 Baker, WUliam, Monmouth, and Mary Borden, Monmouth 1731 Baker, WiUiam, Burlington, and Catharine Corken, Burlington 1739 Baldwin, Caleb, Essex, and Jemima Taylor, Essex 1747-8 Baldwin, David, Hunterdon, and Martha Cornel, Hunterdon 1775 Baldwin, James, Bucks, Pa., and Catharine Gaththius, Bucks, Pa 1751 Baldwin, John, Middlesex, and Cornelia Thomson, Middlesex 1764 Baldwin, Matthias, Elizabeth, and Mary Eoss, Elizabeth 1746 Baldwin, Jonas, Middlesex, and Mary Pitzrandolph, Middlesex 1763 Bale, John, Burlington, and Sarah Koads 1711 Ball, John, Chester, Pa., and Sarah Thomas, PhUadelphia 1747 Ballaugy, Ewy, Cape May, Susanna English 1738 BaUinger, John, Burlington, and Sarah Jones, Burlington 1784 BaUinger, Jonathan, Cumberland, and Rachel Conner, Cumberland. . . 1769 BaUinger, Joseph, Gloucester, and Sarah Cheesman, Gloucester 1760 BaUinger, Joshua, Burliugton, and Rebecca Moore 1788 BaUinger, Thomas, Burlington, and Mary CoflSn, BurUuotou 1742 Jan. 5 Dec. 8 Jan. 19 May 26 Jan, 24 Sept. 18 May 24 Oct. 27 Oct. 27 Mar. 6 Aug. 6 Oct. 14 Dec. 1 April 11 Aug. 6 Dec. 15 April 13 Oct. 18 Nov. 16 Nov. 1 Mar. 7 Jan. 9 Feb. 10 Nov. 30 Oct. 17 Aug. 13 May 22 Deo. 17 Oct. 5 Sept. 19 Nov. 27 Oct. 3 Jan. 19 May 30 June 24 Nov. 30 May 12 Oct. 18 Feb. 12 AprU 22 April 18 Feb. 9 Deo. 26 Nov. 8 Nov. 17 Not. 3 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 9 Ballman, Gersham, Monmouth, and Mary Ann Browne, Monmouth. . . 1761 Bancroft, David, Cape May, and Abigail Stiles, Cape May 1752 Bancroft, Ephraim, Cape May, and Sarah Mathew, Cape May 1760 Bancroft, Elisha, Cape May, aud Susannah Hughes, Cape May 1773 Bancroft, MiUer, Cape May, and Jane Hand 1787 Bancroft, Ephraim, Cape May, and Elizabeth Crowell, Cape May 1763 Banks, James, Jr., Newark, and Catherine Johnson, Newark 1758 Banks, John, Gloucester, and Deborah Castle.-. 1779 Banks, Joseph, Salem, and Susannah Barber, Salem 1762 Bankson, Andrew, Philadelphia, and Mary Webb, Philadelphia 1731 Bankson, Andrew, and Elizabeth Ford 1778 Banta, Abraham, Bergen, and Geertye Ryerson 1782 Banta, Abraham, Bergen, and Hilletye Van Sise 1786 Banta, Aury, Bergen, and Altje Van Bushkirk, Bergen 1773 Banta, Cornelius J., Bergen, and Hentsje Cutwater, Bergen .1763 Banta, Hendrick, Bergen, and Elizabeth Lake, Long Island 1769 Banta, Hendrick, Bergen, and Margaret Dedricks, Bergen , 178i Banta, Jacob, Bergen, Aaltje Dedricks, Bergen 1773 Banta, Jacob, and Catherine Lambert 1788 Banta, Jacob C. , Bergen, and Weyntie Zabriskie 1788 Banta, Jacob, Bergen, and Hester Hopper 1789 Banta, John Hendrick, Bergen, and Cornelia Helm 1769 Banta, John, Bergen, and Rachael Van Horn 1781 Banta, Sieba, Bergen, and Eaohel Loots, Bergen 1763 Banta, Thomas, Bergen, and Gertrude Terhune 1766 Banto, Jacob, Bergen, and Claushey Van Wiucle, Bergen 1754 Barbar, Nathaniel, Hunterdon, and Anne Walton 1784 Barber, Daniel, Gloucester, and Margaret Hampton, Gloucester .1738 Barber, Elijah, Glouoester, and Elizabeth Hoppman, Salem 1772 Barber, George, Backs, Pa., and Martha Blackshoe, Bucks, Pa 1729 Barber, Isaac, Burlington, and Esther Austin 1773 Barber, James, Bucks, Pa. , and Rebecca Morford, Bucks, Pa 1770 Barber, Joseph, Pennsylvania, and Elizabeth Morford 1772 Barber, Samuel, Salem, and Barbara Hugins, Salem 1764 Barber, Thomas, Salem, and Hannah Jennings 1770 Barber, William, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Parmer .• 1766 Barbur, James, Pennsylvania, and Elizabeth Mitchell, Pennsylvania. .1728 .. Baroiilow, David, Monmouth, and Eebecca Polhemus 1779 Barclay, David, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Walker, Monmouth 1749 Barclayj John, Balkenridge, and Catherine Crawford, Elizabeth Town. 1749 Barclay, Samuel, Hunterdon, and Anne Eeid, Freehold , 1750 Bard, Dr. John (license), and Susannah Valeau 1741 Bard, Dr. John (bond), Philadelphia, and Susanna Valleau, Phila .... 1741 Barger, Benjamin, Philadelphia, and Eebecca Sprogle 1732 Bargue, James, Morris, and Hester Berry, Morris 1744 Barkalow, Dirrick, Monmouth, and Ann Baird 1772 Nov. 9 Nov. 6 Deo. 20 April 7 Oct. 1 June 8 Oct. 17 July 13 Nov. 24 Dec. 17 Feb. 24 Dec. 26 Sept. 8 July 17 Nov. 26 Aug. 2 July 1 Jan. 3 Jan. 22 Oct. 10 April 17 April 12 Mar. 26 Dec. 15 Sept. 5 Sept. 26 Dec. 15 Dec. 8 April 13 July 29 Sept. 24 May 22 July 24 May 16 Feb. 16 July 21 Sept. 16 June 24 Mar. 3 April 8 April 9 Feb. 5 May 29 Mar. 17 May 12 Jan. 28 20 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Barkelow, Daniel, Middlesex, and Mary MiUer, Middlesex 1752 Barker, Isaac, Cumberland, and Phebe Tomlinson 1778 Barker, John, Cumberland, and AbigaU Scott, Cumberland 177U Barker, Richard, Monmouth, and Charity Hadden, Monmouth 1742 Barker, Eichard, Cumberland, and Mary Scott 1782 Barker, Wade, Cumberland, and Hannah Sayre 1768 Barker, Wade, and Phebe Shepherd ". 1774 Barker, Wade, Cumberland, and Hannah Sears, Salem 1779 Barker, William, Salem, and Elizabeth Gregory, Salem 1739 Barker, WUliam, Cumberland, and Hannah Fithian, Cumberland . . 1766 Barnes, John, Burliugton, and Catherine Ebert 1781 Barnes, Levi, Cumberland, and Sarah Cleves, Cumberland 17o0 Barnes, Samuel, Silem, and Sarah HoUinshead 1738 Barnes, Thomas, Jr., Burlington, and Sarah Watson 1732 Barnes, William, Hunterdon, and Catharine Cock, Hunterdon 1742 Barnes, William, Burlington, and Martha Bromley, Burlington 16.S2 Barnet, John, Burlington, and Mary Conaro. 1788 Barnet, Joseph, Elizabeth Town, and Sarah Eolph, Elizabeth Town 1751 Barnhart, Jacob, Burlington, and Mary Eslon, Burlington 1773 Bams, John, Cumberland, and Eebecca Haynes, Cumberland 1759 Bams, Jonathan, Cumberland, and Damaris Garrison, Cumberland. . . 1762 Barrett, Benjamin, and Elizabeth Downes 1767 Barricklo, Hendrick, Middlesex, and Leonora Davie 1771 Barris, Joseph, Bucks, Pa., and Barbara Slier, Backs, Pa 174't Barron Samuel, Woodbridge, and Johanna C.impton, Woodbridge..-, . 1749 Barry, David, Monmoutb, and WiUimpe Truax, Monmouth 1774 Barry, Richard, Perth Amboy, and Hannah Runyon, Perth Amboy . . 1751 Barry, Thomas, Perth Amboy, and Anne Crayton, Perth Amboy 1750 Bartholf, John, Bergen, and Lydia Lydecker 1787 Bartholf, Yelles, Bergen, and Sarah Zabriskie ; 1779 Bartholomew, Benjamin, Burlington, and Mary Murrell 1777 Bartleson, WiUiam, Salem, and Mary Peterson 1773 Bartlett, Joseph, Monmouth, and Phebe Havens, Monmouth 17 7 Bartlett, Joseph, Monmouth, and Hannah Gifford 1766 Bartlett, Nathan, Monmouth, and Mary Willis 1778 Bartley, Richard, Monmoutb, and Hannah Horseman, Monmouth . . . 1744 Barton, Andrew, Somerset, and Mary Sivage, Somerset 1771 Barton, John, Hunterdon, aud Sarah Pettet, Hunterdon 1775 Barton, Stephen, Somerset, and Rachel Stout, Somerset 1747 Bartrom, John, Bergen, and Angenitje Beem 1762 Bdrtson, John, Cape May, and Rhoda Gaudy, Cape May 1763 Basley, John, Bucks, Pa., and S-irah Watson 1783 Bass, George, Burlington, and Ann Appleton, Burlington 1767 Bass, Thomas, Middlesex, and Mary Lawrence, Middlesex 1761 Bass, William, Northampton, and Rebecca Ewan, Northampton 1784 Bassett, Jeremiah, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Simpson 1782 Aug. 11 May 19 Feb. 20 July 6 Jan. 30 Aug. 18 Sept. 21 Feb. 23 Jan. 7 April 10 Dec. 17. May 20 May 20 June 10 Feb, 11 Feb. 13 Mar. 20 June 6 Jan. 30 Jan. 25 Mar. 24 Jan. 7 Jan. 25 April 10 Jan. 16 Sept 17 Nov. 12 Aug. 15 Sept. 8 Aug. 6 Dec. 10 June 15 Oct. 12 April 6 Dec. 2 July 13 June 18 Nov. 25 Deo. 22 "April 9 Nov. 30 April ,7 Aug. 3 Sept. ,li AprU 13 May 30 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 21 Bassett, Elijah, Salem, and Agnes Eea, Salem 1770 B^te, Joseph, Gloucester, and Judith Alberson, Gloucester 1768 Bate, Thomas, Gloucester, and Mary Shivers, Gloucester 1732 Bateman, Amos, Cumberland, and Jane Meohesney 1779 Bateman, Daniel, Cumberland, and Amey Bryant 1779 Bateman, John, Salem, and Sarah Luptin 1746 Bateman, John, Cumberland, and Judith Hand, Cape May 1771 Bateman, WUliam, Cumberland, and Victorinia Saunders 1780 Bates, Benjamin, Glouoester, and Sarah Hugg, Glouoester 1766 Bates, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Mary Thackery 1777 Bates, Benjamin, Burlington, and Sarah Hammell 1777 Bates, Daniel, Glouoester, and Sarah Higbie, Burlington 1746 Bates, Daniel, Gloucester, and Tamzen Williams 1784 Bate.o, Ephraim, Monmouth, and Zelpha Chamberlain, Monmouth. . . . 1755 Bate", John, Burlington, and Sarah Collins, Gloucester 1747 Bates, John, Burlington, and Abigail Stratton, Burlington 1782 Bates, John, Glouoester, and Laitetia Hillman 178 '3 Bates, Richard, Freehold, and Agnes Thompson 1745 Bates, Samuel, Glouoester, and Eleanor Davis 1781 Bates, Thomas, Glouoester, and Mary Clemmer. 1746 Batlin, Francis, Gloucester, and Anne Chrisman, Gloucester. 1730 Batten, Francis, Gloucester, and Deborah Hofman, Salem 1763 Batten, John, Glouoester, and Ann Soott, Burlington 1766 Batten, Richard, Gloucester, and Eleanor Hoffman 1763 Bavis, John, Burlington, and .Abigail Norcross 1777 Baxter, Charle.«, Sussex, and Ann Westbrook, Sussex -. 1755 Baxter, John, and Elizabeth CoUier 1778 Baxter, Samuel, .Gloucester, and Elizabeth Burk, Gloucester 1780 Bayles, Samuel, Middlesex, and Elizabeth "Wilson 1779 Bayley, John, Middlesex, and Susannah Burtis, Middlesex 1747 Baynton, Peter, Burlington, and Mary Carpenter, Burlington 1739 Beach, Isaac, Morris, and Mary Bigalo, Morris 1768 Beach, Israel, Essex, and Mary Pool 1781 Beach, John, Morris, and Sarah Chivers 1776 Beach, Joseph, and Catherine Ogden .' 1779 Beadle, Benajah, Middletown, and Sarah Orchard, Middletown 1750 Beagle, Silas, Staten Island, and Phebe Wood 1743 Beakley, William, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Alberson, Gloucester . . 1768 Beal, Alexander, Gloucester, and Esther Butterworth 1746 Beal, Jacob, Hunterdon, and Sarah Barbar 1784 Beam, Anthony, Bsrgen, and Catherine Bush 1783 Beam, Anthony C, Bergen, and Vrautye Demarest 1788 Beam, Jacobus, Bergen, and Adriange Hopper 1790 Beans, Thomas, Bucks, Pa , and Jane Sands, Salem 1739 Beard, Zebulon, Monmouth, and Anne Smith, Monmouth 1749 Beasley, John, Philadelphia, and Elizabeth George, Philadelphia 1738 Nov. 19 Mar. 14 Mar. 6 Oct. 15 Sept. 28 Aug. 21 July 27 Aug. 15 Dec. 24 Sept. 6 Oct. 5 April 4 AprU 20 May 30 Sept. 19 Mar. 20 Mar. 29 Nov. 7 Nov. 12 April 16 Dec. 7 Dec. 22 Mar. 23 Dec. , 15 Oct. 3 May 11 Sept. 7 May 25 Nov. 13 Mar. 30 Jan. 8 Sept. 14 Nov. 3 Mar. 2 Nov. 15 July 21 Nov. 26 July 18 Deo. 11 Mar. 18 Jan. 27 Feb. 5 Oct. 16 April 9 Feb. 1 Mar. 24 22 NEW JERSE-Y COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Beaty, Charles, Bucks, Pa., and Ann Reading, Hunterdon 1746 Beaumont, Hammond, and Elizabeth Trotter 1768 Beavers, George, Hunterdon, and Sarah Lanning Beavers, Robert, Sussex, and Mary Armstrong, Sussex 1773 Bechtolde, John Vaite, Burlington, and Rachel Taylor, Burlington,. . .1742 Beck, Aaron, BurUngton, and Hope Shinn, Burlington 1774 Beck, George, Burlington, and Mary Griflith, Burlington 1750 Beck, John, Burlington, and Deborah Wood, Burlington 1747 Beck, John, Burlington, and Polly Ferris, Burlington 1780 Beck, Joseph, Burlington, and Sarah Soattergood 1779 Beck, Raworth, BurUngton, and Hannah Gibbs, Burlington 1743 Beck, Samuel, BurUngton, and Elizabeth McGallard 1777 Beckett, John, Bucks, Pa., and Mary Jolly, Bucks, Pa 1732 Becstolzseimer, George, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Weyerly 1769 Becstolzseimer, George, Amwell, and Margaret Spence 1772 Beech, Thomas, Philadelphia, and Jane Smout, Philadelphia 1732 Beekman, Abraharh, Hunterdon, and Ann Guest 1745 Beekman, Adrian, Middlesex, and Mary Brunson, Somerset 1740 Beekman, Charles, Jr., New York, and Catherine Brown, Somerset. . .1742 Beekman, Christopher, Middlesex, and Sarah Cox, Middlesex 1741 Beekman, James, New York, and Sarah Lefferts 1775 Beekman, Samuel, New York, and Jane Van Horn, Bergen 1761 Beers, Nathan, Middletown, and Sarah Warue, Perth Amboy 1749 Beesley, John, Jr. , Salem, and Hannah Beesley, Salem , 1776 Beesley, Morris, Salem, and Mary Whetherton 1755 Beesley, Joseph,. Burlington, and Susannah Crosby, Burlington 1766 Belange, Joshua, Cape May, and Mary Champion, Gloucester 1751 Belangey, Newlass, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Morris 1777 Belcher, Joseph, Burlington, and Hannah Woolston. 1754 Bell, James, and Michael Johnson 1783 Bell, James, Gloucester, and Rachel Rudnow 1784 BeU, Johannes, Orange, N. Y., and Margaret Eemsen, Orange, N. Y..1761 Bell, John, Bucks, Pa., and Priscilla Pyer 1732 BeU, John, Hunterdon, and Sarah Hunt 1769 Bell, Thomas, Shrewsbury, and Deborah Roberts, Middletown Point . . 1759 Bellanger, William, Burlington, and Dorothy Stockton 1781 BeUenger, Thomas, Burlington, and Brazilla Carson 1768 Belles, Joseph, Gloucester, aud Susannah Pish, Gloucester 1741 Bellis, Adam, Hunterdon, and Anna Sutphin 1778 BeUton, Jonathan, Gloucester, and Mary Champion, Gloucester 1728 BellvUle, Nicholas, New Jersey, and Anne Brittau 1780 Belton, Hezekiah, Salem, and Sarah Bassall 1756 Benam, Peter, Middlesex, and Hannah Clayton, Monmouth 1759 Benam, Peter, Freehold, and Catherine Wesel, Freehold 176I Beuey, James, Cape May, and PriscUa Eldridge, Cape May. 1751 Benjamin, Herrick, Morris, and Mary Stout, Monmouth [ ^ ^ ^ .1764 June 13 Nov. 17 May" 3 Oct. 4 July 11 Nov. 2 Feb. 22 June 20 AprU 24 April 8 Aug. 22 July 17 Ang. 19 Oct. 27 May 27 June 14 Jan. 5 Mar. 12 Nov. 12 May 30 May 22 Nov. 25 April 2 Feb. 20 Not. 20 April 16 Deo. 6 May 31 Jan. 11 May 3 Aug. 16 Sept. 22 May 5 May 14 Mar. 20 May 28 Jan. 11 July 18 AprU 19 Jan. 10 June 3 April 2 Feb. 24 April 12 Mar. 6 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 23 Bennet, Abraham, Cape May, and Levioe Stevens 1759 Bennet, Abraham, Gloucester, and Mercy Bates 1782 Bennet, David, Cumberland, and Dillilah Thompson 1780 Bennet, Edward, Monmouth, and Anna Bolesberry, Monmouth 1767 Bennet, Frederick, Monmouth, and Nely Colwells, Monmouth 1762 Bsnnet, Garret, Monmouth, and Mary TUton, Monmouth 1760 Bennet, Henrj', Burlington, and Abigail Borden, Burlington 1774 Bennet, Jacob, Monmouth, and Uphame Davis, Monmouth 1764 Bennet, James, Burlington, and Susannah Danally, Burlington .1770 Bennet, James, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Voorhies 1779 Rennet, Jeremiah, Monmouth, and Anne Randolph 1780 Beimet, John, Burlington, and Mary Kindel, Burlington 1741 Bennet, John, Monmouth, and Sarah Smock, Monmouth 1749 Beimet, John, Monmouth, and Aultie Covenhoven, Monmouth 1761 Bennet, John, Bristol, Pa., and Lydia Carr .- 1778 Beimet, John, Hunterdon, and Abigail Furman 1779 Bennet, John, Jr., Somerset, and Jane Van Middleswarth 1783 Beimet, Joseph, Burlington, and Martha Rogers 1764 Bennet, Joshua, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Smith 1768 Beimet, Michael, BurUngton, and Charity Fitz Randolph, Burlington. . 1774 Bennet, Samuel, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Reeves 1783 Beimet, William, Monmouth, and Sarah Curtis, Monmouth 1746 Bennet, WiUiam, Cape May, and Hannah Hand 1752 Bennet, WiUiam, South Amboy, and Catherine Warne, South Amboy. . 1760 Bennet, WiUiam, Monmouth, and Margaret Perce, Monmouth 1763 Bennett, Jeremiah, Burlington, and Rebecca Brown 1746 Bennett, John, Burlington, and Sarah GaskeU, Burlington 1772 Bennett, Thomas, Jr., and Jamima Duffy 1778 Bennit, WiUiam, Middletown, and Margaret Smith 1751 Bennit, William, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Vanmater, Monmouth. . . . 1766 Benson, James, Cumberland, and Abigail Whitecar, Cumberland 1774 Benson, WiUiam, Hunterdon, and Mary Price , 1778 Berdan, Jacob D., Bergen, and Catherine Bilyer . .• 1783 Berdan, Jacob, Bergen, and Elizabeth Post 1788 Berdan, John L, Bergen, and Mary Degray 1792 Bergen, George, Somerset, and Maritie Probasco, Somerset 1744 Bergen, James, Somerset, and Mary Voorhies 1779 Bergen, Simon, Long Island, and Gasha Dehart, Middletown 1767 Berkinshew, Thomas, Burlington, and Margaret Bliss 1738 Berrien, John, and Margaret Eatton 1759 Berry, Henry, Morris, and Susannah Alyea 1785 Berry, James, Hunterdon, and Mary Kelly, Hunterdon 1773 Berry, John, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Lefletveau 1734 Berry, John, Bergen, and Phebe Van der Beck, Bergen 1753 Berry, Joseph, Gloucester, and Catherine DeGraw, Bergen 1772 Berry, Paul, Sussex, and Sarah Clawson, Morris 1769 Nov. 6 Nov. 23 April 12 Oct. 27 Jan. 12 Sept. 10 Jan. 29 Aug. 10 Not. 21 June 22 Sept. 26 June 8 Jan, 16 Aug. 10 Dec. 16 Sept. 6 Jan. 25 Mar. 21 Mar. 28 Not. 14 Mar. 8 Jan. 29 Sept. 8 July 24 July 29 Jan. 27 May 80 Jan. 14 Deo. 10 Not. 7 May 13 Aug. 20 Jan. 10 Not. 18 June 20 Sept. 10 May 15 May 16 Not. 11 Aug. 16 Sept. 17 July 19 Nov. 27 Mar. 13 Nov. 25 Nov. 14 24 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL bOCUMENTS. Berry, Peter, Morris, and Susannah Jones 1751 Berry, Philip, Bergen, and Helen Degraw 1743 Berry, PhUlip, Bergen, Catherine Van Winkle, Essex 1761 Berry, Samuel, Morris, and Catherine Berry, Morris 1749 Berry, Sidney, Hunterdon, and Catherine W^aldron 1768 Berry, Thomas, Somerset, and Jane Hernolt, Woodbridge 1758 Berry, William, Salem, and Rebecca Thompson 1768 Berryman, John, Springfield, and Margaret Mariolt 1749 Bertholf, Jacob, Bergen, and Leah Dobbs 1786 BescheTer, John, Morris, and Mary Robertson, Monmouth 1784 Bessonet, John, Bucks, Pa., and Joyce Bramsford, Bucks, Pa 1765 Best, Cornelius, Hunterdon, and Jane Garrabrant. 1784 Beton, Daniel, Middlesex, and Nelly Bordman 1752 Betts, Joseph, Burlington, and Elizabeth Fort 1768 Bevan, Charles, Philadelphia, and Mary Kemble, Burlington 1772 Bevan, George, Trenton, and Ann Cleayton 1763 Bevan, William, Cumberland, and Alisa Moon 1781 Bevis, Denmore, Little Egg Harbor, and Bloomey Garrish 1784 Bevis, George, Burlington, and Mary Sooy 1771 Bevis, Thomas, Burlington, and Mary Draper, Burlington 1737 Bevis, Thomas, Burlington, and Elizabeth Brackney, Burlington 1741 Bevy, John, Burlington, and Prudence Andrews 1764 Bibb, Thomas, and Ruth Kettle 1693 Bibby, Richard, Burlington, and Mary Radford, Burlington 1730 Bibby, Robert, PhUadelphia, and Bridget Jackson, Philadelphia 1730 Bice, Dennis Van Den, Middlesex, and Ann Sebring 1765 Bickerton, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Sarah Kimble 1778 Bickerton, George, and Rachel Kimble 1780 Bickham, Caleb, Gloucester, and Rachel Scull, Gloucester 1762 Bickham, -John, Burlington, and Deriah JoUey, Burlington 1761 Bickle, Coonrad, Hunterdon, and Anna Sharpenstein, Hunterdon 1762 Bickley, WiUiam, Burlington, and Mary Willis 1734 Biddle, Arney, and Abigail Ogden 1754 Biddle, Joel, Bordentown, and Mary Walling, Middletown 1748 Biddle, Joseph, Burlington, and Sarah Rogers, Burlington 1745 Biddle, Joseph, Jr., Burlington, and Sarah Shreve, Burlington 1763 Biddle, Thomas, BurUngton, and Mary Antrum, Burlington 1728 Bidgood, WUliam, BurUngton, and Esther Burroughs 1733 Biggerlee, John, Bucks, Pa., and Sarah Hotchson 1755 Biggins, John, Burlington, and Rachel McVay. 1765 Biggs, George, Hunterdon, and Jane Bartson, Hunterdon 1773 Biglow, Samuel, Burlington, and Eleanor Conrow, Burlington 1767 BUderback, Albert, Salem, and Sarah Bartleson, Salem ] 762 Bilderbaok, Charles, Salem, Sarah Viokery, Salem , . 1764 BUderback, Isaac, Salem, and Rebecca Viokery 1772 BUderback, Isaac, Salem, aud Lydia Wright 1784 June 15 Nov. 2 AprU 15 Oct. 39 Oct. in Feb. 8 May 27 July 3 Jan. 14 May 4 Dee. 21 Dec. 15 May, 10 Jan. 23 July 9 Feb. 3 Mar. 27 Feb. 21 Jan. 6 Nov. 18 June 24 Feb. 6 July 20 May 11 June 11 Nov. 26 Dec. 4 Jan. 29 Jan. 1 Aug. 5 AprU 11 July 18 Jani 3 Jan. 4 Jan. 6 Nov. 7 Oct. 30 Feb. 5 Jan. 16 June 28 Sept. 24 July 28 Sept. 15 Sept. 4 Mar. 26 Mar. 24 MARRIAGE LICENSES. BUderback, Jonathan, Salem, and Ann Sullivan, Salem 1771 BUderback, Peter, Salem, and Catherina GiU 1756 Bilderbaok, Peter, Salem, and Mary Murphy, Salem 1761 Biles, Charles, Pennsylvania, and Maria Baker, Pennsylvania 1728 Biles, John, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Carpenter, Hunterdon 1738 Biles, Stephen, Hunterdon, and Keziah Hunt, Hunterdon 1737 Biles, WiUiam, Hunterdon, and Mary Opdike 1768 Biles, WiUiam, and Sarah Mott 1780 BUlings, Joshua, Cape May, and Prudence Cresse 1787 Billings, William, Cape May, and Charity Ingram, Cape May 1736 Billings, William, Cape May, and Rhoda Hand 1763 Bills, Daniel, Monmouth, and Deborah Denman, Monmouth 1764 Bills, Gersham, Monmouth, and Margaret Chamberlin, Monmouth 1755 BUls, Richard, Monmouth, and Hannah Rennals, Monmouth 1753 Bills, Silvanus, Monmouth, and Rachel Lippiucott, Monmouth 1744 Bills, Sylvester, Bucks, Pa., and Elenor Blackwell 1782 Bim, John, Burlington, and Mary Sile, Burlington 1763 Binar, Isaac, Cape May, and Lydia Corson, Cape May 1740 Binge, Jacob, Hunterdon, and Hetchel Smith, Hunterdcn 1728 Binge, William, Hunterdon, and Sarah Drake 1780 Birch, Jeremiah, Gloucester, and Mary Jones 1736 Birdsal, Uriah, BurlingtcJn, and Ehzabeth Webb, Burlington 1767 Bishop, Barzilla, Burlington, and Ann Jess, Burlington 1776 Bishop, Daniel, Cumberland, and Rhoda Platts, Cumberland 1762 Bishop, David, Hunterdon, and Ann Schenck, Hunterdon 1775 Bishop, Ever, Burlington, and Mary Crispin, Burlington 1782 Bishop, Isaiah, Gloucester, and Rebecca Burr 1782 Bishop, James, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Shotwell, Middlesex 1748 Bishop, John, Bucks, Pa., and Elizabeth Meade, Bucks, I'a 1737 Bishop, John, Burlington, and Rebecca Matlock, Burlington 1737 Bishop, John, Woodbridge, aud Mary Marsh, EUzabeth Town 1747 Bishop, John, Gloucester, and Mary Hubbs 1778 Bishop, John, Burlington, and Mary Stockton 1783 Bishop, Joseph, Burliugton, and Anne Reeves, Burlington 1754 Bishop, Joseph, Cumberland, and Anna Harris 1757 Bishop, Joseph, Cumberland, and Priscilla Loyd, Salem 1761 Bishop, Joshua, Burlington, and Martha Lanning 1739 Bishop, Joshua, New Hanover, and Sarah Eslow 1780 Bishop, Noah, Burlington, and Thankful Bennet. B'arlinglon 1772 Bishop, Peter, Burlington, and Ann Wetherill, Burlington 1731 Bishop, Breston, Cumberland, and Ester Woodruff, Cumborland 1761 Bishop, Robert, Burlington, and Mary Hall 1727 Bishop, Robert, Burlington, and Jane Hanes 1759 Bishop, Robert W., Burlington, and Lucy Ridgeway 1793 Bishop, Thomas, Burlington, and Elipha Prickett, Burlington 1733 Bishop, Thomas, Burlington, and Hannah Lanning, Burlington 1739 Sept. 30 April 15 Dec. 17 July 28 Oct. 13 Mar. 7 Nov. 25 Oct. 4 Jan. 10 Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Mar. 7 April 7 Sept. 4 June 9 Aug. 12 Sept. 12 June 20 April 9 Jan. 27 April 20 Oct. 29 Sept. 2 Feb. 9 Oct. 16 Feb. 23 Aug. 29 June 11 Jan. 31 Oct. 22 Sept. 5 Nov. 30 Nov. 24 May 28 Mar. 3 AprU 21 Jan. 29 Feb. 26 Nov. 3 Sept. 15 May 19 Aug. 19 Jan. 18 Jan. 3 Dec. 20 Aug. 1 26 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCtlMENTS. Bishop, Thomas, Burlington, and Sarah Garwood 1754 Bishop, Thomas, Burlington, and Lucretia Furnace 1779 Bishop, Timothy, BurUngton, and Sophia Brock, Burlington 1764 Bishop, William, Burlington, and Mary Indicott, Burlington 1729 Bishop, WUliam, Burlington, and Ann Richards 1734 Bishopp, Thomas, BurUngton, and Sarah Smith, BurUngton 1730 Bispham, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Hope Fortune 1783 Bispham, John, Burlington, and Margaret Reynolds, Burlington 1754 Bispham, John, Gloucester, and Hannah Foster 1785 Bispham, John, Glouoester, and Elizabeth Anderson 1787 Bispham, Samuel, Philadelphia, and Elizabeth Bispham, Burlington . . 1781 Bispham, Thomas, Burlington, and Sarah Hinchman, Gloucester 1754 Bispham, Thomas, Burlington, and Hannah Haines 1 784 Bisset, Andrew, Perth Amboy, and Anne Jolly, Perth Amboy 1758 Bisset, John, New Jersey, and Jane Delap, New Jersey 1742 Bittle, William, Salem, and Rebecca Hoffman 1781 Black, Hugh, Sussex, and Elizabeth Flatt, Sussex 1773 Black, Jacob, Monmouth, and Jannet Lippiucott, Monmouth 1742 Black, John, Philadelphia, and Amye Borden, Bordentown 1746 Black, John, Burlington, and Mary Lippiucott, Burlington 1770 Black, John, Burlington, and Lydia Newbold 1784 Black, -William, Burlington, and Mary Gibbs, Burlington ... 7 1754 Blaokham, Josiah, Burlington, and Elizabeth Stoakes, Burlington 1729 Blacklege, Thomas, Bucks, Pa., and Elizabeth Randall 1730 Blackman, David, Gloucester, and Mary Clark 1769 Blackmore, George, Burlington, and Mary Merrit, Burlington 1728 BlackweU, Elijah, Hunterdon, and Martha Lanning 1781 Blackwell, Thomas, Hunterdon, and Mary Brewer, Monmouth 1764 Blackwood, John, Salem, and Hannah Stretch, Salem 1778 Blackwood, Joseph, Salem, and Rebecca Moss, Salem 1770 Blaen, Hendrick, Somerset, and Catalintie Lineson, New York 1748 Blain, James, Perth Amboy, and Hannah Dennison, New Brunswick. . 1748 Blair, Abraham, Burlington, and Elizabeth Leech 178 1 Blair, David, Essex, and Beeltye Freeland 1783 Blair, James, and Eophram Colbraeth 1760 Blair, Robert, Burlington, and Ann Walker 1780 Blake, WUliam, Monmouth, and Rhode Smith, Monmouth 1769 Blake, Thomas, Burlington, and Anue 1728 Blakeman, Andrew, Gloucester, and Mary Allen, Gloucester 1733 Blakeney, William, Bergen, and Mary Moore, Bergen 1771 Bland, James, and EUeanor Obrian 1760 Blauvelt, David, New York, and Rachel Ackerson, New YorK 1765 Blauvelt, Jacobus, Bergen, and Catrina Smit 1763 Blauvelt, Johannis, Bergen, and Fammetie Vander Beck, Bergen 1773 Blauvelt, John, Bergen, and Jannetye Alyee 1783 Blauvelt, Joseph, Bergen, and Johanna Demorest, Bergen 1769 April 29 Mar. 5 May 18 Mar. 13 Nov. 13 Sept. 9 Deo. 29 Feb. 6 Sept. 16 July 27 Oct. 8 Aug. 21 Feb. 18 Sept. 21 Mar. 11 July 24 April 11 Aug. 23 Deo. 9 Sept. 3 Sept. 22 Feb. 10 Aug. 14 Feb. 1 April 16 April 10 July 26 Mar. 20 Deo. 4 April 28 Aug. 27 June 1 Jan. 28 May 22 Mar. 17 Mar. 7 Nov. 4 July 17 July 29 July 25 Mar. 2 Deo. 13 Oct. 12 Oct. 1 July 26 Mar, 6 MARRlACiE LICENSES. 2/ Blauvelt, Eichard, Bergen, and Sally Van Dalsen 1781 Bleuchfill, James, Morris, and Margaret Ferver, Morris 1774 BUgh, Patrick, 26th Regt. Foot, and Abigail Seolse, 26th Regt. Foot. . 1768 Bliss, George, Bordentown, and Susannah Preston, Mansfield . 1751 Blizard, John, Jr., Cumberland, and Susannah Taylor, Cumberland. . . 1776 Blond, Gabriel, Burlington, and Susanna Yard, Burlington 1739 Bloodgood, Aaron, Middlesex, and Abigail Carman, Middlesex 1763 Bloodgood, Francis, Middlesex, and Margaret Buckelow, Middlesex. . .1764 Bloodgood, Gach, Woodbridge, and Susannah Shippey, Woodbridge. .1755 Bloom, Abram, Hunterdon, and Mary Pickle 1780 Bloomer, John George, Salem, and Catherine Ullrich 1771 Bloomfield, Ezekiel, Middlesex, and Margaret Forster, Middlesex .... 1744 Bloomfield, Jeremiah, Burlington, and Elizabeth Cowan, Burlington. . 1773 Bloomfield, Nathaniel, Woodbridge, and Abigail Elston, Woodbridge. 1748-9 Bloomfield, Thomas, Woodbridge, and Sarah Morris, Woodbridge 1758 Bloomfield, Thomas, Middlesex, and EUzabeth Morris, Middlesex. . , . 1772 Bloomfield, Timothy, Jr., Woodbridge, and Sarah Foord, Woodbridge 1749 Bloomfield, William, Woodbridge, and Jane Ross, Woodbridge 1758 Blue, Frederick, Somerset, and Elizabeth McNeal 1784 Bine, Michael, and Nelly HoUinsett Board, Burgin, Somerset, and Mary Robinson, Hopewell. , 1734 Board, CorneUus, Bergen, and Annas Board 1785 Bookitt, Josiah, and Mary Johnson 1784 Bodine, Francis, Middlesex, and Rachel Wilson, Middlesex 1755 Bodine, Francis, BurUngton, and Mary Rose, Burlington 1768 Bodine, Peter, Somerset, and Mary Wartrebe, Somerset 1749 Bogart, Peter, Somerset, and Mary Vanmiddleswart 1742 Bogart, Roelof, aud Jannet Banta 1756 Bogart, Stephen, Bergen, and Maritie Hammond, Bergen. 1761 Bogert, Cornelius, Somerset, and Mary Van Scaick 1742 Bogert, Cornelius, Somerset, and Catherine Van Nest, Somerset 1752 Bogert, Isaac, Bergen, and Antie Van Horn, Bergen 1761 Bogert, Jacob, Bergen, and Geesie Kipp, Bergen , 1771 Bogert, Stephen, Bergen, and Geesje Westervelt 1770 Bogert, Jost, Bergen, and Mary Zabriskie 1772 Boggs, Samuel, Salem, and Rebecca Boggs 1730 Boggs, Samuel, Gloucester, and Margaret HoUoway, Gloucester. 1762 Boice, Cornelius, Monmouth, and Jane Campbell 1767 BoUinger, Jacob, Gloucester, and Anne Stiner 1784 Bolton, Joseph, Burlington, and Rachel Matson, Burlington 1771 Bolton, Nehemiah, Bucks, Pa., and Susanna Orchard, Perth Amboy.. 1754 Bomen, George, Burlington, and Mary Thompson 1760 . Bond, Elijah, Trenton, and Mary Biddle, Trenton 1742 Bond, James, Salem, and Sarah Richmond 1758 Bond, James, Salem, and Sarah Dickinson, Salem 1768 Bond, Joseph, Hunterdon, and Mary Cain 1784 April 7 June 8 Mar. 25 June 26 June 4 April 18 Mar. 31 Dec. 15 Nov. 15 Sept. 20 May 21 Oct. 18 June 28 Mar. 14 Jah. 3 Aug. 4 May 22 Oct. 23 Oct. 7 April 2 Aug. 27 Dec. 11 Jan. 29 Mar. 20 Oct. 5 April 26 Aug. 19 July 6 Jan. 22 Jan. 22 Feb. 26 Aug. 1 Nov. 21 Sept. 12 Jan. 18 April 21 June 5 April 20 Nov. 6 AprU 12 June 9 Deo. 13 June 15 July 31 June 15 2§ New JERSEY CoLdNtAL DOCUMENtS. Bond, Joshua, Monmouth, and Mary Corlies, Monmouth 1745 Bond, Levi, Cumberland, and Rebekah Burr 1782 Bond, Richard, Cumberland, and Tamon Howell 1781 Bond, Thomas, Philadelphia, and Sarah Weyman 1742 Boner, Robert, Salem, and Hannah Peck, Salem 1761 Bongart, Johannis, Bergen, and Mary Zebrisco, Bergen 1754 Bonham, Jeremiah, Shrewsbury, and Margaret Cock, Shrewsbury 1758 Bonham, Samuel, Burlington, and Ruth Bowyer, PhUadelphia 1747 Bonnel, Aaron, Morris, and Ann Brotherton 1772 Bonnel, Abraham, Burlington, and Mary Shinn, Burlington 1731 Bonnel, Joseph, Monmouth, and Rachel Pittenger, Monmouth 1767 Boody, John George, Gloucester, and Lydia Giberson 1773 Boon, Thomas, Salem, and Mary Fitz, Salem 1767 BooradaUe, Arthur, Burlington, and Margery Addams, Burlington. . . 1731 Booram, Aaron, Somerset, and Mary Lane, Somerset 1749 Booth, Edward, Maryland, aud Hannah Flat ' 1779 Booth, Robert, Trenton, and Agnes Braithwaite, Trenton 1772 Booz, Peter, Bristol, Pa., and Mary Cooper, Bristol, Pa 1774 Borden, Ebenezer, Burlington, and Amy Andrews, Burlington 1748 Borden, Francis, Monmouth, and Solos Johnston 1790 Borden, Jacob, Burlington, and Margaret Barbiss, Burlington 1775 Borden, >Tohn, Monmouth, and Lydia Worthley, Monmouth. 1767 Borden, John, Burlington, and Content Chayton 1783 Borden, Jonathan, Monmouth, and Mary Earle, Burlington 1730 Borden, Jonathan, Jr., Burlington, and Rebecca Homer, Burlington. .1743 Borden, Jonathan, Gloucester, and Martha Holme, Gloucester 1754 Borden, Jonathan, Burlington, and Lydia Mason 1781 Borden, Joseph, Monmouth, and Hannah Bennet, Monmouth 1757 Borden, Joseph, Burlington, -and Sarah Baker, Burlington 1762 Borden, Joseph, Burlington, and Elizabeth Lippiucott 1783 Borden, Richard, Middletown, and Esther Layton 1747 Borden, Eichard, Burlington, and Catherine Taylor, Burlington .... 1772 Borden, Richard, Burlington, and Catherine Deberd 1780 Borden, Richard, Gloucester, and Sarah Hopper 1788 Borden, Thomas, and Mary Coulton, Monmouth 1746 Borden, Thomas, Monmouth, and Massey Jackson 1751 Borden, Thomas, Monmouth, and Hannah Wooly 178u Bordine, Nicholas, Somerset, and Ann Webster . 1781 Borradaille, William, Burlington, and Jerusey Jordon 1782 Borraidell, WiUiam, BurUngton, and Sarah RockhUl, Burlington Borrowe, Crawley, Perth Amboy, and Catherine Weekes, Perth Amb'y. 1754 Borton, Abraham, Burlington, and Margery Kirkbride 1764 Borton, Jacob, Burlington, and Jemimah French 1790 Borton, John, Burlington, and Hester Alcot, Burlington 1754 Borton, Joshua, Burlington, and Rachel Boston 1781 Borton, WUliam, Burlington, and Martha Owen, Burlington 1760 June 2 Jan. 7 Dec. 28 Oct. 31 Dec. 23 July 8 May 24 May 29 AprU 13 Nov. 23 May 9 Jan. 4 Feb. 17 AprU 27 Deo. 4 Feb. 28 Nov. 5 May 3 Oct. 18 Jan. 7 June 26 Jan. 28 Jan. 13 Nov. 26 Sept. 14 Mar. 25 Jan. 4 •Jan. 25 Feb. 13 Sept. 22 May 28 Sept. 21 Nov. 23 Deo. 1 Jan. 29 Not. 19 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Sept. 14 Aug. 3 Sept. 15 AprU 21 Sept. 16 Sept. 24 April ( MARRIAGE LICENSES. 29 Bosenbark, Abram, Hunterdon, and Anney Vanhorn, Hunterdon 1763 Bosser, Christopher, Burlington, and Anne Mason, Burlington 1774 Boswiok, Francis, Burlington, and Priscilla Pacock, Burlington 1682 Botfield, Frederick, and Sarah Delaney 1787 Bouker, Michael, Burlington, and Mary Collins 1 741 Boulton, Henry, Northampton, and Hannah Davis, Northampton 1746 Boulton, Isaac, Burlington, and Sarah Applegate, BurUngton 1745 Bjulton, Isaac, Burlington, and Mary Warrick, Burlington 1773 Boulton, Thomas, Burlington, and Hannah Scott, Burlington 1774 Bjulton, William, Burlington, and Hannah Campbell, Burlington. . . . 1766 Bourdett, Oliver, Bergen, and Catherine Lydecker, Bergen 1769 Bourdett, Peter, Bergen, and Eachel Bones, Bergen 1762 Bourdett, Samuel, Bergen, and Rebecca Smit, Bergen 1764 Bourdett, Stephen, Bergen, and Nelly Banta, Bergen 1764 Bourne, Jonathan, Bucks, Pa. , and Susanna Jackson, Bucks, Pa 1 734 Bouttenhouse, Joseph, Gloucester, and Rachel Buckston 1762 Bouynten, Robert, Bergen, and Mary Maloney 177 Bovee, Martin, Essex, and Sukey Jones, Bergen 1749 Bowden, John, Burlington, and Margaret Shepherd 1789 Bowen, Dan, Cumberland, and Sarah Stiles, Cape May. 1766 Bowen, Dan, Cumberland, and Elizabeth Kelsay 1780 Bowen, Dan, Cumberland, and Ruth Swinney 1785 Bowen, David, Cumberland, and Lucy Shepherd, Cumberliiud 1763 Bowen, David, Cumberland, and Zeruiah Hughes, Cape May 1775 Bowen, David, Jr., Cumberland, and Jane Potter 1788 Bowen, Elijah, Cumberland, and Rachel Harris, Cumberland 1771 Bowen, James, Hunterdon, and Prudence Yard. 1779 Bowen, James, Hunterdon, and Mary Biggs 1785 Bowen, Jeremiah, Cumberland, and Sarah Slatham, Cumberland 1 769 Bowen, John, Burlington, and Susanna Britain, Burlington 1774 Bowen, Jonathan, Cumberland, and Rebecca Shepperd 1758 Bowen, Jonathan, Cumberland, and Rachel Pennington 1760 Bowen, Joseph, Cumberland, and Mary Bacon, Cumberland 1761 Bowen, Samuel, Cumberland, and Anne Chester, Cumberland 1768 Bowen, Samuel, Cumberland, and Rebecca Glaspey, Cumberland 1771 Bowen, Seth, aud Charity Billins 1778 Boweu,,-Smith, Cumberland, and Mary Hand 1786 Bowen, Stephen, Cumberland, and Rhoda Stratton 1 786 Bower, Edmond, Burlington, and Mary Foster, Burlington 1765 Bower, John, Hallafax, and Elizabeth Hoffmire, Middletown 1767 Bower, Joseph, Monmouth, and Sarah Mayple , 1769 Bower, Robert, New York, and Elizabeth Rickey, Somerset 1760 Bowers, Ebenezer, Salem, and PrisiUa Burrows (?), Salem 1730 Bowers, Michael, Cumberland, and Catherine Sleesman 1779 Bowes, Fraucis, Hunterdon, and Anne Anthony, Hunterdon 1728 Bowin, George, Salem, and Charity DaTis, Salem 1738 Not. 4 Oct. 29 Feb. 19 April 12 Sept. 9 Nov. 3 July 15 Aug. 6 Mar. 31 May 28 Feb. 15 June 18 Deo. 29 Mar. 1 Dec. 28 May 3 Jan. 10 Oct. 16 July 27 Mar. 28 Dec. 20 AprU 6 Sept. 15 Nov. 11 Deo. 5 Feb. 18 Jan. 13 Aug. 24 Dec. 20 July 19 Dec. 4 Nov. 8 Dec 22 July 11 Oct. 30 May 27 Jan. 24 May 13 Oct. 22 Feb. 25 June 15 Dec. 2 May 1 Aug. 3 Nov. 18 Aug. 26 30 ' NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Bowker, BarziUai, Burlington, and Hester Minyon, Burlington 1774 Bowker, Charles, Burlington, and Alice Falks, Burlington 1770 Bowker, John, Burlington, and Jemima MiUs, Burlington 1738 Bowker, Joseph, Burlington, and Mary Lame 1784 Bowker, Joseph, Burlington, and Grace Garwood, Burlington 1746 Bowker, Laban, Burlington, and Rhoda Gaskill, Burlington 1784 Bowker, Levi, Burlington, and Anne Mount, Burlington 1773 Bowker, Lot, Burlington, and Ann Glasby, Burlin_gton 1777 Bowker, Richard, Burlington, Joanna Janies 1741 Bowker, Richard, BurUngton, and Esther Gwin, Burlington 1750 Bowlby, George, Burlington, and Elizabeth Tonkin, Burlington 1737 Bowlby, Thomas, Morris, and Catherine Fitzrandolph 1745 Bowlby, Thomas, Morris, and Mary Tuley, Burlington 1749 Bowman, Edmond, and Margaret Watson. . 1781 Bowman, George, Hunterdon, and Sarah Jewell, Hunterdon 1768 Bowne, Abraham, Bucks, Pa., and Grace Jones, Bucks, Pa 1749 Bowne, Andrew, Monmouth, and Mary Barcalow, Monmouth 1765 Bowne, Henry, Hunterdon, and Charity Hoff. 1 784 Bowne, James, Middletown, and Elizabeth 0. Hartshorne 1743 Bowne, John, Monmouth, and Catherine Disberry, Amboy 1752 Bowne, John, and Francis Bowman 1692 Bowne, Joseph, Monmouth, and Sarah Sohanck, Monmouth 1757 Bowne, Joseph, Monmouth, and Hannah Anderson 1763 Bowne, Obadiah, and Anne Reid, Freehold 1749 Bowne, Obadiah, Monmouth, and Susannah Debowe 1770 Bowne, Phillip, Burlington, and Mary Taylor, Burlington 1765 Bowne, Phillip, Burlington, and Sarah Wilson 1778 Bowne, Safety, Monmouth, and Phebe Worden, Monmouth 1743 Bowne, Samuel, Middletown, and Mary Layton, Middletown 1751 Bowne, Samuel, Monmouth, and Patience CovenoTer, Monmouth 1754 Bowne, Samuel, Monmonth, and Margaret Debowe, Monmouth 1763 Bowne, Thomas, Monmouth, aud Helen Read, Monmouth 1747 Bowne, William, Monmouth, and Phebe Davis, Monmouth 1755 Bowne, William, New York, and Sarah Newbold 1791 Bowman, Ichabod, Monmouth, aud Lydia Petty, Monmouth 1744 Bowye, John, Glouoester, and Mary Nixon 1731 Boyce, George, Somerset, and Lena Sydam, Somerset 1751 Boyce, Jacob, Middlesex, and Mary Rappleye 1744 Boyd, Robert, New York, aud Mary Vanderpool, Essex 1753 Boyd, William, Somerset, and Esther Parkison 1775 Boyd, WiUiam, Burlington, and EUzabeth Anderson, Burlington 1775 Nov. Boyer, David, Monmouth, and Margaret Hardin, Monmouth 1761 Boyes, Richard, Burlington, and Mary Dodson, Burlington 1683 Boyle, Hugh, New Jersey, and Catherine Sampson 1777 Boyle, John, Somerset, and Hannah Frasie, Middlesex 1761 Boyle, Joseph, Morris, and Ketrin Cross, Somerset 1776 Mar. 4 Oct. 5 Aug. 28 Jan., 6 May 15 Feb. 24 Oct. 16 May 12 May 13 Sept. 26 Aug. 17 June 10 June 12 Sept. 18 July 16 Nov. 1 Oct. 11 June 30 Aug. 17 May 27 Dea 26 June 13 Jan. 18 Deo. 12 April 3 Mar. 11 Jan. 10 April 22 Nov. 28 Sept. 3 April 16 Deo. 26 July 28 May 11 Oct. 18 June 19 'Not. 5 Sept. 7 Feb.- 19 June 27 Nov. 8 Mar. 5 Nov. 1 July 14 Aug. 7 May 1 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Boylston, Edward, Bergen, and Catey Botidet 1763 Boys, Elias, Gloucester, and Sarah Shaw, Cumberland. 1760 Boys, Nathan, Jr., Glouoester, and Mary Reynolds, Gloucester 1763 Boyse,, John, New Jersey, and Sytie Van Winkle, Somerset 1749 Boyse, Leonard, Middlesex, and Mary Suidam, Somerset 1752 Bozorth, Andrew, Burlington, and Mary Bishop, Burlington 1756 Bozorth, Zebulon, Burlington, and Margaret Regans, Burlington 1768 Bozworth, John, Burlington, and Innocent Borden 1 734 Rozworth, Samuel, Burliugton, and Sarah Symonds, Burlington 1747 Brachman, Mathias, Burlington, and Isabella Wair. 1760 Brackney, Joseph, Burlington, and Abigail Borden, Burlington 1657 Brackney, Joseph, Burlington, and Rachel Middleton 1782 Brackney, Joseph, Burlington, and Elizabeth Smith , 1787 Braddock, Robert, Burlington, and Elizabeth Bates, Burlington 1737 Bradford, William, Philadelphia, and Rachel Budd, Burlington 1742 Bradhurst, Samuel, and Mary Smith 1778 Bradshaw, Samuel, Burlington, and Jane Newell, Burlington 1776 Bradway, Aaron, Salem, and Mary Walden, Salem 1742 Bradway, Joshua, Salem, and Hannah Wiggins, Salem 1739 Bradway, Nathan, Salem, and Deborah Thackery, Pennsylvania 1771 Brady, Hugh, and Hannah Halee 1744 Brady, John, Reading Town, and Elizabeth Vanetta, Reading Town . . 1749 Braines, John, Hunterdon, and Anne Anderson, Hunterdon 1728 Braithwaite, William, Salem, and Ann Worlidge, Salem 1702 Bralesford, Abrm, Bristol, Pa., and Prances White, Bristol, Pa 1739 Braman, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Drussilla Tomlin, Gloucester. . . . 1768 Braman, Jonathan, Burlington, and Anna Starkey 1779 Bramar, Robert, Gloucester, and Martha Bright, Gloucester. 1741 Bramin, Benjamin, BurUngton, and Elizabeth Pointzell, Burlington. . .1741 Brand, WiUiam, Monmouth, and Deborah Lawrence, Monmouth. . . . 1767 Brandreth, Timothy, Cape May, and Elizabeth Hughes 1776 Branin, Michael, Burlington, and Elizabeth Norcross, Springfield 1 730 Branin, William, Burlington, and Elizabeth Brooks, Burlington 1771 Brannin, Cornelius, Burlington, and Amelia Neven, Burlington 1773 Brannin, Luke, Monmouth, and Joice Hanoe, Monmouth 1762 Branson, John, Glouoester, and Abigail Graisbury. 1788 Branson, Joseph, Burlington, and Mary Edge, New Hanover 1745-6 Branson, Moses, Burlington, and Sara Borrodail, Burlington 1766 Brant, John, Hunterdon, and Clara Anthony 1779 Brasee, Christophel, Somerset, and Jane Vannest, Somerset 1748 Brass, Elias, Burlington, and Rachel Ony, Burlington 1742 Bratt, Aaron, New York, and Petertie Marselis, Bergen 1760 Bray, Andrew, Hunterdon, and Cornelia Traphagen 1780 Bray, Daniel, Hunterdon, aud Mary Woolverton .- 1772 Bray, James, Monmouth, and Catherine Winter, Monmouth 1756 Bray, James, Morris, and Mary Fitz Randolph, Middlesex 1771 May 2 July 14 Oct. 17 May 27 Aug. 22 May 21 April 7 July 13 July 14 May 9 Feb. 24 May 6 Mar. 10 Nov. 24 Aug. 18 Dec. 16 Mar. 26 Oct. 10 Mar. 8 Dec. 24 May 28 Jan. 6 July 30 July 2 April 19 Feb. 27 Jan. 11 Jan. 7 Sept. 14 Feb. 20 Dec. 11 Nov. 24 Oct. 1 Nov. 30 Oct. 7 Nov. 18 Mar. 18 Dec. 5 April 17 April 8 Jan. 24 May 21 Dec. 3 May 2 Feb. 23 Oct. 3 32 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Bray, Samuel, Middletown, and Rebecca Applegate, Middletown 1753 Brayley, Benjamin, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Cook, Hunterdon 1732 Brayman, Jonathan, Burlington, and Sarah WUson, Burlington 1742 Brayman, Samuel, Burlington, and Elizabeth Lyeaus 1783 Breasley, Samuel, Hunterdon, and Rho.la Mershon 1783 Breaser, James, Cumberland, and Sarah Dare 1754 Breding, John, Salem, and Ann Ashton, Salem 1764 Brees, John, Jr., Somerset, and Hannah Gildersleeves, Morris 1769 Brelford, John, Backs, Pa., and Mary W hite 1734 Brelford, John, Bucks, Pa., and Rebecca Brown 1760 Brelsford, John, Bucks, Pa., and Catherine Weaver, Bucks, Pa 1771 Brelsford, Joseph, Bucks, Pa., Rebecca White, Bucks, Pa 1742 Brewer, Abraham, Bargen, and Catey Fuu't, Bergen 1763 Brewer, Abraham D., Bergen, and EUzabeth Devoe 1788 Brewer, Adam, Monmouth, and Catherine Mitchell, Monmouth. ...... 1742 Brewer, Adam, Monmouth, and Mary Curtise, Monmouth 1761 Brewer, Benjamin, Monmouth, and Mary L-ine, Monmouth 1767 Brewer, Elazarus, Monmouth, and Frances Morris, Monmouth 1755 Brewer, Elias, Burlington, and Rebecca Wickers 1786 Brewer, George, Monmouth, and Lidy Clark, Monmonth 1764 Brewer, Hendrick, Monmouth, and Abigail Hunt, Monmouth 1763 Brewer, John, Monmouth, and Ann Hulse, Monmouth 1764 Brewer, John, Hunterdon, and Mary Wiokoff 1783 Brewer, Lias, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Palmer, Monmouth 1753 Brewer, Peter, Somerset, and Margaret Melow, Somerset 1780 Brewer, Theodorus, Bergen, and Mary Berry 1790 Brewer, William, Monmouth, and Lydia Herbert 1742 Brewer, WiUiam, Reading Town, and Margaret Van Sickle, Rd'ng T'n . 1748 Brewster, Daniel, Cumberland, and Prudence Reeves 1780 Brewster, Francis, Cumberland, and Rebecca Peck 1758 Breyan, Joseph, Burlington, and Mary White, Burlington 1746 Brian, John, Burlington, and Mary Man us 1733 Brian, Joseph, Salem, and Martha Vaughn 1774 Brinn, Richard, Burlington, aud Hannah Crockford, Burlington 1754 Brian, WiUiam, Burlington, and Elizabeth Counaro 1782 Briane, Thomas, Glouoester, and Sarah Dunn, Gloucester 1727 Briant, Robert, Gloucester, and Rachel Ware, Gloucester 1758 Briarly, John, and Mary Lloyd 1768 Brick, Ephriam, Cumberland, and Ruth Galla'-by, Cumberland 1764 Brick, Ephriam, Monmouth, and Mary Tilton 1765 Brick, Joseph, Salem, and Elizabeth Cairle 1736 Brick, Joshua, Salem, and Ruth Rumsey, Salem 1737 Brick, Joshua, Cumberland, and Lydia Peters, Cumberland 1771 Brick, Joshua, Cumberland, and Mary Pithi.'in ] 786 Brick, William, Salem, and Rachel Elwell, Salem 1731 Brick, William, Salem, and Eachel Dare, Cumberland 1768 Oct. 2 Mar. 24 Nov. 1 Jan. 14 Deo. 8 Aug. 22 Deo. 12 Jan. 30 April 13 Not. 13 April 18 Sept 21 AprU 2 Feb. 15 Jnn. 12 Ang. 28 Jan. 16 June 25 Sept. 25 Jan. 25 Not. 12 Mar. 1 April 5 Jan. 27 Mar. 23 Sept. 28 May 19 Sept. 30 April 10 Jan. 6 Aug. 16 Deo. 6 Deo. 6 Jan. 23 Mar. 25 Jan. 6 Deo. 7 Sept. 6 Mar. U Sept. 9 April 1 July 2-i Aug. 5 Mar. 28 June 1 Jan. 14 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 33 Briggs, Abel, Burlington, and Lettice Woolston, Burlington 1773 Jan. 25 Briggs, David, Burlington, and Hannah Ong 1759 Dec. 14 Briggs, George, Burlington, and Anne Woolston, Burlington 1734 Sept. 14 Briggs, George, Philadelphia, and Anne Clap 1773 Jan. 23 Briggs, Jobs, Piscataway, and Maiy Beytenla, Piscataway 1742 Not. 20 Briggs, John, and Sarah Smith 1701 Aug. 30 Briggs, John, Burlington, and Hannah Briggs, Burlington 1766 Aug. 9 Bright, James, Gloucester, and Martha Hartman, Glouoester 1729 July 23 Bright, James, Gloucester, and Catherine Laypole, Glouoester. .' 1765 Aug. 20 Bright, John, Gloucester, and Ellenor Long 1756 Jan. 12 Bright, PhUip, Somerset, and Antye McKinney 1768 Not. 26 Bright, Thomas, Gloucester, and Ellen Vaneman, Gloucester. 1753 June 16 Bright, Thomas, Gloucester, and Isabeil Supplee, Gloucester 1768 July 29 Bright, William, Gloucester, and Eleanor Johnson, Gloucester. 1762 July 6 BrightweU, Benjamin, Burlington, and Diadame Adams 1764 Jan. 18 Brimley, Thomas, Shrewsbury, and Sarah Leonard 1746 July 14 Brinokerhoff, John, Bergen, and SaUy Smith, Bergen 1773 Mar. 19 Bringinham, Thomas, Burlington, and Elinor SuUiTan, Burlington 1740 Not. 3 Brinkerhoff, Cornelius, Bergen, and Jannetie Kipp, Bergen 1769 Sept. 17 Brinley, SylTester, Monmouth, and Margaret Woolley, Moninouth 1752 Mar. 17 Britain Samuel, Staten Island, and Mary De Young, New York 1764 Not. 17 Britan, Eichard, Burlington, and Rhoda Woodward 1767 July 23 Brittan, Abraham, Monmouth, and Sarah Stilwell 1757 June 10 Brittan, John, Kingwood, and Hannah Opdike 1781 June 2 Britten, Benjamin, Middlesex, and AbigaU Hoff, Monmouth 1762 July 15 Britton, Benjamin, Middlesex, and Dinah Robins, Middlesex 1750 Jan. 17 Britton, Isaac, Hunterdon, and Margaret Herung 1778 April 25 Britton, William, Long Island, and Mary CoUins, Monmouth 1743 Not. 30 Broadwater, George, Philadelphia, and Mary Pepper, Philadelphia. . .1738 July 1 Brooaw, Isaac, Somerset, and Antie Van Noorstrand, Somerset 1746 May 31 Brock, Daniel, Burlington, and Deborah Deacon 1784 Mar. 16 Brook, John, BurUngton, and Mary Brockney 1779 Feb. 9 Brodenck, Thomas, Burlington, and Parthenia Potter, Burlington 1756 Nov. 12 Broderick, James, Sussex, and Mary Rickey, Sussex 1774 AprU 6 Brodnax, Eobert, Bucks, Pa., and Christian Keene 1734 Oct. 9 Brodnax, WUliam, Bucks, Pa., and Sarah Wright, Bucks, Pa 1761 July 14 Brognard, John, Burlington, and Sarah Smith 1784 Jan. 7 Brokaw, Abraham, Somerset, and Judith Davis, Somerset 1751 Aug. 26 Brokaw, Berguu, Somerset, and Jane Mount 1779 Mar. 29 Brokaw, Hendrick, Somerset, and Elizabeth Beard 1782 Nov. 4 Brokaw, John, Somerset, and Arianche Van Nortwick 1781 Dec. 2 Brokaw, Peter, New Jersey, and Rebecca Hoff 1783 Deo. 12 Brokaw, Simon, Somerset, and Mary Mooklaw 1778 Oct. 7 Brook, Mathias, Burlington, and Eaohel Reeves, Burlington 1750 Sept. 19 Brooke, Bower, Gloucester, and Mary Browne, Gloucester 1761 April 4 Brookes, Stephen, Burlington, and Ann Elkinton, Burlington 1740 Aug. 19 3 34 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Brooks, David, Cumberland, and Elizabeth Parker 1778 Brooks, Isaac, New Brunswick, aud Mary Dotie, New Bruuswick 1739 Brooks, Isaac, Burlington, and Margaret Parker 1778 Brooks, John, Chester, Pa., and Mary Clark, Chester, Pa . . .,. 1749 Brooks, John, Cumberland, and Mary Jenkins 1778 Brooks, John, Burlington, and Susannah Garwood, Burliugton 1781 Brooks, Jonathan, Cape May, and Mary Kimme ] 778 Brooks, Joseph, Sussex, and Dorothy Lander alias Palmer 1769 Brooks, Oliver, New Jersey, aiid Anne Wetherel 1791 Brooks, Samuel, Burlington, and Mary Parker, Burlington 1782 Brooks, Thomas, Hunterdon, and Ann Knowles, Trenton 1778 Brooks, WiUiam, Salem, and Isabel Furier 1745 Brooks, William, Burlington, and Hannah Guinnell, Burlington 1758 Brooks, William, Bucks, Pa., and Elizabeth Hibbs 17S2 Broom, John, Pennsylvania, and Sarah Isdall, Burlington 1775 Broom, Thomas, Bucks, Pa., and Grace Stackhouse, Bucks, Pa 1740 Broom, Thomas, Bristol, Pa. , and Mary Soattergood 1782 Brotherton, William, Middlesex, and EUzabeth Riddle 1776 Brower, William, Shrewsbury, aud Sarah Allen, Shrewsbury 1751 Brown, Abia, Burlington, and Margaret Sharp, Salem 1765 Brown, Abraham, Chesterfield, and Susanna Richardson, Chesterfield. 1749 Brown, Abraham, Burlington, and Jane Ridgway, Burlington 1774 Brown, Alexander, Trenton, and Anne Bickham, Burlington 1774 Brown, Andrew, Middlesex, and Hannah tleed, Middlesex 1744 Brown, Andrew, Monmouth, and Sary Frances, Monmouth 1767 Brown, Andrew, Hunterdon, and Mary Burt 1778 Brown, Andrew, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Laboyteaur 1783 Brown, Arthur, Jr.. Monmouth, and Jane Robertson, Monmouth 1746 Brown, Caleb, New York, and Phebe Burge, Middletown 1752 Brown, Carlisle, Middlesex, and Ann Williams, Essex 1762 Brown, Clayton, Burlington, and Mary Robins. 1749-50 Brown, Daniel, Virginia, and Grace Thompson, Alloways Creek 1 750 Brown, Edward, Burlington, and Anne Wilkinson, BurUngton 1750 Brown, Elias, Oxford, Pa., and Elizabeth Dangan, Oxford, Pa 1774 Brown, Elias, and Mary Spence 1781 Brown, Elisha, Philadelphia, and Mary Randolph 1783 Brown, George, Middlesex, and Mary Alston 1 745 Brown, George, Monmouth, and Margaret Woolley, Monmouth 1755 Brown, Henry, and Ann Richardson 1735 Brown, Isaac, PhUadelphia, and Sarah Harrison, Philadelphia 1737 Brown, Isaac, Essex, and Fythe Willis, Essex 1754 Brown, Jacob, Monmouth, and Sarah Parker 1777 Brown, Jacobus, New York, and Catharine Leasear, New York 1754 Brown, James, and Agnes Hay, Woodbridge 1743 Brown, James, Gloucester, and Alice Wood, Gloucester 1754 Brown, Japhet, Burlington, and Rachel Brayman, Burliugton 1773 Deo. 11 Feb. 27 Nov. 26 May 10 Dec. 15 Sept. 7 Not. 16 July 24 AprU 19. Deo. 7 May 1 Aug. 27 Sept. 26 Oct. 3 June 19 Sept. 23 Deo. 30 April 2 Mar. 25 Mar. 12 July 26 Aug. 22 June 8 AprU 23 Not. 24 Jan. 16 Mar. 12 Nov. 3 Oct. 18 Feb. 16 Mar. 8 June 26 May 30 Deo. 5 Jan. 9 AprU 12 Aug. 24 Oct. 4 Jan. 22 Oct. 22 June 5 Oct. 16 Oct. 5 May 25 April 23 Not. 27 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 35 Brown, Jeremiah, Monmouth, and Rachel Hulit, Monmouth 1755 Brown, John, Burlington, and Mary Gordon, Middlesex 1729 Brown, John, Monmouth, and Barbery Thomson, Monmouth 1743 Brown, John, Burlington, and Margaret Robins, Monmouth 1750 Brown, John, Somerset, and Margaret Aikman, Morris 1753 Brown, John, Woodbridge, and Esther Frazee, Elizabeth Town 1754 Brown, John, BurUngton, and Alice Coward 1759 Brown, John, Burlington, and Deborah Claypoole, Willingborough.. . . 1766 Brown, John, Jr., Essex, and Catherine DeToisuee, Essex 1767 Brown, John, Cumberland, and Hannah Soott, Cumberland 1774 Brown, John, Burlington, and Mary Norcross, Burlington 1775 Brown, John, PhUadelphia, and Elizabeth P.aton 1777 Brown, John, Burlington, and Mary Page, Burlington 1780 Brown, Jonathan, Burlington, and Hannah Bulong, Notingham 1748 Brown, Joseph, Burliugton, and Anne Higgs 1759 Brown, Joseph, Burlington, and Hannah Tucker 1772 Brown, Joseph, Burlington, and Jane Esdel 1786 Brown, Mathew, Sussex, and Anne Rankins 1768 Brown, Nicholas, Monmouth, and Grace Jacocks, Monmouth 1741 Brown, Peter, Philadelphia, and Priscilla Parrock, Philadelphia 1738 Brown, Peter, Middlesex, and Hannah Sooby, Middlesex 1760 Brown, Peter, Gloucester, aud Amy Middleton, Gloucester 1767 Brown, PreserTe, Burliugton, and Mary Dawson, Burlington 1742 Brown, Robert, Middlesex, and Sarah ETelman, Monmouth 1745 Brown, Robert, Gloucester, aud Rachel Denney, Gloucester 1772 Brown, Samuel, Somerset, and Mary Dunham, Somerset 1762 Brown, Samuel, Monmouth, and Ellen Cutler 1762 Brown, Samuel, PennsylTania, and Martha Brelsford, PennsylTania. .1768 Brown, Solomon, Monmouth, and Mary Craft 1762 Brown, Thomas, Woodbridge, and Frances Moores 1746 Brown, Thomas, Woodbridge, and Mary Hadden, Woodbridge 1754 Brown, Thomas, Cumberland, and Bathuithcoth Ogden, widow 1760 Brown, Thomas, Cumberland, and Martha Peck, Cumberland 1762 Brown, Thomas, Cumberland, and Rejjecca Fithian 1780 Brown, Timothy, Hunterdon, and Desire Freeman, Middlesex 1763 Brown, WiUiam, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Heddon, Monmouth 1738 Brown, William, Monmouth, and Anne W,atson, Monmouth 1 741 Brown, WiUiam, Salem, and Sarah Vanneman 1758 Brown, WUliam, Middlesex, and Catherine Jolly, Middlesex. 1765 Brown, Zabulon, Burlington, and Bathsheba MoU 1759 Browne, Caleb, Eastern Division, and Mary Browne, Burlington 1731 Browne, James, Burlington, and Sarah Liudon, Burlington 1737 Browne, Joseph, Bergen, and Catharine Devinne ., 1782 Browne, Thomas, Newark, and Sarah Carter 1778 Browne, WUUam, Burlington, and Elizabeth Burrodail, Burlington — 1758 Browning, Edward, Gloucester, and Grace Oldale, BurUngton 1751 Oct. 18 July Jan. 9 23 Dec. 4 Jan. 17 Aug. Feb. 5 7 Oct. 13 Feb. 5 May July Nov. 4 25 21 Mar. 27 April Aug. AprU Mar. 13 14 15 15 June 20 AprilApril Mar. 97 26 Nov. 23 Nov. 3 Jan. 28 Mar. 25 July Aug. May Dec. 26 7 16 29 Feb. 12 April AprilDec. 4 17 28 May Feb. 2923 Feb. 15 Deo. 12 Sept.Aug. Jan. 25 7 17 Nov. 17 Jan. 25 JulyAug.Mar. - 4 2111 July 8 36 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Browning, Joseph, BurUngton, and Mary Vandergrift 1782 Oct. 9 Bruce, James, Middlesex, aud Winifred Franklin, BurUngton 1768 Sept. 19 Bruce, John, Monmouth, and Catherine Cook 1747 May 5 Brumby, Joseph, Burlington, and Hannah Clark 1777 Deo. 26 Brundridge, Thomas, Monmouth, and Jemima Wood 1 737 Dec. 22 Brush, Timothy, Jr., Hunterdon, and Catherine Lain, Somerset 1769 Deo. 16 Bruton, Joseph, Bristol, Pa., and Bridget KeUey, Bristol, Pa 1767 Ang. 30 Bryan, Aaron, Burlington, and Martha Hopewell 1783 Dec. 26 Bryan, Benjamin, Burlington, and Nancy Richardson 1780 Oct. 18 Bryan, Dauiel, Philadelphia, and Anne Pugh, Philadelphia 1748 July 25 Bryan, Haran, Burlington, and Johannah Sikes, Burlington 1751 Aug. 21 Bryan, Heron, Burlington, and Jane Pratt, Burlington 1758 July 24 Bryan, Heron, Burlington, and Rebecca Green, Northampton 1761 Nov. 28 Bryan, Jacob, Burlington, and Mary Ritchie, AUentown 1758 May 26 Bryan, James, Burlington, and Ann Wilson, Burlington 1741 Oct. 14 Bryan, Samuel, Burlington, and Mary Pancoast, Burliugton.. 1764 Deo. 18 Bryan, Thomas, Gloucester, and Martha Middleton, Gloucester 1729 Jan. 26 Bryan, Thomas, Burlington, and Sarah Cox, Burlington 1730 Nov. 22 Bryan, Thomas, Burlington, and Mary Haines, Burlington 1745 July 17 Bryan, Thomas, Burlington, and Fanny Coxe, Burlington 1760 Deo. 31 Bryan, William, Monmouth, aud Margaret Watson, Monmouth 1750 AprU 2 Bryant, Valentine, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Heivy 1784 April. 17 Bryant, John, Glouoester, and Mary Dennis, Gloucester. 1739 Aug. 8 Brynbery, Christian, Salem, and Ann Wright 1777 Aug. 11 Bryon, John, Monmouth, and Mary Mount, Monmouth 1760 June 7 Buchanan, Arthur, Lancaster, Pa., and Dorcas Holt, Philadelphia ...1738 July 22 Buck, Aaron, Shrewsbury, and Margaret Dillon, Shrewsbury 1759 Sept. 28 Buck, Enos, Cape May, and Elizabeth Crawford, Cape May 1773 May 3 Buck, Ephraim, Cumberland, and Abigail Ogden, Cumberland 1769 Sept. 27 Buck, Ira, Cape May, and Sarah Hand, Cape May .' 1760 Jan. 14 Buck, John, Cumberland, and Lorainia Whitticar 176 1 June 27 Buck, John, Cape May, and Elizabeth Wheaton 1766 Jan. 25 Buck, Joseph, Cape May, and Elizabeth Eldridge, Cape May. 1759 July 10 Buck, Joseph, Cumberland, and Ruth Dalen. .. ., 1779 Mar. 15 Buck, Lot, Cape May, and Barsheba Foster 1 783 May 9 Buck, Lot, Cape May, and Edmunds, i Cape May 1787 Aug. 15 Buck, Stephen, Cape May, and Judith Hewet 1780 July 4 Buck, Thomas, Jr., Cape May, and Judith Edmunds, Cape May 1771 Jan. 9 Buckalew, David, Pennsylvania, and Pricilla Waslaek, Pennsylvania. .1771 Aug. 7 Buckalew, Frederick, Perth Amboy, and Mary Rose, Perth Amboy 1750 Feb. 17 Buckalew, James, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Watson, Middlesex 1747 Dec 9 Buckalew, James, Perth Amboy, and Ann Brittan, Perth Amboy 1751 Oct. 15 Buckalew, John, Amboy, and Isabeil Dove, Lower Freehold 1731 Deo. 25 Buckalew, John, Middlesex, and Hester Praal, Staten Island 1762 AprU 14 1 The bond is signed Jeremiah Edmunds, MARRIAGE LICENSES. 37 Buckalew, Obadiah, Middlesex, and Martha Ellison, Middlesex. . . .... 1746 Buckalew, Peter, Middlesex, aud Mary Bears, Middletown 1749 Buckalew, Peter, South Amboy, and Catherine Bowne, Middletown. . .1759 Buokerlew, John, Middlesex, and Mary AUen, Middlesex 1745 Buokerlew, Peter, Middlesex, and Nautchy Cornell 1 784 Buckhard, David, Burlington, and Mary McGuire, Burlington 1749 Buckle, Richard, Gloucester, and Sarah Johnson, Gloucester 1729 Buckler, Reuben, Sussex, and Elizabeth Haggerty, Sussex i . . . . 1768 Buckley, Eichard, Gloucester, and Mary Curtis, Gloucester 1733 Budd, David, Burlington, aud Catherine Allen, Burliugton 1738 Budd, Eli, Burlington, and Anne Carman, Burlington 1774 Budd, George, Gloucester, and Deborah Jones. . . 1780 Budd, Isaac, Burlington, and Euth Woolston, Burlington 1775 Budd, John, Burlington, and Hannah King, Burlington 1750 Budd, John, Salem, and Eosanna Shivers 1758 Budd, John, Burlington, and Hannah Lippiucott, Burlington 1764 Budd, Jonathan, Burliugton, and Ann Saxton 1777 Budd, Joseph, Burlington, and Abigail Shinn 1778 Budd, Joseph, Burlington,- and Mary Fox 1781 Budd, Levi, Burlington, and Mary Woolston, Burlington 1774 Budd, Samuel, Burlington, and Hannah GUe, Northampton 1766 Budd, Stacy, Burlington, and Sarah Munrow, Burlington 1763 Budd, ITiomas, and Jemima Leeds. 1735 Budd, William, Burlingtpn, and Susanna Coles, Glouoester. 1738 Budd, William, Burlington, and Lititia Hoff, Burlington 1767 Buddell, William, Burlington, and Hannah Clarke, Burlington 1731 Budden, William, Burlington, and Elizabeth Carter, Burlington 1746 Buddin, Joseph, Burlington, and Eebecca Packer, Burlington 1 741 Bulkeley, Richard, Philadelphia, and Mary Dennis, PhUadeljihia 1767 Bull, Andrew, Salem, and Prudence Morris, Salem 1745 BuUman, Joseph, Monmouth, and Mary Bard, Monmouth 1762 BuUman, Thomas, Jr., Monmouth, and Mary Crage, Monmouth 1765 BuUook, Thomas, Burlington, and Elizabeth Stewart 1767 Bullock, Thomas, Burlington, and Acsah Rookhill 1772 BuUook, Thomas, Salem, and Susanna Logan, Salem 1763 BuUns, Fraucis, Burlington, and Elizabeth Winnick 1791 Bulks, Samuel, Burlington, and Mary Toy, BurUngton 1775 Bully, Edward, Salem, and Ann Brooks, Salem 1736 Bunn, Jonathan, Hunterdon, and Mary Shinn, Hunterdon 1776 Bnnn, Reuben, and Rachel Place, Woodbridge 1744 Bunn, Thomas, Perth Amboy, and Elizabeth Griggs, Perth Amboy. . .1773 Bunnel, Moses, Monmouth, and Alice Jmlay 1749 Bunnell, Isaac, Perth Amboy, and Grace Fox, Perth Amboy 1763 Bunting, Aaron, Burlington, and Ann Stephenson 1770 Bunting, Benjamin, Bucks, Pa., and Sarah Logan 1758 Banting, Benjamin, Burlington, and Elizabeth Steward 1772 Feb. 14 Feb. 2 Aug. 20 June 12 April 3 Oct. 21 July 1 Dec. 17 July 4 Feb. 6 April 2 Feb. 1 Dec. 6 Dec. 31 Sept. 7 July 28 Oct. 15 Aug. 6 Oct. 27 Sept. 1 April 14 May 20 Jan. 5 Mar. 28 July 18 Mar. 13 May 10 Mar. 27 Aug. 13 Jan. 24 Nov. 18 Not. 22 Feb. 14 Dec. 19 Feb. 26 Jan. 8 July 29 Dec. 3 June 3 June 18 Aug. 31 Deo. 12 Dec. 3 Feb. 21 Deo. 4 Sept. 8 38 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Bunting, Daniel, Pennsylvania, and EUzabeth Clayton 1767 Bunting, Daniel, BurUngton, and Nancy Lovit 1779 Bunting, David, Bucks, Pa., and Martha Houghf 1757 Bunting, John, Burlington, and Mary Carter, Burlington 1740 Bunting, John, Jr., Burlington, and Patience TiUton 1768 Bunting, Jonathan, Bucks, Pa., and Rebecca Johnston, Bucks, I'a 1772 Bunting, Joshua, Burlington, and Amy Nutt 1 768 Bunting, Samuel, BurUngton, and Mary WUlitts, Monmouth 1739 Bunting, Thomas, Burlington, and Sarah Harvey, Burlington : . . 1755 Bunting, WUliam, Burlington, and Sarah Terrey, Burlington 1743 Bunting, WiUiam, Burlington, and Anne Stewart 1779 Burch, James, Cumberland, and Sidnea Scott 1789 Burch, Jeremiah, Monmouth, and Jane Young 1768 Burck, James, Cumberland, and Sarah Elmer 1785 Burdg, DaTid, Middletown, and Patience Woolley, Shrewsbury 1746 Burdg, Jonathan, Middletown, and Mary Morris, Middletown 1746 Burdg, Richard, Monmouth, and Susannah Wall, Monmouth 1743-4 Burdg, William, Monmouth, and Joice Hance, Monmouth 1755 Burdge, David, Monmouth, aud Elizabeth Davis, Monmouth 1753 Burdge, John, Middletown, and Aun Smith, Middletown 1754 Burdge, Joseph, Monmouth, and Zelpha Gifford, Monmouth 1765 Burdsal," Elijah, Burlington, and Mary Wills, Burlington 1765 Biirdsall, Jacob, Burlington, and Elizabeth Coles, Burlington 1730 Burdsall, Nathan, Monmouth, and Abigail WiUess, Monmoutb 1752 Burdsell, Joseph, Monmouth, and Hannah Cox 1783 Burgean, Abraham, New York, and Mary Fox, Perth Amboy 1764 Surges, Samuel, Bucks, Pa., and Sarah Done, Bucks, Pa 1764 Burgess, Daniel, Bucks, Pa., and Lydia Leysum, Bucks, Pa 1751 Burgin, John, Salem, and Margate Steele, Salem 1728 Burgin, John, Cumberland, and Elizabeth Abel, Salem 1761 Burgin, Joseph, Cumberland, and Sarah Morgan, Perth Amboy. 1761 Burgin, Joseph, Salem, and Jane Silver, Salem 1691-2 Burgin, Reubin, Cumberland, and Deborah Bowen 1787 Burgis, Benjamin, Burlington, and AbigaU Easslaud, BurUngton 1731 Burgis, Daniel, Bucks, Pa., and Lydia Scyssum, Bucks, Pa 1751 Burk, Alexander, Burlington, and Mary McDonald, Burlington 1765 Burk, WUliam, Bucks, Pa., and EUzabeth Gregory, Pennsylvania 1730 Burke, John, Bucks, Pa., and Margaret Kidd, Bucks, Pa 1732 Burke, Ruth, BurUngton, and Mary Roe 1776 Burne, WiUiam, Burlington, and Mary Robertson, Burlington 1765 Burnet, Charles, Middlesex, and Mary Devall, Piscataway 1750 Burnet, Peter, and Margaret Edwards, Shrewsbury 1756 Burnett, John, Monmouth, and Joyce Irons, Monmouth 1763 Burns, David, Cape May, and Sarah Long i irag Burns, James, Cumberland, and Abigail Haze 1 773 Burns, John, and Mary Cold, Staten Island 1745-6 April 29 July 12 Feb. 24 Deo. 16 Mar. 4 Jan. 10 Sept. 23 May 11 April 17 Feb. 29 Nov. 15 Feb. 3 June 25 May 9 Not. 14 Not. 14 Mar. 24 Not. 28 Aug. 22 Feb. 18 Jan. 21 June 18 April 4 Deo. 13 Not. 20 June 13 AprU U June 17 July 31 Mar. 2 April 13 Mar. 23 Nov. 28 Nov. 20 June 17 Feb. 6 Jan. 1 Nov. 6 Jan. 16 Jan. 18 Mai. 13 Jan. 17 July 26 July 1 Dec. 7 Mar, 18 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 39 Burns; William,, Trenton, and Elizabeth Smith 1733 Burnside, James, Burlington, and Mary Hendricks, Burlington 1727 Burnsides, James, Burlington, and Mary Seed, Burlington 1729 Burr, Aaron, Bergen, and Theodosia Prevost 1782 Burr, Henry, Burlington, and Mary Owen, Burlington 1736 Burr, Henry, Burlington, and Abigail Bishop 1793 Burr, John, Burlington, and Elizabeth Davidson, Burlington 1738 Burr, Joseph", Jr., Northampton, and Mary Mullen, Northampton 1749 Burr, Eobert, Burlington, and Christiana Gregory, Burlington 1770 Burrough, Isaac, Gloucester, and Eebecca Nicholson, Gloucester. .... 1767 Burrough, Isaac, Waterford, and Abigail Marshall 1771 Burrough, Jacob, Glouoester, and Elizabeth Gill 1775 Burrough, Thomas, Gloucester, aud Rebecca Fish 1777 Burroughs, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Hannah Wilkins 1783 Burroughs, John, Bucks, Pa., and Lydia Baker 1746 Burroughs, WUliam, Backs, Pa., and Mary Wright, Bucks, Pa 1763 Burrow, John, Perth Amboy, and Mary Webb, Perth Amboy 1743 Burrowes, Stephen, Hunterdon, and Charity MuUady 1771 Burrowes, Thomas, Hunterdon, and Hannah Ashton, Hunterdon 1772 Burrows, Edward, Middletown, and Deborah Shepherd, Middletown. .1750 Burrows, Israel, Hunterdon, and Alice Stillwell 1777 Burrows, John, Middletown, and Hope Watson, Middletown 1749 ' Burrows, Michael, Burlington, and Mary Carter, Burlington 1764 Burrows, Michael, Burlington, and Isabel Jack, Burlington 1784 Burrows, Thomas, Hunterdon, and Mercy Moore 1733 Burtis, WiUiam, Monmouth, and Anne Longstreet . 1764 Burton, Charles, Chesterfield, and Anne Medcalf, Chesterfield 1731 Burton, Jesse, Monmouth, and Catherine Myers, Monmouth 1772 Burton, Samuel, Gloucester, and Barbery Steelman 1777 Burwell, Joseph, Hunterdon, and Mai-y Eobins, Hunterdon 1771 Busby, Isaac, Burlington, and Eaohel Sharp, Burlington 1743 Busby, John, Burlington, and Sarah Ellis, Burlington 1758 Bush, George, Easton, Pa., and Mary Van Campen 1786 Bush, Oswald, Glouoester, and Christine Strechery 1782 Bush, WiUiam, Somerset, and Esther Horton 1777 Bushkirk, Joris, Bergen, and Elizabeth Die, Bergen 1748 Busson, Joseph, Burlington, and Elizabeth Cunningham 1766 Bustido, John, New Brunswick, and Katherine Wetherall 1744 Bustill, William, Burlington, and Elizabeth Tonkan, Burlington 1687 Butcher, Aaron, Cumberland, and Mary Ireland, Cumberland 1762 Batcher, Aaron, Cumberlg.nd, and Phebe Moor 1778 Butcher, John, Jr., Burlington, and Mary Ridgway, Burliugton 1738 Batcher, Jonathan, Bucks, Pa., and Aune Browne, Bucks, Pa 1771 Butcher, Samuel, PhUadelphia, and Susanna Marple 1736 Butcher, Thomas, Bucks, Pa., and Anne Bisnett, Bucks, Pa 1765 Butler, Abel, Burlington, and Sarah Marett, Burlington 1776 Sept. 25 July 19 Oct. 22 July 4 Jan. 10 Nov. 14 Sept. 4 May 15 Sept. 25 Oct. 2 July 12 Mar. 6 Sept. 8 Oct. 28 AprU 8 Sept. 9 Feb. 20 Mar. 4 Feb. 18 April 2 Dec. 29 Dec. 2 May 1 May 28 Aug. 9 Mar. 15 Sept. 17 June 2 Dec. 11 Oct. 29 April 5 May 9 April 8 Jan. 25 June 18 Mar. 29 Dec. 31 Nov. 14 Jan. 3 July 23 April 2 Feb. 23 June 6 Aug, 12 June 19 Feb. 14 40 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Butler, Dauiel, Monmouth, and Eachel Borden, Monmouth 1746-6 Butler, Henry, Staten Island, and Belitie Johnson, Staten Island 1752 Butler, James, Staten Island, and Susannah Johnson 1745 Butler, James, and Elizabeth StuU 1749 Butler, John, Cape May, and Elizabeth gommers 1762 Butler, John, Burlington, and Susannah Kim pson, Burlington 1767 Butler, Thomas, Staten Island, and Mary Coo, Staten Island Butler, William, Morris, and Joanna Bruen 1780 Butterfield, John, Burlington, and Eebecca Wood, Burlington 1740 Butterworth, Benjamin, Burlington, and Aune Ogburn, Burlington 1729 Butterworth, Benjamin, Burlington, and Ann McCarty, Burlington 1736 Butterworth, Benjamin, Burlington, and Sarah Likins, Burlington 1757 Butterworth, John, Glouoester, and Esther Evens, Gloucester 1729 Button, Philip, Bucks, Pa., Mary Mason, Bucks, Pa 1739 Buxton, James, Burlington, and Hannah Tallman, Burlington 1773 Buzby, Daniel, Burlington, aud Mary WeUs 1784 Buzby, Isaac, and Naomi Pevon (?) 1776 Buzby, Jabez, Burlington, and Grace Lippiucott 1768 Buzby, Thomas, Burlington, and Hannah Austin 1795 Buzby, William, Gloucester, and Sarah Burroughs 1779 Byram, Francis, Cumberland, and Christian Liester, Cumberland 1773 Byrne, Joseph, Burlington, and Mary Dobson 1778 Byrne, Patrick, Burlington, and Mary Ballenger, Burlington 1727 Byrne, Patrick, Burlington, and Mary Murrell, Burlington 1741 FEMALES. B Backhover, Hannah, and James Anderson, Morris 1779 Baokow, Hannah, Cape May, and William Camiiton, Cape May 1742 Backover, Elizabeth, Somerset, and Henry Stevens, Bridgewater 1779 Bacon, Dorcas, and Daniel Eldridge, Cumberland 1789 Bacon, Elizabeth, and Benjamin Greese, Salem 1766 Bacon, Elizabeth, and Abbit Sayre, Alloways Creek 1780 Bacon, Esther, Alloways Creek, aud David Stretch, Alloways Creek. . .1759 Bacon, Mary, Cumberland, and Joseph Bowen, Cumberland 1761 Bacon, Phebe, and Norton Ludlem, Cumberland 1779 Bacon, Prudence, Cumberland, and Micajah Irelan, Cumberland 1776 Bacon, Eachel, Greenwich, and Jonathan Walling, Greenwich 1774 Bacon, Eachel, and John Howard, Salem I774. Bacon, Rachel, and Jacob Harris, Cumberland I780 Bacon, Sarah, Greenwich, and WUliam Waithman, Cumberland 1775 Badcock, Abiah, and John Badcock, Cape May I778 Badcock, Abigail, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Daniel Scull, Gt. Egg .Harb'r. 1768 Badcock, Lydia, and Christopher Smith, Cape May. I774 Badcock, Mary, Cape May, and Peter Corson, Cape May. ' '. .176I Badcock, Melicent, and Jacob Endicott, Gloucester. ' " " 1709 Badcock, Phebe, and Joseph Corson, Jr jirgn gg J ja Feb. i Oct. 30 Sept . 12 Sept . 13 Aug. 5 Oct. 6 Jan. 11 July 29 Sept. 11 Nov. 18 July 26 Mar. 10 Oct. 27 May 20 Aug. 9 Mar. 15 July 17 Mar. 2 July 21 Mar. 19 Mar. 4 May 5 Aug. 13 Jan. 24 Sept 24 June 26 Jan. 30 Oct. 23 Oct. 16 July 24 Deo. 22 Not. 8 May 1 Mar. 2 Dec. 5 Feb. 29 Oct. 11 Nov. 16 Jan. 6 Oct. 24 Jan. 15 Nov. 10 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 4I Badcock, Eachel, Cape May, and Jacob Richards, Cape May 1754 Badcock, Sarah, Gloucester, and Nehemiah Nicholson, Glouoester 1739 Bailerjan, Jean, and James Chunn, Hunterdon 1763 Baillie, Mary, Alexandria, and John Sherrard, Alexandria 1774 Bainbridge, Sarah, Maidenhead, and Theophilus Severns, Trenton 1738 Baird, Ann, and Derrick Barkalow, Monmouth 1772 Baird, Eleanor, and Abraham Voorhees, Somerset 1779 Baird, Elizabeth, Somerset, and Henry Crusee, East Div. N. J 1755 Baird, Phebe, aud John Hoagland, Somerset 1780 Baird, Eachel, Monmouth, and Daniel Logan, Monmouth 1747 Baird, Sarah, and James Tapscott, Upper Freehold 1772 Baker, Agnes, Middlesex, and John Tomson, Middlesex 1749 Bakehone, Hannah, and James Keer, Hunterdon 1775 Baker, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Hugh Hutchin, Burlington 1730 Baker, Frederick, Bucks, Pa., and James Shaw, Bucks, Pa 1742 Baker, Hannah, Burlington, and William May, Burlington 1741 Baker, Hannah, and John Clevinger, Burlington 1742 Baker, H-mnah, Burlington, and Patrick Fox, Burlington 1772 Baker, Lydia, and John Burroughs, Bucks, Pa 1746 Baker, Maria, Pa., and Charles BUer, Pa 1728 Baker, Mary, and Caleb Cramner. 1760 Baker, Mary, Woodbridge, and Charles Wright, Woodbridge 1760 Baker, Phebe, Essex, and Henry Vail, Morris 1779 Baker, Eachel, Burlington, and William .Jewell, Burlington 1763 Baker, Sarah, Burlington, and Joseph Borden, Burlington 1762 Baker, Sarah, and Stacy Wright, Burlington 1768 Baldwin, Elisabeth, and Samuel Titus, Hunterdon 1778 Baldwin, Jemima, and Joseph Hoff, Hunterdon 1781 Baldwin, Mary, and Cornelius Disosway, Staten Island 1765 Ball, Elizabeth, Burlington, and John Smith, Burlington . , . 1685 Ball, EUzabeth, Philadelphia, and Aaron Hibbard, Philadelphia 1746 Ball, Elizabeth, and Edward Haswell, Perth Amboy 1768 Ballenger, Rebecca, Burlington, and Nathan Haines, Burlington 1756 BaUenger, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and Henry Sparks, Gloucester 1750 Ballenger, Elizabeth, and Joseph Austin, Burlington 1782 Ballenger, Mary, Burlington, and Patrick Byrne, Burlington 1727 Ballenger, Rebecca, and David Price, ETesham 1777 Ballenger, Bathsheba, and John Moore, Burlington 1777 BaUinger, Charity, Burlington, and Joseph Eayre, Burlington . . 1767 BaUinger, Mary, and William Dickinson, Glouoester 1776 Bancraft, Anne, and John Elbersou, Cape May.. 1780 Bancraft, Martha, Cape May, and SUas Church, Cape May 1770 Banks, Elizabeth, Pa., and Edward Hill, Pa 1728 Banks, Anne, and John TUt, Mount HoUy 1784 Bankson, Mary, Philadelphia, and John Clifton, Philadelphia 1740 Bankson, Rebecca, Bucks, Pa., and Claus Johnson, Bucks, Pa 1734 Sept. 26 June 1 Not. 22 Jan. 18 Nov. 23 Jan. 28 Aug. 14 Dec. 1 July 15 Oct. 24 Jan. 28 July 17 Nov. 25 July 6 Feb. 7 Sept. 12 Mar. 17 June 19 April 8 July 28 July 29 Aug. 21 Not. 15 Dec. 12 Feb. 13 June 8 Feb. 13 Not. 21 Aug. 13 Aug. 30 July 18 -Mar. 31 May 21 Jan. 31 April 19 May 5 May 23 May 1 Sept. 5 Nov. 6 June 22 Aug. 1 Aug. 6 Sept. 16 Sept. 10 Mar. 3Q 42 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Bant, WiUemyntje, Bergen, and Samuel Demarest, Bergen 1767 July 27 Banta, Augenietie, and John Eckersen, Bergen 1774 AprU 2 Banta, Annatie, Bergen, and Hendrick Haring, Bergen 1763 July 5 Banta, CorneUa,! Hackensack, and Gozer Adrianz, Perth Amboy 1743 June 11 Banta, Hannah, Bergen, and John Aldington, Bergen 1770 Deo! 13 Banta, Hannah, and Richard Vreelandt, Hackensack 1783 Dec. 1 Banta, Hester, Hackensack, and Joseph Prinn, Hackensack 1750 Aug. 8 Banta, Jannet, and Roelof Bogart 1756 Aug. 19 Banta, Jenne, and Jacob J. Westervelt, Bergen 1768 Oct. 13 Banta, Margaret, Bergen, and David Ackerman, Bergen 1749 Mar. 31 Banta, Mary, and Isaac N. Kipp, Bergen 1779 Nov. 22 Banta, NeUy, Bergen, and Stephen Bourdett, Bergen 1764 Mar. 1 Banta, Wijntie, Bergen, and Samuel Durye, Bergen, 1744 Aug. 2 Banta, Vrowtje, Hackensack, and Jacobus Van Buskirk, Hackensack, , 1765 Oct 24 Barbar, Sarah, and Jacob Beal, Hunterdon. . . 1784 Mar. 18 Barbary, Mary, Hunterdon, and Gershom Lambert, Hunterdon 1776 Jan. 15 Barber, Ann, Sussex, and David Philips, Sussex 1770 July 12 Barber, Elinor, and Owen Gilman, Salem 1731 Jan. 18 Barber, Keziah, and James Shepherd, Cumberland 1778 Sept. 23 Barber, Margaret, Hunterdon, and Isaiah Hudnutt, Hunterdon 1774 Aug. 27 Barber, Mary, Bucks Co., Pa., and Edmund Sands, Bucks Co., Pa. . .1770 April 5 Barber, Mary, and John Garrison, Jr., Hunterdon 1780 Mar. 29 Barber, Sarah, Perth Amboy, and Samuel Ellison, Perth Amboy 1750 Jan. 17 Barber, Sarah, and Joseph Shute, Gloucester 1776 Jan. 25 Barber, Susannah, Salem, and Joseph Banks, Salem 1762 Not. 24 Barberice, Susannah, and John Johnston, Jr., Middlesex 1767 Feb. 16 Barbiss, Margaret, Burlington, and Jacob Borden, Burlington 1775 June 26 Barcalow, Helena, Freehold, and Isaac Voorhees, Freehold - 1754 May 29 Barcalow, Mary, Monmouth, and Andrew Bowne, Monmouth 1765 Oct. 11 Barclay, Anue, Perth Amboy, and John Craig, Freehold 1749 Not. 21 Bancroft, Elizabeth, Pa., and Charles Morgan, Pa 1727 Sept. 25 Bard, Mary, Monmoutb, and Joseph BuUman, Monmouth 1762 Nov. 18 Bard, Mary, Burlington, and Thomas Hunloke, Burlington 1771 April 8 Bargin, Matilda, and Luke Covenhoven, Middlesex 1774 Nov. 12 Barenhof, Anne, and Peter Ward, Burlington 1763 Deo. 14 Barhyt, Margaret, Somerset, and Joseph Rose, New Jersey 1749 Jan. 10 Barkelow, Jane, Freehold, and Isaac Sutphen, Freehold 1753 Sept. 24 Barker, Elizabeth, and Latin Ware, Cumberland ." 1782 July 30 Barker, Hannah, Cumberland, and David Mulford, Cumberland 1771 Deo. 19 Barker, Mary, Cumberland, and Lewis Mulford, Cumberland 1773 Cot. 4 Barker, Sarah, and David Bacon, Cumberland 1786 Mar. 1 Barkley, Elizabeth, Somerset, and Andrew Hunter, Somerset 1779 AprU 18 Barkolo, Jane, Monmouth, and Derrick Conine, Monmouth 1762 Aug. 2 Barlow, EUzabeth, Cape May, and Michael Hinshaw, Cape May 1769 Jan. 30 1 Cornelia Pieterse DeGroot, widow of Jacob Banta, of Hackensack. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 43 Barlow, Maty, Cape May, and Joseph Field, Cape May 1765 Barnoraft, Thankful, and Robert Edmunds, Cape May 1781 Bames, Ann, and Arthur Micklevane, Gloucester 1772 Bames, Deborah, Woodbridge, and Abraham Johnson, Woodbridge. . . 1765 Bames, Elizabeth, Freehold, and Samuel Rogers, Freehold 1763 Barnes, Sarah, Amwell, and Jacob Snider, Amwell 1771 BarnweU, Jane, Middlesex, and William Carnogh, Perth Amboy 1744 Baron, Mary, Woodbridge, and Jonathan Clawson, Woodbridge 1760 Harrass, Ruth, Bucks, Pa., and Henry Cherry, Bucks, Pa 1731 Barratt, Edith, and Reuben Newcomb, Fairfield 1779 Barrett, Sarah, and Richard Webster, Trenton 1778 Barris, Margaret, Bucks, Pa. , and John English, Burlington 1744 Barrit, Esther, Gloucester, and John Little, Cape May 1769 Barrit, Marcy, Gloucester, aud Joseph Gee, Gloucester 1762 Barrot, Rebeckah, Cumberland, and Ephraim Sheppard, Cumberland.. 1778 Barry, Alice, Burlington, and James Moon, Burlington 1744 Barry, Mary, Burlington, and Alexander Ferguson, Burlington 1757 Bartholf, Annatje, Bergen, and Jacob Van Winkle, Bergen 1769 Barthney, EUzabeth, Middletcwn, and Abraham Vengalden, Mid 't'n. . 1759 Barthson, Shirah, Salem, and John Linnsbury, Salem 1761 Barthson, Sarah, Salem, and Albert BUderback, Salem I792 Barton, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and Thomas Down, Gloucester 1761 Barton, Euphen, Monmouth,_and Benjamin Lawrence, Monmouth. . . .1779 Barton, Martha, Middlesex, and WiUiam Rives, Middlesex 1739 Barton, Mary, Somerset, and William Carson, Somerset 1743 Barton, Eebecca, Amwell, and Benjamin Runyon, Amwell. 1764 Barton, Susannah, Middlesex, and Zebulon Morford, Middlesex 1746 Barton, Cisley, and Benjamin AUiger, Redington 1780 Barton, Jane, Hunterdon, and George Biggs, Hunterdon 1773 Barton, Margaret, and Thomas Lee, Sussex 1781 Barwis, Rebecca, and Thomas Race, Bristol, Pa 1779 Basnett, Elizabeth, and Eichard Dell 1698 Bass, Anne, Burlington, and Joseph Pidgeon, Penna 1727 BassaU, Sarab, and Hezekiah Belton, Salem 1756 Bassett, Elizabeth, Salem, and Peter Keen, Salem ¦ 1747 Basset, Mary, Acquackanonk, and Martinus Schoonmaker, Aoquac'nk.l761 Basset, Nancy, Essex, and Nicholas Vreelandt, Bergen 1760 Bassett, Hannah, and John Eoberts, Gloucester 1791 Bassett, Mary, Burlington, and Thomas Middleton, Burlington 1761 ;t, Eebecca, and William Waters, Pilesgrove 1752 Mary, and Edward Hunloke 1691 Bate, Ann, Gloucester, and Josiah Shivers, Glouoester 1729 Bate, Rebecca, and Isaac Matlack, Gloucester 1733 Bateman, Mary, Fairfield, and David Ogden, Fairfield 1759 Bates, Achsah, and Marmaduke Fort, Burlington 1777 Bates, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Eobert Braddock, Burlington 1737 April 19 Feb. 27 Dec. 2 April 3 Oct. 7 Oct. 3 Aug. 2 May 27 Oct. 20 June 9 April 18 Sept. 10 Aug. 29 April 22 April 3 June 18 April 18 June 2 Jan. 8 Nov. 18 Sept. 15 Jan. 29 May 25 July 17 Dec. 8 Jan. 21 Jan. 12 Mar. 23 Sept. 24 Oct. 10 Oct. 26 Aug. 11 June 26 June 3 June 20 June 5 Nov. 2 April 2 Aug. 12 April 27 Nov. 10 Feb. 9 May 28 Sept. 13 May 29 Nov. 24 44 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Bates, EUzabeth, BurUngton, and SUas Lord, Burlington 1774 Bates, Hannah, Glouoester, and Lippiucott Eemembrance, Gloucester. 1732 Bates, Hannah, Moorestown, and Joseph Pearson, Moorestown 1772 Bates, Mary, Gloucester, and Benjamin Hartley, Gloucester 1762 Bates, Mercy, and Abraham Bennet, Gloucester 1782 Bates, Polly, and Job Stockton, New Jersey ^ 1780 Bates, Priscilla, Gloucester, and Simeon Ellis, Gloucester 1760 Bates, Eachel, Burlington, and John Eudderow, Burlington 1747 Bates, Eachel, Gloucester, and DaTid Clark, Glouoester 1764 Bates, Sarah, and George Ash, Burliugton 1759 Bates, Sarah, and Isaac Collins, Glouoester , 1772 Bathe, Anne, Burlington, and James SomerTille, Burlington 1740 Bath, Mary, Pa., and Henry Edwards, Pa 1736 Bathford, Elizabeth, and WiUiam Grinding. Hunterdon 1769 Batten, Ann, Gloucester, and Nathan Horner, Glouoester 1762 Batten, Zillah, Gloucester, and John Gill, Gloucester 1765 Batten, Zillah, and Thomas Flick, Gloucester 1784 Batton, Deborah, and John Somers, Upper Penns Neck 1783 Bauer, Lydia, and Uriah Gaudy, Cape May 1767 Bayles, Amy, and Samuel Potts, Cranberry 1776 Bayles, Ann, and James Chambers, Middlesex 1775 Bayles, Isabella, aud John Davis, Middlesex 1784 Bayles, Mary, and Joseph O'Neale 1777 Bayley, Margaret, Orange, N. Y., and WiUiam Graham, Orange, N. Y.1776 Bayliffe, Jane, and Eobert Rigg 1688 Baylis, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Samuel Radford, Burlington 1730 Bayly, Ann, Bucks, Pa., and Nathan Gumley, Burlington 1731 Bayly, Mary, Pa., and Andrew EUet, Pa 1727 Beach, Hannah, Mendom, and Samuel Allen, Morris 1779 Beach,. Mary, Essex, and Ebenezer Foster, Essex 1750 Beach, Sarah, Morris, and Daniel Babbit, Morris 1779 Beagle, Martha, Morris, and Eobert Carson, Morris 1771 Mary, and Job Kirby, Monmouth 1790 Susanna, and Edward Southwood, Bucks, Pa 1734 Beans, Elizabeth, Bucks Co., Pa., and Eichard Sands, Bucks Co., Pa. .1749 Beans, Rachel, Bucks, Pa., and WUliam Hough, Bucks, Pa 1775 Beam, Elsey, and WUliam Kitchen, Hunterdon 1782 Beaman, Ann, Penns Neck, and Thomas Pennington, Penns Neck . . . 1749 Beaman, Ann, and John Dunkin, Salem 1772 Beard, Avie, Monmouth, and George Egger, Monmouth ... 1749 Beard, Elizabeth, and Hendrick Brokaw, Somerset 1782 Bears, Mary, Middletown, and Peter Buckalew, Middlesex 1749 Beats, Rosety, aud Isaac Atkinson, Burlington 1784 Beaty, Jane, Middlesex, and John Myer, Middlesex 1742 Beauman, Margaret, Salem, and James Casey, Salem 1762 geaver, Hannah, PhUadelphia, and Patrick Quin, PhUadelphia 1736 Dec. 6 Not. 29 Sept. 29 AprU 12 Not. 23 Feb. 28 Mar. 24 Sept. 12 Mar. 12 Sept. 24 Feb. 17 July 19 Deo. 11 Aug. 25 Dec. 14 April 8 Sept. 6 Mar. 7 Feb. 23 April 23 Dec. 13 May 1 July 23 May 16 Aug. 22 May 11 Oct. 6 Sept. 2 July 3 Aug. 24 May 26 July 10 Mar. 10 May 30 Not. 2 June 22 May 23 Oct. 26 May 7 July 4 Not. 4 Feb. 2 Mar. 17 JaiL 1 Deo. 30 July 15 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 45 Beaver, Margaret, and Abel ETcritt, Hunterdon 1782 BeaTcrs, Sarah, Sussex, and Abraham Oxford, Sussex 1762 Bebout, Elizabeth, Staten Island, and .John Winants, Staten Island. . .1755 Bebout, Sarah, and James Chapple 1779 Beck, Amy, New Jersey, and Joseph Norcross, New Jersey 1778 Beck, Mary, and Asher Williams, Chesterfield 1763 Becket, Mary, Burlington, and Daniel Hopewell, Burlington 1754 Beekes, Rebecca, and Charles Axford 1735 Beekman, Anne, New Brunswick, and Benjamin Dassigney, New Bwk.1750 Beekman, Charity, and Isaac Snedeker, Middlesex 1776 Beem, Angenitje, and John Bartrom, Bergen 1762 Beenson, Catharineah, Gloucester, and Thomas Moor, Cape May 1740 Beers, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Samuel Thomson, Monmouth 1743 Beers, Hannah, Monmouth, and John Nickerson, Monmouth 1747 Beesley, Hannah, Salem, and John Beesley, Jr., Salem 1776 Elizabeth, Salem, and WiUiam Tuft, Salem 1763 Gertrue, and Daniel Lithgow, Salem 1771 Beets, Mary, Gloucester, and Lazarus Canning, Gloucester 1758 Beettle, Sarah, Upper Penns Neck, and George Peterson, Up. Penns N.1761 Begele, Lydia, Monmouth, and Richard Cole, Monmouth 1766 Beinet, Mary, Shrewsbury, and Matthew Roberts, Middletown Point. . 1759 Belford, Hester, Bucks Co., Pa., and John Siddall, Bucks Co., Pa. . . 1765 Belford, Martha, and Joseph Vanschuyver, Burlington 1 776 BeU, AbigaU, and John Suiter, Gloucester 1783 BeU, Mary, and Isaiah Covenover, Gloucester 1774 Bell, PrioUla, and Nicholas Hoyle, Burlington 1777 Bell, Sarah, Springfield, and Francis Shinn, Springfield 1763 BeU, Tabitha, Burlington, and Isaac Harbert, Burlington 1765 BeUanger, Mary, Cape May, and Adonijah Reeves, Cape May 1781 Belles, Ester, Gloucester, and Daniel Martin, Gloucester. 1730 Bellows, Mary, Gloucester, and John Eivin, Gloucester 1746 Belmer, Elisabeth, and John Wilson, Somerset 1 749 Belton, Mary, Gloucester, and John Eastluek, Gloucester 1737 Belton, Lydomia, Gloucester, and John Dickinson, Salem 1747 Bendei'j Catherine, Gloucester, and Isaac Hoffman, Gloucester 1765 Benezet, Mary, and Joseph Wood, Georgia 1773 Benham, Hendrica, and Jacob Vandike, Bucks Co., Pa 1768 Benham, Mary, and Jonathan Clayton, Freehold 1759 Bcnmire, Amy, Monmouth, and James Feagin, Monmouth 1V67 Bennem, Elizabeth, Monmoutb, and Garret CoTenhoTen, Monmouth. . 1759 Bennet Antie, Middlesex, and Frederick Vanlewen, Jr., Somerset. . 1750 Bennet, Aurionohe, Monmouth, and Ezekiel Ellison, Monmouth 1762 Bennet, Charity, and WUliam Penn 1785 Bennet, Eleanor, Monmouth, and John Schenck, Monmouth 1750 Bennet, Elizabeth, BurUngton, and Samuel Clark, Burlington 1747 Bermet, Ehzabeth, Monmouth, and DaTid Curtis, Jr., Monmouth 1747 May 12 June 29 Sept. 6 Sept. 2 May 23 Not. 10 July 27 Oct. 13 Oct. 1 June 7 April 9 May 15 May 24 June 11 April 2 Jan. 2 July 11 Aug. 18 Nov. 20 Dec. 6 Jan. 19 Feb. 15 Oct. 29 June 2 Nov. 11 Dec. 14 May 24 Aug. 15 Feb. 21 Jan. H May 1 May 2 June 24 Oct. 27 Sept. 14 July 29 Not. 10 Dec. 6 June 2 Feb. 26 Oct. 11 Oct. 6 Jan. 22 June 14 May 4 May 26 46 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Bennet, Et«, aud Abraham Hand, Middlesex , 1772 Bennet, Ghertie, Monmouth, and William Cook, Monmouth 1743 Bennet, Hanna, Woolwich, aud Job Thomas, Woolwich 1774 Bennet, Hannah, Monmouth, and Joseph Borden, Monmouth 1757 Bennet, Keziah, Monmouth, and Thomas Letts, Monmouth 1771 Bennet, Mary, Monmouth, and William Pearce, Monmouth 1742-3 Bennet, Sarah, and John Fish, Monmouth 1752 Bennet, Sarah, Fairfield, and Philip Shepherd, Fairfield 1761 Bennet, Sarah, Burlington, and Daniel Toy, Burlington 1756 Bennet, Sarah, and John Torn, Burlington 1778 Bennet, Susannah, Burlington, and John Edwards, Burlington 1746 Bennett, Mary, Burlington, and David Evan Reece, Burlington 1733 Bennett, Mary, Burlington, and John Rogers, Burlington 1768 Bennett, Mary, Monmouth, and Jonathan Lankins, Burlington 1779 Bennett, Sarah, aud Robert Edwards 1701 Bennett, ThankfuU, Burlington, and Noah Bishop, Burlington 1772 Bennit, Artilly, and Christopher Vanpelt, Monmouth 1751 Bennum, Ann, and Jesef Taylor, Lower Freehold 1762 Benton, Elizabeth, Cumberland, and Francis Dixon, Cumberland. . . . 1763 Berdan, Cornolia, and John Gomez, Bergen 1786 Berdett, Mary, Bergen, and John Loaz'ear, Bergen ..1768 Berdett, Sarah, and Benjamin Westerfelt, Bergen 1768 Bereman, Sevia, and Johnson Reeves, Cumberland 1777 Bergen, Alice, Somerset, and Conrad Ten Eick, Jr., Somerset 1757 Bergen, Sarah, John Hoagland, Somerset 1784 Berger, Jane, Reading Town, and Andrew Johnson, Reading Town. . .1755 Berndrow, Mary, and John Mack CoUum, Somerset 1768 Bei'oote, Bariche, Bergen, and Abraham Tures, Bergeu 1749 Berry, Catherine, Morris, aud Samuel Berry, Morris 1749 Berry, Elizabeth, and Thomas Thompson, Hunterdon 1763 Berry, Hanah, and Thomas Wilson, Burlington 1759 Berry, Hannah, Hackensack, and Thomas VeU, Hackensack 1760 Berry, Hester, Morris, and James Bargue, Morris 1744 Berry, Isabel, aud Abram Vautugh, Tewksbury 1781 Berry, Margret, and Harp Van Riper, Essex 1762 Berry, Mary, Somerset Co., aud James Lockhart, Somerset 1752 Berry, Mary, and Theodorus Brewer, Bergen 1790 Berry, Polly, Essex, aud John Degray, Bergen 1774 Berry, Sarah, and William Freeman, Woodbridge 1749 Berry, Sarah, Morris, and Peter Roome, Morris 1752 Berry, Sarah, Burlington, and John Atkinson, Burlington 1761 Berry, Sarah, Salem, and John Mecom, Salem 1763 Bersherer, Catherine, Somerset, and John Hall, Somerset 1750 Bertholf, Marrity, Orange, N. Y., and Peter Alyea, Orange, N. Y....1773 Bertholf, Mary, and Henry Wanmaker, Bergen 1780 Bertron, Sarah, Hunterdon, and Peter Keney, Somerset 1758 Aug. 3 Sept, 21 Jan. 20 Jan. 25 June 1 27 Feb. 7 Jan. 13 July 6 Deo. 29 April 19 May 6 Mar. 21 AprU 12 Dec. 17 Nov. 20 Nov. 3 Dec. 2 Sept. 25 July 11 Mar. 27 May 6 Oct. 27 Deo. 8 Dec. 7 April 7 May 10 Jan. 13 Feb. 12 Oct. 30 Oct. 22 May 4 Nov. 17 May 12 Deo. 22 April 22 Mar. 7 Sept. 28 Jan. 21 Deo. 7 Mar. 25 Feb. 25 Feb. 27 Jan. 12 Mar. 1 Dec. 12 Mar. 30 MARRIAGE LICENSES. , 47 Beryman, Hannah, and Joseph Vanmetre, Pilesgrove 1760 Besby, Virgin, Salem, and Benjamin Cross, Salem 1739 Bessonett, EUzabeth, Bucks, Pa., and Nicholas Luzillier, Bucks, Pa. . .1741 Best, Eleanor, Gloucester, and Peter Young, Gloucester 1761 ]3est, Elizabeth, and WUliam Cimeter 1768 Beswick, PriscUla, and Abimelech Hudson 1690 Betron, Rebecca, Morris, and Samuel Wills, Morris 1758 Betts, EUzabeth, aud David Clark, Burlington 1750 Bevan, Anne, Pa. , and John Sisom, Pa 1727 Beverlin, Ann, and Timothy Dempson 1731 Bevers, EUzabeth, and Samuel Kennedy, Jr., Sussex 1768 Bickham, Ann, Salem, and Peter Justice, Salem 1764 Bickham, Anne, Burlington, and Alexander Brown, Trenton 1774 Bickham, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and William Hamton, Glouoester 1755 Bickham, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and William Curuthers, Gloucester. .1761 Bickley, Hannah, Philadelphia, and John Fordham, Philadelphia 1730 Biddle, Mary, Trenton, and Elijah Bond, Trenton 1742 Biddle, Sarah, and WiUiam Righton 1695 Biddle, Sarah, Burliugton, and John Monrow, Jr., Burlington. 1767 Bidgood, Sarah, Bucks, Pa, and Joshua Headley, Bucks, Pa 1748 Bigalo, Mary, Morris, and Isaac Beach, Morris 1768 Biggar, Ann, Bethlehem, and James Wilson, Bethlehem 1763 Biggs, Betsy, and Nahor Yard, Trenton 1784 Biggs, Mary, and James Bowen, Hunterdon ' 1785 Biggs, Sarah, Burlington, and William Arthur, Burlington. . . . '. 1741 BUderback, Levenah, and John Crebs 1769 BUderback, Margaret, and WiUiam Philpot, Salem. 1774 BUderback, Margeth, and Andrew Senexon, Jr., Salem 1769 BUderback, Sarah, Salem, and Moses HiU, Salem 1764 Bilderbaok, Susanna, and Edward Test 1770 Biles, Elizabeth, Bucks, Pa., and Abel Jenney, Maidenhead 1740 Biles, Phebe, Philadelphia, and John Flasket, Philadelphia 1733 Biles, Euth, and John Watson, Jr., Nottingham 1771 BiUings, Charity, and Josh-ua Smith, Cape May 1770 Billings, Judith, and Elihu Smith, Cape May 1774 BUlings, Temperance, Cape May, and Daniel Johnson, Cape May 1763 Billins, Charity, and Seth Bowen , 1778 ¦ BiUs, Content, Monmouth, and Samuel Trafford, Monmouth 1749 Bills, Deborah, Monmouth, and Charles Matthews, Monmouth 1760 BUls, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Samuel Corlis, Monmouth 1745 BiUs, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Stoffell Longstreet, Monmouth 1748 Bills, Elizabeth, Freehold, and Carvel WeUs, Freehold 1767 Bills, Hannah, Monmouth, and William Jackson, Jr., Monmouth. . . .1757 Bills, Johanna, Monmouth, and Benjamin Roogers, Monmouth 1740 BUls, Lydia, Monmouth, and Moses Mount, Monmouth 1739 Bills, Marah,' Shrewsbury, and Silas Woolley, Shrewsbury 1754 Oct. 31 Sept. 25 Mar. 28 Sept. 30 May 7 Mar. 25 Mar. 7 Sept. 16 Mar. 27 July 27 Oct. 8 Feb. 13 June 8 July 3 June 22 Sept. 27 Dec. 13 Oct. 21 June 3 Dec. 27 Sept. 14 Nov. 7 Mar. 19 Aug. 24 Nov. 23 Feb. 23 Nov. 24 Dec. 23 Nov.. — Jan. 30 June 5 Oct. 11 April 23 Dec. 3 Sept. 20 May 5 May 27 Dec. 29 Feb. 22 Aug. 17 Deo. 17 Nov. 24 May 19 Dec. 10 May 15 Nov. 21 48 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Bills, Margaret, Monmouth, and William Garmon, Monmouth 1755 July 12 BUls, Patience, Monmouth, and Nathan Allen, Monmouth 1767 Deo. 24 Bilson, Sarah, and John Nefius, Somerset 1762 AprU 9 BUyer, Cathrine, and Jacob D. Berdan, Bergen 1783 Jan. 10 Bingham, Mary, Burlington, and George Elkincton, Burlington 1683 Jan. 13 Birch, Dorothy, Glouoester, and WiUiam Smith, Gloucester 1728 Aug. 13 Bird, Ann, Glouoester, and Isaac Gibson, Burlington 1750 Nov. 29 Bird, Ann, and Benjamin Anderson, Hunterdon 1772 Oct. 22 Bird, Elizabeth, Essex, and Jonathan Hampton, Richmond 1740 Feb. 21 Bird, Lavina, Monmouth, and Richard Ridgeway, Monmouth 1751 May 21 Bird, Mary, Perth Amboy, and Solomon Delgrass, Perth Amboy 1758 June 19 Birdine, Mary, Amwell, and George Taylor, Amwell 1 774 June 20 Birdsall, Jane, Willingborough. and Robert Taylor, Willingborough . . 1751 April 11 Birdsell, Mary, Burlington, and WiUiam Jones, Burlington 1749 Aug. 10 Birdsill, Hannah, Northampton, and Joshua Woolston, Northampton. . 1767 May 18 Biset, Jane, Staten Island, and Nicholas Hillyer, New York 1771 Aug. 6 Bishop, Abigail, and WiUiam Payday, Cumberland 1754 Aug. 6 Bishop, Abigail, and Henry Burr, Jr., BurUngton 1793 Nov. 14 Bishop, Ann, Burlington, and Ralph Smith, Burlington 1740 Nov. 3 Bishop, Anna, Burlington, and John Martin, Burlington 1772 Not. 26 Bishop, Anne, Northampton, and Joseph Powell, Northampton 1765 Not. 9 Bishop, Diadema, Burlington, and John DaTis, Burlington 1762 Mar. 8 Bishop, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Hezikiah Rossell, Burlington 1761 Oct. 1 Bishop, Esther, and William Sink, Stow Creek 1784 Nov. 18 Bishop, Hannah, and Jacob Prickett, BurUngton 1733 Sept. 20 Bishop, Leah, and Michael Baker, Burlington 1768 . Deo, 17 Bishop, Levina, Burlington, and Nathaniel Babcock, Burlington 1760 Nov. 12 Bishop, Martha, Burlington, and Edward Stiles, Burlington 1761 Mar. 14 Bishop, Mary, Burlington, and William Atkinson, Burlington 1731 Feb. 3 Bishop, Mary, Burlington, and Andrew Bozorth, Burlington 1756 May 21 Bishop, Mary, and Amos Atkinson, Burlington 1779 Nov. 17 Bishop, Rachel, Burlington, and Philip Michart, Burlington 1758 Mar. 29 Bishop, Sarah, and WUUam Foster, Burlington 1779 Oct. 11 Bishop, Sarah, and Jeremiah Vangildan, Cape May 1780 Aug. 1 Bishop, Selma, and Joshua Stokes, Gloucester 1777 Mar. 3 Bisnett, Anne, Bucks, Pa. , and Thomas Butcher, Bucks, Pa 1765 June 19 Bispham, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Samuel Bispham, PhUadelphia .. 178 1 Aug. 21 Bispham, Sarah, Mount Holly, andBuddell Shinn, BurUngton 1780 June 15 Bisset, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and John JoUey, Jr., Perth Amboy 1756 AprU 27 Bissit, Mary, and John Slover, South Amboy 1778 June 16 Bittle, Lydia, Burlington, and Michael Howard, Burlington 1756 Sept. 9 Black, Achsiah, and Joseph Aaronsen, Burlington 1782 Oct. 9 Black, Ame, and Jonathan Kirby, Burlington 1768 June 11 Black, Effey, and John Langford 1732 July 14 Blaok, Elizabeth, and George Smith, Monmouth 1765 Aug. 28 Black, Sarah, and Thomas Aaronson, Burlington 1787 July 24 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 49 Blackbourn, Sarah, and Michael WUlson, Burlington 1730 Blackburn, Elizabeth, and Joseph Spavin, Philadelphia 1739 Blaokham, Jane, Philadelphia, and Isaac Dawson, PhUadelphia 1738 Blackledge, Eleanor, Essex, and Abraham Hetfield, Essex 1746 Blackless, Hannah, and Joseph Greenwood 1759 ¦Blackley, Mary, and Hezekiah Woodruff, Morris 1776 Blackshoe, Martha, Bucks Co., Pa., and George Barber, Bucks, Pa. . . 1729 BlackweU, Amy, Somerset, and Samuel Leigh, Somerset 1774 BlackweU, Elenor, and Sylvester BiUs, Bucks Co., Pa 1782 Blackwood, Margaret, and John Sell, Gloucester 1775 Blackwood, Mary, Gloucester, and DaTid Morgan, Gloucester 1768 Blackwood, Sarah, and David Morgan 1780 Blain, Elizabeth, Perth Amboy, and David Gosling, Perth Amboy 1756 Blair, EUzabeth, and Hendrick Fisher, Somerset 1783 Blair, Mary, and Elias Streaker, Burlington ' 1779 Blake, Margaret, Bucks Co., Pa., and Joseph Dempsey, Bucks Co., Pa.l740 Blakeley, Elizabeth, and Thomas Poole, Middlesex 1747-8 Blanchard, Mary, New Brunswick, and John Gifford, Perth Amboy. . .1743 Blanchard, Maryan, and John How, Burlington 1782 Blane, Mary, Middlesex, and Thomas Leadlie, Middlesex 1749 Blauvelt, Brache, Orange, N. Y., and Abraham Ackerman, Bergen.. ..1763 Blauvelt, Elizabeth, Orange, N. Y., and Wm. Feshie, Orange, N. Y. ..1762 Blauvelt,. Maria, and Peter Valentine, Orange, N. Y 1784 Bleth, Margaret, Evesham, and Peter Paringer, ETesham 1763 Blew, Elizabeth, and James Voorhees, Somerset 1778 Bliss, Margaret, and Thomas Berkinshew, Burlington 1738 Blizard, Naomi, and Thomas Gaudy, Cumberland 1779 Blizard, Phebe, Cumberland, and David Gandy, Cumberland 1761 Blonk, Ann, and Samuel Witchell, Burlington 1779 Bloodgood, Martha, Middlesex, and William Lorton, Middlesex, 1760 Bloodgood, Mary, South Amboy, and Ewbanks Rathbone 1758 Bloomfield, Dorothy, Woodbridge, and John Jacquess, AVoodbridge. . . 1751 Bloomfield, Hope, Woodbridge, and James Ayres, Woodbridge 1743-4 Bloomfield, Margaret, Woodbridge, and Thomas Hadden, Woodbridge. 1750 Bloomfield, Mary, Middlesex, and John Pierson, Middlesex 1747 Bloomfield, Mary, Middlesex, and Robert Martin, Middlesex 1758 Bloomfield, Phebe, Middlesex, and Frazee Ayers, Middlesex 1749 Bloomfield, Rachel, Middlesex, and David Kent, Middlesex 1744 Bloomfield, Ruth, Middlesex, and SUas Walker, Middlesex 1762 Bloomfield, Sarah, Woodbridge, and Dugel Campbell, Woodbridge. . . . 1756 Blue, Jane, and Matthias HuUfish, Middlesex 1780 Blumer, Gwyn, and Solomon Stinger, Alloways Creek 1771 Boar, Ann, and Joseph Kees 1762 Board, Annas, and Cornelius Board, Bergen 1785 Board, EUnor, and Peter Dey, Bergen 1786 Board, Elizabeth, and Henry Post, Pumpton 1780 4 May 4 Jan. 20 May 25 Sept. 17 May 19 May 11 July 29 Deo. 10 Aug. 12 April 7 June 20 Jan. 10 June 23 Oct. 12 Oct. 14 Sept. 20 Jan. 28 Jan. 3 Nov. 16 Dec. 29 May 5 Aug. 15 Sept. 8 Aug. 31 Dec. 17 Nov. 11 Feb. 23 Sept. 3 July 9 Oct. 2 April 1 Dec. 5 Mar. 13 July 21 Deo. 1 Nov. 29 Feb. 24 Aug. 15 Jan. 4 Jan. 31 AprU 22 June 15 April 30 Aug. 27 May 9 June 12 50 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. BoCaw, Phebe, and John Field, Middlesex 1781 Jan. 22 Bodice, Ruth, Gloucester, and Garet Vanaman, Gloucester. 1748 June 18 Bodine, Elizabeth, Lebanon, and Edward WUlett, Lebanon 1752 June 19 Bodine, Margaret, Hunterdon, and Piter Schamp, Hunterdon .- 1744 April 7 Bodoine, Mary, and John Edgar, Bucks, Pa 1776 Nov. 28 Bodyne, Elizabeth, and Staples Thompson, Bristol, Pa 1777 April 12 Bogar, Mary, Burlington, and WilUam Flittraft, Burlington 1770 Aug. 7' Bogart, Elizabeth, and John Van Antwerp, Orange Co., N. Y 1780 Mar. 20 Bogart, Helen, and William Strachan, Saddle Eiver 1782 Mar. 20 Bogart, Jane, and Willett Tayler, Somerset 1783 May 29 Bogart, Levina, Northampton, and Barnard Vanhorne, Northampton.. 1767 Deo. 29 Bogart, Lydia, and Isaac Ecret, Burlington 1778 Aug. 24 Bogart, Margaret, and WUliam Campbell, New York 1788 June 30 Bogart, Mary, Bridgwater, and Cornelius Simonson, Somerset 1779 Oct. 12 Bogart, Mary, and Abraham Garrison, Bergen 1780 Jan. Bogart, Eachel, Burlington, and Jonathan Campbell, Burlington 1776 Feb. 5 Bogart, Sarah, and James Stryker, Somerset. 1779 Oct. 18 Bogart, Willempje, Paramus, and Jacobus Eutau, Paramus 1765 June 1 Bogert, Ann, and James Van Antwerp, Jr., Orange, N. Y 1783 Sept. 29' Bogert, Annetje, and Abraham Wright, New Barbadoes 1788 Oct. 18 Bogert, Antye, aud Peter Demarest, Bergen 1784 May 20 Bogert, Cornelia, and Jobn A. Zabriskie, Bergen 1788 April 16 Bogert, Eleanor, and William Leaycraft, Orange Co., N. Y 1783 Oct. 16 Bogert, Elizabeth, and Adoniah Schuyler, Pompton 1783 Aug. 27 Bogert, Margaret, and Abraham Haring, Bergen 1787 Nov. '20 Bogert, PoUy, Bergen, and Thomas Van Dien," Bergen 1764 Nov. 24 Bogert, Sarah, and Isaac Rose, Bergen Co 1788 Nov. ¦ 16 Bogert, Wellemtje, Bergen, and Henry Zabriskie, Paramus 1771 Deo. 16 Boggs, Ann, and Eobert Allen, Middlesex 1780 Oct. . 27 Boggs, Rebecca, and Samuel Boggs, Salem 1730 Jan. 18 Bohannan, Mary, and William Kennedy, PhUadelphia 1764 April 6 Bohert, Mariah, Bergen, and Stephen Terhuen, Bergen 1744 Nov. 1 Boice, Elizabeth, and Adam Peace, Monmouth 1769 May 31 Boice, Siche, Middlesex, and Luck Voorhes, Middlesex 1746 June 9 Boice, Trintie, Middlesex, and Nicasius Van Wikele, Somerset 1749 May 27 Bolesberry, Anna, Monmouth, and Edward Bennet, Monmouth 1767 Oct. 27 Bolsworthy, Patience, Monmouth, and WUliam Deney, Burlington 1761 July 11 Bolteu, Mary, Burliugton, and Abel Kemble, Burlington 1768 Mar. 14 Bolton, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Abraham Jones, Burlington 1773 Aug. 31 Bolton, Sarah, Burlington, and James Siddol, Burliugton 1727 Aug. 31 Bond, Anue, Somerset, and Cornelius Vanderbek, Somerset 1752 Cot. 19 Bond, Mary, Monmouth, and Ralph Allen, Monmouth 1742 May 16 Bond, Sarah, Somerset, and Levi Garish, Somerset 1751 May 23 Bond, Susannah, Monmouth, aud Nathaniel Slocum, Monmonth 1749 Deo. 29 Bouell, Elizabeth, PhUadelphia, aud Joseph Gregory, Salem 1727 Jan. 6 Bones, Rachel, Bergen, and Peter Bourdett, Bergen 1762 June 18 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 5 I Bong, Euth, Middlesex, and Henry Guest. . .-. 1748 Bonham, Ann, Shrewsbury, and Obadiah Worthly, "Shrewsbury 1766 Bonham, Else, and Stephen Eeed, Hunterdon 1782 Bonham, Hester, Middletown, and Andrew WUson, Jr., Middletown. . .1751 Bonham, Mary, Shrewsbury, and William Sears, Shrewsbury 1758 Bonham, Mary, and Joseph Smith, Hunterdon 1769 Bonham, Mary, and John D.-ivison, Hunterdon 1779 Bonham, Margaret, and Thomas Man, Gloucester. 1776 Bonham, Sarah, and Albert Covenhoven, Hunterdon 1779 Bonnel, Hannah, and John Eogue, Morris Town 1781 ' BonneU, Mary, Somerset, and William Tatem, Gloucester 1730 Bonnel, Sarah, Essex, and Samuel Roberts, Morris , 1761 Bonnell, Hene Maria Moreten, and Cryten Foster, Glouoester 1769 Bonquett, Judith, New Brunswick, and Nathaniel Ogden, Elizabetht'wn.l740 Bonsell, Sarah, and Aubrey Harry, Chester 1754 Boogart, Antie, Paramus, and John Van Vooihesse, Paramus 1765 Booue, Ann, and Thomas Dodd, Burlington 1754 Boone, Jane, Elizabethtown, and David Thompson, Elizabethtown. . .1740 Boom, Mary, Middletown, and James Willson, Middletown 1757 Booth, Elizabeth, and Daniel Huddy, Salem 1732 Booth, Sarah, Salem, and William Drake, Salem 1774 Boram, Phebe, and Peter Young, Hunterdon , 1784 Bord, Sarah, Bergen, and Walter Erwin 1751 Bordan, Eva, and James Connoor, Bergen 1765 Borden, Abigail, Burlington, and Joseph Brackney, Burlington 1757 Borden, Abigail, Burlington, and Henry Bennet, Burlington 1774 Borden, Achsah, and Elijah Chapman, Burlington 1783 Borden, Amy, Hunterdon, and Philip Flick, Burlington 1754 Borden, Amye, Bordentown, and John Black, Philadelphia 1746 Borden, Elinor, and Henry Oldacres, Burlington 1732 Borden, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Thomas Douglass, Monmouth 1734 Borden, Hannah, Burlington, and John Lawrence, Monmouth 1731 Borden, Hannah, Burlington, and WiUiam MiUs, Burlington 1778 Borden, Hannah, Burlington, and Samuel Swain, Burlington 1780 Borden, Hester, Middletown, and Benjamin Cooper, Middletown 1754 Borden, Innocent, and John Bozworth, Burlington 1734 Borden, Martha, Penns Neck, and George White, Deerfleld 1772 Borden, Mary, Monmouth, aud William Baker, Monmouth 1731 Borden, Mary, and Thomas Copperthwaite, Burlington 1733 Borden, Mary, Bordentown, and Thomas McKean, Newcastle, Del 1763 Borden, Mary, Burlington, and Jeremiah Vansciver, Willingborough. .1781 Borden, Patience, Burlington, and Benjamin .Allen, Burlington 1737 Borden, Phebe, Hunterdon, and Benjamin Gardiner, Burlington 1737 Borden, Eachel, Monmouth, and Daniel Butler, Monmouth 1745-6 Boardman, NeUy, and Daniel Beton, Middlesex 1752 Borrodail, Hester, Burlington, and Thomas Venable, Burlington 1756 Dec. 19 Oct. 25 May 4 Dec. 22 Nov. 27 Nov. 4 Feb. 16 Jan. 20 May 21 Jan. 1 Jan. 14 Sept. 28 Not. 20 Deo. 24 Jan. 14 Oct. 30 May 8 Not. 29 June 30 June 24 Not. 2 Feb. 25 Aug. 26 May 15 Feb. 14 Jan. 29 Mar. 27 Oct. 24 Sept. 3 Oct. 11 Jan. 9 April 26 Dec. 5 Mar. 30 April 12 July 13 Nov. 7 Nov. 27 Feb. 19 July 21 Mar. 26 Dec. 8 May 18 Feb. 4 May 10 Aug. 2 52 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. BorrodaU, Sarah, Burlington, and Moses Branson, Burlington 1766 Borrowe, Jemima, Perth Amboy, and Robert Wallace, Perth Amboy. . 1749 Borton, EUzabeth, Burlington, and Seth Thomas, BurUngton 1774 Borton, Martha, and John HoUinshead, Burlington 1782 Borton, Mary, Burlington, and John Lord, Gloucester 1750 Borton, Mary, Burlington, and John Lord, Gloucester 1750 Borton, Prudence, and Joseph Ridgway, Burlington 1786 Borton, Rachel, and Joshua Borton, Burlington 1781 Borton, Sarah, Burlington, and James Spencer, Burlington 1737 Boss, Sarah, Hunterdon, and WiUiam Lair, Hunterdon 1776 Bostedo, Elizabeth, and John Reichards, Monmouth 1756 Bostedo, Judith, Monmouth, and Thomas Earl, BurUngton 1736 Botenhouse, Mary, and WUliam Smith, Burlington 1780 Boudet, Catey, and Edward Boylston, Bergen 1763 Boulton, Mary, and Isaac King, Burlington 1768 Bound, Anne, Freehold, and John Craig, Monmouth 1762 Bourke, Sarah, and Thomas Dikes, Burlington 1732 Bourne, Sarah, Chester, Pa., and Nathaniel Pennock, Chester, Pa 1754 Bourton, Sarah, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Lenard Wescot, Gt. Egg Harb'r. 1761 Bowen, Abigail, and Nathaniel Clement, Gloucester 1768 Bowen, Ann, Cumberland, and Jonadab Lookwell, Fairfield 1762 Bowen, Deborah, and Reubin Burgin, Cumberland 1787 Bowen, Mary, and WUliam Cafferty, Burlington , 1771 Bowen, Jrudence, New Town, and Simeon Roberts, Philadelphia 1762 Bowen, Rebekah, and Elisha Smith, Deerfield 1 778 Bowen, Sarah, and Benjamin Moore, Burlington 1788 Bowen, Temperance, Cape Maj', and Eli Stiles, Cape May. 1769 Bower, Aune, Monmouth, and Thomas Walton, Chesterfield 1766 Bower, Elizabeth, Philadelphia, and Edward Austin, Philadelphia 1737 Bowerd, Leah, and Daniel Holmes, Monmouth 1752 Bowers, Elizabeth, and Thomas Scott, Bristol, Pa 1779 Bowers, Susannah, and Jonathan Pitman, Burlington 1771 Bowert, Catherine, Bergen, and Johannes Terheun, New Barbadoes. . . 1766 Bowes, Theodosia, Trenton, and Andrew Reed, Trenton 1740 Bowger, Grace, Burlington, and Robert Fenton, Burlington 1762 Bowin, Hannah, Salem, and Nehemiah Hogben, Salem 1744 Bowker, Elizabeth, Burliugton, and Thomas Adams, Burlington 1771 Bowkar, Hannah, and Jacob AVard, New Hanover 1784 Bowker, Margaret, and William Gard, Burlington 1779 Bowker, Mary, Burlington, and John Malsberry, Burlington 1736 Bowker, Tamar, and John Christian, Burlington 1778 Bowlby, Mary, and Newbold Woolston, Mansfield 1775 Bowler, Sarah, and Thomas Cunningham, Burlington 1748 Bowman, Elizabeth, New Hanover, and Thomas Hendry, Gloucester. . 1774 Bowman, Frances, and John Bowne ] 692 Bowman, Isabella, Burlington, and John Langford, Burlington 1686 Dec. 6 May 6 Feb. 23 Mar. 18 Jan. 23 Feb. 12 Mar. 18 Sept. 24 Aug. 1 Jan. 31 AprU 17 Sept. 30 Aug. 26 May 2 Nov. 4 June 1 June 19 May 28 May 30 Deo. 5 June 5 Not. 28 Not. 7 June 14 May 2 Not. 17 July 22 June 14 Sept. 27 Feb. 11 Jan. 19 Mar. 5 Deo. 8 Oct. 22 Jan. 19 Deo. 6 Aug. 9 Deo. 3 Jan. 29 Sept. 18 Mar. 13 AprU 7 Mar. 15 Nov. U Deo. 26 Oct 30 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 53 Bowms, Anne, Somerset, and James McCreedy, Somerset 1742 Bown, Catherine, Monmouth, and John McClese, Monmouth 1739 Bowne, Easter, Monmouth, and Thomas Morford, Monmouth 1752 Bowne, Anna, Middletown, and John Wall, Middletown 1753 Bowne, Anne, Bucks, Pa., and Jonathan Butcher, Bucks, Pa 1771 Bowne, Catherine, Middletown, and WiUiam Crawford, Middletown . . 1756 Bowne, Catherine, Middletown, and Peter BuekaleWj South Amboy. ..1759 Bowne, Catharine, Hunterdon, and Joseph Mattisen, Hunterdon 1768 Bowne, Deborah, Monmouth, and John Patterson, Monmouth 1744 Bowne, Lydia, Monmouth, aud John Worthly, Monmouth 1747 Bowne, Lydia, Monmouth, and James Grover, Jr., Monmouth 1752 Bowne, Mary Anne, Monmouth, and Gersham Ballman, Monmouth. . . 1761 Bowne, Rachel, Middletown, and John Wall, Middletown 1751 Bowne, Lydia, Middletown, and John Whitlock 1758 Bowyer, Ruth, Philadelphia, aud Samuel Bonham, Burlington 1747 Boyce, Hannah, Amwell, and Andrew Sterling, Amwell 1773 Boyce, Lydia, Middlesex, and John Funtine, Middlesex 1759 Boy3, Martha, and James Ewing, Cumberland 1778 Boyle, Jane, and Joseph Dalrymple, Morris 1745 Boyles, Susannah, and Allan Simpson, Bs'rnardstown 1781 Boytenla, Mary, Piscataway, and Jobs Briggs, Piscataway 1742 Bozorth, Bathsheba, Evesham, and Thomas Simmons, Burlington .... 1746 Bozworth, Elizabeth, and John Springer, Burlington 1733 Bozworth, Mary, Burlington, and Richard Langercan, Burlington 1741 Brackenridge, Anne, and Mark Thomson, Sussex 1768 Braokenridge, Martha, and Hugh Hughes, PhUadelphia 1764 Brackney, AbigaU, and Thomas Middleton, Burlington 1784 Brackney, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Thomas Bevis, Burlington 1741 Brackney, Janet, and Jacob Keeler, Burlington 1777 Bradberry, Elizabeth, Essex, and Abram Vanreype, Essex 1747 Braddock, Hannah, Evesham, and John Painter, Evesham 1735 Braden, Anne, Sussex, and James Crooks, Sussex 1773 Bradford, Anne, Middlesex, and WiUiam Mersgen, New York City. . .'.1742 Bradfleld, Ruth, Nottingham, and Benjamin Robins, Nottingham 1771 Bradgate, Anne, and John Reeve 1695 Bradshaw, Rachel, Burlington, and Eichard Cox, Burlington 1775 Bradway, Sarah, and WiUiam Adams, Jr., Salem 1764 Bradway, Sarah, and Jonathan Bradway, Mannington 1777 Brady, Mary, and Josiah Stratton, Evesham 1777 Braiden, EUzabeth, and Steward Martin, Sussex 1772 Braithwaite, Agnes, Trenton, and Eobert Booth, Trenton 1772 Bralesford, Lydia, Bucks, Pa., and Joseph White, Bucks, Pa 1731 Bramsford, Joyce, Bucks, Pa., and John Bessonet, Bucks, Pa 1765 : Brand, Eebecca, Monmouth, and James Davis, Monmonth 1765 ! Brandenburg, Margaret, Burlington, and George Hoffee, Burlington. . . 1775 ( Brandros, Hannah, and James Hughes, Glouoester 1768 Jan. 22 Dec. 21 April 20 June 15 June 6 Deo. 7 Aug. 20 May 5 Oct. 31 Oct. 5 Nov. 29 Nov. 9 April 30 Aug. 7 May 29 Deo. 18 July 4 Oct. 15 May 24 Mar. 12 Nov. 20 Jan. 6 Sept. 24 April 29 Not. 1 July 25 Oct. 6 June 24 AprU 17 Not. 28 June 9 Aug. 4 Oct. 23 Mar. 19 July 22 Oct. 12 Aug. 18 Nov. 13 Sept. 15 Mar, 1 Nov. 5 Aug. 13 Dec. 21 July 1 Sept. 21 Oct. 16 54 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Braning, Martha, and Samuel AUen, Burlington 1760 Brannagan, Rebecca, Middlesex, and Patrick Magee, Somerset "... 1778 Brannin, Catherin, Monmouth, and Benjamin Hance, Monmouth 1762 Brannin, Martha, and Thomas Alcott, Builington 1780 Branson, Lydia, and Daniel Wood, Deptford 1773 Branson, Sarah, and David Hurley, Monmouth 1757 Brant, Susanna, Elizabethtown, aud John Oliver, Elizabethtown 1748 Brass, Rachel, Burlington, and Thomas KindeU, BurUngton 1750 Brass, Sarah, and Michael Hans Smith, Essex 1741 Brathwaite, Mary, Salem, and John Fry, Salem 1727 Bray, Anne, Middlesex, and Reune Runyon, Jr., Middlesex 1765 Bray, Elisabeth, Monmouth, and Thomas Laquar, Monmouth 1747 Bray, Mary, and Reuben Kellogg, Cumberland 1781 Bray, Susannah, Monmouth, and John .Smalley, Piscataway 1742 Bray, Sarah, and Joseph Leonard, Monmouth , 1773 Brayding, Ann, and Elias Marsh, Jr., Middlesex 1773 Brayman, Mary, Burlington, and Solomon Watkins, Burlington 1734 Brayman, Eliza, and Samuel Herd, Burlington 1768 B.rayman, Rachel, Burlington, and Japhet Brown, Burlington 1773 Brayman, Sarah, Gloucester, and WiUiam Zane, Gloucester 1762 Brazinton, Olive, Burlington, and John FuUingsby, Burliugton 1774 Breach, Ann, Gloucester, and Samuel Estlack, Gloucester 1733 Breach, Sarah, Glouoester, and Edward Hampton, Gloucester 1741 Breasor, Margaret, Gloucester, and Hezekiah Lee, Gloucester 1755 Brelsford, Esther, Middletown, and John Harvey, Bucks, Pa 1774 Brelsford, Martha, Pennsylvania, and Samuel Brown, Pennsylvania. . . 1768 Brelsfoard, Rachel, Bristol, Pa., and" Jesse Lewis, Bristol, Pa 1764 Bremen, Catherine, and Henry Flinner, Burlington 1784 Breton, Elizabeth, and John Clayton, Burlington 1746 Brewster, Anne, Cumberland, and John Hunt, Cumberland 1779 Brewer, Anney, Monmouth, and James Johnson, Monmouth 1761 Brewer, Deborah, Shrewsbury, and Jeremiah Pearce, Shrewsbury . . . 1755 Brewer, Margaret, Monmouth, and Philip Marks, Monmouth 1760 Brewer, Mary, Monmouth, and Edmund Lafetra, Monmouth 1744 Brewer, Mary, Monmouth, and Thomas Blackwell, Hunterdon 1764 Brewer, Patience, Somerset, and Joseph Stilwell, Somerset Brewer, Rachel, Monmouth, and James Lippiucott, Monmouth 1750 June Brewster, Deborah, Greenwich, and Samuel Ward, Cumberland 17 Brewster, Ruth, Greenwich, and Ladis Walling, Cumberland 1775 Brian, Elizabeth, and John Plummer, Salem 1778 Brian, Margaret, Burliugton, and Michael Cowen, Burlington 1763 Briant, Ann, Gloucester, and William Parker, Gloucester 1766 Briant, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, and William Roberson, Elizabeth 1751 Briant, Mary, and Robert Fr'd Price, Gloucester 1784 Briant, Rachel, Gloucester, and William Hewitt, Gloucester 1745 Priaut, Rebecca, PhUadelpbia, and John Cresson, Philadelphia 1736 Not. 12 July 22 Feb. 6 Deo. 25 Jan. ¦7 Deo. 8 Deo. 8 Sept. 13 Jan. 8 May 4 June 8 Oct. 9 Jan. 1 Feb. 7 Oct. 12 Mar. 19 Mar. 20 Feb. 23 Nov. 27 Aug. 30 Dec. 6 Oct. 29 Aug. 8 May 26 May 11 May 16 Aug. 8 July 14 June 21 May 28 Mar. 24 Nov. 25 May '3 Oct. 20 Deo. 4 Sept. 25 May 19 Aug. 10 June 30 Oct. 17 Jan. 14 Jan. 15 Aug, 7 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 55 Brick, Euth, and James Marshall, Cumberland 1791 Not. 21 Briggs, Elizabeth, Cape May, and Benjamin HoUden, Cape May 1739 Dec. 18 Briggs, Emelia, and DaTid Anderson, Burlington , 1783 Sept. 5 Briggs, Hannah, Gloucester, and John Leeton, Glouoester 1730 Sept. 21 Brigas, Hannah, Burlington, and John Briggs, Burlington 1766 Aug. 9 Briggs, Rebecca, Burlington, and John Croshaw, Burlington 1771 April 25 Briggs, Theodocia, and Samuel liing, Burlington 1757 Jan. 28 Bright, Catherine, and Jacob Hugg, Glouoester 1778 Deb. 8 Bright, Margaret, PhUadelphia, and Gideon Badcock, Gloucester 1773 Feb. 23 Bright, Martha, Gloucester, and Robert Bramer, Glouoester 1741 Jan. 7 Bright, Sarah, and Nicholas Ridner 1785 July 5 Brigs, Ann, and Michael Leonard, Burlington 1782 June 20 Brinokerhoff, Antie, Bergen, and John Durie, Bergeu 3774 Aug. 27 Brinkerhoff, Lenah, Bergen, and Jacob De Groot, Bergen 1771 Nov. 9 Brindley, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and John Allen, Monmouth 1767 Mar. 21 Brindley, Euphame, Monmouth, and John Morris, Monmouth 1763 April 29 Bringley, Kezia, and Samuel Osborn, Monmouth 1751 May 18 Brinley, EUzabeth, and John Mount, Jr., Monmouth 1745 Aug. 27 Brinley, Hannah, Monmouth, and Joseph Wardell, Monmouth 1749 July 8 Brinn, Amey, Gloncester, and Michael Chew, Glouoester 1733 Deo. 29 Bristow, Catharine, Burlington, and John Miller, Burlington 1766 April 29 Britain, Susanna, Burlington, and John Bowen, Burlington 1774 July 19 Brittain, Abigail, Burlington, and Thomas Nugen, Burlington 1772 April 29 Brittain, Anne, Monmouth, and John Guinness, Burlington 1749 May 24 Brittain, Lydia, and John Titus, Perth Amboy 1 742 June 30 Brittain, Rachel, Kings Co., N. Y., and Samuel Dorsett 1739 Oct. . 27 Brittain, Sidney, Bucks Co., Pa., and Robert Smith, Bucks Co., Pa... 1771 Oct. 28 Brittan, Ann, Perth Amboy, and James Buckalew, Perth Amboy 1751 Oct. 15 Brittau, Anne, and Nicholas BsU ville. New Jersey 1780 Jan. 10 Britton, Elisabeth, Monmouth, and Mindert McClean, Monmouth . . . 1762 May 4 Britton, Hannah, Bucks Co., Pa., and Nicholas Larzelen, Bucks Co., Pa. 1766 Mar. 11 Britton, Mary, and Benajah King, Burlington 1784 Jan. 29 Britton, Rebeckah, Monmouth, and Abraham Warrick, Upper Freehold. 1750 Dec. 29 Britton, Sarah, Middlesex, and Lewis Morris, Middlesex 1750 Aug. 10 Britton, Sarah, and WiUiam WilUams, Upper Freehold 1762 Jan. 19 Britton,, Sarah, and John Eobinson, Somerset 1779 Dec. 11 Broadgate, Sarah, Philadelphia, and John Green, PhUadelphia 1738 May 6 Broadhome, Venab, Springfield, and Joseph Nutt, Mansfield 1750 Sept. 25 Brooaw, Jannetje, Somerset, and Teunis Middagh, Somerset 1750 July 26 Brook, Martha, BurUngton, and And,rew Anderson, BurUngton 1762 Feb. 1 Brook, Mary, Burlington, and Ealph Woodward, BurUngton 1758 May 18 Brook, Sophia, Burlington, and Timothy Bishop, Burlington 1764 Mar. 13 Brockney, Mary, and John Brook, BurUngton 1779 Feb. 9 Brokaw, Catherine, and Jeremiah Fisher 1769 Dec. 9 ' Brokaw, Magdaline, and Tunis Van Middleswarth, Somerset 1781 June 18 Brokaw, Mary, Somerset, and Benjamin Taylor, Somerset 1742 Nov. 29 S6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENtS. Brokaw, Mary, and William Lane, Somerset 1781 Bromley, Martha, BurUngton, and WiUiam Barnes, Burlington 1682 Brookes, Lucy, and Josiah Garlick, Cape May 1738 Brookfield, Elizabeth, and Matthias Johnston 1746 Brookfield, Mary, Burlington, and Isaac Prickett, Burlington 1739 Brookin, Sarah, and John FrizUier, Perth Amboy 1757 Brooks, Ann, Salem, and Edward Bully, Salem 1736 Brooks, Catherine, and James Freeman, Middlesex 1768 Brooks, Elizabeth, and Nicholas Taylor 1747 Brooks, Elizabeth, Burlington, and WUliam Branin, Burlington 1771 Brooks, EUzabeth, Burlington, and Joshua Topping, BurUngton 1778 Brooks, Garthvey, Evesham, and Abraham Merit, Evesham ; . . . 1785 Brooks, Hannah, PhUadelphia, aud Stephen Simmons, PhUadelphia. .1738 Brooks, Jane, Woodbridge, and Francis Walker, Woodbridge 1744 Brooks, Judeth, and William Mason, Cape May. 1766 Brooks, Mary, and Obadiah McClutch, BurUngton 1784 Brooks, Phebe,' and Moses Harris 1779 Brooks, Phebe, and Isaac Jenkins, Cumberland 1780 Brooks, Temperance, Cumberland, and Joseph Shepherd, Cumberland. 1766 Brotherton, Ann, and Aaron Bonnel, Morris 1772 Brouyn, Elena, and Jadobes Myer, Bergen 1765 Brower, Leah, Hackensack, and James Stagg, Hackensack 1765 Brower, Mary, Bergen, and John Heten, Bergen 1785 Brower, Tannica, Middlesex, and Cornelius Tunison, New Jersej'. 1749 Brewers, Jane, and James Ennis, Bergen 1782 Brown, Agnes, Middlesex, and Daniel Moores, Middlesex 1747 Brown, Ann, Burlington, and Andrew Cunningham, Burlington 1754 Brown, Ann, Burlington, and Thomas Stiles, Chester 1772 Brown, Anne, Burliugton, and Eobert Pidgeon, Monmouth 1783 Brown, Barsheba, Monmouth, and Samuel Morrell, Middlesex 1761 Brown, Bartha, Fairfield, and Thomas Whitecar, Fairfield 1761 Brown, Catherine, Somerset, and Charles Beekman, Jr., New York. . . .1742 Brown, Catherine, Monmouth, and John Holmes, Monmouth 1761 Brown, Christina, Woodbridge, and John Cutler, Woodbridge 1752 Brown, EUzabeth, New Brunswick, and John Geddeman, New Brwk. .1751 Brown, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Nathan Maxson, Monmouth 1764 Brown, Elizabeth, and Elias Coleman, Hunterdon 1786 Brown, Hannah, Burlington, and John Eidgway, Burlington 1727 Brown, Hannah, Philadelphia, and Henry Finney, Philadelphia 1739 Brown, Hannah, and Gabriel Swain, Mansfield 1778 Brown, Hannah, and Abijah Moore, Hunterdon 1780 Brown, Hiley, and John Lamb, Essex 1792 Brown, Isabeil, Evesham, and Samuel Swain, Evesham 1765 Brown, Jane, Burlington, and William Nutt, Burlington 1757 Brown, Jane, Monmouth, and Daniel Morgan, Middlesex 1759 Brown, Jane, aud Cornelius Carr, Bucks, Pa 1768 Nov. 3 Feb 13 Sept . 14 Deo. ' 8 Feb. 21 Deo. 10 Deo. 3 Sept. 16 Deo. 21 Oct. 1 Nov. 11 Feb. 12 AprU 11 AprU 30 Nov. 10 May 3 Nov. 26 April 4 May 1 AprU 13 Jan. 31 Oct. 11 Sept. 23 AprU 29 May 23 Deo. 2 June 12 Oct. 19 Deo. 24 April 24 Nov. 12 Mar. 12 Aug. 3 Nov. 22 July 5 April 27 Mar. 3 May 6 Oct. 25- Mar. 12 Aug. 25 Aug. 30 Oct. 3 Mar.- 1 May 3 Aug. 26" MARRIAGE LICENSES. 57 Brown, Keziah, and Tho.mas Reeves, Glouoester 1777 Brown, Leah, and Francis Ellis, Burliugton 1754 Brown, Margaret, New Brunswick, and Henry Davis, New Brunsw'k. . 1746 Brown, Margaret, Burlington, aud Job Clevenger, Burlington 1772 Brown, Margaret, and Ebenezer Flick, Gloucester , 1783 Brown, Margaret, and Benjamin' Archer, New York 17t4 Brown, Martha, Burlington, and Jonathan Teely, Burlington 1758 Brown, Mary, Bucks Co., Pa., and Daniel Thompson, Bucks Co., Pa. .1757 Brown, Mary, Middlesex, and Moses Groom, Middlesex 1765 Brown, Mary, Cumberland, and John Fithian, Cumberland 1765 Brown, Mary, and John Dancer, Middlesex 1769 Brown, Mary, and Andrew Gautier, Jr , , . 1772 Brown, Mary, and John Warne, South Amboy 1773 Brown, Mary, Fairfield, and Philip Walters, Cumberland 1777 Brown, Mary, and John Pencock, Evesham 1784 Brown, Neomy, Burlington, and James Killgore, Burlington 1730 Brown, Prudence, Burlington, and Samuel Cooper, Gloucester 1767 Brown, Rachel, and John Almond, Salem 1785 Brown, Rebecca, and John Brilford, Bucks, Pa 1760 Brown, liebecca, and Jeremiah Bennett, Burlington 1746 Bro-wn, Eebecca, Northampton, and Job Shreve, Northampton 176 1 Brown, Rhoda, and Joseph Champion, Gloucester 1784 Brown, Sarah, Monmouth, and Josiah Steward, Monmouth 1740 Brown, Sarah, BurUngton, and John Gibbs, Burlington 1765 Brown, Sarah, Shrewsbury, and Eobert Potter, Shrewsbury 1765 Brown, Sarah, Freehold, and Andrew Reed, Freehold 1767 Brown, Sarah, Monmouth, and Andrew Moore, Monmouth 1772 Brown, Sarah, and WiUiam MoNeUus 1780 Brown, Susannah, Hackensack, and JoHn Riokman, Hackensack 1760 Brown, Theodosia, Monmouth, and Joseph Grover, Monmouth 1742 Browne, EUzabeth, Buriington, and Thomas Knight, Burlington 1686 Browne, Margaret, Monniouth, and Marcus Hedden, Monmouth 1738 Browne, Martha, Burlington, and Josiah Steward, Burlington 1728 Browne, Martha, and Abraham Thomas, Shrewsbury 1732 Browne, Mary, Burlington, and Caleb Browne, Eastern Div 1731 Browne, Mary, Glouoester, and Bower Brooks, Gloucester 1761 Browning, Elizabeth, Glouoester, and John Green, Gloucester 1737 .Browning, Mary, Chester, and John Chambers, Chester 1733 Bruoar, Catharine, Somerset, and Josiah Pattison, Trenton 1728 Bruen, Joanna, and William Butler, Morris 1780 Bruen Sarah, and Alpheus Haws 1779 Bruing, Rachel, Essex, and John Gwinness, Morris 1772 Brimdidge, Jemima, BurUngton, and Benjamin Inman, Burlington. . .1739 J Bmnson, Anne, Somerset, and WiUiam Davidson, Middlesex 1744 , Branson, Mary, Somerset, and Adrian Beekman, Middlesex. 1740 Brush, Keziah, and Jobn Stout, Jr., Hunterdon 1782 Nov. 18 Oct. 7 July 14 Mar. 4 Feb. 27 June 14 Juue 22 Aug. 2 Feb. 7 Sept. 26 June 13 Oct. 6 June 9 Oct. 18 July 14 Dec. 14 Feb. 2 Aug. 15 Nov. 13 Jan. 27 Aug. 11 Jan. 15 Mar. 8 Mar. 10 April 17 Sept. 28 Jan. 18 Dec. 20 June 12 Mar. 4 Aug. 12 July 27 Jan. 21 Sept. 9 Nov. 17 April 4 July 9 Feb. 25 May 21 Jan. 11 May 22 Feb. 28 Sept. 11 Not. 17 Jan. 5 Dec. 7 58 NEW JERSEY C0L(5N1AL DOCUMENTS. Bruyn, Helena, and John Lines, Bergen 1779 Bruyn, Hyntje, Essex, and Fraucis Mintrose, Essex 1741 Bryan, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Jonathan Hough, Burlington 1741 Bryan, Esther, Burlington, and Cornelius Morford, Burlington 1761 Bryan, Johanna, Sussex, and WUliam Craty, Sussex 1769 Bryan, Mary, and Thomas Raynolds, Burlington 1769 Bryan, Rebecca, Mount HoUy, and David Antram, Burlington 1773 Bryan, Sarah, Burlington, aud PhiUp Kenny, Burlington 1736 Bryant, Anne, Somerset, and Michael Higgins, Somerset 1727 Bryant, Anny, and Daniel Bateman, Cumberland 1779 Bryant, Drewsilla, Gloucester, and Henry Garner, Glouoester 1765 Bryant, Jane, Deptford, and David Shrane, Deptford 1752 Bryant, Mary, Gloucester, and James Marriage, Gloucester 1762 Bryant, Rachel, aud Josiah Ketcham, Hunterdon 1784 Bryant, Sai'ah, Burliugton, and John Fennimore, Burlington 1730 Bryant, Sarah, Deptford, and Samuel Leeds, Deptford 1737 Bryant, Sarah, Gloucester, and WilUam Cosens, Gloucester 1761 Buchanan, Elizabeth, and John Inskeep, Burlington 1758 Buchanan, Margaret, and John Case, Hunterdon 1780 Buck, AbigaU, Cape May, and Samuel Crowell, Cape May 1763' Buck, Lydia, Cape May, and Ananias Osborne, Cape May. 1738 Buck, Lidia, and Azariah Hewet, Cape May 1775 Buck, Marcy, and John Taylor, Cape May 1759 Buck, Mary, Cape May, and Hope WiUets, BurUngton 1730 Buck, Marj', Cape May, and John Hand, Cape May 1769 Buck, Sarah, and John Hand, Cape May 17 — Buckalew, Anue, Perth Amboy, and Barney Carney, Perth Amboy 1754 Buckalew, Elizabeth, and James Applegate, Middlesex 1744 Buckalew, Marj"-, Perth Amboy, and George Johnson, Perth Amboy. .1759 Buckalew, Mary, and Dauiel HoUinshead, Monmouth 1762 Buckalew, Priscilla, and John Roberts, South Amboy 1757 Buckalew, Susannah, Middlesex, and Walter Carr, Middlesex 1747 Bucke, Abigail, aud Abiah Shaw, Cumberland 1778 Buckeiew, Ann, and GUbert Sherrer, Middlesex 1780 Buckeiew, Margaret, Middlesex, and Francis Bloodgood, Middlesex. . .1764 Buckeiew, Rachel, Perth Amboy, and Richard Clawson, Perth Amboy. 1764 Buckley, Martha, Salem, and John Hues, Salem 1690 Buckman, Phebe, Pa., and Joseph Kelley, Pa 1768 Buckston, Rachael, aud Joseph Bontenhouse, Gloucester, 1762 Budd, Anne, Buriington, and Benjamin Stringer, Burlington 1731 Budd, Catharine, Morris, aud David Gould, Morris 1761 Budd, Elizabeth, Northampton, aud Thomas Reynolds, Northampton:. 1759 Budd, Elizabeth, New Hanover, and Vincent Shinn, New Hanover 1772 Budd, Hannah, Burlington, and Jonathan Reeves, Burlington 1736 Budd, Lydia, Burlington, and Moses Gaskill, BurUngton 1774 Budd, Mary, Morris, and James Adkins, Morris 1761 Nov. 27 Deo. 1 May 30 Deo, 21 May 18 Jau. 4 Feb. 8. Feb. 3 Not. 8 Sept. 28 AprU 30 Oct. 19 Mar. 17 Deo. 4 Deo. 3 Feb. 25 May 13 June 26 Aug. 8 Deo. 29 June 9 June 12 Deo. 29 June 20 July 28 AprU 17 Sept. 9 Feb. 21 July 4 Jan. 26 Deo. 24 Deo. 28 June 23 Sept. 19 Deo. 15 April .5' April 24 April 9 May 3 Deo. 29 Jan. , , 6 June 23 Sept 5 Mar. 18 Sept. 1 May -n MARRIAGE LICENSES. 59 Budd, Rachel, Burlington, and William Bradford, Jr., Philadelphia. , .1742 Badd, Eebecca, and Joseph Lamb, Burlington • 1738 Budd, Eebeckah, and James Sterling, Burlington 1785 Budd, Sarah, Burlington, and John Gosling, Burlington 1736 Badd, Theodosia, and William Keeler, Burlington 1785 Baffin, Anne, Mansfield, and Moses Nutt, Mansfield 1772 Baffin, Grace, Burlington, and Thomas Kyrlin, BurUngton 1741 Baffin, Mary, and Edward EockhUl, Mansfield 1763 BnU, Dorothy, Salem, and Brian Conelly, Salem 1731 BuUen, Mary, Evesham, and Isaac Strattan, Evesham 1782 BuUers, Ann, and Joseph EUis, Burlington 1785 BuUman, Gitty, and Joseph Baker, Hunterdon 1785 BuUman, Sarah, Philadelphia, and William Eider, Philadelphia 1730 Balong, Hannah, Nottingham, and Jonathan Brown, Burlington 1748 Bulmer, Magdalen, Somerset, and John Kastn'er, Somerset 1748 Bumstead, Elizabeth, Philadelphia, and Joseph Durborn, Philadelphia. 1736 Bunn, Aune, and John Vroom, Somerset 1783 Bnnn, Rachel, and Abraham Owen, Evesham 1784 Bowling, Mary, and John Woodmansee, Upper Freehold 1778 Banting, Phebe; Bucks Co., Pa., and Frances Wasley, Bucks Co., Pa. . 1749 Bunting, Eachel, Burliugton, and William Miller, Burlington 1735 Banting, Sarah, Burlington, and Benjamin Thorne, Burlington 1740 BanUng, Sarah, Burlington, and John Howard, Philadelphia 1749 Banting, Sarah, Bucks, Pa., and Lawrence Johnson, Bucks, Pa 1751 Bunting, Sarah, aud Benjamin GUbert, Burlington 1772 Banyan, Mary, and Michael Bailler, Hunterdon 1774 Barch, Margaret, and Abraham Beeves, Cape May 1769 Barck, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and John Duffill, Gloucester 1754 Barok, Sarah, Gloucester, and John Duffill, Gloucester 1755 Biirdell, Euth, Burlington, aud John Collins, Burlington 1771 Burden, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and John Cjrlies, Monmouth 1767 Burden, Hannah, Gloucester, and John Green, Gloucester 1774 Burden, Hannah, and John Hankins, Burlington 1778 Burden, Mary, Salem, and John Lewis, Salem 1730 Burden, Mary, Monmouth, and Samuel Pintard, Monmouth 1761 Burden, Mary, and John Doughton, Gloucester 1770 Burden, Euth, PhUadelphia, and George Noarth, PhUadelphia 1737 Burdge, Hannah, Monmouth, and Joseph Dorset, Monmouth 1771 Burdge, Lidia, Monmouth, and John Gifford, Monmouth 1767 Burdsal, Avis, and Samuel Fort, Burlington 1768 Burdsall, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and Benjamin Cooper, Gloucester. . . . 1734 Burdsall, Sarah, and WUliam Pettit, Bucks Co., Pa. , 1770 Burdsell, Mary, Stafford, and Timothy Willets, Shrewsbury . . : 1762 I Burge, Deborah, Middletown, and James Pew, Middletown 1741 [ Burge, Phebe, Middletown, and Caleb Brown, New York 17t2 . Barge, Rejoice, and Francis Harris, Burlington 1774 Aug. 18 Mar. 28 Not. 9 Deo. 13 Jan. 17 Feb. 3 Mar. 29 Sept. 10 July 27 Dec. 25 Jan. 17 Aug. 13 Sept. 11 April 13 June 15 July 8 May 18 Jan. 14 April 27 Deo. 5 May 31 April 14 Oct. 16 Mar. 25 Mar. 14 Jan. 19 Nov. 25 May 15 May 12 April 4 Jan. 28 Mar. 24 Oct. 23 Nov. 18 April 23 May 17 May 14 Jan. 21 April 7 Aug. 29 Feb. 25 Oct. 2 Sept. 28 Jan. 21 Oct. 18 Oct. 17 6o NEW Jersey colonial documents. Burge, Sarah, Shrewsbury, and Jonathan Conrey, Middletown 1759 Burger, Sarah, and Andries Ten Eick, Somerset 1781 Barges, Rebecca, Pennsylvania, and Joseph Church, Pannsylvauia. .. .1736 Surges, Sarah, and Samuel Price, Sussex 1770 Burgess, Anne, Burlington, and Joseph Guerrat, Burlington 1765 Burgess, Margaret, Pennsylvania, and Joseph Jackson, Pennsylvania .. 1728 Burgis, Sarah, Pennsylvania, and Mathew Johnson, Pennsylvania 1756 Burk, Anne, Gloucester, and John Chambers, Burlington 1767 Burk, Catharine, Shrewsbury, and John Race, Middletown 1766 Burk, Dorsa, Monmouth, and Thomas Emans, Monmouth 1760 Burk, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and Samuel Baxter, Gloucester 1780 Burkin, Catharine, Burlington, aud John Mathes Sherso, Burlington .. 1742 Burleigh, Abigail, Bucks, Pa., and Thomas Simson, Bucks, Pa 1741 Burne, Abigail, Glouoester, and Robert Turner, Glouoester 1738 Burne, Mary, Gloucester, and John Price, Gloucester 1737 Burne, Mary, HanoTer, and Peter Stevensen, Springfield 1774 Burnes, Sarah, and Job Lippiucott, Burlington 1779 Burnet, Marcy, and Philip Snalbaker, Gloucester 1758 Burnett, Mary, Morris, and Stephen Jackson, Morris 1768 Burns, Anna, and Peter Welsh, Nottingham 1778 Burns, Elinor, and Job Shinn, Springfield 1776 Burns, Hannah, and Mark Minser, Burlington, 1784 Burns, Margaret, Middlesex, and Amaziah Davidson, Middlesex 1761 Burns, Sarah, Northampton, and William ReeTCs, Northampton 1747 Burr, Ann, and George Deacon, Burlington 1757 Burr, Beulah, Burlington, and Reynold Wharton, Burlington 1782 Burr, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Abraham H ewlinge, Burlington 1774 Burr, Martha, and John Clapp, Burlington 1779 Burr, Mary, Burlington, and Isaiah Shinn, Burlington 1770 Burr, Mary, Burlington, and George Harris, Burlington 1774 Burr, Priscilla, Burlington, and Thomas Kemble, Burlington 1773 Barr, Rebekah, and LeTi Bond, Cumberland 1782 Burr^ Rebecca, and Isaiah Bishop, Gloucester 1782 Burr, Susannah, Philadelphia, and Uriah Woolman, PhUadelphia 1769 Burrodail, EUzabeth, Burlington, and WiUiam Browne, Burlington 1758 Burroughs, Esther, aud William Bidgood, Burlington 1733 Burroughs, Hannah, Glouoester, and Samuel Parr, Burlington 1733 Burroughs, Hannah, Bucks Co., Pa., and James Thornton, Bucks Co., Pa. 1764 Burroughs, Hannah, and Joseph Mickle, Glouoester , ... 1771 Burroughs, Mary, and Henry Cook, Hunterdon 1782 Burroughs, Priscilla, Glouoester, and James Cooper, Gloucester 1768 Burroughs, Sarah, Gloucester, aud Isaac Mickle, Gloucester 1746 Burroughs, Sarah, and William Buzby, Gloucester 1779 Burroughs, Susannah, and Abraham Hazelton, BurUngton 1756 Burrows, Elizabeth, aud George Leawert, Cumberland 1778 Burrows, Martha, and Stephen Moore, Hunterdon 1781 May, 5 Feb. 16 Not. 17 Oct. 13 July 4 Sept. 9 May 22 Oct. 8 AprU 23 July 19 May 25 Mar. 21 Mar. 26 Jan. 8 Not. 8 Juue 8 Mar. 29 April 26 Deo. . 19 June 3 Not. 4 Mar. 10 May 25 Not. 21 Jan. 29 May 27 Sept. 6 Mar. 17 Aug., 2 May 2 Not. 5 Jan. 7 Aug. 29 Mar. 2 Mar. 11 Feb. 5 July 16 June 27 Deo. 23 June 29 Deo. 12 Sept. 19 July 21 June 7 Oct. 27 Feb, 13 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 6 1 Burrows, PriscUla, Salem, and Ebenezer Bowers, Salem 1730 Burt, Mary, and Andrew Brown, Hunterdon ; 1778 Burt, Sarah, and John Rulon, Fairfield 1782 Burtis, Aun, and John Martin, East New Jersey 1703 Burtis, Mary, Burlington, and Robert Worthington, Philadelphia 1729 Burtis, Mary, Hunterdon, and Job Sager, Hunterdon 1770 Burtis, Sarah, and Henry Wagman, Chesterfield 1 767 Burtis, Susannah, Middlesex, and John Bayley, Middlesex 1747 Burtis, Susannah, and John Ewan, Burlington 1770 Burton, Elizabeth, and Arthur Maguineas, Monmouth 1763 Burton, Mary, and John Hutson, BurUngton 1794 Busby, Elizabeth, and Eichard Painter, Philadelphia 1732 Bush, Catherine, and Anthony Beam, Bergen 1783 Bush, Martha, Bergen, and Morris Earle, Bergen 1751 Butcher, Elizabeth, Burlington, and WUliam Peak, Burlington 1760 Butcher, Elizabeth, and Joseph Hancock, Cumberland ; 1785 Butcher, Esther, and John Snode, Waterford 1773 Butcher, Mary, and Joseph Morgan, Jr., Burlington 1789 Butcher, Prudence, Gloucester, and Joseph Kaighin, Gloucester 1767 Butler, Anne, Burlington, and George Hulme, Burlington., 1774 Butler, Barbory, and Joseph Scott, Penns Neck 1777 Butler, Bellitje, and Isaac Lewis, Eichmond Co., N. Y 1767 Butler, Betsy, and Edmod Rainier, Burlington 1781 Butler, Eleanor, Staten Island, and John Slaght, Staten Island 1764 BuUer, Elizabeth, Staten Island, and Charles Leforge, Staten Island. .1757 Butler, Elizabeth, and Benjamin Jones, Burlington 1759 Butler, Elizabeth, Perth Amboy, and Stephen Pricket, Perth Amboy. .1768 Butler, Margaret, and .Joseph James, Cumberland 1748 BuUer, Margaret, and Daniel Simpking 1748 Butler, Mary, BurUngton, and Joseph Roberts, Philadelphia 1748 Butler, Mary, and John Horner, Burlington 1758 Butler, Mary, and GUbert Totten, Staten Island 1769 BuUer, Maiy, Burlington, and Joseph English, Jr., Burlington 1769 Butler, Rachel, Burlington, and John Scrogg, Burliugton 1 748 Butler, Rhodes, Shrewsbury, and WilUam Pottet, Shrewsbury 1766 Butler, Sarah, Burlington, and James Hammell, Burlington 1742 Butler, Sarah, BurUngton, and Thomas Kelsey, Burlington 1782 Butterfield, Ann, and Samuel Radford, Burlington 1708 Butterfield, Sarah, Burliugton, and Aaron Mires, Burlington 1771 Butterworth, Anne, Burlington, and John Cross, Burlington 1 784 Butterworth, Esther, and Alexander Beal, Gloucester 1746 Butterworth, Hannah, New Jersey, and John Mackie, PhUadelphia 1770 Buttler, Mary, Bucks, Pa., and Isaac CoUen, Bucks, Pa 1729 Buttler, Mary, and Joseph HoUinshead, BurUngton 1787 Buzby, Hannah, and Miles Erens 1783 , Byard, Body, and James Leeds, Glouoester. 1785 May 1 Jan. 16 Dec. 10 May 23 July 31 Mar. 31 Juue 20 Mar. 30 Feb. 28 Nov. 14 Dec. 11 Sept. 15 Jan. 27 Aug. 23 Dec. 18 April 25 Deo. 4 Feb. 23 Mar. 2 May 31 May 17 Nov. 17 Aug. 4 AprU 2 Oct. 25 Jan. 16 Jan. 11 Feb. 1 Feb. 1 Sept. 21 July 8 Jan. 23 Oct. 27 Aug. 17 Deo. 26 Oct. 23 Oct. 16 Feb. 24 Aug. 10 Dec. 5 Dec. 11 Aug. 6 Mar. 26 Mar. 1 June 18 Feb. 28 62 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Byram, Ann, Morris, and Peter Condit, Morris '¦ 1768 May 19 Byram, Phebe, and Edward Mills, Morris 1778 May 9 Byram, Rebeka, aud Phineas Chidester, Morris. 1780 Byrme, Mary, Mount Holly, and Joseph Porter, Mount HoUy 1781 MALES, " ^ Cafferty, William, Burlington, and Mary Bowen 1771 Caffery, Daniel, Hunterdon, and Catharine Sinclair 1783 Cahalin, James, Salem, and Eachel Howell, Salem 1761 Cahill, James, Burlington, and Jane Taylor, Burlington 1768 Cahoon, Samuel, Gloucester, and Hannah Davis, Gloucester 1770 CaU, Daniel, Burlington, and ThankfuU Fanning, Burlington 1770 Cain, Edmund, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Peirson 1780 Caldwell, Hugh, Gloucester, aud Jane Cox 1736 Caldwell, William, Glouoester, and Nancy Chew 1778 Calkins, Abner, Sussex, and Sarah White 1786 C.-illahan, John, and EUzabeth Kidd , 1765 Cambel, Cornelius, Salem, and Eachel White, Salem 1764 Cambell, John, Perth Amboy, and Hester Weiler, Perth Amboy 1731 Cambui'u, William, Monmouth, aud Sarah Crammer, Monmouth 1763 Camel, Charles, Gloucester, and Susanna Francis, Glouoester 1750 Cameron, John, Essex, aud Jane Chambers, Essex '. ... .1763-8 Camiiton, William, Cape May, and Hannah Backon, Cape May 1742 Camong, Lazarus, Glouoester, aud Mary Beets, Gloucester 1758 Camp, John, Gloucester, and Elender IngersoU, Glouoester 1740 Camp, John, Gloucester, and Jane Goldin 1780 CampbeU, Alexander, Perth Amboy, and Hannah Leigh, Perth Amboy. 1742 Campbell, Arthur, Philadelphia, and Mary Esdall, BurUngton 1764 Campbell, Charles, Salem, aud Jane McKnight 1732 Campbell, Christopher, Bergen, and Dirreokie Verveele, Orange, N. Y. 1766 Campbell, Dugel, Woodbridge, and Sarah Bloomfield, Woodbridge 1756 Campbell, George, Bergen, and Annatie Cutwater, Bel'gen 1767 Campbell, George, Bergen, and Johannah Singer 1732 Campbell, George, Hunterdon, and Catherine Smith 1779 Campbell, Jacob, Bergen, aud Altche Westervelt, Bergen 1774 Campbell, James, S'assex, and Mary Johnson, Sussex 1772 CampbeU, John, Jr., Monmouth, and Rachel Walker, Monmouth 1746 Campbell, John, Gloucester, and Jaue Dickson, Gloucester 1754 Campbell, John, Woodbridge, and Mary Eastwood, Piscataway 1758 Campbell, John, Monmoutb, and Hen'lrica Covenhoven 1761 Cimpbell, John, Burliugton, and Mary Eyre, Burlington 1705 Campbell, Jonathan, Burliugton, and Rachel Bogart, Burliugton 1776 Campbell, NeU, Middlesex, and Jannet McDauiel, Woodbridge 1760 Campbell, Neil, Middlesex, and Rachel Cothiel, Middlesex 1763 Campbell, WilUam, Somerset, aud Sarah Harris 1781 CampbeU, William, New York, Margaret Bogart , , 1788 Mar. 20 Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Jan. 19 Sept, 9 June 29 May 9 June 1 Feb. 14 AprU 29 Deo. 17 April 27 June 1 May 5 Mar. 29 Got 13 Jan. 22 May 17 Sept. 24 Aug. 18 Aug. 19 Oct. 31 Jan. 7 Sept. 11 Dec. 1 Aug. 23 Jan. 31 Deo. 8 Sept 17 Mar. 23 April 23 Mar. 2 Jan. 22 Cot. 9 July 6 Not. 30 June 10 Feb. 5 April 3 Jan. 10 Sept. 29 June 30 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 63 Canady, Patrick, 1 Salem, and Judith Morrison, Salem 1771 Cane, John, Gloucester, and Hannah Tice, Glouoester 1 761 Cann, John, Gloucester, and Hannah Sherrin 1789 Cannaday, John, and Ruth Howell , 1780 Cannon, David, Staten Island, and Altie Prall, Staten Island 1749 Cannon, William, Philadelphia, and Sarah Jackson, PhUadelphia. . . . 1738 CappeU, Charles, Bucks, Pa., and Margaret Guyant 1778 Car, Joseph, Jr., Freehold, and Eles Hamton, Freehold , 1756 Carbines, Francis, Somerset, and Mary Stout, Somerset 1770 Card, William, Perth Amboy, and Anne Fleming, Perth Amboy 1739 Carhart, Philip, Hunterdon, and Elenor Thompson, Perth Amboy 1757 Carhart, Samuel, Middletown, and Elizabeth Dorsett, Middletown 1764 Carkhuffl, Henry, Hunterdon, and Catherine Fenner 1767 ._^Carl, Uriah, Monmouth, and Judith Hunn, Monmouth 1755 CarlUe, Eobert, Eeadingtown, and Abigail Geddes, Woodbridge .1757 Garble WiUiam, Monmouth, and Hannah Taylor, Monmouth 1764 CarU, Constantine, Cape May, and Sarah White 1762 CarU, Phineas, Cumberland, and Eachel Mills, Cumberland 1760 CarU, Phineas, Salem, and Elizabeth Harneck 1757 CarU, WUliam, Cumberland, and Sarah Ewing, Cumberland 1773 Carly, Owen, Gloucester, and Esther Watson, Burlington 1742 Carmack, David, Monmoutb, and Elizabeth Parker 1773 Carmaok, David, Salem, and Hannah Lecroy 1775 Carmalt, Jonathan, Philadelphia, and Rebecca Eichardson, Phila 1727 Carman, Aaron, Burlington, aud Elizabeth Stevenson, Burlington 1759 Carman, Benjamin, Middletown, and Susanna Thomson, Perth Amb. .1763 Carman, EUjah, Hunterdon, and Jane James 1780 Carman, Jacob, BurUngton, and Sarah Heritage, Burlington 1771 Carman, James, Middlesex, and Margaret Presmeal, Middlesex 1742 Cai-man, James, Perth Amboy, and Mary Thompson, Perth Amboy. . . . 1756 Carman, John, Burlington, and Anne Stockdon, Burlington 1744 Carman, John, and Catherine White, Middletown 1748-9 Carman, Eichard, and Abigail Fitz Randolph 1742 . Carman,-^ Samuel, Middlesex, aud Margaret Moores, Middlesex. 1740 Carman, Samuel, Middletown, and Mary Wilson, Middletown 1748 Carman, Stephen, Woodbridge, and Isabeil Moores, Woodbridge., 1748 Carman Stephen, Middlesex, and Margaret Carman . . ., 1769 Carman, William, Monmouth, aud Anna Walker, Monmouth 1767 Carn, Leonard, Morris, and Catherine Hill 1778 Carney, Barney, Perth Amboy, and Aune Buckalew, Perth Amboy 17.!;4 Carney, Cornelius, Hunterdon, and Bridget Scantlin, Hunterdon 1709 Carney, Philip, Hunterdon, and Eebecca Thompson 1777 Carney, WiUiam, and Mary Arnal, Egg Harbor 1750 Carnogh, William, Perth Amboy, and Jane Bamwell, Middlesex 1744 I So signed, but in the body ot the bond the name is entered as Kennedy. Mar. 23 Sept. 24 Jan. 17 Nov. 28 Nov. 14 Ang. 19 Feb. 3 Feb. 18 Mar. 14 Not. 9 July 25 June 30 Nov. 23 July 9 AprU 26 April 16 Dec. 15 Oct. 7 May 18 May 24 Aug. 20 July 3 Jan. 18 Nov. 23 April 7 Oct. 10 Nov. 3 Oct. 5 Nov. 1 May 12 Feb. 15 Feb. 25 July 21 Dec. 12 Dec. 10 Aug. 16 Sept. 6 Sept. 29 Oct. 17 Sept. 9 April 16 Nov. 16 May 3 Aug. 2 64 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Carpenter, John, Gloucester, and Mary Eldridge 1784 Carpenter, John, Trenton, and Sarah Smith 1785 Carpenter, Joshua, Philadelphia, and Bridgett Eambo, Philadelphia. .1738 Carpenter, Thomas, Burlington, and Mary Tonkin, Burlington 1774 Carpenter, William, Salem, and Elizabeth Thompson 1767 Carr, Adam, Burlington, and Elizabeth Yard, Burliugton 1740 Carr, Cornelius, Bicks, Pa., aud Jane Brown 1768 Carr, John, Hunterdon, aud Mary Manley 1779 Carr, John, Hunterdon, and Sarah Reed 1779 Carr, Peter, Bergen, and Esther Schuyler 1786 Carr, Walter, Middlesex, and Susannah Buckalew, Middlesex 1747 Carrathurs, Obadiah, Cumberland, and Elizabeth Venables, Cumb'rd..l768 Carruthers, James, Bucks, Pa., aud Rachel Clarke, Bucks, Pa 1733 Carruthers, James, Salem, and Lydia Roberts, Cohansie 1 733 Carson, Daniel, Cranberry, and Rachel Richards, Perth Amboy 1755 Carson, Robert, Morris, and Martha Beagle, Morris 1771 Carson, Thomas, Cape May, and Elizabeth Murray, Cape May 1730 Carson, William, Somerset, and Mary Barton, Somerset 1743 Carslake, William, Burlington, and Abigail Rookhill 1782 Cirstlake, David, Burlington, and Anne Thomas, Burlington 1774 Cart, Goodson, Middlesex, and Deborah Kuewling, Middlesex 1765 Carter, Barnaby, South Amboy, Catherine Starkey, South Amboy 1760 Carter, Daniel, Salem, and Rebecca Van Meter, Salem 1752 Carter, Jeremiah, Gloucester, and Aun Dilks, Jr 1757 Carter, John, Gloucester, and EUzabeth Luallen 17bl Carter, Joseph, Bucks, Pa., and Catherine Dunoan, Pennsylvania 1731 Carter, Joseph, Burlington, and Mary Gaskill 1757 Carter, Martin, New Castle, Del., and Jane Sherron, Salem 1759 Carter, Micajah, Burlington, and Elizabeth Saint 1741 Carter, Micajah, Burlington, and Susannah Ewan, Burliugton 1744 Carter, Mijah, Burlington, and Elizabeth Saint 1741 Carter, Robert, Bucks, Pa., and Mary Thomas, Bucks, Pa 1733 Cartey, Ch'arles, Burlington, and Hannah Caskey, Burlington 1756 Cartey, Daniel, Burlington, and Hope Shivers, Gloucester 1775 Cartey, Daniel, Burlington, and Ann Shivers 1777 Carty, Owen, Gloucester, and Esther Watson, Burlington 1742 Caruthers, James, Glouoester, and Elizabeth Saunders 1785 Carutbers, Richard, Cumberland, and Mary Ewing 1780 Carver, -Jacob, Philadelphia, and Sarah To-wnsend, Philadelphia 1753 Carver, Seth, Egg Harbor, and Mary Smith 1766 Gary, John, Jr. , Morris, and Hannah Lyon 1778 Case, J. Wheeler, Dutchess, N. Y., and Mary ETertsen, Woodbridge.. .1768 Case, John, Hunterdon, and Margaret Buchanan 1780 Case," Thomas, Bucks, Pa. , and Mary Rue, Bucks, Pa 1734 Casey, Henry, Hunterdon, and Jaue Frazier 1768 Casey, James, Salem, and Margaret Beauman, Salem 1762 Deo. « Jan. 26 April 17 April 12 July 29 July 26 Aug. 26 Jan. 1 Mar. 2 Sept. 23 Deo. 28 July 24 Deo. 6 Sept. 27 July 10 AprU 26 Deo. 8 Not. 23 Jan. 29 July 27 Oct. 3 May 20 Mar. 3 Juue 18 Not. 16 Jan. 2 June 11 Not. 7 Feb. 12 Deo. 7 Aug. 30 Sept. 18 Not. 16 Not. 4 Aug. 20 May 12 Dec. 16 July 14 June 21 Deo. 28 Juno 10 Aug. 8 Aug. 22 Feb. 24 Deo. 30 MARRIAGE LICENSES. ' 65 Oasney, Peter, Somerset, and Margaret Compton, Somerset. 1776 Casparson, Anthony, Salem, aud Elizabeth Redstreak, Salem 1739 Casseday, James, Burlington, and Eachel Dennis 1758 Casseday, John, Bergen, and Hannah Peterson 1781 Cassey, John, Middletown, and Catherine Mclntire, Middletown Point. 1747 Cassler, George, Middletown, and Anne Van Skiack, Freehold 1700 Cassoday, Thomas, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Ehaney, Monmouth 1768 Castle, Edward, Gloucester, and Aun Norton, Gloucester 1746 Castner, Daniel, Jr., Somerset, and Mary Thompson, Somerset 1775 Castner, John, Somerset, and Sarah Compton, Somerset 1754 Castner, John, Somerset, and Katherine Eeemer, Somerset 1783 Cathcart, John, Gloucester, and Susannah Skinner 1779 Caton, Robert, Burlington, and Ann Tuckniss, Burlington 1760 Cattell, James, Burlington, and Aun Rogers, Burlington 1738 Cattell, James, Gloucester, and Hope Gaskill, Glouoester 1763 Cattell, James, Gloucester, and Mercy Middleton 1774 Cattell, Jonas, Burlington, and Mary Pratt, Burlington 1740 Cattell, Jonas, Gloucester, and Sarah Stevenson, Glouoester 1750 Cattell, Nathan, Glouoester, and Elizabeth Marshall 1780 Cauten, Isaac, Bucks, Pa., and Mary Buttler, Bucks, Pa 1730 Cavalier, Peter, Burlington, and Ann Tearney, Burlington 1739 CavaUer, David, Little Egg Harbor, and Mary Cramer 1782 CaTanagh, John, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Horn 1779 Cawley,. John, Bucks, Pa., and Ellenor Earl, Burlington 1729 Cawood, Thomas, Perth Amboy, and Anne Letts, Perth Amboy 1751 Cayler, Henry, Burlington, and Charity Southard, Burlington 1767 Chadwick, Francis, Monmouth, and Huldah Faber, Monmouth. 1764 Chadwick, John, Burlington, and Elizabeth Light 1688 Chadwick, John, Monmouth, and Patience Johnson, Monmouth 1763 Chadwick, WUliam, Monmouth, and Peacable Tabor, Monmouth 1761 Challener, Richard, Burlington, and EUzabeth PoweU, Burlington 1728 ChaUoner,! John, Burlington, and Ann Lucking, Burlington 1762 Chamberlain, John, Monmouth, and Mary Gant, Monmouth 1749 Chamberlain, Thomas, Monmouth, and Catherine Gant, Monmouth. . . 1747 Chamberlain, William, Monmouth, and Catherine Longstreet, Mon. . .1746 Chamberlin, Godfrey, Hunterdon, and Mercy Moore 1779 Chamberiin, Joseph, Middlesex 1769 Chamberlin, Lewis, Hunterdon, and Mary Hagerman, Somerset 1773 Chamberlin, Richard, Gloucester, and Melesent Risley 1772 Chamberlin, Uriah, Amwell, and Mary Pipinger, Reading Town 1773 Chamberlin, William, Hunterdon, and Anne Parks, Hunterdon 1771 Chambers, David, AUentown, Pa., and Sarah Sloan. 1768 Chambers, James, Middlesex, and Ann Bayles 1775 Chambers, John, Chester, and Mary Browning, Chester 1733 1 Query: Chalmer. 5 Feb. 1 Oct. 15 May 23 Feb. 10 Nov. 14 Sept. 10 Jan. 4 July 7 May 8 Nov. 11 June 16 July 27 Dec. 9 May 18 July 2,7 Feb. 26 Jan. 10 Julv 10 Mar. 14 Mar. 26 Feb. 11 Sept. 19 Jan. 2 April 26 July 7 Aug. 25 Nov. 1 May 10 Not. 7 Jan. 7 Not. 12 May 5 Dec. 1 May 4 Deo. 22 Aug. 17 May 30 Jan. 18 Deo. 23 Jan. 2 Mar. 6 April 13 Deo. 13 Feb. 25 66 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Chambers, John, PhUadelphia, and Mary Meickles. 1736 Chambers, John, Trenton, and Susannah Carter, Trenton 1746 Chambers, John, Monmouth, and Charity Patten, Monmouth 1750 Chambers, John, Burlington, and Anne Burk, Gloucester 1767 Chambers, Joseph, Burliugton, and Sarah Shores, Burlington 1736 Chambers, Joseph, Monmouth, and Azenbeth Wing, Monmouth 1757 Chambers, Joseph, Burlington, and Mary Welsh, Burlington 1761 Chambers, Nicholas, New Jersey, and Susanna Wolcott, New Jersey. . . 1743 Chambless, Jacob, Salem, and Rhodi Wheltall 1750 Chamless, James, Salem, and Jane Cluney 1772 ChambUn, William, Monmouth, and Zilpha Dennis, Monmouth 1763 Champion, Elias, Gloucester, and Mary Steelman, Gloucester 1735 Champion, Joseph, Gloucester, and Mary Engersol, Gloucester 1765 Champion, Joseph, Gloucester, and Eachel Collins, Gloucester 1770 Champion, Joseph, Glouoester, and Ehoda Brown 1784 Champion, Nathaniel, Gloucester,. and Catharine Scull 1762 Champion, Peter, Gloucester, and Hannah Thackera, Gloucester 1740 Champion, Peter, Gloucester, and Anne Ellis, Gloucester 1746 Champion, Samuel, Gloucester, and Sarah DUks, Glouoester 1746 Champion, Thomas, Gloucester, and Abigail Townsend, Gloucester. . .1763 Champion, Thomas, Gloucester, aud Phebe Smith 1784 Champneys, William, Salem, and Ann Watson, Salem 1772 Chandler, Amos, Monmouth, and Dorothy White, Monmouth 1739 Chandler, Solomon, and Margaret EtoU 1779 Channen, Isaac, Burlington, and Elizabeth Furniss 17^0 Chapman, Abraham, Burlington, aud Margaret Imlay 1767 Chapman, Edward, Burlington, and Bathsheba Heulings, Burlington . 1741 Chapman, Elijah, Burlington, and Achsah Borden 1783 Chapman, James, Trenton, and Mary Fulford 1777 Chapman, Joseph, Burliugton, and Martha Stewart 1757 Chapman, Lewis, Burlington, and Hannah Giberson 1777 ' Chapman, Eobert, Jr., Burlington, and Susanna Ireton, Burlington. . .1728 Chappell, John, PhUadelphia, and Mary Mason, Philadelphia 1730 Chapple, James, and Sarah Bebout 1779 Chapple, Thomas, and Mary Godwin 1779 Chapple, Thomas, Bergen, and Mary Hopper 1787 Chasey, John, Monmouth, and Adray Mount, Middletown 1760 Chatlin, Abishai, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Chester 1785 Chatliu, Abraham, Gloucester, and Jane Caldwell, Gloucester 1746 Chatlin, Abraham, Glouoester, and Dorcas Hughes, Gloucester 1752 Chatliu, Abraham, Gloucester, and Phebe Ward 1756 Chatlin, Abraham, Jr., Gloucester, aud Euth Wood, Glouoester 1760 Chatlin, Fraucis, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Clarke, Salem 1760 Chatlin, John, Gloucester, and Priscilla Hugg, Glouoester 1740 Chatlin, Nixon, Gloucester, and Hannah Cox, Gloucester 1749 Cheasey, Pearce, Middletown, and Martha Walling, Middletown 1753 Deo. 14 July 31 AprU 12 Oct. 8 Not. 17 July 18 Oct. 21 July 19 Jan. 15 May 26 July 18 Dec. 15 Mar. 5 Deo. 17 Jau. 16 July 24 Oct. 14 June 14 Deo. 18 May 5 June 11 Jan. 9 April 30 Sept. 18 Mar. 11 Aug. 1 Oct. 22 Mar. 27 AprU 23 Mar. 24 April 16 Jan. 14 Dec. 24 Sept. 2 June 24 Dec. 6 Mar. 27 May 30 Feb. 2 April 28 Mar. 31 July 22 July 22 May 15 May 23 Jan. 29 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 6/ Cheeseman, EUjah, Glouoester, and Hannah Warrick 1779 Cheeseman, Joseph, Gloucester, and Sarah String 1782 Cheeseman, Thomas, Gloucester, and Sarah Colemans, Gloucester.... 1727 Cheeseman, William, Salem, and Sarah Newman 1772 Cheesman, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Kasiah Lawrence, Gloucester. .1730 Cheesman, Benjamin, Middlesex, and Anna Vantine, Middlesex 1751 Cheesman, Benjamin, Jr., Gloucester, and Mary Ashbrook, Glouoester. 1753 Cheesman, Joseph, Middlesex, aud Lydia Parent, Middlesex. . 1740 Cheesman, Joseph H. , Gloucester, and Mary Vanneman 1790 Cheesman, Peter, Gloucester, and Martha Hedyer, Gloucester . , 1760 Cheesman, Eeuben, Gloucester, and Sarah Ogden, Cumberland 1759 Cheesman, Eichard, Glouoester, and Deborah Hedyer, Gloucester .... 1763 Cheesman, Thomas, Gloucester, and Marabeth Hedyer, Gloucester. . .1771 Cheesman, Uriah, Gloucester, and Hannah Rowand, Oloucester 1749 Cheesman, WiUiam, Jr., Middlesex, and Mary Alders, Middlesex 1747-8 Chemaly, Michael, Burlington, and Judith AUoways,. 1783 Chemard, Samuel, Burlington, and Elizabeth Jones, Burlington 1771 Ohemelar, Michael, Burlington, and EUzabeth Mineau, Burlington. . .1762 Cherry, Henry, Bucks, Pa., aud Ruth Barrass, Bucks, Pa 1731 Cheseman, Richard, Gloucester, and Hannah Cheseman, Gloucester . . 1746 Cheshire, Samuel, BurUngton, and Ann Robins, Burlington 1740 Chesnut, John, PennsylTania, and Catherine Greg, Woodbridge 1 748 Chester, John, Cape May, and Sarah Lane, Cape May. 1741 Chester, John, Cape May, and Sarah Vanluden, Cape May 1761 Chester, Joseph, Cape May, and Mary Regains.. 1773 Chester, Samuel, Gloucester, and Young, Gloucester 1748 Chester, Samuel, New Jersey, aud Fanny Johnson 1777 Cbeston, John, Hunterdon, and Amy Walker. . , 1769 -Chew, Aaron, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Wood 1775 Chew, Aaron, Gloucester, and Hannah Gardner 1783 , Chew, Constantine, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Leonard, Glouoester. . .1763 Chew, David, Gloucester, and Hannah StUly, Gloucester 1767 Chew, Jeffery, Gloucester, and Amy Driver, Gloucester 1732 Chew, Jeremiah, Gloucester, and Hannah Ashbrook, Gloucester 1745 Chew, John, Gloucester, and Ann Jennings, Gloucester 1739 Chew, Joseph, Philadelphia, and Elinor Holt 1742 Chew, Michael, Gloucester, and Amey Brinn, Gloucester 1733 Chew, Richard, Gloucester, and Ann Alberson, Gloucester 1766 Chew, Robert, Glouoester, and Ann Tice 1778 Chew, Samuel, Gloucester, and Margaret Turner, Glouoester. ....;... 1765 Chew, Thomas, Gloucester, and Rachel Maniage 1778 Chew, WiUiam, Gloucester, aud Elizabeth AUinson, Mount Holly 1774 Chidester, Phineas, Morris, and Rebeka Byram 1780 ChUd, Thomas, Bucks, Pa. , and Mary Kirkbride 1785 Chivers, James, Burlington, and Rebecca Doster, Burlington 1741 Christian,, John, Burlington, and Tamas Bowker 1778 AprU 19 Deo. 18 May 11 Aug. 12 Sept. 19 Oct. 8 June 13 Mar. 11 Mar. 23 Jan. 30 Nov. 29 July 18 Mar. 27 May 11 Feb. 19 Aug. 28 Oct. 30 Feb. 12 Oct. 20 June 14 Sept. 13 May 11 April 13 Aug. 11 June 30 Jan. 5 Aug. 2 April 13 Feb. 14 Oct. 4 Mar. 18 Sept. 29 Aug. 15 Oct. 22 April ¦3 Deo. 13 Deo. 29 Oct. 3 Deo. 23 Aug. 26 Nov. 28 April 21 Mar. 20 Nov. 3 April 1 Mar. 13 68 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Christie, Andrew, Bergen, and AbigaU Hopper, Bergen 1768 Christie, Daniel, Bergen, and Heyltie Erhert, Bergen 1770 Christie, John, Bergen, and Elizabeth Laroe 1780 Christie, Joseph, Pennsylvania, and Elizabeth Wakefield 1776 Christopher, Barret, Hunterdon, and Phebe Moore 1763 Christopher, Daniel, Hunterdon, and Deborah Hunt 1785 Christopher, Jesse, Hunterdon, and Massey Guiles 1779 Chubb, Thomas, Burlington, and Susanna Owen, Burlington 1758 Chubb, Voicall, Philadelphia, Sarah Peace, Trenton 1745 Chum, Matthew, Hunterdon, and Mary Skillman 1768 Chumard, David, and Mary Sharp 1784 Chumard, George, Burliugton, and Mary Allen, Burlington 1782 Chumard, William, Burlington, and Jane Kendall, Burlington 1773 Chumard, William, Burlington, and Mary Winton, Monmouth 1776 Chunn, James, Hunterdon, and Jean Barlenjau 1763 Church, Edward, Bristol, Pa., and Sarah Antrim, Mansfield 1765 Church, John, Philadelphia, and Mary Ray, Gloucester 1784 Church, Joseph, Pennsylvania, aud Rebecca Surges, Pennsylvania 1736 Church, Samuel, Gloucester, and Dorothy Edwards, Gloucester 1737 Church, SUas, Cape May, and Martha Bancroft, Cape May 1770 Church, William, Philadelphia, aud Elizabeth Grant, Philadelphia 1730 Chi'issoriw, Abraham, Long Island, and Jannetie Nefies, Somerset 1747 Cimeter, WUliam, and Elizabeth Best 1768 Ciser, John, New York, and Mary Seigolet, Middletown 1764 Clap, John, Burlington, and Mary Grimes, Burlington , 1784 Clap, John, Burliugton, Martha Grimes, Burlington 1782 Clap, William, Burlington, Rebecca Wright 1768 Clapp, George, Burlington, and Rebecca Shinn, Burlington 1761 Clapp, John, Burlington, and Martha Burr 1779 Clark, Alexander, Monmouth, and Mary Hoff, Monmouth 1763 Clark, Benjamin, Monmouth, and Susannah Mean, Monmouth 1746 Clark, Charles, Cumberland, and Ruth Scott, Cumberland 1769 Clark, Cornelius, Salem, and Elizabeth Reay 1758 Clark, Cornelius, Monmouth, and Mary Grandin 1769 Clark, Daniel, Cumberland, and Anna Holmes, Cumberland 1761 Clark, David, Burlington, and Elizabeth Betts 1756 Clark, David, Gloucester, and Rachel Bates, Gloucester 1764 Clark, Elijah, Gloucester, and Jane Larduer, Glouoester 1756 Clark, James, Salem, and Catherina Carney 1755 Clark, James, Cumberland, and Sarah Ogden, Cumberland 1769 Clark, James, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Totterson, Hunterdon 1775 Clark, James, Salem, Elizabeth Van Lear 1784 Clark, John, Burlington, aud Elizabeth Green 1747 Clark, John, Bucks, Pa., and Amy Merriott, Bordentown 1774 Clark, John, Burlington, and Sarah Hamilton 1778 Clark, John, Gloucester, and Mary Daniels 1783 , Mar. 20 Oct. 9 June 16 Deo. 10 Deo. 13 Sept. 18 Feb. 13 April 12 Sept. 6 AprU 2 Feb. 4 Nov. 21 Oct. 4 Jan. 12 Nov. 22 Feb. 1 July 16 Not. 17 Aug. 9 Aug. 1 Mar. 18 May 1 May 7 Sept. 12 Oct. 16 Deo. 19 Jan. 30 Sept. 23 Mar. 17 Not. 7 Jan. 5 Not. 21 June 20 Jan. 13 Aug. 11 Sept. 16 Mar. 12 April ,29 Not. 20 June 20 Oct. 14 Oct, 28 Deo. 22 Deo. 13 Jan. 29 Dec. 19 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 69 Clark, Joseph, Bristol, Pa., and Elizabeth Knight, Bristol, Pa 1749 Clark, Joseph, and Rebecca Floyd 1775 Clark, Joshua, Cumberland, and Eunice DcTall 1759 Clark, Josiah, Glouoester, and Phebe Early 1775 Clark, LeTi, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Spencer, Gloucester 1764 Clark, Levi, and Nancy Oar 1776 Clark, Eichard, Monmouth, and Eleanor Smith, Monmouth 1750 Clark, Noah, Essex, and Patience Lamb . 1 , 1769 Clark, Eobert, Salem, and Sara Mecum 1786 Clark, Samuel, Burlington, and Elizabeth Bennet 1747 Clark, Samuel, Monmouth, and Uphame Carman, Monmouth 1767 Clark, Stephen, Cumberland, and Tabitha Nixon, Cumberland 1761 Clark, Thomas, Glouoester, and Ruth Huttom, Gloucester 1746 Clark, Thomas, Salem, and Sarah Noah, Salem 1773 Clark, Wheeler, Bucks, Pa., and Frances Morgan, Bucks, Pa 1759 Clark, William, Monmouth, aud Katharine Romine, Monmouth 1745 Clark, William, Jr., Gloucester, and Susannah Attmore 1763 Clark, WUliam, Burlington, and Elizabeth Punner 1778 Clark, WiUiam, Burlmgton, and Mary Donnell 1779 Clarke, Henry, Chester, Pa., and Mary Hood, Chester, Pa 1731 - Clarke, Thomas, and Margaret Duehurst 1692 Clarkson, James, Philadelphia, and Elizabeth Kelley, Philadelphia. . .1727 Clarkson, James, Middlesex, and Margaret FitzRandolph 1743 Clarkson, James, Woodbridge, and Elizabeth. Coddington 1744 Clark-sou, John, Middlesex, and Maryan Noe 1768 Clarkson, Robert, Woodbridge, and Rebecca Fitz Randolph, Woodb'g. 1758 Clauts, Jacob, Springfield, and Sarah Farmer 1779 Clava, Benjamin Moses, Glouoester, Sarah McDonald 1773 Clawson, Jonathan, Woodbridge, and Mary Baron, Woodbridge: 1760 Clawson, Richard, Perth Amboy, and Rachel Buckeiew, Perth Amboy. 1764 Clawson, WUliam, Piscataway, and Elizabeth Van Sickle 1745 Claypool, David, Burlington, and Rebecca Ward, Burlington 1780 Claypool, Wingfield, Burlington, and Mary Pool 1782 Claypoole, Abraham, New HanoTer, Hope Fennimore, Springfield 1774 Clayton, David, Jr., Monmouth, and Rebekah Taylor, Monmouth. .(?)1746 Clayton, David, Jr., Monmouth, and Rebekah Tompson, Monmouth. .1745 Clayton, Edward, Monmouth, and Sarah Throckmorton, Monmonth". . 1765 Clayton, James, Burlington, and Rebecca Hutchins 1771 Clayton, John, Monmouth, and Hannah Compton, Monmouth 1743 Clayton, John, Burlington, and Elizabeth Breton 1746 Clayton, John, Freehold, and Anne Clayton, Freehold 1764 Clayton, Jonathan, Freehold, and Mary Benham 1759 Clayton, Joseph, Freehold, and Sarah Combs, Middlesex 1761 Clayton, Joseph, Burlington, and Ann Stevenson 1769 Clayton, Pamel, Burliugton, and Content WooUey, Shrewsbury 1731 Cleador, Itoheoomb, Staten Island, and Alice Sealoff, Staten Island. . .1748 April 25 Mar. 23 Oct. 24 May 1 Dec. 14 Mar. 13 July 26 June 5 April 15 May 14 May 17 Oct. 28 Aug. 20 Jan. 28 May 22 April 12 Mar. 28 April 10 Dec. 16 Nov. 18 Not. 2 June 19 Dec. 26 Feb. 5 May 28 Aug. 7 June 3 Jan. 26 May 27 April 5 Juue 17 Nov. 28 Feb. 21 Dec. 7 Deo. 24 Dec. 4 Aug. 8 Mar. 29 Juue 21 May 22 Dec. 6 April 25 Jan. 4 Dec. 9 July 23 70 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Clear, Jasper, and Susannah Peterson 1784 Cleaveland, George, Burlington, and Hannah Rogers, Burlington 1756 Cleaver, John, Cumberland, and Jemima Draper 1780 Cleyton, David, Monmouth, and Mary Scothorn 1759 Clement, Jacob, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Tyley 1741 Clement, Jacob, Gloucester, and Charity Kaighin, Gloucester. 1769 Clement, Nathaniel, Glouoester, and Abigail Bowen 1768 Clement, Thomas, Gloucester, and Mary Tyley. 1737 Clement, Thomas, Gloucester, aud Elizabeth Rolf 1774 Clemer, Conrad, Burlington, and Mary White, Burlington 1735 Clevenger, Abraham, Monmouth, and Mary Pitman 1760 Clevenger, Job, Burlington, and Margaret Brown, Burlington 1772 Clevenger, Jobn, Monmouth, and Mary Horner 1760 Clevenger, Thomas, and Nellie Larkins 1762 Clevenger, William, Burlington, and Mercy Asson ; 1750 Clevinger, Abraham, Burlington, and Jane Platt, Burlington 1742 Clevinger, George, Burlington, and Deliverance Horner 1737 Clevinger, John, Burlington, and Hannah Baker 1742 Clevinger, Zachariah, New Hanover, and Mary GaskeU, New Hanov'r. 1778 Cleverley, John, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Pierce . . 1730 Clifton, John, Philadelphia, and Mary Bankson, Philadelphia 1740 Clifton, Nathan, Burlington, and Mary Robinson , 1780 Clifton, Samuel, Burlington, and Susannah Castle 1761 Clinhuff, Ephraim, Burlington, and Rebecca Strallein, Burlington 1762 Oliver, John, and Mary Warren 1781 Oliver, Peter, Springfield, and Sarah Collins 1781 Clonts, Jacob, Northampton, and Susannah Chemilly 1782 Clymer, Christopher, Philadelphia, and Deborah Fitzwater 1734 Coahlan, Patrick, Burlington, and Catharine Sill, Burlington .... 1750 Coakley, James, New Jersey, and Mary Flannagan 1778 Coate, Daniel, Burlington, and Sarah Mills, Burlington 1766 Coate, John, Gloucester, and Milisent Maps 1774 Coate, Thomas, Burlington, and Sarah Leek, Burliugton 1754 Coats, Henry, Burlington, and Rachel Jones, Burlington 1783 Coats, John, Hunterdon, and Esther Doughty, Hunterdon 1729 Coats, William, Hunterdon, and Leanah Low 1781 Cob, Jacob, Burlington, and Catherine Mitchel, Burlington 1741 Cobb, Samuel, Morris, and Sarah Southard, Morris 1773 Cochran, John, Essex, and Mary White, Bergen 1740 Cochran, John, Hunterdon, aud Phebe Henderson, Monmouth 1763 Cochran, Peter, N. Brunsw'k, aud Elizabeth Vannorden, N. Brunsw'k. 1739 Cochran, Eichard, Middlesex, and Mary AntiU, Middlesex 1764 Cock, Jacob, Somerset, and Abigail McClow 1780 Cock, Jacob, Somerset, and Blaudena Jarolamon 1782 Cock, Henry, Somerset, and Mary Hall, Somerset 1759 Cock, Peter, Gloucester, and Beata Look, Salem , 1738 Nov. 24 Sept. 20 Not. 11 April . 6 Oct. 17 Sept. 9 Deo. 6 May 30 Nov. 1 Mar. 2 Mar. 9 Mar. 4 Mar. 9 Aug. 7 Aug. 17 July 26 July 19 Mar. 17 Nov. 9. May 28 Sept. 10 Nov. 21 Feb. 6 Jan. 13 Mar. 8 Aug. 26 April 16 Feb. 3 July 23 April 27 Nov. 8 Jan. 3 Jan. 2 Jan. 14 July 22 Sept.. 13 Nov. 23 Nov. 17 Oct. 20 Sept 1 Mar. 19 Oct. 15 May 15 Not. 8 April 12 Jan. 6 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 7 1 Coddington, Cavid, Woodbridge, and Ann Stone, Woodbridge 1750 Coddington, James, Middlesex, and Experience Randolph 1781 Coddington, Samuel, Woodb'dge, and Mary FitzRandolph, Woodb'dge. 1756 Codington, Joseph, Woodbridge, and Margaret Lewis, Woodbridge .... 1756 Coffey, Joseph, Burlington, and Patience Tatem, Gloucester. 1768 Coffing, James, Glouoester, and Mary Whitehall 1732 Colcott, Eobert, Burlington, and Mary Ewing, Burlington 1771 Cole, Andrew, Northampton, and Mary Mitchell 1773 Cole, Benjamin, Hunterdon, and Charity Coursen, Hunterdon 1752 Cole, David, Hunterdon, and Beula Vansant 1775 Cole, John, Hunterdon, and Maritie Low, Hunterdon 1749 Cole, John, Burlington, and Rebecca Lippiucott, Burlington 1767 Cole, Barent, Bergen, aud Mary Demarest, Bergen 1767 Cole, Joseph, Gloucester, and Mary Wood, Gloucester 1731 Cole, Richard, Monmouth, and Lydia Begele, Monmouth 1766 Cole, Thomas, Somerset, and Leentye Vanetta, Somerset 1751 Coleman, Elias, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Brown 1786 Coleman, Nathaniel, and Nancy Evans Smart 1777 Coles, Job, Glouoester, and Elizabeth Tomlins, Gloucester 1771 Coles, Richard, Philadelphia, and Sarah Shepherd, Cumberland 1759 Coles, Samuel, BurUngton, and Mary Matlack, Burlington 1767 Coles, Thomas, Gloucester, Hannah Stokes, Burliugton 1732 Coles, William, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Smith, Monmouth 1767 Colfax, WUliam, Bergen, and Esther Schuyler 1783 CoUard, John, Monmouth, aud Sarah Woolley, Monmouth 1743 CoUen, Isaac, Bucks, Pa., and Mary Buttler, Bucks, Pa 1729 Collinge, Joseph, Middletown, and Mary Roberts, Middleto-sm 1749 Collins, Abijah, Gloucester, and Hope Coles 1785 Collins, Abraham, Burlington, and Alley Smart 1787 ColUns, Amos, Glouoester, and Ann StUes 1771 CoUins, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Anne Hedges, Gloucester 1735 Collins, Benjamin, Monmouth, and Desire Rulon, Stafford 1756 CoUins, Charies, Burlington, and Ruth Starkey, Burlington 1748 Collins, David, Middlesex, and Margaret Clawson 1745 Collins, David, Burlington, and Ann Harding, Burlington 1775 Collins, Ebenezer, Monmouth, and Ann Woodmansie, Monmouth 1748 CoUins, Ebenezer, Piscataway, and Rachel Folsom, Piscataway 1751 Collins, Edward, Gloucester, and Phebe Matlack 1791 Collins, Edward Johnston, Glouoester, and Jane CoUins 1783 ColUns, George, Burlington, and Joanna Roche, Burlington 1731 CoUins, Isaac, Gloucester, and Sarah Bates 1772 Collins, Isaac, New Brunswick, and Mary Robinson, New Brunswick. . 1774 Collins, James, New Brunswick, and Margaret Vanzant, New Brw'k . . . 1748 Collins, Job, Burlington, and Mary Haines, Burlington 1774 Collins, John, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Moore, Burlington 1737 ColUns, John, Middletown, and Anne Johnson, Middletown 1758 Oct. 11 July 9 Oct. 16 Feb. 19 Jan. 20 July 2 Jan. 7 July 29 Aug. 11 Oct. 24 Mar. 19 Jan. 7 Aug. 10 Dec. 2 Deo. 6 AprU 3 Mar. 3 July 4 Feb. 7 Jan. 22 May 4 July 29 Jan. 14 Aug. 27 Aug. 20 Mar. 26 Jan. 3 July 15 Mar. 19 Nov. 29 May 17 Jan. 12 Sept. 29 Dec. 7 Dec. 16 Dec. 27 July 29 Feb. 10 Aug. 6 Oct. 30 Feb. 17 Sept. 23 Dec. 26 Mar. 17 Feb. 27 Deo. IS 72 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. CoUins, John, Gloucester, and Patience Alberson, Gloucester 1766 Oct. 3 CoUins, John, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Harbert, Monmouth 1767 Not. 4 CoUins, John, Gloucester, and Mary Rifflin 1769 Aug. 14 GoUius, John, Burlington, and Ruth Burdell, Burliugton 1771 AprU 4 Collins, John, Gloucester, and Catharine Champion 1777 CoUins, Jonathan, Burlington, and Mary Cole. , 1781 May 31 CoUins, Joseph, Gloucester, and Susannah Hutchinson 1784 May 4 Collins, Richard, Burlington, and Sarab Griffith 1759 Aug. 27 Collins, WiUiam, New Jersey, and Susanna Gordon. 1778 May 21 Collins, Zebulon, Middlesex, and Mary Johnston, Middlesex 1746 Oct. 30 Colman, Charles, Monmouth, and Catherine Lippincott, Monmouth. .. 1764 July 11' Colsher, Matthew, Somerset, and Ann Huff 1768 Nov. 14 Colver, Nathan, Stafford, and Phebe Stockaw, Stafford 1749 June 15 Colvin, Philip, and Grace Holeman 1739 _^Deo. 1 Combaok, Peter, Hunterdon, and EUzabeth Rue 1784 Mar. 22 Combes, Eobert, Woodbridge, and Margaret Loofbourrow, Woodb'dge. 1753 Sept. 4 Combes, Eobert, Middlesex, and Hulda Combes, Pennington 1772 Mar. 25 Combs, Coleman, Hunterdon, and Mary Peirce 1770 Feb. 10 Combs, John, Perth Amboy, and Mary Abrahams, Perth Amboy 1748 Deo. 23 Combs, John, Jr., Perth Amboy, and Sarah Abrahams, Perth Amboy. 1753 Deo. 24 Combs, Jonathan, Perth Amboy, and Elizabeth Eeed, Freehold 1741 June 3 Combs, Jonathan, Perth Amboy, and Sarah Tilton, Monmouth 1743 June 9 Compton, Cornelius, Middletown, and Lydia Crawford, Middletown. . . 1756 July 30 Compiton, Cornelius, Jr., Middletown, and Hannah Mount, Mid'twn. .1756» Deo. 23 Gompton, Daniel, Woodbridge, and Rachel Paine, Woodbridge 1758 Aug. 11 ' Compton, Gabriel, Middlesex, and Mary Carrington 1760 Dec. 20 Compton, Ichabod, Monmouth, and Aun Gordon 1773 Aug. 20 ' Compton, Jacob, Monmouth, and Valuriah Clayton, Monmouth 1763 Jan. 6 Compton, John, Middlesex, and Sarah Morgan, Middlesex 1763 Jan. 28 Compton, Richard, Jr., Monmouth, aud Elizabeth Cox, Monmouth 1727 Jan. 15 Compton, Richard, Monmouth, and Mary Deboogh, Monmouth 1747 July 27 Compton, Richard, Somerset, and Sytie Hoglen, Somerset., 1749 July 11 Compton, Richard, Somerset, and Lenty Eoo, Somerset. 1775 Aug. 31 Compton, Richard, Middlesex, and Sarah Clear. 1781 July 23 Compton, Samuel, Woodbridge, and Mary Kemble, Woodbridge 1748 Feb. 13 Conipton, Samuel, Piscataway, and Sarah Tharp, Piscataway 1753 July 31 ' Compton, WUliam, Freehold, and Mary Smith, Perth- Amboy 1749 June 15 Compton, WiUiam, Middletown, and Sarah Sweed, Middletown 1762 Mar. 2 ' Compton, Zebulon, Somerset, and Sarah Tunison 1764 Deo. 14' Gonarro, Joseph, Burlington, and Valaria Moore, Burlington 1761 Oct. 3 ' O.onarroe, Jacob, New Jersey, and Sarah Johnson ; 1782 Aug. 24 ' Conarrow, Andrew, Jr., Burlington, and Keziah Johnston, Burlington. 1756 May 10' Conawey, James, Cape May, and Susannah Corson, Cape May 1741 May 14 Condict, Zenus, Morris, and Joanna Person 1779 Feb. 6 Condit, Peter, Morris, and Ann Byram, Morris 1768 May 19 Condon, James, Burlington, and Isabella Pittman, Burlington 1762 Jan, 21 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 73 Condriek, John, Burlington, and Sarah Alton, Burlington 1763 Coneley, John, Gloucester, and Rebecca Seeds, 1 Gloucester 1765 Conelly, Brian, Salem, and Dorothy Bull, Salem 1731 Conerow, Andrew, Burliugton, and Rebecca Arnold, Burlington 1727 Congleton, Henry, Salem, and Ann Peterson 1777 Conine Derrick, Monmouth, aud Jane Barkolo, Monmouth 1762 Conine, Jacob, Somerset, and Mary Clover, Somerset 1764 Conine, Philip, Perth Amboy, and Elizabeth Dally, New Brunswick. .1742 Conklin, Stephen, Jr. , Morris, and Eachel Lindsley. 1778 Conklin, William, Morris, and Eebecca Whitaker, Somerset 1778 Conn, Samuel, Springfield, and Pamelia Carter, Springfield 1771 Connel, John, Cape May, and Sarah Simkins 1763 ConneUey, John, PhUadelphia, and Ann Little, Monmouth 1780 Conner, George, Monmouth, and Eachel Knox 1780 Conner, James, Monmouth, and Mary Smith, Monmonth 1739 Conner, WUliam, Cape May, and Sarah Eldridge 1789 Connet, James, Somerset, and Ann Harris, Middlesex 1761 Connolly, Alexander, New Brunswick, and Mary Longfleld, New Bwk..l747 Connor, Timothy, Piscataway, and Mary Folsom, Piscataway 1750 Connove, James, Bergen, and Eva Bordan 1765 Conover, Elias, Monmouth, and Anna Fish 1780 Conrey, John, Middletown, and Mary Morris, Middletown 1751 Conrey, Jonathan, Middletown, and Sarah Burge, Shrewsbury 1759 Conrey, Peter, Freehold, and Margaret Striokling, Freehold. 1760 Conrow, Darling, Burlington, and Sarah Elkinton 1778 Conrow, Darnel, BurUngton, and Deliverance Stoakes, Burlington 1733 Conrow, George, Burlington, and Naomy Tomlinsun 1788 Conves, John, New Brunswick, and Sarah Eobert?, Middletown 1743 Converse, Conrad, Somerset, and Esther Parsell, Somerset 1750 Cook, Abiel, Jr., Monmouth, and Mary Thomson 1765, Cook, Asher, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Green, Monmouth 1764 Cook, Edward P., Monmouth, and Lidy Chandler, Monmouth 1757 Cook, George, Monmouth, and Susannah Reece 1762 Cook, Henry, Hunterdon, and Mary Burroughs 1782 Cook, Job, Burlington, and Mary Warrick 1772 Cook, John, Monmouth, and Elizabeth AVooUey, Monmouth 1749 Cook, John, Pennsylvania, and Mai-y Andei'son, Freehold 1761 Cook, Joseph, Monmouth, and Sarah Green, Monmouth 1748 Cook, iSliohael, Monmouth, and Sarah Tallman, Monmouth 1757 Cook, Eichard, Hunterdon, and Anne Ashlee 1783 Cook, "Silas, Monmouth, and Mary Russell, Monmouth 1746 Cook, Silas, Monmouth, and Patience Sheareman, Monmouth 1761 Cook, Staoey, Burlington, and Jane Deacon 1782 Cook, Syvanus, Hcnmouth, and EUzabeth Rulong 1777 I Query; Leeds, May 5 Jan. 22 July 27 Mar. 29 May 15 Aug. 2 May 29 Dec. 15 May 7 Deo. 7 AprU 6 Sept. 28 Maiv 30 Mar. Aug. 25 Feb. 5 Nov. 12 July 31 Jan. 31 May 18 Oct. 14 Sept. 14 May 5 Oct. 13 Aug. 24 Mar, 16 June 11 Jan. 19 Oct. 27 June 17 Mar. 31 Dec. 12 April 15 June 28 May 17 Dec. 29 Nov. 17 April 29 Feb. 28 May 13 Oct. 15 May 25 April 9 Aug. 14 74 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Cook, Tessher, Monmouth, and Mary Ribet, Monmouth 1764 Cook, WiUiam, Monmouth, aud Ghertie Bennet, Monmouth 1743 Cooke, Benjamin, Burliugton, and Elizabeth AVebb.. . . , 1759 Cooke, John, Sussex, and Elizabeth Crooks 1768 Cooke, William, Philadelphia, and Sarah Driver, Burlington 1730 Cool, Isaac, Somerset, and Mary Corle 1781 Coole, John, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Rose 1743-4 Cooper, Benjamin, Glouoester, and Hannah Carlile, Philadelphia 1729 Cooper, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Burdsall, Gloucester 1734 Cooper, Benjamin, Monmouth, and Catherine Heaviland, Monmouth. , 1753 Cooper, Benjamin, Middletown, and Hester Borden, Middletown 1754 Cooper, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Hopewell, Burlington. . . 1759 Cooper, Daniel, Jr., Morris, and Catherine Hankinson, Freehold 1751 Cooper, Danie], Morris, and Grace Manning, Essex 1768 Cooper, Daniel, and Deborah Middleton, Burlington 1797 Cooper, Ebenezer, Perth Amboy, and Margaret Williams, Perth Amboy. 1751 Cooper, Ezekiel, Monmouth, and Sarah Layton, Monmouth 1766 Cooper, Henry, Bucks, Pa. , and Mary Sherman, Bucks, Pa 1732 Cooper, Henry, Burliugton, and Elizabeth Curtis, Burlington 1735 Cooper, Jacob, Burlington, and Rachel Peppit, Burlington 1767 Cooper, James, Middletown, and Catherine Vandeveuter, Middlet'n.. 1743-4 Cooper, James, Gloucester, aud Sarah Erwin, Gloucester 1761 Cooper, James, Gloucester, and Priscilla Burroughs, Gloucester 1768 Cooper, John, Monmouth, and Mary Jacobs, Monmouth 1743 Cooper, John, Burlington, and Rebecca Eayre, Burlington -. 1783 Cooper, Jonathan, Monmouth, and EUzabeth Tharpe, Monmouth 1767 Cooper, Joseph, Monmouth, and Deborah Taylor, Monmouth 1741 Copper, Joseph, Bristol, Pa., and Hannah Lovett 1731 Cooper, Nathan, Morris, and Elizabeth Marsh, Essex 1749 Cooper, Nathan, Morris, and Martha Dickenson, Perth Amboy 1751 Cooper, Richard, Bergen, and Hannah Cooper 1787 Cooper, Samuel, Gloucester, and Prudence Brown, BurUngton 1767 Cooper, Thomas, Monmouth, and Priscilla Wright, Monmouth 1749 Cooper, Thomas, Burlington, and Elizabeth Cooper 1758 Cooper, WiUiam S., Gloucester, and Mary Cheeseman, Gloucester 1749 Cooper, William, Glouoester, and Ann Folwell, Burlington 1768 Cooper, William, Pennsylvania, and EUzabeth Fenimore, Burlington .. 1774 Cope, John, Salem, and Mary Richardson 1775 Copner, Cornelius, and Margaret Peterson, Salem. 1732 Copperthwaite, Hugh, Burlington, aud Hannah Atkinson, Burlington. 1737 Copperthwaite, Joseph, Monmouth, aud Sarah Spicer 1778 Copperthwaite, Thomas, Burlington, and Mary Borden 1733 Coppock, Bartholomew, Burlington, and Amy Cox, Burlington 1730 Coppock, Moses, Bucks, Pa., and Martha Lester, Bucks, Pa 1740 Corammore, William, Jr., Egg Harbor, and Miriam Stoakham 1746 Corbett, Joseph, Salem, and Susanna Philpot, Salem 1769 Feb. 22 Sept . 21 May 31 June 18 May 12 Aug. 25 Mar. 6 June 10 Feb. 25 Oct. 31 AprU 12 Mar. 6 April 13 Mar. 11 July 28 June 22 Sept. 4 July 8 May 13 Mar. 10 Mar. 21 Mar. 27 Dec 12 Oct. 31 May 1 Mar. 19 Deo. May 30 Jan. 20 June 4 May 11 Feb. 2 Nov. 6 Sept. 13 Sept. 21 May 4 Nov. 12 Feb. 10 June 15 AprU 19 Not. 29 Feb. 19 Aug. 4 Sept. 22 Nov. 21. Deo. 28 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 75 Cordeary, Isaac, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Jonston 1755 Cordery, Clement, Gloucester, and Mary Parker 1784 Core, Samuel, Burlington, and Mary Sutts 1780 Corey, John, Cape May, and Johannah Hand, Cape May 1762 Corey, Peter, Burlington, and Martha Walker, Burlington 1784 Corlies, John, Monmouth, aud Elizabeth Burden, Monmouth 1767 Corlies, Timothy, Monmouth, and Hannah Williams, Monmouth 1762 Corlies, Uriah, Monmouth, aud Anna Dunham, Amboy 1752 Corlis, George, Salem, aud Margaret Watson, Salem 1762 Corlis, John, Monmouth, and Rachel White 1779 Corlis, Samuel, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Bills, Monmouth 1745 Corlis, William, Burlington, and Ann Cox, Middlesex 1756 Corliss, Jacob, Salem, and Deborah Stretch 1791 Corliss, WUliam, Burlington, and Ann Davis, Burlington 1767 Com, Lawrence, Cumberland, and Mary Smith 1781 Cornel, Cornelius, Middlesex, and Gerrabratie Guliok, Somerset 1751 Cornel, Jacobus, Bergen, and Lenah Hanie, Orange, N. Y 1761 Cornel, Job, Shrewsbury, and Sarah Worden, Shrewsbury 1755 Cornel, William, Somerset, and Sarah Wykoff 1781 Cornell, Albert, N. York, and Sarah Dugroot 1763 Cornell, Jacob, Somerset, and Elizabeth Kenuade 1779 Cornell, Nathaniel, Hunterdon, and Sarah Cook 1785 Cornell, Peter, Middlesex, and Nelly Terhoon 1780 Cornwell, WiUiam, Gloucester, and Berthena Tiler 1782 Con'y, John, Salem, and Elizfabeth Haines, Salem 1770 Cbrry, WiUiam, Philadelphia, and Sarah Marriott 1733 Corry, WiUiam, Burlington, and Martha Roy, Burlington 1766 Corsen, Rem, Cape May, and Hannah Stillwell 1759 Corshan, Joshua, and Margaret WiUsou 1764 Corshun, Joshua, Somerset, and Mary Probasco 1779 Corson, Abner, Cape May, and Mary Smith, Cape May 1773 Corson, Christian, Staten Island, and Hannah Kidney, Essex 1761 Corson, Darmenas, Cape May, and Rachel WUits 1778 Corson, Darius, Cape May, aud Martha Mackey. 1778 Corson, Henry, Cape May, and Elizabeth Young 1788 Corson, Jeremiah, Cape May, and Mary Creasey. 1763 Corson, John, Jr., Cape May, and Mary Goff^ Cumberland 1761 Corson, Joseph, Cape May, and Rachel Corsen, Cape May 1759 Corson, Joseph, Jr., and Phebe Badcock 1760 Corson, Levi, Cape May, and Margaret Hand, Cape May 1766 Corson, Promenas, Cape May, and Mary Lea 1774 Corson, Promenas, Cape May, and Priscilla Creaesse 1774 Corson, Peter, Cape May, and Martha Edwards, Cape May 1757 Corson, Peter, Cape May and Elizabeth Godfrey, Cape May. 1763 Coreon, Peter, Cape May, and Mary Badcock, Cape May 1761 Corson, Philip, Cape May, and Lydia Cawson 1784 Aug. 2 June 14 Dec. 20 June 14 April 29 Jan. 28 July 14 June 22 Dec. 21 May 31 Aug. 17 June 3 Mar. 28 July 13 Nov. 27 June 12 Mar. 21 May 30 Jan. 7 Jan. 26 Nov. 27 Sept. 18 Nov. 29 May 13 Sept. 20 July 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 17 Dec. 19 June 21 April 5 July 10 Oct. 26 June 4 Feb. 21 Sept. 24 Dec. 19 Jan. 22 Sept. 22 Dec. 23 April 12 Nov. 1 Feb. 10 July 20 Jan. 15 Aug. 20 'j6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Corwin, Joseph, Morris, and Mary Wortman 1778 Corwine, Richard, Hunterdon, and Sarah Snider , 1779 Cosseboom, Nathaniel, Burlington, and Anne Venables 1761 Cossman, John, Monmouth, and Margaret Front, Monmouth. 1756 Costigin, Francis, Jr. , Trenton, and Jean Carr, Hunterdon 1 769 Costill, Hugh, Burlington, aud Hannah Hilliar. 1787 Costive, Joseph, Burlington, and Anna Sharp. 1759 Cosure, Benjamin B. , Gloucester, and Nehomy Shaw 1784 Cotauck, AVUliam, Sussex, aud Sarah Williamson 1773 Cotheal, Alexander, Middlesex, aud Eliles McDaniel, Middlesex. 1764 CotheU, Henry, Middlesex, and Sarah Crew, Middlesex 1763 Cotter, William, Phila., and Kathrina Price, alias MiUer, Phila 1737 Cottnam, Abraham, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Ann Pearce 1764 CottereU, Nicholas, Middletown, and Anne Roberts, Middleto-wn 1752 CottereU, Gershom, Freehold, and Catherine Layton, Shrewsbury 1757 Cottrel, John, Middletown, and Elizabeth Herbert, Middletown 1749 CottreU, John, Monmouth, and Hester Layton, Monmouth 1762 Cottrel, Robert, Monmouth, and Rachel Rogers, Monmouth 1766 Coughlfcton, AUen, Salem, and Sarah Vickery, Salem 1761 Couke, George, and Lena Leek 1778 Coulten, Zacheriah, Middlesex, and Ann Cox, Monmouth 1750 Coulter, James, Gloucester, and Ann Parsons, Glouoester 1771 Coulton, Joseph, Philadelphia, and Mary WiUiams, Philadelphia. .,..1771 Courson, Christian, Staten Island, and Ann Clandenning 1747 CouTert, Isaac, Sussex, and Margaret Shaver 1768 Cove, John, Burlington, and Elizabeth Ambruster , 1778 Covell, Samuel, Monmouth, and Jane Cahale 1784 Covenhoven, Albert, Monmouth, and Mary Vanhorn, Monmouth 1745 Covenhoven, Albert, Monmouth, and Patience Covenhoven, Monm'th.l765 Covenhoven, Albert, Hunterdon, and Sarab Benham 1779 Covenhoven, Benjamin, Freehold, and Catherine Wycoffe 1750 Covenhoven, Cornelius, Freehold, and Anue AVilliamson, Freehold 1750 Covenhoven, Cornelius, Monmouth, and Elenah AVilliamson, Moum'th.l756 Covenhoven, Cornelius, Middletown, and Jane Denise, Freehold 1758 Covenhoven, Cornelius, Monmouth, and Mary Hendrickson, Monm'th .1767 Covenhoven, Cornelius, Monmouth, and Mary Logan 1770 Covenhoven, Daniel, Monmouth, and Helena Taylor, Monmouth 1757 Covenhoven, Garret, Monmouth, and NeUy Sohanck, Monmouth 1744 Covenhoven, Garret, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Benuerse, Monmouth. 1759 Covenhoven, Isaac, Freehold, and Hannah Morford, Freehold 1756 Covenhoven, John, Monmouth, and Mary Vandorn, Monmouth 1750 Covenhoven, John, Middletown, and Neliy Wyckoff, Freehold 1755 Covenhoven, John, Middlesex, and Lydia Predmore, Middlesex 1752 Covenhoven, Joseph, Monmouth, and Hannah Hankinson, Monmouth. 1756 Covenhoven, Luke, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Johnson, Somerset 1739 Covenhoven, Luke, Middlesex, and Matiha Bargin , 1774 Mar. 27 Jan. 14 Aug. 24 June 9 Mar, 2 April . 2 Aug. 29 Nov. 16 Deo. 8 Oct. 11 Feb. 10 Aug. 20 June 11 Nov. 29 Sept. 12 April 10 Jan. 6 Jan. 22 Feb. 12 Oct. 31 Deo. 25 Nov. 1 Got. 15 May 7 Oct. 22 Deo. 3 Mar. 29 May 22 Nov. 21 May 21 Feb. 5 May 28 June 5 Deo. 5 -Jan. 12 July 10 Aug. 16 July 17 Feb. 26 Mar. 9- Nov. 5 Deo. 8 Aug. 14 Feb. 3 Oct. 26 Not, 12 MARRIAGE LICENSES. "J"] OovenhoTen, Matthias, Middleto-sm, and WilUamtic OoTenhoven, Mid. 1749 CoTcnhoTen, Peter, Monmouth, and Anne DaTis, Monmouth 1749 CoTenhoTen, Peter, Middletown, and Catherine Dehart, Freehold 1749 CoTenhoTen, Peter, Monmoutb, and Hannah Forman, Monmouth. . . .1756 CoTenhoven, Roelf, Somerset, and Elizabeth Johnson 1778 Covenhoven, William, Monmouth, and Anne Covenhoven, Monm'th. 1743-4 Covenhoven, William, Monmouth, and Sarah Suydam, Monmouth 1754 Covenhoven, William, Middlesex, and Catherine Dye, Middlesex 1764 Covenhover, David, Monmoutb, and Ida Wyckoff, Monmouth 1753 Covenover, Isaah, Gloucester, and Mary Bell 1774 Covenover, Micajah, Cape May, and Deborah Stanton, Gloucester. .1750-1 Covenover, Peter, Gloucester, and Priscilla Smith, Gloucester 1761 Covenover, Peter, Gloucester, and Rebecca Woodward , . 1773 Covert, Francis, Monmouth, and Sarah Read, Monmouth 1744 Covert, Morris, Hunterdon, and Christina Seins 1773 CoTert, Peter, Essex, and Mary Clawson, Middlesex 1753 Cowell, Joseph,, and Catherine Case 1769 Cowen, Michael, Burlington, and Margaret Brian, Burlington 1763 CowgiU, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Sarah Ward 1754 CowgiU, Edmund, Burlington, and Mary Johnson, Burlington 1736 CowgiU, George, Burlington, and Elizabeth Sowden, BurUngton 1776 OowgUl, Jacob, Burlington, and Parthena Imley ; 1777 CowgiU, John, Burlington, and Elizabeth Ridgway 1761 CowgiU, Nehemiah, Burlington, and Esther DaTis 1738 Cowl, Jacob, Hunterdon, and Rachel Warrick 1780 Cowman, John, Essex, and Antie Van Winkle, Essex 1760 "CownoTer, John, Gloucester, and Letishew Clark 1778 Gowperthwaite, John, Monmouth, and Ann Potter 1758 Gowperthwaite, William, Burlington, aud Hope Shreve, Burlington. . . 1767 Cowro, Darling, Perth Amboy, and Sarah Compton, Middletown 1761 Cox, Andrew, Glouoester, and Mary Look, Glouoester 1760 Cox, Asher, Monmouth, and Rebecca Holmes 1768 Cox, Charles, Gloucester, and Rebecca Vaneman, Salem 1761 Cox, DaTid, New Tfork, and Mary LiTeton, Middlesex 1762 Cox, Gabriel, Salem, and Sarah EItUI , 1779 Cox, James, Monmouth, and Hannah Robins, Monmouth 1745 Cox, James, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Cox, Monmouth 1769 Cox, John, Burliugton, and Abigail Ellis, Gloucester 1 744 Cox, John, Somerset, and Phebe Lindly, Essex 1751 Cox, John, Middlesex, and Mary PUeon, Middlesex 1757 Cox, John, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Holman 1768 Cox, John,l Monmouth, aud Margaret Morris, Monmouth 1769 Cox, JohUj Burlington, and Hannah Smith, Burlington 1780 Cox, Joseph, Burlington, and Sarah Haines, Burlington 1761 1 Jolm Cox Minor. The bond is bound up in Book M, and not in Book C, July 27 Feb. 5 July 27 June 9 June 17 Mar. 16 May 28 Aug. 25 Aug. 18 Not. 11 Jan. 29 Sept. 4 June 16 Not. 3 Mar. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 19 Aug. 10 May 31 Aug. 3 Jan. 24 Not. 15 Not. 12 Aug. 1 Jan. 7 Feb. 13 Oct. 30 Aug. 23 Feb. 4 Sept. 16 June 30 Sept. 28 Jan. 6 Sept. 30 Jan. 31 Not. 1 Feb. 25 Sept. 30 July 31 April 28 Jan. 1 Oct. 29 Oct. 25 Aug. 31 78 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Cox, Joseph, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Chamberlain 1768 Cox, Joseph, Monmouth, and Sarah Wardell 1770 Cox, Joseph, Hunterdon, and Charity Forman 1775 Cox, Longfleld, Shrewsbury, and Anne Sears, Shrewsbury 1751 Cox, Morris, Monmouth, and Catharine Hutchinson 1773 Cox, Moses, Gloucester, and Letitia Fisher, Gloucester 1754 Cox, Moses, Gloucester, aud Mary Nale 1774 Cox, Nathaniel, Monmouth, and Rachel Vahan 1761 Cox, Nathaniel, Monmouth, and Mary Evans 1772 Cox, Richard, Burlington, and Elizabeth Newbury 1730 Cox, Richard, Monmouth, and Mercy Taylor, Monmouth 1750 Cox, Richard, Burlington, and Rachel Bradshaw, Burlington 1775 Cox, Samuel, Burlington, and Barbara Salar 1756 Cox, Samuel, Middlesex, and Sarah Coleman 1764 Cox, Samuel, Jr. , Burlington, and Sarah Emley, New Hanover 1774 Cox, Samuel, Burlington, and Elizabeth Hopewell, Burlington 1775 Cox, Thomas, Shrewsbury, and Elizabeth Corlis, Shrewsbury 1749 Cox, Thomas, Burlington, and Sarah Ward, Burlington 1750 Cox, Thomas, Monmouth, and Deborah Taylor 1767 Cox, William, Burlington, aud Rachel Mason, Burlington 1761 Cox, WUliam, Middlesex, aud Lytie Selover, Middlesex 1752 Coxe, William, Jr., Philadelphia, and Rachel Smith 1789 Coyll, John, Middlesex, and Sarah Delaney, Middlesex 1749 Coyne, John, 1 Gloucester, and Rebecca Turner 1775 Cozens, George, Gloucester, and Ellena Chester, Gloucester 1727 Cozens, George, Gloucester, aud Barbara Downs 1783 Cozens, John, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Cassell, Philadelphia 1768 Cozens, Samuel, Gloucester, and Hannah Cheesman, Gloucester 1753 Cozens, Samuel, Gloucester, and Catherine Cox, Glouoester 1754 Cozens, Samuel, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Richards 1760 Cozens, A\'illiam, Gloucester, aud Sarah Bryant, Gloucester 1761 Craddock, David, Burlington, and Sarah Nammock 1759 Craddock, John, Monmouth, and Mary O'Daniel, Monmouth 1745 Craddock, John, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Armstrong, Monmouth . . . 1749 Craddock, William, Monmouth, aud Hannah Hamson, Monmouth 1745 Craft, George, BurUngton, aud Mary Lanning 1760 Craft Gershom, Burlington, and Lydia Hancock 1741 Craft, James, Jr., Burlington, and Mary English, Burlington 1740 Craft, James, Burlington, and Margaret EockhUl 1758 Craft, John, Mansfield, and Sarah RockhUl, Mansfield 1772 Craft, Samuel, Burlington, and Hannah Lanning, Burliugton 1763 Craft, WiUiam, Salem, and Mary Morgan, Salem 1739 Craig, Elias, Salem, aud Mary Dunlap 1773 May 25 1 So signed, but entered In the body ol the bond as John Kine, and the bond is bound up in Book K. Feb. 18 Jan. 6 Oct. 30 Deo. 5 June 21 Oct. 18 Mar, 10 Feb. 18 Deo. 19 June 18 Jan. 19 Oct. 12 Deo. 10 May 31 Oct. 17 Nov. 2 Sept, 20 Mar. 21 Nov. 4 Deo. 15 Sept. 25 AprU 4 Jan. 1 AprU 18 Jan. 17 Oct. 22 Aug. 27 AprU 23 Mar. 2 Sept. 15 May 13 Dec. 17 Deo. 21 Oct. 30 Nov. 11 Jan. 14 Nov. 25 Oct. 21 July 19 Mar. 19 Deo. 29 April 6 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 79 Craig, John, Freehold, and Anne Barclay, Perth Amboy 1749 Craig, John, Monmouth, and Jane Reid, Monmouth 1760 Ci:aig, John, Monmouth, and Anne Bound, Freehold 1762 Craig, Thomas, Freehold, and Mary Truex, Freehold 1748 Craig, Timothy, Elizabeth Town, and Jane Stewart 1746 Craig, WUliam, Monmouth, aud Eleanor Rhe, Monmouth 1753 Craig, WilUam, Salem, and Letitia NobUght 1773 Cramer, David, BurUngton, and Rachel Allen 1767 Cramer, Isaac, Burlington, and Rebecca Jones, Burlington 1765 Cramer, Jeremiah, Monmouth, and Abiah Tuttle 1738 Cramer, John, Burlington, and Margaret Smith, Burlington 1757 Cramer, Josiah, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Allen, Monmouth 1 750 Cramer, Josiah, Little Egg Harbor, and Sarah Wilkinson, Woodb'dge. 1751 Cramer, Richard, Burlington, aud Sarah Perkins, Burlington 1757 Cramer, Samuel, Burlington, and Lydia Corin 1784 , Cramer, Seemon, Burlington, and Phebe Devinny, Burlington 1766 Cramer, Seemore, Burlington, and Mary Smith, Burlington 1737 Cramer, Stephen, Burlington, and Sarah Little, Burlington 1749 Cramer, Stephen, Lit. Egg Harb., and Ruth Loveland, Lit. Egg Har. .1761 Cramer, WiUiam, Monmouth, and Lydia Wainwright, Monmouth 1737 Cramer, William, Burlington, and Hannah Leeds, Gloucester 1774 Crammer, John, and Mary Oldman 1756 Cramer, Caleb, and Mary Baker 1760 - Craudel, WiUiam, Cape May, and Thankful WiUiams 1777 Crane, Ichabod, Morris, and Mary Miller, Essex , 1782 Crane, Job, Essex, and Elizabeth Pierce 1786 Crane, Joseph, Essex, and Susanna Ross 1772 Crane, Rufus, Essex, aud Charity CampbeU 1779 - Crane, Uzal, Morris, and Sarah Pierson, Morris 1778 - Craty, WilUam, Sussex, and Johanna Bryan, Sussex 1769 Craven, John, Salem, and Phebe Smith 1764 . . Craven, Richard Wheat, Cumberland, and Rhoda Shephard, Cumbrd.1766 Craven, Thomas, Hunterdon, and Mary Carpenter 1781 Crawford, Andrew, and Eleanor Johnson 1767 Crawford, Gideon, Freehold, and Helena Taylor, Middletown , . 1754 Crawford, James, Freehold, and Margaret Warne, Freehold 1756 Crawford, James, Philadelphia, and Mary Stidden, Philadelphia 1761 Crawford, Job, Monmouth, and Anne Morrice, Monmouth 1766 Crawford, John, Gloucester, and Anne Kelly 1783 Crawford, Joseph, Gloucester, and Amy HUlman 1777 Crawford, Richard, Jr., Middletown, and Catherine Shepherd, M'dt'n 1751 Crawford, Samuel, Monmouth, and Naomi Vanbrakel, Monmouth 1740 Crawford, WUliam, Middletown, and Catherine Bowne, Middletown. . . 1756 Crayne, John, Burlington, and Mary EUwell, Salem 1727 Creag, WiUiam, Salem, and Margaret Dickinson 1754 Crebs, John, and Levenah BUderback 1769 Not. 21 May 27 June 1 July 5 Feb. 17 May 28 Mar. 9 June 8 July 1 Sept. 19 June 23 Sept. 4 Aug. 10 Oct. 10 June 16 June 12 June 23 Oct. 31 Oct. 1 Oct. 12 Mar. 14 Dec. 8 July 29 Deo. 22 April 17 Aug. 25 April 16 Mar. 13 Nov. 3 May 18 April 18 Oct. 10 Feb. 6 June 6 Deo. 15 Oct. 26 Mar. 5 Nov. 25 July 13 July 23 Sept. 17 Dec. 3 Dec. 27 Feb. 19 Aug. 19 Feb. 23 8o NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Creby, Hugh, Burlington, and AbigaU Smart 1765 Creek, James, and Francis Churches 1688 Creighton, Hugh, Glouoester, and Mary French 1759 Cremer, Hendrick, Middlesex, and Mary AVright 1761 Cresan, Joshua, New Brunswick and Sarah Grigs, New Brunswick. . . . 1752 Cresse, David, Cape May, and Patience StUes, Cape May 1769 Cresse, Israel, Cape May, and Hannah Goff, Cape May 1761 Cresse, John, Cape May, and Beulah Ludlam, Cape May 1739 Cresse, Jonathan, Cape May, and Naomi Hand, Cape May 1763 Cresse, Josiah, Cape May, and Mary Holding 1737 Cresse, Lewis, Cape May, and Elizabeth Lirdlam, Cape May 1740 Cresse, Nathan, Cape May, and Anne Erexison 1774 Cresse, Zebulon, Cape May, and Rhoda Goff, Cape May 1764 Cressie, PhUip, Cape May, and Experience Smith 1763 Cresson, John, Philadelphia, and Rebecca Briant, Philadelphia 1736 Creveling, Heury, Hunterdon, and Sarah Wellev, Sussex 1770 Crim, Peter, Gloucester, and Sarah Hamilton, Gloucester 1769 Cripps, Nathaniel, and Grace Whitten 1694 Crispen, Joshua, Burlington, and Rachel Lippincott 1779 Crispin, Benjamin, Burlington, and Rachel AVest, Burlington 1784 Crispin, Jacob, Burlington, and Ann Chub 1781 Crispin, Jonathan, Burlington, and .Hewlings, Burlington 1770 Crispin, Seth, Burlington, and Hannah Strattan 1779 Cristy, AVUliam, S'assex, and Sarah Caldwell 1768 Crockett, John, Burlington, and Catherine Grapevine 1779 Crolius, George, New York, and Catherine Coolbagh, New York 1763 Cromwell, John, Cape May, and Ruth Hand, Cape May. 1737 Cronders, Nathan, Burlington, and Dorothy Easely 1786 Cronin, James, Bristol, Pa. , and Catharine Murry 1787 Crooks, James, Sussex, and Aune Braden, Sussex , 1773 Crooks, Richard, Burlington, and Sarah Voto 1783 Crosbie, Joseph, Hunterdon, and Grace Cannon 1778 Croshaw, Isaiah, Burlington, aud Aun Leeds, Northampton 1779 Croshaw, John, Burlington, and Rebecca Briggs, Burlington 1771 Croshaw, Thomas, Burlington, and Hannah AVhitton 1783 Crosier, John, Pennsylvania, aud Ruth Rannals, Pennsylvania 1776 Cross, Benjamin, Salem, and Virgin Besby, Salem 1739 Cross, John, Burlington, and Anne Butterworth, Burlington. 1784 Crothan, Thomas, Burlington, and Dorothy Weaver, Burlington 1765 Crow, David, Middlesex, aud Sarah Laforoe, Piscataway 1765 Crow, John, Middlesex, and Martha Thornton, Middlesex 1765 Crow, Samuel, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Tusley, Middlesex 1751 Crow, Samuel, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Potter, Middlesex 1764 Crowell, Jacob, Cape May, and Jane Edwards, Cape May 1731 CroweU, Jacob, Cape May, and Rachel Edwards, Cape May 1764 Crowell, James, Woodbridge, and Francis Fitz Randolph, Woodbridge. 1759 June 19 Aug. 20 Aug. 10 May 23 Oct. 21 Sept. 27 Nov. 3 May 18 July 1 Sept. 26 Sept. 1 Deo. 24 Sept. 14 Feb. 20 Aug. 7 July. 12 Aug. 28 Jan. 9 May 10 Feb. 16 July 18 May 14 Dec. 3 Oct. 22 Sept. 20 May 7 AprU 22 Nov. 30 June 12 Aug. 4 Feb. 26 Sept. 26 AprU 3 AprU 25 Mar. 18 Mar. 8 Sept. 25 Deo. 5 Mar. 7 April 16 Jan. 26 Aug. 21 Mar. 5 Jan. 15 AprU 9 Jan. 17 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Ci'OweU, John, Cape May, and Experience Hughes, Cape May 1770 Crowell, Josiah, Cape May, and Sarah Eldridge, Cape May 1764 CroweU, Samuel, Cape May, and Phebe Smith 1759 Crowell, Samuel, Sussex, aud Mary Woolverton, Sussex 1762 Crowell, Samuel, Cape May, and AbigaU Buck, Cape May 1763 Crowell, Thomas, Middlesex, and Christian Presgrove 1746 Crowell, Thomas, Cape May, and Sarah Sohillinks, Cape May 1771 Ci'owford, Henry, Gloucester, and EUzabeth McCoUoch 1754 Ci'ozer, Joseph, Bucks, Pa., and Jane Schuyler 17s7 Crum, Benjamin, Cape May, and Martha Matthews 1780 Cruse, Abraham, Staten Island, and Elenor Stoutenburg, Staten Island. 1768 Crusee", Henry, Erist Div. N. J., Elizabeth Baird, Somerset 1755 Cubberly, Isaac, Burliugton, and Aune Hooper, Middlesex 1749 Cubberly, James, Burlington, and Anne Minging, Burlington 1745 Cubberley, James, Burlington, and Anne Ford, BurUngton 1777 Culver, Nathaniel, New Brunswick, and Elsie Letts, Perth Amboy .... 176 1 Gaming, John, Trenton, and Susannah Loveland, Trenton 1742 Gamming, Robert, Monmouth, and Mary Noble, Monmouth 1 746 Cunningham, Andrew, Burlington, and Ann Brown, Burlington 1754 Cunningham, Archibald, Philadelphia, and Mary Reynolds, Middlesex. 1771 Cunningham, George, Burlington, and Sarah Vandergrift ........ 1788 Cunningham, John, Burlington, and Elizabeth Ervine 1781 Cunningham, Joseph, Monmouth, aud Elizabeth Jones, Monmouth. . .1746 Cunningham, Thomas, Burlin.gton, and Sarah Bowles 1748 Cunningham, WiUiam, Bordentown, aud Elizabeth Ridgeway, Bdtwn 1757 Curlies, Uriah, Shrewsbury, and Exercise Allen, Shrewsbury 1716 Cnrlis, Samuel, Monmouth, and Lavina Harbert, Monmouth 1758 Currie, Eobert, Gloucester, and Jane McUvane 1769 CuiTey, AVUliam, Burlingtcn, aud Martha Rogers 1 749 Cnrrey, WUliam, Salem, and Ruth Smith 1786 Curry, John, New York, and Ann Montgomerie, Perth Amboy 1753 Curry, John. Salem, and- Gene Lowderback 1775 Curtis, David, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Price, Monmouth 1766 Curtis, David, Jr., Monmouth, and Elizabeth Bennet, Monmouth. . . .1747 Curtis, John, Monmouth, and Mary Davis, Monmouth 1746 Curtis, John, Capt. Boumans Cn.,.aud Sarah Wood, Burlington 1781 Curtis, Obadiah, Hunterdon, and Ann Yard 1789 Curtis, Eobert, Burlington, and Jane Carter, Burlington 1776 Curtis, Samuel, Monmouth, aud Elizabeth Taylor, Monmouth 1766 Curtis, Thomas, Burlington, and Abigail Conrow, Burlington 1767 Curuthers, WiUiam, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Bickham, Gloucester. ..1761 Cutler, Jobn, Woodbridge, and Christian Brown, Woodbridge 1752 Cutler, Joseph, Woodbridge, and Ann Carutain, Woodbridge 1752 Cutler, Eichard, Woodbridge, and Rachel Vandeventer, Somerset 1757 Gutter, Richard, Jr, Woodbridge, and Elizabeth Foord, Woodbridge 1750 Cutter, Thomas, Buriington, and, Martha Thomson, Burlington 1766 AprU 29 6 Feb. 13 Feb. 28 Nov. 7 Oct. 2 Deo. 29 Feb. 14 Jan. 15 April 6 Deo. 19 Oct. 5 Nov. 21 Dec. 1 Dec. 7 Oct. 31 Nov. 8 Feb. 6 Nov. 19 Jan. 8 June 12 Sept. 18 Feb. 20 Dee. 31 Jan. 12 Mar. 15 April 29 May 23 May 17 Mar. 6 Dec. 8 Feb. 8 Dec. 27 Jan. 30 Jan. 8 May 26 Mar. 31 Feb. 5 Dec. 17 Feb. 5 Mar. 4 Sept. 1 June 22 Nov. 22 July 7 Aug. 10 April 3 82 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Cutting, Leonard. New York, and Ann Frances Gombauld, Monm'th .. 176 1 Cuyper, Thomas, Orange, N. Y., and Pietertye Van Houten 1781 FEMALES. ^ Cadmus, Jaue, and Garret Van Riper, Saddle River 1790 Cadmus, Jannetje. Bergen, and Jacob Vreeland, Bergen 1770 Cadmus, Preyntje, Bergen, and Isaac Van Giesen, Bergen 1776 Cahale, Jane, aud Samuel Covell, Monmouth 1784 Cahoon, Ann, and John Steaoy, Burlington 1787 Cain, Esther, Oxford, and William Reynolds, Newton 1769 Cain, Hannah, Bucks Co., Pa., and Robert Morris, Bucks Co., Pa 1765 Cain, Hanah, Sussex, and John Suider, Sussex 1773 Cain, Mary, and Joseph Bond, Hunterdon 1784 Cairle, Elizabeth, and Joseph Brick, Salem 1736 Calaharn, Mary, Philadelphia, and James Steet, PhUadelphia 1728 Caldwell, Jane, Gloucester, and Abraham Chattin, Glouoester 1746 Caldwell, Mary, and John Rhodes, Burliugton 1738 Caldwell, Sarah, and AVUliam Oristie, Sussex 1768 Calfus, Mary, and A'VilUam Downs, Gloucester 1779 Callahan, Margaret, Pennsylvania, and Jonathan Powell, Pennsylvania. 1763 Callender, Abijah, Middlesex, and Robert Hude, Middlesex 1765 Cambel, Mary, Shrewsbury, aud Francis Panton, New York 1761 Cammell, Elizabeth, Salem, and Anthony Dixon, Salem 1683-4 Cammel, Susanuab, and James AVilson, Galloway 1784 Camp, Abigail, Essex, aud John Griffith, Essex 1761 Camp, Mary V., and Martin Voorhees, Middlesex. 1780 Campbel, Jennet, New Bruuswick, and Tobias Van Norden, N. B'wk..l740 Campbel, Rebecca, Cumberland, and Isaac MiUs, Cumberland 1762 Campball, Anne, Woodbridge, and Jacob Sutton, Piscataway 1756 Campbell, Charity, aud Rufus Crane, Essex 1779 Campbell, Elizabeth, Somerset, and John Tunison, Bridgewater 1772 Campbell, Elizabeth, Hackensack, aud Casparus AVestervelt, Hack'nsk.1774 Campbell, Elizabeth, and Nehemiah Sexton, Hunterdon 1779 Campbell, Esther, Burlington, and William Lannin, Burliugton 1783 Campbell, Hannah, Newark, aud John Sandford, Newark 1760 Campbell, Hannah, and James Letts, Middlesex 1774 CampbeU, Hannah, Burlington, and William Boulton, Burliugton .. 1766 Campbell, Jaue, and Cornelius Boice, Monmouth 1767 Campbell, Jannet, Monmouth, and John Watson, Monmouth 1744 Campbell, Mary," Monmouth, and Hugh McCallum, Monmouth 1748 CampbeU, Mary, Priucetown, and Benjamin Plum, Princelown 1763 Campbell, Mary, New York, and Israel Read, Middlesex Campion, Keturah, and Thomas Matthews Gardiner, Burlington 1777 Campion, Sarah, and Job Jones, Burlington 1775 Campton, Johanna, Woodbridge, and Samuel Barron, Woodbridge.. .1749 Cam tain, Ann, Woodbridge, and Joseph Cutler, Woodbridge 1752 Sept. 21 Feb. 21 Sept. 25 June 16 Dec. 15 Mar. 29 April 12 Jan. 27 April 21 Oct 6 June 15 AprU 1 ApiU 23 Feb. 2 Oct. 30 Oct. 22 Mar. 29 May 23 Feb. 13 Aug. 3 Jan. 8 Deo. 1 Feb. 3 April 22 Sept. 22 Mar. 1 Sept. 27 Mar. 13 Nov. 16 AprU 1 AprU 16 Jan. 6 Feb 19 Deo. 24 May 28 June 6 Sept. 29 April 11 Feb. 18 Sept. 7 Nov. 23 Jan. 16 July 7 MARRIAGE LICENSES. S3 Cannady, Jane, Somerset, aud David Soott, Somerset 1735 Oannan, Sarah, Burlington, and John King, Burlington 1765 Canneman, Jane, Penns Neck, and John Yourneen, Penns Neck 1762 Cannon, Grace, and Joseph Crosbie, Hunterdon 1 778 Cannon, Ann, aud Samuel Jones, Hunterdon 1780 Caunun, Anne, Reading, and Garret Van Sickle, Reading 1772 Cardiffe, Mary, Burlington, and Nicholas Leonard, Gloucester 1743 CargU, Mary, and George Titler, Orange Co., N. Y 1784 Carhart, Mary, Monmouth, and William Robertson, Monmouth 1741-5 Carhart, Phebe, Middletown, and James Roberts, Middletown 1758 Carle, Sarah, Morris, aud Alexander Kirkpatrick, Somerset 1774 Carley, Alice, Bucks, Pa., and Joseph Yates, Bucks, Pa 1742 Carlile, Hannah, PhUadelphia, and Benjamin Cooper, Glouoester 1729 CarU, Hannah, Salem, and Isaac Evans, Salem 1774 CarU, Mehitabel, Cape May, and Barlow WiUiams, Cape May 1776 CarU, Sarah, Cumberland, and Samuel Smith, Stow Neck 1760 CarU, Sarah, and Noah Harris, Cumberland 1781 Carman, Abigail, Woodbridge, and Henry Freeman, Woodbridge 1739 Carman, Abigail, Middlesex, and Aaron Bloodgood, Middlesex 1763 Carman, Ann, Burlington, and Peter Risley, Cape May 1736 Carman, Anne, Burlington, and Eli Budd, Burlington 1774 Carman, Annie, and George Taylor, Springfield 1785 Carman, Deborah, aud Gershom Mott, New Jersey. 1751 Carman, Deborah, Middletown, and George Taylor, Jr. , Middletown. . 1752 Carman, Elizabeth, Cape May, and Samuel Richardson, Cape May 1731 Carman, Hannah, Burlington, and Samuel Rose, Lit. Egg Harbour 1765 Carman, Lucy, aud WUliam Silver, Burlington 1783 Carman, Margaret, and Jeremiah Dunn, Piscataway 1747 Carman, Margaret, and Stephen Carman, Middlesex 1769 Carman, Margaret, Bordentown, and John Steward, Bordentown 1773 Carman, Martha, Monmouth, and Richard Herbert, Monmouth 1742 Carman, Mary, and Elias Davis, Middlesex 1767 Carman, Mary, and Stephen Kent, Middlesex 1768 Carman, Mary, aud John Oliver, Bordentown 1771 Carman, Mary, Burlington, and Daniel Heisler, Burlington 1779 Carman, Sarah, Middletown, and John Amack, Middletown 1757 Carman, Uphame, Monmouth, aud Samuel Clark, Monmouth 1767 Carmichael, Elizabeth, Morristown, and James Pitney, Jr., Morristown. 1780 Carmine, Deborah, and John Howell, Hunterdon 1780 Carmstring, Jane, and Jeremiah Risley, Gloucester 1739 Carney, Cathrina, and James Clark, Salem 1755 Cams, Sarah, and Daniel Day, Morris 1782 Carpenter, Abigail, and Edward Hancock, Salem 1786 Carpenter, EUzabeth, Hunterdon, and John Biles, HuntoTdon 1738 Carpenter, Mary, Burlington, and Peter Baynton, Burlington 1739 Carpenter, Mary, Perth Amboy, aud Henry Richards, Perth Amboy. . 1763 Aug. 18 Oct. 8 Dec. 16 Sept. 26 Mar. 30 Jan. 1 Aug. 30 June 4 Mar. 22 Aug. 29 May 3 Sept. 20 June 10 Oct. 18 Dec. 5 Sept. 29 April 18 Sept. 8 Mar. 31 Jan. 22 April 2 Oct. 10 April 23 Nov. 30 June 4 June 18 Mar. 18 May 14 Sept. 6 May 12 June 2 Sept. 5 July 26 April 24 Sept. 23 Mar. 12 May 17 Dec. 4 April 17 Mar. 6 Nov. 20 Dec. 24 Mar. 7 Oct. 13 Jan. 8 Nov. 19 84 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Carpenter, Mary, and Thomas Craven, Hunterdon 1781 Feb. 6 Carpenter, Sarah, Glouoester, and Thomas Elliot Marsh, Glouoester. . . 1764 Mar. 5 Carr, Catherine, Monmouth, and Garratt Wall, Middlesex 1740 Oct. 24 Carr, Dorothy, Bucks Co., Pa., and Isaac Ashton, Bucks Co., Pa 1736 Nov. 30 Carr, Hannah, Northampton, and John Winner, Northampton 1776 AprU 1 Carr, Jean, Hunterdon, and Francis Costigin, Jr., Trenton 1769 Mar. 2 Cair, Lydia, and John Bennet, Bristol, Pa 1778 Deo. 16 Carr, Margaret, Middlesex, and Thomas Story, Middlesex 1739 Oct. 25 Cair, Margaret, Burlington, and Robert Frazer, Burlington 1767 Mar. 9 Carre, Agues, and Daniel Sutton, Burlington 1688 April 10 Carril, Sarab, Peunsylvauia, and John Price, Pennsylvania 1728 Sept. 9 Carrington, Mary, and Gabriel Compton, Middlesex 1760 Deo. 20 CarroU, Elizabeth, and Abner FUzpatriok 1779 July 30 Carry, Elizabeth, Burlington, and James McKnight, Burlington 1765 Jan. 15 Carson, Brazilla, and Thomas BeUenger, Burlington 1768 May 23 Carson, Deidamia, aud Archer Skinner, Middlesex 178u Aug. 11 Carson, Rachel, Burlington, aud John Fenimore, Jr., Burlington 1775 Oct. 1 Carson, Sarah, and William Hepbourn, Hunterdon 17 — Sept. 11 Carswell, Sarah, Freehold, and Moses Thomson, Freehold 1765 July 18 Carter, Aun, '1 renton, aud Benjamin AVoolsey, Trenton 1764 July 6 Carter, Elizabeth, Burlington, and WiUiam Budden, Burlington 1746 May 10 Carter, Hannah, BurUngton, and John Dafies, Burlington 1736 May 11 Carter, Hannah, and Ralph Hart, Trenton 1780 Dec. 7 Carter, Isabeil', Shrewsbury, and Emanuel Woolley, Shrewsbury 1752 May 28 Carter, June, Burlington, and Robert Curtis, Burlington 1776 Feb. 5 Carter, Johannah, Gloucester, and Henry Packston, Gloucester 1763 Feb. 3 Carter, Mary, Burlingtol], and John Bunting, Burliugton 1740 Deo. 16 Carter, Mary, Burliugton, and Michael Burrows, Burlington 1764 May 1 Carter, Pamelia, Springfield, and Samuel Conn, Springfield. .¦ 1771 AprU 6 Carter, Phebe, and NeUl McGill, Hunterdon 1769 June 25 Carter, Rachel, Bucks, Pa., and Andrew Wright, Bucks, Pa 1735 Aug. 6 Carter, Sarah, Burlington, and Samuel AVheatoraft, Burlington 1736 May 7 Carter, Sarah, aud 1 homas Browne, Newark 1778 Aug. 21 Carter, Susannah, Trenton, and John Chambers, Trenton 1746 July 31 Carter, Sarah, aud Joseph Kirby, BurUngton 1783 Mar. 3 Carty, Ester, Gloucester, and John Holmes, Gloucester 1748 Jan. 23 Oarty, Sarah, Burlington, and James Dobbins, Jr., Burlington 1779 Jan. 12 Carvill. Grace, Monmouth, and Andrew Neilson, New Jersey 1743 Mar. 28 Case, Catherine, and Joseph Cowell 1769 Jan. 19 Case, Catherine, Hunterdon, and Andrew Mershon, Hunterdon 1773 June 12 Case, Rachel, Amwell, and John White, Amwell 1773 Feb. 11 Caseby, Temperance, and Howell Smith, Salem 1786 Feb. 5 Caskey, Hannah, Burlington, and Charles Cartey, Burlington 1756 Sept. 18 Casperson, Elizabeth, Salem, and Frances Maharr, Salem 1745 Dec. 11 Cassaway, Mary, Burlington, and Jonathan Scoit, Burlington. 1738 Nov. 4 Cassell, EUzabeth, Philadelphia, and John Cozens, Gloucester 1768 Aug. 27 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Cassidy, Elizabeth, Philadelphia, and Thomas Golborn, PhUadelphia. . 1731 Oasson, Elizabeth, and Jacob G-ibbs , 1701 Castle, Deborah, and John Banks, Gloucester 1779 Castle, Mary, PhUadelphia, and Francis Jervis, Philadelphia 1735 Castle, Susannah, and Samuel Clifton, Burlington 1761 Cathcart, Phebe, Monmouth, and Obadiah Lippincott, Monmouth 1752 Catte, Ann, and James Wood, Deptford 1765 Cattell, Mai'y, Gloucester, and John Haritage, Gloucester 1760 Cattell, Mary, Chester, aud Thomas Haines, Chester 1766 Cawood, Phebe, Woodbridge, and Jacob Islestine, Perth Amboy 1749 Cawood, Ruth, Woodbridge, and John Alward, Woodbridge 1754 Cawson, Lydia, and Philip Corson, Cape May 1784 Chaliner, Jane, Springfield, and Nathan Folwell, Springfield 1748 Chamberlain, Amy, and Peter Tenbrook, Hunterdon 1782 Chamberlain, Elizabeth, and Joseph Cox, Middlesex 1768 Chamberlain, Mary, and Amos Dey, Monmouth 1778 Chamberlain, Philena, Monmouth, and .Jediah Stout, New Jersey. . 1744-5 Chamberlain, Eachel, and .John Audrews, Amwell 1773 Chamberlain, Eebeoka, Good Luck, Samuel Worden, Good Luck 1755 Chamberlain, Zilpha, Monmouth, and Ephraim Bates, Monmouth ... 1 755 Chamberlin, Catharine, and Elias Anderson, Monmouth 1761 Chamberlin, Dorcas, and Isaac Decker, Sussex 1769 Chamberlin, Margaret, Monmoutb, and Gersham Bills, Monmouth , . . .1755 Chamberlin, Penelope, and John Lawshe, Hunterdon 1779 Chambers, Amy, Monmouth, and George Mount, Monmouth 1744-5 Chambers, Ann, and Timothy Jackson, Burlington 1778 Chambers, Audrey, Monmouth, and Daniel Jones, Monmouth 1740-1 Chambers, Hannah, and WUliam Vasse 1741 Chambers, Jane, Somerset, and Moses Ayers, Somerset 1739 Chambers, Jane, Essex, and John Cameron, Essex 1763-8 Chambers, Margaret, Trenton, and Peter Machett, Middlesex 1739 Chambers, Margaret, and Garret Suedekar, New Brunswick 1775 Chambers, Martha, Burlington, and Patrick Jones, Burlington 1741 Chambers, Mary, Burlington, and David Lippincott, Builington. ..... 1721 Chambers, Rebecca, Burlington, and Abraham AValker, Burlington.. . .1736 Chambers, Rose, and John Wright, Trenton 1778 Chambers, Sarah, Burlington, and James Irwin, Gloucester 1744 Chambers, Vallaria, Monmouth, aud Uriah Lippincott, Monmouth. . . . 1762 Chambless, Mabel, aud William Hancock, Jr., Salem ] 745 Chambless, Sarah, Alloways Creek, and William Smith, Mannington. .1765 Chamless, Mai-y, Monmouth, and Jedidiah Allen, Monmouth 1740 Chamliss, Sarah, Salem, and Erasmus Felters, Salem 1750 Champion, Anne, Gloucester, and John Stokes, Gloucester 1751 Champion. Catherine, and John Collins, Gloucester 1777 Champion, Mary, Gloucester, and Jonathan Bellton, Gloucester 1728 Champion, Mary, Gloucester, and Joshua Belauge, Cape May 1751 Nov. 7 May 16 July 13 Jan. 5 Feb. 6 July 2 Jan. 8 Deo. 20 Nov. 12 May 23 Jan. 9 Aug. 20 July 21 July 4 Feb. 18 Feb. 2 Jan. 13 Oct. 19 Oct. 10 May 30 Mar, 30 April 12 AprU 7 Sept. 3 Jan. 18 Mar. 12 Mar. 18 Jan. 4 Nov. 13 May 17 Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Feb. 16 June 26 July 15 Aug. 14 Nov. 1 Aug. 17 Nov. 28 Oct. 26 Jan. 26 Oct. 26 July 8 April 10 April 16 86 NEW JERSEY COLONtAL DOCUMENtS. Champion, Sarah, Philadelphia, and Thomas Nightingale, Phila 1749 AprU 10 Chandles, Christian, Salem, and Robert Raines, Salem 1729 Deo. 25 Chandler, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Thomas Morris, Monmouth . . , 1767 June 19 Chandler, Hannah, Philadelphia, and Benjamin Davies, Philadelphia 1766 AprU 29 Chandler, Lidy, Monmouth, and Edward P. Cook, Monmouth 1757 Deo. 12 Chandler, Mary, aud Jacob Ewens, Salem 1750 Feb. 25 Chandler, Rebeckah, Monmouth, and WiUiam Mount, Monmouth 1763 Dec. 6 Chandler, Sarah, and Oeldrick Richmond, Salem 1745 June 3 Channel, Elizabeth, and Joseph Stiles, Cumberland 1785 May 2 Channell, Lydia, Burlington, and Lott Evans, Burlington 1756 Aug. 18 ChanneU, Sarah, and Robert Doughty 1732 Oct. 7 Chapman, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Patrick Lynch, New Jersey. . . 1743 July 18 Chapman, Mary, Burlington, and Nathaniel Warner, Burlington 1756 Nov. 13 Chapman, Mary, and Thomas Peacock, Northampton 1782 April 27 Chapman, Patience, and Henry Wayman, Mansfield 1763 June 20 Charleston, Hannah, Essex, and Thomas Morris, Middlesex. 1753 AprU 7 Chasy, EUeanor, Monmouth, aud Matthew Ely, Monmouth 1761 April 22 Chattel, Aune, Salem, and John Eaten, Salem 1770 May 8 Chatten, Hannah, and AVUliam Sharp, Glouoester 1773 Nov. 29 Chattin, Alice, and AVUliam Zane, Glouoester 1775 Nov. 16 Chattin, Lettice, and John Stetser, Gloucester 1784 Jan. 15 Chayton, Content, and John Borden, Burlington 1783 Jan. 13 Cheed, Hannah, Burlington, and Aaron Pancoast, Burlington 1764 June 9 Cheeseman, Catharine, Middlesex, and Joseph Drake, Jr., Middlesex, .1752 Aug. 31 Cheeseman, Cecilia, Burlington, and Amos Ashead, Burlington 1728 Aug. 14 Cheeseman, Hannah, Gloucester, and Henry Eoe, Gloucester 1729 Feb. 16 Cheeseman, Letisha, and Joel Hillman, Gloucester 1748 Mar. 7 Cheeseman, Mary, Gloucester, and Daniel Eastlack, Gloucester 1740 -June 28 Cheeseman, Mary, Gloucester, and William Southerbe Cooper, Gl'c'st'r. 1749 Sept. 21 Cheeseman, Naomi, Gloucester, and Henry Jones, Glouoester 1728 AprU 6 Cheesman, Aun, and Richard Powell, Gloucester 1783 Deo. 1 Cheesman, Charrite, and John Gaston, Monmouth 1760 Feb. 4 Cheesman, Deborah, Gloucester, and Archibald Jolly, Gloucester 1737 April 7 Cheesman, Deborah, Glouoester, aud Richard SmaU wood, Gloucester, 1756 AprU 2 Cheesman, Drusilea, and Joseph Hillman, Gloucester 1763 July 18 Cheesman, Hannah, Gloucester, and Samuel Cozens, Gloucester 1753 AprU 23 Cheesman, Isabel, aud John Thorne, Gloucester -. 1772 Oct. 9 Cheesman, Jemima, and AVUliam AVarwick, Gloucester 1780 Jan. 25 Cheesman, Lydia, Monmouth, and Charles McClean, Middlesex 1751 July 11 Cheesman, Lydia, South Amboy, and Benjamin AVard, South Amboy. .1759 June 30 Cheesman, Martha, and Talman Smith, Burlington 17.60 Sept. 24 Cheesman, Mary, Monmouth, and John Vaughn, Monmouth 1764 Nov. 13 Cheesman, Mary Ann, aud Thomas Jackson 1780 Mar. 7 Cheesman, Rhoda, and Jacob Rowand, Gloucester 1782 May i Cheesman, Sarah, Gloucester, and Joseph BaUinger Gloucester. . 1760 Nov. 8 Cheesman, Sarah, and Samuel RUey, PUes Grove 1785 Jan, 6 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 87 Cheesman, Tamar, Gloucester, and Isaac Jones, Gloucester 1767 CheeTere, Abigail, Glouoester, and Thomas Weaver, Gloucester 1756 Chemaly, Anne, Northampton, and Michael Woolston, Northampton. .1774 Chemilly, Susanna, and Jacob Clouts, Northampton 1782 Cherry, Martha, Bucks, Pa, and John Oliver, Bucks, Pa 1756 Cherry, Rebecca, Phila., and Daniel Desborrow, Phila 1729 Cheseman, Hannah, Gloncester, and Richard Cheseman, Gloucester. . . 1746 Cheshire, Ann, Burlington, and Aaron Ivins, Burlington 1764 Cheshire, Experience, and Thomas Stevenson, Burlington 1733 Cheshire, Sarah, Burlington, and John Morris, Burlington 1746 Chesney, Mary, and Samuel Mills, Cumberland 1779 Chesom, Jane, and William Hutton, Gloucester. 1772 Chester, Anne, Cumberland, and Samuel Bowen, Cumberland 1768 Chester, Eleanor, Gloucester, aud Joseph Lord, Gloucester 1750 Chester, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and Aaron Dilkes, Glouoester 1770 Chester, Elizabeth, and Abishai Chattin, Gloucester 1785 Chester, Elena, Gloucester, and George Cozens, Glouoester 1727 Chester, Hannah, Burlington, and Samuel Atkinson, Burlington 1774 Chester, Jane, and Hugh Drake, Salem 1775 Chester, Mary, Glouoester, and John Scott, Gloucester 1738 Chew, Alice, Gloucester, and William Hampton, Jr., Gloucester 1753 Chew, Anne, Glouoester, and David Paul, Gloucester 1765 Chew, Deborah, and William Sell, Gloucester 1761 Chew, EUzabeth, and David Robiuson, Gloucester 1774 Chew, Elizabeth, and Samuel Stiles, Glouoester 1783 Chew, Hannah, and John DUks, Gloucester 1733 Chew, Keziah, Gloucester, and Ephraim Alberson, Glouoester 1741 Chew, Nancy, and WUliam Caldwell, Gloucester 1778 Chew, Patience, Gloucester, and Jacob Alberson, Gloucester 1731 Chew, Sarah, Gloucester, aud John Wild, Gloucester 1740 Chew, Sarah, and Patrick Flanigan, Gloucester 1762 Chew, Susannah, Gloucester, and Seavil WUlson, Gloucester 17.06 Chew, Susannah, Glouoester, and Isaac Flaningam, Gloucester 1761 Chisam, Euth, and Thomas Langley, Gloucester 1775 Chisman, Anne, Gloncester, and Francis Batlin, Gloucester 1730 Chivers, Sarah, Gloucester, and Joseph Hillman, Gloucester 1758 Chivers, Sarah, and John Beach, Morris 1770 Christee, Sarah, and John Demarest, Bergen 1788 Christie, Magdalena, and J. Henry Von Goetschius 1773 Christopher, Rebecca, and John Williams, Burlington 1734 Chub, Ann, and Jacob Crispin, Burlington 1781 Church, Lydia, Cape May, and Thomas Paige, Cape May 1766 Church, Martha, and Recompense Hand, Cape May 1762 Church, Patience, Cape May, and Silas Hand, Cape May 1746 Church, Prudence, and Henry Schillinger, Cape May 1760 Church, Eebecca, and William Price, BurUngton 1736 Mar. 11 Dec. 24 Mar. 5 April 15 Oct. 18 Aug. 20 June 14 May 7 Sept. 17 April 30 AprU 27 Not. 12 July 11 Mar. 13 July 12 May 30 Jan. 17 Ang. 18 Dec. 1 Aug. 12 Mar. 5 July 12 Sept. 16 May ¦6 April 2 Jau. 16 May 12 Dec. 37 April 16 Dec. 3 Aug. 27 Dec. 1 May 10 Aug. 22 Dec. 7 July 22 Mar. 2 May 10 Dec. 9 Oct. 22 July 18 Aug. 7 Nov. 15 Mar. 28 Jan. 21 Mar. 9 88 NEW Jersey coLonIaL docUmentS. Church, Rebecca, Cape May, and Thomas Johnson, Cape May 1741 Deo. 3fl Church, Susannah, and Jeremiah Richardson, Cape May. 1774 Sept. 8 Churcher, Frances, and Janies Creek 1688 Aug. 20 Churmely, Catharine, Burliugton, and John Pettit, Burlington 1774 Sept. 5 Cumming, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and John Mount, Monmouth 1748 Feb. 8 Clancey, Catherine, Woodbridge, and Jeremiah Sopers, Woodbridge. . . 1770 Aug. U Clandening, Anne, and Christian Coursen, Staten Island 1747 May 7 Clandennin, Jane, and Thomas Preston, Somerset 1750 Feb. 28 Clap, Anne, and George Briggs, Philadelphia 1779 Jan. 23 Clark, Ann, and David Smith, Monmouth 1768 AprU 26 Clark, Anna, Bucks Co., Pa., and Joseph Worrall, Bucks Co., Pa 1765 June 4 Clark, Catharine, PhUadelphia, and Martin Ashbourn, PhUadelphia. . .1728 Feb. 20 Clark, Elizabeth, Freehold, and Cornelius Peas, Freehold , 1758 July 10 Clark, Hannah, Burliugton, and John Parquar, Burlington 1750 July 28 Clark, Hannah, and Robert White, New AViudsor 1768 Deo. 10 Clark, Hannah, and Joseph Brumby, Burlington 1777 Deo. 26 Clark, Letishew, aud John Cownover, Glouoester 1778 Oct. 30 Clark, Lidy, Monmoutb, and George Brewer, Monmouth 1764 Jan. 25 Clark, Margaret, and Frederick Fredericks, Morris. 1784 Aug. 21 Clark, Mary, Chester, Pa., and John Brooks, Chester, Pa 1749 May 10 Clark, Mary, and Joseph Gibbs, Burlington 1757 June 18 Clark, Mary, Burlington, and George West, Burlington 1768 Feb. 1 Clark, Mary, and David Blackman, Gloucester 1769 April 10 Clark, Mary, and Ebenezer Seeley, Cumberland 1783 Mar. 30 Clark, Matilda, and Joseph Griswold, Middlesex 1778 Mar. 31 Clark, Phebe, Hunterdon, and Amos Hutchinson, Middlesex 1779 Aug. 2 Clark, Rachael, Pennsylvania, and Richard Glover, Pennsylvania 1728 May 10 Clark, Eebecca, and John Walker, Middlesex 1769 Sept. 6 Clark, Eebecca, and- James Vanuxen, Philadelphia 1779 Mar. 26 Clarke, Anne, Burliugton, aud John Snape, Burlington 1685 May 12 Clarke, Elizabeth, Salem, and Fraucis Chattin, Gloucester 1760 July 22 Clarke, Hannah, Burlington, and William Buddell, Burlington 1731 Mar. 13 Clarke, Martha, Burlington, and Joseph Baker, Bucks Co., Pa 1747 Nov. 30 Clarke, Mary, Bucks, Pa., aud Francis Titus, Bucks, Pa 1734 June 19 Clarke, Eachel, Bucks, Pa., and James Cariuthers, Bucks, Pa 1733 July 24 Clarke, Susannah, and Ezekiel Harding 1735 Nov. 1 Clarke, Susannah. Burlington, and George Taylor, Burlington 17+5 Deo. 14 Clarke, Susanna, aud Jonathan DoUes, Cumberland 1787 June 1 Clarkson, Abigail, Middlesex, aud Abraham Freeman, Middlesex 1763 June 29 - Clarkson, Christian, and Isaac Stelle, Piscataway 1740 April 22 Clarkson, Cornelia, Somerset, aud Gilbert Tennent, New Brunswick, . 1741 Feb. 9 Clarkson, Experience, AVoodbridge, and William Edgar, AVoodbiidge 1751 Mar. 30 Clarksou, Mary, Middlesex, and Nathaniel Martin, Middlesex. 1756 Deo. 16 Clarkson, Polly, aud .Manning Shotwell, Middlesex . 178I Feb. 27 Clawson, Keturah, Woodbridge, and Thomas Gack, AVoodbridge. . . 1759 Deo. 24 Clawson, Margaret, and David Collins, Middlesex I745 Dec, 1 Marriacje Licenses. 89 Clawson, Mary, Middlesex, and Peter Covert, Essex 1753 Clawson, Nancy, Middlesex, aud Jacob Rowland, Middlesex 1766 Clawson, Phebe, Middlesex, and Drake Dunn, Middlesex 1762 Clawson, Rachel, and Stephen Horn, New Jersey 1775 Clawson, Sarah, Morris, and Paul Berry, Sussex 1769 Clay, Anu, Pennsylvania, and Hugh Ross, Horse Neck, Conn 1771 Clay, Hannah, Burlington, and Samuel Thorne, Burlington 1730 Claypoole, Deborah, Willingborough, and John Brown, Burlington 1766 Clayton, Amey, Freehold, and Jacob Smith, Morris 1767 Clayton, Amy, Monmouth, aud Joseph Mathews, Monmouth 1748 Clayton, Ann, Monmoutb, and Cornelius DriscoU, Monmouth 1773 Clayton, Anne, Freehold, and John Clayton, Freehold 1 764 Clayton, Catharine, Burlington, and Richard Hellson, Burlington . . .1731 Clayton, Catharine, Burlington, and Samuel Gibson, Burlington 1782 Clayton, Catrine, Monmouth, and Stephen Cooper, Middlesex 1767 Clayton, Deborah, and Thomas O'Kison, Upper Freehold 1768 Clayton, Elizabeth, and Daniel Bunting, Pennsylvania 1767 Clayton, Elizabeth, Burlington, aud Thomas Oakley, Burlington 1773 Clayton, Hannah, Monmouth, and Garret Hulsesart, Monmouth 1752 Clayton, Hannah, Monmouth, and Peter Benam, Middlesex 1759 Clayton, Mary, and Henry Sevingler, Freehold 1746 Clayton, Mary, and Amos Johnston, Monmouth 1762 Clayton, Sarali, Monmouth, and Joseph Robins, Monmouth 1732 Clayton, Sibella, and James Harpin 1699 Clayton, Valuriah, Monmouth, and Jacob Compton, Monmouth 1763 Clear, EUzabeth, and Jacob Hawk, Middlesex 1780 Clear, Sarah, and Richard Compton, Middlesex 1781 Clayton, Ann, and George Bevan, Trenton 1763 Cleayton, Katherine, Monmouth, and Cornelius Tomson, Monmouth. .1747 Clem, Savinah, Burlington, and Jacob Fislear, Burlington 1744 Clemans, Elizabeth, Glouoester, and Jonathan Kirnsey, Glouoester. . '. . 1760 Cleminger, Mary, Monmouth, and Thomas Hankins, Monmouth 1728 Clemmen, Mary, and Thomas Bates, Glouoester 1746 Clemens, Hannah, Burlington, and Richard Lippincott, Burlington. . .1751 Clement, Ann, and Andrew Hudson, Gloucester 1773 Clement, Anne, Glouoester, and Joseph Harrison, Gloucester 1749 Clement, Anne, and Beddle Reves, Gloucester , 1759 Clement, Mary, Gloucester, and John Shivers, Gloucester 1736 Clevenger, Catharine, BurUngton, and Charles .Vliller, Burlington 1732 Clevenger, Elizabeth, Burliugton, and John Atkinson, Burlington. . . . 1764 Clevenger, Hannah, Burlington, and William Duckworth, Burlington, . 1731 Clevenger, Margaret, and Thomas Asson 1746 Clever, Elizabeth, Stow Creek, and Benjamin Thompson, Cumberland. 1778 Clever, Sarah, Cumberland, and Levi Barnes, Cumberland 1780 Clews, Elizabeth, Pennsylvania, and Hezekiah Rogers, Pennsylvania. . 1728 OlifE, Margaret, PhUadelphia, and Robert Saunders, Burlington 1733 Jan. 18 Sept. 20 AprU 19 Sept. 16 Nov. 14 Sept. 13 Oct. 22 Oct. 13 Sept. 3 July 9 Aug. 27 May 22 Jan. 12 Mar. 3 Mar. 31 Sept. 1 April 27 Sept. 1 Sept. 18 April 2 Feb. 24 Feb. 13 Mar. 29 June 25 Jan. 6 Nov. 28 July 23 Feb. 3 Jan. 5 Jan. 2 Nov. 26 Sept. 12 AprU 16 May 1 Nov. 17 Sept. 21 Nov. 12 July 9 June 26 Feb. 8 Aug. 21 Feb. 9 Deo. 4 May 29 June 11 Oct. 13 go NEW JERSEY COLONtAL DOCtfMENTS. Clifford, Mary, Hunterdon, and Alexander AVhite, Sussex 1769 Clifton, Ann, and Edward PleadweU, PhUadelphia 1733 Clifton, Ann, Burliugton, and Jonathan Taylor, Burlington 1740 Clifton, Hannah, and Robert Johnson 1735 Clifton, Susannah, and Joseph Packer, Northampton 1759 Clindinen, Ann, Repack, and John Van Schaiack, Repack 1747 Cline, Mary, Somerset, and John Farley, Somerset 1775 Cline, Rachel, and Joseph Allen, Chester 1783 Closon, Hannah, and AVUliam Wosten, Salem 1733 Clothier, Elizabeth, Springfield, and Robert Smith, Springfield 1764 Clover, Mary, Somerset, aud Jacob Conine, Somerset , . 1764 Clowes, Rachel, Bucks, Pa., and Edmond Sands, Bucks, Pa 1740 Cluney, Jane, and James Chamless, Salem 1772 Clunn, Mary, and John Yard, Trenton 1779 Clutch, Martha, Burlington, and Michael Teubell, Burlington 1767 Clutch, Sarah, and Robert Hutchinson, Burlington 1769 Coar, Aun, aud Peter Kister, Hunterdon 1733 Coates, Milicent, and John Webb, Gloucester 1779 Cobuer, Esther, Salem, and Alexander Gilmore, Salem 1775 Cock, Catharine, Hunterdon, and William Barnes, Hunterdon ] 742 Cock, Catherine, Somerset, and Edward Hall, Somerset 1744 Cook, Lydia, Glouoester, and Samuel Morton, Gloucester 1736 Cock, Margaret, Reading Town, and Henry Schamp, Reading Town . . 1750 Cock, Margaret, Shrewsbury, and Jeremiah Bonham, Shrewsbury 1758 Cockaf are, Sarah, and Jacob Voorhis, New Brunswick 1772 Cocke, Rebeccah, aud Thomas Ansley, Monmouth 1760 Codds, Helena, and James Stillman 1782 Codds, Mary, and Hance Halmes, Gloucester. 1782 Coddington, Elizabeth, and James Clarkson, AVoodbridge 1744 Coderry, Ruth, Gloucester, and Joseph Ireland, Gloucester 1727 Codington, Phebe, and John Ellison 1774 Codman, Margaret, and Anthony AVaters, Essex. . 1767 Coeymans, Johanna, Somerset, and Dr. John Neilson, New Brunswick. 1741 Coffee, Hannah, and John Miers, Gloucester 1779 Coffey, Sarah, Gloucester, aud Jacob Ickle, Gloucester 1763 Coffin, Marj', Burliugton, and Thomas BaUinger, Burlington 1742 . Cogall, Rachel, Burlington, aud John HaU, Burlington 1764 Colbraeth, Eaphram, and James Blair 1760 Colbraeth, Esther, Northampton, and James Vernon, Northampton. . .1756 Cold, Mary, Staten Island, aud John Burns 1745-6 Cole, Bersheba, and Seiley Keen, Salem 1760 Cole, Elizabeth, Burlington, aud Jacob Vansciver, Burlington 1754 Cole, Hannah, Gloucester, and John Gosling, Jr., Gloucester 1750 Cole, Lydia, and Frederick V. Dike, Somerset 1778 Cole, Margaret, Monmouth, and Jonathan Gordon, Monmouth 1748 Cole, Martha, Monmouth, aud Michael Erickson, Monmouth 1746 Jan. 25 Aug. 29 Feb. 12 Not. 4 May 31 Aug. 11 Jan. 30 Deo. 12 Not. 12 April 24 May 29 July 23 May 26 Jan. 18 May 22 April 3 Deo. 24 June 11 Jan. 6 Feb. 11 Oct. 22 Sept. 1 May 14 May 24 Not. 9 Nov. 1 Feb. 13 AprU 11 Feb. 5 Sept. 18 Cot 17 Feb. 26 Mar. 9 May 11 Mar. 28 Nov. 3 Sept. 3 Mar. 7 Nov. 13 Mar. 18 July 28 May 17 Oct. 27 Deo. 15 Deo. 5 June 13 MARRlACiE LICENSES. §1 Cole, Mary, and William Ogborne 1698 Cole, Mary, Gloucester, and Edward Tonkin, Burliugton 1733 Cole, Mary, Monmouth, and Richard Matchet, Monmouth 1757 Cole, Mary, Gloucester, and John Hendrixson, Gloucester 1759 Cole, Mary, and Jonathan Collins, Burlington 1781 Coleman, Amy, and Matthias Par, Morris 1779 Coleman, Mercy, and Robert Quigley, Nottingham 1767 Coleman, Phebe, and David Robertson 1745 Coleman, Rachel, and David Sellers, Philadelphia 1779 Coleman, Sarah, and Samuel Cox, Middlesex 1764 Coleman, Sarah, Hunterdon, and Obadiah Evins, Hunterdon 1772 Colemans, Sarah, Gloucester, ahd Thomas Cheeseman, Glouoester 1727 ColeB, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Jacob Burdsall, Burlington 1730 Coles, Hannah, and Daniel Lippincott, Burlington 1756 Coles, Hope, and Abijah Collins, Gloucester 1785 Coles, Mary, and AVUliam Kain, Glouoester 1777 Coles, Susannah, Glouoester, and William Budd, Burlington 1738 Goley, Elizabeth, Bergen, and Gerrit Lydeker, Bergen 1770 CoUens, SybUIo, and Samuel Gaskill, Burlington 1759 GoUiok, Catharine, and Abraham Whittbank, Cape May 1758 CoUier, Elizabeth, and John Baxter, New Jersey 1778 Collings, Elsy. and Abel Sulb, Great Egg Harbour 1784 CoUins, Abigail, Burlington, and John Lippincott, Burlington 1770 Collins, Abigail, and William Williams, Virginia 1779 Collins, Elizabeth, Burlington, aud Ishmael Kent, Burlington 1731 Collins, Ehzabeth, and Bernard McCormick, Monmouth 1779 Collins, Esther, Burlington, and Isaac Evans, Burlington 1782 CoUins, Hannah, Burlington, and John Mullen, Burlington 1754 CoUins, Jane, and Edward Johnston Collins, Gloucester 1783 Collins, Lydia, Sussex, and Jacob Dodderer, Sussex 1763 CoUins, Mary, aud Michael Bouker, Burlington 1741 Collins, Mary, Monmouth, and William Britton, Long Island 1743 Collins, Mary, and Gershom WaUing, Monmouth 1762 CoUins, Mary, Perth Amboy, and Benjamin Van Pelt, Staten Island. . 1763 Collins, Mary, Glouoester, and Samuel'Hugg, Gloucester 1764 CoUins, Patience, Gloucester, and George Flauiugan, Gloucester 1769 CoUins, Priscilla, Gloucester, and James Mulock, Gloucester 1757 Oollins, Priscilla, and Aaron Haines, Gloucester 1772 Collins, Eaohel, Gloucester, and Joseph Champion, Gloucester 1770 Collins, Sarah, PhUadelphia, and Caspar Fish, Gloucester _ 1742 Collins, Sarah, Glouoester, aud John Bates, Burlington 1747 CoUins, Sarah, and Peter Oliver, Springfield 1781 CoUins, Susanna, and Bryan Donnelly, Burlington 1738 CoUins, Susanna, Philadelphia, and Samuel Tew, Glouoester 1739 CoUweU, Rebecca, Salem, aud Aaron Loper, Salem 1751 Colson, Hannah, Salem, and Richard Kirby, Salem 1769 Nov. 17 May 7 April 16 April 2 May 31 Feb. 3 June 18 June 12 Dec. 23 May 31 — 19 May 11 April 4 Nov. 12 July 15 Sept. 6 Mar. 28 Aug. 6 Dec. 19 Aug. 31 Sept. 7 Feb. 23 Mar. 12 July 24 Deo. 26 Mar. 29 April 1 Aug. 17 Aug. 6 Feb. 12 Sept. 9 Nov. 30 Nov. 15 Aug. 24 July 9 Feb. 17 April 16 Nov. 24 Dec. 17 Jan. 31 Sept. 19 Aug. 26 May 10 July 23 Oct. 28 Nov. 6 92 New Jersey colonial documents. Colton, Lydia, PhUadelphia, and Isaac Warner, PhUadelphia 1757 Aug. 25 Colwell, Marthew, Middletown, and John Smith, Freehold 1763 Jan.' 5 Colwells, Nely, Monmouth, and Frederick Bennet, Monmouth 1762 Jan. 12 Colyer, Mary, Salem, aud John Wetherby, Salem , 1749 Mar. 19 Combes, Dinah, Monmouth, and Benjamin Hutchinson, Monmouth. . . 1771 May 30 Combes, Hulda, Pennington, and Robert Combs, Middlesex 1772 Mar. 25 Combien, Hannah, Philadelphia, and Edward Hatton, PhUadelphia. . . 1731 Sept. 4 Combs, Elizabeth, "Middlesex, and James Gilleland, Middlesex 1752 Sept. 19 Combs, Hetty, aud Abraham Schureman, Middlesex 1781 Mar. 8 Combs, Jane, and Garlon Ookarman, Middlesex 1786 July 3 Oombs, Keziah, and John Lanning, Monmouth 1757 Oct. 31 Combs, Mary, Middlesex, and Ezekiel Anderson, Hunterdon 1761 Nov. 19 Combs, Rachel, Middlesex, and John Lorton, Jr., Middlesex 1752 Deo. 23 Combs, Sarah, Middlesex, aud Joseph Clayton, Freehold 1761 April 25 Comes, Mary, Piscataway, and John Dowden, Piscataway ] 747 July 9 Comminger, Elizabeth, and Absalom Howell, Trenton 1782 Deo. 6 Commons, Catherine, S'assex, and James Hazlett, Sussex 1771 Nov. 21 Compton, Elizabeth, aud John Debow, Freehold 1751 Sept. 21 Compton, Hannah, Moninouth, and John Clayton, Monmouth 1743 Mar. 29 Compton, Hannah, Middlesex, and Nicholas Monday, Middlesex 1757 May 21 Compton, Judith, Middletown, and Skelton Jolinson, Middletown 1752 July 3 Compton, Margaret, Somerset, and Peter Casney, Somerset 1776 Feb. 1 Compton, Mary, Burlington, and William Smith, Burlington 1728 Feb. 2^ Compton, Rachel, and William Preston, Jr., Freehold 1745 June 18 Compton, Eachel, Somerset, and Isaac Vail, Somerset 1762 Feb. 8 Compton, Rebecca, Monmouth, and Matthew Dean, Monmouth 1749 Aug. 12 Compton, Sarah, Monmouth, and David Baird, Monmouth 1744 Oct. 27 Compton, Sarah, Somerset, and John Castner, Somerset 1754 Nov. 11 Compton, Sarah, Middletown, and Darling Conro, Perth Amboy 1761 Sept. 16 Compton, Sarah, and William Ferril, Monmouth ., 1780 Aug. 12 Comton, Alice, Freehold, and Legget Smith, Freehold 1743 Sept. 6 Conaro, Mary, and John B.iruet, Burlington 1788 Mar. 20 Concleton, Bridget, Salem, and Jonathan Rogers Barber, S.alem. . . . 1745-6 Mar. 28 Concklin, Hauuah, aud Samuel Hankinson, Hunterdon 1787 Feb. 27 Conder, Susannah, Evesham, and Salaways Warner, Evesham 1760 Deo 5 Condict, Abigail, Morristown, and Benjamin Pirson, Jr., Morristown.. .1779 Deo. 20 Condict, Kebekka, Morris, and Isaac Lyon, Morris 1779 June 28 Condon, Elizabeth, Salem, and Thomas Johnson, Salem 1766 Got. 2 Condon, Rains, balem, and James Halladay, Salem 1749 June 29 Conger, Dorcas, Piscataway, and Daniel Waldron, Perth Amboy 1750 Feb. 22 Coningham, Sarah, Cumberland, and William Mulford, Cumberiand. .176S AprU 11 Conklin, Charity, Orange Co, N. Y., and Nicholas Lozier, Bergen ;, 1771 Aug. 27 Conklin, Sarah, Essex, and Nathaniel Rusco, Essex 1747 Feb. 16 Conkling, Ruth, Morristown, and Stephen Whitaker, Bernards 1779 Jan. 24 Conuaro, Elizabeth, and William Brian, Burlington 1782 Mar. 26 Connarro, Sarah, Burlington, and Abel luman, Burlington 1750 July 23 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 93 Conner, Mary, and Joseph Swain, New Windsor 1772 Conner, Rachel, Cumberland, an,d Jonathan BaUinger, Cumberland. . . 1769 Conniway, Ledy, and Azariah Pain, Cape May 1768 Connolly, Dorothy, Gloucester, and William AVallis, Gloucester 1739 Conover, Deleh, and David Ivins, Burlington 1783 Conoway, Nelly, Hunterdon, and Peter Drew, Hunterdon 1765 Conrad, Catherine, and VVilliam Abbett, Bucks, Pa 1761' Conrow, Abigal, Burlington, and Thomas Curtis, Burlington 1767 Conrow, Eleanor, Burlington, and Samuel Biglow, Burlington 1767 Conrow, Sarah, and Thomas Haines, Burlington 1778 Conrow, Sarah, and Nathaniel Middleton, Burliugton. 1790 Cook, Catherine, aud John Bruce, Monmouth 1747 Cook, Catherine, Monmouth, and Oliver Hicks, Monmouth 1775 Cook, Cliffy, Shrewsbury, and B&jamin AValoott, Shrewsbury 1753 Cook, Eleanor, and AVUliam Ryerson, Essex 1789 Cook, Elizabeth, Hunterdon, and Benjamin Brayley, Hunterdon 1732 Cook, Elizabeth, Shrewsbury, and Samuel Osborn, Shrewsbury 1764 Cook, Faith, Shrewsbury, aud David Falkinbridge, Lt. Egg Harbour . . 1767 Cook, Francis, and Samuel Mount, Monmouth 1755 Cook, Hannah, and Peter Andrews, Gloucester 1779 Cook, Jean, and Edward Dennis, Cumberland 1786 Cook, Keziah, and John ilorris, Morris , . .' l'(79 Cook, Lydia, Monmouth, and Samuel Slooun, Monmouth 1743 Cook, Mary, Monmouth, and Jonathan Lippincott, Monmouth 1767 Cook, Pheby, and Peter Dewitt, Monmouth 1757 Cook, Phebe, Cumberland, and Levi Heaton, Cumberland 1777 Cook, Eachel, and Nathaniel Leve, Cumberland 1778 Cook, Sarah, Hunterdon, and John Stephens, Middlesex 1729 Cook, Sarah, Monmouth, and Aaron Mattison, Monmouth . ." 1745 Cook, Sarah, Monmouth, and David AUen, Monmouth 1759 Cook, Sarah, and Nathaniel Cornell, Hunterdon 1785 Cook, Susannah, Monmouth, and George Howland, Monmouth 1758 Cook, Tabitha, Sussex, and Thomas Hunt, Sussex 1770 Cook, Tabitha, and Abner Eozell, Maidenhead 1782 Cooke, Abigail, Burlington, and Amos AVilletts, Monmouth 1743 Oooke, Hannah, Monmouth, aud Thomas Humphries, Monmouth 175U Coolbagh, Catharine, New York, and George Crolius, New York 1763 Coole, Asabelah, Philadelphia, and WiUiam Segrave, Cape May 1740 Cooley, Catharine, and John Christopher Hedrick, Bergen 1777 Coon, Anna, Somerset, and Thomas Ormstou, Somerset 1751 Coone, Aune W., Pennsylvania, and John Purcell, Pennsylvania 1 761 Coonrad, Elizabeth, aud John Derrick, Burlington 1780 Coons, Mary, Somerset, and Henry Harpentine, Somerset 1742 Cooper, AbigaU, and WiUiam Kaighin, Gloucester 1737 Cooper, Charity, Bristol, and Samuel Wright, Bristol 1781 Cooper, Elizabeth, and Thomas Cooper, Burlington 1758 Feb. 10 Dec. 26 Sept. 29 Mar. 17 Jan. 8 Sept. 18 Feb. 18 Sept. 1 July 28 Mar. 23 Jan. 21 May 5 Mar. 10 Feb. 27 Sept. 15 Mar. 24 Mar. 16 Mar. 18 June 20 Sept. 1 Mar. 22 Feb. 4 Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Feb. 25 Nov. 19 Sept. 28 April 30 AprU 17 Dec. 4 Sept. 18 Jan. 21 April 13 Feb. 27 Aug. 17 Oct. 23 May 7 AprU 3 Nov. 11 May 21 Nov. 27 Jan. 12 Feb. 16 May 30 Sept. 13 94 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Cooper, Elizabeth, Morris, and Henry Wick, Jr., Morris 1760 Cooper, Hannah, and Richard Cooper, Bergen 1787 Cooper, Mary, and Abraham Lyddon, Gloucester 1731 Cooper, Mary, Burlington, and John Atkinson, Burlington 1761 Cooper, Mary, Bristol, Pa,, aud Peter Bjoz, Bristol, Pa 1774 Cooper, Mary, and John Holmes, Gloucester 1780 Cooper, Mehitable, Morris, and AViUiam Davison, Somerset 1770 Cooper, Phebe, Monmoutb, and Patrick Foy, Monmouth 1748 Cooper, Providence, Morris, aud Joseph Manning, Morris 1768 Cooper, Rachell, Gloucester, and James Wood, Philadelphia 1745 Cooper, Rachel, Glouoester, and James Wood, Jr., Philadelphia 1745 Cooper, Rebeca, and Amos Winner 1779 Cooper, Euth, Pennsylvania, aud Dennis Pu'cell, Pennsylvania 1728 Cooperax, Mary, Middletown, and Daniel Robinson, Middletown 1764 Coopper, Phebe, Freehold, and Benjamin Wolley, Shrewsbury 1758 Ooorson, Sarah, Monmouth, and Peter Harvey, Monmouth 1767 Coperthwait, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Jacob Vanmeter, Salem.. .. 1770 Copperthwaite, Eebecca, Burlington, and David Garrison, Salem . . . . 1770 Copperthwaite, Mary, and Joseph Griggs, Monmouth 1778 Copner, Abigail, and Ebenezer Dunn, Salem 1772 Copner, Sarah, and Matthias Lambson, Salem 1758 Copper, Mary, Freehold, and Charles Eeid, Freehold 1767 Coppinger, Mary, Sussex, and William Foot, Sussex 1772 Coppuck, Sarah, Burlington, aud James Miller, Burlington 1761 Cordery, Sarah, and Jonathan Steelman, Galloway 1783 Cordry, Eebecca, Burlington, aud John Leeds, Burlington 1737 Gordury, Elizabeth, and Amos Ireland, Gloucester 1781 Core, Elizabeth, Burlington, and James Robins, Burlington 1737 Corin, Lydia, and Samuel Cramer, Burlington 1784 Corkaran, Sarah, Gloucester, and Isaac Dilks, Gloucester 1753 Corker, EUzabeth, Bucks, Pa., and WilUam Hawkins, Philadelphia ..1742 Corkell, Sarah, Gloucester, and AViUiaui Homan, Gloucester 1745 Corkin, Catherine, Burlington, aud WUliam Baker, Burlington 1739 Corle, Elizabeth, Somerset, and Samuel Furman, Somerset 1748 Corle, Mary, and Isaac Cool, Somerset 1781 Corle, Sarah, and Daniel Manning, Somerset 1781 Corless, Exercise, Monmouth, and WUliam Shinn, Burlington 1739 Corlies, Mary, Monmouth, aud Joshua Bond, Monmouth 1745 Corlis, Elizabeth, Shrewsbury, aud Thomas Cox, Shrewsbury 1749 Cornel, Margareta, Somerset, and Eoleph Vorhuyse, Middlesex 1745 Cornel, Martha, Hunterdon, aud David Baldwin, Hunterdon 1775 Cornelinson, Mavy, Salem, aud Isaac Zane, Gloucester 1769 Cornelinsou, Ann, Penns Neck, and Daniel Nelson, Piles Grove 1762 Cornell, Jemima, Upper Freehold, and Eobert Vaughn, Up. Freehold . 1763 Cornell, Nautchy, and Peter Buokerlew, Middlesex 1784 Cornell, Maria, Somerset, aud John Van Nortwick, Somerset 1747 Sept. 11 Feb. 4 May 11 May 11 Nov. 12 May 3 Jan. 1 Dec. 22 Mar. 30 June 8 Jan. 14 Jan. 14 May 1 Sept. 18 Mar. 7 May 31 Nov. 18 Mar. 17 Mar. 17 Dec. 14 June 11 Dec. U Aug. 29 July 4 Aug. 19 Jan. 8 June 7 July 2 Nov. 2 June 16 Mar. 7 Aug. 14 Aug. 24 Oct 3 May 24 Aug. 25 Aug. 25 June 6 June 2 Sept. 20 Deo. 5 May 30 Mar. 7 Nov. 21 Sept 5 April 3 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 95 OomeU, Maria, Somerset, and Simon Van Nortwick, Somerset 1751 Corriell, Marthew, and Moses Moore 1783 Cornell, Sarah, and Samuel Howell, Hunterdon 1782 Cornelly, Mary, and David Ogden, Middlesex 1768 Cornish, EUzabeth, and Joshua Palmer, Pennsylvania 1766 Cornish, Hanah, Nottingham, and Joseph Smith, Nottingham 1764 CornwiU, Meire, and James Lie, Bergen 1766 Corry, Sarah, PhUadelphia, and Hugh Eoss, Philadelphia 1732 Corshun, Catharine, and John Stevenson, Amwell 1782 Corson, Ann, Cape May, and John Leonard, Cape May 1732 Corson, Deborah, and John Drummond, Gloucester 1772 Corson, Elizabeth, Cape May, and Jotham Townsend, Cape May 1776 Corson, Judith, Cape May, and WUliam Eldridge, Cape May 1778 Goi'son, Lydia, Cape May, and Isaac Biuar, Cape May , 1740 Goi'son, Raamah, Cape May, and Richard Tomson, Cape May 1741 Corson, R'achel, Cape May, and Joseph Corson, Cape May 1759 Corson, Eachel, Cape May, and Isaac Dole, Cape May 1761 Corson, Eoada, Cape May, and AVUliam Eobinson, Cape May 1754 Corson, Susannah, Cape May, and James Conaway, Cape May. . , 1741 Corson, Zabiah, Cape May, aud Joseph Hildreth, Cape May 1748 Corwine, Rachel, Amwell, and Jacob Williamson, Amwell 1775 CoryeU, Amelia, and John PraU, Amwell 1785 Cosby, Grace, and Thomas Freeman, New York 1733 Cosier, Lidia, Glouoester, and Solomon Manning, Gloucester 1747 Cotheal, Rachael, Middlesex, aud Neil Campbell, Middlesex 1763 CottereU, Mary, Monmouth, and John Applegate, Monmouth 1 748 Cottrile, Rebekah, Shrewsbury, and Thomas Romine, Shrewsbury 1752 Couenover, Sophiah, Gt. Egg Harb'r, aud James Steelman, Gt. Eg. H. .1772 Gougal, EUzabeth, and William Perkins, Gloucester 1784 Coulton, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and William Lewis, Monmouth. . .1749-50 Coulton, Hannah, and John Russel, Shrewsbury 1749 Coulton, Marry, Monmouth, and Thomas Borden 1746 Gouper, Elysabeth, aud James Van Emburg, New Barbadoes 1769 Coursen, Catherine, Hunterdon, and Peter Perine, Hunterdon 1746 Coursen, Charity, Hunterdon, and Benjamin Cole, Hunterdon 1752 Cousins, Mary, Springfield, and Marmaduke Fort, Burliugton 1738 Cousins, Mary, Essex, and Moses Ogden, Essex 1746 Gov, Mary, Staten Island, and Thomas Butler, Staten Island 1758 Covenhoven. Anne, Monmoutb, and William Covenhoven, Monm'th, 1743-4 Covenhoven, Aune, and Cornelius Quick, Amwell 1771 Covenhoven, Aultie, Monmouth, and John Bennet, Monmouth 1761 Covenhoven, Catharine, Middlet'n, and Nicholas Van Brunt Shrewsb'y. 1767 Covenhoven, Coboacha, Freehold, and Cyrenius Van Mater, Jr., Mdn 1766 Covenhoven, Elenor, and Richard Sansbury, Amwell 1764 Covenhoven, Hendrica, and John Campbell, Monmouth 1761 CoTenhoven, Hester, Bergen, and Reynier A''angie3e, Bergen 1743 April 12 Feb. 25 Dec. 5 Mar. 28 Not. 26 Aug. 1 Not. 29 June 4 June 11 Dec. 29 Feb. 9 May 21 Deo. 10 June 20 Dec. 19 Jan. 22 Oct. 28 Aug. 13 May 14 Feb. 16 Dec. 11 Feb. 7 June 14 June 12 Jan. 10 Sept. 27 Not. 23 Dec. 23 Nov. 11 Jan. 26 Jan. 23 Jan. 29 Feb. 28 Aug. 22 Aug. 11 Dec. 2 Oct. 29 May 22 Mar. 16 Dec. 11 Aug. 10 Jan. 15 Mar. 31 July 19 Nov. 30 Mar. 20 96 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Covenhoven, Jane, Monmouth, and Peter Longstreet, Monmouth 1765 Deo. 19 Covenhoveu, Jean, Monmouth, and Peter Sohanck, Monmouth 1747 Deo. 26 Covenhoven, Lenah, Monmoutb, and Benjamin Vancleeve, Jr., Mon. .1741 Auo. 1 Covenhoven, Mary, Monmouth, and John Schanckj Monmouth 1752 Deo. 19 Covenhoven, Mary, Freehold, and Peter Sohanck, Freehold 1753 June 11 Covenhoven, Mary, Middletowu, and Dauiel Van Mater, Monmouth, .1754 Deo. 27 Covenhoven, Mary, Freehold, and Cornelius Vanderveer, Freehold. . . . 1764 Sept. 17 Covenhoven, Patience, Monmouth, and Albert Covenhoven, Monm'th . 1765 Nov. 21 Covenhoven, Sarah, Middletown, aud Garret Sohanck, Middletown. . .1762 Jan. 6 Covenhoven, Sarah, Monmouth, and Benjamin Van Cleeve, Monm'th 1763 July 11 Covenhoven, Sary, Freehold, and Joseph Thompson, Freehold 1767 Feb. 19 Covenhoven, WilUamtic, Middletown, aud Matthias Covenhoven, Mid. 1749 July 27 Coveuoven, Catharine, Freehold, and Daniel Vanderveer, Freehold. . .1765 Feb. 28 Covenoveu, Margaret, Middletown, and Philip Wynkoop, Philadelphia. 1735 Mar. 9 Covenoven, Mary, Burlingt(m, aud Reddook Townsend, Burlington. . . 17'i6 Dec. 9 Covenover, Mary, and Elias Gaudy, Gt. Egg Harbour 176-t Sept 26 Covenover, Patience, Monmouth, aud Samuel Bowne, Monmouth 1754 Sept 3 Covenover, Sarah, and Jacob Eldridge, Gloucester 1764 Aug. 21 Covenover, Sarab, Gloucester, and David Adams, Gloucester 1774 April 18 Covert, Tainche, Monmouth, and George Reid, Jr., Monmouth 1743 July 18 Covinoven, Ledy, Monmouth, and Hendrick Hendrickson, Monmouth. 1757 Mar. 7 Cowan, EUzabeth, Burlington, and Jeremiah Bloomfield, Burlington . . 1773 June 28 Coward, Alice, aud John Brown, Burlington 1759 Feb. 7 Coward, Deliverance, aud James RandUph, Monmouth 1760 Mar. 16 Coward, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Thomas SiU, Jacobstown 1765 May 20 Coward, Rebecca, and Tobias Hendrickson, Moninouth 1762 Mar. 6 Cowenhoven, Katherine, and Adam Jobs, Somerset 1782 April 1 CowgiU, Beulah, aud John AVest, Springfield .' 1784 Nov. 10 CowgiU, Rachael, Burlington, aud Samuel Woodward, Burlington 1728 Sept. 16 CowgiU, Sarah, Burlington, and John Munyon, Burlington 1738 April 25 CowgiU, Susannah, aud John King, Monmouth 1737 Sept. 24 Coueman, Marget, 1 Essex, and Thomas Vanrypen, Essex 1750 April 17 Cownover, Rebecca, and James Scull, Gt. Egg Harbour 1783 Sept. 11 Gowperthwaite, Hannah, and Benjamin Stockton, Burlington 1779 Nov. 29 Cowvenoven, Sarah, Middletown, and Jacob Wikoff, Shrewsbury 1754 Jan. 7 Cox, Abigail, and Hezekiah Kemble, Gloucester 1780 Jan. 29 Cox, Amy, Burlington, and Bartholomew Coppock, Burlington 1730 Aug. 4 Cox, Ann, Monmouth, aud Zachariah Coulten, Middlesex 1750 Dec. 25 Cox, Ann, Middlesex, and AVUliam Corlis, Burlington 1756 June 3 Cox, Anne, and John Hendrickson, Burlington 1763 Nov. 14 Cox, Bythinia, and John Wills, WUlingborough 1763 Aug. W Cox, Catherine, Gloncester, aud Samuel Cozens, Gloucester 1764 Mar. 2 Cox, Catherine, Upper Freehold, and Thomas Van Kirk, Freehold ...1761 Jan, 7 Cox, Catherine, Monmouth, and Benjamin Loxley, Philadelphia 1761 Bept. 1 ' I One ol the sureties (probably her father) signs his name ''Hendrick Coeymans of Essex county."- MARRIAGE LICENSES. 97 Cox, Deborah, and Thomas McCurtain, Monmouth.. 1771 Jan. 19 Cox, Elizabeth, Monmouth, aud Richard Compton, Jr., Monmouth. . . .1727 Jan. 15 Cox, EUzabeth, and Samuel Mead, Monmouth 1760 Nov. 1 Cox, EUzabeth, WUlingborough, and Elisha Read, AViUingborongh 1765 July 3 Cox, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and James Cox, Monmouth 1769 Feb. 25 Cox, EUinor, Burliugton, and Benjamin Perkins, Burlington 1731 June 13 Cox, H'cinnah, Gloucester, and Nixon Chatlin, Gloucester 1749 May 23 Cox, Hannar, Freehold, and John Reynolds, Freehold 1762 Jan. 23 Cox, Hahnah, and Joseph Burdsell, Monmouth 1783 Nov. 20 Cox, Jane, and Hugh Caldwell, Gloucester 1736 April 29 Cox, Katherine, Gloucester, and Andrew Long, Glouoester 1730 Dec. 2 Cox, Marah, Shrewsbury, and Richard Allen, New York 1754 Mar. 25 Cox, Mary, New Brunswick, and Nathaniel Stillwell, New Brunswick . 1740 Aug. 28 Cox, Mary, Freehold, Thomas Newton, Freehold 1743 May 20 Cox, Eachel, Bloomsbury, aud John Stevens, Jr., Trenton 1782 Oct. 15 Cox, Rebekah, Monmouth, and Joseph Norcross, Monmouth 1748 Aug. 1 Cox, Eebekah, and John Morris, Middlesex 1763 Feb. 24 Cox, Eebekah, and AViUiam Mount, Monmouth. 1 775 Nov. 20 Cox, Eobeua, Pennsylvania, and John Vansant, Pennsylvania 1728 Aug. 19 Cox, Sarah, Burlington, and Thomas Bryan, Burlington 1730 Not. 22 Cox, Sarah, Middlesex, and Christopher Beekman, Middlesex 1741 Not. 12 Cox, Sarah, Hunterdon, and John Shaw, Shrewsbury 1770 Feb. 20 Coxe, Fanny, Burlington, and Thomas Bryan, Burlington. 1760 Dec. 31 Coxe, Grace, and Le Kay de Chaumoutl 1789 July 17 Coxe, Mary, Monmouth, and WUliam Enelman, Monmouth 1729 April 28 Coxe, Mary, Monmouth, and John Liming, Monmouth 1740 Nov. 4 Coxe, Mercy, Upper Freehold, and Ephraim Eobins, Upper Freehold.. 1746 April 21 Coxe, Mercy, and Thomas French, Burlington 1769 April 22 Coxe, Phebe, Cape May, and Charles Stilman, Gt. Egg Harbour. ..... 1761 Dec. 18 Coxe, Sarah, Philadelphia, and William Monington, Burlington 1772 Feb. 14 ' Cozens, Anne, Burlington, and Joseph Norton, Burlington 1727 Feb. 3 Cozens, Hannah, Gloucester, and Jacob Horner, Glouoester 1764 Dec. 29 Cozens, Mary,, and Richard Maffet, Gloucester, 1785 Feb. 24 Craford, EUzabeth, Salem, and Andrew Paget, Salem 1727 June 10 Oraford, Elizabeth, and John Richardson, Cape May 1756 Dec. 17 Craford, Rachel, Cape May, and Jeremiah Hand, Cape May 1739 Mar. 17 Craford, Sarah, Cape May, and Ezekiel Eldridge, Cape May 1741 AprU 14 Craft, Ann, Burlington, and John Loveless, Burlington 1742 Nov. 15 Craft,. Catherine, Monmouth, and Francis Harbert, Monmouth 1752 Nov. 10 Craft, Grace, BurUngton, and John Lanning, Burlington 1761 Nov. 11 Craft, Margaret, and John Eenier, Buriington 1734 Dec. 23 Craft, Mary, and Solomon Brown, Monmouth 1762 Dec. 29 . Craft, Mary, BurUngton, and Amos English, BurUngton 1765 Mar. 6 I So he signs the bona. In the body of the instrument the name is entered as James ; Bonatieu Le Bay de Chaumoiit. 7 98 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Crage, Mary, Monmouth, and Thomas BuUman, Jr., Monmouth 1765 Crager, Martha, Woodbridge, and Joseph Haviland, Perth Amboy .... 1752 Craig, Catherine, and John Loyd, New Jersey 1745 Craig, Mary, Monmouth, and Peter Gordon, New Jersey 1742 Craig, Rebecca, Somerset, and WUliam Hutton, Somerset 1758 Craig, Susannah, and Anthony Sh-ank, Bucks Co., Pa 1783 Craige, Gertrude, Monmouth, and WUliam Hamton, Monmouth 1747 Craige, Elizabeth, Freehold, and WUliam Van Kirk, Freehold 1757 Cramer, Sarah, and Joseph Gaskill 1768 Cramer, Dinah, aud Dauiel Johnson, Egg Harbor 1747 Cramer, Lydia, Burlington, aud Abel Gale, Burlington 1740 Cramer, Mary, and David Cavalier, Little Egg Harbour. 1782 Cramer, Phebe, aud John Mott, Burlington 1738 Cramer, Zuby, and Benjamin Pridmore, Monmouth 1778 Crammer, Ann, and Abraham Gaskill, Burliugton 178^ Crammer, Barthial, Burlington, and Robert Webb, Jr., Burlington.,. 1751 Crammer, Marah, Monmouth, and Andrew Allin, Monmouth 1754 Crammer, Marcy, and John Mathis, Little Egg Harbor 1781 Crammer, Sarah, Monmouth, and William Camburn, Monmouth. ...1763 Crammer, Susannah, and Joel AVestcoat, Galloway 1 784 Crane, Abigail, and John Wiggins, Trenton 1784 Crane, Anu, Newark, aud Ebenezer Davis, Newark 1750 Crane, Fanny, and Lawrence Johnson, Hunterdon 1778 Crane, Hannah, and John Gifford 1779 Crane, Katerine, Essex, and Stephen Ward, Essex 1779 Cranford, Margaret, South Amboy, and James Price, South Amboy. , . 1760 Cranford, Elizabeth, Middletown, and John Smith, Middleto-wn 1766 Cranmer, Sarab, and Joseph AUer, Little Egg Harbor : , 1783 Oranson, Ann, Bristol, Pa,, and Lovit Streaker, Bristol, Pa 1776 Craven, Anne, and Benjamin Ruge, Salem 1731 Craven, Grace, Salem, and John Owen. Salem 1758 Crawford, Caturah, aud John Patten, Freehold 1766 Crawford, Catherine, Elizabeth Town, and John Barclay, Balkinridge.1749 Crawford, Elizabeth, Gloucester, aud William Payday, Gloucester ...1750 Crawford, Elizabeth, Cape May, and Enos Buck, Cape May 1773 Crawford, Elizabeth, and Anthony Warrick, Gloucester. 1775 Crawford, Lydia, Middletown, aud Cornelius Compton, Middletown. . 1756 Crawford, Mary, and Benjamin Gibbons, Monmouth 1754 Crawford, Sarah, and James Simpson, Gloucester 1772 Crawford, Zeruiah, Freehold, and Stephen Vanbrackel, Monmouth.. 1748-9 Crawley, Judah, Somerset, and John Pechet, Somerset 1742 Crayton, Anue, Perth Amboy, and Thomas Barry, Perth Amboy 1750 Creasey, Mary, and Jeremiah Corsen. Cape May 1763 Creaton, Sarah, Bucks, Pa., and David Johnson, Bucks, Pa 1775 Creeger, Christian, and Andrew Thompson, Hunterdon 1780 Creesey, Comfort, Gloucester, and EUas Steelman, Gloucester 1732 Nov. 22 Sept. 30 Aug. 10 Dec. 13 Oct 2 Deo. 13 Sept. 30 Aug. 23 Deo. 5 May 14 June 16 Sept. 19 Aug. 7 Oct. 8 Aug. 18 May 9 Juue 3 Aug 16 Oct. 13 Deo. 8 Mar. 22 Mar. 18 June 8 Apiil 7 Mar. 22 Sept. 2 AprU 24 May 19 June 20 Mar. 20 April 26 June 5 April 6 Oct. 24 May 3 Oct. 5 July 30 Mar. 12 Jau. 7 Mar. 22 Sept 27 Aug. 15 Sept. 24 Aug. 6 July 22 Deo. 16 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 99 Cregeir, Martha, Staten Island, and John Stevens, Staten Island 1741 Sept. 8 Creidook, Elizabeth, Monmouth, aud John McCaffarty, Monmouth 1744 April 21 Cresey, Eachel, and Jotham Townsend, Cape May 1768 Nov. 14 Cresse, AbigaU, and Return Badcock, Gape May 1783 Feb. 22 Cresse, Esther, Cape May, and Richard Edmunds, Cape May 1769 June 21 Cresse, Hannah, and Thomas Matthews, Cape May 1768 Jan. 8 Cresse, Hannah, Cape May, and Thomas Pratten, Cape May 1769 June 21 Cresse, PrisciUa, and Permenas Corson, Cape May . . ., 1775 Nov. 1 Cresse, Prudence, and Joshua BUlings, Cape May 1787 Jan. 10 Cresse, Rachel, Cape May, and Nathan Godfrey, Cape May 1780 Sept. 11 Cresse, Sarah, Cape May, and Thomas Smith, Cape May 1739 Not. 15 Cressey, Hannah, and Isaiah Stiles, Cape May 1770 Dec. 19 Cressey, Marcy, Cape May, and Reeves Iszard,, Cape May 1761 Jan. 12 Creveling, Christina, and Jacob Waller, Sussex 1769 Nov. 27 Cribbs, Jane, and William Stebins, Burlington 1770 Deo. 7 Grigh, Catherine, and Philip Young, Somerset 1779 Jan. 19 Grippe, Sarah, Burlington, and Thomas Kingston, BurUngton 1741 Mar. 23 Cripps, Martha, Burlington, and Jasper Moon, Burlington 1773 Sept. 1 Cripps, Mary, and Peter Anderson, Gloucester 1785 Mar. 14 Crispen, Sarah, Burlington, and William Eldridge, Burlington 1772 Jan. 20 Crispin, Abigail, and William Leconey, Burlington 1787 Oct. 31 Crispin, Hannah, Burlington, and Richard Stockton, Burlington 1768 April 28 Crispin, Hannah, and James Lippincott, Burlington 1777 Sept. 20 Crispin, Margaret, Burlington, and Richard Priokitt, Burlington 1756 April 9 Crispin, Martha, ETesham, and DaTid Wills, ETesham 1750 Jan. 21 Crispin, Mary, Burlington, aud Eber Bishop, Burlington 1782 Feb. 23 Ci'itoh, Mary, and Philip Wiokart, Northampton 1781 Feb. 27 Crocher, Ann, Salem, and William Price, Salem 1686-7 Aug. 10 Crookford, Hannah, Burlington, and Richard Brian, Burlington 1754 Jan. 23 Croney, Ann, Burlington, and George Mitchell, Burlington 1782 Mar. 2 Crooks, Elizabeth, and Thomas Twining, Kingwood 1781 Sept. 27 Crooks, Elizabeth, and John Cooke, Sussex 1768 Juue 18 Crosby, Sarah, Burlington, and Benjamin Marriatt, Burlington 1739 May 12 Crosby, Susannah, Burlington, and Joseph Beesley, Burlington 1766 Not. 20 Croshaw, Sarah, Springfield, and Abraham Zilley, Springfield 1773 Oct. 19 Cross, Deborah, Somerset, and Henry Simson, Sussex 1754 Juue 25 Cross, Ketrin, Somerset, aud Joseph Boyle, Morris 1776 May 1 Cross, Mary, Burliugton, and WUliam Foster, Burlington 1779 Deo. 9 Cress, Susannah, Burlington, and John Poinsed, Burlington 1746 Sept. 28 Crossley, Martha, Burlington, and John Adair, Burlington 1774 Deo. 5 Croston, Eleanora, and Robert Wilson, Gloucester 1783 Sept. 30 Crow, EUzabeth, Salem, and Edward Sanghurst, Salem 1733 May 16 Crow, Ehzabeth, Middlesex, and Joseph Drake, Jr. , Middlesex 1764 Mar. 27 Crow, Sarab, Middlesex, aud Henry CotheU, Middlesex 1763 Feb. 10 Crowe, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and Kezia Runyon, Middlesex, ,. .... 1761 Dec. 29 . Crowel, Experience, Cape May, and Jacob Hand, Cape May 1748 June 8 IGO NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Crowell, AbigaU, and Levi Eldridge, Cape May 1776 Crowell, Agnes, Middlesex, and EU Potter, Middlesex 1763 Crowell, Annabel, Woodbridge, and Thomas Hadden, Jr., Woodb'ge .. 1758 Crowell, Catherine, AVoodbridge, and Reuben Evans, Woodbridge 1754 Crowell, Catherine, and Joshua Wright, Richmond, N. Y 1784 CroweU, Elizabeth, Cape May, and Ephraim Bancroft, Cape May 1763 Crowell, Hannah, Cape May, and Jonathan AVhilden, Cape May 1772 CroweU, Phebe, Cape May, and Ezekiel Eldridge, Cape May 1768 Crowell, Rhoda, Cape May, and Isaiah Stites, Cape May 1738 Crowell, Rhoda, and James SchiUinger, Cape May 1780 Crowell, Ruth, Cape May, aud Abraham Reeves, Cape May 1775 Crowell, Sally, Monmouth, and George Taylor, Mcnmouth 1766 Crowell, Sarah, Cape May, and SUas Hand, Cape May 1751 Croxson, EUsabeth, Monmouth, and Richard Mitchel, Monmouth 1763 Crum, Sarah, Pilesgrove, and Ephraim Vanmeter, Pilesgrove 1760 Crusea, Mary, Bergen, and Nicholas Lozier, Bergen 1768 Crusee, Helenah, and S-imuel Stout, (minor), Somerset 1779 Crussie, Alice, and Samuel Hunt, Morris 1780 Cruzee, Catharine, and Rynear Mene, Somerset 1780 Cubberly, Mary, New Windsor, aud William Tindall, New Windsor . . 1770 Culver, Eunice, Monmouth, and Jeremiah Bacon, Monmouth 1762 Cummin, Ann, Bucks, Pa., and Jacob Wurtz, Bucks, Pa 1762 Cumming, Catharine, Freehold, and Philip Stockton, Somerset 1767 Cumming, Elizabeth, Perth Amboy, and John White, Perth Amboy.. .1757 Ciimmiuge, Esther, and Joseph Smith, Middlesex 1764 Cumpton, Hannar, Middletown, and David Stout, Middletown 1759 Cumpton, Lydia, Monmouth, aud Benjamin Morris, Monmouth 1767 Cunningham, Ann, and Amos Shinn, Springfield 1777 Cunningham, Cath.-irine, Monmouth, aud Preserve Potter, Monmouth 1742 Cunningham, Elizabeth, Burlington, aud Richard Green, Burlington. .1764 Cunningham, Elizabeth, and Joseph Busson, Burlington 1766 Cunningham, .Jemina, and Andrew Farmer, Burlington 176'1 Cunningham, Mary, Monmouth, and Dauiel Robins, Middlesex 1767 Cunningham, Rachel, Mauniugton, ani William Smith, Mannington, . 1761 Cunningham, Sarah, Springfield, and Amos Shinu, Springfield 1774 Contryman, Mary, aud Adam Snook, Sussex 1768 Curlis, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Jonathan Herbert, Monmouth 1760 Curlis, Hannah, Monmouth, and Ebenezer AVardell, Monmouth 1753 Curlis, Jaue, Monmouth, and John AA^illgus, Monmouth 1741-5 Curlis, Mehitabel, Monmouth, aud Calgb Shinn, Monmouth 1739 Currant, Margaret, aud William Adaire, Bristol, Pa 1759 Currey, Juliana, and Robert Harberson, Salem 1785 Currey, Marget, and George Peterson, Upper Penns Neck 1782 Curtin, Mary, and William Hay, Burlington 1770 Curtis, Abigail, and John Paine, Jr 1699 Curtis, Diadama, Burlington, aud Adin Pancoast, Burlington 1762 Aug. 7 Jan. 31 Nov. 15 Oct. 21 Oct. 31 June 8 Nov. 16 Oct. 18 AprU 29 June 27 Oct. 22 July 29 April 22 Sept 23 AprU 21 Sept. 2 April 24 Sept. 30 April 1 Mar. 28 Nov. 6 Mar. 31 April 9 Oct. 3 July 27 AprU 9 June 1 April 5 July 22 July 2 Deo. 31 Deo. 17 Oct. 3 Deo. 11 Mar. 11 Deo. 8 Deo. 30 Sept. 27 Mar. 16 Jan. 2 July 13' Deo. 21 June 19 Aug. 3 Aug. 8 AprU 22 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 10 1 Curtis, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Henry Cooper, Burlington 1735 Curtis, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Thomas Merritt, Burlington 1770 Curtis, Hester, Burlington, aud William Hancock, Burlington 1732 Curtis, Jerusha, Burlington, and Samuel Goldy, Burlington 1765 Curtis, Lidy, Shrewsbury, and William Pearce, Shrewsbury 1766 Curtis, Margaret, Bridgetown, and Zachariah Resell, Bridgetown 1748 Curtis, Margaret, Shrewsbury, and Michael Price, Shrewsbury 1760 Curtis, Mary, Glouoester, and Richard Buckley, Gloucester 1733 Curtis, Mary, and Ashfordby Orrason, Hunterdon 1784 Curtis, Myrtilla, and Thomas Platts, Alloways Creek 1781 Curtis, Rachel, Monmouth, and Samuel Tallman, Monmouth 1765 Curtis, Rebacoah, and John Mead, Pompton 1785 Curtis, Sarah, Monmouth, and William Bennet, Monmouth 1746 Curtis, Sarah, Kingwood, Edward Taylor, Kingwood 1774 Curtis, Mary Monmouth, and Adam Brewer, Monmouth 176 1 Cushlow, Elizabeth, Salem, and John Kelley, Salem 1768 Cutler, Charity, and John Kent, Middlesex 1769 Cutler, Christina, Woodbridge, and Edward Potter, Woodbridge 1761 Cutler, Martha, Salem, and John Kidd, Salem 1729 Cutler, Sarah, Burlington, and Joseph RockhUl, Bucks, Pa 1736 Cutler, Ellen, aud Samuel Brown, Monmouth 1762 Guypher, Catherine, Bergen, and David Ackerman, Bergeu .1769 Cuyper, Elizabeth, Bergeu, and Lambert Smith, Orange Co., N. Y ... 1761 Cyphars, Mary, Evesham, and John Smith, Evesham 1774 Cyphers, Elizabeth, and Joseph Lee, Hunterdon 1766 MALES, D Dabzell, Kennedy, Somerset, and Elizabeth Mayhew 1769 Dalles, Alexander, New York, and Margaret Dalles, Perth Amboy 1764 Dalley, John, Somerset, and Hannah Stoll, Hunterdon 1772 Dalley, Philip, Reading Town, and Mercy Jones, Reading Town ... . 1748 Dally, Henry, Middlesex, and Sarah Gifford, Perth Amboy 1739 Dalton, Henry, Burlington, and Hannah Hammock 1777 Dalton, MUes, and Catherine MilUgan 1762 Dalrimple, Joseph, Morris, and Jane Boyle. , 1745 Dancer, John, Middlesex, and Mary Brown , 1769 Danford, Samuel, Burlington, and Mary Groom 1737 Dangerfield, WUUam, Burlington, and Esther Foster 1778 Daniel, Aaron, Salem, and Margaret Watson, Salem .1766 Daniel, Aaron, Salem, and Martha Stretch 1791 Dauiel, John, Hunterdon, and Catherine McDaniel 1778 Daniels, Aaron, Salem, and Melissa Hancock 1787 Daniels, Clement, Cape May, and Deborah Youngs 1737 Daniels, Eli, Cumberland, and Polley Woolson, Cape May 1776 Daniels, Jeremiah, Cape May, and Sarah Sear 1 780 Is, John, Morris Eiver, and Lydia White 1759 May 13 June 28 June 5 Feb. ¦ 2 Jan. 28 Jan. 25 May 21 July 4 Sept. 7 May 3 June 26 Mar. 17 Jan. 29 April 16 Aug. 28 Dec. 24 Feb. 8 Dec. 28 May 1 April 8 Aug. 7 AprU 22 Jan. 26 Oct. 22 Nov. 29 Feb. Jan. 20 Mar. 3 Jau. 12 Nov. 9 Dec. 13 Mar. 7 May 24 'June 13 Sept. 12 April 6 Nov. 29 Mar. 29 Juue 5 Oct. 9 Oct. 24 Mar. 20 Sept. 22 Aug. 22 Io2 NEW JERSEY COLONtAL DOCUMENTS. Daniels, John, Cumberland, and Mary Newcomb, Cumberland 1770 Daniels, John, Gloucester, aud Phebe StilweU 1788 Daniels, Thomas, Cape May, and Mary Golding, Cape May 1740 DanUson, William, Somerset, and Dorothy Kenney, Somerset 1750 Darby, Joseph, Monmouth, and Mary Hamton, Monmouth 1762 Darbyshire, John, Burlington, and Elinor Gregg, Burlington '. 1731 Dare, Amos, Salem, and Eachel Wood. 1775 Dare, Benjamin, Cumberland, and Mary Dare, Cumberland 1773 Dare, Benone, Cumberland, and Clemens Withneau, Cumberland . . 1760 Dare, David, Cumberland, aud Ruth Peck 1778 Dare, Reuben, Cumberland, and Rhoda Stevens, Cumberland 1760 Darmon, Jesse, Gloucester, and Abigail Pew 1783 Dassigney, B-njamin, New Brunswick, and Anne Beekman, N. B'wk,.1750 Daughertj', Michael, Salem, and Martha Edwards, Salem 176J Davan, John, New York, and Anne Marshall, Elizabethtown 1757 Davenport, Jacob, Morris, and Hannah McLain, Morris 1784 D.ivenport, Joseph, Gloucester, and Catherine Halton, Gloucester ,,.1771 Davenport, Samuel, Burlington, and Kuth Price, Burlington 1765 Davenport, WUliam, Perth Amboy, aud Sarah Laugworthy, P'th Am. , . 1762 Davice, Jonathan Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Albertis, Trenton 1740 Davidson, .John, Burlington, and Amy Hay 1772 Davidson, Ji ihn, Burlington, and Ann Sbiun 1778 Davidson, William, Burlington, and Elizabeth Eastlack 1777 Davidson Willinm, Burlington, and Laoey Holdon, Burlington... 1746 Davies, Benjamin, Philadelphia, and Hannah Chaudler, Philadelphia. 1766 Davies, David, Burlington, and Jane Stackhouse, Peunsylvauia 1731 Davies, John, Burlington, and Hannah Carter, Burlington 1736 Davies, John, Burlington, and Martha Ward, Burlington 1765 Davis, Andrew, Burlington, and Mary Hatkinson 1781 - Davis, Benjamin, Monmouth, and Mary Woolley, Monmouth 1749 Davis, David, Burlington, and Jane Philips 1759 Davis, David, Gloucester, and Rachel Pine 1781 Davis, Ebenezer, Newark, and Aun Crane, Newark 1750 Davis, Elias, Middlesex, and Mary Carman 1767 Davis, Enoch, Middletown, and Elizabeth Abrahams, Perth Amboy ... 1754 Davis, Enoch, Monmouth, and Anna Swindon, Monmouth 1762 Davis, Henry, New Brunswick, and Margaret Brown, New Brunswick. 1746 Davis, Howell, Burliugton, and Margaret Antrum 1761 Davis, Isaac, Cumberland, and Mary Anna David, Salem 1767 Davis, James, Monmouth, and Uebecca Brand, Monmouth 1765 Davis, James, Burlington, and Jane Richardson, Burlington 1774 Davis, John, Burliugton, and Deadeina Bishop, Burlington 1762 D.avis, John, Middlesex, and Isabella Bayler 1784 Davis, Jonathan, Cumberland, and Ammi Davis 1783 Davis, Jonathan, Chester, Pa., and Martha Garwood, Burlington 1783 Davis, Joseph, Bucks, Pa., and Margaret Reynolds 1737 Jan. 30 Nov. 10 July 2 Oct. 25 Deo. 20 Aug. 12 July 26 AprU 7 May 9 Dec. 15 Deo. 6 May 7 Oct. 1 Nov. 12 Deo. 16 Nov. 1 April 17 Jan. 10 Jan. 1 May 12 AprU 23 Deo. 7 Aug. 4 Oct. 4 AprU 29 Aug. 9 May 11 Sept. 10 May 1 Dec. 11 Sept. 14 Sept. 29 Mar. 18 Sept. 5 Nov. 22 Oct. 20 July 14 AprU 18 Sept. 23 July - 1 May 9 Mar. 8 May 1 Jan. 8 Mar. 17 Mar. 31 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 10^ Davis, Joseph, Monmouth, aud Jane Tyson, Monmouth 1739 Davis, Joseph, Monmouth, and Upham Amock, Monmouth 17.^4 Davis, Joseph, Burlington, and Abigail Havens," Burlington 1756 Davis, Joseph, Burlington, and Mary Davis, Burlington 1766 Davis, Joseph, Hunterdon, and Sarah Phillips . 1779 Davis, Nathan, Monmouth, and Anney Gifford, Monmouth 1761 Davis, Richard, Somerset, and Mary Fitchel, Somerset 1740 Davis, Richard, and Phebe Adams 1756 Davis, Samuel, Bergen, and Nancy Harrison 1750 Davis, Samuel, Cumberland, and Mary Ferry, Hopewell 1759 Davis, Samuel. Philadelphia, and Alice Hampton 1781 Davis, Samuel, Burlington, and Mary Kelly 1783 Davis, Samuel C, Gloucester, and Ann Rowand 1790 Davis, Thomas, Hunterdon, and Sarah Price 1733 Davis, Thomas, Piscataway, and Anne Smalley, Piscataway 1750 Davis, Thomas, Somerset, and Anue Probasco 1779 Davis, WiUiam, Perth Amboy, and Honor Mack Dowall, Perth Amboy . 1740 Davis, William, Burlington, and Sarah Stockton, Burlington.. 1761 Davis, WiUiam, Gloucester, and Sarah McNeal, Glouoester 1763 Davis, IVilliam, New York, and Mary Nicolson 1766 Davis, AVUliam, Sussex, and Ann Meriet 1772 .Davis, WUUam, and Phebe Ward 1779 Davison, Amaziah, Middlesex, and Margaret Burns, Middlesex ... .'. . , 1761 Davison, Andrew, Monmouth, and Catherine Pew, Monmouth 1741 Davison, John, New Brunswick, aud Sarah Wilkins, Somerset 1740 Davison, John, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Anderson 1774 Davison, John, Hunterdon, and Mary Bonham 1779 Davison, Robert, Monmouth, aud Anne Higgins, Middlesex. -; . . 1742 Davison, William, Middlesex, and Anne Brunson, Somerset 1744 Davison, William, Somerset, and Mehitable Cooper, Morris 1770 Davison, WUUam, Middlesex, and Catherine Van Pelt 1780 Dawson, Aaron, Gloucester, and Tracy Munyon, Glouoester 1771 Dawson, Isaac, Philadelphia, and Jane Blaokham, Philadelphia 1738 Dawson, Jeremiah, Burlington, and Anne King 1778 Dawson, John, Burlington, and Mary Skidmore 1732 Dawson, John, Pennsylvania, and Grace Searle, Pennsylvania 1768 Dawson, Michael, S'assex, and Sarah Gerrard, Gloucester 1763 Day, Aaron, and Mary Telf 1779 Day, Charles, Gloucester, and Letitia Alberson 1759 Day, Daniel, Morris, and Sarah Cams 1782 Day, David, Bergen, and Sarah Moore, Bergen 1769 Day, Jacob, Bergen, and Sarah Stieu Branner,! Bergen 1773 Day, John, Bergeu, and Catey StUlwel 1772 Day, WiUiam, Bergen, and Ankie Nash, New York 1762 May 28 1 Steenbrander. Sept. 28 Sept. 14 Sept. 23 Mar. 20 Aug. 25 Jan. 20 Sept. 28 Nov. 24 July 25 Jan. 11 April 23 Nov. 7 Dec. 6 Jan. 16 Aug. 24 Oct. 16 Feb. 10 Jau. 9 Jan. 12 Juue 21 Deo. 31 Feb. 26 May 25 July 27 Mar. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 10 Jan. 25 Nov. 17 Dec. 22 AprU 29 Deo. 9 May 25 July 29 Aug. 31 April 5 June 22 Jan. 16 Sept. 25 Dec. 24 Nov. 11 Oct. 30 104 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Day, WUliam, Bergen, and Anney Vanriper 1764 Oct. 27 Day, William, Bergen, and Mercy Lie 1766 Dayton, David, Gloucester, aud Barbara Tyre, Glouoester 1761 Sept. 9 Dayton, Ephraim, Salem, and Sarah Ogden, Salem 1 747 May (9) 29? Dayton, Ephraim, Cohansie, and Buhamah Eliuer, Cohansie 1747 Deo. 29 Dayton, Jonathan, Essex, aud Elizabeth Hull , 1746 Deacon, George, Burlington, aud Ann Burr 1757 Deacon, Job, Burlington, and Mary Atkinson 1784 Deacon, John, Jr., Burliugton, and Hannah Elton, Burlington 1748 Deacon, Jobn, Burlington, and Hannah Eayres 1787 Deacon, Samuel, Burliugton, and Mahitabel Rogers, Burlington 1762 Deacon, William, Burlmgton, and Elizabeth Kogers 1764 Dealy, William, Somerset, and Elizabeth Durragh, Somerset 1744 Dean, Ichabod, Middlesex, aud Rachel Predmore, Middlesex 1745 Dean, Matthew, Monmouth, and Rebecca Compton, Monmouth 1749 Deane, Jonathan, Perth Amboy, and Francis Phillips, Maiden Head. . 1775 Dear, Benoni, Salem, aud Kezire Stednian, Salem 1745 Deare, Stephen, Middlesex, and Hannah Loofbury, Middlesex 1763 Dearon, George, Burlington, an-l Joan Fennimore, Burlington 1728 Debow, Isaac, Middlesex, and Mary Morgan .... 1774 Debow, John, Freehold, and Elizabeth Compton 1751 Debow, Vanbrok, Monmouth, aud Rebecca Smith, Monmouth 1759 Debow, WiUiam, Middlesex, aud Elizabeth Stout 1779 Debowe, Frederick, Middletowu, and Margaret Johnson, Middletown. 1748 Debowe, John, and Alice Johnson 1744 DeCamp, Gideon, Middlesex, aud Christian Giddeman, New Brunsw'k. 1750 DeCamp, Gideon, Hunterdon, and Charity Hunt 1773 Decamp, Joseph, Elizabeth, aud Elizabeth-Thomas, Elizabeth 1755 DeCamp, Joseph, Middlesex, and Grace Moore, Essex , . 1761 de Ghaumond, James LeRay Donation, and Grace Coxe 1789 Decker, Isaac, Sussex, and Dorcas Chamberlin 1769 Decker, Nicholas, Burlington, and Lydia .Minion, Burlington 1765 DeCow, Francis, Burliugton, and Sarah Walsh, Burlington 1734 Deeow, Jacob, and Elizabeth Newbould 1699 DeCow, Jacob, Burlington, and Jaue Dimcan 1736 Dederer, Christian, Hackensack, aud Elizabeth Vail, Hackensack 1760 Degrave, John, Middlesex, and Alitia Autnerman 1779 DeGraw, Cornelius, Orange, N. Y., and Leah Demaree, Bergen 1765 Degray, John, Bergen, and Polly Berry, Essex 1774 Degray, Richard, Bergen, aud Ann Schuyler 1786 De Groot, Jacob, Bergen, aud Lenah Brinkerhoff, Bergen 1771 Degroot, Joseph, Bergen, and EUzabeth Williams, Orange, N. Y 1764 De Heart, Matthias, Essex, and Catherine Kingsland 1746 Dehart, Samuel, Elizabeth, and Abigal Merrill, Elizabeth 1749 Deheart, Simon, and Mary Taylor 1764 Delaney, Samuel, Gloucester, and Dinah Read 1774 AprU 5 Jan. 29 Mar. 14 Mar. 16 Nov. 20 Mar. 20 Jan. 25 Jan. 14 April 16 Aug. 12 Sept. 9 Nov. 8 Sept. 19 Jan. 1 Nov. 12 Sept. 12 June 30 Feb. 17 May 27 Aug. 20 Nov. 3 Sept. 11 June 6 Deo. 16 July 17 AprU 12 Nov. 7 Nov. 26 Deo. 21 Sept. 20 Nov. 17 May 23 Aug. 26 Jan. 21 Aug. 1 Nov. 9 Aug. 22 Mar. 31 Sept. 28 April . 9 May 8 MARRIAGE LICENSES. tOJ DeLanoy, Stephen, New York City, aud Esther Rynders, N. Y. City. . 1761 Aug. 24 Delatush, Heury, Burlington, and Rebecca Thompson 1761 Dec. 15 Delatush, John, Burlington, and Elizabeth Garwood, Burliugton 1759 April 18 Delgrass, Solomon, Perth Amboy, aud Mai'y Bird, Perth Amboy 1758 June 19 Dell, Richard, Burlington, and Elizabeth Decow 1695 June 5 DeU, Richard, Burlington, and Elizabeth Basnett 1698 Aug. 11 Dell, Nathaniel, Gloucester, and Anu Rush, Glouoester. 1763 June 24 .Demaree, David and Mary King. 1782 Aug. 31 Demaree, Jacob, Essex, and Eachel Seckorl 1748 Jan. 10 Demarest, Abraham, Bergen, and Peggy Demarest, Bergen 1763 Oct. 22 Demarest, DaTid, Bergen, and Catherine Secker2 1748 July 5 Demarest, DaTid, Bergen, and Mary Van Bushkirk, Bergen 1748 Aug. 1 Demarest, DaTid, Bergen, and Lena Van Voorhees, Bergen 1760 Not. 29 Demarest, Daniel, Bergen, and Euppy Westervelt^ 1762 Aug. 22 Demarest, Jacob, Bergen, and Gesche Hopper 1788 Deo. 16 Demarest, John, Bergen, and Sarah Christie 1788 May iQ Demarest, Nicholas, Bergen, and Elsie Demarest, Bergen 1748 July 5 Demarest, Peter, Bergen, and Annatie Derye, Bergen 1764 Sept. 26 Demarest, Peter, Bergen, and Antye Bogert 1784 May 20 Demarest, Samuel, Bergen, aud Willemyntie Bant, Bergen 1767 July 27 Demorest, David, Bergen, and Margaret Van Voorhees, Bergen 1771 June 25 Demorest, John, Bergen, and Eebecca Eyerson 1764 Oct. 18 Demott, Derrick, Himterdon, and Martha Snedeker. 1780 Nov. 11 Demott, Deverick, Hunterdon, and Lenah Pippenger 1782 Oct. 14 Demott, Isaac, Hunterdon, and Abigail Hooglaud, Hunterdon 1770 Aug. 29 Demott, Johannis, Bergen, and Cyntie Eoelofse, Bergeu 1769 April 29 Demott, Lawrence, Somerset, and Dorothy Vanderbeok, Somerset 1749 April 25 Demott, Michael, Hunterdon, and Phebe Schermerhorn, Hunterdon . . 1749 Mar. 5 Dempsey, Joseph, Bucks, Pa., aud Margaret Blake, Bucks, Pa 1740 Sept. 20 Dempson, Timothy, and Ann Beverlin 1731 July 27 Demun, Edward, Sussex, and Hannah Thornell, Morris 1773 April 9 Deney, WilUam, Burlington, and Patience Bolsworthy, Monmouth 1761 July 11 Dening, PhUip, Monmouth, and Rachel Mitchell, Monmouth .'. 29 Denise, Denise, Monmouth, and Margaret Francis 1768 AprU 11 Denn, John, Salem, and Susanna Fitz Gerrald, Elsinburrongh 1772 Feb. 15 Dennes, John, Essex, and Martha Moore, Essex 1748 Jan. 21 Dennis, Benjamin, Monmouth, and Hannah Little, Monmouth 1764 Jan. 6 Dennis, Edward, Cumberland, and Jean Cook 1786 Mar. 22 Dennis, Jacob, Monmouth, aud Sarah Johnston, Monmouth.. 1751 Jan. 23 Dennis, Jacob, Monmouth, and Margaret Prise, Monmouth 1755 Feb. 22 Dennis, James, Burlington, and Sarah Elmore, Burlington 1738 Mar. 20 1 Jacob De Moree, y. m. [young man, or bachelor], and Rachel Siaker, y. d. [young daugh ter, or spinster], were married at Schraalenburgh, Bergen county. Jan. 13, 1749 [N. S]. s Married at Schraalenburgh, Bergeu county, July 10, 1748. 3 Daniei Demarest, y. m., born at Schraalenburgh, and Sophia Westervelt, y. d., born at Keudergemak, were married at Schraalenburgh, April 36, 1762. 166 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Dennis, John, Glouoester, and Mary Germain, Gloucester 1731 Jan. T Dennis, John, Middletown, and Sarah Thorn, Middletown 1757 Juue 27 Dennis, John, Monmouth, and Abigail West, Monmouth 1763 Jane 4 Dennis, John. Monmouth, and Rebecca West, Monmouth 1766 Feb. 16 Dennis, Philip, Burlington, and Elizabeth Skirm 1761 Nov. 27 Dennis, Samuel, Monmouth, aud Mary Vanderbelt, Monmouth 1765 Mar. 13 Dennis, William, Burlington, aud Mary Rogers, Burlington 1737 June 1 Denny, Henry, Bergen, and Mary Young 1780 Sept. 21 Denny, Thomas, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Rambo, Gloucester 1745 Jan. 2 Denny, Thomas, Gloucester, and Faithy Vear 1782 Sept. 27 Dent, Charles, Salem, and Rebecca Peterson, Salem 1762 Deo. 18 Denton, Robert, Burlington, and Jane Moon, Burlington 1738 Feb. 13 Denyse, Jaques, New York, aud Canbacbia Emons, Monmouth 1755 May 9 De Peyster, Gerardus, New Brunswick, and Eve Miller, New Brunsw'k. 1743 Aug. 31 De Pue, Isaac, Orange, N. Y., and Bractye Smith, Orange, N. Y 1765 Oct. 28 Depuy, Jacob, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Gearhart 1784 Jan. 15 Derborrow, Daniel, PhUadelpbia, and Rebecca Cherry, Philadelphia. . 1729 Aug. 20 Derrick, John, Burlington, and EUzabeth Coonrad 1780 Nov. 27 Derrickson, Tice, Freehold, and Mary Tice, Freehold 1755 Mar. 14 Deui, John, Gloucester, and Mary Davis 1782 Mar. 4 Devall, William, Monmouth, aud Mary Simason, Monmouth 1748 June 4 De Vausene, John, Essex, and Hester Vreland, Essex 1745 April 29 Devenport, Joseph, Burlington, aud Elizabeth Gibbs 1757 May 11 Devier, William, Gloucester, and Sar.ih Ellis, Gloucester 1750 Nov. 28 Devine, William, Gloucester, and Sarah Ellis, Gloucester 1750 Nov. 28 Devo, Conrad, Burlington, and Sarah Stratton, Burlington 1765 Oct. 23 De Voisne, John, Newark, and Siechie Van Winkle, Newark 1766 Deo. 20 Devoor, WUliam, Morris, and Catharine Schoonmaker, Morris 1740 June 13 Devorix, Peter, Trenton, and Patience Davix 1778 Nov. 11 Devos, Mathias, Salem, and Elizabeth Johnson, Salem 1746 Oct. 16 Devwin, Jekiel. Salem, and Esther Paullin 1750 Feb. 4 D'Waudelaer, John; Jr., and Garretie Gansevoort 1777 Mar. 3 Dewitt, Peter, Monmouth, and Pheby Cook 1757 Feb. 25 Dey, Amos, Monmouth, and Mary Chamberlain 1778 Feb. 2 Dey, David, Bergen, and Sarah Neafie 1789 Feb. 21 Dey, James, Monmouth, and Margaret Rue, Middlesex 1760 Nov. 24 Dey, Peter, Bergen, and Elinor Board 1786 May 9 Dey, Phillip, Bergen, and Jane Post 1780 Sept. 7 Dey, Tunis, Bergen, Hester Schuyler, Bergen '. 1749 Deo. 12 Dey, William, South Amboy, aud Hannah Priue, South Amboy , . 1756 July 1 Dey, William, Middlesex, aud Jane Mason, Monmouth 1764 Jan. 16 Dey, Vincent, Middlesex, and Phebe Hooglaud, Sussex 1775 Oct. 12 Dick, Samuel, Salem, and Sarah Sinnickson, Salem Diokards, Peter, Burlington, and Salamy Lawrence 1759 Feb. 6 Diokason, WiUiam, Salem, and Abigail Ward, Gloucester 1749 Nov. 21 Dickens, Thomas, Monmouth, and Hannah Race, Monmouth 1760 April U MARRIAGE Licenses. 107 Dickeson, John, Salem, and Martha WaUace 1767 Dickeson, Thomas, Sulem, and Hannah Hudson 1773 Dickinson, George, PhUadelphia, and Eebecca Leader, Philadelphia. .1730 Dickinson, George, Salem, and Elizabeth MoCallister, Salem 1762 Dickinson, George, Salem, and Margaret Smith, Salem 1769 Dickinson, John, Salem, and Lydomia Belton, Gloucester 1747 Dickinson, Joseph, Salem, and Hannah Smith, Cumberland 1765 Dickinson, WUliam, Gloucester, and Mary BaUinger 1776 Dickson, Clement, Gloucester, and Sarah Moore, Gloucester 1760 Dickson, Thomas, Morris, and Hannah Stephens, Morris. 1751 Diffedofey, Henry, Monmouth, aud Hannah Mires, Monmouth 1753 Dikes, Thomas, Burlingtou, and Sarah Bjurkee 1732 Dildine, John, Somerset, aud Mary Rosecrants 1780 Dilkes, Aaron, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Chester, Gloucester 1770 Dilkes, Andrew, Gloucester, aud Joanna Turner 1777 Dilkes, John, Gloucester, and Ann Gayard, Gloucester 1750 Dilks, Isaac, Gloucester, aud Sarah Corkoran, Gloucester 1753 Dilks, Jeremiah, Gloucester, and Catherine Peirce 1780 Dilks, John, Gloucester, and_ Hannah Chew 1733 Dilks, John, Gloucester, and Anne Peas 1780 Dilks, Joseph, Gloucester, and Lydia Jones, Gloucester 1748 Dillen, Peter, Somerset, aud Polly Vactor 1779 Dilley, John, Hunterdon, and Martha Lish. 1768 Dillon, James, Salem, and Mary Dillon, Salem 1739 Dillon. James, Burlington, and Catherine Vaughan, Burlington 1779 DiUworth, Joseph, Philadelphia, and Alice Eaton. . . 1734 Dilmore, William, Salem, and Elizabeth O'Hara 1772. Dingwell, Philip, Burlington, and Mary Daily, Burliugton 1750 Dingwell, Philip, Bordentown, and Mary Dailey, Bordentown 1751 Dingwell, PhUip, Bordentown, and Mary Dailey, Bordentown 1750 Dinlap, James, Gloucester, and Sedney Smallwood 1782 Disbrow, Elijah, Perth Amboy, and Phebe Letts, Perth Amboy 1771 Disbrow, Henry, Middlesex, and Cathrine Van Martry 1774 Disbrow, John, Perth" Amboy, and Sarah Sharp, Perth Amboy 1743 Disbrow, John, Perth Amboy, and Mary Montgomerie, Perth Amboy. . 1774 Disbrow, John, Hunterdon, and Alice Eeed 1778 Disbrow, AViUiam, Middlesex, and Angeltie Shaw, Middlesex 1769 Disosway, Cornelius, Staten Island, and Mary Baldwin 1765 Ditmars, Johanes, Somerset, and Margaret Whitenack 1778 Ditmass, Rem, Somerset, and Helena Van Lowe, Soiflei'set 1739 Dixon, Anthony, Salem, and Elizabeth Camell, Salem 1683-4 Dixon, Francis, Cumberland, and Elizabeth Benton, Cumberland 1763 Dixon, Thomas, Buriington, and Catherine Myers 1778 Dixson, Daniel, Cumberland, and Aun Dayton, Cumberland 1770 Doan, George, Monmouth, and Lucy Kinnan, Monmouth 1756 Doan, Joseph, Bucks, Pa., and Esther Delun, Bucks, Pa 1751 Sept. 3 Oct. 19 Nov. 13 Oct. 27 Nov. 14 Oct. 27 July 18 Nov. 6 July 13 Dec. 11 Dec. 13 June 19 Feb. 7 July 12 April 1 Aug. 30 Mar. 7 Dec. 25 Jan. 16 Feb. 1 Jan. 4 Nov. 13 June 4 Sept. 20 June 5 Nov. 25 June 4 Nov. 7 Nov. 7 Nov. 7 Feb. 14 June 15 Aug. 12 Oct. 6 Dec. 23 July 25 Jan. 23 Aug. 13 Sept. 14 Aug. 6 Jan. 8 July 11 April 28 Oct. 30 Oct. 27 June 3 I08 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Doan, Samuel, Bucks, Pa., and Martha Paxton, Bucks, Pa 1757 Dobbin, James, Burlington, and Anne Fox, Burlington 1767 Dobbins, James, Somerset, and Anne Hayarman, Middlesex 1739 Dobbins, James, Jr., BurUngton, and Sarah Carty, BurUngton 1779 Dobbins, Joab, Burlington, and Elizabeth Iredall 1777 Dobbins, John, Jr., Burlington, and Mary Murrel, Burlington 1779 Dobbins, Mycajah, Northampton, and Hannah Eayres 1781 Dobbins, WUliam, Burlington, and Mary Eldridge, Burlington 1774 Dobson, Moses, Salem, and Elizabeth Jones 1768 Dockerty,- John, Hopewell, and Catherine Van Noy 1773 Dodd, Thomas, Burlington, and Ann Boone 1734 Dodderer, Jacob, Sussex, and Lydia Collins, Sussex 1763 Dohady, Patrick, Hunterdon, and Jaue Temple, Hunterdon 1764 Dolbon, Amariah, Gloucester, and Lydia Tailor, Gloucester 1774 Dolbow, William, Salem, and Elizabeth Peterson 1781 Dole, Isaac, Cape May, and Rachel Corson, Cape May. 1761 DoUes, Jonathan, Cumberland, and Susanna Clarke 1787 Don, Johannes, Essex, and EUzabeth Joralemon, Essex 1740 Donaldson, Andrew, Philadelphia, and Hannah Wheaton 1775 Donally, Daniel, Burlington, and Mary Thomas 1777 Dondlesbeck, Frederick, Salem, and Barbary Elwell 1766 Done, Joseph, Upper Freehold, and Esther Delan, Backs, Pa 1751 Donelson, Joseph, Cumberland, and Temperance Fithian, Cumberl'd. . 1774 Donham, Renew, Woodbridge, and Mary Heath, Perth Amboy 1757 Donham, Elisha, Woodbridge, and Elizabeth Freeman, Woodbridge. . . 1752 Donham, Ephraim, Woodbridge, and Abigail Morgan, Perth Amboy. .1750 Donham, Isaac, Woodbridge, and Anne Gach, Woodbridge 1759 Donham, John, and Sarah Dennis, AVoodbridge 1744 Donnell, Nathaniel, Jr., Cumberland, and Sarah Faress. 1784 Donnelly, William, Burlington, and Catherine Johnson, Burlington ... 1775 Donnelly, Bryan, Burlington, and Susanna Collins 1738 Dooremus, George, Bergen, and Jenny Ryerson 1783 Doran, Thomas, Burlington, and Sarah Leeds, Burliugton 1777 Doramus, Henry, Sussex, and Catrina Terhune 1771 Doremus, David, and Lea DeBrevort 1779 Doremus, Hendrick, Morris, and Margaret Van Winkle, Morris 1760 Doremus, Jorris, Bergen, and Margaret Westervelt, Bergen 1768 Doriuward, Robert, Burlington, and Elizabeth Otway, Burlington 1767 Dorland, Cornelius, Hunterdon, and Mary Walker, Burlington 1738 Dorland, Samuel, Morris, and Mary Anderson 1778 Dorn, Nicholas, Monmouth, and Sarah Smith, Monmouth 1761 Doron, John, Burlington, and Mai'y Steward, Burlingtou 1773 Dorsett, Andrew, Middletown, and Catherine Truax, Middletown 1757 Dorsett, James, Monmouth, and Francis White, Monmouth 1766 Dorsett, Joseph, Monmouth, and Christian Smith, Hunterdon 1764 Dorset, Joseph, Monmouth, and Hannah Burdge, Monmouth 1771 May 21 Sept . 7 Nov. 28 Jan. 12 Aug. 4 Deo. 23 June 25 Mar. 24 Mar. 12 Nov. 21 May 8 Feb. 12 Mar. 26 Feb. 22 Nov. 10 Got. 28 June 1 Deo. 1 Feb. 11 AprU 4 Deo. 9 June 3 May 23 Aug. 1 June 20 Feb. 18 Aug. 22 June 25 June 25 April 11 May 10 Deo. 3U Deo. 13 Jan., 8 Feb. 26 Sept. 25 Oct. 1 Oct. 6 Sept. 18 Nov. 28 Aug. 27 Sept. 7 July Feb. 21 01 - - - - . Oct. 2 '. '. '. '. '.'... Jau, 21 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 109 Dorsett, Samuel, and Rachel Brittain, Kings Co., N. Y 1739 Oct. 27 Dory, James, Burlington, and Ann Mcllvaine. 1778 Dec. 9 Dotey, Ebenezer, Burlington, and Margaret Woolston, Burlington . . . Sept. 21 Dotey, Ebenezer, Burlington, and Mehitabell Shinn, Burlington 1770 July 10 Dotey, WUliam, Burlington, and Rachel Murphy, Burlington 1776 Jan. 6 Doty, Isaac, Long Island, and Margaret Thomson, Perth Amboy.. .... 1747 Oct. 2 Doty, Moses, Staten Island, and Ann Disisway, Staten Island 1764 Aug. 7 Dongan, Edward V. , and Frances Lagrange 1773 Mar. 13 Dougherty, Bryan, Monmouth, and Jane Lee, Monmouth 1756 Mar. 16 Doughten, John, Burlington, and Ann Adams ; . . . 1762 April 29 Doughten, John, Gloucester, and Mary Burden 1770 May 17 Doughty, Abner, Gloucester, aud Christian Johnson, Gloucester 1762 Oct. 28 Doughton, Samuel, Gloucester, and Susannah Pitcock. 1773 July 12 Doughty, Benjamin, Middlesex, and Lydia Mundiu, Middlesex 1747-8 Feb. 13 Doughty, Edward, and Millicent Sommers, Great Egg Harbour. 1749 Not. 16 Doughty, Robert, and Sarah Channell 1732 Oct. 7 Douglas, George, Burlington, and Atalanah Wood, Burlington 1741 Sept. 28 Donglas, Joseph, Builington, and Benjamin Walker. 1768 Sept. 23 Douglas, Thomas, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Borden, Burlington 1734 Jan. 9 Douglas, WiUiam, Monmouth, and Rebecca Lawrence, Monmouth 1734 Jan. 9 Donglas, WUliam, Gloucester, and Hannah Harper 1773 Not. 16 Douglass, John, Burlington, and Rachel Pearson, Burlingtou 1739 Sept. 24 Douglass, Eobert, BurUngton, and Lucy Stout 1778 Not. 16 Douglass, Thomas, Monmouth, and Eachel De Bow 1773 Aug. 20 Douglass, WiUiam, Himterdon, and Catherine Vantile, Staten Island .1759 Dec. 21 Doun, Thomas, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Barton, Gloucester 1761 Jan. 29 Douw, Volkest, Somerset, and Altie Polhemus, Somerset 1743 May 7 Dore, John, Woodbridge, and Eunice Dennis, Piscataway. . . .... 1754 Aug. 10 Dow, Adrian, Essex, and Mary King, Essex 1748 Feb. 9 Dowden, John, Piscataway, and Mary Comes, Piscataway 1747 July 9 Dowdney, John, Bristol, Pa., and Mary Priestly, Bristol, Pa 1765 Feb. 11 Dowdney, John, Cumberland, aud Sarah Howell 1773 Nov. 20 Dowdney, Nicholas, Cumberland, and Sarah Worrel, Cumberland 1771 Dec. 18 Dowdney, Samuel, Cumberland, and Martha Reed 1783 Oct. 27 Downing, Timothy, Burlington, and Sarah Little 1783 Dec. 30 Downs, James, Burlington, and Elizabeth Earl, New Hanover 1759 Jan. 27 Downs, Samuel, Burlington, and AbigaU Austin, Burlington 1783 Nov. 24 Downs, WUliam, Glouoester, and Phanny Lattymore 1778 Mar. 23 Downs, WilUam, Gloucester, and Mary Calfus 1779 Mar. 29 Drago, Peter, Sussex, and Margaret McCafferty 1768 Nov. 1 Drake, Abraham, Morris, and Anne Young, Morris 1763 Feb. 23 Drake, Benjamin, Hunterdon, and Sarah Wood 1769 AprU 7 ' Drake, Daniel, Hunterdon, and Phebe Reeder 1777 July 8 Drake, Garshom, Middlesex, and Rachel Drake. 1740 Aug. 25 Drake, Hugh, Salem, and Jane Chester 1775 Dec. 1 Drake, Isaac, Essex, and Ruth Martin, Middlesex 1743 Feb. 23 1 10 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Drake, James, Middlesex, and Mary Ross, Middlesex 1765 May 8 Drake, John, and Mary Muude 1748-9 Mar. 8 Drake, John, Hunterdon, and Charity Hunt 1779 F.eb. 20 Drake, Joseph, and Mary Davis 1749 May 9 Drake, Joseph, Jr., Middlesex, and Catherine Cheeseman, Middlesex. .1752 Aug. 31 Drake, Joseph, Jr., Middlesex, and Elizabeth Crow, Middlesex 1764 Mar. 27 Drake, Nathan, Piscataway, aud Ruth Drake, Essex 1752 Nov. 8 Drake, Nathan, Hunterdon, and Tamar Jones 1770 May 21 Drake, Thomas, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Reeder.*. , 1785 Mar. 1 Drake, WUliam, Bucks, Pa., and Lydia Drake 1746 Jan. 27 Drake, William, Salem, and Sarah Booth, Salem 1774 Nov. 2 Drinker, Henry, Philadelphia, and Mary Gottier, Philadelphia 1731 Nov. 26 Driscall, Cornelius, Monmouth, and Ann Clayton, Monmouth 1773 Aug. 27 Driskel, Dennis, Monmouth, and Hannah WUson, Monmouth 1762 Sept. 27 Driver, John, Burlington, and Mary Sparks, Burlington 1749 May 13 Drue, Thomas, Somerset, and Phebe Ditmus 1781 Aug. 24 Dl'ummond, Gavin, Monmouth, and Abigail Knott, Monmouth 1759 Mar. 21 Drummond, John, Gloucester, and Deborah Corson 1772 Feb. 9 Drummond, Matthew D., Cumberland, and Temperance Taylor 1784 Jan. 3 Drummond, Robert, Monmouth, aud Rebecca Edge, Monmouth 1732 Deo. 24 Du Boys, Abraham, Somerset, aud Jaue Vandike, Somerset 1747 Oct. 22 Du Bois, Abraham, Salem, and Elizabeth Preston, Cumberland 1761 Deo. 1 DuBois, Anthony, Richmond Co., and Martha Morgan, Richmond 1747 Aug. 4 Dubois, Benjamin, Moninouth, and Phebe Denise, Monmouth 1765 Cot. 15 Dubury, James, Glouoester, and Jane Hodges, Gloucester 1727 June 19 Duche. Andrew, Philadelphia, and Hannah Shords, Burlington 1731 June 21 Duckmanuee, John, Gloucester, and Hannah Davis, Gloucester 1741 M ay 28 Duckworth, George, New Jersey, and Jamima WilUamson, New Jersey. 1 739 June 26 Duckworth, John, Burlington, and Sarah Hankins, Burlington 1734 Mar. 20 Duckworth, Joseph, Burlington, and Esther Ong, Burlington. 1737 June 1 Duckworth, William, Burlington, and Hannah Clevenger, Burlington. 1731 Aug. 21 Duckworth, William, Burlingtou, and Mary Wright, Burlington 1731 Deo. 6 Duel, Jonathan, Trenton, and Mary Appleby 1779 April 28 Duer, Joseph, Bucks, Pa,, and Mary Dane, Bucks, Pa 1768 Aug. 16 Duffel, Jacob, Cumberland, and Ann Ireland, Cumberland 1773 Deo. 16 Duffel, WiUiam, Gloucester, and Hannah Haner 1784 Aug. 2 Duftil, John, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Burck, Gloucester '. . . . 1754 May 16 Duffil, John, Glouoester, and Sarah Burck, Gloucester 1755 May 12 Dufiil, John, Glouoester, and Amey Dilkes, Glouoester 1760 Mar. 3 Duglass, Richard, Monmouth, and Lidia Salter. 1739-40 Mar. 10 Dugles, Thomas, and Mary Odonoghue 1695 June 6 Dukemanere, John, Gloucester, and Hannah Topham, Gloucester ...1719 May 16 Dumfe, Thomas, Burlingtou, and Elizabeth White, Burlingtou. . . 1739 May 28 Dummer, Robert, and Martha Wearon 1699-1700 Jan. 22 Dumodl, Michael, Morris, and Mary Mandeville 1783 July 5 Dumore, Abraham, Somerset, and Maritie Voorhees 1782 June 10 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 1 1 Dumont, Henry, Middlesex, and Mary Traverrie.. Monmouth 1743 Dumont, Henry, Raritan Landing, and Catharintie Outhout, New Bwk, 1749 Dumont, John Baptist, Somerset, and Mary Van Dine 1745 Dmnont, Peter, Somerset, and Braohie Vroom, Somerset 1748 Dumont, Peter J. B., Somerset, and Susannah Van Middlesworth . . . 1782 Dunbar, Lott, Hunterdon, and Mary Justice 1762 Dunoan, John, Middlesex, and Ann Dey 1773 Dunfee, William, Burliugton, aud Elizabeth Jervis, Burlington 1763 Dunham, Azariah, Piscataway, and Mary Ford, Morris 1753 Dunham, Benjamin, Burlington, aud Jaue Ogden, Burlington 1772 Dunham, David, Middlesex, and Mary Dunn, Middlesex 1766 Dunham, Elijah, Piscataway, and Mary Sharp, Piscataway 1751 Dunham, John,, Morris, and Margaret Miller, Morris 1780 Dunham, John,, Morris, and Anne Sherard 1780 Dunham, Lewis, Morjis, and Jennie Tuthill 1777 Dunbam, Nehemiah, Hunterdon, and .Antye McKinney 1768 Dunken, John, Middlesex, and A'iolet Newell, Middlesex 1 753 Dunkin, John, Salem, and Ann Beaman 1772 Dunlap, Edward, Sussex, and Sarah Helme 1 768 Dunlap, James, Salem, and Elizabeth Worthington 1731 Dunlap, James, Salem, and Ann Hunter, Salem 1746 Dunlap, James, Bucks, Pa., and Mary Snodgrass 1790 Dunlap, Samuel, Perth Amboy, and Margaret Sargeant, Perth Amboy. 1762 Dunn, Benjamin, Piscataway, aud Rachel Stelle, Piscataway 1757 Dunn, Benjamin, Piscataway, and Edith Davis, Cohansie 1758 Dunn, Berujoh, and Sarah Dunham, Piscataway 1744 Dunn, Dennis, Perth Amboy, aud Elizabeth Kelly, Perth Amboy. . . .1753 Dunn, Drake, Middlesex, and Phebe Clawson, Middlesex 1762 Dunn, Ebenezer, Salem, and Abigail Copner 1772 Dunn, Ephraim, Middlesex, and Isabella Dunn 1766 Dunn, Jeremiah, Piscataway, aud Margaret Carman, Salem 1747 Dunn, Jeremiah, Piscataway, and Mary Fitz Randolph, Piscataway. . . 1765 Dunn, John, Salem, and Elizabeth Wheaton 1733 Dunn, John, Middlesex, and Anne Ayres, Middlesex '. . . 1764 Dunn, Jonathan, Somerset, and Nettie Van Peth 1777 Dunn,. Justus, Middlesex, and Experience Stelle, Middlesex 1760 Dunn, Phineas, -Piscataway, and Elizabeth Manning, Piscataway 1755 Dunn, Reuben, Middlesex, and Sarah Fitz Randolph, Middlesex 1770 Dunn, WiUiam, Bucks, Pa., and Mary Davis, Bucks, Pa, . . 1729 Durborn, Joseph, PhUadelphia, and Elizabeth Bumstead, Philadelphia. 1736 DureU, John, Burlington, and Elizabeth Fenimore 1777 DureU, Martin, Burlington, and Sybilla Leeds, Burlington. 1784 Durham, Andrew, Somerset, and Jane Pierson, Morris ' 1779 Dun, David, Bergen, and Margaret Van Horn 1762 Durie, John, Bergen, and Antie Brinokerhoff, Bergeu 1774 Duriand, Lambert, Somerset, and Styntie Voorhees 1747 Dec. 20 Nov. 25 Nov. 6 May 16 April 13 Oct. 23 Jan. 15 Sept. 6 May .17 June 27 Dec. 17 April 6 Mar. 7 May 22 May 3 Oct. 25 Feb. 23 May 7 Sept. 23 Mar. 29 Jan. 24 April 26 Jan. 25 June 1 Mar. 28 Mar. 29 April 28 April 19 June 11 Aug. 14 May 14 April 16 Jan. 18 Jan. 11 Dec. 10 Oct. 3 July 31 Oct. 9 Dec. 18 July 8 Aug. 21 Aug. 13 Dec. 21 Nov. 16 Aug. 27 May 5 112 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Durye, Samuel, Bergen, and Wyntie Bauta, Bergen 1744 Duryee, Joost, Long Island, and Maritie Van Low, Somerset 1750 Dusenbery, Henry, Hunterdon, and Lidia Sweesey 1784 Dwyer, Denis, Woodbridge, and Jane Insby, Essex 1758 Dye, Daniel, Middlesex, and Abigail Hutchinson _ 1773 Dye, James, -Jr., Monmouth, and Margaret Perrine, Monmouth ... 1749-50 Dye, Nehemiah, Middlesex, and Rachael AVetherell, Middlesex 1765 Dye, Vincent, East. Division, and Sarah Artepe, Somerset 1746 Dye, Henry, Bucks, Pa., and Ann Gregg, Bucks, Pa 1761 Dyer, John, Salem, and Elinor Short 1730 Dyer, John, Burlington, and Margaret Glass, Burlington 1730 Dyre, Edward, Bucks, Pa., and Charity Dyer, Bucks, Pa 1766 FEMALES. D Dagworthy, Elizabeth, Burlington, and John Parguson, BurUngton . . . 1730 Dagworthy, Sarah, and John May, Essex 1746 Dahlbo, Magdalene, and Jonathan Simkins, Upper Penns Neck 1785 DaUy, Frances, and WiUiam Tate, Salem 1733 Daily, Mary, Burlingtou, and Philip DingweU, Burlington 1750 Dalen, Euth, and Joseph Buck, Cumberland 1779 Dalles, Margaret, Perth Amboy, and Alexander Dalles, New York 1764 Dally, Ann, New York, and AViUiam Kingsland, Bergen 1742 Dally, Elizabeth, New Brunswick, and Philip Conine, Perth Amboy. . . 1742 Danalds, Mary, and John Gogin, Cape May 1771 Danally, Euth, and Jacob Gaskill, Burlington 1779 Danally, Susannah, Burlingtou, aud James Bennet, BurUngton 1770 Dane, Mary, Bucks, Pa., and Joseph Duer, Bucks, Pa 1768 Danice, Sarah, and Abraham Alberson, Gloucester , 1742 Daniels, Martha, Cape May, and Joseph Savage, Cape May 1742 Daniels, Mary, and John Clark, Gloucester 1783 Daniels, Eachel, and Thomas AVhitecar, Fairfield 1780 Dans, Mary, Monmouth, and Zephaniah Morris, Monmouth 1765 Dare, Elizabeth, Stow Creek, and James Robiuson, Stow Creek 1759 Dare, Hannah, Deerfield, aud Henry Seely, Deerfield 1762 Dare, Mary, Cumberland, aud Benjamin Dare, Cumberland 1773 Dare, Eachel, Cumberland, and WUliam Brick, Salem 1768 Dare, Rebecca, and Charles Allen, Cumberland 1778 Dare, Sarah, aud James Breaser, Cumberland 1754 Dare, Sarah, Bucks Co., Pa., and Andrew Young, Bucks Co., Pa 1761 Dare, Sarah, Deerfield, and Samuel Wood, Alloways Creek 1767 Dare, Sarah, and Daniel Shepherd, Cumberland 1778 Darets, Sarah, Burliugton, and Jacob Hooker, BurUngton 1744 Darkin, Hannah, Salem, and Joseph Rolfe, Salem 1741 Darkin, Hannah, Salem, and Josiah Rolfe, Salem 1742 Darkin, Jale, Salem, and DaTid Fitz Randolph, Salem 1740 Darkin, Sarah, Salem, and John Hunt, Salem. 1743 Aug . 2 June 1 5 Mar. 29 Mar. 11 Mar. 24 Jan. 17 Sept . 18 Sept, 1 Not. 11 Mar. 26 July 28 Feb, 6 Feb. 10 AprU 10 July 30 Aug. 11 Not. 7 Mar. 15 Jan. 20 Oot. 18 Deo. 15 Deo. 17 May 12 Nov. 21 Aug. 16 July 15 Sept. 21 Deo.; 19 Feb. 16 Jan. 25 May 29 Oct. 6 April 7 Jan. 14 AprU 8 Aug. 22 Aug. 24 Oct. 27 AprU 27 Oct. 10 May 6 May 25 Sept. 6 MARRIAGELICENSES. II3 Darling, Mary, Burlington, and Jacob Force, Burlington 1774 June 21 Darndt, Sophia, Middlesex, aud Charles Vandine, Middlesex 1751 Nov. 14 Darnsell, Sarah, Middlesex, and John Jobs, Middlesex 1764 Jan. 13 Darvin, Unis, and Roger Sherron, Salem. 1754 June 12 Daton, Hannah, Salem, and David Ogden, Salem 1745 June 13 Daughty, Sarah, Somerset, and John Bainbridge, Hunterdon 1 740 Jan. 24 Davenport, Mary, and Elias Marsh, Middlesex 1745 May 11 David, Mary Anna, Salem, and Isaac Davis, Cumberland 1767 Sept. 23 Davidson, Christian, Burlington, and Isaac Alloways, Burlington. .. . 1773 Nov. 20 Davidson, Elizabeth, Burlington, and John Burr, Burliugton 1738 Sept. 4 Davie, Lenora, and Hendrick Barnicle, Middlesex 1771 Jan. 25 Davies, Catherine, Monmouth, and Henry Harrison, Monmouth 1739 May 1 Davies, Elizabeth, and Samuel Morgan, Salem 1731 Sept. 10 Davis, Ammie, and Jonathan Davis, Cumberland 1783 Jan. 8 Davis, Amy, Monmouth, and Elisha Johnston, Monmouth 1755 Oct. 28 Davis, Ann, PhUadelphia, and John MUes, Bristol, Pa 1739 Feb. 12 Davis, Ann. Burlington, and William Corliss, Burlington 1767 July 13 DaTis, Anna, Monmouth, and John HaTens, Monmouth 1745 Jan. 21 DaTis, Anne, Monmouth, and Peter Covenhoven, Monmouth 1749 Feb. 5 Davis, Charity, Salem, and George Bowin, Salem 1738 Aug. 26 Davis, Dorothy, Salem, and Nicholas Winton, Salem 1699-70 Jan. 16 Davis, Edith, Cohansie, and Benjamin Dunn, Piscataway 1758 Mar. 28 Davis, Eleanor, and Samuel Bates, Gloucester 1781 Nov. 12 Davis, Elizabeth, Burlington and Charles Sheepy, Burlington 1695 Nov. 2 Davis, Elizabeth, Burlington, and William Lyndon, Burlington.. .. 1730 Deo. 23 Davis, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and David Burdge, Monmouth 1753 Aug. 22 Davis, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Ephraim Maxson, Monmouth 1764 AprU 27 Davis, Esther, and Nehemiah CowgiU, Burlington 1738 Aug. 1 Davis, Hannah, Gloucester, and John Duckmanuee, Gloucester 1741 May 28 Davis, Hannah, Northampton, and Henry Boulton, Northampton .... 1746 Nov. 3 Davis, Hannah, and WUliam Gray, Burlington 1760 Mar. 26 Davis, Hannah, Glouoester, and Samuel Cahoon, Gloucester 1770 May 9 Davis, Hester, and Isaac Fourat, Middlesex 1768 May 9 Davis, Jane, Northampton, and Samuel Eichardson, Springfield 1770 April 10 Davis, Judith, Somerset, and Abraham Brokaw, Somerset 1787 Aug. 26 Davis, Margaret, Elizabeth, and Samuel Hutchins, EUzabeth 1749 Mar. 17 Davis, Mary, Bucks, Pa., and William Dunn, Bucks, Pa 1729 Dec. 18 Davis, Mary, Monmouth, and John Curtis, Monmouth 1746 Mar. 31 DaTis, Mary, and Joseph Drake 1749 May 9 DaTis, Mary, BurUngton, and Joseph DaTis, BurUngton 1766 Mar. 20 Davis, Mary, and Benjamin Bacon, Gloucester 1775 April 18 Davis, Mary, and Daniel Taylor, Bridgeton 1778 Feb. 21 '. Davis, Mary, and Charies Hamilton, Somerset 1779 June 17 Davis, Mary, and John Deui, Gloucester 1782 Mar. 4 Davis, Pations, and Eobert Livingston, Cumberland 1754 Sept. 26 Davis, Phebe, Newark, and Andrew Pierce, Newark 1750 May 3 114 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Davis, Phebe, Monmouth, and William Bowne, Monmouth 1755 July 28 Davis, Sarah, and Jonathan Hutchinson, Middlesex 1765 Oct. 29 Davis, Sarah, and David Thomas, Pennsylvania 1783 Jan. 8 Davis, Sarah, and Solomon Mason, BurUngton 1788 April 4 Davis, Tabitha, and Joseph Whitecar, Cumberland. . 1780 Mar. 4 Davis, Uphame, Monmouth, and Jacob Bennet, Monmouth 1764 Aug. 10 Davison, Anne, Monmouth, and James Nixon, Middlesex 1740 Aug. 18 Davison, Anne, Middlesex, and Aron Vantine, Perth Amboy 1746 May 17 Davison, Catherine, and William English, Burlington 1785 Deo. 3 Davison, Hannah, and James MoCalester, Hunterdon 1780 Oct. 16 Davison, Margaret, Monmouth, and John Fenton, Jr., Monmouth 1741 Oct. 23 Davison, Margaret, and John Green, Gloucester 1779 Mar. 3 Davison, Margaret, and Hendrick Schenck, Penns Neck 1780 Sept. 20 Davison, Sarah, and WiUiam Annin, Somerset 1777 Sept. 23 Davix, Patience, and Peter Devorix, Trenton. 1778 Nov. 11 Dawson, Mary, Burlington, and Preserve Brown, Burlington 1742 Nov. 3 Dawson, Mary, Northampton, and Daniel StiU, Chester 1783 Nov. 4 Day, Eebecca, Gloucester, and Thomas Spicer, Gloucester 1740 Deo. 29 Dayton, Ann, Cumberland, and Daniel Dixson, Cumberland 1770 Cot 30 Deacon, Catharine, and Ziba Wescote, Great Egg Harbour 1759 Dec. 17 Deacon, Deborah, and Daniel Brock, Burlington 1784 Mar. 16 Deacon, Jaue, and Samuel Gammel, Burlington 1734 April 10 Deacon, Jane, aud Staoey Cook, Burlingtou 1782 April 9 Deacon, Jane, and Benjamin Jefferies, Philadelphia 1785 May 23 Deacon, Meriam, and Pearson Hancock, Burlington 1779 Sept 8 Deacon, Rebecca, and Isaac Wetherill, Burliugton .1776 May 16 Deacon, Sarah, and Anthony Payne, Burlington 1708 Aug. 31 Dean, Charity, Middlesex, and John Fardon, Middlesex. 1763 Jan. 19 Dean, Elizabeth, Somerset, and Yocam Wessem, New Jersey 1741 April 22 Dean, Elizabeth, Willingborough, and Joseph Taylor, AVUlingboro'gh.l751 May 8 Dean, Hannah, Monmouth, and Joshua Gifford, Monmouth 1740 AprU 5 Dean, Susannah, and Isaac Scarbrough, Bucks, Pa 1768 July 14 Deberd, Catherine, and Richard Borden, Burlington 1780 Nov. 23 De Blow, Mary, and Martin Fredericks, Morris 1779 Jan. 26 Deboise, Catharine, and John Baird, Somerset 1779 Mar. 6 Debois, Margaret, Staten Island, and John Thompson, Staten Island. .1757 July 27 De Bon Repos, Hannah, Woodbridge, aud John Stelle, Piscataway . . 1768 Deo. 19 Deboogh, Mary, Monmouth, and Richard Compton, Monmouth 1747 July 27 Deboys, Elizabeth, aud Stephen Gano, Somerset 1747 May 23 Debow, Elizabeth, and John Imlay, Middlesex ._1773 Feb. 24 Debow, Frances, Freehold, and Lawrence Fenelen, Freehold 1760 Dec 29 Debow, Rachel, and Thomas Douglass, Monmoutb 1773 Aug. 20 Debowe, Ma-garet, Monmouth, aud Samuel Bowne, Monmouth 1763 April 16 Debowe, Sussannah, and Obadiah Bowne, Monmouth 1770 April 3 DeBrevort, Lea, and David Doremus 1773 Feb. 26 Dicl^eudeudon, Elizabeth, Turlington, and John Stapleford, PhUa . . . 1743 Jap- 3' MARRIAGE LICENSES. II5 Deoou, Rebecca, Burlington, and George Morris, Burlington 1731 Deoow,, Elizabeth, and Richard Dell 1695 Dederioks, Aaltje, Bergen, and Jacob Banta, Bergen 1773 Dedricks, Margaret, and Hendrick Banta, Bergen 1784 Deffose, Margaret, Salem, and Ebenezer Ashbury, Salem 1694 Def rees, Catharine, and John Van Noorstrand, Somerset 1768 Deforest, Margaret, New York, and Harmains Eutgers, New York . . . 1739 DeGraw, Catherine, Bergen, and Joseph Berry, Gloucester 1772 DeGraw, Helen, and Philip Berry, Bergen 1743 DeGraw, Jane, and George Van Iderstine, Essex 1794 Degray, Mary, and John I. Berdan, Bergen 1792 Degray, Reynshe, Orange Co., N. Y., and Abram Quackenbos, H'kens'k . 1771 Degroat, Frances, and John Vanderhoof , Bergen 1750 DeGroff, Mary, New Brunswick, and Martin Sollom 1744 Degroot, Margaret, Somerset, and Benjamin Field, Middlesex ...... 1750 DeGrow, Hannah, Middlesex, and Peter Moon, Middlesex 1741 DeHart, Catharine, Freehold, and Peter Covenhoven, Middletown . . . 1749 Dehart, Gasha, Middletown, and Simon Bergen, Long Island 1767 Delan, Ann, and Jacob Skaver, Burlingtou 1759 Delan, Esther, Bucks, and Joseph Doan, Bucks 1751 Delany, Margaret, Monmouth, and Patrick Leonard, Monmouth 1765 Delaney, Sarah, Middlesex, and Jobn Coyll, Middlesex 1749 Delaney, Sarab, and Frederick Botfield 1787 Delap, Jane, New Jersey, and John Bisset, New Jersey 1742 Delaplain, Mary, and Thomas Gittinge, Burlingtou 1768 Delatush, Elizabeth, Burlington, and John Forrester, Burlington 1776 Delatush, Sarah, and WUliam Glisson, Burlington 1778 DeLavoe, Rebecca, and Samuel Paul, Gloucester 1758 Demarie, Leah, Bergen, and Cornelius DeGraw, Orange Co., N. Y. . . 1765 Demarest, Aunatye, and Gerrit Zabriskie, Bergen 1786 Demarest, Elizabeth, and Peter Van Voorhis, Bergen 1785 Demarest, Elsie, Bergen, and Nicholas Demarest, Bergen 1748 Demarest, Peggy, Bergen, and Abraham Demarest, Bergen 1763 Demarest, Rachael, and Arent Schuyler, Bergen 1788 Demarest, Salome, Bergen, and Henricus Schoonmaker, Bergen 1765 Demarest, Vroutye, and Anthony C. Beam, Bergen 1788 Demon, Catharine, Somerset, and John Lawrason, Somerset 1750 Demorest, Johanna, Bergen, and Joseph Blauvelt, Bergen 1769 . Demorest, Mary, Bergen, and Barent Cole, Bergen 1767 Demott, Ann, and John Vanhorne, Bergen 1751 Demott, EUzabeth, and John Guliok, Somerset 1778 Demott, Margaret, Monmouth, and John Mead, Bergen 1770 Demott, Morritje, Bergen, and Johanes Van Wagener, Staten Island. . 1757 Denford, Elizabeth, Pennsylvania, and Andrew Mason, Pennsylvania. .1728 Deuioe, Catherine, Monmouth, and Garret Hendrickson, Monmouth. .1755 Denise, Anne, Monmouth, and David Forman, Monmouth 1757 Oct. 19 June 5 Jan. 3 July 1 July 19 July 16 Sept. 17 Nov. 25 Nov. 2 July 4 June 20 April 20 Dec. 26 Oct. 6 Dec. 5 Nov. 18 July 27 May 16 Sept. 27 June 3 Feb. 15 Jan. 1 April 12 July 24 April 2 April 16 Jan. 14 Oct. 6 Aug. 26 Oct. 6 April 28 July 5 Oct. 22 Aug. 1 June 22 Feb. 5 June 18 April 29 Aug. 10 May 2 Deo. 31 Jan. 1 Oct. 5 Sept. 28 Dec. 8 June 9 II 6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Denise, Jaue, Freehold, and Cornelius Covenhoven, Middletown 1758 Denise, Phebe, Monmouth, and Benjamin Dubois, Monmouth 1 765 Denisse, Mary, Freehold, aud John Sohanck, Freehold 1767 Denman, Deborah, Monmouth, and Daniel Bells, Monmouth 1764 Dennes, Elizabeth, EUzabethtown, and Nathaniel Vail, Elizabethtown, 1748 Dennis, Deborah, aud John Kinnan, Middlesex 1780 Dennis, Eunice, Piscataway, and John Dove, Woodbridge 1754 Dennis, Hannah, and John Lambert, Hunterdon 1781 Dennis, Increase, and Anthony Woodward, Jr., Monmouth 1760 Dennis, Mary, Monmouth, and Benjamin Gaskill, Burlington 1738 Dennis, Mary, Glouoester, and Jobn Bryant, Gloucester 1739 Dennis, Mary, Philadelphia, and Richard Bulkely, PhUadelphia 1767 Dennis, Eachel, and James Casseday, Burlington 1758 Dennis, Ruth, Piscataway, and Hartsh orne FitzRandolph, Woodb'dg, 1746 Dennis, Sarah, Monmouth, and Thomas Platt, Burlington 1739 Dennis, Sarah, Woodbridge, and Jobn Donham 1744 Dennis, Sarah, Monmouth, and Thomas Shepherd, Monmouth 1747 Dennis, Zilpha, Monmouth, and William Chamberlin, Monmouth . . 1763 Dennison, Hannah, New Brunswick, and James Blain, Perth Amboy. .1748 Denny, Bajah, and Isaac Vanneman, Woolwich 178 1 Denny, Eaohel, Gloucester, and Eobert Brown, Gloucester 1772 Denny, Eachel, and William Thomas, Gloucester 1781 DeNormandie, Louisa, and Moses Van Court, Pennsylvania 1780 Denton, Sarah, Cumberland, and Ebenezer Kiging, Cumberland 1759 Denyce, Susanna, and William Heritage, Gloucester 1771 Denyke, Aune, and Garret Schenck, Hunterdon 1780 Denyse, Nelly, Monmouth, and John Forman, Monmouth 1752 Denyse, Helena, Monmouth, and Samuel Forman, Monmouth 1752 Deremer, Leah, aud Thomas Holcomb, Hunterdon 1778 Derickson, Mary, and AViUiam Vanlier, Woolwich 1787 Derrick, Elenor, and William Gearkart 1770 Derrickson, Margaret, Middletown, and Andrie AVatre, Freehold 1763 Derye, Annatie, Bergen, and Peter Demarest, Bergen 1764 Desha, Margaret, Newark, and Peter Game, Newark 1750 Devall, Ann, Salem, and John Hampton, Gloucester -. 1736 Devall, Eunice, aud Joshua Clark, Cumberland 1759 Devall, Mary, Piscataway, and Charles Burnet, Middlesex 1750 Devanport, Parnell, Hunterdon, and William Kirkpatrick, Hunterdon 1761 Devaul, Elizabeth, and Samuel Garwood, Gloucester 1779 Deveney, Margaret, Monmouth, aud Brian GoUoughar, Monmouth. .1743-4 Devie, Mary, Monmouth, and Aaron Havens, Monmouth 1762 Devine, Martha, Salem, and Richard Bacon. Cumberland 1774 Devinne, Catherine, and Joseph Browne, Bergen 1782 Devinney, Mary, Freehold, and Richard Bettinger, Freehold 175 1 Devinney, Phebe, and John Leek 1735 Devinny, Leah, Burlington, and Joseph Garwood, J., Burlington 1757 Deo. 5 Oct. 15 July 30 Mar. 7 May 3 Deo. 4 Aug. 10 Oct. 6 Oct. 13 Jan. 16 Aug. 8 Aug. 13 May 23 Aug. 16 Nov. 1 June 25 Sept. 8 July 18 Jan. 28 Mar. 15 Mar. 25 April 24 Feb. 1 Nov. 27 Aug. 13 Sept. 26 May 2 May 2 June 25 Mar. 8 Oct. 1 April 18 Sept. 26 Feb. 20 Jan. 12 Oct. 24 Mar. 13 July 1 Mar. 8 Mar. 14 Aug. 21 Feb. 24 July 4 Nov. 19 Jan. 12 Oct. -30 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 11^ beviimy, Phebe, Burlington, and Seemore Cramer, Burlington 1766 Devisene, Catherine, Essex, and John Brown, Jr., Essex.' 1767 DeToe, Elizabeth, and Abraham Brewer, D. , Bergen 1788 Dey, Ann, and John Duncan, Middlesex 1773 Dey, Barshabe, Monmouth, and James Jobs, Monmouth 1762 Dey, Dinah, Monmouth, and WiUiam Hillyer, New York 1755 Dey, Esther, and Aaron Schuyler, Burlingtou 1784 Dey, Lena, Bergen, and John Neafie, Bergen 1762 Dey, Mary, Cranberry, and Lewis Pearces, Cranberry 1759 De Young, Mary, New York, and Samuel Britain, Staten Island 1764 Diament, Hannah, and Parsons Lunimis, Cumberland 1779 Dicker, Catherine, Burlington, and John Jacobs, Burlington 1774 Dicker,! Catherine, and Hugh Jacobs, Burlington 1781 Dickerson, Margarett, and Samuel Morgan, Salem 1760 Dickerson, Martha, Perth Amboy, and Nathan Cooper, Morris 1751 Dickery, Rachel, Mannington, and AA^Uiam Peterson, Mannington . . . 1765 Diokey, Margaret, and George Fling, Salem , 1735(?) Dickey, Margaret, and Jacob Nixsou, Salem 1776 Diokey, Mary, Salem, and Edmond Nix, Salem l728 Dickinson, Margaret, and William Creay, Salem 1754 Dickinson, Sarah, Salem, and James Bond, Salem 1768 Dickinson, Susannah, and Curtis Trenchard, Salem 1778 Dickson, Jane, Gloucester, and John Campbell, Gloucester 1754 Dickson, Mary, Gt. Egg Harbor, and Hezekiah Ireland, Gt. Egg Harb. 1758 Dickson, Mary, and Caleb Robinson, Woolwich 1786 Dickson, Eachel, Salem, and Thomas Hewins, Salem 1745 Diokson, Susannah, Salem, and Charles Rumsey, Salem 1739 Die, Elizabeth, Bergen, and Joris Bushkirk, Bergen 1748 Die, Jain, Bergen, and John Varick, Bergen 1749 Dildine, Abigail, and Enos Goble, Sussex 1778 DUks, Ann, Jr., aud Jeremiah Garter, Gloucester. 1757 Dilks, Hannah, and WiUiam Sharp, New Jersey 1779 Dilks, Eachel, Gloucester, and Joshua Moore, Philadelphia 1750 Dilks, Sarah, Gloucester, and Samuel Champion, Gloucester 1746 Dilkes, Amey, Gloucester, and John DuflUl, Gloncester 1760 Dilks,2 Catherine, and Hugh Jacobs, Burlington 1781 Dillen, Susanna, Cape May, and William Goff, Jr., Cape May 1764 DUlon, Mary, Salem, and James DiUon, Salem 1739 Dillon, Margaret, Shrewsbury, and Aaron Buck, Shrewsbury 1759 Dillon, Mary, Bucks, Pa., and Harman Enock, Bucks, Pa 1741 DUts, Anna, and William Lyons, Hunterdon 1783 Din, Sarah, Monmouth, and Abijah Merrill, Morris 1763 Ditmus, Catherine, and Jacobus Van Nuys, Somerset 1781 1 Query: or Dilks. 2 Or Dicker. June 12 Feb. 5 Feb. 15 Jan. 15 Oct. 16 April 21 Oct. 9 June 18 Mar, 29 Not. 17 July 5 Mar. 26 Jan. 29 Sept. 4 June 4 Aug. 11 Jan. 22 Mar. 26 Deo. 7 Aug. 19 July 31 July 20 Oct. 9 July 24 Mar. 6 Aug. 13 Not. 1 Mar. 29 May 23 Jan. 1 Mar. 3 Oct. 23 Dec. 31 Dec. 18 Mar. 3 Jan. 29 Oct. 18 Sept. 20 Sept. 28 Nov. 12 Mar. 24 July 29 Jan. 16 II 8 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Ditmus, Mary, and Peter Voorhese, Somerset 1779 Ditmus, Phebe, and Thomas -Drue, Somerset 1781 Disberry, Catherine, Amboy, and John Bowne, Monmouth 1752 Disbrow, Anne, Middlesex, aud Joseph Eue, Middlesex 1752 Disbrow, Deborah, South Amboy, aud James Nowlan, Middleto-wn 1758 Disbrow, Hannah, Perth Amboy, and Samuel Warne, Perth Amboy. . . 1755 Disbrow, Hannah, Maidenhead, and Benjamin Oppie, Somerset 1764 Disbrow, Mary, Middlesex, and Elisha Letts, Middlesex 1772 Disbrow, Meleny, South Amboy, and Joshua Warne, South Amboy. . . 1762 Disisway, Ann, Staten Island, and Moses Doty, Staten Island 1764 Disosway, Charity, Staten Island, and Isaac Prall, Staten Island 1775 Dixon, Anne, New Jersey, and Mathias Miller, New Jersey 1743 Dobbins, Eebecca, Gloucester, and Joshua Hopper, Gloucester 1768 Dobbins, Sarah, Burlington, and John HoUinshead, Burliugton 1767 Dobbs, Leah, and Jacob Bertholf, Bergen 1786 Doble, Phebe, and Thomas Fenton, Bucks, Pa 1784 Dobson, Mary, and Joseph Bryne, Burliugton 1778 Dodson, Mary, Burlington, and Richard Boyes, Burlington 1683 Doele, Margrit, and Adam Vanorde, Hackensack 1762 Dole, Hannah, Gloucester, and Benjamin Ingerson, Gloucester 1728 Dole, Hannah, and Daniel Ingersol, Gloucester 1773 Dole, Rebecca, and Joshua Garwood, Gloucester 1769 Donaldson, Margaret, Darby, and Gustavus Hamilton, Philadelphia. ..1760 Done, Sarah, Bucks, Pa., aud Samuel Biirges, Bucks, Pa 1764 Donham,. Hannah, Somerset and Henry Vennest, Somerset 1751 Donnell, Mary, and WiUiam Clark, Burlington 1779 Donnelson, Huldah, Pennsylvania, and John Underwood, Pennsylvania. 1728 Doremus, Fytie, Bergen, and John Hopper, Bergen 1766 Doremus, Catharine, Bergen, and Jonathan Traphagen, Bergen 1770 Doremus, Margaret, and William Tearman, Bergen 1788 Doremus, Alche, and Peter Riker, Pequanock 1783 Doren, Mary, Burlington, and Robert Baester, Burlington 1774 Dorland, Lenah, and Rulif Van Arsdale, Somerset 1779 Dorman, Jane, and Thomas Hooten, Burlington 1778 Dorn, Nelly, Monmoutb, and Hendrick Willson, Somerset 1751 Dome, Catherine, Monmouth, and John Tipples, Monmouth 1762 Dorset, Rachel, Middletown, and Gisbert Van Brackel 1743 Dorsett, Elizabeth, Middletown, and John Willims, Freehold 1761 Dorsett, Elizabeth, Middletown, and John Vanderbelt, Middletown . . 1761 Dorsett, Elizabeth, Middletown, and Samuel Carhart, Middletown 1764 Dorsett, Mary, Middletown, and Peter V. D. Hoef, Middletown 1761 Doster, Rebecca, Burlington, and James Chivers, Burliugton 1741 Dotey, Anne, Burlington, and Job KindeU, Burlington 1775 Dotie, Mary, New Brunswick, and Isaac Brooks, New Brunswick ] 739 Doty, Aune, Somerset, and Benjamin Lewis, Somerset 1768 Doty, Mary, and Zebedee Totten, Staten Island 1770 Feb. 1 Aug. 24 May 27 Deo. 2 April , 3 Nov. 3 Jan. 9 Mar. 12 Oct. 28 Aug. 7 Oct 12 Deo. 27 Feb. 16 Aug. 25 Jan. 14 June 26 Mar. 4 Nov. 1 Mar. 1 Jan. 28 Deo. 27 Nov. 29 Feb. 2 April 9 June 5 Deo. 16 July 29 Deo. 6 Sept. 23 Oct. 18 May 31 July 23 Oct. ,18 Jan. 1 Nov. 7 July 17 April 30 Mar. 4 Deo. 16 June 30 Mar. 11 AprU 1 Sept. 28 Feb. 27 Feb. 11 May 26 MARRIAGE LICENSES. II9 Doubleday, Marcy, Cape May, and Archable Mickle, Cape May 1762 Feb. 12 Doud, Desiah, Sussex, and Owen Owens, Sussex 1768 Nov. 8 Dongan, Ann, and Simon Ludwiok, Hunterdon 1780 May 30 Doughty, Anna, Somerset, and Zeah Lewis, Somerset 1760 June 17 Doughty, Elizabeth, Burlington, and John Ellison, Burlington 1758 Mar. 23 Doughty, Elizabeth, aud Enos Lippincott, Burlington 1779 Sept. 18 Doughty, Esther, Hunterdon, and John Coats, Hunterdon 1727 July 22 Doughty, Margaret, Egg Harbour, and Jphn Risley ; 1758 May 4 Doughty, Mary, Glouoester, and Abel Lee, Glouoester 1761 Feb. 7 Doughty, Sarah, and John Humphreys, Burlington 1758 May 8 Doughty, Sarah, Monmouth, and John Fenton, Monniouth 1781 Feb. 27 Doughty, Susannah, Middlesex, and Daniel Leonard, Middlesex 1761 Nov. 20 Douglass, Ann, and Charles Simms, Trenton 1778 Dec. 15 Douglass, Anne, Sussex, and James McCoUough, Sussex. 1770 June 25 Douglass. Damarus, Trenton, and WUliam Till, Philadelphia 1746 Oct. 24 Doutie, Elizabeth, Amwell, and David Rimbo, .Amwell , . 1749 Dec. 29 Douw, Anna, Somerset, and Samuel Minor, Somerset 1740 Mar. 9 Dove, Elizabeth, and Michael Layer, Middlesex 1758 Mar. 13 Dove, Hannah, Monmouth, and Joshua Lee, Middlesex 1739 July 28 Dove, Isabeil, Lower Freehold, and John Buckalew, Amboy 1731 Dec. 25 Dowdney, Sarah, and Jeremiah Young, Cumberland 1783 April 1 Dowe, Elizabeth, and Francis Van Winkle, Essex 1785 Feb. 3 Dowers, Mary, and Enoch Willson, Great Egg Harbour 1785 Feb. 7 Down, Jemima, Deptford, and WiUiam Smallwood, Gloncester 1736 Mar. 15 Down, Martha, Chesterfield, and Joseph Stewart, Chesterfield 1756 Nov. 12 Downes, Elizabeth, and Benjamin Barrett, New Jersey 1767 Jau. 7 Downey, Mary, Staten Island, and John Stogdill, Staten Island 1750 June 9 Downs, Barbara, aud George Cozens, Glouoester 1783 Oct. 22 Doz, Martha, and Benjamin Flower 1778 Sept. 24 Drake, Anne, Piscataway, and Lambert Sickles, Piscataway 1749 July 21 Drake, Catharine, Middlesex, and Henry MoUeson, Middlesex 1749 Mar. 12 Drake, Christian, Piscataway, and Jobn Webster, Middlesex 1744 Oct. 13 Drake, Lydia, and William Drake, Bucks, Pa 1746 Jan. 27 Drake, Lydia, and Matthew WUUamson, Sussex 1784 Nov. 4 Drake, Martha, Middlesex, -and William Jones, Somerset 1751 Aug. 13 Drake, Mary, Hopewell, and Charles Woolverton, Amwell 1763 Aug. 8 Drake, Mary, Middlesex, and Moses Frazee, Middlesex 1764 Mar. 17 Drake, Mary, and Samuel Titus, Hunterdon 1784 Dec. 15 Drake, Patience, Middlesex, and John Jones, Somerset 1763 Dec. 12 Drake, Eachel, Middlesex, and Gershom Drake, Middlesex 1740 Aug. 25 Drake, Eebeoka, New Branswick, and Daniel White, New Brunswick.. 1740 AprU 28 Drake, Euth, Essex, and Nathan Drake, Piscataway. 1752 Nov. 8 Drake, Sarah, Piscataway, and' Henry Sharp, Piscataway 1758 Feb. 8 Drake, Sarah, and James Everingham, Monmouth 1762 Mar. 20 Drake, Sarah, and William Bings, Hunterdon . . 1780 Jan. 27 Drake, Ursula, Hunterdon, and Jeremiah Manning, Essex 1758 Sept. 23 120 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Dramme, Anne, Shrewsbury, and Martin Reet, Shrewsbury 1759 Draper, Jemima, BurUngton, and Peter Renier, Burlington 1741 Draper, Jemima, and John Cleaver, Cumberland 1780 Draper, Mary, Burlington, and Thomas Bevis, Builington 1737 Draper, Mary, and James Thompson, Lower Penns Neck 1784 Drinkwater, Anu, Middlesex, and Anthony Ham, Middlesex 1747 Driver, Ann, Gloucester, and Jeffery Chew, Gloucester 1732 Driver, Anne, Burlington, and Henry Tradeway, Burlington 1685 Driver, Rachel, Gloucester, and WiUiam Middleton, Gloucester. 1735 Driver, Sarah, Burlington, and William Cook, Philadelphia 1730 DroUinger, Margaret, Salem, and Philip Kelch, Salem , 1764 Droman, Diadame, Shrewsbury, aud George Archer, Monmouth 1762 Drommou, Mary, and Abijah Smith, Shrewtbury 1751 Drum, Mary, and Richard Harding, Sussex 1775 Drummond, Mary, and Thomas Ford, Burlington 1782 Drummond, Ruth, Monmouth, and Joseph Kinnan, Monmouth 1752 Drummond, Susannah, Saddle River, and Garret Vanderhoof, S. R, . .1779 Dubelday, Joan, and Daniel Schellinger, Cape May 1758 Dubois, Sarah, and Henry Wyncoop, Pennsylvania 1782 Duckworth, Anna, Burlingtou, and Samuel Rose, Burlington 1739 Duckworth, Mary, Burlington, and Hugh Hartly, Burlington 1740 Dudin, Mary, and Henry Moore, Middlesex 1747 Duehurst, Margaret, and Thomas Clarke 1692 Duell, Mary, and James Toy, Chester 1788 Duffey, Jamima, and Thomas Bennett, Jr 1778 Dugless, Mary, Burlington, and Judiah Lippincott, Burlington 1762 Dugless, Mary, and WiUiam Hendrickson, Monmouth 1762 Dugroot, Sarah, and Albert Cornell, New York 1763 Duley, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Daniel Goodbody, Monmouth 1757 Duley, Marah, Monmouth, and William Lawrence, Monmouth 1753 Dumarest, Elisabet, and Cornelius Van Saen, Bergen 1765 Dumont, Arianche, and Nicholas Williamson, Somerset 1778 Dumont, Charity, Somerset, and George Vroom, Middlesex 1741 Dumont, Jannetje, Middlesex, and Peter Vroom 1750 Dunbar, Prudence, Trenton, and John Wells, Trenton 1746 Duncan, Catherine, Pennsylvania, and Joseph Carter, Bucks, Pa 1731 Duncan, Jane, and Jacob Decow, Burlington 1736 Dunfee, Mary, Springfield, and Anthony Roads, Springfield 1765 Dungan, Elizabeth, Oxford, Pa., and Elias Brown, Oxford, Pa 1774 Dungworth, Esther, and Joseph Kennard 1735 Dunham, Anna, Amboy, and Uriah Corlies, Monmouth 1752 Dunham, Anne, Essex, and Isaac Hull, Somerset 1751 Dunham, Elizabeth, and Jonathan Martin, New Jersey 1782 Dunham, Hannah, Middlesex, and Joseph Mitchel, Middlesex 1753 Dunham, Isabella, and John Rattoone, New York 1768 Dunham, Martha, Perth Amboy, and Edward GriflSn, Perth Amboy. . . 1758 June 20 April 21 Feb. 19 Nov. 11 Not. 18 Feb. 18 July 8 Aug. 15 Deo. 8 July 9 May 12 Not. 23 Not. 27 Nov. 29 Deo. 8 Feb. 19 July 23 Deo. 20 July 4 April 20 Feb. 26 Dec. 29 May 27 Not. 2 Mar. 27 Jan. 14 Mar. 27 April 22 Jan. 26 Deo. 31 Mar. 19 Jan.. .9 May 5 Jan. 25 Aug.- 20 Not. 5 Nov. 16 Sept. 20 AprU 27 Deo. 6 Dec. 6 June '22 Nov. 25 Jan. 3 June 20 June 14 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 12 1 Dunham, Mary, Somerset, and Samuel Brown, Somerset 1762 Dunbam, Sarah, Piscataway, and Benajah Dunn 1744 Dunham, Sarab, Hunterdon, and Adam Hope, Hunterdon 1765 Dunham, Tabitha, Middlesex, and Lambert Merrell, Middlesex. 1763 Dunkins, Mary, and George Miller 1731 Dunlap, Barsheba, Piles Grove, and John Stephens, Piles Grove 1776 Dunlap, Elizabeth, and Alexander Hill, Salem 1756 Dunlap, Isabella, and John Read Strek, Salem 1752 Dunlap, Mary, and Elias Craig, Salem 1773 Dnnlapp, Jane, and John Kidd, Salem 1757 Dunlop, Jean, and John Allen, Susses 1768 Dunn, Amy, and Caleb Ayers, Cumberland 1760 Dunn, Catherine, Salem, and David Alexander, Salem 1762 Dunn, Elizabeth, Staten Island, and Alexander Gait, Essex 1739 Dunn, Elizabeth, Piscataway, aud Thomas Fitz Randolph, Piscataway. 1755 Dunn, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and Mashek Hull, Middlesex 1764 Dunn, IsabeUa, and Ephraim Dunn, Middlesex 1766 Dunn, Mary, Burlington, aud William Leeds, Burlington 1739 Dunn, Mary, Middlesex, and David Dunham, Middlesex. , . ^ 1766 Dunn, Nancy, and Hendrick Van Nortwick, Somerset 1781 Dunn, Rachel, Middlesex, aud Michael Moor, Middlesex 1756 Dunn, Sarah, Gloucester, and Thomas Briani, Gloucester 1727 Dunn, Sarah, Pennsylvania, and Thomas Evans, Pennsylvania 1728 Dimneberger, Elizabeth, and Alexander Quarrin, Philadelphia 1783 Dnpere, Maria, Morris, and James Hyndshaw, Pennsylvania 1746 DureU, Sarah, Burlington, and John George, Burlington 1765 Duremes, Leah, and Peter Vreeland 1763 Duremus, Maritje, Bergen, and Albeit Van Vorhis, New Barbadoes. . . 1769 Durie, Wyntje, Bergen, and Jacob Vreland, Hackensack 1769 Durragh, EUzabeth, Somerset, and William Dealy, Somerset 1744 Durye, Sarah, and Rynier Quackenbos, Hackensack 1765 Duryee, Catherine, and Peter Wilson, New Barbadoes 1781 Duryee, Dinah, aud Denise Vanliew, Somerset. 1782 Dusenbery, Mary, and Joshua Opdycke, Hunterdon 1782 Dusoswa, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Jonathan Hutchinson, Middlesex. 1737 Dutton, PriscUla, and John James, BurUngton 1778 Devier, Mary, and James Earwin, Gloucester 1774 Dye, Catherine, Middlesex, and WiUiam, Covenhoven, Middlesex 1764 Dye, Jamathy, and Benjamin Vanderbeok, Windsor 1771 Dyer, Charity, Bucks, Pa., aud Edward Dyre, Bucks, Pa 1766 Dyer, Comfort, Bucks, Pa., and Humphrey Stringer, Bucks, Pa 1734 Dyer, Elizabeth, Philadelphia, and Joseph Furnis, PhUadelphia. . . 1736 Dyer, Margaret, Burlington, and Phillip Nold, Burlington 1774 Dyer, PrisciUa, and John Bell, Bucks, Pa 1732 Dykins, Catherine,. Tewksbury, and Joseph Van Kirk, Readingtown. . . 1773 July 26 Mar. 29 Oct. 30 Nov. 28 July 27 Mar. 11 Mar. 16 April 8 May 25 Mar. 8 Sept. 29 July 30 Deo. 19 Feb. 18 May 26 Mar. 3 Aug. 14 Dec. 19 Dec. 17 Dec. 17 May 25 Jan. 5 Aug. 27 Jan. 1 Aug. 30 Mar. 2 April 16 April 25 Deo. 15 Jan. 14 Mar. 20 Feb. 3 Mar. 4 Feb. 10 Oct. 7 Dec. 22 Jan. 4 Aug. 25 Dec. 11 Feb. 6 April 29 May 21 July 25 Sept. 22 Mar. 15 12'i NEW JERSEY COLONtAL DOCUMENT'S. MALES. 1^ Eagles, WiUiam, New York, aud Ann Mackel, Monmouth 1763 Eariok, John, Burlington, and Sarah Gibson, Burlington 1756 Earl, Edward, Bergen, and Clancy Vreland, Essex 1747 Earl, John, Burliugton, and Esther Hall, Burlington 1761 Earl, Thomas, BurUngton, and Judith Bostido, Monmouth 1736 Earl, Thomas, Burlington, and Mary McLeary 1785 Earl, William, New Hanover, and Mary Warren ... 1733 Earle, Laurence, Bergen, and Anne Moore 1762 Earle, Morris, Bergen, and Rebecca Hastier . 1746-7 Earle, Morris, Bergen, and Martha Bush, Bergen 1751 Earle, Peter, Bergen, and Rachel Ackerman, Bergen 1767 Earle, Robert, Bergen, and M ary Smith, Bergen 1763 Earling, Daniel, Burlington, and Rebecca Herber, Burlington 1768 Early, Jacob, Burlington, and Hannah Prickett, Burlington 1757 Earwin, James, Gloucester, and Mary Devier 1774 Eastburn, John, Middlesex, and Mary Higgins 1769 Eastburn, Robert, Charleston, S. C, and Abigail Ingles, Perth Amboy. 1768 Eastburn, Thomas, Cumberland, and Abigail Jones 1779 Eastlack, Daniel, Gloucester, and Mary Cheeseman, Gloucester 1740 Eastlack, John, Gloucester, and Margaret Hillman 1735 Eastlack, John, Glouoester, and Mary Bilton, Gloucester 1737 Eastlack, Jobn, Jr. , Gloucester, and Elizabeth Read, Salem 1751 Eastlack, John, New Jersey, and Jerusa Parks, New Jersey 1770 Eastwood, Abraham, Middlesex, and Jemima Potter 1738 Eaten, Benjamin, Salem, and Sarah Vandike, Salem 1765 Eaten, John, Salem, and Anue Chattel, Salem 1770 Eaton, Joshua, Salem, and Sarah Swing 1779 Eaton, William, Pennsylvania, aud Ellen Tillington, Pennsylvania... 1728 Eayre, Habakkuk, Northampton, and Mary Jones, Burlington 1747 Eayre, John, Burlington, and Rebecca Rogers, Burlington 1756 Eayre, Joseph, BurUngton, and Charity Ballenger, BurUngton 1767 Eayre, Richard, Burlington, and Sarah Garwood, Burlington 1732 Eayres, Hosea, Burlington, and Hannah Leeds 1773 Eckerson, Garret, Orange, N. Y., Derrickie Springstien, Orange, N. Y.1763 Eckesen, John, Bergen, and Angonietie Bauta 1774 Ecret, Isaac, Burlington, and Lydia Bogart 1778 Eddey, James, Woodbridge, and Mary Gach, Woodbridge 1743 Eddis, Thomas, Cumberland, and Ann Johnson 1780 Edgar, Alexander, Middlesex, and Mary Smith, Middlesex 1746 Edgar, Charles, Bucks, Pa., and Sarah Moon, Bucks, Pa 1759 Edgar, David, AVoodbridge, and Hannah Rolph, Woodbridge 1743 Edgar, John, Bucks, Pa. , and Mary Bodine 1776 Edgar, WiUiam, Woodbridge, and Experience Clarkson, Woodbridge. .1751 Edgar, Thomas, Middlesex, and EUzabeth Knaps 1769 Nov. 27 Sept . 15 Oct. 20 Nov. 16 Sept, 30 Feb. 6 Sept. 12 Deo. 14 Mar. 7 Aug. 23 Aug. 7 Deo. 12 Feb. 23 AprU 16 Jan. 4 April 22 May 6 Aug. 23 June 28 Nov. 8 June 24 May 29 May 22 Nov. 8 July 13 May 8 June, 12 Aug. 4 May 24 Sept. 20 Sept. 5 Deo. 1 Aug. 2 June 11 AprU 2 Aug. 24 May 29 June 12 Mar. 3 Mar. - Feb. 22 Nov. 28 Mar. 30 Mar. 25 MARRIAGE LICENSES. I23 Edgaiton, Thomas, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Saint 1759 April 27 Edgeman, AViUiam, Burlington, and Elizabeth Thimble, Burlington. . . 1754 Edman, Samuel, Burlington, and Dorothy Powell •. 1779 Edmiston, David, Salem, and Mary Peterson, Salem 1765 Edmiston, Hugh, Cumberland, and Margaret Yeates 1780 Edmonds, Aaron, Cape May, and Lydia Eldridge 1790 Edmons, Jeremiah, Cape May, aud Jane Whilden 1780 Edmunds, Dounes, Cape May, and Experience Hand, Cape May 1752 Edmunds, Dounes, Cape May, and Mary Hand 1774 Edmunds, Richard, Cape May, and Esther Cresse, Cape May 1769 Edmunds, Eobert, Cape May, and Thankful Barncraft 1781 Edsall, Jacobus, Sussex and Hannah Post, Sussex 1777 Edsall, Richard, Sussex, and Mary Seward, Sussex 1770 Edward, Eobert, Pennsylvania, and Susannah Harvey, Pennsylvania. .1728 Edwards, Daniel, Salem, and Euth Ireland 1771 Edwards, David, Cape May, and Deborah Thomson, Cape May 1772 Edwards, Hummel, Pennsylvania, and Ellen Scaife, Pennsylvania . . , 1730 Edwards, Henry, Pennsylvania, and Mary Bath, Pennsylvania 1736 Edwards, James, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Heddy. 1763 Edwards, John, Burlington, and Susannah Bennet, Burlington 1746 Edwards, John, Burlington, and Letitia Moon, Burlington 1756 Edwards, Jonathan, Cape May, and Phebe Osbon 1766 Edwards, Joseph, Cape May, and Elizabeth Ingersol, Gloucester 1752 Edwards, Joseph, Cape May, and Susanna Ingerson 1776 Edwards, Joseph, Salem, and Mary Hancock 1777 Edwards, Joseph, Burlington, and Hannah Tallman, Burlington 1782 Edwards, Owen, Burlington, and Susannah Famsworth, Burlington . . . 1732 Edwards, Owen, Burlington, and Hannah English 1733 Edwards, Philip, Monmoutb, and Margaret West, Monmouth 1764 Edwards, Richard, Philadelphia, and Jemima Wiseheart, Philadelphia. 1736 Edwards, Robert, and Sarah Bennett , 1701 Edwards, Samuel, Monmouth, aud Margaret Hulit, Monmouth 1'749 Edwards, Thomas, Philadelphia, and Anna WUliams, Philadelphia . . . 1731 Edwards, Thomas, Monmouth, and EUzabeth Vaughan 1770 Edwards, Webley, Monmouth, and Margaret Woolley, Monmouth. . . 1742-3 Egbert, Daniel, Staten Island, and Sarah Frost, Staten Island 1746 Egbert, John, Hunterdon, and Mary Smith, Hunterdon 1775 Ege, Samuel, Hunterdon, and Anna Titus, Hunterdon 1774 Egger, George, Monmouth, and Arie Beard, Monmouth 1749 Eggmen, Bartholomew, Burlington, and Elizabeth Tatum 1759 Eglington, Edward, BulUngsport, and Sarah Hoult 1685 Eick, John, Hunterdon, and Sarah Hutchen 1782 Eioke, Paul, Hunterdon, and Catherine M'Cerns 1785 Elbersen, John, Cape May, and Anne Bancraft 1780 Eldredge, Aaron, Cape May, and Elizabeth Stillwell 1761 Eldredge, Daniel, Cumberland, and Dorcas Bacon 1789 Jan. 7 Aug. 12 Mar. 26 April 14 June 21 July 17 Aug. 10 Jan. 18 June 21 Feb. 27 May 28 Nov. 29 May 11 Nov. 4 Jan. 20 July 31 Dec. 11 May 24 May 6 Aug. 17 May 31 Aug. 1 Deo. 9 July 7 May 16 April 11 Jan. 8 April 4 Nov. 6 Nov. 20 Oct. 2 Sept. 21 June 19 Mar. 3 June 18 May May 28 July 4 Nov. 26 May 11 Oct. 27 Feb. 7 June 22 Jan. 25 Jan. 30 124 ^EW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCtfMENTS. Eldredge, Ezekiel, Cape May, and Sarah Craford, Cape May. 1741 Eldredge, Ezekiel, Cape May, and Phebe Crowell, Cape May 1768 lEldredge, Robert, Cape May, and Esther Edward 1776 Eldredge, Silas, Cape May, and Elizabeth Eldredge 1778 Eldredge, David, Monmouth, aud EUzabeth Johnson, Monmouth. .... 1748 Eldredge, Eli, Cape May, and Priscilla Leaming, Cape May 1761 Eldridge, Elisha, Cape May, and Phebe Ludlam, Cape May 1729 Eldridge, Enoch, Gloucester, and Prudence Irwin 1785 Eldridge, Jabus, Burlington, and Esther Reeves, Northampton 1746 Eldridge, Jabez, Burlington, and Mary Hopewell, Burlington 1776 Eldridge, Jacob, Gloucester, and Sarah Covenover 1764 Eldridge, James, Burlington, and Ester Rodgers, Burlington 1729 Eldridge, Jeremiah, Cape May, and Lydia Leaming, Cape May 1775 Eldridge, Jesse, Burlington, and Mary Reese 1778 Eldridge, Jonathan, Burliugton, and Mary Antrum,- Burliugton 1744 Eldridge, Levi, Gloucester, and Sarah Pongard, Gloucester 1 763 Eldridge, Levi, Cape May, and Abigail Crowell 1766 Eldridge, Noah, Burlington, and Margaret Haines 1779 Eldridge, Obadiah, Jr., Burlington, aud Ann WUson, Burliugton. ...1740 Eldridge, Obadiah, Burlington, and Achsah Haines, Burlington 1764 Eldridge, Reuben, and Susanna Perkins 1735 Eldridge, Reuben, Burlingtou, and Ann Endicott, Burlington 1751 Eldridge, Solomon, Burlington, aud Elizabeth Fort • 1744 Eldridge, William, Burlington, and Sarah Crispen, Burlington; 1772 Eldridge, William, Cape May, and Judith Corson, Cape May. 1778 Eldridge, Jabez, Burlingtcn, and Hannah Forker, Burlington 1771 Elexander, John, Cape May, and Jane GoUacha-r, Cape M ay. 1768 Elkincton, George, Burlingtou, and Mary Bingham, Burlington 1683 Elkinton, George, Burliugton, and Sarah Perrine 1748 Elkinton, George, Burlington, and Beulah Wells 1783 Elleson, James, Burlington, and Aun Addis 1758 EUet, Andrew, Pennsylvania, and Mary Bayly, Pennsylvania 1727 ElUcott, WiUiam, Essex, and Mary Vanwiukle 1751 Ellis, Aaron, Burlington, and Susannah EUison, Burlington 1754 Ellis, Francis, Burlington, and Leah Brown 1754 Ellis, George, Gloucester, and Sarah WUd 1735 Ellis, Isaac, Gloucester, and Sarah Hillman 1785 Ellis, Jeremiah, Chester, Pa., and Mary Hugh, Chester, Pa 1734 Ellis, Job, Burlington, and Mary Gard 1769 Ellis, Joseph, Gloucester, and Mary Hinchman, Gloucester. 1760 Ellis, Joseph, Burlington, and Ann BuUers 1785 Ellis, Levi, Gloucester, and Elizabeth HiUman 1783 EUis, Samuel, Gloucester, aud Hannah Gilbert 1772 EUis, Simeon, Gloucester, and PriscUla Bates, Glouoester 1760 Ellis, Thomas, Burlington, and Margery Hutchins, Burlington 1740 EUis, Thomas, Jr., Gloucester, and Hannah Albertson 1759 AprU 14 Got. 18 Jan. 11 Not. 17 Aug. 22 June 20 Sept. 20 Jan. 2 Not. -12 Deo. 30 Aug. 21 June 4 Sept. 8 May 2 Sept. 12 July 26 Aug. 7 July 31 April 21 Not. 28 Deo. 17 AprU 29 Deo. 31 Jan. 20 Deo. 10 Jau, 7 Deo. 20 Jan. 13 Feb. 18 July 24 Feb. 11 Sept. 2 AprU 1 May 7 Oct. 7 Feb. 12 July 14 Oct. 7 Mar. 23 Jan. 1 Jan. 17 Mar. 13 Oct. 31 Mar. 24 July 12 Sept. 25 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 25 EUis, Thomas, Gloucester, and Anna Humphries, Burlington 1765 April 9 Ellis, WUliam, Gloucester, and Amy Matlack, Gloucester 1756 Dec. 30 Ellis, WUliam, Burlington, and Mary Taylor 1779 Oct. 15 Ellison, Amos, Burlington, and Elizabeth EUison, Burlington 1760 Not. 11 EUison, Ezekiel, Monmouth, and Awrion Chel Bennet, Monmouth. . . . 1762 Oct. 6 Ellison, James, Burlington, and Hannah Ireton 1778 April 19 EUison, John, Monmouth, and Catharine Vandyk, Burlington 1756 Mar. 1 EUison, John, Burlington, and Elizabeth Doughty, Burlington 1758 Mar. 23 Ellison, John, and Phebe Codington. . . , 1774 Oct. 17 Ellison, Lewis, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Price, Monmouth 1766 Jan. 27 Ellison, Samuel, Perth Amboy, and Sarah Barber, Perth Amboy 1750 Jan. 17 Ellison, Samuel, Middlesex, aud Mary Holmes, Monmouth 1762 Feb. 9 Ellison, Thomas, Middlesex, and Rachel Ellison, Middlesex 1748 Aug. 4 EUison, Thomas, Monmouth, and Margaret Mitchell, Monmouth 1764 May 15 ElUss, John, Middlesex, and Mary Shores 1770 AprU 17 EUwell, John, Salem, and Rachael Garrison, Salem 1727 Mar. 24 Elmer, Daniel, Cumberland, and Mary Shaw, Cumberland 1761 Sept. 28 Elmer, Eli, Cumberland, and Jane Thompson, Bridgeton 1781 Feb. 13 Elmer, Philimon, Essex, and Catherine Slight 1781 Not. Elmer, Theophilus, Cumberland, and Abigail Lawrence, Cumberland.. 1765 Sept. 3 Elston, John, Middlesex, aud Sarah Pike 1768 Nov. 17 Eltinge, Jaoobus, Ne* York, and Elizabeth Hall, Somerset 1742 June 12 Elton, Anthony, and EUzabeth ReveU . 1688 Feb. 20 Elton, Eobert, Burlington, and Sarah Woolman, Burlington 1737 April 18 Elton, Thomas, BurUngton, and Margaret Griffin 1769 July 7 ElTertson, Nicholas, Burlington, and Phebe Taylor 1777 Dec. 8 Elwell, Israel, Salem, and Margaret Tansey 1773 Dec. 15 Elwell, Samuel, Salem, and Margaret PhiUpot, Salem 1761 Dec. 31 Elwell, Samuel, Salem, and Aunetha Morgan, Salem 1773 May 17 Bly, AUison, Middlesex, and Hannah Hammell , 1771 Not. 9 Ely, George, Jr., AmweU, and Susannah Farle, Amwell 1768 April 27 Ely, John, Hunterdon, and Phebe Allison, Burlington 1731 May 3 Ely, John, Middlesex, and Sarah Warford, Hunterdon 1762 June 18 Ely, Joshua, and EaoheU Lee 1699 Nov. 9 Ely, Matthew, Monmouth, and EUeanor Chasy, Monmouth. . 1761 April 22 Ely, Noah, Essex, and Perah Merrey, Essex 1748 Sept. 6 Ely, WUliam, Trenton, and Jemima Hunt 1734 Mar. 25 Ely, WiUiam, Middlesex, and Mary Hutchason 1767 Mar. 17 Ely, William, Essex, aud Hillitie Eadoliff ; 1781 May 19 Emans, Abraham, Monmouth, and EUzabeth Weaver, Monmouth 1762 Feb. 20 Emans, Abraham, Monmouth, and Hannah Lane, Hunterdon 1 768 Nov. 4 Emans, Andrew, Hunterdon, and Sarah Van Duyn, Somerset 1752 Nov. 13 Emans, CorneUus, Monmouth, aud Johannah Layton, Monmouth 1703 Jan. 13 Emans, Elisha, Monmouth, .and Zilpha Emans, Monmouth 1759 Sept. 26 1 This is an English-speaking clerk's attempt to reproduce phonetically the name Ari- wntje, the Dutch (or Ariana. 126 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Emans, Jacob, Monmouth, aud Margaret Emans, Monmouth 1755 Jan. 19 Emans, Thomas, Monmouth, and Dorsa Burk, Monmouth 1760 July 19 Emens, Benjamin, Monmouth, and Mary Emans, Monmouth 1747 Deo. 26 Emens, John, Monmouth, aud Esther Ketcham, Monmouth 1747 May 4 Emerson, James, 'Jr., Hunterdon, and Nancy Reed rl788 Feb. 20 Emley, Joseph, Burliugton, and Sarah Steward, Monmouth 1767 Feb. 13 Emley, Joseph, Burlington, and Phebe Mills 1772 Nov. 23 Emley, Samuel, Jr., Burlington, and Catharine Andriss, Burlington. . .1763 May 21 Emley, Simuel, Monmouth, and Anu Kirby, Burliugton 1775 Nov. 21 Emley, Thomas, Burlington, and Elizabeth Wardell, Monmouth 1753 Nov. 14 Emley, WiUiam, Burlington, and Elizabeth Saxton, Freehold 1746 July 15 Emley, WiUiam, Monmouth, and Esther Wright, Monmouth 1775 Sept. 29 Emmans, Abraham, Hunterdon, and Margaret Schenck, Monmouth. .1750 Deo. 12 Emons, Jonathan, Monmouth, and Saray Holstead, Monmouth 1767 Sept. 9 Emons, Nicholas, Sussex, and Catherine Westbrook, Sussex 1765 Mar. 8 Enelman, WUliam, Monmouth, and Mary Coxe, Monmouth 1729 April 28 Endicot, John, Burlington, and Ruth Matlock, Burlington 1749 Oct. 19 Endicott, Barzilla, Burlington, and Anue Morton, Burlington 1775 AprU 12 Enditiott, Jacob, Glouoester, and Melicent Badcock 1769 Nov. 10 Endicott, Thomas, Burlington, and Sarah Welsh 1759 June 19 England, Edward, Burlington, aud Elizabeth Moran, Burlington 1741 Nov. 4 England, Poole, 47th Regt. Foot, aud Ann Sarjant 1774 Sept. 1 England, Thomas, Glouoester, and Ester Adams 1782 Jan. 1 Engle, Jobn, Burlington, and Hannah Middleton 1737 Nov. I Engle, Samuel, Burlington, and Sarah Myers, Burlington 1775 Aug. 21 Euglehart, John, Burlington, and Mary Marian 1779 Sept. 23 English, Abraham, Burlington, and Mary Eddis, Burlington 1744 Aug. 11 English, Abraham, Burlington, and Elizabeth Price 1774 Sept 24 English, Amos, Burliugton, and Mary Craft, Burlington 1765 Mar. 6 English, Benjamin, Buriington, aud Lydia Vandyke, Burlington 1761 Cot. 6 English, David, Monmouth, and Jane Robiuson, Monmouth 1754 Dec. 14 English, Isaac, Burlington, and Rebecca Warner, Burlington 1764 Jan. 13 EngUsh, John, BurUngton, and Margaret Barris, Bucks, Pa 1744 Sept. 10 English, John, Jr., Gloucester, aud Aune Inskeep, Burlington 1749 Sept, 30 English, Jonathan, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Laird, Monmouth 1763 May 21 English, Joseph, .Jr., Burlington, and Mary Butler, Buriington 1769 Oct. 27 English, Joseph, Burliugton, and Abigail English, Burlington 1770 June 2 English, Robert, Monmouth, and Elinor Newell, Monmouth 1739 Dec. 8 English, Robert, Monmouth, aud Jane Montgomery, Monmouth 1761 Aug. 25 English, Samuel, Buriington, and Elizabeth Hammel, Burlington ...1761 Nov. 13 English, Samuel, BurUngton, and Elizabeth RockhUl 1783 Aug. 28 English, Thomas, Burlington, and Aun Smith 1733 Feb. 17 English, Thomas, Jr., Burlington, and Ann RockhUl, Buriington 1768 Mar. 10 English, WiUiam, Burliugton, and Catherine Davison 1785 Deo. 3 Ennis, James, Bergen, aud Jane Brewers 1782 May 23 Enoch, Thomaa, Burlington, and Mary Haines 1759 Oct. 16 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 27 Enook, Hannan, Bucks, Pa., and Mary Dillon, Bucks, Pa 1741 Ent, Peter, Hunterdon, and Sarah Kent, Hunterdon 1776 Eoff, Garret, Morris, and Sarah Heyer, Morris .-. ... 1 778 Erickson, Michael, Monmouth, and Martha Cole, Monmoutb 1746 Errickson, Michael, Jr., Freehold, and Mary Francis, Freehold 1751 Erickson, Thomas, Middlesex, and Margaret Abrahams, Middlesex . . .1761 Ernest, Daniel, Burlington, and Sarah Lame 1779 Ervin, John, Gloucester, and Mary Bellows, Gloucester. 1746 Erwin, Walter, and Sarah Bord, Bergen 1751 Erwin, WiUiam, Sussex, and Achsah Rookhill. . . : 1782 Esdall, Edward, Burlington, and Mary Kinison, Burlington. . . . 1774 Esdall, John, Burlington, and Sarab Ellis, Burlington 1768 Esdall, Thomas, Burlington, and Elizabeth Palmer, Burlington 1738 Esdall, Thomas, Burlington, and Rachel Mullikan, Burlington 1764 Esler, Henry, Morris, and Lenah Ryerson, Pumpton 1782 Estell, Daniel, Burlington, aud Hannah Ford, Burlington 1761 EsteU, Samuel, Burlington, and Anne Fort 1759 EsteU, Thomas, Monmouth, and Lucia Killam, Amboy 1751 Esterby, Peter, Bergen, aud Catey Freisinger, Bergen 1770 Esllaok, John, Gloncester, and Patience Hugg, Gloucester 1741 Estlack, John, Jr., Gloucester, and Elizabeth Read, Salem 1751 Estlack, Samuel, Gloucester, and Ann Breach, Gloucester 1733 Estow, Godfrey, BurUngton, aud Lettis Symons, New Hanover 1785 Estwood, Abraham, Monmouth, and Amy Matson 1758 Ettinger, John, Burlington, and Theodosia Watson, Burlington 1775 Evans, Evan, PhUadelphia, and Elizabeth Salman, PhUadelphia 1736 Evans, Isaac, Salem, and Hannah CarU, Salem 1774 Evans, Isaac, Jr., Burlington, aud Mary Smith, Burlington 1777 ETans, Isaac, Burlington, and Esther Collins, Burlingtou 1782 Evans, John, PhUadelphia, and Sarah Evans, PhUadelphia 1739 Evans, Lott, Burlington, and Lydia Channell, Burlington 1756 Evans, Nathan, Burlington, and Hannah French 1792 Evans, -Thomas, Pennsylvania, and Sarah Dunn, Pennsylvania 1728 Evens, Evan, Burliugton, and Sarah Middleton, Burlington 1777 Evens, Jacob, Gloucester, aud Abigail Middleton, Gloucester 1757 Evens, Miles, and Hannah Buzby *1783 Evens, Reuben, Woodbridge, and Catherine CroweU, Woodbridge. . . .1754 Evingham, WiUiam, Burlington, and Abigail Sherrard, BurUngton 1773 Everett, Israel,- Somerset, and Mary Mershon 1777 ETeringham, Cornelius, Monmouth, and Sarah Eobins, Monmouth 1728 ETeringham, James, Monmouth, and Sarah Drake '. . . 1762 ETeringham, Jeremiah, Monmouth, and Dinah Lisning, Monmouth. . .1746 ETeringham, John, Monmouth, and Hannah Giberson, Monmouth ...1761 ETeringham, Joseph, Monmouth, and Mary Vaughn, Monmouth 1750 ETeringham, Joseph, Mansfield, and Mary Gilbert, Mansfield 1751 ETeringham, WiUianj, Burlington, and Lydia Jones 1777 Not. 12 Jan. 27 Not. 20 June 13 Oct. 18 April 9 Mar. 13 May 1 Aug. 26 June 5 Mar. 14 Jan. 2 July 1 June 28 Not. 1 Not. 13 Dec. 24 Jan. 1 Oct. 22 Aug. 1 May 29 Oct. 29 Jan. 9. July 22 Not. 18 June 14 Oct. 18 April 28 April 1 Aug. 30 Aug. 18 Mar. 7 Aug. 27 June 30 Feb. 14 June 18 Oct. 21 Feb. 2 May 8 Aug. 8 Mar. 20 Jan. 8 July 11 Oct. 29 April 19 Sept. 30 128 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. ETcritt, Abel, Hunterdon, and Margaret BeaTer 1782 Everitt, David, Hunterdon, and Catherine Kase 1786 Everitt, Zenas, Northampton, Pa 1769 Evins, Obadiah, Hunterdon, and Sarah Coleman, Hunterdon 1772 Evirit, Able, Hunterdon, and Bridget McMurty 1781 Ewan, Absalome, Burlington, and Rachel Grant, Burlington 1764 Ewan Ambrose, and Ame Trenton, Burlington 1739 Ewan, Evan, Burlington, and Mehitable AVeaver 1770 Ewan, John, Burliugton, and Martha Euocks, Burlington 1737 Ewan, John, Burlington, and Susannah Burtis 1770 Ewan, Julius, Burlington, and Anna Motte 1733 Ewan, Levi, Burlington, and Sarah Shaver 1784 Ewan, Moses, Burlington, and Rebecca Stokesberry 1782 Ewans, Barzilla, Burlington, and Elizabeth Hays, Burlington 1764 Ewen, John, Salem, and Mary Pledger, Salem ... 1745 Ewen, John, Salem, and Margaret Fogg, Salem 1758 Eweus, Jacob, Salem, and Mary Chandler ' 1750 Ewetse, Cornelius, New York, and Elizabeth Latham, Monmouth 1743 Ewing, Absalom, Burlingtou, and Kesiah Taylor 1778 Ewing. George, Cumberland, and Rachel Harris, Hunterdon 1778 Ewing, James, Cumberland, and Martha Boyd 1778 Ewing, Remington, Cumberland, and Phebe' Ewing 1784 Ewing, Samuel, Cumberland, and Mary Miller, Cumberland 1763 Ewing, Thomas, Cape May, and Latitia Raney, Cape May 1780 Eyre, George, Burlington, and Rebecca Shreve, Burlington 1754 Eyre, George, Burlington, and Mary Lippincott 1789 Eyre, Nathan, Philadelphia and Sarah Key 1791 Eyres, George, Burlington, and Mary Smith, Burlington 1729 Ezdall, James, Burlington, and Elizabeth Fordham, Burlington 1764 FEMALES. E Earl, Dorothy, Bergen, and Hassel Ryerson, Bergen 1771 Earl, Elizabeth, New Hanover, and James Downs, Burlington 1759 Earl, Elizabeth, Bergen, and Thomas Cutwater, Orange Co., N. Y ...1774 Earl, Hannah, Hackensack, and Albert Rose, Hackensack 1772 Earl, Hannah, New Barbadoes, and William Sorrel, New Barbadoes . .1774 Earl, Hannah, and Daniel Van Horn, Bergen 1782 Eari, Mercy, Springfield, and Samuel Gibbs, Springfield 1764 Earle, Aune, Bergen, and John Allen, Bergen 1772 Earle, Elizabeth, Bergen, and Robert Grenolds, Bergen 1765 Earle, Ellenor, Burlington, and John Cawley, Bucks, Pa 1729 Earle, Eltie, Hackensack, and Gerret Hopper, Hackensack 1748 Earle, Marj', Burlington, and Jonathan Borden, Monmouth 1730 Earley, Nancy, Middletown, and Josiah White, Shrewsbury 1762 Early, Phebe, and Josiah Clark, Gloucester 1775 Early, Sarah, aud James Payne, Hunterdon 1779 May 12 Mar. 10 Deo. 19 Sept . 12 July 1 AprU 30 June 5 Not. 23 i'eb. 28 May 23 Mar. 29 May 1 Mar. 2 Aug. 21 Oct. 7 Feb. 25 Aug. 20 Mar. 6 Aug. 7 Oct. 15 Jan. 30 Feb. 19 Nov. 7 AprU 10 Sept. 30 Mar. 3 May 15 Sept. 27 Deo. 11 J»n. 27 July 23 Nov. 18 May 13 Mar. 18 April 17 Mar. 28 July 29 AprU 26 Nov. 18 Nov. 26 AprU 10 May 1 April 22 MARRIAGE LICENSES. I 29 Easely, Dorothy, and Nathan Cronders, Burlington 1786 Easley, Mary, and WiUiam Haines, BurUngton 1778 Eastlack, Elizabeth, and WiUiam Haines, Burlington 1777 Eastlack, Mary, Gloucester, and Charles Hubbs, Glouoester 1749 Eastland, Abigail, Burlington, and Benjamin Burges, Burlington 1731 Eastwood, Mary, Piscataway, and John Campbell, Woodbridge 1758 Eastwood, Mary, Springfield, and JohnBhute, Waterford 1763 Eaton, Alice, and Joseph DiUworth, Pliiladelpbia 1734 Eaton, Ann, Salem, aud Hans Rudolph, Philadelphia 1736 Eaton, Ann, Salem, and Erasmus Kent, Salem 1747 Eatton, Elizabeth, Shrewsbury, and Thomas Richardson, New Port. . 1755 Eatton, Joanna, Monmouth, and Elihu Spencer, Essex 1750 Eatton, Lydia, Shrewsbury, and John Wanton, Jr., Rhode Island. .... 1750 Eatton, Margaret, and John Berrien 1759 Eatton, Sarah, Shrewsbury, and Richard Tole, New York 176 1 Eayre, Elizabeth, Burlingtou, and Nehemiah Leeds, Burlington 1774 Eayre, Hannah, and William Woolston, Northampton 1771 Eayre, Martha, Burlington, and John Haines, Burlington 1766 Eayre, Priscilla, Burlington, and Enoch Haines, Burlington 1767 Eayre, Rebecca, and Paillip Streakes, Jr , Peunsylvauia 1779 Eayre, Rebecca, BurUngton, and John Cooper, Burlington 1783 Eayres, Anne, Burlington, and Aaron Haines Burlingtou 1776 Eayres, Hannah, and Mycajah Dobbins, Northampton 1781 Eayres, Hannah, and John Deacon, Burlington 1787 Eayres, Mary, and Joseph Woolston, Northampton 1781 Eayres, Sarah, Burlington, and Uriah Hiller, Burlington 1746 Ebert, Catherine, and John Barnes, Burlington 1781 Ebzeryj Frances, PhUadelphia, and Samuel Foster, Philadelphia 1754 Eckhart, WiUimyntie, Bergen, and Ephraim Marcus V.Rhode, Bergen. 1786 Eddis, Mary, Burliugton, and Abraham English, Burliugton 1744 Eddy, Sarah, and Thomas Heath, Middlesex 1768 Edgar, Catherine, aud Abraham Laiug, Middlesex 1769 Edgar, Jennet, Woodbridge, and JeremiaU Randolph, Woodbridge . . 1755 Edgar, Rebecca, Bristol, Pa., and Robert Patterson, Bristol, Pa 1765 Edge, Mary, New Hanover, aud Joseph Branson, Burlington ....... 1745-6 Edge, Eebecca, JMonmonth, and Egbert Drummond, Monmouth 1732 Edmond, Ann, and Stephen Lane, Burlington 1777 Edmond, Elizabeth, Buriington, and Abraham Fort, Burlington 1761 Edmunds, Agnis, aud WiUiam Abbot, Jr., Hunterdon 1778 Edmunds, Judith, Cape May, and Thomas Buck, Jr., Cape May 1771 Edmunds, Louisa, and John Parsons, Cape May 1775 Edmunds, Mary, Cape May, and WUliam Simkins, Cape May 1759 Edmunds, , Cape May, and Lot Buck, Cape May 1789 Edsal, Aune, Bergen, and Abel Sniith, Bargen 17 3 Edsall, Charity, and Abel Smith, Hackensack 1783 Edsall, Sarah, Bergen and Job Smith, Bergen 1748 Nov. 30 Jan. 8 Aug. 4 Dec. 15 Nov. 20 July 5 May 23 Nov. 25 June 3 Feb. 17 April 4 Oct. 15 Aug. 10 Aug. 16 June 23 April 4 Feb. 11 July 29 April 6 Oct. 20 May 1 Jan. 14 June 25 Nov. 20 June 25 July 21 Dec. 17 April 19 Nov. 21 Aug. 11 Nov. 29 Sept. 27 July 10 Jan. 29 Mar. 18 Dec. 24 Sept. 8 Sept. 7 AprU 4 Jan. 9 May 30 Dec. 10 Aug. 15 Oct. 22 Nov. 14 May 27 I30 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Edward, Esther, and Eobert Eldredge, Cape May 1776 Edwards, Dorothy, Gloucester, and Samuel Church, Gloucester 1737 Edwards, Amy, and Samuel Randolph, Somerset 176 J Edwards, Elizabeth, Burlington, and John Mullin, Buriington 1729 Edwards, EUzabeth, Monmouth, and George Smith, Monmouth 1741 Edwards, Elizabeth, Cape May, and Ezra Hand, Cape May 1772 Edwards, Elizabeth, and Joshua Smith, Penns Neck 1779 Edwards, Hannah, Middletown, and Peter Tilton, Middletown 1765 Edwards, Jane, Cape May, aud Jacob Crowell, Cape May 1731 Edwards, Jane, Glouoester, and WUliam May, Jr., Glouoester 1731 Edwards, Jane, Cape May, and David HUdrith, Caps May 1769 Edwards, Nancy, Cape May, aud Edward Gogin, Cape May 1748 Edwards, Margaret, Gloucester, and .John Flatcher, Monmouth 1749 Edwards, Margaret, Shrewsbury, and Peter Burnet 1756 Edwards, Martha, Cape May, and Peter Corson. Cape May 1757 Edwards, Martha, Salem, and Michael Dougherty, Salem 1763 Edwards, Mary, Cape May, and Ezekiel Mulford, Cape May 1702 Edwards, Keomy, and Frederick Steelman, Great Egg Harbour 1773 Edwards, Rachel, Cape May, and Jacob CroweU, Cape May 1764 Egbert, Catharine, Hunterdon, and James Mattison, Hunterdon 1774 Ege, Elizabeth, Hunterdon, and Andrew Hart, Hunterdon 1774 Ege, Sarah, Hunterdon, and John McKinstry, Hunterdon 1775 Eglington, Elizabeth, Salem, and Samuel Read, S ilem 1727 Elbertson, Mary, aud Levi Stout, S jmerset 1782 Eldredge, Bathia, Cape May, aud Constantine Foster, Cape May 1773 Eldredge, Charlotte, Cape May, and Persons Learning, Cape May 1782 Eldredge, Elizabeth, Cape May, aud Joseph Buck, Cape May 1739 Eldredge, Elizabeth, Cape May, and Reuben Swain, Cape May 1772 Eldredge, Elizabeth, Burlington, aud Patrick Gamble, Burlington . . . 1774 Eldredge, Elizabeth, and Silas Eldredge, Cape May 177S Eldredge, Esther, Cape May, and Abraham Hand, Cape May. 1760 Eldredge, Esther, and Charles Read, Cumberland 1788 Eldredge, Hannah, and Adam Morris, Cape May 1761 Eldredge, Hester, and Timothy Matlack, Evesham 1785 Eldredge, Jane, Cape May, aud Rynear HoUiushead, Cape May 1772 Eldredge, Judith, aud Jonathan Mills, C-ipe May •1767 Eldredge, Lydia, Cape May, and Henry Stiles, Cape May 1759 Eldredge, Lydia, and Aaron Edmonds, Cape May 1790 Eldredge, Mary, aud Nathaniel Foster, Cape May 1754 Eldredge, Mary, Cape May, and Edmond Bacon, Cumberland 1766 Eldredge, Mary, Cape May, and John Shaw, Cape May 1771 Eldredge, Mary, and Samuel HoUinshead, Cumberland 1785 Eldredge, Prescila, Cape May, and James Beney, Cape May 1751 Eldredge, Sarah, Cape May, and Josiah Crowell, Cape May. 1764 Eldrege, Hannah, Cape May, and Nathan Hand, Cape May 1742 Eldridge, Charity, Springfield, and Melintus Woolston, Springfield.. . .1764 Jan. 11 Aug. 9 Mar. 6 Sept. 14 Jan. 22 Jan. 2 Deo. 8 June 8 Jan. 15 June 19 AprU 21 June 1 Oct. 12 Jan. 17 Feb 10 Nov. 12 May 4 Got. 4 AprU 9 Aug. 2 Nov. 19 Jan. 10 May 4 Jan. 26 June 1 Got 21 July 10 May 12 May 12 Nov. 17 Aug. 18 Jan. 14 Deo. 15 Deo. 19 June 6 Dee. 30 Jan. 17 June 21 Mar. 19 Mar. 28 Jan. 4 Sept. 13 April n Feb. 28 Mar. 23 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 131 Eldridge, Hannah, Salem, and Joseph Allen, Salem 1750 Eldridge, Hannah, and Henry Wood, Gloucester 1779 Eldridge, Lydia, Cape May, and FUsha Hand, Cape May 1736 Eldridge, Mary, Evesham, aud S-imuel AVilkins, Evesham 1783 Eldridge, Mary, Middletown, and Henry Strickland, Middletown 1752 Eldridge, Mary, and John Carpenter, Gloucester > 1784 Eldridge, Sarah, Cape May," and Stiles, Cape May 1727 Eldridge, Sarah, Burlington, and John Harris, Burlington 1737 Eldridge, Sarah, and William Conner, Cape May 1789 Eldridge, Sibella, Northampton, and Jaoonias Warner, Northampton , . 1 770 Eldridge, Susannah, and Ezekiel Hutchinson 1749 Eldridge, Zilpau, and Ellis Hand, Cape May , 1777 Eldrige, EUzabeth, and Annanias Sayre, Salem 1779 Eldrige, Mary, Burlington, and William Dobbins, Burlington 1774 Eldrige, Amy, and John Macklatcbe, Burlington 1742 Elkington, Ann, and S imuel Lanning, Burlington 1732 Elkinton, Ann, Burlington, and Stephen Brookes, Burliugton 1740 Elkinton, Ann, Burlington, and George Hall, Cumberland 1775 Elkinton, Elizabeth, Burlington, and John WUcox, Burlington 1728 Elkinton, Hannah, Burlington, and William Stockton, Burlington . . .1775 Elkinton, Jemimah, Burlington, and Thomas French, Burlington. . . 1746 Elkinton, SabiUah, and John Hartman, Burlingtou 1771 Elkinton, Sarah, and Darling Conrow, , Burlington 1778 EUeket, Anne, Bucks, Pa., and George Wall, Bucks, Pa 1744 Ellis, AbigaU, Gloucester, and John Cox, BurUngton 1744 Ellis, Anna, Shrewsbury, and Asher West, Shrewsbury 1756 Ellis, Anne, Gloucester, and Peter Champion, Gloucester 1746 Ellis, Margaret, Burlington, and Fretwell Wright, Burlington 1738 Ellis, Margaret, aud William Vanhorn, Burlington 1760 Ellis, Mary, and Abel Nicholson, Gloucester 1786 EUis, Rachel, Pennshanken, and Andrew Loy, Pennsylvania 1775 Ellis, Sarab, Gloucester, aud Jonathan Thomas, Gloucester 1738 Ellis, Sarah, Glouoester, and AVUliam Devier,! Gloucester 1750 Ellis, Sarah, Gloucester, and WUliam ¦ Devine, 1 Gloucester 1750 Ellis, Sarah, Burlington, and John Busby, BurUngton 1 758 Ellis, Sarah, Burlington, and John Esdall, Burlingtou 1768 EUis, Sukey, Burlington, and Jacob Ridgway, Burlington 1780 Ellison, Catherine, Monmouth, and Robert Stout, Monmouth 1761 Ellison, Elisabeth, Shrewsbury, and Henry Worth, Shrewsbury 1750 Ellison, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Amos Ellison, Burlington 1760 Ellison, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Robert Morris, Monmouth 1762 Ellison, Hannah, Monmouth, and Micajah Ketcham, Monmouth 17S4 Ellison, Margaret, Middlesex, and James Ross, Middlesex 1762 Ellison, Margaret, and John Higbee, Middlesex 1780 ! Apparently a auplloation. June 18 Dec. 17 Aug. 30 Oct. 16 Mar. 14 Dec. 6 Oct. 30 Mar. 24 Feb. 5 Mar. 1 June 5 July 25 Mar. 22 Mar. 24 June 19 Sept. 20 Aug. 19 June 20 April 3 Sept. 5 May 8 April 6 Aug. 24 Aug. 22 Sept. 30 A^il 6 June 14 Aug. 2 Aug 17 Jan. 23 Sept. 29 Nov. 15 Nov. 28 Nov. 28 May 9 Jan. 2 Mar. 29 April 6 Dec. 3 Nov. 11 Feb. 10 Aug. 21 Mar. 19 June 26 132 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. EUison, Martha, Middlesex, and Obadiah Buckalew, Middlesex 1746 Feb. 14 EUison, Rachel, Middlesex, and Thomas Ellison, Middlesex 1748 Aug. 4 Ellison, Ruth, Shrewsbury, and John Stout, Shrewsbury 1750-1 Jan. 24 Ellison, Ruth, Freehold, and John Stout, Shrewsbury 1753 Nov. 28 Ellison, Sarah, Middlesex, and Cornelius Lamberson, Middlesex . . 1752 Dec. 23 Ellison, Sarah, Burlington, aud Stephen Havens, Burlington 1784 June 1 Ellison, Susannah, Burlington, and Aaron Ellis, Burlington 1762 May 4 Ellton, Theodosia, Burlington, and Samuel Allen, Burlington 1754 May 7 EUwell, Mary, Salem, and John Crayne, Burliugton 1727 Feb. 19 EUwell, Sarah, Salem, and Henry Vanmeter, Salem 1727 Sept. 4 EUwood, Mary, aud Aaron Sharpless, Bristol, Pa 1783 May 7 Elmer, Buhaunah, Cohansie, and Ephraim Dayton, Cohansie 1747 Deo. 29 Elmer, Mary, and Manoah Lummins, Cumberland 1779 Aug. 5 Elmer, Polly, aud Edward Lummis, Cumbeiland 1786 April 15 Elmer, Sarah, and James Burk, Cumberland 1785 May 9 Elmer, Susannah, Fairfield, and David AVestcote, Fairfield 1758 Jan. 6 Elmer, Theodosia, and James Anderson, Cumberland 1761 Aug. 1 Elmor, Margaret, Salem, and Edward Lummis, Salem 1737 Elmore, Sarah, Burliugton, and James Dennis, Burlington 1738 Mar. 20 Elston, AbigaU, Woodbridge, and Nathaniel Bloomfield, Woodbridge. 1748-9 Mar. 14 Elstone, Ayres, and Thomas Force, AVoodbridge 1759 Jan. 23 Elton, Anua, and WiUiam Rogers, BurUngton ' 1777 Deo. 20 Elton, Elizabeth, Burlington, and John Lippiucott, Burlington 1782 Aug. 1 Elton, Hannah, Burlington, and John Deacon, Jr., Burlington 1748 Mar. 16 Elton, Mary, Burlington, and George Kimball, Barlington 1739 Nov. 27 Elton, Vary, Burlington, aud Thomas Kendall, Burlington 1684 Dec. 25 Elton, Susannah, Burlington, and Thomas Gardiner, Burlington 1748 June 16 ElvUl, Sarah, and Gabriel Cox, Salem 1779 Jan. 31 Elweel, EUzabeth, Salem, and John Holton, Salem 1745 Jan. 25 Elwell, Barbara, aud Frederick Dondlesbeck, Salem 1766 Deo. 9 ElweU, Esther, Piles Grove, and Adam Ruderford, Piles Grove 1761 Aug. 24 ElweU, Mary, Greenwich, and John Ashbrook, Gloucester 1736 June 28 Elwell, Rachel, Salem, and AViUiam Brick, Salem 1731 June 1 ElweU, Rhoda, Pitts Grove, and Henry Richman, Pitts Grove 1770 May 18 Elwill, Johanna, Pilesgrove, and AVUliam Simons, Easthampton 1759 Jan. 31 Ely, Elizabeth, Trenton, and James Price, Hunterdon 1737 April 19 Ely, EUzabeth, Hunterdon, and Joseph Higbee, Jr., Hunterdon 1742 Deo. 24 Emans, Asene, Monmouth, and Asher Layton, Monmouth 1762 AprU 16 Emans, Johannah, Shrewsbury, and John Romine, Shrewsbury 1763 Jan. 13 Emans, Margaret, Monmouth, and Jacob Emans, Monmouth 1755 Jan. 19 Emans, Margaret, Monmouth, and John Mathews, Monmouth 1755 Feb. 4 Emans, Mary, Monmouth, and John Vannest, Monmouth 1739 Jan. 21 Emans, Mary, Monmouth, and Benjamin Emens, Monmouth 1747 Deo. 26 Emans, Rebecca, Hunterdon, aud Dirck Low, Hunterdon 1747 June 1 Emans, Rebecca, Middlesex, Joachim Guliok, Somerset 1751 Not. 30 Emans, ZUpha, Monmouth, and Elisha Emans, Monmouth .1759 Sept. 26 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 33 Embly, Sophia, Monmouth, and John McGhee, Monmouth 1727 Emens, Phebe C, and Alexander Rowand, Gloucester 1785 Emley, Ann, and Aaron Forman, Hunterdon 1769 Emley, Ann, Amwell, and William Reading, Amwell 1775 Emley, Hannah, Hunterdon, and Eichard Holcombe, Hunterdon. . . . 1774 Emley, Mary, and George HoUoway, Burlington 1761 Emley, Parthenia, Burlington, and Tobias Polemus, Monmouth 1748 Emley, Eebecca, Lipper Freehold, and Stephen Pangbom, Middlesex. . 1742 Emley, Eebecca, Kingwood, and Daniel Potts, Kingwood 1766 Emley, Sarah, New Hanover, and Samuel Cox, Jr., Burlington 1774 Emmens, Mary, Eeadingtown, and George Schamp, Eeading 1775 Emmins, Eebekah, Hunterdon, and Daniel McKienzy, Hunterdon . . . 1747 Emmons, Catharine, and Ralph Schanck, Amwell 1779 Emmunds, Sarah, and John Allen, Somerset 1775 Emons, Canbacbia, Monmouth, and Jaques Denyse, New York 1755 Emons, Elizabeth, Shrewsbury, and David Starkey, Freehold 1 764 Emrie, Abigail, Pennsylvania, and Charles Townsend, Pennsylvania. . . 1730 Endicott, Anne, Burlington, and Reuben Eldridge, Burlington 1751 Endicott, Sarah, Burlington, aud Benjamin Gaskill, Jr., Burlington. . .1767 Engersol, Dinah, and Jonathan Read, Great Egg Harbour 1764 Engersol, Jane, and David Sayres, Gloucester 1 764 Engersol, Mary, Gloucester, and Joseph Champion, Gloucester 1755 England, Mary, aud Robert Letford, Gloucester 1785 England, Rebecca, Burlington, and John Webb, Burlington 1740 England, Sarah, Philadelphia, and Hermann Aldridge, Salem 1733 Engle, Charity, and Amos Willits, Springfield 1778 English, Abigail, Burlington, and Joseph English, Burlington 1770 English, Ann, aud Nathaniel Imlay, Burlington 1771 English, Anne, Burlington, aud Thomas Addis, Burlington 1749 English, Esther, and Addam Marckall 1741 English, Hannah, and Owen Edwards, Burliugton 1733 English, Isabel, Glouoester, and Samuel Paul, Glouoester . , 1757 English, Jane, and Emer Jackson, Monmouth 1772 English, Margaret, and Jeremiah Smith, AUoways Creek 1778 English, Margaret, and Fraucis Wood 1781 English, Mary, Gloucester, and Elias Gandy, Cape May 1737 English, Mary, Burlington, and .James Craft, Jr., Burlingtou 1740 English, Mary, Monmouth, aud Coonradt Hendrickson, Monmouth. . .1759 English, Mary, and Isaac Hancock, Burlington 1782 English, Sarah, Burlington, and Edward Hancock, Burlington 1742 English, Sarah, and Andrew Frambus, Gloucester 1783 English, Susannah, and Euyl Ballangy, Cape May.. 1838 Funis, Mary, Bergen, and Jonathan Grimes, Bergeu 1761 Enoch, Anne, Springfield, and James Vernon, Springfield 1783 ' Query; Hughey. June 5 Aug. 2 April 27 Dec. 6 April 23 July 25 Deo. 7 Nov. 29 Aug. 8 Oct. 17 Feb. 2 AprU 17 Aug. 18 Nov. 10 May 9 Mar. 16 May 18 April 29 June 18 Sept. 26 Dec. 28 Mar. 5 Jau. 13 Juue 5 Oct. 1 May 9 June 2 April 5 July 10 June 8 Jan. 8 Jan. 18 Dec. 17 July 8 Oct. 16 June 17 Oct. 21 June 18 Feb. 6 Jan. 23 Jan. 5 April 18 Oct. 1 April 12 f34 NEW jerSeY Colonial dociImeINI'S. Enochs, Mary, Burliugton, and Samuel GaskUl, Burlington 1748 Nov. l6 Euochs, Abigail, and Robert Farguson, Burlington 1784 Oct. 9 Enochs, Martha, Burlington, and John Ewan, Burlingtou 1737 Nov. 23 Ent, Ann, Amwell, aud John Tyson, Amwell 1772 June 6 Eut, Susanna, Amwell, aud Thomas Ruohman, Kingwood 1774 April 5 Eov,l Lenty, Somerset, and Richard Compton, Somerset 1775 Aug. 31 Erexison, Aune, and Nathan Cresse, Cape May 1774 Dec. 24 Erhert, Heyltie, Bergen, and Daniel Christie, Bergen 1770 Oct. 9 Erickson, Christian, Freehold, and Peter Tice, Freehold 1750 Feb. 23 Erie, Tammisin, and Thomas Frost, Newark 1761 Nov. 1 Ernest, Mary, and John Stackhouse, Chester 1783 June 2 Ernest, Sarah, Burlington, and David GoskUl, Burlington 1774 Nov. 9 Errixson, Rebecca, Cape May, aud AVUliam Goff, Cape May 1770 Oct 3 Erskine, Elizabeth, and Robert L. Hooper, Jr., Trenton 1781 Oct. 13 Ervin, Elisabeth, Gloucester, and Matthew Tomlins, Gloucester. 1772 Mar. 20 Ervin, Mary, and Elias Laonard, Burlington 1779 Feb. 18 Ervine, Elizabeth, and John Cunningham, Burlington 1781 Dec. 31 Erwin, Jane, and John Hewson, Burlington 1779 May 14 Erwin, Mary, and John Pricket. Barlington 17C8 Deo. 4 Erwin, Patience, Glouoester, and Gabriel Hugg, Gloucester 1728 April 10 Erwin, Sarah, Gloucester, and James Cooper, Gloucester 1761 Mar. 27 Esdaile, Lydia, and Simuel McGuUey, Burlington 1787 Nov. 29 EsdaU, Mary, Burlingtou, and Arthur Campbell, Philadelphia 1764 Sept. 11 Esdel, Jane, and Joseph Brown, Burlington 1786 Mar. 15 Esdell, Sarah, and Thomas Meyers, PhUadelphia 17S8 July 17 Eslo, Catharine, and John AVillsou, Burlington 1778 Sept. 11 Eslon, Mary, Burlington, and Jacob Burnhart, Burlington ... 1773 Jan. 30 Eslow, Sarah, and Joshua Bishop, New Hanover 1780 Feb. 26 Eson, Catharine, Monmoutb, and Julius Sutton, Monmouth 1741 July 17 Estill, Hannah, New Hanover, and .lames Watson, Kew Hanover 1774 Jan. 5 Estill, Mary,' Burlington, and Samuel Mullen, Burliugton 1775 Mar. 19 Estill, Rhoda, and Philip Johnson, Burlington 1776 Aug. 10 Estill, Sarah, Burliugton, aud WiUiam Muri-U, Burlington 1783 Dec. 4 Estlack, Hannah, Gloucester, and John Norto., Gloucester 1737 July 23 Estlack, Sarah, and James Mickell, Gloucester 1732 Deo. 30 Esturgans, Martha, Burlingtou, and William Rogers, Burlington.. .. 1754 Aug. 19 Eustace, Rachel, and Jonathan Fithian, Cumberland 1780 Mar. 26 Evans, Bathsheba, and Job Lippiucott, Burlington 1794 Feb. 24 Evans, Elizabeth, and Arney Lippincott, Burlington 1779 Jan. 2 Evans, Hannah, Salem, and WilUam Adams, Salem 1762 Feb. 16 Evans, Hannah, Cape May, and Neri Hand, Cape May. 1775 Sept. 16 Evans, Jemima, and John Hurley, Gloucester 1784 Jan. 30 Evans, Jerusha, and Joseph Leigh I775 Jiar. 21 Evans, Martha, Burlington, and Benjamin Watson, Evesham 1767 Feb. 11 1 Usually -B'ritten EoB. MARRIACe LICENSES. t^5 fivans, Mary, Bucks, Pa., and Bartholomew Young, Bucks, Pa 1730 Feb. 26 Evans, Mary, and Fraucis Philpot, Lower Penns Neck 1772 April 9 Evans, Mary, and Nathaniel Cox 1772 Deo. 19 Evans, Rebecca, Cape May, aud -Thomas Soott, Cape May ' 1776 Nov. 2 Evans, Sarah, PhUadelphia, and John Evans, Philadelphia 1739 Aug. 30 Evans, Susannah, Burlington, and James L'ppinoott, Burlington 1771 Jan. 28 Erelman, Sarah, Monmouth, and Robert Brown, Middlesex 1745 Jan. 28 Evens, Elizabeth, Hunterdon, and Jonathan Furman, Trenton 1764 Oct., 13 Everingh.am, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Solomon Ivins, Burlington. . . 1742 Nov. 22 Everingham, Hannah, and Joseph Ivins, BurUngton 1741 Oct. 22 Everingham, Mary, Mansfield, and John Watson, Mansfield 1766 Aug. 16 Everitt, Phebee, aud Matthew Hixson, Hunterdon 1728 June 3 Everly, Ann, and AVUliam Hugg, Jr., Gloucester 1773 May 10 Everugham, Charity, and Cornelius Rowe, Middlesex 1767 Sept. 2S Evertson, Mary, Woodbridge, and Wheeler J. Case, Dutchess Co., N. Y..1768 June 10 Eves, Anne, Burlington, and Jonathan Lippincott, Burlington Co 1746 Mar. 13 Eves, Anne, Burlington, aud John Lippincott, Burlington 1746 Mar. 13 Eves, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Jacob Heulings, Burlington 1775 Jan. 16 Etbs, Mary, ETesham, aud Samuel Pine, Gloucester 1775 Jan. 16 Eves, Eaohel, Burliugton, and John H-immit, Barlington 1774 Feb. 1 Ivins, Esther, Gloucester, and John Butterworth, Gloucester 1729 Mar. 10 Evis, Eebecca, and Joseph Harker, Gloucester 1782 Nov. 27 Evoll, Margaret, and S Uomon Chaudler 1779 Sept. 18 Events, Elizabeth, Middletown, and William Woolley, Middletown . . . 1754 July 25 Evingham, Amy, Mansfield, and Asa Page, Mansfield 1773 Jan. 20 Evvingham, Eaohel, Monmouth, and Richard Harrison, Jr., Burrg'n.l736 June 21 Ewan, Letitia, Barlington, and Joseph Johnson, Burlington 1775 Nov. 27 Ewan, Rebecca, Northampton, and WiUiam Bass, Northampton 1784 April 13 Ewan, Susannah, Burliugton, and Micajah Carter, Burlington 1744 Feb. 12 Ewen, Hannah, and Thomas Anderson, Sussex 1786 Mar. 19 Ewing, Anna, and John Lauing, Cumberland 1785 Mar. 10 Ewing, Anne, Barlington, and John Lame, Burlington 1758 April 26 Ewing, Anne, Alloways Creek, and Dauiel Smith, Alloways Creek. .... 1779 Feb. 18 Ewing, Martha, Springfield, and Eichard Watkinson, Springfield 1771 April 18 Ewing, Mary, Burlington, aud Eobert Colcott, Burlington 1771 Jan. 7 Ewing, Mary, and Eichard Caruthers, Cumberland 1780 Dec. 16 Ewing, Phebe, and Remington Ewing, Cumberland 1784 . Jan. 30 Ewmg, Sarah, Cumberland, and WiUiam Caril, Cumberland 1773 May 24 Ewing, Sarah, and Bartholomew Rudulph, Cumberland 1779 Sept. 20 Ewing, Sarah, and Jonathan Leaming, Cape May 1780 Nov. 6 Ewing, Tamar, Burlington, aud Joshua Woolston, Burlington 1770 Sept. 29 Eyre, Elizabeth, and Uriah Wilkins, Burlington 1792 Oct. 18 Eyre, Hope, and Shinn Oliphant, Burlington 1 787 Nov. 12 Eyre, Martha, Burlingtou, and William Gordon, Burlington 1765 Aug. 17 Eyre, Mary, Burlington, and John CampbeU, Burlington 1765 June 10 Eyre, Eaohel, and Robert Marland, Burlington 1769 ,Mar. 6 136 nEav jersey Colonial docijMentS. Eyres, Ann, and Thomas Adams, Burlington 1785 May 30 MALES. -^ Fagen, James, Burlington, aud Mary Quigley, Burlington 1772 Fagens, James, Burlington, and Mary Arey, Burlington 1769 Fagins, WUliam, Burlington, and Patience Jervis, Burlington 1768 Pairchild, Nathaniel, Pequanock, aud Elizabeth Munson, Pequanock. . 1779 Faitoute, George, Monmouth, and Euphamia Titus 1779 Falkerson, Derrick, Somerset, and Sarah Pal kerson, Somerset ...',.. 1752 Fall, Philip, Perth Amboy, and Hannah Howgon, Perth Amboy 1757 Falkinbridge, David Little Egg Harbour, Faith Cook, Shrewsbury ..1767 Falkner, Jess, Burlington, and Isabeil Jones, Pennsylvania 1741 Fanyui'k, Mathi-as, Hunterdon, and Susannah Pansiles 1735 Fardon, John, Middlesex, and Charity Dean, Middlesex 1763 Farguson, John, Burliugton, and Elizabeth Dagworthy, Burliugton — 1730 Farguson, Robert, Burliugton, and Abigail Euocks 1784 Farguson, Shadrack, Burlington, and Lydia Nicholas 1786 Farley, John, Somerset, and Mary CUne, Somerset 1775 Farmer, Andrew, Burlingtou, and Jemima Cunningham 1763 Farmer, Jasper, Perth Amboy, aud Susanna Skinner, Perth Amboy. .1771 Farmer, John, Bristol, Pa., and Aun Olive Grager, Peunsylvauia 1732 Parney, Patrick, Morris, and Catherine Grosse 1772 Famsworth, Ameriah, Burlington, and Elizabeth Whitecratt, Burrg'n.l776 Famsworth, John, Hunterdon, aud Deborah McCarty Sussex 1768 Farnum, Thomas, Middletown, and Elizabeth Audrews, Middletown. .1750 Farquar, John, Burlington, and Hannah Clark, Barlington 1750 Farra, Isaac, Philadelphia, and Sarah Aves 1759 Farrell, Robert, Barlington, and Rebecca Lucus 1734 Farrell,. James, Freehold, and Mary Prench, Freehold 1751 Farrell, George, Burlington, and Elizabeth Atkinson, Burlington 1766 Farrill, James, Cumberland, and Elizabeth Sheckels 1780 Fay, Edward, and Hannah Van Home. 1772 Farrington, Joseph, Burlington, and Rebecca Alcott, Burlington 1761 Faulkingburg, Jacob, and Phebe Southard, Burlington 1764 Feagan, James, Burlington, and Alice Kirby, Burlingtou 1740 Feagin, James, Monmouth, and Amy Bsnmire, Monmouth 1767 Feasch, John Jacob, aud Susan Lawrence 1790 Feavel, John, Monmouth, and Joanna Applegate, Middlesex 1737 Feighte, Joseph, Bergen, aud Dorcas Ackerman 1790 Feild, Benjamin, Middlesex, and Margaret Degroot, Somerset 1750 Feilds, William, Hunterdon, and Sarah Furman 1780 Felgelder, John, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Adams, Gloucester 1729 Feneler, Lawrence, Freehold, and Frances Debow, Freehold 1760 Fenimore, Benjamin, Burlington, aud Mary Hutchins, Barlington. ,..1774 Fenimore, Caleb, Burlingtou, and Elizabeth Fenimore, Burlington. , . . 1774 Fenimore, Charles, Burlington, and Ann Laquard, Gloucester.. 1744 June 27 Dec. 23 Jan. 7 June 23 Nov. 4 Jan. 28 Nov. 9 Mar. 18 Aug. 26 Mar. 6- Jan. 19 Feb. 10 Oct. 9 Nov. 3 Jan. 30 Deo. 17 Nov. 7 Aug. 29 Nov. 13 June 4 Sept. 14 June 15 July 28 Jan. 6 April 20 Sept. 11 Sept. 23 July 24 July 20 Feb. 24 Mar. 8 Feb. 6 June 2 AprU 21 Mar. 11 Mar. 3 Deo. 5 Sept 13 May 22 Deo. 29 Mar. 4 AprU 28 Sept. 20 MARRtAGE LICENSES. i^^ fenimore, Jophet, Burlington, and Charity Parker, Burlington 1780 Fenimore, John, Burlington, and Rebecca Fennimore, Burlington 1773 Fenimore, John, Jr., Burlington, and Rachel Carson, Burlington 1775 Fenimore, Joseph, Burlington, and Sarah Vanhorne 1777 Fenimore, Pearson, Burlington, aud Mary Williamson, Burlingtou 1775 Fenimore, Richard, BurUngton, and Sarah Newell, Burlington 1736 Fenimore, Richard, Burlington, and Hannah Allen, Burlington 1759 Fenimore, William, Burlington, and Rachel Humphreys 1742 Fenimore, WilUam, Burlington, and Mary Wilkinson, Burlington 1757 Fennel, Patrick, Piscataway, and Ann Jones, Piscataway 1748 Fennimore, James, Burlington, and Elizabeth Soattergood, Burlington 1775 Fennimore, John, Burlin_gton, and Sarah Bryant, Burlington 1730 Fennimore, John, Monmouth, aud Mary White, Monmouth 1765 Fennimore, Joseph, Burlington, and Ann Perkins, Burlington 1766 Fennimore, William, Burlington, and Joyce McFanlin, Burlington 1739 Fenton, Eleazer, and EUzabeth Stacy 1690 Fenton, Ephraim, Bucks, Pa., and Hannah Pearson, Bucks, Pa 1736 Fenton, George, Jr.,_ Burlington, and EUzabeth Scroggy 1777 Fenton, John, Jr., Monmouth, and Margaret Davison, Monmouth . . 1741 Fenton, John, Monmouth, and Sarah Doughty, Monmouth 1781 Fenton, Joseph, and Hannah Knowles 1786 Fenton, Robert, BurUngton, and Grace Bowyer, Burlington 1762 Fenton, Samuel, Burlington, and Rebecca Kent 1769 Fenton, Thomas, Bucks, Pa., and Phebe Doble 1784 Fenton, WUliam, Burlington, and Hannah Hughes T . . 1773 Fenton, WUliam, Burlington, and Elizabeth Kindall, Burlington 1773 Ferdon, Jacob, Bergen, and Ellenor Vanblercum, Bergen 1 748 Ferguson, Alexander, Burlington, and Mary Barry, Burliugton 1757 Ferguson, Charles, Gloucester, and Hannah Wilkins, Gloucester.. . 1761 Ferguson, John, Burlington, and Eleanor Willson, Trenton. 1768 Femoel, Peter, Monmouth, and Susannah TUton, Monmouth 1742-3 Ferrill,! Moses, Sussex, and Eachel Featherby 1773 Ferril, WUUam, Monmouth, aud Sarab Compton 1780 Feshie, WUliam, Orange, N. Y., and EUzabeth Blauvelt, Orange, N. Y.1762 Fetters, Erasmus, Salem, and Sarah Chambers, Salem 1750 Peust, John, Jr., Middlesex, and Margaret WaU 1780 Pew, Joseph, Philadelphia, aud Sarah Smith 1779 Field, Derk, Middlesex, aud Elizabeth Smock, Middlesex 1749 Field, Edward, Bucks, Pa., and Grace Smith 1784 Eield, Elijah, BurUngton, and Mary Gibbs, Barlington 1771 Field, Isaac, Barlington, and Mary Archer, BurUngton 1772 Eield, Jeremiah, Middlesex, and Servia Sebriny 1770 Eield, Job, Philadelphia, and Mary Lyons, Burlington 1770 Eield, John, Middlesex, aud Elizabeth Fisher, Somerset 1744 •Query: Terril. Oct. 23 May 24 Oct. 1 Sept. 3 Oct. 24 Nov. 2 Nov. 13 Sept. 18. Aug. 22 April 26 July 20 Deo. 3 Oct. 31 July 22 July 16 Feb. 2 April 12 Mar. 12 Oct. 23 Feb. 27 Nov. 4 Jan. 19 Nov. 17 June 26 July 29 Aug. 9 April 22 April 18 April 28 Dec. 8 Mar. 4 Dec. 7 Aug. 12 Aug. 15 Oct. 26 Nov. 9 May 20 Nov. 15 Aug. 13 Jan. 28 April 10 Oct. 1 July 2 May 4 i3§ NEAV JERSEY COtONIAL bOCtJMENfS. Field, John, Middlesex, and Phebe BoCaw 1781 Field, Joseph, Burlingtou, and EUzabeth Newberry, Burlington 1741 Field, Joseph, Cape May, and Mary Birlow, Cape May. . ' 1765 Fiel 1, Nathan, Pennsylvania, and S:i.rah Thomas, Pennsylvania 1770 Field, Patrick, Burliugton, and Elizabeth Kindall, Burlington 1740 Filer, John, Jr., Cumberland, and Sarah Worton 1759 Fine, John, Somerset, and Anne Marsh, Somerset 1747 Finlaw, David, Salem, and Sarah Adams 1771 Finlaw, .James, S.ilein, and Mary Thompson, Salem 1762 Finlaw, John, Salem, and Sarah Worthington, Salem 1759 Finley, WiUiam, Gloucester, aud Mary AVhite, Gloucester 1762 Finney, Henry, PhUadelphia, and Hannah Brown, PhUadelphia 1739 Finnegan, Cbristopher, Burlington, and Deborah Lawrence 1746 Firestone, John, Salem, and Susanna Sivil 1774 Fish, Alexander, Gloucester, and Dinah Adams, Gloucester 1737 Fish, Caspar, Gloucester, and Sarah Collins, Philadelphia 1742 Fish, John, Monmouth, and Sarah Bennet 1752 Fish, Michael, Gloucester, aud Diana Fish, Gloucester 1737 Fish, Eobert, Somerset, and Aun Johnson. . 1786 Fisher, David, Burlington, and Mary Allen, Burlington 1766 Fisher, Fulcard, S-imerset, and Elizabeth Smyth, Monmouth 1763 Fisher, Hendrick, S jmerset, and Elizabeth Pontine 1764 Fisher, Hendrick, Somerset, and Elizabeth Blair 1783 Fisher, Henry, Cranberry, and Eebecca Vaughn, Freehold 1756 Fisher, Jeremiah, and Catherine Brokaw 1769 Fisher, John, Hunterdon, and Mary Hooglaud. . . , . , 1778 Fisher, Jonathan, Perth Amboy, and Elizabeth Walker, Perth Amboy, 1740 Fisher, Joseph C , Philadelphia, and Mary Learning 1782 Fisher, Michael, Gloucester, and Patience Flannigau, Gloucester.. ...1771 Fislear, Jacob, Burlington, and Savinah Clem, Burlington 1744 Fister, Philip, Hunterdon, and Mary Worner 1780 Fisyuer, Peter, Bargen, and Mary Leziere, Bergen 1760 Fitch, James, Hunterdon, and Eachel Stout, Hunterdon 1764 Fitch, Samuel, Middlesex, and Jane Johnson, Middlesex. 1739 Fitchet, George, Statenlsland, and Hester Pearce, Elizabeth Town. . .1759 Fitchett, James, and Christautia Vaucarrick 1735 Fithian, Ephraim, Cumberland, and Atheliah Gastou 1 780 Fithian, George, Cumberland, and Sarah Mulford 1782 Fithian, Joel, Cumberland, and Elizabeth Fithian 1780 Fithian, John, Cumberland, and Eunice Johnston 1759 Fithian, John, Cumberland, and Mary Brown, Cumberland 1765 Fithian, Jonathan, Cumberland, aud Rachel Eustace 1780 Fithian, Jonathan, Salem, and Sarah HolUngshead 1786 Fithian, Josiah, Salem, and Mary Johnson, Salem 1733 Fithian, Samuel, Cumberland, aud Abigail Moore 1750 Fithian, AVUliam, Cumberland, and Mary Tomlinson 1785 Jan. 22 Nov. 24 AprU 19 July 23 July 16 Mar. 6 Not. • 7 Aug. 27 June 7 Sept. 11 April 28 Got. 25 Mar. 28 Not. 20 Deo. 12 Jan. 31 Jan. 13 Ang. 12 May 30 Feb. 6 June 7 June 7 Oct. 12 Got. 11 Deo. 9 Not. 28 Aug. 6 Sept. 17 Juue 21 Jan. 2 June 2 Feb. 2 July 25 Jan. 19 Jan. 6 Nov. 5 Sept 4 Feb. 9 Feb. 2 Deo. 10 Sept. 26 Mar. 25 Nov. 28 June 2 Got. 25 Nov, 17 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 13$ fitz Gerrald, Thomas, Salem, and Aun Tracy, Salem 1767 Fitzpatrick, Abner, and Elizabeth Carroll 1779 Pitz Randolph— see also Randolph. Fitzrandolph Benj amin J., Somerset, and Elizabeth Redmore, Som'rs't, 1727 FitzRandolph, Benj., Bd Br'k, and Jane Margaret Long, P'th Atnb'y 1759 Fitz Randolph, Dauiel, Monmouth, and Margret Stewart 1760 Fitz Randolph, DaTid, Salem, and Jale Darkin, Salem 1740 FitzRandolph, Ephraim, Piscataway, aud Rachel Stelle, Piscataway. .1752 Pitz Randolph, Hartshorne, Woodbridge, and Ruth Dennis, Piscat'w'y. 1746 Pitz Randolph, Jacob, Middlesex, and Anne Webster 1780 Fitz Randolph, James, Woodbridge, and Elizabeth Lane, Woodbridge 1775 Fitz Eindolph, Nathauielj Woodbridge, and Ursula Stewart, Woodbge. 1748 Pitz Randolph, Reuben, Piscataway, and Mary Herriot, Woodbridge 1757 Fitz Randolph, Thomas, Piscataway, and Elizabeth Dunn, Piscataway 1755 Flanagan, Patrick, Hunterdon, and Mary Thomson, Philadelphia. , . . 1773 Flanegan, Thomas, Salem, and EUzabeth Smith, Salem 1739 Flaningam, George, Gloucester, and Patience Collins, Gloucester. 1769 Flaningam, Isaac, Gloucester, and Susannah Chew, Gloucester 1761 Flaningam, Patrick, Gloucester, and Sarah Chew 1762 Flaningam, Samuel, Gloucester, aud Hmnah Woolston, Gloucester. . .1768 Flaningam, George, Gloucester, and Sarah Jennings, Gloucester 1736 Plaunery, John, Perth Amboy, and Abigail Loot burrow, Perth Amboy. 1 749 Flatober, John, Monmouth, and Margaret Edwards, Gloucester 1749 Flego, John, Barlington, and Susanna Leonard, Burlington 1775 Fleming, Alexander, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Pensiler 1765 Fleming, Richard, Gloucester, and Catharine Fisher, Gloucester 1759 Fleming, Joseph, Jr., Gloucester, and Susannah Sickles 1784 Flen, WilUam, Monmouth, and Mary Vangrelt, Monmouth 1749 Flen, William, Monmouth, and Sarah Lambertson, Monmouth 176 i PUck, Ebenezer, Gloucester, and Margaret Brown 1783 Flick, PhiUp, Burlington, and Amy Borden, Barlington 1754 Pliok, Thomas, Gloucester, and Zillah Batten 1784 Fling, George, Salem, and Margaret Dickey 1735 Flinner, Henry, BurUngton, and Catherine Breman 1784 Flitoraft, Francis, Cumberland, and Jemima Leeds 1784 FUtcraft, Henry, Burliugton, and Rhoda Johnson, Barlington 1766 Flitcraft, Isaiah, Burlington, and Lucretia Rakestraw 1773 Flitoraft, Joseph, Burlington, aud Mary Meredith, Burlington 1762 Flittraft, AVUliam, Burlington, and Mary Bogar, Burlington 1770 Flower, Benjamin, and Martha Doz 1778 Flowers, WUliam, Burlington, and Martha Norton, Buriington 1739 Floyd, Perry, Hunterdon, and Mary McBride 1778 Foerd, Samuel, Jr., Woodbridge, aud Charity Frazee, Woodbridge . . .1757 Fogg, Daniel, Salem, and Grace Ponton 1769 Fogg, Joseph, Salem, and Mary Streat, Salem 1775 Folks, Isaiah, Burlington, and Alice Lawrence, Burlington 1728 Mar. 4 July 30 Mar. 9 Deo. 8 Feb. 25 May 25 July 11 Aug. 16 Nov. 4 May 3 Oct. 18 Feb. 8 May 26 July 30 Deo. 1 Feb. 17 May 10 Aug. 27 Oct. 15 Dec. 9 April 4 Oct. 12 Mar. 1 July 17 Sept. 1 Aug. 20 Nov. 13 Oct. 28 Feb. 17 Oct. 24 Sept. 6 Jan. 22 July 14 Jan. 28 Sept. 16 May 27 Mar. 13 Aug. 7 Sept. 24 Feb. 26 Feb. 21 July 5 Nov. 4 May 11 Mar. 22 i46 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. FoUwell, WiUiam, Burlington, and Anne Potts, Burlington 1727 Folwell, John, BurUngton, and Mary Gibbs, Burlington 1771 Folwell, Joseph, BurUngton, and Mary AVarren, Burlington 1766 FolweU, Nathan, Springfield, and Jane Chalmer, Springfield 1748 Folwell, Nathan, Burliugton, and Catharine Spike, Burlington 1761 Folwell, Nathan, Burlington, and Hope Atkinson 1785 Foot, William, Sussex, and Mary Coppinger, Sussex 1772 Forbes, Alexander, 42d Regt., and Christein McKensey 1762 Force, Benjamin, AVoodbridge, and Anne Soudder, Elizabeth Town.. . .1758 Force, Jacob, Burlington, and Mary DarUng 1774 Force, Jacob, Burlington, and Betsy Arnold, Burlington 1781 Force, Jonathan, Middletown, Pa., and Susannah Rossell 1782 Force, Joseph, Burlington, and Mercy Adams, Burlington 1774 Force, Matthew, Burlington, and Jane Sidman, Burlington 1772 Force, Samuel, AA'oodbridge, and Sarah Freeman, AVoodbridge 1754 Force, Samuel, and Mary Freeman, Woodbridge 1750 Foroe, Thomas, Woodbridge, Agues Elstone 1759 Ford, Benjamin, Chester, Pa., aud Sara Key 1782 Ford, Benjamin, Chester, Pa., and Henrietta Hooff 1784 Ford, Charles, Burlington, and Elizabeth Shinn 1768 Ford, Gabriel W., Morris, and Frances Gualdo 1790 Fordam, John, Philadelphia, and Hannah Bickley, Philadelphia 1730 Ford. John, Hunterdon, and Anna Vanhess 1782 Fordham, Richard, Philadelphia, and Susanna Poinsett 1733 Ford, Thomas, Burlington, and Rachel Leek, Burlington 1747 Ford, Thomas, Burlington, and Mary Drummond 1782 Ford, William, Essex, and Margaret Mathews, Monmouth 1740 Ford, WiUiam, Middlesex, and Aun McCohn, Middlesex 1762 Ford, WiUiam, BurUngton, and Sarah WUls 1783 Foreman, Jonathan, Cape May, and Anna Hand, Cape May 1771 Forest, John, Gloucester, and Catherine Miller, Salem 1771 Forker, Adam, Burlington, and Hannah Gaskill, Burlington 1749 Forker, Samuel, Burlington, and Sarah Knight. , 1781 Forman, Aaron, Hunterdon, and Ann Emley 1769 Forman, Aaron, Morris, and Rebecca Potts 1780 Forman, David, Monmouth, and Anne Denise, Monmouth 1757 Forman, George, Somerset, and Lidia Gordon, Monmouth 1753 Forman, John, Monmouth, and Rebecca Taylor, Monmouth 1750 Forman, John, Monmouth, and Nelly Denyse, Monmouth 1752 Forman, John, Hunterdon, and Charity Hunt 1770 Forman, John, Jr. , Burlingtou, and Phebe Matther 1783 Forman, Lewis, Middletown, and Affey Van Emburgh, Middletown . . . 1756 Forman, Peter, Monmouth, and Eleanor Williams, Monmouth 1742 Forman, Samuel, Monmouth, and Helena Denyse, Monmouth 1752 Forman, Samuel, Monmouth, and Margaret Forman, Monmouth 1772 Forman, Thomas, Monmouth, and Jane Throgmorton 1769 Dec. 6 Sept. 13 June 16 July 21 AprU G Feb. 4 July 4 Nov. 19 AprU 2 June 21 AprU 27 Deo. 17 Jan. 11 Aug. 15 July 4 Jan. 15 Jan. 23 Oct. 11 May 6 Deo. 12 Jan. 25 Sept. 27 Jan. 13 Mar. 6 July 2 Feb. 19 June 23 Deo. 29 April 19 June 15 Feb. 21 Aug. 25 Mar. 17 April 27 Jan. 26. June 9 Nov. 7 Mar. 21 May 2 June 10 Nov. 25 Sept. 28 Dec. 7 May 2 Jan. 19 Oct. 31 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 141 Forquer, William, aud Elizabeth May, Gloucester 1763 Forrester, John, Burlington, Elizabeth Delatush, Burliugton , 1776 Forrester, William, Philadelphia, and Susanna Lowner, PhUadelphia, .1731 Forsith, John, Burlington, and Alice Herd, Burlington ... 1756 Forsyth, John, Burlington, and Lucretia Taylor, Barlington 1768 Fort, Abraham, Burlington, aud Elizabeth Edmond, Burlington 1761 Fort, John, Burlington, and Hannah Marriott, Burlington 1731 Fort, John, Jr., Burlington, and Elizabeth Woolston 1756 Fort, John, Jr., Burlington, and Martha Gaskill, Burlington 1779 Fort, Joseph, Burlington, and Hester Nailer 1784 Port, Marmaduke, Burlington, and Mary Cousins, Springfield 1738 Fort, Marmaduke, Burlington, and Elizabeth Marriot, Burlington .... 1775 Port, Marmaduke, Burlington, and Achsah Bates 1777 Fort, Roger. Burlington, and Joanna Lebby, Burlington 1733 Port, S'amuel, Burlington, and Avis Burdsal 1768 Fortenberry, John, and Elizabeth Murphy 1773 Fortiner, Daniel, Gloucester, and Bathsheba Trench, Gloucester. . . . 1748 Foster, Amariah, Burlington, and Mary Prickett, Burlington 1748 Foster, Benjamin, Piscataway, and Martha Sutton,' Piscataway 1751 Foster, Charles', Cape May, and Abiah Townsend 1764 Foster, Christopher, Cape May, and Lydia Hand 1732 Foster, Oonstantine, Cape May, and B.ithia Eldridge, Cape May 1773 Foster, Cryten, Gloncester, and Hene Maria Moreter Bonnell 1769 Foster, Ebenezer, Essex, and Mary Beach, Essex 1750 Foster, Henry, Cape May. and Rboday Smith 1777 Poster, Jeremiah, Cumberland, and Sarah Smith, Cumberland 1778 Foster, Jeremiah, Burlington, and Sarah Peterson, Egg Harbor 17^2 Foster, Jeremiah, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Hewes 1783 Foster, Jeremiah, Jr. , Cumberland, and Priscilla Preston 1784 Foster, John, Cape May, and Putience Foreman 1761 Foster, John, Monmouth, and Easter Vaughn, Monmouth . 1766 Foster, John, Burlington, and Anna Gibbs, Burlington 1776 Foster, Jonathan, Cape May, and Hannah WUlden, Cape May 1759 Foster, Nathaniel, Cape May, and Mary Eldredge 1754 Foster, Nicholas, Buriington, and Martha Arnold 1778 Foster, Reuben, Freehold, and Mary Throckmorton, Freehold 1750 Foster, Salathiel, Cape May, and Judith Hudges 1787 Foster, Samuel, PhUadelphia, and Frances Ebzery, Philadelphia 1754 Foster, Samuel, Cape May, and Mary Smith 1774 Poster, Stephen, Cape M ay, and Abigail Stevenson 1762 Foster, Uriah, Burlington, and Anne Lord, Burlington. 1770 Foster, William, Barlington, and Sarah Bishop 1779 Foster, WilUam, Burlington, and Mary Cross, Burlington 1779 Foster, WUliam, Burlington, and Anna Haines 1788 Foueserits, Jean Baptist, Gloucester, and Hukln Falkner 1776 Fourat, Isaac, Middlesex, and Hester Dayis 1768 July 25 Mar. 16 Oct. 5 Dec. 31 Jan. 5 Sept. 7 Nov. 3 Dec. 27 July 5 Jau. 2 Dec. 2 Oct. 23 May 29 April 12 Aug. 29 Oct. 27 July 28 July 15 July 8 Oct. 16 Jan. 18 June 1 Nov. 20 Aug. 24 Sept. 18 Oct. 19 Nov. 16 Oct. 1 Dec. 15 Aug. 5 Dec. 8 May 27 July 28 Mar. 19 Nov. 18 June 21 Oct. 5 April 19 April 25 Oct. 4 Nov. 12 Oct. 11 Deo. 9 Jan. 17 Dec. 10 May 9 142 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Fowler, Benjamin, Monmoutb, and Miriam Wright, Burlington 1736 Deo. 29 Fowler, Benjamin, Monmouth, and Alice Steward 1749-50 Feb. 19 Fowler, Jacob, Burlington, and Sarah Jormaa 1781 Deo. 24 Fowler, John, Bucks, Pa., and Hannah 'Murfy, Bucks, Pa 1754 Feb. 26 Fowler, Jonathan, Burlington, and Hannah Lawrence, Chesterfield 1742 Sept 20 Fowler, Matthew, Sussex, and Catharine McCormick 1768 Aug. 6 Pox, Gunnar, Gloucester, and Magdalena Seeley 1758 April 24 Fox, Henry, Cumberland, and Barbary Ruff, Cumberland 1767 Nov. 26 Fox, John, Huuterdon, aud Catherine Hummer. 1778 May 22 Fox, Jonathan, Burlingtcn, and Sarah Forman 1763 May 12 Fox, Patrick, Burlington, and Hannah Baker, Burlington 1772 June 19 Foy, Patrick, Monmouth, and Phebe Cooper, Monmouth 1748 Mar. 30 Frambes, Peter, Glouoester, and Elsey Somers 1784 Mar. 9 Frambus, Andrew, Gloucester, .and Sarah English. 1783 Jan. 5 Francis, Richard, and Mary Ma jore 1694 July 8 Francis, Richard, Monmouth, and Sarah Applegate, Monmouth. . . . 1766 Feb. 3 Francis, Robert, Monmouth, and Susannah Throckmorton, Monmouth. 1765 AprU 8 Franklin, James, Gloucester, and Sarah Lord 1770 Mar. 1 Franklin, John, Gloucester, and Mary Graisbuiy, Gloucester 1743 June 22 Frazee, Aaron, Middlesex, and Hannah Ross 1768 Nov. 8 Frazee, James, Middlesex, and Rachel Frambles, Elizabeth Town. . . 1770 Sept. 3 Frazee, Jonathan, Woodbridge, and I-abell Freeman, Woodbridge . 1762 Jan. 16 Frazee, Moses, Middlesex, and Mary Drake, Middlesex 1764 Mar. 17 Frazee, Stephen, Monmoutb, and Hannah Gifford, Monmouth 1765 May 16 Frazer, David, Hunterdon, and Rachel Anderson, Hunterdon 1771 Sept 28 Frazer, Joseph, PhUadelphia, and Elizabeth Foster, Burlington 1780 Jan. 23 Frazer, Robert, Burlington, and Margaret Carr, Burlington 1 767 Mar. 9 Freas, Frederick, Salem, and Catherine MiUer 1775 AprU 17 Preas, George, Salem, and Catherine Halter . . . 1772 Oct. 30 Fredericks, Frederick, Morris, and Margaret Clark 17.-^4 Aug. 21 Fredericks, Martin, Morris, and Mary DeBlow 177J Jan. 6 Freeing, Thomas, Burlington, and Hannah Adams 1778 July 20 Freeland, Enoch, Bergen, and Marritie Terhune 1788 June 5 See also — Vreeland. Freeman, Abraham, Middlesex, and Abigail Clarkson, Middlesex 1763 June 29 Freeman, Alexander, Middlesex, and Grace R-.mdolph, Middlesex. .. . 1748 Jan. 11 Freeman, Asahal, Monmouth, and Mary Morris, Monmouth 1757 Deo. 7 Freeman, Edward, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Tharp ' 1746 Sept. 30 Freeman, Henry, Woodbridge, and AbigaU Carman, Woodbridge. ...1739 Sept. 8 Freeman, Henry, Jr., Woodbridge, and Mary Read, Woodbridge 1712 July 1 Freeman, Isaac, AVoodbridge, and Sarah Tappen, Woodbridge 1742 Nov. 23 Freeman, Isaac, Jr., AA'oodbridge, and Phebe Fitz Randolph, AV'dbdge. 1759 June 19 Freeman, James, Woodbridge, and Elizabeth Pain, AVoodbridge 1759 May 16 Freeman, James, Middlesex, and Catharine Brooks 1768 Sept 15 Freeman, Jesse, Cape May, and Rachel Lee, Great Egg Harbor 1760 Feb. 27 Freeman, John, Hunterdon, and Martina Johnson, Hunterdon 1735 Kept. 15 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 43 Freeman, John, Middlesex, and Sarah Sutphin 1772 Freeman, Jonathan, Middlesex, and Mary Perkins, Middlesex 1760 Freeman, Joseph, Jr., Middlesex, and Deborah Rowling, Middlesex. . .1763 Freeman, Thomas, New York, and Grace Cosby 1733 Freeman, WUliam, Woodbridge, and Sarah Berry 1745 Freeman, William, Woodbridge, and Charity Taylor, Woodbridge 1750 Freeman, William, Burlington, and Elizabeth Hews 1758 Freestone, John, Bucks, Pa., and Elizabeth Mitchell, Bucks, Pa 1763 French, Benjamin, Bordentown, and Martha Hall, Bordentown 1742 French, Charles, Gloucester, and Sabella Stoakes 1783 French, Jackson Brown, Barlington, and Catherine Lawrence 1 790 French, James, Burliugton and Sarah Ferguson 1779 French, Joseph, New Jersey, and Hannah Horn, Raritan Landing 1749 French, Thomas, Salem, and Isabel Mason, Salem J 733 French, Thomas, Burlington, and Jamimah Elkenton, Burlington 1746 French, Thomas, Burliugton, and Mercy Coxe 1769 Prench, Thomas, Cape May, aud Hannah Peasner 1 774 French, Uriah, Burlington, and Rachel Ingersall, Burlington 1771 French, William, Middlesex, and Antie Seabring, Middlesex 1742 French, William, Burlingtou, and Lydia Taylor, Bordentown 1748 Front, Morgan, Cumberland, and Dorcas Moore, Cumberland 1762 Fresneau, Peter, New York, and Agnes Watson, Monmouth 1750 Friend, Ephraim, Salem, and Bridgitta Suecks, Salem 1731 FiiziUer, John, Perth Amboy, and Sarah Brookin 1757 Frohook, John, Bucks, Pa,, aud Elizabeth Parker 1732 Prost, John, Bucks, Pa , and Grace Searle, Bucks, Pa 1732 Frost, Thomas, Newark, and Tammisin Erie 1764 Fry, John, Salem, and Mary Braithwaite, Salem , 1727 Fryer, John Casparus, Morris, and Helena Van Etten, Morris 1742 Falkerson, John, Morris, and Catherine Slaught 1781 Fulkerson, Fnlkerd, Morris, and Sarah Schellenger 1780 Fulkison, Cornelius, Somerset, and Frinche Van Dyke, Somerset . 1764 ' FuUer, John, Salem, and Ellenor Lewis, Salem ,. 1683 FuUingsby, John, Burlington, and Olive Brazinton, Burlington.. ..... 1774 Fulper, Jacob, Hunterdon, and Catherine Hoppock, Hunterdon 1774 Fulton, Robert, Burlington, and Cathrine f parburn, Burlington 1756 Fulton, Robert, Burlington, and Mary Rogers, BurUngton 1765 Pundrau, AViUiam, Perth Amboy, aud Deborah Islestine, Perth Amboy. 1752 Funk, Peter, Monmouth, and Mariah Rogers, Monfiiouth 1753 Funk, John, Middlesex, and Charity Hageman, Middlesex 1748 Funtine, John, Middlesex, and Lydia Boyce, Middlesex 1759 Furman, John, Jr., Princeton, and Zenah Letts, Middlesex 1768 Furman, John, Hunterdon, and Phebe Hunt 1779 Furman, Jonathan, Freehold, andSarah Throgmorton, Freehold. . ,1745-6 Furman, Jonathan, Trenton, and Elizabeth Evens, Hunterdon 1764 June 16 April 12 Aug. 23 June 14 Dec. 7 Deo. 5 Sept. 25 Jan. 5 Jan. 29 May 27 Oct. 1 Oct. 12 Jan. 3 July 13 May 8 AprU 22 Nov. 14 June 29 Dec. 28 Sept. 20 June 9 Mar. 12 June 5 Dec. 10 July 4 June 6 Nov. 1 May 4 June 18 April 13 Jan. 12 Dec. 11 July 16 Dec. 5 May 7 Oct. 4 July 19 Deo. 18 Mar. 5 April 15 July 4 May 14 Mar. 30 Feb. 11 Oct. 13 144 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Furman,! Richard W., Trenton, and Sarah Rickey 1786 Oct. 19 Furman, Samuel, Somerset, and Elizabeth Corle, Somerset 1748 May 24 Furnes, Benjamin, BurUngton, and Dorothy Higginbottom, BurUngt'n. 1745 Aug. 23 Pumis, Joseph, Philadelphia, and Elizabeth Dyer, Philadelphia 1736 May 21 Fye, Nicholas, Gloucester, and Rose Report, Gloucester. 1761 Aug. 4 FEMALES. ^ Faber, Huldah, Monmouth, and Fraucis Chadwick, Monmouth 1 764 Nov. 1 Pagan, Elinor, Mansfield, and Urah Thompson, Mansfield 1771 Sept 28 Fagen, Jean, Bucks, Pa., and Francis Titus, Jr., Bucks, Pa 1763 Aug. 17 Pairchild, Jaue, Morris, and Silas Goble, Morris 1744 Aug. 22 Pairchild, Mary, Morristown, and Caleb Tuttle, Morristown 1779 Nov. 30 Pairchild, Pheby, Morristowu, and Abraham Talmage, Morristown. . . . 1768 Dec. 2 Fairly, Mary, Burlington, and Hugh Middleton, Burlington 1744 Sept. 25 Fairman, Elizabeth, and John Palmer, Philadelphia 1743 June 7 Falkeson, Sarah, Somerset, aud Derrick Falkeson, Somerset 1752 Jan. 28 Falkner, Huklu, and Jean Baptist Foueserits, Gloncester 1776 Deo. 10 Falks, Alice, Burlington, and Charles Bowker, Burlington 1770 Oct. 5 Fanger, Bathiah, Middletown, and Joseph Wilson, Middletowu 1765 Aug. 21 Fanninp, Thankful!, Burliugton, and Daniel Call, Burlington 1770 June 1 Fansiler, Susanah, and Mathias Pany urk, Hunterdon 1 785 Mar. 5 Faress, Sarah, and Nathaniel Donnell, Jr., Cumberland 1784 June 25 Fargie, Alida, aud Cornelius 0, Roosevelt, Orange Co , N. Y 1781 Oct. 17 Paris, Elizabeth, Windsor, and William Vaughn, Windsor 1759 Feb. 5 Fariss, Sarah, Bucks, Pa., aud Edward Adaire, Bucks, Pa 1732 Aug. 1 Farle, Susannah, Amwell, and George Ely, Jr., Amwell 1768 April 27 Farlee, Molly, Hunterdon, and Simon Wyckoft, Hunterdon 1770 AprU 28 Farley, Ellenor, Amwell, and Peter Runk, Amwell 1774 Mar. 30 Farmar, Elizabeth, and Peter Goelet, New York 1775 Oct. 26 Farmer, Margaret, and John Smith, Hunterdon 1733-4 Jaa 28 Farmer, Mary, and George Greenfield, PhUadelphia 1730 AprU 24 Farmer, Sarah, and Jacob Giants, Springfield 1779 June 3 Famsworth, Hannah, and Robert Ashton 1747-8 Feb. 15 Famsworth, Sarah, Bordentown, and John Opdike, Burlington 1744 Oct. 7 Famsworth, Susannah, Burlington, and Owen Edwards, Burlington. . ,1732 AprU 11 Farril, Mary, Bucks, Pa,, and James Johnson, Bucks, Pa 1763 Sept. 13 Farrow, Martha, Burlington, and Solomon Leeds, Gloucester 1765 Jan. 30 Farrow, Sarab, aud Peter Grapeviije, Gloucester 1779 July 19 Faucett, Mary, and Charles Lock 17 Faulkerson, EUzabeth, and Barnaby McGraw, Morris 1777 Aug. 5 . Faulkinburg, Hannah, Lt. Egg Hbr, and John Southard, Lt. Egg Hbr.1767 Mar. 26 Favio, Sarah, Burlington, and James Warner, Burlington 1767 Aug. 29 Fawsett, Ester, Gloucester, and John Holm, Gloucester 1732 July 22 1 A pencil note in the manuscript index says: "His first wife was Hannan Middleton, born lTo5 ; died 1783," MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 45 Feame, Rebecca, Glouoester, and John Githens, Glouoester 1741 Nov. 3 Featherby, Rachael, and Moses Ferril], Sussex I773 Dec. 7 FeedUng, Elizabeth, Philadelphia, and Johannes Ott, PhUadelphia 1751 June 25 Fegans, EUe, and George Morris 1783 jjeo^ 17 Fell, Mary, and Richard Meredith 1769 July 22 Fenimore, Hannah, Burlington, and Amos Hutchins, Burlington. . .. 1772 April 4 Fenimore, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Caleb Fenimore, Burlington. . . . 1774 April 28 Fenimore, Elizabeth, Burlington, and William Cooper, Pennsylvania. . 1774 Nov. 12 Fenimore, Elizabeth, and John Durell, Burlington 1777 Aug. 21 Fenimore, Hope, Springfield, aud Abraham Claypoole, New HanoTer. .1774 Dec. 7 Fenimore, Rachel, aud John Pittinger, Burlington 1778 Oct. 24 Fenimore, Rebecca, and Paul Wilmerton, Barlington 1778 AprU 30 Fenimore, Sarah, Burlington, and Benjamin Stevenson, Burlington. . .1763 May 4 Fennell, Sebina, Sussex, and William Kelley, Sussex 1769 Feb. 20 Fenner, Catharine, and Henry Carkhuff, Huuterdon 1767 Nov. 23 Fennimore, Anne, Willingborow, and Joseph Mullen, Bridgetown 1748 Dec. 24 Fennimore, Joan, Burlington, and George Dearon, Burlington 1728 Jan. 1 Fennimore, Mary, Burlington, and William MorreU, Burlington 1730 Oct. 28 Fennimore, Rebecca. Burlington, and Robert Lucas, Burlington 1730 May 18 Fennimore, Rebecca, Burlington, and Benjamin Moor, Jr., Burlington. 1730 Oct. 27 Fennimore, Rebecca, Burlington, and John Fennimore, Burlington . . . 1773 May 24 Fennimore, Sarah, and Daniel "Newton 1781 June 5 Fenton, Elizabeth, Burlington, aud Joseph Hoye. Burlington 1763 Jan. 15 Fenton, Hannah, and John Johnson, Burlington 1779 Nov. 9 Fenton, Mary, Burlington, and John Ashton, Buokg, Pa 1765 Feb. 13 Fenton, Pamela, and Henry StUl, Burlington 1777 Dec. 9 Fenton, Phebe, and Thomas Quicksall, Buriington 1748 Oct. 15 Fenton, Rachel, and Nathaniel WUkiuson, Burlington 1735 Dec. 1 Fenton, Sarah, Burlington, and Jacob Johnson, Burlington 1733 July 19 Fenton, Sarah, Burlington, and George Applegate, BurUngton 1763 Nov. 14 Fenton, Vashti, and Obadiah Ireton, Burlington 1754 Jan. 21 Feorigin, Elizabeth, and Jacob Lawrence, Jr., Burliugton 1767 Oct. 14 Ferguson, Anne, Burlington, and Joseph Murrel, Burlington 1758 April 4 Ferguson, Jennet, aud George Pointer, Buriington 1789 Aug. 13 largaret, and George Painter, Burlington 1785 Oct. 5 on, Mary, and Simon Simonson, New York 1786 Oct. 25 n, Sarah, and James French, Burlington 1779 Oct. 12 on, Jane, and Joseph Thornton, Philadelphia 1787 June 7 Ferris, Polly, Burlington, and John Beck, • Burlington 1 780 June 20 Ferry, Mary, Hopewell, and Samuel Davis, Cumberland 1759 Jan. 11 Ferver, Margaret, Morris, and James Bleuchfill, Morris 1774 June 8 Field, AbigaU, Mansfield, and James Peters, Mansfield 1773 Aug. 26 Field, Charity, Bucks, I'a., and James Pierson, Bucks, Pa 1749 Oct. 30 Field, Hannah, Middlesex, and John Gerisb, Somerset 1749 Mar. 28 Field, Mary, HopeweU, and Ezekiel Rose, AmweU 1772 Nov. 18 Field, Mary, and Thomas Read, PhUadelphia 1779 Aug. 27 146 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Field, Phoebe, Burlington, and A.bijah Watkins 1773 Oct. 1 Field, Rebecca, BurUngton, and Samuel Taylor, Jr., Burlington 1741 Oct. 3 Field, Sarah, Middlesex, and John Pool, Somerset 1748-9 Mar. 9 Field, Sarab, Burlington, and Micajah How, Hunterdon. 1770 Jan, 22 Fielding, EUz.abeth, Philadelphia, aud John Oat, PhUadelphia 1751 June 25 Fight, Catharine, and Daniel Packer, Greenwich 1771 Sept. 21 Findlaw, Sarah, Cumberland, and Ebenezer Smith, Cumberland 1772 Nov. 17 Fine, Mary, and Peter Kinnan, Bergen 1780 June 20 Fine, Rachel, and WUliam NicoU, Bergen 1788 Dec. 27 Finley, Elizabeth, Glouoester, and Nathan Paul, Gloucester 1761 June 20 Finley, Jane, Gloucester, and James Miller, Gloucester 17G5 Oct. 28 Finley, Jaraseu, and Nathan Paul, Glouoester 1784 Sept. 28 Fiunise, Ma-garet, and Isaac Rinnerson, Somerset 1779 Deo. 25 Firks, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Richard Scarrum, Monmouth. . .. 1728 Ang. 15 Pish, Anna, and Elias Conover, Monmouth 1780, Oct. 14 Fish, Diana, Gloucester, and Michael Fish, Gloucester 1737 Aug. 12 Fish, Hannah, Gloucester, and George Gilbert, Gloucester 1728 Oct. 24 Fish, Lydia, Monmouth, and Jobn Pearce, Monmouth 1746 Oct. 17 Fish, Rebecca, and Thomas Burrough, Gloucester., 1777 Sept. 8 Fish, Susannah, Gloucester, a'nd Joseph Belles, Glouoester 1741 Jan. 11 Fisher, Catherine, Glouoester, and Richard Fleming, Gloucester 1759 Sept. 1 Fisher, Eliz ibetb, Somerset, and John Field, Middlesex 1744 May 4 Fisher, EUzabeth, and Henry Kauaday, Somerset 1781 April ' 28 Fisher, Hannah, Burlington, and Daniel Stockton, Burlington 1728 July 1 Fisher, Letitia, Gloucester, and Moses Cox, Glouoester 1764 Oct. 18 Fisher, Margery, Philadelphia, and David McMurtrie, PhUadelphia. . .1754 Mar. 18 Fisher, Mary, Monmouth, aud Guisbert Lane, Monmouth 1746 Mar. 26 Fisher, Mary, AmweU, and Thomas AVUlson, AmweU 1768 May 14 Fishear, Mary, and John Ryer, Bergen 1784 Feb. 27 Fisher, Neeltie, Somerset, and Hendrick Suydam, Somerset. 1751 June 1 Fisher, Sarah, Gloucester, aud Benjamin Lodys, Salen) 1742 Oct. 15 Fitchet, Elizabeth, Somerset, and Peter Vredenburg, New Brunswick. . 1746 Dec. 17 Fitchet, Catharine, and Robert Gibbs, Burliugton 1756 April 15 Fitchel, Mary, Somerset, and Richard Davis, Somerset 1740 Sept. 28 Fithian, AbigaU, and Nathan Shaw, Cumberland 1754 July 17 Fithian, Ann, Cumberland, and Latin AVare, Cumberland 1768 Feb. 15 Fithian, Elizabeth, and Joel Fithian, Cumberland 1780 Feb. 2 Fithian, Esther, Cumberland, and Thomas MaskeU, Cumberland 1768 Mar. 27 Fithian, Hannah, Cumberland, and Nathan'Leek, Cumberland 1761 Dec. 1 Fithian, Hannah, Cumberland, and WiUiam Barker, Cumberland 1766 AprU 10 Fithian, Mary, Jr., Cumberland, and WUUam Sayres, Cumberland .... 1762 May 25 Fithian, Mary, and Joshua Brick, Cumberiand 1786 Mar. 28 Fithian, Rebecca, and Thomas Brown, Cumberland 1780 May 29 Fithian, Temperance, Cumberland, and Joseph Donelson, Cumbei'rnd.1774 May 23 Fits RaudeU, Mary, Monmouth, and Thomas James, Monmouth 1761 June 6 Fitz, Mary, Salem, and Thomas Boon, Salem 1767 Feb. 17 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Fitzgerald, Bridget, Burlington, and James Thomas, Burlington 1731 Fitzgerald, Elizabeth, Greenwich, and Jacob West, Sussex 1773 Fitzgerald, Mary, Cumberland, aud Samuel Bacon, Cumberland 1767 Fitzgerald, Mary, Sussex, and David Johnson, Sussex, 1778 Fitz Gerrald, Susanna, Elsinburrough, and John Denn, Salem 1772 Fitzhuge, Mary, Chester, and Jeremiah Hinds, Burlingtou 1739 Fitz Randolph— see also Randolph. Fitzpatrick, Mary, Monmouth, and Marmaduke Horseman 1 744 Pitz Randolph, Abigail, and Richard Carman 1742 Pitz Randolph, Catharine, and Thomas Bowlby, Morris 1745 Fitz Randolph, Catherine, Piscataway, and Israel Thornell, Middlesex. 1753 Fitz Randolph, Catherine, and Nathaniel Martin, Middlesex 1758 Fiiz Randolph, Catherine, Perth Amboy, and Gilbert Sherer, N. York. 1763 Pitz Randolph, Catharine, and William B. Jelf, Morris 1776 Fitz Randolph, Charity, Burlington, and Michael Bennet, Burlington.. 1774 Pitz Randolph, Frances, AVoodbridge, and James Crowell, W'dbridge. .1759 Fitzrandolph, Grace, Somerset, and Stephen Jones, Somerset. 1728 FitzRandolph, Johanna, Woodbridge, and James Rowland, W'db'dge.l756 - Fitz Randolph, Johanna, and Jacob Thorn, Middlesex 1769 Fitz Randolph, Margaret, and James Clarkson, Middlesex 1743 FitzRandolph, Margaret, Woodbridge, and AVUliam Waller, W'db'dge.l750 FitzRandolph, Mary, Woodbridge, and Samuel Coddington, W'db'dge.l756 Pitzrandolph, Mary, Bucks, Pa., and David Pinkerton, Bucks, Pa 1757 Fitzrandolph, Mary, Middlesex, and Jonas Baldwin, Middlesex 1763 Pitzrandolph, Mary, Piscataway, and Jeremiah Dunn, Piscataway... 1765 Pitz Randolph, Mary, Middlesex, and James Bray, Morris "1771 FitzRandolph, Phebe, Woodbridge, and Isaac Freeman, Jr., AV'b'dge.l759 Fitz Randolph, Rachel, Woodbridge, and Nicholas Shotwell 1744 Fitz Randolph, Rachel, Piscataway, aud Thomas Holton, Piscataway 1750 Fitz Randolph, Rebecca, Middlesex, and Thomas Mattis, Middlesex. . . 1749 FitzRandolph, Rebecca, Woodbridge, and Robert Clarkson, W'db'dge. 1758 Fitz Randolph, Rebecca, and John Stockton, Somerset 1780 FitzRandolph, Sarah, Monmouth, and WUliam Haywood, Monmouth. 1761 Fitz Randolph, Sarah, Middlesex, and Eeuben Dunn, Middlesex 1770 Fitzwater, Deborah, and Christopher Clymer, Philadelphia 1734 Fitzwater, Rebecca, Philadelphia, and Thomas Hogg, Philadelphia. . .1734 Flanningam, Amy, and David Peterson, Glouoester 1785 Flanningam, Patience, Gloucester, and Michael Fisher, Gloucester.. . . 1771 Flanningam, Anne, Gloucester, and James Jayard, Gloucester 1760 Plannigham, Ann, aud Benjamin Weatherby, Gloucester 1783 Flannigan, PriscUla, Gloucester, and Arthur HamUton, Gloucester 1769 Flanigin, Jane, Burlington, and Patrick Welsh, Burlington 1734 Flannagan, Mary, and Thomas Johnson, Salem 1776 Flannagan, Mary, and James Coakley, New Jersey 1778 Flanningham, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and Jacob Albertson, Glouoester. 1770 Flanningham, Sarah, and AVUliam Wilkins, Gloucester 1773 147 Aug. 21 Dec. 9 April 2 April 2 Feb. 15 May 29 Mar. 16 July 21 June 10 Jan. 1 May 30 Dec. 28 AprU 6 Nov. 14 Jan. 17 June 22 Nov. 9 Dec. 30 Dec. 26 Sept. 1 Oct. 16 May 12 Oct. 18 April 16 Oct. 3 June 19 June 2 Aug. 25 June 2 Aug. 7 June 24 Nov. 13 Oct. 9 Feb. 3 Feb. 6 Mar. 14 June 21 Feb. 2 Dec. 1 Mar. 23 Mar. 11 Mar. 14 April 27 Mar. 12 May 27 148 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Flat, Hannah, and Edward Booth, Maryland 1779 Platt, Elizabeth, Sussex, and" Hugh Black, Sussex 1773 Platt, Mary, Woodbridge, and Edward Wilkison, AVoodbridge 1763 Flatt, Sarab, and John Myers, Middlesex '. 1783 Fleming, Agnes, and Timothy Wood, New York 1767 Fleming, Aune, Perth Amboy, and William Card, Perth Amboy 1739 Fleming, Christian, Monmoutb, and Safty Layton, Monmouth 1765 Fleming, Elizabeth, Hunterdon, and John Sherrerd, Amwell 1764 Fleming, Esabella, and Jacob Servas, Amwell 1766 Fleming, Mary, Hunterdon, and George Alexander, Hunterdon 1766 Flemniing, Christian, Monmouth, and Samuel Romine, Monmouth . . 1760 Flewellin, Hannah, Gloucester, and Tatum Williams, Gloucester 1761 Flewelling, Ruth, and Humphrey Owen, Gloucester 1756 Flick, Catharine, and EUet Howell, Trenton 1777 Flint, Margaret, and John Adams, Burlington 1769 Flood, Jane, Somerset, and John Steel, Somerset 1738 Floyd, Rebecca, and Joseph Clark 1775 Fluellin, Phebe, and Benjamin Holme, Gloucester , 1772 Fogg, Hannah, Alloways Creek, and Samuel Stretch, Alloways Creek. 1762 Fogg, Hannah, Alloways Creek, and William Walker, Alloways Creek. 1767 Fogg, Margaret, Salem, and John Ewen, Salem 1758 Fogg, Margaret, Upper Al. Creek, aud John Walker, Upper Al. Creek. 1772 Folke, Rebecca, Burlington, and Samuel Horseman, Monmouth 1727 Folkerson, Elizabeth, and Jacob Merrill, Morris 1781 Folsom, Mary, Piscataway, and Timothy Connor, Piscataway 1750 Folsom, Rachel, Piscataway, and Ebenezer CoUins, Piscataway 1751 FolweU, Ann, Burlingtou, and WiUiam Cooper, Gloucester 1768 Folwell, Elizabeth, aud Abner Page, BurUngton 1782 FolweU, Hannah, and Joseph Aaronson, Burlington 1736 Folwell, Hope, Burliugton, and Benjamin Aaronson, Burlington 1767 FolweU, Sarah, and Daniel Harvey, Burlington 1777 Folwell, Sarah, Burliugton, and John Atkinson, BurUngton 1745 Fouk, Catherine, and Peter Johnson, Middlesex 1781 Pontine, Elizabeth, and Hendrick Fisher, Somerset 1764 Pontine, Lydia, Middlesex, and Adrian Laforge, Jr., Staten Island . . 1763 Foord, EUzabeth, Woodbridge, and Richard Cutler, Jr., Woodbridge. .1750 Foord, Sarah, Woodbridge, and Timothy Bloomfield, Jr., Woodbridge. 1749 Foord, Sinty, and Jacob Haleubeck ; 1762 Ford, Anna, and Isaac Larowe, Hunterdon 1780 Ford, Anne, Burlington, and James Cubberly, Burlington , . , 1777 Ford, Elizabeth, and Thomas More, Salem ' 1732 Ford, Elizabeth, aud Andrew Bankson 1778 Ford, Esther, and James Silver, AUentown 1745 Ford, Hannah, Burlington, and Daniel Estell, Burlington 1761 Ford, Mary, AVoodbridge, and Nathaniel Heard, AVoodbridge 1752 Ford, Mary, Middlesex, and James Manning, Middlesex 1752 Feb 28 Aug. 23 AprU 30 Feb. 20 Dee. 28 Nov. 9 Jan. 4 Jan. 2 Nov. 29 Nov. 29 April 28 Feb. 11 Dec. 8 Dec. 27 Nov. 19 May 11 Mar. 23 -June 25 May 22 Feb. 23 Oct. 7 Dec. 22 Feb 9 Jan. 23 Jan. 31 July 29 May 4 Sept. 9 Aug. 25 Mar. 13 Aug. 11 Jan. 21 April 9 June 7 Deo. 8 April 3 May 22 Mar. 16 AprU 23 Nov. 8 Jan. 17 Feb. 24 Nov. 1 Nov. 13 Feb. 14 Mar. 21 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 49 Pord, Mary, Morris, and Azariah Dunham, Piscataway 1753 Ford, Sarah, Woodbridge, and Samuel Parker, Jr., Woodbridge 1764 Ford, Sarah, and WUliam Pattison, Maidenhead 1780 Pord, Tabitha, and Vanroom Robins, Nottingham 1783 Fordham, EUzabeth, Burlingtcn, and James Ezdall, Burlington 1764 Fordon, Mary, Bergen^ and Thomas Moore, Bergen 1748 Foreman, Mary, Cape May, and Aaron Leaming, Jr., Cape May 1738 Foreman, Patience, and John Foster, Cape May 1761 Foreman, Patience, and Jacob Hand, Cape May. . , 1774 Forester, Susannah, and Francis Van Winkle, Essex 1777 Forgison, Ellener, Cumberland, aud William Love, Cumberland 1763 Forker, Hannah, Burliugton, and Jabez Eldridge, Burlington 1771 Forman, Charity, and Joseph Cox, Hunterdon 1775 Forman, Elizabeth, and Kenneth Perine, Monmouth 1769 Forman, Hannah, Monmouth, and Peter Covenhoven, Monmouth 1756 Forman, Hannah, Upper Freehold, and Edward Tayler, Up. Freehold. 1762 Forman, Lydia, Monmoutb, and Jonathan Rhea, Monmouth 1753 Forman, Margaret, Monmouth, and Samuel Foreman, Monmouth 1772 Forman, Mary, Monmouth, and Robert Rhe, Monmouth 1744 Forman, Maiy, Monmouth, and Joseph Throckmorton, Jr., Monmouth. 1747 Forman, Phebe, Middletown Point, and Hartshorne White, Middletown. 1759 Forman, PriscUla, Monmouth, and George Walker, Monmouth 1747 Forman, Sarah, and Jonathan Fox, Burlington 1763 Forman, Susannah, and Thomas Woodward, Jr., Upper Freehold. . . . 1762 Forrest, Barbara, Salem, and WUliam Hampton, Salem 1764 Forster, Margaret, Middlesex, and Ezekiel Bloomfield, Middlesex 1744 Fort, Anne, and Samuel Estell, Burlington 1759 Fort, Anne, New Hanover, and Henry Shinn, New Hanover 1770 Fort, Anne, Barlington, and Daniel Mitchell, Burlington 17b3 Fort, Edith, BurUngton, and Thomas Price, Burliugton 1747 Foit, Elizabeth, and Joseph Betts, Burlington 1768 Fort, Esther, Barlington, and Stephen Murphy, Burlington 1729 Fort, Johanna, Burlington, and John Lee, Burlington 1727 Fort, Lettice, and James Kelley, Burlington 1777 Fortiner, Bathsheba, and Thomas Smith, Gloucester 1763 Fortune, Hope, and Benjamin Bispham, Gloucester 1783 Fortune, Mary, Gloucester, and Richard Saunders, Gloucester 1763 Foster, Abigail, Cape May, and William Jonson, Cape Maj' 1742 Foster, Barsheba, and Lot Buck, Cape May 1783 Foster, Elizabeth, Burlingtou, and Joseph Frazer, PhUadelphia 1780 Foster, Esther, and WilUam Dangerfield, Buriington 1778 Foster, Hannah, and WUliam Wilgus, Upper Freehold 1769 Foster, Hannah, and Butler Thomson, Cumberland 1779 Foster, Hannah, aud John Bispham, Gloucester 1785 Foster, Jemima, Hunterdon, and Tunis Johnson, Hunterdon 1752 Foster, Lettice, Burlington, and Nehemiah Lamb, Burlington 1772 May 17 Mar. 1 Mar. 6 Nov. 8 Sept. 27 AprU 22 Feb. 13 Aug. 5 Feb. 22 Oct. 2 May 5 Jan. 7 Oct. 30 Feb. 1 June 9 May 24 Oct. 8 Jan. 19 Dec. 18 May 4 July 11 Oct. 22 May 12 Oct. 13 Dec. 5 Oct. 18 Dec. 24 Nov. 13 Oct. 27 Mar. 4 Jan. 23 Sept. 18 Jan. 4 Nov. 4 Oct. 1 Feb. 6 Sept. 30 April 19 May 9 Jan. 23 April 6 Sept. 11 Jan. 26 July 27 Aug. 18 Sept. 12 150 nEw Jersey colonial documents. Foster, Martha, Ringwood, and Samuel Ruckman, Ringwood 1772 Foster, Mary, Burlington, aud Robert Gilham, Burlington 1737 Foster, Mary, Cape May, and Ephraim Stratton, Cape May 1763 Foster, Mary, Burlington, aud Edmond Bower, Burlington 1765 Foster, Susannah, Barlington, and Henry Murphy, Burlington 1775 Foster, Tabittha, and John Robertson, Cape May 1786 Foulks, Elizabeth, and Richaid Kirby, Burlington 1749-50 Fowler, Freelove, Or'ge Co., N. Y., aud Thomas Simonds, Or. Co., N. Y.1771 Fowler, Elizabeth, and Robert Rogers, Monmouth 1780 Fowler, Emily, aud Uriah Nail, Greenwich 1779 Fowrman, Mary, aud Jonathan Smith, Maidenhead 1779 Pox, Abalon, and John Miller, Peunsylvauia 1786 Fox, Anne, Burlington, and James Dobbins, Burlington 1767 Pox, Deborah, Cape May, and George Morton, Cape May 1764 Fox, Grace, Perth Amboy, and Isaac Bunnell, Perth Amboy 1763 Fox, Mary, Gloucester, and John Hoffman, Gloucester 1749 Fox, Mary, Perth Amboy, and Abraham Burgeau, New York 1764 Fox, Mary, aud Joseph Budd, Jr., Burlington 1781 Fox, Rachel, and John Lewis, Bucks, Pa 1780 Frame, Martha, aud Nathaniel Skinner 1770 Frances, Anue, Gt. Egg Harbor, and David Patton, Gt. Egg Harbour.. 1760 Francis, EUinor, Freehold, and Alexander Steward, Middlesex 1757 Francis, Margaret, and Denise Denise, Monmouth 1768 Francis, Mary, Freehold, and Michael Errickson, Jr., Freehold 1751 Francis, Susanna, Gloucester, and Charles Camel, Glouoester 1750 Francis, Valleriah, and Elisha Homor, Monmouth 1773 Franklin, Mary, and Jacob Shup, Springfield 1775 Franklin, AA'^inifred, Burlingtou, and James Bruce, Middlesex. 1768 Frances, Sary, Monmouth, and Andrew Brown, Monmouth 1767 Fraser, Abigail, Cumberland, and Foster Wescote, Cohansej' 1748 Frasie, Hannah, Middlesex, and John Boyle, Somerset 1761 Frasier, Catharine, Monmouth, and Richard Porter, Hunterdon 1749 Fraze, Mary, Essex, and John Moore, Middlesex 1751 Frazee, Charity, Woodbridge, and Samuel Foerd, Jr., AVoodbridge ...1757 Frazee, Esther, Elizabethtown, and John Brown, AVoodbridge 1754 Frazee, Jane, Bordentown, and Amos Willis, Burlington 1747 Frazee, Mary, Woodbridge, and AVUliam Runalls, AVoodbridge 1758 Frazee, Posthumas, Middlesex, and Michael Moore, Middlesex 1740 Frazie, Catharine, and John Southard 1761 Prazier, Jane, and Heury Casey, Hunterdon 1768 See Vreeland. Freeland, Antye, and Jerry Van Riper, Bergen 1787 . Freeland, Beeltye, aud David Blair, Essex 1783 Freeland, Catharine, and Thomas Post, Essex 1784 Freeman, Charity, Middlesex, and AVUliam Kent, Middlesex 1756 Freeman, Desire, Middlesex, and Timothy Brown, Hunterdon 1763 July i Aug. 10 July 20 Oct. 22 Nov. 7 June 1 17 Jan. 30 Oct. 19 Sept . 16 Oct. 18 Not. 24 Mar. 20 Sept. 7 Mar. 26 Deo. 3 Not. 1 June 13 Oct. 27 Sept. 12 June 19 June 5 Oct. 25 AprU 11 Oct. 18 Jan. 22 AprU 6 Not. 4 Sept. 19 Not. 24 May 31 Ang. 7 Not. 17 Not. 13 July 5 Aug. 5 Aug. 16 Mar. 15 Deo. 31 Oct. 26 Feb. 24 Jan. 20 Mar. 17 July 23 May 1 Feb. 23 Marriage licenses. 151 Freeman, Elizabeth, Woodbridge, and Elisha Donham, Woodbridge. . 1752 June 20 Freeman, Elizabeth, Middlesex, aud Thomas Morris, Middlesex 1755 June 2 Freeman, Isabeil, Woodbridge, and Jonathan Frazee, Woodbridge ,. . 1762 Jan. 16 Freeman, Lucretia, and James Willson, Hunterdon Freeman, Martha, Middlesex, and John Anderson, Essex. .' 1763 April 1 Freeman, Mary, Woodbridge, and Samuel Foroe 1760 Jan. 15 Freeman, Mary, Woodbridge, and John Pain, AVoodbridge 1758 Sept. 30 Freeman, Sarah, Woodbridge, aud John Smith, Woodbridge 1739 Feb. 9 Freeman, Sarah, Woodbridge, and Samuel Force, Woodbridge 1754 July 4 Freisinger, Caty, Bergen, and Peter Esterby, Bergen 1770 Oct. 22 French, Ann, and George Peacock, Burlington 1788 Feb. 25 French, Bathsiheba, Gloucester, aud Daniel Fortiner, Gloucester. .. 1748 July 28 French, Hannah, aud Nathan Evans, Burlington 1792 Mar. 7 French, Hester, Glouoester, and Vespasiou Kemble, Gloucester 1774 July 2 1 French, Hope, Glouoester, aud Isaac Kay, Glouoester 1748 Feb. 23 French, Hope, and Titan Leeds, Burlington 1759 Jan. 31 French, Jemima, Gloucester, and Fraucis Kay, Gloucester 1743 July 7 French, Jemimah, and Jacob Borton, Burlingtou 1790 April 21 French, Lydia, aud Gabriel Allen, Bordentown 1782 July 16 French, Margaret, Burlington, and William Hooper, Burlington 1744 Dec. 24 French, Mary, Burlington, and Nathan Middleton, Burlington 1736 AprU 15 French, Mary, Burliugton, and Abraham Sharp, Burlington 1735 Mar. 9 French, Mary, Freehold, and James Farrell, Freehold 1751 Sept. 1 1 French, Mary, and Hugh Creighton, Gloucester 1759 Aug. 10 French, Mary, BurUngton, and John Reily, Burlington 1771 April 4 French, Mary, and WiUiam Ivins, Burlington 1773 April 7 French, Mary, Burlington, and Nathaniel Parker, Philadelphia 1773 June 1 French, Rebecka, Monmouth, and Da-vid Parker, Monmouth 1761 Sept. 23 French, Rebeckah, and John Peirson, Maidenhead 1782 Oct. 5 French, Sarah, Burlington, and William Shinn, Burlington 1756 June 24 Frenet, Ann, Burlington, and Thomas Robinson, Burlington 1757 Aug. 15 Fresneau, Agnes, aud James Kearny, Monmouth 1771 June 5 Friend, Aun, and Nicholas Roberts Robinson, Pennsylvania 1773 Dec. 6 Fries, Deborah, and Michael Sholts, Monmouth 1772 Mar. 7 Fritsou, Mary, Freehold, and John Huggin, Freehold 1746 Nov. 1 Frost, Hester, Monmouth, and Marcus Hedden, Monmouth 1779 Mar. 31 Frost, Margaret, Essex, and Stephen Salmon, Essex 1751 April 2 Frost, Sarah, Staten Island, and Daniel Egbert, Staten Island 1746 June 18 Pry, Elizabeth, Middletown, aud Samuel Poling, Middletown 1755 Mar. 11 Fiy, Margaret, and John Warrick, Gloucester 1781 Sept. 11 Pry, Mary, Middletown, and Jobn Poling, Middletown 1755 Mar. U Fulford, Mary, and James Chapman, Trenton 1777 April 23 Fulkarson, Anne, Somerset, aud Leonard Smock, Somerset 1749 July 19 FuUerton, Elizabeth, Elizabethtown, and George Nicolls, Elizabetht'n.l740 April 3 Funk, Catey, Bergen, and Abraham Brewer, Bergen 1763 April 2 Furier, Isabel, aud WiUiam Brooks, Salem 1745 Aug. 27 152 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Furman, Abigail, and John Bennet, Hunterdon 1779 Furman, Anne, Cape May, and Joshua Shaw, Jr., Cape May 1773 Furman, EUzabeth, and Levi Stout, Hunterdon 1778 Furman^ Jane, Freehold, and Thomas Tomson, Freehold 1770 Furman, Martha, Cape May, and Jacob Schellinger, Cape May 1772 Furman, Sarab, and WiUiam Fields, Hunterdon 1780 Furman, Zelika, Cape May, and Josiah Hand, Cape May 1787 Furnace, Lucretia, and Thomas Bishop, Burlington 1779 Furnis, Mary, and Henry Vanhook, Cumberland 1784 Furniss, Edith, and John Potts Neide, Cumberland 1790 Furniss, Elizabeth, aud Isaac Channen, Burlington 1780 Pury, Catharine, and Abraham Gifford, Burlington 1771 MALES. G Gack, Thomas, Woodbridge, and Keturah Clawson, AVoodbridge , . . . 1759 Gage. Thomas, The Hon. Brig. Genl., and Margaret Kemble 1758 Gagard, John, Gloucester, and Mary Porch, Gloucester 1735 Gaimon, WilUam, Monmouth, and Margaret BUls, Monmouth 1755 Gaith, Samuel, Perth Amboy, and Elizabeth Smith, Perth Amboy . . 1749 Gale, Abel, Burlington, and Lydia Cramer, Burlington 1740 Gale, Abell, Burlington, and Mary Gale, Burlington 1749 Gale, David, Burlington, and Mary AVaiuwright, Burlington 1741 -Gale, Isaac, Bucks, Pa., and Elizabeth PoweU, Burlington 1747 Gale, James, Little Egg Harbor, and Hannah Gaunt 1784 Gale, Jobn, Pennsylvania, and Mary Plumley, Bucks, Pa 1732 Gale, John, Bristol, Pa. , and Alice Vanhorn 1782 Gale, Joseph, Burlington, and Massey Allen 1783 Gale, Thomas, Burlington, and Elizabeth Kille, Burlington 1739 Gallogher, John, and Elizabeth Shadaker 1764 Galping, Thomas, Cumberland, and Ruth Gland, Cumbeiland 1749 Gait, Alexander, Essex, aud Elizabeth Dunn, Staten Island 1739 Gamble, Patrick, Burlington, and Elizabeth Eldridge, Burlington. . ..1774 Gamble, Samuel, Burlington, and Rachel Johnson, Burlington 1765 Gamble, William, Burlington, and Elizabeth Talman, BurUngton 1776 Gammel, Samuel, Burlington, and Jane Deacon 1734 Gandy, David, Cumberland, and Phebe Blizard, Cumberland 1761 Gandy, Elias, Cape May, and Mary English, Glouoester 1737 Gandy, Elias, Great Egg Harbor, aud Mary Covenover 1764 Gandy, John, Cape May, and Lydia AVilliams 1774 Gandy, Thomas, Cape May, and Elizabeth Yong 1768 Gandy, Thomas, Cumberland, and Naomi Blizard 1779 Gandy, Uriah, Cape May, aud Lydia Bauer 1767 Gaudy, Zebulon, Gloucester, aud Anne Lee, Gloucester 1757 Gano, Stephen, Somerset, aud Elizabeth Deboys 1747 Gano, Stephen, Orange, N. Y., and Cornelia Vavason 1782 Gausvoort, Leonard, Jr., Albany, N. Y., and Mary Vaurauselear 1777 Sept . 6 May 17 Deo. 1 Oct. 22 Jan. 22 Sept. 12 June 26 May 18 May 3 Jan. 26 Mar. 11 Oct. 16 Deo. 24 Deo. 7 Deo. 22 July 12 June 13 June 16 May' 19 July 3 Nov. 4 Mar. 3 July 4 Not 4 Mar. 16 Oct. 8 AprU 5 Jan. 16 Feb. 18 May 12 Sept. 13 June 15 AprU 10 Sept. 3 June 17 Sept. 26 Aug. 30 Deo. 12 Feb 23 Feb. 23 Mar. 26 May 23 Oct 21 Mar. 3 MARRIAGE LICENSES. I 53 Gard, William, Burlington, and Margaret Bowker 1779 Gardenner, James, Gloucester, and Rachel Howel 1781 Gardiner, Benjamin, Burlington, and Phebe Borden, Hunterdon 1737 Gardiner, Thomas, Burlington, and Susannah Elton, Burlington 1748 Gardiner, Thomas M. , Burliugton, and Keturah Campion 1777 Gardiner, William, Burlington, and Mary Jourdan 1779 Gardner, George, Glouoester, and Rachel Scott 1771 Garlan, John, New Jersey, and Katherine Sanford 1782 GarUok, Josiah, Cape May, and Lucy Brookes 1738 Gamer, Henry, Gloucester, and Drewsilla Bryant, Gloucester. 1765 Garno, Peter, Newark, and Margaret Desha, Newark 1750 Garrabrants, Cornelius, Bergen, and Lena Van Horn 1784 Garrabrants, Garrabrant, Essex, aud Catherine Pier, Essex 1747 Garrat, Valentine, Staten Island, aud Martha McKissock, Staten Isl'd 1746 Garrebrance, Mindert, Bergen, and Lybetie Post, Bergen 1767 Garretson, Daniel, Cape May, and Mary Osborn, Cape May 1761 Garretson, Elijah, Cape May, and Tabitha Godfrey 1777 Garretson, Jacob, Bergen, and Catharine Post, Bergen 1761 Garretson, James, Cape May, and Sarah Goldin 1760 Garretson, Joshua, Cape May, and Phebe Scull, Cape May 1763 Garrisse, Gerret, Essex, aud Caty Van Bussen, Bergen 1774 Garrison, Abraham, Monmouth, and Mary Hartshorne, Monmouth .... 1744 Garrison, Abraham, Bergen, and Mary Bogart 1780 Garrison, Abraham, Bergen, and Mary Ryerson 1784 Garrison, Abraham T., Bergen, and Jane Hennion 1788 Garrison, Daniel, Staten Island, and Antie Wooglom, Staten Island. ..1743 Garrison, David, Salem, and Sarah McCall, Salem 1764 Garrison, David, Salem, and Rebecca Coperthwaite, Barlington 1770 Garrison, David, Salem, and Elizabeth Rially 1773 Garrison, Gemaliel, Salem, and Christiana Keen, Cumberland 1762 Garrison, George, Hunterdon, and Mary Prall 1754 Garrison, Henry, Esserx, and Jane Post, Essex 1761 Garrison, Isaac, Salem, aud Elizabeth Lawrence, Salem 1727 Garrison, John, Salem, and Mary GraTes, Salem 1768 Garrison, John, Jr., Hunterdon, and Mary Barber 1780 Garrison, Soger, Salem, and Susanna Huckings, Salem 1738 Garrison, Samuel, Salem, aud Mary Morgan, Salem 1768 Garrison, WUUam, Salem, and Catherine Newkark, Salem 1758 Garrison, WUliam, Salem, and Elizabeth PoweU, Cumberland 1769 Garritse, Hendrick, Essex, and Hillegont Van Wincle, Bergen 1771 Garritson, Garrit R., Somerset, and Anna Terhune 1778 Garritson, John, and Nancy Tours 1783 Garritson, Marinus, Essex, and Nautie Lisk 1778 Garritson, Noah, Cape May, and Mary Golden 1737 Garritson, Rem, Cape May, and Esther Hand 1761 GarTey, Alexander, Monmouth, and Catharine Hardin, Monmouth . . . 1759 Jan. 29 Feb. 16 May 18 June 16 Sept. 7 Mar. 17 Oct. 28 Feb. 16 Sept. 14 April 30 Feb. 20 Oct. 24 Oct. 28 May 21 Dec. 19 June 19 May 6 Jan. 21 April 28 Not. 23 Mar. 26 Not. 29 Jan. Aug. 12 June 19 June 14 Aug. 18 Mar. 17 April 9 Oct. 8 Sept. 26 Mar. 11 Mar. 24 Feb. 22 Mar. 29 May 30 July 28 Jan. 16 Jan. 28 April 24 April 10 April 24 May 19 Not. 1 Oct. 13 July 31 154 NEW JERSEA^ COLONIAL DOCUMENT^. Garwood, Abraham, Burlingtou, and Amey Haines, Burlington 1776 Garwood, Hezekiah, Buriington, and Gaitree Hammel, Buriington ...1765 Garwood, James, Barlington, and Hannah Horner, BurUngton 1750 Garwood, James, Buriington, and Bethia AVebb, Buriington 1766 Garwood, John, BurUngton, and Hester Haines, Burlington 1764 Garwood, John, Gloucester, aud Sarah Adams 1784 Garwood, Joseph, Burliugton, aud Elizabeth Antrum, Burlington 1732 Garwood, Joseph, Buriington, and Mary Pancoast, Glouoester 1766 Garwood, Joseph, Jr., Burlington, and Leah Devinney, Burlington 1757 Garwood, Joshua, Gloucester, and Rebecca Dole 1769 Garwood, Obadiah, Burliugton, and Mary King, Burlington 1756 Garwood, Samuel, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Devaul 1779 Garwood, Thomas, Burlington, and Mary Sharp, Burlington 1763 Garwood, William, Burlington, and Charity Gaskill, Northampton.. ..1766 Garwoo 1, AViUiam, Burlington, and Bridget O'Donely 1787 Gash, Martin, Burlingtou, and Ann Johnson, Burlington .1766 Gaskel, Josiah, Barlington, and Mary Weaver, Burlington 1754 Gaskill, Abraham, Burliugton, and Ann Crammer 1784 Gaskill, Benjamin, Burliugton, aud Mary Dennis, Monmouth 1738 Gaskill, Benjamin, Jr., Burlington, aud Sarah Endicott, Burlington. .. 1767 Gaskill, Caleb, Burlington, and Hope Rossell, Burlington 1765 Gaskill, David, Burlington, aud Sarah Ernest, Burlington 1774 Gaskill, Ebenezer, Burlingtou, and Elizabeth Wood, Burlington 1731 Gaskill, Ebenezer, Burlington, aud Hester Gould 1769 GaskUl, Edward, Burlington, and EUzabeth Harker, Burlington 1766 Gaskill, Edward Jr., Burlington, and Elizabeth Lippincott, Burliugton. 1732 Gaskill, Jacob, Burlington,' and Ruth Donally 1779 Gaskill, James, Burlington, and Abigail Stockton, Burliugton 1754 Gaskill, Job, Burlingtou, and Elizabeth Haines, Burlington 1758 Gaskill, Job, Burlington, and Lois Prickett. 1768 Gaskill, John, Burliugton, and Martha Parker, Burlington 1764 Gaskill, Johu, Burlingtou, and Mary Walling, Burlington *. . . . 1779 Gaskill, Joseph, Burlington, and Rachel Grant, Burlington 1767 Gaskill, Joseph, and Sarah Cramer 1768 Gaskill, Joseph, Burlington, and Ann Pointset 1777 Gaskill, Josiah, Burlington, and Martha Gaskill, Burlington 1760 Gaskill, Levi, Burlington, and Lydia Powell, Burlington .'. 1767 Gaskill, Moses, Burliugton, and Lydia Budd, Burlington 1774 GaskUl, Samuel, Burlington, and Mary Enochs, Burlington 1748 Gaskill, Samuel, Burlington, and Sybella Collins 1759 Gaskill, Samuel, Burlington, and Susannah Garvey - 1784 Gaskill, Stephen, Burlington, and Lavinah Gaskill ,, 1748 GaskiU, Zorobabel, and Marby Jones 1783 Gaston, James, Monmoutb, aud Lydia Toyrsoott 1773 Gaston, John, Monmouth, and Charity Cheesman 1780 Gaston, Joseph, Somerset, and Margaret Lines, Somerset 1772 Sept 25 Jan. 11 May 22 Mar. 4 Mar, 6 Mar. 9 Mar. 27 June 9 Oct. 20 Nov. 29 Aug. 17 Mar. 8 Nov. 12 May 17 Aug. 7 Dec. 27 Aug. 19 Aug. 18 Jan. 16 June 18 July 15 Nov. 9 June 21 Jan. 14 Sept. 23 Aug. 1 May 12 Oct. 30 Mar. 6 June 9 June 7 Aug. 19 Aug. 4 Deo. 5 Jau. 4 Jan. 9 Dec. 11 Sept. 1 Nov. 16 Deo. 19 Jan. 6 Jan. 30 Nov. 13 AprU 20 Feb. 4 Nov. 2 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 155 Gauntt, Asher, Burlington, and Mary Stockton 1787 June 26 Gautier, Andrew, Jr., and Mai-y Brown 1772 Oct. 6 Gearhart, WiUiam, and Elinor Derrick 1770 Oct. 1 Geberson, James, Monmouth, and Hannah Lemmon 1774 July 30 Geberson, Joseph, Middlesex, and Christian Sutton 1774 Mar. 3 Geddeman, John, New Brunswick, and Elizabeth Brown, New Bwk. . . 1751 July 5 Gee, Joseph, Gloucester, and Mary Barrit, Gloucester 1762 April 22 Gelbert, George, Burlington, and Hannah Hays 1783 Sept. 10 George, John, Burlington, and Sarah Durell, Burlington 1765 Mar. 2 George,- John, Burlington, and Sarah Perry, Burlingtou 1772 Dec. 31 George, Thomas, Monmouth, and R-achel Sheppard, Monmouth. ..... 1758 Mar. 2 Gerbrantse, Gerbraut, New Jersey, and Wyntie Van Winckle, Bergen. 1739 Nov. 6 Gerish, John, Somerset, and Hannah Field, Middlesex 1749 Mar. 28 Gerish, Levi, Somerset, and Sarah Bond, Somerset 1751 May 23 Grarebrants, Gerrebrant, and Mercy AVinne 1769 Oct. l8 Gervan,! William, and Katherine Kingsland 1779 May 14 Gethens, Daniel, Burlington, and Elizabeth Proud 1784 Mar. 25 Gethens, John, Gloucester, and Rebecca Feame, Gloucester 1741 Nov. 3 GezeU, Wentzell, and Elizabeth Scoggin 1758 May 20 Gibbins, Jacob, Monmouth, and Hannah Taylor, Monmouth 1737 May 4 Gibbin, Nicholas, Salem, and Anne Hodge, Salem 173i Mar. 16 Gibbon, John, Cumberland, and Esther Seeley, Cumberland 1761 Mar. 31 Gibbon, Nicholas, Cumberland, aud Ann Thompson 1786 April 27 Gibbons, Benjamin,. Monmouth, and Mary Crawford 1754 Mar. 12 I Gibbs, Benjamin, Burlington, and Phebe Ridgeway, Burlington 1748 Sept. 7 Gibbs, Edward, Gloucester, and Hannah Matlack 1758 Aug. 21 Gibbs, Francis, Burlington, and Martha Hall, Burlington 1748 Oct. 22 ¦ Gibbs, Jacob, and EUzabeth Casson 1701 May 16 ; Gibbs, John, Burlington, and Sarab Brown, Burlington 1765 Mar. 10 Gibbs, Joseph, Burlington, and Mary Clark 1757 June' 18 'Gibbs, Joseph, Springfield, and Rhoda Harker, Springfield 1770 Aug. 28 j Gibbs, Lucas, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Smith, Gloucester 1762 Dec. 13 4 Gibbs,, Mahlon, Burlington, and Mary Wilson, Barlington 1776 Sept. 30 Gibbs, Robert, BurUngton, and Catherine Fitchett. 1756 April 15 Gibbs, Samuel, Springfield, and Mercy Earl, Springfield 1764 April 17 Gibbs, Seth, Burlington, and Alice Stevenson 1788 Oct. 20 Gibbs, William, Burlington, and Elizabeth Phagens 1781 Jan. 16 Gibson, Caleb, Gloucester, and Hannah Sloane 1774 Nov. 7 Gibson, Isaac, Burlington, and Ann Bird, Gloucester 1750 Nov. 29 Gibson, James, Glouoester, and Hannah Ashbrook, Gloucester 1768 Jau. 8 Gibson, John, Burlington, and Ann Morton, Burlington 1741 Nov. 23 Gibson, John, Burlington, and Sarah Marriott, Burlington 1749 April 8 Gibson, John, Gloucester, and Hannah Tice 1782 April 8 i' 1 In tlie records ol tbe Second Eiver (Belleville) Eetormed (Dutch) Cburoli appears the baptism of Anachua (Annatie— Hannah) , child ol William Gevan and Catrina Kingsland, Nov. 15, 1779. ts6 NEAA? JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Gibson, Samuel, Buriington, and Catharine Clayton, Burlington 1782 Mar. 3 Giese, Reynier V.,1 Bergen, and Annatie Van AVinkle, Essex 1760 Oct. 31 Giffing, Francis, Hunterdon, and Margaret Sermon, Hunterdon 1731 Jan. 7 Gifford' Abraham, Monmouth, and Katharine Linch, Monmouth 1741 Aug. 1 Gifford, Abraham, Burlington, and Catherine Fury 1771 Oct. 16 Gifford, Amariah, Monmouth, and Mary Harbert, Monmouth 1758 Nov. 13 Gifford, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Mary Johnston 1774 June 16 Gifford, John, Perth Amboy, and Mary Blanchard, New Brunswick. . . 1743 Jan. 3 Gifford, John, Monmouth, and Lidia Burdge, Monmouth 1767 AprU 7 Gifford, John, and Hann'ah Crane 1779 AprU 7 Gifford, Joshua, Monmouth, and Hannah Dean, Monmouth 1740 April 5 Gifford, William, New Jersey, and Hannah Ashmore, New Jersey 1727 May 8 Gifford, WiUiam, Burlington, and Catherine Taylor 1734 May 16 Gifford, WiUiam, Monmouth, and Margaret Miers, Monmouth 1763 Feb. 11 Gifford, William, Burlington, and Elizabeth Smith, Burlington 1774 AprU 12 Gilbert, Benjamin, Burliugton, and Mary Scott, Burlington 1761 Aug. 18 Gilbert, Benjamin, Burlington, and Sarah Bunting 1772 Mar, 14 Gilbert, George, Gloucester, and Hannah Fish, Gloucester 1728 Oct 24 Gilbert, Samuel, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Spencer, Middlesex 1741 Aug. 27 Gilbertson, Jobn, Jr., Monmouth, and Margaret Eobins, .Monmouth. .1750 O.ct. 29 Giles, Lewis, Burlington, and Margaret Wissing, Burlington 1771 Aug. 28 Gilham, Eobert, Burliugton, and Mary Foster, Burlington 1737 Aug. lu Gilkyison, Andrew, Shamong, Pa. , aud Edith Gilbert 1776 Nov 26, Gill, James, Gloucester, and Hannah Hinchman, Gloucester 1747 May 28 Gill, Johu, Gloucester, and Zillah Batten, Gloucester 1765 April 8 Gill, Matthew, Jr., Gloucester, and EUzabeth Tailor 1785 Aug. 15 Gill, Thomas, Burlington, and Hannah HoUinshead, Burlington 1743-4 Jan. 9 Gill, Thomas, Gloucester, and Mary Wallis 1762 May 18 Gillam, Eobert, Burlington, aud Grace Pedrick, Springfield 1745 Mar. 21 GUleland, James, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Combs, Middlesex 1752 Sept. 19 Gillham, Lucas, Burlington, and Ann Indicott, Burlington 1740 Feb. 10 Gillespie, James, Morris, and Jane Marsh, Morris 1771 May 9 GUman, Dauiel, Burliugton, and Mary Higings 1762 Deo. 18 Gilman, Owen, Salem, and Elinor Barber 1731 Jan. 18 Gilman, AViUiam, and Sarah GUman 1743 June 14 Gilmore, Alexander, Salem, and Esther Cobner, Salem 1775 Jan. 5 Ginkins, Benjamin, Burlington, and Susannah Wright, Burlington ...1754 Oct 19 Githens, George, Glouoester, and Mary Alison 1774 Oct. 29 Githens, John, Gloucester, aud Elizabeth Hurst 1774 Oct. 31 Githings, Thomas, Buriington, and Mary Delaplain 1768 April 2 Giveson, John, Burliugton, and Lydia Givesou 1759 Feb. 3 Glackon, Johu, Monmouth, and Catharine Stelle .1738 Nov. 14 Glanville, Marius, Hunterdon, and Hannah Smith 1747 April 16 Gleeson, John, Gloucester, and Mary Soott. 1786 Jan. 9 I See Van Giese. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 57 Glew, Eichard, Burlingtou, and Ann Mills 1778 Gliff, Eichard, Bucks, Pa., and Isabel Yates, Bucks, Pa 1729 Glisson, William, Burlingtou, and Sarah Delatush 1778 Glover, Richard, Pennsylvania, and Eachel Clark, Pennsylvania. . . . 1728 Goble, Enos, Sussex, and Abigail Dildine 1778 Goble, SUas, Morris, and Jaue Pairchild, Morris 1744 Goble, Timothy, Morris, and Rebecca Morris, Morris 1779 Godfrey, Andrew, Cape May, and Abigail Smith 1770 Godfrey, Elijah, Cape May, and Martha Swain, Cape May 1769 Godfrey, James, Cape May, and Phebe Townsend, Cape May 1765 Godfrey, Nathan, Cape May, and Rachel Cresse, Cape May 1780 Godfrey, Philip, Cape May, aud Ruth Osborn, Cape May 1748 Godfrey, Philip, Cape May, and Phebe Smith 1775 Godfrey, Thomas, and Martha Wheaton 1786 Godley, Edward, Kingwood, and Hannah Mulford, Kingwood .1770 Godwin, David, Bergen, and Catherine Waldron 1791 Goelet, Francis, New York, and Elizabeth Leonard, Perth Amboy 1 752 Goelet, James, Burlington, and Sarah Lawrence 1788 Goelet, Peter, New York, and EUzabeth Farmar 1775 Goetschius, Mauritius, Bergen, and EUzabeth Monanely,! Bergen 1749 Goff, Nathan, Cape May, and Marcy Shaw. . .' 1780 Goff, William, Cape May,, and Rebecca Errixson, Cape May 1770 Goff, WUliam, Jr., Caps May, and Susanna Dillen, Cape May 1764 Goffe, Jeremiah, Cape May, and Assinah AVheaton, Cape May 1739 Goffiorth, AVUliam, Glouoester, and Rebecca Roberts 1774 Gotorth, Thomas, Gloucester, and Martha Stratton, Burlington. ...... 1762 Gogin, Edmond, Cape May, and Marcy Edwards, Cape May 1748 Gogin, John, Cape May, and Mary Danalds 1771 Goheene, Thomas, Backs, Pa., and Bridget Johnson, Bucks, Pa 1732 Golborn, Thomas, Philadelphia, and EUzabeth Cassidy, Philadelphia. . 17 ol Golden, Elias, Monmouth, and Nelle Hendrickson, Monmouth 1761 Golden, Joseph, Middletown, and Catherine Johnson, Middletown . . . 1754 Galden, Joseph, Jr., Himterdon, and Elizabeth Lain 1752 Golden, WiUiam, Hunterdon, and Christian Hortman 1777 Golder, John, Cumberland, aud Abiah Teel 1777 Goldin, Isaac, Cape Ma}-, and Hannah Mickell 1772 Goldin, Nathan, Cape May, aud Hannah Lord, Cape May 1730 Golding, Joseph, Cape May, and Phebe Garretson 1760 Goldtrap, John, Somerset, and Catharine Marlat, Somerset 1750 Goldy, John, Burlington, and Mary McGuUey 1784 Goldy, Samuel, Burlington, and Jerusha Curtis, Burliugton 1765 Goldy, Samuel, Burlington, and Ann Toy, Burlington 1770 1 In the Scraalenburgh (Bergen county) Reformed (Dutch) Church records, under date of Feb. 24. 1760. is entered the marriage of Mauritzius Goetschius and Elsje M'Connel, Which is doubtless correct. Elsewhere her name is given as Maokenelt, Mekandely, etc. Jan. 10 Feb. 17 Jan. 14 May 10 Jan. 1 Aug. 22 Nov. 15 Jan. 5 Not. 8 Feb. 26 Sept. 11 Oct. 19 Feb. 4 Not. 13 Dec. 17 Mar. 17 June 20 July 19 Oct. 26 Feb. 23 Jan. 19 Oct. 3 Oct. 18 May 14 June 1 Oct. 9 June 1 Dec. 17 Aug. 22 Not. 7 July 30 Dec. 30 Feb. 4 June 28 Dec. 6 Not. 2 Feb. 17 Sept. 12 July 14 Oct. 16 Feb. 2 Sept. 29 158 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Gollougbar, Brian, Monmouth, and Margaret Deveney, Monmouth. . 1743-4 Golloway, Andrew, Pennsylvania, and EUzabeth Adington, Pa 1727 Gomez, John, Bergen, and Cornelia Berdan 1786 Goodberlet, Oswell, Somerset, aud Agnis Mungal 1786 Goodbody, Daniel, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Duley, Monmouth 1757 Goodenough, Samuel, Monmouth, and Catharine Leppett, Monmouth 1755 Goodowu, Evans, Hunterdon, and Abigail Roberts, Hunterdon 1772 Goodwin, Lewis, Salem, and Rachel Nickerson 1779 Goodwin, William, Salem, and Mary Morris, Salem 1744 Goold, Thomas, Middlesex," aud Martha Williamson, Middlesex 1744 Gorden, David, Monmouth, and Rebecca Andrewe, Monmouth 1746-7 Gordon, Archibald, Middlesex, and Siche Van AVicklen 1779 Gordon, Charles, Monmouth, and Mary Newell, Monmouth 1739 Gordon, Charles, Monmouth, and Jerusha Walker, Monmouth 1747 Gordon, Charles, Monmouth, and Catherine Morford, Monmouth. . ...1761 Gordon, David, Monmouth, and Hannah Lloyd, Monmouth 1740 Gordon, David, Monmouth, and Easter Parent, Monmouth .1767 Gordon, John, Essex, and Elizabeth Main, Bergen 1742 Gordon, .John, Hunterdon, and Susanna Lane 1778 Gordon, Jonathan, Monmouth, and Margaret Cole, Monmouth 1748 Gordon, Robert, Monmouth, and Patience Mount, Monmouth 1742 Gordon, Peter, New Jersey, and Mary Craig, Monmouth 1742 Gordon, William, Buriington, and Martha Eyre, Burlington 1765 Gorman, John, Hunterdon, and Lydia Sohanell. 1763 Gorrell, James, Cumberland, and Sarah Jackson, Cumberland 1768 Gosling, David, Perth Amboy, and EUzabeth Blain, Perth Amboy 1756 Gosling, James, and Phebea [Warren?] 1775 , Gosling, John, Burliugton, aud Sarah Budd, Burlington 1736 Gosling, John, Jr., Glouoester, and Hannah Cole, Gloucester 1750 Gosling, Richard, Bucks, Pa., and Margaret Green. . . ; 1777 Gould, Anthony, Cumberland, and Phebe Lummis 1 781 Gould, David, Morris, and Catharine Budd, Morris 1761 Gove, AViUiam, New Brunswick, and Catherine Miller, New Brunswick. 1739 Governeur, Bernard, Bergen, and Eleauor Ryerson, Reading Town. . ..1763 Goyon, William, Monmouth, and AVyntie Longstreet, Monmouth 1742 Graaf, Daniel, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Acres 1768 Grace, PhiUp, Cumberland, and Suria Morris 1782 Graham, Thomas, Newton, and Deborah Morin 1771 Graham, WiUiam, Somerset, and Sarah Manfort, Hunterdon. ....... .1744 Graham, AA''ilUam, Orange, N. Y., and Margaret Bayley, Orange, N. Y.1776 Graisbury, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Lydia Matlack, Gloucester 1767 Graisbury, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Letitia Shivers 1775 Grandin, Daniel, Monmouth, and Sarah Throckmorton, Monmouth ... 1749 Grandin, Lewis, Staten Island, and Catharine Vandike, Staten Island 1749 Grandin, John, Monmouth, aud Abigail Lippincott, Monmouth 1747-8 Grandine, Amice, Monmouth, and Patience Throckmorton 1732 Sept. 23 Mar. 14 Oct. 30 Mar. 27 May 31 Deo. 31 July 11 Jan. 10 April 20 Feb. 13 Deo. 5 Feb. 13 AprU 12 Dec. 4 Oct. 22 Nov. 2 Aug. 6 April 13 Aug. 11 Mar. 19 Deo, 5 Dec. 18 Deo. 13 Aug. 17 Deo. 2 Oct. 27 June 23 AprU 7 Deo. 13 Oct. 27 Mar. 29 Mar. 6 Jan. 6 Jan. 8 Sept. 19 Oct. 1 July 4 Oct. 12 Nov. 9 Deo. 7 May 16 Dec. 17 Deo. 26 Sept. 20 Nov. 16 Mar. 19 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 59 Grandine, Samuel, Monmouth, and Susannah Johnson, Hunterdon 1752 Grandon, Bernard, Burlingtou, arid Sarah Pointsway, Burlington 1740 Grant, Alexander, New York, and Rebecca Stout, Middletown 1763 Grant, David, Somerset, and Elizabeth Vantile, Somerset 1762 Grant, James, PhUadelphia, and Elizabeth PhUips, PhUadelphia 1736 Grant, John, Monmouth, and Sarah Irons, Monmouth 1750 Grant, Joseph, Burlington, and Susannah Gaskill, Burlington 1770 Grant, Josiah, Burlington, and Mary Letts 1778 Grant, Thomas, Burlington, and Hannah Hatber 1778 Grapevine, Peter, Gloucester, and Sarah Farrow 1779 Graten, Christian, Monmouth, and Anna Palmmar, Monmouth 1762 Grave, John, and Abigail Pierson, Middlesex 1744 Graves, Joseph, Monmouth, aud Lydia AVoodmansne, Monmouth 1741 Graves, Joseph, Salem, aud EUzabeth Vaneman, Salem 1750 Gray, Arthur, Huuterdon, and Mary Reading 1778 Gray, John, Gloucester, and Esther Gilcott, Gloucester 1739 Gray, Johu, Salem, and Mary Rose, Salem 1762 Gray, Lynch, Trenton, and Irene Adams 1778 Gray, Samuel, PhUadelphia, and Mary Harman, Philadelphia 1740 Gray, AViUiam, Burlington, and Hannah Davis 1760 Greaves, Robert, Burlington, and Elizabeth Martin 1778 Green, Ambrose, Middlesex, and Jemima Smith, Middlesex 1758 Green, Benjamin, Salem, and Elizabeth Bacon 1766 Green, Charles, Kent, Del., and Sarah Skeer 1764 Green, Daniel, Burlington, and Mary Johnston 1750 Green, George, Burlington, and Anu Thomson • 1750 Green, Gilbert, Burlington, and Rosanna Parks, Burlington 1771 Green, Henry, Monmoutb, and Catherine Wall, Monmouth 1755 Green, John, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Browning, Gloucester 1737 Green, John, Philadelphia, and Sarau Broadgate, Philadelphia 1738 Green, Johu, Bucks, Pa., aud Mary Jackson, Jr., Bucks, Pa 1758 Green, Jobn, and Charity Stanton 1765 Green, John, Gloucester, and Hannah Burden, Gloucester 1774 Green, John, Burlington, and Rebecca West, BurUngton 1776 Green, John, Salem, and Ruth Proctor 1778 Green, John, Gloucester, and Margaret Davison 1779 Green, Joseph, Trenton, and Elizabeth Marshon, Huuterdon 1738 Green, Ricbard, Burlington, and Elizabeth Cunningham, Burlington. , 1764 Green, Thomas, Burlington, and Mary Stockton 1786 Greenfield, George, Philadelphia, and Mary Farmer 1764 Greenman, Thomas B,, Salem, and Elizabeth Vanmeter 1784 Greenman, William, Salem, and Elizabeth Vanmeter, Salem 1730 Greenwood, Joseph, and Hannah Blackless 1759 Gregg, Robert, Bucks, Pa,, and Margaret Taylor, Bucks, Pa 1737 Greggs, Benjamin, Monmoutb, and Yocamcncha Sutfin, Monmouth. . , 1763 Gregory, James, Burlington, and Elizabeth AA'illson, Burlington 1776 Dec. 22 Dec. 29 Oct. 5 Sept. 28 Mar. 6 Nov. 3 Dec. 22 April 18 Oct. 24 July 19 July 19 Oct. 15 April 13 May 8 April 3 Feb. 8 April 14 June 4 Nov. 12 Mar. 26 Mar. 17 Feb. 13 Oct. 25 AprU 9 June 1 Oct. 15 Oct. 9 June 30 July 9 May 6 Mar. 4 Mar. V Mar. 24 Feb. 5 Mar. 27 Mar. 3 June 15 July 2 AprU 27 Oct. 2 Jan. 3 April 24 May 19 Nov. 2 June 11 Sept. 8 I60 NEW JERSEY COL-QNIAL DOCUMENTS. Gregory, Joseph,, Salem, and Elizabeth BoneU, Philadelphia 1727 Jan. 6 Gregory, Renier, Salem, and Hannah Wade 1731 Feb. 10 Grenolds, Robert, Bergen, and Elizabeth Earie, Bergen 1765 July 29 Gridley, Judah, Morris, and Catharine Vangelder 1779 May 17 (>riffin, Edward, Perth Amboy, and Martha Dunham, Perth Amboy. . , 1758 June 20 Griffin, James, Burlington, and Bridget Maxfield, Burlington ... . 1740 Jan. 21 Griffing, Moses, Cape May, and Sarah Stillwell 1770 Oct. 17 Griflfith, Abel, Salem, and Rebecca MUes, Salem 1771 June .6 Griffith, John, Essex, and AbigaU Camp, Essex 1761 Feb. 3 Griffith, Morgan, Burlington, and Mary White, Burliugton 1740 Aug. 7 Griggs, Joseph, Monmouth, and Mary Copperthwaite 1778 Deo. 14 Grimes, George, Salem, and Mary Rodgers, Burlington 1743 Aug. 29 Grimes, Jonathan, Bergen, and Mary Ennis, Bergen 1761 Oct. 1 Grinding, William, Hunterdon, and EUzabeth Bathford 1769 Aug. 25 Griscomb, Samuel, Philadelphia and Rebecca James, Philadelphia ..1741 Feb. 6 Griscom, Samuel, and Rebecca George 1741 Feb. 6 Griswold, Joseph, Middlesex, and Matilda Clark 1778 Mar. 31 Groff, Garret, Salem, and Amy Stratton, Burlington 1764 Nov. 15 Groff, John, Gloucester, and Keziah Treadway 1773 July 17 Groff, Richard, Gloucester, and Hedy Reeds 1779 Jan. 18 Groom, Moses, Middlesex, and Mary Brown, Middlesex 1765 Feb. 7 Grover, James, Jr., Monmouth, and Lydia Bowne, Monmouth... 1752 Nov. 29 GroTer, John, Monmoutb, and Elizabeth Robius 1773 Dec. 20 GroTer, Joseph, Monmouth, and Theodosia Brown, Monmouth 1742 Mar. 4 Grover, Silvanus, Middletown, and Valeria Tilton, Middletown 1757 Deo. 1 Grubb, Adam, Gloucester, and Lydia Eobnett. '. 1773 April 12 Gi'uffytb, John, Gloucester, and Susannah Young, Gloucester 1754 June 29 Guest, Henry, and Euth Bong, Middlesex 1748 Deo. , 19 Guest, Henry, Gloucester, and Jane Simkins, Salem 1775 Sept. 15 Guest, John, Bergen, and Sarah Van Emburgh 1740 Jan. 6 Guest, John, Middlesex, and Sarah Jordan ,.1767 Oct. 14 Guest, Joseph, Gloucester, aud Sarah Vanneman 1773 Dec. 24 Guest, Lewis, New Brunswick, and Neeltje Van Cleve, New Brunsw'k. 1743 June 27 Guest, Lewis, Monmouth, and Jaue Lawrence 1747 May 5 Guest, WilUam, Gloucester, and Christian Archad 1735 Feb. 1 Guest, William, Gloucester, and Hannah Lurich, Gloucester 1764 Mar. 12 Guest, William, Jr., Gloucester, and Esther Ayres 1771 Nov. 19 Guerrat, Joseph, Burliugton, and Ann Burgess, Burlington 1765 July 4 GuUd, John, Hunterdon, and Abigail Howell 1780 Dee. 29 Guinnop, John, Burlington, and Anne Brittain, Monmoutb 1749 May 24 Guliok, Abraham, Somerset, and Anne Rider 1780 Feb. 11 Gulick, Abraham, Somerset, and Aylle Probosco 1781 Mar. 3 Guliok, Hendrick, Hunterdon, and Mary "WiUiamson 1754 Sept. 26 Gulick, Joachim, Somerset, and Eebecca Emans, Middlesex 1751 Nov. 30 GuUck, Jobn, Somerset, and Elizabeth Demott ,. . 1778 Dec. 31 Guliok, John. Middlesex, and Margaret Vandike 1780 Nov. 10 MARRIAGE LICENSES. l6l Gnmal, WiUiam, Salem, and Susannah Haller. 1777 May 6 Guyont, David, Bristol, Pa., and Margaret Gilmore, 1779 Nov. 2 Gwin, John, Trenton, and Keziah Olden 1784 Aug. 21 Gwinness, John, Morris, and Rachel Bruing, Essex 1772 Feb. 28 FEMALES. G Gach, Anne, Woodbridge, aud Isaac Donham, Woodbridge 1759 Gach, Elizabeth, Woodbridge, and Elisha Inslee, AVoodbridge 1741 Gach, Esther, Woodbridge, and Jacob Shotwell, Woodbridge 1754 Gach, Martha, Woodbridge, and Samuel Raudol, Woodbridge 1750 Gach, Mary, Woodbridge, and James Eddey, Woodbridge 1743 Gach, Sarah, Woodbridge, and Nathaniel Pike, Woodbridge 1747 Gaidilen, EUzabeth, Woolwich, and Henry AVeever, Woolwich 1772 Gale, Dinah, and John Staunton, Burlington 1732 Gale, Katherine, Little Egg H'b'r, and John Sheene, Little Egg H'b'r, 1745 Gale, Margaret, Pennsylvania, and Joseph Thornton, Pennsylvania.. . .1729 Gale, Mary, Burlington, and Abell Gale, Burlingtou 1749 Gale, Sarah, and Benjamin Stackhouse, Bristol 1782 Gallagher, EUnor, Burlington, and Richard Singleton, Burlingtou 1739 Gallabaughn, Aun, and Charles Hamilton, Salem 1767 Gallasby, Ruth, Cumberland, and Ephraim Brick, Cumberland. 1764 Galligher, Catharine, aud Oliver Paterson, Somerset. , 1781 Gandy, Deborah, Gloucester, and Reubin Ireland, Glouoester 1744 Gandy, Elizabeth, Cape May, and Hugh Hathorn, Cape May 1761 Gandy, Mary, Gloucester, and Thomas Lee, Gloucester 1757 Gandy, Rhoda, Cape May, and John Bartson, Cape May 1763 Gandy, Susannah, and Gabriel Reagain, Cape May 1 749 Ganuean, Jane, Hunterdon, and Alexander Vanpelt, Somerset 1751 Ganno, EUzabeth, Hunterdon, and Abraham Pettinger, Somerset 1738 Gano, EUzabeth, and Garret Nafies, Middlesex 1780 Gansevoort, Garretie, and John D'Waudelaer, Jr 1777 Gant, Catherine, Monmouth, and Thomas Chamberlain, Monmouth. . . 1747 Gant, Caty, and Hezekiah Steelman, Egg Harbour 1785 Gant, Mary, Monmouth, and John Chamberlain, Monmouth 1749 Garabrants, Catherine, and Hendricus Kuyper, Bergen 1750 Gard, Mary, and Job Ellis, Burlington 1769 Gardener, Hellenah, Salem, and Thomas Taylor, Salem 1769 Gardiner, Sarah, and Joseph McCuUy, Burlington 1781 Gardiner, Rebecca, and George Kindall, BurUngton 1740 Gardiner, Bathsheba, Burlington, and Timothy Thomas, Burlington. . 1774 Gardiner, Hannah, and Samuel Stockton, Burlington .1784 Gardiner," Sarah, and Abraham Perkins, Burlington .'.... 1733 Gardner, Catharine, Middlesex, and James Oldden, Middlesex 1746 Gardner, Elizabeth, and Moses AVarner, Evesham 1782 Gardner, Hannah, and Adam Chew, Gloucester 1783 Gardner, Jane, and James Morrow, Sussex 1770 11 Aug. 22 Aug. 18 April 3 Oct. 20 May 29 Sept. 16 Mar. 2 Oct. 6 Mar. 3 Dec 24 May 19 Nov. 4 Sept. 20 Aug. 6 Mar. 14 Feb. 26 Dec. 15 Aug. 13 Mar. 25 Nov. 30 July 8 May 6 Oct. ,j Mar. 8 Mar. 3 May 4 April 8 Dec. 1 May 24 Mar. 23 Aug. 11 Mar. 28 Dec. 25 Aug. 18 June 11 Dec. 4 April 3 Feb. 4 Oct. 4 Nov. 13 l62 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Gardner, Mary, and John Stockton, Burlington 1777 Garish, Bloomey, and Denmore Bevis, Little Egg Harbour 1784 Garitson, Martha, and Samuel Oram, Cape May 1778 Garner, Phebe, and Jacob Matthews, Gloucester 1772 Garrabrant, Jane, and Cornelius Best, Hunterdon 1784 Garrason, Rachael, Salem, and John EUwell, Salem 1727 Garrebrance, Freyntje, Bergen, and Joost Meebe, Orange Co., N. Y. .1769 Garretse, Frontie, Bergen, and Jacob Van Winkle 1749 Garretson, Hannah, Salem, and J ohn Loper, Salem 1757 Garretson, Mary, Middletown, and Elias Bailey 1759 Garretson, Mary, and Hugh Holmes, Cape May 1789 Garretson, Phebe, and Joseph Golding, Cape May 1760 Garretson, Sarah, Somerset, and Aereys Vanarsdalen, Somerset 1747 Garribrant, Jane, and John Vanhorne, Bergen 1785 Garrison, Amy, Cumberland, and Benjamin Lupton, Cumberland . . . 1761 Garrison, Barbara, aud John Voorhees, Somerset 1778 Garrison, Catherine, and AVUliam Ker, Middlesex 1770 Garrison, Damaris, Cumberland, aud Jonathan Barnes, Cumberland. . 1762 Garrison, Esther, and Daniel Hand, Cape May 1774 Garrison, Hannah, Cumberland, and William Hand, Cape May 1775 Garrison, Jane, aud Garrabrant Van Houten , 1791 Garrison, Maria D., New York, and Samuel Reid, Freehold 1775 Garrison, Phebe, Stow Creek, and Abraham Vanwincle, Stow Creek.. 1774 Garrison, Phebe, aud Thomas Vickery, Lower Penns Neck 1780 Garrison, Rebekah, aud Samuel McClintock, Cumberland 1779 Garrison, Rebecca, and William AVilliams, Pennsylvania 1782 Garrison, Roda, and Stephen Lupton, Cumberland 1778 Garrison, Sarah, Amwell, and J ohn Sutphin, AmweU 1 773 Garritse, Catharine, and Hendrick Kip, Bergen 1790 Garritson, Jerusha, and Richard Shaw, Cape May 1761 Garritson, Mary, Hunterdon, and John Kelsey, Hunterdon 1774 Garvey, Susannah, and Samuel Gaskill, Burlington 1784 Garwood, Ann, Burlington, and John Hopper, Gloucester 1737 Garwood, Elizabeth, Burlington, and John Delatush, Burlington.. . .. 1759 Garwood, Grace, Burlington, and Joseph Bowker, Burlingtou 1746 Garwood, Jane, Evesham, and John Prickett, Evesham 1 750 Garwood, Lydia, Burlington, and James Milton, BurUngton 1761 Garwood, Martha, Burlington, and Jonathan Davis, Chester, Pa 1783 Garwood, Mary, Burlingtou, and Samuel Jones, Burliugton 1775 Garwood, Mary, Burlington, and Barzillai Scott, Burlington 1776 Garwood, Persilla, and John Wright, Burlington 1772 Garwood, Rebecca, and Joseph Atkinson, Burliugton.. .' 1780 Garwood, Rosemond, Burliugton, and Samuel Heulings, Burlington. .1763 Garwood, Ruth, aud Thomas Kemble, Burliugton 1772 Garwood, Sarah, Burlington, and Richard Eayre, Burlington 1732 Garwood, Sarah, aqd Thomas Bishop, Burlington 1754 Oct. 11 Feb. 21 Nov. 16 Feb - 25 Dec. 15 Mar. 24 Mar. 18 Deo. 6 Deo. 10 Feb. 8 Sept. 7 Sept. 12 Mar. 22 Mar. ,24 Aug. 25 Mar. 21 Oct. 5 Mar. 24 Oct. 8 Nov. 17 Jan. 18 Dec. 29 Mar. 9 Feb. 11 Jan. 12 Nov. 3 Oct. 21 Deo. 18 Nov. 22 June 19 Aug. 16 Jan. 6 Deo. 6 April 18 May 16 July 12 Aug. 1 Mar. 17 AprU 18 May 7 AprU 4 Dec. 20 June 22 Mar. 5 Dec. 1 Mar. 5 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 63 Garwood, Susannah, Burlington, aud .John Brooks, Burlington 1781 Sept. 7 Garwood, Tabitha, Evesham, and Walter Reeves, ETesham 1765 Feb. 9 GaskUl, Abigail, and Joseph Richardson, Burlington 1788 Feb. 15 GaskiU, Amy, and David Loofbourrow, Burlington 1779 Nov. 29 GaskiU, Charity, Northampton, and WiUiam Garwood, Burlington . . 1766 May 17 GaskUl, Beulah, and AA^illiam Mann, Mount Holly , 1784 Nov. 3 GaskUl. Hannah, Burlingtou, and Adam Forker, Burlington 1749 Aug. 25 Gaskill, Hannah, and Isaac Thaokray, Gloucester 1783 Mar. 11 GaskiU, Hope, Gloucester, and James Cattell, Gloucester 1763 June 27 Gaskill, Hope, aud John Wills, Burlington 1778 Mar. 4 Gaskill, Keziah, Springfield, and Beriah Taylor, Springfield 1767 Mar. 12 GaskiU, Lavinah, and Stephen Gaskill, Burlington 1748 Jan. 30 GaskUl, Martha, Burlington, and Josiah Gaskill, Burlington 1760 Jan. 9 GaskUl, Martha, Burlington, and John Port, Jr., Burlingtou 1779 July 5 Gaskill, Mary, and Joseph Carter, Burliugton , 1757 Jan. 2 GaskUl, Mary, New Hanover, aud Zichariah Clevinger, New Hanover. 1778 Nov. 9 Gaskill, Provided, Burlington, and Samuel Shinn, Barlington 1737 July 4 GaskUl, Rachel, Burlington, and Abraham Merrit, Burlington 1757 Sept. 28 Gaskill, Rhoda, Burlington, and Laban Bjwker, Barlington 1784 Feb. 24 Gaskill, Sarah, Burlington, and John Bennett, Barlington. 1772 May 30 Gaskill, Susannah, Burlington, and Joseph Grant, Burlington 1770 Deo. 22 Gaskill, Theophilus, and .lames Rogers, Burlingt''u 1786 Oct. 10 Gaskin, EUzabeth, and Thomas Walker, Evesham 1783 Ang. 8 Gaston, Atheliah, and Ephraim Fithian, Cumberland 1780 Sept. 4 Gaston, Prosilla, Somerset, arid Daniel McCain, Somerset 1771 Sept. 24 Gaston, Margaret, Somerset, and Thomas Moffat, Middlesex 1750 Nov. 8 Gathins, Catharine, Bucks, Pa., and James Baldwin, Bucks, Pa 1751 Juue 24 Gaunt, Hannah, and James Gale, Little Egg Harbour 1784 Mar. 3 Gaunt, Jane, Philadelphia, and Henry Richards, Philadelphia 1762 Feb. 4 Gayard, Ann, Gloucester, and John Dilkes, Gloucester 1750 Aug. 30 - Gayard, Sarah, Gloucester, and John Jones, Gloucester 1728 July 29 Gayhndd, Deborah, Middletown, and George Thompson, Middletown. 1753 Aug. 1 Gearhart, Elizabeth, and Jacob Depuy, Huuterdon 1734 Jan. 15 ^ Geddes, Abigail, Woodbridge, and Robert Carlile, Reading Town 1757 April 26 Ginkins, Hannah, Gloucester, aud James Ord, Cumberland 1754 Oct. 30 George, Elizabeth, PhUadelphia, and John Beasley, PhUadelpbia 1738 Mar. 24 George, Rebecca, and Samuel Griscom 1741 Feb. 6 Germain, Mary, Gloucester, and John Dennis, Gloucester 1731 Jan. 7 Gerrard, Mary, Gloucester, and Samuel Kaign, Gloucester 1768 Jan. 8 Gerrard. Sarah, Gloucester, and Samuel Bain, Gloucester 1739 May 26 Gerrard, Sarah, Gloucester, and Michael Dawson, Sussex 1763 June 22 Gerritson, Anne, aud Dnl Van Wincle, Essex , 1751 June 15 Gevison, Lydia, and John Gevison, Burlington 1759 Feb. 3 Gebbins, Margaret, Great Egg Harbour, and Peter Scull, Gt. Egg H'r. 1762 Nov. 10 Gibbins, Sarah, Burlington, and James Vaughn, Burlington 1765 June 27 Gibbon, Anne, Salem, and Edmond AVetherby 1 769 Oct. ^ I 64 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Gibbon, Esther, and Benjamin Holms, Salem 1778 Gibbon, Hannah, and Aulay McCalla, Cumberland 1787 Gibbons, Mary, Middlesex, and Henry White, Middlesex ; . 1762 Gibbous, Rachael, and James Hulse, Burlington 1769 Gibbons, Rebeckah, Monmouth, and James Vahan, Monmouth 1739 Gibbs, Anna, Burlington, and John Foster, Burlington 1776 Gibbs, Elizabeth, and Joseph Devenport, Burlington 1757 Gibbs, Hannah, Burlington, aud Raworth Beck, Burlington 1743 Gibbs, Mary, Burlington, and William Black, BurUngton 1754 Gibbs, Mary, Burlington, and Elijah Field, Burlington 1771 Gibbs, Mary, Burlington, and John Folwell, Burlington 1771 Gibbs, Sarab, BurUngton, and John Hutchin, Burlington 1742 Gibbs, Susannah, Burlington, and John Henry, BurUngton 1764 Giberson, Hannah, Monmouth, and John Everingham, Monmouth 1761 Giberson, Hannah, and Lewis Chapman, Burlington 1777 Giberson, Jamima, Monmoutb, and Fuller Homer, Monmouth 1762 Giberson, Mary, and John Harrison, Monmoutb 1759 Giberson, Miribah, and Thomas Robins, Monmouth 1758 Gibeson, Elizabeth, Shrewsbury, and William Preston, Shrewsbury . . 1767 Gibeson, Lydia, and John George Boody, Gloucester 1773 Gibison, Mary, Monmoutb, and Zachariah Robins, Monmouth 1769 Gibson, Ann, aud Thomas Ashbrook, Gloucester 1779 Gibson, Elizabeth, aud Robert Sparks, Glouoester 1783 Gibson, Jemimy, Perth Amboy, and John Richardson, Perth Amboy. .1763 Gibson, Mary, Gloucester, and James Hanesey, Gloucester 1754 Gibson, Sarah, Burlington, and John Earick, Burlington 1756 Giddeman, Christian, New Brnnsw'k, and Gideon DeCamp, Middlesex. 1750 Giddeman, Lena, New Brunswick, and Cornelius Teal, New Brunsw'k. 1750 Giffier, Elizabeth, Gloucester, aud John Leeds, Gloucester 1760 Giffing, Margaret, and Joseph Price, Hunterdon 1756 Gifford, Anney, Monmouth, aud Nathan Davis, Monmouth 1761 Gifford, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Thomas Newbury, Monmouth. . . . 1748 Gifford, Elizabeth, and John Tilton, Shrewsbury 1766 Gifford, Esther, Monmouth, and Daniel Littleton Ketcham, Monm'th.. 1760 Gifford, Hannah, Monmouth, and Stephen Frazer, Monmouth 1765 Gifford, Hannah, and Joseph Bartlett, Monmouth 1766 Gifford, Hester, Monmouth, and Thomas Matthews, Monmouth 1743 Gifford, Margaret, Monmouth, and .Iohn Martin, Monmouth 1760 Gifford, Mary, Perth Amboy, and Jobn Thompson,'Rhode Island 1743 Gifford, Sarah, Perth Amboy, and Henry Dalley,- Middlesex 1739 Gifford, Zelpha, Monmouth, and Joseph Burdge, Monmouth 1765 Gifford, Zilpha, Monmouth, and AVUliam Lea, Monmouth 1763 Gilbert, Edith, and Andrew GUkison, Shamong, Pa 1776 GUbert, Hannah, and Samuel Ellis, Gloucester 1772 Gilbert, Mary, Mansfield, and Joseph Everingham, Mansfield 1751 pilbert, Temperance, Perth Amboy, and Joijathap Nisbett 1741 Oct 28 April 9 June 12 May 13 Feb. 14 May 27 May 11 AprU 8 Aug. 14 Jan. 28 Sept. 13 Nov. 9 Jan. 6 July 11 AprU 16 Jan. 13 Sept. 21 Oct. 9 April 11 Jan. 4 AprU 20 Feb. 4 Nov. 24 Oct. 28 Mar. 23 Sept. 15 Nov. 3 Deo. 19 May 12 Jan. 26 Jan. 20 Oct. 29 July 23 July 14 May 16 AprU 5 Sept. 6 Feb. 5 Nov. 20 Not. 9 Jan- 21 June 1 Not. 26 Oct. 31 AprU 19 July 9 MARRIACJE LICENSES. 165 Gilcott, Esther, Gloucester, and Jobn Gray, Gloucester 1739 GilderslecTes, Hannah, Morris, and John Brees, Jr., Somerset 1769 GUe, Hannah, Northampton, and Samuel Budd, Burlington 1766 Gill, Cathrina, and Peter BUderback, Salem 1756 Gill, Christautia, and Jechonias Wood, Pilesgrove 1772 i Gill, Elizabeth, and Jacob-Burroughs, Gloucester 1775 Gillam, Ann, and Joseph Indicott, Burlington 1736 Gillet, Sarah, Morris, and William Throckmorton, Morris 1759 Gillingham, Grace, and Moses Wright, Alloways Creek 1768 GiUingham, Margaret, Alloways Creek, and James Snethen, Cumb'l'd . 1766 Gilljohnson, Ann, Penns Neck, and Abraham Philpot, Penns Neck, . .1761 Gillman, Lettitia, Cumberland, and DaTid Platts, Cumberland 1763 GiUman, Rachell, Cumberland, and Job Shepherd, Cumberland 1765 GiUum, Anne, Burlington, and Robert HiU, Barlington 1749 Gillum, Grace, Springfield, and John Norton, Springfield 1749 Gilman, Sarah, and William Gilman 1743 Gilman, Susannah, and Bargin Ayers, Salem 1754 Gilmer, Mary, Hunterdon, and Joseph Hunter, Burlington 1764 Gilmore, Margaret, and David Guyout, Bristol, Pa 1779 Giriee, Elisabeth, Gloucester, and David Trnemau, Gloucester 1730 Girty, Catherine, and Frederick Hartsough, Somerset 1779 Given, Esther, Burlington, and Ricbard Bowker, Burlington 1750 Gland, Ruth, Cumberland, and Thomas Galping, Cumberland 1749 Glasby, Ann, Burlington, and Lot Bowker, Burlington 1777 Glaspey, Eebecca, Cumberland, and Samuel Bowen, Cumberland 1771 Glaspy, Mary, Staten Island, and Israil Hilton, Staten Island 1745 Glass, Margaret, Burlington, and John Dyer, Burlington ] 730 Godden, Elizabeth, Newark, and John Johnson, New York 1 748 Godfrey, Elizabeth, Cape May, and Peter Corson, Cape May 1763 Godfrey, Mary, Burlington, and Henry Waterman, Burlington 1727 Godfrey, Tabitha, and EUjah Garretson, Cape May 1777 Godfrey, PrissUlab, and Enoch Smith, Cape May 1780 Godown, Katharine, Amwell, and Albartus Ringo 1745 Godown, Katharine, Amwell, and Daniel Thatcher, Amwell 1771 Godwin, Margaret, and Abraham Vanderbeok 1779 Godwin, Mary, aud Thomas Chapple 1779 GDecheus, Elizabeth, Bergen, and Henry Zabriski, Bergen 1767 Goetschius, Helena, and John Van Dalsem, Tappan 1784 Goetschius, Hester, Hackensack, and Jacob Van Saan, Hackensack 1760 Goff, Hannah, Cape May, and Israel Cresse, Cape May 1761 Goff, Hannah, Cape May, and Thomas Shaw, Cape May 1770 Goff, Presila, Cape May, and Daniel HUdreth, Cape May 1761 Goff, Mary, Cumberland, and John Corson, Jr,, Cape May 1761 Goff, Eebeckah, and Hance Peterson, Cape May 1773 Goff, Rhoda, Cape May, and Zebulon Cresse, Cape May 1764 Gofogy, Jane, Burlingtou, and John Reid. Burlington 1764 Feb. 8 Jan. 30 April 14 April 15 July 4 Mar. 6 May 12 Dec. 15 Oct. 20 Sept. 29 Oct. 29 Jan. 4 May 18 Nov. 1 Aug. 29 June 14 May 28 Sept. 15 Nov. ,2 Oct. 19 Mar. 30 Sept. 26 Jan. 15 May 12 Oct. 30 Jan. 31 July 28 Deo. 2 July 20 AprU 12 May 6 Sept, 5 Sept. 19 April 27 Aug, 15 June 24 Aug. 20 Sept. 21 Dec. 9 Nov. 30 July 5 May 2 Dec. 19 July 21 Sept. 14 April 4 l66 NEW jERgEY COLONtAL DOCUMENTS. Goggin, Marey, and Joseph Vanschuyver, Cumberland 1779 June 28 Goheen, Mary, and George Hicks, Bucks, Pa. . . 1763 Oct. 11 Gold, Martha, Woodbridge, and Enos Ayers, AVoodbridge 1 749 May 8 Golden, Mary, and Noah Garritson, Cape May 1737 Nov. 1 Golden, Mary, Middletown, and Harmon Snyder, Middletown 1767 Sept. 24 Golden, Mary, and John Snook, Hunterdon 1783 Feb. 5 Golden, Sarah, Cape May, and Ephraim Kent; Cape May 1774 May 13 Golden, Sarab, and WiUiam Jewell, Hunterdon 1782 Oct. 29 Golder, Mary, Monmouth, and Roelef Schenck, Monmouth 1749 Jane 21 Goldin, Deborah, and Ezekiel Hand, Cape May 1737 Deo. 12- Goldin, Jane, and John Camp, Gloucester 1780 Oct. 31 Goldin, Rebecca, and Seth Whildin, Maurice Eiver 1776 Nov. 4 Goldin, Sarah, and James Garretson, Cape May 1760 April 28 Golding, Mary, Cape May, and Thomas Daniels, Gape May 1740 July 2 Goldy, Elizabeth, and Samuel Parker, Burlington 1741 May 11 Goldy, Margaret, and Hezekiah Morton, Burlington 1781 Feb. 4 Goldy, Sarah, Burlington, and Jonathan Haines, Burlington 1775 Nov. 17 GoUachar, Jane, Cape May, and John Elexander, Cape May 1768 Deo. 20 Gombauld, Ann Frances, Monmouth, aud Leonard Cutting, New York. 1771 Sept. 21 Gombould, Magdelon, Monmouth, and Joseph Leonard, Monmouth. . ,1766 Sept. 11 Gomer, Margaret, and John McMurtry, Somerset 1781 Jan. 26 Goodwin, Mary, and Thomas Hancock, Salem 1775 Oct. 31 Gorden, Mary, and Reuben Runyon, Hunterdon 1767 Deo. 24 Gordon, Anu, aud Ichabod Compton, Monmouth 1773 Aug. 20 Gordon, Anne, Middlesex, and John Van Kirk, Middlesex 1750 Sept. 27 Gordon, 1 Betsey, and Resolve AA'aldron, Bergeu 1782 Jan. 27 Gordon, Cattron, and James Stevenson, Middlesex 1779 April 24 Gordon, Elizabeth, and Henry Shaw, Upper Freehold 1768 Dec. 21 Gordon, Epenetus, Perth Amboy. and John Sorier, Somerset 1753 Deo. 24 Gordon, Lidia, Monmouth, and George Forman, Somerset 1753 Nov. 7 Gordon, Lydia, Monmouth, and Timothy Loyd, Jr., Monmouth. .... .1740 Aug. 6 Gordon, Lydia, and David Mortman, Middlesex 1770 Jan. 10 Gordon, Margaret, Monmouth, and John Yatman, Monmouth 1744 Deo. 31 Gordon, Mary, Middlesex, and John Brown, Burlington 1729 July 9 Gordon, Patience, and John AValton, Crosswicks 1 778 Sept. 5 Gordon, Susannah, and William Collins, New Jersey 1778 May 21 Gosling, Mary, Burlington, and John Indicott, Burlington 1728 Mar. 22 Gosling, Sarah, Burlington, and Jacob Woolston, Burlington 1759 Feb. 27 Gottier, Mary, Philadelphia, and Henry Drinker, PhUadelphia 1731 Nov. 26 Gottier, Elizabeth, and John Tomkins, Chester, Pa 1733 AprU 11 Gouger, Jean, and Jacob Plumly, Amwell 1780 Jan. 26 Gould, Hester, aud Ebenezer Gaskill, Burlingtou 1769 Jan. 14 Gould, Mary, Freehold, aud Johu Tice, Freehold 1758 Oct. 17 Gouverneur, Gertrude, and Peter Kemble, Jr. , Morris 1784 June 5 Governour, Eleanor, Readingtown, and Jasper Smith, Amwell 1765 Got. 25 1 Godwin. MARRIAGE LtCfeNSES. 1 6^ Governeur, Hannah, Sussex, and Charles Ogden, S'assex 1779 Grace, Elnor, Maurice River, and Benjamin Parker, Maurice Eiver. . . 1775 Graff, Hannah, Amwell, and John Ennkel, Lebanon 1775 Grafton, Catherine, Salem, and AViUiam Miller, Salem 1761 Graham, Anne, Somerset, and Daniel McEowen, Somerset 1744 Graham, Mary, Monmoutb, and James McCrea, Monmouth 1740 Graisbury, Abigail, aud John Branson, Gloucester 1788 Graisbury, Mary, Gloucester, and John Franklin, Gloucester 1743 Grandin, Mary, and Cornelius Clark, Monmouth 1769 Grandin, Mary, Hunterdon, and John Vougbt, Hunterdon 1772 Grandin, Sarab, Eoxbury, and John Wurts, Tewkesbury 1773 Grant, EUzabeth, Philadelphia, and William Church, Philadelphia. . . . 1730 Grant, Eachel, Monmouth, and Aaron Inman, Monmouth 1747 Grant, Eachel, Burlington, and Absalome Ewan, Burlington 1764 Grant, Eachel, Burlington, and Joseph Gaskill, Barlington 1767 Grant, Sarah, Monmoutb, and Stephen Simons, Monmouth 1756 Grapevine, Catherine, and John Crockett, Burlington 1779 Gravat, Martha, Freehold, and Samuel Runyon, Freehold 1752 Graves, Mary, Salem, and John Garrison, Salem 1768 Graves, Prudence, Salem, and Daniel Long, Salem 1768 Gray, Ann, Hunterdon, and William Pierson, Hunterdon 1763 Gray, Rachel, Woolwich, and John White, Woolwich 1781 Grayer, Anu Olive, Pennsylvania, aud John Farmer, Bristol, Pa 1732 Greeley, Eunice, Cape May, and Job Summers, Gloucester 1732 Green, Ann, Salem, and Charles Hopkins, Salem 1736 Green, Ann, Hunterdon, and Joshua Updike, Hunterdon 1738 Green, Anu, and Simon Lamberson, Middlesex Co 1 745 Greer, Charity, Shrewsbury, and Thomas AVhite, Shrewsbury 1758 Green, Elizabeth, and John Clark, Burlington 1747 Green, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Asher Cook, Monmouth 1764 Green, EUzabeth, Pennsylvania, and John HiUier, Burlington 1772 Green, EUzabeth, Burlington, and Jonathan Southwick, Burlington. . . 1772 Green, Elizabeth, Evesham, and William Sharp, Evesham 1776 Green, Elizabeth, Evesham, and Job Sharp, Evesham 1784 Green, Eunice, Cape May, and Job Sommers, Gloucester 1732 Green, Hester, and Thomas Hancock, Burlington 1788 Green, Jane, Burlington, and Joseph Sharp, Burlington 1774 Green, Katherine, and Isaac Stelle, Middlesex 1780 Green, Marah, Shrewsbury, and WUliam Pearce, Shrewsbury 1755 Green, Margaret, and Richard Gosling, Bucks, Pa 1777 Green, Margaret, and Edmund Whetherby, Salem 1784 Green, Martha, and Samuel Zilley, Northampton 1781 Green, Mary, Evesham, and Isaac Sharp, Evesham 1766 Green, Eachel, Shrewsbury, and Vincent White, Shrewsbury 1759 Green, Eebecca, Monmouth, and Benjamin Jackson, Monmouth. ...1760 Green, Rebecca, Northampton, and Heron Bryan, Burlington 1761 July 23 Feb. 4 Dec. 2 Aug. 15 Dec. 7 April 8 Nov. 18 June 22 Jan. 13 Nov. 21 June 8 Mar. 18 June 1 July 1 Aug. 4 Dec. 29 Sept. 20 Oct. 23 Feb. 22 Oct. 6 Oct. 1 Sept. 11 Aug. 29 Jan. 2 June 12 July 15 Oct. 14 Dec. 18 Dec. 22 Mar. 31 Jan. 9 Aug. 20 May 27 Dec. 5 Jan. 2 April 3 Aug. 8 Jau. 5 July 11 Mar. 29 June 12 Mar. 6 Sept. 23 April 4 Dec. 1 Nov. 28 l68 NEW JERSEV COLONIAL DOCUMEMTg. Green, Sarah, Hunterdon, aud Benjamin Severns, Hunterdon 1730 May 28 Green, Sarah, Monmouth, and Joseph Cook, Monmouth 1748 April 29 Green, Sarah, Hunterdon, and Thomas Smith, Hunterdon 1764 Jan. 25 Green, Sarah, and Henry Sbellenbirg, Bucks, Pa 1778 Jan. 27 Green, Sarah, and Samuel Moore, Hunterdon 1781 Sept. 24 Greg, Catherine, Woodbridge, and John Chesnut, Pennsylvania 1748 May Jl Gregg, Ann, Bucks, Pa,, and Henry Dyer, Bucks, Pa 1761 Not. 11 Gregg, Elinor, Burlington, and John Darbyshire, Burlington 1731 Aug. 12 Gregorey, Jane, Monmouth, aud Simeon Babcock, Monmouth 1757 Aug. 20 Gregory, Christiana, Burlington, and Robert Burr, Burlingtou 1770 Sept. 25 Gregory, Elizabeth, PennsylTania, and William Burk, Bucks, Pa. .. .1730 Jan. 1 Gregory, EUzabeth, Salem, and WUliam Barker, Salem 1739 Jan. 7 Gregory, Mary Ann, Gloucester, aud Isaac Kay, Gloucester 1738 April 2 Gregory, Rebecca, Huuterdon, and Thomas AViuder, Hunterdon 1731 AprU 1 Gregory, Sarah, Middlesex, and Joseph Richards, Perth Amboy 1761 Sept. 4 Grey, Elizabeth, Bucks Co., Pa., and William Race, Bucks Co., Pa. . . 1764 Aug. 1 Griflfin, Margaret, aud Thomas Elton, Burliugton 1769 July 7 Griflfin, Rebecca, Salem, and David Wiggins, Salem 1727 Nov. 23 Griffin, Sarah, Middlesex, and John Monday, Middlesex 1749 Oct. 10 Griffith, Martha, Gloucester, and Hezekiah Hopkins, Glouoester 1789 Oct. 31 Griffith, Mary, Burliugton, and George Back, Barlington 1750 Nov. 2 Griflfith, Sarah, and Richard C jUins, Burliugton 1759 Aug. 27 Griflfith, Sarah, Upper Penn's Neck, and Caleb Pedrick, Up. P'ns N'k.l764 Deo. 27 Griffy, Mathew, and Isaiah Hankins, Burlington . *. 1771 Sept. 23 Griggs, Elizabeth, Perth Amboy, and Thomas Burns, Perth Amboy. . .1773 Aug. 31 Griggs, Mary, Somerset, and Abram Van Middleswart, Somerset 1744 Nov. 26 Griggs, Martha, Somerset, and William TiUyer, Somerset 1714 June 6 Grigs, Sarah, New Brunswick, and Joshua Cusau, New Brunsw'k 1752 Oct. 21 Grimes, Martha, Burlington, and John Clap, Burlingtou 1782 Deo. 19 Grimes, Marj', and Thomas Thomas, Burlington 1783 Feb. 20 Grimes, Mary, Burlington, and Johu Clap, Burlington 1784 Oct. 16 Grimes, Rachel, and Job Shinn 1783 July 3 Grimes, Sarah, Barlington, aud Johu Nilley, Burlington 1742 Aug. 19 Griscomb, Elizabeth, and Johu Ross, Philadelphia 1773 Nov. 4 Gromo, Sarah, New Jersey, aud Thomas Lawler, Fauquier Co., Va. . . . 1779 Jan. 12 Groom, Ann, Middlesex, and Richard Karn, Middlesex 17(12 April 22 Groom, Elizabeth, Chesterfield, aud Edward Page, Chesterfield 1741 May 11 Groom, Lena, and WUliam Horn, Middlesex 1781 Sept. 22 Groom, Mary, and Samuel Danford, Burlingtou 1737 Sept. 12 Groom, Susannah, and John Morgan, Monmouth 1 771 Nov. 30 Grosse, Catharine, and Patrick Farney, Morris 1772 Nov. 13 Grover, Katherine, Monmouth, and David Hance, Monmouth 1743-4 Mar. 8 Grabb, Mary, and Seth Hill, Burlington 1785 May 8 Gruber, Margaret, and Johu Weydeman, Bergen 1767 Aug. 1 Gruff, Sarah, Alloways Creek, and John Smith, Cumberland 1767 July 23 Gualdo, Francis, and Gabriel AV. Ford, Morris 1790 Jan. 25 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 69 Gudjon, Mary, and A^am Thrasher, PhUadelphia 1769 Mar. 27 Guest, Anu, and Abraham Beekman, Hunterdon 1745 June 14 Guest, Mary, Gloucester, and James Avise, Gloucester 1773 May 18 Guest, Sarah, New Brunswick, and William Nixson, Middlesex 1746 Jan. 27 Guibison, Rachel, and Joshua Homer, Jr., Monmouth 1759 Aug. 15 Guild, Mary, and John Howell, Trenton 1778 Feb. 14 Guile, Easter, and Johu WaUing, Jr., Hunterdon 1768 Feb. 3 GuUes, Massey, and Jesse Christopher, Hunterdon 1779 Feb. 13 GuUham, Anne, Barlington, and Matthew Willson, Burlington 1728 Sept. 12 Guinn, Naomi, aud Joseph Stratton, Evesham 1765 Mar. 30 Gninnall, Hannah, Evesham, and John WUkins, ETesham 1761 May 19 Guinnell, Hannah. Burlington, aud William Brooks, Barlington 1758 Sept. 26 Gulick, Anue, and Angleburt Hartaugh, S jmerset 1779 Mar. 6 Gulick, Catalintie, and Jacobus Wyckoff, Long Island 1745 Mar. 25 Guliok, Charity, and David Merrell, Hunterdon 1777 Aug. 2 Guliok, Eleanor, and Samuel AViUiamson, Middlesex 1782 Mir. 12 Gulick, Gerrabratie, Somerset, and Cornelius Cornel, Middlesex 1751 June 12 Gulick, Maritie, Somerset, and Nicholas Johnson, Middlesex 1750 Aug. 3 Guliok, Mary, Somerset, and Elbert Hogland, Long Island 1748 June 9 Gurtjea, Mandlina, aud Henry Michal, Salem 1759 Aug. 15 ¦ Garten, Elizabeth, aud Richard Jones, Trenton 1778 Sept. 12 Gurtricho, Sarah, Bergen, and Hilbrunt Van Lazer, Bergeul 1760 Deo. 31 Gathridge, Elizabeth, Gloucester, aud Joseph Holmes, Gloucester , . . . 1762 Aug. 2 Guyant, Margaret, and Charles CappeU, Bucks, Pa 1778 Feb. 3 Gwin, Mary, and Jonathan Ireland, Gloucester 1777 Dec. 13 Gwinu, Elizabeth, and Mathew McCarty, New Jersey 1760 July 30 Gybertson, Hester, Monmouth, and David Vaughan, Monmouth 1748 April 26 e, Catharine, and Michael Tolyn, Glouoester 1774 Jan. 17 MALES. H Hack, Philip, Burlington, and Susanna Hurtsman, Burlington 1783 Jan. 6 Racket, David, Salem, and Elizabeth Nickerson 177 J Mar. 2 Hackney, Edmund, Burlington, and Rachel Ivins 1789 May 8 Haokney, Thomas, Burlington, and (?) Alberson 1748 Sept. 19 Hackney, Thomas, Barlington, and EUzabeth Tomlinson 1788 April 16 Haokney, WilUam, Barlington, aud Sarab Ingle, Burlington 1770 April 16 Hadden, Thomas, Woodbridge, and Margaret Bloomfield, AVoodbridge. 1750 July 21 Hadden, Thomas, Jr., Woodbridge, and .Annabel CroweU, Woodbridge. 1758 Nov. 15 Haelderon, Andriec, and Catrina Terp 1771 Sept. 14 Hagamen, Aaron, Somerset, and Catharine Voorhies 1779 Feb. 20 an, Adrian, Hunterdon, and Ann Hall 1781 Oct. 15 an, Roeleff, Somerset, and Catherine Holmes 1780 Sept. 9 Hageman, Adrian, Jr., Somerset, and Sarah Wycott, Somerset 1744 May 14 In the records of the Schraalenburgh Reformed (Dutch) Church, Bergen county, is the entry, under date of Deo. 27, 1761, of the marriage of Hillebrand Logier [Lozier]. widower, bom and living at Sohralenburg, and Sara Gurtrich, y. d., bom at Hakkensak. t^o NEAAf Jersey (JoloniAl DocitMENTg. Hageman, Cornelius, Monmoutb, and Crese Van Brunt 1766 May 3 Hageman, Denys, Hunterdon, and Prudence Vandike 1773 AprU 22 Hageman, James, Somerset, and Anne Skillman 1778 Aug. 13 Hagerman, Adrian, Hunterdon, and Margaret Van Vliet, Hunterdon. .1772 Feb. 28 Haight, John, Middlesex, and Mary Van Kirk 1773 Jan. 23 Haines, Aaron, Glouoester, and Priscilla Collins , 1772 Nov. 24 Haines, Aaron, Burlington, and Anne Eayres, Burlington 1776 Jan. 14 Haines, Abraham, Burlington, and Hannah Rakestraw 1772 Dea 28 Haines, Edmund, Burlington, and Charlotte Leeds, BurUngton 1782 Deo. 17 Haines, Enoch, Burlington, and PrisciUa Eayre, Barlington 1767 AprU 6 Haines, George, Burlington, aud Margaret Lamb, Burliugton 1731 June 7 Haines, Isaac, Burlingtou, and Keziah Woolmar 1788 Jan. 15 Haines, Jacob, Burlington, 'and Sirah Austin, BurUngton 1770 AprU 5 Haines, Jesse, Burlington, aud Mary Armstrong 1783 Aug. 2 Haines, John, Burliugton, and Martha Eayre, Burlington 1766 July 29 Haines, John, Burlington, and Ann Taylor 1781 Oct. 6 Haines, Jonathan, Barlington, and Sarah Goldy, Burlington.. 1775 Nov. 17 Haines, Joseph, Burliugton, aud Patience Prickett, Burlington 1741 Aug. 25 Haines, Joseph, Glouoester, and Aune Jones, Gloucester 1748 Sept. 29 Haines, Joseph, Burlingtou, aud Hope Reeves, Burlingtou 1749 Nov. 2 Haines, Joseph, Elizabeth Town, and S.irah Watkins, Elizabeth Town. 1751 April 16 Hiines, Joseph, Barlington, and Mary Reeves, Burlington 1771 Mar. 19 Haines, Joseph, Gloucester, and Drusilla Middleton 1777 Nov. 21 Haines, L3vi, Burlingtou, aud Elizabeth Andrews, Burlington 1767 Sept. 7 Haines, Levi, Barlington, and Mary Jenkins, Burlington . 1774 Jan. 21 Haines, Moses, Buriington, and Patience Antram 1747 Deo. 11 Haines, Nathan, Burlington, and Rebecca BiUanjer, Burlington.. ..1756 May 21 Haines, Robert, Burlington,' and Rachel Vinucomb, Burliugton 1766 Ma.r 17 Haines, Simeon, B irlington, aud Mary Stratton 1766 May 28 Haines, Solomon, Burlington, aud Rebecca Sharp, Burlington 1749 Oct. 17 Haines, Thomas, Burlingtou, and Elizabeth Mullin, Burlington 1761 Oct. 10 Haines, Thomas, Chester, aud Mary Cattell, Chester 1766 Nov. 12 Haines, Thomas, Burlington, and Lucretia Pettit, Burliugton 1767 Nov. 23 Haines, Thomas, Burlington, and Sarah Conrow , 1778 Mar. 23 Haines, AVUliam, Burlingtou, and Mary Earley 1778 Jan. 8 Haines, William, and Lydia Wetherington 1782 May 24 Hains, George, Burlington", and Elizabeth Sharp, Burlingtou 1771 June 4 Haius, John, Gloucester, and Mary Leonard, Gloucester 1771 Sept. 14 Hair, Thomas, Bucks, Pa., and Sarah Randall 1768 Aug. 19 Haleubeck, Jacob, and Sinty Foord 17(52 Mar. 16 Haley, Jacob, Burlington, aud Elizabeth Mauris 1786 Mar. 7 Haley, Johu, Barlington, and Abigail Marine, Barlington 1782 Mar. 7 Hall, Abner, Cumberland, and Sarah Shepherd, Cumberland 1774 Ang. 15 Hall, Clement. Salem, and Margaret Morris, Salem 1745 Feb. 10 Hall, Daniel, Monmouth, and Johannah Hyer, Monmouth 1746 Deo. 3 Hall, Edward, Somerset, and Catherine Cock, Somerset.. 1744 Oct. 22 MARRIAGELICENSES. t^t Hall, Francis, Burlington, and Naomi Middleton, Burlington 1740 H-iU, George, Somerset, and Nelly Marlett, Middlesex 1751 Hall, George, Cumberland, and Ann Elkinton, Burlington 1775 Hall, Hezekiah, Middlesex, aud Mary Stevenson, Middlesex 1771 Hall,.Jam3S, Burlingtou, and Elizabeth Stockton 1784 Hall, John, Salem, and Ann Johnson, Salem 1741 Hall, John, Somerset, and Catherine Bersherer, Somerset 1750 Hall, John, Burlingtou, and Rachel Cogall, Burlington 1764 Hill, Richard, Somerset, and Elizabeth Ten Eyck, Hunterdon 1741 HaU, Simael, Philadelphia, and Elizabeth Annis 1732 HaU, Samuel, Northampton, aud Elizabeth Newbury, ^Northampton . . 1746 HaU, Thomas, Mansfield, and Mable Shoemaker 1750 Hall, WiUiam, Silem, and Elizabeth Pyle, Salem 1634 Hall, WUUam, Philadelphia, and Jane Trenchard, Salem 1773 Hallalay, James, Salem, and Riins Cmdon, Salem 1749 Hallsted, Thomas, Salem, and Martha Lawrence, Salem 1764 Halmes, Hanoe, Gloucester, and Mary Codds 1782 Halstead, Daniel, Monmouth, and Sarah Nichols, Monmouth 1749 Halstead, Josiah, Monmouth, and ZUpha West, Monmouth 1740 Halstead, Josiah, Monmouth, and Anna Throckmorton, Monmouth. . . 1755 Halstead, Josiah, Monmouth, and Lidy Worthley, Monmouth 1766 Halsted, Timothy, Monmouth, and Elizabeth West, Monmouth 1746 Halsy, Joseph, Jr., Essex, and Anne Willis, Essex 1768 Halter, Peter, Salem, and Dorcas Irelan, Cumberland 1770 Halyard, Jacob, Salem, ani Susanna Hoffman 1767 H-im, Anthony, Middlesex, and Ann Drinkwater, Middlesex 1747 H-imbleton, Benjamin, and Elizabeth Kester 1786 HamUton, Arthur, Pittsburg, Pa , and Hannah Adams, Philadelphia.. 1762 Hamilton, Arthur. Gloucester, and PriscUla Flauiugan, Gloucester — 1769 HamUton, Charles, Salem, and Ann Gallabaughn 1767 Hamilton, Charles, Somerset, and Mary Davis 1779 HamUton, Gustavus, Philad'p'a, and Margaret Donaldson, Darby, Pa.. 1760 Hamilton, James, Perth Amboy, and Margaret Peterson, Perth Amb'y. 1 762 HamUton, WiUiam, Somerset, and Elizabeth McCoUough, Somerset. . . 1752 HamUton, WUliam, Salem, and EUzabeth Helms 1783 Hammel, Felix, Burlington, and Elizabeth Langley. 1770 Hammell, James, Burlington, and Sarah Butler, Burlington 1742 Hammell, John, Burlington, and EUzabeth Kelly .' 1778 Hammet, John, Gloucester, and Sarah Hilyer, Gloucester 1745 Hammett, George, Burlington, and Rhoda Packer, BurUngton 1731 Hammett, John, Gloucester, and Sarah Hilyery, Gloucester 1745 Hammit, John, Burlington, and Rachel Eves, Burlington 1774 Hammitt, Abraham, Glouoester, aud Mary Hillyard, Gloucester 1747 Hammitt, Elias, Burlington, and Anna Lippincott 1779 Hammitt, George, Glouoester, and Hannah Sharp, Burlington 1757 Hampton, Edward, Gloucester, and Sarab Breach, Gloucester... . . 1741 June . 9 June 13 June 20 Feb. 16 April 6 Jane 11 Jan. 12 Sept. 3 Aug. 12 Jan. 31 April 29 Dec. 17 May 21 Nov. 1 June 29 Jan. 3 April 11 May 3 Jan. 27 May 30 Sept. 27 Nov. 22 June 15 Feb. 17 Nov. 27 July 8 April 3 Sept. 15 Mar. 23 Aug. 6 June 17 Feb. 2 Nov. 20 Feb. 11 May 15 April 26 Oct. 23 Aug. 5 Dec. 12 Feb. 21 Dec. 12 Feb. 1 June 7 Jan. 6 April 28 Aug. 8 \ji NEAV ;fERSEY COLONIAL DOCtJMENTS. Hampton, John, Gloucester, and Ann Devall, Salem 1736 Hampton, John, Monmouth, and Lidy Hankinson. Monmouth 1761 Hampton, John Thomas, Salem, and Marcy Harris, Salem 1775 Hampton, John, Gloucester, and Ann Hugg 1782 Hampton, Jonathan, Richmond, and Elizabeth Bird, Essex 1740 Hampton, William, Jr., Glouoester, aud Alice Chew, Glouoester 1753 Hampton, William, Salem, and Barb.ara Forrest, Salem 1764 Hamton, William, Monmouth, aud Gertrude Craige, Monmouth.. .. 1747 Hamton, WiUiam, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Bickham, Glouoester 1755 Hance, Arthur, Monmouth, and Catherine Vandeveer, Monmouth . . . 1755 Hance, Benjamin, Monmouth, and Catherine Brannin, Monmouth,. . .1762 Hance, David, Monmouth, and Katherine Grover, Monmouth 1743-4 Hance, George, Middlesex, and Margaret AVillsou, Middlesex 1760 Hancock, Aruall, Pennsylvania, and Susannah Phillips, Pennsylvania 1727 Hancock, Daniel, Burlington, and Rhoda Lippincott, Burlington 1774 Hancock, Edward, Burlington, and Sarah English, Burlington 1742 Hancock, Edward, Salem, and Mary Allen 1757 Hancock, Edward, Salem, and Rebecca Ward, Salem 1774 Hancock, Edward, Salem, and Abigail Carpenter 1786 Hancock, George, Burlington, and Hannah Perkins 1779 Hancock, Godfrey, Burlington, and Aun Tuly, Burlington 1754 Hancock, Isaac, Burlington, and Mary "English 1782 Hancock, Joseph, Burlington, and Patience Andrews, Burlington 1751 Hancock, Joseph, Cumberland, and Elizabeth Butcher 1785 Hancock, Pearson, Burlingtou, and Meriam Deacon 1779 Hancock, Thomas, Salem, and Mary Goodwin 1 775 Hancock, Thomas, Burlington, and Hester Green 1788 Hancock, Timothy, Burlington, and Rachell Sirman 1684 Hancock, William, Burliugton, and Hester Curtis, Barlington 1782 Hancock, A\'"iUiam, and Ellen Kimball 1735 Hancock, William, Jr. , Salem, and Mabel Chambless 1745 Hancock, William, Salem, and Sarah Thompson, Salem 1765 Hand, Aaron, Cumberland, and Ann Lowring 1777 Hand, Abraham, Cape May, and Esther Eldredge, Cape May 1760 Hand, Abraham, Middlesex, and Eve Bennet 1772 Hand, Daniel, Cape May, and Esther Garrison 1774 Hand, David, Cape May, and Mary Hand, Cape May 1761 Hand, David, Cape May, and Martha Yeates, Cape May 1769 Hand, EUas, Cape May, and Mary Page, Gape May 1762 Hand, Elijah, Cape May, and R-ichel Hand, Cape May 1758 Hand, Elisha, Cape May, and Experience Smith, Cape May. , 1731 Hand, Elisha, Cape May, and Lydia Eldridge, Cape May 1736 Hand, Elisha, Cape May, aud Lydia Matthews 1766 Hand, Elisha, Cape May, and Ruth Taylor, Cape May 1774 Hand, EUis, Cape May, and Zilpah Eldridge 1777 Hand, Ezekiel, Cape May, and Deborah Goldin 1737 Jan. 12 Mar. 9 Jan. 1 Oct. 15 Feb. 21 Mar. 5 Deo. 5 Sept. 30 July 3 Mar. 3 Feb. 6 Mar. 8 July 3 July 31 Mar. 1 Jan. 23 Deo. 17 Feb. 28 Mar. 7 Oct. 12 Juue 25 Feb. 6 May 2 AprU 25 Sept. 8 Oct. 31 AprU 3 Nov. 6 Jane 5 Oct. 15 Nov. 28 Oct. 30 May 10 Aug. 18 Aug. 3 Oct. 8 July 2 May 16 May 3 Jan. 24 Jan. 22 Aug. 3U Aug. 16 Jan. 26 July 25 ¦ Dec. 12 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 73 Hand, Ezra, Cape May, and EUzabeth Edwards, Cape May 1772 Hand, Ezra, Cape May, and Mary Hand 1774 Hand, George, Cape May, and Sarab Ingram, Cape May 1771 Hand, George, Cape May, and Silvia Mills, Cape May 1 773 Hand, George, Cape May, and Naomi Smith 1774 Hand, Henry, Cape May, and Elizabeth Page, Cape May 1759 Hand, Isaac, Cape May, and Marsey Thomson, Cape May 1730 Hand, Jacob, Cape May, aud Experience Crowel, Cape May 1748 Hand, Jacob, Cape May, and Patience Foreman. . , 1774 Hand, Jeremiah, Cape May, and Deborah Hand 1734 Hand, Jeremiah, Cape May, and Rachel Crawford, Cape May 1739 Hand, Jeremiah, Cape May, and Martha Townsend 1763 Hand, Jeremiah, Cape May, and Sarab Townsend, Cape May 1790 Hand, Jesse, Cape May, and Mary Smith, Cape May 1759 Hand, Jesse, Cape May, and Sarah Leaming, Cape May 1763 Hand, John, Cape May, and Elinor Peterson 1737 Hand, John, Cape May, and Mary Buck, Cape M ay 1769 Hand, John, Jr., Cape May, and Sarah Newton, Cape May 1774 Hand, John, Cape May, and Sarah Buck 17 — Hand, Jonathan, Cape May,_and Rebecca Yates, Cape May 1776 Hand, Josiah, Cape May, and Zelika Purman, Cape May 1787 Hand, LeTi, Cape May, and Zebish ScuU, Cape May 1772 Hand, Levi, Cape May, and Esther Hewit 1774 Hand, Ludlam, Cape May, and Elizabeth Jenkins 1768 Hand, Matthew, Cape May, and Elizabeth Hand, Cape May. 1775 Hand, Nathan, Cape May, and Hannah Eldrege, Cape May 1742 Hand, Neri, Cape May, and Hannah Evans, Cape May 1775 Hand, Recompenee, Cape May, and Martha Church 1762 Hand, Recompenee, Cape May, and Achsah Hand 1790 Hand, Shamgar, Cape May, and Lydia Smith, Cape May 1761 Hand, Shamgar, Cape May, and Priscilla HUdreth, Cape May 1772 Hand, Silas, Cape May, and Patience Church, Cape May 1746 Hand, SUas, Cape May, and Sarah Crowell, Cape May 1751 Hand, -Thomas, Cape May, and Jerusha Johnson, Cape May 1773 Hand, WUliam, Cape May, and Catherine Mackey, Cape May 1731 Hand, William, Cape May, and Haunah Garrison, Cumberland 1775 Handbey, John, Gloucester, aud Susannah Tompson, Gloucester 1735 Handcook, Jobn, Barlington, and Martha Richardson, Burliugton 1739 Hanesey, James, Gloucester, aud Mary Gibson, Gloucester 1754 Hankerson, Robert, Monmouth, and Sarah Taylor, Monmouth 1734 Hankins, Daniel, Middlesex, aud Constant Vanvroome 1737 Hankins, Isaiah, Burlington, and Mathew Griffy 1771 Hankins, Jobn, BurUngton, and Hannah Burden 1778 Hankins, Joseph, Barlington, and Mary Signet, Barlington 1754 Hankins, Thomas, Monmouth, and Mary Cleminger, Monmouth 1728 Hankins, William, Jr., Mid41esex, and Jane Ireland, Middlesex 1751 Jan. 2 Dec. 20 June 3 May 7 Aug. 1 Dec. 26 April 3 June 8 Feb. 22 Mar. 27 Mar. 17 July 12 Jan. 21 Nov. 7 Jan. 26 Oct. 29 July 28 May 5 AprU 17 Mar. 25 June 26 May 10 Nov. 8 July 5 Jan. 31 Mar. 23 Sept. 15 Nov. 15 Mar. 1 Sept. 5 Feb. 27 Mar. 28 April 22 May 19 Jan. 28 Nov. 17 Jan. 13 Jan. 1 Mar. 23 Jan. 8 April 27 Sept. 23 Oct. 23 Sept. 3 Sept. 12 Deo. 2 174 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Hankinson, Aaron, Hunterdon, and Mary Snyder, Hunterdon 1764 Feb. 9 Hankinson, James, Monmoutb, and Elizabeth Throckmorton, M'nni'h.l757 Hankinson, James, Monmoutb, and Elizabeth Lain, Monmouth 1761 Hankinson, Joseph, Jr., Hunterdon, and Hannah Atkinson 1770 Hankinson, Richard, Somerset, and Sarah Veal 1769 Hankinson, Samuel, Hunterdon, and Hannah Concklin 1787 Hankinson, Thomas, Monmouth, and Hannah Throckmorton 1748 Hankinson, Thomas, Jr., Monmouth, and Elizabeth Mackferrel, M'th, 1761 Hankinson, WUliam, Monmouth, aud Nelly Thompson, Monmouth.. 176 2 Hanlon, Barnard, aud Honor Thompson. . . .• ] 777 Hannah, Preston, Cumberland, and Bathsheba Moore 1777 Hannah, Samuel, Cumberland, and Lydia Sayre, Cumberland 1768 Harberson, Robert, Salem, and Juliana Cursey 1785 Harbert, Edward, Gloucester, and PriscUa Wiley 1770 Harbert, Francis, Monmouth, and Catherine Craft, Monmouth 1752 Harbert, Isaac, Burlington, and Tabitha Bell, Burlington 1765 Harbert, Robert, Monmouth, and Johanna Parker, Monmouth 1759 Harburt, Timothy, Monmouth, and Rachel Robius 1768 Harden, Joseph, and Mary Rowen 1775 Hardenburgh, Abraham, Ulster, N. Y , and Jane Varick 1784 Hardenburgh, Garradus, Ulster, N. Y., and Ann Ryerson, Readington. 1766 Harding, Francis, Monmouth, and Anne McCoy, Perth Amboy 1750 Harding, Ezekiel, and Susannah Clarke 1735 Harding, Richard, Sussex, and Mary Drum 1775 Harding, William, Burlington, and Bridget KUlday 1784 Hardwick, Johannis, and Rachel Sobriske 1750 Hardy, James, Trenton, and Ann Witcraft 1780 Hargrove, John, Burlington, and Catherine MiUer, Burlington 1763 Haring, Abraham, Bergen, aud Margaret Bogert 1787 Haring, Hendrick, Bergen, and Annitie Banta, Bergen 1763 Haring, Jobn, Bergen, and Elizabeth Vanimburg 1763 Haring, Peter T., Orange, N. Y., and Regnsee Haring, Orange, N. Y..1774 Harker, Abel, Burlington, and Damaras Zelley, Burlington 1782 Harker, Edmund, Monmoutb, aud Rhoda Lippincott, Monmouth. 1765 Harker, Joseph, Burlingtcn, and Sarah Marrow 1779 Harker, Joseph, Gloucester, and Rebecca Evis 1782 Harket, Walter, New Castle, Del,, and Margaret Ross, New Castle, Del. 1730 H-arlenbeck, Isaac, Bergen, and Effie Sloot 1763 Harmer, Samuel, AVaterford, Elizabeth Hedges, Waterford 1735 , Harned, John, Middlesex, and Rachel AUward 1768 Harp, Michael, Salem, and Margaret Moyr, Salem 1747 Harpentine, Henry, Somerset, and Mary Coons, Somerset 1742 Harper, Henry, Philadelphia, and Mary Jackson, Monmouth 1771 Harpin, James, and Sibella Clayton. . . . .' 1699 Harrell, Cornelius, Monmouth, aud Mary Lawrence, Monmoutb. . . . 1743 Harrington, Edward, Hunterdon, and Jane Kenney, Hunterdon 1750 May 25 July 11 April I 3 Not. 3 Feb 27 Deo. 17 April 13 Aug. 23 Not. 5 Sept 6 Jan. 19 Deo. 21 Mar. 17 Not. 10 Aug. 16 AprU 19 Aug. 18 Mar. 2 Jan. 22 April 28 June 25 Not. 1 Dec. 8 June 14 Ang. 25 Feb 24 Sept. 10 Nov. 20 July 5 Nov 25 June 11 Dec. 23 Jan. 23 Nov. 29 Nov. 27 June 4 April 8 .July 28 Sept. 20 AprU 3 Jan. 12 May 28 June 6 Oct. 7 July 16 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 75 , Harris, Abel, Salem, and Euth Lewis, Salem 1746 Harris, Daniel, Cumberland, and Martha Ogden, Cumberland 1770 Harris, Daniel, Cumberland, and Mary Worthington 1784 Harris, Edmund, Monmoutb, and Eleanor Sohanck, Monmouth .... 1765 Harris, Elijah, Piscataway, and Amy Kelly, Woodbridge 1757 Harris, Francis, Burlington, and Eejoice Burge 1774 Harris, George, Burlington, and Mary Burr, Burlington 1774 Harris, Isaac, Salem, and Anne Moon, Cumberland 1772 Harris, Jacob, Cumberland, and Rachel Bacon 1780 Harris, James, Middlesex, and Anne Van Buskirk, Middlesex 1748 Harris, John, Gloucester, and Susanna Searle 1732 Harris, John, Burlington, and Sarab Eldridge, Burlington 1737 Harris, John, Burlington, and Jemima Ashton 1750 Harris, Moses, Cumberland, and Phebe Brooks 1779 Harris, Noah, Cumberland, and Mary Aplen, Gloucester 1761 Harris, Noah, Cumberland, and Sarah CarU 1781 Harris, Samuel, Cumberland, and Rachel Hood, Cumberland 1761 Harris, William, Burlington, and Sarah Atkinson, Burlingtou 1731 Harris, WiUiam, Cape May, and EUzabeth Iszard, Cumberland 1750 Harris, WilUam, Burlington, and Jane Richardson 1772 Harris, William, Burlington, and Hannah Wilson 1783 Harrison, Henry, Monmouth, and Catherine Davies, Monmouth 1739 Harrison, Heury, New Jersey, and Anue Winans, Somerset 1742 Harrison, John, Monmouth, and Mary Giberson 1759 Harrison, Joseph, Gloucester, and Anue Clement, Gloucester 1749 Harrison, Joseph, Burlington, and Martha Walton, Burliugton 1776 Harrison, Miles, Bucks, Pa., and Sarah Sellers, Bucks, Pa 1731 Harrison, Oussa, Middlesex, and Mary Van Emburgh, Middlesex. . . . 1748 Harrison, Richard, BurUngton, and Rachel Everingham, Monmouth. . 1736 Harrison, Richard, Monmouth, and Hannah Wheatcraft, Burlington , . 1763 Harrison, Eichard, Burlington, and Edith Wright, Barlington 1765 Harrison, Samuel, Gloucester, and Mary Preston, Pliiladelpbia 1730 Harrison, Samuel, Jr., Gloucester, and Kezia Talman, Gloucester .. 1761 Harrison, William, Gloucester, and Abigail Thorne, Gloucester 1759 Harry, Aubrey, Chester, and Sarab Bonsell 1754 Hart, Andrew, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Ege, Hunterdon 1774 Hartwick, George, Middlesex, aud Eleanor Marshall, Middlesex 1748 Hart, Henry, Salem, and Elizabeth Russell, Salem 1767 Hart, Jesse, Hunterdon, and Martha Mattison 1770 H'irt, Joseph, Hunterdon, and Franky Phillips, Hunterdon 1764 Hart, Legg, Monmouth, and Catherine Applegate, Monmouth 1757 Hart, Nathaniel, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Stout 1770 Hart, Nathaniel, Hunterdon, and Abigail Soudder 1778 Hart, Noah, Hunterdon, and Rachel McKnight, Monmouth 1764 Hart, PhiUip, Hunterdon, and Hannah Palmer 1780 Hart, Ralph, Hunterdon, and Penelope Anderson 1770 June 21 Feb. 28 Nov. 9 Jan. 2 June 15 Oct. 17 May 2 Aug. 27 Feb. 29 June 21 Feb. 1 Mar. 24 April 25 Nov. 26 July 23 April 18 Aug. 25 Jau. 5 Oct. 27 Mar. 18 April 9 May 1 May 17 Sept. 21 Sept. 21 Feb. 7 June 22 Oct. 8 June 21 Oct. 1 Aug. 14 May 30 April 10 Mar. 6 Jan. 14 Nov. 19 Jan. 7 Sept. 29 Jan. 13 Mar. 28 Dec. 9 May 2 Nov. 14 Aug. 17 April 16 Sept. 5 176 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Hart, Ralph, Trenton, and Haunah Carter 1780 Hart, Timothy, Hunterdon, and Sarah Hart 1784 Hart, Titus, Hunterdon, aud Rebecca Soudder. 1779 Hartaugh, Angleburt, Somerset, and Anne Gulick Hartley, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Mary Bates, Glouoester 1762 Hartley, Henry, 47th Regt. Foot, Mary Paxton 1773 Hartley, Hugh, Burliugton, aud Mary Duckworth, Burlington 1740 Hartman, Johu, Burliugton, aud Sarah Radford, Burliugton 1761 Hartman, John, Burlington, and SabiUah Elkinton 1771 Hartshorne, Esech, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Salter, BurUngton 1764 Hartshorne, Richard, Monmouth, and Mary Van Emburgh, Monm'th. 1766 Hartshorne, Robert, Monmoutb, and Sarah Saltar, Monmouth 1743 Hartshorne, Samuel W., Burlingtou, aud Ann Mount, Burliugton. .. 1779 Hartshorne, Thomas, Monmouth, and Marah Smith, Monmouth 1754 Hartshorne, AVUliam, Monmouth, and Mary Reid, Monmouth 1741 Hartsough, Frederick, Somerset, and Catherine Girty 1779 Harvey, Dauiel, Burlington, and Sarah Folwell 1777 H-arvey, Edward, Salem, and Mary Aurey, Salem. 1749 Harvey, Jacob, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Allin, Monmouth 1767 Harvey, John, Bucks, Pa., and Esther Brelsford, Middletown 1741 Harvey, Peter, Burlington, and Mary Hancock, Burliugton 1748 Harvey, Peter, Monmouth, aud Sarah Coorsou, Monmouth 1767 Harvey, Robert, Monmouth, and Hannah White, Monmouth 1764 Harvey, Thomas, Hunterdon, and .Rachel Merrill 1784 Harvey, WiUiam, Salem, aud Sarah Slape 1771 Harwood, Eaton, Salem, and Margaret Walker 1768 Haswell, Edward, Perth Amboy, and Elizabeth Ball 1768 Hatcher, William, Pennsylvania, aud Anne Vansant, Pennsylvania. . . .1727 Hatfield, George, Philadelphia, aud Mary Moses, Philadelphia 1739 Hatheway, Isaac, Morris, and Sarah Youug, Morris 1769 Hathorn, Hugh, Cape May, and Elizabeth Gaudy, Cape May 1761 Hatkinson, John, Philadel phia, and Rachel Alien, Philadelphia 1750 Hatton, Edward, Philadelphia, and Hannah Combien, Philadelphia .1731 Haughawout, Lefferts, Middlesex, and ^Sarah Aikmou 1747 Haughawout, Peter, Hunterdon, and Leah Van Camp, Hunterdon . .1763 Havens, Aaron, Monmouth, and Mary Devie, Monmouth 1762 Havens, John, Monmoutb, aud Anna Davis, Monmouth 1745 Havens, Joseph, Burliugton, and Susannah Vreeland 1757 Haveus, Stephen, Burlington, and Sarah Ellison, Burlington. 1784 Haviland, Bsujamin, Monmouth, and Catrine Right, Monmouth ....1754 Haviland, Benjamin, Monmouth, and Rebecca S.tillwell, Monmouth .1764 Haviland, Joseph, Perth Amboy, and Martha Crager, AVoodbridge . . . 1752 Haviland, Sfephen, Monmouth, and Sarah Throckmorton, Monmouih.1748 Hawk, Jacob, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Clear 1780 Hawk, Joseph, Burliugton, and Margaret MoKilley 1?80 Hawkins, George, Gloucester, and Jemima Risley, Glouoester 1758 Deo. 7 Deo. 14 Jan. 11 6 AprU 12 Sept. 14 Deo. 29 AprU 6 April 6 Nov. 22 Aug. 2 Deo. 21 May 8 Jan. 22 Dec. 21 Mar. 30 Aug. 11 May 1 Nov. 17 May 11 April 8 Nov. 18 Jan. 2 April 10 Deo. 12 Feb 17 Mar. 31 Nov. 13 July 4 Dec. 2 Aug. 13 June 27 Sept. 4 May 29 Deo. 31 Aug. 21 Jan. 21 Sept. 13 June 1 Deo. 4 AprU 9 Sept. 30 April 30 Nov. 28 June 5 July 31 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Hawkins, Isaac, Philadelphia, and Susanna Marpole, Philadelphia 1748 Hawkins, WUliam, Philadelphia, aud Elizabeth Corker, Bucks, Pa 1742 Hawley, Peter, and Charity Jacobus 1782 Haws, Alpheus, aud Sarah Bruen 1779 Hawthorn, Isaac, Cumberland, and Hannah Smith 1786 Hay, David, Monmouth, and Margaret Newell 1781 Hay, Morris, Barlington, and Eleanor Hutton 1758 Hay, Thomas, Barlington, and Mary Thorne, Burlington 1746 Hay, AVUliam, Monmoutb, and Valeriah Tilton, Monmouth 1764 Hay, William, Burlington, and Mary Curtin 1770 Hayburn, James, Philadelphia, and Mary Hopewell, Burlington 1781 Hayes, Jacob, Burlington, and Deborah Westervelt, Burlington 1744 Hayes, James, Gloncester, and Margaret Magloughlin, Gloucester 1738 Hayes, Samuel, Monmouth, and Marah Williams, Monmouth 1754 Hayes, AViUiam, Burlington, aud Lydia Meyer, Burlingtou 1740 Hayes, William, Sussex, aud Hanna S. Rathstone 1770 Hayle, Andrew, Burlington, and Pheby Nichols 1783 Haynes, John, Salem, and Rebecca Smith, Salem 1745 Hays, Daniel, Monmouth, and Jeney Van Cleve, Monmouth 1763 Hays, John, Burlingtou, and Rhody Vaughn 1782 Hays, Joseph, Cape May, and Lydia Johnson, Cape May 1771 Hays, Michael, Elizabeth Town, and Mary Alston, Rahway 1758 Hays, AVUliam, Burlington, and Rebecca Ring 1777 Haywood, WiUiam, Monmoutb, aud Sarah Fitz Randolph, Monm'th. .1761 Hazelton, Abraham, Barlington, and Susannah Burroughs 1756 Hazelton, Henry, Pennsylvania, and Alice Jessop. . . 1779 Hazleton, Jarvis, Perth Amboy, and Anne Haywood, Perth Amboy. . . 1740 Hazleton, William, Philadelphia, aud Miriam Richison, PhUadelphia.. 1737 Hazleton, WiUiam, Burlington, and AbigaU Wright, Burlington 1775 Hazlett, James, Sussex, and Catharine Commons, Sussex 1771 Hazlit, Samuel, Sussex, and Margaret Hazlet 1777 Headley, Joshua, Bucks, Pa., and Sarah Bidgood, Bucks, Pa 1748 Headley, Solomon, Pennsylvania, and Sarah Sul want, Pennsylvania. . 1761 Heady, Thomas, New Jersey, and Rebecca Stillwell 1749 Heard, Elisha, Glouoester, and Mary Lukis, Gloucester 1767 Heard, John, Woodbridge, and Margaret Hadden, AA'oodbridge 1757 Heard, Nathaniel, Woodbridge, and Mary Ford, AVoodbridge 1752 Heard, Richard, Burlington, and Mary Rulins 1777 Hearthy, Roger, Pennsylvania, and Rebecca Parker, Burlington. . . . 1727 Heath, John, Perth Amboy, and Anne Lewis 1746 Heath, John, Someiset, aud Neighomy Lee 1780 Heath, Thomas, Middlesex, and Sarah Eddy 1768 Heaton, James, Bucks, Pa., and Elizabeth Kidd, Bucks, Pa 1776 Heaton, John, Bergen, and Elizabeth Anderson, Bergen 1765 Heaton, Levi, Cumberland, aud Phebe Cook, Cumberland 1777 Heaton, Robert, Buriington, and Ann Horner 1795 13 177 July 28 Aug. 14 June 15 May 22 May 18 Jan. 16 Sept. 13 May 20 Mar. 27 Aug. 3 Dec. 24 Nov. 1 Aug. 2 Jan. 12 Dec. 4 Nov. 17 June 25 Nov. 4 Jan. 13 Not. 19 Dec. 16 May 18 May 13 Not. 13 Juue 7 April 13 Feb. 9 July 9 April 22 Nov. 21 July 14 Dec. 27 May 22 June 24 Sept. 19 Nov. 11 Feb. 14 Feb. 25 Juue 21 Feb. 21 Jan. 5 Nov. 29 June 5 Oct. 30 Nov. 19 Jan. 8 178 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Heaton, Samuel, Cumberland, and Rhoda Terry 1783 Heavens, Daniel, and Eebecca AVainright, Burlington 1759 Heaviland, Joseph, Monmouth, and Hannah Johnston, Monmouth — 1763 Hedden, Marcus, Monmouth, and Margaret Browne, Monmouth 1738 Hedden, Marcus, Monmouth, and Hester Frost, Monmouth 1779 Hedger, John, Gloucester, and Ann Sparks, Gloucester 1769 Hedges, Thomas, Cape May, and Mary Lupton 1762 Hedrick, Christopher, Bergen, and Catherine Cooley 1777 Hegbe, Edward, Gloucester, and Jemima Eisley, Gloucester 1738 Hegeman, Adrian, Somerset, and Francis Wiokoff 1778 Hegeman, Benjamin, Somerset, and Sarab Suydam 1778 Height, Joseph, Monmouth, and Hannah Eodgers 1778 Height, Thomas, Middlesex, and Eachel AVilson, Middlesex 1767 Heister, Daniel, Burlington, and Mary Carman, Burlington 1779 Hellson, Richard, Burlington, and Catharine Clayton, Burlington 1731 Helm, Robert, Somerset, and Sarah Linn 1769 Helmes, Israel, Salem, and Mary Peterson, Salem l';29 Hemmety, Henry, Hunterdon, and Ann Lomason, Hunterdon 1763 Henary, David, and Mary Rosebrook 1751 Hendershot, William, Sussex, and Catherine Hunter, Sussex 1773 Henderson, John, Monmoutb, and Jane Laird, Monmouth 1761 Henderson, John, Hunterdon, and Mary Vaudervoort, Sussex 1770 Henderson, James, Somerset, and Sarah Kennedy 1768 Henderson, Michael, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Reemer, Somerset 1764 Henderson, Samuel, Monmoutb, and Margaret Rhea, Monmouth 1767 Hendricks, Abraham, Monmouth, and Mary Wyckoff, Monmoutb 1754 Hendricks, Coonradt, Monmouth, and Mercy Knott, Monmouth 1763 Hendricks, John, Monmouth, and Phebe Smith, Monmoutb 1759 Hendrickson, Abraham, Kings, N. Y., and Anna Van Kirk, Monmouth. 1759 Hendrickson, Albert, Monmouth, and Joanna Mills, Moninouth 1755 Hendrickson, Coonradt, Monmouth, and Mary English, Monmouth.. .. 1759 Hendrickson, Cornelius, Monmouth, and Mary Thom 1767 Hendrickson, Daniel, Middlesex, aud Ellenor Vanmeter, Monmouth. .1758 Hendrickson, Daniel, Jr , Monmouth, and Mary Schenck, Monmouth. 1767 Hendrickson, Garret, Monmouth, aud Catherine Denice, Monmouth. .1755 Hendrickson, Hendrick, Middletown, and Sarab Thomson, Middlet'n.. 1751 Hendrickson, Hendrick, Monmouth, and Ledy Covinoven, Monmouth. 1757 Hendrickson, Jacob, Monmouth, aud Elizabeth Mount, Monmouth. . .1771 Hendrickson, John, Burlington, and Aune Cox 1763 Hendrickson, Tobias, Monmouth, and Rebecca Coward 1762 Hendrickson, WUliam, New Jersey, aud Charity Robiuson, Monm'th. 1756 Hendrickson, WUliam, Monmouth, and Mary Duglass 1762 Hendrickson, AVUliam, Monmouth, and Rachel Longstreet, Monmouth. 1768 Hendrixson, John, Gloucester, and Mary Cole, Gloucester 1759 Hendry, John, Burlington, and Sarah Lovett, Burlington 1764 Hendry, Samuel, Burliugton, and Elizabeth Anderson 1785 May 12 Feb 1 Ang. 9 July 27 Mar. 31 AprU 25 Feb. 16 AprU 3 May 4 May 29 Nov. 2 Aug. 18 Jan. 30 Sept. 23 Jan. 12 Jan. 16 Dec. 14 Sept. 9 Deo. 9 Deo. 24 Jan. 29 Mar. 27 Aug. 17 Jan. 24 April 20 Deo. 17 June 17 Oct. 31 May 23 Jan. 3 June 18 Jan. 28 Nov. 14 Sept. 2 Deo. 8 AprU 3 Mar. 7 May 2 Nov. 14 Mar. 6 Deo. 21 April 22 Feb 22 April 2 Nov. 24 Mar. i MARRIAGE LICENSES. Hendry, Thomas, Gloucester, aud Elizabeth Bowman, New Haven 1774 Henery, William, Sussex, and Hannah Rose, Morris 1773 Hennion, Cornelius, Bergen, and Adriana Veader 1781 Henry, Jobn, Burlington, and Susanna Gibbs, Burlington 1764 Henry, Jobn, Middlesex, and Phoebe Taylor, Monmouth 1768 Henton, George, Burlington, and Abigail Rodgers 1 743 Hepbourn, William, Hunterdon, and Sarah Carson 17 — Hepburn, John, Somerset, and Margaret Salton 1771 Hepburne, James, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Montgomerie, Monmouth. 1738 Hepherd, William, Gloucester, aud Deborah Hinchman, Gloucester. . . 1735 Heppard, Thomas, Gloucester, and Rhoda Zane 1761 Herbert, Dauiel, Monmoutb, tnd Amej' Megee 1745 Herbert, David, and Margaret Lyon, Monmouth 1744 Herbert, Felix, Somerset, and Catherine Karr 1778 Herbert, Isaac, Monmouth, and Freelove AVooUey, Monmouth 1742-3 Herbert, James, Middletown, and Margaret Mouut, Middletown. . , 1739-40 Herbert, James, Monmouth, and Mary Vandeventer, Monmouth. . . , 1767 Herbert, Johu, Monmoutb, and Elizabeth Smyth, Monmouth 1749 Herbert, Jonathan, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Curlis, Monmouth 1769 Herbert, Obadiah, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Warne, Middlesex 1765 Herbert, Richard, Monmouth, and Martha Carman, Monmouth 1742 Herbert, Richard, Monmouth, and Mary Seabrook 1767 Herbert, Samuel, Monmouth, and Rehaner Parigan, Pennsylvania , . . 1752 Herbert, Thomas, Monmouth, and Haunah Winter, Monmouth 1751 Herbert, AV alter, Monmouth, and Phebe Mount, Monmouth 1741 Herd, Samuel, Burliugton, aud Eliza Brayman 17-;8 Herd, Thomas, Burlington, and Alice Smith, Burlington 1741 Herder, Christopher, Somerset, and Anne Aumermau 1779 Heritage, John, Burlington, and Aun Hugg, Glouoester 1741 Heritage, John, Jr., Gloucester, and Ruth Hains, Burlington 1746 Heritage, John, Gloucester, and Mary Cattell, Gloucester 1760 Heritage, John, Gloucester, and Susannah Marple, Gloucester 1768 Heritage, William, Gloucester, and Susannah Denyce 1771 Herkins, John, Burlington, and Mary AVhitaker 1765 Herliky, Denis, Monmouth, and Lidy Kogers, Monmouth 1760 Herriot, Alford, Woodbridge, and Christiana AVortmau, Somerset 1774 Herriot, Ephraim, Bedminster, and Jane Allen, Bedminster 1756 Herriot, George, Woodbridge, and Mary Ayers, Woodbridge 1750 Herriot, Samuel, Somerset, and Mary Kerr, Monmouth 1759 Herriott, Asher, Somerset, and Catherine Lef erty, Somerset .. 1755 Herriott, Asher, Sussex, and Mary Lockheart, Somerset 1763 Herriott, David, Jr., Woodbridge, and Sarah Alford, Woodbridge 1741 Herritage, Joseph, Buriington, and Sarah Whiteall, Gloucester 1 730 Heslip, David, Burlington, and Catharine Larkins 1778 Hess, Abraham, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Hammit, Gloucester 1746 Hetfield, Abraham, Essex, and Eleanor Blackledge, Esse^ 1746 179 Nov. 14 "Dec. 11 Nov. 17 Jan. 6 Mar. 23 Sept. 23 Sept. 11 Dec. 18 Jan. '26 Mar. 1 Feb. 13 Oct. 2 July 2 Dec. 14 Feb. 7 Mar. 24 Oct. 15 Aug. 5 Dec. 30 Mar. 21 June 2 May 19 April 2 Oct. 21 Jan. 13 Feb. 23 Jan. 18 Aug. 17 Aug. 22 Oct. 14 Dec. 20 Dec. 7 Aug. 13 May 3 Mar. 11 Nov. 26 Dec. 11 Dec. 24 Jan. 29 Jan. 6 Oct. 24 Sept. 9 Mar. 17 June 18 Jan. 6 Sept. f l8o NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Heton, John, Bergen, and Mary Brower, Bergen 1785 Heulings, Abraham, Burlington, and Sarah Perkins 1757 HeuUngs, Israel, Burlington, and Ann Tantum, Burlington 1740 Heulings, Jacob, Burlington, and Elizabeth Eves, Burlington 1775 Heulings, Joseph, Burlington, and Hannah Wood, Gloucester 1741 Heulings, Joseph, Burlington, and Elizabeth Hammiok, Gloucester — 1756 Heulings, Samuel, Burlington, and Rosemond Garwood, Burlington. . . 1763 Heustis, John, Burlington, aud Mary Higbey, Burlington 1765 Hewes, James, Salem, and Sarah Page, Salem 1770 Hewet, Azariah, Cape May, and Lidia Buck 1775 Hewins, Thomas, Salem, and Rachel Dickson, Salem 1745 Hewit, Thomas, Jr., Cape May, and Hannah Hand, Cape May 1764 Hewit, Shamgar, Cape May, and Elizabeth Smith 1778 Hewitt, Caleb, Gloucester, and Mary Howton, Gloucester 1763 Hewitt, Daniel, Cape May, and Mary Holden, Cape May 1764 Hewitt, Elijah, Cape May, and Naomi Young, Cape May ; . . . 1763 Hewitt, Heury, Salem, and Rachel Summerell 1773 Hewitt, Thomas, Monmouth, and Sarah West, Monmoutb 1746 Hewitt, Thomas, Glouoester, and Mary Smith, Gloucester 1768 Hewitt, William, Gloucester, and Rachel Briant, Gloucester 1745 Hewlings, Abraham, Barlington, and Anne Mary Hay 1758 Hewlings, Abraham, Burlington, and Elizabeth Burr, Burlingtou . . . 1774 Hewlings, Isaac, Burlington, and Ann AVare, Burlington 1763 Hewlings, AA''illiam, and Mary Lovett 1695 Hews, Henry, Perth Amboy, and Dorcas Hagewout, Perth Amboy 1755 Hews, William, Burlington, and Prudence Thomas 1757 Hewson, John, Burlingtou, and Jaue Erwin 1779 Hewson, Joseph, Burlington, and Rachel Haines, Burlington.. 1770 Heyer, Peter, Monmouth, and Altse Van Pelt, Monmouth 1739 Hibbard, Aaron, Philadelphia, and Elizabeth Ball, Philadelphia 1746 Hibbits, James, Middlesex, and IsabeUa Van Schaick J767 Hibbs, Jacob, Pennsylvania, and Elizabeth Johnson, Pennsylvania. ... 1727 Hickman, Fraucis, Burlingtou, and Jane Moon, Burlington 1742 Hickman, John, Gloucester, and Esther Robertson, Glouoester. .... 1745-6 Hicks, Augustus, Philadelphia, aud Mary Jones, Bucks, Pa 1763 Hicks, George, Bucks, Pa. , and Mary Gorheen 1763 Hicks, Oliver, Monmouth, aud Catherine Cook, Monmouth 1775 Higbe, Edward, Glouoester, and Mary Smith 1782 Higbee, Isaac, Gloucester, and Saviah Somers 1785 Higbee, Jeremiah, Gloucester, and Ester Smith 1773 Higbee, John, Gloucester, and Mary Smith, Gloucester 1758 Higbee, Johu, Middlesex, and Margaret Ellison 1780 Higbee, Joseph, Jr., Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Ely, Hunterdon 1742 Higbee, William, Burlington, aud Ruth Middleton, Barlington 1756 Higby, Absalom, Glouoester, aud Rachel Scull 1784 Higby, Edward, Gloucester, and Sarah Leeds 1781 Sept. 23 Aug. 18 Oct. 10 Jan. 16 May 12 June 14 .June 22 Jan. 29 July 18 June 12 Aug. 13 Dec. 4 April 24 May 31 Feb. 1 June 14 Feb. 27 Deo. 26 Jan. 15 Jan. 15 July 29 Sept. 5 Oct. 19 July 23 July 9 Oct. 10 May 14 April 5 Nov. 30 July 18 Feb. 25 June 15 Nov. 3 Feb. 1 Nov. 5 Oct. 11 Mar. 10 Jan. 3 Feb 28 Oct. 13 May 22 June 26 Dec. 24 June 21 Jan. 7 May 30 MARRIAGE LICENSES. l8l Higgins, Azariah, Hunterdon, and Sarah Stout 1779 Higgins, Bryan, Burlington, and Sarah Warrick, Burlington 1737 Higgins, Bryont, Monmoutb, and Micil StillwU, Monmouth 1750 Higgins, Edward, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Stockton, Middlesex 1763 Higgins, Jedidiah, Hunterdon, and Mary Hill, Hunterdon 1774 Higgins, Jodia, Burlington, and Mary Newbold, Burlington 1684 Higgins, John, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Letts, Middlesex 1765 Higgins, Michael, Somerset, and Anne Bryant, Somerset 1727 Hight, Nicholas, Jr., Middlesex, and Bershaba Aastley 1774 Hilborn, Eobert, and Christian AVhite 1761 HUdrith, Daniel, Cape May, and Prisila Goff, Cape May 1761 HUdrith, DaTid, Gape May, and Jane Edwards, Cape May 1769 Hildreth, Joseph, Cape May, and Zabiah Corson, Cape May 1748 Hildreth, Joseph, Salem, and Lydia Street, Salem 1759 HUdreth, Joseph, Cumberland, and Alice Shaw 1 777 HUdreth, Joseph, Cape May, and Martha StilwUl 1789 HUl, Alexander, Salem, and Elizabeth Dunlap 1756 Hill, Edward, PennsylTania, aud Elizabeth Banks, PennsylTania 1728 Hill, Isaac, Hunterdon, and Mary Hunt 1781 HUl, John, Salem, and Ma-garet Smith 1760 HiU, John, Middlesex, and Euth Stockton, Middlesex 1765 HiU, John, Burlington, and Ann Hodgins 1770 HUl, Joseph, Bucks, Pa., and Anne Hull, Mendham 1783 HiU, Moses, Salem, and Sarah BUderback, Salem 1764 HiU, Eobert, BurUngton, and Anne Gillum, Burlington 1749 HUl, Samuel, Hunterdon, and Sarah Trout 1787 Hill, Seth, Burlington, and Mary Grubb 1685 HUl, Smith, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Nut 1780 Hill, WiUiam, Monmouth, and Mary Harbour, Monmouth 1742 HiU, WUUam, Burlington, aud Elizabeth Ashton, Burliugton 1749 HiU, WUliam, and Hester White, Hunterdon 1762 HiUer, Edward, Burlington, and Sarah Haines 1733 Hiller, Uriah, Burlington, and Sarab Eayres, Burlington 1746 Hillegas, Samuel, and Mary MUnor 1778 HiUier, Jacob, Burlington, and Martha Eobinson, Burlington 1762 HUlier, Johu, Burliugton, and Elizabeth Green, Pennsylvania 1772 HiUman, Daniel, Gloucester, and Lydia Pratt ¦. 1774 Hillman, James, Gloucester, aud Mary Smallwood, Gloucester 1754 Hillman, Joab, Gloucester, and Mary Mattlacke, Gloucester.. 1761 HiUman, Joel, Glouoester, and Litisha Cheeseman 1748 HUlman, Joseph, Gloucester, and Sarab Chivers, Gloucester 1758 HiUman, Joseph, Gloucester, aud Drusilea Cheesman 1763 HUlman, Joseph, Gloucester, and Eebecca Sparks 1784 HiUman, Josiah, Gloucester, and EUzabeth Pancoast, Gloucester 1761 Hillyer, Jobn, -Richmond, N. Y., and Mary Richoff. 1768 Hillyer, Nicholas, New York, aud Jane Biset, Staten Island 1771 Jan. 20 Aug. 17 Oct. 29 May 14 May 17 May 12 May 11 Nov. 8 April 5 Aug. 17 May 2 April 21 Feb. 16 Nov. 1 Not. 12 Jan. 28 Mar. 16 Aug. 6 Dec. 3 May 30 May 21 June 2 July 19 Nov. Nov. 1 June 6 May. 8 Nov. 12 Nov. 3 Sept. 9 June 12 Jan. 21 July 21 Nov. 16 April 17 Jan. 9 Jan. 25 Oct. 8 April 18 Mar. 7 July 22 July 18 Nov. 18 AprU 18 Feb. 2 Aug. 6 I §5 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCtJMENTg.- Hillyer, William, New York, and Dinah Dey, Monmouth 1755 Hilman, Job, Salem, aud Rachel Plummer, Salem 1778 HUton, Israel, Staten Island, aud Mary Glaspey. Staten Island 1745 Hettzheimer, Thomas, Philadelphia, and Theodocia Imlay 1792 Hinchman, Isaac, Gloucester, aud Lettice AVoolstou, Gloucester 1753 Hinchman, John, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Smith, Gloucester 1747 Hinchman, John, Burlington, and Elizabeth AA'eiley 1789 Hinchman, Joseph, Gloucester, aud Sarah Kaign 1774 Hinchman, William, Gloucester, aud J.ane Murphy 1783 Hinds, Jeremiah, Burlington, and Mary Fitzhuge, Chester 1739 Hinds, Richard, Monmouth, and Margaret Remine, Monmouth 1736 Hines, Jeremiah, Salem, and Mary Hann, Cumberland 1775 Hines, Thomas, Burlington, and Elly Stuart 1784 Hinshaw, Michael, Cape May, and Elizabeth Barlow, Cape May 1769 Hirby, William, Burlington, aud Ann Taylor, Burlington 1735 Hires, Walter, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Vaubelt 1752 Hireton, Obediah, Burlington, and Mary King. Burlington 1728 Hitchcock, Joseph, Philadelphia, and Ann Jackson, Philadelphia. . . .1734 Hixon, Mathew, Huuterdon, and Phebe Everitt 1728 Hixson, James, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth AVombok 1779 Hixson, Matthew, Hunterdon, and Catharine Hogg 1779 Hixson, Nathaniel, Hunterdon, and Temperance Sixton, Hunterdon. . . 1775 Hixson, Samuel, Hunterdon, and Barbara Akelar 1777 Hoadley, John, Salem, and Deborah Hand 1779 Hoagland, Abraham, Somerset, and Mary Probosco 1781 Hoagland, John, Somerset, and Phebe Baird 1780 Hoagland, Peter, Middlesex, and Mary Van Cleef 1780 Hobson, George, Burliugton, aud Hannah Kinnison, Pennsylvania. . . . 1732 Hodge, Bernard, Salem, and Elizabeth Prague, Salem 1688 Hodge, Joseph, Salem, and Sarah Shaw, Salem. 1746 Hodgson, Nathaniel, Middlesex, and Margaret Allen 1783 Hodson, William, Monmouth, aud Esther Patterson, Monmouth 1743 Hodson, William, Burlington, and Elizabeth Taylor 1777 Hoel, Isaac, Gloucester, and Mary Sharp, Gloucester 1727 Hoff, Charles, Jr., and Haunah Tuttle 1778 Hoff, Daniel. Hunterdon, aud Laura Titus 1769 Hoff, John, Monmouth, and Helen Stout, Monmouth 1758 Hoff, Joseph, Hunterdon, and Jemima Baldwin 1781 Hoffe, Dauiel, Burliugton, .and Mary AVorley, Burlington 1741 Hoffee, George, Burlington, and Margaret Brandenburg, Burlingtou ., 1775 Hoffman, Andrew, and Kesiah Allen 1735 Hoffman, Charles, Gloucester, and Mary .Reeves, Gloucester 1761 Hoffman, Isaac, Gloucester, aud Catherine Bender, Gloucester 1765 Hoffman, John, Gloucester, and Mary Fox, Gloucester 1749 Hoffman, John, Salem, and Sarah Wright, Salem ,. . 1769 Hoffman, John, Hunterdon, and Ann More, Hunterdon 1776 AprU-2l Nov. 7 Jan. 31 Oct. • 15 Deo. 31 Jan. 6 Dec. 30 Nov. 15 Aug. 12 May 29 Jan. 10 April 26 July 31 Jan. 30 AprU 18 Feb. 24 July 29 July 27 June 3 Dec. 7 Mar. 8 Feb. 25 April 5 AprU 27 Feb. 22 July 15 Deo. 16 Aug. 8 Jan. 1 AprU 5 Dec. 11 Jan. 7 Sept. 2 Jan. 29 Sept. 5 Sept. 19 May 2 Nov. 21 Mar. 4 Sept. 21 Dec. 11 July 13 Sept. 14 Nov. 1 July 22 Feb 6 MARRtAGE LICENSES. 18 j Hoffmer, Isaac, Monmouth, and Alice Stilwell, Monmouth 1755 Aug. 4 Hoffmire, William, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Eogeis, Monmoutb .... 1740 Nov. 11 Hoffmire, William, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Vandyk, Monmouth.. .. 1762 Jau. 9 Hogben, Nehemiah, Salem, and Hannah Bowin, Salem 1744 Dec. 6 Hogbin, Amariah, Cumberland, and Mercy Simpkiu 1757 Aug. 16 Hogbin, Joseph, Salem, and Latitia Noblitt, Salem 1767 April 14 Hoge, Joseph, Burlington, and Elizabeth Fenton, Barlington 1763 Jan. 15 Hogeland, Abraham, Middlesex, and Hannah Stoothoff, Somerset 1741 May 9 Hogeland, Garret, Somerset, and Jaoomintie Hugeland, Somerset 1742 Aug. 30 Hogeland, Joseph, Hunterdon, and Else Slack 1779 June 26 Hogeland, Joseph, Hunterdon, and Jane Jewell, Hunterdon..' 1771 Feb. 16 Hogg, Thomas, Philadelphia, and Rebecca Fitzwater, Philadelphia. . .1734 Feb. 6 Hoggins, Timothy, Barlington, and Katharine Hamilton, Burlington. .1745 Aug. 21 Hogland, Elbert, Long Island, and Mary Gulick, Somerset 1748 June 9 Hogland, Isaac, Hunterdon, and Susannah Skelton, Bucks, Pa 1772 Oct. 26 Hoile, Nicholas, Burliugton, and Priscilla Bell 1777 Dec. 14 Holcomb, Samuel, Bucks, Pa., and Mary Stevenson 1768 Oct. 26 Holcomb, Thomas, Hunterdon, and Leah Deremer 1778 June 25 Holcombe, Richard, Hunterdon, and Hmnah Emley, Hunterdon 1774 April 23 Holcombe, Thomas, Huuterdon, and Mary Holcombe 1783 May 21 Holden, Benjamin, Cape May, and AbigaU Leonard 1746 April 5 Holder, Daniel, Cape May, and Sarah Iszard, Cape May 1754 Sept. 4 Holder, John, Burlington, and Joanna Tindall, Barlington 1736 Feb. 9 Holder, Samuel, Burlington, and Tacey Jones, Burlington 1736 Nov. 1 Holland, Daniel, Barlington, and Mary Smith, Burlington 1739 Aug. 20 Holland, John, BurUngton, and Elizabeth VenebaU 1790 Mar. 31 HoUden, Benjamin, Cape May, aud Elizabeth Briggs, Cape May 1739 Dec. 18 Holliday, -James, Salem, and Elizabeth Sniith 1780 Feb. 9 HoUinshead, Benjamin, Burlington, and Jerusha Oliphant, Burlington. 1759 Nov. 27 Hollinsheal, Daniel, Monmouth, and Mary Buckalew 1762 Jan. 25 HoUinshead, Edward, Gloucester, and Susannah Shivers, Gloucester. .1748 Nov. 23 HoUinshead, Hugh, Jr., Burlington, and Mary Mullen, Burlington.. . .1782 Sept. 11 HoUinshead, Jacob, Salem, and Hannah Sooggin, Salem 1766 Dec. 9 HoUinshead, Jacob, Cumberland, and Sarah Rice 1779 April 17 HoUinshead, James, New Jersey, and Mary Ireland 1765 April 22 HoUinshead, John, Burlington-, and Sarah Dobbins, Barlington 1767 Aug. 25 HoUinshead, John. Burlington, aud Martha Boston 1782 Mar. 18 HoUinshead, John, Buriiugton, aud Zelas HoUinshead 1787 Dec. 5 HoUinshead, Joseph, Burlington, aud Jerusha HoUinshead 1759 Aug. 30 HoUinshead, Joseph, Buriington, and Mary Buttler 1787 Mar. 1 , HoUinshead, Morgan, Burlington, and Rebecca Matlack, Burlington. .1775 Sept. 30 , HoUinshead, Rynear, Cape May, and Jaue Eldredge, Cape May 1772 June 5 HoUinshead, Samuel, Burlington, and Aun Rosell, Burlington 1736 July 9 HoUinshead, Samuel, Cumberland, and Mary Eldredge 1785 Sept. 13 HoUinshead, WiUiam, Barlington, and Hmnah Euderon, Buriington.. 1727 AprU 1 HoUinshead, WUliam, Philadelphia, and Elizabeth Marvey, Phila 1748 Feb. 26 i84 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCttMENT.S. HoUoway, George, Burlington, and Mary Emley 1761 July 25 HoUoway, George, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Lawrie 1768 June 22 HoUoway. Isaac, Middlesex, and Sarah PulUner. 1 779 Sept. 29 HoUoway, John, Trenton, and Mary Smith 1733 Mar. 23 HoUoway, John, Burlingtou, aud Constant Handcook 1758 Mar. 28 HoUoway, Tobias, Glouoester, and Mary Ludd, Gloucester 1732 Mar. 8 HoUoway, WUliam, Burlington, and Aun Martin, Burlington 1756 AprU 21 Holm, Jobn, Gloucester, aud Ester Fawsett, Gloucester 1732 July 22 Holman, Aaron, Staten Island, and Anne Story 1745 July 18 Holman, Eobert, Monmouth, and Margaret Johnson, Somerset 1741 June 3 Holman, William, Monmoutb, and Upbamea Eeynolds 1761 Sept. 14 Holme, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Hannah Eoberts, Gloucester. .. .1735-6 Mar. 3 Holme, Benjamin, and Jean Smith, Salem 1750 Dec. 24 Holme, Benjamin, Jr., and Hannah Holme, Salem 1750 Dec. 24 Holme, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Phebe Fluellin 1772 June 25 Holme, John, Salem, and Dorcas Smith 1749 Jan. 11 Holmes, Daniel, Monmouth, and Leah Bowerd 1752 Feb. 11 Holmes, Hugh, Cape May, and Mary Garretson 1789 Sept. 7 Holmes, James, New York, and Eleanor Lawrence, Monmouth 1765 May 30 Holmes, James, Gloucester, and Leah Risley 1774 July 5 Holmes, Johu, Gloucester, and Ester Carty, Gloucester 1748 Jan. 23 Holmes, John, Monmouth, and John Keehan, Monmouth 1753 Mar. 20 Holmes, John, Monmouth, and Catharine Brown, Monmouth 1764 Aug. 3 Holmes, John, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Leonard, Monmouth 1765 Aug. 28 Holmes, John, Gloucester, and Mary Cooper 1780 Jan. 1 Holmes, Joseph, Monmouth, aud Sarah Mott, Monmouth 1752 June 24 Holmes, Joseph, Jr., Monmouth, and Phebe Andrews 1758 Nov. 4 Holmes, Joseph, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Gutteridge, Gloucester. .. .1762 Aug. 2 Holmes, Obadiah, Monmouth, aud Sarah Ogborn. Monmouth 1747 Nov. 2 Holmes, Simuel, Middletown, and Mary Stout, Middletown 1749 Jan. 27 Holmes, Thomas, Monmoutb, and Susannah Slocum, Monmouth 1739 Maj 10 Holmes, WUliam, Gloucester, and Rebecca Jones, Gloucester 1730 Oct. 2 Holmes, William, Burlington, and Mary Venable 1768 Feb. 25 Holms, Benjamin, Salem, and Esther Gibbon , 1778 Oct, 28 Hololway, Richard, Monmouth, aud Mary Hoffmire, Monmouth 1758 Feb. 10 Holsaert, Matthias, Monmouth, and Aune Matthews, Monmouth.. ,..1740 Mar. 7 Holsart, Peter, Monmouth, and WUliamkey Hains, Monmouth 1757 April 11 Holson, John, Salem, and Martha Hughs 1777 Mar. 24 Holsten, Andrew, Salem, and Elizabeth Royall 1736 Aug. 21 Holsteu, John, Salem, and Susanna Soott, Salem 1770 Feb. 8 Holtey, Henry, Huuterdon, and Susan Laf ten 1773 Sept. 24 Holton, John, Salem, aud Elizabeth Elweel, Salem 1745 Jan. 25 Holton, Thomas, Piscataway, and Rachel Fitz Randolph, Piscataway. . 1750 Aug. 25 Homan, Peter, Burlington, and Mercy Harding, Burlington. 1739 Oct. 25 Homan, WUliam, Gloucester, aud Sirah Corkell, Gloucester 1745 Aug. 24 Hooman, WilUam, Gloucester, aud Elizabeth Van Eeamar 1786 Sept. 19 MARRIAgE LicfeNSES. 185 Homman, William, Gloucester, and Bridget Holton 1756 Honce, Cornelius, Monmoath, and Mary Vankerk, Monmoutb 1766 Honge, David, Monmouth, and Anne Hendrickson, Monmoutb 1761 Honson, John, Jr., Monmoutb, and Mary Amack, Monmouth 1754 Hoock, Samuel, Trenton, and Hannah Mount, .Burlington 1764 Hood, Jonathan, Pennsylvania, and Dorothy Hogsflesh, Pennsylvania , 1727 Hooglaud, John, Somerset, and Sarah Bergen 1784 Hooker, Jacob, Burlington, and Sarab Darets, Burlington 1744 Hooks, William, Piscataway, and Mary Royse, Piscataway 1749 Hooper, Abram, Burlingtou, and Priscilla Southrick, Barlington 1767 Hooper, Daniel, Gloucester, and Sarah Shin 1 785 Hooper, Robert L., Jr., Trenton, and Elizabeth Erskine 1781 Hooper, Stephen, Middlesex, and Catrine Clayton, Monmouth 1767 Hooper, William, Bucks, Pa., and Sarah Jones, Bucks, Pa 1739 Hooper, William, Burlington, aud Margaret Prench, Burlington 1744 Hoopper,! WUliam, Bergen, and Anue Kipp, Bergen 1767 Hooten, Thomas, BurUngton, and Jane Dorman 1778 Hootten, John, Burlington, and Sarah Kay, Barlington 1737 Hope,. Adam, Hunterdon, and Sarah Dunham, Hunterdon 1 765 HopeweU, Daniel, Burlington, and Mary Becket, Burlington 1754 Hopkins, Charles, Salem, and Ann Green, Salem 1736 Hopkins, Edward, Monmouth, and Rebecca Martin 1772 Hopkins, George. Monmouth, and Sarah Smith, Monmouth 1764 Hopkins, Hadden, Gloucester, and Hannah Stokes, Gloucester 1766 Hopkins, Hezekiah, Gloucester, and Martha Griffith 1789 Hopkins, Joseph, Burliugton, and Ann Shippey, Barlington 1745 Hoppe, Albert, Bergen, and Rachel Vreland, Bergen 1765 Hoppe, Audries. Bergen, and Catharine Hoppe, Bergen 1773 Hoppe, Garrit, Bergen, and Rachel Poulese, Bergen 1770 Hoppe, Hendrick, Bergen, and Elizabeth Terhune, Bergen 1770 Hoppe, John, Bergen, and Aaltie Hoppe, Bergen 1771 Hopper, Andries, Bergen, and Rachel Romine, Bereen 1762 Hopper, Garret, Bergen, aud Margaret Hopper 1780 Hopper, Gerret, Hackensack, and Eltie Earle, Hackensack 1748 Hopper, John, Glouoester, and Ann Garwood, Burlington 1737 Hopper, John, Bergen, and Fytie Doremus, Bergen 1766 Hopper, John A. , Bergen, and Mary Kuyper 1779 Hopper, John G., Bergen, and Esther Van Der Linde 1783 Hopper, Joshua, Gloucester, and Rebecca Dobbins, Gloucester 1768 Horder, Thomas, Gloucester, and EUzabeth Wallace , 1773 Hore, John, Barlington, and Lydia Hort, Burlingtou 1736 Horn, Charles, Hunterdon, and Mary Stout 1787 Horn, John, Gloucester, aud Margaret Wooly 1761 Horn, Simon, Middlesex, and Helen Sisby 1743 1 Hopper. Dec. 16 April 9 Dec. 21 Dec. 10 June 25 Oct. 31 April 7 Oct. 10 April 25 Sept. 28 May 4 Oct. 31 Mar. 31 Sept. 17 Dec. 24 Dec. 11 Jan. 1 AprU 23 Oct. 30 July 27 June 12 Sept. 3 Mar. 29 Nov. 21 Oct. 31 Mar. 20 Feb. 3 Aug. 19 Dec. 5 Nov. 5 July 20 June 17 Mar. 17 Nov. 18 Deo. 5 Dec. 6 Sept. 9 Mar. 29 Feb. 15 June 21 Dec. 27 June 12 Nov. 20 May 26 I §6 NEW JERSEY COLONiAL DOCtJMENTS. Horn, Stephen, New Jersey, and Rachel Clawson 1775 Horn, AA^lUam, Middlesex, and Lenah Groom 1781 Horncastle, Richard, Perth Amboy, and Elizabeth Manson, P'th A'b'y.l746 Horner, Content, Monmouth, and Sarah Hutchin, Burlington 1738 Horner, Fuller, Monmouth, and Jamima Giberson, Monmouth 1762 Horner, Heath, Burliugton, and Pleasant Haigue, Burlington 1728 Horner, Isaac, Burlington, and Agnes Sesen, Burlington 1730 Horner, Jacob, Gloucester, aud Zabelte AVright, Glouoester 1740 Horner, Jacob, Gloucester, and Hannah Cozens, Gloucester 1764 Horner, Jeremiah, Monmouth, and Rebecca Morford 1761 Horner, Joseph, East Div. N. J., aud Margery Hallis 1748 Homer, Joseph, Burlington, and Sarah Taylor, Barlington 1763 Horner, Joshua, Jr., Monmoutb, and Rachel Guiberson 1759 Horner, Nathan, Gloucester, and Ann Batten, Gloucester 1762 Horner, Thigh, Monmouth, and EUzabeth Herbert 1773 Homor, Aser, Monmouth, and Anue Parker 1770 Homor, Elisha, Monmouth, and Valleriah Francis 1773 Hornor, Jobn, Barlington, and Mary Butler 1758 Homor, John, Monmouth, and Lidia Ashton 1773 Hornor, Joseph, Monmouth, aud Rachel Roberts 1768 Horseman, Marmaduke, and Mary Fitzpatrick, Monmouth 1744 Horseman, Samuel, Monmouth, aud Rebecca Folke, Burlington 1727 HorsfuU, Richard, Monmouth, and Sarah Jackson, Monmouth 1772 Horwood, John, Salem, and Rachel Bacon 1774 Hosier, Robert, Hunterdon, and Jane Naery 1767 Hoshel, Adam, Cumberland, and Phebe Parvin, Cumberland 1763 Hoshel, Michael, Cumberland, and Rachel Peck 1773 Hosier, Abraham, Huuterdon, and Mary Snrrell 1768 Hough, Jonathan, Burlington, aud Elizabeth Bryan, Burlington 1741 Hough, William, Bucks, Pa., and Rachel Beans, Bucks, Pa 1775 Houghton, Aaron, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Sexton 1780 Hougland, Adrian, Somerset, and Catherine Hagewoudt, Somerset . . . 1740 Houldin, Joseph, Cape May, and Hannah Jonson 1690 House, Abraham, and Francis Rankins 1771 Houshell, Peter, Hunterdon, and Mary AVilson, Hunterdon 1774 Housler, Joseph, Burlington, and Sarah Ranier 1781 How, John, Burlington, and Maryan Blanchard 1782 How, Micajah, Hunterdon, and Sarah Field, Burlington 1770 How, Thomas, Monmouth, and Margaret Moore, Monmouth 1737 Howard, Alexander, and Elizabeth Miller 1768 Howard, John, PhUadelphia, and Sarah Bunting. Burlingtou 1749 Howard, Michael, Barlington, aud Catherine Roche, Burlington 1731 Howard, Michael, Burliugton, and Lydia Bittle, Barlington 1756 Howard, Thomas, Middlesex, and Margaret Smith, Middlesex 1754 Howell, Aaron, Gloucester, aud Mercy Kille, Gloucester '. . 1760 Howell, Absalom, Trenton, and Elizabeth Commirger 1782 Sept. 16 Sept. 22 Sept 3 Oct. 31 Jan, 13 Feb. 25 Aug. 4 Feb. 28 Deo. 29 Sept 28 Aug. 29 Jan. 3 Aug. 15 Deo. 14 Feb. 26 Deo. 26 AprU 6 July 8 Jan. 20 Sept. 26 Mar. 16 Feb 9 Sept. 14 Deo. 5 Oct. 1 Oct. 6 May 14 Jan. 20 May 30 June 22 Feb 23 May 12 Oct. 11 Mar. 18 AprU 18 Aug. 29 Nov. 16 Jan. 22 May 14 Nov 23 Got. 16 July 24 Sept. 9 Dec. 9 Jan. 8 Deo. 6 MArRIAGIE LtCE^gEg. I §7 itowell, Daniel, Hunterdon, and Debro Rose 1763 Aug. 10 HoweU, EUet, Trenton, and Catharine Flick 1777 Dec. 27 Howell, George, Philadelphia, and Lydia Patterson, Philadelphia. . . 1736 Aug. 21 HoweU, George, Monmouth, and Abigail Hedden, Monmouth 1765 July 1 HoweU, Henry, Morris, and Elizabeth Parrott, Morris 1769 May 20 Hosfell, John, Hunterdon, and Mary Stout, Huuterdon 1772 June 5 Howell, John, Trenton, and Mary GuUd 1778 Feb. 14 Howell, John, Hunterdon, and Deborah Carmine 1780 April 17 Howell, Obadiah, Trenton, and Mary .Jones 1779 June 8 HoweU, Samuel, Hunterdon, aud Sarah Cornell 1782 Dec. 5 Howey, William, Burlington, and Anne Hewit 1783 Aug. 4 Howard, Peter, BurUngton, and Elizabeth Middleton 1784 Nov. 3 Howard, Thomas, Philadelphia, and Edith Newbold 1786 Dec. 13 Howland, George, Monmouth, aud Susannah Cook, Monmouth 1758 Jan. 21 Hoy, John, Chesterfield, and Achsah KindeU, Chesterfield 1782 Mar. 31 , Hubbard, James, Monmouth, and Rebecca Swort, Monmouth 1765 Oct. 24 • Hubbell, Nathaniel, Essex, and Elizabeth Marsh, Essex 1750 Jan. 10 HubbeU, Zachariah, Elizabeth Town, and Elizabeth Hamton. 1747 April 14 Hubbert, James, Cape May, and Isabeil Little Hubbord, James, Middletown, and Elizabeth Maddocks, Burlington. . .1732 May 13 Hubbs, Charles, Gloucester, and Mary Eastlack, Gloucester 1749 Deo. 15 Hubbs, David, Perth Ambo.y. and Hannah Lette, Perth Amboy 1760 Jan. 26 Huddleston, Williams, Pennsylvania, and Dorothy Welsh, Pennsyl'uia.1727 Nov. 14 Hadley, Daniel, Salem, and EUzabeth Booth 1732 June 24 Hadley, Daniel, Salem, and Agnes Haynes 1771 Oct. 17 Haddy, Daniel, Salem, and Grace Owen, Salem 1776 Sept. 23 Huddy, Hugh, Burlington, and Martha Hunloke 1701 May 6 Hade, Robert, Middlesex, and Mary Moores, Middlesex 1746 Aug. 6 Hude, Robert, Middlesex, and Abiah CaUender, Middlesex 1765 Feb. 13 Hadnut, John, Hunterdon, and Anne Rosegrants 1769 Deo. 30 Hudnut, Joseph, Hunterdon, and Catherine Andrewson, Hunterdon. .1764 Feb. 4 Hudnutt, Isaiah, Hunterdon, and Margaret Barber, Hunterdon 1774 Aug. 27 Hudson, Abimelech, Burlington, and Priscilla Beswick 1690 Mar. 25 Hudson, Andrew, Gloucester, and Ann Clement 1773 Nov. 17 Hudson, Isaac, Salem, and Rachael Weaten, Salem 1733 June 11 Hudson, Obed, Cumberland, and Phebe MiUer 1786 May 23 Hues, John, Salem, aud Martha Buckley, Salem 1690 AprU 24 Huestis, Joseph, Barlington, and Euphamia Jobs, BurUngton 1776 Aug. 6 , Huestis, Moses, Burlington, aud Ann Rogers, Burlington 1771 Deo. 17 Huff, Isaac, Burlington, and Mercy Leeds, Burlington 1771 Dec. 2 Huff, Isaac, Hunterdon, and Kettine Waldron 1783 Oct. 4 Huff, Moses, New Jersey, and Elizabeth Handly 1780 April 16 . Huffman, John, Hunterdon, and Rebecca Rouusavell, Hunterdon. . . . 1774 Aug. 6 Hugan, WiUiam, Monmouth, and Mary Mottison, Monmouth 1756 Feb. 6 Hugg, EarziUa, Glouoester, and Mary Wood, Waterford 1771 Dec. 23 Hugg, Gabriel, Gloucester, and Patience Erwin, Gloucester. . 1728 AprU 10 I 88 NEAV JERSEY COLONtAL DOCUMENTS. Hugg, Jacob, Gloucester, and Catherine Bright 1778 Hugg, John, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Hughes 1779 Hugg, Joseph, Gloucester, and Sarab Smith, Glouoester 1761 Hugg, Samuel, Gloucester, and EUzabeth Thorne, Gloucester 1761 Hugg, Samuel, Gloucester, and Mary Collins, Gloucester 1764 Hugg, William, Gloucester, and Sarah Harrison, Gloucester. 1737 Hugg, William, Jr., Gloucester, aud Ann Everly 1773 Huggin, John, Barlington, and Hannah Martin, Burlington 1736 Huggin, John, Freehold, and Mary Fritson, Freehold 1716 Hughes, Constantine, Cape May, and Elisheba Hand, Cape May 1769 Hughes, Elisha, Cape May, and Judith Spioer, Cape May 1773 Hughes, Ellis, Cape May, and Mary WUlden, Cape May 1761 Hughes, Ellis, Jr., Cape May, aud Elenor Whilldin, Cape May 1768 Hughes, EUis, Cape May, and Judith Hudyer 1786 Hughes, Hugh, Philadelphia, and Martha Brackenridge 1764 Hughes, Isaac, Hunterdon, and Mary Warner 1764 Hughes, James, Burliugton, and Rachel Lord, Barlington 1737 Hughes, James, Gloucester, and Hannah Brandsor .1768 Hughes, Jesse, Cape May, and Mary Hughes, Cape May 1763 Hughes, John, Cape May, and Martha Iszard, Cape May 1760 Hughes, John, Perth Amboy, aud Mary Lee, Perth Amboy 1763 Hughes, Memucan, Cape May, and Martha Hughes 1761 Hughes, Thomas, Cape May, and Lydia Page 1788 Hughes, Uriah, Bucks, Pa., and Jennet Hartley 1733 Hughes, AVUliam Evan, Barlington, and Sarah Autram, Burliugton 1775 Hughs, Elijah, Cape May, and Hannah Stites, Cape May 1740 Hughs, Jerret, and Elizabeth McCarty 1774 Hughs, Thomas, Salem, and Mary Pedrick 1727 Hughston, John, Gloucester, and Martha Austin, Burlington 1740 Hulings, Samuel, and Priscilla AVelch, Gloucester 1773 Hulit, Joseph, Monmouth, and Mercy AUen, Monmouth 1750 HuUt, Michael, Monmouth, and Margaret Tabert, Monmouth 1757 Hulit, Thomas, Monmouth, and Anna Lipincott, Monmouth 1755 Hull, Isaac, Somerset, and Anne Dunham, Essex i 1751 Hull, Mashek, Middlesex, aud Elizabeth Dunn, Middlesex! 1764 Hull, Ragan, Monmouth, and Ann Smith, Monmouth , 1764 HuUfish, Matthias, Middlesex, and Jane Blue 1780 Hullit, George, Monmouth, and Phebe Price, Monmoutb --. . 1760 Hulme, George, Burlington, and Anne Butler, Burlington 1774 Hulme, George, Burlington, and Tennel Neale 1781 Huls, Cornelius, Hunterdon, and S'arah Mash, Hunterdon 1764 Hulse, James, Burlington, aud Rachael Gibbins 1769 Hulse, Thomas, Monmouth, and Deborah Johnston, Monmouth. . .. 1750 Hulse, WUliam, Monmouth, aud Margaret Sutfin, Monmouth 1763 Hulsecart, Garret, Monmouth, and Hannah Clayton, Monmouth 1752 Hulst, Richard, Monmouth, and Mary AViUiams, Monmoutb 1751 Deo. 8 April 27 Mar. 24 AprU 15 July 9 May 30 May 11 Nov. 30 Nov. 1 Feb. 1 Oct. 26 Oct 2 Sept. 21 Dec. 7 July 25 Mar. 13 Mar. 7 Oct. 16 June 14 Deo. 24 Jan. 6 Mar. 4 Deo. 3 June 14 Oct 28 Oct. 23 June 29 May 11 Nov. 1 AprU 15 Mar. 7 July 19 Deo. 23 Nov. 25 Mar. 3 Mar. 29 April 22 July 21 May 31 Nov. 8 Jan. 11 May 13 Deo. 31 June 11 Sept. 18 May 27 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 89 Humber, Billingbam, aud Ann Mariott, Bucks, Pa 1759 Humphreys, John, Burlington, and Sarah Doughty 1758 Humphreys, J ohn, Hunterdon, and Actia Larison 1776 Humphreys, William, Bucks, Pa., and Aun Saloker 1760 Humphries, Stephen, Hunterdon, aud Sarah Alburtis 1769 Humphries, Thomas, Monmouth, and Hannah Cooke, Monmouth 1750 Hunloke, Edward, and Mary Bassnett 1691 Hunloke, Thomas, Burlington, and Mary Bard, Burlingtou 1771 Hunn, Thomas, Monmouth, and Catharine Van Emburgh, Monmouth. 1763 Hunnywell, Jobn, Sussex, and Rebecca Kelly. . 1768 Hunsinger, George, Burlington, and Alice Jeuuet, Burlington 1764 Hunsinger, Peter, Gloucester, and Mary Tice 1780 Hunt, Abram, Hunterdon, and Theodosia Pearson, Burlington ... 1764 Hunt, Bartholomew, Cumberland, and Eleanor AVhitenack 1782 Hunt, Benjamin, Somerset, and Eleauor Palmer, Somerset 1748 Hunt, Isaiah, Barlington, and Hester Stratton, Burlington 1766 Hunt, Jesse, Huuterdon, and Sarah Hunt 1781 Hunt, John, Salem, and Sarah Darkin, Salem 1743 Hunt, John, Hunterdon, and Martha Horsfield 1768 Hunt, John, Jr., Cape May, and Mary Swain 1773 Hunt, John, Cumberland, and Anue Brewster, Cumberland 1779 Hunt, John, Himterdon, and Rhoda Reed 1784 Hunt, Jonathan, Jr. , Hunterdon, and Sarah Stout ] 778 Hunt, Mansfield, Hunterdon, and Mary King, Hunterdon 1736 Hunt, Mansfield, and Nelly Vandoren 1778 Hunt, Nathaniel, Hunterdon, and Mary Phillips, Hunterdon 1763 Hunt, Nathaniel, Hunterdon, and Hann.ih Jones 1769 Hunt. Ealph, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Phillips, Hunterdon 1768 Hunt, Eichard, Hunterdon, and Hannah PhUlips 1783 Hunt, Robert, Burlington, and Abigail Wood, Gloucester 1733 Hunt, Samuel, West Chester, N. Y., and Isabella Ashfield, Monmouth. 1749 Hunt, Samuel, Morris, and Nancy Ricky. 1777 Hunt, Samuel, Morris, and Alice Crussie 1780 Hunt, Stephen, Huuterdon, and Ruth Hunt 1787 Hunt, Thomas, Sussex, and Tabitha Cook, Sussex 1770 Hunt, WUUam, Salem, and Ann Kent, Salem 1772 Hunt, Wilson, Monmouth, and EUzabeth Ivins 1778 Hunter, Andrew, Cumberland, aud Ann Riddle, Cumberland 1775 Hunter, Andrew, Somerset, and Elizabeth Barkley, Somerset 1779 Hunter, Hugh, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Arason 1769 Hunter, James, Maryland, and Rachel Murphy, Burlington 1775 Hunter, John, Barlington, and Mary Stratton, Barlington 1773 Hunter, Joseph, Burlington, and Mary Gilmer, Hunterdon ,. . 1764 Hunter, Samuel, Salem, and Katherine Skeene, Salem 1695 Hunter, William, Monmoutb. and Christian Robinson 1770 Hurley, David, Monmouth, and Sarah Branson 1757 May 16 May 8 Nov. 29 Nov. 12 Mar. 6 Oct. 23 Nov. 10 April 8 May 20 Jan. 20 Juue 4 July 25 Feb. 21 Jan. 5 Jan. 16 May 28 June 30 Sept. 6 May 18 Feb. 13 May 28 Feb. 16 Dec. 30 Sept. 25 Dec. 3 Sept. 26 Feb. 9 May 7 May 21 Dec. 19 Nov. 27 May 6 Sept. 30 May 12 April 13 Jan. 9 June 11 Oct. 2 April 18 June 3 Nov. 21 Nov. 3 Sept. 15 Oct. 31 Dec. 9 Dec. 8 190 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Hurley, Edward, Burlington, and Frances Warwick, Monmoutb 1729 Nov. 3 Hurley, John, Gloucester, aud Jemima Evans 1784 Jan. 30 Hust, John, Gloucester, and Mary Wilson 1782 April 1 Hutchinson, Richard, Middlesex, and Mary Karson 1769 Mar. 22 Hutcheson, John, Gloucester, and Rachel Richmond 1774 June 9 Hutchin, Hugh, Burlington, and Elizabeth Baker, Burlington 1730 July 6 Hutchin, John, Burlingtou, and Sarah Gibbs, Burlingtou 1742 Nov. 9 Hutchin, Samuel, Burlington, and Sarah Tucker 1758 Oct. 10 Hutohiugs, Hugh, Salem, and Mary Adams, Salem. ,. 1686-7 Feb. 3 Hutchins, Amos, Burlington, and Hannah Fenimore, Burlington 1772 April 4 Hutchins, George, Burlington, and Elizabeth Hall, Burlington 1746 Oct. 6 Hutchins, Hugh, Burlington, and Ann Nutt 1769 Jan. 23 Hutchins, John, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Olden, Middlesex 1748 July 22 Hutchins, Joseph, Burlington, and Grace Richards, Burlington 1745 May 1 Hutchins, Samuel, Elizabeth, and Margaret Davis, Elizabeth 1749 Mar. 17 Hutchinson, Amos, Middlesex, and Phebe Clark, Hunterdon 1779 Aug. 2 Hutchinson, Benjamin, Monmouth, aud Dinah Combs, Monmoutb. . . . 1771 May 30 Hutchinson, Ezekiel, and Susannah Eldridge 1749 June 5 Hutchinson, John, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Pearson, Burlington 1730 Mar. 24 Hutchinson, Jonathan, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Dusoswa, Monmouth. 1737 Oct 7 Hutchinson, Jonathan, Middlesex, and Sarah Davis 1765 Oct. 29 Hutchinson, Jonathan, Burlington, and Elizabeth HUl. . . 1771 Feb. 25 Hutchinson, Robert, Burlington, and Sarah Clutch 1769 April 3 Hutchinson, William, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Applegate 1767 Jan. 3 Hutchinson, William, Burlington, and Ann McCabe 1770 Nov. 12 Hutchinson, AVUliam, Middlesex, and Sarah Wilgus 1784 Mar. 9 Hutson, Jobn, Burlington, and Mary Burton 1794 Deo. 11 Hutton, Samuel, Monmouth, and Lena Kipp, Monmouth 1754 Feb. 4 Hutton, William, Somerset, and Eebecca Craig, Somerset 1758 Oct. 2 Hutton, AVUliam, Gloucester, and Jane Chesom 1772 Nov. 12 Huysmen, James, Bergen, and Letitia Terhune 1 782 Deo. 12 Hyer, Abraham, Middlesex, and Mary Ouke, Middlesex 1748 May 25 Hynds, Silvester, Burlingtou, aud Catherine Kearns 1759 Feb. 8 Hyndshaw, James, Pennsylvania, and Maria Depue, Morris 1746 Aug. 30 Hyrliu, Peter, Burlington, and Mary Smith, Burlington. 1740 Sept. 29 FEMALES. H Hackett, Elizabeth, Salem, and Joseph Kidd, Salem 1769 Jan. 18 Hackley, Rebecca, and John Kay, Gloucester 1762 AprU 12 Hadden, Charity, Monmouth, and Richard Parker, Monmouth 1742 July 6 Hadden, Margaret, Woodbridge, and John Heard, Woodbridge 1757 Nov. U Hadden, Mary, AVoodbridge, aud Thomas Brown, Woodbridge 1754 April 4 Hadley, AbigaU, aud Daniel Ruckhow, Barnegat 1762 Oct. 4 Hagerman, Aun, Middlesex, and James Iiobbins, Somerset 1739 Nov. 28 Hageman, Charity, Middlesex, and John Funk, Middlesex 1748 A.pra 15 Hagerman, Oatrinche, and Gerrit Van VUet, Readingtou 1772 May U MARRIAGE LICENSES. I9I Hagerman, Mary, Somerset, and Lewis Chamberlin, Hunterdon 1773 Hagerman, Mary, and Andrias Whitenack, Somerset 1778 Hagerwoudt, Catherine, Somerset, and Adrian Hougland, Somerset . . . 1740 Hagerwout, Dorcas, Perth Amboy, and Henry Hews, Perth Amboy. . .1755 Haggerty, Elizabeth, Sussex, arid Eeuben Buckler, Sussex 1768 Hagins, Mary, Middletown, and Benjamin TUton, Middletowu 1767 Hagin, Pleasant, Burlington, and Heath Horner, Burlington 1728 Haines, Achsah, Burlington, and Obadiah Eldridge, Burlington 1761 Haines, Amey, Burlington, and Abraham Garwood, Burlington 1776 Haines, Anna, and William Foster, Burlington 1788 Haines, Catherine, Burlington, and John Mullen, Burlington 1776 Haines, Charity, Burlington, and Leonard Vandergrift, Bucks, Pa, . . 1750 Haines, Deborah, Burliugton, and Amos Sharp, Burlington 1751 Haines, Edith, Northampton, and BarziUai Eidgway, Springfield, 1775 Haines, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Job Gaskill, Burlington 1758 Haines, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Thomas Lippincott, Burlington , . . 1767 Haines, EUzabeth, Salem, and John Correy, Salem 1770 Haines, Esther, and Amos Austin, Burlington 1736 Haines, Hannah, and Thomas Bispham, Burlington 1784 Haines, Hester, Burliugton, and John Garwood, Burlington 1764 Haines, Laviua, Springfield, and James Shinn, Springfield 1768 Haines, Lucretia, and Thomas Moor, Burlington 1783 Haines, Margaret, and Noah Eldridge, Burlington 1779 Haines, Mary, Burlington, and Eichard Newman, Burliugton 1740 Haines, Mary, Barlington, and Thomas Brian, Burlington 1745 Haines, Mary, and Thomas Enoch, Burlington 1759 Haines, Mary, Elizabethtown, and Thomas Thornton, Middlesex 1761 Haines, Mary, Burlington, and Job Collins, Burlington 1774 Haines, Phebe, Burlington, and Job Sharp, Burlington 1780 Haines, EaoheU, Burlington, and Vespasian Kemble, Burlington 1746 Haines, Eachel, Burlington, and Joseph Hewson, Burlington 1770 Haines, Eebecca, Burlington, and Johu Pettit, Burlington 1746 Haines, Eachel, and Thomas Lippincott, Burlingtou . , . 1779 Haines, Eebecca, Bucks, Pa., and WilUam Wetherill, Bordentown .... 1748 Haines, Sarah, and Edward HUler, Burlington 1733 Haines, Sarah, and Amos WUkins, Burlington 1756 Haines, Sarah, Barlington, and Joseph Cox, Burlington 1761 Haines, Sarah, aud Isaac Pine, Salem 1791 Hains, Elizabeth, Glouoester, aud Samuel Nicholson, Gloucester 1770 Hains, Euth, Burlington, and John Heritage, Jr., Glouoester 1716 Hains, Sarah, Greenwich, and Azariah Shinn, Gloucester 1760 Hains, WUliamkey, Monmouth, aud Peter Holsart, Monmouth 1757 Hair, Sarah, Bucks, Pa., and AVUliam Stephens, Bucks, Pa, : 1775 Haldau, Frances, and Thomas Smith, Northampton 1778 Haldren, Susannah, and Noah Ridgway. Northampton 1779 Hale, Sarah, Salenj, and Thomas WelheriU, Salem. 1748 Jan. 18 Mar. 19 May 12 July 9 Dec. 17 Feb. 19 Feb. 25 Nov. 28 Sept. 25 Jan. 17 Mar. 25 Oct. 23 May 1 Dec. 28 Mar. 6 Aug. 15 Sept. 20 Sept. 27 Sept. 21 Mar. 6 Mar. 7 July 29 July 31 Mar. 23 July 17 Oct. 16 Mar. 23 Mar. 17 Aug. 26 Mar. 15 April 5 Sept. 3 Jan. 6 Nov. 2 Jan. 21 June 17 Aug. 31 April Ifi Aug. 29 Oct. 14 Feb. 13 AprU 11 Nov. 2 Nov. 4 April 8 Jan. 19 192 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Halee, Haunah, and Hugh Brady 1744 Haleubeck, Tamise, Bergen, and Hendrick Van Alen, Bergen 1761. Hall, Abigail, Burlington, and Philip Marriott, Burlington 1746 Hall, Ann, Alloways Creek, aud Jonah Sooggin, Salem 1748 Hall, Ann, and Adrian Hagaman, Huuterdon 1781 Hall, Elizabeth, Somerset, and Jacobus Eltinge, New York 1742 Hall, Elizabeth, Burlington, and George Hutchins, Burlington 1746 Hall, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Joseph Spana, Middlesex 1765 Hall, Esther, Barlington, and John Earl, Burlington 1761 Hall, Hannah, and John Turner, Salem 1733 Hall, Jane, Monmouth, and Frederick Helmen, Monmouth 1762 Hall, Jecou, and Samuel Scotten, Deptford 1775 HaU, Martha, Bordentown, and Benjamin French, Bordentown 1742 Hall, Martha, Burlington, and Francis Gibbs, Burlington 1748 Hall, Mary, and Robert Bishop, BurUngton 1727 HaU, Mary, Salem, and John White, Salem 1728 Hall, Mary, Somerset, and Henry Cock, Somerset 1759 HaU, Mary, and Joseph Smith, Mannington 1765 Hall, Eebecca, Burlington, and Johu Scott, Burlington 1740 Hall, Sarah, Cumberland, and John Jones, Cumberland 1777 HaUer, Susannah, and AVUliam Gurnai, Salem 1777 Hallis, Margery, East Div. N. J'sey, aud Joseph Horner, E. Div. N. J. 1748 Halloway, Mary, aud Samuel Taylor (minor), Burlington 1760 Hallstead, Byer, Monmouth, and Isaac Mitchel, Monmouth. . . , 1764 Halsted, Abigail, Shrewsbury, and Joseph Price, Shrewsbury : . 1762 Halter, Cathrine, aud George Treas, Salem 1772 Halton, Cathrine, Gloucester, aud Joseph J avenport, Gloucester. . . . 1771 Hambleton, Mary, and Stephen Morford, Somerset 1779 Hambelton, Sarah, and Thomas Wood, Chesterfield 1761 Hambilton, Sarah, Gloucester, and Samuel Ladd, Gloucester 1754 Hameck, Elizabeth, and Phineas CarU, Salem 1757 Hamilton, Catharine, Salem, and David Penton, Salem 1740 Hamilton, Elizabeth, Deptford, and Hezekiah AVheeler, Deptford 1761 Hamilton, Chester, and John Ashbrook, Gloucester 1732 Hamilton, Judith, Salem, and WUliam Moore, Salem 1769 Hamilton, Katherine, Burlingtcn, aud Timothy Hoggins, Barlington 1745 Hamilton, Sarah, Gloucester, and Peter Crim, Gloucester 1769 Hamilton, Sarah, Salem, and William Moore, Salem ; 1770 Hamilton, Sarah, and John Clark, Burlington 1778 Haraock, Judith, and Gilberi Hurrell 1691 Hampton, Alice, and Samuel Davis, Philadelphia 1781 Hampton, Margaret, Gloucester, and Dauiel Barber, Gloucester 1738 Hampton, Mary, Gloucester, and Ebenezer Zones, Glouoester 1731 Hampton, Eo.se, and Joseph Alberson, Gloucester 1737 Hamson, Hannah, Monmouth, and William Craddock, Monmouth .... 1745 Hanaton, Elizabeth, nud Zachariah Hubbell, EUzabeth Town 1717 May 28 Jan. 20 July 28 Feb 25 Oct. 16 June 12 Oct. 6 May 11 Nov. 16 Sept 1 Aug. 12 Mar. 20 Jan. 29 Oct. 22 Aug. 19 Mar. 4 April 12 June 14 Dec. 13 Oct. 28 May 6 Aug. 29 Feb. 6 June 14 Nov. 6 Oct. 30 AprU 17 Mar. 17 May 11 Oct. 2 May 18 Nov. 1 AprU 21 July 21 May 6 Aug. 21 Aug. 28 Mar. 17 Jan. 29 Deo. 30 April 23 Deo. « Aug. 26 AprU 16 Nov. 11 April 14 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 93 Hamton, Elles, Freehold, and Joseph Car, Jr., Freehold 1756 Hamton, Mary, Monmouth, and Joseph Darby, Monmouth 1762 Hammel, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Samuel English, Burlington 1761 Hammel, Gaitree, Burlington, and Hezekiah Garwood, Burlington 1765 Hammel, Hannah, and Jacob Adams, Burlington 1784 Hammell, Deborah, and Abraham KeUey, Burliugton 1786 Hammell, Hannah, and Allison Ely, Middlesex 1771 Hammell, Theodosia, and Daniel Ivins, Burliugton 1777 Hammell, Sarah, and Benjamin Bates, BurUngton 1777 Hammett, Mary, and WUUam AVhilton, Barlington 1738 Hammiek, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and Joseph Heulings, Burlington.. . , 1756 Hammit, EUzabeth, Gloucester, aud Abraham Hess, Gloucester 1746 Hammit, Sybilla, and John Prickett, Northampton ... 1784 Hammitt, Dosbia, Gloucester, aud Thomas Mannering, Gloucester 1761 Hammock, Abigail, Gloucester, and Samuel McCleain, Gloucester 1773 Hammock, Hannah, and Henry Dalton, Burlington 1777 Hammooh, Susannah, Burlington, and James Simson, Burlington 1774 Hammond, Maritie, Bergen, and Stephen Bogart, Bergen 1761 Hance, Catherine, Freehold, and WUliam Voorhees, Freehold 1763 Hance, Hannah, Monmouth, and James Lippicotte, Monmouth 1757 Hance, Hannah, Burliugton, and Isaac Jobs, Burlingtou 1775 Hance, Jaue, Freehold, and Tunis Vanderveer, Freehold 1759 Hance, Joice, Monmouth, and AViUiam Burdg, Monmouth 1755 Hance, Joice, Monmouth, and Luke Brannin, Monmouth 1762 Hanoe, Margaret, and James Robinson, Middlesex 1751 Hanoe, Tenty, Monmouth, and Thomas Tone, Somerset 1775 Hancock, Ann, Burlington, and Samuel Swift, Burliugton 1738 Hancock, Anne, and Thomas Antram : 1783 Hancock, Esther, Salem, and John Stretch, Salem 1751 Hancock, Haunah, Burlington, and Joseph Scott, Burlington, 1770 Hancock, Jane, Burlington, and Henry Scott, Burlington 1728 Hancock, Lydia, and Gershom Craft, Burlington 1 741 Hancock, Mary, Burlington, and Peter Harvey, Burlington 1748 Hancock, Mary, and Joseph Edwards, Salem 1777 Hancock, Mary, aud George Shrevin, BurUngton 1778 Hancock, Melissa, and Aaron Daniels, Salem 1787 Hancock, Rebecca, and Wessell Alricke, New Castle, Del 1751 Hancock, Sarah, Alloways Creek, and Thomas Sinnickson, Salem 1769 Hancock, Sarah, and Joseph Stout, Burlington 1771 Hancock, Sarah, aud Robert Lucas, Burlington 1782 Hancock, Susannah, Alloways Creek, and Edward Test, Salem 1765 Hand, Abiah, Cape May, and James Townsend, Cape May 1740 Hand, Acksah, and Recompenee Hand, Cape May 1790 Hand, AmeUa, Cape May, and Christopher Ludlum, Cape May 1776 Hand, Anna, Cape May, and Jonathan Foreman, Cape May 1771 13 Feb. 18 Dec. 20 Nov. 13 Jan. 11 May 22 Mar. 22 Nov. 9 July 25 Oct. 5 Mar.. 27 June 14 Jan. 6 Jan. 7 Aug. 28 Aug. 10 Dec. 13 June 17 July 6 July 5 Nov. 14 Jan. 19 Mar. 26 Not. 28 Oct. 7 Not. 29 Nov. 2 May 20 Nov. 25 May 7 May 30 Aug. 10 Nov. 25 April 8 July 7 Feb. 10 Oct. 9 Mar. 2 July 4 Oct. 28 Nov. 22 Mar. 4 Jan. 7 Mar. 1 Mar. 26 June 15 4 m 194 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Hand, Deborah, and Jeremiah Hand, Cape May : 1734 Hand, Deborah, and Jonathan Jenkins, Cape May 1768 Hand, Deborah, and John Hoadley, Salem. . , . -. 1779 Hand, Elisheba, Cape May, and Constantine Hughes, Cape May 1769 Hand, Elizabeth, Cape May, and Matthew Hand, Cape May 1775 Hand, Esther, Cape May, and James WiUits, Cape May 1740 Hand, Esther, and Rem Garritson, Cape May 1761 Hand, Eunas, and Francis Irons, Cape May. ..... 1774 Hand, Eunice, Cape May, and Nathaniel Norton, Cape May 1733 Hand, Experience, Cape May, and Downes Edmunds, Cape May 1752 Hand, Experience, Cape May, and John Robertson, Cape May 1756 Hand, Hannah, aud WUliam Bennet, Cape May 1752 Hand, Hannah, Cape May, and Thomas Hewit, Jr., Gape May 1764 Hand, Hannah, and Dan Perry, Cumberland 1780 Hand, Hannah, and Johu Newton, Cape May 1789 Hand, Jane, Cape May, and Nathaniel Ogden, Fairfield 1761 Hand, Jane, and Miller Bancraft, Cape May 1787 Hand, Jemimah, and Elijah Shaw, Cape May 1768 Hand, Jerusha, Cape May, aud William Shaw, Cape May 1762 Hand, Joannab, Cape May, and John Corey, Cape May 1762 Hand, Judith, and Jonathan Leaming, Cape May 1766 Hand, .Judith, Cape May, and John Bateman, Cumberland 1771 Hand, Lydia, and Christopher Foster, Cape May 1732 Hand, Lydiah, and Asbury Smith, Cumberland 1757 Hand, Lydia, Cape May, and Benoni MiUs, Cumberland 1769 Hand, Margaret, Cape May, and Levi Corson, Cape May 1766 Hand, Martha, Cape May, and Amos Towusand, Cape May 1745 Hand, Martha, Cape May, aud Abraham Vangelder, Cape May 1757 Hand, Martha, Cape May, and Jonathan Love, Cumberland 1769 Hand, Martha, Cumberland, aud Jonadab Shepherd, Cumberland 1770 Hand, Mary, Cape May, and David Hand, Cape May 1764 Hand, Mary, and Downes Edmunds, Cape May. 1774 Hand, Mary, and Isaac Matthews, Cape May 1774 Hand, Mary, and Ezra Hand, Cape May 1774 Hand, Mary, Cape May, and Thomas Ross, Cape May 1782 Hand, Mary, and Smith Bowen, Cumberland 1786 Hand, Naomi, Cape May, and Jouathan Cresse, Cape May 1763 Hand, Rachel, Cape May, and Richard Smith, Cape May 1737 Hand, Rachel, Cape May, aud Elijah Hand, Cape May 1758 Hand, Rachel, Cape May, and AVUliam Smith, Gape May 1762 Hand, Rachel, Cape May, and James Watt, Cape May 1770 Hand, Rhoda, and WilUam Billings, Cape May 1763 Hand, Ruhannah, Cape May, and Henry Ludlam, Cape May 1772 Hand, Ruth, Gape May, and John Cromwell, Cape May 1737 Hand, Sarah, and Richard StillweU, Cape May 1736 Pand, Sarah, Cape May, and Benjamin Ingram, Cape May 1759 Mar. 27 April 13 April 27 Feb' 1 Jan. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 6 Nov. 20 Aug. 10 Nov. 23 Sept. 8 Deo. 4 Jan. 6 Aug. 22 AprU 24 Oct. 1 AprU 12 Mar. 8 June 14 Aug. 14 July 27 Jan. 18 Mar. 8 AprU 10 Deo. 23 Oct. 10 Aug. 22 Sept. 5 AprU 16 July 2 Jan. 18 Deo. 17 Deo. 20 Jan. 14 Jan. 24 July 1 Deo. 1 Jan. 24 Aug. 2 Oct. 22 Feb. 20 Jan. 8 April 122 Jan, 1 Oct. 25 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Hand, Sarab, Cape May, and Ira Buck, Cape May 1760 Hand, Sarah, and Constant Somers, Gt. Egg Harbour 1790 Hand, Susanna, and James Whildin, Cape May 1766 Handby, Sarah, Gloucester, and Thomas Pedrick, Gloucester 1753 Handcook, Constant, and John HoUoway, Burlington 1758 Handley, Sarab, and John Outgelt, New Jersey 1781 Handly, Elizabeth, and Moses Huff, New Jersey 1780 Hands, Rebecca, and John Swain, Cape May 1780 Hands, Sarah, and Benjamin Stiles, Jr., Cape May 1779 Hanes, Jaue, and Robert Bishop, Burlington 1759 Haner, Hannah, and WUliam Duffel, Gloucester 1784 Hankins, Jannet, Middlesex, and Joshua Nichols, Huuterdon 1 751 Hankins, Jemima, and David Rulon, Burlingtou 1781 Hankins, Rachel, aud Matthias Swaim, Jr., Middlesex 1760 Hankins, Sarah, Burlington, and Johu Duckworth, Burlington 1734 Hankinson, Anne, Monmouth, and Joseph Taylor, Monmouth 1747-8 Hankinson, Catherine, Freehold, and Daniel Cooper, Jr., Morris 1751 Hankinson, Elinor, and Gilbert Longstreet, Monmouth 1777 Hankinson, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Johu Lane, Monmouth 1763 Hankinson, Hannah, Monmouth, and Joseph Covenhoven, Monmouth. 1756 Hankinson, Ledy, Monmouth, and John Hampton, Monmouth 1761 Hankinson, Mary, Monmouth, and John Taylor, Monmouth 1750 Hankison, Elizabeth, and John Reading, Amwell .... 1772 Hann, Lenah, and Philip Wise, Morris 1 769 Hann, Mary, Cumberland, and Jeremiah Hines, Salem 1775 Hanna, Martha, and Philip Molesberry, Sussex 1768 Hannah, Euth, and Joseph Peck, Cumberland 1773 Hanniou, Mary, Bergen, and Garret Post, Bergen 1759 Harber, Hannah, and Thomas Grant, Burlington 1 778 Harbert, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and John Collins, Monmouth 1767 Harbert, Lavina, Monmouth, and Samuel Curlis, Monmouth 1758 Harbert, Mary, Monmouth, and Amariah Gifford, Monmouth 1758 Harbour, Esther, Monmouth, and John Youngs, Middletown 1741 Harbour, Hester, Monmouth, and Andrew White, Monmoutb 1743 Harbour, Margaret, New Brunswick, and Matthew Rue, Middlesex. , . .1749 Harbour, Mary, Monmouth, and WUliam Hill, Monmouth 1742 Harbour, Mary, and Jacob Starkey, Upper Freehold 1761 Harbour, Sarah, Monmouth, aud Edward Patterson Worth, Monm'th , 1742 Harbur, Hope, and Solomon Reeves, Northampton 1784 Harbut, Rebecca, and Benjamin Lawrence, East Jersey 1758 Harden, Elizabeth, and Jobn Abbott, Gloucester 1784 Harder, Marica, Somerset, and Jacobus Ammarman, Somerset 1746 Hardimau, Elizabeth, Burlington, aud Robert Sutton, Burlington 1729 Hardin, Catharine, Monmouth, and Alexander Garvey, Monmouth. . .1759 Hardin, Margaret, Monmouth, and David Boyer, Monmouth 1761 Harding, Ann, Burlington, and David Collins, Burlington 1775 195 Jan. 14 Aug. 20 Jan. 13 Mar. 1 Mar. 28 Feb. 24 April 16 June 6 Jan. 14 Jan. 18 Aug. 2 July 7 Feb. 12 Dec. 28 Mar. 20 Feb. 26 April 13 Nov. 22 Jan. 24 Feb. 3 Mar. 9 April 3 April 7 July 17 April 26 July 23 Dec. 24 Oct. 15 Oct. 24 Nov. 4 May 17 Not. 13 Nov. 10 Sept. 15 Oct. 11 Nov. 3 Aug. 29 AprU 17 Aug. 24 Feb. 11 July 8 May 7 Mar. 24 July 31 Mar. 5 Dec. 16 196 NEAV JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Harding, Elizabeth, Salem, and Michel Pedrick, Salem 1748 Harding, Mary, Salem, and James Murphy, Salem 1765 Harding, Marj', and Jacob Samson, Cumberland 1778 Harding, Mercy, Burlington, and Peter Homan, Burlington 1739 Harding, Sarah, Burlington, and Daniel Jones, Burlington 1754 Hare, Jane, Bucks, Pa,, and David AVUliams, Bucks, Pa 1731 Haren, Mary, Bergen, and Hendrick Zabriscy, Bergen 1753 Haring, Eeynsee, Urange, N. Y., and Peter T. Haring, Orange, N. Y.1774 Harison, Dameras, Newark, and Amos Prudden, Newark 1767 Harker, Elizabeth, Burliugton, and Edward Gaskill, Burlington 1766 Harker, Rhoda, Springfield, and Joseph Gibbs, Springfield 1770 Harker, S.ara, and David Johnson, Chester, Pa 1785 Harman, Mary, Philadelphia, and Samuel Gray, Philadelphia 1740 Harmon, Ruth, and Henry Masking, Bucks, Pa 1778 Harper, Haunah, and William Douglass, Gloucester 1773 Harrimau, Phebe, Morris, and Daniel Mead, Morris 1780 Harring, Charity, and William Van Dalsem, New York 1786 Harring, Rachel, and David Taulman, Or.auge Co. , N. Y 1781 Harriot, Mary, AVoodbridge, and James Pike, AVoodbridge 1747 Harriot, Sarah, Gloucester, and Johu Pearson, Burlington 1736 Harris, Agnes, Bristol, Pa., and Garret A^andergrift,. Philadelphia. . . . 1767 Harris, Amy, and Johu Louderback, Salem 1776 Harris, Ann, Middlesex, and James Connet, Somerset 1761 Harris, Anna, and Joseph Bishop, Cumbeiland. 1757 Harris, Aune, and James Stratton, Cumberland 1779 Harris, Hanna, and Jonathan Simpkins, Upper Penns Neck 1781 Harris, Marcy, Salem, and Johu Thomas Hampton, Salem 1775 Harris, Margai'et, Burlington, and Henry Jcnkin, Burliugton 1728 Harris, Mary, Burlingtou, and Thomas Wbisler, Gloucester 1770 Harris, Mercilab, Burlington, and Aaron Killey, Burlington 1766 Harris, Rachel, and Johu Bailey, Burlingtou 1759 Harris, Rachel, Cumberland, and Elijah Bowen, Cumberland 1771 Harris, Rachel, Hunterdon, aud George Ewing, Cumberland 1778 Harris, Sarab, aud AVUliam Campbell, Somerset 1781 Harris, Violetta, Fairfield, Thomas Ogden, Fairfield 1760 Harrison, Edith, Hanover, aud Joseph Eoberts, Hanover 1770 Harrison, Elizabeth, Monmoutb, and John McKinstry, Monmouth . . . 1739 Harrison, Elizabeth, Bergen, and Isaac Kingsland, Jr., Bergen 1753 Harrison, Gannitte, and James Neilson, New Brunswick 1768 Harrison, Haunah, Gloucester, and A\'Uliam Alberson, Gloucester 1747 Harrison, Hanuah, Gloucester, and WUliam Albertson, Gloucester 1747 Harrison, Lydia, Newark, and Jonathan Sayres, Newark 1761 Harrison, Nancy, and Samuel Davis, Bergen 1750 Harrison, Ruth, and Benjamin AVright, Burlington 1759 Harrison, Sarah, Philadelphia, and AVUliam Price, PhUadelpbia 1731 Harrison, Sarah, Gloucester, and AVUliam Hugg, Gloucester. 1737 Aug. 26 Sept 2 Sept. 24 Oct. 26 Oct. 16 Deo. 6 Aug. 22 June 11 May 15 Sept. 23 Aug. 28 June 2 Nov. 12 Aug. 10 Nov. 16 Mar. 11 July 20 Sept. 30 Mar. 7 Jan. 3 Aug. 14 Jan. 12 Nov. 12 Mar. 3 July 16 Oct. .25 Jan. 1 Feb 26 Mar. 19 Jan. 28 Aug. 31 Feb 18 Aug. 7 Sept. 29 Aug. 6 Nov. 13 Aug. 11 Jan. 19 July 19 June 9 June 15 Jan. 22 July 25 Jan. 17 Mar. 7 May 30 MARRIAGE LICENSES. ' 197 Harrison, Sarah, PhUadelphia, and Isaac Brown, Philadelphia 1737 Harry, WUmeth, Pennsylvania, and Giles Lawrence, Pennsylvania 1738 Hart, Abigail, Hunterdon, and Moses Stout, Hunterdon 1773 Hart, Eleanor, and John Robinson, Toms River 1768 Hart, Hannah, Hunterdon, and Lott Philips, Hunterdon 1770 Hart, Louisa, Hopewell, and James Stout, Amwell 1775 Hart, Mary, Falls Township, Pa., and Jasper Terry, Falls T'nship, Pa. 1735 Hart, Mary, and John Vancleave, Hunterdon 1780 Hart, Mary, and John Welling, Trenton 1786 Hart, Sarah, aud Timothy Hart, Hunterdon 1784 Hartie, Lena, Orange, N.Y., and Jacobus Cornell, Bergen 1761 Hartley, Jannet, and Uriah Hughes, Bucks 1733 Hartshorn, Elizabeth 0., and James Bowne, Middletown 1743 Hartshorne, Lena, Burlington, and Samuel Kirby, Burlington 1766 Hartshorne, Mary, Monmouth, and Abraham Garrison, Monmouth . . 1744 Hartshorne, Mary, Freehold, and Thomas Kearney, Middletowu. ... 1749 Hartshorne, Rachel, Middletown, and Thomas Robinson, P'th Amboy. 1751 Hartshorne, Rebecca, Middletown, and George Wright, Burlington. . . 1729 Hartt, Jane, Salem, and Alex. Alexander, Philadelphia 1750 Harvey, Catherine, Monmoutb, and Laugblin Mackintosh, Monmouth. 1757 Harvey, Elizabeth, Philadelphia, and William HolUngshead, Phila. . . . 1748 Harvej', Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Henry Armstrong, Monmouth. . . . 1766 Harvey, Margaret, Monmouth, and John Lone, Monmoath 1742 Harvey, Mary, Bucks, Pa., and Joseph Simcook, Bucks, Pa 1741 Harvey, Sarab, Burlington, and Thomas Bunting, Burlington 1755 Harvey, Susannah, Pennsylvania, and Robeit Edward, Pennsylvania. .1728 Haselton, Ann, Burlington, and James Page, Burlington 1754 Haselton, Elizabeth, Philadelphia, and Isaac Penrose, Philadelphia. . . 1768 Hassam, Sarah, and Daniel Pahlman, Kensington, Pa , . 1788 Hastier, Eebecca, and Morris Earle, Bergen 1746-7 Hatcher, Mary, Bucks, Pa., and Stephen Sands, Bucks, Pa 1747 Hatheway, Roday, Middletown, and James Pew, Middletown 1764 Hatkinson, Mary, and Andrew Davis, Burlington 1781 Hatton, Barbary, Salem, and Garret Vaneman, Salem 1773 Hauseman, Mary, and Christian A. Zabriskie, Bergen 1789 Havens, AbigaU, Burlington, and Joseph Davis, Burlington 1756 Havens, Anne, Monmouth, and WUliam Newbury, Monmouth 1748 Havens, Dorothy, and Thomas Van Norte 1771 Havens, EUzabeth, Monmouth, and WiUiam AUgor, Monmouth 1763 Havens, Phebe, Monmouth, and Joseph Bartlett, Monmouth 1737 Havens, Phoebe, Monmouth, and Job Inman, Monmouth 1774 Havins, Christin, Shrewsbury, and Jacob Shibely, Shrewsbury 1756 Haw, Lydia, Bristol, Pa., aud Henry Wilson, Bristol, Pa 1763 Hawk, Charlotte, and Samuel Antram, Barlington 1781 Hawke, Elizabeth, H-addonfield, and Samuel Packer, Haddonfield 1748 Hawthorn, Margaret, and David Taylor, Salem 1773 Oct. 22 Nov. 23' Mar. 17 July 26 Jan. 17 April 25 July 29 Nov. 20 Oct. 11 Dec. 14 Mar. 21 June 14 Aug. 17 April 19 Nov. 29 Dec. 30 Nov. 4 Mar. 17 June 16 Dec. 21 Feb. 26 Sept. 5 May 1 Mar. 5 AprU 17 May 11 Oct. 2 Oct. 22 Feb. 7 Mar. 7 Oct. 27 Mar. 9 May 1 Dec. 5 Nov. 23 Sept. 23 April 25 Dec. 10 Jan. 7 Oct. 12 Dec. 15 Mar. 15 Aug. 31 Nov. 10 Deo. 7 Feb. 2 198 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Hay, Agues, Woodbridge, and James Brown 1743 Hay, Amy, and Johu Davidson, Barlington 1772 Hay, Anne, Barlington, and John Lyne, Burlington 1748 Hay, Mary, Middlesex, and Nisbit Mount, Middlesex 1744 Hay, Mary Anne, aud Abraham Hewlings, Burlington 1758 Hay, Nelly, Middlesex, and Isaac AVUlson, Middlesex 1780 Hayes, Mary, and Charles Smith, Bristol, Pa 1778 Haynes, Agnes, aud Daniel Huddy, Salem 1 771 Haynes, Rebecca, Cumberland, and John Barns, Cumberland 1759 Hays, Amiryllis, Amwell, and Robert Mursin, Hunterdon 1740 Hays, Elizabeth, Burliugton, aud Barzilla Ewans, Burlington 1764 Hays, Hannah, aud George Gilbert, Barlington 1783 Hays, Ruth, Monmouth, and Adam AVooUey, Monmouth 1742 Hays, Susanna, Penns Neck, and Amariah Reeves, Alloways Creek . . . 1762 Haywood, Anne, Perth Amboy, and Jarvis Hazleton, Perth Amboy. . .1740 Haywood, Elizabeth, Piscataway, and Benjamin Randolph, Piscat'w'y. 1750 Haywood, Isabella, Stafford, and Hull Randolph, Stafford 1767 Haywood, Martha, Mount Holly, aud Thomas Paxson, Mount Holly . . 1764 Haywood, Mary, Burliugton, and Joseph Randolph, Burlington 1761 Haze, Abigail, and James Burns, Cumberland 1778 Hazelton, Abigail, Burliugton, and Joseph Kerlin, Burlington 1763 Hazelton, Anne, Monmouth, and Lines Pangbom, Monmouth 1761 Hazelton, Sarah, Burlington, aud Thomas Baker, Burlington 1749 Hazlet, Margaret, and Samuel Hazlit, Sussex 1777 Headley, Rebecca, Bridgton, and Joseph Shelden, Bridgton 1747 Heard, Aun, Middlesex, aud Ephraim Terrill, Essex 1763 Heard, Deliverance, Woodbridge, and Robert Stone, Woodbridge 1757 Heard, Susanna, Middlesex, and Asa Morris, Middlesex 1764 Heath, Mary, Perth Amboy, and Renew Donham, AVoodbridge 1757 Heaton, Abigail, and Abraham Lake, Cumberland 1781 Heavilon, Mary, Freehold, and Stephen Amack, Monmouth 1767 HeavUand, Catharine, Monmouth, aud Benjamin Cooper, Jr., Mon'th. 1753 Hedden, Abigal, Monmouth, aud George Howell, Monmouth 1765 Hedden, Elizabeth, and Aaron Eobarts, Newark 1778 Heddon, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and William Brown, Monmouth 1738 Heddy, Elizabeth, and James Edwards, Monmouth 1763 Heddy, Catura, Monmouth, and Benjamin Parker, Monmouth 1760 Hedge, Eebecca, Salem, and Pile Smith, Salem 1745 Hedge, Eebecca, Salem, and Thomas Thompson, Salem 1770 Hedger, Anne, Gloucester, and Benjamin Collins, Gloucester 1735 Hedger, Deborah, Gloucester, and Eichard Cheesman, Gloucester . . . 1763 Hedger, EUzabeth, Burlington, and David Morphett, Burlington 1735 Hedger, EUzabeth, and Michael Morgan, Glouoester 1791 Hedger, Marabeth, Gloucester, aud Thomas Cheesman, Glouoester. .. .1771 Hedger, Martha, Gloucester, and Peter Cheesman, Gloucester 1760 Hedges, Elizabeth, Waterford, and Samuel Harmer, Waterford 1735 May 25 April 23 Jan. 19 Aug. 9 July 29 Nov. 14 Dec. 21 Oct. 17 Jan. 25 Mar. 17 Mar. 2 Sept. 10 Oct 13 Oct. 4 Feb. 9' May 26 Oct. 26 May 21 Oct. 10 Deo. 7 Deo. 20 Nov. 5 Oct. 5 July 14 Dec. 29 Mar. 17 Feb. 17 Jan. 2 Aug. 1 Mar. 19 Nov. 7 Oct. 31 July 1 Sept. 1 Feb. 15 May 24 July 16 Nov. 4 May 30 May 17 July 18 Aug. 18 Mar. 23, Mar, 27 Jan. 30 July 28 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 99 Hedges, Mary, Cape May, and John Taylor, Cape May 1777 Heed, Diana, and Richard Johnson, Bucks, Pa 1739 Height, Mary, and Rem Vanderbeok, Windsor 1773 Heins, Sara, and John White, Woolwich , 17 Heldreth, Lidy, Monmouth, and Zebulon Baird, Monmouth 1765 Heldrege, Sarah, Monmouth, and Andrew Baird, Monmouth 1762 Helldreth, Susannah, Middletown, aud AVUliam AVolley, Sbre'K'sbury . . 1755 Hellene, Mary, and Robert MoQuown, New Jersey 1745 Hellens, Mary, and Jacob Sevens, Mannington. 1783 Helling, Elizabeth, Bucks, Pa. , and Jacob AVinner, Bucks, Pa 1774 Helm, Cornelia, and John Frederick Banta, Bergen 1769 Helm, Magdalen, Up. Penns Neck, and George Somervell, Up. P. N'k.l771 Helm, Margrit, Bergen, and Abraham Moorasje, Bergen 1760 Helme, Sarah, and Edward Dunlap, Sussex 1768 Helms, Elizabeth, aud William Hamilton, Salem 1783 Helms, Margarett, and Archibald Stewart, Sussex 1772 Helson, Anne, Burlington, and Joseph Ashton, Burlington 1770 Hemones, Hulden, Monmoutb, and Obadia Laton, Monmouth 1758 Henderson, Margaret, and Abraham Montague, Morris 1779 Henderson, Phebe, Monmouth, and John Cochran, Hunterdon 1763 Henderson, PhiUis, and Alexander McCrea, Huuterdon 1774 Hendricks, Mary, Burlington, and James Burnside, Burlington 1727 Hendrickson, Anne, Monmouth, and David Honge, Monmoutb 1701 Hendrickson, Elizabeth, Salem, and John Manaring, Salem 1727 Hendrickson, Elizabeth, Monmouth, aud John VanderBilt, Sta'n Isl'd. 1754 Hendrickson, Hanuah, and Robert Spratt, Perth Amboy 1772 Hendrickson, Hannah, and John Reeder, Trenton 1 783 Hendrickson, Jannetie, Somerset, and Mical Vanbueren, Somerset . . 1750 Hendrickson, Katharine, Monmouth, and Jacob Ramsen, Sr., N. York. 1749 Hendrickson, Mary, Monmouth, and Cornelius Covenhoven, Monm'th. 1767 Hendrickson, Nelly, Middletowu, and Jacob Vanmater, Middletown. . . 1756 Hendrickson, Nelle, Monmouth, and Elias Golden, Monmouth 1761 Hendrickson, Pamelo, and. Joseph Robinson, Gloucester 1 782 Hendrickson, Sarah, Bergen, and Egbird Vanzile, Paramus 1754 Hendrickson, Sarah, and Hezekiah Young, Trenton 17,78 Henion, Brechie, and Frans Post, Essex 1750 Hennyon, Antje, Bergen, and George Ryerson, Bergen 1760 Hennion, Antje,' Bergeu, and Roelef Van Houten, Bergen 1772 Hennion, Antje, Bergen, and Cornelius Van Houten, Essex 1773 Hennion, Effe, Bergen, and William Norcross, Bergen 1778 Hennion, Jane, and Abraham T, Garrison, Bergen 1788 Henry, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and Paul Le boyteulx, Middlesex 1749 Henry, EUzabeth, and James Taylor, Trenton 1779 Henry, Mary, and Samuel Porch, Gloucester 1785 Hensley, Mary, Bristol, Pa., and Thomas Watson, Bristol, Pa 1764 Hepburn, Sarah, and Francis Tantum, Windsor 1762 Mar. 26 Deo. 13 Dec. 30 Oct. 4 April 11 Oct. 27 Aug. 15 June- 28 May 1 Sept. 29 April 12 May 11 April 1 Sept. 23 May 15 Aug. 29 June 19 Mar. 22 Feb. 25 Sept. 1 Jau. 8 July 19 Dec. 21 Mar. 14 May 20 April 8 May 19 Oct. 15 Aug. 11 July 12 June 19 July 30 April 25 Aug. 30 Dec. 19 June 1 June 21 Dec. 18 May 11 Nov. 16 June 19 Nov. 9 Mar. 10 Feb. 23 Jan. 2 Mar. 19 200 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Heppard, Mary, Glouoester, and Jacob Mills, Gloucester 1761 Nov. 14 Heppard, Sarah, Gloucester, and Jonathan Knight, Gloucester 1756 May 4 Hepperd, Anu, Waterford, and Jacob Rowand, Gloucester 1771 May 22 Herber, Rebecca, Burlington, and Daniel Earling, Burliugton 1768 Feb. 23 Herbert, Amej', Monmouth, and James Mott, Monmouth 1752 May 8 Herbert, Anne, Burlington, and John Allen, Burlington 1774 AprU 13 Herbert, Elizabeth, Middletown, aud John Cottrel, Middletown 1749 AprU 10 Herbert, Elizabeth, Upper Freehold, and Abraham Stout, Shrewsbury. 1755 Sept. 27 Herbert, Elizabeth, and Thigh Horner, Monmouth 1773 Feb. 26 Herbert, Hannah, and James Whitlock, Monmouth 1769 Dec. 11 Herbert, Lydia, and William Brewer, Monmouth 1742 May 19 Herbert, Mary, Middletown, aud George Pool, Middletown 1760 AprU 10 Herbert, Mary, Northampton, and John Norcross, New Hanover 1776 Jan. 2 Herd, Alice, Burlington, and John Forsith, Burlington 1756 Dec. 31 Herd, Mary, Middlesex, and Oyrinius Van Mater, Middletown 1759 Dec. 19 Herdon, Rachel, Bergen, and Jaoobus Van Norstrand, New Jersey . , 1 747 Aug. 8 Heritage, Sarah, Burlington, and Jacob Carman, BurUngton 1771 Oct. 5 Herriman, Hannah, and James Walker, Piscataway 1745 Deo. 21 Herring, Terissa, and Phillip Smith, Maidenhead 1786 Oct. 10 Herriot, Isabela, and Norris Thorp, Perth Amboy 1765 AprU 9 Herriot, Jennet, and Gershom Vanderberck 1750 Feb. 4 Herriot, Margaret, Woodbridge, aud Jonathan Sharp, New Brunswick. 1772 Oct. 8 Herriot, Mary, Woodbridge, and Reuben Fitz Randolph, Piscataway. 1757 Feb. 8 Herriot, Jane, Woodbridge, and Thomas Berry, Somerset 1758 Feb. 8 Herritage, Martha, Deptford, and Johu Williams, Gloucester 1755 May 25 Herung, Margaret, and Isaac Britton, Hunterdon 1778 AprU 25 Hervy, Elizabeth, and Valentine Bryant, Hunterdon 1784 AprU 17 Heulings, Bathsheba, Burlington, and Edward Chapman, Burlington. 1741 Oct. 22 . Heulings, Hester, Burlington, and John Newman, Philadelphia 1738 Sept. 12 Heulings, Hetty, Burlington, and James Smith, Burlington 1772 Jan. 13 Hewes, Elizabeth, and Jeremiah Foster, Glouoester 1783 Oct. 1 Hewes, Jemimah, Penus Neck, and Benjamin Thomson, PUes Grove. . 1764 Sept. 3 Hewes, Patience, and Robert Johnson, Gloucester 1775 July 20 Hewet, Jemimy, and Jeremiah String, Gloucester 1782 Mar. 20 Hewet, Judith, and Stephen Buck, Cape May 1780 July 4 Hewet, Rachel, Gape May, and Francis Taylor, Cape May 1770 June 1 Hewett, Rebecca, and Azariah Orin 1776 April 17 Hewit, Ann, Gloucester, and Laban Longstaff, Gloucester 1744 Deo. 10 Hewit, Anne, and WiUiam Howey, Burlington 1783 Aug. 4 Hewit, Esther, and Levi Hand, Cape May 1774 Nov. 8 Hewit, Susannah, Gloucester, and John Richards, Greenwich 1770 Mar. 7 Hewitt, Abigail, aud Benjamin Southward, Cumberland 1773 April 21 Hewitt, Elizabeth, Bucks, Pa., and Eobert Stretchbury, Bucks, Pa. ...1729 Oct. 16 Hewlett, Eachel, Middlesex, and Joseph Shreve, Monmoutb 1771 Sept. 14 Hewlings, Elizabeth, BurUngton, and Isaac Merritt, Buriington 1782 Mar. 21 Hewlings, Esther, Burlington, and Seth Lucas, Burlington 1760 Nov. 24 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 201 Hewlings, Hannah, and Benjamin Lippincott, Burlington 1783 Hewlings, Mary, Burliugton, and Moses Lippincott, Burlington 1778 Hewlings, Mary, Burlington, and Joseph Moore, Burlingtoa 1783 Hewlings, , Burlington, and Jonathan Crispin, Burlington 1770 Hews, Elizabeth, and William Freeman, Burlington 1758 Hews, Louisa, and James Mackafferty, Gloucester 1785 Hewstice, Hannah, Evesham, aud Samuel Reeves, Burlington 1747 Heyer, Anne, Middletown, and Honnes Vanpelt, Middletown 1755 Heyer, Sarah, Morris, and Garret Eoff, Morris 1778 Hibbard, Elizabeth, and Thomas Smith 1701 Hibbard, Martha 1730 Hibbard, Rachel, Blockley, Pa., and John Pearson, Darby, Pa 1735 Hibbs,. Ann, Bucks, Pa., and Ralph Smith, Bucks, Pa 1761 Hibbs, Elizabeth, Pennsylvania, and Charles AVatts, Pennsylvania .... 1735 Hibbs, EUzabeth, and Patrick Kelly ..,;.. 1742 Hibbs, Elizabeth, and William Brooks, Bucks, Pa 1782 Hickbee, Sarah, Egg Harbor, aud John Smith, Gt. Egg Harbor 1758 Hickles, Susannah, New B'nsw'k, and William AVilliamson, Middlesex. 1739 Hickman, Mary, and Henry Jeanes, Salem 1778 Hickman, Ruth, Gt. Egg Harbor, and Samuel Scull, Gloucester 1 745 Hickman, Theodosia, Barlington, and Peter Kester, Burlington 1773 Hicks,. Elizabeth, Bucks, Pa., and Augustin Willett, Bucks, Pa 1770 Higbee, Alice, and Thomas Land, Burlington 1763 Higbee, Mary, Hunterdon, and Robert Fearson, Burlington 1764 Higbee, Sarah, Burlingtou, and Daniel Bates, Gloucester 1746 Higbey,. Mary, Burlington, and John Heustis, Burlingtou 1765 Higby, Alice, aud Thomas Somers, New Jersey 1780 Higginbottom, Dorothy, Burlington, and Benjamin Fumes, B'lington. . 1745 _Higgins, Anne, Middlesex, and Robert Davidson, Monmouth 1742 Higgins, Bridget, Burlington, and John Rhodes, Burlington 1733 Higgins, Mary, Middlesex, and Isaac Lyons, Charles Co., Md 1757 Higgins, Sofiah, Essex, and David Oliver, Essex 1760 Higgs, Anue, and Joseph Brown, Burlington 1759 Higings, Mary, and Daniel GUman, Burlington 1762 Hilderbrand, Elinor, Salem, and Erasmus Kent, Salem 1770 Hildreth, Phoebe, Cape May, and Matthew Whildin, Cape May 1771 HUdreth, Priscella, Cape May, and Shamgar Hand, Cape May 1772 Hildreth, Prissilla, and Benjamin Southard, Cape May 1789 HUe, Rebecca, Salem, and Joseph Zane, Salem 1750 HiU, Ann, Chesterfield, and Samuel Wheatcraft, Chesterfield 1773 HU], Catherine, and Leonard Cam, Morris 1778 HUl, Elizabeth, and Jonathan Hutchinson, Burlington 1 771 HUl, Mary, and George AVillbouse, Burlington 1685 HiU, Mary, and Samuel Reeves 1735 HiU, Mary, Monmouth, and Joseph Roberts, Monmouth 1764 Hill, Mary, Hunterdon, and Jedediah Higgins, Hunterdon 1774 Aug. lo Oct. 3 May 12 May 14 Sept. 25 Jan. 13 Jan. 13 Nov. 20 June 17 Mar. 19 July 9 Dec. 10 June 5 Feb. 14 Oct. 3 Oct. 7 Jan. 22 Feb. 3 Nov. 14 Dec. 4 Oct. 2 Nov. 23 April 12 April 4 Jan. 29 Jau. 3 Aug. 23 Jan. 25 Oct. 16 Dec. 6 April 19 Aug. 14 Dec. 18 April 23 April 22 Feb. 27 May 22 Deo. 17 May 26 Oct. 17 Feb. 25 Nov. 9 Jan. 2 Jan. 3 May 17 202 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCtlMENTS. Hill, Rebecca, Salem, and Joseph Zaines, Salem 17.o0 HUl, Sarah, and Joshua Thompson, Salem 1733 Hill, Sarah, Amwell, and Benjamin Thompson, Amwell 1774 HiUard, Catherine, Richm'd, N. Y., and Thomas Totten, R'm'd, N. Y. .1760 Hillegas, Mary, and John Jennings, Philadelphia 1754 HUliar, Hannah, and Hugh CostiU, Burlington 1787 Hilliard, Eachel, Burlington, and Levi Sharp, Burlington 1777 HiUier, Elizabeth, Burlington, and John Prise, Evesham 1770 HiUman, Amy, aud Joseph Crawford, Gloucester 1777 HiUman, Elizabeth, aud Levi Ellis, Gloucester 1783 HUlman, Laetitia, and John Bates, Gloucester 1783 HiUman, Margaret, and John Eastlack, Gloucester. 1735 Hillman, Mary, and James Robeen, Gloucester 1779 HUlman, Sarah, and Isaac EUis, Gloucester 1785 Hillyard, Mary, Gloucester, and Abraham Hammitt, Gloucester 1747 Hillyer, Mary, BurUngton, and Jouathan Atkinson, Burlington 1767 Hilman, Susanna, and Frederick King, Salem 1751 HUyery, Sarah, Gloucester, and John Hammet, Gloucester 1745 Hinchman, Abigail, and John Kaighin, Gloucester 1732 Hinchmau, Aun, Evesham, and Israel Small, Evesham 1763 Hinchmau, Ann, and John ScuU, Waterford 1773 Hinchman, Deborah, Glouoester, and William Hepherd, Goucester. ..1735 Hinchman, Hanuah, Gloucester, and James Gill, Gloucester 1747 Hinchman, Liticia, Gloucester, aud Thomas Thorne, New York 1727 Hinchman, Mary, Gloucester, and Joseph Ellis, Gloucester. 1760 Hinchmau, Sarah, Gloucester, and Thomas Bispham, Burlington 1754 Hinds, Mary, and Patrick Mellon, Bucks Co., Pa 1778 Hinds, Priscilla, Morris, and Robert Willson, Morristown 1780 Hingerson, Hannah, Salem, and Thomas Rowse, Salem 1746 Hisher, Mary, Chester, and John AA'"orinton, Chester 1772 Hisson, Sarab, and John Scott, Shrewsbury 1779 Hivenor, Margaret, Hopewell, and Philip Snook, Amwell , 1773 Hixson, Elizabeth, and Jonathan Kose, Hunterdon 1779 Hixson, Sarab, and George Reed, Hunterdon 1781 Hoar, Catharine, and Johu Land, BurUngton 1778 Hockley, Mary, Philadelphia, and John Shubart, Philadelphia 1733 Hodge, Anne, Salem, and Nicholas Gibbin, Salem 1731 Hodge, Phoebe, Salem, and Joseph Vanneman, Salem 1769 Hodges, Jane, Gloucester, and James Dubury, Gloucester 1727 Hodgins, Anne, and John Hill, Burlington 1770 Hodgkinson, Elizabeth, Burliugton, and John Smith, Burlington 1780 Hodson, Anne, Burlington, and James Kemings, Burlington 1727 Hoff, Abigail, Monmoutb, and Benjamin Britten, Middlesex 1762 Hoff, Ann, and Leigh Amos, Hunterdon 1782 Hoff, Charity, and Henry Bowne, Hunterdon 1784 Hoff, EUzabeth, Monmoutb, and Andrew Main, Monmoutb 1759 Deo. 1? AprU 13 Nov. 16 Not. 22 Sept. 3 AprU 2 Oct. 28 Deo. 6 July 23 Mar. 13 Mar. 29 Not. 8 April 9 July 14 June 9 Deo. 7 Oct. 7 Dec. 12 Not. 28 Oct. 13 Not. 8 Mar. 1 May 28 July 29 Jan. 1 Feb. 18 AprU 3 Aug. 31 Mar. 17 AprU 11 May 22 April 1 Jan. 8 Jan. 29 Feb. 5 Not. 24 Mar. 16 Oct 4 June 19 June 2 Sept. 28 July 21 July 15 Oct. 23 June 30 Mar. 20 Marriage licenses. 203 Hoff, Elizabeth, and Noah Reed, Hunterdon ~ 1780 Hoff, Frances, and Stacy Taylor, Bucks, Pa 1785 Hoff, Hannah, Sussex,' and Abraham Vanhorn, Sussex 1763 Hoff, Lititia, Barlington, and William Budd, Jr., Burliugton 1767 Hoff, Mary, Monmouth, and Alexander Clark, Monmouth 1763 Hoff, Patience, and Timothy Titus, Hunterdon 1779 Hoff, Rebecca, and Peter Brokaw, New Jersey 1783 Hoff, Sarah, Trenton, and Thomas Pearson, Burlington 1739 Hoff, Theodosia, Kingwood, and Joseph Stout, Hunterdon 1765 Hoffener, Mary, Shrewsbury, and Hannes Jacob Redecker, Shrewsb'y. 1751 Hoffham, Margaret, Salem, and Andreas AValty, Salem 1745-6 Hoffman, Elianor, and Richard Batten, Gloucester 1763 Hoffman, Mary, Hunterdon, and Abraham Lane, Hunterdon 1773 Hoffman, Mary, and Daniel Keen, Salem 1784 Hoffman, Eebecca, and WiUiam Bittle, Salem 1781 Hoffman, Sarah, and Philip Prost, Hunterdon 1778 Hoffman, Susanna, and Jacob Halyard, Salem 1767 Hoffman, Susannah, Gloucester, and Isaac Shute, Gloucester 1763 Hoffmire, Elizabeth, Middletown, aud John Bower, H.allafax 1767 Hoffmire, Lidy, Monmouth, and Lewis Morris, Monmoath 1763 Hoffmire, Mary, Monmouth, and Eichard Holoway, Monmouth 1758 Hoffmire, Mener, Middletown, and Benjamin Thorpe, Middletown.. . .1761 Hoffmire, Rebecca, Monmouth, and Jamos Rice, Moninouth 1736 Hofman, Deborah, Salem, and Francis Batten, Gloucester 1763 Hofmire, Mary, Middletown, aud Martin Vandyk, Shrewsbury 1759 Hogben, Elizabeth, and Jeremiah Sneathen, Alloways Creek 1747 Hogeland, Agnes, Amwell, and Aaron Warford, Kingwood . , 1773 Hogeland, Jaoomintie, Somerset, and Garret Hogeland, Somerset 1742 Hogeland, Magdelin, Somerset, and Denis Stryker, Somerset 1746 Hogg, Catharine, and Matthew Hixson, Hunterdon 1779 Hogg, Mary, Philadelphia, and James Wharton, PhUadelphia 1754 Hogland, Rebekah, Alexandria, and John Tomson, Jobn 1784 Hogland, Anne, Amwell, and Roleff Schanck, Amwell 1764 Hoglen, Lytie, Somerset, and Richard Compton, Somerset 1749 Hogling, Leah, Amwell, and John Pettinger, Amwell 1774 Hogsflesh, Dorothy, Pennsylvania, and Jonathan Hood, Pennsylvania. 1727 Holbard, Mercy, Burlington, and Ezekial Wright, Burlington 1 739 Holcomb, Sarah, and Isaac Leech, Pennsylvania 1781 Holcombe, Mary, and Thomas Holcombe, Hunterdon 1783 Holden, Hannah, Cape May, and Benjamin Taylor, Cape May 1768 Holden, Mary, Cape May, and Daniel Hewitt, Cape May 1764 Holder, Tacey, Burlington, and William Davidson, Burlington 1746 Holding, Mary, and Josiah Cresse, Cape May 1 737 Holeman, Grace, and PhUip Colon 1739 HoUey, Sarah, and Nicholas Simkins, Great Egg Harbour 1775 HoUinshead, Sarah, and Jonathan Fithian, Salem 1786 Dec. 9 Jan. 1 Dec. 9 July 18 Nov. 7 Feb. 6 Dec. 12 Jan. 29 Dec. 11 Dec. 10 Mar. 10 Dec. 15 Feb. 1 Nov. 7 April 11 Feb. 24 Nov. 27 Aug. 3 Feb. 25 May 30 Feb. 10 Sept. 30 Nov. 22 Dec. 22 Mar. 14 Juue 13 Nov. 29 Aug. 30 Dec. 1 Mar. 8 Nov. 2 Mar. 23 June 14 July 11 Oct, 10 Oct. 31 Nov. 1 Feb. 6 May 21 Oct. 3 Feb, 1 Oct. 4 Sept. 26 Deo. 1 AprU 29 Nov. 28 204 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. HoUinsett, Nelly, and Michael Blue HoUinshead, Agnes, Burlington, aud Samuel Treat, Burlington 1774 Got. 13 HoUinshead, Eleanor, Salem, and Francis Palmer, Philadelphia 1742 Feb. 10 HoUinshead, Hanuah, and Thomas Gill, Burlingtou 1743-4 Jan. 9 HoUinshead, Hannah, Chester, and Peter AVard, Chester 1745 Feb. 28 HoUinshead, Jerusha, and Joseph HoUinshead, Burlingtou 1759 Aug. 30 HoUinshead, Martha, and Aaron Peterson, Cumberland 1779 Mar. 25 HoUinshead, Sarah, and Samuel Barnes, Salem 1738 Ma/ 20 HoUinshead, Zilas, and John HoUinshead, Burlingtou 1787 Deo. 5 HoUoway, Ann, Chesterfield, and Robert Rogers, Middlesex 1763 Deo. 28 HoUoway, Margaret, Gloucester, aud Samuel Boggs, Gloucester 1762 April 21 HoUt, Catharine, Shrewsbury, and George AVest, Shrewsbury 1759 May 15 Holm, Phebe, Gloucester, and Aaron Ward, Gloucester 1732 July 22 Holman, Catherine, and Peter Sunderland, Somerset 1778 May 25 Holman, Elizabeth, and John Cox, Monmouth 1768 Jan. 1 Holman, Jane, and Henry Vantilbury, Kingston 1778 , July 14 Holme, Haunah, Salem, and Benjamin Holme, Jr., Salem 1750 Deo. 24 Holme, Martha, Gloucester, and Jonathan Borden, Gloucester 1754 Mar. 26 Holme, Ruth, Bucks, Pa., and AVUliam Shallcross, Bucks, Pa 1733 April 11 Holmes, Agnes, Gloucester, and Jobn Avise, Gloucester 1765 April 8 Holmes, Alice, Freehold, and John Vanbrakle, Freehold 1749 Feb. 28 Holmes, Alice, and Daniel Ketcham, Monmouth 1771 Mar. 27 Holmes, Anna, Cumberland, and Daniel Clark, Camberland 1761 Aug. 11 Holmes, Catherine, Freehold, and Hendrick Schenck, Freehold 1749 Feb. 28 Holmes, Catharine, and Roeleff Hageaman, Somerset 1780 Sept. 9 Holmes, Deliverance, Middletown, and AVUliam Owen, Middletown. . .1759 April 6 Holmes, Eleanor, and AVUliam Terry, Bucks, Pa 1756 May 26 Holmes, Hannah, Shrewsbury, and David Vanschaiok, Freehold 1757 May 23 Holmes, Mary, Monmouth, and Peter Imlay, Monmouth 1762 Jan. 25 Holmes, Mary, Monmouth, and Samuel Ellison, Middlesex 1762 Feb. 9 Holmes, Eebecca, and Asher Cox, Monmouth 1768 Sept. 28 Holmes, Rebeckah, Middletown, and Gisbert Tice, Freehold 1756 Mar. 2 Holmes, Rhode, M iddletowu, and Jobn Schanck, M iddletown .- . 1772 Deo. 25 Holmes, Sarah, Monmoutb, and John Throckmorton, Monmouth 1739 Deo. 24 Holmes, Sarah, Monmouth, and Joseph Saltar, Monmouth 1756 April 3 Holmes, Susanna, Middlesex, and John TiUyer, New Jersey 1745 AprU 18 Holmes, Alice, and Eichard Perry, Northampton 1757 Sept. 14 Holstead, Easter, Shrewsbury, and Layton Romine, Shrewsbury. 1762 Dec. 4 Holstead, Saray, Monmouth, and Jonathan Emons, Monmouth 1767 Sept. 9 Hoisted, Rebeckah, Shrewsbury, and Thomas Wainright, Shrewsbury. 1762 Jan. 26 Hoisted, Abigail, Monmouth, and James EusseU, Monmouth 1741 Sept. 5 Holston, Margarett, Pilesgrove, and Eobert Plummer, Pilesgrove 1769 Oct. 24 Holt, Dorcas, Philadelphia, and Arthur Buchanan, Lancaster, Pa 1733 July 22 Holt, Elinor, and Joseph Chew, Philadelphia 1742 Deo. 13 Holt, Sarah, Bucks, Pa. , and Isaac Walton, Philadelphia 1737 Aug. 25 Holton, Bridget, and AVUliam Homman, Gloucester 1756 Dec. 16 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 205 Holwey, Mary, Middlesex, and Henry Lake, Middlesex 1740 Homan, Mary, Gloucester, and Jeremiah Adams, Glouoester 1738 Homer, Peggy, and Nicholas Luudbek 1783 Horioe, AUet, Freehold, and William AdudeU, Freehold 1767 Honce, Phebe, Freehold, and Joseph Wood, Freehold 1766 Hood, Deborah, Philadelphia, and .John Johnson, Philadelphia 1732 Hood, Mary, Chester, Pa., and H eury" Clarke, Chester, Pa 1731 Hood, Eaohel, Cumberland, and Samuel Harris, Cumberland 1761 Hooff, Henrietta, and Benjamin Ford, Chester, Pa 1784 Hooghland, Mary, and Peter Montfort, Somerset 1783 Hooglaud, Abigail, Hunterdon, aud Isaac Demott, Hunterdon 1770 Hooglaud, Jenny, Somerset, and Cornelius Nevius, Somerset 1783 Hooglaud, Mary, and John Fisher, Huuterdon 1778 Hooglaud, Phebe, Sussex, and Vincent Dey, Middlesex 1775 Hoogland, Phoebe, and John Simonson, Somerset 1781 Hooper, Anne, Middlesex, and Isaac Cubberly, Burlington 1749 Hooper, Anne, and Henry Perine, Middlesex 1769 Hooper, Isabella, and Jobn Johnston, Perth Amboy 1768 Hooper, Lucretia, Northampton, and John Pippit, Northampton 1784 Hooper, Mary, and Robert Thompson 1779 Hooper, Rachel, Burlington, and Samuel Murrell, Burlington 1749 Hooper, Sarah, Kingsbury, and AVUliam Pidgeon. Trenton 1758 Hoper, {?), and Abraham Ackerman, Bergeu 1764 Hopewell, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Benjamin Cooper, Glouoester. .. 1759 Hopewell, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Samuel Cox, Burliugton 1775 Hopewell, Martha, and Aaron Bryan, Burlingtou 1783 Hopewell, Mary, Burlington, and Jabez Eldredge, Burlington 1776 Hopewell, Mary, Burlington, - and James Hayburn, Philadelphia 1781 Hopewell, Sarah, Gloucester, and Jeremiah Jones, Gloucester 1759 Hopkins, Martha, Salem, and John McKoan, Salem 1764 Hopkison, Margaret, Burliugton, and Thomas AA'right, Burlington . . . 1729 Hoppe, Aaltie, Bergen, and John Hoppe, Bergen 1771 Hoppe, Catharine, Bergen, and Audries Hoppie, Bergen 1773 Hopper, Abigail, Bergen, and Andrew Christie, Bergen 1768 Hopper, Adriange, and Jacobus Beam, Bergen 1790 Hopper, Ann, and .John Van Nortwick, Somerset 1783 Hopper, Charity, and Garret A. Ackerman, Bergen 1790 Hopper, Gesche, and Jacob Demarest, Bergen 1788 Hopper, Hester,- and Jacob Banta, Bergen 1789 Hopper, Margaret, and Garret Hopper, Bergen 1780 Hopper, Maritie, Hackensack, and Isaac Vangiesou, Hackensack 1744 Hopper, Mary, and Thomas Chapple, Bergen 1787 Hopper, Polly, Bergen, and Joost Zabriskie, Bereen 1772 Hopper, Sarah, Deptford, and Charles West, Deptford 1772 Hopper, Sarah, and Richard Borden, Gloucester 1788 Hoppman, Elizabeth, Salem, aud Elijah Barber, Gloucester. 1772 April 13 Feb. 21 Jan. 5 Nov. 13 Aug. 29 July 24 July 21 Nov. 18 Aug. 25 May 6 May 9 Aug. 29 Nov. 14 Nov. 28 Oct. 12 Mar. 9 Dec. 7 April 19 Jan. 30 Jan. 26 Sept. 17 Mar. 29 Oct. 6 Oct. 18 Mar. 6 Nov. 2 Dec. 26 Dec. 30 Dec. 24 May 3 Jan. 13 Sept. 18 July 20 Aug. 19 Mar. 20 Oct. 16 Aug. 2 June 23 Dec. 16 April 17 Mar. 17 Aug. 2 Dec. 6 Jan. 19 June 16 Dec. 1 206 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Hoppock, Catharine, Hunterdon, and Jacob Fulper, Hunterdon 1774 Horn, Elizabeth, and John Cavanagh, Hunterdon 1779 Horn, Ellinnor, Upper Freehold, and Legget Smith, Upper Freehold 1762 Horn, Hannah, Earitan Landing, and Joseph French, New Jersey. . . , 1749 Horn, Hesther, Monmouth, and Martin Mirs, Monmouth 1762 Horn, Jane, Monmouth, and John Perkins, Monmouth 1738 Horn, Judah, and George Peterson, Gloucester 1781 Horne, Joan, Burlington, and Eobert Ingall, Burlington 1684 Horner, Anu, and Robert Heaton, BurUngton 1795 Horner, Anna, and Thomas Soott, AVoolwich 1771 Homer, Deliverance, and George Clevinger. Burlington 1737 Horner, Hannah, Burlington, and James Garwood, Burlington 1756 Homer, Mary, Burlington, and Isaac Walker, Burlington 1728 Horner, Mary, and John Clevenger, Monmouth 1760 Horner, Mary, and John Miller, Monmouth 1761 Horner, Rachel, and Charles Taylor, Burlington 1736 Homer, Rebecca, Burlington, and Jonathan Borden, Jr., Burlingtou ,. 1743 Horner, Sarah, aud Moses Lambert, Monmouth 1737 Hornes; Hope, Gloucester, and John Small, Deptford 1767 Hornet, Phebe, Middlesex, and Ephraim Jones, Middlesex 1773 Homor, Charity, and Jacob GrigUug, Monmouth 1759 Horsefield, Mary, Monmouth, and Emir Jackson, Monmouth 1739 Horseman, Hannah, Monmouth, and Richard Bartley, Monmouth 1744 Horsfield, Martha, and John Hunt, Hunterdon 1768 Horsfield, Mary, Long Island, N. Y., and John Middagh, L. I., N. Y..1760 Horsley, Mary, Salem, and AVUliam Pope, Salem. ... 1702 Horsmau, Mary, Monmouth, and James Jackson, Monmoutb 1749 Hort, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Solomon Eldridge, Burlington 1744 Hort, Lydia, Burlington, and Johu Hore, Burlington 1736 Hort, Mary, and Gabriel Puueo 1749 Hortmann, Christian, and William Golden, :Hunterdou 1777 Hortman, Martha, Glouoester, and James Bright, Gloucester 1729 Horton, Esther, and AVUliam Bush, Somerset 1777 Hosea, Mare.y, and James Stephenson, Cumberland 1778 Hosel, Sarah, Salem, and AVUliam Lock, Gloucester 1772 Hosher, Barshabe, and Cumlass String, Great Egg Harbour 1762 Hoskins, Rachel, Barlington, and Richard Milliken, Burlington 1759 Hotchson, Sarah, and Johu Biggerlee, Bucks, Pa 1 ... 1755 Houghf, Martha, and David Bunting, Bucks, Pa 1757 Houghton, Alee, aud Abraham Stout, Hunterdon 1774 Houghton, Eve, and John Schenck, Middlesex , . 1768 Houghton, Mary, and Arthur Sutphen, Somerset 1779 HouU, Jane, Freehold, aud James A^an Kirk, Freehold 1767 Hoult, Sarah, and Edward Eglington, Byllingsport 1685 House, Mary, Mount Holly, and Patrick Quigg, Mount Holly 1772 Housel, Agnis, and James Saltar, Amwell 1785 May 7 Jan. 2 Nov. 29 Jan. 3 Oct. 4 June 6 Sept. 29 July 4 Jan. 8 Nov. 12 July 19 May 22 Deo. 4 Mar. 9 July 21 June 15 Sept. 14 Sept. 12 June U July 19 May 6 Oct. 19 July 13 May 18 July 9 Nov. 2 May 26 Deo. 31 Deo. 27 Sept. 14 June 28 July 23 June 18 May 10 Sept 24 Deo. 6 Dec. 18 Jan. 16 Feb 24 Jan. 19 April 2 Got. 14 Sept. 19 May 11 May 28 Jan. 18 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 207 Houseman, Christian, Springfield, and Peter Slim, BurUngton 1759 Houseman, Mariche, and Michael B. Terhune, Bergen 1790 Houysman, Mary, Bergen, and Cornelius Taleman, Bergen 1760 How, Martha, Burliugton, and .Abell Scull, Gloucester 1749 Howard, Mary, and Richard Watson, Burlington 1756 Howard, Rebecca, and Joseph Soper, New Jersey 1779 Howe, Martha, Trenton, and AA'illiam Lowrey, Huuterdon 1779 Howel, Rachel, and James Gardenner, Gloucester 1781 HoweU, AbigaU, and John Guild, Hunterdon 1780 Howell, Anne, Burlington, and Walter Reeve, Burlington 1682 HoweU, Anne, Woodbridge, and AVUliam AValker, Woodbridge 1 741-42 HoweU, Mary, and George Pasco, Jamaica, West Indies 1773 Howell, Pheebe, and John Soudder, Trenton . . 1733 Howell, Pheebe, Huuterdon, and Job Phillips, Hunterdon 1764 Howell, Rachel, Salem, and James Cahalin, Salem 1761 Howell, Ruth, and Johu Cannaday ] 780 Howell, Sarah, and Johu Sparks, Deptford 1773 HoweU, Sarah, and John Dowdney, Cumberland 1773 Howell, Tamon, and Richard Bond, Cumberland 1781 Howgen, Hannah, Perth Amboy, and Philip Fall, Perth Amboy 1757 Howlan, Ruth, Monmouth, and John Allen, Monmouth 1755 Howie, Mary, Burlington, aud Ihomas AVood, Burlington 1685 Howton, Mary, Gloucester, and Caleb Hewitt, Gloucester 1763 Hoyle, Michael, Philadelphia, and John Read, Philadelphia 1737 Hubbell, Elizabeth, Elizabethtown, and Thomas Skinner, Perth Amb'y. 1750 Hubbs, Mary, and John Bishop, Gloucester 1778 Huber, Rebecca, Burlington, and John ReeTes, Burlington 1770 Huckings, Mary, Salem, and John Alen, Salem 1686 Huckings, Susanna, Salem, and Soger Garrison, Salem 1738 Hude, Ann, and RaTaud Kearney, Middlesex 1766 Hudger, Judith, and Ellis Hughes, Cape May 1786 Hudges, Judith, and Nathaniel Foster, Cape May 1787 Hudleson, Elizabeth, Bucks, Pa., and George AValker, Bucks, Pa. . . . 1761 Hadnot, Kachal, and James Larason 1783 Hudson, Ann, Salem, and Samuel Woodhouse, Salem 1699 Hudson, Hannah. Philadelphia, and Abel Preston, Philadelphia 1731 Hudson, Hanuah, Salem, and Thomas Dickeson, Salem 1773 Hudson, Sarah, Philadelphia, and John Langdale, Philadelphia 1737 Hues, Ann, and William Sbute, Gloucester 1750 Hueston, Agnes, and Patrick Story, Sussex 1777 Huff, Ann, aud Matthew Colsher, Somerset 1768 Huff, Rachel, and Abraham Prall, Amwell 1772 Huffmire, Catharine, Middletown, and Samuel Romine, Shrewsbury . . 1 762 Hugg, Anu, Gloucester, and John Heritage, Burlington 1741 Hugg, Ann, and John Hampton, Gloucester 1782 Hugg, Hannah, Barlington, and AVUliam Ashburn, Burlington 1750 April 12 July 24 April 7 April 16 Aug. 13 Feb. 2 Dec. 31 Feb. 16 Dec. 29 Nov. 11 Mar. 23 July 5 Feb. 2 AprU 13 Sept. 9 Nov. 28 Jau. 28 Nov. 20 Dec. 28 Nov. 9 Feb. 26 Nov. 3 May 31 July 30 Feb. 2 Not. 31 Sept. 29 Aug. 10 May 30 Dec. 31 Deo. 7 Oct. 5 Dec. 2 Oct. 11 Jan. 22 Sept. 29 Oct. 19 Deo. 30 April 21 Dec. 6 Nov. 14 Sept. 9 Dec. 9 Aug. 22 Oct. 15 July 1 208 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Hugg, Hannah, Northampton, and Lawrence AA'ebster, Evesham 1764 Hugg, Hannah, Gloucester, and Thomas Ashton, Gloucester 1771 Hugg, Lizy, New Jersey, and Robert F. Price, New Jersey 1766 Hugg, Patience, Gloucester, and John Estlack, Gloucester 1741 Hugg, Priscilla, Gloucester, and John Chattin, Gloucester 1740 Hugg, Sarah, Gloucester, and Benjamin Bates, Gloucester 1766 Hugh, Mary, Chester, Pa. , aud Jeremiah Ellis, Chester, Pa 1734 Hughes, Dorcas, Glouoester, and Abraham Chattin, Gloucester 1752 Hughes, Elizabeth, and AVUliam Peterson, Salem 1746 Hughes, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and Andrew Kind, Gloucester 1768 Hughes, Elizabeth, and Timothy Brandreth, Cape May 1776 Hughes, Elizabeth, aud John Hugg, Gloucester 1779 Hughes, Esther, and Thomas Anderson, Sussex 1781 Hughes, Experience, Cape Maj', and John CroweU, Cape May 1770 Hughes, Hannah, and WiUiam Fenton, Burliugton 1773 Hughes, Judith, Cape May, and Jacob Spicer, Cape May 1738 Hughes, Judith, and Richard Matthews, Cape May -. 1772 Hughes, Martha, and Memucam Hughes, Cape May 1761 Hughes, Martha, Cape May, aud Eeuben Swain, Cape May 1766 Hughes, Martha, and John Holson, Salem 1777 Hughes, Mary, Cape May, and Jesse Hughes, Cape May. 1763 Hughes, Mercy, and Asbury Smith, Cape May 1789 Hughes, Rachel, and John Lippincott, Burlington .' 1779 Hughes, Sarah, and John Stotesbury, Sussex 1783 Hughes, Susannah, Cape May, and Elisha Bancroft, Cape May 1773 Hughes, Zeruiah, Cape May, and David Bowen, Cumberland. ., 1775 Hughs, Dorothy, Gloucester, and Jobn Allaways, Burlington 1740 Hugins, Barbary, Salem, and Samuel Barber, Salem 1764 Hulet, EUzabeth, Monmouth, and Daniel Applegate, Monmouth. . . . 1745 Hulet, Hannah, Monmoutb, and Elias King, Monmouth 1757 Hulet, Margaret, Monmoutb, and Samuel Edwards, Monmouth 1749 Hulett, Mary, Monmouth, and Christopher Jones, Monmouth 1745 Hulit, Johannah, Monmoutb, and Joseph Morris, Monmouth 1755 Hulit, Rachel, Monmouth, aud Jeremiah Brown, Monmouth 1755 Hull, Anne, Middlesex, and AA'illiam Jewell, Middlesex 1745 HuU, Anne, Mendham, and Joseph HUl, Bucks, Pa 1783 Hull, Elizabeth, and Jonathan Dayton, Essex 1746 Hull, Esther, Middlesex, and John Story, Middlesex 1741 Hull, Hannah, Piscataway, and Thomas Aspinwall, Piscataway 1743 Hull, Keziah, Middlesex, and Nathaniel Atchley, Middlesex 1764 Hull, Lydia, Middlesex Co., and Awry Longstreet, Middlesex 1754 Hull, Mary, Middlesex, and John Predmore, Burlingtou 1767 Hull, Rhoda, Middlesex, and Johu Martin, Middlesex 1752 Hulse, Ann, Monmouth, and John Brewer, Monmouth 1764 Hulse, Phebe, Monmouth, and AVUliam Vannest, Monmouth 1740 Hummer, Catharine, and John Fox, Hunterdon 1778 Mar. 22 Juue 19 Aug. 6 Aug. 1 May 16 Deo. 24 Oct. 7 April 28 June 12. April 18 Dec. 11 April 27 Nov. 13 Feb 13 July 29 June_10 July 10 Mar. 4 Nov. 3 Mar. 24 June 14 Nov. 9 Sept. 20 July 12 AprU 7 Nov. 11 Jan. 1 May 16 Jan. 31 Jan. 27 Oct 2 Deo. 7 Aug. 2 Oct. 18 Feb. 7 July 19 April 5 Aug. 1 July 28 July 2 May 6 Jan. 20 April 22 Mar. 1 Sept. 22 May 22 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 209 Humphreys, Rachel, and AVUliam Fenimore, Burlington 1742 Sept. 18 Humphries, Anua, Burlington, and Thomas Ellis, Gloucester 1765 April " 9 Hunloke, Martha, and Hugh Huddy 1701 May 6 Hunloke, Mary, and NeUn Randall, Burlington 1734 July 18 Hunn, Judith, Monmouth, and Uriah Carl, Monmouth 1755 July 9 Hunt, Abigail, Monmouth, and Hendrick Brewer, Monmouth 1763 Nov. 12 Hunt, Ann, Salem, and Mark Eeeve, Salem 1B86 Dec. 3 Hunt, Catherine, and John Marsh, Middlesex, 1767 April 22 Hunt, Catherine, and Jacob Anderson, Hunterdon 1785 Feb. 25 Hunt, Charity, and John Forman, Hunttrdon 1770 June 10 Hunt, Charily, and Gidion De Camp, Hunterdon 1773 Sept. 11 Hunt, Charity, and Jobn Drake, Huuterdon 1779 feb. 20 Hunt, Deborah, and Daniel Christopher, Hunterdon 1785 Sept. 18 Hunt, EUzabeth, and Enoch Nortbi'op 1769 Oct. 9 Hunt, Elizabeth, and James Johnston, Cumberland 1778 Sept. 23 Hunt, Hannah, and William Bainbridge, Hunterdon 1777 May 24 Hunt, Hannah, Maidenhead, and Joseph Smith, Trenton 1778 Sept. 28 Hunt, Jemimah, and WiUiam Ely, Trenton 1734 Mar. 25 Hunt, Keziah, Hunterdon, and Stephen BUes, Hunterdon 1737 Mar. 7 Hunt, Margaret, and James AVilson, AmwelL 1779 Jan. 25 Hunt. Mary, and Isaac HUl, Hunterdon 1781 Dec. 3 Hunt, Mere}', and George Jones, Essex 1768 Mar. 17 Hunt, Penelope, and John Leahy, Hunterdon 1784 Jan. 7 Hunt, Phebe, and John Furman, Hunterdon 1779 Mar. 30- Hunt, Ruth, and Stephen Hunt, Hunterdon 1787 May 12 Hunf, Sarah, and John Bell, Huuterdon 1769 May 5 Hunt, Sarah, and Jesse Hunt, Hunterdon 1781 June 30 Hunt, Susannah, and Pallmer PhUlips, Hunterdon 1783 May 21 Hunter, Anu, Salem, and James Dunlap, Salem 1746 Jan. 24 Hunter, Catherine, Sussex, and WiUianH Hendershot, Sussex 1773 Deo. 24 Hurff, Ursulla, Gloucester, and David Roe, Gloucester 1767 July 24 Hurley, Susannah, and Joseph Perry, Gloucester 1785 Feb. 24 Hurst, Elizabeth, and Jobn Githens, Gloucester 1774 Oct. 31 Hurst, Elenor, and Wilmou AVhildin, Cape May 1764 Aug. 8 Hurtsman, Susanna, Burlington, and Philip Hack, Burlington 1783 Jan. 6 Husbands, Catherine, Monmouth, and Benjamin Woolley, Jr., Mon'th. 1750 April 2 Husbands, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Daniel Jefferies, Monmouth 1743-4 Feb. 1 Husbands, Margaret, Shrewsbury, and Silas Woolley, Shrewsbury . . . 1752 April 27 Hussey, Rebecca, aud Owens Lemuer, Staten Island 1745 Jan. 13 Hasted, Elizabeth, and Richard AVhitecar, Cumberland 1756 Deo. 7 Huston, Elenor, and William Smith, Trenton 1778 May 31 Hutch, Elizabeth, Mansfield, and Joseph Shreve, Mansfield 1750 Aug. 28 Hutchason, Mary, and WiUiam Ely, Middlesex 1767 Mar. 17 Hutchen, Sarah, and John Eick,- Huuterdon 1782 Oct. 27 Hutchin, Mary, Burliugton, and Benjamin Fennimore, Burlington. . . .1774 Mar. 4 Hutchin, Sarah, Burlington, and Content Homer, Monmouth 1738 Oct. 31 14 July 12 Aug. 8 Mar. 24 Not. 10 Not. 30 June 21 Dec. 27 Jan. 21 May 2 Jnn. 16 Aug. 23 Feb 28 AprU 6 May ,4 Feb 23 Aug. 20 Sept. 13 Not. 22 May 19 Deo. 8 Deo. 3 2IO NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Hutchins, Margery, Barlington, and Thomas EUis, Barlington 1740 Hutchins, Rebecca, and James Clayton, BurUiigtou ,, 1771 Hutchinson, Abigail, and Daniel Dye, Middlesex 1773 Hutchinson, Anne, aud William Updike, Middlesex 1761 Hutchinson, Anne, and Joseph Wood, Upper Freehold 1768 Hutchinson, Catharine, and Morris Cox, Monmouth 1773 Hutchinson, Elizabeth, and AVUliam Stout, Burlington 1780 Hutchinson, Margaret, and Andrew Sim 1700-1 Hutchinson, Mary, Greenwich, and John Orin, Greenwich 1747 Hutchinson, Mary, Alloways Creek, and PhUip Penton, Alloways Cr'k.l749 Hutchinson, Mary, and Johu Robins, Upper Freehold 1768 Hutchinson, Rachel, and John Kinnan, Monmouth 1770 Hutchinson, Rebecca, aud Timothy Merrick, Bristol, Pa 1783 Hutchinson, Susannah, and Joseph Collins, Gloucester 1784 Huton, Elizabeth, Cape May, aud Benjamin L'.iughton, Cape May, 1739-40 Huttom, Ruth, Gloucester, and Thomas Clark, Gloucester 1746 Hutton, Eleanor, and Morris Hny, Burlingtou 1768 Hutson, Rachel, Cumberland, and Enoch Moore, Cumberland 1762 Huj'sman, Agnes, Bergen, and Hendrick V.ingieson, Hackensack. ... 1768 Hyde, Martha, and Josiah Smith, Hunterdon 1 782 Hyer, Johannah, Monmouth, aud Daniel Hall, Monmouth 1746 MALES. 1 Ichmormeau, John, Huuterdon, and Eachel I;ennoi'd 1780 Aug. 15 Ickle, Jacob, Gloucester, and Sarah Coffey, Gloucester 1763 Mar. 28 Imlay, Isaac, Monmouth, and Mary Lawrence 1 781 Imlay, Jobn, Hunterdon, and Jane King, Hunterdon 1764 Imlay, John, Middlesex, and Elizabeth De Bow 1773 Imlay, Nathaniel, Burlington, and Ann English 1771 Imlay, Peter, Monmouth, and Mary Holmes, Monmouth 1762 Imlay, Peter, Monmouth, and Euphemia Eeading 1772 Imlay, Robert, Monmoutb, and Margaret Starkey, Monmouth 1741 Indicott, John, Burliugton, aud Mary Gosling, Burlington 1728 Indicott, Joseph, Burlington, and Ann Gillam 1736 Ingall, Robert, Burlington, and Joan Home, Burlington 1684 Ingersol, Daniel, Gloucester, and Hannah Dole 1773 Ingersol. Ebenezer, Cape May, and Mary Scull 1761 IngersoU, Joseph, Gloucester, and M iry Eisley, Glouoester 1743 Ingersol, Joseph, Gloucester, and Mary Townsend , 1766 Ingerson, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Hannah Dole, Gloucester 1728 Ingerson, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Susannah Steelman 1738 Ingerson, Isaac, Gloucester, and Jemima Read 1775 Ingledew, Blackston, Philadelphia, and Mary Mickle, Gloucester 1736 Deo. 9 Ingliedue, Blackstone, Bucks, Pa., and Anne Rue 1761 May 20 Inglis, Thomas, Perth Ambo.y. and Elizabeth Louf berry, Perth Amboy. 1740 Deo. 10 Inglish, Benjamin, Burlington, and Sarah AVetherill 17*1 May 10 Cot. 10 Oct. 24 Feb 24 AprU 5 Jan. 25 April 13 Jan. 26 Mar. 22 May 12 July 4 Deo. 27 AprU 24 Jane 13 Feb. 15 Jan. 28 Jane 23 AprU 12 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 211 - Ingram, Benjamin, Cape May, and Sarah Hand, Cape May 1759 Ingram, John, Cape May, and Hannah Woodruff .1780 Ink, Peter, Bucks, Pa., and Zibyah Wilkinson, Bucks, Pa 1 769 Innman, Stephen, Monmouth, and Charity Spragg 1782 Inman, Aaron, Monmouth, and Rachel Grant, Monmouth 1747 Inman, Abel, Burlington, and Sarah Connarro, Barlington 1750 Inman, Benjamin, Burlington, and Jemima Brundidge, Burlington. . .1739 Inman, Job, Monmouth, and Phoebe Havens, Monmouth 1774 Inskeep, Abraham, Gloucester, and Sarah Ward, Gloucester. 1740 Inskeep, John, Burlington, and Elizabeth Buchanan 1758 Inskeep, James, Gloucester, and Mary Pattison, Evesham 1747 Inskeep, Joseph, Burlington, and Mary Matlack, Burlington 1728 Inskeep, Joseph, Salem, and Hannah McCulloch, Salem 1756 Inslee, Elisha, Woodbridge, and Elizabeth Gach, AVoodbridge 1744 Inslee, Jonathan, Jr., Woodbridge, and Grace Moore, AVoodbridge 1742 Inslee, Joseph, Hunterdon, and EUzabeth Lisoomb 1779 Irelan, Joseph, Cumberland, and Judith Johnson, Cumberland 1776 Irelan, Micajah, Cumberland, and Prudence Bacon, Cumberland 1776 Ireland, Amos, Gloucester, aud Elizabeth Cordwry 1781 Ireland, Daniel, Gloucester, and Phebe Steelman 1771 Ireland, Hezekiah, Gt. Egg Harbour aud Mary Dickson, Gt. Egg H'r. 1758 Ireland, John. Gloucester, and Elizabeth Price 1778 Ireland, Jonathan, Gloucester, and Mary GwIu.n 1777 Ireland, Joseph, Gloucester, and Ruth Coderry, Gloucester 1727 Ireland, Joseph, Cumbeiland, and Phebe Ireland, Cumberland 1762 Ireland, Joseph, Glouoester, and Mary Townsend 1767 Ireland, Reuben, Gloucester, and Deborah Gandy, Gloucester 1744 Ireton, Bedkar, Hunterdon, and Abigail Stockton, Hunterdon 1765 Ireton, John, Burlington, and Hanuah Stockton, Burlingtou 1762 Ireton, Obadiah, Burlington, aud Vashtie Fenton 1754 Ireton, Samuel, Burlington, and Achsah King 1779 Ireton, WUliam, Burlington, and Anne Reynolds, Burlington 1764 Iriok, John, Burlington, aud Mary Sailor, Burlington 1761 Irick, John, Burlington, and Mary Shinn 1781 Irons, Francis, Cape May, and Eunas Haud 1774 Irons, James, Jr., Monmouth, aud Nelle Longstreet, Monmouth 1752 Irvin, -Edward, Gloucester, and Sarah Woodath, Glouoester 1727 Irwin, Arthur, 29th Reg. of Foot, Sarah Simmons 1770 Irwin, James; Gloncester. and Sarah Chambers, Burlington 1744 Irwin, Thomas, Princeton, and Francis Paterson, Princeton 1768 Islestine, Jacob, Perth Amboy, and Phebe Cawood, AVoodbridge 171 9 Iselstine, Matthias, Jr., Perth Amboj', and Ann WUson, Perth Amboy. 1759 Iselstine, Eobert, and Hannah Loofbourrow, AVoodbridge 1756 Iselstine, Samuel, Middlesex, and Martha Nevill, Middlesex 1763 Mow, Isaac, Northampton, aud Anne Shinn, Northampton 1784 Iszard, John, Cape May, aud Mary Smith 1770 Oct. 25 Deo. 26 Nov. 28 April 8 June 1 July 23 Sept. 11 Dec. 15 Dec. 10 June 26 Sept. 22 lee. 19 Oct. 5 Aug. 18 Nov. 23 Feb. 4 April 24 May 1 July 2 July 15 July 24 Dec. 3 Dec. 13 Sept. 18 Nov. 9 April 21 Dec. 15 Mar. 29 May 23 Jan. 21 April 3 Oct. 1 Feb. 28 Feb. 26 Oct. 5 May 23 Nov. 23 Nov. 9 Nov. 1 Aug. 30 May 23 Sept. 25 April 27 July 23 Sept. 15 Dec. n 212 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Iszard, Reeves, Cape May, and Marcy Cressey, Cape May. . . . , 1761 Jan.. 12. Iszard, Simeon, Cape May, and Margaret Tompson 1774 Jan. 26 Ital, John George, Monmouth, and Mary Williams, Monmouth 1761 Jan. 12, Ivins, Aaron, Burlington, and Ann Cheshire, Burlington 1764 May f,! Ivins, Barzillia, Burlington, and Margaret Treudwell, Burlingtou. .. 1767 Oct. 8 Ivins, Daniel, Burlington, and Theodosia Hammell 1777 July jjg,; Ivins, David, Burlington, aud Deleh Conover 1783 Jan. 8,, Ivins, Isaac, Burlington, and Sarah Johnson 1711 AprU 26,, Ivins, John, Burlington, and Mary Lovett, Burlington 1776 Mar. 26 ! Ivins, Joseph, Burlington, and Haunah Everingham 1741 Oct. 22 Ivins, Samuel, Burlington, and Sarah Platt - 1 766 Dec. 20 j Ivins, Samuel, Burlington, aud Sarah Applegate 1779 Jan. II , Ivins, Solomon, Burlington, and Elizabeth Everingham, Burlington. .1742 Nov. 22, Ivins, Solomon, Burlington, and Susannah RockhUl, Burliugton 1770 May 25, Ivins, WilUam, Burliugton, and Priscilla Page, Burlington 1767 Aug, 1 ¦ Ivins, WiUiam, Burlington, and Mary French 1773 April 7 ¦ Izburn, John, and Ann Smallwood 1767 Nov. ' 9 -' FEMALES. 1 Imlay, AUce, and Moses Bunnel, Monmouth 1749 Dec. 12 Imlay, Margaret, Monmouth, aud Peter Tilton, Monmouth 1745 Jan, 29 Imlay, Margaret, and Abraham Chapman, Burlington 1767 Aug. ^1 Imlay, Mary, Monmouth, and Ebenezer Applegate, Monmouth 1743 July .9 Imlay, Theodocia, and Thomas Hittzheimer, Philadelphia 1792 Got. 15 ; Imley, Lucy, and William Taylor, Upper Freehold 1768 Dec. , S Imley, Parthena, and Jacob CowgiU, Burlington 1777 Nov. Ir Ingersall, Rachel, Burlington, and Uriah French. Burlington 1771 June 29 Ingersol, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and Joseph Edwards, Cape May 1752 Aug. 1 ' Ingersol, Hannah, Gloucester, and Andrew Steelman, Gt. Egg Harb'r. 1747 June '3 IngersoU, Elender, Gloucester, and John Camp, Gloucester 1740 Aug. 19 Ingerson, Mary, and Jonathan Addoms, Gloucester 1774 Oct. 21 Ingerson, Mary, and Andrew Lake, Gloucester 1777 Dec. 11 Ingerson, Susanna, and Joseph Edwards, Gape May 1776 Dec. " 9 Ingerson, Suzanah, and EUjah Townsend, Great Egg Harbour 1774 Oct. 24 ,' Ingle, Hannah, Evesham, and Josiah Sharp, Evesham - 1770 Aug. 16 Ingle, Sarab, Burlington, aud AVUliam Hackney, Burlington 1770 AprU 16' Ingler, EUzabeth, and Moses Adams, Mansfield 1772 Sept. 12 Inglis, AbigaU, Perth Amboy, and Robert Eastburn, Charlestown, S. 0. 1768 May 6 Inglis, Anna, Perth Amboy, and Samuel Noe, Perth Amboy 1761 Oct. 3^ Inglish, Elizabeth, Monmouth, aud Moses Laird, Monmouth 1765 Sept 4 j Ingliss, Elizabeth, Perth Amboy, and John SmUh, Perth Amboy 1742 July H'^ Ingosol, Jean, Gloucester, and Nicholas Soey, Gloucester 1743 Nov. 9 IngursoU, Elisabeth, and Ruddaok Townsend, Gloucester v 1765 July 25 Ingram, Sarah, Cape May, aud George Hand, Cape May 1771 June 3 Ingnum, Charity, Cape May, and William Billings, Cape May 1736 Feb. 19 Inman, Phebe, and John Sanders Stratton, Evesham 1779 June 14 : MARRIAGE LICENSES. 213 ¦Insby, Jane,l Essex, and Denis Dwyer, AVoodbridge 1758 •Siskeep, Anne, Burlington, and John English, Jr., Gloucester 1749 ¦[nskeep, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Samuel Tonkin, Burlington 1765 -Inskeep, Hope, and Samuel Jaggard, Gloucester 1785 -[nskeep, Mary, Barlington, and Jonathan Wrigbt, Burlington 1747 -Inskeep, Mary, and George Sparks, Gloucester 1779 Inskeep, PriscUla, and Benjamin Pine, Gloucester. 1773 Inskeep, Sarah, Gloucester, and John McColloch, Gloucester 1749 -Inskeep, Sarah, and Jacob Lamb, Barlington 1777 Inskip, Agnes, and Aquila Lippincott, Burlington 1784 Jnskoop, Mary, Burlington, and Jonathan Wright, Barlington 1747 .Inslee, Sarah, and Jacob PhUlips, Burlington 1 778 .Indicott, Ann, Burlington, aud Lucas GUlham, Burlington 1740 .Indicott, Mary, Burlington, and AVUliam Bishop, Burlington 1729 iDdioott, Mary, Burlington, and Jonathan Matlock, Burlington 1754 .Iradell, Hanriah, Burlington, and Joseph Allen, Burlington 1768 .IredaU, EUzabeth, and Joab Dobbins, Burlington 1777 ' Irelan, Dorcas, Cumberland, and Peter Halter, Salem 1770 Irelan, Lydia, Deerfield, and James White, Pittsgrove . . = 1773 .Irelan, Phebe, Cumberland, and Johu Miller, Cumberland 1777 ^'Ireland, Ann, Cumberland, and Jacob Duffel, Cumberland 1773 '.Ireland, Debourah, and Nehemiah Nicholson, Great Egg Harbour . . . 1737 Ireland, Deborah, and Owen Shepherd, Cumberland 1778 Treland, Jane, Middlesex, aud William Hankins, Jr., Middlesex 1751 Ireland, Jemima, and Steven Morress, Gloucester 1774 "_ Ireland, Mary, Gloucester, and John Smith, Gloucester 1732 'I Ireland, Mary, Cumberland, and Aaron Butcher, Cumberland 1762 'Ireland, Mary, and James HoUinshead, New Jersey 1765 Ireland, Mary, and Joshua Smith, Cape May 1777 ''Ireland, Phebe, Cumberland, and Joseph Ireland, Cumberland 1762 Ireland, Rebeccah, and Eichard Addams, Gloucester 1784 Ireland, Ruth, Gloucester, and Henry Woodward, Gloucester 1746 • Ireland, Ruth, and Daniel Edwards, Salem 1771 ; Ireland, Sarah, Great Egg Harbour, and Elias Smith, Gt. Egg Harb'r. 1760 ' Ireland, Sarah. Camberland, and Wittock Paulin, Cumberland 1778 ^Ireton, Elizabeth, Springfield, and David Stockton, Springfield 1761 Ireton, Haunah, and James Ellison, Barlington 1778 •¦Ireton, Mary, Burlington, and Jonathan Wright, Barlington 1754 ' Ireton, Susanna, Burlington, and Robert Chapman, Jr., Burlington. ..1728 Iron, Sarah, Monmouth, and John Grant, Monmouth 1750 -^rons, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and John Jeffery, Monmouth 1758 J' Irons, EUinnar, Shrewsbury, and Benjamin Smith, Shrewsbury 1767 \ Irons, Deborah, Shrewsbury, and Thomas Whie, Shrewsbury 1762 ¦ Irons, Joyce, Monmouth, aud John Barnett, Monmouth 1763 Mar. 11 Sept. 30 May 10 Aug. 4 June 15 AprU 13 Nov. 10 May 24 April 28 Jan. 15 June 15 Sept. 1 Feb. 10 Nov. 13 July 25 Jan. 6 Aug. 4 Feb. 17 Nov. 3 July 31 Deo. 16 Sept. 3 Not. 25 Dec. 2 Oct. 13 July 28 July 23 April 22 Mar. 5 Not. 9 June 26 — 22 Not. 4 Aug. 11 Deo. 4 Mar. 7 April 19 Mar. 18 Jan. 14 Not. 3 Aug. 7 Oct. 20 Sept. 4 July 26 I Query: Insley. 214 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Irvine, Prudence, and Enoch Eldridge, Gloucester 1785 Irwin, Hannah, Burlington, aud John Page, Burlington 1741 Isdall, Sarah, Burliugton, and John Brown, Pennsylvania , . 1775 Iselstine, Marj', Perth Amboy, and Lawrence Wessells," New York 1747 Islestine, Catherine, Perth Amboy, and James WUlson, Perth Amboy.. 1750 Islestine, Deborah, Perth Amboy, aud William Fuudran, Perth Amboy. 1752 Iszard, Elizabeth, Cumberland, and AViUiam Harris, Cape May 1750 Iszard, Jane, Cape May, and James AVhildin, Cape May 1761 Iszard, Martha, Cape May, and John Hughes, Cape May 1760 Iszard, Sarah, Cape May, and Daniel Holden, Cape May 1754 Iszard, Sarab, Cape May, and William Yates, Cape May 1762 Ivins, Acshah, Chester, aud John Sharp, Chester 1781 Ivins, Anna, Springfield, and William Shreve, Springfield 1756 Ivins, Anne, Mansfield, and Levy Nutt, Burlington 1748 Ivins, EUzabeth, and Wilson Hunt, Monmouth 1778 Ivins, Sarah, Burlingtou, and Richard Kelly, Burlington 1776 Ivins, Lydia, aud Silas Applegate, Burlingtou 1777 Ivins, Mary, Burlington, and Thomas Soattergood, Burlington 1766 Ivins, Rachel, and Edmund Hackney, Barlington 1789 Ivins, Sarah, Burlington, and Moses Pippit, Barlington 1775 Ivins, Sarah, Burlingtou, and Samuel AVardelle, Burlington 1777 Ivins, Susannah, and -John Sutton, Mansfield 1784 Izard, Priscilla, and Dauiel Peterson, Fairfield , 1760 Izard, Ehoda, Cumberland, and John Lanning, Cumberland 1773 Izzard, Jane, Cape May, and Henry Stevens, Cape May. . 1764 MALES. J Jackson, Benjamin, Monmouth, and Eebecca Green, Monmouth. .. .1760 Jackson, Emir, Monmouth, and Mary Horsefield, Monmouth 1739 Jackson, Emer, Monmouth, aud Jane English 1772 Jackson. Hugh, Monmouth, and Mary Wolcott, Monmouth 1745 Jackson, James, Monmouth, and Mary Horsman, Monmouth 1749 Jackson, John, Chester, aud Mary Moreton, Chester 1748 Jackson, Joseph, Pennsylvania, and Margaret Burgess, Pennsylvania. .1728 Jackson, Joseph, Barlington, and Margaret Moone 1734 Jackson, Joseph, Pennsylvania, aud Mary Eobinson. ... 1737 Jackson, Stephen, Morris, and Mary Burnett, Morris 1768 Jackson, Thomas, and Mary Aun Cheesman ... 1780 Jackson, Timothy, Burlington, and Aun Chambers 17'^8 Jackson, AVUliam, Monmouth, and Athaliah Slocom 1751 Jackson, William, Jr., Monmouth, and Hannah Bills, Monmouth 17.)7 Jackson, AA'illiam, Burlington, aud Aune Kennedy, Burlington 1773 Jaoobus, Peter, Essex, and Leah Van Eiper, Essex 1753 Jacobs, Hugh, Burlington, and Catharine Decker, alias Dilks 1781 Jacobs, Jacob, Monmouth, and Hannah Johnson 1761 Jacobs, Johu, Burlington, and Catherine Decker, Burlington 1774 Jan, 2 April , 6 June 19 Deo. 26 April 18 Deo. 18 Oct 27 July 20 Dec. 20 Sept. 4 Aug. 24 Mar. 19 May 8 Sept. 19 June 11 Feb 28 Sept. 18 Feb 10 May 8 Mar. 8 Jan. 27 Mar. 27 June 30 May 20 Aug. 8 Dec. 1 Oct. 19 Dec. 17 Nov. 7 May 26 Jan. 10 Sept. 9' Oct. 29 May 10 Deo. 19 Mar. 7 Mar. 12 Nov. 23 May 19 June 12 Mar. 13 Jan. 29 Jan. 14 Mar. 26 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 21 5 Jacobson, 1 Adrian, Essex, and Mary Paulison, Essex 1761 Jagard, James, Gloucester, and Ann Flaningbam, Gloucester 1760 Jagard, Thomas, Gloucester, and AnueLodge, Gloucester 1743-4 Jaggard, Samuel, Glouoester, and Hope Inskeep 1785 James, David, Cumberland, and Philathea Watson 1784 James, John, Burlington, and Priscilla Dalton 1778 James, John, New Jersey, and Sarah AA'atley 17 — James, Joseph, Cumberland, and Margaret Butler 1748 James, Joseph, Glouoester, and Elizabeth Lawrence 1764 James, Thomas, Monmouth, and Mary Fitz Eandell, Monmouth 1764 Janney, Samuel, Gloucester, and Dobora Paul , 1 785 Janvier, Eichard, Cape May, and Elizabeth Stiles, Cape May 1761 Jaquess, John, Woodbridge, and Dorothy Bloomfield, AVoodbridge 1751 Jaquett, John, Pennsylvania, and Mary Peirson 1782 Jeanes, Henry, Salem, and Mary Hickman 1778 Jefferey, Thomas, Monmouth, and Mercy Allen, Monmoutb 1750 Jefferies, Benjamin, Philadelphia, and Jane Deacon 1785 Jefferies, Daniel, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Husbands, Monmouth.. 1743-4 Jefferis, Asa, Salem, and Elizabeth Stretch 1788 Jefferis, John, Gloucester, and Letitia Wood, Glouoester 1736 Jeffery, Francis, Monmoutb, aud Mary Longstreet, Monmouth 1757 Jeffery, John, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Allen, Monmouth. . . '. 1751 Jeffery, John, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Irons, Monmouth 1758 Jeffery, Lewis, Monmouth, and Lidy Jeffery, Monmouth 1765 Jeffery, Richard, Monmouth, and Eebecca Wall, Monmouth 1761 Jelf, WUliam, Morris, and Jane Eoss, Essex 1771 Jelf, William, Morris, and Catherine FUz Randolph 1776 Jenings, Peter, Barlington, and Anne Nott, Barlington 1683-4 Jenkin, Henry, Burlington, and Margaret Harris, Burlington 1728 Jenkins, Isaac, Cumberland, and Phebe Brooks 1780 Jenkins, John, Essex, and Elizabeth Wilson, Essex 1761 Jenkins, Jonathan, Cape May, and Deborah Hand 1768 Jenkins, Nathaniel, Silem, and Euth Sayre, Salem 1743 Jenkins, Nathaniel, Cape May, and Esther Stiles, Cape May 1755 Jenkins, Nathaniel, Cape .Vlay, and WiUeramina Stiles, Cape May... 1765 Jenney, Abel, Maiden Head, and Elizabeth Biles, Bucks, Pa 1740 Jennings, John, Philadelphia, and Mary Hilleyar 1754 Jennings, Levy, Gloucester, and Sarah Robeson 1759 Jennings, Richard, Salem, and Ann Atkinson 1734 Jerrard, John, Sussex, and Mary Parke 1785 Jervis, Francis, Philadelphia, and Mary Cistle, PhUadelpbia 1735 Jervis, Francis, Philadelphia, and Catharine King, Burlington 1737 Jess, James, and Kesia Leeds 1782 Jewel, Robert, PhUadelphia, and Sarah Parker, Philadelphia 1735 • Adrian Jaoobussen. Sept. 8 Feb. 2 Jan. 4 Aug. 4 Dec. 0 Dec. 22 July 28 Feb. 1 Jan. 26 June 6 Nov. 12 Dec. 24 Dec. 5 Oct. 10 Feb. 3 AprU 30 May 23 Feb. 1 May Feb. 24 Dec. 12 April 25 Aug. 7 Oct. 12 Jan. 17 Dec. 21 April 6 Mar. 20 Feb. 26 April 4 Aug 27 April 13 April 21 May 15 Aug. 15 June 5 Sept. 3 Feb. 26 April 18 Feb. 15 Jan. 5 Dec. 28 May 8 Nov. 8 2l6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Jewell, John, Jr., Huuterdon, and Sarah Warford 1769 Jewell, Joseph, Newton, and Margaret Jones 1772 Jewell, AVUliam, Amboy, and Anne Hull, New Brunswick 1745 Jewell, William, Burlington, and .Rachel Baker, Burlingtou 1763 Jewell, WUliam, Hunterdon, and Sarah Goldeu 1782 Jiler, Henry, Salem, and Ann Waling, Salem 1766 Job, George, Monmouth, aud Elizabeth James, Monmouth 1744 Jobes, Ezekiel, Burliugton, aud Rebecca Smith 1779 Jobs, Adam, Somerset, aud Katherine Cowenhoven 1782 Jobs, George, Jr., Burlington, and Sarab Johnston 1759 Jobs, Isaac, Burlington, and Hannah Hance, Burlington 1775 Jobs, James, Monmouth, and Barsheba Dey, Monmouth 1762 Jobs, John, Middlesex, and Sarah Darnsell, Middlesex 1764 Johnes, Daniel, Middlesex, and Alice Runion. . . 1773 Johnsen, John, Monmouth, and Williamtie Kipp, Monmouth 1739 Johnson, Abraham, Woodbridge, aud Deborah Barnes, Woodbridge. .1765 Johnson, Abraham, Monmouth, and Mary Zutphin, Monmouth 1767 Johnson, Andrew, Eeading Town, aud Jane Berger, Eeading Town. . .1755 Johnson, Benjamin, Essex, and Elizabeth Troup, Morris 1767 Johnson, Claws, Bucks, Pa., and Eebecca Bankson, Bucks, Pa 1734 Johnson, Daniel, Egg Harbor, and Dinah Cramer 1747 Johnson, Daniel, Cape May, and Temperance Billings, Cape May. . . . 1763 Johnson, Daniel, Monmouth, and Phebe Kewlong 1765 Johnson, David, Bucks, Pa., and Sarah Creaton, Bucks, Pa. . .'. 1775 Johnson, David, Sussex, and Mary Fitzgerald, Sussex 1778 Johnson, David, Chester, Pa,, and Sara Harker 1785 Johnson, Ezekiel, Barlington, and Hester Scott, Burlington 1782 Johnson, George, Perth Amboy, and Mary Buckalew, Perth Amboy. . , 1759 Johnson, Harman, Monmouth, and Phebe Rose, Monmouth 1767 Johnson, Isaac, Hunterdon, aud Phebe Severns, Huuterdon 1771 Johnson, Isaac, Bucks, Pa., and Elizabeth Perkins 1777 Johnson, Isaac, Bucks, Pa., and Charity Lawrence 1783 Johnson, Isiah, Cumberland, and Lettitia Miller 1781 Johnson, Jacob, Burlington, aud Sarah Fenton, Burlington 1733 Johnson, James, Essex, and Sarah Van Tilburgh , . . 1746 Johnson, James, Monmouth, and Anney Brewer, Monmouth 1761 Johnson, James, Bucks, Pa., and Mary Farril, Bucks, Pa 1763 Johnson, Jeremiah, Cumberland, and Rhoda Townsend 1789 Johnson, Jesse, Bucks, Pa, , and Catharine Vauzandt 1785 Johnson, John, Bucks, Pa,, and Margaret Jolly, Bucks, Pa 1729 Johnson, John, PhUadelphia, and Deborah Hood, Philadelphia 1732 Johnson, John, and Mary Rodman 1737 Johnson, John, New York, aud Elizabeth Godden, Newark 1748 Johnson, Jobn, Middletown, and Ida AVilson, New Brunswick 1749 Johnson, John, Monmouth, and Hosannah AVorden, Monmouth 1760 Johnson, John, Middlesex, and Dorithy Jaquas, Middlesex 1760 Nov. 7 Jan. 11 Feb. 7 Dec. 12 Oct. 29 Mar. 6 May 26 May 18 AprU 1 Aug. 20 Jan. 19 Oct. 16 Jan. 13 June 21 Sept. 28 April 3 Jan. 2 May 10 Deo. 12 Mar. 30 May 14 Mar. 5 Jan. 11 Aug. 5 April 2 Juue 2 April 1 July 4 Feb 3 Aug. 13. April 12 Dec. 27 Oct. 4 July 19 Deo. 31 Mar. 24 Sept. 13 June 2 Mar. 25 May 27 July 21 July 17 Dec. 2 July 5 June 4 Deo. 23 MARRIAGELICENSES. 217 Johnson, John, Middlesex, and Jaue Ried, Middlesex 1765 Johnson, Jobn, Burlington, and Hannah Fenton 1779 Johnson, Jonathan, Burliugton, and Mary McCoUum 1779 Johnson, Joseph, Burlington, and Gertrude Lykens, Burlington 1745 Johnson, Joseph, Burliugton, and Letitia Ewan, Burlington , . . 1775 Johnson, Lambert, Monmoutb, and Itcha McCleas 1745 Johnson, Lawrence, Bucks, Pa., and Sarah Bunting, Bucks, Pa 1751 Johnson, Lawrence, Hunterdon, and Fanny Crane 1778 Johnson, Martin, Hunterdon, and Anna Trout 1779 Johnson, Mat, Middlesex, and Mary Wetherill, Middlesex 1742 Johnson, Mathew, Pennsylvania, and Sarah Burgis, Pennsylvania . . . 1766 Johnson, M'atthias, Middlesex, and Neiltie Lake, Middlesex 1739 Johnson, Mathlayas, Middlesex, and Elizabeth AVainans 1740 Johnson, Mathias, Staten Island, and Sarah Johnson, Staten Island . 1743 Johnson, Mathias, Middlesex, and Mary Jolly 1768 Johnson, Mathias, Burlington, and Dorothy Parker 1779 .Johnson, Nicholas, Middlesex, and Maritie Gulick, Somerset 1750 Johnson, Nicholas, Middletown, and Elizabeth White, Perth Amboy. .17,52 Johnson, Peter, Monmouth, and Elie Vanderbilt 1772 Johnson, Peter, Middlesex, and Catherine Fonk 1781 Johnson, Phillip, Burliugton, and Ehoda Estill 1776 Johnson, Eichard, Bucks, Pa., and Diana Heed, late Huelings 1739 Johnson, Eobert, and Hannah Clifton 1735 Johnson, Eobert, Glouoester, and Patience Hewes 1775 Johnson, Skelton,- Middlesex, and Judith Compton, Middletown. , . . 1752 Johnson, Thomas, Cape May, and Eebecca Church, Cape May 1741 Johnson, Thomas, Perth Amboy, and Damaris Noe, Middlesex 1747 Johnson, Thomas, aud Catherine Loofbourrow, Middletown 1752 Johnson, Thomas, Salem, and Elizabeth Condon, Salem 1766 Johnson, Thomas, Salem, and Mary Flannagan 1776 Johnson, Thomas, Somerset, and Elizabeth Skillman 1778 Johnson, Thomas, Morris, and Eunice Rainer 1779 Johnson, Thomas, Barlington, and Mary Shemely 1783 Johnson, Tunis, Hunterdon, aud Jemima Foster, Hunterdon 1752 Johnson, AVUliam, Perth Amboy, and Hannah Perine, Perth Amboy. ..1775 Johnston, Amos, Monmoutb, and Mary Clayton 1762 Johnston, David, Hunterdon, and Margaret Nixon, Hunterdon 1 772 Johnston, Elisha, Monmouth, and Amy Davis, Monmouth 1755 Johnston, Elisha, Monmouth, and Catherine Mitchel, Monmouth .... 1759 Johnston, George, Salem, and Catherine Richmond, Salem 1774 Johnston, Gideon, Cape May, and Lydda Shaw 1767 Johnston, Henry, Middlesex, and Hannah Applegate, Middlesex 1760 Johnsto 1, James, Monmouth, and Lucy Saltar, Monmouth 1739 Johnston, James, Middlesex, and Anna Anderson, Monmouth 1756 Johnston, James, Cumberland, and Elizabeth Hunt 1778 Johnston, James, Jr., Burlington, and Elizabeth Lukemire 1785 Mar. 27 Not. 9 May 29 July 25 Not. 27 July 22 Mar. 25 June 8 Sept. 18 Dec. 8 May 22 Juue 9 Mar. 23 Dec. 26 May 2 Feb. 18 Aug. 3 May 9 Nov. 21 April 9 Aug. 10 Dec. 13 Nov. 4 July 20 July 3 Deo. 30 Feb. 24 Not. 23 Oct. 2 Mar. 14 Sept. 17 April 26 June 14 Aug. 18 Aug. 5 Feb. 13 Feb. 24 Oct. 28 Nov. 20 July 17 April 24 June 12 Aug. 14 May 3 Sept. 23 Dec. 2 2l8 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Johnston, John, Perth Amboy, and Euphaeam .Johnston, Perth Amb'y. 1746 Johnston, John, Jr., Middlesex, and Susannah Barberie 1767 Johnston, John, Perth Amboy, aud Isabella Hooper 1768 Johnston, Joseph, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Zutphin, Monmouth 1756 Johnston, Joseph, Glouoester, and Hanuah Johnston, Monmouth. .. . 1763 Johnston, Lawrence, Bucks, Pa.-, and Sarah Bunting, Bucks, Pa. . . 1751 Johnston, Matthias, Egg Harbour, and Elizabeth Brookfield 1746 Johnston, Michael, Chester, Pa., and Eupheam Watson, Monmouth. . 1750 Johnston, Philip, Hunterdon, and Rachel Martin 1767 Johnston, AVUliam, Monmouth, and Jaue Polhemos 1782 JoUey, John, Jr., Perth Amboy, and EUzabeth Bisset, Middlesex 1756 JoUj', Archibald, Gloucester, and Deborah Cheesman, Gloucester 1737 Jolly, John, Bucks, Pa., aud Dinah Quest, Burlington 1746 Jolly, John, Hunterdon, and Hannah Tytns 1786 Jolly, William, South Amboy, and Hannah Abraham, Perth Amboy. . . 1759 Jones, Abraham, BurUngton, and Elizabeth Bolton, Burlington 1773 Jones, Benjamin, Burlington, and Elizabeth Butler 1759 Jones, Christopher, Monmouth, and Mary Hulett, Monmouth ... ... 1745 Jones, Daniel, Monmouth, and Audrey Chambers, Monmoutb 1740-1 Jones, Daniel, Burlington, and S.irah H irding, Burlington 1754 Jones, Daniel, Burliugton, and Elizabeth Sharp, Burlington 1781 Jones, David, Monmouth, and Ann Stillwell, Monmouth 17 2 Jones, Ephraim, Middlesex, and Phebe Hornet, Middlesex 1773 Jones, Fraucis, Barlington, and Jane AVallis, Burlington 1729 Jones, George, Essex, and Mercy Hunt 1768 Jones, Henry, Gloucester, and Naomi Cheeseman, Gloucester 1728 Jones, Isaac, Gloucester, and Tamar Cheesman, Gloucester 1767 Jones, Jacob, Barlington, and Dinah Steinson, Burlington 1763 Jones, Jeremiah, Gloucester, and Sarah Hopewell, Gloucester 1759 Jones, Job, Burlington, and Sarah Cam|.ion 1775 Jones, John, Gloucester, and Sarah Gayard, Gloucester 1728 Jones, John, Monmouth, and Susannah Preston, Monmouth 1739 Jones, John, Glouoester, and Elizabeth Prosser, Glouoester 1763 Jones, .John, Somerset, and Patience Drake, Middlesex 1763 Jones, John, Jr., Burlington, and Martha Staples, Burlington 1763 Jones, John, Bergen, and Mary Ackerman, Bergen 1764 Jones, John, Cumberland, and Sarah HaU, Cumberland 1777 Jones, Joseph, Barlington, and Sarah Shinn, Burlington 1764 Jones, Joseph, Trenton, and Jemima Jones 1782 Jones, Joseph, Gloucester, and Hannah Rambon 1785 Jones, Josiah, Burlington, and Mary Lewis, Burlington 1757 Jones, Obadiah, Burlington, and Rebecca Price, Burlington 1780 Jones, Patrick, Burlington, and Martha Chambers, Burlington 1741 Jones, Ricbard, Burlington, aud Elizabeth Price, Burliugton Jones, Richard, Trenton, and Elizabeth Gurton 1778 Jones, Roger, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Mel vin 1735 May 5 Feb. 16 Jan. 30 June 22 April 30 Mar. 25 Dec. 8 May 16 AprU 13 June 5 AprU 27 April 7 Aug. 28 Oct. 28 May 12 Aug. 31 Jan. 16 Deo. 7 Mar. 18 Oct. 16 Jan. 29 Feb. 15 July 19 Nov. 27 Mar. 17 April 6 Mar. 11 Sept. 28 Ma/ 3 Nov. 23 July 29 Deo. 17 June 11 Deo. 12 Dec. 28 AprU 12 Oct. 28 Aug. 3 Oct. 15 Mar. 4 Dec. 17 Oct. 18 Feb. 16 Sept. 12 Deo. 19 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Jones, Samuel, Burlington, and Abigail Rogers, Burlington 1750 Jones,- Samuel, Essex, and Elizabeth Jones, Essex 1761 Jones, Samuel, Barlington. and Mary Garwood, Burlington 1775 Jones, Samuel, Hunterdon, and Ann Cannon 1780 Jones, Stephen, Somerset, and Grace Pitzrandolph, Somerset 1728 Jones, Ste|ihen, Hunterdon, and Catherine Vanmater 1783 Jones, Thomas, Salem, and Hannah Prior, Salem 1687 Jones, I'homas, Barlington, and Sarah Page, Barlington 1738 Jones, William, Burlington, and Mary Birdsell, Burlington 1749 Jones, William, Somerset, and Martha Drake, Middlesex 1751 Jonson, AVUliam, C.ipe May, and Abigail Foster, Cape May 1742 Joralaman, John, Somerset, and Lydia Thomas 1782 Joraleman, James, and Mary Kingsland 1779 Jorelemon,- John, Essex and Elizabeth Ryason, Bergen 1749 Jordan, Thomas, Perth Amboy, and Mary Letts, Perth Amboy 1752 Journey, James, Monmouth, aud Martha Osborn, Monmouth 1764 Juley, John, Middlesex, and Sarah MolUson 1780 Jusman, Abel, Burlington, aud Sarah Pouarro, Burliugton 1750 Justason, Isaac, Gloucester, and ZUah Slide, Gloucester 1770 Justice, Joseph, Hunterdon, and Martha Stabalier 1786 Justice, Peter, Salem, and Ann Bickham, Salem 1764 FEMALES. J Jack, Isabel, Barlington, and Michael Barrows, Burlington 1784 Jackson, Ann, Philadelphia, and Joseph Hitchcock, Philadelphia. . . . 1734 Jackson, Ann, Perth Amboy, and Robert Ayers, Perth Amboy 1763 Jackson, Bridget, Philadelphia, and Robert Bibby, Philadelphia 1730 Jackson, Deborah, Shrewsbury, and Jacob Parker, Shrewsbury 1764 Jackson, Elizabeth, Shrewsbury, and James Taylor, Shrewsbury 1759 Jackson, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Ezekiel Smith, Monmouth 1765 Jackson, Hannah, and Matthias Keen, Bucks, Pa 1731 Jackson, Mary, and Daniel Sutton, Burlington 1732 Jackson, Mary, Jr., Bucks, Pa., and John Green, Bucks, Pa 1758 Jackson, Mary, Shrewsbury, and John White, Shrewsbury 1761 Jackson, Mary, Monmoutb, and Henry Harper, Philadelphia 1771 fJaokson, Massey, and Thomas Borden, Monmouth 1751 Jackson, Rebecka, Fairfield, and Gibbens Shepherd, Fairfield 1778 Jackson, Sarah, Philadelphia, and William Cannon, Philadelphia 1738 Jackson, Sarah, Monmouth, and Joseph Allen, Monmouth 1740 Jackson, Sarah, Woodbridge, and John Ross, Middlesex 1759 Jackson, Sarah, Cumberland, and James Gorrell, Cumberland . . . . 1768 Jackson, Sarah, Monmouth, and Richard HorsfuU, Monmouth 1772 Jabkson, Susannah, Bucks, Pa., and Jonathan Bourne, Bucks, Pa. . . .1734 Jacobs, Ellenor, Pennsylvania, and Thomas AVeems, Pennsylvania 1728 Jacobs, Mary, Monmouth, and Philip Westcoat, Monmouth 1739 Jacobs, Mary, Monmouth, and John Cooper, Monmouth 1743 219 June 1 Mar. 18 April 18 Mar. 30 June 22 Oct. 2 April 12 April 17 Aug. 10 Aug. 13 April 19 June 3 Oct. 18 Oct. 30 Sept. 27 Mar. 16 Dec. 30 July 23 Aug. 21 Jan. 19 Feb. 13 May 28 July 27 Dec. 31 June 11 Aug. 11 June 23 Nov. 14 Jan. 12 Mar. 14 Mar. 4 Jan. 17 May 23 Nov. 19 Jan. 6 Aug. 19 Mar. 2 June 20 Oct. 27 Sept. 14 Dec. 28 Nov. 6 Sept. 24 Oct. 31 220 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Jacobus, Charity, and Peter Hawley 1782 Jacobusse, Sophia, Essex, and Jacob Van Reype, Essex 1761 Jacocks, Grace, Monmouth, and Nicholas Brown, Monmouth 1741 Jaqard, Ann, Gloucester, and Charles Fennimore, Burlington 1744 Jaqard, Hester, Deptford, and Jonathan AA'ard, Deptford 1765 James, Elizabeth, Monmoutb, and George Job (minor), Monmouth. . .1744 James, Hanuah, Burlington, and James Sebet, Burlington 1736 James, Jerusha, Freehold, and William Parker, Freehold 1766 James, Jane, and Elijah Carman, Hunterdon 1780 James, Joanna, and Richard Bawker, Burlington 1741 James, Rebecca, PhUadelphia, aud Samuel Griscom, Philadelphia .... 1741 James, Sarah, Monmoutb, and William McKnight, Monmouth 1744 Jamison, Mary, Perth Amboy, and Arthur Van Kirk, Perth Amboy 1757 Jaquas, Dorithy, Middlesex, and John Johnson, Middlesex 1760 Jacquatt, EUzabeth, Gloucester, aud Hugh Sharp, Barlington 1743 Jacquatt, Mary, Burlington, aud Joseph Lanning, Burlingtou 1741 Jacquet, Anu, and Henry Eoe, Glouoester 1780 Jarolaman, Blaudena, and Jacob Cock, Somerset 1782 Jay, Mary, and Andrew Pierce, Camberland '. . , 1793 Jay, Tabitha, and Abel Adams, Gloucester 1784 Jeakey, Mary Catharina, and William Smither, Burlington 1734 Jefferney, Catharine, Shrewsbury, and Eoger Laws Martin, Shrewsb'y. 1761 Jeffery, Lidy, Monmouth, and Lewis Jeffery, Monmouth 1765 Jeffery, Mary, Shrewsbury, and Joseph Tallman, Shrewsbury 1766 Jennison, Lucy, and Charles Eobertson, New York 1784 Jenings, Anne, and Thomas Kendall 1690 Jenkins, Elizabeth, and Ludlam Hand, Cape May 1768 Jenkins, Eunice, Cumberland, and Elisha Swinney, Cumbeiland 1771 Jenkins, Mary, Bucks, Pa., and Jacob Van Kirk, Bucks 1735 .Jenkins, Mary, Burlington, and Levi Haines, Burliugton 1774 Jenkins, Mary, and Abraham Shelley, Philadelphia 1774 Jenkins, Mary, and Jobn Brooks, Cumberland 1778 Jenkins, Susannah, and Joseph Venables, Evesham 1778 Jennet, Abigail, and John Smallwood, Gloucester 1772 Jennet, Alice, Burlington, and George Hunsinger, Burlington 1764 Jennings, Anu, Gloucester, and John Chew, Glouoester 1739 Jennings, Anne, Somerset, and David Laforge, Middlesex 1756 Jennings, Hannah, and Thomas Barber, Salem 1770 Jennings, Sarah, Gloucester, and George Flaningbam, Gloucester... 1736 Jenny, Martha, and Nicholas Parker, Bucks, Pa ] 732 Jerman, Susannah, Hopewell, and John Ayars, Cumberland 1751 Jermine, Margaret, Monmoutb, and Aaron Dirchon Van Horn, Mon'h.l756 Jerney, Mary, Staten Island, and Adraen Scout 1743 Jerolman, Petertie, Bergen, and John Lewis, Bergen 1767 Jervis, Elizabeth, Burlington, and WiUiam Dunfee, Burliugton 1763 Jervis, Patience, Burlington, and WUliam Fagins, Burlington 1768 June 15 Feb. 23 AprU 9 Sept. 10 June 25 May 26 Dec. 28 July 9 Nov. 3 May 13 Feb. 6 Mar. 31 May 2 Dec. 23 April 27 Jau. 2 Jan. 24 Nov. 8 Mar. 16 AprU 26 Aug. 5 Feb. 16 Oct. 12 Nov. 3 May 12 Jan. 6 July 5 Feb. 12 May 12 Jan. 21 Mar. 4 Dec. 15 Sept. 5 Sept. 10 June 4 April 3 June 14 Feb. 16 Dec. 9 Nov. 7 Nov. 17 May 24 Sept. 24 Jan. 26 Sept. 6 Jan. 7 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 221 Jess, Ann, Burlington, and Barzilla Bishop, Burlington 1776 Jess, Rachell, Northampton, and Henry Reives, Northampton 1765 Jessop, Alice, and Henry Hazelton, Pennsylvania 1779 Jessope, Margaret, Newton, and Henry Stephens, Gloucester 1753 Jewel, Elizabeth, Hunterdon, and Henry Ritchen, Hunterdon 1770 Jewell, Jane, Hunterdon, and Joseph Hogeland, Hunterdon 1771 Jewell, Sarah, Hunterdon, and George Bowman, Hunterdon 1768 Jobes, Deborah, Middletown, aud John Roberts, Middletown 1753 Jobes, Mary, aud Philip Merot, Burlington 1760 Jobs, Amy, and William Little, Burlington 1758 Jobs, Anna, Shrewsbury, and WiUiam StillweU, Shrewsbury. 1762 Jobs, EUzabeth, Upper Freehold, and William A^'illkie, Upper Freeh'd. 1758 Jobs, Euphama, Burlington, and Joseph Heustis, Burlington 1776 Jobs, Martha, Richmond Co., N. Y., and Henry Perrine, Middlesex. , .1741 Johnson, Abigail, Burlington, and William Scoby, Gloucester 1780 Johnson, Alice, and John Debowe 1744 Johnson, Amy, and Jonathan Mills, Cape May 1768 Johnson, Anu, Salem, and John Hall, Salem 1741 Johnson, Ann, Burlington, and Martin Gash, Burlington 1766 Johnson, Ann, and Thomas Eddis, Cumberland 1780 Johnson, Ann, and Moses Page, Philadelphia 1785 Johnson, Ann, and Robert Fish, Somerset 1786 Johnson, Anne, Middletown, and John Collins, Middletown 1758 Johnson, Belitie, Staten Island, and Henry Butler, Staten Island 1752 Johnson, Bridget, Bucks, Pa., and Thomas Goheen, Bucks, Pa 1732 Johnson, Britta, Pennsylvania, and Thomas West, Pennsylvania 1735 Johnson, Catharine, and Joseph Price, Willingborough 1782 Johnson, Catherine, Middletown, and Joseph Golden, Middletown... 1754 Johnson, Catherine, Newark, and James Banks, Jr., Newark 1758 Johnson, Catherine, Mannington, and John Walker, Mannington .... 1765 Johnson, Catherine, Burlington, and William DouneUy, Burlington. . .1775 Johnson, Catherine, and William Armstrong, Amwell 1776 Johnson, Chrisliau, Gloucester, and Abner Doughtey, Gloucester 1762 Johnson, Deborah, and Lott Ridgway, Jr., Springfield 1780 Johnson, Dinah, Reading Town, and Gerardus Aten, Reading Town. .1756 Johnson, Elianor, Gloucester, and William Bright, Gloucester 1762 Johnson, Eleanor, and Andrew Crawford 1767 Johnson, Eliza, and Alexander Wilson, Hunterdon 1788 Johnson, Elizabeth, Pennsylvania, and Jacob Hibbs, Pennsylvania . . , 1727 Johnson, Elizabeth, Somerset, and Luke Covenhoven, Middlesex 1739 Johnson, Elizabeth, Salem, and Matthias Devoss, Salem 1746 Johnson, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and David Eldridge, Monmouth 1748 Johnson, Elizabeth, Hunterdon, and Joseph Morrell, Hunterdon 1764 Johnson, Elizabeth, Bethlehem, aud David AVilliamson, Bethlehem . . , 1771 Johnson, Elizabeth, Burliugton, and WUliam Defuse, Burlington. ... 1775 Johnson, -Elizabeth, and Roelof Covenhoven, Somerset 1778 Sept. 2 Mar. 2 ApiU 13 Nov. 8 Oct. 30 Feb. 16 July 15 Nov. 9 Nov. 8 Feb. 17 June 5 Aug. 5 Aug. 6 May 15 April 28 Aug. 20 June 9 June 11 Deo. 27 June 12 Mar. 28 May 30 Dec. 18 Oct. 30 Aug. 22 Mar. 27 Dec. 7 Dec. 30 Oct. 17 Oct. 17 April 11 Jan. 19 Oct. 28 April 24 Aug. 28 July 6 June 6 June 7 June 15 Oct. 26 Oct. 16 Aug. 22 28 Aug. 28 Nov. 29 June 17 222 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Johnson, Fanny, and Samuel Chester, New Jersey 1777 Johnson, Hannah, and Jacob Jacobs, Monmouth 1761 Johnson, Hannah, Gloucester, and Isaac Audrews, Gloucester 1767 Johnson, Jane, Middlesex, and Samuel Fitch, Middlesex 1739 Johnson. Jerusha, Cape May, and Thomas Hand, Cape May 1773 Johnson, Laetitia, and Elisha Smith, Camberland 1787 Johnson, Lydia, Cape May, and Joseph Hays, Cape May 1771 Johnson, Margaret, Somerset, aud Robert Holman, Monmouth 1741 Johnson, Margaret, Middletown, and Frederich Debowe, Middletown. 1748 Johnson, Margaret, Middletown, and Cornelius V. D. B., Middletown. 1756 Johnson, Martha, Newark, and Uzal Ward, Newark 1740 .Johnson, Martha, and James Ludlam, Cape May 1790 Johnson, Martina, Hunterdon, and John Freeman, Hunterdon 1735 .Johnson, Mary, Salem, and Josiah Fithian, Salem 1733 Johnson, M ary, Burliugton, and Edmond CowgiU, Burlington 1736 Johnson, Mary, Staten Island, aud David Laforge, Staten Island 1748 Johnson, Marj', Monmouth, and James A'an Brakle, Monmouth 1754 Johnson, Mary, Middlesex, and James Smith, Middlesex 17iil Johnson, Mary, Middlesex, and Koert Voorhies, Middlesex 1764 Johns-jn, Mary, Sussex, and James-Campbell, Sussex 1772 Johnson, Mary, Morristowu, aud Samuel Morrison, Morristown..- 1779 Johnson, Mary, and Cornelius McAulej', Burlington 1784 Johnson, Mary, aud Josiah Bockitt 1784 Johnson, Michael, and James Bell 1783 Johnson, P.itience, Monmouth, and Johu Chadwick, Monmouth 1763 Johnson. Phebe, and Jicob Rickhord, Staten Island 1768 Johnson, Phebe, Sussex, and George King, Huuterdon 1770 Johnson, Rachel, and AVUliam Liming, Monmouth 1750 •lohuson, Rachel, Monmouth, and Gisbert Markleese, Monmouth. . . ... 1752 Johnson, Rachel, Hunteidon, and John Van Campen, N'rthamp'n, Pa. 1703 Johnson, Rachel, BurUngton, and Samuel Gamble, Burlingtou 1765 Johnson, Rachel, AmweU, and Philip You..g, Amwell 1771 Johnson, Rhoda, Burlington, and Henry Flitcroft, Burlington 1766 Johnson, Ehoda, and Furman Mulford, Cumberland 1780 Johnson, Sarah, and Isaac Ivins, Burlington 1711 Johnson, Sarah, Glouoester, and Richard Buckle, Gloucester 1729 Johnson, Sarah, Staten Island, and Matthias Johnson, Staten Island. .1743 Johnson, Sarah, Bergen, and Henry Lobagh, Bergeu 17') 1 Johnson, Sarah, Morris, and Thomas Logan, Morris 1779 Johnson, Sarah, and Jacob Connarroe, New Jersey 1782 Johnson, Susannah, and James Butler, Staten Island 1745 Johnson, Temperance, Salem, aud WUliam Ward, Gloucester 1742 Johnston, Anne, Perth Amboy, and John Terrill 1748 Johnston, Catharine, Backs, Pa., and Joshua Vansant, Bucks, Pa.. ,.1728 Johnston, Catherine, and Stephen Skinner, Perth Amboy 1761 Johnston, Deborah, Monmouth, and Thomas Hulse, Monmouth 1750 Aug. 2 Jan. 14 Dec. 24 Jan. 19 May 10 Mar. 13 Dec. 16 June 3 May 27 Deo. 16 Nov. 17 Jan. 5 Sept. 15 June 2 Aug. 3 Mar. 30 July 6 Nov. 20 Jan. 30 Mar. 2 Nov. 11 Feb. 1 Dec. 11 Jan. 11 Nov. 7 May 14 July 4 Mar. 17 Dec. 23 Aug. 29 Sept. 13 Aug. 13 Sept. 16 AprU 29 April 26 July 1 Dec. 26 May 11 Mar. 30 Aug. 21 Sept. 12 Mar. 14 Nov. 29 Feb. 20 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 223 Johnston, Elizabeth, and John Wyckof, Hunterdon 1758 Johnston, Elizabeth, Cumberland, and Nathan Lawrance, Cumberl'nd. 1769 Johnston, Elizabeth, Northampton, and George Parkes, Northampton. 1772 Johnston, Elizabeth, and John AVood, Hopewell 1780 Johnston, Ellinar, Middletown, and Nathaniel Tilton, Middletown 1761 Johnston, Eunice, and Johu Fithian, Cumberland 1759 Johnston, Euphamea, Perth Amboy, and John Johnston, Perth Amb'y. 1746 Johnston, Hannah, Monmoutb, and Joseph Johnston, Gloucester. . . . 1763 Johnston, Hannah, Monmoutb, and Joseph Heaviland, Monmouth . . 1763 Johnston, Hannah, and Daniel Moore, Hunterdon 1768 Johnston, Jane, Monmouth, and Jobn Layton, Monmouth 1764 Johnston, Judith, Cumberland, and Joseph Irelan, Cumberland.. .. 1776 Johnston, Keziah, Burlington, and Andrew Conarrow, Burlington 1756 Johnston, Lidy, Shrewsbury, and Elisha E. Stout, Shrewsbury 1760 Johnston, Margaret, Perth Amboy, and John Smjtb, Perth Amboy 1750 Johnston, Mary, Middlesex, and Zebulon CjIUus, Middlesex 1746 Johnston, Mary, and Daniel Green, Burlingtou 1750 Johnston, Mary, Freehold, and Eulif Truax, Freehold 1761 Johnston, Mary, Freehold, and John AVolley, Freehold 1766 Johnston, Mary, and Benjamin Gifford, Glouoester 1774 Johnston, Eebecca, Bucks, Pa., and Jonathan Bunting, Bucks, Pa . . 1772 Johnston, Eebecca, Barlington, and William Lippincott, Burlington, 1777 Johnston, Sarah, Monmouth, and Jacob Dennis, Monmouth 1751 Johnston. Sarah, Gloucester, and Nehemiah Leeds, Gloucester 1755 Johnston, Sarah, and George Jobs, .Jr. , Barlington 1759 Johnston, Sarab, and John Applegate, Burlington 1785 Johnston, Solos, and Fraucis Borden, Monmouth 1790 Johnston,, Susannah, Hunterdon, and Samuel Grandine, Monmouth , 1752 Joley, Hester, and Johu Wild, Gloucester 1784 JoUey, Dinah, Burlington, and John Bickham, Burlington 1761 JoUey, Rebecca, Burliugton, and AUau McCollin, Burlington 1771 JoUey, Anne, Perth Amboy, and Andrew Bissat, Perth Amboy 1758 Jolly, Catherine, Middlesex, and William Brown, Middlesex 1765 Jolly, Margaret, Bucks, Pa,, and John Johnson, Bucks, Pa 1729 •Jolly, Martilla, and Peter AVilmart, Middlesex 1769 Jolly, Mary, Bucks, Pa., and John Beckett, Bucks, Pa 1732 Jolly, Mary, aud Matthias Johnson, Middlesex 1708 Jones, Abigail, Staten Island, and AViUiam Morrill, Staten Island 1743 Jones, Abigail, and Thomas Eastburu, Cumberland.. 1779 Jones, Ann, Piscataway, and Patrick Fennell, Piscataway 1748 Jones, Ann, aud Thomas Scroggy, Hanover 1777 Jones, Anna, Princeton, and Eobert Morrin, Princeton 1768 Jones, Anue, Gloucester, and Joseph Haines, Gloucester 1748 Jones, Deborah, and George Budd, Glouoester 1780 Jones, Edith, and John Maber, Gloucester 1733 Jones, Eleanor, Gloucester, and Benjamin Worthington, Gloucester. . . 1731 Aug. 17 Aug. 18 April 20 Nov. 18 Jan. 10 Dec. 10 May 5 April 30 Aug. 9 Sept. 3 Feb. 10 April 24 May 10 Mar. 29 June 9 Oct. 30 June 1 Jan. 26 Mar. 26 June 16 Jan. 10 June 13 Jan. 23 Aug. 2 Aug. 20 Oct. 22 Jan. 7 Dec. 22 June 11 Aug. 5 Nov. 25 Mar. 11 Aug. 7 May 27 May 29 July 17 May 2 Sept. 4 Aug. 23 April 26 Mar. 12 Oct. 29 Sept. 29 Feb. 1 Mar. 9 Mar. 11 224 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Jones, Elizabeth, Burlington, and John Ruddrow, Burlington ', 1730 Nov. 2 Jones, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Joseph Cunningham, Monmouth. . .1746 Jan. 12 Jones, Elizabeth, Essex, and Samuel Jones, Essex 1761 Mar. 18 .Jones, Elizabeth, and Moses Dobson, Salem 1768 Mar. 12 Jones, Elizabeth, Salem, and John Maxwell, Salem 1769 Oct. 11 Jones, Elizabeth, BurUngton, aud Samuel Chemard, Burlington. .. 1771 Oct. 30 Jones, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Samuel Allen, Burlington 1772 Aug, 31 Jones, EUzabeth, and Isaiah Leeds, Burlington. 1778 June 3 Jones, Grace, Bucks, Pa., and Abraham Bowne, Bucks, Pa. . . .' 1749 Nov, 1 Jones, Hannah, Burlington, and John Stockton, Springfield 1750-1 Feb.. 4 Jones, Hannah, Fairfield, and Jemimah Nixson, Fairfield 1763 Aug. 8 .Jones, Hannah, aud Nathaniel Hunt, Hunterdon 1769 Feb. 9 Jones Hannah, and Jacob Nailer, Burlington 1783 Jan. 14 Jones, Isabeil, Pennsylvania, and Jess Falkner, Barlington 1741 Aug. 25 Jones, Jane, Lancaster, Pa., and Isaac Taylor, Lancaster, Pa 1739 June 11 Jones, Jemima, and Joseph Jones, Trenton 1782 Oct. 15 Jones, Letitia, Gloucester, and Joseph Roberts, Glouoester 1764 Feb. 14 Jones, Lydia, Gloucester,, and Joseph Dilks, Gloucester 1748 Jan. 4 Jones, Lydia, and AViUiam Everingham, Burliugton 1777 Sept. 30 Jones, Lydia, aud Thomas RockhUl, Burlington 1786 Oct. 26 Jones, Margaret, Philadelphia, and AViUiam Pooklanton, Philadelphia. 1731 June 25 Jones, Margaret, and Joseph Jewell, Newton 1772 Jan. 11 Jones, Margaret, New Hanover, and Samuel Sayler, New Hanover . . 1773 Sept. 14 Jones, Margaret, Burlington, and Joseph Leeds, Burlington 1775 Oct. 5 Jones, Marby, and Zerobabel GaskiU 1783 Nov. 13 Jones, Martha, Nottingham, and Michael Standlej', Nottingham 1767 July 30 Jones, Mary, and Jeremiah Birch, Gloucester 1736 AprU 20 Jones, Mary, and Habakkuk Eayres, Northampton 1747 May 4 Jones, Mary, Burlington, and Habakkuk Eayre, Burlington 1747 May 24 Jones, Mary, and Samuel Rogers, Burlington 1756 Nov. 27 Jones, Mary, Bucks, Pa., and Augustus Hicks, Philadelphia 1763 Nov. 5 Jones, Mary, Little Egg Harbour, and John Robart, Lt. Egg Harbour. 1765 Aug. 28 Jones, Mary, Maurice Eiver, aud Nathan Shaw, Maurice Eiver 1769 Jan. 1 6 Jones, Mary, and Obadiah HoweU, Trenton 1779 Juue 8 Jones, Mercy, Readingtown, aud PhiUp D.alley, Readingtown 1748 Jan. 12 Jones, Penelope, Burlington, and Mathew Wright, Burlingtou 1742 Jan. 17 Jone=, Rachel, Philadelphia, and Robert Vernon, PhUadelpbia 1738 AprU 14 Jones, Rachel, Burlington, and Henry Coats, Burlington 1783 Jan. 14 Jones, Rebecca, Gloucester, and William Holmes, Glouoester 1730 Oct. 2 Jones, Eebecca, Barlington, aud Isaac Cramer, Burlington 1765 July 1 Jones, Sarah, Bucks, aud AVUliam Hooper, Bucks 1739 Sept 17 Jones, Sarah, Barlington, and Joseph Mingin, New Hanover 1748 July 28 Jones, Sarah, Springfield, and John Murphy, Burlington 1749 Aug. 10 Jones, Sarah, Mount Holly, and AVUliam Shute, PhUadelphia 1775 May 20 Jones, Sarah, and Joseph Sutton 1779 July 12 Jones, Sarah, and Joseph Le Riche, Morris 1779 July 19 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 225 Jones, Sarah, Burlington, and John BaUinger, Burlington 1784 Jones, Sukey, Bergen, and Martin Bovee, Essex 1749 Jones, Susanna, and Peter Berry, Morris : 1751 Jones, Susannah, Freehold, and Joseph Preston, Freehold 1759 Jones, Tacey, Burlington, and Samuel Holder, Burlington 1736 Jones, Tamar, and Nathan Drake, Hunterdon 1770 Jonson, Catharine, Monmouth, and James Mitchell, Monnaouth 1755 Jonson, Elsey, Monmouth, and John Lake, Monmouth 1759 Jonson, Hannah, and Joseph Houldin, Gape May 1690 Jonson, Rody, and Isaiah Wright, Northampton 1784 Jonston, Elizabeth, aud Isaac Cordeary, Glouoester 1755 Jonston, Margaret, Monmouth, and Rulif Lambers, Monmouth 1755 Joralemon, Elizabeth, Essex, and Johannes Dow, Essex 1740 Joralmon, Elizabeth, Essex, and William Van Emberh, Essex 1754 Joralmon— see Vralmon. Jordan, Hannah, Salem, and Alexander Miller, Salem 1730 Jordan, Sarah, and John Guest, Middlesex 1767 Jordon, Jerusey, and William Borradaille, Burlington 1782 Jorman, Sarah, and Jacob Fowler, Burlington 1781 Jourdan, Mary, and WUliam Gardiner, Burlington 1779 Joyce, Mary, Burlington, and Manuel Stratton, Burlington 1741 Joyce, Martha, and Manuel Stratten, Burlington 1741 Joyce, Mary, and James WUson, Evesham 1781 Joyner, Jane, and Bartholomew Minderman 1693 Justice, Mary, and Lott Dunbar, Hunterdon 1762 Kaoklein, Peter, Jr. , Sussex, and Sarah Suider 1774 Kaighin, John, Gloucester, and AbigaU Hinchman 1732 Kaighin, Joseph, Gloucester, and Prulence Butcher, Gloucester 1767 Kaighin, William, Gloucester, aud Abigail Cooper 1737 Kaighu, Samuel, Gloucester, and Mary Gerrard, Gloucester 1768 Kain, AVUUam, Gloucester, and Mary Coles 1777 Kale, Chris., Burlington, and Lydia Atkinson, Burlington 1767 Kanaday, Henry, Somerset, and EUzabeth Fisher 1781 Kannady, Henry, Somerset, and Mary Quick 1780 Kar, Joseph, Middlesex, and Mary Moore, Middlesex 1763 Karn, Richard, Middlesex, and Ann Groom, Middlesex 1732 Kastner, John, Somerset, and Magdalen Bulmer, Somerset 1748 Kay, Francis, Gloucester, and Jemima French 1743 Kay, Isaac, Gloucester, and Mary Ann Gregory, Gloucester 1738 Kay, Isaac, Gloucester, and Hope Prench, Gloucester 1748 Kay, John, Gloucester, and Rebecca Hackley 1762 Kay, John, Gloucester, and Kessiah Thorne 1779 Kays, William, and Barbara Smith, Burlington 1743 Kean, Thomas, Cumberland, and Mary Mack 1777 Kearney, -James, Monmouth, and Agness Fresneau 1771 Kearney Michael, Amboy, and EUzabeth Lawrence, Burlington 1774 15 Feb. 9 Oct. 16 June 15 April 4 Nov. 1 May 21 Sept. 25 April 5 Oct. 11 July 23 Aug. 2 Feb. 12 Dec. 1 Sept. 24 April 7 Oct. 14 Sept. 14 Dec. 24 Mar. 17 Feb. 20 Feb. 20 Jan. 4 Dec. 5 Oct. 23 Feb. 5 Nov. 28 Mar. 2 Feb. 16 Jan. 8 Sept. 6 Mar. 5 April 28 Feb. 7 Nov. 16 April 22 June 15 July 7 April 2 Feb. 23 April 12 Nov. 2 May 11 Dec. 11 June 5 June 30 226 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Kearney, Thomas, Middletown, and Mary Hartshorne, Freehold 1749 Kearny, James, and Margaret Reid, Freehold 1751 Kearny, Ravaud, Middlesex, and Ann Hude ; 1766 Keasbey, Edward, Salem, and Sarah Quinton, Salem 1765 Keasby, Edward, Salem, and Prudence Quinton, Salem 1746 Keating, John, Burlington, and Hannah Myers, Burlington 1764 Keeler, Jacob, Burlington, 'and Janet Brackney '. 1777 Keeler, William, Burlington, and Theodosia Budd 1785 Keen, Annanias, Gloucester, and Susanna Lock ; 1785 Keen, Dauiel, Salem, and Mary Hoffman 1784 Keen, Erick, Gloucester, and Mary Lippincott 1769 Keen, Jacob, Cumberland, and Sarah Mulford 1779 Keen, James, Morris, and Mary Rolf, Morris 1768 Keen, Jonas, Salem, and Christiana Vanneman, Salem 1763 Keen, Mathias, Bucks, Pa , and Hannah Jackson 1731 Keen, Nicholas, Salem, and Catherine Miller, Salem 1767 Keen, Peter, Salem, and Elizabeth Basset, Salem 1747 Keen, Reynolds, and Nancy Lawrence, Monmouth 1782 Keen, Seely, Salem, and Bersheba Cole 1760 Keer, James, Hunterdon, and Hannah Bakehone 1775 Kees, Joseph, and Anu Boar 1762 Keitb, Alexander, Delaware, and Thomasine Palmer, Philadelphia 1731 Kelch, Philip, Salem, and Margaret DroUinger, Salem 1764 Kell, James, Philadelphia, and Susannah White, PhUadelphia 1735 Kelle, John, Cape May, and Susanna Steelman, Cape May 1764 Kelley, Abraham, Burliugton, and Deborah Hammell 1786 Kelley, James, Burlington, and Ann Len, Burlington 1736 Kelley, James, Burlington, and Lettice Fort 1777 Kelley, John, Salem, and Elizabeth Cushlow, Salem 1768 Kelley, John, Burlington, and Rebecca Martin 1778 Kellay, Joseph, Pennsylvania, and Phebe Buckman, Pennsylvania. . . .1768 Kelley, Patrick, and Elizabeth Hibbs 1742 Kellogg, Reuben, Cumberland, and Mary Bray 1781 Kelly, Andrew, Perth Amboy, and Elizabeth Akin, Perth Amboy. . . . 1752 Kelly, Cornelius, Burlingtou, and Penelope McDaniel, Burlingtou 1739 Kelly, James, Hunterdon, and Martha Reeder, Hunterdon 1773 Kelly. Richard, Burlington, and Sarah Ivins, Burlingtou 1776 Kelly, William, Burlington, and Katharine Sharoe, Burlington 1745 Kelly, William, Sussex, and Sebina Fennell, Sussex 1769 Kelsey, Benjamin, Essex, and Hannah Atkinson, Essex 1741 Kelsey, James, Monmoulh, and Jamima AVilson, Monmouth 1759 Kelsey, John, Hunterdon, and Mary Garritson, Hunterdon 1774 Kelsey, Thomas, Burlington, and Sarab Butler, Burlington 1782 Kemble, Abel, Burlington, and Mary Bolten, Burlington 1768 Kemble, Edward, BurUngton, and Hannah Wright 1777 Kemble, Elton, Burlington, and Sarah Steyenson , 1761 Sept 14 Deo. 30 July 6 Deo. 31 May 4 Oct. 8 May 21 April 17 Jan. 17 Feb 17 Not. 7 May 22 Mar. 28 July 28 Feb 15 Jan. 12 Oct. 14 June 20 May 29 July 28 Not. 25 AprU 30 Jan. 16 Not. 23 Aag. 9 Oct. 24 Mar. 22 Nov. 5 Nov. 4 Deo. 24 Sept. 30 April 9 Feb. 14 Jan. 1 Aug. 18 Aug. 1 Feb 9 Feb. 28 Aug. 12 Feb. 20 July 1 Feb 24 Aug. 16 Oct. 16 Mar. 14 Oct. 3 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 22/ Kemble, Hezekiah, Gloucester, and Abigail Cox 1780 Kemble, John, Burlington, and Charity Stevenson 1778 Kemble, Peter, and Elizabeth Tuite, Trenton 1749 Kemble, Peter, Jr. , Morris, and Gertrude Gouverneur 1 784 Kemble, gamuel, Jr., Burlington, and Polly Ross 1782 Kemble, Thomas, Burlington, aud Ruth Garwood 1772 Kemble, Thomas, Burlington, and Priscilla Burr, Burlingtou 1773 Kemble, Vespasian, Burlington, and Rachel Haines, Evesham 1746 Kemble, Vespasian, Gloucester, and Hester French, Glouoester 1774 Kemings, James, Burlington, and Anne Hodson, Burliugton 1727 Kemp, Reuben, Sussex, aud Jane Stewart, Sussex 1762 Kempe, Anthony, Hunterdon, and Leah Morgan, Staten Island 1734 Kemper, Jacob, Morris, and Sarah Stewart 1785 Kempton, Samuel, Middlesex, and Mary Skinner, Middlesex 1775 Kemptou, William, Burlington, and Levina Merritt 1783 Kendall, Thomas, Burliugton, and Mary Elton, Burlington 1684 Kendall, Thomas, and Anne Jennings 1690 Keney, Peter, Somerset, and Sarah Bertson, Hunterdon 1758 Kennard, Joseph, and Esther Dungworth 1735 Kennedy, Samuel, Jr., Sussex, and Elizabeth Bevers "... 1768 Kennedy, Thomas, Bergen, and Mary Wallin 1779 Kennedy, WUliam, Philadelphia, and Mary Bohannan 1764 Kenney, Philip, Burlington, and Sarah Bryan, Burliugton 1736 Kenney, AVUliam, Monmouth, and Deborah Wilson, Monmouth 1761 Kent, David, Middlesex, and Rachel Bloomfield, Middlesex 1744 Kent, Ephraim, Cape May, and Sarah Golden 1774 Kent, Erasmus, Salem, and Ann Eaton, Salem 1747 Kent, Erasmus, Salem, and EUzabeth Oakford 1764 Kent, Erasmus, Salem, and Elinor Hilderbrand, Salem 1770 Kent, Ishmael, Burlington, and Elizabeth Collins, Burlington 1731 Kent, John, Middlesex, and Charity Cutter 1769 Kent, Stephen, Middlesex, and Mary Carman 1768 Kent, AViUiam, Gloucester, and Sarah Powell, Gloucester 1733 Kent, AVUliam, Middlesex, and Charity Freeman, Middlesex 1756 Ksntie, John, Newtown, and Hannah Sharp 1733 Kenton, John, Burlington, and Elizabeth Shubb, Burlington 1757 Ker, Joseph, Monmouth, and Euphan Watson, Monmouth. . -. 1746-7 Ker, Samuel, Monmouth, and Ann Watson, Monmouth 1757 Ker, Stephen, Hunterdon, and Catherine Vancleave 1779 Ker, WiUiam, Middlesex, and Catherine Garrison 1770 Kirby, John, Greenwich, and Elizabeth Allen 1774 Kerlin, Joseph, Burlington, and Abigail Hazelton, Burlington 1763 Keriin, Matthias, Buriington, and Elizabeth Thomas 1772 Kershaw, Abraham, Somerset, and Amea Kennada 1779 Kester, Peter, Hunterdon, and Ann Coar 1733 Kester, Peter, Burlington, and Theodosia Hickman, Burlington 1773 Jan. 29 Sept. 24 Oct. 20 June 5 Jan. 3 Mar. 5 Nov. 5 Mar. 15 July 21 July 21 May 31 May 15 May 7 Feb. 2 Oct. 18 Dec. 25 Jan. 6 Mar. 30 Dec. 6 Oct. 8 Mar. 15 April 6 Feb. 3 Oct. 27 Aug. 15 May 13 Feb. 17 Oct. 15 April 23 Dec. 26 Feb. 8 July 26 Nov. 1 May 1 Sept. 25 Feb. 9 Mar. 23 May 31 June 12 Oct. 5 Feb. 1 Deo. 20 Nov. 18 Nov. 27 Dec. 24 Dec. 4 228 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Ketcham, Daniel L., Monmouth, and Esther Gifford, Monmouth . . . .1760 Ketcham, Daniel, Monmouth, and AUce Holmes 1771 Ketcham, David, Monmouth, aud Anna Wall, Monmouth 1755 Ketcham, David, Monmouth, and Mary Morford, Monmouth 1762 Ketcham, Josiah, Hunterdon, and Rachel Bryant 1784 Ketcham, Micajah, Monmouth, and Hannah Ellison, Monmouth 1754 Ketcham, Edward, Cumberland, and Rhoda Woodland 1773 Key, Job, Gloucester, and Rachel Adams 1773 Key, Thomas, Gloucester, and Mary Matson 1782 Kidd, Alexander, Middlesex, and Sophia Watson, Middlesex 1767 Kidd,' John, Salem, and Mai tha Culler, Salem 1729 Kidd, John, Salem, and Jane Dunlapp , 1757 Kidd, Joseph, Salem, and Elizabeth Hackett, Salem 1769 Kidd, Thomas, Bucks, Pa., and Elinor Wans 1732 Kidder, Wielder, Somerset, and Margaret Middagh 1781 Kiggiu, James, Philadelphia, and Sophia Pickle 1780 Kiging, Ebenezer, Cumberland, and Sarah Denton, Cumberland 1759 KUle, Abraham, Burlingtou, and Mary Powell 1768 Killey, Aaron, Burlington, and Mercilab Harris, Burlington 1766 Killey, David, Monmouth, aud Haunah Woodmansey, Monmouth 1730 Killey, Joseph, Monmouth, and Hannah TiUton, Monmouth 1747 Killgore, James, Burlington, and Neomy Brown, Burlington 1730 Killy, Samuel, Burlington, and Bathsheba Richards. 1733 Kilpatrick, James, Middlesex, and Elizabeth McColm, Middlesex . . . 1757 Killpatrick, Thomas, Burlington, and Aun Palmer, Burlington 1761 Kimball, Benjamin, Burlington, and Elizabeth Leeds, Burlingtou. . . 1732 Kimball, George, Burlington, and Mary Elton, Burlington 1739 Kimball, John, Burlington, and Ann Leeds, Burlington 1738 Kimpton, John, Burlington, and Elizabeth Victory 1731 Kimsey, Abraham, Burlington, and Rhoda Stockton 1 779 Kimsey, Reuben, Cumberland, aud Euth Vanemon 1779 Kimsey, AVUliam, Gloucester, and Lucy Tredway, Gloucester 1739 Kimsey, WUliam, Gloncester, and Deborah Tatum, Gloucester 1748 Kind, Andrew, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Hughes, Gloucester 1768 Kindall, George, Burlington, and Eebecca Gardiner 1740 Kindall, John, Burlington, and Phebe Stevens, Burlington 1741 Kindall, Reese, Salem, and Hanuah MoNicholas 1773 KindeU, Job, Burlington, and Anne Dotey, Burlington 1775 Kindel), Thomas, Burlington, and Rachel Brass, Burliugton. „ 1750 Kindle, Robert, Burlington, and Francis Pitman, Burlington 1748 King, Anthony, Monmouth, aud Flora McClane, Monmouth.. 1736 King, Ary, Essex, and Peterohey Vralmon, 1 Essex 1754 King, Benajah, Burlington, and Mary Britton 1784 King, Elias, Monmouth, and Hannah Hulet, Monmouth 1757 1 Joraleman. July 14 Mar. 27 Oct. 18 Feb 10 Deo. 4 Aug. 21 April 3 Mar. 3 Septi 19 Sept. 27 May 1 Mar. 8 Jan. 18 Feb 5 Jan. 6 Dec 2 Nov. 27 Deo. 20- Jan. 28 Feb 25 Aug. 20 Deo. 14 May 23 Sept. 13 Sept. 9 May 20 Nov. 27 Aug. 24 Feb. 25 Sept. 27 June 8 May 16 Deo. 19 AprU 18 Deo. 25 Aug. 3 Jan. 55 Sept. 28 Sept. 13 Oct. 22 Mar. 23 Jan. 12 Jan, 29 Jan. 27 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 22$ King, Frederick, Salem, and Susannah HUmau 1751 King, George, Hunterdon, and Phebe Johnson, Sussex 1770 King, Hendrick, Essex, and Leah Stiemetz, Essex 1761 King, Isaac, Burlington," and Mary Boulton 1768 King, John, Monmouth, and Susannah CowgiU 1737 King, John, Burlington, and Sarah Carman, BurUngton 1765 King, John, Philadelphia, and Anne Steel, Somerset 1769 King, Joseph, Hunterdon, and Sarah Wilson, Hunterdon 1775 King, Obadiah, Middlesex, and Nancy Shepherd, South Amboy 1767 King, Eobert, Perth Amboj', and Margaret EUey, Perth Amboy 1752 King, Samuel, Burlington, and Theodocia Briggs 17.i7 King, Samuel, Salem, and Elizabeth Penton 1761 King, Thomas, Burlington, and Elizabeth Simons, Burlington 1764 King, Thomas, Hunterdon, and Rebecca Kesster, Hunterdon 1771 King, William, Burliugton, and Mary West 1778 King, William, Jr. , and Margaret Schambers 1 780 Kingsland, Edmund, Bergen, and Sally WUson 1763 Kingsland, Edmund, Morris, and Anne Lowe 1777 Kingsland, Isaac, Bergen, and Johanna Schuyler, Bergen 1741 Kingsland, Isaac, Jr., Bergen, and Elizabeth Harrison, Bergen 1753 Kingsland, John, and Anne Wilkison, Newark 1752 Kingsland, William, Bergen, and Ann Dally, New York 1742 Kingston, Thomas, Barlington, and Sarah Grippe, Burlington 1741 Kinnan, John, Monmouth, and Eachel Hutchinson 1770 Kinnan, John, Middlesex, aud Deborah Dennis 1780 Kinnan, Joseph, Monmouth, and Ruth Drummond, Monmouth ] 752 Kinnan, Peter, Bergen, and Mary Fine 1780 Kinnan, Thomas, Perth Amboy, and Mary Savery, Perth Amboy 1749 Kinnan, Thomas, Perth Amboy, aud Mary Robinson, Perth Amboy. . . 1760 Kinnan, William, Middlesex, and Eleanor Loofbourow, Middlesex. . . . 1763 Kinney, David, Sussex, aud Margaret Shipman 1784 Kinney, Jacob, Somerset, and Sarah Wykoff 1779 Kinney, Peter, Somerset, aud AVilUampy Wykoff 1779 Kinsey, Thomas, Gloucester, and Mary Price 1758 Kint, James, Bergen, and Catherine Parchman 1780 Kip, Heudrick,_ Bergen, anil Catherine Garritse 1790 Kip, Henry, Middlesex, and Mary Matthews, Middlesex 1739 Kip, Johu, Bergen, and Elizabeth Vanvoorheese 1764 Kipp, Isaac N. , Bergen, and Mary Banta 1779 Kippin, WUliam, New York, and Sarah Lippincott, Monmouth 1747 , Kirby, Job, Monmouth, and Mary Beakes 1790 Kirby, John, Burlington, and Rebecca Pettit, Burlington 1776 Kirby, Jonathan, Burlington, and Ame Black 1768 Kirby, Joseph, Burlington, and Sarah Carter 1783 Kirby, Eichard, Burlington, and Elizabeth Foulks 1749-50 Kirby, Eichard, Salem, and Hannah Colson, Salem 1769 Oct. 7 July 4 Mar. 11 Nov. 4 Sept. 24 Oct. 8 Feb. 14 Not. 16 Feb. 7 Sept. 1 Jan. 28 Mar. 23 Sept. 10 Oct. 14 June 6 May 15 Feb. 22 Not. 10 Juue 3 Jan. 19 Feb. 13 Oct. 18 Mar. 23 Feb. 28 Dec. 4 July 23 June 20 Dec. 23 Feb. 4 Not. 29 Feb. 13 Feb. 10 Feb. 6 Mar. 25 Sept. 22 Not. 22 Oct. 25 Not. 25 Nov. 22 Oct. 24 Mar. 10 May 20 Juue 11 Mar. 3 Jan. 30 Nov. 6 230 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Kirby, Samuel, Burlington, and Lenah Hartshorne, Burlington 1766 Kirby, Stephen, Cumberland, aud Mary Lore, Cumberland 1773 Kirby, Stephen, Cumberland, and Margaret Whitaker 1778 Kirkbride, Phineas, Burlington, and Mary Rogers 1779 Kirk, James, Burlingtou, and Ann Oldman 1732 Kirkpatrick, Alexander, Somerset, and Sarah Carle, Morris 1774 Kirkpatrick, William, Hunterdon, and Parnell Devanport, Hunterdon. 1761 Kirnsey, Jonathan, Glouoester, and Elizabeth Clemans, Gloucester ... 1760 Kitchen, Henry, Hunterdon, aud Elizabeth Jewel, Hunterdon 1770 Kitchen, William, Hunterdon, and Elsey Beam 1782 Kitchens, John, Barlington, and Ann Nordyke, Burlington 1758 Kline, Jacob, Hunterdon, aud Phebe Nevius, Somerset 1778 Kline, John, Hunterdon, and Jaue La Quier, Hunterdon 1774 Knap, Peter, Middlesex, and Hume Ayers, Middlesex 1743 Knap, Peter, Middlesex, and Rebecca Thomson, Middlesex .1753 Knight, Jonathan, Gloucester, and Sarah Heppard, Gloucester 1756 Knight, Thomas, Burlington, and Elizabeth Browne, Burlington 1686 Kuott, David, Monmouth, and Isabeil Little, Moninouth 1753 Knott, Peter, Monmouth, and Jane Orsborn, Monmouth 1764 Knox, George, 9 Regt., Pa., and Sarah Medless, Newark 1780 Krewson, Henry, Bucks, Pa., and Ann Williamson, Hunterdon 1774 Krose, Gerrit, Staten Island, aud Clautie Siokelse, Bergen 1739 Kugh, Casparus, Bergen, and Lydia Terhune, Bergeu 1760 Kuyper, Cornelius, Jr., Philadelphia, and Haunah Newton, Cape May. 1769 Kuyper, Hendricus, Bergen, and Catherine Garabrants 1750 Kyrlin, Thomas, Burlington, and Grace Baffin, Burlington. 1741 FEMALES. K Kaighin, Charity, Gloucester, aud Jacob Clement, Gloucester 1769 Kaighu, Sarah, and Joseph Hinchman, Glouoester 1774 Kallam, Susanna, Barlington, and Nathaniel Potts, Burlington 1741 Kane, Sarah, Somerset, and Francis HoUinshead, Somerset 1739 Kannan, Susanna, Somerset, and Gowen MoCoy, Somerset 1758 Karr, Catherine, and Felix Herbert, Somerset 1778 Karson, Mary, and Richard Hutcherson, Middlesex 1769 Kase, Cathrine, aud David Everitt, Hunterdon 1786 Kay, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and Johu Packer, Gloucester 1759 Kay, Elizabeth, and John West, Jr., Philadelphia 1784 Kay, Sarah, Burlington, and John Hooten, Burlington 1737 Kay, Sarah, and WiUiam McKnight, Gloucester 1788 Keai'l, Anu, Monmouth, and John Test, Monmouth 1767 Kearney, Arabella Euphemia., Monmouth, and Henry Leonard, M'th. . 1751 Kearney, Elizabeth, Perth Amboy, and Courtland Skinner, P'th Amb'y. 1751 Kearney, Mary, and Joseph Shippen, Philadelphia 1736 Kearney, Sally, Perth Amboy, aud John Skinner, Perth Amboy 1774 Kearney, Susanna, Perth Amboy, and Richard Stevens, Perth Amboy. 1758 Apri I 19 Oct. 30 Deo. 26 July 22 Sept. 19 May 3 July 1 Nov. 26 Oct. 30 May 23 Feb. 23 July 5 Jan. 12 Feb 15 May 26 May 4 Aug. 12 July 3 May 25 Jan. 31 Oct. 31 June 16 Dec. 21 June 20 May 24 Mar. 29 Sept. 9 Nov. 15 Nov. 30 Nov. 3 April 3 Dec. 14 Mar. 22 Mar. 10 Oct. 29 AprU 17 April 23 Aug. 20 Dec. 14 Oct. 19 Nov. 30 May 29 Feb. 15 Mar. 31 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 23 I Kearns, Catherine, and Silvester Hynds, Burlington 1759 Feb. 8 Kearny, Mary, Monmouth, and Philip Lott, New York City 1774 Sept. 12 Keasbey, Prudence, Salem, and David Sayre, Alloways Creek 1774 Oct. 18 Keohan, John, Monmouth, and Jobn Holmes, Monmouth 1753 Mar. 20 Keen, Christina, Cumberland, and Gemaliel Garrison, Salem 1762 Oct. 8 Keen, Magdalen, Salem, and Jeremiah Smith, Philadelphia 1738 Sept. 10 Keen, Margaret, Pennsylvania, and John Arden, Barlington 1774 June 14 Keen, Sarah, Salem, and Abraham Richman, Piles Grove 1771 Oct. 30 Keene, Christian, and Robert Brodnax, Bucks, Pa 1734 Oct. 9 Kelley, Bridget, Bristol, Pa., and Joseph Bruton, Bristol, Pa 1767 Aug. 30 Kelley, Elizabeth, Philadelphia, and James Clarkson, Philadelphia 1727 June 19 Kelley, Rachel, and Zephaniah Taylor, Springfield. .... 1785 Oct. 25 KeUey, Sarah, Shrewsbury, and James AVooUey, Shrewsbury 1761 Dec. 8 Kelliham, Sarah, and Adrian Van Riper, Essex 1784 July 29 Kelly, Amy, Woodbridge, .and Elijah Harris, Piscataway 1757 June 15 Kelly, Anne, and John Crawford, Gloucester 1783 July 13 KeUy, Elizabeth, Perth Amboy, and Dennis Dunn, Perth Amboy 1753 April 28 Kelly, Elizabeth, Woolwich, and George Shinn, AVoolwich 1769 April 3 Kelly, Elizabeth, and John Hammell, Burlington 1 778 Aug. 5 Kelly, Jane, Springfield, and Benjamin Trumis, Burlington 1767 Feb. 24 Kelly, Jane, and Jacob Rail, Barlington 1778 Mar. 23 Kelly, Mary, Middlesex, and Elias V. Court, Jr., Middlesex 1748 June 30 Kelly, Mary, Hunterdon, and James Berry, Hunterdon 1773 July 19 Kelly, Mary, and Samuel Davis, Barlington 1783 Nov. 7 Kelly, Rachel, Alloways Creek, and Abel Smith, Salem 1765 May 17 KeUy, Rebecca, and John Hunnywell, Sussex 1768 Jan. 26 Kelsay, Elisabeth, and Dan Bowen, Cumberland ." . .1780 Dec. 20 Kelsey, Temperance, and Joseph Morgan, Hunterdon 1780 AprU 24 Kemble, Ann, and AVUliam Miller, Burlington 1777 AprU 7 Kemble, Anna, Burlington, and Solomon Mason, BurUngton 1754 Sept. 13 Kemble, Huldah, and Job Rossell, Burlington 1775 May 13 Kemble, Margaret, and Thomas Gage, The Hon. Brig. General 1758 Dec. 7 Kemble, Mary, Northampton, and WiUiam Middleton, Burlingtou 1746 Oct. 9 Kemble, Mary, Woodbridge, and Samuel Compton, Woodbridge 1748 Feb. 13 Kemble, Mary, Burlington, and Charles Bevan, Philadelphia 1772 July 9 Kemble, Mary, and Zachariah RoseU, New Hanover 1783 Deo. 24 Kemble, Sarah, and Benjamin Bickerton, Gloucester 1778 Dec. 4 Kemble, Sarah, and James Wour, Burlington 1779 Mar. 26 Kemble, Susannah, Burlington, and Abraham Stockton, Burlingtou. . . 1774 June 6" Kemp. Jemima, and Abel Thompson, Evesham 1778 Sept. 28 Ken, Sarah, Freehold, and Thomas Sweetman, Freehold 1765 April 15 Kendal, Jaue, Burlington, and William Chumard, Burlington 1773 Oct. 4 Kennada, Anua, and Abraham Kershow, Somerset 1779 Nov. 27 Kennade, Elizabeth, and Jacob Cornell, Somerset 1779 Nov. 27 Kenney, Dorothy, Somerset, and William Danelson, Somerset 1750 Oct. 25 Kenney, Jane, Hunterdon, and Edward Harrington, Hunterdon 1750 July 16 232 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Kennedy, Aune, Burlington, aud WUliam Jackson, Burlington 1773 Kennedy, Elizabeth, and James McDannel, Monmouth 1739 Kennedy, Elizabeth, and Samuel Thatcher. 1771 Kennedy, Sarah, and James Henderson, Somerset 1768 Kenny, Sarah, Morris, and Samuel TuthUl, Morris. 1751 Kent, Ann, aud Charles Peterson 1691 Kent, Ann, Salem, and William Huut, Salem 1772 Kens, Esther, Cape May, and William SeagraTe, Cape May 1737 Kent,' Rebecca, and Samuel Fenton, Biirlington 1769 Kent, Sarah, Salem, and David Allen, Salem 1767 Kent, Sarab, Hunterdon, and Peter Ent, Hunterdon 1776 Kent, Susannah, Cape May, and James Miller, Cape May 1753 Kenton, Haunah, and John Tices, Cumberland 1786 Kenton, Mary, Burlington, and Hezekiah Wood, Barlington 1771 Ker, Mary, Freehold, and Peter Watson, Freehold 1757 Kernes, Anna, Middlesex, and Emanuel Newman, Shrewsbury 1767 Kerr, Mary, Monmouth, aud Samuel Herriot, Somerset 1759 Kesster, Rebecca, Hunterdon, aud Thomas King, Hunterdon 1771 Kester, Elizabeth, and Benjamin Hambleton 1786 Ketcham, Esther, Monmouth, aud John Emens, Monmouth 1747 Ketcham, Esther, Monmouth, and Nathan Stout, Amwell 1767 Ketcham, Mary, Perth Amboy, aud Luyks Smock, Perth Amboy. ..... 1752 Ketcham, Phebe, Monmouth, and Obadiah Stiwell, Monmouth 1761 Ketcham, Sarah, and John Mattison, Hunterdon 1779 Ketcheu, Mary, and Thomas Mason, Burlingtou 1759 Kettle, Ruth, and Thomas Bibb 1693 Key, Mary, and John Sprague, Burlington 1786 Key, Sarah, and Nathan Eyre, Philadelphia 1791 Key, Sara, aud Benjamin Ford, Chester, Pa 1782 Kidd, Elizabeth, and Johu Callahan 1765 Kidd, Elizabeth, Bucks, Pa., and James Heaton, Backs, Pa 1776 Kidd, Margaret, Bucks, Pa., and Johu Burk, Bucks, Pa 1732 Kidney, Hannah, Essex, aud Christian Corson, Staten Island 1761 Killam, Lucia, Amboy, and Thomas Estell, Monmouth 1751 KUlday, Bridget, and AVUliam Harding, Burlington 1784 Kille, Catharine, and Johu Larkins, Burliugton 1780 Kille, EUzabeth, Burliugton, and Thomas Gale, Burlington 1739 Kille, Mary, Burlington, and James Powell, PhUadelphia 1740 Kille, Mercy, Gloucester, and Aaron Howell, Gloucester 1760 Killey, Anne, Shrewsbury, aud Tunis Aumack, Shrewsbury 1758 Kimball, Ellen, aud William Hancock 1735 Kimball, Hanuah, and John Mackintosh 1735 Kimbal, Sarah, and WiUiam Stevenson, Burlington .1740 Kimble, Edith, Burlington, and James Sherwin, Burlington 1748 Kimble, Hanuah, Barlington, and Samuel Loker, Burlington 1730 Kimble, Martha, Burlington, and Samuel Matlack, Burlingtou , .1759 June 12 Jan. 29 Mar. 18 Aug. 17 Sept. 9 Mar. 18 Jan. 9 Oct. 3 Nov. 17 Mar. 2 Jan. 27 June 3 July 31 Mar. 14 Jan. 4 Feb. 21 Jan. 29 Oct. 14 April 3 May 4 Oct. 24 Aug. 13 June 13 Deo. 21 Dec. 1 July 20 Deo. 22 Mar. 3 Oct. 11 June 1 June 5 Nov. 6 July 10 Jan. 1 June 14 July 31 Oct. 8 Sept. 5 Jan. 8 Oct. 17 Oct. 18 Oct. 7 AprU 19 Mar 13 Nov. .5 April 23 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 233' Kimble, Mary, and Asa Sohooley, Burlington 1786 Kimble, Rachel, Barlington, and Joseph Baker, Burlington 1754 Kimble, Rachel, and George Bickerton 1780 Kimme, Elizabeth, and Jeremiah Towser, Cumberland 17 — Kimme, Mary, and Jonathan Brooks, Cape May 1778 Kimming, Anne, Middletown, and Moses Winter, Middletown 1749 Kimpson, Susannah, Burliugton, and John Butler, Burlington 1767 Kimsey, Eleanor, and Thomas Milnor, Gloucester 1763 Kimsey, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Jeremiah Matlack, Burliugton 1772 Kimson, Mary, Burlington, and Edward Esdall, Burlington 1774 Kindall, Elizabeth, JBurlington, and Patrick Field, Burlingtou 1740 Kindall, Elizabeth, Burlington, and William Fenton, Burlington 1773 Kindel,-Mary, Barlington, aud John Bennet, Barlington ". . . 1741 KindeU- Achsah, Chesterfield, and John Hoy, Chesterfield 1782 Kine, Jane, Barlington, and John Mullen, Burlington 1761 King, Achsah, and Samuel Ireton, Burlington 1779 King, Amy, Kingwood, and John Stockton, Hunterdon 1764 King, Anne, and Jeremiah Dawson, Burlington 1778 King, Catharine, Barlington, and Francis JerTis, Philadelphia 1737 King, Catharine, Roxbury, and William Walton, Pequauack 1763 King, Elizabeth, Shrewsbury, and Stephen Akin, Monmouth 1761 King, Elizabeth, Hanover, and William Sprouls, Hanover 1765 King, Elizabeth, and Jacob Swiger, Burlington 1766 King, Elizabeth, Philadelphia, and Joseph Pritchard, Philadelphia 1774 King, Hannah, Burlington, and John Budd, Barlington 1750 King, Hannah, Barlington, and Edward Pancoast, Barlington 1761 King, Jane, Hunterdon, aud John Imlay, Hunterdon 1764 King, Mary, Burlington, and Obadiah Hireton, Burlington 1728 King, Mai'y, Philadelphia, aud Edward Tew, Philadelphia 1734 King, Mary, Hunterdon, and Mansfield Hunt, Hunterdon 1736 King, Mary, Essex, and Adrian Dow, Essex 1748 King, Mary, Burlington, and Obadiah Garwood, Burlington 1756 King, Mary, and William Tamer, Philadelphia 1761 King, Mary, and David Demaree. 1782 King, Miriam, Springfield, and Peter Ogle, Springfield 1772 King, Rachel, and John Norcross, Burlington .1765 King, Rebecca, and Thomas Potts, Mansfield 1777 King, Theodosia, Northampton, and Joshua Norcross, Northampton. . . 1767 Kingsland, Catharine, aud Matthias De Hart, Essex 1746 Kingsland, Catherine, and William Gerau 1779 Kingsland, Mary, Bjrgen, and Edmund Leslie, Somerset 1768 Kingsland, Mary, aud James Joraleman 1779 Kinnan, Elizabeth, Perth Amboy, and Thomas Pringle, Perth Amboy 1759 Kinnan, Lucy, Monmouth, and George Doan, Monmouth 1756 Kinney, Elizabeth, and Jonas Simds, Massachusetts 1777 Kinnison, Hannah, Pennsylvania, and George Hobson, Burlington. . . .1732 Jan. 25 Oct. 17 Jan. 29 April 20. Nov. 16 Jan. 17 Oct. 6 April 8 May 21 Mar. 14 July 16 Aug. 9 June 8 Mar. 31 Nov. 28 April 3 Mar. 17 July 29 Dec. 28 Oct. 17 April 1 Nov. 9 Sept. 7 June 25 Dec. 31' Aug. 15 Oct. 24 July 29 Sept. 30 Sept. 25 Feb. 9 Aug. 17 June 29 Aug. 31 Aug. 10 Sept. 18 Sept. 13 April 14 Mar. 31 May 14 Feb. 10 Oct. 18 Dec. 27 Oct. 27 April 11 Aug. 8 234 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Kinsey, Elizabeth, Woodbridge, and Jacob Shotwell, Woodbridge . . . 1758 Feb. 22 Kip, Antie, Essex, and Anthony Paxton, Essex 1761 Jaly 25 Kip, Cattinely, Essex, and Jacob Toers, Bergen 1753 June 13 Kip, Cornelia, Bergen, and Enoch Vreelandt, Bergen 1764 Nov. 18 Kip, Sarah, New York, and Robert Leaycraft, Essex 1761 Mar. 24 Kipp, Aun, Bergen, and William Hoopper, Bergen 1767 Dec. ll Kipp, Anne, and Garret Veeder, Saddle River 1780 Feb. 15 Kipp, Catharine, Essex, and Abraham Rosat, Essex 1752 AprU 13 Kipp, Geesyi, Bergen, and Jacob Bogert, Bergen 1771 Aug. 1 Kipp, Jannetje, Bergen, and Cornelius Brinkerhoff, Bergen 1769 Sept. 17 Kipp, Lana, Monmouth, and Samuel Hatton, Monmouth 1754 Feb. 4 Kipp, AVilUamtie, Monmouth, and John Johnsen, Monmouth 1739 Sept. 28 Kipp, Willemtje, Raritan, and Daniel Polhamus, Raritan 1750 May 12 Kirby, Alice, Barlington, and James Feagan, Burlington 1740 Feb. 6 Kirby, Ann, Burlington, and Samuel Emley, Monmouth 1775 Nov. 21 Kirby, Mary, Burlington, aud Jeremiah Louusbury, Burlington 1745 Nov. 18 Kirbride, Margery, and Abraham Boston, Barlington 1764 Sept. 15 Kirkbride, Mary, and Thomas Child, Bucks, Pa 1785 Nov. 3 Kirkbride, Phebe, Bucks, Pa., and Joseph Milnor, Bucks, Pa 1746 Deo. 29 Kirkpatrick, Martha, S3merset, aud Joseph Linn, Somerset 1747 Aug. 10 Kipell, Margaret, Amwell, aud Johu Snyder, Kingwood 1781 Feb. 22 Kitchin, Mary, Hunterdon, and Joshua Mott, Hunterdon 1773 Sept. 22 Kline, Fanny, and Jacob Nuff, Hunterdon 1781 Dec. 25 Knaps, Elizabeth, and Thomas Edgars, Middlesex 1769 Mar. 25 Knewling, Deborah, Middlesex, and Goodson Cart, Middlesex 1765 July 27 Knight, Elizabeth, Bristol, and Joseph Clark, Bristol 1749 April 25 Knight, Haunah, and John Tindall, Middlesex 1769 Dec. 4 Knight, Hanuah, Mouut Holly, and Joseph Porter, Evesham 1771 May 18 Knight, Sarah, and Samuel Forker, Burlington 1781 Mar. 17 Knott, Abigail, Monmouth, and Gavin Drummond, Monmouth 1759 Mar. 21 Knott, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Johu Merryman, Burlington 1779 April 24 Knott, Mercy, Monmouth, and Coonradt Hendricks, Monmouth. .... 1763 June 17 Knott, Rebekah, Moumouth, aud Remembrance Lippincott, Jr., M'h.l744 Nov. 3 Knott, Sarah, Monmouth, and Samuel Lippincott, Monmouth 1747 Aug. 18 Knox, Rachel, and George Conner, Monmouth 1780 Mar. Knowles, Ann, Trenton, and Thomas Brooks, Hunterdon 1778 May 1 Knowles, Hannah, and Joseph Fenton 1786 Nov. 4 Knowles, Jane, Philadelphia, and George WiUs, Philadelphia 1742 Feb. 23 Kogh, Catharine, and John P. Post, Saddle River 1783 Mar. 18 Kotts, Sarah, aud WiUiam Robison, Trenton 1780 Feb. 10 Kuyper, Mary, and John A. Hopper, Bergen 1779 Sept. 9 MALES. L Labagh, Henry, Bergen, and Sarab Johnson, Bergen 1751 May 11 Laban, Francis, Hunterdon, and Jemima Stout, Hunterdon 1772 July 27 Laokerman, Nathaniel, New York, and Mary MerrUl, Staten Island . . . 1748 June 15 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 235 Lackey, Eobert, Middlesex, and Susannah Noe, Middlesex 1771 Ladd, Samuel, Glouoester, and Sarah Hambilton, Gloucester , 1754 Lafetra, George, Monmoutb, and Mary Lippincott, Monmouth 1739 Lafetra, George, Monmouth, and Sarah Phillips, Monmouth 1746 Lafter, John, Somerset, and Mary TUton, Somerset 1771 Laforge, Adrian, Jr., Staten Island, and Lydia Pontine, Middlesex 1763 Laforge, David, Staten Island, and Mary Johnson, Staten Island 1748 La Grange, Jelis, Somerset, and Anne La Grange, Somerset 1748 Laiug, Abraham, Middlesex, and Catherine Edgar , . 1769 Laiug, James, Middlesex, and Phebe Onge, Burlingtou 1731 Laing, Joshua, Hunterdon, and Patience Reed 1779 Lair, WiUiam, Hunterdon, and Sarah Eoss, Hunterdon 1776 Laird, Moses, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Inglish, Monmouth 1765 Laird, WUliam, Monmouth, and Jane McKnight 1765 Lak, Amariah, Glouoester, and Nemoiah Townsend, Glouoester 1760 Lake, Abraham, Cumberland, and Abigail Heaton 1781 Lake, Andrew, Gloucester, and Mary Ingerson 1777 Like, Conert, 1 Bergen, and Salome Van Saan, Bergen 1789 Lake, Daniel, Gloucester, and Gartara Steelman, Gloucester 1730 Lake, Henry, Middlesex, and Mary Holwey, Middlesex 1740 Lake, John, Monmouth, and Elsey Jonson, Monmouth 1759 Lamb, Jacob, Burlington, aud Mary Shinn 1768 Lamb, Jacob, Burlington, and EUzabeth Shinn 1777 Lamb, Jacob, BurUngton, and Sarah Inskeep 1777 Lamb, John, Essex, and Hiley Brown 1792 Lamb, Joseph, Burlington, and Eebecca Budd 1738 Lamb, Joseph, Burlington, and Edith Taylor 1 782 Lamb, Nehemiah, Burlington, and Lettice Foster, Burlington 1772 Lambers, Eulif, Moumouth, and Margaret Jonston, Monmouth 1 755 Lamberson, Cornelius, Middlesex, and Sarah Ellison, Middlesex 1752 Lamberson, James, New Jersey, and Sarah Warne 1745 Lamberson, Simon, Middlesex, and Anne Green 1745 Lambert, Gershom, Hunterdon, and Mary Barbary, Hunterdon 1776 Lambert, Jobn, Hunterdon, and Hannah Dennis 1781 Lambert, Joseph, 'Hunterdon, and Eliza Woolverton, Hunterdon 1774 Lambson, Giles, Salem, and Sarah Mecum 1777 Lambson, Hance, Salem, and Margarett Mecum 1758 Lambson, Matthias, Salem, and Sarah Copner 1758 Lambson, Mathias, Salem, and Anue Newman 1769 Lamburt, Josias, Monmouth, and Joannah Woodward, Hunterdon. . . . 1766 Lamburt, Moses, Monmonth, and Sarah Homer 1737 Lame, John, Burlington, and Anne Ewing, Burlington 1758 Lame, John, Burlington, and Dinah Turner 1780 Lamerson, Conrad, Somerset, and Esther Parsell, Somerset 1750 I Conrad ? Oct. 12 Oct. 2 Nov. 27 Feb. 17 April 4 Dec. 8 Mar. 30 Aug. 10 Sept. 27 July 22 Feb. 13 Jan. 31 Sept. 4 Sept. 18 June 4 Mar. 19 Dec. 11 Aug. 15 Sept. 14 Feb. 21 April 5 April 19 Mar. 3 April 28 Aug. 30 Mar. 28 May 27 Sept. 12 Feb. 12 Deo. 23 Sept. 7 Oct. 14 Jan. 15 Oct. 6 Mar. 22 Mar. 29 May 20 Dec. 14 Deo. 22 July 23 Sept. 12 April 26 May 1 Oct. 27 236 - NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Land, John, Burlington, and Catherine Hoar 1778 Land, Thomas, Burliugton, and AUce Higbee 1763 Land, Thomas, Gloucester, and Margaret Wilson 1772 Land, William, Burlington, and SarabMorris 1781 Lane, Abraham, Hunterdon, and Mary Hoffman, Hunterdon 1773 Line, Cornelius, Hunterdon, and Tiny Monfort 1782 Lane, Gilbert, Monmouth, and Eleanor Smock, Monmouth 1741 Lane, GuUbert, Somerset, and Rebecca Pertron 1783 Lane, Guisbert, Monmoutb, and Mary Fisher, Monmouth 1746 Lane, Jobn, Monmoutb, and Elizabeth Hankinson, Moumouth 1763 Lane, Joseph, Jr., Middlesex, and Catherine Priest 1781 Lane, Stephen, Burlington, and Ann Edward 1777 Lane, WUliam, Somerset, and Jannetia Rappelyea, Somerset 1750 Lane, William, Somerset, and Mary Brokaw 1781 Lanen, Richard, Sussex, and Catherine McDonald 1781 Langdale, John, PhUadelphia, aud Sarah Hudson, Philadelphia 1737 Langercan, Richard, Burlington, and Mary Bozworth, Burliugton. . . . 1741 Langford, Jobn, Burlingtou, and Isabella Bowman, Burlington 1686 Langford, John, and Effey Black 1732 Langley, Thomas, Gloucester, and Ruth Chisam 1775 Langstaft, Laban, Glouoester, and Aune Hewit, Gloucester 1744 Langton, Thomas, Salem, and Ruth AVright, Salem 1746 Lauing, Enoch, Hunterdon, and Sarah Abbit 1785 Lauing, John, Camberland, and Anna Ewing 1785 Lankins, Jonathan, Burlington, aud Mary Bennett, Monmouth 1779 Lannin, William, Burlington, and Esther Campbell, Burlington 1783 Lanning, John, Monmouth, aud Keziah Combs 1757 Lanning, John, Barlington, and Grace Craft, Burlington 1761 Lanning, Johu, Cumberland, and Rhoda Izard, Cumberland 1773 Lanning, John, Burlington, and Amey Arnel 1777 Lanning, Joseph, Burliugton, aud Mary Jaquatt, Burlington 1741 Lannning, Joseph, Burlington, and Marcy Lownsberry 1756 Lanning, Ralph, Hunterdon, and Rebeckah Smith 1782 Lanning, Samuel, Burlington, and Ann Elkington 1732 Lansing, Garrit G., Bergen, and Aun Zabriskie, Bergen 1789 Laquar, Thomas, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Bray, Monmouth 1747 Larason, David, and Jerusha Smith. 17b0 Larason, James, and Rachel Hudnot 1783 Large, Samuel, Hunterdon, and Mary Runyan 1780 Larkins, John, Barlington, and Catharine Kille 1780 Laroe, Henry, Or.-inge, N. Y., and Marretye Mandeviel, Morris 1780 Larowe, Isaac, Hunterdon, and Anna Ford 1780 Larreu, Daniel, Bucks, Pa., and Elizabeth Sutton, Burlington 1763 Larzclere, Nicholas, Bucks, Pa., and Hannah Britton, Bucks, Pa 1766 Lasbley, Edward, Gloucester, and Rachel Sedmau 1758 Laton, Obadia, Monmouth, and Hulden Hemones, Monmouth 1758 Feb. 5 Nov. 28 Sept. 1 May 9 Feb. 1 Aug. 9 June 6 Nov. 25 Mar. 26 Jau. 24 Nov. 8 Sept. 8 June 4 Nov. 3 May 26 Dec. 30 April 29 Oct. 30 July 14 Aug. 22 Dec. 10 Jan. 15 Mar. 6 Mar. 10 Dec. 17 Jau. 6 Oct. 31 Nov. 11 May 20 Nov. 12 Jan. 2 Dec. 7 July 30 Sept. 20 Nov. 27 Oct. 9 Sept. 15 Oct. 11 Feb. 10 July 31 Feb. 24 April 23 May 21 Mar. 11 Aug. 28 Mar. 22 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Latorat, Peter, Hunterdon, and Margaret Stout, Hunterdon 1777 Laughton, Benjamin, Cape May, and Elizabeth- Huton, Cape May. 1739-40 Lavenner, John, Burlington, and Lydia Atkinson, Burlingtou ... . . ,- 1729 Lawler, Thomas, Fauquier, Va., Sarah Gromo, New Jersey 1779 Lawrance, Nathan, Cumberland, aud Elizabeth Johnston, Cumberl'd.. 1769 Lawrance, Samuel, Monmouth, and Mary TUton, Monmouth 1756 Lawrason, John, Somerset, and Catherine Demon, Someiset 1750 Lawrence, Andrew, Burlington, and Sarah Wallace 1774 Lawrence, Benjamin, East Jersey, aud Eebecca Harbut 1758 Lawrence, Benjamin, Monmouth, and Euphen Barton, Monmouth . . .1779, Lawrence, Caleb, New York, and Elizabeth Lawrence, Monmouth 1747 Lawrence Giles, Pennsylvania, aud AVilmeth Harry, Pennsylvania . . 1738 Lawrence, Jacob, Moumouth, and Pathena Polhemus 1779 Lawrence,. Jacob, Burlington, and Elizabeth Feorigin 1767 Lawrence, James, Monmouth, and Catherine Waters, Burlington.. 1765 Lawrence, James, Jr. , Monmouth, and Mary Rogers 1 785 Lawrence, John, Monmouth, and Hannah Borden, Burlington 1731 Lawrence, John, Burlington, and Anne Leonard, Middlesex.. 1753 Lawrence, John, Burlington, and Martha Tallman 1759 Lawrence, John, Jr., Essex, and Elizabeth WeUs 1777 Lawrence, Jonathan, Orange, N. Y., and Jannet Neah 1784 Lawrence, Joseph, Jr., Monmouth, and Deborah TUton, Monmouth. .1766 Lawrence, Richard, and Catherine Stelle, Monmouth 1747 Lawrence, William, Monmouth, and Marah Duley, Monmoath 1753 Lawrence, William, Philadelphia, and Margaret Wood, Philadelphia. .1755 Lawshe, John, Hunterdon, and Penelope Chamberlin 1779 Layer, Michael, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Dove 1758 Layton, Andrew, Monmouth, and Mary Wilkison, Monmouth 1761 Layton, Samuel, Monmouth, aud Sarab WUliams, Monmouth 1755 Layton, Asher, Monmouth, aud Asene Emans, Monmouth 1762 Layton, John, Monmouth, and Sarah Nevill, Middlesex 1761 Layton, John, Monmoutb, and Jane .Johnston, Monniouth. . ^ j764 Layton, Safty, Monmouth, and Christian Fleming, Monmouth 1765 Layton, Thomas, Monmouth, and Eebeoka Stilwell, Middlesex. ., 1758 . Layton, William, Monmouth, and Hannah White, Monmouth 1753 Layton, WilUam, Monmoutb, and Catherine Van Felt 1 764 Lazier, John, Bergen, and Ann Lazier, Bergen 1767 Lazillier, Nicholas, Bucks, Pa., and Elizabeth Bessonett, Bucks, Pa. . . 1741 Lea, William, Monmouth,, and Zilpha Gifford, Monmouth 1763 Leadam, John, Bucks, Pa., and Susanna Lancaster, Bucks, Pa. .... 1730 ¦ Leadlie, Thomas, Middlesex, and Mary Blane, Middlesex 1740 League, Samuel, Salem, and Mary McFagin, Salem .1764 Leahy, John, Hunterdon, and Penelope Hunt 1784 Leake, Daniel, Gloucester, and Sarah Lucas, Glouoester. 1764 Leake, Samuel, Cumberland, aud Elizabeth McQueen, Cumberland. . . 1769 ..Leaming, Aaron, Jr., Cape May, aud Mary Foreman, Cape May.. ....1738 237 NOV. 21 Feb. 23 Aug. 20 Jan. 12 Aug. 18 Nov. 13 June 18 Feb. 3 Feb. 11 May 25 June 20 Nov. 23 May 29 Oct. 14 Oct. 29 Feb. 27 April 26 July 18 Nov. 14 Aug. 27 Nov. 2 Feb. 22 Sept. 16 Mar. 19 May 17 Sept. 3 Mar. 13 Dec. 19 Dec. 25 April 16 Deo. .26 Feb. 10 Jan. 4 April 15 May 24 Not. 19 A,pi'U 29 Mar. 28 June , 1 Feb. 21 Dec. ,29 Feb. 18 Jan. .7 Aug, .17 Feb. 14 Feb. .13 238 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Leaming, Jonathan, Cape May, and Margaret StUes 1763 Leaming, Jonathan, Cape May, and Judith Hand ^'°° Leaming, Jonathan, Cape May, and Sarah Ewing 1780 Leaming, Persons, Cape May, and Charlotta Eldredge, Cape May 1782 Leaming, Thomas, Cape May, and Elizabeth Leaming, Cape May. . . . 1740 Leamyng, Christopher, Cape May, and Sarah Spicer, Cape May 1761 Leap, Henry, Burlington, and Mary Willis, Burlington 1777 Leaver, Frederick V., Somerset, and Elizabeth Vandyke 1780 Leawert, George, Camberland, and Elizabeth Burrows .1778 Leaycraft, Robert, Essex, and Sarah Kip, New York 1761 Leaycraft, AViUiam, Orange, N. Y., and Eleanor Bogert 1783 Le boyteulx, Paul, Middlesex, and Elisabeth Henry, Middlesex 1749 Leconard, Nicholas, Gloucester, and Mary Cardiffe, Burlington 1743 Leconey, William, Burlington, and Abigail Crispin 1787 Leddel, William, Morris, and Pheby AVyck, Morris 1770 Lee, Abel, Gloucester, and Mary Wood, Gloucester 1733 Lee, Abel, Gloucester, and Mary Doughty, Gloucester 1 761 Lee, Abel, Cape May, and Susannah Snell 1783 Lee, David, Monmouth, and Margaret Perine, Monmouth 1761 Lee, Hezekiah, Gloucester, and Margaret Breasor, Gloucester 1755 Lee, Jobn, Burlington, and Johanna Fort, Burlington 1727 Lee, John, Middlesex, and Hannah Arvine, Staten Island 1741 Lee, Joseph, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Cyphers 1766 Lee, Joseph, Hunterdon, and Hannah Smith, Hunterdon 1767 Lee, Joshua, Middlesex, and Hannah Dove, Monmouth 1739 Lee, Robert, Somerset, and Sarah Shaw, Somerset 1770 Lee, Thomas, Gloucester, and Mary Gandy, Gloucester 1757 Lee, Thomas, Burlington, and Theodocia Powell 1739 Lee, Thomas, Sussex, and Margaret Bartron 1781 Lee, AVUliam, Burlington, and Joan Smith, Burlington 1683 Leeard, Archibald, Monmouth, and Sarah Lard, Monmoutb 1757 Leeb, Gustavus, Upper Penns Neck, and Mary Plunkett, Penus Neck.. 1760 Leech, Isaac, Pennsylvania, and Sarah Holcomb 1781 Leech, Jesse. Burlington, and EUzabeth Parker, Barlington •. . . , 1780 Leech, Uz, Burlington, aud Elizabeth Tallman 1781 Leeds, Abraham, Burlington, and Aune Lamb, Burlington 1750 Leeds, Dauiel, Glouoester, and Rebecca Steelman, Gloucester 1751 Leeds, Daniel, Gloucester, and Mary Steelmau 1775 Leeds, Isaiah, Buriiugton, and Elizabeth Jones 1778 Leeds, James, Gloucester, and Rody Byard 1785 Leeds, Jeremiah, Glouoester, and Judith Steelman 1776 Leeds, John, Burlington, and Eebecca Corelry, Burlington 1737 Leeds, John, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Giffier, Glouoester 176O Leeds, Joseph, Burlingtou, and Margaret Jones, Burlington 1775 Leeds, Nehemiah, and Elizabeth Wood 1735 Leeds, Nehemiah, Gloucester, and Sarah Johnston, Gloucester... 1755 Jan. 25 Aug. 14 Nov. 6 Oct. 21 AprU 25 Aug. 8 Mar. 1 Juue 16 Oct. 27 Mar. 24 Oct. 16 Not. 9 Aug. 30 Oct. 31 April 4 Mar. 7 Feb. 7 July 24 Aug. 6 May 26 Jan. 4 July 21 Not. 29 July 2 July 28 June 5 Mar. 25 Not. 6 Oct. 10 Sept. 23 Mar. 8 Deo. 18 Feb. 6 June 21 May 22 Mar. 14 Jan. 29 Jan. 3 June 3 Feb. 28 Dec. 8 June 7 May 12 Oct. 5 Sept. 24 Aug. 2 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 239 Leeds, Nehemiah, Burlington, and Elizabeth Eayre, Burlington .... 1774 Leeds, Nehemiah, Jr., Gloucester, and Ann Pizley, Gloucester 1763 Leeds, Philo, Burlington, and Sarah Shinn, Burlington 1740 Leeds, Robert, Gloucester, and Margaret Leeds 1784 Leeds, Solomon, Gloucester, and Maitha Farrow, Burlington 1765 Leeds, Titan, Burlington, aud Hope French , 1759 Leeds, Titan, Burlington, and Mary Warrington 1782 Leek, John, and Phebe DoTinney 1735 Leek, John, Egg Harbour, and Martha Rose, Egg Harbour .1761 Leek, John, Cape May, and Lydya Tates, Cape May 1763 Leek, Nathan, Cumberland, and Haunah Fithian, Cumberland 1761 Leek, Samuel, Burliugton, and Sarah Matthis 1784 Leeke, LeTi, Cumberland, and Mabel ReeTes 1783 Leffers, Peter, Monmouth, and Mary Vanmater, Monmoutb 1759 Leforge, Charles, Staten Island, and EUzabeth Butler, Staten Island. . 1757 Leforge, David, Middlesex, and Anne Jennings, Somerset 1756 Leforge, David, Middlesex, and Martha Pierson, Middlesex 1757 Lef use, William, Burlington, and Elizabeth Johnson, Burlington. . . . 1775 Leigh, Amos, Hunterdon, aud Ann Hoff 1782 Leigh, Ichabod, Huuterdon, and Anne Stout, Somerset 1744 Leigh, Joseph, and Jerusha Evans 1775 Leigh, Samuel, Somerset, and Amy Blackwell, Somerset 1774 Leish, Henry, Sussex, and Elizabeth Landon, Sussex 1771 Lemuer, Owens, Staten Island, and Rebecca Hussey 1745 Leonard, Daniel, Middlesex, and Susannah Doughty, Middlesex 1761 Leonard, Elias, Burlington, aud Mary Ervin 1779 Leonard, Henry, Monmouth, and Arabella Euphemia Kearney, M'th. 1751 Leonard, John, Cape May, and Ann Corson, Cape May 1732 Leonard, John, Monmouth, aud Deborah Sheppard, Monmouth 1759 Leonard, John, Monmouth, and Prances Schooly, Burlington 1769 Leonard, Joseph, Monmouth, and Magdalen Gombould, Monmouth. , 1766 Leonard, Joseph, Monmouth, and Sarah Bray •. 1773 Leonard, Michael, Burlington, and Ann Brigs 1782 Leonard, Nicholas, Burlington, and Catharina Soheriper 1761 Leonard, Patrick, Monmoutb, and Margaret Delaney, Monmouth 1765 Leonard, Samuel, Cape May, and Joan Williams, Cape May 1733 Leonard, Thomas, Monmonth, and Mary Lawrence, Monmouth 1741 Leonard, Thomas, Monmouth, and Hanuah White, Monmouth 1767 Leonard, William, Middlesex, and Anne Shaw 1779 Lepper, Thomas, Monmouth, and Isabel Robertson, Monmoutb 1744 Lerew, Peter, Hunterdon, and Nelly Conoway, Hunterdon 1765 Le Riche, Joseph, Morris, and Sarab Jones 1779 Leslie, Edmund, Somerset, and Mary Kingsland, Bergen • 1768 Lester, Stephen, Cumberland, and Susannah Smith, Cumberland 1773 Letford, Eobert, Gloncester, and Mary England 1785 Letson, Thomas, Monmouth, and Elisabeth White 1752 April 4 Sept. 5 Nov. 1 Mar. 9 Jan. 30 Jan. 31 Feb. 26 Jan. 12 July 3 June 14 Dec. 1 Mar. 25 July 28 June 11 Oct. 25 June 14 June 4 Nov. 29 Oct. 23 July 23 Mar. 21 Dec. 10 Dec. 31 Jan. 13 Nov. 20 Feb. 18 Oct. 18 Dec. 29 Dec. 17 May '26 Sept. 11 Oct. 12 June 20 May 12 Feb. 15 June 27 May 21 April 30 June 25 AprU 6 Sept. 18 July 19 Feb. 10 Nov. 24 Jan. 13 Dec. 1 2/}0 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Letts, Elijah, Middlesex, and Hannah Rose 1769 Letts, Elisha, Middlesex, and Mary Disbrow, Middlesex 1772 Letts, Francis, Monmouth, and Mele Spray, Monmouth 1762 Letts, Francis, Jr., Middlesex, and Sarah Letts, Middlesex 1760 Letts,. James, Middlesex, and Sarah Sheppard, Middlesex 1760 Letts, James, Middlesex, and Hannah Campbell 1774 Letts, Thomas, Monmouth, and Kezia Bennet, Monmouth 1771 Lewis, Amaziah, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Sweet, Monmouth 1748 Lewis, Benjamin, Somerset, and Anue Doty, Somerset 17C8 Lewis, Edward, Pennsylvania, and Jane AVilliams, Pennsylvania 1730 Lewis, Isaac, Richmond, N. Y., and Bellitje Butler 1767 Lewis, James, Salem, and Rachel Scull, Salem 1774 Lewis, Jesse, Bristol, Pa., and Rachel Brelsfoard, Bristol 1764 Iiewis, John, Salem, and Mary Burden, Salem 1730 Lewis, John, Salem, and Ruth Roberts 1741 Lewis, John, Bergen, and Petertie Jerolman, Bergen 1767 Lewis, John, Bucks, Pa., and Rachel Pox 1780 Lewis, John, Burlington, and Lydia Sharp, Burlington 1784 Lewis, Jonathan, Richmond, N. Y., and Abigail Pintard, Monmouth. 1756 Lewis, Joseph, BurUngton, and Mary Stratton, Burlington 1733 Dewis, William, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Coulton, Monmouth. . .1749-50 Lewis, Zeah, Somerset, and Anna Doughty, Somerset 1760 Leydekker, Samuel B. , Bergen, and Catherine Provoost, Bergen 1764 Liddon, James, Bucks, Pa., and Ann Lane, Bucks, Pa 1771 Lie, James, Bergen, and Meeri CornwiU 1766 • Light, Matthew, Middlesex, aud Catherine Vredenburgb, Middlesex. . 1779 Liming, Johu, Monmouth, and Mary Coxe, Monmouth 1740 Liming, William, Monmouth, and Eachel Johnson 1750 .Linch, Samuel, Salem, and Sarah Pedrick, Salem 1730 .Lindsley, Jauia, Morris, and Hannah Nuttman, Morris 1752 Lines, John, Bergen, and Helena Bruyn 1779 Linn, Alexander, Somerset, and Sarah McCay, Somerset 1745 Linn, Alexander, Sussex, and Hannah Armstrong 1779 Linn, Joseph, Somerset, and Martha Kirkpatrick, Somerset 1747 Linnington. John, Philadelphia, and Mary Amey, Burlington 1766 Linthicum, Edmund, Burliugton, and Meribah Reeves, Burlington.. . 1783 Lippicotte, James, Monmouth, and Hannah Hance, Monmouth 1757 Lippincott, Amaziah, and Hannah Prickett 1768 Lippincott, Aquila, BurUngton, and Agues Inskip 1784 . Lippincott, Arney, Burlington, and Rebecca Almon, Burlington 1761 Lippincott, Arney, Buriington, and EUzabeth Evans 1779 Lippincott, Benjamin, Burlington, and Hannah Hewlings 1783 Lippincott, Caleb, Burlington, and Jemima Shinn 1782 Lippiucott, Daniel, Barlington, and Hanuah ColoS 1756 Lippiucott, Darius, Monmouth, and Naomi Allen, Monmouth 1743 Lippincott, David, Burlington, and Mary Chambers, Burlington 1728 Dec. 20 Mar. 12 Nov. "2 Mav 30 Feb. 20 Dec. 24 June 27 July 30 Feb. 10 July 4 Nov. 17 Oct. 3 Aug. 8 Not. 18 Jan. 13 Jan. 26 Sept. 12 Aug. 3 Aug. 28 Oct. 18 Jan. 26 June 17 Jan. 5 May 29 Nov. 29 Aug. 12 Nov. 4 Mar. 17 Sept. 10 Oct. 6 Not. 27 April 27 April 17 Aug. 10 Mar. 13 Sept. 29 Nov. 14 Oct. 29 Jan. 15 Mar. 21 Jan. 2 Aug. 10 Mar. 10 Not. 12 July 20 June 26 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 24I Lippincott, DaTid, Burlington, and Rebeckah Stockton, Burlington. . . 1731 Lippincott, DaTid, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Woolley, Monmouth.. . .1757 Lippincott, Enos, Burlington, and Elizabeth Doughty 1779 Lippincott, Jacob, Burlingtou, and Hannah Lippincott, Burlington. . .1775 Lippincott, Jacob, Jr., Monmouth, and Lydia Woolley, Monmouth. ..1753 Lippincott, James, Moumouth, and Rachel Brewer, Monmouth 1750 Lippincott, James, Monmouth, and Sarah Wardill, Monmouth 1756 Lippincott, James,' Barlington, and Susannah Evans, Burlington 1771 Lippincott, Jarnes, Burlington, and Hannah Crispin 1777 Lippincott, Job, Burlington, and Anna Ogburn, BurUngton 1728 Lippincott, Job, Burlington, and Sarah Barnes 1779 Lippincott, Job, Burlington, and Beasely Wells 1780 Lippincott, Job, Burlington, and Bathsheba Evans 1794 Lippincott, John, Barlington, and Anne Eves, Burlington 1746 Lippincott, John, Burlington, and AbigaU Collins, Burlington 1770 Lippincott, John, Burlington, and Rachel Hughes 1779 Lippincott, John, BurUngton, and Elizabeth Elton, Burlington 1782 Lippincott, Jonathan, Burlington, and Anne Eves, Burlington 1746 Lippincott Jonathan, Monmouth, and Mary Cook, Monmouth 1757 Lippincott, Jonathan, Salem, aud Naomi Tyley, Salem 1770 Lippincott, Josiah, Burlington, and Merriam Slim 1791 Lippincott, Judiah, Burlington, and Mary Dugless, Burlington 1762 Lippincott, Levi, Burlington, and Lettis Wills, BurUngton 1773 Lippincott, Moses, Burlington, and Mary Hewlings, Burlington. . . . 1778 Lippincott, Obadiah, Monmouth, and Phebe Cathcart, Monmouth 1752 Lippincott, Peter, and Mary Froth 1783 Lippincott, Remembrance, Gloucester, and Hannah Bates, Gloucester. 1 732 Lippincott, Remembrance, Mon'h, and Elizabeth Riddle (widow), M'h. 1744 Lippincott, Remembrance, Jr., M'h, aud Eebekah Kuott (spinster), M'h. 1744 Lippincott, Richard, Burlington, and Hannah Clemens, Burlington 1751 Lippincott, Samuel, Burlington, and Mary Amey 1737 Lippiucott, Samuel, Monmouth, and Sarah Knott, Monmouth 1747 Lippincott, Samuel, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Applyn 1758 Lippincott, Samuel, Monmoutb, and Elizabeth Lain, Monmouth 1761 Lippincott, Samuel, Monmouth, and Mary Lippincott, Monmouth . . . 1767 Lippincott, Thomas, Monmoutb, and Johannah Parker, Monmouth. . .1760 Lippineptt, Thomas, Burlington, and Elizabeth Haines, Burlington. . .1767 Lippincott, Thomas, Burlington, and Hannah Walker 1778 Lippincott, Thomas, Burlington, and Rachel Haines 1779 Lippenoott, Uriah, Monmouth, and Vallaria Chambers, Monmoutb.. . .1752 Lippincott, William, Burlington, and Rebecca Johnston, Burlington. . 1777 Lippincott, William, Burlington, and Rhoda Lishman 1779 Lishman, Henry, Burlington, and Sarah Powell, Burlington 1771 Lisk, Charles, Richmond, N. Y., and Mary Valentine, Richmond, N. Y.1742 Lisk, James, Staten Island, and Alice Saltar, Staten Island 1757 Liss, PhUip, Burlington, and Jane McGinnis , 1756 16 June 1 Dec. 5 Sept. .18 July 15 Dec. 11 June 22 Feb. 4 Jan. 28 Sept. 20 June 25 Mar. 29 Feb. 24 Feb. 24 Mar. 13 Mar. 12 Sept. 20 Aug. 1 Mar. 13 Dec. 16 Dec. 6 Aug. 15 Mar. 27 April 12 Oct. 3 July 2 Dec. 10 Nov. 29 Nov. 1 Nov. 3 May 1 Oct. 20 Aug. 18 Jan. 7 April 16 June 23 April 19 Aug. 15 April 6 Jan. 6 Aug. 17 June 13 Aug. 9 May 13 July 24 Aug. ' 16 May 1 242 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Lister, WilUam, Essex, and Anna Rodman, BurUngton 1759 Oct. 20 Lithgow, Daniel, Salem, and Gertrue Beesly 1771 July 11 LUtle, John, Monmouth, and Elizabeth AVales, Monmouth 1752 Dec. 23 Little, John, Monmouth, and Mary Leeds, Glouoester 1768 April 16 Little, John, Cape May, aud Esther Barrit, Gloucester 1769 Aug. 29 Little, Jobn, Hunterdon, and Sarah Silverthorn 1780 April 27 Little, Joseph, Hunterdon, and Margaret Little, Hunterdon 1767 Sept. 16 Little, WUliam, Burlingtou, and Amy Jobs ' 1758 Feb. 17 Little, WiUiam, Hunterdon, and Agnes Armstrong, Hunterdon 1770 July 5 Livesey, Paulus, Bergen, and Elizabeth Lutkens 1767 Feb. 20 Livingston, Robert, Cumberland, and Pations Davis 1754 Sept. 26 Livingston, Robert R., Jr., New York, and Mary Stevens 1770 Sept. 8 Lloyd, Amos, Hunterdon, and Rebecka Parent. 1780 May 20 Lloyd, Ephraim, Salem, and Aune Walker, Salem 1746 May 18 Loazear, John, Bergen, and Mary Berdett, Bergen 1768 May 6 Lock, Andrew, Salem, aud Eleanor Nealson 1773 Mar. 11 Look, Charles, and Mary Faucett 17 Lock, Francis, Jr., Hunterdon, and Aun McMurtrie, Hunterdon 1771 Sept. 30 Lock, William, Gloucester, and Sarah Hosel, Salem 1772 Sept. 24 Lock, WUliam, Cumberland, and Sarah Parent 1778 Dec. 1 Lockhart, James, Somerset, and Mary Berry, Somerset 1752 Mar. 7 Lodge, Benjamin, Salem, and Sarah Fisher, Glouoester 1742 Oct. 15 Lodge, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Rebeckah Allen, Glouoester 1762 Nov. 17 Lodge,l John, Waterford, and Mary Pattison, Evesham 1747 Sept. 22 Lofetra, Edmond, Monmouth, and Mary Brewer, Monmouth 1744 Oct. 20 Logan, Daniel, Monmouth, and Rachel Baird, Monmouth 1747 Oct. 24 Logan, James, Barlington, aud Elizabeth Alcott, Burlington 1780 May 20 Logan, Thomas, Morris, and Sarah .Johnson, Morris 1779 Mar. 30 Loker, Samuel, Burlingtou, and Hannah Kimble, Burlington 1730 Nov. 5 London, Edward, Burlington, and Sibella Sharp 1779 Aug. 11 Long, Andrew, Glouoester, and Katherine Cox, Gloucester 1730 Deo. 2 Long, Ansell, Cumberland, aud Margaret Finlaw, Camberland 1750 Dec. 10 Long, Constant, Cumberland, and Unis Shepperd 1778 June 16 Long, Daniel, Salem, and Prudence Graves, Salem 1768 Oct. 6 Long, David, Cumberland, and Kerenhappuck Shepperd 1757 Jan. 10 Long, Joseph, Cumberland, and Elizabeth Vanhook 1785 Aug. 27 Long, Martin, Burlington, and Mary Ong 1760 April 24 Longlee, John, Salem, and Sarah Allen, Salem 1761 May 13 Longstaff, Laban, Gloucester, and Anne Hewit, Gloucester 1744 Dec. 10 Longstreet, Awrey, Middlesex, and Lydia HuU, Middlesex 1754 May 6 Longstreet, Christoffel, Monmouth, and Nellie Schenck, Monmouth. . . 1753 Nov. 28 Longstreet, Derrick, Somerset, and Catherine Stryker 1778 July 28 Longstreet, Garret, Monmoutb, and Catherine Lawrence, Monmouth.. 1761 May 9 1 In the marriage bond James Inskeep went security for John Lodge. The marriage rec ord says the license was issued to Jarnes Inskeep, and the marriage is indexed in the latter name on p. 211. MARRIAGE LICENSES. ,243 'Longstreet, Garret, Monmoutb, aud Catherine Smock, Monmouth 1763 Longstreet, Gilbert, Monmouth, and Elinor Hankinson 1777 Longstreet, John, Monmoutb, and Lucy Topscot 1769 Longstreet, Peter, Monmouth, aud Jane Covenhoven, Monmouth, 1765 Longstreet, Eichard, Monmouth, and Prudence Parker, Monmouth.. . .1763 -Longstreet, Samuel, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Longstreet, Monmouth. 1753 Longstreet, Samuel, Monmouth, and Barbara Antonides, Monmouth. 1756 -Longstreet, Stoffel, Monmoutb, and Abigail Woolley, Monmouth 1743 Longstreet, Stoffel, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Bills, Monmouth 1748 Longworth, Isaac, Essex, aud Catherine Ogden, Essex 1761 Loofbourrow, David, Burlington, and Amy Gaskill 1779 ¦ Loofbourrow, Elias, Middlesex, and Margaret Shanks '. . 1766 Loofburrow, Jacob, Monmouth, and Sarah Leg, Monmouth 1758 "Loofburrow, Simon. Somerset, and Jane WUson, Somerset 1751 Loper, Aaron, Salem, and Eebecca Collwell, Salem 1751 Loper, John, Salem, and Hannah Garretson, Salem 1757 Loper, William, Jr., Salem, and Betbinia Packer, Gloucester. .... 1759 Lord, Abraham, Salem, and Anicka MulUcka 1736 Lord, Abraham, Salem, and Mary Sparks, Salem 1758 Lord, Edmond, Gloucester, and Susanna Attwood, Gloucester 1736 Lord, John, Gloucester, and Mary Borton, Barlington 1750 ¦Lord, Joseph, Gloucester, and Eleanor Chester, Gloucester 1750 Lord, Joshua, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Piles, Gloucester 1772 Lord, SUas, Burlington, and Elizabeth Bates, Barlington 1774 Lorton, John, Jr., Middlesex, and Eachel Combs, Middlesex 1752 Lorton, William, Middlesex, and Martha Bloodgood, Middlesex 1760 Losey, Peter, Burlington, and Euth Severn, Burlington 1774 Lott, Gershom, Hunterdon, and Kesiah Phillips 1768 Lott, John, Middlesex, and Mary Neilson, Middlesex 1761 Lott, PhUip, New York City, and Mary Kearny, Monmouth 1774 Louderback, John, Salem, and Amy Harris 1776 Lough, Eobert, Somerset, and Eleanor Polk 1768 ^Lounsberry, Jeremiah, Burlington, and Mary Kirby, Burlington 1745 Lovett, Jonathan, Barlington, and Sarah Tautum, Burlington 1741 Love, Jonathan, Cumberland, and Martha Hand, Cape May 1769 Love, Nathaniel, Cumberland, and Eachel Cook 1778 Love, Seth, Cumberland, and Abigail Whitecar, Cumberland 1778 love, William, Cumberland, and Ellener Forgison, Cumberland 1763 Loveless, John, Burlington, and Ann Craft, Burliugton 1742 Low, Abram, Somerset, and Ida Stoothoff, Somerset 1753 Low, Cornelius, Someiset, and Catherine Vanduyn, Somerset . 1746 Low, Dirck, Hunterdon, and Rebecca Emans, Huuterdon 1747 Low, Nicholas, New Y'ork, and Sarah Low, Essex 1753 Low, Peter, Middlesex, and Jane Vandoursen, Middlesex 1751 Low, Thomas, Gloucester, and Esther Wood 1780 Lowden, WUliam, Burliugton, and Ann Peacock 1785 Dec. 27 Not. 22 Jan. 28 Dec. 19 July 27 Not. 2 Oct. 30 Dec. 16 Dec. 17 Feb. 19 Not. 29 July 15 Jan. 16 AprU 17 Oct. 28 Dec. 10 Mar. 26 April 2 April 4 Deo. 5 Jan. 23 Mar. 13 Aug. 5 Dec. 5 Dec. 23 Oct. 2 Not. 14 Mar. 19 Dec. 16 Sept. 12 Jan. 12 June 27 Not. 18 May 7 Sept. 5 Sept. 28 May 8 May 5 Nov. 15 Jan. 23 Sept. 27 June 1 April 26 Sept. 26 Dec. 29 Oct. 13 244 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Lowey, Michael, and Deborah Ustick. . 1750 Lownsberry, John, Salem, and Sarah Bartleson, Salem 1761 Lowrey, Nathaniel, Hunterdon, and Mary Lee, Hunterdon 1770 Lowrey, William, Hunterdon, and Martha Howe, Trenton 1779 Lowry, Mathew, Sussex, and Abigail Warford, Sussex .1762 Lowry, WUliam, Monmouth, and Mary Lawrence, Monmouth 1731 Loxley, Abraham, Somerset, and Catherine Lowzade 1779 Loxley, Benjamin, Philadelphia, and Catherine Cox, Moumouth 1761 Loyd, Ephraim, Salem, and Sarah Smith, Salem 1775 Loyd, John, New Jersey, and Catherine Craig 1745 Loyd, John, Salem, and Mary Linck, Salem 1760 Loyd, Timothy, Jr., Monmouth, and Lydia Gordon, Monmouth 1740 Lozier, Nicholas, Bergen, and Mary Crusea, Bergen 1768 Losier, Nicholas, Bergen, and Charity Conklin, Orange, N. Y 1771 Lozier, Peter, Bergen, and Elizabeth Naugel, Orange, N. Y 1764 Lucas, Robert, Burlington, and Rebecca Fennimore, Burlington 1730 Lucas, Robert, Burlington, aud Sarah Hancock ; 1782 Lucas, Seth, Burlington, and Esther Hewlings, Burlington 1760 Lucer, Thomas, Monmouth, and Grace McDaniel 1759 Lucus, Benjamin, Burlington, and Sarah Saunders, Burliugton 1750 Ludlam, Anthony, Cape May, and Pheabe Reed, Cape May 1771 Ludlam, Cbristopher, Cape May, and Amelia Hand, Cape May 1776 Ludlam, Henry, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Shotwell, Essex 1772 Ludlam, Henry, Cape May, aud Rohannah Hand, Cape May 1772 Ludlam, Henry, Cape May, and Hannah Smith, Cape May 1772 Ludlam, Jacob, Cumberland, and Rachel Worthington 1784 Ludlam, James, Cape May, and Martha Johnson 1790 Ludlam, Jeremiah, Cape May, and Anna Whildin, Cape May 1774 Ludlam, Joseph, Cape May, and Alathan Smith 1732 Ludlam, Joseph, Cape May, and Abigail Young, Cape May 1747 Ludlam, Joseph, Jr., Cape May, and Abigail Scull, Cape May 1757 Ludlam, Providence, Cape May, and Sarah Vickers 1760 Ludlam, Thomas, Cape May, and ZUpha Smith 1790 Ludlem, Norton, Cumberland, and Phebe Bacon 1779 Ludlow, John R., Jlsse?, and Elizabeth Vreland 1787 Ludwiok, Simon, Hunterdon, and Ann Dongan 1780 Luke, William, Monmouth, aud Elizabeth Parrison 1762 Luken, Daniel, Monmoutb, and Amy McDaniel 1760 Lukens, James,, Philadelphia, and Deborah Lynn 1772 I^ummis, Edward, Salem, aud Margaret Elinor, Salem 1737 Lummis, Edward, Cumberland, and PoUy Elmer 1786 Lummis, Manoah, Camberland, and Mary Elmer 1779 Lummis, Parsons, Cumberland, and Hannah Diament 1779 Lummis, Samuel, Salem, aud Catherine Philpot 1784 Luudbeck, Nicholas, and Peggy Homer 1783 Lundy, WiUiam, Sussex, and Mary AVebster, Sussex 1767 June 16 Nov. 18 AprU 24 Dec. 31 May 24 Mar. 11 Jime 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 25 Aug. 10 Dec. 25 Aug. 6 Sept. 2 Aug. 27 May 25 May 18 Nov. 22 Not. 24 Aug. 6 Not. 1 April 2 Mar. 26 Jan. 3 Jan. 8 June 30 Jan. 21 Jan. 5 Feb. 16 Jan. 23 Aug. 17 Jan. 18 Sept. 6 Aug. 1 Not. 8 Not. 21 May 30 April 12 Dec. 8 July 25 April 15 Aug. 5 July 5 April ,6 Not. 13 AprU 13 MARRtAGE tiCENSES. 245 Lupardus, Christian, Hunterdon, and Nautohe Wicoff, Somerset 1783 Lupton, Benjamin, Cumberland, and Amy Garrison, Cumberland . . 1761 Lupton, Nathan, Cumberland, aud Sarah Lupton, Cumberland 1780 Lupton, SUas, Cape May, and Mary Stiles, Cape May 1756 Lupton, Stephen, Cumberland, and Roda Garrison 1778 Lutes, Jacob, Burlington, and Rebecca Warrick 1777 Lutsey, Caspar, Burlington, and Catharine WeaTer, Burlington 1773 Lutkins, Hendrick, Bergen, aud Elizabeth Vanhorne, Bergen 1753 Luyster, Johannis, Monmouth, and Sarah Swart, Monmouth 1758 Lyddon, Abraham, Gloucester, and Mary Cooper 1734 Lydekker, Gerrit, Bergen, and EUzabeth Colej-, Bergen 1770 Lynch, Patrick, New Jersey, and Elizabeth Chapman, Monmouth . . , 1743 LyndaU, Joseph, BurUngton, and Sarah Rowan, Burlington 1778 Lyndon, WUUaih, Barlington, and EUzabeth Davis, Barlington 1730 Lyne, James, Middlesex, and Helena WiUiamson, Middlesex 1744 Lyne, John, Burlington City, and Anne Hay, Burlington City 1748 Lynn, Joseph, Philadelphia, and Sarah Norwood , 1737 Lyon, Charles, Philadelphia, and Elizabeth Stritch, PhUadelphia 1770 Lyon, Gideon, Somerset, and Anne Savage , 1 778 Lyon, Isaac, Morris, and Rebekka Condict, Morris 1779 Lyons, Isaac, Charles Co., Md., and Mary Higgins, Middlesex 1757 Lyons, William, Hunterdon, and Anna DUts 1783 FEMALES. L Laboyteaur, Elizabeth, and Andrew Brown, Monmouth 1783 Ladd, Mary, Gloucester, and Tobias HoUoway, Gloucester 1732 Laferty, Priscilla, Somerset, and William Steward, Somerset 1748 Lafferty, Ann, Penns. Neck, and George Simpkins, Penns Neck 1779 Laforce, Sarah, Piscataway, and David Crow, Middlesex 1765 Laften, Susan, aud Henry Holtey, Hunterdon 1773 La Grange, Anne, Somerset, and Jelis La Grange, Somerset 1748 Lagrange, Deborah, Somerset, and Philip Tunison, Middlesex 1748 Lagrange, Elizabeth, Somerset, and Jacob Ten Eick, Jr., Somerset. . . 1768 Lagrange, Frances, and Edward Vaughan Dongan 1773 Lagrange, Jannitie, Somerset, -and Levis V. Middleswart 1748 Lain, Catherine, Somerset, and Timothy Brush, Jr., Hunterdon 1769 Lain, Elizabeth, and Joseph Golden, Jr., Huuterdon 1752 Lain, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Samuel Lippincott, Monmoutb 1761 Lain, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and James Hankinson, Monmouth 1764 Lain, Hannah, and John Werden, Monmouth 1761 Lain, Rachel, Freehold, and John Pettinger, Freehold 1759 Laing, Elizabeth, Somerset, and Elisha Pound, Piscataway 1744 Laing, Mary, Somerset, and Jobn VaU, Somerset 1751 Laird, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Jonathan English, Monmouth 1763 Laird, Jane, Monmoutb, and John Henderson, Monmoutb 1761 Lake, Ehzabeth, Long Island, and Hendrick Banta, Bergen 1769 Nov. 15 Aug. 25 Mar. 25 May 11 Oct. 21 Aug. 20 June 27 May 19 Dec. 11 May 11 Aug. 6 July 18 April 17 Dec. 23 Aug. 6 Jan. 19 May 26 June 5 Nov. 15 June 28 Dec. 6 Mar. 24 Mar. 12 Mar. 8 April 11 Jan. 9 April 16 Sept. 24 Aug. 10 Jan. 30 Feb. 25 Mar. 13 Nov. 14 Dec. 16 Feb. 4 April 16 July 11 Jan. 14 June 9 July 27 Oct. 8 May 21 Jan. 29 Aug. 2 246. NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Lake, Neiltie, Middlesex, and Matthias Johnson, Middlesex 1739 Lake, Martha, BurUngton, and Thomas Miller, Burlington 1729 Lake, Mary, Middlesex, and Arent Van Corlaer, Middlesex 1743 Lake, Sarah, and Elias Steelman, Gloucester 1730 Lamb, Anne,, Burlington, and Abraham Leeds, Burlington 1750 Lamb, Anna, and Jonathan Pettit, Mansfield 1779 Lamb, Margaret, Burlington, and George Haines, Burlington 1731 Lamb, Margaret, Burlington, and Thomas Antram, Jr., Burlington. . .1757 Lamb, Patience, and Noah Clark, Essex 1769 Lamberson, Elenor, Hunterdon, and Abraham McKinney, Hunterdon. 1771 Lambert, Adriantje, and Nicias Romine, Morris 1787 Lambert, Catherine, and Jacob Banta, Bergen 1788 Lambert, Elizabeth, and John Meredith 1694 Lambert, Jerusa, Amwell, and Peter Taylor, Amwell 1770 ¦ Lambertson, Sarah, Monmouth, and Williani Flen, Monmouth 1762 "Lambertson, Cornelia, Middlesex, and Barnert Sutphen, Middlesex, . . 1749 Lambson, Catherine, Salem, and Joseph Alman, Salem 1763 Lame,-Haunah, Burlington, and Jacob Taylor, Burlington 1781 Lame, Mary, and Joseph Bowker, Burlington 1784 Lame, Sarah, and Daniel Ernest, Burlingtou 1779 Lancaster, Susanna, Bucks, Pa. , and John Leadam, Bucks, Pa 1730 Land, Judith, Burlington, and John AValker, Burlington 1746 Landol, Dorothy, and Obadiah Ayers, Somerset 1746 Landon, Elizabeth, Sussex, and Henry LeiSh, Sussex 1771 Lane, Ann, Bucks, Pa., and James Liddon, Bucks, Pa 1771 Lane,- Catherine, Shrewsbury, and Joseph AVardell, Shrewsbury 1750 Lane, Eleanor, Middlesex, aud Matthias Van 1 ike, Middlesex 1746 Lane^ Elizabeth, Middletown, and John Tilton, Middletowu 1742 Lane, EUzabeth, Woodbridge, and James Fitz Randolph, Woodbridge, 1775 Lane, Hannah, Hunterdon, and Abraham Emans, Hunterdon 1768 Lane, Hanuah, and John Van Middlesworth, Somerset 1781 Lane, Jane, Monmouth, and William Arnold, Monmouth 1746 Lane, Lena, Freehold, and Richard Pettinger, Freehold 1756 Lane, Mary, Somerset, and Aaron Booram, Somerset 1749 Lane, Mary, Monmouth, aud Cbristopher Vandeventer, Monmonth. . .1755 Lane, Mary, Monmouth, and Benjamin Brewer, Monmouth 1767 Lane, Mary, and Samuel Van Kirk, New Jersey I779 Lane, Sarah, Cape May, and John Chester, Cape May 1741 Lane, Sarah, and William Woods, Sussex 1785 Lane, Susannah, and Johu Gordon, Hunterdon .1778, Langley, Charity, and Ephraim Albertson, 1782 Langley, Elizabeth, and Felix Hammel, Burlington .^ I77O Langstaff, Mary, Piscataway, and Henry Sutton, Piscataway 1751 Laugworthy, Sarah, Perth Amboy, and William Davenport, P'th Amb.1762 Laning, Martha, and Elijah BlackweU, Hunterdon 1781 Laning, Mary, Burlington, and AVUliam Price, Burlington 1730 June 9 Mar. 11 Sept. 23 Aug. 10 Mar. 14 Feb. 22 June 7 Mar. 25 June 5 Mar. 4 Deo. 14 Jan. 22 April 4 Oct. 18 Oct. 28 Nov. 1 Mar. 10 Mar. 27 Jan. 5 Mar. 13 Feb. 21 Sept. 5 Feb. 12 Dec. 31 May 29 Feb. 21 May 14 Feb. 15 May 3 Nov. 4 Oct. 29 April 14 April 19 Dec. 4 June 3 Jan. 16 Aug. . 26 April 13 Mar. 22 Mar. 19 June 15 April 26 Oct. 1 Jan. 1 Mar. 20 Jan. 21 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 247 Laning, Sarah, Burlington, and Isaac Baggs, Burlington 1763 Lanning, Cynthia, aud Thomas May berry 1774 Lanning, Hannah, Burlington, and Thomas Bishop, Burlington 1739 Lanning, Hannah, Burlington, and Samuel Craft, Burlington 1763 Lanning, Hannah, Burlington, and Abraham AUoways, Burlington. . ..1773 Lanning, Martha, and Joshua Bishop, Burlington . . 1739 Lanning, Mai-y, and George Craft, Burlington 1760 Lanning Mary, and Joseph Osier, Gloucester 1783 Lanning, Sarah, and George Beavers, Hunterdon Lanning, Susanna, and Jobn Reed, Hunterdon 1733 Laquier, Jane, Hunterdon, and Johu Kline, Hunterdon 1774 Larac, Elizabeth, and John Christie, Bergen 1780 Larason, Catherine, and Benjamin Sexton, Hunterdon 1779 Larison, Actia, and John Humphreys, Hunterdon 1776 Lard, Sarah, Monmouth, and Archibald Leeard, Monmouth 1757 Lardner, Jane, Glouoester, and Elijah Clark, Gloucester 1756 Lareson, Anne, Hopewell, and Jared Sexton, Hopewell. . , 1768 Large, Abigail, and Peter Rockllar, Amwell 1778 Large, Charity, and Benjamin Roberts, Hunterdon 1768 Large, Elizabeth, Shrewsbury, and Stephen Woolley, Shrewsbury 1760 Larkins, Catharine, and David HesUp, Burlington 1778 Larkins, NeUy, and Thomas Clevinger 1762 Latham, Elizabeth, Monmoutb, aud CorneUus Ewetse, New York 1743 Lattymore, Phanny, and William Downs, Gloucester 1778 Lander, Dorothy, and Joseph Brooks, Sussex 1769 Laurence, Rachel, and WiUiam Smith, Morris 1779 Laverton, Catherine, and Peirce Matthews, Hunterdon 1781 Lawrance, Deborah, Burlington, and Joseph Vandyke, Freehold 1765 Lawrance, Deborah, Monmouth, and William Brand, Monmouth 1767 Lawrance, Martha, Salem, and Thomas Hallsted, Salem 1764 Lawrance, Sarah, Shrewsbury, and James Reed, Freehold 1762 Lawrason, Keziah, and William Vantilburg, Somerset 1745 Lawrence, Abigail, Camberland, and Theophilus Elmer, Cumberland, .1765 Lawrence, Alice, Burlington, and Isaiah Folks, Burlington 1728 Lawrence, Ann, and John Parker, Burlingtou 1789 Lawrence, Catharine, Monmouth, and Garret Longstreet, Monmouth. . 1 761 Lawrence, Catharine, and William Armstrong, Orange, N. Y 1777 Lawrence, Catharine, and Jackson Brown French, BurUngton 1790 Lawrence, Charity, and Isaac Johnson, Bucks, Pa. 1783 Lawrence, Deborah, and Christopher Finnigan, Burlington -. 1746 Lawrence, Eleauor, Monmouth, and James Holmes, New York 1765 Lawrence, Elizabeth, Salem, and Isaac Garrison, Salem 1727 Lawrence, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Caleb Lawrence, New York. . . . 1747 Lawrence, Elizabeth, Up. Freehold, and Dr. James NeweU, AUenntw'n. 1749 Lawrence, Elizabeth, and Joseph James, Gloucester 1764 La-wrence, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Michael Kearney, Amboy 1774 Ang. 13 May 11 Aug. 1 Dec. 29 July -29 Jan. 29 Jan. 14 Aug. 7 Mar. 21 Jan. 12 June 16 Nov. 24 Nov. 29 Mar. 8 Apiil 20 Mar. 28 May 14 Feb. 4 June 18 June 18 Aug. 7 Aug.. 20 Mar. 23 July 24 Feb. 15 Feb.. 1 Mar. 2 Feb. 21 Jan. 3 Feb, 2 Deo. 20 Sept. 3 Mar. 22 Feb. 24 May 9 Nov. 26 Oct. 1 Deo. 27 Mar. 28 May 30 Mar. 24 June 20 Deo. 12 Jan. 26 June 30 248 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Lawrence, Hannah, Chesterfield, and Jonathan Fowler, Burlington . . . 1742 Lawrence, Hannah, and William Smith, Burlington , . 1784 Lawrence, Jamson, and Thomas Massey, Cumberland 1780 Lawrence, Jane, and Lewis Guest, Monmoutb 1747 LaVrence, Kasiah, Gloucester, and Benjamin Cheesman, Glouoester .. 1730 Lawrence, Mary, Monmouth, and AVUliam Lowry, Monmouth 1731 Lawrence, Mary, Monmoutb, and Thomas Leonard, Monmouth 1741 Lawrence, Mary, Monmoutb, and Cornelius Harrell, Monmouth 1743 Lawrence, Mary, Middlesex, and Thomas Bass, Middlesex. 1761 Lawrence, Mary, and Isaac Imlay, Monmouth 1781 Lawrence, Nancy, Moumouth, and Reynold Keen 1 782 Lawrence, Eachel, Middlesex, and Eobert Montgomerie, Moumouth. .1745 Lawrence, Eebecca, Monmoutb, and WiUiam Douglas, Monmoutb. . . .1734 Lawrence, Salany, and Peter Dickards, Burlington 1759 Lawrence, Sarah, and James Goelet, Burlington 1788 Lawrence, Susan, and Jobn Jacob Feasch 1790 Lawrie, Ann, Monmouth, and Thomas Morford, Monmouth 1739 Lawrie, EUzabeth, and George HoUoway, Monmouth 1768 Layer, Susanah, and Joseph Tindol, Middlesex 1781 Laypole, Catherine, Gloucester, and James Bright, Gloucester 1765 Layton, Catherine, Shrewsbury, and Gershom CottereU, Freehold 1757 Layton, Ester, and Eichard Borden, Middletown 1747 Layton, Hester, Monmouth, and John CottreU, Monmouth 1762 Layton, Johannah, Monmouth, and Cornelius Emans, Monmouth 1763 Layton, Johaiinab, Middletown, and Joseph Smith, Middletown 1764 Layton, Marcy, Middletown, and William Smith, Middletown 1762 Layton, Mary, Middletown, and Samuel Bowne, Middletown 1751 Layton, Eebekah, Monmouth, and Christopher Morris, Monmouth 1742 Layton, Sarah, Monmouth, and Ezekiel Cooper, Monmouth 1766 Lazear, Jane, and Andreas Zabriskie, Hackensack 1769 Lazier, Ann, Bergen, and John Lazier, Bergen 1767 Lea, Mary, and Permenas Corson, Cape May 1774 Leach, Susannah, and Aaron Statbun, Cumberland 1786 Leader, Eebecca, Philadelphia, aud George Dickenson, Philadelphia. .1730 Leake, Phoebe, and John Towers, Philadelphia 1779 Leak, Eachel, Stow Creek, and Ambrose AVhitacar, Fairfield 1772 Leaming, Deborah, Cape May, aud Jacob Spioer, Cape May 1752 Learning, Elizabeth, Cape May, and Thomas Leaming, Cape May. . . . 1740 Leaming, Elizabeth, Cape May, and John Newton, Cape May 1761 Leaming, Lydia, Cape May, aud .Jeremiah Eldridge, Cape May 1775 Leaming, Mary, aud Joseph C. Fisher. Philadelphia 1782 Leaming, Priscilla, Cape May, and Eli Eldredge, Cape May 1761 Leaming, Sarah, Cape May, and Jesse Hand, Cape May 1763 Lean, Sarah, and Hendrick Smock, New Jersey 1780 Leasear, Catherine, New York, and Jacobus Brown, New York 1754 Lebby, Joanna, Burlington, and Eogefs Fort, Burlington 1733 AprU 12 Sept. 20 May 19 Mar. 8 May 5 Sept. 19 Mar. 11 May 21 Oct. 7 Sept. 14 Oct. 10 May 29 Dec. 3 Jan. 9 Feb. 6 July 19 April 21 Sept. 25 June 22 Dec. J4 Ang. 20 Sept. 12 May 28 Jan. 6 Jan. 13 Nov. 29 Nov. 6 Nov. 28 May 1 Sept. 4 Aug. 4 April 29 AprU 12 Feb. 2 Not. 13 Oct; 29 Oct. 3 Dec. 16 April 25 Juue 25 Sept. 8 Sept. 17 Juue 20 Jan. 26 Nov. 9 Oct; 5 MARRIAGE LICENSES. ^49 teoaw, Mary, Middlesex, and Garret Ryder, Middlesex 1780 April 22 LeConte, Martha, Staten Island, and John Measeream, Staten Island. . 1750 Lecroy, Hannah, and David Carmack, Salem 1775 Leddel, Esther, Elizabeth, aud Jeremiah 'Tingley, Elizabeth. 1778 Lee, Anne, Gloucester, and Zubulon Gandy, Gloucester : . . , . 1757 Lee, EUzabeth, and Benjamin Maplin 1695 Lee, Elizabeth, Hunterdon, and Reuben McFerson, Hunterdon .1775 Lee, Elizabeth, Burlington, aiid Jacob Asa, Burlington 1780 Lee, Hannah, Burlington, and Micajah Reeve, Burlington 1754 Lee, Jane, Monmouth, and Bryan Dougherty, Monmouth 1756 Lee, Jain, and Jacob Mills, Gloucester 1775 Lee, Margaret, Burlington, and Richard Westcote, Burlington 1761 Lee, Mary, Burlington, and Abraham Potts, Burlington 1750 Lee, Mary, New Brunswick, and James WUlson, New Bruns-wick 1750 Lee, Mary, Perth Amboy, and John Hughes, Perth Amboy 1763 Lee, Mary, Hunterdon, aud Nathaniel Lowrey, Hunterdon. 1770 Lee, Mary, Burlington, and James Mason, Burlington 1782 Lee, Neighomy, and John Heath, Somerset .... 1780 Lee, Rachel, 4nd Joshua Ely 1699 Lee, Rachel, Great Egg Harbor, and Jesse Freeman, Cape May 1760 Lee, Eebecca, Amwell, and Wheldin Roiize, Amwell 1774 Lees, Sarah, and AVUliam Worriel, Northampton 1784 Leeds, Sybilla, Burlington, and Martin Dusell, Burlington 1784 Leech, EUzabeth, and Abraham Blair, Burlington • , 1781 Leeds, Abigail, and Joshua Shaw, Great Egg Harbour ' 1759 Leeds, Ann, Burlington, and John Kimball, Burlington 1738 Leeds, Ann, Burlington, and Nathaniel Thomas, Monmouth 1 738 Leeds, Ann, Northampton, and Isaiah Croshaw, Burlington 1779 Leeds, Charlotte, Burlington, aud Edmund Haines, Burlington 1782 Leeds, Deborah, Egg Harbor, and John Pullen, Egg Harbor 1748 Leeds, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Benjamin Kimball, Burlington 1732 Leeds, Hannah, and Hosea Eayres, Barlington 1773 Leeds, Hanuah, Gloucester, and William Cramer, Burlington 1774 Leeds, Hannah, and Joseph Mingin, Burlington 1777 Leeds, Jeremiah, and Thomas Budd 1735 Leeds, Jemima, Northampton, and Joseph Woodrow, Northampton. . . 1765 Leeds, Jemima, and Francis Flitcraft, Cumberland 1784 Leeds, Kesia, and James Jess ' 1872 _ Leeds, Margaret, and Robert Leeds, Gloucester 1784 Leeds, Mary, Gloucester, and John Little, Monmouth 1768 Leeds, Mercy, Barlington, and Isaac Huff, Burlington 1771 Leeds, Rachel, and Thomas Marshall, Burlington 1788 Leeds, Rebecca, and Cornelius McCoUum 178S Leeds, Sarah, Burlington, and Thomas Doran, Barlington 1777 Leeds, Sarab, and Edward Higby, Gloucester. . 1781 Leeds, Sarab, Northampton, and John Sleeper, Jr., Northampton 1783 Feb. 1 Jan. 18 July 5 Mar. 28 June 4 April 24 Feb. 12 Mar. 2 Mar. 16 Nov. 13 Mar. 18 Jan. 1 Mar. 22 Jan. 6 April 24 Mar. 9 Jan. 5 Nov. 9 Feb. 27 Jan. 18 Oct. 22 Aug. 13 May 22 Feb. 13 Aug. 24 Oct. 23 April 3 Dec. 17 Feb. 1 May 20 Aug. 2 Mar. 14 Nov. 20 Jan. 5 Oct. 31 Jan. 28 May 8 Mar. 9 April 16 Dec. a April 19 Nov. 16 Dec. 13 May 20 Mar. 5 250 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Leek, Lena, and George Conke. 1778 Leek, Mary, Egg Harbour, and Joseph Sooy, Egg Harbour 1761 Leek, Rachel, Burlington, and Thomas Ford, Burlington 1747 Leek, Sarah, Burlington, and Thomas Coate, Burliugton 1754 Lefetra, Sarab,, Monmouth, and Samuel Rogers, Moumouth 1750 Lef ever, Ann, aud John Worledge, Salem 1684 Lefletreau, EUzabeth, and John Berry, Monmoutb. 1734 Leffers, Altie, Moumouth, and Gerrit Wyckoff, Monmouth 1745 Lefferson, Anne, Monmouth, and Cornelius Van CleeTe, Monmoutb. . . 1765 Lefferts, Sarah, and James Beekman, New York. 1775 Leferty, Catherine, Somerset, and Asher Herriott, Somerset 1755 Leg, Sarah,. Monmouth, and Jacob Loof borrow, Monmouth .1758 Leigh, Hannah, Perth Amboy, and Alexander Campbell, Perth Amb'y. 1742 Leland, Margaret, Burlington, and John Watkinson, Burlington 1776 Leland, Susanna, Barlington, and John Toole. Burlington 1740 Lenaing, Deborah, and William Roos, Monmouth 1762 Leming, Merribah, aud Jacob Morris, Monmouth 1772 Lemontis, Rachel, Somerset, and Asher Noe, Somerset 1751 Lemmon, Deborah, Freehold, and Nicolls Potter, Freehold 1755 Lemmon, Hannah, and James Giberson, Monmoutb 1774 Le Miser, Leah, Bucks, Pa., and Peter Williamson, Bucks, Pa 1731 Lennord, Rachel, and Jobn Ichmormeau, Hunterdon 1780 Leonard, Abigail, and Benjamin Holden, Cape May 1746 Leonard, Anne, Middlesex, and Johu Lawrence, Burlington 1753 Leonard, Elizabeth, Monmoutb, and Othniel Rogers, Monmouth 1744 Leonard, Elizabeth, Perth Amboy, and Francis Goelet, New York 1752 Leonard, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and Constantine Chew, Gloucester 1763 Leonard, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and John Holmes, Monmouth 1765 Leonard, Johannah, Monmoutb, and James Parker, Monmouth 1748 Leonard, Lydia, aud Richard Stillewell, Middletown 1752 Leonard, Margaret, and Robert Montgomery, Jr., Monmouth 1771 Leonard, Mary, Gloucester, and John Hains, Gloucester 1771 Leonard, Patience, Monmouth, aud Ebenezer Soott, Monmouth 1748 Leonard, Rachel, Perth Amboy, aud Samuel Sayants, Perth Amboy. . . 1753 Leonard, Sarah, and Thomas Brimley, Shrewsbury 1 746 Leonard, Sarah, Upper Freehold, and Daniel Robins, Upper Freehold. 1747 Leonard, Susannah, Burlington, aud John Flego, Burlington .1775 Leppett, Catharine, Monmouth, and Samuel Goodenough, Monmouth. 1755 Leslie, Margaret, Perth Amboy, and WUliam Thomson, Somerset 1758 Lester, Martha, Bucks, Pa., and Moses Coppock, Bucks 1740 Lestraing, Phebe, Freehold, and Robert TraTis, Freehold 1761 Letts, Anne, Perth Amboy, and Thomas Cawood, Perth Amboy 1751 Letts, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and John Higgins, Middlesex 1765 Letts, Elsie, Perth Amboy, and Nathaniel CulTer, New Brunswick 1761 Letts,. Hannah, Perth Amboy, and David Hubbs, Perth Amboy 1760 Letts, Margaret, South Amboy, and William Rose, South Amboy. 1766 Oct. 31 July 15 July 2 Jan. 2 Aug. 28 Nov. 6 Nov. 27 Dec. 4 June 17 May 30 Jan. 6 Jah. 16 Jan. 7 July 24 Sept.. 22 Nov. 24 Jan. .18 May 24 Feb. 15 July 30 Jan. 19 Aug. 15 AprU 5 July 18 Oct. 15 June 20 Mar. 18 Oct. 28 Jan. 25 Mar. 24 Nov. 13 Sept. 14 Oct. 1 Jan. 20 July 14 Nov. 12 Mar. 1 July 11 Nov. 2 Sept. 22 Oct. 24 July 7 May 11 Feb. 6 Jan. 26 May 12 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 25 I Letts, Mary,. Perth Amboy, aud Thomas Jordan, Perth Amboy 1752 Letts, Mary, South Amboy, and John Rue, South Amboy 1758 Letts, Mary, and Josiah Grant, Burlington 1778 Letts, Phebe, Perth Amboy, aud Elijah Disbrow, Perth Amboy. ...... 1771 Letts, Rachel, and Isaac AVebb, Middlesex 1774 Letts, Sarah, Middlesex, and Francis Letts, Middlesex 1760 Letts, Zenah, Middlesex, and John Furman, Jr. , Princeton 1768 Lewis, Anne, and.John Heath, Perth Amboy. > 1746 , Lewis, Anne, Burlington, and Stephen Price, Upper Freehold 1768 Lewis, EUzabetii, Newton, and David Twining, Newton 1762 Lewis, Ellenor, Cohanse, and John Fuller, Cohanse. . . : 1683 Lewis, Hannah, and Peter Sever, ETesham 1757 Lewis, Margaret, Woodbridge, and Joseph Codington, Woodbridge ; ... 1 756 Lewis, Mary, Burlington, and Josiah Jones, Barlington 1757 Lewis, Ruth, Salem, and Abel Harris, Salem 1746 Leziere, Mary, Bergen, and Peter Fisyuer, Bergen 1760 License, Elizabeth, Glouoester, and Joseph Thorn, Gloucester 1757 Lie, Mercy, and WilUam Day, Bergen 1766 Liester, Christian, Cumberland, and Francis Byram, Cumberland . . . 1773 Light, EUzabeth, and John Chadwick, Barlington 1688 Likins, Sarah, Burliugton, and Benjamin Butterworth, Barlington. . . . 1757 Linch, Hannah, Gloucester, and William Guest, Gloucester 1764 Linch, Katharine, Monmouth, and Abraham Gifford, Moumouth 1741 Linch, Mary, Salem, and John Loyd, Salem .¦ . 1760 Lindon, Sarah, Barlington, and James Browne, Burlington 1737 Lindsay, Jennet, PennsylTania, and Alexander Summerill, PennsylT'a. 1737 Lindsey, Mary, and Benjamin SaTill, Mansfield 1 778 Lindsley, Eachel, and Stephen ConkUn, Jr., Morris 1778 Lindley, Phebe, Essex, and John Cox, Somerset , 1751 Liner, Margaret, Somerset, and Joseph Gaston, Somerset 1772 Lineson, Catalentie, New York, and Hendrick Blaen, Somerset 1748 Linn, Sarah, and Robert-Helen, Somerset 1769- Licnsson, Mary, New Brunswick, and John Keed, New Brunswick .... 1751 Linzey, Eachel, Gloucester, and Joseph Nicholson, Gloucester 1748 Lipincott, Anna, Monmoutb, and Thomas Hulit, Monmouth 1755 Lipincott, Deborah, Salem, and Nathan Allen, Salem 1764 Lipincott, Elisabeth, Shrewsbury, and James Wardell, Shrewsbury. . .1755 Lippencutt, Judith, Burliugton, and William Pine; Gloucester.; 1780 Lippett, Sarah, Middletown, and William White, Shrewsbury 1766 Lippincott, Abigail, Monmoutb, and John Grandin, Monmouth 1747-8 Lippincott, Ann, Monmoutb, and George White, Monmouth 1747 Lippiucott, Anna, Burlington, and Thomas Taylor, Barlington 1746 Lippincott, Anna, and Elias Hammitt, Barlington 1779 Lippincott, Catharine, Monmouth, and Charles Colman, Monmouth. . . 1764 Lippincott, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Edward Gaskill, Jr., Burling'n. 1732 Lippincott, Elizabeth, Monmoutb, and Fraucis White, Monmoutb .... 1749 Sept. 27 July , 24 April IS June 15 Oct. 15 May 30 May 14 Feb. 21 Sept., 21 May 1 July 16 July 16 Feb. 19 Dec. 17 June 21 Feb. 2 Feb. 19 Mar. 19 May , 10 July 26 Mar. 12 Aug. 1 Dec. . 25 Jan. 25 April 20 Mar. 16 May 7 July 31 Not.. , 2 June 1 Jan. 16 Oct. 25 May 10 Deo. 23 Mar. 22 Jan. 19 May 25 Feb. 18 Mar. 19 Jan. 6 Aug; 6 Jan. 6 July 11 Aug. 12 Nov. 11 2S,± NEW Jersey coLonial DbctiMENTS. Lippincott, Elizabeth, and Samuel Atkinson, Burlington 1779 Lippincott, Elizabeth, and Joseph Borden, Burlington 1783 Lippincott, Elizabeth, and WUliam Smith, Salem 1784 Lippincott, Elizabeth, and Jacob Baker, Salem 1785 lippincott, Grace, and Jabez Buzby, Burlington 1768 Lippincott, Hannah, Burlington, and John Budd, Burlington 1764 Lippincott, Hannah, Burlington, and Jacob Lippincott, Barlington. . . 1775 Lippincott, Hanuah, and Abraham Vanserveer, Barlington 1782 Lippincott, Hope, Evesham, and Thomas Wallis, Evesham 1750 Lippincott, Jannet, Monmouth, and Jacob Black, Moumouth 1742 Lippincott, Jerusha, Northampton, and Amos EockhUl, Mansfield 1751 Lippiucott, Lydia, Burlington, and John Wiley, Burlington 1780 Lippincott, Mary, Shrewsbury, and Ichabod Woodruff, Shrewsbury. . .1739 Lippincott, Mary, Monmouth, and George Laftra, Monmouth 1739 Lippincott, Mary, Burlington, and Henry Powelson, Burlington 1760 Lippincott, Mary, Barlington, and Job Moore, Burlington 1766 Lippincott, Mary, Monmouth, and Samuel Lippincott, Monmouth . . . 1767 Lippiucott, Mary, and Erick Keen, Glouoester 1769 Lippincott, Mary, Burlington, and Johu Black, Burlington 1770 Lippincott, Mary, Springfield, and Joseph Shinn, Northampton 1783 Lippincott, Mary, and George Eyre, Burlington 1789 Lippincott, Mercy, Chester, and Ephraim Stiles, Chester 1749 Lippincott, Eachel, Monmouth, and Silvanus Bills, Monmouth 1744 Lippincott, Eaohel, and Joshua Crispen, Burlington 1779 Lippincott, Rebecca, Burlington, and John Cole, Barlington 1769 Lippincott, Rhoda, Monmouth, and Edmund Harker, Monmouth. . . . 1765 Lippincott, Phoebe, Burlington, and Daniel Hancock, Barlington. 1774 Lippincott, Ruth, and David Stockton, Burlington 1733 Lippincott, Ruth, Greenwich, and William Powell, Philadelphia 1748 Lippincott, Sarah, Monmouth, and William Kippin, New York 1747 Lippincott, Sybilla, Burlington, and Jonathan Sleeper, Burlington. . . . 1763 Lippit, Rebeckah, Middletown, and Roluf Schenck, Freehold 1762 Lirdlam,! Elizabeth, Cape May, and Lewis Cresse, Cape May 1740 Lisoomb, Elizabeth, and Joseph Inslee, Hunterdon 1779 Lish, Martha, and Johu DUIey, Huuterdon 1768 Lisk, Nautie, and Marinus Garritson, Essex 1778 Lishman, Rhoda, and WilUam Lippincott, Burlington 1779 Lishman, Sarah, and William Pancoast, Burliugton 1784 Lisning, Dinah, Monmoutb, and Jeremiah Everingham, Monmouth . . 1746 Little, Ann, Monmouth, and Jobn ConneUey, Philadelphia 1780 Little; Esther, Great Egg Harbour, and Job Somers, Gt. Egg Harbour. 1'774 Little, Hanuah, Monmouth, and Benjamin Dennis, Monmouth , . 1764 Little, Isabeil, and James Hubbert, Cape May 1731 Little, Isabeil, Moumouth, and Andrew McDowell, Monmouth 1750 April 22 Sept. 22 July 12 Oct. 18 July 17 July 28 July 15 Not. 20 July 12 Dec. 9 AprU 16 Aug. 29 Jan. 29 Not. 27 Nov. 12 Nov. 26 June 23 May 22 Sept. 22 Jan. 6 Sept. 30 April 3 June 9 May 10 Jan. 7 Jan. 23 Mar. 1 Oct. 3 Jan. 13 Oct. 24 Dec. 8 Jan. 22 Sept. 1 Feb. 4 June 4 May 19 Aug. 9 Feb. 19 Jan. 8 Mar. 30 Mar. 1 Jan. 6 Mar. 1 Mar. 8 Probably should be Ludlam. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 253 Little, Isabeil, Monmouth, and David Kuott, Monmouth 1753 Little, Margaret, Huuterdon, and Joseph Little, Hunterdon 1767 Little, Mary, Shrewsbury, and Daniel Seabrook, Shrewsbury 1759 Little, Mary, Essex, and Samuel Sfcanby, Essex Co 1771 Little, Sarah, Barlington, and Stephen Cramer, Burlington 1749 Little, Sarah, and Timothy Do'wning, Burlington 1783 Liveton, Mary, Middlesex, and.David Cox, New York 1762 Lloyd, Catherine, Salem, and Jeremiah AVood, Long Island 1736 Lloyd, Hannah, Monmouth, and DaTid Gordon, Monmouth 1740 Lloyd, Mary, and John Briarly. 1768 Look, Beata, Salem, and Peter Cock, Glouoester 1738 Look, Mary, Gloucester, and Andrew Cox, Gloucester.. 1760 Look, Susanna, and Annaneas Keen, Gloucester 1785 Lockhart, Mary, Somerset, and Asher Herriott, Sussex 1763 Lodge, Anne, Gloucester, and Thomas Jayard, Gloucester 1743-4 Lodge, Mary, Evesham, and Joseph Padfield, Evesham 1759 Lodibank, Elizabeth, and James McKlen, Hunterdon 1779 Loffborougb, Mary, Monmouth, and William Robinson, Middlesex. . . . 1744 Logan, Jannet. Somerset, and Hugh Minery, Somerset 1751 Logan, Margaret, and Jobn Rolston, Morris 1785 Logan, Mary, Bucks, Pa., and John Parsell, Bucks, Pa 1765 Logan, Mary, and Cornelius Covenhoven, Monmouth 1770 Logan, Sarah, aud Benjamin Bunting, Bucks 1758 Logan, Susanna, Salem, aud Thomas BuUuck, Salem 1763 Loker, Hannah, Barlington, and William Pitman, Burlington 1741 Lomason, Aun, Hunterdon, and Henry Hemmety, Hunterdon 1763 Lon, Ann, Burliugton, and James Kelley, Barlington 1736 London, Joanna, Burlington, and William Armstrong, Burliugton. .... 1776 Long, Eleanor, Cohansie, and Caleb Stackhouse, Cohansie 1767 Long, Ellenor, and John Bright, Glouoester 1756 Long, Jane Margaret, P'th Amboy, Benj'n Fitz Randle, Bound Brook . . 1759 Long, Pleasant, Stow Creek, and William Newcomb, Cumberland 1759 Long, Sarah, and David Burns, Cape May 1789 Longfield, Mary, New Bruuswick, and Alexander Connolly, New Bwk. 1747 Longstreet, Anne, Monmouth, aud Samuel Osborn, Jr., Monmouth. . .1740 Longstreet, Anne, and AVUliam Burtis, Monmouth 1764 Longstreet, Ariantie, Hunterdon, and Derrick Aten, Hunterdon 1749 Longstreet, Christina, Monmouth, and William Williamson, Middlesex. 1741 Longstreet, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Samuel Longstreet, Monm 'nth. 1753 Longstreet, Elsey, Shrewsbury, and Peter Wikoff, Freehold 1759 Longstreet, Hanah, and Joseph Mount, Middlesex 1780 Longsitreet, Katharine, Monmouth, and William Chamberlain, M'mth.l746 Longstreet, Mary, Monmouth, and Francis Jeffery, Monmouth 1757 Longstreet, Moyike, Monmouth, and Rinear Van Sickle, Monmoutb. .1746 Longstreet, Morica, Middlesex, and James Eeed, Monmouth 1754 Longstreet, Nelle, Monmoutb, and James Irons, Jr., Monmouth 1752 July 3 Sept. 16 June 19 Nov. 19 Oct. 31 Deo. 30 Sept. 30 July 2 Aug. 6 Sept. 6 Jan. 5 June 30 Feb. 7 Oct. 24 Jan. 4 Oct. 8 May 20 Nov. 23 Sept. 17 Mar. 28 Dec. 24 July 10 Dec. 4 Feb. 26 Nov. 4 Sept. 9 Nov. 5 Mar. 26 Aug. 22 Jan. 12 Dec. 8 May 31 July 1 July 31 July 3 Mar. 15 Aug. 16 Aug. 24 Nov. 2 Oct. 29 Dec. 4 Dec. 22 Dec. 12 April 29 May 28 May 23 2 54 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Longstreet, Eacbal, Shrewsbury,, and Jacob Vandorn, Freehold 1763 Longstreet, Eachel, Monmouth, and AVUliam Hendrickson, Monm'th. . 1768 •Longstreet, Wyntie, Monmouth, and William Goyon, Monmouth 1742 Loofburrow, Abigail, Perth Amboy, and John Plaunery, Perth Amb'y. 1749 Loofbourrow, Catherine, Middletown, and Thomas Johnson 1752 Loofbourow, Eleanor, Middlesex, and AVUliam Kinnan, Middlesex 1763 Loofbourrow, Haunah, Woodbridge, and Eobert Iselstine 1756 Loofbury, Hannah, Middlesex, and Stephen Deare, Middlesex 1763 Loofbourrow, Margaret, Woodbridge, and Eobert Combs, Woodbridge. 1753 Loots, Eachel, Bergen, and Sieba Banta, Bergen 1763 Dord, Aune, Burlington, and Uriah Poster, Burlington 1770 Lord, Hannah, Cape May, and Nathan Goldin, Cape May 1730 Lord, Marj', Deptford, aud Andrew Sloau, Deptford 1746 Lord, Eachel, Burliugton, aud James Hughes, Burlington 1737 Lord, Sarah, Gloucester, and John Tathum, Gloucester 1729 Lord, Sarah, and James Franklin, Gloucester 1770 Lore, Ellenor, and Frederick Peterson, Cumberland 1775 Lore, Mary, Cumberland, and Stephen Kirby, Cumberland 1773 Lorens, Emy, and Andrew Morton, Glouoester .-. 1735 Loring, Eosanab, and Uriah Steelman, Gloucester 1770 Lorton, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and Edward Stoughton, Middlesex 1754 Lose, Elizabeth, Bergen, and Samuel Whittemore, Essex 1753 Lott, Abigail, aud Vincent Wetherill, New Brunswick 1773 Xiott, Catherine, and Thomas McDoweU, Middlesex 1775 Lott, Mary, and Jonathan Muirheid, Hunterdon 1779 Loudibank, Margaret, and Eden Ashton, Hunterdon 1780 ,Louf berry, Elizabeth, Perth Amboy, aud Thomas Inglis, P'th Amboy.. 1740 Louring, Ann, and Aaron Hand, Cumberland 1777 Loveland, Mary, and David Morrow, Burlington 1784 Loveland, Euth, Lt. Egg Harbour, and Stephen Cramer, Lt. Egg H'r.. 1761 Loveland, Susannah, Trenton, and Jobn Cuming, Trenton 1742 Lovell, Eachel, Burlington, and James Wills, Philadelphia 1750 Lovett, Hannah, and Joseph Cooper, Bristol, Pa 1781 LoTett, Mary, aud William Hewlings 1695 - Lovett, Mary, Burlington, and John Ivins, Burlington 1776 Lovett, Eebecca, Burlington, and Samuel Soattergood, Barlington. . . . 1730 Lovett, Sarah, Barlington, and John Hendry, Burlington 1764 Lovett, Sarah, and William Wright, Burlington 1769 Lovett, Susannah, and James Powell, Northampton 1779 Lovit, Nancy, and Dauiel Bunting, Burlington 1779 Low, Judith, and Eynear Eynearson, Somerset 1780 Low, Juliet, aud Peter Stryker, Somerset 1779 Low, Leanah, and William Coats, Hunterdon 1781 Low, Maritie, Hunterdon, aud Johu Cole, Hunterdon : 1749 Low, Sarah, Essex, and Nicholas Low, New York 1753 Lowden, Mary, aud Henry McGonegal, Burlington 1788 Oct. 21 Feb. 22 Oct. 1 April 4 Not. 23 Nov. 29 April 27 Sept. 19 Sept. 4 Deo. 15 Nov: 12 Feb. 17 Dec. 6 Mar. 7 Aug; 4 Mar. 1 Nov. 3 Oct. 30 Dec. 8 June 1 Not. 25 Aug. 30 April 17 June 1 AprU 13 Aug. 17 Dec. 10 May 10 Dec. 6 Oct. 1 Not. 19 Oct. 23 May 30 July 23 Mar. 26 Feb. 6 Not. 24 Oct. 10 Jan. 4 July 12 Dec. 16 July 21 Sept. 13 Mar. 19 April 26 AprU 8 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 255 Lowder, Editb, Burlington, and Zebulon Webb, Burlington 1740 Lowderbeck, Gene, and Jobn Curry, Salem 1775 Lowe, Aune, and Edmund Kingsland, Morris 1777 Lownes, Susanna, Philadelphia, and William Forrester, PhUadelphia. . 1731 Lownsberry, Marcy, and Joseph Lanuing. Burlington : 1756 Lowrance, Elizabeth, Somerset, and William Young, Morris 1773 Lowrey, Elizabeth, Amwell, and Thomas Skelton, Amwell 1772 Lowzada, Catherine, and Abraham Loxley, Somerset 1779 Loyd, Anua, Middlesex, and John Anderson, Freehold 1763 Loyd, Priscilla, Salem, and Joseph Bishop, Camberland 1761 Loyd; Sarah, Lower Penns Neck, Joseph Tindall, Low'r Penns Neck. . 1771 Luallen, Elizabeth, John Carter, Gloucester 1781 Lucas, Elizabeth, Willingborough, and Timothy Thomas, AVill'gbr'h. .1744 Lucas, Elizabeth, Piscataway, and John Oliphant, Piscataway 1760 Lucas, Margaret, Burlington, and DaTid Thomas, Burlington 1746 Lucas, Mary, Gloucester, and Henry Moran, Gloucester 1739 Lucas, Mary, Burlington, and Caleb Shinn, Burlington 1771 Lucas, Eebecca, and Eobert Farrell, Burlington 1734 Lucas, Sarah, Gloucester, and Daniel Leake, Gloucester 1764 Lucking, Ann, Burlington, and John Chalmer, Burlington 1762 Ludlam, Abigail, and Jonathan Smith, Cape May 1758 Ludlam, Alathare, Cape May, and Jonathan Smith, Cape May 1761 Ludlam, Beulah, Cape May, aud John Cresse, Cape May 1'739 Ludlam, Deborah, and Jesse Somers, Gloucester 1790 Ludlam, Esther, Cape May, and Christopher Smith, Cape May 1768 Ludlam, Hannah, and Jobn Somers, Gloucester 1784 Ludlam, Phebe, Cape May, and Elisha Eldridge, Cape May 1729 Ludlam— See Lirdlam. Ludlum, Phebe, Cape May, and Henry Eeed, Fairfield 1765 Ludlum, Phebe, and David Sheppard, Fairfield 1783 Ludlum, Priscilla, and Henry Young Townsend, Cape May 1769 Ludlum, Eachel, and Eenel Sayre, Salem 1779 Lukemire, Elizabeth, James Johnston, Jr., Burlington 1785 Lukes, Mary, Gloucester, and Elisha Heard, Gloucester 1767 Lum, Elizabeth, and Joseph Marsh, Morris 1779 Lummis, Phebe, and Anthony Gould, Cumberland 1781 Lupardus, Cornelia, Middlesex, and Evart Van Winkle, Somerset 1752 Lupton, Annie, Cumberland, and Thomas Podgett, Cumberland 1761 Lupton, Mary, and Thomas Hedges, Cape May 1762 Lupton, Sarah, Cumberland, and Nathan Lupton, Cumberland 1780 Lupter, Sarah, Monmoutb, and Eyke Suydam, Monmouth 1741 Luptin, Sarah, and Johu Bateman, Salem 1646 Lutkins, Elizabeth, and Paulus Levesey, Bergen 1767 Lnzeor, Hankey, and John Cutwater, Bergen 1768 Lycans, EUzabeth, and Samuel Brayman, Burlington 1783 ¦Lyddel, Sarah, Staten Island, and Abraham Woglom, Staten Island. . 1758 May 26 Jan. 30 Nov. 10 Oct. 5 Dec. 7 Feb. 1 Jan. 18 June 1 Mar. 7 April 21 Oct. 16 June 18 Not. Oct. 21 Oct. 27 Mar. 11 Dec. 23 April 20 Aug. 17 May 5 June 27 Dec. 26 May 18 July 24 Sept. 2 Jan. 31 Sept. 20 Oct. 31 May 24 May 9 Jan. 23 Dec. 2 Sept. 19 Not. 2 Mar. 6 Dec. 9 April 7 Feb. 16 Mar. 25 June 2 Aug. 21 Feb. 20 Oct. 4 Jan. 14 Not. 29 256 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Lyddeil, Rhoda, Staten Island, and Winants Winants, Staten Island. .1747 Lydecker, Catherine, Bergen, and Oliver Bourdett, Bergen 1769 Lydecker, Lydia, and John Bartholf, Bergen 1787 Lydekka, Cornelia, Bergen, aud Michael Moore, Bergen 1764 Lykens, Gertrude, Burlington, and Joseph Johnson, Burlington 1745 Lyn, Mary, Somerset, and AVUliam Simson, Somerset 1770 Lyng, Jemima, and William AVynants, Elizabethtown 1765 Lynn, Deborah, and James Lukens, Philadelphia 1772 Lyon, Hannah, and John Cary, Jr., Morris 1778 Lyon, Margaret, Monmouth, and David Herbert 1744 Lyons, Mary, . Burlington, and Job Field, Philadelphia 1770 MALES. ^ Macafee, Michael, Middlesex, and Anna Runions, Morris 1752 McAfey, Robert, Monmouth, and Eleanor Eead, Monmouth 1748 McAuley, Cornelius, Burlington, and Mary Johnson 1784 McCafferty, John, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Cieidock, Monmouth. . .1744 McCain, Daniel, Somerset, aud Prosilla Gaston, Somerset 1 771 McCalester, Janies, Hunterdon, and Hannah Davison. . . .^ 1780 McCall, Robert, Gloucester, and Susannah Paul, Gloucester 1735-6 McCalla, Aulay, Cumberland, and Hannah Gibbon 1787 McCalla, Edward, Monmouth, aud Lucrese Right, Monmouth ....... 1765 McCallum, Hugh, Monmouth, and Mary Campbell, Moumouth 1748 McCaun, Hugh, Middlesex, and Judith Valette, Middlesex 1741 McCarty, Daniel, Bucks, Pa., and Olive Titus 1733 McCarty, Duncan, Middlesex, and Ann Trimble, Middlesex 1749 McCarty, Matthew, New Jersey, and Elizabeth Gwinn 1760 McCarty, Thomas, Gloncester, and Abigail Marpole 1773 McChesny, Johu, Middlesex, and Catherine Newell, Middlesex 1753 McCleain, Samuel, Gloucester, and Abigail Hammock, Gloucester 1773 McClean, Alexander, Burlington, and Mary Snippen, Burlington 1773 McClean, Charles, Middlesex, and Lydia Cheesman, Monmoutb 1751 McClean, John, and Mary Van Kirk 1783 McClean, Mindert, Monmoutb, and EUzabeth Britton, Monmoutb... 1762 McCleese, Cornelius, Burlington, and Mary Pettit, Burlington 1748 McCleese, Cornelius, Monmoutb, and Elinor Tunison, Monmouth... 1756 McClenan, Samuel, Salem, and Mary Worldin, Salem 1741 McCleary, James, Somerset, and Mary Stewart, Somerset 1740 McClintock, Samuel, Cumberland, and Rebecca Garrison 1779 McCloud, Alexander, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Skeech 1734 McClutch, Obadiah, Burlington, and Mary Brooks 1784 McCollin, Allan, Burlington, and Rebecca JoUey, BurUngton 1771 McColUster, Jobn, Salem, and Rebecca Richman, Salem 1762 McColloch, John, Gloucester, and Sarah Inskeep, Gloucester 1749 McCoUough, James, Sussex, and Anne Douglass, Sussex 1770 McCoUum, Cornelius, and Rebecca Leeds , 1785 June 8 Feb. 15 Sept. 8 Feb. 3 July 25 Nov. 9 Sept. 10 July 25 Deo. 28 July 2 July 2 April 16 Jan. 3 Feb. 1 April 21 Sept. 24 Oct. 16 Mar. 11 AprU 9 AprU 17 April 11 July 13 Oct. 25 May 27 July 30 AprU 12 Aug. 10 Aug. 10 Mar. 30 July 11 June 4 May 4 Aug. 13 April 24 Nov. 31 Mar. 12 Jau. 12 June 29 May 3 Nov. 25 May 31 May 24 June 25 Not, 16 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 257 McColum, James, Somerset, and Elizabeth Parker, Somerset 1750 McComb, John, New York City, and Frances Marsh, Middlesex 1772 McConnel, Thomas, Somerset, and Susanuab McCane, Somerset 1747 MoConnell, John, Monmoutb, and Sarab Russell, Monmouth 1752 McCorkey, William, and Hannah Mather 1769 McCormick, Bernard, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Collins 1779 McCormick, John, Cape May, and Mary Taylor 1759 McCormick, Jobn B., Cape May, and Priscilla Raney 1775 McCoy, Gawen, Somerset, and Susanna Kannan, Somerset 1758 MeCracken, Hugh, Sussex, and Mary Muckle Hany, Sussex 1766 McCray, James, Hunterdon, and Anne Porter 1769 McGi'ea, Alexander, Huuterdon, and Pbillis Henderson 1774 McCrea, Jamos, Monmouth, and Mary Graham, Monmouth 1740 McCrea, Samuel, Albany, N. Y., and Margaret Slown, Somerset 1776 McCree, John, Salem, and Mary Vanneman, Salem 1764 McCreedy, James, Somerset, and Anna Bosoms, Somerset 1742 McCuUy, Joseph, Burlington, aud Sarah Gardener 1781 McCuUey, Samuel, Burlington, and Lydia Esdaile 17i;7 McCurtain, Thomas, Monmouth, and Deborah Cox 1771 McDaniel, Joseph, Somerset, and Mary Allan, Middlesex 1768 McDannel, James, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Kennedy 1739 MoDannels, Jarret, Monmouth, and Mary Rogers, Burlington 1748 MoDogal, Mathew, Monmouth, aud Deborah Standley, Monmouth. . . 1761 McDonald, Alexander, Bucks, Pa., and Jemima Plumley 1781 MoDoniel, Augustus, Burlington, and Lydia Morris, Burlington 1776 McDowel, Alexander, Burlington, and Elizabeth Allen, Burlington.. ..1782 McDowell, Andrew, Monmouth, and Isabeil Little, Monmouth 17.50 McDowell, Thomas, Middlesex, and Catherine Lott 1775 Maoe, Jacob, Orange, N. Y., and Elenor Parsall, Orange, N. Y 1764 MoElvey, Robert, Monmoutb, and Abigail Wright, Monmoutb 1766 McEweo, Daniel, Somerset, and Anne Graham, Somerset 1744 McFaddin, Patrick, CecU Co., Md., Catherine Vangelder, Pompton. , .1779 McFerson, Reuben, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Lee, Hunterdon 1775 McGaUird, Andrew, Monmouth, and Elizabeth McMin, Monmouth . . 1744 McGallird, WUUam, Hunterdon, aud Mary Sherins 1779 McGee, Patrick, Monmouth, and Sarah Stewart, Middlesex 1752 McGee, Thomas, Burlington, and Margaret Turner 1780 McGhee, John, Monmouth, and Sophia Embly, Monmouth 1727 McGibbons, James, Monmouth, and Joanna Non en, Monmouth 1741 McGill, NeUl, Hunterdon, and Phebe Carter 1769 McGinness, Richard, Wellenborough, Mariam Ridgway, Wel'nbor'gb. 1775 McGonegal, Henry, Burlington, and Mary Lowden 1788 McGraw, Barnabas, Morris, and Elizabeth Faulkerson 1777 Machett, Peter, Middlesex, and Margaret Chambers, Trenton , 1739 McHugh^ Patrick, Monmouth, and Mildreth Murdock, Monmouth. , . . 1749 MoIIvane, Joseph, Burlington, and Maria Reed 1793 ' 17 Feb. 28 Oct. 9 Dec. 23 Oct. 26 Jan. 2 Mar. 29 April 20 Aug. 11 April 3 June 11 Mar. 22 Jan. 8 April 8 AprU 6 Oct. 2 Jan. 22 Mar. 28 Nov. 29 Jan. 19 Oct. 1 Jau. 29 May 11 May 23 Aug. 18 Jan. 10 May 8 Mar, 8 June 1 May 24 Mar. 18 Dec. 7 Dec. 14 April 24 Oct, 19 May 5 July 25 Feb. 10 June 5 July 1 June 25 June 20 April 8 Aug. 5 Jan. 3 Oct. 11 Sept. 19 258 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Mcllvane, William, Bucks, Pa., and Margaret Rodman 1773 Machafferty, James, Gloucester, and Louisa Hews 1785 MackaTany, Benjamin, Burlington, and Sarah Toffit, Burliugton 1749 MackCoUum, John, Somerset, and Mary Berndrow 1768 McKean, Thomas, Newcastle, Del., and Mary Borden, Bordentown . .1763 McKee, Hugh, Cumberland, and Polly AVoodruff 1789 Mackeny, William, Somerset, and Hannah Fenwick, Somerset 1749 Mackey, John, Cape May, and Elizabeth Young, Cape May 1746 Mackie, John, Philadelphia, and Hannah Butterworth, New Jersey, . . 1770 McKinzy, Daniel, Hunterdon, and Rebeckah Emmins, Hunterdon .... 1747 McKinney, Abraham, Hunterdon, aud Elenor Lemberson, Hunterdon. 1771 McKinstry, John, Monmouth, and Elisabeth Hariison, Monmouth. . . 1739 MoKinstry, John, Hunterdon, and Sarah Ege, Hunterdon 1775 Mackintosh, John, and Hanna Kimall 1735 Mackintosh, Lauglin, Monmoutb, and Catherine HarTey, Monmoutb. . 1757 Macklatcbe, John, Burlington, aud Amy Eldrige 1742 Macklees, Peter, Gloucester, and Comfort Steelman, Gloucester 1740 MoKlese, James, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Lodibank 1779 McKIese, Johu, Monmouth, and Catherine Bown, Monmouth 1739 Macknight, Charles, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Stevens, Monmouth , . 1746 McKnight, Charles, Hunterdon, aud Mary Watson, Hunterdon 1771 McKnight, James. Burlington, and Elizabeth Carry. Burliugton 1765 McKnight, William, Monmouth, and Sarah James, Monmouth 1744 McKnight, William, Gloucester, and Sarah Kay 1788 McKoan, John, Salem, and Martha Hopkins, Salem 1764 McLanuing, Samuel, Salem, and Mary Woldiu, Salem 1741 McLuen, Hugh, Somerset, and Jane AVilson, Somerset 1753 McMasters, Robert, Pennsylvania, and Ester Palmer, New Jersey ... 1777 MoMurray, Samuel, Somerset, and Isabel AVare, Somerset 1753 McMurray, William, Monmouth, and Elizabeth White, Monmouth 1755 McMurtrie, David, Philadelphia, and Margery Poster, Philadelphia. . . 1754 McMurtry, John, Somerset, and Margaret Gomes 1781 McNeil, Dominick, Huuterdon, and Anne McVee, Hunterdon 1763 MoNeilus, William, and Sarah Brown 1780 McNichol, Andrew, Salem, and Orpbie Staubury 1785 McNinob, Samuel, Sussex, and Mary Soott I779 McPherson, William, Bucks, Pa., and Margaret Smith, Bucks, Pa. . . .1764 McQuUlen, James, Sussex, and Sarab Simpson.. I777 McQuown, Robert, New Jersey, and Mary Hellen 1745 McSkinuer, Barny, Burlingtou, and Mary Sink 1784 Maffet, John, Gloucester, and Sarah Martin, Gloucester.. 1765 Maffet, Richard, Gloucester, and Mary Cozens 1785 Maffet, Thomas, Gloucester, and Aun Soott, Glouoester 1770 Magee, James, Monmouth, and Lydia Wall, Monmouth , 1752 Magee, Patrick, Somerset, and Rebecca Brannegan, Middlesex 1778 Mager, William, Sussex, and Catherine StilweU 1768 Nov. 6 Jan. 13 Oct. 27 Jan. 13 July 21 May 18 Aug. 7 April 25 Aug. 6 April 17 Mar. 4 Aug.* 11 Jan. 10 Oct. 7 Dec. 21 June 19 Jan. 16 May 20 Deo. 21 Aug. 19 May 2 Jan. 15 Mar. 31 Aug. 20 Jan. 13 Deo. 31 July 25 Oct. 11 Nov. 21 Aug. 18 Mar. 18 Jan. 26 Nov. 7 Dec. 20 Dec. 28 Jan. 7 June 5 May 22 June 28 Mar. 3 April 13 Feb. 24 Oct. 30 Sept. 19 July 22 Oct. 8 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 259 Maghee, James, and Susannah Patton, Monmouth 1757 April 25 Maguineas, Arthur, Monmoutb, and Elizabeth Burton 1763 Nov. 14 Maguire, Matthew, PhUadelphia, and Anne Mannington, Philadelphia. 1774 April 11 Maharr, Francis, Salem, and Elizabeth Casperson, Salem 1745 Dec. 11 Maher, John, Gloucester, and Edith Jones I733 Mar. 9 Maioleese, Cornelius, Burlington, and Mary Pettit, Burlington 1748 Oct. 4 Main, Andrew, Monmouth, aud Elizabeth Hoff, Monmoutb 1 759 Mar. 20 Main, George, Sussex, and Mary Vane, Sussex 1771 Jan. 4 Malsberry, .John, Burlington, and Mary Bowker, Burlington 1736 Sept. 18 Malsbury, John, Burlington, and Martha Sopers 1746 Feb. 2 Maison, Daniel, Monmouth, aud Amy Williams, Monmouth 1737 Jan. 12 Man, Thomas, Gloucester, and Margaret Bonham 1776 Jan. 30 Manaring, John, Salem, and Elizabeth Hendrickson, Salem 1727 Mar. 14 Manata, Daniel, Bucks, Pa., and Elizabeth Thompson. 1777 Dec. 15 Mance, John, Staten Island, and Ann Mitchell 1770 June 28 Maning, Ephraim, Middlesex, and Sarah Martin, Middlesex 1763 Oct. 25 Mann, WUliam, Mount Holly, and Beulah GaskiU 1784 Nov. 3 Mannering, Thomas, Gloucester, and Dosbia Hammitt, Gloucester 1761 Aug. 28 Manners, John, Hunterdon, and Rachel Stout 1780 Mar. 17 Manning, Daniel, Somerset, and Sarab Corle 1781 Aug. 25 Manning, James, Middlesex, and Mary Ford, Middlesex 1752 Mar. 21 Manning, James, Essex, and Margaret Stites, Essex '. . . . 1763 Mar. 22 Manning, Jeremiah, Essex, and Ursula Drake, Hunterdon 1758 Sept. 23 Manning, Jeremiah, Middlesex, and Rachel Randolph, Middlesex, ... 1764 Feb. 28 Manning, John, Somerset, and Zeruiah Randolph, Middlesex 1763 Jan. 21 Manning, Joseph, Morris, and Provi.lence Cooper, Morris 1768 June 8 Manning, Richard, Morris, and Ann Randolph, Middlesex 1753 Mar. 28 Manning, Solomon, Gloucester, and Lidia Cosier, Gloucester 1747 June 12 Manring, Richard, Gloucester, and Mary Adams, Gloucester 1749 Nov. 6 Mapel, Jacob, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Stanford, Somerset 1769 Jan. 27 Mapel, Stephen, Middlesex, and Mary Slack 1780 Nov. 2 Maplin, Benjamin, and EUzabeth Lee 1695 June 4 Marckall, Addam, and Esther English 1741 June 8 Margerum, Benjamin, Bucks, Pa., and Elizabeth White 1769 Feb. 1 Margernm, Richard, Jr., Bucks, Pa., and Rebekah White 1768 Mar. 23 Marjeram, Henry, and Jane Rigg 1693 Oct. 3 Markes, PhiUip, Monmouth, and Margaret Brewer, Monmoutb 1760 May 3 Markleese, Gysbert, Monmouth, and Rachel Johnson, Monmouth , . . 1752 Dec. 23 Markworth, William, Trenton, and Anna Eoberts 1779 Mar. 2 Marland, Eobert, Burlington, and Rachel Eyre .' 1769 Mar. 6 Marlatt, Jobn, Hunterdon, and Jane Van Sickle, Hunterdon 1752 Sept. 25 Mariatt, Eichard, Hunterdon, and Nelly Marlatt 1772 Not. 23 Martin, John, East New Jersey, and Anu Burtis 1763 May 23 Marott, Devenport, Philadelphia, and Ann Saul, PhUadelphia 1770 Oct. 1 Marple, Northrup, Gloucester, and Anu Scull, Gloucester 1763 Jan. 21 Marrioge, James, Gloucester, and Mary Bryant, Gloucester 1762 Mar. 17 26o NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Marriott, Benjamin, Buriington, and Sarah Crosby, BurUngton 1739 Marriott, Joseph, Burlington, and Martha Nailor 1771 Marriott, Philip, Burlington, and Abigail Hall, Burlington 1746 Marriott, Samuel, Buriington, and Ann MiUer, Burlington 1738 Marrott, Isaac, Burlington, and Sarah White, Burlington 1743 Marsh, Elias, Middlesex, and Mary Davenport 1745 Marsh, Elias, Jr. , Middlesex, and Aun Brayding 1773 Marsh, George, Morris, and Catharine Young 1779 Marah, Henry, Monmouth, and Desire Rogers, Monmouth 1 760 Marsh, Henry, Bergen, aud Elizabeth Sy meson, Bergen 1773 Marsh, John, Middlesex, and Catherine Hunt . 1767 Marsh, Joseph, Middlesex, and Mary Willis, Middlesex 1773 Marsh, Joseph, Morris, and Elizabeth Lum 1779 Marsh, Richard, Monmouth, and Miriam Thorn 1765 Marsh, Thomas Elliott, Gloucester, aud Sarah Carpenter, Gloucester. .1764 Marshall, James, Cumberland, and Ruth Brick 1791 Marshall, Thomas, Barlington, and Rachel Leed ,. . . . 1788 Marshon, Henry, Trenton, and Mary Yard, Trenton 1728 Marshon, Henry, Hunterdon, and Ann Major, Hunterdon 1739 Martin, Thomas, Burlington, and Hannah Marling, Burlington 1781 Martin, Daniel, Gloucester, and Ester Bellis, Gloucester 1730 Martin, John, Middlesex, and Rhoda Hull, Middlesex 1752 Martin, John, Monmouth, aud Margaret Gifford, Monmouth 1760 Martin, John, Burlington, and Anna Bishop, Burlington 1772 Martin, Jonathan, New Jersey, and Elizabeth Denham 1782 Martin, Joshua, Jr,, Middlesex, and Mary Runyon, Middlesex 1756 Martin, Mulford, Middlesex, and Rachel Ayres, Middlesex 1741 Martin, Nathaniel, Middlesex, and Mary Clarkson, Middlesex 1756 Martin, Nathaniel, Middlesex, and Catherine Fitz Randolph 1758 Martin, Robert, Middlesex, and Mary Bloomfield, Middlesex 1758 Mart'm, Robert, Middlesex, and Margaret Patten, Middlesex : . . . 1761 Martin, Steward, Sussex, and Elizabeth Braiden 1772 Martin, Thomas, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Ayres, Middlesex 1762 Martin, Torep., Monmoulh, and Rachel Nortwike, Monmouth 1758 Martin, AVUliam, Burlington, and Hanuah Norris 1771 MaskeU, Dauiel, Cumberland, and Mary Vaughn, Cumberland 1749 MaskeU, Daniel, Cumberland, and Sarah Woodruff, Cumberland 1775 MaskeU, Thomas, Cumberland, and Ester Fithian, Cumberland. . , . . . 1768 Masking, Henrj', Bucks, Pa , aud Ruth Harmon 1778 Mason, Albert, Monmoulh, and Elizabeth Stilwell, Monmouth 1767 Mason, Andrew, Pennsylvania, and Elizabeth Denford, Pennsylvania, 1728 Mason, Jacob, Burlingtou, and Eachel Tewksbury, Burlington 1763 Mason, .James, Burliugton, and Marj- Lee, Barlington 1782 Mason, John, Burlington, and Elizabeth Moore, Burlington 1761 Mason, Jonathan, Gloucester, and Sarah Norton 1773 Mason, Joseph, Cape May, aud Easter Lozer 1763 May 12 July 31 July 28 July 13 Aug. 12 May 11 Mar. 19 Nov. 11 Jan. 8 Nov. 20 AprU 22 Oct. 8 Nov. 2 Oct. 26 Mar. 5 Nov. 21 April 19 Jan. 20 Deo. 11 Aug. 6 Jan. 11 April 22 Feb. 5 Nov. 26 Jan. 3 Sept. 11 Jan. 23 Dec. 16 May 30 Nov. 29 May 4 Mar. 1 Feb. 15 June 21 Aug. 10 Jan. 15 Aug. 5 Mar. 27 Aug. 10 Nov. 12 Sept. 28 Nov. 9 Mar. 9 May 21 Juue 12 Jan. 7 Marriage LicENSE^. 261 Mason, Solomon, Burlington, and Anna Kemble, Burliugton 1754 Mason, Solomon, Burlington, and Sarah Davis 1788 Mason, Thomas, Burlington, and Mary Kitchen 1759 Mason, William, Cape May, and Judith Brooks 1766 Mason, AVUliam, Burlington, and Rebeckah Sharp 1786 Massey, Thomas, Philadelphia, and Sarah Rawle, Philadelphia. ...... 1763 Masgey, Thomas, Cumberland, and Jameson Lawrence 1780 Matchet, Richard, Monmouth, and Mary Cole, Monmouth 1757 Mathews, Charles, Monmonth, and Deborah Bills, Monmouth 1760 Matthews, John, Monmouth, and Margaret Emans, Monmouth 1755 Mathews, Joseph, Monmoutb, aud Amy Clayton, Monmouth 1748 Mathews, Thomas, Monmoutb, and Hester Gifford, Moumouth 1743 Mathews, WUliam, Cape May, and Bethiah Mills, Salem 1740 Mathis, John, Little Egg Harbor, and Marcy Crammer 1781 Matlack, Benjamin, Gloucester, aud Hannah Rowand 1783 Matlack, Caleb, Cumberland, and Mary Wilie 1777 Matlack, Isaac, Glouoester, and Rebecca Bate 1733 Matlack, Jacob, Burlington, and Ruth AVoodoth , 1733 Matlack, Jeremiah, Burlington, and Elizabeth Kinsey, Burlingtcn .... 1772 Matlack, John, Jr., Gloucester, and Hannah Shivers, Gloucester 1736 Matlack, Samuel, Burliugton, and Martha Kimble, Burlington 1759 Matlack, Timothy, Burlington, and Hester Eldredge 1785 Matlack, Thomas, Barlington, and Abigail West, Barlington 1766 Matlock, .Jonathan, Barlington, and Mary Indicott, Burlington 1754 Matox, Luke, Camberland, and Rebecca Wheeler 1787 Matson, Abraham, Gloucester, and Rachel Adams, Glouoester ... 1762 Matson, Benjamin, Burlington, and Susanna Stevenson, Burlington. .1764 Matson, Elias, Glouoester, and Marab Snowden 1784 Matson, Matthias, Gloucester, and Elizabeth AVilkins 1754 Matthews, Elijah, Cape May, and Martha Smith, Cape May 1770 Matthews, Isaac, Cape May, and Mary Hand 1774 Matthews, Jacob, Gloucester, and Phebe Garner 1772 Matthews, Jobn, Burlington, and Mary Small 1784 Matthews, Peirce, Hunterdon, and Catherine Laverton 178 1 Matthews, Eichard, Cape May, and Judith Hughes 1772 Matthews, Samuel, Cape May, and Temperance Stites 1771 Matthews, Thomas, Cape May, and Hannah Cresse 1768 Matthis, Henry, Hunterdon, and Eosannah Woolverton., 1782 Mattis, Thomas, Middlesex, and Rebecca Fitz Randolph, Middlesex. . .1749 Mattison, Aaron, Monmouth, and Sarah Cook, Monmouth 1745 Mattison, George, Salem, and Irane Van Dirke 1750 Mattison, Jacob, Jr., Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Updyke. 1779 Mattison, James, Hunterdon, and Catherine Egbert, Hunterdon 1774 Mattison, John, Hunterdon, and Sarab Ketcham 1779 Matiison, Joseph, Hunterdon, and Catharine Bowne, Hunterdon 1768 Matts(on, Jacob, Gloucester, and Mary Reynolds 1733 Sept. 13 April 4 Dec. 1 Nov. 10 Jan. 9 Sept. 28 Mar. 8 April 16 Feb. 22 Feb. 4 July 9 Sept. 6 Dec. 13 Aug. 16 Sept. 5 Deo. 18 May 28 Nov. 15 May 21 Jan. 13 April 23 Dec. 19 Feb. 17 July 25 April 27 Mar. 4 June 4 May 25 Sept. 12 Oct. 10 Dec. 17 Feb. 25 Oct. 30 Feb. 1 July 10 Aug. 10 Jan. 8 May 22 June 2 April 17 April 10 Dec. 10 Aug. 2 Deo. 21 May 5 Jan. 20 262 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Maxson, Ephraim, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Davis, Monmouth 1764 Maxson, Joseph, Monmouth, and Hannah Osborne, Monmouth 1774 Maxson, Nathan, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Brown, Monmouth 1764 Maxwell, John, Salem, and Elizabeth Jones, Salem 1769 Maxwell, Samuel, Hunterdon, and Jemima McClinton, Hunterdon.. . . 1771 Maxwell, AVUliam, Buriington, and Ester Wright, Burlingtou 1730 May, Edward, Monmouth, aud Mary Mack Daniel, Monmouth 1762 May, George, Burlington, and Susanna Thompson, Burlington 1742 May, John, Essex, and Sarah Dogworthy 1746 May, John, Gloucester, and Phebe Scull 1764 May, AVUliam, Burlington, and Haunah Baker, Burlington 1741 May, William, Jr., Gloucester, and Jane Edwards, Gloucester 1731 Mayberry, Thomas, and Cynthia Lanning 1774 Mayberry, Thomas, Mount HoUy, and Mary Spring, Philadelphia 1780 Maybery, Thomas, New Jersey, and Mary Sincleair. , 178 1 Mead, Daniel, Morris, and Phebe Harrimau, Morris 1780 Mead, GUes, Bergen, and Elizabeth Van Sise 1783 Mead, Henry, Bergen, and Mary AVorden 1789 Mead, Jacob, Bergen, and Margaret Post 1791 Mead, John, Bergen, and Margaret Demott, Monmouth 1770 Mead, John, Pompton, and Rebeccah Curtis 1785 Mead, Peter, Jr., Pompton, and Sarah Vansisco, Pequanock. . . , 1780 Mead, Samuel, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Cox 1760 Meaghan, Connor, Bucks, Pa., and Ann Walmsley, Bucks, Pa 1733 Mean, John, Monmouth, and Marah Maccoy, Monmouth 1754 Mears, Joseph, Monmouth, and Susannah Stewart, Burlington 1764 Measereau, John, Staten Island, and Martha Le Conte, Staten Island . 1750 Mecom, Johu, Salem, and Sarah Berry, Salem 1763 Mecum, John, Middlesex, and Catherine Oakey 1765 Mecum, William, Salem, and Elinor Sinnickson, Salem 1761 Meebe, Joost, Or-tnge Co., N. Y., aud Freyntje Garrebrance, Bergen. .1769 Meeker, John, Middlesex, and Abigail Ross 1769 Meeker, John, Middlesex, and Sarah OUiver 1775 Meeker, Uzal, Bereen, and Elizabeth Van Voorhis 1794 Meirs, David, Monmoutb, aud Martha Smith, Monmouth 1763 Meirs, George, Burlington, and Mary Prickett, Burlington 1751 Meirs, Joseph, Monmonth, and Elisabeth Thomas, Monmouth 1763 Mellon, Patrick, Bucks, Pa., and Mary Hinds 1778 Melrose, John, Somerset, and Mahitable Scott 1779 Melvan, John, Middlesex, and Abigail Smith, Middlesex 1774 Mere, Rynear, Somerset, and Catherine Cruzee ,^ 1780 Meredith, John, and Elizabeth Lambert 1694 Meredith, Richard, and Mary Fell 1769 Meredith, Thomas, Barlington, and Ruth Williams, Burlington 1755 Merideth, Richard, Salem, and Christiana Neilson, Salem 1772 Meredyth, Thomas, Barlington, and Jane Norcross, Barlington 1740 AprU 27 Oct. 14 AprU 27 Oct. 11 Feb. 25 Dec. 22 Oct. 27 Jan. 24 April 10 July 7 Sept. 12 June 19 May 11 Jan. 31 Mar. 12 Mar. 11 Oct. 16 Feb. 3 June 10 Jan. 1 Mar. 17 Oct. 23 Nov. 1 Oct. 15 May 15 AprU 5 Feb. 1 Feb. 27 Sept. 11 Sept. 22 Mar. 18 July 13 Jan. 12 Jan. 17 May 28 May 20 Dec. 3 April 3 Aug. 27 Sept. 17 April 1 AprU 4 July 22 June 29 AprU 29 April , 8 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 263 Merlatt, Abraham, Somerset, and Martha Vail, Essex 1748 Merot, PhiUip, Burlington, and Mary Jobes 1760 Merrel, Ricbard, Middlesex, and Jenny AVhitlock 1784 Merrell, David, Hunterdoh, and Charity Gulick 1777 MerreU, Lambart, Middlesex, and Tabitha Dunham, Middlesex.. .. 1763 Merrick, Timothy, Bristol, Pa., and Rebecca Hutchinson 1783 Merrill, A'bijah, Morris, and S-arah Din, Moumouth 1763 MerrUl, Jacob, Morris, and Elizabeth Folkerson 1781 Merit, Abraham, Barlington, and Garthvey Brooks, Evesham 1785 Merrit, Abraham, Burlington, and Rachel Gaskill, Burlington 1757 Merritt, Isaac, Burlington, and Elizabeth Hewlings, Burlington 1782 Merritt, Isaac, Mount Holly, and Alice AVright 1784 Merritt, Thomas, Burlington, and Elizabeth Curtis, Burlington 1770 Merryman, John, Burlington, aud Elizabeth Knott, Monmouth 1779 Mersereau, Stephen, Staten Island, and Lydia Parker, Monmouth 1765 Mersgen, William, New .York City, and Anne Bradford, Middlesex 1 742 Mershon, Andrew, Hunterdon, and Catherine Case, Hunterdon 1773 Mershon, Andrew, Hunterdon, and Catharine Wilson, Hunterdon 1774 Mershon, Daniel, Hunterdon, and Margaret Thatcher, Huuterdon , . . , 1763 Mershon, Timothy, Hunterdon, and Anne Stevens, Hunterdon 1775 Mershon, WilUam, Hunterdon, and Sarah Titus, Huuterdon 1764 Messean, Ricbard, Richmond, N. Y., and Christian White 1768 Meyer, Audries, New Jersey, and Frena Morris 1740 Meyers, Thomas, Philadelphia, and Sarah Esdell 1788 Miebal, Henry, Salem, and Mandlina Gurtjea 1759 Mick, Michael, Burlington, and Mary Moore, Burlington 1783 Mickel, Arcbible, Cape May, and Marcy Doubleday, Cape May 1762 Mickel, James, Cape May, and Elizabeth Ready, Cape May 1763 Mickell, James, Gloucester, and Sarah Estlack 1732 Mickle, Joseph, Gloucester, and Hannah Burroughs 1771 Micklevane, Arthur, Gloucester, and Ann Barnes 1772 Middagg, Cornelius, Somerset, and Allie Vandeveuter, Monmouth . . . 1739 Middagh, John, Long Island, and Mary Horsfield, Long Island 1760 Middagh, Teunis, Somerset, and Jannetje Brocaw, Somerset 1750 Middleton, Benjamin, Glouoester, and Elizabeth Taylor 1775 Middleton, Hugh, Burlington, and Mary Fairley, Burlington 1744 Middleton, Joel, Burlington, and Sarah Middleton 1780 Middleton, John, Gloucester, and Rachel Vaneman, Gloucester 1763 Middleton, Jonathan, Burlington, and Anne Morris, Burliugton 1776 Middleton, Nathan, Barlington, and Judith Stokes, Barlington 1777 Middleton, Nathaniel, BurUngton, aud Sarab Conrow 1790 Hiddleton, 'Thomas, Barlington, and Mary Bassett, Burlington 1761 Middleton, Thomas, Burlington, and Abigail Brackney 1784 Middleton, WiUiam, Burlington, and Mary Kimble, Burlington 1746 Middleton, William, Gloucester, and Rachel Driver, Gloucester 1735 Miers, Abram, Burlington, and Dorcas Andrews, Burlington 1757 Feb. 25 Nov. 8 Feb. 2 Aug. 2 Nov. 28 April 5 July 29 Jan. 23 Feb. 12 Sept. 28 Mar. 21 April 13 June 28 April 24 Oct. 11 Oct. 23 June 12 Oct. 15 Deo. 8 April 1 Feb. 27 May 14 Jan. 7 July 17 Aug. 15 Dec. 4 Feb. 12 Feb. 12 Deo. 30 Deo. 23 Dec. 2 Feb. 22 July 9 July 26 April 29 Sept. 25 Dec. 23 Feb. 21 Jan. 27 July 26 Jan. 21 Aug. 12 Oct. 6 Oct. 9 July 9 Nov. 14 264 NteW JERSE'Y COLONIAt DOCtlMENTS. Miers, John, Burlington, and Rachel South, Burlington 1763 Miers, John, Gloucester, and Hannah Coffee 1779 Milburn, Robert, Essex, and Mary Thomas, Essex 1751 MUbourn, Timothy, Hunterdon, and Sarah Morgan 1779 Miles, John, Bristol, Pa., and Ann Davis, Philadelphia 1739 MiUaird, Abraham, Barlington, and Mary Wiles, Barlington 1764 Miller, Alexander, Salem, and Hanuiih Jordan, Salem 1730 Miller, Charles, Burlington, and Catherine CleTenger, Burlington 1732 Miller, George, and Mary Dunkins 1731 Miller, George, Salem, and Sarah Rumsey, Salem 1737 Miller, Henry, Salem, and Mary Wood, Salem 1765 Miller, Isaac, Burlington, and Mercy Eicbards. 1750 Miller, Israel, Cumberland, and Abigail MUler, Cumberland 1779 MUler, James, Cape May, and Susannah Kent, Cape May ¦ 1755 Miller, James, Gloucester, and Jane Finley, Gloucester 1765 Miller, Joel, Cumberland, and Polly Newell 1787 MiUer, Johann, Burlington, and Martha Price, Burliugton 1761 Miller, Johu, Burlington, and Anne Millard, Burlington. 1728 Miller, John, Salem, and Eachel Eead, Salem 1740 Miller, John, Monmouth, aud Mary Horner 1761 Miller, John, Burlington, and Hester Tanner, Burlington 1764 Miller, John, Burlington, and Catharine Bristow, Burliugton. . , ... .1766 Miller, John, Gloucester, and Mary Millinor, Philadelphia 1771 Miller, John, Cumberland, and Phebe Irelan, Cumberland 1777 Miller, John, Pennsylvania, and Abalon Fox 1786 Miller, Matthias, New Jersey, .and Anne Dixon, New Jersey 1743 Miller, Matthias, Salem, and Jean Tournson 1779 Miller, Noah, Cumberland, and Mary Mills, Cumberland 1762 Miller, Thomas, Burlington, and Martha Lake, Burlington 1729 Miller, WilUam, Barlington, and Eachel Banting, Burlington 1735 Miller, William, Salem, and Catharine Graiton, Salem 1761 Miller, AVUliam, BurUngton, and Ann Kemble 1777 Milles, James, Barlington, and Sarah Coppuck, Burliugton 1761 Milles, Joshua, Barlington, and Margaret Williams 1739 Millhouse, John, Gloucester, 'and Judah Rape 1785 Milliken, Eichard, Burlington, and Rachel Hoskins, Burlingtou 1759 MUls, Benoni, Cumberland, and Lydia Hand, Cape May 1769 Mills, Edward, Morris, and Phebe Byram 1778 MUls, Francis, Burlington, and Euphemia Smart 1782 Mills, Isaac, Cumberland, and Rebecca Campbell, Cumberland 17G2 Mills, Jacob, Gloucester, and Mary Heppard, Gloucester 1761 Mills, Jacob, Gloucester, and Jain Lee. 1775 Mills, Jerediah, Cape May, and Elizabeth Stites, Cape May 1757 Mills, .Jonathan, Gape May, and Judith Eldredge 1767 Mills, Jonathan, Cape May, and Amy Johnson 1768 MiUs, Samuel, Cumberland, and Mary Chessney 1779 Anril 27 Deo. 8 May 11 Nov. 2 Jan. 1 Feb. 12 Aug. 8 AprU 7 June 26 July 27 Aug. 22 April 9 Aug. 22 Nov. 16 - June 3 Oct. 28 AprU 10 May 20 Jan. 4 Oct. 31 July 21 Oct. 3 April 29 Aug. 21 July 31 Mar. 20 Deo. 27 Aug. 19 Nov. 16 Mar. 11 May 31 Aug. 15 April 7 Aug. 19 Nov. 1 Mar. 28 Deo. 18 AprU 10 May 9 July 29 Mar. 1 Nov. 14 Not. 13 Feb. 18 Deo. 30 June 9 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 261; MiUs, William, Burlington, and Hanuah Borden, Burlington 1778 Milnor, Joseph, Bucks, Pa., and Phebe Kirkbride, Bucks, Pa 1746 MUnor, Thomas, Gloucester, and Eleanor Kimsey 1763 MUton, James, Burlington, and Lydia Garwood, Burlington 1761 MUton, Walter, Cape May, and Anne Osborn, Cape May 1746 MUton, WiUiam, Burlington, and EUzabeth Morlan 1760 Minderman, Bartholomew, and Jane Joyner 1693 Minery, Hugh, Somerset, and Jannet Logan, Somerset 1751 Mingen, Lewis, Burlingtou, and Mercy Norcross, Burlington 1773 Mingin, Joseph. New Hanover, and Sarah Jones, New HanoTcr 1748 Mingin, Joseph, Burlington, and Hanuah Leeds 1777 Minor, Lawrence, Burlington, and EUzabeth Platt 1760 Minor, Samuel, Somerset, and Anna Douw, Somerset 1740 Minor, WiUiam, Somerset, and Charity Prost, Hunterdon 1777 Minser, Mark, Burlington, aud Hannah Burns 1784 Mires, Aaron, Barlington, and Sarah Butterfield, Burlington 1771 Mires, Abraham, Monmouth, and Nancy Walling, Monmouth 1763 Mires, Jacob, Monmouth, and Martha Walling, Monmouth .... 1759 Mirs, George, Barlington, and Mary Prickett, Burlington 1751 Mirs, Martin, Monmouth, and Hester Horn, Monmouth 1762 Mitchel, Abraham, Burlington, and Mary Piffets .1757 Mitchel, Dauiel, Burlington, and Anne Fort, Burlington 1783 Mitchel, Isaac, Monmoutb, and Byer Hallsteed, Monmoutb 1764 Mitchel, Joseph, Middlesex, and Hannah Dunham, Middlesex 1753 MUohel, Lewis, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Stevens, Monmouth 1740 Mitchel, Richard, Monmouth, aud Elizabeth Martesy, Monmouth . . . 1741 Mitchel, Richard, Monmoutb, aud Elisabeth Croxson, Monmouth. . . . .1763 Mitchel, WiUiam, Cape May, and Elisabeth Townsend .' 1774 MitcheU, George, Burliugton, and Ann Croney, Burlington 1782 Mitchell, James, Monmoutb, and Catharine Jonson, Monmouth 1755 Mitchell, John, Monmouth, and Hannah Parker, Monmoutb 1762 MitcheU, John, Bucks, Pa., and Phebe Randall, Bucks, Pa 1763 MitcheU, John, Bucks, Pa., and Sarah WUlett, Bucks, Pa 1776 Modlaer, Frederick, Gape May, and Rebecca Smith, Cape May 1774 Moffat, Thomas, Middlesex, and Margaret Gaston, Somerset 1750 Mohan, Daniel, Gloucester, and Mary Middleton, Gloucester 1750 Molesberry, Philip, Sussex, and Martha Hanna 1768 MoUeson, Gilbert, Middlesex, and Hester Martin, Middlesex 1743 MoUeson, Henry, Middlesex, and Catherine Drake, Middlesex 1749 Molloy, John, Gloucester, and Eumah Smith 1777 Mpnck, Nicholas, Sussex, and Ann Warral 1774 Monday, Isaac, Middlesex, and Ann Martin 1774 Monday, John, Middlesex, and Sarah Griffin, Middlesex 1749 Monday, Jobn, Middlesex, and Eachel Martin, Middlesex 1753 Monday, Nicholas, Middlesex, and Hannah Compton, Middlesex 1757 Monee, Abraham, Staten Island, and Arma Mary Nicholas, Essex. . . . 1744 Dec. 5 Dec. 29 April 8 Aug. 1 April 19 Jan. 23 Dec. 5 Sept. 17 Feb. 19 July 28 Nov. 20 Dec. 8 Mar. 9 Dec. 11 Mar. 10 Aug. 10 June 21 April 26 May 20 Oct. 4 Jan. 29 Oct. 27 June 14 June 20 May 6 Oct. 17 Sept. 23 Nov. 21 Mar. 2 Sept. 25 April 13 Oct. 17 July 27 April 26 Nov. . 8 Jan. 12 July 23 Dec. 13 Mar. 12 July 31 April 16 May 31 Oct. 10 Jan. 19 May 21 Feb. 19 266 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Monfoort, Peter, and Styntie AVilliamson 1748 Monfort, Henry, Somerset, and Anna Nephews, Somerset 1769 Mornington, WiUiam, Burlington, andSarah Coxe, Philadelphia 1772 Monroe, John, Barlington, and Margaret Mitchell 1736 Monrow, George, Burlington, and Eose Sharp 1769 Monrow, John, Jr., Burliugton, and Sarah Biddle, Burlington 1761 Mons, John, Burlington, and Dorothy Stout, Burlington 1759 Montaine, Isaac, New York, and Ann Spier, Bergen 1760 Montague, Abraham, Morris, and Margaret Henderson 1739 Montfort, Peter, Somerset, and Mary Hoogland 1783 Montgomere, Eobert, Monmoutb, and Eachel Lawrence, Middlesex. . . 1745 Montgomerie, Alexander, and Ennies West, Monmouth 1 76 1 Montgomery, Anthony, Cumberland, and Elizabeth Powell 1778 Montgomery, Archibald, Philadelphia, and Sarah Winter, Phila 1737 Montgomery, Joseph, George Town, Md., Elizabeth Eeed, G'eT'u, Md 1762 Montgomery, Eobert, Jr., Monmouth, and Elizabeth Vance 1757 Montgomery, Eobert, Jr., Monmouth, and Margaret Leonard 1771 Montgomery, William, Monmouth, and Mary Ehea 1778 Moode, Joseph, Bucks, Pa., and Cbarity Vanhorne, Bucks, Pa 1776 Moon, James, Burlington, and Alice Barry, Burlington 1744 •Moon, Jasper, Burliugton, and Martha Cripps, Burlington 1773 Moon, Peter, Middlesex, and Hannah DeGrow, Middlesex 1741 Mooney, Hugh, Gloucester, and Nancy Shinn 1781 Moor, Benjamin, Jr., Burlington, and Eebecca Fennimore, Barlington. 1730 Moor, James, Barlington, and Sarah Ridgway, Burlington 1730 Moor, James, Jr., Sussex, and Jane Miller, Sussex 1779 Moor, John,' Staten Island, and Mary Stilwell, Staten Island 1758 Moor, Michael, Middlesex, and Rachel Dunn, Middlesex - 1756 Moor, Mordica, Burlington, and Alice Walker, Burlington 1731 Moor, Thomas, Cape May, and Catharinah Beenson, Gloucester 1740 Moor, Thomas, Burlington, and Lucretia Haines 17S3 Moorasje, Abraham, Bergen, and Margrit Helen, Bergen 1760 Moore, Abijah, Hunterdon, and Hannah Brown 1780 Moore, Amos, Hunterdon, and Anne Smith 1769 Moore, Andrew, Monmoutb, and Sarah Brown, Monmoutb 1772 Moore, Benjamin, Burlington, and Sarah Bowen 1778 Moore, Daniel, Hunterdon, and Hannah Johnston 1768 Moore, Edward, Salem, and Martha Thompson, Salem 1746 Moore, Edward, Salem, and Mary Sanderlin, Salem 1764 Moore, Elisha, Hunterdon, and Mary Moon 1779 Moore, Elwell, Salem, and Margaret Ashton, Salem 1765 Moore, Elwell, Salem, and Rebecca Miller, Salem 1771 Moore, Enoch, Cumberland, and Mary AVare, Cumberland 1752 Moore, Enoch, Cumberland, and Rachel Hutson, Cumberland 1762 Moore, Hampton, Cumberland, and Mary Westcott 1783 Moore, Heury, Middlesex, and Mary Dudin . . -. 1747 Aug. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 14 Aug. 9 Jan. 14 June 3 Not. 13 July 1 Feb. 25 May 9 Dec. 3 Not. 23 Oct. 21 Not. 14 May 4 June 14 Not. 13- Jan. 13 Jan. 16 June 18 Sept. 1 Not. 18 July 3 Oct. 27 Dec. 1 Feb. 10 Mar. 13 May 25 Jan. 17 May 15 July 29 April 1 Aug. 25 Aug. 22 Jan. 18 Not. 17 Sept. 3 Nov. 10 Feb. 7 Nov. 25 April 9 June 18 April 16 Not. 22 April 17 May 27 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 267 Moore, Job, Burlington, and Mary Lippincott, Barlington 1766 Moore, Job, Trenton, and Deborah Stilwell 1768 Moore, John, Middlesex, and Mary Fraze, Essex 1751 Moore, John, Salem, and Ann Po\^ell, Salem 1772 Moore, John, Hunterdon, and Hannah Wortman 1772 Moore, John, Essex, and Hannah Moore, Middlesex 1773 -TMoore, John, Burlington, and Bathsheba BaUinger 1777 Moore, John, Hunterdon, and Sarab Pinkerton 1783 Moore, Jonathan, Middlesex, and Catherine Ryn, Middlesex 1746 Moore, Jonathan, Middlesex, and Mary Stone, Middlesex 1761 .^Jtloore, Joseph, Burlington, and Mary Hewlings, Burlington 1783 Moore, Joshua, Philadelphia, and Rachel Dilks, Gloucester ....... ... 1750 Moore, Michael, Middlesex, and Posthumas Frazee, Middlesex 1740 Moore, Michael, and Martha Perlee, Staten Island 1750 Moore, Michael, Bergen,, and' Cornelia Lydekka, Bergen 1764 Moore, Moses, and Marthew Cornell 1783 .Mqore, Samuel, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Rockport 1759 Moore, Samuel, Hunterdon, and Sarah Green 1781 Moore, Stephen, Hunterdon, and Martha Burrows 1781 Moore, Thomas, Salem, and Jean Tuff, Salem 1730 Moore, Thomas, Bergen, and Mary Fordon, Bergeu 1748 Moon, William, Salem, and Judith Hamilton, Salem 1769 Moore, WUliam, Salem, and Sarah Hamilton, Salem 1770 Moore, WUliam, Hunterdon, and Mary Smith 1778 Moores, Daniel, Middlesex, and Agnes Brown, Middlesex 1747 Moorhead, James, Middlesex, and Sarab Thompson, Monmouth 1747 Moorhead, Joseph, Hunterdon, aud Judith Atan 1770 Moran, Henry, Gloucester, and Mary Lucas, Gloucester 1739 More, David, Salem, and Lyddy Richman, Salem 1771 More, Thomas, Salem, and Elizabeth Ford 1732 Mores, Robert, Barlington, and Jemima Wood, Burlington 1711 Morford, Cornelius, Burlington, and Esther Bryan, Burlington 1761 Morford, Jarrett, Monmouth, and Rebekah Taylor, Monmouth 1742 ' Morford, John, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Robins, Monmouth 1739 Morford, Joseph, Monmouth, and Sarab Van Kirk, Monmouth 1761 Morford, Stephen, Somerset, and Mary Hambleton 1779 Morford, Thomas, Monmouth, and Anu Laurie, Monmouth 1739 Morford, Thomas, Monmouth, and Easter Bound, Monmouth 1752 Morford, Thomas, Monmouth, and Sarah Taylor, Monmouth 1765 Morford, Zebulon, Middlesex, and Susannah Barton, Middlesex 1746 Morgan, Charles, Pennsylvania, and Elizabeth Barcraft, Pennsylvania. 1727 Morgan, Daniel, Middlesex, and Sarah Morgan, Staten Island 1752 Morgan, Daniel, Middlesex, and Jane Brown, Monmouth 1759 .- Morgan, David, Gloucester, and Mary Blackwood, Gloucester 1768 Morgan, David, and Sarab Blackwood 1780 , Morgan, Denston, Monmouth, and Ester Ong 1755 Nov. 26 July 13 Nov. 13 Feb. 8 July 22 Oct. 8 May 1 Jan. 22 May 17 Aug. 12 May 12 Dec. 31 Dec. 31 Nov. 12 Feb. 3 Feb. 25 Jan. 24 Sept. 24 Feb. 13 April 15 April 22 May 6 Mar. 17 Aug. 22 Dec. 2 April 16 April 6 Mar. 11 Dec. 4 Jan. 17 Sept. 15 Deo. 21 Jan. 3 Feb. 18 Feb. 6 Mar. 17 Sept. 25 April 20 Jan. 21 Jan. 12 Sept. 25 Sept. 25 May 3 June 20 Jan. 10 Sept. 13 268 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Morgan, John, Monmouth, and Susanna Groom 1771 Morgan, John, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Ward 1781 Morgan, John, Cumberland, and Rebecca Shaw 1785 Morgan, Joseph, Gloucester, and Sarab Mickle, Newtown. 1745 Morgan, Joseph, Hunterdon, and Temperance Kelsey 1780 Morgan, Joseph, Jr., Barlington, and Mary Butcher 1789 Morgan, Michael, Gloucester, and Sarah Smallwood 1786 Morgan, Michael, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Hedges 1791 Morgan, Samuel, Salem, and Elizabeth Davies 1731 Morgan, Samuel, Salem, and Margarett Dickerson 1760 Morgan, Samuel, Bucks, Pa., and Charity Vansant 1762 Morphett, David, Burlington, and Elizabeth Hedges, Burlington 1735 Morrell, Elijah, Middlesex, and Mary Wort 1780 Morrell, John, Middlesex, and Jane Springsten 1764 MorreU, John, New York, and Sarah Wallace 1775 Morrell, Joseph, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Johnson, Hunterdon .... 1764 Morrell, Samuel, Middlesex, and Margaret AVarne, Middlesex 1756 Morrell, Samuel, Middlesex, and Barsheba Brown, Monmouth 1761 Morrell, WiUiam, Burliugton, and Mary Feanimore, Burlington 1730 Morress, Steven, Glouoester, and Jemime Ireland 1774 Morrill, William, Staten Island, and Abigail Jones, Staten Island 1743 Morrin, Robert, Princeton, and Anna Jones, Princeton 1768 Morris, Adam, Cape May, and Hannah Eldridge 1764 Morris, Asa, Middlesex, and Susannah Heard, Middlesex 1764 Morris, Benjamin, Monmouth, and Mary Robins 1763 Morris, Benjamin, Moumouth, aud Lydia Cumton, Monmouth 1767 Morris, Christopher, Monmouth, and Rebecca Layton, Monmoutb . . . 1742 Morris, David, Middlesex, and Mary Shotwell 1769 Morris, George, Burlington, and Rebecca Decow, Burlington 1731 Morris, George, Burlington, and Elie Fegans 1783 Morris, Isaac, Burlington, and Jemimah Applegate, Burlington 1759 Morris, Jacob, Monmoutb, aud Elizabeth Ansley, Monmouth 1765 Morris, Jacob, Monmouth, and Mersibah Leming. 1772 Morris, James, Monmoath, and Leah White, Monmouth 1753 Morris, Job, Monmouth, and Mary Ansley, Monmouth 1760 Morris, Johu, Chester, Pa., and Elizabeth Taylor, Chester, Pa 1742 Morris, John, Burlington, and Rose Ridge, Burlingtou 1746 Morris, John, Middlesex, and Eebecah Cox 1763 Morris, John, Monmouth, and Euphame Brindley, Monmouth 1763 Morris, John, Essex, and Ehoda Alstone, Middlesex 1763 Morris, John, Monmouth, aud Elizabeth Woodruff, Monmoutb 1765 Morris, Jobn, Morris, and Keziah Cook 1779 Morris, Joseph, Barlington, and Haunah Asson, Monmoutb 1744 Morris, Joseph, Monmouth, and Johannah Hulit, Monmoutb 1755 Morris, Joseph, Burlington, and Lydia AVilson, Burliugton 1767 Morris, Lewis, Middlesex, and Sarah Britton, Middlesex 1750 Nov. 30 Aug. 23 Sept. 13 AprU 10 AprU 24 Feb. 23 Nov. 6 Mar. 23 Sept. 10 Sept. 4 May 20 Aug. 18 Mar. 28 Nov. 29 May 4 28 Feb. 21 April 24 Oct. 28 Oct. 13 Sept. 4 Oct. 29 Deo. 15 Jan. 2 Dec. 2 June 1 May 1 Dec. 6 Oct. 14 Deo. 17 April 14 Feb. 13 Jan. 18 July 18 May 17 Feb. 18 Deo. 13 Feb. 24 April 29 Nov. 26 June 23 Feb. 4 Aug. 21 Aug. 2 Jan. 5 Ang. 10 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 269 Morris, Lewis, Monmouth, and Lidy Hoffmire, Monmouth 1763 Morris, Morris, Bucks, Pa., and Thomas Gwin, Bucks, Pa 1734 Morris, Nathaniel, Gloucester, aud ThankfuU Williams, Gloucester. . .1747 Morris, Eichard, Monmouth, and Mary Porter, Moumouth 1741 Morris, Eichard, Jr., Monmoutb, and Joannab Patterson, Monmouth. 1749 Morris, Robert, Monmoutb, and Elizabeth EUison, Monmouth 1762 Morris, Robert, Bucks, Pa., and Hannah Cain, Bucks, Pa 1765 Morris, Samuel, Monmouth, and Hester Patterson, Monmoath 1740 Morris. Stephen, Glouoester, and Barbara Adams, Gloucester 1731 Morris, Thomas, Middlesex, and Hannah Charliston, Essex 1753 Morris, Thomas, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Freeman, Middlesex 1755 Morris, Thomas, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Chandler, Monmoutb 1767 Morris, Thomas, Burlington, and Ann Ward 1779 Morris, William, Burliugton, and Mary AVills 1768 Morris, William, Monmouth, and Martha Vaughn, Monmouth 1768 Morris, Zephaniah, Monmouth, and Mary Dans, Monniouth 1765 Morrison, Samuel, Morristown, and Mary Johnson, Morristown 1779 Morrow, David, Burlington, aud M ary Loveland 1784 Morrow, James, Sussex, and Jaue Gardner 1770 Morrow, John, Cumberland, and Jane Randolph, Cumberland 1771 Morrow, Samuel, Barlington, and Anne Pharo 1764 Morse, Jonas, Gloucester, and Abigail Smith 1784 Morton, Andrew, Gloucester, aud Emy Lorens 1735 Morton, Hezekiah, Burlington, and Margaret Goldy 1781 Morton, Jobn, Burlingtou, and Anu Weaver 1763 Morton, Restore, Burlington, and Rachel Arey 1779 Morton, Samuel, Gloucester, and Lydia Cock, Gloucester 1736 Mott, Gershom, New Jersey, and Deborah Carman 175 1 Mott, James, Monmoutb, and Amey Herbert, Monmouth 1752 Mott, Jobn, Burliugton, and Phebe Cramer 1738 Mott, John, Burlington, and Patience Austin, Burlington 1771 Mott, John, Trenton, and Eleanor Alexander 1784 Mott, Joshua, Hunterdon, and Mary KUchen, Hunterdon 1773 Mound, Enoch, Burlington, and Lydia Mills 1778 Mounson, Peter, Salem, and Hannah Rumsey, Salem 1764 Mount, Francis, Monmouth, and Ann Eeynolds, Monmouth 1758 Mount, Francis, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Eeed, Monmouth 1764 Mount, George, Monmoutb, and Amy Chambers, Monmouth 1744-5 Mount; George, Monmouth, and Adrea Woolley, Monmouth 1748-9 Mount, Hezekiah, Monmouth, and Mary Paterson 1778 Mount, James, Monmouth, and Patience Price, Monmouth 1757 Mount, John, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Cimiris, Monmouth 1748 Mount, John, Jr., Monmouth, and Elizabeth Brinley 1745 Mount, Joseph, Somerset, and Alice Van Wykel, Somerset 1741 Mouut, Joseph, Monmouth, and Anne Stillwell, Monmouth 1761 Mount, Joseph, Middlesex, and Hannah Longstreet 1780 May 30 Aug. 6 June 23 Juue 19 July 3 Feb. 10 April 20 May 14 April 24 AprU 7 June 2 June 19 Mar. 29 May 7 Mar. 4 Jau. 25 Nov. 11 Dec. 6 Nov. 13 Mar. 28 Mar. 20 Jan. 3 Dec. 8 Feb. 4 Aug. 18 Not. 2 Sept. 1 AprU 23 May 8 Aug. 7 Sept. 15 June 15 Sept. 22 Mar. 17 June 30 Jan. 4 Feb. 8 Jan. 18 Mar. 4 June 30 Nov. 30 Feb. 8 Aug. 27 Sept. 28 Mir. 7 Dec. 4 270 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Mount, Matthias, Burlington, and Elizabeth Keeler 1771 Mount, Moses, Monmoutb, and Lydia Bills, Monmoutb 1739 Mount, Nisbit, Middlesex, and Mary Hay, Middlesex 1744 Mount, Samuel, Monmoutb, and Frances Cook 1755 Mount, Thomas, Moumouth, aud Hannah AVilson, Monmouth 1754 Mount, AVUliam, Monmoutb, and Sarah Starkey, -New Hanover 1746 Mount, AVUliam, Middlesex, and Anna Perine, Middlesex 1761 Mount, WiUiam, Monmouth, and Eebeckah Chaudler, Monmouth . . ,1763 Mouut, William, Monmouth, and Eebekah Cox 1775 Mounten, John, Salem, and Mareyann Muckelroy 1759 Muirheid, Jonathan, Hunterdon, and Mary Lott 1779 Mulford, Benjamin, Cumberland, and Mary Sheppard, Cumberland. .1760 Mulford, Benjamin, Cumberland, and Hepsebetb Wheaton, Cumber'd 1770 Mulford, Benjamin, Cumberland, and Hannah Barker, Cumberland .. 1771 Mulford, Ephraim, Cumberland, and Eebeckah AVeilding 1778 Mulford, Ezekiel, Cape May, and Mary Edwards, Cape May 1762 Mulford, Ezekiel, Cape May, and Jemima Nicholson 1770 Mulford, Furman, Cumberland, aud Rhoda Johnson 1780 Mulford, John, Cumberland, and Clemens MaskeU, Cumberland 1776 Mulford, John, Cumberland, and Levice Waithman .1781 Mulford, Lewis, Cumberland, and Mary Barker, Cumberland 1773 Mulford, Moses, Cumberland, aud Eachel Moore, Cumberland 1758 Mulford, William, Camberland, and Prudence MaskeU, Cumberland. .1762 Mulford, William, Cumberland, and Sarab Coningham, Cumberland. .1768 Mullen, Edward, BurUngton, and Mary Monrow, Burlington 1759 Mullen, Edward, Burliugton, and Anne Shaw 1783 Mullen, John, Burlington, and Druzilla Prickett, Barlington 1751 Mullen, John, Burliugton, and Hannah Collins, Burlington 1754 Mullen, John, Burlington, and Jane Kine, Burlington 1761 Mullen, John, Burlington, and Catharine Haines, Burlington 1776 Mullen, Joseph, Bridgetown, and Anne Fenimore, AVellingborough . . .1748 Mallen, Samuel, Burlington, and Mary Estell, Burlington 1775 Mullen, Samuel, Burlington, and Sarah Atkinson 1784 Mullin, John, Burliugton, and Elizabeth Edwards, Burlington 1729 Mulock, James, Glouoester, and Priscilla Collins, Gloucester 1757 Mulock, Joseph, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Marpole 1782 Munday, Samuel, Middlesex, and Mary Thorp, Middlesex 1755 Mungon, John, Burlington, and Sarab CowgiU, Burlington 1738 Munuiou, Eobert, Greenwich, and Anne AVilliams, Greenwich 1748 Munro, Harry, and Sarah Morton 1763 Munrow, George, Barlington, and Sarab Perkins, Burlington. . . . • .... 1737 Munyan, Thomas, Gloucester, and Naomi Williams, Gloucester. 1761 Munyon, John, Gloucester, and Eachel Pinyard, Gloucester 1763 Murphy, Henry, Barlington, and Susannah Fester, Burlington 1775 Murphy, Isaac, Gloucester, and Saphiah Silver 1783 Murphy, James, Salem, and Mary Harding, Salem.. . . ; 1765 Aug. 5 May 15 Aug. 9 June 20 Sept. 9 Mar. 25 Aug. 31 Dec. 6 Nov. 20 Jan. 22 April 13 Oct. 4 Dec. 20 Dec. 19 Dec. 7 May 4 Jan. 15 April 29 April 2 AprU 3 Oct. 4 April 25 Feb. 22 AprU 11 Oct. 27 Not. 25 April 16 Aug. 17 Not. 28 Mar. 25 Deo. 24 Mar. 19 May 13 Sept. 14 April 16 July 22 Mar. 26 April 25 Dec. 27 Not. 1 Not. 23 Mar. 28 April 26 Not. 7 Sept. 25 Sept. 2 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 271 Murphy, John, Burlington, and Sarah Jones, Springfield 1749 Murphy, John, Gloucester, and Hannah Zane 1784 Murphy, Michael, Burlington, and Jenny Ammermon 1781 Murphy, Eobert, Cumberland, and Damaris Sayre 1780 Murphy, Stephen, Burlington, and Esther Fort, Burlingtou 1729 Murray, Duncan, Maryland, and Jamima Worth, Barnegat 1749 Murrel, Joseph, Burlington, and Anne Ferguson, Burlington 1758 Murrell, Gilbert, and Judith Hamock 1691 Murrell, Levi, Burlington, aud Sarah Soattergood, Burlington 1757 Murrell, Samuel, Burlington, and Eachel Hooper, Burlington 1749 Murrell, Samuel, Gloucester, and Anne Stokes, Gloucester 1761 Murrill, William, Burlington, aud Sarah EstUl, Burlington 1783 Mursin, Eobert, Hunterdon, and Amiryllis Hays, Hunterdon 1740 Muscat, Friederick, Burlington, and Mary Thorla , . . 1768 Musgrove, WiUiam, Bucks, Pa., and Hannah Mayu, Pennsylvania . . . 1764 Myars, WUliam, Barlington, and Elizabeth Andrews, Burlington 1766 Myer, Andrew, Middlesex, and Mary Smith, Middlesex 1744 Myer, Jacobes, Bergen, and Elena Brouyn 1765 Myer, John, Middlesex, and Jane Beaty, Middlesex 174'2 Myers, John, Burlington, and Sarah Shinn, Burlington. 1775 Myers, John, Middlesex, and Sarah Flatt 1783 Myers, Moses, Burlington, and Michael Smith 1774 Myller, Joseph, Bridgtown, and Anne Fenimore, AVilliugborow 1748 FEMALES. "^ MacColm, Ann, Middlesex, and WUliam Ford, Middlesex 1762 Maoooy, Marah, Moumouth, and John Mean, Monmouth 1754 MaoDonald, Mary, and John Page, Monmouth 17s0 Mack, Mary, and Thomas Kean, Cumberland 1777 Mack CoUon, Marthew, and John Smith, Shrewsbury 1754 Mackdaniel, Jane, Middletown, and Eobert Willson, Middletown 1739 Mack Daniel, Mary, Monmouth, and Edward May, Monmouth 1762 Mack Dowall, Honor, Perth Amboy, aud WilUam Davis, Perth Amboy. 1740 Mackel, Ann, Monmouth, and WiUiam Eagles, Ne'w York 1763 Maokenuy, Mary, Gloucester, and James Ward, Gloucester 1740 Mackey, AbigaU, and Jacob Willets, Cape May 1777 Mackey, Catharine, Cape May, and William Hand, Cape May 1731 Mackey, Martha, and Darius Corson, -Cape May 1778 Mackey, Phebe, and Joseph Badcock, Cape May 1780 Mackfenel, Elizabeth, Monmoutb, and Thomas Hankinson, Jr., M'th. .1761 Mackintosh, Margaret, aud Jobn Preston, Glouoester 1733 Maokleas, Comfort, and Job Somers 1763 Maoknish, Hannah, Middlesex, and Philip Van Aersdale 1750 Macleane, Catrine, and William Stevens ... 1742 Maclure, EUzabeth, and John Stevenson, Hunterdon 1739 MaoPherson, Eaohel, Kingwood, and James Power, Hunterdon 1774 Aug. 10 Dec. 28 June 9 Mar. 1 Sept. 18 July 10 April 14 Dec. 30 July 21 Mar. 29 Mar. 27 Dec. 4 Mar. 17 Dec. 5 May 29 Mar. 6 Sept. 28 Jan. 31 Jan. 1742 Oct. 31 Feb. 20 May 20 Dec. 24 Dec. 29 May 15 Oct. 3 Deo. 11 Mar. 8 July 31 Oct. 27 Feb. 10 Nov. 27 Mar. 30 April 27 Jan. 28 June 4 Feb. 1 April 13 July 24 Sept. 6 April 9 April 29 May 12 July 24 272 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Mack Right, Sally, and Isaac Swauger, Hunterdon 1768 Maddock, Mary, Hunterdon, and James Abbot, Huuterdon 1749 Maddocks, Elizabeth, Burlington, and James Hubbord, Mddleton . . . 1732 Magloughlin, Margaret, Gloucester, and James Hayes, Gloucester 1738 Magonnagil, Catherine, and Thomas Rattoone, Perth Amboy 1766 Main, EUzabeth, Bergen, and John Gordon, Essex 1742 Mairs, Margaret, and Jeremiah Allen, Burlington 1760 Major, Ann, Hunterdon, and Henry Marshon, Hunterdon 1739 Major, Mary, and Richard Francis 1694 Malocey, Mary, and Robert Bouynton, Bergen 177- Malsby, Anna, Mansfield, and Joseph Renear, Mansfield 1774 Maison, Catharine, Gloucester, and Jacob Richman, Salem 1736 Mance, Abigail, Barlington, and John Haley, Burlingtou 1782 Mandego, Lenah, Hackensack, and Abraham Peterson, Hackensack. . . 1763 Mauderviel, Sarah, and Abraham Ryerson, Saddle River 1782 Mauderviel, Marretye, Morris, and Henry Laroe, Orange Co., N. Y. . . . 1780 MandevUl, Mary, and Michael Dumodt, Morris 1783 Manee, Mary, Staten Island, and James Reid, Cranberry 1747 Manfort, Sarab, Hunterdon, and AViUiam Graham, Somerset 1744 Manlees, Catherine, Monmouth, and Jacob Applegate, Monmouth .... 1763 Manley, Mary, and John Carr, Hunterdon 1779 Mannary, Hanuah, aud Daniel Scull, Gloucester 1731 Mannering, Mary, and Nathan Stretch, Alloways Creek 1768 Mannery, Rachel, Gloucester, and Daniel Soull 1741 Manning, Elizabeth, Piscataway, and Phineas Dunn, Piscataway 1755 Manning, Grace, Essex, and Daniel Cooper, Morris 1768 Manning, Martha, Piscataway, and Peter AA'heaton, Woodbridge 1754 Mannington, Anne, Philadelphia, and Matthew Maguire, Philadelphia. 1774 Mannington, Joyce, Burlington, and Nathan Allen, Burlington 1776 Manson, Elizabeth, Peith Amboy, and Richard Horncastle, P'th Am'y. 1746 Manus, Mary, and Johu Brian, Burlington 1733 Mapes, Ruth, Gloucester, and John AVright, Gloucester 1733 Maps, Melesent, and John Coats, Gloucester 1774 March, Lydia, and Garret Van Vliedt, Reading 1777 Marett, Sarah, Burlington, and Abel Butler, Burlington 1776 Margerum, Eebecca, and Thomas Eiokey, Jr 1778 Marian, Mary, aud John Englehart, Burlington 1779' Mariott, Anna, Bucks, Pa., and Billingbam Humber 1759 Mariott, Margaret, Springfield, and John Berryman, Springfield 1749 MarkKou-iy, Isabella, and Samuel Roe, Maryland 1784 Marland, Anne, Glouoester, and Isaac Tindal, Gloucester 1729 Marlat, Catharine, Somerset, and Jobn Goldtrap, Somerset 1760 Marlatt, Nelly, and Richard Marlatt, Hunterdon 1772 Marlett, Nelly, Middlesex, aud George Hall, Somerset 1761 Martin, Rebecca, and Edward Hopkins, Monmoutb 1772 Marling, Hanuah, Burlington, and Thomas Martin, Burlington 1781 Deo. 27 Nov. 15 May 13 Aug. 2 June 18 Aug. 11 Jan. 5 Dec. 11 July 8 Jan. 10 Aug. 11 Feb. 22 Mar. 7 Dec. 2 Nov. 22 Feb. 24 July 5 Mar. 16 Dec. 7 Aug. 8 Jan. 1 June 14 May 26 Oct. 26 July 31 Mar. 11 April 3 April 11 May 3 Sept. 3 Dec. 6 Deo. 24 Jan. 3 May 28 Feb. 14 Nov. 28 Sept. 23 May 16 July 3 May 4 Sept. 10 July 14 Not. 23 June 13 Sept. 3 Aug, 6 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Marot, Ann Judith, Bordentown, and Preston Vanlaw, Bordentown. . . 1746 Marple, Susanna, and Samuel Butcher, PhUadelpbia 1736 Marple, Susannahj Gloucester, and John Heritage, Gloucester 1768 Marpole, Abigail, and Thomas McCartey, Gloucester 1773 Marpole, Elizabeth, and Joseph Mulock, Gloucester 1782 Marpole, Patience, and Josejih Sloan, Gloucester 1778 Marpole, Susanna, Philadelphia, and Isaac Hawkins, Philadelphia 1718 Marriage, Rachel, and Thomas Chew, Gloucester 1778 Marriot, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Marmaduke Foit, Barlington . . 1775 Mariiott, Anne, Barlington, and Joseph Aronson, Burlington 1749 Marriott, Hannah, Burlington, aud John Fort, Burliugton 1731 Marriott, Sarab, and AVUliam Cony, PhUadelpbia 1733 Marriott, Sarah, Burlington, and John Gibson, Burlington 1749 Marrow, Sarah, and Joseph Harker, Burlington 1779 Marschalk, Lottie, and Matthew Eaynor, Morristown 1777 Marselis, Petertie, Bergen, and Aaron Bratt, New York 1760 Marsh, Anne, Somerset, and John Fine, Somerset 1747 Marsh, Anne, Elizabeth Town, and Ihomas Woodrnff, Elizabeth Town. 1753 Maish, Elizabeth, Essex, and Nathan Cooper, Morris 1749 Marsh, Elizabeth, Essex, and Nathaniel Hubbell, Essex 1750 Marsh, Francis, Middlesex, and John McComb, NewYork City 1762 Marsh, Jane, Morris, and .James Gillispie, Morris 1771 Marsh, Mary, Elizabeth Town, and John Bishop, Elizabeth Towu . . 1747 Marsh, Mary, Cape May, and Jacob Eichardson, Cape May 1771 Marsh, Sarah, Perth Amboy, and James Bailey, Philadelphia 1759 Marshall, AbigaU, and Isaac Burrough, AVaterford 1771 Marshall, Anne, Elizabethtown, and Johu Davan, NewYork 1757 Marshall, Eleanor, Middlesex, and George Hartwick, Middlesex.. . '. 1748 Marshall, Elizabeth, and Nathan Cattell, Gloucester 1780 Marshall, -lemiah, Kingwood, and Isaac Newman, Kingwood 1768 Marshall, Martha, and Joseph Scull, Gloucester 1778 Marshall, Eachel, and Jacob Layest, Salem 1775 Marshall, Eebecca, and Eichard Bacon, Cumberland 1779 Marshon, EUzabeth, Hunterdon, and Joseph Green, Trenton 1738 Martin, Ann, Burlington, and WUliam HoUoway, Burlington 1756 Martin, Ann arid Isaac Mondaj', Middlesex 1774 Martin, Catherine, Piscataway, and William Shreve, Piscataway 1755 Martin, Deborah, Woodbridge, and Benjamin Alford, Woodbridge 1754 Martin, Elizabeth, and Eobert Greaves. Barlington 1717 Martin, Eunice, Woodbridge, and William Eiokey, Woodbridge 1740 Martin, Haunah, Buriington, and John Huggin, Burlington 1736 Martin. Hester, Middlesex, and Gilbert MoUeson, Middlesex 1743 Martin, Margaret, Piscataway, and Samuel WUlson, 1 iscataway 1737 Martin, Mary, Piscataway, and Jobn Tbickston, Piscataway 1743 Martin, Eachel, Middlesex, and John Monday, Middlesex 17-'i3 Martin, Rachel, and Philip Johnston, Hunterdon ,1767 18 273 April 15 Aug. 12 Dec. 7 April 12 July 22 Nov. 26 July 28 Nov. 28 Oct. 23 Nov. 20 Nov. 3 July 4 April 8 Nov. 29 May 16 May 21 hov. 7 Nov. 25 Jan. 20 Jan. 10 Oct. 9 May 9 Sept. 5 July 26 May 12 July 12 Dec. 15 Jan. 7 Mar. 14 Dec. 21 Aug. 23 June 24 Deo. 1 June 15 AprU 21 May 31 Nov. 10 May 1 Mar. 17 Feb. 9 Nov. 30 Dec. 13 Oct. 25 May 11 Jan. 19 AprU 13 274 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Martin, Rebecca, and Jobn Kelley, Burliugton 1778 Martin, Ruth, Middlesex, and Isaac Drake, Essex 1743 Martin, Sarah, Middlesex, and Ephraim Maning, Middlesex 1763 Martin, Sarah, Glouoester, and John Maffett, Gloucester 1765 Martin, Sarah, and Francis Silvester, Middlesex 17(i9 Marts, Elisabeth, aud Johu Snook, Hunterdon 1779 Mash, Aukie, New York, and William Day, Bergen 1762 " Mash, Sarah, Hunterdon, and Cornelius Huls, Hunterdon 1764 MaskeU, AbigaU, aud WUUam Stretch 1754 MaskeU, demons, Cumberland, and John Mulford, Cumberland 1776 MaskeU, Hannah, and Furman Shyherd, Cumberland 1780 MaskeU, Prudence, Cumberland, and WUliam Mulford, Cumberland. . 1762 Mason, Aune, Barlington, and Christopher Bosser, Burlingtou 1774 Mason, Esther, Burlington, and Benjamin Naylor, Burlington 1741 Mason, Jane, Monmouth, and WilUam Dey, Middlesex 1764 Mason, Isabel, Salem, and Thomas Trench, Salem 1733 Mason, Lydia, and Jonathan B.jrden, Barlington 1781 Masou, Mary, Philadelphia, and John Chappell, Philadelphia 1730 Masou, Mary, Bucks, and f hilip Button, Bucks 1739 Mason, Rachel, Burlington, and AVUliam Cox. Burlington 1761 Mason, Sarah, Salem, aud Thomas Eobinson, Philadelphia 1738 Mastery, Elizabeth, Monmoutb, aud Eichard Mitchel, Monmoutb 1741 Mather, Hannah, and AVUliam McCorkey 1769 Mathew, Sarab, Cape May, and Ephraim Bancraft, Cape May 1760 Mathews, Eleshabe, Cape May, and Nathaniel Norton, Cape May 1731 Mathews, Lydia, and Elisha Hand, Cape May 1766 Mathews, Margaret, Monmouth, and AVUliam Ford, Essex 1740 Matlack, Amy, Gloucester, and William Ellis, Gloucester 1756 Matlack, EUzabeth, Burliugton, and Jacob Vandegrift, Bucks, Pa , 1746 Matlack, Haunah, and Edward Gibbs, Gloucester 1758 Matlack, Hepzibab, Evesham, and Samuel Werner, Evesham 1784 Matlack, Lydia, Gloucester, and Benjamin Graisbury, Gloucester 1767 Matlack, Mary, Burlington, aud Joseph Inskeep, Burliugton 17:^8 Matlack, Mary, Burlington, and Samuel Coles, Barlington 1767 Matlack, Phebe, and Edward Collins, Gloucester 1791 Matlack, Eebecca, Burlington, and John Bishop, Barlington 1737 Matlack, Rebecca, Burlington, and Morgan HolUngshead, Burlington. 17 75 Matlack, Sarah, and Thomas Stratton, Evesham 1777 Matlock, Amey, and Cumberland Shepherd, Glouoester 1775 Matlock, Ruth, Burliugton, and John Endicot, Burlington 1749 Matson, Amy, and Abraham Eastwood, Monmouth 1758 Matson, Ann, Builington, and Uriah Pitman. Middlesex 1762 Matson, Hannah, Burlingtou, and John Pitman, Burlington. 1757 Matson, Mary, and Thomas Key, Gloucester 1782 Matson, Rachel, Burlington, and Joseph Bolton, Burlington 1771 Matther, Phebe, and John Forman, Jr., Burlingtorj , 1733 Sept. 30 Feb. 23 Oct. 25 April 13 Mar. 29 Dec. 14 May 28 Jan. 11 Juue 4 April 2 Dec. 20 Feb. 22 Oct. 29 Sept. 9 Jan. 16 July 13 Jan. 4 Dec. 24 Oct. 27 Dec. 15 Jan. 29 Oct. 17 Jan. 2 Dec. 20 April 19 Aug. 16 June 23 Dec. 30 May 10 Aug. 21 Aug. 3 Dec. 17 Dec. 19 May 4 Feb. 10 Oct. 22 Sept. SO Feb. 23 Mar. 7 Oct. 19 July 22 Mar. 5 Mar. 12 Sept. 19 Nov. 6 Nov. 35 MARRIAGE, LICENSES. 275 Matthews, Anne, Monmouth, and Matthias Holsaert, Monmouth 1740 Mar. 7 Matthews, Elizabeth, Little Egg Harbor, and Job Ridgway, Stafford. .17C6 Nov. 25 Matthews, Hannah, and Elihu Smith, Cape May 1780 July 3 Matthews. Martha, and Benjamin Crum, Cape May 1780 Oct. 5 Matthews, Mary, Middlesex, and Henry Kip, Middlesex 1739 Oct. 25 Matthews, Mary, and Stephen Stevens, Cape May 1774 Sept. 5 Matthis, Isabella McKiiisey, and Abner Peacock, Burlington 17o9 Mar. 2 Matthis, Mary, and Reuben Soper, Monmouth 1779 April 26 Matthis, Sarah, and Samuel L^ek, Burlington 1784 Mar. 25 Mattison, Martha, and Jesse Hart, Hunterdou 1770 Jan. 13 MatUacke, Marj', Gloucester, and Joab HiUman, Gloucester 176 1 April 1 8 Mattox, AbigaU, aud Cornelius Vanover, Hardwick 1778 Jan. 20 Mattucks, Rebecca, and 'Ihomas Townsend, Cape May 1789 Aug. 3 Mauris, EUzabeth, and Jacob Haley, Burlington 1786 Mar. 7 Maxell, Abigail, and Dauiel Sexton, Evesham 1778 Feb. 21 Miixen, Prudence, Middletown, and John Ashley Monmouth 1765 July 1 Mixfield, Bridget, Barlington, and James Griffin, Burlington 1740 Jan. 21 M ixfield, Margaret, Elseuborough, and Jooeph Vanneman, Salem... 1763 Mar. 3 Maxfield, Sarab, Burlington, and Jrhu Toy, BurUngton 1780 t-^ept. 3 Miixfield. Susannah, and .lonatban Williams, Essex 1168 May 14 May, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and AVUliam Farquer 1763 July 25 M ly, Pbebj', and Gedeon B idcock, Gloucester 1772 Nov. 14 May, Phebel and Peter Wells, Great Egg Harbour 1774 Nov. 5 Miybew, Amey, Pittsgrove, and Clarence Parvin, Cumberland 1775 June 8 Mayhew, Ester, Pittsgrove, aud Benjamin '1 homson, Fairfield 1774 Oct. 1 Miiyhew, Elizabeth, and Kennedy Dabzell, Somerset 1769 Feb. — Mayhew, Mary, Piles Grove, and David Richman, Piles Grove 1 769 Aug. 9 Mayer, Hannah, Pennsylvania, and WiUiam Musgrave, Bucks Co., Pa. 1764 May 29 Mayple, Sarah, and Joseph Bower, Monmouth ; 1769 Juue 15 McBride, Mary, and Perry Floyd, Hunterdon 1778 Feb. 21 MoCabe, Ann, and AViUiam Hutchinson, Buriington 1770 Kov. 12 McCafferty, Margaret, and Peter Drayo, Sussex 1768 Nov. 1 McCain, Elsse, Bergen, and William Uvail, Bergen 1753 June 11 McCall, Sarab, Salem, and David Garrison, Salem. 1764 Aug. 18 MoCallister, Elizabeth, Salem, and George Dickinson, Salem 1762 Oct. 27 McCane, Susannah, Somerset, and Thomas McConnel, Somerset 1747 Dec. 23 McCarty, Ann, BurUngton, and Benjamin Butterworth, Burlington. . . 1736 Nov. 18 McCarty, Deborah, Sussex, and Jobn Famsworth, Hunterdon 1768 Sept. 14 McCarty, Elenor, and Nicholas Power, Somerset 1745 Kov. 2 Mc-Carty, Elizabeth, and Jarret Hughes 1774 June 29 MoCay, Sarab, Somerset, and Alexander Linn, Somerset 1745 AprU 27 MoCUane, Flora, Monmoutb, and Anthony King, Monmoutb 1 736 M ar. 23 McCleas, Itcha, and Lambert Johnson, Monmouth 1745 July 22 McCUnton, Jemimab, Hunterdon, and Samuel Maxwell, Hunterdon. . . 1771 Feb. 25 McClow, AbigaU, and Jacob Cock, Somerset ." 1780 May 15 McColloch, EUzabeth, and Henry Crowford, Gloucester 1764 AprU 6 276 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. McCuUough, Elizabeth, Somerset, and AVUliam HamiUon, Somerset. .1752 Feb. U McCoUum, Briggett, and George Tucker, Galloway 1784 Nov. 14 McCoUum, Mary, and Jouathan Johnson, Barlington 1779 May 29 McC dlyr, Jane, Shrewslury, and G^^orge Trour, Shrewsbury 1761 Oct. 5 McC olur, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and James Kilpatrick, Middlesex 1757 Sept. 13 McOonel, Marthew, Sussex, and Simuel Perry, Northampton, Pa 1771 Jan. 17 McCopping, Elizabeth Cnhanzey, and Gabriel Newby, Gloucester. . . 1741 May 12 McCoimack, Martha, Middlesex, and Felix O'Hara, New York 1760 July 28 McCormuck, CatheriLe, and Matthew Fowler, Sussex 1768 Aug. 6 McCoy, Aune, Perth Amboy, and Francis Haiding, Monmonth 1750 June 25 McCoy, Elizabeth, Simeiset, and Joseph Eoss, Middlesex 1749 Jan. 25 MoCue, Hannah, and WiUiam Trimble, Gloucester 1775 Jan. 19 McCuUey, Mary, aud .John G.ildy, Buriington 1784 Oct. 16 McCuUey, Olivia, Springfield, and Job AVbUehouse, Springfield 1773 Not. 27 McCulloch, Hannah, Salem, and Joseph Inskeep, Salem 1756 Oct. 5 McCuUo'Jgh, Isabel, Someiset, and Jobn Allen, Somerset 17-J9 Aug. 8 McDannelly, Amy, and Samuel Petermau, Barlington 1783 Oct. 7 McDannel, Amy, and Daniel Liken, M(mmouth 17P0 Dec. 8 McDaniel, Catherine, imd John D.nniel, Hunterdon 1778 June 5 McDaniel, Elies, Middlesex, and Alexander Cotheal, Middlesex 1761 Oct. 11 McDaniel, Grace, and Thomas Lucer, Moumouth 1759 Aug. 6 McDauiel, Jannet, AVoodbiidge, and Neil Campbell, Middlesex 1760 April 2 McDaniel, Mary, Monmoutb, and Thomas Newman, Monmouth 1753 Mar. 31 McDaniel, Penelope, Burlington, and Coiuelius Kellfy, Burlington, . .1739 Aug. 1 McDonald, Agnes, and Charles Adam Smj th, AUentown 1778 Not. 19 McDonald, Catherine, aud Eichard L-men, Sussex 1781 May 26 McDonald, Mary, Burlington, and Alexander Bulk, Burlington 1765 Feb. 6 McDonald, Phebe, and Jacob Van Norstrand, Jr, Bridgewater 1783 Mar. 5 McDonald, Sarah, and Benjamin Moses ClaTa, Gloucester 1773 Jan. 26 McEweo, Mary, Somerset, and Daniel Vail, Somerset ; ...1774 Sept. 21 McFagin, Mary, S-ilem, and Samuel League, Saiem 1764 Feb. 18 McFanlin, Jiyce, Burlingtou, and WiUiam Fennimore, Burlingtou. . . , 1739 July 16 McFarran, Elizabeth, and James Thomson, Middlesex 1751 Ang. 27 McFarren. Margaret, Monmouth, and Joseph ferine, Middlesex 1762 June 5 McGallard, Elizabeth, and Samuel Beck, Burliugton 1777 Aug. 22 McGinness, Jane, and PhUip Liss, Barlington 1756 May 1 McGlaughlin, Elizabeth, and AVUliam Ptrterson, Cumberland 1782 May 18 McGuire. Mary, Burling too, and David Buckhard, Burlington 1749 Cct. 21 McGuire, Susannah, and James Penear, Burlington . 1778 Oct. 17 Mcintosh, Elioner, Mt Holly, and Joseph Parker, Mt. Holly 1761 Sept. 24 Mclntire, Catherine, Middletown Point, and John Cassey, Middletown. 1747 Nov. 14 Mcllvaine, Ann, nnd James Dory, Burlington 1778 Dec. 9 MoIIvane, Jane, aud Kohert Currie, Gloucester 1769 Mar. 6 MoKean, Jane, Salem, and Samuel Acorn, Salem 1763 Aug. 7 McKearman, Catharine, and Matthew Topham, Burlington 1731 Mar. 18 McKeen, Mary, Salem, and Joseph .Pledger, Salem 1762 Sept. ll MARRIAGE LICENSES. 27/ McKensey, Christian, and Alexander Forbes, 42d Regt 1762 Nov. 19 McKilley, Margaret, and Joseph Hawk, Burliugton 1780 June 5 McKinney, Antje, and Nehemiah Dunham, Huuterdon 1768 Oct. 25 McKinney, Antje, and PhUip Bright, Somerset 176^ Nov. 26 McKissock, Martha, Statenlsland, and Valentine Garrat, £ t'n Island, .1746 May 21 McKnight, Anna, and Jobn Thomson, Amboy 1742 Dec. 30 McKnight, Jane, and Charles Campbell, Salem 1732 Dec. 1 McKnight, Jane, aud AVUliam Laird, Jr., Monmoutb 1765 Sept. 18 McKnight, Rachel, Monmouth, and Noah Hart, Huuterdon 1764 Aug. 17 MoKoan, Jane, Pilesgrove, and Edward Teat, Pilesgrove 1761 Nov. 18 McLeary, Mary, and Thomas Karl, Burlington 1785 Feb. 5 McLun, Hannah, Morris, aud Jacob Davenport. Morris 1784 Nov. 1 McMin, Elizabeth, Moumouth, aud Andrew McGallird, Monmouth, . ..1741 Oct. 19 McMurtrie, Ann, Hunterdon, and Francis Lock, Jr., Hunterdon 1771 Sept. 30 McMurtry, Bridget, aud Able Evint, Hunterdon 1781 Sept. 12 McNeil, EUzabeth, and Frederick Blue, Somerset 1784 Oct. 7 MoNeU, S.irah, Gloucester, and William Davis, Gloucester 1763 Jan. 12 MoKicholes, Hannah, and Reese Kindall, Salem 1773 Jan. 25 McPetei'B, Sarah, Stow Creek, and David Sneathen, Cumberland 176 J Feb. 2 McQaeen, Elizabeth, Cumberland, and Samuel Leake, Camberland. . . 1769 Feb. 14 MoVay, Mary, Chesterfield, and John Young, Chesterfield 1768 Mar. 17 MoVay, Richel, and Johu Biggins, Burlington 1765 June 28 MoVee, Anne, Hunterdon, and Dominick McNeil, Hunterdon 1763 Nov. 7 Mead, Cerstina, and Abraham S. Ackerman, Bergen 1769 Jan. 2 Mead, Elizabeth, Monmoutb, aud John Smith, Monmouth 1747 Aug. 19 Mead, Nancy, and Peter AVard, Saddle River 1781 May 27 Mead, Sarah, Burlington, and John Poole, Burlington 1746 May 12 Meade, Elizabeth, Backs, Pa., and John Bishop, Bucks, Pa 1737 Jan. 31 Meake, Rachel, and Abraham Sayre, Fahfield 1779 Jan. 15 Mean, Susannah, Monmouth, and Benjamin Clark, Monmouth 1746 Jan. 5 Miohesney, Jane, and Amos B;'.teman, Cumberland 1779 Oct. 15 Mecum, Margaret, and H mee Limbsou, Salem 1758 May 20 Mecum, Sara, and Eobert Clark, Salem. 1786 AprU 15 Mecum, Sarah, and Giles L imbsm, S ilem 1777 Mar. 29 Medcalf, Anu, Chesteifield, aud Chailes Burton, Chesterfield 173 1 Sept. 17 Medcalf, Hinnah, Gloucester, and Abraham Alberson, Jr,, Gloucester. 1737 Aug. 6 Mede. S,irab, Bucks, Pa,, and Peter Van Horne, Middletown, Pa ., .1771 Sept. 2 Medless, Sarah, Newark, and George Knox, Uth Regt., Pa 1780 Jan. 31 M-ger, Amey, and Dauiel Herbeit, Monmoutb 1715 Oct. 2 Meickles, Mary, aud John Chambers, Philadelphia 1736 Dec. 14 Melow, Margaret, Somerset, and 1 eter Brewer, Somerset 1780 Mar. 23 Melvin, Elizabeth, and Roger Jones, Gloucester - . 1735 Dec. 19 Meredith, Mary, Burlington, and Joseph Flittcrafl, Buriington 1762 Mar. 13 Mei-latt,. MargMj-et, Eeading, and Jacob Williamson, Amwell 1772 Nov. 30 Meriet, Ann, and William Davis, Sussex 1772 Dec. 31 MeiTeU, Elizabeth, and Uri Osborn, Hopewell 1777 July 26 278 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Merrey, Perah, Essex, and Noah Ely, Essex 1'748 Merril, Anne, Morristown, and Jobn Stevenson, Philadelphia 1779 Merril, Elizabeth, and Matthew White, Middlesex 1781 MerrU, Maddalina, Hopewell, and Daniel Smith, Amwell 1774 Merril, Mary, Staten Island, and Nathaniel Lackerman, New York. . . 1748 Merill, AbigaU, Elizabeth, and Samuel Dehart, Elizabeth 1749 MerriU, Mary, aud Jacob Toy, Burlington. 1777 Merrill, Rachel, and Thomas Harvey, Hunterdon 1784 Merrill, Rachel, and Eyke Sedan, Middlesex 1785 Merriot, Anna, and Curliss Shinn, Northampton 1777 Merriott, Elizabeth, Mansfield, and Jobn Proud, Mansfield. . ; 1774 Merriott, Amy, Bordentown, and John Clark, Bucks, Pa 1774 Merrit, Anna, Burlington, and Joseph Antram, Barlington 1773 Merrit, Mary, Barlington, and George Blackmore, Burlington 1728 Merrit, Levina, and WiUiam Kempton, Burlington 1783 MerscilUes, Mary, and David Seely, Deerfield 1781 Mershon, Mary, and Israel Everett, Somerset 1777 Mershon, Ehoda, and Samuel Breasley, Hunterdon 1783 Merukon, Effey, and Abram Slaght, Hunterdon 1784 Meyer, Lydia, Burliugton, and William Hayes, Burlington 1740 Mickell, Hannah, and Isaac Goldin, Cape May 1772 Mickle, Mary, Gloucester, and Blackston Ingledew, Philadelphia 1736 Mickle, Sarah, Gloucester, and Ephraim Noiton, Gloucester 1737 Mickle, Sarah, Newtown, and Joseph Morgan, Gloucester 1745 Middagh, Margaret, and AVielder Kidder, Somerset 1781 Middagh, Sarah, and William Eea, Sussex 1774 Midelton, July, Burlington, and James Potter, Shrewsbury 1762 Middleton, Abigail, Gloucester, aud Jacob Evens, Gloucester 1757 Middleton, Amy, Glouoester, aud Peter Brown, Gloucester 1767 Middleton, Anice, aud George Warde, Deptford 1772 Middleton, Deborah, and Daniel Cooper. I797 Middleton, Drusilla, and Joseph Haines, Gloucester 1777 Middleton, Elizabeth, and Peter Howard, Burlington 17C4 Middleton, Hannah, and John Eugle, Burliugton I737 Middleton, Martha. Gloucester, and Thomas Bryan, Gloucester 1729 Middleton, Mary, Gloucester, and Daniel Mohan, Gloucester ]7.:0 Middleton Mary, and .Joseph Wiley, Gloucester 1779 Middleton, Mercy, and James Cattell, Glouoester I794 Middleton, Naomi, Barlington, and Francis H,U1, Barlington 1740 Middleton, Eachel, and Joseph Brackney, B nlington 178-2 Middleton, Eebecca, Burlington, and Michael Baker, Barlington ]7.",8 Midilleton, Kuth, BurUngton, and AVUliam Higbee, Barlington 17,56 Middleton, Sarab, Barlington, and John Shipton, Barlington 1732 Middleton, Sarah, and Evan Evans, Barlington 1777 Middleton, Sarah, aud Joel Middleton, Burlington 1780 Miers, Margaret, Monmouth, and WUliam Gifford, Monmouth 1753 Sept. 6 Dec. 16 July 6 ApiU 25 June 15 Sept. 28 Oct. 17 April 10 Mar. 24 Nov. 15 July 23 Deo. 13 Not. 18 July 26 Oct.- 18 Aug. 20 May 8 Dec. 8 Dec. 9 Dec. 4 Not. 2 Dec. 9 Sept. 12 AprU 10 Jan. 6 May 13 Mar. 13 Feb. 14 Nov. 23 Sept. 28 July 28 Not. 21 Not. 3 Not. 1 Jan. 26 Jan. 12 May 31 Feb. 26 June 9 May 6 May 22 June 21 May 18 June 30 Dec. 23 Feb. 11 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Miles, Rebecca, Salem, and Abel Griffith, Salem 1771 MiUard, Anne, Burlington, and Jobn Miller, Burlington 1728 MUlard, Mary, Burlington, and David Silver, Barlington 1764 MUler, Abigail, Cumberland, and Israel MiUer, Cumberland 1779 Miller, Ann, Burlington, and Samuel Marriott, Burlington 1738 Miller, Catherine, New Brunswick, and William Goto, New Brunswick. 1739 Miller, Catherine, Philadelphia, and Conrad Smith, Mew Jersey 1761 Miller, Catherine, Burlington, and John HargiOTe, Barlington 1763 Miller, Catherine, Salem, and Mcholas Reese, Salem 1767 MiUer. Catherine, Morris, and Moritz Sarpinstein, Roxbury 1770 Miller, Catharine, Salem, and Jobn Forest, Gloucester 1171 MiUer, Catherine, and Frederick Freas, Salem 1775 MiUer, Catharine, Pequannock, and Joseph Scott, Pequannock 1778 MUler, Elizabeth, and Alexander Howard 1768 MiUer, Elizabeth, and M oses Wood Salem 1775 MiUer, Eunice, and Andrew Richman, Pitts Grove 1772 Miller, Eve, New Brunswick aud Gerardus DePeyster, New Brunsw'k. 1743 Miller, Jane, Sussex, and James Moore, Jr., Sussex 1779 Miller, Julia, and Nathan Shaw, Maurice Eiver. 1781 Mdler, Letitia, and Isaiah Johnson, Cumberland 1781 Miller, Margaret, AUoways Creek, and John Souter, Cumberland 1771 MiUer, Margaret, Morris, and John Dunham, Morris 1780 Miller, Mary, and Thomas Poacher 1690 Miller, Mary, Middlesex, and Daniel Barkelow, Middlesex 1752 Miller, Mary, Camberland, and Samuel Ewing, Cumberland 1763 MiUer, Mary, Essex, and Ichabod Crane, Morris 1782 Miller, Phebe, and Cbed. Heedson, Camberland 17fc6 Mdler, Eachel, Mannington, and Harmon Eichmond, Piles Grove 1773 Miller, Eebecca, Salem, and Elwell Moore, Salem 1771 Milligan, Catherine, and Miles Dalton 1762 Milliner, Mary, Philadelphia, and John MiUer, Gloucester 1771 Mdls, Ann, and Eichard Glew, Burliugton 1778 Mills, Anna, Camberland, and Annanias Sheppard, Camberland 1775 Mills, Bdtthiah, S ilem, and William Mathews, Cape May 1740 Mills' Elizabeth, Cumberland, and Amos Bacon, Cumberland 1769 Mills, Jemima, Burlington, and John B iwker, Burlington 1738 Mills, Joanna, Monmouth; and Albert Hendrickson, Monmouth 1755 Mills, Lydia, and Enoch Maund, Burlington 1778 Mills, Mary, Cumberland, and Noah MUler, Cumberland 1762 Mills, Phebe, and Joseph Emley, BurUngton 1772 Mills, Eachel, Cumberland, and Phineas CarU, Camberland 1760 Mills, Sarah, Burlington, and Daniel Coats, Barlington 1766 Mills, Silvia, Cape May, and George Hand, Cape May 1773 Mills, Susannah, and Thomas Peck, Burlington 1769 Milnor, Mary, and Samuel Hilleyas 1778 Mingin, Aesha, and John Styles, Upper Freehold 1765 279 June 6 Jan. 4 May Nov. 2716 July Jan. 13 8 MaySept.Oct. 1110 14 Oct. 11 July AprilDeo. 24 17 23 Nov. 23 June 24 April Aug.Feb. 283110 July Oct. 24 Mar. 9 Mar. 7 Sept. Aug. Feb. 3 1119 April May Feb. 1723 6 June 18 Mar. 7 Aug. Jan. 21 10 Oct. 26 Dec. ¦13 Nov. 22 Aug. Jan. 28 3 Mar. 17 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Oct. 7 Nov. 8 MayJan. 7 26 Nov. 16 May 4 28o NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Minging, Anne, Barlington, and James Cubberley, Burlington 1745 Minion, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Michael Chemeler, Burlington , . . . 1762 Minion, Lydia, Burlington, and Nicholas Decker, Burlington 1765 Minyon, Hester, Burlington,' and Barzillas Bowkar, Burlingtcn 1774 Mires, Hannah, Monmoutb, and Henry Diffi lof ey, Monmouth 1753 Misier, Jane, and John Pray, Or-mge Co., N. Y 1784 Mitchel, Catharine, Burlington, and Jacob Cot, Burlington 1741 Mitchel, Catherine, Monmoutb, and Elisha- Johnston, Monmoutb. ... 1759 Mitchel, Elizabeth, Bucks, Pa., and John Freestone, Bucks, Pa 1769 Mitchel, Frances, Amwell, and Grover Stout, Amwell 1775 Mitchel, Rachel, Moumouth, and Philip Denning, Monmoutb Mitchel, Sarah, Bucks, Pa., and Joshua AVright, Bucks, Pa 1770 Mitchell, Ann, and John Nance, Staten Island 1770 Mitchell, Catherine, Monmouth, and Adam Brewer, Moumouth 1712 Mitchell, Elizabeth, Peunsylvauia, aud James Barbur, Pennsylvania. . . 1728 Mitchell, Margaret, and John Monroe, BurUngton 1736 Mitchell, Margaret, Monmouth, and Thomas Ellison, Monmouth. . . . 1704 Mitchell, Mary, and Andrew Cole, Northampton ,.1773 Mittin, Elizabeth, Shrewsbury, and AViUiam Reynolds, Jr,, Freehold, 1757 Mocklaw, Mary, and Simon Brokaw, S jmerset 1778 MjU, Bathsheba, and Zabulon Brown, Burlington 1759 MoUeson, Ruth, Piscataway, and Ephraim Kunyon, Piscataway 1757 MolUson, Sarah, aud John Juley, Middlesex 1780 Monanely, Elizabeth, B '.rgen, and Mauritius Goetschius, Bergen 1749 Monear, Abijah, Springfield, and John AVatkinson, Springfield 1745 Monfort, Tiny, and Cornelius Lane, Hunterdon 1782 Mongomery, Jane, Monmoutb, aud Robert English, Monmoutb 1761 Montauges, Mary, and William Ash, New York 1783 Montgomerie, Ann, Perth Amboy, aud John Curry, Now Y'oik 1763 Montgomerie, Anne, Mmmouth, and Stephen Pangburn, Mmmouth 1754 • Montgomerie, Elizabeth, Moumouth, and James Hepburn, Middlesex.. 1738 Montgomerie, Mary, Perth Amboy, and John Disbrow, Perth Amboy. . 1774 Montgomery, Isabella, AmweU, and John Reading, Jr., Amwell 1746 Montgomery, Sarah, Bucks, Pa., and WiUiam Tomlinson, Bucks, Pa. .1769 Monrow, Mary, Barlington, and Elward iluUen, Burlington 1759 Moode, Margaret, and John Sim, Philadelphia 1732 Moody, Rebecca, and Thomas Willis, Egg H irbour 1778 Moon, Alisa, and AVUliam Bevau, Cumberland 1781 Moon, Jane, Burliugton, and Robert Denton, Burlington 1738 Moon, Jane, Burlington, and Francis Hickman, Burlington 1742 Moon, M trtha, and Thomas Preston. Burlington 1 737 Moon, Sarah, and Daniel West, Bucks, Pa Moon, Sarah, Bucks, Pa., and Charles Edgar, Bucks, Pa 1759 Moone, Margaret, and Joseph Jackson, Burlington 1754 Moor, Anne, Cumberland, and Isaac Harris, Salem 1772 - Moor, Christian, aud Joseph Predmore, Perth Amboy 1746-7 Oct. 31 Feb. 12 Nov. 7 Mar. 4 Dec. 13 Sept. 20 Nov. 23 Nov. 20 Jan. 5 Mar. 16 29 April 26 June 28 Jan. 12 Sept. 16 Aug. 9 May 15 July 29 Mar. 5 Oct. 7 Jau. 17 Oct. 12 Deo. 30 Feb. 23 Nov. 4 Aug. 9 Aug. 25 Aug. 19 Dec. 27 Mar. 18 Jan. 26 Dec. 23 Nov. 21 Deo. 30 Oct. 27 Oct. 5 Sept. 22 Mar. 27 Feb. 13 Nov.. 3 July 25 Mar. Oct. 29 Aug. 27 Mar. 9 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 28 1 Moor, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and Benjamin Predmore, Middlesex 1739 Moor, Mary, Woodbridge. and Daniel Noe, Woodbridge 1741 Moor, Phebe, and Aaron Butcher, Cumberland 1778 Moor, Sarah, and Daniel Woodward, Somerset 1784 Moore, Abigail, and Samuel Fithian, Camberland 1750 Moore, Abigail, Hunterdon, aud Jonathan Smith, Hunterdon 1765 Moore, Anne, Perth Amboy, and James Perrine, Staten Island 1718 Moore, Anne, aud Lawrence Earle, Bergen 1762 Moore, Bathsheba, and Preston Hannah, Cumberland 1777 Moore, Dorcas, Cumberland, and Morgan Trent, Camberland 1762 Moore, Elizabeth, Burlington, and John Cjllins, Gloucester 1737 Moore, Elizabeth, Somerset, and William Riddel, Somerset 1750 Moore, Elizabeth, Burlington, and John Mason, Burlington 1761 M lore, Elizabeth, Piles Grove, and Jacob Paullin, Piles Grove 1763 Moore, Elizabeth, and Joseph Potts, Bordentown 1769 Moore, EUzabeth, and Jacob Titus, Pennsylvania 1777 Moore, Elizabeth, and WiUiam Alley, New Jersey. . 1779 Moore, Elizabeth, and William Oppie, Somerset 1781 Moore, Grace, Woodbridge, and Jonathan Inslee, Jr., AVoodbridge 174'2 Moore, Grace, Essex, and Joseph DeCamp, Middlesex 1761 Moore, Hannah, Middlesex, and Jobn Miore, Essex: 1773 Moore, Judith, Cumberland, and Joseph Eyly, Cumberland 1774 Moore, Letitia, Barlington, aud John Edwards, Barlington 175.6 Moore, Marcy, and Elnathan Ware, Greenwich 1760 Moore, Margaret, Monmouth, and Thomas Hiw, Moumouth 1737 Moore, Margaret, and John Van Emburgh, Middlesex 1779 Moore, Martha, Essex, and Johu Dennes, Essex 1748 Moore, Mary, Burlington, and John Shores, Burlingtou Moore, Mary, Barlington, and Joshua Quicksall, Burlington 1734 Moore, Mary, Greenwich, and William Waithman, Greenwich 1763 Moore, Mary, Middlesex, and Joseph Kar, Middlesex 1763 Moore, Mary, Evesham, and Stephen Sarisb, Evesham 1767 Moore, Mary, and Samuel F. Parker, Middlesex 1769 Moore, Mary, Alloways Creek, and Samuel Ray, AUoways Creek 17C9 Moore, Mary, Bergen, and William Blakeney, Bergeu 1771 Moore, Mary, and Elisha Moore, Huuterdon 1779 Moore, Mary, Burlington, and Michael Mick, Burlington 1783 Moore, Massey, and Edmund Robarts, Maidenhead 1''78 Moore, Mercy, and Thomas Barrows, Hunterdon 1733 Moore, IHercy, and Godfrey Chamberlin, Hunterdon 1779 Moore, Patience, Burlington, and Jobn AVaney, Burlington 1 77o Moore, Pelatiah, and Joseph Titus, HopeweU 1 764 Moore, Phebe, and Barret Christopher, Himterdon 1 763 Moore, Rachel, Cumberland, and Moses Mulford, Cumberland 1758 Moore, Rachel, Deersfield, and Daniel Ogden, Deersfield 1768 Moore, Rebecca, and Joshua BaUinger, Burlington 1788 Sept. I Mar. 17 April . 2 Feb. 26 Oct. 25 Mar. 9 Nov. 19 Deo. 14 Sept. 6 June 9 Feb. 27 Oct. 29 May 21 Nov. 7 Dec. 28 July 24 April 8 Oct. 27 Nov. 23 Dec. 16 Oct. 8 May 26 Aug. 17 April 30 May 14 April 17 Jan. 21 Dec. 13 May 22 Nov. 16 Feb. 26 Feb. 25 Nov. 7 Mar. 21 Nov. 25 Dec. 4 Sept. 18 Aug. 9 Aug. 17 Sept. 22 Nov. 12 Deo. 13 April 25 July 5 Nov. 17 282 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Moore, Sarah, Burlington, and AVUliam Stone, Burlington 1741 Moore, Sarah, Gloucester, and Clement Dickson, Glouoester. 1760 Moore, Sarah, Bergen, and David Day, Bergen 1767 Moore, Sarab, aud Johu Smith, Hunterdon 1768 Moore, Sarah, and Jost Shaits, Alloways Creek 1773 Moore, Valaria, Burlington, and Joseph Cimarro, Burlington 1761 Moorehouse, Hannah, and Elisha Stout, Mmasquan 1751 Moores, Frances, and Thomas Brown, Woodbridge 1746 Moores, Isabeil, Woodbridge, and Stephen Carman, Woodbridge 1748 Moores, Margaret, Middlesex, and Samuel Carman, Middlesex 1740 Moores, Mary, Middlesex, aud Robert Hude, Middlesex 1746 Moran, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Edward England, Burlington 1741 More, Ann, Hunterdon, and John Hoffman, Hunterdon 1776 Moreton, Ann, Greenwich, and Garrett Vanneman, Jr., Gloucester 17'^3 Moreton, Mary, Chester, and John Jackson, Chester 1748 Morford, Catherine, Monmouth, and Charles Gordon, Monmoutb 1761 Morford, Elizabeth, and Joseph Barbar, Pennsylvania 1772 Morford, Hannah, Freehold, and Isaac Covenhoven, Freehold 1756 Morford, Mary, Monmoutb, and Job Throckmorton, Moumouth 1743 Morford, Mary, Monmouth, and David Ketcham, Monmouth 1762 Morford, Rebecca, and Jeremiah Homer, Monmouth 1761 Morford, Rebecca, Bucks, Pa., aud James Barber, Bucks, Pa 1770 Morgan, Abigail, Perth Amboy, and Ephraim Donham, Woodbridge. . 1750 Morgan, Annettea. Salem, and Samuel Elwell, Salem 1773 Morgan, Esther, Gt. Egg Harb'r. and Elias Steelman, Gt. Egg Harb'r. 1760 Morgan, Frances, Bucks, Pa., and Wheeler Clark, Bucks, Pa 1759 Morgan, Jane, Perth Amboy, and John Slater, Perth Amboy 1761 Morgan, Jane, Perth Amboy, and James Pattin, Monmoutb 1762 Morgan, Leah, Staten Island, and Anthony Kempe, Hunterdon 1734 Morgan, Margaret, Alloways Creek, and John Rea, S.ilem 1762 Morgan, Martha, Richmond, and Anthony DuBii^, Richmond Co. ...1747 Morgan, Mary, Burlington, and Zachariah Eozell, Burlington 1739 Morgan, Mary, Salem, and WUliam Craft, Salem 1739 Morgan, Mary, Somerset, and AA''illiam Steward, Somerset , 1745 Morgan, Mary, Middlesex, and Eichard Parrit, Morris 176'i Morgan, Mary, Piles Grove, and Francis Test, Piles Grove 1763 Morgan, Mary, Salem, and Samuel Garrison, Salem 1768 Morgan, Mary, and Isaac Debow, Middlesex 1774 Morgan, Sarah, Staten Island, and Daniel Morgan, Middlesex 175i Morgan, Sarah, Perth Amboy, and Joseph Burgin, Camberland 1761 Morgan, Sarah, Middlesex, and John Compton, Middlesex 1763 Morgan, Sarah, and Andrew Stout, Hunterdon I777 Morgan, Sarab, and Timothy Milburn, Hunterdon 1779 Morin, Deborah, and Thomas Graham, Newton 1771 Morlan, Elizabeth, and William MUton, Barlington 1760 Morrell, Judith, and John Tuelie 1692 May 10 July 13 Nov. 11 Jan. 13 Mar. 9 Oct. 3 Sept. 30 Feb. 12 Aug. 16 Deo. 12 Aug. 6 Nov. 4 Feb. 6 Feb. 28 Jan. 10 Nov. 2 July 24 Mar. 9 April 4 Feb. 10 Sept. 28 May 22 Feb. 18 May 17 Feb. 27 May 22 Sept. 14 Deo. 3 May 15 Mar. 26 Aug. 4 Jan. 11 April 6 Oct. 29 Dec. 15 Mar. 9 July 28 Nov. 12 Sept. 25 April 13 Jan. 28 June 22 Jan. 1 Nov. 9 Jan, 23 Nov. 2 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 283 MorreU, Sarah, and Samuel Warner, Middlesex 1765 Morress, Elizabeth, and Newlass Belangey, Gloucester 1777 Morrice, Anne, Moumouth, and Job Crawford, Monmouth 1766 Morris, Aune, Barlington, and Jonathan Middleton, Builington 1776 Morris, Betsey, and Caleb Wheeler, Jr., Newark 1778 Morris, Elizabeth, Glouoester, and Isaac Smith, Gloucester. . 1739 Morris, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and Thomas Bloomfield, Middlesex 1772 Morris, Elizabeth, and Robert Small, Evesham 1778 Morris, Frances, Monmouth, and Elazarus Brewer, Monmouth. 1755 Morris, Frena, and Andries Meyer, New Jersey 1740 Morris, Hannah, Mansfield, and Samuel RockhUl, Burlington 1774 Morris, Lydia, Burlington, and Augustus McDoniel, Barlington 1776 Morris, Margaret, Salem, and Clement Hall, Salem 1745 Morris, Margaret, Monmonth, and John Cox (minor), Monmouth 1769 Morris, Mary, Salem, and AVUliam Goodwin, Salem 1744 Morris, Mary, Middletown, and Jonathan Burdg, Middletown 1746 Morris, Mary, Middletown, and John Conrey, Middletown 1751 Morris, Mary, Monmouth, and Asahal Freeman, Monmouth 1757 Morris, Mary, and Benjamin White, Monmouth 1781 Morris, Prudence, Salem, and Andrew Bull, Salem 1745 Morris, Rebecca, Morris, and Timothy Goble, Morris 1779 Morris, Sarab, Woodbridge, and Thomas Bloomfield, AVoodbridge 1758 Morris, Sarah, Burlington, and Lewis Willets, Burlington 1768 Morris, Sarah, and WUliam Land, Burlington 1781 Morris, Suria, and Philip Grace, Cumberland 1 782 Morris. Tabitha, Philadelphia, aud John Weitzel, PhUadelphia 1771 Morrison, Elizabeth, Alloways Cr'k, and Philip Wentzel, Alloways C'k.l765 Morrison, Judith, Salem, and Patrick Canady, Salem 1771 Morrit, Deborah, and David Suffrins, Barlington 1786 Morton, Ann, Burlington, and Jobn Gibson, BurUngton 1741 Morton, Anne, Burlington, and Barzilla Endicott, Buriington 1775 Morton, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Edward Arden, Burlington 1730 Morton, Sarah, and Harry Munro 1763 Moses, Mary, Philadelphia, and George Hatfield, Philadelphia 1739 Moa>| Rebecca, Salem, and Joseph Blackwood, Salem 1770 Matfelt, Martha, and Thomas Thomson, Gloucester 1785 Mott, Cbarity, Morris, and David Wheeler, Morris 1739 Mott, Huldar, Middletown, and Joseph SaUar, Shrewsbury 1759 Mott, Jane, Gloucester, and Peter ScuU. Gloucester 1731 Mott, Mary, and James Arnold. Burlington. 1739 Mott, Sarah, Monmouth, and Joseph Holmes, Monmouth 175'2 Mott, Sarah, and William Biles I'^^O Mott, Sarah, and Joseph Potts, Kingwood 178 1 Mott, Anna, and Julius Ewan, Burlington 1733 Mottison, Mary, Monmouth, and WiUiam Huyan, Monmouth 1756 Mounson, Ann, Penns Neck, and George Stanton, Penns Neck 1760 Aug. 10 Dec' 6 Nov. 25 Jan. 27 Feb. 23 Aug. 12 Aug. 4 Dec. 21 June 25 Jan. 7 July 25 Jan. 10 Feb. 10 Oct. 29 Feb. 13 Nov. 14 Sept. 14 Deo. 7 April 16 Jan. 24 Nov. 15 Jan. 3 Feb. 17 May 9 Oct. 17 Dec. 25 Aug. 3 Mar. 23 Jan. 7 Nov. 23 April 12 Sept. 5 Nov. 1 July 4 Aug. 27 Feb, 15 Mar. 17 Oct. 22 Feb. 20 Jan. 3 June 24 Oct. 4 June 2 May 23 Feb. 6 Feb. 23 284 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Mount, Admy, Middletown, and John Chasey, Mnnmouth 1760 Mount, Alice, Middletown, and Jobn Porter, Middletown 1746 Mount, Ann, Buriington, and Samuel AV. Hartshorne, Burlington 1779 Mount, Anne, Burlington, and Levi Bowker, Burlington 1773 Mouut, Elizabeth, Middletown, and John Van Cleve, Freehold 1767 Mount Elizabeth, Moumouth, and Jacob Hendrickson, M .nmoutb. . . 1771 Mount, Haunah, Middletown, CorneUus Compton, Jr., Middletowu. . .1756 Mount, Haunah, Burlington, and Samuel Hoock, 'Trenton 1764 Mount, Jane, and Bergun Brokaw, Somerset 1779 Mount, Katherine, Monmouth, and Joseph Tilton, Monmoutb i;39 Mount, Lydia, and John Silver, Jr., Middlesex. . 1780 Mount, Margaret, Middletown, and James Herbert, Middletown 1739 Mount, Margaret, Monmouth, and John Truax, Middlesex 1743 Mount, Margaret, Monmoutb, aud George AVoodward, Burlington 1780 Mount, Mary, Monmouth, aud John Biyon, Monmouth 1760 Mount, Patience, Monmouth, and Robert Gordon, Monmouth 1742 Mount, Phebe, Monmoutb, and Silas Teltou, Monmouth 1739 Mount, Phebe, Monmoutb, and AValter Herbert, Monmouth 1741 Mount, Rebeckah, and Jacob W.irren, BurUngton " 1768 M luntain, Mary, and Richard Parret, Salem 1778 M oursen, Caty, Sussex, and Daniel Peer, Morris 1 778 Moyr, Margaret, Salem, and Michael Harp, Salem 1747 Muckelroy, Mareyann, and John Mounten, Salem 1759 Macklehany, Mary, Sussex, and Hugh MeCracken, Sussex 1766 Muckleroy, Mary, and Michael Pope, Northampton 1757 Mulford, Elizabeth, John, and Johu Pierson, Cumberland 1783 Mulford, Hannah, Cumberland, and John SouUard, Deerfield 1762 Mulford, Hannah, Kingwood, and Edward Godley, Kingwood 1770 Mulford, Lucia, and John AVood, Stow Creek 1785 Mulford, Mary, and AVUliam Watson, Camberland 1754 Mulford, Eachel, Cumberland, aud Isaac Sharp, Camberland 1764 Mulford, Rhody, and James Whildin, Cape May 1774 Mulford, Ruth, Cape Maj', aud Richard Stiles, Cape May 1770 Mnlford, Sarah, Cumberland, and Isaac Smith, Deerfield 1768 Mulford, Sarah, and Jacob Keen, Cumberland I779 Mulford, Sarah, aud George Fithian, Cumberland 1782 MuUady, Cbarity and Stephen Barrows, Huuterdon I77I Mullen, Mary, Northampton, -and Joseph Barr, Jr., Northampton. ... 1749 Mullen, Alary, Barlington, and Hugh Hollinshead, Jr., Burliugton 1782 MulUcka, Auickn, aud Abraham Lord, Salem 17^6 MaUikan, Riohel, Barlington, and Tnomas Esdall, Barlington 1764 Mallin, Elizabeth, Burlington, aud 'I'homas Haines, Burlinoton.. .. 1761 Mullin, Gr tee, Barlington, and James Sheets, Barlington 1758 Mulliner, Jemima and Emanuel Pidcock, Amwell jiyg.2 MuUiner, Mary, Hunterdou, and John btillwell, S'assex 1769 Mulliner, Rebeckah, and Charles Rose, New Jersey 1781 Mar. 27 July 23 May 8 Oct. 16 Mar. 3 May 2 Dec. 23 June 25 Mar. 29 June 13 Oct. 19 Mar. 24 Nov. 8 Ang. 21 June 7 Dec. 18 Nov. 3 Jan. 13 Feb. 2 Sept. 21 Nov. 15 April 3 Jan. 22 July 11 Mar. 23 Nov. 17 Jan. 4 Dec. 17 Jan. 18 Nov. 11 April 9 Deo. 8 Nov. 23 Nov. 2 Mar. 28 Feb. 9 Mar. 4 Ma.' 15 Sept. 11 April 2 June 28 Oct. 10 April 18 June 10 Feb. 21 Jan. 13 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 285 Munde, Mary, Middlesex, and John Drake 1748-9 Mundin, Lydia, Middlesex, and Benjamin Doughty, Middlesex. . . . 1747-8 Mungal, Agnis, ahd Oswell Goodberlet, Somerset 1786 Munroe, Aune, Northampton, and William Waters, Burlington 1757 Munrow, Anne, New Hanover, and Job Stockton 1767 Munrow, Sarah, Burlington, and Stacy Budd, Barlington 1763 Munson, Elizabeth, Pequanock, and Nathaniel Faiichild, Pequanock. 1779 Munyon, Tracey, Gloucester, and Aaron Dawson, Gloucester 1771 Murdock, Mildreth, Monmouth, and Patrick McHugh, Monmoutb 1749 Mnrfin, Anne, and Joseph AVells 1774 Murfy, Hannah, Bucks, Pa., apd John Fowler, Bucks, Pa 1(64 Murphy, Jane, and William Hinchman, Gloucester 1783 Murphy, Elizabeth, aud Jobn Fortenberry 1773 Murphy, Mary, Salem, and Peter Bilderbaok, Salem 1761 Murphy, Rachel, Barlington, and James Huuter, Maryland 1775 Murphy, Rachael, Barlington, and AVUliam Dotey, Barlington 1776 Murray, Elizabeth, Cape May, and Thomas Caiscu, Cape May 1730 Murray, Mary, aud Jobn Priestly, Bristol, Pa 1784 Murrel, Mary, Builington, and John Dobbins, Jr., Burlington 1779 Murrell, Mary, Burlington, aud Patrick Byrne, Barlington 1741 Murrell, Mary, and Benjamin Bartholomew, Burlington 1777 Murry, Catharine, nnd James Cronin, Bristol, Pa 1787 Myers, Catherine, Perth Amboy, and James Arven, Perth Amboy. . . . 1755 Myers, Catharine, Monmoutb, and Jesse Burton, Monmouth 1772 Myers, C.itharine, aud Thomas Dixou, Burlington 1778 Myers, Hannah, Burlington, and John Rating, Barlington 1764 Myers, Mary, Burlington, and Ihomas Nutt, Burlington 1716 Myers, Mary, aud Zephaniah \\ icks, Galloway 1781 Myers, Eachel, Burlingtcn, and Jonathan Nutt, Barlington 1774 Myers, Sarah, Barlington, and Samuel Engle, Barlington 1775 Myres, Mary, Monmouth, and Samuel Smith, M.mmouth 1707 Myers, Mary, and James Rambo, Deptford 1780 MALES. N Nafies, Garrit, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Gam 1780 Nail, Uriah, Greenwich, and Emily Fowler 1779 Nailer, Jacob, Barlington. and Haunah Jones 17^3 Nailer, Benjamin, Barlington, and Sarah Stockton 1778 Napier, James, Monmouth, and Mary Tompson, Monmouth 1741 Naptin, WUliam, Hunterdou, and Abigail AVelling. Hunterdon 1773 Nayler, James, Burlington, and Lucretia Kakestraw 1777 Nayler, James, Burlington, and Susannah Sharp 1787 Naylor, Benjamin, Burlington, nnd Esther Mason, Burlington 1741 Neafie, John, Bergen, and Lena Dey, B?rgen 1762 Neale,! Hugh, Gt. Egg Harbor, and Deborah Leeds, Gt. Egg Harbor, 1748 1 Hugh Neale appears in the marriage bond as surety lor John Pullen, but shows that the marriage license was issued to Neale, Mar. 8 Feb. 13 May 31 Jan. 31 Juue 9 May 20 June 24 Dec. 9 Oct. 11 Oct. 15 Feb. 26 Aug. 12 Oct. 27 Dec. 17 Nov. 21 Jan. 6 AprU 26 Aug. 5 Dec. 23 Aug. 13 Dec. 10 June 12 April 4 June 2 April 28 May 21 Sept. 27 Jan. 29 Aug. 16 Aug. 21 Feb. 13 Jan. 8 Mar. 8 Oct. 18 Jau. 14 AprU 13 Dec. 10 Oct. 25 Jan. 9 Nov. 28 Sept. 9 June 18 Feb. 1 the record 286 .NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Neeve, Thomas, PhUadelpbia, and Dinah NeweU ^733 Nefius, John, Somerset, and Sarah Bilson ^'^^2 Negus, John, Burlington, aud Mary Shreve 1779 Negus, Thomas, Monmouth, and Lavina West, Monmouth .1749 Neide, John Potts, Cumberland, and Edith Furniss.' -. 1790 Neilson, Andrew, New Jersey, and Grace Carvill, Monmouth 1743 Neilson, James, Hunterdon, aud Abigail Severns, Huuterdon 17'29 Neilson, James. New Bruuswick, and Gannitte Harrison 1768 Neilson, John (Dr.), New Bruuswick, and Johanna Coeymans, Som'rs't. 1741 NeUy, John, Burliugton, and Sarah Grimes, Burlington 171^ Nelson, Daniel, Piles Grove, Cornelinson, Penns Neck 1762 Netterville, Charles, Buriington, and Eaohel AA'Uson, Burlington 1736 Neveos, Tobijas, Moumouth, and Eebecca Polhemus 1747 Nevill, John, Somerset, and Sarah Van Nostrand, Somerset 1775 Nevill, Samuel, and Mary Walker, Piscataway 1758 Nevius, Cornelius, Somerset, and Jenny Hoogland, Somerset 1783 Nevius, David, Somerset, aud Elizabeth Schureman 1781 Newbeiry, William, Gloucester, and Sarah Raziner 1783 Newbold, Dauiel, Burlington, and Rachel Newbold 17o0 Newbold, James, and Elizabeth Powell 1695 Newburn, David, Bucks, Pa., and Hannah Ashton 1733 Newbury, 'Ihomas, Monmoutb, and Elisabeth Gifford, Monmouth 1748 Newbury, AViUiam, Monmouth, and Anne Havens, Monmouth 1748 Newby, Gabriel, Gloucester, and EUzabeth McCopping, Cohanzey 1741 Newcomb, Reuben, Fairfield, and Edith Barratt 1779 Newcomb, SUas, Cumberland, and Martha SaTage 1784 Newcomb, William, Cumberland, and Pleasant Long, Stow Creek . . . 1759 Newell, James (Dr.), AUentown, Elizabeth Lawrence, Upper Freehold. 1749 Newell, Robert, Monmouth, and Anne AUen 1759 Newell, Thomas, Burlington, and Jane Pettigrew, Burliugton 1740 Newman, Emanuel, Shrewsbury, and Anna Kernes, Middlesex 1767 Newman, Isaac, Kingwood, and Jemiah Marshall, Kingwood 1768 Newman, John, Philadelphia, and Hester Henlings, Burlington 1738 Newman, Richard, Barlington, and Mary Haines, Barlington 1740 Newman, Thomas, Monmouth, and Mary McDaniel, Monmoutb 1753 Newton, Daniel, Sarah, and Sarah Fennimore .- 1781 Newton, Jobn, Cape May, and Elizabeth Leaming, Cape May 1761 Newton, John, Cape May, and Hannah Hand 1789 Newton, Joseph, Burlington, and Elizabeth Ashburn 1775 Newton, Thomas, Freehold, and Mary Cox, Freehold 1743 Niblak, Samuel, Somerset, and Agnes Aikman, Somerset 1746 Nicholis. AViUis, Salem, and Rebecca Shaw, Salem 1774 NichoUs, WUliam, Philadelphia, and Elizabeth Rickey, Gloucester. . . .1775 Nichols, Joshua, Hunterdon, and Jannet Hankins, Middlesex 1751 Nicholson, Abel, Glouoester, and Mary Ellis 1786 Nicholson, Joseph, Gloucester, and Eachel Linzey, Gloucester 1748 May 26 April 9 Feb. •15 July 27 Jan. 26 Mar. 28 June 26 July 19 Mar. 9 Aug. 19 Not. 21 May 1 May 13 Deo. 20 Oct. 21 Not. 14 Not. 2 Jan. 8 July 27 Jan. 16 Dec. 4 Oct. 29 AprU 25 May 12 June 9 Oct. 22 May 31 Dec. 12 July 5 Jan. 20 Feb. 21 Dec. 21 Sept. 12 Mar. 23 Mar. 31 June 5 June 25 Aug. 22 Not. 29 May 20 May 8 Feb. 22 Mar. 12 July 7 Jan. 23 May 10 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 287 Nicholson, Nehemiah, Gloucester, and Sarah Badcock, Gloucester 1739 Nicholson, Nehemiah, Great Egg Harbor, and Deborah Ireland 1737 Nicholson, Samuel, Gloucester, and EUzabeth Hains, Gloucester 1770 Nicholson, John, Cape May, and Martha Stiles, Cape May 1763 Nickerson, Jobn, Monmoulh, aud Hannah Beers, Monmoutb 1747 Nickinson, Jobn, Philadelphia, and Sarab Roads, Philadelphia 1730 Niooll, William, Bergen, and Rachel Fine 1788 Nicolls, George, Elizabethtown, and Elizabeth FuUerton, Elizabetht'n.l740 Niel, James, Springfield, and Abigail Peteis.. 1778 Kieukirk, Abraham, Salem, and Sarah A'an Me'tre, Salem 1762 Nightengale, James, Burlington, and Elizabeth Wild, Burlington 1747 Nightingale, Thomas, Philadelphia, and Sarah Champion, Philadelp'a. 1749 Niles, John, Monmoutb, and Mary Taylor, Monmouth 1750 Nisbett, Jonathan, and Temperance Gilbert, Perth Amboy 1741 Nix, Edmond, Salem, and Mary Dickey, Salem 1728 Nixon, James, Middlesex, and Anne Davison, Monmoutb 1740 Nixon, William, Middlesex, and Sarah Guest, New Brunswick 174 6 Nixson, Jacob, Salem, and Margaret Dickey . . 1776 Nixsou, Jeremiah, Faiifield, and Hannah Jones, Fairfield 1 763 Noarth, George, Philadelphia, and Euth Burden, Philadelphia 1737 Noble, George, Burliugton, and Katherine Smith, Burlington 1730 Noble, Josiah, and Mary Stretch 1774 Noe, Asher, Somerset, and Eachel Lemontis, Somerset , 1751 Noe, Daniel, Woodbridge, and M ary Moor, AVoodbridge 1741 Noe, John, Woodbridge, aud Catharine Trimley, Elizabethtown 1748 Noe, Samuel, Perth Amboy, and Anna Inglis, Perth Amboy 1761 ' Nold. Phillip, Burlington, aud Margaret Dyer, Burliugton 1774 Noniman, Jacob, Salem, and Ann Seriecks 1740 Norcross, John, Burlington, and Anne Stevenson, Burlington 1766 Norcross, Johu, Burlington, and Rachel King 1766 Norcross, John, New Hanover, and Mary Herbert, Northampton 1776 Norcross, Joseph, Monmouth, and Rebekah Cox, Monmouth 1748 Norcross, Joseph, New Jersey, and Amy Beck, New Jersey 1778 Norcross, Joshua, Barlington, and Jane Strattan, Burlington 1754 Norcross, Joshua, Northampton, and Theodosia King, Northampton, .1767 Norcross, Samuel, Burliugton, and Hannah Antram 1789 Norcross, William, Bergen, and Effe Hennion, Bergen 1778 Nordyke, Heniy, Burlington, and liebecca Perkins, Barlington 1731 Norris Eden, Shrewsbury, and Mary Throckmorton, Freehold 1767 Norris, John, Burlington, and Sarah Cheshire, Burlington 1746 Norris, Richard, Shrewsbury, and Catherine Throckmorton, Mid'ltown.1765 North, James, Burlington, and EUnor Quin 1778 North, Joseph, New York, and Peggy Seamens, Staten Island 1746 North, Thomas, Shrewsbury, and Werncbey Worthley 1766 Northrop, Enoch, and Elizabeth Hunt 1769 Norton, Ephraim, Glouoester, aud Sarah Mickle, Glouoester 1737 June 1 Sept. 3 Aug. 29 Oct. 25 June 11 Nov. 16 Deo. 27 April 3 Sept. 1 June 23 April 17 April 10 Jan. 23 July 9 Dec. 7 Aug. 18 Jan. 27 Mar. 26 Aug. 8 May 14 Nov. 16 Feb. 24 May 24 Mar. 17 Dec. 27 Oct. 3 July 26 Jan. 16 Oct. 4 Sept. 18 Jan. 2 Aug. 8 May 23 April 10 April 14 Mar. 2 Nov. 16 Jan. 6 Sept. 3 AprU 30 Nov. 19 Feb. 5 Sept. 19 Oct. 14 Oct. 9 Sept. 12 288 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Norton, George, Cape May, and Deborah Fox, Cape May 1764 , Mar. 26 Norton, John, Gloucester, aud Hanuah Estlack, Gloucester 1737 July 23 Nortqn, Jobn, Springfield, and Grace GUlum, Springfield 1749 Aug. 29 Norton, Joseph, Barlington, and Anne Cozens, Burlington 1727 Feb. 3 Norton, Nathaniel, Cape May, and Elesha Mathews, Cape May 1731 April 19 Norton, Nathaniel, Cape May, and Eunice Hand, Cape May 1733 Nov. 20 Norwood, Henry, New York, and Margery Thomson, Perth Amboy 1759 June 8 Nowland, James, Middletown, and Deborah Disbrow, South Amboy. .1758 AprU 3 Nowland, Marmaduke, Monmoutb, and Margaret Wright, AUentown. ,1745 Jan. 18 Nuff, Jacob, Hunterdon, aud Fanny Kline 1781 Deo. 25 Nugeu, Thomas, Burlington, and Abigail Brittain, Burlingtou 1772 AprU 29 Nutt, John, Maus-field, and Mary Alexander 1781 May 31 Nutt, Jonathan, Burlington, and Rachel Myers, Burlington 1774 Aug. 16 Nutt, Joseph, Mansfield, and Venah Broadhome, Springfield 1750 Sept. 25 Nutt, Levy, Mansfield, and Anne Ivins, Mansfield 1718 Sept. 19 Nutt, Moses, Mansfield, and Anne Buffin, Mansfield 1772 ¦ Feb. 3 Nutt, Moses, Mansfield, and Elizabeth Pope. .'. 1783 Oct. 28 Nutt, Thomas, Buriington, and Mary Myeis, Buriington 1746 Sept. 27 Nutt, AViUiam, Burliugton, and Jane Brown, Burliugton 1757 Mar. 1 FEMALES. N Naery. Jane, and Robert Hoseir, Huuterdon 1767 Oct. 1 Nail, Mary, Barlington, and Eichard Symons, Burlington 1759 Deo. 11 Nailer, Elizabeth, and Thomas Peake, Buriington 1786 Dec. 21 Nailer, Hesther, and Joseph Fort, Burlington 1784 Jan. 2 Nailor, Lydia, Burliugton, and Seth Austen, Burlington 1770 Mar. 7 Nailor, Martha, aud Joseph Marriott, Burliugton 1771 July 31 Nale, Mary, and Moses Cox, Gloucester 1774 Mar, 10 Nammock, Sarah, and David Craddock, Burlington 1759 Deo. 17 Naugel, EUzabeth, Orange Co., N. Y., and Peter Lozier, Bergen. . . . 17P4 May 25 Neafie, Sarab, and David Dey, Bergen .- 1789 Feb. 21 Neal, Elizabeth, Northampton, and John Siduel, Northampton 1775 Aug. 14 Neale, Jannet, and Jonathan Lawrence, Orange Co. , N. Y 1784 Nov. 2 Neale, Tennel, and George Hulme, Burlington ] 781 Nov. 8 Nealson, EUonor, and Joshua Tagart, PUc-^grove 1756 July 31 Nealson, Eleanor, and Andrew Lock, Salem 1773 Mar. 11 Nefies, Jannetie, Somerset, and Abraham Chrissoriw, Long Island 1747 May 1 Neilson, Christina, Salem, and Eichard Merideth, Salem 1772 April 29 Neilson, Marj', Middlesex, and John Lott, Middlesex 1761 Dec. 16 Nephews, Anua, S merset, and Henry Monfort, Somerset 1769 Feb. 16 Nephews, Mary, and James Throckmorton, Middlesex 1780 April 17 Nephews, Nelly, aud Albart Stoothoff, Somerset 1784 Feb. 9 Neven, Amelia, Burlington, aud Cornelius Brannin, Burlington 1773 Nov. 30 NevUl, Martha, Middlesex, and Samuel Iselstine, Middlesex 1763 July 23 Nevill, Sarah, Middlesex, and John Layton, Monmouth 1761 Dec. 26 Nevius, Phebe, Somerset, and Jacob Kline, Hunterdou 1778 July 5 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Newbury, Ann, and Joseph Symmonds, Philadelphia 1730 Newberry, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Joseph Field, Burlington 1741 Newberry, Hannah, Burlington, and John Robeits, Burlington 1732 Newberry, Mary, and Jobn Parker, Burlington 1 734 Newbold, Edith, and Thomas Howard, PhUadelphia 1786 Newbold, Lettice, and Jobn Woolston, Jr., Burliugton 1683 Newbold, Lydia, and Jobn Block, Burlington 17S4 Newbold, Margaret, and Daniel AVills, Jr., Burlington 1686 Newbold, Mary, BurUngton, aud Jodia Higgins, Burlington 1684 Newbold, Rachel, and Daniel Newbold, Burlingtou 1780 Newbold, Sarah, and WiUiam Bowne, New York 1791 Newbould, EUzabeth, and Jacob Decow -. 1 699 Newbury, EUzabeth, and Richard Cox, Burlington 1 730 Newbury, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Samuel Hall, Burlington 1746 Newcomb, Mary, Cumberland, and John Daniels, Cumberland 1770 Newell, Catharine, Middlesex, and John McChesney, Middlesex .... 1753 Newell, Dinah, aud Thomas Neeve, Philadelphia 1733 NeweU, Elinor, Monmoutb, and Robert English, Monmouth 1739 NeneU, Gertye, Hunterdon, and Martin Wickoff, Jr., Hunterdon 1770 Newell, Jane, BurUngton, and Samuel Bradshaw, Burlington 1777 Newell, Margaret, and David Hay, Monmouth 1781 Newell, Mary, Monmouth, and Charles Gordon, Monmouth 1739 Newell, Polly, and Joel Miller, Camberland 1787 Newell, Rebecca, Gloucester, and AVUliam Aldridge, Gloucester 1739 Newell, Sarah, Burlington, and Richard Fennimore, Burlington 1736 Newell, Violet, Middlesex, and John Dunken, Middlesex 1753 Newkark, Catharine, Salem, and William Garrison, Salem 1758 Newkirk, Elizabeth, and Robert Patterson, Salem 1774 Newkirk, Mary, and William Thompson, Pilesgrove 1772 Newkirk, Sarah, Piles Grove, and William Robinson, Penns Neck 1767 Newkirk, Elizabeth, Piles Grove, and Ezekiel Rose, Piles Grove 1769 Newman, Catherine, Monmouth, and James Allen, Monmouth 1747-8 Newman, Elizabeth, Monmoutb. and Thomas Pearce, Monmoutb. . 1749-50 Newman, Sarab, and William Cheeseman, Salem 1772 New Port, Hannah, Monmouth, and Peter Vandeventer, Monmouth , 1746 Newton, Elizabeth, Barlington, and Abraham Woolman, Burlington. ..1765 Newton, Hannah, Cape M-ay, and Cornelius Kuyper, .Jr., Phila 1769 Newton, Margaret, Cape May, and John Ware, Cumberland 1783 Newton, Sarah, Cape May, and John Hand, Jr., Cape May 1774 Nicholson, Rebecca, Gloucester, and Isaac Burroughs, Gloucester 1767 Nicholas, Anna Mary, Essex, and Abraham Monee, Staten Island. . . . 1744 Nicholas, Lydia, and Shadrack Farguson, Burlington 1786 Nicholas, Catharine, Statenlsland, and Peter Androvet, Staten Island. 1756 Nichols, Pheby, and Andrew Hugh, Burlington 1783 Nichols, Sarah, Monmouth, and Daniel Halsted, Monmouth 1749 Nicholson, Ann, and Hill SmUb, Salem 1''75 April 25 19 April 23 Nov. 24 Nov. 24 April 2 Dec. 13 Dec. 6 Feb. 10 Dec. 30 May 12 July 27 May 11 Dec. 21 June 18 AprU 29 Jan. 30 Aug. 10 May 26 Dec. 8 May 5 Mar. 26 Jan. 16 Dec. 4 April 10 June 23 Nov. 2 Feb. 23 Jau. 16 Aug. 8 Jan. 2 Mar. 16 Feb. 22 Feb. 2 Mar. 24 Aug. 12 April 19 Nov. 23 June 20 May 22 May 5 Oct. 2 Feb. 19 Nov. 3 Nov. 30 June 25 May 3 290 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Nicholson, Jemima, and Ezekiel Mulford, Cape May 1770 Nicholson, Mary, and Richard Smyth, Philadelphia 1773 Nicholson, Sarah, and Benjamin Smith 1766 Nickason, Rachel, and Lewis Goodwin, Salem 1779 Nickerson, Elizabeth, and David Haoket, Salem 1779 Nickerson, Marget, and Richard Tomson, Cape May 1764 Nickson, Mary, Salem, and WiUiam Wilkinson, Salem 1689 NiooU, Frances, and Albert Zabriskie, Bergen 1789 Nicolson, Mary, and WUUam Davit, New York 1766 Nilson, Lyidy, Salem, and Richard AVorth, Salem 1772 Nixon, Balthis, and Jonathan Page, Cumberland 1773 Nixon, Margaret, Hunterdou, aud David Johnston, Hunterdon 1772 Nixon, Mary, aud John Bouye, Gloucester 1731 Nixon, Tabitha, Cumberland, and Stephen Clark, Cumberland 1761 Noah, Margaret, Salem, and James Parker, Salem 1763 Noah, Sarah, Salem, and Thomas Clark, Salem 1773 Noble, Mary, Monmoutb, and Robert Cumming, Monmouth 1 764 NobUght, Letitia, and AVUliam Craig, Salem 1773 Noblitt, Latitia, Salem, and Joseph Hogbin, Salem 1767 Noe, Aletta, and Isaac Vredenburgb, New Brunswick 1784 Noe, Damavis, Middlesex, and Thomas Johnson, Perth Amboy 1747 Noe, Maryan, and John Clarkson, Middlesex 1768 Noe, Susannah, Middlesex, and Robert Lackey, Middlesex. 1771 Noline, Autey, Burlington, and Benjamin Owen, Burlington 1757 Nonen, Joanna, Moumouth, and James McGibbons, Monmoutb 1741 Norcross, Abigail, and John Bavis, Burlington 1777 Norcross, Anne, New Hanover, and Johu Rogers, Northampton 1784 Norcross, Bathsheba, Burlington, and Eluathan Stevenson, Burlington. 1767 Norcross, Jane, Burliugton, and Thomas Meredith, Burlington 1740 Norcross, Elizabeth, Springfield, and Michael Brannin, Burlington 1730 Norcross, Mary, Burlington, and John Brown, Burlington 1775 Norcross, Mercy, Burlingtou, and Lewis -Mingen, Burlington 1773 Nordyke, Anu, Burlington, and John Kitchens, Burlington 1758 Norris, Hannah, and William Martin, Burlington 1771 Norton, Aun, Gloucester, and Edward Castle, Gloucester 1746 Norton, Jean, and .John Young, Maidenhead 1779 Norton, Margaret, Burlington, and James AValsb, Buriington 1739 Norton, Mariam, and Samuel Atkinson, Burlington 1779 Norton, Martha, Burlington, and AViUiam Flowers, Burlington .1739 Norton, Mary, Cape May, and Job Youug, Cape May ... 1757 Norton, Mary, and Johu Shinn, Springfield 1770 Norton, Phebe, Cape May, and Henry Young, Cape May 1757 Norton, Sarah, and Jonathan Mason, Gloucester I773 Norton, Sarah, and Joseph Wilkins, Evesham 1784 Nortwick, .Rachel, Monmouth, and Torep Martin, Monmouth .... 1758 Norwood, Mary, and Thomas Sickles, Princeton 1777 Jan. 15 Mar. 16 Mar. 20 April 20 Mar. 2 Deo. 31 June 4 AprU 27 June 21 Deo. 11 Jan. 15 Feb. 24 June 19 Oct. 28 Oct. 20 Jan. 28 Jan. 8 Mar. 9 April 14 April 7 Feb. 24 May 28 Oct. 12 Sept. 21 July 1 Oct. 3 Oct. 26 Oct. 24 April 8 Nov, 24 July 25 Feb. 19 Feb. 23 Aug. 10 July 7 April 6 June 16 May 25 Feb. 26 AprU 26 Jan. 18 Deo. 28 June 12 Jan. 18 June 21 July 3 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 29 1 Norwood, Sarab, and Joseph Lynn, Philadelphia 1 737 Nott, Anne, Burlington, and Peter Jennings, Burlington 1683-4 Nott, Catherine, Monmouth, and William StUlweU, MonmoutE 1756 Nox, Jemima, Somerset, and Timothy Baker, Hunterdon 1764 Noxe, Katheren, Salem, and Charles Angelo, Salem 1690 Nugent, Catharine, and George Tucker, Trenton 1764 Nut, Aun, and Martin Thomas 1779 Nut, Elizabeth, and Smith HUl, Hunterdon 1780 Naton, Priscilla, Cape May, and Jacob Richardson, Cape May 1761 Nutt, Abigail, and Aaron Taylor, Chesterfield 1768 Nutt, Amy, and Joshua Bunting, Burlington .... 1768 Nutt, Ann, and Hugh Hutchins, Burlington 1769 Nutt, Mary, Pennsylvania, and Peter Wood, Bucks, Pa 1730 Nutt, Susannah, Bucks, and Joseph Ashton, Bucks, Pa 1765 Nuttman, Hannah, Morris, and Junia Lindsly, Morris 1752 MALES. o George, Salem, and Jane Sims, Salem 1766 Oakford, John, Salem, and Rebecca Pittman 1732 Oakley, Thomas, Burlington, and Elizabeth Clayton, Burlington 1773 Oat, John, Philadelphia, and Elizabeth Fielding, Philadelphia 1751 O'Brien, Daniel, Perth Amboy, and Margaret Ration, Perth Aiuboy. . . 1749 O'Bryan, Darby, Salem, aud Elizabeth Shears 1766 Ockarman, Garline,! Middlesex, and Jane Combs 1786 Ogborn, John, Burlington, and Hannah AA''arner 1769 Ogborn, Samuel, Middletown, and Anna Van Vraokel, Middletown — 1765 Ofjbom, WUliam, and Mary Cole 1698 Ogden, Charles, Sussex, and Hannah Goverueur, Sussex 1779 Ogden, Dauiel, Deerfield, and Rachel Moore, Deerfield 1763 Ogden, David, Salem, and Hannah Daton, Salem 1745 Ogden, David, Fairfield, and Mary Bateman, Fairfield 1769 Ogden, David, Middlesex, and Mary Cornelly 1768 Ogden, Gabriel, Morris, and Mary Shotwell, Woodbridge 1753 Ogden, James, Middlesex, and Catharine Pitt 1780 ^Ogden, Joseph, Morris, and Mary Thomson, Morris 1751 Ogjen, Moses, Essex, and Mary Cousins, Essex 1746 Ogden, Nathaniel, Elizabethtown, and Judith Bouquett, New Bruns'k. 1740 Ogden, Nathaniel, Fairfield, aud Jane Hand, Cape May 1761 Ogden, Thomas, Fairfield, and Violetta Harris, Fairfield 1760 Ogden, Thomas, Fairfield, and Sarah Westcote, Fairfield 1761 Ogg, John, Burlington, and AbigaU Sullivan, Burlington 1746 Ogle, Peter, Springfield, aud Miriam King, Springfield 1772 Oglee, Henry, New Hanover, and Charity Waters 1782 O'Hara, FeUx, New York, and Martha McCormack, Middlesex 1760 1 l^nery ; Goline Ackerman. May 26 Mar. 20 Sept. 18 Sept. 19 Oct. 8 Oct. 18 April 26 Nov. 12 Aug. 31 July 25 Sept. 23 Jan. 23 Oct. 1 Jan. 26 Oct. 6 Mar. 17 Oct. 6 Sept. 1 June 26 Oct. U Dec. 25 July 3 Mar. 23 Jan. 5 Nov. 17 July 23 July 5 June 13 Sept. 13 Mar. 28 May 26 Nov. 6 Aug. 31 Oct. 29 Deo. 24 April 24 Aug. 6 Mar. 1 Nov. 19 Aug. 10 July 25 July 28 292 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Ohara, John, Somerset, and Sarah Armstrong, Essex 1752 Oct. 13 ; ; ; Okeson, Daniel, New Jersey, and Augee Alberson, Bethlehem 1748 Feb. 11 , Okison, Thomas, Upper Freehold, aud Deborah Clayton 1768 Sept. 1 <<<;;;< Oldacres, Henry, Barlington, and Elinor Borden 1732 Oct. 11 1 1 1 , , , , Oldaker, William, Cumberland, and Prudence Powell 1784 Oct. 1 ; ; Oldden, James, Middlesex, and Catharine Gardner, Middlesex 1746 April 3 j j j :, :, :, :. Oldham, Thomas, Pennsylvania, aud Mary White, Pennsylvania 1727 Sept. 11 ;;;:;;; Oliphant, John, Piscataway, and Elizabeth Lucas, Piscataway 1760 Oct. 21 Oliphant, Jonathan, Burlington, and Mary Shinn, Burlington 1764 June 25 , , , , , , , Oliphant, Shinn, Burlington, and Hope Eyre 1787 Not. 12 Oliver, David, Essex, and Sofiah Higgins, Essex 1760 AprU 19 Oliver, John, Elizabethtown, and Susanna Brant, Elizabethtown 1748 Dec. 8 OUver, John, Bucks, Pa., aud Martha Cherry, Bucks, Pa 1756 Oct. 18 Oliver, Johu, Bordentown, and Mary Carman 1771 AprU 2t O'Neale, Joseph, and Mary Bayless 1777 July 23 O'Neale, William, Trenton, and Margaret Yard 1779 Aug. 23 ',','..... Opdike, John, Burlington, and Sarah Famsworth, Bordentown. . .- 1744 Oct. 7 ' ' ' Opdyke, Joshua, Huuterdon, and Mary Dusenbery 1782 Feb. 10 Opdycke, Samuel, Hunterdon, and Susannah Robertson, Hunterdon. .1775 Deo. 7 Opd} ke, Hope, Hunterdon, and Cathrine Wilson 1787 Deo. 20 , , Oppie, Benjamin, Somerset, and Hannah Disbrow, Maiden Head. . . 1764 Jan. 9 Oppie, AVUliam, Somerset, and Elizabeth Moore 1781 Oct. 27 Oram, Samuel, Cape May, and Martha Garitson 1778 Nov. 16 Ord, James, Cumberland, and Hannah Genkins, Gloucester 1754 Oct. 30 Orin, Azariah, and Rebecca Hewett , 1776 April 17 Orin, John, Greenwich, aud Mary Hutchinson, Greenwich 1742 May 2 Ormstou, Thomas, Somerset, and Anna Coon, Somerset 1761 Nov. 11 Orr, James, Burlington, and Anne Smith, Burlington 1757 May 19 Orrason, Ashfordby, Huuterdon, and Mary Curtis 1784 Sept. 7 Osborn, John, Philadelphia, and Rhoda Rogers 1779 AprU 14 Osborn, Samuel, Monmouth, aud Keziah Bringley 1761 May 18 Osborn, Samuel, Shrewsbury, and Elizabeth Cook, Shrewsbury 1764 Mar. 16 Osborn, Samuel, Jr., Monmouth, and Anne Longstreet, Monmouth. . .1740 July 3 Osborn, Uri, Hopewell, and Elisabeth MerreU 1777 July 26 Osborne, Ananias, Cape May, and Lydia Buck 1738 June ' 9 Osborne, Richard, Cape May, and Hanna Smith, Cape May 1762 May 3 Osgood. Thomas, Burlington, and Catherine Steward 1732 June 17 Osier, Joseph, Gloucester, and Mary Banning 1783 Aug. 7 Ott, Johannes, Philadelphia, and Elizabeth Fielding, Philadelphia .. 1751 June 25 Ouke, Abraham, New Brunswick, aud Mary Young, New Brunswick. .1758 Oct. 12 Outgelt, John, New Jersey, and Sarah Handle3'. 1781 Yeb. 24 Outterbergh, Peter, Bergen, and Antje Ridenaar 1762 Sept. 15 Outwater, Guilliam, Bergen, and Annatje Van AA''agene, Bergen 1773 June 26 Outwater, John, Bergen, aud Hankey Luzeer 1768 Oct 4 Outwater, Hackensack, aud Deborah Smith, Bergen Ii7g8 n^v 16 Outwater, Thomas, Orange, N. Y., and Elizabeth Earl, Bergen, 1774 July 23 MARRtAtiE LICENSES. 2^^ Overfield, Peter, Huuterdon, and Susanah Ruckman, Kingwood 1769 June 27 Owen, Abraham, Burliugton, and Eaohel Bunn 1784 Jan. 14 Ovfen, Benjamin, Barlington, aud Autey Noline, Burlington 1757 Sept. 21 Ovfen, David, Salem, and Jane Vandike, Salem . 1765 July 13 'Owen, Humphrey, Gloucester, and Ruth Flewelling. 1756 Dec. 8 Owen, John, Salem, and Grace Craven, Salem 1758 AprU 26 Owen, AVUliam, Middletown, and DeUverance Holmes, Middletown. . .1759 April 6 Owens, Owen, Sussex, and Desiah Doud, Sussex 1768 Nov. 8 Oxford, Abraham, Sussex, aud Sarah Beavers, Sussex 1762 June 29 FEMALES. o Oakey, Catharine, and John Mecum, Middlesex 1765 Sept. 11 Oakford, Elizabeth, and Erasmus Kent, Salem 1764 Oct. 15 Oakford, Esther, Salem, and Samuel Pedrick, PhUadelphia 1750 Aug. 17 Oakford, Mary, Salem, and Jobn Acton, Salem 1772 Jan. 30 Oar, Nancy, and Levi Clark 1 776 Mar. 13 Oathout, Mary, Middlesex, and Ernestus Van Harlingen, Middlesex. , 1760 July 8 Oatman, Mary, and Henry Shondy, Trenton 1781 Feb. 6 Obrian, EUeanor, and James Bland 1760 Dec. 13 Ookey, Susanna, Salem, and William Phillips, Salem 1762 Mar. 18 O'Daniel, Mary, Monmouth, and John Craddock, Monmouth 1745 Dec. 21 O'Donely, Bridget, and William Garwood, Barlington 1787 Aug. 7 Odonoghue, Mary, and Thomas Dugles 1 795 Juue 6 Ogborn, Abigail, Middletown, and Edward Taylor, Freehold 1757 Oct. 17 Ogborn, Elizabeth, Middletown, aud Humphrey Wall, Middletown.. . , 1765 Mar. 6 Ogborn, Sarah, Moumouth, and Obadiah Holmes, Monmouth 1747 Nov. 2 Ogborne, EUzabeth, Middletown, and William Applegate, Middletown. 1758 Mar. 6 Ogborne, Mary, Middletown, and Joseph StUlwell, Middletown 1761 Oct. 19 Ogbourn, Sarah, and John Warner, Middlesex.. 1769 Oct. 18 Ogburn, Anna, Barlington, and Job Lippincott, Burlington 1728 June 25 Ogburn, Anne, Burlington, and Benjamin Butterworth, Burlington. . .1729 Sept. 11 Ogden, AbigaU, and Arney Biddle 1754 Jan. 3 Ogden, AbigaU, Camberland, and Ephraim Buck, Camberland 1769 Sept. 27 Ogden, Bathenthleoth, and Thomas Brown, Cumberland 1760 April 17 Ogden, Catharine, Essex, and Isaac Longworth, Essex 1761 Feb. 19 Ogden, Catherine, and Joseph Beach 1779 Nov. 15 Ogden, Jane, Barlington, and Benjamin Dunham. Buriington 1772 June 27 Ogden, Martha, Cumberland, and Daniel Harris, Cumberland 1770 Feb. 28 Ogden, Phebe, Woodbridge, and Peter Vanpelt, Staten Island 1756 Jan. 2 Ogden, Sarah, Salem, and Ephraim Dayton, Salem 1747 May 9 Ogden, Sarah, Cumberland, and Reuben Cheeseman, Glouoester 1759 Nov. 29 Ogden, Sarah, Cumberland, and James Clark, Cumbeiland 1769 June 20 Ogden, Theodosia, Fairfield, and John Trenchard, Cumberland 1770 June 25 O'Hara, Elizabeth, and William Dilmore, Salem 1772 June 4 Ohara, Margaret, Somerset, and William Baird, Somerset 1751 Oct. 14 Oldale, Grace, Burlington, and Edward Browning, Gloucester 1751 July 8 294 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Oldale, Sarah, Burlington, and Nathan Addams, Burlingtou 1745 Olden, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and John Hutchins, iliddlesex 1748 Olden, Keziah, and Johu Giviu, Trenton • • 1784 Oldman, Ann, and James Kirk, Burlington 1732 Oldman, Mary, and Jobn Crammer 1756 Oldwater, Mary, New Barbadoes, and Henry Volk, New Barbadoes. . . 1766 OUphaut, Jerusha, Burlington, and Benjamin HolUnshead, Burlington. 1759 OUiver, Sarah, and John Meeker, Middlesex 1775 O'Neal, Tabitha, Burliugton, and Josiah Alcott, Burlington 1782 Ong, Anne, and John Archer, Gloucester 1785 Ong, Esther, Burlington, and Joseph Duckworth, Barlington 1737 Ong, Ester, and Jeuston Morgan, Monmouth 1755 Ong, Hanuah, aud David Briggs, Burlington 1759 Ong, Mary, and Martin Long, Burliugton 1760 Ong, Rachel, Burlington, and Elias Brass, Burliugton 1742 Ong, Sarah, and Edward Andrews 1694 Ong, Susannah, Monmouth, and Thomas Pettit, Monmouth 1742 Onge, Phebe, Burlington, and James Laing, Middlesex 1731 Opdike, Hanuah, aud John Brittan, Kingwood 1781 Opdike, Mary, and AVUliam Biles, Hunterdon 1768 Oppie, Mary, aud John Veghte, Somerset 1778 Orchard, Sarah, Middletown, and' Benajah Beadle, Middletown 1750 Orchard, Susanna, Perth Amboy, and Nehemiah Bolton, Bucks 1754 Orsborn, Jane, Monmouth, and Peter Knott, Monmoath 1764 Orsborn, Rebeckah, Shrewsbury, aud Daniel Swain, Shrewsbury. .. .1756 Osborn, Phebe, and Jouathan Edwards, Cape May 1766 Osborn, Anue, Cape May, and AValter Milton, Cape May 1746 Osborn, Mally, and Jacobus Springslin, Orange Co., N. Y 1763 Osborn, Martha, Monmouth, and James Journey, Moumouth 1764 Osborn, Mary, Cape May, and Daniel Garretson, Cape May 1761 Osborn, Moike, Monmouth, aud Richard Van Mater, Monmouth 1749 Osborn, Naomi, and Joshua Smith, Cape May 1762 Osborn, Phebe, Trenton, and Joseph Wright, Monmouth 1745 Osborn, Ruth, Cape May, and Philip Godfrey, Cape May 1748 Osborne, Haunah, Monmouth, aud Joseph Maxson, Monmouth 1774 Osburn, Hauab, and David Townsend, Cape May 1767 Osburn, Mary, Burlington, and Thomas Vandike, Barlington 1770 Osier, Bathsheba, Glouoester, and Thomas Parsons, Gloucester 1770 Otway, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Robert Doruivard, Burlington 1767 Ouke, Mary, New Bruuswick, Merine Van Voorhies, New Bruuswick. .1743 Ouke, Mary, Middlesex, and Abraham Heyer, Middlesex 1748 Oukee, Anne, aud AViUiam Porter, Hunterdon 1768 Ouster, Katherine, Gloucester, and James Sleetmon, Gloucester. . . 1730 Outcalt, Margaret, and Jacob Stolts, Middlesex 1780 Outhout, Catherintie, NewB'nswick, Henry Dumont, Raritan Landiuf 1749 Outhout, Elizabeth, New Brunswick, John Tenbrook, New Brunsw'k 1745 Oct. 16 July 22 Aug. 21 _ Sept. 19 Dec. 8 Nov. 7 Nov. 27 Jan. 12 Oct. 29 May 2.6 June 1 Sept. 13 Deo. 14 AprU 24 Jau. 24 Feb. 8 Nov. 9 July 22 June 2 Nov. 25 July 15 July 21 April 12 May 25 Jan. 22 May 31 April 19 Feb. 20 Mar. 16 June 19 Nov. 14 Feb. 16 Mar. 17 Oct. 19 Oct. 14 Mar. 26 June 18 Sept. 13 Oct. 5 Jan. 11 May 25 Oct. 3 June 13 Dec. 20 Nov. 25 July 27 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 205 Outwater, Annatie, Bergen, and George Campbell, Bereen 1767 Cutwater, Henkye, Bergen, aud Cornelius T. Bauta, Bergen 1763 Owen, Grace, Salem, and Daniel Hendely, Salem 1776 Owen, Martha, Burlington, and WiUiam Boston, Burlington 1760 Owen, Mary, Burlington, and Henry Burr, Buriington 1736 Owen, Sarahj Egg Harbour, and Micajah Smith, Egg Harbour 1763 Owen, Susanna, Burlington, and Thomas Chubb, Burlington; 1768 MALES. P Packer, Daniel, Greenwich, and Catharine Fight 1771 Packer, John, Glouoester, aud Elizabeth Kay, Gloucester 1769 Packer, Samuel, Haddonfield, and EUzabeth Hawke, Haddonfield ...1748 Packsten, Henry, Gloucester, and Johannah Carter, Gloucester 1763 Padfield, Joseph, Burlington, and Mary Lodge, Burlington 1759 Padgett, David, Cumberland, and Priscilla Read, Fairfield 1752 Padgett, Thomas, Salem, and Nancy AVestcote 1778 Padgett, Thomas, Cumberland, and Annie Lupton, Cumberland 1761 Padgitt, Aaron, Cumberland, and Hope Smith. . 1768 Page, Abner, Burlington, and Elizabeth Folwell 1782 Page, Ambrose, Camberland, and Sarah Shaw 1784 Page, Asa, Mansfield, and Amy Evingham, Mansfield 1773 Page, David, Fairfield, and Mary Read, Fairfield 1763 Page; Edward, Chesterfield, and Elizabeth Groom, Chesterfield 1741 Page, Edward, Junr., Burlington, and Rebekah Warreck, Burlington. 1764 Page, Francis, BurUngton, and Elizabeth Warner 1758 Page, Henry, Burlington, and Susanna Stevenson 1776 Page, James, Burlington, and Ann Haselton, Burlington 1754 Page, James, Salem, and Mary Prindle 1774 Page, John, Burlington, and Hannah Irwin, Burlington 1741 Page, John, Burlington, and Annah Shreve 1760 Page, John, Monmouth, and Mary McDonald 1780 Page, Jonathan, Cumberland, and Bathier Nixon. 1773 Page, Joseph, Monmouth, and Margret Robins, Moninouth 1761- Aug. Page, Moses, Philadelphia, and Ann Johnson , 1785 Page, Robert, Burlington, and Mary Tool, Burlington 1761 Page, Thomas, Burlington, and Alice Scott, Mansfield 1767 Page, WUUam, BurUngton, and Mary Williams . , 1742 Page, WUliam, Burlington, and Phebe Richardson 1756 Paget, Andrew, Salem, and Elizabeth Craford, Salem .1727 Paige, Thomas, Cape Slay, and Lydia Church, Cape May 1766 Paige, Thomas, Cape May, and Rachel Parsons, Cape May 1773 Pain, Azariah, Cape May, and Ledy Conniway 1768 Pain, John, Woodbridge, and Mary Freeman, Woodbridge 1758 Pain, John, Morris Town, and Elizabeth Peterson, Morris Town 1778 ' Pain, Phillip, Elizabeth Town, and Hester Stillwell, Woodbridge 1769 Paine, John, Salem, and Elizabeth Wolten, Salem 1768 Dec. 8 Nov. 26 Sept. 23 April 7 Jan. 10 June 27 April 12 Sept. 21 Oct. 29 Deo. 7 Feb. 3 Oct. 8 Jau. 16 Nov. 13 April 7 Mar. 15 Sept. 9 Jan. 20 Jau. 20 July 30 May 11 Sept. 15 July 26 Nov. 4 Oct. 2 Jan. 12 April 6 Mar. 6 Oct. 3 Jan. 15 Aug. 26 Mar. 28 May 5 April 20 Mar. 17 April 13 June 10 Aug. 7 April 12 Sept. 29 Sept. 30 June 22 May 8 Jan. 19 296 NEW JERSEY COLONtAL DOCWMENtS. Paine, Jobn, Jr., and AbigaU Curtis ^^^^ ^"8' 8 Painter, Conrad, Burlington, and Elizabeth AVoolstou, Burlington... 1754 Oct. 24 Painter, George, Burlington, and Margaret Ferguson 1785 Oct. 5 Painter, George, Burlington, and Jannet Ferguson 1789 Aug. 13 Painter, Jobn, Buriington, and Hannah Braddock, Buriington 1735 June 9 Painter, Richard, Philadelphia, and Elizabeth Busby 1732 Sept. 15 Palmer, Daniel, Bucks, Pa., and Elizabeth Vanhorne, Bucks, Pa. . . . , .1764 Nov. 15 Palmer, Edmond, Huuterdon, and Pamela Anderson 17»2 AprU 20 Palmer, Fraucis, Philadelphia, and Eleanor HolUngshead, Salem 1742 Feb. 10 P.almer, John, Philadelphia, and Elizabeth Fairman 1743 June 7 Palmer, Joshua, Pennsylvania, and Elizabeth Cornith 1766 Nov. 26 Palmer, Samuel, Philadelphia, and Catherine Palmer, PhUadelpbia. . , 1749 Oct. 16 Palmer, William, Maidenhead, and Nancy Smith ' 1782 Oct. 5 Pancoast, Aaron, BurUngton, and Hannah Cheed, Buriington 1764 June 9 Pancoast, Adin, Burliugton, and Diadama Curtis, Burlington 1762 AprU 22 Pancoast, Edward, Burlington, and Hannah King, Burlington 1761 Aug. 15 Pancoast, Joseph, Mansfield, and Unity Shinn, Springfield 1767 Feb. 11 Pancoast, AVUliam, Barlington, and Sarah Lishman. 1784 Feb. 19 Pangborn, Lires, Monmouth, and Anne Hazleton, Monmouth 1761 Nov. 5 Pangborn, Stephen, Middlesex, and Rebecka Emley, Upper Freehold . 1742 Nov. 29 Pangborn Stephen, Monmouth, and Aune Montgomerie, Monmouth. 1764 Mar. 18 Panton, Francis, New York, and Mary Cambel, Shrewsbury 1761 Aug. 3 Pape, Michael, Northampton, and Mary Mackleroy 1757 Mar. '23 Par, Matthias, Morris, and Amy Coleman 1779 Feb. 3 Parade.s, John, Hunterdon, and Mary Anthony 1778 Aug. 25 Parent, Jobn, Upper Freehold, and Elizabeth AVoodrnfE 1761 May 14 Parent, Robert, Monmouth, and Lucy Robins, Monmouth 1771 Jan. 10 Paringer, Peter, Burlington, and Margaret Bleth, Burlington 1763 Aug. 31 Parke, Daniel, Burlington, and Bathsheba Perkins, Burlington 1739 Feb. 1 Parke, Daniel, Burliugton, and Hannah Ridgeway, Burlington 1746 July' 5 Parker, Adam, BurUngton, and Margaret Adare, Burliugton 1767 Deo. 6 Parker, Adam, Burlington, and Elizabeth Pierson 1783 Feb. 22 Parker, Benjamin, Monmouth, and Catura Heddy, Monmouth 1760 July 16 Parker, Benjamin, Maurice Hiver, and Elnor Grace, Maurice River. . . 1775 Feb. 4 Parker, David, Monmouth, aud Rebeckah French, Moumouth 1761 Sept. 23 Parker, Jacob, Shrewsbury, aud Deborah Jackson, Shrewsbury 1764 Aug. 11 Parker, James, Monmouth, and Johannah Leonard, Monmouth 1748 Jan. 25 Parker, James, Perth Amboy, aud Gertrude Skinner, Perth Amboy 1763 Feb. 12 Parker, James, Salem, and Margaret Noah, Salem 1763 Oct. 20 Parker, James, Barlington, aud Catherine Rue, Bucks, Pa , 1765 Mar. 28 Parker, John, Barlington, and Mary Newberry nSi April 2 Parker, John, Monmouth, and Mary Parker, Monmouth 1740 Jau 1 Parker, John, Burlington, and Ann Lawrence 1789 Feb 24-25 Parker, Joseph, Northampton, and Susannah Clifton 1759 Mav 31 Parker, Joseph, Little Egg Harbor, and Abigail Sieman nei Mav 21 Parker, Joseph, Mount Holly, and Elionar Mcintosh, Mount Holly. 176I Sent 24 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 297 Parker, Joshua, Burlington, and Agnes Allen, Barlington 1760 Parker, Joshua, Shrewsbury, and Elizabeth Russel, Shrewsbury. 1758 Parker, Marcus, Burlington, and Mary Parker 1772 Parker, Miln, Shrewsbury, and Abigail White, Shrewsbury 17C6 Parker, Nathaniel, Philadelphia, and Mary French, Burliugton 1773 Parker, Nicholas, Bucks, Pa., and Martha Jenny 1732 Parker, Peter, Monmouth, and Phebe Willis, Monmouth 1743 Parker, Peter, Shrewsbury, and Lydia Ward, Shrewsbury 1754 Parker, Richard, Monmouth, aud Charity Hadden, Monmouth 1742 Parker, Samuel, Buriington, and'EUzabeth Goldby 1741 Parker, Samuel, Northampton, and Sibilla Atkinson, Northampton. . .1772 Parker, Samuel, Woodbridge, and Sarab Pord, Woodbridge 1764 Parker, Samuel F., Middlesex, and Mary Moore 1769 Parker, William, Gloucester, and Ann Briant, Gloucester 1766 Parker, William, Freehold, and Jerusha James, Freehold 1766 Parkes, George, Northampton, and Elizabeth Johnston 1772 Parmar, Paton, Richmond, N. Y., and Mary Wood, Richmond, N. Y. .1763 Parmer, Nathaniel, Richmond, N. Y., and Mary States, Middlesex. . . 1764 Parr, John, Burlingtou, and Leah Sleeper 1788 Parr, Samuel, Burlington, and Hannah Burroughs, Gloucester 1733 Parret, Richard, Salem, and Mary Mountain 1778 Parrit, Richard, Morris, and Mary Morgan, Middlesex 176'2 Parry, John, Sussex, and Mary Ayres, New York .• 1 778 Parsons, Benjamin, Maurice River, and Phebe Veal 17S0 Parsons, Jobn, Trenton, and Hittabel Ruckman 1733 Parsons, Jobn, Cape May, and Louisa Edmunds 1775 Parsons, Thomas, Gloucester, and Bathsheba Osier, Gloucester 1770 Parvin, Clarence, Cumberland, and Amy Mayhew, Pittsgrove 1 775 Pasco, George, Jamaica, W. Indies, and Mary Howell 1773 Passmen, Benjamin, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Mary Williams 1767 Paterson, Alexander, Sussex, aud Margret Paterson, Sussex 1765 Paterson, James, Salem, and Mary Pascall 1779 Paterson, Oliver, Somerset, and Catherine GaUigher 1781 Paterson, Richard, Somerset, and Susanna Phillips 1779 Paton, David, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Anne Frances, Gt. Egg Harb'r. .1760 Patten, Jame=, Perth Amboy, and Ruthy Pregmore 1764 Patton, John, I'reehold, and Catrinah Crawford 1766 Patterson, James, Middletown, and Rachel Stout, Middletown 1764 Patterson, John, Philadelphia, and Ann Parry, Philadelphia 1736 Patterson, John, Monmoutb, and Deborah Bonne, Monmouth 1744 Patterson, Joseph, Middletown, and Priscilla Race, Middletown 1746 Patterson, Peter, Monmoulh, and Mary Willson, Monmouth 1742 Patterson, Robert, Bristol, Pa., and Kebecoa Edgar, Bristol, Pa 1765 Patterson, Robert, Salem, and Elizabeth Newkirk 1772 Pattin, James, Monmoutb, and Jane Morgan, Perth Amboy. 1762 Pattison, Josiah, Trenton, and Catharine Bruoar, Somerset 1728 Sept. 5 April 12 May 11 April 24 June 1 Nov. 7 July 1 Dec. 5 July 6 Ma.r 11 April 15 Mar. 1 Feb. 25 June 30 July 9 April 20 May 10 Dec. 20 June 5 July 16 Sept. 21 Dec. 15 Nov. 26 June 16 Nov. 26 May 30 Sept, 13 June 8 July 5 April 29 June 20 June 14 Feb. 26 Aug. 21 June 5 Mar. 10 June 5 Jan. 18 Aug. 21 Oct. 31 Sept. 16 Sept. 13 Jan. 29 Aug. 8 Deo. 3 May 21 298 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Pattison, William, Maidenhead, and Sarah Ford 1780 Paul, David, Gloucester, and Anne Chew, Gloucester 1765 Paul, John, Gloucester, and Rachel Weatherington 1775 Paul, Nathan, Gloucester, and Deborah Vinnemau, Gloucester 1740 Paul, Nathan, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Finley, Gloucester 1761 Paul, Nathan, Gloucester, and Jamsen Finley 1784 Paul, Samuel, Gloucester, aud Isabel English, Gloucester , , 1757 Paul, Samuel, Gloucester, and Rebecca DeLavoe 1768 Paulen, Whitlock, Cumberland, and Sarah Ireland, Cumberland. . . 1778 Paullin, Jacob, Salem, and Rebecah Ware 1760 Paullin, Jacob, Salem, and Elizabeth Moore, Salem 1763 Paxson, Thomas, Mount Holly, and Martha Haywood, Mount Holly. . 1764 Paxton, Anthony, Essex, and Antje Kip, Essex _ 1761 Paydag, WUliam, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Crawford, Gloucester . . 1750 Payday, WUliam, Camberland, and Abigail Bishop 1754 Payday, William, Cumberland, and Mary Tyler 1785 Payne, Anthony, Burlington, and Sarah Deacon 1768 Payne, James, Hunterdon, and Sarah Early 1779 Peace, Adam, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Boice 1769 Peachee, Thomas, and Mary MiUer 1690 Peachee, WilUam, Burlington, and Bridget Addiss 1733 Peacock, Abner, Barlington, and Isabella McK. Matthis 1789 Peacock, Adonijah, Burlington, and Sarah Voorhees 1782 Peacock, Alexander, Burlington, and Mary Sherwin 1759 Peacock, Alexander, Burlington, and Martha Smith, Burlington 1783 Peacock, George, BurUngton, and Ann French 1788 Peacock, John, Burlington, and Mary Biown 1784 Peacock, Melchizedek, Burlington, and Abigail Thorne, Burlington. .1767 Peacock, Thomas, Northampton, and Mary Chapman 1782 Peairs, Andrew, Upper Freehold, and Mercy Parent, Upper Freehold. .1744 Peak, Aaron, Burliugton, and Elizabeth Springer 1779 Peak, AVUliam, Burlington, and Elizabeth Butcher, Burlington 1 760 Peake, John, Moumouth, and Elizabeth Shafer 1759 Peake, Thomas, Burlington, and Elizabeth Nailer 1786 Pearce, Jeremiah, Shrewsbury, and Deborah Brewer, Shrewsbury 1755 Pearce, John, Monmouth, aud Lydia Pish, Moumouth 1746 Pearce, Joseph, Shrewsbury, and Rhode Sutton, Shrewsbury 1765 Pearce, Levi, Gloucester, and Rosanna Ward, Gloucester 1733 Pearce, Thomas, Monmouth, aud Elizabeth Newman, Monmouth. . 1749-50 Pearce, William, Shrewsbury, and Marah Green, Shrewsbury 1755 Pearce, AVUliam, Shrewsbury, and Lydy Curtis, Shrewsbury 1766 Pearces, Lewis, Cranberry, and Mary Dey, Cranberry 1769 Pearse, Andrew, Monmouth, and Mary Parent, Monmouth. . . . ; 1744 Pearse, William, Monmouth, and Mary Bennet, Monmouth 1742-3 Pearson, Benjamin, Pennsylvania, and Elizabeth Parr, Pennsylvania. .1728 Pearson, Isaac, Burlington, and Rebecca Soattergood, Burlington 1746 Mar. 6 July 12 Jan. 23 Aug. 16 Jtme 20 Sept. 28 Jan. 18 Oct. 6 Dec. 4 Sept. 22 Nov. 7 May 21 July 25 Oct. 24 Aug. 6 June 8 Aug. 31 AprU 2 May 31 Sept. 3 Dec. 19 Mar. 2 Aug. 15 Mar. 7 April 22 Feb. 25 July 14 May 21 April 27 Feb. 11 May 24 Dec. 18 Jan. 15 Dec. 21 Not. 25 Oct. 17 Mar. 13 May 2 Mar. 24 July 11 Jan. 28 Mar. 29 Feb. 11 Feb., 7 Sept, , 16 Oct. 16 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 299 Pearson, Isaac, Burlington, and Elizabeth Smith, Burlington 176 1 Pearson,. James, Burlington, and Elizabeth Arnell, Burlington 1707 Pearson, John, Darby, Pa., and Rachel Hibbard, Blockley, Pa 1735 Pearson, John, Burlington, and Sarah Harnot, Gloucester 1736 Pearson, John, Chester, Pa., and Sarah AVood, Chester, Pa 1746 Pearson, Joseph, Bui^lington, and Dorothy Stevenson, Burlington. . . . 1731 Pearson, Joseph, Mooiestown, and Hannah Bates, Moorestown 1772 Pearson, Robert, Burliugton, and Mary Higbee, Hunterdon 1764 Pearson, Thomas, Burlington, and Sarah Hoff, Trenton 1739 Pearson, Zebulon, Gloucester, and Mary Siedham, Gloucester 1770 Peas, Cornelius, Freehold, and Elizabeth Clark, Freehold 1758 Peas, WUliam, Gloucester, and Mary Zane 1784 Pocket, John, Somerset, and Judah Crawley, Somerset 1742 Peck, Benjamin, Cumberland, aud Martha Powell, Camberland 1775 Peck, Joseph, Cumberland, and Ruth Hannah 1773 Peck, Thomas, Burlington, and Susannah Mills 1769 Peoook, William, Barlington, and Elizabeth Rider 1784 Pedrick, Caleb, Upper Penns Neck, and Sarah Griflith, Up. Penus N'k.l764 Pedrick, Michel, Salem, and Elizabeth Harding, Salem 1748 Pedrick, Samuel, Philadelphia, and Esther Oakford, Salem 1750 Pedrick, Thomas, Gloucester, and Sarah Handby, Gloucester 1763 Peel, Oswald, Philadelphia, and Lidia Robinson, Philadelphia 1728 Peer, Daniel, Morris, and Caty Mowreson, Sussex 1778 Peirce, Isaac, and Hannah Sellers 1769 Peirson, Azel, Cumberland, and Mary Siden, Salem 1762 Peirson, James, Bucks, Pa., and Charity Field, Bucks, Pa . -. 1749 Peirson, John, Maidenhead, and Rebeckah Trench 1782 Pence, WiUiam, BurUngton, and Elizabeth AValton 1778 Pendergast, Martin, Elizabethtown, and Abigail Townley, Elizabetht'n.l759 Penington, Nathan, Newark, and Margaret Westcoat, Gloucester.. . . 1783 Pennington, Thomas, Penns Neck, and Ann Beaman, Penns Neck . . 1749 , Penn, James, Northampton, and Elizabeth Alloways, Northampton. . . 1749 Penn, AViUiam, and Charity Bennet 1785 Pennington, Joseph, Lt. Egg Harb'r, andPhebeStockham, Lt. EggH'r.l750 Pennock, Nathaniel, Chester, Pa., and Sarah Bourne, Chester, Pa 1754 Penquite, Gersham, Burlington, and Mary Zilley, Burlingtou 1780 Penrose, Isaac, PhUadelphia, and Elizabeth Haselton, PhUadelphia. . . 1768 Penrose, Jonathan, Pennsylvania, aud Anu Roan 1775 Penten, Philip, Alloways Creek, and Mary Hutchinson, Alloways Cr'k, 1749 Penton, Abner, Alloways Creek, and Aun Smith, Alloways Creek 1764 Penton, Daniel, Salem, aiid Catherine Hamilton, Saiem 1740 Penton, Joseph, Salem, aud Margarett Penton 1771 Perine, Henry, Middlesex, and Martha Jobs, Richmond, N. Y 1741 Perine, Henry, South Amboy, aud AbigaU Rue, South Amboy 1767 Perine, Henry, Middlesex, nnd Anne Hooper 1769 Perine, James, Middlesex, and Mary Perlier, Middlesex 1739 Dec. 7 Feb. 9 July 9 Jan. 3 Nov. 13 June 2 Sept. 29 AprU 12 Jan. 29 Dec. 28 July 10 Mar. 23 Sept. 27 April 11 Dec. 24 Jan. 26 July 24 Deo. 27 Aug. 25 Aug. 17 Mar. 1 Nov. 21 Nov. 15 June 19 Dec. 4 Oct. 30 Oct. 6 Sept. 9 Nov. 10 Jan. 7 Oct. 26 Nov. 3 Jan. 22 July 3 May 28 Nov. 6 Oct. 22 Nov. 8 Jan. 16 Aug. 25 Nov. 1 Jan. 8 May 15 Nov. 8 AprU 19 June 13 300 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Perine, John, Jr , Perth Amboy, and Mary Rue, Perth Amboy. 1756 June i Perine, Joseph, Middlesex, and Margaret McFarran, Monmouth 1762 June 5 Perine, Joseph, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Wikoff 1771 June 6 Perine, Kenneth, Monmoutb, and Elizabeth Forman 1769 Feb. 1 Perine, Peter, Hunterdon, and Catherine Coursen, Hunterdon 1746 Aug. 22 Perine, AVUliam, Middlesex, and Eleanor Rue, Monmouth 1763 Mar. 14 Perkins, Abraham, Burlington, and Mary i?imon3, Burlington 1730 Jan. 26 Perkins, Abraham, Burlington, and Sarah Gardiner 1733 Dec. 4 Perkins, Benjamin, Burlington, and EUinor Cox, Burlington 1731 June 13 Perkins, Isaac, Hackensack, aud Rachel Allen 1769 July 21 Perkins, John, Monmouth, and Jane Hern, Monmonth 1738 Juue 5 Perkins, William, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Congal 1784 Nov. 11 Perrine, James, Somerset, and Neeltje Stotholf, Middlesex 1745 May 13 Perrine, James, Staten Island, and Anne Moore, Perth Amboy 1748 Nov. 19 Perrine, Joseph, Perth Amboy, and Martha Perlier. Perth Amboy. .1742-3 Feb. 14 Perrine, Peter, New Jersey, and Sarah Scandlon, Middlesex. . ...... 1760 July 7 Perry, Dan, Cumberland, and Hannah Hand 1780 Jan. 6 Perry, Joseph, Glouoester, and Susannah Hurley 1785 Feb. 24 Perry, Richard, Northampton, aud Alice Holms 1757 Sept. 14 Perry, Samuel, Northampton, Pa., aud Marthew MoConel, Sussex ...1771 Jan. 17 Peteman, Daniel, Staten Island, and Hetihiah Stuck 1770 April 20 Peterman, Gasper, BurUngton, and Mary Vaughan, Burlington 1761 Mar. 5 Peterman, Samuel, Burlington, and Amy MoDanelly 1783 Oct. 7 Peters, James, Mansfield, and Abigail Field, Mansfield 1773 Aug. 26 Peters, John, Barlington, aud Hannah Symonds, Barlington 1736 May 24 Petersie, Hassel, Essex, and Fytie Van houten, Bergen 1759 Dec. 27 Peterson, Aaron, Cumberland, aud Martha HoUinshead 1779 Mar. 25 Peterson, Abraham, Hackensack, and Lenah Mandego, Hackensack . 1763 Dec. 2 Peterson, Charles, Salem, and Anu Kent, Salem 1691 Mar. 18 Peterson, Daniel, Fairfield, and Priscilla Izard 1760 June 30 Peterson, David, Glouoester, and Amy Flaningam 1785 Mar. 14 Peterson, George, Salem, and Sarab Beettle, Salem 1761 Nov. 20 Peterson, George, Gloucester, aud Judah Horn 1781 Sept. 29 Peterson, George, Salem, and Marget Currey 1782 June 19 Peterson, Hance, Cumberland, aud Rachel Simmons, Cape May 1750 Sept. 19 Peterson, Hance, Cape Ma3', aud Rebeckah Goff 1773 July 21 Peterson, Frederick, Cumberland, and Ellener Lore 1775 Nov. 3 Peterson, Jobn, Maurice River, aud Jane Shropshire, Maurice River. . 1760 Sept. 24 Peterson, Lucas, Salem, and Catharine Peterson, Salem 1745 Oct. 17 Peterson, Samuel, Cape May, and Sarah Armour 1775 July 5 Peterson, William, Salem, and Elizabeth Hughes 1746 June 12 Peterson, AVUliam, Manington, and Rachel Dickery, Maniugton 1765 Aug. 10 Peterson, William, Cumberland, and Elizabeth McGlaughlin , 1782 May 18 Pettinger, Abraham, Somerset, and Elizabeth Ganno, Hunterdon 1738 Oct. 2 Pettinger, Jobn, Freehold, and Rachel Lain, Freehold 1759 June 9 Pettinger, Johu, Readingtown, and Kenestie Scomp 1767 April 14 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Pettinger, Jobn, Amwell, and Lea Hogling, Amwell I774 Pettinger, Richard, Freehold, and Mary Devinney, Freehold 1751 Pettinger, Ricbard, Freehold, and Lena Lane, Freehold 1756 Pettet, WiUiam, Shrewsbury, and Rhodes Butler, Shrewsbury 1766 Pettit, Adam, Lt. Egg Harbor, and Mary Shourds, Egg Harbor 1747 Pettit, John, Burlington, and Rebecca Haines, Burlington 1746 Pettit, John, Northampton, and Joanna Simons, Northampton .' 1768 Pettit, John, Barlington, and Catharine Churmely, Burlingtou 1774 Pettit, Jonathan, Mansfield, and Anna Lamb 1779 Pettit, Moses, Lt. Egg Harbour, and Anne Wainwright, Lt. Egg H'b'r. 1744 Pettit, AA'illiam, Burlington, and Charity Stevenson, Burlington 1746 Pettit, William, Bucks, Pa., and Sarah Burdsall 1770 Pettit, Thomas, Moumouth, aud Susannah Oug, Monmouth 1742 Pevey, Adam, Burlington, and Susanna Shords, Burliugton 1742 Pew, James, Middletown, and Deborah Burge, Middletown 1741 Pew, James, Middletown, aud Roday Hatherway, Middletowu ... 1764 Phares, Amariah, Middlesex, and Sarah Van Zandt 1780 Phenix, Ralph, Somerset, and Deborah Voorhes, Somerset 1779 PhUips, David, Sussex, and Ann Barber, Sussex 1770 Philips, Lott, Hunterdon, and Hannah Hart, Hunterdon 1770 PhUips, WiUiam, Salem, and Susanna Ockej', Salem .... 1762 PhiUips, Henry, Hunterdou, and Sarah PhiUips, Maidenhead 1765 Phillips, Isaac, Amwell, and Anna Sharpe 1778 Phillips, Jacob, Burlington, and Sarah Inslee 1778 Phillips, Job, Hunterdon, aud Pheebe Howell, Hunterdon 1764 Phillips, John, Northampton, and Damaris Parker, Northampton 1762 Phillips, Jonas, Morristown, and Phebe Arnold, Morristown 1766 PhiUips, Joseph, and Martha Scooley 1785 Phillips, Pallmer, Hunterdon, and Susannah Hunt 1782 Phillips, Peter, Burlington, and Sarah Sharp, Burlington 1729 PhUlips, Phillip, Hunterdon, and Mary Severens 1769 Phillips, Ralph, Hunterdon, aud Ruth Stout 1778 PhiUips, Samuel, and Hannah Stratton 1769 Phillips, Simeon, Hunterdon, and Kebecoa Titus 1769 PhiUips, Thomas, Maidenhead, and Catherine Phillips 1786 Philpot, Abraham, Penus Neck, and Ann Gilljohnson, Penns Neck 1761 Philpot, Francis, Lower Penns Neck, aud Mary Evans 1772 PbUpot, WilUam, Salem, and Margaret BUderback 1774 Piatt, AVUliam, Somerset, and Jemima Quick, Somerset 1774 Pickle, Baites, Jr., Hunterdon, aud Sophia Vanhorne, Hunterdon 1746 Pidcock, Emanuel, Amwell, and Jemima Mulliner 1782 Pidgeon, Joseph, Pennsylvania, and Anne Bass, Burlington 1727 Pidgeon, Robert, Monmouth, and Aune Brown, Barlington ... 1783 Pidgeon, William, Trenton, and Sarab Hooper, Kingsbury 1758 Pierce, Andrew, Cumberland, aud Mary Jay XT^3 Pierce, Edward, Burlington, and Catherine Talbott, Burlington. . . . 1730 301 Oct. 10 Nov. 9 AprU 19 Dec. 26 Nov. 5 Sept. 3 Jau. 2 Sept. 5 Feb. 22 Dec. 14 Feb. 17 Oct. 2 Nov. 9 Aug. 1 Jan. 21 Mar. 9 June 19 Nov. 20 July 12 Jan. 17 Mar. 18 Dec. 19 April 26 Sept. 1 April 13 Mar. 5 Dec. 18 Feb. 11 May 21 Sept. 11 July 29 Oct. 16 April 3 Feb. 8 Oct. 7 Oct. 29 April 9 Nov. 24 June 27 Nov. 10 June 10 June 26 Dec. 24 Oct. fi Mar. 16 Jan. 19 302 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMEiSITS. Pierse, Andrew, Newark, and Phebe Davis, Newark 1750 Pierson, Isaac, Burlington, and Abigail Atkinson 1773 Pierson, John, Middlesex, and Mary Bloomfield, Middlesex 1747 Pierson, John, Burlington, and Sarah Stout, M jnmoatb 1766 Pierson, John, Cumberiand, and Elizabeth Mulford 1783 Pierson, AVUliam, Hunterdon, and Ann Gray, Hunterdon 1763 Pike, James, Woodbridge, and Mary Harriot, AVoodbridge 1747 Pike, Johu, Middlesex, and Hannah Phillips, Middlesex 1744 Pike, Nathaniel, Woodbridge, and Sarah Gach, AVoodbridge 1747 Pilgrim, Godfrey, Burlington, and Martha Ratford 1771 Pindar, John, Pennsylvania, and Mary Webster, Pennsylvania 1732 Pine, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Priscilla Inskeep 1773 Pine, Isaac, Salem, and Sarah Haines 1791 Pine, Samuel, Gloucester, and Mary Eves, Burlington 1775 Pine, William, Gloucester, and Judith Lippiucott, Barlington 1780 Pinkerton, David, Bucks, Pa., and Mary Fitzrandolph, Bucks, Pa 1757 Pintard, John, Shrewsbury, and Mary Vandyke, Shrewsbury 1761 Pintard, Samuel, Monmouth, and Mary Burden, Monmouth 1761 Pintard, WUliam, Shrewsbury, and Hannar Scott, Shrewsbury 1761 Pippet, Moses, Burlington, and Sarah Ivins, Barlington 1775 Pippinger, AViUiam, Hunterdou, and Sarah Vanhorne 1767 Pippit, Johu, Northampton, and Lucretia Hooper, Northampton 1784 Pirson, Benjamin, Jr., Morris Town, and Abigail Condict, Morris T'n 1779 Pitman, John, Burlingtou, and Haunah Matson, Burlington 1757 Pitman, John, Burlington, and Theodotia Roberts 1762 Pitman, Jonathan, Burlington, and Susannah Bowen 1771 Pitman, Joshua, Burlington, and Sarah Wiles, Burlington 1741 Pitman, Uriah, Middlesex, and Aun M atson, Burlington 1762 Pitman, AVUliam, Burlington, and Hannah Loker, Burlington 1741 Pituey, James, Jr., Morris Towu, and Elizabeth Carmichael, Morrist'n. 1780 Pittman, John, Burlingtcn, and Mary Saul, Barlington 1731 Platt, Samuel, Gloucester, and Unice Pinyard, Gloucester 1770 Platt, Thomas, Burliugton, and Sarah Dennis, Monmoutb 1739 Platts, Thomas, Alloways Creek, and Myrtilla Curtis 1781 Platts, David, Cumberland, and Lettitia Gillman, Cumberland 1763 Platts, Jonah, and Sarab Stretch 1751 Plaskett, John, PhUadelphia, and Phebe Biles, Philadelphia 1733 PleadweU, Edward, PhUadelphia, and Ann CUfton 1'733 Pledger, Joseph, Salem, and Mary McKeen, Salem 1762 Plessent, Thomas, Hunterdon, and Ruth Reed 1778 Plum, Benjamin, Priucetowu, and Mary Campbell, Princetown 1763 Plumly, Jacob, Amwell, and Jean Gouges 1780 Plummer, John, Salem, and Elizabeth Brian 1778 Plummer, Robert, Salem, and Margarett Holston, Salem 1769 Pocklauton, AVUliam, Philadelphia, aud Margaret Jones, Philadelphia. 1731 Pogue, James, Salem, and Margaret Stovelstump .^, 1776 May 3 Dec. 25 Deo. 1 May 16 Nov. 17 Oct. 1 Mar. 7 Jan. 12 Sept. 16 Feb. 2 Jau. 6 Nov. 10 April 16 Jan. 16 May 25 May 12 Feb. 3 April 23 Jan. 5 Mar. 8 Aug. 22 Jan. 26 Dec. 20 Mar. 12 Feb. 8 Mar. 5 Aug. 3 Mar 5 Nov. 4 Dec. 4 Mar. 25 Dec. 17 Not. 1 May 3 Jan. 4 Aug. 27 Oct. 11 Aug. 29 Sept. 11 July 15 Feb. 18 Jan. 26 May 19 Oct. 24 June 25 Mar. 20 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 303 Pohlman, Daniel, Kensington, Pa., and Sarah Hassam 1788 Poinsed, John, Burlington, and Susannah Cross, Burlington 1746 Polemns, Johu, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Robens 1759 Polemus, Tobias, Monmoutb, aud Parthenia Emley, Barlington 1748 Polhamus, Daniel, Raritan, and Willemtje Kipp, Earitan 1750 . Polhemus, Albert, Middletown, and Alte Vanmater, Middletown 1762 Polhemus, John, Monmoulh, and Mary Van Mater, Monmoutb 1758 Poling, John, Middletown, and Mary Fry, Middletown 1755 Poling, Samuel, Middletown, aud EUzabeth Fry, Middletown 1755 Polhemus, Cornelius, Monmouth, and Eleanor Anderson, Hunterdou.. 1741 Pool, George, Middletown, and Mary Herbert, Middletown 1760 Pool, John, Somerset, and Sarah Field, Middlesex 1748-9 , Poole, John, Burlington, and Sarah Mead, Barlington 1746 Poole, Thomas, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Blakely 1747-8 Pope, WUliam, Salem, and Mary Horsley, Salem 1702 Porch, Samuel, Glouoester, and Mary Henry 1785 Porter, John, Middletown, and Alice Mouut, Middletown 1746 Porter, Joseph, Burlington, and Hannah Knight, Mount HoUy 1771 Porter, Joseph, Mount Holly, and Mary Byrne, Mount Holly 1781 Porter, Richard, Hunterdon, and Catharine Frasier, Monmouth .... 1749 Porter, WiUiam, Hunterdon, and Anne Oukee 1768 Post, Adriaen, Aquacknonck, and Hannah Post. 1753 Post, Frans, Essex, and Brechie Henion 1750 Post, Garret, Bergen, and Mary Hanniou, Bergen 1759 Post, Heniy, Pumpton, and Elizabeth Board 1780 Post, Jacobus T., Ramapo, aud Rachel Alyee 1783 Post, Johannis, Bergen, and Catharine Stimers, Bergen 1753 Post, John P., Saddle River, and Catherine Kogh 1783 Post, Thomas, Essex, and Catherine Freeland 1784 Potter, Edward, Woodbridge, and Christian Cutter, AA^oodbridge 1761 Potter, Elis, Middlesex, and Agnes Crowell, Middlesex 1763 Potter, Ephraim, Good Luck, and Sarah Whitess, Good Luck 1763 Potter, Isaac, Shrewsbury, and Elizabeth Appleget 1761 Potter, James, Shrewsbury, and July Midelton, Burlington 176'2 Potter, Nicolis, Freehold, and Deborah Lemmon, Freehold 1755 Potter, OUver, Monmoutb, and Constant Woodward 1786 Potter, Preserve, Monmouth, and Catherine Cunningham, Monmouth. 1742 Potter, Robert, Shrewsbury, and Sarah Brown, Shrewsbury 1765 Potter, Thomas, Gloucester, and Rebecca Wainwright, Gloucester . . . 1736 Potts, Abraham, Burlington, and Mary Lee, Burlington 1760 Potts, Dauiel, Kingwood, and Eebecca Emley, Kingwood . . , 1766 Potts, George, Shrewsbury, and Margaret Pearce, Shrewsbury 1768 Potts, John, Camberland, and Hannah Tyler 1782 Potts, Joseph, Bordentown, and Elizabeth Moore 1769 Potts, Joseph, Kingwood, and Sarah Mott 1 781 Potts, Nathaniel, Buriington, and Susanna Kallam, Burlington 1741 Feb. 7 Sept. 28 June 7 Deo. 7 May 12 Mar. 23 Nov. 14 Mar. 11 Mar. 11 June 3 April 10 M'ar. 9 May 12 Jan. 28 Nov. 24 Feb. 23 July 23 May 18 Oct. 13 Nov. 17 Oct. 3 Oct. 11 June 1 Oct. 15 June 12 Mar. 11 July 11 Mar. 18 July 23 Dec. 28 Jan. 31 Mar. 2 Dec. 16 Mar. 13 Feb. 15 Jan. 7 July 22 April 17 May 17 Jan. 1 Aug. 8 Mar. 29 Oct. 19 Dec. 28 Juue 2 Nov. 30 304 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Potts, Samuel, Cranberry, and Amy Bayles 1776 Potts, Thomas, aud Mary Records " 1698 Potts, Thomas, Bucks, Pa. , and Rebecca AVright, Burliugton Potts, Thomas, New Hanover, and Sarab Ashton 1777 Poits, Thomas, Mansfield, and Rebecca King 1777 Poulding, Cornelius, Orange, N. Y., and Elisabet Vandervoord 1763 Pound, EUsha, Piscataway, and Elizabeth Laing, Somerset 1 744 Powel, Isaac, Barlington, aud Elizabeth Perdue, Burliugton 1729 Powel, James, Kingwood, and Mary Reider 1780 Powel, Ricbard, Gloucester, and Ann Cheesman 1783 Powell, James, Philadelphia, and Mary Kille, Burlington 1740 Powell, James, Northampton, and Susannah Lovett. 1779 Powell, Jonathan, Pennsylvania, and Margaret Callahan, Penna 1763 Powell, John, Northampton, and Susannah Parker 1784 Powell, Joseph, Northampton, and Anne Bishop, Northampton 1765 Powell. Nathaniel, Northampton, aud Rebecca Southwick, N'thampt'n.l774 Powell, Eobert, and Mary Perkins 1696 Powell, Robert, Burlington, and Mary Roads, Chester, Pa 1730 Powell, Thomas, Bordentown, and Sarah Sickells 1770 Powell, Thomas, and Rebecca Stow 1776 Powell, AVUliam, Philadelphia, and Ruth Lippincott, Greenwich 1748 Powell, AA'illiam, Bucks, Pa., and Elizabeth Stackhouse, Bucks, Pa. . . 17-1 Powelsen, Henry, Burlington, and Mary Lippincott, Burlingtou 1760 Power, James, Hunterdon, and Rachel MacPberson, Kingwood 1774 Power, Nicholas, Somerset, and Elenor McCarty 1745 Prall, Abraham, Amwell, and Rachel Huff ". 1772 PraU, Isaac, Staten Island, and Charity Disosway, Staten Island 1775 Prall, John, Amwell, and Amelia Coryell 1785 Pratten, Thomas, Cape May, and Hannah Simpkins 1766 Pratten, Thomas, Cape May, and Hannah Cresse, Cape May 1769 Pray, John, Or-mge, N. Y., and Jane Misier 1784 Predmore, Benjamin, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Moore, Middlesex , . . 1739 Predmore, John, Burlington, and Mary Hull, Middlesex 1767 Predmore, Joseph, Perth Amboy, and Christian Moor 1746-7 Preston, Abel, Philadelphia, and Hannah Hudson, Philadelphia 1731 Preston, John, Gloucester, and Margaret Mackintosh 1733 Preston, Joseph, Freehold, and Susannah Jones, Freehold 1759 Preston, Thomas, Burlington, and Martha Moon 1737 Preston, Thomas, Somerset, and Jane Clandennin 1750 Preston, William, Shrewsbury, and Ehzabeth Gebeson, Shrewsbury. . . 1767 Preston, W illiam, Jr. , Freehold, and Rachel Compton , 1745 Price, David, Burlingtou, and Rebecca Ballenger 1777 Price, Edward, New York, and Jane Webb, Woodbridge 1757 Price. Ezekil, Mansfield, and Martha Adams 1781 Price, Henry, Philadelphia, and Sarah Tompson, Philadelphia 1735 Price, James, Hunterdon, and EUzabeth Ely, Trenton 1737 April 23 June 20 Nov. 20 Sept. 13 Aug. 14 July 27 Aug. 10 Oct. 7 Dec. 1 Sept. 5 Jan. 4 May 23 Oct. 21 Nov. 9 Sept. 10 Dec. 10 Nov. 18 Aug. 21 June 9 Jan. 13 Mar. 24 Nov. 12 July 24 Nov. 2 Sept. 9 Oct. 12 Feb. 7 Aug. 27 June 21 Sept. 20 Sept. 1 Jan. 20 Mar. 9 Sept. 29 July 24 April 4 July 25 Feb. 28 April 11 June 18 May 23 June 14 Feb. 14 July 9 AprU 19 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 305 Price, James, South Amboy, and Margaret Cranford, South Amboy. , .1760 Sept. 2 Price, Jobn, Pennsylvania, and Sarah Carril, Pennsylvania 1728 Sept. 9 Price, John, Burlington, aud Sarah Southwick, Burlington 1731 Jan. 29 Price, John, Burlington, and Mary Barne, Gloucester 1737 Nov. 8 Price, Joseph, Huuterdon, aud Margaret Giffing 1756 Jan. 26 Price,. Joseph, Shrewsbury, aud Abigail Halstead, Shrewsbury 1762 Nov. 6 Price, Joseph, Burlington, and Theodocia Rookhill 1779 Nov. 16 Price, Joseph, WiUingborcugh, and Catharine Johnson 1782 Deo. 9 Price, Michael, Shrewsbury, and Margaret Curtis, Shrewsbury 1760 May 21 Price, Reese, Burlington, and Mary Reeves 1747 May 16 Price, Robert F.,1 New Jersey, and Lizy Hugg, New Jersey 1766 Aug. 6 Price, Robert Fr'd,2 Haddonfield, and Mary Thorne, Gloucester 1761 Mar. 7 Price, Robert Fr'd,3 Gloucester, and Mary Briant 1784 Jan. 14 Price, Samuel, Sussex, and Sarah Barges 1773 Oct. 13 Price, Stephen, Monmouth, and Anne Lewis, Burliugton 1768 Sept. 21 Price, 'Ihomas, Hanover, and Edith Hort, Buriington 1747 Mar. 4 Price, William, Salem, and Ann Crocker, Salem 1686-7 Aug. 1 0 Price, William, Burliugton, and Ruth Reylius, Burlington 17 — Aug. 23 Price, WUliam, Burlington, and Mary Lauing, Burlington 1730 Jan. 21 Price, AVUliam, Philadelphia, and Sarah Harrison, PhUadelphia 1731 Mar. 7 Price, AVUliam, Burlington, and Rebecca Church 1736 Mar. 9 Pricket, John, Burlington, and Mary Erwin 1768 Deo. 14 Pricket, Stephen, Perth Amboy, and Elizabeth Butler, Perth Amboy. .1768 Jan. 11 Prickett, Isaac, Burlington, and Mary Brookfield, Burlington 1739 Feb. 21 Prickett, Isaac, Burlington, and Hanuah PhUlips. . , 1786 Dec. 16 Prickett, Jacob, BurUngton, and Mary Parker, Burliugton 1728 July 19 Prickett, Jacob, Burlington, and Hannah Bishop 1733 Sept. 20 Prickett, Jacob, Evesham, and Dorothy Springer 1745 May 11 Prickett, John, Buriington, and Jane Garwood, Barlington 1750 July 12 Prickett, Levi, Evesham, and Zilpha Austin, Evesham 1775 Feb. 27 Prickett, Paul, Gloucester, and Rachel String. 1785 Aug. 5 Prickett, Zachariah, Northampton, aud Agnes Stackhouse 1783 Oct. 6 Priokitt, Jacob, Northampton, and Mary Peacock 1784 May 31 Priokitt, Johu, Evesham, and Jane Garwood, Evesham 1760 July 12 Priokitt, John, Northampton, and Sybilla Hammit 1784 Jan. 7 Priokitt, Richard, Burlington, and Margaret Crispin, Burliugton 1756 April 9 Pridmore, Benjamin, Monmouth, and Zuly Cramer 1778 Oct. 8 Prier, Jacob, Staten Island, and Rachel Reckhow, Staten Island 1746 Jan. 16 Prier, Jacob, Bergen, and Sarah Van Houten 1792 Oct. 15 Priest, John PleadweU, Gloucester, and Ann Thomas 1773 Juue 21 Priest, Robert, Philadelphia, and Elizabeth Robiuson 1783 Aug. 18 priestly, John, Bristol, Pa., and Mary Murray 1784 Aug. 5 Pringle, Thomas, Perth Amboy, and Elizabeth KiuLan, Perth Amboy. 1759 Dec. 27 1 Eobert Friend Price— his second marriage. ,2, Robert Friend Price— his first marriage. 3 Eobert Friend Price. Jr. 20 Aug. 8 Dec. 6 June 25 Not. 9 Aug. 18 Nov. 9 Feb. 24 Oct. 4 July 23 May 15 Nov. 26 306 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Prinn, Joseph, Hackensack, and Hester Banta, Hackensack 1750 Prise, John, Evesham, and Elisabeth HiUier, Burlington 1770 Pritchard, Joseph, Philadelphia, and Elizabeth King, Philadelphia. . . . 1774 Probasco, Abraham, Shrewsbury, and Ellenor Vandorn, Freehold. . . . 1761 Probasco, John, Somerset, and Dinah Van Wicklow, Somerset 1753 Prosser, John, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Richards, Gloucester 1737 Prost, PhUip, Hunterdon, and Sarah Hoffman 1778 Proud, Abraham, Evesham, and Lucretia Shinn, Evesham 1784 Proud, John, Mansfield, and Elizabeth Merriot, Mansfield 1774 Prudden, Amos, Newark, and Dameras Harison, Newark 1767 Prudden, Joseph, Morris, and Easter Ayres, Somerset 1770 Pryer, Johu, Staten Island, and Eliah Woglum 1771 April 27 Pryer, Samuel, Staten Island, and Anne Van Gilder, Staten Island . . 1748-9 Mar. 3 Pugh, Thomas, Bucks, Pa., and Sarah Shawcross, Bucks, Pa Pulishfalt,! John, Bergen, and Elizabeth Ackerman 1780 Feb. 9 PaUen,2 John, Egg Harbor, and Deborah Leeds. Egg Harbor 1748 Feb. 1 Puneo, Gabriel, and Mary Hort 1749 Sept. 1 4 Punner, Gabriel, Burlington, and Martha Stebbius, Burlington 1756 Aug. 3 Purcell, Dennis, Pennsylvania, and Ruth Cooper, Pennsylvania 1728 Sept. 18 Pursell, Johu, Pennsylvania, and Aune W. Coone, Pennsylvania 1761 May 21 Parsell, John, Bucks, Pa., and Mary Logan, Bucks, Pa 1765 Dec. 24 FEMALES. P Packer, Bethenia, Gloucester, and AViUiam Loper, Jr., Salem 1759 Mar. 26 Packer, Rebecca, Burlington, aud Joseph Buddin, Burlington 1741 Mar. 27 Packer, Rhoda, Barlington, and George Hammett, Burlington 1731 Feb. 21 Pacock, Priscilla, Burlington, aud Francis Boswiok, Burlington 1682 Feb. 19 Page, Elizabeth, Cape May, and Heury Hand, Cape May 1759 Deo. 26 Page, Lydia, Burlington, aud Job Rainier, Burlington 1770 April 25 Page, Lydia, and Thomas Hughes, Cape May. 1788 Deo. 3 Page, Mary, Burlington, and Benjamin Wright, Burlington 1732 May 10 Page, Mary, Cape May, and EUas Hand, Cape May 1762 May 3 Page, Mary, Burlingtou, and John Brown, Burlington 1780 Mar. 27 Page, PrisiUa, Burlington, and William Ivins, Burlington 1767 Aug. 1 Page, Sarah, Burlington, and Thomas Jones, Burlington 1738 April 17 Page, Sarah, Salem, and James Hewes, Salem 1770 July 18 Page, Zermiah, Burlington, and Mahlon Thorn, Burlington 1761 Feb. 23 Pain, Elizabeth, Woodbridge, and James Freeman, Woodbridge 1759 May 16 Paine, Rachel, Woodbridge, and Daniel Compton, Woodbridge 1768 Aug. 11 Paine, Sarah, and Abraham VaU, Perth Amboy 1772 Dec. 1 Paine, Susannah, and William Stockam, Burlington 1778 Aug. 29 Pairpoint, Sarah, and Jesse Bacon, Salem 1773 Oct. 20 Palmer, Ann, Burlington, and 'Thomas Kilpatrick, Burlington 1761 Sept. 9 1 Usually written Pulistelt; now commonly contracted to Pulis. 2 See Neale, Hugh. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 307 Palmer, Catherine, Philadelphia, and Samuel Palmer, Philadelphia. . .1749 Palmer, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Thomas Esdall, Burlington 1738 Palmer, Elizabeth, Monmoutb, aud Lias Brewer, Monmouth 1753 Palmer, Eleanor, Somerset, and Benjamin Hant, Somerset 1748 Palmer, Ester, New Jersej', and Eobert McMasters, Pennsylvania. , . . 1777 Palmer, Hannah, and Philip Hart, Hunterdou 1780 Palmer, Mary Palmer, Mary, Shrewsbury, and John Statesir, Shrewsbury 1767 Palmer, Sarah, Staten Island, and Abraham Nickhow, Staten Island, . 1766 Palmer, Thomasine, Philadelphia, and Alexander Keith, Delaware 1731 Palmmar, Anna, Monmouth, and Christen Graten, Monmouth 1762 Pancoast, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and Josiah Hillman, Gloucester 1761 Pancoast, Mary, Burlington, aud Samuel Bryan, Burlington 1764 Pancoast, Mary, Gloucester, and Joseph Garwood, Burlington 1766 Pancost, Elizabeth, Salem, and Joseph Bacon, Salem 1693 Pancost, Hannah, Hanover, and Samuel AVardell, Hanover 1763 Pangborn, Susannah, Middlesex, and Andrew Willson, Middlesex. ...1759 Pankes, Thomasin, Gloucester, and Robert Roberts, Gloucester 1762 Parelman, Catherine, and James Kint, Bergen 1780 Parent, Easter, Monmoutb, and David Gordon, Monmouth 1767 Parent, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and Benjamin Applegate, Middlesex. . . , 1729 Parent, Lydia, Middlesex, and Joseph Cheeseman, Middlesex 1740 Parent, Mary, Monmoutb, and Andrew Pearce, Monmouth 1744 Parent, Mercy, Upper Freehold, and Andrew Peairs, Upper Freehold . 1744 Parent, Rebecca, Monmouth, aud James Reynolds, Monmouth 1729 Parent, Rebecka, and Amos Lloyd, Hunterdon 1780 Parent, Sarab, and AVUliam Lock, Cumberland 1778 Parigan, Rehaner, Pennsylvania, aud Samuel Herbert, Monmouth .... 1752 Parke, Mary, and John Jerrard, Sussex 1785 Parker, Ann, Burlington, and Thomas Savage, Somerset 1767 Parker, Anne, and Aser Homer, Monmouth 1770 Parker, Catharine, Monmouth, and Giles Williams, Monmouth 1 761 Parker, Charity, Burlington, aud Japhet Fennimore, Burlington 1780 Parker, Damaris, Northampton, and John Phillips, Northampton 1762 Parker, Dorothy, and Matthias Johnson, Burlington 1779 Parker, EUzabeth, Burlington, and Josiah Southwick, Burlington 1728 Parker, EUzabeth, and John Frohook, Bucks 1732 Parker, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Valentine Ayrs, Burlington 1749 Parker, EUzabeth, Somerset, and James McColum, Somerset 1760 Parker, EUzabeth, Shrewsbury, and Ebenezer AVardell, Shrewsbury. .1756 Parker, Elizabeth, and David Carmack, Monmouth 1773 Parker, EUzabeth,' and David Brooks, Cumberland 1778 Parker, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Jesse Leech, Burlington 1780 Parker, Hannah, BurUngton, and Maham Southwick, Burlington 1737 Parker, Hannah, Monmouth, and John Mitchell, Monmouth 1762 April 13 Parker, Hannah, Burlington, and Jobn Andrews, Burlington 1776 Feb. 7 Oct. 16 July 1 Jan. 27 Jan. 16 Oct. 11 AprU 16 Sept. 1 Dec. 18 Jan. 15 July 19 April 18 Dec' .18 June 9 Aug. 7 May 23 Mar. 19 Nov. 8 Sept. 22 April 13 July 18 Mar. 11 Feb. 11 Feb. 11 Juue 23 May 20 Dec. 1 April 2 Feb. 15 Not. 11 Deo. 26 Mar. 16 Oct. 28 Mar. 6 Feb. 18 AprU 23 July 4 April 3 Feb. 28 May 22 July 3 Dec. 11 June 21 June 7 308 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Parker, Johanna, Monmouth, and Robert Harbert, Monmouth 1759 April 19 Parker, Johannah, Monmouth, aud Thomas Lippincott, Monmouth. . .1760 April 19 Parker, Lydia, Monmoutb, and George Allen, Monmouth 1748-9 Mar. 21 Parker, Lydia, Monmouth, and Stephen Mersereau, Staten Island . . , 1765 Oct. 11 Parker, Margaret, and Isaac Brooks, Burlington 1778 Not. 25 Parker, Martha, Buriington, and John GaskUl, Burlington 1764 June 7 Parker, Martha, and John Shinn, Northampton 1775 Oct. 1 Parker, Mary, Burlington, and Jacob Piickett, BurUngtou 1728 July 19 Parker, Mary, Monmouth, and John Parker, Monmouth 1740 Jan. 1 Parker, Mary, Burlington, and Adam Akly, Burlington 1766 Feb. 17 Parker, Mary, and Marcus Parker, Burlington 1772 May 11 Parker, Mary, Burlington, and Samuel Brooks, Barlington 1782 Dec. 7 Parker, Mary, and Clement Cordeiy, Gloucester ' 1784 Juue 14 Parker, Naomi, Monmouth, and Jabez Tread-n'ell, Monmouth 1744 Not. 5 Parker, Prudence, Monmouth, aud Richard Longstreet, Monmoutb. . . 1703 July 27 Parker, Rebecca, Burlington, and Roger Heartley, Pennsylvania 1727 June 21 Parker, Sarah, Philadelphia, and Robert Jewel, PhUadelphia 1735 Nov. 8 Parker, Sarab, and Beriah West, Shrewsbury 1761 Oct. 2 Parker, Sarah, and Jacob Brown, Monmouth 1777 Oct. 16 Parker, Susannah, and John Powell, Northampton 1784 Oct. 21 Parkison, Esther, aud AVUliam Boyd, Somerset 1775 June 27 Parks, Anue, Hunterdon, and AVUliam Chamberlin, Hunterdon 1771 Mar. (i Parks, Jerusha, New Jersey, and John Eastlack, New Jersey 1770 May 22 Parks, Ursula, Hopewell, and John Vankirk, Hopewell 1770 July 4 Parks, Rosanna, Burlington, and Gilbert Green, Burlington 1771 Oct. 9 Parlman, Elisabeth, and Peter Stukel, Orange, N. Y 1763 Feb. 19 Parlmeu, Elizabeth, and Isaac Storms, Bergen 1790 Feb. 27 Parmer, Elizabeth, and \\ illiam Barber, Middlesex 1766 July 21 Paru, Elizabeth, Pennsylvania, and Benjamin Pearson, Pennsylvania. . 1728 Sept. 16 Parreut, Elizabeth, Monmoutb, and Abraham Smith, Monmouth 1745 Sept. 25 Parrison, Elizabeth, and WUliam Luke, Monmoutb 1762 April 12 Parrock, Priscilla, PhUadelphia, and Peter Brown, Philadelphia 1738 April 7 Parrott, Elizabeth, Morris, and Henry Howell, Morris. 1769 May 20 Parrott, Isabel, and Robert AValker, Alloways Creek 1760 April 16 . Parry, Ann, Philadelphia, and John Patterson, Philadelphia 1736 Aug. 21 ParsaU, Elenor, Orange Co., N. Y., and Jacob Mace, Orange Co., N. Y.1764 May 24 Parsell, Esther, Somerset, and Conrad Converse (Lamerson) Somerset. 1750 Oct. 27 Parsons, Ann, Gloucester, and James Coulter, Gloucester 1771 Nov. 1 Parsons, Rachel, Cape May, and Thomas Paige, Cape May 1773 April 12 ParTin, Phebe, Cumberland, and Adam Hoskel, Cumberland 1763 Oet. 6 Pascall, Mary, and James Paterson, Salem 1779 June 14 Paschall, Sarah, and George Wills, Burlington 1787 April 3 Passell, Mary, Somerset, and Sarauel Tilton, Monmouth 1749 Jan. 6 Paterson, Elizabeth, and Josejib Smith, Redingtown 1782 April 13 Paterson, Frances, Princeton, and Thomas Iiwin, Princeton 1768 Aug. 30 Paterson, Margaret, Sussex, and Alexander Paterson, Sussex 1765 June 20 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 309 Paterson, Mary, and Hezekiah Mouut, Monmouth 1778 Paton, Elizabeth, and Jobn Brown, Philadelphia I777 Patten, Charity, Monmouth, aud John Chambers, Monmouth 1750 Patten, EUzabeth, Middletown, and Peter Ackerman, Middletown . . . 1760 Patten, Johanna, and John Armstrong, Middlesex 1768 Patten, Margaret, Middlesex, and Robert Martin, Middlesex 1761 Patterson, Esther, Monmouth, and William Hodson, Monmouth 1743 Patterson, Hannah, and Jacob Swiyer, Burliugton 1758 Patterson, Hester, Monmouth, and Samuel Morris, Monmouth 1740 Patterson, Joannab, Monmoutb, and Eiehard Morris, Jr., Monmoutb 1749 Patterson, Lydia, Phila., and George Howell, Phila 1736 Patterson, Mary, Freehold, and Joseph TUton, Freehold 1749 Patterson, Nancy, and Benjamin Leeds, Glouoester 1775 Pattison, Robotta, Burliugton, and George Sattertbwaite, Burlington. 1727 Pattison, Johannah, Freehold, and John Rhinoles, Shrewsbury. ..... 1766 Pattison, Mary, ETesham, and James Inskeep, AVaterford, Gloucester. . 1747 Patton, Susannah, Monmouth, and James M.aybee 1757 Paul, Debora, and Samuel Janney, Gloucester 1785 Paul, Sarah, Greenwich, and Henry AVeatherby, Deptford 1754 Paul, Susannah, Gloucester, and Robert McCall, Gloucester 1736-6 Paulin, Prudence, Burlington, and Josiah AVright, Burlington 1730 Paulison, Mary, Essex, and Adrian Jacobson, Essex 1761 Paullin, Esther, aud Jekiel Derwin, Salem 1750 PauUing, Rebecca, and Daniel Taylor, Cape May 1760 Paxton, Martha, Bucks, Pa., and Samuel Doan, Bucks, Pa 1767 Paxton, Mary, and Henry Hartlej', His Majesties 47 Reg. Foot 1773 Payday, Judith, aud John Shaw, Cumberland 1786 Payne, Mary, and Johu Tatom, Gloucester 1784 Peace, Mary, Trenton, aud William Yard, Trenton 1746 Peace, Sarah, Trenton, and Voicall Chubb, Phila'. 1746 Peachee, Mary, aud John Baker 1 696 Peachee, Charity, Burlington, and Edward Tuckett, Hunterdon 1732 Peachee, Mary, and Johu Whitehead, Buriington 17.S3 Peacock, Ann, and William Lowden, Burlington 1785 Peacock, EUzabeth, Burlington, and Samuel Sharp, Burlingtou 1754 Peacock, Elizabeth,, and James Reed, Burlington 1778 Peacock, Haunah, and Samuel Taylor, Evesham 1779 Peacock, Lydia, and BarziUai Sharp, Evesham 1785 Peacock, Mary, and Jacob Priokitt, Northampton 1784 Peacock, Susannah, and Isaac Sharp, Evesham. 1779 Peak, Susannah, Gloucester, and Lott Ridgway, Springfield . . . 1750 Peake, Jane, and Daniel Stockton, Burlington 1780 Pearce, Elizabeth Ann, and Abraham Cottnam, Hunterdon 1764 Pearce, Hester, Elizabeth Town, and George Fitchet, Long Island. . . 1769 Pearce, Margaret, Shrewsbury, and George Potts, Shrewsbury 1758 Pearse, Catharine, Monmouth, and Thomas Roberson, Monmouth. . . . 1749 June 20 Nov. 21 April 12 Nov. 3 Feb. 16 May 4 Jan. 7 Sept. 18 May 14 July 3 Aug. 21 Mar. 23 Aug 23 June 20 Nov. 13 Sept. 22 April 25 Nov. 12 May 1 Mar. 11 Feb. 23 Sept. 8 Feb. 4 Sept. 3 May 21 Sept. 14 Oct. 8 May 27 Sept. 11 Sept. 6 Nov. 16 June 19 July 27 Oct. 13 May ' 2 June 16 Aug. 23 Feb. 15 May 31 Aug. 23 Dec. 3 Jau. 8 June 11 Jan. 6 Mar. 29 July 18 3 ID NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Pearson, Ann, Amwell, and Joseph Smith, Amwell 1 ' ' ° Pearson, Elizabeth, BurUngton, and John Hutchinson, Middlesex .... 1730 Pearson, Ezabel, aud Zebulon Webb, Hanover • ¦ ¦ ^'^^^ Pearson, Hannah, Bucks, Pa., and Ephraim Fenton, Bucks, Pa 1736 Pearson, Katherine, and Archibald Wm. Yard, Trenton 1768 Pearson, Mary, and Philip Quigley, Barlington 1733 Pearson, Rachel, Burlington, and John Douglass, Burlington .... 1739 Pearson, Theodosia, Burlington, and Abram Hunt, Hunterdon 1764 Peas, Anne, and John Dilks, Gloucester 1780 Peasner, Hannah, aud Thomas French, Cape May 1774 Peck, Hannah, Salem, and Robert Boner, Salem 1761 Peck, Martha, Cumberland, and Thomas Brown, Cumberland 1762 Peck, Eachel, and Michael Hoskel, Cumberland 1773 Peck, Rebecka, and Francis Brewster, Cumberland 1758 Peck, Euth, and David Dare, Cumberland 1778 Pederick, Grace, Burlington, and Robert Gillam, Burlington 1745 Pederick, Sarah, Salem, and Samuel'Lerich, Salem 1730 Pedric, Eachel, and Jacob Stanton. Upper Penns Neck , 1785 Pedrick, Elizabeth, and Judah Townsend, Lower Penns Neck 1771 Pedrick, Kesiah, and Jacob Ridgway, AVoolwich 1789 Pedrick. Mary, and Thomas Hughes, Salem 1727 Pees, Rebecca, and Rulef Voorhees, Monmouth 1768 Peirce, Catharine, and Jeremiah Dilks, Gloucester 1780 Peirce, Mary, and Coleman Combs, Hunterdon. 1770 Peirce, Mercy, Middlesex, and Stephen AVarne, Middlesex 1729 Peirson, Elizabeth, and Edmund Cain, Hunterdon 1780 Peirson, Mary, aud Jobn Jaquett, Pennsylvania 1782 Pelton, Elizabeth, Hopewell, and Charles Saxton, Amwell 1775 Pelton, Rebekah, Monmouth, and Edward White, Monniouth 1742 Penquite, Hester, Evesham, and Samuel Stackhouse, Springfield 1779 Penrow, Mary, Springfield, and Isaac AVebb, Springfield 1783 Pensiler, Elisabeth, and Alexander Fleming. Hunterdon ..... 1765 Penton, Elizabeth, aud Samuel King, Salem 1761 Penton, Margarett, and Joserh Penton, Salem 1771 Pepert, Rose, Gloucester, aud Nicholas Fye, Gloucester 1761 Pepper, Mary, PhUadelphia, and George Broadwater, Philadelphia. . .1738 Peppitt, Rachel, Burlingtou, and Jacob Cooper, Burlingtou 1767 Perce, Margaret, Moumouth, and William Bennet, Monmouth 1763 Perdue, Elizabeth, Barlington, aud Isaac Powel, Burliugton 1729 Perine, AbigaU, Middlesex, and Jobn Abraham, Middlesex 1759 Perine, Anna, Middlesex, and William Mouut, Middlesex 176I Perine, Anne, Matdeponix, and James Abrahams, Jr., Matdeponix 1755 Perine, Hannah, South Amboy, and AVUliam Dey, South Amboy 1756 Perine, Hannah, Perth Amboy, and WUliam Johnson, Perth Amboy 1775 Perine, Margaret, Perth Amboy, and James Willson, Jr., P'th Amboy 1743 Perine, Margaret, Monmouth, aud David Lee, Monmouth 1761 Jan. 25 Mar. 24 July 4 April 12 Jan. 25 Sept. 28 Sept. 24 Feb. 21 Feb. 1 Nov. 14 Dec. 23 Dec. 28 May 14 Jan. 6 Deo. 15 Mar. 21 Sept. 10 Sept. 29 Oct. 23 Feb. 15 May 11 Jan. 9 Dec. 25 Feb. 10 Oct. 13 Feb. 14 Oct. 10 April 24 Sept. 18 Jan. 4 Feb. 15 July 17 Mar. 23 Jan. 8 Aug. 4 July 1 Mar. 10 July 29 Aug. 10 Aug. 11 Aug. 31 June 17 July 1 Aug. 5 Mar. 3 Aug. 6 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 311 Perine, Rebecka, Perth Amboy, and Joseph Story, Perth Amboy 1760 Perkins, Ann, Burlington, and Joseph Fennimore, Burlington 1766 Perkins, Bathasbeba, Burlington, and Dauiel Parke, Burlington 1739 Perkins, EUzabeth, aud Isaac Johnson, Bucks, Pa 1777 Perkins, Hannah, and George Hancock, Burlington 1779 Perkins, Mary, and Robert Powell 1696 Perkins. Mary, Middlesex, and Jonathan Freeman, Jr. , Middlesex 1760 Perkins, Rebecca, Barlington, and Henry Nordyke, Burlington 1731 Perkins, Sarah, Burlington, aud Geo'rge Munrow, Burlington 1737 Perkins, Sarah, and Abraham Heulings, Burlingtou 1767 Perkins, Sarah, Burlington, and Richard Cramer, Burlington 1767 Perkins, Susannah, and Reuben Eldridge 1736 Perlee, Martha, Staten Island, and Michael Moore 1750 Perlier, Martha, Perth Amboy, and Joseph Perrine, Perth Amboy. , . 1742-3 PerUer, Mary, Middlesex, and James Perine, Middlesex 1739 Perrine, Eva, and Johannes Stryker, Somerset 1782 Perrine, Margaret, Monmouth, and James Dye, Jr., Monmouth. . . 1749-50 Perry, Sarah, Burlington, and John George, Burlington , . 1772 Person, Anne, and William Tawger, Huuterdon ' 1778 Person, Joanna, and Zemus Condict, Moiris 1779 Person, Mary, and Ichabod Spinning, Hanover 1779 . Pertron, Rebecca, and Gilbert Lane, Somerset 1783 Petenger, Euphemia, Hunterdon, and Ashford Arrison, Hunterdou . . . 1769 Peters, Abigail, and James Niel, Springfield 1778 Peters. Elizabeth, and Benajah Tomson 1778 Peters, Hannah, Northampton, and Amos Shreve, Northampton 1750 Peters, Rebecca, Philadelphia, and George Spofford, Philadelphia. . . 1728 Peterson, Ann, and Henry Congleton, Salem 1777 Peterson, Catharine, Salem, and Lucas Peterson, Salem 1745 Peterson, Christiana, Bergen, and John Ackerman, Bergen 1760 Peterson, Elinor, aud John Hand, Cape May 1737 Peterson, Elizabeth, Amwell, and Peter Rockafellow, Amwell 1774 Peterson, Elizabeth, Morristown, and John Pain, Morris Town 1778 Peterson, Elizabeth, and WUliam Dolbrow, Salem 1781 Peterson, Hannah, Freehold, and John Swiirn, Upper Freehold 1746 Peterson, Hannah, and John Cassidey, Bergen 1781 Peterson, Lydia, Cumberland, and Joshua Brick, Cumberland 1771 Peterson, Margaret, Salem, and Cornelius Copner, 1732 Peterson, Margaret, Perth Amboy, and James Hamilton, Perth Amboy, 1762 Peterson, Mary, Salem, and Israel Helmes, Salem 1729 Peterson, Mary, Salem, and David Edmiston, Salem 1766 Peterson, Mary, and WiUiam Bartleson, Salem 1773 Peterson, Rebecca, Salem, and Charles Dent, Salem 1762 Peterson, Ruth, and Abraham Adams, Gloucester 1764 Peterson, Sarah, Egg Harbor, and Jeremiah Foster, Burlington 1782 Peterson, Susannah, and Jasper Clear 1784 June 4 July 22 Feb. 1 April 12 Oct. 12 Dec. 10 AprU 1.2 Jan. 6 Nov. 23 Aug. 18 Oct. 10 Dec. 7 Nov. 12 Feb. 14 June 13 Nov. 25 Jan. 17 Dec. 31 May 22 Feb. 6 Mar. 2 Nov. 26 May 9 Sept. 1 Dec. 4 Aug. 2 Oct. 23 May 15 Oct. 17 Feb. 1 Oct. 29 Dec. 26 June 22 Nov. 10 Dec. 23 Feb. 10 Aug. 5 June 15 Nov. 20 Dec. 14 Mar. 26 June 15 Dec. 18 Jan. 27 Nov. 16 Nov. 24 312 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Pettet, Sarah, Hunterdon, and John Barton, Hunterdon. ' 1775 Pettet, Sarab, Cumberland, and Moses Ayar, Cumberland 1777 Pettigrew, Jane, Burlington, and Thomas -Newell, Buriington 1740 Pettinger, Susanah, Somerset, and Roelef Vanduyn, Somerset 1752 Pettit, Elizabeth, and Thomas Smith, Springfield 1773 Pettit, Jean, and Abraham Stout, Hunterdon 1777 Pettit, Mary, Burlington, and Cornelius Maccleese, Burliugton 1748 Pettit, Mercy, Burlington, and Henry Reed, Burlington 1780 Pettit, Rebecca, Burlington, and John Kirby, Burlington 1776 Pettitt, Judith, Burlington, and John Adams, Burlington 1737 Pettit, Lucretia, Burlington, and Thomas Haines, Burlington 1767 Pettitt, Sarah, Middlesex, and Jobn Applegate, Middlesex 1736 Petty, Lydia, Monmoutb, and Ichabod Bowrman, Monmoutb 1744 Pevan, Naomi, and Isaac Bozby 1776 Pew, Abigail, and Jesse Darmon, Gloucester 1783 Pew, Catherine, Monmouth, and Andrew Davison, Monmouth 1741 Pew, Susannah, Middletown, and WiUiam Truax, Middletown 1753 Phagens, Elizabeth, and William Gibbs, Burlington 1781 Phares, Mary, Burlington, and Eliakim Stoops, Burlington 1754 Pharo, Anne, and Samuel Morrow, Burlington 1764 Phifer, Anue, and Jonathan Aloott, Gloucester 1782 Philips, Elizabeth, Philadelphia, aud James Grant, Philadelphia 1736 Philips, Frances, and John Bainbridge, Hunterdon 1745 Philips, Jane, and David DaTis, Burlington 1759 Philips, Rebecca, Maidenhead, and Robert Stockdon, Somerset 1740 Phillips, Catharine, and Thomas Phillips, Maidenhead 1786 Phillips, Elizabeth, Hunterdon, and Robert Hunt, Hunterdon 1768 Phillips, Elizabeth, and AVUliam Troth, Evesham 1787 Phillips, Frances, Maiden Head, and Jonathan Deane, Perth Amboy. 1775 Phillips, Franky, Huuterdon, and Joseph Hart, Hunterdon 1764 Phillips, Hannah, Middlesex, and Johu Pike, Middlesex 1744 Phillips, Hannah, Burlington, and James Allen, Burlington 1754 PhiUips, Hannah, and Richard Huut, Hunterdon 1783 Phillips, Hannah, and Isaac Prickett, Evesham 1786 Phillips, Kesiah, and Gershom Lott, Huuterdon 1768 Phillips, Mary, Hunterdon, and Nathaniel Hunt, Hunterdou 1763 Phillips, Sarah, Monmouth, aud George Lofetra, Monmouth 1746 Phillips, Sarah, Maidenhead, and Henry Phillips, Huuterdon.. 1765 Phillips, Sarab, and Jonathan Stout, Hopewell 11'75 Phillips, Sarah, and Joseph Davis, Hunterdon ITJd PhUlips, Sarah, Northampton, and Heury Kabsou, Philadelphia.. 1782 PhiUips, Susannah, Pennsylvania, and Amall Hancock, Pennsylvania. 1727 Philips, Susanna, aud Richard Paterson, Somerset jiryg PhiUpot, Margaret, Salem, and Samuel Elwell, Salem -tna-i Philpot, Catherine, aud Samuel Lummus, Salem 1784 Philpot, Mary, Penns Neck, aud Sinneck Sinnickson, Penns Neck 1762 Nov. 25 July 16 Jan. 20 AprU 4 Mar. 23 May 10 Oct. 4 Nov. 8 May 20 Aug. 15 Nov. 23 Oct. 6 Oct. 18 Mar. 15 May 7 July 27 Sept. 17 Jan. 16 Sept. 27 Mar. 20 July 13 Mar. 6 Sept. 18 Sept. 14 Mar. 5 Oct. 7 May 7 Feb. 6 Sept. 9 Mar. 28 Jan. 12 Jan. 1 May 21 Dec. 16 Mar. 19 Sept. 26 Feb. 17 Dec. 19 April 1 Aug. 25 Oct. 17 July 31 Aug. 31 Dec. 31 April 6 Sept. 2 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 313 Philpot, Phebe, Bucks, Pa., and David Spear, Bucks, Pa 1765 PhUpot, Susannah, Salem, and Joseph Corbett, Salem 1769 Phipps, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Charles Vandike, Burlingtou. .. .1752 Piatt, Jane, and Johu Sedam, Middlesex 1785 Pickle, Eve, Hunterdon, and Abraham Vanhorne, Hunterdon 1770 Pickle, Ketrina, and John Bachman, Hunterdon 1775 Pickle, Margaret, and David Trimmer, Morris 1778 Pickle, Mary, and Abram Bloom, Hunterdon 1780 Pickle, Sophia, and James Kiggin, PhUadelphia 17§0 Pier, Catherin, Essex, and Garrabrant Garrabrants, Essex 1 747 Pierce, Elizabeth, and John Cleverley, Glouoester 1730 Pierce, EUzabeth, and Job Crane, Essex 1786 Pierson, .AbigaU, Middlesex, and Johu Grave 1 744 Pierson, Elizabeth, and Adam Parker, Burlington 1783 Pierson, Jane, Monis, and Andrew Durham, Somerset 1779 Pierson, Martha, Middlesex, and David Leforge, Middlesex 1757 Pierson, Sarah, Morris, and Uzal Crane, Morris 1778 Pike, Sarah, and John Elston, Middlesex 1768 Pileon, Mary, Middlesex, and John Cox, Middlesex 1757 PUes, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and Joshua Lord, Gloucester 1772 Pimne, Sarah, aud George Elkinton, Burlington 1748 Pine, Rachel, and David Davis, Gloucester 1781 Pinkerton, Sarah, and John Moore, Huuterdon 1783 Pintard, Abigail, Shrewsbury, and Johu Tiltus, Shrewsbury 1754 Pintard, Abigail, Monmouth, aud Jonathan Lewis, Richm'd Co., N. Y.1756 Pinyard, Rachel, Gloucester, and Johu Munyon, Gloucester 1768 Pinyard, Unice, Gloucester, and Samuel Platt, Gloucester 1770 Pipinger, Mary, Readington, and Uriah Chamberlin, AmweU 1773 Pippenger, Lena, and Deverick Demott, Hunterdon 1782 Pitcock, Susannah, and Samuel Doughton, Gloucester 1773 Pitman, Bethena. Monmoutb, and Elias Trueaxe, Monmouth 1761 Pitman, Jane, New Hanover, and Robert Kindle, Chesterfield 1748 Pitman, Mary, and Abraham Clevenger, Monmouth ; 1760 Pitman, Sarah, Burlington, and Abraham Allen, Burlington . . 1782 Pitt, Catharine, and James Ogden, Middlesex 1780 Pittenger, Rachel, Monmouth, and Joseph Bonnel, Monmouth 1767 Pittman, Isabella, Burlington, and James Condon, Burlington 1762 Pittman, Rebecca, and John Oakford, Salem 1732 Place, Eachel, Woodbridge, and Reuben Bunn 1744 Platt, Ann, Gloucester, and Joseph Eoberts, Woolwich 1770 Platt, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Nathan Starkey, Burlington 1736 Platt, Elizabeth, and Lawrence Minor, Burlington 1761 Platt, Jane, BurUngton, and Abraham Clevinger, Burlington 1742 Platt, Judith, Cumberland, and Ephraim I'arry, Cumberland 1761 Platt, Mary, and William Asson, Burlington 1746 Platt, Sarah,'^ aud Samuel Ivins, Burlington 1766 Sept. 7 Dec. 28 June 27 Mar. 24 Dec. 21 Aug. 30 June 13 Sept. 20 Dec. 2 Oet. 28 May 28 Aug. 25 Oct. 15 Feb. 22 Dec. 21 June 4 Nov. 3 Nov. 17 April 28 Aug. 6 Feb. 18 Sept. 29 Jan. 22 Jan. 12 Aug. 28 April 26 Dec. 17 Jan. 2 Oct. 14 July 12 Jan. 26 Oct. 22 Mar. 9 Oct. 28 Nov. 6 May 9 Jan. 21 Oct. 6 June 18 Feb. 12 Nov. 1 Dec. 8 July 26 Sept. 9 Feb. 9 Dec. 20 314 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Platts, Rhodi, Cumberiand, and Daniel Bishop, Cumberiand 1762 Pledger, Dorothy, Mannington, and Brothwait Tuft, Salem 1762 Pledger, Mary, Salem, and Jobn Ewen, Salem 1745 Plomer, Elizabeth, Alloways Creek, and Jacob Thompson, AUo'ys Ck 1775 Plummer, Rachel, Salem, and Job HUman, Salem 1778 Plumley, Jemimah, and Alexander McDonald, Bucks, Pa ^ 1781 Plumley, Mary, Bucks, Pa., and John Gale, Pennsylvania 1732 Plunkett, Mary, Penns Neck, and Gustavus Leeb, Upper Penns Neck. 1760 Poest, Mar^, and Isaac Van Houten, Bergen 1770 Pointset, Anu, and Joseph Gaskill, Burlington 1777 Poinsett, Susanna, and Richard Fordham, Philadelphia 1733 Pointsway, Sarah, Barlington, and Bernard Grandon, Burlington 1740 Pointzett, Elizabeth, Burliugton, and Benjamin Bramin, Burlington. .1741 Polhemus, Jane, and William Johnston, Monmouth 1782 Polhemus, Altie, Somerset, and Volkert Douw, Somerset 1743 Polhemus, Hannah, Hopewell, and Joseph Van Kirk, Amwell 1767 Polhemus, Pathena, and Jacob Lowrence, Monmouth. 1779 Polhemus, Rebecca, and Tobeijas Neveos, Monmouth 1747 Polhemus, Rebecca, and David Barcalow, Monmouth 1779 Polk, Eleanor, and Robert Lough, Somerset 1768 Pomroy, Elizabeth, and Andrew AVhite, Philadelphia 1779 Ponarso, Sarab, Burlington, and Abel Jusman, Burlington 1750 Pongard, Sarab, Gloucester, and Levi Eldridge, Gloucester 1763 Ponton, Grace, and Daniel Fogg, Salem 1769 Pool, Mary, and Israel Beach, Essex 1781 Pool, Mary, and Winfield Claypool, Burlington 1782 Pooles, Priscilla, and Aaron Stathem, Greenwich 1 760 Pope, Elizabeth, and Moses Nutt, Mansfield 1783 Porch, Mary, Gloucester, and John Gayard, Gloucester 1735 Porch, Mary, and Joseph Venneman, Gloucester 1783 Porter, Anne, and Allen Wilkenson, Middlesex 1747-8 Porter, Anne, and James McCray, Hunterdon 1769 Porter, Mary, Monmouth, and Richard Morris, Monmouth 1741 Porter, Sarah, Amwell, and John Webb, Pennsylvania 1765 Post, Abigel, Saddle River, and George Eyerson, Saddle River 1773 Post, Anne, Essex, and Johu Van Voghte, Essex 1750 Post, Catherine, Bergen, and Jacob Garretson, Bergen 1761 Post, Elizabeth, and John Van Alen, Bergen 1782 Post, Elizabeth, aud Jacob Berdan, Bergen 1788 Post, Hanuah, and Adriaen Post, Aquacknonck 1753 Post, Hannah, Sussex,, and Jacobus Edsall, Sussex 1777 Post, Jaue, Essex, and Henry Garrison, Essex 1731 Post, Jane, and Bernard Spring 1779 Post, Jane, and Phillip Dey, Bergen 1780 Post, Lybetie, Bergen, and Mindert Garrebrance, Bergen 1769 Post, Margaret, aud Combs Westervelt, Bergen jY88 Feb. 9' Oct. 11 Aug. 21 April 5 Not. 7 Aug. 18 July 4 Dec. 18 May 28 Jan. 4 Mar. 6 Dec. 29 Sept. 14 June 5 May 7 Deo. 12 May 29 May 13 June 24 June 27 Not. 8 July 23 July 26 Nov. 4 Nov. 3 Feb. 21 Oct. 13 Oct. 28 Deo. 22 April 1 Jan. 27 Mar. 22 June 19 July 13 Dec. 17 Aug. 7 Jan. 21 Jan. 10 Nov. 18 Oct. 11 May 28 Mar. 11 June 4 Sept. 7 Dec. 19 Jan. 7 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 315 Post, Margaret, and Jacob Mead, Bergeu 1791 June 10 Post, Yonacy, Essex, aud John E. Vreland, Essex 1754 Jan. 2 Potter, Ann, and John Copperthwaite, Monmoutb 1758 Aug. 23 Potter, Deborah, Shrewsbury, and Joseph Tilton, Shrewsbury 1767 July 28 Potter, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and Samuel Crow, Middlesex 1764 Mar. 5 Potter, Hannah, Monmouth, and William Applegate, Monmouth 1747 Oct. 28 Potter, Jane, and David Bowen, Jr., Cumberland .... 1788 Dec. 5 Potter, Jemima, and Abraham Eastwood, Middlesex 1738 Nov. 8 Potter, Mary, and Ezra Taylor, Chesterfield 1768 Dec. 19 Potter, Parthenia, Burlington, and Thomas Broderick, Burlington 1766 Nov. 12 Potts, Amy, and La'wrence Taylor, Priucetown 1767 Jan. 5 Potts, Anne, Barlington, and WiUiam FoUwell, BurUngton 1727 Dec. 6 Potts, Lydia, and Samuel Shaw, Chester 1786 AprU 29 Potts, Mary, Middletown, and Jacob Ute, Middletown 1749 Sept. 18 Potts, Rebecca, and Aaron Ferman, Morris 1780 Jan. 26 Poulese, Rachel, Bergen, and Garrit Hoppe, Bergen 1770 Dec. 5 Poulisse, Yanachey, Essex, and Hendrick Vaness, Morris 1769 Nov. 19 Powel, Elizabeth, and John Stidham, Camberland 1779 May 19 Powell, Ann, Salem, and John Moor, Salem 1772 Feb. 8 PoweU, Dorothy, and Samuel Edman, Burlington. 1779 Aug. 12 Powell, Elizabeth, and James Newbold 1695 Jan. 16 Powell, Elizabeth, BurUngton, and Richard Challener, Burlington ...1728 Nov. 12 PoweU, Elizabeth, Burlington City, and Isaac Gale, BristoU, Bucks.. . . 1747 Nov. 4 Powell, Elizabeth, Greenwich, and Isaac Watson, Greenwich 1760 Oct. 2 Powell, Elizabeth, Cumberland, and WUliam Garrison, Salem 1769 Jan. 28 Powell, Elizabeth, Mount Holly, and Henry Reves, Burlington 1782 Sept. 10 Powell, Elizabeth, and Moses Atkinson, Burlington 1784 Oct. 21 Powell, Hannah, and James Southwick, Buriington 1778 May 4 Powell, Lydia, Burlington, and Levi GaskeU, BurUngton 1767 Dec. 11 Powell; Martha, Cumberland, and Benjamin Peck, Cumberland 1775 AprU 11 PoweU, Mary, and Abraham Kille, Buriington 1768 Dec. 20 Powell, Mary, and Amos Stackhouse, Mount Holly 1779 Jau. 13 PoweU, Prudence, and William Oldaker, Cumberland 1784 Oct. 1 Powell, Eebecca, Burlington, and John Richardson, Jr., Burlingtou. .1740 Aug. 14 PoweU, Sarah, Gloncester, and WUliam Kent, Gloucester 1733 Nov. 1 Powell, Sarah, Burlington, and Henry Lishman, Burlington 1771 May 13 Powell, Theodosia, and Thomas Lee, Burlington 1759 Nov. 6 Powelse, Leah, Hackensack, and Nicasie Terhune, Hackensack 1762 Rec. 15 Power, Mary, Burlington, and Melchesidec Abelea, Burlington 1780 Oct. 30 Powin, Martha, and Henry Rutherford, Salem 1733 Aug. 13 Powling,^Ann-e, Middletown, and Lambert Willson, Middletown 1757 June 30 Powling, Mary, Middleton, and Thomas Roberts, Middleton 1756 Nov. 29 Praal, Altie, Staten Island, and David Carmen, Staten Island 1749 Nov. 14 Praal,<'Hester, Staten Island, and John Buckalew, Middlesex 1762 AprU 14 Prague, Elizabeth, and Bernard Hodge, Salem 1688 Jan. 1 Prall, Mary, and George Garrison, Hunterdon 175^ Sept. 26 3l6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. PraU, Mary, Staten Island, and Thomas Warne, Middlesex 1709 1 770 Prall, Sarah, and John WUUamson, Amwell -^ "" Pratt, Jane, Burlington, and Heron Bryan, Burliugton 1758 Pratt, Lydia, and Daniel HUlman, Glouoester 1774 Pratt, Mary, Burlington, and Jonas Cattell, Burlington 1740 Predmore, Lydia, Middlesex, and John Covenhoven, Middlesex 1752 Predmore, Rachel, Middlesex, and Ichabod Dean, Middlesex 1745 Pregmore, Ruthy, aud James Patten, Perth Amboy 1764 Presgrove, Christian, and Thomas Crowell, Middlesex 1746 Presmeal, Margaret, Middlesex, and James Carman, Middlesex 1742 Preston, Elizabeth, and Jehiel AVheeler, Fairfield 1751 Preston, Elizabeth, Cumberland, and Abraham -DuBois, Salem 1761 Preston, Mary, PhUadelphia, and Samuel Harrison, Gloucester 1730 Preston, Priscilla, aud Jeremiah Foster, Jr., Cumberland 1784 Preston, Susannah, Monmouth, and John Jones, Monmouth 1739 Preston, Susannah, Mansfield, and George Bliss, Bordentown 1751 Price, Elionar, Bucks, Pa., and Benjamin Stackhouse, Bucks, Pa. . . . 1761 Price, EUzabeth, Burlington, and Richard Jones, Burlington Price, Elizabeth, Hunterdon, and James Sleight, Hunterdon 1732 Price, Elizabeth, Monmoutb, and David Curtis, Monmouth 1766 Price, EUzabeth, Monmouth, and Lewis EUison, Monmouth 1766 Price, Elizabeth, Evesham, and Samuel Stratton, Evesham 1771 Price, Elizabeth, Kingwood, and Dennis Reiley, Kingwood 1771 Price, Elizabeth, and Abraham English, Burlington 1774 Price, Elizabeth, and Jobn Ireland, Gloucester 1778 Price, Grace, Evesham, and Isaac Stiles, Evesham 1776 Price, Haunah, and Johu Baker, Barlington 1779 Price, Katharine, Philadelphia, and AViUiam Cotter, Philadelphia 1737 Price, Martha, Burlington, and Johann Miller, Burlington 1761 Price, Mary, Monmouth, and Robert AVhite, Jr., Monmouth 1742 Price, Mary, aud Thomas Kinsey, Gloucester 1758 Price, Mary, and William Benson, Hunterdon 1778 Price, Mary, and James Sweatman, Cumberland 1787 Price, Patience, Monmoutb, aSd James Mount, Monmouth 1757 Price, Phebe, Monmouth, aud George HuUitt, Monmoutb 1760 Price, Polly, Elizabethtown, aud John Vance, Hackensack 17. . Price, Rebecca, Burlington, and Obadiah Jones, Burlington 1780 Price, Ruth, Burlingtou, and Samuel Davenport, Burliugton 1765 Price, Sarah, and Thomas Davis, Hunterdon I733 Pricket, Drusilla, and John AValliugs, Evesham I779 Prickett, Ann, Burlington, and Dennis Springer, Burlington 1736 Prickett, Ann, Chester, and Jobn Stratton, Evesham 1744 Prickett, Druzillai, Burlington, and Johu Mullen, Burlington . 1751 Prickett, Elipha, Burlington, and Thomas Bishop, BurUngton I733 Prickett, Hannah, Burlington, aud Jacob Early, Burlington. . . 1757 Prickett, Hannah, and Amaziah Lippincott 1768 Feb. 19 April 9 July 24 Jan. 25 Jan. 10 Aug. 14 AprU 16 Mar. 10 Feb. 14 Nov. 1 Deo. 9 Dec. 1 May 30 Deo. 15 Deo. 17 June 26 Deo. 9 May 31 Jan. 8 Jan. 27 Aug. 24 Nov. 18 Sept. 24 Deo. 3 Oct. 28 Feb. 10 Aug. 20 May 20 Sept. 25 Mar. 25 Aug. 20 Aug. 24 Nov. 30 July 21 Oct. 3 Oct. 18 Jan. 10 Jan. 16 Aug. 23 Nov. 29 Nov. 13 April 1 16 Dec. 20 April 16 Oct. 29 MARRIAGE' LICENSES. 317 Prickett, Lois, and Job Gaskill, Burlington 1768 June 9 Prickett, Mary, Burlington, and Amariah Foster, Springfield 1 748 July 15 Priokett, Mary, Northampton, and George Meirs, Evesham 1751 May 20 Prickett, Mary, and Isaac Stratton, Burlington 1778 Mar. 4 Pi-iokett, Mary, and Thomas AUen. Burlingtou 1783 Jan. 14 Prickett, Patience, BurUngton, and Joseph Haines, Burlington 1740 Aug. 25 Prickett, PriscUla, and Philip ScuU, Evesham 1777 April 1 Prickett, Sarah, Northampton, and John Simons, Northampton . ... 1745 Dec. 17 Priest, Catherine, and Joseph Lane, Jr. , Middlesex 1781 Nov. 8 Priestly, Mary, Bristol, Pa., and John Dowdney, Bristol, Pa 1765 Feb. 11 Prindle, Mary, and James Page, Upper Penns Neck. 1774 Jan. 12 Prior, Hannah, Salem, and Thomas Jones, Salem 1687 April 12 Prise, Amy, Shrewsbury, and John West, Shrewsbury 1754 Dec. 28 Prise, Margaret, Monmouth, and Jacob Dennis, Monmouth 1755 Feb. 22 Probasco, Anne, and Thomas Davis, Somerset 1779 Oct. 16 Probasco, Maritie, Somerset, and George Bergen, Somerset 1744 Sept. 10 Probasco, Mary, and Joshua Cushun, Somerset 1779 June 21 Probosco, Aylle, and Abraham Gulick, Somerset 1781 Mar. 3 Probosco, Mary, and Abraham Hoagland, Somerset 1781 Feb. 22 Proctor, Euth, and Jobn Green, Salem 1778 Mar. 27 Prosser, Eleonora, and Joseph Wood, Philadelphia 1777 Oct. 24 Prossor, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and John Jones, Gloucester 1763 June 11 Prost, Cbarity, Hunterdon, and AA'illiam Minor, Somerset 1777 Dec. 11 Proud, Elizabeth, and Daniel Gethens, Buriiugton 1784 Mar. 26 Provoost, Catherine, Bergen, and Samuel B. Lydekka, Bereen 1764 Jan. 5 Provoost, Theodosia, and Aaron Burr 1782 July 4 Piigh, Anne, Philadelphia, and Daniel Bryan, Philadelphia 1748 July 25 Pagb, Elizabeth, Bordentown, and James Robeson, Bordentown 1764 May 21 PuUiner, Sarah, and Isaac HoUoway, Middlesex 1779 Sept. 29 Pamme, Anne, and Ephraim Vantine, Middlesex 1782 Nov. 26 Pummer, Elizabeth, and WUliam Clark, Burlington 1778 AprU 10 Purdy, Sarah, Gloucester, and Clement RusseU, Gloucester 1740 Sept. 23 Purkins, Rachel, and James Spray, Barnegat 1762 Nov. 26 Pyle, Elizabeth, Salem, and WiUiam Hall, Salem 1684 May 21 MALES. Q Quackenbos, Abram, Hackensack, aud Reynshe De Gray, Orange, N. Y.1771 AprU 20 Qaaokenbos, Rynier, Hackensack, and Sarab Durye 1765 Mar. 20 Qnackenbush, Jacob, Shrewsbury, Experience Willkinson, Freehold. .1663 Nov. 16 Quarrier, Alexander, Philadelphia, and Elizabeth Dunneberger 1783 Jan. 1 Qneokenbush, Peter, Barlington, and Rachel Starkey 1757 Aug. 1 Quick, CorneUus, Amwell, and Mary WilUamson, Amwell 1770 Oct. 13 Quick, Cornelius, AmweU, and Anue Covenhoven 1771 Dec. 11 Qaiok, Cornelius, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Quimby 1772 July 2 Quick, CorneUus, New Jersey, and Eleanor Schanck 1779 June 26 Quick, Jacob, Amwell, and Jerusa Rose, Hopewell 1772 Oct. 28 3l8 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Quicksall, Jonat'ban, Buriington, and Anne Taylor, Buriington 1744 Sept. 17 QuicksaU Joshua, Burlington, and Mary Moon, Burlington 1734 Deo. 13 Quicksall, Thomas, Chesterfield, and Phebe Fenton, Chesterfield 1748 Oct. 15 Quigg, Patrick, Mount Holly, and Mary House, Mount Holly 1772 May 28 Quigley, Robert, Nottingham, and Mercy Coleman 1767 June 18 Quigley, Philip, Burlington, and Mary Pearson 1733 Sept. 28 Quin, Patrick, Philadelphia, and Hannah Beaver, PhUadelpbia. 1736 July 15 FEMALES. y Quackinbos, Suckey, aud Samuel Van Blisbem,! Bergen 1780 Jan. 1 Quest, Dinah, Burlington, and John Jolly, Bucks, Pa 1746 Aug. 28 Quick, Anna, and Christopher Rockfellar, Amwell 1780 Oct. 21 Quick, Canzaday, Kingwood, and William Retlinghousen, Amwell ...1772 Aug. 20 Quick, Hannah, and Derrick Auter, Morris 1778 Jan. 16 Quick, Jemima, Somerset, and William Piatt, Somei'set 1774 June 27 Quick, Mary, and Henry Kannady, Somerset 1780 Feb. 7 Quick, Nellie, Somerset, and John Sticker, Somerset 1744 July 24 Quicksell, Sarah, Burlington, and Major Tucker, Burlington.' 1754 June 6 Quicksell, Sarah, Chesterfield, and John Taylor, Chesterfield 1748 May 10 Quigly, Mary, Barlington, and James Fagen, Burlington 1772 June 27 Quigley, Mary, Burlington, and Joseph Rickey, Burlington 1775 Aug. 16 Quigley, Martha, and John AVelsh, Burlington 1780 July 5 Quimby, Mary, Amwell, and Isaac btout, Amwell 1765 Sept. 30 Quin, Eleanor, and James North, Burlington 1778 Feb. 5 Quinby, Elizabeth, and Cornelius Quick, Hunterdon 1772 July 2 Quinton, Elizabeth, Alloways Greek, and James Talbott, Cape May. , ..1760 AprU 9 Quinton, Prudence, Salem, and Edward Keasby, Salem 1746 Oct. 8 Quinton, Rachel, Salem, and Henry Sparks, Deptford. . . 1766 Oct. 8 Quinton, Sarab, Salem, aud Edward Keasby, Salem 1765 May 4 MALES. R Rabson, Henry, PhUadelpbia, and Sarab Phillips, Northampton 1782 -^ct. 17 Race, John, Middletown, and Catherine Burk, Shrewsbury 1766 AprU 23 Race, Thomas, Bristol, Pa., and Rebecca Barwis 1779 Oct. 26 Race, William, Bucks, Pa., and Elizabeth Grey, Bucks, Pa 1764 Aug. 1 Rackhow, Daniel, Barnegat, and Abigail Hadley 1762 Oct. 4 Radford, Samuel, Burlington, and Elizabeth Baylis, Burlington 1730 May U Radfoid, Samuel, BurUngton, and Ann Butterfield 1768 Feb. 24 Rain, John, Gloucester, and Mary AVoniman 1735 Sept. 8 Rainee, AVUliam, Northampton, and Elizabeth AVills, Northampton. . ..1747 Jan. 7 Rainier, Edmod, Burlington, and Betsy Butler 1781 Aug. 4 Rainier, Job, Burliugton, and Lydia Page, Burlington 1770 April 25 Raines, Robert, Salem, and Christian Chandler, Salem 1729 Dec. 25 Rakestraw, Thomas, Burlington, and Elizabeth Zaues 1757 July 4 1 Query: Van Blerkem. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 319 Ealph, Francis, Burlington, and Mary Stevenson 1766 Sept. 25 Eambo, Benjamin, Deptford, and Appikaris Sparks, Deptford 1766 May 21 Eambo, .lames, Deptford, and Mary Myres 1780 Jan. 8 Eamsen, Jacob, Senr., New York, Katharine Hendrickson, Monmouth. 1749 Aug. 11 Ramsey, William, Fairfield, and Sarah Seeley, Deerfield 1759 Feb. 20 KandaU, Helme, Barlington, and Mary Hunloke 1734 July 18 Eandolph— see Fitz Randolph. Randolph, Samuel, Woodbridge, and Martha Gach, Woodbridge 1750 Oct. 20 Eandolph, Benjamin, Piscataway, and Elizabeth Haywood, Piscataway. 1750 May 26 Eandolph, David, Cumberland, and Darkis Ayars, Cumberland 1775 Nov. 8 Randolph, George F., Perth Amboy, and Sarah Robinson 1764 Jan. 31 Randolph, Hull, Stafford, and Isabella Haywood, Stafford 1767 Oct. 26 Eandolph, James, Monmouth, and Deliverance Coward 1760 Mar. 16 Eandolph, Jeremiah, Woodbridge, and Jennet Edgar, Woodbridge. . . . 1756 July 10 Eandolph, Joseph, Burlington, and Mary Haywood, Burlington 1761 Oct. 10 Eandolph, Samuel, Somerset, and Amy Edwards 1762 Mar. 5 Eaneier, Joseph, Burlington, and Sarah Warwick 1780 May 24 Eaniear, Joseph, Mansfield, and Sarah Wood, Mansfield 1751 May 8 Eanne, Peter, Bergen, and Caterine Tice 1780 July 13 Eapes, Christopher, Gloucester, and Patience Sayres 1766 Jan. 4 Eappalja, Cornelius, Somerset, and Mary Anderson 1743 Oct. 17 Kappelyea, Jeromus, Somerset, and Susan Van Nest 1781 Mar. 24 Easure, George Adam, Cumberland, and Katharine Ward, Fairfield. . 1760 Mar. 6 Eathbone, Ewbancks, and Mary Bloodgood, South Amboy 1758 April 1 Eattoone, John, New York, and Isabella Dunham 1768 June 14 Eattoone, Thomas, Perth Amboy, and Catherine Magonnagil 1766 June 18 Kay, Samuel, AUoways Creek, and Mary Moore, Alloways Creek 1769 Nov. 7 Eaynolds, Thomas, Burlington, and Mary Bryan 1769 Jan. 4 Eaynor, Matthew, Morris Town, and Lottie Marschalk 1777 May 16 Eea, Jobn, Salem, and Margaret Morgan, Salem 1762 Mar. 26 Eea, William, Sussex, and Sarah Middagh 1774 May 13 Eead, Charles, Cumberland, and Esther Eldridge 1788 Jan. 14 Read, Elisha, WUlingborough, and Elizabeth Cox, Willingborough. . . . 1765 July 3 Eead, Israel, Middlesex, and Mary Campbell, New York Read, Israel, Cumberland, and Sarah Reeves 1787 Jan. 29 Eead, John, Philadelphia, and Michael Hoyle, PhUadelphia 1737 July 30 Eead, Jonathan, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Dinah Engersol. 1764 Sept. 26 Eead, Obadiah, Egg Harbor, and Catharine Steelman 1764 Sept. 26 Read, Samuel, Salem, and Elizabeth Eglinton, Saiem 1727 May 4 Eead, Thomas, Philadelphia, and Mary Field 1779 Aug. 27 Eeading, Daniel, and Euphemia Reid, Monmouth 1755 Feb. 26 Eeading, John, Amwell, and Elizabeth Hankinson 1772 April 7 Eeading, John, Jr., Amwell, and Isabella Montgomery, Amwell 1746 Nov. 21 Reading, AViUiam, Amwell, and Ann Early, Amwell 1775 Dec. 6 Eeagain, Oabriel, Cape May, and Susannah Gandy 1749 July 8 Becklys, John, Mansfield, and Mary Tallman 1781 June 12 320 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Redcap, Francis, Gloucester, aud Abalonia Spiriar, Glouoester 1762 Redecker, Hannes Jacob, Shrewsbury, and Mary Hoffenes, Shrewsb'ry.l751 Reece, David Evan, Burlington, aud Mary Bennett, Buriington 1733 Reed, Andrew, Trenton, and Theodocia Bowes, Trenton 1740 Reed, Andrew, Freehold, and Sarah Brown, Freehold 1767 Reed, George, Hunterdon, and Sarab Hixson 1781 Reed, Henry, Fairfield, and Phebe Ludlam, Cape May 1765 Reed, Henry, Burlingtou, and Mercy Pettit, Burlington 1780 Reed, James, Monmouth, and Moieca Longstreet, Middlesex 1754 Reed, James, Freehold, and Sarah Lawrance, Shrewsbury 1762 Reed, James, Burlington, aud Elizabeth Peacock 1778 Reed, Jobn, Hunterdon, and Susanna Lanning 1733 Reed, John, New Brunswick, and Mary Linnitson, New Branswick . . 1751 Reed, John, Freehold, and Sarah AVetherill, Middlesex 1751 Reed, Noah, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Hoff 1780 Reed, Stephen, Hunterdon, and Else Bonham 1782 Reeder, John, Treutou, and Hannah Hendrickson 1783 Reeve, John, and Anue Bradgate 1695 Reeve, John, Northamptou, and Esther Riggents, Northampton 1779 Reeve, Mark, Salem, and Anu Hunt, Salem 1686 Reeve, Micajah, Burlington, and Hannah Lee, Burlington 1754 Reeve, Moses, Northampton, and Aune Reeve, Northampton 1776 Reeve, Samuel, Burliugton, and Elizabeth Wright, Burlington 1778 Reeve, AValter, and Anne Howell 1682 Reeves, Abraham, Gloucester, and Mary AA'ard, Deptford 1769 Reeves, Abraham, Cape May, and Margaret Burch 1769 Reeves, Abraham, Cape May, and Ruth CroweU, Cape May 1775 Reeves, Abraham, Cumberland, and Christina Shykeh 1787 Reeves, Adonijah, Cape May, aud Mary Bellanger, Cape May 1781 Reeves, Amariah, Salem, and Susanna Hays. Salem 1762 Reeves, Henry, Burlington, and Abigal Shinn, Burlington 17'28 Reeves, Henry, Northampton, and Rachel Jess, Northampton 1765 Reeves, James, Deptford, aud Marget Solmon 1785 Reeves, Jonathan, Burlington, and Hannah Budd, Burlington 1730 Reeves, .Iohn, Burlington, and Rebecca Huber, Burlington 1770 Reeves, John, Cumberland, and Marthew Austin 1777 Reeves, Johnson, Cumberland, and Sevia Bereman 1777 Reeves, Joseph, Northampton, and Elizabeth Toy 1782 Reeves, Samuel, nnd Mary Hill 1 735 Reeves, Samuel, Northampton,- and Hannah Hewstice, Evesham 1747 Reeves, Samuel, Burliugton, and Lydia Tanner 1779 ReeTes, Solomon, Northampton, and Hope Harbur 1784 Reeves, Thomas, Gloucester, and Keziah Brown 1777 Reeves, Walter, Burlington, and Tabitha Garwood, Burlington. . . ._. 1765 Reeves, AVUliam, Northampton, and Sarah Bonn, Northampton 1747 Reichards, Johu, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Bostede 1756 Mar. 23 Dec. ID Mar. 21 Oct. 22 Sept. 28 Jan. 29 Oct. 31 Nov. 8 May 28 Feb. 2 June 16 Mar. 21 Oct. 25 Nov. 25 Deo. 9 May 4 May 19 July 22 Mar. 31 Dec. 3 Mar. 2 Jan. 17 Feb. 16 Nov. 11 Feb. 24 Nov. 26 Oct. 22 Sept. 20 Feb. 21 Oct. 4 Feb. 26 Mar. 2 May 26 Mar. 18 Sept. '29 Nov. 19- Dec. 8 Aug. 8 Jan. 2 Jan. 12 May 31 Aug. 24 Nov. 18 Feb. 9 Nov. 21 April I 17 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Eeid, Augustine, Monmoutb, and Sarah Reading, Hunterdon 1756 Reid, Charles, Freehold, and Mary Copper, Freehold 1767 Eeid, George, Jr., Monmoutb, and Tainche Covert, Monmoutb 1743 Eeid, James, Cranbery, and Mary Manee, Staten Island 1747-8 Reid, John, Burlington, and Jane Gofogy, Burlingtou 1764 Reid, Martin, Shrewsbury, and Anne Dramme, Shrewsbury 1759 Eeid, Samuel, Freehold, and Maria D. Garrison, New York 1775 Reilly, Dennis, Kingwood, Elizabeth Price, Kingwood 1771 Reily, John, Burlington, and Mary French, Buriington 1771 Eementon, Moses, Cumberland, and Sarah Walling, Cumberland 1768 Remington, Moses, Camberland, and Theodocia Sayre 1778 Remington, Thomas, Cumberland, andSarah Sheppard 1778 Remington, WilUam, Salem, and Mary AVoodbouse, Salem 1693 Renear, James. Burlington, and Susannah McGuire. 1778 Renear, Joseph, Mansfield, and Anna Malsby, Mansfield 1774 Eeney, James, Cape May, and Presila Eldridge, Cape May 1761 Renier, John, Burlington, and Margaret Craft 1734 Renier, Peter, BurUngton, and Jemima Draper, Burlington 1741 Renshaw, John, Burlington, and Martha Shreve 1769 Renshawe, John, and Mary Stacy 1686 Rettinghousen, WUUam, AmweU, and Canzaday Quick, Kingwood . . 1772 Route, John, Shrewsbury, and Effy Willis, Shrewsbury 1767 Eeve, SUas, Monmouth, and Alice AVUkins, Monmouth 1746 Eeves, Beddle, Gloucester, and Anne Clement 1759 Eeves, Henry, Burlington, and Elizabeth Powell, Mount Holly 1782 Rewbart, Vincent, Burlington, and EUzabeth Stanton, Burlington .. 1762 Reyneerson, Parent, Hillsborough, and Sarah Thornell 1779 Reynolds, James, Monmouth, and Rebecca Parent, Monmouth 1 729 Eeynolds, John, Freehold, and Hannar Cox, Freehold 1762 Reynolds, Patrick, Burlington, and Austes Rushford, Burlington. . . . 1729 Eeynolds, Thomas, Northampton, and Elizabeth Budd, Northamptoii..l759 Eeynolds, WUliam, Newton, aud Esther Cain, Oxford 1769 Eeynolds, WiUiam, Jr., Freehold, and Elizabeth Mittin, Shrewsbury. . 1757 Ehe, Robert, Moninoutb, and Mary Ferman, Monmouth 1744 Ehea, Jonathan, Monmouth, and Lydia Forman, Monmouth 1753 Rhine, Dauiel, Chesterfield, and Mary Smith 1759 Rhinoles, John, Shrewsbury, and Johannah Pattison, Freehold 1766 Rhodes, Charles, Town Freehold, and Alice Van Kirk 1750 Ehodes, John, Burlington, and Bridget Higgins, Burlington. . . . . 1733 Rhodes, John, BurUngton, aud Mary CaldweU 1738 Rice, James, Monmouth, and Rebecca Hoffmire, Monmouth 1736 Eice, PhiUip, Salem, and Catharine Swinney, Salem 1769 Richards, Henry, Philadelphia, and Jane Gaunt, Philadelphia 1762 Eicbards, Heni-y, Perth Amboy, and Mary Carpenter, Perth Amboy. . 1763 Richards, Jacob, Cape May, and Rachel Badcock, Cape May 1754 ^Eicbards, Jobn, Greenwich, and Susannah Hewit, Gloucester 1770 21 321 July 6 Aug. 29 July 18 Mar. 16 April 4 April 21 Dec. 29 Nov. 18 April 4 Feb. 5 July 30 Sept. 30 April 13 Oct. 17 Aug. 11 April 12 Deo. 23 Feb. 19 Aug. 10 AprU 17 Aug. 20 Aug. 28 April 28 Nov. 12 Sept. 10 Jan. 21 Mar. e June 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 29 June 23 Jan. 27 Mar. 5 Dec. 18 Oct. 8 Oct. 20 Not. 13 July 28 Oct. 16 Oct. 30 Nov. 22 Oct. 19 Feb. 4 Nov. 19 Sept. 26 Mar. 7 322 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Richards, Joseph, Perth Amboy, and Sarah Gregory, Middlesex 1761 Richardson, Benjamin, Cape May, Elizabeth Richardson, Cape May. . . 1733 Richardson, Jacob, Cape May, and Temperance Scull, Cape May 1740 Richardson, Jacob, Cape May, and Pricilla Newton, Cape May 1761 Richardson, Jacob, Cape May, and Mary Marsh, Cape May. 1771 Richardson, Jeremiah, Cape Maj", and Susannah Church 1774 Richardson, John, Jr. , Burlington, and Rebecca Powell, Burlington. . . 1740 Richardson, John, Cape May, and Elizabeth Craford 1756 Richardson, John, Perth Amboy, and Jemima Gibson, Perth Amboy. .1763 Richardson, John, Mansfield, and Phebe White, Burlington 1772 Richardson, John, and Gartery Vansciver 1780 Richardson, Joseph, Deerfield, and Arabella Seagrave, Deerfield 1751 Richardson, Josejjh, Burlington, and Hannah Sphes 1785 Richardson, Joseph, Burlington, and Abigail Gaskill 1788 Richardson, Samuel, Cape May, and Elizabeth Carman, Cape May 1731 Richardson, Samuel, Springfield, and Jane DaTis 1770 Richardson, Thomas, New Port, and Elizabeth Eaton, Shrewsbury 1775 Richey, William, Woodbridge, and Eunice Martin, AA'^oodbridge 1740 Richman, Abraham, Salem, and Sarah Keen, Salem 1771 Richman, Andrew, Salem, and Eunice Miller 1772 Richman, David, Salem, and Mary Mahew, Salem 1769 Richman, Harmon, Salem, and Rachel Miller, Manington 1773 Richman, -Henry, Salem, and Rhoda Elwell, Salem 1770 Richman, Jacob, Salem, and Catharine Matson, Gloucester 1 736 Richman, WiUiam, Salem, and Experience Read 1773 Richmond, Oldriek, Salem, and Sarah Chandler 1745 Rickey, Joseph, Barlington, and Mary Quigley, Burlington 1775 . Rickey, Thomas, Jr. , and Rebecca Margerum 1778 Rickhord, .Iacob, Staten Island, and Phebe Johnson. 1768 Rickhow, Abraham, Statenlsland, and Sarah Palmer, Staten Island. .. 1 756 Riokman, Jobn, Hackensack, and Susannah Brown, Hackensack 1760 Riddel, William, Somerset, and Elizabeth Moore, Somerset 1750 Riddell, Jobn, Somerset, and Rachel Stockton, Somerset 1741 Rider, William, PhUadelpbia, and Sarah Ballman, Philadelphia 1730 Ridgeley, Nicholas, Salem, and Mary Yining, Salem 1736 Ridgents, William, Northampton, and Susanna Atkinson, Burlington. .1776 Ridgeway, Richard, Monmouth, and Lavina Bird, Monmouth 1751 Ridgeway, Barzilla, Springfield, and Edith Haines, Northampton 1775 Ridgeway, Henry, Springfield, and Mary Wright, Hanover 1771 Ridgway, Jacob, Burlington, and Sukey Ellis, Burlington 1780 Ridgway, Jacob, Woolwich, and Kesiah Pedrick 1789 Ridgway, Job, Stafford, and Elizabeth Matthews, L. Egg Harbour 1766 Ridgway, Jobn, Burlington, and Hannah Brown, Burlingtou 1727 Ridgway, Joseph, Burlington, and Prudence Borton 1786 Ridgway, Lott, Springfield, and Susannah Peat, Gloucester 1750 Ridgway, Lott, Jr., Springfield, ajid Deborah John^ori 1780 April 24 Sept. 4 Sept. 27 Aug. 31 July 26 Sept. 8 Aug. 14 Dec. 17 Oct. 28 Deo." 8 Nov. 27 Dec. 30 Jan. 18 Feb. 15 June 4 AprU 10 AprU 4 Feb. 9 Oct. 30 AprU 28 Aug. 9 Feb. 6 May 18 Feb. 22 Oct. 25 June 3 Aug. 16 Nov. 28 May 14 Deo. 18 June 12 Oct. 29 May 11 Sept. 11 Deo. 23 Jan. 5 May 21 Dec. 28 Feb. 25 Mar. 29 Sept. 15 Nov. 25 May 5 Mar. 18 Dec. 3 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Eidgway, Noah, Northampton, and Susannah Haldren 1779 Ridner, John, Bergen, and Caterine Van Houten I779 Ridner, Nicholas, and Sarah Bright 1785 Rigden, WUliam, Pennsylvania, and Lydia Thomas, Burlington 1755 Rigg, Eobert, and Jane Bayliffe 1688 Righter, David, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Robinson 1781 Righton, William, and Sarah Biddle I695 Riker, Peter, Pequannock, and Olchel Doremus 1783 Riley, Charles, Salem, and Catharine Richmond 1786 EUey, Joseph, Cumberland, and Rachel AVare I773 RUey, Patrick, Piscataway, and EUzabeth Vanderhoven, Woodbridge. 1753 Riley, Samuel, Salem, arid SarahChecsman 1785 Rimbo, Daniel, Amwell, and Elizabeth Doutie, Amwell 1749 Ring, Thomas, Somerset, and Margaret Staats, Somerset 1741 Ringo, Albartus, and Katherine Godown, Amwell 1745 Rinnerson, Isaac, Somerset, and Mai'get Fiunise 1779 Ripe, Jacob, Burlington, and Jane Kelley. 1778 Risley, Jeremiah, Glouoester, and Jane Carmstring 1739 Risley, John, and Margaret Doughty, Egg Harbour 1758 Risley, Peter, Cape May, aud Ann Carman, Burlington 1736 Risley, Samuel, Gt. Egg Harbor, and Abigail Somers 1784 Rittinger, John, BurUngton, and Rachel Fennimore 1778 Elves, AVUliam, Middlesex, and Martha Barton, Middlesex 1739 Roads, Anthony, Springfield, aud Mary Dunfee, Springfield 1765 Robart, John, L. Egg Harbour, and Mary Jones, L. Egg Harbour .. .1765 Robarts, Aaron, Newark, and Elizabeth Hedden , 1778 Robarts, Edmund, Maidenhead, and Massey Moore 1778 Robbarts, Richard, Roxbury, and Anna Sweezey 1778 Robbins, Richard, Burlington, and Anne Race, Burlington 172* Robbins, Zebidee, Burlington, and Hope Atkinson, Burlington 1766 Robeen, James, Gloucester, aud Mary HiUman 1779 -Robens, Aaron, Monmouth, and Mary Worthley, Monmouth 1740 Eoberds, Freeman, Bucks, Pa., and Martha Runyon, Bucks, Pa 1768 Eoberson, Thomas, Monmouth, and Catharine Pearse, Monmouth. . . 1749 Roberson, William, Elizabeth, and Elizabeth Briant, Elizabeth 1781 Roberts, Benjamin, Hunterdon, and Charity Large 1768 Roberts, Edmond, Bucks, and Jane Vanhorne 1732 Roberts, James, Middletown, aud Phebe Cabart, Middletown 1758 Eoberts, Jobn, Burlington, and Hannah Newberry, Burlington 1732 Eoberts, Jobn, Middletown, and Deborah Jobes, Middletown 1753 Roberts, John, South Amboy, and Priscilla Buckalew 1757 Eobert, Jobn, Middletown, and Sarab Walling 1774 Eoberts, John, Gloucester, and Hannah Bassett 1791 Eoberts, Joseph, PhUadelphia, and Mary Butler, Burlington 1748 ;¦¦ 1 Aeltje, .Dutoh for Aletta or Alida. 323 April . 8 Nov. 20 July 5 Jan. 27 Aug. 25 Jau. 1 Oct. 21 May 31 Sept. 26 Aug. 28 Nov. 12 Jan. 6 Dec. 29 Aug. 5 Sept. 19 Dec. 25 Mar. 23 Mar. 6 May 4 Jan. 22 Aug. 14 Oct. 24 July 17 April 27 Aug. 28 Sept. 1 Sept. 18 May 17 Mar. 21 Oct. 23 April 9 Dec. 13 Oct. 20- July 18 Oct. 17 Feb. 4 Aug. 10 Aug. 29 Nov. 24 Nov. 9 Dec. 24 July 4 April 2 Sept. 21 324 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Roberts, Joseph, Monmouth, and Mary HiU, Monmoutb 1764 Jan. 3 Roberts, Joseph, Gloucester, and Letitia Jones, Gloucester ; .1764 Feb. 14 Roberts, Joseph, AVoolwich, and Anu Platt, Gloucester 1770 Feb. 12 Roberts,, Joseph, Hanover, and Edith Harrison, Hanover 1770 Nov. 13 Roberts, Matthew, Middletown Point, and Mary Beiuet, Shrewsbury. .1769 Jan. 19 Roberts, Robert, Glouoester, and Thomasin Parker, Gloucester 1762 Nov. 8 Roberts. Samuel, Morris, and Sarab Bonnel, Essex 1761 Sept. 28 Roberts, Simeon, Philadelphia, and Prudence Brown, New Town 1762 June 14 Roberts, Timothy, Pennsylvania, and Mary Rue, Pennsylvania 1735 April 16 Roberts, Thomas, Middletown, and Anue Walling, Middletown 1747 Mar. 4 .Roberts, Thomas, Middleton, and Mary Fowling, Middleton 1756 Nov. 29 Robertson, Charles, New York, and Lucy Jeihison ' l'V84 May 12 Robertson, David, and Phebe Coleman 1745 June 12 Robertson, David, Middletown, and Margaret A^'ilson, Middletown. ... 1749 April 17 Robertson, Jamos, Gloucester, and Esther Adman, Gt. Egg Harbor 1736 Mar. 4 Robertson, Jobn, Cape May, and Experience Hand, Cape May 1756 Nov. 23 Robertson, John, Cape May, aud Tabittha Foster 1786 June 17 Robertson, Patrick, Monmoutb, and Mary Warne, Monmouth 1749 July 7 Robertson, WUliam, Monmouth, and Mary Carhart, Monmouth 1744-5 Mar. 22 Robeson, James, Bordentown, and Elizabeth Pugh, Bordentown 1764 May 21 Robeson, Jonathan, Philadelphia, and Hannah AVilliams 1773 Oct. 6 Robins, Benjamin, Nottingham, and Ruth Radfield, Nottingham 1771 Mar. 19 Robins, Dauiel, Upper Freehold, and Sarah Leonard, Up. Freehold. . . 1747 Nov. 12 Robins, Daniel, Middlesex, and Mary Cunningham, Monmoutb 1767 Oct. 3 Robins, Ephraim, Monmoutb, and Mercy Cox, Monmoutb 1746 April 21 Robins, Esek, Monmouth, and Ruth Randle 1762 Mar. 3 Robins, James, Burlington, and Elizabeth Core, Burlington 1737 Nov. 2 Robius, Jesse, Moumouth, and Mary Robins, Monmouth 1771 Aug. 12 Robins, John, Monmouth,, and Mary AVright, Monmouth 1766 Jan. 6 Robins, Jobn, Monmoutb, and Mary Hutchinson 1768 Aug. 23 Robins, John, Monmouth, and Rebeckah Stout, Middletown 1779 Mar. 31 Robins, Joseph, Monmouth, and Sarah Clayton, Monmonth. ... ¦ 1732 Mar. 29 Robins, Moses, Monmouth, and Aune Ansley, Monmouth 1761 Not. 13 Robins, Moses, Lt. Egg Harbour, and Sarab AVarner, Lt. Egg Harb'r. . 1774 Aug. 19 Robins, Nathaniel, Burlington, and Ruth Vanroom, Burlingtcn 1741 Oct. 7 Robins, Nathaniel, Jr., Burlington, and Mary Swain 1779 Mar. 26 Robins, Obadiah, Cumberland, and Rachel Shepherd 1754 Feb. 28 Robins, Thomas, Monmoutb, and Miribah Geberson 1758 Oct. 9 Robins, Timothy, Monmouth, and Ruth Smith, Monmouth, . 1745 Mar. 7 Robins, Vanroom, Nottingham, and Tabitha Ford 1783 Not. 8 Robius, Zachariah, Monmoutb, and Mary Gibison, Monmoutb 1769 April 20 Robinson, Caleb, Woolwich, aud Mary Dickson 1786 Mar. 6 Robinson, Daniel, Middletown, and Mary Cooperax, Middletown 1704 Mar. 7 Robinson, Henry, Freehold, and Aniia Ehea, Freehold 1763 Not. 1 Robinson, James, Middlesex, and Margaret Hance 1751 Not. 29 Robinson, James, Stow Creek, and Elizabeth Dare, Stow Creek. .... 1759 May 29 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Eobinson, Janies, Toms River; and Mary Voorlass 1768 Robinson, John, Monmouth, and Rachel Vahan, Monmouth 1766 Robinson, Johh, Toms River, -and Eleanor Hart 1768 Robinsim, John, Somerset, and Sarab Britton 1779 Robinson, Joseph, Freehold, and Eunice West, Shrewsbury 1776 Eobinson, Joseph, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Scott 1772 Robinson, Joseph, Glouoester, and Pamelia Hendrickson 1782 Robinson, Nicolas R. , Pennsylvania, and Ann Friend 1775 Robinson, Thomas, PhUadelphia, and Sarah Mason, Salem 1738 Robinson, Thomas, Perth Amboy, and Rachel Hartshorne, Middlet'n. . 1751 Robinson, Thomas, Burlington, and Ann Trenet, Burlington 1757 Robinson, William, Cape May, and Phebe Young, Cape May 1738 Robinson, William, Middlesex, and Mary Loffborougb, Monmouth. . . . 1744 Robinson, William, Cape May, and Roada- Corson, Cape May 1754 Robinson, William, Penns Neck, and Sarah Newkirk, Piles Grove 1767 Robinson, William, Deptford, and Lydia Fowler , ¦ • • ¦ 1774 Robinson, William, Cumberland, and Sarah Woodruff 1 789 Robinson, William, Jr., Maurice River, and Mary Youngs 1772 Robison, David, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Chew 1774 Robison, WilUam, Cape May, and Hannah Veal 1778 Robison, WUliam, Trenton, and Sarah Kotts 1780 Rockafellow, Peter, Amwell, and Elizabeth Peterson, Amwell 1774 Rockfellar, Cbristopher, Amwell, and Anna Quick 1780 RockhUl, Amos, Mansfield, and Jerusha Lippincott, Northampton ... 1751 RookhiU, David, Burlington, and Ann Aarison, Burlington 1758 Rookhill, Edward, Mansfield, and Mary Buffin 1763 RockhUl, Joseph, Burlington, and Sarab Taylor, Burlington 1728 RookhiU, Joseph, Bucks, Pa., and Sarah Cutler, Burliugton 17,36 RockhUl, Samuel, Burlington, aud Hannah Morris, Mansfield 1774 RookhiU, Solomon, Burlington, and Susannah Taylor, Chesterfield , . 1749 RockhUl, Thomas, Burlington, and Lydia Jones 1786 RockhUl, WiUiam, Shrewsbury, aud Elizabeth Smyth, Shrewsbury 1761 Eookllar, Peter, AmweU, and Abigail Large 1778 Eode, George, Hunterdon, and Anne Thomas, Hunterdon 1750 Eoe, David, Gloucester, and Ursulla Hurff, Gloucester 1767 Eoe, Henry, Gloucester, and Hannah Cheesman, Gloucester 1729 Roe, Henry, Gloucester, and Ann Jacquet 1780 Roe, John, Perth Amboy, and Mary Wilson, Perth Amboy 1757 Eoe, Michael, Glouoester, and Mary Smallwood 1784 Roe, Samuel,- Maryland, and KabeUa Mackkouw 1784 Eogers, Benjamin, Shrewsbury, and Deborah Woolley, Shrewsbury. . 1753 Eogers, Hezekiah, Pennsylvania, and Elizabeth Clews, Pennsylvania. .1728 Rogers, Isaac, Monmouth, and Hannah Talman 1757 Sogers, Isaac, Burlington, and Elizabeth Stokes, Burlington 1765 Rogers, Isaac, New AVindsor, and Ann Taylor, Nottingham 1768 Rogers, James, Burlington, and Theophilus GaskiU 1786 32S July 26 Aug. 19 July 26 Dec. 11 Sept. 3 April 25 April 25 Dec. 6 Jan. 29 Not. 4 Aug. 15 June 20 Not. 23 Aug. 13 Mar. 16 June 17 July 9 June 20 May 6 Jan. 6 Feb. 10 Dec. 26 Oct. 21 April 16 Aug. 30 Sept. 10 May 26 April 8 July 25 Aug. 8 Oct. 26 Mar. 30 May 14 July 13 July 24 Feb. 16 Jan. 24 Aug. 30 AprU 20 May 4 Oct. 26 June 11 Sept. 29 Oct. 29 July 6 Oct. 10 326 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Rogers, Job, Burlington, and Margery Allen 1769 Rogers, John, Burlington, and Vesti Austin, Burlington 1754 Rogers, Johu, Burlington, and Mary Bennett, Burlington 1768 Rogers, John, Monmoutb, and Mary SilTer, Middlesex 1768 Rogers, John, Northampton, and Anne Norcross, New HanoTer. .... 1784 Rogers, John, Jr., Burlington, and Sarah Stokes, Burlington 1734 Rogers, Jonathan, Salem, and Bridget Conchton, Salem 1745-6 Rogers, Joseph, Northampton, and Hester Atkinson, Northampton. . . . 1783 Rogers, Lewis, Philadelphia, and Anne Roberts, Philadelphia 1750 Rogers, Otbneil, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Leonard, Monmouth 1744 Rogers, Robert, Middlesex, aud Aun HoUoway, Chesterfield 1763 Rogers, Robert, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Fowler 1780 Rogers, Samuel, Monmouth, and Sarab Lefetra, Monmoutb. . . . . 1750 Rogers, Samuel, Burlington, and Mary Jones 1756 Rogers, Samuel, Freehold, and Elizabeth Bames, Freehold 1763 Rogers, Samuel, Burlington, and Margaret Thomas 1783 Rogers, Thomas, Burlington, and Ann Staples 1736 Rogers, Thomas, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Anna Rodman, Gt. Egg Har.. 1766 Rogers, William, Burlington, and Martha Esturgans, Burlington 1754 Rogers, William, Burlington, and Anna Elton 1777 Rogn, Karl Martin, Shrewsbury, and Catharine Jefferney, Sbrewsbury.1761 Rogue, Jobn, Morris Town, and Hannah Bonnel 1781 Robde, Ephraim Marcus V., Bergen, and WiUimyntie Eckhart, Bergen. 1786 Roland, John, Hunterdon, and Martha Anderson, Hunterdon 1740 Rolfe, Joseph, Salem, and Hannah Darkin, Salem 1741 Rolston, John, Morris, and Margaret Logan 1785 Romine, Christopher, Monmouth, and Rachel Romine, Monmouth. . . . 1750 Romine, Elias, Bergen, and Rachel Romine 1769 Romine, John, Shrewsbury, and Johannah Emaus, Shrewsbury 1763 Romine, Layton, Shrewsbury, and Ester Holstead, Shrewsbury 1762 Romine, Nicias, Morris, and Adriatje Lambert 1787 Romine, Samuel, Monmouth, and Christiana Flemming, Monmouth. .1760 Romine, Samuel, Shrewsbury, and Catharine Huffmire, Middletown. .1762 Romine, Thomas, Shrewsbury, and Rebekah Coltrile, Shrewsbury . . . 1752 Romine, Thomas, Shrewsbury, and Neley Vannort, Shrewsbury. ..... 1761 Roogers, Benjamin, Monmouth, and Johanna BiUs, Monmonth 1740 Roome, Peter, Morris, aud Sarab Berry, Morris 1752 Roos, William, Monmouth, and Deborah Leaming 1762 RooseTelt, Cornelius C, Orange, N. Y., and Alida Fargie 1781 Rosat, Abraham, Essex, and Catharine Kipp, Essex 1752 Rose, Albert, Hackensack, and Hannah Earl, Hackensack 1772 Rose, Ananias, Perth Amboy, and Affie Van Allen, Perth Amboy. .... 1757 Rose, Annanias, Middlesex, and Mary Stoydill 1769 Rose, Charles, New Jersey, and Rebekah MuUiner 1781 Rose, Ezekiel, Salem, and Elizabeth Newkirk, Salem 1769 Rose, Ezekiel, Amwell, and Mary Field, Hopewell 1772 Jan. 16 Aug. 6 April 12 Not. 12 Oct. 26 Jan. 14 Mar. 28 Aug. 25 Aug. 22 Oct. 15 Dec. 28 Sept. 16 Aug. 28 Not. 27 Cct. 7 Nov. 21 Oct. 30 May 10 Aug. 19 Dec. 20 Feb. 16 Jan. 1 Nov. 21 June 16 May 6 Mar. 28 Aug. 13 Feb. 11 Jan. 13 Dec. 4 Dec. 14 April 28 Dec. 9 Not. 23 Mar. 28 Dec. 10 Mar. 25 Not. 27 Oct. 17 April 13 Nov. 18 Mar. 21 Jan. 11 Jan. 13 Feb. 22 Not. 18 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 327 Eose, Hugh, Monmoutb, and Mary Vandike, Monmouth 1746 Rose, Isaac, Bergen, and Sarah Bogert 1788 Rose, Jonathan, Hunterdou, and Elizabeth Hixson 1779 Rose, Joseph, New Jersey, and Margaret Barkyt, Somerset 1749 Rose, Samuel, Burlington, and Anne Duckworth, Burlington 1739 Rose, Samuel, L. Egg Harbour, and Hannah Carman, Burlington . . , 1766 Rose, Timothy, Perth Amboy, and Anna Van Alia, Perth Amboy 1760 Rose, AVUliam, South Amboy, and Margaret Letts, South Amboy 1766 Boseboom, Garret, and Wooltie Tunison 1742 Rosekrans, Alexander, Shrewsbury, and Mary Allen, Shrewsbury, .. 1765 Rosele, James, Northampton, and Elizabeth AUcott, Northampton. . . . 1745 Rosele, Zebulon, Burlington, and Anne Rosele, BurUngton , 1746 RoseU, James, Barlington, and Elizabeth Alcott, Burliugton 1745 EoseU, Zachariah, Bridgetown, and Margaret Curtis, Bridgetown 1748 Rosell, Zachariah, New HanoTer, and Mary Kemble 1783 RoseU, Zebulon, Barlington, and Ann Rosele, Burlington • 1746 Ross, DaTid, New Castle, Del. , and Sarah Rolfe, Salem 1731 Ross, Hugh, Philadelphia, and Sarah Corry, Philadelphia 1732 Eoss, Hugh, Horse Neck, Conn., and Ann Clay, PennsylTania 1771 Robs, Isaiah, Gloucester, and Ruth Tindall, Gloucester 1733 Ross, James, Middlesex, and Margaret Ellison, Middlesex 1762 Ross, John, Middlesex, and Sarah Jackson, Woodbridge 1759 Ross, John, Philadelphia, and Elizabeth Griscomb 1 773 Ross, Joseph, Middlesex, and Elizabeth McCoy, Somerset 1749 Ross, Thomas, Cape May, and Mary Hand, Cape May 1782 RoaseU, Hezekiah, Burlington, and Elizabeth Bishop, Burlington . . , 1761 RosseU, Job, Burlington, and Huldah Kemble 1775 , Rossell, Samuel, Burlington, and Beulah Starkey, Burlington 1777 Rouze, AVhilden, Amwell, and Rebecca Lee, Amwell 1774 Row, DaTid, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Taber, Glouoester 1 738 Rowand, Alexander, Gloucester, and Phebe C. Emens 1785 RowaUd, Jacob, Gloucester, and Ann Heppard, Waterford 1771 Rowand, Jacob, Gloucester, and Rhoda Cheesman 1782 Rowe, Cornelius, Middlesex, and Cbarity ETeringham , 1767 Rowland, Jacob, Middlesex, and Nancy Clawsen,- Middlesex 1766 Rowland, James, Woodbridge, Jobanne FitzRandolph, Woodbridge. . . 1766 Rowse, Thomas, Salem, and Hanah Hingerson, Salem 1746 Roy, Insley, Sussex, and Isable Rhodes 1779 Roy, John, Sand Plane, and Sarab Alloways, Sand Plane 1745 RozeU, Abner, Maidenhead, and Tabitha Cook 1782 Eozell, Joseph, Burlington, and Ann Alcott, BurUngton 1737 Eozell, Zachariah, Burlington, and Mary Morgan, Burlington 1739 Buckman, Samuel, Kingwood, and Martha Foster, Kingwood 1772 Ruckman, Thomas, Kingwood, and Susanna Eut, Amwell 1774 Eudderow, John, Evesham, and Rachel Bates, Evesham 1747 Eudderow, WiUiam, Burlington, and AbigaU Spicer, Gloucester 1758 Oct. 17 Nov. 15 Jan. 8 Jan. 10 Feb. 26 June 18 Oct. 23 May 12 Feb. 4 Feb. 21 April 24 AprU 18 April 24 Jan. 25 Dec. 24 April 18 Feb. 12 June 4 Sept. 13 June 22 Mar. 19 June 20 Nov. 4 Jan. 25 Jan. 14 Oct. 1 May 13 AprU 22 Jan. 18 Sept. 6 Aug. 2 May 22 May 4 Sept. 28 Sept. 20 Nov. 9 Mar. 17 Dec. 14 Jan. 16 Feb. 27 Dec. 29 Jan. U July 4 April 5 Sept. 12 May 4 328 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Rudderow, John, Burlington, and Elizabeth Jones 1730 Ruderford, Adam, Salem, and Esther Elwell, Salem 1761 Rudolph, Hans, Philadelphia, and Ann Eaton, Salem 1736 Rudulph, Bartholomew, Cumberland, and Sarah Ewing 1779 Rue, John, Middlesex, and Lytie Voorhees, Middlesex 1751 Rue, John, South Amboy, and Mary Letts, South Amboy. 1758 Rue, Joseph, Middlesex, and Anne Disbrow, Middlesex 1752 Rue, Lewis, Bucks, Pa,, and Rachel Vansant 1736 Rue, Matthew, Middlesex, and Margaret Harbour, Middlesex 1749 Ruge, Benjamin, Salem, and Ann Craven 1731 Rulen, David, Stafford, and Dorcas Williams, Stafford..... 1763 Rulen, David, Stafford, and Mercy Soper, Stafford 1767 Rulon, David, Burlington, and Jemima Hankim 1781 Rulon, John, Fairfield, and Sarah Burt 1782 Rumsey, Charles, Salem, and Susannah Dickson, Salem. 173.9 Rumsey, Daniel, Salem, nnd Rachel Ayars, Salem 1772 Runalls, WiUiam, Woodbridge, and Mary Frazer, Woodbridge 1758 Runk, Peter, Amwell, and Ellenor Farley, Amwell 1774 Runkel, John, Lebanon, and Hannah Graff, Amwell 1775 Runkle, Abraham, Hunterdon, and Sarab Stout 1779 Runyon, Benjamin, Amwell, and Rebecca Barton, Amwell 1764 Runyon, Ephraim, Piscataway, and Ruth Mollison, Piscataway 1757 Runyon, Reune, Jr., Middlesex, and Anne Bray, Middlesex 1765 Runyon, Reszia, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Crow, Middlesex 1761 Runyon, Reuben, Hunterdou, and Mary Gorden 1767 Runyon, Samuel, Freehold, and Martha Gravat, Freehold 1852 Rusco, Nathaniel, Essex, and Sarah Conklin, Essex 1747 Russel, John, Shrewsbury, and Hannah Coulton 1749 Russell, Clement, Glouoester, and Sarah Purdy, Gloucester 1742 Russell, James, Monmouth, aud Abigail Holstid, Monmouth 1740 Russell, Thomas, Middlesex, and Else Adams, Hunterdon 1768 Rutan, Jacobus, Paramus, and AVillempje Bogart, Paramus 1765 Rutgers, Harmanis, NewYork, and Margaret Deforest, NewYork. .. , 1739 Rutherford, Heury, Salem, aud Martha Cowin 1733 Ryder, Garret, Middlesex, and Mary Lecaw, Middlesex .- 1780 Ryder, -John, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Van Nuis 1780 Ryer, John, Bergen, and Mary Fishear 1784 Ryerson, Abraham, Saddle River, and Sarah Mauderviel 1782 Ryerson, George, Bergen, and Antje Hennyon, Bergen 1760 Ryerson, George, Saddle River, aud Abigail Post, Saddle River 1773 Ryerson, Hassel, Bergen, and Dorothy Earl, Bergen 1771 Ryerson, Hassel, Bergen, and Catherine Van Alen 1787 Ryerson, Jobn, Reading, and Mary SUght, Reading 1774 Ryerson, Luke, Bergen, and Susanna Van Derlinden, Bergen 1745 Ryerson, Martin, Jr., Bergen, and Frouche Van Winkle 1778 Ryerson, AVUliam, Essex, and Eleauer Cook 1789 Nov. 2 Aug. 24 June 3 Sept. 20 May 20 July 24 Deo. 2 Mar. 4 Oct. 11 Mar. 20 Sept. 6 July 1 Feb. 12 Dec. 10 Nov.- 1 April 1, Mar. 15 Mar. 30 Deo. 2 April 19 J^an. 21 Oct. 12 June 8 Deo. 29. Dec. 24 Oct. 23 Feb. 16 Jan. 23 Sept. 23 Sept. 5 Deo. 23 June 1 Sept. 17 Aug. 13 AprU 22 Not. 27 Feb. 27 Not. 22 June 21 Dec. 17 Dec. 11 Not. 20 Feb. 2 June 4 Aug. 8 Sept. 15 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Ryle, Kraghead, and Lydia Akin I779 Eyly, Joseph, Cumberland, and Judith Moore, Cumberland 1774 Rynearson, Rynear, Somerset, and Judith Low 1780 Eyneir, Thomas, Mansfield, and Damey Thompson 1783 FEMALES. R Eaocow, Ann, Richmond, N. Y., and Caleb Aydelow, Richm'd, N. Y. . 1763 Race, Anne, Burlington, and Richard Robbins, Burlington 1729 Race, Hannah, Monmoutb, and Thomas Dickens, Monmouth 1760 Race, Priscilla, Middletown, and Joseph Patterson, Middletown 1746 Radcliff, PlUIetie, and WiUiam Ely, Essex 1781 Radford, Mary, BurUngton, and Richard Bibby, Burlington 1730 Radford, Sarah, Burlington, and John Hartman, Burlington 1761 Raef, Mary, and Gesbert Vansickle, Middlesex 1780 Ragan, Margaret, Gloucester, and Thomas Taber, Gloucester. 1764 Rainer, Eunice, aud Thomas Johnson, Morris 1779 Rakestraw, Hannah, and Abraham Haines, Burlington 1772 Rakestraw, Lucretia, and Isaiah Flitcroft, Burlington 1773 Rakestraw, Lucretia, and James Nayler, ETesham 1777 Rambo, Bridgett, Philadelphia, and John Carpenter, Philadelphia 1738 Rambo, Elizabeth, Glouoester, and Thomas Denny, Gloucester 1745 Eambo, Mary, and DaTid Seely, Salem .... 1758 Rambon, Hannah, and Joseph Jones, Gloucester 1785 RandaU, Elizabeth, and Thomas Blacklege, Bucks, Pa 1730 Randall, Phebe, Bucks, Pa., aud Jobn Mitchell, Bucks, Pa 1763 RandaU, Sarah, and Thomas Hair, Bucks, Pa '. 1768 Randle, Ruth, and Esek Robins, Upper Freehold 1762 Eandolph — see also Fitz Randolph. Randolph, Ann, Middlesex, and Ricbard Manning, Morris 1753 Randolph, Anne, and Jeremiah Bennet, Monmouth 1780 Randolph, Experience, and James Coddington, Middlesex 1781 Randolph, Grace, Middlesex, and Alexander Freeman, Middlesex 1748 Randolph, Hannah, Cumberland, and Benjamin Acton, Salem 1773 Randolph, Jane, Cumberland, and John Morrow, Cumberland 1771 Randolph, Mary, and EUsha Brown, Philadelphia 1783 Randolph, Rachel, Middlesex, and Jeremiah Manning, Middlesex , . . 1764 Randolph, Zeruiah, Middlesex, and Jobn Manning, Somerset 1763 Raney, Latitia, Cape May, and Thomas Ewing, Cape May 1780 Raney, PriscUla, and Jobn B. McCormick, Cape May 177o Ranier, Sarah, and Joseph Housler, Burlington 1781 Rankins, Anne, and Matthew Brown, Sussex 1768 Rankins, Frances, and Abraham House 1771 Rannals, Ruth, PennsylTania, and John Cro;-ier, Pennsylvania 1776 Rape, Judah, and John Millhouse. Gloucester 1786 Eappleye, Mary, and Jacob Boyce, Middlesex 1744 Rappleyea, Anne, and Cornelius Sidam, Somerset 1780 329 Mar. 27 May 26 Deo. 16 Jan. 7 July 11 Mar. 21 AprU 11 Sept. 16 May 19 May 11 April 6 Jan. 19 April 5 April 26 Dec. 28 May 27 Jan. 9 April 17 Jau. 2 Jan. 2 Mar. 4 April 15 Oct. 17 Aug. 19 Mar. 3 Mar. 28 Sept. 26 July 9 Jau. 11 Nov. 24 Mar. 28 AprU 12 Feb. 28 Jan. 21 Nov. 7 Aug. 11 Aug. 29 June 20 Mar. IS Mar. 8 Mar. 28 Sept. 7 Nov. 28 330 NEW JERSEV COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Rappelyea, Jannetia, Somerset, and William Lane, Somerset 1750 June 4 Rappelyea, Sarab, Piscataway, and Conrad Ten Eick, Raritan 1751 Dec. 27 Rates, Sarah, and Joseph Avise, Salem 1781 Dec. 10 Ratford, Martha, and Godfrey Pilgrim, Burlington 1771 Feb. 2 Rathstone, Hannah Sophia, and William Hayes, Sussex 1770 Nov. 17 Rattan, Rachel, Somerset, and Elias Southard, Elizabethtown 1760 Oct. 25 Rattoon, Elizabeth, Perth Amboy, and Robert Sproul, Perth Amboy. . 1768 Feb. 4 Rattoon, Margaret, Perth Amboy, and Daniel O'Brien, Perth Amboy. 1749 Oct. 11 Rawle, Sarah, PhUadelpbia, and Thomas Massey, Philadelphia 1763 Sept. 28 Raywortb, Jane, Burlington, and William Versee 1745 Jan. 25 Ray, Mary, Gloucester, and John Church, Philadelphia 1784 July 15 . Ray, Sarah, PhUadelphia, and AViUiam Williamson, Philadelphia 1731 Mar. 27 Raziner, Sarab, and William Newbury, Gloucester 1783 Jan. 8 Rea, Agnes, Salem, and Elijah Bassett, Salem 1770 Nov. 19 Read, Catharine, Philadelphia, and William Stapler, Philadelphia. . . .1730 June 16 Read, Dinah, and Samuel Delaney, Gloucester 1774 May 8 Read, Eleanor, Monmouth, and Robert McAfey, Monmouth 1748 Jan. 3 Read, Elizabeth, Salem, and John Estlack, Jr., Gloucester 1751 May 29 Read, Experience, and William Richman, Pitts Grove 1773 Oct. 25 Read, Helen, Monmouth, and Thomas Bonne, Monmouth 1747 Deo. 26 Read, Jemima, and Isaac Ingerson, Gloucester 1775 April 12 Read, Mary, Woodbridge, and Henry Freeman, Jr., Woodbridge 1742 July 1 Read, Mary, Fairfield, and David Page, Faii'field 1763 July 30 Read, PriscUla, Fairfield, and David Padgett, Cumberland 1752 Jan. 16 Read, Rachel, Salem, and Jobn Miller, Salem 1740 Oct. 31 Read, Sarah, Monmouth, and Francis CoTert, Monmouth 1744 Not. 3 Read, Susanna, and Solomon Titus, Hopewell 1779 AprU 6 . Reading, Amelia, and Albert Zabriskie, Bergen 1787 Mar. 20 Reading, Ann, Hunterdon, and Charles Beaty, Bucks 1746 Jan. 13 Reading, Euphemia, and Peter Imlay, Monmouth 1772 AprU 13 Reading, Isabella, aud Henry Bailie, Huuterdon .- 1767 Deo. 8 Reading, Mary, and Arthur Gray, Huuterdon 1778 AprU 3 Reading, Sarab, Hunterdon, and Augustin Reid, Monmouth 1756 July 6 Ready, Elizabeth, Cape May, aud James Mickel, Cape May 1763 Feb. 12 Reay, Elizabeth, and Cornelius Clark, Salem 1758 June 20 Rece, Elizabeth, and Thomas Town I759 Feb. 16 Reckhow, Rachel, Staten Island, and Jacob Pries, Staten Island 1746 Jan. 16 Reckless, Ann, and WiUiam Shreve, Burlington 1779 Feb. 17 Records, Marj', and Thomas Potts 1698 June 30 Reddy, Sarah, and John Sharp, Cape May 1767 April 27 Redf ord, Elizabeth, aud Lewis M. Ashfield 1748 Feb. 4 Redmon, Elizabeth, Somerset, Benjamin Fitzrandolph, Jr., Somerset, 1727 Mar. 9 Redstreak, Elizabeth, Salem, and Anthony Casparson, Salem 1739 Oct. 15 Redstreaks, Isabel, and James Smith I77I pgi,_ 2I Reece, Susannah, and George Cook, Monmoutb 1762 April 15 Reed, Alice, and John Disbrow, Hunterdon 1778 jujy 25 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 33 I Reed, EUzabeth, Freehold, aud Jonathan Combs, Perth Amboy 1741 Reed, Elizabeth, GeorgeT'n, Md., Jos. Montgomery, GeorgeT'n, Md 1762 Reed, Elizabeth, Monmoath, and Francis Mount, Monmouth 1764 Reed, Hannah, Middlesex, and Andrew Brown, Middlesex 1744 Reed, Nancy, and James Emerson, Jr., Hunterdon 1788 Reed, Maria, and Joseph Mcllvane, Burlington. 1793 Reed, Martha, and Samuel Dowdney, Cumberland 1783 Reed, Patience, and Joshua Laing, Hunterdon 1779 ¦ Reed, Pheabe, Cape May, and Anthony Ludlum, Cape May 1771 Reed, Rachel, and William Snowden, Chesterfield 1771 Reed, Rhoda, and Johu Hunt, Hunterdon 1784 Reed, Ruth, and Thomas Plessent, Hunterdon 1778 Reed, Sarah, and John Carr, Hunterdon 1779 Reeder, Elizabeth, and Thomas Drake, Hunterdon 1785 Reeder, Martha, Hunterdon, and James KeUy, Hunterdon. . . 1773 Reeder, Mary, and James Powell, Kingwood '. 1780 Reeder, Phebe, and Daniel Drake, Hunterdon 1777 Reeds, Hedy, and Ricbard Groff, Gloucester 1779 Reemer, Elizabeth, Somerset, and Michael Henderson, Monmouth. . . . 1764 Reemer, Katherine, Somerset, and Jobn Castner, Somerset 1783 Reese, Mary, and Jesse Eldridge, Burlington 1778 Reeve, Anne, Northampton, and Moses Reeve, Northampton 1 776 Reeve, Elizabeth, Burlington, and WilUam Sherwell, Burlington 1756 Reeve, Hannah, Evesham, and Levi Shinn, Evesham 1776 Reeves, Ann, Deptford, and John Wood, Deptford 1765 Reeves, Anne, Burlington, and Joseph Bishop, Burlington. . . .... 1754 Reeves, EUzabeth, Burlington, and Isaac Atkinson, Burlington 1736 Reeves, EUzabeth, AUoways Creek, and Aaron Stretch, Alloways Creek. 1765 Reeves, Elizabeth, Burlington, ahd John Sheppard, Burlington 1776 Reeves, Elizabeth, and Samuel Bennet, Gloster. 1783 Reeves, Esther, Northampton, and Jabus Eldridge, Burlington 1746 Reeves, Hope, Burlington, and Joseph Haines, Burlington 1749 Reeves, Mabel, and Le-Ti Leeke, Cumberland 1783 ReeTes, Martha, Deptford, and William Thompson, Deptford. 1768 Reeves, Mary, Burlington, and Francis Surly, Burlington 1737 ReeTes, Mary, and Price Reese, Burlington 1747 ReeTes, Mary, Gloucester, and Charles Hoffman, Gloucester., 1761 ReeTes, Mary, Burlington, and Joseph Haines, Burlington 1771 ReeTes, Mary, ETesham, and Andrew Stapleton, Evesham 1782 Reeves, Meribah, Burlington, and Edmund Lerithicum, Burlington . . . 1783 Reeves, Prudence, and Daniel Brewster, Cumberland 1780 ReeTes, Rachel, Burlington, and Mathias Brook, Burlington 1750 Reeves, Sarah, Burlington, and Joseph Adams, Gloucester 1754 Reeves, Sarab, and Israel Read, Cumberland 1787 Regan, Elizabeth Christina, and Simeon Verner, Somerset 1767 Regains, Mary, and Joseph Chester, Cape May 1773 June 3 May 4 Feb. 8 April 23 Feb. 20 Sept. 19 Oct. 27 Feb. 13 April 2 Jan. 3 Feb. 16 July 15 Mar. 2 Mar. 1 Feb. 9 Oct. 7 July 8 Jan. 18 Jan. 24 June 16 May 2 Jan. 17 Oct. 14 Jan. 2 Oct. 28 May 28 Jan. 12 Sept. 26 May 16 Mar. 8 Nov. 12 Not. 2 July 28 Sept. 12 Mar. 22 May 16 July 13 Mar. 19 June 21 Sept. 20 April 10 Sept. 19 June 28 Jan. 29 Deo. 24 June 30 332 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Regens, Margaret, Burlington, aud Zebulon Bozworth, Burliugton 1768 Reid, AbigaU, Monmoutb, and Tunis Anderson, Monmouth 1746 Reid, Anne, Freehold, and Obadiah Bowne 1749 Reid, Anne, Freehold, and Samuel Barclay, Hunterdon 1750 Reid, Euphemia, Monmouth, and Daniel Reading 1765 Reid, Jane, Monmouth, and John Craig, Monmouth 1760 Reid, Margaret, Freehold, and James Kearney 1751 Reid, Mary, Monmoutb, and WiUiam Hartshorne, Monmouth 1741 Reid, Theodotia, and Jasper Smith, Amwell 1767 Remine, Elizabeth, Freehold, and James Wilson, Freehold 1748 Remine, Margaret, Monmouth, and Richard Hinds, Monmoutb 1736 Remington, Rachel, and Jonathan Bowen, Cumberland 1760 Remsen, Heyltye, and Samuel Gerrsn Verbryck, New Barbadoes 1781 Remsen, Margaret, Orange, N. Y., and Johannis Bell, Orange, N. Y. , . 1761 Renear, Mariby, and George Taylor, Pennsylvania 1779 Rennals, Hannah, Monmouth, and Ricbard Bills, Monmouth 1753 Rennit, Leah, Shrewsbury, and Henry AVetherbee, Shrewsbury 1760 Renshaw, Mary, and James Steel, Glouoester. 1759 Revell, Anne, and J oseph AVhite '. 1694 Revell, EUzabeth, and Authoney Elton 1688 Rewlong, Phebe, and Daniel Johnson, Monmouth 1765 ' Reylius, Ruth, Biirlington, and WiUiam Price, Burlington 17. . Reynear, Rachel, BurUngton, and William Walsbey, Burlington. . ., 1780 Reynolds, Ann, Monmouth, and Francis Mount, Monmouth 1758 Reynolds, Ann, Burlington, and William Ireton, Burlington 1764 Reynolds, Margaret, and Joseph I'avis, Bucks 1737 Reynolds, Margaret, Burlington, and John Bispham, Burlington 1754 Reynolds, Mary, and Jacob MattsOn, Glouoester 1733 Reynolds, Mary, and John West, Burlingtou 1759 Reynolds, Mary, Gloucester, and Nathan Beys, Jr. , Gloucester 1763 Reynolds, Mary, Middlesex, and Archibald Cunningham, Philadelphia.1771 Reynolds, Rachel, Gloucester, and Zachariah Shaw, Gloucester. 1762 Reynolds, Upbamea, and William Holman, Monmouth. 1761 Reyper, Mariche, Bergen, and Roelif Van Der Linder, Bergen 1750 Rhaney, EUzabeth, Monmouth, and Thomas Cassoday, Mouihouth 1768 Rhe, Eleauor, Monmouth, and AVUliam Craig, Monmoutb 1753 Rhea, Anna, Freehold, and Henry Eobinson, Freehold 1763 Rhea, Margaret, Monmouth, and Samuel Henderson, Monmoutb 1767 Ehea, Mary, aud WUliam Montgomery, Monmouth 1778 Rhodes, Babel, aud Insley Roy, Sussex 1779 Rially, Elizabeth, and David Garrison, Salem 1773 Ribbet, Elizabeth, Shrewsbury, and Benjamin Woolley, Shrewsbury. .1759 Ribet, Mary, Monmouth, and Tessher Cook, Monmouth 1764 Rice, Sarah, and Jacob Hollinshead, Cumberland. 1779 Richard, Ann, aud William Bishop, Burlington 1734 Richards, Bathsheba, and Samuel Kelly, Burlington. 1733 April 7 Dec. 4 Deo. 12 AprU 9 Feb. 26 May 27 July 6 Deo. 21 Nov. 27 Dec. 24 Jan. 10 Nov. 8 Aug. 2 Aug. 15 Nov. 13 Sept. 4 Jan. 12 Dec. 19 AprU 12 Feb. 20 Jan. 11 Aug. 23 Oct. 14 Jan. 4 Oct. 1 Mar. 31 Sept. 16 Jan. 20 July 19 Oct. 17 Sept. 18 Mar. 1 Sept. 14 Oct. 23 Jan. 4 May 28 Nov. 1 April 20 Jan. 13 Dec. 14 April . 9 Jan. 13 Feb. 22 April 17 Sept. 9 May 23 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 333 Richards, Elizabeth, Glouoester, and John Prosser, Gloucester 1737 Richards, Elizabeth, and Samuel Cozens, Gloucester 1761 Richards, Grace, Burliugton, and Joseph Hutchins, Burlington 1745 -Richards, Mabetabel, Perth Amboy, and Nathaniel Twining, P'th .4mb. 1756 Richards, Marcy, and Isaac Miller, Burlingtou 1750 Richards, Mary, and Jonathan AVest, Gloucester 1786 Richards, Rachel, Perth Amboy, and Daniel Carson, Cranberry 1755 Richards, Susannah, and Peter Smith, Elizabeth 1771 Richardson, Ann, and Heiiry Brown 1735 Eichardson, Ann, Deptford, and Dobson Wheeler, Deptford 1737 Eichardson, Anne, and Peter Schuyler, Burlington 1777 Eichardson, Elizabeth, and Benjamin Richardson, Cape May. '. ... 1733 Eichardson, Jane, and William Harris, Burlingtou 1772 Eichardson, Elizabeth, and John Spier, Gloucester 1733 Richardson, Jaiie, Barlington, and James Davis, Burliugton 1774 Richardson, Martha, Burlington, .and John Handcook, Burlington .... 1 739 Richardson, Mary, and John Cope, Salem 1775 Richardson, Nancy, and Benjamin Bryan, Burlington 1780 Richardson, Phebe, and William Page, Burlington 1756 Richardson, Prissillah, and Selvanus Townsend, Cape May. 1778 Richardson, Rachel, Gloucester, aud John Spence, Gloucester 1727 Richardson, Rebecca, PhUadelphia, and Jonathan Carmalk, Phila. . . , 1727 Richardson, Rebecca, and Robert Townsend, Cape May 1767 Richardson, Susannah, Chesterfield, and Abraham Brown, Chesterfield. 1749 Richison, Miriam, Philadelphia, and V\ illiam Hazleton, Philadelphia. . 1737 Richman, Christiana, and Brathwate Tuft, Lower Penns Neck 1771 Richman, Lyddy, Salem, and David Moore, Salem 1 771 Richman, Rebecca, Salem, and John McColUster, Salem 1762 Richmond, Cathrine, Salem, and George Johnston, Salem 1774 Richmond, Cathrine, and Charles Riley, Pilegrove 1785 Eichmond, Rachel, and John Hutcheson, Gloucester 1774 Richmond, Sarab, and James Bond, Salem 1768 RickofF, Mary, and John HiUyer, Richmond, N. Y 1768 Rickey, Elizabeth, Somerset, and Robert Brower, New York 1760 Rickey, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and William NichoUs, Philadelphia. . ..1775 Rickey, Mary, Bucks, Pa., and George White, Bucks, Pa 1765 Rickey, Mary, Sussex, and James Broderick, Sussex 1774 Rickey, Sarab, and Richard AV. Furman, Trenton 1786 Rickets, Sarah, andWinson Wilkinson, Mansfield 1781 Ricky, Nancy, and Samuel Hunt, Morris 1777 Riddle, Ann, Cumberland, aud Andrew Hunter, Cumberland 1775 Riddle, Elizabeth, Monmouth, Remembrance Lippincott, Monmouth , 1 744 Riddle, Elizabeth, and William Brotherton, Middlesex. 1776 Ridenaar, Antje, and Peter Outterberg, Bergen 1762 Rider, Anne, and Abraham Gulick, Somerset 1780 Eider, Elizabeth, and WiUiam Peacock, Buriington , 1784 Nov. 9 Sept. 15 May 1 Mar. 2 Aug. 22 Feb. 28 Sept. 27 Aug. 12 Jan. 22 April 30 May 21 Sept. 27 Mar. 18 Nov. 16 May 9 Jan. 1 Feb. 10 Oct. 18 AprU 13 Dec. 30 June 19 Nov. 23 June 1 July 26 July 9 April 4 Dec. 4 May 31 July 17 Sept. 26 Juue 9 June 15 Feb. 2 Dec. 2 Mar. 12 June 27 April 6 Aug. 19 Jau. 30 May 6 Oct. 2 Nov. 1 AprU 2 Sept. 15 Feb. 11 July 24 334 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Rider, Keziah, BurUngton, and Jacob Andrews, Burlington 1764 Rider, Letty, and Jorge Vanarsdalen, Somerset 1781 Ridge, Rose, Burlington, and Jobn Morris, Burlington 1746 Ridgeway, Elizabeth, Bordentown, William Cunningbam, Bordent'n . . 1737 Ridgeway, Hannah, Burlington, and Daniel Park, Burlington 1746 Ridgeway, Lucy, and Robert W. Bishop, Burlington 1793 Ridgway, Mary, Burlington, and Jobn Butcher, Jr., BurUngton 1738 Ridgway, AbigaU, and John Shreve, Burlington 1786 Ridgway, Elizabeth, and John CowgiU, Burlington 1761 Ridgway, Hepzibab, and Edward Tonkin, Springfield 1777 Ridgway, Jane, Burlington, and Abraham Brown, Burlington 1774 Ridgway, Marian, Wellenborough, Eichard McGinnes, Wallenbo'gh. . 1775 Ridgway, Nancy, and Job Stockton, Springfield 1791 Ridgway, Phebe, Mansfield, and Benjamin Gibbs, Mansfield 1748 Ridgway, Sarab, Burlington, and James Moore, Burlington .-1730 Ried, Jaue, Middlesex, and John Johnson, Middlesex 1765 Riffetts, Mary, and Abraham Mitchel, BurUngton 1757 Rifflin, Mary, and John Collins, Gloucester. 1769 Rifner, Mary, and Daniel Slate, Greenwich 1786 Rigg, Jaue, and Henry Marjeram 1693 Rigge, Elisabeth, Somerset, and Joseph WUson, Somerset 1757 Riggents, Esther, Northampton, aud John Reeve, Northampton 1779 Right, Catrine, Monmouth, and Benjamin Haviland, Monmouth. .. .1754 Right, Lucrese, Monmouth, aud Edward McCalla, Monmoutb 1765 Right, Susannah, and Dean Simkins 1769 Riley, Margaret, P. Amboy, and Robert King, Perth Amboy 1752 Riley, Margaret, Monmoutb, and William Baird, Morris 1758 Riley, Mary, Burlington, and Elnathan Stevenson, Burlington 1756 Rinerson, Else, and Minerd WUlson 1781 Ring, Rebecca, and WUliam Hays, Burlington 1777 Risley, Hester, and Jobn Sommers ... ; 1744 Risley, Hester, and Frederick Steelmun, Gloucester 1744 Risley, Jemima, Gloucester, and Edward Hegbe, Gloucester. 1738 Risley, Jemima, Gloucester, and George Hawkins, Gloucester 1758 Risley, Leah, and James Holmes, Gloucester 1774 Risley, Mary, Egg Harbour, and Jobn Steelman, Egg Harbour 1736 Risley, Mary, Gloucester, and Joseph IngersoU, Gloucester 1743 Risley, Melesent, and Richard Chamberlin, Gloucester 1772 Risley, Rebecca, Egg Harbour, and James Simson, Egg Harbour 1765 Risley, Rebecah, and Zephaiah Steelman, Gloucester 1768 Ritchey, Mary, AUentown, and Jacob Bryan, Burlington 1758 Rizlej', Ann, Gloucester, and Nehemiah Leeds, Jr., Gloucester. 1763 Roads, Sarah, and John Bale, Burlington 1711 Roads, Sarab, PhUadelphia, and Jobn Mickiuson, Philadelphia 1730 Roads, Mary, Chester, Pa., and Robert Powell, Burlington 1730 Roan, Ann, and Jonathan Penrose, Pennsylvania 1775 Feb. 6 Feb. 8 Dec. 13 April 29 July 5 June 3 Feb. 23 Sept. 9 Nov. 12 Mar. 18 Aug 22 June 20 Nov. 23 Sept. 7 Dec. 1 Mar. 27 Jan. 29 Aug. 14 June 21 Oct. 3 Nov. 18 Mar. 31 Dec. 4 April 17 July 28 Sept. 1 Dec. 1 Oct. 21 Jan. 1 May 13 Feb. 9 Feb. 9 May 4 July 31 July 6 July 17 June 13 Dec. 23 May 20 AprU 16 May 26 Sept. 5 Feb. 12 Nov. 16 Nov. 18 Nov. 8 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 335 Robbins, Elizabeth, Upper Freehold, WUUam Sexton, Upper Freehold. 1776 Not. 26 Robbins, Martha, AUentown, and John Steward, Jr., Upper Freehold 1757 Not. 12 Robens, Elizabeth, and John Polemus, Monmoutb 1769 June 7 Robens, Judith, Cape May, and Abraham Woolson, Cape May 1769 May 29 Robinson," Mariah, and Benjamin Walker, New York 1784 Aug. 30 Roberts, Abigail, Hunterdon, and Evans'Goodwin, Hunterdon 1772 Jan. 10 Roberts, Ann, Philadelphia, and Thomas Turner, Philadelphia 1736 Nov. 30 Roberts, Anne, PhUadelphia, and Lewis Rogers, Philadelphia ."1750 Aug. 22 Roberts, Anna, and WUliam Markworth, Trenton 1779 Mar. 2 Roberts, Anne, Middletown, aud Nicholas CottereU, Middletown 1752 Nov. 29 Roberts, Deborah, Middletown Ft., and Thomas Bell, Shrewsbury, . . 1759 May 14 Roberts, Elizabeth, Middletown, and Jobn WaUing, Middletown 1757 Mar. 21 Roberts, Hannah, Gloucester, and Benjamin Holem, Glouoester 1735-6 Mar. 3 Roberts, Keziah, Barlington, and Levi Albertson, Gloucester. 1756 April 24 . Roberts, Lydia, Cohansie, and James Carruthers, Salem 1733 Dec. 6 Roberts, Mary, Middletown, aud Gershom WoUing, Middletown 1743. Jan. 24 Roberts, Mary, Middletown, and Joseph Collings, Middletown 1749 Jan. 3 Roberts, Prudence, Cumberland, and David Wood, Salem 1777 July 9 Roberts, Rachel, and Joseph Horner, Monmouth 1768 Sept. 26 Roberts, Rebecka, Middletown, and Thomas Walling, Monmouth. . 1754 July 6 Roberts, Rebecca, and William Gofforth, Gloucester 1774 June 1 Roberts, Rebecca, and Ebenezer Adams, Gloucester 1781 May 16 Roberts, Ruth, Salem, and John Lewis, Salem , 1741 Jan. 13 Roberts, Sarab, Middletown, John Conves, New Brunswick 1743 Jan. 19 Roberts, Theodotia, and John Pitman, Burlington 1762 Feb. 8 Roberts, Zilpah, and John AVelling, Hunterdou 1781 Feb. 20 Roberts, Esther, Gloucester, and John Hickman, Gloucester 1745-6 Feb. 1 Robertson, Isabel, Monmouth, and Thomas Lepper, Monmouth 1744 April 6 Robertson, Jane, Monmouth, and Arthur Brown, Jr., Monmouth 1746 Not. 3 Robertson, Mary, Monmouth, and John Bescherer, Morris 1754 May 4 Robertson, Mary, Burlington, and AVUliam Burne, Burlington 1765 Jan. 18 Robertson, M-ary, Amwell, and Cornelius Van Court, Moreland, Pa. . .1775 Deo. 23 Robertson, Susannah, AmweU, and Samuel Opdycke, Amwell 1776 Dec. 7 Robison, Sarah, and LcTy Jennings, Gloucester 1759 Feb. 26 Robins, Ann, Burlington, and Samuel Cheshire, Burlington 1740 Sept. 13 Robins, Ann, and Joseph Steward, New Hanover 1767 May 6 Robins, Anne, and James Vaughan, Upper Freehold 1768 Aug. 18 Robins, Deliverance, Burlington, and John Taylor, Burlington 1739 Nov. 24 Robins, Dinah, Middlesex, and Benjamin Britton, Middlesex 1760-1 Jan. 17 Robins, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and John Morford, Monmouth 1739 Feb. 18 Robins, Elizabeth, and John Grover, Monmouth 1773 Dec. 20 Robins, Hannah, Monmouth, and James Cox, Monmouth 1745 Not. 1 Robins, Leah, Monmouth, and Benjamin Wood, Monmouth. 1741 Aug. 31 Robins, Lediah, Cumberland, and Constant Wotbman, CumUerland. . . 1754 Jan. 10 Robins, Lucy, Monmonth, and Robert Parent, Monmouth 1771 Jau. 10 Robins, Margaret, Monmoutb, and John Gilbertson, Jr., Monmouth. .1750 Oct. 29 336 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Robins, Margaret, Monmoutb, and John Brown, Burlington 1750 Robins, Margaret, Monmouth, and Joseph Page, Monmouth 1761 Robins, Mary, Cape May, and James Sulisar, Cape May 1739 Robins, Mary, aud Clayton Brown, Burlington 1749-50 Robins, Mary, and Benjamin Morris, Monmouth , 1763^ Robins, Mary, Burlington, and Thomas Thom, Burlington 1764 Robins, Mary, Monmouth, and Jesse Robins, Monmouth 1771 Robins, Mary, Hunterdon, and Joseph Burwell, Hunterdon 1771 Robins, Rachel, nnd Timothy Harburt, Monmouth 1768 Robins, Saiab, Monmouth, and Cornelius Everingham, Monmoutb ... 1728 Robinson, Ann, Monmouth, and Jacob West, Monmouth 1771 Robinson, Cbarity, Monmouth, and AVUliam Hendrickson. New Jersey. 1756 Robinson, Christina, and William Hunter, Monmoutb 1770 Robinson, Elizabeth, BurUngton, and WUliam Steward, Burlington . . . 1739 Robinson, Elizabeth, and David Righter, Hunterdon 1781 Robinson, Elizabeth, and Robert Priest, PhUadelphia 1783 Robinson, Jane, Monmouth, and David English, Monmoutb 1764 Robinson, Lidia, Philadelphia, and Oswald Peel, Philadelphia 1728 Robinson, Martha, Burlington, and Jacob HiUier, Burlington 1762 Robinson, Marj', Hopewell, and Burgin Board, Somerset 1734 Robinson, Mary, and Joseph Jackson. Pennsylvania 1737 Robinson, Mary, Perth Amboy, and Thomas Kinnan, Perth Amboy. . .1760 Robinson, Mary, New Brunswick, and Isaac Collins, New Brunswick. .1774 Robinson, Mary, and Nathan Clifton, Burlington 1780 Bobinson, Sarah, and George F. Randolph, Perth Amboy 1764 Robnett, Lydia, and Adam Grubb, Gloucester 1773 Roche, Catherine, Burlington, and Michael Howard, Burlington 1731 Roche, Joanna, Barlington, and George Collins, Burlington 1731 Rookfort, Elizabeth, and Samuel Moore, Middlesex 1759 RockhUl, AbigaU, and William Carslake, Barlington 1782 Rookhill, Acsah, and Thomas Bullock, Burlington 1772 RockhUl, Acsah, aud AVUliam Erwin, Sussex 1782 Rockhi.l, Anne, Mansfield, and John Trent, Chesteifield 1760 RockhUl, Ann, Burlington, and Thomas English, Jr., Burlington. ...1768 Rookhill, Elizabeth, and Samuel English, Burlington 1783 Rookhill, Margaret, and James Craft, Burlington 1758 ' RockhUl, Mary, Burlington, and Abner Steward, Barlington 1777 RookhiU, Meribeth, Mansfield, and Thomas Smith, Mansfield 1775 Rookhill, Susannah, Burlingtoii, and Solomon Ivins. Burlington 1770 Rookhill, Sarah, and William Borradail, both Burliuglon City 1748 RockhUl, Sarah, Mansfield, and John Craft, Mansfield, . .,. 1772 RookhiU, Theodocia, and Joseph Price, Burlington 1779 Rodger, Abigail, and George Henton, Burlington 1743 Rodgers, Ester, Burlingfiiu, and James Eldridge, Burlingtou . . . : . . , 1729 Rodgers, Hannah, and Joseph Height, Monmouth 1778 Rodgers, Margaret, Cape May, aud William Smith, Cape May 1768 Dec. 4 Aug. 26 May 4 Mar. 8 Dec. 2 Jan. 16 Aug. 12 Oct. 29 Aug. 18 Aug. '8 Oct. 18 Dec. 21 Dec. 9 Dec. 31 Jan. 1 Aug. 18 Dec. 14 Not. 21 April 17 AprU 2 May 10 Feb. 4 Sept. 23 Not. 21 Jan. 31 AprU 12 July 24 Oct. 30 Jan. 24 Nov. 28 Dec. 19 Juue 5 July 31 Mar. 10 Aug. 28 July 19 Oct. 24 Nov. 6 May 25 Sept. 30 Mar. 19 Nov. 16 Sept. 23 June 4 Aug. 18 Dee. 27 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 337 Eodgers, Mary, Barlington, and George Grimes, Salem 1743 Eodman, Anna, Burlingtou, and William Lister, Essex 1759 Rodman, Anna, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Thomas Rogers, Gt. Egg Har. .1766 Rodman, Margaret, and William Mcllvaine, Bucks, Pa 1773 Rodman, Maigaret, and Thomas Aikens 1780 Eodman, Maiy, and John Johnson ) 737 Eoe, Elizabeth, and George W. Babcock, Gloucester 1784 Eoe, Mary, and Ruth Burke, Barlington. . . 1776 Roelufse, Cyntje, Bergen, and Johannis Demott, Bergen 1769 Rogers, Abigail, BurUngton, and Samuel Jones, Burlington 1750 Etgere, Ann, Barlington, and James Cattell, Burliugton , 1738 Eogers, Ann, Barlington, and Moses Huestis, Burlington 1771 Eogers, Desire, Monmouth, and Joseph Alien, Monmouth 1742 Eogers, Desire, Monmouth, and Henry Marsh, Monmouth 1760 Eogers, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and AVUliam Hoffmire, Monmouth, . . . 1740 Eogers, Elizabeth, Barlington, aud Daniel Tuttel, Burlmgton 1761 Eogers, Elizabeth, and WiUiapa Deacon, Burlington 1764 Rogera, EUzabeth, Burlington, and Jarvis Stokes, Burlington 1773 Eogers, EUzabeth, and Abraham Tilton, Burlington 1781 Rogers, Hannah, Barlington, and George Cleaveland, Burlington 1756 Rogers, Duly, Monmouth, and Denis Herliky, Monmouth 1760 Rogers. Mahitabell, Barlington, and Samuel Deacon, Burlington 1762 Eogers, Marah, Monmoutb, and Peter Funk, Monmouth 1753 Rogers, Martha, and William Curny, Burliugton 1749 Eogers, Martha, and Joseph Bennett, Burlington 1764 Eogers, Mary, Burlington, aud William Dennis, Burlington 1737 Eogers, Mary, Burlington, and Thomas Staples, Burlingtou 1738 Eogei'S, Maiy, Burlington, and Jarret MoDannels, Monmouth 1748 Eogers, Mary, Burlington, and Robert Fulton, Burlington 1705 Eogers, Maiy, and Phinias Kirksbride, Burlington 1797 Rogers, Mary, and James Lawrence, Mnnmouth 1785 Rogers, Rachel, Monmouth, and Robert Cottrel, Monmoutb 1766 Eogers, Rebecca, Burlington, and Jobn Eayre, Burlington 1756 Eogers, Rebeckah, Freehold, and Koert Schenck, Jr., Freehold 1767 Eogers, Rhoda, and Jobn Osborn, Philadelphia 1779 Eogers, Sarah, Barlington, and Stephen Adams, Burlington 1733 Rogers, Sarah, Barlington, and Joseph Biddle, Burlington 1745 Rogers, Susannah, Monmoutb, aud Samuel Baird, Monmouth 1762 Rolf, Elizabeth, and Thomas Clement, Gloucester 1774 Eolph, Hannah, Woodbridge, and David Edgar, Woodbridge 1743 Eolf, Mary, Morris, and James Keen, Moi'ii= 1768 Rolfe, Sarab, Salem, and DaTid Eoss, New Castle, Del 1731 Rolpb, Sarah, Elizabethtown, and Joseph Barnet, Elizabetbto-wn 1751 Rois, Anne, Hunterdon, and Abraham Van Sickle, Hunterdon 1744 Eomine, Catharine, Saddle RiTer, and Simeon Van AVinckle-, Sad, RIt. 1769 Eomine, Elizabeth, Hackensack, aud DaTid Simmons, Hackensack. . , 1761 21 Aug. 29 Oct. 20 May 10 Not. 6 Oct. 1 July 17 Oct. 13 Jan. 16 April 29 June - 1 May 18 Dec. 17 Feb. 18 Jan. 8 Not. 11 July 29 Jan. 25 Not. 27 Jan. 15 Sept. 20 Mar. 11 Mar. 20 Mar. 5 Dec. 8 Mar. 21 June 1 Mar. 25 May 11 July 19 July 22 Feb. 27 Jan. 22 Sept. 20 Jan. 20 April 14 Sept. 1 Jan. 6 Aug. 6 Not. 1 Feb. 22 July 28 Feb. 12 June 6 Dec. 11 April 25 Sept. 16 338 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Romeyn, Giertie, Somerset, and Peteris AVycof, Somerset. 1743 Feb. 15 Romine, Katharin, Monmouth, and William Clark, Monmouth 1745 April 12 Romine, Kercbey, Shrewsbury, and John Vannort, Shrewsbury 1760 Aug. 22 Romine, Rachel, Lower Freehold, Christopher Romine, L'r Freehold. , 1750 Aug. 13 Romine, Rachel, Bergen, and Andries Hopper, Bergen 1762 June 17 Romine, Rachel, and Elias Romine, Bergen 1769 Feb. 11 Rose, Debro, and Daniel Howell, Huuterdon 1763 Aug. 10 Rose, Elizabeth, and John Coole, Hunterdon 1743-4 Mar. 6 Rose, Hannah, and Elijah Letts, Middlesex 1769 Dec. 20 Rose, Hannah, Morris, and AVUliam Henery, Sussex 1773 Dec. 11 Rose, Jerusa, Hopewell, and Jacob Quick, Amwell 1772 Oct. 28 Rose, Martha, Egg Harbour, and Jobn Leek, Egg Harbour 1761 July 3 Rose, Mary, Burlington, and Michael Sill, Burliugton 1730 Sept. 11 Rose, Mary, Perth Amboy, and Frederick Buckalew, Perth Amboy. . . . 1750 Feb. 17 Rose, Mary, Salem, and John Gray, Salem - 1762 April 14 Rose, Mary, Barlington, and Francis Bodine, Burlington 1768 Mar. 20 Rose, Patience, Hunterdon, aud Henry Baker, Bucks. 1764 April 13 Rose, Phebe, Trenton, and Amos Soudder, Trenton 1763 Dec. 26 Rose, Phebe, Monmouth, and Harman Johnson, Monmouth 1767 P'eb. 3 Rosebrook, Mary, and David Henasy 1751 Dec. 9 Rosebury, Margaret, Middlesex, and Jobn Van Schaick, Middlesex 1764 Feb. 28 Rosecrants, Mary, and John Dildine, Somerset 1780 Feb. 7 Rosegrants, Anue. and John Hudnut, Hunterdon 1769 Dec. 30 Rosele, Anne, Evesham, and Zebulon Rosele, Evesham 1746 AprU 18 Rosell, Ann, Burlington, and Samuel Hollinshead, Barlington 1736 July 9 Rosell, Ann, Burlington, and Zebulon Rosell, Burlington 1746 April 18 RoseU, Sarab, and Martin Soott 1735 Jan. 12 Ross, AbigaU, and Jobn Meeker, Middlesex 1769 July 13 Ross, Hannah, and Aaron Frazer, Middlesex 1768 Nov. 8 Ross, Jane, Woodbridge, and WiUiam Bloomfield, AVoodbridge 1758 Oct. 23 Ross, Jane, Essex, and AVUliam Jelf, Morris 1771 Dec. 21 Ross, Margaret, New Castle, Del., AValter Harket, New Castle, Del 1730 June 4 Ross, Margaret. Somerset, and John Steell, Somerset 1752 Feb. 15 Ross, Mary, Elizabeth, and Matthias Baldwin, Elizabeth 1746 May 12 Ross, Mary, Middlesex, and James Drake, Middlesex 1765 May 8 Ross, Polly, and Samuel Kemble, Jr., Burlington 1782 . Jan. 3 Ross, Sarah, Middlesex, and William Annin, Somerset 1749 Jan. 25 Ross, Susannah, and Joseph Crane, Essex 1772 April 16 Rossell, EUzabeth, and George AVills, New Jersey 1779 Feb. 3 Rossell, Hope, Burlington, and Caleb GaskiU, Burlington , 1765 July 15 Rossell, Margaret, and Matthew West, BurUngton 1784 Jan. 1 Rossell, Rebecca, Northampton, Solomon Southwick, Northampton. . . 1759 April 14 Rossell, Susannah, and Jonathan Force, Middletown, Pa 1782 Deo. 17 Roundsavell, Rebecca, Hunterdon, and Jobn Hoffman, Hunterdon ... 1774 Aug. 6 Rowan, Sarab, Builington, and Joseph LyndaU, Burlington 1778 April 19 Rowand, Ann, and Samuel C- Davis, Gloucester , 1790 Dec. 6 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 339 Rowand, Hannah, Gloucester, and Uriah Cheesman, Gloucester 1749 Rowand, Hannah, and Benjamin Matlack, Gloucester 1783 BoweU, Elizabeth, and Anthony Montgomery, Cumberland 1778 Rowen, Abigail, Gloucester, and George Ward, Gloucester. 1746 Rowen, Mary, and Joseph Harden I775 Rowlan, EUzabeth, and Jobn Tudor, Burlington 1769 Rowling, Deborah, Middlesex, and Joseph Freeman, Jr., Middlesex. . . 1763 Eoy, Margarett, Somerset, and Lawrence Stright, Somerset 1773 Eoy, Martha, Burlington, and William Corry, Burlington 1766 Royall, .Elizabeth, and Andrew Holsten, Salem 1736 Royse, Mary, Piscataway, and William Hooks, Piscataway 1749 RozeU, Esther, Northampton, and Jabez Woolston, Evesham 1767 Ruokell, Amey, and Thomas Shourds, Burlington 1780 Ruckman, Hitabel, and Jobn Parsons, Trenton 1733 Ruckman, Susanah, Kingwood, and Peter Oveifield, Amwell 1769 Ruddenrow, Sarah, Chester, and William Vanhorn, Chester 1757 Rnderow, Hannah, Burlington, and WUliam Hollinshead, Burlington. 1727 Rudrow, Rachel, and James Bell, Gloucester 1784 Rue, Abigail, South Amboy, and Heury Perine, South Amboy 1757 Rue, Anne, and Blackstone Ingliedue, Bucks, Pa 1761 Ene, Catharine, Bucks, Pa , and James Parker, Burlington 1765 Eue, Eleanor, Monmoutb, and WUliam Perine, Middlesex 1763 Eue, EUzabeth, and Peter Combaok, Hunterdon 1784 Eue, Margaret, Middlesex, and James Dey, Monmouth 1760 Eue, Mary, Bucks, Pa., and Thomas Case, Bucks, Pa 1734 Rue, Mary, Pennsylvania, and Timothy Roberts, Pennsylvania 1735 Rue, Mary, Perth Amboy, and Jobn Perine, Jr., Perth Amboy 1756 Rue, Mary, Chester, and George Tyson, Chester 1763 Rue, Susannah, and Joseph Adams, Gloucester 1782 Ruff, Barbary, Cumberland, and Henry Fox, Cumberland 1767 Rugg, Prudence, Salem, and Jobn A''anghan, Philadelphia 1761 RuUns, Mary, and Richard Heard. Burlington 1 777 RuUin, Ester, Middletown, and William Taylor, Jr., Freehold 1762 Rulon, Desire, Stafford, and Benjamin ColUns, Monmouth 1756 Eulong, Elizabeth, and Syvanus Cook, Monmouth 1777 Eulong, Hannah, Nottingham, and Jonathan Browne, Burlington City. 1748 Eulong, Mary, and Michael Spray, Barnegat 1762 Rumford, Hannah, Gloucester, and George Avis, Gloucester 1761 Eumsey, Hannah, Salem, and Peter Mounson, Salem 1764 Rumsy, Ruth, Salem, and Joshua Brick, Salem 1737 Rumsy, Sarab, Salem, and George Miller, Salem 1737 Runalls. Sarah, AVoodbridge, and Abraham Tappen, Woodbridge. , , 1750 Bunion, Alice, and Daniel Johnes, Middlesex 1773 Runions, Anna, Morris, and Michael Macafee, Middlesex 1752 Runk, Rachel, and Robert Sharp, Amwell 1780 Runyan, Mary, and Samuel Large, Hunterdon 1780 May 11 Sept. 5 Oct. 21 July 13 Mar. 2 Sept. 20 Aug. 23 Nov. 3 Jan. 11 Aug. 21 April 25 Dec. 5 Mar. 25 Nov. 26 June 27 May 21 April 1 May 3 Nov. 8 May 20 Mar. 28 Mar. 14 Mar. 22 Nov. 24 Aug. 22 April 15 June 1 Dec. 2 Jan. 1 Nov. 26 Dec. 16 Feb. 25 April 13 Jan. 12 Aug. 14 April 13 Nov. 26 Jan. 30 June 30 July 25 Aug. 22 Nov. 22 June 21 April 16 Jan. 11 Feb. 10 340 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Runyan, Sarah, and Elijah Stout, Hunterdon 1778 April 8 Runyon, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and Jonas Sutton, Am'well 1764 Sept. 22 Runyon, Hannah, Perth Amboy, and Ricbard Barry, Perth Amboy. , .1757 Nov. 12 Runyon, Martha, Bucks, Pa., and Freeman Roberds, Bucks, Pa 1768 Oct. 20 Runyon, Mary, Middlesex, and Joshua Martin, Jr , Middlesex 1756 Sept. 11 Rush, Ann, Gloucester, and Nathaniel Dell Gloucester 1763 June 24 Rushford, Auslis, Barlington, and Patrick Reynolds, Burlingtou 1729 Jan. 29 Russel, Elizabeth, Shrewsbury, aud Joshua Parker, Shrewsbury 1768 April 12 Russel, Mary, Monmouth, and Silas Cook, Monmouth 1746 Oct. 15 Russell, Elizabeth, Salem, aud Henry Hart, Salem 1767 Sept. 29 RusseU, Sarah, Monmouth, and Jobn McConneU, Monmouth 1762 Oct. 26 Ryason, Elizabeth, Bergen, and John Joralemon, Essex 1749 Oct. 30 Ry emer, Catharine, Somerset, and Leonaid Stright, Somerset 1748 July 29 Ryers, Margary, aud Frederick Woertendyck, both Orange Co., N. Y.. 1763 Aug. 25 Ryerson, Ann, Readington. N. J,, Garradus Hardenburgh, Ulster, N. Y. 1766 April 28 Ryerson, Eleanor, Readings Town, aud Bernard Governeur, Bergen.. 1763 Sept. 19 Ryerson, Geertye, and Abraham Banta, Bergen , 1782 Dec. 26 Ryerson, Helma, and Joseph AValdron, Bergen. . .., 1789 Nov. 14 Ryerson, Janey, aud George Dorremus, Bergen 1783 Dec. 30 Ryerson, Jaue, Bergen, and Richard Stanton, New York, 1762 Nov. 23 Ryerson, Lenah, Pompton, and Henry Esler, Morris 1782 Nov. 1 Ryerson, Marj', and Abraham Garrison, Bergen 1784 Aug. 12 Ryerson, Rachel, Saddle River, and Isaac Vanderbeok, Hackensack. , . 176';^ Nov. 23 Rerson, Rebecca, and John Demorest, Bergen 1764 Oct. 18 Rynders, Esther, New York City, Stephen De Lancey, New York City, 1761 Aug. 24 Ryne, Catherine, Middlesex, and Jonathan Moore, Middlesex 1746 May 17 Ryneer, Mary, and David Adams, Barlington. 1786 May 22 MALES. S Sacket, Simon, Bristol, Pa., and Mary WalhiU, Bristol, Pa 1741 May 1 Saltar, James, Amwell, and Agnes Housel 1785 Jan. 18 Saltar, Joseph, Moumouth, and Sarah Holmes, Monmouth 1766 April 3 Saltar, Joseph, Shrewsbury, and Huldar Mott, Middletown 1759 Oct. 22 Salmon, Stephen, Essex, and Margaret Frost, Essex 1751 April 2 Sampson, Hasadiah, Burlington, and Rebeckah Simson 1763 Mar. 3 Samson, Jacob, Cumberland, and Mary Harding 1778 Sept. 24 Sanders, Thomas, Deptford, and Rachel Stephens, Deptford 1768 Sept. 12 Sandford, John, Newark, and Hanuah CampbeU, Newark 1760 Feb. 19 Sandford, William, Bergen, and Catrine Vanderpoel , 1741 Jan. 18 Sands, Christopher, Burlington, and Susannah Tanner 1779 Jan. 4 Sands, Edmond, Bucks, Pa., and Rachel Clowes, Bucks, Pa 1740 July 23 Sands, Edmund, Bucks, Pa., and Mary Barber, Bucks, Pa - 1770 April 5 Sands, Richard, Bucks, Pa , and Elizabeth Beans, Bucks, Pa. 1749 Nov. 2 Sands, Stephen, Beusalem, and Mary Hatcher, Bensalem, Bucks, Pa, .1749 Oct. 27 Sanford, Thomas, Essex, and Dorcas Stagg 1778 July 9 Sanghurst, Edward, Salem, and EUsha Crow, Salem 1733 May 16 MARRIAGE LICfeNSES. 34l Sansbury, Richard, Amwell, and Elenor Covenhoven 1764 Sarisb, Stephen, Evesham, and Mary Moore, Evesham ] 767 Sarjent, John, Shrewsbury, and Catharine Shall, Shrewsbury 1763 Sarpinstein, Moritz, Roxbury, and Catharine Miller, Morris. . . . 1770 Sattertbwaite, George, Burlington, and Robotba Pattison, Burlington. 1727 Saunders, Richard, Gloucester, and Mary Fortune, Gloucester 1763 Saunders, Robert, Burlington, and Margaret Cliff, PhUadelphia 1733 Savage, Joseph, Cape May, and Martha Daniels, Cape May 1742 Savage, Thomas, Somerset, and Ann Parker, Burlington 1767 Savill, Benjamin, Mansfield, and Mary Lindsey 1778 Saxton, Charles, Amwell, and Elizabeth Pelton, Hopewell 1775 Sayants, Samuel, Perth Amboy, and Rachel Leonard, Perth Amboy. . , 1753 Sayer, Job, Hunterdon, and Mary Burtis, Hunterdou 1770 Sayers, AVUliam, Cumberland, and Mary Fithian, Jr., Cumberland. . . , 1762 Sayles, Samuel, New Hanover, and Margaret Jones, New Hanover , , 1773 Sayre, Abbit, AUoways Creek, and Elizabeth Bacon 1780 Sayre, Abraham, Fairfield, and Rachel Meake 1779 Sayre, Annanias, Salem, and Elizabeth Eldredge 1779 Sayre, David, Alloways Creek, and Prudence Keasbey, Salem 1774 Sayre, Renel, Salem, and Rachel Ludlum 1779 Sayres, Jonathan, Newark, and Lydia Harrison, Newark 1761 Sayre, David, Gloucester, and Jane Engersol 1 764 Scarborough, Isaac, Bucks, Pa., and Susannah Dean 1768 Soarrnm, Richard, Monmoutb, and Elizabeth Fisks, Monmouth 1728 Soattergood, David, Mansfield, and Sarab Shreaves 1768 Soattergood, Joseph, Burlington, and Rebecca Watson, PhUadelphia. .1736 Soattergood, Samuel, Barlington, and Rebecca Lovett, Burlington . . . 1730 Soattergood, Samuel, Barlington, and Mary Strieker, Bristol, Pa. . . . 1764 Soattergood, Tboma.s, Burlington, and Mary Ivins, Burlington 1776 Soattergood, Thomas, Bristol, Pa., Lydia Sankey 1789 Schamp, George, Reading, and Mary Emmens, Readingtown 1775 Schamp, Henry, Reading Town, and Margaret Cock, Readingtown. . . 1750 Schamp, Peter, Hunterdon, and Margaret Bodine, Hunterdou 1744 Sohanck, Garret, Middletown, and Sarah Covenhoven, Middletown . . 1762 Sohanck, John, Monmouth, and Mary Covenhoven, Monmouth 1752 Schanck, John, Freehold, and Mary Denisse, Freehold 1767 Sohanck, John, Amwell, and Aida Sutphin 1770 Scbanck, John, Middletown, and Rhode Holmes, Middletown 1772 Schanck, Peter, Monmouth, and Jean Covenhoven, Monmouth 1747 Sohanck, Peter, Freehold, and Mary Covenhoven, Freehold 1753 Schanck, Ralph, Amwell, and Catherine Emmons 1779 Schanck, Ralph, Amwell, and Ann Taylor, Amwell 1774 Sohanck, Roleff, Amwell, and Anne Hogland, AmweU 1764 Schellinger, Abraham, Cape May, and Rachel AVhildin 1782 Sohellmger, Cornelius, Cape May, and Lydiah Tayler, Cape May 1756 Schellinger, Daniel, Cape May, and Joan Dubelday 1758 July 19 Feb. '26 Sept. 7 Oct. 11 June 20 Sept. 30 Oct. 13 Sept. 21 Nov. 11 Mar. 16 April 24 Jau. 20 Mar. 31 May 25 Sept. 14 Oct. 16 Jan. 15 Mar. 22 Oct. 18 Jan. 23 Jan. 22 Dec. 28 July 14 Aug. 15 May 4 Jan. 11 Feb. 6 Dec. 11 Feb. 10 Jan. 2 Feb. 2 May 14 April 7 Jan. 5 Dec. 19 July 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 23 Dec. 26 June 11 Aug. 18 Oct. 8 June 14 Jan. 14 Deo. 14 July 4 342 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Schellinger, Jacob, Cape May, and Martha Furman, Cape May 1772 Schenck, Cornelius, Freehold, aud Margaret Tayler, Freehold 1765 Schenck, Garret, Hunterdon, and Mary Van Sickle, Hunterdon 1747 Schenck, Garret, Amwell, and Mary Van Mater 1778 Schenck, Garret, Hunterdon, and Anne Denyke 1780 Schenck, Hendrick, Freehold, and Catharine Holmes, Freehold 1749 Schenck, Hendrick, Penns Neck, and Margaret Davison 1780 Schenck, John, Monmouth, and Eleanor Bennet, Monmouth 1750 Schenck, John, Freehold, and Mary Vandorn, Freehold 1763 Schenck, John, Middlesex, and Eve Houghton. . .-. 1768 Schenck, Koert, Jr., Freehold, and Rebeckah Rogers. Freehold 1767 Schenck, Roelef, Monmouth, aud Mary Golder, Monmoutb 1749 Schenck, Henry, Somerset, and Leua Van Lowe, S'lmerset 1747 Schenk, Roluf, Freehold, and Rebekah Lippit, Middletown 1762 Schenk, Peter, Somerset, and Maria VoUerson, Somerset 1747 Schillinger, Henry, Cape May, and Prudence Cburch 1760 Schillinger, Henry, Cape May, and Rebecca Scull, Cape May. 1775 Schillinger, James, Cape May, aud Rhoda Crowell 1780 Scboley, John, Burliugton, and Mary Willson, Burlington 1727 Schooley, Richard, Morris, and Martha Tantorn 1751 Schoolj', Asa, Burliugton, and Mary Kimble 1786 Schoonmaker, Henricus, Bergeu, and Salome Demarest, Bergen 1765 Schoonmaker, Martinus, Acquackanonk, Mary Basset, Acquackanonk. 1761 Schureman, Abraham, Middlesex, and Hetty Comb? 1781 Schureman, James, Middlesex, and Eleanor Williamson 1778 Schuuart, Johannes, Bergen, and Elizabeth Vryefinger, Bergen 1762 Schureman, John, Middlesex, and Anne Stryker, Middlesex 1750 Schuyler, Aaron, Burlington, and Esther Dey ... 1784 Schuyler, Adoniah, Pompton, and Elizabeth Bogert. 1783 Schuyler, Arent, Bergen, aud Helena Van Wagenau. 1741 Schuyler, Arent, Buriington CUy, and Jeneke Van A\'agenei', Essex. . . 1748 Schuyler, Arent, Bergen, and Rachel Demarest. , . 1788 Schuyler, Peter, Burliugton, and Ann Eichardson 1777 Scobey, Alexander, Middlesex, and Alice AVilliams, Middlesex 1745 Scoby, John, Perth Amboy, aud Elisabeth AA'arner, Perth Amboy. . . 1762 Sooby, AVUliam, Gloucester, aud Abigail Johnson, Burlingtou 1780 Scoggin, Jonah, Salem, and Ann Hall Salem 1748 Scott, Barzilla, Burlington, and Elizabeth Wheeler, Burlington 1765 Soott, Barzilla, Burlington, and Maiy Garwood, Burlingtou 1776 Scott, David, Somerset, and Jane Canady, Somerset 1735 Soott, Ebenezer, Monmouth, and Patience Leonard, Monmouth 1748 Scott, Henry, Burlington, aud Jane Hancock, Burliugton 1728 Scott, Henry, Burlington, and PrisciUa Turner, Barlington 1749 Scott, James, Monmouth, and Margaret Van Cleaf 1774 Scott, John, Gloucester, and Mary Chester, Gloucester 1738 Scolt, Jobn, Barlington, and Rebecca Hall, Burlington 1740 Jan. 22 July 3 Deo. 5 July 28 Sept. 26 Feb. 28 Sept. 20 June 14 Nov. 12 April 2 Jan. 20 June 21 Aug. 14 Jan. 22 Aug. 14 Jan. 21 Nov. 30 June 27 Sept. 14 May 25 Jan. 25 June 22 Juue 5 Mar. 8 Jan. 23 April 10 Feb. 22 Oct. 9 Aug. 27 Sept. 21 May 19 Aug. 1 May 21 Oct. 1 July 20 April 28 Feb. 25 Mar. 25 May 7 Aug. 18 Oct. 1 Aug. 10 Aug. 7 May 16 Ang. 12 Dec. 13 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 343 Soott, John, Prince Town, and Ruth Stockton, Prince Town 1746 Scott, John, BurUngton, and Anne Atkinson, Burlingtou 1754 Soott, John, Sbrewsbui7, and Sarah Hisson 1779 Soott, Jonathan, Burlington, and Maiy Cassaway, Burliugton 1738 Soott, Jonathan, Burlington, and Ann Turner, Burlington 1780 Soott, Joseph, Burlington, and Hannah Hancock, Burlington 1770 Soott, Joseph, Penns Neck, and Barbary Butler 1777 Scott, Joseph, Pequannock, and Catharine Miller, Pequannock 1778 Soott, Martin, and Sarah Rosell 1736 Scott, Samuel, Shrewsbury, and Sary Allen, Shrewsbury 1768 Soott, Samuel, Monmonth, and Catharine White 1778 Soott, Thomas, Woolwich, aud Anna Homer 1771 Scott, Thomas, Cape May, and Rebecca ETans, Cape May ... 1776 Soott, Thomas, Bristol, Pa, and Elizabeth Bowers 1779 Scotten, Samuel, Deptford, and Jecou Hall 1775 Scout, Adrian, and Mary Jemey, Staten Island 1743 Scroggy, John, Burlingtcn, and Rachel Butler, Mansfield 1748 Scroggy, Thomas, Hanover, and Ann Jones 1777 Soudder, Amos, Trenton, and Pbebe Rose, Trenton 1763 Soudder, Jobn, Trenton, and Pheebe Howell 1733 Soudder, Samuel, Alloways Creek, and Leah Sockwell, Cumberland . , . 1761 Soudder, WUliam, and Hannah Skelton 1779 ScaU, Abel, Jr., Gloucester, and Martha Shivers 1758 Soull, AbeU, Gloucester, and Martha Hew 1749 Scull, Daniel, Gloucester, and Hanuah Mannary 1731 Scull, Daniel, Gloucester, and Rachel Mannery Gloucester 1741 ScuU, Daniel, Gt. Egg Harbour, and EUzabeth Stevens 1762 Soull, Daniel, Gt. Egg Harb'r, and AbigaU Badcock, Gt. Egg Harb'r . . 1768 Soull, James, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Rebecca Cownover 1783 ScuU, John, Waterford, and Anu Hinchman 1773 Sfou,U, John, Cape May, and Sarah Smith, Cape May 1776 ScuU, Joseph, Gloucester, and Martha Marshall 1778 ScuU, Peter, Gloucester, and Jane Mott, Gloucester 1731 " Scull, Peter, Gt. Egg Harb'r, and Margaret Gibbons, Gt. Egg Harb'r 1762 Soull, PhUip, Gloucester, and Abigail Townsend, Gloucester 1737 Soull, Philip, Cape May, and Elizabeth Stiles 1769 ScuU, Philip, Evesham, and PriscUla Prickett . . . 1777 ScuU, Samuel, Gloucester, aud Euth Hickman, Gt. Egg Harbour. . . 1745 Seabrook, Daniel, Shrewsbury, and Mary Little, Shrewsbury 1759 June Seabrook, Thomas, Monmoutb, aud Martha Tallman, Monmouth. . . . 1758 Seagrave, WiUiam, Cape May, and Esther Kent, Cape May 1737 Seaman, Edmund, New York, and Elizabeth Zabriskie, Bergen 1768 Sears, WUliam, Shrewsbury, and Mary Bonham, Shrewsbury. . ." 1758 Sebet, James, Burlington, and Hannah James, Barlington 1736 Sebring, Cornelius, New Jersey, and Antie Van Arsdale, Somerset .... 1748 Sebring, Folkard, Jr , Somerset, and Iriustea Van Nest 1768 Sept. 29 April 29 May 22 Nov. 4 Nov. 4 May 30 May 17 Dec. 23 Jan. 12 Sept. 13 April 28 Nov. 12 Nov. 2 Jan. 19 Mar. 20 Sept. 24 Aug. 17 Mar. 12 Dec. 26 Feb. 2 Jan. 8 April 29 Nov. 2 April 16 June 14 Oct. 26 July 23 Jan. 5 Sept. 11 Nov. 8 Nov. 22 Aug. 29 Feb. 20 Nov. 10 Sept. 14 April 18 April 1 Not. 14 June 19 Oct. 11 Oct. 3 Deo. 24 Nov. 27 Deo. 28 April 25 Dec. 16 344 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Sebring, Jacob, Middlesex, and Jaue Vantile, Bergen 1768 June 6 Sebring, Johu, Middlesex, and Charity Teunisson, Somerset 1748 Oct. 1 Sedam, John, Middlesex, and Jane Piatt 1785 Mar. 24 Sedam, Ryke, Middlesex, and Rachel Merrill 1785 Mar. 24 Seeds, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Nancy Patterson 1775 Aug. 23 Seeds, Samuel, Deptford, and Sarah Bryant, Deptford 1737 Feb. 25 Seeds, William, Burliugton, and Mary Dunn, Burlington 1739 Dec. 19 Seely, David, Deerfield, and Mary Mei'sciUier 1781 Aug. 20 Seeley, David, Salem, and Mary Rambo 1768 Jan. 2 Seeley, Ebenezer, Cumberland, and Mary Clark 1783 Mar. 30 Seely, Henery Deerfleld, and Hannah Dare, Deei'Ueld 1762 Oct. 6 Segrave, William, Cape May, and Arabella Coole, Philadelphia 1740 Sell, John, GlouOester, and Margaret Blackwood 1775 April 7 Sell, Jonathan, Gloucester, and Deborah Wood, Deptford. 1750 Aug. 7 SeU, William, Gloucester, and Deborah Chew.- 1761 Sept. 16 Sellers, David, Philadelphia, and Rachel Coleman 1779 Deo. 23 Selpath, John, Mansfield, and Rebecca Thompson 1763 Aug. 27 Senexon, Andrew, Jr., Salem, and Margeth Bilderbaok 1769 Dec. 23 Series, George, South Amboy, and Margaret Sharp, South Amboy. . . . 1766 Feb. 11 Servass, Jacob, Amwell, and Esaballa Fleming 1766 Nov. 29 Sevel, Heury, Gloucester, and Charlotta Sack 1756 Sept. 2 Sevens, Jacob, Mannington, and Mary Hellenus 1783 May 1 Sever, Benjamin, Evesham, and Jane Stratton 1783 Dec. 29 Sever, Joseph, Evesham, and Patience Taylor 1780 Mar. 27 Sever, Peter, Evesham, and Hannah Lewis 1757 July 16 Severns, Benjamin, Hunterdon, and Sarah Green, Hunterdon 1730 May 28 Severns, Dauiel, Bucks, Pa., aud Mary Allen 1779 Oct. 26 Severns, John, Bensalem, Bucks, -Pa., Joyce Vandegrift, Bensalem. . . 1747 July 28 Severns, Joseph, Bucks, Pa., and Anua Albertson, Bucks, Pa 1776 Sept. 30 Severns, Theophilus, Trenton, and Sarah Bainbridge, Maidenhead . . 1738 Nov. 23 Sexton, Benjamin, Hunterdou, and Catherine Larason 1779 Nov. 24 Sexton, Daniel, Evesham, and Abigail Maxell 1778 Feb. 21 Sexton, Jared, Hopewell, and Anne lareson, Hopewell 1768 Mar. ' 28 Sexton, Jared, Hunterdon, and Mary Stout 1779 Feb. 15 Sexton, Nehemiah, Hunterdou, and Elizabeth Campbell ,. . . . 1779 April 16 Sexton, WiUiam, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Robbins. Monmouth. . . 1776 Nov. 26 Shadeker, David, Northampton, and Antes Vagow, Burlington 1747 Feb. 22 Shaits, Jost, AUoways Creek, and Sarah Moore 1773 Mar. 9 Shallcross, AVUliam, Bucks, Pa., and Ruth Holmes, Bucks, Pa 1773 April 11 Shallcross, WiUiam, Bucks, Pa., and Elizabeth Ashton, Bucks, Pa... 1764 Dec. 4 Shank, Anthony. Bucks, Pa., and Susannah Craig 1783 Dec. 13 Sharman, Thomas, Burlington, and Frances AVard, Burlington 1682 Nov. 1 Sharp, Abraham, Burlington, and Mary French, Burlingtou 1735 ' Mar. 9 Sharp,- Amos, Evesham, and Deborah Haines, Evesham 1751 May 2 Sharp, Anthony, Roxbury, aud Susanna Swezey 1778 Sept. 7 Sharp, Barzilla, Evesham, and Lydia Peacock ; . 1785 Feb. 15 Marriage licenses. 345 Sharp, Benjamin, Burlington, and Elizabeth Sharp, Burlington. . , , 1728 Sharp, Benjamin, Chester, and Tamar Austin, Chester 1773 Sharp, Enoch, Evesham, and Susannah Austin 1783 Sharp, Henry, Piscataway, and Sarah Drake, Piscataway 1758 Sharp, Hugh, Burlington, and Elizabeth Jacquatt, Gloucester 1743 Sharp, Hugh, Evesham, and Anne Stratton, Evesham 1748 Sharp, Isaac, Cumberland, and Rachel Mulford, Cumberland 1764 Sharp, Isaac, Evesham, and Mary Green, Evesham 1766 Sharp, Isaac, Evesham, and Susannah Peacock , 1779 Sharp, Job, Burlington, and Phebe Haines, Burlington . 1780 Sharp, Job, Evesham, and Elizabeth Green, Evesham 1784 Sharp, John, Cape May, and Sarah Reddy 1767 Sharp, John, Chester, and Acsah Ivins, Chester 1781 Sharp, John, Evesham, and Rebecca Austin, Evesham 1782 Sharp, Jonathan, New Brunswick, and Margaret Herriot, Woodbridge. 1772 Sharp, Joseph, Salem, and Grace Smith, Jr., Mannington 1758 Sharp, Joseph, Burlington, and Jane Green, Burlington 1774 Sharp, Josiah, Evesham, and Hannah Ingle, Evesham 1770 Sharp, Levi, Burlington, and Rachael HiUard, Burlington 1777 Sharp, Robert, Amwell, and Rachel Runk 1780 Sharp, Samuel, Barlington, and Elizabeth Peacock, Burlington 1754 Sharp, Samuel, Piscataway, and Priscilla Sutton, Piscataway 1759 Sharp, Thonias, Evesham, and Ruth Stratton 1 778 Sharp, WUliam, Barlington, and Hanuah Austin, Burlington 1735 Sharp, WiUiam, Gloucester, and Hannah Chatten 1773 Sharp, William, Evesham, and Elizabeth Green, Evesham , ; 1776 Sharp, WiUiam, New Jersey, and Hannah DUks 1779 Sharpless, Aaion, Bristol, Pa., and Mary EUwood 1783 Shaver, Jacob, Burlington, and Ann Delan ¦ 1759 Shaw, Abiah, Cumberland, and Abigail Bucke 1778 Shaw, EUjah, Cape M ay, aud Jemimah Hand 1768 Shaw, Henry, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Gordon 1768 Shaw, James, Bucks, Pa., apd Frederick Baker, Bucks, Pa 1742 Shaw, John, Monmonth, and Elizabeth Salter 1739-40 Shaw, John, Shrewsbury, aud Sarah Cox, Hunterdou 1770 Shaw, Jobn, Cape May, and Mary Eldredge, Cape May 1771 Shaw, John, Cumberland, and Judith Payday 1786 Shaw, Joshua, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Abigail Leeds 1759 Shaw, Joshua, Cape May, and Anne Furman, Cape May , 1773 Shaw, Nathan, Cumberland, and Abigail Fithian 1754 Shaw, Nathan, Cumberland, and Mary Van Meter '. 1760 Shaw, Nathan, Maurice River, and Mary Jones, Maurice River 1769 Shaw, Ricbard, Fairfield, and AbigaU Westcoat 1755 Shaw, Richard, Cape May, and Jerusha Garritson 1764 Shaw, Samuel, Chester, aud Lydia Potts 1786 Shaw, Thomas, Cape May, and Hannah Goff, Cape May ' 1770 Sept. 30 Jan. 11 Jan. 4 Feb. 8 April 27- Nov. 1 April 9 Sept. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 26 Dec. 5 April 27 Mar. 19 April 23 Oct. 8 Dec. 2 Aug. 8 Aug. 16 Oct. 28 Jan. 11 May 2 July 2 Dec. 7 May 5 Nov. 29 May 27 Oct. 23 May 7 Sept. 27 June 23 April 12 Dec. 21 Feb. 7 Feb. 28 Feb. 20 Jan. 4 Oct. 8 Feb. 13 May 17 July 17 Mar. 15 Jan. 16 Feb. 18 June 19 April , 29 July 5 346 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Shaw, AVUliam, Cape May, and Jerusha Hand, Cape May 1762 Shaw, WUliam, Barlington, and Anna Atkinsou, Burlington. , '. 1773 Shaw, Zechariah, Gloucester, and Rachel Reynolds, Gloucester. 1762 Sheene, John, Lt. Egg Harbour, and Katherine Gale, Lt. Egg Harb'r. 1745 Sheepy, Charles, Burlington, and Elizabeth Davis, Burlington 1695 Sheels. James, Burlington, and Grace Mullin, Burlington 1758 Sheldin, Joseph, Bridgetown, and Rebecca Headdy, Bridgetown 1747 Sbellenbirg, Henry, Bucks, Pa., and Sarah Green 1778 Shelley, Abraham, Philadelphia, and Mary Jenkins 1774 Shepherd, Daniel, Cumberland, and Sarah Dare 1778 Shepherd, Elnathan, Cumberland, and Mary Townsend, Cape May . . 1766 Shepherd, Enoch, Cumberland, and Martha Sweeney 1757 Shepherd, Gibbens, Fairfield, and Rebecka Jackson, Fairfield 1778 Shepherd, James, Cumberland, and Keziah Barber 1 778 Shepherd, Job, Cumberland, and Rachell Gillman, Cumberland 1765 Shepherd, John, Monmouth, and Martha TaylOr, Monmoutb 1742' Shepherd, ,Iohn, Cumberland, and Temperance Brooks, Cumberland. ,1766 Shepherd, -lonadab, Cumberland, and Martha Hand, Cumberland, . . 1770 Shepherd, Moses, Middletown, and Rebecca Stillwell, Middletown. . . 1767 Shepherd, Nathan, Cumberland, and Prudence Shepherd, Cumberland. 1767 Shepherd, Owen, Cumberland, and Deborah Ireland 1778 Shepherd, PhUip, Fairfield, aud Sarah Bennett, Fairfield 1761 Shepherd, Thomas, Monmouth, and Sarab Dennis, Monmouth 1747 Sheppard, Ananias, Cumberland, and Anna, Mills, Cumberland 1775 Sheppard, Cumberland, Glouoester, and Amey Matlock 1775 Sheppard, David, Fairfield, and Phebe Ludlam 1783 Sheppard, Ephraim, Cumberland, and Rebeckah Barrot, Cumberland. 1778 Sheppard, John, Burlington, and Elizabeth Reeves, Burlington 1776 Sheppard, Read', Cumberland, and Millisent AVood 1778 Sherer, Gilbert, New York, and Catharine Fitz Randolph, P'th Amboy 1763 Sherer, Gilbert, Middlesex, and Ann Buckalew 1780 Sherred, John, Amwell, and Elizabeth Flemming, Hunterdon 1764 Sherred, Jobn, Alexandria, and Mary Baillie, Alexaudri* 1774 Sherid, Samuel, Monmouth, and Abigail Smith, Burliugton 1764 Sherro, Jobn Mather, Burlingtou, and Catharine Burkin, Burlington, , 1742 Sherron, Roger, Salem, and Rebecca Wiggins 1732 Sherron, Roger, Salem, and Unis Darvin 1754 Shervell, AVUliam, Burlington, and Elizabeth Reeve, Burlington 1766 Sherwin, James, Burlington, and Edith Kemble, Burlington 1 748 Shibely, Jacob, Shrewsbury, aud Christin Havins, Shrewsbury 1756 Shippin, Joseph, Philadelphia, and Mary Kearney 1736 Shipton, John, Burlington, and Sarah Middleton, Burlington 1732 Shiner, Stephen, .Sussex, and Mary Tacber, Sussex 1769 Shinn, Amos, Springfield, and Sarah Cunningbam, Springfield 1774 Shinn, Amos, Springfield, and Ann Cunningham 1777 Shinn, Azariah, Gloucester, and Sarah Haines, Gloucester 1760 Mar. 8 Not. 16 Mar. 1 Mar. 3 Not. 2 AprU 18 Dec. 29 Jan. 27 Mar. 4 AprU 27 Mar. 8 April 29 Jan. 6 Sept. 23 May 18 Dec. 13 May 1 April 16 Mar. 23 KOT. 10 Nov. 25 July 6 Sept. 8 Oct. 26 Mar. 7 May 24 AprU 3 May 16 Nov. 12 Dec. 28 Sept. 19 Jan. 2 Jan. 18 June 24 Mar. 21 April 5 June 12 Oct. 14 Mar. 13 Mar. 15 May 29 May 18 Jan. 30 Mar. 11 AprU [ 5 Feb. 13 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 347 Shinn, Buddell, Burlington, and Sarah Bispham, Mount Holly 1780 Shinn, Caleb, Monmouth, and Mehitabel Curlis, Monmoath 1739 Shinn, Caleb, Burlington, and Mary Lucas, Burlington 1771 Shinn, Burlingtpn, and Elizabeth AVebb, Burlington 1740 Shinn, Curliss, Northampton, and Anna Merriot 1777 Shinn, Francis, Springfield, and Sarab Bell, Springfield 1763 Shinn, Francis, Springfield, and Martha Shinu. Springfield. 1766 Shinn, George, Burlington, and Rachel Wright, Burlington 1761 Shinn, George, Woolwich, and EUzabeth Kelly, Woolwich 1769 Shinn, Henry, New Hanover, and Anne Fort, New Hanover. 1770 Shinn, Isaiah, Burlington, and Mary Burr, -Burlington 1770 Shinn, James, Burlington, and Hannah Shinn, Burlington 1737 Shinn, James, Springfield, and Lavinah Haines, Springfield 1768 Shinn, Job, Springfield, and Elinor Burns 1776 Shinn, Job, and Rachel Grimes 1783 Shinn, John, Burlington, and Mary Allen, Burlington 1763 Shmn, John, Northampton, and Martha Parker 1775 Shinn, John, Springfield, and Mary Norton 1780 Shinn, Joseph, Greenwich, aud Ausandona Shivers 1758 Shinn, Joseph, Northampton, and Mary Lippincott, Springfield 1783 Shinn, Levi, Evesham, and Hannah Reeve, Evesham 1776 Shinn, Samuel, Burlington, and Provided Gaskill, BurUngton . . ..... 1737 Shinn, Samuel, Springfield, and EUzabeth Starkye, Chesterfield 1766 Shinu, Samuel, Burlington, and Christian Wait 1769 Shinn, Thomas, Evesham, and Jane Austin 1782 Shinn, Vincent, New Haven, and Elizabeth Budd, New Hanover. . . . 1772 Shinn, AViUiam, Burlington, and Exercise Carless, Monmouth 1739 Shinn, WiUiam, Burliugton, and Sarah French, Burlington. . , 1766 Shivers, John, Gloucester, aud Mary Clement, Gloucester 1736 Shivers, Josiah, Gloucester, and Anna Bate, Gloucester 1729 Shoemaker, Conrade, Woolwich, and Susannah Shoulder, Woolwich. .1770 Sholts, Michael, Monmouth, and Deborah Fries 1772 Shores, James, Burlington, and Hannah Watson 1742 Shores, Jobn, Mansfield, and Mary Moore, Mansfield 1747 ShotweU, Benjamin, Woodbridge. and Elizabeth Shotw'ell, W'dbridge. 1753 Shotwell, Jacob, Woodbridge, and Esther Gach, Woodbridge 1754 Shotwell, Jacob, Woodbridge, and Elizabeth Kinsey, Woodbridge 1758 Shotwell, Manning, Middlesex, and Polly Clarkson 1781 Shotwell, Nicholas, and Rachel Fitz Randolph, Woodbridge 1744 Shoudy, Henry, Trenton, and Mary Oatman 1781 Shourds, Samuel, L. Egg Harbour, and Elizabeth Wever 1759 Shourds, Thomas, Burlington, and Amey Ruokell 1780 Shram, David, Deptford, and Jane Bryant, Deptford 1752 Shreeve, -Joseph, Monmoutb, and Rachel Hewlett, Middlesex 1771 Shreeve, Amos, Burlingtcn, and Ann Woolston, Burlington 1737 Shreve, Amos, Northampton, and Hannah Peters, Northampton 1750 Aug. June 15 Jan. 2 Dec. 23 Aug. 30 Nov. 15 May 24 Dec. 3 Sept. 1 AprU 3 Nov. 13 Aug. 2 July 18 Mar. 7 Nov. 4 July 3 June 11 Oct. 1 Jan. 18 Nov. 11 Jan. 6 Jan. 2 July 4 May 6 Jan. 4 April IS Sept. 6 June 6 June 24 July 9 Feb. 9 June 23 Mar. 7 June 30 Feb. 9 Dec. 18 April 3 Feb. 22 Feb. 27 June 2 Feb. 6 June 11 Mar. 25 Oct. 19 Sept. 14 Aug. 2 Aug. 2 34^ New jersey colonial documents. Shreve, Isaac, Burlington, and Lydia Talman, Burlington 1781 Shreve, Isaac, Mansfield, and Abigail Thorn 1784 Shreve, Job, Northampton, and Rebecca Brown, Northampton 1764 Shreve, John, Burlington, aud Abigail Ridgway 1786 Shreve, Joseph, Mansfield, and Elizabeth Hatch, Mansfield 1750 Shreve, Samuel, Mansfield, and Mira Trout 1771 Shreve, William, Piscataway, and Catherine Martin, Piscataway 1766 Shreve, William, Springfield, and Anna Ivins, Springfield 1766 Shreve, William, Burlington, and Ann Reckless 1779 Shrevin, George, Burlington, and Mary Hancock 1778 Shubart, John, Philadelphia, and Mary Hockley, PhUadelphia 1733 Shup, Jacob, Springfield, aud Mary Franklin 1775 Shute, Isaac, Gloucester, and Susannah Hoffman, Gloucester 1763 Shute, John, Waterford, and Mary Eastwood, Springfield 1763 Shute, Joseph, Gloucester, and Sarah Barber 1776 Shute, Richard, Gloucester, and Martha Smalwood 1736 Shute, AVUliam, Gloucester, and Ann Hues 1750 Shute, William, PhUadelpbia, and Sarab Jones, Mount Holly. 1775 Shute, William, Woolwich, and Sarah Adams 1783 Shuts, Jacob, Springfield, and Anne Taylor, Springfield 1765 Shyberd, Furman, Cumberland, and Hanuah MaskeU 1780 Sickels, John, Bergen, and Sarah AValdron, Bergen 1,769 Sickels, Thomas, Princeton, and Mary Norwood 1777 Sickles, Lambert, Piscataway, and Anne Drake, Piscataway 1749 Sickles, Z icharia, Shrewsbury, aud Catharine Wardell, Shrewsbury. . . 1 759 Sidam, Cornelius, Somerset, and Anne Rappelyea 1780 Siddall, John, Bucks, Pa., and Hester Belford, Bucks, Pa 1766 Siddol, James, Burlington, and Sarab Bolton, Burlington 1727 Siddons, Henry, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Sharp, Gloucester 1738 Siduel, .Iohn, Northampton, aud Elizabeth Neal, Northampton 1775 Sill, Michael, Burlington, and Mary Rose, Burlington 1730- Sill, Thomas, Jacobstown, and Elizabeth Coward, Monmouth 1754 Silver, James, AUentown, and Ester Ford, AUentown 1745 Silver, John, Jr., Middlesex, and Lydia Mount 1780 Silver, Joseph, Mannington, and Esther Andrews 1784 Silver, WiUiam, Burlington, and Lucy Carman 1783 Silvester, Francis, Middlesex, and Sarab Martin 1769 Silvester, Francis, New Y'ork, and Mary Webb, Woodbridge 1748 Sim, Andrew, Burlington, and Margaret Hutchinson , 1700-1 Sim, John, Philadelphia, and Margaret Moode 1732 Simcook, Joseph, Bucks, Pa., and Mary Harvery, Bucks, Pa 1741 Simds, Jonas, Massachusetts, and Elizabeth Kinney 1777 Simkins, Dean, and Susannah Right 1769 Simpkins, Ephraim, Cumberland, and Hannah Stathem 1784 Simpkins, George, Penns Neck, and Ann Lafferty, Penns Neck 1779 Simpkins, Jonathan, Salem, and Hanna Harris. , 1781 Mar. 29 AprU 17 Aug. 11 Sept. 9 Aug. 28 Jan. 26 Nov. 10 May 8 Feb. 17 Feb. 10 Nov. 24 Nov. 4 Aug. 3 May 23 Jan. 25 May 23 ApiU 21 May 20 Feb. 23 Oct. 21 Dec. 20 Dec. 14 July 3 July 21 July 28 Not. 28 Feb. 15 Aug. 31 Mar. Aug. 14 Sept. 11 May 27 Nov. 1 Oct. 19 Mar. 2 Mar. 18 Mar. 29 Sept. 28 Jan. 17 Oct. 5 Mar. 5 April . 11 July 28 May 4 Jan. 9 Oct. 25 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 349 Simkins, Jonathan, Salem, and Magdalene Dahlbo 1785 Simkins, Nicholas, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Sarab HoUey 1775 Simkins, William, Cape May, and Mary Edmunds, Cape May 1759 Simmons, David, Hackensack, and Elizabeth Romine, Hackensack. . .1761 Simmons, Jobn, Bucks, Pa., and Mary AVhitaker, Bucks, Pa 1763 Simmons, Stephen, Philadelphia, and Hannah Brooks, Philadelphia. .1738 Simmons, Stephen, Philadelphia, aud Mary Warner, Burlington 1775 Simmons, Thomas, Burlington, and Bathsheba Bozorth, Evesham 1746 Simms, Charles, Trenton, and Ann Douglass 1778 Simonds, Thomas, Orange, N. Y., and Freelove Fowler, Orange, N. Y.1771 Simons, John, Jr., Northampton, and Sarah Prickett, Northamp'.on. . .1745 Simons, Stephen, Monmouth, and Sarah Grant, Monmouth 1756 Simons, WUliam, Easthampton, aud Johanna Elwill, Salem 1769 Simonson, Cornelius, Somerset, aud Mary Bogart, Bridgewater 1779 Simonson, John, Somerset, and Fhoeb.e Hoagland 1781 Simonson, Simon, New York, and Mary Ferguson 1786 Simpking, Daniel, and Margaret Butler 1748 Simpson, Allan, Bernardstown, and Susannah Boyles 1781 Simpson, James, Egg Harbour, and Rebecca Risley, Egg Harbour .... 1765 Simpson, James, Gloucester, and Sarah Crawford 1772 Simpson, John, Hunterdon, and Mary Schenck 1785 Simpson, AVUliam, Somerset, and Mary Lyn, Somerset 1770 Sims, Jobn, Mannington, and Ruth Smith, Salem 1763 Sims, Joshua, Mannington, and Darcus Smith. 1779 Sims, Samuel, Salem, aud Lydia Willis, Alloways Creek 1747 Simson, Henry, Sussex, and Deborah Cross Somerset 1754 Simson, James, Burlington, and Susannah Hammock, Burlington 1774 Simson, Thomas, Bucks, Pa., aud Abigail Burleigh, Bucks, Pa 1741 Singleton, Richard, Burlington, and Elinor Gallagher, Burlington... 1739 Sink, WilUam, Stow Creek, and Esther Bishop 1784 Sinnickson, Sinneck, Salem, and Mary Philpot, Salem ' 1762 Sinnickson, Thomas, Salem, and Sarah Hancock, Salem 1769 Sip, Adriean, Acquackanonk, aud Gerritie Sip, Acquackanonk. ...... 1767 Sip, Cornelius, Bergen, and Bettie Vreelandt, Bereen 1761 Sisom, John, Pennsylvania, and Anne BcTan, Pennsylvania 1727 Sisom, John, Bucks, Pa., and Jane White, Bucks, Pa 1764 Sitten, David, Salem, and Naomi Weeks, Salem 1770 Sitzenger, Peter, Salem, and Esther Smith 1762 Skelton, Thomas, Amwell, and Elizabeth Lowrey, Amwell 1772 SkUlman, John, Somerset, and Mary Stryker 1778 Skillman, Thomas, Somerset, and Elizabeth Striker 1777 Skinner, Archer, Middlesex, and Deidamia Carson 1780 Skinner, Courtland, Perth Amboy, and Elizabeth Kearney, P'th Amb 1751 Skinner. John, Perth Amboy, and Sally Kearney, Perth Amboy 1774 Skinner, Nathaniel, and Martha Frame 1770 Skinner, Philip, Shrewsbury, and Susannah Simson, Shrewsbury. .. 1765 July 30 April 29 Dec. 10 Sept. 16 May 21 April 11 Jan. 2 Jan. 6 Dec. 16 Oct. 19 Dec. 17 Deo. 29 Jan. 31 Oct. 12 Mar. 9 Oct. 26 Feb. 1 Mar. 12 May 20 Jan. 7 Dec. 6 Nov. 9 May 16 Jan. 12 Deo. 10 June 25 June 17 Mar. 25 Sept. 20 Nov. 18 Sept. 2 July 4 Jan. 14 June 27 Mar. 27 Nov. 13 Dec. 19 Mar. 18 Jan. 18 Dec. 25 Jan. 23 Aug. 11 Nov. 30 Feb. 15 June 19 July 24 350 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Skinner, Stephen, Perth Amboy, and Catherine Johnson 1761 Oct. 10 Skinner, Thomas, P'th Amboy, and Elizabeth Hubbell, Elizabethtown . 1760 Feb. 2 Slaght, Abram, Hunterdon, and Effie Merukon 1784 Dec. 9 Slaght, John, Staten Island, and Eleanor Butle.r, Staten Island 1764 April 2 Slate, Dauiel, Greenwich, and Mary Rifner 1786 June 21 Slater, Jobn, Perth Amboy, and Jane Morgan, Perth Amboy 1761 Sept. 14 Slater, Samuel, Kingwood, and Ann 'I aylor 1767 Nov. 19 Sleeper, >Tohu, Jr., Northampton, and Sarah Leeks, Northampton 1783 Mar. 5 Sleeper, Jonathan, Burlington, and SybiUa Lippincott, Burlington . . , 1763 Dec. 8 Sleight, James, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Price, Hunterdon .1732 May 31 Sleugerland, John, Bergen, and Annatie Van AVinkle 1789 Nov. 20 Slim, Peter, Burliugton, and Christian Houseman, Springfield 1769 April 12 Sloan, Andrew, Deptford, and Mary Lord, Deptford . . , 1746 Dec. 6 Sloau, Joseph, Gloucester, and Patience Marpole 1778 Nov. 26 Slocum, Amaziah, Monmoutb, and Anu AVooUey, Monmoutb 1739 Nov. 3 Slover, James, South Amboy, and Mary Bissit , 1778 Juue 16 Slocum, John, Shrewsbury, and Rebekah AVardell, Shrewsbury 1755 Jan. 19 Slocum, Jonathan, Shrewsbury, nud Mary Webley, Shrewsbury 1759 Nov. 17 Slocum, Nathaniel, Monmouth, and Susannah Bond, Monmoutb 1749 Dec. 29 Slocum, Peleg, Shrewsbury, aud Hannar Allin, Shrewsbury 1755 Jan. 13 Slccum, Peter, and Catharine Webley, Shrewsbury 1748-9 Mar. 24 Slocum, Samuel, Monmouth, and Lydia Cook, Moumouth 1743 Dec. 9 Small, Israel, Evesham, and Ann Hinchman, Evesham 1763 Oct. 13 Small, John, and Ruth Stockdale 1735 Deo. 31 SmaU, Jobn, Deptford, and Hope Thomas, Gloucester 1767 June 11 Small, Jonah, Buriington, and Rhoda Sexton, Burlington 1774 Mar. 21 Small, Robert, Evesham, and Elizabeth Morris 1778 Dec. 21 Small, AVUliam, Sussex, and Aun Watson 1778 Sept. 19 Smalley, Johu, Piscataway, and Susannah Bray, Monmouth 1742 Feb. 7 Smalley, Samuel, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Sickles, Kingwood 1769 July 29 Smallwood, John, Gloucester, and Abigal Jennet 1772 Sept. 10 Smallwood, Ricbard, Gloucester, and Deborah Cheesman, Gloucester.. 1756 April 2 Smallwood, William, .Gloucester, and Jemima Down. Deptford 1736 Mar. 15 Smart, James, Barlington, and Honour ShalUck, Burlington 1728 April 20 Smith, Abel, Bergen, and Anne Edsal, Bergen 1763 Oct. ^2 Smith, Abel, Salem, and Rachel Kelly, Salem 1765 May 17 Smith, Abel, Hackensack, and Charity Edsall 1783 Nov. 14 Smith, Abijah, Shrewsbury, and Mary Drommon 1751 Nov. 29 Smith, Abraham, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Parrent, Monmouth 1745 Sept. 25 Smith, Alexander, Salem, and Haunah Ashburj-, Salem 1687 Aug. 8 Smith, Andrew, Readington, and EUzabeth Smith ,1782 Deo. 21 Smith, Anthony, Burlington, and Lydia Willets, Monmoutb 1746 May 16 Smith, Asbury, Cumberland, and Lydia Hand '. 1757 Mar, 8 Smith, Ashbury, Cape May, aud Mercy Hughes 1789 Nov. 9 Smith, Benjamin, and Sarah Nicholson 1766 Mar. 20 Smith, Benjamin, Shrewsbury, and EUinnar Irons, Shrewsbury 1767 Oct. 20 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 35 1 Smith, Charles, Bristol, and Mai-y Hoys 1778 Dec. 21 Smith, Christopher, Cape May, and Esther Ludlam, Cape May. . . 1768 Sept. 2 Smith, Christopher, Oape May, aud Lydia Badcock 1774 Oct. 24 Smith, Conrad, New Jereey, and Gathai'ine Miller, Philadelphia 1761 May 11 Smith, Daniel, Burlingtou, and Hannah ThaokercU 1757 Dec. 3 Smith, Daniel, Salem, and Dorcas Smith, Salem 1772 April 21 Smith, Daniel, Amwell, and Magdalena Merril, Hopewell 1774 April 25 Smith, Daniel, Salem, and Anne Ewing, Salem 1779 Feb. 18 Smith, David, Monmouth, nud .Ann Clark 1768 April 25 Smith, Ebenezer, Cumberland, and Sarah Findlaw, Cumberland 1772 Nov. 17 Smith, Efram, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Doratha Shaw 1762 Aug. 5 Smith, Elias, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Sarab Ireland, Gt. Egg Harbour.. 1760 Aug. 11 Smith, EUhu, Cape May, and Judith Billings 1774 Sept. 20 Smith, Elihu, Cape May, and Hannah Matthews ,..1780 July 3 Smith, Elijah, Egg Harbour, and Jane ScuU, Egg Harbour 1758 Sept. 7 Smith, Elijah, Gloucester, aud BerzUla Somer's 1784 April 2 Smith, Elisha, Deerfield, and Rebekah Bowen 1778 May 2 Smith, Elisha, Camberland, and Loetitia Johnson , . 1787 Mar. 13 Smith, Enoch, Cape May, and Prissillah Godfrey 1780 Sept. 5 Smith, Evie, Gloucester, and Mary AA'oodward 1746 Nov. 3. Smith, Ezekiel, Freehold, and Rachel Thomson, Middletown 1752 Mar. 7 Smith, Ezekiel, Monmouth, aud Elizabeth Jackson, Monmouth 1765 Nov. 14 Smith, George, BurUngton, and Haunah Smitb, Burlington 1731 Nov. 15 SmUb, George, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Edwards, Moumouth 1741 Jan. 22 Smith, George, Monmoutb, and Elizabeth Black 1765 Aug. 28 Smith, George, Kingwood, and Mary Woolverton, Kingwood 1770 Jnly 27 Smith, Gilbert, Barlington, and Margaret Stillwell, Chesterfield 1762 May 5 Smith, Hans Michael, Essex, and Sarab Brass 1741 Jan. 8 Smith, Henry, Gloucester, and Sarah Steelman 1774 Nov. 18 Smitb, Hill, Salem, and Ann Nicholson 1775 AprU 25 Smith, Howell, Salem, and Temperance Y. Keasbey 1786 Feb. 6 Smith, Hugh, ^ottingbam, and Elizabeth Ashmore 1778 June 9 Smith, Isaac, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Morris, Gloucester 1739 Aug. 12 Smitb, Isaac, Deerfield, and Sarah Mulford, Cumberland 1768 Nov. 2 Smith, Isaac, Cnmberlnnd, and Cyuthus Walling 1772 Jan. 28 Smitb, Israel, Amwell, and Catherine Smith 1779 Aug. 25 SmUh, Jacob, Morris, and Amey Clayton, Freehold 1767 Sept. 3 SmUh, Jacob, Somerset, and Jane Terks 1778 Dec. 19 Smith, James, Burlington, and Mary Atkinson 1766 Jan. 17 SmUh, James, Middlesex, and Mary Johnson, Middlesex 1761 Nov. 20 Smith, James, Shrewsbury, and Anna AVest 1768 Sept. 10 Smith, James, and Isabel Redstreake 1771 Feb. 21 Smith, Jamo.", Burlington, and Hilty Heewlinge, Burlington 1772 Jan. 13 Smith, James, Gloucester, and Rachel Smith 1778 Oct. 19 Smith, Jasper, Amwell, and Eleanor Governour, Readington 1765 Oct. 25 Smith, Jasper, AmweU, and Theodotia Reid 1767 Nov. 27 352 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Smith, SmithSmith, Smith, Smitb Smith,Smith, Smith Smith,Smitb,Smith,Smith, Smith,SmUh, Smith Smith Smith Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith SmUh,Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith, Smitb,SmithSmith, Smith,Smith, Smith,Smitb, Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith Smith, Smith Smith.Smitb, Smitb, Smith, Jeremiah, Philadelphia, and Magdalen Keen, Salem 1738 Jeremiah, Salem, and Susanna Sniith 1750 Jeremiah, Salem, and Margaret English 1778 Job, Bergen, and Sarah Edsall; Bergen , 1748 Job, Bergen, and Cornelia Vangise 1763 Job, Bergen, arid Phebe Smith, Bergen 1767 Johu, Burlington, and Elizabeth Ball, BurUngtou 1685 John, Gloucester, and Mary Ireland, Gloucester 1732 John, Hunterdon, and Margaret Farmer 1733-4 John, AVoodbridge, and Sarab Freeman, Woodbridge 1739 John, Perth Amboy, and Elizabeth Ingliss, Perth Amboy.. 1742 John, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Mead, Monmouth 1747 Johu, Somei'set, and Mary Shumaker, Somerset 1751 Johu, Shrewsbury, and Marthew Mack Collou, Shrewsbury. . . .1754 Jobn, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Sarah Hickbee, Egg Harbour .... 1 758 John, Freehold, and Marthew Colwell, Middletown 1763 John, Middletown, and Elizabeth Crawford, Middletown 1766 Johu, Cumberland, aud Sarah Gruff, Salem 1767 John, Hunterdon, and Sarah Moore 1768 Johu, Evesham, and Mary Cyphars, Evesham 1774 .John, Salem, and Sarah Thompson 1778 John, Amwell, and Anna TUts. 1778 John, Burlington, and Elizabeth Hodgkinson, Burlington .... 1780 Jonathan, Cape May, and Abigail Ludlum 1758 Jonathan, Cape May, and Alathan Ludlam, Cape May 1761 Jonathan, Hunterdou, and Abigail Moore, Hunterdon 1765 Jonathan, Maidenhead, and Mary Fourman 1779 Joseph, Monmouth, and Euphan Watson, Monniouth 1741 Joseph, Middletown, and Dorothy Smith, Middletown 1762 Joseph, Gloucester, and Hannah Shepperd 1754 Joseph, Middlesex, and Esther Cummings 1764 Joseph, Nottingham, and Hanah Cornish, Nottingham 1764 Joseph. Middletown, and Johannah Layton, Middletowu 1764 Joseph, Mannington, and Mary Hall 1765 Joseph, Hunterdon, and Mary Bonham 1769 Joseph, Amwell, and Ann Pearson, Amwell 1 773 Joseph, Trenton, and Hannah Hunt, Maidenhead 1778 Joseph, Ridingtown, and Elizabeth Paterson 1782 Joshua, Cape May, and Naomi Osborn 1762 Joshua, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Ann Springer, Gt. Egg Harb'r. .1762 Joshua, Cape May, and Charity Billings 1770 Joshua, Cape May, and Mary Ireland 1777 Joshua, Salem, and Elizabeth Edwards 1779 Josiah, Hunterdon, and Martha Heyde 1782 Lambert, Orange, N. Y., and Elizabeth Cuyper, Bergen 1761 Legget, Freehold, and Alice Comton, Freehold 1743 Sept. 10 Feb. 19 July 8 May 27 May 17 June 9 Aug. 30 July 28 Jan. 28 Feb. 9 July 29 Ang. 19 June 15 Mar. 8 Oct. 7 Jan. 5 April 24 July 23 Jan. 13 Oct. 22 Sept. 2 Oct. 26 Sept. 28 June 27 Dec. 26 Mar. 9 Nov. 24 Nov. 11 Mar. 5 June 1 July 27 Aug. 1 Nov. 29 June 14 Nov. 4 Jan. 25 Sept. 28 April 13 Feb. 16 Nov. 10 Dec. 3 Mar. 5 Dec. 8 Dec. 8 Jan. 26 Sept. 5 Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith, Smitb, Smitb, Smith,Smith Smith, Smitb, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,SmUh, Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,SmithSmith,Smith,SmitbSmith, Smith Smith, Smitb, Smith Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,SmithSmith,Smitb, Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, 22 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 353 Legget, Upper Freehold, and Ellinnor Horn, Upper Freehold.. 1762 Lewis, Shrewsbury, and Ann Vaunostewick. Middletown 1761 Lewis, Cumberland, and Ruth Watson, Cumberland 1769 Micajah, Egg Harbour, and Sarab Owen, Egg Harbour 1763 Nathan Allen, Burlington, and Joyce Mannington, Burlington, 1776 Peter, Salem, and EUzabeth Alien, Salem 1760 Peter, Elizabeth, and Susannah Richards 1771 Philip, Maidenhead, and Terissa Hersing 1786 PUe, Salem, and Rebecca Hedge, Salem 1745 Ralph, Burlington, and Anu Bishop, Burlington 1740 Ralph, Bucks Pa., and Ann Hibbs, Bucks, Pa 1761 Ricbard, Cape May, and Rachel Hand, Cape May. 1737 Richard, Monmouth, and Deborah Stilwell, Monmoulh 1740 Richard, Cape May, aud Hannah Somers, Gloucester 1745 Richard, Chester, and Deborah Simons, Chester 1775 Robert, Bucks, and Jane Teny, Bucks, Pa 1745 Robert, Springfield, and Elizabeth Clothier, Springfield 1764 Robert, Bucks, Pa,, and Sidney Brittain, Bucks, Pa 1771 Samuel, Burlington, and Mary Appleton, Burlington 1685 Samuel, Salem, aud Sarah Smith 1758 Samuel, Stow Neck, and Sarah CarU, Camberland 1760 Samuel, Monmouth, and Mary Myers, Monmouth 1767 Samuel, Manington, and Sarah Smith , 1772 Silvanus, Gloucester, and Esther Adams, Glouoester 1740 Stephen, Salem, and Sarah Simmes 1784 Tallman, Chesterfield, and Anna Anderson 1756 Talman, Burlington, and Martha Cheesman 1760 Thomas, and Elizabeth Hibbard 1701 Thomas, Burliugton, and Mary White, Burlington 1738 Thomas, Burlington, and Rebecca Shreeve, Burlington 1738 Thomas, Oape May, and Sarah Creese, Cape May 1739 Thomas, Evesham, and Elizabeth Sharp, Chester 1744 Thomas, Perth Amboy, and Mary AVarne 1767 Thomas, Gloucester, and Bathsheba Fortiner 1763 Thomas, Hunterdon, and Sarah Green, Hunterdon 1764 Thomas, Salem, and Hannah AViUis 1771 Thomas, Springfield, and Elizabeth Pettit 1773 Thomas. Mansfield, and Meribeth RockhUl, Mansfield 1775 Thomas, Barnards, and Rachel Tingley 1778 Thomas, Northampton, and Frances Haldan 1778 Uriah, Cape May, and Mary Sommers, Gloucester 1758 Waten, Maidenhead, and Jane Vanclift, Maidenhead 1770 William, Gloucester, and Dorothy Birch, Gloucester 1728 WUliam, Burlington, and Mary Compton, Burlington . . 1728 AVUliam, Perth Amboy, and Jane Taylor 1747 William, Middletown, and Mary Utt, Middletown 1751 Nov. 29 Aug, 22 Jan. 5 June 27 May 3 Sept. 30 Aug. 12 Oct. 10 Nov. 4 Nov. 3 Deo. 10 Deo. 1 Mar. 20 Aug. 20 Feb. 11 Jan. 20 April 24 Oct. 28 Nov. 25 May 20 Sept. 29 Feb. 13 Oct. 2 Dec. 6 Nov. 24 April 27 Sept. 24 Juue 17 Aug. 7 Nov. 22 Nov. 15 Nov. 25 Jan. 31 Oct. 1 Jan. 25 Nov. 12 Mar. 23 Nov. 6 July 8 Nov. 4 Aug. 24 Jan. 15 Aug. 13 Feb. 22 May 5 Sept. 14 354 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Smith, William, Manington, aud Rachel Wood 1759 Smitb, William, Bordentown, and Mary WUd , . . 1761 Smith, William, Burlington, and Michael Aldridge, Burlington 1761 Smith, WiUiam, Mannington, and Rachel Cunningham, Mannington. 1761 Smith, William, Cape May, and Rachel Hand, Cape May 1762 Smith, William, Middletown, and Marcy Layton, Middletown 1762 Smith, William, Penns Neck, and Margaret Vaudevere, Penns Neck. . .1763 Smitb, AViUiam, Salem, and Sarah Stretch, Salem 1764 Smith, William, Mannington, and Sarah Chambless, Salem 1765 Smith, AVUliam, Cape May, and Margaret Rogers,, Oape May 1768 Smitb, WiUiam, Burlington, aud Rebecca Sherrin, Burlington 1776 Smith, William, Trenton, and Eleonar Huston 1 778 Smith, William, Morris, and Rachel Laurence 1779 Smith, William, Burlington, and Mary Botenhouse 1780 Smith, William, Burlington, and Hannah Lawrence 1784 Smith, William, Salem, and Elizabeth Lippincott 1784 Smither, William, Burlington, and Mary Catharine Jeakey 1734 Smock, Barns, Middletown, and Sarah AVilliamson 1766 Smock, Hendrick, Monmouth, and Eleanor Vandorn 1761 Smock, Hendrick, New Jersey, and Sarah Lean 1780 Smock, John, Middletown, and Sarah Tunis, Middletown 1780 Smock, Leonard, Somerset, and Anne Fulkarson, Somerset 1749 Smock, Luyks, Perth Amboy, and Mary Ketcham, Perth Amboy 1752 Smock, Matthias, and Hannah Stout, Readington 1781 Smout, Edward, and Jan Abbott 1691 Smyth, Adam Charles, AUentown, and Agnes McDonald 1778 Smyth, Jobn. Perth Amboy, and Margaret Johnston, Perth Amboy. . . 1750 Smyth, Richard, Pennsylvania, and Mary Nicholson 1773 Snalbaker, Phillip, Gloucester, and Marcy Burnet 1758 Snape, Jobn, Burlington, and Anne Clark, Burlington 1685 Sneathen, David, Cumberland, and Sarah McPeters, Stow Creek 1763 Sneathen, Jeremiah, Alloways Creek, and EUzabeth Hogben 1747 Snedeker, Garret, New Bruuswick, and Margaret Chambers 1775 Snedeker, Isaac, Middlesex, and Charity Beekman 1776 Snethen, James, Cumberland, and Margaret Gillingham, Alloways Ck. 1766 Snider, Jacob, Amwell, and Sarah Barns, Amwell 1771 Snider, John, Sussex, and Hanah Cain, Sussex 1773 Snode, John, Waterford, and Esther Butcher 1773 Snook, Adam, Sussex, and Mary Countryman 1768 Snook, John, Hunterdon, and Elisabeth Marts 1779 Snook, Jobn, Hunterdon, and Mary Golden ] 783 Snook, Philip, Amwell, and Margaret Hivener, Hopewell 1773 Snowden, William, Burlington, and Hannah White, Burlington 1728 Snowden, AVUliam, Chesterfield, and Rachel Reed 1771 Snyder, Harmon, Middletown, and Mary Golden, Middletowu 1767 Snyder, John, Kingwood, and Margaret Kipell, Amwell 1781 July 20 Jan. 22 Oct, 28 Dec. 11 Aug. 2 Nov. 6 Aug. 4 Jan. 18 Oct. 26 Dec. 27 Jan. 22 May 31 Feb. 15 Aug. 26 Mar. 19 July 15 Aug. 5 May 27 May 26 Nov. 7 April 25 July 19 Aug. 13 June 27 Feb. 16 Nov. 19 June 9 Mar. 16 April 25 May 12 Feb. 2 June 13 Jan. 10 June 7 Sept. 29 Oct. 3 Oct. 6 Dec. 4 Dec. 8 Dec. 14 Feb. 5 AprU 1 July 15 Jan. 3 Sept. 24 Feb. 22 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 355 Snyder, William, Freehold, and Anna Tice, Middletown 1757 Snyder, William, New Jersey, and EUzabeth Sidman, New Jersey. . . . 1771 SookweU, Jonadab, Faii'field, and Aune Bowen, Cumberland 1762 Soey, Nicholas, Gloucester, and Jean Ingersal, Gloucester 1743 Solomon, Jonas, Monmoutb, and Hanner Appelgat, Middletown 1757 Sollom, Cornelius,- JSew Brunswick, Hannah AVetherill, New Brunsw'k. 1740 Sollom, Martin, and Mary DeGroff, New Bruuswick 1744 Solter, Henry, Somerset, and Charity Stout 1780 Somers, Constant, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Sarah Hand 1790 Somers, Jacob, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Uness Somers ... 1762 Somers, James, Gt. Egg Harbor, and Sarah Somers, Gt. Egg Harb'r. 1750-1 Somer.", James, Burlington, and Rebecca Steelman 1769 Somers, Jame-s, Gloucester, and Ann Tarapin, Gloucester 1763 Somers, Jesse, Gloucester, and Deborah Ludlam 1790 Somers, Job, and Comfort Maokleas 1 763 Somers, Job, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Esther Little, Gt. Egg Harbour . 1774 Somers, Jobn, Evesham, and Mary Austin, Evesham 1761 Somers, John, Upper Penns Neck, Debora Batton 1783 Somers, John, Gloucester, and Hannah Ludlum 1 784 Somers, Thomas, New Jersey, and Alice Higby 1780 Somervell, George, Salem, and Magdalen Helm, Salem 1771 Somerville, James, Burlington, and Anne Bath, Burlington. 1740 Sommers, Job, Gloucester, and Eunice Greeley, Cape May 1732 Sommers, John, and Hester Risley 1744 Somors, Richard, Cape May, and Suffiah Stillwell 1761 Soolen, Andrew, Morris, and Mary Tyson, Morris 1761 Sooy, Joseph, Egg Harbour, and Mary Leek, Egg Harbour 1761 Sooy, Luke, Burlington, and Rebekah Van Guilder 1786 Soper, Joseph, Barnegat, aud Mary AVright, Staten Island 1746 Soper, Joseph, New Jersey, and Rebecca Howard 1779 Soper, Reuben, Monmoutb, and Mary Matthis 1779 Soper, Richard, Woodbridge, and Jerusha Webb, Woodbridge 1752 Sopers, Jeremiah, Woodbridge, and Catherine Clancey, Woodbridge 1770 Sorrel, William, New Barbadoes, and Hannah Earl, New Barbadoes. , ,1774 Sorter, Jobn, Somerset, and Epenetus Gordon. Perth Amboy 1763 Sender, Jobn, Maurice River, and Julia Miller 1781 SouUard, John, Deerfield, and Hannah Mulford, Cumberland 1762 Souter, John, Cumberland, and Margaret Miller, Alloways Creek, . . . 1771 Southard, Benjamin, Cape May, and PrissUa HUdreth 1789 Southard, EUas, Elizabethtown, and Rachel Rattan, Somerset 1760 Southard, John, and Catherine Frazie .- 1761 Southard, John, L. Egg Harbour, Hannah Faulkinburg, L. Egg Harb 1767 Southward, Benjamin, Cumberland, and Abigail Hewitt 1773 Southwick, James, Burlington, and Hannah Powell. 1778 Southwick, Jonathan, Burlington, and Elizabeth Green, Burlington. . . 1772 Southwick, Josiah, Burlington, aud Elizabeth Parker, Buriington. , . 1728 Sept. 12 Dec. 16 June 5 Nov. 9 Dec. 27 July 19 Oct. 6 Oct. 23 Aug. 20 June 17 Feb. 20 July 20 July 6 July 24 Sept. 6 Mar. 1 April 1 Mar. 7 Jan. 31 Jan. 3 May 11 July 19 Jan. 2 Feb. 9 Dec. 3 Dec. 29 July 15 Dec. 8 June 3 Feb. 2 April 26 Mar. 9 Aug. 11 May 13 Dec. 24 July 2 Jan. 4 Mar. 9 May 22 Oct. 25 Oct. 26 Mar. 25 April 21 May 4 Aug 20 April 23 3S6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Southwick, Maham, Burlington, and Hannah Parker, Burlington 1737 Southwick, Solomon, Northampton, and Rebecca Rossell, N'tbampt'n 1759 Southwood, Edward, Bucks, Pa., and Susannah Beakes 1734 Sowe, Joseph, Cape May, aud Elizabeth Smith 1737 Spachling, Philip, Mansfield, and Prudence Wright, Mansfield 1763 Spana, Joseph, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Hall, Monmoutb 1765 Sparks, George, Deptford, and Magdellen Sealey, Deptford 1765 Sparks, George, Gloucester, and Mary Inskeep 1779 Sparks, Heniy, Gloucester, and Elizabeth BaUinger, Gloucester 1750 Sparks, Heni-y, Fairfield, and Catherine Stratton, Fairfield 1762 Sparks, Henry, Deptford, and Rachel Quinton, Salem 1766 Sparks, .John, Deptford, and Sarah Howell 1773 Sparks, Robert, Deptford, and Mary Smallwood, Deptford 1760 Sparks, Robert, Salem, and Rachel Sommers, Salem 1770 Sparks, Robert, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Gibson 1783 Sparks, Simon, Gloucester, and Epioarius AVoolstou, Gloucester 1761 Sparrow, John, Glouoester, and Hannah Shute, Gloucester 1 747 Spavin, Joseph, Philadelphia, and Elizabeth Blackburn 1739 Spear, David, Bucks, Pa. , and Phebe Philpot, Bucks, Pa 1765 Spence, Jobn, Gloucester, and Rachel Richardson, Gloucester 1727 Spencer, Elihu, Essex, aud Joanna Eatton, Monmouth. . 1750 Spencer, Jacob, Gloucester, and Deborah Leeds 1773 Spencer, James, Burlington, and Sarah Borton, Burlington. . , 1737 Spencer, Robert, Hunterdon, and Aun Allison 1733 Spicer, Jacob, Cape May, and Judith Hughes, Cape May 1738 Spicer, Jacob, Cape May, and Deborah Leaming, Cape May 1752 Spicer, Samuel, Gloucester, aud Abigail WiUard, Gloucester 1743 Spicer, Thomas, Gloucester, and Rebecca Day, Glouoester 1740 Spier, Abraham, Bergen, and Aokey Seekelsop, Bergen 1753 Spier, John, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Richardson 1773 Spining, Ichabod, Hanover, and Mary Person 1779 Spofford, George, Philadelphia, and Rebecca Peters, PhUadelpbia 1728 Sprag, James, Barnegat, and Rachel Purkins 1762 Sprag, Michael, Barnegat, and Mary Rulong 1762 Spraggis, Joseph, Burliugton, and Elizabeth AViles, Burlington 1736 Sprague, Johu, Burlington, and Mary Key 1786 Spratt, Robert, Perth Amboy, and Hannah Hendrickson 1772 Springer, Benjamin, Northampton, and Jerushia Tyler, Northampton 1747 Springer, Dennis, BurUngton, aud Ann Prickett, Burliugton 1736 Springer, Jobn, Burliugton, aud Elizabeth Bozworth 1733 Springer, Samuel, Great Egg Harbour, and Amy Smitb 1773 Springston, Jacobus, Orange, N. Y., and Mally Osborn 1763 Sprong, Bernard, and Jane Post 1779 Sproul, Robert, Perth Amboy, and Elizabeth Paltoon, Perth Amboy. .1768 Sprouls, AVUliam, Hanover, and Elizabeth King, Hanover 1765, Squier, Zophar, Essex, aud Anible AVilliams, Essex 1762 June 7 April 14 May 30 Dec. 3 Oct. 22 May 11 Oct. 19 April 13 Jan. 31 Mar. 23 Oct. 8 Jan. 28 AprU 11 Aug. 9 Nov. 24 July 13 May 14 Jan. 20 Sept. 7 June 19 Oct. 15 Jan. 18 Aug. 1 Feb. 19 June 10 Dec. 16 Aug. 3 Dec. 29 July 28 Nov. 16 Mar. 2 Oct. 23 Nov. 26 Nov. 26 Dec. 11 Dec. 22 April 8 Mar. 9 Nov. 29 Sept. 24 June 21 Feb. 20 June 4 Feb. 4 Nov. 9 Mar. 30 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 357 Staats, John, Bound Brook, and Hannah Trimbly 1776 April 19 Stackhouse, Amos, Mount Holly, and Mary Powell 1779 Stackhouse, Benjamin, Bucks, Pa., and Elion-ir Price, Bucks, Pa. . . 1761 Stackhouse, Benjamin, Bristol, Pa., and Sarab Gale 1782 Stackhouse, Caleb, Cohansie, and Eleanor Long, Cohansie 1767 Stackhouse, Job, Bucks, Pa., and Priscilla Stackhouse, Bucks, Pa 1770 Stackhouse, John, Chester, and Mary Ernest 1783 Stackhouse, Samuel, Springfield, and Hester Penquite, Evesham 1779 Stackhouse, Thomas, Bucks, Pa., and Elizabeth White, Bucks, Pa 1740 Stackhouse, Timothy, Bristol, Pa. , and Martha Stackhouse 1793 Stagg, James, Hackensack, and Leah Brower, Hackensack 1765 Stanbey, Samuel, Essex, and Mary Little, Essex 1771 Standley, Michael, Nottingham, and Martha Jones, Nottingham 1 767 Stanton, George, Penns Neck, and Ann Mounson, Penns Neck 1760 Stanton, Jacob, U. Penns Neck, and Rachel Pedric 1786 Stanton, Richard, New York, and Jane Ryerson, Bergen 1762 Stapleford, Jobn, Philadelphia, and Elizabeth Deckindirson, Burl'gt'n. 1743 Stapler, William, Philadelphia, and Catherine Read, Philadelphia . . 1730 Staples, Thomas, Burlington, and Mary Rogers, Buriington 1738 Stapleton, Andrew, Evesham, and Mary Reeves, Evesham 1782 Stapleton, George, Evesham, and Rhoda Wheatcraft 1784 Statesir, John, Shrewsbury, and Mary Palmer, Shrewsbury 1757 Stathem, Aaron, Cumberiand, and Priscilla Pooler 1760 Stathem, Aaron, Cumberland, and Susannah Leach 1786 Stathem, Isaac, Cumberland, and Mary Watson, Cumberland 1760 Stathem, Isaac, Cumberland, and Lydya Anderson, New Castle; Del.. 1769 Stark, George, Penns Neck, and Mary Scott 1762 Starkey, David, Freehold, and Elizabeth Emons, Shrewsbury 1764 Starkej', Jacob, Monmoutb, and Mary Harbour 1761 Starkey, James, Bucks, Pa., and Mary Thomas, Jr 1762 Starkey, Nathan, BurUngton, and Elizabeth Platt, Barlington 1736 Starkey, Nathan, New Hanover, and Edith WUlson 1749 Starkey, Thomas, and Coziah Ashton 1761 Starus, Daniel, Shrewsbury, and Elizabeth White 1760 Statton, Ephraim, Cape May, and Mary Foster, Cape May 1763 Staunton, John, Burlington, and Dinah Gale 1732 Steacy, John, Burliugton, and Ann Cahoon 1787 Stebins, William, BurUngton, and Jane Cribbs 1770 Steel, James, Glouoester, and Mary Renshaw 1759 Steel, Jobn, Somerset, and Jane Flood, Somerset 1738 Steell, Jobn, Somerset, and Margaret Ross, Somerset 1752 Steelman, Andrew, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Hannah Ingersol, Gloiicest'r. 1 747 Steelman, Elias, Gloucester, aud Sarah Lake 1730 Steelman, Elias, Gloucester, and Comfort Creesey, Gloucester 1732 Steelman, Elias, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Esther Morgan, Gt. Egg H'r. .1760 Steelmaii, Frederick, Gloucester, and Sarah Somers, Gloncester 1740 Jan. 13 Dec. 9 Nov. 4 Aug. 22 Sept. 13 June 2 Jan. 4 Oct. 30 Mar. 23 Oct. 11 Nov. 19 July 30 Feb. 23 Sept. 29 Nov. 23 Jan. 27 June 16 Mar. 25 June 21 Nov. 17 Sept. 1 Oct. 13 Feb. 2 Oct. 11 Nov. 27 Sept. 8 Mar. 16 Aug. 29 Oct. 7 Nov. 1 Oct. 17 May 23 June 3 July 20 Oct. 6 April 12 Deo. 7 Deo. 19 May 11 Feb. 15 June 3 Aug. 10 Dec. 16 Feb. 27 Mar. 5 358 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Steehnan, Frederick, Gloucester, and Hester Risley 1744 Steelman, Frederick, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Neomy Edwards 1773 Steelman, George, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Pbebe Adams, Egg Harbour. 1737 Steelman, Hezekiah, Egg Harbour, aud Caty Gant 1786 Steelman, James, Gloucester, and Katharine Ouster, Glouoester 1730 Steelman, James, Gt. Egg H'rb'r, and Temperance Sayre, Gt. Egg H'r. 1756 Steelman, James, Gt. Egg H'b'r, and Sophia Couenover, Gt. Egg H'b'r.. 1772 Steelman, James, Egg Harbour, and Susannah Smith 1773 Steelman, John, Egg Harbour, and Mary Risley, Egg Harbour 1736 Steelman, John, Egg Harbour, and Abigail Adams, Egg Harbour 1755 Steelmau, John, Gloucester, and Sarah Sooy 1766 Steelman, John, Gt. Egg Harbour, aud Abigill Somers 1774 Steelman, Jonathan, Galloway, and Sarah Cordery 1783 Steelman, Mathias, Gloucester, and Sarah Adams, Gloucester 1730 Steelman, Uriah, Gloucester, and Rosanah Loring 1770 Steelman, Zephaiah, Gloucester, and Rebecah Risley 1768 Steet, James, Philadelphia, and Mary Calabam, Philadelphia 1728 Stelle, Benjamin, Woodbridge, and Johanna Shotwell, AVoodbridge . . 1739 Stelle, Benjamin, Piscataway, and Lydia Shotwell, Woodbridge 1752 Stelle, Isaac, Piscataway, and Christian Clarkson 1740 Stelle, Isaac, Province of N. J., and Hannah Sheppard, EastN. Jersey. 1747 Stelle, Isaac, Middlesex, and Katherine Green 1780 Stelle, Jacob, Monmoutb, and Mary West 1759 Stelle, John, Piscataway, and Rachel Thomson, Piscataway 1739 Stelle, John, Piscataway, aud Hannah De Bon Repos, AA'oodbridge. . . . 1768 Stellman, Charles, Gloucester, and Margaret Soull, Gloucester 1731 Stephens, Andrew, Shrewsbury, aud Deborah AVest, Shrewsbury 1759 Stephens, Henry, Gloucester, and Margaret Jessope, Newton 1753 Stephens, Isaac, Deptford, aud Sarah Woolston. . . 1772 Stephens, Jobn, Middlesex, and Sarah Cook, Hunterdon 1729 Stephens, Jobn, Salem, and Barsheba Dunlap, Saiem 1776 Stephens, AVUliam, Bucks, Pa., aud Sarah Hare, Bucks, Pa. 1775 Stephenson, James, Cumberland, nnd Marcy Hosea 1778 Stephenson, Richard Senr., Cumberland, and Isabel Sharp 1778 Sterling, Andrew, Amwell, and Hannah Boyce, Amwell 1773 Sterling, James, Burlington, and Rebeckah Budd 1785 Stetson, John, Gloucester, and Lettice Chattin 1784 Stephens, Ezekiel, Cape May, and Rebekah Stillwell 1763 Stevens, Henry, Cape May, and Jane Izzard, Cape May.. 1764 Stevens, Henry, Bridgewater, and Elizabeth Backover, Somerset 1779 Stevens, John, Staten Island, and Martha Cregeir, Staten Island 1741 Stevens, John, Monmoutb, and Catharine A^anhorne, Monmouth 1745 Stevens, Jobn, Junr. , Trenton, and Rachel Cox, Bloomsbury . ] 782 Stevens, Richard, Perth Amboy, and Susanna Kearney, Perth Amboy 1758 Stevens, Stephen, Cape May, and Mary Matthews 1774 Stevens, William, and Catrine Macleane 1742 Feb. 9 Oct. 4 Dec. 12 April 8 June 13 Dec. 28 Dec. 23 Nov. 19 July 17 Jan. 25 AprU 21 June 13 Jau. 8 Sept. 14 June 1 April 16 April 23 Oct. 2 Aug. 14 April 22 Oct. 10 Jan. 5 Mar. 30 June 16 Dec. 19 Jan. 5 Sept. 26 Nov. 8 Aug. 31 April 30 Mar. 11 Nov. 2 May 10 Jan. 5 Dec. 18 Nov. 9 Jan. 15 April 30 Aug. 8 June 26 Sept. 8 Dec. 16 Oct. 15 Mar. 31 Sept. 5 AprU 29 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 359 Stevenson, Benjamin, Burlington, and Sarah Fenimore, Burlington ..1763 Stevenson, Elnathan, Burliugton, and Mary Riley. Burlingtou 1756 Stevenson, Elnathan, Burlington, and Bathsheba Norcross. Burlington. 1767 Stevenson, James, Middlesex, aud Cattron Gordon 1779 Stevenson, John, Burliugton, and Martha AA'alton 1739 Stevenson, John, Hunterdon, and EUzabeth Maclure 1739 Stevenson, John, New York, aud Elizabeth Throckmorton 1754 Stevenson. John, PhUadelphia, aud Anue Merril, Morristown 1779 Stevenson, John, Amwell, and Catharine Corsbou 17S2 Stevenson, Jonathan, Burlingtou, aud Mary Allen, Burlington 1684 Stevenson, Joseph, and Dovey Webb 1769 Stevenson, Peter, Springfield, and M:uy Burne, Hanover 1774 Stevenson, Samuel, Amwell, and Mary Seddin, Amwell 1764 Stevenson, Thomas, Burlington, and Experience Cheshire 1733 Stevenson, AVUliam, Burliugton, and Sarab Kimbal. 1740 Steward, Aaron, Burlington, and Hannah Woodward 1780 Ste'wsttd, Abner, Burlington, and Mary R:ckhiU, Burlington 1777 Steward, Alexander, Middlesex, and EUnir Francis, Freehold. 1757 Steward, John, Jr., Monmoutb, and Martha Robbins, AUentown 1757 Steward, John, Bordentown, and Margaret Caiman, Bordentown 1773 Steward, Jobn, New Hanover, and Rhoda Shinn, New Mills. 1783 Stewart, John, Gt 'E^ Harbour, aud Soviah Smith 1783 Steward, Joseph, New Hanover, and Aun Rubins 1767 Steward, Josiah, Builington, and M-artha Browne, Burlington 172S Steward, Josiah, Monmonth. aud Saiab Bro'wn, Monmouth 1740 Steward, Samuel, Builington, and Sus;iunah Antram, Burlington . . . 1774 Steward, WUliam, BurUngton, and EUzsbetb Robinson, BurUngton. . . 1739 Steward, WiUiam, Somerset, aud Mary Morgan, Somei-set 1745 Steward, WiUiam, Somerset and PrisciUa Laferty. Somerset 1748 Stew.ait Archibald, Sussex, and Margarett Helms. 17 v 2 Stewart, John, Somerset, and Elizabeth Ai'vin, Middlesex 1753 Stewart, Joseph, Chesterfield, and Martha Down. Chesterfield 1756 Stewart Samuel, AUo'wavs Creek, and Sarah Tyler, AUoways Creek. . .1765 Steynmets, Gairet Essex, and Petertie Tuerse, Bergen 1744 Stidlnnii, John, Cumberland, and Elizabeth Po-vvel! 1 779 Stiles, Benjamin, Jr., Cape May. and Sarah Hands 1 " 3 Stiles, E.lward, BurUngton, and Martha Bishop, Burlingtou 1761 Stiles, Eli, Cape May, and Temperance Bowen, Cape May 1769 Stiles, Ephraim, Chester, and Mercy Lippincott Chester 1749 Stiles, Henry, Cape May, aud Lydia Eldridge, Cape May 17o9 Stilesf Henry, Cape May, and Pheby Sw^iiu, Cape May 17^^ StUes, Isaac, Eveshiim, and Grace Price, Evesham 1 -^^'^ StUes, Isaih, Cape May, and Rhoda Crowell, Oape :MaT 1^38 Stiles, Isaiah, Cape May, and Hannah Cressey 1^^^ Stiles, Israel, Cape May, and Phebe ScuU, Great Egg Harbour 17v o StUes, Joseph, Cumberland, and EUzabeth Channel l'^3 May 4 Oct 21 Oct 24 April 24 ApiU 21 Mav 12 June 14 Deo. 16 June 11 July 17 Mar. 29 June 8 Mai. 27 Sept 17 April 19 Feb. 20 Oct 24 Oct 25 Nov. 12 Mav 12 Sept 2 '2 Sept 22 May 6 Jan. 21 Mar. s May 7 Dec 31 Oct 29 AprU 11 Aug. 29 Nov. 5 Not. 12 Oct 30 Nov. 1-1 Mav 19 Jan. 14 Mar. 14 July 22 April 3 Jan, 17 July 11 Oet 28 AprU 29 Dec 19 April ,11 May .-> 360 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Stiles, Nicholas, Chester, aud Elizabeth Sherwin, Chester 1750 StUes, Richard, Cape May, aud Zeruiah Stittwell, Cape May 1748 Stiles, Richard, Cape May, and Ruth Mulford, Cape May 1770 Stiles, Samuel, Glouoester, and Elizabeth Chew 1783 Stiles, Thomas, Chester, and Ann Brown, Burlington 1772 Stiles, , Cape May, and Sarah Eldridge, Cape May 1727 Still, Daniel, Chester, and Mary Dawson, Northampton 1783 StiU, Henry, Barlington, and Pamela Fenton 1777 Stillman, James, and Helena Codds " 1782 Stillwell, Daniel, Monmoutb, and Sarah Ashton, Monmoutb 1741 StiUwell, Jamea, Middletown, and Elizabeth Shaw, Shrewsbury 1762 StillweU, Jeremiah, Monmouth, and Mary Woodruff, Shrewsbury 1750 StillweU, John, Middletown, and Anna Wall, Middletown 1750 Stillwell, John, Sussex, and Mary Mallinir, Hunterdou 1769 StillweU, John, Barlington, and PenoUpe White, Burlingtou 1772 Stillwell, Richard, Cape May, and Sarah Hand 1736 Stillwell, Ricbard, Middletown, and Lydia Leonard ; . . . 1752 StillweU, Thomas, Cape May, and Haunah Shaw, Cape May 1761 StUlweU, Thomas, Cape May, and Sarab Stevens, Cape May 1781 Stillwell, William, Shrewsbury, and Anna Jobs, Shrewsbury 1762 Stillwell, WiUiam, Monmouth, and Catherine Nott, Monmoath 1756 StiUwell, Enoch, Cape May, and Sarah Savage 1768 Stilwell, Daniel, Hunterdon, and Hannah Titus 1780 Stilwell, John, Middletown, and Elizabeth Watson, Middletown 1764 Stilwell, Joseph, Middletown, and Mary Ogborne, Middletown 1761 Stilwell, Joseph, Somerset, and Patience Brewer, Somerset Stilwell, Nathaniel, New Brunswick, and Mary Cox, New Brunswick. . 1740 Stilwell, Obadiah, Monmouth, and Phebe Ketcham, Monmouth 1761 Stilwell, Sias, Somerset, and Margaret Van Nortwick 1783 StilweU, Charles, Great Egg Harbour, and Phebe Coxe, Oape May .... 1761 Stine, Martain, Monmouth, and Mary Voorhees, Somerset 1780 Stinger, Solomon, Salem, and Gwyn Blumer 1771 Stoakes, Jobn, Gloucester, and Ann Champion, Gloucester 1751 Stockam, WiUiam, Burlington, and Susannah Paine 1778 Stocketon, Robert, Somerset, and Rebecca Philips, Maiden Head. . . , 1740 Stockton, Abraham, Burlington, and Susannah Kemble, Burlington, .1774 Stockton, Benjamin, Burlington, and Hannah Gowperthwaite 1779 Stockton, Daniel, Burlipgton, and Hannah Fisher, Burlington 1728 Stockton, Daniel, Barlington, and Jane Peake 1780 Stockton, David, Burlington, and Ruth Lippincott 1733 Stockton, David, Springfield, and Elizabeth Ireton, Springfield 1761 Stockton, James, Somerset, aud Mary Searls 1778 Stockton, Job, and Anne Munrow, New Hanover I757 Stockton, Job, New Jersey, and Polly Bates 1780 Stockton, Job, Springfield, and Nancy Ridgway 1791 Stockton, Job, Springfield, and Haunah Jones, Burlington 1750-1 Jan. 23 Sept. 9 Nov. 28 April 2 Oct. 19 Oct 30 Nov. 4 Dec. 9 Feb. 13 Nov. 7 Dec. 4 Oct 23 AprU 26 Feb. 21 Nov. 19 Jan. 1 Mar. 24 Feb. 11 Jan. 10 June 5 Sept 18 Aug. 26 Mar. 23 Dec. 4 Oct 19 Aug. 28 June 13 Nov. 23 Dec 18 Feb. 24 June 15 July 8 Aug. 29 Mar. 5 June 6 Nov. 29 July 1 Jan. 8 Oct 3 Mar. 7 June 6 June 9 Feb. •28 Nov. 23 Feb. 4 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 36 1 Stockton, Jobn, Hunterdon, and Amy King, Kingwood 1764 Mar. 17 Stockton, Jobn, Burlington, and Mary Gardner I777 Oct. 11 Stockton, John, Somerset, and Rebecca Fitz Randolph. 1780 June 24 Stockton, PhUip, Somerset, aud Catharine Cumming, Freehold . . . . 1767 April 9 Stockton, Richard, Barlington, and Sarab Stockton 1768 Jan. 22 Stockton, Richard, Burlington, and Haunah Crispin, Burlington 1768 April 28 Stockton, Samuel, Burlington, and Hannah Gardiner 1784 June 11 Stockton, 'WiUiam, BurUngton, and Hannah Elkinton, BurUngton , . . 1775 Sept 5 Stogdill, Jobn, Staten Island, and Mary Downey, Staten Island 1750 June 9 Stokes, Jacob, Waterford, aud Hester Wilkins, Evesham 1774 Feb. 1 Stokes, Jarvis, Burlington, and Elizabeb Rogers, Burliugton 1773 Nov. 27 Stokes, John, Gloucester, and Anne Champion, Gloucester 1751 July 8 Stokes, Joshua, Gloucester, and Selena Bishop 1777 Mar. 3 Stoll, Heury, New Jersey, and Hannah Vanmiddleswart 1 743 Nov. 12 Stolts, Jacob, Middlesex, and Margaret Out calf 1780 Dec. 20 Stone, Robert, Woodbridge, and Deliverance Heard, Woodbridge 1757 Feb. 17 Stone, WUliam, Burlington, and Sarab Moore, Burlington 1741 May 10 Stone, WUliam, Woodbridge, and EUzabeth Stille, Piscataway 1760 Jan. 1 Stone, WUliam, Perth Amboy, and Margaret Thomson, Perth Amboy.. 1752 Aug. 19 Stone, WUUam, Woodbridge, and Lucy Walker, Piscataway 1758 AprU 1 Stookey, Jacob, Shrewsbury, and Lydia Allen, Shrewsbury. 1756 Nov. 19 Stoops, Eliakim, Burlington, and Mary Phares, Burlington 1754 Sept 27 Stoothoff, Albart, Somerset, and NeUy Nephews 1784 Feb. 9 , Stoothoff, WiUiam, Somerset, and Sarah Stoothoff, Somerset 1741 May 9 Storm, Frederick, and Catherine Vaudervoort 1762 June 19 Storms, Henry, Bergen; and Elisabeth Vanderhoof 1789 Oct 10 Storms, Isaac, Bergen, and Elizabeth Parlmeu 1 790 Feb. 27 Storrow, WiUiam, Burlington, and Mary Vann, Burlington 1780 Dec. 20 Story, John, Middlesex, and Esther Hull, Middlesex 1740 Aug. 1 Story, John, Staten Island, and Rebecca Andrewvet 1744 Mar. 8 Story, Joseph, Perth Amboy, and Rebecka Perine, Perth Amboy 1760 June 4 Story, Patrick, Sussex, and Agnes Hueston 1777 Dec 6 Story, Thomas, Middlesex, and Margaret Carr, Middlesex 1739 Oct 25 Stotesburg, Jobn, Sussex, and Sarab Hughes 1783 July 12 Stoughton, Edward, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Lorton, Middlesex. ,. . 1754 Nov. 25 Stout, Abraham, Shrewsbury, and Elizabeth Herbert, Monmouth 1755 Sept 27 Stout, Abraham, Hunterdon, and Alee Houghton 1774 Jan. 19 Stout, Abraham, Huuterdon. and Ann Stout, Somerset 1775 Oct 26 Stout, Abrahaiu, Hunterdon, and Jean Pettit 1777 May 10 Stout, Andrew, Hunterdon, aud Sarah Morgan 1777 June 22 Stout, Benjamin, Jr., Hunterdon, and' Elizabeth Anderson, Amwell, . .1765 Dec. 11 Stout, Benjamin, Hunterdon, and Marthew Schihok 1772 Sept 17 Stout, David, Burlington, and Margaret VoUow, Bergen 1743 Jan. 1 Stout, David, Middletown, and Hannar Cumton, Middletown 1759 April 9 Stout, David, Amwell, and Mercy Vaughn, Moumouth 1768 May 6 Stout, Elijah, Hunterdon, and Sarab Runyan 1778 April 8 362 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Stout, Elisha, Manasquan, and Hannah Moorhouse 1751 Stout, Elisha E., Shrewsbury, and Lidy Johnston, Shrewsbury 1760 Stout, Grover, Amwell, and Frances Mitchel, Amwell 1775 Stout, Isaac, Amwell, and Mary Quimby, Amwell 1765 Stout, James, Amwell, and Louisa Hart, Hopewell 1775 Stout, James, Amwell, and Anua Vanmater 1780 Stout, Jediah, New Jersey, and Philina Chamberlain, Monmouth, . .1744-5 Stout, Jediah, Hunterdon, and Mary Stout 1781 Stout, John, Huuterdon, and Katherine Stout, Hunterdon 1730 Stout, John, Shrewsbury, aud Ruth Ellison, Shrewsbury 1750-1 Stout, Johu, Shrewsbury, and Ruth EUison, Freehold 1753 Stout, John, Jr., Hunterdon, and Keziah Brush 1782 Stout, Jonathan, Hopewell, and Sarah Phillips 1775 Stout, Joseph, Hunterdon, and Theodosia Hoff, Kingwood 1765 Stout, Joseph, Burlington, and Sarah Hancock 1771 Stout, Joseph, Amwell, and Elizabeth Stout, Amwell 1774 Stout, Levi, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Furman 1778 Stout, Levi, Somerset, aud Mary Elbersou 1782 Stout, Moses, Hunterdon, and Abegal Hart, Hunterdon 1773 Stout, Nathan, Amwell, and Esther Ketcham, Monmouth 1767 Stout, Nathaniel, Hunterdon, and Sarah Skillman 1764 Stout, Peter, Middletown, and Charity AVUliams, Freehold 1767 Stout, Richard, Middletown, and Anua Tinnbrooks 1751 Stout, Robert, Monmouth, and Catherine Ellison, Monmouth 1761 Stout, Samuel, minor, Somerset, and Helenah Crusee 1779 Stout, William, Burlington, aud Elizabeth Hutchinson 1780 Stout, Zebulon, Somerset, and Sarah Stout, Amwell 1762 Stoutenbrough, Anthony, Staten Island, and Mary Segang 1745 Stowe, John, Salem, and Hannah Ward, Gloucester 1735 Strackan, William, Saddle River, and Helem Bogart 1782 Straton, Manuel, Burlington, and Mary Joyce, Burlingtou 1741 Strattan, Daniel, Burlington, and Mary Sharp, Evesham 1739 Strattan, Isaac, BurUngton, and Mary Prickett 1778 Strattan, Isaac, Evesham, and Mary Bullen, Evesham 1782 Strattan, Johu S., Evesham, and Phebe luman. 1779 Strattan, Josiah, Evesham, and Mary Brady 1777 Strattan, Josiah, Evesham, and Sarah Alloways 1784 Strattan, AVUliam, Burlingtou, and Hanuah Antram. 1777 Stratton, Emanuel, Gloucester, and Sara Shute, Gloucester 1774 Stratton, James, Cumberland, aud Anue Harris 1779 Stratton, John, Evesham, and Ann Prickett, Chester 1744 Stratton, Jonathan, Salem, and Elizabeth Thrackrey 1779 Stratton, Joseph, Evesham, and Naomi Guinn 1765 Stratton, Manuel, Burlington, and Martha Joyce 1741 Stratton, Samuel, Evesham, and Elizabeth Price, Evesham 1771 Stratton, Thomas, Evesham, and Sarah Matlack 1777, Sept 30 Mar. 29 Mar. 16 Sept 30 April 25 AprU 12 Jan. 13 Mar. 21 Not. 2 Jan. 24 Not. 28 Deo. 7 April 1 Dec 11 Oct 28 Jan. 7 Dec 1 Jan. 26 Mar. 17 Oct 24 June 4 Not. 16 Not. 20 April 6 AprU 24 Dec 27 Oct 11 July 26 Mar. 5 Mar. 20 Feb. 20 May 1 Mar. 4 Dec 25 June 14 Sept 15 Feb. 20 July 28 June 6 July 15 Not. 13 Mar. 17 Mar. 30 Feb. 20 Aug. 24 Feb. 23 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 363 . Stratton, Joseph, Salem, and Sarah Stretch : 1779 Streaker, Elias, Burlington, and Mary Blair 1779 Streaker, LoTit, Bristol, Pa. , and Ann Cranson, Bristol, Pa 1776 Streaker, Philip, Jr., Pennsylvania, and Rebecca Eayre 1779 Strek, Jobn Read, Salem, and Isabella Dunlap 1752 Stretch, Aaron, Salem, and EUzabeth Reeves, Salem 1765 Stretch, David, Salem, and Esther Bacon, Salem 1759 Stretch, John, Salem, and Esther Hancock, Salem 1751 Stretch, Johu, Salem, and Rebecca Stretch 1790 Stretch, Joseph, Salem, and Deborah Smith, Salem 1727 Stretch, Nathan, Salem, aud Mary Mannering 1768 Stretch, Peter, Salem, and Temperance Smith, Salem 1766 Stretch, Samuel, Salem, and Hannah Fogg, Salem 1762 Stretch, AVUUam, and Abigail MaskeU 1754 Stretchburg, Robert, Bucks, Pa., and Elizabeth Hewitt, Bucks, Pa.. . .1729 Strieker, John, Somerset, and Neltie Quick, Somerset 1744 Strickland, Henry, Middjetown, and Mary Eldridge, Middletown 1752 Stright, Lawrence, Somerset, and Margaret Roy, Somerset 1773 Stright, Leonard, Somerset, and Catharine Ryemer, Somerset 1 748 Striker, John, New Brunswick, and Elizabeth Stryker 1779 String, Cunlass, Great Egg Harbour, and Barsheba Hosher 1762 String, Jeremia, Gloucester, and Jemimy Hewet 1782 String, Peter, Gloucester, aud Joannah Williams, Gloucester 1762 Stringer, Benjamin, Burlington, and Anue Budd, Burlington 1731 Stringer, Humphrey, Bucks, Pa , and Comfort Dyer, Bucks 1734 Stryoker, Pieter, Somerset, and Catherina Vantine, Somerset 1750 Stryker, Barnt, Somerset, and Mary Voorhees ." 1779 Stryker, Denis, Somerset, and MagdeUn Hogeland, Somerset 1746 Stryker, Domenious, Somerset, and Jean Vanderveer 1778 Stryker, James, Somerset, and Sarab Bogart 1779 Stryker, Johannes, Somerset, and Eva Perrine 1782 Stryker, John, Somerset, and Phebe Suydam 1781 Stryker, Peter, Somerset, and Juliet Low 1779 Stryker, Peter, Middlesex, and NeUy Voorhees, Middlesex 1784 Stuart, Robert, Monmouth, and Mary , Monmouth 1736 ¦, Stukel, Peter, Orange, N. Y., and Elisabet Parlman 1763 Stutson, Joshua, Philadelphia, and Polly Wilbert 1778 Styles, John, Upper Freehold, and Acsha Mingin 1765 Styles, John, Upper Freehold, and Elizabeth Stewart 1773 Suffrins, David, Burlington, and Deborah Morrit 1 786 Suiter, John, Gloucester, and Abigail Bell 1783 Sulb, Abel, Gt Egg Harbour, and Elsy Collings 1784 SuUsan, James, Cape May, and Mary Robins, Cape May 1739 Sulker, Henry, New York, and Sarab Stevens, Perth Amboy 1753 SummeriU, Alexander, Pennsylvania, and Jennet Lindsay, Penu 1737 Summers, Edmond, Gloucester, aud Mary Steelman, Glouoester 1730 July 30 Oct 14 June 20 Oct. 20 AprU 8 Sept. 26 July 24 May 7 Jan. 16 Mar. 9 May 26 Mar. 24 May 22 June 4 Oct 16 July 24 Mar. 14 Nov. 3 July 29 July 10 Dec 6 Mar. 20 Sept 15 Dec 29 April 29 Oct. 1 Jan. 6 Deo. 1 Feb. 21 Oct. 18 Nov. 25 May 26 July 21 Mar. 5 April 17 Feb. 19 Nov. 21 May 4 May 16 Jan. 7 June 2 Feb. 23 May 4 Oct. 15 April 20 Jan. 8 364 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMEN"rS. Sunderland, Peter, Somerset, and Catherine Holman 1778 Surley, Lawrence, Burlington, and Mary Vanhorne, Burlington 1738 Surly, Francis, Burlington, and Mary Reeves, Burlington 1737 Sutphen, Arther, Somerset, and Mary Houghten 1779 Sutphen, Barnet, Middlesex, and Cornelia Lambertson, Middlesex 1749 Sutphen, Guisbert, Roxbury, and Mary Allen 1778 Sutphen, Isaac, Freehold, aud Jane Barkelow, Freehold 1753 Sutphen, Jacob, Hunterdon, and Mary Sutphen, Hunterdon 1788 Sutphin, James, Somerset, and Elizabeth Voorhees 1778 Sutphin, Jobn, Freehold, and Garcha Aumack, Shrewsbury 1767 Sutphen, Richard, Somerset, and Hanuah Vanpelt 1773 Sutphin, Benjamin, Monmoutb, and Ida Vanmater, Monmouth 1754 Sutphin, John, Amwell, and Sarah Garrison, Amwell 1773 Sutton, Daniel, Burlington, and Agnes Carre 1688 Sutton, Daniel, Burlington, aud Mary Jackson 1732 Sutton, Henry, Piscataway, and Mary Langstaff, Piscataway 1751 Sutton, Jacob, Piscataway, and Anne Campbell, AVoodbridge 1756 Sutton, John, Mansfield, and Susannah Ivins 1784 Sutton, Jonas, Amwell, and Elizabeth Runyon, Middlesex 1764 Sutton, Joseph, and Sarah Jones ]'779 Sutton, Julius, Monmouth, aud Catherine Eson, Monmoutb 1741 Sutton, Robert, Barlington, and Elizabeth Hardeman, Barlington 1729 Sutton, Robert, Barlington City, and Mary Sands, Burlington City. . . . 1747 Sutvin, John, Hunterdou, and Janitie Vandoren, Somerset 1764 Suydam, Hendrick, Somerset, and Neeltie Fisher, Someiset 1751 Suydam, Ryke, Monmouth, and Sarab Lupter, Monmoutb 1741 Swaim, John, Staten Island, and Cornelia Veghte, Rocky Hill 1771 Swaim, John, Somerset, aud Sarah Stockton 1779 Swaim, Joseph, New Windsor, and Mary Conner 1772 Swaim, Matthias, Jr., Middlesex, and Rachel Hankins 1760 Swain, Daniel, Shrewsbury, and Rebeckah Orsborn, Shrewsbury 1756 Swain, David, Bucks, Pa. , and Sarah Slicer, Bucks. 1775 Swain, Gabriel, Mansfield, aud Hannah Brown 1778 Swain, Jacocks, Cape May, aud Hannah Townsend, Cape May 1774 Swain, John, Cape May, and Rebecca Hands 1780 Swain, Reuben, Cape May, and Martha Hughes, Cape May 1766 Swain, Reuben, Cape May, and Elizabeth Eldridge, Cape May 1772 Swain, Samuel, Evesham, and Isabeil Brown, Evesham. 1765 Swain, Samuel, Burlington, aud Hannah Borden, Burlington 1780 Swaine, Mathias, Middlesex, and Sarah Vanroome 1738 Swallow, John, Amwell, and Catharine Servey, Amwell 1769 Swauger, Isaac, Hunterdon, and Sally Mackright 1768 Swart, John, Middletown, and Catharine Tunison, Middleto-wn 1764 Swartwout, Cornelius, New York, and Catholyntie Spier, New York. . .1763 Sweatman, James, Cumberland, and Mary Price 1787 Sweeny, Dennis, and Nancy Stephens 1760 May 25 Juue 12 Mar. 22 Oct 14 Nov. 1 Sept 10 Sept 24 Sept 10 Sept 12 Mar. 28 Oct 3 June 3 Dec 18 April 10 Mar. 14 Oct 1 Sept 27 Mar. 27 Sept 22 July 12 July 17 Mar. 24 Nov. 11 April 9 June 1 June 2 Jan. 21 Jan. 12 Feb. 10 Dec 28 Jan. 22 Sept. 11 Mar. 12 Feb. 10 June 6 Nov. 3 May 12 Oct 3 Mar. 30 May 12 AprU 29 Dec 27 June 11 Juue 6 Aug. 24 Mar. 24 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 365 Sweetman, Thomas, Freehold, and Sarab Korr, Freehold 1765 April 15 Swen, Jedidiah, Elizabethtown, and Phebe Stanbery, Elizabethtown. . 1763 Oct 6 Sweze, Caleb, Morris, and Mary Trimmer, Morris 1768 Dec. 2 Swift, Samuel, Burlington, and Ann Hancock, BurUngton 1738 May 20 Swift, WUliam, Mansfield, and Elizabeth Shreve, Mansfield 1772 Nov. 18 Swiger, Jacob, Burlington, aud Hannah Patterson 1758 Sept IR Swiger, Jacob, Burlington, and Elizabeth King 1766 Sept 7 Swinden, Robert, Monmoutb, and Mary Van Brockles, Monmouth 1741 Nov. 12 Swingler, Henry, Freehold, and Mary Clayton 1746 Feb. 24 Swinney, Elisha, Cumberland, and Eunice Jenkins, Cumberland 1771 Feb. 12 Swinney, Valentine, Cumberland, and Susanna Whitaker 1783 Feb. 17 Swum, Anthony, Middlesex, and Margaret Throp, New Windsor. .... 1 764 Sept 22 Swiirn, John, Upper Freehold, and Hannah Peterson, Freehold 1745 Dec. 23 Syers, Gerard, and Jane Webb, Perth Amboy 1741 June 8 Symmonds, Joseph, PhUadelpbia, and Ann Newberry 1730 AprU 23 Symmons, Peter, Burlington, and Sarah Siduabam, Burlington 1763 Aug. 8 Symons, Richard, Burlington, and Mary NaU, Burlington 1759 Deo. 11 FEMALES. S Sack, Charlotta, and Henry Sevel, Gloucester 1756 Sept 2 Sailor, Mary, Burlington, and John Iriok, Burlington 1761 Feb. 28 Saint Elizabeth, and Micajah Carter, Burlington 1741 Nov. 7 Saint, Elizabeth, and Mijah Carter, BurUngton 1741 Dec. 7 Saint Elizabeth, and Thomas Edgerton, Gloucester 1759 April 27 Salar, Barbara, and Samuel Cox, Burlington 1756 Dec. 10 Saloker, Ann, and WUliam Humphreys, Bucks, Pa 1760 Nov. 12 Salman, Elizabeth, PhUadelphia, and Evan Evans, Philadelphia 1736 June 14 Salnave, Abigail, Elizabethtown, and Josiah Wynants, Elizabethtown, 1760 Feb. 18 Saltar, Alice, Staten Island, and James Lisk, Staten Island 1757 Aug. 16 Saltar, Lucy, Monmouth, and James Johnston, Monmoutb 1739 Aug. 14 Saltar, Sarab, Monmoutb, and Robert Hartshorne, Monmoulh 1743 Dec. 21 Salter, Elizabeth, and Jobn Shaw, Upper Freehold 1739-40 Feb. 28 Salter, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Eseck Hartshorne, Monmouth. ,. 1764 Nov. 22 Salter, Lidia, and Ricbard Duglass, Monmouth 1739-40 Mar. 10 Salter, Sarah, and Nathan Allen, Monmouth 1743 Oct. 6 Saltore, Margaret, and Jobn Hepburn, Somerset 1771 Dec. 18 SanderUn, Mary, Salem, and Edward Moore, Salem 1764 Feb. 7 Sands, Jane, Salem, aud Thomas Beans, Bucks, Pa 1739 April 9 Sands, Mary, Burlington City, and Robert Sutton, Burlington City. . . 1747 Nov. 5 Sanford, Katherine, and John Garlan, New Jersey 1782 Feb. 16 Sankey, Lydia, and Thomas Soattergood, Bristol, Pa 1789 Jan. 2 Sargeant, Margaret, Perth Amboy, and Samuel Dunlap, P. Amboy 1762 Jan. 25 Sarjant, Ann, and Poole, England, 47th Reg. of Foot ,. , 1774 Sept 1 Sattertbwaite, Elizabeth, and Aaron Wright, BurUngton 1779 April 1 Saul, Ann, PhUadelphia, and Devenport Marott, Philadelphia 1770 Oct 1 Saul, Mary, Burliugton, and John Pittman, Burliugton 1731 Mar. 25 366 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Saunders, Elizabeth, and James Caruthers, Gloucester 1785 Saunders, Mary, and John Wilkason, Burlington 1759 Saunders, Sarah, Burliugton, aud Benjamin Lucus, Burlington 1750 Saunders, Viotorina, and William Bateman, Cumberland 1780 Savage, Aune, and Gideon Lyon, Somerset 1778 Savage, Martha, and SUas Newcomb, Cumberland 1784 Savage, Mary, Somerset, and Andrew Barton, Somerset 1771 Savage, Sarah, and Enoch Stillwill, Cape May 1768 Savery, Mary, Perth Amboy, and Thomas Kinnan, Perth Amboy. . . 1749 Sawins, Lydia, Gt. Egg Harb'r, and Daniel Townsend, Gt. Egg Harb , , 1769 Saxton, Aun, and Jonathan Budd, Burlington . 1777 Saxton, Elizabeth, Freehold, and William Emly, Barlington 1746 Sayre, Damaris, aud Robert Murphy, Cumberland 1780 Sayre, Hannah, and Wade Barker, Cumberland 1768 Sayre, Lydia, Cumberland, and Samuel Hannah, Cumberland 1768 Sayre, Martha, Stow Creek, and John AVood, Upper Alloways Creek. . . 1776 Sayre, Mary, Cumberland, and Isaac Bacon, Camberland 1764 Sayre, Rachel, and Job Tyler, Cumberland 1782 S'ayre, Ruth, Salem, and Nathaniel Jenkins, Salem 1743 Sayre, Temperance, Gt. Egg Harb'r, James Steelman, Gt Egg Harb. .1756 Sayre, Theodotia, and Moses Remington, Cumberland 1778 Sayres, Patience, and Christopher Rapes, Gloucester 1766 Scaife, Ellen, Pennsylvania, and Hammel Edwards, Pennsylvania . . . 1730 Scandlon, Sarah, Middlesex, and Peter Perrine, New Jersey 1760 Scantlin, Bridget, Hunterdon, and Cornelius Carney, Hunterdon 1769 Soattergood, Elizabeth, Burlington, and James Fennimore, Burlington. 1775 Soattergood, Mary, and Thomas Broom, Bristol, Pa 1782 Soattergood, Rebecca, Burlington, and Aaron Aronsen, Burlingtou .. 1730 Soattergood, Rebecca, Burlington, and Isaac Pearson, Burlington 1746 Soattergood, Sarah, and Job Talman, Burlington 1736 Soattergood, Sarab, Burlington, and Levi MurreU, Burlington 1757 Soattergood, Sarab, and Joseph Beck, Burlington 1779 Schambers, Margaret, and AViUiam King, Jr 1780 Sohanell, Lydia, and John Gorman, Hunterdon 1768 Schanck, Eleanor, Monmouth, aud Edmund Harris, Monmouth 1765 Schanck, Eleanor, and Cornelius Quick, New Jersey 1779 Schanck, Nelley, Monmouth, and Garret Covenhoven, Monmoutb , . . 1744 Schanck, Patience, Freehold, and AVUliam Vanschayne, Freehold. . . , 1754 Schanck, Sarah, Monmouth, and Joseph Bowne, Monmouth 1757 Schanck, Agnes, Freehold, and John Vandorn, Freehold 1756 Schellenger, Sarah, and Fulkerd Fulkerson, Morris 1780 Schenk, Ann, Hunterdon, and David Bishop, Hunterdon 1775 Schenk, Margaret, Monmouth, aud Abraham Emmans, Hunterdon. ..1760 Schenck, Mary, Monmoutb, and Daniel Hendrickson, Jr , Monmouth 1767 Sobenck, Mary, and John Simpson, Hunterdon 1785 Schenck, NeUie, Monmouth, and Christophel Longstreet, Monmouth. , 1753 May 12 July 10 Nov. 1 Aug. 15 Nov. 15 Oct. 22 June 18 Aug. 26 Dec. 23 Dec 3 Oct 15 July 15 Mar. 1 Aug. 18 Jan. 19 Mar. 20 Feb. 29 Oct 21 AprU 21 Dec 28 July 30 Jan. 4 July 31 July 7 April 16 July 20 Dec 30 Dec 11 Oct 16 Feb. 25 July 21 April 24 May 15 Dec. 2 Jan. 2 June 26 July 17 Dec. 26 June 13 June 30 Jan. 12 Oct 16 Dec 12 Sept 2 Dec. 6 Nov. 28 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 367 Schenck, Sarah, and Ouke Wikoff, Monmouth 1769 Sobenck, AViUementje, Freehold, and Elbert Williamson, Freehold. , . . 1752 Schermerhorn, Phebe, Hunterdon, and Michael Demott, Hunterdon. 1749 Schihok, Marthew, and Benjamin Stout, Hunterdon 1772 SohUlinks, Sarah, Cape May, and Thomas Crowell, Cape May 1771 Sohwissen, Catharine, and Nicholas Leonard, BurUngton 1761 Schooley, Frances, Burlington, and John Leonard, Monmouth ...... 1769 Sohooley, Jehoshebah, and John Thompson, Burlington 1759 Schoonmaker, Catharine, Morris, and William Devoor, Morris 1740 Schureman, Anue, and Isaac Vantine, New Brunswick 1779 Schureman, Elizabeth, and David Nevius, Somerset 1781 Schuyler, Ann, and Richard Degray, Bergen 1786 Schuyler, Christian, New Brunswick, John Voorhees, New Brunsw'k , , 1749 Sohuler, Christinia, and Andrew Abel, New Jersey 1779 Schuyler, Elenor, Somerset, and David Williamson, Middlesex 1752 Schuyler, Elizabeth, Bergen, and Benjamin Van De Linde, Bergen. . .1748 Schuyler, Esther, and WUliam Colfax, Bergen 1783 Schuyler, Esther, and Peter Carr, Bergen 1786 Schuyler, Hester, Bergen, and Tunis Dey, Bergen 1749 Schuyler, Jane, and Joseph Crozer, Bucks, Pa 1787 Schuyler, Joanna, Bergen, and Isaac Kingsland, Bergen 1741 Seigolet, Mary, Middletown, and John Ciser, New York 1764 Sooby, Hannah, Middlesex, and Peter Brown, Middlesex 1760 Scoggin, EUzabeth, and Wentzell GezeU 1758 Sooker, Rachel, and Jacob Demaree, Essex 1748 Soomp, Kenestie, and John Pittinger, Readingtown 1767 Scooley, Martha, and Joseph Phillips 1785 Soothom, Mary, and David Clayton, Monmouth 1769 Soott, Abigail, Cumberland, and John Barker, Cumberland 1770 Scott, Alice, Mansfield, and Thomas Page, Burlington 1767 Soott, Aun, Burlington, and John Batten, Gloucester 1766 Soott, Anne, Gloucester, and Thomas Maffett, Gloucester 1770 Soott, ElLzabetb, and Joseph Robinson, Glouoester 1772 Scott, Elizabeth, Springfield, and Eleazer Watkins, Springfield 1773 Scott, Hannah, Shrewsbury, and John Williams, Shrewsbury 1751 Soott, Hannah, Burlington, and Thomas Boulton, Burlington 1774 Scott, Hannah, Cumberland, and John Brown, Cumberland 1774 Soott, Hannar, Shrewsbury, and WUliam Pintard, Shrewsbury 1761 , Soott, Hester, Burlington, and Ezekiel Johnson, Burlington 1782 Soott, Mahitable, and John Melrose, Somerset , , . . . 1779 Soott, Mary, Burlington, aud Thomas Tuly, Burlington 1729 Soott, Mary, Burlington, and Benjamin Gilbert, Burlington 1761 Soott, Mary, and George Stark, Penns Neck 1762 Soott, Mary, aud Samuel McNinch, Sussex 1779 Scott, Mary, and Richard Barker, Cumberland 1782 Soott, Mary, and John Gleeson, Gloucester 1786 Dec 29 Dec 6 Mar. 5 Sept 17 Jan. 15 May 12 May 26 Aug. 22 June 13 Aug. 7 Nov. 2 Aug. 1 April 26 Jan. 26 Aug. 13 Nov. 9 Aug. 27 Sept 23 Dec. 12 Dec 19 June 3 Sept. 12 Mar. 26 May 20 Jau. 10 April 14 Feb. 11 April 6 Feb. 20 April 20 Mar. 23 Oct 30 April 25 May 5 July 18 Mar. 31 May 4 Jan. 5 April 1 Aug. 27 Sept. 13 Aug. 18 Sept. 8 Jan. 7 Jan. 30 Jan. 9 368 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Scott, Rachel, and George Gardner, Gloucester 1771 Scott, Ruth, Cumberland, and Charles Clark, Camberland 1769 Scott, Sidnea, and James Burch, Cumberland 1789 Scott, Susanna, Salem, and John Holsten, Salem 1770 Scroggin, Jane, and Samuel Applegate, Burlington 1777 Scroggy, Elizabeth, and George Fenton, Jr., Burlington 1777 Scroggy, Haunah, Burlington, and Matthew WUlson, Burlington 1771 Scudder, AbigaU, and Nathaniel Hart, Hunterdon 1778 Scudder, Anne, Elizabeth Town, and Benjamin Force, Woodbridge. . . 1758 Soudder, Rebecca, aud Titiis Hart, Hunterdon 1779 Soull, Abigail, Cape May, and Joseph Ludlam, Jr., Cape May 1757 Scull, Ann, Glouoester, and Northrup Marple, Gloucester 1763 Scull, Catharine, and Nathaniel Champion, Gloucester 1762 Soull, EUzabeth, Barlington, and Joseph Townsend, Burlington . . . . 1735 ScuU, EUzabeth, Cape May, and Jobn Baker, Cape May 1760 Scull, Hanuah, and John Vangelder, Cape May 1757 Scull, Jane, Egg Harbour, and Elijah Smith, Egg Harbour 1758 ScuU, Margaret, Gloucester, and Charles Stillmann, Gloucester 1731 Scull, Mary, and Ebenezer Ingersol, Cape May 1761 Scull, Phebe, Cape May, and Joshua Garretson, Cape ilay 1763 Soull, Phebe, and Johu May, Gloucester. 1764 Scull, Phebe, Gt Egg Harbour, and Israel Stiles, Cape May 1775 Scull, Rachel, Gloucester, and Caleb Bickham, Gloucester 1762 Scull, Rachel, Salem, and James Le-wis, Salem 1774 Scull, Rachel, aud Absolam Heigby, Gloucester 1784 Scull, Rebecca, Cape May, and H enry Schillinger, Cape May ....... 1776 Scull, Temperance, Cape May, and Jacob Richardson, Cape May 1740 ScuU, Zibicb, Cape May, and Levi Hand, Cape May 1772 Scyssum, Lydia, Bucks, Pa. , and Daniel Burgis, Bucks, Pa 1751 Seabring, Antie, Middlesex, and AVUliam French, Middlesex 1742 Seabrook, Hannah, Monmouth, and Cornelius Vanhorne, Monmoutb,. 1730 Seabrook, Mary, and Richard Herbert, Monmouth 1767 Seagrave, Arabella, Deerfield, and Joseph Richardson, Deerfield 1751 Sealey, Magdillan, Deptford, and George Sparks, Deptford 1766 Sealoff, Alice, Staten Island, and Itoheoomb deader, Staten Island 1748 Seamens, Peggy, Staten Island, and Joseph North, New York 1746 Sear, Sarah, and Jeremiah Daniels, Cape May 1780 Searl, Hannah, Bucks, Pa., and Isaac AVinner, Bucks, Pa 1776 Searle, Grace, Bucks, Pa. , and John Frost, Bucks, Pa 1732 Searle, Grace, Pennsylvania, and Johu Dawson, Pennsylvania 1768 Searle, Susanna, and John Harris, Gloucester 1733 Searls, Mary, and James Stockton, Somerset 1778 Sears, Anne, Shrewsbury, and Longfield Cox, Shrewsbury 1751 Sears, Elizabeth, Monmoutb, aud Stephen Vanbrackel, Monmouth.. 1747-8 Sears, Hannah, Salem, and Wade Barker, Cumberland 1779 Sebring, Anne, and Dennis Vandine Bice, Middlesex 1765 Oct 28 Nov.- 21 Feb. 3 Feb. 8 Jan. 20 Mar. J2 Aug. 24 Nov. 14 April 2 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 21 July 24 Mar. 6 Jan. 9 July 21 Sept 7 Jan. 5 AprU 24 Nov. 23 July 7 April 11 Jan. 1 Oct 3 Jan. 7 Nov. 30 May 10 June 17 Dec 28 Mar. 15 May 19 Dec 30 Oct 19 July 23 Sept 19 Sept 22 Nov. 9 June 0 April 5 Feb. 1 June 6 Dec 5 Jan. 9 Feb. 23 -Nov. 26 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 369 Sebring, Servia, and Jeremiah Field, Middlesex 1770 Seddon, Deborah, Salem, and Samuel Thompson, Salem 1765 Sedman, Rachel, and Edward Lusbley, Glouoester 1758 Seed, Mary, Burlington, and James Burnsides, Burlington 1729 Seed, Sarah, Chester, and Darley Welsh, Chester. ' 1757 Seeds, Deborah, and Jacob Spencer, Gloucester 1773 Seeds, Margaret, and AVUliam Tate, Gloucester 1766 Seeds, Rebecca, Gloucester, and John Coneley, Gloucester 1765 Seekelsob, Achey, Bergen, and Abraham Spier, Bergeu 1763 Seeker, Catherine, and David Demarest, Bergen 1748 Seelej', Esther, Cumberland, and John Gibbon, Cumberland 1761 Seeley, Sarah, Deerfield, and William Ramsey, Fairfield 1759 Seely, Magdelena, and Gunnar Fox, Gloucester 1768 Seeman, .Abigail, and Joseph Parker, Little Egg Harbour 1761 Segang, Mary, and Anthony Stouteuborough, Staten Island 1745 Seins, Christina, and Morris Covert, Hunterdon 1773 Sellers, Hannah, and Isaac Peirce 1759 Sellers, Sarab, Bucks, Pa., and Miles Harrison, Bucks, Pa 1731 Selover, Lytie, Middlesex, and William Cox, Middlesex 1762 ^Senicks, Ann, and Jacob Noniman, Salem 1740 Seolse,! AbigaU, 26 Regt of Foot, and Patrick Bligh, 26 Reg. of Foot. 1768 Sermon, Margaret, Burlington, and Francis Giffing, Hunteidon 1731 - Serrin, Elizabeth, Staten Isiand, and Joseph Wood, Staten Island 1758 Servey, Catherine, Amwell, and John Swallow, Amwell 1769 Soverns, Mary, and Phillip Phillips, Hunterdon 1769 Severns, AbigaU, BurUngton, and James Neilson, Hunterdon 1729 Severns, Phebe, Hunterdon, and Isaac Johnson, Huuterdon 1771 SeviU, Mary, Burlington, and Joseph Alexander, BurUngton 1774 Seward, Mary, S'assex, and Richard Edsall, Sussex 1770 Sexton, Elizabeth, and Aaron Houghton, Hunterdon . . 1780 Sexton, Rhoda, Burlington, and Jonah Small, Burlington 1774 Sexton, Temperance, Hunterdon, and Nathaniel Hixson, Hunterdon 1775 Seysum, Lydia, Bucks, and Daniel Burgess, Bucks 1751 Shadager, Elizabeth, Burliugton, and John Woolman, Pennsylvania , . 1749 Shadaker, Elizabeth, and John Gallogher 1764 Shafer, Elizabeth, and John Peake, Monmouth 1759 Shakeshaft, Hannah, New York, and Peter Avell, New York 1764 Shall, Catharine, Shrewsbury, and John Sargent, Shrewsbury. 1763 Shallick, Honour, Burlington, and James Smart, Burlington 1728 Shanks Margaret, and Elias Loofbourrow, Middlesex 1766 Sharoe, Katharine, Burlington, and William Kelly, BurUngton 1745 Sharp, Agnes, Perth Amboy, and David Weeks, Perth Amboy 1765 Sharp, Anna, and Joseph Costive, Burlington 1759 Sharp, Deborah, Burlington, and Benjamin AUen, Burlington 1744 1 Or Seolse. 23 Oct. 1 Mar. 22 Aug. 28 Oct 22 Sept 17 Jan. 18 Aug. 12 Jan. 22 July 28 July 5 Mar. 31 Feb. 20 April 24 May 21 July 26 May 11 June 19 June 22 Sept 25 Jau. 16 Mar. 28 Jan. 7 Oct 26 April 29 July 29 June 26 Aug. 13 Mar. 22 Nov. 29 Feb. 23 Mar. 21 Feb. 26 Juue 17 Nov. 14 April 5 Jau. 15 Aug. 30 Sept 7 April 20 July 15 Aug. 32 Juue 29 Aug. 29 Oct 26 370 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Sharp, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Benjamin Sharp, Burlington 1728 Sharp, EUzabeth, Gloucester, and Henry Siddens, Gloucester , 1738 Sharp, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Thomas Smith, Burlington 1744 Sharp, Elizabeth, Chester, and Thomas Smitb, Evesham 1744 Sharp, Elizabeth, and Michael AVooster 1769 Sharp, Elizabeth, Burlington, aud George Hains, Burlington 1771 Sharp, Elizabeth, Burlingtou, and Daniel Jones, Burlington 1781 Sharp, Esther, Burlington, and Job Atkinson, Gloucester 1780 Sharp, Hannah, aud John Kentie, Newtown 1733 Sharp, Hannah, Burliugton, and George Hammitt, Gloucester 1757 Sharp, Isabel, and Richard Stephenson Sr., Cumberland 1778 Sharp, Lydia, Burlington, and John Lewis, Burliugton 1784 Sharp, Margaret South Amboy, and George Series, South Amboy 1756 Sharp, Margaret, Salem, aud Abia Brown, Burlington 1765 Sh'arp, Mary, Gloucester, and Isaac Hoel, Gloucester 1727 Sharp, Mary, Evesham, aud Daniel Strattan, Burlington 1739 Sharp, Mary, Piscataway, and Elijah Dunham, Piscataway 1751 Sharp, Mary, Burlington, and Thomas Garwood, Burlington 1763 Sharp, Mary, and David Chumard 1784 Sharp, Rachel, Burlington, and Isa&c Busby, Burlington 1743 Sharp, Rebecca, Burliugton, and Solomon Haines, Burlington 1749 Sharp, Rebeckah, and AVUUam Mason, Burlington 1786 Sharp, Rose, and George Monrow, Burlington 1769 Sharp, Sarah, Burliugton, aud Peter Phillips, Burlington 1729 Sharp, Sarah, Perth Amboy, and John Disbrow, Perth Amboy 1743 Sharp, Sarah, Woodbridge, aud Job Thorp, Woodbridge . . 1750 Sharp, Sibella, and Edward London, Burlington 1779 Sharp, Susannah, and James Nayler, Barlington 1787 Sharpe, Anua, aud Isaac Phillips, AmweU., 1778 Sharpenstein, Anna, Hunterdon, and Coonrod Bickle, Hunterdon ...1762 Sharpenstein, Mary, and David Welsh, Roxbury 1778 Shaver, Margaret, aud Isaac Convert, Sussex 1768 Shaver, Sarah, aud Levi Ewan, Burlington 1784 Shaw, Alice, and Joseph Hildreth, Cumberland 1777 Sbaw, Angeltie, Middlesex, and AVUliam Disbrow, Middlesex 1769 Shaw, Aun, BurUngton, and Ellis Wright, Burlington 1776 Sbaw, Anne, aud Edward Mullen, Burlington 1783 Shaw, Aune, and WUUam Leonard, Middlesex 1779 Shaw, Dorathia, and Efram Smitb, Gt Egg Harbour 1762 Shaw, Elizabeth, Shrewsbury, aud James Stillwell, Middletown 1762 Shaw, EUzabeth, aud Joshua Townsend, Oape May. 1787 Shaw, Hannah, Cape May, and Thomas StUlweU, Cape May 1761 Shaw, Jane, and Robert Townsend, Cape May 1763 Shaw, Lydda, and Gideon Johnston, Cape May 1767 Shaw, Marcy, and Nathan Goff, Cape May 1780 Shaw, Mary, Cumberland, aud Daniel Elmer, Cumberland 1761 Sept 30 Mar. Nov. 20 Nov. 25 Jan. 3 June 4 Jau. 29 Aug. 17 Sept. 25 April 28 Jan. 5 Aug. 3 Feb. 11 Mar. 12 Jan. 29 May 6 AprU 6 Nov. 12 Feb. 4 AprU 5 Oct 17 Jan. 9 Jan. 14 Sept 11 Oct. 6 Jan. 10 Aug. 11 Nov. 28 April 25 April 11 May 26 Oct 22 Mar. 29 Nov. 12 Jan. 23 Oct 1 Nov. 25 June 25 Aug. 5 Dec 4 Nov. 23 Feb. 11 Oct 4 April 24 Jan. 19 Sept 28 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Shaw, Nehomy, and Benjamin B. Cosure, Glouoester 1784 - Shaw, Rebecca, Salem, and AViUis Nicholas, Salem I774 Shaw, Rebecca, and John Morgan, Cumberland 1785 Shaw, Sarah, Salem, and Joseph Hodge, Salem 1746 Shaw, Sarah, Cumberland, and Elias Boys, Gloucester 1760 Shaw, Sarah, Somerset, and Robert Lee, Somerset . , 1770 Shaw, Sarah, Burlington, and Thomas Adams, PhUadelphia 1781 Shaw, Sarah, and Ambrose Page, Cumberland 1784 Shawcross, Sarah, Bucks, Pa., and Thomas Pugh, Bucks, Pa. , Shearman, Patience, Monmouth, and SUas Cook, Monmouth 1761 Shears, Elizabeth, aud Darby O'Bryan, Salem 1766 Sheckels, Elizabeth, and James FarrUl, Camberland 1 780 Shemely, Marj-, and Thomas Johnson, Burlington 1783 Shenok, Gesha, Freehold, and Aaron Vandorn, Freehold 1765 Shephard, Rhoda, Cumberland, Richard A\^beat Craven, Cumberland, 1766 Shephard, Sarah, and William Young, Alloways Creek I777 Sheppard, Catharine, and Richard Crawford, Jr., both Middletown. . .1757 Shepherd, Deborah, Middletown, and Edward Burrows, Middletown. . 1750 Shepherd, Hannah, and Joseph Smitb, Glouoester 1754 Shepherd, Kerenhappuch, and David Long, Cumberland 1757 Shepherd, Lucy, Cumberland, and David Bowen, Cumberland 1763 Shepherd, Margaret, and John Bowden, Barlington 1789 Shepherd, Mary, Middletown, and James Winter, Middletown 1755 Shepherd, Mary, Cumberland, and Benjamin Mulford, Cumberland. . . 1760 Shepherd, Nancy, South Amboy, and Obadiah King, Middlesex 1767 Shepherd, Phebe, aud AVade Barker, New Jersey 1774 Shepherd, Prudence, Cumberland, and Nathan Shepherd, Cumberland. 1767 Shepherd, Rachel, and Obadiah Robins, Cumberland 1764 Shepherd, Rachel, and Jeremiah Bacon, Jr., Cumberland 1757 Shepherd, Sarah, Cumberland, and Abner Hall, Cumberland 1774 Shepherd, Sarab, Cumberland, aud Richard Coles, Philadelphia 1759 Shepherd, Unis, and Constant Long, Cumberland 1778 Sheppard, Deborah, Monmouth, and John Leonard, Monmouth 1759 Sheppard, Hannah, East Jersey, and Isaac Stelle, Provinoe of N. J.. . . 1747 Sheppard, Pleasant, and Matthias Taylor, Down 1781 Sheppard, Rachel, Monmoutb, and Thomas George, Monmouth 1758 Sheppard, Sarah, Middlesex, and James Letts, Middlesex 1760 Sheppard, Sarah, and Thomas Remington, Cumberland 1778 Sherard, Anne, and John Dunbam, Morris 1780 Sherim, Mary, aud William McGallird, Huuterdon 1779 Sherlock, Bridget, and WUliam Wilkison, Upper Freehold 1749-50 Sherman, Mary, Bucks, Pa., and Henry Cooper, Bucks, Pa 1732 Sherrar, Abigail, Barlington, and William Evingham, Barlington 1773 Sherrin, Hannah, and John Cann, Gloucester 1789 Sherrin, Rebecca, Burlington, and WiUiam Smitb, Buriington 1776 Sherron, Jane, Salem, and Martin Carter, New Castile, Del 1759 371 Nov. 16 Feb. 1-i Sept 13 April 5 July 14 June 5 Dec 24 Jan. 20 May 25 Dec 25 July 24 June 14 May 8 Oct 10 Aug. 26 Sept 17 April 2 Juue 1 Jan. 10 Sept. 15 July 27 Oct. 21 Oct 4 Feb. 7 Sept 21 Nov. 10 Feb. 28 April 10 Aug. 15 Jan, 22 June 16 Dec. 17 Oct. 10 Jan. 1 Mar. 2 Feb. 20 Sept 30 May 2 '3 May 5 Feb. 10 July 8 Feb. 2 Jan. 17 Jau. 22 June 11 3/2 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Sherry, Mary, PUesgrove, and Johu Thompson, PUesgrove 1765 Shewin, Elizabeth, Chester, and Nicholas Stiles, Chester 1750 Sherwin, Mary, and Alexander Peacock, Burlington 1759 Sherwin, Rebecca, Chester, and Benjamin Allen, Burlington. , 1749 Sheward, Lydia, and Chamless Allen, both Wilmington, L>el 1766 Shewring, Lydia, and John White 1735 Sheydeoker, Barbara, Buriington, and John Baker, Burlington 1742 Shin, Sara, and Daniel Hooper, Gloucester 1785 Shinn, Abigail, Burliugton, and Henry Reeves, Burlington 1728 Shinn, ShinnShinn. Shinn,ShinnShinn, Shinn, Shinu, Shinn,ShinnShinn, ShinnShinn Shinn, Shinn, Shinn, Shinu, Shinn, Shinn Shinu,Shinn,Shinn, Shinn, Shinn,Shinn, Shinn,Shinn,Shinn, Shinn, Shiuo, Abigail, and Joseph Budd, Burlington 1778 Ann, and John Davidson, Burlington 1778 Anne, Northampton, and Isac Islow, Northampton 1784 Elizabeth, Burlington, and .Iohn Armstrong, Burlington 1764 Elizabeth, and Charles Ford, Burlington 1768 Elizabeth, Burlington, and John Alloways, Burlington 1774 Elizabeth, and Jacob Lamb, Burlington 1 777 Hannah, Burlingtou, and James Shinn, Burlington 1737 Hanuah, and Frederick Foy 1784 Hope, Burlington, and Aaron Beck, Burlington 1774 Jemima, and Caleb Lippincott, Burlington 1782 Lucretia, Evesham, aud Abraham Proud, Evesham 1784 Martha, Springfield, and Francis Shinn, Springfield 1766 Mary, and Daniel WUlis, Jr 1695 Mary, Burlington, aud Abraham Bonnel, Burlington 1731 Mary, Chesterfield, aud William Taylor, Jr., Chesterfield 1745 Mary, BurUngton, aud Jouathan Oliphant, Burlington 1764 Mary, and Jacob Lamb, Burlington 1768 Mary, Hunterdon, and Jonathan Bunn, Hunterdon 1776 Mary, and John Irick, Burlington 1781 Mary, and Samuel Wright, Springfield 1784 Mehitabell, Burlington, and Ebenezer Doty, Burlington , 1770 Rebecca, Barlington, and George Clapp, Burlington. . , 1761 Rhoda, New Mills, and John Steward, New HanoTer 1783 Sarah, Burlington, and Philo Leeds, Burlington 1740 Sarah, Burlington, and Joseph Jones, Burlington. 1764 "Sarah, Burlington, and John Myers, Burlington 1775 Susannah, Burlington, and Bartholomew West, Monmoutb 1727 Unity, Springfield, and Joseph Pancoast, Mansfield 1767 Nancy, and Hugh Mooney, Gloucester 1781 Shipperd, Rebecca, and Jonathan Bowen, Cumberland 1758 Shippey, Anne, Burlington, aud Joseph Hopkins, Burliugton 1745 Shippey, Susannah, Woodbridge, and Gach Bloodgood, Woodbridge. .1765 Shipman, Margaret, and David Kinney, Sussex 1 784 Shivers, Ann, and Daniel Cartey, Burlington 1777 Shivers, Ausandona, and Joseph Shinn, Greenwich 1758 Shivers, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and Isaac Tomlinson Gloucester 1766 Aug. 10 Jan. 23 Mar. 7 Dec 7 Sept. 29 Nov. 3 Mar. 7 May 4 Feb. 26 Aug. 6 Dec 7 Sept 15 July 11 Dec 12 June 13 Mar. 3 July 18 Sept 8 July 11 Mar. 10 Oct. 4 Dec. 3 Mar. 12 Nov. 28 Jan. 14 June 25 April 19 June 3 Feb. 26 Dec. 1 July 10 Sept. 23 Sept 22 Nov. 1 Aug. 3 Oct 31 Oct 5 Feb. 11 July 3 Dec. 4 Mar. 20 Nov. 15 Feb. 13 Nov. 4 Nov. 11 Aug. 20 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 373 Shivers, Hannah, Gloucester, and John Matlack, Glouoester 1736 Jan. 13 Shivers, Hester, Gloucester, and Edward Yest, Salem 1762 Aug. 30 Shivei'S, Hope, Gloucester, and Daniel Cartey, Burlington 1775 Not. 16 ShiTers, Letitia, and Benjamin Graisburg, Gloucester 1776 Dec. 26 ShiTers, Martha, and Abel Scull, Jr., Gloucester 1758 Not. 2 Shivers, Mary, Gloucester, and Thomas Bate, Gloucester 1732 Mar. 6 Shivers, Rosanna, and John Budd, Salem 1758 Sept. 7 Shivers, Susannah, Gloucester, and Edward Hollinshead, Gloucester .. 1748 NoV. 23 Shoemaker, Mabel, and Thomas HaU, Mansfield 1750 Dec 17 Shords, Hannah, Burlingtcn, and Andrew Duclu, Philadelphia 1731 June 21 Shords, Susanna, Burlington, and Adam Pevey, Burlington 1742 Aug. 1 Shores, Mary, and Jobn EUiss, Middlesex 1770 April 17 Shores, Sarah, Burlington, and Joseph Chambers, Burlington 1736 Nov. 17 Short, Elenor, and John Dyer, Salem 1730 Mar. 26 ShotweU, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and James Bishop, Middlesex 1748 June 11 Shotwell, Elizabeth, Woodbridge, aud Benjamin Shotwell, AVoodb'dge, 1753 Dec. 18 Shotwell, Elizabeth, Essex, aud Henry Ludlam, Middlesex 1772 Jan. 3 ShotweU, Johanna, Woodbridge, and Benjamin Stelle, Woodbridge . . 1739 Oct. 2 Shotwell, Lydia, Woodbridge, and Benjamin Stelle, Piscataway 1752 Aug. 14 Shotwell, Mary, Woodbridge, and Gabriel Ogden, Morris 1753 May 26 Shotwell. Mary, and David Morris, Middlesex 1769 Dec 6 Shoulder, Susannah, Woolwich, and Conrade Shoemaker,' Woolwich. .1770 June 23 Shourds, Mary, Egg Harbor, and Adam Pettit,! Little Egg Harbor. . . 1747 Nov. 5 Shourds, Mary, Sprmgfield, and Jonathan Taylor, Springfield , 1772 Juue 3 Shreaves, Sarah, and David Soattergood, Mansfield. . , 1768 May 4 Shreeve, Martha, and John Renshaw, Burlington 1769 Aug. 10 Shreeve, Rachel, Burlington, and Moses Atkinson, Burlington 1761 Feb. 22 Shreeve, Rebecca, Burlington, and Thomas Smith, Burlington 1738 Nov. 22 Shreve, Annah, and John Page, Buriington 1760 Mar. 6 Shreve, Elizabeth, Mansfield, and WUUam Swift, Mansfield 1772 Nov. 18 Shreve, Hope, BurUngton, and WiUiam Gowperthwaite, BurUngton. . . 1767 Feb. 4 Shreve, Mary, and .John Negus, Burlington 1779 Feb. 15 ShroTe, Rebecca, Buriington, aud George Eyre, Buriington 1764 April 10 ShrcTe, Sarah, Burlington, and Joseph Biddle, Jr., Burlington 1763 Nov. 7 Shropshire, Jane, Maurice River, and Jobn Petersen, Maurice River. . 1760 Sept 24 Shubb, Elizabeth, Burlington, aud John Kenton, Buriington 1767 Feb. 9 ShuU, Catharine, aud Jobn Vandeford, Cumberland 1778 Jan. 29 Shumaker, Mary, Somerset, and John Smith, Somerset 1751 June 15 Shute, Hannah, Gloucester, and John Sparrow, Gloucester 1747 May 14 Shute, Sara, Glouoester, and Emanuel Stratton, Gloucester 1774 June 6 Shykels, Christina, and Abraham Reeves, Cumberiand 1787 Sept. 20 Sicgelse, Aeltye, Bergen, and Johannis Van Houte, Bergen 1761 Sept. 21 SiokeUs, Sarab, and Thomas Powell, Borden Town 1770 Aug. 21 Sickels, Elizabeth, Kingwood, and Samuel Smalley, Monmouth 1769 July 29 1 Jonathan Pettit in the bond. 374 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Sickles, Elizabeth, aud Daniel Thorn, New Jersey 1777 Sickles, Susannah, and Joseph Fleming, Jr., Glouoester 1784 Sidden, Mary, AmweU, and Samuel Stevenson, Amwell. 1764 Siddon, Rachael, PhUadelphia, and Moses Tennant, Maryland 1730 Siden, Mary, Salem, and Azel Peirson, Camberland 1762 Sidman, EUzabeth, New Jersey, and WUliam Snyder, New Jersey 1771 Sidman, Jane, Burlington, and Mathew Force, Burliugton. 1772 Siduabam, Sarah, Burlington, and Peter Symmons, Burlington 1763 Signet, Mary, Burlington, and Joseph Hankins, Burlington 1754 Sikes, Johannah, Burlington, and Haran Bryan, Burlington 1751 Sikes, Mary, Burlington, and Jacob Tonkins, Burlington 1778 Sile, Mary, Buriington, and John Bim, Burlington , 1763 Siler, Barbara, Bucks, Pa., and Joseph Barris, Bucks, Pa 1749 Sill, Catharine, Burliugton, and Patrick Coahlan, Burlington 1750 Silver, Anne, and Thomas Wilson 1693 Silver, Jane, Salem, and Joseph Burgin, Salem 1691-2 Silver, Mary, Middlesex, and John Rogers, Upper Freehold. 1768 Silver, Sophiah, and Isaac Murphy, Gloucester 1783 Silverthorn, Sarah, and John Little, Hunterdon 1780 Simason, Mary, Freehold, and WiUiam Devall, Freehold , 1748 Simkins, Sarah, and Jobn Connel, Cape May 1763 Simmes, Sarah, aud Stephen Smith, Upper AUoways Creek 1784 Simmons, Rachel, Oape May, and Hance Peterson, .Cumberland 1750 Simmons, Sarah, and Arthur Irwin, 29 Regt. of Foot 1770 Simons, Bethena, and Michael Asay, Burlington 1783 Simons, Deborah, Chester, and Richard Smith, Chester 1775 Simons, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Thomas King, Burlington 1764 Simons, Jemima, Monmouth, and Elias Tr'aeaxe, Moumouth 1760 Simons, Joanna, Northampton, and Jobn Pettit Northamptou 1768 Simons, Mary, Burliugton, and Abraham Perkins, Burlington 1730 Simonson, Jennet, New York, and Anthony Vanpelt, New York 1746 Simpkiu. Mercy, and Amariah Hogbin, Camberland 1757 Simpkins, Hannah, and Thomas Pratten, Cape May 1766 Simpkins, Jane, Salem, and Henry Guest, Gloucester 1775 Simpkins, Mary, and Isaac WiUets, Cape May 1771 Simpson, Catharine, and Hugh Boyle, New Jersey 1777 Simpson, Elizabeth, and Jeremiah Basset, Hunterdon 1782 Simpson, Sarah, and James McQuilleu, Sussex 1777 Sims, Jane, Salem, and George Oakeley, Salem 1766 Simson, Rebeckah, and Hasadiah Sampson, Barlington 1769 Simson, Susannah, Shrewsbury, and Philip Skinner, Shrewsbury 1766 Sincher, Mary, aud James Young, Camberland 1757 Sinclair, Catherine, and Daniel Caffery, Hunterdon 1783 Sinclair, Sarah, Bristol, Pa., and William Tosh, Bristol, Pa 1765 Sincleair, Mary, and Thomas Maybery, New Jersey 1781 Singer, Johannah, and George Campbell, PhUadelphia 1732 Aug. 5 Aug. 20 Mar. 27 June 3 Dec. 4 Dec. 16 Aug. 15 Aug. 8 Sept 3 Aug. 21 Feb. 11 Sept 12 April 10 July 23 July 6 Mar. 23 Nov. 12 Sept 25 April 27 June 24 Sept 28 Nov. 24 Sept. 19 Nov. 9 Dec 16 Feb. 11 Sept 10 Jan. 26 Jan. 2 Jan. 25 AprU 25 Aug. 16 Aug. 27 Sept. 15 Oct 7 July 14 May 30 May 22 Mar. 17 Mar. 3 July 20 Juue 30 Jan. 19 Oct 12 Mar. 12 Sept 17 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 375 Sink, Mary, and Barney McSkinuer, Burlington 1784 Sinnickson, Elinor, Salem, and William Mecum, Salem 1761 Sinnickson, Sarah, Salem, and Samuel Dick, Salem Sioggin, Hannah, Salem, and Jacob HoUinshead, Salem 1766 Sip, Gerritie, Acquackannock, and Adrian Sip, Aoquacanonck 1767 Sip, Nancy, and Jery Van Winkel, Bergen 1783 Sirman, Rachell, and Timothy Hancock, Burlington 1684 Sisby, Helen, Middlesex, and Simon Horn, Middlesex 1743 Sisen, Agnes, Burlington, and Isaac Homer, Burlington 1730 Sivil, Susanna, and Jobn Firestone, Salem 1774 Skank, Catharine, Freehold, and Arthur Vandyke, Freehold 1755 Skank, Nelle, Middletown, and Hendrick Van Brunt, Shrewsbury . . . 1756 Skeech, Elizabeth, and Alexander McCloud, Gloucester 1734 Skeene, Katharine, Salem, and Samuel Hunter, Salem 1695 Skeer, Sarah, and Charles Green, Kent, Del 1764 Skelton, Hannah, and WiUiam Scudder 1779 Skelton, Susannah, Bucks, Pa., and Isaac Hogland, Hunterdon 1772 Skidmore, Mary, and John Dawson, Burlington 1732 Skillman, Anne, and James Hageman, Somerset 1778 SkUlman, Elizabeth, and Thomas Johnson, Somerset 1778 Skillman, Mary, aud Matthew Chum, Hunterdon 1768 Skillman, Sarah, and Nathaniel Stout, Hunterdon 1764 Skinner, EUzabeth, aud WiUiam Terrill, Perth Amboy 1771 ' Skinner, Gertrude, Perth Amboy, and James Parker, Perth Amboy. . .1763 Skinner, Mary, Middlesex, and Samuel Kempton, Middlesex 1775 Skinner, Susanna, Perth Amboy, and Jasper Farmer, Perth Amboy. . . 1771 Skinner, Susanna, and John Cathcart, Gloucester 1779 Skirm, Elizabeth, and PhUip Dennis, BurUngton 1761 Skirm, Tace, and John Thorn, Jr., Nottingham 1785 Slacght, Christina, Richmond, N. Y., Peter AVinauts, Richmond, N. Y.1763 -Slack, Else, and Joseph Hogeland, Hunterdon 1729 Slack, Heletiah, and Daniel Peterman, Staten Island 1770 Slack, Mary, and Stephen Mapel, Middlesex 1780 Slaght, Susannah, Staten Island, and Anthony Van Pelt, Staten Island. 1768 Slanson, Dinah, Burlington, and Jacob Jones, Burluigton 1763 Slape, Sarah, and William Harvej', Salem 1771 Slatham, Sarah, Cumberland, and Jeremiah Bowen, Cumberland 1769 Slaught, Catherine, and Jobn Fulkerson, Morris 1781 Slaught, Elenor, Hunterdon, and John Bake, Hunterdon 1772 Sleeper, Leah, and John Parr, Burlington 1788 Sleesman, Catherine, and Michael Bowers, Cumberland 1779 Slicer, Sarah, Bucks, Pa., and DaTid Swain, Bucks, Pa 1775 SUde, Mary, and Cornelius Wilsey, Upper Penns Neck ¦ 1784 Slide, Zilab, Gloucester, and Isaac Justason, Gloucester 1770 Slight, Catharine, and Philimon Elmer, Essex 1781 SUght, Mary, Reading, and John .Ryerson, Reading 177^ Mar. 3 Sept. 22 Dec 9 Jan. 14 Aug. 31 Not. 6 May 26 Aug. 4 Nov. 20 Oct 18 Dec 21 June 29 Oct. 31 April 9 April 29 Oct. 26 Aug. 31 Aug. 13 Sept 17 April 2 June 4 Nov. 7 Feb. 12 Feb. 2 Nov. 7 July 27 Not. 27 Mar. 29 May 17 June 26 April 20 Not. 2 Nov. 13 Sept. 28 Dec. 12 Dec. 20 April 13 Dec 15 June 5 Aug. 3 Sept 11 July 21 Aug. 21 Nov. Feb. 2 376 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. SUn, Meriam, and Josiah Lippiucott, Barlington ; 1790 Slim, Rebecca, aud Arthur Vennable, Chester 1783 Sloan, Sarah, and David Chambers, AUentown, Pa 1768 Sloane, Hannah, and Caleb Gibson, Gloucester 1774 Slocom, Athaliah, and William Jackson, Monmouth 1751 Slocom, Meribe, Shrewsbury, and Isaac Vandyk, Shrewsbury 1760 Slocum, Anne, Monmouth, and Daniel Williams, Shrewsbury 1759 Slocum, Susannah, Monmouth, and Thomas Holmes, Monmoutb 1739 Sloot, Effie, and Isaac Harlenbeck, Bergen 1763 Slott, Mary, and James AVestervelt, Bergen 1788 Slover, Sophia, Hunterdon, and AVUliam Allen, Somerset 1749 Slown, Margaret, Somerset, and Samuel McCrea, Albany, N. Y. 1776 Small, Amy, Evesham, and John Wilkinson, Evesham 1784 Small, Esther, and Charles Tonkin 1734 Small, Mary, and John JIatthews, Burlington 1784 Smalley, Anne, Piscataway, and Thomas Davis, Piscataway 1750 Smallwood, Ann, and John Izburn 1767 Smallwood, Mary, Gloucester, and James Hillman, Gloucester 1754 Smallwood, Mary, Deptford, and Robert Sparks, Deptford 1760 Smallwood, Alary, and Michael Roe, Gloucester 1784 Smallwood, Sarah, and Michael Morgan, Gloucester 1784 Smallwood, Sidney, and James Dinlop, Gloucester 1782 Smallwood, Martha, and Richard Shute, Gloucester 1735 Smart, Abigail, and Hugh Creby, Barlington 1765 Smart, AUey, and Abraham Collins, Burlingtou 1787 Smart, Euphemia, and Francis Mills, Burlington 1782 Smart, Nancy Evans, and Nathaniel Coleman 1777 .Smit Catrina, and Jacobus Blauvelt, Bergen 1763 Smit, Rebecca, Bergen, and Samuel Bourdett, Bergen 1764 Smith, AbigaU, Burliugton, and Samuel Sherid, Upper Freehold 1764 Smith, Abigail, and Andrew Godfrey, Cape May 1770 Smith, Abigail, Aliddlesex, and John Melvan, Middlesex 1774 Smith, Abigail, and, John Vannoy, Hunterdon 1780 Smith, AbigaU, and Jonas Morse, Gloucester 1784 Smith, Alice, Burlington, and Thomas Herd, Burlington 1741 Smith, Alathare, and Joseph Ludlam, Cape May 1732 Smith, Amy, and Samuel Springer. Great Egg Harbour 1773 Smith, Ann, aud Thomas English, Barlington 1733 Smith, Ann, Middletown, and John Burdge, Middleto-svn 1 754 Smith, Ann, Monmouth, and Ragan Hull, Monmouth 1764 Smith, Aun, AUoways Creek, and Abner Penton, Alloways Creek 1764 Smith, Anne, Monmoath, and Zebulon Beard, Monmouth 1749 Smith, Anne, Burlington, and James Orr, Burlington 1757 Smith, Anne, and Amos Moore, Huuterdon 1769 Smith, Anne, and Isaac Thomas, Salem 1784 Smith, Barbara, BurUngton, and WUUam Kays 1743 Aug. 15 May 24 April 13 Nov. 7 Nov. 23 Aug. 15 Nov. 19 May 10 AprU 8 June 21 Sept 26 April 6 Nov. 30 Aug. 7 Oct. 30 Aug. 24' Nov. 9 Oct 8 April 11 April 20 Nov. 6 Feb. 14 May 23 June 19 Har. 19 July 29 July 3 Oct 1 Dec. 29 June 24 Jan. 5 Sept 17 Feb. 19 Jan. 3 Jan. 18 Jan. 23 June 21 Feb. 17 Feb. 18 Mar. 29 Aug. 25 Feb. 1 May 19 Aug. 22 Dec. 1 May 11 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 377 Smith, Bractye, Orange Co., N. Y., and Isaac De Pue, Orange Co., N. Y. 1765 Smith, Catherine, and George Campbell, Hunterdon 1779 Smith, Catherine, and Israel Smith, Amwell 1779 Smith, Christian, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Arthur AVescote, Gt Egg H'r. .1759 Smith, Christian, Hunterdon, and Joseph Dorsett, Monmouth 1764 Smith, Deborah, Salem, and Joseph Stretch, Salem 1727 Smitb, Deborah, and Peter Vandeventer, Monmouth 1747 Smith, Deborah, Middletown, and William Van Cleaf, Middletown . . . 1762 Smith, Deborah, Bergen, and Outwater, Hackensack 1768 Smith, Dorcas, and Jobn Holme, Salem 1749 Smith, Dorcas, Stow Creek, and Daniel Smith, Alloways Creek 1772 Smith, Dorcus, and Joshua Sims, Mannington 1779 Smith, Dorothy, Middletown, and Joseph Smith, Middletown 1752 Smith, Edith, and Benjamin AVeatherby, Gloucester 1772 Smith, Eleanor, Monmouth, and Richard Clark, Monmouth 1750 Smith, EUsabet, and George Vangeson 1772 Smith, Elizabeth, Salem, and John Bacon, Salem 1688 Smith, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and Jobn AValler, Middlesex 1732 Smith, Elizabeth, aud William Bums, Trenton 1733 Smith, Elizabeth, and Joseph Sowe, Cape May 1737 SmUh, Elizabeth, and Thomas AVright, Bucks, Pa 1739 Smith, Elizabeth, Salem, and Thomas Flanegan, Salem 1739 Smith, EUzabeth, Gloucester, and John Hinchman, Gloucester 1747 Smith, EUzabeth, Raritan Landing, and George Thomas, New York, .1748 Smith, Elizabeth, Perth Amboy, and Samuel Gaith, Perth Amboy 1749 Smith, Elizabeth, and Ricbard Vickery. Salem 1757 Smith, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Isaac Pearson, Burlington 1761 Smith, Elizabeth, Gloucester, aud Lucas Gibbs, Gloucester 1762 Smith, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and William Coles, Monmouth 1767 Smitb, Elizabeth, and Joshua Bennet, Monmouth 1768 Smitb, EUzabeth, Burlington, and William Gifford, Barlington 1774 Smith, Elizabeth, and Shamgar Hewit Cape May 1778 Smith, Elizabeth, aud James Holliday, Salem 1780 Smith, Elizabeth, and Andrew Smith, Readington 1782 Smith, Elizabeth, and Joseph Brackney, Burlington — 1787 Smith, Ester, and Jeremiah Higbee, Gloucester 1773 Smith, Esther, and Peter Sitzenger, Penus Neck 1762 Smith, Experience, Cape May, and Elisha Hand, Cape May 1731 Smitb, Experience, and PhUip Cressie, Cape May 1763 Smitb, Grace, Jr., Mannington, and Joseph Sharp, Pilesgrove 1768 Smith, Grace, and Edward Field, Bucks, Pa 1784 Smith, Hanna, Cape May, and Richard Osborne, Cape May 1762 Smith, Hannah, BurUngton, and George Smith, Buriington 1731 Smitb, Hannah, BurUngton, and George Vaughn, Gloucester 1735 Smith, Hannah, and Marius GlanviU, Hunterdon 1747 Smith, Hannah, Camberland, and Joseph Dickinson, Salem 1765 Oct. 28 Mar. 23 Aug 25 Dec 17 Oct. 2 Mar. 9 Jan. 13 April 7 May 16 Jan. 11 April 21 Jan. 12 Mar. 6 Feb. 6 July 26 Nov. 28 Oct. 17 Dec 16 Sept 25 Dec 3 Feb. 23 Dec 1 Jan. 6 Feb. 7 June 13 Aug. 18 Dec 7 Dec 13 Jan. 14 Mar. 28 April 12 April 24 Feb. 9 Dec. 21 Mar. 10 Oct 13 Mar. 18 Jan. 22 Feb. 20 Dec 2 Aug. 13 May 3 Nov. 16 June 30 April i 16 July 18 378 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Smith, Hannah, Hunterdon, and Joseph Lee, Hunterdon 1 767 Smith, Hannah, Salem, and Elisha Allen, Salem 1771 Smith, Hannah, Cape May, and Henry Ludlam, Cape May 1772 Smith, Hannah, Burlington, and Jobn Cox, Burlington 1780 Smith, Hanuah, and Isaac Hawthorn, Cumberland 1786 Smith, Hetchbell, Hunterdon, and Jacob Binge, Hunterdon 1728 Smith, Hope, and Aaron Padgitt, Cumberland 1768 Smitb, Jean, Salem, and Benjamin Holme 1760 Smith, Jemima, Middlesex, and Ambrose Green, Middlesex 1758 Smith, Jennet, Burlington, and William Talbot, Burlington 1741 Smith, Jerusha, and David Larason 1780 Smith, Katharine, Burliugton, and George Noble, Burlington 1730 Smith, Lydia, Cape May, and Shamgar Hand, Cape May 1761 Smith, Marah, Monmoutb, and Thomas Hartshorn, Moumouth 1754 Smith, Margaret, Burlington, and Edward Tennet, Burlington 1741 Smith, Margaret, and WiUiam Bennit, Middletown 1761 . Smith, Margaret, Middlesex, and Thomas Howard, Middlesex 1754 Smith, Margaret, Burlington, and John Cramer, Burlington 1757 Smith, Margaret, and John Hill, Salem 1760 Smith, Margaret, Bucks Pa., and William McPherson, Bucks, Pa 1764 Smith, Margaret, Salem, and George Dickinson, Salem 1769 Smith, Martha, Burlington, and Thomas Thornton, Burlington 1735 Smith, Martha, Monmoutb, aud David Meirs, Moumouth 1763 Smith, Martha, Cape May, and Elijah Matthews, Cape May. 1770 Smitb, Martha, Evesham, and Alexander Peacock, Evesham 1783 Smith, Mary, Salem, and Johu Walker, Salem 1683-4 Smith, Mary, Burlington, aud George Eyres, BurUngton 1729 Smith, Mary, and John HoUoway, Trenton 1733 Smith, Marj', Burlington, and Daniel Holland, Burlingtou. . , 1739 Smith, Mary, Monmouth, and James Conner, Monmouth , 1739 Smith, Marj', Burlington, and Peter Hyrlin, Barlington 1740 Smith, Mary, Middlesex, and Andrew Myer, Middlesex 1744 Smith, Mary, Middlesex, and Alexander Edgar, Middlesex 1746 Smith, Mary, Perth Amboy, and William Compton, Freehold 1749 Smith, Mary, Barlington, and Seymore Cramer, Burliugton 1757 Smith, Mary, Gloucester, and John Higbee, Gloucester 1758 Smith, Mary, and Daniel Rhine, Chesterfield 1759 Smith, Mary, Cape May, and Jesse Hand, Cape May 1759 Smith, Mary, Shrewsbury, aud William Wardell, Shrewsbury 1762 Smith, Mary, Bergen, and Robert Eai'le, Bergen 1763 Smitb, Mary, Salem, and Elisha Allen, Salem 1765 Smith, Mary, and Seth Carver, Egg Harbour 1766 Smith, Mary, Gloucester, and Thomas Hewitt, Gloucester 1768 Smith, Mary, and John Iszard, Cape May 1770 Smith, Mary, Cape May, and Abner Corson, Cape May 1773 Smitb, Mary, and Samuel Foster, Cape May 1774 AprU 25 July 2 Oct 18 June 30 Oct 25 May 18 April 9 Mar. 15 Dec 24 Feb. 13 Mar. 31 Sept. 15 Nov. 16 Sept 5 Jan. 22 Not. 3 Dec 10 Dec 9 June 23 May 30 Juue 5 Not. 14 June 2 May 28 Oot.- 10 April 22 Feb. 19 May 15 Mar. 23 Aug. 20 Aug. 25 Sept 29 Sept 28 Mar. 3 June 15 June 23 May 22 Oct 20 Not. 7 Jan. 19 Dec 12 Oct 16 June 21 Jan. 15 Dec 11 April 5 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 379 Smith, Mary, Hunterdon, and John Egbert, Hunterdon 1775 May — Smith, Marj', Burlington, and Isaac Evans, Jr., Burlington 1777 April 28 Smith, Mary, aud WUliam Moore, Hunterdon 1778 Aug. 22 Smith, Mary, and Samuel Bradhurst 1778 Dec. 16 Smith, Mary, and Lawrence Corn, Camberland 1781 Nov. 27 Smitb, Mary, aud Edward Higbe, Gloucester 1782 Jan. 3 Smitb, Mary, and Stephen Titus, Hopewell 1 782 Jan. 4 Smith, Mary, and John White, Windsor 1782 Oct. 11 Smith, Massey, and William Palmer, Maidenhead 1782 Oct 5 Smith, Michael, and Moses Myers, Burlington 1774 May 20 Smith, Naomi, and George Hand, Cape May 1774 Aug. 1 Smith, Phebe, Monmoutb, and John Hendricks, Monmouth 1759 Oct 31 Smith, Phebe, and Samuel Crowell, Cape May 1759 Nov. 7 Smitb, Pbebe, aud Jobn Craven, Salem 1764 April 18 Smith, Phebe, Bergen, and Job Smitb, Bergen 1767 June 9 Smith, Phebe, and PhUip Godfrey, Cape M ay 1775 Feb. 4 Smith, Pbebe, and Charles Thomson, Cape May 1780 June 15 Smith, Pheby, and Thomas Champion, Gloucester 1784 June 11 Smith, Pinea, and George Tice, Cumberland 1788 Oct. 14 Smith, Priscilla, Gloucester, and Peter Covenoven, Gloucester 1761 Sept 4 Smith, Rachel, and James Smitb, Glouoester 1778 Oct. 19 Smitb, Rachel, and AVUliam Coxe, Jr., Philadelphia 1789 April 4 Smith, Rebecca, Salem, and Johu Haynes, Salem 1745 Nov. 4 Smith, Rebecca, Monmoutb, aud Vanbrok Debow, Monmouth 1759 June 30 Smitb, Rebekah, and John AVUlets, Cape May , 1763 Juue 25 Smith, Rebecca, Cape May, and Frederick Modlaer, Cape May 1774 April 26 Smitb, Rebecca, and Ezekiel Jobes, Burlington 1779 May 18 Smitb, Rebekah, and Ralph Lanning, Hunterdon 1782 July 30 Smith, Rboday, nnd Henry Foster, Cape May 1777 Sept. 18 Smith, Rhode, Monmoutb, nud William Blake, Monmouth 1769 July 25 Smitb, Rumab, aud John Molloy, Gloucester 1777 July 31 Smith, Ruth, Upper Freehold, and Timothy Robius, Upper Freehold 1745 Mar. 7 Smith, Ruth, AUoways Creek, and John Sims, Mannington 1763 May 16 Smith, Ruth, aud AVUliam Currey, Salem 1786 Feb. 8 Smith, Sally, Bergen, and John Brinokerhoff, Bergen 1773 Mar. 19 Smitb, Siu'ah, aud John Briggs 1701 Aug. 30 Smith, Sarah, Gloucester, and Johu Addoms, Burimgton 1729 May 26 Smith, Sarah, Burliugton, and Thomas Bishopp, Burliugton 1730 Deo. 29 Smith, Sarah, Middletown. and Peter Wilson, Freehold 1749 July 24 Smith, Sarab, and Samuel SmUb, Salem 1758 May 20 Smith, Sarab, Gloucester, and Joseph Hugg, Gloucester 1761 Mar. 24 Smith, Sarab, Monmouth, and Nicholas Dorn, Monmonth 1761 Aug. 27 Smith, Sarab; Moumouth, and George Hopkins, Monmouth 1764 Mar. 29 Smith, Sarab, Lower AUoways Creek, Johu Vanculiu L'r Alloways C'k.l771 Sept. 11 Smith, Sarah, nnd Samuel Smitb, Manington 1772 Oct. 2 Smitb, Sarab, Hopewell, aud James Wilson, Amwell 1774 Jan. 24 38o NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Smith, Sarah, and WiUiam Young, New Jersey 1775 Smith, Sarah, Salem, and Ephraim Loyd, Salem , 1775 Smitb, Sarah, Cape May, and Jobn Scull, Cape May 1776 Smith, Sarah, Cumberland, and Jeremiah Foster, Cumberland 1778 Smith, Sarah, and Joseph Few, Philadelphia 1779 Smith, Sarah, and John Brognard, Burlingtou 1784 Smith, Sarah, and Jobn Carpenter, Trenton 1785 Smith, Soviah, and John Steward, Gt. Egg Harbour 1783 Smith, Susannah, and Jeremiah Smith, Salem. , . . , 1750 Smith, Susannah, and James Steelman, Egg Harbour 1773 Smith, Susanna, Cumberland, and Stephen Lester, Cumberland 1773 Smith, Zilphia, and Thomas Ludlam, Cape May : 1790 Smith, Temperance, Alloways Creek, and Peter Stretch, Alloways Ck 1766 Smock, Catharine, Monmouth, and Garret Longstreet, Monmouth . . 1763 Smock, Eleanor, Monmouth, and Gilbert Lane, Monmouth 1741 Smock, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and Derk Field, Middlesex 1749 Smock, EUzabeth, Middlesex, aud Ezekiel Applegate, Middlesex 1760 Smock, Sarah, Monmouth, and John Bennet, Monmouth 1749 Smout, Jane, PhUadelphia, and Thomas Beech, Philadelphia , 1732 Smyth, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and John Herbert, Monmouth 1749 Smyth, Elizabeth, Shrewsbury, and William Rockwell, Shrewsbury. . . 1761 Smyth, Elizabeth, Monmoutb, and Fulcard Fisher, Somerset 1763 Snecks, Bridgitta, Salem, and Ephraim Friend, Salem 1731 Snedeker, Martha, and Derrick Demott,, Hunterdon 1780 Snell, Susannah, and Abel Lee, Cape May 1 783 Snider, Sarah, and Peter Kacklein, Jr. , Sussex 1774 Snider, Sarah, and Richard Corwine, Hunterdon 1779 Snippen, Mary, Burlington, and Alexander McClean, Burlington 1773 Snodgrass, Mary, and James Dunlop, Bucks, Pa 1790 Snowdon, Marat, and Elias Matson, Gloncester 1784 Snyder, Catharine, Middletown, Hendrick Vanderbelt, Middletown. . .1765 Snyder, Marj', Hunterdon, and Aaron Hankinson, Hunterdon 1764 Soarding, Rachel, Goodluck, and James Wells, Goodluck 1763 Sobriske, Rachel, and Johannis Hardwick 1750 Sockwell, Leah, Cumberland, and Samuel Soudder, Alloways Creek. . .1760 Solmon, Marget, and James Reeves, Deptford 1785 Somers, Abigail, and Samuel Risley, 'Gt. Egg Harbour 1784 Somers, Abigail, and Jobn Steelman, Gt Egg Harbour 1 774 Somers, BerzUla, and Elijah Smith, Glouoester 1784 Somers, Elsey, and Peter Frambes, Gloucester 1784 Somers, Hannah, Gloucester, and Richard Smith, Cape May 1745 Somers, Rebecca, Gloucester, and John Badcock, Gloucester 1750 Somers, Sarah, Gloucester, and Frederick Steelman, Glouoester 1740 Somers, Sarah, Gt. Egg Harb'r, aud James Somers, Gt. Egg Harbo'r. 1750-1 Somers, Saviah, and Isaac Higbee, Gloucester 1785 Somers, Uness, and Jacob Somers, Gt. Egg Harbour 1762 Mar. 11 Sept 25 Nov. 22 Oct 19 May 20 Jan. 7 Jan. 26 Sept 22 Feb. 19 Nov. 19 Nov. 24 Aug. 1 Mar. 24 Dec 27 June 6 Nov. 15 Oct 6 Jan. 16 May 27 Aug. 5 Mar. 30 June 7 June 5 Nov. 11 July 24 Feb. 5 Jan. 14 Mar. 30 April 26 May 25 Jnly 4 Feb. 9 Feb. 4 Aug. 25 Jan. 8 May 26 Aug. 14 June 13 April 2 Mar. 9 Aug. 20 Aug. 11 Mar. 5 Feb. 20 Feb. 28 June 17 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Sommers, Elizabeth, and John Butler, Cape May 17(j2 Sommers, Mary, Gloucester, and Uriah Smith, Cape May 1758 Sommers, MUUcent, Great Egg Harbour, and Edward Doughty 1749 Sommers, Rachel, Salem, aud Robert Sparks, Salem - 1770 Sooy, Mary, and George Bevis, Burlington 1771 Sooy, Sarab, and John Steelman, Gloucester 1766 Soper, Mary, Middletown, and Walter Vanpelt, Middletown 1746 Soper, Mercy, Stafford, and David Rulen, Stafford 1767 Sopers, Martha, and John Malsbury, Barlington 1746 Souder, Christian,-!, and Jonas Venaman, Cumberland 1786 South, Joan, Burlington, and William Lee, Burlington 1683 South, Rachel, Burlington, and Johu Miers, Burlington 1763 Southard, Charity, Burlington, and Henry Cayler, Burlington 1767 Southard, Haunah, and Philip White, Burlington 1777 Southard, Phebe, Burlington, and Jacob Faulkenburg 1764 Southard, Sarab, Morris, and Samuel Cobb, Morris 1773 Southwick, PrisciUa, Burlington, and Abram Hooper, Barlington 1767 Southwick, Hannah, Burlington, and Dauiel ZUley, Barlington. ...... 1776 Southwick, Rebecca, Northampton, and Nathaniel Powell, North 'mp'n. 1774 Southwick, Sarah, Burlington, aud Johu Price, Burliugton 1731 Sowden, Elizabeth, Burlington, and George CowgUl, Burlingtou 1776 Sparbum, Cathrine, Burlington, and Robert Fulton, Burlington 1756 Sparks, Appikaris, Deptford, and Benjamin Rarrebo, Deptford 1766 Sparks, Aun, Gloucester, and John Hedger, Gloucester 1769 Sparks, Mary, Evesham, and John Driver, Burlington 1749 Sparks, Mary, Salem, and Abraham Lord, Salem 1758 Sparks, Rebecca, and Joseph Hillman, Glouoester ! . , 1784 Speace, Margret, and George Becstolzseimer, Amwell 1772 Spence, Mary, and EUas Brown 1781 Spencer, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and Samuel Gilbert, Middlesex 1741 Spencer, Elizabeth, Gloucester, aud Levi Clark, Gloucester 1764 Sppes, Hannah, and Joseph Richardson, BurUngton 1785 Spicer, Abigail, Gloucester, and WUliam Rudderow, Burlington 1758 Spicer, Judith, Cape May, aud Elijah Hughes, Cape May 1773 Spicer, Sarah, Cape May, and Christopher Leamyng, Cape May 1761 Spicer, Sarah, and Joseph Copperthwaite, Monmouth 1778 Spier, Anu, Bergen, and Isaac Montaine, New York City 1760 Spier, Catholyntie, New York, aud Cornelius Swartwout, New York . . 1763 Spier, Lea, and Isaack Vangiesou, Newark 1746 Spike, Catharine, Burlingtou, and Nathan Folwell, Burlington 1761 Spiriar, Abalonia, Gloucester, and Francis Redcap, Gloucester 1762 Sprag, Mele, Monmoutb, and Francis Letts, Monmouth 1762 Spragg, Charity, and Stephen Innman, Moumouth 1782 Spragg, Mary, Staten Island, and Jacob Vanderbilt, Staten Island 1746 Spragg, Mary, and Thomas Thompson, Burlington 1759 Spring, Mary, Philadelphia, aud Thomas Maybery, Mouut Holly 1780 381 Aug. 5 Aug. 24 Nov. 16 Aug. 9 Jan. 6 April 21 Aug. 4 July 1 Feb. 2 Aug. 8 Sept. 23 Dec. 8 Aug. 25 Aug. 16 Mar. 8 Nov. 17 Sept 28 Mar. 21 Sept. 10 Jan. 29 Jan. 24 Oct 4 May 21 April 25 May 13 April 4 Nov. 18 Oct 27 Jan. 9 Aug. 27 Dec 14 Jan. 18 May 4 Oct 26 Aug. 8 Nov. 27 July 1 Juue 6 Nov. 1 April 6 Mar. 23 Nov. 2 AprU 8 Oct 27 Dec 29 Jan. 31 382 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Springer, Ann, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Joshua Smith, Gt Egg Harb'r. .1762 Springer, Dorothy, and Jacob Prickett, Evesham 1745 Springer, Elizabeth, and Aaron Peak, Burlington 1779 Springer, Lucy, and Jared Taylor, Willingborough 1751 Springer, Mary, Burlington, and Absalom Thomas, Burlington 1750 Springer, Phebe, Burlington, and PhiUppo Tasso, Burlington 1732 Springer, Sarah, Burlington, aud AVUliam Yard, Burlington 1739 Springsten, Jane, aud John Morrell, Middlesex 1764 Springstien, Derickie, Orange, N. Y., Garret Eckerson, Orange, N. Y. . 1763 Sprogle, Rebecca, and Benjamin Barger, Philadelphia 1732 Staats, Margaret, Somerset, and Thomas Ring, Somerset 1741 Stabalier, Martha, and Joseph Justici, Hunterdon 1786 Stackhouse, Agnes, and Zachariah Prickett, Northampton 1783 Stackhouse, Aloe, and Israel Wright, Bordentown 1773 Stackhouse, Elizabeth, New Hanover, Benjamin Wright, New Hanover. 1771 Stackhouse, Elizabeth, Bucks, Pa., and AVUliam Powell, Bucks, Pa . . 1781 Stackhouse, Elizabeth, and Joseph Tolkinton, Bristol 1781 Stackhouse, Grace, Bucks, Pa., and Thomas Broom, Bucks, Pa 1740 Stackhouse, Jane, Pennsylvania, and David Davies, Burlington 1731 Stackhouse, Martha, and Timothy Stackhouse, Bristol, Pa 1793 Stackhouse, Mary, Bucks, Pa,, and James Wright 1744 Stackhouse, PrisciUa, Bucks, Pa., and Job Stackhouse, Bucks, Pa 1770 Stackhouse, Ruth, Pennsylvania, and John AVelsh, Burlington 1776 Stacy, Elizabeth, and Eleazer Penton , .... 1690 Stacy, Mary, Burlingtou, and John Renshawe, Burlington 1686 Stag, Mary, Bergen, and Garrit Ackerman, Bergen 1761 Stagg, Dorcas, and Thomas Sanford, Essex 1778 Stanbery, Phebe, Elizabethtown, and Jedidiah Swen, Elizabethtown, , 1763 Staubury, Orphie, and Andrew McNichol, Mannington 1785 Standley, Deborah, Monmoutb, and Mathew McDogal, Monmouth. . . . 1761 Staudly, Mary, and James Thomas, Salem 1730 Stanford, EUzabeth, Somerset, and Jacob Mapel, Middlesex 1769 Stanley, Grace, Middletown, and Thomas Tyte, Middletown 1753 Stanton, Charity, and John Green 1765 Stanton, Deborah, Gloucester, and Micajah Covenover, Cape May , . . 1751 Stanton, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Vincent Rewbart, Burlington. . . .1762 Stanton, Mary, aud Jobn Thomas 1756 Staples, Ann, Burlington, and Thomas Rogers, Burlington 1736 Staples, Elizabeth, Burlington, aud John Thompson, BurUngton, .. . 1730 Staples, Martha, Burlington, and John Jones, Jr., Burlington 1763 Starkey, Anna, and Jonathan Braman, Burlington 1779 Starkey, Catherine, South Amboy, and Barnaby Carter, South Amboy. 1760 Starkey, Eleanor, aud Edward Able, Gloucester 1779 Starkey, Elizabeth, and Daniel Abel, Glouoester 1780 Starkey, Margaret, Monmouth, and Robert Imlay, Monmouth 1741 Starkey, Mary, and John Wilkinson, Monmouth 1 758 Nov. 10 May 11 May 24 May 11 April 28 Mar. 6 Feb. 21 Nov. 29 June 11 Mar. 7 Aug. 5 Jan. 19 Oct 6 Feb. 10 Nov. 11 Mar. 24 May 15 Sept. 23 Aug. 9 Mar. 23 Nov. 2 Sept 13 Oct 5 Feb. 2 April 17 July 8 July 9 Oct. 6 Dec. 28 May 23 Dec 1 Jan. 27 Oct. 26 Mar. 7 Jan. 29 Jan. ^1 Aug. 3 Oct 30 June 11 Dec 28 Jan. 11 Oct 3 April 20 Nov. 11 Jan. 26 Not. 28 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 383 Starkey, Rachel, and Peter Queokenbush, Burlingtou 1757 Starkey, Ruth, Buriiugton, and Charles OoUius, Burlington 1748 Starkey, Sarah, New Hanoyer, aud William Mount, Monmouth 1746 Starky, Beulah, Burlington, aud Samuel RosseU, Burlington 1777 Starkye, EUzabeth, Chesterfield, and Samuel Shinn, Springfield 1766 States, Mary, Middlesex, and Nathaniel Parmer, Richmond Co., N. Y 1764 Stathem, Hannah, and Ephraim Simkins, Cumberland 1784 Stebbins, Martha, Burlington, and Gabriel Punner, Burlington 1766 Stedam, Kezire, Salem, and Benoni Dear, Salem 1745 Stedham, Mary, Gloucester, and Zebulon Pearson, Gloucester 1770 Steel, Anne, Somerset, and Jobn King, Philadelphia 1769 Steele, Margate, Salem, and John Burgin, S.ilem 1728 Steelman, Barbery, aud Samuel Burton, Gloucester 1777 Steelman, Catherine, and Obadiah Read, Egg Harbour 1764 Steelman, Comfort, Gloucester, and Peter Macklus, Gloucester 1740 Steelman, Gartara, Gloucester, and Daniel Lake, Gloucester 1730 Steelman, Judith, and Jeremiah Leeds, Glouoester 1776 Steelman, Mary, and Daniel Allen, Gloucester 1728 Steelman, Mary, Gloucester, and Edmond Summers, Gloucester 1730 Steelman, Mary, Gloucester, and Elias Champion, Gloucester 1735 Steelman, Mary, and Daniel Leeds, Gloucester 1775 Steelman, Phebe, and Daniel Ireland, Glouoester 1771 Steelman, Rebecca, Gloucester, and Daniel Leeds, Gloucester 1750-1 Steelman, Rebeckai, Gloucester, and Daniel Leeds, Gloucester 1751 Steelman, Rebecca, and James Somers, Burlington 1759 Steelman, Sarah, and Henry Smith, Gloucester 1774 Steelman, Susannah, and Benjamin Ingerson, Gloucester 1738 Steelman, Susannah, Cape May, and Johu Kelle, Cape May 1764 Steinson, Dinah, Burlington, and Jacob Jones, Burlington 1763 Stelle, Catharine, and John Glackon, Monmouth 1738 SteUe, Catherine, Monmouth, and Richard Lawrence 1 747 Stelle, Elisabeth, Monmouth, and John Wardell, Monmouth 1748 Stelle, Elizabeth, Piscataway, and William Stone, AVoodbridge 1750 Stelle, Experience, Middlesex, and Justin Dunn, Middlesex 1760 Stelle, Rachel, Piscataway, and Ephraim Fitzrandolph, Piscataway, . .1752 Stelle, Rachel, Piscataway, and Benjamin Dunn, Piscataway 1757 Stephens, Hannah, Morris, and Thomas Dickson, Morris 1751 Stephens, Nancy, and Dennis Sweeny 1760 Stephens, Rachel, Deptford, and Thomas Sanders, Deptford 1768 Stephenson, Ann, and Aaron Bunting, Burlington 1770 SteTens, Anne, Hunterdon, and Timothy Mershon, Hunterdon 1775 SteTens, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Charles Baggley, Burlington 1682 SteTens, EUzabeth, Monmouth, and Lewis Mitchell, Monmouth 1740 SteTens, EUzabeth, Monmouth, and Charles Macknight, Monmouth. . . 1746 SteTens, Elizabeth, and Daniel Scull, Gt Egg Harbour 1762 SteTens, Lovioe, and Abraham Bennet, Cape May 1759 Aug. 1 Sept 29 Mar. 25 April 22 May 6 Dec 20 May 4 Aug. 3 Nov. 8 Dec. 28 Feb. 14 July 31 Deo. 11 Sept. 26 Jan. 16 Sept. 14 Dec 8 Dec 25 Jan. 8 Dec. 15 Jan. 3 July 15 Jan. 9 Jan. 29 July 20 Nov. 18 June 23 Oct 24 Sept 28 Nov. 14 Sept. 16 Jan. 9 Jan. 1 Oct. 3 July 11 June 1 Dec 11 Mar. 24 Sept. 12 Feb. 21 April 1 May 27 May 6 Aug. 19 July 23 Nov. 6 384 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Stevens, Mary, and Robert .R, Livingston, Jr., New York City 1770 Sept 8 Stevens, Phebe, Burlingtou, and John Kindall, Burlington 1741 Aug. 3 SteTens, Rhoda, Cumberland, and Reuben Dare, Cumberland 1760 Deo. 6 SteTens, Sarah, Perth Amboy, and Henry Sulker, NewYork 1753 Oct 15 SteTens, Sarah, Cape May, and Thomas Stillwell, Cape May 1781 Jan. 10 StcTenson, AbigaU, and Stephen Foster, Cape May 1762 Oct 4 Stevenson, Abigail, Burlington, aud Francis Witt, Burlington 1766 Jau. 18 Stevenson, Alice, and Sith Gibbs, Burlington 1788 Oct 20 Stevenson, Ann, and' Joseph Clayton, Burlington . . 1769 Jau. 4 Stevenson, Anne, Burlington, and John Norcross, Burlington 1766 Oct 4 Stevenson, Charity, Burlington, and William Pettit, Evesham 1746 Feb. 17 Stevenson, Charity, and John Kemble, Barlington 1778 Sept. 24 Stevenson, Dorothy, Burliugton, and Joseph Pearson, Burlington. .. 1731 June 2 Stevenson, Elizabeth, Burlingtou, and Aaron Carman, Burlington. . , 1769 April 7 Stevenson, Elizabeth, and Joseph Anderson, Hunterdon 1787 Feb. 10 Stevenson, Mary, and Francis Ralph, Barlington 1766 Sept 25 Stevenson, Mary, and Samuel Holcomb, Bucks, Pa 1768 Oct 26 Stevenson, Marj', Middlesex, and Hezekiah Hall, Middlesex 1771 Feb. 16 Stevenson, Sarah, Glouoester, and Jonas. Cattell, Glouoester 1750 July 10 Stevenson, Sarah, and Elton Kemble, Burlington 1761 Sept 14 Stevenson, Sarah, Barlington, aud Thomas Winner, Philadelphia 1780 May 3 Stevenson, Susannah, Burlington, and Benjamin Matson, Barlington. 1764 June 4 Stevenson, Susanna, and Henry Page, Builington , 1776 Nov. 4 Steward, Alice, and Benjamin Fowler, Monmoutb 1749-50 Feb. 19 ¦Steward, Catherine, and Thomas Osgood, Burlington 1732 June 17 Steward, Elizabeth, and Benjamin Bunting, Burlington. 1772 Sept 8 Steward, Mary, Burlington, and John Doron, Burlington 1773 Sept 7 Steward, Sarah, Monmouth, and Joseph Emley, Burlington 1767 Feb. 13 Stewart, Anne, and William Bunting, Burliugton 1779 Nov. 15 Stewart, Elizabeth, and Thomas BuUock, Burlington 1767 Feb. 14 Stewart, Elizabeth, and John Styles, Upper Freehold 1773 May 15 Stewart, Jaue, and Timothy Craig, Elizabethtown 1746 Feb. 17 Stewart, Jaue, Sussex, and Reuben Kemp, Sussex 1762 May 31 Stewart, Margret, and Daniel Fitz Randolph, Monmouth 1760 Feb. 25 Stewart, Martha, and Joseph Chapman, Burlingtou 1757 Mar. 24 Stewart, Martha, and Robert Wilson, PhUadelphia 1775 Dec. 30 Stewart, Mary, Somerset, aud James McCleury, Somerset .1740 Mar. 12 Stewart, Mary, and John Wilson, Hunterdon 1785 Jan. 21 Stewart, Sarah, Middlesex, and Patrick McGee, Monmouth 1752 July 25 Stewart, Sarah, aud Jacob Kemper, Morris 1785 May 7 Stewart, Susannah, Burlington, and Joseph Mears, Monmouth 1764 April 5 Stewart, Ursula, Woodbridge, and Nathaniel Fitz Randolph, AV'db'ge 1748 Oct 18 Stidden, Mary, Philadelphia, and James Crawford, PhUadelphia 1761 Mar. 5 Stiemetz, Leah, Essex, and Hendrick King, Essex , 176 L Mar. 11 Stien, Bramer Sarah, Bergen, aud Jacob Day, Bergen 1773 Oct 30 Stiles, Abigail, Cape May, and David Bancroft, Cape May 1762 Nov. 6 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 385 Stiles, Ann, and Amos CoUins, Gloucester 1771 Nov. 29 StUes, Elizabeth, Cape May, and Jerediah MUls, Cape May 1757 Feb. 18 Stiles, Elizabeth, Cape May, and Richard Janvier, Cape May 1761 Dec. 24 Stiles, EUzabeth, aud PhUip Scull, Cape May 1769 April 18 Stiles, Esther, Cape May, and Nathaniel Jenkins, Cape May 1765 May 15 Stiles, Hannah, Cape May, aud Elijah Hughs, Cape May 1740 Oct. 28 StUes, Margaret, and Jonathan Leaming, Cape May 1763 Jan. 25 StUes, Margaret, Essex, and James Manning, Essex 1763 Mar. 22 Stiles, Martha, Cape May, and Johu Nickelson, Cape May 1763 Oct 25 Stiles, Mary, Cape May, and Silas Lupton, Cape May. . . , 1756. May 11 Stiles, Patience, Cape May, and David Cresse, Cape May 1769 Sept. 27 StUes, Rachel, Salem, and John VaU, Salem 1768 Jan. 11 Stiles, Rhoda, Cape May, and Matthew AVhildin, Cape May 1768 Dec 8 Stiles, Sarah, Cape May, and Dan Bowen, Cumberland 1766 Mar. 28 StUes, Temperance, and Samuel Matthews, Cape May 1771 Aug. 10 StUes, WiUeramina, Cape May, and Nathaniel Jenkins, Cape May . . . 1765 Aug. 15 StUlwel, Catey, and John Day, Bergen 1772 Stillwell, Alice, and Israel Burrows, Hunterdon 1777 Dec. 29 StillweU, Anne, Monmoutb, and Joseph Mouut, Monmouth 1761 Mar. 7 Stillwell, Deborah, and Job Moore, Trenton 1768 July 13 StUlweU, EUzabeth, and Aaron Eldridge, Cape May 1761 Jan. 25 StUlweU, EUzabeth, and Moses Vaneourt, Trenton 1777 Dec 4 StillweU, Hannah, and Rem Coursen, Cape May 1769 Jan. 17 Stillwell, Hester, Woodbridge, and Phillip Pain, EUzabeth Town 1769 May 8 StUlwell, Mary, Monmoutb, and Joseph Ashton, Monmouth 1740 Feb. 6 StillweU, Rebecca, and Thomas Heady, New Jersey 1749 June 24 StillweU,. Rebekah, and Ezekiel Stevens, Cape May 1763 AprU 30 StiUwell, Rebecca, Monmoutb, and Benjamin Haviland, Monmouth. .1764 AprU 9 StUwell, Rebecca, Middleto-wn, and Moses Sheppard, Middletown 1767 Mar, 23 StUwell, Sarah, aud Moses Griffing, Cape May 1770 Oct 17 Stilwell, Suffiah, and Ricbard Somers, Cape May 1761 Deo. 3 Stilwell, Zerial, Cape May, and Richard Stiles, Cape May 1748 Sept. 9 SlUlwil, MecU, Monmouth, and Bryant Higgins, Monmonth 1750 Oct 29 Stilwell, Alice, Middletown, and James WoUing, Middletown 1752 Dec. 26 Stilwell, Alice, Monmouth, and Isaac Hoffmeier, Monmouth 1755 Aug. 4 StUwell, Ann, Monmouth, and David Jones, Monmouth 1762 Feb. 15 StUweU, Catherine, and William Mager,! Sussex 1768 ^Oot. 8 StilweU, Catharine, Shrewsbury, and James WUson, Freehold 1765 June 1 StUwell, Deborah, Monmouth, aud Richard Smith, Monmouth 1740 Mar. 20 StUwell, Deborah, Middletown, and Gabriel Winter, Middletown 1747 Mar. 8 StUwell, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Albert Mason, Monmoutb 1767 Nov. 10 StUweU, Margaret, Chesterfield, and Gilbert Smith, Burlington 1762 May 5 StUweU, Martha, and Joseph HUdredth, Cape May 1789 Jan. 28 StUweU, Mary, Staten Island, aud John Moore, Staten Island 1758 Mar. 13 1 or Magee. 24 386 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Stilwell, Mary, Middletown, and John Anderson, New York 1763 Stilwell, Phebe, and John Daniels, Gloucester 1788 Stilwell, Rebecka, Middlesex, and Thomas Layton, Moumouth 1758 Stilwell, Sarah, and Abraham Brittan, Monmouth 1767 Stilly, Hannah, Gloucester, and David Chew, Gloucester 1767 Stimers, Catherine, Bergen, and Johannis Post, Bergen 1753 Stiner, Anue, and Jacob Bollinger, Gloucester 1784 Stoakes, Deliverance, Burlington, and Daniel Conrow, Burlington 1733 Stoakes, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Josiah Blaokham, Burliugton 1729 Stoakham, Merriam, and AVUliam Corammore, Jr., Egg Harbour 1746 Stoaks, Sabella, and Charles French, Gloucester 1783 Stockdale, Ruth, and Johu Small 1735 Stockdon, Aune, Burlington, and John Carman, Burlington 1744 Stookham, Phebe, Stafford, and Nathan Colver, Stafford 1749 Stookham, Phebe, Lt. Egg Harb., Josiah Pennington, Lt. Egg Harb. .1750 Stockton, Abigail, Burlington, and James Gaskill, Burlington 1764 Stockton,, Abigail, Huuterdon, and Bedkar Ireton, Hunterdon 1765 Stockton, Dorothy, and William Bellanger, Burlington 1781 Stockton, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and Edwards Higgins, Middlesex 1763 Stockton, Elizabeth, and James Hall, Burliugton 1784 Stockton, Hannah, Burlington, and John Ireton, Burliugton 1762 Stockton, Hannah, Buriington, and Philip Akerman, Burlington 1771 Stockton, Mary, and Johu Bishop, Burlington 1783 Stockton, Mary, and Thomas Green, Burlington 1786 Stockton, Mary, and Asher Gauntt, Barlington 1787 Stockton, Patience, and Andrew Anderson, Burlington 1791 Stockton, Rachel, Somerset, and John Riddell, Somerset 1741 Stockton, Rebeckah, Burlington, and David Lippincott, Burlington. . .1731 Stockton, Rhoda, and Abraham Kimsey, Burlingtou 1779 Stockton, Ruth, Prince Town, and John Scott, Prince Towu 1746 Stockton, Ruth, Middlesex, and John HUl, Middlesex 1765 Stockton, Sarah, Burlington, and William Davis, Burlington. . , 1761 Stockton, Sarah, aud Richard Stockton, Burlingtou 1768 Stockton, Sarah, Benjamin Nailor, Burlington 1778 Stockton, Sarah, and John Swain, Somerset ." , 1779 Stockton, Susanna, and Frettwell AVarren, Hanover 1760 Stogdill, ^ary, and Annanias Rose, Middlesex 1769 Stokes, Anne, Gloucester, and Samuel Murrell, Gloucester. . . 1761 Stokes, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Isaac Rogers, Burlingtou 1765 Stokes, Hannah, Burlington, and Thomas Coles, Gloucester 1732 Stokes, Hannah, Gloucester, and Hadden Hopkins, Gloucester. 1766 Stokes, Judith, Burlington, and Nathan Middleton, Burlington 1777 Stokes, Mary, Burliugton, and Johu Wilkins, Burlingtou 1776 Stokes, Sarah, Burlington, and John Rogers, Jr., Burlington 1734 Stokesbury, Rebecca, and Moses Ewan, Burlington 1782 Stoll, Hannah, Hunterdon, and John Dalley, Somerset 1772 Dec 16 Not. 10 April 15 June 10 Sept 29 July 11 April 20 Mar. 16 Feb. 1 Not. 21 May 27 Dec 31 Feb. 15 June 15 July 3 Oct 30 Mar. 29 Mar. 20 May 14 April 6 May 23 Nov. 12 Nov. 24 April 27 June 26 April 9 May 11 June 1 Sept. 27 Sept 29 May 21 Jan. 9 Jan. 22 AprU 13 Jau. 12 Dec 8 Jan. 11 Mar. 27 Oct. 29 July 29 Nov. 21 July 26 Aug. 24 Jan. 14 May 1 Mar, 3 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 387 Stoll, Jane, Reading, and Jemes Van Dyke, Reading I77I Stone, Ann, Woodbridge, and David Coddington, Woodbridge 1750 Stone, Elizabeth, Woodbridge, and Benjamin Williams, Essex 1757 Stone, Mary, Middlesex, and Jonathan Moore, Middlesex 1761 Stone, Rebecca, Woodbridg'e, and Richard Wright, Jr., Woodbridge, ,1762 Stoohof, Sarah, and Gerrit Voorhees, Somerset 1783 Stoothoff, Hannah, Somerset, aud Abraham Hogeland, Middlesex . . . 1741 Stoothoff, Ida, Somerset, and Abram Low, Somerset I753 Stoothoff, Sarah, Somerset, and William Stoothoff, Somerset 1741 Story, Anne, and Aaron Holman, Staten Island 1745 Story, Hannah, Perth Amboy, and Joseph Wilson, Cranberry 1746 Storr, Antje, Bergen, and Albert Ackerman, Bergen 1771 Stothof, Neiltje, Middlesex, and James Perrine, Somerset 1745 Stothuff, Elizabeth, and Johu AVycoff, Somerset 1784 Stout, Ann, Somerset, and Abraham Stout, Hunterdon 1775 Stout, Anna, and Johnson Titus, Huuterdon 1778 Stout, Anne, Somerset, and Ichabod Leigh, Hunterdou 1744 Stout, Anne, and William West Nottingham 1778 Stout, Charity, and Henry Solter, Somerset 1780 Stout, Dorothy, Burlington, and John Marns, Burlington 1769 Stout, Elizabeth, and Nathaniel Hart, Hunterdon 1770 Stout, Elizabeth, Amwell, and Joseph Stout, Amwell 1774 Stout Elizabeth, and WilUam Debow, Middlesex 1779 Stout, Hannah, Monmouth, and Arthur Van Kirk, Monmouth 1743 Stout, Hanuah, and James Wikoff, Huuterdon 1766 Stout, Hannah, Readington, and Mathias Smock 1781 Stout, Helen, Monmouth, and John Hoff, Moumouth 1758 Stout, Jemima, Hunterdon, and Francis Laban, Hunterdon 1772 Stout, Katherine, Hunterdon, and John Stout, Hunterdon 1730 Stout, Leah, aud Samuel Taylor, Middletown 1761 Stout, Lucy, and Robert Douglass, Burlington 1778 Stout, Margai'et, Hunterdon, and Peter Latorat, Hunterdon 1777 Stout, Mary, Middletown, and Samuel Holmes, Middletown 1749 Stout, Mary, Monmouth, and Herrich Benjamin, Morris 1764 Stout, Mary, Somerset, and Francis Carbines, Somerset 1790 Stout, Mary, Huuterdon, and Jobn Howell, Hunterdon 1772 Stout, Mary, aud Jared Sexton, Hunterdon 1779 Stout, Mary, and Jediah Stout, Hunterdou 1781 Stout, Marj-, and Charles Horn, Hunterdon 1787 Stout, Rachel, Somerset, and Stephen Barton, Somerset 1747 Stout, Rachel, Middletown, and James Patterson, Middletown 1764 Stout, Rachel, Hunterdon, and James Fitch, Hunterdon. 1764 Stout, Rachel, and John Manners, Hunterdon 1780 Stout, Rebecca, Middletown, and Alexander Grant, New York 1763 Stout, Rebeka, Middletown, and Jobn Robins, Upper Freehold 1779 Stout, Ruth, and Ralph PhiUips, Hunterdon 1778 Aug. 19 Oct. 11 Not. 10 Aug. 12 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 May 9 Jau. 23 May 9 July 18 Nov. 27 Jan. 22 May 13 Mar. 7 Oct 26 Dec 30 July 23 Mar. 26 Oct. 23 Nov. 13 May 2 Jan. 7 Feb. 17 Aug. 22 April 2 June 27 May 2 July 27 Nov. 2 Oct 12 Nov. 16 Nov. 21 Jan. 27 Mar. 6 Mar. 14 June 6 Feb. 15 Mar. 21 June 12 Dec 22 Jan. 18 July 25 Mar. 17 Oct 5 Mar. 31 Oct 16 388 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Stout, Sarah, Amwell, and Zebulon Stout, Somerset 1762 Stout, Sarah, Monmouth, and Jobn Pierson, Burlingtou 1766 Stout, Sarah, and Jonathan Hunt, Jr., Hunterdon 1778 Stout, Sarah, aud Azariah Higgins, Hunterdon 1779 Stout, Sarah, and Abraham Runkle, Hunterdon 1779 Stoutenburgh, Elenor, Statenlsland, Abraham Cruse, Staten Island. .1768 Stovelstump, Margaret, Up. Alloways Cr'k, James Pogue, Up. Al. C'k.l776 Stowe, Rebecca, and Thomas PoweU 1776 Strattan, Hannah, and Seth Crispin, Burlington 1779 Strattan, Jane, Burlingtou, and Joshua Norcross, Burlington 1754 Strattan, ,Ruth, and Thomas Sharp, Evesham : . .' 1778 Strattein, Rebecca, Burlington, and Ephraim Clinhuff, Burlington. . .1762 Stratton, Abigail, Burlington, and John Bates, Burlington 1782 Stratton, Amy, Burlington, and Garret Groff, Salem , 1764 Stratton, Anne, Evesham, aud Hugh Sharp, Evesham 1748 Stratton, Catherine. FaUfield, and Henry Sparks, Fairfield 1762 Stratton, Hanuah, and Samuel PhiUips 1769 Stratton, Hester, Burlington, and Isaiah Hunt, Burlingtou - 1766 Stratton, Jane, and Benjamin Sever, Evesham 1783 Stratton, Martha, Burliugton, and Thomas Goforth, Gloucester 1762 Stratton, Mary, Burlington, and Joseph Lewis, Burlington 1733 Stratton, Mary, and Simeon Haines, Burlington 1766 Stratton, Mary, Burlington, and John Hunter, Burlington 1773 Stratton, Phebe, and John AVoodruff 1757 Stratton, Rhoda, and Stephen Bowen, Cumberland 1786 Stratton, Sarah, Burlington, and Conrad Devo, Burlington 1765 Streamback, Elizabeth, and Stephen Van Sickel, Middlesex 1782 Streat, Mary, Salem, and Joseph Fogg, Salem 1775 Street, Lydia, Salem, and Joseph Hildreth, Salem 1759 Stretch, Deborah, and Jacob Corliss, Salem 1791 Stretch, Elizabeth, Philadelphia, and Charles Lyon, Philadelphia 1770 Stretch, Elizabeth, and Asa Jefferis, Salem 1788 Stretch, Hannah, Salem, and John Blackwood, Salem 1770 Stretch, Martha, and Aaron Daniel, Salem 1791 Stretch, Mary, and Josiah Noble 1774 Stretch, Rebecca, and John Stretch, Salem 1790 Stretch, Sarah, and Jonah Platts 1751 Stretch, Sarah, Alloways Creek, and William Smith, Alloways Creek. .1764 Stretch, Sarah, aud Joseph Straughn, Salem 1779 Strechery, Christine, and Oswald'Bush, Gloucester 1782 Strieker, Mary, Somerset, and Jobn Vanderveer, Middletown 1762 Strieker, Mary, Bristol, Pa., and Samuel Soattergood, Burlington 1764 Strickland, Sarah, Bucks, Pa., and Jonathan Abbot, Bucks, Pa 1738 Striokling, Margaret, Freehold, aud Peter Conrey, Freehold 1700 Striker, Elizabeth, and Thomas Skillman, Somerset 1777 String, Rachel, and Paul Priokett, Glouoester 1785 Oct 11 May 15 Dec 30 June 20 April 19 Nov. 21 Mar. 20 June 9 Dec -8 April 10 Dec 7 Jan. 13 Mar. 20 Nov. 15 Nov. 1 Mar. 23 April 3 May 28 Dec 29 Oct 9 Oct. 18 May 28 Nov. 3 Aug. 15 May 13 Oct 23 April 24 May 11 Nov. 1 Mar. 28 June 5 May — April 28 Mar. 29 Feb. 24 Jan. 16 Aug. 27 Jan. 18 July 30 Jau. 25 Sept 18 Dec 11 Nov. 17 Oct 13 Jan. 23 Aug. 5 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 389 String, Sarab, and Joseph Cheeseman, Gloucester 1782 Dec. 18 Stritch, Sarah, aud Ephraim Worthington, Salem 1757 May 18 Strucher, Neiltie, Somerset, and Luke Van Voorhies, Somerset 1747 Oct 3 Stryker, Altie, and Stephen Terhune, Somerset 1782 Dec. 2 Stryker, Anne, Middlesex, and John Schureman, Middlesex 1760 Feb. 22 Stryker, C.-itberine, and Derrick Longstreet, Somerset , 1778 July 28 Stryker, Elizabeth, and John Stryker, New Brunswick 1779 July 10 Stryker, Mary, and Jobn Skillman, Somerset 1778 Dec. 25 Strycker, Anne, Somerset, and Curt Williamson New Jersey 1747 Mar. 22 Stuart, Elly, aud Thomas Hines, Burlington 1784 July 31 Stuart, Jane, Bergen, and David Anderson, Bergen 1768 Mar. 5 Stuart, Mary, Burlington, and George Taylor, Burlington 1742 Jan. 3 StuU, EUzabeth, and James Butler 1749 Sept 13 StuU Patience, Gloucester, and Peter Truax, Gloucester 1730 Deo. 4 Suchum, Sarab, Bucks, Pa., and Peter Williamson, Bucks, Pa 1764 May 22 Suidam, Mary, Somerset, and Leonard Boyce, Middlesex 1752 Aug. 22 Sukelse,! Clautie, Bergen, and Gerrit Krose, Staten Island 1739 June 16 Sullivan, Abigail, Burlington, and John Ogg, Burlington 1746 Nov. 19 SuUivan, Ann, Salem, and Jonathan Bilderbacke, Salem ; 1771 Sept. 30 S'allivan, Elinor, Barlington, and Thomas Bringinham, Burlington — 1740 Nov. 3 Sulwant, Sarab, Pennsylvania, and Soloman Headly, Pennsylvania — 1761 May 22 Summerell, Rachel, and Henry Hewitt, Salem 1773 Feb. 27 Suppler, IsabeU, Gloucester, and Thomas Bright, Gloucester 1768 July 29 Surrell, Mary, and Abraham Hosier, Hunterdon 1768 Jau. 20 Sutfin, Anna, and Andrew Voorhees, Freehold 1757 May 13 Sutfin, Margaret, Monmouth, and WilUam Hulse, Monmouth 1763 June 11 Sutfin, Yocamoncha, Monmouth, and Benjamin Greggs, Moumouth.. ,1763 June 11 Sutphen, Anna, and Adam Bellis, Hunterdon 1778 July 18 Sutphen, Arianche, and Abraham Vanduyn, Somerset 1778 May 18 Sutphen, Charity, and Gereet Veghte, Somerset 1764 Mar. 31 Sutphen, Maria, Freehold, Cbryne Vanmater, Monmoutb 1752 June 12 Sutphen, Mary, Hunterdon, and Jacob Sutphen, Hunterdon 1788 Sept 10 Sutphin, Aida, and John Schanck, Amwell 1770 Oct 10 Sutphin, Autey, and Richard Vanlew, Somerset 1779 AprU 27 Sutphin, Sarab, and Jobn Freeman, Middlesex 1772 June 16 Sutton, Christian, and Joseph Giberson, Middlesex 1774 Mar. 3 Sutton, Elizabeth, Buriington, and Daniel Larson, Bucks, Pa 1763 May 21 Sutton, Martha, Piscataway, • and Benjamin Foster, Piscataway 1751 July 8 Sutton, PriscUla, Piscataway, and Samuel Sharp, Piscataway 1759 July 2 Sutton, Rhode, Shrewsbury, and Joseph Pearce, Shrewsbury 1766 Mar. 13 Sutts, Mary, and Samuel Core, Buriington 1780 Dec. 20 Suydam, Anne, and WUliam WUUamson, Middlesex 1782 Feb. 18 Suydam, Phebe, and John Stryker, Somerset 1781 May 25 Suydam, Sarab, Monmouth, and WUliam Covenhoven, Monmoutb .... 1754 May 28 1 Qy: Siokelse. 390 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Suydam, Sarah, and Benjamin Hegeman, Somerset 1778 Swain, Mary, and Nathaniel Robins, Jr., Burlington , 1779 Swain, Pheby, Cape May, and Henry Stiles, Cape May 1769 Swain, Elizabeth, and John Yates, Cape May 1768 Swain, Jane, Cape May, and George Taylor, Cape Slay 1775 Swain, Jude, Oape May, and George Taylor, Cape May , . . . , 1758 Swain, Martia, Cape May, and Elijah Godfrey, Cape May 1769 Swain, Mary, and John Hunt, Jr., Cape May 1773 Swain, Sarah, Cape May, and Jobn Townsend, Jr., Cape May 1777 Swallow, Mai-y, Amwell, and William Taylor, Amwell 1768 Swallow, Mary, Amwell, and Frederick AVeaser, Amwell 1769 Swart, Sarab, Monmouth, and Johannis Luyster, Monmouth 1758 Swayze, Elizabeth, Oxford, and William Armstrong, Sussex 1778 Sweed, Sarah, Middletown, and William Compton, Jr., Middletown. . .1762 Sweem, Gertruyd, Staten Island, and Christian Vroom, Lebanon 1757 Sweesey, Lidia, and Henry Dusenbery, Hunterdon 1784 Sweet, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Amaziah Lewis, Monmouth 1748 Swem, Micha, and WilUam AValton, Nottingham 1760 Swem, Ruth, Burlington, and Peter Losey, Burlington 1774 Sweeney, Martha, and Enoch Shepard, Cumberland 1757 Swezey, Anna, and Richard Robbarts, Roxbury 1778 Swezey, Susanna, and Anthony Sharp, Roxbury 1778 Swift, Ann, and James Williams, Burlington 1777 Swim, Ann, Middlesex, and John Baker, Middlesex 1736 Swindon, Anna, Monmouth, and Enoch Davis, Monmouth 1762 Swing, Sarah, and Joshua Eaton, Salem 1779 Swinney, Catherine, Salem, and Philip Rice, Salem , . . . 1769 Swinney, Ruth, and Dan Bowen, Camberland 1785 Swort, Rebecca, Monmouth, and James Hubbard, Monmouth 1765 Sydam, Lena, Somerset, and George Boyce, Somerset 1751 Symeson, Elizabeth, Bergen, and Henry Marsh, Bergen 1773 Symonds, Hannah, Burlington, and John Peters, Burlington 1736 Symonds, Sarah, Burlington, and Samuel Bozworth, Burlington 1747 Symons, Lettis, New Hanover, and Godfrey Esto-w, Burlington 1786 MALES. T Taber, Daniel, Shrewsbury, and Hannah Tallman, Shrewsbury 1763 Nov. 5 Taber, Daniel, Shrewsbury, and Sarah Webley, Shrewsbury 1765 Oct 1 Taber, Jesse, Monmouth, and Margaret West, Monmoutb 1749 Dec 16 Taber, Thomas, Gloucester, and Margaret Ragan, Gloucester 1764 April 5 Tabor, Noah, Monmoutb, and Meribah Wilcott, Monmoutb 1748 AprU 12 Tagart, Joshua, PUesgrove, and EUonor Nealson 1756 July 31 Tagg, Edward, Burlington, and Patience Wainwright, Burlington 1739 Jan. 3 Taggart, Jacob, Salem, and Rachael Marshall, Mansfield 1776 June 24 Talbert, AVUliam, Mansfield, and Rachel Antram, Mansfield 1767 Feb. 13 Nov. 2 Mar. 26 July 11 AprU 9 Oct 3 Feb. 9 Nov. 8 Feb. 13 Jan. 8 April 30 Jan. 17 Dec 11 Nov. 19 Mar. 2 April 5 Mar. 29 July 30 June 2 Nov. 14 April 29 May 17 Sept 7 July 2 Not. 1 Oct 20 June 12 Oct 19 April 6 Oct 24 Not. 5 Not. 20 May 24 July 14 Jan. 9 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 39 1 Talbot, AViUiam, Burlington, and Jennet Smith, Burlington 1741 Mar. 31 Talbott, James, Cape May, and Elizabeth Quinton, Alloways Creek. . ,1760 April 9 TaUman, Joseph, Shrewsbury, and Mary Jeffery, Shrewsbury 1766 Nov. 3 TaUman, Samuel, Monmouth, and Rachel Curtis, Monmouth 1765 June 26 Talmage, Abraham, Morristown, and Phebe Pairchild, Morristown 1768 Dec. 2 Talman, Job, Burlington, aud Sarah Soattergood 1736 Feb. 25 Talman, Joseph, Burlington, and Mary Woodward 1736 May 18 Talman, Thomas, Evesham, and Hannah Austin, Evesham 1763 Aug. 18 Tantum, Fraucis, Windsor, and Sarah Hepburn 1762 Mar. 19 Tappen, Abraham, Woodbridge, and Sarah Runalls, Woodbridge. ,. . 1750 Nov. 22 Tappen, Abraham, Woodbridge, and Leah Andrew Vet, Staten Island , 1758 Jan. 9 Tappen, Asher, Morris, and Mary Crinden Valt, Staten Island 1762 Dec. 29 Tappen, Isaac, Middlesex, and Sarah Wilkison, Middlesex 1745-6 Mar. 14 Tappen, WilUam, AVoodbridge, aud Johanna Ayers, AVoodbridge 1762 Jan. 26 Tapscott, James, Upper Freehold, and Sarah Baird 1772 Jan. 28 Tapscott, William, Upper Freehold, and Mary Watson \ 1762 June 25 Tarry, Ephraim, Cumberland, and Judith Platt, Cumberland 1761 Sept 9 Tasso, PhiUppo, Burlington, and Phebe Springer, Burlington 1732 Mar. 6 Tate, William, Salem, and Frances Daily 1733 Aug. 11 Tate, WUliam, Gloucester, and Margaret Seeds 1766 Aug. 12 Tatem, WiUiam, Gloucester, and Mary Bonnell, Somerset 1730 Jan. 14 Tathum, John, Gloucester, and Sarah Lord, Gloucester 1729 Aug. 4 Tatom, John, Gloucester, and Mary Payne 1784 May 27 Taulman, David, Orange, N. Y., and Rachel Harring 1781 Sept 30 Taylor, Aaron, Chesterfield, and Abigail Nutt 1768 July 25 Taylor, Benjamin, Somerset, and Mary Brokaw, Somerset 1742 Nov. 29 Taylor, Benjamin, Mansfield, and Rachel Taylor, Willingborow 1751 April 11 ,^aylor, WUUam, Burlington, and Anna'Taylor, Burlington 1754 June 24 Taylor, Benjamin, Cape May, and Hannah Holden, Cape May 1768 Oct. 3 Taylor, Beriah, Springfield, and Keziah Gaskill, Springfield 1767 Mar. 12 Taylor, Charles, Burlington, and Rachel Horner 1736 June 15 Taylor, Daniel, Cape May, and Rebecca PauUing 1760 Sept. 3 Taylor, Daniel, Bridgeton, and Mary Davis 1778 Feb. 21 Taylor, David, Salem, and Margaret Hawthorn 1773 Feb. 2 Taylor, Edward, Freehold, and AbigaU Ogborn, Middletowu , 1757 Oct 17 Taylor, Edward, Upper Freehold, and Hannah Forman, Up. Freehold 1762 May 24 Taylor, Edward, Kingwood, and Sarah Curtis, Kingwood 1774 AprU 16 Taylor, Ezra, Chesterfield, and Mary Potter 1768 Dec. 19 Taylor, Francis, Cape May, and Rachel Hewet, Cape May 1770 June 1 Taylor, George, Buriington, aud Mary Stuart, Burlington 1742 Jan. 3 Taylor, George, Burlington, and Susannah Clarke, Buriington 1745 Dec. 14 Taylor, George (minor), Middletown, Deborah Carman, Middletowu. .1752 Nov. 30 Taylor, George, Cape May, and Jude Swain, Cape May 1758 Feb. 9 Taylor, George, Monmoutb, and Sally Crowell, Monmouth 1766 July 29 Taylor, George, AmweU, and Mary Berdine, AmweU 1774 June 30 Taylor, George, Cape May, and Jane Swain, Cape May 1775 Oct 3 392 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Taylor, George, Pennsylvania, and Mariby Renear 1779 Taylor, George, Springfield, and Annie Carman 1785 Taylor, Henry, Northampton, and Keziah Wills, Northampton 1764 'Taylor, Israel, AViUingborongh, and Lucy Springer, WiUingborough. . . 1761 Taylor, Isaac, Lancaster, Pa,, aud Jane Jones, Lancaster, Pa 1739 Taylor, JaoolT, Burlington, and Hannah Lame, Burlington 1781 Taylor, James, Shrewsbury, and Elizabeth Jackson, Shrewsbury. .... 1769 Taylor, James, Trenton, and Elizabeth Henry 1779 Taylor, Jared, Willingborough, and Lucy Springer 1751 Taylor, Joel. Nottingham, and Ann Vanderbeke 1780 Taylor, Jobn, Burlington, and Deliverance Robins, Burlington 1739 Taylor, John, Chesterfield, and Sarab Quicksell, Chesterfield 1748 Taylor, John, Monmouth, and Mary Hankinson, Monmouth 1750 Taylor, John, Cape May, and Marcy Buck '. 1759 Taylor, John, New York, and Catherine Wessels, New York 1760 Taylor, John, Cape May, and Sarah Townsend, Cape May 1760 Taylor, John, Cape May, and Mary Hedges, Cape May 1777 Taylor, Jonathan, Burlington, aud Ann Clifton, Burlington 1740 Taylor, Jonathan, Springfield, and Mary Shourds, Springfield 1772 Taylor, Joseph, Monmouth, aud Elizabeth Ashton, Monmouth 1743 Taylor, Joseph, Monmoath, and Anne Hankinson, Monmouth 1747-8 Taylor, Joseph, Willingborough, and Elizabeth Dean, AVillingborough'. 1751 Taylor, Joseph, Lower Freehold, and Ann Bennum 1762 Taylor, Lawrence, Princetown, and Amy Potts 1767 Taylor, Matthias, Down, and Pleasant Sheppard 1781 Taylor, Nicholas, AVaterford, Elizabeth Brooks, Chester, Burl'g'n Co. .1747 Taylor, Peter, Amwell, and Jerusa Lambert, Amwell 1770 Taylor, Robert, Burlington, and Sarah Woodward, Burlington 1728 Taylor, Robert, AVillingborough, and Jane Birdsall, Willingborough. . . 1751 Taylor, Robert, Springfield, and Susannah Tonkin .1762 Taylor, Samuel, Jr., Burlington, and Rebecca Field, Burlington 1741 Taylor, Samuel (minor), Burlington, and Mary Halloway 1760 Taylor, Samuel, Middletown, and Leah Stout 1761 Taylor, Samuel, Evesham, and Hannah Peacock 1779 Taylor, Stacy, Bucks,' Pa., and Frances Hoff 1786 Taylor, Thomas, Burlington, and Anna Lippiucott, Burlingtou 1746 Taylor, Thomas, Salem, aud Hellenah Gardener, Salem 1769 Taylor, Willett, Somerset, and Jane Bogart 1783 Taylor, William, Jr., Chesterfield, and Mary Shinn, Chesterfield 1745 Taylor, WiUiam, Jr., Freehold, and Ester Rullin, Middletown 1762 Taylor, AViUiam, AmweU, and Mary Swallow, Amwell 1768 Taylor, WiUiam, Upper Freehold, and Lucy Imley 1768 Taylor, Zephaniah, Springfield, and Rachel KeUey 1786 Teal, Cornelius, Middlesex, and Lena Giddeman, Middlesex 1760 Tearman, William, Bergen, and Margaret Doremus 1788 Teate, Anthony, New Jersey, and Elizabeth Torbert, New Jersey. ..,.1739 Nov. 13 Oct 10 Mar. 31 May 11 June 11 Mar. 27 June 23 Mar. 10 May 11 Oct 11 Nov. 24 May 10 April 3 Dec 29 Mar. 15 Nov. 8 Mar. 26 Feb. 12 June 3 May 12 Feb. 20 May 8 Sept 25 Jan. 5 Jan. 1 Dec. 21 Oct 18 May 14 April 11 Mar. 10 Oct 3 Feb. 6 Oct 12 Aug. 23 Jan. 1 Aug. 6 Aug. 11 May 29 Jan. 14 April 13 AprU 30 Dec 3 Oct 25 Dec. 19 Oct 18 Mar. 22 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 393 Teeton, Jobn, Gloucester, and Hannah' Briggs, Gloucester 1730 Sept 21 Temple, Nathaniel, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Tindall 1769 Aug. 21 Tenbell, Michael, BurUngton, and Martha Clutch, Burlington 1767 May 22 Ten Broeck, Jobn, Middlesex, and Patience Williamson 1745 Jan. 28 Ten Brook, Jacob, Somerset, and Anne Ten Eick 1781 April 30 Tenbrook, Peter, Hunterdon, aud Amy Chamberlain 1782 July 4 Teneick, Andres, Somerset, and Marretie Vroom, Somerset 1746 Nov. 10 Ten Eick, Andries, Somerset, and Sarah Burger 1781 Feb. 15 Ten Eick, Coanrod, Somerset, and Elizabeth Thompson 1783 Feb. 24 Ten Eick, Conrad, Raritan, and Sarah Rappleyea, Piscataway 1751 Dec. 27 Ten Eick, Conrad, Jr., Somerset, and Alice Bergen, Somerset 1751 Dec. 7 Ten Eick, Jacob, Jr., Somerset,' and Elizabeth Lagrange, Somerset. . . 1768 Feb. 25 Ten Eick, Matthew, RarUan, aud Neltie Tunison, Raritan 1740 Feb. 12 Ten Eick, Peter, Somerset, and Deborah Vanderbeok, Somerset 1751 June 21 Ten Eick, Peter, Somerset, and Judah Angle 1768 Oct 25 Ten Eick, Tobias, Hunterdon, and Anna Vanhorne, Hunterdon 1746 April 29 Tennant, Moses, Maryland, and Rachel Siddon, PhUadelphia 1730 June 3 Tennant, Richard, Trenton, and Margaret Yard, Trenton 1763 Aug. 25 Tennent GUbert, New Brunswick, and Cornelia Clarkson, Somerset. . 1741 Feb. 9 Tennet, Edward, Barlington, and Margaret Smith, Burliugton 1741 Nov. 3 Terheun, Johannes, New Barbadoes, and Catherine Bowert,! Bergen, . 1766 Deo. 8 Terhuen, Stephen, Bergen, and Mariah Bokert, Bergen 1744 Nov. 1 Terhuene, WUliam, Somerset, and Mary Van Nuise 1781 Mar. 24 Terhune, Garret, Hillsborough, and Catherine Van Huise 1778 Sept 3 Terhune, Jacob, Bergen, and Mary Zabriskie 1781 May 6 Terhune, Michael B., Bergen, and Marecbie Houseman 1790 July 24 Terhune, Nicasie, Hackensack, and Leah Powelse, Hackensack 1762 Dec. 16 Terhune, Stephen, Somerset, and Altie Stryker 1782 Dec. 2 TerriU, Ephraim, Essex, and Ann Heard, Middlesex 1763 Mar. 17 Terrill, Jobn, and Anue Johnston, Perth Amboy 1748 Nov. 29 Terrill, John, Perth Amboy, and Sophia Waterhouse 1768 Nov. 1 TerriU (?), Moses. See FerriU. Terrill, WUUam, Perth Amboy, and Elizabeth Skinner 1771 Nov. 7 Terry, Jasper, Palls Township, Pa., Mary Hart, Falls Township, Pa. .1735 July 29 Terry, WUliam, Bucks, Pa , and Eleanor Holmes 1756 May 26 Test, Edward, PUes Grove, and Jane McKoan, PUes Grove 1761 Nov. 18 Test, Edward, Salem, and Hester Shivers, Gloucester 1762 Aug. 30 Test, Edward, Salem, and Susanna Hancock, Salem 1765 Mar. 4 Test, Edward, and Susanna BUderback 1770 _ Jan. 30 Test, Francis, Salem, and Mary Morgan, Salem 1765 Mar. 9 Test, John, Philadelphia and Mary Trenchard, Salem 1749 AprU 11 Test, John, Monmouth, and Anu Keari, Monmouth 1767 Dec 14 Tew, Edward, Philadelphia, and Mary King, Philadelphia 1734 Sept. 30 Tew, Samuel, Gloucester, aud Susanna Collins, Philadelphia 1739 July 23 1 Query: Bogert. 394 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Thaokray, Isaac, Gloucester, and Hannah Gaskill , . 1783 Thackery, Joseph, Gloucester, and Hannah Alberson, Gloucester 1731 Tharp, Job, Woodbridge, and Sarah Sharp, AVoodbridge 1750 Thatcher, Daniel, Amwell, and Katharine Godown, Amwell 1771 Thatcher, Samuel, and Elizabeth Kennedy 1771 Tbickston, Jobn, Piscataway, and Mary Martin, Piscataway 1743 Thickston, Thomas, Middlesex, and Mary Van Sicklen, Middlesex 1741 Thiskstun, WUliam, Middlesex, and Mary Thornell, Middlesex 1763 Thomas, Abraham, Shrewsbury, and Martha Browne 1732 Thomas, Absalom, Burlington, and Mary Springer, Burlington 1750 Thomas, David, Burlington, and Margaret Lucas, Burlington 1746 Thomas, David, Burlington, and Grace Taylor 1757 Thomas, David, Pennsylvania, and Sarah Davis 1783 Thomas, George, New York, and Elizabeth Smitb, Raritan Landing. . 1748 Thomas, Isaac, Salem, and Anne Smith , . . . 1784 Thomas, James, Salem, and Mary Standly 1730 Thomas, James. Burlington, aud Bridget Fitzgerald, Burliugton 1731 Thomas, Job, Woolwich, and Hannah Bennet, AVoolwich 1774 Thomas, John, Chesterfield, and Sarah Wood, Chesterfield 1746 Thomas, John, and Mary Stanton 1756 Thomas, Jonathan, Gloucester, aud Sarah Ellis, Gloucester 1738 Thomas, Martin, Burlington, and Ann Nut 1779 Thomas, Moses, Philadelphia, and Rebecca Verree, Burlington 1742 Thomas, Moses, Mannington, and Margaret AVarner, Mannington ,.., 1766 Thomas, Nathaniel, Monmouth, aud Ann Leeds, Burlington 1738 Thomas, Richard, Windsor, and Sarab Ackerly 1778 Thomas, Ricbard, Great Egg Harbour, aud Elizabeth Wicks 1783 Thomas, Seth, Burlington, aud Elizabeth Borton, Burlington 1774 Thomas, Timothy, AVillingborough, Elizabeth Lucas, Willingborough , 1744 Thomas, Timothy, Burlington, and Bathsheba Gardiner, Burlington , . 1774 Thomas, Thomas, Burlington, and Mary Grimes , 1783 Thomas, AVUliam, Gloucester, aud Rachel Denny 1781 Thompson, Abel, Evesham, and Jemima Kemp 1778 Thompson, Andrew, Hunterdou, and Christina Creeger 1780 Thompson, Benjamin, Salem, and Jemima Hewes, Salem 1764 Thompson, Benjamin, Salem, and Easter Mayhew, Salem 1774 Thompson, Benjamin, AmweU, and Sarah Hill, Amwell 1774 Thompson, Benjamin, Cumberland, and Elizabeth Cleaver, Stow Cr'k. 1778 Thompson, Daniel, Bucks, Pa., and Mary Brown, Bucks, Pa 1767 Thompson, David, Elizabethtown, and Jane Boone, Elizabethtown. . .1740 Thompson, George, Middletown, and Deborah Gayhndd, Middletown. 1763 Thompson, George, Middlesex, and Mary Williamson 1778 Thompson, Henry, Barlington, and Mary Taylor, Burlington 1764 Thompson, Jacob, Alloways Creek, Elizabeth Plomer, Alloways Creek 1775 Thompson, James, Salem, and Mary Draper 1784 Thompson, John, Barlington, and Elizabeth Staples, Burlington 1730 Mar. 11 June 1 Jan. 10 April 27 Mar. 18 May, 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 4 Sept 9 April 28 Oct 27 Aug. 19 Jau. 8 Feb. 7 Dec 1 Dec. 1 Aug. 21 Jan. 20 June 7 Aug. 3 Not. 15 AprU 26 Mar. 17 Jan. 13 Oct. 23 Oct 25 July 2 Feb. 28 Nov. — Aug. 18 Feb. 20 April 24 Sept. 28 July 22 Sept 3 Oct. 1 Nov. 15 Dec. 4 Aug. 2 Nov. 29 Aug. 1 Dec 11 Aug. 31 April 5 Feb. 18 June 11 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 395 Thompson, Jobn, Rhode Island, aud Mary Gifford, Perth Amboy 1743 Thompson, Jobn, Perth Amboy, and Margaret Debois, Staten Island , , 1757 Thompson, Jobn, Burlington, and Jehoshebah Schooley. 1759 Thompson, Jobn, PUesgrove, and Mary Sherry, Pilesgrove 1765 Thompson, John, Bucks, Pa., and Catharine Arkley 1778 Thompson, Joseph, Freehold, and Sary Covenhoven, Freehold 1767 Thompson, Joshua, Salem, and Sarah Hill 1733 Thompson, Robert, Newark, and Mary Ward, Newark 1765 Thompson, Robert, and Mary Hooper , . . . 1779 Thompson, Samuel, Salem, and Deborah Sedden, Salem 1765 Thompson, Staples, Bristol, Pa., and Elizabeth Bodyne 1777 Thompson, Thomas, Burlington, and Mary Spragg 1759 Thompson, Thomas, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Berry 1768 Thompson, Thomas, Salem, and Rebecca Hedge, Salem 1770 Thompson, Uriah, Mansfield, and Elinor Pagan, Mansfield 1771 Thompson, William, Middletown, and Sarah Tyson, Middletown 1760 Thompson, AVUliam, Salem, and Mary Newkirk . . , 1772 Thomson, Butler, Camberland, and Hannah Foster 1779 Thomson, Charles, Cape May, and Phebe Smith 1780 Thomson, James, Middlesex, and Elizabeth McFarran 1751 Thomson, Jobn, Amboy, and Anna McKnight 1742 Thomson, Jobn, Middletown, and Mary Applegate 1746-7 Thomson, Mark, Sussex, and Anu Braokenridge 1768 Thomson, Moses, Freehold, and Sarah Carswell, Freehold 1765 Thomson, Nathaniel, Salem, aud Haunah Wiggins, Salem 1763 Thomson, Samuel, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Beers, Monmouth 1743 Thomson, Thomas, Gloucester, and Martha Motfelt 1785 Thomson, William, Somerset, aud Margaret LesUe, Perth Amboy 1768 Thorn, Daniel, New Jersey, and Elizabeth Sickles 1777 Thorn, Jacob, Middlesex, and Johannah Fitzrandolph 1769 Thorn, Jobn, Jr., Nottingham, and Tace Skirm 1786 Thorn, Joseph, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Licence, Glouoester 1757 Thorn, Mahlon, BurUngton, and Zerinah Page 1761 Thorn, Thomas, BurUngton, and Mary Robins, Burlington 1764 Thorne, Benjamin, Burlington, and Sarah Bunting 1740 Thorne, Henry, Glouoester, and Elizabeth Tice 1775 Thorne, Jobn, Gloucester, and IsabeU Cheesman 1772 Thorne, Samuel, Buriington, and Hannah Clay, Burlington. . : 1730 Thome, Thomas, New York, and Letitia Hinchman, Gloucester 1727 Thornell, Israel, Middlesex, and Catherine FitzRandolph, Piscataway. 1753 Thornell, Joseph, Middlesex, and Mary Thickston, Middlesex 1764 Thornton, James, Bucks, Pa., and Hannah Burroughs, Bucks, Pa ... 1764 Thornton, John, Bucks, Pa., and Sarah Ashburne, Jr., Bucks, Pa 1756 Thornton, Joseph, Pennsylvania, anS Margaret Gale, Pennsylvania. . . 1729 Thornton, Joseph, PhUadelphia, and Jane Ferguison 1787 Thornton, Thomas, Burlington, iind Martha Smith, Buriington 1735 Nov. 20 July 27 Aug. 22 Aug. 10 AprU 24 Feb. 19 April 13 Jan. 30 Sept 17 Mar. 22 April 12 Dec. 29 Oct 22 May 30 Sept 28 Sept 17 Jan. 2 Jan. 26 June 15 Aug. 27 Dec 30 Mar. 2 Nov. 1 July 18 Sept. 17 May 24 Feb. 15 Nov. 2 Aug. 5 Dec. 30 Mar. 29 Feb. 19 Feb. 23 Jan. 16 April 14 Mar. 12 Oct 9 Oct 22 July 29 Jan. 1 Dec 12 Juue 27 Oct 28 Dec 24 June 7 June 2 396 NEAV JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Thornton, Thomas, Middlesex, and Mary Haines, Elizabethtown 1761 Mar. 23 Thorp, Norris, Perth Amboy, and Isabella Herriott 1765 April 9 Thorp, Benjamin, Middletown, and Jlener Hoffmire, Middletown. 1761 Sept 30 Thrasher, Adam, Philadelphia, and Mary Gudjon 1769 Mar. 27 Throckmorton, Hartness, Freehold, and Susannah AVilliams, Freehold. 1757 April 21 Throckmorton, James, Shrewsbury, and RosiiaVumort,! Shrewsbury. 1767 Jan. 2 Throckmorton, James, Middlesex, and Mary Nephews 1780 April 17 Throckmorton, Job, Monmouth, and Mary Morford, Monmouth 1743 AprU 4 Throckmorton, John, Monmouth, and Sarah Holmes, Monmonth. . . . 1739 Dec. 24 Throckmorton, John, Monmoutb, and Abigail Talman, Monmoutb. ..1740 Oct 6 Throckmorton, John, Monmouth, and Lydia West, Shrewsbury 1752 Oct 3 Throckmorton, Joseph, Jr., Monmoutb, Mary Forman, Monmouth ... 1747 May 4 Throckmorton, Samuel, Amboy, and Catherine Franses, Monmouth. . . 1755 Nov. 1 Throckmorton, AVUliam, Morris, and Sarah Giller, Morris 1759 Deo. 15 Throp, William, Upper Freehold, and Betheney Applegate 1773 - Mar. 26 Tice, George, Cumberland, and Pinea Smith 1788 Oct 14 Tice, Gisbert, Freehold, and Rebeckah Holmes 1756 Mar. 2 Tice, John, Freehold, aud Mary Gould, Freehold 1758 Oct 17. Tice, Peter, Freehold, and Christian Erickson, Freehold 1750 Feb. 23 Tice, AVUliam, Freehold, and EUzabeth Tomson, Shrewsbury 1757 Dec. 21 Tices, John, Cumberland, and Hannah Kenton 1786 July 31 TUl, John, Mount Holly, and Anne Banks 1784 Sept 16 TiU, WUliam, Philadelphia, and Damarus Douglass, Trenton. 1746 Oct 24 TiUyer,. John, New Jersey, and Susannah Holmes, Middlesex 1745 April 18 TiUyer, William, Somerset, and Martha Griggs, Somerset 1744 June 6 Tilton, Abraham, Burlington, and Elizabeth Rogers 1781 Jan. 15 Tilton, Benjamin, Middletown, and Mary Hageus, Middletown 176.7 Feb. 19 TUton, Daniel, Freehold, and Mary Van Nort, Lower Freehold 1747 Nov. 16 Tilton, John, Monmouth, and Rebekah Applegate. Monmouth. 1744 Aug. 14 TUton, John, Aliddletown, and Elizabeth Lane, Middletown 1742 Feb. 15 Tilton, John, Middletown, and Frances Thomson, Middletown 1752 Mar. 14 Tilton, John, Buriington, and Elizabeth Vause, Croswicks 1758 Mar. 7 Tilton, John, Shrewsbury, and Elizabeth Gifford 1766 July 23 Tilton, Joseph, Moumouth, and Katherine Mount, Monmouth 1739 June 13 Tilton, Joseph, Freehold, and Mary Patterson, Freehold ,...1749 Mar. 23 TUton, Joseph, Shrewsbury, and Deborah Potter, Shrewsbury 1767 July 28 Tilton, Nathaniel, Middletown, and EUinor Johnston, Middletown. . . . 1761 Jan. 10 TUton, Peter, Monmouth, and Margaret Imlay, Monmouth 1745 Jan. 29 TUton, Peter, Middletown, and Hannah Edwards, Middleto-wn 1765 June 8 Tilton, Samuel, Moumouth, and Elizabeth Willet, Monmouth 1744 Feb. 4 Tilton, Samuel, Monmouth, and Mary Passel, Somerset. 1749 Jan. & Tilton, SUas, Monmouth, and Phebe Mo-ant, Monmouth 1739 Nov. 3 Tilton, SUvester, Monmouth, and Hannah Vahan, Monmouth 1739 April 3 TUton, Thomas, Middletown, and Mary Thomson, Middletown 1758 June 17 1 Or Vurnort. Possibly Van Noordt is meant MARRIAGE LICENSES. 397 Tilton, WilUam, Freehold, and Amey AVhite, Shrewsbury 1765 Tinbrook, John, New Brunswick, Elizabeth Outhout, New Brunswick, 1745 Tindal, Isaac, Gloucester, and Anne Marland, Gloucester 1729 Tindall, John, Trenton, and Catherine Anderson 1768 Tindall, John, Middlesex, aud Hannah Knight 1769 TindaU, Joseph, Salem, and Sarab Loyd, Salem 1771 Tindall, WUUam, New Windsor, and Mary Cubberly, New Windsor . . 1770 Tindol, Joseph, Middlesex, and Susanah Sayer 1781 Tinglen, Jeremiah, Elizabeth, and Esther Leddel, Elizabeth 1778 Tipples, Jobn, Monmouth, and Catherine Dome, Monmouth 1762 Titler, George, Orange, N. Y., and Mary CargU 1784 Tittus, John, Shrewsbury, and Abigail Pintard, Shrewsbury 1754 Titus, Francis, Bucks, Pa., and Mary Clark, Bucks, Pa 1734 Titus, Francis, Jr., Bucks, Pa., and Jean Fagen, Bucks, Pa 1763 Titus, Jacob, Pennsylvania, and Elizabeth Moon 1777 Titus, John, Perth Amboy, and Lydia Brittain , 1742 Titus, Johnson, Hunterdon, and Anna Stout 1778 Titus, Joseph, Hopewell, and Pelatiah Moon 1764 Titus, Samuel, Hunterdon, and Elisabeth Baldwin 1778 Titue, Solomon, Hopewell, and Susanna Read 1779 Titus, Stephen, Hopewell, and Mary Smith 1782 Titus, Timothy, Pennsylvania, and Martha AVright, Pennsylvania 1764 Titus, Timothy, Jr., Hunterdon, and Isabel Ther 1779 Titus, Timothy, Hunterdon, and Patience Hoff 1779 Titus, Samuel, Hunterdon, and Mary Drake 1784 Tobey, Isaac, Amwell, and Phebe Thomson, Amwell 1775 Todd, Andrew, Somerset, and Sarah Yandle, Hunterdon 1771 Toers, Garret, Bergen, and Margaret Van Winkle, Essex 1759 I'oers, Jacob, Bergen, and Cathinely Kip, Essex 1753 Tole, Richard, New York, and Sarah Eatton, Shrewsbury 1761 Tolkinton, Joseph, Bristol, and Elizabeth Stackhouse 1781 Tolyn, Michael, Gloucester, and Catharine Gyge 1774 Tomkins, Jobn, Chester, Pa., and Elizabeth Gother 1733 Tomlins, Matthew, Gloucester, and EUzabeth Ervin, Gloucester 1772 TomUnson, George, Slow Creek, and Anne Ware 1778 Tomlinson, Isaac, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Shivers, Gloucester 1766 Tomlinson, WiUiam, Bucks, Pa., and Sarah Montgomery, Bucks, Pa, .1769 Tomson, Richard, Cape May, and Raamah Corsen, Cape May 1741 Tompson, WiUiam, Deptford, and Martha Reeves, Deptford 1768 Tomson, Benajah, and Elizabeth Peters 1778 Tomson, Cornelius, Monmouth, and Katharine Cleayton, Monmouth. . 1747 Tomson, Jobn, Middlesex, and Agnes Baker, Middlesex 1749 Tomson, John, and Rebekah Huglan, Alexandria 1784 Tomson, Ricbard, Cape May, and Marget Nickerson 1764 Tomson, Thomas, Monmouth, and Annie Taylor, Monmoutb 1741 Tomson, Thomas, Freehold, and Jane Furman, Freehold 1770 Aug. 5 July 27 Sept. 10 Juue 1 Dec 4 Oct 16 Mar. 28 Dec 14 July 5 July 17 June 4 Jan. 12 June 19 Aug. 17 July 24 June 30 Dec 30 Nov. 12 Feb. 13 April 6 Jan. 4 Aug. 21 Jan. 5 Feb. 6 Dec 15 April 17 Jan. 26 Nov. 23 June 12 June 23 May 15 Jan. 17 April 11 Mar. 20 May 6 Aug. 20 Dec 30 Dec 19 Sept 12 Deo. 4 Jan. 5 July 17 Mar. 23 Dec 31 Dec 8 Oct. 22 398 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Tone, Jobn, Monmouth, aud Margaret Harvey, Alonmouth 1742 Tone, Thomas, Somerset, and Tenty Hance, Alonmoutb 1775 Tonkin, Charles, aud Esther SmaU 1734 Tonkin, Edward, Burlington, and Mary Cole, Gloucester 1733 Tonkin, Edward, Springfield, and Hepziah Ridgeway. 1777 Tonkin, Samuel, Burlington, and Elizabeth Inskeep, BurUngton 1765 Tonkins, Jacob, Burliugton, and Mary Sikes, Barlington 1778 Tool, Peter, Evesham, and Mary Wagner, Burlington 1772 Toole, John, Barlington, and Susanna Leland, Burlington 1740 Toorner, Richard, Perth Amboy, aud Catharine Tomson, Middlesex . .1751 Topham, Mathew, Burlington, and Catherine McKeaman 1731 Topping, Joshua, Bui-lington, and Elizabeth Brooks 1778 Torn, John, Burlington, aud Sarah Bennet 1778 Tost, WilUam, Bristol, Pa., and Sarab Sinclair, Bristol, Pa 1765 Totten, Gilbert, Staten Island, and Mary Butler 1769 Totten, Thomas, Richmond, N. Y., Catherine HUlard, Richm'd, N. Y.1760 Totten, Zebulon, Staten Island, and Mary Doty 1770 Town, Thomas, and Elizabeth Rece 1759 lowers, John, Philadelphia, aud Phoebe Leake 1779 To-wnsand, Amos, Cape May, and Martha Hand, Cape May 1745 Townsend, Charles, Pennsylvania, and Abigal Emrie, Pennsylvania. . . 1730 Townsend, Daniel, Gt Egg Harbour, Lydia Sawins, ! Gt Egg Harb'r . 1769 Townsend, David, Cape May, and Hanah Osbum. 1767 Townsend, Elijah, Great Egg Harbour, and Suzanah Ingerson 1774 Townsend, Elijah, Cape May, and Judith Townsend 1775 Townsend, Henry Young, Cape May, aud PriscUla Ludlum 1769 Townsend, James, Cape May, and Abiah Hand, Cape May 1740 Towser, Jeremiah, Cumberland, aud Elizabeth Kimme 17 — Townsand, John, Cape May, and Tabitha Young, Oape May 1740 Townsend, John, Cape May, and Druzellah Townsend 1770 Townsend, John, Jr., Cape May, and Sarah Swain, Cape May 1777 Townsend, Joseph, Burlington, and Elizabeth ScnU, Burlington 1735 Townsend, Joshua, Cape May, and Elizabeth Shaw 1787 Townsend, Jotham, Cape Alay, and Rachel Cresey 1768 Townsend, Jotham, Oape May, and Elizabeth Corson, Cape May 1776 To-wnsend, Judah, Lower Penns Neck, and EUzabeth Pedrick 1771 Townsend, Reddook, Burlington, and Alary Covenoven, BurUngton . . 1736 Townsend, Robert, Cape M ay, and Jane Shaw 1763 Townsend, Robert, Cape ilay, and Rebecca Richardson. . . , 1767 Townsend, Rudduck, Gloucester, and Elisabeth IngursoU 1765 Townsend, SUvauus, Cape May, and Prissillah Richardson 1778 Townsend, Thomas, Cape May, and Rebecca Mattucks 1789 Toy, Andrew, Pennsylvania, and Rachel Ellis, Pennshairkin 1775 Toy, Daniel, Bm'lington, and Sarah Bennet, Burlington 1756 1 Or Sarvins. May 1 Nov.' 2 Aug. 7 May 7 Mar. 18 May 10 Feb. 11 Feb. 13 Sept 22 Nov. 8 Mar. 18 Nov. 11 April 19 Oct 12 Jan. 23 Nov. 22 May 26 Feb. 16 Oct 29 Oct 10 May 18 Dec 3 Mar. 26 Oct 24 April 20 May 9 Jan. 7 AprU 20 Oct 10 Jan. 8 Mar. 6 Nov. 23 Nov. 14 May 21 Oct 23 Dec 9 Oct 4 June 1 July 25 Dec 30 Aug. 3 Sept 29 Dec 29 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 399 Toy, Frederick, and Hannah Shinn 1784 Sept. 8 Toy, Hezekiah, Gloucester, and Anne Tylee 1773 Not. 30 Toy, Jacob, Burlington, and Mary Merrill 1777 Oct 17 Toy, James, Chester, and Mary Duell 1788 Mar. 27 Toy, Jobn, Burlington, and Sarab Maxfield, Burlington 1780 Sept 3 Tradway, Henry, Burlington, and Anue Driver, Burliugton 1685 Dec. 8 Trafford, Samuel, Monmouth, and Content Bills, Monmouth 1749 Dec. 29 Traphagen, Jonathan, Bergen, and Catharine Doremus, Bergen 1770 Sept. 23 Traphagen, WUliam, Bergen, and Martintie AVestervelt 1785 June 2 Traves, Abraham, and Hannah Van Ostraut 1779 June 3 Travis, Robert, Freehold, and Phebe Lestraing, Freehold 1761 Oct. 24 TreadweU, Jabez, Moumouth, and Naomi Parker, Monmouth 1744 Nov. 5 Treat, Samuel, Barlington, and Agues Hollinshead, Burlingtou . . . 1774 Oct. 13 Trenchard, Curtis, Salem, and Elizabeth Tuff, Salem 1771 Aug. 30 Trenchard, Curtis, Salem, and Susannah Dickinson 1778 July 20 Trenchard, John, Camberland, aud Theodosia Ogden, Fairfield 1770 June 25 Trimble, WUliam, Gloucester, and Hannah McCue 1775 Jan. 19 Trimmer, David, Morris, and Margeret Pickle 1778 June 13 Trimmer, Jacob, Roxbury, and Mary Trimmer 1778 Mar. 24 Troth, William, Evesham, and Elizabeth PhiUips 1 787 Feb. 6 Trom, George, Shrewsbury, and Jane McCoUys, Shrewsbury 1761 Oct. 5 Trout, John, Chesterfield, and Anne Rookhill, Mansfield 1750 July 31 Truax, John, Middlesex, and Margaret Mount, Monmouth 1743 Nov. 8 Truax, Peter, Gloucester, and Patience StuU, Gloucester 1730 Dec. 4 Truax, Rulif, Freehold, and Mary Johnston, Freehold 1761 Jan. 26 Truax, WiUiam, Middletown, and Susannah Pew, Middletown 1753 Sept 17 Trueaxe, Elias, Monmouth, and Jemima Simons, Monmouth 1760 Jau. 26 Trueaxe, EUas, Monmouth, and Bethena Pitman, Monmoutb 1761 Jan. 26 Trnemau, David, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Giriee, Gloucester 1730 Oct 19 Tmex, Samuel, Middletown, and Johanna Wilson 1747 Mar. 28 Trumis, Benjamin, Burlington, and Jane Kelly, Springfield 1764 Feb. 24 Tucker, Bishop, Springfield, and Sarah Wilson 1778 Mar. 6 Tucker, George, Trenton, aud Catharine Nugeant 1764 Oct 18 Tucker, George, Galloway, and Briggett McCoUum 1784 Not. 14 Tucker, Major, Burlingtcn, and Sarab QuickseU, Burlington 1754 June 6 Tuckett, Edward, Hunterdon, and Charity Peachee, BurUngton 1732 June 19 Tuckney; Henry, Burlington, and Ann Vaughn 1733 Oct 16 Tudor, Johu, BurUngton, and Elizabeth Rowlan. 1769 Sept 20 TueUe, Jobn, and Judith MorreU 1692 Not. 2 Tuft, Brothwait, Salem, and Dorothy Pledger, Mannington 1762 Oct 11 Tuft, Brathwate, Lower Penns Neck, and Christiana Richman 1771 AprU 4 Tuft, WUliam, Salem, and Elizabeth Beesely, Salem 1763 Jan. 2 Taleman, Cornelius, Bergen, and Mary Honyeman, Bergen 1760 AprU 7 Tuly, Jonathan, Buriington, and Martha Brown, BurUngton 1758 June 22 Tuly, Thomas, Burlington, and Mary Scott, BurUngton 1729 Sept 13 Tunis, Benjamin, BurUngton, and Dorothy Higginbottom, Buriington. 1745 Aug 23 400 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. 'Tunison, Cornelius, New Jersey, aud Tannica Brower, Middlesex 1749 Tunison, John, Bridgewater, and Elizabeth Campbell, Somerset 1772 Tunison, PhUip, Middlesex, and Deborah Lugrange, Somerset 1748 Tures, Abraham, Bergen, and Bariche Bercote, Bergen 1749 Turner, John, Salem, and Hannah Hall 1733 Turner. Ricbard, Perth Amboy, and Margaret Alford, Woodbridge.. . .1762 Turner, Robert, Gloucester, and Abigail Burne, Gloucester 1738 Turner, Thomas, Philadelphia, and Ann Roberts, Philadelphia 1736 Tumer, WiUiam, PhUadelpbia, and Mary King 1761 Turner, AVoodbuU, Essex, and Elizabeth Tomson, Middlesex 1748 Tussey, Joseph, Salem, and Jane Wood, Salem 1761 Tustin, Thomas, Perth Amboy, and Ann AA'"eeks 1761 TuthUl, Samuel, Morris, and Sarah Kenuey, Morris 1751 Tuttell, Caleb, Morris Town, and Mary Pairchild, Morristown 1779 Tuttell, Daniel, Burlington, and Elizabeth Rogers, BurUngton 1761 Twining, David, Newton, and Elizabeth Lewis, Newton 1762 Twining, Nathaniel, Perth Amboy, Mahitabel Richards, Perth Amboy. 1756 Twining, Thomas, Kingwood, and Elizabeth Crooks 1781 Tyler, Job, Cumberland, and Rachel Sayre 1782 Tyler, WiUiam, Salem, and Elizabeth Thomson, Salem 1 737 Tyson, George, Chester, and Mary Rue, Chester 1763 Tyson, John, Amwell, and .Ann Ent, Amwell 1772 Tyte, Thomas, Middletown, and Grace Stanley, Middletown 1753 FEMALES. T Taber, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and David Row, Gloucester 1738 Tabert, Margaret, Monmouth, and Michael Hulit Monmouth 1767 Tabor, Hulda, Moumouth, and Peter White, Monmouth 1747-8 Tabor, Peacable, Monmouth, and AViUiam Chadwick, Monmouth . . . .1761 Tacber, Mary, Sussex, aud Stephen Shiner, Sussex 1769 Tafft Sarah, Burlington, and Benjamin Mackarang, Burlington 1749 Taller, Elizabeth, and Matthew Gill, Jr., Gloucester 1785 TaUor, Lydia, Gloucester, and Amariah Dolbon, Gloucester 1774 Talbott, Catherine, Burlington, and Edward Pierce, Burlington 1730 Tallman, Elizabeth, aud Uz Leech, Burlington 1781 Tallman, Hannah, Shrewsbury, and Dauiel Taber, Shrewsbury 1763 Tallman, Hannah, Burlington, and James Buxton, Burlington 1773 Tallman, Hannah, Burlington, and Joseph Edwards, Burliugton 1782 Tallman, Lucy, Shrewsbury, and Amos AVite, Shrewsbury 1766 Tallman, Martha, Monmouth, and Thomas Seabrook, Monmouth. . . . 1768 Tallman, Martha, aud John Lawrence, Burlington 1759 Tallman, Mary, and John Reoklys, Mansfield 1781 Tallman, Sarah, Monmouth, and Michael Cook, Monmouth 1757 Talman, AbigaU, Monmoutb, and John Throckmorton, Monmoutb 1740 Talman, Elizabeth, Burlington, aud William Gamble, Burlington 1776 Talman, Hannah, and Isaac Rogers, Monmoutb 1757 AprU 29 Nov.- 16 Jan. 30 Feb. 12 Sept 1 Dec 6 Jan. 8 Nov. 30 June 29 Dec 3 Dec. 1 Oct 5 Sept 9 Nov. 30 July 29 May 1 Mar. 2 Sept 27 Oct 21 June — Dec 2 June 6 Oct. 26 Sept 6 July 19 Jan. 22 Jan. 7 Jan. 30 Oct 27 Aug. 15 Feb. 22 Jan. 19 May 22 Nov. 5 May 20 May 16 April 3 Oct 11 Nov. 14 June 12 Feb. 28 Oct 6 June 15 Sept 29 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 401 Talman, Kizia, Gloucester, and Samuel Harrison, Jr., Gloucester 1761 AprU 10 Talman, Lydia, Burlington, aud Isaac Shreve, BurUngton 17SI Mar. 29 Tanner, Hester, Burlingtou, and Jobn itiller, Burlingtou 1764 Oct 3 Tanner, Lydia, aud Samuel Reovos, Burlington 1779 May 31 Tanner, Susanna, and Christopher Sands, Evesham I779 Jan. 4 Tansej", Mai-garet, aud Israel ElweU, SiUem 1773 Deo. 15 Tantum, Ann, Burliugton, aud Israel Hewlings, Burlington , , 1740 Oct 10 Tautum, Msu'tha, and RioJiard Sohooley, J lorris 1751 May 25 Tantum, Swirb, Burlington, and Jonathau Lovett, Burlingtou 1741 May 7 Tappen, Sarah, AVoodbridge, aud Isaac Freeman, AVoodbridge 1742 Nov. 23 Tarapin, Ann, Gloucester, and James Somers, Glouoester 1763 July 6 Tatem, Patience, Gloucester, and Joseph Coffey, Burlingtou 1768 Jan. 20 Tatem, Deborah, Deptford, and WUliam Ivimsey, Deptford. 1748 Dec. 19 Tatum, Elizabeth, and Biutholomew Eggmen, Burlingtou 1759 Nov. 26 Tay, Elinor, and James Aqderson, Burlington 1777 Oct 17 Taylor, .Ann, Buriiugton, and Jouathan Quicksall, Burlington 1744 Sept 17 Taylor, Ann, aud Samuel Slater. Kingwood 1767 Nov. 19 Taylor, .inn, Nottingham, nnd Isaac Rogoi-s, Now AVindsor 17(58 July 6 Taylor, Ann, Amwell, aud Ralph Shank, Amwell 1774 Oot S Taylor, Anu, and John Haines, Burliugton 1781 Oet. 6 Taylor, .Anna, Burlingtou, and Benjamin 'laj-lor, Burlingtou 1754 June 24- Taylor, .Aune, Burlingtou, and William Hirbj', Burlingtou 1735 April IS Taylor. .Vnne, Springfield, and Jacob Sbutz,l Springfield ; 1765 Oot, 21 Taylor, Annie, Monmoutb, and Thomas Tomsou, Moumouth. 1741 Dec. S Taylor, Catherine, aud WUUam Gifford, Burliugton 1734 May 16 Taylor, Catharine, Monmoutb, and John .Ashton, MonuioutU 1741 June 2 Taylor, Catharine, Upper Freehold, and John A''auKirk, Freehold 1761 May 13 Taylor, Catharine, Burlingtou, and Ricbard Borden, Jr., Burlingtou. . .1772 Sept '21 Taylor, Charity, AVoodbridge, iind AVUliam Freeman, AA'oodbridge . . . 1750 Dee. 5 Taylor, Deborah, Moumouth, nud Joseph Cooper, Monmouth 1741 Dec. Taylor, Deborah, aud Thomas Cox, iloumouth 1767 Nov. 4 Tajlor, Editb, and Joseph Lamb, BurUngton 1782 Jlay '27 Taylor, Elizabeth, Chester, Pa., and John Jlorris, Chostor, Pa 1742 Feb. IS Taylor, Elizabeth, Monmoutb, and Samuel Curtis, Jlonmonih 1766 Miu-. 4 Taylor, Elizabeth, and Benjamin Middleton, Gloucester 1775 AprU 29 Taylor, Elizabeth, and William Hodson, Burliugton 1777 Sept 2 Taylor, ElUnei', Freehold, nud Thomas Vandyoke, Freehold 1754 Sept 3 Taylor, Grace, and David Thomas, Buriington 1757 Aug 19 Taylor, Hannah, Monmouth, and Jacob Gibbins, Monmonth 1737 May 4 Tavlor, Hannah, Monmouth, aud AVUliam Carlile, Monmoutb 1764 April 16 Taylor, Hannah, Springfield, and Jobn Zellfv. Springfield 1773 Jan. 7 Taylor, Helena, Middletowu, nnd Gideon Crawford, Freehold 1754 Dec 15 Taylor, Helena, Monmouth, ixnd Daniel Oovenhovou, Monmouth 1 . 57 Aug. 15 Taylor, Jaue, and WiUiam Smith, Perth Amboy 1747 May 5 I Or Sliuts, 25 402 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Taylor, Jaue, Bturlington, and James CabUl, Burlington 1768 Taylor, Jemima, Essex, and Caleb Baldwin, Essex 1747 8 Taylor, Katherine, Monmouth, aud Jobn Ashton, Monmouth 1742 Taylor, Kesiah, and Absalom Ewing, BurUngton 1778 Taylor, Lucretia, Burlington, and John I^orsylh, BurUngton 1768 Taylor, Lydia, Bordentown, and WiUiam French, Mansfield 1748 Taylor, Lydiah, Cape May, and CorneUus ScheUinger, Cape May 1756 Taylor, Margaret, Bucks, Pa., and Robert Gregg, Bucks, Pa 1737 Taylor, Margrat, Freehold, and ComeUus Schenck, Freehold 1765 Taylor, Martha, Monmouth, and John Shepperd, Monmouth. 1742 Taylor, Alary, Monmouth, and John Niles, Monmonth 1750 Taylor, Mary, Burlington, and Henry Thompson, BurUngton 1754 Taylor, Mary, and -John McCormick, Cape May 1 759 Taylor, Mary, Freehold, and Jobn Vanderveer, Freehold 1760 Taylor, Alary, and Simon Deheart 1764 Taylor, Mary, Burlington, and PhUUp Bowne, Burlington 1765 Taylor, Mary, and WUUam Ellis, BurUngton 1779 Taylor, Mary, Monmouth, and Ricbard Cox, Alonmouth 1750 Taylor, Patience, and Joseph Sever, Evesham 1780 Taylor, Phoebe, Moumouth, and John Heury, Middlesex 1768 Taylor, Phebe, and Nicholas Elvertson, BurUngton 1777 Taylor, Rachel, WiUingborough, and Benjamin Taylor, Mansfield 1751 Taylor, Rebekah, Monmoutb, and David Clayton, Jr., Monmouth Taylor, Rebekah, Monmouth, aud Jarrett Morford, Monmouth 1742 Taylor, Rachel, Burlington, and John Vaite Bechtolde, Burlington . . . 1742 Taylor, Rebecca, Monmouth, and John Forman, Monmouth 1750 Taylor, Ruth, Cape May, and Elisha Hand, Cape May 1774 Taylor, Sarah, Burlington, and Joseph RockhUl, Burlington. 1728 Taylor, .Sarah, Monmouth, and Robert Hankirson, Monmouth. 1 734 Taylor, Sarab, Burlington, and Joseph Homer, BurUngton 1763 Taylor, Sarah, Monmouth, and Thomas ilorf ord, Monmouth 1765 Taylor, Sarah, and John Voorhies, Jr, , Bridgewater 1789 Taylor, Susannah, Chesterfield, and Solomon RockhUl, Burlington . . . 1749 Taylor, Susaimah, Cumberland, and John Blizard, Jr., Cumberland. .. 1776 Taylor, Temperance, and Matthew Dixon Drummond, Cumberland. . . 1784 Tearney, Ann, Burlington, and Peter CavaUer, Burlington 1739 Teel, Abiah, and John Golder, Cumberland 1777 Teffary, Grace, Shrewsbury, and Vincent White, Shrewsbury 1755 Telf, Alary, and Aaron Day 1779 Temple, Jane, Himterdon, and Patrick Dohady, Hunterdon. 1764 Ten Brook, Hannah, and Jacob WUUamson, Amwell 1785 Ten Brook, Trinchey, Somerset, and Jacob Van Neste, Somerset 1746 Tenbroyct, Catharine^ Somerset, and Abraham WUliamson, A in well . . 1773 Tencher, Hannah, and John Woolston, Burlington. 1738 Ten Eick, Aune, aud Jacob Tenbrook, Somerset 1781 Ten Eick, Nelly, and Jeromas Vanderbelt, Somerset 1781 June 29 Jan. 19 Aug. 19 Mar 6 Jan. 5 Sept 20 Dec 14 Nov. 2 July 3 Dec 13 Jan. 23 Aug. 31 April 20 May 17 April 9 Mar. 11 Oct 15 Jan. 19 Mar. 27 Mar. 23 Dec 8 April 11 Jan. 3 Oct 4 Mar. 21 Jan. 26 May 26 Jan. 8 Jan. 3 Jan. 21 -Jan. 25 Aug. 8 June 4 Jan 3 Feb. 11 Dec 6 April 14 Jan. 16 Mar. 26 Mar. 22 AprU 11 May 6 May 23 AprU 30 Aug. 16 MARRIAGE LICENSES. TeneUr, Jane, Somei-set, and Thomas Vanhorne, Hunterdon 1749 Ten Eyck, Catherine, Somerset, and Gerrit Van Wagener, Somerset. ' 1745 Ten Eyck, Caty, and Rulef Van Pelt, Bridgewater I782 Ten Eyck, EUzabeth, Huuterdon, and Richard Hall, Somerset. ..' . ' " 1741 Ten Eyck, Mary, Somei'set, and Jaques Vanderbeok, Somerset. ...... 1749 Tenick, Haunah, Somerset, and William Mackeny, Somerset 1749 Teunisson, Charity, Somerset, and Jobn Sebring, Middlesex. .'....' 1748 Terhoon, Nelly, and Peter Cornell, Middlesex 1780 Terhun, Marytje, and Christian Zabriskie, Jr • ^ '...... 1771 Terhune, Anna, and Garrit R. Garritson, Somerset . . ] 1778 Terhune, Catrina, and Henry Dorames, Sussex ' " 1771 Terhune, EUzabeth, Bergen, and Hendrick Hoppe, Bergen 1770 Terhune, Gertrude, and Thomas Banta, Bergen 1766 Terhune, Leah, and Johu Van Emburg, Bergen I7 Terhune, Letitia, and James Huysemau, Bergen 1782 Terhune, Marritie, and Enoch Freeland, Bergeu 1788 Terhune, Lydia, Bergen, and Casparus Kugh, Bergen 1760 Terhune, Polly, and Christian Zabriskie, New Barbadoes 1771 Terhune, Weyntje, and Nicholas I. Zabriskie, Bergen 1788 Terks, Jane, and Jacob Smitb, Somerset 1778 Terp, Catrina, and Andriec Haelderon ; 1771 Terrey, Sarah, Burlington, aud WiUiam Bunting, Burlington 1743 Terry, Jane, Bucks, Pa., and Robert Smith, Bucks, Pa 1745 Terry, Rhoda, and Samuel Heaton, Cumberland 1783 Tewksbury, Rachel, Burlington, and Jacob Mason, Burlington 1763 Thackera, Hannah, Gloucester, and Peter Champion, Gloucester ... 1740 Thackerell, Hannah, and Daniel Smith, Burlington 1767 Thackery, Deborah, Pennsylvania, and Nathan Bradway, Salem 1771 Thackery, Mary, and Benjamin Bates, Gloucester 1777 Thackery, Sarah, and Isaac Albertson, Gloucester. 1782 Thala, Mary, and Frederick Muscat, Burliugton 1768 Tharp, Elizabeth, and Edward Freeman, Middlesex 1746 Tharp, Sarah, Piscataway, and Samuel Compton, Piscataway 1763 Thorpe, Elizabeth, Monmouth, aud Jonathan Cooper, Monmouth. . . 1767 Thatcher, Margaret, Hunterdon, and Daniel Mershon, Hunterdon . . 1763 Ther, Isable, and Timothy Titus, Sen., Hunterdon 1779 Thickston, Mary, Middlesex, and Joseph Thornell, Middlesex 1764 Thimble, Elizabeth, Burlington, and AVUliam Edgman, Burlington 1754 Thomas, Ann, and Jobn PleadweU Priest, Gloucester 1773 Thomas, Anne, Burlington, and David Carstlake, Burlington 1774 Thomas, Anne, Hunterdon, and George Rode, Hunterdon 1750 Thomas, Elizabeth, EUzabeth, and Joseph Decamp, Elizabeth 1756 Thomas, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Joseph Meirs, Monmouth 1763 Thomas, Elizabeth, and Matthias Kerlin, Burlington 1772 Thomas, Given, Bucks, Pa., and Morris Morris, Bucks, Pa 1734 Thomas, Lydia, Burlington, and WiUiam Rigden, Pennsylvania. . . . 1765 403 June 17 April 20 Jan. 11 Aug. 12 Oot 17 Aug. 7 Oot. 1 Nov. 29 Mar. 4 AprU .10 Jan. 8 Nov. 5 Sept 6 April 8 Dec 12 June 5 Dec 24 Sept 18 Dec 18 Deo. 19 Sept 14 Feb. 29 Jan. 20 May 12 Nov. 9 Oct 14 Dec 3 Dec 24 Sept. 6 May 7 Dec 6 Sept. 30 July 31 Mar. 19 Dec 8 Jan. 15 Dec 12 Jan. 7 June 21 Jan. 29 July 13 June 6 Dec. 3 Nov. 18 Aug. 6 Jan. 27 404 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Thomas, Lydia, and John Joralaman, Somerset 1782 Thomas, Margaret, and Samuel Rogers, Burlington 1783 Thomas, Mary, Bucks, Pa., and Robert Carter, Bucks, Pa 1733 Thomas, Mary, Essex, and Robert Milburn, Essex 1761 Thomas, Mary, and Peter Vanskiach, Freehold 1761 Thomas, Mary, Jr., aud James Starkey, Bucks, Pa 1762 Thomas, Mary, and Daniel Donally, Burlington , 1777 Thomas, Prudence, and AVUliam Hews, Burlington 1767 Thomas, Sarah, Philadelphia, and John BaU, Chester, Pa 1747 Thomas. Sarah, Pennsylvania, and Nathan Field, Pennsylvania 1770 Thompson, Aun, and Nicholas Gibbon, Cumberland 1786 Thompson, Charity, and Thomas AA'right, Burlington 1756 Thompson, Damey, and Thomas Rj'ueir, Mansfield 1783 Thompson, Dillilah, and David Bennet, Cumberland 1780 Thompson, Elenor, Perth Amboy, and Philip Carhart, Hunterdou 1757 Thompson, Elisabeth, Somerset, and Nehemiah Vernon, Somerset 1749 Thompson, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and Burroughs Abit, Gloucester . . , 1764 Thompson, Elizabeth, aud William Carpenter, Salem , 1767 Thompson, Elizabeth, and Daniel Manata, Bucks, Pa 1777 Thompson, Elizabeth, and Coanrod Ten Eick, Somerset 1783 Thompson, Grace, Alloways Creek, and Daniel Brown, Virginia 1750 Thompson, Honor, and Barnard Hanlon 1777 Thompson, Jane, Bridgeton, and Eli Eliner, Cumberland 1781 Thompson, Margery, Perth Amboy, and Henry Norwood, New York 1769 Thompson, Martha, Salem, and Edward Moore, Salem 1746 Thompson, Mary, Perth Amboy, and James Carman, Perth Amboy. . , 1751 Thompson, Mary, and George Bomen, Burlington 1760 Thompson, Mary, and Jedidiah Allen, Salem 1761 Thompson, Mary, Salem, and .James Finlaw, Salem 1762 Thompson, Mary, Somerset, and Daniel Castner, Jr., Somerset 1775 Thompson, Nelly, Monmouth, and William Hanninson, Monmouth . . . 1762 Thompson, Rebecca, and Henry Delatush, Burlingtou 1761 Thompson, Rebecca, and John Selpath, Mansfield 1763 Thompson, Rebecca, and William Berry, Salem 1768 Thompson, Rebecca, aud PhUip Carney, Hunterdon 1777 Thompson, Sarah, Salem, and WiUiam Hancock, Salem 1765 Thompson, Sarah, and Jobn Smith, Salem 1778 Thompson, Susannah, Burlington, and George May, Burlington 1742 Thomson, Anu, and George Green, Burlington 1780 Thomson, Agnes, and Ricbard Bates, Freehold 1745 Thomson, Barbery, Monmouth, and John Brown, Monmouth 1743 Thomson, Cornelia, Middlesex, and John Baldwin, Middlesex 1764 Thomson, Deborah, Cape May, and Da"vid Edwards, Cape May 1772 Thomson, Elizabeth, Salem, and William Tyler, Salem 1737 Thomson, Elizabeth, and Johu Anderson, Monmouth 1773 Thomson, Frances, Middletown, and Jobn Tilton, Middletown 1752 June 3 Not. 21 Aug. 30 Not. 2 Oct 21 Oct 7 April 4 Oct 10 AprU 22 July 23 April 27 Aug. 26 Jan. 7 April 12 July 25 Not. 2 Aug. 25 July 29 Dec 15 Feb. 24 Jan. 26 Nov. 5 Feb. 13 June 8 Nov. 10 May 12 June 9 Nov. 25 June 7 May 8 Aug. 23 Dec. 16 Aug. 27 May 27 Nov. 16 Oct. 30 Sept 2 Jan. 24 Oct 15 Nov. 7 Jan. 23 Nov. 30 Jan. 20 June — Mar. 9 Mar. 14 Marriage licenses. 405 Thomson, Margaret, Perth Amboy, and Isaac Doty, Long Island 1747 Oct 2 Thomson, Margaret, Perth Amboy, and William Stone, Perth Amboy, 1752 Aug. 19 Thomson, Marsey, Cape May, and Isaac Hand, Cape May , 1730 April 3 Thomson, Martha, New Brunswick, AVUliam AVilliamson, New B'w'ok. 1741 April 20 Thomson, Martha, Burliugton, aud Thomas Cutler, Burliugton 1766 April 29 Thomson, Mary, Morris, aud Joseph Ogden, Morris 1751 Aug. 31 Thomson, Mary, Middleton, and Thomas Tilton, Middletown 1758 June 17 Thomson, Mary, and Abiel Cook, Jr., Monmouth 1765 Juue 17 Thomson, Mary, aud Benjamin Van Cleave, Lower Freehold 1770 Deo. 11 Thomson, Mary, Philadelphia, and Patrick Flanagan, Huuterdon 1773 July 30 Thomson, Phebe, Amwell, aud Isaac Tobey, Amwell 1775 April 17 Thomson, Rachel, Piscataway, and John Stelle, Piscataway; 1739 Juue 16 Thomson, Rachel, Middletowu, and Ezekiel Smith, Freehold 1752 Mar. 7 Thomson, Rebecca, Middlesex, and Peter Knap, Middlesex 1753 May 26 Thomson, Sarah, Middletown, Hendrick Hendrickson, Middletown. ..1751 April 3 Thomson, Susannah, Perth Amboy, Benjamin Carman, Middletown . . 1763 Oct 10 Thorn, AbigaU, and Isaac Shreve, Slansfield 1784 April 17 Thorn, Elizabeth, and AValter Vansky ver, Burlingtou 1769 Oot 2 Thorn, Mary, aud Cornelius Hendrickson, Monmoulh 1767 Jan. 28 Thorn, Miriam, aud Richard Marsh, Moumouth 1765 Oct 26 Thorn, Rebeca, Upper Freehold, nud Amos AVood, Upper Freehold. . . 1769 Mar. 6 Tbom, Sarab, Middletown, and Johu Dennis, Middletown 1757 June 27 Thorne, Abigail, Glouoester, and William Harrisou, Gloucester 1759 Mar. 6 Thorne, Abigal, Evesham, aud Melchizedek Peacock, Evesham 1767 May 21 Thome, Deborah, Gloucester, and Isaac .^Ibertson, Gloucester 1761 Jau. 29 Thome, Elizabeth, Gloucester, and Samuel Hugg, Gloucester 1761 AprU 15 Thorne, Jaue, Gloucester, and Nathan Alberson, Glouoester 1764 Jan. 17 Thorne, Kessiah, and Jobn Kay, Glouoester 1779 Nov. 2 Thorne, Mary, BurUngton, aud Thomas Hay, Buriington 1746 May 20 Thorne, Mary, Gloucester, and Robert Fr'd Price, Haddonfield 1761 Mar. 7 Thornell, Hannah, Morris, nnd Edward Demun, Sussex 1773 AprU 9 TorneU, Mary, Middlesex, and William Thickston, Middlesex 1763 Jau. 4 ThomeU, Sarah, aud Bareut Reyneerson, HiUsborough 1779 Mar. 6 Thornton, Martha, Middlesex, and Jobn Crow, Middlesex, 1765 Jau. 25 Thorp, Mary, Middlesex, nnd Samuel Munday, Middlesex 1755 Mar. 26 Thrackrey, Elizabeth, and Jonathan Strattan, Salem 1 779 Mar. 17 Throgmorton, Jane, aud Thomas Forman, Jloumouth 1769 Oct. 31 Throgmorton, Sarah, Freehold, and Jonathan Furman, Freehold, . . 1745-6 Feb. 11 Throckmorton, Marj', Freehold, and Reuben Foster, Freehold 1760 June 21 Throckmorton, .-Vnua, Monmoutb, and Josiah Halstead, Monmouth. .1756 May 30 Throckmorton, Catharine, Middletown, Richard Norris, Slirewsbury. .1765 Nov. 19 Throckmorton, Elizabeth, nnd Johu Stevenson, New York 1754 June 14 Throckmorton, Elizabeth, Monmouth, James Hankinson, Monmouth. 1757 May 25 Throckmorton, Hannah, and Thomas Hankinson, Monmouth 1748 Dec 17 Throckmorton, Mary, Freehold, aud Eden Norris, Shrewsbury 1767 Sept. 3 Tbrodcmorton, Patieuco, nnd Amice Grandine, Monmouth 1732 Sept. 23 406 NEaV JERSEY COLONtAL DOCUMENTS. Throckmorton, Patience, Shrewsbury, Daniel WooUey, Shrewsbury .. 1 758 Throckmorton, Sarab, Monmoutb, aud Stephen HavUand, Monmoutb. 1748 Throckmorton, Sarah, Monmouth, and Daniel Grandin, Monmouth. . 1749 Throckmorton, Sarab, Monmoutb, and Edward Clayton, Monmouth. .1765 Throckmorton, Susannah, Monmouth, and Robert Francis, Monmouth. 1765 Throp, Margaret, New Windsor, and Anthony Swum, New Brunswick. 1764 Thuler, Elizabeth, and Matthias Mount, Burlington 1771 Thurston, Sarab, Woodbridge, and John Arden, New York 1758 Tice, Anua, Middletown, and AVUUam Snyder, Freehold. : 1757 Tice, Anne, Freehold, and David Watson, Freehold. '. 1752 Tice, Anne, aud Robert Chew, , Gloucester 1778 Tice, Caterine, and Peter Banue, Bergen 1780 Tice, Elizabeth, aud Henry Thorne, Gloucester 1775 Tice, Haunah, Gloucester, and John Cane, Gloucester 1761 Tice, Hannah, and Johu Gibson, Gloucester 1782 Tice, Mary, Freehold, and Tice Derrickson, Freehold 1765 Tice, Mary, and Peter Hunsinger, Gloucester 1780 Tiler, Berthena, and William OomweU, Gloucester " 1782 TUlton, Hannah, Upper Freehold, and Joseph KUley, Upper Freehold. 1747 TiUton, Patience, and John Bunting, Jr., Burlington 1768 Tilton, Deborah, Monmouth, and Joseph Lawrence, Jr., Monmouth. .1766 TUton, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Humphrey Wall, Monmouth 1763 Tilton, Hannah, Upper Freehold, and Joseph Killey, Upper Freehold. 1747 Tilton, Hannah, aud Joshu Williams, Hanover 1771 Tilton, Mary, Monmouth, and Samuel Lawrence, Monmouth 1766 Tilton, Mary, Monmouth, and Garret Bennet, Monmouth 1760 Tilton, Mary, and Ephraim Brick, Moumouth 1765 TUton, Mary, Somerset, and John Lafler, Somerset .- 1771 Tilton, Meriam, Shrewsbury, and Edmund AVilliams, Shrewsbury. 1762 Tilton, Phebe, Middletown, and Humphrey Wadj-, Shrewsbury 1760 Tilton, Sarah, Monmouth, and Jonathan Combs, Perth Amboy 1743 TUton, Sarab, Freehold, and Samuel Willet, Readington 1752 Tilton, Susannah, Monmouth, and Peter Fernerl, l Monmouth. ... 1742-3 Tilton, Valeria, Middletown, and Silvanus Grover, Middletown 1757 Tilton, A^aleriah, Monmouth, and William Hay, Monmouth 1764 Tilts, Anna, and John Smitb, Amwell 1778 Tindall, Elizabeth, and Nathaniel Temple, Hunterdon 1769 Tindall, Joanna, Burlington, and John Holder, Burlington 1736 Tindall, Ruth, Gloucester, and Isaiah Ross, Gloucester 1733 Tingley, Rachel, aud Thomas Smith, Barnards 1778 Tinnbrooks, Anna, and Richard Stout, Middletown 1751 Tioli, Elizabeth, PhUadelphia, and Thomas Yorke, PhUadelphia 1771 Titus, AbigaU, Shrewsbury, and Melatiah White, Shrewsbury 1760 Titus, Anna, Huuterdon, and Samuel Ege, Hunterdon 1774 1 Or Fernall. Aug. 8 AprU 30 Sept 20 Dec 4 April 8 Sept. 22 Aug. 5 Sept 4 Sept 12 Nov. 20 Dec 23 July 13 Mar. 12 Sept 24 April 8 Mar. 14 July 25 May 13 Aug. 20 Mar. 4 Feb. 22 Aug. 25 Aug. 20 Sept 25 Not. 13 Sept 10 Sept 9 AprU 4 Aug. 11 Feb. 28 June 9 Not. 28 Mar. 4 Dec 1 Mar. 27 Oot 26 Aug. 21 Feb. 9 June 22 July 8 Not. 20 July 1 Jan. 2 May 28 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Titus, Euphamia, and George Faitoute, Monmouth 1779 Titus, Hannah, and Daniel Stilwell, Hunterdon 1780 Titus, Laura, and Daniel Hoff, Hunterdon 1769 Titus, Olive, and Daniel McCarty, Bucks 1733 Titus. Rebecca, and Simeon Phullips, Hrmterdon 1769 Titus, Sarah, Hunterdon, and WUliam Mershon, Hunterdon 1764 Titus, Sarab, and James A'an Hart, Bucks, Pa 1787 Todd, Elizabeth, and David AVUley, Sussex 1768 Toers, Lena, Essex, and Johannis Vanhouten, Essex 1746 ToUet, Mary, Shrewsbury, and John White, Monmouth 1739 Tomlin, DrussiUa, Gloncester, and Benjamin Bramin, Gloucester. 1768 Tomlins; Elizabeth, Gloucester, and Job Coles, Gloucester 1771 Tomlinson, Elizabeth, and Thomas Hackney, BurUngton 1788 Tomlinson, Mary, and WUliam Fithian, Cumberland 1785 Tomlinson, Naomy, and George Conrow, Burlington 1788 TomUnson, Pbebe, and Isaac Barker, Cumberland 1778 TomUnson, Rebecca, BurUngton, and WiU Baites, Gloucester 1741 Tompson, Margaret, and Simeon Iszard, Cape May. '. 1774 Tompson, Mary, Monmouth, and James Napier, Monmouth 1741 Tompson, Rebekah, Monmoutb, and David Clayton, Jr., Monmoutb. . 1745 Tompson, Sarah, PhUadelphia, and Henry Price, Philadelphia 1735 Tompson, Sarah, Monmouth, and James Moorhead, Middlesex 1747 Tompson, Susannah, Gloucester, and John Handbey, Glouoester 1735 Tomson, Catharine, Middlesex, and Rich.ard Toorner, Perth Amboy. .1751 Tomson, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and WoodhuU Tumer, Essex 1748 Tomson, EUzabeth, Shrewsbury, and William 'lice, Monmouth 1757 Tonkan, Elizabeth, Burlington, and WUliam Bustill, Burlington 1687 Tonkin, Elizabeth, Burlington, and George B jwlby, Burlington 1737 Tnnlrin Keziah, and Benjamin Van Leer, Gloucester 1774 Tonkin, Mary, Burlington, and Thomas Carpenter, Burlington 1774 Tonkin, Susannah, and Robert Taylor, Springfield 1762 Tool, Mary, Burlington, and Robert Page, Burlington 1761 Topham, Hannah, Gloucester, and John Dukemanere, Gloucester 1749 Topping, EUzabeth, Burlington, and John Whittier, Burlington 1741 Topping, Jane, Burlington, and Joseph Woolston, BurUngton 1737 Topscot, Lucy, and Jobn Longstreet, Alonmouth 1769 Torbert, Elizabeth, New Jersey, and Anthony Teate, New Jersey 1739 Tomere, Ann, Perth Amboy, and Richard Walker, AVoodbridge 1746 Totlerson, Elizabeth, Hunterdon, and James Clark, Hunterdon 1775 Touleman, Mary, and Daniel Vorhis 1762 Tours, Nancy, and John Garritson 1783 Towers, Mary, PhUadelphia, and George Watson 1741 Towler, Lydia, and WUliam Robinson, Deptford 1774 Townley, AbigaU, Elizabethtown, Martin Pendergast, EUzabethtown. .1759 Townsend, Abiah, and Charles Foster, Cape ilay 1764 Townsend, AbigaU, Gloucester, and PhUip ScuU, Gloucester .1737 407 Not. 4 Mar. 23 Sept 19 Oct 25 Feb. 8 Feb. 27 June 5 June 18 Dec 1 June 25 Feb. 27 Feb. 7 April 16 Nov. 17 June U May 19 Aug. 6 Jan. 26 Dec 10 Dec. 24 July 9 AprU 16 Jan. 13 Nov. 8 Dec 3 Dec' 21 Jan. 3 Aug. 17 AprU 21 April 12 Mar. 10 May 5 May 15 Mar. 7 Dec 22 Jan. 28 Mar. 22 June 3 Oot. 14 July 31 AprU 24 Feb. 20 June 17 Nov. 10 Oct 16 Sept 14 408 NfeW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Townsend, Abigail, Gloucester, and Thomas Champion, Gloucester. . . 1763 Townsend, Druzellah, and John Townsend, Cape May 1770 Towusend, Elisabeth, and WUliam Mitchell, Cape May. 1774 Townsend, Hannah, Cape May, and Jacocks Swain, Cape May 1774 Townsend, Judith, and Elijah Townsend, Cape May 1775 Townsend, Memriah, Gloucester, and Amariah Lak, Gloucester 1760 Townsend, Martha, and Jeremiah Hand, Cape May 1763 Townsend, Mary, and Joseph Ingersol, Gloucester 1766 Townsend, Mary, Cape May, and Elnathan Shepherd, Cumberland. . .1766 Townsend, Mary, and Joseph Ireland, Gloucester 1767 Townsend, Mary, and David Adams, Salem 1775 Townsend, Phebe, Cape May, and James Godfrey, Cape May 1765 Townsend, Rachel, and Giles Worth, Cape May 1770 Townsend, Rebekah, and Gideon Badcock, Gloucester 1768 Townsend, Rhoda, and Jeremiah Johnson, Cumberland 1789 Townsend, Sarah, Philadelphia, and Jacob Carver, Philadelphia 1753 Townsend, Sarab, Cape May, and Jobn Taylor, Oape May 1760 Townsend, Sarah, Cape May, and Jeremiah Hand, Cape May 1790 Toy, Ann, Barlington, and Samuel Goldy, Burlington '. 1770 Toy, Elizabeth, and Joseph Reeves, Northampton 1782 Toy, Mary, Burlington, aud Samuel BuUus, Burlington 1775 Toyrsoott, Lydia, and James Gaston, Monmouth 1773 Tozer, Easter, and Joseph Mason, Cape May , 1763 Tracy, Ann, Salem, and Thomas Fitz Gerrald, Salem 1767 Trambles, Rachel, Elizabethtown, and James Frazee, Middlesex 1770 Transes, Catherine, Monmouth, and Samuel Throckmorton, Amboy. . . 1755 Traphagen, CorneUa, Hunterdon, and Christophel Vogbte, Hunterdon. 1749 Traphagen, Cornelia, and Andrew Bray, Hunterdou 1780 Traphagen, Rachel, aud Johu Van Waggoner, Bergen 1786 Traverrie, Mary, Monmoutb, and Henry Dumont, Middlesex. 1743 Treadwaj', Keziah, and John Groff, Glouoester 1773 Tredway, Emily, and Samuel AVood, Woolwich 1779 Tredway, Lucy, Gloucester, and William Kimsey, Gloucester 1737 Tremble, Aun, Middlesex^ aud Duncan McCarty, Middlesex 1749 Trenchard, Jane, Salem, and William Hall, Philadelphia 1773 Trenchard, Mary, Salem, and Jobn Test, Philadelphia 1749 Trendwell, Margaret, Burlington, and Barzilla Ivins, Burlington 1767 Trenton, Ann, Burlingtou, and Ambrose Ewan 1739 Trimbly, Hannah, and John Staats, Bound Brook 1776 Trimley, Catharine, Elizabethtown, and John Noe, AVoodbridge 1748 Trimmer, Mary, Morris, and Caleb Sweze, Morris 1768 Trimmer, Mary, and Jacob Trimmer, Roxbury 1778 Triulare, Margaret, Cumberland, and Ansell Long, Camberland 1750 Troth, Mary, and Peter Lippincott 1783 Trotler, Elizabeth, and Hammond Beaumont 1768 Trout, Anna, and Martin Johnson, Hunterdon 1779 May 5 Oct 10 Nov. 21 Feb. 10 April 20 June 4 July 12 Feb. 15 Mar. 8 April 21 Oct 3 Feb. 26 Mar. 14 Aug. 23 June 2 July 14 Nov. 8 Jan. 21 Sept 29 Aug. 8 July 29 AprU 20 Jan. 7 Mar. 4 Sept 3 Nov. 1 AprU 14 Dec 3 July 21 Dec 20 July 17 Dec ,7 May 16 May 27 Nov. 1 April 11 Oct 8 April 30 April , 19 Dec 27 Dec. 2 Mar. 24 Dec 10 Dec. 10 Nov. 17 Sept 18 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 409 Troup, Elizabeth, Morris, and Benjamin Johnson, Essex 1767 Trout, Margarret, Monmouth, and John Cosman, Monmouth. , 1756 Trout, Mira, and Samuel Shreve, Mansfield 1771 Trout, Sarah, and Samuel Hill, Hunterdou 1787 Truax, AUce, Freehold, aud Matthias Van Kirk, Freehold 1753 Truax, Catharine, Monmouth, and Joseph Winter, Monmoutb 1742 Truax, Catherine, Middletown, and Andrew Dorsett, Middletown. ... 1757 Truax, WiUimpe, Monmoulh, and David Barry, Moumouth 1774 Truex, Jemima, Middletown, and .Peter Van Blarcom, Hackensack 1761 Truex, Mary, Freehold, and Thomas Craig, Freehold 1748 Tucker, Hannah, and Joseph Brown, BurUngton 1772 Tucker, Margaret, Shrewsbury, and Jobn Wardell, Burlingtou 1761 Tucker, Sarab, and Samuel Hutchins, Burlington 1768 Tuckniss, Ann, Burlington, aiid Robert Caten, Burlington 1760 Tuerse, Petertie, Bergen, and Garret Steyamets, Essex , 1744 Tuff, Elizabeth, Salem, and Curtis Trenchard, Salem 1771 Tuff, Jean, Salem, and Thomas Moore, Salem 1730 Tuite, EUzabeth, Trenton, and Peter Kemble 1749 Tuley, Mary, Burlington, and Thomas Bowlby, Morris 1749 TuUington, Ellen, Pennsylvania, and William Eaton, Pennsylvania. . .1728 Tullis, Anna, Cumberland, and John AValUng, Camberland 1761 Tuly, Ann, Barlington, and Godfrey Hancock, Burlington 1754 Tunis, Sarah, Middletown, and John Smock, Middletown 1780 Tunison, Catharine, Middletown, and Jobn Swart, Middletown 1764 Tunison, EUinnar, Monmoutb, aud Cornelius McCleese, Moumouth. . . 1756 Tuuisoii, Neltie, Raritan, and Matthew Ten Eick, Raritan 1740 Tunison, Sarah, and Zebulon Compton, Somerset 1764 Tunisson, Wooltie, and Garret Roseboom 1742 Turner, Ann, Burlington, and Jouathan Soott, Barlington. 1780 Turner, Anne, Evesham, and Christopher Vanzant, Evesham 1770 Turner, Dinah, and John Lame, Barlington 1 780 Tamer, Joanna, and Andrew Dilkes, Gloucester 1777 Turner, Margaret, Gloucester, and Samuel Chew, Gloucester 1765 Turner, Margaret, and Thomas McGee, Burlington 1780 Turner, Mehitabel, Newark, aud Nathaniel Wheeler, Newark 1761 Turner, Priscilla, Burlington, and Henry Scott, Burlington 1749 Turner, Rebecca, and John Coyne, Glouoester 1775 Tusley, Elizabeth, Middlesex, aud Samuel Crow, Middlesex 1751 TuthUl, Jinne, and Lewis Dunham, Morris 1777 Tuttle, Abial, and Jeremiah Cramer, Monmouth '. 1738 Tuttle, Hannah, and Charies Hoff, Jr 1778 Tylee, Anne, and Hezekiah Toy, Gloucester 1773 Tyler, Hannah, and John Potts, Cumberland 1782 Tyler, Jerushia, Northampton, and Benjamin Springer, Northampton, 1747 Tyler, Mary, and WiUiam Payday, Camberland 1785 Tyler, Ruth, Alloways Creek, and John Ware, Alloways Creek 1778 Dec 12 June 9 Jan. 26 June 6 May 14 Sept. 9 July 21 Sept 17 Oct. 31 July 5 April 15 Oct. 26 Oct 10 Dec 9 Nov. 12 Aug. 30 April 15 Oct 20 June 12 Aug. 4 Mar. 25 June 25 AprU 25 Juue 11 April 24 Feb. 12 Dec. 14 Feb. 4 Nov. 4 Nov. 7 May 1 April 1 Aug. 26 Feb. 10 Oct 27 Aug. 7 April 18 Aug, 21 May 3 Sept 19 Sept 5 Nov. 3 Oot 19 Mar. 9 June 8 Dec 30 410 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Tyler, Sarah, Alloways Creek, and Samuel Stewart, Alloways Creek. . . 1765 Oct 30 Tylej', Elizabeth, and Jacob Clement, Gloucester 1741 Oot 17 Tyley, Naomi, Salem, aud Jonathan Lippincott, Salem 1770 Deo. 6 Tyly, Mary, and Thomas Clement, Gloucester 1737 May 30 Tyre, Barbara, Glouoester, and DaTid Dayton, Gloucester .1761 Sept 9 Tj'son, Catherine, Middlesex, and WiUiam Wood, Somerset 1752 Oct 23 Tyson, Jane, Monmouth, aud Joseph DaTis, Monmouth , 1739 Sept 28 Tyson, Mary, Morris, and Andrew Soolen, Morris. '. 1761 Dec. 29 Tyson, Sarah, Middletown, and WUliam Thompson, Middletown 1760 Sept 17 Tytas, Hannah, and John Jolly, Hunterdon 1786 Oct 28 MALES. u Underwood, John, PennsylTania, Huldah Donnelson, PennsylTania. . . 1728 July 29 Updike, Joshua, Hunterdon, and Ann Green, Hunterdon 1738 July 15 Updike, Peter, Somerset, and Mary Van Camp 1779 Feb. 9 Updike, WUliam, Middlesex, and Anne Hutchinson 1761 Not. 10 Ute, Jacob, Middletown, and Mary Potts, Middletown 1749 Sept 18 UTail, William, Bergen, and Elsse McCain, Bergen 1763 June 11 FEMALES. u Ullrich, Catherine, and John George Bloomer, Salem 1771 May 21 Underdunk, Rachel, and James Van Nuis, Middlesex 1780 Mar. 7 Updike, Sarah, aud Jeremiah Wood, New Jersey. 1778 May 29 Updike, Elizabeth, and Jaaob Mattison, Jr., Huuterdon 1779 Deo. 10 Uralman— see Joraleman and Vralmon. Ustick, Deborah, and Michael Lowey 1750 June 16 Utt, Mary, Middletown, and William Smith, Middletown 1751 Sept 14 MALES. Van Van Aaersdale, PhUip, and Hannah Maoknish, Middlesex. . . ; 1750 April 9 Van Alen, Hendrick, Bergen, and Tamise Halenbeck, Bergen 1761 Jan. 20 Van Alen, John, Bergen, aud Elizabeth Post 1782 Jan. 10 Van Alen, WiUiam, Bergen, and Garritje Vanhorn, Bergen 1773 Mar. 27 Van Allan, William, Pompton, and Hanuah Van Norde, Hackensack. . 1765 April 7 Vanallen, Garret, Bergen, and Leah Vreeland 1779 Aug. 2 Van Antwerp, James, Jr., Orange, N. Y,, and Ann Bogert 1783 Sept 29 Van Antwerp, John, Orange, N. Y., and Elizabeth Bogart 1780 Mar. ,20 Van Arsdale, Rulif, Somei'set, and Lenah Dorland. . 1779 Oot 18 Vanarsdalen, Aereys, ! Somerset, and Sarah Garretson, Somerset. ..... 1747 Mar. 22 Vanarsdalen Jorge, Somerset, and Letty Rider 1781 Feb. 8 Vanarsdalen Joseph, Somerset, and Elizabeth Van Cleaf 1771 Jan. 13 V: Blarcom, Henry, Aquackanonck, and Elizabeth Zabriskie 1784 July 12 Van blarcOm, Peter, Hackensack, and Jemima Truex, Middletown 1761 Oct. 31 1 Aaron, in the body ol the bond, but signed Aereys, intended tor Aerie, the Dutch for Aaron. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 4II Van Blisbem, 1 Samuel, Bergen, and Suckey Quackinbos 1780 Jau. 1 Van Boskerk, Jan, Bergen, and Mereke Vanderlinde, Bergen 1749 July 7 Van Boskerk, John, Hackensack, aud Dorothy Van Norden 1760 Juue 30 Van Brackel, Gisbert, and Rachel Dorset, Middletown 1743 April 30 Van Brackel, Stephen, Moumouth, and Elisabeth Sears, Monmouth. 1747-8 Jan. 9 Van Brackel, Stephen, Monmoutb; and Zeruiah Crawford, Freehold 1748-9 Mar. 22 VanBrackle, Gisbert, Monmouth, and Margaret Wilson, Middletown. 1741 Jan. 30 Van Brackle, James, Monmouth, and Mary Johnson, Monmouth. .. . 1754 July 6 Van Brackle, John, Freehold, and Alice Holmes, Freehold 1749 Feb. 28 Van Brunt, Hendrick, Shrewsbury, and Nelle Skank, Middletown 1766 Dec 21 Van Brunt, Isaac, Long Island, and Annatie Voorhies, Somerset 1761 Mar. 20 Van Brunt, Nicholas, Shrewsbury, Catharine Covenhoven, Middletown. 1767 Jan. 1 5 Vanbrunt, Rutgart, Kings Co., N. Y., aud Elenor Vanhorn, Harsemus.1767 Nov. 30 Van bueren, Somerset, and Jannetie Hendrickson, Somerset 1750 Oct 15 V: Buskirk, Abraham, Bergen, and Sophia Van Dam, Bergen 1760 Nov. 22 Van Buskirk, Jacobus, Hackensack, and Vrowtje Banta, Hankensack. .1765 Oot. 24 'Van Buskirk Jacobus, Bergen, and Sally Vreelant 1787 Dec 12 Van Buskirk, John, Bergen, and Wyntye Ackerman 1789 Sept. 17 ' Vanbnshkirk, James, Bergen, Vrowtje Van Buskirk, Bergen 1774 June 29 Van Campen, Abram, Sussex, and Rachel Vanaker, Sussex 1761 Oct, 29 Van Campen, Johh, Northampton, and Rachel Johnson, Hunterdon. . . 1763 Aug. 29 Van Cleaf, "A^'UUam, Middletown, and Deborah Smith, Middletown. . . . 1762 April 7 Van Cleave, Benjamin, Lower Freehold, Mary Thomson 1770 Dec. 11 Vancleave, Jobn, Hunterdon, and Mary Hart 1780 Nov. 20 Vancleeve, Benjamin, Jr., Monmouth, Lenah Covenhoven, Moumouth. 1741 Aug. 1 Van Cleeve, Benjamin, Monmouth, and Sarah Covenhoven, Monmouth .1763 July 1 1 Van Cleeve, Cornelius, Monmouth, and Anne Lefferson, Monmouth. .1765 June 17 Van Cleeve, John, Freehold, and Elizabeth Mount, Middletown 1767' Mar. 3 Van Corlaer, Arent, Middlesex, and Mary Lake, Middlesex 1743 Sept 23 Van Court, CorneUus, Moreland, Pa., and Mary Robertson, Amwell. . . 1775 Dec. 23 V: Court, EUas, Jr., Middlesex, and Mary Kelly, Middlesex 1748 Juue 30 Vaneourt, Moses, Trenton, and Elizabeth Stillwell 1777 Dec 4 Van Court, Moses, Pennsylvania, and Louisa De Normandie 1780 Feb. 1 Vanculin, Jobn, Salem, and Sarah Smitb, Salem 1771 Sept 1 1 V: Dalsem, 3 Henry, New Barbadoes, and Nasha Zabriskie 1781 April 28 Van Dalsem, Jobn, Tappan, and Helena Goetohius 1784 Sept 21 Van Dalsem, WiUiam, New York, and Charity Harring 1786 July 26 Vandeford, John, Camberland, and Catharine ShuU 1778 Jan. 29 Vaudene, Albert, Bergen, and Rachel Ackerman, Bergeu 1753 Nov. 12 Vanderbeok, Abraham, and Margaret Godwin 1779 Aug. 15 Vanderbeok, Benjamin, Windsor, and Jannathy Dye 1771 Dec 11 Vanderbeok, Isaac, Hackensack, and Rachel Ryerson, Saddle River. . .1767 Nov. 23 Vanderbeok, Jaques, Somerset, and Mary Ten Eyck, Somerset 1749 Oct 17 1 Qy; VanBlirkem. 2 " Henry Van Delsem " in the body of the bond. Signed "Henry V. Dalsem." 4X2 NEW JERSEY COLONtAL DOCUMENTS. Vanderbeek, Rem, Windsor, and Mary Height 1773 Vanderbek, Cornelius, Somerset, and Anne Bond, Somerset 1752 Vanderbelt, Aron, Monmouth, and Cbarity Van Mater, Middletowu. . .1762 Vanderbelt, Hendrick, Middletown, Catherine Snyder, Middletown. . .1765 Vanderbelt, Jeromus, Somerset, and Nelly Ten Eyck , 1781 Vanderbelt Jobn, Middletown, and Elizabeth Dorsett, Middletown. . .1761 Vanderberck, Gershom, and Jennet Herriot 1750 V: D: B: (VanderbiU?) Cornelius, Middlet'n, Margaret Johnson, Md'tn.l756 Vanderbilt, Jacob, Staten Island, and Mary Spragg, Staten Island 1746 Vanderbilt, John, Statenlsland, and Elizabeth Hendrickson, Monm'h. 1754 V: D: BUt, Pike, Middlesex, and Yannetie Alten, Somerset 1749 V: D: Biit, AVUliam, Hunterdon, and Marya Vanduyn, Hunterdon 1756 Vandergrift, Garret, PhUadelphia, and Agnes Harris, Bristol, Pa 1767 Vandergrift, Jacob, Bucks, Pa. , and Elizabeth Matlack, Burlington. . . 1746 Vandergrift, Leonard, Bucks, Pa., and Charity Haines, Burlington 1750 Vandorhonef , John, Bergen, and Frances Degroat 1750 V: D: Hoef, Michael, Monmouth, and EUzabeth Allen, Monmoutb. ..1760 V: D: Hoef, Peter, Middletown, and Mary Dorsett, Middletown 1761 Vanderhoof, Cornelius, Freehold, and Alice Vankirk, Freehold 1751 Vanderhoof, Garret, Saddle River, Susannah Drummond, Sad 'leR'v'r. 1779 Vanderhule, Henry, Middletown, and Mary AValUng, Middletown 1751 Van De Linde, Benjamin, Bergen, aud Elizabeth Schuyler, Bergen. . .1748 Van Der Linder, Roelif, Bergen, Mariche Reyper, Bergen 1750 V: D : Speigel, John, New York, and Margret Van Veghte, Raritan. . . 1739 Vanderveer, Cornelius, Freehold, and Mary Covenhoven, I'reehold. . .1764 Vanderveer, David, Freehold, and Catherine Covenhoven, Freehold. .1765 Vanderveer, John, Freehold, and Mary Taylor, Freehold 1760 Vanderveer, John, Middletown, and Mary Strieker, Somerset 1762 Vanderveer, Tunis, Freehold, and Jane Hance, Freehold 1759 Vanderype, Mattis, Bruuswick, and Jane White 1743 Vandeventer, Christopher, Monmouth, and Mary Lane, Moumouth ... 1755 Vandervar, Domenicus, Moumouth, and Jane WilUamson, Monmouth.1757 Vandeventer, Jacob, Somerset, and Helite Vanbrunt, Staten Island. . .1747 Vandeventer, Peter, Monmoutb, and Hannah New Port, Monmouth .. 1746 Vandeventer, Peter, Monmouth, and Deborah Smith 1747 Vandewanter, Jacob, Piscataway, and Altie Vanbise 1783 Vandien, Harman, Bergen, and Aaltje Zabriskie 1787 Vandien, 1 Martin, Morris, and Yanachey Vreelandt, Morris 1760 Van Dien, Thomas, Bergen, and Polly Bogert, Bergen 1764 Vandike, Charles, Burlington, and Elizabeth Phipps, Barlington 1762 V : Dike, Frederick, Somerset, and Lydia Cole 1778 Vandike, Jacob, Bucks, Pa., and Hendrica Benham 1768 Van Dike, Mathias, Middlesex, and EUeanor Lane,- Middlesex 1746 1 The bond is signed thus; in the body of the instrument the name is entered "Van Dine." Dec 30 Oot 19 June 19 July 4 Aug. 16 Dec 15 Feb. 4 Dec 16 Oct 27 May 20 July 26 Aug. 7 Aug. 14 May 10 Oct 23 Dec 26 Dec 18 Mar. 11 Not. 1 Dec 20 Not. 23 Not. , 9 Oct 23 Dec 31 Sept. 17 Sept 28 May 17 Sept 18 Mar. 26 Oct 21 June 3 Oot 28 Aug., 7 April 19 Jan. 13 AprU 12 Sept 21 Mar. 31 Not. 24 June 27 Dec 15 Not. 10 May 14 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 413 Vandike, Thomas, Burlington, and Mary Osburn, Burlington , 1770 Vandine, Charles, Middlesex, and Sophia Darndt, Middlesex 1751 Vandine, Bice, Dennis, and Anne Sebring 1765 Vandin, Corneles, Bergen, and Sarah Van Dien, Bergen 1774 Vandoren, Benjamin, Somerset, and Sophia Vandike 1780 Vandoren, Jacob, Somerset, and Jenney Voorhes 1769 Vandorn, Abram, Middlebusb, aud Anne Van Dicke, Middlebusb , . 1768 Vandorn, Aaron, Freehold, and Gesha Shenck, Freehold 1765 Vandorn, Jacob, Freehold, aud Rachal Longstreet, Shrewsbury .1763 Vandorn, John, Freehold, and Agnes Scbauk, Freehold 1766 Vanduyn, Abraham, Somerset, and Arianche Sutphin 1778 Vanduyn, Denys, Somerset, and Lena Voorhies, Somerset 1754 Van Duyn, Jacobus, Somerset, and Analtie Wykoff, Somerset . . . 1740 Vanduyn, Roelef, Somerset, and Susannah Pettinger, Somerset 1752 Vandycke, Thomas, Freehold, and EUiner Taylor, Freehold 1754 Vandyk, Isaac, Shrewsbury, aud Meribe Slocum, Shrewsbury 1760 Vandyk, Martin, Shrewsbury, and Mary Hofmire, Middletown 1759 Vandyke, Arthur, Freehold, and Catherine Skank, Freehold 1755 Van Dyke, Jemes, Beading, aud Jane Stoll, Reading 1771 iVandyke, Joseph, Freehold, and Deborah Lawrance, Burlington 1765 Vaneman, Garret, Gloucester, and Ruth Brodice, Gloucester 1748 Vaneman, Garret, Salem, and Barbary Hatton, Salem 1773 Van Embert, WiUiam, Essex, and Elizabeth Jeralmon, Essex 1754 Van Emburg, James, New Barbadoes, and Elysabet Couper 1769 Van Emburg, John, Bergen, and Leah Terhune 17 — Van Emburgh, Jobn, Middlesex, and Margaret Moore 1779 Vaness, Hendrick, Morris, and Yanachey Poulisse, Essex 1759 Vaness, Simon, Pompton Plains, aud Caty Van Houten 1779 Vanfleet, WUUam, and Mary Alen 1748 Vangelder, Abraham, Cape May, and Martha Haud, Cape May 1757 Vangelder, John, Cape May, and Hannah ScuU 1757 Vangeson, George, and EUsabet Smith 1772 Vangiese, Reynier, Bergen, and Hester Covenhoven, Bergen 1743 Van Giese, Reymer — see Giese, Reynier V. Vangiesou, Hendrick, Hackensack, and Agnes Huysman, Bergen 1768 Vangieson, Isaac, Hackensack, and Maritie Hopper, Hackensack 1744 Van Gieson, Isaac, Bergen, and Preyntje Cadmus, Bergen 1766 Vangieson, Isaack, Newark, and Lea Spier 1746 V: Gieson, Johannes, Bergen, and Mathe Van Houten, Bergen 1762 Vangilden, Jeremiah, Cape May, and Sarah Bishop ... 1780 Van Harlingen, Ernestus, Middlesex, and Mary Oathout, Middlesex .1760 Vanharon, Aaron Dirchon, Monmouth, Margaret Jermine, Monmouth. 1766 Van Hart, Jacob, and EUzabeth Wright , 1782 Van Hart, James, Bucks, Pa., and Sarab Titus 1787 Van Hovem, Christian, Hackensack, Altje Westervelt, Hackensack 1764 Vanhook, Henry, Cumberland, and Mary Furnis 1784 June 18 Nov. 14 Nov. 26 Aug. 6 Dec 6 April 5 May 13 May 8 Oct. 21 June 30 May 11 May 1 Nov. 7 April 4 Sept 3 Aug. 15 Mar. 14 Oot 18 Aug. 19 Mar. 2 June 18 Dec 6 Sept 24 Feb. 28 April 8 April 17 Nov. 19 Nov. 16 Aug. 24 Aug. 22 July 21 Nov. 28 Mar. 20 May 19 Aug. 2 Dec 16 Nov. 1 July 24 Aug. 1 July 8 May 24 Nov. 16 June 5 Dec 4 May 3 414 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Vanhorn, Abraham, Sussex, and Hannah Hoff, Sussex 1763 Dec 9 Vanhorn, Abraham, Hunterdon, and Eve Pickle, Hunterdon 1770 Dec 21 Vanhorn, Barnard, Northampton, and Lavina Bogart, Northampton. .1767 Dec 29 Van Horn, Christian, Hackensack, and Mary Anderson, Hackensack. .1768 Mar. 5 A'an Horn, Cornelius, Bergen, and Altie Ackerman 1790 Jnly 24 Van Horn, Daniel, Bergen, and Hannah Earl 1782 Mar. 18 A'anhorn, Gabriel, Middletown, and Susannah Ashton, iliddletown. . . 1767 Nov. 17 Vanhorn, Henry, Bucks, Pa., and Elisabeth Vansant 1758 Aug. 11 Van Houten, Isaac, Bergen, and Mary Poestl 1770 May '23 Van Horn, Peter, Middletown, Pa., and Sarah Mede, Bucks, Pa 1771 Sept 2 Van Horn, WUliam, Chester, and Sarah Rudderow, Chester 1757 May 21 Vanhorn, WiUiam, Burlington, and Margaret Ellis. 1780 Aug. 17 Vanhorne, Cornelius, Monmouth, and Hannah Seabrook, Monmouth. 1730 Mar. 15 Van Home, Cornelius, Hunterdon, and Gertie AVycoff, Somerset 1744 May 12 Vanhorne, David, Backs, Pa. , and Gertrude Vansciver 1761 May 20 Vanhorne, John, Bergen, and Ann Demott 1751 May 2 Vanhorne, John, Bergen, and Jane Garribrant 1785 Mar. 24 Vanhorne, Thomas, Hunterdon, and Jane Teneik, Somerset 1749 June 17 A^an Houte, Johannes, Bergen, and Aeltje Sicgelse, Bergen. 1761 Sept 21 A'an Houten, Cornelius, Essex, and Antje Hennion, Bergen 1773 May 11 A'an Houten, Garrabrant, Bergen, and Jane Garrison 1791 Jan. 18 Van Houten, Helmich, Bergen, and Jannetie Van Riper, Bergen 1750 Oct 19 Van Houten, Hellemig, Bergen, and Aegye Vrelant, Bergen. 1753 May 4 A'an Houten, Johannis, New Jersey, Frances A'reland, Acquackanock 1741 May 19 Vanhouten, Johannis, Essex, aud Lena Toers, Essex 1746 Dec 1 Vanhouten, Richard, and Rachel Van Idestine 1779 April 9 Van Houten, Roelef, Bergen, and Antje Hennion, Bergen 1772 Dec. 18 Van Idestine, George, Essex, and Jane De Graw 1794 July 4 Van Kirk, Arthur, Monmouth, and Hannah Stout, Moumouth 1743 Aug. 22 A'an Kirk, Arthur, Perth Amboy, and JIary Jamison, Perth Amboy 1757 May 2 Van Kirk, Benjamin, Hunterdon, and Sarak Armitage 1769 Nov. 23 Van Kirk, Henry, HopeweU, and Sarah Vankirk, Hopewell 1770 Feb. 24 Van Kirk, James, Freehold, and Jane House, Freehold 1767 Sept 19 Van Kirk, .John, Bucks, and Judith WiUiains 1749 April 3 Van Kirk, John, Middlesex, and Anne Gordon, Middlesex 1750 Sept 27 Vankirk, John, Freehold, and Catharine Taylor, Upper Freehold. 1761 May 13 Vankirk, John, HopeweU, and Ursula Parks, HopeweU 1770 July 4 A'ankirk, Joseph, Amwell, aud Hannah Polhemus, HopeweU 1767 Dec 12 Vankirk, Joseph, Readingtown, aud Catharine Dykens, Tewksbury ... 1773 Mar. 15 Vankirk, Mathias, Freehold, and AUce Truax, Freehold 1753 May 14 Van Kirk, Samuel, New Jersey, and Alary Lane 1779 Aug. 26 A'an Kirk, Thomas, Freehold, and Catharine Cox, Upper Freehold ... 1761 Jan. 7 Van Kirk, WUliam, Freehold, Elizabeth Craige, Freehold 1757 Aug.. 23 Vankirke, Jacob, Bucks, Pa., and Mary Jenkins, Bucks, Pa 1735 May 12 1 Post. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Van Law, Preston, Bordentown, and Judith Ann Marot, Bordentown, . 1746 Van Leer, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Keziah Tonkin 1774 Vanlew, Richard, Somerset, and Antey Sutphin I779 Vanlewen, Frederick, Jr., Sotoerset, and Antie Bennet, Middlesex 1750 Vanlier, AViUiam, Woolwich, and Mary Dericson 1787 Vanliew, Denise, Somerset, and Dinah Duryee , 1782 Van Liew, John, Somerset, and Magdalen AViooff. . . , 1780 Vanliew, Peter, Somerset, and Sytie Wicoff. 1783 Vanmater, Cbryne, Monmoutb, and Maria Sutphen, Freehold 1752 Van Mater, Chrineyonoe, Middletown, Nelley Van Mater, Middletowu, 1767 Van Mater, Cornelius, Shrewsbury, and Sary A'an Mater, Middletown, 1767 Van Mater, Cyrenius, Middletown, and Mary Herd, Middlesex 1769 Van Mater, Cyrenius, Monmouth, and Anne Vandorn ', 1761 Van Mater, Cyrenius, Middletown, Coboacha Covenhoven, Freehold . . 1766 Vanmater, Daniel, Monmouth, and Mary Covenhoven, Middletowu, . . 1754 Vanmater, Jacob, Middletown, and Nelly Hendricksou, Middletown. .1756 Van Mater, Richard, Monmouth, aud Moilco Osborn, Monmouth. . . . 1749 Van Meter, Ephraim, Salem, and Sarah Crum, Salem 1760 Vanmeter, Henry, Salem, and Sarah EUwell, Salem 1727 Vanmeter, Jacob, Salem, and Elizabeth Coperthwaite, Burlington 1770 Vanmeter, Joseph, Salem, and Hannah Berymau 1760 Van Middleswart, Abram, Somerset, and Mary Griggs 1744 Van Middlesworth, Tunis, and Jannike Lagrange, Somerset 1748 Van Middlesworth, Tunis, Somerset, aud Magdaline Brokaw 1781 Van Middleswarth, John, Somerset, and Haunah Lane 1781 Vannaulem, 1 James, and Charity Wiokoff 1769 Vanneman Garrett, Jr., Gloucester, and Ann Moreton, Greenwich . . , 1733 Vanneman, Isaac, Woolwich, and Bajah Denny 1781 Vonaeman, Joseph, Salem, and Margaret Maxliold, Elsenborough, . . , 1763 Vanneman, Joseph, Salem,, and Pbcobe Hodge, Salem 1769 Vanneman, Joseph, Gloucester, and Mary Porch 1783 Vannest, John, Moumouth, and Mary Emaus, Monmouth 1739 Vannest, AVUliam, Monmouth, and Pbebe Hulse, Monmouth 1740 Van Neste, Jan, Somerset, and Sarah Vroom, Somerset 17 J 6 Van Neste, Henry, Somerset, and Jannitje Van Ostrnnd, Somerset 1741 Van Neste, Jacob, Somerset, and Trinchey Tenbrook, Somerset 1746 Van Neste, Jeronimus, Somerset, and Cataline Welch, Somerset 1743 Vannetta Gysbert, Somerset, and Folkertie Vanbuskirk, Readingtown. 17.51 Van Noorstrand, John, Somerset, and Catharine Defreea 1768 Van Norden, Tobias, New Brunswick, Jennet CampbeU, New Br'nsw'k. 1 740 Van Noarstraud, Jacob, Somerset, and Jane Vanste, Somerset 1740 Van Norstrand, Jacob, Jr., Bridgewater, and Phebe McDonald 1783 Van Norstrand, Jaoobus, New Jersey, and Rachel Herdon, Bergen. . . . 1747 Vannort, John, Shrewsbury, and Kercbey Romine, Shrewsbury 1760 1 "James Vanallen " In body ot bond, but .signed " Jumos Vauniuilom, " 415 April 15 AprU 21 AprU 27 Oct. 11 Mar. 8 Mar. 4 Nov. 21 Not. 14 June 12 Jan. 3 Dec 2 Deo. 19 May 26 Mar. 31 Dec 27 June 19 Nov. 14 April L'l Sept 4 Mar. 17 Oct 31 Nov. 26 Nov. 14 Juno 18 Oct 29 Oct. 21 Feb. 28 Mar. 15 Mar. 3 Oct. 4 April 1 Jan. 21 Sept. 22 Nov. 10 April 18 April 11 June 13 April 3 July 16 Sopt 22 Dec 23 May 5 Aug. 8 Aug. 22 41 6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Van Norte, Thomas, and Dorothy Havens 1771 Vannorthwyke, Jobn, Roxbury, and Frances Willet 1778 Van Nortwick, Hendrick, Somerset, and Nancy Dunn 1781 Van Nortwick, John, Somerset, and Maria Cornell, Somerset 1747 Van Nortwick, John, Somerset, and Anu Hopper 1783 Van Nortwick, Martin, New Jersey, and Nelly Vanpelt, Somerset 1755 Van Nortwick, Simon, Somerset, and Maria Cornell, Somerset 1751 Vannoy, Francis, Hunterdon, and Mary Anderson 1781 Vannoy, John, Huuterdon, and Abigail Smitb 1780 Van Nuis, James, Middlesex, and Rachel Underdunk 1780 Van Nuis, John, Middlesex, and Christian Van D. Ripe 1780 Van Nuys, Jacobus, Somerset, and Catharine Ditmus . . , 1781 Van Nuyse, Cornelius, Somerset, and Mary Van Nuyse 1781 Vanorde, Adam, Hackensack, and Margret Doele 1762 Vanover, Cornelius, Hardwick, and Abigail Mattox 1778 Vanpelt, Alexander, Somerset, aud Jane Ganneau, Hunterdon 1751 Vanpelt, Alexander, Middletown, and Catherine Warne, Freehold . . . 1767 Vanpelt, Anthony, NewYork, and Jennet Simonson, New York 1746 Vanpelt, Anthony, Staten Island, and Susannah Slaght, Staten Island. 1758 Vanpelt Benjamin, Statenlsland, and Mary Collins, Perth Amboy. . .1763 Vanpelt, Christopher, Monmoutb, and Artilly Bennit 1751 Vanpelt, Honnes, Middletown, and Anue Heyer, Middletown 1755 Vanpelt John, Moumouth, aud Mary Vanbrookell 1762 Vanpelt, Rulef, Bridgewater, and Caty Ten Eyck 1782 A'anpelt, Peter, Middlesex, and Mary Van Voorhies, Middlesex 1751 Vanpelt, Peter, Staten Island, and Phebe Ogden, Woodbridge 1756 Vanpelt, Peter, Monmouth, aud Ellenor Vanderbelt, Monmouth 1760 Vanpelt, Walter, Middletown, and Mary Soper, Middletown 1746 Van Rensselaer, James, and Catharine Van Cortlandt 1782 Vanreype, Abram, Essex, and Elizabeth Bradbury, Essex 1747 Van Reype, Jacob, Essex, and Sophia Jacobusse, Essex 1761 Van Ripen, Jery, Bergen, and Antje Freeland 1787 Van Ripen, Thomas, Aoquaokanonck, Lena Van AVogenan, Acq'k'nck.l740 Van Riper, Adrian, Essex, and Sarah Killiham 1784 Van Riper, Garrit, Saddle River, and Jane Cadmus 1790 Van Riper, Harp, Essex, and Margret Berry 1762 Van Rypen, Cornelius, Bergen, aud Elizabeth Vreeland 1787 Vanrypen, Thomas, Essex, and Marget Cowman, Essex 1750 Van Saan, Jacob, Hackensack, and Hester Goetschius, Hackensack. . . 1760 Van Saen, Cornelius, Bergen, and Elisabet Dumarest 1765 Vansant, John, Pennsylvania, and Robina Cox, Pennsylvania , 1728 Vansant, Joshua, Bucks, Pa., aud Catherine Johnston, Bucks, Pa ...1728 Vansant, Peter, Pennsylvania, and Elizabeth AVooUard 1778 Vanschaiok, David, Freehold, and Hannah Holmes, Shrewsbury. 1757 Van Schaiack, John, Repack, and Ann Clindenen, Repack 1 747 Van Schaick, Jobn, Middlesex, and Margaret Rosebury, Middlesex 1764 Dec 10 July 6 Dec 17 Sept 11 Aug. 2 July 24 April 12 Jan. 12 Feb. 19 Mar. 7 Nov. 27 Jan. 16 AprU 10 Mar. 1 Jan. 20 May 6 May 28 AprU 26 Nov. 13 Aug. 24 Dec 2 Jau. 13 Jan. 12 Jan. 11 April 20 Jan. 2 AprU 21 Aug. 4 Oct 8 Nov. 28 Feb. 23 Jan. 20 Aug. 6 July 29 Sept 25 AprU 22 Jan. 20 April 17 Dec 9 Jan. 9 Aug. 19 Feb. 20 AprU 8 May 23 Aug. 11 Feb. 28 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Vanschayne, WiUiam, Freehold, and Patience Schanck, Freehold 1754 Vanschuyver, Joseph, Burlington, and Martha Belford 1776 Vanschuyver, Joseph, Cumberland, and Marcy Goggin 1779 Vansciver, Jacob, Burlington, aud Ehzabeth Cole, Burlington 1754 Vansciver, Jeremiah, 'WUlingborough, and Mary Borden, Burlingtou .. 1781 Vanserveer, Abraham, Burlingtou, and Hannah Lippiucott 1782 Van Sickel, Rinear, Monmouth, and Mayike Longstreet, Monmouth. .1746 Van Sickel, Stephen, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Streamback 1782 A'an Sickle, Abraham, Hunterdon, and Aune Rois, Huuterdon 1744 A'an Sickle, Garret, Reading, and Anue Cannun, Reading. . . 1772 Vansickle, Gisbert, Middlesex, and Mary Ralf 1780 Vanskiack, Peter, Freehold, and Mary Thomas - 1761 Vansiklen, Cornelius, Kings Co., N. Y., Fannetye Vanderveer, Mid'sex.1751 Vanskyver, Walter, BurUngton, and Elizabeth Thorn 1769 Vantilburg, Henry, Kingston, and Jaue Holman 1778 A'antUburg, William, Somerset, and Keziah Laurason I745 Vantine, Aron, Perth Amboy, and Anne Davison, Middlesex 1746 Vantine, Ephraim, Middlesex, Anue Hannatie A'an Ostrand, Middlesex. 1750 Vantine, Ephraim, Aliddlesex, aud Aune Pumme 1782 Vantine, Isaac, New Brunswick, aud Anne Schureman 1779 Vantuyl, Abram, Tewkesbury, and Isabel Berry 1781 Van Tuyle, Isaac, Sussex, and Catherine AVestfall, Sussex 1761 Vannxem, James, Philadelphia, and Rebecca Clark , 1779 Van Vliedt, Garret, Reading, and Lydia March 1777 Van Vliet, Gen'it, Readingtown, and Catilinche Hagermon 1772 Van Voghte, John, Essex, and Anne Post, Essex 1750 Van A'oorhees, Luke, Somei'set, aud Neiltie Strycker, Somerset 1747 A'an A'oorhesse, John, Paramus, and Antie Boogart, Paramus 1765 Van Voorhies, Alinne, New Brunswick, Mary Ouke, New Brunswick. .1743 Van Voorhies, Roelof, Middlesex, Eleauor A'an Nuis, New Brunswick , 1748 Van Vorhis, Albert, New Barbadoes, and Maritje Duremus, Bergen. . 1769 Van Voorhis, Peter, Bergeu, and Elizabeth Demarest 1785 Vanwagen, John, Bergen, and Anne Van Dervaort 1786 Van Wagenen, Gerrit, Somerset, and Catherine Ten Eyck, Somerset , . 1745 Van Wagenen, Johanes, Staten Island, and Morritje Demott, Bergeu. , 1757 Vanwageninge, Gerrit Essex, and Sarah Van Wincle, Bergen 1753 Van Waggoner, John, Bergeu, and Rachel Traphagen 1786 Van Wiokle, Evart Somerset, and Cornelia Lupardus, Middlesex 1762 Van 'Wikele, Nicasius, Somerset, and Trintie Boice, Middlesex 1749 Van Winckle, Daniel, Bergen, and Altie Van Riper, Bergen 1760 Van Winckel, Jacob, and Froutie Garretse, Bergen 1749 Van Winkel, Jerey, Bergen, and Nancy Sip 1783 Van Winkel, Johannes, Essex, and Jannetie Van Ripen. 1745 Van Winckel, Simeon, Saddle River, Catharine Romine, Saddle River. 1769 Van Winckel, Tadus, Bergen, and Theodosia Van Boskerk, Bergen. . . 1760 Van Wincle, Abraham, Stow Creek, and Pbebe Garrison, Stow Creek, 1774 26 417 Dec. 26 Oct. 29 June 28 May 17 Mar. 26 Nov. 20 April 29 AprU 24 Dec 11 Jan. 1 Jau. 19 Oct 21 Sept. 11 Oct 2 July 14 Dec 20 May 17 Feb. 22 Nov. 26 Aug. 7 Dec 22 June 13 Mar. 26 May 28 May 11 Aug. 7 Oct 3 Oot 30 Jan. 11 May 27 April 25 April 28 Sept. 18 April 20 Oct. 5 June 8 July -21 Dec 9 May 27 Jan. 28 Dec. 6 Aug. 31 May 30 April 25 June 16 Mar. 9 41 8 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Vanwincle, Dial, Essex, and Anne Gerritson 1751 Van Winkle, Francis, Essex, and Susannah Forester 1777 Van Winkle, Francis, Essex, and Elizabeth Dowe 1785 Van Winkle, Jacob, Bergen, and Annatje Bartholf, Bergen 1769 Vanzant, Cbristopher, Evesham, and Anne Turner, Evesham 1770 Vanzile, Egbird, Paramus, aud Sarah Hendrickson, Bergen 1754 FEMALES. Van Vauaker, Rachel, Sussex, and Abram Van Campen, Sussex 1761 Van Alen, Catherine, and Hassel Ryerson, Bereen , . . 1787 Vanalla, Anna, Perth Amboy, and Timothy Rose, Perth Amboy 1760 Van Allen, Affie, Perth Amboy, and Annanias Rose, Perth Amboy. . . 1757 Van Arsdale, Antie, Somerset, and Cornelius Sebring, New Jersey . . . 1748 Van Belt, Elizabeth, and AValter Hires, Monmoutb 1752 Vanblercum, Ellenor, Bergen, and Jacob Ferdon, Bergen 1748 Van Boskerk, Theodosia, Bergen, and Tadus Van Winkle, Bergen 1760 Van Brackel, Anna, Middletown, aud Samuel Ogborn, Middletown. . . . 1766 Vanbrackel, Anue, and Josiah West, Middletown 1774 Vanbrackel, Naomi, Moumouth, and Samuel Crawford, Monmouth. . ..1740 Vanbrockel, Ann, Staten Island, and Benjamin Willson, Jr., Monm'th. 1751 Vanbiockell, Mary, and John Vanpelt, Monmouth 1762 Van Brockles, Mary, Monmouth, and Robert Sevinden, Monmouth. . . 1741 Van Brunt, Crese, and Cornelius Hagerman, Monmouth 1766 Vanbrunt, Helite, Staten Island, and Jacob Vandeventer, Somerset. . .1747 Van Bushkirk, Altje, Bergen, and Amy Banta, Bergen 1773 Van Bushkirk, Elshe, and John Ackerman, Bergen 1783 Van Bushkirk, Anne, Middlesex, and James Harris, Middlesex 1748 Vanbnshkirk, Folkertie, Readingtown, Gysbert Vannetta, Somerset. .. 1751 Vanbushkerk, Mary, Bergen, and David Demarest, Bergen 1748 Van Bushkirk, Vrowtje, Bergen, aud James Vanbushkirk, Bergen 1774 Van Bussen, Caty, Bergen, and Gerrat Garrisse, Essex 1774 Van Camp, Leah, Hunterdon, and Peter Haughawont, Hunterdon .... 1763 Van Camp, Mary, and Peter Updike, Someiset 1779 Van Campen, Mary, and George Bush, Easton, Pa 1786 Vaucarrick, Ghristantia, and James Fitchett 1735 Vance, Elizabeth, and Robert Montgomery, Jr., Monmouth 1757 Van Cleaf, Elizabeth, and Joseph Vanarsdalen, Somerset 1771 Van Cleaf, Margaret, and James Scott, Monmouth 1774 A'ancleave, Catherine, and Stephen Ker, Hunterdon 1779 Vancleave, Neeltje, New Brunswick, and Lewis Guest, New Brunsw'k. 1743 Van Cleef, Mary, and Peter Hoagland, Middlesex 1780 Van Cleve, Janey, Monmouth, and Daniel Hays, Monmouth 1763 Van Clif t, Jane, Maidenhead, and AVaters Smith, Maidenhead 1770 Van Courtlandt, Catherine, and James Van Rensselaer : 1782 Van Dalsen, Sally, and Richard Blauvelt, Bergen 1781 Van Dam, Sophia, Bergen, and Abraham V; Buskirk, Bergen 1760 June 15 Oct 2 Feb. 3 June 2 Nov. 7 Aug. 30 Oct. 29 Nov. 20 Oot 23 Mar. 21 April 25 Feb. 24 April 22 June 16 Jan. 5 Aug. 25 Dec 3 Dec 11 Jan. 12 Nov. 12 May 3 Aug. 7 July 17 Aug. 11 June 21 AprU 3 Aug. 1 June 29 Mar. 26 Dec 31 Feb. 9 AprU 8 Nov. 5 June 14 Jan. 13 May 16 June 12 June 27 Dec 16 Jan. 13 Jan. 15 Oct 8 AprU , 7 Nov. 22 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Vander Beck, Fagnmetje, Bergen, and Johannis Blauvelt, Bergen. , . , 1773 Vander Beck, Phebe, Bergen, and Johu Berry, Bergeu 1753 Van Der Beck, Ann, and James Walker, New York 1786 Vanderbeek, Deborah, Somerset, and Peter Ten Eick, Somerset 1751 Vanderbeek, Dorothy, Somerset, and Laurence Demott, Somerset 1749 Vanderbeke, Ann, and Joel Taylor, Nottingham 1780 Vanderbelt Elie, and Peter Johnson, JUonmouth 1772 Vanderbelt, Ellenor, Moumouth, and Peter Vanpelt, Alonmouth 1760 Vanderbelt, Idy. Middletown, aud John Wall, Middletown 1764 Vanderbelt, Mary, Monmouth, and Samuel Dennis, Monmouth 1765 Vandergrift, Joyce, Bensalem, aud Johu Severns, Bensalem 1747 Vandergrift, Mary, and Josejih Browning, Burlington 1782 Vandergrift, Sarah, and George Cunningham, Burlington 1788 Vanderhoof, Elizabeth, and Henry Stevens, Bergen 1789 -Vanderhoven, Elizabeth, AVoodbridge, and Patrick Riley, Piscataway, 1753 Vanderlinda, Susanna, Bergen, and Samuel Verbeyck, Somerset 1749 Van Der Linde, Esther, and John G. Hopper, Bergen 1783 Van Der Linde, Merike, Bergen, aud Jan Van Boskerk, Bergen 1749 Van Derlinden, Susannah, Bergen, and Luke Reyersou, Bergen 1745 Vanderpoel, Catrine, and A^'illiam Sandford, Bergen 1741 Vanderpool, Mary, Essex, and Robert Boyd, New York 1753 Van Dervoort, Anne, and John Vanwagin, Bergen 1786 Vanderveer, Fannitje, Middlesex, Cornelius Vansiklen, Kings Co., N.Y. 1761 Vanderveer, Jean, and Dominicus Stryker, Somerset 1778 Vanderveer, Mary, Monmoutb, and Arthur Williamson, Monmouth. . .1746 Vandervere, Jane, and Isaac Voorhees, Somerset 1778 Vanderwood, Elisabet, and Cornelis Poulding, Orange Co., N. Y 1763 Vandevoort, Catharine, and Frederick Storm 1762 Vandevoorte, Mary, Sussex, aud John Henderson, Hunterdon 1770 Vandeveer, Catherine, Monmouth, and Arthur Hance, Monmouth 1755 Vandeventer, Altie, Monmouth, and Cornelius Middagg, Somerset 1739 Vandeventer, Catherine, Middletown, and James Cooper, Middlet'n 1743-4 VandcTeuter, Rachel, Somerset, and Ricbard Cutler, Woodbridge .... 1757 VandeTenler, Mary, Monmoutb, and James Herbert, Monmouth, 1767 VandeTere, Mary, Salem, and Thomas Webber, Upper Penns Neck, , .1761 Van Dicke, Anne, Middlebusb, and Abram Vandorn, Middlebusb . . 1768 Van Dien, Elizabeth, and John A. Zabriskie, Bergen 1783 Van Dien, Sarah, Bergen, and Cornelis Vandin, Bergen 1774 Vandike, Catherine, Staten Island, and Lewis Grandin, Staten Island, 1749 Vandike, Jane, Somerset, and Abraham DuBoys, Somerset 1747 Vandike, Jane, Salem, and David Owen, Salem 1765 V-andike, Margaret, and John Gulick, Middlesex 1780 Vandike, Mary, Monmoath, and Hugh Rose, Monmouth 1746 Vandike, Prudence, and Denys Hageman, Hunterdon 1773 Van Dike, Sarab, Monmouth, and David Allen, Monmouth 1748 Vandike, Sarah, Salern, and Benjamin Eaten, Salem 1766 419 July 26 Mar. 13 Mar. 11 June 21 April 25 Oct. 11 Nov. 21 April 21 Mar. 17 Mar. 13 July 28 Oct. 9 Feb. 20 Oct 10 Nov. 12 Mar. 21 Mar. 29 July 7 June 4 Jan. 18 Feb. 19 Sept 18 Sept. 11 Feb. 21 Jan. 31 May 2 Aug. 14 June 19 Mar. 27 Mar. 3 Feb. 22 Mar. 21 Aug. 10 Oct 15 Dec. 20 May 13 Dec. 6 Aug. 6 Nov. 16 Oct 22 July 13 Nov. 10 Oct. 17 AprU 22 July 19 July 13 420 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Vandike, Sophia, and Benjamin Vandoren, Somerset 1780 Vandine, Mary, and John Baptist Dumont, Somerset 1746 VandeTere, Margaret, Penns Neck, and WiUiam Smith, Penns Neck. . . 1763 Vandoren, Janitie, Somerset, and John Sutvin, Hunterdon 1764 Vandoren, Nelly, and Mansfield Hunt 1778 Vandorn, Anne, and Cyrenius Van Mater, Moumouth 1761 Vandorn, Eleanor, and Hendrick Smock, Monmouth 1 761 Vandorn, EUennor, Freehold, and Abraham Probasco, Shrewsbury 1761 Vandorn, Mary, Monmoutb, and Albert Covenhoven, Monmouth. . . .1745 Vandorn, Mary, Monmouth, aud John Covenhoven, Monmouth 1750 Vandorn, Mary, Freehold, and John Schenck, Freehold . 1763 Vandorn, Sarah, Monmoutb, and John Antonittus, Monmouth 1761 Vandoursen, Jane, Middlesex, and Peter Low, Middlesex 1751 Van Driessen, Hannah, and Lucas Wesse,l Essex 1752 Van D. Ripe, Christian, and John Van Nuis, Middlesex 1780 Vandike, Irane, and George Mattison, Salem 1750 Vanduyn, Catherine, Somerset, and Cornelius Low, Somerset ... 1746 Vanduyn, Mary, Someiset, and John AVyckof, Somerset 1749 Vanduyn, Marya, Hunterdon, and AVUliam V. D. BUt, Hunterdon . 1756 Vandyk, Catharine, Burlington, and John Ellison, Monmouth 1766 Vandyk, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and AA'illiam Hoffmire, Monmouth . . . 1762 Vandyk, Sarah, Somerset, and Andrew Emaus, Hunterdon 1752 Vandyke, EUzabeth, and Frederick V. Leaver, Somerset 1780 Vandyke, Lydia, Burlington, and Benjamin English, Burlington 1761 Vandyke, Margret, Shrewsbury, and Michael White, Shrewsbury. ...1758 Vandyke, Mary, Shrewsbury, and John Pintard, Shrewsbury 1761 A'an Dyke, Finche, Somerset, and Cornelius Falkison, Somerset 1764 Vane, Mary, Sussex, and George Main, Sussex. 1771 Vaneman, Elizabeth, Salem, and Joseph Graves, Salem 1760 Vaneman, Ellin, Gloucester, and Thomas Bright, Gloucester 1753 Vaneman, Rachel, Glouoester, and Johu Middleton, Gloucester 1763 Vaneman, Rebecca, Salem, and Charles Cox, Gloucester 1761 Vaneman, Sarah, Greenwich, and John AVright, Gloucester 1762 Van Emburgh, Affey, Middletown, and Lewis Forman, Middletown. . . 1756 Van Emburgh, Catharine, Monmoutb, and Thomas Hunn, Monmouth. 1763 , Van Emburgh, Leah, Hackensack, and John AViUiams, Hackensack. . . 1761 Van Emburgh, Mary, Middlesex, aud Oussa Harrison, Middlesex 1748 Yan Emburgh, Mary, Moumouth, and Richard Hartshorne, Monm'th . 1766 Van Emburgh, Sarah, and John Guest, Bergen 1740 Vanemon, Ruth, and Reuben Rimsey, Cumberland 1779 Vanetta, Elizabeth, Readingtown, and John Brady, Readingtown 1749 Vanetta^ Leentye, Somerset, and Thomas Cole, Somerset 1751 Van Etten, Helena, Morris, and John Casparus Fryer, Morris, ...... .1742 A'angeeson, Alchey, Essex, and Michael Vreelandt, Essex. ....... 1749-50 Wessels Dec 6 Not. 6 Aug. 4 April 9 Dec 3 May 26 May 26 Not. 9 May 22 Not. 5 Not. 12 Not. 23 Sept 26 Not. 18 Nov. 27 April 10 Sept 27 Nov. 6 Aug. 7 Mar. 1 Jan. 9 Nov. 13 June 16 Oct. 6 April 19 Feb. 3 Dec. 11 Jan. 4 May 8 June 16 Feb. 21 Jan. 6 Feb. 24 Sept 28 May 20 Mar. 11 Oct. 8 Aug. , , 2 Jan. 6 June 8 Jan. 6 April 3 June 18 Mar, 14 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 421 Van Gelder, Anne, Staten Island, and Samuel Pryer, Staten Island 1748-9 Vangelder, Catharine, aud Judah Gridley, Morris. I779 Vangelder, Catharine, Pumpton, Patrick McFaddin, Cecil Co., Md 1779 Vangise, Cornelya, and Job Smith, Bergen 1763 Vangrelt, Mary, Monmouth, and WUliam Flen, Monmouth 1749 Van GuUder, Rebecka, and Luke Sooy, Burlington 1786 Van Harleu, Johanna, Middlesex, and Garret Voorhees, Middlesex 1747 Vanharling, Anna, and Isaac Williamson 1780 Van Hauglin, Mary, and Simon Anderson, Somerset 1781 Vanhess, Anna, and John Ford, Hunterdon 1782 Vanbise, Altie, and Jacob Vandewanter, Piscataway 1783 Vanboolf, EUzabeth, and Joseph Long, Cumberland 1785 Vanhorn, Alice, and .John Gale, Bristol, Pa 1782 Vanhorn, Anney, Hunterdon, and Abram Bosenbark, Hunterdon 1763 Van Horn, Antie, Bergen, and Isaac Bogert, Bergen 1761 Vanhorn, Antje, and David Ackerman, Bergen 1 768 Vanhorn, Elenor, Harsimus, aud Rutgart Vanbrunt, Kings Co., N. Y. .1767 Vanhorn, Garretje, Bergen, and WiUiam Van Allen, Bergen 1773 Van Hoi-n, Jane, Bergen, and Samuel Beekman, New York 1761 Van Horn, Lena, and Cornelius Garrabrants, Bergen 1784 Van Horn, Margaret, and David Duri, Bergen 1762 ' Vanhorn, Nelle, Bergen, and Helmus Vreeland, Bergen 1752 Van Horn, Rachel, and John Banta, Bergen 1781 Vanhorne, Anna, Hunterdon, and Tobias Ten Eick, Hunterdon 1746 Vanhorne, Catherine, Monmouth, and John Stevens, Monmouth 1745 Vanhorne, Charity, Bucks, Pa., and Joseph Moode, Bucks, Pa '. . . 1776 Vanhorne, Elizabeth, Bergen, and Hendrick Lutkins, Bergen 1763 Vanhorne, Elizabeth, Bucks, Pa., and Daniel Palmer, Bucks, Pa 1764 Van Horne, Hannah, and Edward Fay 1772 Vanhorne, Jane, and Edmond Roberts, Bucks 1732 Vanhorne, Mary, Burlington, and Lawrence Surley, Burlington 1738 Vanhorne, Sarah, and William Pippinger, Hunterdou 1767 Vanhorne, Sarah, and Joseph Fenimore, Barlington 1777 Vanhorne, Sophia, Hunterdon, and Baites Pickle, Jr., Hunterdon, .. .1716 Van Houten, Antje, Bergen, and David Archibald, Bergen 1774 Van Houten, Caterine, and John Ridner, Bergen 1779 Van Houten, Caty, and Simon Vaness, Pompton Plains 1779 Vanhouten, Fytie, Bergen, and Hassel Petersie, Essex 1759 Van Houten, Mattie, Bergen, and Johannis V. Geison, Bergen 1762 Van Houten, Picterlye, and Thomas Cuyper, Orange, N. Y 1781 Van Houten, Sarah, and Jacob Prier, Bergen 1792 Vanbuise, Katharine, and Garret Terhune, HUlsborough 1778 Van Idestine, Rachel, and Ricbard A'anhouten 1779 Vauinburg, EUzabeth, and John Haring, Bergen 1763 Vankee, Elizabeth, Somerset, and Jacob Vroom, Somerset 1744 Van Kerk, Anna, Monmouth, Abraham Hendricksou, Kings Co., N. Y.1759 Mar. 3 May 17 Dec 14 May 17 Nov. 13 Dec 8 Nov. 25 Sept 24 Oct 11 Jau. 13 April 12 Aug. 27 Nov. 4 Nov. 4 Feb. 26 Aug. 18 Nov. 30 Mar. 27 May 22 Oot. 24 Nov. 16 April 1 Mar. 26 April 29 Dec. 16 Jan. 16 May 19 Nov. 15 July 20 Aug. 10 June 12 Aug. 22 Sept 3 Nov. 10 Aug. 13 Nov. 20 Nov. 16 Dec 29 July 24 Feb. 21 Oot 16 Sept. 3 April 9 Nov. 26 Aug. 7 May 23 422 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Van Kerk, Mary, Monmoutb, and Cornelius Honce, Monmouth 1766 Van Kirk, Alice, and Charles Rhodes, Lower Freehold 1750 Van Kirk, Alice, Freehold, and Cornelius Vanderhoof, Freehold 1751 Van Kirk, Mary, and Jobn Haight, Middlesex 1 773 Van Kirk, Mary, and John McClean 1783 Van Kirk, Sarah, Monmouth, aud Joseph Morford, Monmouth. . . , 1761 Van Kirk, Sarah, Hopewell, and Henry Van Kirk, Hopewell 1770 Van Lear, Elizabeth, and James Clark, Salem 1784 Van Low, Maritie, Somerset, and Joost Duryee, Long Island 1760 Van Lowe, Helena, Somerset, and Rem Ditmass, Somerset 1739 Van Lowe, Lena, Somerset and Henry Schenk, Somerset 1747 Van Martry, Cathrine, and Henry Disbrow, Middlesex 1774 Vanmater, Alte, Middletown, and Albert Polhemus, Middletown 1762 Vanmater, Anna, and James Stout, Amwell 1780 Vanmater, Catherine, and Stephen Jones, Jr., Hunterdon 1783 Van Mater, Charity, Middletown, and Aron Vanderbelt, Monmouth. . . 1762 Vanmater, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and AVUliam Bennit, Monmouth. . . . 1766 Vanmater, Ida, Monmouth, and Benjamin Sutphin, Monmouth 1764 Van Mater, Mary, Monmouth, and John Polhemus, Monmoutb 1758 A'anmater, Mary, Monmouth, and Peter Leffers, Monmouth 1759 Vanmater, Mary, and Garret Schenck, Amwell 1778 Van Mater, Nelley, Middletown, Chrineyonoe Van Mater, Middletown. 1767 Van Mater, Sary, Middletown, and Cornelius Van Mater, Shrewsbury. 1767 Van Meter, Elizabeth, Salem, and William Greenman, Salem 1764 Vanmeter, Elizabeth, and Thomas B. Greenman, Salem 1784 Vanmeter, Ellenor, Monmouth, and Daniel Hendrickson, Middlesex. .1758 Vanmeter, Mary, and Nathan Shaw, Cumberland 1760 Vanmetre, Rebecca, Salem, and Daniel Carter, Salem 1752 Vanmetre, Sarah, Salem, and Abraham Nieukirk, Salem 1762 Van Middleswart, Hannah, and Henry Stoll, New Jersey 1743 Van Middleswart, Mary, and Peter Bogart, Somerset 1742 Van Middleswarth, Jane, aud Johu Bennet, Jr., Somerset 1783 Van Middleswarth, Susannah, and Peter I. B. Dumont, Somerset . . , 1782 Van Middlesworth, Petronelle, Somerset, Hendrick Veghte, Somerset, 1748 Van Nest, Catherine, Somerset, and Cornelius Bogert, Somerset 1752 A'an Nest, Iristia, and Folkard Sebring, Jr., Somerset 1768 Vannest, Jane, Somerset, and Christophel Brasee, Somerset 1748 Van Nest, Susan, and Jeromus Rappelyea, Somerset 1781 Van Neuman, Anue, and Matthias Lambson, Salem 1769 Vanneman, Christiana, Salem, and Jonas Keen, Salem 1763 Vanneman, Mary, Salem, and Johu McCree, Salem 1764 Vanneman, Mary, and Joseph H. Cheesman, Gloucester 1790 Vanneman, Sarah, and William Brown, Salem 1758 Vanneman, Sarah, aud Joseph Guest, Gloucester 1773 Vann, Mary, Burlington, and William Stoirow, Burlington 1780 Van Norde, Hannah, Hackensack, and William Van Allan, Pompton. . 1765 April 9 July 28 Nov. 1 Jan. 23 June 4 Feb. 6 Feb. 24 Oct 28 June 5 Aug. 6 Aug. 14 Aug. 12 Mar. 23 April 12 Oct. 2 June 19 Nov. 7 June 3 Nov. 14 June 11 July 28 Jan. 3 Dec 2 Oct 2 Jan. 3 Nov. 14 Mar. 15 May 20 June 23 Nov. 12 April 26 Jan. 25 April 13 June 11 Jan. 22 Dec 16 AprU 8 Mar. 24 Dec 22 Feb. 15 Oct 2 Mar. 23 Sept 26 Dec. 24 Dec 2 AprU 7 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 423 Van Norden, Dorothy, and John Van Boskirk, Hackensack 1760 Juue 30 Vannorder, Elizabeth, New Brunswick, Peter Cochran, New Brunsw'k. 1739 Mar. 19 Van Noorstrand, Antie, Somerset, and Isaac Brooaw, Somerset 1746 May 31 Vannort, Neley, Shrewsbury, and Thomas Romine, Shrewsbury 1761 Mar. 28 Vannort, Mary, Lower Freehold, and Daniel TiUton, Freehold 1747 Nov. 16 Vannortewick, Ann, Middletown, and Lewis Smith, Shrewsbury 1761 Aug. 22 Van Nortwick, Arianche, and Johu Brokaw, Somerset 1781 Dec. 2 Van Nortwick, Margaret, and Sias Stilwell, Somerset 1783 Nov. 23 Van Norstrand, Jane, Bergen, Hartman Enochse Vreelant, New Jersey. 1747 Aug. 8 Van Nostrand, Sarab, Somerset, and John Nevill, Somerset 1775 Deo. 20 Van Nostrandt, Eleanor, and Albert Voorhees, Hillsborough 1778 Aug. 25 Vannoy, Catherine, and John Dockerty, Hopewell 1773 Nov. 24 Vannoy, Rebeccah, and Jobn Anderson, Hunterdon 1779 Mar. 30 Van Nuice, Mary, and AViUiam Terhune, Somerset 1781 Mar. 24 Van Nuis, Eleanor, New Brunswick, Roelef Van Voorhies, Middlesex 1748 May 27 Van Nuis, EUzabeth, and Johu Ryder, Middlesex , 1780 Nov. 27 Van Nuys, Elizabeth, New Brunswick, John A'oorhees, New Brunsw'k, 1749 Feb. 26 Van Nuyse, Mary, and Cornelius Van Nuyse, Somerset 1781 April 10 Van Ostrand, Hannatie, Middlesex, and Ephraim Vantine, Middlesex. 1750 Feb. 22 Van Ostrand, Jannitje, Somerset, and Henry Van Neste, Somerset . . . 1741 April 18 Van Ostrant, Haunah, and Abraham Traves 1 779 June 3 Van Pelt, Alke, Monmouth, and Peter Heyer, Monmouth, 1739 Nov. 30 Van Pelt, Catharine, and WiUiam Layton, Monmouth 1764 Nov. 19 Van Pelt, Catherine, aud WiUiam Davison, Middlesex 1780 AprU 29 Van Pelt, Hannah, and Ricbard Sutphen, Somerset 1773 Oot. 3 Vanpelt, NeUy, Somerset, and Martin Van Nortwick, New Jersey 1756 July 24 Vanpeth, Nettie, and Jonathan Dunn, Somerset 1777 Dec. 10 Vaurauselear, Mary, and Leonard Gansevoort, Jr., Albany, N. Y 1777 Mar. 3 Van Reamar, Elizabeth, and WiUiam Homan, Gloucester 1786 Sept. 19 Vanreypen, Henderiche, and John J. Zabriskie, Bergen 1788 Dec. 7 Van Ripe, Altie, Bergen, and Daniel Van Winckel, Bergen 1760 Jan. 28 Vanripen, Anney, and William Day, Bergen 1764 Oct 27 Van Ripen, Jannetie, and Johannes Van Winkel, Essex 1745 May 30 Van Riper, Jannetie, Bergen, and Helmich Vanhouten, Bergen 1750 Oot 19 Vanriper, Leoh, Essex, and Peter Jacobos, Essex 1753 Mar. 13 Vanroom, Ruth, Burlington, and Nathaniel Robins, BurUngton 1741 Oct 7 Vanroome, Sarah, and Mathias Swaine, Middlesex 1738 May 12 Van Ripen, Anne, and Johu Westervelt, Bergen 1783 Jan. 19 Van Saan, Salome, Bergen, and Conert Lake, Bergen 1789 Aug. 15 VansaU, Leah, Bergen, and Joseph AVood, Jr., Orange Co., N. Y. . . . 1743-4 Mar. 16 Vansant Anne, Pennsylvania, and AVUliam Hatcher, Pennsylvania. . . . 1727 Nov. 13 Vansant, Beula, and David Cole, Hunterdon 1775 Oct. 24 Vansant, Cbarity, and Samuel Morgan, Bucks Co. , Pa 1762 May 20 Vansant, Elisabeth, and Henry Vanhorn, Bucks, Pa 1758 Aug. 10 Vansant, Rachel, and Lewis Rue, Bucks I'^^O Mar. 24 Yan Scaick, Mary, and Cornelius Bogert, Somerset 1742 Jan. 22 424 NEaV JERSEY COLONIAL DOCtMENT§. Van Schaick, IsabeUa, and James Hibbits, Middlesex 1767 VansciTcr, Gertrude, and David Vanhorne, Bucks, Pa 1761 Vansciver, Gartery, and John Richardson 1780 Van Sickle, EUzabeth, and WUliam Clawson, Piscataway 1745 Van Sickle, Jane, Hunterdon, and John Marlatt, Hunterdon 1752 "Van Sickle, Margaret, Reading Town, AVUliam Brewer, Reading Town. 1748 Van Sickle, Mary, Hunterdon, and Garret Schenck, Hunterdon 1747 Van Sicklen, Mary, Middlesex, and Thomas Thickston, Middlesex . . , 1741 Vansisco, Sarab, Pequanock, and Peter Mead, Jr., Pumpton 1780 Van Sise, Elizabeth, and Giles Mead, Bergen 1783 Van Sise, Hellitye, aud Abraham Banta, Bergen 1786 Van Skiack, Anne, Freehold, aud George Cassler, Middletown 1760 Van Tillburgb, Sarah, and James Johnson, Essex 1746 Vantile, Catherine, Staten Island, AViUiam Dougless, Hunterdon 1759 Vantile, Elisabeth, Somerset, and David Grant, Somerset 1762 Vantile, Jane, Bergen, and Jacob Sebring, Middlesex 1768 Vantine, Anna, Middlesex, and Benjamin Cheesman, Middlesex 1751 Vantine, Catherina. Somerset, and Pieter Strycker, Somerset 1760 Van Veghte, Margret, Raritan, and Jobn V: D: Spiegel, New York. . .1739 Van Vliet, Judick, and Derick Aten, Hunterdon 1746 .Van VUet, Margant, Hunterdon, and Adrian Hagerman, Hunterdon. .1772 Van Voorhies, Lena, Bergen, and David Demarest, Bergeu 1760 Van Voorhees, Margaret, Bergen, and David Demarest, Bergen 1771 Van Voorhees, Nelly, Monmoutb, and Peter Voorhees, Monmouth ' . . , 1768 Vanvoorheese, Elizabeth, and John Kip, Bergen 1764 Van Voorhies, Mary, Middlesex, and Peter Vanpelt, Middlesex 1761 Van Voorhies, Elizabeth, aud Uzal Meeker, Bergen 1794 Vanvroome, Constant, and Daniel Hankins, Middlesex 1737 Van AVagenan, Helena, and Arent Schuyler, Bergeu 1741 Van Wageue, Annatje, Bergeu, Guilliam Outwater, Bergen 1773 Van Wagener, Jenneke, Essex, aud Arent Schuyler, Barlington City. . . 1748 Van Wagener, Jane, and Jacob Vreeland, Essex 1792 Van AVickle, Matie, Somerset, and George Anderson, Jr., Somerset 1748 Van Wicklen, Sieke, Archibald Gordon, Middlesex 1779 Van AVicklow, Dinah, Somerset and John Probasco, Somerset 1753 Van AVinckle, Siechie, Newark, and Johu De Voisne, Newark 1766 Van AVinckel, Wyntie, Bergen, aud Gerbraut Gerbrantse, New Jersey 1739 Van Wincle, Helligant, Bergen, and Hendrick Garritse, Essex 1771 Van Wincle, Sarah, Bergen, and Gerrit Vanwageuonge, Essex 1753 Van Winkle, Annatie, Essex, and Reyier V. Giese, Bertren 1760 Van AVinkle, Anuatie, aud Jobn SUngerlaud, Bergeu 1789 Van Winkle, Antie, Essex, and John Cowman, Essex 1760 Van AVinkle, Catherine, Essex, aud Phillip Berry, Bergen 1761 Van Winkle, Frouche, and Martin J. Eyerson, Bergen 1778 Van AVinkle, Margaret, Essex, and Cornelius Vreeland, Essex 1747 Van AVinkle, Margaret, Essex, and Garret Toers, Bergeu 1759 Feb. 25 May 20 Nov. 27 June 17 Sept 25 Sept 30 Dec 5 Jan. 18 Oct. 23 Oct 16 Sept 8 Sept 10 Dec 31 Dec 21 Sept. 28 June 6 Oot 8 Oct 1 Dec 31 Dec 24 Feb. 28 Nov. 29 June 25 Feb. 16 Nov. 25 April 20 Jan. 17 AprU 27 Sept 21 June 26 May 19 Jan. 4 Nov. 22 April 12 Aug. 18 Dec 20 Not. 6 April 24 June 8 Oct 31 Not. 20 Feb. 13 AprU , 15 Aug. 8 Not. 28 Not. 23 Sept 25 April 1 May 27 Sept. 26 Aug. 6 Sept 28 Mar. 25 June 19 MARRIAGE LicfeNSES. 425 'Van Winkle, Margaret, Morris, and Hendrick Doremus, Morris 1769 VanwinMe, Mary, and William ElUcott, Essex 1751 Van Winkle, Sytie, Somerset, aud John Boyse, New Jersey 1749 Van Wincle, Clausey, Bergen, and Jacob Bante, Bergen 1754 Van Wogenan, Lena, Acquackanonk, Thomas Van Ripen, Acquack'nk 1740 Van Wykel, Alice, Somerset, aud Joseph Mount, Somerset 1741 Vanzandt, Catharine, and Jesse Johnson, Bucks, Pa 1785 Van Zandt, Sarab, and Amariah Phares, Middlesex 1780 Van Zant, Margaret, New Brunswick, James Collins, New Brunswick. 1748 Dec. 26 MALES. V Vahan, James, Monmouth, and Rebeckah Gibbons, Monmouth 1739 ¦Vail, Abraham, Perth Amboy, and Sarah Paine ... 1772 - Vail, Daniel, Somerset, and Mary McEwan, Somerset 1774 VaU, Henry, Morris, and Pbebe Baker, Essex 1779 VaU, Isaac, Somerset, and Rachel Compton, Somerset 1762 - Vail, John, Somerset, and Mary Laing, Somerset 1751 Vail, John, Salem, and Rachel Stiles, Salem. . . 1768 Vail, Nathaniel, Elizabethtown, and Elizabeth Dennis, Elizabethtown. 1748 Valentine, Peter, Orange Co., and Maria Blauvelt 1784 Vance, John, Hackensack, and Polly Price, Elizabethtown 17 — Varick, John, Bergen, and Jane Die, Bergen. 1749 Varnon, James, Springfield, and Anue Enoch, Springfield 1783 Vasse, WiUiam, and Hannah Chambers 1741 Vaughn, David, Monmouth, and Hester Gybertson, Monmouth 1748 Vaughn, James, Burlington, and Sarah Gibbins, Burlington 1765 Vaughan, James, Upper Freehold, and Anne Robins , 1768 Vaughan, John, PhUadelphia, and Prudence Rugg, Salem 1761 ,'Vaughan, John, Burlington, and Patience Vaughan, Freehold 1764 Vaughan, Robert, Upper Freehold, Jemima Cornell, Upper Freehold 1763 Vaughan, William, Windsor, and Elizabeth FarTis, Windsor 1769 Vaughan, George, Glouoester, and Hannah Smith, Burlington 1735 Vaughn, John, Monmouth, and Mary Cheesman, Monmouth 1764 Veeder, Garret, Saddle RiTer, and Anne Kipp 1780 Veghte, Gerret, Somerset, aud Cbarity Sutphen 1764 Veghte, Hendrick, Somerset, Petronelle Vanmiddlesworth, Somerset 1748 Veghte, Jobn, Somerset, and Mary Oppie 1778 Veil, Thomas, Hackensack, and Hannah Berry, Hackensack 1760 Veldtman, Henry, Essex, and Rachel Wessells, Essex 1754 Vennable, Arthur, Chester, and Rebecca Shin 1783 Venable, Thomas, Burlington, and Sarah Wallis, Burlington 1729 Venable, Thomas, Burlington, and Hester Borrodail, Burlington 1756 Venables, Joseph, ETesham, and Susannah Jenkins 1778 * Venaman, Jonas, Cumberland, and Christiana Souder 1786 Vennest, Henry, Somerset, and Hannah Donham, Somerset 1751 Verbryct, Samuel Gersen, New Barbadoes, and Heyltye Remsen 1781 Feb. 14 Dec 1 Sept 21 Nov., 15 Feb. 8 Oct. 8 Jan. 11 May 3 Sept. 8 Oct. 3 May 23 April 12 Jan. 4 April 26 June 27 Aug. 18 Dec 16 April 6 Sept 5 Feb. 5 June 30 Not. 13 Feb. 15 Mar. 31 June 11 July 15 Not. 17 Jan. 8 May 24 Jan. 10 Aug. 2 Sept 5 Aug. 8 June 6 Aug. 2 426 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Verbryck, Samuel, Somerset and Susanna Vanderlinda, Bergen 1749 Mar. 21 Verner, Simeon, Somerset, and Elizabeth Christina Regan 1767 Dec. 24 ^ Vernon, James, Northampton, and Esther Colbreath, Northampton. . . 1756 Not. 13 Vernon, Nehemiah, Somerset, and Elisabeth 'Thompson, Somerset 1749 Not. 2 Vernon, Robert, Philadelphia, and Rachel Jones, Philadelphia 1738 April 14 Verree, William, and Jane Raworth, Burlington 1745 Jan. 25 Verrier, James, and Valbert AVilliams 1701 Sept. 9 Vervalen, Daniel, Bergen, and Rachel Volk 1788 Oct 16 Vickers, Joseph, New Brunswick, and Sarah AValker, Piscataway 1753 Deo. 7 Vickery, Richard, Salem, and Elizabeth Smitb 1 767 Aug. 18 Vickery, Thomas, Salem, and Phebe Garrison 1780 Feb. 11 Voghte, Christopher, Hunterdon, and Cornelia Traphagen, Hunterdon. 1749 AprU 14 Volk, Henry, New Barbadoes, aud Mary Oldwater, New Barbadoes . . 1766 Nov. 7 Von Goetschius, J. Henry, and Magdalena Christie 1773 Dec. 9 Vongalden, Abraham, Middletown, Elizabeth Bartilmey, Middletown. 1759 Jan. 8 Voorhees, Abraham, Somerset, and Eleanor Baird 1779 Aug. 14 Voorhees, Albert, Hillsborough, and Eleanor Van Nostrandt 1778 Aug. 26 Voorhees, Garret, Middlesex, and Johanna Van Harlen, Middlesex. ..1747 Nov. 25 Voorhees, Gerrit, Somerset, and Sarab Stoohof 1783 Jan. 19 Voorhees, Isaac, Freehold, aud Helena Barcalow, Freehold 1754 May 27 Voorhees, Isaac, Somerset, and Jane Vanderveere 1778 May 2 Voorhees, James, Somerset, and Elizabeth Blew 1778 Dec 17 Voorhees, Johu, Middlesex, aud EUzabeth Van Nuys, Middlesex 1749 Feb. 26 Voorhees, John, Middlesex, and , Christian Schuyler, Middlesex 1749 April 26 Voorhees, Johu, Amwell, and Rebecca AVilliamson .' 1772 April 11 Voorhees, John, Somerset, and Barbara Garrison ^ 1778 Mar. 21 Voorhees, Martin, Middlesex, and Mary V. Camp 1780 April 22 Voorhees, Rulef, Monmouth, and Rebecca Pees 1768 Jan. 9 Voorhees, Peter, Monmouth, and Nelly Van Voorhees, Monmouth . , 1768 Feb. 16 Voorhes, Luck, Middlesex, and Siche Boice, Middlesex 1746 June 9 Voorhes, AVUliam, Freehold, and Catherine Hance, Freehold 1763 July 5 Voorhese, Peter, Somerset, and Mary Ditmus 1779 Feb. 8 Voorhies, Jacob, New Brunswick, and Sarah Cockafare 1772 Nov. 9 Voorhies, John, Jr., Bridgewater, and Sarah Taylor 1789 Jan. 26 Voorhies, Koert, Middlesex, and Mary Johnson, Middlesex 1 764 Jau. 30 Vorhis, Daniel,! and Meery Jouleman 1762 July 31 Voorus, Andrew, Freehold, aud .Anna Sutfin 1751 May 13 Vorhuj'se, Roleph, Middlesex, and Margareta Cornel, Somerset 1745 Dec. 6 Vought, John, Hunterdon, and Mary Grandin, Huuterdon 1772 Not. 21 Vredenburg, Peter, New Brunswick, and Elizabeth Fitchet, Somerset 1746 Dec 17 Vredenburgb, Isaac, New Brunswick, and Alletta Noe 1784 April 7 Vreeland, Cornelius, Essex, and Margaret Van AVinkle, Essex. 1747 Nov. 28 Vreeland, Helmus, Bergeu, and Nelle Vanhorn, Bergen. 1752 April 1 Vreeland, Jacob, Bergen, and Jannetje Cadmus, Bergen 1770 June 16 1 " Daniel Van Voorbeese " in tbe body of the bond, but signed " Daniel Vorhis." MARRIAGE LICENSES. 427 Vreeland, Jacob, Essex, aud Jane Van Wagener 1792 Jan. 14 Vreeland, Peter, and Leah Duremes 1763 April 16 Vreelandt, Enoch, Bergen, and Cornelius Kip, Bergeu 1764 Not. 18 Vreelant, Enochse Hartman, New Jersey, Jane Van Norstrand, Berg'n. 1747 Aug. 8 Vreelandt, Michael, Essex, and Alchey Vangeeson, Essex 1749-60 Mar. 14 Vreelandt, Nicholas, Bergeu, and Nancy Basset, Essex 1760 Not. 2 Vreelandt, Richard, Hackensack, and Hannah Bauta 1783 Dec. 1 Vrelad, Jacob. Hackensack, and Wyntje Durie, Bergen 1769 Dec. 15 Vreland, John E., Essex, and Yonacy Post, Essex 1754 Jan. 2 Vroom, Christian, Lebanon, and Gertrude Swum, Staten Island 1757 April 5 Vroom, George, Middlesex, and Charity Dumont, Somerset 1741 Jan. 25 Vroom, Jacob, Somerset, and Elizabeth Vankee, Somerset 1744 Aug. 7 Vroom, Johu, Somerset, and Jannetie Vanste, Somerset 1749 Oct. 23 Vroom, John, Somerset, and Anne Bunn 1783 May 18 Vroom, Peter, and Jannetje Dumont, Middlesex 1750 Aug. 20 FEMALES. ^ Vactor, Polly, and Peter DiUen, Somerset 1779 Nov. 13 Vagere, Aales,! Northampton, aud David Shadecker, Northampton 1747 Feb. 22 Vahan, Hannah, Monmouth, and Silvester TUton, Monmouth 1739 AprU 3 Vahan, Rachel, Monmouth, and John Robinson, Monmoutb 1766 Aug. 19 Vahan, Rachel, and Nathaniel Cox, Moumouth 1761 Feb. 18 Vail, Martha, Essex, and Abraham Meriatt, Somerset 1748 Feb. 25 Vail, Rachel, Bernards, and Nathaniel Woodard, Bernards 1773 Nov. 21 Valeau,2 Susannah, and Dr. John Bard 1741 Feb. 5 Velentine, Mary, Richmond, N. Y., Charies Lisk, Richmond Co., N. Y.1742 July 24 Valette, Judith, Middlesex, and Hugh McCann, Middlesex 1741 July 13 Valt, Mary Crindren, Staten Island, and Asher Tappen, Morris 1762 Dec 29 -Vance, Elizabeth, and Robert Montgomery, Jr., Monmouth 1757 June 14 Vane, Mary, Sussex, and George Main, Sussex 1771 Jan. 4 Vanse, Elizabeth, Croswicks, and John Tilton, Buriington 1768 Mar. 7 Vanste, Jane, and Jacob Van Noarstraud, Somerset 1740 Dec. 23 Vanste, Jannetie, Somerset, and Jobn Vroom, Somerset 1749 Oct 23 Vaughan, Catherine, Buriington, and James DUlon, Buriington 1779 June 5 Vaughan, Elizabeth, and Thomas Edwards, Monmouth 1770 June 19 Vaughan, Martha, Monmouth, and William Morris, Monmouth 1768 Mar. 4 Vaughan, Marthfi, and Joseph Brian, Salem 1774 Dec 6 Vaughan, Mary, Cumberiand, and Daniel MaskeU, Cumberland 1749 Jan. 16 Vaughan, Mary, BurUngton, and Gasper Peterman, Buriington 1761 Mar 5 Vaughan, Patience, Freehold, and John Vaughan, Burlington 1764 April 6 Vaughn, Ann, Burliugton, and Heury Tuckney, Burlington 1733 Oct. 16 Vaughn, Betbeuah, and Obadiah Applegate, Moumouth 1772 June ^b Vaughn, Easter, Monmoutb, and John Foster, Monmoutb 1766 Dec. ~T Or Dales. In a small register of marriage Ucenses the name is given as Anles Vagow 2 There are two entries of marriage Ucenses to these parties. One, ^ated Feb^ 5, 1741, gives no residences. Another, dated May 29, 1741, gives the residences as Philadelphia. 428 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCtlMENfS. Vaughn, Mary, Monmouth, and Joseph Everingham, Monmoutb 1750 Vaughn, Mercy, Upper Freehold, aud David Stout, Amwell 1768 Vaughn, Rebecca, Freehold, and Henry Fisher, Cranberry 1756 Vaughn, Rhody, and John Hays, Burlington 1782 Varick, Jane, and Abraham Hardenburgh, Ulster, N. Y 1784 Varick, Martyntje, Bergen, and Peter Zabriskie, Bergen. 1747 Varick, Sarah, Bergeu, and Jacob Zabriskie, Bergen 1 743 Vavason, Cornelia, aiid Stephen Gano, Orange, N. Y 1782 Veader, Adriana, and Cornelius Hennion, Bergen 1781 Veal, Hannah, and William Robinson, Cape May 1778 Veal, Phebe, and Benjamin Parsons, Maurice River 1780 Veal, Sarab, and Richard Hankinson, Somerset 1769 Vear, Faithy, and Thomas Denny, Gloucester 1782 Veghte, Cornelia, Rocky Hill, and John Swaine, Staten Island , 1771 Veil, Elizabeth, Hackensack, and Christian Dederer, Hackensack. ...1760 Venable, Mary, and AVUliam Holmes, Burlington 1768 Venables, Anna, aud Nathaniel Cosseboom, Burlington 1761 Venables, Elizabeth, Cumberland, Obadiah Carruthers, Cumberland. 1768 VenebaU, Elizabeth, and John Holland, Burlington 1790 Vervnle, Derrickie, Orange, N. Y., and Christopher Campbell, Bergen. 1766 Verveelen, Deborah, Orange, N. Y., aud Resolvest Areyanson, Bergen. 1773 Verveelen, Elizabeth, and Aurie Aureyanse, Bergen 1782 Verree, Rebecca, Burlington, and Moses Thomas, Philadelphia 1742 Vet, Leah Andrew, Staten Island, and Abraham Tappen, Woodbridge. 1758 Viokars, Mary, aud John Worthington, Hopewell 1779 Vickers, Sarah, and Providence Ludlam, Cape May 1760 Vickery, Ann, and James AVright, Penns Neck 1775 Vickery, Rebecca, and Isaac BUderback, Salem 1772 Vickery, Sarah, Salem, and Allen Congleton, Salem 1761 Viokery, Sarab, Salem, and Charles BUderback, Salem 1764 Victory, Elizabeth, and John Kimpton, Burlington 1731 Vining, Mary, Salem, and Nicholas Ridgeley, Salem 1736 Vinucomb, Rachel, Burlington, and Robert Haines, Barlington 1766 Vinneman, Deborah, Gloucester, and Nathan Paul, Gloucester 1740 Volk, Rachel, and Daniel Vervalen, Bergen 1788 VoUerson, Maria, Somerset, and Peter Schenk, Somerset 1747 VoUow, Margaret, Bergen, aud David Stout, Burlington 1743 Voolass, Mary, aud James Robinson, Toms River 1768 Voorhees, Arianche, Monmouth, and Gysbert Zutpben, Monmoutb. . .1749 Voorhees, Elizabeth, and James Sutphen, Somerset 1778 Voorhees, Elizabeth, and James Bennet, Middlesex 1779 Voorhees, Maritie, and Abraham Dumon, Somerset 1782 Voorhees, Mary, and James Bergen, Somerset 1779 Voorhees, Mary, Somerset, and Martain Stine, Moumouth 1780 Voorhees, Nelly, Middlesex, and Peter Stryker, Middlesex 1784 Voorhees, Sarah, and Adonijah Peacock, Evesham 1782 Oot 29 May 6 Oct 11 Nov. 19 Jau. 22 Oct. 21 Nov. 2 Oot 21 Nov. 17 Jan. 6 June 16 Nov. 3 Sept 27 Jau. 21 Nov. 17 Feb. 26 Aug. 24 Mar. 31 Aug. 23 Aug. 1 Nov. 1 Mar. 17 Jan. 9 Mar. 3 Sept 6 Nov. 23 Mar. 26 Feb. 12 Sept 4 Feb. 25 Dec. 23 May 17 Aug. 16 Oct 16 Aug. 14 Jan. 1 July 26 Juue 15 Sept. 12 June 22 June 10 May 16 Feb. 24 Mar. 5 Aug. 15 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 429 Voorhees, Styntie, and Lambert Duriand, Somerset, I747 Voorhees, Sytee, Middlesex, and John Rue, Middlesex 1751 Voorheese, Mary, and Barnt Stryker, Somerset I779 -^Voorhies, Annatie, Somerset, and Isaac Van Brunt, Long Island 1761 Voorhies, Anue, and Abraham AVilson, Hillsborough 1778 Voorhies, Catherine, and Aaron Hagaman, Somerset 1779 Voorhies, Lena, Somerset, and Denys Vanduyn, Somerset ... 1754 Voorhes, Jenny, and Jacob Vandorn, Somerset 1769 Vorbes, Deborah, So'merset, and Ralph Phenix, Somerset 1779 Voto, Sarah, and Ricbard Crooks, Burlingtou 1783 Vralmon, Peterohey, Essex, and Ary King, Essex I754 Vredenburgb, Catherine, Middlesex, and Matthew Light, Middlesex . 1779 Vreeland, Elizabeth, and Cornelius Van Rypen, Bergen 1787 Vreeland, Frances, Acquackanock, Johannis Vanhouten, New Jersey. 1741 Vreeland, Leah, and Garret Vanallen, Bergen , 1779 Vreeland, Susannah, and Joseph HaTens, Burlington 1757 Vreelandt, Beltie, Bergen, and Cornelius Sip, Bergen 1761 Vreelandt, Yanachey, Morris, and Martin Vandien, Morris 1760 Vreland, Clancy, Essex, and Edward Earl, Bergen ' 1747 Vreland, Elizabeth, and John R. Ludlow, Essex 1787 Vreland, Hester, Essex, and John De Vausene, Essex 1745 Vreland, Rachel, Bergen, and Albert Hoppe, Bergen 1765 Vrelant, Aegye, Bergen, aud Hellemig Van Houten, Bergen 1753 Vreelant, Sally, and Jacobus Van Buskirk, Bergen 1787 Vroom, Bradice, Somerset, and Peter Dumont, Somerset 1748 Vroom, Marritie, Somerset, and Andres Teneick, Somerset 1746 Vroom, Sarah, Somerset and Jan Van Neste, Somerset 1746 Vumort,! Rosina, Shrewsbury, and James Throckmorton, Shrewsbury. 1767 Vryefinger, Elisabet, Bergen, and Johannis Schuurt, Bergen 1762 April 10 MALES. "^ AVadington, Jonathan, Mannington, and Sarah Bradway 1777 AVady, Humphrey, Shrewsbury, and Phebe Tiltou, Middletown 1760 Wainright, Joseph, Monmouth, and Susanna Walling, Hardyston 1772 Wainright, Thomas, Shrewsbury, and Rebeckah Hoisted, Shrewsbury. 1762 Wainright, Vincent, Shrewsbury, and Elizabeth WUUams, Freehold, .176 '2 Waithman, William, Cumberland, and Mary Moore, Cumberland 1763 Waithman, William, Camberland, and Sarah Bacon, Cumberland 1775 AValoott, Benjamin, Shrewsbury, and ClefEey Cook, Shrewsbury 1753 Waldron, Daniel, Perth Amboy, and Dorcas Conger, Piscataway 1750 Waldron, Joseph, Bergen, and Helena Ryerson 1789 Waldron, Resolve, Bergen, aud Betsey Gordon -. . . , 1782 Walker, Abraham, Burlington, and Rebecca Chambers, Burlington. . .1736 AValker, Benjamin, New York, and Mariah Robinson 1784 1 Or Vurnort. May 5 May 20 Jan. 6 Mar. 20 Dec 25 Feb. 20 May 1 April 5 Nov. 20 Feb. 26 Jan. 12 Aug 12 Jan. 20 May 19 Aug. 2 Sept. 13 June 27 Mar. 31 Oct. 20 Nov. 21 April 29 Feb. 3 May 4 Dec 12 May 16 Nov. 10 Nov. 10 Jan. 2 Nov. 13 Feb. 28 May 19 Jan. 26 May 5 May 22 Oot 11 Feb. 27 Feb. 22 Nov. 14 Jau. •27 July 15 Aug. 30 430 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. AValker, Francis, Woodbridge, and Jane Brooks, Woodbridge 1744 Walker,, George, Monmouth, and Priscilla Forman, Monmouth 1747 AValker, George, Bucks, Pa,, and Elizabeth Heedleson, Bucks, Pa 1761 AValker, Isaac, Burlington, and Mary Horner, Burlington 1728 Walker, James, Piscataway, and Hannah Herriman 1745 AValker, James, Piscataway, and Anne AUisou, Piscataway 1754 Walker, James, New York, aud Ann Van Der Beek 1786 Walker, John, Salem, aud Mary Smith, Salem 1683-4 AValker, John, Burliugton, and Judith Land, Burlington 1746 Walker, John, Mannington, and Catharine Johnson, Mannington. , . . 1765 Walker, John, Alloways Creek, and Lylia Agnew, Salem 1768 AValker, John, Middlesex, and Rebecca Clark 1769 AValker, Johu, Salem, and Margaret Fogg, Salem 1772 AValker, Richard, AVoodbridge, aud Aun Tomere, Perth Amboy 1746 AValker, Robert, Salem, and Isabel Parrott, Salem 1760 AValker, Robert, Salem, and Susanna Walker, Salem 1768 AValker, Silas, Middlesex, and Ruth Bloomfield, Middlesex 1762 Walker, Thomas, Middlesex, and Mary Ailgur, Middlesex 1764 AValker, Thomas, Evesham, aud Elizabeth Gaskin 1783 AValker, WiUiam, AVoodbridge, aud Anne Howell, Woodbridge 1741-2 AValker, William, Salem, and Hannah Fogg, Salem 1767 AValker, AVUliam, Glouoester, and Ann Austin, Burlington 1773 AVall, Garratt, Middlesex, aud Catherine Carr, Monmouth 1740 Wall, George, Bucks, Pa., and Anne EUeket, Bucks, Pa , . 1744 AVall, Humphrey, Monmouth, and Elizabeth Tilton, Barlington 1763 AVall; Humphrey, Middletown, and EUzabeth Ogborn, Middletown. . . 1765 AVall, John, Middletown, and Rachel Bowne, Middletown 1751 AVall, John, Middletown, and Anna Bowne, Middletown 1763 AVall, John, Middletown, and Idy Vanderbilt, Middletown 1764 AVallace, Robert, Perth Amboy, and Jemima Borrowe, Perth Amboy . . 1749 AA'alUng, John, Cumberland, and Anna Tullis, Camberland 1761 AValler, John, Middlesex, and Elizabeth Smith, Middlesex 1732 Waller, AViUiam, AVoodbridge, Margaret Fitz Randolph, Woodbridge. .1750 Walling, Gershom, Monmouth, and Mary Collins 1762 Availing, John, Middletown, and Elizabeth Roberts, Middletown 1767 Availing, John, Jr., Hunterdou, and Easter Guile 1768 '\Valling, Jonathan, Cumberland, aud Eachel Bacon, Greenwich 1774 AA'alling, Ladis, Cumberland, and Ruth Brewster, Greenwich 1775 Availing, Thomas, Burlington, aud Hannah AVallace, Barlington 1740 Availing, Thomas, Middletown, and Rebecka Roberts, Middletowu .... 1754 Walling, Thomas, Middletown, and Elizabeth Watson, Middletown . . 1759 AValliugs, John, Evesham, and Drusilla Pricket 1779 AVallis, William, Gloucester, and Dorothy Connolly, Gloucester. . . ., 1739 AVallis, Thomas, Evesham, and Hope Lippincott, Evesham 1750 Wallis, Thomas, Burlington, and Hope Lippincott, Burliugton 1750 AVallor, Jacob, Sussex, and Christiana Creveling 1769 AprU 30 Oct 26 Dec 2 Dec 4 Dec 21 AprU 17 Mar. 11 Feb. 19 Sept 5 Oct 17 Aug. 2 Sept. 6 Dec 22 June 3 AprU 16 Nov. 24 Jan. 4 Dec 18 Aug. 8 Mar. 23 Feb. 23 Sept. 20 Oct. 24 Aug. 22 Aug. 25 Mar. 6 AprU 30 June 15 Mar. 17 May 6 Mar. 25 Dec 16 Sept 1 Nov. 15 Mar. 21 Feb. 3 Mar. 2 Sept 25 Nov. 12 July 6 May 9 Aug. 23 Mar, 17 July 12 July 12 Nov. 27 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 431 Walne, James, Burlington, and Martha Adams, Burlington 1746 Walsbey, WUliam, Burlington, and Rachel Reynear, Burlington 1780 AValsb, James, Burlington, and Margaret Norton, Burlington 1739 AValters, Philip, Cumberland, and Mary Brown, Fairfield 1777 Walton, Isaac, PhUadelphia, and Sarah Holt, Bucks, Pa 1737 Walton, John, Crosswicks, aud Patience Gordon I778 Walton, Thomas, Chesterfield, and Aune Bower, Monmouth 1766 Walton, WiUiam, Nottingham, and Micha Swem 1760 Walton, WiUiam, Pequanock, and Catherine King, Roxbury 1768 Walty, Andreas, Salem, and Margaret Hoffham, Salem 1746-6 Waney, John, Burliugton, and Patience Moore, Barlington 1775 AVanmaker, Henry, Bergen, and Mary Bertholf 1780 Wanton, John, Jr,, Rhode Island, and Lydia Eatton, Shrewsbury 1750 Ward, Aaron, Gloucester, and Phebe Holm, Gloucester 1732 Ward, Benjamin, South Amboy, and Lydia Cheesman, South Amboy, 1759 Ward, David, Gloucester, aud Susannah AVard, Gloucester. 1749 AVard, George, Gloucester, and Abigail Rowen, Gloucester 1746 Ward, Jacob, New Hanover, and Hannah Bowker 1784 Ward, James, Gloucester, and Mary Mackenuj', Gloucester 1740 Ward, Jonathan, Deptford, and Hester Jagard, Deptford 1765 AVard, Joseph, Woodbury, aud Deborah Ward, Woodbury 1764 Ward, Josiah, Gloucester, and Keziah Albertson, Gloucester 1760 Ward, Peter, Chester, and Hannah Hollinshead, Chester 1746 AVard, Peter, Burlington, aud Anne Baikenbof , 1763 Ward, Peter, Saddle River, and Nancy Mead 1781 Ward, Samuel, Cumberland, and Deborah Brewster, Greenwich 17 AVard, Stephen, Essex, and Katerine Crane, Essex 1779 Ward, Uzal, Newark, and Martha Johnson, Newark 1746 Ward, William, Gloucester, and Mary Anna Warden, Glouoester 1727 AVard, William, Gloucester, and Temperance Johnson, Salem 1742 AVarde, George, Deptford, and Annie Middleton 1772 Wardel, Joseph, Shrewsbury, and Deborah White, Shrewsbury 1768 AVardeU, Ebenezer, Monmouth, and Hannah Curtis, Monmouth. . . . 1753 Wardell, Ebenezer, Shrewsbury, and Elizabeth Parker, Shrewsbury. ,1756 AVardell, James, Shrewsbury, and Elizabeth Lipincott, Shrewsbury. , . 1755 Wardell, John, Monmoutb, and EUsabeth Stelle, Monmouth 1748 AVardell, John, Shrewsbury, and Sarah West, Shrewsbury 1755 WardeU, Jobn, Burlington, and Margaret Tucker, Shrewsbury 1761 AVardell, Joseph, Monmouth, and Hanuah Brinley, Monmoutb 1749 AVardell, Joseph, Shrewsbury, and Catherine Lane, Shrewsbury 1750 Wardell, Samuel, Hanover, and Hanuah Pancost, Hanover 1763 Wardell, Solomon, Shrewsbury, and Mary Andress 1767 Wardell, William, Shrewsbury, and Mary Smith, Shrewsbury 1762 AVardelle, Samuel, Burlington, and Sarah Ivins, Burlington 1777 AVare, Benjamin, Salem, and Mary Allen 1773 Ware, Elnathan, Greenwich, and Marcy Moore 1760 AprU 30 Oct 13 Oct 14 June 16 Oct. 18 Aug. 25 Sept 5 Juue 14 June 2 Oct. 17 Mar. 10 Sept 22 Dec 12 Aug. 10 July 22 June 30 April 14 July 13 Dec 3 Mar. 30 June 25 Sept. 24 Mar. 1 Feb. 28 Dec. 14 May 27 Mar. 22 Nov. 17 July 25 Mar. 14 Sept. 28 April 21 Sept 27 May 22 Jan. 19 Jan. 9 Jan. 25 Oct 26 July 8 Feb. 21 May 23 July 11 Jan. 19 Jan. 27 Nov. 9 432 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. AVare, John, Salem, and Ruth Tyler, Salem 1778 AVare, John, Cumberland, and Margaret Newton, Cape May 1783 AVare, Latin, Cumberland, and Ann Fithian, Cumberland 1768 AVare, Latin, Cumberland, and Elizabeth Barker 1782 AVare, Richard, Salem, and Sarah Adams, Salem 1775 • Warford, Aaron, Kingwood, aud Agnes Hogeland, Amwell 1773 AVarford, Moses, Kingwood, and Anne AVolverton, Amwell 1771 Warner, Jaoonias, Nortbamjiton, aud Sibella Eldridge, Northampton. , 1770 AVarne, John, Monmouth, and Zehiah AVarne, Monmouth 1766 Warne, Johu, South Amboy, and Mary Brown 1773 AVarne, Joshua, South Amboy, and Meleney Disbrow, South Amboy , , 1762 AVarne, Samuel, Perth Amboy, and Hannah Disbrow, Perth Amboy. . . 1755 AVarne, Stephen, Middlesex, aud .Mercy Peirce, Middlesex 1729 AVarne, Thomas, Middlesex, and Mary Prall, Staten Island 1759 Warner, Isaac, Philadelphia, and Lydia Colton, Philadelphia 1757 AVarner, James, Burlington, and Sarah Favis, Burlington 1767 AVarner, John, Middlesex, and Sarah Ogbourn 1769 AVarner, Moses, Evesham, and Elizabeth Gardner 1782 AVarner, Nathaniel, Burlington, and Mary Chapman, Burlington. ... 1756 AA'arner, Salaways, Evesham, and Susannah Conder, Evesham 1760 AVarner, Samuel, Middlesex, and Sarah Morrell 1765 AVarner, Samuel, Evesham, and Hepzibab Matlack, Evesham 1784 AVarren. Frettwell, Hanover, and Susannah Stockton 1760 AVarren, Jacob, Burlington, and Rebeckah Mount 1768 AVarrick, Abraham, Upper Freehold, Rebeckah Britton, Monmouth. . . 1750 AVarrick, Anthony, Gloucester, and Elizabeth Crawford 1775 AVarrick, John, Gloucester, and Margaret Fry 1784 AVarwick, AVUliam, Gloucester, and Jemima Cheesman 1780 AVasley, AA'asley, Bucks, Pa., and Phebe Banting, Bucks, Pa 1749 A\'aterhouse, John, Perth Amboy, and Sophia Watson, Perth Amboy . . 1769 AVaterman, Henry, Burlington, and Mary Godfrey, Burlington 1727 AVaters, Anthony, Essex, and Margaret Codman 1767 AVaters, William, Salem, and Rebecca Bassett , 1752 AVaters, William, Burlington, and Anne Munroe, Northampton 1757 AVatkius, Abijah, and Pheebe Field, Burlington 1773 AVatkins, Eleazer, Springfield, and Elizabeth Scott, Springfield 1773 AVatkius, Solomon, Burlington, and Mary Brayman, Burlingtcn 1734 AVatkinson, John, Springfield, and Abijah Monear, Springfield 1745 AVatkinson, Burlington, and Margaret Leland, Burlington 1776 AA'atkinson, Richard, Springfield, and Martha Ewing, Springfield 1771 AVatre, Andrie, Freehold, and Margaret Derrickson, Middletowu 1763 AVatson, Benjamin, Evesham, and Martha Evans, Burlington 1767 Watson, David, Freehold, and Anne Tice, Freehold 1762 AVatson, George, and Mary Towers, Philadelphia 1741 Watson, Isaac, Greenwich, and Elizabeth Powell, Greenwich , 1760 Watson, James, New Hanover, and Haunah Estill, New Hanover. . . . 1774 Dec. 30 May 22 Feb. 15 July 30 July 25 Nov. 29 Jan. 12 Mar. 1 Dec 26 June 9 Oct. 28 Nov. 3 Oct. 13 Feb. 19 Aug. 25 Aug. 29 Oct 18 Feb. 4 Nov. 13 Dec 5 Aug. 10 Aug. 3 Dec. 8 Feb. 2 Dec 29 Oot 5 Sept 11 Jan. 25 Dec 5 Jan. 12 April 12 Feb. 26 AprU 27 Jau; 31 Oct 1 May 5 Mar. 20 Nov. 4 July -24 April 18 April 18 Feb. 11 Nov. 21 Feb. 20 Oct 2 Jau. 5 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Watson, John, Monmoutb, and Jannet- Campbell, Monmouth . , 1744 Watson, John, Mansfield, and Mary Everingham, Mansfield 1766 Watson, John, Jr., Nottingham, and Ruth Biles 1771 Watson, Peter, Freehold, and Mary Ker, Freehold. 1757 Watson, Richard, Barlington, and Mary Howard 1756 Watson, Thomas, Bristol, and Mary Hensley, Bristol 1764 Watson, WUliam, Cumberland, and Mary Mulford ] 764 Watson, William, Gloucester, and Sarah Aohley 1783 Watt, James, Cape May, and Rachel Hand, Cape May 1770 Watts, Charles, Pennsylvania, and Elizabeth Hibbs, Pennsylvania . . . 1735 Watwood, George, Perth Amboy, Hannah Applegate, Perth Amboy, . . 1745 Wayman, Henry, Chesterfield, and Sarah Burtis 1767 Wayman, Henry, Mansfield, and Patience Chapman ,. 1763 Weaser, Frederick, Amwell, and Mary Swallow, Amwell 1769 Weatherbe, Benjamin, Salem, and Margaret WilUs 1767 Weatherby, Benjamin, Gloucester, and -Edith Smith 1772 Weatherby, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Ann Flanningham 1783 Weatherby, Henry, Deptford, and Sarab Paul, Greenwich 1754 Weatherby, Nathan, Gloucester, and Kezea West 1782 Weatherill, Thomas, Salem, and Sarah Hale, Salem 1748 Weaver, Thomas, Gloucester, and AbigaU Cheevers, Gloucester 1756 Webb, Isaac, Middlesex, and Rachel Letts 1774 Webb, Isaac, Springfield, and Mary Penrow, Springfield ] 783 AVebb, James, Burlington, and Mary Autram 1783 AVebb, John, Burliugton, and Rebecca England, Burlington 1740 Webb, John, Pennsylvania, and Sarab Porter, Amwell 1765 Webb, John, Glouoester, aud MUicent Coates 1779 Webb, Robert, Jr., Burlington, and Barthia Crammer,! Burlington. ..1751 Webb, Robert, Jr., Shalton Island, and Barthia Crammer,3 Burlington. 1751 Webb, Samuel, Gloucester, and Rachel WaUen 1773 Webb, Zebulon, Burlington, aud Edith Lowder, Burlington 1740 Webb, Zebulon, Hanover, and Ezabel Pearson 1762 Webber, Thomas, Salem, and Mary Vandervere, Salem. , 1761 AVebley, John, Shrewsbury, and Elizabeth Wardell, Shrewsbury 1756 Webster, Jobn, Middlesex, and Christian Drake, Piscataway 1744 Webster, Lawrence, Evesham, and Hannah Hugg, Northampton 1764 Webster, Richard, Trenton, and Sarab Barrett 1778 Weeks, David, Perth Amboy, and Agues Sharp, Perth Amboy 1765 Weeks, Joshua, Essex, and Margaret AVard, Essex 1761 Weems, Thomas, Pennsylvania, aud Ellenor Jacobs, Pennsylvania 1728 Weever, Henry, Woolwich, and Elizabeth Gaidden, AVoolwich 1772 AVeitzel, John, PhUadelphia, and Tabitha Morris, PhUadelphia 1771 Weiler, Amos, Hanover, aud Rebekah AVright : 1776 Weiler, Marick, Monmouth, and Mary Wright, Bordentown 1767 1 So in the bond. 2 Thus in the record. 27 433 Sept 29 Aug. 16 AprU 23 Jan. 4 Aug. 13 Jan. 2 Nov. 11 Jan. 16 Oct 22 June 5 Mar. 25 June 20 Juue 20 Jau. 17 Mar. 3 Feb. 6 Dec 1 May 1 May 14 Jan. 19 Dec 24 Oct 16 Feb. 15 Dec. 16 June 5 July 13 June 11 May 9 May 9 Dec. 25 May 26 July 4 Dec. 20 July 27 Oot. 13 Mar. 22 April 18 June 29 Feb. 16 Nov. 6 Mar. 2 Dec. 25 Dec. 22 Jan. 3 434 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. AA'elliug, John, Huuterdon, and Zilpah Roberts 1781 Welling, Johu, Trenton, and Mary Hart 1786 AVells, Carvel, Freehold, and Elizabeth Bills, Freehold 1767 Wells, James, Philadelphia, and Rachel Lovele, Burlington 1750 AVells, James, Goodluck, and Rachel Soarding, Goodluck 1763 Wells, John, Trenton, and Prudence Dunbar, Trenton 1746 Wells, Joseph, and Anne Murflu 1774 AVells, Peter, Gt. Egg Harbour, and Phebe May 1774 AVelsh, Darley, Chester, and Sarah Leed, Chester 1757 Welsh, David, Roxbury, and Mary Sbarpenstien 1778 AVelsh, Jobn, Burlington, and Ruth Stackhouse, Pennsylvania 1776 Welsh, John, Barlington, and Martha Quigley 1780 Welsh, Patrick, Burlington, and Jaue Flanigan, Burlington 1734 AVelsh, Peter, Nottingham, and Anna Burns 1778 Wentzell, Philip, Salem, and Elizabeth Morrison, Salem 1765 AVerden, John, Monmouth, and Hannah Lain 1761 Wescoat, Jael, Galleway, and Susannah Crammer 1784 AVescot, Lenard, Great Egg Harbour, Sarah Bourton, Gt Egg Harbour. 1761 Westote, Arthur, Gt Egg Harbour, Christian Smith, Gt. Egg Harbo'r , 1759 Wescote, Foster, Cohausej', and Abigail Fraser, Cumberland 1748 AVescote, Zilea, Great Egg Harbour, and Catherine Deacon 1759 Wesse,! Lucas, Essex, aud Hannah Van Drieser2 1762 AVessells, Lawrence, New York, aud Mary Iselstine, Perth Amboy , , . . 1747 AVessem, Yocam, New Jersey, and Elizabeth Dean, Somerset 1741 AVest, Asher, Shrewsbury, and Anna Ellis, Shrewsbury 1756 AVest, Bartholomew, Monmouth, and Susannah Shinn, Burlington .... 1727 AVest, Beriah, Shrewsbury, and Sarab Parker 1761 West, Charles, Deptford, and Sarah Hopper, Deptford 1772 AVest, Daniel, Burlington, and Elizabeth Arned 1736 AVest, Daniel, Bucks, Pa. , and Sarah Moon AVest, George, Shrewsbury, and Catharine HoUt, Shrewsbury 1769 West, George, Burlington, and Mary Clark, Burlington 1768 AVest, Jacob, Monmouth, and Ann Robinson, Monmouth 1771 West, Jacob, Sussex, and Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Greenwich 1773 West, James, Monmouth, and Anu AVing, Monmoutb 1749 AVest, John, Burlington, and Mary Ash, Burlington 1728 AVest, Jobn, Monmouth, and Mary West, Monmouth . 1740 West, John, Shrewsbury, and Amy Prise, Shrewsbury 1704 West, John, Shrewsbury, aud Lydia AVinrigbt, Shrewsbury 1755 AVest, John, Burlington, and Mary Reynolds 1759 West, John, Gloucester, and EUzabeth AVeatherby 1784 West, John, Jr., Philadelphia, and EUzabeth Kay 1784 West, John, Springfield, and Beulah CowgiU 1784 West, Jonath^, Gloucester, and Mary Richards 1786 ^ Wessels, - Van Driessen, Feb. 20 Oct 11 Nov. 24 Oct 23 Feb. 4 Nov. 5 Oct. 15 Nov. 5 Sept. 17 May 26 Oot. 6 July 5 Mar. 11 June 3 Aug. 3 Jan. 14 Dec. 8 May 20 Dec 17 May 31 Dec 17 Not. 18 Dec 26 April 22 April 6 Oct 5 Oct. 2" June 16 June 6 May 16 Feb. 1 Oct. 18 Dec. 9 Dec. 20 Oct. 19 Oct 6 Dec 28 Dec 3 July 19 Jan. 19 AprU , 17 Not. 10 Feb. 28 MARRIAGE LICENSES. West, Joseph, Alonmouth, and Audrey Webley, Monmouth 1740 AVest, Josiah, Middletown, and Anne A'anbrackel 1774 West, Matthew, Bmlington, and Margaret Rossell. . , 1784 West, Thomas, Pennsylvania, and Britta Johnson, Pennsylvania 1735 West, Uriah, Shrewsbury, aud Mercy AA'hite, Shrewsbury 1762 West, WUUam, Monmouth, and Div! Damey AVainright, Monmouth . . 1760 West, WiUiam, Nottingham, and Anne Stout 1778 Westcoat, PhUip, Monmoutb, and Mary Jacobs, Monmoutb 1739 Westcote, David, Fairfield, and Susanna Elmer, Fairfield 1768 Westcote, Richard, Burlington, and Margaret Lee, Burlington 1761 Westerfelt, Benjamin, Bergen, and Sarah Berdett 1768 Westervelt, Gaspares, Hackensack, and Rachel Zabrisco, Hackensack. . 1763 Westervelt, Casparus, Hackensack, Elizabeth Campbell, Hackensack. . 1774 Westervelt, Cornelis, Bergen, and Margret Post 1788 AVestervelt, Jacob J., Bergen, and Jenny Banta. 1768 Westervelt, James, Bergen, and Mary Slott 1788 AVestervelt, Jobn, Bergen, and Anne A'an Ryper 1783 Wetherby, Edmond, and Anne Gibbon, Salem 1769 Wetherbey, John, Salem, and Mary Colyer, Salem 1749 WetherUl, Isaac, Burlington, and Rebecca Deacon 1776 Wetherill, Vincent, New Brunswick, and AbigaU Lott 1773 WetheriU, WiUiam, Bordentown, and Rebecca Haines, Bucks, Pa 1748 Wetherlee, Henry, Shrewsbury, and Leah Bennit, Shrewsbury 1760 Weydeman, John, Bergen, and Margaret Gruber 1767 Wharton, James, PhUadelphia, and Mary Hogg, Philadelphia 1764 Wharton, Reynold, Burlington, and Beulah Burr, Burlington 1782 AVharton, WUliam, Bucks, Pa., and Catharine Wesley, Bucks, Pa 1766 Wheatcraft Edward, Burlington, and EUzabeth Weston, Monmoutb. . 1732 AVheatoraft Samuel, Burlmgton, and Sarah Carter, BurUngton 1736 AVheatcraft, Samuel, Chesterfield, and Ann HiU, Chesterfield 1773 Wheatley, WUUam, Burlington, and Ann Warren 1760 Wheaton, Jonathan, Cumberland, and Hannah Woodhouse, HopeweU. 1764 AVheaton, Joseph, Cape May, and Esther A\'iUets 1768 Wheaton, Peter, AVoodbridge, and Martha Manning, Piscataway 1754 AVheaton, Robert, Cumberland, and Sarah AVhittal, Salem 1765 AVheaton, Samuel, Deptford, and Kezia Ward 1780 AVheeler, Caleb, Jr.^ Newark, and Betsey Morris 1778 Wheeler, David, Alorris, and Charity Mott, MoitIs 1739-40 AVheeler, Dobson, Deptford, and Aun Richardson, Deptford 1737 Wheeler, Hezekiah, Deptford, and Elizabeth HamUton, Deptford, . . ,1761 Wheeler, Jehiel, Fairfield, and Elizabeth Preston , 1751 Wheeler, Nathaniel, Newark, and Alehitabel Turner, Newark 1761 AVhetherby, Edmund, Salem, and Margaret Green 1784 Whie, Thomas, Shrewsbury, and Deborah Irons, Shrewsbury 1762 1 Or Dio. 435 Dec. 13 Aug. 25 Jan. 1 Mar. 27 Mar. 6 June 16 Mar. 26 Sept. 24 Jau. 6 Mar. 18 Oct 27 May 13 AprU 1 Jan. 7 Oct 13 June 21 Jan. ]9 Oct 3 Mar. 19 May 16 April 17 Nov. 2 Jan. 12 Aug. 1 Nov. 2 May 27 Dec 13 July 18 May 7 May 26 Nov. 5 Aug. 23 Oct 24 AprU 3 Oct 2 Jan. 20 Feb. 23 Mar. 17 April 30 April . 21 Dec 9 Oct 27 June 12 Sept 4 436 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. AVhilden, James, Cape May, and Jane Iszard, Cape May ,1761 July 20 Whildin, James, Gape May, and Susanha Hand 1766 Jan. 13 Whildin, James, Cape May, and Rhody Mulford 1774 Dec. 8 Whildin, Jouathan, Cape May, and Hannah CroweU, Cape May 1772 Nov. 16 Whildin, Matthew, Cape May, and Rhoda Stiles, Cape May 1768 Dec 8 AVhildin, Matthew, Cape M-ay, and Phoebe Hildreth, Cape May , 1771 AprU 22 Whildin, Seth, Maurice River, and Rebecca Goldin 1776 Nov. 4 WhUden, Wilmon, Cape May, and Elenor Hurst 1764 Aug. 8 WhUtbauck, Abraham, Cape M ay, and Catharine GoUick 1758 Aug. 31 Whisler, Thomas, Glouoester, and Mary Harris, Burlington 1770 Mar. 19 Whitacar, Ambrose, Fairfield, and Rachel Leak, Salem 1772 Oct. 3 Whitaker, Stephen, Bernards, and Euth Conkling, Morristown , 1779 Jan. 24 White, Alexander, Sussex, and Mary Clifford, Hunterdon 1769 Jan. 25 AVhite, Andrew, Monmouth, aud Hester Harbour, Monmouth 1743 Sept. 15 AVhite, Andrew, Philadelphia, and Elizabeth Pomroy 1779 Nov. 8 White, Benjamin, Monmouth, and Mary Morris 1781 April 16 White, Daniel, New Brunswick, and Rebecka Drake, New Brunswick. 1740 April 28 White, Edward, Monmoutb, aud Rebekah PeUon, Monmouth . . . 1742 Sept. 18 White, Francis, Moumouth, and Elisabeth Lippincott, Monmouth . . , 1749 Nov. 11 White, George, Burliugton, and Mary Williams, Bucks, Pa 1732 Deo. 25 White, George, Moumouth, and Ann Lippincott, Monmouth 1747 Jan. 5 White, George, Bucks, Pa., and Mary Rickey, Bucks, Pa 1765 June 27 AVhite, George, Deerfield, and Martha Borden, Penns Neck 1772 Nov. 7 White, Hartshorne, Middletown, Phebe Forman, Middletown Point . . 1759 July 11 AVhite, Henry, Middlesex, aud Mary Gibbons, Middlesex 1762 June 12 AVhite', James, Salem, and Lydia Irelan, Deerfield 1773 Nov. 3 AVhite, Joel, Shrewsbury, and Anne Wordel, Shrewsbury 1752 Oct. 14 AVhite, John, Salem, and Mary Hall, Salem 1728 Mar. 4 AVhite, John, and Lydia Shewring 1735 Nov. 3 White, John, Monmouth, and Mary Toilet, Shrewsbury 1739 June 25 White, John, Perth Amboy, and Elizabeth Cumming, Perth Amboy. .1757 Oot. 3 White, Johu, Shrewsbury, and Mary Jackson, Shrewsbury 1761 Jan. 17 White, John, Amwell, and Eachel Case, Amwell 1773 Feb. 11 White, Jobn, AVoolwich, and Rachel Gray, AVoolwich 1781 Sept 11 White, Johu, AVindsor, and Mary Smith -. 1782 Oct 11 White, Jobn, AVoolwich, and Sara Heins 17 — Oct. 4 White, Joseph, and Anne Revell 1694 April 12 AVhite, Joseph, Buck.s, Pa., and Lydia Bralesford, Bucks, Pa 1731 Aug. 13 White, Josiah, Shrewsbury, and Nancey Earley, Middletown 1762 April 10 White, Matthan, Middlesex, and Elizabeth MerrU 1781 July 6 AVhite, Melatiah, Shrewsbury, and Abigail Titus, Shrewsbury 1760 Jan. 2 AVhite, Melatiah, Shrewsbury, and Lidy Wheatin, Shrewsbury. . , , 1764 May 2 White, Michael, Shrewsbury, and Margaret Vandyke, Shrewsbury . . . 1758 April 19 White, Peter, Monmouth, and Hulda Tabor, Monmouth 1747 Jan. 22 AVhite, Philip, Burliugton, aud Haunah Southard 1777 Aug. 16 White, Robert, Jr., Monmouth, and Mary Price, Moumouth 1742 Sept 25 MAI^RIAGE LICENSES. 437 White, Robert, New Windsor, smd Hanuah Clark 1768 Dec. 10 White, Thomas, Shrewsbury, and Charity Green, Shrewsbury 1758 Deo. 18 'White, Vincent, Shrewsbury, aud Grace Teffary, Shrewsbury 1755 AprU 14 White, Vincent, Shrewsbury, and Rachel Green, Shrewsbury 1759 April 4 White, William, Shrewsbury, and Sarah Lippett, iMiddletown 1766 Feb. 18 Whitecar, Joseph, Cumberland, and Tabitha Davis 1780 Mar. 4 Whitecar, Ricbard, Cumberland, aud Elisabeth Husted 1756 Dec. 7 Whitecar, Thomas, Fairfield, and Bartha Brown, Fairfield 1701 Nov. 12 Whitecar, Thomas Fairfield, and Eachel Daniels 1780 Feb. 16 Whitehead, John, BurUngton, and Mary Peachee. . . 1733 July 27 Whitehouse, Job, Springfield, and Olivia McCuUey, Springfield 1773 Nov. 27 Whitenack, Andries, Somerset, and Mary Hagerman 1778 Mar. 19 Whitehead, James, Galloway, and Sarah Wood , 1785 Feb. 8 Whitlock, James, Monmoutb, and Hannah Herbert 1769 Dec. 11 AVhitlock, John, and Lydia Bowne, Middletown 1768 Aug. 7 Whitten, Thomas, Burlington, aud Lydia Williams, Burlingtou 1740 July 14 Whittemore, Samuel, Essex, and Elizabeth Lose, Bergen 1753 Aug. 30 Whittiss, Jobn, Burlingtoii, aud Elizabeth Topping, Burlingtou 1741 Mur. 7 Wbitton, AVUUam, Burlmgton, and Mary Hammett 1738 Mar. 27 Wicbard, PhUlip, Burlington, and Rachel Bishop, Burlington 1758 Mar. 29 Wicbart, Philip, Northampton, and Mary Critoh 1781 Feb. 27 AViok, Henry, Jr., Morris, and Elizabeth Cooper, Morris 1760 Feb. 4 Wiokans, William, Gloucester, aud Mary AVhite 1782 July 23 Wiokoff, Martin, Jr., Hunterdon, aud Gertye Newell, Hunterdon 1770 May 5 AVickoff, Simon, Hunterdon, and Jameminah Anderson, Somerset ...1770 July 27 Wicks, Zephaniah, Galloway, aud Mary Myers 1781 Jau. 29 Wiggins, David, Salem, and Rebecca Griffin, Salem 1727 Nov. 23 Wiggms, John, Trenton, and .-Abigail Crane 1784 Mar. 22 Wikoff, Jacob, Shrewsbury, and S.irah Cowvenoven, iliddletown 1754 Jau. 7 Wikoff, James, Hunterdon, aud Hanuah Stout 1765 AprU 2 Wikoff, Ouke, iloumouth, aud Sarah Schenck 1769 Dec 19 Wikoff, Peter, Freehold, and Elsey Longstreet. Shrewsbury 1759 Oct 29 Wilcocks, Hugh, Burlington, aud Sarah Alburtice, Burlington 1727 June 5 WUcox, John, Burlington, and Elizabeth Elkinton, Burlmgton 1728 AprU 3 Wild, John, Gloucester,' and Hester Joley 1784 June 11 Wiley, John, Buriington, and Lydia Lippiucott, Buriington 1780 Aug. 29 VfrUey, Joseph, Gloucester, and Mary iliddleton 1779 May 31 WUgus, WUliam, Upper Freehold, and Hanuah Foster 1769 Sept 11 WiUfason, John, Buriington, and Mary Saunders 1759 July 10 Wilkins, Amos, Burlington, and Sarab Haines 17^-6 June 17 Wilkins, John, Evesham, and Haunah Gwinnall, Evesham 1761 May 19 WUkins, Jobn, Burlington, and ilary Stokes, Burliugton 17'76 Aug. 24 WUkins, Joseph, Evesham, and Sarah Norton 1784 Jan. 17 Wilkins, Samuel, Evesham, and Mary Eldridge, Evesham 1783 Oct 16 WUkins, Uriah, Buriington, and EUzabeth Eyre 17'J'2 Oct. 18 Wilkins, AViUiam, Gloucester, and Sarab Flanningham 1773 May 27 438 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Wilkinson, Allen, Middlesex, and Anne Porter 1747-8 Wilkinson, John, Hanover, and Levinah Wilson, Hanover 1748 AVilkiuson, John, Evesham, and Amy SmaU, Evesham 1784 Wilkinson, Nathaniel, Burlington, and Rachel Fenton 1735 Wilkinson, WUliam, Salem, and Mary Nfckson, Salem 1689 Wilkinson, AViuson, Mansfield, and Sarah Rickets 1781 Wilkison, Edward, Woodbridge, and Mary Flatt, AVoodbridge 1763 Wilkison, Johu, Monmouth, and Mary Starkey 1758 Wilkeson, William, Monmouth, and Bridget Sherlock 1749-60 Willard, Henry, Gloucester, and Ann Wetherill, Gloucester 1736 Willet, Cornelius, New Jersey, and Nancy AVhalon 1781 Willet, John, Middletown, and Mary AVall, Middletown 1751 AVillet, Samuel, Readington, and Sarah Tilton, Freehold 1752 AVUlets, Hope, BurUngton, and Mary Buck, Cape M'ly 1730 Willets, Isaac, Cape May, aud Mary Simkins 1771 Willets, Jacob, Cape May, and Abigail Mackey 1777 AVUlets, James, Cape May, and Rachel Young, Cape May 1776 WUlets, John, Cape May, and Rebekah Smith 1763 Willets, Lewis, Burlington, and Sarah Morris, Burlington 1768 Willets, Timothy, Shrewsbury, and Mary Burdsell, Stafford 1762 WUlett, Augustin, Bucks, Pa., and Elizabeth Hicks, Bucks, Pa 1770 Willett, Edward, Lebanon, and Elizabeth Bodine, Lebanon. . 1752 Willetsj Amos, Monmouth, aud Abigail Cook, Burlington 1743 WiUey, David, Sussex, and EUzabeth Todd 1768 AViUey, Josiah, Gt. Egg Harbor, and Hannah Adams, Egg Harbor . . , 1750 Willgus, John, Monmouth, and Jane Curtis, Monmouth 1744-5 Willhouse, George, Burlington, aud Mary HUl, Burlington , 1685 Williams, Asher, Chesterfield, and Mary Beck 1763 WUliams, Barlow, Cape May, and Mehitabel CarU, Cape May 1776 AVilliams, Benjamin, Essex, and Elizabeth Stone, AVoodbridge 1757 Williams, Dauiel, Shrewsbury, aud Anne Slocum, Monmouth 1759 Williams, David, Bucks, Pa., and Jane Hare, Bucks, Pa 1731 Williams, Edmund, Shrewsbury, aud Meriam Tilton, Shrewsbury 1762 Williams, Giles, Monmouth, and Catharine Parker, Monmouth 1761 Williams, James, Burlingtou, and Ann Swift 1777 Williams, John, Burlington, and Rebecca Christopher 1734 Williams, Johu, Shrewsbury, and Hannah Soott, Shrewsbury 1751 Williams, John, Shrewsbury, and Deborah AVhite, Shrewsbury 1764 Williams, John, Gloucester, and Martha Herritage, Deptford 1755 WiUiams, John, Freehold, and Elizabeth Dorsett, Middletown 1761 WUliams, John, Hackensack, and Leah Van Emburgh, Hackensack. . . 1761 Williams, Jonathan, Essex, and Susanna Maxfield 1768 Williams, Josh, Hanover, aud Hanuah Tilton 1771 WUliams, Tatum, Gloucester, and Hannah FleweUin, Glouoester 1761 Williams, WiUiam, Upper Freehold, and Sarah Britton 1762 Williams, AVUliam, Virginia, and Abigail Collins 1779 Jan. 27 Jan. 10 Nov. 30 Deo. 1 June 18 Jan. 30 April 30 Nov. 28 Feb. 10 Nov. 29 Feb. 17 Oot 31 Not. 28 June 20 Oct. 7 April 27 Dec 9 June 25 Feb. 17 Sept 28 Oct. 2 Juue 19 Aug. .17 Juue 18 July 15 Mar. 16 Not. 9 Not. 10 Dec 5 Not. 10 Not. 19 Deo. 6 Aug. 11 Mar. 16 July 22 Oct 22 July 18 Nov. 12 May 25 Mar. 4 Mar. .11 May 14 Sept. 25 Feb. 11 Jan. 19 July 24 Marriage licenses. 43^ Williams, William, Pennsylvania, aud Rebecca Garrison 1782 Nov. 3 AVilliamson, Abraham, AmweU, aud Catherine Tenbroyck, Somerset, .1773 May 6 Williamson, Arthur, Monmouth, and Mary Vanderveer, Monmouth. . .1746 Jan. 31 WUUamson, Cort, New Jersey, and Anne Stryker, Somerset 1747 Mar. 22 WUliamson, David, Middlesex, and Elenor Schuyler, Somerset 1752 Aug. 13 Williamson, David, Bethlehem, and Elizabeth Johnson, Bethlehem. . . 1771 Aug. 28 WiUiamson, Elbert, Freehold, and AViUemtje Schenck, Freehold 1752 Deo. 6 AVilliamson, Isaac, and Anna Vanharling 1780 Sept 24 Williamson, Jacob, Amwell, and Margaret Merlatt, Reading 1772 Nov. 30 Williamson, Jacob, AmweU, and Rachel Corwine, Amwell 1775 Dec. 11 WUliamson, Jacob, Amwell, and Haunah Ten Brook 1785 Mar. 22 Williamson, John, Amwell, and Sarah Prall 1770 April 9 Williamson, Mathew, Sussex, and Lydia Drake 1784 Nov. 4 WUliamson, Nicholas, Somerset, and Arianche Dumont 1778 May 6 AVUIiamson, Peter, Bucks, Pa., aud Leah Le Niser, Bucks, Pa 1731 Jan. 19 WiUiamson, Peter, Bucks, Pa., and Sarab Suchum, Bucks, Pa 1764 May 22 WUliamson, Samuel, Middlesex, and Eleanor Gulick 1782 Mar. 12 WUliamson, AVUliam, PhUadelphia, and Sarah Ray, Philadelphia 1731 Mar. 27 AVilliamson, WilUam, Middlesex, Susanna Hickles, New Brunswick ... 1 739 Jan. 22 Williamson, WUliam, New Brunswick, Martha Thompson, New B'w'k. 1741 April 20 AVilliamson, William, Middlesex, and Christina Longstreet, Monm'th, 1741 Aug. 24 WUliamson, William, Middlesex, and Anne Suydam 1782 Feb. 18 WUlis, Amos, New Hanover, and Jane Frazee, Bordentown 1747 Aug. 6 Willis, Amos, Nottingham, and ilerribe Wells, Nottingham 1767 Mar.' 2 WUlis, Daniel, Jr., and ilary Shinn 1696 Mar. 12 WiUis, Jobn, Burlington, and Elizabeth AVood 1743 June 25 Willis, Thomas, Egg Harbor, and Rebecca Moody 1778 Sept 22 WUlis, AVUliam, Jr., Alloways Creek, Jane Walker, Alloways Creek. . .1767 May 11 WiUets, Amos, Springfield, and Charity Engle 1778 May 9 Willets, James, Cape May, and Esther Hand, Cape May. 1740 WiUkie, AViUiam, Upper Freehold, EUzabeth Jobs, Upper Freehold. . . 1758 Aug. 5 Willmoutb, Lazarus, iliddlesex, and Catharine Warne, Middlesex ... 1762 Aug. 14 WUls, Daniel, Jr., Burliugton, and ilargaret Newbold 1686 Dec 30 Wills, David, Evesham, and Martha Crispin, Evesham 1750 Jan. 21 Wills, George, Philadelphia, and Jane Knowles, Philadelphia 1742 Feb. 23 AVills, George, New Jersey, and Elizabeth Rossell 1779 Feb. 3 WUls, George, Burlington, and Sarah Paschall 1787 AprU 3 WUls, James, Philadelphia, and Rachel Lovell, BurUngton. 1750 Oct 23 Wills, John, WiUingborough, and Bythinia Cox 1763 Aug. 19 AVUls, John, Burlington, and Hope GaskiU 1778 Mar. 4 Wills, John, Buriington, and Catty Wynds 1790 July 7 Wills, Moses, Buriington, and Margaret WiUs, Burlington 1764 Mar. 31 WUls, Samuel, Morris, and Rebecca Bitson, ilorris 1758 Mar. 7 WUlson, Andrew, Jr., iliddletown, and Hester Bonham, Middletown, 1751 Dec 22 WUlson, Andrew, Middlesex, aud Susanna Pangborn, Middlesex 1 759 Mar. 19 WUlson, Andrew, Bucks, Pa., and Sarah Anderson, Maidenhead 1769 Jan. 31 440 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Willson, Benjamin, Jr., Monmoutb, Ann Vanbrockel, Staten Island. .1751 Willson, Enoch, Great Egg Harbour, and Mary Dowers 1785 V\'Ulson, Ezekiah, Burlington, and Christian Atkinson, Burlington . . . 1727 AVUlson, Hendrick, Somerset, and Nelly Dorn, Monmoutb 1751 AVUlson, Isaac, Middlesex, and Nelly Hay, Middlesex 1780 AVillsou, James, Hunterdon, and Lucretia Freeman AVUlson, James, Jr. , Perth Amboy, Margaret Perine, Perth Amboy. . . . 1743 Willson, James, New Brunswick, aud Mary Lee, New Brunswick 1750 AVUlson, James, Perth Amboy, and Catherine Islestine, Perth Amboy. .1750 AVills'in, James, Middletown, and Mary Boorn, Middletown 1757 ' AViUson, Jobn, Burlingtou, and Catharine Eslo 1778 AVUlson, Lambert, Middletown, and Anue Powling, Middletown 175.7 AVUlson, Matthew, Burlington, aud Anne Guilliam, Burlington 1728 AViUson, Matthew, Burlington, and Hanuah Scroggy, Burlington 1771 Willson, Michael, Barlington, and Sarah Blackbourn 1730 AVillsou, Minerd, and Eice Rineson , 1781 AViUson, Robert, Middletown, and Jane Mackdaniel, Middletown 1739 AVUlson, Robert, Morristown, and Priscilla Hinds, Morri* 1780 Willson, Samuel, Piscataway, and Margaret Martin, Piscataway 1751 Willson, Seavil, Gloucester, and Susannah Chew, Gloucester 1756 Willson, Thomas, Amwell, and Mary Fisher, Amwell 1768 Willson, AVUliam, Burlington, aud Mary Ashton, Monmouth 1730 AVilmerton, Paul, Burlingtcn, and Rebecca Fenimore 1778 AVUmurt, Peter, Middlesex, and MartUla Jolly 1769 AVilson, Abraham, Hillsborough, aud Anue Voorhies 1778 AVilson, Alexander, Hunterdon, and Eliza Johnson 1788 AVilson, David, Northampton, and Penelope AVorley, Northampton 1748 Wilson, Henry, Bristol, Pa., aud Lydia Haw, Bristol, Pa. .¦ 1763 AVilson, James, Freehold, and Elizabeth Remine, Freehold 1748 AVilson, James, Freehold, and Catherine Stilwell, Shrewsbury 1765 AVUson, James, Bethlehem, and Ann Biggar, Bethlehem 1768 AA'ilson, James, Amwell, and Sarah Smith, Hopewell 1774 Wilson, James, Amwell, and Margaret Hunt 1779 Wilson, James, Evesham, and Mary Joyce 1781 AVilson, James, Galloway, and Susanah Cammel 1784 AVilson, John, Somerset, and Elizabeth Belmer 1749 AVilson, John, Hunterdon, aud Mary Stewart 1785 Wilson, Joseph, Cranberry, and Hannah Story, Perth Amboy 1746 Wilson, Jpseph, Somerset, and Elizabeth Rigge, Somerset 1757 Wilson, Joseph, Middletown, and Bathiah Fauger, Middletown 1765 Wilson, Peter, Freehold, and Sarah Smith, Middletown 1749 Wilson, Peter, New Barbadoes, and Catherine Duryee.'. 1781 Wilson, Robert, Philadelphia, and Martha Stewart 1775 Wilson, Robert, Gloucester, aud Eleanor Croston 1783 AVilson, Thomas, and Aune SUver. , 1693 AVUson, Thomas, Burlington, and Hanah Berry 1759 Deo. 11 Feb. 7 Feb. 1 Nov. 7 Nov. ,14 Mar. 3 Mar. 22 April 18 June 30 Sept 11 June 30 Sept 12 Aug. 24 May 4 Jan. 1 July 31 Aug. 31 Oct 25 Dec. 1 May 14 Aug. 29 AprU 30 May 29, Dec 25 June 7 July 15 Aug. 31 Dec 24 June 1 Nov. 7 Jan. 24 Jan. 25 Jan. 4 Dec 1 May 2 Jan. 21 Nov. 27 Nov. 18 Aug. 21 July 24 Feb. 3 Dec 30 Sept 30 July 6 May 4 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 441 Wilson, William, Somerset, and Tyne Auten 1781 Sept 3 AVilson, WilUam, and Martha AUen 1782 Mar. 26 AVilsey, Cornelius, Upper Penns Neck, and Mary Slide 1784 July 21 Wiltshire, John, Gloucester, and Elizabeth AA'ilUams, Gloucester 1738 Dec. 14 Wimer, Thomas, Philadelphia, and Sarah Stevenson, Burlington 1780 May 3 Winans, Jacob, Essex, and Betsey Williams, Essex 1763 Jan. 20 Winans, Josiah, Elizabeth Town, and Experience AVinans, Essex.. .. 1740 Jan. 7 Winants, John, Staten Island, and Elizabeth Bebout, Staten Island . . 1755 Sept. 6 .Winant^, Peter, Richmond, N. Y,, Christian Slacgth, Richmond, N. Y.1763 May 17 'Winants, Winant, Statenlsland, and Rhoda Lyddeil, Staten Island. .. 1747 June 8 Winder, Thomas, Hunterdon, and Rebecca Gregory, Hunterdon 1731 April 1 Windsor, Anthony, Salem, and Elizabeth Adams, Jr., Salem 1683 Aug. 23 Winner, Amos, and Rebeca Cooper 1779 May 1 AVinner, Isaac, Bucks, Pa., and Hannah Searl, Bucks, Pa 1776 Nov. 9 AVinner, Jacob, Bucks, Pa., and Elizabeth HeUing, Bucks, Pa 1774 Sept. 29 Winner, John, Northampton, and Hannah Carr, Northampton 1776 April 1 Winter, Gabriel,. Middletown, and Deborah StUwell, Middletown 1747 Mar. 8 Winter, James, Middletown, and Mary Shepherd, Middletown 1756 Oct. 21 Winter, Joseph, Monmouth, and Catharine Truax, Monmouth 1742 Sept. 9 Winter, Moses, Middletown, and Anne Kimming, Middletown 1749 Jan. 17 AVinton, Nicholas, Salem, and Dorothy Davis, Salem 1699-70 Jan. 16 WitcheU, Samuel, Burlington, and Aun Blouk 1779 July 9 Wise, PbUip, Morris, and Lenah Haun 1769 July 17 Wiser, Henry, Richmond, and Catharine Wynants 1768 July 11 Wife, Amos, Shrewsbury, and Lucy Tallman, Shrewsbury , 1766 AprU 3 Wite, John, Deptford, and Grace Waitt, Deptford 1749 Oct 18 Wite, Joseph, Shrewsbury, and Ruth WooUey, Shrewsbury 1761 Dec. 7 Witt, Francis, Burlington, and Abigail Stevenson, Burlington 1766 Jan. 18 Woertendyck, Frederick, and Margery Ryers, both Orange Co., N. Y. . 1763 Aug. 25 AVoglem, Abraham, Staten Island, and Sarah Liddell, Staten Island. . . 1758 Nov. 27 Wolcott, Benjamin, Monmouth, and Rachel Wainright, Monmouth. . . 1749 Oct 16 AVolley, John, Freehold, and Mary Johnston, Freehold 1766 Mar. 26 WoUing, Gershom, Middletown, and Mary Roberts, Middletown 1743 Jan. 24 WoUing, James, Middletown, and Alice StilweU, Middletown 1752 Deo. 26 Wood, Amos, Upper Freehold, and Rebeca Thorn, Upper Freehold . . . 1769 Mar. 5 Wood, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Mary Ashton, PhUadelphia 1727 Mar. 30 Wood, Benjamin, Monmouth, and Leah Robins, Monmouth 1741 Aug. 31 Wood, David, Deptford, and Lydia Branson 1773 Jan. 7 Wood, David, Salem, and Prudence Roberts, Cumberland 1777 July 9 Wood, Francis, and Margaret English 1781 Oot 16 Wood, Henry, Gloucester, and Hannah Eldridge 1779 Dec 1 7 Wood, Hezekiah, BurUngton, and Mary Kenton, Buriington 1771 Mar. 14 Wood James, Deptford, and Ann Catle I'^^S J^"' ^ Wood, James, Jr., Philadelphia, and Rachel Cooper, Gloucester 1745 Jan. 14 Wood, Jechonias, Pilesgrove, and Christiana GUI 1772 July 4 Wood, Jeremiah, Long Island, and Catharine Lloyd, Salem 1736 July 2 442 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Wood, Jeremiah, New Jersey, and Sarah Updike 1778 May 29 Wood, John, Deptford, and Ann Reeves, Deptford 1765 Oct. 28 Wood, John, Upper AUoways Creek, and Martha Sayce, Stow Creek. .1776 Mar. 20 Wood, Johu, Hopewell, and Elizabeth .Johnston 1780 Nov. 18 Wood, John, Stow Creek, and Lucia Mulford 1785 Jan. 18 Wood, Joseph, St-aten Island, and EUzabeth Serrin, Staten Island .... 1758 Oct 26 AVood, Joseph, Freehold, and Phebe Honce, Freehold 1766 July 24 Wood, Joseph, Upper Freehold, and Anne Hutchinson 1768 Nov. 30 Wood, Joseph, Georgia, and Mary Benezet 1773 July 29 Wood, Joseph, Philadelphia, and Eleonora Prosser 1777 Oct 24 AVood, Joseph, Jr., Orange Co., N. Y., and Leah VansaU, Bergen. . .1743-4 Mar. 16 Wood, Moses, Salem, aud Elizabeth MUler 1775 June 24 AVood, Peter, Burks, Pa., and Mary Nutt, Pennsylvania 1730 Oct 1 Wood, Samuel, Alloways Creek, and Sarab Dare, Deerfield 1767 Oct 27 Wood, Samuel, Woolwich, and Emily Tredway 1779 Dec 7 Wood, Thomas, Burlington, and Mary Howie, Burlington 1685 Nov. 3 Wood, Thomas, Chesterfield, and Sarah Hambelton 1761 May 11 Wood, Timothy, Statenlsland, and Elisabeth Winant, Staten Island. 1747-8 Jan. 19 Wood, Timothy, New York, and Agnes Fleming 1767 Dec. 28 Wood, William, Somerset, and Catherine Tyson, Middlesex 1752 Oct 23 AVoodard, Daniel, Somerset, and Sarah Moor 1784 Feb. 26 AVoodard, Nathaniel, Bernards, and Rachel Vail, Bernards 1773 Nov. 21 Woodhouse, Samuel, Salem, and Ann Hudson, Salem 1694-5 Jan. 22 Woodmanse, David, Moumouth, and Penelope AVarden, Monmouth. . . 1744 Dec 21 Woodmansee, James, Monmouth, and Hanah Warden 1758 Oct 5 Woodmansee, John, Upper Freehold, and Mary Bunting 1778 AprU 27 Woodmansee, Thomas, Dover (Monmouth), and Sarah West, Dover.. 1772 Sept 17 AVoodrow, Joseph, Northampton, and Jemima Leeds, Northampton. . . 1765 Oct 31 Woodruff, Amos, Cumberland, and Mary Walling, Greenwich 1775 AprU 19 AVoodruff, Hezekiah, Morris, and Mary Blackley 1776 May 11 Woodruff, Ichabod, Shrewsbury, and Mary Lippincott, Shrewsbury. . .1739 Jan. 29 AVoodruff, John, and Phebe Stratton 1767 Aug. 15 Woodruff, Thomas, Elizabeth Town, Anue Marsh, Elizabeth Town . , . 1753 Nov. 25 Woods, William, Sussex, and Sarah Lane 1785 Mar. 22 AA'oodward, Anthony, Jr. , Monmoutb, , and Increase Dennis 1760 Oct 13 AVoodward, George, BurUngton, and Margaret Mount, Monmouth 1780 Aug. 21 AVoodward, Henry, Gloucester, aud Ruth Ireland, Gloucester 1746 22 Woodward, Joseph, Burlington, and Hannah Warner, Burlington 1727 May 30 AVoodward, Ralph, Burlington, and Mary Brock, Burlington 1768 May 18 Woodward, Samuel, Burlington, and Rachael CowgiU, Burlington, ... 1728 Sept 16 Woodward, Thomas, Jr., Upper Freehold, and Susannah Forman 1762 Oct 13 Woolley, Adam, Monmouth, and Ruth Hays, Monmouth 1742 Oct 13 AVooUey, Benjamin, Shrewsbury, and Phebe Coopper, Freehold 1758 May 31 Woolley, Benjamin, Shrewsbury, and Elizabeth Ribbet, Shrewsbury. .1759 Jan. 13 Woolley, Benjamin, Jr., Monmouth, Catherine Husbands, Monmouth. 1750 April 2 AVooUey, Daniel, Shrewsbury, Patience Throckmorton, Shrewsbury. ..1758 Aug. 8 MARRtAGE LICENSES. 443 Woolley, Daniel, Shrewsbury, and Sarab AUen, Shrewsbury 1763 Feb. 23 Woolley, Emanuel, Shrewsbury, and Isabeil Carter, Shrewsbury 1752 May 28 WooUey, James, Monmouth, and Catherine AVooUey, Monmouth 1747 Jan. 14 Woolley, James, Shrewsbury, and Sarah Kelley, Shrewsbury 1761 Dec. 8 Woolley, Jobn, Middletown, and Phebe AVooUey, Shrewsbury . . . 1751 May 4 Woolley, Silas, Shrewsbury, and Margaret Husbands, Shrewsbury . . . 1752 April 27 Woolley, Silas, Shrewsbury, and Marab Bills, Shrewsbury 1764 Nov. 21 Woolley, Stephen, Shrewsbury, and Elizabeth Large, Shrewsbury 1760 June 18 AVooUey, William, Middleto'wn, and Elizabeth Evonts, Middletowu. . .1754 July 25 Woolley, William, Shrewsbury, and Susannah Helldreth, Middletown. 1755 Aug. 15 AVoolman, Abraham, -Burlington, and Elizabeth Newton, Burlington. .1765 Nov. 23 Woolman, Jobn, Pennsylvania, and Elizabeth Shadager, Burlington ,. 1749 Nov. 14 Woolman, Samuel, Mansfield, and Jane AVare, Pennsylvania 1771 Nov. 23 Woolman, Uriah, Philadelphia, and Susannah Burr, Philadelphia, .., 1769 Mar. 2 Woolsey, Benjamin, Trenton, and Ann Carter, Trenton 1764 July 6 Woolson, Abraham, Cape May, and J udith Robens, Cape May 1769 May 29 Woolston, Cornwell, Burlington, and Hannah Arison, Burlington 1762 April Last Woolston, Jabez, Evesham, and -Esther Bozell, Northampton 1767 Dec. 5 AVoolstou, Jacob, Burlington, and Sarah Gosling, Burlington 1759 Feb. 27 Woolston, John, Jr., Burlington, and Lettice Newbold 1683 Dec. 6 Woolston, John, Burlington, and Hannah Tencher 1 738 M ay 23 Woolston, Joseph, Burlington, and Jane Topping, Burlington , 1737 Dec. 22 Woolston, Joseph, Northampton, and Mary Eayres 1781 June 25 Woolston, Joshua, Northampton, and Hannah Birdsel, Northampton. ,1767 May 18 Woolston, Joshua, Burlington, and Tamar Ewing, Burlington 1770 Sept 29 Woolston, Melintus, Springfield, and Charity Eldridge, Springfield 1764 May 30 Woolston, Michael, Northampton, aud Anne Chemaly, Northampton. , 1774 Mar. 5 Woolston, Newbold, Mansfield, and Mary Bowlby 1775 April 7 Woolston, Samuel, Jr., Northampton, Celena Woolston, Northampton 1749 Dec. 25 Woolston, AViUiam, Northampton, and Hannah Eayre 1771 Feb. 11 Woolverton, Charles, Amwell, and Mary Drake, Hopewell 1763 Aug. 8 Woolverton, .John, Amwell, and Elizabeth Wilson, Amwell 1768 Nov. 8 Wooster, Michael, aud Elizabeth Sharp 1769 Jan. 3 Worden, Samuel, Good Luck, and Rebecka Chamberlain, Good Luck 1756 Oct 10 Worledge, John, Salem, and Ann Lefever, Salem 1684 Nov. 6 Worinton, John, Chester, and Mary Hesher, Chester ,' 1772 AprU 11 Worrall, Joseph, Bucks Co., Pa., and Anna Clark, Bucks Co., Pa 1765 June 4 Worriel, AVUliam, Northampton, and Sarah Lee 1784 Oct. 22 Worsten, John, Pennsylvania, and Ruth Wardel, Pennsylvania 1728 May 11 AVorth, Edward Patterson, Monmouth, and Sarah Harbour, Monmouth. 1742 AprU 17 Worth, GUes, Cape May, and Rachel Townsend 1 770 Mar. 14 Worth, Henry, Shrewsbury, and Elizabeth EUison, Shrewsbury 1750 Dec 3 Worth, Eichard, Salem, and Lyddy NUson, Salem 1772 Dec 11 Worth, WUliam, Perth Amboy, and Sarah Wilson, Perth Amboy 1768 Dec 6 Worthington, Benjamin, Gloucester, and Eleanor Jones, Glouoester. . . 1731 Mar. 11 Worthington, Ephraim, Salem, and Sarah Stitch 1757 May 18 444 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. AVorthiugton, John, Hopewell, and Mary Vickers 1779 AVorthington, Robert, Philadelphia, and Mary Burtis, Burlington. , . . .1729 Worthly, John, Monmouth, and Lydia Bowne, Moumouth 1747 AVorthly, Obadiah, Shrewsbury, and Ann Bonham, Shrewsbury 1766 Wortman, David, Middlesex, and Lydia Gordon 1770 AVosten, WiUiam, Salem, and Hannah Closen 1733 Wotbman, Constant, Cumberland, aud Lediah Robins, Cumberland. . . 1754 AVour, James, Burlington, and Sarah Kemble 1779 AVouterse, Francis, Essex, and Hyntje! Bruyn, Essex ,.1741 AVright, Aaron, Burlington, and Elizabeth Sattertbwaite 1779 AVright, Abraham, New Barbadoes, and .Annetje Bogert 1788 AVright, Andrew, Bucks, Pa., and Rachel Carter, Bucks, Pa 1735 AA'right, Benjamin, Burlington, and Mary Page, Burlington 1732 Wright, Benjamin, Burlington, and Ruth Harrison 1769 AVright, Benjamin, New Hanover, Elizabeth Stackhouse, New Hanover. 1771 AVright Charles, AVoodbridge, and Mary Baker, Woodbridge 1760 AVright, David, Woodbridge, and Ruth AVright, Woodbridge 1745-6 AVright, Ellis, Burliugton, and Ann Shaw, Burlington 1776 Wright, Ezekiel, Burlington, and Mercy Holbard, Burlington 1739 AVright, Fretwell, Burlington, and Margaret Ellis, Burlington 1738 AA'right, George, Barlington, aud Rebecca Hartshorne, Middletown. . .1729 Wrigbt, Isaiah, Northampton, and Rody Jonson 1784 Wrigbt, Israel, Bordentown, and Alee Stackhouse 1773 Wright, James, and Mary Stackhouse, Bucks, Pa 1744 AVright, James, Penns Neck, and Ann Viokery 1775 AVright, John, Gloucester, and Ruth ilapes, Gloucester 1733 AVright, John, Gloucester, and Sarah Vaneman, Greenwich. 1762 Wright, John, Burlington, aud Persilla Garwood 1772 Wright, John, Northampton, and Esther Austin 1772 Wright, John, Trenton, and Rose Chambers 1778 AVright, Jonathan, Burlington, aud Mary Inskeep, Burlington 1747 Wright, Jonathan, Burlington, and Mary Ireton, Burlington 1754 Wright, Josiah, Burliugton, and Prudence Paulin, Burlington 1730 AA'right, Joseph, Monmouth, and Phebe Osborn, Trenton 1745-6 Wrigbt, Joshua, Bucks, Pa., and Sarah AVitchell, Bucks, Pa 1770 AVright, Joshua, Richmond, N. Y., and Catharine Crowell 1784 AVright, Josiah, Mansfield, and Anne AVatson, Mansfield. . . . '. 1750 Wright, Mathew, Burlington, and Penelope Jones, Burlington 1742 Wright, Moses, Alloways Creek, and Grace Gillingham 1768 Wrigbt, Nathan, Cumberland, and Ann AVright, Gloucester 1764 AVright, Patterson, Bristol, Pa., and Anne Wright 1785 Wright, Richard, Woodbridge, and Rebecca Stone, Woodbridge 1762 Wright, Samuel, Bristol, and Charity Cooper, Bristol 1781 Wright, Samuel, Springfield, and Mary Shinn 1784 , Mar. 3 July 31 i Oot ''5-'i Oct 25 Jan. 10 Nov. 12 Jan. 10 Mar. 26 Dec 1 AprU 1 Oct. 18 Aug. 6 May 10 Jan. 17 Nov. 11 Aug. 21 Jan. 7 Oct 1 Nov. 1 Aug. 2 Mar. 17 July 23 Feb. 10 Nov. 2 Nof. 30 Dec 24 Feb. 24 AprU 4 July 23 Aug. 14 June 15 Mar. 18 Feb. 23 Mar. 17' April 26 Oct 31 June 5 Jan. 17 Oct 20 Jan. 31 Mar. 26 Jan. 12 May 30 Dec 1 1 Or Styntje. MARRIAGE LICENSES. fright, Stacy, Burlington, and Sarah Baker 1768 right, Thomas, Burlington, aud Margaret Hopkison, Burlington . . ,1729 right, Thomas, Bucks, Pa., and EUzabetJi Smitb. . , 1739 IVright Thomas, Burlington, and ChaTity Thompson 1756 (Wright, William, Hackensack, and Altje Ackerman, Hackensack 1761 iWright, WiUiam, Burlington, and Sarah Lovett 1769 Wright, WiUiam, Perth Amboy, and Hannah Alston, Woodbridge. . . 1773 Wurts, Jobn, Tewkesbury, and Sarah Grandin, Roxbury 1773 Wurtz, Jacob, Bucks Co., Pa., and Aun Cummin, Bucks, Pa 176'2 Wyatt, Bartholomew, Jr., Mannington, and Mary White, Mannington. 1762 Wychof, Cornelius, Somerset, and Elizabeth Anderson, Somerset. . . , 1740 Wychof, Jacobus, Long Island, and Catalintie Gulick 1745 Wyckof, Jobn, Somerset, and Mary Vanduyn, Somerset 1749 Wyckof, John, Hunterdon, and Elizabeth Johnston 1758 ,' Wycof, Ceteris, Somerset, and Geertie Romeyn, Somerset 1743 Wyckof, Samuel, Hunterdon, and Geertie Wycot, Hunterdon 1749 Wyckoff, Gerrit Monmouth, and Altie Leffers, Monmouth 1745 Wyckoff, Simon, Hunterdon, and Molly Farlie, Hunterdon 1770 Wycoff, John, Somerset, and Elizabeth Stotuffi , , 1784 Wynants, Josiah, EUzabeth To-wn, Abigail Salnave, Elizabeth Towu , . 1760 Wynants, William, Elizabeth Town, Jemima Lyng 1765 Wyncoop, Henry, Pennsylvania, and Sarah Dubois ' 1782 Wynkoop, Philip, Pennsylvania, Margaret Covenoven, Middletown, . .1735 445 FEMALES. W Wade, Hannah, and Renier Gregory, Salem 1731 [ Wagner, Mary, Burlington, and Peter Tool, Evesham 1772 Wagoner,! Catharine, Aquackanonch, and Casparus Zabrowski, Bergen. 1747 Waiuaus, Elizabeth, and Mathlagas Johnson, Middlesex 1740 Wainright, Dis Damey, Monmoutb, and William West, Monmouth. . , . 1760 Wainwright, Lydia, Monmoutb, and William Cramer, Monmouth 1737 .Wainright, Mary, Barlington, and David Gale, Burlington , . . 1741 Wainwright, Patience, Burlington, and Edward Tagg, Burlington . . , 1739 Wainright, Rachel, Monmouth, and Benjamin Wolcott, Monmouth. . , 1749 Wainright, Rebecca, Burlington, and Daniel Heavens 1759 Wainwright, Anne, Little Egg Harbour, Moses Pettit, Lt. Egg Harb'r. 1744 Wainwright, Rebecca, Glouoester, and Thomas Potter, Gloucester 1735 Wair, Isabella, and Matthias Brachman, Burlington 1760 Wait, Christian, and Samuel Shinn, Burlington 1769 Waithmean, Clemens, Cumberland, and Benoni Dare, Cumberland . . 1760 AVaithman, Lovioe, and Johu Mulford, Cumberland 1781 Waitt,, Grace, Deptford, and John Wite, Deptford 1749 Walder, Mary, Salem, and Aron Bradway, Salem 1742 Waldron, Catharine, and Sidney Berry, Hunterdon 1768 1 Van Wagoner June 8 Sept 18 Feb. 23 Aug. 26 Aug. 17 Oct. 10 Aug. 20 June 8 Mar. 31 April 22 June 9 Mar. 26 Nov. 6 Aug. 17 Feb. 15 Nov. 25 Dec. 4 April 28 Mar. 7 Feb. 18 Sept 10 April 20 Mar. 9 Feb. 10 Feb. 13 April 20 Mar. 23 June 16 Oct 12 July 3 Jan. 3 Oct 16 Feb. 1 Dec. 14 May 17 May 9 Jan. 4 May 9 April 3 Oct 18 Oct 10 Oct 10 446 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Waldron, Catharine, and David Godwin, Bergen , . 1791 Waldron, Ketline, and Isaac Huff, Hunterdon 1783 A\'aldron, Sarah, Bergen, and John Sickels, Bergen 1769 Wales, EUzabeth, Monmouth, and John Little, Monmoutb 1752 AValhill, Mary, Bristol, Pa., and Simon Sackit, Bristol, Pa 1741 AValing, Ann, Salem, and Henry Jiles, Salem 1766 Walker, Alice, Barlington, and Mordica Moor, Burlington 1731 AValker, Amy, and John Cbeston, Hunterdon 1769 Walker, Anu, Philadelphia, and Edward Armourer, Philadelphia 1733 AValker, Aun, and Robert Blair, Burlington 1780 Walker, Anna, Monmouth, aud AVUliam Carman, Alonmouth 1767 Walker, Anne, Salem, and Ephraim Lloyd, Salem 1746 Walker, Benjamina, and Joseph Douglass, Barlington 1768 AValker, Elizabeth, Perth Amboy, and Jonathan Fisher, Perth Amboy. 1740 AValker, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and David Barclay, Middlesex 1749 Walker, Hannah, and Thomas Lippincott, Barlington 1778 Walker, Jane, Alloways Creek, and William WilUs, Jr., Alloways Creek. 1767 AValker, Jerusha, Monmouth, and Charles Gordon, Monmouth 1747 Walker, Lucy, Piscataway, and William Stone, Woodbridge 1758 AValker, Margaret, and Eaton Harwood, Salem 1768 Walker, Martha, Burliugton, and Peter Corey, Burlington 1784 AValker, Mary, Burlington, and Cornelius Dorland,'Hunterdou 1738 Walker, ]^ary, Piscataway, and Samuel NevUl 1768 AValker, Rachel, Monmouth, and Jobn Campbell, Jr., Monmouth 1746 Walker, Sarah, Piscataway, and Joseph Vickers, New Brunswick 1753 AValker, Susanna, Alloways Creek, and Robert Walker, Alloways Creek. 1768 AVall, Anna, Middletown, and Jobn Stillwell, Middletown , 1750 AVall, Anna, Monmouth, and David Ketcham, Monmouth 1755 Wall, Catherine, Monmoutb, and Henry Green, Monmouth 1755 AVall, Lydia, Monmouth, and James Magee, Monmouth 1762 AVall, Margaret, and John Feurt, Jr., Middlesex 1780 AVaU, Mary, Middletown, aud Johu AVillet, Middletown 1751 AVall, Rebecca, Monmouth, and Richard Jeffery, Monmouth 1761 WaU, Susannah, Monmouth, and Richard Burdg, Monmouth 1743-4 Wallace, EUzabeth, and Thomas Horden, Glouoester 1773 AVallace, Hannah, Burlington, and Thomas Walling, Burlington 1740 Wallace, Martha, and John Dickeson, Salem 1767 Wallace, Sarah, and Andrew Lawrence, Burlington 1774 Wallace, Sarah, and John MorreU, New York 1775 Wallen, Rachael, and Samuel Webb, Gloucester. . , 1773 Wallin, Mary, and Thomas Kennedy, Bergen 1779 Walling, Anne, Middletown, and Thomas Roberts, Middletown 1747 Walling, Cynthus, and Isaac Smith, Cumberland 1772 Walling, Martha, Middletown, aud Pearce Cheasey, Middletown 1763 Walling, Martha, Monmoath, and Jacob Mires, Monmouth 1759 AVaUing, Mary, Middletown, aud Joel Biddle, Bordentown 1748 Mar. 17 Oct 4 Dec 14 Dec 23 May 8 Mar. 6 Jan. 17 April 13 Jan. 5 Nov. 4 Sept 29 May 18 Sept 23 Aug. 6 Mar. 3 AprU 6 May 11 Oct 22 April 1 Feb. 17 AprU 29 Sept. 18 Oct 21 Jan. 22 Dec 7 Nov. 24 April 26 Oct 18 June 30 Sept 19 Nov. 9 Oct 31 Jan. 17 Mar. 24 June 21 Nov. 12 Sept 3 Feb. 3 May 4 Dec 25 Mar. 15 Mar. 4 Jau. 28 Jan. 29 April 26 Jau. 4 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Walling, Mary, Middletown, and Henry Vanderhule, Middletown. .. .1751 WaUing, Mary, aud Joseph Bailey, Monmouth I77I WaUing, Mary, Greenwich, and Amos Woodruff, Cumberland 1776 Walling, Mary, BurUngton, and John GaskUl, Burlington, 1779 WaUing, Nancy, Monmouth, and Abraham Mires, Monmoutb , 1763 Wallmg, Sarah, Cumberland, and Moses Rementon, Cumberland 1768 WaUing, Sarah, and Jobn Roberts, Middletown 1774 WaUing, Susannah, Hardyston, and Joseph Wainright, Monmouth . . , 1772 A\'allis, Jane, Burlington, and Francis Jones, Burlington 1729 Wallis, Mary, and Thomas Gill, Gloucester 1762 A^'allis, Rachel, Burliugton, and Walker Atkinson, Burlington 1746 Wallis, Sarah, Burlington, and Thomas Venable, Burlington 1729 Walmsley, Ann, Bucks, Pa., and Connor Meaghan, Bucks, Pa 1733 Walton, Anne, aud Nathaniel Barbar, Hunterdon 1784 Walton, EUzabeth, and WiUiam Pence, Burlington 1778 Walton, Martha, and John Stevenson, Burlington 1739 Walton, Martha, Burlington, and Joseph Harrison, BurUngton 1776 Walsh, Mary, Bucks, and WiUiam Allen, Bucks, Pa 1740 AValsb, Sarah, Burlington, and Francis DeCow, Burlington 1734 AVans, Elinor, and Thomas Kidd, Bucks 1732 AA'ard, Abigail, Gloucester, and William Diokason, Salem 1749 AVard, Ann, aud Thomas Morris, Burliugton 1779 Ward, Deborah, AVoodbury, and Joseph Ward, AA'oodbury 1764 AA'ard, EUzabeth, and Jobn Morgan, Gloucester 1781 Ward, Frances, Burlington, and Thomas Sharman, Burlington 1682 AVard, Hannah, Gloucester, and John Stowe, Salem 1736 Ward, Jane, Trenton, and John Yard, Trenton 1732 Ward, Katharine, Fairfield, and George Adam Rasure, Cumberland. . , 1760 Ward, Kezia, and Samuel Wheaton, Deptford 1780 AVard, Lydia, Shrewsbury, and Peter Parker, Shrewsbury 1754 AVard, Margaret, Essex, and Joshua Weekes, Essex 1761 Ward, Martha, Burlington, and John Davies, Burlingtou 1765 Ward, Mary, Newark, and Robert Thompson, Newark 1765 Ward, Mary, Deptford, and Abraham Reeves, Gloucester 1769 Ward, Phebe, and Abraham Chattin, Gloucester 1756 Ward, Phebe, and William Davis 1779 AVard, Rebecca, Salem, and Edward Hancock, Salem 1774 Ward, Rebecca, Barlington, and David Claypool, Burlington 1780 Ward, Rosanna, Gloucester, and Levi Pearce, Gloucester 1733 Ward, Sarah, Gloucester, aud Abraham Inskeep, Gloucester 1740 Ward, Sarah, Burlington, and Thomas Cox, Burliugton 1750 Ward, Sarah, and Benjamin CowgiU, Gloucester 1754 Ward, Sarah, Cumberland, aud Phillip Bacon, Cumberland 1768 Ward, Susannah, Gloucester, and David Ward, Gloucester 1749 AVardell, Ruth, Pennsylvania, and John Worsten, Pennsylvania 1728 Wardell, Catharine, Shrewsbury, and Zacbari Sickles, Shrewsbury 1759 447 Nov. 23 Jan. 5 April 19 Aug. 19 June 21 Feb. 5 July 4 May 19 Nov. 27 May 18 Sept. 10 Jan. 10 Oct. 15 Dec. 15 Sept. 9 April 21 Feb. 7 Feb. 5 Nov. 26 Feb. 5 Nov. 21 Mar. 29 Sept 24 Aug. 23 Nov. 1 Mar, 5 Sept. 9 Mar. 6 Jan. 20 Dec. 5 Feb. 15 Sept •10 Jan. 30 Feb. 24 Mar. 31 Feb. 26 Feb. 28 Nov. 28 May 2 Dec 10 Mar. 21 May 31 Mar. 1 April 14 May 11 July 28 448 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. AVardell, Elizabeth, Monmoath, and Thomas Emley, Burlington 1753 AA'ardell, Elizabeth, Shrewsbury, and John AVebley, Shrewsbury 1756 Wardell, Rebeckah, Shrewsbury, aud Jobn Slocum, Shrewsbury. . 1755 Wardell, Sarah, and Joseph Cox, Monmouth 1770 AVarden, Penelope, Monmouth, and David A\'oodmaynse, Monmouth. . 1744 Warden, Mary Anna, Gloucester, and William Ward, Gloucester 1727 AVardill, Sarah, Monmouth, and James Lippincott, Monmouth 1756 Wardon, Hauab, aud James AVoodmansee, Monmouth 1758 Ware, Ame, Barlington, and Isaac Hewlings, Burliugton 1763 Ware, Anne, and George Tomlinson, Stow Creek 1778 AVare, Isabeil, Somerset, and Samuel Mcilurray, Somerset 1753 AVare, Jane, Pennsylvania, and Samuel Woolman, ilansfield 1771 AVare, Mary, Cumberland, and Enoch Moore, Cumberland 1762 AVare, Rachel, Gloucester, and Robert Briant, Gloucester 1758 AVare, Rachel, and Joseph Riley, Camberland 1773 AA'are, Rebeccah, and Jacob Paullin, Salem 1760 Warford, Abigail, Sussex, and Mathew Lowry, Sussex 1762 Warford, Sarah, Hunterdon, aud John Ely, Middlesex 1762 Warford, Sarah, and Jobn Jewell, Jr., Hunterdon 1769 AVarne, Catherine, Freehold, and Alexander Vanpelt, Middletown 1767 Warne, Catherine, South Amboy, and William Bennet, South Amboy 1760 AVarne, Catherine, Middlesex, and Lazarus Willmouth, iliddlesex 1762 AVarne, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and Obadiah Herbert, Monmouth 1766 Warne, Margaret, Middlesex, and Samuel Morrell, Middlesex 1756 Warne, Margaret, Freehold, and James Crawford, Freehold 1766 AVarne, Mary, Monmouth, and Patrick Robertson, Monmoutb 1749 Warne, Mary, and Thomas Smith, Perth Amboy 1767 Warne, Sarah, aud James Lamberson, New Jersey 1745 AVarne, Sarah, Perth Amboy, and Nathan Beers, Middletown 1749 AVarne, Zehiah, Monmouth, and John Warne, Monmouth 1766 AVarner, Elizabeth, and Francis Page, Burlington 1758 Warner, Elisabeth, Perth Amboy, and John Scoby, Perth Amboy 1762 AVarner, Hannah, Burlington, and Joseph Woodward, Burliugton. .... 1727 Warner, Hannah, and Johu Ogborn, Burlington 1769 AVarner, Margaret, Mannington, and Moses Thomas, ilannington ...1766 AA'arner, Mary, aud Isaac Hughes, Hunterdon 1764 AA'arner, Mary, Burlington, and Stephen Simmons, Philadelphia 1775 AVarner, Mary, and Philip Fister, Hunterdon 1780 Warner, Sarah, Lt Egg Harbour, and Mose Robins, Lt Egg Harbour. 1774 Warreck, Rebekah, Burlington, and Edward Page, Jr., Burlingtou, . . .1764 Warren, Ann, and WiUiam AVheatley, BurUngton 1760 AAarren, Mary, Burlington, and Joseph FolweU, Burlington 1766 AVarren, Mary, aud John Oliver 1781 AA'arren, Mary, and William Earl, New Hanover 1783 AVarren, Phebe, and James Gosling 1775 AVarren, Rebecca, Burlington, and Isaac English, Burlingtou 1764 Nov. 14 July 27 Jan. 19 Jan. 6 Dec 21 July 25 Feb. 4 Oct 5 Oct 19 May 6 Nov. 21 Nov. 23 April 16 Dec 7 Aug. 28 Sept 22 May 24 June 18 Nov. 7 May 28 July 24 Aug. 14 Mar. 21 Feb. 21 Oct. 26 July 7 Jan. 31 Sept 7 Nov. 26 Dec. 26 July 26 July 20 May 30 Mar. 23 Jan. 13 Mar. 13 Jan. 2 June 2 Aug. 19 Sept. 15 Nov. 5 Juue 16 Mar. 8 Sept 12 April 7 Jan. 13 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 449 Warral, Aim, and Nicholas Monck, Sussex I774 April 16 AVarrick, Elizabeth, and Ephraim Albertson, Gloucester 1775 Dec 28 AVarrick, Hannah, and Elijah Cheeseman, Gloucester 1779 April 19 AVarrick, Mary, and Job Cook, Burlington 1772 May 17 AA'arrick, Mary, Barlington, and Isaac Boulton, Burlington 1773 Aug. 6 AVarrick, Rachel, and Jacob Cowl, Hunterdon 1780 Jan. 7 AVarrick, Rebecca, aud Jacob Lutes, Burlington 1777 Aiif. 20 AVarrick, Sarah, Burlington, and Bryan Higgins, Burlingtou 1737 Aug. 17 Warrington, Mary, aud Titan Leeds, Burlington 1782 Feb. 26 AA'artnebe, Mary, Somerset, and Peter Bodine, Somerset 1749 Oct 5 AVarwick, Frances, Monmoutb, and Edward Huriey, Burlington 1729 Nov. 3 AVarwick, Sarah, and Joseph Ranier, Burlington 1780 May 24 AVaslack, Pricilla, Pennsylvania, and David Buckalew, Pennsylvania , . 1771 Aug. 7 AA'aterhouse, Sophia, and Jobn Terrill, Perth Amboy 1768 Nov. 1 Waters, Catherine, BurUngton, and James Lawrence, Monmouth . ...1765 Oct 29 Waters, Charity, and Heury Oglee, New Hanover 1782 July 25 AVatkiu, Anne, and Fenwick Adams, Salem 1687 Aug, 18 AVatkins, Sarah, Elizabeth Town, aud Joseph Haines, Elizabeth Towu, 1751 April 16 Watty, Sarah, aud John James, New Jersey 17— July 28 Watson, Agnes, Monmoutb, and Peter Fresneau, New York 1750 Mar. 12 AVatson, Ann, Salem, aud William Champneys, Salem 1772 Jan. 9 Watson, Ann, and William SmaU, Sussex -. 1778. Sept. 19 AVatson, Anne, Monmouth, and William Brown, Monmouth 1741 Dec. 12 AVatson, Anne, Mansfield, and Josiah AVright, Mansfield 1760 June 5 AVatson, Anne, Monmouth, and Samuel Ker, Monmouth 1757 May 31 Watson, Elizabeth, Middlesex, and James Buckalew, Middlesex 1747 Dec. 9 AVatson, Elizabeth, Middletown, and Thomas Walling, Middletown. , .1767 May 9 Watson, Elizabeth, Middletown, and John Stilwell, Middletown 1764 Deo. 4 Watson, Esther, Burlington, and Owen Carty, Gloucester 1742 Aug. 20 AVatson, Euphan, Monmoutb, and Joseph Smith, Monmouth 1741 Nov. 1 1 Watson, Euphan, Monmoutb, an,d Joseph Ker, Monmouth 1746-7 Mar. 23 Watson, Euphan, Moumouth, and ilichael Johnston, Chester, Pa. . . 1760 May 16 Watson, Hannah, and James Shores, Burlington .... 1742 June 30 AVatson, Hope, Middletown, and John Burrows, Middletown 1749 Dec. 2 Watson, Margaret, Monmouth, and William Bryan, Monmouth 1750 April 2 Watson, Margaret, Salem, and George Corlis, Salem 1762 Dec. 21 AVatson, Margaret, Salem, aud Aaron Daniel, Salem 1766 Nov. 29 Watson, Margai'et, and Edmond Bowman 1781 Sept 18 AVatson, Mary, Greenwich, and Isaac Stathem, Camberland 1760 Oct. 11 Watson, Mary, aud WiUiam Topscott, Upper Freehold 1762 June 25 Watson, Mary, Hunterdon, and Charles McKnight, Hunterdon 1771 May 2 Watson, Pbelathea, and David James, Camberland 1784 Dec. 6 Watson, Rebecca, Philadelphia, and Joseph Soattergood, Burlington , 1736 Jan. 11 AVatson, Ruth, Cumberland, and Lewis Smith, Cumberland 1769 Jan. 5 Watson, Sarab, and Thomas Barnes, Jr., Burlingtou 1732 June 10 Watson, Sarah, and John Basley, Bucks, Pa 1783 April 7 28 45 O NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Watson, Sophia, Perth Amboy, and John Waterhouse, Perth Amboy. . 1759 Jan. 12 AVatson, Sophia, iliddlesex, and Alexander Kidd, Middlesex 1767 Sept 2'7 Watson, Theodosia, BurUngton, and John Ettenger, Burlington 1775 Nov. 18 AA'earon, Martha, and Robert Dummer 1699 Jan. 22 AVeaten, Rachel, Salem, and Isaac Hudson, Salem 1733 June 11 Weatherby, Elizabeth, aud John West, Gloucester 1784 Jan. 19 Weatherington, Rachel, and Jobn Paul, Gloucester 1775 Jan. 23 Weaver, Ann, and John Morton, Burlington 1763 Aug. 18 AVeaver, Catharine, Bucks, Pa., and John Brelsford, Bucks, Pa 1771 April 18 Weaver, Catharine, Barlington, and Caspar Lutsey, Burlington 1773 June 27 AVeaver, Dorothy, Burlington, and Thomas Crothan, Barlington 1765 Mar. 7 Weaver, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Abraham Emans, Monmouth 1762 Feb. 20 AVeaver, Mary, Barlington, and Josiah Gaskel, Burlington 1754 Aug. 19 AVeaver, Mehitable, and Evan Ewan, Burlington 1770 June 5 AVeaver, Susannah, aud Daniel Antrim, Burlington 1758 Jan. 30 AVebb, Bethia, Burlington, and James Garwood, Burlington 1766 Mar. 4 AVebb, Dovey, and Joseph Stevenson 1769 ilar. 29 AVebb, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Clement Shinn, Burlington 1740 Aug. 30 AVebb, Elizabeth, and Benjamin Cooke, Burlingtou 1759 May 31 Webb, EUzabeth, Burlington, and Uriah Birdsal, Burlington 1767 Oct. 29 Webb, Jane, Perth Amboy, and Gerard Syers, Mariner 1741 June 8 AVebb, Jane, Woodbridge, and Edward Price, New York 1757 June 14 AA'ebb, Jerusha, A\' oodbridge, and Richard Soper, Woodbridge 1752 Mar. 9 Webb, Mary, Philadelphia, and Andrew Bankson, Philadelphia , . . . 1731 Dec. 17 Webb, ilary, Perth Amboy, and John Borrow, Perth Amboy 1743 Feb. 20 AA'ebb, Mary, Woodbridge, and Francis Silvester, NewYork 1748 Sept. 28 Webb, Ruth, Burlington, and Isaac Antram, Burlington 1773 Jan. 26 Webley, Audrey, Monmouth, and John West, Monmouth 1740 Dec. 13 AA ebley, Catherine, Shrewsbui'y, aud Peter Slocum 1748-9 Mar. 24 AA'ebley, Mary, Shrewsbury, and Jonathan Slocum, Shrewsbury 1759 Nov. 17 AVebley, Sarah, Shrewsbury, aud Daniel Taber, Shrewsbury 1765 Oct. 1 AVebster, Ann, and Nicholas Bordine, Somerset 1781 Jan. 19 Webster, Anne, and Jacob Fitz Randolph, Middlesex 1780 Nov. 4 AA'ebster, Mary, Pennsylvania, and John Pindar, Pennsylvania 1732 Jan. 6 Webster, Mary, Sussex, and William Lundy, Sussex 1769 April 13 Weed, Ruth, and David Anderson, Bergen 1786 Dec. 20 Weekes, Catharine, Perth Amboy, and Crawley Barrowe, Perth Amboy. 1754 Aug. 3 Weeks, Aun, and Thomas Tustin, Perth Amboy 1761 Oct. 5 AVeeks, Naomi, Pittsgrove, and David Sithin, Pittsgrove 1770 Dec. 19 Weilding, Rebeckah, aud Ephraim Mulford, Camberland 1778 Dec 7 Weiley, Elizabeth, aud John Hinchman, Burlington 1789 Dec. 30 Welch, Cataline, Somerset, and Jeronimus Van Neste, Somerset 1743 June 13 Welch, PriscUla, Gloucester, aud Samuel Hulings 1773 AprU 15 Weldon, Bershebe, Gloucester, and Isaac Adams, Gloucester 1730 Jan. 23 Weiler, Hester, Perth Amboy, aud John Cambell, Perth Amboy. . 1731 Mar. 29 AVeller, Sarah, Sussex, aud Henry Creveling, Hunterdon 1770 July 12 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 45 I AA'elUng, Abigail, Hunterdon, and William Naptin. Hunterdon 1773 Wells, Anne, New Bruuswick, and Ja,mes Alleson, New Brunswick. . . . 1739 AVells, Bearsley, and Job Lippincott, Burlington 1780 AA'ells, Beulah, and George Elkinton, Burliugton 1783 Wells, Elizabeth, aud John Lawrence, Jr., Essex 1777 AVells, Margaret, Gloucester, and Aaron Albertson, Gloucester 1765 AVells, Mary, and Daniel Buzby, Burlington 1784 AVells, Merribe, Nottingham, and Amos AVillis, Nottingham 1767 AVelsh, Dorothy, Pennsylvania, William Huddleston, Pennsylvania. ..1727 AVelsh, Mary, Burlington, aud Joseph Chambers, Burlington 1761 AVelsh, Sarah, and Thomas Endicott, Burlington 1759 AVescoat, Abigail, aud Richard Shaw, Fairfield , 1765 AA'esly, Catharine, Bucks, Pa., aud William Wharton, Bucks, Pa 1756 AA'est, Abigail, Monmouth, and Jobn Dennis, Monmouth 1763 AA'est, Abigail, Barlington, and Thomas Matlack, Burlington 1766 AVest, Anna, aud James Smith, Shrewsbury 1 768 AVest, Deborah, Shrewsbury, and Andrew Stephens, Shrewsbury 1759 West, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Timothy Halsted, Monmoutb 1746 West, Eunice, Shrewsbury, and Joseph Robinson, Freehold 1766 AVest, Eunies, Monmouth, aud Alexander Montgomerie 1761 AA'est, Kezia, and Nathan Weatherby, Gloucester 1782 AVest, Lavina, iloumouth, and Thomas Negus, Monmouth 1749 West, Lydia, Shrewsbury, and Johu Throckmorton, Monmouth 1752 West Margaret, Monmouth, and Jesse Taber, Monmouth 1749 West Margaret, Monmouth, and PhUip Edwards, Monmouth 1764 West, Mary, iloumouth, and John AVest, Moumouth , 1740 West, Mary, and Jacob Stelle, Moumouth. . . . 1767 AVest, Mary, and WilUam King, Buriington 1778 AVest, Rachel, Burlington, and Benjamin Crispin, Burlington , . , . 1784 AA'est, Rebecca, Monmouth, aud John Dennis, Monmouth 1766 AA'est, Rebecca, Burlington, aud John Green, Burlington 1776 AVest, Sarab, Monmouth, and Thomas Hewitt, Monmouth .... 1746 West, Sarah, Shrewsbm'y, aud John WardeU, Shrewsbury 1755 West, Sarah, Dover, and Thomas Woodmansee, Monmouth 1772 West, Zilpha, Monmoutb, and Josiah Halstead, Monmouth 1740 Westbrook, Ann, Sussex, and Charles Baxter, Sussex 1755 Westbrook, Catherine, Sussex, and Nicholas Emons, Sussex 1765 AVestcoat, ilargaret, Gloucester, and Nathan Penington, Newark. ...1783 Westcote, Nancy, and Thomas Padgett, Salem 1778 Westcote, Sarab, Faii'field, and Thomas Ogden, Fairfield 1761 AVestcott, Mary, and Hampton Moore, Cumberland 1783 AVestervelt, AUche, Bergen, aud Jacob Campbell, Bergen 1774 Westervelt, Altje, Hackensack, Christian Van Hooern, Hackensack , . . 1764 Westervelt, Deborah, Burlington, and Jacob Hayes, Barlington 1744 AVestervelt, Euphy, and Daniel Demarest, Bergen 1762 AVestervelt, Geesje, imd Stephen Bogert, Bergeu 1770 Oct 25 Mar. 11 Feb. 24 July 24 Aug. 27 April 16 Aug. 9 Mar. 2 Nov. 14 Oct 21 June 19 Feb. 15 Dec. 13 June 4 Feb. 17 Sept 10 Sept. 26 Nov. 22 Sept 3 Nov. 23 May 14 July 27 Oct. 3 Dec. 16 April 4 Oct. 6 Mar. 30 June 6 Feb. 16 Feb. 16 Feb. 5 Dec 25 Jan. 25 Sept 17 Jan. 27 May 11 Mar. 8 Jan. 7 Nov. 13 Mar. 1 April 17 April 23 Dec. 4 Nov. 1 Aug. 22 Nov. 21 452 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. AVestervelt, Geurtey, Bergen, aud Albert Zabriskie, Bergen 1751 AVestervelt, Margaret, Bergen, and Joris Doremus, Bergen 1768 AA'estervelt, Martintie, and William Traphagen, Bergen 1785 AVestervelt, Willimintia, and John Zabriskie, Bergen 1793 Westfall, Catherine, Sussex, and Isaac Van Tuyle, Sussex 1761 Weston, Elizabeth, Monmouth, aud Edward Wheatcraft, Burliugton. .1732 AVessels, Catharine, New York, and Johu Taylor, New York 1760 Wessells, Rachel, Essex, and Heury Veldtman, Essex 1754 AVessels, Mary, Perth Amboy, and Obadiah Ayers, Middlesex 1750 AVetherall, Katherine, and John Basted, New Brunswick 1744 AVetherby, Sarab, Salem, and Edward Austin, Philadelphia 1748 AVetherel, Anne, and Oliver Brooks, New Jersey 1791 AVetherell, Rachel, Middlesex, and Nehemiah Dye, Middlesex 1765 AVetherington, Lydia, and AA'illiam Haines 1782 Wetherill, Anne, Burlington, aud Peter Bishop, Burlington 1731 AVetherill, Ann, Glouoester, and Henry Willard, Gloucester 1736 Wetherill, Hannah, New Bruuswick, Cornelius Sollom, New Brunswick. 1740 AVetherUl, Mary, Middlesex, and Mat Johnson, Middlesex 1742 Wetherill, Sarah, and Benjamin Inglish, Barlington 1741 AVetherill, Sarah, Middlesex, aud John Reed, Freehold 1751 AVever, EUzabeth, aud Samuel Shourds, Little Egg Harbour 1759 AVeyerly, Elizabeth, and George Becstolzseimer, Hunterdon 1769 Weyman,. Sarah, and Thomas Bond, Philadelphia 1742 AAhalon, Nancy, and Cornelias Willet, New Jersey 1781 AVheatoraft, Hannah, Burlington, aud Richard Harrison, Monmouth. . 1763 AA'heatoraft, Rhoda, and George Stapleton, Evesham 1784 AVheaton, Assenah, Gape May, and Jeremiah Goffe, Cape May 1739 Wheaton, Lidy, Shrewsbury, and Melatiah White, Shrewsbury 1764 AVheaton, Elizabeth, aud Johu Dunn, Salem 1733 AVheaton, Elizabeth, aud John Buck, Cape May 1766 AVheaton, Hannah, and Andrew Donaldson, Philadelphia 1775 AVheaton, Hepsebetb, Cumberland, Benjamin Mulford, Camberland, . 1770 AVheaton, Martha, aud Thomas Godfrey 1786 Wheeler, Elizabeth, Little Egg Harbour, Peter Allen, Lt Egg Harbour. 1751 AVheeler, Elizabeth, Barlington, and Barzilla Scott, Burlington 1765 AVheeler, Rebecca, and Luke Matox, Cumberland 1787 Whetherton, Mary, and Morris Beesley, Salem 1755 Whettall, Rhodi, aud Jacob Chambless, Salem , 1750 Whilden, Jane, and Jeremiah Edmons, Cape May 1780 Whildin, Anna, Cape May, and Jeremiah Ludlam, Cape May 1774 Whildin, Rachel, and Abraham Schellinger, Cape May 1782 Whilldin, Elenor, Cape May, aud Ellis Hughes, Jr., Cape May 1768 AVhitaker, Margaret, and Stephen Kirby, Cumberland 1778 AVhitaker, Mary, Bucks, Pa., aud Johu Simmons, Bucks, Co 1763 Whitaker, Mary, aud John Herkins, Burlington 1765 AVhitaker, Rebecca, Somerset, and AVUliam Conklin, Morris 1778 Oct 8 Oct. 1 June 2 May 11 June 13 July 18 Mar. 15 Jan. 8 Dec. 5 Nov. 14 May 6 April 19 Sept 18 May 24 Sept. 15 Nov. 29 July 19 Dec 8 May 10 Not. 25 June 11 Aug. 19 Oct. 31 Feb. 17 Oct 1 Not. 17 May 14 May 2 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Feb. 11 Dec. 21 Not. 13 Aug. 16 Mar. 25 April 27 Feb. 20 Jau. 15 July 17 Feb. 16 Jan. 14 Sept 21 Dec. 26 May 21 May 3 Dec. 7 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 453 AVhitaker, Susanna, and Valentine Swinney, Cumberland 1783 Whitall, Sarah, Gloucester, and George Aves, Gloucester 1730 Whitcraf t, Elizabeth, Burlington, Ameriah Famsworth, Burlington , , , 1776 White, Abigail, Shrewsbury, and Miln Parker, Shrewsbury 1766 White, Amey, Shrewsbury, and William Tilton, Freehold 1765 White, Catherine, Middletown, and Jobn Carman 1748-9 White, Catharine, and Samuel Scott, Monmoutb 1778 White, Christian, and Robert Hilborn 1761 White, Christian, and Richard Messerau, Richmond Co., N. Y 1768 White, Deborah, Shrewsbury, and John WiUiams, Shrewsbury 1754 White, Deborah, Shrewsbury, and Joseph WardeU, Shrewsbury 1758 White, Dorothy, Moumouth, and Amos Chandler, Monmouth . . . 1739 White, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Thomas Dumfe, Burlington 1739 White, Elizabeth, Bucks, Pa., and Thomas Stackhouse, Bucks, Pa . . , 1740 White, Elizabeth, Perth Amboy, and Nicholas Johnson, Middletown. , 1752 AVhite, Elisabeth, and Thomas Letson, Monmouth 1752 White, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and AVUliam McMurray, Moumouth . . , 1755 White, Elisabeth, aud Daniel Starns, Shrewsbury 1760 White, Elizabeth, and Benjamin ilargerum, Bucks, Pa 1769 White, Frances, Bristol, Pa., and Abrm. Bralesford, Bristol 1739 White, Frances, iloumouth, and James Dorsett, Monmouth 1766 AVhite, Hannah, Barlington, and William Snowden, Burlington 1728 White, Hannah, Monmoutb, and William Layton, iloumouth 1735 White, Hannah, Monmouth, and Robert Harvey, Monmouth 1764 White, Hannah, Monmouth, and Thomas Leonard, Monmouth 1767 White, Hester, Hunterdon, and WiUiam Hill 1762 AA'hite, Jane, and Mattus Vanderype, Brunswick 1743 AVhite, Jane, Bucks, Pa., and John Sison, Bucks, Pa 1764 AVhite, Leah, Monmouth, aud James Morris, Monmouth 1753 White, Lydia, and John Daniels, Morris River 1769 White, Mary, Pennsylvania, and Thomas Oldham, Pennsylvania 1727 White, ilary, and John Brelford, Bucks, Pa 1734 White, Mary, Barlington, and Conrad Olener, Barlington 1735 White, Mary, Barlington, and Thomas Smitb, Burlington 1738 White, Mary, Burlington, and Morgan Griffith, Burlington 1740 White, Mary, Bergen, and John Cochran, Essex 1740 White, Mary, Burlington, and Joseph Breyan, Barlington 1746 White, Mary, Manington, and Bartholomew Wyatt, Jr , Manington. . . 1762 White, Mary, Gloucester, aud William Finley, Gloucester 1762 White, Mary, Monmouth, aud John Fennimore, Monmouth 1765 AVhite, Mary, and William Wiokans, Gloucester 1782 AA'hite, Mercy, Shrewsbury, and Uriah West, Shrewsbury , 1762 AVhite, Penolipe, Barlington, and John Stillwell, Barlington 1772 White, Pbebe, Burlington, and Jobn Richardson, Mansfield 1772 White, Rachel, Salem, and Cornelius Cambel, Salem 1764 AVhite, Rachel, and John Corlis, Monmouth 1779 Feb. 17 Mar. 15 June 4 April 24 Aug. 5 Feb. 25 April 28 Aug. 17 May 14 Nov. 12 April 21 April 30 May 28 Oct. 30 May 9 Dec. 1 Aug. 18 June 3 Feb. 1 April 19 Feb. 21 July 16 May 24 Jan. 2 April 30 June 12 Oct 21 Nov. 13 July 18 Aug. 22 Sept 11 April 13 Mar. 21 Aug. 7 Aug. 7 Oct. ' 20 Aug. 14 April 22 April 28 Oct. 31 July 23 Mar. 6 Nov. 19 Dec 8 May 5 May 31 454 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. AVhite, Rebecca, Bucks, Pa., aud Joseph Brelsford, Bucks, Pa 1742 White, Rebekah, and Richard Margerum, Jr., Bucks Co., Pa 1768 AVhite, Sarah, Burlington, and Isaac Marrot, Barlington 1743 White, Sarah, and Constantine CarU, Cape May 1762 AA'hite, Sarah, aud Abner Calkins, Sussex 1786 White, Susannah, PhUadelphia, and James Kell, Philadelphia 1735 Whiteall, Sarah, Gloucester, and Joseph Herritage, Barlington 1730 Whitecar, Abigail, Cumberland, and James Benson, Camberland , , , . 1774 AVhitecar, AbigaU, Cumberland, and Seth Leve, Cumberland 1778 AVhitehall, Mary, and James Coffing, Gloucester 1732 Whitenack, Margaret, and Johanes Ditmars, Somerset 1778 Whitenack, Eleanor, and Bartholomew Hunt, Cumberland 1782 Whitess, Sarah, Good Luck, aud Ephraim Potter, Good Luck 1763 AVhitlock, Jenny, aud Richard Merrel, Middlesex 1784 Whittal, Sarab, Salem, and Robert AVheaton, Cumberland 1765 Whitten, Grace, and Nathaniel Cripps 1694 Whitticar, Lozauia, and John Buck, Cumberland 1761 Whitton, Haunah, and Thomas Croshaw, Burlington 1783 Wickers, Rebecca, and Elias Brewer, Burlington 1786 Wickoff, Charity, and James Vannenbem 1769 Wickoff, Frances, aud Adrian Hegerman, Somerset 1778 AVickoff, Mary, and John Brewer, Hunterdon 1783 AVicks, Elizabeth, and Eichard Thomas, Gt. Egg Harbour 1783 Wicks, Hanuah, Salem, and Benjamin Abbit, Salem 1770 AViooff, Magdalen, and John Van Liew, Somerset 1780 Wicoff, Nantche, Somerset, and Christian Lupardus, Huuterdon 1783 AViooff, Sytie, and Peter Van Liew, Somerset 1783 AViggins, Hannah, Salem, and Johna Bradway, Salem 1739 AViggins, Hannah, Salem, aud Nathaniel Thomson, Pilesgrove 1763 AViggins, Rebecca, and Roger Sherron, Salem 1732 Wikoff, Elizabeth, and Joseph Perine, Middlesex 1771 WUcott, Meribah, Monmouth, and Noah Tabor, Monmouth 1748 AVUd, Elizabeth, Burlingtou, and James Nightingale, Burlington .... 1747 AVUd, Mary, and William Smith, Bordentown 1761 AVUd, Sarah, and George Ellin, Gloucester 1736 AVUes, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Joseph Spragges, Burlington 1736 Wiles, Mary, Burlington, and Abraham Millard, Barlington 1764 AViles, Sarah, Burlingtou, and Joshua Pitman, BurUngton 1741 Wiley, Prisoila, and Edward Harbet, Gloucester 1770 Wilgus, Sarah, aud WiUiam Hutchinson, Middlesex 1784 Wilie, Mary, and Caleb Matlack, Cumberland 1777 AVilits, Rachel, and Darmenas Corson, Cape M'ay 1778 AVilkins, Alice, Monmoutb, aud SUas Reve, Monmouth 1746 AVUkins, Elizabeth, and Matthias Matson, Glouoester 1764 AVilkins, Hannah, Gloucester, aud Charles Ferguson, Gloucester 1761 Wilkias, Hannah, and Benjamin Burroughs, Gloucester 1783 Sept. 21 Mar. 23 Aug 12 Dec. 15 April 27 Aug. 9 Mar. 17 May 13 May 8 July 2 Sept 14 Jan. 5 Mar. 2 Feb. 2 Oct. 2 Jan. 9 June 27 Mar. 18 Sept 25 Oct 21 May 29 April 5 July 2 Jan. 4 Nov. 21 Nov. 15 Nov. 14 Mar. 8 Sept 17 April 5 June 6 April 12 April 17 Jau. 22 Feb. 12 Dec. 11 Aug. 8 Aug. 3 Mar. 17 Mar. 9 Deo. 18 Oct. 26 April 28 Sept. 12 April 28 Oct 28 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 45 5 Wilkins, Hester, Evesham, and Jacob Stokes, AVaterford 1774 Wilkins, Sarah, Somerset, and John Davison, New Brunswick 1740 Wilkinson, Anne, Burlington, and Edward Brown, Burlington 1760 Wilkinson, Mary, Burlington, aud William Fennimore, Burlington . , 1757 AVilkiuson, Zibyah, Bucks, Pa., and Peter Ink, Bucks, Pa , 1769 AVilkison, Anne, Newark, and John Kingsland 1752 Wilkison, Mary, Monmoutb, and Andrew Layten, Monmoutb 1761 Wilkison, Sarah, Middlesex, and Isaac Tappen, Middlesex 1746-6 Wilkison, Sarah, AVoodbridge, and Josiah Cramer, Little Egg Harbour. 1761 Willard, Abigail, Gloucester, and Samuel Spicer, Gloucester 1743 Willbirt, Polly, aud Joshua Stutson, PhUadelphia 1778 WUlden, Haunah, Cape May, and Jonathan Pester, Cape May 1759 AVillden, Mary, Cape May, and Ellis Hughes, Cape May 1761 WiUess, Abigail, Monmouth, and Nathan Burdsall, Monmouth 1752 Willet, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Samuel Tilton, Monmouth 1744 AVillet, Frances, and John Vannortbuyke, Roxbury 1778 Willets, Esther, and Joseph Wheaton, Cape May 1768 Willet, Sarah, Bucks, Pa., and John MitcheU, Bucks, Pa 1776 WUliams, Alice, Middlesex, and Alexander Soobey, Middlesex 1745 Williams, Amy, Monmouth, and Daniel Maison, Monmouth 1 737 WUliams, Amible, Essex, and Zophar Squier, Essex 1752 -Williams, Ann, Essex, and Carlisle Brown, Middlesex 1762 WUliams, Anna, Philadelphia, aud Thomas Edwards, Philadelphia. . . 1731 , WUliams, Anne, Greenwich, aud Robert Munnion, Greenwich 1748 WUliams, Betsey, Essex, and Jacob Winans, Essex 1763 WUliams, Cbarity, Freehold, and Peter Stout Middletown 1767 WUlianis, Dorcas, Stafford, and David Rulen, Stafford 1763 Williamse, Eleanor, Monmouth, and Peter Forman, Monmouth. . . , 1742 Williams, Elizabeth, Glouoester, and John AViltshire, Gloucester 1738 Williams, Elizabeth, Freehold, and Vincent Wainright, Shrewsbury, .1762 AVilliams, Elizabeth, Orange, N. Y., and Joseph Degroot, Bergen. , 1764 WiUiams, Hannah, Monmouth, and Timothy OorUes, Monmouth 1762 WiUiams, Hannah, and Jouathan Robeson, PhUadelphia 1773 Williams, Jane, Pennsylvania, and Edward Lewis, Pennsylvania 1730 AVUliams, Joan, Cape May, and Samuel Leonard, Cape May 1733 WiUiams, Joannah, Glouoester, and Peter String, Glouoester 1762 WiUiams, Judith, and Jobn Van Kirk, Bucks 1749 WiUiams, Lydia,' Barlington, and Thomas Whitten, Barlington 1740 WiUiams, Lydia, and Jobn Gandy, Cape May 1774 WUliams, Marah, Monmouth, and Samuel Hayes, Monmouth 1754 Williams, Margaret, and Joshua Milles, Barlington 1739 Williams, Margaret, Perth Amboy, Ebenezer Cooper, Perth Amboy. . . 1751 WiUiams, Mary, Bucks, Pa., and Geoi'ge WhUe, Bucks, Pa 1732 Williams, Mary, and WiUiam Page, BurUngton 1742 Williams, Mary, Monmouth, and Ricbard Hulst, Monmoutb 1751 AViUiams, Mary, and Benjamin Passmore, Great Egg Harbour 1757 Feb. 1 Mar. 25 May 30 Aug. 22 Nov. 28 Feb. 13 Dec 19 Mar. 14 Aug. 10 Aug. 3 Nov. 21 July 28 Oot. 2 Dec 13 Feb. 4 July 6 -Oct. 24 July 27 Oct 1 Jan. 12 Mar. 30 Feb. 16 Sept 21 Dec 27 Jan. 20 Nov. 16 Sept. 6 Dec 7 Dec 14 May 5 Aug. 22 July 14 Oot 6 July 4 Juue 27 Sept 16 AprU 3 July 14 Aug. 30 Jau. 12 Nov. 1 June 22 Dec. 25 Mar. 17 May 27 AprU 29 456 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. AVilliams, Mary, Alonmouth, and John George Ital, Monmouth 1761 Jan. 12 WiUiams, Mary, PhUadelphia, and Joseph Coulton, Philadelphia. ,. . 1771 Oct 15 Williams, Naomi, Gloucester, and Thomas Munyan, Gloucester 1761 Mar. 28 AVUliams, Rath, Burlington, and Thomas Meredith, BurUngtou 1755 June 29 Williams, Sarab, Monmouth, aud Samuel Layton, Monmoath 1755 Dec. 25 WiUiams, Susannah, Freehold, aud Hartness Throckmorton, Freehold. 1757 AprU 21 AVilliams, Tamzen, and Daniel Bates, Gloucester 1784 AprU 20 Williams, ThankfuU, Gloucester, and Nathaniel Morris, Gloucester, . .1747 June 23 WiUiams, Thankful, and WiUiam Crandel, Gape May 1777 Dec 22 AVilliams, Valbert, aud James A'errier 1701 Sept. 9 Williamson, Ann, Huuterdon, and Heury Krewson, Bucks, Pa 1774 Oct 31 AVilliamson, Anne, Freehold, and Cornelius Covenhoven, Freehold. . . .1760 May 28 WilUamson, Eleanor, and James Schureman, Middlesex 1778 Jan. 23 Williamson, Elenah, Monmouth, Cornelius Covenhoven, Monmoutb. . , 1756 June 5 WiUiamson, Elizabeth, aud Aaron Anderson, Burlington 1786 July 24 AVilliamson, Helena, iliddlesex, and James Lyne, Middlesex 1744 Aug. 6 Williamson, Jamima, New Jersey, and George Duckworth, New Jersey. 1739 June 26 AA'ilUamson, Jane, Monmoutb, and Domenicus A'anderveer, Monmouth. 1757 Oct. 28 Williamson, ilartha, Middlesex, and Thomas Goold, iliddlesex 1744 Dec. 5 Williamson, Mary, and Hendrick Gulick, Hunterdon 1754 Sept 26 AVilliamson, Mary, Amwell, and Cornelius Quick, Amwell 1770 Oct 13 Williamson, Mary, Burlington, and Pearson Fenimore, Burlington. . . . 1775 Oct 24 Williamson, Mary, and George Thompson, Middlesex 1778 Dec. 11 Williamson, Patience, and John Ten Broeck, Middlesex 1745 Jan. 28 AVilliamson, Phoebe, and Andrew Anderson , 1775 Aug. 28 AVilliamson, Rebecca, and John Voorhees, Amweli. 1772 April 11 AVilliamson, Sarah, and Barns Smock, Middletown 1766 May 27 Williamson, Sarah, and AVUliam Cotanch, Sussex 1773 Dec. 8 AVilliamson, Styntie, and Peter Monfoort 1748 Aug. 9 Willis, Anne, Essex, and Joseph Halsy, Jr., Essex 1768 June 16 AVillis, Effy, Shrewsbury, and John Rente, Shrewsbury 1767 Aug. 28 Willis,! Elizabeth, Northampton, and AVUliam Rainee, Northampton. 1747 Jan. 7 AVillis, Fythe, Essex, and Isaac Brown, Essex 1754 June 5 Willis, Hannah, and Thomas Smith, Salem 1771 Nov. 12 WUlis, Lydia, Alloways Creek, and Samuel Sims, Salem 1747 Dec 10 AVillis, Margaret, and Benjamin Weatherbe, Salem 1757 Mar. 3 Willis, Mary, and AVUliam Bickley, Burlington 1734 July 18 Willis, Mary, Middlesex, and .Joseph March, Middlesex 1773 Oct 8 AViUis, ilary, Burlington, and Henry Leap, Burlington 1777 Mar. 1 AVillis, Mary, and Nathan Bartlett, Monmouth 1778 Dec. 2 Willis, Phebe, Monmouth, and Peter Parker, Monmouth 1743 July 1 Willits, Lydia, Monmouth, and Anthony Smith, Burliugton 1746 May 16 WiUitts, Mary, Monmouth, and Samuel Bunting, Burlington 1739 May 1 1 . AVillkenson, Experience, Freehold, .Jacob Qnackenbush, Shrewsbury. .1663 Nov. 16 1 Or AVills. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 457 Wills, Keziah, Northampton, and Henry Taylor, Northampton 1764 AVills, Lettis, Burlington, and Levi Lippincott, Burlingtou 1773 AVUls, ilargaret, Burlington, and Moses Wills, Burlington 1 764 AA'ills, Mary, Burliugton, and Elijah Burdsal, Burlington 1766 Wills, Mary, and AViUiam Morris, Burlington 1768 WUls, Sarah, and William Ford, Buriington 1783 WUlson, Edith, and Nathan Starkey, New Hanover 1749 Willson, Eleanor, Newton, and Jobn Ferguson, Burlington 1768 Willson, Elizabeth, Burlington, and James Gregory, Burlington 1776 AVUlson, ilargaret, Middlesex, and George Hance, Middlesex 1760 AVUlson, Margaret, and Joshua Corsban 1764 Willson, Mary, Burlington, and John Scholey, Burlington 1727 AVUlson, ilary, Monmouth, aud Peter Patterson, Monmouth 1742 WUson, Ann, Burlington, and Obadiah Eldridge, Jr. , Burlington . ... 1 740 Wilson, Ann, Barlington, and James Bryan, Barlington 17-11 WUson, Ann, Perth Amboy, and Matthias Iselstine, Jr., Perth Amboy. 1759 AA'ilson, Catherine, Hunterdon, and Andrew Mershon, Hunterdon 1774 A\'ilson, Catharine, and Hope Opdyke, Hunterdon 1787 AA'ilson, Deborah, Monmouth, and AA'illiam Kenney, Monmouth 1761 Wilson, Elizabeth, Essex, and Jobn Jenkins, Essex 1761 Wilson, Elizabeth, Amwell, and John Woolverton, Amwell 1768 WUson, Elizabeth, and Samuel Bayles, Middlesex 1779 WUson, Hannah, Monmouth, and Thomas Mount Monmouth 1754 WUson, Hannah, Monmouth, and Dennis Driskel, Monmoutb 1762 AVUson, Hannah, and WUliam Harris, Burlington 1783 Wilson, Ida, New Bruuswick, and John Johnson, iliddletown 1749 Wilson, Jamima, Monmouth, and .James Kelsey, Monmouth 1759 AVUson, Jane, Somerset, and Simon Loofborrow, Somerset 1751 WUson, Jane, Somerset, and Hugh ilcLuen, Somerset 1753 Wilson, Johanna, and Samuel Truex, iliddletown 1747 Wilson, Levinah, Hanover, an.d John Wilkinson, Hanover 1748 WUson, Lydia, Burlington, and Joseph Morris, Burlington 1767 WUson, Margaret, iliddletown, aud Gisbert Vanbrakle, Monmouth. , . 1741 Wilson, Margaret, Middletown, and David Robertson, Middletown 1749 AVilson, Margaret, and Thomas Land, Gloucester 1772 WUson, Martha, Middleto-wn, and Samuel Ayres, iliddletown 1760 WUson, Mary, Middletown, and Samuel Carman, Middletown 1748 Wilson, Mary, Perth Amboy, and ,Iohn Roe, Perth Amboy 1757 Wilson, Mary, Hunterdon, and Peter Henshell, Hunterdon 1774 Wilson, Mary, BurUngton, and Mahlon Gibbs, Burlington 1776 AVilson, Mary, and John Hust, Gloucester 1782 Wilson, Rachel, Burlingtcn, and Charles Netterville, Burlington 1736 AVilson, Rachel, Middlesex, and Francis Bodine, Middlesex 1 755 Wilson, Rachel, Middlesex, and Thomas Height, iliddlesex 1767 WUson, SaUy, and Edmund Kingsland, Bergen 1763 Wilson, Sarah, Burlington, and Jonathan Brayman, Burlington 1742 Mar. 31 AprU 12 Mar. 31 June 18 May 7 April 19 Oct. 17 Dec. 8 Sept. 8 July 3 Deo. 19 Sept 14 Sept. 13 April 21 Oct 14 Sept 25 Oct. 16 Dec 20 Oct 27 Aug. 27 Nov. 8 Nov. 13 Sept 9 Sept. 27 April 9 July 5 Feb. 24 April 17 July 25 Mar. 28 Jan. 10 Jan. 5 Jan. 31 April 17 Sept 1 Nov. 7 Dec 10 Aug. 30 AprU 18 Sept. 30 April 1 May 1 Jan. 29 Jan. 30 Feb. 22 Nov. 1 4S8 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Wilson, Sarah, Perib Amboy, aud WUliam Worth, Perth Amboy 1758 Wilson, Sarah, Hunterdon, and Joseph King, Hunterdon 1775 Wilson, Sarah, and Philip Bowne, Burlington 1778 Wilson, Sarah, and Bishop Tucker, Springfield 1778 Winans, Anne, Somerset, and Henry Harrison, New Jersey 1742 AVinans, Experience, Essex, and Josiah AVinans, EUzabeth Town 1740 Winant Elisabeth, Staten Island, and Timothy Wood, Staten Island. 1747-8 Wing, Ann, Monmouth, and James West, Moiimouth 1749 Wing, Azenbeth, Monmouth, and Joseph Chambers, Monmouth 1757 AVinne, Nancy, and Gerrebrant Gerrebrants 1769 Winnick, Elizabeth, and Francis Bullus, Burlington 1791 AVinrigbt, Lydia, Shrewsbury, and John West, Shrewsbury 1755 Winter, Catherine, Monmouth, and James Bray, Monmonth 1756 Winter, Hannah, Monmouth, and Thomas Herbert, Monmouth 1751 Winter, Sarah, Philadelphia, Pa. , Archibald Montgomery, Phila. , Pa 1737 AVinters, Mary, Monmouth, and AVUliam Chumard, Burlington 1776 Wiseheart, Jemima, PhUadelphia, Pa., Richard Edwards, Phila , Pa, .1736 Wisel, Catharine, Freehold, aud Peter Benam, Freehold 1761 Wissing, Margaret, Burlington, and Lewis Giles, Burlington 1771 AVitcraft, Aun, and James Hardy, Trenton 1780 AVoglum, Eliab, aud John Pryer, Staten Island 1771 Wolcott, Mary, Monmouth, and Hugh Jackson, Monmouth 1745 AVoUcott, Susanna, New Jersey, and Nicholas Chambers, New Jersey . . 1743 AVolton, EUzabeth, Salem, aud John Paine, Salem 1682 AVolverton, Anne, Amwell, aud Moses AVarford, Kingwood 1771 AVombok, Elizabeth, and James Hixson, Hunterdon 1779 AVoniman, Mary, aud John Rain, Gloucester 1735 Wood, Abigail, Gloucester, aud Robert Hunt, Burlington 1733 Wood, Alice, Glouoester, and James Brown, Gloucester 1754 Wood, Atalanah, Burliugton, aud George Douglas, Burlington 1741 Wood, Catharine, Gloucester, and David Addams, Gloucester 1745 AVood, Deborah, Chesterfield and John Beck, Chesterfield 1747 AVood, Deborah, Deptford, and Jonathan Sell, Gloucester 1750 AVood, Elizabeth, Burliugton, and Ebenezer Gaskill, Burlington 1731 Wood, Elizabeth, and Nehemiah Leeds •. 1735 AVood, Elizabeth, and John Willis, Burlington 1743 Wood, Elizabeth, and Aaron Chew, Gloucester 1775 AVood, Esther, aud Thomas Low, Gloucester 1780 AVood, Hannah, Gloucester, aud Joseph Heulings, Burlington 1741 Wood, Jane, Pilesgrove, and Joseph Tussey, Pilesgrove 1761 Wood, Jemima, and Thomas Brundridge, Monmoutb 1737 AVood, Jemima, Burlington, aud Robert Moses, Burlington 1741 Wood, Letitia, Gloucester, and John Jefferis, Gloucester 1736 Wood, Mary, Gloucester, and Joseph Cole, Gloucester 1731 AVood, Mary, Gloucester, and Abel Lee, Gloucester 1733 Wood, Mary, Barlington, and Joshua Anderson, Trenton 1745 Deo. 6 Nov. 16 Jan. 10 Mar. 6 May 17 Jan. 7 Jan. 19 Dec 20 July 18 Oct 18 Jan. 8 Deo. 3 Feb. 23 Oct 21 Nov. 14 Jan. 12 Nov. 6 Feb. 24 Aug. 28 Feb. 24 April 27 Nov. 7 July 19 Jan. 19 Jan. 12 Dec 7 Sept 8 Dec 19 April 23 Sept 28 June 20 Feb. 22 Aug. 7 June 21 Sept 24 June 25 Feb. 14 Dec. 29 May 12 Dec 1 Dec 22 Sept 15 Feb. 24 Dec 2 Mar. 7 Nov. 27 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Wood, Mary, Richmond, N, Y , and Paton Parmar, Richmond, N, Y. .1763 Wood, Mary, Salem, and Henry Miller, Salem 1765 Wood, Mary, Waterford, aud BarziUai Hugg, Gloucester 1771 AVood, Margaret, Philadelphia, Pa., AVUliam Lawrence, Phila., Pa 1755 AVood, MiUesant, and Read Sheppard, Camberland 1778 Wood, Pbebe, and SUas Beagle, Staten Island 1743 AVood, Rachel, and AVUliam Smith, Mannington 1759 Wood, Rachael, and Annas Dare, Salem , , . 1775 AVood, Rebecca, Burliugton, and John Butterfield, BurUngton , 1740 Woodi Ruth, Gloucester, and Abraham Chattin, Jr, Gloucester 1760 Wood, Sarah, Chesterfield, and Jobn Thomas, Chesterfield 1746 AVood, Sarab, Chester, Pa., and John Pearson, Chester, Pa 1746 Wood, Sarab, Mansfield, and Joseph Raniear, Mansfield 1751 Wood, Sarab, aud Benjamin Drake, Hunterdon 1769 Wood, Sarab, Burlington, John Curtis, Capt. Bowman's Co., 2 Jersey. 1781 Wood, Sarah, and James Whithead, GaUoway 1785 AVoodard, H-innab, and Aaron Steward, Burlington 1 780 Woodath, Sarah, Gloucester, aud Edward Irvin, GloucesEer 1727 Woodhouse, Hannah, Hopewell, and Jonathan Wheaton, Hopewell. . .1764 Woodhouse, Mary, Salem, aud WilUam Remmington, Salem 1693 Woodland, Rhoda, and Edward Ketchem, Cumberland 1773 Woodmansee, Anna, Moumouth, aud Ebenezer CoUins, Monmouth. . .1748 Woodmansee, Lydia, Monmouth, and Joseph Graves, Monmouth 1741 Woodmansey, Hannah, Monmoutb, and David Killey, Monmouth . . . 1730 Woodoth, Ruth, and Jacob Matlack, Evesham 1733 Woodroufl, Elizabeth, and John Parent Upper Freehold 1761 Woodruff, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and John Morris, Monmouth 1765 Woodruff, Ester, Cumberland, and Preston Bishop, Cumberland ... 1761 Woodruff, Hannah, and John Ingram, Cape May 1780 Woodi-uff, Mary, Shrewsbury, and Jeremiah Stillwell, Upper Freehold. 1760 AVoodruff, Polly, and Hugh McKee, Cumberiand 1789 Woodruff, Sarah, Cumberland, and Daniel MaskeU, Cumberland 1776 Woodruff, Sarah, and William Robiuson, Cumberland 1789 Woodward, Constant, and Oliver Potter, Moumouth 1786 Woodward, Joannab, Hunterdon, aud Josias Lambert, Monmoutb . . . 1766 Woodward, Mary, and Joseph Talman, Burlington 1736 Woodward, Mary, and Evie Smith, Gloucester 1746 ^Woodward, Rebecca, and Peter Covenover, Gloucester 1773 Woodward, Rhoda, and Richard Britan, Barlington 1767 Woodward, Sarah, Burlington, and Robert Taylor, Burlington 1728 Wooglom, Antie, Staten Island, and Daniel Garrison, Staten Island. . . 1743 WooUard, Elizabeth, and Peter Vansant, Pennsylvania 1778 Woolley, AbigaU, Monmoutb, and Stoffel Longstreet, Monmoutb 1743 Woolley, Adrea, Monmouth, aud George Mount, Monmouth 1748-9 Woolley, Ann, Monmouth, and Amaziah Slocum, Monmouth 1739 Woolley, Catherine, Monmouth, and James Woolley, Monmoutb 1747 459 May 10 April 9 Dec 23 May 17 Nov. 12 Nov. 26 July 20 July 25 July 29 July 22 June 7 Nov. 13 May 8 April 7 Feb. 5 Feb. 8 Feb. 20 Nov. 23 Aug. 23 April 13 April 3 Dec 27 April 13 Feb. 25 Nov. 15 May 14 June 23 May 19 Dec 26 Oct. 23 May 18 Aug. 5 July 9 Jan. 7 July 23 May 18 Nov. 3 Juue 16 July 23 May 14 June 14 April 8 Dec 16 Mar. 4 Nov. 3 Jan. 14 460 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. AVooUSy, Content, Shrewsbury, and Parnel Clayton, Burlington 1731 Dec. 9 Woolley, Deborah, Shrewsbury, and Benjamin Rogers, Shrewsbury. . . 1763 Oct 26 Woolley, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Timothy Akin, Monmouth 1748 Jan. 23 AVooUey, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and John Cook, Monmouth 1749 Dec. 29 Woolley, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and David Lippincott, Monmouth. 1757 Dec 5 Woolley, Freelove, Monmouth, aud Isaac Herbert, Monmoutb 1742-3 Feb. 7 AVooUey, Lydia, Monmouth, and Jacob Lippincott, Jr., Monmouth, . .1753 Dec 11 Woolley, Margaret, Monmouth, and Webley Edwards, Monmouth . . . 1742 Mar. 3 AA'ooUey, Margaret, Monmoutb, and Sylvester Brinley, Monmoutb 1752 Mar. 17 Woolley, Margaret, Monmouth, aud George Brown, Monmouth 1765 Oct 4 AVooUey, Mary, Monmouth, and Benjamin Davis, Monmouth 1749 Dec. 11 Woolley, Patience, Shrewsbury, and David Burdg, Middletown 1746 Nov. 14 AVooUey, Pbebe, Shrewsbury, and John AVooUey, Middletown . ... 1761 May 4 Woolley, Ruth, Shrewsbury, and Joseph Wite, Shrewsbury 1761 Dec. 7 WooUey, Sarah, Monmouth, and John CoUard, Monmouth 1743 Aug. 20 Woolman, Sarah, Burliugton, aud Robert Elton, Burlington 1737 April 18 Woolmar, Keziah, and Isaac Haines, Burlington 1788 Jan. 15 Woolson, Polley, Cape May,' and Eli Daniels, Cumberland 1776 Mar. 20 Woolston, Anne, Burliugton, and George Briggs, Burlington 1734 Sept. 14 Woolston, Ann, Burlington, and Ainos Shreve, Burlington 1737 Aug. 2 AVoolstou, Celena, Northampton, Samuel Woolston, Jr., Northampton 1749 Dec. 25 Woolston, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Conrod Painter, Burlington. ...1754 Oct. 24 AVoolstou, Elizabeth, and John Firt, Jr. , Burlington 1756 Dec. 27 Woolston, Epicarius, Gloucester, and Simon Sparks, Gloucester. 1761 July 13 Woolston, Hannah, and Joseph Belcher, Burlington ... 1754 May 31 AVoolstou, Hannah, Glouoester, and Samuel Flaningaui, Gloucester ..1768 Oct. 15 Woolston, Lettice, Gloucester, and Isaac Hinchman, Gloucester 1753 Dec. '31 ^ Woolston, Lettice, BurUngton, and Abel Briggs, Burlington 1773 Jan. 25 AVoolstou, Margaret, Burlington, aud Ebenezer Doty, Burlington Sept. 21 Woolston, Mary, Burlington, and Levi Budd, BurUngton 1774 Sept 1 Woolston, Ruth, Burlington, and Isaac Budd, Burlington 1775 Dec. 6 AVoolstou, Sarah, and Isaac Stephens, Deptford 1772 Aug. 31 AVoolverton, Eliza, Hunterdon, and Joseph Lambert, Hunterdou 1774 Mar. 22 AVoolvertou, Mary, Sussex, and Samuel Crowell, Sussex 1762 Oct 2 AVoolverton, Mary, Kingwood, and George Smith, Kingwood 1770 Jul.y 27 Woolverton, Mary, and Daniel Bray, Hunterdon 1772 May 2 Woolverton, Rosannah, aud Henry Matthis, Hunterdon 1782 May 22 Wooly, Hannah, and Thomas Borden, Monmouth 1780 Jan. 1 2 Wooly, Margaret, and John Horn, Glouoester 1761 Nov. 20 AVordel, Anne, Shrewsbury, and Joel White, Shrewsbury 1752 Oct 14 Worden, Hosannah, Monmouth, and John Johnson, Monmoutb 1760 Juue 4 Worden, Mary, and Henry Mead, Bergen , . , 1789 Feb. 3 AVorden, Phebe, Monmouth, and Safety Bowne, Monmouth 1743 April 22 AVorden, Sarah, Shrewsbury, and Job Cornel, Shrewsbury 1 756 'M ay 30 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 46 1 Worldin, Mary, Salem, and Samuel McClenan,! Salem 1741 Nov. 31 Worldin, Mary,2 Salem, and Samuel ilcLanniug,- Salem 1741 Dec. 31 Worley, Penelope, Northampton, and David AA'ilson, Northampton . . 1748 July 15 Worley, Mary, BurUngton, and Daniel Hoffe, Burlington 1741 Mar. 4 Worlidge, Ann, Salem, aud William Braithwaite, Salem 1702 July 2 Wome, Sarab, Cumberland, and Nicholas Dowdney, Cumberland ...1771 Dec. 18 AVort, Mary, and EUjah MorreU, Middlesex 1780 Mar. 28 Worthington, EUzabeth, and James Dunlap, Salem 1731 Mar. 29 Worthington, Hannah, Gloucester, Bartholomew Alder, Gloucester. . .1766 Dec. 16 AA'orthington, Mary, and Daniel Harris, Cumberland 1784 Nov. 9 AVorthington, Rachel, and Jacob Ludlam, Cumberland 1784 Jan. 2 1 Worthington, Sarah, Salem, and John Finlaw, Salem 1759 Sept 11 AVorthley, Lidy, Monmouth, and Josiah Halstead, Monmouth 1766 Sept. 27 Worthley, Lydia, iloumouth, and John Borden, Monmouth 1767 Jan. 28 AA'orthley, Mary, Monmouth, and Aaron Robens, Monmouth 1740 Dec. 13 AVorthley, AVemchey, and Thomas North, Shrewsbury 1766 Oct. 14 Wortman, Christiana, Somerset, and Alford Herriot, Woodbridge 1774 Nov. 26 Wortman, Hannah, and John Moore, Hunterdon 1772 July 22 Wortman, Mary, and Joseph Corwin, Morris 1778 Mar. 27 AA'erton, Sarah, and John Filer, Jr., Cumberland 1759 Mar. 6 AVorth, Jamima, Barnegat, and Duncan Murray, Maryland 1749 July 10 Wrigbt, AbigaU, Monmouth, and Robert McElvey, Monmouth 1766 Mar. 18 Wright, AbigaU, BurUngton, and AVUliam Hazelton, Burlington 1776 AprU 22 Wright, AUce, and Isaac ilerritt, ilount Holly 1784 AprU 13 Wright, Ann, Gloucester, and Nathan Wright, Cumberland 1764 Jan. 31 AVright, Ann, and Christian Biyenberg, Salem 1777 Aug. 1 1 Wrigbt, Anne, and Patterson Wright, Bristol, Pa 1786 Mar. 26 AVright, Edith, Burlington, and Ricbard Harrison, Burliugton 1765 Aug. 14 Wright, EUzabeth, Burlington, and Samuel Reeve, Burlington 1778 Feb. 16 Wright, Elizabeth, and Jacob Van Hart 1782 Nov. 16 AVright, Ester, Burlington, and WUliam MaxweU, Burliugton 1730 Dec. 22 Wright, Esther, Monmouth, and WiUiam Emley, Monmouth 1775 Sept 22 Wright, Hannah, and Edward Kemble, Burlington 1777 Oct 3 Wright, Lydia, and Isaac Bilderbaok, Salem ^ 1784 Mar. 24 Wright, ilargaret, AUentown, Marmaduke Newland, Upper Freehold, 1746 Jan. 18 Wright, Martha, Pennsylvania, and Timothy Titus, Pennsylvania. . . , 1764 Aug. 21 Wright, Mary, Barlington, and William Duckworth, Burlington 1731 Dec. 6 Wright, Mary, Staten Island, and Joseph Soper, Barnegat 1746 June 3 Wrigbt, Mary, and Hendrick Cremer, Middlesex 1761 May 23 Wright, Mary, Bucks, and WUliam Burroughs, Bucks 1763 Sept 9 AVright, Mary, Bordentown, and ilarickWeUer, Upper Freehold. .,,1767 Jau. 3 Wright, Mary, Monmouth, and Jobn Robins, Monmoutb 1766 Jan. 6 Wright, Mary, Hanover, and Henry Ridgeway, Springfield 1771 Feb. 26 1 -'Blacksmith ol Salem Co.," according to the record. 2 Thus duplicated in the record, liut with different dates, and diflerent spelling ot tlie groom's name, as here given. 462 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Wrigbt, Miriam, Buriington, and Benjamin Fowler, Monmouth 1736 Dec 29 Wrigbt, Priscilla, Monmouth, and Thomas Cooper, Moumouth 1749 Nov. 6 AVright, Prudence, Mansfield, and PhiUip Spacbing,! Mansfield 1763 Oct. 22 Wright, Rachel, BurUngton, and George Shinn, Burlington 1761 Sept. 1 AVright, Rebecca, Burlington, and Thomas Potts, Bucks, Pa AVright, Rebekah, and Amos AVeller, Hanover 1766 Dec. 22 AA'right Rebecca, and WUliam Clap, BurUngton 1768 Jau. 30 Wright, Ruth, AVoodbridge, and David AVright, Woodbridge 1745-6 Jan. 7 AVright, Ruth, Salem, and Thomas Langton, Salem 1746 Jan. 15 AVright Sarah, Bucks, Pa., and AViUiam Brodnax, Bucks, Pa 1761 July 14 AVright, Sarah, Salem, and Johu Hoffman; Salem 1769 July 22 AVright, Susanna, Burlington, and Benjamin Genkins, Burliugton 1754 Oct 19 AVright, Zipporah, Richmond, N. Y., Johu Androvet, Richmond, N. Y.1747 Jan. 14 Wright, Zubeth, Glouoester, and Jacob Homer, Gloucester 1740 Feb. 28 AVyck, Pheby, Morris, and AViUiam Leddel, Morris 1770 AprU 4 Wychoff, Mary, Monmouth, and Abraham Hendricks, Monmouth .... 1754 Dec. 17 Wycof, Geertie, Hunterdon, and Samuel AVyckof, Hunterdon 1749 Nov. 25 AVycoff, Gertie, Somerset, and Cornelius Vanhorne, Hunterdon 1714 May 12 AVycoff, Ida, iloumouth, and David Covenhover, Monmouth 1763 Aug. 18 AVycoff, Nelly, Freehold, and John Covenhoven, Middletown 1755 Dec. 8 AVycoffe, Catherine, and Benjamin Covenhoven, Freehold 1750 Feb. 5 AVycott, Sarah, Somerset and Adrian Hagerman, Jr., Somerset 1744 May 14 AVykoff, Analtie, Somerset, and Jacobus Van Duyn, Somerset 1740 Nov. 7 AVykoff, Sarah, and Jacob Kinney, Somerset 1779 Feb. 10 AVykoff, Sarah, and AVUliam Cornel, Somerset 1781 Jan. 7 AVykoff, AVilUampy, and Peter Kinney, Somerset 1779 Feb. 6 AVynants, Catharine, and Henry Wiser, Richmond, N. Y 1768 July 1 1 AVynds, Catty, and John Wills, Burlington 1790 July 7 MALES. Y Yard, Archibald AVm., Trenton, and Katherine Pearson 1768 Jan. . 26 Yard, AViUiam, Trenton, and Mary Peace, Trenton 1746 Sept 11 Yard, AVUliam, Monmouth, and Catherine Allen, Monmouth 1756 May 29 Yard, John, Trenton, and Mary Cludn 1779 Jan. 18 Yard, John, Trenton, and Jane Ward 1732 Sept. 6 Yard, Nahor, Trenton, -and Betsey Beggs. . , , 1784 Mar. 19 Yates, John, Cape May, and Elizabeth Swain. 1768 April 9 Yates, AVUliam, Cape May, aud Sarah Iszard, Cape May 1762 Aug. 24 Yatman, .John, Monmouth, and Margaret Gordon, Monmouth 1744 Dec. 31 Yawger, William, Hunterdon, and Anne Person 1778 May 22 YingUng, Jacob, Monmouth, and Charity Hornor 1759 May 15 Yorke, Thomas, PhUadelphia, and Elizabeth TioU, Philadelphia 1771 July 1 Young, Andrew, Bucks, Pa,, and Sarah Dare, Bucks, Pa 1761 Aug. 24 Young, Henry, Cape May, and Phoebe Norton, Cape May 1757 Dec. 28 1 Thus signed; in the hody ol the bond the name is entered as '-Speches.'' MARRIAGE LICENSES. 463 Young. Hezekiah, Trenton, aud Sarah Hendrickson 1778 Young, James, Hopewell, and Mary Sincher 1757 Young, Jeremiah, Hopewell, and Soi'ali Dowdney 1783 Young, Job, Cape May, and ilary Norton, Cape Jlay 1757 Young, Jobn, Chesterfield, aud Mary McA'ay, Chesterfield 1768 Young, Jobn, ilaidenhead, and Jean Norton 1779 Young, Peter, Glouoester, and Eleauor Best, Gloucester 1761 Young, Peter, Hunterdon, and Phebe Boram 1784 Young, Philip, Amwell, aud Rachel Johnson, Amwell 1771 , Young, Philip, Somerset, and Catharine Crigh 1779 Youug, AA'iUiam, Morris, and Elizabeth Lowrance, Somerset 1773 Young, William, New Jersey, and Sarab Smitb 1775 Young, William, AUoways Creek, and Sarab Shephard 1777 Youngs, John, Middletowu, and Esther Harbour, Monmoutb 1741 I'ouruson, John, Penns Neck, and Jane Canneman, Penns Neck 1762 FEMALES. Y Yaets, Margaret, Bucks, Pa., aud John Atkinson, Bucks, Pa 1735 Yandle, Sarah, Hunterdon, and Andrew Todd, Somerset 1771 Yates, Isabel, Bucks, Pa., and Richard Gliff, Bucks, Pa 1729 Yates, Lydya, Cape May, aud Johu Leek, Cape May 1763 Yates, Rebecca, Cape May, and Jonathan Hand, Cape ilay 1776 Yard, Ann, and Obadiah Curtis, Hunterdon 1789 Yard, Elizabeth, Burlington, and Adam Carr, Burlington 1740 Yard, Margai'et, Trenton, and Ricbard Tennant, Trenton 1763 Yard, Margaret, Emd WilUam O'Neale, Trenton 1779 Yard, Mary, Trenton, and Henry ilarshen, Trenton . . . , 1728 Yard, Prudence, and James Bowen, Huuterdon 1779 Yard, Susannah, BurUngton, aud Gabriel Blond, Burlington 1739 Yeates, ilargaret, and Hugh Edmiston, Cumberland 1780 Yeates, Martha, Cape May, and David Haud, Cape May 1769 Yerks, Jane, and Jacob Smith, Somereet 1778 Yong, Elizabeth, and Thomas Gandy, Cape ilay 176S Young, , Gloucester, aud Samuel Chester, Gloucester 1748 Youug, Abigail, Cape May, and Joseph Ludlam, Cape May 1747 Young, Aune, Morris, and Abraham Drake, Morris 1763 Young, Catherine, and George Marsh, ilorris 1779 Young, EUzabeth, C.ipe May, and John JIackey, Cape ilay 1746 Young, EUzabeth, and Henry Corson, Gape May 17SS Y'oung, Jane, and Jeremiah Burch, iloumouth 176S Young, Martha, Greenwich, aud Samuel Chester, trreenwich 1748 Young, Mary, New Brunswiolt, and Abraham Ouke, New Brunswick, .1758 Young, Mary, and Henry Denny, Bergen 1780 Young, Naomi, Cape May, and Elijah Hewitt_, Cape ilay 1763 Young, Phebe, Caps May, aud William Robinson, Cape ilay. 1738 Young, Rachel, Caps May, and James AVUlets, Cape May 1776 Dec 19 June 30 April 1 April 26 Mar. 17 April 6 Sept 30 Feb. 25 Aug. 13 Jan. 19 Feb. 1 Mar. 11 Aug. 26 Nov. 10 Deo. 16 Julv 28 Jan. 26 Feb. 17 June 14 Mar. 25 Dec 17 July 25 Aug. 25 Aug. 23 Jan. 20 Jan. 13 AprU 18 April 14 May 16 Dec 19 Dec. 1'2' Jan. 5 Aug. 17 Feb. 23 Nov. 11 April 25 Feb. 21 June 25 Jau. 5 Oct 12 Sept 21 June 14 Jane 20 Dec. 9 464 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Young, Sarah, Morris, and Isaac Hatheway, Morris 1769 Young, Susanna, Gloucester, and John Gruffyth, Gloucester 1754 Youug, Tabitha, Cape May, and John Townsand, Cape May 1740 Youngs, Deborah, aud Clement Daniels, Cape May 1737 Youngs, Mary, and William Robiuson, Jr, Maurice River 1772 Yournsou, Jean, and Matthias Miller, Salem 1779 MALES. ^ Zabriske, Gerrit, Bergen, and Annatje Demarest 1786 Zabriske, Henry, Paramus, aud Willemtje Bogert, Bergen 1771 Zabriske, Henry L, Paramus, and Mary Zabriskie 1782 Zabriske, Jau, New Barbadoes, and Leah Zabriskie, New Barbadoes. . . 1769 Zabriske, Johu, Bargen, and Wellimentia Westervelt 1793 Zabriskei, Jacob, Bergeu, aud Sarah Varick, Bergen 1743 Zabriski, Henry, Bergeu, aud Elizabeth Goeoheus, Bergen 1767 Zabriski, Peter, Bergen, and Martyntje Varick, Bergen 1747 Zabriskie, Albert, Bergen, and Geurteye Westervelt, Bergen 1751 Zabriskie, Albert, Bergen, aud Amelia Reading 1787 Zabriskie, Albert Bergen, and Prances NicoU 1789 Zabriskie, Andreas, Hackensack, and Jane Lazear 1769 Zabriskie, Christian, New Barbadoes, and Polly Terhune 1771 Zabriskie, Christian A., Bergen, and Mary Hauseman 1789 Zabriskie, John A. , Bergen, and Elizabeth Van Dien 1783 Zabriskie, John A., Bergen, aud Cornelia Bogert 1788 Zabriskie, John J., Bergen, and Henderiche Van Reypen 1788 Zabriskie, Joost, Bergen, and Polly Hopper, Bergen 1772 Zabriskie, Nicholas J., Bergen, and Weyntje Terhune 1788 Zabroweski, Casparus, Bergen, Catharine AVagoner, ! Acquackanonck. . 1747 Zane, Joseph, Salem, and Rebecca Hile, Salem 1750 Zane, William, Gloucester, and Aleci Chattin 1775 Zelley, John, Springfield, and Hannah Taylor 1773 Zillay, Abraham, Springfield, and Sarab Croshaw, Springfield 1773 Zilley, Dauiel, Barlington, and Hannah Southwick, Barlington 1776 Zilley, Samuel, Northampton, and Martha Green 1781 Zutpben, Gysbert Monmouth, and Arianche Voorhees, Moumouth. ... 1 749 FEMALES. z Zabrisco, Rachel, Hackensack, and Gaspares Westervelt, Hackensack. .1763 Zabriski, Elizabeth, Bergen, and Edmund Seaman, New York 1768 Zabriski, Leah, New Barbadoes, aud Jan Z-abriske, New Barbadoes , . . 1769 Zabriskie, Aun, Bergen, and Garrit G. Lansing, Bergen 1789 Zabriskie, Aultye, and Harman Vandien, Bergen 1787 Zabriskie, Elizabeth, and Henry V: Blarcom, Acquackanonch 1784 Zabriskie, Mary, and Jost Bogart, Bergen 1772 1 A^au Wagoner Dec 2 Juue 29 Oct 44 Juue 20 Aug. 19 Oot 6 Deo. 16 Nov. 2 April 21 May 11 Nov. 2 Aug. 20 Oot 21 Oct 8 Mar. 20 April 27 Aug. 4 Sept 18 Nov. 23 Dec 5 April 16 Dec 7 Jan. 19 Dec. 18 AprU 20 Deo. 17 Nov. 16 Jan. 7 Oct. 19 Mar. 21 Mar. 6 June 15 May 13 Dec 24 April 21 Nov. 27 Sept. 21 July 12 Sept. 12 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 465 Zabriskie, Mary, and Henry I. Zabriskie, Paramus 1782 Zabriskie, Mary, and Jacob Terhune, Bergen ; 1791 Zabriskie, Nastia, and Heury V: Dalsem, New Barbadoes 1781 Zabriskie, Sarah, and Yelles Bartholf, Bergen 1779 Zabrisky, Weyntie, and Jacob C. Banta, Bergeu 1788 Zabriskie, Catharine, and John Anderson, Bergen 1792 Zane, Hannah, and John Murphy, Gloucester 1784 Zane, Mary, and William Peas, Gloucester 1784 Zane, Rhoda, and Thomas Heppard, Gloucester 176 1 Zanes, Elizabeth, and Thomas Rakestraw, Evesham 1757 Zebrisco, Mary, Bergen, and Johannis Bongart, Bergen 1764 Zelley, Damaras, Burlington, and Abel Harker, Burlington 1782 Zelley, Mary, Burlingtou, and Gersham Penquite, Barlington 1780 Zutphin, Elizabeth, Monmouth, and Joseph Johnston. Monmouth . . . 1756 Zutphin, Mary, Moumouth, and Abraham Johnson, Monmouth 1767 Nov. 2 May 6 April 28 Aug. 6 Oct 10 Feb. 23 Dec 28 Mar. 23 Feb. 13 July 4 July 8 Dec 23 Nov. 6 June 22 Jan. 2 29 Haekensaek Reformed (Duteli) Ciiureli ReGOFds. The earUest marriage and baptismal registers of the Hackensack Reformed (Dutoh) Church are entered in a stout folio volume, whioh, though more than two hundred years old, is in an excellent state of preservation. For the first century of the Church's history the records were kept iu Dutch. A careful translation was pub Ushed in 1891 by the Holland Society of New York, the printed volume being an ex act reproduction (but in English) of the original record, giving church members, 1686-1801; marriages, 1696-1752, 1790-1796, 1799-1802; baptisms, 1686-1802; elec tion of church ofiScers, etc. With the permission of tbe Holland Society, the follow ing alphabetical arrangement is given of that translation, so far as it relates to the marriage records. In 1724 a new church was organized at Schraalenburgh (pronounced Skrawlen- burgh), about four miles from Hackensack. Both churches were under the same pas torate during the rest of the century. Hence, marriages or baptisms in one church are often entered in tbe records of the other. The hiatus in the marriage register of the Hackensack church, 1753-1 789, is largely supplied iu the register of tbe Schraal enburgh Church. It was tbe custom in tbe Reformed Dutch Churches to publish the banns, or to announce intended marriages, from the pulpit, throe Sundays before the marriage, or to have notice thereof set up at tbe church door. Sometimes the banns would be proclaimed at one church, and the marriage would be performed at another. This might occur because of the removal of the parties. Usually, no doubt, it was due to tbe fact that there was no service in tbe church where the banns had been proclaimed, and the bride and groom repaired to the nearest clergyman to get married. In the following index, the date given is that of the entry iu the record, generally after the first "calling out" of tbe parties. Some Dominies kept a careful record of the date of the banns and of the marriage also, but tbat was not customary. The statement tbat one or both the parties to a marriage "lived here," or "lived in Hackensack," or in Second Eiver, Paramus, Acquackanonk, etc., often means that the person belonged to the Dutch Church of the locality mentioned, not that he or she was actually a resident of such place. The Reformed Dutch Churches in North ern New Jersey in the eighteenth century were : Bergen (now Jersey City), English Neighborhood, Hackensack, Schraalenburgh, Acquackanonk (now Passaic), Paramus, Second River (now Belleville), t' Noorde (at the North), or de Panne (now Oakland), Horseneck (now Fairfield), Pompton Plains, Montville. In these marriage records the names of places are variously written by different scribes, some being in Dutch, aud some being the results of attempts to reproduce 468 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. phonetically in Dutch the English names. Many of the names may be unfamiliar to readers of the present day. Hence the following explanations may be useful: Acqueggenonck, Akkwegnonk, Acquegnon, etc. — Acquackanonk. Now Acquack anonk township, the city of Passaic, and the greater part of the city of Pat erson. Asemes— Harsimus. Now in Jeisey City. Barbaer's Neck, Barbary Neck, etc. — New Barbadoes Neck. Southwestern part of Hudson County, between the Passaic and Hackensack rivers. Barlenton — Burlington. Basten— Boston. Boswyck — Bushwick, L. I. Breukel, Breukelen — Brooklyn. Choghakes, Goghakens, etc. — Hohokus, Bergen County. Cloof — The Clove, or gap, at the northern end of the Ramapo valley. Flipsburgh — Phillipsburgh. Tarrytown, N, Y. Geemepogh, Geiuenipa, Gemoenepan, etc. —Now written Communipaw, Jersey City. Gravesandt — Gravesend, L. I. Hedenborgh — Edinburgh, Scotland. Hemstee — Hempstead, L. I. Husemes— Harsimis, iu Jersey City. lapog— Now written Yawpaw. In Bergen County, between Paterson and Pompton. Isophus— Esopus, N. Y. Kalbrist, France— Probably meant for Quelle Brest Kortlandt— Cortlandt Manor, N. Y. Kwaksak— Quacksack, A creek in Bergen County. Manadis Isi. — Manhattan Island. Mawe — Mahwah, in the Ramapo Valley. Monachie— Moonachie, near Rutherford, Bergen County. N. Amersfort— Flatlands, L. I. N. Bai'baris Neck — New Barbadoes Neck. N. Bortayen. N. Ryssel. Narrits — Norwich, England. New Britain— Between Morristowu and Somerville. New Thu3'n — Newtown, L. I. Newwyck— Perhaps an error for New York. Panne, de— Ponds, now- Oakland, Bergeu Couuty, uear Pompton. Peghkena— Pacquanac or Pequannock. Peghtenaa— Probably Pacquanac. Pemmerpogh, Pommerpogh, Pemmery, etc.— Pamrapo, in Jersey City. Peremis — Paramus, Bergen County. Philipsburgh— Tarrytown. Pommerpogh— Pamrapo. Rawak, Rawe— Probably Rahway. Reemepogh, Remmepog, Rympoogh— Ramapo. tiACKENSACK CHURCH MARRIAGE RECOkbS. 469 Ringwoet— Ringwood, formerly in Bergen Couuty; now in tbe nortbei'n part of Passaic County. Rympogb — Ramapo. Sachen — Sacbsen, Saxonj', Germany. Sohoonegte, etc. — Scheuectady, N. Y. Second River— Belleville. Segquanek. Siapenicke. St Tonne— Doubtless meant for St. Aune. Suythool— Southold, L. I. Thyne A'alley (Dutch, Tuyne Vly) -Garden Meadow. Pompton Plains. Visooe. Vlaender, Vlaauderen — Flanders, in Holland. Waggereuw, AA'egreuw, etc. — Wagaraw, now part of the Borough of Hawthorne, near Patereon. AVihaecke, Wyhakeu — Weehawken. Wyremesr-Wearimus, in Bergen County, between Paterson aud Ridgewood. Zykakis, Zykakens, etc. — Secaucus, in Hudson Couuty. The names of persons undergo all sorts of transformations, according to the vari ous systems of orthography followed by tbe different Dominies aud Voorlesers who kept the records from time to time. The attempts of some of the Dutch writers to repro duce in their language foreign names lead to strange results in some instances: as Tsjeems Tsjanseu, for James Johnson ; Ritsjert, for Richard; Narrits, for Norwich; and others more readily intelligible. For explanations of the Dutch system of patro nymics, and translations of Christian names, tbe reader is referred to the Collections of the Holland Society, A'ol. I. (containing the Registers above referred to), pp. xix-xxiii; also to the Doremus Genealogy (Patei'sou, N. ¦!., 1897,) p. 202-234, where additional translations and the pronunciation of Christian names are given. Note. — The names of males aud females are arranged under one alphabet. After the names of the males a translation is given of the entire entry in the Church rec ord. In the case of the females only the names of the parties and the dates are given in this index, as tbe full particulars may be found under the names of tbe males. The dates given are of the proclamation of tbe bauus, unless otherwise stated. Abbreviations— y. d., jonge dochter, young maiden, spinster; y. m., jonge man, youngman, bachelor; wid., widow; b., born; 1., living. A Aalje, Susanna, aud Stephanus Terheun 1737 Aug. 6 Ackerman, Aaltje, and Albert Zaborowesky 1739 Oct 26 Ackerman, Abigael, and Dirk Blinkerbof 1733 Sept 7 Ackerman, Arie Abramse, y. m., b. Bergen, and Annatie ileyers, y. d., b. Ackinsaok, both 1. bere 1716 Oot. 20 Ackerman, David, y. m., b. New York, and Gerrebreght Clase Romeyn, V. d, b. Gravesandt 1703 AprU 24 470 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Ackerman, Davidt, y. m., b. Bergen in E. N. Jersey, and Margritie Jurcks, y. d., b. Philipsburgh, both living here 1707 Sept. 20 Ackerman, David Louwerense, y. m., b. and I. Ackinsaok, and Sara Golve, y. d., b. Long Island, 1. Wihaecke 1710 Mar. 19 Ackerman, Egbert, y. m., b. Bergen in East N. Jersey, and Elisabet Breyandt, y. d., b. Ackinsaok 1707 AprU 12 Ackerman, HiUegontjen, aud Steven Westervelt 1733 Aug. 4 Ackerman, Jacobus, y. m., b. Hackiusack, and Margrietje Geutry, y. d.,b. N.York. Married Sept 26. Both 1. Hackiusack 1740 Sept 6 Ackerman, Johannes, y. m., b. New York, and Jannetje Lozier, y. d., b. Hackiusack 1713 Ackerman, Sara, and Cornelius Boers 1726 Aokermaus, Abigal, aud Audries Hendrikse Hoppe 1707 Ackermaus, Anne Maritie, and Albartus Terhuyne 1719 Aokermaus, Anneke Abramse, aud Tomas Dorremus 1712 Ackermaus, Ary Abramse, wid'r of Annatie Meyiers, and Maritie Jo- h.anuese Van Blerkum, y. d., b. and 1. Ackinsaok 1720 Ackermaus, Elisabeth, and Cornelis Van der Hoef 1712 Ackermaus, Elisabeth, and Abram Hildrickse Brouwer 1723 Ackermaus, Gerret Abramse, y. m. , b. Bergeu, aud Jannetie Alberse, y. d., b. Ackinsaok, both living at Ackiusack 1712 Aokermans, Maritie, aud Swaen Hockdon 1711 Ackers, Sibout, y. m., b. and 1. at manor of Flipsburgh, and Aaltie De Ronde, y. d. , b. and 1. manor of Kortlandt 1720 Akkerman, Aaltjen, and Hermanus Van Blerkum 1743 Akkerman, Abraham, y. m., from Ackeusack, and Hinderkje Hoppe, y. d , from Choghakes, married Sept. 8 1727 Aug. Akkerman, Albert, y. m., 1. Peremus, aud Rachel Van AVinkel, y. d., 1. Akkwegnonk Married 1748 Akkerman, Annaetje, and Paulus Vander Beek 1743 Akkerman, Annaetjen, aud Jan Zaborisky 1739 Akkerman, Antjen, and David Banta 1745 Akkerman, Carstyntie, and Johannes Slot 1730 Akkerman, Catryn Louwerense, and Jan Cornelese Verwey 1707 Akkerman, Cornelia, aud Jacob Hoppe .... 1750 Akkerman, David, y. m., and Elsjin Eerll, y. d., both b, and I. Ackiu sack, married April 21 1738 April 1 Akkerman, David, y, m., b. New Harlem, and Jannetje Vander Beek, y. d., b. Peremug. Married July 6. Both 1. Peremus , 1742 June 26 Akkerman, Hannis, y. m., aud Saartje Stillewill, y. d., both L Hak- kensack. Married Juue 26 1748 May 26 Akkerman, Jannetjen, aud Jacobus Van Voorheest , 1732 Aug. 5_ Akkerman, Joannes, y. m., b. Hackensack, and Rachel Zaboriskwy, y. d., b. Peremes, married Jan. 19, 1739. Both I. Peremis. ... 1738 Dec 30 Akkerman, Johannes, wid'r of Maria Wiekvelt, and Elisabeth Stegge, y. d., both from Ackinsaok, married Feb. 28 1728 Feb. 9 June 6 May 22 July Oct 24 Oct 4 AprU 2 Oot 18 Oot. 11 Oct 4 May 5 Oct 7 Jan. 14 June 17 April 16 May 12 Aug. 17 Mar. 28 Feb. 15 Sept. 22 HACKENSACK CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 47 1 Akkerman, .Johannes Lawrense, y. m , aud Jacomyntje Demarest, y. d. , both from Hackiusack, married April 21 1728 Mar. 30 Akkerman, Laurens, y. m., and Geesje Paulussen, y. d., both 1. Ack insaok, married Oct. 27 1727 Sept 30 Akkerman, Lena, and Jacob Zabrowisky 1747 Aug. 7 -Akkerman, Lourens, y. m., and Martyntje Bogert, y. d., both b. aud 1. Hackiusack. Married Oct 27 1748 Sept 17 Akkerman, Louwerens, y. m. , b. and 1. Haokinsack, and Martha Van Brakel, y. d., b. and 1. Staten Island. Married Nov. 27 1745 Oct 25 Akkerman, Maritjen, and Arend DeMareest 1739 Oct. 22 Akkerman, Metje, and Niclaes Volker 1740 Aug. 2 Akkerman, Pieter, y. m., b. and 1. Haokinsack, and Antjin Hoppe, y. d., b. and 1. Peremis, married Sept. 7 1738 July 28 Akkerman, Tjelletje, and Albert Zaborisky 1739 June 15 Akkerman, Trientjen, and Roelof Westervelt 1737 Aug. 6 Akkerrnans, Elisabeth A., and Johannes Doremus 1710 Aug. 19 Akkermaus, Geertjen, and Frans Hendrikseu 1733 Sept. 28 Akkerrnans, Geertjen, and Joannes Bogert 1733 Oct 13 Akkermaus, Grietje, and Isaak Huysman 1748 Oct 1 Akkerrnans, Hendrikjen, and Adryaen Post 1736 April 24 Akkerrnans, Jannetjen, and Hendrik Hendrikseu 1734 Juue 22 Akkermaus, Marytje, and David DeMarest 1742 Dec. 25 Akkermans, Sara, and Hendrik Ziggelensin 1733 Dec. 8 Alberse, Cornelia, and Jurriaen Westerveldt 1703 AprU 17 Alberse, Jannetie, and Gerret Abramse Ackermaus 1712 Oct 4 Alberse, Margritie, and Pieter Aliee , 1716 AprU 6 Alberse, Steven, y. m., b. Ackinsaok, and Jannetie Alliee, y. d., b. Ackinsaok, both living here , 1707 Oct. 18 Alberse, Willemtie, and Johannes Slodt 1720 Sept 17 Aibertse, WUlem, y. m., and Susanne Laroe, y. d., both b. and 1. Ackinsaok 1718 AprU 19 Aibertse, WUlemtie, and Cornelis Bongaert 1710 Sept. 30 Aliee, Jan, wid'r of Susanna Laroe, and Maritie DeGrave, wid. of Al bert Terhuyne, living here 1709 Sept 23 Aliee, Pieter, y. m., and Margritie Alberse, y. d., both b. and 1. at Ackinsaok 1716 AprU 6 Aliee, Susanna, and Jan Janse Van Geste 1715 AprU 17 Alje, Albert, y. m., b. and 1. Hakkinsack, and Maria Westervelt, y. d., b. Sobraalenburg, 1. Tappan. Married Nov. 10 1748 Oct. 15 Alje, Jacobus, y. m., b. Haokinsack, and Annaetje Zika, y. d., b. N. Uyssel Married 1752 May 18 Alje, Lena, and WUlem Nagel 1748 April 16 Alje, Rachel, and Albert Hoppe 17*4 June 9 Aliee, Jan. y. m., 1. Worch, and Maria Banta, y. d., 1. Wyremes. Mar- riedJune27 1790 May 31 Alliee, Jannetie, aud Steven Alberse 1707 Oct 18 4?2 NEW JERSEV COLONIAL bOCUMENfS. Alyee, Pietertie, aud Daniel Van Horne l^*"^ ^°''- ^^ Alyee, Sapphira, and Steven Bogert 1^°1 •^®''- ^ Anderson, WUliam, and Sally Van Rypen 1800 Dec 24 Ariaense, Jan, y. m., b. on York Island, and Tanneke AValdron, y. d., b. N. Hariem, both I. Tappan. Married at Tappan April 12, 1720. 1720 Mar. Ariaense, Marytie, and Jan Koerte 1 ' '1 -A-P"! 25 Aug. 30 April 21 Jan. 13 April 17 Sept 26 Jan. 26 Aug. 19 July 28 Aug. 4 B Baelmoor, Lieving, y. m., b. Lisbeth Town, 1. in the Cloof, and Rachel Van Seyl, y. d., b. Peremis, 1. there Married 1735 Oct. 17 Banta, Abraham, y. m., and Aunaetjen Van Hoorn, y. d., both I. Schraelenburg. Married Sept. 19 1735 Banta, Aeltie Sibese, and Lucas Van Hoorn 1705 Bauta, Aguietjen, and Hannis Banta 1733 Bauta, Angenitie Hendrickse, and Jacobus Hendrickse Blinkerbof. . . . 1708 Banta, Aunatye, and Albert Van Dien 1730 Banta, Antie Dirckse, and Claes Losier 1709 Banta, Antie Sibese, and Jurriaen Westervelt 1699 Banta, Arie, y. m., b. Ackinsaok, and Feytie Louwerense Van Bos- kerke, both living here 1711 Banta, Belitje, aud Samuel DeMarest 1744 Banta, Cornelis, y. m., and Agnietje Bongert, y. d., both b. Haokin sack Married 1752 Ju— 25 Banta, Cornelis Epke, wid'r Jannetie DePree, and Magdeleena De- Maree, y. d , from Ackiusack 1699 Nov. 18 Banta, Cornelis Epke, last wid'r of Magdaleena Samuelse DeMaree, aud Abeltie Slot, wid. of Adam Van Norden, bothl. Ackiusack 1719 Mar. 1 Bauta, Cornelus, y. m. , aud Bachel Banta, y. d., both from Haokin sack aud 1. here, married April 26 ,. ... 1730 Banta, David, y. m., and -intjen Akkerman, y. d., both b. and I. Hack ensack. Married Sept. 27 1745 Banta, Dirck Sibese, y. m., b. Ackiusack, and Rachel DeGroot, y. d., b. at the Bay Bowery, both living here 1714 Banta, Dirk, y. m., and Antje Van Giesen, y. d., both b. Hackiu sack Married 1752 Banta, Divertje, and Albert Berdan 1727 Banta, Elisabeth, and Dirk Li'zier , 1738 Banta, Elizabeth, and Jacob Day 1734 Banta, Elsia, and Johannis Herty 1711 Banta, Epke Cornelisse, y. m., and Jannetie du Ry, y. d., both b. and 1. Ackinsaok 1708 Bauta, Franciutje, and Nathaniel Earle 1737 Banta, Gysbert and Lea Bogert 1800 Banta, Hannis, wid'r, and Aguietjen Banta, y. d., both b. andi. Haok insack, married Feb. 7 1733 Jan. 13 April 4 Aug. 17 April 17 25 Aug. 26 Mar. 4 Mar. 26 AprU 14 April 3 Aug. 19 Feb. 1 MacICENSACK CHURCH MARRIaGE RECORbg. 473 Banta, Hendrick Hendrickse, y. m., and Gertrut Terhuyne, y. d., both b. and 1. Haokinsack 1717 j^n. 26 Banta, Hendrick AA'iertse, y. m., and Trintie Loots, y. d., both b. and 1. Ackinsaok I715 j'ej)_ j. Banta, Hendrik Jacobissen, y. m., and Elisabeth Bensing, y. d., both b. and 1. Hackensack. Married July 16 1743 June 11 Banta, Hendry ok Sibese, y. m., b. and 1. Hackiusack, aud Annetie Jansen DeGroot, y. d., b. and 1. Bergeu Co 1719 May 9 Banta, Jacob Cornelisse, y. m,, and Rachel Terheun, y. d., both 1. Haokinsack 1728 AprU 13 Banta, Jacob Dirckse, y. m., and Heudriktie Terhuyne, y. d., both b. and 1. Ackinsaok I7I8 May 31 Banta, Jacob Hendrickse, y. m. , from Haokinsack, and Diwer Hen drickse, y. d., b. Bergen 1703 Feb. 27 Banta, Jacob Hendrikse, wid'r of Diewer Hendrikx, and Jannetie Van Horen, y. d. , from Ackiusack 1705 Sept. 28 Banta, Jacob Hendrickse, wid'r of Jannitie Van Horen, and Cornelia De Graeuw, y. d., b. New York, both 1. Ackinsaok 1719 Aug. 8 Banta, Jacob Sibese, y. m., and Cornelia Pieterse DeGroot, y. d., both b. and 1. Ackinsaok 1721 Sept 23 Banta, Jan Cornelisse, y. m., b. Ackiusack, and Cornelia Van Sicgelen, y. d., b. N. Amersfort L. I., both 1. here 1708 Banta, Jannetje, aud Hendrik Kip 1741 Bauta, Jannetie Cornelese, and Johannes Meyyer 1696 Banta, Jannetye, and Jacob Van Saen 1728 Banta, Johannes Dirckse, y. m., b. Ackiusack, aud Metie Hessels, y. d, b. and 1. Acquiggenonck 1714 Oct 16 Banta, Johannes Sibese, y. m., and Margritie Janse DeGroot, y. d., both b.' aud 1. Ackinsaok 1 716 Banta, Lea Cornelisse, and Johannes Lozier 1727 Banta, Lyda, and Cornelis Meyer 1735 Banta, Mareytje, and Daniel Van Hoorn 1749 Banta, Margritie Dirkse, and Dirk Hartemanscbe 1702 Bauta, Margrittie Hendrikse, and Roelof Martese 1722 Banta, Margrietjen, aud Joris Blinkerbof 1746 Banta, Margrietje, and Daniel Haring 1726 Banta, Maria, and Jan Aljee 1790 Bauta, Maritie Cornelise, and .Joost DeGroot 1712 Banta, Marya, and Gulyam Bogert 1725 Banta, Rachel, and Cornelus Banta 1730 Banta, Sara Cornelese, and Jacobus Peeck 1717 Banta, Sitske Dirkse, aud Dirck Johanuese Vrelandt 1716 Banta, Sitske Hendrikse, aud Johannes Jacobse Van Winkel 1712 Banta, Sytske Sibese, and Samuel DeMaree 1705 Banta, Wiert, y. m., and Mary DeMaree, d. of David, both b. and liv ing at Ackinsaok 1706 April 3 Nov. 14 Aug. 22 Aug. 31 Mar. 31 Aug. 13 Nov. 1 Sept 28 Oct 17 April 21 Feb. 22 April 2 May 31 May 3 Mar. 27 AprU 4 Jan. 5 May 12 April 19 April 21 AprU 27 Nov. 25 Aug. 5 Aug. 4 AprU 15 May 11 Oot 10 Nov. 17 474 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Banta, Wiert, y. m., aud Geertruyd Van Boskerk, y. d., both b. andi. Hackiusack Banta, AVeintje, and Samuel Durje 1 (44 Banta, Zybe, y. m., b. and 1. Hackiusack, and Catelyntje DeMarest, y. d. , b. and I. Sohralenburg 17** B.irdan, David, y. m., and Christyntjin Romeyn, y. d., both b. and 1. Hackensack, married May 12 . . . . > 1738 Bardan, Jan, y. m., aud Cbristyntjen Van Giesen, y. d., both b. and 1. Hackensack, married May 11 1738 Bardan, Jan, wid'r, and Vrouwtjeu Van Dien, wid. both 1. Ackinsaok, married Nov. 6 1733 Bardan, Maritjen, and Jacob Tisort 1733 Bardan, Reiuier, y. m., and Antjen Romein, y. d., both b. and 1. Hackensack, married Nov. 3 1738 Sept. 30 Bartley, Ely as, y. m., b. New England, and CorneUa Cornelise, y. d , b. ou the Bowery 1697 AprU 17 Bartolf, John, aud Polly Bogert 1801 May 10 Batton, Maria, and Pieter De Maree 1722 Oct 15 Bavri, Samuel, y. m., b. and 1. N. Barbaris Neck, and Hendrickjen Kip, y. d., b. and 1. Hackiusack, married Dec. 17 1747 Oct 24 Beek, Nathaniel, y. m., and Anna Hoogland, y. d., married with a license 1741 Aug. 29 Baekmau, Christina, and William Sager 1801 Jan. 28 Beekman, Gerrardus, and Catharina Provoost, upon a license from His Excellence 1727 June 10 Beem, Joost, y. m., b, Peremis, aud Catrina Slot, y. d., b. on the Thieneold, married May 23, both 1. Pompton 1740 Beer, Annaetje, and Barend Smit 1748 Beer, Cathrina, and Jacob Server 1744 Beer, Grietjen, and Hendrik Bogert 1748 Bel, Harmanus, y. m., 1. Long Island, aud Maritjen Poppelsdorf, y. d., 1. Hackiusack, married May 31, both b. Germany 1737 Bense, Johannes, y. m., from N. Haerlem, and Elisabeth Leydecker, y. d. , b. and 1. Ackinsaok ] 724 Bensen, Johannes, y. m., 1. N. Harlem, and Marytje Leydekker, y. d., -1. Hackensack Married 1747 Bensing, Elisabeth, and Hendrik Jacobissen Bauta 1743 Berdan, Albert, y. m., and Divertje Bauta, y. d., both 1. Ackinsaok, married Sept. 29 1727 Berdan, Annaetjen, and Abraham Leroe 1736 Berdan, Eva, aud Cornelis Kip 1720 Berdan, Helena, and Jacob Kip 1728 Berdan, Marretie, and Joris Doremus 1717 Berdan, Willemintie, aud Isack Kip .- 1723 Berry, Jau, y. m., b. New Berbadus, 1. there, and Mary Braetberry, y. d,, b. Acquiggenonck, 1. there I709 jjQy_ 12 May 10 May 30 Juue 16 April 9 May 2 May 2 May 18 June 11 Aug. 26 Nov. 6 Sept. 17 Mar. 30 Mar. 16 Mar. 30 Nov. 16 July 12 Sept. 29 Aug. 30 Sept. 23 Sept. 10 Aug. 23 Oct 23 Mar. 25 Feb. 28 April 24 April 5 HACKENSACK CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 475 Berry, PhUip, y. m., and Helena DeGrauw, y. d., both 1. Hackm- sack Married 1743 Bertholf, Anna, and Abram Varick 1718 Bertholf, Anna, and Peter Post 1734 Bertholf, Corynes, y. m., b. Acquiggenonck, and Anna Eeyerse, y. d., b. New York, both living here. ... 1718 Bertholf, Elisabeth, and Jan Alberse Terhuyne 1699 Bertholf, Elisabeth, and Jacobus Bertholf I742 Bertholf, Elisabet, aud Roelof Bongaert. . . 1718 Bertholf, Hendrick, y. m., b. Acquiggenonck, and Marritie Ter Huyne, y. d., b. Amersfoort, on Long Island 1707 Mar. 29 Bertholf, Jacobus, y. m,, and Elisabeth Van Emburgh, y. d., both from Haokinsack and L here, married March ] 1729 Jan. 1 8 Bertholf, Jacobus, y. m,, b. Sohralenburg, and Elisabeth Bertholf, y. d., b. HacMnsack, married Sept 10, both 1. Pompton .... 1742 Bertholf, Joannes, y. m., b. Hackiusack, 1. Pompton, aud AVyberig Laroe, y. d., b. and 1. Remmepog, married Dec. 3 1742 Bertholf, Maria, and JauBongaeit 1699 Bertholf, Martha, Eind Albert Bongaert 1713 Bertholf, Sara, and David DeMaree 1697 Bens, Pieter, y. m., b. Bergen, and Geerte Hoppe, y. d., b. New York. 1702 Benys, Jacob, y. m., b. Bergen, 1. Acquiggenonck, and Maritie De- Vouw, y. d., b. Ackiusack, 1. PhiUpsburgh. 1710 Sept. 29 Bien, Antony, y. m., b. Flammersveld, Germany, aud Margritie Leyne, y. d., b. Darmstadt, Germany, both 1. Remmepogh ...1719 Dec. Blanch, Richard, y. m., from old England, and Antye, Van Hoorn, y. d, from Hackensack, married Oet 30, both 1. here 1730 Sept. 27 Blaeuvelt, Dircktie Huyberse, and Jan Lubberse Westerveldt 1709 May 28 Blaeuvelt, Jacob, y. m., and Maria Haring, y. d., both 1. Tap- pan. Married 1748 June 25 Blaeuvelt, Lena, and Jan Talama 1735 Sept. 19 Blauvelt, Abraham, y. m., b. Tappan, and Martyne Demare, y. d., b. Ackinsaok 1724 Oct 10 Blauvelt, John, and Lea Demarest 1801 Blauvelt, Sara, and Abraham Kuyper 1750 July 1 Blauvelt, Sara, and Hermanus Van Huysen 1749 June 25 Blens, Ritsjert,! -wid'r, b. old England, and Klaesjen Van Giesen, y. d,, b. Gemonipa, married Dec. 21, both 1. Ackinsaok. 1733 Nov. 24 BUnkerhof, Aarjin, y. m., and Margrietjen Stegge, y. d., both from Haokinsack, married Oct 7 1731 Sept. 15 BUnkerhof, Du-k, wid'r, b. Gemenipa, 1. Ackiusack, and Abigael Ack erman, wid., b. Bergen, I. Peremes 1733 Sept. 7 BUnkerhof, Hendrick, y. m., and Lisabeth Kip, both b. and 1. Haok insack, married Nov. 19 1731 Oct. 23 I Bichard. 476 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. BUnkerhof, Jacobus, y. m., and Aaltjen Dideriks, y. d., both b. Haok insack Married 1752 Dec 7 Blinkerbof, Jacobus Hendrickse, y. m,, and Angenitie Hendrickse Banta, y. d., both b. and 1. Haokinsack 1708 April 17 BUnkerhof, Joris, y. m., and Martyntjen Bongert, y. d., both b. and 1. Hackiusack, married Nov. 23 1745 Oct 19 Blinkerbof, Joris, wid'r, b. and 1. Haokinsack, and Margrietjen Banta, y. d, b. Peremis, 1. Ackinsaok, married March 21 1746 Feb. 22 Blinkerbof, Margrita, and Mattys DeMot 1705 April 14 Blinkerbof, Marrytjen, and Jacobus Huysman 1741 Oct 23 BUnkerhof, Zybe, y. m., aud Beelitje DeGroot, y. d., both b. and 1. Haokinsack, married Oct. 26 1744 Sept 22 Boers, Cornelius, y. m., from Acgqueggenonck, and Sara Ackerman, y. d., from Ackinsaok 1725 May 22 Bogaert, Guliaem, y. m,, and Jannetjen Van Saen, y. d., both b. and 1. Hackensack, married Sept. 7 .- 1736 July 31 Bogaert, Isack, y. m., aud WiUemyntje Van Alen, y. d., both 1. Pere mis, ent at Peremis Married 1735 Sept 19 Bogaert, Katalintie, and Pieter Meby 1715 June 19 Bogaert, Maritie Pieterse, and Mouweris Klaerwater 1713 April 18 Bogardus, Evert, and Eleanor Dougan 1800 Mar. 29 Bogart, Albert y- ni., b. and 1. Peremis, and Machtel Zabriskwy, y. d ... Married 1737 Oct 21 Bogert, Gulyam, y. m., and Marya Banta, y. d., both b. Ackiusack. ..1725 Mar. 27 Bagert, Hendrik, y. m., b. aud I. Haokinsack, and Grietjen Beer, y. d, , b. and 1. at Hackiusack, married May 15 1748 April 9 Bogert, Joannes, y. m., and Geertjen Akkermans, y. d , both b. and I. Ackinsaok, married Nov. 9 1733 Bogert, Lea, and Gysbert Bauta 1800 Bogert, Martyne, and Abraham Haring 1725 Bogert, Martyntje, and Lourens Akkerman 1748 Bogert, Mattheus, and Willempje Herring 1801 [Bogert, Pieter,]! y. m., and Jannetje Perrelman, y. d., b. Peremis, 1. Hackiusack. 1744 Bogert, Polly, and John Bartolf 1801 Bogert Rachel, and Jacob DeMot 1790 Bogaert, Sara, and David Ter Heun ^ 1735 Bogert, Steven, and Sapphira Alyee 1801 Bongaert, Aeltie, and Kasparis AVesterveldt , , 1715 Bongaert, Albert, y. m., b. Hackensack, and Martha Bertholf, y. d., b. Acquiggenonck, both living here 1713 Bongaert, Angenitie Jansen, and Jan Dory _ _ _ 1718 Bongaert, Angenitie Roelofse, and Jacob Pieterse DeGroot 1717 1 Blank in the record ; the name is supplied from other sources. Oct 13 Feb. 1 Mar. 27 Sept 17 May 16 Mar. 31 May 10 Feb. 5 Sept. 20 Dec 1 May 7 Feb. 28 Aug. 30 Oot. 26 HACKENSACK CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 477 Bongaert, Cornelis, y. m., and WUlemtie Aibertse, y. d., both born and living at Ackiusack I71O gept 30 Bongaert, Hendrikie, aud Benjamin Roelofse Westerveldt 1723 Feb. 16 Bongaert, Jaoobus, y. m., b. Ackiusack, aud AVillemtie Terhuyne, y. d., b.onthoBay I704 Oct 7 Bongaert, Jan, y. m., b. Ackiusack, and Maria Bertholf, y. d., b. at Sluys, in Vlaanderen 1639 Mar. 25 Bongaert, Lammetie, y. d., b. Ackinsaok, and Jan Klaeseu Romeyn, y. m., b. on tbe Bay 1699 May 20 Bongaert, Maritie, aud Jobn Stegge 1697 Mar. 1 Bongaert, Rachel, and Jacob Van Saen 1705 Aug. 25 Bongaert, Roelof, y. m., from Flatbush (the Vlacke Bosoh), and Geerti-uyt Breyhandt, y. d., from Bergeu 1695 Oot. 26 Bongaert, Roelof, wid'r of Geertruy Breyandt, and Elisabeth Bertholf wid. of Jau Terhune 1718 Aug. 23 Bongart, Luoas, y. m., b. and 1. Peremis, and Dorothy Vander Hoef, y. d., b. N. Bortayen, 1. Hackiusack, married Nov. 11 1739 Oct 16 Bongert, Agnietje, and Cornelis Banta 1752 Ju— 25 Bongert, Martyntjen, and Joris Blinkerbof 1746 Oct 19 Boogaert Jacobus, y. m., b. Peremus, and Elsjen Franse, y. d., b. New York, both 1. Peremis Married 1736 July 30 Boogaert, Steven, y. m., b. Peremis, aud Rachel Van Alen, y. d., b. on tbe Neck, both 1. Campgauw, ent. at Peremis Married 1739 Jan. 26 Boon, Elena, aud Miohiel Malleuoth. 1708 Jan. 31 Bord, Catharina, and 'fade Van Winkel 1736 Dec 17 Borded, Steven, y. m., b. New York, and Geesjiu DeGroot, y. d., b. Haokinsack, married Sept. 25, both 1. Hackensack 1741 Aug. 29 Bordeth, Steven, y. m., from New York, and Anua Erie, wid. of Pieter Stoutenburgh, both 1. Ackinsaok, married April 11 1720 April 2 Bos, Abraham, y. m., and Anna Van Zeyl, y. d., both 1. Akkwegke- nunck Married 1740 July 31 , , Bos, Coenradus, y. m., b. N. York, and Marytjen Van Blerkum, y. d. , b. Bergen, married Nov. 24, both 1. Ackiusack 1732 Sept. 26 Bos, Hendrick, y. m., b. New York, and Maritie Steeger, y. d., b. Essex Co., both 1. Essex Co 1721 July 1 Bosoh, Henricus, y. m., and Lea Van Blerkum, y. d., both 1. Ackin saok, married Oct 27 1727 Sept. 23 Boskerk, Hendrikje, and Lourens Boskerk 1746 June — Boskerk, Lourens, wid'r, and Hendrikje Boskerk, y. d., both 1. Haok insack, married June 27 1746 June — Braas, Aerlie, and Jan Reyt 1713 AprU 11 Braetberry, Marj', and Jan Berry 1709 Nov. 12 Bras, Elisabeth, and Andries Hoppe 1710 Aug. 12 Bras, Geertie, and Abram Spier 1721 June 17 Bras, Herman, wid'r of Anna Winaert, and Geertie Koemans, y. d., from Albany 1695 Oct 5 May 3 Oct 10 Sept 14 Dec 7 April 12 Oct 26 Oct 30 June 16 478 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Eras, Harman, wid'r of Geertie Koemans, and Geertie Egbers, wid. of ^ Louwerens Aokermans Breyand, Anna, and Isack Van Gysse Breyandt Antie, and Cornelis Juriese Westerveldt 1723 Breyhandt Cornelis, y. m., b. Bergen, and Margrita Simese Van Win kel, wid. of Marte AVinne 1700 Breyandt, Elisabet, and Egbert Ackerman 1707 Breyhandt, Geertruyt, and Roelof Bongaert 1695 Brickers, Geertruut, and Jacob AValingse 1697 Brickers, Hester, and Albert SUngerlaud 1605 Brickers, Thomas, y. m., b. Albany, and Susanna De A'ouw, y. d, b. Ackiusack 1697 July 17 Brinokerhoff. Hendrick, y. m , and Marytie Westervelt, y. d., both from Hackiusack, and 1. here, married Oct. 28 1728 Sept 28 Brinkerhoff, Roelof, and Tina Kuyper 1800 Feb. 8 Brinkerhoff, Siba, and Jan Durie 1800 April 27 Brouwer, Abraham, y. m., b. Sohoonegte, and Lea Deilaree, y. d., b. Hackensack 1700 Mar. 29 Brouwer, Abram Hildrickse, 1 y. m., b. Bergen, and Elisabeth Acker- mans, y, d., b. Ackinsaok, both 1. Ackinsaok 1723 Oct 11 Brouwer, Antje, and WilUam Eunas ." 1726 Nov.- 13 Brouwer, Beelitje, and Hermanus Talema 1752 Nov. 25 Brouwer, Dauiel, y. m., I, Schraelenburg, and Maria Koning, y. d., 1. Second River Married with a license 1743 Oct. 10 Brouwer, Huldrick, y. m., b. Sohoonegte, and Hester DeVouw, y. d., b. New Haerlem 1698 Nov. 5 Brouwer, Isack, y. m , b. Bergen, and Rachel De Maree, y. d. , b. Ack insaok, both 1. Ackinsaok 1722 Dec. 8 Brouwer, Johannes Pieterse, y. m., b. N. Haerlem, 1. iu Juris. Newark, and Antie Hendrickse Mandevile, y. d. , b. Hemstee, 1. Acquig genonck 1708 Brouwer, Petrus, y. m., and Dyna De Groot, y. d., both b, Ackinsaok. 1724 Brouwers, Adriaentie, and Hendrick Klaseu 1708 Brouwers, Magdaleena, aud AVillem Stegge 1697 Brouwers, Maritjen, and Pieter Herdewy 1738 Brouwers, Vrouwtie, and Jan Hanse Joraleman , 1701 Bruyn, Aeltie, and Jan Oudtwater 1722 Bruyn, Hendrik, y. m., b. Pemmerpogh, and Margrita Lacomba, y. d., b. Gemoenepan 170 1 Bruyn, Magdaleena, and Hessel Pieterse 1714 Bruyn, Magdalaeutie Hendrickse, and Hendrick Cornelise 1710 Buliers, Louwys, y. m., b. St. Tonne, and Aune DeKoninck, y. d., b. Dergroede 1697 Buys, Christina, and Dirck Van Tessel 1723 ¦¦ Uldrickse. April 10 May 30 AprU 10 Oct 23 Feb. 19 Aug. 16 Mar. 17 Sept 6 Feb. 6 Oct 15 May 23 Feb. 9 HACKENSACK CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 479 Buys, Geertru, and Roelof Kobes 1 700 Oct 21 Buys, Hendricktie, and Mr. Reynier Van Gysse 1699 Sept 28 Buys, Joannes, y. m., b. audi. Fishkill, and Sara DeBaen, y. d., b. Hackiusack, 1. Peremis Married 1742 Sept. 26 Buys, Neeltie, and Siaquel Vigoor 1699 AprU 8 Bays, Neeltje j.nd Jan Stratemaker I707 Peb. c Cadmis, Marritje, and Johannes Van Hoorn 1 740 June 19 Cadmus, Catharine, and Joannan Van Houten 1736 Nov. 11 Cadmus, Joannes, y. m., and Feitje Van Houten, y. d., both b. and 1. Acquiggenonck Married 1744 Nov. 22 Cadmuys, Ariaentie Cornelisse, and Ide Sip 1718 April 12 Cammenga, Daniel, y. m., b. Long Island, 1. Ackinsaok, and Geesjen Loets, y. d., b. Hackiusack, 1, here, married Aug. 29 1735 Aug. 9 Canklyn, Isaek, wid'r, b. AVestobester couuty, and Lena Van Zeyl, y. d., b. Peremus, married Aug. 6, both 1. Peremus , 1740 July 5 Chape], Jane, and Peter John Roebuck 1800 April 3 Christi, Jacomyntje, and David Van Norden ; 1727 Oct. 20 Christien, John, y. m , and Naomy Mooro, y. d., both from Haokin sack and 1. here, married Dec. 24 1728 Nov. 17 Christy, Leua, and Johannes Westervelt 1751 Oct 5 Christyn, Jeems, y. m., b. Scotland, and Magdaleena DeMaree, y. d., b. Hackiusack 1703 Sept 18 Christyn, Maritie, and Jacobes Post 1723 May 18 Christyn, Sara, and Leendert DeGraeuw 1717 June 22 Claesen, Geurt, y. m., and Neesje Van Wagenen, y. d., both b. and 1. Akkwegkenouk Married 1744 Dec. 8 Claesien, Louwies, y. m. , from Gemoenepa, and Maria Mattyse, y. d., from Hackensack, married June 29 1730 Coddemis, Maritie Cornelese, and Ide Marselese 1713 Coens, Dom., pastor at Acqueggenonck, etc., and Belia Provoost, mar ried upon license 1726 Cool, Tryntje, and David Westervelt 1727 Cornelise, Cornelia, and Elyas Bartley 1697 Cornelise, Dircktie, and Frans Jobannisse Spier 1705 Cornelise, Gerritie, and Tyme Valentyn 1699 Cornelise, Hendrick, b. and 1. Acquiggenonck, and Magdalaeutie Hendrickse Bruyn, y. d,, b. Pommerpogh, 1. Acquiggenonck. , .1710 Cornelisse, Annaetjen, and Margen Greven 1 741 Cornelius, Matheus, y. m., b. Hackiusack, 1. Peremus, and Cristina Schoon, y. d., b. New York, 1. Mawe2 Man'ied 1740 Couenboven, Hester, and Rienier Van Giese 1744 Couwenhove, Sara, and Arie DeGroot 1728 April 24 May 19 April 25 Sept 1 May 7 April 17 Mar. 17 July 24 Oct. 16 Sept 5 Oct. 31 Mar. 26 1 Jacques 2 Mahwah. 48o NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Currie, Jane, and Johu Mackarel 1^°1 ^^^ ^4 Wasi Curtenius, Antonius, pastor at Hackensack, united in marriage to Elis abeth DeForeest, y. d., born at New York, by Do. Mancius, at that time pastor at Schraelenburg and Peremes, married with ^license 1732 July 16 D Darje, Grietje, aud David DeMaree 1751 Nov. 9 Dai'je, Jan, y. m , and Sara Romein, y. d., both b. and 1. Hackensack, married Nov. 12 1736 Oct 9 Darje, Sara, and Casparis AVestervelt 1732 Nov. 10 Day, Jacob, y. m., and Elizabeth Banta, y. d., both 1. and b. Haokin sack, married March 29, with license 1734 Mar. 26 Day, Ri?}'er,l y. m., 1. Hackensack, and Elisabeth Verwey, y. d., 1. under Peremis, both. b. Haokinsack Married 1737 De, Annaetjen, and Adam Konink 1733 De, Salomon, y. m., 1. Ackinsaok, aud Susanna Hammin, y. d., I. Pompton, both b. N. Y. Isl Married 1737 DeBaan, Abigael, and Reyer Tibouw. 1746 DeBaan, Jacob, y. m., and Rachel Kool, y. d., both b. Sohralen burg Married 1752 DeBaan, Sally, and Daniel Perry 1799 DeBaen, Jacob, y. m., and [Marritie Thibouw],2 both living at Married 1747 DeBaen, Sara, and Joannes Buys 1742 Sept 25 de Bane, Christiaen, y. m , b. New Utreoht, and Judick de Maree, d. of Samuel, y. d., b. Ackinsaok, both 1. here 1709 Jan. 29 DeBane, Matie, and David DeMaree 1705 Nov. 10 de Boog, Annaetje, and Isaek Vander Beek 1736 May 29 DeBoog, Salomon, y. m,, b. and 1. Hackensack, aud Jennike Van Hoorn, y. d., b. Pemmery, 1. at BarbadesNeck, married May 30 . 1747 April 18 De Boogh, Barendt, wid'r, b. Albany, 1. Hackensack, and WUlemtje Ter Heun, wid., b. Long Island, 1. Peremis, married Aug. 20, 1736, ent at Peremes , . 1736 Jnly 22 DeForeest, Elisabeth, and Antonius Curtenius 1732 July 16 DeForeest, Margrita, and Harmanus Rutgers 1739 Sept 17 DeGraeuw, Cornelia, and Jacob Hendrickse Banta 1719 Aug. 8 DeGraeuw, Jan, y. m., I. Hackensack, and Lena Reyersen, y. d. , I. Wegreuw, married June 9 1748 April 30 DeGraeuw, Leendert, y. m., b. N. York, 1. N. Berbades, and Sara Christyn, y. d , b. and I. Ackiusack 1717 June 22 DeGrauw, EUzabeth, and Simon Van Winkel 1 738 Mar. 21 DeGrauw, EUzabeth, and Niclaes Kerlach 1749 Sept. 8 1 Richard. 2 Blank in the record; supplied from other sources. June 13 Mar. 10 Dec 17 Sept. 20 April 17 Not. 16 Dec IS Sept 22 16 Sept 23 May 13 May 30 Oct. 11 Nov. 7 Sept 11 Aug. 29 HACKENSACK CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 48 I DeGrauw, Helena, aud PhiUp Berry I743 jjov. 15 DeGraves, Maritie, and Albert Terhuynen I705 yept 8 DeGraTe, Maritie, aud Jan Aliee 1709 Sept 23 DeGroot, Annetie Jansen, and Hendryck Sibese 1719 May 9 DeGroot, Arie, wid'r of Francyntje Etsel, aud Sara CouweuhoTe, both 1. Haokinsack 1728 AprU 24 DeGroot, Arie Pieterse, y. m., and Francintie Etsels, y. d., both b. and 1. Bergen Co 1716 DeGroot Beelitje, and Zybe Blinkerbof I744 DeGroot, Billotje, and AViUiam Ellis 1742 DeGroot, Cornelia Pieterse, aud Jacob Sibese Banta 1721 DeGroot, Cornelis, y. m., b. and 1. Hackensack, and Geesjen Vander Beek, y. d., b. and 1. Peremes . . , Married 1742 DeGroot, Dyna, and Petrus Brouwer 1724 DeGroot, Egie Pieterse, and Johannes Roelofse AA'esterveldt 1718 DeGroot, EUsabeth, aud Benjamin DeMaree 1713 DeGroot, Geartjin, and Joannes Edsel 1741 DeGroot, Geesjin, and Steven Borded , 1741 DeGroot, Gerrit, y. m., b. Bay Bowery, and Annatie Etsal, y. d. , b. Bergen Co., both Uving in Bergen Co 1714 Oct 30 DeGroot, Jacob Pieterse, y. m., b. and 1. Bergen, aud Angenitie Roe lofse Bongaert, y. d., b. and 1. Ackinsaok 1717 Oct 26 DeGroot, Jan, y. m., b. Hackiusack, 1. Haverstraw, and Annaetjen Moor, y. d., b. W. Rawak, 1. Hackiusack, married Sept. 15 1738 Aug. 12 DeGroot, Joannes, y. m., and Franzina Moor, y. d., both b. andi, Ackinsaok, married May 4 1731 April 1 DeGroot, Joost, y, m , b. and 1. Tappan, and Maritie Cornelise Banta, y. d, b. and 1. Ackinsaok 1712 May 3 DeGroot, Lea, aud Jacobus DeMaree 1707 Mar. 8 DeGroot, Margrita, and Jacobus DeMarest 1726 Oct 1 DeGroot Margritie, aud Johannes Sibese Banta 1716 Mar. 31 DeGroot, Marytje, and Roelof Westervelt 1744 Nov. 3 DeGroot Nettie, and Joris Juwel 1704 June 3 DeGroot, Pieter, y. m., b. Ackiusack, and Lena Koienhoven, y. d., b. New York, married Dec 8, both 1. Hackiusack 1743 Oct 29 DeGroot, Rachel, aud Dirck Sibese Banta 1714 April 17 DeGroot, Rebecka, and Daniel DeMaree 1707 Aug. 2 DeGroot, Zjarritjen, aud Marthen Roelofsen 1746 July 27 DeKoninck, Anne, and Louwys Buliers 1697 May 23 Demare, Martyne, and Abraham Blauvelt 1724 Oct 10, DeMaree, Annaetjen, and Benjamin DeMaree 1741 Aug. 29 DeMaree, Benjamin, y. m., b. Bergen couuty, and Elisabeth DeGroot, y. d,, b. Siapenicke, both 1. in Bergeu county 1713 Nov. 7 DeMaree, Benjamin, y. m., and Annaetjen DeMaree, y. d., both b. and 1. Schraelenburg, married Sept 25 1741 Aug. 29 30 482 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. DeMaree, Crostyaan, y. m., b. and 1. Sohralenburg, aud Geesje Ro mein, y. d., b. and 1. Hackiusack, married Oot 30 1741 Sept 19 DeMaree, Dauiel, y. m,, b. Ackiusack, and Rebecka DeGroot y. d., b. on the Bay Bjwery, both living here 1707 Aug. 2 DeMaree, David, and Beleetje AVestervelt, both 1. Sohralenburg, mar ried Jan. 4 1750 ' Dec 1 DeMaree, David, (son of Samuel), y. m., b. Ackinsaok,' and Matie De- Bane, y. d, b. N. Utreoht 1705 Nov. 10 DeMaree, David, y. m , b. New Haarlem, and Sara Bertholf, y. d., b. Sluys, Vlaauderen (HoU.) 1697 AprU 24 DeMaree, David, wid'r, b. Schralenburg, and Grietje Darje, b. Hack ensack Married 1751 Nov. 9 DeMaree, Davidt, y. m , and Maritie Van Blerckum, y. d., both b. and 1. Ackiusack 1720 Dec 10 DeMaree, Davidt, Junior, J', m., and Marytie Losier, y. d., both b. and 1. Ackinsaok 1721 June 3 DeMaree, Jacobus, y. m., and Trientje Lisier, y. d., both b. Sohralen burg Married 1751 Nov. 16 DeMaree, Jacobus, y. m,, b. Ackinsaok, and Lea DeGroot, y. d., b. at the Bowery, on the Bay ' 1707 Mar. 8 DeMaree, Jacobus, wid'r of Lea Pieterse De Groot, and Gritie Cosiuso Heiringh, y. d., b. and 1. Tappan 1719 DeMaree, Jacominte Davids, and Andries Louwerense Van Boskerck. . 1717 DeMaree, Jacquemina, and Samuel Elling 1705 DeMaree, Jacquemiue, and Cornelis Van Hooren 1711 DeMaree, Jaquemyne, and Jan Stuwaert 1700 DeMaree, Jan, wid'r of Marritie Jacobse, and Magdalena Louwerense, wid. of Jan Duller 1702 DeMaree, Judich, and Pieter Du Rie 1711 de Maree, Judick, and Christiaen de Bane 1709 DeMaree, Lea, and Abraham Brouwer 1700 DeMaree, Lea, and Samuel DeMaree 1742 DeMaree, Lea Davids, and Reynier Van House 1718 DeMaree, Lidia, and Steven Terhuyue 1707 DeMaree, Magdaleena, aud Jeems Christyn 1703 DeMaree, Maritie Davidse, and Corneles Mattyse 1718 DeMaree, .Mary, and Wiert Banta 1706 DeMaree, Pieter, y. m., and Maritie Meet, y. d., both b. and 1. at Ack insaok , 1709 May 14 DeMaree, Pieter, wid'r of Marittie Meet, and Maria Batton, y. d., b. and 1. Ackinsack , . . . 1722 Oct 15 DeMaree, Pieter, y. m., and Aaltjen Van Hoorn, y. d., both b. and 1. Hackensack, married March 27 1740 Feb. 23 DeMaree, Pieter Samuelse, y. m., b. and 1. Ackinsack, and Margritie Cornelese Herringh 1717 Sept 14 DeMaree, Rachel, and Andries Janse 1700 Aug. 31 Sept. 26 Jan. 26 Nov. 10 July 16 Mar. 29 Dec 20 July 21 Jan. 29 Mar. 29 Aug. 21 Jan. 26 Oct 18 Sept 18 Aug. 8 AprU i 27 HACKENSACK CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 483 DeMaree, Rachel, and Tammes Heyet 1702 May 9 DeMaree, Rachel, and Isack Brouwer 1722 Dec. 8 DeMaree, Rachel, aud Hannis Loots 1735 Dec 6 DeM'aree, Samuel, (son of David), y. m., and Sytske Sibese Banta, y. d., both from Ackinsack 1705 April 21 DeMaree, Samuel, (son of Samuel), y. m,, aud Annatie Van Horen, y. d., both b. and b at Ackinsack ...1713 Aug. 1 DeMaree, Samuel, y. m., and Lea DeMaree, y. d,, both b. and 1. Schralenburg, married Sept. 29 1742 DeMaree, Sara Samuelse, and Jan Jurriaense AVesterveldt 1718 DeMaree, Susanna, aud Pieter Lubberse AVesterveldt 1704 DeMaree, Symon Samuelse, y. ra. , b. and 1. Haokinsack, and Vroutie Cornelisse Heerinck, y. d. , b. and I. Tappan 1722 DeMaree, Trientje, and Lourens Verwey 1738 DeMarest, Arend, y. m., b. and I. Schraelenburg, and Maritjen Akker man, y. d., b. and 1. Hackiusack, married Oct. 25 1739 DeMaresse, Rachel Jacobse, aud Paulus Martense 1730 DeMarest, Catelyntje, and Zybe Banta 1744 DeMarest, David, y. m., b. and 1. Schraelenburg, and Marytje Akker mans, y. d., b. and 1. Hakkensack, married Jan. 22, 1743 1742 DeMarest, David P., and Sally Romeyn 1800 DeMarest, Jacobus, y. m., and Margrita DeGroot, y. d., bothl Sohral enburg, married Oct 28 1726 Demarest, Jacomyntje, and Johannes Lawrense Akkerman 1728 Demarest, Lea, and John Blauvelt 1801 DeMarest, Lea, and Pieter DeMarest 1790 DeMarest, Magdeleena, aud Cornelis Epke Banta 1699 DeMarest, Pieter, y. m., b. and I. Sobraelenberg, and Osseltjin Vander Linde, y. d., b. and 1. Hackensack, married Oct, 21 1736 Sept. 20 DeMarest, Pieter, y. m., and Lea DeMarest, y. d., both 1. in the community of Schralenburg, married May 30 , 1790 Demarest, Polly, and Jacobus Voorheseu 1801 Demarest, Rachel, and Albert Zabriskie 1799 DeMarest, Rachel Sa , and Jacobus Peek 1726 DeMarest, Samuel, y. m., b. and 1. Sohralenburg, and Belitje Banta, y. d., b. ^ud 1. Haokinsack, married Sept. 7 1744 Demarest, Tina, and Peter Smitb 1801 DeMot, Jacob, y. m., 1. in, Thyne Valley, aud Rachel Bogert, y. d., b. and I. Hackiusack, married March 4 . . . ., 1790 Feb. 6 De-Mot, Mattys, y. m., b. Kingstown in the Esopus, and M-irgrita BUnkerhof, y. d., b. Ackinsack 1705 April 14 DePeyster, Maria, and Daniel Hennion 1731 Sept. 14 DeBemis, Abraham, y. m., b. AVesel, 1. Prekenis, and Annaetjen Tibouw, y. d,, b. Peremug, 1. there, married Nov. 18 1742 Oot 16 Deremis, Abraham, y. m,, and Helena Van Houten, y. d., both I. at Akkwegkenack. Married 1740 July 8 Aug. 21 May 31 April 22 Dec. 1 April 8 Oct 22 Nov. 6 Aug. 4 Dec. 25 Dec 19 Oct 1 Mar. 30 May 15 Nov. 18 May 15 Feb. 13 Dec. 21 Sept 17 Aug. 4 Sept Mar. 5 Dec 6 Oct 7 Not. 5 Sept. 29 April 20 July 17 June 25 Dec 11 May 14 484 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. DeRemis, Cornelis, b. Prekenis, and Sara Reyerse, y. d., b. AVag- gereuw, married March 30, both 1. Prekenis 1741 Mar. 14 DeRemis, Jau, y. m., 1. Sloterdam, and Mareytje Lutkens, y. d., 1. Peremua, married March 31 , . ; 1748 De Rie, Margrita, and Jan Zaboriscoo 1712 DeRoude, Aaltie, and Sibout Ackers 1720 DeVouw, Hester, and Huldrick Brouwer .1698 DeVouw, Maritie, and Jacob Beiiys 1710 DeVouw, Nicolaes, wid'r of Mary Sy, aud Margrita Sause, wid. of Jaeckl Batton, both living here 1706 DeVouw, Susanna, and Thomas Brickers 1697 DeVouw, Susanna, and Jacobus Everse Van Gelder 1706 Dey, Dirk, y. m., and Sara Toers, y. d , bothl. Akquegnonk, married 1736 Dey, Johannes, y. m,, aud Johanna Moor, y. d., married June 12 ... 1726 Dey, Sara, and Hendrick Janse Spier 1709 April 30 Dideriks, Aaltjen, and Jaoobus BUnkerhof 1752 Dec. 7 Doremus, Hendrik, y. m., aud Annetie Essels, y. d., both b. and 1. Ac quiggenonck 1716 April 14 Doremus, Johannes, y. m., b. Middelburgh in Zeeland, I. at Acquigge nonck, and Elisabeth A. Akkermans, y. d., b. Bergeu, East N. J., I. here 1710 Aug. 19 Doremus, Joris, y. m., b. and 1. Acquiggenonck, aud Marretie Berdan, y. d., b. N. Amersfort, 1. Ackinsack 1717 Mar. 16 Dorremus, Jannetie, and Frans Oudtwater 1715 Oct 22 Dorremus, Tomas, y. m., b. aud I. at Acquiggenonck, aud Anneke Abramse Aokermans, y. d., b. Bergeu, 1. Ackinsack 1712 Oct 4 Dory, Jan, y. m , and Angenitie Jansen Bongaert, y. d., both b. and 1. Ackinsaok I7I8 Dougau, Eleauor, and Evert Bogardus 1800 DuRey, Maria, and Samuel Etsal 1726 Dureye, Jannettye, aud Thomas Outwater 1730 Durie, Jaue, and Siba Brinkerhoff 1800 Du Rie, Pieter, y. m., b. Ackeusack, and Judich DeMaree, wid. of Christiaen DeBane, both living here , 1711 Durje, Samuel, y. m,, and AVientje B inta, y. d,, both.b, and 1. Hack iusack Married 1744 du Ry, Jannetie, and Epke Cornelisse Banta 17o8 Dy, Hendrik, y. m., b. Bergen, 1. here, and Meeri Santfoort, y. d., b. New Barbaris Neck, 1. there. Married with certificate in June, 1731 May 20 E Edsall, Sara, and Job Smith , 1748 May 31 Edsel, Joannes, y. m., aud Geertjin DeGroot, y. d., both b. and 1. Hackiusack, married Oct. 15 1741 Sept 11 1 Jacques. Aug. 30 Mar. 29 Dec 27 June 28 April 27 July 21 Aug. 5 April 3 HACKENSACK CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 485 Edwards, Marietje, and John March 1737 Earl, Rebecca, and Stephen Huut 1733 Sept. 18 Earle, Elsie,- aud George Simmons 1729 Mar. 23 Earle, Elsjin, and Gerrit Hoppe , 1748 Dec 11 Earle, Enoch, wid'r, and Grietje Vander Hoeff, y. d., married at Hack ensack 1737 Aug. 19 Earle, Nathaniel, y. m., and Franciutje Banta, y. d., married at Hack ensack 1 737 Earle, Rebecca, and Pbellip Smith . . .' 1736 Eerl, Edward, y. m., b. and 1. Zykakis, and EUzabeth Otje, y. d., b. New York, 1. Zykakis, married Sept. 6 1740 Eerie, Elsie, and Hendrik Meyer ". 1716 Eerie, Morris, y. m., and Rebecca Hastier, y. d., both 1. Bergen county Married 1747 Eerie, Polly, aud Abraham Lesier 1744 EerU, Elsjin, and David Akkerman 1738 Eerte, Jacob, y. m , b. at tbe Bowery, on York Island, and Trintie Stratemakers, wid. of Jan Klase Kuyper, both I. Tappan 1706 Eerie, WUliam, aud Maria Frans, upon license of the Governor 1723 Egbers, Geertie, and Harman Bras 1707 -Egberse, Sander, wid'r of Elsie Staets, and Magdalena Van Gysse, wid. of Cornelis Roelofse 1701 Ekkecen, Matthias, wid'r, and Jenneke Strae, both 1. Tappan 1726 EUen, Angenietjen, and Louwerens Vander Hoef ..." 1743 Ellen, Hillegont, and Pieter Van Bommel 1749 Elling, Samuel, y. m., and Jacquemina DeMaree, y. d., both b. and bat Ackinsack 1705 Nov. 10 EUis, William, y. m,, b. and 1. New York, and BUlotje DeGroot, y. d,, b. aud I. Haokinsack Married 1742 16 Emmet, Jan, y. m., from B.tsten, and Engeltie Mattyse, from Ham burg, etc 1696 May 17 Eunas, William, and Antje Brouwer, married upon license 1726 Nov. 13 Enters, Joannes, y. m , from Spyten Duivel and Maria Regtmeyer, y. d., from here, married Nov, 21 1730 Nov. 1 Erickson, Reinhart, pastor of N. Barbados, Schralenburg and Peremes, and Maria Provoost, by Do. Coen, pastor at Acqueggenonck, etc , 1726 Erie, Anna, aud Steven Bordeth 1720 -Errese, Elisabeth, and Brandt Jacobusse 1714 Essels, Annetie, and Hendrik Doremus 1716 Essels, Rachel, and Abram Gerritse 1719 Etsal, Annatie, and Gerrit DeGroot 1714 Etsel, Antie, and Jan Larens 1725 Etsel, Samuel, and Maria DuRey, married upon license 1726 Etsels, Francintie, and Arie Pieterse DeGroot 1716 Aug. 19 Dec 28 Aug. 9 Juue 24 Mar. 7 Nov. 3 April 1 Sept. 28 Juue 14 May 3 April 20 May 20 May 7 June 2 May 22 April 2 Oct. 30 April 14 Mar. 14 Oot 30 April 10 Dec 27 Dec 15 486 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. F Fallo, Anna, and Lucas Lusier 1734 Feb. 23 Perm, Margrit, and Hendrik Kammegaa 1717 Feb. 9 Flipse, Tammes, wid'r of Anna Ageer, and Anna Rytsmont, wid. of Jan Ritsmont 1715 Dec 10 Frans, Maria, and WiUiam Eerie 1723 June 14 Franse, Elsjen, aud Jacobus Boogaert 1738 July 30 Frederiks, Elisabeth, and Hendrik AVannemaker 1745 Oot 26 Freeland, Abraham, y. m., b. and 1. Barbadis Neck, aud Cristyutjen Romein, y. d., b. and I. Hakkensack, married May 24 1744 April 14 Freeland, Annaetjen. and Roelof Romein 1733 Sept 15 Freeland, Lea, and Nicasy Kip 1750 Oct. 6 Freland, Hartman Enochse, y. m-., 1. Essex county, and Jannitje Van Norstrand, y. d., I. Bergen county Married 1747 Aug. 20 Frencis, Sara, and Daniel Pextun 1732 Aug. 19 Gardinier, Pieter, y. m., and Sara Linninton, y. d., both 1. New York. . . , Married 1749 Deo. 10 Gerriseu, Froutje, and Jacob Van AVinkel 1749 Dec 8 Geerlingh, Margrit, and Adolf Sivert 1719 Oot 23 Gerrits, Pieter, wid'r of Margridt Wennel, both 1. Peghtenaa, and Eva Lasieutia, b. Germany 1723 July 13 Gerritse, Abram, y. m , b. and 1. Pemmerpoch, and Rachel Essels, y. d , b. aud 1. Acquiggenonck 1719 Mar. 14 Gerritse, Pieter, y. m,, b, Hoboke, 1, Pemmerpoch, Birgen Co., East N. J., and Vroutie Hesselse, y. d., b. Bergeu, E. N. J., I. Ac quiggenonck 1709 Mar. 26 Gerou, Benjamin, y. m., from New York, and Anna Kuipers, y. d., from Bergeu, married upon license 1726 Jan. 29 Gentry, Margrietje, and Jaoobus Ackerman 1740 Sept 6 Gibbs; Richard, y. m., and Catrine Van Imbarg, y. d., married at Hackensack I737 A„g. 20 Gis, Jau, y. m., and Sara Van Imburg, y. d., both I. Hackensack, married with license 1741 Jan. 6 Goetschius, Domineer J. Hendrikus, y. m,, and Rachel Zabrowisky, y. d,, both 1. Bergen county Married 1750 Aug. 26 Golve, Sara, aud David Louwerense Ackerman 1710 Mar. 19 Greven, Margen, y. m , b. Ireland, 1. Ringwoet, and Annaetjen Cor nelisse, y. d. , b. Hackiusack, 1. Rempog, married Sept 19 1741 Sept. 5 Groman, Elizabeth, and Salomon Pietersen 1732 Dec 2 Grootvelt Samuel, y. m., aud Saertjeu Immet, y. d., both b. on Men- adis Isl. and 1. at Haokinsack, married Nov. 28 ... 1735 Nov. 1 HACKENSACK CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 487 H Haal, Casparus, and Elizabeth Van Donk, married Jan. 26 1728 Jau 6 Hammin, Susanna, and Salomon De I737 Deo. 17 Hause, Koeuraedt, y. m., b. on tbe Bjwery, and Leuntie Miggielse, y. d. , b. in Zeeland at Seradtskerkel 1698 Dec 31 Hanse, Reyer, y. m., b. at the Bowery, aud Sara Janse, y. d., b. .Gravesandt I702 Aug. 15 Haring, Abraham, y. m., b. Tappan, and Martyne Bogert, y. d., b. Ackinsack 1725 Mar. 27 Haring, Daniel, y. m., from Tappan, and Margrietje Banta, y. d., from Ackinsack, married April 28 1726 April 2 Haring, Maria, and Jacob Blaeuvelt 1748 June 25 Hart, Jonetan, y. m., b. Long Island, at Suythool, and Antie Slot, wid. of David DeMaree 1706 Sept 7 H'Artemausche,3 Dirk, y. m., from Gemoenepan and Margritie Dirkse Banta, y. d., b. Ackinsack 1702 Oct. 17 Hartje, Trientje, and Kornelis Van Hoorn 1732 Nov. 25 Hastier, Rebecca, aud Morris Eerie 1747 Mar. 7 Heerinck, Vroutie C irnelisse, and Symon S imuelse 1722 Deo. 1 Heerings, Feytie Cornelese, and Jan Jurriaense Westerveldt 1719 Oct. 31 Helhaecke, Maritie, aud Gysbert Van Inburgh 1718 July 26 Helling, Hendrick Teunisse, wid'r of Gritie Samuelse, and Stintie Jans, wid. of Pieter Pira 1700 June 15 Hendrickse, Diwer, and Jacob Hendrickse Banta 1703 Feb. 27 Hendrikseu, Frans, y. m., b. N. York, 1. Ackiosack, and Geertjen Ak kermans, y. d., b. aud I. Ackinsack, married Oct 19 1733 Sept. 28 Hendrikseu, Hendrik, y. m,, b. N. York, aud Jannetjen Akkermans, y. d., b. Haokinsack, married July 2, bothl. Haokinsack 1734 June 22 Hennion, Annaetjen, and Hermanns Veder 1748 May 10 Hennion, Daniel, y. m., from N. York, 1. Haekinsaok, and Maria De Peyster, y. d., from 0. England, 1. N. York, were not married 1731 Sept 14 Herdewy, Pieter, y. m., b. Ireland, 1. Ackins'ack, and Maritjen Brou wers, y. d., b. Scralenburg, 1. Barbary Neck, married March 5 1738 Feb. 19 Herring, Willempje, and Mattheus Bogert 1801 May 16 Herringh, Gritie Gosinse, and Jacobus DeMaree 1719 Sept. 26 Herringh, Margritie, Cornelese, and Pieter Samuelse DeMarest 1717 Sept. 14 Herte, Amelyntie, and Johannes Vervele 1703 Jan. 2 Herte, Magdaleentie, aud Wouter Willemse 1710 Feb. 21 Herty, Johannes, y. m. , b. at tbe Bay Bowery, and Elsia Banta, y. d. , b. Hackensack, both living in Bergen county 1711 AprU 14 Hese, Wilm, wid'r of Agnietje Camminga, and Geertjen Pietersen, y. d., b. 1. Cloister, married Sept 9 1727 Aug. 1 3 Hessel, Elisabeth, and Abram Tamese 1721 April 29 1 Serooskerke. 2 Dirk Hartmanse Vreeland; that Is, Dirk (Eichard), son ol Hartman Vreeland. 488 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Hessel, AVUlem, y. m,, b. Germany, and Angenitie Kam megaer, y. d., b. N. Utrecht 1716 Mar. 17 Hessels, Metie, and Johannes Dirckse Banta 1714 Oct 16 Hesselse, Vroutie, and Pieter Gerritse". 1709 Mar. 26 Heyet, Tammes, wid'r of Elizabeth Ryke, aud Rachel DeMaree, y. d., b. at Hackensack 1702 May 9 Hockdon,! Swaen, y. m,, b. and 1. Newark, and Maritie Aokermans, y. d., b. and 1. Ackiusack 1711 May 5 Hoebacke, Maria Berbra, and Johan Evert Moleg 1711 Oct 6 Honther, Robert, y. m., b. New York, 1. Ackinsack, and Sara Jansen, y. d., b. Lisbeth town, I. Ackinsack 1749 July 2 Hoogland, Anna, and Nathaniel Beek 1741 Aug. 29 Hoogland, Neeltje, and Jacobus Koienhoven 1743 April 12 Hoppe, Albert, y. m., b. and I. Peremis, and Rachel Alje, y. d., b. and 1. Hackensack ¦ 1744 June 9 Hoppe, Andries Hendrikse, y. m., and Abigal Aokermaus, y. d., both b. at Bergeu and 1. here 1707 July Hoppe, Audries, y. m., and Elisabeth Bras, y. d., both b. and 1. at Ack insack 1710 Hoppe, Antjin, and Pieter Akkerman 1738 Hoppe, Catrieutjen, and Steven Zaboriskwy 1742 Hoppe, Christina, aud Johannes Huysman 1709 Hoppe, Elizabeth, and Jacob Zabriski 1792 Hoppe, Geerte, and Pieter Bens 1702 Hoppe, Geertru Hendrikse, aud Hendrick Zabborwisco 1719 Hoppe, Gerrit, y. m,, and Elsjin Earle, y. d., both 1. Bergen county Married 1748 Dec. 1 1 Hoppe, Gerrit, y. m., and Hendrikjen Ter Heun, y. d., both b. and 1. Peremis, married Dec. 4 1741 Oct 31 Hoppe, Hendrick, y. m., b. Bergen, I. Peremes, and Weintjen Huys- maus, y. d., b. and 1. Haokinsack, married Nov. 7 1733 Oot. 13 Hoppe, Hendrik, y. m., b. and 1. Peremus, and Cathrina Van Houten, y. d, , b. aud 1. Akquegnonck . , Married 1735 AprU 3 Hoppe, Hinderkje, and Abraham Akkerman 1727 Aug. 5 Hoppe, Jacob, y. m,, and Cornelia Akkerman, y. d., both I. Hacken sack, married Oct. 26 1750 Sept 22 Hoppe, Jau, y. m., b. aud 1. Peremes, and Elisabeth Kip, y. d., b. and 1. Haokinsack, married April 9 1736 Mar. 13 Hoppe, Jan Hendrikse, y. m., and Rachel Terhuyne, y. d., both b. and 1. at Ackinsaok 1707 Hoppe, Lea, and Johannes Vander Hoef , . . . 1714 Hoppe, Lea, and Hendrik Zabrowisky 1746 Hoppe, Lea Hendrikse, aud Christiaen Zaborischo 1715 Hoppe, Maritje, aud Albert Westervelt 1728 1 Ogden. Aug. 12 July 28 Jan. 30 May 21 Aug. 11 April 5 May 16 July May 15 Oct 18 May 28 Mar, 9 HACKENSACK CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 489 Hoppe, Maritjen, and Albert Zaborisky 1739 April 28 Hoppe, Marytjen, and Isaek Van Giesen 1744 Aug. 16 Hoppe, Trintie Hendrikse, and Pieter Gerritse Van Halem 1706 July 14 Housman, Abram, y. m. , b. Boswyck, and Gerrebreght Terhuyne, y. d. , b. on the Bay 1701 Nov. 29 Housman, Hendriktie, and Johannes Stegge 1722 Aug. 11 Housman, Magdaleena, and Jan A'an der Voort 1701 April 5 Huden, Rachel, and Jacob Van Norstrant 1747 Aug. 20 Hunt, Stephen, y. m., I. W. Chester, and Rebecca Earl, y. d., 1. Haok insack, married Sept 21, with license 1733 Sept. 18 Huysman, Antjen, and Joannes Post 1734 Oct. 5 Huysman, Ariaantje, and Johannes Pietersen 1727 April 1 Huysman, Isaak, y. m, , and Grietje Akkermans, y. d. , both b. and 1. Hackiusack, married Nov. 3 1748 Oct. 1 Huysman, Jan, y. m., and Marytjen Blinkerbof, y. d., both b. and I. Hackiusack Married 1741 Oct 23 Huysman, Jan, y. m., and Marytje Huysman, both b. Hacken sack Married 1751 Dec. 22 Huysman, Johannes, y. m., and Christina Hoppe, y. d., both b. and L at Ackinsack , 1709 May 21 Huysman, Marytje, and Jan Huysman 1751 Dec. 22 Huysman, Marytjen, and Jan Jansen 1743 Dec. 2 Huysmans, Weintjen, and Hendrick Hoppe 1733 Oct. 13 I Immet, Annatie, and Arie Toers 172 1 May 13 Immet, Saertjen, aud Samuel Grootvelt 1735 Nov. 1 J Jacobese, Hendrick, y. m., b. Albany, and Aeltie Lubberse Wester veldt y. d., b. Ackinsack, both 1. here 1707 Mar. 1 Jacobissen, Jacobus, y. m., b. and 1. Hanover, and Marritjen Kip, y. d, b. and L Peekenis,i married June 23 1743 May 21 Jacobusse, Brandt, y. m., b. Albany, and Elisabeth Errese, wid. of Hendrick Mandevyle, both 1. at Ackquiggenonck. 1714 Oct. 30 Jans, Stintie, and Hendrick Teunisse HeUing 1700 June 16 Janse, Adam, y. m., b. New York, and Abeltie Sloth, y. d, b. Esopus 1700 July 28 Janse, Andries, y. m., b. New York, aud Rachel DeMaree, dau. of David, b. Ackinsack 1700 Aug. 31 Janse., Jan, y. m., b. Long Island, L Hackensack, and Seletje Pieterse, 'y. d., b. N. York Island, 1. Peremis Married 1737 May 7 Janse, Sara, and Reyer Hanse 1702 Aug. 15 Jansen, Jan, y. m., 1. New York, and Marytjen Huysman, y. d., 1. Hackiusack. Married 1743 Dec. 2 1 Query: Preakness. 31 Aug. 16 Jau. 19 Feb. 22 Sept. 20 490 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Jansen, Sara, and Robert Honther 1749 July Joraleman, Jan Hanse, y. m. , b. Albany, and Vrouwtie Brouwers, y. d. , b. Brooklyn 1701 Joukbloet, Vroutie, and Johannes Kammigaa 1723 Joris, -Antie, and Tomas Philipse 1707 Jurcks, Margritie, aud Davidt Ackerman 1707 Juwel, Joris, y. m., b. Westchester, and Nettie DeGroot, y. d., b. Ack insack 1704 June 3 K Kammega, Anneke, and Jan Maris Kammegaa, Hendrik, wid'r of Aune Mary Vervele, and Margrit Perm, last w. of Nicolas DeVouw, both 1. Ackinsack 1717 Feb. 9 Kammigaa, Johannes, y. m., b. N. Utreoht, L. Isl., and Vroutie Jonk- bloet, w. of Jan Ariaense, both 1. Gloster 1723 Kammegaer, Angenitie, and Willem Hessel 1716 Kanckely, Mattys, y. m,, b. and 1. manor of Flipsburg, and Feytie Meeby, y. d., b. New York, 1. New Rochelle 1719 Kerlach, Niclaes, y. m , and Elizabeth DeGrauw, y. d., both I. Rem mepog Married 1749 Kierstede, Luoas, y. m. , b. Isophus, and Jannetie Laroe, y. d., b. Bergen 1703 Kip, Annaetjen, and Albert Zaborisky 1734 Kip, Annatje, and Lucas Van Voorhese 1726 Kip, Catharina, and Derk Terheun 1727 Kip, Catrientje, and Jan D. Romein ¦. 1750 Kip, Cornelis, y. m., aud Eva Berdan, y. d., both b. and 1. Ackinsack. 1720 Kip, Elisabeth, and Klaas Romein 1746 Kip, Elisabeth, and Jan Hoppe 1736 Kip, Evaetjen, aud Joannes Van AVinkel . . , , , . . .1747 Kip, Hendrickjen, and Samuel Bavril ^ 1747 Kip, Hendrik, y. m. , and Geertrui Van Dien, both b. at Ackinsack, I. here 1714 July 24 Kip, Hendrik, y. m., and Jannetje Banta, y. d. , both b. audi. Hack ensack, married Dec. 4 1741 Nov. 14 Kip, Isack, y. m. , and AVillemintie Berdan, y. d. , both b. and 1. Ack insaok 1723 Kip, Jacob, y. m, , and Helena Berdan, y. d., both from H'ackensack. .1744 Kip, Lisabeth, and Hendrick Blinkerbof , . . . 1731 Kip, Marritjen, and Jacobus Jacobissen 1743 Kip, Nicasy, y. m., and Lea Freeland, y. d., both b. aud 1. Ackinsack, married Nov. 11 1760 Oct 6 Kip, Nikasi, y. m., and Margrietje Romein, y. d., both b. and 1. Ack insack, married Oct. 11 1746 Sept. 4 1 An error for Berri. Jan. 19 Mar. 17 Sept. 27 Sept. 8 Feb. 27 Oct 5 July 30 Sept 9 Oct. 20 Sept. 17 July 6 Mar. 13 Oot. 24 Oct. 24 Mar. 30 Mar. 31 Oct 23 May 21 HACKENSACK CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 49 1 Kip, Pieter, y. m., b. Ackiusack, aud Elsie Van der Beek, y. d., b. New York, both 1. Ackinsaok 1720 Mar. 5 Kip, Vrouwtjen, and Jan Van Blerkum . . 1738 Sept. 9 Klaerwater, Mouweris, y. m., b. Isopus, and Maritie Pieterse Bogaert, y. d. , b. New York, both I. in Bergen Co 1713 April 18 Klasen, Hendrick, y. m., b. in juris. Newark and both I. there, and Adriaentie Brouwers, y. d., b. Breukelen, L. 1 1708 Kobes, Roelof, y. m,, and Geertru Buys, y. d., both b. at Bergen 1700 Koeman, Johannis, y. m., b. Albany, 1. within juris. NewYork, aud Rachel Symese Van Winckel, y. d., b. and 1. Acquiggenonck. . . 1708 Koemans, Geertie, and Herman Bras 1696 Koemans, Jannetie and Gidion Symese Van Winkel 1708 Koemans, Marytie, and Cornelis Tomese 1696 Koerte, Jan, y. m,, and Marytie Ariaense, y. d., both b. and 1. Ac- kuiggenonck 1711 Koetser, Doretbe Katrina, and William Mack 1736 Koienbove, Jacomyntje, and Elias Van Bentscbouten 1748 Koienhoven, Elizabeth, and Hendrik Van Blerkum .... 1749 Koienhoven, Jacobus, y. m., 1. Hackensack, and Neeltje Hoogland, y. d., 1. Blommendaal, married May 18, both b. New York 1743 Koienhoven, Lena, and Pieter DeGroot 1743 Konick, Adam, y. m., b. N. Y'ork, and Maritie Hanse Spier, y. d., b. Acquiggenonck, both 1. by Second River, Essex Co 1722 Koning, Maria, and Daniel Brouwer 1743 Konink, Adam, y. m., b. N. York, 1. AVyhaken, and Annaetjen De, y. d., b. and I Akinsack, married March 30 1733 Mar. 10 Konink, Jacob, y. m. , b. Hackensack, and Maria Watson, y. d. , b. in the Highlands Married 1752 Nov. 26 Kool, Geertie, and Nicolaes Pessel 1717 Oct 6 Kool, Jacob, y. m., b. Tappan, and Sara Pouwer, y. d , b. Ackinsack, both 1. at Ackinsack 1717 Feb. 23 Kool, Jacob, wid'r of Sara Pouwer, and Jannetje Van Schyven, y. d., b. Acquiggenonck, both 1. Bergen county 1723 July 28 Kool, Jan, and EUsabeth Lassing, married Jan. 26 ... , 1728 Jan. 6 Kool, Rachel, and Jacob DeBaan 1762 AprU 17 Kernel, Albert, y. m., b. Kalbrist, France, and Maria Laroe, y. d., b. Ackmsack, both living here 1714 AprU 17 Kraen,l Jasper, y. m., b. and 1. Newark, aud Sara Mackeleen, y. d., b. Bergen, \. Ackinsack .- . 1705 Oct 20 Kreson, Bachel, and Roelof Van der Linde 1702 . AprU 25 Krom, Willem Florisse, y. m., b. Flatbush (Vlacke bos), and Gerritie Van Houte, y. d., b. on Husemes 1699 Sept. 29 Krommel, Jan, y. m., and Elena Mattys, y. d., both b. York Island and 1. Bergen county ¦ ¦ 1717 1 Crane. April 10 Oct 21 Mar. 6 Oct 5 Mar. 13 Aug. 8 April 8 April 3 Nov. 3 May 27 AprU 12 Oct 29 Oct 27 Oct. 10 Oct. 26 492 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Kuipers, Anna, and Benjamin Gerou Married upon license 1726 Jan. 29 Kuyper, Aart, y. m., b. andi. Haokinsack, and Trientje Lisier, y. d., married Nov. 15 1749 Oct 8 Kuyper, Abraham, y. m., and Sara Blauvelt, y. d., both 1. Tappan. Married 1750 July 1 Kuyper, Claes, and Helena Westerveldt, married after due proclamat'n 1725 Dec. 23^ Kuyper, Geesie Janse, and Harme Jacobse Roos 1718 Feb. 22 Kuyper, Tina, and Roelof Brinkerhoff 1800 Feb. 8 L Labbacb, Johannes, y. m., and Rachel Meyer, y. d., both 1. Hacken sack, married May 19 1727 Lacomba, Margrita, and Hendrik Bruyn 1701 Larens, Daniel, y. m., b. on New Thuyn, and Gessie Theunise, y. d., from New Utrecht 1696 Larens, Debera, and Jan Smidt 1711 Larens, Jan, y. m., from Long Island, and Antie Etsel, y. d., from Ackinsack 1725 Larens, Jannetje, and Fransoeys Moor 1 696 Laroe, Angenitie, and Isaack Van Dense 1718 Laroe, Antie, and Audries Van Norden 1710 Laroe, Elisabeth, and Marten Reyersen 1734 Laroe, Jannetie, and Lucas Kierstede 1703 Laroe, Lambertus, y. m,, and Abigel Van Voorheese, y. d., both 1. un der Peremus Married 1748 Laroe, Margrieta, aud Jonathan Traphagen 1734 Laroe, Maria, and Albert Kernel 17 14 Laroe, Pieter, y. m., and Luyda Romeyn, y. d., b. Ackinsack, both 1. at Ackinsaok 1710 Laroe, Rachel, aud Abram Van Gelder 1737 Laroe, Susanne, and Willem Aibertse 1718 Laroe, Wyberig, and Joannes Bertholf 1742 Lasieutia, Eva, and Pieter Gerrits 1723 Lassing, Elisabeth, and Jan Kool 1728 Latkens, Tannitje, and Jau Van der Beek 1762 Leroe, Abraham, y. m., and Annaetjen Berdan, y. d., both b. and 1. Hackensack, married Dec. 10 1736 Nov. 6 Lesier, Abraham, y. m., b. Hackiusack and I. there, aud Polly Eerie, y. d., b. Zykakens, I. Kwaksak, married Dec. 2 1744 Nov. 3 Lesly, Jan, y. m, , b. Berbadus, aud Rachel AVoertendyck, y. d. , b. Bowery, both 1. at AVischenl 1713 April 3 Lewis, Jau, y. m., from 0. England, and Jenneke Van Deursen, y. d., b. Tappan, married with license, both 1. lapog 173 1 Mar. 20 Leydecker, Elisabeth, aud Johannes Bense 1724 May 2 1 Query: Wiachen. April 23 Sept 6 May 23 Nov. 27 April 10 May 23 May 24 Aug. 12 Sept 6 Feb. 27 Sept 16 Dec 5 AprU 17 Sept. 23 Aug. 6 April 19 Oot 23 July 13 Jan. 6 Ju— 6 April 6 May 18 May 9 Dec. Nov. 18 Feb. 11 Feb. 11 April 12 Sept 2 Dec 10 Nov. 19 Oct. 6 Oct 8 Nov. 16 Mar. 4 Aug. 9 HACKENSACK CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 493 Leydecker, Gerret, y. m., aud Weyntie Terhuyne, y. d., both b. and I. Ackinsaok 1723 Leydekker, Marytje, and Johannes Bensen 1747 Leydekkers, Klaertie, and Geresolveert Nagel 1713 Leyne, Margritie, and Antony Bien 1719 Leyne, Marytie, and Petrus Slodt 1721 Lezier, Hesther, and Samuel Moore 1736 Lie, Catrientjen, and Jan Smit 1742 Lie, Tabitha, and Jan Oots 1743 Lie, WUhelmus, y. m,, b. New York, 1. Hackensack, and Maria Moor, y. d., b. Hackensack, 1. there, married Oct 6 1738 Linninton, Sara, and Pieter Gardinier 1749 Lisier, Margrietje, and Jacob Nagel 1752 Lisier, Marytje, and Benjamin Westervelt 1751 Lisier, Trientje, aud Aart Kuyper 1749 Lisier, Trientje, and Jacobus DeMaree 1751 Lizier, Dirk, y. m., and Elisabeth Banta, y. d., both b. and 1. Ackin sack, married AprU 7 1738 Loets, Geesjen, and Daniel Cammenga . . . 1735 Loots, Hannis, y. m., and Raofiel DeMaree, y. d., both b. and 1. Haok insack, married Jan. 1, 1736 ; 1735 Dec. 6 Loots, Jau, y. m., b. Narrits, in old England, aud Hilletje Pauwels, wid. of Lubbert WesterveU 1695 Oct 12 Loots, Trintie, and Hendrick Wiertse Banta 1715 Feb. 4 Losier, Antonie, y. m. , and Hendrikie Zaborischo, y. d. , both b. and I. Ackinsack 1720 April 2 Losier, Claes, wid'r of Trintie Slot, and Antie Dirckse Banta, y. d., b. Ackinsack, both. 1. here 1709 Losier, Marytie, and Davidt DeMaree, Junior 172 1 Losvereus,! Temprens, and Willem Van Norden 1719 Lots, Paulus, y. m,, and Rachel Van Orden, y. d., both b. Ackinsack. 1724 Louwerense, Magdalena, and Jan DeMaree 1702 Lozier, Jannetje, and Johannes Ackerman 1713 Lozier, Johannes, y. m , and Lea Cornelisse Banta, y. d., 1. both at Ackinsack, married Sept 8 1727 Aug. 13 Lozier, Petrus, y. m., and Feytie Zabriscoo, y. d., both b. and 1. Ack insack -. : 1723 Mar. 2 Lusier, Lucas, y. m. , and Anna Fallo, y. d. , both 1. and b. Hackiu sack, married Feb. 24, with license , 1734 Lutkens, Harman, and Baletie Zabriskie 1801 Lutkens, Harmen, and Elizabeth Terheun 1800 Lutkens, Mareytje, and Jan DeRemis 1748 1 Loveridge. Jan. 6 June 3 Mar. 1 Oct. 30 Dec 20 June 6 Feb. 23 Feb. 9 July 30 Mar. 5 494 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. M McDowel, John, y. m., and Maritjen Varick, y. d., both 1. Hacken sack, married Sept. 5, with license 1733 Aug. 1 Mack, AVUliam, y. m., b. Germany, 1. Haokinsack, aud Doretbe Katrina Koetser, y. d., b. Germany, 1. Barbaer's Neck, married Mayl 1736 AprU 3 Mackarel, Jobn, and Jane Currie 1801 May 24 Mackeleen, Sara, aud Jasper Kraen 1705 Oct 20 Malleuoth, Miohiel, y. m., b. Dukedom of Savoy, and Elena Boon, wid. of Jau Christyn, both I. here 1708 Jan. 31 Mandevile, Antie Hendrickse, and Johannes Pieterse Brouwer 1708 April 10 Mandevile, Gerretie, and Inkrees Pouwer 1699 July 24 Mangel, Joannes, y. m., b, Germany, and Maria Kethan, y. d., b. Philipsburg, both 1. Peremis Married 1737 Jan. 28 March, John, and Marietje Edwards, y. d., both 1. Bergen county 1737 Maris, Jan, y. m., b. Bergen Co., and Anneke Kammega, y. d., b. New Utrecht, Long Island 1718 Sept. 6 Maris, Lea, and Cornelius Matheus Van Nieukerk 1749 Sept. 24 Maris, Rachel, aud Jacob Van Schive . .« 1724 Feb. 7 Marselese, Ide, y. m., b. and 1. at Bergen, aud Maritie Cornelese Cod demis, y. d., b. and 1. Aoquiggeuonck 1713 April 26 Martens, Catryn, and Pauwelis Van der Beeck 1703 June 12 Martense, Paulus, y. m. , from Akkinsak, and Rachel Jacobse De Mar- esse, y. d., from Schralenburg, married Dec. 4 1730 Nov. 6 Martese, Marite, and Albert Terhuyne 1723 April 27 Martese, Roelof, y. m., and Margrittie Hendrikse Banta, y. d , bothb. Haokinsack , 1722 April 21 Marynus, Johannes, y. m., b. Oostburgh, Vlaender, and Christina Pau wels, y. d., b. Bergen 1703 July 24 Matthyse, Rachel, and Augustyn Van Donk 1726 AprU 2 Mattys, Elena, and Jan Krommel 1717 Oct 26 Mattyse, Corneles, y. m., and Maritie Davidse DeMaree, both b. and b Ackinsack I7I8 Aug. 8 Mattyse, Engeltie, aud Jan Emmet ' 1696 May 17 Mattyse, Joseph, y. m., b. Hackiusack, and Anna Pieterse Salomonse, y. d , b. Menadis Isl., both 1. Hackiusack, married Nov. 4 1743 Sept. 4. Mattysse, Margrita, and Albert Janse Van Norden 17 17 peb. 9 Mattyse, Maria, and Louwies Claesieu 1730 May 19 Meby, Cristina, and Joost Zaboriskoo 1712 Nov 1 Meby, Pieter, y. m., b. NewYork, and KatUntie Bogaert, y. d, b. New York, both 1. Bergen Co lyjg j^^g 39 Meeby, Feytie, and Mattys Kanckely 1719 Sept 27 Meet, Maritie, aud Pieter DeMaree 2709 Mav 14 Meyer, Cornelis, y. m., b. Haokinsack, 1. Peremis, aud Lyda Bauta, y. d., b. Haokinsack, 1. there, married Deo. 12 1735 Nov 1 , HACKENSACK CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 495 Meyer, Hannes, y. m., b. Haokinsack, I. Peremus, and Lena Rethan, y. d., b. Second River, 1. Rosendal, married Sept 27 1745 Aug. 24 Meyer, Hendrik, and Elsie, wid. of Eduwaert Eerie, tbe younger, were united in marriage upou licence of tbe Governor, dated May 8, 1716 1716 June 24 Meyer, Joannes, y. m., b. and 1. New York, and Jannetje Van Voor hees, y. d., b. and 1. Wyckof Married 1747 Mar. 14 Meyer, Rachel, and Johannes Labbacb 1727 April 23 Meyers, Annatie, and Arie Abramse Ackerman 1716 Oct. 20 Meyiers, Antie, aud Pieter Janse Van Blerckum 1719 Nov. 14 Meyyer, Johannes, y. m., from New York, and Jannetie Cornelese Banta, y. d., from Ackinsack 1696 Aug. 22 Meyyers, Maritie, and Samuel Prevoost 1723 Mar. 2 Miggielse, Lenutie, and Koenraedt Hanse 1698 Dec. 31 MUler, Annatie, aud Frederik Temont 1722 April 14 Moleg, Johan Evert, wid'r of Aenne Mary Jonghen, and Maria Berbra Hoebacke, wid. of Johannes Hoeck, both I. bere 1711 Oct. 6 Moor, Annaetjen, and Jan DeGroot 1738 Aug. 12 Moor, Francintjen, and Sjeems Moor 1739 Jau. 20 Moor, Fransoeys, y. m. , b. at Basten, and .Jannetie Larens, y . d. , b. at New Thuyn ]6'J6 May 23 Moor, Franzina, and Joannes DeGroot 1731 April 1 Moor, Johanna, and Johannes Dey 1726 May 14 Moor, Maria, and Wilhelmus Lie 1738 Sept. 2 Moor, Samuel, y. m., b. New Yoik, aud Sara Smidt, y. d., b. Bergen county 1705 Sept 14 Moor, Sjeems,! y. m., b. Rawe, aud Francintjen Moor, wid., b. Ackin sack, both 1. Hackensack, married Feb. 16 1739 Jan. 20 Moore, Naomy, and John Christien 1728 Nov. 17 Moore, Samuel, y. m., and Hesther Lezier, y. d., both b. and 1. at Ackinsack, married Feb. 26 1736 Feb. 11 Morgen, Abram, y. m,, b. Staten Island, 1. Gravesend, and Barentie Yan Blerkum, y. d., b. and I. Ackinsack 1715 July 25 N Nagel, Geresolveert, y. m., b. N. Harlem, aud Klaertie Leydekkers, y. d., b. New York, bothl. Bergeu Co 1713 May 9 Nagel, Jacob, y. m., b. Tappan, aud Margrietje Lisier, y. d., b. Hack- ej^si^ck Married 1752 Nov. 10 Nagel, WUlem, y. m., b. aud 1. Tappan, and Lena Alje, y. d., b. and 1. Haokinsack 1748 April 16 o Oots, Jan, y. m., b. Ireland, and Tabitha Lie, y. d., b. NewYork, both I. Hackensack, married March 4 1743 Jan. 22 „ 1 James. 496 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Otje, Elizabeth, and Edward Eerl 17*0 Aug. 9 Oudtwater, Catharina, and Dirk Van Dien ¦ 1729 April 19 Oudtwater, Frans, y. m., b. New York, 1. Monaohky, and Jannetie Dorremus, y. d., I. Acquiggenonck 1715 Oct. 22 Oudtwater, Jan, y. m., b. Bergen, 1. Monachie, and Aeltie Bruyn, y. d., b. Newark Co., 1. there 1722 Mar. 17 Oudwater, Thomas, y. m., b. and 1. Ackinsack, and Saertjen Slot, y. d, married June 27 1735 June 7 Outwater, Annaetye, and Johannis Shurrig 1730 Oot. 3 Outwater, Cathrina, and Jan Romein 1735 Aug. 23 Outwater, Jannetjen, and Thomas Van Bremen 1748 Outwater, Marritjen, and Kobus Van der Hoef 1748 AprU 9 Outwater, Thomas, wid'r of Mettye Pieterse, and Jannettye Dureye, wid. of Epke Cornelise Banta, both from Hackensack and 1. bere . 1730 June 28 Cutwaters, Elisabeth, and Claas Romeyn 1726 AprU 23 Outwalers, Jenneke, and Johannes Van Houten 1734 May 4 P Parleman, Isaac, and Van de Water 1800 Nov. 17 Pauer, David, y. m. , and Christj ntje Van Camp, y. d. , married at an other place 1728 Mar. 23 Paulense, Grietjen, and WiUem Pieterse 1741 Dec. 18 Pauls, Egie, and Jacob Jacobse Van Winkel, Junior 1703 Mar. 6 Paulussen, Geesje, and Liurens Akkerman 1727 Sept 30 Pauwels, Christina, and Johannes Marynus 1703 July 24 Pauwels, Hilletje, and Jau Loots 1695 Oct 12 Peeck, Jacobus, y. m., b. New York, and Sara Cornelese Bauta, y. d., b. Ackiusack, both 1. here 1717 Jan. 5 Peek, Jacobus, wid'r of Sara Banta, both 1. Schralenburg, aud Rachel Sa — DeMarest, y. d., married Oct 14 1726 Sept 17 Pell, Catrientje, aud Jan Ter Heun '. 1749 April 29 Perrelman, Jannetje, aud Pieter Bogert. ... 1744 Mar. 31 Perry, Dauiel, and Sally DeBaan 1799 Nov. 16 Peri7, Elizabeth, and Abraham Post 1800 Nov. 22 Pessel, Nicolaes, y. m., b. Long Island, and Geertie Kool, y. d., b. New York, both I. Bergen Go 1717 Oct 5 Pextun, Daniel, y. m., b. O. England, and Sara Frencis, y. d., b. Bar lenton, married Sept. 29, both 1. Ackinsack 1732 Aug. 19 Philipse, Tomas, y. m., b. New York, and Antie Joris, y. d., b. New Yoj-k, both 1. here , 1707 Feb. 22 Pier, Abram, y. m., b. and 1. Acquiggenonck, and Sara Van Imburgh, y. d., b. and I. Ackinsack 1722 Oot ^27 Pier, Rachel Teunese, and Hendrick Hanse Spier 1708 Oct 23 Pieters, Geertie, and Jan Miohiel Sperliugh , 1709 Dec. 10 Pieters, Johannes, y. m., b. and 1. at Bergen, and Antie Tadus, y. d., b. AVyhake, 1. Acquiggenonck 1710 May 27 Feb. 6 Oct. 3 May 7 Nov. 1 Aug. 13 April 1 Dec 2 May 2 Nov. 22 HACKENSACK CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 497 Pieterse, Hessel, wid'r of Elisabet Kuyper, and Magdaleena Bruyn, wid. of Hendrick Cornelise Van Houte, both 1. at Acquiggenonck. 1714 Pieterse, Rachel, and Oasparis Stimets 1713 Pieterse, Seletje, aud Jan Janse I737 Pieterse, Trintie, and Johannes Cornelise Van Houte 1712 Pieterse, AVillem, y. m., b. on N. York Isld,, and Grietjen Paulense, y. d., b. N. York, both 1. Remmepog, married Dec. 18 1741 Pietersen, Geertjen, aud AVilm Hese 1727 Pietersen, Johannes, y. m,, from Aquiggeuonck, and Ariaantje Huys man, married May 6 1727 Pietersen Salomon, y. m., b. N. York Isl., 1. Remepog, and Elizabeth Groman, y. d., b. Long Isl., 1. Hackensack, married Dec 29. ,1732 Poppelsdorf, Maritjen, and Hermanus Bel 1737 Post, Abraham, and Elizabeth Perry 1800 Post, Adryaen, y. m., b. aud 1. Acquegnon, and Hendrikjen Akker maus, y. d., b. and I. Haokinsack, married May 20 1736 April 24 Post, Frans, wid'r of Maeyke Jacobes, and Elena Van Schyven, y. d. , b. Acquiggenonck, both I. at Acquiggenonck 1721 Juue 3 Post, Jacobes, y. m., b. aud 1. Acquiggenonck, and Maritie Christyn, y. d., b. and 1. Ackinsack 1723 May 18 Post, Jannetie, aud Casparus Tadus. 1714 Oct. 30 Post, Jannitje, and Hessel Van Wagenen 1747 Oct. 8 Post, Joannes, y. m. , b. and 1. Ackquaggenonck, and Antjen Huys man, y. d , b. and L Hackensack, married Nov. 15 1734 Oct 5 Post, Peter, wid'r, L Ackquegnon, and Anna Bertolf, wid., 1. Hakken sack, married Oct. 5, with license 1734 Poulison, Catharina, and AValen Van AVinkel 1800 Pouwer, Inkrees, y. ro , b. near Basten, and Gerretie Mandevile, wid. of Peter Meet 1699 Pouwer, Sara, and Jacob Kool 1717 Prevoost Samuel, y. m., b. and 1. New York, and Maritie Meyyers, y. d., b. and 1. Ackinsack 1723 PfOvoo=t, Belia, and Dom. Coens 1726 Provoost, Catharina, and Gerrardus Beekman 1727 Provoost, Maria, and Reinhart Erickson 1726 R Rapp, Elisabeth, and Benjamin Westfield 1801 Ratan, Rachel, and Abraham Volk 1741 Regtmeyer, Maria, and Johannes Enters 1730 Rethan, Lena, and Hannes Meyer 1745 Rethan, Maria, and Joannes Mangel 1737 Retan, Dauiel, Junior, y. m., b. Isopus, and Armtie Hanse Spier, y. d., b. Acquiggenonck, both 1. at Acquiggenonck 1710 Bettan, Maria, and Tomas Spier 1721 32 Sept 29 Nov. 20 July 24 Feb. 23 Mar. 2 Sept 1 Juue 10 May 22 June 16 May 15 Nov. 1 Aug. 24 Jan. 28 Mar. 9 Aug. 26 498 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Rettan, Pieter, y. m., b. in the Isopus, aud Geertruy Van der Hoef, y. d., b. Albany, both 1. at N. Berbadus 1713 Nov. 7 Reyerse, Anna, and Corynes Bertholf 1718 Aug. 30 Reyerse, Elizabeth, and Johannes Uralemon 1749 Reyerse, Johannes, y. m., b. New York, and Maritie Janse Spier, y. d., b. and 1. Acqueggenonck 1716 Oct 27 Reyerse, Margritie, aud Pieter Tibout 1716 Mar. 3 Reyerse, Sara, and Cornelis DeRemis 1741 Mar. 14 Reyersen, Leua, and Jan DeGraeuw 1748 April 30 Reyersen, Marten, y. m,, b. N. York, 1. Pomptaw,! and Elisabeth Laroe, y. d., b. and I. Haokinsack, married Oct 4 1734 Sept. 6 Reyt, Jan, y. m. , b. Plat lands, aud Aertie Braas, y. d. , b. Haokinsack, bothl. here 1713 AprU 11 Riejersen, Sara, and Cornelis Van Blerkum 1727 Sept. 4 Roebuck, Peter John, and Jane Chapel 1800 AprU 3 Roelofsen, Martha, y. m., and Zjarritjen DeGroot, y. m., both b. aud 1. Hackiusack, married Sept 12 ^ ,. 1746 July 27 Romein, Aguietjen, and Isaak Stagge 1738 Aug. 5 Romein, Antjen, and Reiuier Bardan 1 738 Sept. 30 Romein, Arjaeutje, and Roelef AVestervelt 1749 May 13 Romein, Cristyntjen, and Abraham Freeland 1744 April 14 Romein, David, y. m., and Angnietjen Westervelt, y. d., both b. aud 1. Hackensack, married July 2 1736 June 6 Romein, Geesje, and Crostyaan DeMaree 1741 Sept. 19 Romein, Gessjen, and Petrus Van Voorheest. . . 1734 May 25 Romein, Isaak, y. m., aud Osseltjeu AVestervelt, y. d., both b. and 1. Hackensack, married Sept. 15 1738 Aug. 5 Romein, Jan, y. m. , b. and 1. Hackensack, and Cathrina Outwater, y. d., b. Acquegenouok, I. Prekemis,2 married Sept 19 1735 Aug. 23 Romein, Jan D., b. and 1. Hackensack, and Catrientje Kip, b. and 1. Prekenis, married Nov. 22 1750 Oct 20 Romein, Klaas, y. m., b. and I. Hackensack, and Elisabeth Kip, y. d., b. Prekenis, 1. Hackensack, married Aug, 22 1746 July 6 Romein, Leeutje, and Miohiel Vreelandt, : 1790 June 13- Romein, Leude, and Jurjen Westervelt 1738 Sept 7 Romein, Margrietje, aud Nikasi Kip 1745 Sept. 4 Romein, Osseltyn, 3 and Isack Van Voorheest 1731 Oct 16 Romein, Roelof, y. m., b. and 1. Hackensack, and Annaetjen Freeland, y. d., b. and 1. New Barbadis Neck, married Nov. 2 1733 Sept 15 Romein, Sara, and Jan Darje 1736 Oot 9 Romeyn, Albert, y. m., and Jannetie Roelofse Westerveldt, y. d., both b. and 1. at Ackinsack 1710 April 8 Romein, Christyntjin, and David Bardan 1738 April 15 1 Pompton. 2 Preakness. SUrsseltje, Mar. 17 Sept. 20 AprU 24 May 20 Sept. 23 July 23 April 30 Mar. 22 Dec 19 Aug. 28 Feb. 22 Dec 14 HACKENSACK CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 499 Romeyn, Claas, y. m., and Elisabeth Cutwaters, y. d., both from Ack insaok, married May 20 1726 AprU 23 Romeyn, Daniel, y. Yn., and Maritie AVesterveldt, y; d., both b. and 1. at Ackinsack 1716 Romeyn, Elysabeth, and Jan Zaborischo 1706 Romeyn, Gerrebreght Clase, and David Ackerman 1703 Romeyn, Jan Klaeseu, y. m. , b. on the Bay, and Lammetie Bongaert, y. d. , b. Ackinsack 1699 Romeyn, Luyda, and Pieter Laroe 1710 Romeyn, Luyde, aud Johannis SUngerlaud 1715 Romeyn. Lydia, and Stheven Terheun 1790 Romeyn, Rachel, and Joris Van Gyse 1724 Romeyn, Sally, and David P. Demarest 1800 Romeyn, Sara, and Hendrik Van Gisse 1715 Roos, Harme Jacobse, y. m., b. Amsterdam, and Geesie Janse Kuyper, y. d., b. Hasemes, both 1. Bergeu Co 1718 Rooseboom, Elisabeth, and Isack Van Dense 1723 Rutgers, Harmanus, wid'r, and Margrita DeForeest, y.'d., both 1. New York, married with a license 1739 Sept. 17 ' Ryersen, Lucas, wid'r, 1. at Pompton, and Susanna Van der Linden, y. d., I. Haokinsack Married 1745 12 Rytsmont,! Anna, and Tammes Flipse 1715 Dec. 10 Sager, William, and Christina Beekman 1801 Salomonse, Anna Pieterse, and Joseph Mattyse . , 1743 Sauderse, Antie, and Johannes Simese Van Winkel 1 704 Sauderse, Egbert, y. m., b. Staten Island, and Trintie Walingse Van Winckel, y. d., b. Acquiggenonck, both 1. at Acquiggenonck. . .1710 Sause, Margrita, and Nicolaes DeVouw 1706 Santfoort, Meeri, and Hendrik Dy 1731 Santfort, Mr. Willem, y. m., b. on the Berbades Neck, and Sara Smidt, b. in the jurisdiction of Bergen 1696 Feb. 1 Server, Jacob, y. m.. b. and 1. Tappan, and Cathrina Beer, y. d., b. and 1. Hackensack ' 1744 June 16 Schoert, Maria, and Pieter Wannemaker 1746 14 Schoon, Christina, and Matheus Cornelius 1740 Oct. 31 Schors, Miohiel, y. m., b. Darmstadt, and Elisabet Suiden, wid. of Frederik Smidt, both 1. at Hackensack 1711 Feb. 2 Schuyler, Elisabeth, and Dominus Benjamin Van de Linde 1748 Dec 5 Shurrig, Johannis, y. m,, from Germany, aud Aunaetye Outwater, y. d., from Haokinsack, married Oct 30, both I. here 1730 Oct 3 Siggels, Feytie, and Roelof Helmigse Van Houte 1712 Jan. 3 Jan. 28 Sept ,4 Oct 14 Sept 16 April 20 May 20 1 Query: Richmond. 5o6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTg. Simmons, George, from Philadelphia, and Elsie Earle, y. d., from Haokinsack Married — — May 24 Sip, Ide, y. m,, b. and 1. Bergen, and Ariaentie Cornelisse Cadmuys, y. d., b. aud 1, Acquiggenonck 1718 April 12 Sivert, Adolf, y. m., b. Pruymes, in Germany, and Margrit Geerlingb, y. d., b. Newwyck, both 1. Remmigpogh 1719 Oct. 23 SUngerlaud, Albert, y. m., and Hester Brickers, y. d., both from Albany 1695 June 16 SUngerland, Johannis, y. m., b. Albany, aud Claesie Van der Linde, y. d., b. Ackinsack, both 1. here , 1710 June 3 SUngerlaud, Johannis, wid'r of Geesie Vander Linde, I. Acquigge nonck, and Luyde Romeyn, wid. of Peter Laroe, 1. Ackinsack. .1715 July 23 Slodt, Johannes, y. m., b. aud both 1. Ackinsaok, and AVillemtie Al berse, wid. ot Cornelis Bongaert 1720 Sept 17 Slodt, Petrus, y. m., b. Ackinsaok, and Marytie Leyne, y. d , b. Darm stadt, both 1. Ackinsack 1721 Nov. 18 Slot, Abeltie, and Cornelis Epke Banta 1719 Mar. 1 Slot, Antie, and Jonetan Hart ¦, 1706 Sept 7 Slot, Catrina. aud Joost Beem 1740 May 10 Slot, Johannes, wid'r of AA'illemptie Van Voorhees, and Carstyntie Ak kerman, y. d., both from Haokinsack and 1. here, married AprU 10 1730 Mar. 28 Slot, Saertjen, and Thomas Oudwater 1735 June 7 Sloth, Abeltie, and Adam Janse 1700 July 2 1 Smidt, Anna Clara, and Pieter Wannamaker 1713 Feb. 28 Smidt, Jan, y. m., b. Bergen county, and Debera Larens,! y. d., b. Smit, Margen, y. m., b, Ireland, and Cathryua Tadus, y. d., b. Wihake, both 1. Acquiggenonck 1723 Aug. 10 Smidt, Sara, and Samuel Moor 1705 Sept 14 Smidt, Sara, and Mr. Willem Santfort 1696 Feb. 1 Smit, Barend, y. m., b. Germany, 1. N. York, and Annaetje Beer, y. d., b. and 1. Haokinsack, married June 19 , 1748 May 30 Smit, Jan, y. m., b. Hackiusack, and Catrientjen Lie, y. d., b. New York, both 1, Haokinsack, married March 26 1742 Feb. 11 Smit, Malli, and Michgel Smit ' 1741 Sept 26 Smit, Michgel, y. m., b. andi. Haokinsack, and Malli Smit, y. d., b. Long Isld., 1. Zykakis, married Nov. 12 1741 Sept. 26 Smith, Job, y. m., and Sara Edsall, y. d., both 1. Bergen county... Married 1748 May 31 Smitb, Phellip, y. m,, and Rebecca Earle, y. d., both I. Bergen county. married Dec 28 1736 Dec 28 Smith, Peter, and Tina Demarest 1801 Sept Snideu, Elisabet, and Miohiel Schors 1711 Feb. 2 1 Deborah Lawrence. June 17 Mar. 9 Mar. 17 Mar. 18 April 30 Jan. 1 Oct 28 Oct 27 Oct. 27 ItACltENSACK CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORtiS. ^01 Snyer, Abram, y. m., b. Predenhem, Germany, and Margritie Wyndor, wid. of Johannes Pieterse Engelbert, both 1. Ackiusack 1718, Sept. 19 Sperliugh, Jan Miohiel, y. m,, b. Sachen, and Geertie Pieters, y. d., b. Acquiggenonck, both living at Acquiggenonck 1709 Dec. 10 Spier, Abram, y. m., b. and 1. Acquiggenonck, and Geertie Bras, y. d., b. Ackinsack, 1. Essex Co , 1 72 1 Spier, Armtie Hanse, and Daniel Retan 1710 Spier, Frans Jobannisse, y. m., and Dircktie Cornelise, y. d., both b. at Acquiggenouck 1705 Spier, Geertruy Jansen, and Arent Louwerse Toers 1704 Spier, Hendrick Hanse, y. m., and Rachel Teunese Pier, y. d., both b. and 1. in juris. Newark 1708 Oct 23 Spier, Hendrick Janse, y. m. , b. Pemmerpogh, 1. Acquiggenonck, and Sara Dey, y. d., b. Now York, 1. Peghkeua - 1709 Spier, Jannetie Janse, and Roelof Cornelese Van Houte 1715 Spier, Magdalaeutie Janse, and Thomas Louwerense Toers 17 10 Spier, Maritie Hanse, and Adam Koninck 1722 Spier, Maritie Janse, and Johannes Reyerse 1716 Spier, Tomas, y. m., and Maria Rettan, y. d., both b. and 1. Acquig genonck 1721 Aug. 26 Stagge, Isaak, y. m., b. audi. Barbaris Neck, and Aguietjen Romein, y. ,d., b. and I. Haokinsack, married Sept 14 1738 Aug., 5 Steeger, Maritie, and Hendrik Bos 1721 July 1 Stegge, Elisabeth, and Johannes Akkerman 1728 Feb. 9 Stegge, Jan, wid'r of Maritie Bongaert, aud Neeltie Verwey, y. d., b. Siemeka - 1698 Nov. 26 Stegge, Johannes, y. m,, and Hendriktie Housman, y. d., both b. and 1. Ackinsack 1722 Aug. 11 Stegge, John, y. m. , b. Bergen, East N. Jersey, and Maritie Bongaert y. d., b. Long Island 1697 Mar. 14 Stegge, Margrietjen, and Aarjin Blinkerbof 1731 Sept 15 Steege, Neeltje, and Jacob Van Houten 1747 April 16 Stegge, Tomas, y. m., b. N. Berbades, and Feytie Van Gelder, y. d., b. Long Island, both 1. Peerems 1721 Dec 23 Stegge, Willem, y. m., b. New Berbades Neck, and Magdaleena Brou wers, y. d., b. Breukel 1697 Oot. 23 Stegh, Jacobus, y. m., b. N. Barbadus Neck, and Sarie Valk, y. d., b. Achkwegnonk, both 1. Peremus Married 1737 Sterre, Amene Margridt, and Johannes Vilisveldt 1723 StiUewill, Saartje, and Hannis Akkerman 1748 Stimets, Annatie, and Jacob Van Noorstrant 1715 Stimets, Oasparis, y. m., aud Rachel Pieterse, y. d., both born and liv ing at Acquiggenonck 1713 Storm, Hendrik, y. m. , and Cornelia Vander Beek, y. d , both 1. Pere mis Married 1747 Sept 24 Feb. 3 Mar. 2 May 26 Sept 10 Oct Jan. 11 May 20 Feb. Sept 28 Mar. 29 Oct. 22 Oot 27 May 27 Oct 30 Aug. 10 e,Oi NEW JERSEV COLONtAL DOCUMENTS. Stout, David, y. m., 1. Burlington, and Margarita Valleau, y. d., 1. Hackiusack Married 1744 Strae, Jenneke, aud Matthias Ekkecen 1726 Stratemaker, Jan, wid'r of Geesie, and Neeltje Buys, wid. of Jacob Vigoor, here united in wedlock 1707 Stratemakers, Trintie, and Jacob Eerte! 1706 Stuwaert, Jan, y. m., b. Sterling, Scotland, aud Jaquemyne DeMaree, y. d, b. Hackensack 1700 Stymets, Jannetie Chrisstoffelse, and Casparus Van Noortstrandt 1720 Tadese, Annetie, and Arie Simese Van Winckel 1705 Tadus, Antie, and Johannes Pieterse 1710 Tadus, CasxDarus, y. m., b. AVyhake, and Jannetie Post, y. d., b. Ac quiggenonck, both Uving at Acquiggenonck 1714 Tadus, Cathryua, and Margen Smidt 1723 Tadus, Miohiel, y. m., b. Bergen, E. N. Jersey, and Antie Verwey, y. d., b. Acquiggenonck, both 1. at Acquiggenonck 1706 Oct 19 Talama, Jan, y. m., and Leua Blaeuvelt, y. d., both 1. Tappan, mar ried Sept 19, 1735, ent, at Tappan Talema, Hermanus, y. m., b. Tappan, and BeeUtje Brouwer, y. d., b. Sohralenburg Married 1752 Nov. 25 TeBouw, Andries, y. m,, and Jannetje Van Blerkum, y. d., both b. and 1. Peremus, married June 27 , . . 1740 - June 7 Temont, Fredrik, y. m., b. Darmstadt, and Annatie Miller, y. d., b. Hedenborgh, both 1. Geemepogh 1722 AprU 14 Ter Heun, Aaltjen, and Jacob Zabrowisky 1748 April 8 Ter Heun, Albert, y. m., and JaunUje Van der Hoef, y. d., both b. Hackiusack Married 1752 May 17 Ter Heun, Annaetje, and Joost Zabrowisky 1749 Oct. 14 Ter Heun, DaTid, y. m., b, and 1. Peremis, and Sara Bogaert, y. d., b. and 1. Hackiusack, married Oct. 17 1735 Sept 20 Terheun, Derk, y. m., and Catharina Kip, y. d., both 1. Ackinsack, married Oot 13 1727 Terheun, Elizabeth, aud Harmen Lutkens 1800 Ter Heun, Hendrikjen, aud Gerrit Hoppe 1741 Ter Heun, Jan, y. m., and Catrientje Pell, y. d., both 1. Haokinsack, married May 28 1749 Terheun, Rachel, aud Jacob Cornelisse Banta 1728 Terheun, Sara, and Laurens Van Bosohkerkeu 1726 Terheun, Stephanus, y. m., and Susanna Aalje, y d., both b. and 1. Haokinsack 1737 Terheun, Stheven, and Lydia Romeyn , Married 1790 Ter Heun, Weintje, and Joannes AVaederum 1745 1 Or Heerte. Sept 9 July 30 Oct 31 April 29 AprU 13 May 7 Aug. 6 April 30 April 28. HACKENSACK CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 503 Ter Heun, WUlemtje, and Barendt de Boogh. . . , 1736 July 24 Terhuyn, Johannis, y. m., from Hackensack, and Gesie Westerveldt, wid. of Pieter Van de Linde 1724 April 10 Terhuyne, Albartus, y. m., and -Anne Maritie Ackermaus, y. d., both b. and 1. Ackinsack 1719 Oot. 24 Terhuyne, Albert, y. m , and Maritie Martese, y. d. , both b. and 1. Ac- insaok 1723 AprU 27 Terhuyne, Gerrebreght, aud Abram Housman 1701 Nov. 29 Terhtiyne, Gertrut, and Hendrick Hendrickse Bauta 1717 Jan. 26 Terhuyne, Hendriktie, and Jacob Dirckse Banta 1718 May 31 Terhuyne, Jan Alberse, y. m. , b ou tbe Baj', and Elisabeth Bertholf, y. d., b. Sluys, m Vlaender 1699 Sept. 23 Ter Huyne, Marritie, and Hendrick Bertholf 1707 Mar. 29 Terhuyne, Rachel, and Jan Hendrikse Hoppe 1707 July Terhuyue, Steven, y. m , b. New Amersfoort, and Lidia DeMaree, y. d., b. Ackinsaok, both 1. bere ". 1767 Oct. 18 Terhuyne, Weyntie, and Gerret Leydekker 1723 April 5 Terhuyne, AVillemtie, and Jacobus Bongaert ...1704 Oct 7 Terhuynen, Albert, wid'r of Weyntie Brickers, and Maritie DeGraves, wid. of Audries Tibout 1705 Sept 8 Terhuynen, Antie, and Jacob Zaborisco 1699 April 22 Theunese, Geesie, aud Daniel Larens 1696 May 23 Thibouw, Marritie, and Jacob DeBaen 1747 Thomasson, Dirk, y. m., and Jannetje Van Houten, y. d., both 1. at Acquegnonk Married 1737 June 10 Tibouw, Annaetjen, and Abraham DeRemis ,..,... 1742 Oot 16 Tisort, Jacob, y. m., b. Acquiggenonck, 1. Pomptan, and Maritjen Bar dan, wid, b. on the bay, I. Piekenis,! married Dec 6 1733 Nov. 17 Tibout, Pieter, y. m,, b. and 1. Ackinsaok, aud Margritie Reyerse, y. d., b. New York and 1. Ackinsack 1716 Mar. 3 Tibouw, Reyer, y. m., b. aud 1. Peremus, and Abigael DeBaan, y. d , b. Hackiusack, 1. Peremus, married Oot. 24 1746 Sept. 20 Toers, Antie Louwerense, and Jacob Elyasse Vreelandt 1703 Sept 17 Toers, Arent Louwerse, y. m., b. Bergen, and Geertruy Jansen Spier, y. d., b. Acquiggenonck 1704 Toers, Arie, y. m., b. Bergen, and Annatie Immet, y. d., b. in the Highlands, both \. Acquiggenonck ' 172 L Mar. 18 13 Toers, Lena, and Joannes Van Houten 1746 Dec 2 Toers, Sara, aud Dirk Dey , 1736 Dec. 4 Toers, Thomas Louwerense, y. m , b. Bergen, and Magdalaeutie Janse Spier, y. d., b. Acquiggenonck, both 1. Acquiggenonck 1710 Oct, 28 Tomese, Abram, y. m., and Elisabeth Hessel, y. d., both b. and 1. Ac quiggenouck , 1721, April 29 Tomese, Cornelis, y. m,, from New York, and Marytie Koemans, y. d., fromAlbany. ....- 1696 Aug. 8 1 Preakness. 504 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Tomese, Juriaen, y. m., and Aeltie Siemense Van AVinckel, y. d., both b. and 1. Aquiggeuonck 1714 Juue 12 Tomesen, Isack, y. m., and Lea Simese Van AVinkel, y. d., bothb. and 1. Acquiggenonck 1 722 Aug. 4 Traphagen, Joannes, y. m., b. Esopos, and Metje Van Blerkum, y. d., b. Peremis, both 1. Peremis Married 1737 Oct 7 Traphagen, Jonathan, y. m., b. Esopus, 1. Hochakens, and Margrieta Laroe, y. d,, b. Rempoch, 1. there Married 1734 Dec 5 U Uralemon, Johannes, y. m., and Elizabeth Reyerse, y. d., both 1. Un der Akquegnonk Married 1749 V Valentyn, Tyme, y. m., b. Albany, and Gerritie Cornelise, y. d., b. Wihake 1699 .July 24 Valentyn, Tyme, wid'r of Gerretie Cornelise, and Maritie Van Dense, y. d, b. at Albany 1701 Valk, Sarie, and Jaoobus Stegh 1737 Valleau, Margrita, and David Stout 1744 Van Alen, Rachel, aud Steven Boogaert 1739 Van Alen, WiUemyntje, and Isack Bogaert 1735 Van Bentscbouten, Elias, y. m., 1. Visooe, and Jacomyntje Koienbove, y. d. , I, Hackensack Married 1718 Van Blerckom, Rachel, and Abram Van Seyl 1715 Van Blerckum, Maritie, and Davidt DeMaree 1720 Van Blerckum, Pieter Janse, wid'r of Jacomine Cornelese, and Antie Meyiers, last w. of Samuel Leedt, both 1. Ackinsaok 1719 Van Blerckum, Trintie, and Dirck Van Seyl 1717 Van Blerkom, Johannes, y. m,, b. and I, Ackiusack, and Jannetie Van Zeyl, y. d. , b. and I. Acquiggenonck 1716 Van Blerkum, Barentie, and Abram Morgen 1715 Van Blerkum, Cornelis, and Sara Riejersen, married upon license, . . .1727 Van Blerkum, Hendrik, y. m., and Elizabeth Koienhoven, y. d , both b. and 1. Hackiusack, married June 15 1749 May 27 Van Blerkum, Hermanus, y.. m., and Aaltjen Akkerman, y. d., both 1. at Peremis Married 1743 Jan. 14 Van Blerkum, Jan, y. m., b. Bergen, and Vrouwtjen Kip, y. d., b. Hakkensack, married Oct. 13, both 1. Hackensack 1738 Sept. 30 Van Blerkum, Jannetje, and Andries TeBouw 1740 June 7 Van Blerkum, Lea, aud Henricus Bosoh 1727 Sept. 23 Van Blerkum, Maritie Johanuese, aud Ary Abramse Aokermaus 1729 April 2 Van Blerkum, Marytjen, and Coenradus Bos 1732 Sept. 26 Van Blerkum, Metje, and Joannes Traphagen 1737 Oct. 7 Van Blerkum, Rachel, aud Paulus Vander Beek 1748 Mar. 12 Mar. 22 Feb. 3 Jan. 11 Jau. 26 Sept. 19 Nov. 3 June 4 Dec 10 Nov. 14 June 22 Mar. 31 July 25 Feb. 4 HACKENSACK CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 50S Van Bommel, Pieter, y. m., and Hillegont Ellen, y. d., both I. Haok insack Married 1749 June 2 Van Bos, Jennikke, and Johannes Van Winkel 1,748 Dec. 8 Van Boso.hkerken, y. m., and Sara Terheun, y. d,, both from Ackin sack 1726 May 7 Van Boskerck, Andries Louwerense aud Jacominte Davidse DeMaree, both b. and I. Ackiusack 1717 Jan. 26 'Van Boskerk, Geertruyd, and Wiert Banta 1732 Nov. 25 Van Boskerk, Hendrikjen, and Abraham Westervelt 1744 Mar. 31 Van Boskerk, Jan, wid'r, and Mareytje Van der Linde, wid., both 1. Hackensack Married 1749 13 Vau Boskerk, Jan Louwerense, y. m., and Gessie Jurriaense Wester veldt, y. d., both b. and 1. Ackinsack 1721 April 1 Vau Boskerk, Lourens, y. m. , b. and 1. Hackensack, and Lea Wester velt, y. d., b. aud 1 Schraelenburg, married Sept. 26 1739 Sept 15 Vau Boskerke, Feytie Louwerense, and Arie Bauta 1711 July 28 Van Boskerken, Pieter, the younger, y. m,, and Marietje Van Hoorn, y. d., both I. Ackinsaok 1727 Sept 1 Van Brakel, Martha, and Louwerens Akkerman 1745 Oct. 25 Van Bremen, Thomas, wid'r, 1. Peremus, and Jannetjen Outwater, y. d,, 1. Segquanek , Married 1748 Van Camp, Christyntje, and David Pauer 1728 Mar. 23 Van de Linde, Dominus Benjamin, y. m., aud Elisabeth Schuyler, y. d , Married at Pompton 1748 Dec. 5 Vander Beeck, Pauwelis, y. m,, b. Gouwanes, and Catryn Martens, wid. of Samuel Berry 1703 June 12 Vander Beek, Cornelia, and Hendrik Storm 1747 Sept 24 A^an der Beek, Elsie, and Pieter Kip 1720 Mar. 5 Vander Beek, Geesjen, and Cornelis DeGroot 1742 May 13 Vander Beek, Isaek, y. m., b. Hackensack, aud Annaetje de Boog, v y. d., b. New York, married June 25, both I. Hackiusack 1736 May 29 Van der Beek, Jan, y. m., b. Hackensack, and Tannitje Latkens, y. d., b. Peremus Married 1752 Ju— 6 Vander Beek, Jannetje, and David Akkerman 1742 June 26 Vander Beek, Paulus, y. m , b. Hackiusack, and Annetje Akkerman, y. d., b. Peremis, married June 18, both 1. Peremis 1743 April 16 TauderBeek, Paulus, y. m,, and Rachel Van Blerkum, y. d,, bothl. Peremis, married Axn'U 8 1748 Mar. 12 Van der Beke, Coenradus, y. m., b. New York, aud .Angenitie AVester-, veit, y. d , b. Ackinsack, both 1. here 1717 May 25 Yan der Hoef, Cornelis, y. m., b. Albany, and Elis-ibeth Aokermans, y. d., b. Haokinsack, both 1. here 1712 Oct 18 Van der Hoef. Dorothy, and Lucas Bongart 1739 Oct 16 Vau der Hoef, Geertruy, and Pieter Rettan 1713 Nov. 7 Vander Hoeff, Grietje, and Enoch Earle 1737 Aug. 1 9 Van der Hoef, Jannitje, aud Albert Ter Heun 1752 May 17 33 April 25 April 7 12 June 12 AprU 5 Aug. 18 506 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Vander Hoef, Johannes, y. m., b. Albany, and Lea Hoppe, y. d., b. Ackinsack, both 1. here 1714 May 15 Van der Hoef, Kobus, y. m, , b. and 1. Hackensack, and Marritjen Out water y. d. , b. at the Panne, 1. Hakkensack, married Mar. 20. . 1748 April 9 Vander Hoef, Louwerens, y. m., b. New Britain, and Angenietjen EUen, y. d., b. New York, married June 9, both 1. Hackensack 1743 May 7 Van der Lindie, Claesie, and Johannis Slingerland 1710 June 3 Vander Linde, Hendrik, y. m,, and Ariaentie Westerveldt, y. d., both b. and 1. at Ackinsack ;. ,1715 May 7 Van der Linde, Mareytje, and Jan Van Boskerk 1749 13 Vander Linde, Osseltjin, and Pii ter DeMarest 1735 Sept. 20 Vauder Linde, Pieter, y. m,, aud Geesie Roelofse AVesterveldt, y. d., both b. and 1. at Ackiusack 1710 Oct 21 Van der Linde, Roelof, wid'r of Susanna Hendrikse Blinkerbof, and Rachel Kreson, wid. of Jau Du Ry 1702 Van der Linde, Susanna, and Domineer Samuel Verbryk 1750 Van der Linden, Susanna, and Lucas Ryerson 1745 Van der Sehuere, Margrietje, and Elias Willems 1731 Van der Voort, Jan, y. m., b. Betfort, and Magdaleena Housman, y. d, b. Boswyck 1701 Van Deusp, Catryua, and Pieter Visser 1722 Van Deuse, Isaack, y. m,, b. N. York, 1. Tappan, and Angenitie Laroe, y. d., b. Ackinsack, 1. there 1718 May 24 Van Deuse, Isack, wid'r of Angenitie Laroe, aud Elisabeth Roose boom, y. d., she from N. York, I. Remepogh 1723 Van Deuse, Maritie, and Tyme Valentyn 1701 Van Deursen, Jenneke, and Jan Lewis 1731 Van Deusen, Lsa, and Wynnant Van Gelderen 1735 Vau Dieu, Albert, y. m., aud Annatye B:inta, y. d. , both from Haok insack and 1. here, married Oct 30 1730 Sept 26 Van Dien, Dirk, y. m., aud Catharina Oudtwater, y. d., both from Haokinsack and 1 here, married June 3 1729 April 19 Van Dien, Geertrui, and Hendrik Kip )714 Jaly 24 Van Dien, Gerrit, y. m., b. New York, and Vrouwtie Verwey, y. d., b. Bergen 1696 Oct 24 Van Dien, Hendirkje, and Eeinier Van Gysen 1728 Mar. 30 Van Dien, Vrouwtjen, aud Jan Bardan I733 Oct. 10 Van Donk, Augustyn, y. m., aud Richel Matthyse, y. d,, both I. Ber gen county, married April 28 1 726 April 2 Van Donk, Elizabeth, aud Casparus Haal 1728 Jan. 6 Van de Water, , and Isaac Parleman 1800 Nov. 17 Vau Emburgh, Elisabeth, aud Jacobus Bertholf 1729 Jan. 18 Vau Galen, Louwerens, wid'r of Anna DeMasuer, and Trintie Elyasse Vreelandt, y. d,, irom Gemonepau 1700 July 13 Van Gelderen, Wynnant y. m,, b. Peremis, I. Rempoch, and Lea Van Deusen, y. d., b. Rympoogh, 1. in the Cloof Married 1735 Dec 12 Dec 14 Mar. 22 Mar. 20 Dec 12 HACKENSACK CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 507 Van Gelder, Abram, y. m., and Rachel Laroe, y. d., both 1, under P^'^^"'^ 1737 Aug. 6 Van Gelder, Feytie, and Tomas Stegge 1721 Dec 23 Van Gelder, Jaoobus Everse, wid'r of Diver Tyse, 1. Breukelen, and Susanna DeVouw, wid. of. Tomas Bricker, 1, here 1706 Juue 25 Van Geste, Jan Janse, y. m., b. Bergen, and Susanna Aliee, wid. of Andries Tibouw, both 1. under jur. of ch. of Acquiggenonck. . .1715 AprU 17 Van Gelder, Maria, and AVilm Van Voorhese 1728 Jan. 6 Van Giese, Rienier, wid'r, and Hester Couenboven, y. d. , both l.-Hack- iJ^sack Married 1744 Mar. 26 Van Giesen, Antje, and Dirk Banta 1752 25 Van Giesen, Cornelia, and Albert Van Voorheese. . . , 1735 May 24 Van Giesen, Cristyntjen, and Jan Bardan 1738 April 15 Van Giesen, Isaek, y. m., and Marytjen Hoppe, y. d., both b. and 1. Haokinsack Married 1744 Aug. 16 Van Giesen, Klaesjen, and Ritsjert Bleus 1733 Nov. ; 4 Van Gisse, Hendrik, y. m., b. Gemoenepa, and Sara Romeyn, y. d., b. Ackinsaok, both I. Ackinsack 1715 Aug. 28 Van Gyse, Joris, y. m., b. Gemenpou, and Eachel Romeyn, y. d,, b. Ackinsack, both 1. Ackinsack 1724 Mar. 22 Van Gysen, Johannes, y. m,, from Acqueggenonck, and Annatje AVes tervelt y. d., from Ackinsack, married June 16 1727 May 20 Van Gysen, Keiuier, y. m., and Hendirkje Van Dieu, y. d., both from Haokinsack 1728 Mar. 30 Van Gysse, Isack, wid'r of Hillegond Kuyper, aud Anna Breyand, wid. of Nicasis Kip, both living here 1713 Oct 10 Van Gysse, Magdalena, and Sander Egberse. . . , 1701 April 20 Van Gysse, Mr. Reynier, wid'r of Dircktie Cornelese Van Groenland, and Hendricktie Buys, wid. of Coinelis Verwey 1699 Sept. 28 Van Halem, Pieter Gerritse, y. m., b. Rotterdam, and Trintie Hen drikse Hoppe, y. d., b. Ackinsack, both 1. here 17C6 July 14 Van Hooren, Cornelis, y. m, , b. at Ackiusack, and Jacquemiue De Maree, wid. of Samuel Hellingh, both 1. here 1711 July 16 Van Hoorn, Aaltjen, and Pieter DeMaree 1740 Feb. 23 Van Hoorn, Annaetjen, and Abraham Banta 1735 Aug. 30 Van Hoorn, Antye, and Richard Blanch 1730 Sept. 27 Van Hoorn, Daniel, y. m., and Mareytje Banta, y. d., both b. aud 1. Sohralenburg Married 1749 Sept. 28 Van Hoorn, Jennike, and Salomon DeBoog 1747 April 18 Van Hoorn, Johannes, y. w., and MarrUje Cadmis, y. d., both L Ak- kwegkenonk Married 1740 June 19 Van Hoorn, Kornelis, wid'r, 1. Schraelenburg, and Treintje Hartje, y. d., both b. Hackensack, 1. here 1732 Nov. 25 Van Hoorn, Luoas, y. m., and Aeltie Sibese Banta, y. d., both from Ackinsack 1705 April 21 Vau Hoorn, Marietje, and Pieter Van Boskerken 1727 Sept 1 Aug. 1 Nov. 14 Sept 28 Jan. 26 Sept 29 508 NEW JERSEV COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Van Horen, Anuatie, and Samuel DeMaree 1713 Van Horne, Daniel, and Pietertie Alyee 1800 Van Horen, Jannetie, and Jacob Hendrikse Banta 1705 Van House, Reynier, wid'r of Anne Stevens, 1. York Island, and Lea Davids DeMaree, b, aud 1. Ackinsack 1718 Van Houte, Gerritie, and AA'illem Florisse Krom 1699 Van Houte, Johannes Cornelise, and Trintie Pieterse, y. d., both b. and 1. at Acquiggenonck 1712 Nov. 1 Van Houte, Roelof Cornelese, y. m., b. Bergen, and Jannetie Janse Spier, y. d., she b. and both 1. at Acquiggenonck 1715 Jan. 1 Vau Houte, Roelof Helmigse, wid'r of Efie Cornelese Vreland, and Feytie Siggels, y. d., both 1. Bergen Married 1712 Jan. 3 Van Houten, Cathrina, and Hendrik Hoppe , 1735 April 3 Van Houten, Feitje, and Joannes Cadmus 1744 Nov. 22 Van Houten, Helena, aud Abraham Deremis 1740 July 8 Van Houten, Helming, y. m., aud Jannetje Van Rype, wid., both 1. Bergen county ' Married 1750 Oct. 26 Van Houten, Jacob, y. m., b. and 1 by the Panne, and Neeltje Stegge, y. d., b. Hackensack, 1. by tbe Panne, married Juue 8 1747 April 16 Van Houten, Jannetje, and Dirk Thomasson .... 1736 June 10 Van Houten, Joannan, y. m., and Catharine Cadmus, y. d., both b. audi. Agkwegkenunok, eut at Acquiggenonck Married 1736 Nov. 11 Van Houten, Joannes, wid'r, 1. Essex couuty, and Lena Toers, y. d., 1. Bergeu county Married 1746 Deo. 2 Van Houten, Joannes, y. m., b. and 1. Tappan, and Jenneke Cutwa ters, y. d., b. and I. Hackiusack, married June 6 1734 May 4 Vau Huysen, Hermanns, y. m., and Sara Blauvelt, y. d., both 1. Tappan Married 1749 June 25 Van Imburg, Catrine, and Richard Gibbs 1737 Aug. 20 Van Imburgh, Sara, and Abram Pier 1722 Oct. 27 Van Imburg, Sara, and Jan Gis 1741 Jan. 6 Van Imburgh, Gysbert, y. ni., b. Ackinsack, and Maritie Helhaecke, y. d. , b. New York, both 1. here 1 718 July 26 Van Nieukerk, Cornelius, y. m., b. Bergen, 1. Hackiusack, and Lea Maris, wid., b. andi. Schralenburg, married Oot 18 1749 Sept. 24 Van Noortstrandt, Casparus, y. m., b. New York, and Jannetie Chris stoffelse Stymets, y. d., she b. and both 1. at Acquiggenonck. . .1720 Oct 22 Van Noortstraut, Jacob, y. m,, b. New York, and Annatie Stimets, y. d., bride b, and both 1. Acquiggenouck 1715 Sept 10 Vau Norden, Albert Janse, y. m., and Margrita Mattysse, y. d., both b. and 1. Ackinsack 1717 Feb. 9 Van Norden, Andries, wid'r of Rachel DeMaree, and Antie Laroe, y. d., b. Ackinsack, both I. here 1710 Aug. 12 Van Norden, Da-vid, y. m., and Jacomyntje Christi, y. d., both 1. Scralenburg, married Nov. 16 1727 Oct 20 Mar. 1 Aug. 20 Aug. 20 Mar. 18 Oct. 30 Oct 25 Dec 24 HacKenSacK chUrch marriage kEcoRbs. S69 Van Norden, I., y. m , and Rachel Van Sohieve, y. d., both 1. Schral enburg, mairied Oct 14 1726 Sept. 17 Vau Norden, Willem, y. m., b. and 1. Ackinsack, and Temprens Los- Terens,! y. d., b. Amboy, \. Raritan 1719 Van Norstrand, Jannitje, and Hartman Enochse FrelandS 1747 Van Norstrant, Jacob, y. m., and Rachel Huden, y. d.,' both 1. Bergen county Married 1747 Van Orden, Elisabeth, and Jan Aibertse A'an Voorhese 1721 Van Orden, Rachel, and Paulus Lots 1724 Van Rype, Jannetje, and Helming Van Houten 1750 Van Rypen, Sally, and WiUiam Anderson 1800 Van Saen, Jacob, y. m., and Jannetye Banta, y. d., both from Haok insack and 1. there, married Oct 1 1728 Aug. 31 Van Saen, Jacob, y. m., b. New York, and Rachel Bongaert, y. d., b. Haokinsack 1705 Van Saen, Jannetjen, and Guliaem Bogaert '. . . . 1736 Van Scbieve, Rachel, and I. Vau Norden 1726 Van Schive, Jacob, y. m., b. Acquiggenonck, aud Rachel Maris, y. d., b. and 1. Ackinsack 1724 Van Schyven, Elena, and Frans Post 1721 Van Schyven, Jannetie, and Jacob Kool 1723 Van Schyven, Trientjen, and Isack Verweele 1737 " Van Seyl, Abram, y. m., b. nnd 1. at Acquiggenonck, and Rachel Van Blerckom, y. d., b. aud 1. at Ackiusack 1715 Juue 4 Van Seyl, Dirck, y. m., b. aud I. at Acquiggenonck, and Trintie Van Blerckum, y. d., b. and 1. Ackinsack 1717 Van Seyl, Jacomyntje, and Joseph Woedt 1735 Van Seyl, Rachel, aud Lieving Baelmoor 1735 Van Sicgelen, Cornelia, and Jan Cornelisse Bauta 1708 Van Tessel, Dirck, y. m., b. Flipsburgh, and Christina Buys, y. d., b. Acquiggenonck, both 1. Flipsburg 1723 Van Voorhees, Jannetje, and Joannes Meyer 1747 Van Voorheese, Abigel, and Lambertus L'aroe 1742 Van Voorheese, Albert, y. m., and Cornelia Van Giesen, y. d, both b. and 1. Ackinsack, married June 20 1735 May 24 Van Voorheest, Isack, y. m., and Osseltyu Romein, y. d., both b. and 1. Haokinsack, married Nov. 26 1731 Oct 16 Van Voorheest, Jacobus, y. m., b. and I. Hackensack, and Jannetjen Akkerman, b. at Hackensack, 1. Peremes, married Sept. 22 . . , 1732 Aug. 5 Van Voorheest, Petrus, y. m., and Geesjen Romein, y. d., both b. and 1. Hackensack, married June 21 1734 May 25 Van Voorheest, Petrus, }'. m. , and Neesjen Romein, y. d. , both b. and \. Hackensack, married Junf 21 1734 May 25 Van Voorhese, Jan Aibertse, y. m., and Elisabeth Van Orden, y. d., both b. and b Ackinsack * 1721 Mar. 18 Aug. 26 July 31 Sept. 17 Feb. 7 Juue 3 July 28 July 2 June 22 Nov. 6 Oct 17 AprU 3 Feb. 9 Mar. 14 Sept 16 I Loveridge. 2 Vreeland. Oct 8 Dec 8 Sept 2 June 12 Dec 7 Oct. 30 Sept ,2 Mar. 6 Mar. 23 Sept 16 §l6 NMaV jersey COLONtAL DOCtJMENTS. Van Voorhese, Luoas, y. m , both from Haokinsack, and Annatje Kip, y. d., married Sept 2 1726 July 30 Van Voorhese, AVilm, and Maria Vau Gelder, married Jan. 26 1728 Jan. 6 Van Vorst, Gerrit, y. m., b. and 1. at Asemes, and Sara Walingse Van Winkel, y. d. , b. and 1. at Acquiggenonck 1714 May 22 Van Wagenen, Hessel, y. m,, and Jannitje Post, y. d., both 1. Acqueg nonk Married 1747 Vau Wagenen, Neesje, and Geurt Claesen 1744 Van Wageninge, Geesie Henderikse, and Marynes Simonse Van Winckel 1721 Van Winckel, Aeltie Siemense, and Juriaen Tomese 1714 Van Winckel, Margrita Simese, and Cornelis Breyhandt 1700 Van AVinckel, Margrita Symese, and Maerten AVinne 1697 Van Winckel, Marynes Simonse, j'. m, , and Geesie Henderikse Van Wageninge, y. d., both b. and 1. Acquiggenonck 1721 Van Winckel, Rachel Symese, and Johannis Koeman^ 1708 Van Winckel, Trintie Simese, and Isack Enogse Vreelandt 1706 Van Winckel, Trintie Walingse, and Egbert Sauderse 1710 Van Winkel, • Arie Simese, y. m., b. Coustabelshoek, and Annetie Tadese, y. d, , b. Wyhaecke, both living at Acquiggenonck. 1705 Oct 27 Van Winkel, Gidion Symese, y. m., b. and I. Acquiggenonck, and Jan netie Koemans, y. d , b. Albany, 1. in juris. New York 1708 Mar. 13 Van AVinkel, Jacob, y. m., and Froutje Gerriseu, y. d., both 1. Ak kwegnonk Married 1749 Dec. 8 Van Winkel, Jacob Jacobse, Junior, y. m., and Egie Pauls, y. d., both b. Bergen 1703 Mar. 6 Vau Winkel, Joannes, y. m., b. and 1. Akquegnonk, and Evaetjen Kip, y. d., b. and 1. Hackensack, married Oct 25 1747 Oct 24 Van Winkel, Johannes, y. m., and Jennikke Van Bos, y. d., both 1. under Akquegnonk , Married 1748 Dec 8 Van AA'inkel, Johannes Jacobse, y. m., b. and 1. Bergen, and Sitske Hendrikse Banta, y. d., b. and 1. Ackinsack 1712 AprU 19 Van Winkel, Johannes Simese, y. m,, from Acquiggenonck, and Antie Sanderse, y. d., b, Staten Island , 1704 Van Winkel, Lea Simese, and Isack Tomesen 1722 Vau AVinkel, Rachel, and Albert Akkerman 1718 Van Winkel, Sara, and Gerrit Van Vorst 1714 Van Winkel, Simon, y. m., b. and 1. Ackquegnouk, and Elizabeth De Grauw, y. d., b. and I. Hackensack, married May 5 1738 Mar. 21 Van Winkel, Tade, y. m., and Catharina Bord, y. d., both I. Akkweg- ii°iik Married 1736 Dec 17 Van Winkel, Walen, and Catharina Poulison 1800 Nov. 20 Van Zeil, Evert, y. m., and Hendirkje Verwey, y. 3., both from Hack- i'^^ack .^ 1728 AprU 6 Van Zeyl, Anna, and Abraham Bos IY40 July 31 Van Zeyl, Jannetie, and Johannes Van Blerkom I7I6 Mar 31 Oct. 14 Aug. 4 June 17 May 22 July 12 Aug. 1 Oct 25 Nov. 11 May 19 April 7 July 2 Oot 19 Juue 13 April 6 HACKENSACK CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 5 1 1 Van Zeyl, Lena, and Isaek Canklyn I74O j^iy 5 Varick, Abram, y. m., b. New York, and Anna Bertholf, y. d., b. Ack insack, both 1. here I7I8 Varick, Maritjen, and John McDowel I733 Varick, Martyntje, and Peter Zabrisky I747 Varick, Sara, and Jacob Zabrisky 1743 Veder, Hermanus, y. m. , 1. Haokinsack, and Aunaetjen Hennion, y. d. , 1- Tapan Married 1748 Verbryk, Domineer Samuel, y. m., and Susanna Van der Linde, y. d., both 1. in Jersey Married 1750 Vervele, .Johannes, y. m., b. New Utrecht, and Amelyntie Herte, y. d , b. Tappan 1703 Jan. Verweele, Isack, y. m , b. aud 1. Tappan, and Trientjen Van Schyven, y. d , b. and 1. Schraelenburg, married Aug. 12 1737 Verwey, Antie, and Miohiel Tadus 1706 Verwey, Elisabeth, aud Risyer Day 1737 Verwey, Hindirkje, and Evert Van ZeU 1728 Verwey, .Ian Cornelese, y. m., b. Long Island, and Catryn Louwerense Akkerman, y. d., b. Ackinsack, 1. here 1707 Feb. 16 Verwey, Lourens, y. m., b. and 1. Peremis, and Trientje DeMaree, y. d., b. and I. Ackinsack, married May 4 1738 April 8 Verwey, Neeltie, and Jau Stegge 1698 Nov. 26 Verwey, Vrouwtie, and Gerrit Vau Dien , 1696 Oct 21 Vigoor, Siaque,! w. of Catryn Pisiaer, and Neeltie Buys, w. of Jan Koerte ...1699 AprU 8 Vilisveldt Johannes, wid'r of Els Mary Smidt, 1. Tappan, and Amene Margridt Sterre, y. d,, 1. Reemepogh, from Germany 1723 Mar. 2 Visser, Pieter, y. m., from AVurtemburg, in Germany, and Catryua Van Deuse, y. d., b. Acquiggenonck, both 1. here 1722 Aug. 18 Volk, Abraham, y. m., b. Akkwegnonk, aud Rachel Ratan, y. d., b. New Barbadis Neck, married June 26, both 1. under Peremis. , 1741 May 15 Volker, Niclaes, y. m., b. Akkweggenonk, and Metje Akkerman, y. d., b. N. Britain, married Sept 1 1, both I. Peremis 1740 Aug. 2 Voorhesen, Jaoobus, and Polly Demarest 1801 Feb. 13 Vreelandt, Isack Enogse, y. m., b. Pemmepock, and Trintie Simese Van Winckel, y. d., b. Acquiggenouck, both I. at Acquigge nonck 1706 Mar. 23 Vreelandt, Jacob Elyasse, "y. m., b. Gemoenepan, and Antie Louwer ense Toers, y. d., b. Bergen 1703 Sept. 17 Vreelandt, Miohiel, wid'r of Gerritje Vau Houten, and Leentje Ro mein, y. d., I Haokinsack. married June 19 1790 June 13 A'reelandt, Trintie Elyasse, and Louwerens Van Galen 1700 July 13 Vreelandt, Dirck Johanuese, y. m., b. Acquiggenonck, 1. Gemoenepa, and Sitske Dirkse Banta, y. d., b. and 1. at Ackinsack 1716 May 12 1 Jacques. 512 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. W Waederum, Joannes, y. m., b. and 1. Harlem, and Weintje Ter Heun, y. d., b. and 1. Haokinsack 174S AprU 28 AValdron, Tanneke, and Jau Ariaense 1720 Mar. 25 Walingse, Jacob, y. m., b. Bergen, and Geertruut Brickers, y. d., b. Albany..." 1697 Oct 30 Wannemaker, Hendrik, y. m., and Elisabeth Frederiks, y. d,, both b. and I. Remmipog, married Dec. 20 1745 Oot 26 Wannemaker, Margriet, and Jacob ster 1741 Oct. 3 Wannemaker, Pieter, y. m., b. Darmstadt, and Anna Clara Smidt, y. d., b, Vigerland, both 1, in Bergeu Co 17 13 Feb. 28 Wannemaker, Pieter, y. m., aud Maria Schoert, y. d., both b. and 1. Remepog, married Aug. 15 1746 14 Watson, Maria, and Jacob Konink 1752 Nov. 26 Westerveldt, Aaeltie Lubberse, and Hendrick Jacobese 1707 Mar. 1 AVesterveldt, Ariaentie, and Hendrik Vander Linde 1715 May 7 Westerveldt, Benjamin Roelofse, y. m., and Hendrikie Bongaert, y. d., b. and I. Ackmsack 1723 Feb. 16 AA'esterveldt, Cornelis Juriese,! y. m., 1. Ackinsack, and .Antie Brey andt, y. d., 1. New Britain, both b. Ackinsaok 1723 Sept 14 Westerveldt, Gesie, aud Johannis Terhuyn 1725 April 10 Westerveldt, Geesie Jurriaense, and Jan Louwerense Vau Boskerk , . . , 1721 April 1 AVesterveldt, Geesie Roelofse, aud Pieter Vauder Linde 1710 Oot 21 Westerveldt Helena, and Claes Kuyper 1725 Dec. 23 Westerveldt, Jan Jurriaense, y. m. , and Sara Samuelse DeMaree, y. d , ,, both b. and b Ackinsack 1718 May 31 Westerveldt, Jan Jurriaense, wid'r of Sara Samuelse DeMaree, and Feytie Cornelese Herrings, y, d , b. and 1. Tappan 1719 Oot 31 Westerveldt, Jau Lubberse, y. m., b. Ackinsack, and Dircktie Huy berse Blaeuvelt, y. d., b. Tappan, both 1. here 1709 May 28 Westerveldt, Jannetie Roelofse, and Albert Romeyn 1710 April 8 AVesterveldt, Johannes Roelofse, y. m, , b. audi. Ackiusack, and Egie Pieterse DeGroot y. d., b. and 1. Bergen Co. 1718 Oct 11 AA'esterveldt, Jurriaen, wid'r of Antie Sibese Banta, and Cornelia Al berse, y. d., b. New Amersfoort 1703 April 17 AVesterveldt, Kasparis, y. m, , and Aeltie Bongaert, y. d., bothb. audi. Ackinsack 1715 May 7 Westerveldt Maritie, and Daniel Romeyn 1716 Mar. 17 AVesterveldt, Pieter Lubberse, y. m., and Susanna DeMaree, y. d., both b. at Ackinsack 1704 April 22 AVestervelt, Abraham, y. m., and Hendrikjen Van Boskerk, y. d., both b. aud 1. Haekinsaok , . 1744 Mar. 31 Westervelt, Albert, y. m., and Maritje Hoppe, y. d., both from Ackin sack, married April 16 1727 Mar. 9 1 Jurianse. Aug. 19 Sept. 15 Oct 15 Sept 28 Aug. 5 HACKENSACK CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 5 1 3 Westervelt, Angenitie, and Coenradus Vau der Beke 1717 May 25 Westervelt, Aguietjen, and David Romein 1736 June 5 Westervelt, Annatje, and Johannes Vau Gysen 1727 May 20 Westervelt, Beleetje, and David DeMaree 1750 Dec. 1 Westervelt, Benjamin, y. m., both b. Hackiusack, aud Marytje Lisier, y. d., both b. Hackiusack Married 1761 Oct 5 Westervelt, Oasparis, y. m. , b. Hackensack, and Sara Darje, y. d , b. Schralenbarg Married 1752 Nov. 10 Westervelt, David, y. m., and Tryntje Cool, y. d., both 1. at Ackin sack, married June 16 1727 May 7 Westervelt, Johannes, y. m., b. audi. Hackensack, and Leua Christy, y. d., b. aud I. Schralenburg Mariied 1751 Oct 5 Westervelt, Jurjen, wid'r, b. Long Isld., 1. Haokinsack, and Leude Romein, wid., b. Hackensack, 1 Wieremis, married Oct 6. ...1738 Sept 7 Westervelt, Jurriaen, wid'r of Geesie Bongaert, and Antie Sibese Bauta, y. d., b. Ackinsack 1699 Westervelt, Lea, and Lourens Vau Boskerk 1739 Westervelt, Maria, and Albert Alje 1748 Westervelt, Marytie, and Hendrick Brinokerhoff 1728 Westervelt, Osseltjeu, and Isaak Romein 1738 Westervelt, Roelof, y. m., and Trientjen Akkerman, y. d., bothb. and 1. Hackiusack 1737 Aug. 6 Westervelt, Roelof, y. m, , and Marytje DeGroot, both b. and 1. Hack ensack, married Dec. 6 1744 Nov. 3 AVestervelt, Roelof, y. m., b. Haokinsack, 1. Poughkeepsie, and Aija- entje Romein, y. d., b. and 1. Hackiusack, married June 16. . . . 1749 May 13 Westervelt, Steven, y. m., and HiUegontjen Ackerman, y. d. , both b. and 1. Hackensack, married Sept. 8 1733 Aug. 4 Westfield, Benjamin, and EUsabethRapp 1801 June 16 Willems, Elias, y. m., from 0. England, and Margrietje Van der Sehuere, y. d., b. N. York, married July 3, both 1. bere 1731 June 12 Willemse, Wouter, wid'r of Diwer Janse A'an Blerkum, 1. Acquigge nonck, and Magdaleentie Hertie, wid. of Johannes Vervelen, I. Bergen Co 1710 Feb. 21 Winne, Maerten, y. m., b. Albany, aud Margrita Symese Van Winckel, y. d, b. Asemes 1697 Oct 30 Woedt, Joseph, y. m., b. L. Island, 1. Rympoogh, and Jacomyntje Van Seyl, y. d., b. Peremis, 1. there, ent at Peremis Married 1735 Nov. 6 Woertendyck, Rachel, aud .Jan Lesly 1713 AprU 3 Wyndor, Margritia, and Abram Snyer 1718 Sept. 19 z Zabborwisco, Hendrick, y. m., and Geertru Hendrickse Hoppe, y. d., both b. and I Ackinsack 1719 May 16 Zaborischo, Christiaen, y. m. , and Lea Hendrikse Hoppe, ^. d. , both b, and b Ackinsaok 1715 May 28 34 514 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Zaborischo, Hendrikie, and Antonie Losier 1720 April 2 Zaborischo, Jan, y. m.,,b. Ackinsack, and Elysabeth Romeyn, y. d., b. Gravesant 1706 Sept 20 Zaborisco, Jacob, y. m., b. Pemmerpogh, and Antie Terhuynen, y. d., b. ou the Bay 1699 AprU 22 Zaboriscoo, Jan, wid'r of Elisabeth Romein, and Margrita DeRie, y. d., b. Ackinsack, both 1. bere 1712 Dec 6 Zaboriskoo, Joost, y. m., b. Ackinsack, and Cristina Meby, y. d., b. New York, both 1. at Ackinsack 1712 Nov. 1 Zaboriskwy, Rachel, and Joannes Akkerman 1738 Dec. 30 Zaborisk-wy, Steven, y. m., and Catrientjen Hoppe, y. d., both b. and 1. Peremus, married Feb. 13 1742 Jan. 30 Zaborisky, Albert, y. m., and Annaetjen Kip, y. d., both b. and 1. Ack insack, married Nov. 8 , . , . 1734 Oct. 5 Zaborisky, Albert, y. m,, b. Peremis, and Maritjen Hoppe, y. d , b. Hockhakens, 1. Hackiusack, married May 25 1739 April 28 Zaborisky, Albert y- ni-, and Tjelletje Akkerman, y. d., both b. Ack insaok, audi. Peremis, married June 16, 1739, ent at Peremis. Zaborisky, Jan, y. m., and Annaetjen Akkerman, y. d., both b. and 1. at Hackensack, married June 15 1739 May 12 Zaborowesky, Albert, and Aaltje Ackerman, y. d., both b. and 1. Pere mis Married 1739 Zabriscoo, Feytie, and Petrus Lozier 1723 Zabriski, Jacob, y. m., and Elisabeth Hoppe, y. d., both 1. Peremus Mariied 1792 Zabriskie, Albert, and Rachel Demarest 1799 Zabriskie, Baletie, and Harmen Lutkens 1801 Zabriskwv, Machtel, and Albert Bogart 1737 Zabrisky, Jacob, y. m., and Sara Varick, y. d., both b. aud 1. Ackin sack Married 1743 Nov. 11 Zabrisky, Peter, y. m., and Martyntje Varick, y. d., both 1. in Bergen couuty Married 1747 Oct 25 Zabrowisky, Hendrik, y. m., b. and 1. Peremus, aud Lea Hoppe, y. d., b. Goghakens, 1. Peremus, married Nov. 28 1746 Oct 18 Zabrowisky, Jacob, y. m., and Aaltjen Ter Heun, y. d., both 1. Pere mus Married 1748 AprU 8 Zabrowisky, Jacob, y. m., aud Lena Akkerman, y. d., both b. and 1. Peremis Married 1747 Aug. 7 Zabrowisky, Joost, y. m., and .Annaetje Ter Heun, y. d., both b. and 1. Hackensack, married Nov. 5 1749 Oct. 14 Zabrowisky, Rachel, and Domineer J. Hendrikus Goetschius 1750 Aug. 26 Ziggelensin, Hendrik, wid'r, b. and 1. Bergen, and Sara Akkermans, wid., b. and 1. Haokinsack, married Dec. 26 1733 Dec '8 Zika, Annaetje, aud Jacobus Alje 1752 May 18 Oct, 26 Mar. 2 Aug. 11 Dec 21 Feb. 9 Oct 21 Sehraalentargli Reformed (Duteli) Chureh Marriage Records, 1724-1801, The Reformed Dutch Church at Schraalenburgh, in Bergen County, was organ ized in 1724. Until 1731 it was under the same pastorate as the Hackensack Church. It united with Paramus in calling the Rev. Georgius Wilhelmus Mancius, December 23, 1730. On August 13, 1748, Schraalenburgh was reunited with Hackensack in calling the Rev. John Henricus Goetschius, as colleague with tbe Rev. Antonius Cur tenius, wbo had been in the latter church sinee 1730. In August, 1755, owing to a serious dissension in the denomination between the Coetus and the Conferentie par ties, the two congregations split, part adhering to Dominie Goetschius, while another party called the Rev. Johannes Schuyler, whose formal call is dated May 17, 1756. He resigned in 1759, and for .nine years Dom. Goetschius was the only regular minis ter in the two vUlages. The Rev. Cornelius Blauw ministered to the other party, 1768-1771, and tbe Rev. Warmoldus Kuypers, from 1771 untU his death. Sept 10, 1797. Dom. Goetschius died about November 14, 1774. The Rev. Theodorick Romeyn succeeded Dom. Goetschius, 1774-1784, aud was followed by the Rev. Solo mon Froeligh, 1786-1826. The Rev. Mr. Kuypers was succeeded by the Rev. James V. C. Romeyn, 1799-1833. Beoause of the complicated relations of tbe Hackensack and Schraalenburgh con-- gregations, the records of each supplement tbe other. The Schraalenburgh Church records have been well preserved, as is tbe rule witb tbe early Dutch churches. They include Consistories— 1731, 1748, 1753-1755, 1784-1799. Members— 1733-1772, 1782-1801. Marriages— 1724-1768, 1784-1802. Baptisms— 1724-1801. All the records of the Schraalenburgh Church, carefully translated from the Dutch, were printed iu 1891 by the Holland Sooiety of New York, as Part II. , Volume L, of tb(t Collections of that Society. Tbe marriage records herewith given are re printed, by permission, from that volume For couTenience of reference, however, they are here arranged in alphabetical order, males and females under the same alphabet The full entry is given in the case of the males ; in the case of the females, only the names of the parties aud tbe dates are given. For other information, the reader is referred to tbe introductory note to the Hack ensack Church Marriage Records, on p. 467. 5l6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. As to the meaning of Schraalenburgh (pronounced Skrawlenburg). In the Hol land language, schraal means slender, thin, lean, poor, dry, hungry, empty, weak, feeble, scanty, sharp, hoarse, scarce, niggardly, etc The name Schraalenburg'h ap parently signifies that the first settlers found it a difficult place iu which to make a living, either from tbe poverty of the soil, or other adverse circumstances. It is not unlikely, however, that the name is simply a translation of an earlier Indian appella tion, which may have been given from a single unhappy experience. A free render ing would be "Hardscrabble," a name often given to new settlements in New Jersey, aud elsewhere iu America. A list of unusual place-names found in the Hackensack Church records is given on page 468, with explanations. Here are some additional names of places, found iu the Schraalenburgh records : K'akiat, Kakkiat Kekeat, Kekkejet^now West New Hempstead, and Clarkstown, N. Y. , just north of tbe Bergeu Couuty line. Kindekemek, Kenderjemak — Kinderkemak, near tbe northern line of Bergen County. Kil, de Groote — the Great Kill, or River. Hudson's, or perhaps the Hackensack, River. Klooster — Gloster (cloister). Langheyland — Long Island. New Bridge — on the Hackensack River, about three miles above tbe village of Hackensack. Remebok — Ramapo. Teniefly — Tenafly; from the Dutch, t'eene Tallei, or tUj; "at a meadow." A set tlement between Hackensack and Englewood. Totuwa — Totowa; the Indian name of a neighborhood partly in the northwestern part of the city of Paterson, and the adjacent Borough of Totowa. Vestsester — Westchester, Wesel— a neighborhood on the west side of the Passaic riTcr, southeast of Paterson. Abbreviations.— y. m., jonge ¦man, young man, bachelor; y. d., jonge dochter, young daughter, girl, spinster; b., born; 1., living; res., residence; a., announce ment of the banns; m., married; ent, entered, or recorded; w., widow or widower. A Aarjansen, Annetjen, and Reiuier Cammenga, Sept 2 M. 1738 Oct 12 Ackerman, Rachel, and John A. AVestervelt 1784 Mar. 27 Adrianse, Gozen, w., res. at Staten Island, and Cornelia Banta, w., residence at Hakkensak M. witb license 1743 June 16 Aeenmebs, Catryntje, and Johu Post 1753 July 11 Akkerman, Aaltje, and Andries Hoppe 1790 April 24 Akkerman, Aaltje, and Cornelius Van Hoorn 1790 Aug. 12 Akkerman, Abraham, y. m., and Lydia De Moree, y. d 1753 AprU 29 Akkerman, Abram J., y. m., b. and 1. at Peremis, and Hester De Marest, y. d., b. and 1. at Hakkensak, m. July 31 A. 1746 June 14 Akkerman, Annaetje, and David Cammel 1760 May 26 SCHRAALENBURGH CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. Ji; Akkerman, Caty, and David Bogert 1793 Akkerman, Cornelius, y. m., aud Lena Voorhees y. d 1753 Akkerman, Cornelius, and Caty Berdan 1799 Akkerman, David, y. m., b. and 1. at Hakkensak, nnd Jannetjen Van Orden, y. d., b. and 1. at Schraleuburgh, m. May 10 1734 Akkerman, David, y. m., aud Nieltje Rykman, y. d 1763 Akkerman, David, and Alida Kuyper 1 796 Akkerman, Galin, y. m., and Annaetje Westervelt, y. d., both b. and 1. at Hakkensak, m. Oct 26 A. 1744 Akkerman, Jacobus, and Sarah Berdan 1798 Akkerman, Jannatje, and Egbert Vanzaan 1791 Akkerman, Jantjie, and Peter Rithan 1766 Akkerman, Johannes, y. m., and Aeltjin Kuyper, y. d., both b. and 1. at Schraleuburgh, m. Oct. 18 A. 1745 Akkerman, Johannes G , aud Maria Haring 1791 Akkerman, Jobn, and Cathryntje Vanvoorheese 1791 Akkerman, Louwrens, Jr. ,-b. at Hakkensak, and Aunaatje Peek, y. d., b. and 1. at Scbralenburgh 1763 Akkerman, Maria, and Albert Kuyper 1791 Akkerman, Marytjin, and Cornelis De Maree M. 1742 Akkerman, Niclaes, y. m., b. and 1. at Hakkensak, and Maria DeMar est, y. d., b. and 1. at Scbralenburgh, m. Nov. 25 A. 1747 Akkerman, Peter, and Jenny Goetscbius 1801 Akkerman, Rachel, and Hans Van Der Hoeve 1756 Akkerman,! Sally, and Evert Rykman 1763 Aljee, Sarah, and Joseph Rome 1796 AUmen, Jobn, y. m., and Maria Veltman, y. d 1766 Alye, Hannis, y. m., b. and I. at Hakkensak, and Annaetje Bissit, y. d., b. at Staten Island, res. Hakkensak, m. Mar. 13 A. 1746 Feb. Anderson, David, y. m., of Scbralenburgh, and Geertje Nagel, y. d., of Tappan , 1792 Anderson, EUzabeth, and Andries Zabriskie 1793 Anderson, John, and Maria Bogert 1792 Anneli, Pegge, and Egbert Van der Hoeve 1756 Applebee, James, y. m., and Martje Van Blerkom, y. d 1753 ~ Ariaase, Daniel, y. m., and Christina Kool, both of Clooster 1788 B Bank, James, w., and Mary Edsel, w 1753 Banta, Albert, y. m., and Leentje Voorhees, y. d 1756 Banta, Altje, and Dirk Wanemaeker , 1765 Banta, Anaatje, and Simon Demorest 1787 Banta, Annaetje, and Hendrik Heering 1763 Banta, Antje, and Cornelius Bogart 1765 1 SaUy Stillewill, wid. of Hannis Akkerman. See p. 470. Dec 15 May 6 Jan. 3 April 13 AprU 5 Sept 20 Sept. 1 May 27 Oct 1 Sept 8 Sept. 21 Nov. 18 Nov. 2 May 28 Feb. 23 Sept 29 Oot. 17 June 6 July 4 Jan. 9 Aug. 28 Mar. 16 Sept 21 July 21 Sept 20 Jan. 27 May 19 July 12 Aug. 14 Nov. 28 April 19 Dec 8 July 10 July 14 Dec 1^ AprU 12 July 22 June 16 April 9 Oct 1 Feb. 21 April 27 May 7 Dec. 14 Sept 28 Jan. 28 June 22 ^iS NEW JERSEY COLoNIAL DOCUMENTS. Bauta, Antje, and AVouterus Van Orden 1753 Banta, Antjen, and Jan Bogert M. 1746 Banta, Catrina, and Johannes Camcha 1751 Bauta, Cornelia, and Gozen Adrianse M. 1743 Banta, Cornelia, aud Willem Verburg 1758 Banta, Cornelius, and Lydia Vanzaan M. 1791 Banta, Daniel, y. m., and Maria Voorhees, y. d,, both b. and 1. at Hackensack, m. Mar. — 1784 Banta, David, and Rachel Vau Giesen 1799 Banta, Dirick, y. m, , and Maria Demorest, y. d. , both of Scbralen burgh, m. June 5 1791 Bauta, Etje, and Hendrick Lutkens. . . , 1791 Banta, Elisabeth, and Isac Stagg 1763 Banta, Helena, and John Christie , 1791 Banta, Helena, and David Westervelt 1791 Banta, Hendrick, y. m., b. and 1. at Schraleuburgh, and Rachel Brouwer, y. d., b. and 1. at Hakkensak, m. Aug. 12 A. 1738 July 15 Banta, Hendrik, y. m., b. aud 1. at Hakkensak, and Sara Heerdin, y. d., b. Raritans, res Hakkensak, m. Aug. 8 A. 1746 Banta, Hendrik, y. m., and Johaua Edsel, y. d 1766 Banta, Hester, and Niclaes Pryer 1760 Banta, Hester, and Joseph Prim 1750 Banta, Jacob, y. m., and Claasje Vau AVinkeleu, y. d 1754 Bauta, Jacob, y. m., and Lena Christeen, y. d ; 1756 Banta, Jan, y. m., b. at Peremis, res. Hakkensak, and Margrietje Durje, y. d, b. and I. at Scbralenburgh, m. Dec. 18 A. 1747 Nov. 14 Banta, Jan, y. m., and Trientje De Marest, y. d., both b. and 1. at Schraleuburgh, m. Dec. 10 A. 1747 Nov. 7 Banta, Jau, y. m., and Sara Demarest, y. d., both b. and 1. at Scbral enburgh, m. Sept 26 ' 1740 Banta, Jan, y. m., and Antje De Moree, y. d 1759 Banta, Janetje, aud Roeleph Bogart 1766 Banta, Jannatje, and Albert Demorest 1791 Banta, Jannetje, aud Jan Van Ripen 1756 Bauta, Jany, and Jacob Johanessen WesterTeld 1768 Banta, Johannes, and Tryntje Duryee 1790 Banta, John, and Sophia WesterTelt 1802 Banta, Lena, aud Frerik Webbers M. 1730 Bauta, Maretjen, and Petrus De Baan M. 1743 Banta, Margreta, aud Douwe R. WesterTelt 1802 Banta, Margrietje, and Niclaes Toers M., 1748 Banta, Maria, and Gedeon A'erveelen 1768 Banta, Mary, and Jacob Vreelant 1760 Banta, Marytje, and Jan Berdan 1758 Bauta, Marytje, and Guiljaem Boogert 1725 Bauta, Peter D., aud Sarab D. Froeligh 1796 Juue 14 June 15 Jan. 8 Aug. 10 Sept. 29 July 8 Aug. 23 May 27 July 24 Jan. 8 Nov. 20 Oct. 15 Oct. 10 Aug. 21 Oct 29 Aug. 5 June 12 July 24 May 5 Nov. 6 April 9 Mar. 28 May 16 SCHRAALENBURGH CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 5 IQ Banta, Rachel, and Peter Bogart I759 Banta, [Rachel],! and Theod. Willemsen 1767 Banta, Rachel, and Petrus Demarest 1 795 Banta, Samuel, j'. m., and Evaetje Berdan, y. d ; 1758 Banta, Samuel, and Lea Demarest I795 Banta, Santje, and Abraham Vander Beck I755 Banta, Sibe, and Rachel Loots 1763 Banta, Sy be, y. m., and Grietjin De Marest, y. d., both b. and 1. at Scbralenburgh, m. Nov. 14 A. 1735 Banta, Thomas, y. m., born at Hak'k, and Anna Stillevil, y. d 1761 Banta, Tomai, y. m., and Geertruy ter Hune, y. d 1766 Banta, Tryntje, and Henry Day 1791 Banta, Wiert, and Elizabeth Ekker M. 1790 Banta, Willemtje, and Samuel De Merest 1767 Banta, Zybe, y. m., and Lea Lizier, y. d., both 1. at Hakkensak, m. Sept 10 A. 1745 Bartolf, Henry, and Maria Brinkerhoff 1800 Bartolf, Jobn, and Lydia Leydekker M. 1787 Beardsley, Henry, and Charlotte Coldon 1796 Beck, Sarah, and Jacobus Demarest, Jr 1764 Beem, Jaoobus, aud Adriana Hoppe M. 1790 Beer, Hester, and Marte ter Huyne 1759 Beer, Maria, and Jacob Bogart 1759 Begon, Johanna, and Jacob Vau Saan 1754 Belb, Johannes, y. m., aud Margarith Remsen, y. d., both b. aud 1. at Tapiian, in Orange County 1761 Bell, Margrietje, and Abraham Conclin 1760 Bell, Sarah, and Jacob Wilse 1802 Bense, Johannis, of Harlem, N. Y., y. m., aud Elisabet Leydekker, y. d. , b. and 1. at Hackensack 1724 Bensen, Catlina, and Jacobus Brinkerhoff M. 1792 Benson, John J., y. m., and Maria AVestervelt, y. d., both b. aud I. at Schraalenburgh, m. May 15 1784 Bensse, Catlyntje, and Isac La Meter 1766 Bensse, Gerret, y. m,, and Eva Berdan, y. d 1754 Bentse, Rebecca, and Mathias Vreedenburg 1765 Benzaken, Symmey, and Charles PuUwood (not married) 1791 Berdan, Caty, aud Cornelius Akkerman 1799 Berdan, Eva, and Gerret Bensse 1764 Berdan, Evaetje, and Samuel Banta 1758 Berdan, Geertje, and Peter Van Vorheese 1794 Berdan, Geesje, and Cornelius Van Saan 1761 Berdan, Jan, y. m., and Marytje Banta, y. d 1758 Berdan, Jan, y. m., b. at Hakkensak, and Henkye Vau Dien 1760 Mar. 22 June 22 Mar. 14 May 4 Feb. 28 Mar. 31 Dec 15 Oct 18 Mar. 11 Sept 7 May 7 Jan. 23 July 28 Sept 7 Ai^ril 12 Sept 12 June 14 April 28 Oct. 16 Nov. 2 Nov. 27 April 3 Aug. 15 Aug. 18 Oct 27 May 3 Aug. 25 April 24 Jan. 11 Feb. 9 Oct. 9 Jan. 28 Jan. 3 Feb. 9 May 4 Feb. 2 July 2 April 9 June 10 I Blank in the record; supplied from the Banta Genealogy. Sept. 14 May 27 Sept. 11 Nov. 18 April 15 July 13 July 27 Mar. 5 Mar. 13 Dec 14 Sept 12 Oct 10 Oct 9 Oct 9 June 7 May 23 Oct 19 Aug. 23 520 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Berdan, Margrietje, and Jacob van der Beeck 1768 Berdan, Sarah, and Jacobus Akkerman 1798 Berden, Sara, aud Poulus Van Der Beek 1760 Berry, Hanna, aud Thomas Viel 1716 Berry, Philip, w., b. and 1. at Hakkensak, and Catharin Van AVinkel, y. d., I at Wesel 1761 Bertolf, Markyie, and Yuliaam ter Huin 1760 Bertholf, Martyntje, ,and Jacob Houtwater 1728 Bevaf, Saraiwel Gearves, aud Annatje Salle, at her home 1760 Bissit, Annaetje, and Hannis Alye M. 1746 Blanchard, Polly, and AVUliam CampbeU 1793 Blanchard, Susanna, and Isaac P. Vanderbeek 1799 Blauvelt, Abraham, y. m., of Tappan, aud Martyntje Demarest, y. d., b. and 1. at Hakkensak 1724 Blauvelt, Isaac, and Debora Fowler 1800 Blauvelt, Johannes Abrahamze, y. m. , b. and I. at Tappan, aud Rachel Davidze Demarest, y. d., b. and 1. at Hakkensak 1725 Blauvelt, Margrietje. and Theunis Helling 1728 Blauwveld, Daniel, y. m., born at Tappan, and Elisabeth Demarest, b. and 1. at Scbralenburgh 1762 Blauwvelt, Elizabeth, and Barent Kool I793 Blauwvelt, Maria, aud Cornelius Heniom 1760 Blinkerbof, Dirk, y. m., b. and 1. at Schraleuburgh, and Sara Vander Linde, y. d. , b. aud I. at Scbralenburgh 1764 Aug. 28 Blinkerbof, Joris, y. m., and Neeltjin Leydekker, j. d., both b, and 1. at Hakkensak, m. Mar. 26 1742 BUnkerhof, Margrietje, and Samuel De Marest M. 1747 Bodett, Sara, and Benjamin Westerveld , 1768 Bogart, Albert, y. m., and Sara De Marest, y. d , both b. and 1. at Hakkensak, m. Feb. 17 1743 Bogart, Cornelias, y. m , and Neeltje Lydekker, y. d 1761 Bogart, Cornelius, y. m., and Antje Banta, y. d 1765 Bogart Elisabeth, and Daniel Korsen ] 757 Bogart, Isaak, y. m., b. and 1. at Hakkensak, and Lea De Marest, y. d., b. and 1. at Schraleuburgh, m. Juue 4 1742 Bogart, Jacob Ch., y. m., and Sara Voorhees, y. d 1766 Bogart, Jan, y. m., and Margrietje De Marest, y. d., both b. aud 1. at Hakkensak, m. May 1 A. 1742 Bogart, Peter, y. m., and Rachel Banta, y. d 1759 Bogert Aaltje, and Thomas Brickel I8OO Bogert, Albert, y. m., and Sophia Westervelt, y. d., both of Sohralen- burgh j^787 Bogert, Aunaatje, and Matheus Demorest 1794 Bogert, Antje, and Stephen Westervelt 1798 Bogert, CorneUs, y. m., b. and I. at Hakkensak, and Elizabeth Zabor isky, y. d., b. aud 1. at Schraleuburgh, m. Sept 26 A. 1739 Aug. 26 Feb. 27 Nov. 19 Oot. 29 Jan. 22 Nov. 27 July 14 Feb. 18 May 1 Nov. 28 Mar. 28 Mar. 22 Nov. 28 Aug. 9 June 22 Nov. 25 SCHRAALENBURGH CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 52 I Bogert, DaTid, and Caty Akkerman . , 1793 Dec. 1 5 Bogert, Dirica, and Cornelius D. AA'esterTelt 1802 Sept 4 Bogert, Isaac, y. m., and Margreta Duryee, both of Scbralenburgh. . .1788 May 31 Bogert, Jacob, y. m., b. and 1. at Peremis, aud Maria Beer, y. d., b. at Hackensack 1759 Nov. 27 Bogert, Jan, y. m., and Antjen Banta, y. d., both b. and 1. at Hakken sak, m. AprU 12 A, 1746 Bogert, Jobn, y. m., aud Maria Kool, y. d., of Scbralenburgh 1793 Bogert, Margreta, and Cornelius Leydekker M. 1787 Bogert, Margreta, and AVUUam Campbell M. 1788 Bogert, Margreta, aud Petrus Brower 1791 Bogert, Maria, and Stephen Ter Huyn 1744 Bogert, Maria, and John Anderson 1792 Bogert, Maria, aud Michael Selyer 1798 Bogert, Matheus, y. m. , b. at Clooster, and Maria Demarest, y. d. , b. and 1. at New Bridge M. 1786 Bogert, Neeltje, and Ds. Peter D. Froeligh 1 802 Bogert, Peter, and Maria Simonson 1800 Bogert, Petrus, and Caty Yank, w. of Abraham Brouwer 1790 Bogart, Roeleph, y. m., and Janetje Banta, y. d 1766 Bogert, Sophia, and Peter Simonse Demarest 1762 Bogert, Sophia, aud Jacobus Demarest 1799 Bogert, Stephanus, and Beeletje Westervelt 180U Bogert, Willem, and Elizabeth Demarest 1796 Boogert, Guiljaem, y. m., and Marytje Banta, y. d., b. and I. at Hak kensak 1725 Boogert, Hendrik, and Margreta Westervelt 1786 Boogert, Jobn, y. m,, and Elizabeth Brinkerhoff, y. d., both of tbe Scbralenburgh Congregation 1 790 Boogert, Maritje, and Abraham Stek 1732 Boogert, Martyntje, and Abraham Haring 172 j Bordet, Catharina, and Edward Boylstoon 1763 Boskerk, David, y. m., and R-achel Van Hoorn, y. d., both 1. at Hak kensak, a. by the Lutherens M. 1745 Boskerk, Laurenes, and Gatbarinea Terhune M. 1790 Boss, Abraham, and Klaasje Hagewoudt 1802 Boss, WUlemtje, and Henry Erel 17o9 Bosskerken, Maria, and Samuel Quakkenbos 17f<7 Boylstoon, Edward, and Catharina Bordet 1763 Brain, Jobn, y. m., and Lena Erwersen, y. d 1760 Brasher, Sarah,! and Samuel Kool .- M. 1792 Bratt, Vrouwtje, and Robert Eerhart 1760 Brerner, Hanna, and John Welkerwan 1762 Brevoort, Catharina, and Dr. James S. Cannon 1796 1 Blank in the record. In the baptismal records of the Hackensack and Schraalenburgh ohurdhes the name is given as Sarah Brijdtshijt, Brysey, Brytsy. 35 Mar. 16 May 4 Jan. July 1 May 21 Nov. 4 Sept. 20 June 14 Nov. 24 Oot 28 Oct. 12 Nov. 4 July 24 May 3 May 11 April 14 Mar. 28 Mar. 28 Nov. 20 Aug. 6 Juue 23 ¦Mar. 28 May 2 Sept 27 Jan. 30 Juue 7 Dec 28 April 11 May 2 Mar. 16 Sept. 17 June 30 Jan. 11 Oct 6 522 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Brevoort, Margreta, and Albert Kogh 1798 Brevoort, Maria, and Jacob C. Zabriskie 1797 Brickel, Thomas, and Aaltje Bogert 1800 Brigs, Rachel, aud Casparus Mabee 1784 Brinkerhof, AUda, and Ds.2 Charles Hardenbergh 1802 Blinkerbof, Jacob, y. m., and Antje Voorhees, y. d 1749 Brinkerhof, Jacobus, y. m., aud Catryntje Van Voorhesen, y. d. ... 1767 Brinkerhoff, Albert, and Geestje Van Voorhesen , 1796 Brinkerhoff, Beeletje, and Nicasie Van Voorhesen 1797 Brinkerhoff, Caty, and Cornelius Leydekker 1790 Brinkerhoff, Elizabeth, and John Boogert 1790 Brinkerhoff, Jacobus, and Catlina Bensen, w. of De la Meter M. 1792 Brinkerhoff, Maria, and Henry Bartolf 1800 Brinkerhoff, Niclaes, y. m., and Styutie Van Voorhees, y. d 1762 Brinkerhoff, Siba, y. m., of Hackensack, and Aunaatje Van Voorheese, y. d., of Scbralenburgh, Nov. 26 M. 1791 Broadet, Catrina, and Lewis De Boi 1768 Brouwer, Abraham, y. m., and Caty Vonk, y. d 1763 Brouwer, Abraham, aud Maria Hofman 1795 Brouwer, David, and Sophia Demorest 1793 Brouwer, Derica, and Peter Christopher 1793 Brouwer, Hester, and Cornelias Vanzaan 1791 Brouwer, Jacob, y. m., and Jannetje Vander Beek, y. d 1753 Brouwer, Jau, y. m., and Rachel Van Brakelen, y. d 1754 Brouwer, Jau, and Marretje Hoppe, Aug. 29 M. 1790 Brouwer, Johannes, y. m., 1. at Bergen, and Francyntje Post, y. d., 1. at English Neighborhood 1790 Brouwer, John, and Phoebe Godwin M. 1792 Brouwer, Lea, and David Vanzaan 1791 Brouwer, Lea, and James Stagg 1765 Brouwer, Lea, and David Edward M. 1739 Brouwer, Maria Petrus, and Cornelius Taalman M. 1743 Brouwer, Marytjin, and Gerrid Westervelt M. 1743 Brouwer, Petrus, y. m. , and Dina DeGroot, y. d. , both b. and 1. at Hakkensack 1724 Brouwer, Rachel, and Hendrick Banta M. 1738 Brouwer, Samuel, y. m., b. and 1. here, and Marytje Hartje, y. d., b. and 1. at Naejek (Nyack) 1728 Brouwer, Susana, and Samuel De Moree 1768 Brower, Abraham, aud Elizabeth Devoe M. 1788 Brower, Abraham, and Elizabeth Hoppe 1798 Brower, Bregge, and Guliaam De Merest M. 1784 Brower, Hester, and Joseph Pierce 1797 Brower, Jenny, and CorneUus Van Hoorn , . . . , M. 1789 2 Dominus — pastor or teacher. Feb. 25 Dec 20 Nov. 28 July 31 Oot 28 April 21 Aug. 28 May 29 May 29 Oct 23 Aug. 6 Aug. '25 April 12 July 31 Dec 17 Nov. 2 April 3 Feb. 1 Jan. 24 Nov. 3 May 28 AprU 21 AprU 16 Sept 25 June 5 Mar. 4 Mar. 5 Oct 13 Dec 13 AprU 1 Sept. 11 May 30' Aug. 12 Nov. 9 Dec. 1 Feb. 16 Jan. 11 April 12 Nov. 20 Dec. 31 SCHRAALENBURGH CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 523 Brower, Nelly, and John Mercereau I795 jniy 12 Brower, Petrus, y. m., and Margreta Bogert, both of the Hackensack Church, May 21 M. 1791 June 21 Brown, Hendrik, of Ramapogh, y. m., and Maria Nos, y. d., also of Ramapogh, Oct 19 M. 1792 Nov. 29 C Cadmus, Catrina, and Cornelius Vreelant 1756 Dec. 8 Cambel, James, y. m., 1. in Queens Co., N. Y., aud Sara Demarest, y. d., L al Scbralenburgh M. with a license 1745 Dec 26 Camcha, Johannes, w., and Catrina Banta, w 1751 July 22 Camcha, Lena, and John Ekker I759 May 26 Cammel, Christian, y. m., and Dirkje Verveelen, y. d 1766 Aug. 25 Cammel, David, y. m., and Auaetje Akkerman, y. d , . . . 1760 May 26 Cammenga, Reinier, y. m., b. at New Utrecht, L I., and 1. at Scbral enburgh, and Annetjen Aarjansen, b. on York Island and I. at Sohralenbiirgb, m. Oot 12 , 1738 Sept 2 Cammel, Sam., y. m., and Cornelia DeMore, y. d 1767 May 22 Cammel, Thomas, y. m., and Maria Watson, y. d 1766 Deo. 24 Campbell, David, y. m., and Elisabeth Lazhier, y. d., both of Scbral enburgh M. 1787 Sept 27 Campbell, Elizabeth, and Jacob Woertendyck M. 1792 Dec. 7 Campbell, Elizabeth, and Rynier Earl M. 1789 July 3 Campbell, Peter, and Maria Westervelt 1801 May 24 Campbell, Simon, and Alida Lashier 1800 July 5 CampbeU, Thomas, and Catharine Spier, w. of — Swartwoud. ..M. 1793 Feb. 2 Campbell, William, and Margreta Bogert M. 1788 July 1 CampbeU, William, and Polly Blanchard 1793 Dec 14 Cannon, Dr. James S., and Catharina Brevoort 1796 Oot 6 Canselje, Jobn Dolf, and Elizabeth Devoe 1796 April 30 Oarlock, Coenraad, and Peggy Helm M. 1791 Nov. 19 Cariock, Hendrik, aud Peggy Miller 1795 Mar. 27 Carnwel, Jany, and David De Maree 1768 Mar. 27 Cassarje, M., aud Abraham Hardenberg 1752 June 1 Christi, Antje, and David Danielse. Demarest 1730 Sept. 12 Christi, Antje, and Cornelis Stegge M. 1734 Mar. 7 Christi, Grietje, and Daniel Westervelt 1766 May 25 Christi, Lea, and Jacobus Van Orden M. 1733 Aug. 9 Christi, Lena, and Jacob Quakenboss 1755 Nov. 10 Christie, Antje, and John Meyer 1799 Nov. 30 Christie, Dirica, and Abraham Demarest 1797 Sept 9 Christie, John, y. m., and Helena Banta, y. d., both of the Scbralen burgh Church, Jan. 28 M. 1701 Feb. 17 Christie, Margreta, and Aary Westervelt 1802 Feb. 19 Christie, Nietje, and John Folk 1802 July 3 Christie, Sarah, and Jobn Demorest M. 1788 May 13 Nov. 18 Oct 15 Nov. 27 July 8 June 28 Sept 23 Nov. 3 May 6 524 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Christie, AVUliam, and Catalina Westervelt 1797 Christie, AViUiam J. , and Sarab Durie 1796 Christie, William J., and Tyne Durie 1802 Christeen, Lena, and Jacob Banta 1756 Christeen, Sara, aud Abraham Mattanje 1754 Christen, Maria, and PhUip Marein M. 1737 Christopher, Peter, and Derica Brouwer 1793 Christy, Elizabeth, and Pieter Reydoud M. 1742 Christy, Joannes, y. m., and Beeletje De Maree, y. d., both b. and 1. at Schralenburg, m. Sept. 14 A. 1733 Aug. 18 Codden, WUlem, y. m., b. - at Philipsburg, and Maria De Merest, b. and 1. at Hakkensak 1731 Coldon, Charlotte, and Henry Beardsley 1796 (Joie, Sarah, and David Van Hoorn 1800 Collins, Abraham, and Caty Hoogland 1795 Concklin, David, and Femmetje Concklin M. 1792 Concklin, Femmetje, aud David Concklin M. 1792 Concklin, John, and Sophia Pearsels 1797 Conclin, Abraham, y. m., and Margrietje Bell, y. d 1760 Conklin, Charles, aud Elizabeth King M. 1793 Conklin, Jacob, and Mary Quidon 1794 Conklin, Mary, and Hendrik Shuwert 1766 Cool, Abraham, y. m., and Mary Westervelt, y. d., both b. and 1. at Schralenburg 1731 Oct 29 Cool, Bareut, y. m., b. aud 1. at Tappan, and Christina Doolhagen, y. d., b. New York and 1. at Tappan 1725 May 1 Cool, Barent, y. m., both b. and 1. at Scbralenburgh, and Sarah Deda- rier, y. d., b. and 1. at Hackiusack, July 15 M. 1784 Cooper, Hanna, and Richard Cooper M. 1787 Cooper, Richard, and Hanna Cooper, both of Schraleuburgh M. 1787 Cornel, Albert y. m., and Sarah Groot, y. d., b. Kindergemek 1763 Cornell, Rachel, and Jacob Kool 1751 Coulbag, Catharin, and George Grotius 1763 Couwenhoven, Jacob, and Alida Westervelt , . . . , 1796 Couweuboven, Rachel, and Jaoobus Westervelt M. 1792 Cristy, Daniel, y. m., aud Feitje De Maree, y. d., both b. and 1. at Schraalenburgh, m, July 26 A. 1746 June 22 Cristy, David, y. m., and Weybrig Vau Orden, y. d., both b. and 1. at Schraleuburgh, m. April 23 A. 1741 Mar. 28 Cristy, Rachel, and David Edward M. 1745 July 14 Crom, Flores, y. m, , and Maria Kool, y. d 1749 Dec 29 Crysty, AVUlem, y. m., and CatalyntjenDe Maree, y. d., both b. and I. at Scbralenburgh, m. Sept 20 A. 1743 Aug. 20 Cuyper, Cornelius, y. m. , b. at Scbralenburgh, aud Nelly Stouteuburg, y. d., b. N. Y., and 1. at Sohraleubuvgb, April 10 , M. 1784 May 9 Dec. 11 June 14 Feb. 15 Feb. 1 Dec 2 Dec 2 Mar. 4 Aug. 18 Jan. 27 Feb. 2 May 24 July 31 May 13 May 13 Jan. 25 Feb. 7 Mav 7 May 17 Mar. 23 SCHRAALENBURGH CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 525 Cuyper, Klaes, y. m., b. and 1. at Neejek (Nlyack), and Elena Wester velt, y. d., b. aud 1. at Hakkensak. . . , 1725 Nov. 27 D Davenport, Isaac, aud Efje Pool I799 April 22 Davenport, Jaoobus, y. m., and Rachel Hardenberg, y. d 1759 Nov. 8 David, Maria, and Jaoobus Lesier 1732 Oct 26 Day, Ansetje, and John Westervelt 1766 Mar. 2 Day, David, y. m , and Sara Moor, y. d 1767 Nov. 12 Day, Henry, y. m., aud Tryntje Banta, y. d,, both of the Scbralen burgh Cburch, May 7 M. 1791 Juue 5 Day, Johu, y. m. , and Jane Lee, y. d 1761 Aug. 13 Day, Lisabeth, and Sam'l Day 1759 Jan. 4 Day, Maria, and Jacobus Quick 1759 April 3 Day, Maria, aud Jacobus Leydekker M. 1790 Sept. 25 Day, Nathaniel, y. m., and Maria Van Wagenen, of Scbralenburgh M, 1792 Dec 1 Day, Samuel, aud Santje Sisko, w. of John Ree, of Scbralenburgh M. 1791 Sept 4 Day, Sam'l, y. m., and Lisabeth Day, y. d 1759 Jan. 4 Day, Willem, y. m., and Margrietje De Groot, y. d 1753 Jan. 18 Day, Willem, y. m., and Lisabeth Houser, y. d 1759 Jan. 4 Day, AVUlem, y. m., and .Antje Mash, y. d 1762 May 31 De Baan, Christina, and Hillebrant Lesier 1728 June 29 Debaan, Cbristeyaan, y. m., b. at Scbralenburgh, and Rachel Helm, y. d, b. at Peremis 1761 Nov. 7 DeBaan, Petrus, y. m., b. and I. at Schraleuburgh, and Maretjen Banta, y. d., b. and I. at Hakkensak, m. .Aug. 5 A. 1743 July 9 Debaan, Petrus, and Lena Van Voorhesen 1794 Sept. 13 De Baen, Margrietje, and Theodorus Remsen M. 1738 June 23 De Boi, Lewis, y. m., and Catrina Broadet, y. d 1758 Nov. 2 Dedarier, Sarah, and Barent Cool 1784 July 31 Dee, Janetje, Aethiopes, ! and Jacobus De Groot 1768 Mar. 17 Dee, Santje, Athiopes, ! aud Sem Sisko 1764 Oot 20 DeGrauw, Henkje, and Johannes Luttlet 1766 July 2 1 DeGroot, Dina, and Petrus Brouwer ' 1724 May 30 De Groot, Dina, and Benjamin Lezier M. 1734 Feb. 8 Degroot Jacob, and Rachel Rafter 1799 July 1 De Groot, Jacobus, y. m., and Janetje Dee, y. d., Aethiopes 1768 Mar. 17 De Groot, Margrietje, and WiUem Day 1753 Jan. 18 De Groot, Maiytje, and Sam' Moor 1760 Feb. 10 Degroot, Nicolaes, and Gertruy Vansys 1794 Jan. 25 De Groot, Rachel, and Marmeduk Erel 1753 Mar. 8 De Klark, Daniel, y. m., and Sara Nagel, y. d 1766 Sept. 26 De La Meter, John, y. m., and Sytje Maibie, y. d 1750 Aug. 15 DeMare, GuUam, y. m., and Feitjen Van Der Linde, y. d., both b. andb at Hakkensak, m. Sept 29 1737 Sept 8 1 Negro. Sept 3 Sept 14 Sept 20 Aug. 21 July 26 Sept 29 May 15 Sept. 9 Oct 16 Sept 16 AprU 12 Sept. 28 Oct. 12 Nov. 26 526 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. DeMare, Pieter, y. m., b. and 1. at Scbralenburgh, and Jannetjen Van Der Linde, y. d., b. and 1. at Hakkensak, m. Sept. 29 1737 De Maree, Beeletje, aud Joannes Christy M. 1733 De Maree, Gatalyntjen, and AVillem Crysty M. 1743 De Maree, Cornelis, y. m., b. and 1. at Scbralenburgh, and Marytjin Akkerman, y. d., b. and res. at Peremus, m. Sept 29 1742 De Maree, Feitje, and Daniel Cristy M. 1745 De Maree, Lea, and Samuel De Maree M. 1742 ' De Maree, Samuel, y. m., aud Lea De Maree, y. d., both b. and 1. at Scbralenburgh, m. Sept 29 1742 Demarest, Abraham, and Dirica Christie 1797 Demarest, Albert, and Catharina Vanvoorbese 1802 De Marest, Annaetjen, and Roelof Van Der Linde M. 1743 De Marest, Annetje, and Niclaes Pietersen M. 1748 Demarest, Beeletje, and Pieter Houtwater 1728 De Marest, Billetjin, and Niclaes Romein M. 1739 Demarest, Daniel, and Hellena Van Voorheesen, w. of John Hoppe. . . 1790 Demarest Dauiel, y. m. , and .Jantje Van Boskerk, y. d., both b. and 1. at Scbralenburgh 1761 Mar. 13 Demarest, Daniel, y. m., b. at Scbralenburgh, and Sophia Westerveld, y. d, , b. at Kendergemak 1762 Aug. 26 Demarest, David, w. of Marytje Lesier, and Cathrina Van Houten, y. d. , b. aud 1. at Tappan 1729 Jan. 8 De Marest, David, y. m., aud Maritjen De Marest, y. d., both b. and 1. at Schraleuburgh, m. Oct. 29 A. 1736 Sept 26 De Marest, David, y. m., and Catherine Seckor, y. d., both 1. at Hak kensak M. with license 1748 July 10 Demarest, David, w., b. and 1. at Schraalenburgh, and Anaatje ter Huiu 1759 Aug. 7 Demarest, David, y. m., b. and 1. at Schralenburg, and Jantje Zebriske, y. d. , b. and 1. at Peremis 1761 Mar. 13 Demarest David, y. m., b. at Scbralenburgh, and Maria Ter Huin, y. d., b. at Peremis 1766 June 17 Demarest, David B., and Ester Vanzaan 1798 Dec 31 Demarest, David Danielse, y. m., and Antje Christi, y. d., both b. and 1- bere I730 Sept 12 Demarest, David D., y. m., and Maria Van Orden, y. d., both of Scbralenburgh 1789 De Marest, Elizabeth, and WiUem Kempbeel ' M. 1736 Demarest, Elisabeth, and Daniel Blauweld 1762 De Marest, Elizabeth, and Jan Endersen M. 1736 Demarest, Elizabeth, and James Westervelt 1789 Demarest, Elizabeth, and AVillem Bogert 1796 De Marest, Elsjin, and Niclaes De Marest M. 1748 De Marest, Feytjen, and Jacobus De Marest M. 1743 Sept. 16 June 19 Aug. 19 May 23 Jan. 23 Aug. 2 Mar. 28 July 10 May 21 Nov. 14 July 31 May 11 April 20 SCHRAALENBURGH CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 527 Demarest, Gilliata, y. m., and Lea Goetschius, both of the Scbralen burgh Church 1791 De Marest, Grietjin, and Sybe Banta M. 1735 De Marest, Hester, and Abram J. Akkerman M. 1746 Demarest, Jacobus, and Sophia Bogert 1799 Demarest, Jacobus, and Helena Demorest 1791 Demarest, Jacobus, y. m., and Maria Westervelt, y. d., both of Schral euburgh 1787 May 29 De Marest, Jacobus, y. m., b. aud L at Scbralenburgh, and Feytjen De Marest, y. d., b. and 1. at Hakkensak, m. Sept 16 A. 1743 Aug. 20 Demarest, Jacobns, Jr., y. m., b. at Hakkensak, and Sarab Beck, b. at Schraleuburgh 1764 Demarest, Jenny, and Cornelius Meyer 1795 Demarest, .John, and Hannah Lashier 1800 Demarest, Juliaam, y. m., b. at Schraleuburgh, aud Susanna Rethan, y. d., b. at Peremis 1761 Demarest, Lea, and Roelof Westervelt 1731 Demarest, Lea, and Samuel Davidz. Demarest 1732 De Marest, Lea, and Isaak Bogart M. 1742 Demarest, Lea, and Jaoobus Quackenbos Demarest, Lea, and Samuel Banta 1 795 De Marest, Lidia, and Roelof Romein M. 1745 Demarest, Margaret, and Cornelius Vandien 1792 Demarest, Margreta, and John Toers 1792 Demarest, Margreta, and James Forrester 1798 De Marest, Margrietje, and Jan Bogart M. 1742 Demarest Maria, and Abraham Haring. 1731 De Marest, Maria, and Kornelis Van Hoorn M. 1737 De Marest, Maria, and Isaek Van Saan M. 1739 De Marest, Maria, and Niclaes Akkerman M. 1747 Demarest, Maria, and Matheus Bogert M. 1786 Demarest, Maria, and Jacobus Demorest > 1793 Demarest, Maria, and Willem Eli 1793 De Marest, Maritjen, and David De Marest M. 1736 Demarest, Martyntje, and Abraham Blauvelt 1724 DeMarest, Niclaes, y. m., and Elsjin De Marest, y. d , both 1. at Scbralenburgh M. with license 1748 Demarest, Peter B., and Aunaatje Folk 1802 Demarest, Peter Peterse, y. m., b. and 1. at Scbralenburgh, and Lydia Hoppe, y. d., b. and 1. at Peremis , 1762 May Demarest, Peter Simonse, y. m., b. and 1. at Schraleuburgh, aud Sophia Bogert, y. d., b. and 1. at Tappan 1762 Demarest, Petrus, and Rachel Banta 1795 Demarest, Rachel, and Paulus Martense 1730 De Marest, Rachel, and Klaes Zaboriski M. 1735 De Marest, Rachel, and Cornelis De Remis ¦. M, 1744 April 18 May 30 Dec. 31 Mar. 13 May 15 Sept. 16 June 4 Feb. 28 Aug. 16 July 21 June 15 Dec 1 May 1 Nov. 23 Oct 21 Sept. 20 Nov. 25 Nov. 24 Feb. 28 May 20 Oct. 29 Oct 10 July 10 Sept. 4 May 3 Mar. 14 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Dec 17 528 NEAV JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Demarest, Rachel, and David Terhune 1800 Demarest, Rachel Davidze, and Johannes Abrahamze Blauvelt 1725 Demarest, Rebekka, and John Enderzen 1766 De Marest, Samuel, y. m., 1. at Tappan, and Margrietje BUukerhof, y. d., b. and 1. at Hakkensak, m. Nov. 19 A. 1747 Demarest, Samuel, and Metje Van Voorhesen 1795 Demarest, Samuel Davids, w. of Antje Lesier, and Lea Demarest, y. d. , b. and 1. at Hakkensak 1732 De Marest, Sara, and Cornelis Van Houten M. 1739 Demarest, Sara, and Jan Banta M. 1740 De Marest, Sara, aud Albert Bogart .M. 1743 Demarest, Sara, and James Cambel Al. 1745 De Marest Susanna, and Hannis Peek M. 1739 Demarest, Susanna, and Benjamin Vau Boskerk 1725 De Marest Trientje, and Jau Banta M. 1747 De More, Cornelia, and Sam. Cammel 1767 De More, Elisabeth, and Cornelius Van Saan 1765 De More, Jacob, y. m., and Maretje Smith, y. d 1758 De Moree, , ! aud Albert Ter Huune ] 751 De Moree, Af je, and Abraham Kool 1757 De Moree, Antje, and Jan Banta 1759 De Moree, Benjamin, y. m., and Catryntje Van Orden. y. d 1768 De Moree, Cornelius, y. m., and Maatje Ekkersen, y. d 1751 De Moree, David, y. m., and Jany Carnwel, y. d 1758 De Moree, Hans, y. m., and Nelly Rykman, w 1763 De Moree, Jacob, y. m. , and Lisabeth Steenbrander, y. d 1768 De Moree, Jacob, y. m., and Rachel Siaker, y. d 1749 De Moree, Lydia, aud Abraham Akkerman 1753 De Moree, Maria, aud Jacobus Westervelt. , 1754 De Moree, Maritje, and Richard Eaton 1755 De Moree, Samuel, y. m., and Susana Brouwer, y. d 1763 De Moree, Sara, and Jacob Kool 1753 De Moree, Sara, and Benjamin Sloot 1759 See also More and Moree. De Moore, Salome, and Dr. Hendrikus Schoonmaeker 1765 Demorest, Albert, y. m., and Jannatje Banta, y. d 1791 Demorest, Annatje, and Coenradus Vanderbeek M. 1789 Demorest, Beeletje, and Jan Duryee 1790 Demorest, Beeletje, and John Van Voorhesen 1794 De Merest, Daniel, y. m., and Cornelia Lydekker, y. d 1762 De Morest, David, w., and Leua Voorhees, w 1760 De Morest, GuUaam, y. m. , and Bregge Brower, y. d, , both b. and L near tbe New Bridge, m. April 12 1784 Demorest, Helena, and Jacobus Demarest M. 1791 Feb. 1 Oct 9 Jan. 27 Sept 26 De(J. 31 Sept 16 Dec 13 Sept 26 Feb. 17 Dec 26 Sept 21 Mir. 21 Dec 10 May 22 June 13 Feb. 26 Nov. 18 April 11 May 27 Dec 24 Aug. 9 Mar. 27 Oct 16 Aug. 27 Jau. 12 AprU 29 Nov. 5 Nov. 29 Dec 1 April 24 April 17 June 23 Jan. 8 Sept 5 April 30 April 12 June 9 Dec 6 Mar. 20 AprU 20 1 Blank in the record; probably Maria. SCHRAALENBURGH CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 529 Demorest, Jacob, y. m., and Catharina MiUer, y. d., of Sehral- enburgh j,^g2 Demorest, Jacobus, and Elizabeth EU M 179^ Demorest, Jacobus, aud Maria Demarest 1793 Demorest, John, and Sarah Christie, pr. license M. 1788 Demorest, Lucas, y. m,, of GauuawagB, Pennsylvania, and Maria Demorest, y. d., of Schraleuburgh, m. Aug. 26 1789 Demorest, Margreta, aud Albert Van Voorheese M. 1791 Demorest, Margreta, aud Christiaan Shute 1791 Demorest, Maria, and Dirick B.mta 1791 Demorest, Maria, aud Benjamin Westervelt 1792 Demorest, Maria, and Lucas Demorest I789 Demorest, Matheus, aud Aunaatje Bogert I794 De Morest, Moria, and AVillem Codden I73I De Morest, Moria, and Thomas Ekkcse 1732 De Morest, Rebekka, and Staes Reinse I7.53 De Morest, Samuel, y. m., and AViUemtje Banta, y. d 1767 Demorest, Simon, y. m., and Anaatje Banta, y. d, both of Scbralen burgh. M. 1787 Demorest, Sophia, and David Brouwer 1 793 De Morest, Vrouwtje, and Samuel Wood 1781 De Remis, Cornelis, y. m., b. and 1. at Preekuis, and Rachel De Jlar- est, b. and 1. at Hakkensak, m. Dec. 17 1744 Devoe, Abraham, and Sarab Huyler I799 Devoe, Elizabeth, and Abraham Brower 1788 Devoe, Elizabeth, and John Dolf Canselje 1796 Devoe, Jobn, and Helena Godwin 1791 Dietzort, Eva, and Barent Van Hoorn 1 761 Dirje, Agenitje, and Barent Nagel 1763 Dirje, Gerret, y. m., and Catlyntje Kuyper, y. d 1767 Dlrje, Martyntje, and Casparus AVestervelt 1755 Dobbs, Mary, aud Simon Romine 1793 Doolhagen, Christina, and Barent Cool 1724 Dorgee, Peter, y. m., b, in Duitschland (Germany), and Elisabeth Poulse, y. d., b. at Peremis 1766 Dubois, Thomas, and Sarah Vervelen 1799 Darie, Jan, w., born at Hakk., res. Scbralenburgh, and Jannetje Peek, w., b. and res. at Scbralenburgh, m. Jan. 1, 1741 1740 Durie, Rebekka, and John Meyer 1793 Durie, Sarab, and AVUliam J. Christie 1796 Durie, Tyne, and William J. Christie 1802 Duriee, Rachel, and Albert Westervelt 1791 Durje, Jan, y. m., b. and I. at Schralenburg, aud Weintje Leydekker, y. d., b. and 1. at Hakkensak, m. Oct. 19 1744 Durje, Jannitjen, and Reinier Woertendyk M. 1746 Durje, Margrietje, and Jan Banta M, 1747 36 Oct 6 June 27 Feb. 28 May 13 Aug. 16 Nov. 6 Mar. 19 May 7 Jan. 4 Aug. 16 Juue 22 Dec. 11 April 6 June 1 July 28 Dec. 8 Jan. 24 May 15 Dec. 13 Jan. 7 Feb. 16 April 30 Jan. 26 Oct. 2 Dec. 15 Sept 25 Nov. 29 April 1 May 1 Juue 17 April 4 Dec 31 Oct 27 Oct 15 Nov. 27 Nov. 24 Sept 19 Dec 10 Dec 18 S30 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Durje, Marytje, and Jan Westervelt M. 1747 Durje, Kachel, and Rem Remse 1739 Durje, Sara, and Fredericus AVoertendyk M. 1748 Daryee, Greetje, aud Jacob Kool, Jr 1787 Daryee, Jan, y. m., and Beeletje Demorest, y. d., both 1. at Schraleu burgh 1790 Duryee, Margreta, aud Isaac Bogert ". 1788 Durye, Sara, and Benjamin AVestervelt 1784 Daryee, Tryntje, and Johannes Banta 1790 Dye, Hester, and Henrik Labach 1754 Dye, Janty, aud John Varik 1749 Dye, Lisabet, and Claes Emmanuel 1758 E Earl, Nathanael, y. m,, and Polly AVUliams, y. d., both born at Hak kensak 1757 Earl, Rynier, and Elizabeth Campbell , 1789 Earle, Albert, and Jannatje Terhune , . . . 1799 Eaton, Elizabeth, and Uzal Meeker 1794 Eaton, Margreta, aud AVUliam AVilliams 1790 Eaton, Richard, y. m,, aud Miritje De Moree, y. d 1755 Edsel, Anu, aud Abel Smith 1763 Edsel, Catriua, aud Charles Wiggins 1762 Edsel, Johaua, and Hendrik Banta 1766 Edsel, Lisabeth, and Antelbee Erel 1753 Edsel, Mary, and James Bank I753 Edward, David, y. m , b. at Hogelant (Highland), living at Hakken sak, and Lea Brouwer, y. d., b. and I. at Schraleuburgh, m. Deo. 13 I739 Edward, David, w., I. at Scbralenburgh, and Rachel Cristy, w., b. and 1. at Scbralenburgh, m. July 14 1745 Eerhart, Robert y. m., and Vrouwtje Bratt, y. d. 1760 Eidenstein, Rachel, and Simon Vreelant 1756 Ekkese, Thomas, y. m., b. N. Y. and 1. at Tappan; aud Moria De Morest, y. d., b. and I. at Hakkensak 1732 Ekker, Aunaatje, and Abraham Lozier 1790 Ekker, Elizabeth, and Wiert Banta I79O Ekker, John, y. m., and Leua Camcha, y. d I759 Ekkerse, Angonietje, and Thomas Toers 1789 Ekkersen, Maatje, and Cornelius De Moree I75I Eli, Alida, and John Poulesse 1794 Eli, Elizabeth, and .Jacobus Demorest. . . , 1791 EU, Willem, aud Maria Demarest I793 EUen, Abraham, y. m., and Maria d. Moree, y. d 1764 Eltinge, Ds. W, , and Jaue Huysman I801 Emmanuel, Claes, y. m., and Lisabet Dye, y. d I758 Dec 18 AprU 3 Jan. 2 AprU 30 May 31 Sept. 4 Oct 10 Aug. 22 June 15 June 25 Feb. 10 Juue 11 Dec 25 Jan. 16 Jan. 1 Nov. 29 Oct 24 May 31 June 15 Aug. 6 Aug. 14 Oct 27 Jane 22 June 30 Dec 19 AprU 6 Oct 30 Jan. 23 May 26 July 11 Aug. 9 April 20 June 27 May' 20 Juue 26 Oct 12 June 25 Jau. 27 Aug. 5 Deo. 28 Nov. 14 Mar. 8 Mar. 16 Nov. 3 SCHRAALENBURGH CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 53 I Endersen,- Jan, y. m., b. iu Scotland, and Elizabeth De Marest, y. d., b. and 1. at Hakkensak, Jan. 23 1736 Jan. 3 Endersen, Marya, and Christiaen Vafl Hoorn 1768 Mar. 18 Enderson, Niclaas, y. m., b. in New I'ork, and Elisabeth Laawse, y. d., b. in Hogeduitsland (Germany) 1766 Oct. 14 Enderzen, John, y. m., b. at Hakkensak and 1. at Schraleuburgh, aud Rebekka Demarest, y. d., b. and I. on the Flats 1766 Erel, Antelbee, y. m., and Lisabeth Edsel, y. d 1763 Erel, Henry, y. m., and Willemtje Boss, y. d 1759 Erel, Lorense, y. m,, and Anny Moor, y. d 1762 Erel, Marmeduk, y. m., and Rachel De Groot, y. d 1753 Erwersen, Lena, and John Brain 1760 Evertse, John, and Sarah Kelly 1798 Ferdon, .Jacob, y. m. , 1. at Schraleuburgh, aud Hellena Van Blerkum, y. d. , 1. at Hakkensak , M arried with license 1748 Ferdon, Maria, and Thomas Moore M. 1748 Fesuir, Peter, y. m., b. at Tappan, and Maria Logier, y. d., b. at Schralenburg 1760 Folk, Abraham, and Henrica AVestervelt 1796 Folk, Aerjaautje, and Johannes Meyer 1792 Folk, Aunaatje, and Peter B. Demarest 1802 Folk, Cathrina, and Martin Poulesse , . , ^. , 1801 PoUr, John, and Nietje Christie 1802 Folk, Maria, and Abraham Kool 1797 Folk, Sarab, and Albert Bemsey 1794 Forrester, James, and Margreta Demarest 1798 Fowler, Debora, and Isaac Blauvelt 1800 Froeligh, Annaatje, and Nathaniel Nicol M. 1791 Froeligh, Annaatje, and Ds. Roeleff Westervelt 1801 Froeligh, Ds. Peter D., and Neeltje Bogert 1802 Froeligh, Sarah D. , and Peter D. Banta 1796 FuUwood, Charles, y. m., and Symmey Benzaken, y. d., both 1. at Schraleuburgh (Not married.) 1791 Jan. 28 G Gerritse, Henderik, w., b. and 1. at Wesel, aud Jane Post, y. d., b. ibidem l'?61 GUbert, Garret, and Maria Varick 1794 Godwin, David, and Caty Waldron M. 1791 Godwin, Helena, and Jobn Devoe M. 1791 Godwin, Phoebe, and John Brouwer M. 1792 Goelett, Jaue, and John Zabriske, Jr 1764 Goetscbius, EUsabeth, and Hendrik Sabriske 1767 Goetschius, Hester, and Jacob Vau Saan 1760 May 5 May 5 Feb. 10 May 17 Jan. 21 Sept. 4 May 24 July 3 Dec 23 Mar. 29 Dec. 1 Oct. 9 May 26 Oct. 17 Oct 28 May 16 Mar. 11 Mar. 26 Mar. 18 Jan. 26 Mar. 4 Nov. 21 Aug. 27 Dec. 14 June 6 June 21 Mar. 8 Jan. 25 Feb. 24 Aug. 13 Nov. 14 May 21 Jan. 25 April 4 May 7 July 7 Dec 27 Aug. 13 June 7 Nov. 30 June 1 Nov. 8 Oct 28 532 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Goetschius, Jenny, and Peter Akkerman 1801 Goetschius, Lea, and Gilliam Demarest M. 1791 Goetschius, Magdalena, and Cornelius Heering 1751 Goetschius, Maria, and Jan Kuyper , 1756 Goetschius, Mauritzius, y. m., aud Elsje m'Connel, y. d 1750 Goetscbius, Rachel, and Isaac Pearsals '. 1799 Goetschius, Sarah, and Jacob Haring 1795 Golden, Maria, and Charles Titus 1793 Groot, Sarah, and Albert Cornel 1763 Grootvelt, Johannes, y. m., and Lizabeth Yolli, y. d , 1756 Grotius, George, aud Catharin Coulbag, 1. in New York 1763 Guiou, Fredrik, aud Ester Ross 1 799 Gurtrich, Sarah, and Hillebrand Logier 1761 H Haering, Cornelius, y. m. , b. and 1. at Tappan, and Margrietje Roelef - sen, y. d., b. and I. at Hakkensak, m. Sept 16 A. 1748 Hagewoudt, Klaasje, and Abraham Boss 1802 Hallenbeeck, Maria, and Lorens Van Hoorn 1750 Hardenberg, Abraham, w., and M. Cassarje, w 1762 Hardenberg, Rachel, and Jacobus Davenport 1759 Hardenbergh, Ds. Charles, and Alida Brinkerhof 1802 Haring, Abraham, y. m., of Tappan, and Maria Demarest, b. and 1. at Scbralenburgh , , . . , 1731 Nov. 23 Haring, Abraham, of Tappan, y. m., aud Martyntje Boogert, y. d., b. and 1. at Hakkensak 1725 Haring, David, and Lea Zabriskie 1800 Haring, Jacob, and Sarah Goetschius 1795 Haring, Jannetje, and Jan AVestervelt , . , M. 1745 Haring, Maria, and Johannes G. Akkerman M. 1791 Haring, Tyne, and Hendrik Vanderbeek 1799 Hartje, Marytje, aud Samuel Brouwer 1728 Hartjin, Lea, and Alberto Westervelt M. 1742 Heering, Cornelius, y. m., and Magdalena Goetscbius, y. d 1751 Heering, Hendrik, y. m., and Annaetje Banta, y. d 1763 Heering, Margrietje, and Casparus Kogh 1789 Heerdin, Sara, and Hendrik Banta M. 1746 HeUing, Christian, y. m., and Cornelia Huiler, y. d 1768 Helling, Susanna, and Abraham Quklenbosch 1729 Helling, Theunis, y. m., b. audi, at Hakkensak, and Margrietje Blau velt, y. d. , b. and 1. at Tappan 1728 Helm, Margreta, and Abraham Maurissen 1760 Helm, Peggy, and Coenraad Cariock M. 1791 Helm, Rachel, and Cbristeyaan Debaan 1761 Helm, Samuel, y. m , b. and 1. at Kindekemek, and Francynge Van Hoorn, y. d., b. and 1. at Schralenburg 1731 Dec. Mar. 28 June 21 Nov. 14 Mar. 13 Nov. 18 Oct. 29 Nov. 9 June 18 Mar. 8 July 10 July 11 Aug 8 May 26 Mar. 29 June 7 April 7 Not. 19 Nov. 7 SCHRAALENBURGH CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 533 Heniom, Cornelius, y. m., and Maria Blauwvelt, y. d 17o0 Aw. 23 Heymer, Regina, and Benjamin Van Norden I795 May 24 Hicks, John, and Rachel Wannamaker M. 1789 Sept 24 Hitskoop, David, y. m., aud Rachel Napp, y. d I75I, Oct 7 Hofman, Maria, and Abraham Brouwer I795 j^gb 1 Hoogelant, [William],! y. m., and [Sarah]! Moor, y. d 1762 Sept 12 Hoogland, Caty, and John Zabriskie M. 1792 Oct 13 Hoogland, Caty, aud Abraham Collins I795 FeX). 1 Hoogland, Elizabeth, and Jacob Vanderbeek 1798 Nov. 28 Hoppe, Adriana, and Jaoobus Beem M. 1790 Oot 16 Hoppe, Albert, w., and Rachel Vreelant, w 1765 Feb. 3 Hoppe, Andries, y. m., and Aaltje Akkerman, y. d., b. 1. at Peremus. AprU 24 M. 1790 June 5 Hoppe, EUzabeth, and Abraham Brower 1798 Jan. 1 1 Hoppe, John, and Maria Terhune I799 Mar. 24 Hoppe, John, y. m., of Paramus, and Polly Westervelt, of Teniefly, y. d, Jan. 16 M. 1790 Feb. 18 Hoppe, John, y. m., and Maria Van Rype, y. d., of Paramus, 1792, Oct 19 M. 1793 Jau. 16 Hoppe, Lydia, and Peter Peterse Demarest 1762 Hoppe, Marretje, and Jan Brouwer, .Aug. 29 M. 1790 Sept 26 Hoppe, Paulus, y, m. , and Marya Huys, y. d 1749 Dec. 18 Hopper, Andrew, and Caty Westervelt 1795 Mar. 28 Hopper, Andries, aud Antje Van Voorhesen 1797 July 23 Houser, Lisabeth, aud Willem Day 1759 Jan. 4 Houtwater, Jacob, y. m., b. at Bergeu and 1. at Hakkensak, and Mar tyntje Bertholf, y. d., b. and 1. here 1728 July 27 Houtwater, Pieter, y. m., and Beeletje Demarest, y. d., both b. and I. at Hackensack 1728 Sept 28 Huiler, CorneUa, and Christian Helling 1758 May 26 Huiler, Eva, aud Conrad PuUsvelt 1767 April 8 Huisman, Marya, and Cornelius Tallman 1760 April 13 Huyler, Abraham, aud Helena Westervelt 1797 Feb. 11 Huyler, John, and Hannah Whitney M. 1791 Nov. 6 Huyler, Jones, y. m, , and Marytje Symessen, y. d 1768 April 14 Huyler, S.-irah, and John Vausaan 1799 May 4 Huyler, Sarah, and Abraham Devoe 1799 Jan. 7 Huys, Marya, aud Paulus Hoppe 1749 Dec. 18 Huysman, Agnes, and Hendrik A''an Giesen 1768 May 23 Huysman, Jane, and Ds. W. Eltinge 1801 Oct. 12 Hyserman, Joseph, and Polly Meyer 1793 April 9 J Jansen, Hester, and Isac Vreer 1759 Nov. 11 Jarolderman, Maria, and George WUson M. 1792 Dec. 6 1 Blank in the record. Supplied from The Hoogeland Family in America, p. 191. 534 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Jaycooks, Ethiel, and Margreta Pearsels. 1794 Aug. 10 K Kearns, Cornelia, and Laurence Vau Hoorn M. 1791 Kelly, Sarab, and John Evertse 1798 Kempbeel, WiUem, y. m., b. iu Ireland, 1. at Scbralenburgh, and Elizabeth De Marest, y. d., b. and 1. at Schraleuburgh, m. Aug. 19 1736 King, Charita, and Peter Waldron 1798 King, EUzabeth, and Charles Conklin 1793 Kingbsland, Edmund, y. m., and Selly Wilkin, y. d., I. bere 1763 Kip, Jobn, w., and Elis'ibeth Voorhees, y. d 1764 Kogh, Albert, and Margreta Brevoort 1798 Kogh, Casparus, y. m., of Paramus, and Margrietje Heering, y. d., of Scbralenburgh, a. July 11 .M. 1789 Kogh, Catharina, and David Terhune 1798 Koning, Marya, and Stephen Vau Orden 1760 Kool, Abraham, y. m., and Afje De Moree, y. d 1757 Kool, Abraham, aud Maria Folk 1797 Kool, Barent, and Elizabeth Blauwvelt 1793 Kool, Barent w., and Marja D. More, w 1767 Kool, Christina, and Daniel Ariaase M. 1788 Kool, Jacob, y. m,, and Rachel Cornell, y. d 1751 Kool, Jacob, y. m., and Sara De Moree, y. d 1753 Kool, Jacob, Jr., aud Greetje Daryee. . ' M. 1767 Kool, Jau, w., b. at Tappan and I. at Hakkensak, and Sara Maree, y. d., b. and I. at Scbralenburgh, m. Aug. 10 1733 Kool, Maria, and Plores Crom , 1749 Kool, Maria, and Daniel AVestervelt , 1801 Kool, Maria, and John Bogert 1793 Kool, Samuel, and Brasher M. 1792 Kool, Sarah, and Jacob Vanzaan 1794 Kool, Trintjen, and Isaek Mares M. 1733 Kuyper, Aeltjin, and Johannes Akkerman , M, 1745 Kuyper, Albert, aud Maria Akkerman 1794 Kuyper, Alida, and David Akkerman , 1795 Kuyper, Catlyntje, and Gerret Dirje 1767 Kuyper, Catlyntje, and Luoas Kuyper M. 1787 Kuyper, Elisabeth, and Lamert Smit 1761 Kuyper, Jan, y. m., and Maria Goetscbius, y, d , 1756 Kuyper, Lucas, y. m., aud Catlyntje Kuyper, y. d., both b. aud 1. at Scbralenburgh , M. 1787 Kuyper, Peter, y. m., and Lisabeth Zabriskie, w 1759 Kuyper, Peter, and Maria Van Horn 1800 Korsen, Daniel, y. m,, and Elisabeth Bogart, y. d 1757 April 20 Nov. 3 July 31 Oct. 2 Jau. 27 Feb. 5 Dec. -2 Feb. 25 Aug. T Feb. 25 May 31 April 11 Dec 23 Oct 19 Aug. 14 Aug. 8 Feb. 7 April 24 Jan. 2 July 21 Dec 29 Jau. 31 May 4 Sept. 17 Feb. 9 Sept 21 Oct 18 Feb. 23 Sept 20 Sept 25 May 13 Jan. 26 Jau. 25 May 13 Aug. 11 Dec 27 Feb. 18 SCHRAALENBURGH CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 535 L Laawse, Elisabeth, and Niclaas Enderson 1766 Labagh, Catharina, and Adam Williams I793 Labbacb, Henrik, y. m. , and Hester Dye, y. d 1764 La Meter, Isac, y. m., and Catlyntje Bensse, y. d 1756 La Roe, Wyberig, and Hendrik Voorhees 1755 Lashier, Alida, aud Simon Campbell 1800 Lazhier, Elizabeth, and David Campbell M. 1787 Lashier, Hannah, and John Demarest 1800 Lazhier, Hillebrand, aud Caty Smit'h 1795 Lashier, Jenny, aud Jobn Vanboorn 1794 Lashier, John, and Alida Van Hoorn 1796 Lee, James, y. m. , aud Moor, w , 176 1 Lee, Jane, and John Day 1 76 1 lieek. Court, y. m., and Salome Vanzaan, y. d M. 1789 Le Febre, , y. m. , and Vernay, y. d 1752 Lesier, HUlebrant, y. m., b. and I. at Hakkensak, and Christina De Baan, y. d. , b. and 1. at Hakkensak 1728 Lesier, Jacobus, y. m., and Maria David, both b. audi, at Hakkensak. 1732 Leydekker, Cornelius, and Margreta Bogert M. 1787 Leydekker, Cornelius, and Caty Brinkerhoff M. 1790 Leydekker, Elisabet, and Johannis Bense 1724 Leydekker, Elizabeth, and Albert Westervelt M. 1793 Leydekker, Jacobus, y. m., of Scbralenburgh, aud Maria Day, y. d., of English Neighborhood, a. Aug. 21 M. 1 790 Leydekker, Lydia, and Johu Bartolf M. 1787 Leydekker, Neeltjin, and Joris BUnkerhof M. 1742 Leydekker, Weintje, aud Jan Durje M. 1744 Lezier, Benjamin, y. m., b. and 1. at Hakkensak, and Dina De Groot, w. of Petrus Brouwer, b. and 1. at Sohralenburgh, Jan. 13. . , . M. 1734 Lishier, Gornelia, and Ferdinand Vau Sikkelen 1768 Lishier, Peter, y. m., and Elisabeth Nagel, y. d 1764 Lishier, Tryntje, and Abraham Quakkenbos 1763 Livesey, Marytje, and Johu Persel , 1755 Lizier, Jacob, y. m., b. and 1. at Hakkensak, and Felt j in Zaborisky, y. d., b. and 1. at Scbralenburgh, May 19 M. 1739 Lizier, Lea, aud Zybe Banta , . .' M. 1745 Logier, Hillebrand, w., b. and 1. at Sohralenburgh, and Sarah Gurt rich, b. at Hakkensak 1761 Logier, Maria, and Peter Fesuir 1760 Loots, Paulas, y. m., and Rachel Vau Orden, y. d., b. and 1. at Hakkensak 1724 Loots, Rachel, and Sibe Banta 1763 Lozier, Abraham, of Warwick, y. m,, and Annaatje Ekker, y. d., of Kakeat ...'. M. 1790 Oct 30 Oct. 14 May 23 Aug. 22 Jan. 11 Nov. 21 July 5 Sept 27 Dec 31 Oct 18 Nov. 9 Nov. 12 Sept 24 Aug. 13 Aug. 5 May 29 June 29 Oct 26 Jan. Oot 23 May 3 Mar. 9 Sept. 25 Sept 12 Mar. 26 Oct 19 Feb. 8 Dec 17 June 26 Aug. 6 April 14 June ,6 Sept. 10 Dec 27 Feb. 10 Oot. 30 Dec. 15 Dec 14 Feb. 2 July 21 Jan. 1 June 9 July 7 Nov. 27 Aug. 22 Feb. 2 Aug. 15 Dec 3 536 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Ludke, Peter, y. m., b. aud 1. at New Hamburgh, near Hakkensak, and Jannatje Van Blerkum, y. d., b. at AVykof 1764 Nov. 25 Lutkens, Hendrick, y. m., of Paramus, and Efje Banta, of Saddle River M. 1791 Lutkins, Antje, and Albert Terhune 1794 Luttlet, Johanes, y. m., and Henkje De Grauw 1766 Lydekker, Antje, aud Hendrik Obleuus 1757 Lydekker, Cornelia, and Daniel De Morest 1752 Lydekker, Lizabeth, and Johannes Nagel 1756 Lydekker, Neeltje, and Cornelius Bogart 1761 IVE M'Connel, Elsje, aud Mauritzius Goetschius. 1750 Feb. 24 Mabee. Casparus, y. m., b. at the New Bridge, aud Rachel Brigs, y. d., b. aud 1. at Tappan, a. July 31 1784 Mabie, Abraham, y. m., and PoUe Van Orland, y. d 1756 Maibe, Sytje, and Johu De La Meter 1760 Mandego, Leua, aud Abraham Pettersen 1764 Marein, Philip, y. m., b. in England, and Maria Christen, y. d , b. and I. at Sohralenburgh, m. Sept 23 1737 Sept 3 Mares, Isaek, y. m., b. and 1. at Sohralenburgh, and Trintjen Kool, w., b. at Tappan, b at Scbralenburgh, m. Sept 21 1733 Mares, Sara, and Jan Kool M. 1733 Martense, Paulus, y. m., b. and 1. Hackensack, aud Rachel Demarest, y. d. , b, and 1. at Schralenburg 1730 Marthagen, Margreta, aud Jobn Pearsal 1799 Martin, Daniel, y. m., and Debora Ryke, y. d 1719 Mattanje, Abraham, y. m., and Sara Christeen, y. d 1754 Maurissen, Abraham, w., and Margreta Helm, y. d 1760 Mayer. Johannes, y. m., b. at Tappan, with Evab Vredenburgb, b. in N. Y. and 1. at New Hempstead M. 1784 Meeker, Uzal, and Elizabeth Eaton 1794 Mejer, Jacob, y. m., aud Abigel Persel, y. d 1766 Mejer, Janetje, and Isac Post 1764 Mercereau, Johu, and Nelly Brower 1795 Meyer, Andries, w., b, at Tappan, and Frena Morris, b. at Scbralen burgh M. with license 1741 Meyer, Cornelius, and Jenny Demarest 1 795 Meyer, Geertje, and Thomas Meyer 1794 Meyer, Johannes, w., audi, at Sohralenburgh, and Aerjaautje Folk, w. of Cornelius Meyer, and 1. at Paramus, Jau. 21 M. 1792 Meyer, John, and Antje Christie 1799 Meyer, John, and Rebekka Durie 1793 Meyer, Marte, y. m., of Paramus, and Marytje Styger, y. d , of Ram apogh M. 1792 Meyer, Polly, and Joseph Iserman M. 1793 Sept 1 Aug. 10 Nov. 7 Mar. 10 May 3 June 28 AprU 7 AprU 19 Jan. 16 Feb. 22 Oct 18 July 12 Jan. 10 May 30 Jan. 25 Feb. 18 Nov. 30 Oct 27 Jan. 21 April 9 SCHRAALENBURGH CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 537 Meyer, Thomas, and Geertje Meyer 1794 MUler, Catharina, and Jacob Demorest M. 1792 Miller, Peggy, and Hendrik Cariock 1795 Moor, [Sarah], and [William] Hoogelant 1762 Moor, •, and James Lee '. 1761 Moor, Anny, and Lorense Erel 1762 Moor, Maria, and Michael Vreeland M. 1791 Moor, Mary, and Isajes Valine 1761 Moor, Sara, and David Day 1767 Moor, Sam', y. m., aud Marytje De Groot, y. d 1760 Moore, Thomas, y. m,, 1. at Hakkensak, and Maria Ferdon, y. d., I. at Scbralenburgh M. with license 1748 More,! Morja D., and Barent Kool 1767 Moree,! Maria D., and Abraham Ellen , , 1764 Moree,! Niclaes, y. m., and Sara Valine, y. d 1761 Morris, Frena, and Audries Meyer With license 1741 N Nagel, Barent, y. m., and Aguitje Dirje, y. d 1763 Nagel, EUsabeth, aud Peter Lishier 1764 Nagel, Geertje, aud David Anderson M. 1792 Nagel, Johannes, y. m., and Lizabeth Lydekker, y. d 1756 Nagel, Sara, and Daniel De Klark 1766 Napp, Rachel, aud David Hitskoop 1754 NicoU, Fanny, and Albert Zabriskie M. 1789 NicoU, Nathaniel, and Annaatje Froeligh M. 1791 Nos, Maria, and Hendrik Brown M. 1792 o Obleuus, Hendrik, y. m., and Antje Lydekker, y. d 1767 Onderdonk, Hendrik, y. m., and Rachel Sprinksteen, y. d 1748 Ostrander, Petrus, w., and Christina Rank, y. d 1759 Oudenberg, Peter, y. m., and Antje Riddenaar, y. d 1762 Outwater, Maria, aud Hendrik Valk 1766 P Pangborn, Peter, and Maria Westervelt, both of English Neighbor hood..-. M.1787 , Pearsel, John, and Margreta Marthagen 1799 Pearsals, Isaac, and Rachel Goetschius 1799 Pearsels, Margreta, and Ethiel Jaycooks 1794 Pearsels, Sophia, and John Concklin 1797 Peek, Annatje, and Louwrens Akkerman, Jr 1763 Peek, Daniel, y. m., b. at Scbralenburgh, and Gesina Van der Linde, y. d., b, at Hakkensak 1764 Oct 26 1 De Moree. 37 Jau. 25 Oct. 6 Mar. 27 Sept. 12 Sept. 24 Nov. 14 Dec. 18 April 9 Nov. 12 Feb. 10 May 5 Aug. 14 Sept 26 Sept 27 Jan. 10 Dec 15 June 26 Oct. 14 July 7 Sept 26 Oot. 7 April 30 May 26 Nov. 29 Jan. 1 Nov. 17 Nov. 8 Sept. 19 Nov. 9 May 28 Mar. 10 Aug. 13 Aug. 10 Mar. 4 May 28 538 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Peek, Elizabeth, and Theunis Smidt M. 1744 Peek, Hannis, j'. m., b. at Hakk. and 1. at Scbralenburgh, and Susanna De Marest, y. d., b. aud I. at Scbralenburgh, m. Sept 21 , 1739 Peek, Jannetje, aud Jan Durie M. 1741 Peessel, Waltens, y. m., b. on Langheyland and 1. here, aud Fey tje Reddenaar, y. d., b. at Bergen and 1. here 1728 Perdon, Annaatje, and Joseph Perry 1800 Perry, Joseph, aud Aunaatje Perdon 1800 Persel, Abigel, and Jacob Mejer 1766 Persel, John, y. m , and Marytje Livesey, y. d 1755 Persel, Maria, aud Niclaes Smith 1763 Pessel, Catryntje, and Freederyk Verveelen 1752 Petterson, Abraham, y. m., and Lena Mandego, y. d 1764 Petterson, George, y. m., b. in Ireland, and Emetje Reutsfort, y. d., b. in New England and 1. at Peremis 1 762 Pierce, Joseph, and Hester Brower ,1797 Pietersen, Niclaes, w., res. at Tappan, and Annetje De Marest, y. d. , res. at Paskaok, m. April 12 A. 1 748 Pool, Efje, and Isaac Davenport 1799 Post, Elizabeth, and John Woertendyk M. 1792 Post, Francyntje, and Johannes Brouwer M. 1790 Post Isac, y. m., and Jannetje Mejer, y. d 1764 Rost, Jane, and Henderik Gerritse 1761 Post, John, y. m., and Catryntje Aeenmebs, y. d. . , 1753 Post, John, y. m., b. at Wesel, and Catharin Van Houten, b. at Totuwa 1762 Post, Neeltje, and Jacob Westervelt. 1798 Post, Sarah, aud Barent Wever M. 1791 Poulse, Elisabeth, and Peter Dorgee 1766 Poulse, Lea, and Nicasi ter Huin 1762 Poulesse, John, and Alida Eli 1794 Poulesse, Martin, and Cathrina Folk 1801 Prim, Joseph, y. m., and Hester Bauta, y. d 1750 Pryer, Niclaes, y. m., and Hester Banta, y. d 1761 Pulisv elt, Conrad, y. m. , and Eva Huiler, y. d 1767 o Quackenbos, Jacobus, y. m., b. at Tappan, res. N. York, aud Lea Demarest, y. d., b. aud 1. Schralenburg! Quackeuboss, Beeletje, and Willem AVestervelt M, 1790 Quackeuboss, Jacob, y. m., aud Lena Christi, y. d 1755 Quackeuboss, John, y. m., of Schraleuburgh, and Sara Smith, of Tappan, May 29 M. 1790 Quakkenbos, Abraham, y. m., and Tryntje Lishier, y. d 1768 J Ifo date is given. It precedes an entry ot Feb. 31, 1784. June 15 Aug. 25 Jan. 1 Aug. 17 Aug. 20 Aug. 20 Feb. 22 AprU 14 July 9 July 31 Dec 3 Mar. 5 Nov. 20 Mar. 25 April 22 Dec. 15 June 5 Oct. 18 Mar. 11 July 11 May 20 Oct 27 Sept. 13 June 17 Dec 15 April 20 May 24 Aug. 10 Jan. 8 April 8 Aug. 29 Npv. 10 June 24 Aug. 6 SCHRAALENBURGH CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 539 Quakkenbos, CorneUs, y. m., b. and 1. in New York, and Annaetjen Van Hoorn, y. d., b. and 1. at HaMsensak, m. Sept 23 1743 Aug. 20 Quakkenbos, Samuel, y. m., and Maria Bosskerken, y. d 1757 April 11 Quick, Jacobus, y. m., and Maria Day, y. d I759 April 3 Quidon, Mary, and Jacob Conklin 1794 Feb. 2 Quklenbosch, Abraham, y. m., b. N. Y., 1. at Tappan, and Susanna Helling, y. d., b. and! at SchraUnburgh 1729 Mar. 29 R Rafter, Rachel, and Jacob Degroot 1799 July 1 Randolf, Hanah, and Daniel Vervelen 1796 April 24 Rank, Christina, and Petrus Ostrander 1759 Nov. 8 Ratan, Susanna, and Abraham Vanderbeek M. 1790 AprU 27 Reddenaar, Feytje, and Waltens Peessel 1728 Aug. 17 Remse, Rem, y. m., b. L. I. and 1. at Haverstro, and Rachel Durje, y. d. , b. and 1. at Scbralenburgh 1739! Remse, Staes, y. m., and Rebekka De Morest, y. d 1753 Juue 1 Remsen, Maragrith, and Johannes Belb 1761 Aug. 16 Remsen, Theodorus, y. m., b. on Long Island and 1. at Haverstro, and Margrietje De Baen, y. d., b. at Hakkensak and 1. at Sohralen burgh, m. June 23 1738 June 3 Remsey, Albert, and Sarah Folk 1794 Mar. 29 Rethan, Susanna, and Juliaam Demarest 1761 Reutsfort, Emetje, and George Petterson 1762 Mar. 6 -Reydoud, Pieter, y. m., b. Rhode Island, res. Hakkensak, and Eliza beth Christy, y. d., b. and res. at Scbralenburgh, m. May 6 . . . 1742 April 1 Riddenaar, Antje, and Peter Oudenberg 1762 Sept. 19 Riddenoors, Johannes, y. m., b. at Bergen and 1. at Hakkensak, and Moreitje Van Allen, y. d., b. Hakkensak and I. at Remebok. . .1732 June 29 Rigby, Letta, and Peter Westerveld M. 1784 April 23 Rithan, Peter, y. m., b. at Scbralenburgh, and Jantjie Akkerman, y. d., b. at Peremis 1766 Sept 8 Roelefsen, Margrietje, and Cornelous Haering M. 1748 Sept. 14 Rome, Joseph, and Sarah Aljee 1796 Aug. 28 Romein, Cristientje, and Jonathan Ross M. 1745 Aug. 16 Romein, Niolaesr y. m., b. and 1. at Hakkensak, and Billetjin DeMar est, y. d., b. and 1. at Sohralenburgh, m. Oct 12 1739 Sept. 15 Romein, Roelof, y. m. , b. and 1. at Hakkensak, and Lydia De Marest, y. d. , b. and 1. at Schralenburg, m. Aug. 16 1745 July 20 Romine, Simon, and Mary Dobbs M. 1793 AprU 1 Romyn, Elisabeth, and David Simons 1761 Sept. 17 Roos, Jonathan, y. m., b. Long Island, res. Kekkejet, and Obristientje Romein, y. d., b. and 1. at Hakkensak, m. Aug. 16 1745 July 20 Roos, Tyne, and Peter Van Orden 1795 Feb. 14 The preceding entry is dated May 19, 1739; the entry succeeding is dated Aug. 11, 1739. 540 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Ross, Ester, and Fredrik Guiou 1799 Ryder, Phebe, and Stephen Voorhees 1767 Ryerson, Maria, and Dirick Terhune , 1797 Ryke, Debora, aud Daniel Martin 1749 Rykman, Evert, y. m., and Sally Akkerman, w 1763 Rykman, Nelly, and Hans De Moree 1768 Rykman, Nieltje, and David Akkerman 1763 s Sabriske, Elisabeth, and Edmond Zeaman 1768 Sabriske, Hendrik, y. m., and Elisabeth Goetschius , 1767 Salle, Annatje, aud Samiwel Gearves Bevaf. 1760 Schoonmaeker, Dr. Hendrikus, y. m., and Salome De Moore, w 1765 Schoonmaker, Catryntje, and Jochem Schoonmaker 1758 Schoonmaker, Jochem, y. m. , and Catryntje Schoonmaker, y. d 1758 Seckor, Catherine, and David Demarest 1748 Selyer, Michael, and Maria Bogert 1798 Sharp, Morris, and Elizabeth Stag, both of Paramus, m. Jan. 1, 1790.A. 1789 Shute, Christiaan, y. m., and Margreta Demorest, a. Mar. 19. . . . M. 1791 Shuwert, Hendrik, y. m,, aud Mary Conklin, y. d. 1756 Siaker, Rachel, and Jacob De Moree 1749 Sikles, Rachel, and Luke Westervelt 1802 Simons, David, y. m. , aud Elisabeth Romyn, y. d 1761 Simonson, Anne, and Jobn Vanderbeek, Nov. 5 M. 1790 Simonson, Maria, and Peter Bogert 1800 Sisko, Santje, aud Samuel Day M. 1791 Sisko, Sem, y. m., and Santje Dee, Athiopes! 1764 Skudder, Benjamin, and Sarah Wade 1793 Sloot, Benjamin, y. m., and Sara De Moree, y. d 1759 Smidt, Theunis, y. m., b. and I. at Tappan, and Elizabeth Peek, y. d., b. and I. at Sohralenburg, m. June 15 A. 1744 Smit, Lamert, and Elisabeth Kuyper, w 1761 Smith, Abel, y. m., aud Anua Edsel, y. d ; 1763 Smith, Caty, and Hillebrand Lazier 1795 Smith, Johannes, y. m., aud Antje AVoerdendyck, y. d 1750 Smith, Maretje, and Jacob De Moree 1768 Smith, Niclaes, y. m., and Maria Persel, y. d 1763 Smith, Sarah, and John Quackeuboss M. 1790 Snydeu, Geertje, and Peter Vau Orden 1751 Spier, Albertas, y. m., b. and I. at Pemmerpog, and Osseltjeu AVester velt, y. d.,b. and 1. at Hakkensak, m. June 15 A. 1744 Spier, Annatje, aud Hiskia Springer 1791 Spier, Catharine, and Thomas Campbell M. 1793 Spier, Catlyntje, and Cornelius Swartwout 1763 1 Negro.' July 7 May 31 Oct 15 May 3 Jan. 9 Oct. 15 April 5 Dec 25 Aug. 27 Mar. 5 June 23 Nov. 2 Nov. 2 July 10 June 14 Nov. 25 April 13 May 24 Jan. 12 Dec 18 Sept 17 Dec. 5 Oct. 12 Sept. 4 Oct 20 Sept. 22 April 17 May 22 Jan. 26 Oct 24 Oct 18 May 18 Feb. 2-6 July 9 Juue 24 Mar. 7 May 13 April 10 Feb. 2 June 9 April 10 Nov. 17 Nov. 26 Sept i:8 Oct 13 Aug. 27 June 23 Mar. 24 Mar. 11 May 9 Jan. 21 June 6 Mar. 24 April 14 SCHRAALENBURGH CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 54I Springer, Hiskia, and Annaatje Spier 1791 Sprinksteen, Rachel, and Hendrik Onderdonk 1748 Stag, Elizabeth, and Morris Sharp A. 1789 Stagg, Isac, y. m., aud Elisabeth Banta, w 1763 Stagg, James, y. m. , aud Lea Brouwer, y. d 1765 Steenbrander, Lisabeth, and Jacob De Moree 1768 Stegge, Cornelis, w., b. aud 1. at New Barbadoes, aud Antje Christi, w., b. and 1. at Sohralenburgh, m. Mar. 7 1734 Feb. 16 Stek, Abraham, y. m., and Maritje Boogert, both b. and 1. at Hak kensak 1 732 Stephens, Nancy, and Dennis Sweeny 1761 Stillevil, Anna, and Thomas Banta 1761 Stouteuburg, Nelly, aud Cornelius Cuyper M. 1784 Styger, Marytje, and Marte Meyer M. 1792 Swartwout, Cornelius, y. m., and Catlyntje Spier, y. d 1763 Sweeny, Dennis, b. in Ireland, y. m., and Nancy Stephens, y. d., b. and 1. in ber home 1761 Symessen, Marytje, and Jones Huyler 1768 T Taalman, Cornelius, y. m., b. and 1. at Tappan, and Maria Petrus Brouwer, y. d., b. and 1. at Scbralenburgh, m. Aisril 1 1743 Taalman, Marrice, and Daniel Voorhees 1762 Tallman, Cornelius, w., and Marya Huisman, w 1760 Tenyk, Jacob, y. m., and Neeltje Van Orden, y. d., both of Scbralen burgh, a. July 25 M. 1789 ter Huin, Anaatje, and David Demarest 1769 ter Huin, Maria, and David Demarest 1766 ter Huin, Nicasi, y. m. , and Lea Poulse, y. d , both b. at Hakkensak 1762 ter Huin, Yuliaam, y. m. , b. at Hakkensak, and Markyie Bertolf, y. d. , b. and 1. at Pomtun , 1760 Terhune, Albert, and Antje Lutkins 1794 Terhune, Citbarinea, and Laurenes Boskerk , M. 1790 ^Terhune, David, and Catharina Kogh 1798 Terhune, David, and Rachel Demarest 1800 Terhune, Dirick, and Maria Ryerson ' 1797 ter Hune, Geertruy, and Tomas Banta 1766 Terhune, Hendrik, y. m. , of Peremus, and Tyny Vanimburgh, y. d. , of Peremus, a. Mar. 13 1790 Terhune, Jannatje, and Albert Earle , 1799 Terhune, Maria, and Jobn Hoppe 1799 Ter Huune, Albert, y. m., aud Maria De Moree, y. d 1751 ter Huyne, Marte, aud Hester Beer, both b. and 1. at Hackensack , . . 1769 Ter Huyn, Stephen, w., res. at Peremus, and Maria Bogert, w., res. at Hakkensak M. with a license 1744 Tetterer, Christian, y. m., and Elizabeth Viel, y. d 1760 Feb. 26 Aug. 1 April 13 Aug. 5 Aug. 7 June 17 Dec 16 July 13 Feb. 2 Jan. 30 Feb. 25 Feb. 1 Oct 15 Sept. 7 AprU 24 Dec 25 Mar. 24 Nov. 18 Not. 2 Not. 4 Not. 18 542 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Tice, Henry, and Maria Winter 1798 Titus, Charles, and Maria Golden 1793 Toers, Johu, and Margreta Demarest M. 1792 Toers, Niclaes, y. m., b. and b at Akkwegnonk, and Margrietje Banta, y. d., b. audi at Hakkeusak, m. July 24 A. 1748 Toers, Thomas, y. in., of Paramus, and Angenietje Ekkerse, of Kekeat, a. July 11 M. 1789 V Valentyn, Jacob, y. m., and Margrietje Banta, y. d 1760 Valk, Hendrik, y. m., and Maria Outwater, y. d 1766 Valine, Isajes, y. m. , and Mary Moor, y. d 1761 Valine, Sara, and Niclaes D. Moree 1761 Van Allen, Moreitje, and Johannes Riddenoors 1732 Van Blarcom, Abraham, and Beeletje WesterTelt ' 1796 Van Blerkom, Martje, and James Applebee 1753 Van Blerkum, Annatje, and Peter Ludke 1764 Van Blerkum, HeUena, and Jacob Ferdon , 1748 Vau Boskerk, Benjamin, y. m., and Susanna Demarest, y. d., b. and 1. at Hakkensak 1725 Van Boskerk, Jantje, and Daniel Demarest 1761 Van Bosskerken, Theodosia, and Theodorus Van Winkelen 1760 Van Brakelen, Rachel, and Jan Brouwer 1754 Vander Beck, Abraham, y. m., and Santje Banta, y. d 1755 van der Beeck, Jacob, y. m., and Margrietje Berdan, y. d 1768 Vanderbeek, Abraham, aud Susanna Ratan, w. of Gilliam Dem orest M. 1790 Vanderbek, Coenradus, and Anaatje Demorest M. 1789 Vanderbeek, Hendrik, and Tyne Haring 1799 Vanderbeek, Isaac P., and Susanna Blanchard 1799 Vanderbeek, Jacob, aud Elizabeth Hoogland 1798 Vander Beek, Jannetje, and Jacob Brouwer 1752 Vanderbeek, John, y. m., and Anne Simonson, of Hackensack, a. Nov. 5 M. 1790 Vau Der Beek, Poulus, y. m,, and Sara Berdan, y. d 1760 Van der Hoeve, Egbert, y. m. , aud Peggy Auneli, y . d 1756 Van Der Hoeve, Hans, w., and Rachel Akkerman, y. d 1756 Van Der Linde, Feitjen, and Guliam De Mare 1737 Van der Linde, and Dauiel Peek. 1764 Van Der Linde, Jannetjen, and Pieter De Mare M. 1737 Van Der Linde, Roelof, y. m., aud Annaetjen De Marest, b. and I. at Hakkensak, m. Sept. 16 A. 1748 Van der Linde, Sara, and Dirk Blinkerbof 1764 Vandien, Cornelius, and Margaret Demarest, w. of David Akker man M. 1792 Van Dien, Henkye, and Jan Berdan 1760 June 16 May 21 June 15 July 2 Sept 5 May 1 Nov. 7 April 9 Sept 27 June 29 June 5 May 19 Nov. 25 May 5 Mar. 21 Mar. 13 June 30 April 15 Mar. 31 Sept 14 April 27 Sept. 5 Oct 29 Sept 12 Nov. 28 April 21 Dec 5 Sept. 11 Jan. 27 July 4 Sept 29 Oct 26 Sept. 29 Aug. 20 Aug. 28 July 21 June 10 April 3 April 27 Oct. 31 Nov. 12 Sept. 23 Oct 2 Sept 6 Mar. 18 SCHRAALENBURGH CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 543 Van Giesen, Hendrik, y. m., and Agnes Huysman, y. d 1768 May 23 Van Giesen, Mossales, y. m., and Caty Van Rypen, y. d., Achqueg- kenoy 1768 Van Giesen, Rachel, and David Banta 1799 Van Giesen, Reynier, w., 1. at Hakkensak, and Annatje Van Winkel, y. d., b. and 1. at Wesel 1760 Van Hoorn, AUda, and John Lashier 1796 Van HOorn, Annaetjen, and Cornelis Qwakkenbos M. 1743 Vanroom, Barent, w., b. at Bergen, and Eva Dietzort, y. d., b. at Hakkeusak 1761 Van Hoorn, Cbristian, y. m., and Altje Westervelt, y. d 1764 Vau Hoorn, Christiaen, w., and Marya Eudersen, y. d 1768 Van Hoorn, Cornelis, y. m., and Elisabet Van Orden, y. d. , both b. and 1. at Schralenburg, m. May 13 1737 April 16 Van Hoorn, Cornelius, y. m., of Sohralenburgh, and Jenny Brower, y. d., of Hackensack, Nov. 21 , M. 1789 Van Hoorn, Cornelius, and Aaltje Akkerman M. 1790 Van Hoorn, David, and Sarab Cole 1800 Van Hoorn, Francynge, and Samuel Helm 1731 Van Hoorn, Johannes, aud Rebekka AValdron 1794 Vanhoorn, John, and Jenny Lashier , 1794 Van Hoorn, Kornelis, y. m. , and Maria De Marest, y. d. , b. and 1. at Schraleuburgh, m. Oct 21 1737 Van Hoorn, Laurence, and Cornelia Kearns M. 1791 Van Hoorn, Lorens, y. m., and Maria Hallenbeeck, y. d 1750 Van Hoorn, Rachel, and David Boskerk M. 1745 Van Hoorn, Zietske, and Michael Vau Winkel M. 1743 Van Horn, Maria, and Peter Kuyper 1800 Van Houten, Cathrina, and David Demarest 1729 Van Houten, Catharin, and .Iohn Post 1762 Van Houten, Cornells, y. m., b. at Wesel, and 1. at Panne and Sara De Marest, y. d., b. and 1. at Hakkeusak, m. Dec 13 1739 Van Imburg, Jantji, and John Wandel 1 761 Vanimburgh, Tyny, and Hendrik Terhune 1790 Van Iveren, Borger, y. m. , b. in New York and 1. at Hakkensak, and Femmetjen Westervelt, y. d., b. on Long Island, and 1. at Schraalenburgh, m, Juue 30 1738 Yank, Caty, and Petrus Bogert M. 1790 Van Norden, Benjamin, and Regina Heymer 1796 Van Orden, Catryntje, and Benjamin De Moree 1768 Van Orden, Elizabet, aud Cornelis Van Hoorn M. 1737 Van Orden, Jacobus, y. m., and Lea Christi, y. d., both b. and 1. at Schraleuburgh, m. Aug. 9 1733 Van Orden, Jannetjen, and David Akkerman ... M. 1734 Van Orden, Maria, and David D. Demarest 1789 Van Orden, Neeltje, and Jacob Tenyk 1789 Dec 31 Aug. 12 Feb. 15 Dec 4 Jan. 22 Nov. 9 Oct 1 April 20 Nov. 30 Sept 27 Sept 23 Dec 27 Jan. 8 May 20 Oct. 20 Oct 17 Mar. 13 June 3 Nov. 4 May 24 Dec 24 May 13 June 30 May 10 June 19 July 25 544 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Van Orden, Peter, and Tyne Roos 1795 Van Orden, Pieter, y. m., and Geertje Snydeu,! y. d 1751 Van Ordeu, Rachel, and Paulus Loots 1724 Vau Orden, Stephen, y. m., and Marya Koning, y. d 1760 Van Orden, AVeybrig, and David Cristy M. 1741 Van Orden, Wouterus, y. m., and Antje Banta, y. d , 1753 Van Orland, PoUe, and Abraham Mabie 1756 Van Ripen, Jan, w., and Jannetje Banta, y. d 1766 Vau Rype, Maria, and John Hoppe 1792 Van .Rypen, Caty, and Mossales Van Giesen 1768 Vau Saan, Cornelius, y. m., aud Geesje Berdan, y. d 1761 Van Saan Cornelius, w., and Elisabeth De More, y. d 1765 Vansaan, Hendrik, and Maria Zabriskie 1799 Van Saan, Isaek, y. m,, b. aud 1. at Hakkeusak, aud Maria De Marest, y. d,, b. and 1. at Scbralenburgh, m. Sept. 20 , 1739 Van Saan, Jacob, y. m., and Johanna Begon, y. d 1754 Van Saan, Jacob, y. m., and Hester Goetschius, y. d 1760 Vansaan, John, and Sarah Huyler 1799 Vau Saan, Samuel, y. m., and Lea Zabriska, y. d 1765 Van Schyven, Debora, aud Jacob Westervelt M. 1733 Van Seysen, Cornelis, y. m., and Maria Veder, y. d., both b. and I. at Sohonegtade 1759 Vau Sikkelen, Ferdinand, y. m., and Cornelia Lishier, y. d 1768 Vansys, Gertruy, and Nicolaes Degroot 1 794 Van Voorhees, Styntie, and Niclaes Brinkerhoff 1762 Van Voorheese, Albert, y. m., and Margreta Demorest, y. d 1791 Van Voorheese, Annaatje, and Siba Brinkerhoff 1791 Vanvoorbese, Catharina, aud Albert Demarest 1802 Vanvoorheese, Cathryntje, and Jobn Akkerman 1791 Vau Voorheesen, Hellena, and Daniel Demarest M. 1790 Van Voorheesen, Antje, and Andries Hopper 1797 Van Voorhesen, Catryntje, and Jacobus Brinkerhof 1767 Van Voorhesen, Geesje, and Albert Brinkerhoff 1796 Vau Voorhesen, John, and Beeletje Demorest 1794 Van Voorhesen, Lena, and Petrus Debaan 1794 Van Voorhesen, Metje, and Samuel Demarest 1795 Van Voorhesen, Nicasie, aud Beeletje Brinkerhoff 1 797 Van Vorheese, Peter, and Gertje Berdan 1794 Van Wagenen, Jacob, y. m., and Antje Vreelant, y. d 1756 Van AVageuen, Johannes, y. m., and Nieltje A''an Wagenen, y. d 1750 Van AVageuen, Maria, and Nathaniel Day M. 1792 Van Wagenen, Nieltje, and Johannes Van AVageuen 1750 Van Winkel, Annatje, aud Reynier Van Giesen 1760 Van Winkel, Catharin, and PhiUp Berry 1761 Feb. 14 Mar. 7 Oct 30 May 31 April 23 Dec 16 Feb. 2 Nov. 20 Oct. 19 April 3 July 2 June 13 Nov. 2 Aug. 11 April 3 Dec 14 May 4 July 25 Dec 28 Oct 20 Dec 17 Jan. 25 July 31 Nov. 6 Nov. 26 Oct. 16 Nov. 2 Nov. 26 July 23 Aug. 28 May 29 April 12 Sept 13 Dec 31 Oct 8 Feb. 2 Dec '8 Nov. 8 Dec 1 Not. 8 Oct. 31 April 15 1 In the records of the baptisms of their children this name is uniformly written Snyder. SCHRAALENBURGH CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 545 Van Winkel, Michael, y. m., b. and I at Akkwegkenunk, and Sietske Van Hoorn, y. d., b. and 1. at Hakkensak, a. at Akkwegke nunk M. 1743 Van Winkelen, Claasje, and Jacob Banta 1754 Van Winkelen, Theodorus, w., and Theodosia Van Bosskerken, w. . . 1760 Vanzaan, Cornelius, and Hester Brouwer M. 1791 Vanzaan, DaTid, and Lea Brouwer M. 1791 Vanzaan, Egbert, and Jannatje Akkerman M. 1791 Vanzaan, Ester, and DaTid B. Demarest 1798 Vanzaan, Jacob, and Sara Kool , I794 Vanzaan, Lydia, and Cornelius Bauta M. 1791 Vanzaan, Salome, and Court Leek M. 1789 Varick, Maria, and Garret Gilbert 1794 Varik, Jobn, y. m., and Janty Dye, y. d 1749 Veder, Maria, and Cornelis Van Seysen 1759 Veltman, Maria, and Jobn Allmen 1766 Verburg, Willem, y. m., and Cornelia Bauta, y. d 1758 Vernay, , and Le Febre 1752 VerTeelen, Freederyk, y. m., and Catryntje Pessel, y. d 1752 VerTeelen, Gedeon, y. m., and Maria Banta, y. d 1768 VerTelen, Daniel, and Hanah Randolf ... 1796 VerTelen, Sarah, and Thomas Dubois 1799 Viel, Elisabeth, and Christian Tetterer 1760 Viel, Thomas, y. m., and Hanna Berry, y. d 1760 Viele, Sara, and Joris Vischer 1762 Vischer, Joris, y. m., b. in Duitschland (Germany), and Sara Viele, y. d., b. in Vestsester and 1. at Hamburg 1772 Voorhesen, Annaatje, and John Zabriskie 1796 Voorhees, Antje, and Jacob Brinkerhof , 1749 Vonk, Caty, and Abraham Brouwer 1763 Voorhees, Daniel, y. m., and Marrice Taalman, y. d 1762 Voorhees, Elisabeth, and John Kip 1764 Voorhees, Hendrick, y. m. , and Wyberig La Roe, y. d 1755 Voorhees, Leentje, aud Albert Banta 1 766 Voorhees, Lena, and Christian Zaberoweski 1763 Voorhees, Lena, and Cornelius Akkerman 1753 Voorhees, Lena, and David De Morest 1760 Voorhees, Maria, and Daniel Banta 1784 Voorhees, Sara, and Jacob Cb. Bogart 1756 Voorhees, Stephen, y. m., and Phebe Ryder, y. d 1767 Vredenburgb, Evab, and Johannes Mayer M. 1784 Vreedenburg, Mathias, y. m., and Rebecca Bentse, y. d 1766 Vreeland, Michael, y. m., and Maria Moor, y. d., 1. at English Neigh borhood, m. Dec 18 1791 Vreelant, Antje, and Jacob Van Wagenen 1756 Vreelant, Cornelius, y. m., and Catrina Cadmus, y. d 1756 38 Sept. 23 Sept 29 June 30 May 28 Mar. 5 Oot. 1 Dec. 31 Feb. 9 Oot 2 Aug. 5 Mar. 25 June 15 Oct 20 Mar. 16 April 9 May 29 July 31 May 5 April 24 April 4 Nov. 18 Nov. 18 Feb. 6 Feb. 6 June 11 AprU 21 AprU 3 Aug. 1 Dec. 2 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Feb. 18 May 6 Dec. 6 Feb. 21 Nov. 28 May 31 April 19 Oct. 9 Nov. 26 Dec. 8 Dec. 8 546 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Vreelant, Jacob, y. m., and Mary Banta, y. d 1760 Nov. 6 Vreelant, Rachel, and Albert Hoppe 1765 Feb. 3 Vreelant, Simon, y. m., and Rachel Eidenstein, y. d 1756 Dec 19 Vreer, Isac, y. m., and Hester Jansen, y. d 1759 Not. 11 W Wade, Sarah, and Benjamin Skudder 1793 Waldron, Caty, aud David Godwin M. 1791 AValdron, Peter, and Charita King 1798 AValdron, Rebekka, and Johannes Van Hoorn 1794 Wandel, John, y. m., b. at Barbados Neck, and Jantji Van Imburg, y. d., etc 1761 Wanemaeker, Dirk, y. m., and Antje Banta, y. d 1765 Wannamaker, Rachel, and Johu Hicks M. 1789 AVatson, Maria, and Thomas Cammel 1765 Webbers, Frerik, y. m. , b. at Hakkensak and 1. at de Grote kil (the Great Kill), and Lena Banta, y. d., b. and 1. at Sohralenburgh, m. Oct 29 1736 Welkerwan, John, y. m,, and Hanna Brerner, y. d 1762 Westervelt, Beujamin, y. m,, and Sara Bodett, y. d 1768 Westerveld, Jacob Johanessen, w. , and Jany Banta, y. d 1768 Westerveld, Peter, y. m., b. at Scbralenburgh, and Letta Rigby, y. d., b. N. Y. and 1. at Schraleuburgh, April 4 M. 1784 Westerveld, Sophia, and Dauiel Demarest 1762 Westervelt, Aary, and Vrouwtje Westervelt 1799 Westervelt, Aary, and Margreta Christie, w. of Dauiel Westervelt 1802 Westervelt, Albert, and R'achel Duriee M. 1791 Westervelt, Albert, and Elizabeth Lydekker M. 1793 Westervelt, Alberto, w., b. at Hakkensak, andi. at Sohralenburgh, and Lea Hartjin, y. d., b. at Rahway and 1. at Sohralenburgh, m. June 18 1742 Westervelt, Alida, and Jacob Couwenhoven 1796 Westervelt, Altje, and Christian Van Hoorn 1764 Westervelt, Annaetje, and Galin Akkerman M. 1744 AVestervelt, Beeletje, and Abraham Van Blarcum 1796 AVestervelt, Beeletje, and Stephanus Bogert 1800 Westervelt, Benjamin, y. m., and Sara Durye, y. d., both b. and 1. at Scbralenburgh, Sept. 4 M. 1784 AVestervelt, Benjamin, y. m., and Maria Demorest, y. d., both of Schralenburgb, Jan. 4 M. 1 792 Westervelt, Casparus, y. m,, and Martyntje Dirje, y. d 1755 Westervelt, Casparus, w. , and Rachel Zabriskie 1763 Westervelt, Catalina, and AViUiam Christie 1797 Westervelt, Catlina, and Pieter AVestervelt M. 1793 Westervelt, Caty, and Andrew Hopper - 1795 Westervelt, Cornelius D., aud Dirica Bogert , 1802 Sept 22 Mar. 18 Oot 2 Jan. 22 Oct 17 April 19 Sept. 24 Dec 24 Sept: 25 Jan. 11 Oct. 29 Oct 15 April 23 Aug. 26 Feb. 9 Feb. 19 Nov. 24 Mar. 9 May 15 May 11 Sept. 6 Oct. 26 June 5 April 14 Sept — Feb. 26 Nov. 29 May 15 Nov. 18 May 17 Mar. 28 Sept. 4 Jau. 31 May 25 June 22 June 12 Not. 27 June 30 Aug. 18 Dec 11 Feb. 11 May 17 Oct 27 Dec 1 Nov. 5 SCHRAALENBURGH CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 547 Westervelt, Daniel, and Maria Kool I801 Westervelt, Daniel, y. m., and Grietje Christie, y. d 1766 Westervelt, David, and Helena Banta M. 1791 Westervelt, Douwe R., and Margreta Banta, w. of Teunis Kuyper 1802 Westervelt, Elena, and Klaes Cuyper 1725 Westervelt, Femmetjen, and Borger Van Iveren , M. 1738 Westervelt, Gerrid, y. m., and Marytjin Brouwer, y. d., both b. and 1. at Schralenburgb, m. Sept 11 ^ 1743 Westervelt, Hary, y. m., and Greetje Zabriskie 1762 Westervelt, Helena, and Abraham Huyler 1797 Westervelt, Henrica, and Abraham Folk 1796 Westervelt, Jacob, and Neeltje Post 1798 Westervelt, Jacobus, y. m., b. at Scbralenburgh, and 1. at Klooster, aud Debora Van SchyTen, y. d., b. aud 1. at Schralenburgb, m. Dec 28 1733 Westervelt, Jacobus, y. m., and Maria De Moree, y. d 1754 Westervelt, Jacobus, y. m., of Schralenbrurgh, aud Rachel Couwen hoven, y. d., of English Neighborhood, m. Mar. 23 1792 Feb. 25 Westervelt, James, y. m., and EUzabeth Demorest, y. d., both of Sohralenburgh, m. Sept. 4 1789 Aug. 2 WesterTelt, Jan, y. m., b. and 1. at Hakkensak, and Jannetje Haring, y. d., b. and 1. at Scbralenburgh, m. Mar. 13 1745 Feb. 2 WesterTelt, Jan, y. m., b. at Peremis, res. Hakkensak, and Marytje Durje, y. d., b. and I. at Sohralenburgh, m. Deo. 18 1747 Westervelt, Jobn, y. m., and Ansetje Day,! y. d. 1766 Westervelt, John A., y. m., b. and 1. at Schralenburg, and Rachel Ack erman, y. d., b. and L at Paremes, m. , by Do: Van de Linde 1784 Westervelt, Luke, and Rachel Sickles 1802 WesterTelt, Margreta, and Hendrik Boogert M. 1786 WesterTelt, Maria, and Jacobus Demorest , . .' M. 1787 WesterTelt, Maria, and Jobn J. Benson 1748 WesterTelt, Maria, and Peter Pangborn M. 1787 WesterTelt, Maria, and Peter Campbell 1801 WesterTelt, Osseltjen, aud Albertas Spier M. 1744 WesterTelt, Pieter, and Catlina Westervelt M. 1793 Westervelt, Polly, and John Hoppe M. 1790 WesterTelt, Rachel, and Abraham Cool 1731 WesterTelt, Roelof, w. of Oeceltje StyTesy, b. and 1. at Scbralenburgh, and Lea Demarest, w. of Abraham Brouwer, b. and 1. here .... 1731 WesterTelt, Sophia, and Albert Bogert M. 1787 WesterTelt, Sophia, and John Banta. 1802 WesterTelt, Stephen, and Antje Bogert 1798 WesterTelt, Vrouwtje, and Aary WesterTelt 1799 Not. 14 Mar. 2 Mar. 27 Dec 18 Nov. 20 May 29 April 24 May 28 May 24 June 15 May 17 Jan. 16 Oct 29 May 15 Aug. 9 Aug. 21 Not. 25 Feb. 9 1 Subsequently given in the record as Annaatje Dye or Dey. Aug. 7 Sept 13 May 31 Feb. 5 June 22 May 23 Feb. 10 Jan. 1 Oct 27 Dec 6 June 16 Not. 6 May 18 Mar. 5 Nov. 2 Dec 15 548 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. AVestervelt, AVUlem, y. m., and Beeletje Quackeuboss, y. d., both of the Sohralenburgh Congregation, m. Aug. 29 1790 AVever, Barent, and Sarab Post M. 1791 Wiggins, Charles, y. m., and Catrina Edsel, y. d 1762 WUkin, Selly, and Edmund Kingbsland 1763 AVUlemsen, Theod., y. m., and [Maria] Banta, y. d 1767 WUUams, Adam, y. m,, and Catharina Labagh, y. d., of Scralen- burgh, m. May 30 1793 WUliams, Polly, and Nathanael Earl 1757 AVilliams, WUliam, and Margreta Eaton M. 1790 Wilse, Jacob, andSarah BeU 1802 Wilson, George, and Maria Jarolderman M. 1792 Winter, Maria, and Henry Tioe 1798 Witney, Hannah, and John Huyler M. 1791 Woerdendyck, Antje, and Johannes Smith 1750 Woertendyk, Fredericus, y. m., 1. at Tappan, and Sara Durje, y. d., b. and 1. at Hakkeusak, m. April 3 A. 1748 Woertendyk, Jacob, and Elizabeth Campbell, m. Deo. 7 1792 Woertendyk, Jobn, and Elisabeth Post M. 1792 ¦ AVoertendyk, Reinier, y. m., I. at Tappan, and Jannitjen Durje, y. d,, b. and b at Hakkensak, m. Dec 10 A. 1746 Nov. 15 Wood, Samuel, y. m., b. at Kakkiat, and Vrouwtje De Morest, y. d., b. and 1. at Schraleuburgh, m. May 31 1784 May 15 Y Yolli, Lizabeth, aud Johannes Grootvelt 1756 April 4 z Zaberoweski, Christian, y. m., and Lena Voorhees, y. d 1753 Feb. 18 Zaboriski, Klaes, y. m., b. and 1. at Hakkensak, and Rachel DeMar est, y. d., b. and 1. at Schralenburgb, m. Nov. 14 1735 Zaborisky, EUzabeth, and Cornelis Bogert M. 1739 Zaborisky, Feitjen, and Jacob Lizier M. 1739 Zaboriske, John, Jr., y. m., and Jane Goelett, y. d , 1764 Zabriske, Lea, and Samuel Van Saan 1765 Zabriske, Rachel, and Casparus Westervelt 1763 Zabriskie, Albert, and Fanny NicoU M. 1789 Zabriskie, Andries, and Elizabeth Anderson 1793 Zabriskie, Greetje, and Hary Westervelt , . . . 1762 Zabriskie, Jacob C, aud Maria Brevoort 1797 Zabriskie, Jobn, aud Aunaatje Voorhesen '. 1796 Zabriskie,, John, and Caty Hoogland M. 1792 Zabriskie, Lea, and David Haring 1800 Zabriskie, Lisabeth, and Peter Kuyper 1759 Zabriskie, Maria, and Hendrik Vansaan 1799 Zeaman, Edmond, y. m,, and Elizabeth Sabriske, y. d 1768 Zebriske, Jantje, aud David Demarest 1761 Oct 18 Sept. 26 June 6 Nov. 21 July 25 May 15 April 30 July 21 Dec 11 Dec 20 June 11 Oct 13 June 21 Aug. 11 Nov. 2 Deo. 25 PARAMUS REFORMED (DUTCH) CHURCH Marriage Records, 1799-1801. The Reformed Dutch Church at Paramus was organized in 1725, and was under the same pastorate as the Hackensack Church until 1728. From 1731 to 1748 the pulpit was supplied by tbe pastors of the Churches at Acquackanonk and Hackensack. Hence, the marriage records are usually found in the books of those churches. The Rev. Benjamin Vandeliude was pastor, 1748-1789 ; the Rot. Gerardus Arense Kuy pers, 1788-1789; tbe Rev. Isaac Blauvelt, 1790-1791; the Rev. William Provoost Kuypers, 1793-1796. No marriage records of the church have been preserved until the time of the Rev. Wilhelmus Eltinge, pastor 1799-1850. The following are from the first volume of tbe Church records. It will be observed that merely names and dates are given. A Acker, Susannah, and Benjamin Demarest 1800 Dec. 14 Ackerman, William, ! and Anna Hopper 1800 Aug. 9 B Banta, Geertye, and John Westervelt 1801 April 2 Banta, Jacomyntie, and Aurie Blauvelt 1799 Oct. 11 Banta, Thomas T. , and Elizabeth Herring 1800 Sept. 6 Blauvelt, Aurie, and Jacomyntie Banta 1799 Oct. 11 Bogart, Eva, and Thomas Dobs 1800 Sept 13 Bogert, Jaine, and Jacobus Clark 1799 Oot 20 C Cadmus, Sally, and Abraham Delamater 1800 Sept. 6 Campbell, William, and Jane Fersheur 1799 July 24 Clark, Jacobus, and Jaine Bogert 1799 Oot 20 D Debaun, Andries A., and Maria Tolman 1800 Aug. 30 Delamater, Abraham, and SaUy Cadmus 1800 Sept 6 Demarest, Baurent, and Lantye Storms 1801 Mar. 14 1 " Certijlcat. I, Garret Ackerman, do hereby certify that my Son William Ackerman has my willing consent to be married to Miss Anna Hopper.— Witness Jacob Hopper.— Aug. 9. A 1800— Garret Ackerman." 550 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Demarest, Benjamin, and Susannah Acker 1800 Dec. 14 Dey, Aurie, and Rachel Grey , ¦ 1800 Nov. 15 Dobs, Thomas, aud Eva Bogart 1800 Sept 13 Duremus, John, and Altye Zabriskie 1800 Nov. 30 E Echerson, John, and Geertie Haldrom 1800 May 17 Eckerson, Maria, and Tunis Quackenbush 1801 Deo. 19 F Fersheur, Cornelius, and Maria Post 1800 May 17 Forshur, Elizabeth, and John Post 1801 July 27 Forsheur, Jane, and WUliam Campbell 1799 July 24 G Garbranoe, Jacob, and Mary Humans . 1801 June 14 Garrise, Jacob, and Rachel Lutkins 1801 Jan. 25 Grey,, Rachel, aud Aurie Dey 1800 Not. 1 5 H Haldrom, Geertie, and John Echerson 1800 May 17 Halm, Susannah, and Abraham Zabriskie 1799 Oot. 12 Haring, Jannecbye, and Peter Post 1801 Aug. 29 Herruig, Elizabeth, and Thomas T. Banta 1800 Sept 6 Hopper, Anna, aud William Ackerman . . . , 1800 Aug. 9 Humans, Mary, and Jacob Garbranoe 1801 June 14 L Lutkins, Rachel, and Jacob Garrise 1801 Jan. 25 M Mourison, Susannah, and Jobn Vanweert 1801 Dec. 16 P Post, John, and Elizabeth Forshur 1801 July 27 Post, Maria, aud Cornelius Fersheur 1800 May 17 Post, Peter, and Jannecbye Haring 1801 Aug. 29 Q Quackenbush, Tunis, and Maria Eckerson ,1801 Deo. 19 s I and Sasan, slaves of Henry Terhune and J. V. Romeyn 1801 Juue 14 Sar and Tom, slaves of Benjamin and John Zabriskie 1801 Jan. 10 PARAMUS CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 551 Smith, Maria, and Ryer Vanblarcum 1801 Dec. 19 Storm, Lantye, and Baurent Demarest 1801 Mar. 14 Susan and Saese, slaTes of Henry Terhune and J. V. Romeyn 1801 June 14 T Tolman, Maria, and Andries A. Debaun 1800 Aug. 30 Tom and Sar, slaves of Benjamin and Jobn Zabriskie. 1801 Jan. 10 V Vanblarcum, Annatie, and Cornelius Wortendyk 1801 Nov. 28 Vanblarcum, Ryer, and Maria Smith 1801 Dec. 19 Vanweert, Jobn, and Susannah Mourison 1801 Dec. 16 w Westervelt, John, and Geerte Banta 1801 April 2 Wortendyk, Cornelius, and Annatie Vanblarcum 1801 Nov. 28 Z Zabriskie, Abraham, and Susannah Halm 1799 Oct 12 Zabriskie, Altye, and Jobn Duremus 1800 Nov. 30 Bergen County Clerk's Marriage Records, 1795-180O. The following is a transcript from the Record of Returns of Marriages, 1795-1800, kept in the ofiice of the Clerk of the County of Bergen, pursuant to Sec. VIII,, of "An Act concerning marriages," passed the 4th of March, 1795. The records have been herewith arranged in alphabetical order. H— indicates tbat tbe ceremony was performed by the Rev. Jaanes V. Romeyn, of the Hackensack Church. P — that the Rev. AVilhelm-as Elting, of Paramus, was the officiating clergyman. S — that the Rev. Solomon Froeligh, of Schraalenburgh, officiated. He made his return of such marriages, with one exception, ou June 6, 1796. A Ackerman, WUliam, and Anna Hopper P 1800 Aug. 9 Alyee, Petertye, and Daniel Van Horn H 1800 Nov. 14 B Banta, Peter, and Sarah D. Froeligh . S 1796 May 46 Banta, Gilbei't, and Lea Bogert H 1800 Feb. 1 Bogert, Eva, and Thomas Dobbs P 1800 Sept 13 Bogardus, Evert, and Eleanor Dongon H 1800 Mar. 29 Bogert, Lea, and Gilbert Banta H 1800 Feb. 1 Bogert, WUliam, and Elizabeth Demarest S 1796 Mar. 28 Brinkerhoff, Albert, and Giestje Van Voorhiesen S 1796 May 29 Brinkerhoff, Rulof,. and Tina Kuyper H 1800 Feb. 1 Brinkerhoff, Seba, and Jane Durie H 1800 April 27 C Cadmus, SaUy, and Abraham Delamater P 1800 Sept 6 Conselje, Jobn, and Elizabeth DeVoe S 1796 AprU 30 Cowenhoven, Jacob, aud Alida AVestervelt S 1796 May 17 D DeBaun, Sally, and Daniel Perry H 1799 Nov. 16 DeVoe, Elizabeth, and John Conselje S 1796 April 30 Delamater, Abraham, and Sally Cadmus P 1800 Sept. 6 Demarest, Elizabeth, and WiUiam Bogert S 1796 Mar. 28 Demarest, Rachel, aud Albert Zabriskie H 1799 Dec 21 Demarest Samuel, and Metje Van AVoorbasson S 1795 Deo. 31 Dobbs, Thomas, and ETa Bogert P 1800 I>ec 13 Dongon, Eleanor, and ETert Bogardus H 180O Mar. 29 Durie, Jane, and Seba Brinkerhoff H 1800 AprU 27 39 554 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. F Forshur, Cornelius, and Maria Post P 1800 May 17 Froeligh, Sarab D., and Peter Banta S 1796 May 16 G Goetscse, Sarab, and Jacob Haring S 1795 Nov. 14 H Haring, Jacob, and Sarah Goetscse S 1795 Nov. 14 Hopper, Anua, and William Ackerman '..... P 1800 Aug. 9 - K Kuyper, Tina, and Rulef Brinkerhoff H 1800 Feb. 1 L Lutkins, Harmon, and Elizabeth Terhune H 1800 July 30 P Perry, Daniel, and Sally De Baun H 1799 Perry, Elizabeth, and Abraham Post . , H 1800 Post, Abraham, and Elizabeth Perry H 1800 'Post, Maria, and Cornelius Forshur P 1800 Powelson, Catharina, and Wallon Van AVinkle H 1800 R Randoliib, Hannah, and Daniel Ver Valen S 1796 Roebuck, Jaue, aud Peter John Roebuck H 1800 Roebuck, Peter' John, and Jaue ,Roebuok H 1800 Romine, Lydia, and Stephen Terhune,! jj 1796 T Terhune, Elizabeth, and Harman Lutkins H 1800 Terhune, Stephen, and Lydia Romine H 1796 V Van Blarcom, Abraham, and Baeltje Westervelt S 1796 Van Horn, Daniel, and Petertye Alyee H 1800 Ver A^alen, Daniel, and Hannah Randolph _S 1796 Van Voorbasen, Annaatje, and Johu Zabriskie S 1796 Van Voorhiesen, Giestje, and Albert Brinkerhoff S 1796 Van Woorhassen, Metje, and Samuel Demarest, S 1795 Van Winkle, Wallon, and Catherina Powleson H 1800 W Westervelt, Alida, and Jacob S. Cowenhoven S 1796 Westervelt, Baeltje, and Abraham Van Blarcom S 1796 z - Zabriskie, Albert, and Rachel Demarest H 1799 Zabriskie, John, and Annaatje Vau Voorbasen S 1796 I By the Rev. Warmoldus Kuypers, Hackensack. Nov. 16 Nov. 22 Nov. 22 May 17 Nov. 20 April 24 AprU 3 AprU 3 April 13 July 30 AprU 13 June 5 Nov. 17 April 2 June 11 May 29 Dec 31 Nov. 20 May 17 June 5 Dec 21 ,June 11 Bergen. Reformed (Dutch) Church Marriage Records, 1664-1801. The Dutch settlers at Bergen (now known as Jersey City Heights, iu Jersey City) worshiped for years in New Amsterdam. In 1662 a village tax was levied for the purpose of erecting a cburch of their own, 417 guilders (a guilder being equivalent to forty cents) being raised for tbat purpose. It is probable that a log meeting house was put up iu 1663, for a record exists of tbe collections taken up at the weekly serv ices, beginning in that year, and continued ever since. In 1664 a register was begun _ of baptisms, marriages, burials and communicants, which has been kept up from that date to tbis, except from 1769 to 1793, wben there is a break in the register of com municants. Although the Bergen Church was the first established iu New Jersey, of which we have deflnite data, it was not until September 10, 1757, that it had a pastor independ ent of the New York Church. Ou tbe date mentioned tbe Rev. AVUliam Jackson was installed pastor of the Bergen and Staten Island Churches. He retired in 1789. The Rev. John Cornelison was on May 26, 1793, installed pastor of the churches at Bergen and English Neighborhood. He served Bergen alone from 1806 until his death, March 20, 1828. The Bergen Cburch received a charter from Governor William Franklin, Decem ber 20, 1771. It was reincorporated in 1799 under the laws of the State of New Jer sey. Before having a regular pastor the people were ministered unto by the preachers from New York and elsewhere. As this would have been an uncertain dependence, they relied more upon the Yoorleezer, who acted as precentor, school-teacher, etc. Bergen was particularly fortunate in securing for its first Yoorleezer, Reinier Van Gie sen. He was engaged by the magistrates and the consistory of the Dutoh Church of Flatbush, L. I., June 6, 1660, to teach school, act as court messenger, ring the bell, keep tbe cburch in order, act as xsoorleezer, attend to the burial of the dead, etc. , etc. He probably removed to Bergen in tbe summer of 1663, to assume the performance of similar duties. The records of the Bergen Church are in his handwriting — an ex cellent one — from 1664 to 1707, a period of forty-three years. It will be observed that tbe particulars of the marriages are given with much greater fulness than in the other churches whose records are printed in this volume. He died at Bergen, May 15, 1707. His successors as Voorleezers and keepers of tbe church records were: 1707-1736, Adrian Ver Meulen; 1736-1761, Isaac P. Van Benthuseu; 1761-1789, Abraham Sick les; 1789-1809, Jobn CoUard. 556 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. In Winfield's Land Titles of Hudson County, 1872, was given an alphabetical index to the Bergeu Church registers. There are many errors and omissions in that index, which it is hoped are for the most part cured, as to the marriages, in the index bere published. Moreover, the present index is a translation of the entire entries in the Marriage Records of tbe Bergen Cburch, 1664 to 1801, giving many most interesting and important details of the personal history of tbe wedded couples. In some instan ces, notes have been added, principally from tbe New York Dutch Church Marriage Records. For this transcript and translation of the Bergen Church Marriage Records, the editor is indebted to Theodore M. Bauta, Esq, , Secretary of the Holland Society, whioh Society caused the records to be transcribed, some years ago. The date given in the right band column in the following pages is that of the first proclamation of the banns, except where otherwise indicated. It will be noticed that it was customary for tbe youug couple to take from the Bergeu Church a certificate of the announcement of the banns, and go to New York to get married by a regularly or dained minister of tbe Gospel A Ackerman, Abraham, from Berlioum in the Meiery of Bois le duo,! and Aaltje Van Laer, from N. York, received certificate May 27 to Breuckelen M. 1683 May 28 Ackerman, Kobu^, and Betje Belser 1782 Nov. 27 Ackerman, Lourus, from Geffen in the Meiery of 's Hertogenbosch, and Geertje Egbers, from N. Albany, m. Aug. 3 by Voorlezer R, Van Giezen, in presence of Court 1679 July ' 5 Ager, Nicolis, and Jan Criscel, were m, at Bergen by Justice Claes Areutse Toers 1687 Feb. 13 Alberts, Hans, from Bronswyok,3 and Annetje Gysbertse, from Bergen in New Jersey, received certificate Nov. 12 1683 Oct 21 Aibertse, Aart, from N. York, and Catharina Vreeland, from Gemen- epa, m. June 26, by R. Van Giesen 1692 Aljee, Jannetje, and Simon Jacobsen Van AVinkel 1710 Andei'son, Andrew, and Jaunetie Codmus, both of Bergen 1801 Andries, Francyntje, aud Roelof Swartwout 1691 Andriese ? Maria, and Pieter Makale ? 1730 Andriesse, Fytje, and Abraham Van Giesen 1691 Andriesse, J , and Jau Slot 1700 Andriesse, Rachel, and Dirk Phillipse Conyn 1707 Andriessen, Sara, aud Casparus Preyer 1714, Aray, AVUliam, aud Mary Day, both of English Neighbourhood 1799 Arentse, Hendrickje, and Piet Cornelisse Van Steenwyck, m. July ai, before Court at Bergen , , 1670 July 10 1 A manor in North Brabant, called in French Bois le Due, and in Dutoh s' Hertogen bosch. 2 Brunswick, New Brunswick. May 29 May 27 May 23 Nov. 22 Mar. 18 Oot 4 Mar. 10 Sept 7 Mar. 13 June 30 BErGEN CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 557 Arsele, Joseph, from Loudon in O. England, and Elisabeth Waliughs, from Wickham in 0. England, probably were not m 1678 May 26 Aymar, Peter, of N. Y., and Anna Hunt, of Powles Hook , . . , 1797 Mar. 5 B Baeldin, Annatje, and John Miet I793 April 23 Bandt, Johannes Jansen, and WiUemyntje Philips, both from N. York, 3 pi'oolam. and no objections 1697 June 27 Baker, Margarrit, and Conrad Shindler 1793 Sept. 4 Banta, Margrieta Dircks, and Dirck Hertmanse Vreelant 1702 Oct 18 Barents, Lourens, from Vlissingeu, Zeeland, w. of Isabella Govera ? Zeeman, and Hester Van Blercom from Bergen, receiTed certifi cate Sept. 8 to New Y'ork 1707 Aug. 27 Barentsen, Dirck, from Pemmerepoch, and Elisabeth Gerrits, from Bergen, m. at Bergeu by Do. Dubois 1704 April 11 Baten, Peter, aud Helena Catherina Coops, both from Holland aud now 1. at English Neighbourhood 1795 Dec. 27 Bear, Maria, and Hagbergt de Wolff 1798 Sept. 3 Bedell, Jobn, and Mary Smitb, both of Secaucus 1800 Mar. 10 Beekman, Catharina, and Pieter Post 1710 Not. 17 Beekman, Christopher, of N. Y. , and Maria Hunt, of Powles Hook ... 1799 July 6 Belser, Betje, and Kobus Ackerman ... 1782 Not. 27 Berreys, Francyntje, and Tammes Larens 1686 Aug. 2 Billau, Isaac, b. at sea, and Ida Sueberingh, froin Midwout, L. I. , re ceived certificate to Staten Island Nov. 25 1684 Not. 2 Blinckerbof, Agie, and Abraham Sikels 1739 AprU 1 Blinckerhoff, Hartman, and Claasie Van Houten 1744 Oct. 20 Blinckerhoff, Margrita, and Mathys De Mot 1705 May 6 Blinkerhoff, Cornelis Hendricksen, b. at Midwout Kings Co., and Aagjie Hartmaus Vreeland, b. at Gemoenepan, m. in presence of Justice Enoch Vreeland by Adrian Vermeule 1708 May 24 Blinkerhoff, Hendrick, and Lea Van Wagenen 1779 June 19 Bogert, Jane, and Garret Meyer 1779 Dec 18 Bongert, Geeshe, and Juriaen Vau WesterTelt 1690 April 22 Booaas, Maria, and Hendrick Jansz Van den Bos 1685 Sept. 27 Borten, Antje, and Barend Bruyu 1714 Mar. 27 Borton, Jan, from London, 0. England, and Hillegont Jacobs, from Midwout, both 1. at Pemmerepoch, receiTed certificate Sept 8. ,1690 Aug. 24 Boyd, Thomas, aud Eleanor Gotten, both of Bergen 1796 Aug. 7 Braambush, David, and Rachel van Horne, both of Bergen Point 1795 Mar. 26 Braeck, Claesje Dirckse, and Johannes Machielse Vreeland 1682 May 14 Braeck, Metje Dircks, and Cornelis Macbiels Vreeland 1681 April 17 Brinkerboof, Hartman, of English Neighbourhood, and Elizabeth van Nurden, of New Bridge 1797 Oct 28 Brinkerboof, Catherine, and Jacob Vreeland 1801 Jan. 24 Brinkerhof, Martje, and Helmigh Van Wagenen 1735 Sept 26 Mar. 28 April 10 Oct 8 Mar. 27 Dec 13 Feb. 12 Feb. 1 Sept 30 Oct 1 Jan. 12 June 1 Nov. 6 Dec 20 558 NEW JERSEV COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Bronokhorst, Susanna Hendricks, and Roelof Vanderlinde 1682 Oct Brouwer, Jacob, b. at Bergen, and Lea Slot, b. at Ackinsaok, both 1. at Bergen , 1730 Brower, Peter, and Catherine Post, both of English Neighbourhood. . . 1796 Brouwer, Uldrik, b. aud 1. at Bergen, and Marya Van der Vorst, b. at N. York, 1. at Bergen 1738 Bruyn, Barend, aud Antje Borten, both b. and 1. at Pemmerpoch 1714 Burdett, Hannah, and Jonathau Dixon 1794 Buskirk, Anua, and Barger van Horne 1801 Buskirk, Catherine, and Peter Garrabrance 1800 Buys, Arien Pieterse, from Tiel,! and Treyntje Hendrickx Oosteroom, from N. Jersey, m. by the minister at Bergen 1672 Buys, Hendrickje Janse, and Reynier Van Giesen 1699 Buys, Neeltje, aud Jau Straetmaker 1707 Buys, Neeltje Janse, and Jan Hermens 1684 Buys, Tryntje, aud Dirck Straetmaker 1698 Bryant, Annetje, and Nicasius Kip 1691 C Cadmus, Andries Frederiksen, w. of Priscilla Hooms, and Geertje Claassen Kuyper, groom b. aud 1. at Bergen, bride b. and I. at Ahasymus 1725 Callerd, Annatie, and Johannes Vau Houte 1782 Callerd, Johannis, and Gertie Pryer 1782 Cariock, George, aud Elizabeth Lozier, both of the Three Pigeons 1801 Cariock, Mathias, and Ruth Ludlow, both of tbe Tbree Pigeons 1797 Christophers, Esther Garretson, w. , and Joshua Mesereau 1794 Clinedeuy, Sally, aud Cornelius vau Horne 1799 Claes, Lysbeth, and Hessel Pieterse 1699 Claes, Merritje, and Gerbraut Claese 1674 Claes, Pietertje, aud Jacobus Jansen 1596 Claesje, Tryntje, and Teunis Roelofse 1677 Claes, Vrouwtje, and Gerret Steynmets M. 1684 Claese, Gerbraut, from Amersfoort on Long Island, and Merritje Claes, from Gemenepa, received certificate Aug. 25, to Amers foort, L. 1 1674 Claesen, Andries, and Preyntje Machielse 1668 Claesseu, Jan, from Hesymus,! 1. there, arid Tryntje Straetmaker, from Hoboken, I. there, m. Oct. 1 by Rev. Selyns at Bergen 1694 Sept 23 Claesz, Cornelis, from N. York, and Aeltje Teunise, from Breuckelen, received certificate to Breuckelen on Dec 10 M. 1681 Deo. 1 1 Clerke, Charles, aud Susan Thorp, transient persons 1798 Nov. 6 Cobus, Jannetje, and Anthony Swertwout ; 1693 AprU 30 I In Gelderland. 1 Ahasimus, Harsimus — now in Jersey City. Oct. 22 Dec 19 Dec 19 Aug. 8 Oct 7 Aug. 3 Not. 14 June 8 Aug. 11 Not. 22 Dec. 28 Mar. 12 Aug. 11 Mar. 25 BERGEN CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 559 Oobus, Maeyke, and Frans Post 1690 Oobussen, Maaike, and Arien Thomasen 1686 Codmus, Jannetie, and Andrew Anderson 1801 Coejeman, Hendrik, b. at 2nd RIt. aud Martje Gerbrantse, b. aud 1. at Gemoenepa 1738 Ooertson, Benjamin, and Elizabeth Maurison, both of Bergen 1797 CoUerd, Jacobus, y. m., and Aegye Diedricks, y. d 1789 Colter, Eleanor, and Thomas Boyd 1796 Colter, Peggy, and Abrm Priue , 1796 Compton, Peggy Dezer, w., and Edward Corle 1798 Conyn, Dirk Phillipse, from Albany, and Rachel Andriesse, from N. York, 1. at Bergen, received certificate Oct. 21 to N. York 1707 Coonzens, Anna Bagtmens, (?) w., and Patrick Grimes , 1796 Coops, (?) Helena Catharina, and Peter Baten 1795 Cordeljou, Maria, and Wilhelm Hermensen Van Borckeloo 1697 Cornelis, Annetje, and Jan Webber 1693 CorneUs, Elisabeth, and Dirck Janse Van Oogsten 1672 Cornelis, Engeltje, and Daniel De Voor 1693 CorneliSi Gerritje, andJacob Lubi 1672 Cornelis, Neeltje, and Hendrick Cornelisse. 1669 Cornells, Sara, and Jacob Mattbeeus 1707 Cornelison, Abraham, and Catherine du Bois, both of Orange Co., N. Y 1795 Cornelison, Johannis, and Catherina Mesier 1795 Cuyper, Sara, and Johannes Juryansen 1740 Cornelis, Weyntje, and Pieter Pierra 1687 Cornelisse, Hendrick, and Neeltje Cornelis, came here with certificate and were m. by the court 1669 Cornelisse, Mathys, from N. Harlem, 1. at Hackensack, and Tryntje Hendricks, b. and 1. at Bergen, m. Noy. 13, 1692, by R. Van Giesen, Yoorleezer, in presence of the Court at Bergen 1692 Criscel, Jan, and Nicolis Ager 1687 Cubberlay, Sophia, and Michael van Tile 1797 D Daamen, Martha Janse, and James Simese 1697 Dama, Annetje, and Hermen Smeemen 1668 Damen, Cornelia, and Pieter Josi 1686 Daniels, Aaltje, and Jacob Jacobse Van Winckel 1675 Day, Esther, and James Hadley 1797 Day, Johanna, and Edward Earle 1800 Day, John, and Lucretia WesterTelt, both of English Neighborhood. . 1798 Day, Naomi, and Henry van der Hoof 1797 Day, AVillem, born on Barbadus Isld, 1. near Hackensack, and Annatje Jacobs, b. near David's plantation in Bergen Co., 1. at Hasy- mus, m. AprU 14 at Bergen by Dr. Selyns 1691 AprU 5 April 22 May 30 May 23 May 5 May 6 Not. 29 Aug. 7 Dec 27 April 2 Sept 7 Feb. 3 Dec 27 Mar. 7 Mar. 6 Jan. 14 Feb. 28 Sept. 14 June 9 April 27 Feb. 3 May 12 Dec. 2 Sept 20 June 9 Not. 6 Feb. 13 Dec 9 Aug. 15 Nov. 25 April 6 Nov. 14 June 24 Feb. 13 Dec 15 June 3 560 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Decker, Catherine, and AVUUam Westervelt 1800 Sept 14 Dedrix, Altie, and Daniel van Kleff 1797 June 24 Dedrix, Jannetje, and Peter Post 1795 Feb. 7 de Gray, Sally, and David Eari 1800 Aug. 24 Degroot, Peter, aud Eleanor Brower, w. of John Mersereau, both of the New Bridge 1801 Oct 24 de Groot, Rachel, and Michael Vreeland 1796 Feb. 13 DeMot, Mathys, b. at Kingstown, 1. at Bergen, and Margrita Blincker hoff, 1. at Hackensack, m. at Hackensack 1705 May 6 De Moth, Claasje, and Cornelis Van Vorst 1726? Demotb, Hendrik, aud Jannetje A'an Wagenen, both b. aud 1. at Bergen ; 1740 Oct 30 Demotb, Jacob, and Feytje A'an Houten, both from Bergen 1747 Oct 11 De Voor, Daniel, w., with letters from the French Churcb atKinkach- gemeok, iu Bergeu Co., aud Engeltje Cornelis 1693 Feb. 28 de Wolff, Hagbregt, and Maria Bear, both ot Hackensack 1798 Sept 23 Dezer, Nathanael, and Clara Earl, both of English Neighborhood 1799 Nov. 12 Didericks, Antje, aud Johannis Johannissen Vreeland 1726 Didericks, Johannes, b. and I. at Bergen, and Geertruy Van Winkel, b. and I. Ackqueknouk 1724 May 2 Dideriks, Gerrit, and Jannitje Van Nieuwkerk, both b. and 1. at Bergen I733 AprU 21 Diderix, Johannis, and Antie Vau Wagenen, both b. and 1. at Bergen. 1768 Dec. 17 Diedericks, Aaltje, and Johanuis AVinne 1758 Dec. 10 Diedericks, Autje, and Joseph AValdron 1767 Dec. 3 Diederickx, AVander, and Aaltje Gerrits, both from Bergen, m. Nov. 27, by R. Van Giesen, in presence of Court 1693 Nov. 5 Diedricks, Aegya, aud Jacobus CoUerd , 1789 Nov. 29 Diedriks, Jacob, from Bergen, and Jannetje Vau AVinkel, b. at Ber gen, 1. at Pemmerpeg. 1738 Not. 26 Diedriks, Johannes, w., b. audi, at Bergen, and Hester Vreeland, b. aud bat AVesel I739 AprU 14 Diedrikx, Cornelis, aud Autje Roos, both b. aud 1. at Bergen 1735 June 7 Dirckx, Neeltje, and Rutger Van Hooren , . . , .- . . 1697 April 25 Dixon, Jonathan, aud Hanuah Burdett, both of Engl. Neighborhood. . 1794 Dec. 13 Doremus, Cornelis Cornelisse, b. at Middelburg, Zeeland, I. at Ach- queobnouk, and Rachel Pietersen, b. and 1. at Bergen 1710 Aug. 12 Dorlant, Marritje, and Luoas Suberingh 1690 April 6 Dorstou, John, and Widow Jones, both of Union, Tioga Co., N. Y 1794 Auo. 6 Douglas, EUinor, aud B irtel Jacobs 1695 Mar.. 21 Douwese, Hermen, and Gerritje Minnes, m. by the minister at E'^'g™^ 1686 June 21 1 In the New York Church records the marriage is entered thus ; Harmen Douwenszen Taelman. j, m. Van Amsterd. en Grietie Minnens, j. d. Van N. Am ersfoort, de Eerst woonende op Tappan en tweede op Haxstroo. [1686] den 21 [June"! op Bergen. Translation: Harmen Douwenszen [Harmen, son of Douwe] Taelman, bachelor, from BERGEN CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 561 Douwesen, ? or Pouwesen, ? Poulus, w. of Aeltje Jacobs, and Feytje Hendrickse, w. of Hendrick Van Reynue, received certificate to N.York May 3 1702 April 12 du Bois, Catherine, and Abrm Cornelison 1795 pgj, 3 Duyts, Lourens, and Grietje Jans 1666 Jan 1 E Earl, Clara, and Nathanael Dezer I799 j^gy 12 Earl, David, and Sally de Gray, both of the Three Pigeons 1800 Aug. 24 Earle, Daniel, and Charlotte Nicolls, both of AVee-hawk 1800 Oct 21 Earle, Edward, and Johanna Day, both of English Neighbourhood. . . 1800 Feb. 13 Earle, Edward, and Peggy Dezer, w. of Jobn Compton, both of Eng lish Neighbourhood 1798 April 12 Earle, Edward, from Maryland, 1. on Sioakis Isld, and Elsje Vreeland, from Gemonepa, 1. at Miukacbgee, Feb. 13, 1688, Rev. Selyns, of New York, married them 1688 June 29 Edsal, Johannis, 1. at Major David's plantation, and Charity Smit, 1. on Cap. Berry's plantation, both from N. York 1691 May 3 Eduwaert, Catryna, and Mathys Gerritse 1688 Jan. 8 Eduwaerts, Hermen, from East Friesland, and Jannetje Hendrickx Oosteroom, from Amesf oort, certificate on Aug. 25 1 678 Aug. 1 1 Eerlsie, Maria, and Johannis Vau der Hoef 1738 AprU 22 Evertse, Heleena, aud Daniel Pryne 1791 July 25 Egbers, Geertje, aud Lourus Ackerman 1679 July 5 Egberts, Dirckje, and Pieter Pieterse Haeswout 1683 Nov. 4 Eltingh, Jan Roelofse, and Jacomyntje Slech, w. of Gerrit Fooken, both 1. at Esopus, received certificate to be m. at Esopus, Nov. 24,1672 .....' 1672 Nov. 10 Epkese, Dirck, from Minnertsche! in West Friesland, and Hester Hanse, from Bergen in New Jersey, m. by the preacher at Ber gen, the first in tbe church 1681 Oct. 3 Epkese, Hendrick, from Minnersche! in W. Friesland, and Mareytje Lubberts, from Meppel in Dren the, m. Nov. 17, by tbe Voor lezer R. Van Giesen, in presence of tbe Court of Bergen 1678 Oct 27 Epkese. AViert, from Minnertsche! in AVest Friesland, and Geertje Jelise [Mandeviel], m. by tbe preacher at Bergen, the first iu tbe churcb, 1681, Oct 3 1681 Sept 25 Epkese, Sibe, from EsterbirumS inW. Friesland, and Marytje Ariaense Sips, from N. York, m. Nov. 6, by Voorlezer R. Vau Giesen, in presence of Court 1678 Oct 13 Evers, Johannis, and Seytje Spier . .' 1744 Aug. 20 Amsterdam, and Grietie Minnens, spinster, from New Amersfoort, the, former living at Tappan and the latter at Haverstraw. [Married] at Bergen, June 21, 1686. 1 Minnertsga. 2 Oosterbierum, 40 562 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Everse, Cathalyntie, and David Hennion 1782 Dec. 21 Everse, Johannis, w., aud Sally Griffons, w 1782 Deo. 21 F Franse, Marya, and Johannis Spier 1679 July 27 Fredericks, Christina, and Adriaan Vermeule 1708 July 1 Fredericks, Marrytie, and Herman Juriaeuseu 1709 June 20 Fredrioksen, Andries, from Bergen, and Priscilla Homs, from Manhat tan Isl., m. at Bergeu by Do. Dubois 1704 AprU 11 Fredriksen, Thomas, b. at Bergen, aud Marytje Hartmansen Vreeland, b. and 1. at Gemcenepanl 1711 Fuller, Thomas, aud Lois Nolden, transient persons 1799 Jan. 10 G Gabriels, Elisabeth, and Pieter Vau Hoorn ,. 1708 May 9 Garrabrance, Mindert, and Agie van Hauten, both of Bfergen 1800 Dec. 13 Garrabrance, Peter, aud Catherine Buskirk, both of Bergen 1800 Feb. 1 Garrison, Catherine, and Joseph van Hauten 1801 Sept 20 Gerbrants, Claes, from Gamouepa, aud Merritje Juriaens, from Ber gen, m. at Bergeu by Do. Dubois 1704 April 11 Gerbrants, Herpert, from Gemceaepten, aud Hillegont Marcelis, from Bergen, received certificate May 29 to N. York 1707 May 4 Gerbrants, Martje, and Hartman Vrelant 1739 Nov. 20 Gerbrants, Neeltje, and Jau Juriaensen 1702 April 7 Gerbrants, Pieter, from Gemonepa, and Christyntje Juriaense, from Bergen, received certificate Ang. 7, to Hackensack 1698 June 26 Gerbrantse, Helena, and Johannis Vreeland 1778 June 20 Gerbrantse, Martje, and Hendrik Coejeman 1738 M-ay 5 Gerrebrant, Meyndert, b. and 1. at Gemoenepan, and Tryntje Jacobsen Van AVinkel, b. and 1. at Bergen 1715 May 7 Gerrebrantse, Annatje, and Machiel Vreelant •. 1789 Nov. 5 Gerrebrautse, Metje, aud Dirck Helmigse Van Houte ' 1711 Sept 9 GerrUs, Aaltje, aud AVander Diedrickx ...1693 Nov. 5 Gerrits, Annetje, and Rutger Jansen 1699 April 12 Gerrits, Catryna, aud Adriaan Post 1677 Mar. 18 Gerrits, C.itryna, and Gerrit Steynmets 1691 July 12 Gerrits, Elisabeth, and Dirck Barentsen 1704 April 11 Garrits, Elisabeth, and Michiel Hartmansen Vreeland 1719 M'ay 4 Gerrits, Feytje, aud Cornelis Van Voorst 1685 Mar. 8 Gerrits, Jr, Garrit, from AVageningen in Gelderland, aud Niesje Pieters, from Baest in Gelderiand, received certificate to N. York, May 11 1681 April 24 Garrits, Harm.iuus, and .Anna Walingbs, both from Bergen, she living at Aohquekuonk, m, Oot. 6 at Bargen 1690 Sept 21 1 M. at New York, April 27, 1711. Nov. 4 Dec 27 Dec 21 Feb. 3 Oct 21 BERGEN CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 563 'Gerrits, Jannetje, aud Christoffel Steynmets 1684 Sept 21 Gerrits, Lea, aud Jacob Geriitseu Vau Wageuingen 1719 May 2 Gerritse, Geesje, and Jau Dirckse Straetmaker 1666 Jan. 14 Gerritse, Mathys, from Bergen, and Catryua Eduwaert, from Boston in N. Engl., both 1. in Bergen, m. Feb. 5 by R. Vau Giesen, in presence of Court Iggg j^^. g Gerritse, Pieter, and Constantia Van der Swalme, w. of Reynier Josiasse VauRoen, both 1. here, m. by Do. Tessemaker Juue 25, ^i^^^S^>^ ; 1688 June 10 Gerritsen, Cornells, aud Aaltje Vau Winkel, both b. aud 1. at Bergen. . 1728 June 29 Gerritsen, Hendrick, aud Margrieta Straetmaker, both 1. at Bergen, m. AprU 3 by Do. Dubois I701 jjiar. 16 Gerritsen, Johannes, aud Cathalyntje Helmighs, both from Bergen, m. by Do. Dubois 1YQ3 Greeuleaf, John, and Rachel Sickels, both of Bargen Wood 1801 Griffons, Sally, and Johanuis Everse 1782 Grimes, Patrick, and Anua Bagtmeus (?), w. of Mr. Coozens, both of Bergen I796 Gysbertse, Annetje, and Hans Alberts 1683 H Hadley, James, and Esther Day, both of Engl. N 1797 June 24 Haeswout, Pieter Pieterse, from Dyokhuysen iu Overysel, and Dirckje Egberts, from Midwout on Long Island, received certificate to Staten Island Nov. 18 1683 Hanse, Hester, and Dirck Epkese 1681 Hanse, Maddaleentje, and Jan Aertsen Van de Biit 16S1 Hansen, Aunetje, and Claes Hertmanse Vreeland 1697 Harrel, Edward, from Laster Charre! in Old England, and Elisabeth Marscbal, both I. at Captain Berry's plantation in Bergeu Co., N. J., received certificate May 11 1684 Hartoch, Barbara, and Jan Nickelis 1691 Btellingb, Grietje Hendrickx, and Jacob Jacobsen Van Winkel 1695 Hellingh, Hendrik Tnuissen, w. of Grietje Sammels, and Styntje Jans, w. of Pieter Pera, groom I. at Bergen, bride at Hackensack, re ceived certificate June 30 from Bergen to Hackensack to be m. there 1700 Helmighs, Cathalyntje, and Johannes Gerritsen 1703 Helmighs, Pieter, and Claertje Post, both from Bergen, m. at Bergen, by BeT. Vreedeman, from Schoouechte 1703 Helmigsen, Cornelis, from Bergen, and Aegtie .Johannissen Vreeland . .1711 Helmighsz, Roelof, and Achtje Cornelis Vreelant, m. by Do. Dubois. .1701 Helmigsen, Gerretje, and Ary Sip 1711 Hendrickse, Feytje, and Poulus Pouwesen? or Douwesen? 1702 1 Query: Lancashire? Not. 4 Oct 3 Not. 13 April 25 April 25 May 31 Mar. 10 June 16 Not. 4 Mar. 21 Mar. 24 April 21 AprU 12 564 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Hendricks, Hans, from N. Jersey, and Tryntje Pieters, from Long, Island, received certificate on July 31, m. at N. York by the preacher 1683 Aug. Hendricks, Thonis, from N. York, aud Susanna Lerou, from Mann heim in tbe Pals, received certificate June 11 1683 Hendricks, Tryntje, and Mathys Cornelisse 1692 Hendricks, Wybrecht, aud Jacob Leroy 1681 Hendricksen, Marytje, and Casparus Styumets 1727 Hendrickx, Aeltje, and Bastiaen Van Giesen 1688 Hendrickx, Cornelia, and Isaac Van Giesen 1690 Hendrickx, Katbalyntje, and Barend Hendrickse Spier 1698 Hennion, David, and Cathalyntie Everse 1782 Hennion, Isaac, b. at Hackensack, and Helena Stynmets, b. and I. at Ahasemes 1726? Hennyon, Feytje, and Jacob Nieuwkerk 1769 Hermen, Reyckje, and Juriaen Tomassen 1667 Hermens, Jan, from Gerder iu Gelderland, and Neeltje Janse Bays, from Midwout, L. Isld., m. June 23 in presence of Court and congreg. of Bergen by R. Van Giesen ; 1684 Hermens, Neeltje, and Johannes Magielse 1670 Hertmans, Claes, w. of Annetje Hermans, and Elsje Pieters, received certificate Aug. 19 to Hackensack 1699 Hill, Eliza, and Thomas Amyas 1801 Hoeper, Saertie, and Machiel Van Tuil 1766 Homs, Priscilla, and Andries Fredrioksen 1704 Hoogland, Aaron, aud Esther Van Houten, both of Pompton 1794 Hoppe, Catbaryna, and Fredrick Thomasse 1672 Hoppe, Hendrick, from N. York, and Maria Jans, from Bergen, m. by tbe preacher at Bergen 1680 Mar. 14 Hoppe, Mathys Adolphus, from N. York, and Anna Poulusse, from N. Albany, m. at N. York, by the preacher 1683 May 2 Hunt, Anna, aud Peter Aymar I797 ]VIar. 5 Hunt, Maria, and Christopher Beekman 1799 July 6 Huysman, Catrientje, aud John Lisk 1767 June 20 I Ido, Robert, b. at Westchester, and Annetje Roome, b. at N. York 1739 Sept 24 J Jacobs, Annatje, and Willem Day 1691 April 5 Jacobs, Bartel, from Midwout, L. I., and EUinor Douglas, w. of Jan De Lenni, both 1. at Pemmerepoch, received certificate April 14, 1695 1695 Mar. 31 Jacobs, Geesje, and Hendrick Janse Oosteroom 1666 May 23 Jacobs, Hillegond, and Evert Evertse Van Beukelaer 1707 May 11 Jacobs, Hillegont, and Jan Borton 1690 Aug. 24 May 20 Nov. 6 Jan. 2 Aug. 5 June 10 July 27 July 31 Dec 21 Feb. 13 May 25 June 1 June 19 Aug. 6 Sept 28 Aug. 24 April 11 Oct 12 Sept. 21 Feb. 26 June 8 Sept. 18 Jan. 13 ¦July 12 Jan. 1 Mar. 14 July 16 June 16 BERGEN CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 565 Jacobs, Treyntje, and Casper Steynmets 1671 Jacobs, Treyntje, and Machiel Tades 1668 Jacobse, Tryntje Hans, and Pieter Poulussen 1687 Jacobusse, Thomas, b. at Pompton, 1. at Newtown, and Saertie Toers, b. at Newark, 1. at Barbadoes . . 1771 Jans, Catriua, and Abel Reddenhars 1696 Jans, Grietje, nnd Lourens Duyts 1666 Jans, Maria, and Hendrick Hoppe 1680 Jans, Metje, aud Johannes Jansz Van Blarcom 1693 Jans, Styntje, and Hendrik Tunissen Hellingh 1700 Jansen, Rutger, fromN. York, I. on Nassau Isl, Queens Co., and An netje Gerrits, from Pemmerepoch, received certificate April 10. . 1699 April 12 Jansz, Johannes, from N. Utreoht, on L. Isld., and Anna Mary Van Giesen, from Midwout, on Long Isld., m. upon certificate at N. York March 24 1686 Mar. 7 Jansz, Pieter, from Bergen, and Elisabeth Lymous, from Uytbuyse, m. June 22 at Bergen by the minister 1685 May 24 Jeems, Mary, and Jochem Anthony Robbert 1686 April 11 Jeffereys, Edward, b. in O. England, and Mary, w. of Joseph Tam- sen, both I. at Sikaakes 1720 Jelise, [Mandeviel], Geertje, and Wiert Epkese 1681 Sept. 25 Jones, Widow, and John Dorston 1794 Aug. 6 Joons, Dieuwer, from Bergen, 1. there, and Wouter AVillemsz, from N. Y., 1. at Hoboken, m. at Bergen AprU 22 1 689 Mar. 30 Joris, Maria, and Michiel Vreelant 1691 Oct 11 Josi, Pieter, and Gornelia Damen, m. by the minister upon certificate from Breuckelen, Staten Isld 1686 AprU 6 Juriaens, Gerrit, from Bergen, and Beelitje Dirckx Van Oogsten, from Hoboken, both 1. at Bergen, m. June 6, in the Cburch at Ber gen, by Do. Selyns 1693 May 14 Juriaens, Merritje, and Claes Gerbrants 1704 April 1 1 Juriaense, Christyntje, and Pieter Gerbrants , 1698 June 26 Juriaense, Thomas, I. at Bergen, and Jannetje Straetmakers, 1. at Ho boken, both from Bergeu, m. Jane 2 by Do. Selyns at Bergen. 1691 May 17 Juriaensen, Aalt, and Gerritje Matheuse, both from and I. at Bergen, received certificate to and were m. at N. York July 7, by Do. Selyns 1695 Juriaensen, Herman, and Marrytie Fredericks, both b. and 1. at Ber gen, m. by Do. Dubois 1 709 Juriaensen, Jan, from Bergen, L there, and Neeltje Gerbrants, from Gemonepa, 1. there, m. by Do. DuBois 1702 April 7 Jurriansen, Johannes, w., and Margrietje Van Winkel, both from Ber gen i740 Sept. 5 Juryansen, Johannes, and Sarah Cuyper, b. at Ahasymus 1740 Dec. 2 June 16 June 20 Dec. 20 Oot 12 Sept. 26 Aug. 10 Oct 22 Sept 5 5d6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. K Kip, Nicasius, and Annetje Bryant, with certificate from Hackensack 1691 Kleyndini, Rutie, aud Abraham Woed 1783 Kuiper, Hillegont Klaasen, and Isaack Van Giesen 1708 Kuyper, Elisabeth, and AViUem Zikkels 1732 Kuyper, Geertje Claasen, and Andries I'redericksen Cadmus 1725 Kuypers, Catryntje, and Gerrit Mattbeusen Van Nieuwkerk 1730 L Lakomba, Magdalena, and Gysbert Jansen Van Blerkom 1706 June 16 Larens, Tammes, from Southole, L. Isld., and Francyntje Berreys, w. of Michiel Smit , 1686 Lerou, Susanna, and Thonis Hendricks 1683 Leroy, Jacob, from Mannheim in the Palz, and Wybrecht Hendricks, from Bergen, received certificate Jan. 25, 1681, to N. York 1681 Lion, Ann, and AVm. Scott 1799 Lisk, Antie, aud Jacobus Meckniel , 1767 Lisk, John, lives at Bergen point, aud Catrientje Huysman, 1. on Staten Isld , both b. on Staten Island 1767 Lozier, Elizabeth, and George Oarlock 1801 Lubberts, Jr., Lubbert, and HUletje Poulusse 1680 Lubberts, Mareytje, and Hendrick Epkese 1678 Lubi, Anna, and Matheus Cornelisse Van Nukerck 1670 Lubi, Jacob, w. of Geertruyt Lous,? and Gerritje Cornelis, w. of Roe lof Cornelis, m. by tbe minister at N. York 1672 Ludlow, Ruth, and Matthias Cariock 1797 Lymons, Elisabeth, and Pieter Jansz 1685 M Macheleeu, Charles, from Scotland, and Catryua Thomas, from Bar badoes, received certificate March 26, 1678 1678 Machielse, Catbaryna, and Walingh Jacobse Van Winckel 1671 Machielse, Preyntje, and Andries Claesen 1668 Magiels, Tades, from N. York, aud Anna Steynmets, from N. York, m. by the preacher at Bergen 1679 Sept 21 Magielse, Johannes, and Neeltje Hermens, received July 23, 1670, cer tificate to ? 1670 June 19 Makale,! Pieter, w. of Antje Vyie, b. on Staten Island, and Maria An driese? b. at Frankfort, Germ., both 1. at Pemmerpog 1730 Mar. 18 Marcelis, Hillegont, and Herpert Gerbrants 1707 May 4 Marcelisae, Ide, aud Ariaantje Siph, both b. and 1. at Bergen 1754 AprU 11 Marsailles, MarsaiUes, and Gertrude Prior, both of Bergen .1800 July 26 Marscbal, Elisabeth, and Eduard Harrel 1684 April 25 Marselis, Catryntje, and Reynier Van Giesen I737 April 17 I Wlnfleld gives this conjeoturally as Marselis or Merselis. Aug. 2 May 20 Jan. 2 AprU 2 May 15 Juue 20 Aug. 8 Mar. 14 Oct 27 Nov.. 27 Sept 4 Oct 7 May 24 Mar. 11 Feb. 26 Mar. 25 Dec. 29 AprU 7 June 16 Jan. 27 April 27 May 6 April 5 Nov. 27 May 16 Oot. 24 Aug. 3 Mar. 30 May 12 Nov. 1 BERGEN CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 567 Mascker, Catherine, and Nathaniel Thompson 1798 Matheus, Jacomyntje, and Jacob Symonseu Van AVinkel 1701 Matheuse, Gerritje, and Aalt Juriaensen 1695 Matsker, Effy, and Abraham Post 1798 Mattheeus, Jacob, from Bergen, and Sara Cornelis, from N. Haerlem, received certificate to Hackensack May 15 1707 Mawrison, Elizabeth, and Benjamin Ooertson 1797 Maybee, Elizabeth, and Jacob Post 1797 MoKoy, Rhode, and John vau der Hoof .' 1796 Meckniel, Jaoobus, b. at Raritan, and Antie Lisk, b. ou Staten Isld., both I. at Bergeu 1767 Mersereau, Eleanor Brower, and PeterDegroot 1801 Mersereau, Joshua, aud Esther Garretson, w. of Richard Christophers, both of Union, Tioga Co. , N. Y 1794 Merselis, Elisabeth, and Adriaen Post 1701 Mesier, Catherine, and Johannis Cornelison 1795 Mesiet, Peter A., and Mary van Wyck, both of N. Y 1800 Meyer, Andries, aud Vroutje Vande Voorst, were m. upon certificate at New York 1671 Nov. 6 Meyer, Garret, of English Neighbourhood, and Jane Bogert, of Hack ensack ¦ 1799 Dec 18 Meyer, Johannes,- from N. York, aud Annetje Van de Voorst, from Hasymus, received certificate June 12, to N. Yorrk 1677 Meyers, Dirckje, aud Enoch Machielse Vreeland , . , 1070 Minnes, Gerritje, and Hermen Douwese 1686 Miet, John, y. m , aud Annatje Baeldin, y. d 1793 Moore, Abraham, and Maria van Gelder, both of English Neighbour hood 1794 Moore, James, aud Sally Moore, both of Engl. Neighbourhood 1796 Moore, Sally, and James Moore 1796 N Nataniels, David, from N. -York, L at Gemoenepa, and Annetje Straet- maecker, from Bergen, 1. at Hoboken, m. March 29, 1692, by Do. Selyns at Bergeu 1692 Mar. 13 Neefjes, Johanuis, b. and 1. at Staten Island, and Antje Gerritsen Van Wageuingen, b. and 1. at Pemmerpog, m. by Do. Dubois 1710 Oot. 9 Newkerk, Aarent, y. m., and Jannetje Vreelant y. d 1793 Nov. Newkerk, Janneken Vreeland, nnd Joseph van Winkel 1798 May 26 Nickelis, Jan, b. ou Barbadus, aud Barbara Hartoch, w. of Jan Ensels, bothl. on Capt Barry's plantation 1691 May 31 Nicolls, Charlotte, and Daniel Earle , 1800 Oct. 21 Nieuwkerk, Jacob, b. at Bergen, and Feytje Hennyon, b. at Hobo ken, both 1. at Bergen ^ 1769 Feb. 13 Nolden, Lois, aud Thomas FuUer 1799 Jan. 10 May 27 June 6 Juue 21 April 28 Jan. 25 Sept 17 Sept 17 568 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. o Oosteroom, Treyntje Hendrickx, and Arien Pieterse Buys 1672 Sept. 30 Oosteroom, Hendrick Janse, w., and Geesje Jacobs, w., m. at Bergen 1666 May 23 Oosteroom, Jannetje Hendrickx, and Hermen Eduwaerts 1678 " Aug. U Outwater, Altie, aud Michael Vreeland .' 1801 Nov. 29 Outwater, Catherine, and Abrm. Sickels 1798 Dec. 8 Outwater, Jacob, and Marretie van den Hoof, both of Bergen 1 797 Sept 30 Outwater, John, and Eleanor Prior, both of Bergen 1800 Jan. 25 Outwater, Tomas Fransen, w. of Tryntje Breestede, aud Metje Pieters, groom 1. at Monachie, bride at Bergen, m. at Acb- quechnonk 1706 Sept 29 P Peeker, William, and Christiana Remey, both of N. Y 1800 Nov. 16 PhUips, WiUemyntje, aud Johannes Jansen Bandt 1697 June 27 Pluvier, Rusje, and Jacob Van Giesen 1693 May 7 Pierra, ! Pieter, from Sedan, France, b at Hackensack, and Steyntje Cornelis, w. of Paulus Jansen, 1. at Bergen, m. Oct. 19 by R. Van Giesen iu presence of the Bergen Court at Bergen 1687 Sept 20 Pieters, Tryntje, and Hans Hendricks 1683 Aug. 1 Pieters, Elsje, and Claes Hertmans 1699 Aug. 6 Pieters, Jannetje, and Helmigh Roelofs 1676 Sept. 3 Pieters, Jenneken, and Barent Barentsen Van Hoorn 1712 Feb. 23 Pieters, Marcelis, from Beest in Gelderland, and Pietertje Van de Voorst, from N. York, received certificate to N. York, May 11 , . 1681 April 24 Pieters, Metje, and Tomas Fransen Outwater 1706 Sept 29 Pieters, Niesje, and Gerrit Gerrits, Jr ' 1681 April 24 Pieterse, Hessel, from Bergen, and Lysbeth Claes, from Hasymus, re ceived certificate June 24, 1690, to N. York 1690 June 8 Pietersen, Rachel, aud Cornelis Cornelisse Doremus 1710 Aug. 12 Preyer, Andries, and Geertruy Sickels , 1749 Oot 8 Preyer, Andries, from Orevelt in Meurs, and Johanna Steynmetz, from Bergen, both 1. at Ahasymus, were married after three proclamations of banns 1688 May 13 Preyer,? Casparus, b. at Pemmerpoch, 1. at Ahasemus, and Sara An driessen, w. of H. Braes? 1714 Mar. 13 Preyer, Johanuis, and Geertruyt Siggelse 1745 June 14 Preyer, Pryntje, aud Petrus Stuy vezand 1723 Oct 27 Preyer, Seleytje, aud Ary Van Wouglim 1715 Mar. 25 Pryer, Abraham, and Martje Sickels, m. iu presence of Justices Michiel Vreeland and Pieter Marselis , 1746 Dec. 18 1 In the Hackensack Dutoh Church records we read that Peter Pira joined that church, Jau. 3, 1697, "with letters from the Prench church"— douBtless the oue near Hackensack. Also that Styntje Jans, wid. of Pieter Pira, married Hendrick Teunisse Helling, June 15, 1700. BERGEN CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 569 Preyer, Arriaentje, and Adam Eap I785 Nov. 19 Priue, Abraham, aud Peggy Colter, both of Bergen 1796 Dec. 27 Prior, Abbie, and John Post 1794 May 9 Prior, Abraham, and Anua Waldr[on], both of Bergen 1796 Deo. 20 Prior, Eleanor, and John Outwater 1800 Jan. 25 Prior, Gertrude, and Marsailles Marsailles. 1800 July 26 Pryer, Arriaentje, aud Adam Rap 1785 n-qv. 19 Pryer, Gertie, and Johannis Callerd 1782 Dec 19 Pryne, Dauiel, w , and Heleena Evertse, y. d 1791 July 25 Post, Abraham, and Effy Matsker, both of Bergen Point 1798 Jan. 27 Post, Adriaan, from tbe Hague, Holland, and Catryna Gerrits, from Wageninge in Gelderland, m. AprU 17, 1677, at Bergeu by the I minister 1677 Mar. 18 Post, Adriaen, and Elisabeth Mersilis, m. April 21, 1701, by Do. Dubois 1701 Post, Catherine, and Peter Brower 1796 Post, Claertje, aud Pieter Helmighs 1703 Post, Egbert, b. at Ackquegnonk, 1. at Gemoenepa, and Saertje Stuy vesant, b. and 1. at Bergen, m. by Do. Jackson 1765 Post, Frans, and Maeyke Cobus, with certificate from Aohquekuonk , . 1690 Post Gerrit, and Lea Straet, received certificate Dec. 26, and were m. Dec '27 at N. York 1704 ?ost, Johannis, and Elisabeth Helm. Van Houten, b. and 1. at Bergen. [1714 Post, Jacob, and Elizabeth Maybee, both of Rockland 1797 Post, John, and Abbie Prior, both of Bergen 1794 Post, Peter, and Jannetje Dedrix, both of Bergen 1795 Post, Pieter, from Akkwegnonk, I. at Ahasemus, and Catharina Beek man, w., I. near N. York 1710 Poulus, Catrina, and Matheus Cornelisse Van Nieuwkerok 1686 Poulns, Eegje, aud Jacob Jacobsen, Jr., Van Winkel 1703 Poulusse, Anna, and Mathys Adolphus Hoppe 1683 Poulusse, Hilletje, and Lubbert Lubberts, Jr. 1680 Poulussen, Dirck, b. at Bergen, 1. there, and Fytje Hertmans Vree lant, b. at Gemonepa, 1. there, received certificate Aug. 19 to Hackensack 1699 July 30 Poulussen, Maerten, from Bergeu, 1. there, and Margrietje Westervelt, from Betvoort, L. I., 1. at Hackensack, received certificate April 8 to Hackensack and m. there at same date 1694 M jr. 25 Poulussen, Pieter, from N. York, aud Tryntje Haus .Jacobse, from Stuyvesant's Bowery, both I. bere, m. Oct. 3 at Bergen 1687 Sept 18 Pouwesen,? or Douwesen,? Poulus, w. of Aeltje Jacobs, and Feytie Hendrickse, w. of Hendrick Van Reynne, received certificate to N. York May 3 1702 AprU 12 1 M. at New York Oct 8, 1714 41 Mar. 30 April 10 Mar. 21 Nov. 30 April 22 Dec 27 11 April 5 May 9 Feb. 7 Nov. 17 July 5 Mar. 7 May 2 Mar. 14 570 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. O Quin, Elchie Cariock, and John van Dalson 1800 Nov. 16 R Ralemon, Jacobus Jansen, from N. Albany, and Pietertje Claes, from Ahasymus, received certificate to Hackensack Dec. 12, 1696... 1696 Nov. 22 Rap, Adam, and Arriaentje Preyer 1785 Nov. 19 Reddenhars, Abel, from Hackemock, Virg., and Catriua Jans, from Bergen, both 1. at Bargen, m. July 26, at Bergen 1696 July 12 Remey, Christiana, and AVm. Peeker 1800 Not. 16 Robbert, Jochem Aulhony, from N. York, and Mary Jeems, w. of Jaems Bensen, m. April 28 by R. V. Giesen in the school, in presence of the Court 1686 April 11 Roelofs, Cornelis, from .Amersfoort on Long Island, and Ma-Maleena Van Giesen, from N. York, received certificate Nov. 13, 1677, to New York 1677 Oct 14 Roelofs, Helmigh, from Bergen, and Jannetje Pieters, from Gelder land, m. Oot 2, by the Preacher at Bergeu 1676 Sept 3 Roelofse, Mechtelje, and Jau Hendrickse Van Oosteroom M. 1683 Aug. 19 Roelofse, Teunis, from Amersfoort on Ling Island, and Tryntje Claes, from Mauatans Isld., received certificate Jan. 8, 1678, to NewYork 1677 Dec 23 Roome, Annetje, and Robert Ido 1739 Sept 24 Roome, Geertruy, and Johannis Spier 1739 April 29 Roos, Autje, and Cornelis Diedrikx 1735 Juue 7 s Schepmoes, Aeltje, and Johannis Van Giesen 1687 Juue 26 Scott, AViUiam, and Anu Lion, both of Hoebaoken 1799 April 2 Seely, Jobn, and Keziah van Ziele, both of Wehake 1800 June 23 Seggels, Catrina, and Cornelis Van Wagenen 1742 Oct. 17 Shephard, Peggy, and Cornelius Smith , 1797 Oct 21 Shephard, Samuel, and Anu Smith, both of Bergen 1793 Dec. 29 Shiudel, Conrad, and Margenit B.iker, both transient persons, £0.17.6,1793 Sept 4 Sickels, Abraham, a ul Catherine Outwater, both of Bergen 1798 Dec -8 Sickels, Geertie, aud Machiel Vieeland 1781 Sept 16 Sickels, Gaertruy, and Audries Preyer 1749 Oct 8 Sickels, Martje. and Abraham Pryer 1746 Deo. 18 Sickels, Peter, y. m, , and Eeva van der Hoef, y. d 1791 Oct 8 Sickels, Rachel, and John Greeuleaf 1801 Dec. 27 Sickels, Zacharias, b. and 1. at Bergen, and Ariaantje Hartmanse Vree land, b. and 1. at Gemoenepa 1719 Nov. 7 Siggelse, Geertruyt, aud Johannis Preyer 1745 June 14 Sikels, Abraham, b. and I. at Bergen, and Agie Blinckerbof, b. and 1. at Gemcenepan I739 AprU 1 BERGEN CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. Sikkels, Feytje, and Roelof Helmigsen Van Houten 1711 Sikkels, Hendrick, aud Jenneke Stuyvesant, both b. and I. at Bergen, m. by Do. W. Jackson 1767 Sikkels, Robbert, aud Autje Winne 1749 Simse, James, b. at Gravesend, 1. at Bergen, and Martha Janse Daa men, w. of Jan Remse, 1. at Midwout, L. I., received certifi cate Sept 10, 1697 1697 Sip, Antje, and Gerrit Harmanse A''an Wageuingen 1713 Sip, Ary, and Gerretje Helmigsen, both b. and 1. at Bargen! I7ii Sip, Ide, w. of Ariaantje Cornelissen Cadmus, aud Autje Van Wageu ingen, both b. and b at Bergen 1725 Sip, Jenneke, and Cornelis Vreelant 1788 Sip, Jenneke, and Corneelus Vreelant 1789 Sip, Peter, y. m., aud Elizabet Vreelant 1789 Siph, Ariaantje, and Ide Marcelisse 1754 Sippe, Hillegond, aud Johannis Walings Van Winckel 1710 Sips, Annetie Ariaense, and Symon Jacobse Van Winckel 1675 Sips, Jau Ariaens, from Bargen in New Jersey, aud Johanna Van de Voorst, from Ahasymus, received certificate to N. York on AprU 22 ..1684 Sips, Marytje Ariaense, and Sibe Epkese 1678 Smeemau, Hermen, aud Anuetje Dame2 1668 Smit, Charity, and Johannis Edsal 1691 Smith, Cornelius, and Peggy Shephard, both of Bergeu 1797 Smith, Mary, and John Bedell 1800 Smith, Polly Carl, aud Ezekiel Stillwell 1798 Smith, Rebecca, and John AVilliams 1795 Slech, Jacomyntje, aud Jau Roelofse Eltingh 1672 Slot, Eva Jaoobussen, aud Hendrik Van der Hoeven 1723 Slot, Jan, from Bergen, and J Andriesse, from N. York, both I. at Bargen, m. at Bergen by Do. Da Bois 1700 Slot, Lea, and Jacob Brouwer 1730 Spear, William, aud Keziah Stag, both of Pasipenie 1796 Spier, Albertus, b. and 1. at Pemmerpog, and Orseltje AVestervelt, b. and 1. at Hackensack 1742 Spier, Annatje, and Arent Toers 1730 Spier, Barend Hendrickse, aud Katbalyntje Hendrickx, both 1, at Pem merpoch, received certificate Aug. 26, to Aohquegnonck. . -. 1698 Spiers, Helena, and Paulus Vau Nieuwkerke 1728 Spier, Johannis, and Geertruy Roome, w. of Hendrik Meyer 1739 Spier, Johanuis, and Marya Franse, from Beest iu Gelderland, re ceived certificate to New York on Aug. 12, 1679 1679 Spier, Seytje, and Johannis Evers 1744 1 Married at New York April 19, 1711. 2 Entered in the N. Y. Church records as Anneken Daniels. sn Dec 15 Feb. 2i Oct. 8 Aug. 15 Oct 30' May 23 Oct 5 Nov. 1 Nov. 1 April 11 Sept. 30 Nov. 14 April 0 Oot. 13 Nov. 25 May 3 Oct 21 Mar. 10 Nov. 18 July 26 Nov. 10 May 11 Mar. 10 Mar. 28 Juue 5 Juue 5 July 19 July 31 Juue 18 April 29 July 27 Aug. 20 572 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Spier, Teunis Jansen, from N. York, and Catbaryna Thomasse, from Bergen, N. J., m. Oct 6 by preacher at Bergen 1684 Sept 14 Stag, Keziah, and Wm. Spear 1796 June 5 Stagg, Abraham, of N. Y., and Rachel Toren, of Hoebucken 1800 Feb. 1 Stynmets, Anna, and Tades Magiels 1679 Sept 21 Stynmets, Casper, w., and Treyntje Jacobs, w., m. March 15 before Court at Bergen , 1671 Feb. 26 Steynmets, Christoffel, from N. York, and Jannetje Gerrits, from Gemonepa, m. Oct 6 by the minister at Bergen 1684 Sept 21 Steynmets, Christoffel, w. of Jannetje Gerrits, and Sara Van Neste, . 1699 Steynmets, Gerrit, from N. York, and Vrouwtje Claes, from Bergen Jurisdiction, received certificate to N. York March 11, and m. March 12 at N. York 1684 Mar. 12 Steynmets, Gerrit, w. of Vrouwtje Claes, and Catryna Gerrits, w. of Adrian Post, I. at Achqueckuonk, received certificate July 31, 1690 1691 July 12 Steynmetz, Johanna, and Andries Preyer 1688 May 13 Steynmets, Johannes, from Manhatans, and Annetje Jacobse Vau Winkel, fromN. York, received, Nov. 30, certificate to N. York. 1676 Oot 29 StUlwUl, Ezekiel, of N. Y., and Polly Carl, w. of Job Smith, of Secaucus , 1798 Stimets, Leentie, aud John Wilcher 1797 Straet, Lea, and Gerrit Post , 1704 Straetmaecker, Annetje, and David Nataniels „ , . 1692 Straetmaeokers, Rachel, and Daniel Vau Winkel 1707 April 27 Straetmaker, Dirck, and Tryntje Buys, received certificate Nov. 24 to be m. Nov. 27 1698 Nov. 6 Straetmaker, Jan, w. of Geesje Van Steenwyck, and Neeltje Buys, w. of Jacob Vygoor, received certificate Jan. 27, m. by Do. Bertholf 1707 Straetmaker, Jan Dirokse, and Geesje Gerritse 1666 Straetmaker, Margrieta, and Hendrick Gerritsen 1701 Straetmaker, Tryntje, and Jan Claesseu 1694 Straetmakers, Jannetje, and Thomas Juriaanse 1691 Stuyvesant, Jenneke, and Hendrick Sikkels 1767 Stuyvesant, Saertje, and Egbert Post 1765 Stuyvezand, Petrus, b. at N. York, aud Pryntje Preyer, b. and 1. at Bergen I733 Oct 27 Stynmets, Casparus, b. and 1. at Ahasymis, aud Marytje Hendricksen, b. at Port Royal, 1. at Bergen 1727 Aug. 5 Stynmets, Helena, and Isaac Hennion 1726? Stynmets, Urselena, and Roelof Lubbertse Westervelt 1688 Mar. 11 Sueberingh, Ida, and Isaac Billau 1684 Nov. 2 Suberingh, Lucas, from Midwoud, L. Isld., 1. at Minkaohquee, and Merritje Dorlant, from Breuckelen, I. at St. Isl., received cer tificate AprU 30, 1690 1690 April 6 Nov. 18 June 25 Dec. 27 Mar. 13 Jan. 12 Jau. 14 Mar. 16 Sept 23 May 17 Feb. 21 Nov. 30 BERGEN CHURCH MARklAGE RECORDS. 573 Swartwout, Roelof, w. of Eva Albers, and Francyntje Andries, -sv. of Ab. Lubbers, with certificate from Do. Selyns! 1691 Nov. 22 Swertwout Anthony, from Kingstown, Esopus, and Jannetje Cobus, from N. Albany, both L at Bergen, received certificate to Esopus May 8, 1693 1693 May 8 T Tades, Machiel, ^, and Treyntje Jacobs, 1668 June 8 Taelman — see Douwese, Hermen. Tansen, M-ary, and Eduard Jefferys. 1720 Teunise, Aeltje, and CorneUs Claesz 1681 Dec. 11 Thomas, Amyas, and Eliza HiU, both of N. Y 1801 Sept 28 Thomas, Catryna. and Charles Macheleeu 1678 Mar. 11 Thomasen, Arien, from N. York, and Maaike Oobussen, from Albany, both b at Bergen, m. June 21 by the minister at Bergen 16S6 May 30 Thomasen, Thomas, from Bargen, and Sara Van Dueselen, from Al bany, received certiflcate Sept. 17 to Acbq-iecknonck 1701 Aug. 17 Thomasse, Catbaryna, and Teunis Jansen Spier 1684 Sept. 14 Thomasse, Fredrick, and Catharjma Hoppe, m. Oct 23 by minister at N. York 1672 Sept 22 Thompson, Nathaniel, and Catherine Mascker, both of Bargen 1798 Dec. 29 Thorp, Susan, and Charles Clerke 179S Nov. 6 Toers, Aeltje, and Eidt'- AVinne 1790 Nov. 6 Toers, Arent b. and 1. at Bargen, and Annatje Spier, b. and 1. at Pem merpog 1730 July 19 Toers, CLies Arentse. from Amsterdam, Holland, and Jacomyntje Van Neste, from N. York, received certificate to Breucklen, July 8, and were m. there July 13 1684 June 22 Toers, Lourus Arense, from Amsterdam, Holland, and Francyntje Tomas, from N. York M. at New York 1672 Ang. 15 Toers, Nicklaas, and -Jannetje Vau Reype, both b. and I. at Bergen, m. by Do. AV. Jackson 1766 May 31 Toers, Saertie, and Thomas Jacobusse 1771 Jan. 13 Tomas, Francyntje, and Lourus Arense Toere 1672 Ang. 15 Tomasse, Johannes, b. aud 1. at Bergen, and Marytje A'an Deusen, w. ot Tymen Van Valensyn, 1. in Newark, Essex Co., received cer tificate Dec. 24, 1705. m. at Achqueckuonk 1706 Jan. 1 Tomassen, Juriaen, and Reyckje Hermen 1667 May 25 Toren, Rachel, and Abrm. Stagg. 1800 Feb. 1 V Van Beuren, Silvester, and Annamanda van der Pool, w. of James Waugb,3 both of Bergen. 1801 Jan. 1 I In the New York Chureh records the marriage is thu* entered : Roelof Swartwout, Wedr A'an £va Alberts, en Francyntie Andries, Wede A'an Abraham Lubbertszen, d' Eerste wonende in de Esopus, en twede alhier. 2 Edo. 3 Winfield gives this as James Wrangle. 574 ^EAV JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Van Blarcom, Johannes Jansz, from Bergen, aud Metje Jans. Juue 11, 1693, first proclamation at Midwout; June 18, first procla mation at Bergen; m. July 16, by R. Van Gieseu, at Bergen. . . 1693 July 16 Van Blercom, Hester, and Lourens Barents 1707 Aug. 27 Vau Blerekom, Gysbert Jansen, and Magdalena Lakomba, both I. at Bergen, m. June 16 at Bergen by R. Vau Giesen in presence of Court ., 1706 June 16 Van Beukelaer, Evert Evertse, aud Hillegond Jacobs, received certifi cate June 7 to be m. June 8, by Justice Enoch Mighielse 1707 May 11 Van Borckeloo, Wilhem Hermensen, from N. Utrecht, and Maria Cor deljou, the groom 1. at Coustapelshoeck, the bride at N. Utreeht, received certificate Aug. 1, and m. April 5 at Amersfoort 1697 Mar. 7 Van Boskerk, Lourens, b. at Hackensack, and Fytje Cornelissen Vree lant, b. at Gemcenepan, both 1. at Pemmerpoch 1709 Sept 18 van Buskirk, Cornelius, of Staten Island, and Peggy van Horne, of Bergen Poiut 180O Dec 24 van Dalson, John, and Elchie Cariock, w. of ' Teunis Quin, both of N, Y 1800 Nov. 16- Van de Biit, w., Jan Aertsen, and Maddaleentje Hinse, w., received oertitioate to Breuckelen on Dec. 10 1681 Van de Voorst Aunetje, aud Johannes Meyer 1677 Van de Voorst, Johanna, and Jan Ariaens Sips 1634 Van de Voorst, Pietertje, and Marcelis Pieters 1681 Vau de Voorst, Vroutje, and Andries Meyer 1671 Van den Bos, Hendrick Jansz, from N. York, aud Maria Booaas, from Laiden, Holl, received certificate to Staten Island on Oct 17. .1655 vau der Hoef, Eeva, and Peter Sickels 1791 Vau der Hoef, Johanuis, b. at Hackensack, aud Maria Eartsie, b. at Kinderhoek 1738 Van der Hoeven, Hendrik, aud Eva Jaoobussen Slot, b. at Hackensack, and I at Bergen 1723 van der Hoof, Henry, and Naomi Day, both of English Neighbour hood 1797 van der Hoof, Jane, and Michael Vreeland I799 van der Hoof, Johu, aud Rhode McKay, both f ro.-u N. Y 1795 van der Hoof, Marritie, and Jac Db Outwater I797 van der Hydau, Wm, Anthony, and Hanrietta WUhelimena Elizabeth van Holten, both from Holland aud now I. at Bargen 1800 Aut^. 16 Vauderiinde, Ro.alof, frora Wageniugen in Gelderland, aud Susanna Hendricks Bronokhorst, from Midwout on Long Island, m. at Bergen by the preacher 1682 Van der Linden, Michtelt, aud Albert Zaberoski 1676 Van der Vorst, Marya, aud Uldrik Brouwer 1738 Vau der Swalme, Constantia, and Pieter Garritse 1638 Vau Deusen, Marytje, nnd Johannes Tomasse I7O6 Van Dueselen, Sara, and Thomas Thomasen I7O1 Nov. 13 May 27 AprU 6 April 24 Nov. 5 Sept 27 Oot 8 April 22 May 11 June 3 May 11 Nov. 27 Sept. 30 Oct. 2 Dec 17 Oot. 8 June 10 Jan. 1 Aug. 17 BERGEN CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 575 van Geesen, Polly, and Rynier van Geesen 1801 April 23 van Gaesan, Rynier, of English Neighbourhood, aud Polly Viin Gee sen, of Sekakos 1801 AprU 23 van Gelder, Maria, aud Abrm. Moore I794 Jan. 25 Van Giesen, Abraham, from Bargen, and Fytje Andriesse, from Gem onepa, m. Oct. 25, 1691, at Bargen, by Voorlezer R. Van Gieseu, before the Congreg. iu pres. of the Court 1691 Oct 4 Van Giesen, Anna Marj', and Joh'innes Jansz 1686 Mar. 7 Van Gieseu, B.istiaen, 1. at Aobquechnonk, and Aeltje Hendrickx, 1. at Hackensack, both from Midwout, m. June 25 at Bargen, by Do. Tessemaker 1688 Juue 10 Vau Giesen, Isaack, from Bargen, aud Cornelia Hendrickx, from Mid wout, L. L, L at H ickensack, m. Aug. 10, 1690, al Bargen 1690 Jaly 27 Vau Giesen, Isaack, w. of Cjrnelia Handriks Blinkerhoff, and Hille gont Klaasen Kuiper, b. at Hasemes! 1708 Sept 26 Vau Gieseu, Jacob, from Bergen, 1. there, and Rusje Pluvier, from N. York, b there, m, upou certificate at N. York June 1 1693 May 7 Van Gieseu, Johannis, from Utrecht, Netberland, and Aeltje Schep moes, w. of Jan Evertse Keteltas, received certificate to N. York July 11, 1637 1687. June 26 Van Giesen, Maddaleena, aud Cornelis Roelofs 1677 Oct 14 Van Giesen, Reynier, w. of Dirckje Oornelis Van Groeulinde, and Hen drickje Janse Bays, w. of Cornells Verwey, groom Voorlezer at Bergen, m. Oct 17 on the "Polvly"2 by Do. Bertholf 1699 Oot 1 Van Giesen, Reynier, b. at 2ud Riv., 1. at Totua, and Catryntje Mar selis, b. and I. at Bargen 1737 vau Hauten, Agie, and Mindert Garrabrance 1800 van Hauten, Catherine, and Jacob Zabriskie 1801 van H luten, Esther, and Aaron Hoogland' 1794 Tan Hauten, Helmik, and Catherine Tan Rypen, both of Bsrgen 1799 Tan Hauten, Joseph, and Catherine Garrison, both of New Hempstead, N. Y 1801 Tan Hauten, Michael, and Aeltie van Horne, both of Bergen 1793 va.ji Holten, Henrietta WUhelimena Elizabeth, and Wm. Anthony van der Hyden 1800 Van Hooren, Aahtje, and Enoch M. Vreeland 1705 Van Hooren, Ratger, from N. York, 1. at Hackensack, and Neeltje Dirckx, w. of Jan Vanderlinden, 1. at Gamonepa, received cer- tiSoate June 28 1697 AprU 25 Van Hoorn, Barent Bvrantsen, b. at Pammerpog, and Jenneken Pieters, b. and 1. ,at Bergeu 1712 Feb. 23 Van Hoorn, Marytje, and Elias Johannissen Vreeland , . . , 17;;3 May 11 1 M. at New York Oot. 19. 1708. 2 The Polifly neighborhood Is now known as Woodbridge ; it is between Rutherford and Hackensack. April 17 Deo. 13 Dec 12 Oot 12 Dec — Sept 20 Dec 15 Aug. 16 Jan. 13 Dec 19 Oot 20 Oct 11 Oct 17 May 30 Dec 15 June 24 May 28 June 22 576 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Van Hoorn, Neeltye, and Jureye van Rype 1790 Nov. 6 Van Hoorn, Pieter, w. of Tryntje Van Dyck, b. at Pemmebogh, and Elisabeth Gabriels, b. at N. Albany, m. in pres. of Just Helmig Roelofsen, by Adrian Verraeulen 1708 May 9 van Horne, Aeltie, and Michael van Hauten 17i)3 Dec 15 van Horne, Burger, of Bergen Point, and Anna Buskirk, of Staten Island 1801 Feb. 12 van Horne, Cornelius, and Sally Cliuedeny, both of Bergen 1799 Nov. 14 van Horne, Rachel, and David Braambush 1796 Mar. 26 Van Houte, Dirck Helmigse, b. and I at Bargen, aud Matje Gerre brantse, b. and 1. at Gemoenepan 1711 Sept 9 Van Houte, Elisabeth Helm, and Johannis Post 1713 ? Van Houte, Johannes, and Annatie Callerd 1782 Van Houten, Claasie, and Hartman Blinckerhoff 1744 Van Houten, Feytje, and Jacob Demotb 1747 Van Houten, Jannetje, and Jacob Van Wagenen 1742 Van Houten, Johanuis Helmigsen, and Helena Johannissen Vreeland, 1719 Van Houten, Roelof Helmigsen, w. of Egje COrn. Vreelaiid, and Feytje Sikkels, b. at Albany, I. at Bergen , ". 1711 van Kleff, Daniel, of Staten Island, and Altie Dedrix, of Bargen . . ..1797 Van Laer, Aaltje, and .Abraham Ackerman M. 1683 Van Neste, Jacomyntje, and Claes Areutse Toers 1634 Van Neste, Sara, and Christoffel Steynmets 1699 Van Nieuwkerck, Matheus Cornelisse, w. of Anna Lubi, b. at Slechten- horst in Gelderland, and Catryna Poulus, from Bergen, N. J., both 1. at Bergen, m. Aug. 15 at Bergen by the Voorlezer, R. Vau Giesen, in presence of the Court at Bergen, in the church. 1686 July 6 Van Nieuwkerk, Gerrit Mattheussen, b. audi at Bergen, and Catryntje Kuypers, b. and 1. at Ahasemus 1730 Sept. 6 Van Nieuwkerk, Jannitje, aud Gerrit Dideriks 1733 April 21 Van Nieuwkerke, Paulus, b. and I. at Bergen, and Helena Spiers, b. and I at Pemmerpog 1728 June 18 Van Nukerck, Mathus Cornelisse, and Anna Lubi, m. Dec. 14, 1670, . by Court at Bergen 1670 Nov. 27 Van Nurdeu, Elizabeth, and Hartman Brinkerboof 1797 Oct. 21 Van Oogsten, Beelitje Dirckx, and Gerrit Juriaens 1693 May - 14 Van Oogsten, Dirck Janse, and Elisabeth Cornelis, were m. upon cer tificate at New York 1672 Jan. 14 Van Oosteroom, Jau Hendrickse, from N. Y'ork, and Mechteltje Roe lofse, from Breucklen on Long Island, received certificate to Midwout, on Aug. 18, and were M. 1683 van Orden, Letitia Oldis, w., and Jeremiah A'oumans 1801 Van Reype, Catrientie, and Gerrit Van Reype I779 Van Reype, Gerrit, w., and Catrientie Van Reype, both b. and b at Bergen, m. by Dom. Gerrit Leydekker, New York 1779 Vau Reype, Gerrit, aud Jannetje Winne 1785 Aug. 19 Nov. '8 May 2 May 2 Nov. 19 May 31 Oot — Nov. 6 Dec. — July 10 Dec 9 Mar. 8 Deo. 17 Jan. 10 Oct 17 Mar. 22 BERGEN CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 577 Van fieype, Jannetje, and Nicklaas Toers 1766 vail Rype, Dirick, y. m., and Jenneke Vreeland, y. d 1798 van Rype, Jureye, y. m., and Neeltje van Hoorn, y. d 1790 van Rypen, Catherine, and Helmik van Hauten 1799 Van Steenwyk, Piet Cornelisse, and Hendrickje Arentse, m. July 31, before Court at Bergen 1670 van Tile, Michael,- and Sophia Cubberlay, both of Pamrapaugb 1797 Van Tuil, Machiel, and Saertie Hoeper, both b. on Staten Isld. and 1. at Pemmeropog 1766 Aug. 24 Van Tuyl, Abraham, from Staten Island, and Metje Vreeland, b. at Stony Poiut 1738 Dec 8 Van Vorst, Cornelis, b. and 1. at Ahasemis, and Claasje De Moth, b. and 1. at Bergeu 1726 ? Van Voorst, Cornelis, from Hasymus, and Feytje Gerrits, from Gem onepa, m. April 6 by tbe minister at Bergen .1685 Van Wagenen, Antie. and Johannis Diderix 1768 Van Wagenen, Catherine, and Henry van Winkel 1801 Van Wagenen, Cornelis, and Catrina Seggels, both b.'and 1. at Bergen.1742 Van Wagenen, Gerrit, and Margrietje Van Winkel 1746 Van Wagenen, Helmigh, from Bergen, and Martje Brinkerhof, b. at Gemoenepan 1735 Sept. 26 Van Wagenen, Jacob, and Jannetje Van Houten, both b. and 1. at Bergen 1742 Van Wagenen, -Jannetje, and Hendrik Demotb 1740 Van Wagenen, Johannis, and Aaltje Vreeland 1 748 Van Wagenen, Johannis, and Neesje Van Wagenen 1749 Van Wagenen, Klaasie, and Peter Westervelt 1796 Van Wagenen, Lea, and Hendrick Blinkerhoff 1779 Van Wagenen, Neesje, and Johannis Vau Wagenen 1749 Van Wageniugen, Antje Gerritsen, and Johanuis Neefjes 1710 Van AVageuingen, Antje, and Ide Sip 1725 Van Wageniugen, Gerrit Harmans, b. and I. at Achquecknonk, aud Antje Sip, b. and 1, at Bergen 1713 Oct 30 Van Wageningen, Jacob Gerritsen, b. and 1. at Pemmerpog, and Lea Gerrits, b. and 1. at Bergen 1719 May 2 Van Westervelt, Juriaen, and Geeshe Bongert, with certificate from Hackensack, 1690 April 22 Vau Winckel, Jacob Jacobse, from New Albany, and Aaltje Daniels, from N. York, have been married Dec. 16 by the Voorlezer U. Van Giesen in presence of tbe Court 1675 Nov. 14 Van Winckel, Johannis Walings, and HiUegond Sippe, groom from Achquecknonck, and L there, bride from Bergen and 1. there, .1710 Sept. 30 Van Winckel, Symon Jacobse, from N. Jersey, and Annetie Ariaense Sips, from N. York, have been married Dec. 15 by R. Van Gie sen, Voorlezer, in presence of Court 1675 Nov. 14 42 Oct. 17 Oct. 30 Oct 17 Nov. 8 Oct. 30 June 19 Nov. 8 Oct 9 May 23 578 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Van Winckel, Walingh Jacobse, and Catbaryna Machielse, m. March 15 by Court at Bergen 1671 Feb. J6 Van Winkel, Aaltje, and Cornelis Gerritsen 1728 June 29 Van Winkel, Annetje Jacobse, and Johannes Steynmets 1676 Oct. 29 Van Winkel, Dauiel, from Bergen, and Rachel Straetmaeokers, from Hoboken, received certificate to New York May 15 1707 AprU 27 Van Winkel, Daniel, w. of Rachel Straetmaacker, and Jannetje Cor nelis Vreelant, both b. under Bergen, m. at N. York, by G. Dubois 1709 Sept 3 van AVinkel, Garret, and Cornelia Vreeland, both of Bergen 1801 Oct. 3 Van Winkel, Geertruy, and Johannes Didericks 1724 May 2 Van Winkel, Hendrik, b. at Bergen, and Catryntje Waldron, b. at N. York, both 1. at Bergeu 1726 May — Van AVinkel, Henry, and Catherine vau AVageuen, both of Bergen . . .1801 Jan. 10 Van Winkel, Jacob Jacobsen, Jr., and Eegje Poulus, bothb. at Bergen and 1. at Achquecknonck, received certificate March 26 and were married at Achquecknonck April 11 1703 Mar. 7 Van Winkel, Jacob Jacobsen, w. of Aaltje Daniels, and Grietje Hen drickx Hellingh, both 1. at Bergen, m. March 25. 1695 Mar. 10 Van Winkel^ Jacob Symonseu, and Jacomyntje Matheus, received cer tificate to Achquecknonk April 20 1701 Van Winkel, Jannetje, and Jacob Diedriks ' 1738 van Winkel, Joseph, and Janneken Vreeland, w. of Henry Newkerk, both of Bergen 1798 Van Winkel, Margrietje, and Gerrit Van Wagenen 1746 Van Winkel, Margrietje Jacobs, and Abraham Vreelant 1699 Van Winkel, Margrietje, and Johannes Jurriansen 1740 van Winkel, Rachel, and ilartiu AVinner 1797 Van Winkel, Simon Jacobson, b. at Bergen, and Jannetje Aljee, w. of Steven Aibertse, b. at Hackensack 1710 Vau Winkel, Tryntje Jacobsen, and Meyndert Gerrebrant 1715 Van Wouglim, Ary, b. ou Staten Island, and Seleytje Preyer, b. at Barge, I at Ahasemus 1715 van Wyck, Mary, aud Peter A. Mesier 1800 van Ziele, Keziah, and Samuel Shephard I793 Verkerok, Jannetje, from Midwout, aud a Young Maul from Ahasy mus, received certificate Feb. 2, 1707, m. by Do. Freeman at Midwout 1707 jan. 19 Vermeule, Adriaen, b. at Vlissingeu, Zeeland, w. of Dina Swarts, and Christina Fredericks, b. at Bergen, m. by Do. Guilliaem Ber tholf, of Hackensack 1708 ' July 1 Vreeland, Aagje Hartmaus, and Cornelis Hendricksen Blinkerhoff , . . 1708 May 24 Vreeland, Aaltje, and Johannis Van Wagenen 1748 Oct 17 1 Doubtless Hendrick Claesen Kuyper, son of Claes Jansen Van Purmerant (who as sumed the name of Kuyper— or Cooper— long before his death). AprU 7 Nov. 26 May 26 Mar. 22 Oct 8 Sept 5 AprU 1 May 27 May 7 Mar. 25 Nov. 1 Dec 29 BERGEN CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 579 Vreeland, Aegtie Johannissen, and Cornelis Helmigsen 1711 Mar. 24 Vreeland, Ariaantje Hartmanse, and Zacharias Sickels 1719 Nov. 7 Vreeland, Catharina, and Aart Aibertse 1692 May 29 Vreeland, Claes Hertmanse, from Gemonepa, and Anuetje Hansen, fromN. Utrecht, L. I., receiTed certificate May 24 and were married May 25 at Gemonepa by Do. Bertholf 1697 AprU 25 Vreeland, Cornelia, and Garrit Tan AA^inkel 1801 Oot 3 Vreeland, Cornelis Macbiels, from N. York, and Metje Dircks Braeck, from N. York, receiTed certificate to N. York, May 11 1681 April 17 Vreeland, Elias Johannissen, b. at Gemoenepan, and Marytje Van Hoorn, b. at Pemmerpog, both 1. at Gemoenepan 1723 May 11 Vreeland, Elsje, and Edward Earle 1688 Jan. 29 Vreeland, Enoch Machielse, and Dirckje Meyers, receiTed June 20, certificate to New York 1670 June 5 Vreeland, Enoch Michiels, w. of Dierckje Myers, I. at Minkachquee, and Grietje Wessels, w. of Jan Janse Langedyk, I. at N. York . 1691 Aug. 23 Vreeland, Enoch M., w. of Grietje Wessels, and Achtje Vau Hooren, both L at Minkachquie, m. at N. York by Do. Dubois 1706 Vreeland, Helena Johannissen, and Johannis Helmigsen Van Houten. 1719 Vreeland, Hester, and Johannes Diedriks 1739 Vreeland, Jacob, and Catherine Brinkerboof, both of Bergen 1801 Vreeland, Janneken, and Stephen Vreeland 1797 Vreeland, Johannes Machielse, from N. York, and Claesje Dirckse Braeck, from Manhattan Island, m. by the preacher from Esopus, at Bergen 1682 May 14 Vreeland, Johannis, b. at Pemmerepog, and Helena Gerbrantse, b. at Gemoenepa 1778 June 21 Vreeland, Johannis Johannissen, b. and 1. at Gemonepau, aud Antje Didericks, b. and 1. at Bergen 1726 Vreeland, Jobn, and Polly WesterTelt, both of Engl Neighbourhood. . 1796 Vreeland, Machiel, aud Geertie Sickels 1781 Vreeland, Marytje Hartmansen, and Thomas Fredriksen 1711 Vreeland, Metje, and Abraham Van Tuyl 1738 Vreeland, Michael, and Altie Outwater, both of Bargen Township . . . 1801 Vreeland, Michael, and Rachel de Groot, both of Engl. Nghbhd 1796 Vreeland, Michael, and Jane Tan der Hoof, both of EngUsh Neigh bourhood 1799 May 11 Vreeland, Michiel Hartmansen, b. and 1. at Gemcenepan, and Elisabeth Gerrits, b. and 1. at Bergen 1719 Vreeland, Stephen, and Janneken Vreeland, both of Bergen 1797 Vreeland, Winohie, and Benjamin Westervelt 1797 Vreelant, Abraham, and Margrietje Jacobs Van Winkel, received cer tificate Oct 28, 1699, to Hackensack 1699 Vreelant, Achtje Cornelis, and Roelof Helmighsz 1701 Vreelant, Corneelus, y. m., and Jenneke Sip, y. d 1788 Jan. 13 May 30 April 14 Jan. 24 Dec. 16 July 30 Sept 16 Dec 8 Nov. 29 Feb. 13 May 4 Dec. 16 April 15 Oot 8 April 21 Oot. 2 Oot 18 Sept. 18 Nov. 1 July 30 Sept 3 Nov. 5 Nov. — Oct 11 580 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Vreelant, Dirck Hertmanse, b. at Gemonepa, and Margrieta Dircks Banta, b. at Hackensack, m. Nov. 22, after received certificate Nov. 2 1, to Hackiusack ., 1702 Vreelant, Fytje Carnelissen, aud Lourens Vau Boskerk 1709 Vreelant, Elizabet, and Peter Sip 1789 Vreelant, Fytje Hertmans, and Dirck Poulussen 1699 Vreelant Jannetje Cornelis, aud Daniel Van Winkel 1709 Vreelant, Jannetye, and Aarent Newkerk 1793 Vreelant, Machiel, y. m., and Annatje Gerrebrantse, y. d 1789 Vreelant, Jenneke, and Dirrick van Rype , 1798 Vreelant, Michiel, and Marya Joris, received certificate Nov. 27 1691 Vreland, Klaas, b. at Gemoenepan, and Catlintje Ziph, from Bergen, m. by Do. Jackson 1757 Dec 1 W Vrelant, Hartman, aud Martje Gerbrants, both b. at Gemoenepan 1739 Wald[ron] Anna, and Abrm Prior 1796 Waldron, Catryntje, and Hendrik Vau Winkel 1726 Waldron, Joseph, b. at Rey,! 1. at Pemmerpoch, and Antje Diedericks, b. at Bergen, 1. there 1757 Waliughs, Anna, and Hermanus Gerrits 1690 Walingbs, Elisabeth, and Joseph Arsele 1678 Waugh, Annamanda van der Pool, aud Silvester van Beuren 1801 Webbe, ? Jau, witb letters from the French Church at Kiukachgemeck in Bergen Co., E. N. Jersey, and Annetje Cornells, w., m. by R. Van Gieseu, in presence of Court 1693 Wessels, Grietje, and Enoch Michiels Vreeland 1691 Westervelt Benjamin, and Winohie Vreeland, both of Engl. N 1797 Westervelt Lucretia, and John Day ] 798 Westervelt, Margrietje, and Maerten Poulussen 1694 Westervelt, Orseltje, and Albertas Spier , 1742 Westervelt, Peter, of Tee-neck, and Klaasie Vau W^agenen, of Bergen 1796 Westervelt, Polly, and John Vreeland 1796 Westervelt, Roelof Lubbertse, from Meppel, I. at Hackensack, and Urselena Stynmets, from Bergen, 1. at Hasymus, m. April 11 by Rev. Selyns at N. York. 1688 Westervelt, WiUiam, and Citherine Decker, both of Bull's Ferry 1800 Westervelt — see Van Westervelt WUcher, John, and Leentie Stimets, both of Engl. N 1797 WUlemsz, Wouter, from N. York, 1. at Hoboken, and Dieuwer Joons, from Bergen, I. there, m. at Bergen April 22 1689 WUliams, John, and Rebecca Smith, both of Bergeu Wood 1795 Winne, Antje, and Robbert Sikkels I74O Winne, Edo, y. m.. aud Aeltye Toers, y. d I79O 1 Eye, Westchester, N. Y. Nov. 20 Dec. 20 May — Dec. 3 Sept. 21 May 26 July 1 Mar. 5 Aug. 23 April IS Dec 15 Mar. 25 June 5 Oct 3Q July 30 Mar. 11 Sept. 14 Juue 25 Mar. 30 July 26 Oct 8 Not. 6 BERGEN CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 581 .Winne, Jannetje, and Gerrit Van Reype 1785 Nov. 19 Winne, Johannis, and Aaltje Diedericks, both b. at Bergen 1758 Dec. 10 Winne, Livynus, and Annatje Zip 1749 Oct. 8 Winner, Martin, aud Rachel van Winkel, both of Bergen 1797 April 1 Woed, Abraham, and Rutie Kleyndini 1783 Oct 12 Y Youmans, Jeremiah, and Letitia Oldis, w. of Lawrence vau Orden, both of English Neighbourhood 1801 Nov. 8 z Zaberoski, Albert, from Enghstburgh,! and Machtelt Van der Linden, from N. York, received certificate on Jan. 8, 1677 1676 Dec. 17 Zabriskie, Jacob, and Catherine van Hauten, both of Bergen 1801 Dec 12 Zikkels, Willem, b. and 1. at Bergen, and EUsabeth Kuyper, b. and 1. at Ahasymus 1732 Aug. 10 Zip, Annatje, aud Livynus Winne 1749 Oct. 8 Ziph, Catlintje, and Klaas Vreeland 1767 Deo. 1 1 Engelsberg. in Austrian Silesia. Essex County Clerk's Marriage Records. 1795-1801. The following is a transcript from the Record of Returns of Marriages, 1795-1800, kept in the office of the Clerk of the County of Essex, pursuant to Sec. VIIL, of "Au Act concerning marriages," passed the 4th of March, 1795. The records have been herewith arranged in alphabetical order. These records are entered in a folio volume, iu whicb the returns pf the officiating clergymen or magistrates have been copied as accurately as they could be deciphered, and the records, in turn, have been copied carefully for this purpose, with some diffi culty, iu many cases, owing to tbe peculiar chirography of the scribes. The names have been arranged in alphabetical order for publication in tbis volume, the full en try being given under tbe head of the males, and tbe names aud dates under the head of the females. As a matter of information, the names of the persons officiating, where given, have been indicated by tbe initials before the dates. S. G. — Rev. Stephen Grover, pastor of tbe Presbyterian cburch at Caldwell, 1787- 1833. A. J. — Rev. Abel Jackson, pastor of the Presbyterian cburch at Bloomfield, 1800- 1810. T. M. — Rev. Thomas MorreU, one of the leading Methodist Episcopal clergymen of bis day. He was stationed at PhUadelphia in 1794, but being pros trated by illness in December of that year, returned to bis father's resi dence, at Elizabethtown, in April, 1795, where he remained in feeble health until May, 1799. M. E.— Rev. Moses Edwards, one of tbe founders (1786) and principal supporters of the Baptist church at Northfield, a village in Livingston township ; he was licensed as a preacher, May 5, 1798, and ministered to the church, 1801-1815. U. 0.— Rev. Uzal Ogden, Rector of Trinity Protestant Episcopal church, Newark, 1788-1805. M. R.— Rev. Menzies Rayner, Rector of St. John's Protestant Episcopal church, EUzabethtown, 1796-1801. H. K.— Rev. Henry KoUook, pastor of the First Presbyterian church at Elizabeth- town, 1800-1803. W. V. H.— Rev. William Van Horne, pastor of the Scotch Plains Baptist cburch, 1785-1807. J. V. A.— Rev. Jacob Vn Artsdalen, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Spring field, now in Union county, 1774-1801. D. L, —David Little, Justice of the Peace. ESSEX COUNTY CLERK'S MARRIAGE RECORDS. 5-83 J. D.— Rev. Jobn Duryee, pastor of the Reformed Dutch church at Fairfield 1801- 1817. Tbe returns of marriages by tbe Rev. Henry Schoonmaker, pastor of tbe Re formed Dutch church at Acquackanonk, and the returns by the Rev. Peter Stryker, pastor of the Reformed Dutch church at Belleville, 1794-1809, are not printed in tbe following list; the latter are given in connection witb the records of the church, on subsequent pages. The records of the Acquackanonk church (now the First Re formed church of Passaic) will be given in another volume. Essex county included the present Union county until 1857. Hence tbe appear ance here of marriage returns from Elizabethtown, Scotch Plains and other places now in the latter county. A AUen, Miss Jeana, and William ConoUy 1800 May 10 Avery, Hezekiah, and Martha Corby, at Caldwell S. G. 1797 July 20 B Badgely, Susannah, and Isa-ao Pierson 1798 Sept 24 Baker, Pbebe, and Jobn Edwards 1801 May 28 Baldwin, Elizabeth, and James Lerish 1801 Oct. 31 Baldwin, Joanna, and David ftiker 1800 Mar. 4 Baldwin, Mathias, and Hannah Ward A.J. 1800 July 24 Baldwin, Sally, and Conrad Beam ; , 1800 Deo. 25 Baldwin, Thomas, and Betsey Camp T. M. 1801 Aug. 9 Ball, "Timothy, and PoUy Martin, at Caldwell S. G. 1799 Feb. 7 Balla, Samuel, aud Mary Edwards, both of the Parish of Springfield and township- of the same place and County of Essex .M.E. 1801 Mar. 4 Barnal, Richard, and Sara Smith, both of the Parish of Northfield and township of Spring[field] and County of Essex M. E. 180 1 June 28 Bates, David, and Sarah Gould, at Caldwell S. G. 1799 April 16 Bates, Wm., and Polly Dodd, at Caldwell S. G. 1798 Dec 12 Beach, Thomas, and Miss Betsey Gonyl U. 0. 1800 Aug. 4 Beam, Conrad, and SaUy Baldwin A. J. 1800 Deo. 25 Bedstead, John H., and LyurekyS Riker, at Caldwell S. G. 1798 Nov. 13 BeU, Mary, and, Richard AVhitebead 1795 July 14 Blackford, John, and Margaret Laing, both of Westfield 1798 Jau. 24 Blaire, John Unibale, aud Miss Mary McKinney, both of New York U. O. 1798 Feb. 9 Blight, George, and Deborah Hetfield, both of Elizabeth Town.M. R. 1798 Jan. 13 Bliss, Beza, of New York, and Betsey Thomas, of Elizabeth Town.... M. R. 1796 Sept 3 Bond, Elizabeth, and Barkley Cunningham 1800 Nov. 23 Bond, Elizabeth, and Lewis Ogden 1799 May 25 Bonnel, Elizabeth, and Moses Barnet 1798 Mar. 10 Bonnel, James, and Prusia Stackhouse M. R. 1800 May 18 1 Query: Cory. 2 Query: Synechy. 1. e., Cynthia. 584 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Bonnet, Samuel, and Jane Crane, both of Elizabeth Town, . ,.M. R. 1796 Bowers, Miss Catharine, and Jacob Lee 1801 Brant, Moses, and Miss Abigail Conkling H. K. 1801 Britten, Polly, and Mun Hart 1801 Brown, Elias, and Polly Masieker, at Caldwell S. G. 1798 Brown, Miss Elizabeth, and Joel Post 1796 Brown, Mary, and Jol ham Faitoute 1799 Brown, Pheby, and Garret Van Riper 1797 Brown, Miss Sally, and Mr. Benjamin Magee 1802 Brown, Sarah, and Garret Vaness 1798 Bryant, Abigail, and Jeremiah Mills, Jun 1798 Bryant, Rev. Peter, and Eliza Stites, both of EUzabeth Town, AV. V. H. 1795 Bryant, Sarah, and Joseph Halsey, 3d 1796 Budau, Rosanne, and Joseph MaroUes 1799 Bugot, Capt Johu, and Miss Catharine Cumming U. 0. 1797 Burnet, Miss Helmiah, and James Stray 1799 Burnet, Jonathan, and Polly Meeker J. V. A. 1795 Burnet, Moses, of Morris Town, and Elizabeth Bonnel, of West- field AV.V.H. 1798 Burton, William, and Luoey Smith D. L. 1795 Butler, Daniel, of Bergen, aud Pbebe Connet, of Elizabeth Town M. R. 1796 Buttin, Wilbur, and Mary Price, both of Elizabeth Towu. . . M. R. 1799 Cadmus, Aaron, and Daney Freeland, at CaldweU S. G. 1798 Cadmus, Caty, and Henry Vaness 1797 Calacpi (?),! Cecilia, and George Welsh 1799 Cammel, Sarah, and Timothy Talmy 1797 Camp, Betsey, and Thomas Baldwin 1801 Campbell, James, and Joanna Jones J. V. A. 1796 Canfield, Ambross, and Polly Crane, at Caldwell S. G. 1799 Canfield, Elizabeth, and Abner Dodd 1800 Carmen, Isohabod, and Miss Mary Longworth U. O. -1795 Chandler, Jane T., and WUliam Dayton, both of Eliz. Town 1796 Chandler, Samuel, and Hannah Dawes, both of Elizabeth Towu M. R. 1798 Chetwood, John, and Susan Jelf, both of E. Town M. R. 1796 Chrouts, Jane, and Isaac Tompkins 1800 Clark, Elizabeth, and Crane, of Newark 1800 Clark, Miss Nancy, and Charles Ogden 1796 Clark, Norris, aud Johanna Hays, by Nathaniel Little, J, P 1796 Clark, Sarah, and William MUler, of Elizabeth Town 1796 1 Query: Gillespie, Mar. 24 Sept 17 Nov. 21 Jan. 1 May 12 May 21 Dec. 29 Dec 29 Jan. 10 May 29 May 29 July 2 Feb. 4 Oct 31 May 9 Oct 13 Mir. 9 Mar. 10 April 28 Dec 28 Dec 14 Aug. 15 Sept 2 Sept 30 May 13 Aug. 9 Mar. 3 Feb. 21 Jan. 26 Dec 14 May 3 April 17 Nov. 19 Dec 24 Dec 13 Jan. 14 June 4 May 22 ESSEX COUNTY CLERK'S MARRIAGE RECORDS. 585 Clarke, Timothy, and Patience Osborn, both of the Township of Westfield -^V. v-. H. 1796 Coddington, Joseph, and Nancy Hall. U 0 1799 Cole, Isaac, and Betsey Oliver X jj; -,801 Cole, Jobn, of Elizabeth Town, and Caty Vanderbilt, of Staten I^™*^ M.R. 1800 CoUe, Jacob, and Betsey Smith J. V. A. 1795 Cougar, Samuel, and Miss Hanah Hays U. 0. 1796 Conkling, Miss Abigail, and Moses Brant 1801 Conkling, Kezia, and Andrew Gurthwaite 1800 Conkling, Miss Mary, and Edward Hedden 1800 Connet, Phebe, and Daniel Butler 1796 CouoUy, WiUiam, New York, and Miss Jeana Allen, Newark. , , U. 0. 1800 Cony, Miss Betsey, and Thomas Beach 1800 Cony, WUliam, and Betsey Meeker, at CaldweU S. G. 1799 Cook, Francis, and PoUy Cook, at Caldwell S. G. 1799 Cook, Pheby, aud Joseph Edwards 1796 Cook, Polly, and Fraucis Cook I799 Cooly, Michael, and Caty Vaness, at Caldwell S. G. 1797 Corby, Martha, and Hezekiah Avery 1797 Corby, Ezekiel, and Rebecca Day, at CaldweU S. G. 1798 Corby, Poly, and Peter Van Blaricom 1798 Corter, Elias, and Suky WiUiams, at Caldwell S. G. 1797 Cox, Sally, and PhUlip De Camp 1800 Crane, of Newark, and Elizabeth Clark H. K. 1800 Crane, Ezekiel, and Anna Shotwell, both of Elizabeth Town. .M. R. 1798 Crane, Daniel, and Hannah D. Grace A. J. 1799 Crane, Dorcas, and Timothy Crane 1799 Crane, Jane, and Samuel Bonnet, both of Elizabeth Town 1796 Crane, Lyda, and Hensn Harrisou 1796 Crane, Polly, and Ambross Canfield ... 1799 Crane. Robert, and Fanny Pool, both of Elizabeth Town M. R. 1797 Crane, Sally, and John Ogden 1801 Crane, Timothy, and Dorcas Crane, at Caldwell S. G. 1799 Crawford, John, and Miss Mary Johnson 1798 Cromwell, John, and Frances NichoUs, both of EUzabeth Town M.R. 1797 Crowell, Mai'y, and Benjamin Wade 1801 Culver, David, and Unice Osborne, both of this place [Elizabethtown]. by Aaron Lane, J. P 1795 Cumming, Miss Catharine, and Capt. John Bugot 1797 Cunningham, Barkley, and Elizabeth Bond, by Sam'l Tyler, J. P 1800 D Darby, Ezra, and Pbebe Swan, both of the township of Westfield, in tbe county of Essex W. V. H, 1795 May 43 April . 27 Sept 29 Oct. 3 Nov. 5 April 19 Jau. 9 Nov. 21 Feb. 8 June 13 Dec 28 May 10 Aug. 4 Jan. 23 Juue 9 Jau. 24 June 9 July 3 July 20 Nov. 13 Jan. 1 Mar. 11 Nov. 9 Dec 13 Feb. 17 Dec. 4 July 4 Mar. 24 April 24 Feb. 21 Oct 28 Jan. 31 July 4 Sept. 9 Aug. 17 May 24 Nov. 10 May 9 Nov. 23 586 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Davice, Catharine, and Henry Taylor 1800 Davis, EUzabeth, and Johu Davis '. 1800 Davis, Enos, and Nancy Hays, both of Westfield W. V. H. 1797 Davis, John, and Elizabeth Davis 1800 Dawes, Fanny, and Luke Havilon Higgins 1798 Dawes, Hannah, and Samuel Chandler 1798 Day, Rebecca, aud Ezekiel Corby , 1798 Dayton, Cornelia R. , and Horatio R. Dayton 1800 Dayton, Horatio R., and Cornelia R. Dayton, both of Elizabeth Town M. R. 1800 Dayton, William, and Jaue T. Chandler, both of Eliz. Town. ,M. R. 1796 De Camp, PhUlip, and Sally Cox, both of Rahway M. R. 1800 De Camp, Sally, and John Riker 1799 De Hart, Capt. Jacob, of Philadelphia, and Sarah Jouet, of Elizabeth Town M. R. 1798 De Hart, LOuisa Esther Flint, and Jobn WiUiam Paterson 1798 De Wint, Ann, and David D. Leary 1798 Dean, Samuel, and Phebe Edwards, by Sam'l Tyler, J. P 1796 Deckeman, Sarepta, and Cyrus Tooker 179'5 Delanoir, Miss Maria Antynette, and Michael Paff , 1801 Denman, Aaron, of Springfield, and Elizabeth Mulford, of Elizabeth Town M. R. 1798 Denman, AbigaU, and Edward Faitoute 1798 Denman, Mr. Samuel, and Miss Anna Maria Hampton, at EUza beth H. K. 1801 Derby, Elias, and Sarah Smith, both of Elizabeth Town M. R. 1796 Deulea, William, aud Sarah Taylor J. V. A. 1796 Dianna, a black woman belonging to Ford Cutter, and Saul, a, Negro Man belonging to Anthony Morse. 1798 Dickey, Hannah, and James Williams 1796 Dissosway, Israel R. , of Staten Island, and Elisabeth S. Ogden, of Elizabeth Town M.R. 1799 Dodd, Abigail, and Jacob Ward 1800 Dodd, Abner, and Elizabeth Canfield A. J. 1800 Dodd, David, and Lydia Ward A. J. 1800 Dodd, Polly, and Wm. Bates 1798 Dodd, Sally, and James Garri 1801 Dodd, Stephen, and Phebe Pierson A. J. 1799 Domavea (?), Loranoe, aud Margit Romer, at Caldwell S. G. 1798 Dossey, Michael, and Phebe Miller, by Samuel Tyler, J. P 1798 Dovington, Polly, and John Vanderbelt 1799 Drewer, Timothy, aud Leah WiUis, both of Elizabeth Town. ,M. R. 1796 Dunning, Susana, and James Latimir 1800 Dye, Aune, and Hassiel Hopper , 1796 Oct 23 July 17 July 2 July 17 Dec 30 April 17 Nov. 13 Jan. 28 Jan. 28 May 3 Nov. 9 Mar. 3 Oct 28 April 18 Sept 17 Nov. 29 Dec 23 May 3 Feb. 13 Nov. 27 Dec 10 Dec 26 Aug. 11 Sept 1 April 22 Mar. 2 Jan. 30 Jan. 26 Jan. 22 Dec. 12 Feb. 14 Nov. ,28 Jan. 1 Feb. 1 Nov. 10 April 30 Aug. 31 Mar.. 5 ESSEX COUNTY CLERK'S MARRIAGE RECORDS. 587 E Earl, John, and Sarab Thompson , T. M. 1801 Dec. 12 Earl, -Stephen, and Elizabeth Jobes, both of the Borough of Eliza beth M.R. 1799 Jan. 13 Eaton, Susan, and Morris Woodruff 1800 Jan. 8 Eokley, Thomas, and Miss Isabel Johnson 1798 Mar. 8 Edwards, Eastber, and Isaac Reevs 1800 Nov. 25 Edwards, John, and Phebe Baker, both of the Parish of Springfield and Township of the same place and County of Essex, .M. E. 1801 May 28 Edwards, John Jackson, of New York, and Mary Ann Ogden, of Eliza beth Town M.R. 1798 Mar. 19 Edwards, Joseph, and Pheby Cook, at Caldwell S. G. 179S Jan. 24 Edwards, Mary, and Samuel Balla 1 801 Mar. 4 Edwards, Michael, and Betsey Jagger, both of Connecticut Farms M.R. 1797 Feb. 7 Edwards, Phebe, aud Samuel Dean 1796 Nov. 29 Egbert, Enos, and Sally Lyon H. K. 1801 Jan. 6 ElUot, Augustus, and Miss Sally WUUams H. K. 1801 Sept 5 Esther, John Clark's black woman, and BUI Johnson, a Blackman . . . 1799 May 26 F Faitoute, Edward, and Abigail Denman, both of the Borough of Elizabeth M. R. 1798 Nov. 27 Faitoute, Jotham, and Mary Brown, both of North Farms, in the Bor ough of Elizabeth M.R. 1799 Dec 29 Foot, Captain, and Hannah Stone, by Sam'l Tyler, .LP 1799 Oct. 18 Frazee, ; and Abraham Tucker 1795 Mar. 18 Frazee, Hiel, and Kesiah Tucker, both of Westfield W. V. H. 1798 April 21 Freeland, Daney, and Aaron Cadmus 1798 Aug. 15 Freeman, Jobn, and Anlehai Syndlebos, both of the Township of Cald well, in the County of Essex, by Enos Martin, J. P 1800 Dec 21 Freeman, Mary, and John Neavo 1802 Dec 4 French, Mary, and David Hays, both of Westfield Township 1796 Oct. 2 G Garri, James, and SaUy Dodd A.J. 1801 Feb. 14 Gildersleeve, Thomas, and Phebe Roook J. V. A. 1795 Dec. 24 Gillom, Elizabeth, and DaTis Lyon 1798 May 26 Goble, Calvin, and Miss Martha Pearson U. O. 1795 May 7 Gould, Anthony, and Polly Sandford, at CaldweU S. G. 1799 Jan. 15 Gould, Caty, and Jacob Smith 1797 Nov. — Gould, Sarah, and David Bates 1799 April 16 Grace, Hannah D., and Daniel Crane 1799 Dec. 4 Grey, Sarah, and Benjamin Hand, both of tbe township of Westfield. 1795 Aug. 30 Griffin, Rachel, and John Qays 1796 Mar. 21 Grover, Hannah, and Thomas Vincent 1796 May 25 588 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMEJJTS. Gurthwaite, Andrew, and Kezia Conkling, both of Elizabeth Town M. R. 1800 Feb. H Hagerty, Mary, and Jobn Kid 1799 Hall, N.inoy, aud Joseph Coddington 1799 Halsey, Joseph 3d, and Sarab Bryant J. V. A. 1796 Halsted, Molly, and Tb. Mills 1801 Hambeton, Pbebe, and Thomas Lee 1795 Hampton, Miss Anna Maria, and Mr. Samuel Denman 1801 Haud, Benjamin, and Sarah Grey, both of tbe township of West- field W. V. H. 1795 Hand, Mrs. Prudence, and Mr. Benjamin Higgins 1801 Harrison, Hensn, and Lyda Crane, at Caldwell. S. G. 1796 Harrison, John, and Abby Ogden, at Caldwell S. G. 17991 Harrison, Mathew, aud Sarah Harrison A. J. 1800 Harrison, Sarah, and Mathew Harrisou 1800 Hart, Joseph, and May MoGroath, both of Elizabeth Town. M. R. 1798 Hart, Man, and Polly Britten H. K. 1801 Hayes, Catharine Anderson, and William Pierson 1797 Hays, David, aud Mary French, both of Westfield Town ship W. V. H. 1796 Hays, Miss Hanah, and Samuel Cougar 1796 Hays, Johanna, and Norris Clark 1796 Hays, Miss Phebe, and Tabor Peirson 1797 Hays, Nancy, and Enos Davis 1797 Headley, Betsey, and Eliezer Miller 1796 Hedden, Edward, and Miss Mary Conckling, both of Orange Dale U. 0. 1800 Hedgin, Sarah, and Lewis Miller 1795 Heillet, James, of AVestfield, and Cloe Thompson, of Connecticut Farms M.R. 1800 June 29' Helm, Benjamin, Esq., and Elizabeth Jackson, widow, by Encrease Gould, J. P 1796 Hendricks, Phebe, and Nehemiah Wade, both of EUzabeth Town . . . 1796 Hepsie, Margaret, and John Smith 1801 Hesley, Rachel, and Manuel Lasure 1796 Hetfield, Deborah, and George Blight 1798 Higgin, Charles, aud Hannah Paul T. M. 1801 Higgins, Mr. Benjamin, aud Mrs. Prudence Haud, both of Elizabeth Town, Rahway, by Anthony Morse, Alderman of the Borough of Elizabeth 1801 Nov. 21 Higgins, Luke Havilon, and Fanny Dawes, both of the Borough [of Elizabeth] M. R. 1798 Deo. 30 Hopper, Hassiel, and Anne Dye, at Caldwell S. G. 1796 Mar. 5 1 The entries next before and next after are April 16 and May 25, respectively. Jau. 7 Sept 29 Feb. 4 Jan. 27 May 1 Dec 10 Aug. 30 Nov. 21 April 24 Mar. 6 Mar. 6 Feb. 11 Jan. 1 Oct. 26 Oct. 2 Jan. 9 June 4 Nov. 20 July 2 Jan. 9 June 13 Dec. 12 Aug. 14 April 30 Nov. 22 Oct — Jan. 13 Oct. 19 ESSE^t COUNTV CIERk's marriage RECORDS. 58$ Howard, Robert and Nancy Wilson, both of Rahway M. R. 1800 Nov. 4 Hudspeth, Robt, and Rhoda Russell J. V. A. 1796 May 17 Hughes, Ch. M, , and Fanny Williams H. K. 1801 Feb. 1 Hush, Anne, and John Vaness I797 Oct. Hutohiugs, Nancy, and David Ross, both of Westfield Township 1796 Sept 24 Hylton, Mary, and Louis Le Guen 1799 Feb. 4 J Jackson, Elizabeth, widow, and Benjamin Helm, Esq 1796 Aug. 14 Jacobus, Aaron, and Ache Vanriper, at Caldwell S. G. 1799 June 9 Jaoobus, Jenny, and Abrm Vandroof 1799 Jan. 19 Jacobus, Jenny, and Henry King 1798 Aug. 12 Jaoobus, Mary, and Robt. Vaness 1797 Oct. — Jacobus, Richard, and Betsey Low, at Caldwell S. G. 1799 Mar. 9 .lacobus, Tunis, and Lydia Vreeland. at CaldweU , S. G. 17991 Jaodbusen, Jacob, and Suky Noe, at Caldwell S. G. 1796 Juue 29 Jagger, Betsey, and Michael Edwards 1797 Feb. 7 Jagger, Silas, aud Sarab Meeker, both of Connecticut Farms M. R. 1796 Jan. 15 Jelf, Susan, and John Chetwood, both of E. Town 1796 Nov. 19 Jenison — see Tenison. Jewel, Phebe, and John Smith 1797 Jan. 22 Jobes, Elizabeth, and Stephen Earl 1799 Jan. 13 Johnson, David, of New Ark, and Rachael Spinning, of Lyons Farms '. M.R. 1800 Nov. 7 Johnson, Miss Hannah, and John R. Masier 1795 May 7 Johnson, Miss Isabel, and Thomas Eckley 1798 Mar. 8 Johnson, Johu C, and Pheby Ward, at CaldweU , . . . S. G. 1799 June 29 Johnson, Miss Mary, and John Crawford 1798 Sept 9 Johnson, Miss Polly, and Henry W. Kiss 1800 Oct. 15 Johnston, BUl, a Blackman, and Esther, Jobn Clark's black woman, by permission of her master, by Sam'l Tyler, J. P 1799 May 26 Jones, Joanna, and James Campbell 1796 Mar. 3 Jones, Mary, and Christopher Stagg 1800 Jan. 2 Jones, Mr. Simeon, and Miss Betse ijaterson, by Encrease Gould, J.- P. 1796 Aug. 14 Jonson, David, and Johannah Meeker, both of tbe parish of Oring,2 in tbe township of Newark and County of Essex. M. E. 1800 Sept 24 Jouet, Sarah, and Capt Jacob De Hart 1798 Oot. 28 Joyce, Rozana, and Edward Price 1801 Dec 5 K Kean, Susan, and Julian Ursin Niemciewitz 1800 Jnly 2 Kid, John, and Mary Hagerty U. 0. 1799 Jan. 7 King, Henry, and Jenny Jacobus, at CaldweU S. G. 1798 Aug. 12 Kingsland, Doctor Burnet R., Barbadoes Neck, and Miss Elizabeth Smith, Elizabeth Town U. 0. 1795 Oct 31 1 Between June 29 and July 4, apparently, 2 Orange. 590 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Kingsland, Miss Hannah, and John Stevenson 1796 Nov. 7 Kiss, Henry W., New York, and Miss Polly Johnson, Newark. .U. O. 1800 Oct 15 L Laing, Margaret, and John Blackford 1798 Jan. 24 Lasure, Manuel, and Rachel Hesley 1796 Oct. — ' Latimir, James, and Susana Dunning U, 0. 1800 Aug. 31 Le Guen, Louis, late of the Isle of France, now residing New York, and Mary Hylton, daughter of William Hylton, Esquire, late of the Island of Jamaica, now residing in the State of Vir ginia M. R. 1799 Feb. 4 Leary, David D., aud Ann De Wint, both of Morris Town. . , .M. R. 1798 Sept 17 Lee, Jacob, and Miss Catharine Bowers H. K. 1801 Sept 17 Lee, Thomas, and Phebe Hambleton, both of New York U. O. 1795 May 1 Leighton, Sarah Ann, aud Nathaniel AVilliams 1798 June 16 Lerish, James, and Elizabeth Baldwin, at Newark, by tbe Rev. E. D. Griffin 1801 Oot 31 Lewis, Martha, and Smith ParsU 1795 Dec 31 Littel, Susannah, and John Taylor, by Sam'l Tyler, J. P 1800 Nov. 2 Little, Hannah, and John Smitb 1795 Nov. 30 Loacy, Susana, and Samuel Stephens 1801 Jan. 1 Longworth, Miss Mary, and Isohabod Carmen 1796 Dec 14 Lovell, Thomas, of New York, and Sarah Morrell, of E, Town .M. R. 1796 Dec 17 Luw, Betsey, and Richard Jacobus 1799 Mar. 9 Lyon, Betsey, aud Joseph Williams 1798 June 9 Lyon, Davis, son of Dauiel Lyon, of Springfield, iu Essex county, and Elizabeth Gillom, daughter ot Arnold Gillom, deceased, of the aforesaid county, by Sam'l Tyler, Springfield, J. P 1798 July 10 Lyon, Sally, and Enos Egbert 1801 Jan. 6 M MoAdams, SaUy, aud Haiupton Woodruff 1799 Aug. 8 McCubbin, Robert, and Caty Whitlock, by Encrease Gould, J. P 1796 Jan. .5 MoGroath, Mary, and Joseph Hart 1798 Feb. 11 McKinney, Miss Mary, and John Unibale Blaire 1798 Feb. 9 Macloglan, Catharine, and James AVelsh 1799 Oct. 20 Magee, Mr. Benjamin, and Miss Sally Brown, at Elizabeth. ..H. K. 1802 Jan. 10 Magee, Mary, and Isaac Tichnor 1801 June 1 Marolles, Joseph Nicholas Michel Gaignerou Johnson, of Martiriique, and Roseauua Budau, of Guadaloupe! 1799 Oct. 31 1 Joseph De Marolles ] Recorded Sept 30, 1800 Aaron Ogden Clk. Elizabeth compte . _'° , !¦ d'Bssex province de la nouvelle Jersey Etats Unis de I'Amer- Marie De Marolles j ig^g Septentrionale le quatre Septembre 1709. Je soussigne Jacques Charles Halbout, pretre, certifie avoir conjoint en legitime mariage suivant le rite de I'eglise catholique romaine, Joseph Nicholas Michel Gaignerou Johnson Marolles de la paroisse de Lamentin Isle Martinique flls majeur de feu Joseph Gaignerou Johnson 591 Nov. 20 April 17 Nov. 9 Oot 23 Sept 5 Oot. 24 April 17 Feb. 7 May 12 May 7 May 26 Jan. 23 Sept 24 Jan. 17 Dec. 6 Mar. 9 Jan. 15 ESSEX COUNTY CLERK'S MARRIAGE RECORDS. Marsh, Abraham, and Mary Townley Morse, both of Rahway. M. R. 1796 Marsh, David, of AVestfield, and Esther Martin, of Woodbridge ^^"'^ M.R. 1799 Marsh, Hetty, and Samuel Winants Iggg Marsh, James, and Elizabeth Thomas, both of AVestfield Town- ^^iP W. V. H. 1796 Marsh, Sarab, and WUUam PassU jygg Martin, David, and Susannah Shotwell, by Ezra Darby, J. P 1798 Martin, Esther, and David Marsh I799 Martin, Polly, and Timothy Ball IY99 Masieker, Polly, and Elias Brown 1798 Masier, John R., and Miss Hannah Johnson U. O. 1795 Massecker, Harman, aud Lydia Speer, E. 0 J. D. 1801 Meeker; Betsey, and William Cony! -^ygg Meeker, Johannah, and David Jonson 1800 Meeker, Jonathan, and Phebe Tomkins D. L. 1796 Meeker, Miss Phebe, aud Mr. Moses Price 1801 Meeker, Polly, and Jonathan Burnet I795 Meeker, Sarah, and Silas Jagger, both of Connecticut Farms 1796 Meeker, Stephen, and Catharine Reeves, both of the Parish of North- field, in tbe township of Springfield and Couuty of Essex M. E. 1800 Aug. 13 Meredith, WUliam, Esq., Philadelphia, and Miss Gitty Ogden, New ark. U. O. 1795 Merrill, Hetty, and Josiah Thompson 1800 MiUer, Aaron, and Rhoda Tucker T. M. 1801 MUler, Eliezer, and Betsey Headley J. V. A. 1796 MiUer, Lewis, and Sarah Hedgin J. V. A. 1795 Miller, Phebe, and Elijah Ross 1797 Marolles habitant de la dite isle, et de feue Marie Elizabeth Derverges Maupertuis Marolles son epouse, d'une part, et Roseanna Budau fllle mineure de Jacques Pierre Budau et de Rosette Roujol Budau son epouse de la paroisse de St. Bertrand grande terre isle Guadaloupe avec le consentement de son pere ici present, d'autre part, en presence de Louis Nfcholas Guillaume Derverges Maupertuis, oncle du dit contractant. de Paul Malherbe son parent tous deux de I'isle Martinique d' Elie Joseph Criquant de Latour de St. Dominique, et de Lambert Victor Alexandre Croquet Durival de la Guadaloupe,' tous residents a Eliza beth Town ou dans les environs aussi que les dits contractants. En temoignage de ce que depres les dits partis ont signe en presence des temoins aussi soussigne et de plusieurs autres amis ici convoques. En foi de quoi j'ai delivre le present certilicat le dit jour et an que sous Vidl et approbavi Gulielmus G. Marolles Rosanne Budau O'Brien Pastor Excelsior S. Petri Maupertuis Apostall Neo Eboracum Co. New York Criquant De Latour hodle 31st Oot. 1799 Reg page 284 P Dela Croix Josephe Mercier Ene Domblaid Mal Herbe J. Halbout Croquet Durival I Query: Cory. Nov. 26 July 3 June 7 Jan. 9 Dec. 12 April 13 592 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Miller, Pbebe, and Michael Dossey 1798 Feb. Miller, Samuel Brooks, and Margaret Swan, both of AVest field .'.AV. V. H. 1797 Miller, William, and Sarah Clark, of Elizabeth Town AV. V. H. 1796 Mills, Elmer, and Pbebe Stewart, both of AVestfield W. V. H. 1798 Mills, Jeremiah, Jun., and Abigail Bryant, both of West- field AV.V.H. 1798 Mills, Moses, of Westfield, and Susan Terrill, of Rahway M. R. 1799 Mills, Th., and Molly Halsted H. K. 1801 Moore, Miss Margaret, and John Thomas Tenison (or Jenison) 1798 Moore, Miss Mary Aun, and Johu Thomas Teuisou (or Jenison) , . 1797 More, Rachel, and WUUam More 1796 More, AVUliam, and Rachel More, at CaldweU S. 6. 1796 Morse, Mary Townley, and Abraham Marsh, both of Rahway 1796 Morse, Nancy, and James Wade 1798 Morrell, Sarah, of E. Town, and Thomas Lovell, of New York 1796 Mulford, Elizabeth, and Aaron Denman 1798 Mulford, Jonathan, and Catharine Watkins J. V. A. 1796 Munn, Mr. Isaac, aud Miss Hannah Spinning, at Elizabeth. , .H. K. 1801 Myers, Rudolph, and Mary Scarlet, both of New York M. R. 1796 N Neavo, John, and Mary Freeman, by Enos Martin, J. P 1802 NichoUs, Frances, and John Cromwell 1797 Niemciewitz,! Julian Ursin, and Susan Kean, at Elizabeth Town, by John Henry Hobart, Deacon in Pro. Epis. Ch , 1800 Noe, Suky, aud Jacob Jaoobusen 1796 Nutman, David, and Charity AVoodruff, both of tbe Borough of Eliza beth M.R, 1798 Oot 25 o Ogden, Abby, aud John Harrison I799 Ogden, Charles, and Miss Nancy Clark U. O. 1796 Ogden, Elizabeth, and Israel R. Dissosway 1799 Ogden, Miss Gitty, and William Meredith 1795 Ogden, Johu, and Sally Crane H. K. 1801 Ogden, Lewis, and Elizabeth Bond, both of Elizabeth Town . M. R. 1799 Ogden, Mary Ann, and Johu Jackson Edwards 1798 Ogden, Stephen, and EUzabeth Oliver, both of New York . . . M. R. 1800 Oliver, Aaron, of Rahway, and Rebecca Race, of Elizabeth- town M. R. 1797 Oliver, Betsey, and Isaac Cole 1801 1 A Polish Count, who accompanied Kosciusko to America as aide with the rank of Col onel. His wife was a daughter of Gov. William Livingston, of New Jersey, and widow ol John Kean, of South Carolina. AprU 1 May 22 Jan. 4 May 29 Sept 15 Jan. 27 Nov. 1 Jan. 21 April — April — Nov.- 20 Sept 22 Dec. 17 Feb. 13 Jan. 13 Dec 20 Oct. 30 Dec 4 Aug. 17 July 2 June 29 Jan. 14 Mar. 2 Nov. 26 Jau. 31 May 25 Mar. 19 Sept. 7 Jan. 24 Oot 3 ESSEX COUNTY CLERK'S MARRIAGE RECORDS. 593 Oliver, Elizabeth, aud Stephen Ogden 1800 Sept 7 Osborn, Unice, and David Culver 1795 Nov. 10 Osborne, Patience, and Timothy Clarke 1796 April 27 Osborne, Sarah, and Hugh AVallace '. 1798 Dec 25 P Paff, Michael, and Miss Maria Antynette Delanoir, both of New ¦5foi'k U. 0. 1801 May 3 Parcel, Remington, of Cheapside, and Edy Vanclake, of New York M. R. 1798 ParsU, Smith, and Martha Lewis J. V. A. 1795 Parsonett, Sarah, and Ephraim Vaness 1799 PassU, William, and Sarah Marsh J. V. A. 1795 Paterson, Betse, and Simeon Jones , 17 Paterson, John William, of New York, and Louisa Esther Flint De Hart, of Elizabeth Town M. R. 1798 Paul, Hannah, and Charles Higgin 1801 Payuet, Lukes, ! and Caty A'aness, at Caldwell S, G. 1796 Payne, Hannah, aud Ephraim Tucker 1798 Pearson, Miss Martha, and Calvin Cole 1795 Peirson, Tabor, and Miss Phebe Hays U. 0. 1797 Personet, Moses, of Caldwell, aud Betsey Crane, of Elizabeth Town ' M. R. 1797 PhUips, Miss Mary, and Peter Praul 1 796 Pierson, Isaac, and Susannah Badgely, at Caldwell S. C. , 1798 Pierson, Pbebe, and Stephen Dodd 1799 Pine, Robert, and Elizabeth- Taylor, by Sam'l Tyler, J. P 1800 Pierson, Susannah, and James Wade 1797 Pierson, Williani, and Catharine Anderson Hayes, both of Elizabeth Town M. R. 1797 Pool, Fanny, and Robert Crane 1797 Post, Fraucis, aud Rachel Speer, Essex County J. D. 1801 Post, Joel, and Miss Elizabeth Brown, both of New York U. 0, 1796 Praul, Peter and Miss Mary Philips U. O. 1796 Price, Abigail, and Edward Crane 1797 Price, Edward, and Rozana Joyce T. M. 1801 Price, Mary, and Wilbur Buttin 1799 Price, Mr. Moses, and Miss Phebe Meeker, at EUzabeth . . . H. K. 1801 a Qays, John, and Rachel Griffin J.V. A. 1796 Mar. 21 R Race, Rebecca, and Aaron Oliver 1797 Jau. 24 Redman, Francis, and Mary Young U. 0. 1800 Aug. 23 1 Query: Pasnet, i. e; Personetle'? 44 i Oct. 25 Dec 31 May 25 ) Sept 5 Aug. 14 ! AprU 18 , Oot 19 5 Jau. 12 Sept. 12 May 7 Nov. 20 Nov. 16 Mar. 19 Sept. 24 Nov. 28 Nov. 25 Sept 11 Oct. 26 Oct. 28 Oct. 21 Mav 21 Mar. 19 Nov. 19 Dec 5 Dec 14 Dec 6 594 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS Reeves, Catharine, and Stephen Meeker 1800 Aug. 13 Reeves, Isaac, and Easter Edwards, both of tbe Parish of Northfield, in the township of Springfield and county of Essex ..,M. E. 1800 Riason, Lyneky, l and Ephraim Vaness 1798 Richards, Sarah, and Jacob Siren 1797 Riggs, Rachel and Jacob AVood 1796 Riker, David, and Joanna Baldwin A. J. 1800 Riker, James, and Hannah AVard, at Caldwell S. G .1798 Riker, John, and Sally De Camp, at Caldwell S. G. 1799 Riker, Lynreky,2 and John H. Beadstead 1798 Riker, Peter, and Mary Sindle, at Caldwell S. G. 1798 Romer, Margit, and Loranoe Domavea 1798 Roock, Phebe, and Thomas Gildersleeve 1795 Roos, David, and Nancy Hutchings, both of Westfield . . . W. V. H. 1796 Ross, Elijah, and Phebe MiUer, both of Westfield AV. V. H. 1797 Ross, Noah, and Mary Sayre J. V. A. 1 795 Russell, Rhoda, and Robt, Hudspeth 1796 Ryder, Isaac, and Calalina Smith, Essex County .1. D. 1801 Ryben, Syneka,and Jeremiah AVester 1799 Scarlet Mary, and Rudolf Myers, both of New York 1796 Sbelhouse, George, and Mary Swift , T. M. 1801 Shotwell, Anna, aud Ezekiel Crane 1798 Shotwell, Susannah, and David Martin 1 798 Sale, Phebe, and Clark Townley 1798 Sally , Negro, and William , Negro 1797 Salnave, Elizabeth, and Gabriel Smith 1799 Sandford, Polly, and Anthony Gould 1799 Saul, a Negro Man belonging to Anthony Morse, and Dianna, a black woman belonging to Ford Cutter M. R, 1798 Sayre, Mary, and Noah Ross 1785 Sindle, Mary, and Peter Riker 1798 Siren, Jacob, and Sarah Richards, both of Eliz-ibetb Town, .M. R, 1797 Smally, David, Jun., of Somerset County, and Nancy Tucker, of Westfield W. V. H. 1798 Smith, Betsey, and Lewis Tooker , 1795 Smith, Betsey, aud Jacob Colie 1795 Smith, Calalina, and Isaac Ryder 1801 Smith, Miss Elizabeth, and Dr. Burnet R. Kingsland 1795 Smith, Miss Elizabeth, and Robinson Thomas 1796 Smith, Gabriel, and Elizabeth Selnave, both of Elizabeth Town M. R. 1799 Smith, Jacob, and Caty Gould, at CaldweU S. G. 1797 1 Synechy Kycrson. 2 Synechy. Nov. 25 Dec 16 July 3 Jan, 24 Mar. 4 Mar. 29 Mar. 3 Nov. 13 Dec 15 Jan. 1 Dec. 24 Sept 24 April 13 Dec. 20 May 17 June 14 July 6 Oct 30 Dec. 2 Feb. 17 Oct. 24 Mar. 12 July 22 May 11 Jan. 15 Sept 1 Dec. •20 Dec 16 July 3 Feb. 24 Aug. 19 April 19 Juue 14 Oct 31 April 24 May 11 Nov. — ESSEX COUNTY CLERK'S MARRIAGE RECORDS. 59^ Smith, John, and Hannah Little, both of this place [Elizabethtown ?] by Aaron Lane, J. P 1795 Nov. 30 .Smith, John, and Pheebe Jewel, both ot Elizabeth Town M. R. 1797 Jan. 22 Smith, John, and Margaret Hepsie T. M. 1801 Nov. 22 Smith, Liicey, and William Burton 1795 AprU 28 Smith, Sara, and Richard Barnal 1801 June 28 Smith, Sarab, and Elias Derby 1796 Dec. 26 Speer, Aaron, and Hester Vaness, Essex County J. D. 1801 Oot 11 Speer, Lydia, and Harman Massecker 1801 May 26 Speer, Polly, and Daniel Tyler 1798 Dec 23 Speer, Rachel, and Francis Post 1801 Oot 21 Spier, Cornelius, and Jenny Spier, at Caldwell S. G. 1798 Feb. 15 Spier, Garret, and Polly Tuttle, at Caldwell S. G. 1798 Aug. 9 Spier, Jenny, and Cornelius Spier 1798 Feb. 15 Spinning, Abner, and Sarah Tooker, both of Elizabeth Town,. M. R. 1796 July 30 Spinning, Miss Hannah, and Mr. Isaac Munn 1801 Dec. 20 Spinning, Rachel, and David Johnson 1800 Nov. 7 Stackhorn, Mary, and Eliphalet Trembly 1797 Oct. 30 Stackhouse, Prusia, and James Bonnel 1800 May 18 Stackhouse, Rhoda, and Charles T. Tooker 1799 May 29 Stagg, Christopher, aud Mary Jones, both of Rahway M. R. 1800 Jan. 2 Stephens, Samuel, and Susana Loacy A. J. 1800 Jan. 1 Stevenson, John, and Miss Hannah Kingsland. . . U. 0. 1796 Nov. 7 Stewart, Phebe, and Elmer Mills.. , 1798 .Jan. 4 Stewart, John, and Phebe Tompkins A. J. 1801 Nov. 3 Stites, Eliza, and Rev. Peter Bryant, both of Elizabeth Town 1795 July 2 Stites, Ephraim, [or Ephraim P. Stites], and Anna WiUiams. . , A. J. 1799 Dec. 8 Stone, Hannah, and Captain Foot 1799 Oct 18 Stray, James, and Miss Helmiah Burnet U. 0. 1799 Oct. 13 Swan, Margaret, and Samuel Brooks MUler 1797 April 1 Swan, Phebe, and Ezra Darby, both of the township of AVestfield, in the county of Essex 1796 May 3 Swift, Mary, and George Shelhouse 1801 Dec 2 Syndlebos, Anlehai, aud Jobn Freeman 1800 Dec. 21 Tallmy, Timothy, and Sarah Cammel U. 0. 1797 May 13 Taylor, EUzabeth, and Robert Pine 1800 Nov. 25 Taylor, Henry, and Catharine Davice, both of the Parish of Oring, 1 and township of Newark and County of Essex M. E. 1800 Oct. 23 Taylor, John, and Susannah Littel, by Sam'l Tyler, J. P 1800 Nov. 2 Taylor, Sarab, and William Deulea 1796 Aug. 11 Tenison (or Jenison), Johu Thomas, and Miss Mary Ann Moore. . U. 0. 1797 Jau. 2 1 Tenison (or Jenison), Jobn Thomas, and Miss Margaret Moore .U. 0. 1798 Nov. 1 1 Orange. 596 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. TerriU, Anna, and WilUam Wood 1800 Terril, Susan, and Moses Mills 1799 Thomas Betsey, of Elizabeth Towu, and Beza Bliss, of New York . . . 1796 Thomas, Elisabeth, and James Marsh 1796 Thomas, Robinson, and Miss Elizabeth Smith, both of Elizabeth Town U. O. 1796 Thompson, Cloe, aud James Heillet 1800 Thompson, Josiah, aud Hetty Merrill, both of Staten Island , . M. R. 1800 Thompson, Sarah, and .John Earl 1801 Tichnor, Isaac, and Mary Magee, both of the parish of Northfield, and township of Springfield and County of Essex M. E. 1801 Tomkins, Phebe, and Jonathan Meeker 1796 Tomkins, Sam'l, and Mrs. Tompson, at Caldwell S. G. 1797 Tomkins, Sarah, and Elias AVilliams 1797 Tompkins, Isaac, and Jane Chrouts A. J. 1801 Tompkins, Pheby, and John Stewart 1801 Tompson, Mrs. , and Sam'l Tomkins 1797 Tooker, Charles T., and Rhoda Stackhouse, both of Elizabeth Town M. R. 1799 Tooker, Cyrus, and Sarepta Deckeman J. V. A. 1795 Tooker, Lewis, and "Betsey Smith J. V. A. 1795 Tooker, Sarah, and Abner Spinning, by Sam'l Tyler, J. P 1796 Townley, Clark, and Phebe Sale, both of Elizabeth Town M. R. 1798 Townley, Edward, aud Abigail Price, both of Elizabeth Town.. M. R. 1797 Townley, AVUliam, and Margaret Tucker, both of Essex County AV. A'. H. 1797 Aug. 6 Trembly, Eliphalet, and Mary Stackhorn, both of Elizabeth Towu M. R. 1797 Oot 30 Tucker, Abner, and Frazee, both of Westfield Township, Essex County. . . , AV. V. H. 1795 Tucker, Ephraim, and Hannah Payne, by Ezra Darby, J. P 1798 Tucker, Kesiah, and Hiel Frazee 1798 Tucker, Margaret, and AVUliam Townley I797 Tucker, Nancy, and David Smally, Jun 1 798 Tucker, Rhoda, and Aaron Miller IgOi Tuttle, Polly, and Garret Spier 1798 Tyler, Daniel, and Polly Spier, at Caldwell S. G. 1798 V Van Blaricom, Peter, and Poly Corby, at Caldwell S. G. 1798 Van Riper, Garret, and Pheby Brown, at CaldweU S. G. 1797 Van Riper, Rachel, and John AVilliams 1800 Vanclake, Edey, and Remington Parcel 1798 Vanderbelt, Jobn, and Polly Dovington, both of Elizabeth Town ME 1799 Vanderbilt, Catj', and John Cole 1800 May 21 Sept 15 Sept 3 Oct 23 April 24 June 29 July 3 Dec. 12 June 1 Jan. 17 July 5 Dec 3 Dec 24 Nov. 3 July 5 May 29 Dec 23 Aug. 19 July 30 Mar. 12 Nov. 19 Mar. 18 Sept. 12 April 21 Aug. 6 Feb. 24 June 7 Aug. 9 Dec 23 Jan. 1 Dec 29 Nov. 17 Oct. 25 Nov. 10 Nov. '5 ESSEX COUNTY CLERIi's MARRIAGE RECORDS. 597 Vandine, Caty, and Abraham Vreeland I799 j^me 16 Vandroof,! Abrm, and Jenny Jacobus, at Caldwell S. G. 1799 Jan. 19 Vanduser, William, and Cloe Wade, both of Elizabeth Town. . M. R. 1799 Nov. 20 Vanes.s, Caty, and Luke Pavuet 1796 Jan. 12 Vaness, Caty, aud Michael Cooly I797 jj^jy 3 Vaness, Ephraim, and Syneky Riason, 2 at Caldwell S, G, 1798 Dec. 16 Vaness, Ephraim, and Sarah Parsonett, at Caldwell S. G. 1799 May 26 Vaness, Garret, and Sarah Brown, at Caldwell S. G. 1797 May 29 Vaness, Henry, and Caty Cadmus, at Caldwell S. G. 1797 Sept. 2 Vaness, Hester, and Aaron Speer 180 1 Oot. 11 Vaness, John, and Anne Hush, at Caldwell S. G. 1797 Oct. — Vaness, Robt., and Mary Jacobus, at Caldwell S. G. 1797 Oct. — Vincent, Thomas, and Hannah Grover, at Caldwell S. G. 1796 May 25 Vreeland, Abraham, and Caty Vandine, at CaldweU S. G. 1799 June 15 Vreeland, Lydia, and Tunis Jacobus 1799 Vanriper, Acbe, and Aaron Jacobus I799 June 9 W Wade, Benjamin, and Mary Crowell, at EUzabeth Town.. .. T. M. 1801 May 24 Wade, Cloe, and William Vanduser 1799 Nov. 20 Wade, James, and Susannah Pierson, by Sam'l Tyler, J. P. , by agree ment of the parents at Springfield 1797 Sept. 11 Wade, James, and Nancy Morse, both of Elizabeth Town M. R. 1798 Sept. 22 Wade, Nehemiah, and Phebe Hendricks, both of Elizabeth Town M. R. 1796 April 30 AVallace, Hugh, and Sarab Osborne, both of Esses Couuty, by Sam'l Tyler, J. P . . 1798 Dec 25 Ward, Hannah, and James Riker 1798 Mar. 29 Ward, Hannah, and Mathias Baldwin 18U0 July 24 Ward, Lydia, and David Dodd ' 1800 Jan. 22 Ward, Jacob, and Abigail Dodd A. J. 1800 Jan. 30 Ward, Mary, and Joseph Williams 1799 Dec. 7 Ward, Pheby, and John G. Johnson 1799 June 29 Waterfield, Miss Susan, and Thomas Wignin ^ 1799 Sept 22 Watkins, Catharine, and Jonathan Mulford 1796 Jan. 13 Welsh, George, and Cecilia Calacpi (?) U. 0. 1799 Sept 30 Welsh, James, and Catharine Macloglan U. O. 1799 Oot 20 Wester, Jeremiah, and Syneka Ryben at Caldwell S. G. 1799 July 6 Whithead, Richard, aud Mary Bell, both of this place [Elizabethtown ?] by Aaron Lane, J. P 1795 July 14 Whitlock, Caty, and Robert McCubbin 1796 Jan. 5 Wignin, Thomas, and Miss Susan AVaterfield, both of New York U. 0. 1799 Sept 22 AVUliam . , Negro, and Sally , Negro, at Caldwell S. G. 1797 July 22 1 Vanderhoof. 2 Synechy Ryerson. 598 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. WiUiams, Anna, and Ephraim Stites, or Ephraim P. Stites 1799 Dec. 8 AVilliams, Elias, aud Sarah Tomkins, at CaldweU S. G. 1797 Dec 3 Williams, Fanuy, and Ch. M. Hughes 1801 Feb. 1 AVilliams, James, Sergeant iu the American Army, aud Hanijab Dickey, of Elizabeth Town, by Aaron Lane J. P. 1795 AprU 22 WUliams, Joseph, of Elizabeth Town, and Betsey Lyon, of Lyon's Farms M. R. 1798 WiUiams, Joseph, and Mary Ward A. J. 1799 Williams, John, and Rachel Van Riper, both of Second River. .. U. O. 1800 WiUiams, Mathew, and Phebe WiUiams A. J. 1800 WilUams, Nathaniel, and Sarah Ann Leighton, both of Williams's Farm M.R. 1798 Williams, Phebe, and Mathew Williams 1800 WiUiams, Miss Sally, and Augustus EUiot 1801 WiUiams, Suky, aud Elias Corter 1797 Willis, Leah, and Timothy Drewer, both of Elizabeth Town 1796 Wilson, Nancy, and Robert Howard 1800 Winants, Samuel, and Hetty Marsh, both of Rahway M. R. 1800 Wood, , Iacob, and Rachel Riggs J. V. A. 1796 AVood, AVUUam, and Anna Terrill, both cf Rahway M. R. 1800 AVoodruff, Andrew, of Elizabeth Town, and Pbebe Lyon Woodruff, of Woodruff's Farm M. R. 1797 Woodruff, Charity, and David Nutman 1798 Woodruff, Hampton, of Philadelphia, aud Sally McAdams, of Eliza beth Town M. R. 1799 AA'oodruff, Morris, and Susan Eaton, both of Elizabeth Town . M. R. ] 800 Woodruff, Phebe Lyon, and Andrew Woodruff 1797 Y Young, Mary, and Fraucis Redman 1800 Aug. 23 June 9 Dec 7 Nov. 17 Oct. 9 June 16 Oct 9 Sept. 5 Mar. 11 April 30 Nov. 4 Nov. 9 Jan. 24 May 21 Dec 9 Oct. 25 Aug. 8 Jan. 8 Dec 9 Marriage Records of Baptist CliurGli at Lyons Farm. 1795-1800 The Baptist Church at Lyons Farms (a vUIage adjacent to the Waverly railroad station, between Njwark and Elizabeth, aud so called from the ftr-t settlers. WiUiam and Heury Lyon), was constituted April 16, 1769, by twelve persons, chiefly from the Scotch Plains Church, The pulpit was supplied by various clergymen — from Scotch Plains, New York, Morristown and elsewhere — until 1779, when the Rev. Ward was called, being ordained at Short Hills, May 8. 1779. From Oct 4, 1780, to June 29, 1785, there is but one entry in the records — of a meeting on Sept, 20, 1783. George Guthrie, minister, administered the rite of baptism on June 29, 1785 and frequently thereafter untU April 16, 1786. The next church meeting was ou March 7, 1787, amd the next on Aug . 30, 1788, at whioh time it appears that the Kev. Joseph Stephens was supplying the pulpit. He was dismissed Dec. 20, 1788, to the churches at Upper Freehold and New Mills. The next meeting was held on Sept. 26, 1789, when a committee was appointed to secure the services of the Rev. William Vanhorne, of the Scotch Plains church, for one quarter of his time for oue year. The next meeting reported in the cburch book was on March 11, 1792. It was "Agreed to give Bror : Peter Bryant of Piscataway au Invitation to serve us as a Preacher for tbe next 3 months, requiring two thirds of the Lords days in the said time. Bror : Clisby after informed us that Bror : Bryant accepted the same, the Time to commence the first day of April 1792." The Rev. Peter Bryant was 'thereupon engaged for, three mouths, and was ordained pastor of the church on Sept 13, 1792. He continued pastor until , the close of tbe year 1807. He kept the church records in admirable shape, writing a beautiful hand. . His register of marriages began January 1, 1793, and was arranged thus; 1793 £ S D Jany 1. 1. John Pray ot New- York, Taylor to Sally Crane of Lyon's-Farms " 8 " Each marriage was numbered at the beginhiug, and the marriage fee received was noted at tbe end . Thus we learn that during the eight years, 1793-1800, he per formed sixty marriage ceremonies, and received therefor fees amounting to £35, 17s. 6d., or $89. 90, an average of fl. 50. Tbe usual fee was 8s., or $1; the highest was £1, 4s., or $3. The old book of records is a stout folio, in excellent preservation, bound in parch ment, and lettered on the front cover : 600 .NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUME.^TS 1769 LYONS' FARMS Baptist Cburch Book Record Marriages Jau 1 1793 It contains the records of church proceedings from April 16, 1769, to Nov. 2, 1854, kept iu somewhat desultory fashion; also records of baptisms (of adult persons received into tbe church), and records of marriages. The editor is indebted to the authorities of the church for tbe loan of this precious volume, for tbe purpose of copying the following record of marriages prior to 1801. A few notes may be convenient regarding the names of places mentioned in these records: Bridge-Town — Lower Rahway. Camptowu — known since 1852 as Irviugton. Canoe Brook— asmall stream iu Livingston township. The straggling settlements along it were known by the name of the brook, and later the principal hamlet was called North Farms and Northfield. Connecticut Farms — now more generally called Union, about three miles west of Elizabeth. Rath way — Rah-way . AVUliams' Farms — between Elizabeth and Westfield. B Baker, Rebecca, aud Dauiel Growels 1799 Ball, Haunah, and George Jewell 1797 Bennet, James, and Jenny Bowman, of Elizabeth Town 1795 Bogart, John, carpenter, aud Mary Vau Pelt, both of Staten Island, North-End 1796 Bowman, Jenny, and James Bennet . 1795 Br'iwn, Hetty, and Ashur Edwards 1796 Bruin, Josiah, of Camp-Town, and Lydii Roberts, of Newark 1799 Bunnel, Caleb, and Charity Price, both of Elizabeth Town 1795 Capron, David, taylor, of Elizabeth-Town, aud Mary Ogland, of the same place 1797 Clark, Hanuah, and Josef AVilcoks I799 Clay, Thomas, North Farms, and Phebe Durand, of the same place , . 1799 Clisby, Polly, and Uzal Johnston 1800 Colemau, Epenetus, farmer, of Lyon's-Farms, and Suckey Moore house, of Elizabeth-Towu I797 Cougor, Betsy, and Timothy Crane , , . 1793 Congor, Samuel, shoe-maker, of Lyon's Farms, and Abby Kelly, of tbe Harbour I795 peb. 15 June 19 May 15 Aug. 2 Jan. 11 Aug. 2 Feb. 14 Feb. 23 Sept 26 June 11 Sept 14 Oct, 19 Sept. IB July 12 Oct 26 Jan. 1 May 14 Oot. 20 June 24 Aug. 31 Aug. 31 Jan. 1 Nov. 23 Dec 20 Oct 26 June 9 LYONS FARMS CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 60I Core, Betsy, and Isaac Hays 1794 Crane, Betsy, and Aaron Nutman 1800 Crane, Jacob, of Elizabeth Town, and Sally Seers, of the same place.. 1800 CJiane, Johanna, and Abraham Scudder 1797 Crane, Moses, of Elizabeth-Town, and Phebe Crane, of North Farms , 1799 Crane, Phebe, and Moses Crane 1799 Crane, Sally, and John Pray 1793 Crane, Sally, and James Jewell 1796 Crane, Sally, and Seth Woodruff , 1800 Crane, Timothy, shoe-maker, and Betsy Congor, both of Lyon's Farms 1793 Crowel, Daniel, of Orange, and Rebecca Baker, of North-Farms 1799 D Dean, Luther, and Unice Meeker, both of Elizabeth Town 1795 May 7 Drake, Andrew, Staten Island, farmer, and PoUy Mulford, of Connec ticut Farms , 1795 June 20 Durand, Phebe, and Thomas Clay 1799 Oct. 19 E Edwards, Ashur, farmer, and Hetty Brown, seemster, both of Canoe Brook 1796 -Edwards, Isaac, farmer, and Susannah King, both of Canoe Brook. . .1796 Edwards, Patience, and Benjamin Halbert , 1797 F Force, Lydia, aud Jonathan Ward 1800 Force, Mary Ann, and Frazy Hales 1799 -Foster, Betsy, and Amos Williams 1799 Fremer, Jemima, and David Whitehead 1797 G Garthwrigbt, John, shoe-maker, Connecticut-Farms, aud Eunice Lloyd, of the same place 1800 Oct. 25 , Grummon, Isaac, farmer, of Lyon's Farms, and Jemima Price, of tbe same place 1799 Grummon, Polly, and Timothy Woodruff 1800 Green, Jobn Denman, and Lydia Hand, of Rahway 1794 Green, Lydia, and Isaac Hand 1 798 Greene, Sally, and Aaron Meeker 1793 H Haies, Frazy, carpenter, of Woodbridge, and Mary Ann Force, of the same place 1799 Sept 12 Halbert, Benjamin, cooper, Morris-Town, and Patience Edwards, widow. School Mad., WiUiams-Farms, (illegal). N. B.— Void by previous marriage 1797 Sept 5 45 Feb. 14 Mar. 13 Sept. 5 May 31 Sept. 12 Nov. 4 April 1,0 Mar. 31 July 10 Feb. 9 April 8 April 7 April 8 Feb. 9 Sept 17 Oct 4-9 AprU 12 Sept 17 Jan. 1 Juue 21 602 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Haud, Isaac, farmer, and Lydia Green, both of Springfield 1798 Hand, Lydia, and John Denman Green 1794 Harris, Pbebe, and Moses Hayes 1798 Harrison, Patty, and John Reuslay 1798 Harrison, Sally, and Joel Meeker 1800 Hayes, Moses, of New-ark, and Pbebe Harris, of Elizabetb-Town ...1798 Hays, Isaac, blacksmith, and Betsy Gore, both of New-ark 1794 HeddOn, Aaron, of Camp-Town, and Abby Woodruff, same place 1800 J Jarvis, Beujamin, of Rathway, aud Pbebe Ogdon, of Elizabeth-Town. 1798 Nov. 13 Jewell, George, farmer, of Sodom, and Hannah Ball, of the same place, widow 1797 May 16 Jewell, James, farmer, Elizabetb-Town, and Sally Crane, of Bottle- Hill, married at Mr. Js. AViUcook's, Eliz. -Town 1796 Nov. 23 Johnston, Uzal, chair-maker, Eliz. Town, and Polly Clisby, of Newark 1800 Sept 13 Jones, Martha, and Amos Price 1797 April 11 K Kelly, Abby, and Samuel Congor ... 1795 Feb. 15 King, Susannah, and Isaac Edwards 1796 Mar. 13 Lloyd, Eunice, and Jobn Garthwrigbt ] 800 Oct 25 Love, John Nicolas, baker. New- York, and Abby Taylor, of Lyon's Earms '. 1793 Sept 22 M Machesney, Peggy, and Isaac Meeker 1795 Marsh, Polly, aud Nathaniel Mitchell 180O Meeker, Aaron, mason, of Lyons Farms, and Sally Green, of the same place 1793 Meeker, Isaac, farmer, aud Peggy Machesney, both of Canoe Brook, .1795 Meeker, Joel, farmer, of Lyon's Farms, and SaUy Harrison, of Sodom 1800 Meeker, Lidia, and John Stewart 1800 Meeker, Prussia, aud William Woodruff 1798 Meeker, Unice, and Luther Dean I795 MitcheU, Nathaniel, and Polly Marsh, both of EUzabetb-Town 1800 - Moore, Polly, and Phibbe Shemash 1796 Moorehouse, Suckey, aud Epenetus Coleman I797 Mulford, PoUy, and Andrew Drake I795 N Nesbit, Joseph, School-Master, and Ruth Price, both of EUza. Town. . 1798 Aug. 15 Aug. 9 Dec. 3 April 7 Aug. 9 April 12 Dec 24 AprU 30 May 7 Dec 3 Oct. 16 July 12 June 20 LYONS EARMS CttURCtt MARRIAGE RECORDS. 603 Natmau, -Aaron, of Springfield, and Betsy Crane, of Connecticut ^a™s 1800 May 14 O Ogden, Joseph, Farmer, of New Galloway, and Comfort Price, of Lyons Farms I79I Jeb. 27 Ogdon, Pbebe, and Benjamin Jarvis 1798 Nov. 13 Ogdon, Rebecca, and Abner Osborn I795 Mar. 6 Ogland, Mary, and David Capron 1797 June 11 Osborn, Abner, Miller, of Sodom, and Rebecca Ogdon, of Conuecti- out Farms I795 Mar. 5 Osborn, Tripbene, and Stephen AVillcocks 1793 Nov. 17 P Parker, Jonathan, taylor, of Elizabeth-Town, and Susannah Price, of the same place 1797 April 1 ParceU, Abner, carpenter, Elizabetb-Town, aud Polly AVheeler, Widow, of Lyon's Farms 1799 Mar. 24 Pierson, Hannah, and AVheeler Wade 1794 June 30 Pray, John, of New York, taylor, and Sally Crane, of Lyon's Farms. . 1793 Jan. 1 Price, Amos, taylor, of Elizabetb-Town, and Martha Jones, of Sodom 1797 April 11 Price, Charity, and Caleb Bunnel 1795 Sept. 26 Price, Comfort, aud Joseph Ogdon 1794 Feb. 27 Price, Jemima, and Isaac Grummon 1799 Mar. 31 Price, Ruth, and Joseph Nesbits 1798 Aug. 15 Price, Susannah, and Jonathan Parker 1797 April 1 R Reeves, Rhoda, and Caleb Smith 1796 Nov. 13 Reuslay, John, shoemaker, of New York, and Patty Harrison, Lyon's Fai-ms 1798 Oct 10 Roberts, Lydia, and Josiah Bruin 1799 Feb. 23 Roberts, Seers, of Camp-Town, farmer, and Sally Willson, Widow, of the same place 1800 AprU 9 s Scudder, Abraham, and Johanna Crane, both of North-Farms. (Ab. Scudder, sadler.) 1798 June 24 Seers, Sally, and Jacob Crane 1800 Oct 20 Shemash, Phibbe, farmer, and Polly Moore, both of Bridge-Town, . .1796 Oot 16 Spinning, Sally, and Daniel Winings 1793 Oct. 13 Smith, Caleb, farmer, and Rhoda Reeves, both of Canoe Brook 1796 Nov. 13 Stewart, Jobn, of Lyon's-Farms in Newark, and Lidia Meeker, of the same place 1800 Dec 24 Swift, Henry, taylor, of Elizabeth-Town, and Mary Willis, of Rahway 1797 May 6 6o4 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. T Taylor, Abby, and Johu Nicolas Love 1798 Sept 22 V Valentine, Daniel, shoe-maker, and Rachael Winans, both of Lyon's Farms 1799 Feb. 14 Van Pelt, Mary, and John Bogart 1795 Jan. 11 W AVade, Wheeler, shoe-maker, and Hannah Pierson, both of Connec ticut Farms 1794 June 30 Ward, Jonathan, shoe-maker, of North-Farms, and Lydia Force, of the same place 1800 May 31 Wheeler, Polly, and Abner Parcells ... 1799 Mar. 24 AVhitebead, David, of Lyons Farms, and Jemima Fremer, of Camp Town ' 1797 AprU 10 Wilcocks, Joseph, shoe-maker, of Camp-Town, and Hannah Clark, of the same place . ." 1799 Sept. 14 WUlcocks, Stephen, and Tripbene Osborn, both of Camp-Town 1793 Nov. 17 WiUiams, Amos, of New-ark, carpenter, and Betsy Foster, of Lyon's Farms 1790 Nov. 4 WUlis, Mary, and Henry Swift 1797 May 6' AVUlson, Sally, and Seers Roberts 1800 AprU 9 Winans, Rachael, and Daniel Valentine 1799 Feb. 14 Winings, Daniel, mason, of Lyons Farms, and Sally Spinning, of the same place 1793 Oct 13 W^oodruff, Abby, aud Aaron Heddon 1800 June 21 Woodruff, Seth, mason, of Elizabetb-Town, and Sally Crane, of Lyons-Farms, in Newark 1800 Dec. 20 Woodruff, Timothy, mason, Eliz. -Town, and Polly Grummon, Lyon's Farms 1800 July 10 Woodruff, AVUliam, of Morris-Town, miller, and Prussia Meeker, of Connecticut Farms 1798 AprU 30 Seeond River Reformed(DutGli)CliurGli Marriap Records, 1730-1774, 1794-1800. The Reformed Dutch Cburch at Second River (now Belleville), in Essex county, was an offshoot of tbe Acquackanonk (now Passaic) Church, and was organized in 1700. These two Churches were ministered unto by the Rev. Guliam Bertholf, 1700- ,1724, and by tbe Rev. Henricus Coens, 1726-1730. Tbe Second River Church then separated from tbe Acquackanonk Church, and had for pastors tbe Rev. Cornelius Van Sanlvoord, 1730-1732 (in conjunction witb Staten Island), the Rev. Gerardus Haeghoort, 1735-1776; the Rev. Matthew Leydt, 1779-1780 (in conjunction with Gansegat, now Fairfield) ; the Rev. Henricus Schoonmaker, 1784-1794 (in conjunc tion with Acquackanonk) ; the Rev. Peter Stryker, 1794-1809, and 1810-1812. Dominie Bertholf was pastor of the Hackensack Church until his death, iu 1724, and appears to have kept tbe records of all his charges in the Hackensack books. The Belleville Churcb bas its own registers of communicants, from 1726 ; of mar riages, from 1730 to 1774, and from 1794 to date; of baptisms, from 1727; and of its consistories, from 1726. It is not known what has become of the marriage records between 1774 and 1794; it is probable that they were kept by tbe pastors in the reg isters of other churches of which tbey had charge. The following lists are furnished by the Holland Society, from its copy of tbe records from 1726 to 1774; from 1794 to 1801, the lists have been copied from tbe original register, kept by the Rev. Peter Stryker. It is to be regretted that he did not give as full details as bis predecessors. The following are explanations of some of the place-names occurring in these records : Aobqueckenonk, Acbquegnok, Aohweghenoch, Acquignenonck— Acquackanonk, now Passaic. Beskenreits — Baskenridge. Gansegat — now Fairfield. Hanover— in Morris county. Hoopwill —Hopewell. Klyne Jonkers— Yonkers, N. Y. Paohaneck, Pecbkonegb, Pechenack, Pechneneck, etc —Pacquanac, Pequannock, Morris county. New Brittain— between SomerviUe and Morristown. Pipek — Peapack. Peckman's River— now Cedar Grove and vicinity. Pomptham— Pompton. Uylekil— "Owl Creek," iu Morris county. Wachauw— now White Hall, Morris county. Wesel — a neighborhood southeast of Paterson. Nov. 4 April 17 Mar. 26 Jan. 28 Aug. 9 6o6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. A Ackly, John, from New York, and Rachel Hooglant, from Second Riv. , upon license, witness Jobn Spier, Elder 1776 Ahleman, Henry, and Maria Catrina Cann 1797 AUar, Charity, and Edward Jones 1797 Anderson, Robert, and Mrs. Pietertje Mosely 1797 Andriesen, Jury, and Judick Kint, both Uving in Pipek 1742 Andro, David, born in Scotland, and Maria Reset, both living at Sec ond Riv 1738 Dec 2 B Bergen, Richard, and Elizabeth Leslie , 1794 Nov. 29 Bennet, Herman, and Eliza Lezelier - 1797 June 18 Berry, Mary, and Thomas Cadmus 1799 Oct 27 Berry, Pieter, from Morris Co., and Susanna Jones, from Bergen Co., marr. upon license 1715 Aug. 9 Bertholf, Guiljaem, born at Scralenburgh, living at Pomptham, and Jannetie Jacobusse, born at Wezel, living at Hanover 1736 Bikelo, Johannes, aud Antie Van Nieukerk, both from Acquegnonck . .1747 Billyou, Jacob, and Johanna Van Zeil, both from Bergen Co., marr. upon license 1768 Billington, Anna,! and James Rolson 1764 Bitstead, Andrew, and Louisa Soboever 1797 Blaok, Nicke, and William Burgoyne, slaves 1797 Boss, Jacob, and Catriua Sherntan, marr. upou certif 1759 Boss, Janneke, and Jacob Smit 1752 Bostwick, AVUliam, and Abigael Grummond, both from Newark, marr. witb license 1773 Feb. 25 Braadberry, Elisabeth, and Abram Van Rype 1747 Bras, Gerrit, and Antie Janse, both living at Second Riv. , witness Jau Haal 1759 Oct 13 Bras, Pieter, born at Hackensack, aud Saartie Voick, born at Second Riv. , both living there .' 1734 Bras, Sara, and Hans Michel's Smit 1741 Brass, Catrina, and Hendrik Oudwater 1752 Brower, Lea, and Jaoobus Verwey 1743 Brown, John, and Sarah Morris 1798 Brown, Sophia, aud Henry Vau Winkle 1798 Bruen, Nathaniel, and Abigail Harrisou 1798 Bruyn, Elisabeth, and Ary Cadmus I734. Bruyn, Elisabeth, aud Pieter Mauriss, both living at Second Riv 1772 Bruyn, Hendrik, son of Barent, aud Rachel Burger, both from Second Biver 1756 Bruyn, Hillegond, and Henrdrik Francisco 1757 1 Her maiden name was Anna America, Nov. 17 May 30 May 29 Jan. 22 Mar. 1 Nov. 5 April 10 Jan. 23 April 14 Jan. 9 Feb. 23 Feb. 23 Sept. 5 Feb. 24 Mar. 22 Dec 21 June 25 Feb. 14 Jan. 14 Dec 6 June 1 Juue 2 Oct. 26 Dec 24 Jan. 27 Feb. 14 Nov. 5 SECOND RIVER CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 607 Bruyn, Hillegonda, and Jacob Van Winkel 1750 May 19 Bruyn, Jacobus, from Second Riv., aud Catharina Leasear, from New York, marr. upon license 1754 Oct 5 Bruyn, Johannes, born at Second River, and Hillegont Van Giesen, born at Hackensack, both liv. at Second Riv 1730 Bruj'n, Johannis, and Elisabeth Santvoort, both living at Second Riv. 1751 Bruyn, Margrietje, and Arien Koning, both living at Second Riv 1744 Bruyn, Steyntie, and Francois AVouterse 1741 Budd, Mary, and Baltus De Hart 1796 Budd, Phoebe, and Casparus King 1794 Barger, Manus, born at New York, living at Hackensack, and Annatie Koejemans, born and living at Second Riv 1734 Burger, Rachel, and Hendrik Bruyn 1756 Burgoyne, WiUiam, and Nioke Black, slaves 1799 C Cadmus, Abraham, and Margaret Leslie 1794 Nov. 29 Cadmus, Ary, born at Bergen, and Elisabeth Bruyn, widow of Hannes Mandeviel, born at Second Riv., both living there 1734 Cadmus, Catharina, and Evert Van Es 1736 Cadmus, Elizabetb, and William Groshong 1794 Cadmus, Engeltie, and Theunis Spier 1736 Cadmus, Hermanus, and Sarah Ward 1798 Cadmus, Margrietje, and Arie Jacobusse 1737 Cadmus, Maria, and Jan Mead 1753 Cadmus, Maria, and Johannes Mead 1753 Cadmus, Marytie, and Cornelis Jeralemon 1739 Cadmus, Marytie, and WilUam King 1757 Cadmus, Melchert, and Elisabeth EUen, both Uving at Second Riv . . . 1741 Cadmus, Pietertie, and Thomas Cadmus. . . 1760 Cadmus, Saertie, and Hendrik Spier 17*8 Cadmus, Thomas, born at Bergen, and Cornelia Jeralemon, born at ^ Second Riv., both living there 1733 Cadmus, Thomas, and Pietertie Cadmus, both from Second Riv., marr. upon license Cadmus, Thomas, and Mary Berry 1^99 0<=*- ^7 Campbell, Maria, and Abraham Fransisco Cann, Maria Catrina, and Henry Ahleman 1797 AprU 17 Carne, Jobn, and Jane Kip, both from New York 1776 Sept. 14 Cesar, a slave of Arent Schuyler, and Grace, a slave of William Horn- ' , , 1797 Feb. 18 blower Chapm, Clarissa, and Samuel Humphry 1800 Aug. z Cidney, Sara, aud Paulus Rome 176*' "«'• Claes Jan Everse, widower of Elisabeth Bouman, born at Osnabruok, ' and Catharina Soldaat, born at Ackinsack, both living at Sec- , „. 1735 Dec 11 oud Riv. ..,..., • Dec. 21 Sept 1 Dec 20 Aug. 16 Dec 3 June 29 Jan. 17 Jan. 17 April 21 July 28 Oct. 4 June 29 May 13 June 30 1760 June 29 1799 Oct 27 1796 Mar. 12 Oct. 21 June 5 Nov. 21 Nov. 11 July 5 Oct 22 May 12 Dec. 5 Jan. 19- 6o8 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Clark, Robert, widower of Rachel Cloud, born in Ireland, and Abigal Pingham (?) widow of William Pease, both living at Second Riv., witnesses, Thames Siklaar and Abram Van Giesen 1764 Clarkson, Polly, and Niclaes Gerbrandse ^ 1756 Coccifer, Tryntie, and Vander Hoeff 1740 Coerte, Johannes, born at Wesel, living at Hanover, and Annetie Stor, born in the Esopus, living at Hanover 1735 Coeyeman, Jacob, and Rachel Garrabrautz 1798 Coorte, Johannes, widower of Tryntie Smit, from the Gansegat, and Rachel Doolhage, from Pekmans River, witness, Jan Dool hagen 1751 Cornelison, Rev. John, and Catharine Mezier, at Bergen 1795 Coyeman, Margerita, and Thomas Vreeman Van Bype, marr. -with license of April 17 1760 Ooymans, Lea, and Jacob Spier, both living at Second Riv 1746 Coyman, Rachel, and Adriaan Van Rype, both from Second Riv. . . .1764 D Dally, Anna, and AVUliam Kingslant 1742 Oct 19 Davids, Jannetie, and Johannes Gerbrants, both living at Second Riv. 1756 April 10 Davis, Phebe, from Newark, aud Andrew Pierse, marr. witb license, . , 1750 May 6 De Hart, Baltus, aud Mary Budd , 1796 Oot. 26 DeHart, Matthias, from Elisabethtown, and Catharina Kingslant, from N. Berbadus, marr. with license of March 31 1746 Demarre, David, and Maria Van Buskerk, both from Bergeu Co., marr. with license 1748 Aug. 1 De Remis, Jenneke, and Cornelis Van Giesen 1748 Aug. 6 Deremis, Gleen, 1 from Ackquegnonck, and Elisabeth Yong, from Han over 1744 Oct 2 Devoisne, Hester, and Hendrik Van Winkel 1764 Nov. 26 De Voor, John, aud Aeltie Jacobusse, both from Second River, marr. upon certif 1758 Nov. 19 De Vousne, John, and Sietie Van AVinkel, both living at Second Riv., marr. upon license 1766 Dec 21 Dinah, a slave to P. S.8 and Henry Zelius, a free Mulatto 1798 Feb. 24 Dobbins, Elizabeth, and Isaac Soveril 1796 Jan. 6 Dodd, Mrs. Sarah, and Aury King I799 Jan. 27 Doolhaage, Rachel, and Johannes Coorte 1751 Oct 22 Doolhaven, Leentie, and Johannis Vreelant 1752 Oct. 7 Dorhager, Femmetie, and Marselis Ydese I74I Nov. 21 Douwe, Arie, and Mary King, both from Second Riv. , married upon license of Feb. 9 1748 Douwe, Johannes, born at New York, and Elisabeth Jeralemon, both living at Second Riv., marr. with license I74O Dec 3 1 Goline, Julian. -' Peter Schuyler. SECOND RIVER CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 609 E Eerie, Catryna, aud Jacob Gerrebrantse, both from Bergen Co. , marr. upon license 1759 Egberse, Annetie, and Isaak Ryke 1751 Egberse, Waling, and Marytie Spier, both from Second Riv. , witness, John Spier 1749 Ellen, EUsabeth, and Melchert Cadmus, both living at Second Riv . 1741 Erwin, Cornelius, and Lydia King 1799 F Folk, Marytie, aud Olevert Heyddi 1735 Forster, Saartie, and Samuel Smit 1772 Fransisco, Abraham, and Maria Campbell 1796 Francisco, Geesje, aud Niclaes Styg, both living in bet Gansegat 1740 Francisco, Hendrik, and Hillegond Bruyn, both living at Second Riv.. 1767 Francisco, John Sip, and Mary Little. . . 1796 Franscisco, Mary, and Thomas Stagg 1795 Francisko, Michiel, and Maria Van der Hoeff,. both from the Gansegat 1753 Freeland, Cytje, and John Van Winkle 1799 Freeland, Mary, and Jobn Joralemon 1796 Furlough, Ann, and John Perkins 1798 G Garner, Aany, and John RoskrOw 1767 Garrabrautz, Elizabeth, and Jacob Garrabrautz 1796 Garrabrantz, Helena, and Paul Poulson 1795 Garrabrautz, Jacob, and Elizabeth Garrabrantz 1796 Garrabrantz, Jane, and Aaron Morris 1800 Garrabrantz, Mary, and Joseph Sigler 1797 Garrabrantz, Peter, and Elizabeth Garretson 1798 Garrabrantz, Rachel, and Jacob Coeyeman 1798 Garrebrantz, Garrit, and Leah Joralemon 1800 Garretson, Elizabeth, and Peter Garrabrantz 1798 Gerbrandse, MarseUs, and Geertruy Van Dalsem, both living at Sec ond River. l'^*2 Gerbrandse, Niclaes, and PoUy Clarkson, marr. upon certif 1765 Gerbrants, Johannes, and Jannetie Davids, both living at Second Riv 1756 Gerbrantse, Gerbrant, aud Catharina Pier, both from Second River, marr. upon license of Oct. 28 174;7 Gerrebrantse, Jacob, and Catryna Eerie, both from Bergen Co., marr. uponlicense : 1759 AprU 17 Gerritson. Anna, and DiaU Van Winkel 1715 June 17 - Grace a slave of WiUiam Hornblower, and Cesar, a slave of Arent __Schuyler '^'^ ^'^- ^^ 1 Daniel. 46 April 17 Jan. 29 Oct. 1 Oct. 4 Oct. 23 Sept 27 Dec. 1 Mar. 12 May 13 Jan. 14 Feb. 19 Oct 31 Nov. 11 Dec 14 Sept 3 April 10 Aug. 1 May 8 Aug. 11 May 8 Dec. 28 Deo. 14 Feb. 4 July 5 Feb. 8 Feb. 4 April 19 June 5 April 10 6lO NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Greenfield, Lewis, and Mary Schephard 1767 May 23 Grimes, Hannah, and James Speer 1799 April 14 Groshong, WUliam, and Elizabetb Cadmus 1794 Dec. 20 Grummond, Abigael, and William Bostwick 1773 Feb. 25 H Haal, Elisabeth, and Abram Messelaar 1759 Sept. 23 Hall, Phoebe, and William King 1797 Jan. 1 Harrison, Abigail, and Nathaniel Bruen 1798 Mar. 22 Heyddi, Olevert, born at Westchester, living at Newark, and Marytie Folk, born and living at Second River 1735 Sept. 27 Heyle, Petrus, and Geertie Van Duyn, both from Pomton 1747 May 25 Hooglant, Rachel, and John Ackly 1776 Nov. 4 Houston, David, and Mary Van Winkle 1797 Dec 30 Howel, Edward, aud Pietertje Joralemon 1795 July 6 Humphry, Samuel, and Clarissa Chapin 1800 Aug. 21 Husten, Robbert, born iu Scotland, living iu Bergen Co. , and Alida Van Winokele, born and living at Second River 1733 Sept 8 Huysman, Mattheus, born and living at Hackensack, and Hester Vin cent, widow of Hendrik Jeralemon, born at Klyne Jonkers, liv ing at Second River 1735 Oct. 9 Hyler (?), Marytie, aud Johannes Parleman 1755 April 19 J Jacobus, Abraham, and Janeker Post 1800 Aug. 3 Jaoobus, Fanuy, and Edward Williams 1799 Nov. 28 Jacobuss, Brand, widower, born and living in Morris Co., and Ger retie Spier, born and living iu Essex Co 1767 Dec 1 Jacobusse, Adriaan, widower, and Mary Paulusse, widow, both from Second Riv., marr. upon license 1761 Sept IU Jacobusse, Aeltie, and John De Voor 1758 Nov. 19 Janse, Antie, and Gerrit Bras 1759 Oct 13 Jacobusse, Arie, living at Pecbkonegb, and Margrietje Cadmus, living at Second Riv 1737 June 29 Jacobusse, Feytie, and Cornelis Spier 1758 Jan. 11 Jacobusse, Hendrick, widower of Aeltie Westervelt, and Aeobie Pau lusse, born at Second Riv., both living there 1733 Dec 15 Jacobusse, Jannetie, and Guiljaem Bertholf 1736 Nov. 17 Jacobusse, Johannes, and Leentie Spier, both living at Second Riv. . 1740 April 6 Jacobusse, Pieter, from Second Riv., and Hester Van Es, from Pomp- tan, witness, Simeon Van Es 1750 May 26 Jacobusze, Jan, and Helena Paulusse, both born and living at Second ^i" 1735 Mar. 1 Joraleman, Pietertie, and John Lewis 1767 Jan. - 29 Jeraleman, Cornelia, and Thomas Cadmus , 1733 June 30 April 21 Dec 3 Oct 5 Sept 4 Sept 7 Mar. 26 Sept. 18 Aug. 9 SECOND RIVER CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 6l I Jeralemon, Cornelis, and Mai'ytie Cadmus, both living at Second Riv., marr. with license 1739 Jeralomon, Elisabeth, and Johannes Douwe 1740 Jeralomou, Elisabeth, aud AVUliam Van Imburgh 1754 Jeralemon, Hilletie, aud Abram AVinne 1766 Johnson, Moses, and Hester Mandeville 1800 Jones, Edward, and Charity Allar 1797 Jones, Simeon R., and Rebecca AVard 1795 Jones, Susanna, and Pieter Berry 1715 Jong, Pieter, widower of Marytie Slot, and Elisabeth Vau Duyn, both from Pomptan 1747 Oct 20 Joons, Thomas, born at Herrefort, England, and Brechie Pouwer, widow of Jacob Meet, both living at Second Riv 1733 Joralemon, Ann, and Hermanus Klug 1800 Joralemon, Cornelius, and Nelly Juriaanz , . 1795 Joralemon, James T., and Mary Rutan 1800 Joralemon, John, and Mary Freeland 1796 Joralemon, John, and Eliz. Wynants 1796 Joralemon, Leah, and Garrit Garrabrantz 1800 Joralemon, Mary, and Jacob Putnam Meeker 1798 Joralemon, Nicholas, and Mary Lewis 1800 Joralemon, Pietertje, and Edward Howel 1795 Joralemon, Sarab, and Samuel Rutan 1798 Juriaanz, Eliz., and Abraham Van Emburgh 1795 Juriaanz, Nelly, and Cornelius Joralemon 1795 K Keen, John, aud Kety Roo, both living on Second Riv., witnesses, Samuel and Steven Ward 1771 Keen, William, and Margaret Wauters 1800 Kembel, Elisabeth, and Philip Roegee 1733 Kidney, John, and Maria Winne 1797 Kidney — see Cidney. King, Aury, and Mrs. Sarah Dodd 1799 King, Casparus, and Phoebe Budd 1794 King, David, from Newark, and Catharina Van Winkel, from Second River, marr. upon certificate of Do Chapman! 1774 Jan. 11 King, Hendrik, and Lea Stymets, both from Essex Co., marr, upon license I'^^l King, Hermanus, and Ann Jorolemon 1800 King, John F., nnd Mary King 1800 King, Lydia, and Cornelius Erwm 1799 King, Mary, nnd Jobn F. King 1^00 King, Mary, and Arie Douwe 1'^*^ 1 The Rev. Jedediah Chapman, pastor of tho Presbyterian church at Oranfre. lT(iO-1800. June 30 June 29 Sept 27 Jan. 2 Sept 3 Oct 20 Feb. 8 Feb. 7 Feb. 2 July 6 May 30 Sept 27 Sept 27 Nov. 25 Sept. 7 Nov. 10 July 19 Jan. 27 Dec 24 Mar. 21 June 29 Feb. 16 Oot. 23 Feb. 16 July 28 Jan. 1 Oct. 19 Aug. 9 Sept 14 June 21 Jan. 27 June 3 Mar. 14 June 2 Mar. 11 May 11 Feb. 24 6l2 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. King, William, and Marytie Cadmus, both from Second Riv., marr. upon license 1757 King, William, and Phoebe Hall 1797 Kingslant, Catharina, and Matthias DeHart 1746 Kingslant, William, from Second Riv., and Anna Dally, widow, from New York, marr. with license 1742 Kint, Judick, and Jury Andriesen, both living in Pipek 1742 Kip, Jane, and Jobn Carne, both from New York 1776 Koeiemans, Treyntie, and Christoffel Steymes 1766 Koejemans, Annatie, and Manus Burger ; . . 1734 Koerte, Neeltie, and Jacobus Spier, both from Achqueohenonk 1740 Koeyemans, Ariaentie, and Johannes Van Emburgh 1731 Koning, Arien, and Margrietje Bruyn, both living at Second River. . .1744 Koning, Catrina, and Adam Phester 1745 Koning, John, aud Maria Morris, both living al Second Riv 1745 Kreitz, Maria Catrina, aud John Sohriber. 1796 L Laurier, Christiaan, from AVachauw, and Sara Pier, from Morris Co., witness, Jacob Pier. . . 1749 Leasear, Catharina, and Jacobus Bruyn 1764 Leslie, Elizabeth, aud Richard Bergen 1794 Leslie, George, and Isabella Neil , 1799 Leslie, Margaret, and Abraham Cadmus 1794 Lewis, John, and Pietertie Jeraleman, both from Berbadus Neck, marr. upon license 1767 Lewis, Mary, and Nicholas Joralemon . 1800 Lezelier, Eliza, and Herman Bennet , 1797 Linford, Abraham, and Mary Van Riper 1796 Linford, Mary, and Henry Steymets 1796 Little, Mary, and John Sip Francisco 1796 Lou, Anna, and Thomas Wilckson (?) 1736 Lyense, AVUlem, and Ariaautie AVouterse, both from New York 1756 June 12 M McKarll, Joseph, born in Ireland, and Mary Sproils, living iu Besken reits, witness, William Hamilton. Banns published three times, but were never married Banns 1758 MacGiunis, Uzal, and Jane Teeple I795 M-andeville, Abraham, and Catharine Steger 1800 Mandeville, Hester, and Moses Johnson 1800 Maurise, Catryntie, and Thomas Santvoort 1759 Mauriss, Pieter, and Elisabeth Bruyn, both living at Second River . . . 1772 Mead, Elisabeth, and Gysbert Van der Hoeff 1771 Mead, Jan, and Maria Cadmus I753 May 6 Oct 5 Nov. 29 Sept. 9 Nov. 29 Jan. 29 Feb. 2 June 18 April 23 May 7 Feb. 19 Sept 23 Aug. 24 Dec 20 Sept 7 June 28 June 25 Mar. 20 Jan. 17 SECOND RIVER CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 613 Mead, Johannes, from Pechenech, aud Maria Cadmus, from tbe Gansegat 1753 j^^ ^^ Meeker, Jacob Putnam, aud Mary Joralemon 1798 Peb 7 Meeks, Joseph, and Sarah Van Dyke 18C0 June 29 Messeker, Abraham, born at Hoopwill, aud Annatie Vau der Hoeff born at New Britain, both living at Second Riv 1735 Aug. 16 Messelaar, Abram, and Elisabeth Haal, both living at Second Riv. witness, Abram Boss 1759 gept. 23 Meyers, Jane, aud Abraham Van Blarkum I795 pei,. 12 Mezier, Catharine, and Rev. Jolm Cornelison 1795 May 12 Mitzard, John, born in Pennsylvania, and Maria Pengborn, born in Newark I767 Sept 20 Moore, Dalle, aud Dennys Prys 1733 j^-ag, 25 Morris, Aaron, and Jane Garrabrantz 1800 Dec. 28 Morris, Maria, and John Koning I745 May 11 Morris, Sarah, and Jobn Brown 1798 Sept. 6 Morris, Stephen, and Catharine Smith I799 Oct 15 Mosely, Mrs. Pietertje, and Robert Anderson 1797 Jan. 28 Mourisse, Francyntie, and Robert Sandvoort 1762 Feb. 25 Mourisse, Mauris, and Polly Sandvoort, both from Pequauneck, in Morris Co., witness, Robbert Sandvoort 1761 Sept 9 N NeU, Isabella, and George Leslie 1799 Sept. 9 o Osborn, Moses, and Mary Van Brakel 1797 Aug. 6 Oudwater, Hendrik, and Catrina Brass 1752 Feb. 23 Oudwater, Tryntie, and Enoch Paulusse 1756 April 9 P Pangborn, Joseph, and Mrs. Sarab Steger 1800 Nov. 29 Parleman, Johannes, and Marytie Hyler (-?), both living on the Uyle- kill, marr. upon certif ¦ 1766 April 19 Paulusse, Abram, from Second Riv., and Marytie Van Rype, from Ac quegnonk, witness, Johannis Van Rype 1749 Oct 20 Paulusse, Aechie, and Hendrick Jacobusse 1733 Dec 15 Paulusse, Enoch, and Tryntie Oudwater, both living at Second Riv. . . 1766 April 9 Paulusse, Helena, and Jan Jacobusze 1735 Mar. 1 Paulusse, Jannetie, and Hendrik Vau Es 1759 Nov. 22 Paulusse, Mary, and Adriaan Jacobusse 1761 Sept. 19 Pengborn, Maria, and John Mitzard 1767 Sept 20 Perkins, Jobn, and Aun Furlough 1798 April 10 Phester, Adam, living at New York, and Catrina Koning, living at Second Riv 1745 Mar. 11 Phillips, Eva, and William AVeller 1767 Aug. 2 Nov. 20 July 20 July 20 Nov. 20 Dec 4 Dec 4 May 6 May 6 Oot. 21 Sept 16 Oct. 26 Aug. 3 Aug. 11 June 30 614 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Pier, Abram, and Cathrina Pier 1751 Pier, Abram, and Catrina Pier, both from Pocbuenech 1751 Pier, Catharina, and Gerbrant Gerbrantse 1747 Pier, Cathrina, and Abram Pier 1751 Pier, Cathrina, and Abram Pier 1751 Pier, Johannes, born at N. Berbadus Neck, living at Hanover, and Hester Van Nes, from the Gansegat, witness, Petrus Van Nes . . 1751 Pier, Johannes, and Hester Van Es, both from the Uylekill 1751 Pier, Sara, and Christiaan Laurier , 1749 Pierse, Andrew, and Phebe Davis, from Newark, marr. with license. .1750 Pingham (?j, Abigal, and Robert Clark 1764 Post, Alexander, and Pryntie Smit, both from Achqueohenonk 1742 Post, Catharina, and Johannis Steynmets 1736 Post, Janeker, aud Abraham Jaoobus 1800 Poulson, Paul, and Helena Garrabrantz 1795 Pouwer, Brechie, and Thomas Joons 1733 Prys, Dennys, born in Ireland, and Dalle Moore, born at Dublin, Ire land, both living here at Second Riv 1733 Aug. 25 R Reyken, Femmetie, and Abraham Steeger 1740 Aug. 12 Roegee, Philip, born at Bordeaux, in France, and Elisabeth Kembel, widow of Tammes Weylman, born in Fryhool, ! both living at Second Riv 1733 Nov. 10 Rolson, James, born in Old England, and Anna BiUington, widow of James Billington, living at Berbadus Neck, witness, James Bottler 1764 Jan. 22 Rome, Paulus, from Morris Co., and Sara Cidney, from Essex Co., marr. upon license 1766 Roo, Kety, and Jobn Keen I77I Reset, Maria, and David Andro 1738 Roskrow, John, from CornwaU, in England, and Aany Garner, widow of James Roleson, both living at Berbadus Neck 1767 Rutan, Mary, and James T. Joralamon 1800 Rutan, Samuel, and Sarab Joralemon '. 1793 Ryke, Isaak, living at the Gansegat, and Annetie Egberse, living at Achquegnonk I75I Ryke, Saertie, and Abraham Van der Hoef I747 Ryke, Wyntie, and Abraham Van Gieseu 1769 S Sandvoort, Polly, and Mauris Mourisse 1761 Sept 9 Sandvoort, Robert, and Francyntie Mourisse, both from Morris Co., witnesses, Jacob Mourisse and Job Bruyn Barentsen 1762 Feb. 25 Sandfort, Nancy, and Cornelis Vau Zeyle I753 July 15 1 Query: Freehold. Oct 12 Nov.- 25 Dec 2 Augr 1 Jan. 2 May 30 Jan. 29 June 27 AprU 9 SECOND RIVER CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. Santvoort, Elisabeth, and Johanuis Bruyn I75 1 Santvoort, Thomas, aud Catryntie Maurise, both from Morris Co., wit nesses, Jan Bruyn aud Mauris Maurise 1759 Schephard, Mary, and Lewis Greenfield 1767 Schephard, Thomas, from England, and Maria Ydesen, from Second Riv., marr. upon certif I759 Soboever, Louisa, aud Andrew Bitstaed 1797 Sohriber, John, and Maria Catrina Kreitz 1796 Sherntan, Catrina, and Jacob Boss I759 Siokelse, Aeltie, aud Abraham Spier I754 Sigler, Joseph, aud Mary Garrabrantz. , I797 Sigler, Thomas, and Mary Speer I799 Smit, Haus Michele, and Sara Bras, both from Second River, marr. with license I741 Smit, Jacob, and Janneke Boss ... , 1752 Smit, Jaoobus, born aud living at Acbquegnok, and Jenneke Bos, from N. Berbadus Neck, witness, Arie Bos 1752 Smit, Lea, and Johannes Sphier I747 Smit, Pryntie, and Alexander Post 1742 Smit, Samuel, born on Long Island, aud Saartie Forster, from Newark. 1772 Smith, Catharine, and Stephen Morris 1799 Soldaat, Catharina, and Jan Everse Claes 1735 Sbveril, Isaac, and Elizabeth Dobbins , 1796 Sphier, Johannes, aud Lea Smit, both living at Second River 1747 Speer, James, and Hannah Grimes 1799 Speer, Mary, and Thomas Sigler 1799 Spier, Abraham, and Aeltie Siokelse, both from Bergen Co., marr. with license 1754 Spier, Abraham, and Emmetie Wouterse, both living at Second Riv., marr. with license 1772 Spier, Cornelis, born at Acqueckonk, living at Peckmans River, and Feytie Jacobusse, living at Second Riv 1758 Spier, Esab, aud Jacob G. Vreelant 1773 Spier, Hendrik, and Saertie Cadmus, both living at Second Riv 1748 Spier, Jacob, and Lea Caymans, both living at Second Riv 1746 Spier, Jacobus, and Neeltie Koerte, both from Achqueohenonk. . . . 1740 Spier, Johannis, and Magdalena Van Dyck, both living at Second Riv, 1746 Spier, Gerretie, and Brand Jacobuss 1767 Spier, Lea, and Isack Van Giesen 1746 Spier, Leentie, and Johannes Jacobusse 1740 Spier, Marytie, and Waling Egberse 1749 Spier, Saertie, and Jau Wouterse 1762 Spier, Theunis, born at Second River, and Engeltie Cadmus, born at Bergen, both living at Second Riv 1735 SproUs, Mary, aud Joseph McKarll 1758 Stagg, Thomas, and Mary Franscisco , . . , 1795 6 iiS Julie 1 June 28 May 23 Feb. 4 Mar. 1 Feb. 24 April 10 May 11 Dec. 14 Dec 23 Jau. 9 Jau. 23 Jan. 23 Nov. 6 Sept. 16 Deo. 1 Oct 15 Dec 11 Jan. 6 Nov. 6 April 14 Dec 23 May 11 Oct 8 Jau. 11 Sept 25 May 13 Deo. 5 June 3 May 11 Dec. 1 Nov. 1 April 6 Oct 1 Oct. 3 Aug. 16 Sept. 23 Oct 31 6l6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Steeger, Abraham, and Femmetie Reyken, Uving at Second Riv 1740 Aug. 12 Steger, Catharine, and Abraham MandeviUe 1800 Dec, 20 Steger, Jacob, and Catharine Teeple .' 1798 AprU 5 Steger, Mrs. Sarab, and Joseph Pangborn 1800 Nov. 29 Steimit, Gerrit, and Pietertie Tuerse, marr. with Uoense of 1744 Nov. 12 Steymes, Christoffel, and Treyntie Koeiemans, both living at Second Kiy 1766 June 21 Steymets, Henry, aud Mary Linford 1796 May 7 Steynmets, Johannes, and Catharina Post, from Aohweghenoch 1736 Oct 26 Stor, Annetie, and Johannes Coerte 173,5 Nov. 11 Styg, Niclaes, and Geesje Francisco, both Uving in het Gansegat. ...1740 May 13 Stymets, Gerrit, from New York, and Marritie Vau Rype, from Bar bados Neck, witness, Helmig Sip, Elder 1767 May 30 Stymets, Lea, and Hendrik King 1761 Mar. 21 T Teeple, Catharine, and Jacob Steger 1798 AprU 5 Teeple, Jane, and Uzal MacGiunis 1795 Aug. 24 Tuerse, Pietertie, and Gerrit Steimit, marr. witb license of 1744 Nov. 12 V Van Blarkum, Abraham, and Jane Meyers 1795 Feb. 12 Van Brakel, Mary, and Moses Osborn 1797 Aug. 6 Van Buskerk, Maria, and David Demarre 1748 Aug. 1 Van Coortlant Geertruy, and John Van Reuzelaer 1756 Jan. 29 Van Dalsem, Geertruy, and Marselis Gerbrandse 1742 April 19 Van der Hoef, Abraham, and Saertie Ryke, both living at the Gan segat 1747 June 27 Vander Hoeff, , and Tryntie Coccifer, living at Second Riv 1740 Nov. 21 Van der Hoeff, Annatie, and Abraham Messeker 1735 Aug. 16 Van der Hoeff, Gysbert, and Elisabeth Mead, both living at Pach- anech 1771 Mar. 20 Vander Hoeff, Maria, and Michiel Francisko 1763 Nov. 11 Van Duyn, Elisabeth, and Pieter Jong 1747 Oct. 20 Van Duyn, Geertie, and Petrus Heyle 1747 May 25 Van Duyn, Marte, widower, and Jannetie Vreelant, both from Pequanock, in Morris Co., marr. upon license 1760 AprU 3 Van Dyck, Magdalena, and Johannis Spier 1746 May 11 Vau Dyk, Hanna, and Hendrik Van Giesen, ni. with license of 1750 Dec. 24 Van Dyke, Sarab, and Joseph Meeks 1800 June 29 Van Emburgh, Abraham, and Eliz. Juriaanz 1796 Sept 27 Van Emburgh, Abraham, and Rhoda Wheeler 1799 Oct. 13 Vau Emburgh, Gideon, aud Elisabeth Wendel, both from Second Riv., marr. upon license 1769 Feb. 18 Van Emburgh, Johannes, born at Hackensack, and Ariaentie Koeye mans, born at Second Riv., both living there. , 1731 Mar. 14 Nov. 22 Dec 4 May 26 Jan. 27 April 9 Mar. 14 SECOND RIVER CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 617 Van Es, Evert, from Acquecbenocb, and Catharina Cadmus, living at Second Riv 1736 Sept 1 Van Es, Hendrik, widower, from Morris Co., and Jannetie Paulusse, from Second Riv., marr. upon license 1759 Van Es, Hester, and Johannes Pier 1751 Van Es, Hester, aud Pieter Jacobusse 1750 Van Giese, Abraham, and Marytie Van Vorst, marr. upon certif 1751 Van Giesen, Abraham, widower, from Acbquegnok, and Wyntie Ryke, widow. 1769 Van Giesen, Aeltie, and Michiel Vreelant, Jun 1749 Van Giesen, Cornelis, and Jeuneke De Remis, both living at Acqueg nonck 1748 Aug. 6 Van Giesen, Hendrik, and Hanna Van Dyk, both from Second Riv., marr. with license of 1750 Dec 24 Van Giesen, HUlegont, and Johannes Bruyn 1730 Dec. 6 Van Giesen, Isaack, and Lea Spier, both from Second Riv. , marr. with license. .' 1746 Nov. 1 Vanimburgh, WUliam, and Elisabeth Jeralomon, from Second Riv., marr. upon license 1754 Oot. 5 Van Nei Hester, and Johannes Pier 1751 Dec 4 Van Nieukerk, Antie, and Johannes Bikelo 1747 May 30 Van Reuzelaer, John, widower, from Albany, and Geertruy Van Coort lant, from Second Riv. , marr. upon license 1756 Jan. 29 Van Riper, Mary, and Abraham Linford 1796 AprU 23 Van Rype, Abram, and Elisabeth Braadberry, both from Acqueg nonck,! marr. upon license of 1747 Nov. 28 Van Rype, Abram, widower,2 and Margarita Van Rype, widow, both from Second River, marr. upou license of ' 1 756 Nov. 27 Van Rype, Adriaan, and Rachel Coyman, both from Second Riv 1764 Jan. 19 Van Rype, Margarita, and Abram Van Rype 1756 Nov. 27 Van Rype, MarrUie, and Gerrit Stymets -r 'o ' Van Rype, Marytie, and Abram Paulusse 1749 Van Rype, Thomas Vreeman, 3 and Margerita Coyeman, marr. with ,. , 1750 AprU 17 Van Vorst, Marytie, and Abraham Vau Giese 1751 Jan. 2'7 Van Wageninge, Feytie, and Dirk Vreelant 1763 Sept. 14 Van Winokele, AUda, and Robbert Husten ' ' 1 lot % ^ I Van Winokele, Tryntie, and Daniel Worms "33 bept. Van Winkel, Casparus, f rom Acqueknonck, and Lydia Vau Winkel, ,-, J, T-,--, 1748 Jan. zy from Seeond Riv Van Winkel, Catharina, and David King 1^' May 30 Oot. 20 Jan. 11 1 For some account of this Van Rype and the Bradbury f amUy, see History of Paterson. by William Nelson, I., 158. 2 See ibid., 161. ,, ,,^ 3 Doubtless an error for Urians; i. e.. Thomas, son of Juriaen or Urian Van Rype. 47 May 19 Jan. 29 Dec 21 Feb. 24 Dec 2 Dec 14 Dec 30 May 29 Feb. 23 July 15 Feb. 23 Oct. 9 April 14 Feb. 23 6l8 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Van Winkle, Cytje, and Henry Van Winkle 1798 Dec 2 A'^an Winkel, Dial,! and Anna Gerritson, both from Second River, marr. upon license of June 15 1751 June 17 Van AVinkel, Hendrik, widower, from Second Riv., and Hester De voisne, widow, from Aquecknonk, marr. upon license 1764 Nov. 25 Van Winkel, Jacob, and Hillegonda Bruyn, both from Second Eiver, witness, Johannes Bruyn 1750 Van Winkel, Lydia, and Casparus Van Winkel 1748 Vau Winkel, Sietie, and John De Vousne 1766 Van Winkle, Henry, and Sophia Brown 1798 Van Winkle, Henry, and Cytje Van Winkle 1798 Van Winkle, John, and Cytje Freeland , 1799 Vau Winkle, Mary, aud David Houston 1797 Van Zeil, Johanna, and Jacob Billyou 1768 Van Zeyle, Aegie, and Abram Vrelant 1751 Van Zeyle, Cornelis, aud Nancy Sandfort , . . ." 1753 Verwey, Jacobus, and Lea Brouwer, both from Acquignenonck, marr. upon tbe testimony of Harman Juriansen, Elder at Acq 1743 Vincent, Hester, and Mattheus Huysman 1735 Volck, Saartie, and Pieter Bras 1734 Vrelant Abram, and Aegie Van Zeyle, both from Second Riv 1751 Vreelant, Dirk, and Feytie Van Wageninge, both from Essex Co., marr. upon license 1763 Sept. 14 Vreelant, Hendrik, and Emmetie Wouterse, both living at Second River 1758 Dec 31 Vreelant, Jacob G, , and Esab Spier, both from Essex Co. , and belong ing to the Dutch Ch. at Second Riv., marr. witb license 1773 Vreelant, Jannetie, and Marte Van Duyn 1760 Vreelant, Johannis, widower of Metje Jurriaanse, from Morris Co., and Leentie Doolhaven, from the Gansegat 1752 Vreelant, Michiel, Jr., aud Aeltie Van Giesen, marr. with license. . . . 1749 W Ward, Rebecca, aud Simeon R. Jones 1795 Ward, Sarah, and Hermauua Cadmus 1798 Wauters, Margaret, and William Keen 1800 Weiler, WiUiam, born in Germany, and Eva PhiUips, both living at Second Riv., witness, John Coccifer 1757 Wendel, Elisabeth, and Gideon Vau Emburgh 1769 Wheeler, Rhoda, aud Abraham Van Emburgh 1799 Wilckson, Thomas, and Anna Lou, from Second River, witb Uoense of .1736 WiUiams, Edward, and Fanny Jacobus I799 Winne, Abram, and HUletie Jeralemon, both living at Second River, marr. upon license I766 Sept 1 Pan'l, or Daniel. Sept 25 April 3 Oct. 7 Mar. 14 Sept 18 Dec 3 Sept. 7 Aug. 2 Feb. 18 Oct 13 Nov. 19 Nov. 28 SECOND RIVER CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 619 Winne, Maria, and John Kidney 1797 July 19 Worms, Daniel, widower of Tryntie Van AVormer, born at Darmstadt, living at Hanover, and Tryntie Van Winokele, born and living at Second Riv 1733 Sept. 8 Wouterse, Ariaantie, and Willem Lyense 1756 June 12 Wouterse, Emmetie, and Hendrik Vreelant 1768 Dec. 31 Wouterse, Emmetie, and Abraham Spier 1772 Oct 8 Wouterse, Francois, and Steyntie Bruyn,. both from Second Riv., marr. •with license of 1741 Dec. 1 Wouterse, Jan, from Second River, aud Saertie Spier, from the Gan segat, witness, Gerrit Spier 1752 Oct 3 Wynants, Eliz., aud John Joralemon 1796 Oct 20 Y Ydese, Marselis, and Femmetie Dorhager, from het Gansegat 1741 Nov. 21 Ydesen, Maria, and Thomas Schephard 1769 Feb. 4 Yong, Elisabeth, and Gleen Deremis 1744 Oct 2 Z Zelius, Henry, [a free Mulatto], 1 aud Dinah, a slave to P. S 1798 Feb. 24 1 The words in brackets are not in the church record, but are in the return made to the County Clerk. Christ QiurGli, New Brunswieli, Marriage Records, 1758-1778. A congregation in connection with the Church of England erected at New Bruns wick a substantial stone church, 65 feet long, 45 feet wide, and 20 feet high, in 1744, and having subsequently provided a bouse and glebe, the Society for the Propagation of tbe Gospel in Foreign Parts sent them a missionary, iu the person of Mr. Wood, in 1T49 or 1750. He was succeeded in 1754 by the Rev. Mr. Seabury, Jr., and he in turn in 1757 by the Rev. Robert MoKean, who removed to Perth Amboy in 1763. Subsequent missionaries in charge were : the Rev. Leonard Cutting, 1763-1766; the Rev. Abraham Beach, 1767-1784. The ministers in charge thereafter were: the Rev. Mr. Rowland, 1784-1785; the Rev. George Ogilvie, 1787-1790; the Rev. Henry Vandyke, 1791-1794; the Rev. .John Henry Hobart, 1799-1800. No record of the proceedings of the church organization previous to 1790 is known to exist, nor any marriage records prior to 1800, except those given herewith: A AUin, Francis, and Robert Petit 1775 Nov. 5 Anderson, -Yakomintie, and Simon Wycoff 1771 Aug. 7 Appleby, George, and Deborah Sallom 1770 ~ July 2 Armstrong, Jane, and Peter Graham 1768 Juue 23 B Blair, Susannah, and Alexander Campbell , 1758 Deo. 26 Boyce, Mary, aud Richard Kills 1768 Sept. 15 Boyce, Mary, and Volkert Fulkerson .' 1772 Sept 27 Boyce, Sitey, and Jacob Sydam 1774 Jan. 6 Bryan, Alice, and Jobn Park 1773 Dec 21 C Cambell, Elizabeth, and Hezekiah Dunham 1769 Oct. 26 Campbell, Alexr., Sergt. Light Infry., and Susannah Blair, of New Bruuswick 1758 Dec. 26 Churchward, Wm., and Margaret Rich 1778 May 20 Clarke, Peter, and Gitta Mulford 1772 June 7 Conger, Sarah, and Richd. Gardner 1773 June 30 ConoUy, Catharine, and Wm. Graham I773 Feb. 24 Cowenhoven, Peter, and Elizabeth Probosco 1777 Jan. 15 D Davis, Sarab, and Wm. Sanford I773 jan, 2O Demott, John, aud Catharine Vroom 1773 Jan. 7 Nov. 27 May 12 Oct. 26 Mar. 17 Oct. 26 AprU 4 Oct. 26 Nov. 5 CHRIST CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 62 I Dennis, Mary, and Samuel Hudson 1174. Dennis, Sarab, and Richard Stites , . . , 1 yyg Dogan, Henry, Surgeon's Mate 29tb Regt. and Lydia Lagrange of N. B.1771 Drake, James, and Jane Ogden, both of N. B 1769 Duncan, John, soldier 47tb Foot, aud Mary Peck 1758 Dungan, Edwai'd Vaughn, of Elizabeth Towu, and Frances Lagrange, cfN.B 'l773 Dunham, Hezekiah, and Elizabeth Cambell 1769 Duykink, James, and Mary Taylor 17y2 E Evans, Mary, and Joseph Price I773 Qct F Farguson, Henery, Sergt 29th Regt. and Mary Pinhoru 1770 Farmer, Elizabeth, and Peter Goelet I775 Fisher, Jobn, aud Margaret McCray, of Somerset Go 1758 Foster, Sarab, and Daniel Turner 1772 Foy, Capt. Eward, and Hannah van Horne 1772 French, Catharine, and Samuel Kemble 1758 Frey, Mary, and David Shannon 1778 Fulkerson, Volkert, and Mary Boyce 1772 Furman, Hannah, and William van Deripe 1773 G Gardner, Richard, of Long Island, and Sarah Conger, of Pisoataqua. . 1773 Gerrish, Joseph, and Sarah McAttee 1774 Goelet, Poter, of N. Y., and Elizabeth Farmer, of Amboy 1775 Graham, Peter, of Pluckhimin, ar(d Jane Armstrong, of N. Brunswick. 1768 Graham, William, and Catharine ConoUy 1773 H Hacker, Lydia, and Israel Phillips. 1773 Harpell, Christopher, and Eve Teal 1770 Harrison, Elizabetb, and Isaac Hemmingway ... 1772 Harrison, Ganitta, and James Nelson 1768 Hemmingway, Isaac, and Elizabeth Harrison 1772 Horn, Simon, and Leah Smock (had their dau. Rachel baptized same day) 1768 Horne, Hannah, and Abraham Lane 1772 Hudson, Samuel, and Mary Dennis, both of tbe Landing 1774 Hutton, Thomas, and Patience Stanford, both of Somerset Co 1774 J Jonea, Aun, and Wm. Thomas 1768 Jones, Elizabetb, and Wm. Richardson 1778 K Kemble, Samuel, and Catharine French, both of N. B 1758 Kills, .Richard, and Mary Boyce : 1768 July 19 Oct 26 Nov. 27 July 14 July 26 Mar. 9 July 20 Sept. 27 July 2 Juue 30 July 24 Oct 26 June 23 Feb. 24 Feb. 23 July 8 April 19 Sept. 20 April 19 Oct. 29 Nov. 24 Nov. 27 May 13 Dec 25 Sept 27 Mar. 9 Sept. 15 622 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Kint, John, and Mary Walker, of Pisoataqua 1772 July 15 Kursert (?), Elizabeth, and Benj. Salter 1770 July 24 L LaGrange, Frances, and Edward Vaughn Dungan 1773 April 4 Lagrange, Lydia, aud Henry Dogan 1771 Oct 26 Lagrange, Susannah, aud Arthur AVadman 1769 Mar. 11 Lane, Abraham, and Hannah Horde 1772 Nov. 24 L'Bateaux, Joseph, and Catharine Sickles 1769 Dec. 17 Lott, Henry, and Rache Segange 1772 Sept. 27 M McAfee, Elizabeth, and James van Horne 1777 Jan. 3 McAttee, Sarah, and Joseph Gerrish 1774 July 24 McCray, Margaret, and John Fisher 1758 Nov. 27 Martin, Ann, and Isaac Munday , 1774 June 7 Mecom, Catharine, and Thomas Turner ' 1774 June 19 Mount, Dinah, and Cornelius Staats 1774 Jan. 25 Moyland, Stephen, and Mary van Horn 1778 Sept 12 Mulford, Gitta, and Peter Clarke .' ...1772 June 7 Munday, Isaac, and Ann Martin, of Pisoataqua 1774 June 7 Munday, Thomas, and Sarah Willson 1770 Jan. 3 N Nelson, James, Esqre, and Ganitta Harrison 1768 Sept. 20 o Ogden, Jane, and James Drake 1769 Mar. 17 O'Neil, Timothy, and Mary Tarney 1767 Dec. 25 P Park, Jobn, and Alice Bryan, both of N. B 1773 Deo. 21 Peck, Mary, and John Duncan 1758 Oct. 26 Petit, Robert, aud Fraucis Allin 1775 Nov. 5 Petty, David, and Charity Sparling I774 Nov. 6 Phillips, Israel, and Lydia Hacker, of German Town 1773 Feb. 23 Pinhorn, Mary, and Henry Farguson 1770 July 19 Price, Joseph, of St Vincent, aud Mary Evans, of N. B. 1773 Oct 2 Probosco, Elizabeth, and Peter Cowenhoven 1777 Jan. 15 R Rich, Margaret, and William Churchward 1778 May 20 Richardson, Wm., of Elizabeth Town, and Elizabetb Jones, of Wood- bri'lge 1778 Sept 27 Richmond, John, and Elizabeth Walker 1774 Deo. 2 Rowland, Catharine, aud William Thomson 1778 May 25 CHRIST CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 623 S, Sallom, Deborah, and George Appleby I77O Sallum, Deborah, and William Stilwell I775 Salter, Benjamin, and Elizabeth Kursert (?) I77O Sanford, Wm., and Sarab Davis, both of Newark 1773 Segange, Rachel, and Henry Lott 1772 Shannon, David, and Mary Frey 1778 Sickles, Catharine, and Joseph L'Bateaux 1769 Smock, Leah, and Simon Horn 1768 Sparling, Charity, and David Petty I774 Staats, Cornelius, and Dinah Mount I774 Stanford, Patience, and Thomas Hutton 1774 StilweU, William, and Deborah Sallum 1775 Stites, Richard, and Sarah Dennis 1776 Stone, Wm , of Woodbridge, and Lucy Walker, of Pisoataqua 1758 Sydam, Jacob, and Sitey Boyce 1774 T ^_ Tarney, Mary, and Timothy O'Neil 1767 Taylor, Mary, and James Duykink 1772 Teal, Eve, and Christopher Harpell 1770 Thomas, Wm., Private 47th Foot, and Anne Jones 1758 Thomson, Wm. , and Catharine Rowland 1778 Turner, Daniel, of Newark, and Sarah Foster, of Pisoataqua 1772 Turner, Thomas, Ensign 47th Regt, and Catharine Mecom, of N. B. .1774 V van Deripe, WUliam, and Hannah Furman 1773 van Horn, Mary, and Stephen Moyland 1778 van Horne, Hannah, and Capt, Edward Foy 1772 van Horne, James, and Elizabeth MoAtee ' 1777 van Kirk, John, and Lamitie van Nest 1775 van Nest, Lamitie, and John van Kirk 1775 Vroom, Catharine, and Jobn Demott 1773 w Wadman, Arthur, Lieut. 26th Regt., and Miss Susannah Lagrange, of N. B 1769 Walker, Elizabetb, and John Richmond 1774 Walker, Lucy, and William Stone 1768 Walker, Mary, and John Kint 1772 Waterhouse, John, Surgeon 47th Foot, aud Miss Sophia Watson, of Perth Amboy. 1759 Watson, Sophia, and Jobn Waterhouse 1759 Willson, Sarab, and Thomas Munday 1770 Wycoff, Simon, and Yakomintia Anderson 1771 July 2 Jan. 8 July 24 Jan. 20 Sept 27 July 20 Dec 17 Oct 29 Nov. 6 Jan. 25 May 13 Jan. 8 May 12 April 20 Jan. 6 Dec. 25 Nov. 5 July 8 Dec. 25 May 25 July 14 June 19 July 2 Sept. 12 July 26 Jan. 3 Nov. 18 -Nov. 18 Jan. 7 Mar. 11 Deo. 2 April 20 July 15 Jan. 12 Jan. 12 Jan. 3 Aug. 7 New Brunswick Reformed (Dutch) Church Marriage Records, 1794-1799. The Dutch settlers in the Raritan Valley established a Reformed Dutch Churcb at Tbree Mile Run, about 1700-1703. Out of this grew the New Brunswick church, erected about 1714, and other churches, ministered unto by the Rev. Theodorus Ja oobus Frelinghuysen, 1720-1748; the Rev. Johannes Leydt 1748-1783; the Rev. Ja cob Rutsen Hardenbergh, pastor of the New Brunswick church, and President of Queen's (now Rutgers) College, 1786-1790; the Rev. Ira Condict, 1793-1811. The records of the church begin in 1717, aud include somewhat scanty minutes of the Consistory, quite full lists of communicants and Consistories, and register of bap tisms, from 1717 to date. The only marriage register known to exist begins with 1794, and was kept by tbe Rev. Ira Condict. A Abort, Peter, and Mary van Tine, widow of Geo. van Neste .- . 1799 Feb. 27 Ackerman, Neijie, and Daniel Pierson 1798 Sept. 23 Anderson, Geo. , and Mary Lane 1796 April 25 Applegate, Sarab, and Ruliff van Arsdalen 1794 July 26 B BaU, Gerard, and Sarah Siddle 1796 June 23 Bancker, John S., aud Maria Ortenberger 1799 Nov. 11 Bell, Thomas, and Catharine Cortlyou. 1798 Dec 20 Bennet Phebe, and Zakariah Buckeiew 1795 Feb. 27 Bennit, John, and Dinah Smith 1795 June — Bennitt, Peter, and Lydia Buckalew." 1795 Jan. 17 Blain, AVm., and Sarah SparUng. . 1798 Dec 19 Bodine, Maria, and Archibald Thompson 1795 Mar. — Boureau, Nicholas Henry, and Catherine Lupp 1796 Dec. 17 Brees, Ann, and Guisbert DehiCrt 1799 Oct. 24 Brown, James, and Helena Myers 1795 July 7 - Brown, Luke, and Mary Suidam 1794 Dec. 4 Buckeiew, David, and Ann Cay wood 1797 Mar. 2 Buckeiew, Elizabeth, and Jouathan Meserol 1796 J an. 7 Buckeiew, Fred'k, and Phebe Meserol 1795 April 17 Buckeiew, Lydia, and Peter Bennitt 1795 Jan.~ 17 Buckeiew, Zakariah, and Phebe Bennet 1795 Feb. 27 c Carpenter, Guff, and Zeruab Dunbam 1798 April 21 Caywood, Anu, and David Buckeiew 1797 Mar. 2 NEW BRUNSWICK DUTCH CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 625 Clark, John, and Eleauor Schuyler 1795 May — CoUins. Ann, aud Jobn Spader 1796 Sept. 3 OoUiiis, Margaret, and Erickson van Norden 1794 Oct. 3 Conoly, Jobn, and Idab Lane 1797 May(?) 1 4 Cortlyou, Catharine, and Thos. Bell 1798 Dec. 20 Covenhoven, Jane, aud Garret Nevius 1796 Dec. 31 Covert, Jane, and David Creemer 1798 Sept. 29 Creem^r, David, and Jane Covert 1 798 Sept 29 Cremer, Henry, and Betsey Raino 1795 July 22 Culberson, Eliza, and Joseph Imlay 1796 Dec. 12 D Davidson, Geo., and Margaret Denton 1797 Deo. 3 Davis, Mary, and Peter vau Zante 1797 Dec 27 Dehart, Guisbert and Ann Brees 1799 Oct. 24 Denton, Margaret, and Geo. Davidson 1797 Dec. 3 Ditmuss, Abrm., and Maria van Harlingen 1797 May 17 Dunham, David, and Elenor Nevius ,1798 May 28 Dunham, Zeruab, and Guff Carpenter 1798 AprU 21 E Ennis, John, and Betsy RoUiu 1795 July 26 F Farmer, Cornelia, and Benj. TuthUl 1798 Dec. 26 Firkins, Peter, and Sarah Hortwich 1797 May 12 French, Ann, and John Suidam 1795 May 5 French, Syche, and James vau Strenburgb 1796 Aug. 8 French, Wm., aud Catherine Stotboff 1796 Sept 17 G Garretson, Ann, and Stephen van Sicklen 1799 Dec 19 Giddeman, Betsey, and James Labone • • 1795 Aug. 6 Gillman, Jobn, and Joana Hance "98 Slay 26 Griggs, Eliz'th, and Luke Whitlock 1799 Nov. 1 Griggs, Mary, and Ricbard Jacques 1'98 Uec 26 H Hager, John, and Mary Spariing l'^99 July 3 HaUpenny, John, and Ester Nevius 1796 Nov. 3 Hance, Joana, and John Gillman 1796 May ^b -Hatfield, Catherine, and Jacob van Norstrand J • ' "f T! 1 Herill,Wm., and Anu van Arsdalen, widow of Hulich (Guliok) ,1798 Oct 30 Hortwich, Sarah, and Peter Firkins "97 May 12 Hulich, Ann van Arsdalen, and AVm. HerriU 1798 Oct 30 48 626 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. I Imlay, Joseph, and EUza Culberson 1798 Dec 12 J Jacques, Peter Lott, and Clement TuthUl 1796 Feb. 24 Jacques, Richard, and Mary Griggs 1798 Dec. 26 Jenkins, Rebecca, and William Low 1798 April 15 Jones, Moses, and Polly Smith ' 1796 April 24 L Labone, James, and Betsey Giddeman , 1795 Aug. 6 Lane, Idah, and John Conoly , 1797 May(?) 14 Lane, Mary, and Geo. Anderson 1795 AprU 25 Low, AVm., and Rebecca Jenkins 1798 AprU 16 Lupp, Catherine, and Nicholas Henry Boureau 1796 Dec. 17 M McGee, Catha., and Wm. Ward 1799 Dec 15 Meserol, Lenah, and Henry Outcalt 1799 Mar. 19 Meserol, Jonathan, and Elizabeth Buckeiew 1796 Jan. 7 Merserol, Peter, aud Catha. Vliet 1799 Mar. 4 Meserol, Phebe, and Fred'k Buckeiew 1795 AprU 17 Myers, Helena, and James Brown 1795 July 7 N Nevius, Abm., and Ida Suydam ¦, 1799 Dec 21 Nevius, Elenor, and David Dunbam 1798 May 28 Nevius, Ester, aud John Halfpenny 1796 Nov. 3 Nevius, Garret, and Jane Covenhoven 1795 Dec. 31 Nevius, John, and PoUy Rollin 1796 May 12 Nevius, Jobn, and Hultie van Arsdalen 1799 Mar. 9 Noble, Lydia, and Jedediah Orsburn 1795 Oct 28 o Ockerman, Neijie, and Daniel Pierson 1798 Sept. 23 Orsburn, Jedediah, and Lydia Noble 1795 Oct. 28 Ortenberger, Maria, and John S. Bancker 1799 Nov. 11 Outcalt, Henry, and Lenah Meserol 1799 Mar. 19 Outcolt, John, and Polly Taylor 1796 AprU 7 Outoolt, Margaret, and Jeremiah Outcolt 1796 April 6 P Perrine, Matthew L. R., aud Nancy Thompson 1797 Nov. 28 Perrine, Polly, and Wm. Sloan 1796 Juue 7 Pierson, Daniel, aud Neijie Ockerman (Ackerman) 1798 Sept 83 NEW BRUNSWICK DUTCH CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 627 Pomyea, John, aud Jane Williamson 1796 Oct 13 Probasco, Jacob, and PrisciUa Smalley 1799 June 16 R Raino, Betsey, and Henry Cremer 1795 .Inly 22 Righmore, James, and Sarah van Pelt 1799 Mar. 1 7 Rollin, Betsy, and John Ennis 1795 July 26 RoUin, Polly, and John Nevius 1796 May 12 Ross, Wm., and Mary WUliamson 1799 Sept. 11 S Sloan, Wm., and Polly Perrine 1796 June 7 Schureman, Jane, and Abm. van Arsdalen 1794 Sept 27 Schuyler, Eleanor, and Jobn Clark 1795 May — Siddle, Sarah, and Gerard BaU 1796 June 23 Slover, Isaac, and Alche Whitlock 1795 Nov. 4 Smalley, Priscilla, and Jacob Probasco 1799 June 16 Smitb, Dinah, and John Bennit 1795 June — Smitb, PoUy, and Moses Jones 1796 April 24 Smitb, NicoU, and July Tuthill 1796 May 19 Spader, John, and Ann CoUins... '. 1796 Sept 3 Sparling, Mary, and Jobn Hager 1799 July 3 SparUng, Sarah, and AVm. Blain 1798 Dec 19 StiUwell, Jane, and .Jaques Voorhees 1799 May 1 Stotboff, Catha,, and Wm. French 1797 Sept 17 Suidam, John, and Ann French 1795 May 5 Suidam, Mary, and Luke Brown. 1794 Dec. 4 Suydam, Ida,- and Abrm., Nevius 1799 Dec 21 T Taylor, PoUy, and Johu Outcolt 1796 AprU 7 Thompson, Archibald, and Maria Bodine .' 1795 Mar. — Thompson, Nancy, and Mathew L. R. Perrine 1797 Nov. 23 Tuthill, Benj., and CorneUa Farmer 1798 Dec. 26 TuthUl, Clemont, and Peter Lott Jaques 1796 Feb. 24 Tuthill, July, and NicoU Smith 1796 May 19 V van Arsdalen, Abrm , and Jaue Schureman 1794 Sept 27 van Arsdalen, Ann, and Wm. HerUl 1798 Oct. 30 van Arsdalen, Hultie, and John Nevius 1799 Mar. 9 van Arsdalen, Ruliff, and Sarah Applegate 1794 July 26 van Duersen, Jacob, and Ann Van Sicklen ' 1796 Aug. 4 van Hariingen, Maria, and Abrm. Ditmuss 1797 May 17 van Neste, Mary van Tine, and Peter Abort - 1799 Feb. 27 628 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. van Norden, Erickson, and Margaret Collins 1 794 van Norstrand, Abrm. , and Phebe van Tine 1799 van Norstrand, Jacob, and Catherine Hatfield 1795 van Pelt, Sarah, aud James RighmOre 1799 van Sicklen, Ann, and Jacob van Duersen 1796 van Sicklen, Stephen, and Ann Garretson 1799 vau Stieuburgb, James, and Syche French 1796 van Tine, Mary, and Peter Abort 1799 vau Tine, Phebe, aud Abrm. van Norstrand 1799 van Zante, Peter, and Mary Davis 1798 Vliet, Catha., and Peter Meserol 1799 Voorhees, Jaques, and Jane Stillwell 1799 Voorhees, Jeremiah, and Margaret Outoolt 1796 w Waldron, Maria, and Jacob AVyckoff 1794 Ward, AVm., aud Catherine McGee 1799 Whitlock, Alche, aud Isaac Slover 1795- Whitlock, Luke, and EUzth. Griggs 1799 Williamson, Jane, aud Johu Pomyea , 1796 Williamson, Mary, and Wm. Ross 1799 AVyckoff, Jacob, and Maria Waldron 1794 Sept. 16 'Oct ' 3 Aug. 12 Mar. 19 Mar. 17 Aug. 4 Dec 19 Aug. 8 Feb. 27 Aug. 12 Dec 27 Mar. 4 May 1 AprU 6 Sept 16 Dec 15 Nov. 4 Nov. 1 Oct 13 Sept. 11 Middlesex County Clerk's Marriage Records, 1795-1800. The following is a transcript from the Record of Returns of Marriages, 1795-1799, kept in the office of tbe Clerk of tbe County of Middlesex, pursuant to Sec. VIII. , of " An Act concerning marriages, '' passed the 4th of March, 1795. The records have been herewith arranged in alphabetical order. A Ackerman — see Ockaman, Occurman. Akerman, David, and Mary McDowell 1798 Nov. 25 Allen, Citherine, and Ricbard McKUds 1795 Sept 28 Allen, Samuel, and Elizabetb Bailey 1797 Sept. 7 Alston, Jonathan, and Susannah Driskell 1797 Jan. 15 Anderson, Jobn, aud Elizabeth vau Pelt 1799 Feb. 26 Appleby, Elizabeth, and Francis Couenboven 1798 May 27 Applegate, Catharine, and WiUiam Ball 1797 Dec. 5 Applegate, Catharine, and Jesse Wright 1798 Sept 2 Applegate, Lydia, and Jonathan Sowden ^ 1794 Dec. 30 Applegate, Richard, and Mary Doughty 1799 May 25 Applegate, Samuel, and Jane Johnston 1797 June 1 Applegate, Sarah, and Britton Rogers 1799 Dec. 26 .Applegate, Stephen, and Catherine Jorney 1799 Dec. 31 Arnold, Charlotte, and David Thorp 1795 Oct. 25 Atchley, Margaret and Thomas Phillips '. 1799 Sept. 15 Ayers, Rhoda, and Lewis Kelly 1795 Dec 8 AxtoU, Henry, junior, and Hannah Cook 1797 AprU 17 B Bailey, Elizabeth, and Samuel AUen 1797 Sept. 7 Ball, Racbel, and John Buckellew 1798 Jan. 14 Ball, WiUiam, and Catherine Applegate 1797 Dec. 6 Barber, Elizabeth, and Sylvanus Hutchinson 1797 Sept 3 Barkelow, John, and Aun Minor 1797 Nov. 29 Barker, Henrietta, and Thomas HUl 1797 June 25 Barrow, Deborah, and Edward Mundy , . . .- 1796 Mar. 5 Barrow, Ellis, and Elizabetb Heard. 1797 April 20 Benbridge, Henry, and Sarah Truxton , 1796 Aug. 14 Bennet, John, and Joanna Navis 1''97 Mar. 2 Beyen, John, and Mershon "97 Mar. 30 630 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Bishop, Elizabeth, aud Gershom Flatt 1799 Bishop, Sarah, and Amos Penny 1797 Blackney, Phebe, and Azariah Dunbam 1798 Bloomfield, AVUliam, and Rachel Enos 1796 Bodine, James, and Gittee Wicoff 1798 Bodine, Vincent, aud Elizabeth Brotherton 1799 Bouden, AVUliam, and Lucia Reynolds 1797 Brackner, John, and Charity Stephenson 1798 Breese, Catherine, and John Pullen 1799 Breese, Euphemia, and Francis Pullen 1799 Breese, Isaac, and Mary Robbins 1799 Breese, Mary, and William Hutchinson 1799 Btennan, Mr., and Mrs. Dandy : 1799 Brotherton, Elizabeth, and Vincent Bodine 1799 Brown, Elizabeth, and Henry Smith 1797 Brown, Israel, and Sarah Combs 1799 Brown, Jobn, and Margaret Rice 1798 Brown, Mary, and Ebenezer Price ... 1798 Buckalew, Obadiah, and Abigail Denton 1795 Buckellew, Johu, and Racbel Ball 1798 Burges, William, and Sarah Davis 1799 Burlew, Samuel, and Sarah Campbel 1799 Burlew, Samuel, and Hester French 1799 Butcher, Thomas, and Anne Nutt 1794 c Campbel, Sarab, and Samuel Burlew , 1799 Campbell, Dugal, and Elizabeth Thornall 1796 Carlisle, Catherine, and William Mount 1795 Carman, Fraucis, and Elizabeth Sutton 1798 Carson, Elizabetb, and James Denton 1798 Chamberlin, David, and Anne Holton. , .' 1798 Chambers, Elizabeth, and James Claypoole Copper 1799 Cheesman, Lydia, and James Occurman I797 Cheesman, Prudence, and Cornelius de Hart 1797 Clark, Samuel, and Sarah Cox 1795 Combs, Elizabeth, and Benjamin Riggs 1796 Combs, Mary, and Samuel Ray 1796 Combs, Sarah, and Israel Brown 1799 Compton, James, and Elizabeth Stivers I797 Compton, Mary, and Lewis Thixton I797 Goneway, Haunah, aud Jonathan Jones 1799 Conover, Christian, aud William Tindall 1797 Conover, Martha, and Peter Johnston 1797 Conover, Tammy, and Aaron Kerr 1796 Cook, Aaron, and Elizabeth Groom 1799 Mar. 9 Nov. 16 Oct 6 Juue 21 Jan. 15 Oct. — Jan. 1 Jan. 11 Jan. 31 Jan. 31 Jan. 6 Feb. 20 Sept 22 Oct — June U April 3 Feb. 22 Mar. 11 Dec. 30 Jan. 14 May 5 June 8 May 22 April 7 June 8 June 6 Mar. 12 Nov. 25 May 20 Jan. 18 Sept 5 Feb. 17 Dec 28 Mar. 11 Oct. 23 Oct 10 April 3 May 31 Jan. 26 Jau. 17 April 27 Aug. 6 Dec 28 Jan. 20 MIDDLESEX COUNTY CLERK'S MARRIAGE RECORDS. 63 I Cook, Hannah, and Henry Axtoll, junior 1797 ^^ jj jy Copper, James Claypoole, and Elizabetb Chambers 1799 Corbet, Elizabeth, and James Read 1707 Core, Timothy, and Luce Stout , 700 Couenboven, Francis, and Elizabetb Appleby 1 798 Govenboveu, Mary, aud WUliam Post I799 Covenhoven, Mary, and Ezekiel Stout 1799 Covenhoven, WUliam, and Mary Grover 1798 Cox, Anne, and James Snediker 1798 Cox, Sarah, and John Davison 1794 Cox, Sarab, and Samuel Clark ]^79g Crossgrove, Joseph, and Mary WUey I799 Crow, Mary, and Nathaniel F. R. Dunn I797 Cubberley, Amy, and John Hutchinson 1796 Cull, Peter, aud Mary Dye 1797 D Dandy, Mrs., aud Mr. Brennan I799 Danser, Jesse, and Sarah South I797 D.avis, Hannah, and David Silver. 1799 Davis, Sarah, and William Burges I799 Davison, John, and Sarah Cox .1794 Davison, Robert, and Margret Sutfin 1797 de Hart, Cornelius, and Prudence Cheesman 1797 Dennis, Garret, and Mary Lott 1795 Denniston, John, and Catharine Vanzandt 1796 Denton, AbigaU, aud Obadiah Buckalew 1796 Denton, James, aud Elizabeth Carson 1798 Dereemer, Catherine, and James Griggs 1796 Dews, Michael, and Sarah Williams ; 1797 Dilingbast Henry, and Margaret Perine 1798 Disbrow, Ruth, and James Rickets 1794 Disbrow, Samuel, and Sarah Groenendyke 1798 Doughty, Mary, and Richard Applegate 1799 Drake, George, and Sarah Randolph 1798 Drake, Gertrude, atid Azariah Mundy 1795 Drake, Ursula, and Cortland Kinsey ... 1795 Driskell, Catherine, and Daniel Morgan 1798 Driskell, Susan, and .Jonathan Alston ". 1797 Drummond, Elizabeth, and Israel Soper 1797 Duncan, Anna, and Peter Perrine ... 1799 Duncan, Thomas, aud Isabeil McDowell. 1798 Dunham, Azariah, and Phebe Blackney 1798 Dunham, Mary, and Ricbard Pangman 1798 Dunham, Mercy, and Fraucis Martin 1799 Dunn, Anu, and Jonathan Lennox 1799 Sept 5 Oot 31 Aug. 31 May 27 Jan. 24 Feb. 19 Dec 23 Oot. 14 April 13 Mar. 11 Sept 4 Feb. 7 Mar. 9 July 24 Sept 22 July 23 Mar. 13 May 5 April 13 Nov. 6 Dec 28 Dec. 26 Dec. 24 Dec 30 May 20 Jan. 13 Dec 24 Feb. 1 April 2 June 25 May 25 Feb. 10 Nov. 28 Sept 20 Dec 31 Jau. 15 Jan. 1 Jan. 9 Nov. 28 Oct 6 July 9 Feb. 23 Jan. 9 632 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Dunn, Nathaniel F. R., and Mary Crow 1797 Feb. 7 Dye, Dauiel, and Edith Groom 1797 Feb. 9 Dye, Isaac and Martha Perrine ; 1794 Feb. 'z6 Dye, Joseph, aud Phebe Hance 1795 Mar. 8 Dye, Lydia, and Lawrence Hessenger 1797 June 8 Dye, Mary, and Peter Cull 1797 July 24 Dye, Sarah, and Ezekiel Page 1798 Sept 20 Dye, WUUam, and Luissina Groom 1797 Dec. 21 E Eaton, Micajah, and Mary Shaw 1797 AprU 10 Eldridge, .John, and Mary Rulong 1799 Dec. 18 Ellis, WiUiam, and William Titus (girl) 1798 Oct 4 Elstel, Samuel, and Elizabeth Laiug 1798 Dec 30 Elstone, Isaac, and Rachel Frazer 1797 AprU 1 Enos, Rachel, and AVUliam Bloomfield • 1796 June 21 F Pagan, Abel, and Catherine Hulfish 1798 Nov. 22 Fall, Mary, and John Smock Field, Jeremiah, and Rachel Sharp 1798 May 31 Fisher, Elizabeth, and Aaron Forman 1798 Sept 6 Fisher, John, and Mary Taylor 1799 June 11 Fitz Randolph, David, and Mary Martini 1796 Jan. 6 Fitz Randolph, Runey, and Jane Runyon 1796 Mar. 5 Flatt, Gershom, and Elizabeth Bishop ] 799 Mar. 9 Ford, Charles, and Elizabeth Watkins 1798 Oct 18 Forman, Aaron, and Elizabetb Fisher 1798 Sept. 6 Forman, Elizabeth, aud AVUliam Robins ' 1793 April 17 Frazer, Rachel, and Isaac Elstone 1797 AprU 1 French, Hester, and Samuel Burlew ' , f 1799 May 22 Funk; John, and Elizabeth Simonson : 1795 Sept. 9 G Griggs, James, and Catharine Dereemer 1796 Jan. 13 Groenendyke, Sarah, and Samuel Disbrow 1798 June 25 Groom, Edith, and Daniel Dye 1797 Feb. 9 Groom, EUzabeth, and Aaron Cook 1799 Jan. 20 Groom, Luissina, and AVUliam Dye 1797 Dec, 21 Grover, Mary, and AVUliam Covenhoven 1798 Dec. 23 Groves, Samuel, aud Elizabeth Sylvester 1799 Sept. 1 8 Gulick, Barnt, and Sarah Nixon I797 Feb. 12 1 This marriage, performed by Eev. Henry Cook, is entered a second time, as of January 11, 1796. MIDDLESEX COUNTY CLERK'S MARRIAGE RECORDS. 633 H HaU, Elizabetb, and Isaac Sillcocks 1788? Hance, Phebe, and Joseph Dye 1795 Hankins, Catharine, and Daniel Hutchinson 1800 Handley, EUzabeth, and Gideon Wheelock 1800 Hanse, AbigaU, and Vanbise 1796 Hart, Mary, and Nathaniel Walker 1798 Hart, Nette, and Thomas Vanduzer IgOO Hartman, Benjamin, and Permelia Vaughn 1800 Hartman, Margaret, and Abraham Molat 1800 Hartman, Sarah, and Richard Ely -. igoo Hartson, Dinah, and Simon Cortelyou 1800 Hartiipee, Catharine, and Andrew van Kirk 1799 Heard, Elizabetb, aud Ellis Barrow 1797 Hendrickson, Samuel, and Lucia Imlay 1800 Herbert, Daniel, and Susannah Potts 1798 Hessenger, Lawrence, and Lydia Dye 1797 Higbe, Philip, and Mary Thomas 1796 Higgins, James, and Mary Warn 1797 HiU, Thomas, and Henrietta Barker 1797 HogUn, Margaret, and John Miller 1800 Hollman, Anne, and William Morse 17^9 Holbnan, Elenor, and Jobn Jemson 1797 Holton, Anne, ahd David Chamberlin 1798 Hooper, John, and Catherine Morrison 1799 Hopkins, George, and Frances Lupp 1797 Howell, Thomas, and Mary Savage 1800 Hulet, Mary, and George MUler 1800 Hulfish, Catharine, and Abel Pagan 1798 Hull, James, and Ann Ker 1799 Hutchinson, Benjamin, and Jane Taylor 1800 Hatcbinson, Daniel, and Catharine Hankins 1800 Hutchinson, Elizabeth, and Abraham Rogers 1799 Hutchinson, EUzabeth, and Isaac Wilson 1799 Hutchinson, Jesse, and Mary Fisher 1800 Hutchinson, Jobn, and Amy Cubberley 1796 Hutchinson, Jonathan, and Elizabeth Tindall 1 798 Hutchinson, Joseph, and Catharine Snediker 1800 Hutchinson, Rachel, and Joseph Smith 1798 Hutchinson, Samuel, and Rachel Mount 1797 Hutchinson, Sylvanus, and Elizabeth Barber 1797 Hutchinson, Thomas, and Elizabetb Taylor 1800 Hutchinson, WiUiam, and Mary Breese 1799 49 Feb. 5 Mar. 8 Dec 18 July 19 Feb. — Feb. 15 Oct 5 Aug. 25 May 7 Aug. 13 Nov. 23 Sept 20 April 20 Dec 24 Dec. 20 June 8 May 10 May 28 Juue 25 May 17 May 6 Sept. 5 Jan. 18 April 22 Dec 2 July 30 Oct 30 Nov. 22 Feb. 18 Dec. 10 Dec 18 Feb. 6 Dec. 11 Dec. 31 Mar. 9 Dec. 26 Aug. 10 Nov. 18 Nov. 23 Sept. 3 June 12 Feb. 20 634 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. I Imlay, Lucia, and Samuel Hendrickson 1800 Dec. 24 Ireland, Hannah, and Isaac Webbs 1796 Jan. 13 J Jackson, W., and Matilda Barker 1800 May 18 Jaques, Sarab, and Hendrick van Brunt 1796 Aug. 27 Jemson, Jobn, and Elenor Hollman 1797 Sept 5 Johnson, Catherine, and George Rollar 1797 Dec. 12 Johnson, Catherine, and Hugh Taylor Mount 1798 June 25 Johnston, David, and Elizabeth Cule 1800 May 24 Johnston, Jane, and Samuel Applegate 1797 June 1 Johnston, "Peter, and Martha Conover 1797 Aug. 6 Johnston, AVUliam, and Patience Pagan 1800 Jan. 20 Jones, Jonathau, aud Hanuah Coneway 1799 Jan. 17 Jones, William, and Mary Anu Eastburn, by Bsnji Lindsay 1800 Dec. 30 Jorney, Catherine, and Stephen Applegate 1799 Dec. 31 K Kelly, Lewis, and Rhoda Ayers 1795 Dec. 8 Kelly, Susannah, and Runyon Soper 1796 May 7 Kelsey, John, and Nelly Roaohe 1800 July 21 Kenney, Simon, and Catherine Snediker 1798 May 6 Ker, Ann, aud James Hull 1799 Feb. 18 Kerr, Aaron, and Tammy Conover 1796 Deo. 28 Kinnan,. Deborah, aud Joseph Cox 1800 Jan. 9 Kinsey, Cortland, aud Ursula Drake 1795 Sept. 20 Knight, Lucas, aud Jane Suidam 1 800 Jan. 4 L Laid (Lard?), William, and Sarah Voorhies 1799 April 4 Laing, Elizabeth, and Samuel Elstel 1798 Dec. '30 Lake, Mary, and John Letts 1797 Dec. 17 Lamberson, Cornelius, aud Ester Morgan 1799 April 26 Lane, Maria, and Humphrey Buderow 1800 Oct 20 Lanning, Daniel, and Esther Moore 1798 Oot. 8 Leamon, Ruth, and James Mitchell 1799 Nov. 17 Lennox, Jonathan, aud Anna Dunn 1799 Jan. 9 Letts, Ezekiel, and Margret Slover 1799 April 27 Letts, Hannah, and Philipp Noltz 1795 Sept 19 Letts, John, and Mary Lake 1797 Dec 17 Lewis, Sarah, and Samuel Moffett 1798 Mar. 4 Light, Eliza, and Edwin Mathews 1800 Oct. 20 Longstreet, Anne, and John Bastedo 1800 Aug. 28 Lott, Frances, and James Manshan 1798 Nov. 25 Lott, Mary, and Garret Dennis, I795 Dec 26 MIDDLESEX COUNTV CLERK's MARRIAGE RECORDS. 635 Ludwiok, Simeon, and Susanuab Prior 1797 Dec 5 Lupp, Frances, and George Hopkins 1797 Dec 2 M Macartney, Hugh, and Mary McLaughlin 1799 July — McChesney, Lydia, and Samuel Dean 1800 Jan. 29 McCoy, William, and Anne Price 1800 Aug. 7 McDowell, Andrew, and Anue Wetherill 1795 Dec. 22 McDowell, Isabel!, and Thomas Duncan 1798 Nov. 28 McDoweU, Mary, and David Akerman 1798 Nov. 25 McKUds, Richard, and Catherine AUen 1795 Sept 28 McLaughlin, Mary, and Hugh Macartney 1799 July — Man, EUzabeth, and David Taylor 1796 Dec. 19 , Manshan, James, and Prances Lott 1798 Nov. 25 Marsh, EUzabeth, and David Ogden 1799 June 29 Martin, Ann, and Daniel Molison 1794 April 20 Martin, Francis, aud Mercy Dunham 1799 Feb. 23 Martin, Martha, and James Ross 1796 April 24 Martin, Mary, and David Fitz Randolph 1796 Mar. 6, 11 Masier, Abraham, and Lydia Ogden 1800 Sept. 19 Matthews, Edwin, and Eliza Light 1800 Oct 20 Mede, William, aud Sarah Vreeland 1798 Deo. 15 Mence, Elizabeth, and WUliam Ball ^ 1800 Jan. 27 Mershon, , and Johu Beyen 1797 Mar. 30 Mershon, Anne, and David Slaybatk 1798 April 8 Mershon, Robert, and Hannah Perrine 1796 Mar. 18 Miller, Frederik, and Anne Rogers 1799 Feb. 7 Miller, George, and' Mary Hulet 1800 Oct. 30 Miller, Jobn, aud Margaret Hoglin ^..1800 May 17 Miller, Vincent, and Mary Newton 1800 Nov. 1 Minor, Anue, and John Barkelow 1797 Nov. 29 Mitchell, James, and Ruth Leamon -. 1799 Nov. 17 Moffett, Samuel, and Sarah Lewis 1798 Mar. 4 Molat, Abraham, and Margaret Hartman 1800 May 7 MoUson, Daniel, and Anna Martin 1795 April 20 Moore, Britton, and Rebecca Mouut 1795 Mar. 11 Moore, Esther, and Daniel Lanning 1798 Oct. 8 Morgan, Daniel, and Catherine DriskeU 1798 Dec. 31 Morgan, Ester, and Cornelius Lamberson 1799 April 26 Morgan, Margret, and Amos Stout 1795 Nov. 25 Morris, EUsha, to Deborah Burges, by Rev. Peter Wilson 1800 Dec. 31 Morris, Elizabetb, and Ephraim Thornall 1797 Jan. 1 Morris, Gitty, aud Samuel Morris 1797 May 31 Morris, Nancy, and Alexander Myers 1798 May 28 Morris, Samuel, and Gitty Morris 1797 May 31 Morrison, Catherine, and John Hooper 1799 AprU 22 636 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Morse, WUliam, and Aune Hollman 1799 May 6 Mount, Hugh Taylor, and Catherine Johnson 1798 June 25 Mount, Achsa, and John Ely 1800 Nov. 26 Mount, Elijah, and Mary Mount 1800 Jan. 1 Mount, Hannah, and John Mount 1 800 AprU 24 Mount, John, and Rebecca Perrine 1796 Dec. 28 • Mount, John, and Hannah Mount 1800 April 24 Mount, Mary, and Elijah Mount 1800 Jan. 1 Mouut, Rachel, aud Samuel Hutchinson 1797 Nov. 23 Mouut, Rebecca, and Britton Moore 1795 Mar. 1 1 Mount, Rebecca, and Alias Cowenhoven 1800 Feb. 19 Mount, William, and Catherine Carlisle 1795 Mar. 12 Mundy, Abraham, and Huldah Mundy 1798 Mar. 5 Mundy, Azariah, aud Gertrude Drake 1795 Nov. 28 Mundy, Edward, and Deborah Barrow 1 796 Mar. 5 Mundy, Ezekiel, and Lovioe Mundy 1796 April 16 Mundy, Huldah, and Abraham Mundy 1798 Mar. 5 Mundy, Lqvice, and Ezekiel Mundy 1796 April 16 Myers, Alexander, and Nancy Morris 1798 May - 28 N Navis, Joanna, and John Bennet 1797 Mar. 2 Neppa, Garret, and PersUla Sutten, by Henry Lafferty 1800 Feb. 1 Newton, Catharine, and Jonathan Runyon 1800 April 22 Newton, Mary, and Vincent MUler .^ 1800 Nov. 1 Nixon, Sarah, and Barnt Gulick 1797 Feb. 12 Noltz, Philipp, and Hannah Letts 1795 Sept 19 Norman, Joseph, and Susannah Scott "... 1800 Aug. ] 2 Nutt, Aune, and Thomas Butcher 1794 April 7 Nutt, Jane, and Silas Cooke 1800 Nov. 9 o Ockaman,! Abraham, and Tempe2 Talmage I797 Mar. 15 Occurman,! James, aud Lydia Cheesman 1797 Feb 17 Ogden, David, and Elizabeth Marsh I799 ju^e 29 Ogden, Lydia, and Abraham Masier I800 Sept. 19 Ogden, Mercy, and Peter Overt 1798 Qct 27 Osburn, Samuel, and Sarah Robins I797 j^jy g Overt, Mary, and John Sarvice 1798 j^,iy 1 Overt, Peter, and Mary Ogden 5^798 Qct 27 P Page, Ezekiel, and Sarah Dye 5^798 ggp). 20 Pangman, Richard, and Mary Dunham I798 t„2„ g 1 Ackerman, 2 Temperance, MIDDLESEX COUNTY CLERK'S MARRIAGE RECORDS. 637 Paxton, Jobn, and Theodosia TindaU 1798 j^g^, „„ Paxton, Margret, aud William Tindall I797 p^j^' -g Pereton, Jobn, and Aune Provost , J7gg y. ' t,. Penny, Amos, and Sarah Bishop I797 j^ -„ Perine, Margaret, and Henry Dilingbast 1798 pg^, ^ Perine, Peter, and Hannah Dye 1800 Anril 2 Perine, Sarah, and Jobn Rue I800 Dec 28 Perrine, Catharine, and Samuel Perrine I798 j^n 24 Perrine, Hannah, and Robert Mershon I795 jyjg^^ j8 Perrine, Jobn, and Elizabetb Riggs I799 Qct 2 Perrine, Lydia, and Alexander Snediker I799 j^^ 9 Perrine, Margaret, and James Cook I800 Sept 18 Perrine, Martha, and Isaac Dye I794 pgj, 26 Perrine, Rebecca, aud John Mount 1796 Dgg 28 Perrine, Peter, and Aune Duncan I799 Ja^ 9 Perrine, Samuel, and Catherine Perrine 1798 Jan. 24 PhiUips, Thomas, and Margaret Atchley 1799 ggpi- 15 Post, William, and Mary Covenhoven I799 Jan. 24 Poter, Mary, and Ephraim Soper 1796 Nov. 28 Potter, Mary, and Joseph Thorn I797 Nov. 22 Potts, Susannah, and Daniel Herbert 1798 Dec 20 Prendergrast, James, and Martha Stevenson - ; . . 1798 Jan. 18 Price, Anne, and William McCoy 1800 Aug. 7 Price, Ebenezer, and Mary Brown 1798 Mar. 11 Prior, Susannah, and Simeon Ludwiok 1797 Dec 5 Provost, Anne, and John Pereton 1795 Dec 24 PuUen, Francis, and Euphemia Breese 1799 Jan. 31 Pullen, John, and Catherine Breese ] 799 Jan. 31 PuUen, Lydia, and Jacob Blakely 1800 Feb. 16 R Randolph, Sarah, and Georee Drake 1798 Feb. 10 Ray, Samuel, and Mary Combs 1796 Oct. 10 Read, James, and Elizabeth Corbet 1797 Oct 31 Reed, Lucretia, and Richard Skillborn 1797 Sept 10 Reynolds, Elizabetb, and Naptbali Streeter 1798 Feb. 18 Reynolds, Jobn, and Anne Cole 1800 Deo. 17 Reynolds, Lucia, and William Bouden 1797 Jan. 1 Rice, Margaret, and John Brown 1798 Feb. 22 Richmond, John, and Mary Wiser 1798 June 6 Rickets, James, and Ruth Disbrow ' 1794 April 2 Riggs, Benjamin, and Elizabeth Combs 1796 Oct 23 Riggs, Elizabetb, and Jobn Perrine 1799 Oct 2 Roacbe, Nelly, and John Kelsey. 1800 July 21 Robbins, Mary, and Isaac Breese 1799 Jan. 6 Robins, Sarab, and Samuel Osburn 1797 July 6 638 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Robins, WUUam, aud Elizabeth Forman 1798 Rogers, Abraham, and Elizabeth Hutchinson 1799 Rogers, Anne, and Frederik Miller 1799 Rogers, Britton, and Sarab Applegate 1799 RoIIar, George, and Catherine Johnson 1797 Rose, Betsey, and Heniy Bottle 1800 Ross, James, and Martha Martin 1786 Rue, John, and Sarah Perine , , , 1800 Rue, Wm. , and Margaret Awin 1800 Rulong, Mary, and John Eldridge 1799 Runnion, Joseph, and Elizabeth Sutton 1795 Runyon, Anne, and Okey Van-hise 1800 Runyon, Jaue, and Runey Fitz Randolph 1796 Runyon, Jonathan, and Catharine Newton 1800 Ryder, William, and Jane Sarvice 1797 Ryneer, Joseph, and Hannah Disbrow 1800 s Sanders, Catherine, and Alexander Woods 1798 Sarvice, Jane, and William Ryder 1797 Sarvice, John, and Mary Overt 1798 Savage, Mary, and Thomas Howell 1800 ScUenk, Abraham, and Sarab Schenk 1797 Schenck, John, and Elizabeth Tomas 1800 Schenk, Sarah, and Abraham Schenck 1797 Schenck, William, and Sarah Wetherill 1798 Schureman, Thomas, and Catharine Applegate, by David Comfort 1800 Soott, Susannah, and .Joseph Norman 1800 Seamon, Deborah, and Cornelius Compton 1800 Shardlow, WUUam, and Margaret AVilliams 1800 Sharp, Rachel, and Jeremiah Field 1798 Shaw, Mary, and Micajah Eaton I797 Shotwell, Nancy, and Lewis Thornall 1796 Siloocks, James, and Anu Willson 1800 SiUcocks, Isaac, and Elizabeth Hall 1788? Silver, David, and Haunah Davis I799 SUvers, Theodosia, and Jesse Brown 1800 Simonson, Elizabeth, and John Funk I795 Skillborn, Richard, and Lucretia Reed I797 Slayback, David, and Anue Mershon 1798 Slover, Luke, and Eleanor Solomon ' 1798 Slover, Margret, and Ezekiel Letts 1799 Smitb, Henry, aud Elizabeth Brown 1 797 Smith, Joseph, and Rachel Hutchinson 1798 Smitb, Samuel H,, of PhUadelphia, and Margaret Bayard 1800 Smock, Johu, and Mary Fall April 17 Feb. 6 Feb. 7 Dec 26 Dec, 12 Dec 30 April 24 Dec 28 April 10 Deo. 18 Nov. 22 Feb. 17 Mar. 5 April 22 June 4 Mar. 4 April 30 June 4 July 1 July 30 Mar. 22 Nov. 20 Mar. 22 April 3 Sept 2 Aug. 12 AprU 6 May 22 May 31 April 10 Mar. 29 Sept 18 Feb. 5 Mar. 13 Mar. 11 Sept. 9 Sept. 10 April 8 April 9 April 27 June 11 Nov. 18 Sept 29 MIDDLESEX COUNTY CLERK'S MARRIAGE RECORDS. 639 Snediker, Alexander, aud Lydia Perrine 1799 Snediker, Catherine, and Simon Kinney 1798 Snediker, Catharine, and Joseph Hutchinson 1800 Snediker, James, and Anue Cox 1798 Snowden, David, and Eliza .Ashmore, by Johu Van Dike, Justice 1800 Snyder, Mary, and John Disbrow 1800 Solomon, Eleanor, and Lake Slover 1798 Soper, Ephraim, aud Mary Poter 1796 Soper, Eunice, and Nathaniel Soper 1796 Soper, Israel, and Elizabeth Drummond 1797 Soper, Nathaniel, and Eunice Soper 1796 Soper, Runyon, and Susannah Kelly 1796 Sott, Jane, and George Foster 1800 South, Ezekiel, and Mary Covenhoven 1799 South, Sarah, aud Jesse Danser 1797 Sowden, Jonathan, and Lydia Applegate 1794 Standley, Richard, and EUzabeth Stolts ' 1799 Stephenson, Charity, and John Brackner 1798 Stephenson, Martin, and Joanna Stryker 1797 Stevenson, Martha, and James Prendergrast 1798 StUes, Aaron, and Sarah Blakely 1800 StillweU, Rebeckah, and Davis Blackley 1800 Stivers, EUzabeth, and James Compton 1797 Stolts, Elizabeth, and Ricbard Standley 1799 Stowt, Amos, and Margret Morgan 1795 Stout, Cbarity, and Asher Vaughan 1799 Stout, Luce, and Timothy Core 1796 Streeter, NapthaU, and EUzabeth Reynolds 1798 Stryker, Joanna, and Martin Stephenson 1797 Stults, WiUiam, and Anne Sylvester 1800 Suidam, Jane, and Lucas Knight 1800 Sutfin, Margret, aud Robert Davison 1797 Sutten, PersiUa, and Garret Neppa • 1800 Sutton, Catherine, aud Garret WUson 1796 Sutton, Elizabeth, and Joseph Runnion 1795 Sutton, Elizabetb, and Francis Carman 1798 Suydam, Jarol, and Anne Doyle 1800 Sylvester, Anne, and WiUiam Stults 1800 Sylvester, Elizabeth, and Samuel Groves 1799 T Talmage, Susannah, and Cornelius vau de Vender 1797 Jan. 16 Talmage, Tempe, 1 and Abraham Ockaman .... 1797 Mar. 15 Taylor? David, and Elizabeth Man l'i'96 Dec "T^emperance Tallmage, wite of Abraham Ackerman. joined the New Bruuswick church. March 8, 1801. Jan. 9 May 6 Aug. 10 Oct 14 Mar. 2 Mar. 13 April 9 Nov. 28 May 7 Jan. 1 May 7 May 7 Feb. 20 Feb. 19 July 23 Dec. 30 Jan. 25 Jan. 11 May 1 Jan. 18 Feb. 4 Oot 19 May 31 Jan. 25 Nov. 25 Sept 1 Aug. 31 Feb. 18 May 1 Jan. 30 Jan. 4 Nov. 6 Feb. 1 Dec. 24 Nov. 22 Nov. 26 Nov. 23 Jan. 30 Sept . 18 640 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Taylor, Elizabeth, and Thomas Hutchinson 1800 June 12 Taylor, Jane, aud Benjamin Hutchinson 1800 Dec 10 Taylor, Joseph, and Elizabeth Yard 1800 Jan. 5 Taylor, Mary, and John Fisher 1799 June 11 Thixton, Lewis, and Mary Compton 1797 Jan. 26 Thomas, Mary, and Philipp Higbe ...1796 May 10 Thomson, Mary, and Peter Bennet < 1800 Jnly 23 Thorn, Joseph, and Mary Potter 1797 Nov. 22 ThornaU, Elizabeth, and Dugal Campbell 1796 June 6 Thornall, Ephraim, and EUzabeth Morris 1797 Jan. 1 . Thornall, Lewis, and Nancy Shotwell 1796 Mar. 29 Thorp, David, and Charlotte Arnold 1795 Oct 25 TindaU, Elizabeth, and Jonathan Hutchinson 1798 Dec 26 Tindall, Theodosia, and John Paxton 1798 Dec. 26 TmdaU, WUliam, aud Margret Paxton 1797 Feb. 15 Tindall, WilUam, and Christian Conover 1797 AprU 27 Titus, WiUiam (giri), and AViUiam EUis 1798 Oct 4 Tomas, Elizabeth, and John Sobenck 1800 Nov. 20 Truxton, Sarah, and Henry Benbridge 1796 Aug. 14 U Updike, Samuel, and Helena Grover 1800 Feb. 4 V Van, John, and Catharine van Horn 1796 Dec, 10 van Brunt, Hendrick, and Sarah Jaques , 1796 Aug. 27 van de Vender, Cornelius, and Susannah Talmage 1797 Jan. 16 Vanduzer, Thomas, and Nette Hart 1800 Oct 5 Vanbise, , and Abigail Hanse 1796 Feb. Van-hise, Okey, and Anne Runyon * I80O Feb. 17 van Horn, Catherine, and John Vau 1796 Dec 10 van Kirk, Andrew, and Catherine Hartupee 17991 Sept 20 van Pelt, Elizabeth, aud John Anderson 1799 Feb. 25 Vanzandt, Cath'arine, and John Denniston 1795 Dec. 24 Vaughan, Anue, and William Williams 1800 Dec. 25 Vaughan, Asher, aud Charity Stout 1799 Sept 1 Vaughan, Sarab, and Ambrose Green 1800 Oct 18 Vaughn, Permelia, and Benjamin Hartman 1800 Aug. 25 Voorhies, Sarab, and William Laid (Lard?) 1799 April 4 Voorhees, William, and Hannah Fisher 1800 Oct 15 Voorhees, , and Hartshorne WUlet 1800 Mar. .16 Vreeland, Sarab, and William Mede 1798 Dec 15 W AValker, Nathaniel, and Mary Hart 1798 Feb. 15 AVarn, Mary, aud James Higgins 1797 May 28 MIDDLESEX COUNTY CLERK'S MARRIAGE RECORDS. 64I Watkins, Elizabetb, and Charles Pord -. 1798 Oct 18 Webbs, Isaac, and Hannah Ireland 1796 Jan. 13 Wetherill, Anne, and Andrew McDowell 1795 Dec. 22 Wetherill, Sarah, aud AVUliam Schenck 1798 AprU 3 Wheelock, Gideon, and Elizabeth Handley 1800 July 19 Wicoff, Gittee, and James Bodine 1798 Jan. 15 WUey, Mary, and Joseph Crossgrove 1799 Sept. 4 Willet, Hartshorne, and Voorhees 1800 Mar. 16 WUliams, Margaret, and William Shardlow 1800 May 22 WUliams, Sarah, and Michael Dews 1797 Dec. 24 Williams, William, and Anne Vaughan 1800 Dec. 25 Williamson, Mary, and John Christopher Cox 1800 May 25 Willson, Ann, and James Silcocks 1800 Sept 18 Wilson, Garret, and Catharine Sutton 1795 Dec. 24 Wilson, Isaac, and Elizabeth Hutchinson 1799 Dec. 11 Wiser,- Mary, and John Richmond 1798 Juue 6 Woods, Alexander, and Catharine Sanders 1798 April 30 -Wright, Jesse, and Catherine Applegate 1798 Sept. 2 Y Yard, Elizabeth, and Joseph Taylor 1800 Jan. 5 Young, Josephus, and EUzabeth Brown 1800 June 29 Youngs, Jobn, and Marey Dokes 1800 June 15 Additional Marriages, for 1800. A Applegate, Catherine, and Thomas Schureman 1800 Ashmore, Eliza, and David Snowden 1800 A-win, Margaret, and Wm. Rue 1800 B BaU, William, and' Elizabeth Mence 1800 Barker, Matilda, and W. Jackson 1800 Bastedo, Jobn. and Anne Longstreet 1800 Bayard, Margaret, and Samuel H. Smith 1800 Bennet, Peter, and Mary Thomson 1800 Blakely, Jacob, and Lydia PuUen 1^00 Blakely, Sarab, and Aaron Stiles l^^O Blackley, Davis, of New York, and Rebeckah Stillwell 1800 Bottle, Henry, and Betsey Rose, by Joseph Clark, V. D. M 1800 Brown, Elizabeth, and Josephus Young 1^00 Brown Jesse, and Theodosia Silvers 1^^° 50 Sept 2 Mar. 2 AprU 10 Jan. 27 May 18 Aug. 28 Sept 29 July 23 Feb. 6 Feb. 4 Oct 19 Dec 30 June 29 Mar. 11 642 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Bro-wn, Lydia, and JamSs Clark 1800 June 8 Buderow, Humphrey, and Maria Lane 1800 Oct 20 Burges, Deborah, and Elisha Morris 1800 Dec. 31 C CavUUer, Henry, and Sally Gramo 1800 July 17 Clark, James, and Lydia Brown 1800 June 8 Cole, Aune, and Jobn Reynolds 1800 Dec. 17 Compton, Cornelius, and Deborah Seamon 1800 Api-U 6 Conover, Davis, aud Miss Gbulick, by Sarauel Snowden 1800 Feb. 10 Cook, James, and Margaret Perrine 1800 Sept. 18 Cooke, Silas, and Jane Nutt 1800 Nov. 9 Cortelyou, Simon, and Dinah Hartson, by Rev. Ira Condict 1800 Nov." 23 Cowenhoven, Alias, aud Rebecca Mount 1800 Feb. 19 Cowenhoven, John, and Lydia Duncan 1800 Aug. 27 Cox, John Christopher, and Mai'y Williamson .... 1800 May 25 Cox, Joseph, and Deborah Kinnan 1800 Jan. 9 Cule, Elizabetb, and David Johnston 1800 May 24 D Dean, Samuel, aud Lydia McChesney 1800 Jan. 29 Disbrow, Hannah, and Joseph Ryneer 1800 Mar. 4 Disbrow, John, and Mary Snyder 1800 Mar. 13 Dokes, Marey, aud John Youngs 1800 June 15 Doyle, Anue, and Jarol Suydam 1800 Nov. 23 Duncan, Lydia, and Jobn Cowenhoven 1800 Aug. 27 Dye, Hannah, and Peter Perine 1800 April 2 E Eastburn, Mary Ann, and WilUam Jones 1800 Dec. 30 Ely, John, and Achsa Mount 1800 Nov. 26 Ely, Richard, and Sarah Hartman 1800 Aug. 13 F Pagan, Patience, and WUliam Johnston 1800 Jan. 20 Fisher, Hannah, and WiUiam Voorhees 1800 Oct. 15 Fisher, Mary, and Jesse Hutchinson 1800 Dec. 31 Forbs, Cleveland A., of Es.sex Co., N. J., aud Susan Foster 1800 May 12 Foster, George, aud Jane Sott 1800 Feb. 20 Foster, Susan, aud Cleveland A. Forbs 1800 May 12 G GbuUck, Miss, and Davis Conover 1800 Feb. 10 Gramo, SaUy, and Henry Cavillier 1800 July 17 Green, Ambrose, and Sarah Vaughan 1800 Oct 18 Grover, Helena, and Samuel Updike 1800 Feb. 4 PisGataway Seventh Day Baptist ChuFGh MaFriage ReGords, 1745-1776. About 1700 or 1701 a number of tbe members of tbe Pisoataqua Baptist Church, in Pisoataqua township, Middlesex county, withdrew from that church and formed a separate congregation, observing the seventh d.ay of the week as the Sabbath. They chose a minister and deacon, October 11, 1705, and in the fourth month, 1707, organ ized a Seventh Day Baptist Church, with eighteen members. Edmond Dunbam, one of the originators of the church, having been ordained at Westerly, E. I., in 1705, was the first pastor; be bad been a lay preacher iu the Pisoataqua Church since 1689. He continued pastor of the new church until his death, March 7, 1734, in his 73d year. He was succeeded in 1745 by his son, the Rev. Jonathan Dunham, wbo had preached to the congregation as a licentiate for many years. He occupied the pulpit until March 11, 1777, wben be died of the smallpox. The next pastor was the Rev. Nathan Rogers, ordained March 12, 1787, at Westerly, E. I., and who tbe same year as sumed charge of the Piscataway church. Tbe early records of the church have not been preserved. Some years ago Mr. Oliver B. Leonard, now of Perth Amboy, found in Western Pennsylvania the marriage records which had been kept by tbe Rev. Jona than Dunham, during his pastorate, 1745 to 1776. He made a careful copy of the records, and bas kindly placed the same at the'disposal of the editor for publication in this volume, A Arnold, John, and Hannah Goriuson 1766 Dec. 8 Ashton, Moses, and Susannah Blackford 1746 Feb. 27 Ayers, Ann, and John Dunn 1764 Jan. 15 Ayers, Esther, and Jarman Davis 1751 Oct 15 B Bagger, Mary, and Nicholas Mundy. 1768 Jan. 17 Bagger, Samuel, and Siscel Thomas 1748 Jan. 2 Barto, James, and Catharine Mariat 1746 May 6 Berrien, Martha, and EU Dunbam 1761 Mar. 18 Blackford, Mary, and Benjamin Laing 1746 May 19 Blackford, Susannah, and Moses Ashton 1746 Feb. 27 Bloomfield, Kozia, and Abraham Lufbery 1759 Nov. 28 -Bloomfield, Mary, and Robert Martin 1758 Nov. 30 Bonham, Hezekiah, and Mary Bonham 1762 Mar. 17 Bonham, Maiy, and Hezekiah Bonham 1762 Mar. 17 Bonham, Sarah, and Malachi Fitz Randolph 1 746 Oct 7 Burgess, Anna, and Phineas Dunn • - 1^67 Oct 11 Oct 23 Sept 30 July 30 Feb. 1 Feb. 25 Mar. 30 Feb. 26 Dec 8 May 23 Dec 31 Oct 15 April 9 644 Mew JERSEY Colonial Documents. C Clawson, Zachariah, and Johanna Whitehead 1751 Collins, Patience, and Ebenezer Giles 1768 Combs, Mary, aud John Dowden ,. . . . 1747 Compton, John, and Sarah Morgan 1763 Conger, Dorcas, and Daniel Waldron 1750 Cougar, John, and Mary Dunbam 1768 Coriel, Agnes, and Andrew Smalley 1746 Goriuson, Hanuah, aud John Arnold 1765 D Davis, Esther, and Isaac Fourat 1768 Davis, Isaac, and Jane Dunham 1771 Davis, Jarman, and Esther Ayres 1751 Dayton, Jonathan, and Elizabeth Hull 1746 Dennis, Joseph, and .Anna Drake. 1750 Dowden, John, and Mary Combs ' . . .1747 July 30 Doyle,-Elizabeth, aud William Smith 1 779 Drake, Andrew, and Rebecca Dunham 1764 Feb. 7 Drake, Anna, and Joseph Dennis 1750 Drake, Elizabeth, aud David Pound 1760 Drake, Reuben, and Sarah F. Randolph 1768 Dunn, Beujamin, and Mary Roy 1758 Dunn, Daniel, and Sarah F. Randolph 1775 Dunn, Elizabetb, and Thomas Fitz Randolph , 1755 Dunn, Ephraim, and Isabel Dunn 1766 Dunn, Eunice, and Jonathan Dunham, Jr. 1774 Dunn, Francis, and Sarab Dunn 1765 Dunn, Hugh, and Rachel Moore 1758 Dunn, Isabel, and Ephraim Dunn 1766 Dunn, Jane, and Joseph Runyon. ] 765 Dunn, Jeremiah, Jr., and Mary Fitz Randolph 1765 Dunn, John, and Ann Ayers 1764 Dunn, Joseph, and Dinah Dunham 1746 Dunn, Justus, and Experience Stelle 1760 Dunn, Mary, and David Dunham 1766 Dunn, Phineas, and Anna Burgess 1767 Dunn, Sarah, and Frances Dunn 1765 Dunbam, Benajah, and Hannah Martin. , ,-. 1746 Dunham, Benew, and Mary Heath I757 Dunham, Daniel, and Elizabeth Martin 1749 Dunham, David, and Maiy Dunn '. 1766 Dunham, Dinah, and Joseph Dunn 1746 Dunham, Eli, and Martha Berrien , 1761 Dunham, Elijah, and Mary Sharp I75I Dunham, Hepzibab, and Samuel Walker 1769 April 25 Mar. 18 July 7 Dec 28 Nov. 5 May 27 Oct 15 Mar. 1 Aug. 18 Oct. 15 Dec 25 April 23 Jan. 15 Dec 10 Oct 5 Dec 17 Oct 11 Feb. 5 Aug. 2 Dec Dec 17 Dec 10 Mar. 18 April 14 MSCATAAVay BAPTIST CHURCH MARRtAGE RECORDS. 645 Dunbam, Jane, and Isaac Davis I77I Dunbam, Jonathan, Jr., and Eunice Dunn 1774 Dunham, Jouathan, and Sarah Lenox 1776 Dunham, Mary, and .John Congar 1768 Dunham, Mercy, and Richard Lenox I746 Dunham, Rebecca, and Andrew Drake - 1764 Dunbam, Ruth, and James Martin 1746 Dimbam, Samuel, and Mary Lucas , 1759 Dunbam, Susannah, aud Benjamin Prigmore 1752 Dunham, Tabitha, and Lambert Merrell 1763 Fisher, John, and Anna Hartwick 1766 Fitz Randolph, Catharine, aud Israel Thornell 1763 Fitz Randolph, Jacob, and Catharine Smalley I747 Fitz Randolph, James, and Mary Moore 1765 Fitz Randolph, Malachi, and Sarah Bonham 1746 Fitz Randolph, Margaret, and Samuel Fitz Randolph 1761 Fitz Randolph, Mary, and Jeremiah Dunn, Jr 1765 Fitz Randolph, Mary, and Gabriel Laboyteux 1772 Fitz Randolph, Samuel, and Margaret F. Randolph 1761 Fitz Randolph, Sarah, and Reuben Drake 1768 Fitz Randolph, Sarab, and Daniel Dunn 1775 Fitz Randolph, Thomas, and Elizabeth Dunn 1756 Fourat, Isaac, and Esther Davis 1768 Freeland, Mary, and Robert Stewart 1768 G GUes, Ebenezer, and Patience Collins 1768 GUes, Mary, and Hopewell Wilson 1771 H Hall, Elizabetb, and Jonathan Dayton 1746 Hartwick, Anna, and Jobn Fisher 1766 Heath, Mary, and Benew Dunham 1767 Hempseed, Jeremiah, and Martha McMichel 1750 L Laboyteux, Gabriel, and Mary F. Randolph 1772 Ladner, Anna, and Peter Martin 1748 Laing, Benjamin, and Mary Blackford 1746 Lenox, James, and Ruth Manning 1748 Lenox, Richard, and Mercy Dunham 1746 Lenox, Sarah, and Jonathan Dunham 1776 Lucas, EUzabeth, and John Olephant 1760 Lucas, Mary, and Samuel Dunham 1760 Lufbery, Abraham, aud Kezia Bloomfield 1769 Dec 31 Mar. 1 Jan. 24 Mar. 30 Feb. 12 Feb. 7 Feb. 26 May 8 Jan. 8 Nov. 29 Sept 14 Jan. 2 Nov. 12 April 21 Oot 7 Mar. 25 April 23 Dec 31 Mar. 25 July 7 Nov. 5 May 27 May 23 Nov. 12 Sept. 30 Sept 26 April 9 Sept. 14 Aug. 2 May 10 Dec. 31 Dec May 19 Feb. 25 Jan. 24 Oct 21 May 8 Nov. 28 646 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. M Marlat, Catharine, and James Barto 1746 May 6 Manning, Ruth, and James Lenox 1748 Martin, Catharine, and William Shreeve 1755 Nov. 12 Martin, Elizabeth, aud Daniel Dunham 1749 Dec Martin, Elizabeth, and Ephraim Soper 1768 June 9 Martin Haunah, and Benajah Dunham 1746 Feb. 5 Martin, Jacob, and Elizabeth ... . ^ 1764 Feb. 22 Martin, James, and Ruth Dunbam 1746 Feb. 25 Martin, Peter, and Anna Ladner 1748 Dec Martin, Robert, aud Mary Bloomfield 1758 Nov. 30 McMichel, Martha, and Jeremiah Hempseed 1750 May 10 Merrell, Lambert, and Tabitha Dunham 1763 Nov. 29 Moore, Mary, aud James Fitz Randolph 1765 April 21 Moore, Racbel, and Hugh Dunn 1758 Aug. 18 Morgan, Sarah, and John Compton 1763 Feb. 1 Mundy, Nicholas, aud Mary Bagger 1768 Jan. 17 o Olephant, John, and Elizabeth Luoas 1760 Oct. 21 Osmun, Catharine, and Peter Sutton , . 1762 Dec. 21 P Pound, David, and Elizabeth Drake 1760 Mar. 18 Preston, Sarab, and Edward Robertson 1764 Nov. 27 Priginore, Benjamin, and Susannah Dunham 1752 Jan. 8 R Robertson, Edward, and Sarah Preston 1764 Nov. 27 Roy, Mary, and Benjamin Dunn 1758 Dec. 28 Runyon, Elizabeth, and Jonas Sutton 1764 Sept 27 Runyon, Joseph, aud Jane Dunn 1765 Dec 25 Ruth, Lawrence, aud EUzabeth Smalley I745 Sept. 19 S Sharp, Mary, aud Elijah Dunham I75I ^pri] 14, Shreeve, William, and Anna Smalley 1747 j^^^^ g ¦ Shreeve, AVUliam, aud Catharine Martin • I755 Kqv. 12 Smalley, Andrew, and Agnes Coriell 1746 Peb. 26 Smalley, Anna, and WiUiam Shreeve I747 jgj^ g Smalley, Catharine, and Jacob Fitz Randolph I747 jjov. 12 Smalley, Elizabeth, and Lawrence Rutb I745 Sept 19 Smitb, William, and Elizabeth Doyle I769 Soper, Ephraim, and Elizabeth Martin 1768 June 9 Stelle, Experience, and Justus Puun 1760 Oct 5 Stewart, Robert, and Mary Freeland 17g8 j^jgy 12 PISCATAWAY BAPTIST CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 647 Sutton, Jonas, and Elizabeth Runyon 17g4 ggpj 27 Sutton, Peter, and Catharine Osmun 17g2 Dec 21 T Thomas, Siscel, and Samuel Bagger 1748 jan 2 Thornell, Israel, and Catharine Fitz Randolph I753 jan, 2 W Waldron, Daniel, and Dorcas Conger. I75O Peb. 25 Walker, Samuel/ and Hepzibab Dunham 1769 April 25 Whitehead, Johanna, and Zachariah Clawson 1751 Oct. 23 Wilson, Hopewell, and Mary Giles I77I Sept. 26 Seoteli Plains Baptist Cliiireh Marriage ReGords, 1758-1761. The Scotch Plains Baptist Cburch waa constituted September 8, 1747, by fifteen members from tbe Pisoataqua Church. A building had been erected five years earlier, which was enlarged in 1759. The Rev. Benjamin Miller was tbe pastor from Febru ary 13, 1748, until bis death, November 14, 1781. He was succeeded by the Rev. William Vanhorn, in 1785. The early records of tbe church are quite imperfect The following list of marriages performed by the Rev. Benjamin Miller was taken from the first book of church minutes by Mr. 0. B. Leonard, of Perth Amboy : A Ackley, Zeakel, and Penelope Stephens 1759 B BedeU, Ann, and AVilUam Darby 1761 Aug. 20 Bishop, Jacob, and Esther Connet 1761 July 28 Blackford, Nathaniel, and Mary Daniels 1759 Aug. 20 Butinbous, Daniel, aud Zeruiah Martin 1759 July 8 648 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. c Campbell, Hannah, and Joseph Laing , 1759 Mar. 14 Campbell, Neil, and Jenet McDaniel 1760 AprU 6 Chandler, Stephen, and Susannah Martin 1759 AprU 14 Cole, WUliam, and EUzabeth WUUamson 1761 July 29 Compton, Jemima, and Thomas Squier 1759 Dec 12 Connet, Esther, and Jacob Bishop 176 1 July 28 Connet, Rebecca, and Jacob AVinans r.,. 1759 Mar. 15 Cook, Alexander, and Elizabetb Sickles 1769 May 10 D Daniels, Mary, and Nathaniel Blackford : 1759 Aug. 20 Darby, Abigail, and John Wolvertou 1759 Feb. 19 Darby, Jobn and Rachel Squier 1759 Feb. 15 Darby, AViUiam, and Ann Bedell 1761 Aug. 20 DeCamp, Aaron, and Mary Frazee , 1759 Mar. 7 Doty, Rachel, and Daniel Jones 1761 Jan. ~ 7 E Estil, Unis, and John Johnson 1759 Nov. 6 F Frazee, Mary, and Aaron DeCamp 1769 Mar. 7 Frazee, Sarah, and John Sears 1769 Mar. 7 H Hutchins, Samuel, aud Anna Rains : 1760 Oct 12 J Jennings, Jonathan, and Mary Tucker 1759 Aug. 28 Johnson, Jobn, and Unis Estil 1759 Nov. 6 Jones, Daniel, and Rachel Doty 1761 Jan. 7 Jones, Sarab, and Benjamin Osborn. ." 1761 April 6 L Laing, Joseph, and Hannah Campbell , I759 Mar. 14 L'ayton, Margaret, and Jonathan Parker , 1768 Dec 20 Littell, James, and Rhoda Valentine 1761 Feb. 25 M Macfield, Esther, and Jobn Sears 1761 Sept 15 Manning, John, and Rhoda Wooden , 1768 Dec " 6 Marks, Phebe, aud Ephraim Sutton I759 Sept Martin, Susannah, and Stephen Chandler 1759 April 14 Martin, Zeruiah, and Daniel Butinhous I759 July 8 McDauiel, Jenet, and NeU Campbell , 1750 April 6 SCOTCH PLAINS BAPTIST CHURCH MARRIAGE RECORDS. 649 Moore, Rhoda, and WUliam Pool 1759 May 17 Mundy, Hope, and John Mundy 1769 Mar. 30 Mundy, John, and Hope Mundy 1769 Mar. 30 o Osborn, Benjamin, and Sarab Jones 1761 April 6 P Pangborn, Mary, and Charles Roulsou 1760 Jan. 28 Pangborn, Richard, and Rutb 1761 May 2 Parker, Jonathan, and Margaret Layton 1758 Dec. 20 Pool, William, and Rhoda Moore 1769 May 17 R Rains, Anna, and Samuel Hutchins 1760 Oct. 12 Roulson, Charles, and Mary Pangborn 1760 Jan. 28 S Sears, Jobn, and Sarab Frazee 1759 Mar. 7 Sears, Jobn, and Esther Macfield 1761 Sept 15 ShotweU, Racbel, and Thomas Thompson. . . ; 1 769 Jan. 9 Sickles, Elizabeth, and Alexander Ccok , 1759 May 10 ; Squier, Rachel, and Jobn Darby 1769 Feb. 15 Squier, Thomas, and Jemima Compton 1759 Dec. 12 ;i Stephens, Penelope, and Zeakel Ackley 1759 Sutton, Ephraim, and Pbebe Marks 1759 Sept. T ^ Tucker, Mary, and Jonathan .Jennings 1759 Aug. 20 i Thompson, Thomas, and Rachel Shotwell 1760 Jan. 9 V Valentine, Rhoda, and James Littell 1761 Feb. 25 w Williamson, Elizabetb, and AViiliam Cole 1761 July 29 Winans, Jacob, and Rebecca Connet 17o9 Mar. 15 , Wolverton, .John, and Abigal Darby 1759 Feb. 19 Wooden, Rhoda, and John Manning 1758 Dec. 6 51 CHESTERFIELD (BURUNGTON COUNTY) FRIENDS' MONTHLY MEETING Marriage Records, l686-i800. Note. — The following records were transcribed in 1881 for tbe New Jersey His torical Society, by Jobn P. Hutchinson, Esq., of Bordentown, from the original man uscript volumes of Chesterfield Monthly Meeting. The manuscript gives all the facts in the records, but does not name all the witnesses at each marriage. The place where the marriage took place is given before tbe date. MALES. Abbott, John, of Nottingham, Burlington county, husbandman, and Aune Man- leverer, of Chesterfield, spinster, dau. of Edmund and Anne, at the house of Matthew Watson '. 26tb 3d mo. 1696 AVitnesses— Matthew Watson, Aune Watson, Matthew Watson, Jr., Marma duke Watson, Mahlon Stacy, WiUiam Emley, Susan Famsworth and others. Abbott, John, of Nottingham (son of Timothy and Ann), and Susannah Bullock, of New Hanover Township, dau. of Joseph and Elizabetb, at Upper Freehold Meeting 17tb 9th mo. 1778 Witnesses— AViiliam, Marmaduke, Samuel and Lucy Abbott, Joseph, Eliz abeth, George, Edith, Jemima, Elizabeth, Jr. , John, Sarah, Rebecca and Amos Bullock, Abner AA'right aud others. ' Abbott, AViiliam, of Nottingham (son of Timothy and Ann), and Helena Lawrie, of Nottingham, dau. of Thomas and Ann, at Chesterfield Meeting. 13tb 3d mo. 1783 Witnesses— Samuel, Lucy, Jobn, Jr., and Timothy Abbott, Thomas, Anne, James, Mary, Joseph M., William, Amelia, John and Achsah Lawrie, Benjamin and Hannah Lawton aud others. Abbott, William, of Chesterfield (son of Timothy and Ann), and Rebecca HoUoway, of same place, dau. of James and Rebekah, at Chesterfield Meeting. llth 1st mo. 1787 Witnesses— John, Susannah, Samuel, Abel and David Abbott, Rebekah Nois, Benjamin and James HoUoway, Joseph M. Lawrie, Joshua Wright, Thomas Newbold, Michael Taylor, William Harrison and others. CHESTERFIELD FRIENDS' MARRIAGE RECORDS. 65 I Allen, Ralph, of Shrewsbury, Monmoutb Co. (son of Judiah and ), and Ann tVrigbt, of New Hanover, dau. of Mahlon and Mary, at Upper Freehold Meet- ^°S 21st 10th mo. 1762 Witnesses-Miriam and William Allen, Mahlon, Mary, David, Sarah, Isaac, Jonathan, Jobn, Staoey, Thomas, Jr., Robert, Joseph, Theodosia and Amos AVright, Joseph Borden, AVm. Lawrie and others, Allen, Samuel, of Nottingham (sou of Samuel and Ann), and Margaret Borden, of Upper Freehold, dau of , at Robin's Meeting House. 6th 4th mo. 1785 ¦ Witnesses— Mary, Lydia, Henry, Michael and Nathan Allen, Frances, Lydia, Sarah, Asher, WUliam, Nathan and Joseph Borden, Isaac Antrum, Rob ert Wrigbt and others. Abnet, Daniel, of Chesterfield (son of Joseph and Margaret), and Elizabeth Wright, of Bordentown, dau. of Israel and AUce, at Bordentown Meeting. 3d 12th mo. 1794 Witnesses— EUzabeth Arney, Mary Arney, Sarah, John, Hannah, Fretwell and Isaac Wright, Stacy Potts, Jos. Kirkbride, Isaac Thorn, Marmaduke AVat son, Jr., and others. B Babbeb, WUliam, of Chesterfield Township, and Aun Burtice, of Nottingham, at Ches terfield 7th 10th mo. 1784 Witnesses — Isaac and Isaac Barber, Jr., James Lawrie, Anthony Bullock, Joseph Thom, Joshua W. Satterthwait, Amos Wright and others. Beaumont, John, of Falls Township, Bucks Co., Penna.. and Sarah ' Pancoast, of Mansfield Township, dau. of William, at Chesterfield. 17th 3d mo. 1744 Witnesses — Hannah, AA'illiam, Joseph, Joseph, Jr., Samuel, John, Seth, Elizabeth Mary, Abigail Mary and Mary Pancoast, Isaac Horner, Joseph Bor den, Jr., Joseph Curtis aud others. Black, .John, of Chesterfield, and Sarah RockhUl, of Chesterfield, at Chesterfield. 4th' 10th mo. 1706 Witnesses— Edward, Mary, Jobn and Mary RockhUl, Jr., Thomas Folkes, John Abbott, Daniel Famsworth, Ambrose Field, Joseph Reckless, Samuel Taylor and others. Boeden, Joseph, of Nottingham, and Rebekah Middleton, of Nottingham, at Chester field 16th 2d mo. 1759 Witnesses — Francis, Lydia, Mary and Francis Borden, Jr., Preserve Brown, Anthony Woodward, John Lawrie, David Kelley, James Lawrie and others. Bbannin, John, of Chesterfield, and Bachel Vanderbeek, of Chesterfield,' at Borden town ' 6th 10th mo. 1791 Witnesses — John, Sarah, Samuel and Sarah Brannin, Jr., Peter and Sarab Vanderbeek, John Curtis, Isaac Horner, Marmaduke Watson, Jr., Joshua Fen nimore, Jr., and others. Bbown, Preserve, of Philadelphia, Penna., and Mary Sykes, of Chesterfield, dau. of John and Joanna, at Upper Springfield 21st 8th mo. 1747 652 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Witnesses— Thomas, Jobn, Ricbard and Sarah Brown, Jobn, Joanna, An thony, l^enjamin, Samuel and Joanna Sykes, Michael Newbold and John Kirk bride, Jr., and others. Bkown, Preserve, Jr., of Mansfield, and Mary French, of Mansfield, dau. of Richard and , at Chesterfield. 15th Stb mo. 1724 Witnesses — Preserve, Abraham aud Abraham Brown, Jr. , Richard, Thomas, Richard, Jr., Thomas, Jr., J'rench, Thomas Newbold, Joseph Newbold, Joshua Shreve, John Abbott and others. Bkown, Ricbard, of Nottingham, and Sarah Taylor, of Chesterfield, at Chesterfield. 15tb Sth mo. 1755 Witnesses— Mary, Mary, Jr., Preserve and William Brown, Samuel, Jr., John, Achsah, George, Anthony, Benjamin, Samuel, Mediusl and Mary Taylor, John Sykes, Caleb Shreve and others. Bullock, George, of New Hanover (son of Joseph and Elizabeth), and Edith Wood, of Chesterfield, dau. of AViUiam and Hannah, at Springfield . . . 7th 2d mo. 1776 AVitnesses — Joseph, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Jr., Susannah, Jemima and Re bekah Bullock, William, Hannah, Polly, Ann aud John AVood, Anthony and Margaret Bullock, Joseph Newbold, Cleayton Newbold and others. Bullock, Joseph, Jr., of New Hanover (son of Joseph and Elizabetb), and Lydia Law rie, of Upper Freehold Township, Monmouth Co., dau. of James and Mary, at Chesterfield 16tb 3d mo. 1780 Witnesses— Joseph, Elizabeth, Amos, George, Edith, Jemima, Rebecca, EUzabeth, Jr., and Anthony BuUock, James, Mary, Thomas, Joseph, Thomas Lawrie, Jr., John Abbott, Joseph Borden, William Abbott, Michael Rogers, Jr., and others. Bollock, Anthony, of New Hanover (son of Joseph and Elizabeth, dec'd), and Hannah - AVood, of Chesterfield, dau. of AVUliam and Hannah, dec'd, at Chesterfield. lOtb 5th mo. 1708 Witnesses— George, Sarah, David, Isaac, Margaret, John, Jr., and Eliza beth Bullock, Margaret, Elizabeth and Thomas N. Wood, Thomas and Joseph M. Lawrie and others. Bunting, Samuel, of Chesterfield, and Mary Folkes, of Chesterfield, dau. of Thomas Folkes, at Francis Davenport's house 18th 9tb mo. 1684 AVitnesses— Thomas S. and Thomas, Jr., Foulks, Francis Davenport, Pe ter Fretwell, Robert Murfin, Samuel Sykes aud others. Bunting, AVUliam, of Chesterfield, and Abigail Horseman, of Monmouth county, dau. of Marmaduke and llth Sth mo. ' 1716 Witnesses— John, Sr., Sarab, Sr., Samuel, Mary, Anthony and Phebe Bunting, John Bunting, Jr , Marmaduke, Sarab and Susannah Horseman, Wm. Wood, Joseph Reckless and others. Bunting, Joshua, of Chesterfield, and Mary Large, of Nottingham, at Chesterfield. 17tb llth mo. 1785 1 Medius. in the sense of jjinior, or second ? CHESTERFIELD FRIENDS' MARRIAGE RECORDS. 653 AVitnesses— Amy, Samuel, Elizabeth, Mary, Rebecca Bunting, Amos, Lydia, Elizabeth, Hannah, Anne and Nathan Middleton, John Large, Joseph M. Law rie and others. , Bunting, Samuel, of Chesterfield (son of Joshua and Amy his former wife), aud Deborah Middleton, dau. of Jacob and Hannah, at Chesterfield. ' Sth 6th mo. 1800 Witnesses— Joshua, Mary, Elizabetb, Newberry, Amos and Hannah Bunt ing, Jacob, Hannah, Jediah, Miriam, Ann, Aaron, Jacob, Jr., Samuel, Jr., Na than, Lydia, Jr., Abigail, Increase, Hannah, Jr., Sarah, Jr.. George, Jr., Amos, Lydia, Elizabetb and Sarah Middleton and others. ' Bubb, Joseph, of Northampton Township (son of Henry and Elizabeth), and Jane Abbot, of Nottingham, dau. of John and Anue, at Chesterfield. 16th 12th mo. 1726 AVitnesses— Henry, Elizabetb, John and Rebecca Burr, John, Anne, John, Jr. , -Abbott, Joseph Reckless, Richard French, John Sykes and others. Burton, Charles, of Bordento'wn (son of David aud Catharine, dec'd.), and Lydia Moore, widow, of Bordentown, dau. of John Taylor aud Hannah, at Borden town Sth 10th mo. 1800 Witnesses — William and David Burton, John and Anthony Taylor, David Amey, John AVright, Isaac Thom, Joseph Kirkbride and others. c t Cathball, Benjamin, of Burlington (son of Edward and Rachel, dec'd), and Sarab Parker, of New Hanover, dau. of Samuel and Elizabetb, at Upper Freehold. 14th 1st mo. 1779 Witnesses — Samuel, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Edward aud Anne Parker, Thomas Earl, Thomas Harrison, Alexander Howard, John Lawrie, Richard Walen, Amos Bullock, J'retwell AVright and others. Clabk, Benjamin, of Middlesex county (son of Benjamin, dec'd), aud Hannah Law rie, of Monmouth county, dau. of William, at Upper Freehold. 13th 12th mo. 1764 AVitnesses — James, WUliam, Caleb and Isaac Clark, William, Thomas, Annie, James, Mary, James, -John. Achsah, Jacob and Mary Lawrie, Jr., John Bullock, Joseph Newbold, and others. Clabk, Isaac, of Windsor (son of James), and Mary Lawrie, of Upper Freehold, Monmouth county, dau. of AViUiam, at Chesterfield 19th llth mo. 1767 Witnesses— James, Hannah, Ann, Hannah, Rachel, Benjamin and Caleb Clark, WUUam Lawrie, Miriam, James, Mary, Elizabetb and Lucy Lawrie, Alexander Howard, Jobn Black aud others. Clabk, Enoch, of Windsor (son of Benjamin and Haunah), and Elizabeth Wood, of Chesterfield, dau. of William and Hannah, at Stony Brook . . 1 5tb 2d mo. 1792 Witnesses— Benjamin, Hannah, EUsha, ilary, Joseph, Caleb, Thomas, David, Phebe, WUliam and Julia Clark, Hannah and Susannah Wood, Anthony Bullock, Job and Joseph Olden and othei-s. 654 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Cljkk, Elisha, of Somerset county (son of Benjamin and Hannah Clark), and Ann Olden, of Middlesex county, dau. of Joseph and Ann 9th 1st mo. 1793 Witnesses— Benjamin, Hannah, Enoch, Elizabeth, Jr., David, Pbebe, Esther, Rachel, Charles, Thomas, William, Hannah, Jr., and Caleb Clark,- Anne, Joseph, Mary, Jr., Giles W., Samuel, Mary, James, Jr., Catharine, Sam uel, Jr., Elihu, Job, Hart and Nathaniel Olden and others. Clark, Charles, of Middlesex county (son of John), and Mary Shinn, of Somerset county, dau. of Abraham, at Stony Brook Sth 3d mo. 1794 Witnesses— Hannah, WiUiam, Edua, Julia, Hannah 3d, Esther, Joseph, WiUiam, Jr., Sarab, Elizabeth, Benjamin, Mary, Rachel, Thomas, Elisha and Benjamin Clark, Jr., Joseph Shinn, Job Olden, Robert White and others. Clauson, Cornelius, of Chesterfield, and Anne Burcham, of the same place, at Ches terfield ; 21st 9th mo. 1728 Witnesses— Abraham Farrington, Richard French, Ralph CowgiU, Sam'l Woodward, Joseph Reckless, Wm. Wood, Sam'l Satterthwait and others. Collings, Joseph, of Burlington county, and Katharine Huddleston, of Mansfield township, at Burlington . ". Stb 7th mo. 1698 Witnesses — Francis Collings, Elizabetb Collings, Joseph Kirkbride, George Deacon, Dauiel Smith, Thos. Biddle, Peter Fretwell, John Hogg, Jr., John Gos- lin and others. Combs, John, Jr., of Upper Freehold Township, Monmoutb couuty, and Mary Ash ton, of tbe same place, at Upper Freehold 4th llth mo. 1795 Witnesses— John, Sr., Rebekah, Thos., Isaac, Stephen, Benjamin, Ezekiel, Rebecca, Jr., Abigail, Euphamia and Haunah Combs, George Craft, Joel Cheshire, Joshua Wrigbt, Richard Potts and others. Combs, Benjamin, of Upper Freehold, Monmoutb county (son of John and Rebekah), and Charity Craft, of the same place, dau. of George and Mary, at Robbins Meeting House 12th 12th mo. 1798 Witnesses — John, Rebekah, Thomas, Hannah, John, Jr., Isaac, Euphemia, Stephen, Abigail, Rebekah, Ezekiel, Racbel and Nancy Combs, George, Mary, Grace and Samuel Craft and others. CooPEE, John, of'Gloucester county, and Aune Clark, of Somerset county, dau. of Benjamin and Anne, at the house of Joseph Worth. ... 18th 1st mo. 1712-13 Witnesses— William, Joseph and Lydia Cooper, Benjamin, Anne, Elizabeth, Sarab aud James Clark, Samuel Bunting, John Olden, Jos. Reckless, Joseph Worth and others. CuB-ris, Johu, Jr., of Mansfield Township (son of Jobn and Patience), and Sarah Tay lor, of Nottingham, dau. of John aud Sarah, at Chesterfield. 10th 3d mo. 1785 AVitnesses— Rachel Curtis, John, Sarah, John, Jr.,' Joel, Ann and Stacy Tay lor, Joseph, Isaac aud Samuel DeCou, Joseph M. Lawrie, Benjamin Linton aud others. Ceues, James, of Chesterfield, and Sarah Forsyth, of the same place, dau. of Matthew and Rebecca, at Chesterfield 23d 3d mo. 1734 CHESTERFIELD FRIENDS' MARRIAGE RECORDS. 655 Witnesses— John, Matthew, Susannah and Rebecca Forsyth, John Bacon, L Deoow, Med.,1 Wm. French, John Abbott, Wm. Murfin, Mich. Newbold and Joseph Reckless. CuKTiSi Thomas, of Ogston (ton ot Jobn), aud Elizabeth Ellis, of Burlington, dau. of Thomas, dec'd, at the house of John Brown 21st 9tb mo. 1694 AVitnesses— Johu and David Curtis, Thos. Revell, Johu AA'arren, Michael Newbold, AVm. Wood, Michael BufBu, Ricbard French and others. D Danfoed, Samuel, of Burlington couuty, and Mary Wright, widow of Joseph, at Ches terfield.... Stb 9th mo. 1717 AVitnesses— Joshua, Thomas, Rebecca and Samuel Wright John Bunting, AVm. Wood, Thomas Harrison, Isaac Ivins, Jos. Reckless and others. Davenpoet, Francis, of Chesterfield (widower), aud Rebecca Decou, of Barlington, relict of Isaac, at Burlington 12th Sth mo. 1692 Witnesses — Jacob and John Decow, Daniel Smith, Mahlon Stacy, Thomas I Olive, John Woolston, Thos. Folkes, John Curtis, John Builting, Samuel Jen nings and others. DeCow, Isaac, of Burlington, and Anne Davenport, of Chesterfield, at Chesterfield. 24tb 2d mo. 1705 Witnesses— Jacob and Elizabeth Decow, Rebecca, Francis, Jr., Isaac, Abi- , gaU, Esther and Rebecca Davenport, Jr., 'Ihos. Folkes, John Black, John\ Bacon, Isaac Horner, Ricbard French, Joseph Reckless and others. DeCow, Joseph, of Burlington county (son of Eber), and Achsah Taylor, of same place, dau. of John, at Chesterfield 15th 10th mo. 1778 Witnesses- Eber, .John, Jobn, Isaac and Mary DeCow, Sarah, Joel, Mercy, Editb, Ann, Stacy, Daniel, John Taylor, Jr. , James Lawrie, Thomas Lawrie, Wm. Abbott, James HoUoway and others. DeCow, Samuel, of Nottingham (son of Isaac, dec'd, and Mary), and Mary Lawrie, of tbe same place, dau. of Thomas, dec'd, and Anne, at'Chesterfield. Sth 12th mo. 1796 WUnesses— Mary, Achsah, Stacy, Isaac, Mary, Jr., and Eber DeCow, Anne, , Mary, Joseph M., Ann, Thomas, Jr., Mary Lawrie, Amos Middleton, Samuel Abbott, Jeshua Bunting, Jacob Middleton and others. E Eael, Thomas, Jr., of Springfield Township (son of Tanton and Mary), and Edith Sykes, of Chesterfield Township, dau. of Anthony and Mary, at Springfield. 16th 4th mo. 1778 Witnesses— Tanton, Mary, John, Caleb, Joseph, Mercy, Mary, Samuel, Michael, Thomas and Elizabeth Earl, Anthony, Mary, Samuel, Thomas, Cath arine, Mary, Jr, Benjamin, Benjamin, Jr., John and Anthony Sykes, Jr., and others. I Query: Meatus. See note on page 652, ante. 656 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Ellis, Benjamin, of PhUadelphia, Penna., and Mary Abbott, of Nottingham Town ship, dau. of John and Aune, at Chesterfield 24tb 9th mo. 1720 AVitnesses— Johu, Anne and Anne Abbott, Jr., Richard French, Wm. Sat terthwait Isaac Homer, Sam'l Famsworth, John Bunting, Thos. Folkes, Mar maduke and Matthew A\''atson and others. Ellis, John, of Burlingtou couuty (son of Francis), and Lucia Ridgway, of the same county, dau. of Richard, at Mansfield 12th 5th mo. 1762 AVitnesses— Peter Ellis, Jacob, Joseph, Hanuah and Jacob Ridgway, Ben jamin Gibbs, Job Harvey, John Lawrie, Philip Bowne, Joseph Talman, Jr. , Joseph Imlay and others. Ellis, John, of Upper Freehold Township, Moumouth county, and Elizabeth Fow ler, of New Hanover Township, at Upper Freehold 17th lOtb mo. 1770 Witnesses— Joseph and Phebe Ellis, Joseph, Meribah, Joseph, Jr., Barton, Meribah, Jr. aud Mary Fowler, Alexander Howard, Amos AVright, John Bul lock, John Lawrie, Jos. BuUook and others. Ellis, Peter, of Mansfield Township, and Miriam Middleton, of Upper Freehold Township, Monmouth county, at Chesterfield 18th 4th mo. 1771 AVitnesses— John and Lucy EUi^, Amos, Thomas, Elizabeth, Jacob, Samuel, Anue, Abel, Jr., Margaret Amos, Jr., Sarah, Joel, David, Abel, Mary, Rhoda, Phebe and Mary Middleton, Jr., Peter Harvej-, Joseph Fowler, James Wooley aud others. Emlen, George, Jr., of Philadelphia (son of George), and Anne Reckless, of Chester field Township, dau. of Joseph 25th lOtb mo. 1740 AVitnesses— Joseph and Joseph, Jr, Reckless, Anthony Sykes, Anthony Woodward, Joseph Arney, Judah Folke, Samuel Satterthwait, Johu Armit and others. , English, Joseph, of Mansfield Township (son of Joseph and Elizabeth), and Tri- phena Wilson, of the same place, dau. of AViiliam aud AbigaU, at Mansfield. 16th 4th mo. 1780 AVitnesses— Joseph, Ann, Joseph, Jr., Joseph, Sr., Mary, Alice and Elizabetb English, William, Abigail, Mary, Christian, Abigail, Jr., AVilson, George Dil- wjn, Isaac, Caleb and Caleb Jr., Shreve, and others. Farnswoeth, Samuel, of Chesterfield Township, and Damaris Howard, of Mansfield. 19th llth mo. 1709 Witnesses— Susannah, -John, Daniel and Henry Famsworth, Anne Howard, Thos. Folkes, Sr., AVm. Wood, John Warren, Samuel Taylor, Matthew Wat son, Isaac Horner, Jos. Reckless, Nathan Folwell and others. Fakeington, Abraham, of Somerset county, aud Phebe Buuling, of Chesterfield, dau. of Samuel and Mary, at Chesterfield 1st Sth mo. 1725 AVitnesses — Mary, Anthony, Ruth, Jobn, Alice, AVUliam, Abigail and WU liam Bunting, Richard Prench, John Warren, Joseph Worth, Isaac Horner, John Abbott, Daniel Bacon and others. CHESTERFIELD FRIENDS' MARRIAGE RECORDS. 657 Field, Ambrose, of Chesterfield Township, and Susanna Deoow, of tbe same place, at Chesterfield 24th 2d mo. 1705 AVitnesses— Nathaniel, Patience and Susannah Field, Jacob, EUzabeth and Anne DeCow, Peter Fretwell, Samuel Jennings, AVm. Wood, Mahlon Stacy, Jobn Black, Joseph Reckless and others. Field, Robert, of Burlington county, and Mary Taylor, of the same place, dau. of Samuel and Susannah, at Chesterfield 12th 2d mo. 1722 Witnesses— Benjamin, Ambrose and Susan Field, Samuel, Samuel, Jr., John, Robert and WiUiam Taylor, Isaac Horner, Joseph Borden, Samuel Famsworth, John Black, Joseph Marriot and others. Field, Benjamin, of Chesterfield Township (son of Benjamin and Mary Barton), and Tabitha RockhUl, of the same place, dau. of Edward, at Mansfield. ISth llth mo. 1772 Witnesses— Benjamin, Isaac, Mary and Eleanor Field, Edward, Edward, Jr., Achsah RockhUl, Joseph Shreve, Joseph Newbold and others. Folkes, Thomas, of Chesterfield (son of Thomas), and Elizabeth Curtis, of Mansfield Township, dan. of John, of Ogston, at Chesterfield 21st 12th mo. 1688 AA'^itnesses — Thomas Folkes, Sr., Samuel Bunting, Thomas Curtis, John Bunting, Peter Fretwell, Thomas Douglass, Robert Chapman, WiUiam Wat son, Francis Davenport, John Bunting and others. Fubman, BarzUlai, of Trenton (son of Josiah and Ruth), and Elizabeth Middleton, of Nottingham Township, dau. of George and Hannah, at Chesterfield. 14th Oth mo. 1775 AVitnesses- Josiah, Ruth, Richard, Way, John, Theodosia, Furman, Haunah, Nathan, Lydia, Jacob, Phebe, Rhoda, Mary, Jr., Thomas and Patience Mid dleton and others. Fubman, Richard W., of Trenton (son of Josiah), and Hannah Middleton, of Notting ham, dau. of George and Hannah, at Chesterfield 21st 1st mo. 1773 Witnesses— Josiah, Nathaniel, BarziUai, John and Elizabeth Furman, Han nah, Nathan, Jacob, Rhoda, Phebe, Sarah, Maria, Thomas, Patience, Abel, Amos and Abel Middleton, James Lawrie, Thomas Borden and others. FoBSSTH, Matthew, of Chesterfield Tovmship, and Rebecca Odling, of tbe same place, at Chesterfield 15th 1st mo. 1696 Witnesses -Thomas Folkes, Francis Davenport, Samuel Bunting, John Bunting, WUUam Satterthwait, Thomas MUler, Martin Scott, Joseph Smith and others. FoESTTH, Joseph, of Chesterfield Township, and Margaret Middleton, of Upper Free hold Township. Monmouth Co., at Chesterfield 9tb 4th mo. 1772 AVitnesses- Mercy, Mary, Rebeckah, Mercy and Matthew Forsyth, Amos, Elizabeth, Jr., Amos, Sr., Samuel, Ann, Jacob, Elizabeth, Hannah, Mary and Abel Middleton, William Lawrie, David KeUey and others. Fowleb, Joseph, of Hanover Township (son of John Fowler deed, and Elizabeth, now Reckless,), and Meribah Middleton, widow of Jonathan deed, at Chester- ggjij , 27th Sth mo. 1748 52 6s 8 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Witnesses— Elizabeth and Benjamin Fowler, Elizabetb Reckless, Thos. Black, Joseph Reckless, Joseph Steward, John Bunting, Marmaduke Watson and others. Feench, Richard, of Mansfield Township, and Mary King, of Nottingham Township, dau. of Harmenus King, at tbe bouse of Harmenus King. . 13th llth mo. 1701 AVitnesses — Charles, John and Lydia French, Harmenus King, Mary, Jobn and Joseph King, John Bunting, Thomas Folkes, Thomas Soattergood, Thomas Brian and William Quicksall and others. Fkench, Charles, of PhUadelphia (son of Uriah, deed, late of Haddonfield), and Re becca Taylor, of Chesterfield Township, dau. of Jacob, at Bordentown. 7th 4th mo. 1773 Witnesses — Samuel and Mary French, Jacob, Abigail, Lewis, Charles, Elizabeth, Amos aud Lydia Taylor, James Lawrie, Jonathan Wright, Joseph Borden, Jr., and others. G Ganet, Thomas, of Darby, Penna., and Rebecca Sykes, of Chesterfield Township, dau. of John and Hanna, at Springfield 25th 2d mo. 1744 AVitnesses— Samuel, Anne and John Ganet, John, Joanna, Samuel, An thony, Benjamin, Mary, Katharine Sykes, Joshua Shreve, Jobn Black, Caleb Newbold, Joseph Reckless, Thomas Black and others. Garwood, Jacob, of Bordentown, aud Rhoda Ratb, of Nottingham, at Chesterfield, lOth 10th mo. 1776 AVitnesses — Alse Garwood,, Tabitha Rato, David Rulon, Amos Middleton, James Lawrie, Thomas Thom, Gideon Middleton, Daniel Tilton, Isaiah Robins aud others. Gauntt, Johu, of Little Egg Harbor Township, Burlington county, and Jane Sat terthwait, of Chesterfield Township, dau. of Samuel and Jane, at Mansfield. 24tb llth mo. 1756 Witnesses — Ann Gaunt, Samuel, Richard, Elizabetb, Mary, Samuel, David, AViiliam and Hannah Satterthwait, Jacob Ridgway, Timothy Abbott, Michael Buffin, Peter Tallman and others. Gibbs, Richard, of Mansfield Township,' son of Isaac and Rebecca CowgiU, of Ches terfield, dau. of Ralph, at Chesterfield 17th 1st mo. 1725 Witnesses— Isaac, Anna, Francis, Mary, Isaac, Jr., Gibbs, Ralph, Nehe miah, Jane, Edmund, Isaac, Abraham CowgiU, Richard French, Isaac Horner, Jobn Sykes, Joseph Reckless and others. Gibbs, Martin, of Mansfield Township (son of John), and Eebekah Forsyth, of Ches terfield, dau. of Matthew and Rebeckah, at Mansfield 17th lOtb mo. 1781 Witnesses— Robert, Joel, Edward, Abel Gibbs, Joseph Forsyth, Matthias Kuliil, Peter, Harvey, Benjamin Lenton, Amos Middleton, Jobn Lawrie, Peter EUis and others. H Haines, John, of Evesham (son of John), aud Elizabeth Satterthwait, of Chesterfield Township, at Chesterfield ] 3th Oth mo. 1709 CHESTERFIELD FRIENDS' MARRIAGE RECORDS. 659 Witnesses— John, Sr., Jonathan, Isaac, Mary, Thomas and Joseph Hains, WUliam, Joseph, Isaac, William, Jr., Sarah, Margaret and Dorothy Satterth wait, Isaac Horner, Joseph Reckless, Richard French, John Bacon and others. Hallet, Richard, of NewYork City (son of Israel aud Naomi), and Sarab Clarke, of Middlesex county, dau, of Isaac nnd Mary, at Stony Brook . . 4tb Stb mo. 1791 Witnesses— James Hallett, Isaac, Mary, Hannah, William, Elisha, Ben jamin, Jr., AViiliam L., James, Aaron, Racbel, Benjamin, Haiinah, Ezekiel, George, Enoch, Thomas aud Caleb Clarke, Joseph Brearly, Joseph Olden and others. Haeeison, Richard, of Chesterfield Township, and Ruth Buckman, of the same place, at the home of Joshua Wright 4th 3d mo. 1687 Witnesses— Peter Harrison, Joshua Wright, Wm. Emley, Mahlon Stacy, 1 George Nicholson, Joshua AVright, Jr., Thomas Folkes, Robert Chapman, Eliz abeth Wrigbt, Rutb Emley and others. Haetshoen. Jobn, Jr., of Shrewsbury, Monmouth county (son of John aud Lucy), and lUizabeth Field of Upper Freehold Township, Monmouth county, dau. of Elijah and Mary, at Robins' Meeting Sth 6th mo. 1799 AA'itnesses— Jobn, Robert, Sarab Hartshorn, Elijah, Mary, Benjamin. Sarab, Mary and Rebekah Field, John Lawrence, Jobn Combs, George Craft, Thomas Lawrie and others. Haevey, Job, of Mansfield Township (son of John), and Mary Satterthwait, of Ches terfield, dau. of Samuel, at Mansfield 25th Sth mo. 1768 Witnesses — Peter, John and Ann Harvey, Samuel, Jane, Samuel, Jr., AVU liam Satterthwait, John, Leonard, Joseph Newbold, Apollo Woodward, Isaac DeCow and others. Hbndsiokson, Joseph, of Nottingham Township and Elizabetb Forsyth, of Chester field Township, at Chesterfield lOtbSdmo. 1796 Witnesses —Daniel, Aun, David, Jr., Hendrickson, Ann, Joseph, Lydia, t Samuel, Anne, Abigail, George, Increase, Rebekah, Nathan and Lydia Middle- ton, Joseph M. Lawrie, Thomas Lawrie, Thomas Taylor, David Killey and others. Hill, John, of Buckingham, Bucks county, and Elizabetb Smith, of Windsor, Mid dlesex Co. , N. J. , at Windsor 15thl2tbmo. 1766 Witnesses— Joseph, Benjamin, Martha, Moses, Aaron Hill, Ezekiel, Deb orah, Ezekiel, Samuel Smitb, Joseph Olden, WUUam Clarke, Samuel Worth, Joseph Palmer and others. Hodson, John, of Nottingham Township, and Anne Whittiker, of tbe same place, at Chesterfield 27t.h 7th mo. 1716 Witnesses— Richard French, John Bunting, Samuel Taylor, Jobn Abbott Isaac Horner, Joseph Reckless, Thomas Scholey, AVm. Murfin, WiUiam Sat terthwait, Samuel Satterthwait and others. HoLLOWAY, George, of Huuterdon Co., N. J., and Ruth Wood, of Burlington Coun ty, N. J. , at Springfield 10th Oth mo. 1731 Witnesses — Jobn and James HoUoway, Mary Wood, Caleb Shreve, John 660 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Warren, Joseph Arney, Samuel Satterthwait, Joseph Reckless, Richard French, Frances Scholey aud others. HoBNEE, Isaac, of Mansfield Township, and Elizabeth Sykes, of Chesterfield, at Ches terfield 19tb 3d mo. 1709 Witnesses — John and Frances Horner, John, Joanna Sykes, Thomas Folkes, Peter Fretwell, John Bunting, Daniel Famsworth, Joseph Reckless, Jobn War ren, Daniel Smith and others, HoENEE, Isaac, Jr., of Mansfield Township, and Mary Potts of Trenton, at Trenton. 16th llth mo. 1757 Witnesses — Samuel, Joseph, Amy, Mary, Benjamin and Sarab Horner, Ruth, Sarab, Rebecca, Stacy Potts, Bowes Reed, Joseph Imlay, Benj. Mar shall, Thomas Watson and others. Hutchin, Hugh, of Mansfield Township, aud Rebecca Underhill, of the same place, at Chesterfield 3d 1st mo. 1707-8 Witnesses — Hugh Hutchin, Jr., Michael Buffin, John Bacon, Joseph Reck less, John Aaronson, Caleb Shreeve, Ricbard French, Abraham Brown, Jr., Thomas Shreve, Joshua Shreve and others. Hunloke, Thomas, of Chesterfield Township, and Sarah Bunting of tbe same place, dau. of Samuel, at Chesterfield 21st 4tb mo. 1711 Witnesses — Sarah Hunloke, Samuel, Mary, Jobn, Sarab, Silence, Pbebe and William Bunting, Wm. Murfin, Joseph Worth, Thomas Folkes, Joseph Steward and others. -J Jones, John, of Meirion, Philadelphia Co., Penna. (son of Edward), and Mary Dough ty, of Crosswicks, N. J., dau. of Jacob, at Crosswicks. . . , 12tb 9th mo. 1717 Witnesses— Richard, Edward, Jonathau, Edward, Ewan, EUzabeth, Mary Jones, Jacob Arney, Daniel, Sarah, Amy, Deborah, Elizabeth and Francis Doughty, Jr., Samuel Bunting, ' Preserve Brown, Daniel Smith, Matthew Watson and others. Jones, John, Jr., of PhUadelphia, Pa., and Mary Brown, of Nottingham Township, dau. of Preserve Brown and Mary (French) at Chesterfield. 12tb Sth mo. 1756 AVitnesses -Preserve, Mary, Richard, Sarah, Sarah, Abia, WUliam Brown, Mary and Rebecca Jones, Doughty Jones, John Sykes, Joseph Stockton, Amos Middleton, Ambrose Field, William Lawrie, Timothy Abbott and others! Justice, George, of Mount Holly (sou of George and Mary), aud Phebe Middleton, of Nottingham, dau. of George and Hannah, at Chesterfield. 13th llth mo. 1777 Witnesses— Mary, Justice, Hannah, Nathan, Jacob, Abel, Elizabeth, Gideon, Rhoda, Amos and Lydia Middleton, Benjamin Linton, James Lawrie, Jobn Ab bott, Thomas Lawrie, Richard W. Furman and others. CHESTERFIELD FRIENDS' MARRIAGE RECORDS. 66 1 K Kay, Josiah, of Gloucester County, and Rebecca Davenport, of BurUngton County, at Chesterfield 14th3dmo. 1713 Witnesses— Jobn, Elizabetb, Joseph, John, Jr., Benjamin, Saraband Sarah Kay, Jr., Francis, Isaac, Martha, Abigail Davenport, Samuel Taylor, Johu Ab bott, Joseph Reckless, Isaac Decow and others. Killey, David, of Upper Freehold Township, Monmouth Co. (son of Joseph and Sarah (Tilton), and Hannah Middleton, at Chesterfield 14th 2d mo. 1771 Witnesses— Samuel KUIey, Amos, Margaret, Amos, Jr., .ibel, Jr., EUzabeth, Jr., Elizabetb, Samuel, Sarab, Patience, Hannah, Mary and Jacob Middleton, Gervas Pharo, Nathan Wright, Daniel Tilton and others. King, John, of Nottingham Township, and Elizabeth Woodward, of Freehold, Mon mouth Co., at Chesterfield 13tb 9th mo. 1706 Witnesses — Harmennis King, Mary, Joseph and Benjamin King, Anthony Woodward, Hannah Woodward, Wm. Wood, Joseph Steward, Ambrose Field, Jobn Black, Thomas Folkes, Richard French, John Bunting and others. KiBBY, Empson, of Upper Freehold, Monmoutb Co., and Aun Allen, of the same place, at Upper Freehold Meeting, llth 1st mo. 1781 Witnesses — Benjamin, Rachel Kirby, Miriam, Elizabeth and William Allen, John Bullock, Nathan Wrigbt, John Lawrie, Joseph BuUock, Abner Wright, William Lawrie and others. KiBKBEiDE, Jobn, of Bucks county, Penna. (son of Joseph and Mary), and Hannah Sykes, of Chesterfield Township, dau. of John and Joanna, at Springfield. 16th 1st mo. 1730-31 Witnesses — Mary, Joseph, Jr., Sarah, Jr., Robert Mahlon, Mary, Jr., Thomas Kirkbride, John, Joanna, Samuel and Mary Sykes, Jobn and Sarah Hutchinson, Richard French, John Black, Isaac Horner, Michael Newbold, Joseph Reckless and others. KiEKEEiDE, Jonathan, of Lower Makefield Township, Bucks county, Penna. (son of Mahlon), and Elizabetb Curtis, of Burlington county, dau. of Joseph, at Bor dentown IStb llth mo. 1767 Witnesses— Mahlon Stacy, Frances, Mahlon, Jr., Sarah, Mary and Joseph- Kirkbride, Ann and Joseph Curtis, Marmaduke Watson, Isaac Horner, John Chapman and others. KoiTS, Conrad, of Trenton, and Margaret Plaskett, of the same place, daughter of William, at Trenton 27th 7th mo. 1757 Witnesses— Margaret 'and Mary Plaskett, Michael and Ann Hutchinson, William Morris, Wm. Pidgeon, Preserve Bro'wn and others. L Lambebt, Thomas, of Nottingham Township, and Anne AVood, of Chesterfield Town ship, dau. of WUliam, at Chesterfield 31st llth mo. 1710 Witnesses— John and Ruth Lambert, William, John and WilUam Wood, Jr., Peter Frettwell, Joseph Kirkbride, William Biddle, Joseph Reckless, John Biles, Thonias Hooten and others. 662 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Large, Jacob, of Monmouth county, and Elizabeth Field, of BurUngton couuty, at Chesterfield llth 4tb mo. 1719 Witnesses— Elizabeth, Samuel and Rebecca Large, Robert, Benjamin and Susannah Field, John Bunting, John Abbott, Richard French, Isaac Horner. WiUiam Murfin, Joseph Reckless, Nathan Allen, Isaac Pennington and others. Laege, Ebenezer, Jr. , of Chesterfield Township, and Anne Field, of tbe same place, dau. of Nathaniel and Patience, at Chesterfield 14th Sth mo. 1742 Witnesses— Joseph Large, Jr., Steven, Benjamin, Margaret, Charity B., Jo seph, Susanna, Elizabeth, Elizabetb and Miriam Field, John Bunting, Mat- > thew AVatson, Patience Betts, Thomas Betts. Large, Samuel, Jr., of Hunterdon county (son of Samuel and Eebecca), and Mary Murfin of Nottingham, dau. of William and Sarah, at Chesterfield. 24th 3d mo. 1744 Witnesses — Samuel, John, Ebenezer, Jacob and Jane Large, Sarah, Robert, WUliam, Mary and Amarylis Murfin, Jobn Sykes, Timothy Abbott, , Joseph Reckless, John Emley, John Bunting and others. Lawrence, Joseph, of Monmouth county, and Rachel Curtis, of Burlington county, at Chesterfield IStb 10th mo. 1712 Witnesses — Elisha, James, Hannah and Elizabeth Lawrence, Thomas Folkes, Sr., Jobn Bunting, William Wood, Ricbard Harrison, Samuel Taylor, Joseph Reckless, Joseph Steward and others. Lats'rence, Thomas, of Bordentown, and Hannah Bunting, of the same place. " Sth 10th mo. 1788 Witnesses — Samuel Lawrence, Timothy, Elizabetb, Ezra, Elizabeth, Lydia and Sarah Bunting, Isaac Homer, Jr., John Taylor, Frettwell Wright, William Abbott and others. Laweie, James, of Upper Freehold Township, Monmoutb county, aud Mary Borden, of Nottingham Township, at Chesterfield, 15th llth mo. 1759 Witnesses— WUliam, Mary, Mary, Jr;, Jacob, Haunah and John Lawrie, Francis aud Mary Borden, Johu Lawrence, Benjamin Field, George and George Middleton, Jr., and others. Laweie, Thomas, of Upper Freehold Township, Monmouth county, and Ann Murfin, of Nottingham, at Chesterfield. 19th Oth mo. 1760 Witnesses— AViUiam, Mary, John, James, Joseph, Mary, Hannah and Jacob Lawrie, William, Mary and John Murfin, Benjamin Field, William Bunting and others. LiGHiEOOT, Thomas, of Pikeland Township, Chester Co., Penna. (sou of Samuel and Mary, decfl), and Rachel Hunt, of AVindsor Township, Middlesex Co., dau of Elijah and Esther, deed, at Stony Brook. 5th 1st mo. 1785 Witnesses— Joseph Field, Charles and Enoch Clarke, James Lawrie, Samuel Worth, Samuel Olden, Peter Gordon, Joseph Horner and others. Linton, Benjamin, of Bucks county, Penna., and Jane CowgUl, of Chesterfield, dau. of Ralph, at Chesterfield 19th 2d mo. 1733 Witnesses— Joseph and Mary Linton, Ralph, Nehemiah, Isaac, Jacob and CHESTERFIELD FRIENDS' MARRIAGE RECORDS. 663 Rachel CowgiU, Wm. Murfin, Preserve Brown, AVUliam Chapman, Joseph Reckless, Joseph Pancoast, Isaac Bolton and others. Linton, Benjamin, of Lower Makefield, Bucks Co. , Penna. (son of Benjamin), and Hannah Satterthwait, of Chesterfield Township, dau. of Samuel, at Mansfield. 21st llth mo. 1764 Witnesses— Martha, Jane and Jonathan Linton, Samuel, Samuel, Jr., EUza beth, Mary Satterthwait, John Antrum, Samuel Black, John Newbold, John Abbott, Jr., and others. LoED, James, of Gloucester county, aud Elizabeth Clark, of Somerset county, dau. of Benjamin and Anne, at the house of Joseph Worth 24th 1st mo. 1714-15 Witnesses— Joshua and Alice Lord, Beujamin, Anne, James, Benjamin, Jr., Sarah, Marj', Esther, Joseph, Matthew Clark, Joseph Worth, Samuel Bunt ing, Wm. Murfin and others. Lucas, Edward, of Bucks county, Penna., and Bridget Scott of the Province of West Jersey, at the house of Thomas Lambert 3d 7th mo. 1700 Witnesses — Elizabeth, GUes and Robert Lucas, Johu and Martin Scott, ' Mahlon Stacy, Wm. Biles, Thos. Folkes, Matthew Watson, Johu Abbott, Phin eas Pemberton and others. M Maesh, Samuel, of Woodbridge Township, Middlesex county, and Ann Middleton, of Nottingham Township, at Chesterfield.. . , Oth 10th mo. 1786 Witnesses —Mary Marsh, Thomas, Mercy, Samuel, Anne, Patience, Lydia, Miriam, Elizabeth, James, Nathan, Lydia, Jr., Middleton, Joseph M. Lawrie, Benjamin HoUoway, James HoUoway, Thomas Lawrie and others. Middleton, Thomas, of Nottingham Township, and Patience TUton, of Middletown, Monmoutb county, at Shrewsbury 15th llth mo. 1736 Witnesses — Naomi, Jonathan, John Middleton, Samuel, Patience, Sarab, Abraham, Daniel, Samuel, Jr., Robert, John and Hannah Tilton, Isaac Hance, Thomas Woolley and others. Middleton, Jonathan, of Nottingham (son of John and Esther), and Meribah Barton, of Mansfield, dau. of Edward and Sarah, deed, at Chesterfield. 16th 2d mo. 1742 AVitnesses— Esther, Thomas, John, Abel, Amos, Sarah, Patience and George Middleton, Margaret David, Mary and Aaron Barton, Joseph Steward, Isaac Horner and Joseph Reckless and others. Middleton, George, of Nottingham (son of John, deca, and Esther), and Hannah Fowler, of Chesterfield, dau, of Jobn, dec'd, and Elizabeth Reckless, at Ches terfield 29th lOtb mo. 1743 Witnesses— Esther, Thomas, John, Abel and Amos Middleton, Elizabetb Reckless, Joseph and Joseph Reckless, Jr., Elizabeth and Joseph Fowler, Marmaduke Watson, John Bunting, Josiah Steward and others. Middleton, Abel, of Nottingham Township, and Mary Hewes, f Stony Brook at . ISth '12th mo. 1764 664 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Witnesses— Esther, Amos Middleton, Providence, Josiah, Daniel, Aaron and Mary Hewes, Joseph Steward, Richard Stockton, Giles AVorth, James Leonard and others. Middleton, Nathan, of Nottingham Township (son of George and Hannah), and Lydia Allen, of Burlington Co., dau. of Samuel and Mary, at Chesterfield. 14th Sth mo. 1767 Witnesses— George, Hannah, Elizabetb, Samuel, Esther, Amos, Thomas, Abel, Patience and Mary Middleton, Samuel, Mary, Gabriel, William, Sarah, Ralph and Ann Allen, WiUiam Lawrie, Nathan AVright and others. Middleton, Jacob, of Nottingham Township, and Hannah Tiltou. of Chesterfield Township, at Chesterfield 1st 2d mo. 1779 AVitnesses — Hannah, Nathan, Lydia, Jr., and George Middleton, James Taylor, Nathan Robbins, William Abbott, Anthony Woodward, James Lawrie, Joseph Bullock and others. Middleton, Thomas, of Nottingham Township, and Mary Forsyth, of Hanover, at Chesterfield 14th 12tb mo. 1780 Witnesses — Amos, Lydia, Hannah, Mary, Ann, Jr., Samuel Middleton, Alice, Joseph and Rebeckah Forsyth, Emanuel Davenport, Nathan Tilton, Benjamin Linton, John Lawrie, Joseph Bullock and others. Middleton, Joseph, of Chesterfield Township (son of Nathan and Lydia), and Avis HoUoway, of the same place, dau. of James, deed, and Rebecca, at Chester field 17th4tbmo. 1794 Witnesses — Nathan, Lydia, Hannah, Gabriel, Samuel, George, Hannah, George and Thomas Middleton, Rebekah, Miriam and James HoUoway, Sam uel Abbott, Joseph M. Lawrie, Isaac Thorn, Michael Taylor and others. MooEE, Thomas, of Bordentown (son of Mary Wright), and Lydia Taylor, dau. of Jobn and Hannah, at Bordentown 4th 6th mo. 1783 AVitnesses — Mary AVright, Jobn, Haunah, Anthony P., Amos, Samuel, Abi gail, Anna, Charles Taylor, Fretwell Wright, Marmaduke AVatson, Burgess Allison, John Edwards and others. MuEPiN, AVUliam, of Nottingham, and Sarah Bunting, of Chesterfield, at Chesterfield. Stb June. 1704 AVitnesses— Johanna and John Murfin, Jobn, Sarah, Samuel and John Bunting, Jr., Daniel Smitb, Thomas Folkes, Anthony AVoodward, Thomas Ridgway, John Bacon, Jos. Reckless aud others. N Newbold, Thomas, of Mansfield Township (son of WiUiam and Susannah), and Mary Taylor, of Chesterfield Township, dau. of Anthony and Ann, at 19th 2d mo, 1789 Witnesses- William Clayton, Barzillai, Euphemia, Edith, Caleb, Samuel, WilUam, Jr., Sarah. Jr., Susannah, Jr., Elizabeth, Mary, Charles, John, WU Uam, Samuel and Thomas Newbold, Ann, Sarab, Michael, Anthony, Ann, Jr., Robert aud Thomas Taylor and others. CHESTERFIELD FRIENDS' MARRIAGE RECORDS. 665 o Ogborn, Jobn, of Burlington couuty, and Sarab Shreve, dau. of Caleb, at Chester field ' 19th 1st mo. 17-23-24 Witnesses — Elizabetb, Hannah and Mary Ogborn, Caleb, Joshua, Joseph and Benjamin Shreeve, Isaac Gibbs, Samuel Banting, Richard French, John Abbott, Marmaduke AVatson and others. Page, Edward, of North Wales, Peuna., and Rebecca Vanbagen, ot Nottingham Township, at Chesterfield '. 19th 3d mo. 1726 AVitnesses- John, AViiliam, Elizabeth, Joanna, Mary and Margaret Page, John Warreu. John Abbott, Richard French, Jobn Sykes, William Murfin, Jo seph Reckless and others. Pancoast, Willip.m, of Mansfield Township, and Meribah Allen, of Nottingham Town ship, at Chesterfield 12th 6th mo. 1760 Witnesses — Hanuah and Caleb Pancoast, Samuel and Mary Allen, John Sykes, Joseph Borden, Thomas Folks, Abel Field, Benjamin Middleton and others. Pancoast, James, of Mansfield Township (sou of Samuel and Sarah), and Sarah AVrightj of Bordentown, dau. of Israel, deed, and Alice (now Alice Merritt), at Bordentown '. .13th 12th mo. 1797 Witnesses— Samuel, -Hannah, Joseph, Sarah, Abigail aud John Pancoast, Jr., Alice and Samuel Merritt, Daniel Arney, John Abbott, Cleayton Newbold, William AUinson and others. Pancoast, John, of Chesterfield Township (son ot Joseph and Sarab), aud Ann Abbott, of Nottingham, dau. of Samuel and Lucy, at Trenton 3d 1st mo. 1798 Witnesses-Joseph, Sarah, Hannah, AbigaU, Sarah, Jr., William, George, James and Sarah Pancoast, Samuel, Lucy, A\'Uliam, George L., John, Susan- nab, Anu, Jr., Helena, Joseph, Timothy, Jr., Timothy Abbott Mahlon Kirk bride, Joseph M. Lawrie and others. Paxton, James, of Buckingham, Penna,, and Mary Horseman, of Monmouth county, dau. cf Marmaduke, at Chesterfield 28tb 3d mo. 1724 Witnesses- Thomas, Elizabeth and WiUiam Paxton, Marmaduke, Sarah and Sarah Horseman, Jr., Jobn Wood Richard French, Joseph Reckless, Richard Harrison, John Abbott, Jobn Sykes, Thos. Folkes, Jr., and others. Plumbsted, Clement, of Philadelphia, Penna., and Sarah Righton, dau. of WiUiam and Sarab Biddle, of Mount Hope, Burlington Co., al the house of Wm. Biddle. 3d 1st mo. 1703 Witnesses-AVUliam, Sarah, William, Jr., Lvdia and Thomas Biddle, Joseph Kirkbride, Samuel Jennings, Wm. Penn,, Jr, and others. Potts Thomas, Jr., of Mansfield Township, and Sarah Beakes, of Chester Township, at Meeting House in Chester Township 29th Sth mo 1730 AVituesses-Thomas, Mary, Jr., Nathaniel Potts, Samuel, Edmund, WU liam Stacy and Nathan Beakes, Thomas Janney, Mahlon Kirkbride and others. S3 666 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Potts, Stacy, of Trenton, N. J., and Esther Pancoast, of Mansfield, at Lower Spring field 13th 4th mo. 17S8 Witnesses— Nathaniel, WilUam, Eichard, Ruth, Sarah, Amy Potts, Ann, John and Hannah Pancoast, Isaac Antram, Isaac Horner, Jr., Joseph Imlay, , Peter Harvey, Jacob Ridgway and others. R t Reckless, Joseph, of Chesterfield, and Margaret Sattertbwaite, of Burlington, at Bur lington Sth Oth mo. 1716 Witnesses— Anne, George, James, Dorothy, Mary, Deborah, William, Mar tha, William and Samuel Sattertbwaite, Joseph Kirkbride, Daniel Smith, Nathan Lovet and others. Reckless, Joseph, of Chesterfield, and Elizabeth Fowler, of New Hanover, at Ches terfield 2etb 12tb mo. 1740 Witnesses — Benjamin, Joseph, Haunah and Miriam Fowler, Joseph Arney, John Sykes, John Warren, Joseph Borden, Anthony Woodward, John Steward, Joseph Steward and others. Robins, Isaiah, of Burlington county (son of Benjamin, Jr. , ), and Sarah Large, of the ' same place, dau. of Samuel, at Chesterfield _ ISth 12tb mp. 1763 Witnesses — Benjamin, Joseph, Ann, Mary, Amy and Vanroom Jiobins, Mary Large, George Middleton, Isaac Field, Johu Abbott, John Lawrie and others. Robins, Nathan, of Upper Freehold Township, Monmouth Co. , and Joice Burnett, of tbe same place, at Chesterfield 13th Sth mo. 1779 Witnesses — Nathan Middleton, Jacob Middleton, John Antrum, Amos Wright, Joshua Bunting, James Lawrie and others. Rogers, Michael, Jr. , of Nottingham Township (son of Michael and Ann), and Ann Shreve, of Mansfield Township, dau. of Caleb and Grace, at Upper Spring field ...20th 3d mo. 1782 AVitnesses — Michael, Ann, Joseph, Rebeccah Rogers; Caleb, Grace, Benja min, Rebecca, Amy, Caleb, Jr. , Reuben, Ann and Ricbard Shreve, Caleb New- bold, Benjamin HoUoway, Robert Emley and others. Rogers, John Staples, of Burlington Township (son of Thomas and Ann), and Mercy Taylor, of Chesterfield Township, dau. of Samuel, at Chesterfield. 12th ioth mo. 1780 Witnesses — Thomas, Anu, Thomas, Jr., Sarah, Phebe, Joseph P., Samuel and Ann Rogers, Samuel, Amos, Ann, John, Sarab, Editb and Stacy Taylor, Benjamin Linton, William Abbott, Joseph Cooper, James Lawrie, George Dill- wyn and others. ^ RoGEES, John, of Nottingham Township (son of Isaac and Ann),' and Susannah J'or- syth, of the same place, dau. of John and Lucretia, at Chesterfield. 14th 1st mo. 1782 Witnesses— Joseph Forsyth, Stacy Decow, Joseph M. Lawrie, Thomas Law- jie, Jacob Brown, Joshua Bunting, Benjamin Linton and others. CHESTERFIELD FRIENDS' MARRIAGE RECORDS. 66j S Satterthwait, William, of Chesterfield Township, and, Martha Marriot, of the same place, at Chesterfield 17tli g^i ^^_ y^^^ Witnesses— William Satterthwait, Jr., Johu Abbott, Thos. Folkes, Sr., Johu Bunting, AVm. Wood, Samuel Taylor, Richard French, Joseph Reckless, Joseph Steward and others. Satteethwait, Samuel, of Chesterfield (son of William), and Jane Osborn, dau. of Ricbard, at Chesterfield 18th 9tb mo. 1726 Witnesses— WUliam, William, Jr., Mary and Sarab Satterthwait, Martha Osborn, John Abbott, Joseph Reckless, Richard French, John Sykes, John Bunting, Isaac Decow, Robert Murfin and other?. Satteethwait, Samuel, of Chesterfield Township, and Susannah Forsyth, of the same place, at Mansfield 22d 3d mo. 1745 Witnesses— Richard, Elizabeth, Anne and Mary Sattertbwaite, John, Mat thew, Rebecca, Mercy Forsyth, Ricbard French, John Sykes, Eber Decow, Tbom^ Tallman and others. Satteethwait, Samuel, Jr., of Chesterfield Township, and Mary Cripps, of North ampton Township, dau. of John, deed, and Mary, at Mansfield. 14tb 12th mo. 1767 Witnesses— Samuel, Susannah, William, Elizabeth, Mary and Hannah Sat tertbwaite, Samuel, Hannah and Mary Cripps, Jobn Sykes, John Newbold, Peter TaUman, Isaac Field and others. Satteethwait, Joshua W., of Chester Township (son of Richard and Elizabeth, deccJ), and Ann Middleton, of Chesterfield Township, dau. of Nathan and Lydia, at Chesterfield 17th 3d mo. 1785 Witnesses — John Satterthwait, Nathan, Lydia, Hannah, Jacob, Gideon, Mary, Joseph, Gabriel, Samuel, George, Jr., and Lydia Middleton, Benjamin Linton, Benjamin Field, Joseph M. Lawrie, Samuel Allen and others. Scholey, Thomas, Jr., of Burliugton county (son of Thomas aud Sarah), and Han nah Fowler, of Monmoutb county, dau. of John and Rose, at Chesterfield. 26th 3d mo. 1720 Witnesses— Thomas, Sarab, William and EUzabeth Scholey, John, William, Francis, John, Jr., and Jeremiah Fowler, Wm. Wood, Richard French, An thony Woodward, Jr., Joseph Reckless and others. Scholey, Samuel, of Chesterfield Township, and Avis HoUoway, of the same place, at ' Chesterfield 27th 3d mo. 1725 Witnesses— Sarab, Thomas, John, Elizabetb, Hannah Scholey, Mary, George and James HoUoway, Ricbard French, John Abbott, Jobn Bunting, John Sykes and others. Scholey, Joseph, of Nottingham Township, and Sarah Brown, of tbe same place, dau. of Preserve Brown, at Chesterfield llth llth mo. 1766 Witnesses— Preserve, Mary, Richard, Sarab, AViiliam, Abia Brown, James HoUoway, Johu Sykes, John Abbott, Timothy Abbott, John Murfin. 668 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Scholey, James, of Nottingham Township, and Mary Rogers, of Windsor Township, Middlesex county, dau. of Isaac and Ann, at Chesterfield 7th 9th mo. 1786 Witnesses— Sarah Scholey, Isaac, Aun, Rachel aud Elizabeth Kogers, James HoUoway, John Earl, Joel Taylor, Benjamin Linton, William Linton, Jr., Jo seph Decow and others. ScoiT, John, of Willingboro Township, and Haunah Lambert, of Nottingham, at tbe bouse of Thomas Lambert 7tb 3d mo. 1696 Witnesses— Martin Scott, Thomas, John, John," Jr., Sarnuel, Margaret, Mary and Rebecca Lambert, Mahlon Stacy, Samuel Jennings, Matthew AVat son, Samuel Bunting, Daniel Smith, William Emley and others. Silveb, Archibald, of Burlington county, and Mary CowgUl, of the same place, dau. of Ralph and Susannah, at Chesterfield 14th 2d mo. 1720 AVitnesses— Ralph, Susannah, Nehemiah, Abraham, Isaac and Joyce Cow gUl, Samuel Bunting, William Wood, John Bunting, Jobn Wai'ren, Joseph Reckless and others. Skibm, Abraham, of Trenton (son of Richard, deed, and Elizabetb), and Elizabetb Fowler, oJE New Hanover, dau. of Jobn, deed, and Elizatb, at Chesterfield. 24tb 3d mo. 1750 Witnesses— Elizabetb and Mary Skirm, Elizabeth Reckless, Joseph and Benjamin Fowler, Joseph Steward, Joseph Reckless, George Middleton, John Bunting, Wm. Imlay, Joseph Borden, Jr., and others. Smith, Daniel, of Burlington, and Mary Murfin, of Nottingham Township, at Francis Davenport's -house 2d 5th mo. 1695 Witnesses — Joseph, Emanuel aud Samuel Smith, .John, William, Anne and Joanna Murfin, Joshua Wright, Mahlon Stacy, John Curtis, Matthew Watson and others. Stevenson, Jobn, of Chesterfield Township, and Amelia Lawrie, of Nottingham, at Chesterfield '. 23d llth mo. 1786 > Witnesses — William, Mary, Susannah, Margaret, Samuel, Jr., William and James Stevenson, Anne, Joseph M., Mary, James, Mary, WiUiam, Mary and Elizabeth Lawrie, Satouel Bunting, Anthony Taylor, Johu Earl and others. Steward, William, of New Hanover Township (son of John aud Elizabetb), and Re becca Taylor, of Chesterfield, dau. of Samuel and Anne, at Chesterfield. 28th Oth mo. 1751 Witnesses— Susannah Steward, Robert, Samuel, Thomas, AVUliam, John, Benjamin, George, Achsah and Sarah Taylor, Abrahani Skirm, Godfrey Beck, William Cook and others. Stewaed, Thomas, of Hanover Township (son of Joseph, deed, and Bridget), and Mary Allen, of Nottingham, dau. of Samuel, deed, at Chesterfield. llth 3d mo. 1784 Witnesses— Abner, Jonathan, Susannah, Mary, Lydia and Samuel Steward, Mary, Henry, Michael, Samuel, Nathan aud Lydia Allen, James Lawrie, Ben jamin Linton and others. Stockton, Samuel, of Somerset couuty, and Amy Doughty, of Chesterfield, dau. of CHESTERFIELD FRIENDS' MARRIAGE RECORDS. 669 Jacob, at Chesterfield. 18th 4th mo. 1719 Witnesses- Jacob, Amy, Sarah and Elizabetb Doughty, Wm. Wood Rich ard French, Thomas Folkes, Preserve Brown, Johu Bunting, Wm. Montgom ery, Anthony Woodward, Joseph Reckless, John Leonard, Richard Stockton, Joseph, Robert aud Jobn Stockton. Stokes, Jacob, of Newton Township, Gloucester Co., and Hannah Haines, of Ches terfield Township, at Mansfield 2>'.th 4tb mo. 1779 AVitnesses-AbigaU Stokes, Mary, John and Josiah Haines, Joseph Haines , ' Joshua Newbold, John Reckless, Samuel AUinson, Peter Ellis, Job Harvey, Jo seph Pancoast and others. Sykes, John, of Chesterfield, and Joanna Murfin, of Nottingham, at Chesterfield. / 19th Sth mo. 1704 Witnesses— Elizabeth Sykes, William; Sarah and John Murfin, Frances Davenport, Thos. Folkes, Edward Eockhill, AVm. Wood, Isaac Horner, Joseph Reckless, Jobn Warren, Daniel Smith and others. Tantum, John, of Nottingham, and Elizabeth Bacon, of Chesterfield, dau. of and Elizabetb, at Chesterfield 25th Oth mo. 1702 Witnesses— Elizabeth Bacon, John Bacon, Thomas Folkes, Francis Daven port, Richard Prench, Isaac Horner, Samuel Taylor, William Wood and others. Tantum, Hartshorn, of Nottingham (son of Joseph and Mary), and Miriam KeUey, of Chesterfield, dau. of David and Hannah, at Chesterfield . ...lOth Oth mo. 1796 Witnesses — Mary, Joseph and Samuel Tantum, David, Hannah, Sarah, Hannah, Jr., Margaret, David, Jr., Killey, Benjamin Linton, Thomas Lawrie, Amos Middleton and others. Tantum, Joseph, of Nottingham (son of Joseph, dec'd, and Mary), and Sarah Killey, of Chesterfield, dau. of David and Hannah, at Chesterfield Sth lltb mo. 1795 Witnesses — Mary and Hartshorn Tantum, David, Hannah, Margaret Han nah, Jr., Killey, Amos Middleton, Benjamin Linton, John Wrigbt, Thomas Thorn and others. Tayloe, Samuel, and Susanna Horseman, at the house of William Black. 14th 2d mo. 1686 Witnesses — Marmaduke Horseman, Anthony Woodhouse, William Blaok, Jobn Bainbridge, John Horner, Daniel Bacon, John Hooten, Samuel Hunter and others. Tayloe, Samuel, Jr. of Chesterfield (son of Samuel), and Annie Folkes, of the same place, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth, at Chesterfield, . . . 29th 9tb mo. 1716 Witnesses — Susanna, Susanna, Jr., and Jobn Taylor, Mary Folkes, Robert Hunter, George Deacon, Isaac Davenport, Joseph Reckless, John Harrison, John Kinsey, Daniel Smith, Thomas Curtis, Wm. Murfin and others. Tayloe, John, of Chesterfield, and Lydia Wright, of the same place, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth, at Springfield 16th 12th mo. 1736 670 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Witnesses— Charles, Rachel, Jacob and Jonathan Taylor, Thomas, Eliza beth, Amos, Thomas, Jr., Deborah, Margaret, Abigail Wrigbt, John Cheshire, Richard French, Jobn Sykes, Caleb Shreve, Paul Marchant, Joseph Reckless and others. Taylor, Mahlon, of Hunterdon county (son of Bernard), and Mary Horner, of Middle sex county, dau. of Joseph, at Stony Brook. ; . . . .^ 12th llth mo. 1777 Witnesses— Bernard, Mary, Benjamin, Jr., Elizabeth and Mary Taj'lor, Jr., Joseph and Sarah Horner, Benjamin Clarke, Jonathan Kirkbride, Joseph Field, Henry Clifton and others ¦ 12tb lltb mo. 1777 Tayloe, John, Sr., ot Bordentown, aud Ann Thorn, of Burlington county, dau. of Thomas and Susannah, at Chesterfield 6th llth mo. 1800 Witnesses— Anthony, Ann, Jobn, Jr., Ann, Jr., Sarah, Michael aud Phebe Taylor, Susannah, George, Etoch, William, Thomas, Susannah, Isaac an4 De- odemia Thorn, Amos Middleton, Joseph Bullock, Michael Taylor, Robert Field and others. Thobn, Isaac, of Chesterfield (son of Jobn), and Mary Schooley, of Nottingham, dau. of Joseph, dec'd, at Chesterfield 12th 10th mo. 1780 Witnesses— John, Deodemia, Daniel, John, Joseph and Ann Thorn, Sarab and James Scholey, Joseph Jil. Lawrie, Amos Middleton, George Dilwyn, James Lawrie and others. Tilton, William, of Middletown, Monmoutb county, and Esther Middleton, of Not tingham, at Chesterfield .'1st 3d mo. 1770 Witnesses— Nathan, Increase, Daniel and Sarah Tilton, Thomas, Patience, ' Amos, Elizabeth, Margaret and Hannah Middleton, Joseph Borden, David Killey, Peter Ellis, Clayton Newbold, John Gardner and others. Tilton, Jediah, of Nottingham, and Hannah Allen, of the same place, at Chesterfield. 9tb llth mo. 1775 Witnesses- — Dauiel Tilton, Samuel, Mary, Patience, Mary, Jr., Gabriel, Michael, Henry, AViiliam, Samuel, Jr., and Nathan Allen, James Taylor, An thony Woodward, Benjamin Linton, William Abbott, John Abbott, Caleb Og born and others. V Vanderbeok, Benjamin, of Nottingham, aud Rachel Curtis, of Chesterfield, at Borden- ' town 8th llth mo. 1786 AVitnesses— Ann, Sarah, Peter, WiUiam, Peter Vanderbeok, Patience, John and Sarab Curtis, Timothy Hance, Israel Kirby, WilUam Cook, Fretwell Wright, Isaac Horner, 'Thomas Paine,! Marmaduke Watson and others. W AValling, Thomas, of Chesterfield, and Anna Lippincott, of the same place, at Ches terfield 4th 12th mo. 1783 1 Tom Paine resided lor some time in Bordentown. If it seems strange tbat he should be a guest at a Quaker wedding, it should be remembered that this was flve or six years betore the publication ol his "Rights of Man,'- and seven years betore the appearance of bis "Ageol Reason." CHESTERFIELD FRIENDS' MARRIAGE RECORDS. 67 1 Witnesses — Joseph Walling, James AVooUey, Amos Wright, Benjamin Lin ton, Amos Middleton, James Lawrie, Joseph M. Lawrie, A\'illiarn Abbott Jo seph Forsyth and others. Wardell, Joseph, Jr., of Shrewsbury, Monmoutb county (son of Joseph), and Hannah Bunting, of Chesterfield, dau. of Jobn, at Cbesterfiel^ . . .26th llth mo. 1761 AVitnesses — Elizabeth, Meribah, Margaret and William Wardell, Samuel, Margaret, Joshua, Aaron and Alice Bunting, Benjamin Sykes, Abel Middle- ton, Jobn Howard, William Parker and others. Waee, Jobn, Jr., of Burlington couuty, aud Catharine Titus, of the same place, at Upper Springfield 16th 6th mo. 1779 AVitnesses— John, Andrew, Editb, Ada, Saraband Mary Ware, Robert Em ley, Cleayton Newbold, Samuel Hpugh, Joseph Newbold, Michael Earl, An- 'tbony Sykes, Anthony- Taylor, Samuel Gauntt aud others. Waeeen, Jobn, of Oniconnickon, Burlington county, and Joan SykesJ of the sane place, widow of Samuel Sykes 9th llth mo. 1689 AVitnesses — George Hutchinson, John Tomliuson, Percival Towle, AViUiam Wood, Thomas Scholey, Joseph Hutchinson, William I'arker, Matthew Cham pion, Joseph Burgin, William Satterthwait and John Curtis and others. Wetheril, Thomas, Jr, , of Burlington (son of Thomas and Anne), and Katharine Sykes, of Chesterfield, dau. of John and Joanna, at Chesterfield. 16tb 3d mo. 1744 WUnesses— Thomas, Anne, Christopher and Mary Wetheril, John, Joanna, Samuel, Elizabeth, Anthony, Benjamin and Joanna Sykes. Jr., Richard French,. Joshua Shreve, John Black, Joseph Reckless, Joseph Woodwai-d, John Kirkbride, Joseph AUinson and others. , Wheatley, Caleb, of Nottingham, and Sarah Scholey, of the same place, at Chester- £glj 10th lOtb mo. 1696 Witnesses— AViiliam, Robert, Mary and Sarah Scholey, Francis Davenport, Matthew Watson, John Bunting, Thomas Folkes, John Murfin, Joseph Smith and others. Williams, George, of Shrewsbury, Monmoutb county, and Mary Ellis, widow, of Not tingham, dau. of John and Anne Abbott, at Chesterfield. . 12th 9tb mo. 1730 Witnesses— John, Judah and Katharine WUliams, John, Aune, Eachel, Eliz abeth, John, Jr., Abbott, Isaac Horner, WiUiam Murfin, Jobn Cheshire, Wm. Satterthwait Joseph Reckless, Matthew Watson, Joseph Biirr, Anthony Wood ward and others. Williams, George, Jr., of Shrewsbury, Monmouth county (son of George), and,Eliz- abetb Abbott, of Nottingham, dau. of John and Anne, at Chesterfield. 18th 3d mo. 1738 Witnesses— Mary and John WiUiams, John, Anne, Timothy, Rachel, Sarah, Jobn, Jr., and Samuel Abbott, Wm. Murfin, Joseph Reckless, Joseph KUley, Matthew Watson, Joseph Burr, Benj. Talman and others. Williams, Hezekiah, of Shrewsbury, Monmouth county (son of George), and Sarah Abbott, of Nottingham, dau. of John and Anne, at Chesterfield. 22d 3d mo. 1740 672 NEW JERSEY CO,LONIAL DOCUMENTS. AVitnesses— George, Jr., Williams, Rachel and Samuel Abbott, Arithony Woodward, Marmaduke AVatson, Joseph Killey, Joseph Burr, Joseph Curtis, Wm. Murfin, Joseph Borden, Jr. , Isaac Arey aud others. Williams, Joseph, of Hanover, and Sarab AVoodward, of Cnesterfield, at . 6th 4th mo. 1786 AVitnesses -Elizabeth ahd John Williams, Elizabetb, Increase, Mary, Jo seph, Phebe, Susannah, Abner, Jethro, Josiah, Benjamin, Valeriah, George and Margaret Woodward, Amos Wright, Wm. Lawrie, Joseph Holmes, An thony Reckless, Benjamin Suitor and others. Willets, Richard, of Monmoutb county, and Sarah Overton, of Burlington county, dau. of Samuel, deed; and Hannah, at Chesterfield 28th 7th mo. 1732 Witnesses— Richard, Jr., aud Mary WiUets, Hannah and Joseph Overton, Richard French, Isaac Horner, AVm. Muifiu, Joseph Reckless, George Snow, Parnel Clayton and others. WiLLiiTS, Joseph, Jr., of Chesterfield, and Mary HoUoway, of the same place, at Cross wicks 26tb Stb mo. 1768 Witnesses— Joseph Willits, Rebecca, Benjamin, John, Margaret, George, Ruth, Samuel, Anu, Rebecca, Isaac, Waigaret Avis and Asa HoUoway, Thomas Harrison, Joseph Reckless, WUliam Lawrie, Joseph Newbold, Apollo Wood ward, Samuel Taylor, Jos, Bullock and others, Wilson, Isaac, of Philadelphia, Penna.. and Phebe Middleton, of Nottingham, at Chesterfield 10th 10th mo. 1793 Witnesses — Samuel, Anne, Thomas, Mercy, Dinah, Amos, Lydia, David, Elizabeth, Asa, Nathan, George, AViUiam, Patience, Hannah, Jacob, Increase, Rebecca, Sarah, TbomaS, fhomas, John, Elizabeth, Joseph, Miriam and Gid eon Middleton, Thos. M. Potter, Josepb M. Lawrie, Aaron Ivins, Benjamin Linton and others. WisTAE, Jobn, of Upper Alloways Creek, Salem county (sou of Ricbard and Sarab deed), and Charlotte Newbold, of Mansfield, dau. of Clayton and Mary, at . 17ih 10th mo. 1781 Witnesses — Mary B.; Ricbard, Caspar, Jr., Thonias, Elizabetb, Sarab Wistar, Cleayton, Mary, Joseph, Polly, Lydia, Edith, Edith, Jr., Nancy, Peggy, William, Hannah and Martha, Sarah, William, Jr., Elizabeth, Charles, Barzillai, Samuel, Rachel, Suky, Rebecca, Caleb, Thomas and Caleb Newbold, Thomas Earl, Joseph Wood, Anthony Taylor and others. AVoLiNG, Thomas, of Chesterfield, and Elizabeth Bevis, of the same place, at Chester field 10th 7th mo. 1760 Witnesses- Issacher and Demnon Bevis, Jobn Sykes, Samuel Satterthwait, George Middleton, Benjamin Taylor, James HoUoway and others. AVooDWAED. Anthony, late of Long Island, now of West New Jersey, and Hannah Folkes, dau. of Thomas 14tb 12th mo. 1686 AVitnesses — Thomas, Thomas, Jr., Folkes, Samuel Bunting, John Bunting, AVm. Wood, "-^ illiam Biddle, John Curtis, Joseph Hutchinson aud others. AVooLLiiY. Jam(s, of Chesterfield, and Abigail Middleton, of Nottingham, at Chester field l3thl2tbmo. 1770 y y y vy CHESTERFIELD FRIENDS' MARRIAGE RECORDS. 673 Witn essp-^ Stephen WooUey', Thomas, Patience, Hannah, George, Dinah, Samuel, Gideon, David, Elizabetb, Amds, Hannah, Sarah, Hannah and Jacob Middleton, Joseph Borden, Benjamin Field, Samuel Abbott, Peter Ellis and , others. Woolley, James, of Nottingham, and Huldah Skirm, of the same place, at the house of Abram Skirm IStb 12th mo. 1 776 Witnesses— Samuel and Rutb Woolley, Abram, Elizabeth and Tacey Skirn, Isaiah Robbins, Joseph Scboley, BarziUai Furman, David Middleton, James Coolman, Job Scott and others. WoETH, Giles, of Stony Brook, Middlesex county (son of Joseph and Sarab), and Elizabeth Tantum, of Nottingham, dau. of John and Elizabeth, at Chesterfield. 22d Sth mo. 1724 AVitnesses— Josepb, Joseph, Jr., Sarah, Jr., Providence and Anne AVorth, Jobn and Elizabeth Tautum, Joseph Chapnaan, Benjamin Clark, Daniel Bacon, Joseph Burleigh, Isaac Homer, William Murfin, Jobn Cheshire and others. Weight, Samuel, of Nottingham, and Jane Allen, of Bensalem, Bucks Co. , Penna. , dau. of WiUiam, at Bristol 15th lUh mo. 1768 Witnesses— Ann, Sarah, Ann, Jr., Wright, William, Mary, Joseplp, Samuel, ' Mary, Jr., Sarah, Abigail, Margaret William, Jr., Elizabeth, Sarah, Samuel Allen, Phineas feuckley, Joseph Baldwin, Ebenezer Large, James Thornton, John Church, Josepb Rodman and others. , Weight, Abner, of New Hanover (son of Amos and Ann, deed), and Sarah Hamson, of the same place, dau. of Thomas,, deed, and Sarab, at Upper Freehold. 19th 12th mo. 1776 Witnesses— Amos, Nathan, Samuel, DaVid, Thomas, Mary, Sarah and Sarah Wright, Jr., Josepb, Ann and Thomas Harrison, Jr., John Bullock, Rob ert Kirby, Michael Rogers, Joseph Fowler, John Ellis, Alexander Howard, Aaron Bunting, Amos Bullock and others. Weight, Ebenezer, of Hanover, and Elizabetb Steward, of tbe same place, at Upper Freehold J ' Sth 6th mo. 1780 Witnesses— Fretwell, Mary, EUis, Eebekah, Nathan, Mahlon, Mary, Sam uel, Joel and Robert Wright, Josepb, Aon, Abner, Mary, Jonathan, Susannah, Thoma=, Aaron, Hannah, Elizabeth, Lydia, Aaron, Hannah, Lydia, Elizabeth , Steward, Josepb Bullock, Jobn Stevenson, Alexander Howard, Amos Middle- ton and others. Weight, Robert, of Hanover (son of David and Sarah), and Ann Harrison, dau. of Thomas and Sarah, of Hanover, at Upper Freehold 13tb 2d mo. 1783 Witnesses— David, Elizabeth, David, Jr., Abner, Sarah, Nathan, Elizabeth, Ebenezer and Elizabeth Wright, Tacey Harrison, John BuUock Benjamin HoUoway, Richard Waler, Caleb Ivins, William Cook, Joseph Rogers and others. Weight Isaac, Jr., of Chesterfield, and Mary Amey, of the same place, at Borden- 9th 3d mo. 1796 town AVitnesses- John, Hannah, Mary, Jr., Hannah, Jr., Josepb, Henry, Israel, 54 674 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Sarah, Jr., ¦ Mary AVright, Margaret, Daniel, Joseph, Elizabetb Arney, Nathan Middlet'on, WiUiam Satterthwait, Benjamin Linton, Marmaduke Watson, Isaac Ivins, John Taylor and others. Y Yardley, Joseph, of Philadelphia, Penna. (son of WUliam and S.arah, both deed, late of Lower Makefield, Bucks Co., Penna.), and Sarah Field, of Chesterfield, dau." of Isaac and Mary, at Sth llth mo. 1798 AVitnesses — FEMALES. A Abbot, Jaue, to Joseph Burr 16th 12tb mo. 1726 Abbott, Ann, to John Pancoast ' 3d 1st mo. 1798 Abbott, Elizabeth, to George AVilliams, Jr 18tb 3d mc. 1738 ^ Abbott, Mary, to Benjamin Ellis 24tb 9tb mo. 1720 Abbott, Sarah, to Hezekiah Williams 22d 3d mo. 1740 AUen, Ann, to Empson Kirby ,lltb 1st mo. 1781 Allen, Hannah, to Jediah Tilton 9th lltb mo. 1775 AUen, Jane, to Samuel Wright '. 16th llth mo. 1768 Allen, Lydia, to Nathan Middleton 14tb Sth mo. 1767 AUen, Mary, to Thomas Steward llth 3d mo. 1784 Allen, Meribah, to AA'illiam Pancoast 1 2th 6th mo. 1760 Arney, Mary, to Isaac Wright, Jr Oth 3d mo. 17Q6 Ashton, Mary, to John Combs, Jr 4tb llth mo. 1795 B Bacon, Elizabeth, to John Tantum 25th 9tb mo. 1702 Barton, Meribah, to Jonathan Middleton 15th 2d mo. 1742 Beakes, Sarah, to Thomas Potts, Jr 29th Sth mo. 1730 Bevis, Elizabetb, to Thomas Woling 10th 7th mo. 1760 Borden, Margaret, to Samuel Allen Oth 4tb mo. 1785 Borden, Mary, to James Lawrie '. 16th llth mo. 1759 Brown, Mary, to John Jones, Jr 12tb Stb mo. 1756 Brown, Sarah, to Josepb Scboley , , llth lltb mo. 1756 Buckman, Ruth, to Richard Harrison 4tb 3d mo. 1687 Bullock, Susannah, to John Abbott ^ 17th 9tb mo. 1778 Bunting, Anne, to Cornelius Clauson 21st 9th mo. 1728 Bunting, Hannah, to Joseph WardeU, Jr 26tb lltb mo. 1761 Bunting, Haunah, to Thomas Lawrence Sth lOth mo. 1788 Bunting, Phebe, to Abraham Farrington 1st Stb mq. 1,725 Bunting, Sarah, to Thomas Hunloke 21st 4tb mo. 1'711 Bunting, Sarah, to William Murfin ., Sth June. 1704 Burnett, Joice, to Nathan Robius 13th Stb mo. 1 779 Burtice, Ann, to William Barber 7tb lOtb mo. 1784 CHESTERFIELD FRIENDS' MARRIAGE RECORDS. 675 c Clark, Anne, to John Cooper 1 Stb 1st mo. 1712-13 Clark, EUza*betb, to James Lord 24th 1st mo. 17'l4-15 Clarke, -Sarah, to Richard Hallet 4tb Stb mo. 1791 CowgUl, Jane, to Benjamin Linton 19th 2d mo. 1733 CowgUl, Mary, to Archibald SUver 14th 2d mo. 1720 CowgUl, Rebecca, to Richard Gibbs 17th 1st mo. 1726 Craft, Charity, ^to Benjamin Combs 12th 12th mo. 1798 Cripps, Mary, to Samuel Satterthwait, Jr , 14th 12th mo. 1767 Curtis, Ehzabeth, to Jonathan Kirkbride 18th llth mo. 1767 Curtis, Elizabeth, to Thomas Folkes 2lBt 12th mo. 1688 Curtis, Rachel, to Benjamin Vanderbeok '. Sth llth mo. 1786 Curtis, Rachel, to Joseph Lawrence IStb lOtb mo. 1712 D Davenport, Aune, to Isaac DeCow 24th 2d mo. 1705 Davenport, Rebecca, to Josiah Kay 14th 3d mo. 1713 Deoou, Rebecca, to Fraucis Davenport 12th Sth mo. 1692 Decow, Susanna, to Ambrose Field 24tb 2d mo. 1705 Doughty, Amy, to Samuel Stockton 18th 4th mo. 1719 Doughty, Mary, to Jobn Jones 12th 9tb mo. 1717 E Ellis, Elizabetb, to Thomas Curtis 21st 9th mo. 1694 Ellis, Mary, to George WiUiams 12th Oth mo. 1730 F Field, Anne, to Ebenezer Large, .Jr '. 14tb Sth mo, ^ 1742 Field, Elizabeth, to Jacob Large llth 14th mo. 1719 Field, Elizabetb, to John Hartshorn, Jr Sth 6th mo. 1799 Field, Sarah, to Joseph Yardley Sth lltb mo. 1798 Folkes, Annie, to Samuel Taylor, Jr 29th 9th mo. 1716 Folkes, Hannah, to Anthony Woodward 14th 12th mo. 1686 Folkes, Mary, to Samuel Bunting '\ . . IStb 9th mo. 1684 Forsyth, Elizabeth, to Joseph Hendrickson lOtb 3d mo. 1796 Forsyth, Mary, to Thomas Middleton 14th 12tb mo. 1709 Forsyth, Rebekah, to Martin Gibbs 17tb 10th mo. ' 1781 1 Forsyth, Susannah, to Samuel Satterthwait 22d 3d mo. 1745 Forsyth, Susannah, to Jobn Rogers 14th 1st mo. 17g2 Forsyth, Sarab, to James Cruea 23d 3d mo. 1734 Fowler, Elizabetb, to Josepb Reckless 26th 12th mo. 1740 Fowler, Elizabetb, to Abraham Skirm 24th 3d mo. 1750 Fowler, EUzabeth, to John Ellis 17tb 10th mo. 1770 Fowler, Hannah, to Thomas Scholey, Jr . , 29th 3d mo. 1720 Fowler, Hannah, to George Middleton 29tb 10th mo. 1743 Fjencb, Mary, to Preserve Brown, Jr 15tb Sth mo. 1724 6^6 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. H Haines, Hannah, to Jacob Stokes 28tb 4th mo. Hamson, Sarah,- to Abner Wright 19th 12th mo. Harrison, Ann, to Robert Wrigbt 13th 2d mo. Hewes, Mary, to Abel Middleton ' 18th 12tb mo. HoUoway, Avis, to Samuel Scholey 27th 3d 'mo. HoUoway, Avis, to Joseph Middleton 17th 4th mo. HoUoway, Mary, to Joseph WiUitts, Jr 26tb Sth mo. HoUoway, Rebecca, to AVUliam Abbott llth 1st mo. Horner, Mary, to Mahlon Taylor 13th llth mo. Horseman, AbigaU, to AViUiam Bunting lltb Stb mo. Horseman, Mary, to James Paxton 2Sth 3d mo. Horseman, Susanna, to Samuel Taylor , 14th 2d rao. Howard, Damaris, to Samuel Famsworth 19tb llth mo. Huddleston, Katharine, to Josepb Collings Sth 7th mo. Hunt, Jlachel, to Thonias Lightfoot 1 Sth 1st mo. K Kelley, Miriam, to Hartshorn Tahtum 10th 9th mo. Killey, Sarah, to Joseph Tantum Sth llth mo. King Mary, to Richard French 13tb lltb mo. L Lambert, Hannah, to John Scott 7th 3d mo. Large, Mary, to Joshua Bunting 17.tb lltb mo. Large, Sarah, to Isaiah Robins 15th 12tb mo. Lawrie, Amelia, to John Stevenson 23d llth mo. Lawrie, Haunah, to Benjamin Clark 13tb 12th mo. Liwrie, Helena, to WUliam Abbott 13th 3d mo. Lawrie, Lydia, to Jpseph Bullock, Jr 16th 3d mo. Lawrie, Mary, to Isaac Clark 19th llth mo. Lawrie, Mary, to Samuel DeCow Stb 12tb mo, Lippincott, Anna, to Thomas AValling 4tb 12th mo. M Manleverer, Anne, to John Abbott 26tb 3d mo. Marriot, Martha, to William Satterthwait 17th 3d mo. Middleton, Abigail, to James Woolley 13th 12tb mo. Middleton, Ann, to Joshua AV. Satterthwait 17th 3d mo Middleton, Ann, to Samuel Marsh 6tb 10th mo. Middleton, Deborah, to Samuel Bunting 8th Sth mo. Middleton, Elizabetb, to Barzillai Furman 14tb Oth mo. Middleton, Esther, to William Tilton 1st 3d mo. Middleton, Hannah, to David Killey 14tb 2d mo. Middleton, Hannah, to Richard AV. Furman 21st 1st mo. Middleton, Margaret to Joseph Forsyth 9th 4tb mo. 17791776 1783175417251794176817871777171617241686170916981785 179517951701 1695 17851763 17861764 1783 178017671796,1783 169617111770 ' 17861785 1800 17'7S 177017711773 1772 CHESTERFIELD FRIENDS' MARRIAGE RECORDS. 677 Middleton, Meribah, to Josepb Fowler 27th Sth mo. 1748 Middleton, Miriam, to Peter EUis 18th 4th mo. 1771 Middleton, Phebe, to George Justice 13th lltb mo. 1777 Middleton, Phebe, to Isaac Wilson 10th 10th mo. 1793 Middleton, Rebekah, to Josepb Borden 15th 2d mo. 1759 Moore, Lydia, -to Charles Burton Sth 10th mo. 1800 Murfin, Ann, to Thomas Lawrie 19th 6tb mo. 1 760 Murfin, Joanna, to Jobn Sykes 19th Stb mo. 1 704 Murfin, Mary, to Daniel Smith 2d Stb mo. 1695 Murfin, Mary, to Samuel Large, Jr 24th 3d mo. 1744 N Newbold, Charlotte, to Jobn Wistar 17th lOtb mo. 1781 o Odling, Rebecca, to Matthew Forsyth IStb 1st mo. 1696 Olden, Ann, to Elisha Clark 9tb 1st mo. 1793 Osborn, Jane, to Samuel Satterthwait IStb 9th mo. 1725 Overton, Sarah, to Eichard WUlets '. 28tb 7th mo. 1732, Pancoast, Esther, to Stacy Potts 13th 4th mo. 1768 Pancoast, Sarab, to John Beaumont 17th 3d mo. 1744 Parker, Sarab, to Benjamin Cathrall 14th. 1st mo. 1779 Plaskett, ,Margaret, to Conrad Kotts 27tb 7tb mo. 1767 Potts, Mary, to Isaac Homer, Jr 16tb llth mo. 1757 R Rato, Rboda, to Jacob Garwood 10th lOth mo. 1776 Reckless, Anne, to George Emlen, Jr 25th 10th mo. 1740 Ridgway, Lucia, to Jobn Ellis 12th Stb mo. 1762 Righton, Sarah, to Clement Plumsted 3d 1st mo. 1 703 Eockhill, Sarah, to Jobn Black 4th 10th mo. 1706 Eockhill, Tabitha, to Benjamin Field 18th llth mo. 1772 Eogers, Mary, to James Scholey 7th 9th mo. 1786 s Satterthwait, Elizabetb, to John Haines 13tb 9th mo. 1709 Satterthwait, Hannah, to Benjamin Linton 21st 1 1th mo. 1764 Satterthwait. Jane, to John Gauntt 24tb lltb mo. 1756 Satterthwait, Mary, to Job Harvey 26th 6th mo. 1768 Sattertbwaite, Margaret, to Joseph Reckless Sth 9th mo. 1716 Scholey, Sarah, to Caleb Wheatley 10th 10th mo. 1696 Schooley, Mary, to Isaac Thorn 12th 10th mo. 1780 Scott, Bridget, to Edward Lucas 3d 7th mo. 1700 Shreve, Ann, to Michael Rogers, Jr 20th 3d mo. 1782 Shreve, Sarah, to John Ogborn 19th 1st mo. 1723-24 678 NEW JERSEY COLONIAL DOCUMENTS. Shinn, Mary, to Charles Clark 5th 3d mo. 1794 Skirm, Huldah, to James WooUey 18th 12tb mo. 1776 Smitb, Elizabeth, to John Hill 15tb 12th mo. 1756 Steward, EUzabeth, to Ebenezer Wright Sth 6th mo. 1780 Sykes, Editb, to Thomas Earl, Jr IStb 4tb mo. 1778 Sykes, Elizabetb, to Isaac Homer 19th 3d mo. 1709 Sykes, Hannah, to Jobn Kirkbride 16th 1st mo. 1730-31 Sykes, Joan, to Jobn Warren 9tb lltb mo. 1689 Sykes, Katharine, to Thomas Wetheril, Jr 16tb 3d mo. 1744 Sykes, Mary, to Preserve Brown 21st Sth mo. 1747 Sykes, Rebecca, to Thomas Ganet 25th 2d mo. 1744 T Tantum, EUzabeth, to Giles Worth 22d 8th mo. 1724 Taylor, Achsah. to Josepb DeCow IStb lOtb mo. 1778 Taylor, Lydia, to Thomas Moore 4th 6th mo. 1783 Taylor, Mary, to Robert Field 12tb 2d mo. 1722 Taylor, Mary, to Tbpmas Newbold 19tb 2d mo. 1789 Taylor, Mercy, to Johu Staples Rogers 12tb 10th mo. 1780 Taylor, Rebecca, to William Steward 28th Oth mo. 1751 Taylor, Rebecca, to Charles French 7th 4th mo. 1773 Taylor, Sarah, to Ricbard Brown ISth Sth mo. 1755 Taylor, Sarah, to John Curtis, Jr. lOtb 3d mo. 1785 'TUton, Hannah,, to Jacob Middleton 1st 2d mo. 1779 Tilton, Patience, to Thomas Middleton IStb lltb mo. 1735 Titus, Catharine, to John AVare, Jr 16tb Oth mo. 1779 U UnderbiU, Rebecca, to Hugh Hutchin 3d 1st mo. 1707-8 V Vanderbeok, Racbel, to John Brannin Sth lOtb mo. 1791 Vanbagen, Rebecca, to Ed'ward Page 19th 3d mo. 1726 W ' AVhittiker, Anne, to John Hodson. 27tb 7th mo.^ 1716 Wilson, Triphena, to Joseph English . . , 16th 4th mo. 1780 Wood, Anpe, to Thomas Lambert 31st llth mo. 1710 Wood, Edith, to George Bullock 7th 2d mo. 1776 AVood, Elizabeth, to Enoch Clark _^ 15th 2d mo. 1792 Wood, Hannah, to Anthony Bullock 10th Sth mo. 1798 Wood, Ruth, to George HoUoway 10th 9tb mo. 1731 Woodward, Elizabeth, to John King 13th 9th mo. 1706 Woodward, Sarah, to Joseph Williams 6th 4tb mo. 1786 Wrigbt, Ann, to Ralph Alien 21st 10th mo. 1762 Wright, Elizabeth, to Daniel Arney Sd 12th mo. 1794 Wright, Lydia, to John Taylor 16th 12tb mo. 1736 AVright, Mary, to Samuel Danford 5th 9tb mo. 1717 AVright, Sarah, to James Pancoast 13th 12th mo. 1797 YALE UNIVERSITY l32Ulit8b